•**- /•^^. ms2£ii kiipm^al / \. mflmj J'S HISTOEY OP INDIANAPOIvIS AND MARION COUNTY, INDIANA. BY B. R. SULGROVE. • ••*«» •• •«*• * • • ••■•^« ••,• •• • •,.•.•• • •• • . ♦*. • ••• • ••• I L XjTJS T I^ J^T E ID. PHILADELPHIA: L. H. EVERTS & CO. 1884. e« • • «« -^ PREFACE. In a history mainly composed of the incidents that indicate the growth of a community, and the direction and character of it, where few are important enough to require an extended narration, and the remainder afford little material, it is not easy to construct a continuous narra- tive, or to so connect the unrelated points as to prevent the work taking on the aspect of a pre- tentious directory. To collect in each year the notable events of it is to make an excellent ware- house of historical material ; but, however authentic, it would hardly be interesting. Like the country boy's objectioii to a dictionary, " the subject would change too often." To combine, as far as practicable, the authenticity of an annuary like that of Mr. Ignatius Brown in 1868, which has been freely used, or the compilation of statistical and historical material made by Mr. Joseph T. Long for Holloway's History in 1870, which has furnished valuable help in this work, with some approach to the interest of a connected narrative, it has been thought best to present, first, a general history of the city and the county up to the outbreak of the civil war, throwing together in it all incidents which have a natural association with each other or with some central incident or locality, so as to make a kind of complete affair of that class of incidents. For instance, the first jail is used to gather a group of the conspicuous crimes in the history of the county, the old court-house to note the various uses to which it was put during the city's progress through the nonage of a country town to the maturity of a municipal government. Since the war the history was thought more likely to be made intelligible and capable of reten- tion and reference by abandoning the form of a continuous narrative interjected with groups of related incidents or events, and divide it into departments, and treat each fully enough to cover all the points related to it that could be found in an annuary, or a separation of the events of each year to itself. Thus it has been the purpose to throw into the chapter on schools all that is worth telling of what is known of the early schools, besides what is related of them in the gen- eral history, with no special reference to the date of any school, while the history of the public schools is traced almost exclusively by official reports and documents. In manufactures it would have been impossible to present a consecutive account if a chronological order had been followed, for the facts are scattered through fifty years, from 1832 to 1882. By taking the whole subject M19G978 iv PREFACE. apart from the events with which its various parts are associated by date, it is possible to group them so as to present a tolerably complete view of the origin and progress of each part and of the whole. The military rosters contain all the names of Marion County soldiers in the civil war who enlisted for three years. The list of civil oflBcers of the county is complete and accu- rate, and was compiled for this work. It is the first ever published, as is that of the township and city. The entries of land from 1821 to 1825 will be found an interesting feature of the work, and will recall the name of many an old settler who is almost forgotten now. Mr, Now- land's interesting reminiscences and those of the late Hon. O. H. Smith have been freely used, as well as the memories of some old settlers, as Mr. Robert B. Duncan, Gen. Coburn, William H. Jones, Daniel Noe, and the writer's own occasionally. The histories of the townships have been compiled substantially from the accounts of the oldest and best-known settlers in each. B. R. S. Indianapolis, Feb. 14, 1884. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Location of Marion County — Topographical and General Description — Geology of the County — The Indian Oc- cupation 1 CHAPTER II. Special Features of the City of Indianapolis — Area and Present Condition — General View and Historical Outline 10 CHAPTER III. First Period — Early Settlements — Organization of Marion County and Erection of Townships — Erection of Public Buildings— Notable Events and Incidents of the Early Settlement and of Later Years — Opening of Roads — Original Entries of Lands in the County 21 CHAPTER IV. Social Condition of the Early Settlers — Amusements — Ee- ligious Worship — Musio — General Description of Pio- neer Life in Marion County — Diseases once Prevalent — Causes of Diminution 68 CHAPTER V. Second Period — The Capital in the Woods 96 CHAPTER VI. CiTT OP Ikdiakapolis 132 CHAPTER VII. Crrr op Indianapolis {Continued). Commercial and Mercantile Interests of the City 151 CHAPTER VIII. City op Indianapolis {Continued). The Bench and Bar 169 CHAPTER IX. CiTT OF Indianapolis {Continued). Banks, Bankers, and Insurance 21S CHAPTER X. PAOX CiTT OF Indianapolis {Continued). The Press 232 CHAPTER XI. CiTT OP Indianapolis {Continued). Public Buildings — Public Halls — Theatres-r-Lecturea — Concerts — Musical and Art Societies — Literary and other Clubs— Hotels 249 CHAPTER XII. City op Indianapolis {Continued). Medical Practice and Practitioners 274 CHAPTER XIII. Military Matters. Military Organizations in Indianapolis — Marion County in the War of the Rebellion 300 CHAPTER XIV. Mabion County in the War of the ResELLiON. Sketches of the Services of Regiments — Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men from Marion County serving in the Several Regiments '. 322 CHAPTER XV. Orders, Societies, and Charitable Institutions op In- dianapolis 366 CHAPTER XVI. Churches of Indianapolis 387 CHAPTER XVII. Schools and Libraries of Indianapolis 417 CHAPTER XVIII. Manufactubing Interests op the City op Indianapolis 440 V CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. Civil List of Indianapolis and Mauion County PAOE .... 486 CHAPTER XXIV. Perry Township PAOl 575 CHAPTER XX .... 601 CHAPTER XXV. 696 CHAPTER XXI. Decatur Township .... 506 CHAPTER XXVI. Warren Township 613 CHAPTER XXII. .... 619 CHAPTER XXVII. 623 CHAPTER XXIII. Lawbekcb Township .... 631 CHAPTER XXVIII. Watne Township 647 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOE Aston, George W facing 603 Atkins.E.C " 470 Atkins, E. C. & Co., Works of. " 469 Ayres, Levi ** 506 Bank of Commerce 218 Bates, Hervey facing 35 Beaty, David Sanford " 154 Bell, W. A 426 Bessonies, J. F. A 410 Bird, Abram facing 155 Blake, James " 86 Bobbs, Jolin S " 281 Brown, Hiram 171 Brown, S. M facing 296 Butler, John M " 204 Butler, Ovid " 176 Canby, Samuel " 502 Carey, Jason S " 461 Carey, Simeon B " 159 Caven, John " 209 Chamber of Commerce 167 Comingor, J. A facing 284 Compton, J. A " 288 Cooper, John J " 218 Dean Brothers, Works of -. " 467 Defrees, John D " 240 Douglass, John 235 Dumont, Ebenezer 308 Duncan, Robert B 174 Edson, H. A facing 398 Emigrant Scene 73 Evans, I. P. & Co., Manufactory of facing 482 Fletcher, Calvin, Sr " 169 Fletcher, M. J " 440 Fletcher, S. A., Jr " 468 Fletcher, S. A., Sr " 219 Fletcher, W. B " 285 Funkhouser, David " 279 Gall, Alois D " 293 Gordon, J. W " 180 Griffith, Humphrey " 161 PAOE Hannah, Samuel facing 216 Hannaman, William " 163 Harvey, T. B " 282 Haughey, Theo. P 227 Haymond, W. S facing 290 Henderson, William " 205 Hendricks, Thomas A " 200 Hetherington, B. F " 466 Holland, J. W 154 Holliday, William A facing 392 Holmes, W. C " 226 Howard, Edward " 291 Howland, E. J " 605 Howland, Morris " 695 Hyde, N. A 414 Indianapolis in 1820 facing 30 Johnson, James " 665 Johnson, Oliver " 646 Johnson, William 158 Jones, Aquilla facing 474 Kingan & Co between 444, 445 Lilly, J. 0. D facing 480 Macy, David " 229 Malott, V. T " 224 Mansur, Isaiah " 225 Marion County Court-House " 250 Marion County Court-House in 1823 251 McCarty, Nicholas facing 99 McDonald, J. E " 202 McGaugliey, Samuel " 297 MoKernan, J. H " 166 McLaughlin, G. H " 400 McOuat, R. L " 160 Merritt, George " 478 Moore, John " 503 Moore, Thomas " 604 Morris, Morris , " 217 Morris, T. A " 30I Morton, Oliver P " 186 Mothershead, John L " 278 National Road Bridge over White River 108 vii VIU ILLUSTKATIONS. PAOK New, George W facing 292 Norwood, George ** 442 Palmer, N. B " 215 Parry, Charles " 276 Patterson, S. J " 441 Pattison, C. B " 157 Peck, E. J " 166 Perkins, S. E " 182 Piel, William F " 452 Porter, A. 6 " 206 Ramsay, John F " 165 Ray, James M " 105 Ritzinger, Frederick " 230 Rockwood, William " 472 Root, Deloss " 465 Sohooley, Thomas " 533 Sharpe, Thomas H " 220 Site of Union Passenger Depot in 1838 137 Sinker, E. T facing 464 Spiegel, Augustus " 456 PAOI Streight, A. D facing 314 Sullivan, Wm " 178 Thomas, John " 471 Talbott, W. H " 162 Todd, R. N " 283 Tomlinson, Geo " 596 Toon, Martin S " 534 United States Arsenal " 305 Vance, L. M " 153 Wagon-Train on National Road 95 Walker, Isaac C facing 286 Walker, Jacob S 184 Walker, John C facing 294 Washington Street, Views of 266 and 267 Wood, John 152 Woodburn "Sarven Wheel" Co facing 460 Woollen, Wm.W " 214 Wright, C. E " 287 Tandes, Daniel.....'. " 100 BIOGRAPHICAL. rAOI! Atkins, E.C 469 Ayres, Levi 506 Barboar, Lncinn 214a Bates, Uerrey 35 Beaty, David Sanford. 153 Bell, W. A 426 Bessonies, J. F. A 409 Bird, Abram 155 Blake, James 86 Bobbs, John S - 281 Bradley, John H 214b Brown. Hiram 171 Brown, John G 505 Brown, S. M 296 Butler, John M 204 Butler, Ovid 175 Canby, Samuel 503 Carey, H. G 228 Carey, Jason S 461 Carey, Simeon B 159 Caven, John 209 Coburn, John ; 214c Comingor, J. A 284 Compton, J. A 288 Cooper, John J 217 Culley, David V 236 Defrees, John D 239 Douglass, John 235 Dumont, Ebenezer 308 Duncan, Robert B 174 Edson, H. A 397 Elliott, B. K 214d Finch, F. M 214d Fletcher, Calvin, Sr 169 Fletcher, M. J 440 Fletcher, S. A., Sr 219 Fletcher, S. A., Jr 468 Fletcher, W. B 285 Funkhouser, David 279 Gall, Alois D 293 Gordon, J. W 180 PAOI Griffith, Humphrey 161 Hannah, Samuel 215 Hannaman, William 162 Harrison, Gen. Benjamin 214d Harvey, T. B 282 Haughey, Theodore P 226 Haymond, W. S 290 Henderson, William 205 Hendricks, A. W 214f Hendricks, Thomas A 199 Hetherington, B. F 466 Hines, Judge 214b Holland, J. W 154 Holman, John A 185 Holmes, W. C 226 HoUiday, William A 392 Hord, Oscar B 214p Howard, Edward 291 Howland, E. J 505 Howland, Morris 595 Hyde, N. A 414 Jameson, Patrick H 280 Johnson, James 665 Johnson, Oliver 646 Johnson, William 158 Jones, Aquilla.... 474 Knefler, Fred 214b Lilly, J. 0. D 480 Macy, David 229 Malott, V. T 223 Mansur, Isaiah 225 McDonald, J. E 201 McCarty, Nicholas 99 MeGaughey, Samuel 297 McKernan, J. H 165 McLaughlin, G. H 399 McOuat, R. L 160 Merritt, George 478 Moore, John , 503 Moore, Thomas 504 Morris, Morris 216 ix BIOGKAPHICAL. FAOa Morton, Oliver P 186 Morris, T. A 301 Mothersbead, John L 278 Xewoomb, Horatio C 214i. New, George W 292 New, John C 214p Norwood, George 442 O'Neal, Hugh 214a Palmer, N. B 215 Parry, Charles 276 Patterson, S. J 441 Pattison, C. B 157 Perkins, S. E 182 Peck, E. J 156 Porter, A. G 206 Piel, William F 463 Qnarles, William 214a Ramsay, John F 163 Bay, James M 105 Ritzinger, Frederick 230 Root, Doloss 465 Rockwood, William 472 Schooley, Thomas 533 PAOI Bharpe, Thomas H 220 Sinker, E. T 464 Spiegel, Augustus 456 Streight, A. D 314 SulliTan, William 178 Talbott, W. H 162 Taylor, N. B 214o Thomas, John 471 Todd, R. N 283 Tomlinson, George 596 Toon, Martin S 533 Vance, L. M 153 Walker, Isaac C 286 Walker, Jacob S 164 Walker, John C 294 Wallace, David 203 Wallace, William 214b Wishard, William W „ 594 Wood, John 152 Wright, O.E 287 Woollen, William W 213 Yandes, Daniel 100 HISTOET 01 INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. CHAPTER I. Location of Marion County — Topographical and General De- scription — Geology of the County— The Indian Occupation, Marion County, in which is the city of Indian- apolis, the capital of Indiana, occupies a central posi- tion in the State (as is mentioned more particularly hereafter), and is bounded on the north by the coun- ties of Boone and Hamilton, on the east by Hancock and Shelby, on the south by Morgan and Johnson, and on the west by Hendricks County. Its shape would be almost an exact square but for an inac- curacy in the government survey, which makes a pro- jection of four miles or sections in length by about three-fourths of a mile in width at the northeast corner into the adjoining county of Hancock, with a recess on the opposite side of equal length, and about one-fourth of the width, occupied by a similar pro- jection from Hendricks County. The civil townships of the county follow the lines of the Congressional townships in direction, except at the division of the townships of Decatur and Perry, which follows the line of White River, taking oflF a considerable area of the former and adding it to the latter township. The area of the county is about two hundred and sixty thousand acres. Topography and General Features. — Indian- apolis, which is the county-.seat of Marion as well as the State capital, Hes in latitude 39° 55', longitude 86° 5', very nearly in the centre of the State and county. Mr. Samuel Merrill makes it two miles northwest of the centre of the State, and one mile 1 southwest of the centre of the county. Professor R. T. Brown's Official Survey, in the " State Geol- ogist's Report,'' regards the entire county as part of a great plain, nowhere, however, actually level over any considerable areas, with an average elevation above low water in the river of about one hundred and sev- enty-five feet, and of eight hundred and sixty above the sea-level. Occasional elevations run to more than tv(p hundred feet above the river-level, and probably to nine hundred above the sea. The West Fork of White River, running for twenty-two miles in a very tortuous course twenty degrees east of north and west of south, divides the county unequally, the western fraction being little more than half as large as the eastern, or one-third of the whole area. The river valley varies from one to four miles in width, presenting a bluff on the west side of fifty to two hundred feet through most of its extent, and on the east side a gentle slope. Where the bluif comes up to the water on one side the " bottom" recedes on i the other, sometimes swampy, and frequently cut up by " bayous" or supplementary outlets for freshets. The current is on the bluff side, usually deep, swift, and clear. Occasionally the low "bottom" land comes up to the water on both banks, but not frequently. There are many gentle slopes and small elevations in and around the city, but nothing that deserves the name of hill, except " Crown Hill," at the cemetery north of the city, and one or two smaller protuber- ances a mile or two south. All the streams that drain this undulating plain flow in a general southwesterly direction on the east side of the river, and south- HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. easterly on the west side, proving, as the first secre- tary of the State Board of Health says, that Indian- apolis lies in a basin, the grade higher on all sides than is the site of the city, except where the river makes its exit from the southwest. Subordinate Valleys. — Dr. Brown says that " the glacial action, which left a heavy deposit of transported material over the whole surface of the county, has at the same time plowed out several broad valleys of erosion, which appear to be tributary to the White River Valley." The most conspicuous of these comes down from the northeast, between Fall Creek and White River, is about a mile wide at the lower end, narrowing to the northeast for six or seven miles, and disappearing near the northern line of the county. The grinding force has cut away the surface clay, and in places filled the holes with gravel and coarse sand. South of the city and east of the river are two other valleys of the same kind. One, about a mile wide, extends from White River, a little north of Glenn's Valley, about five miles to the northeast, with well- defined margins composed of gravel terraces. The other lies chiefly in the county south of Marion, and between it and the first-mentioned is a ridge called Poplar Hill, composed of sand and gravel on a bed of blue clay. West of the river there is but one of these valleys. It begins in Morgan County, and running a little north of east enters Marion County, passing between West Newton and Valley Mills, and connect- ing with White River Valley near the mouth of Dollarhide Creek. A water-shed between the tribu- taries of the West Fork of White River and the East Fork, or Driftwood, enters tlie county two miles from the southeast corner, passing nearly north about twelve miles, makes an eastward bend and passes out of the county. Unlike water-sheds generally, this one is not a ridge or considerable elevation, but a marshy region overflowed in heavy rains, when it is likely enough the overflow runs into either river as chance or the wind directs it. These swampy sections lying high are readily drained, and make excellent farming land. Streams. — Except Eagle Creek and its afiluents, there are no considerable streams entering the river in the county on the west side. There are Crooked Creek north of Eagle, and Dollarhide Creek south, and several still smaller and unnamed, except for neighborhood convenience, but they are little more than wet weather " branches," or drains of swampy sections. Dr. Brown explains this paucity of water- courses by the fact that a large stream called White Lick rises northwest, flows along, partly in Hendricks and partly in Marion Counties, parallel with the course of the river, and enters the latter in Morgan County, thus cutting off the eastward course of minor streams by receiving their waters itself On the east side of the river, which contains nearly two-thirds of the area of the county, a considerable stream called Grass Creek runs almost directly south for a dozen or more miles very near the eastern border of the county, and finally finds its way into the East Fork. It has a half-dozen or more little tributaries, as Buck Creek, Panther Run, Indian Creek, Big Run, Wild Cat and Doe Creek. Of the east side streams tributary to the West Fork of White River — far better known as White River than the short course of the combined East and West Forks to the Wabash — Fall Creek is much the most considerable. Except it, but a single small stream called Dry Run enters the river north of the city. Fall Creek enters the county very near the northeast corner, and flowing almost southwest- erly enters the river now near the northwest corner of the city. It formerly entered west of the centre of the city, but a " cut-off" was made nearly a mile or more farther north for hygienic and economic reasons, and the mouth has thus been shifted con- siderably. The main tributaries of Fall Creek are Mud Creek on the north, and North Fork, Middle Fork, Dry Branch, and Indian Creek east and south. The duplication of names of streams will be observed. There are two Buck Creeks, two Dry, two Lick (one White), two Indian, and two Eagle Creeks in the county. As few of these names are suggested by any special feature of the stream or country, except Fall Creek, which is named from the falls at Pendle- ton, and Mud and Dry Creeks, the duplication may be set down to the whims of the pioneers. South of the city, on the east side of the river, the streams flowing directly into the river are Pogue's Creek, passing directly through the city; Pleasant Run, TOPOGRAPHY AND GENERAL FEATURES. mainly east and south, but cutting into the southeast corner of the city (Bean Creek is tributary to the latter), Lick Creek, and Buck Creek. Bottom Lands. — The valley of White River, says the Official Survey, is divided into alluvium or bottom land proper and the terrace or second bottom. In that portion of the valley that lies north of the mouth of Eagle Creek it consists chiefly of second bottom, while the first bottom largely predominates in the southern portion. Much of this latter is subject to overflow in times of freshets, so that while the soil is exceedingly fertile and easy of cultivation a crop is never safe. Levees have been made for considerable distances below the city, on the river and on some of the larger creeks, to remedy the mischief of overflows, but, the Survey says, with only partial success. The primary difficulty is the tortuous courses of the streams, and of the river particularly, that runs a distance of sixteen miles to the lower county line, which is but nine in a straight line. This not only diminishes the fall per mile, but the water, moving in curves and reversed curves, loses its momentum, the current becomes sluggish, and when freshets come the accumulation overflows the low banks, and covers large districts of cultivable and cultivated land, to the frequent serious injury of crops, and the occasional destruction of crops, fences, and stock. A straightened channel would increase the fall and the strength of the current, and in the sandy forma- tion of the beds of most of the streams would soon cut a way deep enough to secure the larger part of the land against overflow. This would be cheaper than making levees along a crooked course that re- quired two miles of work to protect one of direct length, but it would have to be carried out by a con- cert of action on the part of riparian proprietors, which would be hard to effect, and it would also di- vide a good many farms that are now bounded by original lines of survey terminating at the river, which was made a navigable stream by law but not by nature. Changing the bed would confuse the numbers of sections, and possibly disturb some land titles. This objection is presented to this policy in Professor Brown's Survey, but an act of the Legisla- ture might open a way for concerted action, and pro- vide against the confusion of lines and disturbance of rights. Flora. — The central region of Indiana was a favor- ite hunting-ground of the Indian tribes that sold it in 1818. Its woods and waters were unusually full of game. There were no prairies of any extent and not many swamps. The entire surface was densely covered with trees. On the uplands, which were dry and rolling, the sugar, white and blue ash, black walnut, white walnut or butternut, white oak, red beech, poplar, wild cherry prevailed ; on the more level uplands were bur-oak, white elm, hickory, white beech, water ash, soft maple, and others ; on the first and second bottoms, sycamore, buckeye, black wal- nut, blue ash, hackberry, and mulberry. Grape- vines, bearing abundantly the small, pulpless acid fruit called " coon" grapes, grew profusely in the bottoms, covering the largest trees, and furnishing more than ample stores for the preserves and pies of the pioneer women. Under all these larger growths, especially in the bottoms, there were dense crops of weeds, among which grew equally dense thickets of spice-brush, — the backwoods substitute for tea, — papaw, wahoo, wild plum, hazel, sassafras, red and black haw, leatherwood, prickly ash, red-bud, dog- wood, and others. The chief weed growths, says Professor Brown, were nettles and pea-vines matted together, but with these were Indian turnip, — the most acrid vegetable on earth probably, — ginseng, cohosh, lobelia, and, in later days, perfect forests of iron-weeds. There are a good many small remains of these primeval forests scattered through the county, with here and there patches of the undergrowth, and not a few nut-trees, walnut, hickory, and butternut, but the hazel, the spicewood, the sassafras, the plum and black haw and papaw are never seen anywhere near the city, and not frequently anywhere in the county. The Indian turnip is occasionally found, but ginseng has disappeared as completely as the mound-builders, though in the last generation it was an article of considerable commercial importance. Fauna. — The principal animals in these primeval woods were the common black bear, the black and gray wolf, the buffalo, deer, raccoon, opossum, fox, gray and red squirrels, rabbits, mink, weasel, of land HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. quadrupeds ; of the water, otter, beaver, muskrat ; of birds, the wild turkey, wild goose, wild duck, wild pigeon, pheasant, quail, dove, and all the train of wood birds which the English sparrow has so largely driven oiF, — the robin, bluebird, jaybird, woodpecker, tomtit, sap-sucker, snowbird, thrush. For twenty years or more laws have protected the game birds, and there is said to be a marked increase of quail in the last decade, but there is hardly any other kind of game bird, unless it be an occasional wild pigeon, snipe, or wild duck. Buzzards, hawks, crows, owls, blackbirds are not frequently seen now near the city, though they were all abundant once. Flocks of black- birds and wild pigeons occasionally pass along, but not numerously enough to attract the hunter. In fact, there is very little worth hunting in the county, except rabbits, quail, and remote squirrels. For fish the game varieties are almost wholly confined to the bass and red-eye. Water scavengers like the " cat" and " sucker" are thick and big in the ofi-flow of the city pork-houses, and in the season form no inconsider- able portion of the flesh-food of the class that will fish for them, but game fish must be sought for from five to ten miles from the city. In early days, and for the first twenty-five years of the existence' of the city, the river and its larger afiluents supplied ample provision of excellent fish, — bass, pike, bufialo, red- eye, salmon rarely, and the cleaner class of inferior fish, as "red-horse," suckers, cats, eels; but the im- providence of pioneers, who never believed that any natural supply of food could fail, and the habits ac- quired from them, particularly the destructiveness of seining, has reduced the food population of streams till it needs stringent laws, and the vigilance of asso- ciations formed to enforce the laws, to prevent total extirpation. Even with these supports it will take careful and prolonged efforts at restocking to repro- duce anything like the former abundance. Mineral Springs. — Although they form no con- spicuous feature of the topography of the county, and have never been used medicinally, except by the i neighbors, it may be well to note that there are a few springs of a mineral and hygienic character in the county, where the underground currents of water rise through crevices in the overlying bed of clay. One of these, called the Minnewa Springs, in Lawrence township, a mile and a half northeast of the little town of Lawrence, was talked of at one time as ca- pable of being made a favorite resort, and some steps were taken in that direction, but nothing came of them. Another very like it is within a half-mile of the same town. Southwest of the city is one on the farm of an old settler that has been famous in the neighborhood as a " sulphur spring" for fifty years. A couple of miles nearer the city is another on the farm of Fielding Beeler, which Professor Brown says is the largest in the county. " It forms a wet prairie or marsh of several acres, from which by ditching a large stream of water is made to flow." The water of all these springs contains iron enough to be readily tasted, and to stain the vessels that are used in it, and this peculiarity gives it the misname of sulphur water. Swamps. — There were once considerable areas of marshy land, or land kept wet by the overflow of ad- jacent streams, but many of these have been entirely drained, and considerable portions of others larger and less convenient for drainage. With them have measurably disappeared the malarial diseases that in the first settlement of the city, and for a good many years after, came back as regularly as the seasons. There is not, probably, a single acre of land in the county that is not cultivable or capable of being made so. Between three and four miles southwest of city lay a swampy tract, nearly a mile long by a quarter or more wide, entirely destitute of trees, which was long known in the vicinity as " the prairie," the only approach to a prairie in the county. Geology of the County.' — Marion County rests on three distinct geological members, two of them be- longing to the Devonian formation and one to the Carboniferous. Neither, however, shows itself con- spicuously on the surface. Upon these lies a deposit of drift, or transported material, from fifty to one hundred and fifty feet thick. This forms the surface of the country, and moulds its general configuration. But the rock foundation, in spite of the depth of the ^ Condensed from Professor R. L. Brown's Official Survey, in the Report of Professor John Collett, State Geologist. GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY. drift upon it, affects the face of the country some- what, most obviously along the line where the Knob sandstone overlaps the Genesee shale. The line of strike dividing the geological members traverses the county on a line from the south thirty degrees north- west. This line, as it divides the Corniferous lime- stone from the Genesee shale or black slate, passes between the city and the Hospital for the Insane, two miles west. Borings in the city reach the lime- stone at a depth of sixty to one hundred feet. .It is the first rock encountered in place. At the hospital forty feet of shale was passed through before reach- ing the limestone. This shows the eastern part of i the county as resting on the Corniferous limestone, | and the western on the Delphi black slate or Gen- j esee shale. Under a small area of the southwestern [ corner of the county the Knob or Carboniferous sandstone will be found covering the slate. On a sand-bar in the river, a short distance north of the Johnson County line. Professor Brown noticed after a freshet large pieces of slate that had been thrown out, indicating that the river had laid bare that rock at some near point. This gives the level of the bed of the river in the lower half of its course through the county. But a short distance west of the west line of the county some of the small tributaries of White Lick lay bare the lower members of the Knob sandstone. There are indications both on Pogue's Run and Pleasant Run that the limestone lies very near their beds, but it is not likely that stone can ever be profitably quarried in the county. Geo- logical interest attaches to the deep deposits of drift that cover the stratified rocks. Drift. — The drift that covers our great Western plains, continues Dr. Brown's Survey, is foreign in character and general in deposition. It is not a pro- miscuous deposit of clay, sand, water-worn pebbles, and bowlders, like the Eastern glacial drift. These are all found in it, but with nearly as much regu- larity and order as is usually found in stratified rocks. At the base of this formation is almost invariably found a very compact lead-colored clay, with but few bowlders, and those invariably compo.sed of quartzite, highly metamorphosed or trap rocks. Occasionally may be found thin deposits of very fine gray or yel- low sand, but they are not uniform. Between the clay and the rocks on which it rests is generally in- terposed a layer of coarse gravel or small silicious bowlders, from three to six feet thick. Sometimes, but rarely, this is wanting, and the clay lies directly upon the rock. In Marion County this clay-bed ranges from twenty to more than a hundred feet thick, and is very uniform in character throughout, except where the light strata or fine sand occur. Chemically it is an alumina silicate in a very fine state of division, and mechanically mixed with an exceedingly fine sand, which shows under the micro- scope as fragments of almost transparent quartz. It is colored by a proto-sulphide of iron. A small por- tion of lime and potassa and a trace of phosphoric acid can be discovered by analysis. Above this is generally found a few feet of coarse sand or fine gravel, and on this is twenty or thirty teet of a true glacial drift, of the promiscuous character of the glacial drift described by Eastern geologists. In and upon this drift are large bowlders of granite, gneiss, and trap, which are not found in their proper place nearer than the shore of Lake Superior, whence they have been carried, as is attested by the grooves and scratches in the exposed rock surfaces over which they have passed. In this upper drift are the gravel terraces, from which is obtained our best available material for road-making. The mass of it is a yellow or orange-colored clay, with a considerable quantity of sand, and lime enough to make the water passing through it hard. There is an astonishing number and size of bowlders in and upon this clay-bed. Two were measured by Dr. Brown which were nearly ten feet long by five wide, with four feet exposed above ground, and nobody knows how much below. In a few places bowlders are so thickly scattered as to ob- struct cultivation. In the central and northern por- tions of the county they are almost invariably of granite, in the south generally of gneiss or trap. Gravel Terraces. — The gravel terraces are gen- erally found in a succession of mound-like elevations, ten to fifty feet above the level of the surrounding plain, and usually rest on a compact clay. They are frequently arranged in lines running north, a little northeast and southwest. North of these mounds is 6 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. generally found a considerable space of level and often swampy lands, indicating the position of a mass of ice, under which a torrent has rushed with great force, excavating the clay below, piling up the heavier gravel and sand, and carrying the lighter clay and finer sand to be distributed over the country. When the ice disappeared the excavation would be a little lake, finally filled up with the lighter material borne from other terraces farther north. These ter- race formations, or " second bottoms," bordering the river on one side or the other nearly everywhere, have almost the same character and history as the gravel-beds of the uplands. They consist of deposits of gravel and coarse sand, resting on the lower blue clay, into which the river has cut its present channel. Formerly these plains, frequently three or four miles wide, were regarded as lake-like expansions of the river which had been silted up by its sediment, but an inspection of the material shows that the water from which the deposit was made was no quiet lake, but a current strong enough to bear onward all lighter material, leaving only the heavier gravel and sand behind. Lower Blue Clay. — The OfiBcial Survey concludes that the lower blue clay was deposited before the strata of clay, sand, and gravel that rest upon it, and are clearly traceable to glacial action, and that the conditions of its deposit were very different from the rush and tumult of water pouring from a melting glacier, though evidently deposited from water. The greater part of the material is very fine, and could have come only from very quiet waters, and from very deep waters too, as its compactness and solidity prove the existence of great pressure necessary to the pro- duction of those qualities. Besides the superposition of the glacial strata, the precedent deposition of the lower blue clay is indicated by the fact that the glacial action, exhibited over the whole surface of the country, made excavations in it by undermining cur- rents from dissolving glaciers which now form the small lakes so numerous in the northern part of the State. The southern end of Lake Michigan rests on this clay, and is excavated into it to an unknown depth. Another fact attesting the deposit of the lower clay anterior to the grinding and crushing era of moving mountains of ice, is the discovery at the bottom of it of the unbroken remains of coniferous trees, probably cypress or hemlock. In digging wells in the county logs ten to fifteen inches in diameter, well preserved, have been found. Glacial action ac- companying or following the deposit of these trees would have crushed them. Dr. Brown suggests a theory of the deposition of this clay-bed. If the glacial era was preceded by an upheaval that raised the region of the Arctic Circle above the line of per- petual congelation, there would necessarily have been a corresponding depression south of the elevation, which would be an inland sea of fresh water. During the whole period of the progress of this upheaval north and sinking south (in our region) torrents of water loaded with sediment would have rushed down and filled the huge hollow. As the waters became quiet the sediment would be slowly deposited. The color of the clay, caused by the combination of sul- phur and iron, proves that these waters were originally charged with sulphurous gases produced by volcanic agencies. The presence of these gases explains the absence of life in this fresh-water sea till the sulphur- tainted sediment was entirely deposited, when the in- creasing cold would cover it with an impervious crust of ice, cutting off all access of air and the possibility of life. There are no fossil remains in the clay. With the end of the Ifie Age came a reversal of conditions, the northern regions sinking, those about here rising and pouring their waters southward into the Gulf of Mexico in furious torrents strengthened by the melt- ing of great masses of ice, thus furnishing much of the material of the Mississippi delta, and leaving marks of denudation on the hills of Kentucky, Ten- nessee, and Alabama. Economical Service of the Clay -Bed. — This lower clay stratum when exposed to the air for a few years undergoes chemical changes which make it the basis of a very fertile soil. Frost breaks down its adhe- siveness and makes it a mass of crumbling, porous earth. The oxygen of the air converts the sulphur into an acid which unites with the potash and lime accessible to it and makes slowly-soluble salts of them, which supply valuable elements of fertility for years of cultivation, needing only organic matter to be GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTY. available at once for use. It is an excellent absorbent owing to the fineness of its material, and might be advantageously used in composting manures, as it would retain ammonia as sulphate. Of greater value, at least to the city, than its fertilizing quality is its action as a filter, securing an inexhaustible supply of pure water in the bowlders and gravel beneath it. In a region as level as Marion County, and as prolific of vegetation, the surface water must become charged with organic matter, which the porous upper strata of soil, sand and clay, but imperfectly retain, so that the water of springs and shallow wells is rarely so pure as to be suitable for domestic use. These im- purities are, of course, increased in the vicinity of residences, barns, and stables, and still more in cities, where there are large quantities of excrement itious matter. Surface water more or less tainted in this way is readily absorbed by the porous soil, and may reach the bottom of wells of twenty feet in depth. Against the inevitable and incalculable evil of a cor- rupted water supply, as that of Indianapolis would be if there were no other resource than the surface water of shallow wells, this blue clay stratum is an ample and admirable provision. It acts as a filter to the \ reservoir in the gravel and bowlder bed beneath it. i The water there is free from organic matter, though always sufficiently tainted with iron to be easily tasted and to color vessels used in it. This iron taint is an invariable characteristic of the water filtered through this blue clay, and gives the popular reputation of mineral water to springs of it that rise through fis- sures in the clay to the surface. The best known of these springs have been already referred to. In the city and several places outside of it wells have been sunk to the sub-clay water through sixty -seven to one hundred and eight feet, the water rising to various distances from the surface from eight to forty feet. The blue clay stratum runs from eight to sixty feet in thickness. The reservoir of water under this clay has no outlet except through openings in the clay and in consequence can never be exhausted by natural drainage. To a large manufacturing centre like In- dianapolis the power derived from water in stream or steam is indispensable, and that, says the Survey, " we have under every acre of land in Marion County." Character of Soil. — The glacial drift furnishes the material for a soil that meets every demand of agriculture. Says the Survey, " Being formed by the decomposition of almost every variety of rock, it holds the elements of all in such a state of fine divis- ion as to give it excellent absorbent properties, and enables it to retain whatever artificial fertilizers may be added. In its natural state the soil of the county generally has but one prominent defect, — the very fine material of which it is made lying so nearly level is easily saturated with water, and having no drainage below, except by slow filtration through the clay, is kept wet longer than usual. This necessitates the escape of a great part of it by surface evaporation, and this, especially in spring, delays the warming of the soil and its early preparation for summer crops. The condition of saturation has an unfavorable efiect on the vegetable matter in the soil, excluding it from free contact with the air, and arresting its rapid de- composition, often changing it into humic acid, a chemical product injurious to crops. In the first and second bottom lands this defect is remedied by a stratum of gravel or coarse sand a few feet below the surface, which rapidly passes the water downwards and relieves the saturated surface. The same effect is produced on the clay uplands by a system of tile drainage. Ideal Section of the County. — The following measurements of the different strata of an ideal sec- tion of the county are given by Dr. Brown from natu- ral sections, borings, and excavations made in different parts of the county. Beginning with the most recent formations, we have : Transported Material. 1. Alluvium, or bottom land.... from 10 to 20 feet. 2. Terrace formations, gravel and sand from 50 to 100 feet. 3. True bowlder clay (glacial), from 40 to 110 feet. 4. Blue sedimentary clay and sand from 20 to 120 feet. 5. Bowlders and gravel from 5 to 15 feet. Roch in Place. 6. Knob sandstone (Carboniferous) 25 feet. 7. Genesee slate (Devonian) 80 feet. 8. Corniferous limestone (Devonian) 50 feet. 8 HISTOEY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. The corniferous limestone has been penetrated fifty feet, but its entire thickness at this point is undetermined, as its eastern outcrop is concealed by the heavy drift deposit. Nos. 1, 2, 6, and 7 underlie only portions of the county ; the other members are general in their distribution. The Indian Occupation. — The State of Indiana formed the central . and largest portion of the terri- tory " held by the Miami Confederacy from time im- memorial," as Little Turtle, who led the Indians in St. Clair's defeat, told Gen. Wayne. There were but four tribes in this Confederacy, the leading one being the Miamis, or, in early times, the Twightwees ; but divisions of four others quite as well known by his- tory and tradition were allowed entrance and resi- dence, — the Shawanese, Delawares, Kickapoos, and Pottawatomies. The Delawares occupied the region in and around Marion County, but the abundance of fish and game made it a favorite hunting-ground of all the tribes from the valley of the White Water, or Wah-he-ne-pay, to the valley of the White River, the Wah-me-ca-me-ca. On this account it was ob- stinately held by the Confederacy, and only surren- dered by the treaty of St. Mary's, 1818.^ One of the principal Delaware towns stood on the bluff of White River, at the Johnson County line, where, says Pro- fessor Brown, was the residence of Big Fire, a lead- ing Delaware chief and friend of the whites. A blunder of ignorance or brutality came near making an enemy of him in 1812, as Cresap or Greathouse ■ did of Logan in 1774. A band of Shawanese, an ' affiliated tribe of the Confederacy, but residing far- ; ther south, between the East Pork of White River (the Gun-da-quah) and the Ohio, acting doubtless on the hostile impulse imparted by the great chief of the tribe, Tecumseh, massacred a white settlement at the Pigeon Roost, in Scott County, in 1812. The Madison Rangers in revenge penetrated to Big Fire's town, on the southern line of the county, and de- stroyed it. It would seem that there should have been little difficulty, to men as familiar with the loca- tions and modes of warfare of the Indians as these rangers, in ascertaining whether the war party of 1 With a reservation of occupancy till 1821. the Pigeon Roost massacre came from the north or not; but whether there was or not no discrimination was made, and it required all Governor Harrison's diplomacy to keep Big Fire and his tribe from joining the forces against the government. " But few remains mark the site of this ruined town," says the professor. In Washington township, on the east side of the river, tradition places the site of another village older, — how much it is impossible to say or guess, further than the vague direction of conjecture by the fact that the place is overrun by a wood of sixty years' growth. Near the river is an old cemetery of the tribe, and near it are some unique remains of Indian residence, both uncovered occasionally by floods. These remains are " pits or ovens excavated in a very compact clay," as Professor Brown describes them, about two feet and a half in diameter and the same in depth, and burned on the inner surfaces like brick. In them have been found coals and ashes, and around them fragments of pottery. Their condition and con- tents would indicate that they were a sort of earthen- ware kettle, constructed by the ready process of dig- ging out the inside clay and burning the surface of the outside, instead of taking the clay for each in a separate mass, and moulding it and burning it and putting back in its new shape in the hole it came from in its old one. The Indians of this fertile region all cultivated corn and beans and pumpkins, and made sugar of " sugar water" in the early spring, by freezing it during the night and throwing away the ice, which contained no sugar, afterwards boiling it down and graining it. Flint arrow-heads, stone hatchets, chisels, and other implements of the " Stone Age" are found occasionally in the soil and gravel, especially in the southern part of the county, near Glenn's Valley, and these are said by Professor Brown's Report to be made in many cases of talcose slate, a rook found no nearer this region than the Cumberland Mountains or the vicinity of Lake Superior. The curious forms of some of them make it impossible to determine their use. The Official Survey reports no mounds or earthworks of the mound-builders or other prehistoric race in the county except these relics of the " Stone Age." There may be none now, but forty-five years ago THE INDIAN OCCUPATION. 9 there were two considerable mounds in the city near the present line of Morris Street, one near the inter- section of the now nearly eifaoed canal and Morris Street, and the other a little farther east. The exca- vation of the canal opened one of them, and some complete skeletons and scattered bones and fragments of earthenware were found and taken possession of by Dr. John Richmond, then pastor of the only Bap- tist Church, as well as a practicing physician. The other was gradually plowed down, probably after being opened at the same time the first was, but no record or definite memory settles the question. For a number of years the agency of the Indians of Central Indiana was held at Conner's Station, some sixteen miles north of the city and about four beyond the present county line. William Conner, the first settler of the White River Valley, established himself there about 180G, after spending most of his youth and early manhood among the Indians, a num- ber of whose dialects he spoke fluently, and whose names and customs and modes of life he understood as well as if he had been one of the race. He was well acquainted with all the chiefs of the Shawanese, Miamis, Delawares, and other tribes, and was fre- quently employed as an interpreter and guide by Gen. Harrison. He was the guide of the army in the campaign that ended with the battle of Tippe- canoe, and in that made memorable by the "massacre of the Raisin River." He accompanied Gen. Har- rison in the march into Canada that was triumphantly concluded by the battle of the Thames and the death of Tecumseh, the greatest of all the Western Indian leaders, except possibly Pontiac. This particularity of reference to him is not im- pertinent, for his settlement was closely connected with that of the county, and he was long in active business as a merchant in the city. It may, there- fore, be apt as well as not uninteresting, to present the reader a fact almost wholly unknown in connec- tion with the death of Tecumseh. Vice-President Col. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, was long credited with the honor, such as it was, of killing the Shawanese hero, but it was later claimed for one or two others, and the famous question " Who struck Billy Patterson ?" was hardly a burlesque on the idle babble, oral and printed, that worried the world as to who killed Tecumseh. Mr. Conner could have set- tled the question if he had been disposed to thrust himself in the face of the public. But he was not, and the information comes now from Robert B. Dun- can, a leading lawyer of the city, who was clerk of the county for over twenty years, and when a lad lived with Mr. Conner as early as 1820. To him Mr. Con- ner told what he knew of the death of Tecumseh. He, as usual, was Gen. Harrison's guide and inter- preter. After the battle of the Thames was over the body of a chief, evidently of great distinction from his dress and decorations, was found, and Mr. Conner was sent for to identify it. He said it was Tecum- seh's, and he knew the chief well. The situation, as he described it to Mr. Duncan, showed that the chief had been killed with a very small rifle-ball, which fitted a small rifle in the hands of a dead youth, who apparently had been an aid or orderly of a major who lay dead near him, killed by a large ball, appar- ently from Tecumseh 's gun. The solution of the case was, probably, that Tecumseh had killed the officer, the boy had killed the chief, and one of the chief's braves had killed the boy. The payments made to the Indians of this county and the adjacent territory by Mr. Conner at his agency were made in the spring, always in silver and always with strict honesty, but not always with ade- quate security, or any at all, against the payments getting back to the agent's hands in four prices for buttons and beads and calico, and more for whiskey. The process of payment was peculiar and curious. The Indians sat in a circle, each family in a .separate group. The money came in due proportions of amount and denomination to pay the man in dollars, the wife in half-dollars, and the children in quarters, each getting the same number. Each recipient was given in advance a number of little sticks equal to the number of coins he was to get, and as he received a coin he was to give back a stick, and when his sticks were all gone he knew he had got all his money. By the treaty of cession of 1818 the Indians re- served the occupancy of the ceded territory, or " New Purchase," till 1821 ; but a few lingered about the streams, trapping and fishing, till the spring of 1824, 10 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. when a company of freebooting whites, remnants of the old days of incessant Indian warfare, consist- ing of a leader named Harper, Hudson, Sawyer and son, and Bridge and son, killed two families of Shawanese, consisting of nine persons, — two men, three women, two boys, and two girls, — to rob them of their winter's collection of skins. The mas- sacre was on Fall Creek, where the Indians had been trapping through the winter, a few miles above the present county line. It alarmed the early settlers of the county greatly, for such murders had made local Indian wars, and brought bloody reprisals often, just as they do to-day. All but Harper were caught, the older murderers hung, young Sawyer convicted of manslaughter, and young Bridge of murder, but par- doned by Governor Ray on the scaiFold under the rope that had killed his father. These are said to have been the first men executed in the United States by due process of law for killing Indians. The paci- fication of the irritated tribes was complete, and this is about the last ever seen or known of Indians in or about Marion County, except the passage of the migrating tribes through the town in 1832. For many years there was visible a trace of Indian occu- pancy in a deep " cut" made in the bluff bank of the old " Graveyard Pond," near where Merrill Street abuts upon the Vincennes Railroad. It was believed to have been made by a military expedition from Kentucky, on its way to the Wabash or the Wea settlements, for the convenience of getting baggage- or ammunition-wagons up the precipitous blufi', but nobody appears to have been sure of either its pur- pose or its constructors. Though not particularly relevant to the matter of this history, it will not be uninteresting to its readers to know, as very few do know, that the celebrated speech of Logan, the Cayuga (sometimes called the Mingo) chief, which has been admired in all lands for its manly and pathetic eloquence, beginning, " I ap- peal to any white man to say if he ever entered Logan's cabin and he gave him not meat, etc.," was made to John Gibson, the Secretary of State of In- diana Territory with Governor Harrison, and the second Governor. In his deposition on the subject, quoted in Dillon's " History of Indiana," he says that when Lord Dunmore, of Virginia, was approach- ing the Shawanese towns on the Scioto in 1774, the chief sent out a message, requesting some one to be sent to them who understood their language. He went, and on his arrival Logan sought him out, where he was " talking with Cornstalk and other chiefs of the Shawanese, and asked him to walk out with him. They went into a copse of wood, where they sat down, and Logan, after shedding abundance of tears, delivered to him the speech nearly as re- lated by Mr. JeflFerson in his ' Notes on Virginia.' " It may be remarked, in conclusion of this episode, that Logan, in consequence of the cruelty practiced upon him, joined Cornstalk and Red Hawk in lead- ing the warriors in the battle at the mouth of the Big Kanawha, in September, 1774, which was a bloodier battle to the whites, though a less decisive victory, than the much more celebrated battle of Tippecanoe. CHAPTER IL Special Features of the City of Indianapolis — Area and Present Condition — General View and Historical Outline. Special Features of the City. — The general contour of the surface of the city site and vicinity in Centre township is in no way difierent from that of the other parts of the county. It is level or gently undulating, except where the bluff's bordering the " bottoms" of streams make more abrupt eleva- tions, and none of these are considerable. Following the eastern border of the valley of Pogue's Run, which divides the city from northeast to southwest, is a ridge, or range of swells rather than hills, from the extreme southwest corner to near the northeast corner, where it leaves the present city limits, and these are the only " high grounds" in the city. In improving the streets these little elevations have been cut down and the hollows filled, till in hardly any street can be discerned any change from a level, except a slight slope or depression. For the past thirty years or so, before any considerable improvements had been made on the natural condition of the site, several SPECIAL FEATURES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 11 bayous, or "ravines," as they were generally called, traversed it through a greater or less extent, two being especially noticeable for volume and occasional mischief. They drained into the river the overflow of Fall Creek into a large tract of swampy ground northeast of the city, from which, at a very early period, a ditch was made by the State into Fall Creek at a point a mile or two farther down. The smaller or shorter of these ran through the eastern side, in a slightly southwesterly direction, crossing Washington Street at New Jersey, where the former, a part of the National road, crossed on a brick cul- vert, and terminating at Pogue's Creek. The other passed nearer the centre of the city, turning west a little above the State-House Square, and passing along the line of Missouri Street, afterwards the line of the Central Canal, from near Market to Mary- land, and thence curving southward and again west- ward and northward, entei-ed the river at the site of the water-works, where some indications of its exist- ence can still be seen, and about the only place where there is a relic of this once prominent and very troublesome feature of the city's topography. In several low places, mainly north and east of the centre, there were considerable ponds, the drainage of heavy rainfalls, and in the south was one or two, but these have all been improved out of existence many a year. The only one of these that was perennial and distinguished by a name was the Graveyard Pond, near the old cemetery, formed by the retention of overflows of the river in a bayou following the bluff of the river bottom. The whole site of the city, both the original mile square and all the outlying " donations" and all the " additions," were at first densely covered with woods and weeds and underbrush, of which there remain only one or two trees in Pogue's Creek Valley in the east, and a few sycamores and elms near the creek mouth at the southwest corner. Fall Creek and Pleasant Run may be regarded as the northern and southern limits of the city now. Divisions. — Pogue's Creek divides the city, leaving one-third or more on the southeast side, the remainder on the northwest side. The latter contains the bulk of the business and population. A small tract west of the river was added to the site selected on the east to compensate for a part of one of the four sec- tions cut off by a bend of the river. This, called Indianola, forms part of one of the city wards. A still smaller area south of this, on the west side, has been added to the city, but the greater part of the tract west of the river and south of Oliver Avenue has been organized into an independent town gov- ernment by the name of West Indianapolis. North- west is another suburb, but not attached to the city, called Haughsville. Farther to the north is North Indianapolis, also independent, while northeast is Brightwood, unattached ; and east, nearly five miles, is the handsome little town of Irvington, mainly oc- cupied by residents whose business is in the city, and by the faculty and students of Butler University. Southeast is the little suburb of Stratford. A num- ber of city additions have separate names, as Oak Hill, Brookside, Woodlawn, Woodruff Place, but none, except the last, is in any way distinguishable from the city adjacent to it. The Greek. — More pertinently here than elsewhere may be noticed the connection of the two streams that enter the city, Pogue's Creek and the river, with its history. The former was named for the traditional but disputed first settler on the city site, George Pogue. It rises about a mile east of the northeast corner of Centre township, flows south- westerly through almost the whole diagonal length of the city, and enters the river at the angle formed by the southern city boundary and the river. Until street improvements turned a large part of the town drainage'into it the water was clear, well stocked with the same sort of fish as other streams, and a favorite swimming resort for school-boys. The bottom was heavily wooded, subject to frequent overflows, and often swampy. Gradually, as the town grew, and manufactures and general business followed railroad enterprises, the vicinity of the creek became the site of foundries, machine-shops, mills, and other indus- trial establishments, and a little later of the gas- works, and these, with the flow of street gutters, turned the clear little woods stream into an open sewer. Worse still, the rapid inflow of street drain- age, with other less artificial influences, made it sub- 12 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. jeot to violent and sudden overflows, which in the last twenty years have done so much mischief that suits have been repeatedly brought against the city for indemnity. Very recently a judgment for ten thousand dollars was obtained on one of these suits by a large wholesale house. The current has been obstructed and diverted by the piers and abutments of street and railway bridges, by culverts and the arches of the foundations of large buildings, and in some places " washes'" have cut away the banks so as to seriously impair the value of adjacent lots, and even to imperil houses, and the result of all these co-operating evils has been the recent appointment of a committee of the City Council and Board of Alder- men, in conjunction with several prominent private citizens, to devise a complete and uniform system of protection from overflows, washes, and all forms of damage. As it follows the line of lowest level in the city, draining the site from both sides, it has sometimes been proposed to deepen its bed, wall and arch it in, and make a main sewer of it. A very large portion of it on both banks has been wailed in, and many hundreds of feet arched in by street cul- verts and other works, and it is not improbable that it will sooner or later be covered throughout, and made to carry ofi" the whole natural flow as well as the street drainage not diverted to other sewers. But very little of it is left in its old bed, its crooks having been straightened into angles and right lines. Occa- sionally it runs dry in long droughts. TTie Canal. — Although no natural feature of the city's topography, and a considerable portion of it is efiaced, the canal is still conspicuous enougR both in its topographical and economical relations to require notice. The section from the feeder-dam in the river at Broad Ripple, some eight or nine miles north, to the city is all that was ever completed of the " Cen- tral Canal," which was one of the system of public improvements begun by the State in 1836. In places it was almost completed for twenty-five or thirty miles south of the city, and nearly as far north, but nothing was ever done with it but to leave it to be overgrown with weeds and underbrush, except a short stretch three miles south, where its bed was very level, and the country people used it for a race- course. Until within ten years or so the completed section from Broad Ripple passed clear through the city, mainly along the line of Missouri Street to Merrill Street, and in early times was used for fishing, swimming, skating, ice-packing, occasional baptisms by churches, and semi-occasional cargoes of wood in flat-boats. The State sold it a few years after its completion to the " Central Canal Hydraulic and Water-Works Company," and that sold to others till it came into the hands of the company which established the water-works, and used it as a motive- power, some dozen years ago. Then the portion south of Market Street was deepened, and a sewer built in it, connecting with the Kentucky Avenue trunk sewer, and it was filled up, graded, and partially improved, and is now a street. Above Market Street it continues in its former condition, used for boating and ice-packing by permission of the proprietary company, and for bathing without it. Below the line of Merrill Street to the city limits the canal passed through private property, which has reverted to the original owners or their assigns, who have left hardly a visible trace of it. When first completed, an enlargement or basin was made on the site of the present steel-rail mill, and a culvert was made over the creek that occasionally broke and made trouble. The culvert is almost the only relic of the lower end of the city section. On each side of Washington Street, on the east bank of the canal, a square basin opening into it was made, each about two hundred feet square. These have long disap- peared, and with them a ditch along the south side of Washington Street, extending east to within a short distance of Mississippi, then turning directly south to Maryland Street, and there turning west entered the canal at the Maryland Street bridge. The bridges were all made with " tow-paths" beneath them on the west side. These disappeared with the basins and ditches. A couple of wooden locks were built at the south line of the " donation," but never finished. They became a favorite fishing-place, as did the place where the water, while it lasted, emptied into Pleasant Run, near the river. Water never pa.ssed farther south. A stone lock was built at Market Street, and used a few times. From this GENEEAL FEATURES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 13 lock an arm of the canal ran west two blocks or so, a few feet north of Market Street, where it entered a basin some four or five hundred feet long, extend- ing north into the " Military Ground." From the north end of this basin a " tumble" let the water down a dozen feet into a race-way that turned south, crossed Washington Street, and entered a sort of natural basin, formerly one of the old " ravines," whence the water fell by another tumble into the river at the site of the present water-works. The water was let into the canal at the feeder-dam in the spring or early summer of 1839, and the State im- mediately leased water-power to one woolen- and one oil-mill, and to two each of grist-, saw-, cotton-, and paper-mills. These were located at the Market Street lock, on the river bank, where the race-way fell into the river, and at the south end of the basin in the Military Ground. Some years later a grist- mill south of the donation obtained its power from the canal. The water-works company now owning it have recently replaced the decayed aqueduct over Fall Creek with one of the most substantial charac- ter, and have at one time or another greatly im- proved the feeder-dam. Its present use is mainly to supply power to the pumping-engines of the water- works. The River (the Wa-me-ca-me-ca). — From the upper to the lower bridge of the Belt Railroad the river may be considered a part of the city site, though but a small portion bounds the site on the west, and a smaller portion divides it from the In- dianola suburb. This section is pretty nearly three miles long in a straight line, and nearly four following the banks. Originally it was a stream of considera- ble volume, averaging probably four hundred feet in width, and, except upon a few shoal spots, too deep to be fordable. There was a ford a little way below the " Old Graveyard," near the present site of the Vincennes Railroad bridge, and in use till some dozen or fifteen years ago, when an iron bridge was built a few hundred feet above it. Another ford on the Lafayette wagon-road was a good deal used later, and known as " Crowder's" and " Garner's Ford." Another iron bridge has superseded it. In the town communication was kept up with the west side by a ferry a little below the National road bridge. Di- rectly west of the " Old Graveyard," and throe or four hundred feet above the site of the present iron bridge, was a low sandy island, containing a couple or three acres, and covered with large sycamores and elms, called " Governor's Island." At the head of it, where a narrow " chute" separated it from the high and heavily-wooded ground of the cemetery, was a huge drift that was for many years a favorite fishing-place of the towns-people. A little above this, on the west side, a considerable " bayou" ran out, circling irregularly around an extensive tract, a perfect wilderness of woods and weeds, spice-bush and papaw, and re-entered the river a half-mile or so lower. A wing-dam at the upper mouth con- verted it into a race-way for a grist-mill erected on the south bank, near the present line of the Belt Railroad, in the year 1823. This was one of the first mills built in the county. A little way east of it, nearer the river, the first distillery in the county was established near the same time, turning out for several years a small quantity of " forty-rod" whiskey that was known as " Bayou Blue." Some remains of the mill were discernible a dozen years ago, but all are gone now, and the bayou itself is measura- bly efiaced by plowing and naturally drying out. " Governor's Island" has entirely disappeared too. The river, during the freshets that have almost an- nually occurred ever since the first settlement was made, has cut away the eastern bank along the " Old Graveyard" line until its entire volume is now east of the site of the island, and that once con- spicuous feature is merged in the broad low sand-bar that fills the old bed. The channel has shifted at this point, as may be seen by the west bank, four hundred feet or more. A like change, and even greater, has taken place below, where the current has cut the west bank, and filled in on the east side a wide swampy tract of several acres below and along the Graveyard Pond site, and at the foot of what used to be called the High Banks. Within a few years freshets have cut through a sharp elbow on the west side at this same place, and instead of whittling away the point piecemeal as before, the future action of the water seems likely to take the main volume 14 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. bodily some hundreds of feet inland. The same agencies have cut a number of small channels through the " bottom" a little lower, and threaten to make a tolerably straight course from near the old ford down to a point a little below the lower mouth of the old bayou. These arc the most notable changes in the river-bed in or near the city. There has come, with the clearing of the country, the drainage of swamps, and disappearance of little springs and rivulets, the same change that has come upon all the streams of the country and of the world under the same conditions. The volume of water is smaller, low- water mark is lower, the freshets more sudden and evanescent. It happens frequently now that in protracted droughts the volume of water is reduced to that of a very moderate creek, not ex- ceeding fifty or sixty feet in width in very shoal places, and the tributary streams. Eagle and Pleasant Run, go dry altogether near their mouths. Pall Creek, however, is not known to have ever been so greatly reduced. Before settlement and cultivation had changed the face of the country so greatly the an- nual freshets, — sometimes semi-annual, — usually in the latter part of winter or spring, were used to carry some of the country's products to market down on the lower Ohio and Mississippi. This was done in flat-boats, measuring fifty or sixty feet long by twelve to fifteen wide, covered in with a sort of house, the roof of which was the deck, where long, heavy side-oars and still longer and heavier steering oars were managed. The current, however, was the motive-power. In this floating house was stored, ac- cording to the business or fancy of the shipper, baled hay, corn, wheat, or oats, whiskey, pork, poultry, these chiefly. They were run out at the height of a freshet, so as to pass over a few dams that stood in the way, and were the source of the greatest peril to these self-insured shippers. This sort of commerce was maintained at intervals for probably twenty years, but most largely from about 1835 till the Madison Railroad offered a better way out, in the fall of 1847. During the first few years of the city's existence occasional cargoes of corn and game were brought down the river by the Indians, and up the river in keel-boats by poling and " cordelling," or hauling along with ropes, in canal-boat fashion. Not much of either was ever done, however, the new settlement depending mainly on land transportation from the White Water and on its own products. The prominent event in the history of the city's connection with the river is the attempt to make it or prove it what Congress had declared it to be, a navi- gable stream. A full account will be given in another place, but it may be noted here that a survey was made in 1825 which maintained the practicability of navigation three months in the year for a distance of four hundred and fifteen miles at an annual expense of fifteen hundred dollars. A reward of two hundred dollars was offered to the first steamer's captain who should bring his boat to the town, and in 1830 one came as far as Spencer, Owen Co., and another came up about the same distance or a little nearer, but in the spring of 1831 the " Robert Hanna," bought for the purpose, it was said, of carrying stone from the Bluffs of the river for the piers and abut- ments of the National road bridge, came clear up to the town, raising a great excitement and high antici- pations of river commerce. She remained a couple of days, ran upon a bar going back, and stuck a month or two, and finally got into safe water some time during the fall. This was the last of the navi- gation of White River, except by the flat-boats re- ferred to and a little pleasure steamer in 1865, that made a few trips during the year and was wrecked the next summer. Within the present year a little picnic steamer has been built at Broad Ripple, but it can hardly be deemed an exception to the universal failure of White River navigation. There have been a few freshets in the river so high and disastrous that they deserve special notice. The first was in 1828, following an unusually wet spring. During that rise an old hunter paddled his canoe through the fork of a large tree on Governor's Island, a height of overflow that has probably never been equaled since. The " bottom" lands for many miles were seriously damaged, fences washed away, stock drowned, crops in store injured, though, as suggested by Mr. Ignatius Brown, less damage was done than by smaller floods following when the country was better settled. The Legislature made some relief GENERAL FEATURES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 15 provision for the sufferers by remitting taxes. The next great flood was early in January, 1847. The water then for a time threatened the National road bridge. It broke through the little suburb of In- dianola, or " Stringtown" as it was then called, from ita being strung out along the National road, and cut two deep gullies through the solidly-graded and heavily-macadamized pike, churning out on the south side in the soft, loose soil of the river bottom huge holes nearly a hundred feet in diameter and twenty or more deep. Several houses were washed away, and one was left on the slope of one of the big holes, where it remained tilted over and apparently ready to fall for several months. The third big flood was in 1858. In 1875 came two nearly equal to that of 1847, the first in May, the next in August, both reaching about the same height. But for the levees then built along the west bank for a mile and more the whole of the country west of the river to the bluff of the " bottom" would have been drowned. In the early part of February of this year (1883) the highest flood ever known, except possibly that of 1847 and that of 1828, occurred, filled a large num- ber of houses in Indianola, driving out the occupants and damaging walls and furniture, and sweeping clear over the National road for the first time since 1847. It was more than a foot higher than either flood of 1875. Levees now protect the west side — the only one endangered by floods to any extent within the limits of costly improvements — for nearly three miles south of the Vandalia Railroad to a point opposite the mouth of Pleasant Run. These will be extended in time parallel with the levees on the east side below Pleasant Run. These are the chief levees on the river. Some small ones have been made along the south bank of Fall Creek at the northern limit of the city site. Until 1852 the only bridge over White River in or near the town was that built by the national govern- ment for the great national highway, the " Cumber- land road." This was finished in 1833, and is still in constant use, considerably dilapidated through cul- pable neglect, but still solid in its arches and service- able. In 1852 the Vandalia Railroad Company put up a bridge for their line a quarter of a mile south of the old one. Since then there have been built for railroad or ordinary service no less than nine bridges, all of iron or mixed iron and timber. They are, be- ginning at the north, the Lafayette or Crawfordsville road wagon-bridge, the Upper Belt road bridge, the Michigan Street and Washington Street wagon- bridges, the old National road bridge, the St. Louis Railroad bridge, the Vandalia Railroad bridge, the Old Cemetery wagon-bridge, the Vincennes Railroad bridge, the Morris Street wagon-bridge, the Lower Belt road bridge, — eleven in all. The bridges on the smaller streams and the remainder of the canal are too numerous to be worth special notice. Turnpikes. — All the wagon-roads out of the city are now graveled, and little inferior to macadamized roads. For a few years, some thirty years or so ago, a sort of mania for plank-roads ran over the State, and the western division of the National road was planked. It had then been given to the State by the general government (as had all the remainder of the road to the States through which it passed), and by the State had been assigned to a plank-road company, which made this improvement. It was a failure after the first few months. The planks warped, the ends turned up, and the covering soon became a nuisance, and was abandoned for coarse gravel, which packs solidly and makes a fairly smooth, durable, and dry road. Many of the county and neighborhood roads have been improved in the same way. Most of these improved roads are held by companies and are main- tained by tolls, which in the case of the city roads prove to be a handsome return upon the investment. Some of them have been sold to the county and made free, but several are still held by the companies. The principal roads leading out of the city are the east and west divisions of the National road ; northeast, the Pendleton road ; southeast, the south division of the Michigan road and the Old Shelbyville road ; south, the Madison road, the "Three Notch" road, the Bluff road ; southwest, the Mooresville road ; northwest, the Crawfordsville and Lafayette road and the north division of the Michigan road ; north, the Westfield and the Old Noblesville road. Area and Present Condition. — The original city plat was a square mile, laid off in the centre of four square miles donated by Congress in 1816 for a site 16 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. for the State capital. The half-mile border around this square was made " out-lots," and used as farm lands for years, but after 1847 was rapidly absorbed into the city, until at the commencement of the civil war the entire " donation" was included in the city, and was more or less compactly built over. The town government was extended over the whole four sections in 1838, but it was ten years later, following the completion of the first railway, before any consider- able occupancy of this tract was attempted, and then it was mainly in the vicinity of the new railway depot. Many additions of greater or less extent have been made, more than doubling the area of the original four sections of the " donation." It is estimated now (1883) that an area of about eleven square miles (or seven thousand acres) is included in the limits of the city. It occupies a little more than one-fourth of the area of Centre township, which is a little larger than a Congressional township of six miles square. Population. — The first estimate of population rests upon an enumeration made by visitors of the Union Sunday-school in the spring of 1824, when 100 families were counted upon the " donation," making a probable population of 500 or more, represented by 100 votei-s, or 120 possibly, with 50 voters repre- senting nobody but themselves, or a total population of near 600. In 1827 a careful census was taken, and the population found to count up 1066. In 1830 it was about 1500 ; in 1840, 4000 ; in 1850, 8034 ; in 1860, 18,611 ; in 1870, 48,244; in 1880, 75,056. It is now estimated at about 95,000, of which one-sixth is foreign-born, mainly Irish and Germans, the former counting a little more than half of the latter, or, with all other foreign-born population, making a little more than half of all of that class. In 1880 the whole of German birth was 6070 ; of Irish birth, 3660 ; and of all other foreign nationalities, 2880. The proportions are now about 8000, 4000, and 3000. The basis of the estimate of population that gives the closest as well as the most trustworthy result is that of the enu- meration of school children under the law. This is made every year to determine the ratio of distribu- tion of the State's school fund, and is probably as accurate as the national census. It shows the pro- portion of children of " school age" (from six to twenty-one) in 1880 to have been to the whole popu- lation as one to two and four-fifths. The school enumeration for 1883 makes the total 33,079, which gives at the ascertained ratio a population a little less than 93,000. The estimate of the secretary of the Board of Trade is 100,000, but no safe basis of calculation will give that result. A fair estimate on the 1st of January, 1884, makes the population 95,000. Government. — The city government is composed of a mayor, Board of Aldermen, Common Council, clerk, treasurer, and assessor, elected by popular vote ; marshal, chief of the fire department, attorney, elected by the Council ; and a Board of Police Com- missioners, appointed by the State oflBcers and paid by the city, who have entire control of the police force, also paid by the city. The officers elected by the people serve two years, the others one. The police commissioners go out and are replaced in suc- cessive years, one in one, one in two, and one in three. Police. — The police force consists of a chief, two captains, and sixty-five men. Besides the regular force there are three or four specially in charge of the Union Depot, authorized by the city but paid by the Union Railway Company. The merchants' police, a small force of men, is appointed by the city, but paid by the citizens whose property is specially in their care. The Fire Department consists of a chief and his assistants, and a working force, held in this service exclusively, of seventy-seven men, including the officers named. It has six steam-engines, four hose-reels, two hook-and-ladder wagons, uses six hundred and twenty-two hydrants, one hundred and forty-nine cisterns, ranging in capacity from one thousand to two thousand five hundred barrels, and one hundred and thirty electric signal-boxes or alarm stations. Streets. — There are four hundred and fifty streets, and larger alleys used as streets, all more or less improved by grading and graveling or bowldering. A very few are paved with wooden blocks, and one of these has within a year been torn up and AREA AND PRESENT CONDITION OF INDIANAPOLIS. 17 replaced by bowlders. A large number of streets are bowldered, but much the larger portion are graded and covered heavily with coarse gravel, which is found to make a good durable street, given to grind into dust and mud, but always available and was «2,326,185 ; in 1860, $10,700,000 ; in 1866, the first valuation after the close of the war, $24,835,750 ; in 1870, $24,656,460. A decline in real estate came in 1868, the valuation dropping from $25,500,000 in 1867 to $24,000,000' in 1868, and to $22,000,000 cheap. The aggregate length of streets is not accu- j in 1869, recovering partially in 1870, and rising to rately known, but as a few are four miles long or more, and a great many from one to two miles, the aggregate length is conjectured to be probably be- tween seven hundred and eight hundred miles. On them is a total length of water-main of fifty-one miles, with twenty-five large iron drinking-fountains " for man and beast." With these are ninety miles of gas-mains and two thousand four hundred and seventy-nine lamps. There are thirteen lines of street railways, owning five hundred mules and em- ploying one hundred drivers. All belong to one company. Parks. — A very pleasing feature of the city is its parks, of which there are four: 1st, Circle Park, in- tended to have been put in the centre of the " dona- tion," as the site of the Governor's official residence, but never used for that purpose, and, on account of the propinquity of Pogue's Run bottom, put a little aside from the central point, which is a half-square south of the southeast corner of Washington and Illinois Streets ; 2d, Military Park, the remains of a military reservation ; 3d, University Park, held by the city on consent of the Legislature, but given originally to help endow a State University at the capital ; 4th, Garfield Park, originally Southern Park, a large tract at the extreme south of the city, pur- chased some years ago to give the population of that part of the city a place of recreation, but so far in- adequately improved. Taxes. — The levy for general purposes last year was 90 cents on $100, for school purposes 22 cents, making a total of $1.12, the legal limit of taxation for city purposes. This rate is levied on a total valuation of $52,633,510, divided into "realty," $22,863,525 ; " improvements," $16,363,200 ; " per- sonal," $13,406,755. There are some slight discrep- ancies in these statements, as the assessors' returns had not been corrected when this report was given. The total valuation of property for taxation in 1850 $30,000,000 in 1871. The rise continued till 1874, then the financial crash of 1873 began to operate, and a second decline began, which is now about overcome. The city revenue for the last year was $591,312. Business. — The secretary of the Board of Trade reports for the year ending with the end of 1882 that there were 772 manufacturing establishments in the city, with $12,270,000 of capital, employing an average of 12,000 hands at an average rate of $2.20 a day, using $18,730,000 of material, and producing $30,100,000 of merchantable goods. The wholesale trade in sixteen lines of business amounted to $25,- 440,000. The total clearances of the clearing-house was $101,577,523. There are 12 banks in the city, 6 national and 6 private, with a total capital of $2,880,000. The average of monthly deposits was $11,435,000. Total receipts of grain for 1882, 21,- 242,897 bushels; of coal, about 400,000 tons, or 202,711 for the last six months. Of live-stock, 5,319,611 hogs, 640,363 cattle, 849,936 sheep, 50,- 795 horses, of which there was disposed of in the city 3,020,913 hogs, 106,178 cattle, 70,543 sheep, 2533 horses. Of lumber, 125,000 M's, or 125,- 000,000 feet. The Board of Trade has 1000 mem- bers. Railroads. — Counting the two divisions of the Jeffersonville Railroad separately, as they were built and operated at first, there are fourteen railroads com- pleted and in operation centring in Indianapolis, running altogether 114 passenger trains both ways daily, and handling here an average of 2500 freight cars daily, each car having a capacity of twelve tons at least, and making a total daily tonnage of 30,000 tons, equal to the trade of a seaport receiving and sending out thirty vessels daily of 1000 tons each. Besides the fourteen lines of railroad centring in the city, there is the Union Railway Company with a length of track enough to connect them all at 18 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the Union Passenger Depot, and now by lease in control of the Belt Railway, which very nearly en- circles the city, and connects all the roads for freight purposes by a line that enables transfers of cars and trains to be made outside of the city, avoiding the obstruction of many streets. Two new roads are in progress. Every county in the State but three can be reached by rail, and nearly every county-seat can be visited and a return made the same day. Newspapers and Periodicak. — There are six daily newspapers in the city, all morning issues ex- cept one. There is one semi-weekly, twenty-five weeklies (including the weekly editions of dailies), one serai-monthly, and seventeen monthlies. Amusements. — There are four theatres, one hun- dred and sixty public halls, four military companies, four musical societies, and three brass bands ; ten libraries, including the State and City and County, and the Stat« Geological Museum, containing over 100,000 specimens, and valued at over $100,000. Business Associations. — Insurance fifteen ; for man- ufactures and other purposes incorporated, sixty-one, with a capital of $8,300,000 ; building and loan socie- ties nineteen, with an aggregate capital of $1,755,000 ; miscellaneous associations, fifty-five ; hotels, forty. Professions. — Lawyers, two hundred ; physicians, two hundred and thirty-two. (School-teachers and preachers, see Schools and Churches.) Secret Societies. — The secret societies number 23, with 143 lodges or separate organizations. The Ma- sons have 21 lodges of whites and 6 of colored mem- bers ; the Odd- Fellows have 23 in all ; the Knights of Pythias have 13 ; the Hibernians have 3. Be- sides these the Red Men, and Elks, and Druids, and several other orders have each one or more lodges. Churches. — Baptist, 13 ; Catholic, 7 ; Christian, 6 ; Congregational, 2 ; Episcopal, 5 ; Reformed Epis- copal, 1 ; Evangelical Alliance, 1 ; United Brethren, 1 ; Friends, 1 ; German Reformed, 3 ; Hebrews, 2 ; Lutheran, 6 ; Methodist, 23 ; Protestant Methodist, 1 ; Presbyterian, 14 ; Swedenborgian, 1 ; United Presbyterian, 1. In all there are 88 churches in the city. Two denominations that at one time were quite prominent, the Universalist and Unitarian, have disap- peared altogether in the last few years as distinct sects. Health and Sanitary Conditions. — The station at Indianapolis of the United States Signal Service reports for the last year an annual mean of tempera- ture of 53.8 ; an annual mean of humidity of 71.1 ; 107 clear days, 141 fair days, and 117 cloudy days; a mean fall of rain and snow of 53.68 inches ; the highest temperature 94°, the lowest 10° below zero. Drainage is eflFected by an incomplete but steadily advancing system of sewage, with two trunk lines at present on Washington and South Streets, and a number of small tributary sewers. The health of the city is surpassed by no city and not many rural regions in the world. The last report of the Board of Health covers seven months from January to July, inclusive, 1883, and shows, with the months of the preceding year back to July, an average of less than 140 a month. This gives a death-rate of 18f in 1000 ; that of London is 21* per 1000, of Paris 26}, of Vienna 29, of New York 29f. Very few rural communities in Europe or this country show a death- rate lower than 19 in 1000. Schools. — The free school system went into opera- tion in 1853, when the accumulation of public funds had allowed the previous purchase of grounds and the erection of houses sufficient for the town's needs, a popular vote six years before having authorized a special city tax for school purposes. The average at- tendance at the outset in April, 1853, was 340. In three years it was 1400. It is now (1883) 9938, while 13,685 children are enrolled on the school rec- ords, and the city contains a juvenile population of school age (from six to twenty-one) of 33,079. The enrollment is considerably less than half of the popu- lation, while the attendance is about one-third. This is a reduction of three per cent, in two years. There are now belonging to the public school system 29 brick houses and 2 frame. Of these 2 are one story, 25 are two stories, 3 of three stories ; 8 have four rooms or less, 11 have eight rooms, 12 have nine rooms. In all there are 245 rooms, with a seating capacity of 12,746, nearly equal to the entire enrollment. Value of grounds and buildings, $938,419.30. There are 19 male teachers, 234 female teachers ; 21 are col- ored, 232 white. Salaries iu the High School, maximum $2000, minimum $700, average $1037 ; GENERAL VIEW AND HISTORICAL OUTLINE. 19 in Primary schools, maximuin $1100, minimum $650, average $900.92 ; grade teachers, maximum $650, minimum $300, average $500. Private schools are nearly as numerous as public schools, but, of course, less largely attended. There are twenty-six of these, some of them of a denominational character, some wholly secular, but most of a higher grade than the primaries of the public system. A few will rank with the preparatory schools of the best colleges. Besides there are five kindergartens. Of the collegiate class of educational institutions, there are four medical schools authorized to give diplomas and degrees, one law school of the same grade, and, more considerable than these, Butler Uni- versity, now at Irvington, formerly the Northwestern Christian University, and located in the northeastern part of the city. Under the same management as the public schools is the Public Library, supported by a tax of two cents on one hundred dollars, and containing about forty thousand volumes. General View and Historical Outline. — A sum- mary of the history of the city and of its difiFerent stages of growth, with a glance at its present condi- tion, will give the reader a more definite and durable impression of such points as he may desire to retain for his own purposes or for the information of others, than he could obtain from the best methodized and most complete system of details unaccompanied by such an outline. This " general view" will, there- fore, present the epochs in the progress of Indianap- olis, and leave the details of development iu each to the chapters treating the diiFerent departments which make up the body of its history. The first settlement of Marion County may be safely dated in the spring of 1820, though there is a probability of the arrival of one settler a year earlier, and contemporaneously with the Whetzel (relatives of the noted Indian-fighter of West Virginia, Lewis Whetzel) settlement at the blufis of White River, or, as the Indians called it, Wah-me-ca-me-ca. In the fall of 1818 the Delaware tribes by treaty ceded to the United States the region now known as Cen- tral Indiana, with a reservation of possession till 1821. Little more regard was paid to Indian rights then than since, and settlers began, with leave or without it, to take up lands in the " New Purchase," as it was called, within six months after the bargain was made. By midsummer, 1820, there was a little village collected along and near the east bank of White River, and on the 7th of June the commis- sioners of the State Legislature selected it as the site of the future capital. Congress had given the State, on its admission into the Union in 1816, four sec- tions, or two miles square, for a capital site, on any of the unsold lands of the government, and at the junction of Fall Creek and White River the location was fixed. The town was laid out in the summer of 1821, one mile square, with the remainder of the four sections divided round it into " out-lots." The first sale of lots was held in the fall of that year, the proceeds to go to the erection of such buildings as the State should require at its capital. _ Here begins the first stage of the city's existence. First Period. — From the first undisputed settle- ment in the spring of 1820 to the removal of the State offices from Corydon in the fall of 1824, and the first meeting of the Legislature the following winter, a period of nearly five years, Indianapolis was a pioneer village, scattered about in the dense woods, grievously troubled with chills and fever, and little more encouraged for the future than any other little county town. The first newspaper was started in 1822, the next in 1823; the first Sunday-school in 1823; the first church was built in 1824; the post- office opened in March, 1822. Second Period. — From the arrival of the capital, in a four-horse wagon and ten days from the Ohio, to the completion of the first railway in October, 1847, an interval of nearly twenty-three years, the town was passing through its second stage. It grew from a village to a respectable town, with several par- tially developed germs of industries, which have since become second to very few in the Union, and with a mayor and Council and the name and airs of a city. For the first eleven years of this period the State Legislature met in the county court-house. In 1832 came the first town government by " trustees," changed to " councilman" in 1838, and to " mayor and Council" in 1847. In 1835 the old State- 20 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. House was completed, and the first fire-engine bought. In 1834 the first bank (the old State Bank) was chartered. In 1832 the first manufacturing enter- prise was put in operation, and failed in a year or two more. The first brewery, tobacco-factory, linseed- oil mill, paper-mill, merchant flour-mill, woolen-mill, soap-factory, the first pork-packing, all date from about 1835 to 1840. An iron foundry was at- tempted in 1832, but failed very soon. In 1842 the first steps were taken to establish the Asylum for the Insane. In 1843 the first tax was levied to pre- pare for the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. In 1845 a similar levy was made to establish the Asylum for the Blind. These are all located in or near the city. This was a period of planting father than growth. The failure of the " Internal Improve- ment" system in 1839 left the town with a few miles of useless canal. The river was never naviga- ble except for flat-boats in spring freshets. But one steamer ever reached the town, and it did not get back for six months. There were no means of trans- portation, natural or artificial, but dirt-roads " cross- layed" or " corduroyed," and covered four-horse wagons hauling from Cincinjiati at a dollar a hun- dred. All this restriction of business and inter- course changed a good deal with the completion of the old Madison Railroad, which had formed part of the State's system of improvements, and been sold to a company when the State failed. Within a half- dozen years came a half-dozen more railroads, and the city entered what may be called its " third period," though, except in its greater rate of progress, there is little to distinguish it from that which fol- lowed it and covers the city's history to the present time. Third Period. — From the completion of the first railroad, Oct. 1, 1847, to the breaking out of the civil war in April, 1861, a period of thirteen years and a half, there was a decided quickening of the city's energy and development. To it belongs the establishment of the free school system in 1853, and the permanent establishment of all the present lead- ing industries in iron, lumber, grain, and pork. There were the seeds and some wholesome sprouts of all these before, but with the opening of railroad transportation came an impulse that made almost a new creation. The JefFersonville Railroad, the Belie- fontaine (Bee Line), the Vandalia, and the Lafayette were all completed in 1852, and portions of all were in operation a year or two earlier. The Central (Pan Handle) was completed in 1853, the Peru in 1854, the Cincinnati (now with Lafayette making Cin- cinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago) in 1853, the Union tracks and depot in 1853. With the concentration of the State's troops here dur- ing the war, and the business of all kinds required for their care, equipment, and transportation, came a sudden force of growth which compelled business to betake itself to several convenient streets, when previously it had been confined mainly to Wash- ington Street and the vicinity of the Union Depot. Population more than doubled during this period, from eight thousand in 1850 to eighteen thousand in 1860, but it nearly tripled from 1860 to 1870. The civil war and the changes it forced or aided may, therefore, properly mark an epoch in the city's history and begin the " fourth period." Fourth Period From 1861 to 1883, twenty-two years, population increased from forty-eight thousand to about ninety-five thousand, and the amount of busi- ness increased in a still larger proportion. The Junc- tion, the Vincennes, the Bloomington and Western, the St. Louis, the Springfield and Decatur, the Chi- cago Air Line, and the Belt Railroads have all been built in this period, and two others projected. Other results are better exhibited in a condensed state- ment of the present condition of the city, produced by the changes and advances in the sixty-three years covered by these four periods. One form of these combined results may be stated in the favorite boast of the citizens, that " Indianapolis is the largest wholly inland city in the United States." It has not and never has had any navigable water nearer than the Ohio and the lower Wabash, except; as already remarked, that freshets in the river occasionally let a few flat-boats, loaded with grain, or whiskey, or pork, or poultry, or hay, down into the Mississippi to the towns in the cotton and sugar region. But these opportunities were uncertain, and the voyages were uncertain when opportunities were used, so that flat- EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 21 boating never contributed sensibly to the growth of Indianapolis. CHAPTER II L First Period — Early Settlements — Organization of Marion County and Erection of Townsliips — Erection of Public Buildings — Notable Events and Incidents of the Early Set- tlement and of Later Years — Opening of Roads — Original Entries of Lands in the County. Although the treaty of 1818 expressly conceded the occupancy of the " New Purchase," as it wa.s called by the whites, to the Indians till 1821, its profusion of game, its fertility, its abundance of excellent building timber began to allure settlers from the White Water Valley before a year had passed, and from the Ohio River before the reservation had expired. It will give the reader a suggestion of the natural attractions of the country to suggest that Mr. William H. Jones, a leading dealer in lumber in the city, aided when a boy, in 1824, in catching young fawns in the vicinity of the present site of the Vandalia Railroad depot and of the corner of West and Merrill Streets ; that Robert Harding, one of the earliest settlers, killed a deer on the area called the " donation" for the first Fourth of July celebration and barbecue in 1822 ; that as late as 1845 or later wild turkeys in their migrations made a roost in a large sugar grove that covered the portion of the present city site about Meridian, Illinois, and Tennessee Streets above the crossing of St. Clair or thereabouts. As late as 1845 a turkey scared from this roost by hunters ran into the city and into the basement of what was called the " Governor's House," in Circle Park, and was caught there. Lost quail were frequently heard piping in the back yards of residences. In 1822 saddles of veni- son sold at twenty-five to fifty cents, wild turkeys at ten to twelve and a half, a bushel of wild pigeons for twenty-five cents. An early sketch of the condition of the country says, " A traveler who ascended the river a few years prior to the settlement saw the banks frequently dotted with wigwams and the stream en- livened by Indian canoes. At night parties for ' fire- hunting' or ' fire-fishing' were frequent among the Indians, and occasionally formed by their white suc- cessors." The first settlers drawn to the New Purchase were Jacob Whetzel and his son Cyrus. The former was the brother, the latter the nephew of the noted scout and Indian-fighter, Lewis Whetzel, or Wetzel, dis- tinguished in the bloody annals of West Virginia and Pennsylvania. " The elder Whetzel," says Mr. Now- land, in his " Promment Citizens," " soon after the conclusion of the St. Mary's treaty went to Ander- son, head chief of the Delawares, who lived in the large Delaware town named for the chief and retain- ing the name still, and from him obtained permission to ' blaze a trace' from the White Water in Franklin County to the Blufis of White River." It may be as well to explain for the benefit of later settlers that " blazing" was cutting away a large strip of bark and wood from a tree-trunk on the side next to the pro- posed "trace" or road. Such a mark would remain conspicuous for many months in an interminable forest without a sign of human presence except that, and a series of them close together along the line of a proposed road would be a sure and easy guide to ■backwoodsmen or any traveler with sense enough to be trusted alone. The two Whetzels came to the Blufi's in the spring of 1819, before the government surveys were completed or commenced in some cases. Their settlement was a little below the present south boundary of the county. " The first white residents of the county," Mr. Dun- can (before referred to) says, " were Judge Fabius M. Finch, his father and family, who came to the site of Noblesville or near it in the spring of 1819, ' that region being then a part of the county, but separated in a few years. In the fall of 1818 one Dr. Douglass came up the river from below to the Bluffs, and re- mained there a short time, and in January, 1819, James Paxton came down the river from the upper waters to the site of the city, and came again a year later in 1820. The first settler in the present area of the county will probably remain an unsettled ques- t tion for all time, as it was a disputed point in 1822, has been ever since, and is more peremptorily disputed now than ever. The prevailing tradition Is that George Pogue, a blacksmith from the White Water 22 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. settlements, came here March 2, 1819, building a double log cabin on the line of Michigan Street a little way east of the creek, on the high ground bordering the creek bottom, and lived there with his family, the solitary occupants of Marion County within its present limits, till the 27th of the following February, when John and James McCormick arrived with their families and built cabins on the river bank near the old National road bridge. The priority of settlement lies between these families and Mr. Pogue's. Within a few months past one William H. White, of Han- cock County, claims that he was born on the city site Oct. 4, 1819, near where Odd-Fellows' Hall now stands, on the corner of Washington and Pennsyl- vania Streets. Old settlers as early as 1820-21 have no recollection of any account of such an occur- rence, and births were too rare in those days to allow the first one in the county or any suggestion of it, however vague or doubtful, to be forgotten. The im- pression seems to be that Mr. White has been misled by some accidental confusion or by the failing memory of his relatives. He may be right, but he is distrusted by settlers who arrived here within a year of the alleged occurrence, and discredited by. the opportunities of knowing the truth of many who arrived within two years and repel his claim. In the summer of 1822, a little more than a year after Pogue's death, Dr. Samuel G. Mitchell, the old- est physician in the place, published in the Gazette, the first paper in the place, a discussion of the pre- tensions of Pogue to the honor of being the first settler, in which he maintained that the McCormicks were the first, and that Pogue came a month later, about the time the Maxwells and Cowan came. No reply was made to this direct attack on the general opinion of the settlers, which certainly suggests a reasonable probability that its statement was indis- putable, and that the tradition of a general concur- rence in awarding Pogue the credit is ill-founded. But there comes in here the countervailing considera- tion that the pioneers of the backwoods were little given to glorifying the pen or looking to the papers for instruction. Nobody may have been disposed to take the trouble to contradict what he knew nobody but Mitchell believed, or he may, very fairly, have concluded that in a little two-year-old village in the woods it would be less trouble to contradict the story " by word of mouth" to every man in the place than to attempt so unusual a feat as writing for the papers. But this early and public contest of Pogue's claim by an intelligent man, at a time when there could hardly have been an adult, male or female, who did not know the truth, creates a strong doubt against the current of tradition. The probability inclines to Mrs. Pogue's statement at an " Old Settlers' " meeting in 1854, as Mr. Robert B. Duncan remembers it. She was more than fourscore years old then, but her memory of early events seemed clear and accurate. She said that her husband and family came here on the 2d of March, 1820, and the McCormicks came on the 7th of the same month. This seems to be final as to the first settlement being made in 1820 instead of 1819, as has generally been believed, whether it settles the question of individual priority or not. Where two or three families arrive at a place in a primeval forest within four or five days of each other, and a mile or two apart, it is easy to see how each set of the sepa- rated settlers may suppose itself the first. Virtually they are simultaneous arrivals, and the truth, or at least the probability, of history compromises this long-mooted question by concluding that the Pogues and McCormicks were all first settlers. Whether Pogue was the first man to live here or not, he was certainly the first to die here. Mr. Now- land's description of the man and account of his death so strikingly exhibit some of the characteristics of the time and country that it is reproduced here. " George Pogue was a large, broad-shouldered, and stout man, with dark hair, eyes, and complexion, about fifty years of age, and a native of North Carolina. His dress was like that of a Pennsylvania Dutchman, a drab overcoat with many capes, and a broad-brimmed felt hat. He was a blacksmith, and the first of that trade to enter the ' New Purcha.se.' To look at the man as we saw him last, one would think he was not afraid to meet a whole camp of Delawares in battle array, which fearlessness, in fact, was most probably the cause of his death. One evening about twilight a straggling Indian, known to the settlers as well as to the In- dians as Wyandotte John, stopped at the cabin of Mr. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 23 Pogue and asked to stay all night. Mr. Pogue did not like to keep him, but thought it best not to refuse, as the Indian was known to be a bad and very des- perate man, having left his own tribe in Ohio for some oflFense, and was now wandering among the various Indiana tribes. His principal lodging-place the pre- vious winter was a hollow sycamore log that lay under the bluff and just above the east end of the National road bridge over White River. (Above the site of the bridge, Mr. Nowland means, as the bridge was not built for more than ten years after.) On the upper side of the log he had hooks, made by cutting the forks or limbs of bushes, on which he rested his gun. At the open end of the log next to the water he built his fire, which rendered his domicile as comfort- able as most of the cabins. After John was furnished with something to eat, Mr. Pogue, knowing him to be traveling from one Indian camp to another, inquired if he had seen any white man's horses at any of the camps. John said he had left a camp of Delawares that morning, describing the place to be on Buck Creek, about twelve miles east, and near where the Rushville State road crosses that creek ; that he had seen horses there with iron hoofs (they had been shod), and described the horses so minutely as to lead Mr. Pogue to believe they were his. Although the horses were described so accurately, Mr. Pogue was afraid that it was a deception to lure him into the woods, and mentioned his suspicions to his family. When the Indian left the next morning he took a direction towards the river, where nearly all the set- tlement was. Pogue followed him for some distance to see whether he would turn his course towards the Indjan camps, but found that he kept directly on towards the river. Mr. Pogue returned to bis cabin and told his family he was going to the Indian camp for his horses. He took his gun, and with his dog set out on foot for the Delaware camp, and was never afterwards seen or heard of. We remember that there were a great many conflicting stories about his clothes and horses being seen in possession of the Indians, all of which were untrue. There can be no doubt that the Wyandotte told Mr. Pogue the truth in regard to the horses, and in his endeavor to get pos- session of them had a difficulty with the Delawares and was killed, at least that was the prevailing opinion at the time. Nothing has ever been learned of his fate to this day, further than that he was never seen or heard of again, though the settlers formed a com- pany to search all the Indian camps about within fifty miles to find some indication that might lead to a clearing up of the mystery." Pogue's Creek, once the pride and now the pest of the city, takes its name from the proto-martyr, if not proto-settler, of the city and county. Within a week or two after the arrival of the Mc- Cormicks, John Maxwell and John Cowan came and built on the high ground near the present crossing of the Crawfordsville road over Fall Creek, very near the site of the City Hospital. During the following three months a number of new-comers arrived, and settled principally in the vicinity of the river. Those best remembered are the Davis brothers (Henry and Samuel), Isaac Wilson (who built the first cabin on what was afterwards the old town plat in May), Robert Harding, Mr. Barnhill, Mr. Corbaley, Mr. Van Blari- cum. About the time of the arrival of the last of this first group of pioneers the State capital was located here by the commissioners appointed by the Legislature for that purpose. When the State was admitted into the Union, April 19, 1816, a donation of four sections — four square miles — was made by Congress for the site of a capital, to be located wherever the State might choose upon unsold lands of the government. No selection had been made or attempted in the four years since the State's admission. The capital, which bad been kept at Vincennes by Governor Harrison during his administration as Territorial Governor, from 1801 to 1812, was removed to Corydon, Harri- son Co., by the Legislature, May 1, 1813, and re- mained there till its permanent settlement here in the fall of 1824. On the 11th of January, 1820, the Legislature appointed ten commissioners to make selection of a site for a permanent capital. They were John Tipton (an old Indian trader), John Con- ner (brother of William above referred to, and like him reared from childhood among the Indians, the founder of Connersville), George Hunt, John Gilli- land, Stephen Ludlow, Joseph Bartholomew, Jesse 24 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. B. Durham, Frederick Rapp, William Prince, Thomas Emerson. They were ordered to meet at Conner's place (north of the city) early in the spring. Appar- ently only half of them served, as only five votes were given in determining the selection. But Mr. Nowland says there were nine when the party got to Conner's, Mr. Prince alone being unable to attend. If this is correct there must have been four commis- sioners who did not like any of the sites examined and declined to vote. A part of them met at Vin- cennes about the middle of May, 1820, and were joined there by the father and uncle of Mr. Nowland, who were on their way to Kentucky from Illinois, but were persuaded to accompany the commissioners. The party ascended the river to the BluflFs, where the Whetzels had settled the year before and had been joined by four or five other families. After resting a day at this point and making an examina- tion of it, they came on up to the mouth of Fall Creek, and remained a day, some of them expressing themselves pleased with the country and disposed to put the capital here. Mr. Nowland told the commis- sioners that if the location were made here he would move out in the fall, and do all he could to induce other Kentuckians to join him. The mouth of Fall Creek had been the customary place of crossing the river by the whites ever since the White River Valley had been known to them. Mr. Nowland (the author) says that Lieut, (afterwards General and President) Taylor told him that he had crossed the river here with his force when going from Louisville to the Wa- bash to build Fort Harrison, now Terre Haute, in 1811. While the force was here Col. Abel C. Pep- per, United States Marshal of the State under Taylor, met Tecumseh, who was on a mission to the Dela- wares, doubtless to induce them to join his combina- tion against the whites. The party went on to Conner's, some sixteen miles north, as before stated, and examined the situation there. One or two seemed to favor it, but the whole party returned here, and after re-examining the country, decided on the 7th of June, 1820, by vote of three to two, for the Bluifs, to locate the capital here. On the 6th of January following, 1821, the selection was approved by the Legislature and the location decided irrevocably. ■ The commissioners reported that they bad selected Sections 1 and 12, east and west fractional sections numbered 2, east fractional section numbered 11, and so much of the east part of west fractional sec- tion numbered 3, to be set off by a line north and south, as will complete the donation of two thou- sand five hundred and sixty acres, in Township 15, Range 3 east. The Legislature, after approving the location, named the future city and capital Indianapo- lis, the " city of Indiana." The name was suggested by the late Judge Jeremiah Sullivan, in the com- mittee charged with the preparation of the confirma- tory bill. He gave an interesting account of the affair in a letter to Governor Baker, which may be pertinently introduced here : " I have a very distinct recollection of the great diversity of opinion that prevailed as to the name by which the new town should receive legislative baptism. The bill, if I remember aright, was re- ported by Judge Polk, and was in the main very acceptable. A blank, of course, was left for the name of the town that was to become the seat of government, and during the two or three days we spent in endeavoring to fill the blank there was in the debate some sharpness and much amuse- ment. Gen. Marston G. Clark, of Washington County, proposed ' Tecumseh' as the name, and very earnestly insisted on its adoption. When it failed he suggested other Indian names, which I have forgotten. They all were rejected. A member proposed ' Suwarrow,' which met with no favor. Other names were proposed, discussed, laughed at, and voted down, and the House, without coming to any agreement, adjourned until the next day. There were many amusing things said, but my remem- brance of them is not suflSciently distinct to state them with accuracy. I had gone to Corydon with the intention of proposing Indianapolis as the name of the town, and on the evening of the adjourn- ment above mentioned, or the next morning, I sug- gested to Mr. Samuel Merrill, the representative from Switzerland County, the name I proposed. He at once adopted it, and said he would support it. We together called on Governor Jennings, who had been a witness of the amusing proceedings the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 25 day previous, and told him what conclusion we had come to, and asked him what he thought of the name. He gave us to understand that he favored it, and that he would not hesitate to so express him- self. When the House met and went into com- mittee on the bill, I moved to fill the blank with Indianapolis. The name created quite a laugh. Mr. Merrill, however, seconded the motion. We dis- cussed the matter fully, gave our reasons in sup- port of the proposition, the members conversed with each other informally in regard to it, and the name gradually commended itself to the committee, and was adopted. The principal reason in favor of adopt- ing the name proposed— to wit, that the Greek ter- mination would indicate to all the world the locality of the town — was, I am sure, the reason that over- came the opposition to the name. The town was finally named Indianapolis with but little if any op- position." One may well feel puzzled to understand the force exerted by the argument that " the Greek termination of the name would indicate the locality of the town." The termination means " city," and that is all. The other half of the name would in- dicate locality though, and the combination would fairly enough suggest a State capital, so that its apt- ness is evident, whether the argument that secured it was sound or not. By the same act of approval and naming the new capital the Legislature appointed Christopher Harri- son (no relative of the general's), James Jones, and Samuel P. Booker commissioners to lay off the town. They were directed to meet on the site on the first Monday of April, 1821, to perform that duty, and make plats or maps of the town, one for the Secretary of State and one for the State agent. They were also to advertise and hold a sale of the lots as soon as practicable, reserving the alternate lots. The pro- ceeds of the sales were to be used in erecting the buildings required by the government. Harrison was the only one of the commissioners who attempted to perform his duties. He was a Mary lander by birth, a very eccentric man, of excellent education and cul- tivated tastes, who came to Southern Indiana early in the century, and some years after the completion of his work as commissioner returned to Maryland, and lived to a ripe old age. It is said on good au- thority that he was engaged to be married to Miss Elizabeth Patterson, a noted belle of Baltimore, but the attentions of Prince Jerome Bonaparte over- powered her scruples and her faith, and she married the brother of the great Corsican, only to find herself repudiated by him and excluded from the ambition that had betrayed her. Mr. Harrison came to Jeffer- son County about 1804, and lived there the life of a hermit with his dogs and books for several years, then removed to Salem, Washington Co., and there his rare attainments — rare in the backwoods at least — and his abilities forced him into public life, and finally into the position of founder of the city of Indianapolis. He came to the little yearling village at the time appointed, and selected as surveyors Alex- ander Ralston and Eliaa P. Fordham, with Benjamin I. Blythe as clerk of the Board of Commis.sioners. Mr. Blythe lived to an advanced age in the city, and was one of the earliest of the enterprising men who laid the foundations of the city's pork-packing prosperity. Of Mr. Fordham little appears to have been known at the time, and nothing can be learned now. Ralston was a Scotchman, a man of marked ability and rare attainments as well as high character. When quite young he had been employed in assist- ing the laying out of Washington City, and may have got then the preference for wide streets and oblique avenues which he exhibited so signally and benefi- cially here. He became associated with Burr's expe- dition, presumably in ignorance of its real character, as most of the conspirator's following were, came West in connection with it, and remained when it failed. He remained in Indianapolis after completing his work, and in 1825 was appointed by the Legislature to survey White River and make an estimate of the expense of removing the drifts and snags and other obstructions to navigation, and reported the following winter. He built a brick residence on West Mary- land Street, a half-square west of Tennessee, and lived there till his death, early in 1827. He was buried in the " Old Cemetery," and his grave was long un- known. A few years ago, however, some old resi- dents made a close examination and found it, or were confident they had. 26 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. The Indiana Journal of Jan. 9, 1827, contained an obituary notice of him, which from his prom- inence in the settlement may be reproduced here. He died on the 5th, at the age of fifty-six. " Mr. Ralston was a native of Scotland, but emigrated early in life to America. He lived many years at the city of Washington, then at Louisville, Ky., afterwards near Salem, in this State, and for the last five years in this place. His earliest and latest occu- pation in the United States was surveying, in which he was long employed by the government at Wash- ington, and his removal to this place was occasioned by his appointment to make the original survey of it. During the intervening period merchandise and agri- culture engaged his attention. In the latter part of his life he was our county surveyor, and his leisure time was employed in attending to a neat garden, in which various useful and ornamental plants, fruit, etc., were carefully cultivated. Mr. Ralston was successful in his profession, honest in his dealings, gentlemanly in his deportment, a liberal and hospitable citizen, and a sincere and ardent friend. He had experienced much both of the pleasures and pains incident to human life. The respect and esteem of the generous and good were always awarded to him, and he found constant satisfaction in conferring favors, not only on his own species, but even on the humblest of the brute creation ; he would not willingly set foot upon a worm. But his unsuspecting nature made him liable to imposition ; his sanguine expectations were often disappointed. His independent spirit some- times provoked opposition, and his extreme sensi- bility was frequently put to the severest trials. Though he stood alone among us in respect to family, his loss will be long lamented." Mr. Now- land adds that the old bachelor's house " was kept for him by a colored woman named Chancy Lively," who was the second colored person in the place. Dr. Mitchell brought the first, a boy named Ephraim Ensaw. These were the first colored residents, but a colored man came out with Mr. Maxwell in 1820, and remained here a few months. His name was Aaron Wallace, and a few years ago he returned here to reside .permanently, after an absence of nearly sixty years. " Aunt Chaney," as she was called, was well known to the South Side school-boys forty-five or fifty years ago. Her residence was the north- west corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets. She married a barber named Britton. On the completion of the surveying force, work was begun at once in marking out the sections and fractions selected by the locating commissioners io June, 1820. The whole donation lay upon the east bank of the river except a fractional section on the west bank, where Indianola stands. A plat of one mile square was set in the middle of the donation, and almost in the middle of the plat the Circle was placed, to be made the site of the Governor's resi- dence. It was not used for that purpose, however, though a large house was erected there in 1827 at considerable expense, some six thousand five hundred dollars. The publicity of the situation made it un- desirable as a family residence, and it was used ex- clusively as rooms for the judges of the Supreme Court, the State auditor and engineer, the State Library and State Bank, and occasionally for local or individual purposes. It was proposed at one time to add wings on each side and make a State- House of it. It was sold as old building material in April, 1857, for six hundred and sixty-five dollars, and torn down and carried off in the last days of the same month. The Circle was not put in the centre of the donation, because if the centre of the town had corresponded with the centre of the donation, it would have thrown too much of the central portion of the town plat into the valley of Pogue's Creek. The point where the four sections of the donation " corner" is about ten feet west and five feet south of the southeast corner of the lot occupied by the Occi- dental Hotel. The Circle was set nearly a square east and two squares north for the purpose stated. A natural elevation at this point, thickly covered with a growth of tall straight sugar-trees, aided its nearly central situation in making it the centre of the original town plat. It contains between three and four acres, and is surrounded by an eighty-feet street. Extending north and south from the Circle on a meridian line is Meridian Street, and crossing the latter from east to west is Market Street, both carried to the limits of the city, except the west end of EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 27 Market, which is blocked at Blackford Street. Par- allel with Market and one square south is Washing- ton Street, the main thoroughfare of the city, one hundred and twenty feet wide. The whole plat, one mile square, is surrounded by ninety-feet streets, called respectively, from their location, North, South, East, and West. The area inside these limits is di- vided into eighty-nine blocks and fractions by nine streets north to south and nine east to west, each ninety feet wide except Washington. The blocks are four hundred and twenty feet square, and are divided into four equal parts, each containing one acre, by alleys fifteen feet wide running north and south, and thirty feet running east and west. All of the streets, except the two central ones meeting at the Circle, the main street, and the four bounding the plat, are named for the States of the Union in 1821. The most marked features of the original de- sign of the city are the Circle and the avenues radi- ating from it, and starting at the corners most re- mote from it of the four blocks that adjoin it. These are named for States like the others. The squares are broken by six fractions and three con- siderable irregular tracts in Pogue's Run Valley, so that the number of completed squares is only eighty- nine. The intersections of the streets would have made one hundred if completion had been possible. Three lots were made of each quarter of a square or acre, giving to each lot of the original plat one-third of an acre. Few of these now retain their original dimensions. They were sixty-seven and one-half feet wide on the streets by one hundred and ninety- five feet deep, being longer where they abutted upon the narrow alleys. The half-mile of the donation lying all round the mile square in the middle of it, except on the river side, was not platted. In 1822 the Legislature ordered the fraction west of the river to be laid off in tracts of five to twenty acres by the State agent, and in 1831 he was ordered to lay off all the remainder of the donation, some nineteen hun- dred acres, into lots of two to fifty acres, and sell them at a minimum price of ten dollars an acre. These were used chiefly for farming purposes and pastures till the growth of the city began to overrun them. It was never imagined that the city or town would extend to these exterior lots at all, and that they should be covered by it would have been as in- credible as an Arabian Night tale. Now the city covers nearly three times the area of the donation. The four streets bounding the old plat — North, South, East, and West — were not in it at first, but were put there at the solicitation of James Blake, who represented to Commissioner Harrison the ad- vantages such streets would be as public drives and promenades when the town grew up. The act of the Legislature creating the commission to lay off the town required the appointment of an agent of the State at six hundred dollars a year for a term of three years, who was to live at Indianapolis and attend to the disposal of the lots. Gen. John Carr was the first agent. The place was subsequently held by several persons, among them James Milroy, Bethuel F. Morris, Ebenezer Sharpe, B. I. Blythe, clerk of the commission, Thomas H. Sharpe, and John Cook. The duties were finally transferred to the Secretary of State. The commissioners, or rather one of them, having completed the survey and plat, advertised the first sale for the second Monday in October, 1821, and it took place at the tavern of Mat- thias Nowland, father of John H. B., author of " Prominent Citizens of Indianapolis." This stood near Washington Street, west of Missouri; and at the request of the State agent, Mr. Nowland had built an addition to serve as an ofiBce. Oct. 9, 1821, was " a raw, cold day," says a sketch of the city's early history written some twenty-five years or more ' ago ; " a high wind prevailed, and a man in attend- ance came near being killed by a falling limb." The town was very much crowded. Strangers from vari- ous quarters had come to settle in the new place or to secure property. The three taverns, kept by Hawkins, Carter, and Nowland, were crowded, and in many cases the citizens were called upon to share their homes with the new-comers till they could erect cabins. The bidding at the sale was quite spirited, and, considering the position and advantages of the settlement, high prices were obtained in some cases. " The reservation of alternate lots was begun by the commissioner by reserving lot No. 1." The best sales were north and east of the bulk of the settle- 28 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ment, which was on and near the river, owing to the prevalence of chills and fever the summer before, when everybody, old and young, was down at one time or another, except Enoch Banks, Thomas Chinn, and Nancy Hendricks. This visitation gave an eastern impulse to settlement, and accounts for the higher prices of lots more remote from the river. The number of lots sold amounted to three hundred and fourteen, mostly in the central and northern parts of the plat, and the total value of the sales was thirty- five thousand five hundred and ninety-six dollars and twenty-five cents. The highest price brought by a single lot was by the lot on Washington Street, west of the Court-House Square, which brought five hun- dred and sixty dollars. That on the same street, west of the State-House Square, brought five hun- dred dollars. The intervening lots sold from one hundred to three hundred dollars each. The condi- tions of the sale required the payment of one-fifth of the purchase-money down, and the remainder in four equal annual installments. The sales continued a week, and the amount paid down was seven thousand one hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents. Thomas Carter was auc- tioneer, and the late James M. Ray clerk of these first sales. Not a few of these lots are now worth one thou- sand dollars a front foot, some are worth more. " Out- lots" that were sold at first for ten, twenty, or thirty dollars could not be bought now for as many thou- sands, in some cases twice that. Of the lots purchased at this first sale, one hundred and sixty-nine were afterwards forfeited, or the payments made on one lot were transferred to another, under an act passed a little later " for the relief of purchasers of lots in Indian- apolis." The early sketch already referred to says, " These forfeited lots and the reserved lots were once or twice afterwards offered at public sale, and kept open for purchase all the time. But prices became depressed, money scarce, sickness caused general de- spondency, and for several years after the winter of 1821-22 there were but few lots sold. The amount of cash reserved by the State for donation lands up to 1842 was about one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars." This the law made a public build- ing fund, out of which was erected a State-House, court-house. Governor's house (in the Circle), treas- urer's house and ofiice, ofiSce of clerk of the Supreme Court, and a ferryman's house at the foot of Wash- ington Street. The settlers brought to the new capital by the re- port of its selection for that purpose speedily trebled its population, and more. During the summer and fall of 1820 there came Dr. Samuel G. Mitchell, John and James Givan (among the first merchants), William or Wilkes Reagan, Matthias Nowland, James M. Ray, James Blake, Nathaniel Cox, Thomas Anderson, John Hawkins, Dr. Livingston Dunlap, Daniel Yandes, David Wood, Col. Alexander W. Russell, Dr. Isaac Coe, Douglass Maguire, and others unnamed and not easily identified as to the time of arrival. Morris Morris is said by one of these early sketches to have come here in 1819, in the fall (probably inadvertently for 1820), when he came only in the fall of 1821. Mr. Nowland says that James M. Ray, James Blake, Daniel Yandes, the Givans, Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Coe, Dr. Dunlap, Col. Russell came the following spring and summer, 1821, and with them Daniel Shaff'er, the first merchant, who died in the summer of 1821, Robert Wilmot, and Calvin Fletcher, the first lawyer. It is impossible now to make a complete list of the settlers up to the laying out of the town and the first sale of lots, but with the help of such records as have been made, and such memories as are accessible, a muster-roll of consid- erable interest can be made : George Pogue (blacksmith), possibly, 1819, spring. Fabius M. Finch (lawyer), 1819, summer. John McCormick (tavern), 1820, spring. James McCormick, 1820, spring. John Maxwell ('squire), 1820, spring. John Cowan, 1820, spring. Robert Harding (farmer), 1820, spring. Van Blaricum (farmer), 1820, spring. Henry Davis (chairmaker), 1820, spring. Samuel Davis (chairmaker), 1820, spring. Jeremiah J. Corbaley (farmer), 1820, spring. Robert Barnhill (farmer), 1820, spring. Isaac Wilson (miller), 1820, spring. Matthias Nowland (mason), 1820, fall. Dr. S. G. Mitchell, 1820, fall. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 29 Thomas Anderson (wagonmaker), 1820, fall. Alexander Ralston (surveyor), 1820, fall. Dr. Isaac Coe, 1820, spring. James B. Hull (carpenter), 1820, winter. Andrew Byrne (tailor), 1820, fall. Michael Ingals (teamster), 1820, winter. Kenneth A. Scudder (first drug-store), 1820, sum- mer. Conrad Brussell (baker), 1820, fall. Milo R. Davis (plasterer), 1820, winter. Samuel Morrow, 1820, summer. James J. Mcllvain ('squire), 1820, summer. Eliakim Harding ('squire), 1821, summer. Mr. Lawrence (teacher), 1821, summer. Daniel Larkins (grocery), 1821, summer. Lismund Basye (Swede), 1821, fall. Robert Wilmot (merchant), 1820, winter. James Kittleman (shoemaker), 1821. Andrew Wilson (miller), 1821. John McClung (preacher), 1821, spring. Daniel Shaffer, 1821, January. Jeremiah Johnson (farmer), 1820, spring. Wilkes Reagan (butcher), 1821, summer. Obed Foote (lawyer), 1821, summer. Calvin Fletcher (lawyer), 1821, fall. James Blake, 1821, spring. Alexander W. Russell (merchant), 1821, spring. Caleb Scudder, 1821, fall. George Smith (first publisher), 1821, fall. James Scott (Methodist preacher), 1821, fall. 0. P. Gaines (first Presbyterian preacher), 1821, summer. James Linton (millwr^ht), 1821, summer. Joseph C. Reed (first teacher), 1821, spring. James Paxton (militia officer), 1821, fall. Daniel Yandes (first tanner), 1821, January. Caleb Scudder (cabinet-maker), 1821, fall. George Myers (potter), 1821, fall. Nathaniel Bolton (first editor), 1821, fall. Amos Hanway (cooper), 1821, summer. John Shunk (hatter), 1821, fall. Isaac Lynch (shoemaker), 1821, fall. James M. Ray (coach-lace maker), 1821, summer. David Mallory (barber), 1821, spring. John Y. Osborn, 1821, spring. Samuel Henderson (first postmaster), 1821, fall. Samuel Rooker (first painter), 1821, summer. Thomas Johnson (farmer), 1820, winter. Robert Patterson, 1821, fall. Aaron Drake (first mail), 1821. William Townsend, 1820, summer. J. R. Crumbaugh, 1821. Harvey Gregg, 1821, fall. Nathaniel Cox (carpenter), 1821. Some thirty-three years ago the late Samuel Mer- rill, Treasurer of State at the time of the removal of the capital from Corydon to Indianapolis in the fall of 1824, and charged with the supervision of the work, prepared a map illustrating the progress of the town at different periods, 1821, 1823, 1835, and 1850, to accompany the first historical sketch of the city, prepared by him for the first " Gazetteer," issued in 1850 by Chamberlain & Co., booksellers in the town. The reader, understanding the old plat of the city, and observing that its western boundary at West Street was about a quarter of a mile from the river, will see quite accurately the size and location of the infant settlement of 1821 from a description of the outline on this map. It extended along Washington Street, wholly south of it, to a point a little less than a block east of West Street, and was less than a block in width for a distance equal to two blocks, when it began widening, and at the river reached from about the point where Georgia Street strikes the bank to the old National road bridge. The little settlement of Maxwell and Cowan farther north, near the site of the City Hospital, seems to have been completely detached from the main body of the village. In 1823, the year before the arrival of the capital, the settlement had shifted entirely away from the river, its western extremity being near West Street, and it extended in a narrow line about a block in width on each side of Washington Street to Meridian Street, where a point ran south to Georgia Street on each side of Meridian, while east of it, and passing east of the Circle, another point pro- jected north as far as Ohio Street, and a third point along Washington carried the settlement to a point about half-way between Alabama and New Jersey Streets. The shape of it is an exact cross, with one 30 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. arm a little higher than the other. In 1835 the town had been under its own government by trus- tees for two or three years, had established a brewery and several manufactures, besides those for custom service, had been the capital for over ten years, had nearly completed the State-House, had a population of about two thousand, and the county that year, as announced by Mr. Calvin Fletcher in a public ad- dress, contained thirteen hundred farms, and had produced one million three hundred thousand bushels of corn. In this condition of things the town formed an irregular figure, much like a balloon, with the neck near West Street, and the " bulge" opening pretty rapidly up north to Michigan Street, reaching east to New Jersey, and then south to Georgia and a little below ; at the widest place, north to south, covering seven squares, and its greatest length along Washing- ton Street very nearly covering the mile of the plat. In 1850 it covered all of the plat but the northwest, southwest, and southeast corners, and more than made up for these deficiencies by projecting beyond it on the northeast, the east, and the south along the BluiF road or South Meridian Street. In May, 1820, in three months after the first set- tlement, or in any case after the first indications of a possible settlement of more than a family or two, there were fifteen or twenty families on the donation. These increased to thirty or forty during the succeed- ing year to July, when the sales of government lands in this and adjoining counties began at the land- office in Brookville, Franklin Co. Happily for the pioneers of 1820, there was not so much sick- ness as might have been expected, and nothing com- parable to the visitation the next year, and, quite as happily, nature had provided a " deadening," in which they raised with little labor comparatively all the corn and vegetables they needed to make a com- fortable subsistence with the abundance of fish and game to be had close at hand and with little trouble. This natural " deadening" lay at the northwest cor- ner of the donation, and contained some hundred or more acres. The trees had been killed by eater- pillars, and the pioneers cleared o£F the underbrush together, and held the field in common, simply marking off each family's share by what Mr. Now- land calls " turn-rows." This was known as the "big field" for several years. Its products were chiefly corn and pumpkins. In addition to this pro- vision for the staples of vegetable food, each family had a truck-patch in the rear of their log cabin, where they raised such vegetables as they required for immediate use, including the " love-apple," or tomato, which nobody dreamed of eating for twenty years afterwards. Little more belongs to the history of this first year of the city's settlement than an ac- count of the condition and modes of life of the set- tlers, and that being much the same for all the early years of the settlement will be told for all at once. The year 1821 was an eventful one for the infant capital. During the summer the donation had been surveyed and the original city plat made, and a number of the men who were to be most conspicuous in its after-history, in spreading its business, estab- lishing its industries, founding its schools, main- taining its morality, its Fletcher, Yandes. Blake, Ray, Morris, Russell, Dunlap, Brown, Landis, had come or were on the way. It was a year of universal sickness, privation, and suffering. Says an early account, " Towards the end of summer and during the fall epidemic remittent and intermittent fevers and agues assailed the people, and scarcely a person was left untouched. (In another place it is told that Nancy Hendricks, Enoch Banks, and Thomas Chinn were all that escaped.) The few healthy ones were employed day and night in minis- tering to the wants of the sufferers, and many in- stances of generous and devoted friendship occurred at this time. The recollection of their bitter suffer- ings bound the early settlers together in after-life. The new-comers might well be appalled at the pros- pect before them, and it is no wonder that extrava- gant stories were circulated of the sickness at In- dianapolis. Although nearly every person in the settlement was more or less assailed, and several hundred cases occurred during the prevalence of the epidemic, not more than., twenty-five terminated fatally. As winter approached the health of the community improved, and by the end of the year it was entirely restored. No cause was discovered for the unparalleled visitation, which the old settlers 1 EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 31 hold to this day in vivid remembrance." The report of this calamity went abroad, and for many years more or less affected the otherwise strong induce- ments of the settlement to new settlers, and for thirty years malarial disorders came almost as regu- larly as the seasons. The " sickly season" was as well known and well defined a period as the " dog- days," and continued so till the general clearing of the county and drying out of low bottom lands and swamps had diminished the sources of malarial influ- ence. The effect of the epidemic of 1821 on the settlement was to force it back from the river, and extend it eastward past the Circle and Court-House Square along Washington Street. The first death in the settlement, by tradition, was that of Daniel Shaffer, a merchant, who came early in the year, opened a store on the high ground south of the creek, near the present line of South Street, and died in the summer following. The first woman that died was the wife of John Maxwell, one of the first two settlers after the McCormicks in the spring of 1820. She died 3d of July, 1821, and was buried on the bluff of Fall Creek, near the site of the City Hospital. Eight persons were buried there during the epidemic. Mr. Commissioner Harrison was scared off home by it, but before he went he authorized Daniel Shaffer, James Blake, and Matthias R. Now- land to select a site for a cemetery. " One Sunday morning early in August," says Mr. J. H. B. Now- land, " they selected the place now known as the Old Graveyard. One week from that day Mr. Shaffer was buried there." If his memory is correct Mrs. Max- well's was the first death in the settlement, and the traditional burial of Shaffer near the corner of South and Pennsylvania Streets, and subsequent removal to the " Old Graveyard," now " Greenlawn Cemetery," is a mistake. Most of the burials during the epidemic were in that first cemetery. Following this visitation came another hardly less intolerable. The universal sickness prevented the cultivation of the " caterpillar deadening," and the influx of settlers at and after the first sales of lots made provisions distressingly scarce. Coffee wivs fifty cents a pound; tea, two dollars; corn, one dollar a bushel ; flour, four to five dollars a hundred ; coarse muslin or " factory," forty-five cents a yard. There were no roads into the settlement, nor anything better than cow-paths. All goods and provisions had to be carried on horseback from the White Water Valley, sixty miles away. The nearest grist-mill was Good- lander's, on the White Water. Corn was mainly bought of the Indians up the river and brought down in boats. Later keel-boats brought considerable car- goes of flour, whiskey, and powder, chiefly up the river. The settlers considered each one's stock of provisions the property of all that needed it, and divided with unstinted generosity. The year 1821 was marked by the establishment of the first business house, the store of Daniel Shaffer. He was followed in a short time by James and John Givan, the latter of whom became a vagrant and pauper, supported by an annuity contributed by the merchants of the city, and died only a few years ago, a very old man, with a marvelous memory of events and persons of that early time. Robert Wilmot began merchandising about the same time, or perhaps a little earlier, near the present corner of Washington and West Streets, in a row of cabins called " Wilmot's Row." Luke Walpole opened in the same business in the fall on the southwest corner of the State-House Square, Jacob Landis on the southeast corner, and Jeremiah Johnson on the northwest corner of Market and Pennsylvania. The first log school-house was built the same year, about where Kentucky Avenue enters Illinois Street, near a large pond. The first teacher was Joseph C. Reed, afterwards the first county recorder. The first log house on the old city plat was built by Isaac Wilson in the spring of 1820, on the northwest corner of what was afterwards the State-House Square. The first frame house was built by James Blake on the lot east of Masonic Hall in the fall of 1821. The timber had been cut during the summer by James Paxton on the donation. This was the first plastered house. That winter Thomas Carter, the auctioneer of the lot sales, built a ceiled frame tavern about where No. 40 West Washington Street is, and called it the " Rosebush," in the old English fashion of naming taverns, from a rough painting of that object on the sign. It was long after removed to a point near the canal, and then to West Street 32 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. near Maryland. John Hawkins had built a log tavern the fall before on Washington Street, north side, near the middle of the block east of Meridian. It may be noted in this connection, though chronologically dis- located, that the first brick building was erected for John Johnson in 1822-23, on a lot opposite the site of the post-oflBce. It was torn down a few years ago to make room for a better structure. Though the Johnson house was undoubtedly the first brick build- ing in the town, it is not so certain that it was the first in the county. Old residents of Wayne township, like Mr. Slattern and Mr. Gladden, say that a two-story brick residence was built by John Cook in 1821, in what is now Maywood, near the line of Wayne and Decatur townships. In its latter days, thirty-five or forty years ago, it cracked through the middle, and was held together by a hoop of large square logs, notched at the corners and wedged tight, between the lower and upper stories. It was a rare style of repair for a building of any kind, and may still be remem- bered by old residents on that account. It stood on the northern bluif of a low, level, wet prairie, the only one in the county, of which the now drained and cultivated remains, with possible patches of the orig- inal condition, are on the southern border of May- wood, and near the residence of Fielding Beeler, Esq. James Linton built the first two-story house, a frame, in the spring of 1822, on the site of No. 76 West Washington Street. He also built the first saw-mill on Fall Creek, above the Indiana Avenue or Craw- fordsville road bridge, and about the same time built the first grist-mill for Isaac Wilson on Fall Creek bayou, now known as " the race," near the line of North Street. The year 1821 saw the beginning of moral and intellectual culture as well as business. A school was taught by Mr. Reed during the latter part of the year, and Rev. John McClung, a preacher of what was called the " New Light" denomination, preached in the spring, some say in the sugar grove on the little knoll in the Circle. It is a question among the few old settlers who remember the occur- rence whether that was the first sermon heard in the New Purchase or one preached not far from the same time by Rev. Rezin Hammond. Mr. Nowland says that if Mr. McClung preached in the settlement that spring it must have been at Mr. Barnhill's, who belonged to the same denomination but lived outside of the donation. An old settler wrote in one of the city papers recently that Mr. Hammond preached near the site of the old State Bank, corner of Illinois Street and Kentucky Avenue, near a pond, which must have been close to the site of the first school- house, while others say he preached in the woods on the State-House Square. Mr. Nowland, years after- wards, met Mr. Hammond at Jeffersonville, and this first sermon was recalled. The party surveying the town, under Ralston, were then at work near the Circle, and they prepared on Saturday evening for the sermon next day by rolling logs together for seats and building a rough log rostrum. Not more than forty or fifty persons attended. " A few mo- ments after the services commenced," says Mr. Now- land, " an Indian and his squaw came by on their ponies. They halted a moment, and passed on to- wards the trading-house of Robert Wilmot. He was in the congregation, and at once rose and followed them ; but before he was out of hearing Mr. Hammond said, ' The pelts and furs of the Indians had more attractions for his Kentucky friend than the words , of God.' There can be little doubt," Mr. Nowland concludes, " that this was the first sermon preached in Indianapolis ; it was so regarded at the time." In August of the same year Rev. Ludlow G. Gaines, a Presbyterian clergyman, preached in the grove south of the State-House Square. No church or- ganization was attempted, however, till the spring of 1823. In July it was completed, and steps taken to build a church on North Pennsylvania Street, on the site of the Exchange Block. It was finished, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars, and occupied in 1824. The " Indianapolis Circuit" of the Methodist Church was organized by Rev. William Cravens in 1822, under authority of the Missouri Conference, but Rev. James Scott had preached here in private houses as early as October, 1821, by appointment of the same authority. A camp-meeting had been held in 1822, September 12th, and a second one in May^ 1823, after the organization of the circuit, but no house was occupied specially as a church till the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 33 summer of 1825, when a hewed-log house on Maryland Street near Meridian was bought for three hundred dollars and used for four years. In 1&28-29 a brick building was erected, at a cost of three thousand dollars, on the southwest corner of Circle and Meridian Streets, which became, when replaced in 1846, "Wesley Chapel." The first Baptist Church was organized in September, 1822, but held services in private houses or in a log school-house " on and partly in Maryland Street," between Tennessee and Mississippi Streets, which could be had " without interruption," as a committee reported in May, 1823, till a brick house was built on the southwest corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets in 1829. These were the beginnings of the three pioneer churches in Indianapolis and the New Purchase. They are noted here to present as com- plete a view as possible of the early settlement and history of the city and county. In the summer of 1821 the first marriage oc- curred. The bride was Miss Jane Reagan, the groom Jeremiah Johnson, who had to walk through an unbroken and pathless forest sixty miles to Con- nersville for his license (this county at that time having no organization), and the walk back made one hundred and twenty miles. He was an eccentric man, witty, cynical, with a fashion of retracting his lips when talking so as to show his yellow, tobacco- stained teeth, giving him something of the expression of a snarling dog. He was full of humorous conceits and quaint comparisons, and a delightful companion for young men when he was " tight" enough to feel jolly, as he frequently was. When the first telegraph line was completed to the city in 1848, " Old Jerry" saw it as ho was passing along Washington Street com- fortably " full," and broke out in a sort of apostrophe, " There ! they're driving lightning down the road, and with a single line at that !" Any one who has seen a team driven by a " single line" will appreciate " Old Jerry's" joke. He died very suddenly in 1857. Among other first events that have traditionally marked this year was the birth of the first child. But the tradition of that interesting occurrence is con- tested by two living witnesses, who rather confuse 3 one's faith, and leave a slight leaning to the skepticism which would doubt if any child was born at all. The traditional opinion, supported by two or three historical sketches, is that Mordecai Harding was that memorable infant, but tradition and history are both impeached by Mr. William H. White (before re- ferred to) and by Mr. Shirts, of Hamilton, who claims that Mr. Corbaley's son Richard was the first, in August, 1820, at his residence in the western part of the donation. Mr. Nowland denies the donation, says Mr. Corbaley lived west of the west donation line, but concedes the principal fact. Mr. White's claim is disputed by the general opinion of old set- tlers, but the other seems to be settled. During the whole of the year 1820 the " New Purchase" formed part of Delaware County, which, then unorganized, vaguely covered most of the northern and central portions of the State, and was attached for judicial purposes to Wayne and Fayette Counties. The residents of White River Valley were sued and compelled to answer in the courts of the White Water Valley, sixty miles away, and the compulsion was costly, irritating, and intolerable. The jurisdic- tion was disputed and resisted, and the Legislature, to avoid further and graver trouble, passed an act of Jan. 9, 1821, authorizing the appointment of two justices of the peace for the new settlements, with appeals to the Bartholomew Circuit Court. In April, 1821, Governor Jennings appointed John Maxwell, but he retained the office only a few months, and resigned. The settlers then elected informally James Mcllvaine, and the Governor commissioned him in October. He is described by the old residents who remember him, and by the sketches that speak of this period of the city's history, as holding court at the door of his little log shanty, on the northwest corner of Pennsylvania and Michigan Streets, with the jury sitting on a log in front, his pipe in his mouth, and Corbaley, the solitary constable, vigilantly crossing the plans of culprits to get away into the thick woods close about, as they are said to have done sometimes in spite of him. The late Calvin Fletcher was then the only lawyer, and the primary court of informal appeal for the easily-puzzled old squire. The po- 34 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. sitions of counsel and judge are not often consoli- dated in the same hands, — it is too easy for one to use and abuse the other ; but it was never charged that Mr. Fletcher misled his confidant in his own interest. The first especially exciting incident in the quiet course of the settlement brought the judicial power into a dilemma, from which it escaped by a pro- cess that did more credit to its ingenuity than its sense of justice. On Christmas-day, 1821, four Kentucky boatmen who had come up White River from the Ohio in a keel-boat to the BluiFs, thought that the new settlement farther up would be a good place for frolic, and they came and got howling drunk before daylight at Dan Larkins' " grocery," as liquor-shops were called in those days, and frequently were a mixture of saloon and grocery-store. As usual with the " half-horse and half-alligator" men of the Mike Fink breed, the predecessors of the " cow-boy," they began smashing the doggery as soon as they had got all the liquor they wanted. The row roused the settlement, and the gentlemen from Kentucky were respectfully re- quested to desist and make less noise. They re- sponded with a defiance backed by knives. The settlers consulted. They did not want the whiskey wasted, and they did want a quiet Christmas, or at least to make their own disturbance. They de- termined to put down the rioters. James Blake proposed to take the leader single-handed if the rest of Indianapolis would " tackle" the other three, and the consolidated remainder of the embryo cap- ital agreed. Blake and the Kentuokian were both large, powerful men, but the Hoosier was sober and resolute, and the Kentuckian drunk and furious, so the rioters were captured and taken to Squire McUvaine's. They were tried, fined severely, and in default of payment ordered to jail. There was no jail nearer than Connersville, and it would cost as much as their fines to take them there in the dead of winter under guard, so they were kept under guard here, with instructions to allow a little relaxation of vigilance in the night, and the hint was followed by the convenient escape of the whole party. Notwithstanding the appointment of justices, the courts of Wayne and Fayette Counties still claimed jurisdiction, and doubts were entertained of the va^ lidity of the appointment of Maxwell and Mcllvaine. To remedy all difficulties the citizens held a meeting at Hawkins' tavern to discuss the matter, and James Blake and Dr. S. G. Mitchell were appointed repre- sentatives of the settlement to attend the next session of the Legislature at Corydon as lobby members to secure an organization of the county. On the 28th of November the Legislature legalized the acts of Commissioner Harrison, he having acted alone in sur- veying the donation and laying off the town. It may be noted here as an indication of the readiness of the Legislature to encourage the growth of the place that on the 31st of December, 1821, an .act authorized Gen. Carr, the agent, to lease to McCart- ney and McDonald forty acres of the donation for ten years free, to be occupied as a mill-seat. On the same day an act was passed organizing the county, and requiring the organization to be completed on the 1st of April, 1822. It applied the present Court- House Square to that purpose, and provided for the erection of a court-house fifty feet square and two stories high, and appropriated eight thousand dollars to it. The courts that held sessions in the capitol, Federal, State, and county, were to use it forever if they chose, and the State Legislature was to use it for fifty years or till a State-House should be built. Two per cent, of the lot fund was to be given for the founding of a county library. The sessions of court and the elections were to be held at Gen. Carr's till the court-house was built. Johnson, Hamilton, and a large part of Boone, Madison, and Hancock were attached to this county for judicial purposes. Marion, Monroe, Owen, Greene, Morgan, Lawrence, Rush, Hendricks, Decatur, Bartholomew, Shelby, and Jen- nings Counties were formed into the Fifth Judicial Circuit. William W. Wick, of Connersville, was elected president judge by the Legislature, and Harvey Bates, of the same place, was appointed sheriflF by the Governor. They both came on and assumed their offices the following February, 1822. The latter, by a proclamation of Feb. 22, 1822, or- dered an election to be held on the 1st of the next cC^^Ciyy- EARLY SETTLEMENTS. 35 April for two associate judges, a clerk, recorder, and three county commissioners. The voting precincts were fixed at Gen. Carr's, in the town ; John Page's, at Strawtown, in Hamilton County ; John Berry's, Andersontown, Madison Co. ; and William McCart- ney's, on Fall Creek, near Pendleton. Returns were to be forwarded by the 3d of April. William W. Wick was a Pennsylvanian by birth, but came to Connersville, in this State, when a young man, and from there came to Indianapolis to assume the duties of his office. Ex-Senator Oliver H. Smith said that in 1824 " he, though a young lawyer, had had a good deal of experience in criminal cases." During his term as judge of the huge circuit, now formed into a half-dozen, he was elected brigadier-general of militia, no unimportant position in those days to an ambitious young man. He was Secretary of State for four years, from 1825 to 1829, then prosecuting attorney, and in 1833 was beaten for Congress by George L. Kinnard. He was success- ful though in 1839, and served in the House during the memorable " log cabin and hard cider" campaign of 1840. He was elected again in 1845, and re-elected in 1847. In 1853 he was made post- master by President Pierce, and on the expiration of his term in 1857 he retired from public life alto- gether. Soon afterwards he went to Franklin and made his home with his daughter, and died there in 1868. Hervey Bates, who was appointed sheriff by Governor Jennings, was a son of Hervey Bates, who was a master of transportation during the Indian war under Gens. Wayne and Harmar, and chiefly engaged in forwarding provisions and munitions of war from the frontier posts to the army in the wilderness. His son Hervey, the subject of this biographical sketch, was a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and born in that place in 1795, when it was called Fort Washington. When but about six years of age he lost his mother, and, his father having married again, he left the paternal roof, and in Warren, Lebanon County, Ohio, met with friends through whose agency he received a sufficient English education to qualify him for the ordinary pursuits of life. On attaining his majority he came to Brookville, Franklin County, where he married Miss Sidney Sedwick, cousin of the late Gen. James Noble, United States senator. During the year 1816 he cast, in Brookville, his first vote for a delegate to form a new constitution for the State of Indiana. Soon after Mr. Bates' marriage he removed to Con- nersville, and made it his residence until February, 1822, when Indianapolis, then a mere hamlet, became his home. Jonathan Jennings, the first Governor after. the admission of the State into the Union, ap- pointed William W. Wick president judge of the then Fifth Judicial District, and Hervey Bates, sheriff of Marion County, which then embraced several neigh- boring counties for judicial purposes, investing the latter with full power for placing in operation the necessary legal machinery of the county. This he did by issuing a proclamation for an election to be held on the first day of April, for the purpose of choosing a clerk of the court and other county officers, which was the finst election of any kind held in the new purchase. Mr. Bates was, at the following elec- tion held in October, made sheriff for the regular term of two years, but declined a subsequent nomination, having little taste for the distinctions of office. Mer- cantile pursuits subsequently engaged his attention, to which he brought his accustomed energy and in- dustry, and enjoyed success in his various business enterprises. Mr. Bates was the earliest president of the branch of the State Bank located in Indianapolis, and filled the position for ten years, during which time it en- joyed a career of unparalleled success, and greatly advanced the interests of the business community. Through the substantial aid afforded by this bank, most of the surplus produce of this and adjacent counties found a profitable market. Mr. Bates was also instrumental in the formation of the earliest insurance company, was a stockholder in the first hotel built by a company, in the first railroad finished to the city of his residence, the earliest gas- light and coke company, and in many other enter- prises having for their object the public welfare. In 1852 he began and later completed the spacious hotel ! known as the Bates House, at that time one of the most complete and elegant in the West. It was ! erected at a cost of sixty thousand dollars, and 36 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. modern improvements added, making a total cost of seventy-five thousand dollars. Many other public and private buildings in various portions of the city owe their existence to the enterprise and means of Mr. Bates. He was a generous contributor to all worthy religious and benevolent objects, and willingly aided in the maintenance of the various charitable institutions of Indianapolis. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher found in him a cordial friend when a resi- dent of the city, and in his less prosperous days. The death of Mr. Bates occurred on the 6th of July, 1876, in his eighty-third year, his wife having died previously. His children are Hervey Bates and Mrs. L. M. Vance, both of Indianapolis, and Elizabeth H., deceased. While this first election is pending a return may be made for a moment to pick up some incidents of the settlement that occurred between the sale of lots in October, 1821, and the election, April 1, 1822. No clearing of the streets had been attempted when the sales took place. Each little cabin was stuck away in its own little hole in the dense woods, and they were so dense that a man standing near the site of Bingham & Walk's jewelry-store could not see a house half-way down the block on the other side of Washington Street, west of Meridian ; so say old set- tlers and common tradition. Gen. Morris once said that it was just like camping out in a forest on a hunting expedition when he came here with his father in 1821, except that the camping-places were cabins instead of tents or brush houses. One neigh- bor could not see the next one's house. Hawkins built his tavern of logs cut on the lot in the very centre of Washington Street. For many years the less settled streets were more or less filled with trees and brush, and the only way along them was a cow- path. In order to open Washington Street, which the plan of the town had appointed for the principal thoroughfare, an offer was made by the settlers to give the timber to anybody who would clear oflf the trees. It would have been a very profitable contract a year later. The oiFer was accepted by Lismond Basye, a Swede, who had come from Franklin County that same fall. The trees were oak, ash, and walnut chiefly, and he thought he had a small fortune safe. When he had got them all down, and the street " to be" was worse blocked than before, aod there was no mill to saw them, he gave up the job in despair, and the people burned the super'o timber as it lay. In Jan- uary, 1822, the Legislature ordered the opening of a number of roads, and appropriated nearly one hundred thousand dollars to it, greatly to the satisfaction of the entirely isolated settlers. In the same month the State agent was instructed to lease unsold lots on condition that the lessees would clear them in four months, and this, as a step towards getting the settle- ment in something like civilized condition, was a gratifying measure. The lessees were allowed forty days to remove their improvements if the lots should be sold during their occupancy of them. On the 28th of January, 1822, the first newspaper of the settlement was issued by George Smith and Nathaniel Bolton, his step-son, called the Indianapolis Gazette. Mr. Nowland's memoir of Mr. Smith says " the printing-office was in one corner of the cabin in which the family lived," and the cabin was near a row of cabins built by Mr. Wilmot, called " Smoky Row," west of the line of the future canal and near Maryland Street. In the second year the office was moved to the northeast corner of the State-House Square. Mr. Smith learned the printer's trade in the office of the Observer of Lexington, Ky., and subse- quently worked upon the Liberty Hall and Gazette of Cincinnati, under the noted editor, Charles Ham- mond. In later life he lived in a frame house on the northeast corner of Georgia and Tennessee Streets, the ground now forming a part of the Catholic prop- erty about the St. John's Cathedral and the bishop's residence. Here about 1840, John Hodgkins estab- lished the first ice-cream or " pleasure garden," as it was called, and built the first ice-house, and laid down a little circular railway with a little locomotive to run upon it. Mr. Smith served two terms as associate judge of the county, and was the first man in the place to open a real estate agency, which he did in 1827. Some years before his death he bought a farm at Mount Jackson, which now forms part of the grounds of the Insane Asylum, and there he died in April, 1826, at the age of fifty-two. He was rather an eccentric man, but notoriously liberal to the poor. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY AND ERECTION OF TOWNSHIPS. 37 He and Governor Ray wore " cues"- in the old Revo- lutionarj' fashion. .The Governor discarded his in his old age, but Mr. Smith held to his as tenaciously as a Chinaman. Some catarrhal affection, probably, brought a fit of sneezing on him nearly every morn- ing early after he had dressed and got out of doors, and that sonorous sound could be heard by all the neighbors as far and as plainly and about as early as the morning song of his roosters. Nathaniel Bolton was a book-binder by trade. He became much better known to the Indianapolis people than Mr. Smith. He continued to edit the Gazette after the other had sold out his interest, when he had a larger constituency to speak for, and his wife, Sarah T. Barrett, of Madison, the earliest and most gifted and conspicuous of the poetesses of the State, helped his reputation by the abundance of her own. He was made consul at Geneva, Switzerland, in 1853, whence his wife wrote many letters to the Journal, then under the direction of an old friend, Mr. Sul- grove. In May, 1857, he came back in consequence of failing health, and died in a few months. For several years after he had sold his interest in the Gazette, he and his wife kept a country tavern on the farm that Mr. Smith lived on before his death at Mount Jackson. Mrs. Bolton is now living in a pleasant house in the country about three miles southeast of the city, and still frequently publishes . fugitive verses on passing occurrences that interest her, especially the death of old friends, marked with all the fertility of fancy and grace of style of her earlier poems. The mechanical processes of the first paper were primitive enough. The ink was partly compounded of tar, and the press-work was slow and hard. Com- position rollers were unknown till the secret of making them was brought here just ten years later by the late David V. Culley, for many years presi- dent of the City Council. There were no mails at all at first, and when a post-route was established soon afterwards its deliveries were so irregular that the editors had to apologize once for the deficiency of matter by saying that the failure of the mails had left them without any news from abroad or any suit- able material. Several post-routes were opened during the spring, in addition to one to White Water, opened a few weeks after the paper appeared first, but they came too late to relieve the urgent necessity of the winter and spring. The incessant and heavy rains greatly obstructed the main mail-route, and com-( pelled the entire suspension of the paper from the 3d of April to the 4th of May by catching the editors away from home and keeping the streams too deep to be forded. The first number appeared on the 28th of January, the second on the 11th of February, the third on the 25th, the fourth March 6th, the fifth on the 18th, the sixth April 3d, the seventh May 4th. The growth and changes of the Gazette will be noticed particularly in the sketch of the " Press." The first mail came very closely after the first paper. For nearly two years such correspondence as had been maintained between the new settlement and the older ones east and south on the White Water and the Ohio, had been carried on by the hands of neighbors and occasional travelers. On the 30th of January, 1822, a meeting of citizens was held at the " Eagle Tavern" (Hawkins') to devise means to maintain a private mail. The hope of a government mail does not seem to have been strong enough to be cultivated. Aaron Drake was selected for the duty of private postmaster and mail-carrier. He notified the postmasters all around of the arrangement that had been made, and askfed them to forward all letters for Indianapolis to Connersville, where he would get them. " He re- turned from his first trip," says an early sketch of the city, " shortly after nightfall, and the loud blasts of his horn were heard far through the woods, and the whole people turned out in the bright moonlight to greet him and hear the news." This effort aroused the general government, and President Monroe appointed Samuel Henderson first postmaster in February, 1822. He opened the ofBce the first week in March. A his- tory of the oflSce will be found in its proper place, and nothing more need be said of it 'here, except that the first list of letters awaiting delivery contained five names, one of them that of Mallory, the colored barber, > and first barber in the place. For some years, it is hard to say just how long, the mails were carried on horseback, subsequently they were taken in stage- coaches, and Indianapolis became nearly as conspio- 38 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. uous a stage centre as it is now a railroad centre. For many years the J. & P. Vorhees Company had large stables and coacH-making and repairing shops here on the southwest corner of Maryland and Penn- sylvania Streets. They were abandoned about 1852, when the advancing railroad lines began to absorb mails and passengers ; but the music of the " stage- horn" was long a pleasant sound in the ears of the old settler, for it brought him the principal variation of the monotony of a village life, except the regular winter sessions of the Legislature. For a short time during the administration of Van Buren a mail-route or two was run here on horseback in extra quick time, and called " express mails." The riders came gal- loping along Washington Street, blowing little tin horns with a din that delighted the school-boys, and for many a week they made night hideous with their horns. The winter of 1821-22, in spite of the prostration and starvation of the preceding summer and fall, was pleasantly passed in the main. The settlers becoming better acquainted, and frequently rendering each in- dispensable neighborly offices in sickness and destitu- tion, were naturally well disposed to relieve the lone- liness of an unusually severe winter in an impassable forest with such social entertainments as were within reach, so they kept up an almost unbroken round of quilting and dancing parties and other modes of killing time when there was nothing to do to enable them to make a better use of it. " A mania for marrying took possession of the young people," says the early sketch, " and there was hardly a single bachelor left in the place." The snow was very deep, and the river frozen so hard that large logs were hauled across it on heavy " ox-sleds." On the 25th of February the Gazette said that a good deal of improvement had been going on. Forty residences and several work-shops had been built, a grist-mill and two saw-mills were in operation, and more were in progress near the place. There were thirteen car- penters, four cabinet-makers, eight blacksmiths, four shoemakers, two tailors, one hatter, two tanners, one saddler, one cooper, four bricklayers, two merchants, three grocers, four doctors, three lawyers, one preacher, one teacher, seven tavern-keepers. These alone would indicate a population of about three hundred. But these were not alone : there we^e probably enough more adult males to complete a roll of one hundred, and show a population of five hundred. The first election was coming close as the pro- tracted winter began to loosen its grip on the iron ground and let the spring blossoms out to the sun- light. Candidates were pretty nearly as numerous as voters. There were two parties, but not separated by national party divisions. This was the " era of good feeling" in national politics. The old " Federal" and "Republican" differences were growing dim and the names unfamiliar. The division in the first election in Indianapolis was geographical. " White Water" and " Kentucky" were the names of might, and the voters took sides according to the direction they had traveled to get here. Just what sort of a compromise was made by the settlers who came in the first place from Kentucky, and resided for a while in the White Water before moving to the New Purchase, there is no indication to direct. The " White Water" leader was James M. Ray, the " Kentucky" chief Morris Morris, father of Gen. Thomas A. Morris, the real general and victor in the first campaign in West Vir- ginia. The candidates for associate judges — there were two — were Robert Patterson, James Mcllvaine, James Page, Eliakim Harding, John Smock, and Rev. John McClung. The candidates for clerk were James M. Ray, Milo R. Davis, Morris Morris, Thomas Anderson, and John W. Redding. For recorder there were Alexander Ralston, James Linton, Joseph C. Reed, Aaron Drake, John Givan, John Hawkins, William Vandegrift, and William Townsend. No record is left of the candidates for the three county commissionerships, but it is said there were about fifteen of them. There were no caucuses or conven- tions or primaries, and no obstruction to the ambition of any man that wanted to be a candidate. The poll in the town showed two hundred and twenty-four votes, a little more than one hundred probably being residents on the donation. In the county three hun- dred and thirty-six votes were cast, including a good part of all the counties around it. James Mcllvaine and Eliakim Harding were elected associate judges ; James M. Ray, clerk ; Joseph C. Reed, recorder ; ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY AND ERECTION OF TOWNSHIPS. 39 and John McCormick, John T. Oshorn, and William McCartney, county .commissioners. James M. Ray received two hundred and seventeen votes, which was the highest vote for any candidate. The newly-elected county commissioners qualified and held their first session on the 15th of April, in the house at the corner of Ohio and Meridian Streets, On the next day they divided the county, em- bracing the very large area already described, into Fall Creek, Anderson, White River, Delaware, Law- rence, Washington, Pike, Warren, Centre, Wayne, Franklin, Perry, and Decatur townships. The first four were in the territory afterwards formed into other counties. The following are the formally de- clared boundaries of the townships as first oonsti- tuted, which have composed the county ever since, with a very few slight changes. Only the "corners" are given, as they will enable any one to follow the lines readily : " Lawrence" township, in the northeast corner of the county, was given the following corners : The northeast corner of Section 15, Town 17 north of '■ Range 5 east, is the northeast corner of the town- ship; the southeast corner of Section 15, Town 16 I north of Range 5 east, is the southeast corner ; the • southwest corner of Section 15, Town 16 north of ; Range 4 east, is the southwest corner ; and the northwest corner of Section 16, Town 17 north of Range 4 east, the northwest corner. The township contains forty-nine sections, seven each way. " Washington" township, immediately north of Centre, has the following corners : On the northoaht, northeast corner of Section 17, Town 17 north of Range 4 east ; on the southeast, the southeast corner of Section 16, Town 16 north of Range 4 east; on the southwest, the southwest corner of Section 15, Town 16 north of Range 3 east; and the northwest, the northwest corner of Section 16, Town 17 north of Range 3 east. This township contains forty-nine sections, seven each way, like Lawrence. Three sec- tions were subsequently taken from Pike, in Town 16 north of Range 3 east, so that the southwest corner of Section 16, Town 17 north of Range 3 east, is the southwest corner of the township. " Pike" township, in the northwest corner of the county, is now somewhat different from the bounds set by the commissioners at this session. The four corners as set by them at this time are as follows : The northeast is the northeast corner of Section 17, Town 17 north of Range 3 east ; the southeast is the southeast corner of Section 16, Town 16 north of Range 3 east ; the southwest is the southwest corner of Section 16, Town 16 north of Range 2 east; the northwest is the northwest corner of the county. The east and west boundaries were both changed after this, so that the southeast corner is the southeast corner of Section 17, Town 16 north of Range 3 east, giving to Washington three sec- tions ; and on the west the bounds of the county were changed, giving the four east halves of sections to Pike, thus making the area forty-four sections, seven miles north and south, six miles on the south side and six and a half on the north side. " Warren" township, on the east of Centre, was described with the following corners : The northeast, the northeast corner of Section 22, Town 16 north of Range 5 east ; the southeast, the southeast corner of Section 22, Town 15 north of Range 5 east; the southwest, the southwest corner of Section 22, Town 15 north of Range 4 east; the northwest, the north- west corner of Section 22, Town 16 north of Range 4 east. The township contains forty-nine sections, seven sections each way, being almost exactly square, and has never been changed. " Centre township shall consist of the territory included within the following bounds, to wit : Be- ginning at the northeast corner of Section 21, Town 16, Range 4; thence south on the section line to the southeast corner of Section 21, Town 15, Range 4; thence west to the southwest corner of Section 22, Town 15, Range 3 ; thence north on the section line to the northwest corner of Section 22, Town 16, Range 3 ; thence east on the section line to the place of beginning." The township contains forty- two sections, seven miles north and south, six east and west, and has never been altered. " Wayne" township had and still has the follow- ing corners, having remained unchanged : The north-, east, the northeast corner of Section 21, Town 16 north of Range 3 east ; the southeast, the southeast 40 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. corner of Section 21, Town 15 north of Range 3 east ; the southwest, the southwest corner of Section 21, Town 15 north of Range 2 east; the northwest, the northwest corner of Section 21, Town 16 north of Range 2 east. The township contains forty-nine sections, being of tlie same shape and size as Warren. " Franklin" township is of the same size and shape as Centre, but has its greatest extension east and west. The corners are as follows : The north- east, the northeast corner of Section 27, Town 15 north of Range 5 east ; the southeast, the southeast corner of the county ; the southwest, the southwest comer of Section 22, Town 14 north of Range 4 east ; the northwest, the northwest corner of Sec- tion 27, Town 15 north of Range 4 east. This township also has never been changed. " Decatur" and " Perry" townships were at first given bounds which made them parallelograms, but they have since been so changed that the river forms a boundary line between them. The four corners of " Perry" township were as follows : The northeast, the northeast corner of Section 28, Town 15 north of Range 4 east ; the southeast, the southeast corner of Section 21, Town 14 north of Range 4 east ; the southwest, the southwest corner of Section 22, Town 14 north of Range 3 east ; the northwest, the north- west corner of Section 27, Town 15 north of Range 3 east. This made an area of forty-two sections, the same shape and size as Franklin, seven miles east and west, six north and south. The township now, how- ever, has about forty-five sections, making the river the west boundary line. " Decatur" township had the following corners : The northeast, the northeast corner of Section 28, Town 15 north of Range 3 east; the southeast, the southeast corner of Section 21, Town 14 north of Range 3 east ; the southwest, the southwest corner of the county; the northwest, the northwest corner of Section 27, Town 15 north of Range 2 east. This gave the township thirty-six sections, while it contains now but about thirty-three sections. " On account of lack of population" certain of the townships were, until other regulations were made, to be united and to be considered as one township. They were Centre and Warren, to be called " Centre- Warren" ; Pike and Wayne, " Pike- Wayne" ; Washington and Lawrence, " Washington- Lawrence" ; Decatur, Perry, and Franklin, all three to be known as " Decatur-Perry-Franklin" township. Each combination was assigned two justices except Centre- Warren, which was given three. Some of them were soon separated, the first being Decatur township, which was disunited on the 12th of August, 1823. The next separation was of Pike township from Wayne, on the 10th of May, 1824, a petition to that end having been presented by some of the citizens of the township ; and the commission- ers considering the population sufficient to warrant the order, Warren and Centre townships were separated by an order of the Board, May 1, 1826. Washington and Lawrence were separated Oct. 6, 1826. Franklin and Perry were separated Sept. 3, 1827, on a petition presented by the people of that township. On March 3, 1828, three sections in Pike town- ship, 3, 9, and 16, were attached to Washington. On the next day after the townships were formed the County Board ordered the election of " magis- trates" in all the townships, assigning two to the joint townships of Washington and Lawrence, two to Pike and Wayne, two to Decatur, Perry, and Franklin, and three to " Centre- Warren," as it is always written in the records. The 11th of May was set for the election. In Centre- Warren, Obed Foote, Wilkes Reagan, and Lismund Basye were elected, and their election contested by Moses Cox. The case was heard by the Board at a special session on the 16th of May, on a summons by the sheriff, with whom notice of contest had been filed. Some preliminary argument and ruling were made, and the next day the Board decided that the election should " be set aside and held as null and void." A second election was ordered on the 25th of May, eight days later, which was duly held, and the same men re- elected. That election was not disturbed. At the same May session of 1822 the first consta- bles were appointed : for Washington and Law- rence, William Cris and John Small ; for Pike and Wayne, Joel A. Crane and Charles Eekard; for ERECTION OP PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 41 Centre-Warren, Israel Harding, Joseph Duval, Francis Davis, George Harlan, William Phillips, Caleb Reynolds, Daniel Lakin, Lewis Ogle, Samuel Roberts, Joseph Catterlin, Henry Cline, Joshua Glover, and Patrick Kerr, — a larger force than the two townships have ever had since. At the April session, on the evening of the 17th, a county seal was adopted, thus described: "A star in the centre, with the letters ' M. C. C around the same, with inverted carved stripes tending to the centre of the star, and ' Marion County Seal' written thereon." On the 14th of May this seal was changed for the present one, thus officially described : " The words ' Marion County Seal, Indiana,' around the outside, with a pair of scales in the centre em- blematical of justice, under which is a plow and sheaf of wheat in representation of agriculture." The first roads opened or ordered in the county were considered upon the petition of William Townsend and others, and " viewed" by Joel Wright, John Smock, and Zadoc Smith for the one running " to the Mills at the Falls of Fall Creek,"— the old Pen- dleton road ; and by William D. Rooker, Robert Brenton, and George Norwood for the other, running from " the north end of Pennsylvania Street to Strawtown," — the old Noblesville road. The next road was along the line of the present National road, upon petition of Eliakim Harding ; the fourth, a road to McCormick's Mills, on White River, upon peti- tion of John McCormick ; the fifth, the old Moores- ville road, upon petition of Demas L. McFarland. These were all in May, 1822. On the 17th, continuing the same session, the County Board established the following tolls " on the ferry on White River opposite Indianapolis," which was established by an act of the preceding Legislature : "For eaoh wagon and four horses or oxen $0.62i " wagon and two horses or oxen 371 " wagon (small) and one horse or ox 31J *' extra horse or ox 12i " man or woman and horse 12i " head of neat cattle 03 " head of swine 02 " head of sheep 02 " footman 06i." At the same session of the Board the following " tavern rates" were established : "Each half-pint of whiskey $0.12i Each half-pint of imported rum, brandy, gin, or wine 25 Each quart of cider or beer 12^ Each quart of porter, cider wine, or cider oil 25 Each half-pint of poach brandy, cordial, country gin, or apple brandy 18} Each meal 25 Each night's lodging ]2i Each gallon of corn or oats 121 Eaoh horse to hay, per night 25." The tax-payers of to-day will be interested in the modes and rates of taxation fixed by the County Board in the first year of the county's organization. At a session of the Board held on the 14th ot May, 1822, the following rates were established for taxation : "For every horse, mare, gelding, mule, or ass over three years old $0.37i For stallions, once (their rate for the season) For taverns, each 10.00 For every ferry 6.00 For every $100 of the appraised valuation of town lots 50 For each and every pleasure carriage of two wheels... 1.00 For each pleasure carriage of four wheels 1.25 For every silver watch 25 For every gold watch 50 For every head of work-oxen over three years old and upwards, per head 25 On each male person over the age of twenty-one years.. .50 " Provided, That persons over the age of fifty years and not freeholders, and such as are not able from bodily disability to follow any useful occupation, . . . and all idiots and paupers shall be exempt from said last-named tax." At the same session in which the tax rates were settled an order was made for the erection of the first jail. The sheriff, Hervey Bates, was appointed county agent to receive bids. The specifications required as follows : " It is to be built fourteen feet in the inside, two stories high, of six and a half feet between floors, to be of hewed logs twelve inches thick and at least twelve inches wide, with two rounds of oak or walnut logs to be under ground;" and "the second floor and the side logs to be of the same size of walnut, oak, ash, beech, or sugar-tree ;" and " the third or upper floor to be of logs six inches thick and at least one foot wide." The roof was to be of jointed shingles. There was to be a window in the lower story or dungeon twelve inches square. The grate-bars for it were to be 42 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. one inch and a quarter in thickness; and there was a window two feet by six inches in the second story, opposite the door by which the jail was en- tered. This door was four feet by two, of two thicknesses of two-inch oak plank, with a heavy stock-lock between, and also heavy strap hinges. There was to be a ladder leading up on the out- side to the door in the second story, and another door, a trap two feet square, in the floor of the second story, leading down into the lower story, which was to be fastened with a hasp and pad- lock." The contract was awarded to Noah Leaverton, some time in Mayor June, 1822, by Hervey Bates, and was submitted to the commissioners for in- spection, and accepted on August 12th. " The Board approve, adopt, and permanently establish the building erected of hewed logs . . . on the Court-House Square, near the corner of Market and Delaware Streets, in Indianapolis, as the county jail." It cost three hundred and twelve dollars. (Pages 27, 28, 29, Commissioners' Record.) The jail looked a good deal like a small, re- spectable residence, bating the suggestive quality of the heavy iron gratings. In the summer of 1833 a negro came to the town wearing a black cap with a red leather band around it, and leading sometimes, sometimes riding, a bu£Falo. He made a show of it on the streets occasionally, and was followed by the usual crowd of curious boys, who gave him a name that another man has lately made famous, " Buffalo Bill." He was arrested for some offense, larceny probably, and put in jail. That night he set it on fire to make his escape, and came near being burned in it. The hole in the ground where the two lower courses of logs had lain was visible for twenty years. Jeremiah Johnson was the first jailer. It was succeeded by a brick jail on the east side of the Court-House Square, one end abut- ting directly upon Alabama Street. In this the jailer was provided with rooms for residence. In 1845 a hewed-log addition was made on the north and used for the confinement of the worst pris- oners. It was built of logs hewed to one foot square, and laid in three courses, the first horizontal, the one outside of it and bolted to it perpendicular or oblique, and the third, exterior to that, horizontal. An exterior casing of the same kind, consisting of one vertical and one horizontal course of hewed logs, was put round the first jail some time after it was built. In 1852 the present jail, in the east corner of the Court-House Square, was Degun and com- pleted in 1854, when the old jail was torn away. Several additions have been made to the present one, at an aggregate cost of near one hundred thousand dollars, but the increase of crime in a city so con- venient to scoundrels, from its facilities for escape, and so largely made up at all times of transient resi- dents, has constantly exceeded the county's ability to take adequate care of the criminals. Escapes have not been very infrequent, and grand juries, whenever they make an examination, are pretty sure to report insuflBcient room. In this connection may be noticed more appro- priately than in the detached accounts following a chronological order, the crimes which have met the extreme penalty of the law in the present jail, as well as the first offenses in the history of the settlement. Until within the last decade no sentence of death had ever been passed upon any murderer in Marion County. Then William Cluck was convicted of the murder of his wife and sentenced to be hung. The sheriff had the gallows built and in place in the jail- yard, but a day or two before that set for the execution the murderer got poison and killed himself In the fall of 18GS, Mrs. Nancy B. Clem, William J. Abrams, and Silas W. Hartman, Mrs. Clem's brother, were indicted for the murder of Jacob Young and his wife, — a horrible affair, in which the body of Mrs. Young was partially burned after she had been shot through the head, — known as the " Cold Spring" murder, and the woman was convicted of murder in the second degree and sentenced to imprisonment for life early in March, 1869. Just one week afterwards her brother cut his throat in his cell to escape an inevita- ble death by the halter. These were the nearest approaches made to the death penalty in this county till its first actual infliction in January, 1879. The frequent escape of murderers whose crimes deserved ' ERECTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 43 death had stirred a strong feeling into public expres- sion against the weakness of the law as a protection of the community, and the almost certain escape of every offender, whatever his crime, if he could pay well for a defense, had strengthened this feeling. It appeared in the editorials and communications of the papers, in allusions in public speeches and sermons, in social conversation, and, more emphatic than all, in frequent lynchings all about in the State. Mrs. Clem, though twice convicted, finally worried the law by appeals and change of venue and postponement till she was discharged, and this more than any other one thing had set the community hard against any lenity to the next murderer. In November, 1878, John Achey was convicted of the murder, by shooting, of George Leggett, a partner in a gamblingoperation, and sentenced to death on the 29th of January, 1879. On the 13th of Decem- ber, 1878, William Merrick, a livery-stable keeper on South Street, was convicted of the murder of his wife. She had been a school-teacher, and saved a considerable sum of money. While paying her his addresses he borrowed all her money, seduced her, and only after much solicitation married her. Within a day or two of her confinement he took her out riding after dusk, gave her strychnine in a glass of beer, which caused premature child-birth in the agonies of death, and then drove with the dead bodies to a small wood near the Morris Street bridge over Eagle Creek, where he dug a shallow hole on the creek bank, put the bodies naked in it, and covered them with logs. He burned in his stable the clothing he took from his wife's corpse in the dark- ness of midnight and the woods, and no discovery was made for several days. Then a boy going along the creek found the bodies, the wife was identified by some physical marks still discernible through the de- composition, and very soon after the husband was arrested. The horrible brutality of the crime, the cool, callous, calculating cruelty in every stage of it, the beastliness of the burial, all provoked so hot an exasperation of popular feeling that for the first time there were serious threats of lynching. He was sentenced to be hung at the same time Achey was, January 29th. Some att«mpts were made to obtain a commutation for Achey, whose provocation had been great, and would have saved him a death sentence in any other condition of feeling of the community, but nothing was done for Merrick. They were hung on the same gallows at the same instant, Merrick sullen, dogged, and silent to the last, though indicating a desire to speak at the moment the drop fell. Louis Guetig was convicted the same year of the murder of Miss McGlue, a waiter in the hotel kept by his uncle whom he had been courting, but who had discarded him. He shot her in the courtyard of the hotel . while imploring him not to kill her, and imperiled several other girls who were present, and was sen- tenced to be hung with Achey and Merrick ; but his counsel obtained on appeal a reversal of some trivial instruction of the court below, and a second trial fol- lowed, with a second conviction and death sentence, and he was hung on Sept. 19, 1879, the anniversary of the murder. These are the only death sentences ever passed or inflicted in Marion County, except that of a colored man named Greenly for murdering his sweetheart. He was sentenced, but the Governor commuted his punishment to life imprisonment. The first grand jury of the county returned twenty- two indictments by Joseph C. Reed, the first recorder and school-teacher, of which six wore non prossed. They were pretty much all, except one assault and battery, for selling liquor without a license, a^lass of ofienses which has always been a strong one in In- dianapolis and is yet. The first suflFerer of thousands of lawless liquor dealers through a course of two gener- ations was John Wyant. So many indictments at the first term of court in so small a settlement, with no roads and no navigable streams, and no neighbors but Indians, would indicate the presence of a considerable portion of the lawless element that always mixes itself up with the real pioneer and improving element, though there was much less of it and of a less dan- gerous quality than that appearing on the present fron- tiers of civilization. The first felony appears, from Mr. Nowland's recollection, to have been a burglary committed by an old man named Redman, and Warner his son-in-law, on the grocery-store of the late Jacob Landis in 1824. Col. Russell was the sherilf, and a search-warrant enabled him to find the missing goods 44 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. or most of them. Warner's wife attempted to con- ceal them under her clotliing, but was detected. The oflFenders were sent to the penitentiary for several years. The first murder was committed long after- wards in 1833, and will be noticed particularly in its place. The Court-House Square, like all the rest of the town, was a dense wood when the first jail was put there, and a little later when the first steps for a court-house were taken, on the representations of James Blake, the county commissioners made an order that in clearing the square two hundred trees (sugars or maples it was understood) should be spared for a grove. No special direction having been given the contractors they left the largest trees, which, when the surrounding protection of forest had been cut away, had to bear the brunt of every wind that blew, and were soon so greatly damaged that they were cut down and cleared away entirely. The con- tractors for clearing were Earl Pierce and Samuel Hyde, for fifty-nine dollars. Many years after an at- tempt was made to reproduce a little shade by a grove of suitable trees, but the saplings were killed by drought or carelessness, mischievous boys or breachy cattle. There has never been any shade worth speak- ing of in the Court-House Square since the primeval forest was cut away in 1822. With the progress of the present court-house the square has been filled from a shallow depression to a very handsome eleva- tion, and some fine trees would become both. On Thursday, the 15th of August, 1822, as ap- pears from the " Commissioners' Record" (page 45), the County Board ordered the clerk to advertise in the Indianapolis Gazette for bids for a court-house, to be built upon plans furnished by John E. Baker and James Paxton. The specifications in brief were : The building was to front on Washington Street, to be forty-five by sixty feet, and ninety-four feet high from the ground. It was to be of brick, and two stories high. The foundation was to be of stone, eighteen inches in the ground and three feet and a half out of the ground, and three feet thick. The walls of the lower story were to be twenty-seven inches thick, and of the second story twenty-two inches. There was to be a cupola in the centre twenty-two and a half feet high, on top of it a dome five feet high, then a shaft twelve feet, and finally an iron spire with a gilt ball and vane. On the first floor were a court-room forty and a half feet square, and another small room and a hall, each thirteen feet three inches square. In the second story there were to be a court-room forty-one feet three inches by twenty-five feet, two rooms sixteen feet square, the hall and a room thirteen feet six inches square, and an entry eight and a half feet wide. The first story was fifteen and a half feet, the second fifteen feet. There was a " Doric cornice gutter on the roof, and four tin conductors with capitals." The roof was to be of poplar shingles, jointed, five inches to the weather. At a special meeting held on the 3d of September, 1822, the commissioners examined bids for building the house, and awarded the contract to John E. Baker and James Paxton for thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-six dollars. Operations were to commence before the 1st day of April, 1823, and the building to be completed in three years. The build- ing was inspected by the commissioners, who were still in office, and this was their last official act. It was on the 7th day of January, 1825. Only a little painting and other work remained (incompleted. (Commissioners' Record, pages 45, 46, 47, and 54.) Until the completion of the court-house court was held, as the law required, at the residence of Gen. John Carr, a double log cabin on Delaware Street, about opposite the entrance to the court-house. The first session was held here on the 26th of September, 1822, with Judge William W. Wick presiding, the newly-qualified associates, McUvaine and Harding, assisting, James M. Ray as clerk, and Hervey Bates as sheriffi After the court was organized it ad- journed to Crumbaugh's house, west of the line of the future canal. Calvin Fletcher was made the first prosecutor, continuing for three terms, and fol- lowed by Harvey Gregg, Hiram Brown, William Quarles, Philip Sweetser, James Morrison, Hugh O'Neal, Governor Wallace, Governor Hammond, and others more or less eminent in the profession. There were thirteen civil causes on the docket, and twenty-two indictments found, of which, as already ERECTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 45 related, six were non pressed. Eleven lawyers were present, five of them being residents. The session lasted three days, naturalized an Irishman, Richard Good, licensed John Hawkins to sell liquor, indicted a dozen or more for selling without a license, and established " prison bounds" for the unfortunates arrested and confined for debt, that relic of barbarism being still in mischievously vigorous condition here. The first civil case was Daniel Bowman vs. Meridy Edwards ; the first criminal case, State vs. John Wyant, for violation of license laws. The second session was opened May 5, 1823, at Carr's, and ad- journed to Henderson's tavern, on the site of the " New York Store." Here appeared the first divorce case, Elias Stallcup vs. Ruth Stallcup. The third session was opened at Carr's, as usual, Nov. 3, 1823, but adjourned to Harvey Gregg's house. The fourth, April 12, 1824, adjourned from Carr's to John John- son's, and the fifth met at Carr's, Oct. 11, 1824, and adjourned to the partially completed court-house, and never afterwards left it till it was torn down in 1870 to make room for the present one. This old court-house was practically the only pub- lic building in the town from 1825 to 1835. The Legislature made a State-House of it for three months every winter. The Federal Court, the Su- preme Court, the County Court, and the County Board all met and did business there. More than this, after the completion of the State-House, and the removal of that portion of public business to its own quarters, the old court-house became the City Hall, the place of conventions, the ready resort of every gathering that could not go anywhere else and could pay for lights there. The county's fuel usually warmed all that got in, whether public charity or private show. Joseph G. Marshall and James Whit- comb, two of the ablest men in the United States in the days of the giants, held their debate there when opposing candidates for Governor in 1843. The eccentric wandering preacher, Lorenzo Dow, preached there in 1827. Professor Bronson gave his first lec- tures on " Elocution" there. Col. Lehmanowski lec- tured there on " Napoleon's Wars." Preachers " out- side of any healthy organization," as the Southern senators said of Seward and Sumner, who could not get the " Old Seminary," could always get the court- house. " Nigger minstrels" gave the first of their performances there. A ventriloquist gave a show there. John Kelly played the fiddle there. Wil- liam S. Unthank lectured there on electro-magnetism as a motive-power more than thirty years ago. County conventions and city meetings assembled there. But a year or two before it was torn down the citizens held a meeting there to take measures to get the Agricultural College, for which Congress had made provision in all the States, located here, against the competition of Lafayette and John Purdue. A Mr. Keeley in 1844 made experiments in mesmerism there, and set half the fools in town mesmerizing the other half. Few buildings in a new country, or any country, have had a greater variety of experiences in as short a life. It was State-House, court-house, oc- casional church, convention hall, lecture-room, con- cert-room, show-room, ball-room in forty-five years. During the time the present court-house was in course of erection, from May, 1870, to July, 1876, the courts were held in a large, cheap two-story brick building at the west gate, near where the west entrances from the street now are. In front, and to the east a few feet, were the old offices of the county, the clerk and treasurer, recorder and auditor, the last two in the second story, the others on the ground- floor. In 1827 the Legislature appropriated five hundred dollars to build a little double-room, one- story brick house at the west entrance of the Court- House Square, for the clerk of the Supreme Court, then and for many years afterwards Henry P. Coburn, one of the foremost of the old citizens in all good work. He was one of the first trustees of the town government, one of the first trustees of the Old Seminary, and one of the first three trustees of the city schools, a position in which he contributed as largely as any man to their wise and beneficent estab- lishment. He was always put in for gratuitous pub- lic services, and never made any difference in the faithfulness and efficiency of his discharge of them. He was a graduate of Harvard and a college-mate with Edward Everett, came to this place with the State government in 1824, was the father of Gen. John Coburn and Henry, of the firm of Coburn & Jones, 46 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and died July 20, 1854, at the age of sixty-four. This little building was torn down in 1855, and the clerk's office was removed to the State-House. The present court-house was completed in six years from the removal of the old one, at a cost of one million four hundred and twenty-two thousand three hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventy-nine cents, a lit- tle more than one hundred times as much as the old house of 1823-25 cost. Costly as it was, and re- cently as it has been completed, it is said to show signs of dilapidation. The State is once more making a capitol of the county's house while wait- ing for its own building, as it did from 1825 to 1835, but it had a right to the first one, for it paid for it and used it as an owner. It has no right to this one, and must pay as a tenant. The city has found quarters for its offices in the same building, after moving about from the old Marion Engine house on the Circle to any convenient rooms it could get till it found something like a permanent location in the Glenn Block, and another later where the Msenner- chor Hall is. It will stay now where it is till it gets a hall of its own. The only other building ever erected on the Court-House Square was a large tem- porary frame, built by the political parties for cam- paign meetings in 1864 on the southeast corner of the square. It remained for some time after its special use was completed, and was made a sort of public hall. Following the incidents of the organization of the first court and the occupancy of the Court-House ; Square has carried this narrative beyond the order of time, and it may now return to the further action of the first session of the County Board. On the 16th of April the commissioners, under an act of the Legislature, appointed Daniel Yandes county treas- urer, to serve for one year, or till the next February session, which was the regular time of appointment. On the 13th of November, 1822, he made his first report, and it will be found interesting at this day, when the revenues and expenses of the county are equal to those of the State at that time : " Daniel Yandes, County Treasurer, Dr. To amount of receipts up to this date, for store licenses, tavern licenses, and taxes on certificates and sales and writs $169,931 To certified amount of county revenue assessed for 1822 726.79 To the balance in your favor on settlement this day.... 79. Hi $975.84 Treasurer, Cr. By payment to grand jurors to this date $2.25 '* to county commissioners .^6.00 " to listing, appraisers, etc 70.50 " to prosecuting attorney 15.25 " to expenses of the courts and juries 40.50 " to returning judges of elections 9.50 " to building county jail account 140.50 •' to work on Court-House Square..... 59.00 " to viewers and surveyors of roads 8.12i " on poor account 5.00 " on school section account 1.50 " for printing 32.S7i $421.00 To treasurer's per cent, on $421.00 at 5 per cent 21.00 By amount of county revenue yet due from Harris Tyner, collector, for the year 1822 490.84} By amount deducted from revenue by delinquents... 42.87i $975.84" Mr. Yandes was reappointed Feb. 10, 1823, to serve for one year, and was reappointed annually till 1829. The following are the dates of his later ap- pointments: Feb. 11, 1824, Jan. 3, 1825, Jan. 6, 1826, Jan. 1, 1827, Jan. 8, 1828. James John- son was appointed in 1829. Hervey Bates was elected sheriff at the regular State election in August, and served till 1824, when Alexander W. Russell succeeded him, and was succeeded in 1828 by Jacob Landis. Harris Tyner appears from the report of Mr. Yandes to have been the first tax collector. James Paxton was the first assessor, by appointment of the County Board, April 17, 1822. George Smith, of the Gazette, was elected coroner at the regular elec- tion in August, but seems not to have served, and the first in service was Harris Tyner, commissioned Sept. 1, 1823. A complete list of county officers will be found in a more appropriate connection. The purpose here is only to notice the first occupants and duties of the officers. On the 29th of May two keel-boats came up the river, the " Eagle" from the Kanawha, and the " Boxer" from Zanesville, the former loaded with fif- teen tons of salt, whiskey, tobacco, and dried fruit, the latter with thirty-three tons of dry-goods and print- ing material for Luke Walpole, one of the earliest of the merchants, who then had a store on the Court- NOTABLE EVENTS AND INCIDENTS. 47 House Square. Stores then and for years after kept dry-goods, groceries, hardware, queensware, liquor, everything, as old backwoodsmen used to say, " from scythe-snathes to salt fish, hymn-books, calico, and tobacco," and a strip of red flannel hung over the door was the usual sign. On the 17th of June a meeting was held at Hawkins' tavern, on Washington Street, to prepare for the first celebration of the Fourth of July. It took place on the " Military Ground," which then covered pretty much all the area north of Washington Street and west of West Street, then a country lane, to the road along the edge of the bluflf of White River and Fall Creek bottoms, now called Blake Street, and north to Michigan Street. It was heavily wooded, largely with hackberries, whose little black beads of fruit with a mere .scale of covering, as sweet as any bee ever made, were a favorite indulgence of the school-boys of a later day. A few of these old hack- berries are still standing in what is left of the " Military Ground" in Military Park. The opening ceremony of the occasion was a sermon by Rev. John McClung, the " New Light" pioneer preacher, on the text, from Proverbs, " Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Rev. Robert Brenton " closed with a prayer and benediction." Be- tween the two religious extremes there came a brief address from Judge Wick on the events and charac- ters of the Revolution, closing with the Declaration. Squire Obed Foote read Washington's Inaugural Address, with remarks appropriate to the subject, and John Hawkins read the Farewell Address, with suitable reflections. The audience certainly got a better quality of literature and sentiment than they would have been likely to get from a larger infusion of original matter. The more material enjoyment of the day was a deer killed the day before by Robert Harding on the northwest corner of the donation, and " barbecued" in a sufiicient hole dug near a big elm. A long table was sot under the trees, and a better feast made than could be got for less vigorous appetites at ten dollars a mouth at a Delmonico's. During the dinner the inevitable speeches were made by Dr. Samuel G. Mitchell and Maj. John W. Red- ding. The festivities were completed by a ball at the house of J. R. Crumbaugh, just west of the site of the canal near Washington Street. The observance of the Fourth of July was kept up faithfully for about the third of a century. Then it began to fail in interest, and the war put an end to it. For much the greater part of this long period the celebration was confined to the Sunday-schools almost wholly, only a rare parade of mechanics or firemen breaking the current. Early in the morning the children of each school would meet at the church, form a procession with banners, the least in front, and march, under the superintendent, to some point near the Circle, where all would fall in and make a pro- cession of several thousands in the latter days, always under the marshalship of James Blake, and go to the State-House Square or to some convenient grove, where a platform and seats had been provided, and there bear a prayer, a reading of the Declaration by some young fellow of promising qualities, and an oration of the stereotyped kind from a lawyer or preacher or some one of a pursuit inclining to oratory. Governor Porter achieved his first local distinction by a Fourth of July address in the grove on West Street, afterwards the site of the Soldiers' Home. It was not of the stereotyped, eagle-screaming, sun- soaring style, however. He had a Revolutionary soldier on the platform, and made as efi"ective a use of him, in a less degree, as Webster did of his old soldiers in his speech on Bunker Hill. Another striking address on a like occasion was that of ex- Governor Wallace in the State-House Square the year before, not far from the middle of the decade of 1840 to 1850. The conclusion of the celebration was a liberal distribution of " rusks" and water, and a benediction that sent all home before the unpleasant hour of noon. Since the war the Fourth has been a sort of general picnic holiday, or occasion for a fes- tive celebration by some one of the many associations in the city. For about thirty years it was steadily maintained by the Sunday-schools, from 1828 to 1858. On the 20th of June, three days after settling upon the mode and means of celebrating the Fourth, the citizens held another meeting at the school- house, near the present intersection of Illinob 48 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Street and Kentucky Avenue, to settle the ar- rangements for a permanent school. Trustees were appointed, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence selected as teachers. The school was maintained for some years. Mr. Reed, the first teacher in the settlement, did not keep his place more than one quarter, — all schooling was counted by the quarter (of twelve weeks) in those days, — but others succeeded him till this permanent arrangement was made in June, 1822. Who the first trustees were there is no record to tell, and no reminiscence recalls them, but it would not be a wild guess to say that James Blake or James M. Ray or Calvin Fletcher was among them. The first State election in the New Purchase oc- curred on the 5th of August, 1822. William Hendricks, uncle of ex-Governor and ex-United States Senator Thomas A. Hendricks, received three hundred and fifteen out of the three hundred and seventeen votes cast for Governor. He served two terms in the National Senate after leaving the Ex- ecutive chair. This vote would indicate a popula- tion of fifteen hundred to sixteen hundred in the county with the enlargement then appended to it. As above noted, Mr. Bates was elected sheriff at this election, and served a full term of two years. George Smith, elected coroner, was succeeded in 1824 by Harris Tyner. In the militia election of the 6th of the next month, James Paxton was elected colonel of the Fortieth Regiment, Samuel Morrow lieutenant-colonel, and Alexander W. Rus- sell major. The leading events of the three years of the first settlement of the city may be summed up thus: in 1820 the selection of the capital site, birth of first child, cultivation of the " caterpillar deadening;" in 1821 the first appointment of justices, laying out the town, the epidemic and the famine, the first sermon, the first marriage, the first death, the first store, the first sale of lots, the first school- house and school, — a year of first things ; in 1822 the organization of the county, designation of town- ships, measures for county buildings, first tax levy and report, and generally the incidents of the tran- sition of a community from an accidental collection into an organized body prepared to support and take care of itself. During the remainder of the year 1822 the chief incidents of which any record or recollection remains was a camp-meeting, beginning September 12th, east of the town, presided over by Rev. James Scott, sent here by the St. Louis Confer- ence in 1821, the first of a long series of this class of assemblages held in or about the donation, and still kept up, in an improved form with perma- nent arrangements, at a convenient point southeast of the city, near the little town of Acton, on the Cincinnati Railroad. The " Military Ground" was a favorite location for some years. Then they were held in the northwest corner of the donation, in & sugar-grove east of the canal, known as the " Tur- key Roost," and the general resort of the school- boys for little sugar saplings for "shinny clubs." The camp-ground was in the western edge of it. For some years a grove near the present site of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum was used, then for a considerable time they were abandoned about here altogether. Their revival and establishment permanently at Acton is an afiair of the last decade mainly. For a whole generation the most prominent and efiec- tive preacher at camp-meetings was Rev. James Havens, irreverently called by the ungodly " Old Sorrel," a man of rugged and powerful structure, both physically and intellectually, as fearless as the famous Peter Cartwright, and as well able to pro- tect himself from the violence that he sometimes had to encounter or expect from the " roughs" who sought diversion in disturbing the meetings. The most notable incident in all that is remem- bered of these gatherings about here is his en- counter with a man named Burkhart, commonly called " Buckhart," the leader of a lawless crowd brought here by the work on the National road and the Central Canal, and left here idle when those works were abandoned. They lived by dig- ging wells and moving houses, when they did any- thing but steal, and when they could not do better lived on the corn and potatoes, pigs and chickens of the farms that then covered the greater part of what is now the city. They were called the " chain- NOTABLE EVENTS AND INCIDENTS. 49 gang." Two or three met violent deaths in affrays a few years later, but Burkhart left the town, went down about the " Bluffs," and died in his bed at a ripe old age, in better moral condition than he had lived for most of his life. The camp-meeting which was the scene of the incident was held on the "Military Ground." "Old Dave Buckhart" appeared there on the skirts of the assembly pretty drunk, and wandering barefooted in the simple costume of a dirty shirt and pair of pantaloons, his usual style of dress, from one point to another, singing a ribald song, or couplet rather, of his own making. Gen. Thomas A. Morris, the hero of the West Virginia campaign, the credit of which Mc- Clellan absorbed, and Hugh O'Neal, one of the fore- most criminal lawyers of the State, had learned some- thing of the purpose of the chain-gang to disturb the camp-meeting, and went there expressly to pre- vent it and punish the rowdies. As soon as Burk- hart's singing was seen to attract attention they went to him, and at almost the same instant Mr. Havens came up. A peremptory order of silence was met by a drunken defiance, which the legendary account says was followed by a blow " from the shoulder" by the preacher that knocked the rowdy senseless. But Gen. Morris says he is not sure that Mr. Havens struck Burkhart, and that there was no knock-down. This phase of the story took form from an occurrence the next day, when Burk- hart was before Squire Scudder for disturbing the meeting. He was " gostrating" to the crowd at- tending the trial, and the late Samuel • Merrill, thinking that the most effectual way to "squelch" the leader of the " chain-gang" and hold it in more wholesome dread of the law-abiding commu- nity would be to beat him at his own game, and show him that rowdies were not as formidable an- tagonists as better men, challenged him to wrestle with him. The rowdy was heavily and easily thrown by the sober and muscular lawyer, greatly to his chagrin and the discomfiture of the gang. It was not long after this that he left the town, and never returned except for a brief visit. An incident of the fall of 1822, still well remem- bered by the survivors of the early settlers, was an invasion of gray squirrels that came from the east going westward. They were liberally killed, but the massacre made no impression on their countless num- bers. They destroyed a large portion of the corn they found in the line they followed as undeviatingly as a bullet, in spite of fences and 'streams and swamps. In 1845 another such emigration occurred, but of less extent and destructiveness. After this last there came a gradual change upon the character of the squirrel population of the county. Previously the " gray" was the only variety known, except a very rare red or " fox" squirrel. Afterwards the latter became the larger, and displaced the other almost as largely as it had itself been displaced. But this sort of game disappeared rapidly after the completion of the first lines of railroad, and now it is rarely seen nearer the city than a half-dozen miles. The fall of 1822 was signalized by the first at- tempts to open roads under the act of the Legislature of the preceding session. These roads must be dis- tinguished from the county roads, ordered by the County Board on petition, and examined by " view- ers," which constituted so large a part of the care of the county government in early days, and ever since in fact. They were surveyed and some work done upon them under direction of commissioners ap- pointed by the act authorizing them, but little seems to have been accomplished, except to clear away the trees, leaving the stumps nearly as serious an ob- struction. The White Water region was that with which the settlement naturally desired the earliest intercourse, and the roads in that direction were first opened, with one southward toward Madison, over which early in the winter a public meeting at Carter's tavern demanded a weekly mail to Vernon, Jennings Co., during the sessions of the Legislature at Cory- don. The roads of this period and for many a year afterwards were about as bad as any civilized com- munity ever had to put up with. They were pass- able for wagons and loads only when dried up in summer or frozen up in winter, and even in these favorable conditions there were long stretches that had to be " cross-layed" with rails or logs, filled in with chunks, to be passable even to a traveler on horseback. Since the advent of railroads, and the 50 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. diminished reliance of the community on wagon- roads for any but neighborhood communication, these latter have been improved greatly everywhere, and now there are none entering the city that are not well graded and graveled, and as passable at one season as another. The first change from the primitive condition of the roads was the " macadamizing" of the National road by the government. An effort was made early in the settlement to get Congress to run the line of this then great national work through Indianapolis, but nothing was accomplished till Oliver H. Smith, afterwards founder of the " Bee Line" Railroad, be- came a member of Congress from the eastern district of the State in 1827. The line would have passed near Columbus, in this State, Mr. Smith says in his " Early Indiana Sketches," but he succeeded in car- rying an amendment that brought it here, and along our principal street, then and for a whole generation better known as " Main Street" than Washington. The " metaling" of this road extended through the town and beyond the river to a point a few hundred feet west of Eagle Creek, but it stopped in the town at the eastern end, near East Street, leaving a con- siderable distance uncovered to a point where a short stretch east of Pogue's Creek was " metaled." The survey of this road was made by the late Lazarus B. Wilson, engineer of the " Louisville, New Albany and Chicago" Railroad. He also planned the wooden arch bridges on the line, which have been in constant use with little repair, except replacing the soft slate of the first stone-work of the river bridge with durable limestone, since 1833. William Wernweg and Walter Blake were contractors for these bridges. " Cross-laying," as often as otherwise called " cross- waying," was the universal substitute for better road- making during the first thirty years of the existence of the city. All the " bottoms" of streams were thus made roughly passable, with frequent repair and re- placing of rotten rails and logs. The old Madison road, through Franklin and Columbus, was especially improved or infested with cross-way work. Not long before the Union Depot was built the whole breadth of Pogue's Creek bottom, the head of this road, from Louisiana Street, at the foot of the rise on which the residence of Morris Morris stood on South Meridian Street, to the rise on the other side at the " White Point," built by Dr. John E. McClure, and long oc- cupied by Nicholas McCarty, was a mass of rails and saplings and chunks and swamp-slush, bordered by a willow-fringed cow-pasture on the west side and a corn-field on the east, where the Eagle Machine- Works stand. In making the later substantial improvements of this street some indications of the old condition were discovered. The town streets were little better than the country roads for many years. Even after the trees were cut out, — and trees were standing in some streets that are now built solidly for squares as late as 1842 or 1843, — the stumps were left for the wagon- way to wander around as crookedly as a " bottom" bayou, reinforced by frequent mud-holes, turned by large bodies of unrestrained hogs into hog' wallows. The fences along each side were " worm- fences," and sidewalks were pig-tracks hugging closely the corners of the fences when a big mud-hole had to be circumvented. But a few of the more central were better. One of the last incidents of the year was the elec- tion by the Legislature, early in December, of Bethuel F. Morris, grandfather of the distinguished young naturalist and Amazonian explorer, Ernest Morris, State agent in place of James Milroy, a non-resident, appointed by the Governor to succeed Gen. Carr, who had resigned. Mr. Morris was subsequently president judge of the Circuit Court, and cashier of the Indian- apolis Branch of the State Bank. He died some twenty years ago, after a long period of retired life, at his home near the crossing of Morris Street and Madison Avenue. About the time of his appointment to the agency on the 7th of December, the first sale of lots for delinquent taxes took place. It was a long one, and the fact that the greatest delinquency was but two dollars eighty-seven and one-half cents, and the range ran all the way down to twenty-five cents, showed that money was hard to come by when such small amounts could not be commanded for so important a purpose as the redemption of town lots. Fortunes were going begging then if anybody had known it. Some few may have neither known nor guessed it, but were lucky enough to take " the tide NOTABLE EVJ]NTS AND INCIDENTS. 51 at the flood." With most, however, it was the story of the man who could have got the half of the site of Chicago for a pair of boots, but had not the boots. Some of the largest fortunes in the city date from this tax sale and the condition of general finances it in- dicated. A proposition to incorporate the town this year was beaten. The winter of 1822-23 was made a pleasant sea- son, like that of the year before, by social enjoyments and free commingling of all the settlers in pursuing them, though it followed, like the other, a summer of much sickness, and fell in a time of great financial trouble. The county was settling up pretty rapidly. Two hundred and five entries of land had been made in Centre township outside of the donation during the years 1821-22, and many of the purchasers had be- come residents. In Decatur township forty-five en- tries were made in those two years ; in Wayne, one hundred and sixty-eight; in Pike, twenty-nine; in Washington, one hundred and forty-six ; in Law- rence, ten; in Warren, nineteen; in Franklin, fif- teen ; in Perry, eighty-one. It is noticeable that the townships more remote from the older settled por- tions of the State, from which immigrants might be expected, received more land-buyers than those on the east side and nearer. Wayne had a hundred and sixty-eight to nineteen in Warren, Decatur forty-five to ten in Lawrence, Pike twenty-nine to fifteen in Franklin. Land-buyers thought the western part of the county, with portions of the central tier of town- ships, contained the most desirable land. The first act of the Legislature in the new year of 1823 was the assignment of a legislative representa- tion to the two-year-old county, January 'Tth. Can- didates began to show up with characteristic Ameri- can promptness at once, and the canvass "of merits was kept up briskly till the election the next August. Early in the spring, as already related in the account of the first religious movements in the settlement, the Presbyterians took steps to build the first church in the town, on North Pennsylvania Street, pretty nearly opposite the Grand Opera-House site, and on the completion of the church organization the follow- ing July, Rev. David C. Proctor, of Connecticut, who had been retained as a missionary in 1822-23, was the first pastor, succeeded in September, 1824, by the celebrated oriental scholar and religious " free-lance," Professor George Bush, who was much such another as the more noted Orestes A. Brownson, except that he did not turn Catholic as the latter did. The religious vagaries of no two men in the country, backed by rare abilities and profound scholarship as they were, have attracted so much attention. Pro- fessor Bush continued in charge to March 20, 1829. On the 7th of March the second newspaper of the New Purchase made its first appearance under the name of Western Censor and Emigrant's Guide, with the customary ambition of papers in new settlements taking a name better proportioned to its hope than its importance. It was published and printed in a building on Washington Street, opposite the site of the New York Store, by Harvey Gregg and Douglass Maguire. Not much is known of the former now more than that he was a lawyer of good abilities from Kentucky, and appeared in the bar at the first ses- sion of the court. Mr. Nowland relates an incident of his first visit here at the time of the lot sales in 1821 which illustrates his characteristic absent- mindedness and the solid honesty of the people and the times. He had brought a considerable sum with him to buy land, and had about two hundred dollars in gold left after making his first payments. He missed this one morning, and supposed . he had dropped it from his pocket somewhere where he had been examining land. He gave it up for gone and went home. The following spring Mrs. Now- land found it under the rag-carpet of the room he had slept in with sixteen other men, all of whom might have seen him stick it under the carpet, and probably did, but had no more thought of meddling with it than they would if it had been locked in a dynamite safe. Travelers and moralists have boasted that the Finns have no word for steal, and know no use for locks. The primitive settlers of Indianapolis might have contested the Monthyon prize of virtue with them. It may be enough to suggest that the condition of society has changed in sixty-two years, and it would not be safe to put two hundred dollars under a carpet with sixteen other men in the room, with any expectation of seeing it again. He was the 52 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTr. second lawyer to settle in the new to«rn. He died early. Douglass Maguire, his partner, long survived him, and was far better known. He came to the place in the spring of 1823 from Kentucky, was the last State ! auditor elected by the Legislature but one before ; the Constitution of 1850 went into operation, and was one of the four delegates from this county to the convention that framed that instrument. Gover- nor Wallace being the other Whig, and Alexander P. Morrison and Jacob Page Chapman the two Demo- crats. Mr. Maguire bore a strong resemblance to Henry Clay both in form and feature, and was to the full as generous and warm-hearted. The Western Censor and Emigrant's Chiide was the precursor of the Journal, as the Gazette was of the Sentinel. Like its rival, its first issues were irregular. The second number appeared on the 19th of March, the third on the 26th of March, the fourth on the 2d of April^ the fifth on the 19th, the sixth on the 23d, after which its issue was regular. On the removal of the capital to Indianapolis in the fall of 1824, the State printer, John Douglass, bought the paper and changed the name to the Journal. The Journal it lias been ever since, nearly sixty years now. The old editor, Mr. Maguire, retained an interest for some years with Mr. Douglass, and the firm was Douglass & Maguire, — very nearly a repetition of Mr. Maguire's name. About a month after the appearance of the second paper the first Sunday-school was organized in the cabinet-shop of Caleb Scudder, on the south side of the State-House Square, April 6, 1823. It proved a very popular as well as wholesome enterprise, mus- tering no less than seventy pupils the third Sunday. When the weather became bad in the fall it was sus- pended till the next spring, and was revived a year after its formation in April, 1824. The first Presby- '■ terian Church was completed that spring and summer, | and the school taken there. It was never suspended again. In 1829 it celebrated the Fourth of July in the fashion above described, and thenceforward the Sunday-schools monopolized the national holiday till its general celebration was abandoned except as a mere day of idling and making pleasant parties. The average attendance the first year was reported to be about forty, the second year fifty, the third year seventy-five, the fourth one hundred and six, the fifth one hundred and fifty. In 1827 a library of one hundred and fifty volumes had been procured. Up to 1829, when the Methodists completed their first church, all denominations united in this school, and it was thence called the " Union School," superin- tended and mainly promoted by Dr. Isaac Coe. It may be noted here that in all the Sunday-school pro- cessions on the Fourth of July from 1829 for thirty years nearly James Blake was the marshal, if he was at home. In 1829 the Methodist scholars colonized in their own church, and the Baptists followed in three years, as soon as they had a suitable place in their church. But the co-operation of all the schools was secured by a Sunday-school Union, in which all were represented. There were other indications of the solid growth of the town than the establishment of a second paper and the acquisition of a representation in the Legis- lature. The agent sold four acres of the donation, at sixty-five dollars and seventy-five cents an acre, for brick -yards. Better structures than the frames that were partially replacing logs were contemplated, though but one brick house, that of John Johnson, already referred to, was in progress. About the 1st of June two enterprising settlers, William Townsend, a pioneer of 1820, and Earl Pearce, later, put a set of woolen machinery in the mill of Isaac Wilson, on Fall Creek race, where Pattison's mill stood for many years in the later days of the town. Following close upon this came two new hotels of a more pretentious character than their log predecessors. The first was a large frame built by Maj. Thomas Carter opposite the court-house, opened on the 6th of October, and the scene of the first Baptist sermon on the 26th of the same month. Though a regular Baptist Church organization had existed from September of the year before, and a Mr. Barnes had been engaged as a preacher in June, third Saturday, 1823, yet the first regular sermon seems to have waited this chance in the house of one of the most devoted and deserving of the members. The hotel was burned Jan. 17, 1825, during the first session of the Legislature, and the proprietor, in the days long before insurance was NOTABLE EVENTS AND INCIDENTS. 53 IcDown in the New Purchase, lost all he had, with no indemnification. Mr. Ignatius Brown, illustrating the folly that sensible men will commit during the excitement of a fire if they are unused to such calamities, says that a squad of the citizens thought to save the sign which swung in country fashion to a tall post in front of the house, and chopped it down as they would a tree, the fall smashing the sign all to splinters, as they would have known if they had not lost their heads. Some months afterwards Mr. Carter replaced the burned house with that of Mr. Crum- baugh near the site of West Street, and kept his tavern there prosperously for several years till his death. The other hotel lived to become by itself and successor the most noted in the town or the State for about thirty years. This was the " Washington Hall," a frame on the site of the New York Store, built by James Blake and Samuel Henderson at the same time as Mr. Carter's house, but opened three months later, Jan. 12, 1824. Mr. Henderson had kept a smaller tavern there previously. The successor of the " Hall" in 1836 was a brick, and made the name famous under the management of the late Ed- mund Browning. The old frame was moved to the next lot east, and there for a number of years was a shoe-shop in the lower story, and the law- office of Governor Wallace in the upper, where Lewis, his son, — now a distinguished general of the civil war and novelist and minister to Constantinople, — wrote sev- eral chapters of a novel in the style of G. P. R. James called the "Man at Arms," a tale of the thirteenth- century. Mr. Ignatius Brown notes that early in the spring of this year — 1823 — three young settlers, named Stephen Howard, Israel Mitchell, and Martin Smith, started for the Russian settlements on the Pacific by way of Pembina. Nothing was ever heard of them, except that they reached Fort Armstrong early inN May, and on the 15th of August, three months and eleven days after reaching the fort on the Mississippi, got to Fever River, having seen no white man for twenty-three days after leaving the Vermillion Salt- Works, and having been robbed by the Indians and nearly starved. During the same spring the " In- diana Central Medical Society" was formed to license physicians to practice under the law then in force, with Dr. Samuel G. Mitchell as president, *nd Dr. Livingston Dunlap as secretary, the forerunner of many a medical association and college since. The Fourth of July was celebrated at the cabin of Wilkes Reagin, near the crossing of Market Street and Pogue's Run. He fed the company with an- other barbecue, and the company included a rifle company, commanded by Capt. Curry, of whom . nothing more appears to be known. Mr. Reagin was a conspicuous man, being the first butcher, the first auctioneer, and one of the three first justices elected by the people. Rev. D. C. Proctor and Rev. Isaac Reed performed the religious services of the occasion, and Daniel B. Wick, brother of the judge, read the Declaration, and Morris Morris delivered the address. The September succeeding showed a population, ac- cording to the new Censor, of six or seven hundred, with a better state of health through the summer than had been generally believed. The Censor, true to its name, used the occasion to censure the jealousy with which other towns in the State regarded the still un- used capital. The August election for first members of the Legislature resulted in the choice of James Gregory, of Shelby, as senator, and James Paxton, of this county, as representative. There were the usual winter diversions to close the year, but varied, ac- cording to Mr. Brown's citation of an announcement in the Gazette, by a theatrical performance of " Mr. Smith and wife, of the New York theatre," in the dining-room of Carter's tavern, on the last night of the year. Mr. Nowland puts this first dramatic exhibi- tion in the winter of 1825-26, and says the performer was a Mr. Crampton, a strolling actor. The differ- ence is of no consequence as long as there is entire concurrence on the main feature of the affair. Music was needed, of course, and there was nobody to make it but Bill Bagwell, a jolly, vagabond sort of fellow, who made the first cigars in the place in a cabin on the southwest corner of Maryland and Illinois Streets, and played the fiddle at the pioneer dances and wed- dings. Maj. Carter was a rigid Baptist, of the kind called by " unrespective" unbelievers " forty-gallon" Baptists, who, though sober men, were not at all 54 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. fanatical in their views as to the use of liquor, but he was immovably convinced of the sinfulness of playing or hearing a fiddle. To £;et Lis consent to allow Bagwell to play orchestra to the performance, the actor and musician both had to assure him that the instrument of the occasion was not a fiddle but a violin, and the performance of a hymn tune satisfied him of the difiBrence. Mr. Nowland says the major interrupted the exhibition to stop the orchestra in playing the depraved jig called " Leather Breeches," and it required considerable diplomacy and the per- formance of church music to appease him. The pieces performed, the " Doctor's Courtship, or the Indulgent Father," and the "Jealous Lovers"; tickets, thirty- seven and a half cents. Several performances were given, and the couple returned the following June but failed, and left suddenly, probably helped to the determination by a criticism of the Censor, which rated the performance rather low. It may have been a mere whim of a couple of over- sanguine new-comers, or it may have been a larger promise of prosperity than appears now to have been credible or possible at that time, but it is true, never- theless, that a Maj. Sullinger opened a " Military School" here on the 13th of January, 1824, for "the instruction of militia officers and soldiers." Nearly at the same time William C. McDougal opened the first real estate agency, though the Gazette shows that its proprietor, George Smith, as before noted, opened a similar establishment a year or two later. The month of January was signalized to the pioneer par- ticularly by an act of the Legislature of the 25th, ordering the permanent removal of the capital^-that is, the State oflSces and records — by the 10th of the following January, 1825, the Legislature to meet that day in the court-house capitol of the new capital for the first time. No doubt the promptness of the passage of this act was due in part to. the delegation from the New Purchase, and the power of two votes to help those who helped the owners. On the return of Mr. Senator Gregory and Representative Paxton on the 21st of February, a public banquet was given them by the grateful citizens, and the occasion illus- trated with highly-colored views of the prosperity that would follow the change. Their dreams have been more than fulfilled, but not till all who were old enough to take part in the festivities were in their graves. The next incident in the fifth year of the settle- ment was the most startling and alarming that had yet occurred. This was the murder, on the 22d of March, 1824, of a company of nine Indians of the Shawanese tribe, — two men, three women, two boys, and two girls, — some eight miles above Pendleton, by a company of six whites, four men and two boys. An account of this cruel massacre was given in a sketch of the occupancy of the New Purchase by the Indians, but there may be added here, as illustrative of the early condition of the white settlements, the account both of the crime and the trial made by Hon. Oliver H. Smith, ex-United States senator, who wit- nessed the trials, and was at the time one of the lead- ing lawyers of the State. " The Indians were encamped on the east side of Fall Creek, about eight miles above the falls. The country around their camping-ground was a dense, unbroken forest filled with game. The principal In- dian was called Ludlow, and was said to be named for Stephen Ludlow, of Lawrenceburg. The other man I call Mingo. (His name appears from other accounts to have been Logan.) The Indians had commenced their season's hunting and trapping, the men with their guns, the squaws setting the traps, preparing and cooking the game, and caring for the children, — two boys some ten years old, and two girls of more tender years. A week had passed, and the success of the Indians had been only fair, with better prospects ahead, as spring was opening and raccoons were beginning to leave their holes in the trees in search of frogs that had begun to leave their muddy beds at the bottoms of the creeks. The trapping season was only just com- mencing. Ludlow and his band, wholly unsuspicious of harm and unconscious of any approaching enemies, were seated around their camp-fire, when there ap- proached through the woods five white men, — Harper, Hudson, Sawyer, Bridge, Sr., Bridge, Jr. Harper was the leader, and stepping up to Ludlow took him by the hand and told him his party had lost their horses, and wanted Ludlow and Mingo to help find them. The Indians agreed to go in search of the NOTABLE EVENTS AND INCIDENTS. 55 horses. Ludlow took one path and Mingo another. Harper followed Ludlow and Hudson trailed Mingo, keeping some fifty yards behind. They traveled some short distance from the camp, when Harper shot Ludlow through the body ; he fell dead on his face. Hudson, on hearing the crack of the rifle of Harper, immediately shot Mingo, the ball entering just below his shoulders and passing clear through his body. The party then met and proceeded to within gunshot of the camp. Sawyer shot one of the squaws through the head, Bridge, Sr., shot another squaw, and Bridge, Jr., the other. Sawyer then fired at the oldest boy, but only wounded him. The other children were shot by some of the party. Harper then led the way on to the camp. The two squaws, one boy, and the two little girls lay dead, but the oldest boy was still living. Sawyer took him by the legs and knocked his brains out against the end of a log. The camp was then robbed of everything worth carrying away. " Harper, the ringleader, left immediately for Ohio, and was never taken. (He is said by tradition to have reached Ohio, eighty miles away through the woods, in twenty-four hours.) Hudson, Sawyer, Bridge, Sr., and Bridge, Jr., were arrested, and when I first saw them they were confined in a square log jail, built of heavy beech and sugar-tree logs, notched down closely, and fitting tight above, below, and on the sides. The prisoners were all heavily ironed and sitting on the straw on the floor. Hud- son was a man of about middle size, with a bad look, dark eye, and bushy hair, about thirty-five years of age in appearance. Sawyer was about the same age, rather heavier than Hudson, but there was nothins in his appearance that would have marked him in a crowd as any other than a common farmer. Bridge, Sr., was much older than Sawyer, his head was quite gray ; he was above the common height, slender, and a little bent while standing. Bridge, Jr., was a tall stripling .some eighteen years of age. Bridge, Sr., was the father of Bridge, Jr., and the brother-in-law of Sawyer. " The news of these Indian murders flew upon the wings of the wind. The settlers became greatly alarmed, fearing the retaliatory vengeance of the tribes, and especially of the other bands of the Sen- ecas (Shawanese). The facts reached Mr. John Johnston at the Indian agency at Piqua, Ohio. An account was sent from the agency to the War De- partment. Col. Johnston and William Conner visited all the Indian tribes and assured them that the gov- ernment would punish the offenders, and obtained the promises of the chiefs and warriors that they would wait and see what their ' Great Father' would do before they took the mattef into their own hands. This quieted the fears of the settlers, and prepara- tions were made for the trials. A new log build- ing was erected at the north part of Pendleton, with two rooms, one for the court and one for the grand jury. The court-room was about twenty by thirty feet, with a heavy puncheon floor, a platform at one end three feet high, with a strong railing in front, a bench for the judges, a plain table for the clerk in front on the floor, a long bench for the counsel, a little pen for the prisoners, a side bench for the wit- nesses, and a long pole in front, substantially sup- ported, to separate the crowd from the court and bar. . A guard day and night was placed around the jail. The court was composed of Mr. Wick, presiding judge, Samuel Holliday and Adam Winchell, associ- ates. Judge Wick was young on the bench, but with much experience in criminal trials. Judge Winchell was a blacksmith, and had ironed the pris- oners. Moses Cox was the clerk. He could barely write his name, and when a candidate for justice of the peace at Connersville he boasted of his superior qualifications : ' I have been sued on every section of the statute, and know all about the law, while my competitor has never been sued, and knows nothing about the statute.' Samuel Cory, the sheriff, was a fine specimen of a woods Hoosier, tall and strong- boned, with a hearty laugh, without fear of man or beast, and with a voice that made the woods ring as he called the jurors and witnesses. Col. John- ston, the Indian agent, was directed to attend the trial to see that the witnesses were present and to pay their fees. Gen. Noble, then a United States senator, was employed by the Secretary of War to prosecute, with power to fee an assistant. Philip Sweetzer, a young son-in-law of the general, of high promise in his profession, was selected as assistant. 56 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Calvin Fletcher, then a young man of more than or- dinary ability, and a good criminal lawyer, was the regular prosecuting attorney." In another allusion to these cases Mr. Smith mentions the lawyers who were present, — Gen. James Noble, Philip Sweetzer, Harvey Gregg, Lot Bioomfield, James Rariden, Charles H. Test, Calvin Fletcher, Daniel B. Wick, and William R. Morris, of this State, and Gen. Sampson Mason and Moses Vance, of Ohio. These last were defending. The conviction and execution of the prisoners, ex- cept Harper, who escaped, and young Bridge, who was pardoned, are related in the sketch already re- ferred to. Mr. Nowland describes the novel gallows that was used : " A wagon was drawn up the side of the hill on planks, so that the wheels would move easily. A post was placed on the side of the hill, just above the wagon. To this post the wagon was fastened by a rope, so that when the rope was cut the wagon would run down the hill without aid. The ^two old men were placed in the tail of the wagon, the ropes adjusted, and at the signal the rope was cut, and the wagon ran from under the men. Sawyer broke his arms loose, caught the rope, and raised himself about eighteen inches. The sheriff quickly caught him by the ankles, and gave a sudden jerk, which brought the body down, and he died without another struggle." The extended quotation from Mr. Smith's reminiscences is interesting, not only as an account of an afiair of national importance, and especially important to the settlers of Indianapolis and the country around, but as a picture of the primitive backwoods court-house and modes of court business. These executions, as before remarked, are claimed to be the first that ever occurred in the United States as the penalty, judicially inflicted, of the murder of Indians by whites. Hudson escaped once after his sentence, and hid in a hollow log in the darkness of an unusually dark night, but was soon discovered and arrested. Many years ago it used to be told among the old settlers and their chil- dren that Governor Ray, in the speech announcing the pardon of young Bridge, June 30, 1825, after his father and Sawyer had been hung, said to the young murderer : " There are but two powers in the universe that can now save your life. One is the Almighty God and the other is the Executive of Indiana." It was probably a joke manufactured after the old Governor's eccentricities had become so striking and notorious that such an imputation could not harm him. He was long a noted citizen of In- dianapolis. Governor Ray was Lieutenant-Governor with Gov- ernor Hendricks, and from February 25th, when Hendricks went to the National Senate, he was act- ing Governor. He was subsequently elected two full terms, and left the office, the last he ever held, in December, 1831. He came to the capital about the time the Legislature met, Jan. 10, 1825, bought property here, and remained here till he died, about 1850. He owned a considerable portion of the square on Washington Street, opposite the court- house, near where Carter's tavern had stood, and in his later life, when his mind began to be considerably unsettled, he imagined a magnificent railroad system, of which this block of his was to be the centre. Ra- diating lines were to penetrate the country in all di- rections, with villages every five miles, towns every twenty miles, and cities every fifty miles. Deep gorges among hills were to be crossed on a natural trestle-work, made by sawing off the tops of trees level with the track, and laying sills on these. Oddly enough this very expedient has been used on the Denver and Rio Grande Narrow-Gauge Road, or a road among the mountains in that region. Not less singular is the fact that this " dream of a sick brain," as everybody thought it when it was told and talked about, has proved a most substantial reality, except that Governor Ray's court-house block is not the site of the great central hub depot. In 1826 his influence with the Indians, says Mr. Nowland, when he was a commissioner, with Gen. Tip- ton, of this State, and Gen. Cass, of Michigan, to pro- cure a cession of the lands of the Pottawatomies and Eel River and Wabash Miamis, secured from the In- dians a grant to the State of one section of land for every mile of road, a hundred feet wide, from Lake Michigan through Indianapolis to the Ohio, at any point fixed by the Legislature. It was a most valuable donation, and the " old Michigan road," NOTABLE EVENTS AND INCIDENTS. 57 running through Shelbyville, Greensburg, Napoleon, to Madison, the point selected by the Legislature, was long the best improved road in the State, and never inferior to any but the completed portions of the National road. The Governor's son, James Brown Gay Ray, died when a boy, but a daughter survived him, and continues his abilities, without his vagaries, in some of our best citizens. The u.sual Fourth of July celebration was held at Reagin's, as the year before, with Gabriel J. Johnson as orator for the citizens and Maj. J. W. Redding for the militia. Squire Foote was the reader. The August election following showed a change in the lines of parties from the position in 1822, when " White Water" was arrayed against " Kentucky." Now the contestants were two Kentuckians, Col. A. W. Russell and Morris Morris, candidates for sheriff to succeed Mr. Bates. Russell was elected by two hundred and sixty-five to one hundred and forty- eight for Mr. Morris. At the Presidential election in November, Clay received two hundred and thirteen votes, Jackson ninety-nine, and Adams sixteen. Clay had all the " Kentucky" strength and a good deal of the "White Water." The poll in the county was one hundred and two less in the Presidential than in the State election, supposed to have been the re- sult of removals to the adjacent regions in the inter- val. In April the Sunday-school visitors reported a resident population on the donation of one hundred and seventy-two voters, and forty-five single women from fifteen to forty-five. The voters would indicate a population of about eight hundred. A little more than two years before the Gazette, as before noted, had enumerated sixty-one men of seventeen different pursuits, who were supposed to be about half of the adult male population of the spring of 1822, indi- cating a total population of about six hundred. This was not increased in the election on 1st of April. So the growth of the town in two years, from April 22d to April 24th, seems to have been about three hundred residents. It does not fairly show the addi- tional immigration in that time, however, because a good many who came to the town afterwards re moved to the country. A large emigration to the Wabash passed through the town this year. The streets and the lots along Washington Street, and di- verging from it in some places, were more or less cleared of trees, the court-house was in progress, the Presbyterian Church well advanced, a school-house built, two or three religious organizations holding regular services, two new and superior hotels ad- vancing, a distillery on the bayou, a woolen-mill and three or four grist- and saw-mills at work, so that there was no cause for serious discouragement, though progress was not rapid enough to excite any very sanguine hopes. The river and all its tributaries were flooded during the spring, and a keel-boat called the " Dandy" came up on the rise on the 22d of May, with twenty-eight tons of salt and whiskey. This flood is said by the sketch of 1857 and that of Mr. Merrill of 1850 to have been the greatest ever known in the river. It was probably equaled by that of 1828 and 1847, and very closely approached by that of February of this year (1883). The State's revenue from Marion County in 1824 was one hundred and fifty-four dollars and twenty-five cents. In anticipation of the meeting of the Legislature the citizens formed a " mock" body in the fall of 1824 called the " Indianapolis Legislature," the members of which assigned themselves to any counties they chose, and discussed pretty much the same questions as the real Legislature had discussed, or would when it met. It elected its own Governor about as often as it wanted to get a fresh message or inaugural, which was sure to be a humorous affair, and its debates were not un frequently a good deal better than those of the body it represented. The men who engaged in them were sometimes ex-members, and occasionally actual members of the real body, and the information and areuments elicited' in the sham debate more than once decided the result of the real one. The meet- ings were continued till about 1836. They were dis- continued then for several years, but revived for a while during the winter of 1842 or 1843 or there- abouts.- In November, Samuel Merrill, treasurer of the State, arrived at the capital with several wagon- loads of records and money, and thenceforward the chosen capital was the real one. During the preceding summer and fall a brick 68 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND, MARION COUNTY. house had been built for the residence of the treas- urer, with a little brick office at the west side, on the southwest corner of Washington and Tennessee Streets, where the State buildings now are. Mr. Merrill was the first occupant, keeping the place till 1834, when he gave way to the late Nathan B. Palmer, who succeeded him in the treasurer's office by election of the Legislature. He remained here, however, and became one of the men who gave the town its impulse to intellectual and moral as well as material improvement. Samuel Merrill was born in Peacham, Vt., Oct. 29, 1792. He died in Indianapolis, Aug. 24, 1855.' He entered an advanced class in Dartmouth College, but did not graduate, for in his junior year he left to join his elder brother, James, in teaching in York, Pa. There he spent three years in teaching and studying law, having for his familiar associates Thad- deus Stevens, John Blanchard, and his elder brother, James Merrill, all from Peacham, Vt., and all men who have made their mark on their age. At the end of this time he removed to Vevay, in this State, and established himself in the practice of law. In 1821 he was elected to the Legislature for two years, and during his term of office he was elected treasurer of State. In the discharge of the duties of this office he removed first to Corydon, and thence in 1824 to this place. He held the office of treasurer of State till 1834, when he was chosen president of the State Bank. The duties of this office he discharged with the most unwearied fidelity and unimpeachable honesty till 1844, when his public life terminated, with the exception of four years of service as the president of the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad Company. For several years before his death he was engaged in the book trade, still continued by his son. His daughter Kate until very recently was Professor of English Literature in Butler University. Mr. Merrill assisted in forming Henry Ward Beecher's church here, and was all his life after most earnest and devoted in all good works. The following account of the journey of the capi- tal from Corydon to Indianapolis, written by a mem- ber of Mr. Merrill's family, is interesting, not only as the first account of the migration ever published, but as a very graphic description of the condition and ways of life of the Indianians nearly sixty years ago : " The journey of about one hundred and sixty miles occupied two weeks. The best day's travel was eleven miles. One day the wagons accomplished but two miles, passages through the woods having to be cut on account of the impassable character of the road. Four four-horse wagons and one or two saddle-horses formed the means of conveyance for two families, consisting of about a dozen persons, and for a printing-press and the State treasury of silver in strong wooden boxes. The gentlemen slept in the wagons or on the ground to protect the silver, the families found shelter at night in log cabins which stood along the road at rare though not incon- venient intervals. The country people were, many of them, as rude as their dwellings, which usually consisted of but one room, serving for all the pur- poses of domestic life, — cooking, eating, sleeping, spinning and weaving, and the entertainment of com- pany. At one place a young man, who perhaps had come miles to visit his sweetheart, sat up with her all night on the only vacant space in the room, the hearth of the big fireplace. He kept on his cap, which was of coonskin, the tail hanging down behind, and gave the children the impression that he was a bear." At the time of the removal William Hendricks was Governor, but was elected to the National Senate that winter, and on Feb. 12, 1825, acting Lieutenant- Governor Ray, who had been made president of the Senate when Lieutenant-Governor Ratlifi' Boone re- tired, succeeded to the Governorship, and was regu- larly elected the following August, and again in 1828. The Secretary of State was Robert A. New, from 1816 to 1825, succeeded by W. W. Wick ; the audi- tor, William H. Lilley, from 1816 to 1829, suc- ceeded in 1829 by Morris Morris, who held till 1844; the treasurer, Samuel Merrill, from 1823 to 1834, succeeded by Nathan B. Palmer. The Legis- lature, which met in January, took the court-house before it was entirely finished, the House sitting in the lower room, the Senate in the upper. The treas- urer occupied the building especially erected for him, and the other State officers went where they could. For nearly thirty years after the erection of the ORIGINAL ENTRIES OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY. 59 " Governor's house'' in the Circle in 1827, as before noted, the Supreme judges had their " chambers" there, and most or all of the State officers were there for a time except the treasurer. His residence and office were abandoned before the late war and rented. It would be useless if it were possible to hunt out all the rooms the State auditor and secretary occupied up to the time they took permanent possession of the building expressly erected for them in 1865, but it may be noted that after the completion of Masonic Hall, in 1850, they went there, and subsequently moved into the " McOuat Block," on Kentucky Avenue, where they remained till their final change. The clerk of the Supreme Court previously had his office in a little building in the Court-House Square, and when that was torn down went to the State- House. The reporter of the Supreme Court has never had a public office, and the attorney-general and superintendent of public instruction, after their offices were created, found accommodations where they chose till the " State Building" was erected and enlarged. The State Library was kept in the "Gov- ernor's house" for a time, in charge of the Stat0»offi- cers there, but in 1841, John Cook, a bustling, " log- rolling," pushing little fellow, recently from Ohio, got himself made librarian, and the library was put in the south rooms, west side, of the State-House. Cook was succeeded in 1843, under a Democratic Legislature, by Samuel P. Daniels, an old resident and a tailor, and he by the late John B. Dillon, au- thor of two " Histories of Indiana," and he, in 1850, by Nathaniel Bolton, first editor of the town, as al- ready related. The adjutant-general's office was hardly a visible appendage to the commander-in-chief of the State's army and navy till 1846, when the Mexican war made it a place of large responsibility and heavy duties, with Gen. David Reynolds as occu- pant. During the late war it became again one of the most important offices of the State, and was held by Gen. Wallace, Gen. Noble, and Gen. Terrell. It has never been reduced since to the unimportance of its early existence. It and the State Library and the State geologist's office are now in a building opposite the east entrance of the new State-House. The library is now, in addition to its proper use, a museum of relics of the Mexican war and the civil war, while the geologist's office is one of the finest museums of geo- logical and paleontological specimens in the world. On the 16th of November, 1824, John Douglass, State printer at Corydon, who had come out with Mr. Merrill, bought the interest of Harvey Gregg in the Western Censor and Emigrants Guide. On the 11th of January, the day after the first meeting of the Legislature, the paper appeared as the In- diana Journal, a name it has retained through many changes of ownership, with a reputation and influence as unchanging as its name. Much of the early suc- cess of the paper was due to Mr. Douglass. The first period of the history of the city and county — substantially identical — ends with the ar- rival of the State capital. Of improvements, trade, political movements, increase of population as accu- curate a view has been presented as can be obtained at this remote period, but a glance at the settlement of the surrounding townships and at the county business will make it more comprehensive and satis- • factory. Prom 1821, when the government lands in the New Purchase were first opened to sale, till 1824 or the beginning of 1825, when the capital was fully established here, the entries of land in the diifereiit townships, as appears from the " Tract Book" in the county auditor's office, were as appears in the follow- ing list. It will be seen that the larger portion of the entries of the first two years were in Centre and the two lines of townships west and about it, the eastern portion of the county attracting little immi- gration till the central and western were pretty well filled : Centre Township outside the City. Town 15 Northf Range 3 East. Name and Date. Acres. .. ' Robert Harding and Isaac Wilson, July, 1821 258 3 Jesse McKay and Joseph Frazee, July, 1821 59 3 James Kariden, July, 1821 80 10 Eliakim Harding, July, 1821 80 10 Eliakim Harding, July, 1821 80 10 Jonathan Lyons, July, 1821 80 10 Daniel Yandes, July, 1821 160 10 William Myers, July, 1821 .*. 80 10 James H. McClure, July, 1821 80 10 Daniel Yandes and Ephraim D. Reed, July, 1821. 95 11 William Sanders, July, 1821 160 13 Richard T. Keen, July, 1821 80 13 James H. MoClure, July, 1821 80 13 60 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Name and Date. Acree. David Wood, July, 1821 160 John Hunt, July, 1821 80 John Smock, July, 1821 80 Armstrong Brandon, July, 1821 80 James Pell, July, 1821 42 William A. Johnson, July, 1821 95 John Stephens, December, 1821 66 Ale.\ander Ewing, July, 1821 53 William Wiles, July, 1821 74 James Pell, July, 1821 98 John Stephens, February, 1821 7.3 Michael Vanblarioum, July, 1821 80 Joel Wright, July, 1821 80 Morris Morris, July, 1821 .... 160 Jacob Ogle, August, 1S21 80 Zadoc Smith, August, 1821 80 Laben Harding, July, 1821 160 Cornelius Vanarsdal, July, 1821 104 Cornelius Vanarsdal, July, 1821 80 Abraham Heaton, August, 1821 71 Noah Sinks, October, 1823 54 John G. Brown, July, 1821 80 Alexander Ewing, July, 1821 80 James Lewis, August, 1821 66 John Stephens, December, 1821 73 Robert Brenton, July, 1821 160 Elial T. Foote, July, 1821 68 George Vandegriff, July, 1821 80 James T. Bradley, July, 1821 80 ' Henry Bradley, July, 1821 80 John Cutler, July, 1821 80 John Smock and John Cutler, July, 1821 80 Wiokliff Kitohell, July, 1821 160 John Smock, July, 1821 160 Town 15 North, Range 4 East, Micajah Ferguson, July, 1821 48 Alexander Ewing, July, 1821 80 Micajah Ferguson, July, 1821 80 Isaac Kinder, July, 1821 160 James Linton, July, 1821 150 George Porter, July, 1821 153 John G. Brown, July, 1821 160 John F. Ross, July, 1821 77 Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 77 James, George, and Benjamin Barrett, July, 1821 75 Joseph McCormick and Noah Noble, July, 1821.. 75 James Giyan, July, 1821 77 Cassa Ann Poguc, July, 1821 77 John Wilson, July, 1821 160 John Robinson and John D. Lutz, July, 1821 76 William Craig, July, 1821 76 John Wilson, July, 1821 80 Daniel Stephens, July, 1821 80 Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 76 Abel Potter, July, 1821 76 Willis G. Atherton, July, 1821 80 Wiokliff Kitchen, July, 1821 80 Wickliff Kitchen, July, 1821 80 Robert Smith, July, 1821 80 William McLaughlin, July, 1821 160 John Shafer, July, 1821 80 Nathan Aldridge, August, 1821 80 Harvey Pope, July, 1821 160 Willis G. Atherton, July, 1821 160 Sec- tion. 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 Name and Date. Acres. David Acre, February, 1823 80 Hervey Gregg, .January, 1823 80 Robert Weightman, November, 1822 80 Jonathan Gillam, July, 1821 80 William McLaughlin, October, 1821 80 John Graham, August, 1821 80 John Grahiim, August, 1821 80 S. G. Huntingdon, August, 1821 80 William Sanders, July, 1822 80 Maxwell Chambers, January, 1822 80 Jacob Mason, January, 1822 80 Obed Foote, October, 1821 80 Joseph Catterlin, July, 1821 80 Archibald C. Reid, July, 1821 80 John W. Redding, July, 1821 155 David Mallery, August, 1821 .' 80 Humphrey Griffith, August, 1821 80 James Curry, August, 1821 78 James Curry, August, 1821 78 Henry Bowser, August, 1821 160 Jacob Moyer, September, 1821 158 Henry Bowser, August, 1821 160 Henry Bowser, August, 1821 78 John Dickson, July, 1821 78 Otis Hobart, December, 1821 80 John Hobart, December, 1821 80 Hervey Bates, June, 1822 80 Hervey Bates, June, 1822 80 John Hobart, December, 1821 80 Joseph Greer, July, 1822 80 Isaac Limpus, July, 1821 80 Robert McGill, July, 1822 80 Willmm Brindle, November, 1822 80 William Brindle, November, 1822 80 Jacob L. Doup, August, 1821 80 Joseph Scott, November, 1822 160 Samuel Dickson, October, 1821 160 Town 16 North, Range 3 Baat. Thomas Bishop, July, 1821 174 Francis Griffin, August, 1821 126 John Moler, July, 1821 160 James Vanblaricum, July, 1821 60 John Burns, July, 1821 76 Noah Wright, July, 1821 160 William D. Rooker, July, 1821 80 William Nugent, July, 1821 80 Levi Wright, July, 1821 160 Joseph Hanna, July, 1821 80 Abraham Barnett, July, 1821 80 John G. Brown, July, 1821 160 William Powers, July, 1821 80 Noah Wright, July, 1821 80 John Gallaher, July, 1821 160 David Huston, July, 1821 *.. 160 Isaac Kinder, July, 1821 80 John Sutherland, July, 1821 80 John Sutherland, July, 1821 160 William Reagan, July, 1821 160 Thomas O'Neal, July, 1821 160 Robert Smith, July, 1821 160 Josephs. Benson, July, 1821 80 William Nugent, July, 1821 80 John Wolfington, July, 1821 80 Richard Winiams, July, 1821 80 Sec- tion. 9 9 9 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 ORIGINAL ENTRIES OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY. 61 Name and Date. Acrea. Noah Flood, July, 1S21 80 James Rariden, July, 1821 80 Francis Davis, July, 1821 80 James McIIvain, July, 1821 SO James Mellvain, July, 1821 65 Benjamin McCarty, July, 1821 79 Alexander Ewing, July, 1821 95 Samuel P. Booker, July, 1821 160 Edward Carvin, July, 1821 143 Samuel Glass, July, 1821 160 Fielding Geter, July, 1821 95 Zenas Lake, July, 1821 83 Joseph S. Benham, July, 1821 78 Isaac Wilson, July, 1821 74 Jesse McKay and E. D. Reed, July, 1821 101 Jesse McKay and Jacob Collip, July, 1821 160 Cyrus C. Tivis, July, 1821 160 Robert Smith and H. Gregg, July, 1821 160 John Moler, July, 1821 80 James Linton, July, 1821 80 Jeremiah Johnston, July, 1821 160 Samuel Henderson, July, 1821 160 Robert Culbertson, July, 1821 160 Jonathan Lyon, July, 1821 80 John Carr and Samuel P. Rooker, July, 1821 80 Town 16 North, Range 4 Ea>t. Noah and Thomas G. Noble, July, 1821 160 Christopher Hager, July, 1821 76 Enoch Clark, July, 1821 76 Joseph Curry, July, 1821 160 Reason Reagan, July, 1821 151 Newton Claypool, August, 1821 160 Newton Claypool, August, 1821 160 Tobias Smith, August, 1821 160 Joseph Curry, July, 1821 160 James D. Conrey, October, 1823 80 John Chamberlin, June, 1822 160 William Mitchell, August, 1821 160 Benjamin Tuffe, June, 1822 80 Tobias Smith, August, 1821 160 William Mitchell, August, 1821 80 Tobias Smith, August, 1821 80 Bazil Roberts, August, 1821 160 Tobias Smith, August, 1821 160 George Buckner, April, 1823 80 John Senour, October, 1823 80 Jared Sayre, October, 1821 80 Newton Claypool, August, 1821 75 Isaac Kinder, July,1821 75 David Bloyd, October, 1821 80 Jacob Bloyd, July, 1821 80 Jared Sayre, October, 1821 76 Jeremiah Johnson, Jr., July, 1821 76 John Shafcr, August, 1821 160 Stephen Bartholomew and Wm. Smith, July, 1821 154 William McCleery, July, 1821 160 John Carr, July, 1821 79 Elial T. Foote, July, 1821 79 John Carr, July, 1821 80 George Taffe, August, 1821 80 Vincent Rawlings, October, 1821 80 Lewis Robinson, October, 1821 80 Daniel Pattcngill, July, 1821 160 Daniel Pattengill, July, 1821 160 Sec- tion. 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 Name and Bate. Acres. John F. Right, August, 1821 160 Levi Beebee, 1821 160 David Johnson, April, 1821 80 Isaac Cool, April, 1821 80 Decatur Township. Toion 14 North, Range 2 Enm. Ludwell Gains, August, 1824 77 Ludwell Gains, August, 1821 140 Ludwell Gains, August, 1821 80 John Cook, June, 1824 ^ 160 John Kenworthy, July, 1824 .'. 80 Joshua Compton, December, 1825 80 Reason Reagan, November, 1826 78 Jesse George, January, 1826 77 John Ballard, October, 1823 78 Thomas J. Matlock, July, 1821 78 Caleb Easterling, November, 1822 160 Joseph Allen, February, 1824 80 Caleb Rhoads, November, 1822 160 Isaac George, December, 1823 80 Isaac George, November, 1823 80 Robert Furnas, January, 1826 80 Robert Furnas, January, 1826 80 Uriah Carson, June, 1826 80 Thomas Davis, January, 1825 80 Azel Dollarhide, July, 1821 80 Absalom Dollarhide, January, 1825 80 Aaron Coppock, August, 1826 80 Aaron Coppock, February, 1826 80 Zimri Brown, May, 1824 80 Zimri Brown, December, 1826 80 Abner Co.\, December, 1824 80 William Barnett, December, 1825 80 Jesse Barnett, December, 1824 80 William Barnett, 1823 80 Thomas Barnett, 1823 80 James V. Barnett, 1823 80 Athanasius Barnett, 1823 80 James Ilaworth, November, 1824 80 James Haworth, November, 1824 80 James Haworth, October, 1826 80 James Ilorton, November, 1824 80 James Horton, November, 1824 ; 80 Christopher Wilson, November, 1822 80 Christopher Wilson, November, 1822 80 Christopher Wilson, November, 1822 160 Jonathan Clark, February, 1824 80 Joseph Jcssup, December, 1823 160 Richard Mendenhall, October, 1823 160 Christopher Wilson, November, 1822 80 Christopher Wilson, December, 1824 80 Christopher Wilson, December, 1824 80 Gasper Koons, February, 1824 80 Joseph Mendenhall, October, 1823 160 Samuel Dodds, July, 1821 160 Samuel Dodds, July, 1821 80 Azel Dollarhide, July, 1821 80 John Dollarhide, July, 1821 80 John Dollarhide, November, 1828 80 Christopher Wilson, December, 1824 80 Toicn 15 North, Range 3 Eaat. Eli Sulgrove, August, 1821 430 Eli Sulgrove, October, 1822 206 Sec- tion. 33 33 33 33 1 29 29 1 2 2 4 1 4 4 4 9 9 9 9 11 12 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 23 14 15 14 15 22 15 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 28 32 62 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Name and Date. Acres. Eli Sulgrove, August, 1821 3i George Miller, July, 1821 160 Jesse Wright, July, 1821 ,,. 160 Ludwell G. Gains, August, 1821 '. 229 John Thompson, July, 1821 80 Demas L. MeFarland, August, 1821 160 Demas L. MeFarland, July, 1821 160 Aaron Wright, May, 1823 109 Levi Hoffman, August, 1821 llli Cornelius Hoffman, August, 1821 112J Levi Beebee, July, 1821 160 Beth Goodwin, July, 1821 80 Town 14 North, Range 3 East. Joseph Beeler, George H. Beeler, July, 1821 131 Samuel Winter, August, 1821 49 Elijah Elliott, July, 1821 160 Azel Dollarhide, July, 1821 107 Azcl Dollarhide, July, 1821 107 Evan Dollarhide, August, 1821 74i Zimri Brown, November, 1822 40 Charles Beeler, March, 1824 47i Charles Beeler, September, 1826 106 Seth Curtis, July, 1821 60 Seth Curtis, October, 1822 106 Seth Curtis, July, 1821 55J Seth Curtis, October, 1822 67i Selh Curtis, October, 1822 106J Sibert Waugh, August, 1821 53 Levi Wooster, August, 1821 53 John Cox, December, 1823 66i Martin D. Bush, June, 1821 240 Town 13 North, Range 2 Eatt. Cader Carter, June, 1823 80 John Rozier, October, 1824 80 Levi Hoffman, September, 1821 80 Christopher Ault, December, 1825 80 Adam Rozicr, December, 1825 80 John McCreery, April, 1824 80 Parker Keeler, April, 1824 80 Joshua Gompton, June, 1824 80 Peter Hoffman, December, 1825 80 Henry Ault, February, 1825..., 80 Charles Merritt, August, 1825 80 Charles Merritt, December, 1826 80 Charles Merritt, April, 1822 80 Peter Hoffman, December, 1825 80 John Kcnworthy, July, 1824 160 Caleb Cook, November, 1822 160 Jesse Hawkins, December, 1822 80 Reason Reagan, April, 1825 80 Wayne Township. Toion 15 North, Range 2 East. Joseph Frazee, July, 1821 169 Nicholas Hendricks, October, 1821 85.5 James Parker, January, 1822 85.5 David Cassctt, July, 1821 160 John Gallahcr, July, 1821 160 James Parker, January. 1822 84 John M. Jamison, January, 1822 160 William Castolo, May, 1822 166 Samuel Ca.stolo, May, 1822 80 William Gladden, December, 1821 165 Sec- tion. 28 29 29 29 29 30 31 30 30 31 .31 32 6 7 7 7 7 7 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 Name and Date. Acres ?®*^ lion. William Gladden, November, 1822 82 4 John Moore, February, 1824 .* 82 4 Samuel Castolo, May, 1822 80 4 John Houghton, November, 1822 80 4 John Houghton, November, 1822 160 4 Reuben Houghton, November, 1822 160 9 Reuben Houghton, November, 1822 80 9 Sarah Barnhill, January, 1822 80 9 John Miller, October, 1820 80 9 Moses Silvery, September, 1822 80 9 John Fawcett, October, 1S22 160 9 Joseph Scott, November, 1822 160 10 J. R. Crumbaugh, John Skinner, August, 1821.... 80 11 Franklin C. Averill, October, 1821 80 12 Jacob Railsback, July, 1821 160 12 Obadiah Harris, December, 1826 80 12 Joseph Scott, April, 1825 80 13 Joseph Scott, January, 1823 160 13 Joseph Scott, February, 1823 80 13 Joseph Scott, January, 1823 80 13 Robert Furnas, November, 1822 80 21 Robert Furnas, November, 1822 80 21 Caleb Easterling, November, 1822 80 21 Isaac Furnas, November, 1822 160 21 John Furnas, November, 1822 160 21 John Porter, November, 1822 160 23 AVilliam McVey, December, 1825 80 23 William McVey, September, 1829 80 23 John Byrkett, December, 1826 80 24 Joseph Scott, January, 1823 80 24 James Rhoads, October, 1821 80 24 Joseph Scott, January, 1823 80 24 John Hendricks, March, 1823 80 24 Andrew Hoover, May, 1823 80 24 James Rhoads, Jiinuary, 1822 80 24 Andrew Hoover, December, 1825 80 24 Town 16 North, Range 2 East. Enoch D. Woodbridge, August, 1821 160 21 Jacob P. Andrew, December, 1825 80 21 Jacob P. Andrew, December, 1825 80 21 John M. Strong, August, 1821 160 21 John Adams, October, 1823 80 21 Enoch Railsback, December, 1825 80 22 William Ivers, January, 1822 80 22 Robert Barnhill, July, 1821 160 22 Robert Barnhill, July, 1821 160 22 Robert Barnhill, July, 1821 160 22 George Avery, April, 1824 , 80 23 John Fox, April, 1824 80 23 Enoch Railsback, December, 1825 80 23 Enoch Railsback, June, 1830 80 23 Jesse Lane, December, 1822 80 23 Jesse Lane, July, 1821 160 23 Merrick Sayre, R. Armstrong, September, 1822... 80 24 James Logan, March, 1824 80 25 John Stoops, August, 1821 .' 80 25 Robert Stoops, August, 1821 80 25 Isaac Pugh, August, 1821 80 25 William Criswell, August, 1821 80 25 John Hall, August, 1821 80 25 Stephen H. Robinson, August, 1821 80 25 Isaac Pugh, August, 1821 160 26 James Miller, July, 1821 160 26 Jacob Pugh, August, 1821 :. 80 26 ORIGINAL ENTRIES OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY. 63 Name and Date. Acres. Jacob Pugh, July, 1821 80 Jacob Pugh, July,182l 160 Jacob Pugh, July, 1821 160 Robert Barnhill, July, 1821 160 Robert Barnhill, July, 1821 160 Asa 13. Strong, August, 1821 160 Jeremiah J. Corbaley, August, 1821 80 Jeremiah J. Corbaley, September, 1821 80 William Adams, June, 1824 80 James Adams, August, 1825 80 Joel Conroe, August, 1821.... 80 James L. Givan, December, 1821 80 Uriah Hultz, October, 1821 160 Francis McClelland, July, 1821 160 Israel Phillips, October, 1821 160 Hans Murdough; October, 1822 80 Reuben Houghton, November, 1822 80 Adam Kemple, October, 1821 80 Jacob Moyer, September, 1821 160 Francis McClelland, October, 1822 80 Bartis Boots, March, 1826 80 Aaron Masterton, June, 1825 80 Hans Murdough, October, 1822 ^ 80 Jacob Pugh, August, 1821 80 Martin Martindale, July, 1821 80 James Andrew, Jr., July, 1821 80 James Andrew, Sr., July, 1821 80 George L. Kinnard, May, 1825 80 Archibald Boyle, January, 1825 80 Archibald Boyle, January, 1825 80 Hiram Hornaday, November, 1822 - 80 Martin Martindale, July, 1821 160 Martin Martindale, August, 1821 80 Martin Martindale, September, 1822 80 Samuel Johnston, July, 1821 160 Lewis Smith, May, 1826 80 Martin Martindale, December, 1829 80 Town 15 North, Range 3 East. Jesse McKay and Joseph Frazee, July, 1821 174 Jesse McKay and Joseph Frazee, July, 1821 177 Enoch Warman, July, 1821 160 Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 „... 160 Joseph Hanna, July, 1821 '. 87 John Holmes, July, 1821 87 Noah Noble, July, 1821 180 Israel Harding, July, 1821 160 Noah Noble and Enoch McCarty, July, 1821 160 Samuel Harding, July, 1821 180 Amos Higgins, July, 1821 107 Noah Noble and Enoch McCarty, July, 1821 80 John HoUnos, July, 1821 8Q John Holmes, July, 1821 55 Jesse Cole, July, 1821 160 Jesse Cole, July, 1821 160 Gilbert Fuller, July, 1821 104 James Oliver, July, 1821 160 Amos Higgins, July, 1821 160 Thomas Clarke, July, 1821 80 David Hardman, July, 1821 80 Frederick Wallz, July, 1821 160 Enoch Warman, July, 1821 80 Obadiah Harri8,1821 80 Obadiah Harris, July, 1821 80 Abel Potter, July, 1821 80 Sec- tion. 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 Name and Date. Acres. Jonathan Lyon, July, 1821 160 Ichabod Corwin, July, 1821 160 Solomon Stewart, July, 1821 160 John Fox, October, 1822 80 Amos Higgins and James Burns, July, 1821 160 James W. Johnston, October, 1821 160 Hannah Skinner, July, 1821 80 Lawrence Miller, October, 1821 80 James W. Johnston, October, 1821 160 Samuel Covington, January, 1823 51 George Bell, October, 1821 51 Joshua Glover, October, 1821 C 103 Daniel Closser, October, 1823 80 Jesse Jackson, November, 1821 : 80 John Byrkett, December, 1825 104 Daniel Closser, July, 1821 80 Daniel Closser, September, 1821 80 Daniel Closser, February, 1823 53 John Hendricks, March, 1823 53 Andrew Hoover, July, 1821 80 John Miller, July, 1821 80 John Miller, July, 1821 80 John Miller, August, 1821 80 William McClary, July, 1821 160 Abraham Miller, July, 1821 160 Levi Beebee, July, 1821 160 Noah Wright, July, 1821 160 Levi Beebee, July, 1821 160 Luke Bryan, April, 1824 80 Daniel Closser, February, 1824 80 Town 16 North, Range 3 East. Isaac Kelly, August, 1821 80 John Fox, July, 1821 160 William Wolverton, April, 1822 80 Frederick Hartman, July, 1821 80 Isaac Kelly, August, 1821.. 80 John C. Lane, August, 1821 80 William D. Jones, August, 1821 80 WiHiam McCuw, August, 1821 160 John Carr, July, 1821 77 John Carr, July, I82I 66 John Carr, July, 1821 3 Archibald C. Reed, July, 1821 160 Jonathan Lyon, July, 1821 142 Elia! T. Foote, July, 1821 6 Jonathan Lyon, July, 1821 160 Samuel Hoover, July, 1821 80 Abraham Coble, Jr, July, 1821 80 Jonas Hoover, October, 1823 80 Benjamin McCarty and James Wiley, July, 1821.. 160 William Walker, July, 1821 80 John Senours, October, 1823 80 Levi Beebee, July, 1821 160 John Biggs, August, 1821 55 Martin Martindale, August, 1821 55 Benjamin McCarty, Sr., July, 1821 160 Dempsey Reeves, July, 1821 » 54 Samuel Johnston, July, 1821 54 Joseph Hanna, July, 1821 80 David Stoops, July, 1821 80 David Stoops, July, 1821 „. 80 William Stoops, August, 1823 80 George H. and Joseph Beeler, July, 1821 160 Thomas G.Noble, July, 1821 160 tion. 9 9 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 (i4 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Acres, 43 95 80 80 160 Name and Date. Elial T. Foote, July, 1821 Jonathan Lvon and Thomas Anderson, July, 1821 John Wolf, July, 1821 Joseph S. Benhatn, July, 1821 Jesse McKay and Jarret Van Blaricum, July, 1821 Pike Township. Toion 16 North, Range 2 East. Seth Rhodabaugh, June, 1823 gO David McCurdy, September, 1822 75 Isaac Pugh, August, 1821 75 David McCurdy, September, 1821 igfl Isaac Pugh, August, 1821 75 George Muse Abraham McCorkle, May, 1825 gO Abraham McCorkle, May, 1825 gg Sarah Barnhill, April, 1823 gO Jacob Whitinger, June, 1823 gO Thomas Jones, April, 1823 gO John Jones, December, 1822 gQ Anthony Swaim, March, 1824 Igo David McCurdy, December, 1825 gO David McCurdy. September, 1821... igo David McCurdy, September, 1824 80 David McCurdy, March, 1822 160 80 80 80 80 80 Aaron Gullifer, Xovember, 1822.. Aaron Gullifer, February, 1824 , Valentine Kinoyer, December, 1825., David Fox, October, 1823 Thomas Burns, October, 1821 cCurdy, September, 1821 I60 David M Thomas Burns, October, 1821. Thomas Burns, October, 1821. Thomas Burns, August, 1821. 80 80 80 Town 16 Norlh, Range 3 East. John Fo.x, April, 1824 gg Amos Robertson, July, 1821 ]50 Seth Rhodabaugh, December, 1825 52 Aaron Gullifer, June, 1823 56 William W.Wilson, March, 1823 112 Joseph Staten, January, 1823 8q Joseph S. Benham, July, 1821 160 Joseph S. Benham, July, 1821 gO John Fisher, July, 1821 jgo John Fisher, July, 1821 I60 Martin Davinport, February, 1825 80 Martin Davinport, February, 1825 56 Town 17 North, Range 2 Bant. James Harman, October, 1823 Chesley Wray, September, 1822 80 80 John B. Harmon, November, 1822 160 David McCurdy, April, 1823.. Elijah Fox, September, 1822.., Henry Jackson, August, 1825.. 80 80 80 60 David McCurdy, September, 1822 1 David McCurdy, September, 1822 gO David McCurdy, September, 1822 gO David McCurdy, September, 1822 160 James Duncan, December, 1823 gO Alexus Jackson, September, 1822 gO William Conner, September, 1822 gO John Duncan, December, 1823 80 John Railsbaok, September, 1822 160 Sec- tion. 33 33 33 33 33 Acres. 9 10 10 10 10 12 12 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 7 7 17 17 17 17 18 18 14 14 15 15 15 21 22 22 22 22 28 28 28 29 33 Name and Date. John Railsback, September, 1822 go David Wilson, December, 1825 go Robert Rhea, September, 1822 go Washinoto.n Township. Town 16 North, Range 3 Ea»t. Jesse McKay and Jacob Collip, July, 1821 150 Jesse McKay and Jacob Collip, July, 1821 160 Andrew Jones, July, 1821 ' 150 Andrew Jones, July, 1821 150 John Pugh, July, 1821 _'_"''" 59 Alexander Pugh, August, 1821 120 Alexander Pugh, August, 1821 76 Joseph Swett, June, 1823 75 Samuel Stephens, April, 1823., 75 Isaac Stephens, April, 182.3 ' Andrew Jones, July, 1821 150 Jacob Miers, October, 1823 155 John Fox, October, 1822 Jeremiah Roberts, November, 1822 Nimrod Ferguson, December, 1823 John T. Basye, February, 1824 John Fox, October, 1822 Eli Wright, November, 1823 John Roberts, Jr., November, 1822 Jeremiah and Edward Roberts, November, 1822.. No.ah Leavcrton, July, 1821 71 Edward Roberts, November, 1822 go Joseph Swett, June, 1823 g John Pugh, July, 1821 77 liismund Basye, October, 1821 55 Andrew Jones, October, 1821 61 Andrew Jones, July, 1821 94 David Huston, July, 1821 igfl William Jones, July, 1821., go David Huston, July, 1821 go Jesse McKay and Jacob Collip, July, 1821 180 Henry Hardin, July, 1821 go Jacob Wright, July, 1821 go William Hardin, July, 1821 16O William Sanders, July, 1821 go Daniel Aiken, July, 1821 go Daniel McDonald, July, 1821 I60 Simeon SIawson,'July, 1821 160 Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 16O Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 go Isaac Stipp, July, 1821 go James Givan, July, 1821 160 William Appleton, July, 1821 70 Thomas McOuat, October, 1821 7g Jonas Hoover, July, 1821 go Sylvanas Halsey, July, 1821 go Thomas McOuat, October, 1821 go William Sanders, July, 1821 go William Sanders, July, 1821 gg Jacob Whitinger, July, 1821 60 Jacob Whitinger, July, 1821 7g Samuel McCormick, April, 1823 .' 78 William Sanders, July, 1821 89 Josephs. Benham, July, 1821 74 Ephraim D. Reed, July, 1821 67 William C. Vanblaricum, Julj-, 1821 59 Town 16 North, Range 4 East. James Griswold, December, 1825 68 Philip Ray, July, 1821 igo Sec- tion. 33 33 33 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 9 « 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 U 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 4 4 OKIGINAL ENTRIES OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY. 66 Name and Date. Acres, Philip Ray, July, 1821 , 80 James Ellis, November, 1824 80 William Tucker, July, 1821 138 Enoch Clarli, November, 1821 68 Elijah Fox, July, 1821 68 John Jarrett, August, 1821 160 Nicholas Criss, October, 1823 80 William Bacon, July, 1821 80 Elijah Fox, July, 1821 68 Hezekiah Smith, July, 1821 68 Jonas Huffman, July, 1821 128 William Bacon, July, 1821 80 Robert Diekerson, March, 1822 80 Moses Huffman, March, 1822 75 William Rector, July, 1821 75 William Bacon, July, 1821 80 Lewis Nichols, October, 1821 80 Robert Smith, October, 1821 75 Christian Hager, July, 1821 75 William Hardin, July, 1821 80 William McCleery, July, 1821 80 William McCleery, July, 1821 150 Abraham Epier, July, 1821 160 James Williams, July, 1821 80 Richard Williams, July, 1821 80 John McClung, July, 1821 160 John Hendricks, July, 1821 160 James Templer, August, 1821 80 Enoch Clark, July, 1821 80 Christian Hager, July, 1821 160 John Whittaker, October, 1821 160 Jonas Huffman, July, 1821 160 Daniel Rumple, May, 1822 80 Joseph Bartholomew and Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 80 Joseph Bartholomew and Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 160 Joseph Bartholomew and Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 80 Joseph Bartholomew and Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 80 William D. Rooker, July, 1821 80 Henry Hardin, July, 1821 160 William Hardin, July, 1821 75 William D. Rooker, July, 1821 75 Samuel Glass, July, 1821 160 Jeremiah Johnson, July, 1821 76 Rezin Hammond, July, 1821 76 Town 17 North, Range 3 East. John Vincent, September, 1822 80 Thomas Todd, October, 1824 80 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1823 80 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 80 Abraham Bowen, September, 1822 80 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 80 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 80 William Hobson, September, 1822 80 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 81 Levi Wright, September, 1822 55 Levi Wright, September, 1822 77 Levi Wright, September, 1822 62 Samuel Ray, November, 1822 67 James Bonnell, September, 1822 I47 James Bonnell, August, 1823 80 6 Sec- tion. 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 9 9 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 13 13 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 25 25 25 25 26 Name and Date. Acres. ??*" tion. John Roberts, November, 1822 160 34 Joseph Gladden, September, 1822 109 35 Thomas Ellis, February, 1824 86 35 Samuel and Jeremiah Johnson, April, 182.S 60 36 Elijah Dawson, November, 1822 106 36 James Young, September, 1822 139 38 James Young, September, 1822 63 36 Charles Rector, March, 1825 45 36 Jonas Huffman, September, 1822 60 36 Jesse McKay and John Collip, September, 1822... 88 36 Jesse McKay and John Collip, September, 1822... 59 36 Town 17 North, Range 4 Eatt. Morgan Parr, NoTember, 1822 80 17 George Midsker, December, 1823 80 17 Thomas Reagan, September, 1822 19 17 William Sanders, September, 1822 127 17 George Midsker, December, 1823 140 17 Eliakim Harding, September, 1822 160 18 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 160 18 Joseph Coats, December, 1822 80 18 Lewis Huffman, September, 1822 80 18 John Vincent, September, 1822 80 18 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 147 19 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 161 19 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 141 19 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 160 19 Thomas Reagan, September, 1822 Ill 20 Thomas Reagan, September, 1822 117 20 Thomas Reagan, September, 1822 160 20 Thomas Reagan, September, 1822 160 20 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 26 20 William Sanders, September, 1822 26 20 Joseph Coats, October, 1823 80 21 Joseph Coats, September, 1822 160 21 William Wilkinson, November, 1823 80 21 Michael West, October, 1822 80 28 Silas Moppit, November, 1823 80 29 Jacob Burkitt, September, 1822 80 29 William Coats, November, 1822 80 29 Thomas Brunson, December, 1825 80 29 James Tarr, September, 1822 80 29 Fielding Jeter, September, 1822 137 30 Jacob Whitinger, September, 1822 119 30 John G. Mollvain, July, 1824 80 30 John G. Mcllvain, March, 1824 40 30 James McNutt, October, 1822 77 30 Levi Wright, September, 1822 83 30 Levi Wright, September, 1822 80 31 Charles Daily, September, 1822 80 31 Charles Daily, September, 1822. 80 31 Eliakim Harding, September, 1822 80 31 Hiram Bacon, September, 1822 160 31 Jonathan Hawkins, September, 1822 160 31 Aaron Carter, September, 1822 160 32 William Bacon, November, 1822 80 32 Harlan Carter, September, 1822 160 32 William Bacon, November, 1822 160 32 Lawrence Township. Town 16 North, Range 4 Eatt. Hugh Beard, November, 1822 74 1 John Johnson, July, 1825 71 1 John Johnson, July, 1824 74 1 Samuel Marrow, August, 1824 71 1 HISTOEY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Name and Date. Acres. William Hardin, July, TS21 142 William Hardin, July, 1821 141 Ephraim Morrison, August, 1824 70 Robert McClaine, September, 1821 70 Peter Castcter, October, 1821 69 William McClaren, Jr., April, 1824 69 David Sheets, March, 1824 80 Daniel Ballinger, October, 1823 80 Daniel Ballinger, October, 1823 80 Philip Kay, July, 1821 ■ 80 Adam Eller, August, 1824 80 Leonard Eller, April, 1825 80 James Templer, August, 1821 80 David Jamison, Jr., June, 1824 160 William D. Rooker, April, 1823 160 John North, September, 1823 80 John North, September, 1823 160 Leonard Eller, April, 1825 80 Joseph Eller, March, 1824 80 John Eller, March, 1824 80 Robert Kelley, December, 1822 80 Town 17 Xiiilh, Haiiye 4 Eatt. Gilbert A. Cheney, March, 1825 40 Jesse Enlow, October, 1822 160 Joshua Keddick, December, 1825 80 Robert Warren, October, 1824 80 TO1011 17 North, Range 5 East. John and Daniel Kuns, February, 1824 80 James Wilson, December, 1825 160 Christian Beaver, October, 1824 80 Daniel Rumpal, October, 1824 80 Christian Beaver, October, 1824 80 Daniel Rumple, October, 1824 80 Jesse Enlow, October, 1822 160 Wauren Tow.vship. Town 15 North, Range 4 East. Joseph Charles, November, 1822 80 Samuel Ferguson, January, 1825 80 David E. Wade, March, 1824 , 80 William Ferguson, February, 1825 64 Asa Grewell, December, 1823 80 William Riley, December, 1S25 80 Jacob W. Fisher, October, 1822 160 William Clemens, August, 1821 136 William Clemens, August, 1821 70 Michael and Zinna Skinner, August, 1821 70 Jacob Sowduski, January, 1822 160 Jacob Sowduski, January, 1822.. 80 John Wilson, October, 1821 80 Joshua Stephens, October, 1824 80 Benjamin Atherton, December, 1823 80 Edward Heizer, August, 1823 80 Edward White, December, 1823 80 John Hall, October, 1821 160 William J. Morrison, December, 1825 80 Andrew Morehouse, August, 1823 160 Jacob Sowdusky, August, 1824 80 David Buckhannon, February, 1824 80 Joel Blacklidge, October, 1823 80 Ambrose Shirley, November, 1822 80 Edward Morin, December, 1825 80 William Morin, December, 1825 80 Sec- tion. 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 15 15 15 35 36 36 36 16 18 20 20 30 30 31 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 Name and Date. Acres. S^J^ William S. Whitaker, October, 1824 80 12 John Grewel, December, 1823 80 12 Samuel Ferguson, January, 1825 80 13 Henry Brady, December, 1823 80 13 Benjamin Atherton, December, 1823 80 13 Jacob Blacklidge, October, 1823 80 14 Andrew Morehouse, March, 1824 80 14 Jacob Sowduski, August, 1824 80 14 Robert Brown, February, 1824 80 14 John W. Redding, January, 1823 160 15 Levi Beebee, July, 1821 160 15 James Doyle, March, 1822 180 16 James Doyle, January, 1822 160 IS Jacob Daringer, November, 1823 160 22 David Buckhannon, February, 1824 80 22 Archibald C. Reed, August, 1824 80 22 Totcn 15 North, Range 5 East. Lorenzo Dow, May, 1826 56 3 William Sanders, December, 1825 80 3 Samuel Fullen, October, 1825 80 3 Luke Bryan, December, 1825 56 4 Luke Bryan, December, 1825 55 4 Luke Bryan, December, 1825 55 4 Calvin Fletcher, James Rariden, November, 1826.. 80 4 Cornelius Williams, December, 1825 80 4 James Holliday, April, 1822 160 4 Stephen Brown, November, 1826 112 5 Joseph Bray, December, 1825 80 5 Cornelius Williams, December, 1825 80 5 Stephen Brown, November, 1826 160 5 Stephen Brown, November, 1826 113 6 Stephen Brown, November, 1826 87 6 Stephen Brown, November, 1826 160 6 Willoughby Conner, September, 1826 43 6 Joseph Charles, November, 1822 43 6 Daniel Yandes, November, 1824 63 7 Demas L. McFarland, December, 1825 80 8 James Harris, November, 1824 80 9 Polly Holliday, January, 1823 80 9 James Holliday, April, 1822 80 9 Jacob Blacklidge, November, 1823 160 9 Samuel Ferguson and John Pogue, January, 1825 80 10 John Ketley, December, 1826 80 10 Benjamin Sailor, March, 1823 80 21 Bishop «t Stevens, January, 1825 80 21* Benjamin Sailor, March, 1823 80 21 Benjamin Sailor, April, 1823 80 21 Samuel Beeler, August, 1823 80 22 Nathan Ilarlau, October, 1823 80 22 TotcH 16 North, Range 4 Eait. Robert Kelley, December, 1825 80 22 Jacob Mason, August, 1822 80 22 William Vanlaningham, March, 1822 80 22 Harris Tyner, January, 1823 80 22 David Shields, December, 1821 160 27 Thomas Askren, September, 1826 160 36 Razain Hawkins, August, 1825 80 35 Kazain Hawkins, August, 1825 80 36 Franklin Township. Town 14 North, Range 4 East. Nehemiah Smith, December, 1826 80 10 Abraham Lemasters, February, 1825 80 10 ORIGINAL ENTRIES OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY. 67 Name and Date. Acres. ^^^^ Lnke Brjnn, December, 1825 80 U Luke Bryan, April, 1825 80 14 Luke Bryan, April, 1825 80 15 ToKii 14 North, Range 5 East. Jeremiah Bornight, Februnry, 1823 78 3 Moses Huffman, March, 1822 78 3 William Rector, January, 1822 78 3 John Dawson, January, 1823 80 3 Benjamin Rector, March, 1825 80 3 Powlcr Hiba, December, 1825 80 7 Hugh Beard, December, 1825 80 8 John Dawson, January, 1823 160 15 Peter Mann, October, 1822 80 10 William Rector, January, 1822 80 10 Jacob W. Fisher, October, 1822 160 10 Andrew 0. Porter, October, 1821 160 10 Peter Carberry, July, 1822 80 10 John Dawson, January, 1823 160 15 Jacob Smock, December, 1824 40 19 William Morris, December, 1824 40 19 Town 15 iforth, Range 4 Eaat. Robert McCather and Isaac Brazleton, December, 1825 80 27 Stephen Yager, December, 1825 80 27 George Smith, April, 1825 80 27 William Townsend, December, 1825 160 34 Town 15 North, Range 5 East. John Patterson, November, 1821 80 27 John Patterson, November, 1821 80 27 Josiah Bisbce, July, 1821 80 27 Charles W. Wilson, August, 1821 80 27 Michael Cloyd, August, 1821 80 27 Isaiah Bisbee, July, 1821 80 28 Michael Cloyd, August, 1821 80 28 Reuben Adams, October, 1824 160 31 Reuben Adams, February, 1825 80 32 Charles W. Wilson, August, 1821 160 34 William Griffith, October, 1824 160 32 Perry Township. Town 14 North, Range 3 Eart. fienry D. Bell, October, 1821 164 Isaac Kelly, August, 1821 152 Peyton Bristow, May, 1823 80 Henry Riddle, September, 1824 80 Henry Riddle, September, 1822 80 Elijah T. Foote, July, 1821 75 2 Elijah T. Foote, July, 1821 75 2 Peyton Bristow, May, 1823 80 2 Peyton Bristow, August, 1821.. 160 2 John Johnston, July, 1821 74 3 Philip W. Sparger, October, 1821 80 3 John Bowen, December, 1821 80 3 John Watts, October, 1821 80 3 David C. Cassett, July, 1821 80 3 Rudy Daily, March, 1823 69 4 Rudy Daily, March, 1823 85 5 Elijah Elliott, July, 1821 88 5 Martin D. Bush, July, 1821 80 8 James Martin, July, 1823 80 9 Richard WatU, July, 1821 160 9 Name and Date. Acres. Henry Myers, August, 1821.... 80 Dempsey Overman, July, 1821 160 John Watts, July, 1821 160 Henry Alcorn, July, 1821 80 Henry Alcorn, July, 1821 80 Martin Riley, July, 1821 80 James Burns, July, 1821 80 David Marrs, October, 1821 80 Cline Roland, December, 1825 80 Dempsey Overman, July, 1821 80 Jacob Pence, August, 1822 ., 80 James Cully, July, 1821 80 James Cully, July, 1821 80 Thomas Shelton, December, 1825 80 David Marrs, October, 1821 160 Robert Murphy, April, 1825 80 Jacob Pence, August, 1822 80 Samuel True, December, 1825 80 Samuel Dabney, December, 1823 80 Samuel Dabney, September, 1825 80 Richard Good, February, 1825 80 Jacob Fullenweider, December, 1825 80 Henry Alcorn, March, 1831 80 Samuel Dabney, December, 1826 80 Moses F. Glenn, May, 1822 80 George Vandegriff, July, 1821 80 William McBride, July, 1825 80 Joseph Smith, December, 1822 160 Anthony W. Bowen, December, 1821 80 Henry Hardin, May, 1822 160 Robert Hunt, July, 1821 80 Robert Hunt, July, 1821 160 Hezekiah Smart, August, 1822 160 Hezekiab Smart, December, 1823 80 Town 14 North, Range 4 Eait. Robert White, December, 1824 73 Thomas Carle, September, 1825 73 Thomas Bryant, April, 1825 147 Mary Aldridge, February, 1825 80 Jacob Turner, September, 1825 80 Jacob Turner and Thos. Bryant, December, 1825. 80 Peter Demott, November, 1826 147 Isaac Helms, October, 1824 71 Baker F. Ewing, March, 1825 79 John Danner, June, 1823 79 Francis Vorie, December, 1825 158 JacobSmock, May, 1822 80 Samuel Brewer, October, 1823 80 Luke Bryan, December, 1825 160 Luke Bryan, December, 1825 80 Abraham Lemasters, December, 1825 80 Gerrardus R. Bobbins, November, 1822 160 Jacob Smock, May, 1822 80 Samuel Smock, November, 1826 80 Nehemiah Smith, December, 1825 80 William McClain, December, 1825 80 Robert Brenton, August, 1822 160 Cornelius Demott, May, 1822 160 Randal Litsey, October, 1822 160 Randal Litsey, October, 1822 160 William Sanders, August, 1825 80 William Sanders, December, 1825 80 David Brewer, Decemberl824 80 Daniel A. Brewer, December, 1824 160 Sec- tion. 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 U 11 11 U 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 16 15 16 16 17 21 21 22 22 22 9 9 9 17 17 18 18 18 21 21 €8 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Toan 15 North, Sange 3 Eaet. Name and Date. Acres. Simeon Smock, October, 1821 160 John McFall, August, 1821 160 Lewis Nichols, October, 1821 80 Peter Demott, October, 1821 80 Peter Demott, October, 1821 80 Henry Brenton, August, 1821 80 George Marquis, November, 1824 80 John Shaffer, August, 1821 80 Lewis Davis, August, 1821 160 James Andrew, Jr., July, 1821 80 Isaac Senseney, August, 1821 80 Abraham Lemasters, July, 1821 80 Joseph S. Benham, July, 1821 80 Lewis Davis, August, 1821 80 William Vandegriff, July, 1821 30 William Sanders, July, 1821 160 William Sanders, June, 1822 43 Richard Vest, November, 1821 70 Samuel Whitcher, April, 1822 139 Emanuel Glympse, March, 1823 80 William Myers, July, 1821 160 William Sanders, January, 1823 80 John D. Lutz, August, 1821 80 William Townsend, July, 1821 160 George Norwood, July, 1821 160 Abraham Lemasters, July, 1821 160 Amos Cook, July, 1821 160 Henry Ballinger, July, 1821 160 John Smock, July, 1821 160 Henry Brenton, August, 1821 80 David Marrs, October, 1821 80 John Poole, July, 1821 160 Town 15 North, Range 4 East. Williams. Hughey, April, 1825 80 Nathan Alldridge, November, 1823 80 Susannah, Jacob, and Azariah Mosly, February, 1823 80 James Thompson, June, 1824 160 William Arnold, August, 1824 160 James McLaughlin, July, 1823 80 Sarah Jane Smith, December, 1825 160 Lawrence Demott, October, 1821 157 Henry Comingore, November, 1822 156 John Smock, August, 1821 80 Richard Corwine, July, 1821 157 John Smock, July, 1821 160 Stephen Miller, January, 1822 159 S. G. Huntington, August, 1821 80 S. Q. Huntington, August, 1821 80 John Smock, August, 1821 80 Milton White, October, 1824 80 Milton White, September, 1824 80 Jacob Coffman, August, 1821... 160 Benjamin L. Crothers, August, 1821 160 George Petro, August, 1821 80 Sec- tion. 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 CHAPTER IV. Social Condition of the Early Settlers — Amusements — Religious Worship — Music — General Description of Pioneer Life in Marion County — Diseases once Prevalent — Causes of Dimin- ution. Thus far this history has followed as closely as any record, or accurate memory, or other authentic ac- count would permit, the course of events in the first settlement and growth of the town and county up to the opening of the year 1825, occasionally pausing to group about some conspicuous locality or occur- rence such incidents of the later history as closely connected themselves with it, and presented at a single view a summary of the subject, which would be less intelligible if broken •jip by scattering the points about in chronological order. Brief biograph- ical references also have been introduced with the first appearance of citizens who were then or sub- sequently became conspicuous for services to the community. But there is a good deal more of the history of any State or town than appears in its public records and the accounts of its material growth and development. How the people lived, worked, and amused themselves is quite as much to the purpose of a faithful chronicle as the building of mills, open- ing streets, and holding courts. For the first two dec- ades of the existence of the town and the settlement about it the social conditions were so little changed that an account of any part of that period will be no misfit for any other part. The changes towards city development and conditions were not distinctly shown, till the impulse of improvement that ran a little ahead of the first railway began to operate. There- fore the incidents, anecdotes, and descriptions in this division of the work are used as illustrative of a period of substantially unchanging conditions, and not of any particular year or condition. They are substantially true of any year for two decades or thereabouts. For the first few years the relations of the settlers and Indians were occasional points of interest or alarm. One or two incidents will show that the New Purchase was not different in its chances of Indian trouble from settlements beyond the Missis- SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. 69 sippi twenty years ago, and beyond the Rocky Moun- tains now. Mr. Nowland describes one of these incidents : " John McCormick kept the first tavern or place of entertainment in the place, and provided for the commissioners a portion of the time when they were here for the purpose of locating the capital. His house stood on the east or left bank of the river, a few steps below where the National road now crosses it. One bright sunny morning about the middle of March my father and I took a walk to the river. When within about fifty yards of the cabin of Mr. McCormick we heard cries of ' Help ! Murder !' coming from the house. We ran, and by the time we got thete several men had arrived. A well-known and desperate Delaware, called ' Big Bottle,' from the fact that he generally carried a large bottle hung to his belt, had come to the opposite side of the river and commanded Mrs. McCormick to bring the canoe over for him. This she refused to do, knowing that he wanted whiskey, and when drinking was a dangerous Indian. He set his gun against a tree, plunged into the river, and swam over, and when we reached the house was ascending the bank, tomahawk in hand, preparatory to cutting his way through the door, which Mrs. McCormick had barricaded. At the sight of the men he desisted, and said he only wished to • scare white squaw.' He was taken back to his own side of the river in a canoe, and admonished that if he attempted to scare the ' white squaw' again her hus- band would kill him. This rather irritated him. - He flourished his scalping-knife towards her, and intimated by signs from her head to his belt that he would take her scalp." Not far from the time of this pleasing incident of aboriginal amiability another of a more serious char- acter occurred, illustrating the inevitable proclivity of whites to cheat Indians, and the very probable eflFect of the cheat when discovered. Mr. Now- land is authority for the story. " Robert Wilmot, the second merchant (Daniel Shafier was a little earlier), had a small stock of Indian trinkets, and for a short time carried on trade with the Indians, but a little occurrence frightened him, and he soon returned to Georgetown, Ky., his former residence. A Delaware Indian named Jim Lewis had pledged some silver hat-bands (there is something to open the eyes of the ' dudes' of 1883 !) to Wilmot for goods, and was to return in two moons to redeem them. He kept his word, but when he came back Wilmot had sold the bands to another Indian, which so exasperated Lewis that he threatened if he ever caught Wilmot going alone to his corn-field he would take his scalp. This frightened him so much that he never would go alone, but often requested and was accompanied by Dr. Livingston Dunlap. His alarm grew so serious finally that he sold out and returned to Kentucky. As it was pretty generally known that Lewis was the murderer of the white man found near the Bluffs, on an island of the river, this threat against Wilmot had a tendency to alarm and put on their guard other settlers." The Indians had been greatly irritated by the intrusion of the whites into their favorite hunting- ground, and occasional manifestations of enmity were to have been and were expected ; still, the relations of the races were not always those of ill-will and ill- service. The late James Sulgrove, who came to the settlement in 1823, and at his death in 1875 was the oldest business man in the city continuously in the same business, used to tell a little incident of the good feeling of the Indians that may go to set ofi" the less pleasant ones. His father, while riding through the dense woods where West Indianapolis now stands, with a child before him, saw an Indian following at a rapid pace, as if to overtake him. Feeling a little alarmed, he hurried his horse ahead, but saw that the Indian hurried too. Knowing the impossibility of escaping by speed in the deep, miry mud of the river bottom with the child to take care of, he slackened his pace and let the native come up. As he approached he held out a child's shoe in his hand, which had dropped from the foot of the little fellow on the horse, and been picked up by the Indian, who had followed pertinaciously through the mud to return it. Trivial as such an affair is, it is worth noting as an evidence that the Indians then, as now and always, treat the whites in much the same way the whites treat them. If there is no special cause of dislike or hostility, the Indians are 70 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. as well disposed to be kindly and hospitable as other men. If they are swindled and abased they can hardly be more vindictive, if we may trust the early reports of revengeful white murders. Of the homes and modes of life of the early set- tlers some little suggestion has been made in occa- sional allusions, but a better idea is given in Mr. Now- land's account of the way his father's family settled themselves here in the fall of 1820 on their arrival. He says that a Quaker from Wayne County by the name of Townsend, the same who afterwards joined in putting in operation the first wool-carding machine here, had come out to the settlement and built a cabin and covered it, but had left the sawing out of the necessary openings to a more convenient season and returned to the White Water. Mr. Nowland's father took possession, by the advice of a friend, but, for fear of cutting openings for doors, windows, and a chimney in the wrong place, decided to cut none at all, and made an entrance by the novel process of prying up two corners of the house and taking out the third log from the bottom. A few clapboards taken from the middle of the roof let the smoke out, and the whole affair was about as comfortable as a wigwam. The fire was built on the ground, which was the floor, and rag carpets were hung round the walls to exclude the wind, against which there was no provision of " chinking and daubing." The neighbors, in the generous fashion of the backwoods, all assisted readily in anything that required their help, and a cabin of their own was soon provided for the family. There may possibly be in the city yet one of these primeval cabins weather-boarded over, as a good many were, and made most excellent resi- dences too, as handsome as a frame and as solid as a brick ; but the unhewed cabin, unfaced and left in its native roughness, probably disappeared with the burning of a double log house on the bank of Pogue's Eun, near Mississippi Street, some years before the war. The double cabin was the palatial structure of the early settlements of the New Purchase. A two-story, hewed-log house was sometimes built, but it was as phenomenal as Vanderbilt's marvelous home. There was one on Maryland Street, south side, west of Meridian, near the present east end of the Grand Hotel, that was occupied by a family named Goudy for a time, and afterwards by some of the hands employed on the National road in 1837 or 1838 or thereabouts. It may have been the first house used by the Methodists as a place of worship in 1825, for they did use a hewed-log house on Maryland Street, near Meridian. It disappeared forty years ago. One-story houses frequently made a sort of second story of the garret by a ceiling of loose plank or puncheons and a ladder, and this was sometimes the children's room and sometimes a guest's room. Doors were usually battened, swung on large wooden hinges, and fastened with a wooden latch, lifted from the outside by a string fastened to it and passing through a hole in the door above. The hospitable assurance of a backwoodsman that his " latch-string was always out" can be readily appre- ciated with this explanation. It meant that his house could be entered at any time by anybody. If the latch-string were drawn in through the hole a person outside would have no chance to get in. A close-jointed hewed-log house was warmer in winter and cooler in summer than a brick, and, except that it would rot, was preferable. Unhewed houses were always more or less subject to the intrusion of va- grant breezes and curious eyes by the falling out or knocking out of the "chinking" and "daubing" that filled the spaces between the logs. This was usually made of blocks of split wood, from six inches to a foot long by three or four inches wide and an inch or two thick, laid in oblique rows between the logs and covered thick with the mud of the country. Chimneys were usually built clear outside of the house, against a hole eight or ten feet wide by five or six high cut out of the logs or left by measure- ment when the logs were cut before the raising, as other openings were arranged for frequently. The square of the chimney at the bottom, as high as the fireplace inside, was built of heavy split timber notched like the logs of the wall and heavily " daubed." The upper part was narrowed from the square structure below to the usual size of a smoke- vent of brick, but made of small split sticks laid on each other in courses of pairs and thickly plastered with clay or mud. As dangerous as such work would SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. 71 appear in such close contact with the huge fires of the backwoods, there was not more danger if the " daubing" was well looked to than there is in the " defective flue" that is the terror of city house- holders and the pest of insurance companies. Be- sides, if a chimney should take fire it could be dis- cerned at once, for the whole extent of the flue was as open as the door, and a tinful of water could do all that a steam-engine is needed to do now, and with- out damaging anything, where the engine would do as much harm as a fire. With all the rudeness and lack of luxuries and even of conveniences, the pio- neers of the West had some countervailing advan- tages even in the structure of their houses. Log cabins were abundant here when cooking- stoves came round, but they had been going out for some years, and there was never any considerable association between the home of the backwoods and the kitchen of the city. The cooking of the cabin was all done in the big fireplace. Mr. Nowland tells how the fires were made. The back-log, cut the full length of the fireplace, was laid at one end on a sled called a " lizard," and hauled into the house by a horse till it was opposite the fireplace, when it was rolled in, and followed by a " forestick" of the same size, and brought in the same way. Smaller wood filled in the space between the two on the heavy and- irons, — sometimes stones or smaller logs, — and with proper attention to the small fuel such a fire would last twenty- four hours. The baking was done in skillets, set in front of the fire on a bed of coals, with the lid covered with coals. If it was a "johnny-cake" that was to be baked, it was spread out by hand till it was a foot or so long and half as wide or more by nearly an inch in thickness, and then laid on the "johnny- cake board," about like the half of a modern sleeve- board, and set on edge before the fire, supported by a big chip or a stone or anything handy. Nothing more savory was ever made of grain than a "johdny- cake." The frying was done like the baking, and not unfrequently with the same utensil. For boiling, an iron crane usually hung in the fireplace, with two or three heavy iron hooks, that could be moved along the lever, like the weights on a steelyard, to find the best spot of the fire. Against the end walls of the big fireplace it was a common sight to see venison hams hanging to dry, or "jerk," as the phrase is now. Pumpkins cut into thin strips and dried were fre- quent adornments of strings or poles near the ceiling or along the walls. A " smoke-house," to cure the winter's bacon, was an usual adjunct of the cabin, and the family meat was kept there with other pro- visions. Before there were any mills, or when low water prevented them from grinding, corn was often made into " lye hominy," or, when just hardening from the roasting ear into maturity, was grated on a half cylinder of tin punched outwardly full of holes, the outturned edges of the hole rasping an ear away rapidly in the deft hands of a backwoods housewife. Potatoes were roasted in the hot ashes and embers, and the boy who has eaten them thus cooked, and will not swear that no other cooking is comparable, is " fit for stratagems" and all other bad things. In the year 1830, Mr. John Finley, of Wayne County, wrote a New Year's address for the Indian- apolis Journal, at the close of which occurs so admirable a description of a " Hoosier" pioneer cabin that no apology is required for reproducing it here : " I'm told in riding somewhere West A stranger found a ' Hoosier's nest,' In other words, a buckeye cabin, Just big enough to hold Queen Mab in. Its situation, low but airy, Was on the borders of a prairie; And fearing he might be benighted, He hailed the house, and then alighted. The Hoosier met him at the door, Their salutations soon were o'er. He took the stranger's horse aside And to a sturdy sapling tied, Then, having stripped the saddle off, He fed him in a sugar-trough. The stranger stooped to enter in, The entrance closing with a pin. And manifested strong desire To seat him by the log-heap fire, Where half a dozen Hoosieroons, With mush and milk, tin cups and spoons, White heads, bare feet, and dirty faces, Seemed much inclined to keep their plaoes. But madam, anxious to display Her rough but undisputed sway, Her offspring to the ladder led, And cuffed the youngsters up to bed. 72 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Invited shortly to partake Of venison, milk, and johnny-cake. The stranger made a hearty meal, And glances round the room would steal. One side was lined with divers garments, The other spread with skins of varmints; Dried pumpkins overheard were strung. Where venison hams in plenty hung; Two rifles placed above the door. Three dogs lay stretched upon the floor. In short, the domicile was rife With specimens of Hoosier life. The host, who centered his affections On game and ' range* and * quarter sections,' Discoursed his weary guest for hours. Till Somnus* all-composing powers Of sublunary cares bereft them. And then No matter how the story ended, The application I intended Is from the famous Scottish poet, Who seemed to feel, as well as know it. That * burly chiels and clever hizzies Are bred in sic a way as this is.' " The nickname of an Indianian, " Hoosier," occurs in this poem the first time that it ever appeared in print, say some old settlers. It could not have been very old or generally known throughout the country if it originated, as the most credible accounts relate, in a fight among the hands employed in excavating the canal around the Falls of the Ohio at Louisville. Some big Irishman, after keeping out of the shindy as long as he could stand it, at last went in and knocked down four or five of the other party in quick succession. Jumping up in high glee he cracked his heels together, and shouted, " I'm a husher." The boast crossed the river, and was naturalized by the residents there, and thence passed all over the State and into other States. Except " Yankee," no other State or sectional nickname is so well known, and it is not unfrequently used as a designation of a Western man, as " Yankee" is of an Eastern man. Governor Wright, of Indiana, once told a foreign visitor that the name originated in a habit of travelers calling out when they would ride up to a fence at night with the purpose of staying till morning, "Who's here?" Repetition made one word of it, and finally made a name for backwoods settlers of it, which in some unexplained way was appropriated to Indiana. Another explanation is that Col. Lehmanowski, a Polish officer of the first Napoleon, who occasionally visited this place, and preached here to a Lutheran association and lec- tured on Napoleon's wars, about 1840 to 1842, started the name by his pronunciation of the word " Hussar," which some " gostrating" fellow got hold of and used to glorify himself. This, however, oc- curring as late as 1840, will not explain the use of the word in Finley's poem in 1830, except in the fashion of " Merlin's prophecy," made by the " Fool" in " Lear." Dr. Philip Mason, of White Water, in his " Au- tobiography," gives an account of the agricultural implements in use on the farms of these "Hoosiers" that will not be uninteresting to the later generation of farmers. " The plow was the common shovel- plow mostly, though a few called the ' bar-share' were used. This was a bar on the land side, with a broad, flat share running to a point at the forward end, attached to a coulter with a steel nose in front. The coulter extended up through the wooden beam of the plow. Two wooden handles, one attached to the beam and the bar, and to the bar of the land side of the plow, the other handle connected with a wooden mold-board, which pressed out the dirt and partially turned it. It was connected with the other handle by wooden pins or rounds. Horses were often at- tached to the plow without an iron clevis. The double-tree was connected with a fixture not unlike a clevis ; the single-tree fastened to the double-tree by a hickory withe, sometimes with a kind of wooden clevis. The horses were mostly geared for plowing with a collar made of corn-shucks ; hames made from the roots of the ash or oak, fashioned as best they could be with a drawing-knife, a hole at top and bot- tom, so as to fasten with a cord or a thong made of rawhide ; not uncommonly a hole was made with an auger near the middle of the hame to take in the trace, which was made of hemp or flax tow, and spun and made on a rude rope-walk. The trace was run through the hole in the hame and secured by a knot, and looped over the end of the single-tree, on which there was a notch at the back part to keep it in place. For a back-band a strong piece of tow cloth doubled SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE EARLY SETTLERS. 73 was used. The horses were guided by a bridle with a rope headstall and a rope line, mostly driven with one line. When using two horses they were coupled together by a rope at the bits, sometimes by a stick, with strings tied to the stick and then to the bridle- bit. Double lines were seldom used in driving one or two horses. Even a four-horse team was driven with a single line attached to the near forward horse. Salt and iron were obtained at Cincinnati, and fortu- nate was he who could by any means obtain salt enough to preserve his meat and salt his food. Corn was often sold at six cents a bushel, and wheat at twenty-five cents. Salt was often as high as two dollars and a half and three dollars a bushel." seasoned. From these I made a high post bedstead, which has been in use ever since till the last seven years." The common chair of the backwoods was the " split-bottom," still made and used occasionally, and superior to anything of the fashionable kind made now. Long thin strips of tough wood that would split in flakes about an inch wide were used to weave the seat. They wore out or broke readily, but were readily replaced. Sometimes buokskin was stretched and tacked to the frame of the seat, and made a better chair than any costly cushioned affair of this day, until it stretched into too deep a cavity, as it always did sooner or later. From this account of a pioneer it will be seen that j ' rx!f:m ^^ ts ■ ,St^ ,1 1^1 #1 m^ ^^^ '•% l^vllNMHHk M^^fe^ iffef'/f ' npi / ^^ HHn^ • ft'' ~'^^^K__ ^..^^H M mkk fA IM^ ^ -Wf^ IS f ■ 'M^ — r^ ■BW^ % T ^ ^Kltai '"^^"^9 '? ■ ( l«i m^%^^ /J ■ ):^^^r Bl k^ ^Twffi WJl ^T^nH^^ T»'' :''^^^'V''^.- ''J X:- -X' l" LiiMf ^m •^"^r^liU^ 'Jm ■''i'^^'' ' ''' ' i ■''',,, ■"■?f|'' ■ ■■'■^^ skhui ^^jLqP W' ^10:^-^: k ^»' W ' ,||^ ■ lis E' pfljB iw •. i~^,t''. wjBS^w^ J J ^nit^ffW m, iaJl l':!K&i3H^M ''M ^'M ^ Y JPB \ilf^., i^i THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 105 though it was late before their enterprise turned to i points of business advantage, and with no great good ; fortune to encourage them when they did turn. In | April, 1825, the Indianapolis Bible Society was formed, and is still living in the Indianapolis Female Bible Society, a most active and beneficent agency among the soldiers during the civil war. Mrs. Mar- garet Givan was the first president, and the wife of Professor George Bush, pastor of the First Presbyte- rian Church, and since then known all over the literary ' world for eminence in oriental scholarship, was one of its most active promoters. On the 13th of November, 1825, the Marion County Bible Society was formed, with Bethuel F. Morris as president and James M. Ray as secretary. It may be noted here that Mr. Ray was secretary of pretty much every organiza- tion ever formed during the first thirty years of the city's existence. Whether town-meeting or bank directory, fire company or missionary society, James M. Ray was invariably made its business manager or secretary. It is to his undying honor that he always served and was never paid. He was born in the first year of this century, in New Jersey, and learned the trade of making coach lace, came West to Kentucky when a young lad, and worked there with his family ; came later to Lawrenceburg, in this State, and came here in the summer or fall of 1821. His intelligence, activity, and integrity put him at once among the fore- most men of the settlement. Quiet, unobtrusive, vigi- lant, never idle, never careless, his word was as good as any other man's oath, and his aid in any good work as confidently expected as the continuance of his ex- istence. It would be impossible to gather up here all the associations of which he was secretary at one time or another in more than fifty years of active life in the settlement and city, but it is really no exagger- ation to say that the first generation of settlers trusted him with every work of that kind that they had to do. He was the first county clerk, as already noted, and served till he was made cashier of the old State Bank in 1834. He continued in that position as long as the bank lived, and then went into its successor, the " Bank of the State." He was Governor Mor- ton's most trusted agent during the war, and managed all the external finances of the State during that momentous period. Financial disaster overtook him in some unfortunate mining operations to which he had given his means largely, and several years of his later life were passed in an easy but well-paid position in the Treasury Department at Washington. During the last year or so he returned to his old home, and died here Feb. 22, 1881. The Indianapolis Tract Society was another kindred organization made during the same year, 1825; and on September 3d the first agricultural society was formed by the late Calvin Fletcher, Henry Bradley, Henry Brenton, and others. The following year an artillery company was formed under Capt. James Blake, upon the reception of a six-pounder iron gun sent here by the government. It blew off William Warren's hand while firing a salute to the " Bloody Three Hundred" in 1832, when mustering to march away to the Black Hawk war. It afterwards blew off one of Andrew Smith's hands. Mr. Smith is still living in the county, a hale and venerable gentleman, far beyond the scriptural limit of life, after many years of service in important county offices. On the 20th of June, 1826, the first fire company was formed, with John Hawkins as president and James M. Ray as secretary. Its implements were buckets and lad- ders, and its alarm general yelling and the ringing of church and tavern bells. It was incorporated in 1830, and continued in existence till the formation of the " Marion Fire-Engine Company" in 1835, when the old company was absorbed into the new one. In July, 1828, the Indianapolis Library Society was formed, the library being made up of donations. It lasted half a dozen years or so. A musical association called the Handelian Society was formed in the spring of 1828. In August a cavalry company was formed by Capt. David Buchanan. On the 24th of April, 1829, the Methodist Sunday-school was colo- nized from the Union School on the completion of the old church on the southwest corner of Circle and Meridian Streets. It began with eleven teachers and forty-six scholars, and in a year had twenty-seven teachers and one hundred and forty-six scholars. In November, 1829, the Colonization Society was organ- ized, with Judge Isaac Blackford as president. On the 11th of December, 1830, the Indiana Historical 106 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Society was formed, with Benjamin Parke as presi- dent and Betliuel F. Morris as secretary. John H. Farnham was afterwards secretary, and the books and papers were long kept in the office of Henry P. Co- burn, clerk of the Supreme Court. The library was given to the Union Library Society about 1846, and when that association went to pieces the library went to pieces too. The Historical Association numbered among its members some of the most distinguished men in the State, and among its " honorary members" were Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Lewis Cass, John C. Calhoun, and other men of national renown. It has been revived within a few years by some of the leading citizens of the State, who are interested in historical affairs, and promises to be a useful as well as durable organization. In the fall of 1831 the In- dianapolis " Lyceum" or " Athenaeum" was organized to promote literary culture by lectures and scientific discussions. It lasted usefully for a few years, and was succeeded by the Young Men's Literary Society in 1835. This organization was superseded by the Union Literary Society, composed mainly of the elder pupils of the " Old Seminary," which collected a considerable library, was iucorporated in 1846 or 1847, and began the lecture system here by procuring lectures from Mr. Beecher, Rev. Mr. Johnson, Mr. Fisher, of Cincinnati, and others. It was disbanded by gradual decay, but in 1853 its last effort obtained a lecture by Horace Greeley on Henry Clay. In 1831, near the end of the first division of the city's second period or stage of growth, came the first illusive promise of public improvements, which soon grew strong enough to realize itself partially, and to send a forecast nearly twoscore years ahead of the fact that only began to be forcefully felt in 1850 or just before. The Legislature on the 2d and 3d of February chartered a group of railroads that reads in its titles very much like a time-table in the Union Depot today. There was the Madison and Indianap- olis, the Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, the New Albany, Salem and Indianapolis, the Ohio and In- dianapolis. Surveys were made on all them, and some grading done in patches, but nothing came of any of them except the Madison and Indianapolis, which was incorporated in the State's great and disas- trous " Internal Improvement System" of 1836. This reference is all that need be made here, as the history of the city's railroad system will appear fully in its proper place. Almost contemporaneously with the charters of these railroads came the only steamer that ever reached Indianapolis. It was on the 11th of April, 1831. The steamer was the " Robert Hanna," owned by Gen. Robert Hanna, one of the prominent citizens, and some of his associates, who intended to use it in the transportation of stone and timber for the work on the National road, a contract for which they held. The arrival created a great excitement. Between a steamer actually at the wharf, as it were, and the recent charter of four or five railroads the victims of chills and many disappointments began to take heart and hope that their dreams, when the capital came, might be prophecies after all. The cannon was fired, crowds visited the vessel, a public meeting was held on the 12th, with Judge Blackford, president, and Judge Morrison, secretary, to make a formal welcome, and a banquet for the officers and owners. Resolutions demanded the improvement of the river, and the speeches expressed the usual invariable confidence of " the realization of our most sanguine expectations." That was the end of it. After making a couple of little excursions up the river on the 12th, she started back down the river on the 13th. It was a slow voyage. The pilot-house and chimneys got in the way of the tree limbs, the bends were too short for her length, the bars too frequent and shallow. She knocked off her pilot-house and damaged her wheel- house in one of her excursions, and scared her un- familiar passengers so badly that a good many jumped off into the water. With such ill omens and a slow voyage down, probably nobody was surprised to hear that she had grounded at Hog Island, where the captain's child was drowned, and never got off till the fall rise came. Hopes of river navigation never flourished after this experiment. It was a very gen- eral belief that the river would be made practically navigable as Congress had formally declared it to be, and to this impression must be attributed the early preference of settlers for locations near the river. On the 12th of February, 1825, Alexander Ralston, who THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 107 had laid out the town, was appointed by the legisla- tive commissioners to make a survey of the river and estimate the cost of clearing out the obstructions and the extent of practicable navigability. During the summer he made the survey, and re- ported that an annual outlay of fifteen hundred dol- lars would make the stream navigable for three months in each year. From Sample's Mills, in Randolph County, to Indianapolis was one hundred and thirty miles, from here to the junction with White River proper two hundred and eighty-five miles, and from there to the Wabash forty miles, with a fall of eighteen inches eight miles above Martinsville, and another of nine feet in three hundred and ten miles above the junction, with a great drift at the line of Daviess and Greene Counties. On the basis of this report Congress was several times petitioned by the Legislature to make an appropriation for the proposed improvement, but nothing was ever done. The State made some considerable appropriations, expended by the County Board along the river, but no improvement of any real value could be made by such disjointed labors and slender means, if indeed anything could be done by any possible expenditure short of a system of '' slack- water" dams and locks. Schemes for this sort of improvement were urged upon the Legislature by John Matthews and others for several years after 1830, and renewed again in 1851, when the "White River Navigation Company" was chartered for twenty years. That was all that was ever done. In 1865 a little picnic steamer called the " Governor Morton" was built by some of the citizens, and made some short excursions during the year following, but she never amounted to anything. She sank below the old bridge after a life of a year, and her machinery was taken out and put into some sort of a mill. This is all of the history of the navigation of White River, except that the steamer " Traveler" came up as far as Spencer in 1830, and the " Victory" came up within fifty-five miles of this place the same year. Of the use of the river for commercial purposes more will be said under the head of " Transportation." The first stage line into the town was started by Mr. Johnson, a relative of Col. Richard M. Johnson, to Madison in the summer of 1828. Mr. Johnson about the same time established a coach-making or repairing shop on the block where the post-ofiice and the Odd-Fellows' Hall stand. On the 8th of July, 1827, the National road commissioner, Mr. Knight, was in the town, and fixed the line to this point. The next year, in September and October, the con- tracts for the work were let, greatly to the satisfac- tion of the town, which had been so long locked up by cow-paths, Indian trails, and swampy roads cross- layed. The old bridge across the river was built by William Wernweg and Walter Blake for eighteen thousand dollars, on plans furnished by the late Laza- rus B. Wilson. It was completed in 1834, the con- tract being let July 26, 1831. The macadamizing of the road was completed nearly through the town and about three miles west, just beyond Eagle Creek, and abandoned in 1839 in consequence of the failure of Congress to continue the appropriations. The road following Washington Street enabled that thorough- fare to get the first improvement that any street ever got in the place, but no sidewalk work was done for several years. After remaining in this incomplete condition for a number of years Congress finally sur- rendered to each State the portion of the National road in its limits, and about the time the railroads began advancing pretty rapidly the State gave the road to a " Plank-Road Company," which covered it with narrow, heavy oak plank, and made an admirable road till the plank began to warp. In a few years the plank-work was abandoned and the road, like hundreds of others all over the State, was heavily graveled and made an excellent turnpike, in which condition it remains to-day. The first " show,'' McComber's Menagerie, ap- peared in the town on the 26th and 27th of July, 1830, and exhibited on the open space back of Hen- derson's tavern, about where the Central Engine house is, or a little north and east of it. Another exhibited at the same place on the 23d and 24th of August of the same year, showing among other curi- osities a " rompo." Tradition does not retain a de- scription of this mysterious beast. The next sum- mer saw the introduction here of the first soda foun- tain in Dunlap & McDougal's drug-store on East Washington Street, near the middle of the block be- 108 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND xMARION COUNTY. THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 109 tween Pennsylvania Street and the alley west of it on the north side, subsequently kept by Scudder & Han- neman. In February, 1831, the first artist, a por- trait-painter by the name of M. G. Kogers, came here for a professional visit. The 8th of January, so long celebrated in one way or another by the ad- mirers of " Old Hickory," was celebrated in Indian- apolis for the first time in 1830, when an address was delivered by Alexander F. Morrison, brother of the late Judge James and the banker William H., who had recently removed here and started an administra- tion paper called the Indiana Democrat. It suc- ceeded the Gazette, and became the Sentinel in 1841, as will appear more fully in the history of the press. The celebrations of the Fourth of July were kept up, and in 1830 there were two, one of the Sunday- schools under Marshal James Blake, and one of the citizens under Marshal Demas McFarland. The deaths of Adams and Jefferson were celebrated here on the 12th of August with appropriate funeral cere- monies. The first three-story brick building was erected by William Sanders, north side of Washing- ton Street, a little west of Meridian, in the summer of 1831. It is still standing in an improved condi- tion. That same summer showed Indianapolis the first elephant, two of them in fact, an adult and a baby. They were not in a menagerie, but traveling on their own merits. The population of Centre town- ship by the census of 1830 was one thousand and ninety-four. Pretty nearly midway between the statement of the census and the condition of the settlement at the removal of the capital is the estimate of February, 1827, in the Journal. The town had then the new " court-house, a Presbyterian Church with thirty members, a Baptist Church with thirty-six members, a Methodist Church with ninety-three members, worshiping in a cabin but building a brick church," the. walls of which were completed and inclosed in the fall. A Sunday-school had been in exist- ence five years, and had then twenty teachers and one hundred and fifty pupils. There were twenty- five brick houses in the place, sixty frames, and eighty hewed and rough log ; rents were high and houses in demand. The Governor's house in the Circle was then in progress, and six two-story and five one-story brick houses with a large number of frames had been built that year. The editor thought the condition of things promising enough to inaugurate an era of manufactures and steam-power to produce at home the ten thousand dollars' worth of goods brought from abroad. Among the year's importations were seventy- six kegs of tobacco, two hundred barrels of flour, one hundred kegs of powder, four thousand five hundred pounds of yarn, and two hundred and thirteen bar- rels of whiskey, besides seventy-one made here (Bayou Blue), a pretty profuse supply of whiskey for a popu- lation of but little more than one thousand, and a considerable number of them women and children, who could not be expected to drink much. Probably half was sold to the country around or even farther away, but even the half, or one hundred and forty-two barrels, about five thousand gallons, would make five gallons for every mouth, little and big, in the dona- tion, and twenty probably for every adult male. The large importation of powder shows that no little de- pendence was still placed in the rifle as the food provider. On the 3d of June, 1832, the news of the out- break of the Sac and Fox Indians under Black Hawk reached the town, and next day a call was made for a hundred and fifty men of the Fortieth Regiment, belonging to this county, and for as many more from the adjoining counties, to rendezvous here on the 9th, each man mounted, and armed with rifle, knife, and tomahawk, and a supply of powder for the cam- paign. When assembled here they were organized in three companies, under Capts. James P. Drake, John W. Redding, and Henry Brenton. There was some competition for the command of the battalion between Col. A. W. Russell and George L. Kinnard, a member of Congress in 1835, and scalded to death by the explosion of a steamer on the Ohio, while on his way to the national capital. He began here as a school-teacher a few years before this military expe- dition. An adjustment was made which gave the command to Russell and the adjutancy to Kinnard. The night before the expedition started a consider- able portion was encamped on the southeast corner of the Military Ground, at the present crossing of Wash- 110 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ington and West Streets, and the next morning, while the people of the town were gathering round ob- serving the unwonted spectacle, the men were mould- ing bullets by their camp-fires, or throwing toma- hawks at a mark. When all were mounted and ready to march they made as fine a body of men as could have been found in any army in the world. They went from here to Chicago, then a fort and an Indian trading-post, guided by William Conner, found the war virtually at an end, and marched round the end of the lake to South Bend, where the late John D. Defrees, then editing a paper there, gave them the name they have worn ever since, and will as long as the memory or history of the expedition remains, the " Bloody Three Hundred." It was said that some of them wanted to fight about it, but the cooler heads dissuaded them. The only warlike incident of the little campaign was the firing of a frightened picket at a vagrant cow one night, which alarmed the whole camp. The battalion returned on the 3d of July, and took part in the celebration next day. The fol- lowing January they were paid by Maj. Lamed. William Warren, whose hands were blown off while firing a salute to the command, was afterwards pen- sioned by act of Congress, obtained by Mr. Kinnard, under some neat little confusion of him with the military expedition, with which he had no more to do than he had with the " Russian Expedition." He was digging a cellar when he joined the gun squad. The "good old times" were not so much more squeamish or scrupulous than ours after all. During the summer and early fall of 1832 sub- scriptions were made and steps taken to build a market-house, the leading men being Charles I. Hand and the late John Givan, then a prominent and honored citizen, in later life a pauper and semi- tramp. It was built the following summer where it still stands, greatly extended to be sure, but other- wise unchanged, and wholly inadequate to its pur- poses. Efforts have very recently been made to re- place the old structure with one suitable to the size and needs of the city, built with the bequest made some years ago by the late Stephen Tomlinson, but considerable opposition was made in consequence of the coupling of a city hall with the market building, and the alleged probability that the expense would exceed the bequest and create a necessity for more city tax, and some technical oversight in letting the contract brought an injunction from the court on the project, and thus it still lies. Thomas McOuat, Josiah Davis, and John Walton were the committee charged with the supervision of the work on the first and present market-house. Under the act of Jan. 26, 1832, authorizing a lease of a seminary site to the trustees of the county seminary, Demas McFar- land, Dr. Livingston Dunlap, and J. S. Hall, the trustees, obtained the lease the .same year, and began measures for erecting the building. The most im- portant event of this year, however, was the incor- poration of the town under the general law. There was no separation of the town from the rest of the county till now. All had been gov- erned alike by State laws and the officers appointed by them. On the 3d of September, 1832, a public meeting was held in the court-house, and it was de- cided to incorporate the town under the general in- corporation act. An election for five trustees was held the same month, and Henry P. Coburn, John Wilkins, Samuel Merrill, Samuel Henderson, and John G. Brown were chosen. They organized by making Mr. Henderson president and Israel P. Grif- fith secretary. Five wards were made of the old plat, — First, all east of Alabama Street ; Second, from Alabama to Pennsylvania ; Third, from Penn- sylvania to Meridian; Fourth, from Meridian to Tennessee ; Fifth, all west of Tennessee. The first marshal and collector was Samuel Jennison ; the first assessor, Glidden True ; the first market-master, Fleming T. Luse. Other officers were appointed later. In December two general ordinances were published, one for the general regulation of the town, the other relating specially to the markets. The general ordinance created the offices of clerk, marshal and collector, treasurer and assessor, all held under bond and security. Assessments were to be made in January, and tax collections reported to the treasurer in June. It will not be uninteresting to note the leading offenses defined by this first act of municipal legislation, — firing guns or flying kites on the streets, leaving cellar-doors open or teams un- THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. Ill hitched, driving across or on foot-paths, racing horses, letting hogs run at large, keeping stallions on Washington Street, keeping piles of wood on the same street more than twelve hours, or piles of shavings anywhere more than two days, keeping a drinking-house or a "show" without license. Of- fenders were to be sued in twenty days before a jus- tice of the peace in the name of the trustees. Meetings of the Board were to be held on the first Friday of each month, but at any time on a proper call. The market ordinance provided for markets on Wednesdays and Saturdays, two hours after daylight, the market-master to look after weights and the qual- ities of marketable articles, as he does now. Huck- stering was prohibited. Town elections were to be held annually in September. Under this first municipal organization the town continued till 1836, then the Legislature passed a special act of incorporation legalizing the action of the trustees previously. The wards were left un- changed, but the election was shifted from September to April. The trustees were to elect a president, clerk, marshal, lister or assessor, collector, and other customary town officers. They were also to levy taxes and improve the streets and sidewalks at the cost of the owners of the adjacent property. The rate of taxation could not exceed one-half of one per cent., and could only be levied on property within the town plat. The act of incorporation included the whole donation for all purposes but taxation. The new Board continued the old ordinances mainly un- changed. Settlement was made by the former officer to April, 1836, the treasurer showing the receipt of a revenue for the year of sixteen hundred and ten dol- lars, and the expenditure of all but one hundred and twenty-four dollars, afar more liberal margin than can be found between receipts and expenses nowadays. On the 17th of February, 1838, a reincorporation act was passed, making no material change, however, except increasing the wards to six, electing the presi- dent of the Board by a general popular vote, and each ward trustee by the voters of the ward. Pre- viously all had been elected by a general vote. The Board was to be the " Common Council," and elected annually, four to make a quorum. The president had the jurisdiction and powers of a justice of the peace, and the marshal those of a constable. The trustees received twelve dollars a year, or one dollar for each regular monthly meeting. The new wards were : First, all east of Alabama ; Second, to Penn- sylvania; Third, to Meridian; Fourth, to Illinois; Fifth, to Mississippi ; Sixth, to the river. Tax sales for delinquencies could be made by the new charter, and the first was made on the 26th of October, 1839. The four boundary streets of the city plat, North, South, East, and West, had previously been mere alleys, or closed altogether in places, but the new Council ordered them opened. This city organiza- tion continued until it was changed for something like a regular city government of a mayor and Council, in 1847. Some amendments were made from time to time, but nothing that affected the general course of public business. In February, 1839, the taxes collected in West Indianapolis (now Indianola), west of the river, were ordered to be expended, and alleys were authorized to be opened in the donation. In 1840, in February, councilmen were required to serve two years instead of one, and were given twenty-four dollars a year. In February, 1841, the marshal was elected by popular vote, and on Jan. 15, 1844, all the town officers were changed from appointment by the Council to election by the people. No efi'ort at street improvement was made till 1836, and no city engineer employed till that year. No grading or paving of sidewalks was attempted till 1839 or thereabouts. The first survey attempted for any such purpose was made by William Sullivan, for many years a justice of the peace, at one time a teacher in the Old Semi- nary, and one of the most honored of the old resi- dents. He made a survey of the street and alley between Meridian and Pennsylvania, north side of Washington, in 1838. In 1841, James Wood was employed to make a general survey, and did so. His grades were followed till it was found that his whole scheme of survey was based on the idea of turning i the city surface into an inclined plane sloping to the ! southwest corner and into the river, without regard to natural features favoring a less artificial and ex- pensive drainage. Of the changes of municipal gov- i ernment after the first organization as a city in 1847, 112 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. an account will be found under the heading of " Municipal Government." For the first twelve years of the existence of the town its history and that of the county are identical. The laws and officers of both were the same, the taxes, improvements, and changes the same, so far as they were dependent on public and official action. For a period still longer, as before suggested, there was a close identity of social condition. The sepa- ration legally came in 1832, but the other only became distinct a decade later. There is not much to say of the county outside of the town in this period of identity. After the erection of the public buildings, already noted, there was little to do and little means to do with. The following statement of receipts for the first half-dozen years of the county organization will tell the story of its financial condi- tion. Treasurer Yandes' report for 1822 shows that the total receipts from licenses and taxes was nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and eighty-four cents. Another statement shows the net revenue of this first year to be eight hundred and fifty-five dol- lars. The following table of receipts and expenses of the county from its organization to the separation of the town by incorporation is compiled from the records of the County Board : Receipts, For 1822 $855.00 " 1823 730.29 " 1824 689.60 " 1825 845.93 " 1826 915.91 " 1827 1157.87 " 1828 918.69 " 1829 1786.73i " 1830 2095.481 " 1831 2242.45i " 1832 3176.21i Expenses. For 1822 Notstoted. " 1823 $863. 70J " 1824 962.271 " 1825 12,35.18i " 1826 501.73 " 1827 683.69 " 1928 688.15i " 1829 10.34.13i " 1830 1045. 34i " 1831 1330.59 " 1832 2788.03J The County Board, when the county was organized, consisted of three commissioners, as already noted. On the 31st of January, 1824, an act of the Legisla- ture changed this mode of doing county business for a board composed of all the justices of the peace of the county. This was repealed in February, 1831, and the board of three commissioners restored. In 1835 this was again made to give place to a board of justices, which was once more and finally displaced by commissioners in 1837. The first meeting of the board of justices was on the 6th of September, 1824, at the house of John Carr, the court-house not being quite finished yet. Joel Wright was elected presi- dent over Wilkes Reagin and Obed Foote. The members present were Joel Wright, Henry D. Bell, Obed Foote, Jeremiah J. Corbaley, John C. Hume, William D. Rooker, Sismund Basye, Wilkes Reagin, and Joseph Beeler. It may be noted as a mark of the culture of the times that the president of the board signs himself " Preasadent of the Bord." The work of the Board, whether of justices or com- missioners, was largely of a routine character ; receiv- ing petitions for the opening of county roads and neighborhood roads, appointing " viewers" to examine and report on the proposed lines, allowing little claims for services or labor of one kind or another, licensing stores composed the bulk of it. Occasionally a con- stable was appointed and a list of grand and petit jurors provided for the clerk to draw from in court terms. The first roll of grand jurors, selected from among the tax-payers of the county at the May session, 1822, and numbering " fifty-four discreet householders," will not be uninteresting : Alexander Ralston. Joseph C. Reed. Isaac Wilson. Thomas Anderson. Joseph Catterlin. Asahel Dunning. Elijah Fox. Samuel Harding. Aaron Lambeth. Morris Morris. George Norwood. Daniel Pettingill. William D. Rooker. John Myers. James Paige. Judah Leaming. Collins Thorp. John Finch. Archibald C. Reed. John Smock. David Wood. George Buckner. John McClung. Thomas O'Neal. Reuben Putnam. John Allison. William C. Blackmore. William Dyer. Samuel D. Honelly. William Conner. Curtis Mallory. Wilkes Reagin. George Smith. Joel Wright. Robert Brenton. Jeremiah J. Corbaley. John Fox. John Hawkins. Alexis Jackson. Samuel G. Mitchell. Samuel Morrow. James Porter. William Reagin. Peter Harmonson. THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 113 Isaac Coe, Francis Davis. James Givan. Jeremiah Johnson. Zenas Lake. Isaac Stevens. Amasa Makepeace. Joseph McCormick. William Bush. William Forster. A sample of the ordinai-y business of the county will serve as well as a full copy of the records to inform the reader of its character. Here is an allow- ance : " It is ordered that Calvin Fletcher be allowed five dollars and fifty cents for three days' services in appraising town lots under the direction of the lister (Col. James Paxton), and Caleb Scudder be allowed one dollar and fifty cents for one day's similar services, all payable out of the county treasury." " Allowed Joseph Clark, for making two jury boxes to contain the selected names for the grand and petit jurors, one dollar." " It is ordered that Calvin Fletcher and John Packer be appointed to serve as overseers of the poor in Centre-Warren township for, during, and until the next session on the second Monday of May next." " Allowed Francis Davis, David Wood, and Demas L. McFarland one dollar and fifty cents each for two days' services in viewing Harding's road (line of old National road), and to Alexander W. Russell, for two days' services in surveying the same, two dol- lars, payable," etc. Whenever a road was petitioned for and favorably considered — usually the result, though sometimes remonstrances were put in and the road disallowed — three reputable citizens and house- holders were appointed to " view" it, and upon their report the road was ordered opened. The routes were always indicated by the lines of the Congressional survey, " section," " township," and " range," and marked, as the reports frequently say, "with two hacks with tomahawk" or " two chops with an axe" on the trees at certain points. Some petitions wanted the road opened " to the centre of town." There were no cleared streets, not even Washington, at the first meetings for county business. Roads out of and through the town were cow-paths or stumpy openings too densely closed in with trees and brush to allow one neighbor to see the house of another within hail- ing distance. These will serve as specimens of the county road-work, and it was a large portion of all that was done. At every session there were from two to a 8 half-dozen road petitions to act on, " viewers" to ap- point, and reports to receive. Here is a specimen of a " store license :" " James Givan and son having satisfied the Board that they have not in amount more than one thousand dollars in stock of foreign merchan- dise, it is ordered that on producing the treasurer's receipt for ten dollars they receive a license to retail foreign merchandise in this county for one year." The tavern license was twelve dollars, and three taverns paid it in 1823, — Hawkins', Carter's, and Blake & Henderson's. Occasionally allowances were made for the support of paupers by private citizens for a short time, and like allowances were made to doctors for services to the same class. Once in 1825 an allow- ance of three dollars is made to Samuel Duke for a cofiSn for a drowned negro, apparently the first person drowned in the settlement. The following order possesses the interest of novelty, at least to the great majority of readers, who are not aware that debtors could be imprisoned like thieves in Marion County in early times : " Allowed to Hervey Bates for meat and drink furnished to John J. E. Barnett and Samuel Roberts (one of the first constables), insolvent per- sons confined in the county jail at the suit of the State." The amount is not given, as the item is one of several allowed to Mr. Bates as sheriff. The appointment of supervisors of roads, of school dis- tricts, of the poor, the resignations and elections of justices and constables, levies of taxes will about complete the list of the labors of the County Board, added to those above named, during the twelve years that the town and county governments were identical. The events and incidents illustrating the develop- ment of the town during seven years, from the organ- ization of the first municipal government in 1832 to the abandonment of the public works in 1839, which forms the second division of the second period of the city's history, may be treated in four groups : 1st, The temporary improvement in business and real estate values, originating in the confidence of an early completion of the State's " Internal Improvement System ;" 2d, The first establishment of some of the industries which are now among the chief agencies of the city's prosperity ; 3d, Enlarged educational ad- 114 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. vantages ; 4th, The organization of some of the usual business conveniences of cities. ist. Within three years after the organization of the town government the swell of the " Interna) Iidt provement" tide began to be felt. Prices of lots stiff- ened and speculation began to reach out for chances. The State had spent one hundred thousand dollars in making roads, but that could not go far in creating transportation facilities in a country of dense woods and few settlements. What the people wanted was means of getting away and getting home with goods and produce, and country roads were a very inade- quate provision. Railroads were a recent improve- ment about which the whole country was excited, and Indiana wanted railroads. The Wabash and Erie Canal was advancing with the help of Congressional grants, but water-ways were wanted for the central and eastern parts of the State. A canal to connect the Ohio with the Wabash Canal was to pass through here. A railroad to make a similar connection higher up the Ohio was also to pass through here. Other railroads, as before noted, aimed here either as a terminus or necessary junction. The Leg- islature of 1835-36, the first that met in the new State-House, was confidently expected to go largely into the improvement business and give Indianapolis an especially elevating lift. Thus started the first speculative movement in the history of the city. The Legislature did not disappoint expectation. The " Internal Improvement Bill," giving State aid to five or six railroad, turnpike, and canal projects, notably the Central Canal and the Madison Railroad, and ordering the issue of ten million dollars of bonds to make the aid efiective, was passed on the 26th of January, 1836, and was welcomed in advance on the 16th with bonfires and a brilliant illumination, the first ever witnessed here, and the saddest in the out- come that was ever witnessed anywhere. The canal it was known would pass through one of the western streets, and speculation moved that way. Some of the heaviest sales that had ever been made were of lots on Washington Street, along the two blocks be- tween Mississippi and Missouri. William Quarles, one of the most prominent criminal lawyers of the State, built a residence as close to the line of the canal as he could get. The settlement which had so long been moving eastward, away from the river and the site of the first settlement, began moving back. Houses were rising rapidly and settlers coming in en- couragingly. The great crash came the next year, but it did not disturb the confidence of the people here. The State's bonds still supplied money, kept the public works going, and furnished means of spec- ulation and appearances of prosperity; but in 1839 the shock fell with full force here, after sending ahead premonitory tremors for several months. Prices fell and speculators were ruined ; business was univer- sally embarrassed ; real estate, both town and country, was abundant but unavailable, — it would not bring cash and could not pay debts. A good many sacri- ficed all they had and even then did not pay all they owed. Many others made compromises that enabled them to look around and wait for chances, and finally canae out with a good start in another race. The Bankrupt Act of 1841 proved a great help to strug- gling honesty with unavailable means, yet fewer of the business men of Indianapolis than of probably any town in the State sought its relief. The great " Internal Improvement System," which was expected to prove so great a blessing, turned out an almost unmitigated curse. For six years it burdened the tax-payer and for twenty discredited the State. The failure to keep up the interest in 1841 and thence on to 1846, when the Butler compromise with the bondholders was completed (by giving up the Wabash Canal for seven million five hundred thousand dollars, half of the principal debt, and issuing two and a half per cent, bonds for the unpaid interest and five per cent, bonds for the other half of the principal), placed Indiana among the repudiating States, and was a drag on her and the capital town for many a year. The canal and railroad intended for this place were not wholly thrown away, however. The Madison Railroad was completed and running north to Vernon a year or two before the panic struck it. Until 1843 the State operated it with little advantage to anybody. Then it was sold to a company, as will be more par- ticularly related in the part of the work treating of " Transportation" and railroads. The canal was worked in many places at once along a large part of THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 115 its length, but mainly from the river at Noblesville to the lower part of Morgan County. A large force was engaged in and near the town, and it was at that time, from 1837 to 1839, that songs of " the canawl" were so popular with the "uncultured." Some allu- sion to them was made in the preceding chapter. Of course there were frequent rows and bloody fights. On one occasion in 1838 two factions of the Irish hands kept up a fight nearly all day, engaging some hundreds altogether and furnishing a good many sur- gical subjects, but none fortunately for the sexton. For two years long lines of little shanties, stuck in among heaps of sand and piles of logs and brush cut out of the line of the canal, were conspicuous features of a dreary scene that they made doubly dreary. Simultaneously with the canal work was going on the grading and metaling of the National road, and the two evil attractions brought here an unusual force of worthless or mischievous characters, as noted in a previous chapter. Their outrages both of violence and theft became intolerable, and a public meeting was called to devise a remedy. It was decided to make an organization of the citizens, something like a Vigilance Committee, with the conspicuous difierence that it was intended to enforce instead of supersede the laws. This movement had a wholesome efiect, which was strengthened afterward by the rough hand- ling of the leader, Burkhart, as related in the sketch of the history of camp-meetings. The canal was entirely completed between the city and Broad Ripple, where there was a feeder-dam, and for a time used a little for the legitimate purpose of transporting wood and corn and occasional loads of hay or lumber, and a good deal for the less legiti- mate purpose of bathing and fishing. If passengers ever used it they did it in a skiflT. An eager run was made for water-power, as will be noticed further along in the account of the manufactures of this period. A stone lock was put in at Market Street, and a race- way taken westward north of Market, as may be seen to-day, for mills nearer the river. Two wooden locks were put in at the bluflf of the swamp called " Palmer's Glade," near the line of Kansas Street, but never finished. The canal was never used for anything but a mill-race below the stone lock, and for many of its last years it was not used for that. It was made a sort of open sewer, into which everybody who lived handy threw their old boots and dead cats, ashes and rotten cabbage, till it was too offensive to be borne. In 1870 it was abandoned altogether below Market Street, and a sewer was laid in the bottom of it from Market to Louisiana Street, where it connected with the main sewer down Kentucky Avenue. Then it was rapidly filled up as far down as Merrill Street, and in scattered places farther south, till it was measurably effaced. Recently it has been built in and over, and on the site of the steel-rail rolling-mill has been so completely destroyed that the most familiar eye fails to discern its place, and only in a short " reach" above Morris Street can any remains be detected. From Market Street to the Ripple it is now an important adjunct of the water-works, and is used for boating, swimming, fishing, skating, and in packing far more than the river is or ever was. The account of the changes in this portion of it belongs to the sketch of the water- works. The owners of the ground (or their assignees) through which the canal diverged eastward from Missouri Street at the crossing of Merrill, reaching nearly to Tennessee Street, when abandoned by the State's assignees as a means of navigation and hydraulic power, reclaimed their proprietary rights. The In- dianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayette Railroad Com- pany, which had purchased of the State's assignees the lower part of the work, brought suit to restrain them from filling it up or obstructing it. Judge Drum- mond, of the United States Court, in an elaborate opinion, sustained the rights of the original owners of the ground, and thus this costly work was legally allowed to be wiped out, so far as the lower station of it is concerned. It was virtually, finished, except an aqueduct at Pleasant Run and some of the southern creeks, nearly or quite to the Bluffs, but after the abandonment of 1839 it was never used, never held water, and was soon overgrown with underbrush. 2d. Before the organization of the town govern- ment no attempt was made at manufacturing other than the usual custom work of the mechanics who are among the early settlers of all towns, except in iron, leather, pottery, and the preparation of ginseng. There were two pottery establishments in the place 116 HISTORY OF liNDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. as early as 1832 or earlier, and a third not far from the same time. One of the early two was on Mary- land Street, near Tennessee, the site of the Chamber of Commerce, belonging to a Mr. Myers ; the other was removed to make room for the State Bank build- ing in 1840, and was established by Robert Brenton. It occupied the peak between Illinois Street and Kentucky Avenue, very near the first school-house. The third was on Washington Street, north side, near New Jersey, and set its furnace in the " ravine" that ran through the ground down to the creek, as described in the " topography" of the town. These probably made ware for stock, besides what was made on order, before the town organization. Daniel Yandes, one of the industrial pioneers and benefactors of the settlement, in connection with John Wilkins, carried on a tannery on Alabama Street, near the site of the city station-house, for several years before. As early as 1830 or earlier James Blake and Nicholas McCarty established a ginseng or, as it was called in its day, a " sang"-factory, on the south bluff of Pogue's Run Valley, near the Cincinnati Railroad depot site. Mr. McCarty bought the ginseng of farmers here, and through his agents and branch stores in other places, and Mr. Blake attended to the preparation of it and its shipment to Philadelphia for the Chinese market. Very near the time of the first town organization Joshua Grover did some iron foundry work, .but nothing of any importance was at- tempted till August, 1832. Then R. A. McPherson & Co. established a considerable foundry on the west side of the river, at the end of the bridge then in progress. It fiiilcd, however, about the same time the big steam-mill enterprise failed, as before related. These are all of the more extended industries that preceded the town government. There were the grist- and saw-mills and carding-machines, and the usual blacksmith, carpenter, wagon-maker, tailor, shoemaker, cabinet, and other shops, and the town fiddler, Bill Bagwell, made cigars on the southwest corner of Illinois and Maryland Streets, but the workmen usually kept no journeymen, and did all their own work for customers. For twenty years or more apprentices were taken under indenture to learn the trade and live with their masters, getting a sum of money and a suit of clothes at twenty-one, but the apprentice system passed away with the changes brought by the railroads. It is supposed that Mr. Johnson, who established the first stage line in 1828, opened a shop for coach repairs, and later for manu- facture, about the time of the establishment of the town government. Enterprise began to appear more conspicuously soon after this. In 1834, John L. Young and Wil- liam Wernweg started the first brewery, on Maryland Street, south side, half-way between Missouri and West. About 1840 it was taken by Joseph Laux, and later by Mr. Meikel. About the same time a rope-walk was started on Market Street, east of the market-house, and a linseed-oil mill was put in opera- tion by John S. Barnes and Williamson Maxwell in a stable on the alley south of Maryland Street, near Missouri, close to the grounds of the present ward school. Scudder & Hannaman got it the next year, and moved it to the river bank in 1839. In 1835 the same enterprising firm began the manufacture of tobacco in the log building on Kentucky Avenue, below Merrill, where a carding-machine, run by horse-power, had previously been operated. In that year James Bradley, with one or two associates, cut, cured, and packed pork in Myers' old pottery-shop, on the site of the Chamber of Commerce, for the first time in the history of the place. It was the feeble beginning, ending in failure, of what has grown to be the largest industrial interest of the city. Its ill- fortune warned enterprise away for several years, but when it came again, a halfdozen years later, it "came to stay." In 1835, Robert Underbill and John Wood started a steam foundry on Pennsyl- vania Street, near the site of the Second Presby- terian Church, and maintained it successfully in making plow points, mill gearing, and domestic hol- low-ware till 1852, when he removed to South Penn- sylvania Street, began a larger establishment, failed, and left the building to other uses, and it was burned in 1858. In 1836-37, Young & Pottage, carrying on the hardware business, on the southwest corner of Meridian and Washington Streets, engaged John J. Nash to make carpenters' planes, and the excellence of his work commanded a profitable trade as long as THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 117 the firm continued. In 1836, Hiram Devinney be- gan the manufacture of mattresses, cushions, and similar work, near Maryland Street and the lino of the canal. In 1839, Scudder & Hannaman built a carding-mill on the river bank, near the site of the water-works, and added some spinning, weaving, and fulling machinery. About the same time Na- thaniel West established a mill of the same kind at the crossing of the canal and the Michigan road, long called Cottontown. He also carried on cotton- spinning there at the same time. At very nearly the same time a German by the name of Protzman, the first leader of the first brass band in the town, began the manufacture of soap, on the canal, near McCarty Street, then a lane, among cow-pastures and cornfields ; and about that time, too, Nicholas Mc- Carty began the manufacture of hemp, grown on his Bayou farm, on the canal, near the present line of Ray Street. Within a few months William Sheets established the first paper-mill on the canal and race at Market Street, and maintained it successfully nearly all his life after. In 1839 or 1840 a hay- press was set up on the lot opposite the northwest corner of the State-House Square, and a considerable quantity of hay was pressed there for shipment by flat-boats down the Mississippi River. There were two or three at one time, but the business was not maintained long. These early industries will be noticed more particularly in the department of Manufactures. It will be noticed that several of the industries re- ferred to here were started in 1838 and 1839, just before the failure of the public works. The canal, it was confidently believed, would some time be completed, and, in any event, it supplied a consider- able water-power, which could be leased on favorable terms of the State. This is the explanation of the matter. By the 11th of June, 1838, sites were leased for one woolen-mill and one cotton-mill, two paper-mills, one oil-, two grist-, and two saw-mills, and the buildings soon after erected and set to work. There was long complaint of the inadequacy of the power, and the frequent obstructions from grasses and other vegetable growths, and of the ofiensiveness of the canal-bed when the water was shut off to allow ^he grass to be cut. The Legislature ordered it sold Jan. 19, 1850, and it was sold in 1851 to Gould & Jackson, who sold the next fall to the " Central Canal Hydraulic Water- Works and Manufacturing Company," an association whose multitudinous name was the best part of it. From that concern the canal passed to other hands, and finally, as already stated, into the possession of the present Water-Works Company, where it is likely to stay. In February, 1835, the State Board of Agriculture was chartered by the Legislature, with James Blake, Larkin Simms, John Owen, and M. M. Hcnkle direc- tors, of whom Mr. Blake was president, and Mr. Henkle secretary. They offered premiums for essays, and made rules for the organization of county asso- ciations. A State Agricultural Convention was held in the State-House Dec. 14, 1835, and two or three smaller meetings were held annually afterwards, but the enterprise was premature. A County Society was formed in June, 1835, with Nathan B. Palmer as president and Douglass Maguire as secretary, and col- lected subscriptions for a premium fund, aided to the extent of fifty dollars by the board of justices, which was disbursed on the last day of October in one hun- dred and eighty-four dollars of premiums on exhibi- tions made in the court-house yard at that time. For the premiums of the next fair four hundred dollars was subscribed, and the exhibitions promised to be- come as permanent as the State Fairs are now, but the crash of 1837 ruined this with many another promising project of improvement. The " Benevolent Society," still the most extensive, active, and effective of the city's charities, was organized in November, 1835, with much the same arrangement as now, — a president, secretary, treasurer, depositary, and visitors. The latter collected clothes, money, household goods, groceries, anything that the destitute could use, and stored them with the depositary, to be delivered on proper orders. Several associations have been formed on the same plan since, particularly the " Ladies' Relief Society" and the " Flower Mission," but one has disbanded, and the other, active and beneficent as it is, can hardly hope to reach the extent of service of the association now nearly a half-century old. 3d. The improvement of educational agencies in this interval following the institution of the town gov- 118 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. eminent was hardly less conspicuous than the improve- ment of business and real estate, and it was much more durable. The " Old Seminary" was finished in 1834, and first occupied by the late Gen. Ebenezer Dumont, Sept. 1, 1834. The following January he was succeeded by William J. Hill, who afterwards taught in the old carpenter-shop on the northwest corner of Market and Delaware Streets, where he was succeeded in 1836 by Josephus Cicero Worrall, as he always signed himself in his magniloquent quarterly announcements. Thomas D. Gregg, who died some years ago and left a handsome bequest to the city, succeeded Mr. Hill in May, 1836, in the seminary, and William Sullivan, for many years a justice of the peace and still living, honored by everybody, followed in December, 1836. Rev. William A. Holliday, father of John H., the founder of the Indianapolis News, came next in August, 1837. James S. Kem- per, still annually honored in the reunions of the "Old Seminary Boys," succeeded Mr. Holliday in the summer of 1838, and continued till 1845, when Rev. J. P. SafFord, recently deceased in Zanesville, Ohio, succeeded for a short time, and was followed by Mr. B. L. Lang till 1852. Mr. Kemper's methods and success, and his long retention of the school, made him and the seminary so popular as to draw pupils from other States, and the course of study was as thorough in all branches as that of most colleges. A large number of the prominent men of the city and State were pupils at the Old Seminary. Five years ago they formed an association called the " Old Semi- nary Boys," gray-headed and bald-headed fathers and grandfathers, to hold annual reunions, and with their families renew old games, associations, and memories. Twice Mr. Kemper and his wife have been present, and once Mr. Lang was present. The officers now are : President, Calvin Fletcher ; Secretary, George W. Sloan ; Corresponding Secretary, Oliver M. Wilson ; Treasurer, Ingram Fletcher ; Historian, B. R. Sul- grove. In 1878, at the first reunion, there were " Old Boys" present who had not met their old school-mates and teacher, Mr. Kemper, in forty years. It was a gathering almost unique in any country of the world, and entirely so in Indiana. A meeting of the school-boys and teacher of a school long past in a house long torn away, after the lapse of forty years, was something to remember, at least for the partici- pants. The seminary in 1853 was taken into the free-school system, then first made practical. More will be said of the schools in the proper place. A few years later than the opening of the County Seminary, mainly for boys, though girls attended for a short time, the Misses Axtell opened a school of corresponding grade for girls exclusively. It was called the " Indianapolis Female Institute," and was chartered by the Legislature at the session of 1836— 37. The first term began June 14, 1837, in the upper story of the Sanders Block, on Washington near Meridian Street. Subsequently a removal was made to the upper rooms on the same street a half- block east of Meridian, where the city offices were kept for a time, and burned in the winter of 1851-52. Soon after a frame building was erected on the grounds of the old Presbyterian Church on Pennsylvania Street, south of the Exchange Block, and the insti- tute taken there, where it remained while the Misses Axtell lived. These two schools were a great ad- vance on those previous to their establishment ; but they were not " alone in their glory." In October, 1847, Gilman Marston, since of national reputation as a member of Congress from New Hampshire, a general during the civil war, and a Territorial Gov- ernor since the war, opened a school in the rooms afterwards taken by the Axtells, in connection with Mrs. Eliza Richmond. The next summer they re- moved to a frame specially built for them on Circle Street, near the site of the residence of Mr. W. H. English. It was called " Franklin Institute," and looked like a country church. Mr. Marston left it the following year, 1839, and was succeeded by Or- lando Chester, who died in 1840, and then Mr. John Wheeler took it and kept for a couple of years, when it was abandoned. In November, 1839, Mrs. Britton, wife of the Episcopalian minister, opened a female seminary on Pennsylvania Street, near the Underbill foundry, afterwards removed to the building north of Christ Church, and long known as " St. Mary's Semi- nary," under Mrs. Johnson, wife of a successor of Mr. Britton in the rectory. From 1836, Josephus Cicero Worrall kept what THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 119 he called the " Indianapolis Academy" in the old building above referred to. He was a " character," and not by any means a pleasant one. He did not know much, but be could make polysyllabic poluphlos- boyant announcements of the approaching opening of his terms that puzzled the little dictionaries of the day, and would have delighted the classic ears of " Lorenzo Altisonant." They were the periodical jokes of the town. His tastes and habits were as eccentric as his literature. His fondness for tobacco was a ravenous hunger. He tore it off in wads of a mouthful, and crunched it with the eagerness of a hungry Hoosier at a show on a " quarter section" of gingerbread. He smoked as much as he chewed, and he smoked while he chewed. When he didn't smoke he kept the stub of a cigar in his mouth and mumbled it, while he rolled a quid as a sweet morsel under his tongue. When he undertook to ex- plain some mathematical intricacy to a pupil he would spit a shower of damp tobacco flakes on the slate and rub them off to one side like snow off a sidewalk. He whipped incessantly, with little care for provoca- tion, but usually contented himself with a single stroke of a beech switch applied to the pupil in her seat, face to the wall and back turned out, as the house was arranged. He generally made a circuit of the three seated sides of the room about four times in each session of the day, and whipped about one pupil in three in each round. He made the boys saw or chop his wood and carry it into his residence, which was a little shed adjoining the school-house on the north. Some of them were required to lose their Saturday's holiday to help him move to a little frame on the southeast corner of Delaware and Ohio Streets. The girls were made to help his wife take care of the baby, or wash, or do other housework. Of course everybody, boys and girls, detested him. On Christ- mas-day, 1837, they " barred him out," the first and only time that this old game was played with a teacher in Indianapolis. He was not allowed to get in til! he " treated," which he did with a half-dollar's worth of cider and apples, and got most of both himself His school continued in a feeble way after Mr. Kemper took the seminary for five or six years. Contemporaneously with Mr. Worrall another char- acter, that would be called in the apt slang of the day and Guiteau a " crank," taught a small school of small boys in the lower room of a frame building on the opposite side of Market Street from the " Academy." His name was Main, and he was a Scotchman of un- doubted but utterly unavailable learning. He was as fond of snuff as his compeer of the other school was of tobacco, and he carried a Scotch " mull," made of horn and capped with silver, that would hold a half- pint at least. He was very absent-minded, and given to sitting with his spectacles dropped low on the tip of his nose and gazing away off in the atmosphere, as completely lost to his surroundings as if he were asleep, or holding his head squeezed between his hands with his elbows on the table, staring fixedly at a crack or a nail-hole as a mesmeric subject stares at a dime to induce sleep. In these moods he noticed nothing about him. The boys could play marbles, or pull pins, or run out-doors and roll round in the weeds in perfect safety. If the old fellow should come out of his reverie he would notice no disorder, and had usually to be prompted to know what his next class was. If he wandered off dreaming while hearing a recitation, as he sometimes did, he had to be told what the class was and where the recitation had stopped when he came to himself. Not unfre- queutly he would sit through the better of a half- day's session and never think of calling a class unless reminded by some importunate and preposterous pupil, a weakness, however, that very few boys could re- proach themselves with. He taught but a single quarter, and then removed, with his brother, a tailor and his brother-in-law, the first stone-cutter, or one of the first, a Mr. Spear, to Arkansas. But very few, even of the old residents, ever knew anything of him or can now recall him, he was so retiring and indif- ferent to company, Of the earlier private schools and of the public schools an account will be given in the chapter of schools, with a notice of all the educa- tional institutions of the city. 4th. During the short period under consideration were established some of those business conveniences which in old communities soon become necessities ; that is, banks and insurance companies and protection against, as well as indemnity for, damage by fire. The 120 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. State Bank was chartered Jan. 28, 1834, to run for twenty-five years. The State took half of the stock, and appointed the president and half of the directors. Bonds called " bank bonds" were issued to pay out the State's stock, and made payable from the State's divi- dends. These dividends were to be employed as a sinking fund, and make loans to accommodate farmers and purchasers of land primarily on mortgage security ; the president of the bank to be president of the fund management. The profits of the fund as well as the principal were to be applied first to pay the bank bonds, and the remainder was to go to the school fun d. So judiciously was this fund managed that when it was wound up finally some twenty years ago it paid to the support of free schools a permanent fund of nearly four million dollars. The first president of the bank and fund was Samuel Merrill, State treas- urer ; the first State directors, Calvin Fletcher, Seton W. Norris, Robert Morrison, and Thomas H. Scott. James M. Ray was appointed cashier, and remained so till the bank was wound up. In the first place ten branches were created in the principal towns of the State, but the number was finally increased to sixteen. Samuel Merrill was president till 1840, when he was made president of the Madison Railroad. He was succeeded by Judge James Morrison till 1850, he by the late Gen. Ebenezer Dumont till 1855, and he by Hugh McCulIoch, Secretary of the Treasury, succeeding Mr. Fessenden. W. H. Talbott was president of the sinking fund in its la.st years while closing up, about 1863 to 1864. The first location of the mother-bank was in the Governor's house in the Circle, then on Washington Street, and was re- moved to its own building, corner of Illinois Street and Kentucky Avenue, in 1840. In 1837, when the great financial crash Came, the bank and all its branches suspended specie payment May 18th, and remained suspended till Jan. 15, 1842, when the Legislature ordered resumption. This course did not impair either the credit or usefulness of the institu- tion. The Indianapolis Branch was organized Nov. 11, 1834, with Hervey Bates, president, and Bethuel F. Morris, cashier. The location was on the south side of Washington Street, on the site of the present Vance Block. The officers and location were retained together till 1840, when the building corner of Pennsylvania Street and Virginia Avenue, corre- sponding in situation to the parent bank, was finished and the institution removed there. Some years after Calvin Fletcher was made president in place of Mr. Bates, and Thomas H. Sharpe cashier in place of Mr. Morris, and these remained till the bank was wound up. Of the Bank of the State, the successor of the State Bank, but with no State interest in it, an ac- count will be found under the head of " Banks," with a notice of all the banking establishments of the city. In this connection may be noticed the first private bank ever opened here. It was owned by Mr. John Wood, one of the firm in the Pennsylvania Street foundry, and began business in 1838. He failed in September, 1841. In 1839, Edward S. Alvord & Co. did a private banking business for four or five years. At the same time Stoughton A. Fletcher, brother of Calvin, began the same business, either at first or soon after joined by William D. Wygant, on Washington Street, and that was the beginning of a most successful business, now in its forty-fourth year, as Fletcher & Churchman's bank. The first insurance company was organized here March 16, 1836, under a fifty-year charter, with a cap- ital of two hundred thousand dollars. Douglass Ma- guire was president, and Caleb Scudder secretary. It never did much, but was in operation till shortly before the outbreak of the war. In 1865 the stock passed into the hands of able managers and a new company was organized, with William Henderson as president, and Alexander C. Jameson as secretary. The Indi- ana Mutual Fire Insurance Company was chartered Jan. 30, 1837, and organized the next month, with James Blake as president, and Charles W. Cady as secretary and actuary and general manager. It did well for a few years, but the plan was said to be inef- fectively contrived, and it met some serious losses and became insolvent, going out altogether about the year 1850. On the completion of the State-House in 1835, the Legislature provided for its protection from fire by ordering its insurance and the purchase of twenty leather fire-buckets, and ladders long enough to reach THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 121 the roof. It also proposed to pay half of the cost of a fire-engine if the citizens would subscribe the other half. A meeting was held February 12th to consider the proposition. The old fire company of 1827 reor- ganized as the Marion Fire Hose and Protection Com- pany, famous for many a year after the '' Old Marion," and the main dependence of the volunteer department for more than twenty years. Caleb Scudder was the first captain. The meeting requested the trustees to levy a tax to pay the town's share of the cost of the engine, and it was done, aided by individual subscrip- tions, and the Marion end-brake hand-engine, manned by twenty-eight to thirty men, and able to throw an inch stream two hundred feet, was bought of Merrick & Co., Philadelphia, for one thousand eight hundred dollars. The State built a little onestory house for it in 1836, but in 1837 the town built a two-story frame north side of the Circle, with a room for the Council on the second story. It was burned in 1851. The company was incorporated the next year. A second company was formed in 1840, but an account of the whole fire department from the first will be found under that caption. Five fire-wells were made in 1835-36. The State militia system, as already described, fell into disuse and discredit soon after the settlement of the town, and no substitute was attempted by State or local or individual influence till 1837. Then a meet- ing was held on the 22d of February to form a mili- tary company. Alexander W. Russell, the old militia colonel, was made captain, and succeeded the next year by Gen. Thomas A. Morris, then but a few years out of West Point. He distinguished himself in the first campaign of the civil war in West Virginia by really doing all the planning and work that made that 80 brilliant a success. Gen. McClellan was still in the East, and arrived just in time to see the completion of Gen. Morris' work, and appropriate all the credit of it. This company continued to drill and parade and decorate, public occasions by its excellent drill and handsome gray uniform faced with black velvet till 1845. The company was incorporated in 1838. The following year the Marion Rifles formed a company under Capt. Thomas McBaker. Their uniform was a blue cotton " bunting-shirt" fringed, with blue breeches, and they were armed with the clumsiest breech-loading rifles that were ever invented. A notable event of this period was the completion and opening of what may be fairly called the first " hotel" in the place, in 1836, the " Washington Hall," turned into the "Glenn Block" and New York Store in 1859. It was kept for many years by the late Edmund Browning, and was the Whig head- quarters as long as there was a Whig party, as the Palmer House was the headquarters of the Dem- ocracy. A complete account of the hotels will be found in another part of the work. The Palmer House, now Occidental, it may be observed here, was begun in the latter part of 1839, and opened in 1841 by John C. Parker, of Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind. The first editorial convention was held here May 29, 1837. The first ladies' fair was held December 31st of the year for the benefit of the Ladies' Missionary Society, and made two hundred and thirty dollars. Professor C. P. Bronson, the first noted elocutionist that visited Central Indiana, lectured Aug. 30, 1836. At the second meeting of the County Agricultural So- ciety, Calvin Fletcher, the orator of the occasion, said that one million three hundred thousand bushels of corn had been produced on thirteen hundred farms in the county. Luke Munsell and William Sullivan both published maps of the town in 1836, the former May 30th, and the latter in October. Revs. James Havens and John C. Smith held a great camp-meeting that year on the Military Ground, August 25th to 30th, and made one hundred and thirty conversions. In 1837, while the metaling of the National road in Washington Street was going on, the trustees took measures to improve the sidewalks. They were made fifteen feet wide in the original plan, but were subse- quently widened to twenty, and the ninety-feet street- walks were originally changed from ten to twelve, and later to fifteen. The property-holders resisted the changes because it increased the expense of improve- ment, which was charged against the property. This was the first street improving ever attempted. The first clothing-store was opened here in 1838 by Ben- jamin Orr. In 1839 a mistake of eight acres was discovered in the original survey of the donation. Congress generously added the ground to the donation 122 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. in 1840, on the memorial of the Legislature. The first Thanksgiving ever held in the State was in 1839, on a proclamation of Governor Wallace fixing Thurs- day, the 28th of November, as the day. The winter of 1838-39 saw the first attempt at a regular the- atrical exhibition with orchestra, scenery, and all the usual adjuncts of the stage. The manager was a Mr. Lindsay. His theatre was the wagon-shop of Mr. OUaman, on Washington Street, opposite the court- house. He returned in 1840-41, and made a theatre of an old printing-office on the present site of the News building. A few years later another company gave concerts and dramatic exhibitions in the upper room of Gaston's carriage-factory, site of the Bates House. On the 12th of February, 1839, the Legislature ordered the State officers to buy the residence, re- cently finished, of Dr. John H. Sanders, corner of Illinois and Market Streets, for a residence for the Governor. Until that time the need of an official Executive residence had not been felt. Governor Noble, the predecessor of Governor Wallace, was a resident of the town, and lived during his two terms in his own house. So did Governor Ray, who, as acting Governor for a year succeeding in the fraction of the term of Governor Hendricks, who had gone to the National Senate, and for two terms, or six years, as regularly elected Executive, held the office nearly all the time after the removal of the capital from Corydon. But Governor Wallace came from Brookville, had no residence here, and for some time lived in a two-story house on the south side of Wash- ington Street, just west of the canal. The Executive mansion was occupied all the time from 1839 till 1863, in the fall, when Governor Morton abandoned it on account of its unhealthiness, and went to board- ing with his family till he made a purchase of the residence on the southeast corner of Pennsylvania and New York Streets, where he lived the remainder of his life, and died in the fall of 1877. The Governors all suffered in that house. Governor Bigger, who succeeded Governor Wallace, seems to have contracted there the disease that carried him oflF soon after be left the office. Governor W^hitcomb, who married while occupying the house, lost his young wife there. Governor Wright lost his first wife there. Governor Willard's wife was always ill while there. Governor Lane only held the office two or three days, and never had a chance to test the morbific influence of the house, but Governor Morton did and left. It and the quarter of a square, or one acre, of ground about were sold in 1865, and compact masses of business houses cover the whole space. In May, 1838, the split that had for some time been moving deeper into the Presbyterian brotherhood reached Indianapolis and a division was made, fifteen members withdrawing and forming the Second Church, Nov. 19, 1838, under Rev. J. H. Johnson. In May, 1839, Henry Ward Beecher was called from Lawrence- burg, where he began his now famous ministry, and served here till Sept. 19, 1847. The Episcopalians, who had been using the court-house for a church since 1835 occasionally, organized a church in the spring of 1837, and built Christ Church the next year. A sketch of the history of all the churches will treat these more fully. The first murders in the town took place in the seven years of this period which have been under consideration. On the 8th of May, Michael Van Blaricum drowned William McPherson while ferrying him across the river, just below the line of the present Washington Street bridge, by wilfully rocking and upsetting the boat. His motive appears to have been a sort of contemptuous dislike of his victim, whom he regarded as what in these days is called a " dude," and probably meant no worse than to duck him and spoil his clothes. He asserted that he intended no more. But he was convicted and sent to the peniten- tiary for three years in October, 1834. He was par- doned when his time was about half out. He was the ferryman of the ferry at that point. The second murder was bloodier and less excusable. It was committed April 27, 1836, by Arnold Lashley on Zachariah Collins. Lashley was a coach-maker, who had succeeded the Johnsons in the establishment on the site now occupied by the post-office and the busi- ness houses north of it on the east side of Pennsyl- vania Street, a Kentuckian and a hot-tempered fellow. Collins was a charcoal-burner who supplied Lashley's establishment. On the day of the homicide he had THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 123 brought in a wagon-load of coal, and was unloading it in the usual place, when Lashley complained that the coal was dirty, and ordered him to stop unloading it. Collins seems to have been as surly as Lashley was fiery, and went coolly on with his work ; after a few words more of remonstrance, Lashley seized a single-tree lying on the floor and struck Collins on the head or neck, killing him instantly. He was arrested, and after a preliminary examination held to bail. While under bail he ran away and was never seen or heard of here again. Not long after this an Indianapolis or Marion County man of the name of McDowell had a quarrel with some one at a race in Hamilton County, and killed him by a blow that broke his neck. In 1838-39 a market-house was built for the western part of the town on the west side of Ten- nessee Street at the crossing of Ohio. Ephraim Cole- stock was paid three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars for it, and for making an addition to the East Market. The new house was not used at all for four or five years, and never was used like the old one, though a larger and every way better house. The south end of the same square (held by the State) was occupied by the Arsenal during the war. When the State de- cided to build a new State-House, the city surrendered the market-house and vacated Market Street, thus giving the State-House two unbroken squares, with the intervening'street making nearly nine acres. The last division of the second period of the city's history is that extending from the abandonment of the public works to the completion of the first rail- road and the organization of the town under a city charter in 1847. Its leading features are: 1st, The establishment of the State benevolent institutions or asylums, or the adoption of measures with that object, in 1843 and the two or three succeeding years ; 2d, Political events and excitements ; 3d, Incidents wholly local and not important, but worth attention as marks of a development ; 4th, Religious move- ments. 1st. The Legislature, having been repeatedly so- licited by petitions and memorials to make some provision for the insane, deaf and dumb, and blind of the State, in 1839 addressed Congress on the subject of a grant to assist in making such a pro- vision. This was never done, and there was no good reason why it should have been done or should have been asked. On the 31st of January, 1842, Gover- nor Bigger was ordered by the Legislature to corre- spond with the Governors of other States and the officers of like institutions and ascertain the cost and modes of construction and management of insane hospitals, and on the 13th of February, 1843, was ordered to obtain plans to be submitted to the next Legislature. This was done, with the effect of se- curing a tax of one cent on one hundred dollars to create a building fund for an insane hospital here. This was the 15th of January, 1844. On the 13th of January, 1845, Dr. John Evans, Dr. L. Dunlap, and James Blake were appointed commissioners to select a site of not exceeding two hundred acres. They chose Mount Jackson, then the homo of the Indiana poetess, Mrs. Sarah T. Bolton, and her hus- band, the first editor in Indianapolis or the New Pur- chase. They reported the selection with a building plan to the Legislature the following session of 1845- 46, and on the 19th of January, 1846, they were ordered to begin work on the building, and to sell Hospital Square 22, and apply the proceeds, with fifteen thousand dollars from the State treasury, to the work. The central building was begun the same year and finished in 1847, at a cost of seventy-five thousand dollars. The south wing was added in 1853-56, and the north wing in 1866-69. A great many minor changes and additions have been made at one- time or another. The frontage is six hundred and twenty-four feet. The centre building is five stories high, including a basement and top half-story. A belvidere on the centre building is one hundred and three feet above the ground. The wings are three and four stories high. The third floor of the build- ing in the rear of the centre is used as a chapel, with a seating capacity of three hundred. The other two stories are used by the employes as kitchen and dining-room, steward's office, sewing-rooms, and the like. In the rear of this building is the engine building, with pumps and heating pipes and other necessary apparatus. A sewage system discharges into Eagle Creek. Water is supplied by a system of 124 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. water-works on the Holly plan, like that of the city, with ample protection by fireplugs and hose against fire. The whole structure is lighted with gas. It can accommodate six hundred or more patients at a time, with the necessary attendants. The suporin- dents have been, in order of succession, Dr. John Evans, Dr. R. J. Patterson, Dr. James S. Athon, Dr. James H. Woodburn, Dr. Wilson Lockhart, Dr. Orpheus Everts, Dr. Rogers, and Dr. William B. Fletcher. The last has very recently introduced the system of intelligent restraint and kind treatment in place of manacles and strait- waistcoats, with, so far, decided success. A few years ago the Legisla- ture concluded to make additional provision for the insane, who could not be accommodated in the old building, and ordered a new one, directly north of the old one, on a plan furnished by the late Edwin May, architect of the new State-House. It was two or three years in building, and has but recently been finished. It is used mainly or wholly for female pa- tients, and will accommodate suitably some seven or eight hundred. The frontage is about eleven hundred feet, with a centre building and three wings on each side of it, each one retiring some feet back from the line of the other, making the front a series of steps. It is nearly three hundred feet through the centre to the line joining the rear of the extreme wings. Within the year sites have been selected by commissioners for asylums for the incurably insane, for whom hitherto no provision has been made, though warmly urged by Governor Baker ten years ago. There are to be five of them, located at different s'uit- able points in the State. The sites selected are Fort Wayne, Evansville, Richmond, Terre Haute, and La- fayette. At present, and ever since the asylum has been open, patients found to be incurable have been returned to their friends to make room for curable patients. In 1857, in consequence of the failure of appropriations in a party quarrel in the State Sen- ate, the asylums were all closed and the inmates re- turned to their homes. The insane in some cases were put in poor-houses. In others the counties made arrangements to pay for their care in the State institution here. This paralysis continued for four or five months, and then Governor Willard concluded to borrow money and reopen the institutions, but it was some time before they fully recovered from the blow. On the 13th of February, 1843, the Legislature levied a tax of one-fifth of a cent on one hundred dol- lars, for a fund to establish an asylum for deaf mutes. In the spring following William Willard, a deaf mute teacher in the Ohio institution, came here and opened a private school for similar suiferers in Octo- ber, receiving sixteen pupils the first year. On the 15th of January, 1844, the Legislature made the school a State institution, and Governor Whitcomb, Secretary of State William Sheets, Treasurer of State George H. Dunn, Rev. Phineas D. Gurley, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Love H. Jameson, Judge James Morrison, Dr. L. Dunlap, and Rev. Matthew Simpson were appointed trustees, with authority to rent a room and employ necessary teachers. They rented the residence, a large two- story frame, recently erected by Dr. George W. Stipp, on the southeast corner of Maryland and Illinois Streets. The State Asylum or school was opened here Oct. 1, 1844, one year after the opening of Mr. Willard's private school. In 1845 the Governor by authority appointed a new board of trustees, but con- tinued most of the old members on it. In 1846 the school was removed to the three-story brick Kinder building on the south side of Washington Street near Delaware, and remained there four years, till the completion of the asylum building at the corner of Washington Street and State Avenue, in October, 1850. This site was selected in 1846, the trustees making a purchase of thirty acres for the necessary grounds. The building was erected in 1848-49, at a cost of thirty thousand dollars. Additions have since been made to it and to the ground, so that the latter now contains one hundred and five acres, and the aggregate cost of the former has been about two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The grounds are beautifully ornamented with forest and other shade-trees and various kinds of flowers and shrubbery, with winding walks and drives and a con- servatory, besides playgrounds and an orchard and vegetable garden. The larger portioti is used for pasture and farm ground. Mr. Willard was superin- THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 125 tendent till 1845, then James S. Brown was appointed, and served till 1853, when he was suc- ceeded by Thomas Mclntyre, who was retired under a change of system and management about three years ago. The number of pupils varies from year to year, but will run from two hundred and fifty to three hundred usually. Successful efforts have recently been made to teach articulate speech by motion of the lips. In 1844-45, during the session of the Legislature, some of the pupils of the Kentucky Blind Asylum came here, under charge of the late William H. Churchman, and gave exhibitions at Bcecher's church, which the legislators attended largely, and seemed deeply interested in one of them. Mr. Dirk Rous- seau, senator from Greene, and brother of the late Gen. Lovell H. Rousseau, proposed an arithmetical problem for one of the blind boys to solve by mental process, and not making it very clear in his oral state- ment he wrote it out, took it up to the pulpit, and carefully held it before the sightless eyes, reading it slowly, and tracing every line with his finger. For a moment the absurdity of the thing did not strike the audience, and then it all came at once in a roar that shook the house, and that first wakened the senator's attention. He blushed, laughed, and came down to his seat. The Legislature was fully satisfied with the evidence afforded by this exhibition, and levied a two- mill tax to establish a blind asylum. The Secretary of State, John H. Thompson, Auditor Horatio J. Harris, Treasurer Royal Mayhew, with James M. Ray and Dr. G. W. Mears, were made commissioners at the following session to apply the two-mill fund, either in approving a school here or maintaining the State's pupils at the Ohip or Kentucky institutions. Mr. Churchman was appointed to address the people of the State on the subject, and ascertain the number of blind requiring public assistance in acquiring an education. On the 27th of January, 1847, Dr. George W. Mears, Calvin Fletcher, and James M. Ray were appointed commissioners to provide the necessary buildings and make arrangements for a school here, with an appropriation of five thousand dollars for a site and furniture and other necessaries. SetoD W. Norris replaced Mr. Fletcher, who declined, and the school was opened Oct. 1, 1847, in the same building that the Deaf and Dumb School first occupied, southeast corner of Maryland and Illinois Streets. Nine pupils attended at first, but there were thirty during the session. In September, 1848, a removal was made to a three-story brick, erected for a work- shop, on the asylum grounds, — the two squares north of North Street, between Pennsylvania and Meridian Streets, formerly " Pratt's Walnut Grove." Here the school was kept till the completion of the asylum proper in February, 1853. It was begun about three years before. The cost of the original building and grounds was one hundred and ten thousand dollars. The main central building is ninety feet front by sixty-one feet deep, and five stories high ; at each end is a wing four stories high, thirty feet front by eighty-three feet deep. The total front from east to west is one hundred and fifty feet. A Corinthian cupola crowns the centre building. A portico stands in front of the centre, and iron galleries or colonnades surround the two lower stories of the wings. The average attendance of pupils is over one hundred, a considerable majority of whom are usually females. The superintendents have been William H. Church- man, from Oct. 1, 1847, to Sept. 30, 1853; George W. Ames, brother of the bishop, from Oct. 1, 1853, to Sept. 30, 1855 ; William C. Larrabee, previously a professor at Asbury University, and afterwards editor of the Sentinel for a short time, from Oct. 1, 1855, to Jan. 31, 1857 ; James McWorkman, from Feb. 1, 1857, to Sept. 10, 1861 ; William H. Church- man again, from Oct. 10, 1861. The Female Prison and Reformatory, a short dis- tance northeast of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, was recommended in the message of Governor Baker in 1869, and an appropriation of fifty thousand dollars made for it, under the management of a board con- sisting of Judge Elijah B. Martindale, of the city, Gen. Asahel Stone, of Winchester, and Joseph I. Irwin, of Columbus. They obtained a plan of Mr. Hodgson, architect of the court-house, and went on with the work as far as they could with the money. The failure of appropriations in 1871 delayed and greatly embarrassed the Board, and the institution was not ready for the reception of subjects as early as 126 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. it should have been by two or three years. It has now been in successful operation some eight years, under the charge of Mrs. Sarah Smith, and has realized all the reasonable expectations formed of its service. A good deal of trouble has been caused by the sewage of so large a house with so many inmates, but the last Legislature made an arrangement with the city to assist in building a sewer to connect with the city system, which will remove all ground of com- plaint. The Reformatory is one hundred and seventy- four feet long, consisting of a main central building, with side and traverse wings, one hundred and nine feet long. The whole structure is two stories high, with a basement and Mansard story. The completed portion is but a fraction of the whole contemplated structure, which is to be five hundred and twenty-five feet long. The character and purpose of the institu- tion may be best judged from the definition of them in the act creating it, drawn by Governor Baker. A " House of Refuge for the Correction and Reforma- tion of Juvenile Offenders" was provided for by an act of the Legislature approved March 8, 1867, with an appropriation of fifty thousand dollars and a board of managers consisting of Charles F. Coffin, of Wayne County, Judge A. C. Downey, of Ohio County, and Gen. Joseph Orr, of La Porte County. The " family system" of treatment was adopted under the superin- tendence of Frank B. Ainsworth and his wife, who began their service Aug. 27, 1867. On the 1st of January, 1868, a workshop and three residences were completed, and the Governor issued a proclamation that the institution was ready to receive inmates. The grounds contain two hundred and twenty-five acres, a half-mile or so south of Plainfield, Hendricks Co. The number of inmates is about two hundred usually. The institution is noticed here, though not in the county, because it forms part of the same system as the Female Reformatory, and it was really drawn to a central location by the capital. 2d. Until the fall of 1840 no man of national dis- tinction had visited Indianapolis. Gen. Harrison was here for a week in January, 1833, came on the 11th, was banqueted and made a speech on the 17th, and came again on the 13th of January, 1835 ; but at that time Gen. Harrison was little known outside of the " Northwest Territory," which was so largely indebted to his courage and judgment, and it would be strain- ing terms a little to speak of him as a man of " national reputation." In those days of slow com- munication and of newspapers that troubled them- selves little with news, what was known in one sec- tion was not quite so readily diffused in others aa now, when a night incident on the Pacific is known all along the Atlantic on both sides the next morning at breakfast. The nomination at Harrisburg in Decem- ber, 1839, was a revelation to a good many well- informed men east of the Alleghanies. For a number of years the general had been clerk of Hamilton County, withdrawn from public sight and interest, and that seclusion had helped to make his an unfamiliar name even at home among the generation that had grown up since the days of Tippecanoe and Tecum- seh. Thus it came that Indianapolis was all in a fer- ment on the 13th of October, 1840, to see the Vice- President of the United States and the reputed slayer of the great Indian chief, the statesman. Col. Richard M. Johnson. He passed the night of the 13th at a tavern a few miles east of town, Aquilla Parker's probably, and came in next morning at the head of a long procession which had gone out two or three miles to meet him. He was taken to the Walnut Grove, on the square north of the site of the Blind Asylum, and made a very indifferent little speech, in which occurred two exhibitions of indiflferent taste, short as it was. Something required an allusion to the preceding Sunday and something he had done that day, and he said he had no scruples about doing necessary work on Sunday, adding by way of humor- ous enlargement that he " had written his Sunday mail report on Sunday." This was. a report on a series of petitions from over-zealous religionists asking the suppression of the transportation and distribution of the mails on Sunday, made in 1828 and so well con- structed that a good many believed somebody else wrote it. Whether true or not, it was impertinent and sure to be offensive to the religious element of the population to say it was a Sunday job. In reference to his public services he said he had " that morning at the tavern stripped to the bufi' and showed a friend who shared the room, the scars of five wounds re- THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 127 oeived at the battle of the Thames." As he was on an electioneering tour, and within a month of the election, there was a rather unpleasant savor of Roman mode of electioneering in this public parade of his wounds to solicit votes. He was a better fighter than statesman. Tilghman A. Howard, who had been beaten for Governor the August before, made the speech of that occasion. On the 11th of June, 1842, ex-President Van Buren came here, and was received, like Col. John- son, by a procession of military companies, firemen, citizens on foot and horseback and in wagons and carriages, with the music of the first brass band, and taken to the Palmer House, where he was welcomed in a formal speech, and responded, standing in the open carriage, in a very neat and graceful little ex- pression of gratitude and the usual civilities of such occasions. He had a reception at the State-House, by request of Governor Bigger, in the evening. The next day being Sunday, he attended Beecher's church in the morning and the Methodist in the evening, and left on Monday by stage for Terre Haute, getting an upset at Plainfield, it was said at the time. Henry Clay, about whom a greater curiosity, and for whom, in consequence of the strength of the Ken- tucky settlers, a greater admiration was felt than for any other man in the nation, came here on the 5th of October, 1842. He was received east of the town by a greater crowd than was ever assembled here before, and, says Mr. Ignatius Brown, " considering the means of travel then and since, a greater crowd than has ever been gathered since." A fine woods pasture belonging to Governor Noble, east of his residence, was the place of ceremonies, which consisted of speeches and a profuse " lunch" it would be called now, but was called a "barbecue" then. There were two or three speaking-stands, but none but his own were used while Mr. Clay was speaking. He spoke for more than an hour, and certainly did not surpass anybody's expectations. There was no occasion for feeling or enthusiasm in a formal speech of response to a popular reception, and there was none on his side and none due to his eloquence on the other. He was followed by Senator John J. Crittenden and Governor Thomas Metcalf, " the Old Stone Hammer," who both made better speeches than their chief. They were followed by Joseph Little White, a member of Con- gress from the Madison District of this State, and he made the best speech of the day. He was capable of doing it at any time, except when Mr. Clay was fully roused. He was a born orator, like Sargent S. Pren- tiss, whom he greatly resembled in intellectual readi- ness and affluence. Other speeches were made by home orators, but they have parsed away with the occasion and are forty years deep in oblivion now. The entertainment continued for two days longer, in which a review of the military companies was held by the Governor, a display of fire-works made, an agri- cultural show visited, and, it was said, a three-mile race witnessed between " Bertrand" and " Little Red" on the first race-course ever opened here. It was maintained but a few years, three or four from 1841, and was situated on the south side of the Crawfords- ville road, about a mile west of the river. On the 5th of August, 1844, Gen. Cass visited the town, and was received like his distinguished prede- cessors, though with hardly so large a display of pop- ular interest, and was escorted by the procession to the Military Ground, where Governor Whitcomb made a welcoming address, and the general responded at considerable length. A Presidential contest was at its height, and he made a strong and long electioneer- ing speech, followed by Senator Edward A. Hannegan and others. He held a reception at the Palmer House, and left in the evening for Dayton. The great Presidential contest of 1840 excited no more feeling in any town in the Union than in Indian- apolis. Local meetings and mass-meetings, speeches, Tippecanoe songs, Whig emblems, " log cabin" breast- pins, little canoes, — the significance of which must be traced through the final syllables of an Indian name that had no relevancy to causes, — ostentatious parade of cider-barrels, and imitations of " latch-strings," and scores of varied forms of enthusiasm that every- body felt to be silly when the fever was gone, kept the whole community in an incessant turmoil for nearly a year. Processions in weather so cold that enthusiastic Whigs froze their ears by keeping their hats waving to their " hurrahs" too long, great " dug- out" canoes filled with young ladies and little flags, 128 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. imitation cabins drawn on big ox-wagons, enormous choruses to very silly songs were the leading features of the Whig side of the contest. On the corner where the Bates House stands, a cabin of buckeye logs — a compliment to Gen. Harrison's Ohio residence — was built, and barrels of cider kept constantly run- ning when there was a Whig meeting in the town. One of the Whig songs, and the most popular, because, like the lion's part in the " Midsummer Night's Dream," it " was nothing but roaring," and capable of employing all the strength of all the lungs within the radius of a half-mile, began thus: " What has caused this great coaimotion, motion, motion, The country through ? It is the ball a rolling on for Tippecanoe and Tyler too, And with them we'll beat little Van. Van, Van is a used up man, And with them we'll beat little Van !" It makes one feel cheap to think that such rubbish as that could have any effect on the opinions or action of a great nation, but it had. " Lillibullero" was not better, and it helped James II. off the throne, so our folly of 1840 was not singular. On the Demo- cratic side the contest was managed in a much more decorous way. They could not help it, for they had nothing in their cause or candidate to excite enthu- siasm, and, in the expressive slang of to-day, the Whigs had "got the bulge." The Democrats had too many sins of a long period of power to answer for. Centre township gave thirteen hundred and eighty- seven' votes in the Presidential election in November, and Harrison got eight hundred and seventy-two to five hundred and fifteen for Van Buren. The popu- lation of the town in 1840 by the census was two thousand six hundred and ninety-two. The contest of 1844 was not so one-sided. The Democrats did quite as much fooling as the Whigs. They raised hickory-poles and the Whigs raised ash- poles, a suggestion of Mr. Clay's home at Ashland, about as apt and significant as the canoe of 1840. Both sides had singing clubs, and sang the silliest of rhyming rant to the most monotonous of " nigger" tunes, then in the first full tide of popularity. " Old Dan Tucker," "Lucy Long," "The Blue-Tailed Fly," " Buffalo Gals" were the favorite airs of both sides. The Whigs for some reason made the " coon" a party symbol, but what it symbolized nobody appeared to know. It was paraded numerously in processions and mass-meetings, and Whigs often alluded to themselves as " coons," and spoke of the thieving little beast with affectionate rapture. One of their songs expressed this preposterous sentiment : " In Lindenwald the fox is holed, The coons all laugh to hear it told. With ha ! ha ! ha ! what a nominee Is James K. Polk, of Tennessee !" Van Buren's " pet name" was the " fox" in 1840, and Lindenwald was his home. But out of all this fuss and flummery there never came any intelligible reason for the adoption of the coon as a party symbol or suggestion. The Democrats ought to have balanced the case by adopting the " possum," but they did not. In 1840 the Democratic ladies made little show in the parades, while the Whig ladies were active and con- stant in all that could help their friends. In 1844 the female part of the contest was very evenly bal- anced. That was the last of the roaring, singing, pole-raising, political folly. The annexation of Texas, the Mexican war, and the growing prominence of the slavery problem made issues too serious for empty or ribald songs and the puerile agencies that had served their turn and needed to be forgotten. 3d. There may be grouped here a number of little items of city progress of no special importance in themselves, but worth notice, as first things always are, if they grow to importance later. In the spring of 1840 the Council made two fire cisterns, the first of the kind. In July, 1842, T. W. Whitridge, who subsequently became quite a distinguished artist in New York, opened the first daguerrean gallery here, but afterwards betook almost exclusively to painting. At this time and before, Jacob Cox, the oldest and most eminent artist in the State, was painting por- traits occasionally while working at his trade as a tinner. During the fall of 1842, James Blake, always foremost in enterprise, or only mated by Nicholas McCarty, began the manufacture of molas- ses from the juice of corn-stalks, a prophecy of the later sorghum manufacture which he lived to see. The enterprise failed soon, because the product was THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 129 tinged with an acid taste that seriously impaired it. Still, a good many used it while they could get it because it was cheap. The manufactory was near Mr. Blake's barn, on North Street, between Mis- sissippi and the canal, or in that vicinity. The Indiana Horticultural Society was organized Aug. 22, 1840, Henry Ward Beecher being one of its leading promoters. It gave several fine exhibitions of fruits and flowers during the half-dozen years of its existence. On the 10th of April, 1841, a public meeting was held to make arrangements for appropriate services on the occasion of President Harrison's death, and on the 17th business was suspended, an imposing funeral procession formed, and addresses delivered by Governor Bigger and Mr. Beecher. The 4th of May was observed as a fast-day all over the country for the President's death. On the 25th of April, 1842, at two o'clock in the morning, a loud explosion was heard in the gro- cery of Frederick Smith, a little one-story frame on the south side of Washington Street, near Delaware. Those who heard it and hurried in found him lying in a heap of laths and lime, and shattered plank, and fragments of grocery-goods, terribly burned and bruised and unconscious, but not dead. He was left so for some hours till the coroner came. He after- wards recovered and left the place. On a fragment of plank or the lid of a goods-box he had scrawled in German with chalk an unintelligible account of his reasons for his suicidal attempt, but the only decipherable words were " envy of bread." He was thought to have been partially insane, and to have tried to go out of the world in the blaze of an exploding keg of powder. Why he didn't was a mystery. This was said at the time to be the first suicidal attempt in the town. Not far from the same time a man by the name of Ellis committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn in Wash- ington township. The Smith explosion, however, was not the first case of suicidal mania. Some years before it a boy by the name of Alexander Wiley, a brother of William Y. Wiley, long a prominent and respected citizen, drowned himself in the river some- where below the bridge, for some difierence with his father, Capt. Wylie, then a popular tailor on Wash- 9 ington Street ; at least that was the universal belief at the time. The body was found a week afterwards in a drift a few miles down the river, terribly muti- lated by fish or carrion-birds. The annual Methodist Conference met here Oct. 21, 1840, with Bishop Soule as presiding officer. During the fall of 1842 lecturers on mesmerism excited a good deal of inter- est and had a good many believers. In February, 1843, " Washin'gton Hall" took fire, about two o'clock in the afternoon, and was fought zealously all day, and barely extinguished and safe at dusk. The engines had to be supplied with water by lines of buckets from pumps at the corner of Meridian Street, and in front of Mothershead's drug- store on Washington Street, and from several private wells. Henry Ward Beecher was one of the most daring and effective of the workers, and got his clothes frozen on him and his hair full of ice, as did hundreds of others. The Old Seminary boys were dismissed by Mr. Kemper to go down and help in the bucket line. The loss was but three thousand dollars, but that was the biggest fire that had ever happened here at that time. Miss Lesner opened the Indianapolis Female Collegiate Institute in the " Franklin Institute" house, on Circle Street, Sep- tember, 1843. In June, 1843, Robert Parmelee began the manufacture of pianos here on the south side of Washington Street, a little west of Meridian. It did not last long or amount to much. The fall before 1842, E. J. Peck and Edwin Hedderly began the manufacture of lard-oil on Washington Street. In April, 1844, was laid out the " Union Cemetery," east of and adjoining the " Old Graveyard." In 1833 Dr. Coe had added a considerable section, and in 1852 Messrs. Blake, Ray, and Peck made a much more considerable addition on the east and north, long known as the " New Graveyard." With the addition made in 1844 the cemetery extended from the river to Kentucky Avenue, and northward to the Vandalia Railroad. In 1860 a large plat between the last addition and the river was platted as an addition, and used chiefly for the burial of Con- federate prisoners who died in the camp hospitals here. But little else of it was ever used as a ceme- tery, and after Crown Hill was ready for use the 130 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. dead were removed there, and the ground occupied by the Vandalia Railway Company for freight-yard tracks, wood-sheds, blacksmith-shop, round-house, and engine-house, and Ferguson's pork-house was put on a part of it. Washington Street was graded and graveled in July, 1845. In the same year the old Methodist Church, erected in 1827-29, began to crack and grow unsafe, and was torn down and re- placed next year by Wesley Chapel. In 1843 the Methodist Church, growing unwieldy, divided, and one part retained the old church on the corner of Circle and Meridian Streets, the other used the court- house while they were building a new house, known as Roberts' Chapel, on the corner of Pennsylvania and Market, the present site of the Journal office. It was completed in 1844, under the pastorate of Rev. J. S. Bayliss. In 1868 this church was sold and converted into the Martindale Block, and a new church was soon begun on the corner of Delaware and Vermont Streets. It is of stone, and not yet fully finished, but it is one of the finest church edifices in the State. The first city clock, built by John MofiFatt in 1853-54, was set in the steeple of Roberts' Chapel in 1854, and remained until 1868, when it was removed by the fire engineers. In the summer Seton W. Norris built, on the southwest \ corner of Washington and Meridian Streets, the \ block torn away a few years ago to make way for the present Hubbard Block. It was the finest build- ing in the place in its day. The Locomotive, for , several years a popular literary weekly paper, was started by the apprentices in the Journal office. In the summer of 1846 the audacity of the gamblers provoked the citizens to harsh measures, and a public meeting appointed Hiram Brown, the oldest member of the barj^anjj one of the ablest, to the special duty of prosecuting them. His work, with a repetition of the public meeting the following year, drove off the worst of the dark-legged fraternity. The depot of the Madison Railroad was built in 1846, and was a substantial intimation that the long isolation of the town would soon be broken. Property had already taken an upward turn, and values were improving in the hopeless section of East South Street, then a country lane, and Pogue's Run Valley. Complaint | was made of the selection of so remote a site as South Street east of Pennsylvania, but being fixed the Council began improving the streets leading down there across the swampy bottom, and the property- holders straightened the creek from Virginia Avenue to Meridian Street. Governor Whitcomb issued his proclamation calling for volunteers for the Mexican war May 23, 1846, and Capt. James T. Drake speedily raised a company, with John McDougal, afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of California, as first lieutenant, and Lew Wallace, now general and minister to Turkey, as second lieu- tenant. It was made part of the First Indiana Regi- ment, of which Capt. Drake was made colonel. It spent the whole year of its enlistment guarding the mouth of the Rio Grande, where Luther Peck, sod of the first Lutheran clergyman here, was drowned. Two other companies were raised in May and Sep- tember, 1847, by Edward Lander, elder brother of Gen. Frederick Lander, and Capt. John McDougal. They were put in tlie Fourth and Fifth Regiments. It may be noted here that in numbering the regiments raised by the State in the civil war, the five Mexican regiments were counted first, and the first Indiana regiment in the late war was the sixth. 4th. During the fall and winter of 1842 and the early spring of 1843 a strong religious excitement prevailed throughout the West, and nowhere more ab- sorbingly than in Indianapolis. The preaching of the " Second Advent" by Samuel Miller had attracted the attention even of those who had not the slightest faith in his calculations or his interpretations of Daniel's "time, times, and an half." The spirit of religious revival was abroad, and in spite of the in- evitable extravagancies of religious enthusiasm it wrought as much permanent good probably as any that ever disturbed the self-seeking of any community. The " second coming" gave especial force to the ex- hortations of tlie time, and when the great comet blazed out all along the western horizon it gave a special force to the predictions of the " second coming." One of the portents was there before the eyes of all the world, and it gave encouragement to the invention of many more ; meteors went flashing down the sky, leaving fiery trails that broke up into little patches THE CAPITAL IN THE WOODS. 131 which finally took the f'onii oF letters and read, '• The Lord is coming." Strange intimations of the great catastrophe were found in marks on leaves, sometimes on prophetic eggs of strangely inspired pullets, some- times on the hark of trees, or the accidental lines of rain-drops. They were all paraded with gloomy ex- ultation in the Midnight Cry, a paper of the Second Advent, published in Cincinnati by Joshua V. Himes. The " unrespective" secular press laughed at these fantastic phenomena. They called the " Second Ad- vent" organ the Midnight Howl and the Evening Yell, and insisted that the mysterious letters made of a meteor's tail spelled " Pay the printer." But the re- vival went on, not exactly separated from the advent excitement but independently of it ; all the churches felt it. About the time the comet appeared a young preacher of considerable ability, who had given the " advent" prophecies close study, came to the town and preached a series of connected sermons on the subject in several of the churches, principally in the Christian Church on Kentucky Avenue, and the First Lutheran Church on Ohio Street near Meridian. One gloomy, rainy night, when he was preaching at this latter place, there was a strange lurid glare all over the western sky, reaching up to the zenith, and looking as if the world were really on fire in the back yard, as the congregation was dismissed and got out of doors into the drizzling rain. The sermon had described with considerable graphic power the portents that would precede Christ's second coming, and the impres- sion was still vivid on the minds of many. That awful red light spreading over the thick clouds all around both poles and up to the zenith seemed a reali- zation of the most terrible anticipation of the sermon. Nobody fainted or screamed, but a good many women and not a few men looked at it as they never before had looked at an earthly conflagration. It proved to be the burning of a few large ricks of hemp cut and stacked on a farm on the river bank at the ford of the Crawfordsville road. Several of the most confident of the Adventists made themselves ascension robes, and some sold or gave away their property. One of the leading men sold out and joined the Shakers in Ohio. One woman became per- manently insane and was afterwards put in the asylum. The failure of the world to " come to lime," or rather eternity, on the 1st of April, 1843, or thereabouts, which was the date that Miller's calculations had de- termined to be the limit, did not undeceive any of the devout adherents. The prophet or interpreter of prophets recast his calculation and concluded that June was a safer limit than April. The failure then began to tell on the delusion of pretty much all who ' had not undeceived themselves before, and the " Second Advent" fancy disappeared entirely. It will not be beneath the dignity of a local history to notice in this connection that there were three places chiefly used for the baptism of converts, where the rite was applied by immersion, — the river at the old ferry, as often on the west as the east side, because the water shoaled very gradually on that side, and on the east there was a "stepping ofi'" place that would take a man in a swimming depth in a few steps ; another was in the canal at Washington Street, but less used than the canal at the Kentucky Avenue bridge. It was here that Mr. Beecher first practiced immersion, after a declaration that he had no more faith in the efiBcacy of the rite in that form than any other, but would administer it in the way that best pleased the subject of it. A very common feature of Sunday was a procession or crowd going from some up-town church to the river or canal to administer baptism at the close of the morning's services. When pork- houses spoiled the river and sewage befouled the canal the churches betook themselves to baptisteries. The colored brethren, whose church was on Georgia Street west of Mississippi and very near the canal, went to the Georgia Street foot-bridge. The creek was never used for this service, or, if at all, very early in the set- tlement's religious development. The beginning of the year 1847 wafi^ marked by the highest flood ever known in the river oefore or since, though that of last February could have been but little below it. On the first Sunday of the new year the water was at its highest. It covered the whole of the river bottom. Fall Creek and Eagle Creek bottoms, and in many, places came up level with the surface of the blufis. It ran over the top of the middle pier of the National road bridge, and several times the big trees and masses of drift borne down on 132 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the furious current looked as if they must strike the sills and girders and sweep the structure away. The National road west of the river was covered " hub deep" from the bridge to the bluff. In two places the current was so strong as to cut great gaps across the heavily macadamized roadway, and pour down the south slope of the grade into the low ground of the bottom in a violent cataract that churned the soft allu- vial soil into thin mud and carried it off. In this way two deep pits were dug, the largest of which was prob- ably one hundred feet in diameter and twenty feet deep. A frame house on the south side of the road T^as washed off by the flood and lodged in this hole, where it stuck, leaning dangerously over for several months, but was finally removed, and is still standing near its former site in Indianola. These two huge scars left by the flood remained more or less conspic- uous for twenty years. The mischief done by it was so general and serious that the Legislature extended the time of paying taxes by land-owners in the river bottoms, and probably remitted them altogether in cases of especial hardship. The canal bank along the river near the Michigan road was washed away, the feeder-dam injured, the Fall Creek aqueduct washed out, and the Pogue's Run culvert on Merrill Street torn away. The old " ravines" in the town made their last serious disturbance in that flood. The 22d of February, 1847, was celebrated by a procession of the mechanics of the city, who marched to the Christian Church on Kentucky Avenue, and were addressed by the late John D. Defrees, then re- cently become proprietor and editor of the Journal. On the 26th a general meeting of the citizens was held at the court-house to take measures for assisting in the relief of the distress in Ireland. A good deal of good work was done here by committees and by individual liberality. CHAPTER VL CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. There was not much change, except in name, when the " town" became the " city" of Indianap- oliB, but it marked the beginning of a very posi- tive and great change produced by the close approach of the first railroad, so it may fitly indicate the be- ginning of the " third period" of the city's history, a period of vigorous growth and solid promise. The leading events are: 1st, The changes in the munici- pal government and its departments ; 2d, The intro- duction of the free-school system and the taxation to maintain it ; 3d, The development of the railroad sys- tem, and the improvement in business and material condition produced by it ; 4th, Associations for busi- ness or charity, churches, private schools, lectures, and means of intellectual culture or diversion. As the history of the municipal government will be treated separately and fully, nothing need be said here except as to its general course. The public schools, churches, railroads, and manufactures are in the same category. First. — On the 13th of February, 1847, the Legis- lature enacted a city charter for Indianapolis, and left it to be accepted or rejected by a popular vote on the 27th of March, the Governor being required to make proclamation of the operation of the charter if it were accepted. The city was divided into seven wards, — four north of Washington Street, the First, Second, Third, and Fourth ; and three south of it, the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh. The First contained all of the city (which covered the whole donation east of the river) east of Alabama Street, north of Washington ; the Second, all westward to Meridian; the Third, all to Mississippi; the Fourth, all west to the river, south of Washington Street ; the Fifth Ward took all west of Illinois Street ; the Sixth, all east to Dela- ware ; the Seventh, all the donation east of Delaware. The first city election was to be held on the 24th of April, the mayor to serve two years, with a veto on the Council and the jurisdiction of a justice, his pay to be his fees. The wards to elect one councilman each for one year, with a salary of twenty-four dollars, or two dollars for each regular meeting. They had all the usual powers of municipal bodies, and were re- quired to elect secretary, treasurer, assessor, marshal, with a constable's powers, street commissioners, city and such other ofiicers as they deemed necessary. Taxation could not exceed fifteen cents on one hun- dred dollars, except by special authority from a popu- lar vote. The most important question to be settled CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 133 at the election of April 24th for city officers was that of which least was said, the levy of a special tax to establish and maintain a free-school system. The State school fund, at that time mainly derived from the sale of the " school section" reserved in each Con- gressional township for school purposes, and thence called the " Congressional Township Fund," was not sufficient to accomplish anything of consequence, and it was proposed to assist it, and make an efficient system with the addition of a local school tax. The people were to vote " yes" or " no" on that proposi- tion at the first city election. The president of the expiring Town Council, or Board of Trustees at first. Squire Joseph A. Levy, a very respectable black- smith on Washington Street, issued his proclamation for an election on the 27th of March to decide upon the acceptance of the charter. It was accepted by four hundred and forty-nine votes to nineteen. Gov- ernor Whitcomb proclaimed the charter in force on the 30th. Then President Levy issued his second proclamation for an election of city officers and the decision of the school-tax question. The election was held in the new seven wards, and resulted in the choice of Samuel Henderson, the first president of the old Council or Board, as mayor ; Uriah Gates, councilman from the First Ward ; Henry Tatewiler, Second ; Cornelius King, Third ; Samuel S. Rookeri Fourth ; Charles W. Cady, Fifth ; Abram W. Har- rison, Sixth ; William L. Wingate, Seventh. The new Council •organized the 1st of May, with Mr. Rooker as president ; James G. Jordan as secretary, at a salary of one hundred dollars ; Nathan Lister, treasurer, fifty dollars ; James Wood, engineer, three hundred dollars ; William Campbell, marshal and col- lector, with a per cent, pay for the latter and one hundred and fifty dollars and fees for the former ; Andrew M. Carnahan, city attorney, paid by fees ; Jacob B. Filler, street commissioner, one hundred dollars ; David Cox, messenger of the Marion Fire Company,' and Jacob B. Fitler of the Relief, each twenty-five dollars ; Sampson Barbee and Jacob Miller, market clerks or masters, at fifty dollars ; Joshua Black, assessor, paid by the day while en- gaged ; Benjamin F. Lobaugh, sexton. The total of the tax duplicate for 1846-47 was four thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars ; the aggregate of taxable property, about one million dollars. The vote of the wards is worth recording here. About five hundred votes were polled altogether. In the First Ward, 108 ; Second, 85 ; Third, 122 ; Fourth, 35 ; Fifth, 37 ; Sixth, 41 ; Seventh, 66. The vote on the school tax was four hundred and six for it, twenty-nine against it. Second. — The authority given by the popular vote on the 24th of April for the school levy was promptly used. Each ward was made a district with a trustee, houses were rented and teachers engaged, but the fund would only maintain one-quarter of the four free. Donations were asked, lots purchased cheaply in 1848 and 1849, and substantial one-story brick houses built in 1851 and 1852, and so arranged as to allow enlargement by a second story when necessary. This was added in the First, Second, and Fifth Wards in two or three years. All have been greatly enlarged since, except the old house on Pennsylvania Street a little south of South Street. It is a machine- shop now. A two-story house was built in the first place in the Seventh Ward, on Virginia Avenue, in 1857, and made a three-story in 1865. Lots were bought in the Fourth Ward and what was afterwards the Ninth in 1857, and at the close of the war in 1865 and 1866 large, handsome, commodious three- story structures, with high basements and all im- provements for warmth and ventilation, were built at a cost of thirty-two thousand dollars each. In 1867 the first four-story house was built in what was then the south part of the Sixth Ward at a cost of forty- three thousand dollars. Three times as many school- houses as all these have been added to the system since, and will be noticed in the division of the work treating specially of schools and colleges. The first tax levy in 1847 yielded $1981; in 1848, $2385 ; in 1849, $2851. The aggregate of collections up to 1850 was $6160, of which $5938 were spent in the following year for lots and houses. In 1857 the annual proceeds were $20,329. The first expendi- tures were wholly for lots and buildings, the teachers getting their pay as the teachers of private schools did, from parents. After house-room had been secured, the revenue could go in part for tuition, 134 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. for longer terms and more teachers. In this half- formed condition the schools were forced by lack of means to continue till the accumulations of the tax and State fund enabled them to make a fair start in a real free-school system. This was done in 1853, when the Council made Henry P. Coburn, Calvin Fletcher, and Henry F. West trustees for all the schools, instead of making each ward a district with a trustee as before. A system of regulations was drafted by Mr. Fletcher, and on the 25th of April, 1853, the schools were opened free for the first time, with two male and twelve female teachers. Up to that time the number of scholars had not exceeded three hundred and forty. In the first week of the new system it was seven hundred, and over one thousand of the two thousand six hundred children ; of school age — from six to twenty-one — were enrolled. The new arrangement soon provided for the use of uniform text-books and unity of method in teaching, and in August a system of grades was adopted, the i divisions being the Primary, Secondary, Intermediate, I Grammar, and High Schools. All the lower grades ' were kept together with the Grammar schools in the same building, the latter under the " principal" teacher. The old County Seminary was repaired i and made the High School building under Mr. E. P. Cole, with an assistant. Until 1855 the trustees themselves did all the work appertaining to the system outside of the school-houses, and did it without compensation. In February, 1855, they made Silas T. Bowen — now head of the oldest book house in the State, Bowen, Stewart & Co. — superintendent, with a salary of four hundred dollars a year. He improved the schools greatly, but could not spare the time that they : needed, and gave place to George B. Stone, at one thousand dollars a year. He had previously had charge of the High School, succeeding Mr. Cole. His salary was one thousand dollars, and he gave his whole time and mind to the work. Under him the system was fully developed, and worked as well as it ever has since with costlier officers and greater pretensions. His success overcame all prejudices and objections, and no tax was paid so cheerfully as the school tax. The income increased as the city grew, and more teachers were employed, new houses built, old ones enlarged, and the average attendance increased from three hundred and forty in April, 1853, when the system went into operation, to fourteen hundred in 1856 and eighteen hundred in 1857. Ten houses had been built, forty-four per cent, of the children of " school age" enrolled, and seventy-three per cent, of the enrollment was in average daily attendance. Just in this most promising condition the Supreme Court struck the system a blow that prostrated it at once and paralyzed it for five years. At the suit of Fow- ler, of Lafayette, the court held that local taxation in aid of schools was not the " uniform taxation" re- quired by the Constitution, and could not be enforced. The opinion was very general at the time, and has only grown stronger since, that there was nothing but the thinnest of distinctions to sustain this disastrous ruling. It was made in January, 1858. The Coun- cil at once met to see what could be done, and called upon the citizens of each ward to hold meetings with the same object. This was done on the 29th of Jan- uary. Subscriptions were taken to maintain the schools anyhow, and three thousand dollars were con- tributed. This would not go far, and at the end of the current quarter, seeing that without a revenue backed by law nothing of value could be done, the effort was abandoned, the schools closed, the teachers left the city many of them, and the houses were rented for private schools sometimes, and when they were not they were occupied by thieves and strumpets. The houses were kept in indifferent repair by a small tax, and the State fund allowed a free term of a few months, amounting to four months and a half in 1860 and 1861. No attempt at free schools was made in 1859. In 1862 the Supreme Court reviewed its decision, the system was reorganized, the tax re-estab- lished, and the flourishing condition of 1857 fully restored and improved. The further history of the public schools will be treated in its department, as above intimated. Third. — The Madison Railroad, in its progress towards the capital, after the State had sold it to a company in 1843, was slow, halting for several months at temporary stations, as North Vernon, Sand Creek, Clifty Creek, Columbus, Edinburg, Franklin, and CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 135 Greenwood. It reached the last station in the latter part of the summer of 1847, and that left but ten miles of staging from the city. The influence of the great public improvement, as already intimated, had gone ahead of it, and inspired the most active and prom- ising enterprise and permanent progress that had yet appeared. Thousands of the old .settlers had never seen a railroad, not even this one, which for a half- dozen years had been within fifty miles of them. The curiosity about it was universal, and there was plenty of time for it to grow full-size and spread as far as convenient access could reach. The citizens held a meeting a few days before the 1st of October, | the day track-laying would be completed to the depot already in progress on South Street, and made arrange- j meots to celebrate the occasion in a suitable manner. ■ The last spike was driven about nine o'clock in the morning of Oct. 1, 1847, and the rail was barely in place and ready when two big excursion trains came ; up froni the lower part of the road, and were received | with much shouting, shooting, and spouting. Spald- ing's Circus, with the band, led by Ned Kendall, the ' famous bugler, was in the city, and the whole availa- ble portion of it turned out to decorate the occasion. Governor Whitcomb made a speech from the roof of [ a car at the depot, and an illumination and display ', of fire-works at night closed a demonstration that events proved was not the glittering illusion of the popular rejoicing ten years and more before when the project of the road was adopted by the Legislature. The good effect of a means of transportation that could be depended on, and would not consume the full value of the article in the cost of getting it where some- body would buy it, was speedily felt. The pork packed here and at Broad Ripple by the Mansurs since 1841, and sent down the river in flat-boats on the spring floods, could go anywhere now, choose a market, and run no risk. Corn and wheat doubled in price before Christmas, while goods brought from abroad were cheapened by the same process that en- hanced home products. Further notice will be taken of the changes produced by this first admission of the city to the commercial connections of the country and by its successors a little later. From the time the completion of the Madison Road became a certainty railroad enterprise moved more energetically, and finally with long bounds that have not ceased yet and hardly slackened, except as financial straits have forced it. The Peru and In- dianapolis line was chartered in 1845-46, completed to Noblesville, twenty-one miles, in the spring of 1851, and to Peru, seventy-three miles, in April, 1854. The Bellefontaine (Bee Line) was chartered two years later, but was completed to Pendleton, twenty-eight miles, three months sooner, and to the State line at Union City in December, 1852, over a year sooner. The Terre Haute Road (Vandalia), chartered in 1846, was finished to Terre Haute, sev- enty-three miles, in May, 1852. The Jefi'ersonville Road, begun in 1848, was finished to Edinburg, sev- enty-eight miles, and connected with the Madison in 1852. The Lafayette (now Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago, or Big Four) was begun in 1849, and finished to Lafayette, sixty-five miles, in 1852. The Central (Pan Handle) was begun in 1851, and finished to the State line near Richmond, seventy-two miles, December, 1853. The Cincin- nati Road (now part of the Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago) was begun in 1850, but not chartered as a through road till 1851, because it would cut off" all the up-river trade of the Madison Road. It was completed to Lawrenceburg, ninety miles, in October, 1853. The Junction Road, to Hamilton, Ohio, was begun in 1850, but delayed by one obstruction or another, so that it was not com- pleted to the city till May, 1868. The Vincennes Road was started in 1851, and the company organized under the late John H. Bradley in 1853, but nothing of consequence till a reorganization was made under the late Gen. Ambrose K. Burnside, in 1865. It was then pushed vigorously, and completed to the city in 1868. The city gave it a subsidy of sixty thousand dollars. An " Air Line" road to Evansville was pro- jected in 1840, and taken up in 1853 by Oliver H. Smith, the founder of the Bellefontaine Road, to con- nect with the latter and make a through line from the lower Ohio to Lake Erie, and under this organ- ization surveys were made and work advanced vigor- ously till the financial crash of 1857 stopped it, and before the effects of that had passed away Mr. Smith 136 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. died, and the " Air Line" is still a project instead of a fact. A " Short Line" road to Cincinnati was pro- jected in 1853, surveys and contracts naade, but stopped in 1855 by financial stress, and has remained dead ever since. The Toledo and Indianapolis Road, a direct line of one hundred and eighty-five miles, was organized in 1854 for a short lake connection, but hard times killed it. The Indiana and Illinois Central, one hundred and sixty miles, to Decatur, 111., was projected in 1852, and organized in 1853, began work and advanced hopefully till the " hard times" came upon it. Later it was reorganized as the Indian- apolis, Decatur and Springfield Road, and was com- pleted in 1881. In 1866 the Cincinnati Road wanted a connection to reach Chicago business, and its man- agement projected a rival line to the Lafayette through Crawfordsville, to which the city voted a subsidy of forty-five thousand dollars. Work was begun and progressing favorably, when the Lafayette was bought and absorbed and the Crawfordsville abandoned. This did not please the people of the rich corn and pork section traversed by the proposed line, and then another company was formed, contracts re-let, and the road completed to the city as the Indianapolis, Bloom- ington and Western in 1869. The Indianapolis and St. Louis Road was begun in 1867 to make a Western connection for one of the great Eastern trunk lines, and was finished in 1869. Within the last two years the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western has made an eastern extension, entering the city beside the Bee Line tracks, and about a year ago consolidated the Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield Company with itself, running both lines. The " Chicago Air Line" road, after a long period of embarrassment and ob- struction, was completed into the city last spring, 1883. The Union Railway Company, wholly confined to the city, was organized in 1849, mainly by Gen. Thomas A. Morris, Oliver H. Smith, Chauncey Rose, and Edwin J. Peck. The Union tracks were laid in 1850, and the depot, upon Gen. Morris' plans, in 1853. Previously the Bellefontaine trains had started from the Terre Haute (now Vandalia) Depot, on Tennessee and Louisiana Streets, one square west of the Union Depot. A Belt Road, to connect outside of the city all the roads entering it, by which they could tran.sfer cars and trains from one to the other without passing through the city, was projected and partly graded by a company, mainly composed of other railroad com- panies, eight or ten years ago, but abandoned in the stress of finances. In 1876 it was taken up by a company, mainly of capitalists in the city or con- nected with the railroads centring here, and on popu- lar approval by a vote the city indorsed the company's bonds to the amount of five hundred thousand dol- lars, taking a mortgage on the road and stock to secure itself, and the road was rapidly built in con- nection with the stock-yard, and opened for business in November, 1877. Within a year it has been leased by the Union Company, and both are now under one management. The first telegraph line was constructed in the spring of 1848, from here to Dayton, by a company organized by Henry O'Reilly, under a general law passed the preceding February. The first dispatch was sent from here to Richmond on the 12th of May ; the first published dispatch appeared in the Sentinel of May 24th. The first operator was Mr. Isaac H. Kiersted, and his ofiice was in the second story of the building where the Hubbard block now stands. Two years later a second line was built by Wade & Co., but consolidated with the other in April, 1853. Other lines have been built and absorbed here, and all over the country. The operators here have been Isaac H. Kiersted, J. W. Chapin, Anton Schneider, Sidney B. Morris, J. F. Wilson, and John F. Wallack. The last was made superintendent here when an officer of that kind was first found necessary, and he has filled the place ever since, nearly twenty years. For the first eight or ten years dispatches were taken by im- pressions of the Morse alphabet on long ribbons of heavy paper ; and newspaper men had to copy these, fill out the abbreviations, and arrange them in some sort of coherent order each for himself. A very few years before the war operators here "began to read by sound, Coleman Wilson being the first resident sound reader. From that time forward the operators made manifold copies for the press, and saved editors a good deal of work. The most notable event, next to the first appearance of the electric telegraph, was the suc- cessful laying, so soon ruined, of the first Atlantic CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 137 138 HISTOKY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. cable, in August, 1858. There was an illumination and bonfires, and a general congratulatory time that night. Governor Wallace made a speech, and Gov- ernor Willard had a pleasant reception at the executive residence. It is not generally known that the appro- priation which enabled Professor Morse to build his experimental line to Baltimore was carried in com- mittee by the vote of Governor Wallace, and but for that vote the appropriation and pregnant experiment would have both failed for another year at least. The committee on .commerce, in which the appropriation of forty thousand dollars was considered, was evenly divided, as it happened, and Governor Wallace's name coming last on the roll his vote decided the question for the appropriation. At the ensuing congressional election his antagonist used this vote against him with such eifect that it helped to defeat him. Faith in electricity forty years ago was hardly as wide and solid as it has' grown to be since. In February, 1851, the Indianapolis Gaslight and Coke Company was given a special charter by the last Legislature under the old constitution to run fifteen years, and on the 6th of March stock-books were opened, stock subscribed readily to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, the capital limited by the charter, and on the 26th an organization made by the choice of David V. CuUey as president, Willis W. Wright as secretary, and H. V. Barringer as superin- tendent. The projector of the affair was Mr. John J. Lockwood. The city gave the company the sole right to make and supply gas here for public or private use, requiring street gas at the price of that in Cin- cinnati. In July the company bought a small tract of half swampy creek bottom on the east side of Pennsylvania Street, on the south bank of the creek, and erected, in a small, cheap way, the buildings needed. Mains were laid in Pennsylvania and Wash- ington Streets at the same time. On the 10th of January, 1852, the first gas was furnished for regular consumption. In the following April, 1853, a few weeks over a year after the organization of the com- pany, seven thousand seven hundred feet of pipe had been laid, six hundred and seventy-five burners were supplied for one hundred and sixteen consumers, and thirty bushels of coal were used per day. Previously Masonic Hall, and the two street lamps in front of it, had been lighted with gas made by a little apparatus of its own. The enterprise ran heavily at the start till a superintendent who knew his business was ob- tained, and the works were enlarged and improved. A special tax to pay for lighting the streets with gas was defeated at the city election of 1852, and the lighting of Washington Street from Pennsylvania Street to Meridian was paid for by the property owners. In December, 1854, a contract was made with the company to light the central portions of Washing- ton and the adjacent streets, and it was done in 1855. From that time a steady annual addition was made, the property holders paying for the posts and lamps, till in 1868 the total length of mains was twenty- three miles, and of service-pipe seventy-five miles, with fifteen hundred and fifty consumers of gas, and an average daily production of one hundred and seventy-five thousand feet. The largest gas-holder is on Delaware Street, and has a capacity of three hun- dred thousand cubic feet. In February, 1859, the Council decided to put four lamps to a square, the opposite corners to be lighted, and the two intermedi- ate lamps to be allowed equal intervals from the other two and each other, one on each side of the street. The original charter expired March 4, 1866. The City Council, thinking to get better terms than before, ordered, in May, 1865, an advertisement for proposals to light the city for twenty years. No bid was made but by the old company, and its demand not being satisfactory, a committee was appointed to investigate the matter, and made a report of terms and conditions that the company would not accept. In. this emer- gency, R. B. Catherwood & Co. made a proposition on the 5th of March, 1866, to take a charter for thirty years, with the exclusive right of the city, and furnish gas for three dollars per one thousand feet, the city to contest a claim for longer continuance made by the old company. The gas committee made a counter-proposition to charter the " Citizens' Gaslight and Coke Company," with an exclusive city right for twenty years instead of thirty, reserving the right to buy the works after ten years, and dividing equally the profits above fifteen per cent. The new company was to attend to the litigation with the old one, the CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 139 capital was to be appraised every five years, the com- pany was to fix the gas rate annually, in March, at not more than three dollars per one thousand feet, were to extend mains wherever fifteen burners to a square were promised, insure their works, and forfeit their charter if they made default in the conditions. This move started the confident old company to a serious consideration of the case, and while the counter-proposition and ordinance of the Council were pendin5^^ -i^^-^ >^. /r^^^^^^'^^.i^^^^'^v^-^^ — CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 163 lin, Ireland. This union transmitted to their descend- ants the sturdy qualities of both the German and the Irish races. William Hannaman, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch, was a resi- dent of Cherry Valley, N. Y., and married Mary Fletcher, of Harrison County, Va. Theirson William was boru Aug. 10, 1806, at Adelphia, Ross Co., Ohio, and at the age of twenty-two removed to Indian- apolis, where, having previously acquired the trade of a printer, he was for several years employed in the office of the Indiana Journal. In 1833 he em- barked with Caleb Scudder in the drug business, which was continued uninterruptedly until 1863. He also, with his partner, erected a carding-machine and oil-mill on the arm of the canal at its junction with the White River, and manufactured the first flaxseed oil in the locality. Mr. Hannaman was for many years school commissioner, a director of the State Bank of Indiana, located at Indianapolis, trustee of the State University, and identified with many benevolent and charitable enterprises. He was made president of the Indiana Branch of the Sanitary Commission dur- ing the late war, and disposed of his interest iq the drug business that he might devote his time and energies exclusively to this humane work. The ad- mirable management of his department and the good it accomplished is in a large degree due to the gra- tuitous and efficient service of Mr. Hannaman, who on retiring from his labors in behalf of the soldiers was appointed by Governor Morton State military agent for the purpose of collecting soldiers' claims. In 1871 he became a member of the firm of Smith & Hannaman, brokers, and continued this business connection until his death, which occurred of pneu- monia, at the Hot Springs of Arkansas, on the 6th of December, 1880. Mr. Hannaman was married on the 28th of August, 1833, to Rhoda A. Luse, whose birth occurred Feb. 25, 1812, and her death Sep- tember, 1876. In the summer of 1879 he was again married to Mrs. A. F. Berry, who is still living. Of seven children but two survive their father, Henry G., of Indianapolis, and Mary E., of Dakota. Among the earlier merchants of the city were the late John F. Ramsay, in furniture, and Jacob S. Walker. John F. Ramsay, retired merchant, was born in Lebanon, Ohio, Dec. 2, 1805. His parents, Wil- liam and Martha (Dinwiddle) Ramsay, were of Scotch descent, and born in Kentucky, their parents being among the earliest settlers of that State. Wil- liam with his family came to Indiana Territory in 1810, landing at the site of the city of Madison, there being but one house erected at this early period, which was occupied by tlie ferryman. They settled near the site of the village of Hanover, about two miles from the block-house, to which they were compelled to resort every night for protection from the Indians. In 1812, the latter becoming very troublesome, John was sent to his grandparents, near Georgetown, Ky., where he remained a year. His boyhood was spent in helping to clear the forests and in farm labors, the lad being subjected to all the hardships and privationsof pioneer life. Educational advantages in the new country were very limited. He attended school six months when in Kentucky and a few terms in Indiana, walking a distance of three miles to the school-houge. At the age of sev- enteen he removed to Cincinnati, and was appren- ticed to Charles Lehman, at that time the leading furniture manufacturer in the West. Serving out his apprenticeship, he worked a year in the shop, after which he repaired to Louisville, and from thence to New Orleans and St. Louis, pursuing his vocation for a time in each place. Returning to Indiana, he carried on his trade near Madison and at Paris, Ind., and removed to Indianapolis May 15, 1833. Purchasing the property adjoining the ground now occupied by the Occidental Hotel (which at that time was inclosed with a rail fence and was planted with corn), he erected a building, opened a cabinet-shop, and by close attention to business 'became the leading furniture dealer in the place. With the advent of railroad communication with Cincinnati, he abandoned manufacturing and dealt exclusively in furniture made at the latter place. After a successful career, having obtained a handsome competency, he retired from business in 1870. He has been twice married, his first wife, Elvira (Ward) Ramsay, having died in 1846. Five children were born to this union, all of whom are 164 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. now deceased. He married his second wife, Leah P. Malott, widow of W. H. Malott, of Salem, Ind., in 1848. Five children have been born to them, four of whom are now living. Mr. Ramsay was an ardent Whig during the ex- istence of that party. Upon its dissolution and the organization of the Republican party, his strong anti-slavery sentiments led him to become identified with it. He has never held any political oflBce other than as a member of the Common Council, elected by the Whigs. He has always taken a deep interest in matters affecting the welfare and growth of the city, and in building and otherwise he has done much toward advancing its material in- terests. He has been a faithful and leading mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church during his entire fifty years' residence in the city, and, with others of the early settlers, has aided in giving an impulse to its moral and religious sentiment, that has caused it to be noted as " the City of Churches." Jacob S. Walker. — The grandfather of Jacob S. Walker was a soldier of the war of the Revolu- tion. He married Miss Mary Hazelet, and had among his children a son Thomas, who married Mrs. Mary Rutherford, of Dauphin County, Pa., and had two sons, Jacob S. and James, and two daugh- ters, Susan and Eliza. Jacob S. Walker was born in January, 1814, at Harrisburg, Pa., where the early years of his life were spent. At the age of sixteen, after enjoying such advantages of education as the common schools offered, he determined to render himself independent by acquiring a trade, and became master of the carpenter's craft. In 1835 he removed to Indianapolis as a builder and contractor, and during a period of ten years erected many impor- tant edifices and built dwellings, which were afterward sold by him. He then embarked in the lumber business, and continued thus engaged for twenty years, after which he retired from active employ- ments. Mr. Walker was a man of modest demeanor and of humane instincts, who oared little for mere display and esteemed highly the more substantial pleasures to be derived from books. He was a ju- dicious reader of the best literature, and possessed a mind well informed on all subjects. He conferred upon his children opportunities for education, and implanted in them by precept and example the principles which guided him through life. In politics he was a Whig and later became an ardent ^^ eW' c^ /.^~e< -^J^^ Republican, but never sought or accepted office at the hands of his party. In religion he was a stanch Pres- byterian and an officer of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher's church when a pastor in Indianapolis. He received the contract for the erection of this edifice, as also for the First Protestant Episcopal Church in the city. He was at an early period a deacon of the Second Presbyterian Church. He was also a member of the Independent Order of Odd- Fellows. Mr. Walker was married in 1837 to Mrs. Sarah A. Landis, of Harrisburg, Pa., to whom were born children, Thomas R. and Mary F., wife of George Knodle, a son of Adam Knodle, an early shoe merchant in the city. He married again Mary A., only child of Thomas Lupton, who is of English descent and came from Chester County, Pa., to Indianapolis in 1835. The children of this marriage are Jacob L., married to Miss Keziah Rutherford, who is of ■n^''iyAHRJ.a-Jiie . /i^h'T'^^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 165 Scotch-Irish extraction ; Edwin J. ; Louis A., who married Miss Eugenia, daughter of Dr. D'Acuel, of St. Louis; Robert P., and Harry L. The death of Mr. Walker occurred May 16, 1870, in his fifty- seventh year. Dealing in real estate may be fairly enough classed among the subjects covered by the title of commerce, and in real estate the dealings have been very large. In 1873, during the period of speculative excitement, the sales amounted to $32,579,256. Since that time no record has been kept of them that will enable a comparison to be made. In a year or two later, in fact, the reaction came, and real estate was hard to sell and not always easy to give away if it had no special ad- vantages. Of the amount of sales in the past year or the year before no oflficial statement is made, but the reports in the daily papers show that they ranged from five thousand dollars to thirty thousand dollars a day, or an annual total of probably five million dol- lars. Among the first of our real estate dealers was the late James H. McKernan. James H. McKernan was born at Wilmington, Del., in December, 1815. In his seventh year he removed with his family to Muskingum County, Ohio, where his father settled on a small farm of fifty acres, subsequently increased to seventy-five. He was able only to enjoy the merest rudiments of edu- cation. At the age of seventeen he was left by the death of his father the sole support of the family, with no means other than the farm. But he was a brave-hearted boy in the battle of life. He worked hard, and rented land to eke out the inadequate yield of his own land. Among his neighbors his reputa- tion for business capacity, promptness, integrity, and prudence was most enviable. On attaining his ma- jority he had paid all his father's debts, erected a valuable dwelling, and accumulated money in addi- tion with which to start in business. Heroism and self-dependence, combined with grasp of mind and energy, were inborn elements of his character. In 1836 he began trading in produce, and in 1837 em- barked with a partner in mercantile pursuits at La- fayette, Ohio. In 1842 he established himself in the foundry business in the same town, and in 1845 removed to Indianapolis, where he began his active career with Jesse Jones as a dealer in dry-goods. But his tastes and talents inclined strongly to inven- tions and the mechanic arts. Whatever his imme- diate occupation mechanical constructions, improve- ments, and suggestions were always floating in his mind, several valuable inventions having been pat- ented. A man of his energy quickly sought and created the widest field of action. He speculated in real estate, bought whole forests, built saw-mills to cut them, and erected streets of cheap but serviceable houses, extending Indianapolis on the southwest far beyond the dreams of its inhabitants. In the prose- cution of his real estate and other enterprises, how- ever, Mr. McKernan did not lose sight of a subject which had led him into many expensive experiments, — the reduction of iron ore by means of ordinary Western coal. He had satisfied himself of its prac- ticability, and detected the defects in the operation of those who had attempted it and failed. So certain was the result in his mind that he determined to settle the question finally and fully. In the spring of 1867 he obtained the abandoned furnace of the Pilot Knob Company, at St. Louis, and after changing its construction made experiments which were completely successful, first-class iron having been produced. This was a great success for Mr. McKernan. He had fully realized his hopes, though every one before him, with vastly more capital -and better opportunities, but lacking his original theories and combinations, had failed. He had shown St. Louis a new source of business and prosperity of immense value. He found it necessary, however, to obtain additional means or abandon his enterprise. The St. Louis Board of Trade and several large capitalists urged him to remain and prosecute his work. Additional means were promised him, and under the promise of the Board of Trade and prominent citizens the work of the furnace was- in 1867 resumed, and the results, after inconveniences resulting from his business associa- tions, were such as amazed everybody, and made iron- smelting with cheap Western coal a fixed fact. This success, however, did not in a pecuniary sense profit Mr. McKernan. He sacrificed all his prospective gains, and returned home no richer than he departed. St. Louis has reaped the benefit of his investigations, 166 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and the iron industry has risen to be one of the prime elements of her prosperity. A leading journal stated that, " in view of all the facts, it becomes St. Louis to decide fairly what acknowledgment she owes to him who has achieved the great result in making iron, and whom she by failing in her promise forced to sacrifice all his interests and prospects in his own discovery." Mr. McKernan returned to Indianapolis, and at once embarked extensively in real estate oper- ations. While liberal and indulgent with those in- debted to him, he was particularly prompt in the payment of all demands against himself. His daily life was marked by a ceaseless activity. Bold and confident in his temperament, he inspired others with like feelings. The praise of far-seeing men of sound judgment was ever awarded to him, and the success that crowned his eiforts was of a character to consti- tute a public as well as a personal benefit. In all personal relations he was social, frank, and courteous, and at, his home hospitable and cheerful. In his religious views he was a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. McKernan was married to Miss Susan Hewitt, whose children were David S., Lewis, Joseph V., William E., and Leo A. The death of James H. McKernan occurred in January, 1877, at his home in Indianapolis. The lumber trade of Indianapolis is a very im- portant part of the total, bhe retail trade of 1882 amounting to $1,500,000. From the general state- ment of business it would appear that the total receipts of lumber for the year 1882 were 124,000,- 000 feet, and the shipments 66,000,000. Saw-mills cut 22,000,000 feet of veneer that year. A specialty of the lumber trade is the trade in " hard wood" lumber, especially black walnut. Until the close of the war not much was done in this direc- tion, or in any general lumber business. For the first thirty-five years of the city's history pine lum- ber was little used. Oak made the frame-work of houses, and poplar the weather-boarding, shingles, and finishing. But slowly, after the development of the railroad system, pine began to be used in the place of poplar, and later in the place of oak. Lum- ber-yards began to figure among the forms of trade that required capital and made money for the city. By the close of the war the lumber business had grown into first-class importance. There were a dozen or more large yards in diiferent parts of the city, some of them with mills to cut logs, some to cut veneers, and some with planing-mills, and sash- and door-factories connected with them. The walnut lumber trade came later. In early times the black walnut was about the worst tree the farmer had to deal with. It was too brittle for good lumber, and too hard to be cheaply sawed. It was not good fuel, and did not make durable rails. In fact it was a nuisance. Now it is no uncommon thing to find a single walnut-tree that is worth more money than the whole farm it stands on. More than a thousand dol- lars worth of veneers have been cut from a single tree and left a considerable part of it. Even as late as 1868 there were hundreds of farmers and business men in Indiana and Indianapolis who were unin- formed of the value of walnut wood and threw it away as refuse or burned it as rubbish. A saw-miller in Indianapolis about that time had collected quite a heap of walnut knots from the logs he had sawed, and had thrown them aside to burn in his boiler furnace when he could get time to split them. An agent of an Eastern lumber dealer saw them and the ill-posted sawyer sold them for fifty cents apiece. He was a little worried a day or two afterwards when he learned that they would have been cheap at ten dollars apiece if they were sound and well twisted in grain. The great demand for this kind of lumber for furniture, both in this coun- try and Europe, has thinned it out very greatly, and the trade in it is declining. It is impossible to give any idea of the development or decline of the walnut lumber trade, because no separate account or report has been made of it. In 1874 the Board of Trade report says the total receipts of lumber were 119,- 800,000 feet, of which about 60,000,000 was walnut lumber. The indications are that the total has never been so large since. The trade is still large, how- ever, and a large part of it is in logs brought here to be sawed up. There are ten mills here sawing walnut and hard woods, and eighteen dealers who handled in the year last reported in full, 1882, to December 31st, 38,000,000 feet. This shows a de- ^^^r/ in^'lyH.B.'HaH & Sras.MMtmStNXfimn iftrtolyBiac CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 167 cline from 1873 of more than one-third. The pine lumber business, however, has kept on a steady ad- vance with other commercial interests, and occupies a score or more yards large and small, besides thosS attached to factories as stores of material. Oak ap- pears to hold its own as firmly as it did in the last generation. The demand for it as building timber has declined greatly, but it has been made up fully by the demand for it to make cross-ties for railway tracks. Hickory, birch, and sugar have never been accounted or used as timber, and elm but little more. They went for fuel when it was deemed worth while, and now good, well-seasoned wood of these varieties is a valuable product. Coal is slowly displacing wood, but has not done it yet. The amount of coal brought to the city appears from the partial report of the secretary of the Board of Trade to have been about 400,000 tons for the year ending Dec. 31, 1882, the last of which any report has been made. Among the articles reported for the last six months of 1882 — the last official statement published — are 20,000 bales of cotton, or 40,000 for the year; 40 car-loads of eggs, estimating in the same way ; 800,- 000 barrels of flour ; 801 tons of hides — the total value of all hides and pelts for the year is put at $1,500,000; 64,000 cars of general merchandise; 46 cars of poultry— annual value of poultry, $1,000,- 000 ; 40,000 tons of ice ; 40,000 tons of provisions ; 36,000 barrels of salt; 640 cars of shingles; 50,000 barrels of starch ; 2600 cars of stone ; 26,000 bar- rels of tallow ; 43,000 hogsheads of tobacco ; 300,- 000 rabbits shipped East and sold here in 1883 and winter of 1884. In grain the trade has been steadily growing for a number of years. The receipts of wheat for the year ending April, 1883, were about 8,000,000 bushels ; of corn, 17,000,000, as appears from the report of Secre- tary Blake. In 1872 a company was formed to build and conduct an elevator, and that year erected the first one west of the river on the St. Louis Railroad. It has a capacity of about 350,000 bushels. In 1874, Mr. F. Rusch, in association with two or three others, built Elevator B, the second one, with a capacity of 300,000 bushels. It was entirely destroyed by fire in June, 1875, but rebuilt at once in better shape, and has been constantly busy since. Some three years ago, about the time of the completion of the Indianapolis, Decatur and Springfield Railroad, a third elevator was built by the company close to the CHAMBKR OF COMMERCE. Corner of Marylaud and Tennessee Streets. track, in the manufacturing suburb of Hanghsville, with a capacity fully equal to either of the older ones. Besides these there are several smaller in the city. Since 1877 the stock-yards have formed a con- spicuous element of the city's commerce. They were built by the Belt Road Company on one hun- dred and ten acres of the old " Bayou," or " McCarty farm," on the Vincennes Railroad, at the southern border of West Indianapolis, about two miles from the Union Depot. In convenience of arrangement, amplitude of supply, and completeness of shelter and means of shipment, they are pronounced by those familiar with all the stock-yards of the country un- surpassed by any, and unequaled by any but one or two. On the northeast corner of the grounds are the engine-house and machine-shop, the blacksmith-shop, the coal platform, and the pumping engine which forces water from a well about ninety feet deep into 168 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. two large elevated tanks or reservoirs, whence it is distributed all over the premises. At the north end, to the west of these buildings, is the residence of the superintendent; south of this, about four hundred feet, is the " Stock-Yard p]xchange," a large, hand- some, three-story brick building, with a front of about one hundred and twenty feet, and a rear building, making a total depth of over one hundred and fifty feet. It is occupied as a hotel in the rear building and the upper stories of the front, and as offices of stock-dealers on the ground-floor. On the east of this is a large storage-house for hay and corn and stock- feed generally. On the west is a large stable for the finer grades of horses. Directly south of the Ex- change, and separated mostly by a broad passage-way of forty feet or so, are the stock stables, built of red cedar posts set deep in the ground, and planked up the sides and ends high enough to make a perfect shelter for the stock. On the roof of each is an attic, with lattice sides, the full length of the stable. There are five of these, separated from each other by a narrow passage for stock, fifteen feet or so in width. They are about a thousand feet long by one hundred and seventy- five wide, with broad passage-ways down the middle and smaller lateral ones between the divisions. Stock is received on the west side, where there are railway tracks connecting with the Belt extending along the entire length of the stables. From the receiving platform, which is covered with pens, a passage leads to the scale-room, where the animals are weighed and driven off to their quarters. The western stables are chiefly appropriated to hogs. When shipped away the stock is driven to the east side, where a platform the length of the stables, amply provided with shipping-pens, enables a train to be loaded in a very few minutes. LARGEST RECEIPTS IN ONE DAY, 1882. December 9 8S09 (Hogs, 8809). October 28 2026 (Cattle, 238). October 28 4184 (Sheep, 1534). May 10 316 (Horses, 26). LARGEST SHIPMENTS IN ONE DAY, 1882. January 4 4125 (Hogs, 4115). October 28 1325 (Cattle, 794). May 20 4194 (Sheep, 1856). July 4 281 (Horses, 149). Their business in 1882, the last year of which any statement has been made, is summed up as fol- lows : Hogs, 5,319,611 ; cattle, 640,363; sheep, 849,- •936; horses, 50,795; shipments, hogs, 2,298,895; cattle, 535,195; sheep, 780,395; horses, 48,361; Indianapolis delivery, hogs, 3,020,913 ; cattle, 106,- 178 ; sheep, 70,543 ; horses, 2533. Until the completion of the Madison Railroad no business was done off' Washington Street, except that a year or two a little family grocery was kept in a one-story brick on Indiana Avenue, at the corner of Tennessee Street. In 1847, however, commission- houses and pork-packing houses began to be estab- lished about the Madison Depot. Foundries and shops started up in convenient openings, and during the war groceries, drug-stores, hotels, saloons, and eating-houses were put wherever they could go. Thus came business diverted from Washington Street. With this change, or a little preceding it, came the separation of different classes of merchan- dise into different establishments. Below is given the annual live-stock report of the Indianapolis Stock-yards, prepared by W. P. Ijams, general superintendent. It will be noticed that as compared with the year 1882 there was a handsome increase in business, while it fell short of the business done in the years 1878, 1879, 1880, and 1881. The table given below is self-explanatory : BEOEIPTS. Total for the year 1883 Total for the year 18.S2 Total for tlie year 1881 Total for the year 1880 Total for the year 1879 Total for the year 1878 One month and '.iO days, 1877 Hogs. Cattle.! Sheep. Horses. Total Not. 12, 1877, to Dec. 31, 1883. 931, mi. 1.129, 1,321, 1,123, 98(i, IM, 121,448 114,746 144,144 132,6,')6' 120,723 118,945 4,160 6,250,732; 761,811 l,r97,696 264,663 18,800 288,698 16.987 226,022 9,665 142.7.:6 9,288 111,927 9,i')8 76.107 4,867 5,912 686 67,646 SHIPMENTS. Hogs. I Cattle. Sheep. Horses. Total for the year 1883 44i,90o! 102,342 237,612 17,726 Total for the year 1882 324.786. 91.042 268,696 15,097 Total for the year 1881 ! 6:)7,.'>20 1211,611 ! 203,246 8.900 Total lor f.lio vear 18811 '. 599,514 1 1 o,,!,^ 132,904 8,901 Total for the year 1879 ' 464,963 104,»46' 100,879 9,031 Total for the year 1878 1 264,095:10.5,117^ 69,897 6,770 One month and 20 days, 1877 j 8,027 3,021 4,772 602 Total Not. 12, 1877, to Dec. 31, 1883. 2,742,795 637,5.37 I t 1,018,005' 66,086 <^- a.^'^^o^-^^'^^y '^^^^^^S>^^^ 'z^ z^i^z^ J^^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 169 INDIANAPOLIS DELIVERY. Hog«. Cattle. Sheep. IHoreea. Total for tlie yoar 1S83 487,221 19,106 Totnl for the var 1«S2 1 329.0(18 24,714! Toliil n>r lliH yeiii- 1881 1 492,:i74 'llfiXi, Total for the year 1880 72l,8fi2i 22,ii9a T.ital f.ir tlio yeHr 1879 6.')8,4.'i(i 2l),878 Toial for the year 1878 , 722,4231 14,328 Oue nioMlh and 20 days, 1877 96,790| 629 Total Nov. 12, 1877, to Dec. 31, 1883. 3,508,134: 126,284 14,041 2l,oo:i 22,.37B 9,8211 11,048 1 6,210| 85 1,075 966 665 387 327 165 23 84,584: 3,608 LARGEST RECEIPTS IN ONE DAT, 1883. December 4 12,775 (Hogs, 12,775). February 17 1,705 (Cattle, 557). September 8 3,065 (Sheep, 8U). April 29 238 (Horses, 66). LAKGEST SHIPMENTS IN ONE DAY, 1883. December 19 4,655 (Hogs, 3,352). August 4 1,902 (Cattle, 1,902). September 8 3,460 (Sheep, 2,446). July 1 • 221 (Horses, 87). CHAPTER VIII. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS.— (CojKiimerf.) THE BENCH AND BAR. In the general history is related the organization of the county and the early sessions of the first court. No more need be said here than that Judge William W. Wick was elected the first judge by the Legisla- ture at Corydon in the winter of 1821-22, and Hervey Bates appointed sheriff by Governor Jen- nings early in 1822. Both were residents of Con- nersville, and came here together in the early spring of 1822. The circuit consisted of Marion County, enlarged for judicial purposes by a considerable por- tion of the territory now composing Johnson, Hamil- ton, Boone, Madison, and Hancock Counties, with the following earlier-organized counties : Monroe, Morgan, Lawrence, Hendricks, Green, Owen, Rush, Decatur, Bartholomew, Jennings, and Shelby. The first session of the court was held at the house of Gen. Carr, the State agent, on Delaware Street opposite the court-house, Sept. 26, 1822. Judge Wi(.-k presided, with Eliakim Harding and James Mcllvain as associates. James M. Ray was clerk by election the previous April, and Hervey Bates sheriff by regular election in August succeeding his appointment. Calvin Fletcher was the first prose- cutor by appointment. Up to 1824, when the court-house was so far completed as to be available for the sessions, the first meeting was held at Carr's house, as the law had designated that place, and then an adjournment was made to Crumbaugh's on Washington Street, — or the place in the woods where the street was to run, — just west of the future line of the canal. We have no record of the lawyers in attendance at that first session of the first court of the county, and there is no certainty that there were any belonging to the town except Mr. Fletcher, the prcsecutor, and Harvey Gregg, one of the founders of the Western Censor, the predecessor of the Journal. Mr. Fletcher long held a prominent place at the bar, and only left it to take the presidency of the Indianapolis branch of the State Bank. Hon. Calvin Fletcher. — Robert Fletcher, the progenitor in America of the Fletcher family, was probably born in Yorkshire, in 1592. He settled at Concord, Mass., in 1630, with a family consisting of a wife, two sons, — Luke and William, — -and one daughter. In the direct line of descent from this pioneer was born, on the 4th of February, 1798, Calvin, the subject of this sketch, the eleventh in a family of fifteen children. Under the teachings of an excellent father and a mother of more than ordi- nary ability he learned those habits of industry and self-reliance which, coupled with upright principles, uniformly characterized his later life. While per- forming all the duties exacted from a boy upon a New England farm, he very soon manifested a great desire for a classical education. Depending upon his own earnings for the means by which to achieve his desire, he set about the preparation for college by pursuing his studies at Randolph and Royalton Academies, Vermont. After some vicissitudes he for a time abandoned study and began labor in a brick -yard in Pennsylvania. Circumstances soon after influenced his removal to Ohio, where he first taught school at Urbana, Champaign Co., and was sub- sequently private tutor in the family of a Mr. Gwin, whose fine library afforded him abundant opportunity for reading. He finally studied law with Hon. James 170 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Cooley, afterwards United States Chargi (T Affaires to Peru. In 1819 he removed to Virginia, and was licensed to practice by the Supreme Court of that State, but his strong love of freedom and the rights of man caused him to renounce his intention, and returning to Urbana, Ohio, he became the law-part- ner of Mr. Cooley. In 1821, Mr. Fletcher settled in Indianapolis, the capital of the State, with his family, and was the first lawyer in that city. His business soon became lucrative. He later became prosecuting attorney, and associated with him as partners Ovid Butler, Esq., and Simon Yandes, Esq. On making the capital his ht>me Mr. Fletcher actively interested himself in its prosperity, and readily won the confidence and esteem of its citizens. In 1827 i he was elected State senator, in which office he was continued until 1832, when he abandoned politics. 1 though a successful career was open to him had he | chosen to follow it. He was in 1825 appointed State's attorney for the Fifth Judicial Circuit, em- bracing from twelve to fifteen counties. In 1834 he was appointed one of four to organize a State bank, and to act as sinking fund commissioner, which office was held for seven years. From 1843 until 1859, when the charter expired, he acted as president of the Indianapolis branch of the State Bank. Mr. Fletcher was a strong man physically, morally, and intellectually. He was equal to the emergency when justice to himself required an exhibition of strength, and in the same spirit he stood ready to befriend those who might have been otherwise injured. He was a lover of nature. He took mnch interest in the study of ornithology, and made himself familiar with the habits of birds, their instincts and charac- teristics. The domestic animals found in him a sym- pathizing friend. He was kind to them, and ever ready to acquire a knowledge of their dispositions and qualities, that he might turn it to their advan- tage. He was fond of the science of astronomy, and, in fact, of all studies that were elevating and ennobling. In his well-selected library of general literature, in addition to law-books, might be seen local histories, periodicals, the works of Audubon, school journals, and miscellaneous works. In one leading trait his course was marked and earnest,, — no poor man ever applied to Calvin Fletcher in his need, either for counsel or assistance, and was sent empty away. When the friends of the colored man, fleeing from bondage, were few and unpopular, his sympathy and helping hand were never withheld. He was like all men of power in his age, exceedingly rapid in thought and action. Before others had begun the argument he had concluded it. Repose was not his dominant characteristic. But more to be admired than all these traits was his earnest, consistent Chris- tian character. No man could love and respect the Bible and the minister more than he. He was a constant student of the one and hearer of the other. Calvin Fletcher was married, on the 1st of May, 1821, to Miss Sarah Hill, of Champaign County, Ohio, a lady of remarkable energy of character, combined with gentleness of disposition and refined tastes. Her death occurred in September, 1854, and he was again married, to Mrs. Keziah Price Lister. The children of Calvin Fletcher are James Cooley, Elijah Timothy, Calvin, Miles Johnson, Stoughton Alfonzo, Maria Antoinette, Crawford, Ingram, Wil- liam Baldwin, Stephen Keyes, Lucy Keyes, and Albert Elliott. The death of Calvin Fletcher oc- curred May 26, 1866. At a meeting of the bankers, held at Indianapolis, resolutions respecting his death were adopted, of which the following extract is appended : '•'That in the career of Mr. Fletcher are presented very striking evidences of what great and good things may be ac- complished under our free institutions by sound sense and unfailing energy, no matter how unpromising the circum- stances of the possessor may be at his outset in life. "That his success in business is the history of a life of hopeful labor, pure integrity, genial benevolence, steady cau- tion, and active usefulness, in which great results have been attained, not by brilliant strokes of adventure or any depend- ence upon fortune, but by those plainer and less obtrusive methods which are within the reach of the great majority of men, and affords a lesson of hope and warning, — hope to the uprighr, diligent, and frugal, warning to the reckless and idle who wait upon fortune." In the fall of 1823, a little over a year after the first session of court, a lawyer of marked ability came from Pennsylvania primarily, but later from Lebanon, Ohio, where he had studied law with the celebrated CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 171 orator and lawyer, Thomas Corwin, and inado his home here permanently. He was as prominent in the profession as Mr. Fletcher, and much longer in it. Tiiat was Hiram Brown. HiRA.M Brown, an eminent advocate in Indiana, traced his descent from a family of Welsh origin, living in Southern England, that accompanied or soon followed Lord Baltimore's colony to Maryland, settling at Welsh Flats, in Pennsylvania. The de- scendants of this emigrant remained in that region and in Maryland for years, and one of them, Wendel Brown, with his two sons, prior to 1754, crossed the , mountains and visited the Monongahela Valley, taking no settlement because of the savages ; and It was not till 1765 that his son, or grandson, Thomas |Brown, located at Redstone Old Fort, — so called be- ause the mound-builders in former ages had erected , large stone intrenchment on the top of a detached bill at the mouth of N.emocolius Creek, a locality ridely known in the early settlement of the West. Col. Michael Cresap (unjustly charged with mur- ier in Logan's celebrated speech) had prior to 1765 located a " tomahawk right" to several hundred acres, including the Old Fort, and in 1770 built a hewed log house on it, with a nailed shingle roof, the first west of the mountains. Thomas Brown bought Cresap's house and claim, and in 1785 perfected his title by purchase from the commonwealth, and laid out the town of Brownsville. He died in 1797, aged fifty-nine years, and was buried in the Old Fort, his tombstone stating that " he was the owner of this town." He left a large estate and family, but their hospitality and extravagance dissipated their patrimony, and the members scattered throughout the West, leaving few representatives of the name or blood in their old home. One of the sons, Ignatius Brown, born Dec. 1, 1769, at Brownsville, died at Lebanon, Ohio, June 3, 1834. Early in 1791 he married Elizabeth Gregg, a woman of good mind and great force of character, and to them, on the 18th of July, 1792, was born their first child, Hiram Brown, the subject of the present sketch. They afterwards had six other children, — Milton, a distinguished lawyer and con- gressman from Tennessee ; Ashel, a leading lawyer at Lebanon, Ohio ; Hervey, a lawyer and member of the Legislature, both in Indiana and Tennessee ; and three daughters, — Minerva, Matilda, and Orpha,— all of whom married. In 1798, Ignatius Brown removed his family and remnant of his property to Kentucky, where he bought several thousand acres of land and resided several years; but his title proving defective he was impoverished, and compelled again to emigrate. He located a claim in the Symmes' Purchase, near Denfield, in Warren Co., Ohio, but when returning caught cold, which produced paraly- sis of the optic nerves, resulting in instant and total blindness ; in this helpless state he was led by his comrades through the wilderness to his family. Vision afterward slowly returned, and in old age he could read without glasses. While blind he was made justice of the peace, and subsequently associate judge of the County Court, a position he held at the time of his death. The young wife, brave under this disaster, moved her helpless husband and family to the new location, and began making a home in the woods. The burthen, of course, fell on Hiram, then a mere boy, 172 HlSTOKr OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and for years his life was devoted to this work, fore- going an education that the rest should get it, and have shelter and food. By studying at night he learned to read well and write, acquired some knowledge of grammar, and " cyphered as far as the rule of three." Subsequently, by reading the best authors, he gained so great a command of pure Eng- lish that his forensic efforts, though never specially prepared, were admired for their fluency, finish, and perfection of style. After several years' work on the farm he determined to become a merchant, and entered a store in Lebanon, but the change so in- jured his health that he was thought to be consump- tive. Returning at once to farm work, to chopping and milling, he soon recuperated and became noted for activity and strength, being champion in all athletic exercises. It is said that, with a few yards' ! run, he could jump over the head of a man his equal in height. At twenty to twenty-five years old he was in the prime of physical strength. He was five feet eight inches high, weighed one hundred and sixty-five pounds ; erect, symmetrically formed, with small hands and feet. His head was large, fea- tures clearly cut, brows arched, shading large light- blue eyes ; mouth firm, and lips thin. His voice was musical, high-pitched, and under perfect con- trol. His business being prosperous, he was married, May 29, 1817, to Miss Judith Smith, a very beauti- ful and amiable woman, who survived him nearly six years. She was born July 12, 1794, in Pow- hatan County, Va., the daughter of Rev. James Smith, one of the earliest Methodist preachers. This union was a happy one, lasting over thirty years. They had nine children, one dying in infancy ; the rest survived them. After marriage he traveled on horseback to Wash- ington City to patent a boat-wheel he had invented, but before doing anything with it the panic of 1820 overwhelmed him, with many others, and he lost all his property. After settling bis affairs he studied law with Thomas Corwin for six months and was admitted to the bar. Mr. Corwin wished him to remain at Lebanon, but deeming Indianapolis abetter point, he removed here with his family early in No- vember, 1823, and was admitted by the Supreme Court in 1824. He soon acquired a good practice, ranking highest as an advocate in criminal cases. Before a jury his bearing was easy, gestures apt, voice clear and pene- trating, his statement of the evidence fair and forci- ble. He instantly grasped the strong points in his cases, and illustrated them in so many different ways that he fixed them in the jurors' minds without wearying them by the repetition. He identified himself with the feelings and interests of his clients, and made their cause his own. His native wit and keen sense of humor often enabled him to so ridicule an opponent's case that it was laughed out of court. He was sometimes, though not often, sarcastic and bit- ter in denunciation, but his nature was kindly and for- bearing. He was most formidable in desperate cases, when the odds were heaviest against him. " Court week" then brought the whole country into town, and when he spoke the house was always crowded. A volume would be needed to detail the incidents in his professional career and give the anecdotes told of his wit, humor, and stinging repartee. Some have been published, but most have perished with those who heard them. For years he was in every impor- tant case, and was generally successful. With the exception, perhaps, of a short service as prosecutor, at an early day, he declined executive or judicial posi- tion, practicing his profession from November, 1823, till June 8, 1853, when he died, the "father of the bar." His early associates had nearly all died or re- tirfid, and a new generation was growing up whose ways were unlike their fathers'. He disliked the change, and missed and mourned his old opponents. He often fell into reveries, his memory busy with the past, his face changing with each crowding recollec- tion, his eyes flashing until he would break out with the exclamation, " Ah, there were giants in those days !" We now have no idea of the hardships endured by the old bar in their practice, the circuit once ex- tending from Bloomingtou to Fort Wayne, its whole extent a wilderness. Traveling it was a campaign often involving weeks of absence from home, man and horse struggling through endless swamps, swim- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 173 niing swollen rivers, and sleeping in the woods. It was at all times tedious and laborious, and in some seasons difiScult and dangerous. The fees were far less than now, and often remained mere promises to pay. This at least was Mr. Brown's experience, for though he nominally made a great deal of money, his indulgence lost him the greater part of it. He gen- erally tore up the notes and accounts against his more dilatory clients rather than press their collection. With his wife and son he traveled through Iowa in 1848, stopping each night with some old client en- countered on the way, and on his return said he ought to receive some credit for the rapid growth of that State, for he found it largely peopled by his run- away clients. He had no love for or desire to accumulate money, and at his death he left only his town residence and a small farm south of the city, on which and its orchard he had expended money enough, if it had been invested in town property, to have made him rich. He admitted this, but said he then would not have enjoyed it, maintaining that men only actually possess the money they spend, and get no benefit from it unless so used. Neither a politician nor a partisan, he was a life- long Whig and admirer of Henry Clay, naming his oldest son for him. He made Whig speeches, and during the Morgan excitement was strongly urged to run for Congress by the anti-Masons ; but though success seemed certain he refused, and never entered political life. His habits and tastes were strongly opposed to such a career. He disliked the glare of public life, and delighted in home and its pleasures, the society of children and old friends. With them his fun-loving nature had free rein, and wit, humor, and anecdote were lavished on all around him. Those only who saw him under such circumstances could properly appreciate the sterling worth and honesty of the man. He inherited hospitality, and the latch-string was always out. All preachers and clients were welcome, and for years his house contained nearly as many guests as members of his own family ; and as they generally came on horseback, this " entertainment for man and beast" not only increased the labors of his household, but seriously diminished his re- sources. Reared at a time when liquor was kept in every house and tendered to every visitor, it was only natural, with his temperament and social qualities, that at times he used it to excess. It was a common vice with the bar, but with him a little went a great way. He left off its use entirely for years before he died, and notwithstanding his opposition to secret societies — believing them to be inimical to republican institutions, which require the most open discussion and treatment of all questions — he united with and became a prominent oflScer in the Sons of Temper- ance, and labored in that cause till his death. At about the same time he joined the Methodist Church, — in which his wife had been a life-long member, — and died in that faith. He denounced gambling in all its forms, and was selected by a public meeting to assist in the prosecution of the gamblers, who seemed to have been given free rein by the regular authori- ties. In endeavoring to do so he was hampered, and the facts and evidence withheld from him in the clerk's office. Commenting on this at a subsequent public meeting, he said that whether the action of his friend the clerk was right or not, it had at least illustrated the greatest of the virtues, for " his charity had covered a multitude of sins." He was among the earliest to introduce fine fruits into this section, and spent much time, labor, and money in the effort. Though rarely tasting fruit himself, and though no market then existed for it, he planted twenty-fouV acres in the choicest varieties, as he said, for the public benefit and future markets. His devotion to it caused his death, for, having spent a very hot day in it, he was partially sunstruok, and on returning home at night was seized with conges- tion of the brain. He rallied from the first attack, and seemed better for several days, but a relapse took place on the night of the 7th of June and he lay unconscious till eight o'clock p.m. of the next day, when he died. When his critical illness became known his old friends hastened to his side. Among them came Calvin Fletcher, his old opponent at the bar, who seemed most deeply affected at his loss. His death was a shock to the community. Full 174 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. obituary notices, with sketches of his life, appeared in all the journals. The courts adjourned; the bar passed resolutions, which were spread on the records, and bench and bar attended his funeral in a body. The funeral discourse was pronounced by his old friend, Rev. W. H. Goode, at Roberts' Chapel, June, 1853, and his remains were interred in Green Lawn Cemetery. They were subsequently removed, with those of his wife and two of his sons, to a lot at the eastern base of the hill in Crown Hill Cemetery, where they rest in peace, awaiting the resurrection. Mr. Brown had nine children ; one died in infancy, the rest survived him. Eliza S., the eldest daugh- ter, married J. C. Yohn, a prominent merchant of the city ; they have four surviving children and several grandchildren. Minerva V., the second child (now deceased), married A. G. Porter; they have five sur- viving children and several grandchildren. Angeline, the third child, died at four years of age. Martiia S., the fourth child, married Samuel Delzell, a prom- inent business man of the city ; they have one sur- viving child. Clay Brown, the oldest son, was edu- cated at the seminary under Kemper, and at A.sbury University ; studied medicine with Dr. John Evans, and graduated at Rush Medical College; began prac- tice at Anderson, Ind., but removed in a few years to this city, soon taking high rank in his profession ; he was appointed assistant surgeon of the Eleventh In- diana Volunteers, and was present' at Fort Donelson, where overwork and exposure produced illness, from which he died at Crump's Landing, Tenn., just before the battle at Shiloh ; his body was brought home by Adjt. Macauley, and buried with the honors of war. Matilda A. was married to Jonas McKay, and is re- siding at Lebanon, Ohio ; she has two daughters. Ignatius Brown, the second son, was educated under Kemper and Lang at the seminary, studied law with his father, graduated Bachelor of Law at Blooming- ton, and began practice; he married Miss Elizabeth M. Marsee, oldest daughter of Rev. J. Marsee ; she is now dead ; they have four children ; Mr. Brown left the practice at the beginning of the war, and is now with his sons in the abstract-of-title line. James T. Brown, the third son, was educated at the semi- nary under Kemper and Lang, became traveling salesman for Guthrie & Co., of LouLsville, married Miss Forsythe, and died (childle-ss) in 1861. Mary E., the youngest child, married Barton D. Jones, and is now residing in Washington City ; they have ; three surviving children. I Probably no man connected with the county courts was so widely known and closely associated with their history in the minds of all early residents as Robert B. Duncan, the deputy of James M. Ray for several years, and then for nearly a score of years the clerk succeeding Mr. Ray, on the latter's acceptance of the cashiership of the old State Bank in 1834. Robert B. Duncan is of Scotch descent, his grandfather, Robert Duncan, born in 1726, a native Scotchman, having emigrated to America in 1754, where he engaged in the pursuit of his trade, that of a tailor. He married Agnes Singleton, born in 1742, also of Scotch parentage, and had children, — Robert, James, John, and three daughters. Robert was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 28, 1772, and during his youth resided in that State, after which he removed to Western New York and engaged in farming pur- suits. He married Miss Anna Boyles, and had CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 175 children, — James, Esther, William, Kobert B., Mar- garet, John, Samuel, Jane, and Annie. The death of Mrs. Duncan occurred in 1822, and that of Mr. Duncan Jan. 6, 1846. Their son Robert B. was born in Ontario County, N. Y., June 15, 1810, where the earliest seven years of his life were spent. In 1817 he removed to Ohio and settled near San- dusky, his residence until the spring of 1820, when the family emigrated to Conner's Station, in the pres- ent Hamilton County, Ind., then an unsurveyed prairie. Various employments occupied the time here until 1824, when he became a resident of Pike township, Marion Co., and engaged in the pioneer labor of clearing ground and farming. The year 1827 found him a resident of Indianapolis, where he entered the county clerk's oflnce as deputy, and remained thus employed until March, 1834, when he was elected to the office of clerk of the county, and held the position for sixteen successive years. Mr. Duncan had meanwhile engaged in the study of law, and immediately, on the expiration of his official term in 1850, began his professional career, confining himself mainly to business associated with the Pro- bate Court. He still continues to practice, devoting himself to the interests of the firm with which he is associated in connection with the Probate Court and to consultation. Mr. Duncan was early in his political career a Whig, and continued his relations with that party until his later indorsement of the articles of the Republican platform. With the exception of his lengthy period of official life as county clerk, he has never accepted nor sought office. He was reared in the stanch faith of the Scotch Presbyterian Church, and still adheres to that belief. Mr. Duncan was married in December, 1843, to Miss Mary E., daugh- ter of Dr. John H. Sanders, of Indianapolis, to whom were born children, — John S. (a practicing lawyer), Robert P. (a manufacturer), Anna D. (wife of Wil- liam T. Barbee, of Lafayette, Ind.), and Nellie D. (wife of John R. Wilson, of Indianapolis). Mr. Duncan enjoys the distinction of being the oldest continuous resident of the county. Two years after Mr. Duncan came to the town to take the deputy's place with Mr. Ray, James Morri- son came up from Charleston, Clarke Co., having been elected Secretary of State to succeed Judge Wick. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1796, came to this country a young lad, with his parents and brothers (the late William H. and Alexander F.), studied law with Judge William B. Rochester, in Western New York, and after his admission to the bar came to Charleston, where he practiced his pro- fession with the late Judge Charles Dewey, of the State Supreme Bench from 1836 to 1847. Whea elected Secretary of State, in 1829, he removed here permanently with his brothers, and succeeded Judge Bethuel Morris as presiding judge of the circuit. He also succeeded Samuel Merrill as president of the old State Bank, on the accession of the latter to the presidency of the Madison Railroad. He was the first attorney-general of the State, and the first presi- dent of the Burns Club, being a native of the same shire. For twenty-five years he was senior warden of Christ Church, and during the remainder of his life, after the organization of St. Paul's Church, held the same office there. He was one of the best men, intellectually and morally, that the city has ever claimed. He was an honorable lawyer, and that means a great deal, and he was a Christian gentleman. In the latter part of the second decade of the city's existence, Mr. Ovid Butler came to Indianapolis and formed a partnership with Mr. Fletcher, which was subsequently enlarged by the addition of Simon Yandes, Esq., eldest son of the late Daniel Yandes, the pioneer mill builder of the New Purchase. Mr. Yandes was noted at the bar for accuracy, clearness, and persevering labor, as was Mr. Butler, and with Mr. Fletcher's experience and dash, the firm was one of rare strength, as well known for its integrity as its ability. Ovid Butler was born on the 7th of February, 1801, in Augusta, N. Y., and died at Indianapolis, Ind., on the 12th of July, 1881. His father, the Rev. Chauncey Butler, was the first pastor of the Dbeiples' Church in this city. He died in 1840. His grandfather, Capt. Joel Butler, was a Revolu- tionary soldier, and served in the disastrous Quebec expedition. He died in 1822. In 1817 the family removed from the home in New York to Jennings County, in this State, where Ovid Butler resided 176 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. until he arrived at the years of manhood. Here he taught school for a few years and studied law. In 1825 he settled at Shelby ville, where he practiced his profession until 1836, when he removed to In- dianapolis, which became his permanent residence. He continued in his practice here, having as part- ners at diiferent times Calvin Fletcher, Simon Yandes, and Horatio C. Newcomb, among the ablest and most prominent lawyers of the State. His busi- ness was extensive and very lucrative, but owing to impaired health he retired from the bar in 1849. He was married in 1827 to Cordelia Cole, who lived until the year 1838. He was again married, to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Elgin, daughter of the late Thomas McOuat, in 1840, who survived him one year. No man was more fortunate in his domestic relations. As a lawyer Mr. Butler excelled in the office. In the argument of legal questions and the preparation of pleadings he was laborious and inde- fatigable. With firmness, perseverance, clearness of purpose, and tenacity without a parallel he pushed his legal business through the courts. With not many of the graces of the orator, he surpassed, by dint of great exertion in the preparation of his cases, those who relied upon persuasive eloquence or sudden strategy at the bar. Plain, quiet, gentle, modest, but solid and immovable, he was a formidable antagonist in the greatest cases that were tried during his prac- tice. His style was strong and sententious ; without ornament, without humor, without elegance, but logical and convincing. His clients always got his best ability in the preparation and trial of their cases. His legal knowledge was general and comprehensive, his judgment sound, and his reasoning powers vigor- ous. He met few competitors at the bar combining so much industry, strength, perseverance, and cul- ture. He had the unbounded confidence of the community in his common sense, integrity, and general capability in his profession. After his retirement from the bar he devoted his life mainly to the interests of the Christian Church and of the Northwestern Christian University. But for a few years after the close of the Mexican war, while the questions as to the extension of slavery into the territories acquired were being agitated, he took an active part in politics. In 1848 he established a newspaper in Indianapolis called The Free Soil Ban- ner, which took radical ground against the extension of slavery and against slavery itself. The motto was "Free .soil, free States, free men." He had been pre- viously a Democrat. He served upon the Free Soil electoral ticket and upon important political commit- tees, and took the stump in advocacy of his princi- ple.s in the Presidential campaigns of 1848 and 1852. In 1852 he contributed the funds, in a great meas- ure, to establish Tlie Free Soil Democrat, a newspa- per for the dissemination of his cherished views upon these questions. This was finally merged in The In- dianapolis Journal in the year 1854, Mr. Butler having purchased a controlling interest in that news- paper. In the year 1854 the Republican party was organized out of the anti-slavery men of all parties, and took bold ground upon the subject, and the Journal became its organ. The influence Mr. But- ler exerted upon public sentiment was great and be- neficent. He ranged in the higher walks of politics, steadfa-stly and intelligently advancing the great ideas, then unpopular, which have since become the univer- sal policy of the nation. He lived to see his prin- ciples written upon the banners of our armies and gleaming in the lightning of a thousand battles, to see them embodied in the Constitution and hailed with delight wherever free government has an advocate. Mr. Butler gave further evidence of devotion to his principles by aiding in the establishment of a free-soil paper in Cincinnati, and taking a wider range when Kossuth came preaching the gospel of liberty for down-trodden Hungary, he again opened his liberal purse for humanity. But he sought quiet and retirement. Many years ago he removed his residence from his old home in town to his farm north of and beyond its limits. Here, among and in the shade of the great walnut-, ash-, sugar-, and elm-trees, he built his house, and here he spent the remainder of his years. Here, walking or sitting beneath these grand representa- tives of the primeval forest, might be seen his ven- erable form fitly protected by their shadows. Here he received his friends and welcomed them to his hospitable board. Here his family assembled, his V-aj-, '"'^'SyJa.^a^ *"■»•■"■ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 177 children and his children's children, to enjoy his society and to pay respect to his wishes. The appearance of Mr. Butler was not strikinji. Of about the average height, as he walked he leaned forward, as if in thought. His eye was bright and cheerful, and the expression of his countenance was sedate, indicative of sound judgment, strong common sense, an unruiHed temper, a fixedness of purpose, and kindness of heart. His voice was not powerful or clear, his delivery was slow and somewhat hesitat- ing; but such was the matter of his speech, so clear, cogent, apt, and striking, that he compelled the at- tention of his hearers. The weight of his character, the power of his example, the charm of a life of rec- titude and purity gave a force to his words which, coming from an ordinary man, might not have been so carefully heeded. Emerson says, " It makes a great difference to the sentence whether there be a man behind it or not." He was a little shy and un- obtrusive in his manners, especially among strangers, but to his old friends cordial, winning, and confiding. He avoided controversies, kept quiet when they were impending, and conciliated by his decorous forbear- ance those who, by active opposition, would have been roused to hostility. Stronger than all other features of his character was his unaffected piety. For many years of his life he was an humble and devoted Christian, illus- trating in his daily walk and conversation the prin- ciples he professed. Devout without display, zealous and charitable, he placed before and above all other personal objects and considerations his own spiritual culture ; looking to that true and ultimate refinement which, begun on earth, is completed in heaven. The great and memorable work of Mr. Butler was connected with the Northwestern Christian Univer- sity, now called " Butler University." He, with many friends, had for some years contemplated the establishment of this institution, and in the winter of 1849-50 obtained the passage of a charter through the Legislature of this State. Mr. Butler drafted it, and had the credit of giving expression in it to the peculiar objects of the University. The language of the section defining them is as follows : " An institu- tion of learning of the highest class for the education 12 of the youth of all parts of the United States and of the Northwest ; to establish in said institution departments or colleges for the instruction of the students in every branch of liberal and professional education ; to educate and prepare suitable teachers for the common schools of the country ; to teach and inculcate the Christian faith and Christian morality as taught in the sacred Scriptures, discarding as un- inspired and without authority all writings, formulas, creeds, and articles of faith subsequent thereto, and for the promotion of the sciences and arts." As to intellectual training, this calls for a high standard. As to religious teaching, it is radically liberal. But Mr. Butler was not an aggressive reformer. His gentle nature had no taint of acrimony or intol- erance in it. While he entertained, announced, and adhered to his own views with unalterable tenacity, he exercised toward all who disagreed with him an ample Christian charity. He was not a sectarian in the narrow and offensive sense. He was willing to wait patiently for the gradual and slow changes of public opinion as truth was developed. For twenty years he served as president of the board of directors of the University, and in 1871, at the age of seventy, he retired from the ofiSce, saying in his letter of resignation, " I have given to the in- stitution what I had to offer of care, of counsel, of labor, and of means, for the purpose of building up not merely a literary institution, but for the purpose of building up a collegiate institution of the highest class, in which the divine character and the supreme Lordship of Jesus, the Christ, should be fully recog- nized and carefully taught to all the students, to- gether with the science of Christian morality, as taught in the Christian Scriptures, and to place such an institution in the front ranks of human progress and Christian civilization as the advocate and expo- nent of the common and equal rights of humanity, without distinction of sex, race, or color." He had fought the good fight, he had adhered to his purpose, he had not labored in vain. But for ten years more, and until his death, he gave the Uni- versity his attention and his best thought. He had devoted so many years of his life and so much of his energy to this purpose that it had become the habit 178 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of his being to promote and protect the interests of the University. His influence and his spirit are still as powerful as ever there. Absence, silence, and death have no power over them. He did not run to the mountains, or the seaside, or Saratoga for happiness. His residence, his car- riage, and his dress were plain. He gratified his taste, but it was an exalted one. The campus of a college, his gift to men, was to him a finer show than deer-parks or pleasure-grounds. The solid walls of the University were more pleasing than a palace carved and polished and decorated for his own com- fort. He delighted to look upon well-trained men and women rather than pictures and statuary. He preferred to gather the young and docile of the hu- man race, and put them on exhibition, rather than short-horns or Morgan horses, and yet he did not despise or underrate these other good things. He gratified a refined and ennobled taste when he selected the man for culture and not the animal. But it was not all a matter of taste ; he looked much farther than that. He loved cultivated men and women for their uses ; for their power and capability to do good ; to teach the truth, to set examples ; to lead men from vice and ignorance ; and to give them strength and encouragement. And so he put forth, for many of the best years of his life, his constant exertions to build up a great institution of learning, in which the principles of human freedom and of Christianity should be taught forever. He did not die without the sight. He inspired many to unite with him in the work, and has laid a foundation in a place and in a way that, so far as can be seen, will be perpetual for great good. The Circuit Court was the only one known here till 1849, except the Probate Court, which was hardly accounted a court, and not held in high consideration, being little more than a sort of relief to the Circuit Court, the probate business of which it assumed. The judge was never or rarely a lawyer, and his busi- ness was that of an accountant rather than a judge. In 1849 the bar decided, after some consultation, that the Circuit Court needed to be relieved in a more ef- fective fashion than the Probate Court did it, and the late Oliver H. Smith drafted a bill to create a Com- mon Pleas Court for this county. It passed, and Abram A. Hammond, subsequently Lieutenant-Gov- ernor and Governor, was made the first judge and clerk, the bill adding one duty to the other to make the fees a sufiicient salary. In a year he went to Cali- fornia, and was succeeded by Edward Lander, an elder brother of the late Gen. Fred. Lander, and the first chief justice of Washington Territory. An act of the Legislature of May 11, 1852, abolished this local court and created a State system of Common Pleas Courts, specially charged with probate business, but given also concurrent jurisdiction with the Cir- cuit Court and justices of the peace in a certain range of civil and criminal business. The order of judges of this court will be found in the list of county officers. The district contained Marion, Boone, and Hendricks Counties. In 1873 " all matters and bus- iness pending in the Courts of Common Pleas" were "transferred to the Circuit Courts of the proper counties," and the system of Common Pleas Courts came to an end, after an existence in Marion County of nearly a quarter of a century. In the courts of inferior jurisdiction the justices of the county and city occasionally attained a credit- able and well-earned distinction. Among these were Henry Brady, Thomas Morrow, Samuel Moore, Charles Bouge, Hiram Bacon, James Johnson, John C. Hume, and others in the county outside of the city; and in the city, Obed Foote, Henry Bradley, Caleb Scudder, Charles Fisher, and particularly Wil- liam Sullivan, whose long tenure of the office, with the extent of his business and the soundness of his judgment, made him of almost equal authority with the Circuit Court. For many years he was almost ihe only justice of the peace that the bar would trust with any bu.siness. William Sullivan. — The ancestors of Mr. Sullivan were among the earliest settlers of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and the adjoining Slate of Delaware. His grandfather, Moses Sullivan, was of Irish-English descent, and his wife, Mary Parker, of Kent County, Md., was of English extraction. Their children were David, William, and Mary, the first-named of whom was the father of the subject of this sketch. He married Elizabeth Peacock in 1794, CITY OF INDIANAPOLTS. 179 and settled in Kent County, Md. Their children were Joel, Aaron, Sarah, Nathan P., William, Ellen C., and George E. The survivor of these children, William Sullivan, was born April 25, 1803. His father having died when the lad was in his fifth year, he was placed in the academy at Elkton, Md., and remained at this institution until his seventeenth year. On the death of his mother in 1827 he made an extended tour for purposes of observation and improvement, and continued his studies, after which he accepted employment from a corps of civil engi- neers as land surveyor and general assistant, and gained much practical knowledge in this vocation. He removed in 1833 to Ohio, and for a term en- gaged in teaching, subsequently entering Hanover College, Indiana, where he was employed both in study and as an instructor. In 1834 Indianapolis became his home, where he immediately opened a private school, and later became connected with the Marion County Seminary, of which he acted as prin- cipal. In 1836 he was appointed to the office of civil engineer of the city of Indianapolis, and under his direction the first street improvements were made. The office of county surveyor of Marion County was also conferred upon him. During this time he con- structed a large map of the city for general use, and a smaller one for the use of citizens. Mr. Sullivan took an active interest in educational matters, and was instrumental in organizing and building the Franklin Institute, which in its day enjoyed a suc- cessful career. He on dissolving his connection with this institution accepted the appointment of United States deputy surveyor of public lands, and imme- diately entered upon the discharge of his duties in Northern Michigan among the Chippewa Indians, then a troublesome and dangerous tribe. He was, while discharging the duties of this office, appointed chief assistant of the distribution post-office, then removed to Indianapolis, and held the position for four years, keeping account of the business and making quarterly and final settlement of the office receipts during the whole of that time. In the spring of 1841 he was elected mayor of the city, and served one term. In the fall of that year he was chosen justice of the peace in and for Centre township, Marion Co., at Indianapolis, and continued to hold the office until 1867, a period of twenty-six years, frequently discharging the duties of police judge during the absence of the mayor. He was also, while acting as justice of the peace, the only United States commissioner at Indianapolis. He was later appointed by the United States Court the com- missioner in bankruptcy for the State of Indiana. Meanwhile he has devoted both means and time to public improvements, particularly to plank-, gravel-, and railroads centring at Indianapolis, serving for several years as a director of the Central Railway from Richmond to Indianapolis, and subsequently as trustee of the Peru and Indianapolis Railroad. Mr. Sullivan was a well-read elementary lawyer before coming West. On retiring from active pursuits in 1867 he had a large amount of unsettled business, which induced him to be admitted as a practicing attorney in the various courts of Marion County, though he has during later years declined business for other parties. In politics he acted with the Democrats until the passage of the " Kansas-Nebraska Acts," since which time he has voted with the Re- publican party. On the 8th of March, 1835, Mr. Sullivan was married to Miss Clarissa Tomliuson, who was of Scotch and English descent, and resided in Indianapolis. Their children now living are Clara E. (wife of Col. Richard F. May, of Helena, Mon- tana), Flora (wife of E. Wulschner, of Indianapolis), and George R. Sullivan, who married Mi.ss Annie Russell, of Indianapolis, and has one son, Russell. Both Mr. and Mrs. SuUivatx, though advanced in years, enjoy excellent health and exceptional mental vigor. In 1865 the Criminal Circuit Court of Marion County was created to relieve the original court of a class of business that consumed a great deal of time, obstructed important interests, and largely increased the cost of maintaining the court to the county and the costs of litigation to parties. A separate court would hasten the dispatch of business of all kinds, and be a money-saving as well as trouble-saving measure. The Criminal Court, however, was not separated so completely frotn the parent court as was that of the Common Pleas in 1849. It was separate 180 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. only in its duties and its judges. The county clerk had charge of its papers and records, and the county sheriff served it as he did the old Circuit Court and the Common Pleas Court. These three, the Circuit, the Common Pleas, and the Criminal Court, con- sitituted the judicial force of the county from 1865 to 1873, when the Common Pleas was reabsorbed into the Circuit Court. The Criminal Court continues, with a little modification since its original establish- ment, with a series of accomplished and efiScient judges, as will be seen from the list appended to this work. The member of the city bar who is probably the best known as an advocate in the Criminal Court, though his practice is by no means confined to that class of business, is Jonathan W. Gordon. Hon. Jonathan W. Gordon was born Aug. 13, 1820. His father, William Gordon, was an Irish laborer, who emigrated to the United States in 1789- 90, and settled in Washington County, Pa., where, Aug. 18, 1795, he married Sarah Wallon, a native of Greenbrier County, Va., by whom he had fourteen children, of which the subject of this biography is the thirteenth. The father removed from Pennsyl- vania to Indiana in the spring of 1835, and settled in Ripley County, where he resided until his death, Jan. 20, 1841. His wife survived him until May 29, 1857, when she died at the residence of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Charlotte T. Kelley. In the mean time the subject of this sketch mar- ried Miss Catharine J. Overturf, April 3, 1843; entered upon the profession of the law Feb. 27, 1844 ; went to Mexico, June 9, 1846, as a volunteer in the Third Regiment of Indiana Volunteers ; lost his health in the service, and upon his return aban- doned the law and studied medicine on account of hemorrhage of the lungs; was graduated as M.D. from Asbury University in 1851, and resumed the practice of the law at Indianapolis in 1852. He was elected prosecuting attorney in 1854 ; member of the House of Representatives in the General As- sembly in 1856, and again in 1858 ; and during the latter term was twice chosen Speaker. In 1859 he was nominated by many members of the bar, without distinction of party, for the office of Common Pleas judge, made vacant by the death I of Hon. David Wallace ; but, finding that some aspirants for the position desired a party contest, he declined the race, holding that the judicial office I ought to be kept clear of party politics. In 1860 he took an active part in behalf of Mr. Lincoln, to whose nomination he had largely contributed by de- j feating an instruction of the Indiana delegation for j Edward Bates. His speech against Mr. Bates was j published, and though effective for the purpose for i which it was delivered, was scarcely less so to prevent I his own appointment to any civil position under Mr. I Lincoln. In 1861 he was chosen clerk of the House ! of Representatives, but resigned the position for a I place in the ranks of the army upon the outbreak of the war. He served during the three months' ser- vice in the Ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and received from the President during the time the appointment of major in the Eleventh United States Infantry. He accepted the position and served in garrison duty until March 4, 1864, when he resigned ; and, returning to Indianapolis, resumed the practice of the law. He united with those represented in the Cleveland Convention of that year in the support of Gen. Fremont, but when he ceased to be a candidate, supported Mr. Lincoln. He made two political speeches during the contest, taking strong ground against public corruption, and the exercise of all un- authorized power. In the fall of the year he defended those citizens of the State who were ar- raigned and tried before military commissions, and maintained the want of any jurisdiction on the part of such commissions to try a citizen of a State not involved in actual war. His argument was printed and largely circulated at the time, and it is believed that little was added to it by any subsequent discus- sions. He opposed not so much the impeachment of President Johnson, as the heated and partisan manner in which the Republican party tried to make it effective. This he opposed with zeal and enthu- siasm from first to last, and when it failed in the vote on the eleventh article, congratulated the coun- try on its failure. He supported Gen. Grant in 1868, and in the course of the canvass delivered one of his ablest speeches in defense of the constitutionality of the . ^i-c5~>— S^-cTVl/ . CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 181 measures of Congress for the reconstruction of gov- ernments in the seceding States. In the spring of 1869 he .suffered a great loss in the burning of his house and the greater part of his library. This loss he has never been able to repair, and his preparation in many a great controversy since has limped be- cause of it. In 1872 he again supported Grant; was placed at the head of his electoral ticket in the State, and being elected was chosen by his colleagues president of the electoral college. In his speech upon taking the chair, he endeavored to ameliorate the asperity of party feeling and spirit by a generous tribute to the great journalist who had been sup- ported by the opponents of the President. His party nominated him in 1876 for the oflBce of attorney-gen- eral of the State, but as the party was defeated that year in the State, he went down with the rest. In 1868 he ran for and was elected to the House of Representatives in the General Assembly. His can- va.ss was regarded as indiscreet and audacious by many of his more prudent friends. Under the leader- ship of its most prominent leader, the Republican party of the State was deeply poisoned with the greenback virus. He knew this as well as others ; but believing that it was altogether more important that sound views on the subject of the currency should be presented to the people than that he should be elected to the Legislature, he exposed and ridiculed the fallacies of the greenbackers without stint or mercy. His defeat was confidently predicted by many prominent men of his own party ; but at the close of the election it was found that just views are understood and appreciated by the people, for he ran as well as his associates on the ticket. In the Legislature he devoted his labors and time to the amendment of the criminal law, so as to secure con- viction of the guilty in many cases where it was be- fore next to impossible. His labors were defeated for want of time to carry them through. He did succeed, however, in limiting the power of courts to punish for contempt, a thing hitherto neglected in the State. Having lost his first wife, he married Miss Julia L. Dumont, March 13, 1862. He has had six chil- dren, five by his first, and one by his last wife. He has followed his profession with a fair degree of success, bestowing great labor upon such new questions as have from time to time arisen in the course of his practice. In several instances he has, it is believed, given a permanent bent to the law as decided by the highest tribunal of the State ; but has in others failed where he believed, and still believes, that he was right. In such cases he finds consolation in the faith that just principles do finally triumph, and that his defeats are not final. He has not been satisfied to be merely a lawyer, but has taken a general view of literature and philosophy. Smitten with the love of poetry, he has sometimes mistaken it for the impulsions of genius, and essayed to sing. Some of his fugitive pieces have met with popular favor, and others with neglect. In this way he has been preserved from surrendering himself to the muses by the dead level of appreciation. He is not likely now to be spoiled by the passion for literary success. His last published poem shall end this sketch. THE OPEN GATE. I stand far down upon a shaded slope, And near the valley of a silent rirer, Whose tideless waters darkling, stagnant mope, Through climes beyond the flight of earthward hope, Forever and forever. No sail is seen upon the sullen stream, No breath of air to make it crisp or quiver, Nor sun, nor star to shed the faintest gleam To cheer its gloom ; but as the Styx, we deem, It creeps through might forever. An open gate invites my bleeding feet, And all life's forces whisper, " We are weary ; Pass on and out, thou canst no more repeat The golden dreams of youth : and rest is sweet, And darkness is not dreary. " Pass on and out ; the way is plain and straight, And countless millions have gone out before thee; What shouldst thou fear, since men of every state, And clime, and time have found the open gate. The gate of death or glory. **Then fearless pass down to the silent shore,' And look not back with aught like vain regretting j The sunny days of life for thee are o'er, • And thy dark eyes shall hail the light no more, — The final sun is setting." 182 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTr. They cease; and silent through the gate I glide, And down the shore unto the dismal river, That doth the lands of Death and Life divide, To find, I trust, upon the farther side Life, light, and love forever. In 1871 the Superior Court of Marion County was created with three judges, from the decision of any one of whom an appeal lay to all of them in " banc." In 1877, March 5, the number of judges was increased to four, and reduced again to three by the act of May 31, 1879. One of the most noted judges of the Superior Court, though not of the first three, was Samuel B. Perkins, for many years a member of the Supreme Court. Samuel Elliott Perkins was born in Brattle- boro', Vt., Dee. 6, 1811, being the second son of John Trumbull and Catharine Willard Perkins. His parents were both natives of Hartford, Conn., and were temporarily residing in Brattlcboro', where his father was pursuing the study of law with Judge Samuel Elliott. Before he was five years old his father died, and his mother removed with her chil- dren to Conway, Mass., where she also died soon afterward. Before this, however, Mrs. Perkins being unable to support her family, Elliott was adopted by William Baker, a respectable farmer of Conway, with whom he lived and labored until he was twenty-one years of age. During this time, by the aid of three months' annual schooling in the free schools in winter, and by devoting evenings and rainy days to books, he secured a good English education, and began the study of Latin and Greek. After attaining his majority he pursued his studies in different schools, working for his board and teaching in vacation to provide means for tuition and clothing. The last year of this course of study was spent at the Yates County Academy, N. Y., then under the presi- dency of Seymour B. Gookins, Esq., a brother of the late Judge Gookins, of Terre Haute, Ind. Having obtained a fair classical education he commenced the study of law in Penn Yan, the county-seat of Yates County, in the ofiSce of Thomas J. Nevius, Esq., and afterward as a fellow-student of Judge Brinkerhoff, late of the "Supreme Bench of Ohio, studying in the oflSce of Henry Welles, Esq., since one of the judges of the Supreme Court of New York. In the fall of 1836 he came alone, on foot, from Buffalo, N. Y., to Richmond, Ind., a stranger in a .strange land, not being acquainted with a single individual in the State. His original intention had been to locate in Indianapolis, but on reaching Richmond he found the roads impassable from recent heavy storms, it being necessary to carry even the mails on horse- back. Finding it impossible to proceed farther, and desiring to lose no time in qualifying himself for practice, he inquired for a lawyer's office, and was referred to Judge J. W. Borden, then a practicing attorney in Richmond, and now criminal judge of Allen County. He spent the winter in his office doing office work for his board. In the spring of 1837, after a satisfactory examination before Hon. Jehu T. Elliott, Hon. David Kilgore, and Hon. Andrew Kennedy, a committee appointed by the court for that purpose, he was admitted to the bar at Centreville, Wayne Co., Ind. He immediately opened an office in Richmond, and soon obtained a large and lucrative practice. The Jeffersonian, a weekly paper, had been established in 1837 by a Democratic club, with Mr. Perkins as editor. In 1838 the Jeffersonian was sold to Lynde Elliott, who conducted it about a year and failed. He had mortgaged the press to Daniel Reed, of Fort Wayne, for more than its value. Mr. Reed visited Rich- mond, after Elliott's failure, for the purpose of mov- ing the press to Fort Wayne. Unwilling that the Democracy of the place should be without an organ, Mr. Perkins came forward and paid off the mort- gage, took the press, recommenced the publication of the Jeffersonian, and continued it through the campaign of 1840. In 1813 he was appointed by Governor Whitcomb prosecuting attorney of the Sixth Judicial Circuit. In 1844 he was one of the electors who cast the vote of the State for Mr. Polk. In the winter of 1844, and again in 1845, he was ' nominated by Governor Whitcomb, a cautious man and good judge of character, to a seat on the Supreme Bench, but was not confirmed. On the I adjournment of the Legislature, quite unexpectedly i to himself, he received from the Governor the ap- i pointment for one year to the office for which he -< ^z^,^^ a-^^^^ ■r yjv INDIAlSAiuLio AND MARION COUNTY. Tbe.T ceMe ; and silent tbrongh the gate I glide, And dawn tH« ?ttt»t'« qq(o the diamal rirer, ' al il>>Vh tb* UaJ* uf Dckth and Life divide, ■■ the farther (ide vc forever. ! i")! tho Superior Court of Marion County >, .. ('-Wiird. Befori" tliis, huwovoi-. Mrs. P.v adopted by William i Conway^ with whom he iiveti was twenty-one years of age. •■ . , ... _, the aid of thr«!« months' annual sctuioling in the free cchoob in winter, and by devoting evenings and rainy days to books, he secured a good English education, and began the study of Latin and Greek. After attaining his majority he pursued his studies in | different schools, working for his board and teaching ^ in vacation to provide means for t^iition and clothing, i The last year of this course of study was spent at the I Yates County Academy, N, T., tlieu under the presi- j dency of Seymour B. Gookins, Esq., a bruiUer of the I late Judge Gookins, of Terre Haute, Ind. Having obtained a fair classical education he commenced ihc study of law in Penn Yan, the county-seat of Yates ' County, in the office of Thomas J. Nevius, Esq., and \ afterward as a fellow-student of Judge Brinkerhoff, I late of the Supreme Bench of Ohio, studying in the : office of Henry Welles, Esq., since one of the judges : of the Supreme Court of New York. In the fall of 1836 he came'alone, on foot, from Buffalo, N. Y., to Richmond, Ind., a stranger in a strange land, not being acquainted with a single individual in the State. His original intention had been to locate in Indianapolis, but on reaching Richmond'he found the roads impassable froin recent heavy storms, it being necessary to carry ev«n the 'mails on horse- back. Finding it impossible to proceed farther, and desiring to lose no time in qualifying himself for practice, he inquired for a lawyer's office, and w referred to Judge J. W. Borden, then a practiciuj. attorney in Richmond, and now criminal jiidge of ''Jen County. He spent the winter in his offic "' » work for his board. In the spring oi « satisfnctory examination before Hon. r. Elliott. 'avid Kilgore, and Hon. Andrew Kennedy, a committee appointed by the court for that purpose, he was admitted to the bhr at Centreville, Wayne Co., Ind. He immediatei opened an office in Richmond, and soon . obtained ■■ large and lucrative practice. The Jefferaonian, 'IT, had been established in 1837 by '::''. «iih Mr Perkins as editor. Il . ' i Lynde Elliott ind failed. He had ■I ■<{' Fort Wayne, ^ ;. .,-, ■. _ .i:. iieed visited Rich- mond, after Elliott's failure, for the purpose of mov- ing the press to Fort Wayne. Unwilling that the "Democracy of the place should be without an organ Mr. Perkins came forward and. paid off the mort gage, took the press, recommenced the publication of the Jeffersonian, and continued it through th' campaign of 1840. In 1843 he was appointed h- Governor Whitcomb prosecuting attorney of tl. Sixth Judicial Circuit. In 1844 he was one of tl;' electors who cast the vote of the State~for Mr. Polk In the winter of 1844, and again in 1845, he wa- nominated by Governor Whitcomb, a cautious miu and good judge of character, to a seat on tin Supreme Bench, but was not confirnied. On tl. adjournment of the Legislature, quite unexpected !^ to himiielf, he received from the Governor the n|. pointment for one year to the office for which h Western 8paql Pub Co. ^I/^^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 183 had been nominated. He was then thirty-four years of age, and had been at the bar and a resident of the State but nine years. With much reluctance he ac- cepted the appointment, having to risii the re-election of Governor Whitcomb for a renomination to the Senate the following year. He was, however, re- elected, and Judge Perkins, having served on the bench one year, was renominated and confirmed by the Senate, receiving a two-thirds vote, seven Whig senators voting for him. In 1852, and again in 1858, he was elected, under the new Constitution, by the vote of the people to the same position, and was therefore on the Supreme Bench nineteen consecu- tive years. When, in the stress of political disaster in 1864, he left that court he did not therefore despair or retire, but entered at once into the prac- tice of his profession. In 1857 he accepted the appointment of professor of law in the Northwestern Christian (now Butler) University, which position he retained several years. In 1870-72 he was professor of law at the Indiana State University, at Bloomington. He felt much pride and gratification in the marked success of so many of his students. In addition to his immense labor as one of the judges of the Supreme Court and professor of law, he prepared in 1858 the " Indiana Digest," a book containing eight hundred and seventy pages, and requiring in its writing, arrangement, and compila- tion for the press a great amount of labor, involving the deepest research into the statutes of the State and the decisions of the Supreme Court. This work has received the approbation of the members of the Indiana bar as a work of great merit and utility. In 1859 he also produced the " Indiana Practice," a work requiring an equal amount of labor. In 1868 he undertook the editorship of the Herald, formerly and since the Sentinel, the Democratic State organ. In August, 1872, he was appointed by Governor Baker, to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Rand, to a seat on the Superior Bench of Marion County, a nisi prius and inferior tribunal, one of great labor and responsibility, and discharged its duties with all diligence and fidelity. He was subsequently elected to the same office in 187-1 with- out opposition. Nor was there ever a juster act of popular gratitude and recognition than when the people of the State, in 1876, almost without action upon his part, took him from this place and returned him to a higher station in the courts of the common- wealth which he had formerly so long adorned with his presence. To his studious application, which supplemented the natural qualities of his mind, much was due for the reputation of the Indiana Supreme Bench in the days when it was honored for its wis- dom. He helped to give it the name it had in the days of Blackford and Dewey, his first associates in the court, and not the smallest part of the loss occa- sioned by his death is, that it deprives the bench of the quality it needs most and has least. Shortly after Judge Perkins' appointment to the Supreme Bench he became a resident of Indianapolis, where he con- tinued to live until the time of his death. He took a lively interest in the development of the material interests of his adopted city, and during his long residence there assisted with his means and influence in many enterprises looking toward the prosperity of Indianapolis. As he was familiar with adversity in his early days, and often experienced all that was bitter in poverty, his heart continually prompted him to acts of benevolence toward the unfortunate of his neighborhood. It was a mystery to many how he could apply himself professionally with such unre- mitting diligence, and at the same time take suoh a lively interest in everything looking toward the pros- perity of Indianapolis ; but the fact is he knew no rest; he was indefatigable; he never tired when there was anything to be done. His life was an unceasing round of labors which he never neglected, and which he pursued with a devoted industry from which more robust constitutions might have recoiled. On politi- cal subjects the judge was a pertinent and forcible writer, and when his pen engaged in miscellany its productions possessed a truthful brevity, perspicuity, and beauty which ranked them among the best liter- ary productions of the day. His eulogy on the late Governor Ashbel P. Willard, delivered in the Senate chamber during the November term (IStiO) of the United States District Court, does ample justice to the character and memory of that distinguished man ; and the sentiments that pervade the entire address 184 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. bear testimony to the soundness of the head and I goodness of the heart from which they emanated. ; The piih and fibre of his mental faculties are not by anything better attested than by the very evident growth and progress of his judicial style. His mind was of that finest material which does not dull with age or become stale with usage. He improved steadily and constantly to the very last. His last opinions are his best. There is in these a manifest terseness, a cautious, careful trimming and lopping oflF of all superfluousness ; the core only, the very kernel of the point to be decided, is presented. But for this tacit acknowledgment of a fault in bis earlier writings he is not to be upbraided, but commended rather for the moral courage necessary in the avowal and avoid- ance of such fault. The first, and not the least, quality in a judge is thorough integrity of purpose and action. In this great qualification he was fault- less. In a long and diversified course of public life no charge was ever made against him of corruption or oppression, or even of discourtesy or unkindness. In his intercourse, whether with his colleagues of the bench and bar, or with the people at large, no stain was ever found upon the ermine which he wore. Too much praise can hardly be bestowed upon the firmness with which he maintained his political integrity. In early life an ardent friend and sup- porter of the principles of Jackson and Jefferson, he remained faithful in his adherence to them to the end. There were many notable examples in his day of political apostasy ; there were many of his contem- poraries who, yielding to what was called the force of circumstances, did " Crook the pregnant hinges of the knee, That thrift might follow fawning." But he was not of the number. At the grand assizes of the future, posterity will award to the late chief justice of Indiana the white glove of purity, in token of a lengthened term of public ser- vice in which justice was administered without fear, without favor, and without reproach. Judge Per- kins died of paralysis of the brain, at his residence on West New York Street, Indianapolis, at mid- tiight, Dec. 17, 1879, in the sixty-ninth year of his age. He died full of years and honors. It seldom falls to the lot of a single individual in these feverish and changeful times to fill a position of such high honor and trust in the State such a length of time. As is customary on the death of a member of the profession, a bar meeting was called, and, after appropriate remarks, the following memo- rial was reported by Governor Baker, as chairman of a special committee : "Again, in the history of the State, death has entered tho Supreme Court and made vacant a seat upon its bench. The chief justice is dead. We meet to do suitable honor to the name and memory, and mourn the death, of Judge Perkins. Uis eminent success is an encouragement, his death an admo- nition. Endowed with strong and active faculties, he pursued the purposes of his life with fortitude and determination, and at the close of his career he stood among the distinguished of a profession in which distinction must be merited to be achieved. " He was successful in life, and attained exalted position and enjoyed the admiration and approval of his countrymen, not only because of his excellent natural endowments, but also because his faculties were cultivated and developed by diligent labor, and beautified by extensive and useful learning, and also because his motives were pure and his conduct upright. In this wo have a lesson and an encouragement. '* The people gave him high honor, and made it as enduring as the laws and the records of the State. His name is forever interwoven in our judicial history. So long as society shall remain organized under the government of law will the student of laws consult his opinions and decisions. Through coming generations will his labor and learning influence both the legis- lator and the judge. "He was an able and faithful judge, and brought honor on our profession. We will cherish his memory. " In his death we are admonished that no earthly distinction can defeat or postpone the 'inevitable hour.' ' The paths of glory lead but to the grave .* "To his family and kindred we extend our sympathy." Judge Perkins was married, in 1838, to Amanda Juliette Pyle, daughter of Joseph Pyle, a prominent citizen of Richmond, Ind. By this marriage there were ten children, three of whom lived to maturity. Mary married Oscar B. Hord, and died in 1874, leaving four sons, — Samuel E. P., Henry E., Frank T., and Ricketts Hord. Emma married H. C. Hol- brook, and died without children. Samuel Elliott, Jr., the only one now living, married Sue B. Hatch, and has two little sons, — Samuel Elliott and Volney Hatch Perkins. In the three " rooms" or divisions of the Superior CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 185 Court is now transacted much the larger proportion of all the civil business of the county, except probate business, which all goes to the Circuit Court. The sessions run on almost continuously from one year's end to another. The succession of judges will be found in the appended list of county officers. Among those who have served with efficiency and high credit none have left the bench with a more desirable record and reputation than Judge John A. Holman. John A. Holman comes of English stock. His great- grand father, George Holman, was born in Mary- land, Feb. 11, 1762. When sixteen years of age he went with his uncle to Kentucky, where they settled near the site of the city of Louisville. In February, 1781, while going to Harrodsburg, he with hia com- panions were captured by the Indians, carried as a prisoner into what is now the northern part of Ohio, where he was compelled to run the gauntlet and barely escaped death. Not long afterwards he was sentenced by a council to be burned at the stake, but was rescued by a warrior who adopted him as a son. He was in captivity three years and a half when the tribe consented that he might return to Kentucky to obtain supplies for them, in company with some of their number. Returning through the forest they struck the Ohio River a few miles above Louisville, and, with guns and blankets lashed to their backs, swam the river. Young Holman was at once ran- somed and immediately entered the service of Gen. George Rogers Clark, and served under him in the following campaign. On his return from captivity he had passed down the White Water, and was delighted with the coun- try. In 1804 he, with two friends, returned to the White Water country and selected a home on the east bank of the river, about two miles south of where the city of Richmond now stands, to which he removed his family in the following spring. They were the first settlers in Wayne County, where he resided the remainder of his life. His son William was a captain in the war of 1812, and afterwards became a Methodist preacher on the frontier, and was widely known for his zealous devo- tion to the establishment of the principles of Meth- odism. James, another son of the old pioneer, was well known for his steady integrity. His youngest son was George G. Holman, who married Mary, the daughter of Governor James Brown Ray. He was a leading merchant in Centreville for many years, from whence he removed to Indianapolis. John A. Holman, the subject of this sketch, is the youngest child of George G. and Mary Holman. He was born in the city of Indianapolis on April 16, 1849. He was educated at the Northwestern Chris- tian University, graduating at the age of seventeen. Even before this he had determined to devote his life to the profession of the law. Immediately after com- mencement-day he began his studies under the in- struction of those eminent jurists, Samuel E. Perkins and David McDonald, and was admitted to the bar, ex gratia, upon their recommendation, when but nine- teen years of age. Martin M. Ray, his kinsman, then practicing at the Indianapolis bar, was so well pleased with the boy that he took him into his office at once as an as- sociate, with whom he remained in active practice until the sudden death of Mr. Ray, in August, 1872. Although now only twenty-two years of age, he had already taken high rank at the bar, and continued to practice alone with eminent success until 1876, when, on Judge Perkins being again elected to the Supreme Bench, young Hohuan was at the age of twenty- seven appointed by Governor Hendricks to the va- cancy on the Superior Bench of this city. His early training and profound knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence eminently fitted him for the discharge of judicial functions. He knew the source and his- tory of the law. He was familiar with the origin and development of the rules of property and busi- ness, whether found in statutes or recorded only in the treatises and reports. His knowledge was so thorough and his faculties so well disciplined, that from the beginning he presided with dignity and even justice. He remained upon the bench until the end of the year 1882, when he again returned to the bar. The bar of Indianapolis has had the good fortune to be steadily recruited from the local bars of the State, and it has thus become possessed of no incon- siderable share of their ability and reputation. It has in a measure swallowed them as fast as they 186 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. showed force enough to be felt beyond their local limits. A lawyer in a county town attracts atten- tion, in time gets to be prominent in politics, is elected to a State office, comes to the capital, and stays. Others, for the advantages offered by the Su preme and Federal Courts, come and settle here perma nently. Thus came here Governor David Wallace William J. Brown, Oliver H. Smith, Caleb B. Smith Ovid Butler, Samuel E. Perkins, Oliver P. Morton Thomas A. Hendricks, Conrad Baker, Joseph E McDonald, John M. Butler, Jonathan W. Gordon Ralph Hill, William Henderson, Oscar B. Hord Benjamin Harrison, and others. Among members of the city bar of national reputation, professionally and politically, are ex-Governor and Senator Oliver P. Morton, ex-Governor and ex-Senator Thomas A. Hendricks, and ex-Senator Joseph E. McDon- ald. Oliver Pebrt Morton. — In the little village of Saulsbury, Wayne Co., Ind., on the 4th day of August, 1823, Oliver Perry Morton was born. He was of English descent, his grandfather having emi- grated from England about the beginning of the Revo- lutionary war, and settled in New Jersey. His mother died when he was quite young. After the death of his mother the most of his boyhood days were spent with his grandparents in Ohio, and with his widowed aunts in Centreville, Ind. His op- portunities for education were rather limited, and at the age of fifteen he was put to learn the hatter's trade with his half brother, William T. Morton. At this occupation he worked four years, employing all his spare time in study. Early in 1843 he entered Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio. He remained there two years in hard study. While there he was counted the best debater in the University, and dis- played the powers of presenting an argument that afterwards made him so famou.s. On leaving college he entered the office of Hon. John S. Newman, at Centreville, and began the study of law. He was then nearly twenty-two years of age. On the 15th of May, 1845, he married Miss Lucinda M. Burbank, daughter of Isaac Burbank, of that place. This marriage proved a most happy one, his chosen companion holding and exercising over him from their marriage until his death an influence that did much to advance his fame. He went into the study of the law as he did every- thing else — with all the energy and industry he had. His preceptor said of him that he was a most labori- ous student, occupying all his time in mastering the fundamental principles. He did nothing half-way. He centred all the powers of his mind on his study, and his intense application brought its reward. In 1847 he was admitted to the bar, and entered the practice of the law in Centreville. Although Indiana then had not attained to the powerful position she has since occupied, the bar of Wayne County was an ex- ceptionally strong one, and one that would have ranked high in any State. It numbered among its members such men as John S. Newman, Caleb B. Smith, James Rariden, Samuel W. Parker, Jehu T. Elliott, and others. It was among these men young Morton ex- pected to try his fortunes. They were the men he was to meet and combat. They were men learned in the law, men of high character, with reputations already established, and a young man to occupy a place among them had to be possessed of more than ordinary ability. Among these men he soon came to be acknowledged a sound lawyer, and they found that in him they met one able to cope with them before the bench or jury. Business multiplied, and he was retained in many important cases in all the neighbor- ing counties. In 1852 he was appointed judge of the circuit. He had only been practicing five years when he received this high honor. In a circuit com- posed of such distinguished lawyers as those men- tioned above, this appointment at so early an age was no light honor, and is but an evidence of the ability he was recognized as possessing. He only remained on the bench a year, when he relinquished it to again enter active practice, in which he continued until 1860. Some men have been disposed to look upon him as more of a politician than a lawyer, and to regard his legal attainments as being limited. This was not the judgment of those who knew him. In fact, it is con- trary to the natural order of things for a man with his analytical mind and his powers of application to have been a poor lawyer. The universal testimony "S'i.J^GE.PeriMScC-SX ;^^^c^ OLIVER P MOSTON GOVERNOR or INDIANA. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 187 of those who met him at the bar is that he was a master. His o;reat faculty was his power of going to the very root of a thing. He studied his cases closely, seized upon the salient points, and those he presented with vigor and skill. He discarded all the tricks so often resorted to by lawyers, and depended solely upon the law and the facts. When he was ready to go into the trial of a case he was prepared at all points ; there were no surprises in store for him, but he was thoroughly conversant with every feature of the case and the law bearing upon it. He seemed to deal with the great principles of the law, and to apply them to the case at bar, disdaining to seize upon quibbles or technicalities. In his addresses to the court or jury he was always impressive, build- ing his facts into an edifice, cemented by the law, that was impregnable against all attacks. One who knew him well, and had met him at the bar, said of him, " His great characteristic was that he studied up his cases, and he never came into court without giving evidence of careful preparation. ... I dis- tinctly remember that in the four years before he was called into the service of the State he literally annihilated everybody connected with the bar of Wayne County, and walked rough-shod over all other lawyers of the circuit. . . . There are prob- ably few men who have at the same age surpassed him in ability and success." His success was demonstrated by the fact that when he left the practice in 1860 he was the leading attorney in all Eastern Indiana, and was engaged in every prominent case. After his death the bar of Indianapolis adopted unanimously a memorial, in which it was said, " Having chosen his profession, Senator Morton's place in it by natural right was in the front rank, and, without a struggle, he was conspicuous there by force of character, gen- erous stores of knowledge, and eminent ability. He was a judge remarkable for the wise, speedy, and impartial administration of justice on an important circuit at an age when most men are making their first steps in professional life." The men who drafted the memorial and adopted it knew whereof they spoke, for Mr. Morton had been called at one time to preside over the Circuit Court of Indianapolis. Of that time one of the most prominent lawyers of I Indianapolis said, " I saw him but once in the exer- cise of the functions of judge. . . . His decision was a clear and forcible enunciation of the law, which left no doubt in the minds of those who heard it of its correctness." His great political rival, Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, said of him at a public meet- ing, " I never met Governor Morton in court, and had no knowledge of his habit in the management of cases. I have heard from others, however, that' which convinces me that he was very able, and I know he must have been, because he possessed every qualification for eminence in our profession." Such was the testimony universally given. All his speeches on the stump, in the Senate of the United States, all his messages to the State Legisla- ture, show an intimate knowledge of the great prin- ciples of law, especially constitutional law. One re- markable instance of this kind he exhibited in his speech on the right of secession. It had been claimed upon all hands that there was no power inherent in the government to coerce a State. In . that speech he took the ground that secession was the act of individuals and not of States, and ought to be so regarded ; that the individuals could not shield themselves behind State governments. This was the key to the whole problem. The late Senator Matt H. Carpenter, who had been associated with him in the investigation of the Louisiana case, said, " No one need tell me that Morton is not a great lawyer. I know better. I have seen him and been a witness to his power and knowledge of the law." Senator Thurman, in one of the debates, said, " The Senator from Indiana may have been a lawyer at one time, but has been too much engaged in politics, and has forgotten the law on this subject. He has not kept up his reading." Senator Morton's only reply was to call from memory for the reading by the secretary of passages of law from a large number of authorities, all so applicable to the case and so much against the position taken by his opponent, that Senator Thur- man was overwhelmed and signally defeated. Senator Morton was a Democrat in politics in his earlier years, and always took a deep interest in polit- ical aflFairs. In 1854, when the Missouri Compromise was repealed, Mr. Morton was one of the vast army 188 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. who left the Democratic party and united to stem the tide of slavery aggression, and he became the leader of the new party in his section of the State. He attended the Pittsburgh Convention in 1856, and actively participated in its discussions. On the first of May of that year the new party met at Indianap- olis to nominate a State ticket. Mr. Morton was elected unanimously to head the ticket. His oppo- n^nt was Hon. A. P. Willard, the idol of his party, and who was regarded as the ablest stump speaker in the State. A joint canvass was arranged, and the champion of the new party soon proved himself more than a match for his opponent in debate. His strong, logical arguments utterly drove his antagonist from all his defenses. The election resulted in favor of the Democrats, and Mr. Morton thought his polit- ical career was ended. The Republican party grew very rapidly between 1856 and 1860. In the latter year he accepted the second place on the ticket with Hon. Henry S. Lane as its head. He throw himself heart and soul into the canvass, and was everywhere recognized as the most powerful debater in either party. This time his party was successful. The anticipated election of Mr. Lincoln as Presi- dent had brought about threats of secession, and his success was no sooner heralded than South Carolina made haste to take herself, as she thought, out of the Union. It was a critical time. All hearts feared the Union was gone. The prevailing sentiment seemed to be that there was no remedy for sece.ssion. The Democrats held that there was no power to coerce a State, and the leading Republicans were advocating that the " wayward sister" should be permitted to de- part in peace. There were stormy forebodings on all sides. The idea of civil war was abhorrent, yet the loyal people did not like the idea of having the Union dismembered. In the midst of this general gloom there came a lightning flash which electrified the North and startled the South. On the 22d of No- vember a monster meeting was held in Indianapolis to ratify the election of Lincoln. The newly-elected Governor Lane and others spoke. Their speeches were of a conciliatory nature. At lengtli Lieutenant- Governor Morton arose, and in his very first words the vast audience saw that the man had come with the hour. There was no uncertainty with him. He at the very outset announced that if the issue was to be disunion and war, he was for war. It was a mo- mentous occasion, and he felt that he was speaking for the Republican party, and not alone for it, but for the whole loyal element of the country, and his measured words fell upon the air like the notes of a bugle calling men to action. He discussed the right of secession and the power to coerce, and gave to the acts of South Carolinians an interpretation none be- fore had been clear-sighted enough to see. On coer- cion he said, — "What is coercion but the enforcement of the law? Is any- thing else intended or required? Secession or nullification can only be regarded by the general government as individual action upon individual responsibility. Those concerned in it cannot intrench themselves behind the forms of the State gov- ernment so as to give their conduct the semblance of legality, and thus devolve the responsibility upon the State government, which of itself is irresponsible. The Constitution and laws of the United States operate upon individuals, but not upon States, and precisely as if there were no States. In this matter the President has no discretion. He has taken a solemn oath to enforce the laws and preserve order, and to this end he has been made commander-in-chief of the army and navy. How can he be absolved from responsibility thus devolved upon him by tlie Constitution and his official oath ?" He demonstrated that there was no right of seces- sion belonging to the States ; that they were parts of a whole and could not dissolve the connection, and that if they attempted to dissolve the Union force must be employed. He said, — " The right of secession conceded, the nation is dissolved. Instead of having a nation, one mighty people, we have but a collection and combination of thirty-three independent and petty States, held together by a treaty which has hitherto been called a Constitution, of the infraction of which each State is to be the judge, and from which any State may withdraw at pleasure. . . . The right of secession conceded, and the way to do it having been shown to be safe and easy, the prestige of the Republic gone, the national pride extinguished with the na- tional idea, secession would become the remedy for every State or sectional grievance, real or imaginary. ... If South Caro- lina gets out of the Union, I trust it will be at the point of the bayonet, after our best efforts have failed to compel her to sub- mission to the laws. Better concede her independence to force, to revolution, than to right and principle. Such a concession cannot be drawn into precedent and construed into an admis- sion that we are but a combination of petty States, any one of which has a right to secede and set up for herself whenever it CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 189 suits licr temper or views of peculiar interest. Such a contest, j let it terminate as it may, would be a declaration to the other States of the only terms upon which they would be permitted to [ withdraw from the Union. . . . Shall we now surrender the nation without a struggle, and let the Union go with merely a ! few hard words ? If it w&s worth a bloody struggle to establish this nation, it is worth one to preserve it, and I trust that wo shall not, by surrendering with indecent haste, publish to the world that the inheritance our fathers purchased with their ! blood we have given up to save ours." I In concluding, he struck the key-note of the whole in declaring and emphasizing that we are a nation and not a combination of States. Upon this point he said, — '* We must, then, cling to the idea that we are a nation, one and indivisible, and that, although subdivided by State lines for local and domestic purposes, we are but one people, the citizens of a common country, having like institutions and manners, and possessing a common interest in that inheritance of glory so richly provided by our fathers. We must, therefore, do no act, we must tolerate no act, we must concede no idea or theory that looks to or involves the dismemberment of the nation. . . . Seven years is but a day in the life of a nation, and I would rather come out of a struggle at the end of that time, defeated in arms and conceding independence to success- ful revolution, than to purchase present peace by the concession of a principle that must inevitably explode this nation into small and dishonored fragments. . . . The whole question is summed up in this proposition : ' Are we one nation, one peo- ple, or thirty-three nations, or thirty-three independent and petty States ?' The statement of the proposition furnishes the answer. If we are one nation, then no State has a right to secede. Secession can only be the result of successful revolu- tion. I answer the question for you, and I know that my answer will find a true response in every true American heart, that wc are one people, one nation, undivided and indivisible." This was the first time that resistance upon the part of the North had been advocated-. It touched the popular chord everywhere. From that time on there was no hesitancy upon the part of the loyal masses. Mr. Lincoln, when he read it, said that " it covers the whole ground, and declares the policy of the government." That speech made' Mr. Morton a leader in national politics. On the 14th day of January, 1861, he took the oath of office as president of the Senate. Two days afterward Governor Lane resigned to take his seat in the United States Senate, and Mr. Morton became Governor of the State. The history of his adminis- tration of the affairs of the State for six years has become the foundation-stone of his fame. He every- where became known as the great War Governor. When the war came in April, as he had been the first to predict that it would come, and the first to crystallize the loyal sentiment of the North, so he was the first to respond to the call of the President for troops. At his word Indiana sprang to arms, and thousands of her loyal sons answered the call of the President for six regiments. Here was a chance for his wonderful executive ability. Indiana, like the other Northern States, was unprepared for war. She had but few men in her borders who were possessed of any military training. Volunteers were plenty, but how to arm and equip them was the trouble. Governor Morton was equal to the emer- gency. He grasped the situation at a glance, and seemed to be everywhere present, stirring and ani- mating the citizens, bringing order out of chaos, and reducing all to a system, so that in comparatively few days Indiana was a vast military camp, and troops were ready for the field. An agent was sent to the leading manufacturers of the East and Canada to purchase arms. He gave but few hours to sleep in those days, but wore out his secretaries in continuous labors. During the four years of the war this intense strain was continued. A large number of the people of his State were opposed to the war, and thousands of them actively sympathized with the Rebellion. These things added to his labors. He was the youngest of all the loyal Governors, but so mani- fest was his ability, so lofty his patriotism, so hope- ful was he in the darkest hours, that all turned to him for counsel. President Lincoln and his great war secretary trusted him and leaned upon him as they did upon no one else. He was often consulted by the generals in the field, especially those in the West, in regard to the movements of the army, and he was always the first one appealed to for help and reinforcements. No such appeal was ever made in vain. Of the high opinion entertained of him and his labors by the members of Mr. Lincoln's cabinet, the following extract from a letter written by Hon. S. P. Chase to Governor Morton in 1865, will evi- dence. Mr. Chase wrote him a letter stating that, in a conversation with Secretary Stanton the night 190 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. before, " we naturally, turning our minds to the past, fell to talking of you. We agreed that no Governor rendered such services, or displayed such courage or more ability in administration ; and we agreed that your recent services were most meritor- ious of all, because rendered under circumstances of greatest personal risk of health and life, and which would have been by almost any man regarded, and by all accepted, as good reasons for total inaction. I have seldom heard Stanton express himself so warmly." As we said before, the war found the North unpre- pared. In the autumn of 1861 he found that the general government would be unable to supply the men with overcoats in time to prevent suffering from the cold. He went to New York and purchased twenty-nine thousand overcoats for the use of the Indiana troops. The soldiers were his first care. To relieve the sick and wounded he organized a sani- tary commission, which afterwards was adopted by the other States. To show his deep interest in the soldiers, and the care he took of their interests, it may be mentioned that during the siege of Vicks- burg, when the army ho.«pitals were full of sick and wounded, he applied to the Secretary of War for per- mission to remove the Indiana sick and wounded to the North. The secretary declined to grant the per- mission. Governor Morton declared his intention to take the matter before the President. He did so, and the result was a general order permitting not only Indiana, but any other State to remove the sick and wounded and care for them. Under the system of relief inaugurated by him, Indiana collected and disbursed over six hundred thousand dollars in money and supplies. In this short sketch we can do no more than glance at his work as Governor. In 1862 the Dem- ocrats elected a Legislature hostile to the war, and eflforts were made to cripple the Governor in the dis- charge of his duties. They refused to make appro- priations to carry on the State government and to meet the interest on the public debt. Governor Morton was undismayed. He went to New York, and through the banking firm of Winslow, Lanier & Co., and some of the counties of the State and a few of the patriotic citizens, arranged for money for the use of the State. He established a financial bureau without authority of law, and' in one year and nine months he raised and paid out over a million of dol- lars. Every dollar of this was paid out upon his own check, and not a dollar was lost or misappropriated. His extraordinary activity was well demonstrated in 1862, during the invasion of Kentucky by Gens. Bragg and Kirby Smith. These two active rebel gen- erals had slipped around Gen. Buell and invaded Kentucky, threatening both Louisville and Cincin- nati. On the 17th of August, late at night, he re- ceived a telegram that Kentucky had been invaded at several points. Before night of the 18th one regiment was mustered in, armed, and started for the scene of action. During the night of the 18th four more regiments were forwarded. On the morning of the 19th some of the patriotic banks and citizens advanced half a million dollars, and during the day and night four more regiments were paid and sent forward. By the 31st of August more than thirty thousand troops had been armed and sent to the relief of Kentucky. All this time the arsenal of the State was employed day and night in the manufacture of ammunition, making three hundred thousand rounds daily, and all the river towns of the State were occu- pied by the State militia. Ohio as well as Kentucky wanted help. Cincinnati was threatened. Governor Morton was called upon, and Indiana troops rushed to the defense of her sister State. Ammunition was wanted for the heavy guns being placed in position. The mayor of Cincinnati and Committee of Defense telegraphed to Columbus for a supply. They were instructed to make out a requisition in due form and have it approved by the commanding officer, and for- ward it, and the ammunition would be supplied. They then applied to Governor Morton. No requi- sition was askfcd for, but the telegraph flashed back the answer that in an hour a train would start; and the train did so, bearing about four thousand rounds for artillery and seven hundred and twenty thousand rounds for small-arms. In eight days Indiana sup- plied thirty-three thousand rounds for artillery and three million three hundred and sixty-five thousand for small-arms, the entire amount having been made CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 191 at the State arsenal. For his services the Cincinnati Common Council ordered his portrait painted and placed in the City Hall, which was done with impos- ing ceremonies. In 1864, in the midst of a heated Presidential canvass, the exposure came of the organization known as the Knights of the Golden Circle, or Sons of Lib- erty. This organization numbered fifty thousand members in the State, and an uprising was planned. Governor Morton had possessed himself of all their secrets, and before they knew that they were even suspected he dealt them a terrible blow and crushed tliem. He ordered the arrest of the prominent leaders of the movement, and so alarmed were the members to find that their plots were known, and that they were in the power of a man whose hatred of treason was so intense, and who was so unrelenting in his efforts to crush all disloyalty, that dismay seized upon them and they stood bewildered, not knowing what to expect. The trial and conviction of the leaders is a part of the general history of the country. Governor Morton was triumphantly elected to the office of Governor in 1864, and the people placed a loyal Legislature to help him. It was the grandest political triumph ever achieved in this State. He entered upon the new term filled with the same ardor, the same resistless energy, the same tireless activity. But the war soon closed. It brought no relief to him from labor. But now came his greatest trial. His labors had been incessant for more than four years, the strain upon his nervous system had been intense, and he was now to pay the penalty. One morning in 1865 he awoke to find that paralysis had seized upon his left leg. This leg had been injured by a fall, and the disease struck the weakest spot. Overwork had stricken him down in the noon- tide of his power, and just as he saw his fame ripen- ing. He was advised to go to Europe and place him- himself under medical treatment. He convoked the Legislature in extra session. It assembled on the 14th of November, when he read a message which surpas.sed ail his others in the comprehensive manner with which it treated of State and national policy. He concluded it with the following eloquent tribute to the American soldier : " The war has established upon imperishable foundations the great fundamental truth of the unity and indivisibility of the nation. We are many States but one people, having one undi- vided sovereignty, one flag, and one common destiny. It has also established, to be confessed by all the world, the e-xalted character of the American soldier, bis matchless valor, his self- sacrificing patriotism, his capacity to endure fatigues and hardships, and his humanity, which, in the midst of carnage, has wreathed his victorious achievements with a brighter glory. He has taught the world a lesson before which it stands in amazement, how, when the storm of battle had passed, he could lay aside bis arms, put off the habiliments of war, and return with cheerfulness to the gentle pursuits of peace, and show how the bravest of soldiers could become the best of citizens. To the army and navy, under the favor of Providence, we owe the preservation of our country, and the fact that we have to- day a place, and the proudest place, among the nations. Let it not be said of us, as it was said in olden time, 'that Republics are ungrateful.' Let us honor the dead, cherish the living, and preserve in immortal memory the deeds and virtues of all, as an inspiration for countless generations to come." The parting scene was of the most affecting char- acter. Party lines were forgotten ; all recognized the great services rendered by the stricken man, and all joined in words of commendation and sympathy. Few States, few Legislatures, if any, ever witnessed such a scene. None who were present will ever forget it. It was a sublime as well as touching spectacle. Early in December he sailed from New York, and spent some time in France, Italy, and Switzerland, but received little or no benefit from either travel or treatment, and in March, 1866, he returned. He gave himself no rest, but at once commenced the preparations for the political campaign of that year. He opened the campaign in a speech at Masonic Hull, which has been pronounced the greatest political speech ever made in America. It seemed as if he had determined to crush his political opponents at the outset of the campaign and render them powerless. He employed all of his wonderful powers of logic to arraign his opponents at the bar of public opinion for what. he considered their political failures. The speech not only served as a ba>-is for the platform of his party, but for all other speeches during the cam- paign. It lashed his enemies to fury, but it aroused his party to the very highest pitch of enthusiasm. Oliver P. Morton was twice elected a member of the United States Senate by the Republicans, his first 192 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. term commencing on the 4th day of March, 18157, and his second on the 4th day of March, 1873. The limits of this sketch forbid anything like an attempt at a history of his senatorial labors. During his ten years of service he was foremost in all things, — in debates, in party counsels, in labors. It is not in- vidious to say of him that in labors he was more abundant than any other, notwithstanding his physical disability. He entered the Senate at a stirring time. The war was ended, but the South was in a state of chaos. What was to be done, and how to do it, were the two questions uppermost in the minds of all. There was an irreconcilable quarrel between Congress and the President. At the very outset of his sena- torial career, although it was his first legislative ex- perience, he was given three important places. He was made chairman of the Committee on Manufactures, and a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations and that of Military AflFairs. The first great question in which he took part was that of reconstruction. He went into the Senate with well-settled views upon this question. He had held tenaciously to the idea that this was a nation, and he insisted upon that on all occasions. He looked upon treason as a crime deserving of punishment. He could not be led to believe that those who had laid down their arms after a four years' struggle to over- throw the Government could safely be intrusted with power until, at least, they had given evidence of having renewed their allegiance. He was inspired by no hatred of the people of the South ; it was their treason he hated. His first speech on this question was an impromptu reply to Senator Doolittle, of Wis- consin. In that speech, brief as it was, he outlined his whole after-attitude on this question. He said, — ''The issue here to-day is the same which prevails through- out the country, which will be the issue of this canvass, and perhaps for years to come. It is between two paramount ideas, each struggling for the supremacy. One is, that the war to suppress the Rebellion was right and just on our part; that the rebels forfeited their civil and political rights, which can only be restored to them upon such conditions as the nation may prescribe for its future safety and prosperity. The other idea is, that the rebellion was not sinful, but was right; that those engaged in it forfeited no rights, civil or political, and have a right to talte charge of their State governments, and be restored to their representation in Congress, just as if there were no rebellion and nothing had occurred. The immediate issue before the Senate now is between the existing State govern- ments established under the President of the United States in the rebel States and the plan of reconstruction presented by Congress." He then proceeded to demonstrate that Congress had all the power that was necessary to formulate or dictate to the States the kind of a constitution they should adopt, and that it was in duty bound to insure justice, security, and equality to all classes in the South, and said, — " Sir, when Congress entered upon this work it had become apparent to all men that loyal republican State governments, such as are required by the Constitution, could not be erected and maintained upon the basis of the white population. We had tried them. Congress had attempted the work of recon- struction through the fourteenth constitutional amendment by leaving the suffrage with the white men, and by leaving with the white people of the South the question as to when the col- ored people should exercise the right of suffrage, if ever; but when it was found that those white men were as rebellious as ever; when it was found that they persecuted the loyal men, both white and black, in their midst ; when it was found that Northern men who had gone down there were driven out by social tyranny, by a thousand annoyances, by the insecurity of life and property, then it became apparent to all men of intel- ligence that reconstruction could not take place upon the basis of the white population, and something else must be done. Now, sir, what was then left to do ? Either we must hold these people continually by military power or we must use such ma- chinery on such a new basis as would enable lo^'al republican governments to be raised up ; and in the last result I will say Congress waited long, the nation waited long, — experience had to come to the rescue of reason before the thing was done. In the last resort, and as the last thing to be done, Congress deter- mined to dig through all the rubbish, dig through the soil and the shifting sands, and go down to the eternal rock, and there, upon the basis of the everlasting principle of equal and exact justice to all men, we have planted the column of reconstruc- tion ; and, sir, it will rise, slowly but surely, and ' the gates of hell shiill not prevail against it.' " On the charge of inconsistency on the subject of negro suffrage he said, — "^Vhy, sir, let me fr.ankly say to my friend from Wisconsin that I approached universal colored suffrage in the South re- luctantly. Not because I adhered to the miserable dogma that this was the white man's government, but because I entertained fears about at once intrusting a large body of men just from slavery — to whom education had been denied by law, to whom the marriage relation had been denied, who had been made the most abject slaves — with political power. And the senator CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 193 has referred to a speedh which I made in Indiana in 1865. Allow me to show the principle which then actuated me, for in that speech I said, ' In regard to the question of admitting the freedmen of the Southern States to vote, while I admit the equal rights of all men, and that in time all men will have the right to vote, without distinction of color or race, I yet believe that in the case of four million slaves just freed from bondage there should be a period of probation and preparation before they are brought to the exercise of political power.' Such was my feeling at that time, for it had not then been determined by the bloody experience of the past two years that we could not reconstruct upon the basis of the white population, and such was the opinion of a great majority of the people of the Korth. ... I confess (and I do it without shame) that I have been educated by the great events of the war. The American people have been educated rapidly ; and the man that says he has learned nothing, that he stands now where did six years ago, is like an ancient mile-post by the side of a deserted high- way." He concluded as follows : "The column of reconstruction has risen slowly. It has not been hewn from a single stone. It is composed of many blocks, painfully laid up and put together, and cemented by the tears and blood of the nation. Sir, we have done nothing arbitrarily. We have done nothing for punishment — aye, too little for pun- ishment. Justice has not had her demand. Not a man has yet been executed for this great treason. The arch-fiend himself is now at liberty upon bail. No man is to be punished ; and now while j)unishment has gone by, as we all know, we are insisting only upon security for the future. AVe are simply asking that the evil spirits who brought this war upon us shall not again come into power during this generation, again to bring upon us rebellion and calamity. We are simply asking for those secu- rities that we deem necessary for our peace and the peace of our posterity." To Senator Morton more than to any other man i.s due the credit of the adoption of the fifteenth amendment. He was bold and aggressive in his ad- vocacy of this important measure, designed as it was to secure to the colored man the right of suffrage. It was opposed by Senator Sumner and some other Republican members, but Mr. Morton led in the de- bate and carried the measure triumphantly through. He met all arguments, repelled all assaults, held the friends of the amendment together until the final vote was taken. Nor did his labors end with its adoption by Congress. It had to be ratified by the States. The Democratic members of the Indiana Legislature resigned to defeat its ratification. Sen- ator Morton reached Indianapolis the morning the 13 resignations were handed in. He sent word to the Republican members not to adjourn, but take a recess and meet him. He then showed them the resigna- tions did not break a quorum, and demonstrated that they had the power to ratify the amendment. They acted in accordance with his wishes, and the work was done, to the amazement of the Democrats. Still States were wanted. Senator Morton was equal to the emergency. A bill was introduced providing for the reconstruction of Mississippi, Texas, and Vir- ginia. He seized the opportunity and offered an amendment providing that before these States should be admitted to representation in Congress they should ratifiy the proposed fifteenth amendment. The amendment was referred to the Committee on Judi- ciary. An adverse report was made by Senator Trumbull, chairman of the committee. Senator Morton still adhered to 'his amendment, and, after a debate lasting three days, was successful. This was one of the most remarkable debates of the Senate. Still another State was wanted, and again Senator Morton led in the work of securing it. He introduced a bill authorizing the military commander of Georgia to call the Legislature of that State to- gether, including the colored members who had been expelled the year before, and empowering the Legis- lature to reconstruct that State, by electing two United States senators, after ratifying the fifteenth amendment. Again the Judiciary Committee an- tagonized him, but again he triumphed, and the fifteenth amendment became a part of the Consti- tution, and stands to-day a monument of his love of justice and his powers as a leader, more enduring than brass or marble. Space will not permit the dwelling on his labors in the great kuklux debates and other similar measures, but in all he took a leading part, and upon all he left the impress of his lofty and unyielding patriotism. As chairman of the Committee on Elections and Privileges he rendered signal service. All questions that came before him were treated with the utmost fairness, and stern justice ruled in the decisions of his committee. One notable instance of this kind was his action in regard to the election of Caldwell as senator from Kansas. It was evident that his election 194 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. had been procured by corrupt means. Senator Mor- ton held that he should be expelled from the Senate as unworthy a seat in that body. The friends of Caldwell plead to have the election simply declared void. Mr. Morton would not listen. His sense of justice had been outraged and he felt that American politics needed purifying, and insisted on expulsion, and to save himself from that the Kansas senator resigned. With fraud, force, or corruption he had no patience, and he would neither listen to the plead- ings of friends of the accused, nor pay heed to their threats. He believed in the right and had the cour- age to at all times and under all circumstances to maintain his beliefs. In 1873 he delivered a speech in the Senate, which in the light of later events looks almost like prophecy. The question under discussion was a resolution in- structing the Committee on Privileges and Elections to report upon the best and most practicable mode of electing a President and Vice-President, and provid- ing a tribunal to adjust and decide all contested elections connected therewith. Senator Morton took strong grounds in favor of doing away with the Electoral College and electing a President by the direct vote of the people. In the course of that speech, in regard to the dangers of the present system, he said, — • " There is imminent danger of revolution to the nation when- ever the result of a Presidential election is to be determined by the vole of a State in which the choice of electors has been irregular, or is alleged to have been carried by fraud or vio- lence, and where there is no method of having these questions i-xamined and settled in advance; where the choice of Presi- dent depends upon the election in a State which has been publicly characterized by fraud or violence, and in which one party is alleged to have triumphed and secured the certificates of election by chicanery or the fraudulent interposition of courts. If the system of electoral colleges is to be continued, some means should be devisgd by which the election of these electors in the States may be contested, so that if it has been controlled by fraud or violence, or if there be two sets of electors, each claiming the right to cast the vote of a State, there may be some machinery or tribunal provided by which fraudulent re- turns could be set aside or corrected, and the contending claims of different sets of electors be settled in advance of the time when the vote is to be finally counted, and by which the Presi- dent of the Senate may no longer be left to exercise the dangerous powers that seem to be placed in hi^ bauds by the Constitution, nor the two houses of Congress by the twenty- second joint rule." Could he have been given the power to look into the future only three years he could not have been able to better jjortray the dangers that were before us as a nation. This was one of his great powers, — to discern the signs of the times, and see the pitfalls and the rocks that lay hidden from view. It was this power which stamped him before all other Amer- icans, a wise statesman. It was Morton that gave to us the civil rights bill, which were intended to make good the promises of the nation to the colored men, — that they should have equal and exact justice with all races. That they have since failed was no fault of his. In the Senate he left the stamp of his individuality upon all legislation. He was the moving spirit, the leader, the one upon whom all relied. There was no question of public moment too small for his attention ; but his mind grasped all, his wisdom foresaw all, and as far as possible he attempted to warn and to guide the country that it might avoid the danger he saw before it. He spoke often in the Senate, but always with effect, and was listened to with the utmost at- tention, for it soon became recognized that when he summed up the arguments there was little or nothing left to be said. When defeated, as he sometimes was, he at once accepted the situation, but never despaired. His fertility of resource was wonderful, his industry was prodigious. The last stroke, which ended eventu- ally his life, came while in the discharge of his sena- torial duties, and though not in his place at the cap- itol, yet, like John Quincy Adams, he died in the harness. In 1877 the Senate ordered an investigation into the case of Senator Grover, of Oregon, who was charged with having secured his election to the Senate through corrupt means. This duty devolved upon the Committee on Privileges and Elections, of which Senator Morton was chairman. It was necessary to go across the continent to Oregon. Senator Morton, though physically feeble and worn out by his incessant labors, did not hesitate to undertake the long and tire- some journey, in company with Senators Saulsbury, of Delaware, and McMillan, of Minnesota. During the entire trip to San Francisco he was CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 195 much prostrated, but the sea-voyage to Portland, Oregon, seemed to do him good. The investigation lasted eighteen days, during which he labored inces- santly, and the sessions of the committee were some- times prolonged late into the night. This labor nearly broke down the other members of the committee, but it seemed the iron will of Senator Morton rose above every trial, for, in addition to his work on the com- mittee, he prepared an elaborate political speech to be used in the approaching Ohio campaign. At the con- clusion of the investigation he addressed the people of Salem in a speech of considerable length, which was pronounced the ablest speech ever heard in the State. He arrived in San Francisco on his return home early in August, and on the 6th received his second stroke of paralysis. By morning his entire left side was paralyzed. We take the following account of his journey home and the closing scenes from a sketch written by Hon. C. M. Walker: " NotwithstAnding his alarming condition ho insisted upon starting home the next diiy, and accordingly a special car was furnished, in which a cot was provided and the best arrange- ments possible made for his comfort. Then, on the 7th of August, accompanied, as usual, by his wife and son, he started from San Francisco for his Indiana home. During this long journey, though he was very much depressed and even feared he would not reach home to die, he uttered not a word of com- plaint, but bore bis affliction in heroic silence. At Cheyenne, W. T., he was met by his brother-in-law, Col. W. R. Holloway, who thenceforward was a constant attendant at bis bedside, and at Peoria, III., Dr. W. C. Thompson, the senator's long- time physician, joined the sad party. His house in Indian- apolis not being prepared for his reception, he was taken to Richmond, Wayne Co., and to the residence of his moiher- in law, Mrs. Burbank, in that city. Here he was at once made as comfortable as his condition would permit, and had every attention that medical skill or loving affection could devise. The news of his attack had already spread abroad, and, al- though as yet his friends did not think it would prove fatal, the greatet-t concern was manil'ested throughout the country. Letters and telegrams poured in from all parts, and this con- tinued during his entire illness. Many distinguished men visited him, and a still larger number sent messages of love and sympathy. On the 13th of September the President of the United States vis^ited Richmond for the express purpose of calling on the sick senator. The meeting between them was simple but affecting. The great war Oovernor and dis- tinguished senator lay stretched upon his bed broken, ema- ciated, and almost helpless. His once massive features were pinched with pain, and the eyes that had flashed fire in so many contests were dimmed by sickness and by the medi- cines taken to alleviate bis sufferings. Approaching the bed, the President pressed the senator's extended hand warmly, and then, bending over, kissed him on the forehead. The interview was necessarily brief, and after a few words of earnest sympathy from the President, in which he said he spoke for the country as well as for himself, he retired from the room evidently much affected. In this interview Senator Morton assured the President that he would be in his seat in the Senate at the opening of the regular session of Congress in December. Such was doubtless his expectation at the time, but it was not to be realized. "On the evening of the I5th of October he was placed in a special car and removed to his home in Indianapolis. This short trip seemed to do him some good, and the hope of his recovery, at least sufficiently to take his seat in the Senate, was strengthened. During the following weeks Col. Holloway and other friends were unremitting in their attentions, and nothing was left undone either to prolong his life or mitigate his suffer- ings. All this time he took a lively interest in current affairs, and especially in what was passing in the political world. He wanted the papers read to him during nearly every waking moment, and even at night, waking from a short sleep, his first exclamation was ' Read.' If the reader stopped a moment to rest or for any other purpose, he would say, * Read on ! Don't stop till I tell you.' So absorbing was his interest in publio affairs, and bis desire to keep up with current events. Mean- while it had become apparent that his vital forces were giving way, and that he could not last much longer. For many days, even weeks, he took no nourishment except milk, or occa- sionally a Htfle boef-tea, and even these were not digested. The paralysis seemed to have reached his stomach, and all natural action was destroyed. Still his mind continued active and clear, and when friends visited his bedside ho would wel- come them with a pleasant smile and grasp of the hand. As long as there was the slightest ground for hope those nearest to him clung to the belief that he would recover, but from Tuesday, October 3Utb, it became evident to all that his case was hopeless. His symptoms on that day were such as to make it plain that his end was drawing near. During the 31st his death was hourly expected, and several times the rumor went abroad that he was dead. A great many telegrams were received from all parts of the country, inquiring if thise rumors were true, and asking for information as to his condition. Thursday, Novem- ber 1, 1877, dawned gloomily. The dull, gray light that first found admittance to the sick-room fell upon a dying man, though the end was yet some hours distant. During the dHy he lay very quietly, only making known his wants in broken accents. A number of friends were in and out of the room during the day, and his wife and family remained near the bedside. In the afternoon he sank rapidly. At 4.45 o'clock he had a paroxysm of pain, and passing his hand over his* stomach, said feebly, * I am dying.' A little later his youngest 196 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. son, taking his hand, said, 'Father, do you know me?' Ho nodded an assent, and gave signs of satisfaction when his son and other members of the family kissed him. A few minutes after five o'clock, while Dr. Thompson was holding his hand^ he said, * I am dying ; I am worn out.' These were the last audible words he uttered. Then he ceased to move, and at twenty-eight minutes past five o'clock the vital spark went out^ and his great life was at an end. "The news of Senator Morton's death caused a profound sensation throughout the country. Although the event had been anticipated for several days, it came as a shock at last, and created a sorrow so deep and wide-spread that it could only be compared to that caused by the tragic death of Abraham Lincoln. Flags were displayed at half-mast, and bells were tolled throughout the hind. Men gathered on the street cor- ners, and discussed the event as a national calamity. The President of the United States issued a special order directing the flags on all the public buildings to be placed at half-mast, and the government departments to be closed on the day of the funeral. He also sent a telegram to W. R. Holloway, expres- sive of his personal bereavement, and his sympathy for the surviving family of the departed statesman. The Vice-Presi- dent of the United States sent a similar dispatch. The cabinet met, and gave expression to their deep sense of the nation's loss. The Senate and the House of Representatives each ap- pointed committees to attend the funeral, and both adjourned as a further mark of respect to his memory. The Governor of Indiana and the mayor of Indianapolis issued proclamations closing public offices, and calling upon citizens to suspend busi- ness during the funeral services. The bells of Indianapolis were tolled and the City Council met, and, after passing me- morial resolutions, resolved to attend the funeral in a body. The City Council of Cincinnati met, and appointed a committee to attend the funeral. Citizens' meetings were held in all the large towns of the State, and appropriate action taken in regard to the sad event. The State University and the public schools of Indianapolis were ordered to be closed on the day of the funeral. The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, of which Senator Morton was chairman, met, and having passed a resolution of sympathy and condolence, adjourned in honor of his memory. The members of the bar of Indianapolis and other cities met and took appropriate action. In many of the country towns throughout the State the court-bouses were draped in mourning and business was suspended. The press teemed with elaborate articles upon his character and public services, and agreed with remarkable unanimity that the coun- try had lost one of its greatest men. Military companies and social organizations of various kinds met and determined to attend the funeral. Thus in all directions, and by every means known to modern society, men gave expression to their pro- found sorrow, and to the respect and afi'ection which they bore fur the deceased. *' There being a general desire on the part of the public to view the remains of the departed statesman, they were placed in the main hall of the court-house at Indianapolis, where they lay in state during Sunday and part of Monday. During this time they were viewed by many thousands of persons who came from afar and near to take a last look at one who bad filled so large a place in the history of the country. Special trains were run on several of the railroads, bringing a great number of persons to the city, and the solemn procession which passed through the court-house during those days had seemingly no end. "The funeral, which took place Monday, November 5th, was a grand and imposing pageant, — solemn, impressive, and mem- orable. A vast concourse of people was assembled from all parts of the country. Every branch of the federal government was represented. The President, being unable to attend, sent his son to represent him. Of the cabinet officers. Secretary Thompson, of the navy, and Attorney-General Devens were present. On the part of the Senate of the United States there were Senators McDonald, of Indiana, Davis, of Illinois, Bay- ard, of Delaware, Cameron, of Pennsylvania, Burnside, of Rhode Island, and Booth, of California. On the part of the House of Representatives there were Representatives Ilanna and Cobb, of Indiana, Banks, of Massachusetts, Townsend, of New York, Wilson, of West Virginia, Burchard, of Illinois, and Davidson, of Florida. The ju^ciary department was repre- sented by federal judges from several neighboring States, and the army by a number of officers. Besides these, there were a great number of distinguished citizens from all parts of Indi- ana, Governors, ex-Governors, and representative men from other States, numerous military companies and delegates from civil societies, and thousands of his neighbors who knew and loved him." It would not be proper or just to close this short sketch without referring, at least in a brief way, to the political services of Senator Morton other than those directly connected with his labors in the Sen- ate and as Governor of Indiana, and to touch upon the general characteristics of the man. Great as was his work in both of the high oflBces to which the people elevated him, his labors in the general field of politics were no less prodigious. From 1856, when he first entered politics, until death claimed him, his voice and pen were never idle. In every political contest he was foremost in the fight, and the downtrodden and oppressed were always his care. Not only did he engage in the po- litical battles in his own State, but in almost every State of the North he sent forth the bugle-call which rallied the forces of republicanism. Few men made more stump speeches than he, and none ever carried such weight. In Indiana, during each campaign, he CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 197 spoke incessantly, and he always knew how to touch the popular chord of patriotism. He not only spoke, but hundreds of editorials from his pen found their way into the columns of the leading papers. His political speeches, if collected and published, would make a political history of the country in its great struggle unequaled. He was always ready to answer the calls of his party. His devotion to his party was witnessed by his declining the English mission. President Grant was desirous of concluding a treaty with Great Britain on the subject of the depredations of the rebel cruisers, and urged Senator Morton to undertake the mission. He was inclined to accept it, but the Legislature of Indiana was controlled by the Democrats, and he declined. President Grant wrote to him as follows : "Executive Mansion, "Washington, D. C, October 21st. " Hon. 0. P. Morton, TI. S. S. " Dear Sir^ — Your letter of the 19th inst., declining the Eng- lish mission, with reasons therefor, is received. I fully concur with you in all the reasons which you give for the course you find it your duty to pursue in the matter, but regret that the country is not to have your valuable services at the English Court at this important juncture. Your course, however, I deem wise, and it will be highly appreciated by your constitu- ents in Indiana and throughout the country. " With assurances of my highest regard, I remain, very truly, your obedient servant, "U. S. Grant." It is difficult to justly sum up the character of such a man. He was a born leader, and no sooner did he enter political life than he took the leadership of his party and maintained it until his death. He was a man of strong will, indomitable energy, and untiring industry, and was possessed of moral and physical courage which approached the sublime. As a party leader and organizer he has had no equal. The uni- versal testimony of those who were with him in the Senate is to the eflFect that America has never pro- duced a party leader who could even lay claim to rival him. He was strong because he was always in earnest ; because he never forgot a friend ; because he was ever ready to meet a foe. He always mastered his subject, and never undertook to discuss it until he had thoroughly studied every phase of it. It was this that gave him such great power with an audience. His mind was of an analytical order, and when he spoke his sentences were terse, logical, and oftentimes eloquent. There was little or no fancy about him, and he rather despised those fancy flights of oratory by which some men endeavor to capture their audi- ences. He dealt with facts, and he dealt with them as living things. While he was often severe and even terrible in his denunciation or arraignment of his op- ponents, he never was personal, but always calm, dig- nified, urbane. To illustrate this we cannot do better than quote a paragraph from a letter written by Senator Jones, of Florida, to the Morton Monument Association. He says, — "He was one of the few public men of eminence who was strong enough in all the resources of legitimate argument so as never to feel the necessity or entertain the Inclination of resort- ing to persona! vituperation in the discussions of the Senate. He attacked communities, States, and parties at times with great vigor, but, in the language of Mr. Grattan, * he knew how to be severe without being unparliamentary.' " His patriotism was something sublime. He loved the country, the whole country, with a devotion that knew no shrinking, and to it he gave heart, soul, everything. He clung to the idea that we are a nation with a tenacity that forced conviction upon every mind he addressed. It was the burden of nearly all his speeches. He labored to impress this ruling idea upon the people, for to him it was the key of our whole political system. To his mind it embraced the true conception of our government, and the only one upon which the Union could safely rest. To him the idea that we were but a mere con- federation of States was abhorrent. In it he saw future disaster and ruin. In May, 1860, he wrote, — " It cannot be too strongly impressed upon the public mind that we are one people, a nation, and not a mere coalition of sovereign and independent States." In 1865 he said,— "The war has established upon imperishable foundations the great fundamental truth of the unity and indivisibility of the nation. We are many States, but one people ; having an undivided sovereignty, one flag, one common destiny." In 1871, at Providence, R. I., he said, — "The idea that we are a nation, that we are one people, undivided and indivisible, should be a plank in the platform 198 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of every party. It should be presented on the banner of every party. It should be taught in every school, academy, and college. It should be the political north star by which every political manager should steer his bark. It should be the central idea of American politics, and every child should, so to speak, be vaccinated with the idea that he may be protected against this political distemper which has brought such calamity upon our country." In Ohio, in 1873, he said, — '* What the sun is in the heavens, diffusing light and life and warmth, and by its subtle influence holding the planets in their orbits, and preserving the harmony of the universe, such is the sentiment of nationality in a people diffusing life and protection in every direction, holding the faces of Ameri- cans always toward their home, protecting the States in the exercise of their just powers, and preserving the harmony of all. We must have a nation. It is a necessity of our political existence. We should cherish the idea that while the States have their rights, sacred and inviolable, which we should guard with untiring vigilance, never permitting an encroach- ment upon them, and remembering that such encroachment is as much a violation of the Constitution of the United States as to encroach upon the rights of the general government; still bearing in mind that the States are but subordinate parts of one great nation, — that the nation is over all, even as God is over the universe." We might multiply such quotations, for they crop out everywhere in his speeches and writings. He hated freason with all the power he had, and he would stamp it out as a poison that if left alone would kill the body and soul of the nation. He was unsparing in his denunciation of the foul crime, and was often accused of hating the South. His feelings in this matter are best expressed in his own language. On Decoration Day, 1877, in the last speech he ever made in his own State, he said, — ** We will let by-gones be by-gones. We cannot forget the past; we ought not forget it. God has planted memory in our minds and we cannot blot it out. But while we cannot forget, yet we can forgive, and we will forgive all who accept the great doctrines of equal liberty and of equal rights to all, and equal protection to all, and will be reconciled to them. And while we cannot forget the past, we will treat them as if the past had never occurred, and that is all that can be asked ; and that is true reconciliation. True reconciliation does not require us to forget these dead; does not require us to forget the living sol- dier and to cease to do him justice. We must remember that there is an eternal difference between right and wrong, and that we were on the right side and that they were on the wrong side ; and all that we ask of them is that hereafter they shall be on the right side. We should forever remember that we were in the right. We want to transmit that as a sacred inheritance to our remotest posterity. We know that in that great struggle we were in the right. We were grandly in the right and they were terribly in the wrong. The whole civilized world has now said that we were in the right, and we know if there is such a thing as right and wrong, we were in the right and they were in the wrong. We want that grand distinction to pass down through all time ; but that is entirely consistent with true recon- ciliation. We say to those who were on the other side of that great contest that cost so dearly in blood and treasure, that cost us so much suffering and sacrifice, that while we shall forever cherish the lessons that were taught us by that struggle, and while we shall forever stand by the principles that we main- tained in that contest, all we ask of them is that they shall hereafter stand upon those principles, and let us go forward hand in hand and as Americans and as brethren through all the future pages of our country's history." He was possessed of moral courage that few public men obtain to, and a physical courage which almost amounted to an insensibility to personal danger. The first was exhibited often by the stand he took upon great public questions, regardless of what clamor there might be from political friends or foes. Mak- ing up his mind that a thing was right, it mattered not what all the world might say or do, he stood like a rock. He was ambitious, and yet for popu- larity's sake he would not desert a right. One of the greatest acts of his life was when, as it appeared to his friends, he closed the doors against all hopes of reaching the Presidency by the stand he took in favor of the Chinese immigrants. He was an open candidate for that high office. To speak for the Mongolian was, seemingly, to espouse a cause so un- popular as to be political death. He did not hesitate a moment. He believed he was right, and with all his power he took up the cause of the Chinese. The fear of being called inconsistent often keeps public men from changing their ideas of public policy. It was not so with Mr. Morton. He had the courage of his convictions. His physical courage might be illustrated by numerous incidents, but one must suffice, and we tell it as it was narrated by Governor Porter, who was a witness to it. In his earlier years as an attorney Mr. Morton appeared in a case of some magnitude at Indianapolis. One of the oppos- ing lawyers was of the fire-eating kind, and had a reputation as one who was ready to use his revolver. During the trial he was exceedingly ugly, and ap- CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 199 peared in court with his pistol ostentatiously dis- played, and had succeeded in cowing the other attor- neys. Finally, Mr. Morton administered to him a scathing rebuke. As he took his seat the subject of his rebuke arose and said to those near him that he intended to make Morton apologize then and there. All expected a tragedy. Few knew anything of Mr. Morton. He went to where Mr. Morton was sitting and said, in an insulting tone, " I have come to demand an apology from you." Quick as a flash Mr. Morton turned upon him, and looking him steadily in the eyes, said, in a tone sharp and clear, " I have no apology to make to you," and then de- liberately repeated the offensive remark. He had met a man that knew no fear, and was cowed com- pletely. Mr. Morton was simple in his tastes ; honest in the strictest sense of the word. No taint of corrup- tion ever lingered near him. He loved his home, his family, his friends, and they clung to him with a devotion equal to his love. His nature was kind and sympathetic. The cry of the suffering or sorrowing always found an echo in his heart. The cares of state often absorbed him to such a degree that he forgot himself, his own physical weakness, his own wants, but never so that he forgot his home or family, and he always turned to them for rest. When in the bosom of his family he was as simple as a child. His children were especiall}' dear to him, and amid all the cares of state he thought of them and en- deavored to guide their young minds into the paths of honor. Few men in the height of power would write to their children so simple, so loving, and yet so grand a letter as the following : "Washington, January 1, 1871. "My Dear Children, — This is the first day of the New Year, and iiere it is bright and cheerful and warm, and everybody seems happy. Your mother is as well as usual, and sends her love to you, and her heartfelt wishes for your health and for your future hapj>iness and success in life. You can never know the depth of a mother's love, — how constantly you are in her thoughts, her anxiety about you from day to day, and wh.at sacrifices she would make for you. We have been talking about you, and wondering what you are doing, and hoping you will make great progress in your studies during the year which has just come in. One year is a great portion of one's lifetime. Much may be done in one year in getting an education and fitting yourself for the duties of life. Lost time can never be recalled, and cannot be made up. Each year should show a great deal learned, and great improvement in the manners and characters of my dear children. " My great anxiety and desire are about my little boys. I am constantly wondering what they will be when they grow up to be men. Will they be learned, talented, good, prosperous, and an honor to their parents and country ? Such is my daily prayer. We hope you think of us, and love us, and think of your dear absent brother, who is so far away on a lonely island in the Northern Sea. You must constantly remember him in your prayers, that he may be preserved in health, and be pros- perous and be safely returned to us during the year. " Your mother will return to you in a few days, and in the mean time you must not neglect your books, and show to her that you can be dutiful and studious in her absence. " And now I wish you a happy New Year, and may God bless you and preserve you, is the prayer of your loving father, " 0. P. Morton." There was no love of pomp in his nature, and he was always accessible to the people, the poor equally with the rich. He gave to the country seventeen years of his life, and wore himself out and died a poor man, as he had lived. His last audible words expressed it all, " I am worn out." Yes, he had worn himself out. The people of Indiana have raised in the Circle Park of Indianapolis a bronze statue of the great war Governor and senator, but his greatest monument lives in the pages of the Constitution and laws of his country, and in the doctrines of patriotism he incul- cated and enforced. Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks was born Sept. 7, 1819, on a farm near Zanesville, Muskingum Co., Ohio, his father, John Hendricks, having been a native of Western Pennsylvania. The family was one of the first to settle in Ligonier Valley, West- moreland Co., and took an active part in the admin- istration of public affairs, serving with honor in the Legislature and other places of trust. The mother, Jane Thomson Hendricks, was of Scotch descent. Her grandfather, John Thomson, emigrated to Penn- sylvania before the Revolution, and was conspicuous among the pioneers of that date for his intelligence, integrity, enterprise, love of country, and far-reaching good-will to men. As soon as assured of the wisdom of emigration, he addressed a letter to the Scotch people setting forth the advantages of American soil. 200 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. climate, aad institutions so forcibly that the section of the State where he lived was principally settled by his countrymen. Several of his sons were soldiers in the Revolutionary war, and many of his descend- ants have attained distinction in the diflFerent walks of life. Beside those bearing his name, may be men- tioTied the Agnews, of New York, the Blacks and Watsons, of Pittsburgh, the Wylies, of Philadelphia, and the Heudrickses, of Indiana. The wife of John Hendricks and her niece are the only members of the Thomson family who emigrated West. In nearly every branch of the family the pioneer Calvinistic faith of the Thomsons is still maintained. When Thomas A. Hendricks was six months old his parents removed from Ohio to Madison, Ind. This was the home of William Hendricks, that uncle of Thomas A. who in indirect line preceded him in the enjoyment of his signal tokens of public confidence and respect. He was then a member of Congress, three years sub- sequently he was elected Governor, and at the end of the term was chosen to the United States Senate. All of these positions he filled acceptably. He was indeed the first representative in Congress who brought the State into favorable repute. John, the father of Thomas A., had some share of government patronage. He held the appointment of deputy sur- veyor of public land under Gen. Jackson, and in that capacity became generally known and respected. As early as 1822 he removed with his family to the interior of the State, and held the first title to the fine land upon a portion of which Shelbyville, the county-seat of Shelby County, is located. In the heart of the dense forest, upon a gentle eminence overlooking the beautiful valley, he built the sightly and commodious brick homestead which yet stands in good preservation in open view of the thriving city and richly cultivated country around. It soon be- came known as a centre of learning and social de- light, and was the favorite resort of men of distinc- tion and worth. It was in particular the seat of hospitality to the orthodox ministry, Mr. Hendricks being the principal founder and supporter of the Presbyterian Church in the community. The pre- siding genius of that home was the gentle wife and mother, who tempered the atmosphere of learning and zeal with the sweet influences of charity and love. Essentially clever and persistent, she was pos- sessed of a rare quality of patience, which stood her in better stead than a turbulent, aggressive spirit. A close analy.sis of the character of Thomas A. Hen- dricks is not necessary to show that this trait was preeminently his birthright. It is thus apparent that the childhood and youth of Mr. Hendricks were passed under the happiest auspices. Together with his brothers and sisters he attended the village school and derived the full benefit of very respectable and thorough instruction. His senior brother, Abram, pursued college studies at the University of Ohio, and at South Hanover, Ind., and subsequently became a minister of the Presbyterian Church. In turn Thomas A. attended college at South Hanover, and then began the study of law at home under the advice and instruction of Judge Major. In so doing he followed the bent of his early and most cherished inclinations. In boyhood he developed a fondness for legal discussions, and when but twelve years of age attended the hearing of important cases in the courts. The final period of law study he prosecuted under the tuition of his uncle, Judge Thomson, of Chambersburg, Pa., and was admitted to the bar at Shelbyville. His success was not rapid, but he grew in favor by careful attention to business, and acquired a leading practice. His professional career has since been so interwoven with official life that it is next to impossible to refer to one without speaking of the other. In 1848 he was elected to the Legislature, and declined a renomination. In 1850 he was chosen without opposition senatorial delegate to the conven- tion empowered to amend the State Constitution, and took an important part in the deliberative proceed- ings. In 1851 he was elected to Congress from the Indianapolis district, and re-elected in 1852, but defeated in 1854. He was in 1855 appointed com- missioner of the general land office by President Pierce. This mark of executive favor was expected, and the wisdom of the selection proved by the able and satisfactory manner in which the duties were discharged at a time when the sales, entries, and grants were larger than ever before in the history of the country. The term of four years in the land office t -im- ,^H^r^ >y4- AAoi-^ ©^-v^ cA-K^ '. il CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 201 was followed by an unsuccessful race for Governor In 1860. In 1 862 he was chosen United States senator by the unanimous vote of his party, and during the period of his term in the Senate, the Democrats being in a small minority, he was compelled to take a prominent part in the proceedings of that body. He favored the earnest prosecution of the war, and voted for supplies to sustain the army. He was op- posed to conscription, and favored the enlistment of volunteers and payment of soldiers' bounties. At the close of the war he held that the States engaged in rebellion had at no time been out of the Union, and were therefore entitled to fall representation in Con- gress. He maintained that the people of those States should have entire control of their respective State governments. These views placed him in opposition to the reconstruction policy which was adopted by the majority in Congress. He also opposed the con- stitutional amendments because the Southern States were not represented, and because, in his opinion, such amendments should not be made before sectional passions had time to subside. He held that amend- ments to the Constitution should be considered only when the public is in a cool, deliberative frame of mind. His term in the Senate expired March 4, 1869, when he devoted himself exclusively to the profession of law, having in 1860 removed to Indian- apolis with that end in view. In 1862 he formed a partnership with Mr. Oscar B. Hord, which was extended in 1866 to a cousin, Col. A. W. Hendricks, under the firm-name of Hendricks, Hord & Hen- dricks. The business of the firm was large, impor- tant, and lucrative. In 1872, Thomas A. Hendricks was forced to relinquish the practice of his profession by an election to the office of chief executive of the State. He accepted the nomination against his earn- est protest, but made a vigorous contest, supporting the Greeley ticket. He was inaugurated Governor Jan. 13, 1873, and served the State in that office for four years. He gave his undivided attention to the interests of the State, his administration of public affiiirs being above criticism. In the political contest of 1876 he was the Democratic candidate for the Vice-Presidency, and carried his own State by upward of five thousand majority. After the decision of the Electoral Commission Governor Hendricks, accom- panied by his wife, made a brief sojourn in Europe, spending the summer in a tour of Great Britain, Germany, and France. He resumed on his return the practice of law with his former partners, with the addition of ex-Governor Conrad Baker, who took Governor Hendricks' place in the firm when succeeded by him in the gubernatorial office, the firm-name being Baker, Hord & Hendricks. The personal mention of Thomas A. Hendricks may be given briefly : he was reared in the Presbyterian faith, but has for some years been a member of the Episcopal Church, and is senior warden of St. Paul's Cathedral, Indianapolis. He was married near Cin- cinnati, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1845, to Miss Eliza C. Mor- gan, who is a granddaughter of Dr. Stephen Wood, a prominent citizen and early settler of Hamilton County, Ohio. Governor and Mrs. Hendricks have had but one child, a son born in 1848, who lived to be three years of age. The extent and character of Governor Hendricks' attainments can be well gauged by his public and professional record. The .same may be said of his political views, although he has stronger convictions than are credited to him. Under a somewhat cautious, reserved manner he conceals great depth of sentiment and indomitable faith in the triumph of right over wrong, truth over envy, malice, and detraction. In social as in public relations he is steadfast in his friendships and generous to his foes. He has a happy equanimity of temper which recon- ciles him to the inevitable and nerves him to make the best of life. A certain amount of benignity is imparted to his voice, which in carrying a point before a jury is almost irresistible. In appearance Governor Hendricks is distinguished, possessing a fine figure and a dignified presence. As his methods of thought and forms of expression are peculiar to himself, so in the execution of his plans he departs so much from the beaten track that the end in view is often lost sight of by others. It is none the less plain to him, and it is a question if he ever sought an object, the accomplishment of which depended upon his own exertions, that he did not gain. Joseph Ewing McDonald was born in Butler County, Ohio, on the 29th of August, 1819. His 202 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. father, John McDonald, was of Scotch extraction, a native of Pennsylvania, and by occupation a farmer. He was a man of sterling worth, determined and self- sacrificing. He died when Joseph E. was still in his infancy, thus depriving him of support and counsel, and casting upon him many burdens and responsi- bilities. His mother, Eleanor Piatt, was a Pennsyl- vanian, her ancestors being French Huguenots, who located first in New Jersey and afterwards perma- nently in Ohio. She was a woman of superior intel- lect, her standards all high, her influences always elevating. Her highest ambition — a mother's — was to educate her children and make them useful mem- bers of society. She and her husband were both earnest members of the Presbyterian Church. She later married John Kerr, of Butler County, Ohio, a native of Ireland, and a frugal, industrious farmer. He with his family moved in the fall of 1826 to \ Montgomery County, Ind., Joseph E. then being seven years of age. While still a mere boy he de- termined to make the profession of law his life-work. At twelve years of age he was apprenticed to the saddler's trade at Lafayette. For nearly six years he served as an apprentice, being released from the last three months for fidelity to the interest of his em- ployers. These three months he spent in studying. During his apprenticeship he had access to the library of a government official, and what leisure he com- manded was devoted to the English branches. He entered Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., in 1838, supporting himself by plying his trade. Two years later he was a student al: Asbury University, Greencastle. Mr. McDonald did not graduate. A diploma and degree were given him, however, while he was a member of the United States Senate. His first preceptor in law was Zebulon Baird, one of the first lawyers of the State, and a resident of Lafayette. In 1853 he was admitted to practice upon an exami- nation before the Supreme Court of the State. Four years later he began practicing in Crawfordsville, and in 1859 removed to Indianapolis. His first law part- ner at Indianapolis was ex-judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana, Addison L. Roache. His present partners are John M. Butler and A. L. Mason. Mr. McDonald, with the late Judge Black, was counsel for the defendants in the celebrated case of Bowles, Horsey, and Milligan, tried for treason and conspiracy by a military commission at Indianapolis, and sentenced to be hung. The case was taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, where a number of important constitutional questions arose as to the relations of the general government to the States, the war power of the government, and the rights of the citizen. The defendants were released by the Supreme Court. In the case of Beebe vs. the State, in which the Supreme Court decided that the enactment known as the Maine liquor law was un- constitutional, Mr. McDonald was of the counsel for the defendants. He was also one of the attorneys for the parties who assailed the constitutionality of the Baxter liquor law. He has taken an active part in many other important cases before the Supreme Court of the State and the Federal Court. The senator is most successful in his pleading be- fore a jury, and is a shrewd examiner. He is not an eloquent talker, but has the ability to influence those who listen to him by the fairness of his arguments. Before he had received his license to practice law, Mr. McDonald was nominated for the office of prose- cuting attorney, and elected the following fall over Robert Jones, Whig, and a prominent member of the Lafayette bar. This was the first election of that class of officers by the people, they having been for- merly chosen by the Legislature. As prosecuting atJ torney he served four years. He was elected to the Thirty-first Congress from the district in which Craw- fordsville was then situated, having removed to that place during his official term as prosecutor at Lafay- ette. Returning to the State after his congressional term, he was elected attorney-general of Indiana five years later. He was the first choice of the people for this office, and held it two terms. With Oliver P. Mor- ton as an opponent, he made the race for Governor of Indiana in 1864. He ran ahead of his ticket, but Mr. Morton was elected by nearly twenty thousand votes. Eleven years later Mr. McDonald took his seat in the United States Senate as a successor to Daniel D. Pratt. He was chairman of the Commit- tee on Public Lands and the second member of the '^ EUSaUiSimifiY. ^ ^y^c^^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 203 Judiciary Committee. He visited New Orleans to investigate the count of the vote of Louisiana in the contest of 1876, and made the principal argument for the objectors before the P]lectoral Commission. The senator was also a member of the Teller- Wallace committee to investigate the frauds in elections in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. At the expiration of his senatorial term he returned to Indianapolis, where he has since been engaged in the active prac- tice of his profession. He is and always has been a firm and consistent Democrat of the Jeffersonian school, as personified in the political life of Andrew Jackson. He believes the true idea of American democracy is to preserve unimpaired all the rights reserved to the States, respectively, and to the people, without infringing upon any of the powers delegated to the general government by the Constitution, and that constitutional government is of the first impor- tance and a necessity to the perpetuity of the Amer- ican Union. He believes in the virtue of the people, and in their ability and purpose to maintain their institutions inviolate against the assaults of designing men. As an orator, both at the bar and on the hust- ings, Mr. McDonald is cool, logical, and forcible ; as a citizen, he has the confidence and respect of all who know him, regardless of political creeds. He is re- garded by all parties as a statesman of acknowledged merit. His views are broad and comprehensive on all questions of public interest, — not a man of expe- dients, but stating his views clearly and boldly, leav- ing the result to the candid judgment of the people. The opinions of his most bitter opponents are never treated with disdain. His steadfastness of purpose, his honest desire to accomplish what was best for the people have given him a home in their hearts and won for him high honors at their hands. Their confidence has never been betrayed or sacrificed for personal aggrandizement. Mr. McDonald is in religion an attendant and pewholder, but not a member, of the Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. He has been three times married. On the 25th of No- vember, 1844, he was united to Miss Nancy Ruth Buell, to whom were born children, — Ezekiel M., Malcolm A., Frank B., and Annie M. (Mrs. Cald- well). Mrs. McDonald died Sept. 7, 1872, and he was again married on the 15th of September, 1874, to Mrs. Araminta W. Vance, who died Feb. 2, 1875. On the 12th of January, 1881, he was married to his present wife, Mrs. Josephine F. Barnard, nee Farnsworth, of Indianapolis, daughter of Joseph Farnsworth, formerly of Madison, Ind. Governor David Wallace was born in Mifflin County, Pa., April 24, 1799. His parents removed to Ohio when he was a boy, and from that State, through the influence of Gen. Harrison, he received a cadetship in West Point Academy, where, after graduation, he was for some time a tutor in mathe- matics. He removed to Brookville while still a young man, and began the practice of the law there. He represented the county in the Legislature some years, and in 1834 was elected Lieutenant-Governor on the ticket with Governor Noble's re-election. In 1837 he was elected Governor and removed to the capital, which was thenceforward his home. He married, as his second wife, Zerelda, eldest daughter of the eminent physician. Dr. Sanders, and in 1839 the Legislature purchased for the official residence of the Executive the house then recently built by Dr. Sanders on the northwest corner of Illinois and Market Streets. In 1841, at a special election to meet the demand of President Harrison for an extra session of Congress, he was elected over a^ Judge Wick, and served till March 4, 1843. In Congress it was his fortune to be the last man on the roll of the committee to which had been referred the petition of Professor Morse for forty thousand dol- lars to make an electric telegraph line from Washing- ton to Baltimore. The vote on recommending such an appropriation was a tie till Governor Wallace gave the casting vote for it. He saved that just appro- priation, and it beat him in his contest for re-elec- tion. His opponent, the late William J. Brown, used the idleness and waste of spending money on such schemes with disastrous effect. After the es- tablishment of the Court of Common Pleas he served a term as its judge. He was also prosecutor in the Circuit Court for some years. Both in intellect and personal appearance and bearing Governor Wallace seemed formed by nature for an orator, and when deeply moved, as he was sometimes at the bar, espe- 204 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAEION COUNTY. cially in prosecuting cruel crimes, he was the most eloquent man ever heard in Indianapolis. His na- ture was exceedingly social, genial, and generous, and he was a most delightful companion for young men, whose company he seemed to prefer. He died in September, 1859. His eldest son, William, is a dis- tinguished member of the bar, and even more distin- guished as an orator and leading member of the Odd- Fellows. His second, Lewis, is the well-known nov- elist and general, now minister to Constantinople. Less known as a politician, but not less favorably known professionally than the distinguished lawyers whose lives have just been briefly sketched, is John M. Butler. John Maynard Butler. — The parents of Mr. Butler were Calvin Butler and Malvina French But- ler, the latter of whom was a direct descendant of Governor Bradford, of Massachusetts, both natives of Vermont. The former learned the trade of a shoe- maker, which was followed until his thirtieth year, when, having a desire to acquire an education, he made his way through Middlebury College, and subse- quently entered the Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass. Having thus gained a thorough theological as well as classical training, he came West to preach, and settled in Evansville, Ind. Subsequently he removed to Northern Illinois, where his death occurred in 1854. There being a large family of children in the house- hold, the subject of this sketch, who was born at Evansville, Ind., Sept. 17, 1834, was compelled to rely mainly upon his own exertions, and consequently at the age of twelve years engaged as clerk and in other employments. Having inherited a love of learn- ing and a determination to acquire a thorough educa- tion, he succeeded in entering Wabash College, at Crawfordsville, in 1851, and through his own efforts, with partial help, graduated in 1856. The same day he was elected president of the Female Seminary at Crawfordsville, which position he held for three suc- cessive years, after which he became principal of the High-School. During this period he pursued the study of the law with the intention of adopting it as a profession. In the fall of 1861 he made an ex- tended tour through the Northwestern States, in pur- suit of a location for the practice of law. Returning, he settled in Crawfordsville in November, 1861. From that day until the present he has been kept constantly busy, his first case being an important one that passed through the Circuit and Supreme Courts of Indiana, ending in the complete success of the young lawyer. This gave him an early prestige and greatly increased his practice in the town and surrounding counties. In 1871 he came to Indianapolis and succeeded Judge A. L. Roache as partner with Hon. Joseph E. Mo- Donald, their relations being continued to the present time. Mr. George C. Butler was taken into the firm in 1875, and after his death Mr. A. L. Mason, the present firm being McDonald, Butler & Mason. Their practice has steadily increased, notwithstanding the protracted absence of Mr. McDonald when filUng the office of United States senator at Washington. Mr. Butler's thorough mastery of the intricate prob- lems of the law, and ability in the conduct of important cases, have placed him in the foremost rank of suc- cessful lawyers in the State. Difi^ering from his dis- tinguished partner politically, he ha.s always affiliated ardently with the Republican cause, and has taken no inconsiderable part in forwarding the interests of that party. Aspiring to no office, and repeatedly declining nominations, he has been an active worker in political campaigns, speaking throughout this State and ex- tending his labors to other States. He is a popular political orator, his speeches having been extensively published and read. Mr. Butler is an active member of the Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, in which he is a ruling elder and member of the board of trustees. As a jurist he stands in the first rank in a bar that embraces in its list many of the ablest lawyers in the country, the practice of the firm being with cases of the weightiest importance. Wisely avoiding the paths that lead to military and civic distinction, he has a far more enviable record as a successful lawyer, a useful and respected citizen, and a thorough Christian gentleman. Mr. Butler was married in April, 1857, to Miss Sue W. Jen- nison, of Crawfordsville, Ind. Their children are a son and a daughter. George Calvin Butler, a brother of Mr. Butler, was born May 3, 1851, in Marine, 111., and graduated at Wabash College in 1872. He adopted the law as a profession, became a partner in /J 1 1', II K>i.^.''fyAHllit^^'-'' CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 205 a firm that was constantly dealing with difficult suits, involving the subtleties of the law and vast property interests. His talents comraanded the confidence of his superiors and placed in his charge cases rarely intrusted to a young man. He invariably became master of his cases, and early won the high approba- tion of the judges of the highest courts at which he practiced. His brilliant career as a promising and successful lawyer and a sincere and earnest Christian was suddenly ended by death on the 10th of Novem- ber, 1^82. From its central situation the capital has been the principal point of business for Eastern agencies ever since it was large enough to have any business to attend to. Claims of Eastern merchants have been largely sent here to collect in all parts of the State, and the business, though involving no great extent of law practice or erudition, has been very lucrative. The firm of Fletcher, Butler & Yandes did a very extensive collecting business, with a very large liti- gated business besides ; but probably the largest col- lecting business, combined with ordinary legal busi- ness, ever conducted in the city was that of William Henderson. William Henderson. — The ancestors of Mr. Henderson were of Scotch-Irish extraction, and resided in the north of Ireland. John Henderson, his father, was a native of Albemarle County, Va., where his parents settled before the Revolution. He was married to Miss Nancy Bucker and had- children, — Thomas, Robert, Reuben, John, Polly, and Wil- liam. Mr. Henderson on reaching manhood re- moved to Alabama, and later to Mooresville, Morgan Co., where his death occurred. His son William was born Oct. 14, 1820, in Lawrence County, Ala., in the immediate vicinity of the town of Mol- ton, and at the age of nine years removed with his parents to Indiana. His early educational advan- tages were limited, both from want of opportunities adjacent to his home and lack of means to prosecute his studies abroad. At the age of seventeen years he engaged in active labor, and later acquired the trade of a saddler in Eaton, Preble Co., Ohio. Dur- ing an apprenticeship of four y«ars, diligent atten- dance upon the sessions of a night school enabled him to become proficient in the various English branches, and fitted him for the calling of a teacher. He, during this interval, began the study of law with Messrs. J. S. & A. J. Hawkins, of Eaton, which was continued for two years, when he was admitted to practice in Indiana, his license having been signed by Judges J. T. Elliott and David Kil- gore, and in March, 184-1, removed to Newcastle, Henry Co., Ind., where an office was opened in connection with the late Judge Samuel E. Perkins, of Richmond, Ind., and later of Indianapolis. This business connection was continued until the appoint- ment of the latter to the Supreme Court Bench, when the copartnership was dissolved. Mr. Hen- derson was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of Indiana by examination in November, 1849, and to the bar of the United States Supreme Court in 1857. He continued to be a resident of New- castle until 1851, when he located in Indianapolis. Here his abilities soon brought an extended and lucrative practice, which has been continued, with the exception of a brief interval devoted to other pursuits, until the present time, his business having pertained rather to commercial interests than to litigation of a general character. He has been since 1852 attorney for the Berkshire Life Insurance Company, and for ten years their general financial agent for the investment of the company's funds. ^ He was one of the incorporators and' has been for several years a director of the Board of Water- Works of the city of Indianapolis. Mr. Henderson was in his political affiliations until 1854 a Whig. A change of views at that time caused him to act with the Democratic party, of which he has since been one of the most active supporters, though not a candidate for preferment at its hands. Wil- liam Henderson was married in January, 1845, to Miss Martha A., daughter of Jonathan Paul, one of the earliest settlers of Decatur County, Ind. Their two children are William R., a clergyman of the Presbyterian Church, settled at Holden, Mo., and Sarah (Mrs. J. P. Wiggins), of Indianapolis. Mrs. Henderson's death occurred in May, 1854, and he was married in April, 1855, to Miss Rachel McHargh, of Greensburg, Ind. 206 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Tlu)ugh the Indianapolis bar has been so largely recruited from local bars, it has not lacked a fine sup- ply of home-grown ability and attainment. Among those who have acquired a good position and repu- tation, after studying and entering the profession here, may be named Governor Albert G. Porter, Gen. John Coburn, William Wallace, Judge C. C. Hines, John Caven, the last better known as the mayor and executive officer of countless city duties during the greater part of the war, and the efficient promoter of the water supply and the Belt road and stock-yard enterprises, William W. Woollen, John S. Duncan, Gen. Fred. Knefler, Charles P. Jacobs, A. S. Wishard, and others. Governor Porter came here a young man or well-grown lad, and studied his profession with Hiram Brown, his father-in-law, and entered the bar here, as did Mr. Caven, who also came here a young man, and studied law with Smith & Yandes. Hon. Albert G. Poeter was born at Lawrence- burg, Dearborn Co., Ind., April 20, 1824. His father was a native of Pennsylvania. At the age of eighteen the father became a volunteer soldier in the war of 1812. At the engagement of Mississiuewa, in the then existing Territory of Indiana, he re- ceived a serious wound, which never left him free from pain, and which he carried through life as an evidence of the honorable part he bore in that mem- orable struggle. He was a man of courage and convictions, of pleasant anecdote and brimming humor. The mother came of a family of exceptional busi- ness tact and ability, and was accordinirly a woman of extraordinary good sense and judgment. She believed in cheerfulness, thrift, and energy, sturdy honesty, and honest straightforwardness. These fell to her son as an inheritance, and under the inspira- tion of his young ambition, even in his youth, the lines of his character were carved clean and clear. His father, at the end of the war of 1812, settled in Indiana, at Lawrenccburg. The fandily remained there until the death of the grandfather of young Porter on his mother's side, when his father removed to Kentucky, having purchased the old homestead which belonged to his grandfather. Attached to that homestead there was a ferry across the Ohio River, nearly opposite Lawrenccburg. This ferry was on the regular route of travel from Indiana to Ken- tucky, and the father, who was then in moderate circumstances, left the entire management of that ferry, which consisted both of a horse-boat and a skiff, to his two sons. The responsibility which was thus early placed upon young Porter, and the neces- sity in a great measure of earning his own livelihood by labor, developed in him those traces of independ- ence of character for which he became noted in later life. Many notable people were rowed across the Ohio River in his skiff when the travel was not heavy enough for the horse-boat. At the age of fourteen he had saved money enough from the allowances he received for running the ferry to start for college. At the earliest opportunity he left the skiff and ferry-boat for Hanover College, Indiana, where he entered the preparatory depart- ment. There he remained until the scanty means which he had saved were exhausted. His father was unable to assist him, and there seemed to be no recourse for him except to go back to the horse ferry- boat and the skiff, or to seek some other means to secure the funds necessary for the education that he was determined to have. At this juncture an uncle, who was in good circumstances and with whom the nephew was a favorite, wrote to him, telling him that he had heard that his means were exhausted, that he understood that he was determined to have an edu- cation, and that he, the uncle, would help him to get it. In the language of the letter, he would " see him through." That was the happiest day in young Porter's life. He speedily and gratefully accepted his uncle's proposition, and from that time there were fewer obstacles in his youthful career. But the ac- ceptance of the offer made necessary a change of location. His uncle was a Methodist, and he desired that his young ward should enter upon his studies at 'Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind. To this place Mr. Porter went, and he remained there until he was graduated in 1843. Alter graduation he returned to Lawrenccburg and studied law for about ten months, when his health began to fail. Thinking that a change of occupation, even for a short time, would be beneficial, ''■n^'hyAMRUchzH- a 1 I I '\ ) CITY" OF INDIANAPOLIS. 207 he secured a position as clerk in the ofiBce of the auditor of State, Horatio J. Harris. Governor Whitconib, wlio was at that time without a private secretary, noticed the neatness of the young clerk's writing and his habits of accuracy, and requested the auditor to allow Mr. Porter to act as his secretary. The request was granted. Governor Whitcomb was a man of studious habits and scholarly attainments, whose association would sensibly quicken and influence the efforts of any young man. Mr. Porter remained with the Gov- ernor for several months and then turned again to the study of law, locating permanently at Indianap- olis, where he entered upon the practice of his pro- fession, in which he has long held a front rank at the Indiana bar. He was appointed May 3, 1851, as city attorney for a term of two years, and subse- quently (May, 1857-59) served as a member of the Common Council. In 1853, Mr. Porter, who was then a Democrat, was appointed by Governor Wright reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Indiana, to fill a vacancy that had occurred by the death of the former reporter. By this time Mr. Porter had attained a reputation for industry and ability, and he was unan- imously recommended by the Supreme Court judges to fill this vacancy. The following year he was elected to the same ofiBce on the general ticket by fourteen thousand majority. In 1&56 he came into the newly-formed Kepubli- can party on the question of the exclusion of slavery from the Territories, and in 1858, although not a candidate for the nomination, Mr. Porter was nomi- nated by the Republican convention at Indianapolis as a candidate for Congress. Hon. Martin M. Ray was his Democratic opponent. The district two years previously had gone Democratic by eight hundred majority, yet Mr. Porter was elected to Congress by a majority of more than one thousand, and two years afterwards, when he was a candidate against Robert L. VValpole, he was elected by an increased majority. Before the meeting of the convention to nominate a candidate again, however, Mr. Porter published a card declining further service in Congress. Gen. Dumont, then in the army, was nominated in his place, but Mr. Porter did most of the canvassing for him. While in Congress, Mr. Porter was a member of the Judiciary Committee for his entire term of ser- vice. In this capacity he developed great ability as a lawyer, and assisted in drawing the important law reports for that committee during his term of service. He made a report on the liability of railroads which had received land-grants to transport United States troops and war material free of charge. This report attracted a good deal of attention, and, upon motion of Elihu B. Washburne, was republished at the next session of Congress as a very important contribution to anti-monopoly literature. That re- port took the ground that the provision in the land- grant acts should be and ought to be enforced. Be- fore that time the monopolies had been having their own way, having seemed to control both Congress and the executive ; but after Mr. Porter's report they were compelled to transport troops and muni- tions of war free. The consequence was that the revenues of the government were largely increased from this source. Like most young members, he made a speech in favor of the abolition of the frank- ing privilege. He was always on the side of the people. In the notable contest relative to the Isth- mus of Chiriqui, Mr. Porter took sides against the scheme, and antagonized Gen. Dan Sickles, who was one of its noted advocates. Another of Mr. Porter's notable speeches was on the general subject of the war, and condemning all compromise schemes. Mr. Porter retired from congressional life because he had a young and growing family, and wisely thought that he ought not to sacrifice his future in political life, but should return to the profession of the law, and endeavor to build up his fortune. This he did, and in his professional career he was eminently suc- cessful. Mr. Porter was put in nomination before the con- vention of 1876 as a candidate for Governor of In- diana, but he caused a letter to be read declining to allow his name to be used. Notwithstanding his declaration, however, he received many votes in the convention. From the time he left Congress he devoted himself assiduously to his profession, although 208 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. he nearly always took some part in State political campaigns. He continued his practice until he was very unexpectedly invited, in 1881, to accept the appointment of First Comptroller of the United States Treasury. This appointment was tendered him by Secretary Sherman, who knew his position as a lawyer in Indiana, and who desired a competent person to fill the place. The duties of First Comp- troller of the Treasury are not generally understood. They are very important, and are entirely judicial. It is the one office in the government from whose decisions there is no appeal. The Secretary of the Treasury cannot annul decisions of the First Comp- troller. The word of the First Comptroller of the Treasury is the final authority on all constructions of law and interpretations of statutes relating to the vast disbursements of the treasury. To this ofiice Mr. Porter was summoned without notice by the Secretary of the Treasury, and he occupied it with distinguished ability. It is a position which requires great knowledge of the law and unimpeached in- tegrity. From this position he was called by the convention of June 17, 1880, to represent his party as the candidate for Governor of the State. As has been the case with every office which he has held, this honor has come to him unsought. The campaign was made in the spirit of his dispatch of acceptance, in which he said,- — " The contest will be a strenuous one, but if there is not one Republican who feels that he is too humble to do something for the cause, and all will work earnestly and with good cheer, we shall win the field. Let us have very many township and school- house meetings and few great conventions, and let every man feel that what is greatly worth having is greatly worth working for." He was elected in October, 1880, over Franklin Landers, the Democratic nominee, by a majority of six thousand nine hundred and fifty-three, — about two thousand ahead of the ticket. The administration of Governor Porter thus far has been one of the most faithful, honest, and eco- nomical which has ever characterized the history of Indiana. There are few men in public life who are purer in private character. Possessing an almost unlimited fund of anecdote, it is always free from indelicate or vulgar utterance. Governor Porter is by nature of a conservative temperament, but it is a conservatism that comports well with all his other characteristics, and has in it nothing suggestive of timidity. It is that mental poise which causes him to thoroughly investigate all questions before taking action upon them. These qualities have been brought with effect to the discharge of the duties of Governor, noticeably in the veto messages sent by him to the Assemblies of 1881 and 1883, which, had not a veto intercepted the passage of bills, would not only needlessly have caused the expenditure of large amounts of money, but, in at least one instance, would have invaded the constitutional guaranty of personal security. In no instance, except upon purely party questions, has a bill been reconsidered by the Legislature after his veto. The same care has been bestowed upon the consideration of public accounts, and in whatever degree authority to control public expenditures is vested in the Governor he has used it, though unostentatiously, in the interest of economy. Those in whom the pardoning power has been reposed unite in saying that no duty which devolves upon a Governor brings with it so great a burden of responsibility. Governor Porter has made it a rule to investigate each application for pardon through independent sources, and if he has issued pardons sparingly, it has been because the demands of justice outweighed the promptings of a warm sympathy. His agreeable manner would lead one to think that he could be easily influenced, but, though slow to express an opinion on a subject presented for his consideration, when once he makes use of his char- acteristic expression, " My mind is made up," his decision is irrevocable. His idea of right and his sense of responsibility are the measure of his firm- ness. His habit of thoroughness was never more felicitously rewarded than in the prompt and happy manner in which it has enabled him to respond to invitations of the various conventions, — agricultural, mechanical, industrial, educational, and religious, — which have all learned to expect a recognition from CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 209 the head of the State. It reflects credit upon the choice of the people that some of these brief addresses have been widely copied. Among literary men the quality of equanimity is frequently attainable, but among men in public life it is as rare. It need not mean, as it does in the minds of some, the neutralization of one salient character- istic by another, but rather the thorough blending of all in one symmetrical personality. This quality, with an habitual cheerfulness, frankness, and courtesy, is Governor Porter's in a strong degree. He has brought to the discharge of the duties of Governor a fuller measure of resources than even his most zealous supporters had expected. Governor Porter was married in 1847 to Miss M. V. Brown, a lady of rare domestic virtues, a daughter of Hiram Brown, B-sq., one of the early noted lawyers of Indianapolis. Five of their children are living. She died in November, 1875. In January, 1881, just before his inauguration as Governor, he was married to Miss Cornelia Stone, of Cuba, New York, a lady of fine education and attainments, whose kindly feelings and refinement have won for her the regard of all who know her. Few men in public life are more happily situated than Governor Porter. He has a suflSuient com- petency to be independent of the vicissitudes of politics; he enjoys the influences of a beautiful home life and the thorough friendship of the people. Hon. John Caven. — In presenting to the readers of the History of Marion County this sketch of the life, character, and public acts of Hon. John Caven, of Indianapolis, we shall be required to introduce incidents connected with the peace and prosperity of the capital city of Indiana of the highest importance. The necessity for referring to such occurrences will at once be conceded when our readers are informed that the subjt'ct of this sketch held the important office of mayor for five terms, making in all ten years that he performed the duties of chief magistrate of the largest inland city on the continent. When a citizen is deemed worthy of great public trusts, and in their execution evinces qualities of head and heart which shed lustre upon his name and win the ap- proval of the people, it is not surprising tliat there 14 is a popular demand for full knowledge of all the facts relating to his career, parentage, birth, early advantages and surroundings, employments and ambi- tions. The desire for such information is eminently praiseworthy. It enables society, and especially the students of forces and factors which operate in the line of success and eminence, to arrive at correct conclusions, and to establish theories of life, its obli- gations and possibilities, of the highest advantage to reflecting people. The subject of this sketch is the descendant of Scotch-Irish and English-Scotch pa- rentage, and was born in the State of Pennsylvania, Alleghany County, April 12, 1824, and is therefore fifty-nine years of age. His father, William Caven, was of Scotch-Irish lineage, and his mother, Jane (Longhead) Caven, of English-Scotch descent. Young Caven did not inherit wealth, nor any of the advantages which wealth is supposed to confer ; but he did inherit what was far better, a healthy body and a healthy mind. He inherited a reverence for the good, the beautiful, and the true, and upon that foundation has erected a character symmetrical in outline, embodying the grandeur of stern integrity, devotion to honest conviction, and fidelity to trusts which knows no wavering, no matter what may bo the character of the influences and obstacles thrown in his way. Generous in judgments, cautious in opinion, indefatigable in purpose, John Caven i^^ esteemed in the councils of good men a chevalier sans peur et sans reproche. Such is the exalted position Mayor Caven occupies in Indianapolis. And if we are asked, What were his youthful surround- ings ? the reply is that they were such as to develop the best traits of his intellectual and physical organ- ism, — he was required to work. His avocations brought him in direct contact with the hardy chil- dren of toil, and he has a right to be known as a " self-made man." His early educational advantages were limited. He had few books, and only inferior school-teachers, but what he learned was thoroughly learned, and as his years increased his thirst for knowledge became more intense, until at last the perfection, grace, and beauty of his public expres- sions, whether oral or documentary, naturally led to the conclusion that some renowned university was his 210 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. alma mater, when in fact his diplomas tell of studies in salt-works, in coal-mines, and at the oars of flat- boats. At school he mastered the old English Reader and Daboll's Arithmetic, and with such a foundation for an education young Caven went forth to master all the required branches of an English education to prepare him to enter the legal profession. He came to Indianapolis in 1845, and in 1847, at the age of twenty-three, entered the law-office of Smith & Yandes, where he mastered the intricacies of the law, and in due time took his rightful place in a bar dis- tinguished for learning and ability. Such an ex- ample of pluck and perseverance, if properly studied by the youth of Indiana, cannot fail to be productive of results of incalculable benefit to the State. With- out wealth or influential friends, with an education limited to the rudiments, we see a young man steadily progressing in the right direction, overcoming ob- stacles, growing in knowledge and the strength which knowledge confers, growing in the esteem and confi- dence of citizens capable of appreciating good char- acter and manly ambition, until he stands the recog- nized peer of the best. In 1863, at the age of thirty- nine, the subject of this sketch was elected mayor of Indianapolis without opposition. His administration was of a character to win universal approval, and in 1865 he was again elected without opposition. Dur- ing the period embraced in these two terms — four years — Indianapolis was rapidly developing her com- manding advantages as a commercial and manufac- turing city, and Mayor Caven was contributing by his ability and influence to give impetus to her prog- ress. In 1868 the people of Indianapolis elected Mr. Caven to the State Senate for four years. In that body he maintained the high estimate his constitu- ents had placed upon his abilities, and his recorded votes and speeches attest his statesmanship and breadth of views upon all matters touching political, educational, and humanitarian subjects. He voted fur the Fifteenth Amendment, and earnestly advo- cated the establishment of schools for colored chil- dren. In 1875, Mr. Caven was again elected mayor of Indianapolis, and the two terms following he suc- ceeded himself in occupying the office, having been re-elected in 1877 and 1879. Such facts of history are monumental. They bear the highest testimony possible to the ability and integrity of Mr. Caven, as also to the fidelity which distinguished his public career. It is in the fulfillment of the varied duties devolving upon him as chief magistrate of Indian- apolis that he has specially endeared himself to the people. We should prove entirely unworthy of the trust confided to us if, in writing a sketch of the public service and private virtues of John Caven, we should omit to bring into the boldest prominence his ceaseless labors, intelligent counsel, unflagging energy, and prudent zeal in advancing the growth of the city in population, wealth, and business enterprises. In the mere routine work of the office of mayor he met every requirement of a just and humane magistrate, and his efibrts to reform the wayward who were brought before him will forever remain fadeless cre- dentials of his faith in human nature and moral suasion ; but in the discussion of economic prob- lems in connection with the business expansion of the city his views are eminently conclusive of his power to grasp questions of the greatest gravity. As a business enterprise Indianapolis has just cause for gratulation over the building of the Belt Railroad and the establishment of the Union Stock- Yards, and it is no disparagement of others to place the credit of originating those great enterprises where it rightfully belongs. They are commemorative of business forecast, and will increase in importance with the lapse of years. This credit is justly due to Hon. John Caven, the subject of this sketch. An account of the initial steps taken by Mayor Caven to inaugurate the Belt Road and stock-yard enterprise was published in a city paper May 18, 1881. It is historical, and well deserving a place in any sketch of his life and public services, and is as follows : " One day in September, 1875, I walked around the old abandoned embankment west of White River, and from the Vandalia Road to the river I walked all the way through weeds higher than my head, pushing them aside with my hands. I took ofi" my boots and waded White River, not far from the pres- ent Belt Road bridge, and, as the water was deep, I got my clothes wet. Climbing over to the partially- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 211 built abutment on the cast bank to dry, I sat there for two hours considering the question of whether the great work of a road around this city could be put in motion. It would combine all the benefits sought, not only furnish work for our laboring pop- ulation during the savage year of 1876, or at furthest 1877, but also relieve our streets. It would also bring here an immense cattle business and lay down a great taxable property. As I looked over that almost^ desert-looking river bottom, the outlook for moving in the matter to furnish bread to hungry people a year or two anyway was gloomy, but I then and there determined that this was the only project that could accomplish the result, and resolved to make the effort and see what will and a good purpose could do. Having got somewhat tired out, I put on my boots and started home, and commenced an in- vestigation of the subject of bread-riots and what makes cities, — what had made great cities. I exam- ined a great deal of history on the subject of what had made other cities, — location, natural advantages, accidents, minerals, manufactures, and what enter- prise and capital had done, and then tried to apply these principles to the city of Indianapolis. What were our natural advantages, and how might capital and enterprise develop them, and what could be done to make Indianapolis a great city, and during the winter of 1875 I proposed the Belt Road mes- sage, and read it in Council on July 17, 1876. It was published in Tuesday's morning papers, and on Thursday morning I was holding court and noticed two men sitting back among the audience for some time. After a while they came forward and asked if they could speak with me a few minutes. I sus- pended hearing a cause to hear what they had to say. One of them said he was president of the stock- yards at Louisville, and had read the Belt Road mes- sage and at once started for Indianapolis, as he re- garded it the best location for stock-yards in the country, and he wished to come here and engage in the business. I told them we wanted the enterprise very much, and asked them if they had the means to build, and they said they had not, but thought perhaps the city would aid them. I told them the city would not aid in money, but suggested the idea of the exchange of bonds, the plan which was adopted and carried out. One of these men was Horace Scott and the other Mr. Downing, the pres- ent superintendent of the stock-yards. A company was formed and the necessary steps taken to carry out the enterprise, but met with great opposition." Such was the beginning of an enterprise which, while it is making its owneps rich, is adding indefi- nitely to the welfare of the city. On Monday, July 17, 1876, Mr. Caven, then mayor of the city, presented to the Common Council of the city a masterly paper relating to the local ad- vantages of Indianapolis as a manufacturing centre. It is worthy of being known as a " State Paper." It discusses the question of fuel with a breadth of thought, argument, and illustration worthy of the most profound consideration. It is a paper entitled to the dignity of "standard authority," and should be so regarded by merchants, manufacturers, and business men generally. Indeed, we regard it of so much importance, as illustrative of the compact reas- oning powers of its author, that, if our space per- mitted, we should reproduce it entire. In what we have said Mr. Caven is given an i advanced position as a political economist, as a stu- dent chiefly of utilitarian enterprises. To this posi- tion he is entitled by every consideration of simple justice to his eminent thought attainments. But thj^ people of Indianapolis have found him to be remark- able in other regards than those which we have re- corded. We refer particularly to his masterly control over men in times of public peril. In the year 1877 a wave of extreme danger rolled over the land. Mayor Caven was not taken by surprise. He had not been unobservant of coming events, nor had he misinter- preted the dark shadows which betokened their com- ing, and his early and urgent advocacy of the Belt Road and stock-yard undertaking was in part, at least, the result of hia prescience, as the building of the road would be the means of giving idle men work when other means of employment failed. It is not required to more than recall to mind the labor strike which occurred in 1877, and the terrible scenes enacted in certain localities. When the strike reached Indianapolis there was excitement, alarm, 212 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and danger. Fortunately Mayor Caven was equal to the occasion. He was calm, self-possessed, and vigilant. He understood human nature, and fortu- nately comprehended the human nature of working- men, — he had been a workingman himself. He believed in suasion rather than shot-guns ; he did not adopt the policy of intimidation ; he discarded rash measures. He made no compromises with riot- ers, but with lofty courage he pointed out the sad consequences which must follow violations of the law, and appealed to the strikers, as men and as citizens interested in the order and peace of the community, to refrain from acts of rapine. He sought work for the idle; he provided bread for the hungry. The strikers saw in Mayor Caven a stern, courageous magistrate, devoid of fear, determined to do his duty at all hazards ; but they also saw in Mayor Caven their friend and a wise counselor. When he spoke they listened, and a terrible calamity was therefore averted, and after a few days of excitement and unrest the peril vanished, not a life was sacrificed, not a person was injured, not a dollar's worth of property was destroyed, and the good name and fair fame of Indianapolis was maintained. Nor was this all: Indianapolis in June, 1877, was threatened with a bread-riot. Public meetings were held and arrange- ments made for a street demonstration. The riot spirit was abroad, and danger was imminent. A vast concourse of people had assembled in the State- House ground, — idle men and hungry men. There was excitement ; passion was getting the better of judgment. Here again the fact was demonstrated that Mayor Caven was the right man in the right place. His earnest words stilled the tempest. Men ready for acts of violence gave pledges to abandon plans which were likely to result in public calamities. But Mayor Caven did not abandon the hungry peo- ple when they had determined to bear their sufferings like law-abiding citizens. He at once proceeded to relieve their immediate necessities. The circum- stances surrounding that meeting on the 6th of June, 1877, are historic, and we should regard this sketch of Mayor Caven imperfect if his connection with it was omitted. There are circumstances which bring into bold relief certain elements of character of ! the greatest value. Again we quote the account as published at the time. The meeting having closed. Mayor Caven gave an account of further steps to restore quiet, as follows : " I requested those who were willing to pledge themselves to preserve the peace and obey my orders in putting down any disturbances to hold up the right hand, and every hand went up. There were men there who, together with their families, had not tasted food for two days, and I told them they should not go to bed hungry that night, and invited the crowd to go with me, and we first went over to Simpson's bakery, south from the State-House. He happened to have a large quantity of bread on hand. I commenced handing out six loaves to each one as the hungry crowd passed by, and the supply was soon all gone. We then went to Taggart's, on South Meridian Street, but could not obtain admission, and from there to Bryce's bakery, on South Street, the hungry crowd following. Mr. Bryce was in bed, but got up when I told him what I wanted, and I directed the crowd to pass the door. Mr. Bryce handed me the loaves, and I handed them to the men, giving six loaves to each ; but as the pile be- came smaller we reduced the number to five, and then to four and three, and then to two, and I in- vited those who only received two and three to wait, and if we could give them more we would ; and they came again, and we gave them all the bread in the bakery, and succeeded in supplying them all. As soon as I had paid Mr. Bryce his bill I went out in the street, and where a few minutes before was that hungry crowd was as still as the grave, not a human being in sight. They had left for home as quickly as supplied, and the only persons were Mr. Dannis Greene and myself. At the State-House I told the men to go to the Beatty farm in the morning and they would find work. About 2 p.m. next day I went there, and about three hundred men were at work, many of them the hungry men of the night before, and it seemed as if the Belt Road, for which we had so labored to furnish work to the hungry, had thus providentially come to the rescue to the very day, almost to the very hour, of our extreme necessity. A day later and doors would have been CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 213 broken for food. As I looked at the men at work, the expression of despair of the night before lifted from their faces, vividly came to my memory the cool September afternoon twenty-one months before, when I sat drying myself on the partially-built aban- doned abutment on the east bank of White River, looking over into the cheerless river bottom, wonder- ing whether it could be converted into a scene of life and activity, and whether from it could be extracted work and food for hundreds of starving laborers within the next year or two, and almost with faint- ness at my heart looked with more of doubting than hoping, and now it seemed as if God was with His poor, and had not forgotten them." In the foregoing we have traced John Caven from his childhood, from poverty and obscurity, and, whether toiling in the salt-works, manning an oar on a flat-boat, or delving in a mine, always display- ing the same sturdy zeal to win his way to fortune. We have observed him utilizing every advantage, educating himself, and an earnest, uncompromising devotee of the best theories of life, and animated by ambitions which always lead to usefulness, eminence, and influence. We have seen him steadily advanc- ing in the confidence and esteem of men of wealth, education, and high character, and repeatedly chosen by them as the exponent of their political, business, and social theories, and in every instance responding to every prudent requirement, — dignifying oSice by making it subserve every interest of society, mapping out new enterprises, and finding new pathways to success. As a worker, in the costume of toil ; as a lawyer, mastering the philosophy of jurisprudence; as a senator, advocating measures of far-reaching consequences ; as a chief magistrate of a growing city ; as a man, a citizen, combining personal worth with official authority, calming popular unrest and giving peace and security in times of peril, — in all of these varied situations of life John Caven has given proof of extraordinary intellectual power, and has won a place in history of commanding promi- nence. As a Mason, Mr. Caven is familiar with all the mysteries of the ancient order, from an entered apprentice to the supreme lights that blaze upon its highest elevations, and his oration, delivered on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the Masonic Temple in Indianapolis in 1866, demonstrates the thoroughness of his knowledge of Masonic mysteries and his deep devotion to the principles of the order. Mr. Caven glories in seeing workingmen improving their condition by association, by giving aid to each other in times of need, and the Brotherhoods of Locomotive Engineers and Locomotive Firemen of the United States and Canada venerate him for the sympathy and encouragement )ie has given them on many occasions. Such is a brief and necessarily imperfect sketch of the life, character, and public acts of Hon. John Caven, of Indianapolis. Our privileges do not war- rant an entrance upon the domain of his private life. If it were otherwise, our task would be em- bellished by charming pictures of sympathy for the unfortunate and acts of benevolence indicative of a nobility of soul that, after all, is the true standard by which to measure men. Physically, Mayor Caven is a noble specimen of manhood, standing six feet and weighing two hundred and ten pounds. His complexion is florid, eyes blue and of that peculiar type that speaks the universal language of sympathy, benevolence, integrity, and moral courage. Mayor Caven is a bachelor, but not a recluse nor a cynic. He loves home and social enjoyments ; and, above all, he is a recognized Christian gentleman, and aljfc of his acts, public and private, bear high testimony that he holds in the highest veneration all sacred things. Time has dealt kindly with Mayor Caven, and now, though on the verge of threescore years, he bids fair for many years to come to be the centre of an extended circle of appreciative citizens, whose confidence and esteem is the crowning glory of a life well spent. The county attorney, William Watson Woollen, is also a product of home study, and his success is a credit alike to him and his native city. William Watson Woollen. — The Woollen family are of English lineage. Leonard Woollen, the grandfather of William Watson, was born on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, but early removed to Kentucky, and thence, in 1828, to Indianapolis. The birth of his son Milton occurred in Kentucky, 214 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. in 1806. After tlie removal to Indianapolis he was married to Miss Sarah, daughter of Joshua Black, a pioneer of 1826. • By this marriage there were a number of children, the eldest of whom was Wil- liam Watson, the subject of this biographical sketch, born on the 28th of May, 1838, in Indianapolis. His youth, until the age of eighteen, was spent on a farm in Lawrence township. Being the eldest son. his services early became valuable to his father, and as a consequence very limited advantages of educa- tion were enjoyed until his removal, in 1856, to In- dianapolis, where he became a student of the North- western Christian University. Having determined upon the law as a profession, he entered the law department of that institution, and at the same time studied in the oflSce of Messrs. Gordon & Connor. He graduated from the law school, and was admitted to the bar in October, 1859. The following winter was spent in teaching, and in April, 1860, his name was added to the roll of practitioners in the capital city of the State. On the 5th of February, 1863, Mr. Woollen married Miss Mary A. Evans, of Indi- anapolis. He was in October, 1864, elected district attorney of the Common Pleas Court for Marion, Hendricks, and Boone Counties, and re-elected in 1866 without opposition. In December, 1881, he was chosen by the board of commissioners of Marion County attorney for the corporation, and reappointed in 1882 and 1883. Extravagant abuses which had crept into the public service Mr. Woollen attacked with courage and success. He was one of the organ- izers of the Indianapolis Bar Association, which, in its library and other advantages, has proved an inval- uable aid to the attornej's of the city. Mr. Woollen is a supporter of the principles of the Republican party, but not a strong political partisan. He was reared in the faith of the Baptist Church, and was formerly a member of the First Baptist Church of Indianapolis, from which, with others, he withdrew for the purpose of projecting and organizing the North Baptist Church, of which he is at present a member. Mr. Woollen early demonstrated that he was en- dowed with a capacity and force well fitted to his work. His thorough knowledge of the law and log- ical mind enabled him speedily to take his place among the successful lawyers of the metropolis. A manifest candor and scrupulous integrity mark all his professional relations. He never encourages useless litigation nor deceives a client who has no grounds upon which to rest his case. This conscientious dealing has won general confidence and gained for him a lucrative practice. Although there are three medical colleges in the city, and at one time or another have been two or three that lived a few years, there has never been but one law school here, and that seems to have gone out recently. In 1857 a law school was opened in connection with the Northwestern Christian Univer- sity, of which the late Judge Perkins was the chief teacher. In 1870-71 a law department was formed in the same institution, with Judge Byron K. Elliott, now of the Supreme Bench, Charles P. Jacobs, and Judge Charles H. Test as professors. When the university was removed to Irvington the law school was continued in the city, Professors Jacobs and Elliott continuing with it until within a year or so. There were two hundred and fifty-seven lawyers in the city in 1883. The profession, like merchan- dising, has separated itself into classes, not definitely, but with a much less miscellaneous association than once prevailed. In a few years we shall have dis- tinctively criminal lawyers, and patent lawyers, and real-estate lawyers, and claims lawyers, as we now have the germs with a pretty plain development here and there. It is the tendency of growth and im- provement to limit fields of labor and work with more elaborate care on fewer subjects, and the legal profession will some time obey the irresistible law, and make division of its labor as laborers do. A bar association manual has existed here for a number of years. The members of both the bench and bar of Indian- apolis and the State of Indiana have deservedly taken high rank in the legal profession of not only this State but of the whole country. In the chronological list of its members will be found men whose history is a part of the history of the United States, and whose names will be handed down to posterity as giants of the law in " Ye olden time." CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 214a William Quables was accounted one of the first criminal lawyers of the State, and especially success- ful in the cross-examination and bewilderment of adverse witnesses. His death followed close on his exertions in defense of Merritt Young for killing Israel Phillips about 1852. Though a fluent speaker, he was not an orator, and succeeded by dint of in- cessant use, in every possible form and connection, of one or two strong points. He drove them into a jury by so much hammering that no amount of refutory logic or apppeal could displace them. His son John, at one time one of the best debaters of the old Union Literary Society, was the superior of his father, and if he had lived would have stood among the foremost lawyers of the nation unless thwarted by his own self-indulgence. He was killed two or three years after his father's death by falling down the stairway at College Hall and striking his head against either the raised stone sill of the stairway- door or the stone curb of the pavement, though there were rumors at the time of violence resulting from a quarrel. Mr. Quarles, the father, was brother- in-law of the late Thomas D. and Kobert L. Walpole, both noted and successful lawyers both in civil and criminal business. They were Kentuckians, and sons of Luke Walpole, one of the first merchants of the city. Thomas was a prominent politician of the Clay school till 1844, when he went over to the Democracy. Kobert was a Democratic candidate for Congress near the time of the breaking out of the war. Hugh O'Neal, who was both county prosecutor and United States attorney, and one of the first and ablest members of the Indianapolis bar of any period, was raised in Marion County, educated at Bloomington as one of the two students to which each county was entitled, studied law in this city, and was admitted to the bar about 1840. He soon made himself conspicuous as a Whig orator, and was one of the most efiicient of the party champions from the campaign of 1844 to that of 1852. After that till his death he concerned himself little with politics. He went to California soon after the gold discovery, and did well there, but not so well as to prevent his return in a couple of years or so. He resumed the practice of the law here, living in his ofiice, — he was never married, — and died there, in the second-story room next to Fletcher's Bank, during the war. For some years he and the late Governor Abram A. Ham- mond were partners, and made the most formidable firm of the city of that time except Smith & Yandes and Barbour & Porter. Lucian Barbour was a Connecticut man, born in 1811, graduated at Amherst, in 1837, and came West to Madison, in this State, where he studied law. He came to Indianapolis about 1840, or a little later, and soon formed a partnership with the late Judge Wick, in connection with whom he prepared a little treatise on business law and forms, known for years in the profession as " Wick & Barbour." Later he and Governor Porter formed a partnership which was maintained till Mr. Barbour went to Con- gress in 1855 or later. In 1851 he was one of the commissioners appointed by the Legislature to revise the statutes and simplify the pleadings and proceed- ings of court, as the new constitution required. The lawyers used to call this the " Carr code," from George W. Carr, one of the commissioners, who had been president of the Constitutional Convention, a sensible, good man, but no lawyer, and not a strik- ingly judicious selection for that service. Mr. Bar- bour, always a Democrat till the Kansas-Nebraska question came up to disrupt parties, shifted to tn^ anti-slavery side in 1854 and was elected to Congress, where, after one term, he was succeeded by Mr. Gregg, a Democrat of Hendricks County, and then * for two terms by his old law-partner. Governor Porter. While in partnership with Mr. Wick he married Mrs. Wick's sister, Alice, and thus became the brother-in-law of the late Lazarus B. Wilson as well as his law-partner. Mr. Barbour in the last years of his life had associated with him the versatile and widely-read Charles P. Jacobs. Horatio C. Newcomb is entitled to all respect as one of the best lawyers, ablest publicists, and truest men that ever honored Indianapolis with a residence. He was born in Tioga County, Pa., in 1821, was removed by his parents when a child to Cortland County, N. Y., and thence to Jennings County, in this State, in 1836. He learned the sad- 214b HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. dler's trade there, as did Judge Martindale and Senator McDonald in their outset of life, but in two or three years ill-health compelled him to quit it, and in 1841 he began the study of the law with Mr. ■ Bullock, the first lawyer in Jennings County. He practiced there till 1846, when he came to Indian- apolis and formed a partnership with Mr. Ovid Butler. The impression made by his abilities may be judged by the fact that in 1849 he was elected the second mayor of the city in his twenty-eighth i year. In 1854 he was elected to the Legislature, and in 1860 was elected to the Senate, which he left after one session to take the presidency of the' Sink- ing Fund Board. He was superseded there in 1863 by the late W. H. Talbott. In the summer of 1864, after the retirement of Mr. Sulgrove, he became po- litical editor of the Journal, and so continued till 1868, serving two sessions in the Legislature in that time. He went back to the law practice in 1869, and continued till he was appointed one of the first three judges of the Superior Court in March, 1871. This term expired in 1874, when he was elected to the same place by a popular and unanimous vote, being put on both party tickets, as was Judge Per- kins, his associate, who had succeeded Judge Rand on the resignation of the latter. Soon after Presi- dent Grant tendered him the assistant Secretaryship of the Interior, but he declined it. In 1876 he was nominated by the Republicans for the Supreme Bench, but beaten. Under the act authorizing com- missioners of the Supreme Court to assist the judges in clearing off the accumulations of the docket, he was made one, and died while in that duty. He was all his life here a constant and devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and one of the ruling elders. As editor of the Journal he showed a ver- satility of power with which he had not been credited, as well as a sagacity and sound judgment in party management that were badly needed to supplement the efforts of Governor Morton. He died in May, 1882, at his residence on North Tennessee Street. John H. Bradley. — Although chiefly occupied with his business as banker and railroad operator after his removal to this city, the late John H. Bradley sometimes figured in the old court-house with such effect of eloquence and legal erudition as was rarely equaled by any of his associates. He was a member of the Legislature from Laporte County in 1842, and formed one of the noted quartette of that year, — he and Joseph G. Marshall, of the Whigs, Edward A. Hannegan and Thomas J. Henley, of the Democrats. Mr. Bradley retired from active business for several years before his death, and wrote a small treatise on the evidences and philo.sophy of spiritualism. Dr. John M. Kitchen and Morris Defrees are sons-in-law of Mr. Bradley. William Wallace. — Among the liTing members of the bar are several who still hold foremost places in the profession, though some, as Simon Yandes, Esq., and Governor Porter, have retired, and are engaged in other pursuits. William Wallace, one of those who have been longest at the bar of the city and are still as active and conspicuous as ever, was born in Brookville, Oct. 16, 1825. He came to the capital when his father had to take up his oflScial residence here as Governor in 1837, and has remained ever since. He went to school here first to Mr. (now Gen.) Gilman Marston, and later to Rev. James S. Kemper, at the old seminary. He oscillated for some time between schooling and clerk- ing, finally settling down to studying law and work- ing in the office of the county clerk, then Robert B. Duncan. When the latter left that office in 1850 Mr. Wallace began the practice of the law, and has continued ever since, except during one term in the office of county clerk, from 1861 to 1865, beating Michael Fitzgibbon. His business has been of a quiet kind, not so well calculated to exhibit the striking oratorical talent which put him at the head of the old seminary boys, at the criminal and litigated civil business in which his father shone so brilliantly, but it has made him one of the foremost and most re- spected of the lawyers of the capital, and put him in many positions of responsibility in private affairs. His native eloquence has not been allowed to rust in probate business, however. He is one of the fore- most Odd-Fellows of the State, and has more than occupation enough in making addresses for the order on formal or conspicuous occasions. No man in the city stands higher or by a better title of native gen- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 2140 erosity and manliness and unspotted honor than William Wallace. Gen. John Coburn, whose life, however, presents a striking contrast of variety and incessant activity to the unvarying smoothness of the other's, is an old schoolmate and life-long friend of William Wallace. He was born in this city, Oct. 27, 1825, very soon after the removal of his father, the late Henry P. Coburn, clerk of the Supreme Court from 1820 to 1852, from Corydon to the new capital. His early education was chiefly acquired at the old seminary, whence he went to Wabash College in 1842, graduating in 1846. He served as deputy to his father and studied law till 1849, when he was admitted to the bar, practicing for some years as the partner of Judge N. B. Taylor, and later of Governor Wallace. On the death of the latter while occupying the bench of the Common Pleas Court, Mr. Coburn was appointed to the vacancy, and elected the year following. On the 18th of September he was com- missioned colonel of the Thirty-third Regiment, hold- ing the command steadily till he was mustered out, Sept. 20, 1864. The next year he was brevetted brigadier-general. The first experience of his regi- ment was a rough one. It left this city on the 28th of September, 1861, and on the 21st of October was fighting Gen. Zollicoffer at Wild Cat, Ky., where that distinguished rebel was killed, and our Hoosier colonel exhibited the coolness and commanding force that were needed for a serviceable and honorable mil- itary career. After this it was stationed at Crab Orchard, Ky., until early in January, and full two- thirds of the men were down with the measles. After this Col. Coburn was in and about Cumberland Gap for a long time, but early in 1863 was sent to Nash- ville, and thence to Franklin, Tenn., where, during an engagement into which he was forced by the im- prudence of a temporary superior, some four hundred of his men and himself were taken prisoners. The men were paroled, but he was taken to Libby, and was there at the time a Union force gave the city of Richmond a considerable fright. His life there was that of hundreds of others with which the country is familiar. In the Atlanta campaign his regiment was one of the foremost, and he was the officer deputed by the commander to receive the surrender of the city. In October, 1865, he was elected to the Circuit Court Bench, but resigned to go to Congress in 1866. He served four terms in Congress with a record of as good service and hard work as any man in the body, and with as high consideration from his fellow-members. He was chairman of the Military Committee, one of the most important in the House at that time, and, besides the unknown work of legislation, illustrated his congres- sional career by speeches of unusual force of style and familiarity with his subjects. He never spoke for buncombe or to have a little exhibit of his services to frank to his constituents, but because he knew something on the subject that needed to be told and a good many needed to learn. So strong an impres- sion had he made that on the resignation of Secretary Belknap he was urged for the War Department. It is a pity he hadn't got it ; we have had no such man since. On the expiration of his congressional term Gen. Coburn accepted an appointment as one of the commissioners to settle the complicated disputes about the titles of land in Hot Springs, Ark. This work he completed but a year or two ago. Since then he has been constantly engaged in his profession. Napoleon B. Taylor was bom October 18, 1820, in Campbell County, Ky., and came to this place a child with his father, the late Robert Taylor, one JiF the earliest of our brick-masons. He, like his old friends Wallace and Coburn, was an " old seminary boy," leaving the school to study law about 1842 or 1843. For some time after his admission to the bar he mixed bricklaying with law to have some- thing to do and make something to live, but in 1849 he formed a partnership with the late John L. Ketch- am, and since then has confined himself to the law. He worked his way up slowly, but he never got a foot ahead and slipped back two. What he made he held, and in a few years he came to be known over the State as peculiarly skillful and able in the prepa- ration of cases for the Supreme Court. That reputa- tion he has kept and increased ever since. In 1853 he and Gen. Coburn formed a partnership for about three years. In 1872 he formed a partnership with his son Edwin and Judge Rand, one of the first 214d HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. judges of the Superior Court, wliich was maintained till Judge Taylor's election to the Superior Bench in 1882. In 1864 he was nominated for reporter of the Supreme Court against Gen. Ben. Harrison and beaten, and he was frequently talked of for the nomination for the Supreme Bench. He stands among the first law- yers of the State for erudition and sound judgment, and among the first citizens of Indianapolis for all the qualities of good citizenship. Byron K. Elliott, judge of the Supreme Court from the central district of the State, was born in Butler County, Ohio, Sept. 4, 1835, lived in Hamil- ton till 1849, then removed to Cincinnati, and on the 21st of December, 1850, to this city. He studied law here, and was admitted to the bar in February, 1858, and in May, 1859, was etccted city attorney, — a most creditable proof of ability and character to command such a place in the first year of professioual life, and at the early age of twenty-four. He went into the hundred days' service in May, 1864, in Col. Vance's One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, as captain, but was put upon Gen. Milroy's staff in two or three weeks as assistant adjutant-general. On his return to the law he was elected city attorney again in May, 1865, and re-elected in 1867 and 1869. His four terms in that office enabled him to make it a position of importance, worth a good law- yer's tenure and attention, and it had been a mere party makeweight previously. In October, 1870, he was elected judge of the Criminal Court, and resigned the office of city attorney. In November, 1872, he resigned the judgeship to take the city solicitorship unanimously tendered him by the Coun- cil. He was elected city attorney again in May, 1873, and in October, 1876, one of the judges of the Superior Court. He was again nominated for the place by acclamation in March, 1880, but re- ceiving the Republican nomination for Supreme judge in June of the same year, he accepted that and was elected in the following October. He was made chief justice at the November term, 1881, and served through that term. In and out of the pro- fession he is regarded as one of the purest, fairest, and most clear-sighted judges that have occupied the appellate bench in this generation, and in no rulings is greater or more general confidence felt than in his. Fabius M. Finch was born in Western New York in 1811, and came to Ohio in 1816, with his father, Judge John Finch, and from Ohio came to this county in 1819, being the first family in the New Purchase, except possibly the Whetzels, at the Blufis. The settlement was made near Noblesville, which for some time was made a part of Marion County. Several families came with the Finches. In 1828 the future judge came to this place and studied law with Judge Wick, whose first wife was his sister. He was admitted to the bar in 1831, at the age of twenty, showing unusual maturity of in- tellect, and settled at Franklin, Johnson Co., where he remained till 1865, when he removed perma- nently to this city. He was elected judge of the Fifth Circuit in 1842 by the Legislature, and in 1859 was elected to the judgeship of this circuit by the people, serving one term. For some years he and his son, John A , have confined their business largely to insurance cases, and have made a very high repu- tation in that branch of the profession. John A. was the State commissioner at a national meeting of insurance men in New York some years ago, and has published several elaborate articles on insurance organizations, methods, and law, which have attracted wide attention and commendation. Gen. Ben. Harrison was born in February, 1833, in Cincinnati, where he received his early education. He graduated at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and studied law with the celebrated Judge Bellamy Storer. He came to Indianapolis in 1854, and practiced law by himself for some years. About 1856 he made a more" conspicuous place for himself by convicting a negro cook at the Ray House of poisoning some of the boarders. His management of that case was univer- sally commended by the profession, which before that had been a little disposed to regard the tow-headed youngster, who looked younger than he was, as pos- sessing his best claim to attention in the fact that he was the grandson of his grandfather. He soon showed, when the chance came, that he could build broadly and solidly enough on his own foundation, and he has done it most effectually. His first public CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 214k position was that of reporter of the Supreme Court in 1861. In August, 1862, he accepted the command of the Seventieth Regiment, and remained with it till it was mustered out at the close of the war in June, 1865. A sketch of the history of that regiment will be found in the chapter on the City and County in the War. Gen. Harrison was associated with Governor Porter and William P. Fishback, as Por- ter, Harrison & Fishback, for several years. Mr. Fishback, who came hero in 1856 from Ohio and soon established a good practice and reputation, left the firm in 1870 to take control of the Journal, and later of the St. Louis Democrat, and never rejoined his associates, first accepting the clerkship of the United States Court for a couple of years, and then resign- ing that and confining his work to the mastership in chancery of the same court. The firm then became Porter, Harrison & Hines, by the accession of Judge Hines, and remained so till Mr. Porter retired a few years later, when Mr. Miller, of Toledo, came here to take a place in the firm in 1874, which then became Harrison, Hines & Miller. This has only recently been changed by the accession of John B. Elam. In 1876 the Republicans deemed it best to re- move Godlove S. Orth, their nominee for Governor, and put Gen. Harrison in his place. It was a very embarrassing situation, but Mr. Harrison made as much of it as any man could, and so fixed his hold on the regard of his party that his nomination to the United States Senate, when the Republicans gained control of the Legislature in the election of 1880, was a foregone conclusion. There was no serious contest made against him. Now his judicious course in the Senate has given him no inconspicuous chance for the Presidential nomination. Judge Hines, so long a partner of Gen. Harri- son, was born in Washington County, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1836, whence his mother, who was left a widow with her young family , went to Lonsdale, Conn., where Cyrus worked for several years in the cotton-mills. Then for a year or two he studied and taught in the Normal Institute at Lancaster, Mass., and thence he came to Indianapolis in 1854. He studied law with Si- mon Yandes, Esq., and became a partner in December, 1855, continuing until the latter retired from the pro- fession in 1860. Mr. Hines went into the three months' service as sergeant of Company H, P]leventh Regiment, and when that was through went into the three years'service, attaining the position of colonel of the Fifty -seventh Regiment, in which he is described in the adjutant-general's oflScial history of the regiment as " an ofiicer of great and acknowledged ability, who had chiefly formed the character of the regiment." He was so severely wounded at Stone River that he had to resign. In 1866 he succeeded Judge Coburn in the Circuit Court, and held the place till 1870, when he was succeeded by Judge Tarkington. Mr. Miller, who entered the firm with Gen. Harrison and Col. Hines in 1874, was born in Oneida County, N. Y., September, 1840, studied law with Chief Justice Waite in Toledo, then practiced for eight years in Fort Wayne, and came here in 1874. John B. Elam served through the war as a private soldier in an Ohio regiment. When the war was over he studied and graduated at Oxford (Ohio) College, where Governor Morton and Senator Harrison were once students, then studied law in the law depart- ment of the Ann Arbor University, and came to this city in 1874. In 1878 he was made prosecuting attorney, and convicted the first three men ever hung in Marion County, William Merrick, John Achey, and Louis Guetig. He is regarded as one of the foremost of the younger members of the bar, aii^ as prominent politically as professionally. Gen. Fred. Knefler has long held an honorable position at the bar here, and was known for years as deputy clerk before he entered the bar. He is a Hungarian by birth, and when a mere boy served in the revolutionary army of 1848 under Gen. Bern, one of Kossuth's best leaders, and was wounded. He came to this country with his father. Dr. Knefler, in 1849, and learned the carpenter's trade first. Then he got a place in the clerk's oflSoe, and so worked his way into the bar. In 1861 he served in the Eleventh Regiment of three months' men as lieutenant. In the three years' service he was captain of Company H in the Eleventh, and in Au- gust, 1862, was appointed colonel of the Seventy- ninth, which led the way in the charge at Mission Ridge, Col. Knefler leading the regiment. He re- 214f HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tired from the service at the close of the war with the brevet of brigadier. He formed a law-partner- ship with the late John Hanna, which was only terminated by the death of the latter. He succeeded William H. H. Terrell as pension agent here, as noticed in the list of government ofiScers resident here. The partners of ex-Senator and ex-Governor Thomas A. Hendricks have been among the fore- most members of the bar of the State and city for many years. Ex-Governor Baker went into the firm in 1873, when Mr. Hendricks became Governor. He had been one of the most prominent of the law- yers of the State for years in Evansville before he came to Indianapolis to act as Governor while Gov- ernor Morton was in Europe in 1865-66. He re- mained here thenceforward, and took as commanding a place at the bar here as at his old home. In 1864 he was provost-marshal of the State on duty here, and arrested a mob of re-enlisted veterans of the Nineteenth Regiment who attacked and proposed to demolish the Sentinel ofiice for some allusion in the paper that they disliked. He met the angry men on the stairs, with their guns in their hands, and held them back till he brought them to reason. Two of the most conspicuous features of his administration were the payment of the State debt of 1836 and the official proclamation of the stoppage of interest in 1870, and the recommendation of asylums for the incurable insane, now just put in the way of accom- plishment. Oscar B. Hord, attorney-general of the State from 1862 to 1864, and for twenty years a partner of Governor Hendricks, was born in Kentucky, near Maysville, where he was brought up. He studied law with his father, and came to Greens- burg, in this State, in 1849. In 1852 he was made prosecuting attorney, serving two terms. Some years later he and the late Col. Gavin, his partner, made a digest of the statutes of the State, which was greatly needed, and gave its authors a substantial professional reputation at once. In 1862, Mr. Hord was elected attorney-general and removed to Indianapolis, forming a professional connection with Mr. Hendricks which has never been sundered since, except during the latter's term as Governor (from 1873 to 1877). Mr. Hord is one of the hard-working men of the Indian- apolis bar, and stands second to none in the care he gives his cases and thoroughness of his investigation of the law. He is one of the steadiest of friends and most genial of companions, as well as one of the first lawyers of the State. He was born in 1829. Mr. Abram W. Hendricks, a cousin of the ex- Governor, is well up towards sixty, but none the less a close student and indefatigable worker. He is held by the profession to be one of the most thoroughly- read lawyers in the country, and was so well esteemed twenty-six years ago that he was nominated by the Republican party for the Supreme Bench. He was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., and came to Madison, to his uncle, in 1839. He studied law with Governor William Hendricks, and graduated at the Lexington (Kentucky) Law School. For some years he was a partner of William McKee Dunn, late judge-advocate-general. He came to Indianapolis in 1866, to join his cousin, Thomas A., and Mr. Hord, when the firm became Hendricks, Hord & Hendricks, now Baker, Hord & Hen'tiricks. John C. New, though he never figured as a law- yer, was for a good many years clerk of the county, and as well known a figure of the court as the judge. He was born in Jennings County, in 1831. His father, the late John B. New, was a cabinet-maker by trade and a Christian preacher by preference, and renloved to Greensburg when John was still a child. After a course of country town schooling he went to Bethany, Va., where he took a four years' course under the late Alexander Campbell, graduating fairly in 1851. His cousin, Jeptha D. New, member of Congress two terms from the Jennings County Dis- trict, was at the same college at the same time. Rev. John B. New removed to this city about the time his son graduated, and here the latter studied law with Governor Wallace, was admitted to the bar in 1852, and having a good memory, an aptitude for system, and a naturally good business disposition, with a neat, legible chirography. Clerk Stewart made him deputy soon afterwards; and when Stewart died, leaving a year of his term vacant, the County Board put the deputy there, and at the next election the people CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 214g elected him over George McOuat by a slender ma- jority. Here he laid the foundation of his fortune, and left the office a young man, but already a rich one. Governor Morton made him quartermaster early in the war ; then he served a term in the State Sen- ate; then, in 1865, went as cashier into the First National Bank, and remained there ten years, till he was made treasurer of the United States in Spinner's place. A year here sufficed him, and he returned to the bank as vice-president. A little later he bought out William H. English, and became president. In 1880 he was made chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, and bought the Journal. He was also the Indiana member of the National Repub- lican Committee. He has been the First Assistant Treasurer of the United States for several years, which position he has recently resigned. Mr. New has been twice married, — first to Melissa, daughter of the late Joseph Beeler, and next to Miss McRae, daughter of a son-in-law of Dr. J. H. Sanders. William P. Adkinson. Henry C. Allen. Fremont Alford. Ayres & Brown. Ayres & Cole. Bailey & Van Buren. John W. Baird. Baker, Hord & Hendricks. James P. Baker. Pliny W. Bartholomew. Will F. A. Bernhamer. Isaac L. Bloomer. William Bosson. John W. Bowlus. Daniel M. Bradbury. Cornelius D. Browder. Wilbur F. Browder. William T. Brown. Samuel M. Bruce. John C. Brush. James Buchanan. Salmon A. Buell. H. Burns. Burns & Denny. Byfield & Rowland. Bynum & Beck. Howard Cole. Canary & Medkirk. Nathaniel Carter. Vinson Carter. Carter & Binford. Charles E. Clark. Ross Clark. ROLL OF ATTORNEYS. John W. Claypool. Claypool & Ketcham. Coburn & Irvin. W. H. Corbaley. Cropsey & Cooper. Vincent G. Clifford. James B. Curtis. Dailey & Pickerell. Benjamin F. Davis. Guilford A. Deitch. Austin F. Denny. Robert Denny. Almon H. Dickey. Samuel R. Downey. Charles A. Dryer. Duncan, Smith & Duncan. Dye & Fishback. John B. Elam. William F. Elliott. Harmon J. Everett. Charles W. Fairbanks. Finch & Finch. Florea & Wishard. Samuel W. Fogger. James E. Franklin. George W. Galvin. Jonathan W. Gordon. John C. Green. Otto Gresham. Griffiths & Potts. Orvin S. Hadley. Upton J. Hammond. Jesse D. Hamrick. Harding & Hovey. James W. Harper. Charles 0. Harris. Harris & Calkins. Harrison , Hines & Miller. Jonathan S. Harvey. Lawson M. Harvey. Charles R. Haseley. Roscoe 0. Hawkins. Charles C. Heckman. James E. Heller. Heinrichs & Kessler. William Henderson. George G. Hendrickson. John A. Henry. Maxwell B. Henry. ^ Herod & Winter. Isaac Herr. James T. Hill. Hill & Martz. John A. Holman. Louis Howland. William A. Hughes. Charles P. Jacob.s. Ovid B. Jameson. Lewis Jordan. John M. Judah. Julian & Julian. Kealing & Clifford. Joseph M. Keatinge. Justin A. Kellogg. John Kidd. Israel Klingensmith. 214H HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAKION COUNTY. Knefler & Beiryhill. Orlando Knowlton. Eugene G. Kreider. Ira M. Kratz. William C. Lamb. Lamb & Mason. John T. Lecklider. Frank H. Levering. Frank P. Lindsay. Reuben D. Logan. William A. Lowe. Dow McClain. Z. T. McCormack. McDonald & Butler. McMaster & Boice. Gilbert B. Manlove. E. B. & Charles Martindale. Francis J. Mattler. Harry J. Milligan. Jehu Milner. James L. Mitchell. John O. Moore. Merrill Moores. John Morgan. Morris & Newberger. Frank W. Morrison. Wilson Morrow. Charles R. Myers. David A. Myers. Nichol & Buskirk. Lester L. Norton. Orlando B. Orton. Eben A. Parker. Parmlee & HoUaday. David K. Paultow. William Patterson. William H. Payne. William A. Peelle, Jr. Peelle & Taylor. Samuel E. Perkins. George K. Perrin. Henry D. Pierce. George T. Porter. Wallace W. Pringle. James A. Pritchard. Rand & Winters. William A. Reading. Warwick II. Ripley. Ritter & Ritter. Roache & Lamme. Charles F. Robbins. Thaddeus S. Rollins. Rooker & Hatch. John N. Scott. Adolph & G. Seidensticker. Silas M. Shepard. Horace E. Smith. J. Hervey Smith. Robert E. Smith. Spaan & Heiner. George W. Spahr. Horace Speed. William W. Spencer. Roger A. Sprague. Charles S. Spritz. Stanton & Scott. Stevenson & Stevenson. George W. Stillwell. William F. Stilz. George W. Stubbs. Horace G. Study. James Sulgrove. W^illiam Sullivan. Sullivan & Jones. Lucius B. Swift. Talbott & Wheeler. John S. Tarkington. Taylor, Rand & Taylor. La Frank R. Teed. Harrison T. Tincker. Tobin & McCray. John W. Tomlinson. Thomas J. Trusler. Turpie & Pierce. Richard S. Turrell. Flavins J. Van Vorhis. Joseph W. Walker. William & Lewis Wallace. William B. Walls. John C . Wells. Williams & Johnson. Harry L. Wilson. Oliver M. Wilson. Wilson & Wilson. George W. Winpenny. Bennett F. Witt. William Watson Woollen. Frank M. Wright. George B. Wright. Granville S. Wright. Augustus B. Young. John Young. Gvh OF INDIANAPOLIS. 215 CHAPTER IX. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS— (Co»(ini(ed.) BANKS, BANKERS, AND INSURANCE. For twenty-five years the old State Bank and its Indianapolis branch furnished the best and the only safe paper currency in the State. The hard times of 1841 to 1845 were alleviated to some extent by the issue of " State scrip," and until the Free Banking Act of 1852 the only home currency we had was made up of State paper and State Bank paper. The beginning of this serious crisis in the condition of the State and Marion County occurred while Nathan B. Palmer was in the State Treasury, the end of it while Samuel Hannah was there, when the progress of the old Madison Railroad gave promise of a new era. Hon. Nathan B. Palmer was born at Stoning- ton, Conn., Aug. 27, 1790, and by the death of his father left an orphan at the early age of ten years. Subsequent to this event his mother removed to New York State, accompanied by her son. Here he grew to man's estate and married Miss Chloe Sacket, who aided not a little to her husband's success in life. The newly-married pair removed to Pennsylvania in 1812, in which State Mr. Palmer was elected to more than one oflSce of trust and honor before his thirtieth year, in each of which he acquitted himself with credit. More than two-thirds of a century ago Mr. Palmer came down the Ohio River and settled in Jefferson County, Ind., where he resided for four- teen years, and during this period was chosen to represent his county in the State Legislature. In 1833 he was elected Speaker of the House, and dis- played marked ability as an efiScient and just presiding officer. In 1835 he became a permanent resident of Indianapolis, having been chosen to fill the responsible oflSce of State Treasurer. As a public servant, having large and important trusts in his hands, his career was marked by the most scrupulous integrity and exactness. While in charge of the State finances large amounts of scrip were issued and used as a circulating medium. He was in 1841 made ex- aminer of the State Bank and its branches, and in this responsible position manifested the same ability and shrewdness that had characterized his previous official career. He was during his lifetime identified with more than one public enterprise of moment, and took a leading part in both local and State politics. Having the sagacity to discern that railways must eventually supplant canals, he was an energetic mover in the construction of railroads in various parts of the State, and by his example and efforts gave this class of improvements an impetus which was long after felt in Indiana. The construction of the old Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, the first in the State, was in no small degree the result of Mr. Palmer's exertions, and the company for a number of years had the benefit of his services as president and chief executive officer of the line. He was during his life a member of the Democratic party, though his integrity and ability were such as to command the political support of those not identified with his own party. The death of Mr. Palmer occurred April 13, 1875, and that of Mrs. Palmer, June 10, 1871. Their children are Charles C, Aurelia E., William S., Jane C, Jerome W., Louisa S., Jane M., Minerva A., Trumbull G., Blackford M., Marshall E., Edward L., Nathan B., Jr., and Mary L. Samuel Hannah was born Dec. 1, 1789, in the State of Delaware. At six years of age he removed with his father's family to Brownsville, Pa., on the Monongahela River, thirty miles above Pittsburgh. He was married July 11, 1811, to Eleanor Bishop, who died Sept. 26, 1864. Their family numbered eleven children, four daughters and seven sons. Anna married Gen. Solomon Meredith, Eliza married Hon. John S. Newman, Sarah married Rev. Dr. F. C. Holliday, Ellen married Dr. John M. Ross, Alex- ander M. married Elizabeth N. Jackson, Henry R. married Jerusha Cain, William P. married Margaret A. Dunham. James, Israel, Thomas, and Septimus died in youth. In the spring of 1815, with his wife and two children, Mr. Hannah went in a flat-boat to Cincinnati, and thence by wagons to Warren County, Ohio, where he taught school for two years, number- ing among his pupils some who were afterwards dis- tinguished in the learned professions and other vo- cations. 216 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND lilARION COUNTY. He left Ohio in 1817, settling in what is now Washington township, Wayne Co., Ind., and resided on his farm until December, 1823. Having been elected sheriflF of Wayne County, he removed to Centreville, the county-seat. Belonging to the So- ciety of Friends, and conscientiously opposed to the collection of fines for refusing to do military duty, he resigned his ofiBce in the spring of 1825. The following August he was elected as a representative to the Legislature. He declined a re-election, but was in 1826 elected a justice of the peace, which office he held about four years. The county business being then done by the board of justices, he was | chosen and continued president of the board until 1829, when the board of county commissioners was restored. He was appointed postmaster at Centre- ville under the administration of John Quincy Ad- ams, and held the office until removed under that of Andrew Jackson, in 1829. He was one of three commissioners appointed by the Legislature to locate the Michigan road from the Ohio River to the lake, and to select the lands secured to the State by a treaty with the Indians, held on the Upper Wabash in 1826. In 1830 he was elected clerk of Wayne County, and served seven years. In 1843 he was again elected to the Legislature. In December, 1846, he was elected by the Legislature,. treasurer of State, and served three years. After his election to this office he removed to Indianapolis, where he resided until his death, with the exception of a residence of about two years at Centreville during the construction of the Indiana Central Railway. In March, 1851, he was chosen first president of the company, but resigned in July following. He was the same sum- mer elected treasurer of the Indianapolis and Belle- fontaine Railroad Company. In May, 1852, he accepted the office of treasurer of the Indiana Cen- tral Railway Company, and held the position until January, 1864, when he retired from active life. He died Sept. 8, 1869, aged nearly eighty years. Contemporaneously with Mr. Palmer in the treas- ury, Morris Morris, one of the pioneers of 1821, and one of the most esteemed citizens of any period, held the office of State auditor. During his administration pretty much all of the State scrip issued at all was put out and into the currency of the State. He con- tinued in the office fifteen years, from 1829 to 1844. Morris Morris was a grandson of James Morris, who with his brothers John and Morris came from Wales and early settled in Virginia. Morris, the grandson, was born in Monongahela County, Va., in 1780, and removed in youth with his parents to Fleming County, Ky., where he remained until forty years of age. He received a thorough English edu- cation, chose the law as a profession, and practiced for many years. In 1803 he was married to Miss Rachel Morris, a descendant of John Morris above mentioned, and unwilling to rear his family amid the influences of slavery, he in 1821 removed to the free State of Indiana. Prior to this change of resi- dence he abandoned the practice of law, giving as a reason the fact that the pursuit of his profession in- terfered with the Christian life he desired to lead. He did not judge others by the same rule, but be- lieved it in his own case to be the only course in harmony with his convictions. This incident might be taken as a key to his character. He was consci- entious to a rare degree, and could not be swerved from his idea of right. At the same time he never arraigned others at the bar of his own judgment. His standard was for himself only. On his arrival in Indianapolis, which had just been fixed upon as the capital of the new State, he bought land largely within and without its limits, and was among the most active in advancing the growth of the new set- tlement. The history of the city shows for the first score of years few events of public concern in which he was not prominent. In 1828 he was elected auditor of State, and for sixteen successive years re-elected to the same office. In 1832 he was one of the three commissioners who had in charge the building of the State-House. His son, Gen. T. A. Morris, laid out the grounds, and nearly half a century later is the commissioner in charge of the erection of the new State-House on the same spot where stood the old, and Morris M. Defrees, a grandson of Morris Morris, as civil engineer laid out the grounds. After his career as auditor of State had ended, Mr. Morris retired to private life and engaged in no business other than the care of his property, which had in the d^it^'i^ a-'-Hi/ jiA^jiA.(r\^-r-i^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 217 growth of the town become a large estate. In his mature years he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and until his later life was active in the advancement of its interests. Mr. Morris died in 1864, in his eighty -fourth year. The death of his wife the previous year, at the age of seventy-six, ended their married life of sixty years, eight children having been born to them. Mr. Morris was a man of commanding presence, and in his prime exceed- ingly robust and active. He was noted for clearness of judgment and the union of remarkable decision of character with rare gentleness. The State officers resident in the capital as citizens prior to their election and necessary official residence have not been many in recent years, the disposition of parties inclining to select candidates outside of the city for the advantages of local influence, but among those nominated from the city latterly is Mr. J. J. Cooper, the present State treasurer, whose character and services can be appropriately noticed, in this con- nection, with the State officers of the last generation. John James Cooper. — The subject of this sketch is the present treasurer of the State of Indiana, hav- ing been chosen to this important position at the November election of 1882 by over ten thousand majority. Mr. Cooper is a true type of the men selected in Indiana by the Democratic party for her standard-bearers, a man from the people, who from personal experience understands the needs of the masses to whose wants he has been called to administer. His life bears witness to the simplicity of Ameri- can character and the sovereignty of American citi- zenship, having been in his youth " a hewer of wood" in every sense of the term. He has always been equal to the emergency, and that emergency has never been sufficient to call into action the extrem- ity of his resources. He is the son of James Cooper, of old Virginia stock, whose father was Robert Cun- ningham Cooper, an officer in the Revolutionary war. His mother's name was Virginia Du Witt, who, as her name indicates, was of French origin, her parents coming to this country with a colony who accompa- nied Gen. Lafayette from France. James Cooper, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a promi- nent and successful farmer in Ripley County, Ind., and reared a large family of children, all the survivors being now active and useful members of society. Mr. Cooper's parents moved from Scioto County, Ohio, to Ripley County, Ind., in the year 1827, and encountered all the difficulties and privations of a pioneer life. Here their son John was born on the 20th day of January, 1830. Here he was reared, and, as might be supposed, obtained only the meagre education which that period and the surrounding circumstances afforded. But such natures as his are difficult to discourage or suppress. His quick and accurate judgment, his clear mental faculties, and an indomitable energy eminently fitted him for a successful career. In the year 1852 Mr. Cooper married Sarah F. Myers, his present wife, who is the daughter of James Myers, Esq., of Jennings County, Ind., who afterwards moved to Kokomo, Howard Co., where he remained for six years, and in 1864 made the city of Indianapolis his home. Mr. Cooper has three children living, — Charles M. Cooper, an attorney-at-law in Indianapolis, Virginia E., and Carrie M. To be a successful man means devotion to the work in hand. This devotion and untiring enersiy has made Mr. Cooper eminently successful in busi- ness affiiirs. He has always been a trader and farmer. After moving to Indianapolis he becam^ engaged extensively in the stock business, and for several years bore an enviable reputation as one of the best judges of a horse in the State, possessing the rare faculty of " looking a horse over" in a minute. This gift contributed largely to his suc- cess in this business. Much of his time is given to farming, his greatest pleasure being derived from frequent visits to his large farm near the city, and the supervision of his fine stock thereon. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and taken an active part in all the political campaigns of his party since his youth. In the contest of 1876 he ran as the Democratic candidate for sheriff of Mar- ion County, but was defeated, as was the whole Democratic ticket. In 1882 he was nominated at the State Convention for Treasurer of State, was elected, and assumed the office Feb. 10, 1883. His 'AS HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. acquaintance with prominent men in Indiana is very large, as also with the distinguished men of his party over the whole country. His frank man- ner and genial character have made him numerous friends. Coupled with these characteristics is a firm will and great steadfastness of purpose. He is a gentleman of fine physique, standing six feet two inches in height, and finely proportioned, a splendid, type of physical manhood, and possessing the superior quality of heart as well. He also evinces marked decision of character, a quality which, while it has not detracted from his popularity, has aided him greatly during his active life. Mr. Cooper is a supporter of the Third Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, of which Mrs. Cooper is a member. A short time before the first issue of " State scrip" a Mr. John Wood, who was concerned with Mr. Underbill in establishing an iron foundry here in 1835, put out a considerable amount of his own notes called " shinplasters," thinking probably that the storm in the East, which set in in 1837, would not be much of a shower here. He went down in the fall of 1841, after being in operation about three years, making about the heaviest financial smash that had then ever occurred here. The Free Banking Act brought out a good many suggestions and pro- jects of banking enterprises, some of which solidified into actual experiments and issue of bills, but none were very successful. The " Bank of the Capital," belonging to John WooUey & Co., was organized under the Free Bank Act, and began business on South Meridian Street, near Washington, in 1853, with Mr. WooUey as per- manent cashier and active business man, and Winslow S. Pierce and John H. Bradley as successive presi- dents. The nominal capital was four hundred thousand dollars. It went down September 15, 1857. The "Traders' Bank," belonging to John Woolley and Andrew Wilson, began business on North Illinois Street, near Washington, in 1854, and suspended in a few months. The " Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank" was started by Col. Allen May, then recently State agent, and Mr. G. Lee, with the colonel's nephew, W. Frank May, as cashier, early in 1854, on the ground-floor of the old Masonic Hall. Frank May embezzled ten thousand dollars and ran away. He was succeeded by 0. Williams, but the bank never recovered that lost money and never re- covered from the effect of it. The " Central Bank," owned chiefly by the late John D. Defrees and Ozias Bowen, its successive presidents, began business with a nominal capital of half a million dollars in July, 1855, in a room at No. 23 West Washington Street. It wound up in a year or so with no serious loss. The " Metropolitan Bank," started by Alexander F. Morrison and some associates, with John P. Dunn as president and Jerry Skeen as cashier, began business in 1855 in Blake's Block, corner of Wash- ington Street and Kentucky Avenue, but did little business beyond issuing its notes and getting them back. These are all the banks of issue except national banks that have been formed in Indianapolis, but there have been a number, some still existing, that were banks of deposit and loan only. The first of these was the " Indianapolis Insurance Companyj" chartered in 1836, with a nominal capital of two hundred thousand dollars, authorized to do both a bank- ing and insurance business. It did not do much, and suspended in 1840. In 1853 it was revived by the late J. D. Defrees, Gen. Morris, and others, and after six years of moderate operations suspended again. In 1865 it was again revived and reorganized, with a nominal capital of five hundred thousand dollars, by a new company, and has since done a large business BANK OF COMMERCE. in the old Branch Bank building, corner of Virginia Avenue and Pennsylvania Street. Its business is exclusively banking. The name was changed to the Bank of Commerce some five or six years ago. .'Eng-^-by ^: 220 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. clearly defined and strictly adhered to. He trusted to the laws of legitimate banking for his success. Under his wise maaagemeDt " Fletcher's Bank" soon gained, and has ever maintained, the reputation of being one of the strongest and most conservative banking institutions in the country. Mr. Fletcher's business was by no means limited to his bank. He was one of the principal owners of the Indianapolis Gas-Light and Coke Company, of which he was one of the founders. He had also acquired a large amount of real estate, mostly in and near the city of Indianapolis, including many valuable farms, chiefly in the White River Valley, in Marion County. A striking quality of Mr. Fletcher's mind was his power to read character; he seldom erred in his judg- ment of men. He formed his judgments indepen- dently, and when he reached his conclusions he could not be shaken by the dissenting opinion of those who were about him. A notable trait of his business' career was his careful attention to details. Nothing was small or unimportant in his estimation. He could not bear to see carelessness or unnecessary waste in the small- est things. His was an economy which despised nothing that had value in it, which could also coexist with generous living and liberal benefactions to ob- jects that seemed to him deserving. He was known in the community as an unostentatious man, simple in all his habits. He never sought or held public office. He avoided publicity, especially in his acts of beneficence. He was accustomed to make others almoners of his charities that he might not be known as the giver. He was broad and catholic in his sympathies. Churches and institutions of all faiths that he believed were doing good were aided by him. Even his nearest neighbors, seeing this plain, me- thodical man daily passing from his house to his place of business, might easily fail to understand him. He had a life outside of his business to which he seemed so devoted. He was a great lover of nature, and a close observer of her moods and habits. He knew the notes of birds, and had an intimate knowledge of their peculiarities. He used to say the trees and rocks around the old home of his youth knew him and welcomed his visits. He read with keen appreciation the poets of nature. Although he walked somewhat apart from general society, he discovered to his intimate friends the finest social qualities ; with them he was hearty and free and fascinating in the sparkle of his wit. He had a pleasant word for those engaged in his service, and always took an interest in improving their con- dition. Mr. Fletcher was thrice married, the first wife being Maria Kipp, of Western New York, by whom .he had two daughters, Mrs. L. F. Hyde and Mrs. Maria F. Ritzinger. His second wife was Miss Julia Bullard, of Massachusetts. Two sons of the five children of this marriage survive, Stoughton J. Fletcher and Allen M. Fletcher. His third wife, Mrs. Julia A. Johnson, survives him. There were no children by this marriage. He died March 17, 1882, esteemed by all who knew him, and leaving a colossal fortune, which his careful business habits and unswerving integrity had vouchsafed to him. On the 1st day of January, 1857, two years before the expiration of the old State Bank charter, the president and cashier of the Indianapolis branch, Mr. Calvin Fletcher, Sr., — brother of Stoughton A., Sr., and father of Stoughton A., Jr., — and Mr. Thomas H. Sharpe established a bank of loan and deposit on the southwest corner of Washington and Pennsyl- vania Streets, now occupied by the fine four-story stone front of the firm of Fletcher & Sharpe, and there they carried on a very successful business till the death of Mr. Fletcher, in 1866, since which time Mr. Fletcher's sons, Ingram and Albert E., in asso- ciation with Mr. Sharpe, have maintained the bank in still more extended operations with equal success and security. Thomas H. Sharpe. — Ebenezer Sharpe, the father of Thomas H., was of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and resided in Kentucky. He was married to Miss Eliza Lake, of Scotch descent, and a native of Edin- burgh. Their children were Alexander W., Thomas H., Isabella M., Robina B., Eliza B., Amos H., James McC, and Hester A., all of whom, with the excep- tion of the latter, were born in Kentucky. The birth -''^ iyAKHzfchw CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 221 of their son Thomas H. occurred in Payette County, of the latter State, on the 2d of August, 1808. In 1819 he became a resident of Bourbon County, his early youth having been spent in his native county. He was educated first at the Transylvania University, in Lexington, and later in Paris, Ky., after which he removed with his parents, in 1826, to Indianapolis, and became for two years assistant to his father, who - had supervision of the public school of the city. He then spent a year as deputy clerk in the oflSce of James M. Ray, the first county clerk, after which he engaged for two years with William H. Morrison in mercantile pursuits. Mr. Sharps then became iden- tified with the register's department of the land office, and remained until 1835, when he entered the Indianapolis branch of the State Bank as teller, and filled this responsible position for a period of ten years, when he was appointed to the more important ofSce of cashier of the bank. Here he remained until the expiration of the charter of the bank, when, in con- junction with Calvin Fletcher, Esq., he established the Indianapolis Branch Banking Company, which is still in existence under the style of Fletcher & Sharpe, with Mr. Sharpe, S. A. Fletcher, Jr., Ingram Fletcher, and Albert E. Fletcher as the firm. The State Bank, under the cashiership of Mr. Sharpe, attained a high degree of prosperity, and was largely profitable to its stockholders, paying an average annual dividend of eleven per cent, until the close of its career. Mr. Sharpe is at present part owner of and director in the Indianapolis National Bank. He has been identified with many important public enter- prises, having been for several years director and treasurer of the Bellefontaine Railroad, now known as the Bee Line, and director of the Cincinnati, In- dianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railroad. He filled the office, in 1831— 32, of school commissioner lor the county, having in charge the lauds appropriated by the general government for school purposes. Mr. Sharpe, while engaged in advancing the material interests of Indianapolis, has not been unmindful of the demands which the poor and neglected classes may with pro- priety make upon more fortunate citizens. He has aided greatly as president of the Indianapolis Benevo- lent Association, and as one of its finance committee. in disbursing the necessaries of life and promoting in various ways the comfort and happiness of the city poor. He was one of the projectors and is now a director of the Crown Hill Cemetery Association, whose picturesque and attractive grounds are in the city suburbs. Mr. Sharpe was formerly a stanch Whig in his political affiliations, and later joined the ranks of the Republican party, but is devoid of am- bition for official honors. He was, in 1836, appointed by the Governor agent of State for the town of Indi- anapolis, having in charge the lands donated the State by Congress for a permanent seat of government. Upon these lands the capital of the State is now located. He is in religion a Presbyterian, and an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Indian- apolis, as was also his father. Mr. Sharpe was, in 1837, married to Miss Elizabeth C. Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, of Pennsylvania. They have had eleven children, of whom the survivors are Ebenezer, Mary (Mrs. Joseph A. Moore), Isabella M., Eliza L. (Mrs. Albert E. Fletcher), Anna H. (Mrs. H. H. Hanna), Jessie (Mrs. Elbridge Gerry), and Wil- liam E. In May, 185-1, Alfred Harrison, a prominent mer- chant for many years, in connection with John S. C. Harrison, opened an exchange office in the second story of the "Johnson Block," next to the present site of the bank, and remained there till the followingij^ year in August, when they removed to the present building, and have there conducted a steadily sound and profitable private banking business. Samuel W. Watson has been the cashier for many years. In the spring of 1852, John Woolley & Co. opened a private bank on the east side of South Meridian Street, in a little frame now replaced by Blackford's Block, and did a good business apparently till they joined it with the " free" Bank of the Capital, when both went under in 1857 with eighty thousand dollars of debts and fifty-six thousand dollars of nominal assets that paid very little. William Robson and A. L. Voorhees established a savings-bank in Odd-Fellows' Hall, and each was president, with Joseph R. Robinson as cashier, who succeeded to the ownership in 1857, just in time to go down under the strain made by the failure of the Woolley bank. It went into the hands 222 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of a receiver who paid all its liabilities fully. In the fall of 1862, Kilby Ferguson opened the " Merchants' Bank," at No. 2 North Pennsylvania Street, specu- lated in gold, and fell the next year in the summer. He absconded for a while, but after some years re- turned and settled with his creditors. In 1856, George S. Hamer opened an exchange and broker's office in the basement of the American (now Sherman) House, put out a few " shinplasters," and found him- self strongly suspected and finally arrested for cir- culating counterfeit good paper as well as his own genuine good-for-nothing paper, and giving bail, dis- appeared finally. In the latter part of 1854 there came a panic in " free" bank business, and it disturbed all other busi- ness seriously. How and why it came has been related in the general history, but some incidents of it may be noted here that were omitted there. On the 7th of January, 1855, a convention of bankers met here to make such a classification of " free" bank issues, based on their securities deposited with the State officers, as would enable the public to receive and use them without apprehension, which was severely straining all forms of trade, and without any risk of loss. As heretofore stated, the best the convention could do was to designate several banks as undoubt- edly safe or " gilt-edged,'' but the more important question as to the safety of banks about which busi- ness men were uncertain, was left as unsatisfactory as it wa.s found. Holders of " free" bank bills had to estimate them at the rate fixed by leading city brokers, and every man with uncertain bills in his hands hurried to spend them at their face or as near it as he could, or pay his debts with them. Those were the days, singular in all the annals of time, when a creditor was not always well pleased to see a debtor produce a roll of money to pay an old debt. A legal " tender" had to prove the value of the bills tendered. There was as much eagerness to get rid of the money of the period, from the fall of 1854 till the summer of 1857, as there usually is to get it. Nobody wanted to hoard unless it was gold, and be- fore the war gold was a rare apparition inr the ordi- nary business of Indianapolis. In April, 1856, a meeting of the business men of the State was held here in the hall of the House of Representatives to devise measures in defense of the community against the ungenerous, not to say rascally, operations of the business men of Cincinnati, who made it a point to run back here all the " free" bank bills they could get hold of and demand the gold for them. It made no diffisrence how sound the bank was, its bills were hurried back to it by these Cincinnati " horse-leech" speculators before they had been out a week. Of course no bank could stand that, and good banks began reducing or wind- ing up their business. The trade of the State was doubly embarrassed by the character of much of the " free" bank issues, and by the abuse of what was good by Cincinnati sharks. They used only their legal right, to be sure, but they knew it was damag- ing Indiana business and prostrating the chance of rivalry with their houses by Indiana houses. That was the motive of it, for there was no profit in run- ning home good bills for gold that was not worth more than a half per cent, premium. The expense was more than the gain. Naturally the business men of the city and State hated the " Hog City" — a name with a double significance then — as heartily as any one community ever did hate another without mak- ing a feud of it. The object of the convention was to change Indianapolis and Indiana trade generally from Cincinnati, which was universally stigmatized as the " Quean City," and " the meanest city on the face of the earth." David K. Cartter, of Cleveland, now chief justice of the Washington Supreme Court, and a number of leading business men from Toledo, Louisville, St. Louis, and Chicago, attended to work in the interest of their respective cities. The in- formation given by them was not wasted. Cincinnati lost business that she never got again, and never will. In February, 1856, a banking-house, under the firm-name of Dunlevy, Haire & Co., was opened in the corner room of Blake's Block for the especial purpose of gathering up " free" bank bills and sending them home for gold. It was a creature of the Cincinnati " gougers," and did them effective service. It sent to Cincinnati $2,000,000 in the first three months after it began operations. This was one of the pro- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 223 voking causes of the convention. On the 1st of March, 1865, the " Indiana Banking Company" was formed witli seven associates, P. A. W. Davis as president, and William W. Woollen as cashier. Its first location was the Vance corner, the next at No. 28 East Washington Street, then on the completion of the Hubbard Block, it moved there and died. It had become largely the property of the late Wm. H. Morrison some years before his death, and he had later obtained a heavy interest in the First National Bank. After his death there seems to have been some imprudent management in both the connected banks, and rumors of weakness got abroad on the 9th of August, and a day or two before, causing a run on the 9th, and the closing of both banks. The " bank- ing company's" affairs were put into the hands of a receiver. The First National was taken hold of by some heavy capitalists who had previously held slighter interests, and made safe, with an enlargement of its capital. J. B. Ritzinger opened a savings-bank on the 2lJth of March, 1868, at 38 East Washington Street, with A. W. Ritzinger as cashier, and has main- tained it in a good business ever since. In March, 1870, Woollen, Webb & Co. opened a bank of loan and deposit on West Washington Street, which did well till the panic of 1873 caused its sus- pension for some months. Then it resumed, but a couple of years ago it became embarrassed, made an assignment, and closed finally. Isaiah Mansur opened a private bank on East Washington Street, corner of Alabama, some fifteen years ago. After his re- tirement from the presidency of the Citizens' Bank he continued there in business till his death. In 1874 the " Central Bank" was organized by J. M. Ridenour and C. B. Cones, the former as president, the latter as cashier, with Israel Taylor as assistant. In 1875, B. Frank Kennedy and James A. Wildman purchased Mr. Ridenour's interest, and Mr. Kennedy became president. The original capital was $50,000, but was increased to $100,000 when the change was made in proprietorship. It failed in 1881, and went into the hands of a receiver. Its affairs are not wholly settled yet. In January, 1876, the old " In- diana Insurance Company" was reorganized by Wil- liam Henderson and others as a banking-house. In February, 1878, under a stress which caused some embarrassment, the capital was reduced, and in 1879 the name was changed to the " Bank of Commerce," which it still retains, with a profitable and consider- able business. John W. Ray is cashier. In anticipation of the close of the old State Bank a combination of capitalists obtained a charter for a sort of successor, called the " Bank of the State," with sev- enteen branches and a capital of one million eight hun- dred and thirty-six thousand dollars. It began busi- ness Jan. 2, 1857, and continued, with fair success, till the establishment of the national banking system super- seded it. In January, 1865, after being in operation eight years, the Legislature authorized it to redeem its stock, distribute its surplus funds, and close up its business. It did so with convenient speed, and the branches became national banks in most cases, if not all. The first president of the Bank of the State was Hugh McCuUoch, of Fort Wayne, afterwards Secretary of the Treasury. His successor was G. W. Rathbone, and James M. Ray followed last, after serving as cashier from the organization. Joseph M. Moore succeeded Mr. Ray as cashier. The branch in this city was organized July 25, 1855, with W. H. Talbott as president and one hundred thousand dol- lars capital (afterwards increased to two hundred thousand dollars). It changed hands in about tfl^ years, when George Tousey became president, and C. S. Stevenson cashier, who left the place to become paymaster in the army in 1861, and was succeeded by David E. Snyder, and he by David M. Taylor in 1866. Oliver Tousey succeeded George in the presi- dency in June, 1866, when the latter became presi- dent of the " Indiana National Bank," in which the remains of the branch bank were absorbed. It was wound up in 1867. The " Indiana National" suc- ceeded it in the corner room of Yohn's Block, north- east corner of Washington and Meridian Streets. V. T. Malott is now its president. VoLNEY T. Malott. — The parents of Volney T. Malott were William H. and Leah P. (McKown) Malott. The former was engaged in farming in Jef- ferson County, Ky., but in 1841 removed to Salem, Washington Co., Ind., where he embarked with his 224 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. brother, Maj. Eli W. Malott, in mercantile ventures. The family settled in Kentucky soon after the close of the Revolutionary war, in which some of its mem- bers participated. The paternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch engaged in the war of 1812 in Canada, and his maternal grandfather in the Indian war in Indiana. William H. Malott died Nov. 5, 1845, leaving a young widow with three small chil- dren, — Volney T., Mary C., and Eli W. (an infant, who died one month after the death of his father). Mrs. Malott, in 1847, married John F. Ramsey, and removed with her two young children to Indianapo- lis. Volney T., who was born in Jefferson County, Ky., Sept. 9, 1838, attended first a school taught by John I. Morrison, and later completed a common- school education here, first under Rev. William A. Holliday, and afterwards with Professor B. F. Lang and at the Central High School. At the age of sixteen he entered the banking-house of John Woolley & Co. (Bank of the Capital), having previously been em- ployed as clerk during vacations and for a time as messenger in the Traders' Bank. This early apti- tude for business made his services in demand and secured a desirable position for the young man when he should desire to embark in the active pursuits of life. For a while he acted as teller of the bank he first entered, and in 1857 was chosen teller of the Indianapolis branch of the Bank of the State of In- diana, where he remained until August, 1862, re- signing to accept the pos-ition of secretary and treas- urer of the Peru and Indianapolis Railroad, to which he had been elected. He was appointed State director of the branch bank in 1864. In 1865 he, with others, organized the Merchants' National Bunk of Indianapolis, and was elected cashier, retaining the oflSce of treasurer of the railroad. In the spring of 1870 he resigned the office of cashier of the bank to take charge of the construction of the Michigan City and Indianapolis Railroad. The road was completed early in 1871, and, with the Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville Railroad, passed under control of the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago Railway Company (formerly Peru and Indianapolis Railroad Company), of which he was treasurer and a director. In 1875 he was elected general manager of the road, continuing until 1879, when he was elected vice-president, having charge of the road as acting president until 1884, when it was leased to the Wa- bash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad Company. In October, 1878, he was elected president of the Mer- chants' National Bank, and in 1882 sold his interest in the bank and resigned the presidency, purchasing shares in the Indiana National Bank, which was the successor of the branch of the Bank of the State of Indiana, where he was formerly teller ; he was elected president of the bank, which position he holds at this time. As an officer of the Brazil Block Coal Company, he has aided in the extension of the block coal trade to Northern Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois. He has taken a deep interest in the improvement of Michigan City harbor, and by his counsel and labor has ren- dered valuable aid to this important work. In July, 1883, he was elected vice-president and manager of the Indianapolis Union Railway Company, lessees of the Belt Railroad. He is also a member of the firm of John Hilt & Co., wholesale ice dealers of Laporte, Ind., the earliest firm of exclusively wholesale ice dealers in the State. Mr. Malott, in 1862, married Miss Caroline, daughter of Hon. David Macy, of Indianapolis. Their children are a son and five daughters. The great success that has been obtained by Mr. Malott in his various business enterprises is due to his steady persistence, stern integrity, and ex- cellent judgment, qualities that rank him with the leading financiers of the State. The subject of this biographical sketch is in his religious predilections a Methodist and member of Meridian Street Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is trustee and chair- man of the finance committee. The first national bank organized here was formed by William H. English and ten associates, on the 11th of May, 1853, with a capital of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the name of the " First National Bank," and located in Odd-Fellows' Hall. Its capital was increased to one million dol- lars in 1870, but reduced to about half some years later when business declined. William R. Nof- singer, treasurer of State in 1855, was the first cashier. He was succeeded by Lewis Jordan, and he by John C. New in 1865. The bank was re- /^i^t_-jr A^^^^^c^ cJ (\Jc^ ^c^^^yl-^ y^^i^^o-- CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 226 moved the following October to the Blackford Block, where it still is. Mr. New became president in 1877, purchasing Mr. English's interest, the latter retiring until August, 1883, when the bank became embar- rassed by its connection with the Indiana Banking Company and other co-operating troubles, and Mr. English, with Mr. De Pauw and Mr. Claypool, formed a combination to protect it and take the affair in their own hands. Satisfactory arrange- ments were made with the other stockholders, de- positors paid, the capital enlarged, and the bank set firmly on its feet again, with Mr. English as president. The " Citizens' National Bank" was the second of its class organized here. It was effected Nov. 28, 1864, with two hundred thousand dollars capital. The prime mover in its organization and its first president was Isaiah Mansur, with Asa G. Petti- bone as cashier. In December, 1865, it coalesced with the " Fourth National Bank," organized the previous January by T. Richardson Fletcher, for many years previously a partner of Stoughton A. Fletcher, Sr., in the "Fletcher Bank," with Joseph R. Haugh as cashier, and doing business in the Yohn Block on North Meridian Street. A removal of the combined banks was then made to No. 2 East Wash- ington Street, and a few years later to the four-story stone-front building erected especially for it on the south side of East Washington Street, where it now is. Joseph R. Haugh was made cashier of the com- bination, which retained the name of " Citizens' National Bank." Mr. Mansur's health compelled his retirement from the presidency in 1868, but he subsequently opened a private bank on the corner of Alabama and Washington Streets, which he con- ducted till his death. He was succeeded by the late W. Canada Holmes. Isaiah Mansur. — The parents of Mr. Mansur were Jeremy Mansur, a native of New Hampshire, and Jane Carr, born in Virginia, who emigrated to Indiana in 1816, and settled in the county of Wayne, where their son Isaiah was born on the 14th of April, 1824. His father combined the occupation of an axe-maker with that of a former, in both of which he was known as a master of his craft. The family, in 1825, removed from their first location 15 to Richmond, Ind., when Mr. Mansur opened a retail dry-goods and grocery-store, and by industry and attention to the wants of his patrons succeeded in establishing a lucrative trade, whereby he gained a competency. He continued in business at Richmond until 1847, and then removed to Indianapolis, where he engaged in pork-packing, which, together with farming, was followed until his' death in 1874. It will be readily seen that his son Isaiah, from early childhood, breathed an atmosphere of industry which left an impress upon his character, and largely moulded his subsequent career. His early educa- tion was obtained at the public schools and at the Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, where his studies were completed in 1845. While at college he was the room-mate of the late Senator 0. P. Morton, with whom a friendship was formed which lasted during the latter's lifetime. It was largely through his friend's assistance that Mr. Morton was enabled to finish his course, his means being exceedingly lim- ited. After leaving Oxford Mr. Mansur engaged with his father in the pork-packing business for one season, working as a day laborer for wages ; but con- cluding to make the law his profession, he entered the office of Hon. John S. Newman, when he was again associated in his studies with the future Sena- tor Morton. After reading law for eighteen months his father's failing health compelled his return w the business, which had reached large proportions and required his presence. His entire attention was given to the pork-packing interests — then, as now, one of the important industries of Indianapolis — until 1862, when he projected and established the Citizens' National Bank of Indianapolis, of which he became president. He continued in that capacity until 1868, when his connection with this bank ceased, and he immediately opened a private bank- ing-house. During the stirring times of the late war Mr. Mansur was appointed commissary-general of the State of Indiana by Governor Morton, and rendered valuable service to the cause of the Union, feeding the soldiers in camp at Indianapolis on his own credit when the State treasury was depleted. Mr. Mansur was always a consistent member of the Republican party, though not active as a politician. 22t) HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. He was never desirous of oEBcial place, and gave his energies entirely to business, which aside from his banking enterprise included the management of a large amount of real estate, of which he was the owner. He was a man of strict business principles, of persistent energy, and of untiring application 'to the object in view. His industry was especially one of the important factors in his success. He was widely known as a shrewd, careful, enterprising, man, whose integrity was unquestioned. These qualities rendered his career a prosperous one, and placed his name, upon the roll of citizens who have shaped the business destinies of the capital of Indiana. His death occurred Dec. 3, 1880. A widow and two children survive him. William Canada Holmes. — William Holmes, the father of William Canada, was a native of West- moreland County, Pa., but removed at an early age to Ohio, and in 1821 settled in Marion County, Ind., where he became an influential citizen and resided until his death in 1858. He married ^Elizabeth \ Lyons and had twelve children, of whom the third i son, the subject of this sketch, was born on the homestead May 23, 1826. He received a fair Eng- lish education, and at the age of seventeen assumed the management of his father's saw-mill, which he continued to run until he had attained his twentieth year. He had, besides materially assisting his father, acquired a small capital, and finding the business profitable, continued it for a period of sixteen years. He was married, Dec. 15, 1849, to Miss Catharine, second daughter of James Johnson, to whom were born children, — Sarah Alice (Mrs. George W. John- son), M. Ellen, Martha Ann (Mrs. Frank L. Fergu- son), Johnson Canada, Catharine Snively, Rose Han- nah, and two who died in childhood. In 1857, Mr. Holmes purchased the property known as the Isaac Pugh farm and built upon it an elegant residence, which was for many years the home of the family, i By the purchase of an interest in the Fourth National Bank of Indianapolis, in 1865, Mr. Holmes became its president. This bank was later consoli- ', dated with the Citizens' National Bank, of which he also acted as president. He then formed a copart- nership with Messrs. Coffin & Landers, for the pur- I pose of purchasing and packing pork, under the firm- name of Coffin, Holmes & Landers, which continued for one year, after which he became a member of the firm of Holmes, Pettit & Bradshaw. This firm conducted an extensive business iu pork-packing, the building and grounds alone costing over one hundred thousand dollars. In 1880 he established, with his partner, the firm of Holmes & Claypool, proprietors of the Indianapolis Hominy Mills, having prior to that date been largely engaged in the manu- facture of staves near Cairo, 111. He was one of the promoters of the Union Railway Transfer and Stock- Yard Company, of which he was a director. Mr. Holmes evinced much public spirit, and in various ways promoted the material growth of Indianapolis. He donated both land and large sums of money to aid in the erection of manufacturing establishments. He was a man of great executive ability, immense industry, and of strict integrity. These qualities as a rule rendered his business ventures successful. He was a Republican in his political affiliations, but not actively interested in party difi'erences nor a seeker for official honors. He was a member of the Central Christian Church of Indianapolis, as also his wife and two daughters. The death of Mr. Holmes occurred Nov. 27, 1883, in his fifty-eighth year. The " Indianapolis National Bank" was organized Dec. 15, 1864, with Theodore P. Haughey as presi- dent, and Ingram Fletcher as cashier. Mr. Fletcher was succeeded in 1866 by Mr. A. F. Williams. The capital of the bank is five hundred thousand dollars, its location the corner room of Odd-Fellows' Hall. Mr. Haughey is still president; Henry Latham is cashier. Theodore P. Haughey. — The birth of Theodore P. Haughey occurred in Smyrna, Del., on the 26th of November, 1826. Here he remained until early manhood and enjoyed such advantages of education as the neighboring schools afforded, when Baltimore, Md., became his home. In the spring of 1848, having acquired a thorough business education, he removed to Indianapolis, where, since that date, he has been actively engaged in many of its most im- portant interests. He at first obtained employment as an accountant and book-keeper, and gradually rose (f^^T-^l^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 227 to more lucrative and responsible positions. In the year 1854 he was connected with Hon. John D. De- frees in the publication of tlie Indianapolis Journal. For a number of years Mr. Ilaughey was secretary and treasurer of one of the leading railroads centre- ing in Indianapolis. During the civil war he was appointed by President Lincoln collector of internal revenue for the Indianapolis district. This office, which was the only one of a political nature he was prevailed upon to accept, was resigned in 1864, to represented the Second Ward in the City Council of Indianapolis, and, in deference to his ability as a financier, was made chairman of the finance commit- tee. Just prior to the late war he had the pleasure of reporting the city free of debt. He has been for thirty years treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Inde- pendent Order of Odd-Follows of Indiana, and wielded no little influence in shaping the prosperous condition of its treasury. This is said to be one of the most flourishing and wealthy lodges in the Union. ^, fy/^y enter upon his duties as president of the Indianapolis National Bank, which position he still holds, being the oldest national bank president in the city. He enjoys the reputation of being a shrewd, careful, and conscientious financier, living up to every obligation, while free from the narrow-minded prejudices of the mere seeker after wealth. He has ever manifested a deep interest in the progress of education, and for a number of years has been a trustee of the Asbury Uni- versity at Greencastle, and one of the supervisory loan iommittee of its fund. Mr. Ilaughey for six years Mr. Haughey is a liberal supporter of all worthy en- terprises, and for years has been a prominent member of the Meridian Street Methodist Episcopal Church of the city of his residence. He represented the Indiana Conference as a lay delegate in the General Conference held at Baltimore in 1876, and has been otherwise active in church and Sunday-school work. Personally Mr. Haughey is a gentleman of genial character and uniformly courteous in his demeanor. He is close in his attention to business, devoid of pretence in his manner, and considerate of the opin- 228 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ions of others. On the 8th of November, 1853, he was married to Miss Hannah, daughter of C. G. Moore, of Newark, Ohio. Their children are two sons and a daughter, the latter of whom died at the age of six years. The elder son, Louis Chauncey, is engaged in manufacturing, and married to Miss Zelda, daughter of William Wallace, Esq. The younger son, Schuyler C, was named after Schuyler Colfax, a lifelong friend of his father. The " Merchants' National Bank" was organized Jan. 17, 1865, with one hundred thousand dollars capital, and Henry Schnull as president, and V. T. Malott as cashier. It was at first located at 23 North Meridian Street, and then removed to 48 East Wash- ington, and in the fall of 1883 to the rooms of the " Indiana Banking Company," in Hubbard's Block. In January, 1882, John P. Frenzel was elected pres- ident, and his brother Otto cashier. Mr. Frenzel, the president, has been connected with the bank sixteen years. He is a member of the school board and one of the three metropolitan police commissioners. John S. Newman succeeded Mr. Schnull in the presidency in 1866. Dr. Harvey G. Carey was for some years one of the leading men in the ownership and man- agement of this bank, but retired recently. Harvey Gatch Carey, M.D., an account of whose ancestry will be found in the sketch of his brother, Simeon B., was born in Shelby County, Ohio, on the 18th of August, 1826. He remained upon the farm of his father until sixteen years of age, em- ployed in such active labor as is incident to an agri- cultural life. At the age of sixteen, feeling the want of better educational advantages than were offered by the winter terms of country schools, he left home and entered the academy of Harrison Maltley, in Sidney, Ohio, where he remained two years, and acquired a fair English education and enough knowledge of the ancient languages as to enable him successfully to prosecute the study of the profession upon which he was about to enter. Here also he formed the habits of systematic study and thought that moulded and characterized his professional life. At the termina- tion of his academic course he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Henry S. Conklin, an eminent physician in that part of Ohio, where he remained for three years, and in the mean while attended lec- tures in the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, which embraced in its faculty some of the most distin- guished teachers in the country. Though qualified to pass a successful examination at the end of the second course, he was too young to be admitted to a degree, and at the termination of the third term of lectures, in a competitive examination of one hundred and fifty students, he was elected physician to the Com- mercial Hospital of Cincinnati, where he served the usual term of one year. The large clinical experi- ence thus acquired fitted him at once to take a high rank in his profession. In April, 1849, he located in Dayton, Ohio, and continued in the practice of his profession until 1863, the date of his removal to Indianapolis. Epidemic cholera made its appearance in Dayton soon after he opened his oflBce, and, having had some experience with this formidable disease in the hospital, it served as a means of securing an early professional recogni- tion and practice, which came to him promptly, and increased until it became the most desirable and lucrative in the city. The doctor found ample time during the early years of his professional life to culti- vate the literature of his profession, and was an active, working member of the local, State, and national medical societies, and was also a regular contributor to the medical journals of that time. Finding his huahh suffering, the doctor, notwithstanding his suc- cess as a practitioner, determined to divest himself of its exactions and devote himself to new business in- terests that then offered, and identified himself with the management of the Indiana Central Railroad as its superintendent. In 1863 and 1864, as contractor, he built the Richmond and Covington Railroad, which forms the present continuous line from Columbus to Indianapolis. Having sold his interest in the Co- lumbus and Indianapolis Railroad, he became a leading stockholder in the Merchants' National Bank of Indi- anapolis, and continued his relations with this bank, as director, vice-president, or president, until 1879, when he retired from active business. He is now a member of the firm of Layman, Carey & Co., where he has held an interest since his retirement from the bank. Dr. Carey was married, Nov. 25, 1851, to Mary ^'"/^iYSBBallS-Jo'<.-.n'B'>J^'^f :x0- Ajy t^:<.^c^^ ---^J^^c @ i=a r^ S Is) O >i> & ^ c te a ■vi) ■=i ® csi Ir^ (■S W @ G ft) ^ S € CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 251 In the general history it is said that the temporary building erected for a political meeting-place on the southeast corner of the court-house square in 1864 was the only structure of that kind placed on the square. There was one on the southwest corner for a very short time in 1860, and another on the north- west corner in 1872, where Gen. Butler made a speech on the only occasion that he ever visited the city. Gen. Hawley, of Connecticut, also spoke there about the same time. These " wigwams," as they were called, were not allowed to remain long afber their special use was completed, while that of 1864 re- mained for a year or so. In the campaign of 1880 a " wigwam" was erected near the corner of Mary- land and Mississippi Streets, and is still standing. COURT-HOUSE BUILT IN 1823-24; TORN DOWN 1870. City Buildings. — The city has never had any public buildings but the two market-houses and the station-house, excluding engine-houses. Its ofSce- rooms have been rented always except during a few years when the Town Council meetings were held in the upper room of the Marion Engine House, on the Circle. Within a year an ordinance was passed by the Council and Board of Aldermen to build a city hall and market-house on the East Market space, with a large bequest made by the late Stephen Tomlinson for that purpose ; but some doubt as to the expense being brought within the limits of the bequest and of the other resources, — the city license of liquor-saloons especially, — with some informality in letting the con- tract, opened the way for a legal obstruction of the work, and it was abandoned. Very recently, how- ever, the market-house project has been revived, and seems in a fair way to go through. The station-house on South Alabama Street is a product of the last decade. In 1866 the expense of boarding city pris- oners in the county jail became so great that the Council determined to build a station-house. A lot was bought for four thousand dollars, on Maryland Street between Meridian and Pennsylvania, and there the eifort ended for four or five years, when a lot on Alabama Street, on the corner of the first alley south of Washington, was bought, and a house of fair size and safety put there. About the time of the pur- chase of the station-house lot on Maryland Street, propositions for the sale of a site for a city hall, or for renting suitable buildings, were made by different proprietors. The old Beech er church property was offered for fifteen thousand dollars in city bonds ; An- drew Wallace offered his block on Maryland and Delaware Streets, and the Journal company offered to build a hall on the then vacant west half of its lot, where the Times oflSce is now. The Council rejected them all, doing its first effective work in that direc- tion in 1883. The county has an " Asylum," once the " Poor-House," in Wayne township, on a large farm, with a building that cost some one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, and affords good ad(l^ com- fortable accommodations for more than a hundred inmates constantly, but being some distance from any frequented road, — the old Lafayette pike passing near- est it, — the public generally know little of it, except as the papers note the annual visits of the county board and the festive occasions made of them. The build- ing is a large and handsome one, becoming the wealth and standing of the county, with an average of over one hundred inmates always. The incurable insane of the county, like those of other counties, have been kept in this county asylum when necessary. Hereafter they will go to one of the three — not five, as stated in the sketch of the history of the State Insane Asylum, page 124 — institutions for the incurable insane provided by the act of the last Legislature, though recommended by Governor Baker as early as 1869. One of these is to be at 252 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. EvaDsvilie, one at Richmond, and one at Logans- port. State-House. — Of the legislation touching a new State-House prior to the act of 1877, little need be said. A committee was appointed a dozen years ago to consider the subject, procure plans, and make a report to enlighten the Legislature, but nothing came of it except the recommendation of a really fine plan of Mr. Charles Eppinghausen, of Terre Haute, to which no attention was given. In 1877 an act authorized the Governor to appoint four com- missioners, two from each of " the two leading po- litical parties," the Governor to act as one ex officio in addition, to "organize to build a State-House," limiting the cost to two millions of dollars, and levy- ing a tax of one cent on the hundred dollars in 1877, and two cents in 1878, " for a State-House fund." On the 24th of May, 1877, the Board of State- House Commissioners was organized. The Gov- ernor, the late James D. Williams, appointed Gen. Thomas A. Morris, of this city, and Wm. R. Mc- Keen, of Terre Haute, from the Republican party, and Gen. John Love, of this city, and I. D. 6. Nelson, of Fort Wayne, from the Democratic party. Mr. McKeen resigned in a few months, and Prof John M. CoUett, now State geologist, was appointed in his place. The board, after examining the four plans specially noticed by the Legislative committee, — that of Eppinghausen being preferred, — returned them all to their authors, and invited new plans. They also visited the capitals of Illinois, Connecticut, Michigan, and various public buildings throughout the country, gathered information about material, had tests made, and, finally, on the 11th of December, 1877, had received twenty-four plans. On the 28th of August previously they sold the old building to John Martin for two hundred and fifty dollars, who agreed to remove it by the 1st of April, 1878. After a good deal of discussion and examination by experts, the board chose the plan of Edwin May, of this city, who died a year or two after the work began, and proceeded to excavate for the basement and to construct a sewer for the joint use of the State and the city, as has since been done with the State's " Female Reformatory" and the city sewer connec- tion. The city authorities vacated Market Street from Tennessee to Mississippi, thus giving the new building an unbroken area of two squares and the intervening street, about nine acres. Proposals to build the whole structure or portions of it were advertised for, and on the 13th of August, 1878, thirty-one bids were opened, some proposing to take portions, but ten proposing to take the whole work at a cost ranging from 81,611,672.25, made by Kanmacher & Denig, to 82,114,714.13, made by the " New England and Granite Stone Company." After due inquiry the contract was given to Kan- macher & Denig, with a reservation of $102,051 for " steam heating," " encaustic tiles, " " marble mantles," " washstanda," " hardware," and " vault doors," which it was thought could be more favor- ably contracted for at some later period. This left the price of the work, under the lowest bid, $1,509,- 621.25. The whole estimated cost of the building, including the reserved articles, sewer construction, glass, and basement excavation, was $1,638,603.76. The corner-stone was laid Sept. 28, 1880, with a poem by Mrs. Bolton and an address by ex-Gov- ernor Hendricks. The building is in length four hundred and ninety- two feet on the east and west fronts ; the centre, from east to west, two hundred and eighty-two feet by one hundred and eighteen in width ; the north and south fronts, each one hundred and eighty-five feet ; height of dome, two hundred and thirty-four feet, diameter seventy-two feet ; height of east and west fronts, one hundred feet ; south and north fronts, ninety-two feet ; basement story, twelve feet high ; first story, eighteen feet six inches ; second story, nineteen feet ; Represen- tatives' Hall, forty-eight feet ; Senate Chamber, forty- eight feet ; Supreme Court room, forty feet ; third story, sixteen feet six inches. The outer walls are faced with cut stone, backed with brick-work, and laid in cement mortar. The frame-work of the roof is of wrought iron. The exterior covering of the roof is slate and copper. The Tennessee Street, or principal front, has a flight of stone steps, sixty feet in width, leading to the grand portico and corridor of the first floor. The pediment of this portico is sup- ported by polished fluted columns, with carved capi- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 263 tals, the tjmpaDum richly ornamented with the State's coat-of-arms. The dome is the leading archi- tectural feature. From the foundation to the springing line of roof the dome is constructed of Indiana stone, huilt in a direct plumb line, " solids over solids and voids over voids," cut and dressed to such exact dimensions that, with a small stretch of the imagination, it may be considered as one lai^e block of stone, perforated for passages and window openings. No plastering, stucco,' or iron-work is required as finish or ornamentation, outside or within, as all decoration is cut on or in the solid stone. A dome constructed in this manner will serve as a useful monument or memorial, as on the inside walls, as well as the corridor sides, there are niches for statuary, and panels for inscription and relief work. Access to the lantern and gallery is by easy stairways from the third floor. A gallery i thus constructed in the interior affords a sheltered "lookout," and at the same time relieves the dome of the common defect of insecure and leaky con- struction. The exterior of the main building indicates the locality of the various departments, such as the Hall of Representatives, Senate Chamber, State Library, and Supreme Court room. The steps ascending to the first floor, from each street on the four fronts, constitute an attractive architectural feature, and for convenience will be duly appreciated. The legislative halls and principal rooms are lighted direct from the outside, roof and ceiling lights being carefully avoided. The ceilings of the Senate Chamber, Hall of Repre- sentatives, State Library, and Supreme Court room are constructed with panel work, and such ornaments are introduced as will best harmonize with the decora- tions of the side walls and furniture. In the interior arrangements the architect has introduced all the modern improvements in heating, plumbing, and ventilating, elevators for passengers and fuel, dust flues from each department, electric and telephone combinations, soft water for lavatories, electric clocks, and electric lighting of gas. The halls are set at regular intervals with polished marble columns on granite bases, and extend the entire length of the building, nearly five hundred fee*, forming the finest colonnades in any public building in the Union, except those of the national capitol at Washington. The niches and panels of the dome and the surrounding colonnade are intended to be occupied by busts, statues, and other memorials of the State's history, especially of its participation in the war for the Union. Up to the close of the building season in 1882 the contractors, Howard & Denig (Mr. Howard succeed- ing Mr. Kanmacher), had completed the work in admirable style to the floor of the third story. Thinking their contract likely to be a losing one from the rise in the price of material and labor, they asked the Legislature for a large extra compensation, failing in which they would be compelled to abandon the contract. The Legislature concluded to abide by the bargain, and hold them to it. Work was stopped for the greater part of the year 1883, and then the sureties of the contractors concluded to take the building and complete it on the original terms. They did a considerable amount of work in the fall, and the case looks promising for as speedy a completion as was originally anticipated. The commissioners have watched the progress of the work incessantly and anxiously, and have secured, so far, as perfect a piece of builders' skill as can be found in any modern structure in Christendom. On the resignation of Professor CoUett, W. B. Seward, of Bloomington, was appointed in his place, and on tUe death of Gen. Love, Mr. Henry Mursinna, of Evansville, filled that vacancy. The board now consists of the original members (Gen. Morris and I. D. G. Nelson) and Mr. Seward and Mr. Mursinna, with the Gov- ernor ex officio a member, and Capt. John M. Go- down, secretary, succeeding W. C. Tarkington, who resigned in a year after his appointment in 1877. The State Buildings. — These are on the south- west corner of Washington and Tennessee Streets, and cover the whole lot belonging to the State, on which the first treasurer's office and residence were built. After this house was abandoned by the treas- urer, in 1856 or 1857, it was rented till it was torn down, in 1865, and replaced, in 1867, by the present buildings for the State offices, which were then scat- tered about, some in the " McOuat Block" on Ken- tucky Avenue, some in the State-House, and some in 254 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the Arsenal building, north of the State-House. John L. Smithmeyer planned the new State buildings, but was not thought at the time to have made a par- ticularly good job of it, either in convenience, beauty, or durability. It accommodated all the State offices, including the Supreme Court and the " chambers" of the judges, except the State library and the Gov- ernor's office, which remained in the old State-House till it was sold to be torn down, when they were removed, the one to the " Gallup" or " McCray Block," where it is yet, the other to one of the rooms of the State building. The office of the superintend- ent of public instruction was kept mainly in the Gallup Block for a half-dozen terms or more. Some half-dozen or more years ago a large addition to the State buildings was made on the south, for the State- House Board, the superintendent of public instruc- tion, and some other public uses. The State geologist and museum are in the second story of the " Gallup Block," with the State Board of Agriculture. The State Bureau of Statistics is in the Masonic Temple. These will all go to the new State-House. Post-Office. — The post-office building, in which the Federal courts meet and all the national offices are kept, is a large but not very impressive looking stone structure on the southeast corner of Market and Pennsylvania Streets. It was begun in 1857, on the site of the blacksmith-shop attached to the first carriage-factory, on the same square. The ground was swampy, and at the southwest corner the excavation for the cellar broke into a section of quicksand and liquid mud, which had to be drained by a steam-pump and filled in with broken stone and cement for many a day before a safe foundation was made for the massive structure that was to rest upon it. In 1860 it was completed, at a cost of one hun- dred and sixty thousand dollars. Some years ago it was enlarged by an addition to the depth eastward that nearly doubled its capacity. An elevator was put in the south lobby. The post-office was moved into it in 1860, after moving about over the village, town, and city in a vagabond way for nearly forty years. When Mr. Henderson first took the office in March, 1822, it was kept in a house near Mis- souri Street, the line of the future canal. That was a convenient point between the settlement on the river and that further inland. It was moved from there, in 1823 or 1824, to Henderson's tavern, where " Washington Hall" afterwards stood and where the " Glenn Block" now stands. Then, on the accession of Capt. John Cain to the office, in February, 1831, he removed it to the north side of Washington Street, half-way between Meridian and Illinois, where, a few years later, — in 1835 or thereabouts, — was erected the " Union Row," the first " block" of build- ings in this place. One of these Capt. Cain owned, and in it he put the post-office as soon as it was finished. For some years before 1849 it was kept on the west side of Meridian Street, in the building next to the Relief Engine House, now replaced by " Hubbard's Block." It was removed by Col. Rus- sell, or by Dr. Dunlap before him, to the west side of Pennsylvania Street, adjoining the Journal office, where a fire broke out that damaged both establish- ments considerably, though not enough to interfere with the course of business of either. This was near 1850. After the fire a removal was made to the east side of Meridian, in a three-story brick of Judge Blackford's, — used as a hospital for Confed- erate prisoners during the war, — now replaced by the " Blackford Block." From that building it went to its own in 1860, under John M. Talbott. Our postmasters have been : Samuel Henderson 1822-31 John Cain 1831-41- Joseph M. Moore 1841- Jobn Cain .- 1841-45 Livingston Dunlap 1845-49 Alexander W. Russell 1849-51 James N. Russell 1851-53 William W. Wick 1853-57 John M. Talbott 1857-61 Alexander H. Conner 1861-66 David G. Rose 1866-69 William R. Holloway 1869-81 James A. Wildman 1881 Joseph M. Moore was appointed by President Harrison. In a few months he was dismissed by Tyler and Cain reappointed. Col. Russell died in the office in 1851 or 1852, and his son James was appointed to serve out the term. Some items of the business done in the post-office CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 265 in 1870 will furnish an interesting comparison with the report of the year just closed : 1870. Sales of stamps and stamped envelopes $84,188.46 From money-orders and deposits of postmasters on money-order account ^ $494,386.55 Registered letters for distribution 19,120 Registered letters for city delivery , 8,376 Registered letters for mailing 1,240 Letters delivered from boxes and general delivery.. 306,000 Letters advertised and sent to Dead-Letter Office... 18,400 Letters, by mail, delivered by carriers 2,276,134 Letters, local, delivered by carriers 1,472,640 Newspapers delivered by carriers' 376,704 Letters collected by carriers 1,349,943 Letters received for distribution 9,403,200 Letters deposited in office and collected from street boxes 1,331,457 Letters, total, sent from office 10,734,657 Letters, city, sent to Dead-Letter Office 6,000 Letters, held for better direction, sent to Dead- Letter Office 7,200 Letters, addressed in initials or fictitious names, sent to Dead-Letter Office 500 Letters returned from hotels and sent to Dead- Letter Office 800 Letters returned to writers 7,000 Bags of newspapers mailed, received, distributed, (equal to 70,200 bushels) 42,570 Lock-pouches and mail-boxes dispatched 28,600 Lock-pouches and mail-boxes received 28,500 1883. Carriers employed 33 Delivery trips daily 1104 Collection trips daily 1170 Registered letters delivered 48,498 Mail letters delivered 4,432,675 Mail postal-cards delivered 983,419 Local letters delivered 538,548 Local postal-cards delivered 477,564 Newspapers, etc., delivered 2,460,000 Letters returned to the office 5,135 Letters collected 2,410,791 Postal-cards collected 946,268 Newspapers collected 289,157 Total postage on local matter delivered in boxes, general delivery, and carriers $15,426.55 Amount paid carriers $30,729.78 Incidental expenses $1,553.54 Number of letters, postal-cards, and circulars dis- tributed on letter case during the year 1883.... 1,715,500 Newspapers, periodicals, circulars, merchandise, and transient matter distributed on paper cases. 934,000 Lock-pouches dispatched 34,675 Canvas bags dispatched 36,500 Lock-pouches received 39,055 Canvas bags received 27,375 Total number pouches and canvas bags received and dispatched during the year 1883 137,605 Number of letters mailed'without postage.... 3,580 Number of packages mailed without postage. 237 Total number of letters and packages mailed with- out postage during the year 1883 3,817 GENERAL BUSINESS, JANUABY l«t TO DECEMBER Ist, 1883. Jieceipts. March 31, 18S3 $51,272.98 June 30, 1883 49,366.27 September 30, 1883 48,546.13 December 31, 1883 45,486.92 Total receipts $194,672.30 Total expenses 74,091.24 Turned over to treasury $120,581.06 JExpenditurea. March 31, 1883 $18,342.34 June 30, 1883 18,348.92 September 30, 1883 18,732.89 December 31, 1883 18,667.09 $74,091.24 MONEY-OBDEB DEPARTMENT. No. orders ianned. Domestic 20,199 Canadian , British German Swiss Italian French New Zealand. 56 532 583 47 62 14 2 21,495 No, orders paid. Domestic 7.3,468 Canadian British German Swiss Italian French New Zealand New South Wales.. India Belgium 259 51 83 15 1 6 2 1 1 1 73,888 Postal-notes issued 1,960 Postal-notes paid 9,663 The business of the money-order department from January, 1883, to January, 1884, will amount in the aggregate to one million dollars. ^ Public Halls. — The court-house was the public hall of Indianapolis for twenty-five years. As related in the general history, it was used as a church, con- cert-room, lecture-hall, show-room, hall for public meet- ings and political conventions, almost alone, during that quarter of a century. The hall of the House of Representatives was occasionally used for meetings of the graver grade by permission of that body formally voted. John B. Dillon delivered his lectures on In- diana history there in 1844, the General Conference of the Methodist Church was held there in the spring of 1856, and Fanny Lee Townsend lectured on Women's Rights in the Senate chamber in 1850, but the court-house was the general dependence. In 1847 the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Order of the State decided to build a large and handsome edifice here for the use of the order, and make one story of 256 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. it a public hall. In May they bought the vacant lot southeast corner of Tennessee and Washington Streets, and formed a company — the Grand Lodge taking a large share of the stock^to erect the build- ing. The plan was proposed by one of the first resi- dent architects liere, Mr. J. Willis, and the late William Sheets superintended the work, subsequently receiving a handsome and costly silver service from the order for the gratuitous work he had done for them in this respect. On the 25th of October the corner-stone was laid with impressive Masonic cere- monies, and the singing of a hymn written for the occasion by Mrs. Sarah S. Bolton. The work hung heavily for want of ready means, and it was not till the spring of 1850 that it was so far advanced that the hall could be opened. When entirely inclosed, but before the floors were laid, a man by the name of Becker, while stepping across the upper story on the joists, fell to the ground-floor and was instantly killed but a minute or two before his two little boys passed the hall on their way home from Sunday-school. Their first look inside showed them the dead body of their father. In the summer of 1850 the hall was first occupied by Mrs. Lesder- nier for a dramatic reading. In the winter the Con- stitutional Convention, which had met in the hall of the House, was forced out by the fleeting of the Legislature and went to Masonic Hall. It was fitted up with a platform at the south end, and with rows of red settees for the members. At night it was lighted by three great, black, ugly chandeliers, with seven or eight sprawling branches that looked like monstrous spiders. They were supplied with gas made of grease and refuse in a little building in the rear, as were a street-lamp or two in front. Here all public exhibitions and entertainments were given from 1850 to about the close of the war, when Morrison's Opera-Hall, on the northeast comer of Meridian and Maryland Streets, then recently completed, began to be used for such purposes considerably till it was burned, in the winter of 1869. The fire had caught in the heating-furnace and made dangerous headway before it was discovered. An alarm would have made a panic and catastrophe. A preacher who made the discovery gave no alarm, but went among the audience whispering the news to them, with directions to go out quietly, and all got out safely, some without knowing what the matter was till they saw the flames burst out. Occasional use was made of two other halls in that time, but being smaller and less accessible they were hardly an exception to the universal use of the larger. In 1875 Masonic Hall was rebuilt, the order using all the upper stories of the front building and making a separate but con- nected building of the public hall, which is a better one than the old one. The Grand Lodge long since absorbed all the stock issued in 1847. The smaller halls were " College Hall," in the third story of the building erected by Daniel Yandes and Thomas H. Sharpe on the site of the old McCarty store, southwest corner of Washington and Pennsyl- vania Streets, a little before the Masonic Hall was built ; and " Washington Hall," opposite " Masonic Hall," built within a year or two of the others. A number of minor halls have been built since, but require no special mention here. Theatres. — The first theatrical performance in Indianapolis Mr. Nowland puts in the winter of 1825, but Mr. Ignatius Brown, citing the Gazette as au- thority, says it was in December, 1823. A reference is made to it in the general history. The first dra- matic performance, with a stage, scenery, orchestra, a full cast of parts and regular " posters," occurred in 1838 or 1839. It was not largely patronized, but its expense was small, and it did well enough to come again in two or three years. The better class of Indianapolis society, and that best able to make its patronage desirable, was not partial to the theatre. The religious element was immovably dominant and by no means tolerant. It would go to a menagerie, or " animal show," as it was usually called, but not to a circus. If the two were combined the bad ruined both. Schools were sometimes given a holiday to visit a menagerie, but scholars who visited a circus were usually rewarded by a private performance like the ring-master's whip and the clown, dissimilar only in its reality. Concerts were tolerable if not credit- able, but a theatre was irredeemable depravity. The feeling has changed a great deal in the last twenty- five years. In 1858 it forbade the Widows' and CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 257 Orphans' Society from receiving a five-hundred dollar benefit at the Metropolitan Theatre. In 1868, ten years later, it moved the very same society to conduct a series of dramatic performances in Morrison's Opera- Hall, for the very same purpose as that so peremp- torily repelled before. The town had grown then till it was big enough and rich enough to furnish paying patronage without dependence on the " rigidly righteous," and moral antipathies, finding themselves powerless to restrain the theatrical demoralization, abandoned the contest and grew weak from disuse. It is not certain that the hostility of the old citizens did not, in the main, benefit the reprehensible shows by the allurement of doing a forbidden thing. At all events, Indianapolis has always been held a first- rate town by showmen of all varieties, from an operatic star to a double-headed baby. Negro minstrels and circuses are especially popular, or have been. The theatre before the war was poor property ; during the war it was a bonanza. Since the war it has fluctuated, with a general tendency towards improve- ment. Returning from this digression to the first regular dramatic sea.son in the city, we find that a Mr. Lind- say was the manager, and Mr. Ollaman's wagon-shop, opposite the court-house, on Washington Street, the theatre. A low stage was built at the south end, on the floor, level with the sidewalk, or lower, while the seats were given a little elevation as they ap- proached the entrance. The orchestra was a fiddle, a clarionet, and a brass instrument, the scenery poor and primitive, but it was scenery, and the perform- ance much like other third-rate stage work. The plays oftenest noticed on the bulletin board were " The Stranger," " Pizarro," " Swiss Cottage," " Loan of a Lover," and " Virginius." Comic songs were introduced between the tragedy and the after-piece, among which the boys picked up the " Tongo Is- lands," with a lively air and an inextricable tangle of unintelligible chorus ; " Jenny, Get Your Hoe-Cake Done," a " nigger" song of the " Jim Crow" or early variety, "Near Fly Market Lived a Dame," and similar rubbish no worse than most of the comic trash of the stage to-day, and less likely to be indecently suggestive. It was silly, but it was not nasty. In 17 1840-41, Mr. Lindsay came again and fitted up in better style the old Indiana Democrat office, on the site of the News building, and here he had two of the finest dramatic performers in the United States of that day, Augustus A. Adams and Mrs. Drake. A mistimed debauch had lost the eminent tragedian a chance of a better engagement, and he came here in default of having anything else to do. Mrs. Drake was possibly in a similar strait, or she would hardly have come here to play in a little theatre that could not seat more than two hundred. However, they did come, and Indianapolis that winter had as fine playing as any city in the Union. The leading performers were in their prime and did their best. A funny scene occurred here that was the town talk for a month. Capt. George W. Cutter, author of the " Song of Steam" and " B Pluribus Unum," both of unusual merit, — written several years after this time, however, — was a member of the Legisla- ture from Terre Haute, a pock-marked, brilliant-eyed, voluble declaimer of the sun-soaring, eagle-screaming order, who had made a conspicuous figure in the great Harrison " log-cabin" campaign the year before, and he boarded at the " Washington Hall," where Mrs. Drake did. She was old enough to be his aunt, if not his mother, but he fell desperately in love with her, and she apparently with him. The billing and cooing of these oddly-raated turtles was aw^less fun for the other inmates of the hotel. He always attended her to the theatre, and remained at the " wings" when she was on the stage. One night her part required a fall, and her adorer fancying it a real one rushed upon the stage, to the utter con- fusion of the scene and the uproarious delight of the audience, and tenderly raising her ponderous loveli- ness, — for she was " fat, fair, and forty," — carried her oflF with many sweetly murmured condolings. They were married soon after this pathetic incident. Mrs. Drake returned here and played with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Chapman, and Mr. Chapman, at the Metropolitan during the war. Capt. Cutter served out his legislative session and never returned. In 1843 the " New York Company of Comedians" leased the upper story of Gaston's carriage-factory, where the Bates House is now, fitted it up as a 258 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. theatre, and gave concerts to cover some evasion of the license law, and followed them with dramatic performances, usually farces or comedies. The com- pany was said at the time to be an unusually good one. One of the earliest of the pioneers of the city, Mr. R. Corbaley, was killed at this theatre one night by walking ofif the platform in front of the upper story where the performances were given, where there was no guard-rail. He fell to the pavement, some twelve or fourteen feet, and died in a short time. More conspicuous every way, both as a social and dramatic event, than any incident so far related, was the formation of the " Indianapolis Thespian Corps" in 184U. It ia hard to determine, at this distance of time, whether the " corps" was an offshoot of the first brass band, or the band was a suggestion of the " corps." In any case they came very closely to- gether, and some of the leading men in one were equally prominent in the other, as Edward S. Tyler, then a bookbinder, now a farmer in Perry township ; James McCready, then a tailor, afterwards mayor, and now an officer of the Indiana National Bank ; James G. Jordan, then a law student, afterwards city clerk and secretary of the Bellefontaine Railroad Com- pany, with O. H. Smith as president — died in 1850. Among the performers were other young men of the city, unknown now, however, except as shadowy memories, save William Wallace. The theatre was a frame building on the northwest corner of Market and Mississippi Streets, which had been erected for a foundry the summer before and never used. There was no floor, the sills were raised a foot from the ground on blocks, — a sort of special providence for the boys who wanted to " slip in," — and the seats were raised one above the other from the north end at the stage to the south end on Market Street. Dr. Mears had a " hay press" west of it on the same lot to make baled hay for flat-boat transportation down the river. The stage was about fifteen feet wide by twenty feet long, and was provided with better scenery, by the gener- osity of Jacob Cox, than many a better theatre could boast. Price of admission, a quarter, with frequent compromises upon merchantable articles of equivalent or approximate value, as silk handkerchiefs, cheap breastpins, especially " log-cabin" pins manufactured for the " log-cabin" Presidential campaign, rings, and like articles. The first performance was of Robert Dale Owen's historical drama called " Pocahontas," accurate his- torically, dreary histrionically. It was written in Mr. Owen's youth, and forgotten by himself and every- body else in his riper years and wider fame. But the novelty of a play performed by our own boys in their own theatre, with their own scenery and music, made it " keep the stage," as the phrase goes, at irregular intervals for a year, sometimes for the benefit of charity, sometimes for diversion. James G. Jordan played Capt. John Smith; James Mc- Cready, Powhattan ; William Wallace, Pocahontas ; Davis Miller, John T. Morrison, and James McVey the minor parts. A year or two after the first season of the •' corps," Mr. E. S. Tyler became a member and " first comedy man." Then the per- formances took on a little variety. The " Golden Farmer" was produced, with Jordan as the Farmer, McCready as Old Mob, and Tyler as Jimmy Twitch- er. Mr. Tyler made a " hit" that in these days would have made his fortune. The " Brigands" was also produced occasionally, Jordan as Massa- roni, with the song of " Love's Ritornella." To- wards the end of this season Mr. Nat. C. Cook, son of John Cook, the first State librarian, who had been playing subordinate parts at " Shire's Garden" Theatre, Cincinnati, came here on a visit to his parents, and, of course, was invited to appear with the " corps." The piece was Home's " Douglas." He played Young Norval ; Jordan, Glenalvon; Miller, Lady Douglas ; John Morrison, Lord Doug- las. Cook did fairly, but Jordan was far better, and was a " born actor, if there ever was one." The farce of the " Two Gregories" ended the perform- ance and the " corps." It went out in a blaze. Both of Mr. Cook's younger brothers appeared in it a few times. Aquilla, the elder of the two, went to Cincinnati in 1844 or 1845, married a dancer in " Shire's Garden," killed the treasurer, Mr. Reeves, on her complaint that he had insulted her, and was never heard of afterwards, except in a letter to a Cincinnati paper boasting of the way he fooled the police and escaped arrest for his crime. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 259 Following the final disappearance of the "Thespian Corps," about the year 1844, there is nothing to notice in dramatic affairs till after the completion of Masonic Hall. Then an occasional dramatic per- formance was given there and in other minor halls, but they formed no feature of the city's life or amusements. During the first State Fair, in the fall of 1852, F. W. Robinson, better known as " Yankee Robinson," set up a theatrical tent on the corner where the " Park" (old " Metropolitan") Theatre is now, and did so well with a very fair traveling company that he came back the next fall and opened in " Washington Hall," with Henry W. Waugh, a young artist of rare promise as well as a good aetor, — he was clown in Robinson's circus as " Dilly Fay," and, as a painter, assisted Mr. Cox with his " Temperance Panorama" in 1855, — for leading man, Sidney Wilkins and wife for the " heavy business," and Charles Wilson and James F. Lytton for Irish characters and songs. Mr. Lytton made very popular here such songs as " Billy O'Rourke," "Low-Backed Car," "Flaming 0'- Flannigans," " Finnegan's Wake," and others. Robinson was followed, in the spring of 1854, by Wilkins and H. W. Brown and Mrs. Mehen, who produced " Uncle Tom's Cabin" the first time in the city. Mr. Calvin Elliott, in the summer and fall of 1854, finished his building on the northwest corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets, and made a fine large room of the third story, which Robin- son fitted up as a theatre and called the " Athe- naeum, " where, as Saxe says, those who dreaded the name of " theatre" but still " Loved plays, Could religiously see 'em." The first season of the " Athenaeum" was very successful. The stock company was good, consisting of R. J. Miller (afterwards known as " Yankee Miller") and his wife, Mr. Bierce (known as " Yan- kee Bierce"), F. A. Tannehill, George McWilliams (Democratic candidate for Congress in the Covington district in 1876, recently deceased), his sister Mary, James F. Lytton, and H. W. Waugh. Somewhere along in October Miss Susan Denin, a " star" of bet- ter ability than social repute, appeared at the " Athe- naeum" and made as much of a sensation as Sara Bernhardt did twenty-six years later. She played in Rev. Mr. Milman's " Fazio," Richard Lalor Shiel's " Evadne," Knowles' " Hunchback," and several farces. The following year she and her sister Kate came, and she played Romeo to Kate's Juliet. In that same fall Maggie Mitchell appeared here first, and it was her second engagement as a " star," or her agent said so. She was not more than seventeen, thirty years ago. Robinson's season closed April 14, 1855, 'and then Mr. Austin H. Brown and John M. Com- mons took the " Athenaeum" and brought here Harry Chapman and Mrs. Drake, — they appeared later at the " Metropolitan," — and in the very furnace-heat of July brought out James E. Murdoch. He played the Stranger to about twenty persons, who bore the heat to see one of the first actors of the country. The next night was worse, and he threw up the en- gagement and never came back, except as a reader and elocutionary performer during the war. Mr. Commons, after Mr. Brown had retired in disgust, kept up the place from the middle of September to December, showing here for the first time Miss Eliza Logan, Mr. Joseph Proctor and wife, I'eter and Caro- line Richings (the latter sang the " Star-Spangled Banner" in 1861, when the flag was hoisted on the State-House by order of the Legislating), W. J. Florence and wife. In 1856, William L. Woods opened the place again, and produced the celebrated low comedian, W. Davidge ; and later Mr. Lytton, as manager, brought out Miss Logan and Mrs. Coleman Pope (who afterwards made her home here and died here). During the winter of 1856-57 the same management produced John Drew, Charlotte Cramp- ton, Dora Shaw, and others. In the summer of 1858 a German company played at the " Athenaeum," and during the winter the Germans kept up two theatres, one at Washington Hall and one at Union Hall. In April, 1858, Kate Denin and Sam Ryan, her husband, opened Washington Hall, to no purpose, and during the State Fair Harry Chapman and his wife and mother-in-law, Mrs. Drake, with John K. Mortimer, opened the " Athenaeum" for the last time. A gymnastic association, formed in 1854 and exer- 260 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. cised in " Blake's Block,' was removed in 1859; with SimQn Yandes as president and the late Thomas H. Bowles as secretary, and the Athenaeum was occupied by it for " calisthenic" operations as long as it was used for any public purpose. It was at last turned into an eating-house. This is the whole history worth noting of the early period of the drama in the city when there were only temporary theatres, casual seasons scattered all about the year, and companies collected by luck, as often ill as good. It may be added, to complete the sketch, that C. J. Smith failed in a week in the " Athenaeum" in March,' 1857, and Maddocks and Wilson did the same in the summer of 1856, but took longer, and Wilson and Pratt and Yankee Bierce followed in the same way in the fall and winter of the same year. The theatre was now to change its character from the casual resource of a broken actor to a permanent feature of city life and entertainment. In 1857, Mr. Valentine Butsch, the owner of the lot on the north- east corner of Washington and Tennessee Streets, determined to build a theatre there. It had in early years been a frequent location of circuses and men- ageries, and was entitled by its history to this selec- tion. In August, 1857, the corner-stone was laid, and in the following year, in September, the building was completed. It cost, with the lot, sixty thousand dollars. The lower story, except a stairway of twenty feet width, is occupied by business houses. The two upper ones — built purposely — are high, commodious, and well ventilated, and make, with the gallery, an auditorium seating about fifleen hundred persons. It was opened under the management of E. T. Sherlock, Sept. 27, 1858, with "tableaux vivants" by the " Keller" troop. During the sea- son closing the last of February there appeared in the new theatre, called the " Metropolitan," Mr. Hackett, the eminent Shakespearian actor and per- sonator of Fahtaff, the Florences, J. B. Roberts, Mrs. J. W. Wallack, Mrs. Sinclair (the divorced wife of Forrest, — an indifferent actress), Adah Isaacs Menken, Eliza Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Waller, Matilda Heron, — fresh in her celebrity as a " realistic" actress, — and the Cooper English Opera Troupe, and other " stars" of less magnitude. It was not a paying season, and to improve it the manager proposed to give a benefit to the " Widows' and Orphans' Society," as elsewhere related. The proffer was re- jected solely on account of the immoral character of the theatre, which made it improper for a moral asso- ciation to take its money even for righteous uses. Opinion changed in ten years, and cordially sustained the same society in giving a series of dramatic per- formances in the occasional theatre of Morrison's Opera Hall. The performers were amateurs, but the performances were no better morally, and very little worse histrionically, than the plays usually seen in the theatre. Following Mr. Sherlock came Mr. George Wood for a few nights, and Mr. John A. Ellsler for two months, reopening in the fall and winter. On the 25th of April, 1861, when volunteers were gathering here in thousands for the war, Mr. Butsch took the management himself, with Felix A. Vincent as stage manager, and Miss Marion McCarthy — who subse- quently became insane and died here — as " leading lady." Mr. Vincent was succeeded in 1863 by Wil- liam H. Riley, who remained till 1867, when he went to New Orleans as manager of the " Saint Charles," and died there within a month after his arrival. The season of 1867-68 was managed by Matt. V. Lingham, and that of 1868 by Charles R. Pope. Joseph Jefferson, John E. Owens, and Edwin Forrest appeared at the " Metropolitan" at one time or another in this long interval, with nearly all the distinguished actors of the country. On the 25th of March, 1867, Madame Ristori appeared there under the management of Mr. Grau. Mr. Forrest played Virginius, Spartacm, Othello (Mr. Pope as lago), Metamora. Subsequently he played Lear and Jack Cade at the " Academy of Music." The " Metropolitan" was a profitable enterprise, and impelled Mr. Butsch, in 1868, to buy the un- finished " Miller Block," southeast corner of Illi- nois and Ohio Streets, for fifty thousand dollars, and to finish it as one of the largest and finest thea- tres in the West. Like the " Metropolitan," the lower story was occupied by business houses. The two upper stories made a large and convenient stage and an auditorium for twenty-five hundred spectators. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 261 Mr. William H. Leake was manager. Here appeared during this management Mr. Owens, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Leffingwell, Mrs. Lander, Mrs. Janauschek, Mr. Toole, the celebrated English comedian, and others less noted. In the fall of 1870, Mr. Leake was joined by Mr. James Dickson, — now of the extensive the- atrical management combination of " Brooks & Dick- son," — and they leased the Academy for some years. The " Metropolitan," at this time, was " running" as a sort of " variety" theatre, with Mr. Sargent, later with Fred Thompson, and later and much longer with Simon MeCarty, till the late Mr. Dillard Kicketts bought and repaired and improved it a few years ago, when the Dickson Brothers leased it and hold it yet under the name of the " Park Theatre." The only conspicuous appearance at it in late years was that of Mrs. Langtry's two nights early in 1883, first as Rosalind, in " As You Like It," and as Juliana, in Tobin's " Honeymoon," with no considerable success, though not worse than older actresses have done on the same stage. The " Academy of Music" changed hands about 1875 or 1876, and Gen. Daniel Macauley became manager. Messrs. Leake and Dickson then began building the present " Grand Opera- House." in the rear of the " Martindale Block," on the east side of North Pennsylvania Street, with a wide pas- sage through the " Block" to the auditorium. There are two galleries here. Shortly after the opening of the " Grand" the " Academy" was wholly destroyed by fire, and when rebuilt was converted into business rooms. Along about this time there were several " variety" theatres maintained in halls and beer gar- dens which do not need mention here. The " Zoo" — contraction of " Zoological" — began as a sort of stationary menagerie a half-dozen years ago with a " variety" addition, but gradually dropped all of the " zoological" features except the first two syllables of the name combined into one, and became a very fair show-place of that kind. Within two or three years it has been greatly enlarged and improved both in building and performances. Some three years ago William H. English built the " English Opera-House," in the rear of the fine " quadrant" of buildings he is putting up in uniform style on the northwest quarter of Circle Street, and has made it equal to any in the West in extent, excellence* of accommodations, safety in case of fire, and amplitude of stage room. The management is in the hands of William E. English, son of the propri- etor. He has shown a striking aptitude for the busi- ness, and has brought here Sarah Bernhardt in 1881, Madame Gerster and Campanini in 1882, Adelina Patti in 1882-83, with most of the leading actors of the day, female and male, at one time or another. Oscar Wilde lectured here. The management has been very liberal in allowing its use for public purposes. State conventions have been held in it, the High School grad- uating exercises have been conducted in it, and the "Art Loan Exhibition" very recently was given the use of it. There have been two or three little museums here, one on east Washington Street by a Mrs. English, and one on the corner of Georgia and Illinois Streets, in a shed. Neither amounted to anything. Before " gar- dens" as places of public resort had degenerated into beer-swilling conveniences, there were two in the city that deserve mention as places of public and decent diversion. John Hodgkins opened the first in 1841, in the orchard of George Smith's (first newspaper man) place, northeast corner of Georgia and Tennes- see Streets. He made arbors under and around the fruit-trees, with graveled walks and flower-beds, and the first ice-house ever built for public tTsc in the town. In 1856-57 the " Apollo Garden" was opened on Kentucky Avenue, on the point now occupied by the " Cleaveland Block," once the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Bolton's residence. This soon degenerated into a low resort, and public " gardens" have ever since been places of rather equivocal character when they were not openly vicious. Lectures. — Until the fall and winter of 1855-56 there were no regular courses of lectures in the city. In 1846-47 the " Union Literary Society," as related in the general history, had a few lectures delivered in churches by Rev. S. T. Gillett, Rev. Dr. Johnson, of Christ Church, Godlove S. Orth, Henry Ward Beecher, and one or two others, to considerable free audiences, the expense being paid by contributions from old cit- izens like Mr. McCarty, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Blake, Mr. Ray, Mr. Austin W. Morris, Mr. 262 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. James Sulgrove, and others ; and in 1850-51, during the Constitutional Convention, they obtained lectures from a few of the members, Robert Dale Owen, John B. Niles, of Laporte, Professor Daniel Read, of the State University, among them. The last effort of the old society was in the fall of 1853, when they obtained a lecture from Horace Greeley on " Henry Clay," in Masonic Hall, on his return from the second annual State Fair at Lafayette, where he had delivered the address. In May, 1851, John B. Gough had been I here and delivered a series of three or four lectures on j temperance in Masonic Hall. On the 28th and 29th of October, 1853, the ex-priest Gavazzi lectured on the " Inquisition and Catholicism." In November following Lucy Stone lectured three times in Masonic Hall on Women's Rights, the right of suffrage being le.ss prominent in her consideration than the right of employment and self-support. She wore the Bloomer costume, plain and simple to the verge of ugliness, while she was rather an attractive looking young lady. The audience became a little impatient and began " stamping" for her appearance before the advertised time. She came out, looked at her watch, and rebuked the audience for calling her out before the time. " They had no right to do it," she said. Page Chap- man, in the next Saturday's Chanticleer, called her an " impertinent minx" for it. In October of 1855 a Women's Rights Convention was held in the Masonic Hall, and addresses were made by Lucretia Mott, Ernestine L. Rose, Frances D. Gage, Adaline Swift, Harriet Cutler, and other distinguished advocates of women's rights. At a later convention of the same kind Miss Susan B. Anthony was present. Abby Kelly and Joseph Barker, of Pittsburgh, were present at the first one. Mrs. Livermore has lectured here several times, as has Anna Dickinson. As early as any of these lectures was one in Masonic Hall by Mr. Whitney, on his hobby of building a railroad to the Pacific by donations or sales of public lands. Though little practical good followed his efforts directly, it is probable that his well-informed demonstrations con- tributed to the impulse that pushed the great trans- continental enterprises more rapidly than they would otherwise have been. These were all casual and scat- tered efforts. In 1855-56 there came in a system, a little weakened in recent years but by no means worn out. The Young Men's Christian Association organized on the 21st of March, 1854, and speedily made ar- rangements to procure lecturers for regular courses which they proposed to maintain. The first one in the winter of 1855-56 brought here Park Benjamin, Rev. Mr. Butler, of Wabash College, David Paul Brown, the eminent Philadelphia lawyer, Edwin P. Whipple, Henry B. Stanton, Bishop Simpson, Ed- ward P. Thompson, Henry W. Ellsworth, son of the old commissioner of patents, Henry L. Ellsworth, minister to Sweden and Norway in Polk's term, then from 1852 and till his death, or near it, a resident of this city. The next year, 1856-5Y, the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Men's Literary Association both held lecture-courses. The chief lecturers were Rev. Theodore Parker, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, John B. Gough, Elihu Burritt (the " Learned Blacksmith"), Samuel S. Cox, Thornton A. Mills, of the Second Presbyterian Church here, and George Sumner, brother of Charles. He lec- tured once in Washington Hall, and so did Bayard Taylor. In May, 1857, Edward Everett delivered his " Mount Vernon" lecture in Masonic Hall, and the season following Dudley A. Tyng, Horace Gree- ley, Governor Boutwell, Rev. Henry Giles (a cripple and noted lecturer) lectured in the regular course. In the season of 1858 the chief lecturers were Dr. J. G. Holland (the "Timothy Titcomb" of the Springfield (Mass.) Republican ; later, the author of " Miss Gilbert's Career," " Bitter Sweet," and other works, and dying recently as editor of the Century), Professor Youmans, Professor Maury, Benjamin F. Taylor, Bayard Taylor, Thomas Francis Meagher. On the 18th of May, 1859, the General Assembly of the Old School Presbyterians met in the Third Church, Illinois Street, and held daily sessions till the 2d of June. Sermons and addresses were deliv- ered by several of the distinguished clergymen pres- ent in different churches of the city, while a debate between Dr. McMaster, of New Albany, and Dr. N. L. Rice (the antagonist in 1845 of the celebrated Alexan- der Campbell in a debate at Lexington, Ky., where Henry Clay was moderator) attracted a great deal of CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 263 attention among the citizens. Dr. Palmer, of New Or- leans, Dr. Thornwell, of Charleston, S. C, and Dr. Alex- ander, of Princeton, Were conspicuous members, and drew large miscellaneous audiences to their sermons. In February, 1860, Lola Montez lectured in Masonic Hall two or three times to not very large or enthu- siastic audiences. Bayard Taylor and Henry J. Ray- mond, of the New York Times, and Ralph Waldo Emerson (on " Clubs or Conversation") also lectured in the hall the same winter, and with them were Dr. Robert J. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, George W. Win- ship, the " strong man," and some others. During the preceding February, George D. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, lectured in the hall, and Henry S. Foote, ex-Governor and ex-United States Senator of Mississippi, lectured in the basement of Roberts' Chapel, but both spoke on their own account and in no connection with a lecture association. Mr. Lin- coln spoke in Masonic Hall on the 19th of Septem- ber, 1859. Dr. Boynton delivered a series of lectures on geology in December, 1859, and January, 1860. In the fall of 1855 or 1856, Professor 0. M. Mitchell, the eminent astronomer of the Cincinnati Observatory, delivered a series of ten or twelve lectures in Masonic Hall under the auspices of some " literary associa- tion." They were more closely attended than any ever delivered here, and were worth more for in- struction to those who heard them. They were re- ported pretty fully in the Journal. This series is set by itself in the sketch because it is quite apart from the regular lecture-courses. During the war the lecture system languished, and it has never been revived in its original vigor, though a course which proved quite successful was delivered during the past season. Concerts. — Except a rare concert by the pupils of some music teacher, or a " nigger" minstrel troupe, the public patronage and recognition of music never shone conspicuously among the evidences of culture in Indianapolis during the first thirty years of its existence. How far such patronage as was extended to the art proved it need not be discussed here. We had brass bands pretty nearly continuously from 1840, when the first one was formed, till the establishment of the theatre here compelled the retention of skilled musicians for orchestral service, and thus made handy material for bands and for a better grade of musical instruction than had been usual, but there had been no public performance of the best music, the " classic" order, till the fall of 1851. Then Madame Anna Bishop and M. Bochsa gave a concert in Masonic Hall that furnished the curious some idea of what music was that was neither hymn nor ballad, jig nor hornpipe. To some it was a revelation of pleasure of a higher kind than had been customary, to others it was unmeaning and even ludicrous. They saw no music in it because there was no " tune" in it ; they knew of no musical expression of sentiment but a " tune," and what was not that was nothing. The German immigration since that time has done more than any other agency to familiarize intelligent people with better music than " Leather Breeches" or " Hell on the Wabash." Mrs. Bishop gave her audience a notion of what opera was, and a good many had not a clearer idea of it than they have of the cause of the recent red sunsets. She sang the " Chi me Frena," from " Lucretia," in character. It served as an indication to the shrewd auditor. Some additional musical impulse may have been derived from a State convention of brass bands held in the hall, under the management of George B. Downie, leader of the Indianapolis Band, when some thirteen were present and competed for a prize banner awarde(^o the New Albany Band. At the solicitation of the convention, Mr. B. R. Sulgrove declared the award, and made an address on the occasion. A second convention of nine bands was held in the same place in November, 1853, under the management of Charles W. Cottom, afterwards city editor of the Sentinel. The great musical event of the period, however, was the appearance in Masonic Hall of Ole Bull, Dec. 6, 1853. It was his first Western tour, and put the intelligent part of the town in a musical fever that has not been equaled since, even by the combination of Kellogg, Cary, and Madame Rosa, or Gerster and Campanini, or even by Patti, and she, then a little girl of ten or twelve years, was in the performance with her sister, Madame Strakosch, and sang " Comin' Thro' the Rye" (a river, not a grain-field). On the 22d of January, 1856, the Hutchinsons sang here in 264 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the hall. Ole Bull returned in February, and in November, Strakosch, Parodi, Tiberini, Morini, and Paul Julien performed in the hall. On the 20th of the same month, George F. Root had a State musical convention assemble here. Music was getting " ac- tive," as market reports say. In 1855 the " Black Swan," Miss Greenfield, or some such name, sang at the hall. May 2d, and came here again in 1868. On December 10th, Parodi and the pair of Stra- kosches gave a concert at the hall. On the 30th of June, 1857, Dod worth's great New York band, numbering ninety members, gave an " open-air" concert in the military grounds to an audience but little larger than the band. This was under a con- tract with a Cleveland manager named Stone. At night they gave a concert for their own benefit, but with no better result than in the day performance. A few weeks before this Thalberg, Parodi, and Mol- lenhauer gave a concert at the hall. Musical culture was looking up. June 10 to 13, 1858, the Ger- man singing societies of the State held a conven- tion here, finishing with a procession and a concert, both enthusiastically witnessed by a large attendance of all nationalities of citizens. The first full operatic performance was that of the " Bohemian Girl," by the " Cooper English Opera Troupe," in the winter of 1858-59, at the " Metropolitan." Musical Societies. — Before glancing at the musi- cal associations and other indications of the musical culture of the city now, it may be as well to look back a moment at the associations which have been formed here, served their occasion, and passed away. The first was the " Handelian" Society of 1828, which furnished the music for the celebration of the Fourth of July that year. Who composed it and what be- came of it are undiscoverable facts now. The next of which any positive evidence exists, except the choirs of churches, — and only the Episcopal in 1838, the Catholic in 1841, and Mr. Beecher's about the same time, had choirs, — was a society mainly com- posed of those who had been members of Mr. Beecher's choir, Mr. A. G. Willard (the leader), John L. Ketcham, Alex. Davidson (son-in-law of Governor Noble), Mrs. Dr. Ackley (daughter of Mr. Baldwin, first president of Wabash College), Lawrence M. Vance, and others. Professor P. R. Pearsall was the teacher and instrumental performer. No man in the city did so much as he to develop and diffuse a better musical taste in the city. He died a few years ago at the advanced age of eighty-six, as active, cheerful, and social as most men of half his years. Other societies came up and went down with no result and no record. In 1863 " The Musicale," a society formed by Mr. J. A. Butterfield, a music pub- lisher and dealer here, wholly of skilled musicians, per- formed classic music only, and only in the houses of the members, for a few years, making a public appearance but once. In the summer of 1804, Pro- fessor Benjamin Owen formed a class in vocal music, as Professor Sharpe had done ten years before, and gave public concerts with them. It broke up about 1867. In September, 1867, the " Mendelssohn Society" was formed, with Wm. H. Churchman as president ; Gen. Daniel Macauley, vice-president ; Charles P. Jacobs, secretary ; Thomas N. Caulfield, director. When Mr. Caulfield removed in 1868, Professor Carl Bergstein was chosen leader. The society is not now in existence. The " Maennerchor," formed in 1854, is the oldest and largest musical association in the city. It is German, as its name indicates, but no good music comes amiss to it. The first leaders were Mr. Long- reich, Mr. Despa, Mr. Kantman, Professor Weegman, and Professor Bergstein. It directed the great Saengerfest here in 1867, and again in 1883. The net proceeds of the festival were given to the Ger- man-English School, the Benevolent Society, and the German Benevolent Society. Its hall is the former City Hall on East Washington Street. Last summer it gave a performance in the Grand Opera-House of the opera of " Stradella" in so good a style that one unacquainted with the company would have con- cluded that it was a professional association of a very fair grade. In 1869, in October, three German musical societies were compounded by the influence of Professor Bergstein, — the Liederkranz, Harmonic, and Frohsinn. The union was at first temporary to celebrate the Humboldt centennial. Afterwards it was made permanent under the name of the " Har- monic." Ladies were not admitted as members. Its CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 265 meetings were held twice a week in Marmont's Hall, southwest corner of Georgia and Illinois Streets. The " Liederkranz" and the " Harmonie" have been reconstructed since the combination, and are now in existence separately. The " Turn-Verein" has a musical association in its membership. The " Druid Maennerchor" was formed in 1868, exclu- sively for members of that order, with Philip Reich- wein for president, and August Mueller, director. The "Choral Union" was formed about 1869, for the general purpose of promoting musical taste and culture, and performing occasionally the higher styles of musical composition, both vocally and instru- mentally. The first officers were M. R. Barnard, president ; Wm. C. Sinock, secretary ; Professor J. S. Black, director ; E. C. Mayhew and George B. Loomis, leaders. Nothing has been heard of it recently, at least since Professor Black and Mr. Barnard left the city. The " Philharmonic Orchestra" was organized about the same time as the preceding, with Dr. R. A. Barnes as leader. The " Lyra" is an old and well- established German musical society of large member- ship and means, and has a fine hall in the building which has replaced the old " Washington Hall," opposite Masonic Hall. It is rather a rival of the Maennerchor. Benham's Musical Review was pub- lished here for some halfdozen years before 1870, and for two or three years after that. In 1869, Mr. A. G. Willard began the publication of the Musical Visitor here. Both have long been suspended. Among the prominent musicians of the city, profes- sional and amateur, have been Professor Pearsall, Mr. A. G. Willard, Professor Bergstein, Professor Lizus, Professor ErnestinofF, Professor Baker, Professor Barus, Professor Beissenherz, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Vogt (orchestra leaders the last three), Mr. Athlick Smith, Mr. M. H. Spades and Mrs. Spades, Mrs. Leon Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Morrison, Mr. 0. W. Williams, Mrs. E. W. Halford, Miss Mackenzie, Mrs. John C. New, Mrs. Lynn, Mr. Ora Pearson, and others not recalled at this moment. The present management of the public musical associations of the city is as follows : The " Lieder- kranz" meets Wednesdays and Fridays, at Union Hall. W. H. Scherer is president ; Gustav Her- mann, secretary ; Frederick Mack, treasurer. Ernst EmestinofiF, musical director. The " Lyra" meets Tuesday and Saturday evenings, at Lyra Hall. Ed. Raschig is president ; F. Mumnenhoff, secretary ; John Wocher, Jr., treasurer ; Reinhold Miller, mu- sical director. The " Maennerchor" meets Wednesday and Friday evenings, at Maennerchor Hall (formerly City Hall). C. E. Einerich is president ; Fred. Merz, secretary ; Carl Barus, musical director. The bands of music are the " Indianapolis City Band," No. 268 East Washington Street, Reinhold Miller, manager, B. Vogt, conductor ; "Union Band," No. 361 East McCarty Street, Robert Dehne, leader ; " Beissen- herz's Band," No. 400 North New Jersey, H. D. Beissenherz, manager. The " Eureka," a colored musical organization, is both vocal and instrumental. Fine Arts. — Although the first State-House had to seek an architect in New York, the new one and the new court-house found home talent and taste suf- ficient for all needs, and it would be hard to match either with any public building of any period or cost. There were good architects here, however, before Isaac Hodgson and Edwin May. John Elder (father of John R. Elder, of the Locomotive and Sentinel, now a railroad manager in New Orleans) was one of the earliest architects in the city. Not much was needed of that order of skill, as liouses were chiefly frame, and whatever they were in materiaWiey were sure to be the same square, plain structures, with no more conception of ornament or variety, even of paint, than a saw-log. In nothing, except music, is the improvement of taste more noticeable than in the houses now built for residence. The " goods-box" order of architecture has disappeared. Houses have fronts varied by porches, porticos, pillars, projections, painting, oflBets, bay-windows, ornamental wood-work, costing but very little more than the square, staring, white family depositories of the last generation, but with a suggestion of beauty wholly invisible in the other. Door-frames are one color, the panels another, window-sash and frames are varied, the main tone of the house-color is different from either, fences and gates are tinted differently. Color is used largely to produce variety, both in outside and inside work. The man who would have put two colors in or on his 866 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. house thirty years ago would have been unanimously suspected of mental aberration. The consequence of this taste, or want of it (partly the eflFect of enforced economy, no doubt), was that one man was about as competent an architect as another. There was no more room for taste than in building a pig-pen or an ash- hopper. Following Mr. Elder in this primitive era was Mr. Colestock, and later Mr. Willis, who planned the first Masonic Hall. Then came Mr. Tinsley, who was concerned with the asylums and some of the bet- ter business blocks. The architects now here can hold their own with any in the country, as witness the scores of fine residences in the North End, the painting, except that which devised the " rosebush" for Carter's tavern or the " eagle" for Hawkins'. In 1831, however, a portrait-painter by the name of M. Gr. Rogers came and took a room in Henderson's tavern, and advertised his presence and pursuit. He stayed but a few weeks, in the latter part of the winter, with what advantage to himself or what benefit to the artistic taste of the community nobody will ever know. Very soon after him, in 1833, Mr. Jacob Cox came here, with his brothers, and began the tin- and copper-smith business, keeping it up manfully for a score of years, but all the time feeling an irrepressible longing for the pursuit of art. He NORTH SIDE OF WASIIISGTOS BETWEEN PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE STREETS, 1856. SOUTH SIDE or WASHINGTON BETWEEN PENNSYLVANIA AND DELAWARE STREETS, 18M. "superb business blocks, the churches, and city school- houses. This is not the place to specify them or their peculiar merits, and this reference is all that can be made without invidious suggestion. The business houses of the times before the impulse of improve- ment brought by the railroads had changed them may be judged by the illustrations in this chapter. Painting in the early days of the city was confined to portraits wholly, at least so far as remunerative work was concerned. If landscape or " figure" work was attempted it was to indulge the artist's taste or ambition, not to fill an order from an esthetic patron. For the first ten years we have no account of any manifested it when a lad of a dozen years of age, and it grew with his growth, in spite of prudent parental repression, which sought a remedy in a dif- ferent occupation. Excepting in a casual way, he did not paint much till the campaign of 1840 made a large demand for banners with appropriate party symbols, — -Whig symbols in his case, " the same old coon" especially, — and these he painted with a decided advantage of reputation and some money, which led him to pay more attention to his art and less to his trade. He painted a good deal in the next two years, and made portraits of Senator Oliver H. Smith, Gov- ernor Bigger, Governor Wallace, and others, of such CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 267 striking accuracy of likeness and artistic effect that they were quite the talk of the town at their appear- ance. In 1842 he went to Cincinnati and opened a studio with John Dunn, son of a former State treas- urer of Indiana, and remained five months, in that time securing the patronage and high regard of Miles Greenwood and other Cincinnatians, whose approval and patronage were a good thing for any- body to have. He returned here, kept his business (with occasional intervals of painting) till about 1858, when he left the shop for the studio altogether. While the " Cincinnati Art Union" was in ex- man Lieber had then recently opened his art estab- lishment, and contributed largely to the success of the society, which was mainly of his origination. The pictures sent in by Mr. Cox, Peter Fishe Read, James F. Gookios, and others were exhibited in his picture-room, and the association given quarters there. A number of citizens acquired excellent specimens of home art during the exiistence of this society. Since its extinction Mr. Cox has painted steadily and with great variety of subjects and treatment, and those who can judge say with steady improve- ment, though now over the Scriptural limit of three- 80UTH SIDE OF \VA.-iii.\t:TuN i;i:tvi i IAN AND PENNSYLVANIA STKEET8, 1848. '■""".'" ""'^WWAi^TO ' "■-"■'■'- "' ■ NORTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON BETWEEN MERIDIAN AND PENNSYLVANIA STREETS, 1854. istence Mr. Cox painted one or two pictures for each annual exhibition, and they were all bought at good prices. The " Union," however, was ahead of the times, and went down after a struggle of four or five years, from 1848 to 1854, or thereabouts. During this period he improved greatly in his landscape work, and occasionally attempted " historical" or " figure" pieces less successfully. He has done far better in this way in his later years. In 1856 the " Indianapolis Art Society" was formed for the pur- pose of encouraging art by securing the sales of the work of home artists, and accomplished a good deal of its purpose in the few years that it lived. Her- score and ten. He is the pioneer artist of Indian- apolis and of the State, and easily the most eminent. In his life and labors the art history of Indianapolis is almost embodied. There was little outside of him for twenty-five years after 1840. There were other artists of talent and skill and good repute here at times, but none have remained long enough to be identified with the place. Mr. Whitridge, Mr. Eaton, Mr. Gookins, Mr. Read, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Steele, Mr. Rowley, Mrs. Guffin, and others went away after a residence of a few months or a few years. Mr. Cox has never changed. Several artists of distinction here were his pupils, particularly Mrs. 268 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Ouffin, Miss Julia Cox. (his daughter, now Mrs. White), and Henry W. Waugh. About the time Mr. Cox began applying himself wholly to his art, a young man about as ill dressed as a man could be and appear on the street, came here and lived for a time with Dr. Abner Pope. H« painted a portrait of the doctor that commanded general admiration. He remained painting here for a year or so, and then went to Cincinnati, where he became one of the distinguished artists of the West. He was Joseph 0. Eaton. He removed to New York during the latter part of the war, or at its close, and with him went William Miller, a little, gifted, misshapen fellow who painted miniatures, and for several years visited the city for a few months, making his home with the late Dr. Mears and keeping a studio in the " Sanders Block," West Washington Street, near Meridian. At about the same time a portrait painter by the name of Brown had a studio in the same building for a year or two. In 1842, — not far from the time of the arrival of the other artists, — Mr. T. W. Whitridge came here and remained longer, made a better impression, and did more work than any artLst who at that time had been here, not excluding our own home artists. He opened the first daguerrean gallery here in the second story of the frame building still standing on the corner of Washington Street and the alley on the south side between Meridian and Illinois. Some of his paintings are owned here still, and some are kept by Mr. Beecher in his Brooklyn house. This distinguished preacher was a warm friend and frequent visitor of the artist. When Mr. Whitridge left for New York, or possibly before. Dr. Luke Munsell opened a gallery in the building where the " Hubbard Block" stands. In 1845 this gallery, or one in the same place, was conducted by Peter McNaught. These were the first develop- ments of an art which now produces here works with no superior in any city in the country. For a number of years after Mr. Whitridge left, Mr. Cox had the field all to himself, but it was unhappily hardly worth having. James B. Dunlap, son of Dr. L. Dunlap, very early manifested signs of artistic talent. He never culti- vated it systematically, or he might have been one of the prominent artists of the country. He was in Cali- fornia for some years, and there made a bust of Capt. Sutter, the noted Calfornia pioneer and owner of the first "gold diggings," which was very widely noticed and commended as a fine work of plastic art. He returned to Indianapolis before the civil war broke out, and did something in the way of portrait-paint- ing, but he never accomplished anything at all equal to his abilities. Of late years, during the last decade, there has been a notable increase of students of art and artists working their way into a reputation and a comfort- able living. Of these it would be invidious to speak as of older artists or those who have gone away. It remains to notice the " Art Loan Exhibition," at the English Opera-House, in December, 1883. This was in a considerable measure the work of Miss Ketcham, and it is likely to be but the beginning of a long series of such exhibitions. An art school has recently been advertised by Mrs. Sewall, secre- tary of the association, to be held in the Old Ply- mouth Church building, now a part of the " English Block," and taught partly by Mr. MacDonald, of Chicago, and partly by Miss Ketcham, who, says the notice, " will be present at the art rooms, and will see that each student desiring to practice during those days has an opportunity to do so without in- terruption. During these days Miss Ketcham is employed to give instruction in china painting to special pupils in that branch. Lessons in china painting will not be given on the last three days of each week." In the way of sculpture Indianapolis has done little and promises little. One or two lady artists have done some good modeling, but it is not said that they will prosecute sculpture as a pursuit. The limestone figures on the court-house are mere " architectural, not artistic, sculptures," says the architect, and it is well. The statue of Franklin on the " Franklin Insurance Company's" building manifests a good deal of the native ability required for sculpture, and the artist, a Mr. Mahoney, may make a high reputation if he tries. Clubs. — The literary societies of the last genera- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 269 tion,in which the members debated the comparative merits of Luther and Columbus, printing and steam, or read essays, have become " clubs" in these latter days, and rate themselves in a difiFerent order of intellectual diversion and development from their predecessors. They have a full right to. Though the debating societies of the time, from 1835 to 1850, sometimes contained full-grown men and solid brains, they were generally made up of boys from fifteen to twenty. The literary clubs of to-day contain some of the best thinkers and best-informed men in the State, and they do not meet to talk nonsense or waste time ; that is, the better grade of clubs, both male and female. It is impossible to say how many there are, or what they are, there are so many hidden away in corners and sections of the community concerning themselves only with their own neighborhood. The " Indianapolis Literary Club" of gentlemen is the oldest, largest, and ablest, presumably, and the " Ladies' Literary Club" is of the same quality of the other sex. The " Meridian Club" is of the English, or stereotyped class, social, possibly con- vivial at times, and concerned more with the table than the library. The club-house of the " Meridian" is the residence built by the late W. H. Talbott, on the southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio Streets. It seems to be well sustained. There are, of course, several political clubs in Presidential campaigns, but they are temporary, and not of the character of the clubs referred to here. The Scotch have a " Burns" or " Caledonian Club," and a " Caledonian Quoiting Club ;" there are several dancing clubs, and musical clubs, and charitable clubs, and convivial clubs, and possibly missionary clubs. The city bristles with olubs like an army of Fijians or ancient Britons. Hotels. — It is not certain that the first house built in Indianapolis was not a tavern. John Mc- Cormick's house was a tavern in 1820, and his has a reasonable probability to sustain its claim of being the first one. It stood on the river bank near the site of the east end of the old National Road bridge. How long he kept it as a place of entertainment for " man and beast" no record shows. He was probably soon crowded out by his later neighbors, Nowland, Carter, and Hawkins. Of these early hotels, or " taverns," as they were always called, an account has been given in the general history, but a word may be added as to their later history. On the death of Mr. Nowland in November, 1822, his widow, for many years as well known as the Governor of the State, took boarders and kept a boarding-house till within a few years of her death, a period of full thirty years. Her house for most of this period was on the south side of Washington Street, on the site of the great drug house of Browning & Sloan, and here, during sessions of the Legislature, the genial landlady, who was everybody's friend and had a friend in every- body, was sure to hold a large patronage of members and visitors. Though less pretentious than the larger liotels, it was not less widely or favorably known. Major Carter's first tavern, the " Rose- bush," a two-story frame on the site of 40 West Washington Street, was moved oiF after he left it in 1823, and finally stopped on West Street near Maryland. His two-story frame opposite the court-, house was burned during the first session of the Legislature. The ground soon afterward was oc- cupied by a row of two-story brick buildings, in one of which ex-Governor Ray kept a hotel for some years before his death. The " Eagle Tavern" of John Hawkins, on the north side of Washington Street, a half-square east of Meridian, was a double log cabin in a wood so dense that the trees of which it was built were cut upon the site it stood upon, and at the time a person in the door could not see another person on the other side of the street a half- block away ; or, to measure by existing objects, a person in front of the " Iron Block" could not see another at the east end of Yohn's Block. In 1 826-27 it was replaced by a two-story brick, long known as the " Union Hotel," and long kept by Basil Brown, the typical landlord of the time. John Hare, and John Cain, and Mr. Jordan also kept it. In 1849 it was replaced by a four-story brick, opened by John Cain, July 14, 1850, as the " Capital House." He was succeeded by Lemuel Frazier, Daniel D. Sloan, and others till the spring of 1857, when the Sentinel, under J. J. Bingham, moved its entire es- tablishment there and was terribly blown up the first night by a defective boiler. Thus ends the history 270 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of the Hawkins tavern and its site in that direc- tion. Pretty nearly opposite, where the Glenn Block is now, James Blake and Samuel Henderson built a two-story frame tavern in the summer and fall of 1823, and opened it with a ball Jan. 12, 1824. This was the " Washington Hall," then and for thirty years the best-known hotel in Indiana. It was the Whig headquarters, as the hotel opposite was the Democratic headquarters till the opening of the Palmer House in 1841 changed them. In 1836 the frame was moved east to the next lot, and a three-story brick with a basement and a recessed portico with pillars, and with two rear two-story buildings extending' to the alley, was erected at a cost of thirty thousand dollars by the " Washington Hall Company," composed of Messrs. Yandes, Blake, Henderson, McCarty, and others. It was opened by Edmund Browning, then recently from Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 16, 1837, and kept by him till 15th of March, 1851. He was succeeded by Henry Achey, Robert Browning, Burgess & Townley, Gen. W. J. Elliott, father of Judge Byron K. Elliott, of the Supreme Bench, and he by Louis Eppinger. The house was then bought by the Glenns and remodeled into the present block. In the winter of 1843 the most de- structive fire which had then ever occurred in the town took place here. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher dis- tinguished himself in the labor of extinguishing it. In 1840-41, Nathan B. Palmer, then State Treas- urer, built a two-story brick, with a wooden story on top of it, on the southeast corner of Illinois and Washington Streets, which was opened in the sum- mer of 1841 by John C. Parker, of Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind., under the name of the " Palmer House." In 1856 the lessee. Dr. Barbour, made a four-story brick of it, and extended it southward to the alley. Besides Mr. Parker and Dr. Barbour, the Palmer House has been kept by J. D. Carmichael, Dennis Tuttle, Charles W. Hall, and B. Mason. Some years ago it was rearranged and improved, and the name was changed to the " Occidental," under which it has been regarded as one of the best houses in the city. In 1834, John Little opened a two-story frame tavern, called from its sign the " Sun" tavern, on the southeast corner of Washington and New Jersey Streets, commanding a large patronage of horseback- travelers, who constituted a large portion of all the travelers of those days. A three-story L was added in 1847 by his sons, Matthew and Ingraham, and four years later the original building was moved over to the northea.st corner of Washington and East Streets, and was replaced by a three-story brick. The old building was kept as a hotel for some years, and then it and the grounds were turned into a beer garden. The " Little House" has retained its name, though like the others it has frequently changed landlords. It has been the " Little House," or "Lit- tle's Hotel," for fifty years. In anticipation of the completion of the Madison Railroad, Robert B. Duncan built a three-story brick on the southeast corner of South and Delaware Streets which was called the " Duncan House" at first, and did a first-rate hotel business till the rivalry of other roads damaged the Madison, and then the hotel became a boarding-house, as it is yet. The name was changed to the " Barker House" while T. D. and D. J. Barker had it, and to the "Ray House" when Martin M. Ray, brother of Governor Ray, took it. Senator Harrison made his first con- spicuous step forward in his profession by prose- cuting and convicting the colored cook at this house of poisoning one of the inmates with arsenic which he put in the cofiee or some other article of food. The " Carlisle House" was a large "three-story frame, built by Daniel Carlisle in 1848, on West Wash- ington Street, south side, at the intersection of Cali- fornia. It wa.s more pretentious than successful, fell off to a second-rate boarding-house and then to a saloon, and was then changed to a brewery by J. P. Meikel. and is now a very dilapitated structure occupied by a variety of tenants apparently. In 1852-53, while the building of the Union tracks and depot was under discussion and in progress. Gen. T. A. Morris built a three-story brick hotel, subsequently made four stories, on the north side of Louisiana Street, opposite the Union Depot. It was called the " Morris House." Some years later it was joined to the building on the east directly and CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 271 to a building west of the adjoining alley by arching over the alley, and called the " American House," kept by Gen. Elliott. It was the " Mason House" a while, and kept by Ben. Mason. When Thomas B. McCarty bought it of Gen. Morrb, some ten or a dozen years ago, the name was changed to the " Sher- man House," which it still bears. In 1852-53, Hervey Bates built the " Bates House," on the northwest corner of Washington and Illinois Streets. It was opened by D. D. Sloan in 1853. He was succeeded by Curtis Judson, lately and for many years of the " Gramercy Park House," New York, and by John Woolley and his partner, Mr. Ingoldsby. It has also been kept by William Judson, Bradford Miller, and others, but always under the same name, further than Mr. Miller made it " Hotel Bates" instead of plain " Bates House," a little bit of affectation that did no harm. It has been enlarged to double its original size and greatly. improved by the son of Mr. Bates, who suc- ceeded to the property by inheritance and has recently sold it to Mr. E. F. Claypool for one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. In 1856-57, Francis Cos- tigan, the architect of the post-office and Odd-Fel- lows' Hall, built the " Oriental House," on the east side of South Illinois Street, at the alley south of Maryland. It was opened in June, 1857. It is now the south end of the Grand Hotel. The Tre- mont Hou.se, now the Spencer, was built in 1857 at the corner of Illinois Street and the Union tracks. It is a four-story brick, and has been enlarged and greatly improved since its original erection. It was opened by J. W. Canan, and has been kept by M. Harth and Henry Guetig since. In 1856, Henry Buehrig (" Lieber Bruder") built the Farmers', afterwards the Commercial Hotel, northeast corner of Illinois and Georgia Streets. Mr. Reitz raised it from a three- to a four-story building when he changed the name. It is now a part of the Na- tional Surgical Institute, controlled by Dr. H. R. Allan and Dr. Wm. Johnson. The Macy House, southeast corner of Illinois and Market Streets, was built by David Macy in 1857. It was quite a popu- lar hotel for a time, but is now a boarding-house, with the name of the St. Cloud Hotel. The St. Charles is a hotel on the European plan on the west side of Illinois Street, next block north of the Bates House. It was built by T. F. Ryan and E. S. Alvord and others in 1870. In or near the year 1870 the first work was done on the hotel now called the " Denison House," then a joint-stock enterprise in which a number of leading citizens were interested. Thework was not vigorously pushed and the property fell into the hands of Harry Sheets, representing the heirs of the late William Sheets, who owned the larger part of the site. When sold on foreclosure he bid it in, an incomplete four- story brick, covering the greater part of an acre of ground. It remained in this unfinished condition till the great fire of 1874 seriously damaged it. A few years later John C. New and Mr. Denison bought the unfinished, partially burned new ruin and finished it in a better style than was contemplated by its pro- jectors, and it was opened as the " New-Denison House," under the management of H. B. Sherman, in January, 1880. A few years later than the New- Denison in starting, but much sooner finished, was the "Grand Hotel." Mr. SchnuU built up the corner of Illinois and Maryland Streets, formerly occupied by the residence of Dr. G. W. Stipp, used as the first Deaf and Dumb Asylum, with a large and handsome five-story hotel, to which he joined the " Oriental House" and all the intermediate buildings, improving them into some uniformity of style and convenience. This was opened as the " Grand Hotel" in 1876. The " Weddell House" occupies the upper stories of the block on the east side of Illinois Street between Louisiana and Georgia. It has been opened within the last two or three years. In 1875, Mr. A. C. Remy, a member of the county board that finished building the new court-house, tore out the old Wesley Chapel parsonage, on the southwest " quadrant" of Circle Street, and erected one of the finest hotel structures in the city, though smaller than several, and opened in 1876, with Mr. Sapp, now of the " New-Denison," as landlord. In May, 1879, Mr. Remy sold the house to the present proprietor, Mr. David Nicholson, the contractor with his partner, Adam Scott, for the stone work of the new court-house. He is still the owner. In August, 1879, Mrs. Rhodius, who had for twenty 272 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. years kept the " Circle Restaurant," on North Meri- dian Street, finished the " Circle House," on Circle Street, and opened it as a first-class hotel. She still retains its management. It is on the southeast " quad- rant" of the " Circle." On the northwest " quadrant," inclosing the " English Opera House," is one of the finest buildings in the West, erected within the last five years by Mr. W. H. English. It occupies a little more than half of that " quadrant," and will ultimately cover it all. It is to be opened as a first-class hotel in February, 1884. The " California," on South Illi- nois Street, was opened some ten years ago. There are a number of other hotels in the city, but these are the oldest or largest, and best known. The Di- rectory reports forty-nine. Restaurants. — The first restaurant of any con- siderable pretension was kept by a half-J)lood by the name of John Crowder, somewhere about the time that the first theatre made its appearance in OUaman's wagon-shop, in 1838 or thereabouts. It was at the height of its reputation while located in one of the rooms of Blackford's row of one-story frames, where the present palatial Blackford's Block stands. Here he was succeeded in two or three years by John Hodgkins, an Englishman, who kept a confectionery establishment with it, and made his own candies, the first of that class of manufactures in the place. He also built, or dug, the first ice-house to store ice for sale, as well as the manufacture of cream. It was at the corner of the two alleys where the rear of St. John's Cathedral stands, and the remainder of the quarter of a square, or one acre, which had formerly been the residence of George Smith, the first news- paper founder, was covered with an orchard which was filled up with seats and arbors, and graveled walks and flower-beds, and made the first pleasure- garden in the city, as has been elsewhere related. It was not till the completion of the Madison Railroad, however, that eating-houses became a permanent feature of business, and even then it required the impulse of the war to give them the importance they have since attained. Now there are over forty, chiefly located in the vicinity of the Union Depot and along Illinois Street. The first oysters were brought here by the late James Blake, it is said, but for years only the " pickled" could bear transportation even in winter. The pioneers did not take kindly to the luxury. Its looks were against it, and the oyster was sneeringly compared to a nasal excretion. But settlers from the East gradually brought it into general favor, and by the time the railroads could bring it in good condi- tion in the legitimate months (with an " r" in the name) it was a general favorite. The tomato, or " love-apple," as it was called, was not considered fit for anything but hog feed for the first twenty years or so of the settlement. It was grown as an orna- ment or curiosity, but as an edible was not ranked even so high as the " ground cherry," which was rather popular with children, and not nearly so high as the " May-apple." Celery was unknown till oysters had become an established addition to the primitive bill of fare. The pheasant, once a common game bird in the woods, disappeared as the oyster advanced in favor, and now is never seen near the city, and rarely anywhere in the county. The quail, however, has been preserved in considerable abund- ance by the game laws, as has the " prairie chicken," or grouse. Fish, especially game fish, — the " bass" and " red- eye" chiefly, — were nearly swept away by reckless processes, like seining and trapping, till a statute enacted some fifteen years or so ago checked the evil, and succeeding amendments, coupled with systematic, though not yet extensive, efforts at replacing them, have begun to restore something of the former better condition of our streams. Pork-houses and manufac- tories have driven off the good fish from the vicinity of the city, and few are left but the scavengers of the river, " cats" and " suckers." A few miles away, though, up or down the river, the fishing is some- times pretty good. In early times all the streams were full of fish, including the game fish we now have, and the pike, salmon occasionally, and " buf- falo" frequently, which are now rarely seen. The abundance of game and fish in the New Purchase was doubtless the reason the Indians held to it so tenaciously, and retained possession even after they had sold it by treaty. At this time the offal of pork- houses makes a profusion of food for the poorer vari- CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 273 eties of fish, and in the season — at almost any season when there is no ice — fishermen crowd the banks of the river, from the water-works to the lower Bell Road bridge, to catch the " cat" and " sucker." They are coarse, but wholesome, and save many a dollar to the poor, who have more time than money, and always appetite enough for what is not bad eating for any- body. The bulk of all the fish food consumed here, however, both in restaurants and families, comes from the lakes, with occasional considerable additions from the sea-board. Fresh codfish were brought here on ice before the war, and so were shell-oysters, but not in any considerable quantities. The latter are now one of the constant imports from the East, and, with lobsters and other food of salt-water cultivation, form a large item of the city's business. The oldest res- taurant in continuous existence is the Crystal Palace, established first about 1858 by Edwin Beck, and, after several changes since his death, is now in the hands of his brother-in-law, Ferdinand Christman. The others are all of the post-war period. The Women's Christian Temperance Union keeps one of the best dining-halls in the city, and uses the profits for benevolent purposes. The visits of Vice-President R. M. Johnson, in 1840, and ex-President Van Buren and Mr. Clay, in 1842, have been referred to in the general history. There are a few others of historical interest that may be noticed here as appropriately as anywhere. On the 28th of May, 1850, while the Union was under- going the periodical process of being " saved" by concessions to slavery. Governor Wright, who was an ardent " Union saver," invited Governor John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky, to make an oflBcial visit here in the interest of Union. He did so, and was hospitably received, regaled with Union speeches and resolutions in the State-House yard, and made a fine speech himself. On the 20th of December, 1851, the Legislature invited the Hungarian patriot and exile, Kossuth, to visit the city, and a public meeting of citizens appointed a committee of fifty to receive and take care of him and his rather extensive and troublesome suite. They met him at Cincinnati on the 26th of February, 1852, accompanied him here by way of Madison, arriving about noon at the Madison 18 Railroad Depot on South Street in one of the largest crowds ever seen here. The boys pressed upon some of his suite, and were treated with a harshness that made those who saw it detest them heartily. A pro- cession marched to the State-House yard, where Kos- suth spoke for more than an hour, reading a speech he had written on the cars as he came up, it was said at the time. The party were provided for at the " Capital House" at the State's expense, and they made it pretty expensive by a liberal use of wines and liquors, so said current report. At night a recep- tion was held at the Governor's residence, and a good deal of money given the exile by admiring Hoosiers. His " bonds" were kept as curiosities by some of the donors. The next day (Saturday) he was received by the two houses of the Legislature, and met dele- gations of sympathizers, — there was no one in the State who was not a sympathizer with Hungary, — and took in a considerable amount of contributions, in all about one thousand dollars. He attended church at Roberts' Chapel on Sunday morning and some of the Sunday-schools in the afternoon. On Monday he re- ceived more delegations and money, and delivered an address in Masonic Hall to the " friends of Hungary." He left on Tuesday, making one marked and prominent change of fashion here. The " Kossuth" soft felt hat became the general male wear, instead of the stiff, ugly plug, and it has remained so ever since. » Two or three years later Governor Powell, of Kentucky paid Governor Wright an official visit, ac- companied by some of the other State ofiicers, by Mr. Hodges, editor of the Whig State organ, the Frankfort Commonwealth, and by Capt. John Rus- sell, a brother of Col. A. W. Russell, and noted all over the West as the strongest man of his day. He was said, when a boy of twenty, to have knocked down Lafitte, the noted pirate of the Gulf, and to have had in his prime the strength of four ordinary men. He was the father of Mr. W. H. Russell, of this city. In 18b9, on the 5th of May, Richard Cob- den, the celebrated English " anti-corn law" leader and free-trade statesman, was in the city a few hours. Mr. Lincoln was here twice before his death. He spoke in Masonic Hall on the 19th of September, 1859, and from the balcony of the Bates House on the afternoon 274 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of the 12th of February, 1861, while on his way to his inauguration. In this speech he first developed the course he proposed to take with the seceded States. When it was learned that his body would be brought through the city on the way to Springfield, 111., the city authorities and citizens made extensive and ap- propriate preparations to receive it. A superb funeral arch was erected at the State-House gate, and a plat- form prepared for the corpse in the lower hall, in the rotunda. There was a parade of military and citizens on the 30tli of April when the funeral train arrived here, but greatly reduced from what it would have been by the rainy, dismal weather. CHAPTER XII. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS— (Continued.) MEDICAL PRACTICE AND PKACTITIONEES. The early doctors of the New Purchase wereall of the old school of heroic treatment. Disease to them was an enemy intrenched in certain functions, and had to be driven out, and the more incessant the attack and profuse the ammunition the sooner the siege would be over. They maintained the system of Moli^re's doctors, " saignare, purgare, et clysterizare" with little change, and like them knew no resource when their first processes failed but " re-saignare, re- purgare, et re-clysterizare." Happily, they had to deal with patients of simple lives and temperate habits, with constitutions solidly built and functions undisturbed by luxuries and unstrained by excesses, and capable of resisting both the disease and the remedy. Calomel and the lancet, the " purgare" and " saignare," were the invariable remedies for every disorder. There were few residents in White River Valley who had not suffered under the doctor's in- junction, with a half teaspoonful of calomel, " Now, you mustn't drink any cold water or vinegar, or eat anything sour ; if you get very dry drop some clean live coals in a tin of water and warm it a little, and drink that." There were plenty of mutilated mouths, loosened teeth, and shriveled gums, and sometimes decayed jawbones and ulcerated cheeks, to warn patients of the perils of " salivation" and of dis- obedience of the doctor's orders. And there were few who could not show a little scar in the inside of the elbow where a lancet had cut the visible vein there. Quinine for malarial complaints was unknown. Pelletier discovered it about the time that the Pogues and McCormicks discovered the site of Indianapolis, and its use did not get West for a score of years or near it. In its stead the crude bark was used with wine. All this is changed now, and has long been changing. The doctor of to-day, whatever his school, depends less on drugs and more on natural agencies that renovate the system rather than resist disorders of its parts. He maintains artificial conditions and uses artificial remedies as little as possible. Air, water, suitable diet, comfortable temperature are his " phar- macopoeia," with a good nurse to administer its doses. Ice and pure water are harmless agencies, but more powerful and more used than all the bitter drugs dug out of the tropics. So while increasing wealth and luxury increase the complications of diseases, the doctor increases the efiiciency of his remedies by simplifying them. He does not use so many nor so much of any. He does not carry a small drug-store in his " pill-bags," and fill his own prescriptions now as he used to do. A little pocket-case not larger than a tobacco-box serves to store all his artificial remedies in. In no other profession or pursuit is there so marked a contrast between earlier and later conditions. The middle-aged man of to-day can remember the doctor and his •' pill-bags" with more distinctness, probably, than any other character of his childhood. The disturbance always, the distress often, into which he came, quiet, unruffled, smiling to the children, shaking hands with the " old folks," with his " pill-bags" slung over his left arm, made a figure set in a scene not easily effaced from the tenacious memory of childhood. Associations are different now. The neat buggy, the boy to wait and watch the horse, the little pocket-case of occasional medicines, the dry pikes, the comfortable " lap-robe" of to-day were undreamed developments of the pro- fession, as the old song of those days said, " when this old hat was new." A five-mile horseback ride CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 2'r6 on a bitter night, with no protection but an overcoat and a pair of " legging?," over roads roughened with " crossways" or frozen into lumps and ruts, or sloppy with thawing mud, was a rather diiferent experience from that which to-day takes a drive on a longer journey in half of the time, with less of the exposure and none of the obstacles of the road. But the faithful doctor of to-day, with all his conveniences, has a harder life than any other professional or busi- ness man. There were no doctors in Indianapolis in the first year of the settlement (a misprint on page 29, in the list of early settlers, makes Dr. Coe a settler in the spring of 1820 instead of 1821), and there appears to have been no need of them. So it looks like a providential arrangement that in the following six months no less than five competent young doctors should come to make their homes here just in time for the malarial epidemic that prostrated the entire settlement in the summer of 1821. Dr. Samuel G. Mitchell came first, in April, 1821, from Paris, Ky. He built a log house on the site of the present State buildings, and soon afterwards built a frame house on the northwest corner of Washington and Meridian Streets, where Henry Porter, a well-known early merchant and son-in-law of the doctor, long had his store-room. He was a brother-in-law of Samuel Henderson, the first postmaster and first president of the Town Council, and first mayor. He died of paralysis, among friends in Ohio, in 1837. His ofiice for some years was a little one-story frame on the south side of Washington Street, where Charles Mayer, in 1840, opened his grocery- and gingercake- store, and where his present palatial building stands. Dr. Sanders also occupied it for a term. Dr. Isaac Coe came here first in May, 1821, from New Jersey, and, wisely or luckily, came liberally pro- vided with the remedies that were soon to be specially needed. Mr. Nowland's sketch of him says he was " provided with a large supply of Peruvian bark and wine," and if it had not been for his services and remedies the mortality of the epidemic would have been worse than it was. His prominence in the growth of the city is referred to in the general his- tory. In this connection it may be noticed that he was one of the three " fund commissioners" — Caleb B. Smith and Samuel Hanna, of Fort Wayne, and afterwards Milton Stapp, of Madison, were the others — to settle the State's claims on her debtors, and to dispose of the assets she got, as the " Georgia Lands," the "Brooklyn Water Lots," the "Soap Factory," which figured largely in the political diatribes of the State contest in 1843, and the legislative sessions preceding. During this time, from 1837 or 1838 to 1841 or thereabouts, a radical change came upon Dr. Coe's professional convictions. He became indoctrinated with the views of Dr. Hahnemann, unknown in England ten years before, and introduced by Dr. Gram in New York but two years earlier. In his past practice he had been distinguished for " heroic" treatment. He gave more doses and bigger ones than anybody else. Mr. Nowland has preserved a satirical couplet suggested by this practice to the doctor's rival. Dr. Jonathan Cool, — ** Oh, Dr. Coe, oh, Dr. Coe, What makes you dose your patients so?" < The doctor acted on his convictions, and thus became the first homoeopathist in the city and the New Purchase. Dr. Jonathan Cool came during the "sickly season" of 1821, when Dr. Coe was the only one left of four who could attend to patients. He was a graduate of Princeton, a New Jersey man, and a classmate of the distinguished jurist and judge of the Supreme Court, Isaac Blackford. He had been a surgeon in the United States array before coming to Indianapolis, and stationed at Newport barracks, Kentucky. He was too far gone in dissipation, says Mr. Nowland, to practice his profession with any success after he came here, and lived with and upon his mother on a farm three miles northeast of the town ; but there were occasional stories current forty years ago or so of his suggesting remedies and effecting cures, in his better condition, that other doctors had given up as hope- less. He died about 1840, the earliest and saddest example in the city's history of fine native abilities and fine attainments ruined by liquor. Shortly be- fore Dr. Cool came Dr. Kenneth Scudder, who opened the first drug-store in 1821 (a misprint on 276 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. page 29 makes him a settler in 1820, instead of 1821). So little is said of him or remembered of him that all that can now be safely accepted is that he was one of the doctors in the great epidemic of 1821. Dr. Livingston Dunlap came here from Cherry Valley, N. Y., in midsummer, 1821. In a few days after his arrival, while making his home with Dr. Mitchell, in the cabin where the State buildings are, he and Dr. Mitchell and all the latter's family were attacked, and Mr. Matthias Nowland, to relieve the distress, carried Dr. Dunlap home with him on his back. Dr. Dunlap was the best-known physician of the city of the early settlers. He was physician to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, a commissioner of the Insane Asylum, a member of the City Council for several years, and founder of the City Hospital. He died in 1862. Before Dr. Coe introduced the homoeopathic treat- ment here, Dr. Abner Pope came from Baltimore — originally from Massachusetts — in the spring of 1836, with the Thomsonian system, popularly called the " steam" system. It had been practiced a little by vagrant doctors, but Dr. Pope was the first settled adherent of that school. He continued in it while he continued in the profession, a dozen or fifteen years, and at the same time kept a store espe- cially provided with vegetable remedies, as " prickly ash," " lobelia," " pocoon" or blood-root, " cohosh," " May-apple root," and scores of others, with such preparations as " number six," — liquid flames, — "bread of heaven," a dark-hued putty as of hot ashes, nevertheless pleasantly flavored, and similar stimu- lating remedies, in connection with a miscellaneous stock of goods such as was generally held by the merchants of that time. He, and some years later Dr. Brickett, who had been employed in the Yandes and Sheets paper-mill, were the best-known prac- titioners of this school. Contemporaneously with them, or nearly so, was Dr. J. F. Merrill, technically a " Uroscopean" of the school of Burns' " Dr. Horn- book ;" also an " Indian doctor," as he described him- self, decorated with the nominal profusion of " Wil- liam Kelly Frowhawk Fryer." He dealt in Indian baths and remedies, and sold Indian nostrums that no Indian ever heard of unless the doctor told him. These were the earliest instances of heterodox prac- tice of which any account or memory is preserved. In the spring of 1823 the Indiana Central Medical Society was formed to license physicians to practice, the law at that time requiring such evidences of competency. It continued in existence a good many years, but nobody knows how long. The first presi- dent was Dr. Mitchell, and the first secretary Dr. Dunlap. Since then there has been no considerable lap.se of time without a medical association of some kind, and in later years several. The " Indianapolis Medical Association," a sort of social and professional society or club, was maintained for diversion as much as instruction for several years prior to 1863, and probably formed the connecting link between the pioneer society of 1823 and the associations of larger scope and power of to-day. In 1864 it was super- seded by, or combined with, a more compact and efiiective body, the " Marion County Association," and the two were formed a little later into the " In- dianapolis Academy of Medicine," incorporated in October, 1865. This body has proved to be what its predecessors were meant to be, an auxiliary influ- ence in promoting the study of medicine and its related sciences, and in supporting the character of the profession. Weekly meetings are held, essays on professional subjects prepared, and discussions of points thus or otherwise suggested carried on, with obvious good results to all concerned. Among the immediate successors of the pioneer doctors, if not of them, were a number better known than any of the earlier arrivals except Dr. Dunlap. Among these were Dr. John E. McClure, Dr. Wm. Tichnor, Dr. John H. Sanders, Dr. John L. Mothershead, Dr. G. W. Mears, Dr. John S. Bobbs, Dr. Charles Parry, all of whom came in the decade between 1828 and 1838. Charles Parry, M.D., was born in February, 1814, a few miles from Philadelphia. His parents were Friends. His literary education was received mainly at Wilmington, Del., in a school under the charge of Samuel Smith. This gentleman was fa- mous for his devotion to tobacco and mathematics. He was an inveterate and constant smoker, and one ^?>7^-7^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 2TT of the most successfril mathematical instructors. The smoking example was lost on Charles Parry. He never became a slave to tobacco in any form ; but the mathematical instruction found a mind that was well developed and strengthened under its rigid discipline, and this part of his education — cultivat- ing his perceptive and reasoning powers, teaching him accuracy and clearness of thought — had much to do with making him in after-years a clear-headed, sagacious practitioner above the majority of physi- cians. No net-work of fallacies and sophistries could entangle him, but through them all he marched de- liberately and steadily right onward to rest upon solid truth and fixed facts. His classical education was defective, and knowl- edge of Greek and Latin he had none. This he greatly regretted, and had there not been this defect he would not only have enjoyed a wider range of medical literature than he did, but he himself would have been a frequent contributor to medical journals, and the treasures of his experience, the fruit of his ripened judgment and large understanding, would have been valuable indeed. Twice only, each time in Hays' Journal, did he break his life-long silence by speaking to the profession through the press ; but those two articles, — one an account of an operation on a limb crooked and useless from a badly-treated fracture, the operation similar to that performed by Barton for anchylosed knee, and the other on conges- tive fever, — though published many years ago, gave him a name ever known by all intelligent members of the profession throughout the country. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Stokes, of New Jersey. Afterward he went to Philadelphia, entered the oflBce of the late Dr. J. K. Mitchell, sub- sequently the eminent professor of theory and prac- tice in Jefferson College, and commenced attending lectures at the University. He graduated in the medical department of the University of Pennsylva- nia in the spring of 1835, the subject of his thesis being " Haemoptysis." Immediately upon graduat- ing he went to Camden, N. J., and there had his first experience of the trials of a young physician. In a year or two he removed to the West by the advice of his uncle, the late Hon. O. H. Smith, then a member of the United States Senate from Indiana, settling in Connersville. Thence he removed in about two years to the capital, and here he resided until his death, a period of nearly twenty-three years. Not at once, however, did he meet his professional success, not at once find a place in the golden field for his sickle ; other reapers monopolized the labor and the reward. He was poor, often having to borrow money to pay the postage on letters from his friends in the East; but he patiently waited until time and opportunity should vindicate his right to occupy a foremost place among practitioners of medicine and surgery. These came, and a few years found him doing as large a business as any physician in the city, possibly larger. During some seasons, when severe epidemics of malarial fever occurred, it was not unusual for him to ride sixty or seventy-five miles a day, and the night brought him no rest. Sometimes even a week would elapse without his divesting himself of his clothes, but he would sleep in a chair, in his buggy, sometimes even on horseback. No man, unless possessed of an iron constitution such as he had, could endure so great fatigue and exposure. Physically he was a remarkable man. His bodily presence was impressive. A manly, erect figure, about six feet in height, his weight over two hundred, he would have been taken in any assembly as a man of mark. ^ It is rare to find such a combination of professional abilities as existed in Dr. Parry's case. He was a superior physician and an excellent surgeon and ob- stetrician. His obstetrical business for some time averaged over eighty cases a year, and every year he had a greater or less number of capital operations. As a surgeon he was not a brilliant, dashing ope- rator, but cool, collected, his eye intent upon his work, his hand steady and firm. He always knew where his knife was, and never attempted what he could not readily perform, and never operated merely for the sake of operating. His abilities as an opera- tive surgeon were indeed excellent. But his greatest merit was as a practitioner of medicine. It may be inferred that he was highly esteemed in this regard from a remark made by one of the most intelligent and successful practitioners at 278 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. a meeting of physicians held to take action in refer- ence to his death : " Had we been taken dangerously sick, and were we thinking whom we would prefer to attend us, the great majority would decide for Dr. Parry." This commendation was most worthily bestowed. Dr. Parry was not rash in forming his opinion nor in jumping at conclusions. He studied disease not so much in books as at the bedside, and he thoroughly investigated a case, even if that investigation required an hour or more. He was cautious, seeking all the light he could, carefully reasoning, and his natural sagacity, logical understanding, and strong practical sense directed him almost invariably to a correct diag- nosis. Seldom, indeed, could a man be found making fewer mistakes. Dr. Parry did not hesitate to use freely, in what he believed proper cases, the lancet, mercury, and blister, and his patients got well oftener, sooner, bet- ter than they would have done under the treatment of those who in effect renounce art and rely only on nature. In three important respects Dr. Parry's life must be pronounced a decided success. First, in the at- tainment of wealth ; second, in the attainment of reputation ; and third and highest, in the relief of much sufTering. While it is pleasant to speak of his abilities and the success which crowned tlieir exercise, yet the moral aspects of his character must not be entirely neglected, and on those especially it is grateful to dwell. He was honest ; honest not merely in busi- ness transactions, but honest in all his intercourse with his professional brethren, and honest, too, in the sick-room and at the bedside, honest in matters of life and death. A deceiver in any respect he never could be. To his friends he was generous and kind-hearted. Many a young physician knows that his start in pro- fessional life was in great measure due to the kind words and deeds of Dr. Parry. His time and inval- uable counsel were ever at the service of the young practitioner in difficult cases without hope of pecuni- ary reward. He kindly concealed errors from the erring party, unless by plain statement of them he could prevent future mistakes. He was kind to his patients and profoundly sympathetic, though usually repressing decided manifestation, and yet he often wept with all a woman's tenderness with the father and mother over their dying child. His was too noble a spirit to be consumed by the fires of jealousy. If families left him — a rare event in the case of any worthy ones ; his friends adhered to him with great tenacity — he cherished no unkind feeling towards their new medical adviser, attributed to him no dishonesty of conduct, cultivated no spirit of retaliation, but, without a whisper of complaint, graciously and gracefully yielded. He would listen patiently to the opinions of the youngest physician, and if they could be well established, no false pride, no prejudice kept him from at once abandoning his own and accepting them. He was not blind either to the truth of the judgments or to the abilities of others. Indeed, he was one of the most catholic of men. His character was fixed, not fickle. Few men pre- sented more manly front or stood more firmly on their feet than he did. He changed not from year to year. He was no April day, alternate sunshine and clouds, the light of love and the darkness of hate ; but his friendship was abiding, weakened by no lapse of time, varying not from month to month or year to year, no mean jealousy or plotting hate disturbing the equa- nimity of his temper or the kindness of his conduct. He was ever the same speaking of you or to you. Resentful he might have been at times when greatly wronged, but it was rarely manifested, and there were wrongs that he did not resent. He meekly for- bore when others might have been provoked, lest he might say or do anything which would cause unkind feelings or pain. Had Dr. Charles Parry enjoyed a more liberal lit- erary education, had he been more ambitious of fame and been given a larger sphere, an arena suitable for such strength and culture, he might have placed him- self among the foremost men not only of the country but of the age. His death occurred at his home in Indianapolis on the 11th of August, 1861. John L. Motheeshead, M.D. — Nathaniel Moth- ershead, the father of the doctor, was of English JOHN L. MOTHERSHEAD. HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. with Dr. P. H. Jameson in practice, and for three jears with Dr. Henry Jameson. Dr. Funkhouser has confined himself to practice of a general char- acter, though his skill as a surgeon has been largely called into requisition, much of the general surgical work of the city having for a period of years come under his supervision. He was also, during the late war, connected with the military hospitals located in Indianapolis. He has been a member of the Indian- apolis Medical Society, as also of the State Medical Society. In 1849, during the early years of his pro- fessional career, he was demonstrator of anatomy in the Indianapolis Medical College. In politics he has always been a pronounced Democrat, but not an active worker nor an aspirant for ofiScial position. He is a supporter of the First Baptist Church of the city of Indianapolis, of which Mrs. Funkhouser is a member. Dr. Funkhouser was married, in 1865, to Miss Amanda, daughter of Daniel Lynn, of Dearborn County, Ind. Their children are two daughters, Lizzie M. and Jessie L. J., both residing with their parents. Dr. Patrick Henry Jameson was born in Jeffer- son County April 18, 1824, received a good English education in the country schools, and came to Indian- apolis in the fall of 1842, where he taught school for a short time, then studied medicine with the late Dr. John H. Sanders, attended the Medical College of Louisville in 1847-48, and subsequently the Jefferson College of Philadelphia. He graduated in 1849, and began practice the same year in Indianapolis. In a short time he and Dr. Funkhouser were asso- ciated, and remained so longer than any other partners in a professional business in the city. Dr. Jameson has been president of both the Indiana Medical Society and the Indianapolis Academy of Medicine. For about eighteen years he was on the Board of Commissioners of the State Benevolent Institutions (the asylums), and wrote in that time eighteen annual reports of them ; also a report to the Indiana Society on the use of " veratrum viride" in typhoid and puerperal fevers, and an address on the " Relation of Scientific Medicine to Quackery." For five years during and after the war he was the State surgeon in charge of State and national troops in the camps and hospitals of the city. He was also assistant surgeon of the United States army for three years, and for eight years physician to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. From 1869-79 he was president of the joint Board of Commissioners of the State Asylums, and for many years was president of the board of directors of Butler University. The Insane Asylum owes more to his vigilance and sagacity than any other man in the State, and the city of Indianapolis is not less deeply indebted to his sound and honorable financial manasre- ment. He entered the Council in 1863 and remained until 1869, and all the time was intrusted with the almost absolute direction of the city finances. During this period heavy sums had to be raised for bounties for volunteers, and it required masterly ability to keep affairs in good order in such an urgent and constant strait. He found the city in debt, yet, in spite of the heavy outlays, he left it with one hun- dred thousand dollars of current debt only, and with two hundred and sixty thousand dollars in the treasury to pay it. For the last ten years he has had associated with him his nephew. Dr. Henry Jameson, a professor in the Medical College of Indiana, and one of the most distinguished young scientists in the West. The elder doctor, June 20, 1850, married Maria, daughter of the late Ovid Butler, founder of Butler University ; the younger was married to Gertrude, daughter of H. G. Carey, the banker, in the winter of 1875. Among the professors of the first medical college, as above stated, was Dr. John S. Bobbs, as well known almost as a skillful and adroit party manager of the Whigs as he was an accomplished and thorough physician. He was a forcible writer on any subject to which he turned his hand, and he wrote a great deal on professional and public subjects both in news- papers and special publications. In all public move- ments affecting the welfare of the city, whether concerning him professionally or not, he was always active and effective. A bequest of two thousand dollars he made at his death is the foundation of the " Bobbs' Dispensary," for the benefit of the suffering poor of Indianapolis, managed by the faculty of the " Medical College of Indiana." The " Bobbs' Library" is under the same direction. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 281 John S. Bobbs, M.D., the subject of this biog- raphy, was born at Green Village, Cumberlaod Co., Pa., on the 28th of December, 1809. His boyhood was spent — his parents being poor — in the acquisition of such knowledge as could be obtained at the then very common schools of a country village. At the age of eighteen he wended his way on foot to Harrisburg, then, as now, the seat of government of Pennsylvania, in quest of employment. Being a lad of much more than ordinary intelligence, he attracted the attention of Dr. Martin Luther, then a practitioner of some eminence in that city. Upon a more thorough ac- quaintance the doctor's interest increased, and, feeling that the delicate and slender physique of his young friend unfitted him for the more rugged encounter with the world, proposed, upon the most liberal terms, his entrance to his oflBce as a student of medicine. Unhappily, this noble patron did not long survive to see with what fidelity to his own interests and with what devotion to study his protec/e had rewarded his generosity. Such indeed was the diligence with which he applied himself to books that, notwithstand- ing the obstacles of a deficient preliminary education, he fitted himself, with the aid of a single course of lectures, for the successful practice of his profession in less than three years. His first essay iu this direc- tion was made at Middletown, Pa., where he remained four years. Having early determined to make surgery a specialty, he found the locality he had chosen un- suited for the work, and soon decided upon selecting some point in the great West as the field of his future labors. In 1835 he came to Indianapolis with the view of making it his permanent residence. True to his great purpose of securing for himself distinction in his chosen profession, he now gave himself up to study, — severe, unremitting study, — both classical and pro- fessional. Soon sufficiently familiar with the lan- guages, he bent his entire energies to investigations in his favorite department. As a means of further- ing the objects of his very earnest pursuit after sur- gical knowledge, he concluded to avail himself of the advantages of a winter's dissections and clinical obser- vations at Jefi'erson Medical College, where the degree of doctor of medicine was conferred upon him. Rap- idly attaining a reputation throughout the length and breadth of the State which might satisfy the most vaulting ambition, he was tendered by the trustees of Asbury University the chair of surgery in the " Cen- tral Medical College," then about being established in Indianapolis, and made dean of the faculty. His lec- tures and operations before the class were fully up to the highest standards of the profession. His descrip- tions of healthy and diseased action, and the changes from the one to the other, have never been surpassed in point of clearness and accuracy and graphic force and eloquence. " He always held his profession sacred, high above all trickery and quackery, and labored with incessant diligence to place it in public estimation upon the same footing it held in his own regard. The most earnest and eloquent words came from his heart and lips when urging upon the minds of his classes the duty of fidelity to the cause of scientific medicine. In that duty he was ever faithful, even to the moment of his death." To the poor and needy he was always wisely kind and beneficent. When called upon professionally to attend the sick poor, he was known in innumerable instances to furnish, beside gratuitous service and necessary medicines, the means of life during their illness. The great beauty of his character, in this respect, was that his charities were always rendered without display or ostentation. He was a man of indefatigable industry, and until his death a devoted student, laboring at his books as few men work. With a slender constitution at best, and a system worn down by disease contracted in the army, he labored incessantly. His days were given to the duties of an arduous surgical practice, and his nights spent almost wholly in his library. He was a model friend. He saw the real character of all whom he admitted to his intimacy and friend- ship ; and while to all the outside world he faithfully hid their faults, he candidly and fully presented them to him whose character they marred. This duty — the highest and most delicate and difficult of all the duties of friendship and of life owed by man to man — he had the good sense, discrimination, and tact to perform always without insulting or wounding his friends. He was superior to all dissimulation, and 282 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. spoke the truth with such frankness and earnestness that it was impossible to take oifense at it. His friendships all stood upon a higher plane than any mere selfish interest. He accepted or rejected men as friends for their manhood or their want of it. The personal or social trappings and circamstances of men neither attracted nor repelled him. He felt and knew that " The rank is but the guinea's stamp, The man's the gowd for a' that," and elected his friends, not for the image and super- scription which family or position had impressed upon them, but for the original metal. So selected, he grappled them with hooks of steel, and never gave them up until they had shown by some violation of principle that they were unworthy of his regard. He discriminated wisely the faults that proceed from im- pulse and enthusiasm from those that grow out of calculation and self-interest. To the former he was as kind and forgiving as a mother to the faults of her child ; the latter he never forgave. For a short time he engaged in politics, — not, how- ever, as a matter of choice, but from a sense of duty. He carried with him into the public arena the same thorough and exhaustive preparation, the same scru- pulous regard for truth and fair dealing, the same severe devotion to reason, and the same lofty and fiery eloquence that lent such a charm to his profes- sional addresses. In this singular episode of his life he met the obligations of his position, and performed them so as to win the confidence and approbation of his constituents. Dr. Bobbs was married, in 1840, to Miss Catherine Cameron, the youngest of eight children, and the sister of Hon. Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania. He has left the record of a life fragrant with kindly deeds and memorable for its usefulness. In May, 1869, the " Indiana Medical College" was organized mainly or wholly by the efforts of the In- dianapolis Academy. It was intended in the first scheme of organization to make it a department of the State University, and obtain the aid of the State for it in that way, but a committee consisting of Dr. Bobbs, Dr. Mears, and Dr. Woodburn reported against it, and the academy concurred. A second committee of five — Drs. Waterman, Harvey, Todd, Gaston, and Kitchen — reported in favor of a home medical college, sustained by its own brains and means, and the academy concurred, adopted the pro- posed plan, and selected the first faculty : Dr. John S. Bobbs, President, and Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery ; George W. Mears, Obstetrics ; Ryland T. Brown, Chemistry and Toxicology ; Rob- ert N. Todd, Vice-President, Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine ; L. D. Waterman, Descrip- tive and Surgical Anatomy ; T. B. Harvey, Treasurer, Professor of Diseases of Women and Children ; William B. Fletcher, Physiology ; F. S. Newcomer, Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; J. A. Comingor, Surgical Pathology, Orthopedic and Clinical Surgery ; C. E. Wright, Demonstrator of Anatomy. On May 4th articles of association were reported by Dr. Bobbs, approved and signed by the other members of the faculty, and Judge Samuel E. Perkins and John D. Howland made trustees with the faculty. The academy subscribed freely to support the institution, and it began its first session in October, 1869. Thomas B. Haevey, M.D., who is descended from English stock, is the son of the late Dr. Jesse Harvey, of Harveysburg, Warren Co., Ohio, a physician of scientific attainments and eminence in his profession, and Elizabeth Burgess, daughter of Thomas and Betty Burgess, of Virginia. Their son, the subject of this biographical sketch, was born Nov. 29, 1827, in Clinton County, Ohio, and removed on attaining his second year to Harveysburg. His advantages of education were derived from the Harveysburg High School, an institution founded by his father, with whom, on completing his classical course, he began the study of medicine in 1846 and graduated from the Medical College of Ohio, at Cin- cinnati. His first field of labor was at Plainfield, Ind., to which place he removed in 1851, and con- tinued in active practice until 1862, when he was tendered and accepted the appointment of Examining Surgeon for the Sixth Congressional District, with headquarters at Indianapolis. The doctor held this position until the close of the war. Meanwhile asso- ciations both of a professional and social character had been formed which influenced him to make ^ rhVie CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 283 Indianapolis his permanent residence, his practice having already become extended and lucrative. Dur- ing the year 1869 the Indiana Medical College was organized and Dr. Harvey appointed to the chair of professor of medical and surgical diseases of women, which he still fills. Quick and clear in apprehension, concise and vigorous in language, and a thorough master of the special branch of medical science he elucidates, his clinics are sought alike by students and active practitioners. Dr. Harvey has been for twenty years consulting physician in the same special department at the City Hospital, as also in St. Vincent's Hospital since its organization, and has for ten years been consulting physician to the City Dispensary. He aided in the organization of the Hendricks County Medical So- ciety, read the first paper before that body, and was subsequently its president. He also aided materially in the organization of the Indianapolis Academy of Medicine, and was honored as the first member to fill the office of president. He became a member of the State Medical Society during the third year of its existence ; was made its vice-president in 1865, and its president in 1880. He is also a member of the American Medical Association, and of the Mississippi Valley Medical Society, before which bodies he has read many able papers which showed him to be a faithful observer of the nature and forms of disease, an original thinker, and logical in his reasoning. His reputation as a physician has extended far beyond the limits of the city of his residence and caused his services to be largely sought in consultation. In his political predilections the doctor may be spoken of as descended from abolitionist stock and educated in the doctrines of that party. His grandmother Burgess (who was a Hendricks, of Virginia) accepted her patrimony in slaves that she might bring them to Ohio and liberate them. His ancestors were Quakers of the strictest sort both in their religious life and faith. Dr. Harvey was married in 1853 to Miss Delitha, daughter of Stephen Butler, of Union County, Ind., whose ancestors were of Virginia stock. Their children are Emma, deceased, Lawson M., an attorney in Indianapolis, Frank Hamilton, deceased, Jesse B., and Lizzie, the two latter being students at Earlham College, in Kichmond. Robert N. Todd, M.D. — Robert Nathaniel, son of Levi L. Todd, was born Jan. 4, 1827, near Lex- ington, Ky., which place had been the home of his father's family for two generations. His mother was the daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Ashby, of Virginia, and who served as an officer of the line throughout the war of the Revolution. Robert was the seventh born in a family of nine children, two of whom died in infancy ; the remainder having reached maturity, though only two survive . him. His family removed to Indiana in 1834, since which time his home was in Indianapolis and vicinity until the time of his death, which occurred on the 13th day of June, 1883. His early advantages were indifferent. He re- ceived a common-school education such as the country at that day afforded, with such a knowledge of Latin as he could pick up (unaided by a teacher) from an old grammar and reader and a copy of " ^sop's Fables," with the reading of a few volumes of history and travel. i Physically he was delicate, and rather a sickly boy, being frequently troubled with sore throat and gland- ular swellings about the neck, while he was always dyspeptic from a child. Gaining in strength and health, however, as he grew older, he performed a good deal of hard labor upon the farm', until, at the age of nineteen, he began the study of law at South Bend with Judge Liston, his brother-in-law ; but at • the expiration of a year and a half returned to the farm, where he remained until, broken down by hard labor and ill health, he was compelled, at the end of two years, to abandon farm work entirely. After having remained at home for some months an in- valid he visited Dr. David Todd, of Danville, by whom he was induced to commence the study of medicine, which he did as a diversion from low spirits, not expecting ever to be well enough to turn it to practical account. His health, however, soon began to improve, and the next year he attended lectures at the old " Indiana Central Medical Col- lege," and the following year (1851) graduated, and settled the succeeding spring at Southport, where he 284 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAKION COUNTY. remained until the breaking out of the war, having in the spring of 1854 been married to Miss Margaret White, of that neighborhood. In the year 1861 he was appointed surgeon of the Twenty-sixth Indiana Volunteers, and went soon after with his regiment to Missouri, where he remained on duty in camp and hospital for about twenty months. Having resigned his position upon his return home, he soon after removed to Indianapolis, and again entered the government service as surgeon at Camp Morton, where, associated with Dr. Kipp, of the regular army, and under the medical directorship of Dr. Kobbs, he continued until the close of the war. In the year following his removal to Indianapolis he was married the second time, to Mrs. Martha J. Edgar, who, with three children of his first and four of his second marriage, still survive him. There having been no medical college since the disbanding of the old one, which occurred in 1852, in the year 1869 the organization of the Indiana Medical College was effected, in which he was chosen as teacher of theory and practice, and continued thus engaged until the spring of 1874. Shortly after, upon the organization of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons (he himself having been the originator), he was assigned the same department, and held it until the union of the two medical schools in 1878 under the style of " The Medical College of Indiana." He was elected to the same chair occupied in the two other organizations, viz., principles and practice of medicine, which was filled until his death. He was the first representative from his State upon the Judicial Council of the American Medical Asso- ciation, which he held for several successive terms, and to which he was again elected, in his absence, at the last meeting. Dr. Todd was president of the State Society in 1871, was an active worker for seven years upon the provisional board, created by the Legislature, and whose work was the erection and fitting up of the large building occupied as the female department of the Hospital for the Insane, and was one of the phy- sicians to the Deaf and Dunib Asylum for nearly eight years. He served a single term in the Legis- lature as representative in 1856-57, besides which he held no position disconnected with his profession. As a lecturer his manner was easy, dignified, and not ungraceful ; his words were well chosen, his lan- guage plain but forcible, sometimes eloquent, and always commanded the attention of his auditors. As a teacher he was clear and explicit, easily understood, and well remembered ; talked much of the specific nature of diseases and their laws of reproduction, and dwelt largely upon the general principles of pathology and their application in special forms of diseases, frequently referring to them in the solution of minor questions. As a practitioner of medicine he was eminently successful. His notably quick perceptive faculties, his careful and systematic methods of examination, with a comprehensive knowledge of pathology, gen- eral and special, combined to make him skillful in the diagnosis of disease ; while his ready resources and originality of thought in the application of means left him entirely independent of routine thera- peutics. His health was always inconstant, having been subject to acute attacks throughout his adult life, and these increased upon him very notably in force and frequency of late years. His robust appearance and vigorous manner and movement were deceptive as to his real condition, and from the indisposition that began in August, 1882, which was unusually pro- longed and severe, he never recovered his accustomed tone, though filling most of his lecture course. With the loss of vital resistance incident to his age and condition, he sank at last under the eifects of a cas- ualty from which he could easily have recovered a few years earlier in life. Not old, it is true, in years, but relatively as life is really to be reckoned by its vicissitudes and hardships, he was much farther advanced. John A. Comingoe, M.D., is of German ex- traction, his grandfather, who was the first member of the family to emigrate, having settled in New York State and later removed to Kentucky. He married and had children, — Abram, Henry, David, Samuel, and four daughters. Samuel, of these sons, was born in 1797 in Kentucky, and remained in that QM^jr^^y^k^^io:^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 285 State until 1826, when he removed to Johnson County, Ind. He married Miss Mary Gibbs, of Georgia, and had children, — Henry, George, David, John A., Cynthia, Rachel, Sarah, and Jane. John A. was born on the I7th of March, 1828, in John- son County, Ind. His youth was uneventful, the common school of the vicinity having aflForded him early instruction, after which he became a pupil of the Greenwood Academy. He early decided upon a medical career, and on completing his English course began the study of medicine with Drs. Noble and Wishard, of Greenwood. Here he continued for three years, meanwhile attending lectures at the Central Medical College of Indianapolis during the sessions of 1849-50, and graduating from the medi- cal department of the University of New York in j 1860. Dr. Comingor practiced until 1861 at Dan- ville, Hendricks Co., when he was appointed surgeon of the Eleventh Indiana Infantry and served until May, 1865, having participated in the engagements at Shiloh, Champion Hills, the siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., and others of minor importance. During this period of activity his duties were chiefly in the field. On returning from the service he located in Indianapolis and at once engaged in gen- eral practice, which increased as his ability and skill became more widely known. He has been physician and surgeon to the City Hospital, to St. Vincent's Hospital, and to the City Dispensary. He assisted in founding and is one of the charter members of the Medical College of Indiana, in which he has filled the chair of professor of surgery from 1869 until the present time. The doctor is a member of the State Medical Society, of the County Medical Society, of the National Association, and National Surgical Association, and has at various times read many papers of interest before these societies, and been a frequent contributor to the medical periodicals of the day. Dr. Comingor was, in 1855, married to Miss Lucy Williamson, of Greencastle, Ind., and has three children, Ada, Harry, and Carrie, all of whom reside with their parents. Dr. Comingor is at present a member of the staff of Governor Porter, with the appointment of surgeon-general of the State. William Baldwin Fletcher, M.D., was born Aug. 18, 1837, at Indianapolis. His early years were spent upon the farm of his father (now the corner of South Street and Virginia Avenue), his first school being that held in a new log school-house which had been erected in the woods, between New Jersey and East Streets, on South Street. He was a dreamer in school, ^nd made more pro- gress by observation than from books. An intense love of nature made him incline to solitude, and a peculiar antagonism to customs and, social forms caused him even in childhood to be cynical and bitter. During 1853 and 1854 he attended the preparatory school of Asbury University, and went to Lancaster, Mass., in 1855 to prepare for Harvard, but his in- tense love of natural history caused him to abandon the idea of a regular course, and under the lectures of Louis Agassiz, and directed by Prof Sanborn Turney, he pursued geology, botany, and zoology, and finally medicine. From 1856 to 1859 his studies were carried on in New York City at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, from which he graduated in October of that year. On completing his course he settled in Indianapolis, and remained until the calling out of troops for the war of the Rebellion. Dr. Fletcher was the first surgeon to open a mili- tary hospital in what was known as Camp Morton. He went into the field with the Sixth Indiana In- fantry, and was detailed on Gen. T. A. Morris' staff. After the three months' troops returned home he was transferred to Gen. J. J. Reynolds' staff, where, until captured, he had charge of the secret service. He was captured while on detached duty at Big Spring, taken to Huntersville, Poco- hontas Co., Va., in irons, brought before Gen. Robert E. Lee, and kept in solitary confinement for six weeks. He made two attempts to escape, and in the last was wounded and sent to the jail, where he remained until October, when he was tried by court-martial and ordered to execution by Gen. Don- aldson. He was reprieved by Gen. Lee until further investigation could be had, and sent on to Richmond, where, through the fortunate ignorance of Sergt. (afterwards Capt.) Wirtz, his identity was lost as 286 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. a special prisoner, and he was put into the oflScers' prison, from which he was paroled to take charge of the Gangrene Hospital at Rocketts, a suburb of Richmond. In March, 1862, he was paroled and sent home, when he again entered upon the practice of his profession, but during the whole war performed medical and surgical duty either for the Christian Commission or for the State and general government, visiting Stone River, Perryville, Vicksburg, etc., to bring home wounded or promote the comfort of those sick in the field. He was one of the medical ex- aminers during the " draft," and had charge of one section of the prison hospital at Camp Morton until the war was ended. During the years 1866 and 1867 he visited Lon- don and Paris, Glasgow and Dublin, to study in the hospitals. For thirteen years he held the various chairs of physiology, materia medica, anatomy, and theory and practice of medicine in the Indiana Medi- cal College. He was for five years superintendent of the City Dispensary, and for fifteen years visiting surgeon or consulting physician to the City Hos- pital or St. Vincent's Hospital. He was first presi- dent of the Indiana State Microscopical Society. Dr. Fletcher, besides general contributions to cur- rent literature, has written several monographs which have been largely copied in American and foreign journals, among them " The History of Asiatic Cholera," " Various Entozoa Found in Pork," " Five Cases of Trichiniasis," " Human Entozoa," " Organic Origin of Diamonds," " Natural History of Women." The doctor during the fall of 1882 became a candi- date for State Senator from Marion County on the Democratic ticket, and was elected. He was, June 7, 1883, made superintendent of the Indiana Hos- pital for the Insane, in which capacity he is now serving. Dr. Fletcher was, in 1862, married to Miss Agnes O'Brien. Their children are Agnes W., Robert O'B., Lucy Hines, Albert Carolan, Aileen and Una (twins), and William Baldwin. In 1874 a division occurred in the faculty of the " Indiana Medical College," and a part organized the " Indiana College of Physicians and Surgeons'' in the Talbott Block, northwest corner of Market and Penn- sylvania Streets, while a part continued the old school in the block on Delaware Street opposite the court- house. In 1878 the two institutions were brought together again, and called the " Medical College of Indiana." It now has ample and admirably-arranged rooms in the building on the northeast corner of Pennsylvania and Maryland Streets. The graduates i of the session of 1882-83 numbered fifty-three. The present faculty is Graham N. Fitch, M.D., Emeritus Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery; John A. Comingor, M.D., Professor of the Bobbs Chair of Surgery and the Principles and Prac- tice of Surgery; Thomas B. Harvey, M.D., Professor of Surgical and Clinical Diseases of Women ; Isaac C. Walker, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System; Henry Jameson, M.D., Pro- fessor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children ; John Chambers, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine ; C. E. Wright, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; J. L. Thompson, M.D., Profes,sor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear ; J. W. Marsee, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Mechanical and Clinical Surgery ; Alembert W. Bray ton, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology ; George L. Curtiss, M.D., Professor of Physiology ; James H. Taylor, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy ; William F. Hays, M.D., Librarian and Assistant to the Chair of Chemistry ; J. A. Haugh, M.D., Curator of the Museum ; F. A. Morrison, M.D., Asssistant Demonstrator of Anatomy and Prosector ; W. N. Wishard, M.D., Assistant to the Chair of Principles and Practice of Medicine ; L. S. Henthorn, M.D., Assistant to the Chair of Ob- stetrics ; F. M. Wiles, M.D., Assistant to the Chair- of Materia Medica and Therapeutics ; J. E. Hoover, M.D., Prosector to the Chair of Anatomy ; Oliver Wright, Janitor. The officers of the college are John A. Comingor, Dean ; John Chambers, Treasurer ; Henry Jameson, Secretary. Isaac C. Walker, M.D. — The family of Dr. Walker are of English descent, the earliest repre- sentative in America having settled in Virginia. William Walker, his grandfather, a native of the latter State, resided in Wilmington, Ohio, where he engaged in farming employments. Among his chil- ir.-, B.o<|l F.a CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 287 dren was Azel, born in Waynesville, Ohio, in 1802, who became a manufacturer in Wilmington, and later an extensive land-owner. He married Miss Elizabeth P., daughter of Joshua Robinson, of Logan County ,_ Ohio, and had children, — Edward B., deceased, a promising lawyer; Isaac C. ; Cyrus M., a pork mer- chant in Wilmington, Ohio ; John R., deceased, a practicing physician in Wilmington; Louis C, one of the judges of the Superior Court of Indianapolis; Calvin B., deputy commissioner of pensions at Wash- ington, and author of a work on pension law ; Amos J., a wholesale druggist and member of the firm of Walling & Co., of Indianapolis ; Eliza Ann and Martha J., of Richmond, Ind. Mr. Walker's death occurred in Wilmington at the age of sixty- eight years, and that of Mrs. Walker, in Richmond, at the age of seventy-two years. Their son Isaac C. was born July 30, 1827, in Wilmington, where his early youth was devoted to study. His education having been completed at the Wilmington Seminary in 1846, he immediately began the study of medicine with Dr. Amos T. Davis, of Wilmington, with whom he continued three years, after which he attended a course of lectures at the old Cleveland Medical Col- lege, and graduated from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery and the University of Louis- ville, Ky. After a brief period of practice with his preceptor, he removed to Peru, Ind., and there con- tinued until his advent in Indianapolis in 1870, where his abilities soon gave him a leading rank in the profession, and brought an extended and lucra- tive practice. He is frequently called in consultation in remote parts of the State as an acknowledged authority on diseases of the mind and nervous sys- tem. He was one of the founders of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana, and was at its organization elected to the chair of diseases of the mind and nervous system. This college was, after an existence of five years, consolidated with the Indiana Medical College, the institution becoming the Medical College of Indiana, in which the doctor fills the same professorship. He is in his political affiliations a Republican, and was in 1878-79 elected to the City Council, of which he was president during the latter year. He is a Presbyterian in his religious associations, and wor- ships with the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, of which Mrs. Walker is a member. Dr. Walker was, in May, 1852, married to Miss Margaret A., daughter of John Constant, of Wilmington, Ohio. Their children are two sons, — John C, a practicing physician in Indianapolis, and Frank B., who is engaged in the commission business. Dr. Walker is a member of the Marion County Medical Society, of which he was president in 1880. He is a member of the State Medical Society, of the American Medical Association, and of the Tri-State Medical Society. He was, in 1882, elected dean of the faculty of the Medical College of Indiana. The doctor is an occasional and valued contributor to the medical journals of the day. His article on the sub- ject and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, inspired by the circumstances connected with the death of Dr. James S. Anthon, is regarded as an important con- tribution to medical literature, and pronounced by the most eminent authority in the West " a philosophic and most excellently written paper, and one of the ablest he had read." Another on " Leucocythsemia," a condition in which there is an increase of the white corpuscles, the result of which is a general enlarge- ment of the lymphatic glands, attracted marked attention. Charles E. Wright, M.D., was bom in Indian- apolis, Ind., on the 1st of November, 1843. His collegiate education was obtained at the Indiana Asbury University, at Greencastle, in that State, after which he became a student of medicine at the Medical College of Ohio, in Cincinnati, where he graduated in March, 1868. Immediately after he settled in his native city in the practice of his pro- profession, making a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, and nose, in which branches he is universally regarded as an expert, and in which his practice has become extended. His success in these specialties is exceptional as the result of profound knowledge of the science of medicine and marked ability. Dr. Wright is a member of the Indiana Academy of Sciences, and in 1868 was its secretary. He is also a member of the Marion County Medical Society, and of the Indiana State Medical Society. In 288 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 1869 he was demonstrator of anatomy in the In- diana Medical College, and subsequently professor of materia medica, therapeutics, and diseases of the eye and ear in the same institution, of which he was at various times both secretary and president. He is also a member of the staff at the City Hospital, phy- sician to St. John's Home for Invalids, and was for four years physician to the Blind Asylum. In 1875 and 1876 he was president of the Indianapolis Board of Health ; filled the same oflSce, in connection with the Indiana Medico-Legal Fraternity, in 1877 and 1878, and at present occupies the chair of materia medica and therapeutics in the Medical College of In- diana and the medical department of Butler University. During the war of the Rebellion he held the position of quartermaster-sergeant of the camp of instruction, and was later superintendent of commissary stores at Nashville, Tenn., and chief clerk of the commissary of the subsistence department of Kentucky in the Union army. He was appointed surgeon-general on the staff of Governor Williams in July, 1878, with the rank of colonel, and is now chief of staff of St. Vincent's Hospital. Dr. Wright's contributions to the medical literature of the day have been numer- ous and important, covering the whole period of his professional life, his thesis on " Spontaneous Evo- lution" having been published in the Western Journal of Medicine in March, 1868, and his reports of " Diseases of the Eye and Ear" in the " Transactions of the Indiana State Medical Society" for 1870 and 1871. He was for some time editor of the Indiana Medical Journal., to which he contributed many edi- torials, reports of cases, etc., that attracted -attention. In literary circles outside the profession Dr. Wright has always been a leading spirit, and active in the organization of some of the most important associa- tions in the city of Indianapolis, having been presi- dent of the Scottish Rite Dramatic Association since its organization. He is an active member of the Masonic order, in which he has attained the thirty- third degree, is a member of Raper Commandery, No. 1, of Knights Templar of Indianapolis, and also medical examiner of the Knights of Pythias. In politics he is an ardent Democrat. In religion he is liberal toward all sects and creeds, and not sectarian in his faith. Dr. Wright was married in November, 1870, to Miss Anna Haugh, of Indianapolis. Their children are Charlotta and Charles E., Jr. ^ As previously related, the homoeopathic practice was introduced here by Dr. Coe after his conversion, about 1838, but it was some years before anybody else came to give his system support and countenance. The first was Dr. Van Buren, who came about 1843, and established a fair practice, which he maintained till near 1850. In 1844 the late Dr. Konradin Homburg came, and for a time practiced homoeopa- thy, but in time he approached the regular school pretty closely, and practiced chiefly on the allopathic system, though to the last he is said to have had pa- tients who demanded homoeopathic treatment. In 1852, Dr. Wright, of the Hahnemann school, came; in 1855, Dr. Shaw, and in 1856, Dr. Corliss, who re- mains. In 1868 a State organization of this school was made, and in 1873 a county society was formed, both still in vigorous existence. No school or college of this medical persuasion has ever been opened here, but some two years ago a dispensary was established on West Ohio Street, near Meridian, and maintained for about a year. Among the most prominent and successful of this school is Dr. J. A. Compton, from whom the information in this brief statement is ob- tained. Joshua Augustine Compton, M.D. — Tradition relates that four brothers of the Compton family emigrated from England, two of whom settled in New York, one in New Jersey, and one in Virginia. From one of these brothers was descended Joshua Compton, the grandfather of Dr. Compton, who was born at Liberty Corner, Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 15, 1779, where he subsequently became a farmer. He married a Miss Catharine Cazad (originally spelled Casatt or Gazatt), and had children, — Mercy, Lydia, Catharine, Mary, Reuben, Anthony, Joshua, and Israel. Reuben, of this number, was born March 25, 1803, at Liberty Corner, N. J., and continued actively employed as a farmer until twenty-one years of age, when he removed to Western New York and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He married Miss Catharine Rhoades and had children, — Mary A., Joshua Augus- tine, Catharine, Reuben, William, Anthony, Sarah Bn^', '^ hy AH R.lt?hu CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 289 Israel, Lydia, and Charles. The death of Mr. Comp- ton occurred in Bradford, Steuben Co., N. Y., July 20, 1871. His wife still survives and resides at Bradford. Jo.shua A., the subject of this biography, was born Feb. 26, 1835, in Bradford, N. Y. Excellent oppor- tunities were at that day afforded at the Bradford Academy, where the doctor's earlier studies were pursued ; not without difficulty, however, for he had at twelve years of age a severe attack of pneumonia that left him with weak lungs, which the confinement incident to close application greatly aggravated, neces- sitating the frequent postponement of his studies for months at a time. He had long before fixed his mind on the law, and in 1862 entered Chancy J. Herring's office at Corning, N. Y., but remained only a few months, the confinement being irksome to him. During the fall of that year his father sent him to look after the welfare of his brother William who had been wounded at the battle of Antietam, and sent to the Fifth and Buttonwood Streets Hospital of Phila- delphia. While there the doctor had the range of the hospital, and embraced the opportunity which offered of hearing most of the clinics. He also had a special invitation from the faculty of the college at Sixth and Willow Streets to attend many of their lectures during the winter of 1862-63, which he em- braced. He had early become distrustful of the effi- cacy of old physic and espoused the water-cure sys- tem. He took a water-cure journal, purchased Dr. Trail's " Encyclopaedia," studied and applied it in his own case ; not having found the desired relief under that treatment, he was induced in the spring of 1863 to try the homoeopathic, which was speedily followed by a permanent cure. The doctor was so elated over the result that he immediately adopted the medical profession as his life-work, and began study about the first of May of that year with Dr. G. C. Hibbard, at Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. He attended his first regular course of lectures in 1864-65 at the New York Homoeopathic College. Occupying the summer months in the practice of his chosen profession at White's Corners, Erie Co., N. Y., where he practiced through a severe epidemic of dysentery without the loss of a single case, he repaired to Cleveland, Ohio, 19 in the fall, and graduated at the Western Homoeo- pathic College with high honors in the spring of 1866, I having acted as demonstrator of anatomy for his cla-ss ] during his period of study. The West then opened an inviting field of labor to young men engaged in professional or business pursuits, and Dr. Compton determined upon Indiana as his future home. He first opened an office in Muncie, Delaware Co., May 1, 1866, and remained until 1873, meanwhile establish- ing a reputation for ability and skill which won him both practice and profit, embracing among his patients many of the most wealthy and influential families of the city. Having faith, however, in his own capacity and ambition to fill a larger sphere than was possible within the limits of a country town, he sought the metropolis of the State. Here his professional attain- ments gave him a leading position and a lucrative and extended practice. He has been so successful as sel- dom to have lost a case when given full control of it. Dr. Compton is a member of the Erie County (New York) Medical Society, a charter member of the Indi- ana Institute of Homoeopathy, which he was instra- mental in organizing, and of which he was elected vice-president, member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, of the Marion County Horaoeopathio Association, and of the Hahnemannian International Association of Homoeopathy. He gives but little time to affairs of a political char- acter, though a supporter of the principles of the Re- publican party. He is a member of the Muncie Commandery of Knights Templar. Dr. Compton was educated in the religious creed of the Protestant Episcopal Church. In 1873-74 the Physio-Medical College of In- diana was organized, and has annually issued its notices and collected its pupils since. This school of medicine seems to be an enlarged and systematized form of the Thomsonian practice, which a recent ad- dress of one of the professors. Dr. Davidson, traces to Dr. Kittredge, of New Hampshire, in 1788, and to Dr. Thomson, of the same State, eight years later. The following is the faculty of the Indiana Physio- Medical College for 1883-84 : George Hasty, M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine ; E. Anthony, M.D., Professor 290 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of the Principles and Practice of Surgery ; C. T. Bedford, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children; G. N. Davidson, M.D., Professor of Botany, Materia Medica, and Thera- peutics; J. M. Thurston, M.D., Professor of His- tology and Physiology ; William A. Spurgeon, M.D., Professor of Surgical Anatomy ; W. W. Logan, M.D., Professor of General and Descriptive Anatomy ; J. Redding, M.D., Professor of Microscopy and Patho- logical Histology ; J. P. Julian, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology ; John Young, LL.D., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence ; A. W. Fisher, M.D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Rectum ; M. Veenboer, M.D., Lecturer on Sanitary Science ; C. T. Bedford, M.D., Secretary of the Faculty; E. Sanitary Science; Joseph Eastman, M.D., Secretary, Professor of Medical and Surgical Diseases of Women, and of Clinical Surgery ; George N. Duzan, M.D., Professor of Physiology and Clinical Medi- cine ; R. iVench Stone, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine ; Ira A. E. Lyons, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear ; John A. SutcliiFe, A.M., M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Genito-Urinary Diseases ; Philip S. Baker, A.M., M.D., Professor of Chemistry jind Toxicology; W. H. Thomas, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Osteology ; J. I. Rooker, M.D., Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis ; Hon. John Coburn, Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence ; J. T. Barker, M.D., Lecturer on Physiology; S. E. Earp, Anthony, M.D., President of the Faculty. The college j M.S., M.D., Demonstrator of Chemistry ; Canada is located in the Wesley Block, on the southwest side of Indiana Avenue, near Tennessee. In 1879 the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons was organized, and excellent quarters fitted up in the upper stories of the Ryan Block, north- west corner of Tennessee Street and Indiana Avenue. The session of 1882-83 had forty-four matriculates and twenty-three graduates. In this college two prizes are oflFered annually, one a gold medal, pre- sented by the faculty on commencement day to the member of the graduating class who shall have ob- tained the highest general average in all the depart- ments at the final examination ; the other is presented by Dr. John C. Waters, an Irish physician, a gradu- ate of Trinity College, Dublin, and equally distin- guished in Ireland as a politician and patriot and phy- sician. It is a gold medal awarded on commence- ment day to the student in the graduating class who passes the best competitive examination in the pa- thology, diagnosis, and treatment of the diseases of the respiratory organs. Button, M.D., Prosector to the Chair of Anatomy; John B. Long, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of the Museum ; Thomas Low, Janitor. Hon. William S. Haymond, M.D. — The family of Dr. Haymond are of English descent. His grand- father was William Haymond, who was born in Frederick County, Md., and at an early day followed the profession of a surveyor. He was deputized soon after the Revolutionary war, in which he participated, to make surveys in behalf of the State in West Vir- ginia, and before embarking on this expedition passed an examination as to his qualifications at William and Mary College, Virginia. He was endowed with rare mathematical ability, and wrote a practical and original treatise on trigonometry which was never pub- lished. He married Cassandra Cleland, and later Jlary Powers. Among his children was Cyrus Haymond, born near the town of Clarksburg, in West Virginia, who followed the business of surveying and farming until he became an octogenarian. Though enjoying but ordinary advantages of education, he possessed The present faculty is : Charles D. Pearson, A.M. M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Nervous System ; t great natural ability, which, combined with strict in- W. S. Haymond, M.D., Dean, Professor of the Prin- | tegrity, won for him a position of influence in the ciples and Practice of Surgery; John Moffett, M.D., , community. He married Jane Sommerville, who was Professor of Obstetrics; R. E. Houghton, M.D., born in Ireland, and came to America when but five Professor of Surgical Pathology, Operative and , years of age. Their children were three sons, — Wil- CHnical Surgery ; G. C. Smythe, A.M., M.D., Pro- \ Ham S., Thomas A., and Sydney, the eldest of whom, feasor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and ! William S., the subject of this sketch, was born on '^'^"^buSami^J, S«ri»"'^'"' m^-iy-ti^^i^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 291 the 20th of February, 1826, in Harrison County, near Clarksborough, Ind., where his early years were passed. His early education was gained at a log school-house of primitive construction. These limited opportunities stimulated a desire for further study and the possession of a greater number of books than were then at his command. He at the age of eigh- teen engaged in teaching, meanwhile pursuing his studies and becoming proficient in the science of mathematics. For a limited period surveying and engineering engaged his time and energies, after which, at the age of twenty-three, he began the study of medicine at Clarksburg, Va., with Dr. John Edmondson of that place. He attended two courses of lectures at the Medical College of Cincinnati, and later became a student of the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, graduating from both of these insti- tutions. He chose Monticello, Ind., as an advan- tageous point for a young practitioner, and having met with success in his practice remained thus located until 1877. Dr. Haymond rapidly rose in his pro- fession and soon took rank among the leading phy- sicians of the county, established a reputation for skill in surgery, to which branch of practice he has since devoted special attention. He has also con- tributed many able and valuable papers to the medi- cal journals of the day on subjects of peculiar interest to the profession. His range of study has not been confined to the sciences and mathematics, but in its scope has included the languages, in several of which he is proficient. He served during the war of the Rebellion as assistant surgeon of the Forty-sixth Indi- ana Volunteers, and was for weeks stationed at Fort Pillow. During his service he was on several occa- sions detailed for important duty at general hospitals. He was in 1874, as a Democrat, elected a member of the Forty-fourth Congress, and served on the Com- mittees on Banking and Currency, bringing much financial ability and judgment to bear in the dis- charge of his duties. He distinguished himself as a speaker, his eulogy on the death of Speaker Kerr having been pronounced the finest literary effort of the occasion. Other speeches, on the subject of finance, internal improvements, etc., attracted marked attention. The doctor is a member of the White County Medical Society, of the Marion County Medi- cal Society, of the Tri-State Medical Society, and of the Indiana State Medical Society. He is professor of the principles and practice of surgery in the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indian- apolis, and dean of the faculty. He is also actively engaged in practice in that city. Dr. Haymond was, in 1853, married to Miss Mary M., daughter of Abel T. Smith, of White County, Ind. Both the doctor and Mrs. Haymond are members of the Cen- tral Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church of Indian- apolis. Among the arrivals of the last thirty or thirty-five years have been a number of physicians who now hold or have lately held the first places in public estimation and patronage. Among these, and specially noted for his treatment of cancer without the use of the knife, is Dr. E. Howard, who has maintained a cancer hospital on his system of treatment, on South Illinois Street near Georgia, for a quarter of a cen- tury or more. Edward Howard, M.D., is of English, Scotch, and Irish ancestry, and the son of George Howard, who was born in Germany, and having at the age of sixteen emigrated to America, settled in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he followed the butcher's craft until his later removal to Warren County, Ohio, where he cul- tivated a farm during the remainder of his life. He was married to Miss Susan Pierce, and had children (nine in number), as follows : Nancy, George, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Edward, Washington, Susan, and Noble P. Edward, of this number, was born in Warren County, Ohio, on the 21st of February, 1815, and prior to his fifteenth year resided in the county of his birth. He was then apprenticed to David Taylor, of Middletown, Ohio, and served three years at the trade of a saddler, after which he pur- sued this vocation in the city of Cincinnati. He became, in 1835, a resident of Decatur County, Ind., and general manager for the business of Thomas G. Anderson. The doctor continued thus eoiployed until the fall of 1836, when he was married to Miss Clarissa, daughter of Nathaniel Lewis, M.D., of the same county, the ceremony having occurred on the 8th of September of that year. Their children are 292 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. two sons, — Lewis N. and William O. Dr. Howard soon after began and continued the study of medicine with Dr. Lewis for four years, after which he engaged in general practice in Decatur County, Ind. In 1855 he came to Indianapolis and opened an oflSce as a specialist in the treatment of cancer and chronic dis- eases. He has for twenty- eight years resided in the : capital of the State, and during this time followed ' his specialty with signal success and performed some remarkable cures. The condition of many of his patients, who after a period of thirty years from the j time of treatment are enjoying excellent health, is a i sufficient tribute to his ability and skill. His son Lewis N. is associated with his father in his special branch of practice. Dr. Howard is in his political convictions free from partisan feeling, and chooses for office men of integrity and ability, irrespective of party ties. He has never participated in the exciting scenes of a political campaign, and does not aspire to the honors of office. He is in religion a supporter of all religious denominations, but more especially of the Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Howard is a member. To the same period belong Dr. George W. New and Dr. Alois D. Gall. George W. New, M.D. — The grandfather of Dr. New was Jethro New, a native of Kent County, Del., who was born Sept. 20, 1757. He served under Gen. Washington in the war of Independence, and was one of the guard over the unfortunate Andre, whose execution he witnessed. He married Sarah Bowman, also a native of Kent County, Del., the mother of Elder John Bowman New, who was born in Guilford County, N. C, on the 7th of No- vember, 1793. Soon after Mr. and Mrs. New re- moved to Franklin County, Ky., and later took up land in Owen County, where their son received his earliest rudimentary instruction. Subsequently he served in the war of 1812. The religious sentiment was early developed in him, and formed the control- ling element in his later career. He received re- ligious instruction with great readiness of mind, and at a very tender age became a Christian. At the age of sixteen he conceived the idea of becoming a preacher of the gospel. This plan was eventually carried into execution, and Elder New became one of the most devout and earnest of the pioneer preachers of the State of Indiana. His exhortations were effective, his style argumentative, his manner eccentric. His area of usefulness was widely ex- tended, while his bold and fearless defense of the truth gave him a commanding influence in various parts of the State where he was accustomed to labor. He married Miss Maria Chalfant on the 19th of February, 1818. Their son, George W. New, was born in Madison, Ind., on the 27th of February, 1819, and early removed to Vernon, Ind., where his youth was spent. He received an academic education, the intervals from study having been spent in labor on the farm or in the shop of a neighboring cabinet- maker. From 1836 to 1838 he became interested in the study of forestry and botany, and in 1837 began the study of medicine under Dr. W. Clinton Thompson, of Indianapolis. After a thorough course he graduated at the Medical College of Ohio in the spring of 1840. He chose Greensburg, Ind., as the field of his earliest professional labors, and formed a copartnership with Dr. Abram Carter, a student of Dr. B. W. Dudley, of Lexington, Ky., a physician of repute. Dr. New was, on the 1st of November, 1841, married to Miss Adelia, daughter of Dr. Carter. Their children are Frank R., born June 14, 1843, and Orlando, whose birth occurred Sept. 1, 1845, the latter of whom is deceased. The doctor when he settled in Greensburg was the only graduate in the county, and speedily attained a practice which extended to the adjacent counties, having performed all the surgical operations for a wide area of territory. He removed in 1860 to Indianapolis, and in April, 1861, during the late war, entered the army as sur- geon of the Seventh Regiment Infantry, Indiana Volunteers, receiving the first commission as surgeon issued by Governor Morton. After three months' service in West Virginia, where he dressed the first amputated leg of the war and attended the first wounded Federal colonel, the regiment was reor- ganized and the doctor continued as its surgeon. He followed the fortunes of this regiment until the fall of 1864, and no case of surgery under his charge ALOIS D. GALL. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 293 proved fatal, though he had the supervision of an operating table on the occasion of every battle. During this time he was surgeon-in-chief both of a brigade and of a corps. In the fall of 1864 he was commissioned by Governor Morton Military Agent of Indiana, and assigned to the Department of the Gulf, with headquarters at New Orleans. At the close of the war he was commissioned by the Sec- retary of the Treasury examiner of drugs for the port of New Orleans, and returned to Indianapolis in 1867, after an absence of six and a half years, where he has since engaged in the active pursuit of his profession. He is a member of the American Medical Association and of the State Medical So- ciety. He is also connected with the Masonic fra- ternity. The doctor was formerly a Whig in his political convictions, but may now be spoken of as a conservative Republican, though with little taste for the active and exciting scenes of a political cam- paign. In religion he became in early life a member of the Christian Church. Alois D. Gall, M.D., who at the time of his death stood in the front rank of the medical profes- sion in the West, was of German birth and parentage. He was the son of Alois D. Gall, who resided in Wiel-die-Stadt, Wiirtemberg, whose life was passed in mercantile pursuits. The subject of this brief bio- graphical sketch was born in the above-mentioned town March 16, 1814, and there the early years of his life were spent. With a decided bent for learning and an aptness in acquiring knowledge, he went to Stuttgart, and there continued his studies. On com- pleting his course his young and adventurous spirit, which desired an expansion it could not then find in his own country, prompted him to seek in the United States a field for the exercise of his abilities. In 1842, therefore, he came to this country and settled in Green Bay, Wis., where he purchased land, and where he remained for one year, after which he removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., and studied medicine with Dr. Gross. Previous to emigrating to this country he had married in Stuttgart, in 1839, Caro- line E. Hock, of that city, and with this willing help- meet in a strange land they climbed the hill together. After his graduation in medicine his first medical service was at Zellianoble, Pa., whence, after a year of active and laborious practice, he removed to Slip- pery Rock, in the same State, and subsequently to Portersville, also in Pennsylvania. The struggles of the young physician need not be here enumerated. The early days of his practice in those villages of the Keystone State were a rugged discipline that gave him strength and courage for other and larger fields in the years to come, and enabled him to bear greater responsibilities. In 1847 he removed to In- dianapolis, where he at once established a successful practice which was continued until 1853, when he was appointed United States consul at Antwerp, Bel- gium, which position he held through the adminis- trations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan. In this responsible position he merited and received the hearty approbation of his government and of all her citizens with whom he came in contact, discharging all the duties of his office with honor to himself and credit to the power he represented. As an illus- tration of this, it may be said that he was immensely popular with all American captains who put in at the port of Antwerp, and that, as an expression of their appreciation of his fidelity to the United States and the interests of her citizens abroad, they presented him a beautiful and elaborately wrought gold-headed cane, which he always counted among the chief of his treasures. In 1860 he returned to Indianapolis, to be met with the warmest greetings of old and appreciative friends, and resumed his professional labors. In 1861, feeling the call of duty, he entered the army as surgeon of the Thirteenth Indiana Regi- ment. Within a brief period he was appointed brigade surgeon, and later, his ripe experience as a physician and surgeon becoming known, medical di- rector of Gen. Peck's corps. After three years of arduous duty in the field, resulting in the impairment of his health, he resigned. Previous to returning home the officers of his regiment, who well knew his army services and the self-sacrificing spirit in which they had been given, presented him a magnificent sword as a testimonial of their appreciation and esteem. Returning to civil life, he again entered upon the duties of his profession, which continued to engross 29-t HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. his time and talents until his death, which occurred on the 11th of February, 1867, of apoplexy, after a brief illness. He was a member of Centre Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, of Indianapolis, of the Chapter, and of Raper Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, of which he was at one time generalissimo. Though always a stanch Democrat politically, and much relied upon in the counsels of that party, he cared nothing for the honors and emoluments of office for himself, his inclination and duty keeping him in the path of his profession. Dr. Gall was of a warm and sanguine temperament, and genial as summer to his friends, whose name was legion. To the younger members of the profession was this kindliness most freely given, and his en- couragement, advice, and assistance many of the most prosperous of the Indianapolis physicians of to-day now hold as a sweet and pleasant recollection. There are numerous anecdotes of his medical forti- tude and heroism current in the profession to-day, for he was a man who shirked no duty and was absolutely without fear. Dr. Alois D. Gall and his widow, who survives him, had children, — Bertha (Mrs. Fred. P. Rush), born in Stuttgart, John Wallace Albert, born in 1842, in Green Bay, Wis., Edmund F., born in 1816, at Portersville, Pa., and Louis Washington, born in 1850, in Indianapolis, who died in 1851. A niece. Miss Carrie Gall, born in Memphis, Tenn., has since her childhood resided in the family. In 1855, as noted in the sketch of the history of the press. Dr. John C. Walker was one of the pro- prietors and editors of the Sentinel. He remained in the city much of the time till 1862 or 1863, when his political views and conduct suggested a temporary residence abroad. He was elected State printer in 1859. Returning some few years ago, he practiced his profession in the city till he received an impor- tant position in the Insane Asylum, where he re- mained till his death last year. Hon. John C. Walker, M.D.—The Walkers were of Scotch-Irish stock, and emigrated to Penn- sylvania early in the seventeenth century. Benjamin Walker, a veteran soldier of the Revolution, at the close of the war returned to his home, on the Susque- hanna, near Harrisburg. In some trouble with the Indians his father was captured, murdered, and, it was said, burned at the stake. Peace having been restored, a band of Indians encamped near the town, and one night two of them were overheard by Benja- min Walker relating the circumstance of the murder of his father. When the Indians departed he and his brother followed, overtook them, and after a des- perate encounter killed both. The fight began near a high bank overlooking the river, Benjamin and his adversary rolling into the water below, where he suc- ceeded in drowning the latter. This affair having occurred in time of peace, Benjamin Walker was out- lawed by proclamation of the Governor, and with his wife (a Miss Crawford) and several small children embarked in canoes on the Ohio River and ultimately reached Dearborn County, Ind. He secured prop- erty, established a saw- and later a grist-mill. At his home, on Laughery Creek, he was frequently visited by Daniel Boone, the celebrated hunter. He reared a large family of children, among whom was John C. Walker, a prominent citizen and member of the State Senate, who married Frances Allen, of Virginia, and resided for a period of years at Shelbyville, Ind. He was a large contractor in the building of the Michigan pike road, and with the land-scrip in which the contractors were paid purchased large tracts in La Porte and adjoining counties. At one time he was said to be the largest land-owner in the State. He was an incorporator, with John Hendricks, of Shelbyville, George H. Dunn, and John Test, of Law- renceburg, and others, of the first railroad built in Indiana, the Lawrenceburg and Indianapolis, char- tered Feb. 2, 1832. A condition of the charter was that the work should be under way within three years. The difficulties and delays incident to so great an enterprise at that early day seemed to threaten a forfeiture of the charter, to avert which John C. Walker threw up a grade, laid ties, and put down rails of hewn timber for a mile and a quarter from Shelbyville, and with a wooden car drawn by horses opened the road for passenger travel on the 4th of July, 1834. "Walker's Railroad" is still remembered by many old citizens. He removed with his family to La Porte, Ind., in M. ^UruM^^^. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 295 1836, and died ten years later. The children of ; Mr. and Mrs. Walker were William, James (de- ceased), and Benjamin, of Chicago ; Mrs. McCoy, of California ; Mrs. Cummins and Mrs. Holcombe, of Indianapolis ; Mrs. Teal (deceased), of Shelbyville, Ind. ; Mrs. Ludlow and Mrs. Garland Rose (both deceased), of La Porte, Ind. ; and the subject of this sketch. Dr. John C. Walker, who was born in 1 Shelbyville, lud., on the 11th of February, 1828. , He was educated by his brother-in-law, Professor j F. P. Cummins, an eminent teacher and minister. He possessed a strong and active intellect, was a good : student and diligent reader, and, though his regular studies were interrupted by an injury to his eyes, he acquired a large store of information and varied accomplishments. Early in his career he purchased the La Porte Times, which, as editor and proprietor, he made the most influential paper in Northern Indiana. It was the first paper in the State, perhaps in the country, to antagonize the methods and dogmas of the Know- Nothing party, then becoming powerful for evil. Its editor was soon recognized as a man of mark. He was elected to the Legislature of 1853, and took a high rank in that body. One of his reports was pub- lished in full by State Superintendent Larrabee in his edition of the school laws, with the following intro- ductory note : " In order to explain in the best man- ner possible the act of March 4, 1853, amending the school law, I would call attention to the following clear, concise, and beautiful report made to the House of Representatives by Mr. John C. Walker, of La Porte, chairman of the Committee on Education." He was then twenty-three years of age. In March, 1855, he purchased, with Charles Cottom, now of the New Albany Ledger, the Indianapolis Sentinel, which he edited for nearly a year, making it, though at a heavy loss financially, a powerful party organ. In 1856 he was nominated for Lieutenant-Governor on the ticket with the eloquent Willard, but being under the constitutional age he was obliged to with- draw. A. A. Hammond, who was substituted in his place, became Governor of Indiana by the untimely death of Governor Willard. Resuming control of the La Porte Times, he was chosen by his party, in 1858, to make the race for Congress against Schuyler Colfax, then editor of the South Bend Tribune. This contest resulting unfavorably, he began prepar- ing for the notable campaign of 1860, in which he played a distinguished and honorable part, support- ing with vigor and success, and against powerful opponents, the Douglas wing of the party. Col. John C. Walker was aW^ar Democrat, and took the first opportunity to enter the service of the Union. He was elected to command the Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteers by the captains of the regiment in the fall of 1861, and with it went to the field early in the winter thereafter. For a while he was stationed near Bardstown, Ky., where he soon estab- lished a high character among his brother-officers and the people of that town and neighborhood. He was, while there, and as early as Jan. 17, 1862, a member of a board for the examination of officers touching their qualifications and fitness for the service, and in that capacity evinced a large knowledge of tactics and the details of the military art. He displayed great ability as a drill-officer and disciplinarian, and brought his regiment rapidly to a high state of efficiency in all soldierly qualities. From Bardstown he was ordered farther South, and in the spring and summer of 1862 was employed constantly in active service in Tennessee, marching over much of that great State. His last service was performed without orders from any supe- rior, but under the highest instincts and most chival- ric sense of soldierly honor, in marching with his regiment forty miles to Murfreesborough when that place was about to be attacked. For this gallant act he "received the formal and written approval of Gen. Buell." He was soon after stricken down with typhoid fever, and his health, never very robust, required relaxation and rest. His commanding officer, under these circumstances, gave him leave to return to In- diana. He did so, and while at his home, at La Porte, Governor Morton, without the slightest intimation of any fault in his career as an officer or offense at his presence at home, procured his dismissal or discharge from the army. Not for disloyalty, not foir incompe- tence, not for cowardice was this done. He was the very beau ideal of a soldier, and a thousand men per- haps yet live in Indiana who can say that no Bayard i^^>---t£/^^^,.^^ CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 297 Samuel McGaughey, M.D. — David MoGaughey, the grandfather of the doctor, was of Scotch-Irish descent, though a native of Scotland. He married a Miss Litle, and had five daughters and four sons, among whom was Robert L., the father of the subject of this biography. He married Mary Ann, daughter of Ezekiel Clark, to whom were born six sons and six daughters. The birth of Samuel, the third son, occurred July 22, 1828, in Franklin County, Ind., where his life until his eighteenth year was passed in the improvement of such educational advantages as the vicinity afforded. After a brief period of teach- ing, finding his tastes in harmony with an active pro- fessional career, he began the study of medicine with Dr. D. S. McGaughey, of Morristown, Shelby Co., Ind., under whose preceptorship he continued for three years. During this time he attended three courses of lectures at the Ohio Medical College, Cincinnati, from which institution he graduated in 1851. His first field of labor was at Palestine, Hancock Co., Ind., where he located the following year. He sub- sequently spent two years in Marietta, Shelby Co., and in May, 1856, made Acton, Marion Co., his resi- dence. He at once engaged in practice of a general character, which steadily increased until it became extensive and laborious. He was for a brief period associated with Dr. P. C. Leavitt, a very successful practitioner, who served with credit in the army, and on his return resumed his practice, which was con- tinued until his death. ' Dr. McGaughey is a Republican in politics, though neither his tastes nor the demands of his profession lead to active participation in the political events of the day. He is identified with the order of Masonry, and a member of Pleasant Lodge, No. 134, of Free and Accepted Masons, of Acton. He is descended from Scotch Presbyterian stock, and a member of the Acton Presbyterian Church, as also one of its trus- tees. Dr. McGaughey was in 1852 married to Miss Ann A., daughter of Daniel \V. Morgan, to whom were born children, — Robert and Otto Livingston. Mrs. McGaughey died in 1857, and he was again married in 1858 to Miss Mary S. Boal, whose chil- dren are Rachel, Mellie (deceased), Elizabeth (de- ceased), Jennie, and Samuel. Among the oldest of living practitioners, equally respected in social and professional life, are Dr. John M. Gaston, somewhat retired since an accident that crippled him for life some years ago, and cost the city some ten thousand dollars' damages ; Dr. Frisbie S. Newcomer, who has served the city in the Council frequently and well, and served also in the faculty of one of th^ medical colleges ; Dr. James H. Wood- burn, also a professor in one of the medical colleges, superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, and an active and valuable member of the City Council ; Dr. Thaddeus M. Stevens, a native of Indianapolis, nephew of the celebrated Pennsylvania statesman, actively connected with all hygienic movements and boards of health, and the author of more publica- tions on the hygienic conditions of the city than any other member of the profession ; Dr. William C. Thompson, one of the leading moral reformers of the State, for one terra a senator in the Legislature from this county, and all the time the family physi- cian of Governor Morton and his attendant in his last illness : Dr. John M. Dunlap, son of the pioneer Dr. Livingston Dunlap, for many years an assistant in the Insane Hospital ; Dr. Theophilus Parviu, now a professor in the Jefferson Medical College, of Phila- delphia, but for many years among the most eminent physicians of Indiana, and especially distinguished as a medical writer ; Dr. John M. Kitchen, who has prob- ably been longer in the practice than any one now living in the city, but not so long a resident here ; Dr. James W. Hervey, widely known as a writer on professional and social questions. Dr. James K. Bige- low. Dr. L. D. Waterman, Dr. Charles D. Pearson, Dr. Bryan, Dr. Fred Stein, Dr. D. H. Frank, and Dr. W. N. Wishard are of rather later date, coming during or since the war. Of very recent additions to the profession here, among natives of the city. Dr. Calvin I. Fletcher may be named, with Dr. Frank Morrison, of the Medical College of Indiana, for a creditable position in graduating and efficient prosecution of their profession since. The female physicians of the city during the past year were Annie B. Campbell, E. A. Daniels, Ella Deneen, Mary A. Ellis, Amanda M. George, Martha Grimes, Rachel Swain, Elizabetii Schmidt, and M. F. J. Pointer. 298 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. On the 7th of September, 1870, a stock company was formed with one hundred thousand dollars capital, — liable to enlargement at any time, — in twenty-five dollar shares, to establish an institution for the treat- ment of deformities, deficiencies, and injuries requir- ing surgical skill and mechanical appliances. Drs. Allen and Johnson, of the Surgical Institute, were to be the surgeons. One share of twenty-five dollars entitled the holder to nominate one patient for treat- ment ; one hundred dollars gave the right to an annual nomination of a patient ; one thousand dollars, to the nomination of a free bed annually ; and five thousand dollars, to a perpetual free bed, passing to heirs or assigns. The intention was to treat the classes of cases specified as cheaply as possible, or free if possible, and provide them at the same time comfortable homes as cheaply as possible. The Sur- gical Institute seems to have been adopted as the requisite provision, and sixty patients received in the first year, fourteen from the city, and the others from seventeen other counties in the State. The officers of the association were James M. Ray, President ; Barnabas C. Hobbs, Addison Daggy, W. P. Johnson, A. L. Roache, Vice-Presidents ; William H. Turner, Recording Secretary ; K. H. Boland, Corresponding Secretary ; John C. New, Treasurer. The National Surgical Institute was incorporated on the 24th tif July, 1869, under the control of Dr. Horace R. Allen and Dr. W. P. Johnson, with a capital stock, as appears by a publication made authoritatively in 1876, of five hundred thousand dollars, with the object of " treating all cases of sur- gery and chronic diseases ; also of engaging in the manufacture of surgical and mechanical appliances, splints, bandages, machinery, and other articles needed for the treatment of the afflicted ; and also with authority to teach others the same art." There are four branches of the Institute, — the Central in In- dianapolis, the Eastern in Philadelphia, the South- ern in Atlanta, Ga., the Western in San Franci-sco. The Central, or Indianapolis division occupies a four- story block of buildings, covering, with the shops and subordinate buildings, nearly an acre of ground on the northeast corner of Georgia and Illinois Streets. There are sleeping-rooms in the buildings for three hundred patients. In the machine-shop, run by a forty-horse engine, are all the machines and appliances required to make the numerous and varied forms of apparatus used in the Institute. From twenty to thirty bauds are always employed here, and the expense of it is set at seventy-five thousand dollars a year. The patterns of all the apparatus used in the myriad forms of deficiency, deformity, and disease treated are the invention of Dr. AUeu, who has developed " Mechanical Surgery" to a degree that enabled him when recently in Europe to give some valuable instruction to the Orthopedic and other hospitals of the class in England and ou the conti- nent. No less than forty thousand patients have been treated in the Institute in the fifteen years of its existence. There is an average of one hundred and seventy-five patients always under treatment and living in the establishment. Previous to the location of the Institute in Indianapolis, it had been main- tained by Drs. Allen and Johnson at Charleston, 111. It is estimated that it brings to the city every year ten thousand people as visitors, who pay the railroads one hundred thousand dollars a year, and leave in the city, for one expense or another, fully five hundred thousand dollars. Although organized as a private enterprise, the Institute is constantly sought by surgical cases as a public hospital, and there are treated the frightful injuries of railroad accidents, the stabs and shots of street rows, the broken limbs of builders falling from houses, the carelessly burned by gas or explosive lighting-oils, and all the many varie- ties of injury that occur continually in a large and busy city full of steam machinery and manufacturing apparatus. If the patient can pay he is expected to pay. If he cannot or will not, that is the end of it. Hundreds of dollars of unpaid fees and unexpected fees are bestowed in gratuitous surgical services here every week. Dr. Allen, besides his professional inventions, has invented some valuable agricultural machinery, and is a liberal contributor to the develop- ment of the enterprise and business of the city. Dr. J. A. Minich has been associated with Drs. Allen and Johnson from the establishment of the Institute here, and is one of the most skillful and estimable members of the profession in the city. CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 299 Dentists. — The earliest practitioner of dentistry as a specialty was Dr. Joshua Soule, son of Bishop Soule, of the Methodist Church, who came here as early as 1832 or 1833, if not earlier. He was town clork in 1835 and 1836, and in 1837 was a mem- ber of the Council for the Second Ward and presi- dent that term, preceding the late Judge Morrison. The next year he was clerk again. His office was on the east side of Illinois Street for a considerable time, half-way between Maryland and the alley next the Occidental Hotel. His wife was a sister of Joseph Lawson, for thirty years or more a sort of town butt for the boys to have fun with. The next dentist of whom any distinct memory or record remains was David Hunt, who came here about 1840, and had an office in the southwest quadrant of Circle Street till his death, about 1846 or 1847. His brothers, Andrew and George, followed in the same business after his death, and were the principal dentists for several years before and after 1850. Dr. G. A. Wells came then, and is now probably the oldest dentist in continuous practice in the city, with the exception of Dr. George Hunt. Dr. David Hunt was probably the first man in the city to make false teeth singly or in sets forty years or more ago. The Indiana Dental College was established in 1879, and provided suitable quarters in the upper stories of the Etna building, on North Pennsylvania Street. The announcement of the fifth term contains the appended list of members of the faculty : John H. Oliver, M.D., Professor of Anatomy; Junius E. Cravens, D.D.S., Professor of Operative Dentistry ; Edward F. Hodges, M.D., Professor of Physiology; Milton H. Chappell, D.D.S., Professor of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics ; John N. Hurty, M.D., Professor of Chemistry ; Thomas S. Hacker, D.D.S., Professor of Mechanical Dentistry ; Clinical Profes- sors, Junius E. Cravens, D.D.S., Thomas S. Hacker, D.D.S., John H. Oliver, M.D., Clinical Lecturer on Oral Surgery ; W. S. Wilson, D.D.S., of Brooklyn, N. Y., General Demonstrator of Practice. With an ample number of assistants. The Board of Health is appointed by the Council and Board of Aldermen at the beginning of every term, and charged with the especial duty of attending to the hygienic condition of the city. They see to the clean- ing of alleys, the removal of refuse, the scraping of gutters, and whatever they deem necessary to health or protection against epidemics. The " pest-house," a small collection of buildings on the west bank of Fall Creek, above Indiana Avenue, for the care of patients with infectious diseases isolated here, is under the control of the Health Board. The or- ganization of the board was first made in 1850, but for some years there was so much ill-feeling between the members that they did no good till 1854, when Dr. Jameson became a member and managed to put the concern in working order. It has continued with more or less efficiency since, but with more power and more effective service in the last four or five years than before. The present members are Dr. Elder, president of the State Board of Health, Dr. SutcliflFe, and Dr. M. T. Runnells. The City Dispensary was organized June 10, 1879, and placed first in the charge of Dr. William B. Fletcher, now superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane. The next physician in charge was Dr. C. A. Bitter; the present one is Dr. J. J. Garver. The report for the past year is not yet made up, but for the year before there was shown to have been 3799 patients treated at the office, — now on Ohio Street opposite the City Library, — 1221 at their homes, and 80 at the station-house, a total of 5100. Visits made, 3193; prescriptions furnished, 10,352. The average cost of each prescription was 12J cents. The city appropriates annually $1500 to the dispensary, and the County Board makes a like appropriation of the same amount. It is a separate institution, in no way connected with the Bobbs Dispensary, which is under the direction of the faculty of the Medical College. The County Infirmary, or County Asylum, formerly the poor-house, with a farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres, is located in Wayne township, about three miles northwest of the city. The ground was purchased, in 1832, of Elijah Fox. The origi- nal "poor-house" was Mr. Fox's farm-house, a log cabin of two rooms. It was enlarged occasionally as required, chiefly by a large building in 1845. An addition for pauper insane was made in 1858, but 300 HISTORY OP KVDIA.NAPOLTS AND MARION COUNTY. in 1869, the accommodations proving inadequate, the present large and handsome edifice was begun. The corner-stone was laid on July 28, 1869, and in October, 1870, the building was dedicated with ap- propriate ceremonies by the Young Men's Christian Association. The front is two hundred and four feet, extreme depth one hundred and eighty-four feet, height four stories. In the rear is a smaller building two stories high and twenty-eight by seventy feet. The first superintendent was Peter Newland. From 1832 to 1839 a board of directors were in control, consisting at one time or another of William McCaw, Gary Smith, James Johnson, Isaac Pugh, Samuel McCray, George Lockerbie, Thomas F. Stout. The superintendents and physicians since 1840, when the oflBce was created, will be found in the list of county oflBcers appended to the history. The cost of the new buildings was about one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, and the value of the site about thirty-five thousand dollars. There are the names of two hundred and forty-two physicians in the City Directory, of whom nine are women, besides a score, probably, of women who have out signs as midwives. There are fewer lawyers than doctors, — two hundred and two only, — and none of them are women. CHAPTER XIII. MILITARY MATTERS. Military Organizations in Indianapolis — Marion County in the War of the Rebellion. | Military Companies. — Military show is as much an American passion as money-making, and it goes far to create the military strength sometimes needed for the enforcement of civil law, and often needed for the illumination of civic demonstrations that other gov- ernments obtain by conscription under rigorous mili- tary systems. We have always had militia systems in this country, but they never amounted to anything more than an annual holiday in Indiana, and prac- tically imposing no duty, imparting no instruction. serving no end but the electioneering convenience of ambitious officers, they were treated by the practical old pioneers with as little consideration as they de- served. But the lack of eifective means of action could not suppress the inborn love of military show and glory. No sooner had the annual " musters" and the system of which they were the visible sign disappeared, as described by ex-Senator Oliver H. Smith in his " Early Indiana Sketches," and quoted in a preceding chapter, than the organization of vol- unteer companies began, with selfimposed rules of instruction and discipline strict enough to compel close attention and speedy proficiency. These soon became an indispensable feature of all popular parades that were not partisan, and that necessity reinforced the native military spirit in maintaining them. The first of these appeared in Indianapolis about the time the last militia muster disappeared. It was organ- ized, or steps taken to that end, on the 22d of Feb- ruary, 1837. Col. A. W. Russell, of the "Bloody Three Hundred," was elected the first captain. The uniform was of gray cloth with black-velvet trim- mings, large bell-shaped black-leather hats of the " grenadier" style, with brass plates and chains and black pompons. It was a neat uniform, and not more stiff and cumbrous than was deemed necessary to military efficiency in that day, when the loose blouse and light cap of our civil war would have thrown a martinet of the Steuben school into a fit. Col. or Capt. Russell had not the time to do much for the company, so the following year Thomas A. Morris, then a West Point graduate of three or four years' maturity, was made captain, and he speedily made the company. It rarely turned out more than fifty men for parade on the most momentous occasions, but their exact step, accurate poise and handling of arms, scrupulous cleanliness of dress and brilliance of weapons, and their precision in all evolutions, made them a " show" that a boy would play " hook- ey" to see when he would not even to go skating or haw-hunting. The court-house yard was the drill- ground and the parade-ground usually, but frequently Washington Street was made a more conspicuous show-place, and all the movements then known to military art were practiced there. Capt. (now Gren.) L7 a, 77urr~ir^ MILITARY MATTERS. 301 Morris possessed the natural qualities of a military commander, developed by a thorough course of in- struction at West Point, and when the civil war broke out they made him of inestimable value to Governor Morton's irrepressible but inexperienced energy. He was the commander of all the Indiana regiments in the three months' service, and thus in command of the first West Virginia campaign, where all were sent, which he planned and won be- fore Gen. McClellan knew more of it than he could learn from the papers. The latter absorbed the credit of it, and became commander-in-chief by luckily reaching the field about a week before the end of it, and proved before Richmond, as well as Rich Mountain, that his glory was a second-hand acquisition. Gen. Thomas Armstrong Morris is the third son of Morris and Rachel Morris, and was born in Nicholas County, Ky., Dec. 26, 1811. In 1821 his parents removed to Indianapolis, then a settlement of a few families and designated as the place where the State capital was to be. In 1823 he began to learn the printer's art, and found employment on a newspaper which is now the Indianapolis Journal. The boy continued at his trade for three years, and became an excellent printer, which in those days in- cluded the " theory and practice" of hand-press work as well as type-setting. He was then sent to school, and at nineteen years of age appointed to a cadetship at West Point, for which place he started on horse- back to Cincinnati, whence the route east was by way of the Ohio River. He was graduated in 1834, standing fourth in a class of thirty-six, and imme- diately brevetted second lieutenant of the First Artil- lery, in the regular army. After about one year's service at Fort Monroe, Va., and Fort King, Fla., he was detailed by the War Department to assist Maj. Ogden, of the engineer corps, in constructing the National road in Indiana and Illinois, and had charge of the division between Richmond and Indi- anapolis, Ind. This was the first turnpike road in the State. After a year he resigned from the United States service and was resident engineer in the Indi- ana State service, having charge of the construction of the Central Canal during this period. From 1841 to 1847 he was chief engineer of the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, and built it after its abandon- ment by the State at Vernon from that point to Indi- anapolis. This was the first railroad in the State. I From 1847 to 1852 he was chief engineer of the Terre Haute and Richmond Railroad, connecting Terre Haute and Indianapolis, and now part of the " Vandalia." During the same time he was chief engineer of the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Rail- road, now part of the " Bee Line." From 1852 to 1854 he was chief engineer of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, and from 1854 to 1857 its presi- i dent. From 1857 to 1859 he was president of the Indianapolis and Bellefontaine Railroad, and from 1859 to 1861 chief engineer of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad. At the beginning of the war ; he was appointed by Governor Morton quartermaster- I general of the State, and as such had charge of the equipment of Indiana's first regiments, which were so promptly in the field. As general, he commanded the first brigade of troops from the State. He was in the West Virginia campaign, and commanded at the battles of Philippi, Laurel Hill, and Carrick's Ford, all of which he won. His first battle, that of Philippi, was the first conflict of the war of the Re- bellion. At the termination of the three months' service assurance was given Gen. Morris that he should immediately receive promotion to a major- general's command. This was delayed and a briga- ' dier-general's commission offered him, which he declined, as also a junior major-general's commission, believing his services to have been worthy a more speedy recognition. From 1862 to 1866 he was chief engineer of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, and durinpr that time built the road from Lawrencehurg to Cincinnati. From 1866 to 1869 he was president and chief engineer of the Indianap- olis and St. Louis Railroad, building the road from Terre Haute to Indianapolis. From 1869 to 1872 he was receiver of the Indianapolis, Cincinnati and La- fayette Railroad, and in 1877 was appointed as one of the commissioners to select plans and superintend the construction of the new State capitol, — the same position his father held nearly half a century ago with reference to the old State capitol, which was 302 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. torn down to make room for the new. The Madison and Indianapolis State Railroad had been undertaken as a part of the State system of internal improve- ments, built as far as Vernon, and then abandoned. Private corporations had been allowed to take charge of any of the abandoned schemes, and Gen. Morris became the chief engineer of the company which assumed the construction of the abandoned railroad. He conceived the plan of taking land for subscrip- tions to build the road, and was instrumental in passing a bill through the Legislature authorizing the procedure. Under this bill lands were received by the road at an appraised value. Upon these lands scrip was issued to the amount of the appraisement. The scrip of the company was used to pay for the construction of the road, redeeming the scrip with lands on presentation. This is the first instance where land was used as the basis of railroad construc- tion. With the increase of the number of railroads centring in Indianapolis, Gen. Morris conceived the idea of a system of union tracks and a union depot. He drew the plans and superintended the construc- tion of the edifice, which was completed in 1853, and was the first union depot in this country. He is now president of the water-works company, and it has been under his experienced and wise direction that the great new " gallery" and inexhaustible supply of pure water have been secured. The life of the subject of this biographical sketch has been one of constant activity. From the time he entered West Point in 1830, a boy not yet out of his teens, to the present time, when he is engaged in the construction of the new State capitol, there is hardly a period that has not its enterprise calling for active work. All these schemes have been of public con- cern. First in the employ of the United States, then of his State, he has since that time been at the head of various railroads, especially in their construction and early management, and finally crowned his work by again serving the United States during the war, and later entering the State service. This work has been a pioneer work, so to speak. It has fallen to his lot to be the first in more enterprises of difiierent kinds, and all of public importance, than often falls to the lot of any one person. The Guards were incorporated in 1838, and con- tinued in eflBcient existence till 1845. In 1840 or 1841 they were followed by the Marion Riflemen, commanded by Thomas Mc. Baker. They were uni- formed in blue " hunting shirts," much like an old •■' wamus" or a modern " blouse," fringed in the backwoods style of buckskin dress, and armed with breech-loading rifles clumsy and ugly beyond any conception by those who never saw them. The lower six inches of the barrel was cut off, worked on a hinge at the breech, and pushed up at the upper end by an awkward big trigger, no easier loaded than a muzzle-musket, and liable to be fired with the movable breech partly raised when there was danger. In time the weapon was discarded, and it and the ac- coutrements — belts, plates, cartridge-boxes, ramrods — were left uncared for in one of the garret-rooms of the Governor's house in the Circle, where they were a store of material for the fun of the boys for years. The military spirit continued active till about the time the Mexican war was close at hand. The two city companies in 1842 formed a battalion for regimental drill, with Hervey Brown, brother of Hiram, lieutenant-colonel, and George W. Drum, major. Parades were frequent and encampments no rarity. So that when the Mexican war came it struck a community here in a better condition of military feeling than the civil war did. As related in the general history, three companies were raised here for that service. The first was commanded by James P. Drake, sub- sequently State treasurer, with John McDougall as first and Lew Wallace as second lieutenant. When the company was massed with others in the First In- diana Regiment, Capt. Drake was chosen colonel. The regiment passed its year of service in watching stores and hospitals at Matamoras and up the Rio Grande. When discharged, shortly after the battle of Buena Vista, Capt. McDougall, who had succeeded Capt. Drake, raised a second company here in the spring of 1847, and Edward Lander, brother of Gen. Fred, of the civil war, raised another in the fall. These latter were given a public welcome on' their return in October, 1848. There was to have been a big demonstration, a barbecue, and other expressions MILITARY MATTERS. 303 of popular admiration, but the day was bad, the rain incessant and chilly, and the show consisted of little more than a speech from Senator Edward A. Hannc- gan in the State-House yard. Everything was unfa- vorable to the orator, and nothing is remembered now of his speech but an adapted quotation from Mark Antony. Pointing to a flag which had been torn by a mesquit bush, he said, "See what a rent th:it twenty-four- pounder made." In July, 1847, the body of Trusten B. Kinder, — son of Isaac, an old settler of Indianapolis, — who had gone to a south- ern county of the State to practice law, and there joined the Second Indiana Regiment, so defamed by JeiF. Davis' report, and been killed in the battle of Buena Vista, was returned here and buried in the old cemetery with military honors and a popular demonstration never witnessed at a funeral here be- fore nor ever since, except at the death of Governor Morton. A strenuous effort was made to obtain a roster of the companies that went from this county to Mexico, but the records have been so indifferently preserved that no satisfactory result was possible. Adjutant-General Carnahan had copies of the Indi- ana rolls made at his own expen.se in Washington, but they do not show the residences of the men except as the name might indicate it to the neighbors. The City Guards were formed in 1852, with Governor Wallace as captain, and the next year the Mechanic Rifles were organized, but both soon col- lapsed under the indifferent feeling of the times. Railroads, manufactures, material improvements, were absorbing men's attention then, and mere decorative avocations received little encouragement. From this time till 1856 — making a period of military deca- dence altogether extending from about 1847, with only this temporary revival to break it, to 1856 — there was as little military splendor shining about Indianapolis as any city of any age since men began being soldiers. Ten years was long enough for the growth of a second crop of military spirit, and the presence of the St. Louis Guards here in 1856 (February) was just the favoring condition to sprout the seed. The National Guards were formed here that year, — dressed in blue, with caps and white plumes, — and continued in existence until it went into the civil war in the Eleventh Regiment. It was commanded while on the peace establishment by William J. Elliott, Thomas A. Morris, George F. McGinnis, Irwin Harrison, brother of the general and senator, John M. Lord, a Mexican war veteran, and Winston P. Noble, son of Governor Noble. The City Grays were organized in the summer of 1857, uniformed in gray with bear-skin shakos, and went into the war as Company A of the Eleventh Regi- ment. The City Grays Artillery was organized in 1859 as a supplement of the infantry company, and was commanded by Capt. John H. Colestock. An accidental explosion of the gun ruined his arm, and the organization went down. In 1858, Capt. John Love, afterwards a valuable assistant to Governor Morton in organizing the first troops and getting them ready for the field, formed a cavalry company called the Marion Dragoons, but it soon collapsed under the heavy pressure upon a volunteer body of the expense of maintaining horses as well as men. On the 22d of February, 1860, the Montgomery Guards, of Crawfordsville, commanded by Capt. Lew Wallace, visited Indianapolis, and in connection with the Capital companies gave a parade on the 22d, fol- lowed by a zouave drill by drum beat that was much admired, and impelled the formation of a company called the Independent Zouaves here, commanded by Capt. Frank Shoup, who resigned before the war broke out, went South, and became a rebel brigadier. Mr. Ignatius Brown says he was the first man to pro- pose the use of negroes as soldiers by the Confed- erates ; if so, it was his only claim to distinction. No one here ever heard anything definitely of him after- wards. The Zouaves became Company H of the Eleventh Regiment. On the 27th of June, 1860, a military convention, inspired and directed by Capt. Lew Wallace, met here, representing eleven volunteer companies, and decided to hold a regular encampment on the military ground, then the State fair ground, the following 19th of September. It came and continued about a week, and contained the Indianapolis Guards, Grays, and Zouaves, the Montgomery Guards (Craw- fordsville), the Fort Harrison Guards (Terre Haute), Vigo Guards (Terre Haute). Gen. Love was com- j mandant and Capt. Shoup adjutant. In August, 1860, 304 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. a company of Zouave Cadets was formed, and in Oc- tober the Zouave Guards, Capt. John Fahnestock. The former continued for a year or two, with Capt. George H. Marshall, but mostly entered the national army at one time or another. The latter went into the Eleventh Regiment as Company K. When the call for troops was made by Governor Morton, these four companies — the Guards, Grays, Zouaves, and Zouave Guards — filled up and were all in camp by the 17th of April. This was quick work. The President's proclamation calling for seventy-five thou- sand men was issued April 15,1861. Governor Mor- ton's calling for the State's quota of six regiments was issued next day, the 16th, and these four compa- nies filled to their limit and went into camp on the 17th. After the close of the war there appeared to be little disposition to play at soldiering. There had been too much of the real thing to make an imita- tion an amusement. A battalion of National Guards was soon after organized, however, largely composed of veterans ; but in a couple of years it went to pieces, and in 1870 only one company was left, with an independent Irish company called the Emmett Guards. Within the last half-dozen years there has been a revival of military feeling, and several com- panies have been organized here. The exertions of Adjutant Carnahan have put the volunteer companies of the State in better condition than they have ever been before ; the encampments and prize-drills held at Indianapolis annually, inviting a great many compa- nies from all parts of the State and from other States, contributing effectively to that end. The Indianapo- lis companies now are the following : The Indianapolis Light Infantry. Captain, James R. Ross ; First Lieutenant, William McKee ; Sec- ond Lieutenant, R. F. Scott. The Richardson Zouaves. Captain, B. F. Rich- ardson ; First Lieutenant, W. J. Kercheval ; Second Lieutenant, H. J. Haldrick. Tecumseh Rifles. Captain, E. J. Griflith ; First Lieutenant, Frank Richards ; Second Lieutenant, C. S. Todd. The Streight Rifles. Captain, Lawson Seaton ; First Lieutenant, W. H. Murphy ; Second Lieuten- ant, G. W. Davis. ' The Indianapolis Light Artillery. Captain, George W. Johnson. At the first grand encampment and prize-drill held I here, under the management of the " Raper Com- mandery" of the Masonic order, but directed wholly by Gen. Carnahan, July 4, 1882 (with some days preceding), there were in attendance from other States the Crescent Rifles, of New Orleans (took second prize in the competitive drill) ; the Louisi- ana Rifles, of the same city ; the Chickasaw Guards, of Memphis, Tenn. (took the first prize in the competitive drill) ; the Porter Rifles, Nashville, Tenn. ; the Quapaw Guards, from Little Rock, Ark. ; Company G of the First Missouri Regiment ; j two other Missouri companies; one company from Geneva, N. Y. ; four companies from Illinois ; three companies from Ohio ; two companies from Michi- gan ; two batteries from New Orleans ; one battery from Nashville, Tenn. ; one from Louisville, Ky. ; one battery from Danville, 111. ; one battery from Chicago, 111. ; two batteries from St. Louis, Mo. ; ; one battery from Greencastle, Ind. (Asbury Cadets, took first prize in artillery drill) ; the Indianapolis Light Infantry, and eighteen companies from other parts of Indiana. At the encampment of Aug. 17, 1883, most of the companies from other States were here that at- tended the first one, with the Light Infantry, from Paris, 111., the Branch Guards, of St. Louis, and one or two other St. Louis companies. The first I prize in drilling was taken by the Indianapolis Light Infantry ; the second, by the Branch Guards, of St. Louis. There were thirty-six Indiana companies in attendance. Besides these displays of military spirit and efficiency, there are occasionally parades of the veterans of the war, when general meetings of the Grand Army of the Republic are held at the capital. The Raper Commandery of Knights Templar the past year attended the competitive drill and parade of the order in San Francisco, and carried off the second prize, a mounted knight in bronze with gold trappings and armor, set upon a pedestal of gold-bear- ing quartz, and valued at two thousand five hundred dollars. The latest phase of the military spirit of Indianapolis is the project of building an armory m m e 3 MILITARY MATTERS. 305 adequate to the needs of all the companies, with a vast parade-room and public hall capable of seating seven or eight thousand people. Up to the beginning of 1884, however, it had not taken on the form of definite action. The Arsenal. — One of the material results of the war affecting the city especially was the establishment here of the United States Arsenal, the suggestion, doubtless, of that established and conducted by Gov- ernor Morton during the war to supply our troops with ammunition. The central situation of the city and the conspicuous services of Governor Morton readily developed the suggestion into action. Authority was given by an act of Congress of 1862, and a temporary establishment made in March, 1863, by the late Wil- liam Y. Wiley, captain and storekeeper, in a building on the corner of Delaware and Maryland Streets. He remained in charge at this place till 1870, when he resigned. The site for the permanent arsenal was selected by Gen. Buckingham, and work upon the buildings commenced in Augu.st, 1863. They were all completed and occupied by 1867-68. There are seven buildings, upon seventy-six acres of ground, fronting southward on the eastward extension of Michigan Street, and entered directly from Arsenal Avenue, running nearly a half-mile north from Washington Street to the main gate of the grounds. The distance to Circle Park is a mile and a half The main building, for the storage of small-arms (shown in the cut), is one hundred and eighty-three feet long by sixty-three wide, three stories high, with a square tower in the centre containing an excellent public clock. The artillery store-house is two stories high, and two hundred and one feet long by fifty-two wide. The office is forty-three feet long by twenty- two wide, and one story high. The barracks for enlisted men are two stories high, eleven hundred and five feet long by thirty-two wide. Two sets of officers' quarters, eighty feet by forty, two and a half stories high. One set of officers' quarters, forty- seven feet long by twenty-eight wide, one story and a half high. The magazine is banked about with earth, and covered with sod and shrubbery, making the most striking feature of the grounds. These have been tastefully laid out with walks and shrub- 20 bery and carriage drives, and Pogues Creek helps the general effect of picturesqueness by running for a quarter of a mile across the northwe.«t corner. Propositions have been vnade to Congress to donate the grounds and buildings to the State or city for educational purposes, in case it was determined to abandon the arsenal here, for the maintenance of which there appears to be no very cogent argument. The arsenal gun every morning at six o'clock and the evening gun at sunset have come to be as familiar sounds in the city as the whistle of locomotives. The Civil War. — From the secession of South Carolina to the attack on Port Sumter, opinion was divided in Indiana on the measures to be taken with the seceded States. The more demonstrative and probably stronger division, led by Governor Morton, held it the duty of the government to reduce the disobedient States by force, proceeding by aggressive warfare, invasion, and destruction of life and prop- erty, as in the case of any other public enemy. The other division, represented by John R. Cravens, David C. Branham, and the Journal, under the direction of B. R. Sulgrove, thought that an aggressive war on the part of the government, which would make it strike the first blow and shed the first blood, while the South acted only by ordinances and reso- lutions, would force all the border States into the Confederacy, repel the sympathy of Europe, and probably induce alliances there, consolidate Demo- cratic sympathy in the North with secession, and present a front of hostility against which the govern- ment might be broken hopelessly. Considering the condition of Indiana after the elections of 1862, — and Indiana was no worse than other States, — and the course of the Legislature of 1863, and the active sym- pathy with the rebellion that made draft riots all over the country, with numerous murders of draft officers, and considering, further, our narrow escape from an English war in the Trent case, it is now far from clear that the aggressive policy would have been wise or successful. But all differences were blown to pieces by the first gun fired at Maj. Anderson's little garrison. Those who differed about aggression could have no difference about resisting aggression. North- ern feeling united instantly and solidly upon war, MILITARY MATTERS. 305 adeqnate to the needs of all the companies, with a vast parade-room and public hall capable of seating seven or eight thousand people. Up to the beginning of 1884, however, it had not taken on the form of definite action. The Arsenal. — One of the material results of the war affecting the city especially was the establishment here of the United States Arsenal, the suggestion, doubtless, of that established and conducted by Gov- ernor Morton during the war to supply our troops with ammunition. The central situation of the city and the conspicuous services of Governor Morton readily developed the suggestion into action. Authority was given by an act of Congress of 1862, and a temporary establishment made in March, 1863, by the late Wil- liam Y. Wiley, captain and storekeeper, in a building on the corner of Delaware and Maryland Streets. He remained in charge at this place till 1870, when he resigned. The site for the permanent arsenal was selected by Gen. Buckingham, and work upon the buildings commenced in August, 1863. They were all completed and occupied by 1867-68. There are seven buildings, upon seventy-six acres of ground, fronting southward on the eastward extension of Michigan Street, and entered directly from Arsenal Avenue, running nearly a half-mile north from Washington Street to the main gate of the grounds. The distance to Circle Park is a mile and a half The main building, for the storage of small-arms (shown in the cut), is one hundred and eighty-three j feet long by sixty-three wide, three stories high, with a square tower in the centre containing an excellent public clock. The artillery store-house is two stories high, and two hundred and one feet long by fifty-two wide. The oflSce is forty-three feet long by twenty- two wide, and one story high. The barracks for enlisted men are two stories high, eleven hundred and five feet long by thirty-two wide. Two sets of officers' quarters, eighty feet by forty, two and a half stories high. One set of officers' quarters, forty- seven feet long by twenty-eight wide, one story and a half high. The magazine is banked about with earth, and covered with sod and shrubbery, making the most striking feature of the grounds. These have been tastefully laid out with walks and shrub- 20 bery and carriage drives, and Pogues Creek helps the general effect of picturesqueness by running for a quarter of a mile across the northwe.«t corner. Propositions have been made to Congress to donate the grounds and buildings to the State or city for educational purposes, in case it was determined to abandon the arsenal here, for the maintenance of which there appears to be no very cogent argument. The arsenal gun every morning at six o'clock and the evening gun at sunset have come to be as familiar sounds in the city as the whistle of locomotives. The Civil War. — From the secession of South Carolina to the attack on Fort Sumter, opinion was divided in Indiana on the measures to be taken with the seceded States. The more demonstrative and probably stronger division, led by Governor Morton, held it the duty of the government to reduce the disobedient States by force, proceeding by aggressive warfare, invasion, and destruction of life and prop- erty, as in the case of any other public enemy. The other division, represented by John R. Cravens, David C. Branham, and the Journal, under the direction of B. R. Sulgrove, thought that an aggressive war on the part of the government, which would make it strike the first blow and shed the first blood, while the South acted only by ordinances and reso- lutions, would force all the border States into the Confederacy, repel the sympathy of Europe, and probably induce alliances there, consolidate Demo- cratic sympathy in the North with secession, and present a front of hostility against which the govern- ment might be broken hopelessly. Considering the condition of Indiana after the elections of 1862, — and Indiana was no worse than other States, — and the course of the Legislature of 1863, and the active sym- pathy with the rebellion that made draft riots all over the country, with numerous murders of draft officers, and considering, further, our narrow escape from an English war in the Trent case, it is now far from clear that the aggressive policy would have been wise or successful. But all differences were blown to pieces by the first gun fired at Maj. Anderson's little garrison. Those who differed about aggression could have no difference about resisting aggression. North- ern feeling united instantly and solidly upon war, 308 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Gen. Ebenezer Dumont was a native of Ve- | hand. After submitting to such a discipl vay, Switzerland Co., Ind., where he was born childhood, all the exactions of subsequent st\ Nov. 23, 1814. His parents were among the early ; business could scarcely have been regard settlers of that place. His father, John Dumont, onerous. From this home school and train] one of the most conspicuous men in politics and the passed to Hanover College, where he studied law of that early period of the history of the State, time, but did not graduate. His heart was t met and married his mother, Miss Julia L. Corey, set upon the law, and on that ground he rcfui at Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N. Y. He was a na- appointment as cadet at West Point which wi tive of New Jersey, she of Marietta, Ohio. They to him while at Hanover. He read law wi were married Aug. 16, 1812, and soon thereafter : father, and before he was twenty-one yeai removed to Vevay, where they spent the remainder entered upon the practice of his chosen prof of their lives. She died in 1857, he in 1871. She ' [le settled at Wilmington, in Dearborn Count was a teacher, poet, and author, and in all these respects one of the most conspicuous persons in the State. He was a law- yer of sound learning, an orator of great power and eloquence, a politician of broad views and upright character, and in all re- lations a man of integrity and public spirit. The general received his early education in a school taught by his mother in his native vil- lage. He could not have had a more careful and thorough instructor. An examination of the work (_;KN. KUKXKZKll DUMONT. following the coun thence to Lawrenc remained there un spring of 1853, wl removed to Indianaj assume the duties of dent of the State to which oflBce h been elected by the eral Assembly. He early establis character as a lawyi business man. He shrunk from any a of labor essential to feet knowledge o: matter in hand, eit the one character ( other. No one knew him ever any calculations o: cess when opposed to him on account of any r ness in the duty of preparation, for it was 1 that he would exhaust not merely all the usu sources of the aflFair, but equally all the ui exacted of her son al- most makes one's head ache to think of his labors. From the time he was ten years old until he passed from her instruction to Hanover College she exacted written essays at his hands upon every branch of study in which he was engaged. These i resources also. Some of his greatest triumphs little essays, in the cramped and diiEcult hand of law were the result of his vigilance in n childhood, contain a child's discussion of every rule j closely the newspapers, and learning of the p of grammar from the first principles of orthography of some act of Congress or of the Legislati to the last of prosody ; and so of arithmetic and the advance of its regular publication upon which other branches of knowledge taught in a common school of a very high grade. All these show the corrections of the faithful mother in her own clear might turn. An instance of this kind is remen to have occurred in the District Court of the I States in 1858. Two brothers were indicte MliilTAKl JHAXTiiJtlS. 303 irfeit Spanish silver coin. Tiie law as j lie statute-book was plain, and under learly guilty. He produced an act of ed only a few days before the alleged itizing such coin, and the prosecution His law-book for the purpose was a a newspaper. It is believed that he j .dvantage that any amount of vigilance I have gained ; and it is certain that ; in regard to his watchfulness of the isions of his adversary as of hi.s own id use thereof in the management of )urt or ordinary business. j )nt married Miss Mary A. Chuk, 39. She was the only daughter of huk, Esq., at the time and for many ds the clerk of the Dearborn Circuit ] lived together until his death, and ;hem twelve children, eight of whom, seven daughters, still live to comfort their mother, in her declining years. ' of Dearborn County frequently in- nth the management of their affairs, east made him their representative in | ssembly. He held the office of county al years between 1840 and 1845, and e county in the Legislature ia 1838 1 the last term of his service he was ;r of the House, and discharged the josition with impartiality and ability, j of high political excitement, and he I part in the debates of the House. seeches were printed at the time, and nd favorable impression of his ability throughout the State. A quaint and runs through them all, that would knew him well to say they were his hed without a name. They are all mg practical sense, and generally filled jirit. It was in the course of this 3 was chosen president of the State hoice resulted from a truce between those of the then Lieutenant-Governor, J. Before that they had been openly 1 result of the compromise. Lane was freed from the local opposition of Dumont, and was elected to Congress. At the close of his term in Congress, Lane removed to Kansas, where, after a stormy career, his life ended in a sad tragedy, and, as already said, Dumont settled in Indianapolis, in the quiet but responsible position of president of the State Bank and ex officio president of the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners. These offices he filled until the expiration of the bank's charter, and closed its operations. It was necessary thereafter to con- tinue the Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners as an independent organization, and the Legislature ac- cordingly reorganized it, and provided for a presi- dent thereof, to be elected, like the members, by the General Assembly. At the regular session of that body in 1859 he was elected president, and held the position until he resigned to take the command of the Seventh Regiment of Indiana Volunteers at the outbreak of the rebellion in 1861. He had already devoted a year to the military service of the United States in the war with Mexico, as lieutenant-colonel of the Fourth Regiment of In- diana Volunteers, and had won distinction both for courage and capacity in that service. His gallantry was conspicuous in the capture of Huamantla ; and Gen. Lane employed his learning and talents to aid him in the government of Orizaba after its capture. He had been consistently a Democrat from 1840 till the assault upon Fort Sumter ; but in the strife be- tween Mr. Douglas and the administration he had adhered to the former. His place upon the fall of Sumter was at once chosen with friends of the Union and the foes of secession ; and never did any man give heart and soul more entirely to any cause than he gave himself to the maintenance of the Union and its authority. He presided over the first grand rally of the people of Indianapolis on the night of the bombardment of Sumter, and by his bold and patriotic speech gave solidarity and energy to the purposes of the people. He was dispatched to Wash- ington by the Governor to learn something of the purposes and plans of the administration, and, if pos- sible, to ascertain how the power of the State might be best brought to the aid of the government in suppressing the rebellion. " Upon his return home 310 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. he was appointed colonel of the Seventh Regiment of Indiana Volunteers. At the head of this regiment he served with distinction during the three months' cam- paign of 1861 in West Virginia, being prominently engaged in the surprise of Philippi, the skirmishes at Laurel Hill, and the battle of Carrick's Ford," his regiment, led by himself, closing that affair by the capture of one gun, forty-one wagons of the enemy's train, and the death of Gen. Robert S. Garnett. " At the close of the campaign," returning home, he " reorganized his regiment for three years, and at its head returned again to West Virginia, and while there participated in the battle of Greenbrier under Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds. Soon after this engage- ment he was appointed a brigadier-general of volun- teers by the President, and ordered to Louisville, Ky. He passed the winter of 1861 and 1862 at Bards- town, Bacon Creek, and other points between Louis- ville and Nashville. Although his health was ex- tremely poor, yet he clung to his command, and per- formed his duties for months when he should have been at home under treatment. He was subsequently placed in command of Nashville, Tenn., where his spirit, vigilance, and energy secured the flag more respectful treatment from its foes than could other- wise have been looked for at their hands. It was while there that he organized and led his celebrated pursuit of Gen. John Morgan, whom he well-nigh captured at Lebanon, Tenn., and whose fine mare, ' Black Bess,' he did capture, together with many prisoners. It was in this pursuit that he perpetrated one of his drollest pieces of humor at the expense of a Kentucky colonel of cavalry. That oflBcer, finding his men worn out by the fatigues of the march, sent his adjutant forward to inform the general that ' the pursuit must stop, for his men were asleep in the saddle.' The adjutant accordingly rode forward and reported to the general as directed by his colonel. The general inquired very seriously, ' Is it true that your colonel's men are asleep in their saddles ?' ' Yes, general,' answered the adjutant, ' it is.' ' Well, then,' said the general, ' you ride back to your colonel, and tell him for God Almighty's sake not to wake them up.' And so the conference ended, the pursuit being continued without a moment's pause. " His health, however, finally disqualifying him for service in the field, he accepted the nomination of the Republican party of his district for Congress in 1862, and was duly elected at the October election of that year. In 186-1 he was re-elected, and thus served his country faithfully according to his convic- tions of duty during four years. His feeble health impaired his ability to labor, and so rendered his congressional career less conspicuous than it other- wise manifestly would have been. Nevertheless, it was by no means without distinction for patriotism and ability. Some of his speeches display great research and power, and they are nearly all pervaded with the quaint, pungent humor which he displayed in earlier life. For instance, he opened his speech upon the Supreme Court's decision in the Garland case, involving the validity of the ' ironclad oath,' as it was called, by sending to the clerk's desk and asking to have read the following paragraph : " ' A hotel-keeper in Washington posted on his dining-room door the following notice : " Members of Congress will go to the table first, and then the gen- tlemen. Rowdies and blackguards must not mix with the Congressmen, as it is hard to tell one from the other." ' Laughter followed, and upon its subsi- dence Mr. Dumont said, ' I do not think the para- graph just read has much application to the remarks I shall beg leave to submit ; but, seeing that some of the members are a little drowsy, and fearing that no remarks of mine would disturb their slumbers, I thought I might perhaps accomplish the object by bringing to their attention this brutal assault on their own reputation. I do not wish to move in the matter myself, being young and inexperienced, but would suggest the raising of a committee to find out the name of the assassin, and have him dealt with for his impertinence and vulgarity.' The speech that followed this beginning is an able one, and abounds with many home hits at the assumption of official, and especially judicial, infallibility for men Whose opinions before their election or appointment were regarded as of little or no value. This is illustrated by anecdotes from home life ; and then the score is made even by a story of a justice of peace elect coming to the clerk of Dearborn County, and. asking MILITARY MATTERS. 311 that officer to qualify him. ' Hold up your hand,' said the clerk ; ' I'll swear you in, but all hell can't qualify you.' His speech on the pay of the army was regarded at the time as a very able, satisfactory, and complete discussion of the subject." At the close of his congressional career, March 4, 1867, he retired to his farm, and for a while did not seek any official position. He nevertheless kept up an active participation in politics, acting earnestly with the Republican party. He was always a foe to flattery, and hated even the ordinary civilities ten- dered to men of his position and rank at public meetings. It was such feelings that led him on one occasion, when introduced to a large political meeting in what he regarded as too flattering terms, to say when he came forward, " I was just thinking, when my friend, the president of the meeting, was speaking in such glowing and extravagant terms of the great and glorious Gen. Dumont, who was about to address you, that when I should come forward some man of sense, and with a keen relish for the ludicrous, too, might be standing in the outskirts of this vast crowd, who would exclaim to those about him, ' Great God ! is that little pinnikin the great Gen. Dumont, about whom all this fuss is made? Pshaw ! he's nothing.' And he would not be very far wrong, either." Such a beginning of course at once relieved him of all embarrassment, by establishing the best relations between himself and the audience, and by teaching them not to expect too much at his hands, enabled him to more than meet their expectations, and so secured him an attentive and kindly hearing through- out. In the winter of 1870 and 1871, having formed the design to emigrate to the West, he sought and received the appointment of Governor of Idaho. While engaged in the pursuit of the position he was taken severely sick at Washington. From this attack he never fully recovered ; but upon re- turning home set actively to work in making prepa- rations for his removal to the seat of his new position and duties. Under this labor his health broke com- pletely down, and after lingering in great weiikness and suffering for a few days, during all of which he maintained his intellectual faculties in full and per- fect clearness and vigor, he died at his residence, south of the city, at four o'clock and sixteen minutes in the morning of April 16, 1871. As an evidence of his mental clearness, it may be stated that a very short time before his death he directed a friend to write his will. Dictating to him the terms thereof, he began, " I, Ebenezer Dumont, being weak in body, but of sound mind, do make this my last will and testament," etc. The will was written, but in the hurry and excitement of the amanuensis, the words "but of sound mind" were omitted; and when in reading it over he came to the omission, he stopped the reading and insisted upon the insertion of the omitted clause. A legal friend who was present told him not to mind it, as the validity of the will would depend upon the witnesses. He replied, " I know that as well as you ; but I want to be one of the witnesses, for I think I know my mental condition as well and even better than any of you." The clause had to be inserted as his testimony. t His remains were attended from his home to the city by a large body of his friends and neighbors, who were met at the city limits by a military escort composed of his old comrades in arms with a band of music, and conducted thence to the First Presby- terian Church, where appropriate funeral services were held, conducted by the Rev. H. A. Edson, D.D. The brief discourse which he delivered on the occasion so fittingly and truly characterized the man in the higher aspects of his nature and life, that his words shall close this very inadequate sketch: " All who knew him were certainly impressed with the un- common firmness and bravery of his will. For years he carried a burden of ill-health which would have laid most men entirely aside from active employment. Yet he carried it unfiinchiiigly. He seemed sometimes to conquer the physical suffering and exhaustion by the mere force of his mind. It is touchingly told us that once during the West Virginia campaign, when overtaken by violent illness, and entreated to go back to Graf- ton, where he might have some necessary comforts, he stoutly refused, saying that if his brave men could lie on the ground and take the rough fare, ho could do it too, and would. The tenacity of his purpose was conspicuous everywhere. When be took hold his grip was like a vise. " His integrity in all the relations of commercial and politi- cal life his friends speak of with admiration. In his connec- tion with the early legislation of the State, as president of the 312 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. State Bank, during the commotion of ciyil war, in Con- gress, and in private business affairs, he evinced a haughty contempt of peculation and dishonesty, and discharged his public trusts without a stain upon his integrity. At a period when many snatched eagerly at opportunities for questionable gain, he did his duty and kept his hands clean. Everything like deception and falsehood he despised. He was inclined to take the direct line to any object he sought, and was little disposed to use diplomacy. He spoke out plainly what he believed to be the truth. At times he would attack a sup- posed iniquity with something like ferocity. It is said that his father often showed the same characteristic, during a eession of the Legislature in early times securing a life-long friend by the courage with which, on a mere suspicion of wrong, he took up the cause of certain minors whom a shrewdly devised bill was to defraud of their estate. The son would have been capable of the same service, and under the like cir- cumstances would have been sure to undertake it without fear. He was a man who cared more to be true to his convictions than to count the favor of any one. And this example of stern integrity is one which we may well cherish in these days of commercial dishonesty and })olitical intrigue. "It is as a patriot and soldier, however, that he made him- self most noticeable, and rendered the highest service. There is no possibility of putting into words the intensity of his hatred of treason in those days when all the people here were united in the defense of the flag that on Sumter's walls had been defiled. His whole soul blazed against the crime that would strike at our liberties. Some of you well remember him at the breaking out of the war, how, at the first recruiting meet- ing, he offered to the government a horse with a man on it; and many of you, his comrades, will not forget how gallantly he rode that horse to battle. He never lost the heat of his patriotic devotion. If he could speak to-day he would tell us what a joj' it is to be wrapped in the old flag for which he fought. The value of our free institutions, the happy condi- tion of our people, and the wickedness of any attempt to over- turn the government he felt with all the intensity of his soul. Whatever looked to him like treason against his country he was eager to resist and strike at with all his strength. This patriotism, that was with him a passion, deserved and gained the respect of men who opposed him. I do not doubt that many of you who differed most widely from him in sentiment were compelled to admire the zeal and courage with which he discharged what he deemed his duty to the land he loved. Nor should it be forgotten that this strong nature, this stern soldier had depths of tenderness, not indeed for every eye, but quick upon occasion to carry to the unfortunate relief and sympathy. " Words, however, cannot describe the man. You knew him. Let your memory paint and keep the picture. He had qualities we ought to emulate. He did not live in vain, for though his sword will not flash again in battle, though ho Bleeps his last sleep, careless of the earth's commotion, it will not be forgotten how dearly he loved the starry banner, nor how sternly he hated all its foes. May (Jod keep the memory of such patriots green." The volunteers beyond the number required for the State's quota were formed into six regiments of one year State troops, under an act of the Legisla- ture, then sitting in extra session on the Governor's call. All but one subsequently enlisted for three years in the service of the national government. They were reviewed on the 24th of May by Gen. McClellan, on the open ground north of the fair or military ground, extending to Indiana Avenue on the north and to the Fall Creek race on the west. The first camp in the city was that on the fair ground, and was called Camp Sullivan, from Col. Jerry Sulli- van, of the Thirteenth Regiment, who commanded it. The next was formed in the new fair ground, — now the Exposition or fair ground, — and called Camp Morton. The men here made serious com- plaints of their provisions, and the Legislature, with an eye to votes at home more than justice away from home, censured the commissary — the late Isaiah Mansur — severely, though he served without pay, furnished meat from his own packing-house, advanced his own money for fresh bread, sugar, and butter, and took the chance of reimbursement from the Legisla- ture. Subsequently this cen.sure was revoked and Mr. Mansur complimented for his efficiency and dis- interestedness. He was a room-mate of Governor Morton's at Oxford (Ohio) College, and helped the latter with money in his college course. The truth was that the men were mostly well-to-do farmers or sons of farmers or mechanics in good circumstances, and were used to living in better style than any one familiar with a soldier's life could hope for. They knew nothing of camps or military service, and of course felt abused when they found their patriotic devotion fed less appetizingly than by their every-day food at home. Once they mutinied against the sutler and tore his stalls to pieces. But these freaks of in- experience never outlasted the first few weeks of camp duty. The men readily adapted themselves to military discipline from the freedom of home. Camp Morton became one of the great prison camps after I the surrender of Fort Donelson in February, 1862. MILITARY MATTERS. 313 Camp Burnside was formed on Tinker Street (now Seventh), just south of Camp Morton, and was made a neat and well-ordered little military town by the Seventy-first Regiment, under Col. James Biddle, and later by theVeteran Reserve Corps. It was here, during the tenancy of the Seventy-first, in the summer of 1862, that the first military execution of the war took place. The offender was Robert Gay, charged with being a spy and deserter, and convicted by court-martial. He was shot in the old Hender- son orchard, between the fair ground and Camp Burnside, near the present line of Delaware Street, a block north of Seventh. The regiment and spec- tators formed three sides of a square, open on the east side. Into this space Gay was brought by the guard, and stationed in front of his coffin, which was lying on the ground. He made a brief speech, denying all guilty purpose, and told the firing party, standing about ten steps in front of him, to " hold here," laying his right hand on his heart. He then sat down on his coffin, and was blindfolded, and the signal to fire was given by dropping a handkerchief. Every ball but one of the nine fired struck his heart, and would have killed him instantly if there had been no other. One struck him in the neck, and would have made a mortal wound. One gun was left blank, and all were taken by chance, so that no man knew whether his gun helped in the execution or not. Gay sat upright for a second after the firing, and fell back dead in a great pool of blood, of which not a drop showed in front. In 1864 three " bounty jumpers" were shot on the same ground, near the south bank of the State ditch, under the command of Gen. Alvin P. Hovey. These were all the military executions in or about the city, though preparations were made by Gen. Hovey for hanging Bowles, Mil- ligan, and Horsey, the Sons of Liberty, convicted by court-martial in 1864 of conspiring with the rebels to overthrow the State government, and release the rebel prisoners in Camp Morton. Their death sentence, however, was commuted by President John- son to imprisonment for life in the Ohio penitentiary, whence they were released by a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States shortly after. Mr. Milligan was recently allied with the Rejiublicans of Huntington County against the regular Demo- cratic ticket, showing rather ludicrously one of the " revenges" brought round by the " whirligig of time." Another convicted Son of Liberty, H. H. Dodd, made his escape from the United States build- ing where he was confined, and went to Canada. He is now said to be the editor of a Republican paper in Wisconsin. From the 22d of February, 1862, to about the 1st of September of the same year, Camp Morton, as before stated, was made a prison camp in charge of the State, and here were confined the prisoners surrendered at Fort Donelson till an exchange was made in August following. There were three thou- sand seven hundred here at first, but in a few weeks about fifteen hundred more came from Terre Haute and Lafayette, and were accommodated with precisely the same quarters, furniture, and food as our own men who were encamped there. After the exchange of prisoners the camp was unoccupied till another large arrival from Vicksburg in the summer of 1863. The camp was refitted, commodious hospitals and other buildings erected, and the Fifth Regiment of the Veteran Reserve Corps, under Col. A. A. Stevens, put in charge. This was all done by the national government, the State having no concern with the prison after the exchange in 1862. From three thousand to six thousand prisoners were kept here during the remainder of the war. Col. Richard Owen, and the Sixtieth and Fifty-third Regiments and Kidd's Battery, and Col. D. Garland Rose and the Fifty-fourth Regiment, had charge of the camp while in the hands of the State. When the first division of prisoners arrived here from Fort Donelson they were fearfully afflicted with pneumonia and camp diarrhoea. The First, Fourth, and Twenty-sixth Mississippi . Regiments suffered worst, though a number of Tennesseans and Ken- tuckians were severely afflicted, all alike from ex- posure in the ditches and rifle-pits of Fort Donelson, with inadequate food and clothing. The first night they slept on the floor of the Union Depot, and all night long there was an incessant storm of coughing, groaning, and implorations for help. The next day the physicians of the city prescribed for more than 314 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. five hundred out of three thousand seven hundred, or one in every seven was helplessly sick. A hospital was made first of the old Athenaeum Theatre, in the third story of the northwest corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets. Then Blackford's four-story build- ing, on the east side of Meridian near Washington, was taken entirely for hospital use, under charge of the late Dr. Talbott Bullard, brother-in-law of Henry Ward Beecher. The people of the city, men and women, served as nurses without charge, and with many valuable additions to hospital fare from their own home supplies. But, in spite of all care and effort, hardly an hour passed for the first five days that a death did not occur, and the mortality con- tinued for a month or more till the weather moder- ated. Then both sickness and mortality almo.st dis- appeared. The dead were buried, iu plain wooden coflBns, in a lot on the northern limit of Greenlawn Cemetery, near the Vandalia Railroad, whence they were removed, some to their homes by relatives or friends, many to Crown Hill, in a few years. All the graves were marked. The other prison camps, Dennison at Columbus, and Douglas at Chicago, were conducted like that at Camp Morton, and the con- trast between them and Andersonville and Salisbury and Libby is striking. Visitors from Kentucky to sons and relatives in the camp, after the surrender of Fort Donelson, were so frequent as to make a serious annoyance at the Governor's oflSce with requests for admission. The prison experience of our Indiana soldiers in the South was not quite so pleasant as that of South- ern men here. Gen. Coburn, of the Thirty-third Regiment, was the first to come home from Libby and enlighten Indianians on the treatment of prison- ers there. The romantic escape of Col. A. D. Streight, of the Fifty-first Regiment, from Libby was known all over the country at the time, and is not forgotten yet. Gen. Abel D. Streight. — The family of Gen. Streight are of English extraction, though his father, Asa, was a native of Vermont. He was at the age of five left fatherless, and bound out to a family residing near Elmira, N. Y., where he remained until his majority was attained, when Spencer, Tioga Co., N. Y., became his home. Here he married Lydia, daughter of Phineas Spaulding, and had children, — Maria (Mrs. Clark Townsend), Francis (deceased), Abel D., Susan^H. (Mrs. Cornelius Ives), James P., Benjamin F., Sylvester W., Charles F., and Jane. Mr. Streight after his marriage settled in Wheeler, Steuben Co., and engaged in farming pursuits until seventy years of age, when he abandoned active labor. His death occurred in June, 1883, in his eighty-fourth year. His son, Abel D., was born June 17, 1828, at Wheeler, Steuben Co., N. Y., and passed his boyhood years upon a farm. He was afforded the ordinary advantages of a common school, and at the age of seventeen purchased from his father his time until twenty-one, paying him sixty dollars per year for the same. Having a taste for mechanics he readily acquired the carpenters' craft without in- struction, and before attaining his nineteenth year had taken the contract for the erection of a large mill, which he successfully completed. At this early period he also owned a saw-mill acquired by the pro- ceeds of his own labor. Gen. Streight then engaged in the lumber business at Wheeler, N. Y., where he remained until his removal to Cincinnati in 1858. The following year found him a resident of Indianap- olis, where he embarked in publishing, and continued thus employed until the beginning of the late civil war. It was at this crisis that the patriotism, earnest- ness, and indomitable purpose of Gen. Streight were brought into prominent notice, and marked him as a man of foresight and possessing all the qualities of a successful leader. Realizing the importance of prompt and energetic measures for the preservation of the Union, he published an exhaustive pamphlet, in which he clearly embodied the cause of the nation's calamity, and indicated the measures necessary to insure the supremacy of the laws, the integrity of the Constitu- tion, and the preservation of the Union. He be- lieved compromise with the enemies of the govern- ment to be a mistake, and advocated forcible means, if necessary, to compel obedience to the laws. He proved conclusively the fallacy of a temporary pacifi- cation policy, and by voluminous quotations from letters written by the founders of the government demonstrated it to be a government of the people ""■f tyAH FMcHie MILITARY MATTERS. 315 collectively, and not of the States. In defense of the Union, whose integrity he so earnestly defended with his pen, he entered the army on the 4th of September, 1861, as colonel of the Fifty- first Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and did effective service until ; March 13, 1865, when he retired with the brevet rank of brigadier-general, having participated in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Stone River, Day's Gap, I Crooked Creek, Blunt's Farm, engagements wifh 1 Wheeler's Cavalry at Dalton and Shoal Creek, near I Florence, Ala. (in which he commanded five bri- j gades), Columbia, Tenn., Franklin, Tenn., Nashville, and again at Columbia, in which he forced the pas- sage of Duck River. He was on the 3d of May, 1863, taken prisoner and confined in Libby prison, Richmond, Va., until Feb. 9, 1864, when, with one hundred and eight of his fellow-prisoners, he escaped by a tunnel dug from the prison-walls to the street, and after an interval of rest re-entered the service. In prison he was like the shadow of some great rock in the desert. Men instinctively gathered round him. He was their counselor, friend, and champion. In him they reposed all confidence, intrusting to him their money and laying before him their grievances, and sharing with, him their every thought. It was Gen. Streight who defiantly wrote the rebel Secretary of War, compelling an increase of rations and more humane treatment. The enemy feared him while they hated him, and if recaptured his life would have paid the forfeit of his daring and patriotism. On returning again to civil life he resumed the business of a publisher, in connection with the cul- tivation of a farm in the suburbs of the city. In 1865 he embarked in the lumber business, making a speciality of walnut and hard-wood lumber, to which was subsequently added chair-manufacturing on an extensive scale. Gen. Streight, when a resident of New York State, manifested a keen interest in politics, and frequently as a Republican participated in the various local cam- paigns. In 1876 he was elected to the State Senate here, running one thousand ahead of his ticket. Here he was conceded to be one of the leaders of the party. Among other measures supported by him was the introduction of a bill providing for the erection of a new State-House building, the principal provisions of which were adopted. In 1880 he was one of the Republican candidates for the nomination for Governor. Though not the successful aspirant for gubernatorial honors, the press was unanimous in its endorsement of his irreproachable honesty, iron will, uncommon intelligence, and thorough patriot- ism. Gen. Streight was married Jan. 14, 1849, to Miss Lavina McCarty, of Bath township, Steuben Co., N. Y. They have one son, John, who is en- gaged in the lumber business at Nashville, Tenn. The Eleventh Regiment, while reorganizing for the three years' service, was encamped on the west bank of the river, near Cold Spring. Camp Car- rington, near the extreme northwest corner of the city, on the high ground between the canal and Fall Creek, was the largest and best arranged camp in the State. Camp Noble was the artillery camp, on the northern limit of the city, west of Camp Burn- side. It was arranged by Col. Frybarger, and oc- cupied by the Twenty-third Battery, Capt. J. F. Myers. The artillery practice-ground was on the farm of Mr. Paddock, between the Bluff road and the bluff of the river bottom. The Second Cavalry, Col. John A. Bridgland, was encamped four miles north, near Fall Creek. The colored regiment. Col. Charles Russell, was in Camp Fremont, east of the lower end of Virginia Avenue. The Nineteenth Regulars, Lieut.-Col. King, was stationed in Indian- apolis for some months in 1861. The Soldiers' Home and the State Arsenal remain to be noticed among the more durable preparations for the emergencies of the war. The arsenal was the growth of Governor Morton's determination that the Indiana troops should go to the field fully pre- pared for any service, and as the national arsenals could not supply sufiScient good ammunition, he es- tablished the State Arsenal to help. It did that, and often helped the general government, too. The quartermaster supplied the material, and the Eleventh Regiment furnished the workmen, and on the 27th of April the arsenal was put in operation by moulding large quantities of bullets in hand-moulds with a blacksmith's furnace, and packing the cartridges in the next room. It was superintended by Herman 316 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Sturm, and at first was carried on in Ott's cabinet- factory, opposite the State-House. Tlien it was re- moved to the temporary buildings north of the State- House, and finally to vacant ground east of the city, on the old Noble farm. In the fall of 1861, Secre- tary Cameron, with Adjutant-General Thomas and Senator Chandler, of Michigan, came to the city from Louisville (where they had seen General Sher- man and decided that he was " crazy," because he wanted two hundred thousand men to take and hold the East Mississippi Valley, from the Ohio to the Gulf), and after examining the State Arsenal, ap- proved it highly, It was discontinued on the 18th of April, 1864, after three years of service, in which it had turned out $788,838.45 worth of work, and had made for the State a profit of nearly ten per cent., or $77,457.32. The Soldiers' Home, like the arsenal, was the suggestion of Governor Morton's restless solicitude for the welfare of the State's troops. This city was the main depot, recruiting station, drill-camp, and preparatory school of the whole State, and it was the chief resting-place of other troops passing east or west to the front. Of course, they always landed here hungry, dusty, and tired, and a sound sleep or a bath and a good meal were sometimes worth a man's life. The Soldiers' Home was a sort of military hotel in which all the accommodations were free. During the first months of the war the State Sanitary Commission had agents at the Union Depot to supply passing troops and take care of the sick at hotels ; but this was expensive and inconvenient, and a camp was established on the vacant ground south of the depot, with hospital tents and other conveniences, and maintained until 1862, when the Governor re- solved to establish a permanent home. Quartermas- ter Asahel Stone selected the grove on the west side of West Street, just north of the Vandalia Railroad, and here temporary, but adequate and comfortable frame buildings were erected, enlarged, and added to till they could accommodate 1800 with beds and 8000 with meals every day. From August, 1862, to June, 1865, the Home furnished 3,777,791 meals, and during the year 1864 furnished an average of 4498 meals a day. The bread was supplied by a bakery maintained by the quartermaster with such strict economy and wise forecast that the rations of flour, to which the men served in the Home were en- titled, sufficed for all they needed, and for thou.sands of loaves distributed among the poor besides. The saving in the rations of other articles amounted to $71,130.24. The saving of flour, after all bread supplies were completed, the sale of ofial, and a sut- ler's tax paid $19,642.19. Thus the Home was sus- tained in all its expenses almost wholly by the rations of the men provided for in it. On holidays the ladies of the city furnished festival dinners of their own preparation, waited at the table, and did all the service. A Ladies' Home, for the care of soldiers' wives and children, was opened in a building near the Union Depot, in December, 1863, taking care of an average of one hundred a day during the remainder of the war. The State Sanitary Commission was first sug- gested by the necessities of the State troops in West Virginia among the mountains in the early fall or latter part of the summer of 1861. Governor Morton's endless difficulties in getting winter clothing and supplies through the elaborate entanglement of gov- ernment " red tape" put his mind upon doing the necessary service in a better way, and thus came the Sanitary Commission of Indiana. The late Rob- ert Dale Owen, the State's military agent in New York, made the first step in the scheme by purchas- ing, under the Governor's direction, twenty-nine thousand overcoats, some at seven dollars and seventy- five cents each, some at nine dollars and twenty-five cents. The United States Quartermaster, Meigs, re- fused to pay more than the regulation price for the latter, and the State assumed the extra one dollar and a half. Morton said, " If the general government will not pay at the current rates, Indiana will, for she will not allow her troops to sufler." Socks, shoes, and caps were lacking, blankets were defective and insufficient in quantity. To supply these deficiencies the Governor, on the 10th of October, 1861, issued his first appeal to the " women of Indiana," The re- sponse came in blankets, shirts, drawers, socks, and mittens, sheets, pillows, pads, bandages, lint, and dressing-gowns for hospital use, to the amount of MILITARY MATTERS. 3W many thousands of dollars. This was the first sani- tary work of the war done anywhere by State or nation. Competent agents were appointed and sent : to the best points to carry on this work, which was to " render all possible relief to our soldiers, espe- cially to those who were sick or wounded, whether in transit, in hospitals, or on the battle-field." Sanitary stores were sent to them for distribution. Besides these agents there were special agents, surgeons, and nurses, — many of the latter among ladies of high social position. From this city Mrs. Coburn, wife of Gen. Coburn, and Miss E. H. Bates, daughter of the first sheriff, were largely engaged in hospital service. Combined with the sanitary service there were agents to take care of the men's pay and bring it home free of cost to their families, to write letters for them, to see to the burial of the dead and the preservation of relics, and keep registers of all the men in hospitals, with date, disease, wound, and date and cause of death, if death ensued, for the information of rela- tives and friends, to assist returning soldiers in get- ting transportation, to look after returning prisoners, and in every way to be careful and affectionate guardians. Dr. BuUard, Dr. Parvin, and Rev. T. A. Goodwin were effectively engaged in these duties at one time or another, while Dr. William Hannaman was chief sanitary agent all the time, assisted by Alfred Harrison. The Commission during the time of its existence, from February, 1862, to the close of the war, collected in cash 8247,570.75 and in goods $359,000, making a total of sanitary contributions made in the State in about three years of 8606,570.75. An additional sum of $4,566,898 was contributed by counties, townships, and towns to the relief of sol- diers' families and soldiers disabled by disease or wounds, making a total voluntary outlay in Indiana of over five millions of dollars, besides thousands of i which no account was ever made. Some of the political incidents of the war are worth noting as an indication of the feeling of the people. At the outset there was never a word of sympathy with the rebellion heard. The feeling was all loyal or silent. One of the city papers neglected to hoist the national flag on its building, and the proprietor came near being mobbed by the intolerant patriots. He and others suspected of Southern sympathies were made to take the oath of allegiance. As the war grew to be a familiar idea, and its conduct showed bad feeling and incompetent management, popular sentiment changed. Opposition began to speak more plainly and to take on a party aspect. That doubly embittered old differences. The loyal men talked of the others as traitors, and treated them as unfit for respectable society ; the latter retorted by censures of the tyranny of the government and the inefficiency of its conduct. At a county convention in the court- house square on the 2d of September, 1862, some of the Democratic speakers, especially the late Robert L. Walpole, bitterly denounced the war, the govern- ment, and the soldiers. There were many of these in the crowd, and they were irritated. A riot fol- lowed, and some of the rebel sympathizers barely es- caped with their lives ; if they had been caught they would have been killed. At the October election the opponents of the war were excluded from the polls by threats of violence. In 1864, while .the Nineteenth Veteran Regiment was here on a fur- lough allowed to re-enlisted veterans, the Sentinel made some allusion to the appearance of the men in a party procession the day before, and an angry crowd assailed the office with the avowed purpose of " clean- ing it out," but were defeated by the resolute obstruc- tion of Provost-Marshal (afterwards Governor) Baker. It was then in all Gen. Butler's operations south of Richmond and was conspicuous at Wathal Junction. The Democratic State Convention in 1864 came here armed, and kept up a considerable fusilade as it went away in the evening. The Eastern trains were stopped and the jubilant shooters compelled to give up their weapons to the number of several hundred. The Legislature of 1863 was adverse to the war and the party sustaining the war. It refused to re- ceive Governor Morton's message. It tried to de- prive him of the constitutional command of the State militia. It proposed no less than thirty measures of truce or peace with the Confederate States. It failed to make any appropriations to carry on the State civil government or the military contributions to the gen- ' eral government. This forced Governor Morton to 318 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. raise money by loans and popular contributions both for these purposes and for the payment of interest on the State debt to avoid the ruinous imputation of repudiation, which was so disastrous from 1841 to 1846. He constituted a " financial bureau" to meet the emergency, and for two years governed without any connection with the other State oflSces, which were in the hands of political antagonists and friends of the Confederacy. The Legislature of 1865, how- ever, was of a different complexion, and legalized all the Governor's acts, paid his debts, and reimbursed his loans and contributions. The most conspicuous feature of the political an- tagonism to the war were the " Treason Trials" of 1864. H. H. Dodd was first arrested on informa- tion, anonymously conveyed to the Governor by a lady in New York, that boxes of revolvers and am- munition had been sent to Dodd, marked " Sunday- school books," which were concealed or stored in the Sentinel building. This was the story at the time. Governor Morton, however, said that while the in- formation came to him anonymously from a lady whom he never discovered, the boxes, when discov- ered, were merely marked " books" and " stationery." The " Sunday-school" was a humorous addition. Dodd was tried by court-martial, convicted, sentenced to death, and escaped as already related. At the same time William A. Bowles, the reversed hero of Buena Vista and head of the Sons of Liberty in ! this State, with Lamdin P. Milligan, Stephen Hor- [ sey, Andrew Humphreys, and the late Horace Heff- ren, were arrested. Later the first three were tried and convicted by court-martial, as above related. Humphreys was convicted, but sentenced to a re- ; Btraint within limits at home, and later was par- doned ; the late Dr. John C. Walker, colonel of the Irish regiment, a leader of the Sons of Liberty, went to England and was never disturbed ; Heffren turned State's evidence and convicted his associates. Several rebel raids were made or attempted into In- i diana under the encouragement of the sympathizing associations to which these men and many thousands of others belonged. The first was led by Adam R. Johnson on Newburg, Warrick Co., July 18, 1863. The next was led by Capt. Thomas H. Hines, of Morgan's division, June 17, 1863, entering this State eighteen miles above Cannelton, with sixty-two men. All but a dozen of them were captured in two days in Crawford County, after stealing a con- siderable number of good horses. The great raid, however, was that of Gen. John H. Morgan, with a brigade of two thousand four hundred and sixty men and four guns. They crossed the Ohio at Branden- burg, Ky., and passed into the interior of the State as far as Vernon. The home troops of the " Legion" and temporary volunteers met in University Square here, and drilled two or three times, the banks sent away their specie, and railroad travel southward was interrupted a little, but that was the worst effect in the city of the great Morgan raid. How it turned to a retreat in one day, and a flight the next day, and a surrender of most of the command in Ohio in a day or two more, everybody knows. A horrible catas- trophe marked the first movement of troops here to meet the raid. A Michigan battery which had been stationed here for some time was hurrying from the artillery camp down Tennessee Street to Indiana Avenue, on its way to the depot, when the jolting of one of the caissons exploded a percussion shell and all the contents of the caisson with it, blowing two of the men over the tops of the shade-trees along the sidewalk, tearing them into fearful fragments, and killing them instantly, and mortally wounding a man and boy of the city who happened to be passing. It was about sundown of the 9th of July. The worst effect of the political hostility to the war was not the conspiracies of secret orders of rebel sympathizers, the Knights of the Golden Circle and Sons of Liberty, nor the open legislative action in embarrassment of the efforts of the State and nation for the prosecution of the war, but in the encour- agement to desertion, the organized protection of deserters, and the cool, calculating murder of draft- officers in three or four counties, and draft-mobs in a dozen. The soldiers at first did not properly under- stand their relation to the government. They thought that an enlistment was like any other engagement for service, terminable at any moment by giving up all claim to wages for the abandoned time. When the service became hard and the discipline unsparing, MILITARY MATTP:RS. 319 they got leave of absence to go home and stayed at home, protected by their friends of the anti-war party. Others deserted outright without any pre- tense of furlough. Organizations were made to pro- tect them from arrest, and parties searching for them were fired upon repeatedly. Letters were written from home urging desertion, and these were some- times published by the faithful recipients to expose the machinations of disloyal men. The eflfect of the combined adverse influences was that two thousand three hundred deserters came home from Indiana regiments alone in December, 1862-63. The dis- couragement of enlistments was a logical and inev- itable part of the same impulse and movement. Nat- ural conditions favored it. Wages rose rapidly with the vast reduction of the working force of the State, and with the depreciation of currency the prices of everything else rose. The volunteer of 1861 went out when the government's pay was about as good as any other employer's, and the service was not thought harder. It was a sort of national picnic with some chances of danger and hard usage. The paymaster would leave enough at his visits to niake a comfort- able support for the family at home. In less than two years a great change had come. Wages were high, living costly, the soldier's pay, though increased, was relatively less. The family would be left with inadequate support, or trusted to the chance assist- ance of neighbors. The co-operation of these nat- ural conditions with political antagonism forced upon all governments, national and local, the payment of large bounties to secure volunteers, under the President's calls, who should enable the community to avoid a draft. As the war went on and more men went to the field, and currency sank lower and prices rose higlier, bounties mounted too ; and under the last call for three hundred thousand men, Dec. 24, 1864, the national, county, and city bounties to vol- unteers in Indianapolis, with the advance pay, gave every man nearly one thousand dollars before he went into camp. The city made an appropriation of ten thousand dollars on the 20th of April, 1861, for the support of the three months' men. Other smaller sums were frequently given to supply fuel, provisions, clothing. and other necessaries to destitute families. In Au- gust, 1864, a purchase of two hundred cords of wood was made, and the following winter three thousand two hundred dollars was appropriated to similar service. Here and all over the State contributions of fuel and food were made by farmers who turned the occasion into a sort of holiday, and paraded the streets in long processions of loaded wagons to the music of a band or a drum and fife. Occasionally emulation would bring into a town huge wagons, each loaded with a whole winter's supply of wood for a single family. Some would have five cords, some seven, some more than that, and one bold donor from Perry township brought into Indianapolis once ten cords, and a lib- eral supply of flour, meat, and potatoes. Local fairs and private contributions raised large sums for sani- tary purposes as well as for soldiers' families. A fair held on the fair ground, in connection with the regular State agricultural fair in 1864, raised forty thousand dollars. But the support of soldiers' fam- ilies formed only a small part of the account of cities and counties in dealing with our volunteers. Boun- ties were the main source of expense.- Going into the army had come to be viewed in a business aspect, mainly or wholly. The volunteers "meant business" and meant very little sentiment. So bounties were made to fit the emergency, like any other inducement to labor when hands are scarce. In the fall of 1862 the city appropriated five thou- sand dollars for bounties, which served for five or six months. On the 14th of December, 1863, twenty- five thousand dollars was appropriated to bounties, and ward committees raised considerable sums in ad- dition by contribution. This enabled the city to avert the draft. The next summer, which completed the three years of many of the early regiments, saw a constant succession of veterans coming home on the long furlough allowed by the government to those that re-enlisted. These were uniformly met and welcomed, and paraded, and feasted by Governor Morton, Mayor Caven, and the citizens ; and occa- sionally some of the veterans would take the city's bounty and credit themselves here, counting thus against a future draft. The Seventeenth Regiment, one of the re-enlisted veteran regiments, had its 320 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. whole force credited to Indianapolis, asking no bounty. Subsequently, however, some of the men hinted that it was hardly fair to pay raw recruits a thousand dol- lars and veterans of three years' service nothing, and the city thought so, too, and gave them five thousand three hundred and fifty-five dollars, which was all they asked. On the suggestion of Governor Morton, the Gov- ernors of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Iowa met here April 24, 1864, and recommended to the Presi- dent to accept a force of eighty-five thousand men for one hundred days from these States, to guard Gen. Sherman's communications while he was marching to the sea. The President consented. Indiana was as- signed seven thousand four hundred and fifteen men, and the city's quota was raised at once. The home regi- ment, the One Hundred and Thirty-second, under Col. Samuel C. Vance, Lieut.-Col. Samuel A. Cra- mer, and Maj. Hervey Bates, took away a larger number of well-known citizens than any during the whole war, and they did good service, too. Under the call for three hundred thousand men, Oct. 17, 1863, increased Feb. i, 1864, to five hundred thousand, and on March 14th to seven hundred thousand, no draft was made. The State had filled her whole quota of the three calls, with two thousand four hun- dred and ninety-three men to spare on the next one. On the 18th of July a call was made for five hun- dred thousand more, and the city's quota was fixed at one thousand two hundred and fifty-eight. For once the citizens had to move promptly and vigor- ously to escape a draft. Meetings to raise the requi- site bounties to allure volunteers were held through the summer, and forty thousand dollars subscribed and eight hundred men enlisted. But we were still four hundred and fifty men short. The " enrolled men"' on the conscription record raised a considerable sum to secure substitutes, but still the deficit was not made up. Then the Council made on the 28th of September an appropriation of ninety-two thousand dollars, and on October 3d another of forty thousand dollars, to help in the strait ; and during October and November the quota was filled without a draft at a cost of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars. On Dec. 24, 1864, the last call for troops was made, I The State's quota of the three hundred thousand was twenty-two thousand five hundred and eighty-two, of . which two thousand four hundred and ninety-three had been paid by over-enlistment on previous calls. The Council appropriated the unexpended remainder of the previous appropriation, — twenty-five thousand dollars, and later twenty thousand dollars. This was insufficient, and in January, 1865, the mayor recom- mended further appropriations and drafting by wards. The Council fixed upon one hundred and twenty-five . thousand dollars, to be paid in one hundred and fifty dollar bounties, with ten dollars premium for each re- cruit ; and three days later made the bounty two hun- dred dollars, and obtained an order from Washington for a draft by wards. In February the Council gave t four hundred dollars to every man who should be drafted if he had purchased a fifty-dollar city order. On the 22d o,f February the citizens, to the number of four thousand four hundred, petitioned the Coun- cil to raise four hundred thousand dollars on city ' bonds to pay adequate bounties and fill the city's I quota. The order was made and the bonds prepared and sent to New York, but none were sold. On the 6th of March one hundred thousand dollars was bor- rowed of five banks — twenty thousand dollars of each —at twelve per cent., and this was appropriated in four hundred dollar bounties. When the quota was nearly full it was found that some idiot in the War Office had made a blunder in fixing the city's credits for volunteers, and that the quota was filled with hundreds to spare. A fourth of the loan was saved. The war expense from May, 1864, to May, 1865, which included the great bulk of the outlay for boun- ties, was seven hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and seventy-nine dollars. The whole war- ■ expense of the city was about one million dollars. These large appropriations made high taxes and , finally considerable debts. But the city was grow- [ ing rapidly, business of all kinds was flourishing, and high taxes were easily borne comparatively. The rate ran from $1.50 to SI. 75, exclusive of State and ! county taxes, during the greater part of the war and the year following. Then came a clamor against such onerous rates, and a reduction was made till 1875, when the tax was made $1.50 again. Then it was MILITARY MATTERS. 321 reduced a little, and the next year a provision of the charter limited the total, including school and library tax, to $1.12. It is now at the limit. By the same provision the city debt was limited to two per cent, of the tax duplicate. That is also at the limit. The history of the city's debts is very short. In 1849 the amount was $6000 ; it was mostly paid by a special tax in 1850. In 1851 it was $5400, paid in 1854, except $557. In 1855 it was $10,000, and in 1856 $15,300. Jerry Skeen was appointed a special agent to negotiate $30,000 of city bonds in 1856 to pay the debt and put a little by for an emergency, and pledged the whole of them for $5000 to bet on the Democratic ticket that year. The city lost enough by these operations to make the debt in 1857 $23,740. In 1859 it was reduced to $9300, raised to $11,500 in 1860, and to $46,000 in 1861. In 1862 it was reduced to $16,500, in 1863 to $11,250, and later paid off. The war and big bounties and high prices left a debt of $368,000 in 1868, which was reduced to $100,000 in 1869, with $260,000 in cash in the treasury to pay it, as related in the services of Dr. Jameson as financial manager of the Council from 1863 to 1869. In concluding this sketch of the history of the city and county during the war, it may not be irrelevant to note that a distinctively German regiment (the Thirty-second), Col. August Willich, and a distinct- ively Irish regiment (the Thirty-fifth), Col. John C. Walker, of Sons of Liberty fame, first, and then Col. Bernard F. Mullen, were organized and drilled and prepared for the field in the city camps. How many men enlisted in them from the city or county does not appear in the adjutant-general's report, as the residences are not given in the cases of several companies of both. The colonels (Willich, Von Trebra, and Erdelmeyer, of the Thirty-second) were all of this city, as well as Lieut.- Col. Hans Blume and Maj. Peter Cappell, but very few others were, and the residences of none of the enlisted are noted. Of the Thirty-fifth (Irish) Regiment a roster of the Marion County men is appended, with those of the other regiments which contained companies largely recruited in this city. The Grand Army of the Republic, a better memo- 21 rial organization than the Cincinnati of the Revolu- tionary war, is largely represented among the veterans of the civil war, and in the city are the General Thomas Post, and the George H. Chapman Post, named from the late Gen. Chapman, of the city. The order in the State is represented by a weekly news- paper called the Grand Army Guard. The effect of the war upon the city was instant and obvious, and increased continually. Previously the commercial business had been almost wholly retail, and conducted almost wholly on Washington Street. There were family groceries and bakeries and an occasional drug-store dropped about on con- venient corners in more remote sections, but they formed no considerable part of the total. With the impulse derived from the large accumulations of temporary population and the trades that thrive by them came a permanent growth of improvements. A considerable portion of Illinois and Meridian Streets, between Washington and the depot, had been open ground, built up in spots with cheap frames on Illinois and large residences on Meridian. These vacancies were mainly filled and the little houses put aside for bigger ones, and both streets made almost solid masses of building. On Meridian Street they soon came to be used for wholesale trade chiefly, and then the commerce of the city may be said to have first put on an aspect of wholesale trade. There had been wholesale houses, off and on, since 1857, but the business did not amount to enough to make it a distinctive feature of the general city trade. On Illinois Street retail shops, saloons, and restaurants took the space, and they, with the hotels, still domi- nate that now most crowded and busy street of the city, except Washington. From these, in a year or two, the improving impulse spread north of Wash- ington and along the avenues, and began to efface completely the country-town aspect which the city had worn in some measure since its foundation, in spite of the growth imparted by railroads and en- larged business. With a population of eighteen thousand six hundred in 1860, and with large manu- factories scattered about in the creek valley, Indian- apolis was still only a country town in appearance, with all its business on one street, and its gas and 322 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. paving and draining barely begun. The magnitude of the change may be judged from a few facts. In 1865, the first year of which a full report was made, " permits" were issued for sixteen hundred and twenty-one buildings, at an estimated cost of two million dollars ; nine miles of streets and eighteen miles of sidewalk were graded and graveled, and one mile of streets bouldered, four miles of sidewalk paved, and three miles lighted with gas. In 1866 the building permits were eleven hundred and twelve, with an estimated cost of one million and sixty-five thousand dollars, eight and a half miles of streets and sixteen miles of sidewalks were graded and graveled, a third of a mile bouldered, two miles of sidewalks paved, and three miles lighted. In 1867 the buildings were seven hundred and forty-seven, at a cost of over nine hundred thousand dollars ; four and a half miles of streets and nine miles of side- walks were graded and graveled, a half mile of streets was bouldered, two and a quarter miles of sidewalk paved, and four and a half miles lighted. This impulse of improvement continued, as heretofore related, till the panic of 1873 began to be operative here, about 1874-75, and by that time the population had swelled to threefold its former mass. It was eighteen thousand six hundred in 1860, and forty- eight thousand two hundred in 1870, increased by a corrected return made a few months later to fifty-two thousand, or nearly three times the population of the previous census. The final development of the city as a centre of commerce and manufactures would doubtless have come in time from its natural advantages, if there had been no war and no artificial advantages to hasten it, but 1865 found a breadth and permanence of growth that would not have been found in 1870 if there had been no war. A consciousness of strength was universal, and in the year the war closed, high as taxes were, the citizens petitioned the Council to give subsidies to four railroad enterprises, — the Vin- cennes, sixty thousand dollars ; the Indiana and Illi- nois Central (now Indianapolis, Decatur and Spring- field), forty-five thousand dollars ; the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western, forty-five thousand dollars ; and the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Junction, forty- five thousand dollars. The last took its subsidy upon the express condition of locating its machine-shops here, and didn't do it. The Indiana and Illinois Central subsidy was never drawn from the treasury, although many supposed it was. The reorganized company, the Indianapolis, Decatur and Spring- field, finished the line to the city very recently, but never claimed the money. That road is now perma- nently leased to or consolidated with the Indianapo- lis, Bloomington and Western, and the forty-five thousand dollars is a subject of litigation between the trustee of Centre township and the County Board. The trustee wants the township's portion of the sub- sidy for public purposes, and the question is in court. CHAPTER XIV. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Sketches of the Services of Regiments — Rosters of Officers and Enlisted Men from Marion County Serving in tlie Several Regiments. In the following pages are collected the names of all the men who entered the service of the United States for three years from Marion County, where they formed the whole or greater part of the com- pany. Names of residents scattered about in com- panies raised elsewhere are omitted, the intention being to preserve the record of Marion County and Indianapolis companies only. Preceding each is a brief sketch of the history, condensed from Adjt.- Gon. Terrell's ofiicial report. The names of all offi- cers, company or field, appointed from the county or city to any State regiment are given up to the Seventy-ninth. After that there are no appoint- ments from this county but of old officers assigned to new regiments, except in a few cases. Seventh Regiment. — Colonel, Ebenezer Dumont, com. Sept. 13, 1861; pro. brig.-gen. U.S. Vols., Sept. 3, 1861. Chaplains, James Kiger, com. Sept. 13, 1861 ; res. March 13, 1863 ; William R. Jewell, com. Aug. 21, 1863; must, out Sept. 20, 1864, time expired. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 323 Surgeon, George W. New, com. Sept. 4, 1861 ; dis., recom., and must, out Sept. 20, 1864. Eighth Regiment. — Adjut'ant, Charles 0. How- ard, com. Sept. 2, 1861 ; pro. capt.- 18th U. S. In- fantry. Ninth Regiment. — Quartermaster, James J. Drum, com. Aug. 28, 1861 ; died at Indianapolis May 31, 1863. As-sistant Surgeon, William B. Fletcher, com. March 20, 1862 ; declined. Tenth Regiment. — First lieutenant Co. F, Sam- uel C. Vance, com. May 20, 1862 ; dismissed April 27, 1863. Eleventh Regiment. — The Eleventh Regiment was reorganized and mustered in for the three years' service on the 31st of August, 1861, with Lewis Wallace as colonel, and left Indianapolis for St. Louis on the 6th of September, arriving there on the 8th, and leaving the day following for Paducah, Ky. Here Lieut.-Col. George F. McGinnis was promoted colonel in place of Lewis Wallace, ap- pointed brigadier-general. The regiment remained at this post till Feb. 5, 1862, when it was sent up the Tennessee River to within six miles of Fort Henry, thence to Fort Heiman, and on the 15th to Fort Donelson, where it was put in Col. Smith's brigade of Wallace's division ; engaged in the battle there, and lost four killed and twenty-nine wounded. It returned on the 17th to Fort Heiman, and on the 6th of March took steamer to Crump's Landing, a little below Shiloh battle-field. It took part in the second day's battle, fighting from half-past five in the morning to half-past four in the evening, losing eleven killed and fifty-two wounded. On the 13th of -April it moved toward Corinth, and during the last of that month made two marches to Purdy and back. Corinth being evacuated on the 30th of May, Wallace's division was ordered to Memphis. In July it was sent by steamer to Helena, Ark., from which place, on the 4th of August, it marched to Clarendon, returning on the 19th, after a march of one hundred and thirty miles and the loss by guerillas of one killed and two wounded. During the fall and winter the regiment engaged in expeditions from Helena to White River, to Tallahatchie River, to Duvall's Bluff, and to Yazoo Pass. Col. McGinnis being ap- pointed brigadier-general in March, 1863, Lieut.- Col. Dan Macauley was promoted colonel. The Eleventh embarked from Helena on the 11th of April and reached Milliken's Bend on the 14th, where it joined Grant's army, being in McGinnis' brigade of Hovey's division of McClernand's corps (the Thirteenth). Upon its arrival the corps pro- ceeded to Carthage, and thence to Perkins' Planta- tion, near Grand Gulf. Here the army awaited, on transports, the result of the attempt of the gunboats to silence the rebel batteries. The bombardment proving unsuccessful, the troops were disembarked and marched around to a point opposite Bruinsburg, and on the 30th of April were crossed over the river and marched to Port Gibson, where, on the Ist of May, an engagement was fought, the regiment capturing a battery and having a loss of one man killed and twenty-four wounded. The next day the town was entered, and on the 3d of May the march was resumed. On the 16th the Eleventh engaged in the battle of Champion Hills, losing one hundred and sixty-seven in killed, wounded, and missing. On the 19th it moved to Black River, and on the 21st marched to the vicinity of Vicksburg, where it remained until the 4th of July, when the surrender took place. The casualties to the regiment during the siege were three killed and ten wounded. On the 5th of July it marched with an expedition to Jackson, Miss., with constant skirmishing on the way, there being nine men wounded. Returning to Vicksburg, it remained in camp until August, when it was transported to New Orleans, and on the 13th of August, 1862, was sent to Brashear City and through the Teche Country to Opelousas, near which place, on the 21st of October, there was a heavy skirmish. Returning from this expedition, the regi- ment, on the 20th jaf November, marched with Cameron's brigade to the banks of Lake Tasse, where a camp was captured. On the 22d of December it arrived at Algiers, and on the 19th of January, 1864, marched to Madisonville, where, on the 1st of Feb- ruary, the regiment re-enlisted as veterans. Going to New Orleans, it embarked on the 4th of March for New York City, from whence it came to Indian- 324 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. apolis, reaching there on the 21st, where it was pub- licly received by the citizens and addressed by Governor Morton. Upon the expiration of its veteran fur- lough the regiment departed for New Orleans, reach- ing there on the 8th of May, where it remained until July. On the 11th of July it was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division of the Nineteenth Army Corps, and on the 19th embarked under sealed orders. Reaching Fortress Monroe on the 28th, it proceeded to Washington and then to Har- per's Ferry. Moving to Cedar Creek, it skirmished all day of the 13th of August, and on the 15th reached Winchester, from which place it made sun- dry marches, and on the 22d had a skirmish near Halltown. On the 24th in a reconnoissance it lost two men killed and eight wounded, and on the 6th of September it had a skirmish at Berryville. On the 19th it took part in the battle of Opequan, losing eighty-one in killed and wounded. On the 26th it pursued the enemy to Fisher's Hill, and on the 22d was engaged in the battle at that place, skirmishing all night and following the enemy to Woodstock, losing two men killed and four wounded. On the 25th it pursued the rebels to New Market, where they made a stand, but being flanked were forced to retreat to Harrisonburg, which place was reached by the regiment on the 26th, skirmishing all the way. Leaving this place on the 6th of October, the regi- ment returned to Cedar Creek on the 10th, and on the 19th was engaged in the battle at that place, having fifty-two killed, wounded, or missing. Upon the conclusion of Sheridan's campaign in the Shen- andoah Valley the troops went to Baltimore, arriving there on the 7th of January, 1865, where it remained on duty till its muster-out on the 26th of July, 1865. On the 3d of August it returned to Indianapolis, where it was publicly received by the Governor on behalf of the people of the State on the 4th, and in a few days afterwards was finally discharged from ser- vice. During its three years' service the regiment marched nine thousand three hundred and eighteen miles. Colotieh. Lewis Wallace, com. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. brig.-gen. U.S.V. Sept. 8, 1861; later maj. -gen. George F. McGinnis, com. Sept. 3, 1861 ; pro. brig.-gen. U.S.V. Nov. 29, 1862. Daniel Maeauley, com. March 10, 1863: must, out July 26, 1865, as brev. brig.-gen., term expired; re-entered service as col. 9th Regt; Hancock's corps. Lieutenant- Colonels. George F. McGinnis, com. Aug. 7, 1861; pro. col. William J. H. Robinson, com. Sept. 3, 1861 ; res. Sept. 3, 1862. Daniel Maeauley, com. Sept. 4, 1862; pro. col. William W. Darnell, com. March 10, 1863; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. Majors. William J. H. Robinson, com. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. lieut.-col. Daniel Maeauley, com. April 21, 1862; pro. lieut.-col. William W. Darnell, com. Sept. 4, 1862 ; pro. lieut.-col. George Butler, com. March 10, 1863; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. Adjutants. Daniel Maeauley, com. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. maj. John P. Megrew, com. April 30, 1862 ; pro. capt. Co. D. John T. Maeauley, com. May, 1864; pro. capt. Co. E. Quartermasters, Joseph P. Pope, com. Aug. 13, 1861; must, out June 24, 1863, for prom, to capt. and A.C.S. John W. Coons, com. June 14, 1863; must, out Dec. 11, 1864, term expired. Charles N. Lee, com. April 30, 1865; must, out July 26, 1866, term expired. Chaplain. Henry B. Hibben, com. August, 1861; res. May 12, 1864. Surgeon. John A. Comingore, com. Dec. 26, 1862; res. Sept. 13, 1864. Assistant Surgeons, Henry Clay Brown, com. Oct. 7, 1S61 ; died of disease, March, 1862. John A. Comingore, com. April 9, 1862; pro. surg. James I. Rooker, com. April 2,% 1S62 ; add. asst. surg. pro tern.; recom. asst. surg. H. F. Barnes, com. April 23, 1862; add. asst. surg. pro tem. William Rockwell, com. March 20, 1863; res. June 27, 1863. James Wilson, com. Aug. 15, 1863 ; res. Feb. 27, 1865. William A. Todd, com. April 19, 1 865 ; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. John P. Avery, com. April 20, 1865; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. Company A. Captains. George Butler, com. Aug. 24, 1861 ; pro. maj. Henry Kemper, com. March 10, 1863; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. MAKION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 325 First Lieutenants, Joseph H. Lirsey, com. Aug. 24, 1861; pro. oapt. Co. H. David B. Hay, com. April 1, 1862; res. Oct. 29, 1862. Henry Kemper, com. Oct. 30, 1862; pro. capt. Benjamin F. Copeland, com. March 10, 1863; must, out Dee, 12, 1864, term expired. Edmund P. Thayer, com. Deo. LS, 1864; pro. capt. Co. B. William A. Talbott, com. Dec. 14, 1864; hon. disch. May 30, 1865. Second Lieutenants. David B. Hay, com. April 24, 1861; pro. 1st lieut. Henry Kemper, com. April 1, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Benjamin F. Copeland, com. Cot. 30, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. George Simmons, com. April 10, 1863; pro. Ist lieut. Edmund P. Thayer, com. May 1, 1864; pro. 1st lieut. Charles G. Loucks, com. Dec. 13, 1864 ; must, out June 26, 1865, term expired. Company B. Captains. Charles W. Lyman, com. Aug. 24, 1861 ; pro. capt. and asst. qm. U.S.V. Sept. 28, 1861. Daniel B. CuUey, com. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. capt. Edmund P. Thayer, com. Dec. 14, 1864; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. First Lieutenants, Daniel B. Culley, com. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. oapt. John P. Megrew, com. Dec. 6, 1861 ; pro. adjt. Charles N. Lee, com. Jan. 12, 1865 ; pro. q.m. Second Lieutenants, James F. Troth, com. Aug. 31, 1861; res. Sept. 1, 1863. Charles N. Lee, com. May 1, 1864; pro. 1st lieut. Company C. First Lieutenants. Jacob D. Leighty, com. Nov. 13, 1862; res. Jan. 19, 1864. George Simmons, com. May 1, 1864; must. Dec. 18, 1864, term expired. Second Lieutenants, Henry McMulIen, com. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 1st lieut. Stoughton A. Boatright, com. Dec. 19, 1864 ; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. Company D. Captain, John P. Megrew, com. Nov. 13, 1862; must, out July 26, 1865, term expired. Second Lieutenant. Lycurgus L. Allison, com. Jan. 1, 1862; res. April 22, 1862. Company E. Captains. Dewitt C. Rugg, com. Aug. 24, 1861 ; pro. maj. 48th Regt. Ind. Vols. Nov. 24, 1861. Nicholas B. Ruckle, com. Deo. 4, 1861; res. Feb. 24, 1865; pro. col. 148th Ind. Regt. John T. Maeauley, com. Feb. 26, 1865 ; must, out July 26, 1865 ; term expired. First Lieutenants. Henry Tindall, com. Aug. 31, 1861; res. Dec. 15, 1861; re- entered capt. 63d Regt. , Henry Wentz, com. Feb. 24, 1863; must, out Dec. 9, 1864, term expired. Second Lieutenants, Nicholas R. Ruckle, com. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. capt. Jacob D. Leighty, com. Jan. 13, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Co. C. Henry Wentz, com. Nov. 13, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. George McDougal, com. April 24, 1863 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps. Company F. First Lieutena7it, John L. Hanna, com. Aug. 24, 1861; res. October, 1862; re- entered as capt. 79th Regt. Second Lieutenants, William C. Baker, com. Jan. 13, 1862; res. Oct. 2, 1862. John T. Maeauley, com. May 14, 1864; pro. adjt. Company G. First Lieutenant, David Wilson, com. Sept. 9, 1863; trans, to Co. H. Second Lieutenant. John W. Coons, com. Oct. 19, 1862; pro. q.m. Company H. Captains. Frederick Kneffler, com. Aug. 24, 1861; app. oapt. and A.A.G. Sept. 8, 1861 ; col. of 79th Ind. Regt. and brev. brig.-gen. Joseph H. Livsey, com. Jan. 1, 1862; must, out Jan. 1, 1862; reoom. capt. March 22, 1863; app. oapt. and A.A.G. May 5, 1863. David Wilson, com. May 8, 1865; must, out as let lieut. July 26, 1865, term expired. First Lieutenants. Louis Pause, com. Nov. 12, 1863; trans, to Co. F. David Wilson, com. Sept. 9, 1863; pro. capt. Second Lieutenants, Samuel J. Wilson, com. Aug. 24, 1861; res. Aug. 1, 1862; re- entered as capt. 54th Ind. Regt. David Wilson, com. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Co. G. Company K. Captain. William W. Darnel, com. Aug. 24, 1861 ; pro. maj. 826 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. First Lieutenauta. Samuel A. Cramer, com. Aug. 9, 1861; res. May 26, 1862; re- entered as Ist lieut. 63d Ind. Regt. Charles MoQinley, com. Sept. 4, 1862; res. Nov. 18, 1864. William M. Apple, com. Nov. 19, 1864; hon. disch. June 24, 1865. Second Lieuteiiatita, Theodore B. Wightman, com. Aug. 24, 1861 ; res. March 26, 1862; re-entered as 1st lieut. 63d Ind. Regt. Charles McGinley, com. May 30, 1862 ; pro. 1st lieut. Sergeant- Major, Fighbaok, Owen F., Jr., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Jan. 17, 1862. Quarter7naater-Sergeant. Greenfield, Daniel C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Jan. 17, 1862. Commiaaari/-Sergeant. Test, Miles H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Memphis, Tenn., July 15, 1862. Hospital Steward. Rockwell, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. asst. surg. Principal Musicians. Biedmaster, Charles A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Macauley, John T., must. Aug. 31, 1861; app. sergt.-maj.; pro. 2d lieut. Band. Armstrong, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Bieber, Louis, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Qoldsberry, Samuel S., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Goldsberry, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Jan. 27, 1862, not a musician. Henninger, Theodore, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Henninger, Edward, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Hunt, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Jose, Albert, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Jameson, Alexander C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Dec. 24, 1861, disability. Kiefer, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Kauffeld, Frederick, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Landauer, Frederick, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Maxen, John H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. April 8, 1862, not a musician. Mayhew, James N., must, Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Perkins, Jewett, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Pyle, John E., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. for disability. Ruth, Louis, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. I Peck, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861; app. qm.-sergt. Schellsmidt, Ferdinand, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. April 3, 1862, disability. Webb, Ira C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Jan. 1, 1862, not a musician. Wolfram, Christian, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. May 15, 1862, disability. Wagner, Anton, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. April 8, 1862, not a musician. Craven, Aries, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Deo. 3, 1861, disa- bility. Thyser, Oscar, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 14, 1862. Enlisted Men, Co. A. First Sergeant. Allison, Lycurgus L., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Co. D. Sergeants. Kemper, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Copeland, Benjamin F., must. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Simmons, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Thayer, Edmund P., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; pro. 2d lieut. Corporals. Talbott, Abner F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 19, 1863, by order of War Dept. Bradshaw, Oliver L., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 16, 1863, accidental wounds. Sirronia, Leo D,, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch, October, 1863, disability. Carpenter, Charles E,, must, Aug, 31, 1861 ; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Greenleaf, Clement A., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out April 26, 1865. Lawhead, Frank, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out April 26, 1865, Hall, Charles F., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Fox, George B., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch, Nov, 16, 1861, Musicians. Thayer, Levi C, must, Aug, 31, 1861 ; disch. May 2, 1362, dis- ability. Stout, Joseph, must, Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864, Wagoner. Pottage, William H,, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Privates. Alexander, Joseph N., must. Aug, 31, 1861 ; disch. Nov. 26, 1862, disability. Arnett, Josiah, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; app. Corp. ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Avard, Jerome, must. Aug, 31, 1861. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 327 Barry, Michael, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; Teteran ; app. corp; must. out July 26, 1865. Barreman, Alexander S., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran. Boyce, William G., must. Aug. .31, 1861 ; died Sept. 26, 1864, of wounds at Winchester. Brooks, Samuel M., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Brown, Jonathan, must. Aug. .31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Brown, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Burris, Harrison, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Bullock, Ezekiel, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Butterfield, John S., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Burt, Joseph H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Burnian, Cornelius, must, Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Helena Sept. 7, 1862. Carr, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Carleton, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; killed at Cedar Creek Oct. 19, 1864. Clark, Charles T., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Corwin, Oscar B., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Copeland, James T., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. Aug. 18, 1862, disability. Cummer, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Padueah Dec. 10, 1861. Davis, Ebenezer, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; disoh. May 8, 1864, for prom, in U. S. colored troops. Day, Joseph B., must. Aug. 31; 1861 ; died at Cairo, 111., Oct. 9, 1862. Dedart, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; disoh. May 26, 1865, disability. Duchine, Alexander, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Duley, Henry C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Ellis, John S., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died June 1, 1 863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Fenton, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out July 26, 1865. Griswold, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Sept. 17, 1862, disability. Greenleaf, William A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. June 10, 1862, disability. Hankinson, Joseph H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Sept. 26, 1865. Hickey, Thomas, must. Aug. 31,1861; veteran; app. sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865 ; one of Dr. Kane^s men. Homburg, William C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 18, 1863, wounds at Shiloh. Huddleston, James P., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out July 26, 1865. IngersoU, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out July 26, 1865. Jackson, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Kenroy, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Key, Nathan, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Knight, William W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Lendormi, Paulin, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Loucks, Charles G., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; pro. 2d lieut. Martin, Frank M., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out April 26, 1865. McNair, Peter, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Padueah Nov. 17, 1861. MoGuey, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861 j killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. McClain, Josiah B., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Indianapolis April 28, 1862, of wounds at Fort Donelson. Mount, William P., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Nones, William C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. Jan. 16, 1863, for wounds. Norton, Michael J., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Nye, Edwin, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Phipps, William C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; app. corp.; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Reynolds, George H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Redfield, Alexander, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Oct. 1, 1861, disability. Keeder, Joseph H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Roberts, Benjamin W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Keokuk, Iowa, Oct. 5, 1862. Service, Charles F., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Shaw, Daniel W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Smith, Milton D., must. Aug. 31, 1861; died May 18, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Talbot, William A., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; pro. 1st lieut. Thompson, W. H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. June 16, 1863, disabiliry, Williams, Albert J., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Williams, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Wills, William F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Wilson, William F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, • 1864. Winnings, Archibald, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Young, Isaac, must. Aug. 31, 1361; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Enlisted Men, Companv B. First Sergeants Winchel, John J., must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Clarendon, Ark., Aug. 13, 1863. Sergeants, Henry, Royal R., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Foster, Edwin R., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 1st lieut. U. S. colored troops. Calloway, John P., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 1st lieut. Simpson, William M., must. Aug. 31, 1861. 328 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Corporals. • Torrence, Davis, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Kepler, Andrew J., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1884. Thompson, David J., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Endaly, Elisha, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Johnstone, James A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran. Beymer, John G., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran. Goodwin, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; app. sergt.-maj.; pro. 1st lieut. Mollvain, Moses E., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Musicians. Shawver, Amos, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Privates. Epler, Jacob, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran : disch. May 15, 1865, for blindness. Fellinger, John N., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out July 26, 1865. Fitzgerald, Isaac, must. Aug. 31, 1861; diseh. for wounds at Champion Hills. Faucet, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; app. Corp. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Fergason, Samuel B., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Qogen, Richard, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; trans, to Co. A. Gardner, Hiram, must. Aug, 31, 1861. Kinsley, Benjamin, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Hidey, Archibald C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Hunter, Washington, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Howard, John F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at New Orleans, Oct. 10, 1863. Irick, Adam W., must. Aug. 31,1861; veteran; app. Istsergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Ingling, Apollo, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Kempton, Almon B,, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Krause, Albert, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Larimer, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; must, out July 26, 1865. Loy, Tobias, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Lowlyes, Hiram T. E., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Moran, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Mangley, Joseph E., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. McKnight, Thomas A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. McKinney, Solomon E., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. May 31, 1863, for wounds at Champion Hills. McLean, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861. McNuleff, Daniel, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Helena, Ark., Nov. 27, 1862. Overman, Joseph R., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Owen, Elijah G., must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Petty, James E., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Pratt, Moses, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out June 24, 1865. Pile, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Purdy, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Perrin, Pulaski, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Patrick, Rogers, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Dec. 22, 1861, disability, Rosemier, Andrew, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Rhoades, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Richardson, David R., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Deo. 22, 1861, disability. Reaves, King H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Shipley, Delancy R., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. October, 1862, disability. Shafer, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; app. corp. ; sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Sanders, Jacob, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out July 26, 1865. Smith, Henry C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Simpson, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Shuster, Theodore, must. Aug." 31, 1861; veteran; must, out April 26, 1865. Snapp, Anamus, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 22, 1862, disability. Springer, Ira W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Stockwell, Alfred, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, ■ 1864. Spotswood, Richard E., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Smith, J. Mortimer, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Thorp, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. corp.; sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Tarrance, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Tarrance, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Thornbrough, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. May 9, 1863, for wounds at Port Gibson. Viets, Jesse L., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Williams, Albert, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Weaver, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Enlisted Men, Company E. First Sergeant. Rupley, Michael H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. June 28, 1862, disability. Sergeants. Leighty, Jacob D., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Carnes, John C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Nov. 28, 1861, for accidental wounds. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 329 Vanblarioune, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. Deo. 13, 1861, disability. . Carter, William E., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; pro. 2d lieut. Corporals. Smith, William H. H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Cosper, James S., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. Wentz, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Wallace, William B., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Hollopeter, Abel L., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Bodey, Martin F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Feb. 5, 1863, disability. Strong, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt. ; pro. 2d lieut. Yeadley, Andrew J., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. Sept. 5, 1862. Musicians, Stout, David E., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Watson, Elmer, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. May 1, 1862, dis- ability. Waffoner, Robinson, Matthew B., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. June 6, 1862, disability. Privates, Ball, Harrison, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. April 11, 1864, dis- ability. Barney, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Barr, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. May 4, 1863, dis- ability. Bartlett, Peter E., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. March 20, 1863, disability. Bauseman, Amos, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Beam, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Boots, James M., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. March 12, 1863, disability. Bralten, Jesse W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. April 16, 1862, disability. Brown, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Memphis July 2, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Brown, Charles W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; sentenced by G.C.M. to servo one year over term. Camp, Joseph M., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; died Oct. 20, 1864, of wounds, Winchester. Campbell, Charles W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Cloud, Anthony P., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Coppock, Jehu L., must. Aug. 31, 1861. De Long, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at New Albany, Ind., April 1, 1862. Depew, James W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Helena, Ark., Sept. 20, 1862. Depew, Elijah J., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Paduoah, Ky., May 6, 1862. Doherty, Oliver S , must. Aug. 31, 1861. Eller, AVilliam, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Emery, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died June 10, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Eyestone, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861.,- Furnish, John L., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Feb. 24, 1862, disability. Hall, William H. H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Helena, Ark., Nov. 6, 1862. Haynes, Seymore P., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at St. Louis June 22, 1863. Headley, Cornelius, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died May 10, 1862, of wounds.at Shiloh. Hill, Lewis S., must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Memphis July 3, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Horn, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Jackson, Edwin C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. April 30, 1862. Litzell, Peter, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Long, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Maurde, Lewis C, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Matthews, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; app. Corp.; killed at Champion Hills. Maxwell, Hugh, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Meitz, August, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Merryman, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. July 11, 1862, disability. Morris, Garland H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Myers, Jerome, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Paducah April 16, 1862, of wounds at Shiloh. McDougall, George P., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. MoNabb, John 0., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. June 28, 1862, disability. McNabb, William C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Sept. 10, 1SG2, disability. Rinhart, John H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at St. Louis July 2, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Rockwell, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Shafer, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Shull, Freeman F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Paducah, Ky., Nov. 16, 1861. Shell, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; app. oorp. ; killed at Cham- pion Hills May 16, 1863. Smith, Samuel, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died May 16, 1862. Smith, Philander, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. June 30, 1862. Spetler, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Stewart, Jacob, must. Aug. 31, 1861. 330 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. steward, David Vf., must. Aug. SI, 1861. Turner, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Paducah, Ky., Oct. 7, 1861. Vanoe, Van Buren, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. July 8, 1862, disability. Whitoomb, William B., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Woodoox, Nelson C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. Deo. 13, 1861, disability. Enlisted Men, CoMPANr H. First Sergeant. Hacker, James V., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Sergeants, Boatright, S. A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; trans, to Co. C; pro. 2d lieut. Griffin, Frank F., must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Paducah, Ky., Oct. 24, 1861. Ehoads, William F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Bingham, William B., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. June 18, 1863, for pro. in U. S. colored troops. Corporals. CaTrell, William M., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Skinner, William B., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. Bodkin, Henry C, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Wilson, David, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Welsh, Michael, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; lost in disaster of steamer "Sultana" April 27, 1865. Musictana. Ewing, William B., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Helena, Ark., Sept. 29, 1862. Robinson, John R., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. July, 1862. Wagoner. Hoskins, Robert, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Privates, Attland, Hiram, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. July 14, 1862, disability. Bard, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Bentley, Edwin F., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1862. Branam, Landus, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1862. Brooks, Charles A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Indianapolis Aug. 31, 1862. Coats, Joseph G., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Coleman, Henry C, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Crawford, John T., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Devan, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. France, Cyrus H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Friend, Peter, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Jackson, Miss., July 17, 1863. Qlidewell, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. Goddard, Samuel, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Graver, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at St. Louis July 19, 1863, of wounds at Champion Hills. Hadden, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Heath, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Hill, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Huddleson, Irvin, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Jenkins, Andrew T., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Jerls, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Johnson, Barclay E., must. Aug. 31, 1861. King, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Larimore, Washington M., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Maher, Patrick, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. April 9, 1863, disability. Mathena, Thomas J., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Meltzer, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Miller, Edward, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Mills, Edwin H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Moore, William R., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Moore, Thomas C, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Morris, William P., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. MoAlister, John A., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disoh. June 10, 1864, disability. Mcintosh, William H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Negley, David D., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. Aug. 4, 1864, for pro. to 124th Regt. Neiman, Jacob F., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; must, out July 26, 1865. Newberry, Jefferson, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Norton, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; must, out July 26, 1865. Odell, Sanford T., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Osborn, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861; died at Memphis July 20, 1862. Parks, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; killed at Fort Donelson Feb. 15, 1862. Parr, William M., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Pollam, Martin L., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. Pollam, Samuel, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Robinson, John R , must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; app. sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Rhom, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 331 Ruckle, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Shultz, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1364. Stapp, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Stephenson, William L., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Tifiy, Isaac, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Wells, James D., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 30, 1864. West, Andrew J., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at Warrenton, Miss., June 28, 1863. Williams, Henry F., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Bnlistkd Mes, CoMPANr K. First Sergeant. Franklin, Charles W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Sergeants. Frick, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. MoGinley, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Bemer, Oscar F., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Frank, Frederick, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Corporals. Dixon, Wiley H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Seifritz, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Feb. 21, 1865. Childs, George D., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Sept. 17, 1862, disability. Dodd, William H. H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Vandegrift, Millard, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Musifinna, Darnall, Lewis L., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disoh. Oct. 6, 1862, disability. Lendormi, Ernest, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Wagoner. Green, James, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Privates. Aokerman, Sebastian, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Apple, Andrew J., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Apple, Henry F., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Apple, John V., must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Grand Gulf May 19, 1863. Apple, William M., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; pro. 1st lieut. Bastian, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Barrenfinger, Christian, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Feb. 12, 1865. Brown, Charles H., must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. Brown, Cyrus W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran, Belsor, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Bierbower, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. q.m.- sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Braokel, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; rateran ; must, out July 26, 1865. Blake, John C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps. Burris, Miles, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; died at New Orleans June 20, 1864. Buesing, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; died Oct. 8, 1864, of wounds at Winchester. Brown, William T., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Cooke, James M., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Corrigan, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; must, out July 26, 1865. Crutohfield, James N., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Crosley, Joseph Ij., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; died at New Orleans May 16, 1864, of accidental wounds. Deitz, Anton, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Ege, William W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. April 17, 1863, disability. Elbrict, Henry, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Feb. 21, 1865. Ernst, Lewis, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Feb. 21, 1865. Faas, Christian, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; trans, to Co. A ; must. out Aug. 30, 1864. Fleming, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; app. sergt. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Gassey, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Giles, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Griffin, John W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Hale, Andrew M., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Hinds, James H., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran; app. corp.; must, out July 26, 1865. Haffy, Joseph, must. Aug. 31,1861. Huber, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Jenkins, John C, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out June 24, 1865. Jourigan, Eli, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; veteran ; app. corp. ; must. out July 26, 1865. Junker, Herman, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Kesler, William, must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Sept. 13, 1862, disability. Knodel, Ernst, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Kraipke, Charles, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt. disch. April 12, 1864, for wounds. Law, Warner, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Linderman, John, must. Aug, 31, 1861. 332 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MAftlON COUNTY. MoCue, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; disch. Deo. 24, 1861, disa- bility. Miller, Julius, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. corp. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Miller, Lewis„tau8t. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; must, out July 26, 1865. Moran, John, must. Aug. 31, 1861; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps. Newman, George, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Pickel, Daniel, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Perry, James W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. corp. ; must, out July 26, 1865. Perry, Lycurgus, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; died at Fred- erick Sept. 13, 1864, of wounds received at Halltown. Rufert, Herman, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Boarerty, Joseph, must. Aug. 31, 1861. Sbultz, Frederick, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Sykes, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Strauser, Herman, must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Thurber, Edward E., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Tedrow, George W., must. Aug. 31, 1861. Townsend, Thomas, must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Whaley, Elias, must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; app. sergt.; must, out July 26, 1865. Walker, George G., must. Aug. 31, 1861; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Wilson, James P., must. Aug. 31, 1861; disch. Sept. 17, 1862, disability. Wite, John L., must. Aug. 31, 1861; veteran; disch. May 24, 1865, for wounds. White, John S., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Warfleld, William W., must. Aug. 31, 1861; killed at Shiloh April 7, 1862. Weigart, William L., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Young, John B., must. Aug. 31, 1861 ; must, out Aug. 31, 1864. Thirteenth Regiment. — This regiment first en- listed in the State service for a year, but was changed to a three years' national regiment in camp in this city. It left here July 4, 1861, and joined Gen. McClellan's forces at Rich Mountain on the 10th; fought next day, losing eight killed and nine wounded. After this for several months it was engaged on the Cheat River Mountains in all kinds of service, help- ing to defeat Gen. Lee at Cheat Mountain, 12th and 13th of September. It was then scouting through the Kanawha and Holly River region, went to Bev- erly, Va., and thence went to join Gen. Lander. In March, 1862, it was put in Gen. Shields' division, went to Winchester, and after a short excursion to Strasburg engaged in the battle of Winchester, losing sii killed and thirty-three wounded. It thence joined the pursuit of Stonewall Jackson as far as Columbia Bridge. In a reconnoissance at Summerville it lost four wounded and twenty-four prisoners. It then went to Harrison's Landing, on James River, and remained till the evacuation on 15th of August, and went to Fortress Monroe. For nine months it was on the Nansemond River; en- gaged in the battle of Deserted Farm, Jan. 30, 1863, the defeat of Gen. Longstreet, April 10th to May 3d, and tore up forty miles of railway track from two railroads in six days in May. In these operations it marched four hundred miles, lost two killed, nine- teen wounded, and seven prisoners. On August 3d it reached Charleston Harbor, and remained till Feb- ruary 23d, engaging in all the fighting on Morris Island and at Forts Wagner and Gregg. From Feb. 23 to April 17, 1864, it was at Jacksonville, Fla. It was then in all Gen. Butler's operations south of Richmond and was conspicuous at Wathal Junction, losing in all its engagements two hundred men. On June 1st it joined the Army of the Potomac. It was engaged at Cold Harbor and about there till the 12th of June. On the 15th it joined the assault on the rebel works at Petersburg. The non-veterans left on the 19th and came to this city, where they were mus- tered out June 24th. The others were engaged at Petersburg, and after the explosion remained in the trenches till September. It was in the battle of Strawberry Plains on the 15th of September, and in the operations against Richmond on the north side of the James River, at Chapin's Bins' and Fort Gil- more, and the attack on the rebel works in front of Richmond, Oct. 10, 1864. In November it was sent to New York to keep the peace at the election ; then joined the expedition to Fort Fisher, and returned to Chapin's Blufi" on the 31st of December. When the non-veterans left Gen. Butler consolidated the vet- erans and recruits and made five companies, in- creased to a full regiment by five companies of MARIOX COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 333 drafted men. On the 3d of January, 1865, it sailed for Fort Fisher, joined in the attack on the 15th, in the capture of Fort Anderson on the 19th, and the occupation of Wilmington, N. C, on the 22d. After some weeks it went to Raleigh, thence to Goldsborough. On the 5th of September it was mustered out, and reached Indianapolis on the 15th, with twenty-nine officers and five hundred and fifty enlisted men. Colonels^ Robert S. Foster,' com. April 30, 1862 ; pro. brig.-gen. June 12, 1863. Cyme J. Dobbs,' com. June 13, 1863; must, out Aug. 5, 1864; re-entered as lieut.-col. in Hancock's corps. Siirgeon, Alois D. Gall, com. Jan. 25, 1862; res. July 15, 1863 ; was asst. surgeon June 19, 1861. Company A. Captains, Cyrus J. Dobbs, com. April 23, 1861; pro. major. Abner L. Newland, oom. Dec. 7, 1861; res. July 7, 1863. Lewis H. Daniels, com. July 8, 1863; must, out July 1, 1864, time out. First Lieutenaiite. George E. Wallace, com. April 23, 1861; res. Deo. 9, 1861. Frank Ingersoll, com. April 20, 1862; res. June 24, 1862. Martin Hall, com. June 25, 1862; resigned. Second Lieutenants. George H. Kapp, com. April 2.3, 1861; res. Oct. 15, 1861. Frank Ingersoll, com. April 1, 1862 ; pro. 1st lieut. Lewis H. Daniels, com. Oct. 17, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. George M. Bishop, com. April 1, 1864; must, out as sergt., time out. Company H. Captains, Wharton R. Clinton, com. April 23, 1861; res. March 6, 1863. Wallace S. Foster, com. April 1, 1863 ; res. July 29, 1863. William S. O'Neal, com. July 30, 1863; must, out July 8, 1864, time expired. First Lieutenants. D. P. Price, com. April 2.3, 1861; res. Dec. 24, 1861. Wallace S. Foster, com. Jan. 15, 1862; pro. capti William S. O'Neal, com. April 1, 1863; pro. capt. Second Lieutenants. George Seese, com. April 23, 1861 ; died August, 1861. William S. O'Neal, com. Dec. 7, 1861; pro. 1st lieut. ' Both were lieutenant-colonels and majors, and Dobbs was captain of Co. A. Enlisted Men, Compant A. First Sergeant. Ingersoll, Frank, must. June 19, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Sergeants. Sneeman, Edward, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Oct. 16, 1862, for wounds. Bishop, George M., must. June 19, 1861; app. Ist sergt; must. out July 1, 1864. Owings, Nathaniel J., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. capt. 57th Regt. Walters, James C, must. June 19, 1861 ; diach. Sept. 18, 1862, disability. Corporals. Bankhart, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Claridge, Daniel, must. June 19, 1861; reduced; must, out July 1, 1864. Newhall, Charles E., must. June 19, 1861; reduced; must, out July 1, 1864. Renno, John, must. Juno 19, 1861. Snyder, Charles, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Sept. 18, 1862, disability. Ackerly, George H., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Hastier, Frank, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to 20th Regt. Engeln, William, must. June 19, 1861. Musicians. Watson, Morris, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Oct. 16, 1862, dis- ability. Newland, Harrod, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Wagoner. Hall, Martin, must. June 19, 1861. Privates. Anderson, John, must. June 19, 1861; app. wagoner; must, out July 1, 1864. Bachman, Benjamin, must. June 19, 1861 ; app. corp. ; must, out July 1, 1864. Bailey, Alpheus, must. June 19, 1861; app. sergt.; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Barrett, Green, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt., reorganized. Benkley, John, must. June 19, 1861. Blesser, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861 ; killed at Rich Mountain. Boots, George, must. June 19, 1861. Brice, James G., must. June 19, 1861 ; app. sergt.; must, out July 1, 1864. Brown, William D., must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Clark, Enos, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Sept. 7; 1862, dis- ability. Clark, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Oct. 7, 1862, dis- ability. Clarkson, Josiab, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864, 334 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Clifton, Benjamin, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13tli Regt. Crumbo, Charles, must. .Tune 19, 1861; disoh. Nov. 23, 1861, for wounds. Cullen, Garrett, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Curl, Matthew, must. June 19, 1861; killed at Foster's Farm May 20, 1864. Daniels, Lewis H., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Diokett, John G., must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Aug. 3, 1861, disability. Dillon. Alexander, must. June 19, 1861. Douivan, Timothy, must. June 19, 1861 ; died from sunstroke July 7, 1861. Duncan, James, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 3, 1862, dis- ability. Eiver, Gottlieb, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Ettinger, Gustavus, must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Jan. 16, 1862, for wounds received. Foreacre, Virgil, must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Jan. 28, 1862, disjibility. Forney, Adam, must. Juno 19, 1861; trans, to 5th U. S. Cav. Forrest, James A. must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 13th Regt. Free, George, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Fullman, Christian, must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Oct. 16, 1862, disability. FuUghern, Charles, must. June 19, 1861. Gappan, Samuel, must. June 19, 1861. Gillmore, AVilHani S., must. June 19, 1861 ; captured May 10, 1864, at Chester station. Gillmore, Henry S., must. June 19, 1861 ; captured; disch. May 24, 1862. Graham, George, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Grave, Clark, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Oct. 16, 1862, dis- ability. Hagerty, Jai^^es, must. .Tune 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Hammond, Rezin, must. June 19, 1861. Hesse, George IL, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Hilton, Andrew, must. June 19, 1861; captured; disoh. May 24, 1864. Trick, Samuel, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Aug. 11, 1862, dis- ability. Irick, George W., must. June 19, 1861. Kief, David Ij., must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Kimball, George H., must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Landskron, Robert, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Sept. 7, 1861, disability. Larkin, James, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Latterman, Adam, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 1.3th Regt. Langsdorff, Theodore, must. June 19, 1861 ; sergt. ; veteran ; trans, to I3th Regt. Lower, Solomon, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Ludgatc, Edwin, must. June 19, 1861 ; died Dec. 23, 1861, from railroad accident. Lynch, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Oct. 29, 1862, dis- ability. Madden, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Madden, John W., must. June 19, 1861 ; app. sergt. ; must. out July I, 1864. Mackey, Robert, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Malone, David II., must. June 19, 1861; veteran: trans, to 13th Regt. Martin, John R., must. June 19, 1861; died of wounds at Ber- muda Hundred May 21, 1864. Meyer, Henry, must. June 19, 1861; captured ; disch. May 24, 1862. Michael, Philip, must. June 19, 1861; app. Corp.; must, out July 1, 1864. Miller, James K., must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Mitchell, Charles, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Mitchell, Origen, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Morgan, Daniel W., must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Morris, Henry, must. June 19, 1861; died Sept. 24, 1861. Murphy, Jonathan, must. June 19, 1861 ; died Aug. 7, 1861. McKinley, Alexander, must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Dec. 26, 1802, disability. Perkins, Benjamin, must. June 19, 1861; disch. .\ug. 3, 1861, disability. Quillard, Victor D., must. June 19, 1861 ; app. sergt. ; killed at Cold Harbor. Quigley, William, must. June 19, 1801; captured; disch. May 24, 1862. Quigley, Matthew, must. June 19, 1861; captured; disch. May 24, 1862. Raimer, William G., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Reynolds, William H., must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran; trans, to 13 th Regt. Rogers, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861. Savage, WilliSm E., must. June 19, 1861; app. corp. ; must. out July 1, 1864. Sloan, John W., must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Smith, Nelson W., must. June 19, 1861; killed at Winchester March 23, 1862. Smith, Thomas, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Sohn, Charles, must. June 19, 1861; discharged. Stodard, Frank, must. June 19, 1801 ; must, out July 1, 1864 MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 335 Thomburg, John, must. Jane 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Vogan, John, must. June 19, 1861 ; killed at Foster's Farm May 19, 1864. Wallace, Jeremiah, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Weaver, George, must. June 19, 1861 ; died Sept. 22, 1861. Worrall, James R., must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Zimmerman, Gottlieb, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran j trans, to 13th Regt. lieeruits. Cook, James, must. June 19, 1861 ; captured at Cold Harbor June 1, 1864. Conway, Martin, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to 13th Regt. Dohcrty, James, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Ketchum, William, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Lander, Edward, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Moriarty, Patrick, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Enlisted Mes, Company H. First Sergeants Clinton, John R., must. June 19, 1861; disch. Sept. 9, 1861, disability. SergeautB. Clark, Augustus M., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. O'Neal, William S., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Fox, Joseph W., must. June 19, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Hymer, Stewart B., must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Corporals, Durst, AViliiam A., must. June 19, 1861; reduced; must, out July 1, 1864. Woods, Jolin W., must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Aug. 3, 1861, for wounds at Rich Mountain. Cary, Carr, must. June 19, 1861; app. sergt. ; trans, to 13th Regt. Yewell, Solomon, must. June 19,1861; disch. July 11,1862, disability. Noakes, David, must. June 19,1861; died June 4, 1864, of wounds at Chester Station. Trautvelt, Richard, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. McConnell, Martin V., must. June 19, 1861 ; app. sergt.; must. out July 1, 1864. Morrison, Samuel, must. June 19, 1861; app. sergt.; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Musicians. Vaudy, Walter, must. June 19,1861; veteran; trans, to. 13th Regt. Jones, Richard, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Wagoner. Mitchell, Robert S., must. June 19, t881 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Privates. Barriklaw, Perry, must. June 19, 1861 ; app. Corp.; must, out July 1, 1864. Bear, Peter A., must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Berth, William H., must. June 19, 1861. Bell, Benjamin, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Dec. 17, 1861, dis- ability. Blatter, Frank, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Brannon, Scranton, mu.«t, June 19, 1861; trans, to U. S. Cav. Brown, Jackson, must. June 19, 1861 ; died at Beaufort, S. C, Oct. 23, 1862. Burrows, John, must. June 19, 1861; di^ch. Oct. 15, 1862, dis- ability. Burnett, George T., must. June 19, 1861; app. corp.; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Carr, Henry, must. June 1 9, 1 861 ; disch. Get. 9, 1 86 1 , disability. Carroll, Charles, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Carnagua, James W., must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. September, 1861, for wounds at Rich Mountain. Chesel, Frank, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Cook, Nerval L., must. June 19,1861; disch. Nov. 20, 1862, disability. Custer, Thomas, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 13th Regt. Culbertson, Hugh, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Oct. 9, 1861, disability. Depuy, Franklin, must. June 19, 1861. Donovan, Obadiah, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Oct. 15, 1863, disability. Drum, James A., must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Ellison, James R., must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Erwin, Robert, must. June 19, 1861. Fletcher, Samuel, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Gallagher, Oscar, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Gardner, Samuel, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Nov. 15, 1862, disability. Gass, Lewis, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Greenwood, Thomas J., must. June 19, 1861. Heath, George H., must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Feb. 15, 1863, disability. Hemphill, Thomas J., must. June 19, 1861. Haines, William, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Dec. 17, 1861, disability. Hoffman, Hiram P., must. June 19, 1861; disch. August, 1863, disability. Jennings, Clark, must. June 19, 1861; wounded at Deserted House; app. Corp.; must, out July 1, 1864. Johnston, Thomas, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Jndd, Phineas, must. June 19, 1861. Kelley, John, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. June 30, 1862, disa- bility. Kirk, John, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. September, 186.3, dis- ability. Kochler, Christian, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Nov. 15, 1862, disability. 336 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Lewis, William, must. June 19, 1861; app. Corp.; veteran; trans, to 1.3th Regt. Love, James, must. June 19, 1861 ; died at Folly Island, S. C, Deo. 10, 1863. Lucas, David, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Lynch, Edward, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; killed near Petersburg September, 1864. Lynch, James, must. June 19, 1861. Lyons, Martin, must. June 19, 1861; must out July 1, 1864. Maloney, "William, must. June 19, 1861; app. Corp.; trans, to 13th Regt. Mullen, Harrison, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Mullen, Lemuel, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Mulcahey, John, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Murrell, Henry, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Morris, Morton, must. June 19, 1861 ; diseh. Oct. 9, 1861, disa- bility. Moore, Thomas II., must. June 19, 1861;. dishon. disoh. by G.C.M. Dec. 14, 1861. Morrison, John, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Aug. 15, 1863. Morrison, Squier, must. June 19, 1861; disch. June 17, 1862, disability. McFarren, George, must. June 19, 1861 ; died at Hilton Head Jan. 2, 1864. McNelius, James, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 13th Regt. Nieglc, Karl, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Pemberton, John, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Reese, Norman, must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Oct. 9, 1861, dis- ability. Redmond, John F., must. June 19, 1861; app. Corp., veteran ; trans, to 13th Regt. Ritter, Henry, must. June 19, 1861; disch. June 17, 1862, dis- ability. Robinson, Dixon, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Sanders, Addison, must. June 19, 1861. Seely, Hiram, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Seely, Charles, must. June 19, 1861; disch. May 25, 1863, for wounds at Winchester. Sievers, Fritz H. L., must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Nov. 26, 1863, disability. Shaw, Thomas, must. June 19, 1861 ; died Dec. 10, 1863. Smith, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 13th Regt. Smith, Benjamin, must. June 19, 1861 ; died April 29, 1862. Smith, Oliver, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Nov. 15, 1862, dis- ability. Serge, John S., must. June 19, 1861; disch. March 14, 1863, disability. Sorter, William, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Jan. 1, 1863, dis- ability. Steiger, Henry, must. June 19, 1861; disoh. Oct. 9, 1861, disa- bility. Stepp, William T., must. June 19, 1861; app. sergt. ; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Stoots, Joseph, must. June 19, 1861. Sullivan, Timothy B., must. June 19, 1861 ; disch. Nov. 15, 1862, disability. Tawney, Lewis, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Thompson, Allen T., must. June 19, 1861 ; killed at Rich Mountain July 11, 1861. Thornburgh, Isaac, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Thornburgli, George, must. June 19, 1861; must, out July 1, 1864. Viclory, Peter, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Wilson, John, must. June 19, 1861; disch. Nov. 20, 1862, dis- ability. Wilson, George, must. June 19, 1861 ; must, out July 1, 1864. Williams, Lazarus, must. June 19, 1861; scout; captured and never heard from. Winters, William, must. June 19, 1861; veteran; trans, to 13th Regt. Jiecruits. Brown, James, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to 13th Regt. Bossee, Clemens, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Finke, William, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to 13th Regt. Gibbon, Conrad, must. June 19, 1861; trans, to 13th Regt. Huber, Jacob, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Hamler, August, must. June 19, 1861 ; trans, to 13th Regt. Lowery, George E., must. June 19, 1861 : trans, to 13th Regt. Sabatcke, William, must. June 19, 1861; killed at Chester Station May 10, 1864. Note. — The "transfer to the Thirteenth Regiment," which occurs so often, means to the regiment after its reorganization. Eighteenth Regiment. L-ietitenant-Coloyiel. James B. Black, com. Jan. 1, 1865; was maj., and pro. Ist lieut. and capt. Co. H; must. out. A djutant. George S. Marshall, com. Aug. 13, 1861 ; pro. capt. and A.A.G. Surgeon, S. Clay Brown, com. June 7, 1864; must, out with regt. Nineteenth Regiment. — Organized July 29, 1861, at Indianapolis, with Solomon Meredith as colonel, it went to the Army of the Potomac August 9th, and lost three killed and wounded and three prisoners at Lewinsville September 11th. It had not much to do then till the night of Aug. 28, 1862, MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 337 when a severe engagement with Ewell's command lost it one hundred and eighty-seven killed and wounded and thirty-three prisoners. At the battle of South Mountain, September 14th, it lost forty killed and wounded and seven missing. At Antie- tam it went into the battle with two hundred ofiScers and men, and came out with thirty of both. It was next engaged in Burnside's attack on the works in the rear of Fredericksburg. At Fitzhugh's Cross- ing, April 28, 1863, it lost four killed and wounded. It reached Gettysburg just as the battle opened on the 1st of July. It was the first infantry force to engage, and assisted in capturing Archer's rebel brigade. In the afternoon it resisted the charge made on the First and Eleventh Corps, losing in killed and wounded two hundred and ten men of two hundred and eighty-eight that went into the fight. It was not much engaged after this until it joined Grant's movement on Richmond. It was in the battles of the Wilderness, North Anna, Laurel Hill, and Cold Harbor. It was also engaged in the siege of Petersburg. It lost after crossing the Rapidan. with Grant, — May 4th to July 30th, — killed, thirty-six ; severely wounded, ninety-four ; slightly wounded, seventy-four ; missing, sixteen ; in all, two hundred and twenty. The non-veterans left in August, and were mustered out here. The remainder of the regiment, with the recruits, went South with the Iron Brigade, to cut the Weldon Railroad, in August. In September the remainder of the Seventh Regiment was consolidated with the Nineteenth, taking its name. It remained in the intrenchments at Petersburg till Oct. 18, 1864, when it was consolidated with the Twentieth Regi- ment. All served together till the muster-out at Louisville, Ky., July 12, 1865. Colonel. John M. Lindley, com. May 13, 1864 ; must, out as lieut.-col. Oct. 24, 1864, on consolidation with 20th Regt.; had been lieut.-col. and maj., and capt. Co. F. Adjutant. John P. Wood, com. July 29, 1 861 ; res. May 30, 1862. Quartermasters. James S. Drum, com. July'29, 1861; res. July 31, 1862; pro. A.C.S. 22 John A. Cottman, com. Oct. 1, 1862; hon. disoh. May 2, 1864; pro. A.C.S. AsBietant Snrgeons, William H. Kendricls, com. July 29, 1861 ; resigned. J. N. Green, com. Sept. 14, 1861; res. Deo. 28, 1862. Company D. First Lieutenants. Henry Vandegrift, com. July 29, 186 1,;, resigned. Lewis M. Yeatman, com. Feb. 12, 1863 ; must, out, time ex- pired. Second Lieutenants. Frederick R. Hale, com. July 29, 1861; res. Not. 28, 1861. Lewis M. Yeatman, com. Oct. 14, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. George W. Huntsman, com. Feb. 12, 1863 ; dismissed by G.C.M. Dec. 5, 1863. Company F. Captains, John M. Lindley, com. July 29, 1861; promoted. James R. Nash, com. April 1, 1864 ; must, out Oct. 22, 1864, time expired. First Lieutenants. Benjamin F. Reed, com. July 29, 1861; res. Sept. 21, 1861. John A. Cottman,' com. Oct. 15, 1861; assigned to q.m. James R. Nash,' com. May 21, 1863 ; pro. capt. Company H. First Lieutenant. Theodore Hudnot, com. July 29, 1861 ; resigned. Enlisted Men, Company D. First' Sergeant. Tousey, Omer, must. July 29, 1861; discharged. Serijeanis. Huntsman, George W., must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Craft, Richard P., must. July 29, 1861; wounded. Lawrence, Thomas R., must. July 29, 1861. Kanselmeir, William, must. July 29, 1861; died July 19, 1862. Corporals, Shipley, James A., must. July 29, 1861 ; died at Washington Sept. 8, 1861. Whitney, Edward B., must. July 29, 1861; app. sergt. ; wounded. Bare, James 0., must. July 29, 1861; veteran; killed in the Wilderness May 6, 1864. Johnson, Hutchinson, must. July 29, 1861; killed at Gaines- ville Aug. 28, 1862. MoRoberts, Charles L., must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Bare, De Witt, must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Phelps, Henry, must. July 29, 1861; must, out July 28, 1864. ' Last two also second lieutenants. 338 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Jack, Walter P., must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Musicians. Rice, George, must, July 29, 1861. Davis, James W., must. July 29, 1861; diseh. Deo. 2, 1861. Wagoner, McCoy, Benjamin F., must. July 29, 1861. Privates, Aiken, Daniel, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded; trans, to 20th Regt. Alley, Oliver, must. July 29, 1861. Amiok, Washington, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gaines- ville Aug. 28, 1862. Andrick, Jacob, must. July 29, 1861. Arnold, William, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded; trans, to 20th Regt. Baker, James, must. July 29, 1861. Baker, Isaac, must. July 29, 1861. Ball, Ahab K., must. July 29, 1861. Bachus, Matthias, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Bell, Henry, must. July 29, 1861. Blair, Milton, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded at Pe- tersburg ; trans, to 20tb Regt. Boyd, John T., must. July 29, 1861; died Sept. 23, 1861, at Washington. Burroughs, John, must. July 29, 1861. Cooper, James M., must. July 29, 1861; died Deo. 17, 1862. Curson, Edward, must. July 29, 1861; wounded; must, out July 28, 1864, as sergt. Corragan, James, must. July 29, 1861. Cowgill, Isaac, must. July 29, 1861. Cutshaw, Harvey N., must. July 29, 1861. Colloway, Thomas, must. July 29, 1861. Darragh, Gillett, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; captured at Cold Harbor; trans, to 20th Regt. Dimmick, William H., must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Dolph, Joseph, must. July 29, 1861; died July 7, 1862. Dornaw, William, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Drysdale, Henry F., must. July 29, 1861. Dunn, John C, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Eddy, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Everts, William, must. July 29, 1861; wounded; must, out July 28, 1864. Fidler, Nelson, must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Flagg, William, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Fletcher, William, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; app. Corp.; wounded; trans, to 20th Regt. Fletcher, John M., must. July 29, 1861; wounded at Wilder- ness. Gattenby, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; wounded ; trans. to 20th Regt. Galloway, Harvey, must. July 29, 1861. C :3n, William H., must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Hamilton, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Henderson, John, must. July 29, 1861. Henderson, Richard T., must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans. to 20th Regt. Henby, William B., must. July 29, 1861; must, out July 28, 1864. Horney, William A., must. July 29, 1861 ; died at Washington March 31, 1862. HoUoway, David S., must. July 29, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Homiday, Clark, must. July 29, 1861; died July 24, 1863. Hobbs, Harvey, must. July 29, 1861. Hughes, James L., must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Haut, William H., must. July 29, 1861. Inlow, Asbury, must. July 29, 1861. Jacobs, Milton, must. July 29, 1861; wounded at Antietam. Jacks, John W., must. July 29, 1861; pro. 2d Heat. Jones, Henry, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Kiser, Henry, must. July 29, 1862 ; veteran; app. sergt.; killed in the Wilderness May 8, 1864. Lacey, Louis, must. July 29, 1862; died Sept. 14, 1862, of wounds received at South Mountain. May, Richard, must. July 29, 1861; died Nov. 22, 1862, of wounds received at Gainesville. Mann, Thomas, must. July 29, 1861. Mendenhall, Benjamin, must. July 29, 1861. McDaniel, Reason, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. McDonald, Daniel B., must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. McDonald, William C, must. July 29, 1861; killed at Gaines- ville Aug. 28, 1862. Moore, John W., must. July 29, 1861. Munroe, Herman, must. July 29, 1861. Ninabee, Herman, must. July 29, 1861. Oliver, Abram J., must. July 29, 1861 ; captured at Gettysburg; died at Andersonville Sept. 5, 1864. Padgett, Richard, must. July 29, 1861; wounded. Pearsoll, Samuel, must. July 29, 1861 ; captured at Cold Harbor. Phelps, Henry, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Redout, Isaac, must. July 29, 1861. Rice, Oliver, must. July 29, 1861. Sargent, James, must. July 29, 1861. Sargent, John, must. July 29, 1861; died at Washington Nov. 22, 1861. Sherrod, Samuel S., must. July 29, 1861. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 339 Shipley, Talbert B., must. July 29, 1861 ; Teteran ; wounded in the Wilderness j trans, to 29th Regt. Small, William P., must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded at North Anna; trans, to 20th Regt. Smith, Joseph D., must. July 29, 1861. Stedman, Arthur, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Stewart, William, must. July 29, 1861. Sulgrove, Eli, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Shaw, Augustus D., must. July 29, 1861. Tevis, Lloyd, must. July 29, 1861. Tullis, Henry B., must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Vanbooth, James, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; app. sergt. ; killed at Cold Harbor June 1, 1864. Williams, Stephen, must. July 29, 1S61. Wood, William H. H., must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Lewins- ville Sept. 11, 1861. Woods, Squire, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded; cap- tured in the Wilderness ; trans, to 20th Regt. Yeatman, Lewis M., must. July 29, 1861; wounded; pro. 2d lieut. Enlisted Men, Company F. First Sergeant, Wheat, Benjamin D., must. July 29, 1861. Sergeants, Forbes, William, must. July 29, 1861. Rardeu, John C, must. July 29, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Richardson, Harland, must. July 29, 1861; captured at Get- tysburg; pro. 2d lieut. Dover, James, must. July 29, 1861; captured at Gettysburg; died at Andersonville Sept. 19, 1864. Corporals. Russell, Samuel N., must. July 29, 1861. Nash, James R., must. July 29, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Foulk, Austin M., must. July 29, 1861 ; reduced; captured at Gettysburg; must, out July 28, 1864. Hartley, Joseph L., must. July 29, 1861; pro. 2d lieut. Wilson, William P., must. July 29, 1861 ; disoh. on account of wounds received at Gettysburg. Agan, James, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Echenbreioher, Christian, must. July 29, 1861; reduced; wounded. Collins, Cornelius, must. July 29, 1861. MuBicianfi. Stuart, Andrew T., must. July 29, 1861. Martindale, Henry S., must. July 29, 1861; died Sept. 28, 1861. Wagoner. Foley, Daniel, must. July 29, 1861. Privates. Bolton, Robert, must. July 29, 1861. Brennan, Thomas, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded at Gainesville : disch. ; re-enl. in Hancock's corps. Bryan, James H., must. July 29, 1861. Bannan, Michael, must. July 29, 1861; wounded. Caffrey, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Campbell, Michael, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Cassiday, James, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Clifford, Burr N., must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Cly, Abram N., must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Cly, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; died Dec. 9, 1862, of wounds at Manassas. Canine, James, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Collins, James, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. CoflSn, Zachariah, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded at Cold Har- bor; must, out as sergt. July 28, 1864. Collins, Nathaniel, must. July 29, 1861. Coyle, Patrick, must. July 29, 1861 ; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Debay, John, must. July 29, 1861; must, out July 28, 1864. Davenport, John, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Dever, Patrick, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to 20th Regt. Doud, John, must. July 29, 1861. Dunlap, David R., must. July 29, 1861; died Sept. 26, 1862, of wounds at Antietam. Duley, George W., must. July 29, 1861. Ellison, James, must. July 29, 1861. Evans, Asbury C, must. July 29, 1861. Fisher, David M., must. July 29, 1861; wounded; must, out July 28, 1864, as sergt. Ford, Francis M., must. July 29, 1861; wounded; captured; must, out July 28, 1864, as sergt. Goggin, John, must. July 29, 1861; killed at Gainesville Aug, 28, 1862. Griffin, Nathaniel G., must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded at South Mountain. Hall, Henry C, must. July 29, 1861. Hanna, Josephus, must. July 29, 1861 ; disch. June, 1862, disability. Hamilton, Archibald E., must. July 29, 1861 ; must, out July 28, 1864. Hand, Levi S., must. July 29, 1861 ; mustered out July 28, 1864. Harman, Daniel, must. July 29, 1861; killed at Gainesville Aug. 28, 1862. Hardy, Dennis, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Harting, Michael, must. July 29, 1861 340 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Hartley, Josiah F., must. July 29, 1861; died Oct. 22, 1862, of wounds at Gainesville. Hartman, William, must. July 29, 1861. Harris, Thomas, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Hauk, Joseph, must. July 29, 1861, Hearst, Christian, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. Holden, John, must. July 29, 1861; veteran; trans, to 20th Regt. ; captured at Wilderness. Huff, August, must. July 29, 1861. Jenkins, Charles T., must. July 29, 1861. Lamb, John A., must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded; trans, to 20th Regt. Lamb, Isaac, must. July 29, 1861 ; wounded. Lovette, Gilbert M., must. July 29, 1861; must, out July 28, 1864. Long, Nelson, must. July 29, 1861. Maguire, James, must. July 29, 1861. Manning, John, must. July 29, 1861. Mankin, Andrew J., must. July 29, 1861; veteran; wounded; trans, to 20th Regt. Marsh, Christopher C, must. July 29, 1861 ; veteran ; cap- tured at Wilderness; trans, to 20th Regt. Miller, William, must. July 29, 1861. Miller, Fred., must. July 29, 1861. Moriarty, Matthew, must. July 29, 1861; killed tain8. Edward G. Breene, com. March, 1862; declined. Henry Prosser, com. May 22, 1862 ; killed at Stone River Jan. 2, 1863. Company F. • Captains. Patrick W. Kennedy,' com. March 10, 1865; hon. disch. July 8, 1865. Bernard McCabe,' com. Aug. 1, 1865; must, out with regt. as 1st lieut. First Lieutenant. Charles Bullock, com. Aug. I, 1865; must, out as sergt. with regt. Second Lieutenants. Thomas Mannix, com. May 1, 1863; res. Aug. 11, 1864. Timothy Somers, com. May 1, 1863 ; must, out as sergt. with regt. Company H. Captains. John Crowe, com. Sept. 23, 1861; hon. disoh. Feb. 27, 1864. First Lieutenants. Edward G. Breene, com. Oct. 1, 1861; pro. capt. Co. E. 1 Both these entered as second lieutenants. ' Both entered as first lieutenants. Levi Waltz, com. Nov. 25, 1862 ; res. June 9, 1863 ; entered as 2d lieut. John Cahill, com. Aug. 10, 1864; pro. capt. Josiah Crooks, com. May 1, 1865; must, out with regt. Company I. Captain. Thomas Pryce, com. Nov. 13, 1861; dismissed March 18, 1883. Second Lieutenant. Andrew J. Scully, com. May 21, 1863 ; res. Aug. 2, 1863. Company K. Captain. Edward G. Breene, com. Nov. 25, 1862; dishon. dismissed June 29, 1864. First Lieutenant. John Dugan, com. Feb. 17, 1863; hon. disch. May 11, 1865. Second Lieutenants. William H. O'Connell, com. Dec. 9, 1861; res. Dec. 30, 1861. Thomas Cahill, com. May 22, 1862 ; res. Feb. 16, 1863. Michael Hickey, com. Feb. 17, 1863; res. for incompetency March 28, 1864. Daniel MoGovern, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Enlisted Mkn, Co. A. Sergeants. Halvey, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861; must, out Oct. 7, 1864. Kirland, George A., must. Nov. 24, 1861. Cahill, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Co. H. Corporals. Carroll, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861. McHugh, James, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; pro. 2d lieut. Corbett, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; trans, to Art. No- vember, 1862. Musician. Dean, William, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran. Privates. Barnett, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; deserted Feb. 19, 18R4. Brady, William, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps. Bnguly, Daniel, must. Nov. 24, 1861. Boucher, Henry, must. Nov. 24, 1861. Backus, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861; must, out Oct. 17, 1864. Carey, Edward, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Coughlin, Martin, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Clifford, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Carey, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. 348 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Costello, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; disoh. March 29, 1865, for wounds. Crarey, Dennis, must. Nov. 24, 1861. Connor, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Connors, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861; must, out Oct. 17, 1864. Caylor, Jacob, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; disoh. Sept. 18, 1862, for disability. Biscan, Martin, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Foley, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865, as sergt. Pox, Thomas, must. Nov 24, 1861; disch. Oct. 16, 1862, for disability. Fox, Patriclj, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; must, out Oct. 17, 1864. Gay, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861; liilled at Stone River Jan. 2, 1863. Gillin, John C, must. Nov. 24, 1861. Kelly, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; trans, to Art. November, 1862. Kearns, James, must. Nov. 24, 1861; died at Nashville Dec. 16, 1863, of wounds at Lookout Mountain. Keating, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; trans, to Vpt. Res. Corps. Kelleher, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 20, 1865, as corp. Kane, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861; must, out March 28, 1865. Lyons, William, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; died in Andersonville prison Aug. 2, 1864. Murray, Charles, must. Nov. 24, 1861; disch. Jan. 2, 1863, for wounds at Stone River. McCrossan, Samuel, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; trans, to Signal Corps March 28, 1863. Murphy, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; disch. March 26, 1863, for wounds at Stone River. McKane, Charles, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865, as corp. MoEvoy, Arthur, must. Nov. 24, 1861; disch. April 10, 1862, disability. Morrissey, Patrick, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps May, 1864. Mulcahee, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; died in Anderson- ville prison July 24, 1864. Murphy, Timothy, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; died at Nashville Oct. 1, 1862. Moriarty, Michael, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out April 28, 1865. Matthews, James, must. Nov. 24, 1861. Mannix, Thomas, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; pro. 1st lieut. Milompy, James, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 20, 1865. Moran, Crohan, must. Nov. 24, 1861; killed at Chiokamauga Sept. 19, 1863. McCouliffe, Timothy, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Megin, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; died in Andersonville prison. McMahon, Edmund, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; disch. May 28, 1862. Ryan, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; died at Nashville Deo. 26, 1862. Raftery, Patrick, must. Nov. 24, 1861; disch. Deo. 27, 1864, disability. Shaler, Joseph, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; must, out Sept. 30, 1865, as 1st sergt. Stockdale, Robert, must. Nov. 24, 1861; pro. 1st lieut. Co. B. ' Secrist, John, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; must, out Sept. 30, 1865. Shearer, Jacob, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; veteran ; died at Cleve- land, Tenn., March 24, 1864. Springsteen, Abram, must. Nov. 24, 1861 ; disoh. as minor. Van Sickle, William, must. Nov. 24, 1861; died at Nashville February, 1862. Winkle, James, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; pro. 2d lieut. White, Patrick, must. Nov. 24, 1861; veteran; died July 12, 1864, of wounds at Kenesaw. Thirty-sixth Regiment. Aeaistant Surgeon. Charles H. Abbott, com. May 18, 1863 ; must, out with regt. Company B. First Lieutenant, James E. Baker, com. Sept. 14, 1861 ; res. May 1, 1862. Thirty-seventh Regiment. Colonel, George W. Hazard, com. Sept. 12, 1861; returned to regular army March 5, 1862. Adjutant, Livingston Howlaml, com. Oct. 2, 1861; disch. Aug. 1, 1864, for pro. to capt. and A.A.G. Chaplain. John Hogarth Lozier, com. Oct. 1, 1861 ; must out with regt. Thirty-ninth Regiment. Surgeon, Luther D. Waterman, com. Sept. 2, 1861 ; must, out Oct. 11, 1864, time expired. COMPA.NY G. First Lieutenant, Samuel A. Howard, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenants, Lawson H. Albert, com. April 30, 1862 ; dismissed Jan. 22, 1863. Samuel A. Howard, com. May I, 1864; pro. 1st lieut. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OP THE REBELLION. 349 Fortieth Regiment. Second Lieutenants. Lieutenant- Colonel. Thomas G. Shaeffer, com. Feb. 16, 18f.3; died Aug. 25, 1864, Elias Neff, oom. June 9, 1862 ; res. for promotion April 25, 1864. at Eesaca, Ga. Samuel Borton, com. Sept. 4, 1864; must, out April 15, 1865. Major. Elias Neff, oom. May 19, 1862; pro. lieut.-col. Forty-sixth Regiment. Company F. Assistant Surgeon. Captains. Orrin Aborn, com. Oct. 11, 1861; res. Feb. 14, 1862. Samuel Osbourne, com. Feb. 6, 1862; res. May 26, 1862, Company F. Joseph C. Plumb, com. July 27, 18G3 ; res. March 2, 1864. Captain. First Lieutenant. Elias Neff, com. Nov. 18, 1861; pro. major. Joseph C. Plumb, oom. May 20, 1863; pro. capt.; 2d lieut. March 1, 1863. Forty-first Regiment (Second Cavalry). Colonel. Forty-seventh Regiment. Edward MoCook, com. April 30, 1862; pro. brig.-gen. U.S.V. Colonel. John A. McLaughlin, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out as lieut.- Lieutenant- Colonel. col. with regt. Charles E. Norris, com. Oct. 29, 1861, 2d Cav. U.S.A.; res. Lieutenant-Colonel. Feb. 11, 1862. John A. McLaughlin, com. Oct. 22, 1862; pro. col. Edward McCook, com. Feb. 11, 1862; pro. ool. Assistant Surgeon. Major. David A. Fitzgerald, com. Jan. 27, 1865 ; died as hosp. stew. Jan. Edward McCook, com. Sept. 29, 1861; trans, from U.S.A. 1, 1865. Adjutant. Company A. John Woolley, oom. Oct. 3, 1861; must, out June 1, 1862; re- Captains. oom. June 11, 1862; pro. maj. 5th Cav. March 23, 1863. John A. McLaughlin, com. Oct. 10, 1861 ; pro. maj. Company D. Albert Moorhous, com. April 22, 1862; res. October, 1862; re- entered as capt. 9th Cav. First Lieutenant. Thomas Hough, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. G. M. Lafayette Johnson, com. Oct. 5, 1861 ; pro. capt. First Lieutenants. Forty-fifth Regiment (Third Cavalry). Albert Moorhous, com. Oct. 20, 1861 ; pro. capt. Colonel. Thomas Hough, com. Jan. 1, 1865; pro. capt. George H. Chapman, com. March 12, 1863; pro. brig.-gen. Second Lieutenants. July 21, 1864; brevet maj.-gen. Hiram Moorhous, com. April 22, 1862; res. Oct. 30, 1862. Lieutenant- Colonel. Thomas Hough, com. Oct. 19, 1862 ; pro. 1st lieut. George H. Chapman, com. Oct. 25, 1862; pro. col. Company C. Major. Second Lieutenant. George H. Chapman, com. Oct. 21, 1861 ; pro. lieut.-col. Robert N. Harding, oom. Feb. 3, 1863; pro. capt. Co. K. Company G. Forty-eighth Regiment. Captain. Lieutenant-Colonel. Felix W. Graham, com. Oct. 1, 1861; res. April 9, 1862. De Witt C. Eugg, com. June 17, 1862; res. April 24, 1863. Company L. Major. First Lieutenant. George J. Langsdale, com. Sept. 29, 1862; res. Aug. 1, 1864. Company M. Captain. Charles U. Patton, oom. Nov. 4, 1861 ; must, out April 1,5, 1865. D. C. Rugg, com. Nov. 24, 1861 ; pro. lieut.-col. Forty-ninth Regiment. Surgeon. Charles D. Pearson, com. Nov. 19, 1861; res. Feb. 7,; 1862; then surg. 82d Regt, 350 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Emanuel R. Hann, com. Feb. 20, 1864; must, out Not. 29, 1864, time expired; then 8urg. 144th Regt. Fiftieth Regiment. Assifttant Surgeon^ James W. Hervey, com. Jan. 27, 1862 ; res. Feb. 4, 1863. Fifty-first Regiment. Adjutant. William S. Marshall, com. Nov. 29, 1862; hon. disch. March 22, 1865. Quartermaster. * John G. Doughty, com. Sept. 27, 1861 ; hon. disch. Sept. 30, 1864. Company A. Second Lieutenant, William H. Harvey, com. Sept. 1, 1862 ; must, out, term ex- pired. Company D. First Lieutenants. Wilber F. Williams, com. Octi 11, 1861; res. April 15, 1862. Alva C. Roaoh, com. May 1, 1865; res. June 14, 1865. Fifty-second Regiment. Colonel, James M. Smith, com. Oct. 21, 1861; res. June 4, 1862, disa- bility. Adjutants. Samuel W. Elliott, com. Oct. 24, 1861 ; res. Nov. 17, 1862. James H. Wright, com, Nov. 18, 1862; pro. capt. and A.D.C. Sept. 4, 1864. Fifty-third Regiment. Colonel. Walter Q. Gresham, com. March 10, 1862; pro. brig.-gen. Aug. 11, 1863. Company A. Captain. Hezekiah B. Wakefield, com. Sept. 19, 1863; hon. disch. May 15, 1866 ; 2d lieut. September, 1862. Fifty-fonrth (one year) Regiment. Colonel. Fielding Mansfield, must, out with regt. Lieutenant- Colonel. Herman Sturm, com. Nov. 17, 1862; res. Dec. 28, 1862. Alajor. Oliver M. Wilson, com. Jan. 1, 1863; must, out as capt. with regt. Adjutant. Marshall P. Hayden, com. Oct. 29, 1862; died in rebel prison at Vicksburg Jan. 30, 1863, of wounds at Chickasaw Bayou. Quartermaster. Thomas F. Purnell, com. Oct. 30, 1862; pro. capt. and A.Q.M. May 28, 1863. Company B. Captain. Oliver M. Wilson, com. Oct. 16, 1862; pro. major. First Lieutenant. William M. Conner, com. Oct. 16, 1862; must, out with regt.; then 1st lieut. of heavy artillery. Fifty-seventh Regiment. Captains. J. W. T. McMullen, com. Nov. 9, 1861 ; res. March 6, 1862. Cyrus C. Hines, com. March 6, 1862; res. July 27, 1863, for wounds at Stone River. Company A. First lAeutenant. Albert G. Harding, com. July 13, 1864; declined. Company I. Captain. Nathaniel J. Owens, com. Dec. 26, 1861; res. March 29, 1862; capt. of 9th Cav. Fifty-eighth Regiment. Quartermaster. William Ryan, com. Feb. 1, 1865; must, out with regt. Company D. Captain, Bryan C. Walpole, com. Jan. 29, 1863; res. March 10, 1863; 2d lieut. June 18, 1862. Company G. First Lieutenant. Richard P. Craft, com. Jan. 29, 1863 ; res. April 18, 1863. Company K. Captain. Woodford Tousey, com. Sept. 21, 1863; res. March 25, 1865; 1st lieut. March 30, 1863 ; 2d lieut. Jan. 29, 1863. Fifty-ninth Regiment. Colonel. Jeff. K. Scott, com. Aug. 13, 1864; must, out April 9, 1866, term expired; lieut.-ool. Nov. 19, 1861. Sixtieth Regiment. Quartermaster, John J. Palmer, com. Nov. 8, 1861 ; app. Q.M., U.S.A. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 351 Company D. Captain. John Burns, com. Jan. 7, 1862; res. Nov. 30, 1862. Second Lieutenant. Elijah W. McVey, com. Feb. 10, 1863; must, out with regt. Sixty-third Regiment, — Four companies raised at Covington were sent to Lafayette to guard prisoners ; thence to this city to guard Camp Morton ; thence East in May, 1862, where they were in the Second Bull Run battle. They returned in October, and the regiment completed with six additional companies. It remained in Indianapolis, but four companies were detached for provost guard duty. On Christmas, 1863, the other six companies went to Kentucky, to guard railroads, till January, 1864, having frequent skirmishes and long marches in that time. April 28th they started to join Sherman in the Atlanta campaign. On May 9th and 10th they lost two killed and four wounded at Rocky Face Ridge, and at Resaca lost, in a desperate charge over open ground, eighteen killed and ninety-four wounded. They had sixteen wounded in intrenchments near June 1st on the Dallas lino, and were put in front at Lost Mountain, where six were killed and eight wounded. In the flank movement at Kenesaw two were killed and one captured. After the capture of Atlanta the Sixty- third was moved about a good deal, engaged in de- stroying railroads and doing guard duty. It joined the movement against Hood, lost three killed and three wounded at Columbia, and in the great battle of FrankUn lost one killed and one wounded. On the 16th of January, 1865, it went to Alexandria, Va., and thence to Port Fisher. It engaged in the move- ments against Hoke, and entered Wilmington, N. C, February 23d, and remained till March 6th. At Greensborough six companies were mustered out June 21, 1865. The other four were mustered out here May 20, 1865. L ienteuant- Colonel . Henry Tindall, com. Jan. 22, 1864; hon. disch. May 19, 1864, disability ; had been maj. and capt. Co. I. Company A. First Lieutenant. Joseph M. Blythe, com. May 21, 1864; pro. capt. Co. F; had been 2d lieut. Company B. First Lieutenant, Thomas McConnell, com. Feb. 21, 1862; res. June 11, 1862. Company F. Captains. Gustavus F. E. Rasohig, com. Aug. 19, 1862; res. June 9, 1864, disability. Joseph M. Blythe, com. July 20, 1864; must, out with regt. June 21, 1865. First Lieutenant. Joseph R. Hangh, com. Aug. 19, 1862 ; pro. adjt. 5th Cav. Second Lieutenant. Henry Plaswiok, com. Sept. 3, 1862; res. July 19, 1864. Company I. Captains. Henry Tindall, com. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. maj. Theodore B. Wightman, com. Aug. 14, 1863; res. Nov. 18, 1863, disability. Andrew T. Jenkins, com. Jan. 12, 1864; hon. disch. Aug. 13, 1864. First Lieutenants. Theodore B. Wightman, com. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. capt. Jesse C. Hunt, com. Aug. 14, 1863 ; hon. disch. July 19, 1864. Second Lieutenants, Jesse C. Hunt, com. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. Andrew T. Jenkins, com. Aug. 14, 1863; pro. capt. Company K. Captains. Norman Tindall, com. Aug. 30, 1862; res. June 13, 1863. William Bolen, com. July 1, 1863; disch. Sept. 6, 1864, disa- bility. First Lieutenant. William Bolen, com. Aug. 30, 1862; pro. capt. Second Lieutenant, Frank G. Maroina, com. Aug. 30, 1862; res. Oct. 1, 1862. Enlisted Men, Company F. First Sergeant. Henry Plasnick, must. Aug. 30, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. Sergeants. Laird Harrison, must. Aug. 30, 1862; disch. Oct. 12, 1864, dis- ability. William R. Conroe, must. Aug. 30, 1862; disch. Aug. 7, 1864, disability. Corporals, Isaiah Lindsay, must. Aug. 30, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. Charles H. Roberts, must. Aug. 30, 1802; must, out June 21, 1865. 352 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Isaac S. Cox, must. Aug. .30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Henry Fisher, must. Aug. 30, 1862; disch. Feb. 12, 1864, disa- bility. John Ehmen, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Daniel O'Connel, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; must, out June 21, 1865. Musician. Alexander Haugh, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Privates. George Barker, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Paul P. Blank, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. William H. Bird, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Elihu H. Embree, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 16, 1865. ■William H. Hornaday, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Thomas M. Hume, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. John K. Long, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1365. Edward Louney, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; must, out June 21, 1865. John McKeand, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. James S. Miller, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. John E. Moore, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out July 21, 1865. William McCaw, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out May 11, 1865. Asbury May, must Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. William J. Markland, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Thomas Mathers, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Thomas Myers, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Christian Myers, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out July 6, 1865, Willis G. Pierson, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 2, 1865. Walter B. Price, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 2, 1865. Ezekiel Ross, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 2, 1865. William H. Ralston, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. Frederick Stilz, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. William H. Vorhees, must. Aug. 30, 1862: must, out June 21, 1865. Robert R.Walker, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. James A. Winnings, must. Aug. 30, 1862; must, out June 21, 1865. William H. Corbaley, must. Aug. 30, 1862 : trans, to V.R.C. Jan. 1, 1864. David L. Boots, must. Aug. 30, 1862; died at Indianapolis Jan. 27, 1864. William Boulds, must. Aug. 30, 1862; killed at Burnt Hickory June 16, 1864. John AV. Carroll, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; died at Indianapolis Deo. 8, 1863. Alexander Connaday, must. Aug. 30, 1862; died at Cleveland, Tenn., May 20, 1864. John P. Jack, must. Aug. 30, 1862; killed at Burnt Hickory June 16, 1864. James M. Jack, must. Aug. 30, 1862; disoh. Feb. 10, 1863, by civil authority. James Jennings, must. Aug 30, 1862; disch. Aug. 24, 1863, disability. Alexander Kinsley, must. Aug. 30, 1862; died at Indianapolis Nov. 24, 1863. John G. Kolf, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; trans, to 18th U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, 1863. David L. MoClellan, must. Aug. 30, 1862; died at Indianapolis Sept. 24, 1864. Melvin McCaw, must. Aug. 30, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. ; must. out July 20, 1865. John A. MuUin, must. Aug. 30, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. Samuel Murrell, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; killed at Town Creek Feb. 20, 1865. Isaac C. Myers, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; died at Cleveland, Tenn., May 10, 1864. John Railsback, must. Aug. 30, 1862; disch. Aug. 26,1863, disability. Enoch Railsback, must. Aug. 30, 1 863 ; died at Alexandria, Va., Feb. 14, 1865. Gresham L. Rude, must. Aug. 30, 1862 ; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. George L. Sinks, must. Aug. 30, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 16, 1864; must, out May 10, 1865. James Williams, must. Aug. 30, 1862; died at Indianapolis March 4, 1863. Seventieth Regiment. — The Seventieth Regi- ment rendezvoused at Indianapolis and was fully or- ganized between the 14th of July and the 12th of August, 1862, in less than one month, when it was mustered in with Benjamin Harrfson as colonel. It left Indianapolis on the 13th, reaching Louisville same day, and on the following night left for Bowl- ing Green, reporting for duty on the 15th, thus be- ing the first regiment in the field under the call of j July, 1862. From Bowling Green there were made j several small expeditions to Franklin, Morgantown, Munfordville, and Russellville, at which place, on the 30th of July, it encountered several hundred cavalry, killing and wounding many, and capturing forty horses and a large lot of small-arms, saddles, and other property. j On the 10th of November the regiment moved I with Ward's brigade, Dumont's division. Fourteenth 1 Army Corps, to Scottsville, Ky., and on the 24th to MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 353 Gallatin, Tenn. On the 10th of December, as part of the Eighth Brigade, Eighth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, it was posted along the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, from Gallatin to Nashville, to de- fend the road and bridges, on which duty it was en- gaged until the 9th of February, 1863. It then went into camp at Gallatin, doing provost and picket duty until June 1st, when it was removed to La- vergne, Tenn. Remaining here until the 30th of June, it then marched to Murfreesborough, camping at Fort Rosecrans, when it was assigned to the Sec- ond Brigade, Third Division, of Gen. Granger's re- serve corps. On the 19th of August it moved with its brigade to Nashville, and while there it was en- gaged in guarding trains to Stevenson, Chattanooga, and other points, and picket and fatigue duty within the city. On the 2d of January, 1864, the regiment was transferred to the First Brigade, First Division, Eleventh Army Corps, and Col. Harrison assigned to the brigade. On the 24th of February the Sev- entieth left Nashville and marched with its division to Wauhatchie, Tenn., in Lookout Valley. From Wauhatchie it marched on the 2d of May, having previously been transferred to the First Bri- gade, Third Division, Twentieth Army Corps, and entered on the Atlanta campaign, during which it was engaged in the following battles : Resaca, Cass- ville, New Hope Church, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Peach-Tree Creek, and the siege of Atlanta. At Resaca it led the attack on the left and cap- tured a fort and four Napoleon guns, the only ones captured between Chattanooga and Atlanta, and had forty-one killed, forty-three died of wounds, and one hundred and ninety-one wounded. On the 5th of !November, 1864, the veterans and remaining recruits of the Twenty-seventh Indiana were consolidated with the Seventieth by special order. The regiment participated in Sherman's march through Georgia, and on the 31st of Decem- ber it crossed the Savannah River with the first bri- gade of Western troops that entered South Carolina. Marching through the Carolinas it rested at Raleigh, N. C, where it was on the announcement of Lee's surrender. From here it went to Richmond and 23 then to Washington City, where it was mustered out June 8, 1865. Those whose terms had not expired were transferred to the Thirty-third, and then mus- tered out at Louisville on the 21st of July, 1865. The regiment was publicly welcomed on its return home, on the 16th of June. The casualties of the regiment were forty-three killed, same number died of wounds, one hundred and ninety-four wounded, five accidentally wounded, and one hundred and two died of sickness ; total, three hundred and eighty- seven. Original enlistments for three years from Marion County : Colonel. Benjamin Harrison, com. Aug. 7, 1862 ; brev. brig.-gen. ; must, out with regt. Lieutenant-Colonel, Samuel Merrill, com. March 1, 1862; must, out with regt. Majors. Samuel C. Vance, com. Aug. 9, 1869 ; res. April 10, 186.3 ; app. col. 132d Regt. Samuel Merrill, com. April 11, 1863; pro. lieut.-col. Adjutant. James L. Mitchell, com. July 16, 1862; must, out with regt. Quartermaster . John L. Ketoham, Jr., com. Feb. 14, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Chaplain. Archibald C. Allen, com. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out with regt. Assistant Surgeons. William R. Smith, com. Aug. 12, 1862; res. Nov. 8, 1862. Jenliins A. Fitzgerald, com. Oct. 17, 1863; must, out with regt. Herman J. Watjen, com. Jan. 1, 1865; must, out with regt. as hospital steward. Company A. Captains. Benjamin Harrison, com. July 22, 1862 ; pro. col. Henry M. Scott, com. Aug. 9, 1862; brev. maj. March 31, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Henry M. Scott, com. July 22, 1862; pro. oapt. Martin L. Ohr, com. Aug. 9, 1862 ; must, out Nov. 4, 1864. Second Lieutenants, James A. Wallace, com. July 22, 1862; must, out Nov. 22, 1864; pro. q.m. 10th Cav. John W. Kilgour, com. Jan. 17, 1865; must, out with regt. Company E. Captains. William M. Meredith, com. Aug. 6, 1862 ; res. Aug. 12, 1864. 354 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Peter Feslor, com. Feb. 13, 1864, from 27th Regt. ; must, out with regt. Charles H. Cox, com. Aug. 13, 1864; not mustered. FirH Lieutenanta. Hiram H. Hand, com. Aug. 6, 1862; res. Nov. 9, 1862. Columbus V. Gray, com. Nov. 10, 1862 ; res. June 16, 1863. Edward B. Colestock, com. Jan. 17, 1863; died May 30, 1864, of wounds received at Resaca. Charles H. Cox, com. July 1, 1864; must, out with regt. Second Lteufenanta. Columbus v. Gray, com. Aug. 6, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Edward B. Colestock, com. Nov. 10, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. Charles H. Cox, com. Jan. 17, 1863 ; pro. 1st lieut. Allan F. Schley, com. Aug. 13, 1864; must, out with regt. Company F. Second Lieutenant. John S. Parker, com. Feb. 11, 1865; must, out with regt. Company G. Captain. Parker S. Carson, com. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out with regt. Firat Lieutenant. Summer&eld Thomas, com. Jan. 24, 1865; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenant. Suramerfield Thomas, com. Nov. 14, 1864; pro. 1st lieut. 'Company H. First Lieutenant. William Hardenbrook, com. Aug. 12, 1862 ; must, out with regt. Company K. Captains. Samuel Merrill, com. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. maj. Thomas S. Campbell, com. Nov. 14, 1864; declined and com- mission returned. First Lieutenants, Thomas S. Campbell, com. Sept. 19, 1864; must, out with regt. William 11. Kemper, com. Jan. 24, 1805; declined and com- mission returned. Second Lieutenanta. Thomas S. Campbell, com. April 11, 1863 ; pro. 1st lieut. William H. Kemper, com. Nov. 14, 1864 ; must, out with regt. NON-COMMISSIONED StAFP. Sergeant- Major. Musgrave, Phillip D., must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; trans, to Co. A Aug. 20, 1862. Quartermaster-Sergean t. Marrs, William A., must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Cotnmisaary . Sergeant. Isaacs, Reuben D., must. Aug. 12, 1862; dieoh. Feb. 15, 1863, for disability. Hofspital Steward. Watson, Herman J., must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Enlisted Men, Company A.* First Sergeant. John W. Kilgore, must. July 15, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. Sergeants. John Judge, must. July 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1864, as 1st sergt. George W. MoKnight, must. July 17, 1862; disch. Dec. 6, 1864, for disability. Andrew A. Buchanan, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Alonzo P. Babbitt, must. July 22, 1862; must, out July 8, 1865. Corporals, Wm. R. Smith, Cumberland, must. July 14, 1862 ; pro. asst. surg. Robert A. Taylor, must. July 18, 1862; disch. May 20, 1863, for disability. George W. Lackey, must. July 15, 1862; disch. Nov. 9, 1862, for disability. Herman F. Ropkey, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; must. out June 8, 1865, as sergt. Henry Wesling, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. George W. Cook, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; disch. April 10, 1865, for wounds. Muaicians. Samuel H. Lauback, must. June 16, 1862; killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Herman J. Watson, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as hosp. steward. Wagoner. Jackson Summer, Bridgeport, must. Aug. 5, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Privates. Isaac Baker, must. July 17, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Henry Baker, must. July 17, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Anton Banka, Cumberland, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. George W. Burris, must. July 19, 1862; disch. Dec. 6, 1864, for wounds. John L. Brown, Clermont, must. July 21, 1862; disch. March 3, 1865, for wounds. Jerome A. Babbitt, must. July 23, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Henry Cruse, must. Aug. 4, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. 1 In the roll of enlisted men, all those not residents of In- dianapolis are so stated. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 355 Francis Cecil, Cumberland, must. July 21, 18G2; must, out June 8, 1865. Clark Converse, must. July 14, 1862; died Aug. 18, 1864, of wounds, Lemuel L. Carter, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. John Custer, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Alfred Chandler, must. July 21, 1862; trans, to Engineer Corps July 31, 1864. Josiah S. Clark, must. July 21, 1862; disch. June 30, 1863, for disability. Edward Cox, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June S, 1865. Allen Caylor, must. Aug. 11, 1862; disch. Jan. 27, 1863, for disability. Andrew Dunway, must. July 17, 1862; killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. Perry A. Demanget, must. July 19, 1862; killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. William Douglass, must. .July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John England, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; disch. Jan. 20, 1863, for disability. Bdraond P. Ervin, must. July 19, 1862; must, out May 10, 1865. Wilkinson Farley, must. July 25, 1862; disch. Deo. 18, 1862, for disability. James Fergus, must. July 15, 1862; disch. Jan. 20, 1865, for wounds. Nathaniel Follett, must. Aug. 4, 1862; must, out June 5, 1865. Rodney B. Gibbons, must. Aug. 11, 1862; disch. Dec. 6, 1864, for wounds. Samuel B. Gardner, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Frank Hall, must. Aug. 4, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph F. Harbart, must. July 17, 1862; died at Nashville May 17, 1864. John W. Hackleman, must. July 19, 1862; trans, to Engineer Corps July 31, 1864. Noble Huntington, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. John Harrison, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William Hobbs, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Howard Hudnut, must. Aug. 6, 1862; killed at Russellville, Ky,, Sept. 30, 1862. John R. Jenkins, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John Law, must. July 17, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Alexander Moore, must. July 22, 1862; died at Resaca, Ga., June 5, 1864, of wounds. MoSes Musgrave, must. July 21, 1862; disch. April 23, 1863, for disability. Philip D. Musgrave, must. July 15, 1862; pro. surg. U. S. col- ored troops. Henry May, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Oliver Marshall, must. Aug. 4, 1862; disch. April 7, 1863, for disability. William Muston, Bridgeport, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William McElroy, must. July 21, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 10, 1865. Joseph F. McFailing, must. July 25, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Samuel L. Null, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Lebbens T. Nassaman, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. George R. Orr, must. July 15, 18^2 ; pro. lieut. U. S. colored troops. Andrew A. Peck, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Francis Pursell, must. July 21,1862; died at Chattanooga June 25, 1864, of wounds. Charles Pursell, must. July 19, 1862; died at Louisville June 30, 1864. William Purcell, must. July 21, 1862; disch. Nov. 8, 1862, for disability. Robert H. Patterson, must. Aug. 5,1862; disch. March 13, 186.S, for disability. Frederick Rodeback, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; must. out June 8, 1865. Dudley Roberts, must. July 21, 1862; disch. May 29, 1863, for disability. William H. Smith, must. July 21, 1862; died at Gallatin Deo. 26, 1862. James Shank, must. Aug. 6, 1862; died at Bowling Green Sept. 4, 1862. William H. H. Shank, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Jonathan P. Sunderland, must. Aug. 4, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Daniel Spiegel, Bridgeport, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. David P. Thomas, must. July 19, 1862 ; died at Gallatin April 23, 1863. Gardner P. Thornton, must. July 21, 1862; pro. lieut. U. S. colored troops. Alexander ThUr, must. July 21, 1862; disch. June 22, 1864. George W.Wells, must. July 15, 1862; died at Gallatin March 2, 1863. John Williams, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. f Henry Wiese, Cumberland, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. James N. Wilson, must. July 19, 1862; killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864. George C. Wallace, must. July 21, 1862; disch. March 26, 1864, by order War Department. William J. Wheat ley, must. Aug. 6, 1862; disch. Dec. 30, 1862, for disability. Simeon T. Yancey, must. July 22, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Company E. First Sergeant. Edward B. Colestock, must. July 15, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. 356 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Sergeants. Samuel Lang, must. July 16, 1862 ; must.- out June 8, 1865, as private. William Bodenhammer, must. July 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William H. Griggs, must. July 21,1862; died at Edgefield Junction, Tenn., Dec. 21, 1862. Daniel J. Miller, must. July 17, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Corporals. William H. Cooper, must. July 22, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Frank A. Majers, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as private. Allen F. Schley, must. July 15, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. Jonathan Gray, must. July 15, 1862; discharged. Frederick J. Meickel, must. July 18, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as private. Robert F. Davis, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8,1865. Mitsicians. Cyrus 0. Sackett, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as principal musician. Thomas D. Smith, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Wagoner, Thomas Fitzgerald, must. July 26, 1862 ; trans, to Engineer Corps Aug. 10, 1864. Privates. George K. Albro, must. July 29, 1S62; must, out June 8, 1865. Melville C, Alexander, must. Aug. 5, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Isaac Amos, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Jerry Barker, must. July 31, 1862 ; disoh. March 26, 1864. Charles Berg, must. Aug. 4, 1862; died June 30, 1864, of wounds. Thomas Beale, must. July 15, 1862; died at Chattanooga July 5, 1864. John F. Burns, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles C. Butler, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Jasper N. Bufterfield, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Anthony Brederaeyer, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Chris. C. Bredemeyer, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Henry W. Bruscher, must. Aug. 5, 1862; discharged. William D. C. Brickett, must. Aug. 6, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. Winfield Scott Baker, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Henry Caylor, must. July 17, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles L. Carter, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John D. Charles, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles F. W. Cook, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1805. George C. Campbell, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Joel Converse, must. July 25, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph Clinton, must. July 25, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. George H. Craig, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, . as Corp. Charles H. Cox, must. Aug. 5, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. Thomas R. Davies, must. Aug. 5, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. William H. Demmy, must. July 23, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. John M. Dashiel, must. July 22, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Jenkins A. Fitzgerald, must. July 21, 1862 ; pro. asst. surg. William Forsha, must. Aug. 1, 1862; discharged. David B. Forsha, must. July 28, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Albert L. Ferguson, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. George W. Gettier, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. James S. Hardin, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Henry Heitkam, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Edward Higdon, must. July 25, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. William R. Hushaw, must. Aug. 1, 1862; died at Lookout Val- ley, Tenn., March 31, 1864. Thomas B. Hornaday, must. July 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles W. Jenkins, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Augustus J. Kinnan, must. July 18, 1862; discharged. Charles W. Knight, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William W. Lang, must. July 24, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John H. Law, must. July 30, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph Landers, must. July 30, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. George W. Loucks, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John D. Lowe, must. Aug. 4, 1862; disoh. March 19, 1863. William MoCubbin, must. July 27, 1862 ; died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 3, 1862. Harvey N. McGuire, must. July 19, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Samuel E. Mette, must. July 25, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Alva C. May, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Theophilus MoClure, must. July 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OP THE REBELLION. 357 William Miller, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; discharged. John W. McConnell, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. John L. McConnell, must. Aug. 1, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Remus Oakey, must. Aug. 1, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Edward Oakey, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. John W. Perkins, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Peter Quackenbush, must. July 28, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Hiram R. Rhoads, must. July 28, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. James M. Rhoads, must. July 28, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Ezra Ross, must. July 28, 1862; killed at Kenesaw Mountain June 15, 1864. William H. Robinson, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Samuel H. Stevens, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John F. Shoemaker, must. Aug. 5, 1862; trans, to Engineer Corps July 18, 1864. George Shoemaker, must. Aug. 5, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles Shott, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. David Smith, must. Aug. 4, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph B. Sulgrove, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph H. Vandeman, must. July 30, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Frank W. Wells, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. George N. AVells, must. July 2.5, 1862 ; discharged. Samuel Whiteridge, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1866. John Wilson, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Enlisted Men, Company G. First Sergeant, Edward S. Smock, Acton, must. July 15, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. Sergeants. Josiah Lawes, Acton, must. July 15, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. John S. Morris, Acton, must. July 15, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. Thomas Summerfield, Acton, must. July 14, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. Edward Kenzel, Southport, must. July 21, 1862; killed near Big Shanty, Ga., June 15, 1864. Corporals, John C.Thomas, must. July 23, 1862; killed at Resaoa May 14, 1864. Richard C. Ferree, Southport, must. July 19, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. Daniel W, Levette, Acton, must. July 19, 1862; died at Chat- tanooga Oct. 11, 1864. William McLaughlin, Southport, must. July 19,1862; must. out June 8, 1865, as sergt. Cary A. McParland, must. July 19, 1862 j must, out June 8, 1865. David Brewer, Southport, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 9, 1865, as sergt. Dan. M. Ransdell, must. Aug. 28, 1862; disoh. March 1, 1865, arm amputated. Robert M. Willis, must. Aug. 6, 1862; disoh. Aug. 6, 1864. Musician. Wharton Ransdell, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Privates. Joseph J. Alexander, must. July 31, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Robert Butcher, Acton, must. July 22, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. John W. Barnett, must. July 20, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Howard W. Brumley, must. July 28, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Andrew Carson, Acton, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Absalom Cruse, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Samuel S. Colly, Acton, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John R. Copeland, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. George Crosson, Acton, must. Aug. 8, 1862. George W. Caldwell, Acton, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. James G. Clark, Acton, must. July 16, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Thomas D. Campbell, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William Dunlap, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Richard Dobaon, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Thomas W. Duell, must. Aug. 7, 1 862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph H. Edwards, Acton, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Isaac N. Fred, must. July 28, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Elijah R. Fisher, must. Aug. 9, 1862: must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. David Grube, must. July 19, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Alexander Gordon, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William Guirmup, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. James H. Gibson, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. James 0. Harris, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. George W. Harlin, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Thomas D. Hartman, Southport, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William A. Kuser, Southport, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Valentine Leeper, Acton, must. July 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. 358 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. William R. Lowes, Acton, must. July 27, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Valentino S. McMullen, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Robert S. Mooie, must. July 22, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. George W. McMillen, Acton, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. ■William A. Marrs, Southport, must. July 22, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as q.m.-sergt. Enoch R. Nelson, Acton, must. July 22, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. David W. Pierson, Acton, must. Aug. 9, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. John H. Peggs, Acton, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Charles W. Rawlings, Southport, must. July 19, 1862; must. out June 8, 1865. Renjamin Ransdell, Southport, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Theodore Rayborn, Acton, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Richard Scanlon, must. Aug. 16, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Richard M. Smock, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. George C. Thompson, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Shelton Thompson, must. July 21, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. James J. Toon, must. July 19, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Joseph A. Wheatley, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William L. Wentz, must. July 23, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Nelson Yoke, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Recruits. George W. Lewis, Acton, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. William D. Brenton, Acton, must. July 19, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. William T. Clark, Acton, must. July 16, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1S64. Chanoey Lewitt, Acton, must. Aug. 6, 1862; killed at Resaca May 14, 1864. Hiram Adair, must. Aug. 9, 1862; died at Nashville July 20, 1864, of wounds at Big Shanty. James B. Adair, must. Aug. 6, 1862; died at Chattanooga of wounds. Henry H. Clary, must. Aug. 8, 1862; died at Chattanooga June 20, 1864, of wounds. Charles N. Fitzgerald, Acton, must. July 14, 1862 ; died June 16, 1863. Silas S. Harris, must. July 28, 1862; died at Bridgeport, Ala., Aug. 14, 1864. Martin M. Harlin, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; died at Chattanooga July 8, 1864, of wounds. George M. Jones, must. Aug. 6, 1862; died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 8, 1862. Lyman L. Martin, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; died at Murfreesborough Nov. 10, 1863. Benjamin Thomas, must. Dec. 14, 1863; died June 21, 1864. John W. Foulk, must. July 21, 1862; killed near Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1864. William AVells, Acton, must. Aug. 6, 1862; killed near Atlanta, Ga. Ellison Carr, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. Aug. 12, 1864, dis- ability. David M. Edwards, Acton, must. Aug. 11, 1862; disch. June 12, 1863, disability. Jeremiah N. Fcatherston, must. July 18, 1862; disch. March 6, 1865, disability. Thomas B. Fowler, must. July 25, 1862; disch. Dec. 6, 1864, disability. Albert Helms, must. Aug. 6, 1862; disch. Jan. 17, 1865, dis- ability, James H. McLaughlin, Southport, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. July 19, 1863, disability. Daniel H. Merryman, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; disch. Nov. 30, 1863, disability. Moses D. MoCIain, must. July 28, 1862; disch. Aug. 18, 1864, for wounds. William Rawlings, Southport, must. July 19, 1862; disch. Feb. 18, 1863, disability. James W. Russell, Southport, must. Aug. 10, 1862; disch. Dec. 6, 1862, disability. Luther Sylvey, must. Aug. 2, 1862; disch. March 11, 1864, disability. John T. Seeley, must. Aug. 6, 1862; disch. Nov. 23, 1864, dis- ability. David H. Stoops, Southport, must. July 15, 1862 ; disch. Dec. 7, 1864, for wounds. Samuel J. Smock, must. Aug. 10, 1862; disch. Sept. 1, 1864, for wounds. John Thomas, must. July 18, 1862; disch. May 4, 1863, dis- ability. Adolpha Toon, must. July 21, 1862; disch. March 19, 1863, disability. Howard Todd, must. Aug. 11, 1862; disch. Feb. 9, 1863, dis- ability. William H. Freel, must. Nov. 7, 1863 ; disch. March 18, 1865. Samuel H. Moore, must. Nov. 6, 1863; disch. for promotion March 29, 1864. Samuel Barrow, Acton, must. Dec. 5, 1863; trans, to 33d Regt. June 8, 1865. William E. Gordon, Acton, must. Oct. 27, 1863; trans, to 33d Regt. June 8, 1865. Francis M. Hartman, Southport, must. July 31, 1864; trans, to 33d Regt. June 8, 1865. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 359 Kobert A. Moore, must. Sept. 8, 1863; trans, to 33d Regt. June 8, 1865. John J. Turner, must. Dec. 14, 1863; trans, to 33d Regt. June 8, 1865. Enlisted Mkn, Company K. First Sergeant. Thomas S. Campbell, must. July 25, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. Sergeants. Nathan A. Secrest, must. July 14, 1862; pro. oapt. of 28th U. S. Colored Inf. William H. Kemper, must. July 19, 1862 ; pro. 2d lieut. George P. Vance, must. July 30, 1862; disch. Aug. 26, 1863. Corporals. Cas. T. Curtis, must. July 22, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as Ist sergt. Andrew Graydon, must. July 14, 1862; must, out June 8,1865, as sergt. Parish L. Mayhew, must. July 15, 1862; disoh. Jan. 21, 1863. Frank Gillett, must. July 15, 1862; disoh. for promotion U. S. Colored Inf. Robert W. Calhcart, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as sergt. Musicians. Thomas Angle, must. July 24, 1862 ; disoh. Deo. 17, 1864, for wounds. Nathaniel E. Eudaly, must. July 24, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Wagoner. George W. Koontz, must. July 15, 1862; disoh. Dec. 13, 1864, for wounds. Privates. Perry E. Abell, Castleton, must. July 26, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Benjamin F. Askren, Lawrence, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Dec. 7, 1864. James W. Blue, must. July 25, 1862 ; died at Chattanooga March 8, 1864. George W. Carter, must. July 21, 1862; died at Indianapolis June 16, 1864. James II. Clark, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; killed at Kenesaw Moun- tain June 22, 1864 ; sergt. Richard Graves, must. July 15, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Martin V. Griffith, Lawrence, must. Aug. 5, 1862; died May 24, 1864, of wounds. James Graves, Lawrence, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. William C. Uind, Cumberland, must. July 26, 1862 ; disoh. Jan. 22, 1863. John L. Ketcham, must. July 15, 1862; pro. q.m. John Kirkland, Lawrence, must. Aug. 6, 1862; died at Sanders- ville, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1863. George Kocker, must. July 30, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Robert Langsdale, must. July 24, 1862; disch. March 4, 1863. Thomas Miller, Clermont, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as corp. Charles Potts, must. July 25, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Alfred E. Purcell, must. Aug. 9, 1862; killed at Kesaca May 14, 1864. George Redmond, must. July 30, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Harvey B. Rodgers, must. July 30, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865, as Corp. Abraham Seay, must. July 21, 1862^ must, out June 8, 1865. John Seay, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. John Seekamp, must. July 30, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. Marion Springer, Lawrence, must. Aug. 5, 1862; died at Gal- latin, Tenn., Dee. 3, 1862. John Stoofe, Lawrence, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865. James Vansickle, Lawrence, must. July 19, 1862; died at Nash- ville, Tenn , Nov. 13, 1863. David Watson, must. July 30,1862; died May 17, 1864, of wounds. Jasper Watson, must. July 31, 1862 ; must, out June 8, 1865. Martin Watson, must. July 26, 1862; must, out June 8, 1865, as corp. Fourth Cavalry (Seventy-seventh) Regiment. — The Fourth Cavalry Regiment was organized at Indianapolis on the 22d of August, 1862, with Isaac P. Gray as colonel. On the completion of its organi- zation the aspect of aflFairs in Kentucky was so threat- ening that four companies, the regiment having been divided, were sent, uuder the command of Maj. John A. Platter, to Henderson, Ky., and the remaining companies to Louisville, from whence they were or- dered into the interior, where they were joined by Col. Gray. The battalion under the command of Maj. Platter had a skirmish at Madisonville, Ky., on the 26th of August, and again at Mount Washington on the 1st of October, in which a number were killed and wounded. On the 5th it was engaged again at Mad- isonville, with a slight loss. In the spring of 1863 this battalion joined the other companies. During the invasion of Bragg, a part of the regi- ment, under Col. Gray, was camped at Madison, moving from there to Vevay, then across the river to Frankfort, Ky., remaining here until about the Ist of December, when they started in the pursuit of Morgan, defeating him, on Christmas, at Mumfords- ville, with a slight loss. From here, in January, 1863, a movement was made into East Tennessee, 360 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. where the regiment was united and assigned to the army of Rosecrans, and on the 19th and 20th of September participated in the battle of Chickamauga, and a small engagement on the 23d, and also on the 1st of November at Fayetteville. During the winter of 1863-64 the regiment was in East Tennessee, having engagements at Mossy Creek, Talbot's, and Dundridge, and on the 27th of January, 1864, a severe fight at Fair Garden. Capt. Rosecranz, of Coriipany F, with Second Battalion of the Fourth Cavalry, dismounted, made a charge, with the Second Indiana and First Wisconsin Cavalry, also dis- mounted. Maj. Purdy, with the First Battalion, supported by Lilly's Eighteenth Indiana Battery, made a sabre charge on a rebel battery, being led by Lieut.-Ool. Leslie, who was killed in the charge, and captured the battery and more prisoners than they had men, and suffered but little loss. The regiment in March moved to Cleveland, Tenn., then to Atlanta in May, having skirmishes at Var- nell's Station on the 9th, at Burnt Church on the 2d of June, and at Newnan on the 31st of July. Com- ing back into Tennessee, it had engagements at Co- lumbia ; went from here to Louisville, then to Nash- ville, and in February, 1865, to Waterloo, Ala., and was afterwards in the battles of Plantersville and Selma. Coming back to Nashville in May, it was mustered out and discharged June 29, 1865, not returning home in a body. Company C served as escort to Gen. A. J. Smith in the siege of Vicksburg and the Bed River expedi- tion, but joined the regiment in 1864 and served with it until discharged. Major. Albert J. Morley, com. June 24, 1864; must, out with regt. Adjutants. William G. Anderson, oom. July 31, 1863 ; dismissed Aug. 8, 1864. Homer C. Carpenter, com. Aug. 4, 1864; must, out with regt. Quartermaster . George W.French, com. Aug. 1, 1863; disch. March 18, 1865. Aeaistant Surgeon. Jonathan J. Barrett, com. Sept. 3, 1863; not must. Company A. Captain. Albert J. Morley, com. Jan. 10, 1863; pro. maj. First Lieutenant. Albert J. Morley, com. Oct. 16, 1862; pro. capt. Second Lieutenants. Upton J. Hammond, com. Aug. 1, 1862; res. Feb. 26, 1863. Albert J. Morley, com. Aug. 1, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Company E. First Lieutenant. Daniel S. Moulton, com. April 30, 1863; 2d lieut. Sept. 4,1862; must, out with regt. Company Q. Captain . Henry M. Billingsley, com. May 16, 1865; must, out with regt. ; had been 1st and 2d lieut. Enlisted Men, Company A. Quartermaster-SergeajU, Charles J. Ford, must. July 28, 1862 ; disch. Jan. 29, 1864, as private. Commissary Sergeant. Conwell P. Meek, must. Aug. 3, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Sergeants. William H. Eagle, must. Aug. 3, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865, as private. John W. Smith, must. July 24, 1862 ; pro. 1st lieut. Robert J. Killan, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865, as private. Corporals. Joseph M. Douglass, must. Aug. 3, 1862 ; disch. Nov. 1, 1862. James A. Rowans, must. Aug. 3, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Marion Kelly, must. July 30, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865, ad serg. Farrier and Blacksmith. Edward Wilson, must. Aug. 9, 1862; disch. Oct. 21, 1862. Privates. Jefferson Bailey, must. July 29, 1862 ; disch. May, 1863. Abijah Bales, must. July 30, 1862; disch. Nov. 1, 1864, leg am- putated. Oscar M. Harnett, must. Aug. 4, 1862 ; died at Cartersville, Ga., Sept. 2, 1864. James T. Boswell, must. Aug. 8, 1862 ; died at Murfreesbor- ough April 23, 1863. Joseph E. Boswell, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as 1st sergt. John Barnes, must. Aug. 14, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. May 8, 1864. James Bennett, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as Corp. Seward Cramer, must. July 29, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Homer C. Carpenter, must. July 29, 1862; pro. adjt. Charles Carter, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; died at Murfreesborough Aug. 2, 1863. MARION COUNT Y^ IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 361 Jacob H. Dnret, must. Aug. 8, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. May 8, 1864. Jesse J. Bownard, must. July 28, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Henry Ellis, must. Aug. 14, 1862: must, out June 29, 1865. John Fox, must. July 29, 1862; disoh. Oct. 8, 1862. John H. Ferguson, must. July 29, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1S65. Ale.xander C. Ferguson, must. Aug. 8, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Francis M. Fiscus, must. Aug. 9, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. James M. Ferguson, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. William J. Gray, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Archimides Gilson, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. James Grant, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. William A. Hall, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Richard D. Herald, must. July 29, 1862; died at fowling Green Dec. 6, 1862. Samuel Hawkins, must. Aug. 7, 1862; died at home Jan. 14, 1864. Edward Johnson, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; trans, to A^ R. C. May 8, 1864. William H. Judkins, must. Aug. 9, 1862; died at Nashville Oct. 14, 1864. Andrew J. Long, must. July 29, 1862 ; disoh. March 6, 1863. Samuel N. List, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Martin T. Lang, must. Aug. 14, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. George H. Lehman, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. John S. Moore, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as regt. coin.-sergt. Noah N. Meek, must. Aug. .3, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Lot W. Martin, must. Aug. 3, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Oliver P. Martin, must. Aug. 3, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. May 8, 1864. Samuel B. McBaniel, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Henry McBaniel, must. July 29, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. James W. MoMaham, must. Aug. 9, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as sergt. Samuel R. Perkins, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as regt. q.m. -sergt. Charles Purcell, must. Aug. 6, 1862; disoh. March 18, 1863. Martin E. Pierson, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Lewis S. Pierson, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Conrad Raab, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 29,1865. Lewis A. Rcinhart, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. 24 Edwin Simpson, must. July 29, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Nicholas Shumer, must. July 29, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Joseph T. Short, must. Aug. 4, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. George W. Scott, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865. Isaiah M. Staley, must. Aug. 6, 1862; died at New Market, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1863. Thomas W. Staley, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; must, out June 29, 1865, as Corp. Richard B. Sears, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865. Augustus Servore, must. Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. May 8, 1864. Emanuel Tague, must. Aug. 11, 1862; disoh. March 8, 1863. Charles Van Sickle, must. Aug. 8, 1862; died at Louisville Oct. 5, 1862. George Warner, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; disch. Bee. 8, 1862. George W. White, must. July 24, 1862; disoh. April 1, 1863. William Yount, must. July 24, 1862; must, out June 29, 1865, as Corp. Recruits^ Ai Beard, must. Nov. 5, 1862; must, out Juno 29, 1865. Henry C. Ferguson, must. Jan. 5, 1863 ; must, out June 29, 1865. George W. llaynes, must. Feb. 5, 1864; must, out June 29, 1865. William Warrell, must. Jan. 3, 1863; must, out June 29, 1865. John Winsell, must. Jan. 24, 1864 ; mast, out June 29, 1865. Joseph B. McQuffin, must. Aug. 13, 1863; must, out June 29, 1865. James Atherton, must. Feb. 13,1864; must, out June 29, 1865. George Birner, must. Jan. 5, 1865; must, out June 29, 1865. Seventy-ninth Regiment. — Tlie Seventy-ninth Regiment wa.s organized at Indianapolis during Au- gust, 1862 ; was mustered in for three years Septem- ber 2d, with Frederick Knefler as colonel, and imme- diately ordered to Louisville, to help protect that city against Bragg, and was there assigned to Buell's army, being in the First Brigade, Third Division, Twenty-first Army Corps. Leaving Louisville Octo- ber 1st, to join in pursuit, it was present in reserve at the battle of Perryville, and at Crab Orchard, where one was killed and two wounded. Then to Logan's Cross-Roads, Gallatin, Tenn., and across the Cumberland River into camp at Nashville. It par- ticipated in the battle of Stone River, being changed on the 2d of January, 1863, during the battle, from the right to the left wing. Afterwards it marched to Murfreesborough, here going into camp and remain- 362 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ing until June 24th, when it left and went to TuUa- homa ; then to Manchester, McMinnville, and Pike- ville. On the 1st of September it moved toward Chattanooga, crossing the Tennessee River at Bridge- port on the 6th, Lookout Mountain on the 9th, going through Rossville and Ringgold to Lee and Gordon's Mills. On the 13th was a heavy skirmish, and on the 19th and 20th the battle of Chickamauga, where one was killed, forty wounded, and thirteen missing, and where the First Virginia Battery of Longstreet's corps was captured. It then fell back with the army to Chattanooga. Upon reorganization the Seventy-ninth was as- signed to the Third Brigade, Third Division, Fourth Army Corps. On the 23d of November the regi- ment was in the movement against Bragg, R-hen the celebrated battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge occurred. During this time the Eighty-sixth Indiana Regiment was attached to the Seventy-ninth, under Col. Knefler, and this consolidated force led the column which stormed and captured Mission Ridge, being the first to plant the colors on the enemy's works, and captured eleven pieces of artillery and several hundred prisoners, its loss being small. It took part in the movement which began on the 27th towards Knoxville, to relieve Gen. Burnside, arriving there on the Gih of December. During the following four months they remained in East Tennessee, suffering much from exposure and want of supplies, and participating in many minor expeditions, those at Strawberry Plains, New Market, Mossy Creek, Clinch Valley, a cavalry expedition to Thornhill, and others. In April, 1864, they had ten days' rest at Chattanooga, the first in ten months. On the 3d of May the regiment marched to Ca- toosa Springs, Ga., thence to Tunnel Hill and Rocky- face Ridge, Dalton and Resaca, where it was present in the reserve. It then proceeded, with continual skirmishing, to Calhoun, Adairsville, Kingston, and Cassville, crossing the Etowah River on the 23d. There then came the battles of New Hope Church, Pickett's Mills, Pine-Tup Mountain, Lost Mountain, and Kenesaw Mountain, where it took part in the heavy skirmishing before the evacuation. It then marched to Marietta and the Chattahoochie River, crossing on the 14th of July. This regiment was the first to cross Peach-Tree Creek, capturing the works and many prisoners. It was present and on active duty at the siege of Atlanta, from July 22d to August 24th, when it moved to the south and en- gaged in the actions at Jonesborough and Lovejoy's Station, September 1st and 2d. The regiment then marched toward Atlanta, reaching there on the 7th, and remained until October 3d, when it went in pur- suit of Geu. Hood, and continued until it reached Gaylcsville, Ala., and the lines of the Coosa River, when the Fourth Corps was sent to Nashville, going through Chattanooga, Athens, Ala., Pulaski, Tenn., where it arrived November 1st, and then fell back to Columbia, Springfield, and Franklin, at which battle it was in the reserve. The regiment arrived at Nash- ville December 1st, and during the battle captured nine guns and asssisted the storming of Overton Hill, afterwards pursuing through Brentwood, Frank- lin, Spring Hill, Columbia, Pulaski, to Huntsville, Ala., arriving Jan. 6, 1865, and remaining until March 17th, when it went by rail to East Tennessee, to help in the advance on Richmond ; arrived at Mor- ristown, marched through Bull's Gap and Greenville to Jonesborough, when further movements were arrested by the surrender of Richmond. It then returned to Nashville, arriving April 26th, remained till June 5th, and then started home, reaching Indianapolis June 7th, and was discharged on the 11th. This regiment during its term of service was constantly in the field, never having performed garrison duty, and is credited with the capture of eighteen guns and over one thousand prisoners. Original enlistments for three years from Marion County : Colonel, Frederick KneBer, com. Aug. 27, 1862; brev. brig.-gen.; must. out with regt. Lieutetinnt- Colonel. George W. Parlser, com. Aug. 26, 1S04; must, out with regt. Majors, Elliott George Wallace, com. Jan. 26, 1863; dismissed as c»pt. bj court-martial May 13, 1863. George W. Parker, com. Oct. 14, 1863; pro. lieut.-col. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 363 Adjutants, Thompson Dunn, com. May 9, 1864; killed in battle at Lore- joy's Station Sept. 2, 1864. Leander W. Munhall, com. Sept. .3, 1864; must, out with regt. Quartermaster^ Jacob H. Cololazier, com. April 24, 1S63; must, out with regt. Chaplain. Love H. Jameson, com. Deo. 6, 1862; res. April 30, 1864. Assista7it Surgeon. John H. Tilford, com. Aug. 27, 1862; must, out with regt. Company A. Captains. Elliott G. Wallace, com. July 30, 1862; pro. maj. William A. Abbott, com. Aug. 2, 1863; must, out and hon. disch. June 7, 1865. First Lieutenants. John R. Colton, com. July 30, 1862; res. Jan. 30, 1863. William A. Abbott, com. Jan. 31, 1863; pro. capt. Frank H. Butterfleld, com. Aug. 2, 1863; declined. William H. Hagerhorst, com. March 1, 1 865 ; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenant. George G. Earl, com. Jan. 31, 1863; pro. capt. Co. G. Company B. Captain. William V. Burns, com. Aug. 26, 1804; must, out and hon. disch. May 15, 1866; cause, service no longer required and disability. First Lieutenants. William V. Burns, com. Jan. 29, 1863; revoked; recom. 1st lieut. June 21, 1863; pro. capt. Arthur St. Clair Vance, com. Jan. 29, 1863; res. June 20, 1863. Henry Magsam, com. March 1, 1865; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenants. Arthur St. C. Vance, com. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. William V. Burns, com. Jan. 29, 1863; pro. 1st lieut. Simeon J. Thompson, com. June 21, 1863; disch. before must. Company C. Captains. John G. Waters, com. Aug. 19, 1862; res. Feb. 1, 1863. Benjamin Valliquette, com. Feb. 2, 1863; hon. disch. Nov. 18, 1863. First Lieutenants. Benjamin Valliquette, com. Aug. 19, 1862; pro. capt. William S. Cardell, com. Feb. 2, 1863 ; pro. capt. Co. H. Charles T. Many, com. March 1, 1865; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenants. William S. Cardell, com. Aug. 19, 1862 ; pro. Ist lieut. Edwin M. Byrkit, com. Feb. 2, 1863; pro. capt. Co. I. Company D. Captains. James M. Buchanan, com. Aug. 20, 1862; hon. diseb. Feb. 5, 1864. John T, Newland, com. Feb. 6, 1864; must, out with regt. First Lieutenants. John T. Newland, com. Aug. 20, 1862 ; pro. capt. Ezra Buchanan, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenants. John S. McDaniel, com. Aug. 20, 1862; died at Nashville, Tenn., Dee. 26, 1862. George Harris, com. Feb. 22, 1863 ; must, out with regt. Company E. First Lieutenant. John W. Gosney, com. July 1, 1864; must, out with regt. Company F. Captains. Andrew W. Faqua, com. Aug. 2.3, 1862; res. Deo. 20, 1862. James P. Catterson, com. Dec. 21, 1862; res. March 22, 1864. Isaac W. Stubbs, com. March 23, 1864; must, out with regt. First Lieutenants. John B. Johnson, com. Aug. 23, 1862; res. Nov. 16, 1862. James P. Catterson, com. Nov. 17, 1862 ; pro. capt. Isaac W. Stubbs, com. Dec. 21, 1862; pro. capt. William J. Carter, com. March 23, 1862; hon. disch. Oct. 14, 1864. John B. W. Parker, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Second Lieutenants. James P. Catterson, com. Aug. 2,3, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. Richard E. Perrott, com. Jan. 5, 1863; res. Sept. 2, 1863. Company G. Captains. George W. Parker, com. Aug. 23, 1862; pro. moj. William II. H. Sheets, com. Oct. 14, 1863; declined. George G. Earl, com. March 1, IS65; must, out with regt. First Lieutenants. William H. H. Sheets, com. Aug. 21, 1862; pro. capt.; must. out with regt. George W. Clark, com. Oct. 14, 1863; wounded and died as 2d lieut. Sept. 29, 1863. Second Lieutenants. James Comstook, com. Aug. 23, 1862; res. Sept. 24, 1862. George W. Clark, com. Nov. 25, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. 364 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Company H. Captains. John L. Hannn, com. March 22, 1863; res. Nov. 17, 1864. William S. Cardell, com. March 1, 1865; must, out with regt. First Lieutenant. William P. Mounts, com. Nov. 2,S, 1862 ; dishon. dismissed Dec. 15, 1864. Second Lieutenant. Thompson Dunn, com. June 24, 1864 ; pro. adjt. Company I. Captain. Edwin M. Byrkit, com. March 1, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Company K. First Lieutenant. Edgar J. Foster, com. Not. 13, 1862; res. Feb. 22, 1864. Henry J. Brattain, com. March 13, 1865 ; must, out with regt. Enlisted Mkn, Company A. First Sergeant. Francis M. Severance, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as private. Sergeants. Edgar J. Foster, must. July 28, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. Co. K. William A. Abbott, must. July 18, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. Fnancis H. Butterfield, must. July 23, 1862; pro. lieut. 5th U. S. Colored Troops. Henry C. Earnest, must. July 20, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865, as private. Corpora/*. Arthur Rhouette, must. July 23, 1862; disch. Jan. 27, 1863. Adam Hereth, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. William B. Lewis, must. July 23, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt. Julius Young, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Herman Franer, must. July 18, 1862; disch. Feb. 2, 1865, for wounds. Adolph J. Many, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt. William J. Brattain, must. July 18, 1862; trans, to Engineer Corps July 20, 1864. Wagoner. Morris Sullivan, must. July 20, 1862; disch. March 1), 1863. Privates. Thoma« Arnold, must. Aug, 5, 1862; died Jan. 7, 1863, of wounds. Frederick Barton, Cumberland, must. Aug. 16, 1862; disch. May 21, 1865, for wounds. ! Philip Boehm, must. Aug. 10, 1862; died in Andersonville i prison Aug. 14, 1864. Henry Bredemeyer, must. Aug. 16, 1862; died at Georgetown, i Tenn., Doc. 30, 1863. Daniel Brennan, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must.'out May 13,1865. Patrick Brennan, must. July 20, 1862; must, out Oct. 13, 1865. William Bailey, must. July 26, 1862; died Oct. 20, 1862, of wounds. William Cerr, must. July 24, 1862; disch. March 26, 1863, for wounds. Francis M. Christian, must. July 24, 1862; disch. Dec, 1862. Benjamin Crigler, must. July 26, 1862; killed at Stone River Jan. 2, 1863. Samuel Dalzell, must. July 26, 1862; must, out June 7, 1866. John Devine, must. July 24, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John B. Ducker, must. Aug. 7, 1862; died at Nashville Sept. 30, 1863. George G. Earl, must. Aug. 9, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. Samuel B. Gaylord, must. Aug. 9, 1862; died Jan. 7, 1863, of wounds. Henry Grabliorn, must. July 30, 1862; disch. March 17, 1863. August Gregorie, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Timothy Haley, must. Aug. 12, 1862; died at Murfreesborough Aug. 20, 1863. Rufus Harper, must. July 26, 1862; missing at Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863. John Hause, must. July 29, 1862; disch. June 23, 1863. James F. Hawthorn, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Robert C. Heitzer, must. July 26, 18B2; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. William Hinesley, must. July 21, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Benjamin Jameson, must. Aug. 16, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863. Charles D. Joslin, must. July 18, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Sebastian Knodle, must. July 23, 1862; died at Nashville Dec. 21, 1862. Philip Kuhn, must. Aug. 9, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Aaron Lawson, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. James F. Lawson, must. Aug. 26, 1862; killed at Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864. Thomas S. Lawson, must. July 22, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. July 15, 1863, on account of wounds. John S. Lawson, must. Aug. 26, 1862; disch. Dec. 15, 1863. Elijah Long, must. July 28, 1862; disch. April 7, 1863. Daniel Mann, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Jacob Medeker, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. William P. Moore, must. Aug. 1, 1862; disch. April 9, 1863, for wounds. Alonzo McNeal, must. July 20, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John H. Nelson, must. July 22, 1862 ; died June 3, 1863, of wounds. Patrick O'Connell, must. July 20, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Michael O'Connell, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1 865. David Pearson, must. July 26, 1862; died at New Albany May 8, 1863. MARION COUNTY IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. 365 Jonas 0. Pearson, must. Aug. 5, 1862; disoh. Nov. 8, 1862. John M. Pettitt, must. July 30, 1862; died June 20, 1863, of wounds. Jesse S. Pointer, must. Aug. 5, 1862 ; disch. March 1, 1865, for wounds. James A. Prcssley, must. Aug. 6, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Frederick Raffert, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disoh. Dec. 1, 1862. John Keister, must. July 20, 1862 ;^ must, out June 7, 1865. Emil Renard, must. July 22, 1862; must, out Jane 7, 1865. Robert Ross, must. July 18, 1862; disoh. Feb. 3, 1863. Philip Seyford, must. July 24, 1862; must, out June 1, 1865. George Stimniann, must. July 18, 1862; disch. Dec. .3, 1863, for wounds. Wellington Watts, must. July 21, 1862 ; trans, to Engineer Corps July 20, 1864. William Werzner, must. July 26, 18B2 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Charles Wortman, must. Aug. 6, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. George Williams, must. Aug. 11, 1862; died at Louisville April, 1864. Enlisted Men, Company C. First Sergeant. Edwin M. Byrkit, must. Aug. 15, 1862; pro. 2d lieut. Serf/eants. Charles J. Many, must. Aug. 19, 1862; pro. Ist lieut. Charles Anderson, must. Aug. 12, 1802; must, out June 7, 1865, as private. Joseph Kline, must. Aug. 15, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt.-maj. John W. AVarnor, must. Aug. 15, 1862 ; killed at Atlanta July 21, 1864. Corporals. John L. Monroe, must. Aug. 25, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Leander W. Munhall, must. Aug. 15, 1862; pro. adjt. William R. Sullivan, must. Aug. 15, 1862; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps Sept. 1, 1863. Theodore R. Bryant, must. Aug. 9, 1862; must, out July 7, 1865. Henry Anderson, must. Aug. 10, 1862; disch. Jan. 21, 1863. Mufiictans. George Frankenstein, must. Aug. 21, 1862; disch. Dec. 15, 1862. John W. Hartpenoe, must. Aug. 13, 1862 ; disoh. July 26, 1864. Waffoner. Oliver F. Long, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as q.ra.-sergt. Privates. John Anderson, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. William Amos, must. Aug. 13, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Bdmond C. Boaz, must. Aug. II, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865, as Ist sergt. Seth W. Bardwell, must. Aug. 15, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Candy Burns, must. Aug. 22, 1862; disch. March 26, 1863. Albert A. Chester, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt. David W. Davis, must. Aug. 13, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Henry Eaton, must. Aug. 13, 1862; trans, to 18th U. S. Inf. Dec. 22, 1862. James E. Foudray, must. Aug. 15, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Thomas Green, must. Aug. 15, 1862; disoh. April 21, 1863. William M. Hall, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. March 2, 1863, as 1st sergt. Andrew Hoover, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. April 18, 1863. William Ilaggart, must. Aug. 15, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. William Jacobs, must. Aug. 22, 1862 ; accidentally shot at Mnrfreesborough June 13, 1863. Benjamin Lester, must. Aug. 14, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Newton Munsell, must. Aug. 26, 1862 ; disch. April 9, 1863. Henry A. Mittay, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt. Horace Marple, must. Aug. 15, 1862; disch. Feb. 7, 1863. Fleming B. Martin, must. Aug. 19, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. James Montgomery, must. Aug. 20, 1862 ; died at Louisville Deo. 20, 1862. Williamson B. Martin, must. Aug. 22, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Edward F. Merryman, must. Aug. 25, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Johnson S. Poppline, must. Aug. 15, 1862; trans, to Vet. Res. Corps June 27, 1865. Robert Rochester, must. Aug. 15, 1862; disoh. April 20, 1863. John Ryan, must. Aug. 14, 1862 ; killed at Kenesaw June 8, 1864. Henry Slumpf, must. Aug. 15, 1862; died at Mnrfreesborough March 5, 1864. James Welsh, must. Aug. 9, 1862 ; disch. Jan. 26, 1863. Enlisted Men, Company F. First Sergeant. Benjamin F. Riley, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; disch. Oct. 18, 1862. Sergeant. Edward P. Thomas, must. Aug. 7, 1862; died at Nashville Deo. 18, 1862. Corporals. John J. Murdock, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as private. Samuel Redman, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; disoh. Jan. 19, 1863. Charles Hayes, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Feb. 6, 1863. John E. Alexander, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disoh. Jan. 30, 1863. 366 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Muaieian, William S. Robinson, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Feb. 10, 1863. Waffoner. Caleb Thomas, must. Aug. 7, 1862;. must, out Juno 7, 1865. Privates, Taylor Arnokl, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Nathan Brooks, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. Jeremiah M. Buckley, must. Aug. 12,1862; disch. May 13, 1863. John Bloomfelter, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. James Bailey, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Ist sergt. Thomas Bairnworth, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. Jan. 29, 1863. William J. Carter, must. Aug. 12, 1862; pro. 1st lieut. William S. Chanplain, must. Aug. 12, 1862; died at Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 1862. James A. Clements, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John Decker, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Lafayette Poughty, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Sept. 14, 1863. Severe Doughty, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Feb. 11, 1863. Teterick Eok, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John F. Edgington, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. Feb. 28,1863. James Fort, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; killed at Kenesaw, Ga , June 18, 1864. William H. Francis, Bridgeport, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must. out June 7, 1865. Daniel Fink, must. Aug. 7, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. May 28, 1864. Edward Gordon, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Thomas Garvey, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Joseph Holderman, must.Aug.7, 1862; must, out June7,1865. Uriah M. Holmes, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. March 8, 1863. Adam Hiss, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Henry JameS, must. Aug. 12, 1862; died at Nashville Dec. 26, 1862. John W. James, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Joseph Ketrow, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. George W. Ketrow, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Edward Kocker, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. April 12, 1863. Robert Lynn, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John Lynn, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Samuel Long, must. Aug. 12, 1862; trans, to 1st U. S. Engi- neers Aug. 15, 1864. Joshua M. W. Langsdale, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as sergt. John Middough, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; died at Scottsville, Ky., Nov. 16, 1862. Tobias Maddox, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; must, out June 7, 1865. Robert Potter, must. Aug. 7, 1862; killed at Stone River Jan. 2, 1863. Jeremiah Probus, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; died at Knoxville Jan. 16, 1864. Reuben Randolph, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. David A. Randolph, must. Aug. 12, 1862; died Aug. 4, 1864, of wounds received at Marietta. Harmon Stout, must. Aug. 7, 1862; disch. Aug. 31, 1863. Joseph B. Stewart, must. Aug. 7, 1862; trans, to Co. C. Isaac W. Stubbs, must. Aug. 12, 1862 ; pro. 1st lieut. Samuel T. Seott, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. March 1, 1863. Christopher Southern, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. John Shafer, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out Jane 7, 1865, as com. -sergt. John J. Stormer, must. Aug. 7, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865, as Corp. Benjamin Vanblaricum, must. Aug. 12, 1862; disch. May 5, 1863. Frank Walz, must. Aug. 12, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. ; must. out June 7, 1865. Stephen Ward, must. Aug. 12, 1862; must, out June 7, 1865. Joseph Ward, must. Aug. 7, 1862; died at Chattanooga Sept. 19, 1862. CHAPTER XV. ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITU- TIONS OF INDIANAPOLIS. The Hasons. — "When the middle-aged men of this generation were little boys the brightest days of the year were the Fourth of July, when the Sunday- schools paraded, and a day in May — no fixed day probably — when the Freemasons assembled at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge made a public demonstration, of which a street procession was the chief feature. The Masons — always given their full name, " Freemasons," and only abbreviated in the more practical days of the railroad era — made a pecu- liarly attractive show. There was a delightful mys- tery through the whole line, from the men with white aprons who held black sticks crossed at the top, to the chaplain with an open Bible before him, on to the gorgeously gilt aprons and scarfs of the Royal Arch and higher degrees. The squares and compasses on the aprons of some, the columns on those of others, ORDERS, SOCIKTIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 367 the mysterious open eye on others, were strange enough to interest intelligent boys, and they followed the ranks from Hubbard's Block or Norwood's Block (Clay- pool's now), in all their stately marches, with a stronger interest than they did the cage-carriages of a menage- rie or the spangled riders of a circus. These displays began here probably when it was decided to hold the annual communications permanently here, in 1833 or within two or three years later. Previously these annual meetings had been held in various towns as the Grand Lodge pleased, sometimes here, and some- times in Corydon, Madison, Jefferson ville, Salem, Vincennes, or New Albany. These parades were made there, and maintained here till after the com- pletion of the Grand Masonic Hall in 1850. But like the Sunday-school processions and other displays for mere show with no practical aim, they fell into disuse and disappeared as the steam clouds of railroad engines thickened, and the roar of factories and traffic drowned the music of their bands. They are seen now only in the fraternal duty they discharge at the funerals of brethren, or some rare civic demonstration. The Grand Lodge of Indiana was formed at Madison on the 12th of January, 1818. Alexander A. Meek, the oldest Past Master present, presided. On the following day an election of officers was held and the first Grand Master of Indiana was elected, Alexander Buckner. The following is the official list of officers for the portion of the year remaining till the regular election in September, furnished for this work by the kindness of the Grand Secretary, with the list of those selected for the first full term : January, 1818 : M. W. Alexander Buckner, G. M. ; R. W. Alexander A. Meek, Dep. G. M. ; R. W. John Tipton, Sen. G. W. ; R. W. Benjamin V. Becker, J. G. W. ; R. W. Samuel C. Tate, G. Treas. ;" R. W. Henry P. Thornton, G. Sec. ; W. Jeremiah Sullivan, G. 0. ; W. Isaac Howk, Sen. G. D. ; W. Jonathan Woodbury, J. G. D. ; W. Nicholas D. Grover, G. P. ; Brother Alexander McCrosky, G. S. and Tyler. September, 1818 : M. W. Alexander A. Meek, G. M. ; Rr W. Davis Floyd, Dep. G. M. ; R. W. John Tipton, Sen. G. W. ; R. W. Thomas Douglas, J. G. W. ; R. W. Henry L. Miner, G. Treas. ; R. W. Isaac Howk, G. Sec. ; W. William Stephens, G. Chapl. ; W. Jeremiah Sullivan, G. 0. ; W. Richard C. Tal- bott, G. M. ; W. Nicholas D. Grover, Sen. G. D. ; W. John Weathers, J. G. D. ; W. Abel C. Pepper, G. S. B. ; W. Alexander McCrosky, G. P. ; Brother George Leas, G. S. and Tyler. The following complete roll of the Grand Masters of the order since the first organization of the Grand Lodge will be of interest to very many more than the members : GRAND MASTERS.i "^'Alexander Buckner, .January 1818 *Alexander A. Meek, September 1818-19 •JohnTipton 1820 •John Sheets 1821-22 ■*Jonathan Jennings 1823-24 «Marston G. Clark 1825 »Isano Howk 1826 »Elihu Stout 1827 *John Tipton, Logansport.' 1828 »Abel C. Pepper, Rising Sun 1829 *PhilIip Mason, Connersville 1830 *Williani Slieets, Madison 1831 »Woodbridge Parker, Salem 1832 »Phillip Mason, Connersville 1833 *Daniel Kelso, York 1834 ■■■'John B. Martin, Vincennes 1835 ■-James L. Hogin, Indianapolis 1836 »Caleb B. Smith, Connersville 1837 «Phillip Mason, Connersville 1838-44 ♦Isaac Bartlett, Logansport 1845 ♦Johnson Watts, Dearborn County 1846 ♦Elizur Doming, Lafayette 1847-50 Alexander C. Downey, Rising Sun 1851-52 ■^■Ilenry C. Lawrence, Lafayette 1853-54 Alexander C. Downey, Rising Sun 1855-56 »Solomon D. Bayliss, Fort Wayne 1857-58 Alexander C. Downey, Rising Sun 1859-60 Thomas R. Austin, New Albany 1861 »John B. Fravel, Lnporte 1862 Willi.am Hacker, Shelbyville 186.3-64 ♦Harvey G. Hazelrigg, Lebanon 1865-67 Martin H. Rice, Plymouth 1868-71 Christian Fetta, Richmond 1872-73 Lucian A. Foote, Crawfordsville 1874 Daniel McDonald, Plymouth 1875 Frank S. Devol, Now Albany 1876 Andrew J. Hay, Charlestown 1877 Robert Van Valzah, Terre Haute 1878 Bellamy S. Sutton, Shelhyville 1879 Calvin W. Prather, Jeffersonville 1880-81 Bruce Carr, Bedford 1882 GRAND SECRETARIES OF THE GRAND LODGE OF INDIANA. «R. W. Davis Floyd, Secretary of the Convention 1817 *R. W. Henry P. Thorntoo, January to , September 1818 t Those marked with a * are dead. ^ Previously the residence is not given. 368 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. «R. W. Isaac Howk 1818-19 »R. W. William C. Keene 1819-26 »R. W. James F. D. Lanier 1826-30 ■»R. W. Austin W. Morris 1830-35, 1839-52 »R. W. Daniel Kelso 1835-36 •»R. W. A. W. Harrison 1836-38 «R. W. Charles Fisher 1838-39 «R. W. William H. Martin 1841-42 *R. W. Francis King * 1852-65 R. W. William Hacker 1865-68 R. W. John M. Bramwell 1863-78 R. W. William H. Smythe 1878- An account of the Grand Lodge Hall and its re- construction will be found in the chapter on " Public Buildings, Halls," etc. The first subordinate lodge organized in Indian- apolis was " Centre." A dispensation for this body was issued March 27, 1822, to Harvey Gregg, the first Master, Milo R. Davis, the first Senior Warden, and John T. Osborn, the first Junior Warden. A charter followed, on the 7th of October, 1822, with Harvey Gregg as first Master, Hervey Bates as first Senior Warden, and John T. Osborn as first Junior Warden. In 1834 this charter was surrendered and a new one granted Dec. 17, 1835. The whole num- ber of Affiliated Master Masons in the city is about eleven hundred, according to the statement of Grand Secretary Smythe. Centre Lodge, No. 23, chartered finally Dec. 17, 1835 : James L. Hogin, W. M. ; John Foster, S. W. ; John Williams, J. W. Present officers: John J. Hufi^er, W. M. ; John Schley, S. W. ; E. D. Marshall, J. W. Marion Lodge, No. 35, chartered May 28, 1847. First officers : John Evans, W. M. ; John Greer, S. W. ; T. Bradley, J. W. Present officers : William H. Shirt, W. M.; George H. Emery, S. W. ; Charles H. Abbett, J. W. Capital City Lodge, No. 312, chartered May 24, 1865. First officers: Aaron D. Orr, W. M. ; Joseph F. Trowbridge, S. W. ; Jacob King, J. W. Present officers: Howard Hcaren, M. W. ; Thomas G. Spafi"ord, S. W. ; John A. Buchanan, J. W. Ancient Landmarks Lodge, No. 319, chartered May 24, 1865. First officers: John Love, W. M. ; ' James W. Hess, S. W. ; Edmund Clark, J. W. Present officers: William S. Rich, W. M. ; Hugh O. McVey, S. W. ; William H. Meier, J. W. Mystic Tie Lodge, No. 398, chartered May 25, 1869. First officers: John Caven, W. M. ; George B. Engle, S. W. ; Joseph W. Smith, J. W. Pres- ent officers : Charles B. Wanamaker, W. M. ; Frank H. Carter, S. W. : Chester Bradford, J. W. Oriental Lodge, No. 500, chartered May 25, 1875. Charles P. Jacobs, W. M. ; Daniel W. Howe, S. W. ; Joseph A. Humphreys, J. W. Pres- ent officers: Thomas L. Sullivan, W. M. ; Rice T. Bates, S. W. ; and Charles H. Arndt, J. W. Pentalpha Lodge, No. 564, chartered May 24, 1882. First officers: Martin H. Rice, W. M. ; Ed- ward H. Wolfe, S. W. ; Adolph Seidensticker, J. W. Present officers : Martin H. Rice, W. M. ; Jacob M. Bruner, S. W. ; Samuel A. Johnson, J. W. The symbol of the " Pentalpha" is the five-pointed star, composed of three triangles, the significance of which is thus explained by the official publication : " Pentalpha, the name of this lodge, is the triple triangle, or the pentalpha of Pythagoras, and is so called from pente, five, and alpha, the letter A, be- cause in its configuration it presents the form of that letter in five diiFerent positions. The mediseval Masons considered it a symbol of deep wisdom, and it is found among the architectural ornaments of most of the ecclesiastical edifices of the Middle Ages. As a Masonic symbol it peculiarly claims attention from the fact that it forms the outlines of the five- pointed star, whicli is typical of the bond of brotherly love that unites the whole fraternity. It is in this view that the pentalpha, or triple triangle, is referred to in Masonic symbolism as representing the intimate union which existed between our three ancient Grand Masters, and which is commemorated by the living pentalpha at the closing of every Royal Arch Chapter." Queen Esther Chapter, No. 3, Order of Eastern Star.' Mrs. Mary E. Ten Eyck, W. M. ; Miss Mary E. Engle, Secretary. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Indiana was organized in 1845, and held its thirty-eighth annual convocation in the Grand Masonic Temple, Oct. 17, 1883, A.L 2413. The present grand officers are: M. E. Robert Van Valzah, of Terre Haute, G. H. P. ; R. E. Benjamin P. Dawson, of Angola, Dep. ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 369 G. H. P. ; R E. Mortimer Nye, of La Porte, G. K. ; R. E. Christian Fetta, of Richmond, G. S. ; R. E. Charles Fisher, of Indianapolis, G. Treas. ; R. B. John M. Bramwell, of Indianapolis, G. Sec. ; E. Ed- ward P. Whallon, of Vincennes, G. Chapl. ; E. Cal vin W. Prather, of Jeffersonville, G. C. of H. ; E. William M. Blakey, of Evansville, G. R. A. C ; Comp. William M. Black, of Indianapolis, G. G. ; M. E. William Hacker, of Shelbyville, C. of W. ; M. E. Thomas B. Long, of Terre Haute, Chairman Committee on Correspondence. Grand Council op Royal and Select Ma- sons of Indiana was organized in 1855, and held its twenty-eighth annual convocation in the Masonic Temple, Oct. 16, 1883, A.D. 2883. The present grand officers are Comp. LaGrange Severance, of Hunt- ington, I. G. M. ; Comp. Thomas R. Austin, of Vin- cennes, Dep. I. G. M. ; Comp. Hezekiah R. Marlatt, of Winchester, G. I. M. ; Comp. Augustus M. Sinks, of Connorsville, G. P. C. of W. ; Comp. Charles Fisher, of Indianapolis, G. Treas. ; Comp. John M. Bramwell, of Indianapolis, G. R. ; Comp. Edward P. Whallon, of Vincennes, G. Chapl. ; Comp. Henry W. Mordhurst, of Fort Wayne, G. C. of G. ; Comp. William M. Black, of Indianapolis, G. S. and S. ; Comp. William Hacker, of Shelbyville, C. of W. ; Comp. William W. Austin, of Richmond, Chairman of Committee on Correspondence. Grand Commandery of Indiana was organized in 1854, and held its twenty-ninth annual conclave in the Asylum of Raper Commandery, No. 1, Knights Templar, in Masonic Temple, April 24, 1883, A.O. 765. Sir Richard L. Woolsey, of Jef- fersonville, R. E. G. C. ; Sir Walter Vail, of Mich- igan City, V. E. Dep. G. C. ; Sir Henry C. Adams, of Indianapolis, E. G. G. ; Sir Ephraim W. Patrick, of Evansville, E. G. C. G. ; Sir James H. Ford, of Logansport, E. G. P. ; Sir George W. F. Kirk, of Shelbyville, E. G. S. W. ; Sir Reuben Peden, of Knightstown, E. G. J. W. ; Sir Charles Fisher, of Indianapolis, E. G. T. ; Sir John M. Bramwell, of Indianapolis, E. G. R. ; Sir William A. Foote, of South Bend, E. G. S. B. ; Sir Edgar H. Andreas, of Lafayette, E. G. S. B. ; Sir Madison M. Hurley, of New Albany, E. G. W. ; Sir William M. Black, of Indianapolis, G. C. of G. ; Sir William Hacker, of Shelbyville, C. of W. ; Sir Nicholas R. Ruckle, of Indianapolis, Chairman of Committee on Correspon- dence. Indianapolis Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, No. 5, was chartered May 25, 1846. The present oflBcers are Herman Weinberger, H. P. ; William Wiegel, K. ; Charles A. Morse,^. Membership, one hundred and thirty. Keystone Chapter, No. 6, of Royal Arch Ma- sons, was organized under a dispensation Sept. 30, 1870, and chartered October 20th following. Present oflBcers : Jacob W. Smith, H. P. ; Christian Brink, K. ; Ferdinand Christman, S. Membership, one hundred and five. Indianapolis Council, No. 2, of Royal and Se- lect Masons, was organized under charter of Oct. 18, 1855. Present oflScers: Herman Weinberger, I. M. ; Roger Parry, Dep. I. M. ; William Wiegel, P. C. of \V. Membership, one hundred and forty. Raper Commandery, No. 1, op Knights Tem- plar. — A sketch of the history of this notable body by Grand Secretary Smythe appears in the Masonic Advocate of last December, from which it appears that the organization was made on the 17tli of May, 1848, at the residence of Governor Whitcomb (the executive mansion, northwest corner of Illinois and Market Streets), and took its name from Rev. Wil- liam Raper, an eminent Methodist clergyman and chief of the Reed Commandery, No. 6, of Dayton, Ohio. He was for many years known in the West as a lecturer on Masonry. Mr. Suiythe adds : " He was present at the organization of this, the first com- mandery in Indiana, and assisted very materially in laying the foundation ' deep, broad, and strong' upon which the superstructure of Raper Commandery has so firmly rested. A period of thirty-five years has elapsed since that little band of Sir Knights, consist- ing of Abel C. Pepper, James H. Pepper, James Stir- rat, Caleb Schmidlap, Isaac Bartlett, Francis King, B. T. Kavanaugh, Henry C. Laurence, Seth Beers, William Hacker, William H. Raper, and Samuel Reed (the latter two named being from Ohio), met at the residence of Governor Whitcomb, where Raper Commandery was organized under many diflSculties." 370 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Since its organization four hundred and forty-five Knights have held membership in this body, and the present number is one hundred and seventy-six. The drill of this commandery, which has won it a national distinction, was mainly the work of Col. N. 11. Ruckle, of the Indiana Eleventh Regiment, now P. G. C. of the commandery. In the competitive drill at Cleve- land in 1877 it took the second prize, a silver libation set. At Chicago, in 1880, it took the first prize, a fine sword set with diamonds. At San Francisco, last year, it took the second prize, a mounted Knight Templar in bronze, with gold armor and trappings set on a column of gold-bearing quartz finely polished and ornamented with emblematical figures and gems, and wreathed with a vine of enameled work, the whole costing over two thousand dollars. The Scottish Rite A. and A. Masons receive none but those who have attained the Master's degree in the York Rite. The highest degree is the thirty-third. The order is divided into four bodies, — " Lodges of Perfection," " Councils of Princes of Je- rusalem," " Chapters of Rose Croix," and " Consisto- ries of Princes of the Royal Secret." In February, 1864, the Supreme Council granted to Caleb B. Smith, ex-Secretary of the Interior, and his associ- ates, a dispensation to institute the first lodge of the Scottish Rite A. and A. Masonry, and the Adon- iram Grand Lodge of Perfection was thus organized. The present members are Nicholas Ruckle, 33°, T.-. P.'.G.-.M.; Jos. W. Smith, 33°, H.-.D.-.T.-.G.-.M.; John T. Brush, V.-.S.-.G.-.W.; Samuel A.Johnston, Ven.-.J.-.G.-.W. ; John A. Holman, G.-.Orator; Joseph Staub, G.-.Treas. ; Cortes F. HoUiday, 33°, G.-.Seo.-.K.-.of S.; Jacob W. Smith, 33°, G.-.Mas.-.of Ceremonies; J. Giles Smith, G.'.Capt.-.of the G. ; Charles H. Reynolds, G.'. Hospitaller ; Henry H. McGafFey, G.-.Tiler. Trustees : Nicholas Ruckle, 33°, Phineas G. C. Hunt, 33°, Austin H. Brown, 33°. The Seraiah Council op Princes op Jerusa- lem was instituted simultaneously with Adoniram Lodge, and by the same men and the same authority. The present officers are Chas. E. Wright, 33°, M.-.E.-. Sov.-.P.-.G.-.M. ; A. H. Brown, G.-.H.-.P.-.D.-.G.-.M.; Geo. P. Branham, M.-.E.-.Sen.-.G.-.W. ; C. C. Adams, M.-.E.-.Jun.-.G.-.W. ; Jos. Staub, Val.-.G.-.Treas.'; Cor- tes F. Holliday,33°,Val.-.G.-.Sec.-.K.-.of S.-.and A.; Henry H. McGaffey, Val.-.G.-.M.-.of C. ; C. F. Weyer, Val.'.G.'. Almoner ; Charles L. Hutchinson, Val.-.G.\ M.-.of E. ; Gilbert W. Davis, 33°, G.-.Tiler. Indianapolis Chapter op the Rose Croix was opened, under a dispensation granted to Theodore P. Haughey and others, Nov. 2, 1864. The Indi- ana Consistory was given a dispensation, through Edwin A. Davis and others, Nov. 2, 1864. The present officers of both the Chapter and Consistory are Byron K. Elliott, M.-.W.-.and P.-.M. ; Roscoe 0. Hawkins, M.-.E.-.and P.-.K.-.S.-. W. ; Jno. A. Holman, M.-.E.-.and P.-.K.'.J.-.W. ; Frisby S. Newcomer, M.-.E.-.and P.-.K.-.G.-.O. ; Joseph Staub, R.-.and P.-.K.-.Treas. ; Cortes F. Holliday, 33°, R.-.and P.-.K.-.Sec. ; John R. Nickum, R.-.and P.-.K.-.H. ; John A. Henry, R.-.and P.-.K.-.M.-.of C. ; J. Giles Smith, R.-.and P.-.K.-.C.-.of G. Indiana Sovereign Consistory, S.-.P.-.R.-.S.-., 32°.— Nicholas R. Ruckle, 33°, I.-.C.-.in C. ; Cyrus J. Dobbs, I.-. First Lieut.-. Com. ; Phineas G. C. Hunt, 33°, I. -.Second Lieut.-. Com. ; Samuel A.John- ston, I.-.G.-.C; Cortes F. Holliday, 33°, I.-.G.-.Sec.-. and K.-.of S. ; Joseph Staub, I. -.G.-.Treas. : Roscoe 0. Hawkins, I.-.G.-.E.-.and A.; Frederick Baggs, I.-.G.-.H. ; Joseph W. Smith, 33°, I.-.G.-.M.-.of C. ; John T. Pressle}', L-.G.-.S.-.B. ; Charles L. Hutchin- son, I.-.G.-.C.-.of G. ; George W. Ayers, I.-.G.-.S. Acting members of the Supreme Council : Elbridge G. Hamilton, 33°, John Caven, 33°, Thomas R. Austin, 33° ; deputy for the district of Indiana, El- bridge G. Hamilton. The roster of members con- tains about six hundred names. The building recently erected by the A. and A. Ma- sons of the city is claimed by tlicm and generally con- ceded by others to be the most complete Scottish Rite temple in the United States or the world. The east and south walls are one hundred and six feet high, and command the best view of the city attainable anywhere within its limits. The cost of fitting it up was about fifty thousand dollars. The ground-floor is rented for business houses, and the whole of the upper space is used by the order. A recent descrip- tion says that on the west side are the secretary's room, two parlors, and the library-room. These four ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 371 rooms are each twenty-five feet square and en suite. Of the library, donated by Mr. William Hacker, it may be said that in intrinsic value as a Masonic library it stands only second in the United States. These rooms are all carpeted with velvet. The furni- ture of the secretary's room and the library is walnut and leather, and of the two parlors walnut and plush. On the east side is the banquet-room, thirty-five by fifty-nine feet, which by means of folding doors can be thrown open, and with the other rooms on the floor accommodate a great throng of people. Communi- cating with the banquet-room is a large and admira- bly-arranged kitchen and pantry. On the third floor, which will be devoted to work in the degrees leading to and including the fourteenth, or Perfection degree, are the candidates' room and the Perfection room. The first is nineteen by forty feet, the furniture being walnut and plush ; the other is twenty-five by thirty-eight feet in its auditorium, with a stage twenty feet deep. Adjoining this are .scene-rooms, etc. On this floor, as on the others, there are all conveniences, including numerous and easy exits to the floor below. The fourth and fifth stories, in which will be con- ducted the work of conferring the higher degrees, mu.st be considered as forming one story. On the west side is the grand auditorium-room forty by eighty feet, including a stage thirty feet high. The scene-room and amphitheatre on this floor is twenty- two by fifty feet and twenty-seven feet high, and the candidates' room is nineteen by forty feet. Around three sides of the theatre (for so it must be called) are broad and capacious galleries that will seat over four hundred and fifty persons, and the sunlight that de- pends from the centre of the ceiling difl'uses a beauti- ful and brilliant light over the audience- room. This room and the ceiling and galleries have been exquis- itely frescoed. CoLOKED Masons. — The Grand Lodge of colored Masons of Indiana was chartered by the National Grand Lodge assembled at Cincinnati July 30, 1859. The first Grand Master was John G. Britton. The present is Charles Lancier. Of the present subordi- nate lodges it is said that Central, No. 1, was at first the Union, No. 1, organized in 1846; but be that as it may, the Central and another were con- solidated in 1872, and the former stands as the oldest lodge of colored Masons in the city. Central Lodge, No. 1. — Present oflicers : Joseph Lewis, M. ; Albert G. Farley, Sec. Trinity Lodge, No. 18. — Present oflicers : William Harvey, M. ; William De Homey, Sec. Wuterford Lodge, No. 13. — Present oflScers: Henry S. Seaton, M. ; William Lockett, Sec. Membership of all the lodges, two hundred and seventy-five. Leah, Eastern Star Order. — Present oflicers : Jessie Herron, Prest. ; Alice Green, Sec. Member- ship, seventy-five. Alpha Chapter, No. 13. — Anderson Lewis, H. P. ; Charles W. Lewis, Rec. Membership, thirty-two. Gcthsemane Commandery, No. 9. — -John W. Stewart, E. C. ; Henry Moore, Rec, Membership, thirty. The colored lodges all meet at 115^ Bast Wash- ington Street. Masonic Mutual Benefit Society, — The ob- ject of this association is to give assistance to the families or dependents of deceased members. None are admitted but Master Masons of this State in good standing and good health at the time. There are four classes and two divisions. Art. VI. of the constitution thus defines the classes : first, from twenty-one to thirty years of age ; second, from thirty-one to forty ; third, from forty-one to forty- seven ; fourth, from forty-eight to fifty-five. The assessments are made on the deaths of members as follows : first class pays one dollar ; second, one dol- lar and ten cents ; third, one dollar and twenty-five cents ; fourth, one dollar and eighty cents. The benefits are thus defined in the constitution : " Upon the death of a member the directors shall pay to the beneficiary of the deceased member a sum equal to seventy cents for every member of the society of the first class at the time of his death ; seventy-five cents for every member of the second class ; ninety-five cents for every member of the third class; and one dollar and sixty cents for every member of the fourth class. The payments are only for the divisions of the society of which the deceased was a member ; 372 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTr. but not more than twenty-five hundred dollars shall be paid to beneficiaries of the first division, and not more than fifteen hundred dollars to those of the sec- ond division." Out of the assessments not required to pay benefits and out of the admission fees of mem- bers is made a permanent fund to make payments to heirs before assessments are paid; to make up de- ficiencies, and to pay expenses of management. The number of members in the two divisions in 1883 was 9013, or in the first 4932, in the second 4081. Deaths in the first, 55 ; in the second, 23 ; a total of 78. Average percentage of deaths in thirteen years, 10.92 ; percentage to one thousand members, 8.65. Increase of membership in the year ending July 31,. 1883, 4833, or 115 per cent. Amount of benefits paid to 1st of January, 1884, $2,452,337.96. The Odd-Fellows. Grand Lodge. — Though the origin of the Masonic order is mythical, and not made clearer or more authentic by its authoritative expo- sitions, that of Odd-Fellowship is as well ascertained as the origin of the Temperance Union or the United States government. From chance meetings of " good fellows," who fancied the name " Odd-Fellows," at taverns for convivial purposes in London, it advanced first to permanent organization, and then to a moral and benevolent association which stands fairly among the most potent agencies for good in this world, at least of those of human device. It was introduced in this country by Thomas Wildey in 1819, who, with four others, that year formed the Washing- ton Lodge, No. 1, in Baltimore, and soon afterwards obtained a charter from the Manchester Unity, the central organization of England, for the Grand Lodge of Maryland and the United States. The first lodge in Indiana was organized in New Albany in October, 1835, the next in Madison in 1836. These two ob- tained from the Grand Lodge of the United States authority for a Grand Lodge of Indiana, Aug. 14, 1837, instituted by the Deputy Grand Commander of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, Henry Wolford. It was located at New Albany until 1841, when it was removed to Madison. In September, 1845, the Grand Lodge of the United States authorized a vote of the subordinate lodges of the States to decide whether another removal should not be made to In- dianapolis. The decision was affirmative, and the first session of the Grand Lodge was held here on the 19th of January, 1846, and represented twenty-seven subordinate lodges and a total membership of seven hundred and sixty-eight. The first grand officers in 1837 were Joseph D. Barkley, Grand Master ; Richard D. Evans, Dep. G. M. ; Jared C. Jocelyn, G. Sec. ; Henry H. West, G. W. ; John Evans, G. Treas. The Grand Masters holding for one year have been :' Joseph D. Barkley 1837 ^Richurd D. Evans 1838 « William Ford 1839 Cliristian Bucher 1840 John Ncal 1841 James W. Hinds 1842 Noah H. Cobb 1843 William Cross 1844 « John H. Taylor 1845 « Joel B. McFarland 1846 John Green 1847 Philander B. Brown 1848 Job B. Eldridge 1849 Milton Hern don , 1850 Oliver Dufour 1851 » Jose^ih L. Siloox 1852 «William K. Edwards 1853 ^Oliver P. Morton 1854 J. B. Anderson 1855 James II. Stewart 1856 * Pleasant A. Ilackleman 1857 » A. H. Matthews 1858 Thomas Underwood 1859 •*Solomon Meredith 1860 William H. Dixon 1861 Jonathan S. Harvey 1862 » Dennis Gregg 1863 Harvey D. Scott 1864 «Thomas B. McCarty 1865 Joseph A. Funk 1866 John Sanders 1867 *DanieI L. Adams 1868 James A. Wildman 1869 AVm. H. DcWolf, Vincennes 1870 J. W. MoQuiddy, New Albany 1871 Piatt J. Wise, Fort Wayne 1872 Richard Owen, New Harmony 1873 D. B. Shideler, Jonesborough 1874 J. B. Kimball, Kendallville 1875 Leonidas Sexton, Rushville 1876 Wm. R. Myers, Anderson 1877 Enoch Cox, Delphi 1878 D. W. La FoUette, New Albany 1879 AVill Camback, Greensburg 1880 N. P. Richmond, Kokomo 1881 S. P. Oyler, Franklin 1882 H. McCoy, Indianapolis 1883 The present Grand Lodge officers are H. McCoy, 1 Those marked thus * are deceased. OKDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHAKITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 373 G. M., Indianapolis ; John F. Wildman, D. G. M., Muncie ; J. B. Kenner, G. W., Huntington ; B. F. Foster, G. S., Indianapolis; Theo. P. Haughey, G. Treas., Indianapolis ; N. P. Richmond, G. Rep. Sov. G. Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Kokomo; 8. P. Ojler, G. Rep. S. G. Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., Franklin; R. F. Brewington, G. Chap., Knightstown ; A. C. Daily, G. Marshal, Lebanon ; P. M. Martin, G. C, Gosport; C. H. Haufler, G. G., Knightstown ; F. J. Clark, G. H., Jonesborough. The report of Grand Secretary Foster shows that there are now six hundred and four lodges in the State, with an aggregate contributing membership of twenty- six thousand and seventeen. In the year ending last November (1883) the number of brothers relieved was seventeen hundred and eighteen ; of families, one hundred and seventy ; amount paid for relief of brothers, $31,052.95; for relief of widowed fam- ilies, $3334.58 ; for educating orphans, $625.50 ; for burying the dead, $8173.32 ; other charitable purposes, $4084.51 ; total for charity and relief, $47,- 270.56. In the year 1853 the Odd-Fellow.s began the work of providing themselves with a suitable building for Grand Lodge meetings and the use of subordinate lodges and encampments. Subscriptions by lodges and individuals to the amount of forty-five thousand dollars were procured, and the northeast corner of ] Pennsylvania and Washington Streets bought. On | this lot had stood the first carriage factory in the city, and later the dry-goods store of Col. Russell and ' William Conner (the Indian agent and guide), fol- ! lowed by that of Smith & Hanna ; while along its eastern line was the lot on which Luke Walpole had one of the first stores in the place. The building was planned by the late Francis Costigan, who built the post-office and the Oriental House (now part of the Grand Hotel), but finished by D. A. Bohlon, who mounted an elongated and very pretty dome upon it. The style of the structure was fanciful, but attractive, and it is still counted one of the prettiest buildings in the city. Some years ago it was reconstructed and the dome taken oflF, but not otherwise greatly changed. The entire cost of building and site was sixty-two thousand dollars. The Grand Encampment of Indiana was in- .stituted Jan. 10, 1847, by the late Jacob P. Chap- man, by warrant from the Grand Lodge of the United States. The following is the roll of the Past Grand Patriarchs : Christian Bucher 1847 Thom.is S. Wright 1848 Isaac Taylor 1849 Job Eldridge 1850 Jacob P. Chapman 1851 Daniel Moss 185^ Edward H. Barry 1853 Marshall Se.\ton 1854 Lewis Humphreys 1855 J. S. Harvey 1856 I Chris. Miller 1857 J. H. Stailey 1858 T. B. McCarty 1859 N. P. Howard 1860 L. M. Campbell 1861 David Ferguson 1862 Leonidas Sexton 1863 James Burgess 1864 F. J. Blair 1865 C. P. Tuley 1866 W. M. French 1867 W. C.'Lupton 1868 James Pierce 1869 Thomas G. Beharrell 1870 W. Y. Monroe 1871 N. P. Richmond 1872 J. E. Barrett 1873 Keuben Robertson 1874 J. W. Smith 1875 John Morgan 1876 W. K. Edwards 1877 J. F. Wallick 1878 S. B. HiiUey 1879 R. Berger 1880 H. 0. Heichert 1881 W.H.Jacks 1882 Richard Berger 1883 The Grand Encampment now represents one hun- dred and fifty-nine subordinate encampments, with five thousand five hundred and seven contributing members ; paid for relief of patriarchs, widowed fam- ilies, burying the dead, and other charitable purposes, five thousand one hundred and sixty-six dollars and twenty-two cents. Subordinate Lodges op Indianapolis. — Centre, No. 18, was instituted on the 24th of Decem- ber, 1844, with the following members : William Sul- livan, Edgar B. Hoyt, Jacob P. Chapman, William A. Day, Enoch Pile, Jacob B. McChesney, and John Kelly. William Sullivan was the first Noble Grand, and the first representative to the Grand Lodge. The present officers are Frank Matlock, N. G. ; W. W. Knight, Sec. Contributing members, one hundred and thirty-five. fhiloxenian Lodge (Strangers' Friend), No. 44, was instituted July 8, 1847, with the following mem- bers: Harvey Brown, D. P. Hunt, Willis W. Wright, John J. Owsley, William Robson, George D. Staats, D. T. Powers, Lafayette Yandes, William Mansur. The first officers were Harvey Brown, N. G. ; David P. Hunt, V. G. ; Willis W. Wright, Sec. ; John J. Owsley, Treas. The present officers are John Gustin, 374 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. N. G. ; Joseph S. Watson, Sec. Contributing mem- bers, two hundred and eleven. Capital Lodge, No. 124, was instituted Jan. 20 1853, with the following first officers : John Dunn N. G. ; John Cottman, V. G. ; William Wallace, Rec Sec. ; George F. McGinnis, Treas. The present oifi cers are M. J. Laporte, N. G. ; W. A. McAdams Sec. Contributing members, one hundred and sev- enty-nine. Germania Lodge, A'o. 129, was established Feb. 24, 1853, with ten members and the following first officers : Charles Conlon, N. G. ; Alexander Metzger, V. G. ; Julius Boettiker, Sec. ; Henry Schmidt, Treas. Present officers are H. Ranje, N. G. ; and H. p]. Thomas, Sec. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 465. Present officers : W. H. Orpwood, N. G. ; Louis Smith, Sec. Contrib- uting members, seventy-seven. Corinthian Lodge, No. 474. Present officers : J. T. Williams, N. G. ; L. W. McDaniels, Sec. Con- tributing members, seventy-three. Meridian Lodge, No. 480. Present officers : Thomas A. Black, N. G. ; J. T. Armstead, Sec. Contributing members, one hundred and forty-nine. Centennial Lodge, No. 520. Present officers: Thomas Rodebaugh, N. G. ; J. A. Pritchard, See. Contributing members, seventy-four. Mozart Lodge, No. 531. Present officers: M. Kleebauer, N. G. ; F. Boettiker, Sec. Contributing members, ninety-seven. Subordinate Encampments. — The Metropoli- tan, No. 5, was instituted July 20, 1846, with the following past officers: Jacob P. Chapman, C. P.; Edwin Hedderly, H. P. ; George B. Warren, S. W. ; W. B. Preston, J. W. ; Benjamin B. Taylor, S. ; A. C. Christfield, Treas. ; John H. Taylor, Sent. Pres- ent officers: S. W. Wales, C. P.; Charles B. Foster, S. Contributing members, one hundred and seventy- two. Marion, No. 35, was instituted March 24, 1853, with the following past officers: Obed Foote, C. P.; Joseph K. English, H. P. ; Anthony Defrees, S. ; Daniel Yandes, Jr., S. W. ; William C. Lupton, J. W. ; George G. Holman, Treas. ; John M. Kemper, Sent. It had ninety members in 1870. Since that it has been in some way eliminated, as it no longer appears in the official list of encampments and there is a gap between Nos. 34 and 36. Teutonia, No. 57 (German), was established Aug. 1, 1858, with thirty-two members and the following i officers : George F. Meyer, C. P. ; Charles Conlon, H. P. ; John P. Stumph, S. W. ; Charles Bals, J.W. ; F. Tapking, S. ; Alexander Metzger, Treas. Pres- ent officers: W. A. Schoppe, C. P.; Henry Kuerst, j S. Contributing members, one hundred and twelve. Ariel, No. 144, Chief Patriarch not designated; : Omer Rodibaugh, S. ; contributing members, nine- 1 teen. Indianapolis Degree Camp, No, 1, H. McCoy, Com. ; C. D. Hoyle, O. of the G.; Frank McQuiddy, Sec. ; Theodore P. Haughey, Treas. Ilarmonia and Olive Branch Rebekah Degree Lodges meet, the first on the second Thursday, the other on the second Saturday in each month. CoLOEED Odd-Fellows have a Grand Lodge (Mr. Paran, G. M.) and three subordinate lodges in the city, with one female affiliated society called Household of Ruth, Lodge 34, and a P. G. M. Council. They all meet in No. 82J East Washing- ton Street. Lincoln Union Lodge, No. 1486, Edward Proctor, Sec. Gerritt Smith Lodge, No. 1707, Samuel Hcrron, Sec. 0. P. Morton Lodge, No. 1987, William Christie, See. Odd-Fellows' Mutual Aid Association. — This society was organized Nov. 21, 1872, with a board of twelve directors, of which William Wallace was president ; Leonidas Sexton, vice-president ; J. W. McQuiddy, secretary ; and Theodore P. Haughey, treasurer. The following is the present board of directors and officers : William Wallace, president ; Thomas Underwood, vice-president; John W. Mc- Quiddy, secretary ; Theodore P. Haughey, treasurer ; W. E. Jeffries, medical examiner. Directors : Wil- liam Wallace, P. G. ; Thomas Underwood, P. G. M. ; John W. McQuiddy, P. G. M. ; Theodore P. Haughey, G. Treas.; Piatt J. Wise, P. G. M. ; William H. DeWolf, P. G. M. ; James B. Kimball, ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 375 P. G. M. ; John F. Wildman, D. G. M. ; Nathaniel P. Richmond, P. G. M. ; Samuel B. Halley, P. G. F. ; Edward S. Porter, G. H. P.; John F. Wallick, P. 6. P. This association, like that of the Masons, divides the members into four classes, those from twenty-one to thirty years of age constituting the first class ; from thirty-one to forty, the second class ; at once, and in less than a. month the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia was organized. This was rapid growth, but the decay was equally rapid. In about two years all the lodges were dead but the second one formed in Washington. It became the nucleus of future accretions, and in another year the order began its second growth. A lodge was estab- from forty-one to fifty, the third class ; from fifty-one i lished in Philadelphia, and was followed in other to fifty-five, the fourth class. On the death of a mem- ber each of the other members, within fifteen days, pays to the secretary or his duly authorized agent assessments, as follows : Members of the first class, one dollar ; of the second class, one dollar and five cents ; of the third class, one dollar and twenty-five cents ; of the fourth class, one dollar and eighty cents. The report for the year ending Nov. 1, 1883, shows that 2625 certificates are " in force," of which 390 are in the first class, 1015 in the second class, 859 in the third class, and 39-1 in the fourth class. The total amount of benefits paid from the organiza- tion of the association is $776,071.82. Whole number of deaths in the two divisions since organiza- tion is 379. The following summary shows the operation of the aid system as clearly as anything that can be put in equal space. The cost to each member in the first division for the year for $2500 has been as follows: First class, $31, or $12.40 per $1000; second class, $32.55, or $13.02 per $1000; third class, $28.75, or $15.50 per $1000; fourth class, $55.80, or $22.32 per $1000. The cost for eleven years for a member who has paid every assessment for an average benefit of $2386 has been, — Whole Cos.. Per Year. ';-|'«°« First class $256.70 $23.33 $9.74 Second class 270.45 24.59 10.30 Third class 325.45 29.57 12.38 Fourth class 495.20 45.01 18.86 Receipts, both divisions, $115,679.79; expendi- tures other than death lo.sses, $11,464.33. Knights of Pythias. — The mo.st numerous and respectable secret order, after the M.isons and Odd- Fellows, is the Knights of Pythias, an outgrowth of the period since the war. The first lodge was organized in Washington City in February, 1864, by J. H. Rathbone. A few other lodges followed quarters, till on the 11th of August, 1868, the re- juvenated order felt able to organize a Supreme Lodge of the World at Washington. In the .session of 1869, at Richmond, Va., seven States and the District of Columbia were represented; in 1870, in New York, seven more States, including Indiana, were represented ; at the third ses^sion, in Philadel- phia, twenty-two States in all were represented. It has overspread to Europe and South America and all round the world. The order was brought to Indiana by Charles P. Carty, who organized the first lodge in Indianapolis — Marion Lodge, No. 1— on July 12, 1869. In three months there were three lodges here and three in Fort Wayne, and these organized the Grand Lodge on the 20th of October. 1869. The first Grand Lodge ofiicers were Charles P. Carty, V. G. P., Indianapolis; John Caven, G. C, Indianapolis; John L. Brown, V. G. C, Fort Wayne ; George H. Swain, G. R. and C. S, Indianapolis ; George F. Meyer, G. B., Indianapolis; John B. Ryan, G. G., Indianapolis; William A. Root, G. I. S., Indianapolis; Charles Johns, G. 0. S., Indianapolis. On the 1st of May, 1871, there were nine lodges in good work- ing order, with an aggregate membership of seven hundred in the State. In this city there are eight lodges, all meeting at the hall northwest corner of Market and Pennsylvania Streets. The general relief committee meets there the first Saturday of every month. The ahnual convocations meet the fourth Tuesday in January. The present grand ofiicers are James T. Darnell, P. G. C. ; E. G. Herr, G. C. ; R. A. Carrau, G. P. ; W. L. Dunlap, G. M. of E. ; D. B. Shideler, G. K. of R. and S. Marion Lodge, No. 1— Ofiicers: W. T. Sem- ple, C. C. ; Theodore Buchter, K. of R. and S. Olive Branch Lodge, No. 2. — Ofiicers : Wil- 376 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Ham H. Orpwood, C. C. ; John T. Francis, K. of R. and S. KoERNER Lodge, No. 6. — OflScers: Philip Graffe, C. C. ; Charles Dahlman, K. of R. and S. Star Lodge, No. 7. — Officers : H. C. Newcomb, Jr., C. C. ; Frank Blanchard, K. of R. and S. Excelsior Lodge, No. 25. — Officers: Lewis Feller, C. C. ; Henry B. Stotte, K. of R. and S. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 56. — Officers: J. M. Ryder, C. C. ; J. A. Preston, K. of R. and S. Schiller Lodge, No. 61. — Officers: William J. Rosebrock, C. C. ; John Ploeger, K. of R. and S. Capital City Lodge, No. 97. — Officers: Dr. Earp, C. C. ; John J. Langdon, K. of R. and S. Knights of Honor. — The Grand Lodge meets annually on the last Tuesday in February, hall northwest corner of Market and Pennsylvania Streets. William D. Bynum, G. D. ; James W. Jacob, G. R. Wheatley Lodge, No. 8. — Officers : George Brunick, D. ; Charles Kerner, R. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 9. — Officers: Titus Atland, D. ; Thomas H. Clapp, R. Victoria Lodge, No. 22. — Officers: G. M. Alexander, D. ; J. W. Hosman, R. Eureka Lodge, No. 24. — Officers: J. K. Rob- son, D. ; J. B. Nickerson, R. Schiller Lodge, No. 40. — Officers : Theodore Wagner, D. ; Fred. WeifFenpach, R. Washington Lodge, No. 114. — Officers: Claude M. Ryan, D. ; Joseph Dovy, R. Marion Lodge, No. 601. Garfield Lodge, No. 2583— Officers : C. T. Stone, D. ; William H. Fulton, R. Germania Lodge, No. 2634. — Officers : Wil- liam John, D. ; Albert J. Groenwaldt, R. Women are members and officers of one of the divisions called the Degree of Perfection, of which i there are two lodges, Hope, No. 6, and Martha Lodge. Of the latter Elizabeth Hert is P., and Peter Lehr, R. j Druids, — The Grand Grove of Indiana was | established in Indianapolis in 1860, and the order has three groves here, Chapter, No. 3, and Ger- mania Circle, No. 2. The groves are Octavian, No. 3, Humboldt, No. 8, Mozart, No. 13, and Washington Supreme Arch Chapter, No. 3. Red Men, — The first of the tribes of this order organized here was the Pocahontas, Oct. 3, 1869, with forty-eight members. This division of the Red Men to which it belongs is called the " Inde- pendent Order," or " United Order." The other is called the " Improved Order," and has three tribes here which have a hall in the Griffith Block, No. 36J West Washington Street. The Palmetto Tribe. No. 17. — Adam Kalb, S. ; Ferdinand Rouser, C. of R. Instituted May 2, 1870. Works in German. The Red Cloud Tribe, No. 18. — J. S. Coifman, S. ; Henry Albertsmeyer, C. of R. Instituted Aug. 10, 1870. Works in English. The Minnewa Tribe, No. 38. — Robert Smith, S. ; George F. David, C. of R. Royal Arcanum, — The Grand Council meets an- nually on the first Wednesday in March in the hall, Bates' Block, North Pennsylvania Street; C. B. Mil- ler, G. R. ; Frank W. Olin, G. Sec. The subordi- nate councils are Indiana Council, No. 128. — Hall, corner of Fort Wayne Avenue and St. Mary Street ; Thomas H. Clapp, R. ; C. W. Overman, Sec. Indianapolis Council, No. 328. — Hall in Bates' Block ; W. H. Hobbs, R. ; Charles M. Coats, Sec. HoosiER Council, No. 394. — Hall, corner of Illinois and Seventh Street ; A. A. Heifer, R. ; A. J. Van Deinse, Sec. Marion Council, No. 399. — Hall, Bates' Block ; W. R. Miller, R. ; Charles G. Irwin, Sec. 0. of C, F, (Chosen Friends), — The Supreme Council meets first Tuesday in September ; A. Alcon, S. C. ; T. B. Linn, S. R. Hall, 172J East Wash- ington Street. The Grand Council meets the third Tuesday in February, Nos. /16 and 18 Hub- bard's Block ; Dr. C. S. Pixley, G. C. ; C. Bradford, G. R. Alpha Council, No. 1. — Hall of Chosen Friends, Bates' Block ; A. Rosengarten, C. C. ; Mrs. H. C. Page, Sec. Delta Council, No. 2. — Hall, Bates' Block ; Levi Roberts, C. C. ; John McElwee, Sec. ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 377 Venus Council, No. 7. — Hall, 13J East Wash- ington Street ; M. H. Daniels, C. C. ; Barry Self, Sec. Crescent Council, No. 8. — Hall, corner of Ver- mont and Mississippi Streets ; Frank B. Taylor, C. C. ; G. E. Tiffany, Sec. Marion Council, No. 16. — Hall of Red Men, 36J West Washington Street ; George F. David, C. C. ; Ernest B. Cole, Sec. True Friend Council, No. 23. — Hall, Bates' Block ; G. B. Manlove, C. C. ; C. L. Hinton, Sec. Eureka Council, No. 25. — Hall, Bates' Block ; George Lutz, C. C. ; J. S. Roberts, Sec. v. 0. H. — Supreme Lodge meets first Wednes- day in October ; George W. Powell, Sup. Prest. ; Ernest Duden, Sup. Sec. ; A. L. Blue, Sup. Treas. Grand Lodge meets third Tuesday in May ; Thomas E. Boyd, G. Prest. ; Ernest Duden, G. Sec. ; Samuel B. Corbaley, G. Treas. ; Mrs. Althouse, G. Chapl. The subordinate lodges are : Enterprise Lodge, No. 1. — Hall, Griffith's Block ; John W. Howe, Prest. ; J. F. Feshler, Rec. Sec. Capital City Lodge, No. 2. — Hall, Mankedick's, end of Virginia Avenue ; James D. Caylor, Prest. ; Eliza Champe, Rec. Sec. Washington Lodge, No. 13. — Hall, Vermont and Mississippi Streets; R. A. Pearce, Prest.; W. A. Brackin, Rec. Sec. Hope Lodge, No. 14. — Hall, comer of Fort Wayne Avenue and St. Mary Street; Peter P. Hereth, Prest. ; James S. Smith, Rec. Sec. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 15. — Hall, Boston Block; Charles 0. Harris, Prest. ; George F. Ridge, Rec. Sec. Ancient Order of Hibernians. — Officers of the county, James H. Deery, C. D. ; William Broderick, Jr., C. S. ; John H. Meany, C. T. Division No. 1.— Hall, Parnell Hall, McCarty and Maple Streets; William Broderick, Jr., Prest. Division No. 2. — Peter Carson, Prest. ; John H. Meany, F. S. ; E. F. Hart, R. S. Division No. 3. — Andrew Lee, Prest. ; William Brennan, P. S. ; Dennis Sullivan, Treas. American Order United Workingmen. — Hall, 25 Griffith's Block. Grand Lodge meets biennially on the third Thursday in February. There are five sub- ordinate lodges here : Union Lodge, No. 6. — John T. Francis, Fin. Eagle Lodge, No. 10. — John M. Bohmie, M. W. ; G. W. Hill, Fin. Capital Lodge, No. 19.— C. H. Miller, Rec. ; John Bessel, Fin. Prospect Lodge, No. 45. — Joseph Dynes, M. W. ; J. R. Childers, Fin. ; F. G. Brown, Rec. Crescent Lodge, No. 72.— C. F. Miller, Fin. A. R. A. German Lodge, No. 3. — John Ben- ninger, W. M. ; Henry Riechmeyer, Sec. E. P. 0. E. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 13. — John H. Martin, E. R. ; S. C. Henton', Sec. ; James V. Cook, Treas. D. 0. H. Freya Lodge, No. 63. — George Hol- ler, 0. B. ; August Emerich, Sec. Schiller Lodge, No. 381. — Frank Noelle, 0. B. ; Silas Thompson, Cor. Sec. D. R. K. — St. Bonifacius' Support Union and St. Joseph's Support Union are both purely German and Catholic charitable associations, holding their meetings at St. Mary's School. G. A. R. (Grand Army of the Republic). — South- east corner of Tennessee and Market Streets. Com- mander, James R. Carnahan, Adjt.-Gen. of Indiana; Ben. D. House, A. A. G. ; G. H. Shover, A. Q. M. G. There are two posts here, George H. Thomas and George H. Chapman. The colored members have a post partially organized. Good Templars. — Hall, southeast corner of Me- ridian and Washington Streets. Grand Lodge. An- nual meeting third Tuesday in October. Eli Miller, G. VV. C. T. ; Rev. W. W. Snyder, G. W. C. ; Mrs. S. C. Jackson, G. W. V. T. ; M. E. Shiel, G. W. S. ; Isaac Underwood, G. W. T. Monitor Lodge, No. 1, meets Monday evening. North Star, No. 4, meets Saturday evening. General Temperance Ribbon Association. — John W. Copncr, Prest. ; D. B. Ross, Sec. Hebrew Societies. — (I. 0. B. B.) Abraham Lodge, No. 58. Hall, 27 J South Delaware Street. — Solomon Mossier, Prest. ; J. M. King, Sec. Esther Lodge, No. 323, same hall.— D. S. Ben- 378 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. son, Prest. ; Benjamin Frey, Sec. 0. R. S. B., same hall. Indianapolis Lodge, No. 149. — M. Emden, Prest. ; Ed. Ducas, Sec. Tree of Life Mutual Benefit Society. — Isador Deitch, Prest. ; M. Solomon, Sec. 0. I. H. Supreme Sitting. Biennial meeting fourth Tuesday in March. — Emi Kennedy, S. J. ; C. H. Horton, S. A. ; M. C. Davis, S. C. Local Branch, No. 1.— F. H. Fillet, C. J.; J. GafiFga, Accountant. Local Branch, No. 117. — D. W. Cosier, C. J.;. C. L. Hinton, Accountant. Knights of Labor.- — -This is the most recent and one of the most extensive orders in the city. Its name indicates its character as a sort of working- men's order, irrespective of differences of trades and occupations. The minor or local bodies are called " Assemblies," and in some women are admitted to membership, with a probability of the formation of "Assemblies" wholly of women. Female Knights of Labor will be a rather incongruous name, but not more so than Knights of Temperance or knights of some other cause as ill fitted with such designa- tions. The fancy for mediaBval names and distinctions could be changed with an improvement of taste to others of a later date and more apt significance. A knight and a workingman are as nearly antipodal as any two conditions of mortal life can be, or could when there were such existences. The Elks. — This is a recent organization and rather a restricted, not to say select, one in Indianapolis, seemingly composed of artistic or aesthetic elements derived from the stage and the fine arts. The benev- olent characteristic no doubt is asserted in its organi- zation, but its primary purpose seems to be convivial and entitle itself to the name of good fellows. The significance of the name they have adopted is prob- ably the secret of the order. Among these minor orders there are of course not a few lodges and organizations that amount to little more than a name. Besides these there are some that have come and gone, or at least make no demonstra- tion of existence, which were once active societies. Among these are the Heptasophs, or Seven Wise Men, who had two lodges or conclaves here ten or twelve years ago. The Sons of Herman is another that was in prosperous condition a dozen years ago, and is now dead or idle. An unusually large propor- tion of these minor secret orders are of German origin and membership. The meeting-place of all the State organizations and larger combinations of all of them is Indianapolis. It may be worth noting in this connection that the central location of this city, and its ready accessibility by rail, have for thirty years made it a frequent meeting-place of national assemblages as well as those State and local gatherings which naturally gravitate to the State capital. The first of these probably was the national Woman's Rights meeting, held in Masonic Hall in 1855, referred to in the general history. The first of full national, or even wider, in- terest was the Methodist General Conference which met here May 1, 1856, in the hall of the House in the old State-House. May 18, 1859, the General As- sembly of the Old School Presbyterian Church of the United States met here in the Third Church building, corner of Illinois and Ohio Streets. Among the distinguished clergymen in attendance were Dr. Alexander, of Princeton ; Dr. McMaster, of New Albany, Ind. ; Dr. Thornwell, of South Carolina ; Dr. Palmer, of New Orleans ; Dr. N. L. Rice, of Lexington, Ky. j Dr. Breckenridge, of Kentucky. The National Christian Missionary Society has been here. The National Scientific Association met here one year in the old State- House, when the celebrated botanist, Asa Gray, was here, and Dr. T. Sterry Hunt. Besides these, the National Pharmaceutical Association has met here, the National Bee-Keepers' Association, the National Poultry Breeders' Associ- ation, the National Wool-Growers' Association, the National Short-Horn Association, the National Swine Breeders' Association, railroad associations, and conventions innumerable ; political conventions of all degrees except a national nominating conven- tion ; temperance and reform conventions, business conventions, all kinds of public assemblages, repre- senting all interests, from setting telegraph-poles to saving souls. No city in tiie Union is more familiar with the annoyance or satisfaction, as it happens, of crowds of strangers on some special engagement of OKDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 379 interest or duty. This pre-eminence is likely to grow instead of decline as the city's traveling facilities in- crease, and with them increase the means of comfort- able accommodation of visitors. Charitable Associations. — While secret or spe- cial organizations give due attention to the needs of their own adherents, and occasionally to those who have no such claim upon them, there is still a large balance of want and suffering in a city so largely filled with temporary residents and professional beg- gars as the centre of our railroad system must be, and these must be cared for by the benevolent associa- tions which are rarely lacking in any town of the West, either as unsectarian combinations of all classes of citizens or as appendages of churches. The town- ship trustee does a great deal of charitable service, as the legal agent of the community, with the revenues placed by law in his hands for that purpose. But legal assistance has to be supplemented by the aid of associ- ations, and in not a few cases some of the most deserv- ing of the necessitous will not apply to the trustee. The following report of the township's charitable work during the first month of the year 1884 will give some idea of the character and extent of the claims on the charity-fund provided by taxation : Number of applications 853 Number of applicants aided 71.3 Number of applicants refused aid HO Total 853 EXPENDITOBES. 386 grocery orders, at $2 $772.00 84 half-cords wood, average $2.25 189.00 282 loads of coal, at $2.40 676.80 Transportation 79.45 Burial costs 80.50 Total $1797.75 The oldest, most conspicuous, and most effective benevolent association in the history of the city, until within the last few years, was the Indianap- olis Benevolent Society. It is traditionally claimed to have been organized on Thanksgiving evening, 1835 ; but this is a suggestion starting in the fact that the annual meetings were held on the evenings of Thanksgiving days, or the following Sundays. The first Thanksgiving day observed by public order or request was the 28th of November, 1839, on a proclamation of Governor Wallace. The Benevolent Society was organized four years before. Its work was done by visitors, who were appointed — a man and a woman together — to small, well-defined dis- tricts, to visit every resident and procure contribu- tions of everything that could be made serviceable to the needy. These collections were kept in a depos- 1 itory by some well-known citizen, and given out on direct application, or on the order of some member of the society. It did a great deal of good work, but could not do close work, and, like its coadjutor association ten years ago, the Ladies' Relief Society, , it was often imposed upon. The .money collected, usually in considerable amounts, was used to pay the bills of grocers on whom orders were given for family supplies to the amount of one dollar and fifty cents a week, ex- cept in cases of sickness or special urgency. Tran- sient sufferers were relieved by a special committee when their cases were discovered in time. James Blake was president of this old charity from its or- ganization till his death, Nov. 26, 1870 ; Calvin Fletcher, Sr., was the secretary from the first till his death, May 26, 1866 ; James M. Ray was treasurer from the first till Mr. Blake's death, when he became president. Occasional organizations of the same character were formed and maintained with this re- liable charity, but none continued long or did much. The Ladies' Relief, just referred to, was the most eflScient of those for several years, but went out some four or five years ago. The Charity Organization. — All the charita- ble associations in the city disconnected with the secret orders have within the last few years been combined into a perfectly methodized system, each with its special province, and the work so well ar- ranged and so intelligently prosecuted that it is no idle boast to say that Indianapolis has as comprehen- sive and complete a system of private charities as any city in the United States ; the old Benevolent Society is part of it. The Charity Organization, as the combination is called, has a special duty separate from the societies that compose it. An authoritative publication thus defines generally the purpose of each: 380 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. " The special work of each society is this : The Charity Organization Society looks up each case of reported need, brings together a nnmber of men and women to decide how it should be helped. The Be- nevolent Society gives the special relief decided upon, — rent, food, fuel, loans, work, sends transients to the Friendly Inn, and gives boys work. During the late cold days about fifty each night were lodged. The Flower Mission takes care of the sick poor, sends nurses, and provides suitable food. The Training- School, educates nurses and sends them into private families and among the sick poor. Through the city dispensary, the orphan asylum, and the hospitals we can take care of all cases of need quickly and ad- equately. We think that no one need be in want or suffering a day who will lot it be known to these societies. By this means, also, the great waste of charity, when given to the unworthy, is stopped." Charity Organization Society. — Central Council : S. T. Bowon, W. E. Krag, George W. Sloan, H. Bamberger, J. H. HoUiday, E. B. Martindale, A. L. Wright, C. C. Foster, M. W. Reed, George B. Wright, Aug. Bessonies, T. P. Haughey, V. K. Hendricks, T. A. Hendricks, Peter Lieber, J. W. Murphy, E. C. Atkins, N. Morris, C. M. Martindale, 0. C. Mc- Culloch. Indianapolis Benevolent Society. — President, Oscar C. McCuUoch ; Vice-Presidents, Myron W. Reed, Chapin C. Foster, Mrs. L. W. Moses, Mrs. Paulina Morritt ; Treasurer, Ingram Fletcher ; Secretary, Henry D. Stevens ; Executive Committee, George Merritt, Franklin Taylor, Mrs. Julia H. Goodhart, Mrs. Emma L. Elara ; Finance Committee, Cyrus C. Hines, Thomas H. Sharpe. Flower Mission. — President, Mrs. Hannah G. Chapman ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. G. T. Evans, Mrs. H. McCoy; Secretaries, Mrs. V. K. Hendricks, Mrs. Helen B. McKinney ; Treasurers, Mrs. Helen Wright, Mrs. W. J. McKee. Flower Mission Training- School. — Committee on Organization, Mrs. Hannah G. Chapman, chairman ; Mrs. John M. Judah, Mrs. John A. Holman, Mrs. Julia H. Goodhart, Mrs. George T. Evans, Mrs. A. D. Lynch, Mrs. R. R. Parker, Mrs. Theodore P. Haughey, Mrs. John H. Stewart, Miss Mary C. Rariden, Mrs. B. D. Walcott, and Miss Sue Martin- dale. The Organization in its last publication makes a more specific statement of duties and labors in the following summary : Indianapolis Benevolent Society. — Founded 1876. Gives relief; operates the Friendly Inn, for transients ; the Friendly Inn Wood-Yard, for giving work to all out of work ; the Employment Agency, for finding work for women and girls; the Industrial Committee, for giving work in sewing to women ; the Friendly Visitors, for bringing the poor under the personal care of some friend. The society expects also to open a school for teaching girls that which they shall practice when they become women, — sewing, housekeeping, cooking, etc. Charity Organization Society. — Organized December, 1879. This society does not give relief. It is, as its name signifies, a society for organizing charity. It proposes to meet a scientific pauperism with a scientific charity. It co-ordinates the charitable forces. It brings all interested in the work of help- ing the poor together. It exchanges information. It registers all information concerning dependent and neglected classes. It investigates all cases applying for aid. It publishes the best methods of caring for the needy. It covers the field with watchful visitors, who see that no suffering is unrelieved. It distributes among societies ready to help, those who are needy and worthy. It watches the administration of public funds as regards the poor and criminal. It wants to know the reason why certain abuses and wrongs exist, which may be remedied. It organizes the charitable and moral forces of the community, in order to counteract the evils incident to city life. It is a bureau of information, a clearing-house of charities, a commercial agency of records of the poor. The Flower Mission. — Founded in 1876. The work of this society lies among the sick. It dis- tributes flowers in the hospital ; looks after the sick poor, seeing that they have proper food ; provides nurses, bedding ; provides original appliances for crip- pled children. It is woman caring for women and children, nourishing and visiting. The Traininq-School for Nurses. — This, an ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 381 outgrowth of the Flower Mission work, was begun in September, 1883. Its design is to train a body of skilled nurses to nurse among the sick poor and in the homes of the city. The school is now in opera- tion at the City Hospital ; has a superintendent and two trained nurses from Bellevue Hospital, and six pupil nurses. It gives a two years' course of instruc- tion to women, thus opening up a new profession and aiding the physician by an intelligent helper. In the construction of this admirable organization, as well as in the prosecution of its multifarious labors, Rev. Oscar C. McCulloch, of Plymouth Church, has borne his share and rather more, and very fairly stands at the head of it. Whether without him would any part of it have been made that is made, is a question. What these afiSliated bodies have done, each in its own province, is stated ia the following summary : Number of applications for aid, 1391 ; number of persons in these families, 4752. Class I. — Cases worthy of relief: Orphans, 9 ; aged, 69 ; incurable, 13 ; temporary illness or accident, 534 ; total, 625. Class II. — Cases needing work rather than relief, but relieved : Out of work, able and willing, 85 ; in- suflBcient work, able and willing to do more, 170 ; unfitted by infirmity or family cares for all but special kinds, 56 ; shiftless, imprudence or intemperance, 76 ; others, 30 ; total, 387. Class III. — Cases not requiring, unworthy, or not entitled to relief, relief denied : Not requiring, 79 ; owning property, having relatives able to support, hopelessly shiftless or improvident, 149 ; preferring to live on alms, 111 ; others, 40 ; total, 379. Aided from the various societies, 1012. Refused, 370. Inbianapolis Benevolent Society. — Amount expended in direct relief, 82286.24. Friendly Inn — Lodgings furnished, 4188; meals furnished, 8203; strangers cared for, 382 ; number employed in yard, 2725. Employment Agency — Employers' applica- tions, 305 ; employes' applications, 267 ; number of j girls registered, 2136. Industrial Committee — ' Women given work, 20. Friendly Visitors — No ac- count is kept of visits. i Flower Mission. — During the year the Flower Mission has cared for two hundred and one different cases. The number under care each month is as fol- lows : 1882. November 62 December 81 1883. January 79 February 72 March 71 April 68 1883. May 61 June 52 .July 44 ^ August 40 September 40 October 30 690 In addition, the Flower Mission united with the ladies of the Benevolent Society, Children's Aid, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and interested individuals in giving a picnic to the poor children of the city. About eight hundred went to Salem. The success of it may be inferred from the remark of a boy that " The grub is better even than a fellow gets in jail." The following list embraces every charitable organ- ization and agency in the city, with its location and time of meeting, where meeting is necessary to action. Of most of these no further account is necessary than is furnished by its name and object. Of a few, however, the history extends over a considerable period, and requires a more extended notice, which will follow this : Charily Organization Society. — Central office, Plymouth Building ; District office, Nos. 1 and 2 Plymouth Building. Committee meets on Tuesdays at 3.30 P.M. Indianapolis Benevolent Society. — Plymouth Building, south parlor. Employment Agency. — For girls and women, at same place ; for Inen and boys, at Friendly Inn. Friendly Inn and Wood- Yard. — No. 290 West Market Street. Industrial Committee. — Meets during the winter on Wednesdays, at Benevolent Society room, at two o'clock. Friendly Visitors. — Meet on Wednesdays, at half- past three o'clock, at the Central office. Floioer Mission. — Mrs. Hannah L. Chapman, president. No. 617 North Meridian Street. Weekly meetings on Thursdays, at Plymouth Building. Flower Mission Training- School for Nurses. — 382 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. At the City Hospital ; Home, No. 274 West Vermont Street. Indianapolis Orphan Asylum. — Corner of College and Home Avenues, Mrs. Hannah Hadley, president. Home for Friendless Women. — Corner Eighth and Tennessee Streets, Mrs. Mary R. Bullitt, matron. Colored Orphan Asylum. — Corner Twelfth and Mississippi Streets. German Orphan Asylum. — West side of Reed Street, north of Cyprus. St. Vincent's Hospital. — Vermont Street, corner of Liberty. Little Sisters of the Poor. — Vermont Street, corner of Liberty. Township Trustee. — Ernest Kitz, office No. 10 J East Washington Street. Oity Dispensary. — No. 34 East Ohio Street. City Hospital. — Corner Locke and Margaret Streets. Children's Aid Society. — Having care of neglected and dependent children. Charity Kindergartens. — Corner West and Mc- Carty Streets ; No. 280 West Market Street. Maternity Society. — Plymouth Building. The Orphans' Home. — This, the oldest of the local asylums of the city, was projected by the old Benevolent Society in 1849, and an organization formed in November of that year. In January, 1850, it was chartered by the Legislature, and the first officers were Mrs. A. W. Morris, president ; Mrs. Alfred Harrison, Mrs. William Sheets, Mrs. Judge Morrison, vice-presidents ; Mrs. Isaac Phipps, treasurer; Mrs. Hollingshead, secretary; Mrs. Wil- kins, depository ; Mrs. Calvin Fletcher, Mrs. Gray- don, Mrs. Maguire, Mrs. I. P. Williams, Mrs. Cressy, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Underbill, Mrs. Irvin, Mrs. Dr. Dunlap, Mrs. I. Hall, Mrs. Bradley, managers ; Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Ferry, Mrs. Paxton, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. A. F. Morrison, Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Brouse, Mrs. Wise- man, visiting committee ; Messrs. N. McCarty, Alfred Harrison, Judge Morrison, William Sheets, Judson R. Osgood, Ovid Butler, A. G. Willard, Henry Ohr, John Wilkins, advisory committee. The Home has been uniformly well managed. Though largely de- pendent on the contributions of the charitable, the indefatigable zeal of its managers has succeeded in keeping it always in eifective condition. The County Board pays twenty-five cents a day for the board of each inmate, but that is all the public support it gets. The city government gives nothing. During the year ending May, 1883, two hundred and fifty-two children were taken care of at the Home, thirty- three placed in permanent situations, and one hun- dred and three returned to their relatives or friends. Since last May the demand upon the asylum has been larger than ever, and in January, 1884, there were one hundred and twenty-four children in it at one time, and but three of these over twelve years old. The average number of the family was one hun- dred ; sixty wei* attending the public school in the building, under charge of a' competent teacher fur- nished by the school board ; forty under six years of age have been taught by the kindergarten system, also conducted in the building. There is a good Sunday-school also maintained in the institution. Of the property of the institution, the president, Mrs. Hadley, says, — "In 1854 two city lots were purchased for the location of the asylum, and a third one donated by James P. Drake. In 1855 the first building was erected, costing twelve hundred dollars. In 1869 the building was enlarged at a cost of three thou- sand dollars, and at that time could accommodate thirty-five children. The increasing demand for charity towards this class in the growth of our city has been such that the managers have had to secure a larger building to supply better accommodations, and have leased the Christian College building, on College Avenue, for a time, which lease has nearly expired. The managers hope to be able to raise a sufficient sum to build a good substantial house on the old ground belonging to them on North Tennessee Street, one which will answer the future demand for many years to come." The German Protestant Orphan Asylum was organized on the 11th of August, 1867, with Mr. Frederick X'loms as president. In 1869-70 a lot of six and three-quarter acres was purchased on the ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 383 south bank of Pleasant Run, on Pleasant Avenue, and a handsome building erected, which constitutes the chief ornament of that recent suburb of the city. The grounds around it are well laid out and finely improved with trees and shrubbery and flowers. The following extract from the report of President Russe shows the condition of the institution : In 1883 the number of inmates was twenty-eight boys and twenty-six girls. The expense per head per year is eighty-nine dollars, besides donations. After a child is fourteen years of age we bind it out to a responsible party to learn a trade or business. Receipts for 1883. Dues from members $656.00 From excursions and festivals 1991.00 From the county 4553.00 $7200.00 Expenses fok 1883. Salaries To matron, hired man, five hired girls, and one servant.. $1000.18 For household expenses 1952.00 For furniture, wagon, feed, books, etc. 750.00 For repairs, etc 500 00 $3702.18 Value of property, forty-one thousand dollars ; money on interest, twenty-six hundred dollars ; money on hand, two thousand dollars. Directors, A. Henry Russe, president ; Chris. OflF, vice-presi- dent ; Henry Rosebrock, recording secretary ; H. W. Hartman, financial secretary ; Henry Rosener, treas- urer. Trustees, C. Russe, Fred. Thoms, H. H. Koch, Henry Mankedick, H. Hartman, William Tecken- brock, William Wieland, Ewald Over, Harvey Pauli, Gus. Sommer, Cliris. Wiese. Matron, Libby Weis- gerber. ^ Colored Orphan Asylum. — On the southwest cor- ner of Twelfth and Mississippi Streets. The a.ssocia- tion that founded this beneficent charity was com- pleted on the 26th of February, 1870. The building was erected and occupied in 1871. It is a large, sub- stantial brick, with ample grounds about it, and under good direction. A well-ventilated nursery and dormi- tory have been added to the original building, and Mrs. Trueblood, president, says that a considerable enlargement will be made this (1884) spring, the means having been provided by contributions of gen- erous friends of the orphans. It was opened for the reception of pupils in June, 1871. There are sixty- two children in it at present, and between six and seven hundred have found a homo there since it was opened. The county board pays twenty-five cents a day for the board of each child, " which provides for the wants of the family, including the matron," Mrs. Anna E. Stratton, nurse, seamstress, cook, and laundry help. There has always been a school and a teacher in the institution, where the children who are old enough are given a fair education. Mrs. True- blood says, " Many are quick to learn, and they are also taught, out of school hours, to assist in any work that they are able to do. They are also taught in Sunday-school, in which their singing and memorizing of texts are very interesting." Home for Friendless Women. — This institution is an outgrowth of the war. The soldiers, and float- ing population living by plunder and chance upon the soldiers, brought a plague of harlots here, and in May, 1862, Mayor Caven called the attention of the Council to the evil, and its effect in filling the jail with such inmates. He recommended the erection of a house of refuge for them, but nothing was done. In July of the year following the late Stoughton A. Fletcher made a proposition to the Council to give seven acres of ground just south of the city, be- tween the BluflF and Three Notch roads, for a Re- formatory, if the city would put a suitable house upon it. The donation was accepted, and five thousand dollars appropriated to the house. Plans were adopted, a board of trustees created, and contracts let. Then prices advanced so greatly under the in- fluence of the war that the work was stopped in 1864, after eight thousand dollars had been expended and a fine stone basement built, and never resumed till recently, when it was taken in hand by one of the Catholic Sisterhoods, as related in the account of the Catholic Church and its charities here. Meanwhile, in 1866, a society for the aid and improvement of abandoned women was formed, with boards of trus- tees and directors, and with the aid liberally extended, and with the co-operation of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, a house of nine rooms was obtained on North Pennsylvania Street, for the service mainly 384 HISTORY OF IISTDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of female prisoners in the jail. Obvious good was the result, but the location was too public, and steps were taken to obtain a better situation. For this purpose the city and county each gave seven thou- sand five hundred dollars. A site on North Tennes- see Street was found, and with the public appropria- tions and donations of city lots by James M. Ray, Wm. S. Hubbard, and Calvin Fletcher, and Stillman Witt, of Cleveland, a suitable building was erected by May, 1870. It was dedicated May 21st, the services being conducted by Rev. Drs. Scott, HoUiday, and Day. It was fifty-seven by seventy-five feet, three stories, with forty-nine comfortable rooms, and capable of housing healthfully one hundred inmates. Oq the 23d of September, four months after its dedication, it was nearly destroyed by fire, the loss exceeding the amount of insurance by several thousand dollars. The Home was temporarily removed to 476 North Illinois Street, and the burned building reconstructed in the same style and as substantially as before. The following statement has been kindly furnished for this work by Mrs. Todd, the treasurer: The Indianapolis Home for Friendless Women was incorporated March 11, 1867. Inmates (adults and children) have averaged from five hundred to six hundred annually. Yearly expenditures from two thousand five hundred to three thousand dollars. Has received no funds from the city for several years. Mr. E. J. Peck left to it five thousand dollars. The income from this is its only permanent source of sup- port. The county commissioners gave last year (1883) three hundred dollars. Its work-fund and the voluntary gifts of its friends supply the remainder. The trustees and managers are members of the various Protestant churches in the city. It is not controlled by any denomination. Its board of managers are the following ladies : Mrs. Judge Newman, president ; Mrs. J. L. Ketcham, vice-president ; Mrs. N. A. Hyde, secretary ; Mrs. C. N. Todd, treasurer; Mrs. J. M. Ray, Mrs. T. H. Sharpe, Mrs. J. H. Vujen, Mrs. Conrad Baker, Mrs. A. L. Rouche, Mrs. E. Eckert, Mrs. M. Byrkit, Mrs. Dr, Newcomer, Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. J. H. Ohr, Mrs. Jane Trueblood, Mrs. H. Hadley, Mrs. C. W. Moores, Mrs. T. P. Haughey, Mrs. Dr. Carey, Mrs. Gr. D. Emery, Mrs. Judge Greshani, Mrs. E. C. Atkins, Mrs. Dr. Burgess, Mrs. Abram W. Hendricks, Mrs. H. B. Sherman, Mrs. Gen. Coburn, Mrs. M. W. Burford, Mrs. Franklin Landers, Mrs. John T. Morrison. Y. M. C. A. — The associations of a religious char- acter which apply themselves to charitable purposes as a part of their scheme of duty, are affiliated with the Young Men's Christian Association, of the origin and early history of which a brief sketch is given in the general history, and in the reference to the courses of lectures maintained in the city. In the other aspect of its services it deserves mention here, for its charitable ministrations have been unintermitting and invaluable. It has given much time and work to the establishment of mission Sunday-schools, and to the maintenance of religious services in waste places of the city where such a visitation was very improbable without such an agency. In 1871 it purchased the Exchange Block, on the east side of North Illinois Street, about half-way to Market from Washington, where had for several years been maintained the most fashionable saloon and gambling hell of the city. It had also been used as a variety theatre. The price was twenty-four thousand dollars. It was mostly paid or secured, the building reconstructed, reading- rooms and comfortable meetings provided, and later bath-rooms and gymnastic apparatus were added, and have made it as favorite a resort for healthful and moral purposes now as it used to be for purposes less commendable. Its resources are voluntary contribu- tions wholly. The Women's Christian Association is an auxil- iary of this society, and a German branch co-operates with it, or used to. Prayer-meetings are held every day at 8 a.m., and the reading-rooms are open free every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. A fee of six dollars obtains the use of all the bathing conve- niences and others of the gymnasium for a year. The officers of the association are Samuel Merrill, presi- dent ; Thomas C. Day, vice-president ; T. H. K. Enos, treasurer ; John Kidd, recording secretary ; Rev. John B. Brandt, general secretary. Mr. Brandt, however, resigned in 1884. Besides the distinctively charitable associations, secret and public, thus far noticed, and the religious ORDERS, SOCIETIES, AND CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 385 associatioDS that use their means and opportunities for benevolent work without organizing primarily for that purpose, there are a great many societies of workmen and persons connected by interests of one kind or another, like " trades unions," which give help to the needy of their members, but these are too numerous and, iu the main, too evanescent to require notice here ; little more could be said of them than the mention of their names and locations, and that is the work of a directory rather than a history. Cemeteries. — The City Cemetery. In the general history is given an account, upon the author- ity of Mr. Nowland's memoirs, of the selection of the first cemetery in Indianapolis, called the " old grave- yard" for one generation or more. It consisted of four acres on the east bank of the river, directly east of Governor's Island. The whole of the latter and a good deal of the other have been washed away. In 1834 the " new graveyard," as it was universally called, — it being a sort of fashion of those primitive times not to call things by their right names, thus making " Main" Street of Washington, " diagonal" of avenue, " new graveyard" of Union Cemetery, — was laid out east of the old one selected in 1821, extend- ing from the border of that to Kentucky Avenue. The old one in time was taken altogether by the colored residents. The new one was very carefully platted and amply provided with carriage-ways to every little .square. About. 1850, William Quarles built a private vault there, near the Kentucky Avenue side, and was laid there two years later. Evergreens were profusely planted by lot-owners, and a number of the original forest-trees retained, so that in a few years the cemetery was made a very attractive spot, and the only place approaching a park about the town The owners of the tract — Mr. McCarty, Dr. Coe, Mr. Blake, Mr. Ray, and John G. Brown — made an agreement that all lots remaining unsold after fifty years, and all to which no heirs or assigns of the original purchasers appeared, should become the property of the survivor, who proved to be James M. Ray, who assigned his rights to the First Presbyterian Church. The new or Union Cemetery contained five acres. In 1852, Mr. Edwin J. Peck, president of the Van- dalia Railroad, laid ofi" seven and a half acres north of both the old cemeteries into an addition. Messrs. Blake and Ray were associated in this cemetery too. It extended to the Vandalia tracks on the north and to West Street on the east, leaving an open tract of forest, beautifully undulating, between it and the river. This then belonged to a Philadelphia mer- chant firm, Siter, Price & Co., and was laid ofi' in 1860 into a cemetery called Greenlawn, better planned and more expensively improved in graveled walks and sightly plats than either of its predecessors. It was never used. The southern portion, adjoining the old cemeteries, however, was largely used, or at least that part of it north of the " new graveyard." In 1862 the national government bought a narrow tract along the Vandalia railway for a graveyard for rebel prisoners who died here. Two or three hundred were buried here, but subsequently removed to Crown Hill, and the site is now used by the railroad com- pany for its round-house, wood-house, water-tanks, and blacksmith-shops. These were begun in 1870. There has been much discussion of projects for pro- curing a cemetery site out of the city instead of these combined old cemeteries now called the City Cemetery, but nothing has come of it yet. The Hebrew Cemetery was established in 1856 on three acres of ground directly south of the Catho- lic Female Reformatory, between the Blufi' and Three Notch roads. The larger part of the space is still unfilled, the Jews being rather a healthy people for cemetery service. The Lutheran Cemetery consists of ten acres purchased by the trustees of St. Paul's German Evangelical Lutheran Church a little south of Pleas- ant Run, on the east side of the Tiiree Notch road. Its plats are large, its drive-ways well graveled and graded, and it contains some handsome monu- ments. The Catholic Cemetery contains eighteen acres, on the plateau of the north blufl' of- Pleasant Run. It has been very handsomely but not uni- formly improved. The north half is used mainly by the Irish, the south by the German Catholics. The most striking monument in it, or, indeed, in any cemetery about the city, is the little chapel erected to the memory of the old pastor of St. Mary's (German) 386 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Church, Father Segrist, but there are several very- pretty meinorials of the dead in this little necropolis. Crown Hill Cemetery. — This is the chief cemetery of Indianapolis, and grows constantly more conspicuous and more closely associated with the memories and interests of the city. Happily it is in the hands of a superintendent able to do full justice to the opportunities the situation gives him, by apply- ing sound judgment and cultivated taste to its improve- ment. The hi.story of Crown Hill and its conversion to its present uses is a very short one. It was a farm, partly used as a nursery by Martin Williams, about three miles northwest of the Circle, on the east side of the Michigan road. On it, and forming its north- western extremity, is the only earthly projection near the city that can be called a hill. It is nearly two hundred feet higher than the level of the river. On the 25th of September, 1863, an association was formed, with James M. Ray as president, Theodore P. Haughey as secretary, and Stoughton A. Fletcher, Jr., as treasurer, with seven directors, to provide a cemetery to take the place (when required) of the old City Cemetery. S. A. Fletcher, Sr., proposed to advance the money to purchase a site, without inter- est, and a committee selected Crown Hill. The farm, with the hill and some adjacent tracts needed to square the whole plat, contained two hundred and fifty acres and cost fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars. Frederick W. Chislett, of the Pittsburgh Cemetery, was chosen superintendent, and remains so, and is likely to till he dies. The dedication was made the following year, with a speech from ex- United States Senator Albert S. White, of Lafayette. Lots were rapidly bought and improvement systemat- ically begun. Nothing was done at hap-hazard, but all, however scattered, as parts of a well-defined plan. It is now as beautiful a cemetery as there is in the world, excepting none of the celebrated mortuary achieve- ments of the East, — Mount Auburn, Laurel Hill, or Greenwood. This, of course, is mainly due to the superintendent, who determined at the outset to have none of the rectangular lots and railings that so dis- figure some otherwise beautiful cemeteries. There are no fences nor railings, no formal squares, but winding drives and foot-walks mark the boundaries of burial- plats, and roads follow the natural undulations of the surface. The forest-trees are left in their native beauty or trimmed only where disfigured, and in places where the farm was cleared for cultivation flowering trees and evergreens and flower-beds and borders are set, making by far the most attractive and tasteful resort about the city, and a resort that no impudence or vicious temerity can abuse, for the superintendent and his men live on the ground and keep watch upon it day and night. In the first four years after the organization of the Cemetery Association was completed and the sale of lots commenced, the total amount of sales was $172,060.70. In the past five years only 854,298.17 of lots were sold in Greenwood, and in the first twelve years only $128,892.49 in Spring Grove. The pro- ceeds of lot-sales are to be applied to the improve- ment of the grounds. No profits are made and no dividends declared, nor can there ever be. Every purchaser of a lot is a stockholder as fully as every other one, and he has his right to a voice in what is done, but his benefits, outside of his burial rights, end there. The second article of incorporation says, — " The distinct and irrevocable principle on which this association is founded and to remain forever (ex- cept as hereinafter allowed) is that the entire fund arising from the sale of burial-lots and the proceeds of any investment of said funds shall be and they are specifically dedicated to the purchase and improve- ment of the grounds for the cemetery, and keeping them durably and permanently inclosed and in per- petual repair through all future time, including all incidental expenses for approach to the cemetery and the proper management of the same, and that no part of such funds shall, as dividends, profits, or in any manner whatever, inure to the corporators." The exception to the permanence of this provision is thus defined in the thirteenth article : that " after twenty- five years shall have expired from the organization of this corporation, by a vote of twenty-five of the cor- porators living in the county of Marion, Ind., and after a fund has accumulated which will amply and permanently provide for the preservation, sustaining, and ornamenting the cemetery, such alteration may be made at any annual meeting in the principles and CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 387 limitations of these articles as that out of the surplus funds of this cemetery or association contributions and appropriations may be made by the managers in aid of the poor of Indianapolis." A burial-vault was early erected on one of the main lines of road, and near it on the south and east is the National Cemetery, where the dead of the Union army who died here, or whose bodies have been brought liere, are buried. Here lies the body of Governor Morton among the men in whose service he sacrificed his health and strength, as they sacri- ficed their own in the service of the country. On the east of this section a chapel of Gothic architec- ture, striking and handsome, with burial-vaults at- tached, was built a few years ago at a cost of thirty thousand dollars. Illinois Street, running out into the Westfield pike, passes the eastern side of the cemetery, where a gate opens into a long and, in summer, delightfully shady drive over to the im- proved portion of the grounds on the west. A road opened within a year or two extends Tennessee Street to the south side of the cemetery. The last is now chiefly used. CHAPTER XVI. CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. The primitive churches of the city and of the entire West, where there were no rituals or authori- tative forms, differed little from each other in public observances or the rites of worship, and a stranger might easily mistake one for the other, as preachers are said to have done sometimes, till the sermon came to enlighten him. It was a rare sermon that did not betray the sectarian cast of the congregation. Now the points of identity or similarity have made a com- plete revolution. The deferences are more dis- cernible in forms and methods than sermons. It is a rare sermon now that indicates the sectarian attitude or tendency of the church. Forty and fifty years ago it was a rare one that did not. There might be nothing precedent in the seating of the congregation, in the hymns or prayers or attitudes, to distinguish a Methodist from a Baptist meeting, but the sermon would do it. The tendency of the religious feeling of those days was to sects and sepa- rations. It magnified differences. It hunted more diligently than intelligently for Scriptural excuses for division. It perverted texts to support creeds and uncharitable criticisms of varying creeds. The best sermon was that which made the best array of plausibilities for sectarian separation. The truest preacher was he who could make most nearly in- contestable the saving eflBcacy of what Baptist A. believed and the futility of what Methodist B. be- lieved. Thus, as related in the general history, came frequent collisions and public debates and acrimonious feelings. The condition of society out of which they grew is hardly conceivable to a com- munity that hears Rev. Myron Reed, of the Pres- byterian Church, speak with fraternal warmth of the pious zeal of the Catholic Father Bcssonies. It was little less than sinful in early days to commend any- thing that another church or preacher did. The rigidly righteous took it for a sinful compliance, a giving way to the worldly spirit, a warning of evil, if not worse. The iron fixedness of faith of the Puritans was the dominant characteristic of the re- ligious element of the community. It had its ad- mirable qualities for the generation in which it was active, but it passed away with other conditions of the times, and allowed the approach of the change in which to-day we rarely hear sectarian differences alluded to in the pulpit. The sermon in a Meth- odist Church might be acceptably preached in any other of the four score of churches of different creeds, and pulpits are exchanged with no disturb- ance of religious complacency. The changes of material condition are hardly more striking than the changes of moral condition. The log house, little handsomer or handier than the barn in the next field, has given place to stone and brick edifices that are as sightly as costly, the benches or split-bottomed chairs to carved and cushioned pews, the hearty but dissonant singing to the trim accuracy of a paid choir and a professional organist, the cheap exhorter and 388 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAllION COUNTY. extempore outgiving to the high-paid pastor and written sermon ; but no one of these nor all together are more impressive to the thoughtful mind than the change which has so nearly obliterated the sectarian differences so obtrusive a generation ago. Church members may have grown more worldly-minded, more luxurious, more of the Gallio type, but they have certainly grown more charitable, not so much in the ready bestowal of money as the willing ex- ercise of generous opinion and appreciation, — a far more commendable trait and harder to come by. In the general history is given a brief sketch of the origin of each of the early churches, their loca- tion, and the character of their buildings. It will be unnecessary to repeat these points here, but it may bo well to note that but a single church established in the first twenty years of the city's history remains in its original situation. Rev. Mr. Hyde, in his address at the opening of the new Plymouth Church, said the congregation first worshiped in the Senate chamber of the State-House, then in a hall on South Illinois Street, then in the State-House again, then in the front hall of the first Plymouth Church, now a part of the English "Quadrant," and added, "I believe this has been the history of all the larger congregations in the city. Of the churches that were here when I came that then thought they were occupying permanent homes, nearly all have moved and enlarged." It is true that the first congregations of the larger denominations have moved once, at least, and some oftener. The Baptists, who had the first local habitation here in 1823, in a school-house on the north side of Maryland Street, between Tennessee and Mississippi, nearly opposite the residence of Henry Bradley, one of the leading members, first organized in the school-house on the point of Kentucky Ave- nue and Illinois Street in 1822. They moved to the soutliwest corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets in 1829, but not till they had petitioned the Legis- lature for the donation of a lot for a building site, and failed. The house here was a broad, squatty one-story brick, with a wooden bell-tower against a little frame school-house a hundred feet west. This '• was replaced a dozen years later by a finer structure I on the same site, and it burned one Sunday morning early in January, 1861, and then the church moved to its present site. This made the second removal for the Baptists. The Presbyterians built first, in 1824, on the site of the Exchange Block ; moved to the Times office site in 1842, and to its present place in 1866, — two removals for them. The Methodists first had a log house, in 1825, on Maryland Street, a little west of Meridian, on the south side, and kept it till 1829. Then they built their first regular church edifice, and used it till 1846. Then they tore that down and built Wesley Chapel. They sold that in 1869 and built Meridian Church, making the fourth house and second removal. The Christians built their first church in 1835-36, on Kentucky Avenue. They moved to the present site of Central Chapel in 1852, one removal fur them. The Catholics first built in a hackberry-grove on the military ground, near the corner of West and Wash- ington Streets, in 1840. In 1850 St. John's Church was built, on Georgia Street, and in 1867 the Cathe- dral replaced it, making two removals for them. The Episcopalians alone of all the leading denomina- tions have never changed. Their first church was on the spot where the present Christ Church stands. Few remains of any of the old churches are visible now. The first Episcopal Church was moved to Georgia Street near the canal, for a colored church, and burned the second or third year. The first Baptist Church on the old site, corner of Maryland and Meridian Streets, was torn down and the second burned down. The first Presbyterian Church — the old frame — was torn down, and so was the brick where the Journal building is. The first Christian Church, a frame, was preserved and is now a tenement-house. The first Methodist (log) Church was torn down. So was the first brick, but Wesley Chapel was changed to the late Sentinel building. Roberts' Chapel was incorporated in one of Martin- dale's blocks. The Fourth Presbyterian Church was put into Baldwin's Block, and Beecher's church is the body of Circle Hall. St. John's Catholic Church was torn away entirely when the Cathedral was built. The first Lutheran Church, 1838, near the southeast corner of Meridian and Ohio Streets, was torn away CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 389 entirely. It removed to the southwest corner of Alabama and New York Streets, where it remained for many years, and then moved uptown to the cor- ner of Pennsylvania and Walnut Streets. There are now eighty-eight churches in the city, each, with one or two exceptions, with a building of its own and erected for it. Of these the Methodists, including the German and Colored Conferences, and the Metiiodist Protestant, have twenty-four; the Presbyterians have fourteen ; the Baptist, thirteen ; the Catholics, seven ; the Christians (formerly better known as " Disciples," or " Campbellites"), six ; the Episcopalians, with the Episcopal Reformed, six ; the Lutherans, six ; the Congregationalists, two ; the Hebrews, two; the German Reformed, three; the Evangelical Association, one; the Friends, one; United Presbyterian, one; United Brethren, one; Swedenborgian, one. In 1868, and for some time following, the Unitarians formed an organization here with the Rev. Henry Blanchard as pastor, and used the Academy of Music as a place of worship. But it has been dissolved for ten or twelve years. The Uni- versalists had two churches here for a number of years, but now have none. The first was organized about forty years ago, but soon failed, and was re- organized in 1853, or replaced by an organization of the same views, of which Rev. B. F. Foster, Grand Secretary of the Odd-Fellows, and still the most emi- nent clergyman of that faith in the State, was the first pastor. In 1860 he was succeeded by Rev. W. C. Brooks for a year ; resumed his pastorate for five years more, and was again succeeded, in 1866, by Rev. J. M. Austin, of New York. He resigned in about six months, and Mr. Foster, then State Librarian, re- sumed his pastoral charge and kept it till his civil oEBce expired in 1869. Since then the church has had no pastor, no settled worship, and never had a building of its own. It used at one time or another the old court-house, the old seminary lecture-room (Mr. Beecher's first church). College Hall, Temper- ance Hall (where the News Block is), Masonic Hall, and the hall on the southwest corner of Delaware and Maryland Streets. In 1860 a personal difference in the original Universalist Church caused a secession under the lead of the eminent manufacturer, Mr. John Thomas, and the colony bought a lot and built a house on Michigan Street near Tennessee. Of this Mr. Thomas became the sole owner, and when the church ceased to use it, as it did after the first year, while Rev. C. E. Woodbury and Rev. W. W. Curry (afterwards Secretary of State) were pastors, it was occupied by the Wesley Chapel (Methodist) Church during the time their own Meridian Church was in progress, and later by a division of Strange Cliapel (Methodist), under the noted and eloquent J. W. T. McMullen, first colonel of the Fifty-first Indiana Volunteers. It is now occupied by the North Presby- terian (colored) Church. There are ten colored churches in the city, — four Methodist, four Baptist, one Presbyterian, and one Christian. WHITE BAPTISTS. First Baptist Church. — Although religious ser- vices were held in the new settlement ss early as the spring of 1821, and continued occasionally, some- times in the woods and sometimes in private houses, no church organization was made till the 10th of October, 1822. Then the First Baptist Church was formed. The history of this earliest of Indianapolis churches is told briefly in the old records which may be introduced here as of more interest than any second- hand account could be. The first entry says, " The Baptists at and near Indianapolis, having removed from various parts of the world, met at the .school-house in.Indianapolis (this was the first schoolhonse near the point of junction of Illinois Street and Kentucky Avenue in August, 1822), and after some oonsultatiou, adopted the following resolution : Resolved, That we send for help, and meet at Indianapolis on the 20th day of September next for the purpose of establishing a regular Baptist Church at said place. That John W. Reding write letters to Little Flat Rock and Little Cedar Grove Churches for help. That Samuel Mcormack (McCormick) write letters to Lick Creek and Franklin Churches for helps. Then adjourned." Th.e next entry reads thus: " Met according to ad- journment ; Elder Tyner, from Little Cedar Grove, attended as a help from that cliuich, and after divine service went into business. Letters were received and read from Brothers Benjamin Barns, Jeremiah Johnson, Thomas Carter (the tavern-keeper), Otis 390 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Hobart, John Hobart, Theodore V. Denny, John ' Mcormack (McCorniick), Samuel Mcormack, John Thompson, and William Dodd, and sisters Jane ■ Johnson, Nancy Carter, Nancy Thompson, P^lizabeth Mcormack, and Polly Carter. Then adjourned until Saturday morning, 10th October." That day the organization was completed, and the old record tells the event thus : " Met according to adjournment, and after divine service letters were read from John W. Reding and Hannah Skinner. Brother B. Barns was appointed to speak, and answer for the members ; and Brother Tyner went into an examination, and ' finding the members sound in the faith, pronounced I them a regular Baptist Church, and directed them to \ go into business. Brother Tyner was then chosen ! moderator, and John W. Reding, clerk. Agreed to ! be called and known by the name of the First Baptist Church at Indianapolis. Then adjourned till the third Saturday in October, 1822. J. W. Reding, clerk." There was not much form or ceremony ob- served in constituting this old church, and a later meeting, in which financial matters were the main subject of consideration, shows that there was as little pretension to worldly wealth among the members. " At a church meeting held at Indianapolis on the third Saturday of January, 1823, after divine ser- vice. Brother B. Barns, moderator, on motion, Brother , J. Thompson was unanimously called to serve this ! church as a deacon, having previously been ordairj^d. The reference taken up respecting a church fund, the brethren whose names here follows paid Brother J. Thompson twenty-five cents each : H. Bradley, J. W. Reding, S. Mcormack, T. V. Denny, T. Carter, J. , Hobart, D. Wood, J. Thompson. On motion, agreed that Brother B. Barns be sent as a help to constitute a church at White Lick, near the Bluffs of White River, when called on by the brethren at that place. Ordered, that Brothers T. Carter, H. Bradley, and D. Wood be a committee to make arrangements for a place of worship and report to the next meeting. J. W. Reding, clerk." The next entry says, " The com- mittee chosen for the purpose of making arrange- ments for a place of worship, reported that the school- house may be had without interruption." Whether this school-house was the first one built in the town, i as above noted, or another on Maryland Street, north side, west of Tennessee Street, does not appear from the record, but it was probably the latter, and must have stood on or very near the site of Alexander Ralston's residence. A little single-room hewed log house did stand near that rather pretentious structure for several years after his death. On the third Satur- day of June, 1823, a meeting was held at which Mr. Barnes, who had been the leading member of the organization from the start, " requested and was granted a letter of dismission." Following this is the statement, " Agreed, that Brother B. Barns be called to preach to this church once a month until the end of this year, to which Brother Barns agreed." Thus the First Baptist Church had a complete or- ganization, a place of worship, and a regular, though not frequent preacher in two years after the town was laid out. As noted above, the church petitioned the Legisla- ture in November, 1824, for a lot to build a house of worship upon, but failed. The order says, " On motion, agreed that the church petition the present General Assembly for a site to build a meeting-house upon, and that the southeast half of the shaded block 90 be selected, and that Brothers J. Hobart, H. Bradley, and the clerk be appointed a committee to bear the petition Saturday in February." What is meant by a " shaded block" can only be conjectured, but it probably referred to a grove that made a pleas- ant shelter. In the spring of 1825, Major Thomas Chinn, who lived on the north side of Maryland Street, pretty nearly opposite the site of the east end of the Grand Hotel, invited the church to meet at his residence during the summer, and they did. In June, 1825, a lot was purchased for a church build- ing, and measures taken to finish a small frame house upon it for that use, but the matter was put ofiF after an assessment was made on the fifteen adult males of the congregation of forty-eight dollars to pay for the lot, a little over three dollars each. In 1826, Rev. Cornelius Duvali, of Kentucky, was called to the charge of the church, but he never accepted or never acted, and in December, 1826, Rev. Abraham Smock was called for one year, accepted and set to work. During his pastorate the lot on the southwest corner CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 391 of Meridian and Maryland Streets was purchased, and in 1829 the first Baptist Church building erected, as above related. This was removed fifteen or twenty years afterwards and a handsome church with a fine spire erected, which was burned the first Sunday in 1861, when the present site, on the north- west corner of New York and Pennsylvania Streets, was obtained and built upon. Rev. Abraham Smock remained pastor till 1830. when he resigned and left the church without a pas- tor for some years, though several ministers preached statedly, and one. Rev. Byron Lawrence, in 1832 was requested to " preach as frequently as he can on Lord's day for six months." Under the stated ar- rangement Revs. Jamison Hawkins (grandfather of Nicholas McCarty), Byron Lawrence, and Ezra Fisher preached till February, 1834, when Mr. J"isher was called to be the stated preacher of the church. He retired in the fall or winter of 1834, and Rev. T. C. Townsend was requested to preach till a regular pas- tor was obtained. Then in July, 1835, came Rev. and Dr. John L. Richmond, who served for six or eight years, and was one of the best known and esteemed clergymen and physicians in the town. He was a good deal of a humorist and one of the most eccentric men both in appearance and conduct who ever lived here, but withal a genuine Christian and a noble man. It was told of him that he once silenced a braggart who was boasting of the fertility of his farm, particularly in pumpkins, by telling him that " his farm was nothing to one he (the doctor) had seen recently." " Why, what could that farm do ?" " The pumpkins grew so thick all over one of the fields that if a man would kick one on one side of the field it would shake those against the fence on the other side." The laugh of the company at this sally stopped the boaster from repeating his folly. In 1843, Rev. George C. Chandler succeeded Dr. Richmond, who was himself succeeded by Rev. T. R. Cressy in 1847, and he in 1852 by Rev. Sydney Dyer, who attained considerable distinction as a poet, and published a volume of poems about 1856. Rev. J. B. Simmons followed, and remained till 1861. After the burning of the church in that year the congregation worshiped in Masonic Hall till the new edifice was completed. It was begun in 1862. Rev. Henry Day succeeded Mr. Simmons in 1861, and re- mained till a few years ago. The present pastor is Rev. Henry C. Mabie. The number of members is five hundred and sixty-nine ; Sunday-school pupils, about five hundred ; value of property, about sixty- five thousand dollars. South Street Baptist Church: — This was at first a mission church, established by the old First or Home Church, which purchased the lot on the south- west corner of Noble and South Streets about 1867, and built a small but pretty chapel there. In 1869 a number of the members of the parent church, whose places of residence made a church more conve- nient there than away off at University Square, formed an organization, and with a membership of seventy-six took the mission building as a gift from the old congregation and at once established a flour- ishing church there. A handsome new building re- placed the mission house a few years ago. Pastor, Rev. I. N. Clark. Membership, two hundred and ninety-five; Sunday-school pupils, three hundred and fifty ; value of property, about twenty thousand dollars. Garden Baptist Church. — This also was a mission established in 1866 on Tennessee Street, and then removed to the corner of Washington and Missouri Streets. It finally built its own house on Bright Street. Pastor, Rev. B. F. Patt. Membership, one hundred ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty ; value of property, six thousand dollars. North Baptist Church. — This, like the other two. was a mission branch of the old First Church, established on the corner of Broadway and Cherry Streets, where it still is. The present pastor is Rev. Daniel D. Read. Membership, one hundred and thirty-one ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty; value of property, about eight thousand dollars. Third Baptist Tabernacle, though named in the city directory with a pastor, Rev. Christopher Wil- son, and located on Rhode Island Street, does not appear in the official list of the Association. German Baptist Church. — Pastor, Rev. August Boelter, corner of Davidson and North Streets. Mount Zion Baptist Church, Second and La- fayette Streets. Pastor, Rev. William Singleton. 392 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. New Bethel Baptist Church, Beeler Street. Rev. Jacob R. Raynor, pastor. Judson Baptist Church, Fletcher Avenue, re- ported disorganized. These last four churches, like the Tabernacle, do not appear in the authoritative lists of the Association, but do in the directory. COLORED BAPTISTS. Second Baptist Church, north side of Michigan, east of West. Pastor, Rev. James M. Harris. Corinthian Baptist Church, corner of North and Railroad Streets. Pastor, Rev. R. Bassett. Olive Baptist Church, Hosbrook, between Grove and Pine Streets. Pastor, Rev. Anderson Simmons. South Calvary Baptist Church, comer of Maple and MorrLs Streets. Rev. Thomas Smith, pastor. PRESBYTERIANS. First Presbyterian Church, — The sectarian dif- ferences which became so strongly marked in the dif- ferent denominations of Indianapolis, after separate organizations had been made and separate places of worship established, were measurably suppressed in the first years of the settlement, and union meetings were frequent in which all denominations joined. Nevertheless each bad occasionally worship and ser- mons of its own. In August, 1822, as we have seen, the Baptists took the first steps to form a distinct denominational organization. The Presbyterians fol- lowed on the 23d of February, 1823. Previously they had been preached to by Rev. Ludlow G. Gaines, — the same as the " Ludwell Gains" and '■ Ludwell G. Gains" who entered several tracts of land in De- catur township in 1821, — and during the year 1822 Rev. David U. Proctor was engaged as a missionary. The old school-house was the cradle of this church, as well as the First Baptist. The organization was made here on the 6th of Mareh, 1823, after one or two pre- vious meetings, and on the 22d of March trustees were appointed. The formal constitution of the church was completed with fifteen members July 5, 1823. Subscriptions were at once obtained, and a lot pur- chased on the northwest corner of Market and Penn- sylvania Streets, where a frame building, the first church edifice in the place, was partially built the same year and finished the following summer, 1824, at a cost for site and house of twelve hundred dollars. Mr. Gaines and Mr. Proctor both appear to have served as "stated supply" in the first days of the church's existence, and Mr. Proctor was pastor for a short time till the accession of Rev. George Bush in September, 1824, who continued till June, 1828, and remained in the town till March, 1829. Mr. Bush, as elsewhere noticed, became subsequently, on remov- ing to the East, one of the most conspicuous heresiarchs in this country. His theological vagaries were equaled by his learning, however, and he always commanded attention and respect. It was thought by the com- munity that his eccentricities of faith had something to do with the severance of his pastoral relation to the First Presbyterian Church here. Succeeding him came Rev. John R. Moreland, from 1829 to 1832. Rev. WiUiam A. Holliday succeeded him in 1832, continuing till 1835. A couple of years later he took charge of the old seminary, and figured promi- nently as one of the early educators of the city, as well as one of its most honored moral guides and instructors. Rev. William Adaie Holliday. — The parents of the subject of this biographical sketch were Sam- uel Holliday and Elizabeth Martin, both of Scotch- Irish ancestry. The former was associate judge of the Marion County Circuit Court, and officiated at the trial of Hudson, Sawyer, and the Bridges, in 1824, for murdering Indians. They are said to have been the only white men executed for this crime. It was said by Oliver H. Smith, in his " Early In- dian Trials," " Judge Holliday was one of the best and most conscientious men I ever knew." Eliza- beth Martin Holliday was the daughter of Jacob and Catherine Martin, and the sister of Rev. William 1 Martin, a prominent pioneer preacher of Indiana, familiarly known as Father Martin. William Adair Holliday, born July 16, 1803, in Harrison County, Ky., at the age of three years removed with his j parents to Preble County, Ohio, and from thence in 1815 to Wayne County, Ind., after which Marion County, as then constituted, became the permanent residence of the family. The early years of Mr. j Holliday were fraught with many of the depriva- I tions incident to the life of the early settler. Few y yy y ^yy '^^t.y^ayly.^J- ^^^S^^^ii^^. CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 393 opportunities for education were afforded, and the means for obtaining those advantages so limited as to make a thorough scholastic training a work re- quiring not only perseverance but often great sacri- fice. William A. Holliday, being ambitious for in- struction superior to that offered at home, walked from his father's farm to Hamilton, Ohio, and there attended school. Subsequently he went to Blooming- ton, and from thence to the Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, where he graduated in 1829. Having chosen the ministry as his life-work, he traveled on horseback to Princeton, N. J., and there pursued a theological course, after which he was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of New Brunswick. At the close of his studies he preached with great ac- ceptability at Goshen, N. Y., to the congregation of which Dr. Fiak had been pastor, and would have been called to that important pastoral charge had he not discouraged the movement under a conviction that he ought to labor in the West. In 1832 he accepted an invitation to supply the First Presby- terian Church of Indianapolis, over which charge he ministered two years. Subsequently he devoted him- self to missionary labor among feeble churches in Indiana and Kentucky, combining the work of preaching with that of a teacher. From 1841 until his death Indianapolis was his home. He was in 1864 elected professor of Latin and modern languages in Hanover College, of which he had long been a trustee, and for two years rendered gratuitous service in that capacity, resigning in June, 1866. His own early struggles for a thorough education gave him a deep sympathy with young men similarly situated, and inspired him with a deep interest in their efforts to secure opportunities for thorough education. A desire to promote this prompted him to give while yet living, out of a moderate estate, property which sold for twelve thousand dollars for the purpose of endow- ing a professorship of mental philosophy and logic in Hanover College. The following tribute is paid by Rev. Dr. J. H. Nixon, a former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, to his scholastic attainments and piety : " His prayers and counsels and influence were always heartily given to every good work. He was a man of deep piety, of much learning, and 26 of most excellent spirit. His habits of study were continued to the close of his life. He read daily the Scriptures in the original. He kept well abreast of the religious literature of the day, and yet was a careful and thoughtful student of passing events. So modest was he that few except his intimate friends knew the treasures of learning he had gathered. He had been for several years stated clerk of Muncie Presbytery, and was a regular and valued member of the church courts. For many years he was a member of the congregation of the First Church of Indianapolis, of which he had for- merly acted as pastor, and was a most punctual and earnest attendant upon the ministry of the Word and the prayer-meetings, and ever ready to afford his pastor the benefit of his counsels, sympathies, and prayers." Mr. Holliday was married to Miss Lucia Shaw Cruft, to whom were born seven children. Two of these died in infancy, and a third at the age of fourteen years. The four survivors are Rev. Wm. A. Holliday, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Belvidere, N. J., Margaret G. Holliday, a missionary of the Presbyterian board at Tabriz, Persia, John H. Holliday, founder and editor of The Indianapolis News, and Francis T. Holliday, its publisher. The death of Rev. William A. Holliday occurred Dec. 16, 1866, in his sixty-fourth year, and that of Mrs. Holliday Jan. 17, 1881, in her seventy-sixth year. She was a native of Boston, coming from Puritan stock numbering in its branches many eminent and worthy people of New England. Her grandfather, with whom she lived for some years during childhood, was the Rev. William Shaw, for more than fifty years a pastor at Marshfield, Mass., and she was trained in all the rugged New England virtues. Two of her brothers settling on the Wabash at an early day, she removed to Indiana in 1826, making her home at Terre Haute and Car- lisle until married. Mrs. Holliday was a woman of rare strength and charm of character. Prominent and devoted in her religious life, among the foremost in the benevolent and missionary work which fulls peculiarly to the hand of woman, she yet illustrated the words of Lord Lyttletou, that " a woman's noblest station is retreat," 394 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and reserved for the sanctity of home and the nar- rower circle of intimate and loving friends that fuller exhibition of a thoroughly developed and symmetrical life, which will cause her memory to be cherished as a precious incense. In her girlhood she enjoyed only the ordinary common-school edu- i cation incident to that period in the State of her birth ; but she was all her life an omnivorous reader, i was endowed with unusual perception, and was withal a deep and logical thinker. With these faculties she became a woman of great and varied»j information, of clear and strong judgment, and a ready and capable conversationalist and reasoner. Cheerfulness and sympathy were prominent traits of her character, and these probably were the ex- planation of the strong hold she secured and retained upon her friends. Throughout her long life, check- ered with hardships inseparable from the lines in which it was cast, she ever had a smiling face, a warm hand, a sympathetic heart for everybody. In her Christian affection she was no " respecter of persons," and from every walk and station of life there came at her death the sincerest grief, because "a friend has fallen." One of the most unselfish of women, forgetting herself entirely to serve others, she received the reward of a devotion from her family, and of sincere affection from those who lived within the influence of her deeds, which was con- spicuous because of its rarity. Rev. James W. McKennan succeeded Mr. Holliday in February, 1835, and remained till 1840, when Rev. Phineas D. Gurley followed and remained till 1849. Mr. Gurley was the cotemporary and friend of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, pastor of the other Presbyterian Church, — separated and by no means generally friendly in those days like other sect.s, — and in after-years, as the pastor of a church in Washington City, attained a national reputation. For about two years the church remained without a pastor, and then Rev. John A. McClung, of Kentucky, was called. He was a brother of the distinguished lawyer, politi- cian, and duelist of Mississippi, Col. Alexander Mc- Clung, and for many years had himself been one of the leading lawyers of his State. At that time he was sceptical, and is said by his friends to have converted himself by a close study of the prophecies. Whether this was true or not, he was more profoundly versed in the prophecies, and treated them more frequently and fully in his sermons, than any man that ever filled a pulpit in Indianapolis, or probably any other city. In his younger days he compiled a volume of stories of the adventures of the pioneers of Kentucky called " Western Adventures," which was a very popular and widely-read book, though now out of print. Mr. McClung remained here till 1855. Some years after- wards, probably during the war, he was drowned in the Niagara River, — some thought by suicide, — a few miles below Buffalo. His daughter was married to a son of Edmund Browning, of the old Washington Hall Hotel. Rev. T. L. Cunningham followed Mr. McClung in October, 1855, and remained till 1858, marrying here the daughter of Governor John Brough, of Ohio, previously for many years president of the Madison Railroad here. For two years the church remained without a pastor, when Rev. John Howard Nixon came in 1860 and remained till 18G9. Rev. R. D. Harper succeeded him, and resigned in 1876 to take charge of a church in Philadelphia. The present pastor. Rev. Myron W. Reed, took charge of the church in 1876. In the old frame church on Pennsylvania Street was conducted during most of its existence the " Union Sunday-school," which formed so conspicu- ous a part of the moral ageiicies of the early settle- ment, and a still more conspicuous part of the celebration of the Fourth of July. The first meet- ing was held on the 6th of April, 1823, in Caleb Scudder's cabinet-shop, on the south tide of the State- House Square. It continued through the sum- mer, till cold weather began to come in the fall, with about seventy pupils, — a very creditable number for a little village in the woods of not more than five hundred souls all told. In 1824 it was revived, and thenceforward carried on in the Presbyterian Church, constantly increasing in average attendance, and not suspended on account of the weather. The average ran up from forty the first year to fifty the next, sev- enty-five the third, one hundred and six the fourth, and one hundred and fifty the fifth, by which time a library of one hundred and fifty volumes had been CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 395 accumulated of the little marble-paper backed Sun- day-school literature of the " Shepherd of Salis- bury Plain"' school. On April 24, 1829, the Meth- odists, having completed their first church, and the first brick church in the town, drew ofiF to them- selves. The Baptists colonized their school in 1832, leaving the Presbyterians alone. In 1829 the Sun- day-schools formed a prominent feature of the cele- bration of the Fourth of July for the first time, and for thirty years following were either the chief or sole ! feature of that national ceremony. 1 The old church was abandoned in 1842, when : a new brick was built on the corner of Circle Street and Market, the site of the present Journal building, during the pastorate of Rev. P. D. Gurley. After this the old house came to base uses. It was a carpenter- or carriage-shop for a little while, and an occasional assembly-hall for chance gatherings that could not go anywhere else. It was torn down or moved away in 1845 or 1846. The new church was dedicated May 6, 1843, and cost about eight thou- j sand three hundred dollars. The present structure was begun in 1864. The west end, or chapel, con- taining Sunday-school rooms, lecture-room, social- room, and pastor's study, was completed and occupied in 1866. The main building and audience-hall were finished and opened for service Dec. 29, 1870. The present membership of the First Church is three hundred and sixty-five ; Sunday-school pupils, three hundred and eighty-one ; estimated value of property, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Second Presbyterian Church. — This was better known, even in Indianapolis, for a good many years as " Beecher's Church." It was organized with fif- teen members Nov. 19, 1838, in the " lecture -room," or main upper room, of the old seminary. Henry Ward Beecher came as its first pastor July 31, 1839. The old seminary room continued to be the place of worship for over a year. On the 4th of October, 1840, the frame building erected for it on the corner of Circle and Market Streets, directly opposite to that occupied a year or two later by the new First Church, was completed and dedicated, though the basement- room was occupied previously. Thus the Second Church was fully launched on what has proved to be a prosperous and beneficent career. The division was not the effect of any local or personal dissension, but grew out of the same influences that produced the separation into the " Old" and " New" School Churches. Mr. Beecher made this church, during seven years of its life and his, the most conspicuous in the State. In 1843 or thereabouts he delivered in this church on Sunday nights the " Lectures to Young Men," which gave him his first reputation abroad, and which were soon after republished by an Eastern house. About the same time he conducted a revival, in which he secured the conversion of some of the " fast" young men about town. A year or two later he spoke out on the slavery issue with so unequivocal an utterance that some of his parishion- ers of an adverse political inclination got up and walked out of the house. A few left the church altogether. At the same time, and, in fact, all the time, he waged relentless war on liquor drinking and selling, following up the reform movement begun here by the " Washingtonians" under Mr. Matthews. In the course of this discussion he was brought into col- lision with a Mr. Comegys, of Lawrenceburg, then an extensive distiller, but previously a clerk of the eminent merchant, Nicholas McCarty, and a well- known citizen here. The debate grew .so acrimonious that the distiller hinted at a personal interview and a physical discussion, to which Mr. Beecher replied (the correspondence appeared in the Journal) that if his antagonist wanted to fight, he (Beecher) " would take a woman and a Quaker for his seconds." Mr. Beecher left the church early in the fall of 1847, closing his pastorate on the 19th of September. Rev. Clement E. Babb succeeded Mr. Beecher in the Second Church May 7, 1848, and remained till the 1st of January, 1853. Mr. Babb was succeeded by Rev. Thornton A. Mills, after an interval of a year, Jan. 1, 1854, remaining till Feb. 9, 1857. He was chosen secretary of the committee on education of the General Assembly, the duties of which required his residence in New York. He died there suddenly June 19, 1867. Rev. George P. Tindall succeeded, Aug. 6, 1857, and remained till Sept. 27, 1863. Rev. Hanford A. Edson, now of the Memorial 396 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Church, followed Mr. Tindall, Jan. 17, 1864. Rev. William A. Bartlett served the church for several years in the interval since Mr. Edson left it for his later charge, and Rev. Arthur D. Pearson succeeded him for a short time. The present pastor is Rev. James McLeod. The old edifice, on Circle and Mar- ket Streets, was abandoned in December, 1867, when the chapel of the new one, northwest corner of Penn- sylvania and Vermont Streets, was ready for occu- pancy. This building, one of the finest in the city or the State, was begun in 1864, the corner-stone laid May 14, 1866, the chapel occupied Dec. 22, 1867, and the completed edifice dedicated Jan. 9, 1870. The value of the property is now probably one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The membership is eight hundred and four ; Sunday- school pupils, six hundred and thirty-nine. Third Presbyterian Church was organized by the Presbytery of Muncie, at the residence of Caleb Scudder, Sept. 23, 1851, twenty-one members of the old First Church getting letters of dismission for that purpose. The leading men were James Blake, Caleb Scudder, John W. Hamilton, Horatio C. Newcomb, Nathaniel Bolton, Dr. William Clinton Thompson, and Charles B. Davis. They first met for worship in Temperance Hall, — now the A'ews building, — and erected the present church, northeast corner of Illinois and Ohio Streets, in 1859. Rev. David Stevenson was the first pastor. He has been succeeded by Rev. George Heckman, Rev. Robert Sloss, and Rev. H. M. Morey. Just at this time the church, now known as the " Taberijacle,'" has no pastor. The membership is three hundred and thirty-five. The Sunday-school, organized Oct. 26, 1851, has two hundred and ninety- five pupils ; the value of the property, about sixty thousand dollars. Fourth Presbyterian Church.^ — This is a colony of the Second Church as the Third is of the First Church, and was formed almost at the same time. The Fourth was organized on the 30th of November, 1851, by twenty-four members of the Second Church, who were given letters of dismission. Samuel Mer- rill, Lawrence M. Vance, John L. Ketcham, Alex- ander H. Davidson, Alexander Graydon, Horace Bassett, Joseph K. Sharpe, Henry S. Kellogg were among the prominent members in this organization. The first pastor was Rev. George M. Maxwell, of Marietta, Ohio. In 1857, September 13th, a fine church edifice was completed and dedicated on the southwest corner of Delaware and Market Streets, now forming part of the Baldwin Block, the congre- gation selling it a dozen years ago and moving up town to the northwest corner of Pratt and Pennsyl- vania Streets. Mr. Maxwell retired from ill-health in November, 1868, and was succeeded by Rev. A. L. Brooks in October, 1859. He remained till 1862, and was succeeded by Rev. Charles H. Marshall. The present pastor is Rev. A. H. Carrier. Membership, two hundred and twenty ; Sunday-school scholars, two hundred and ninety ; value of property, probably sixty thousand dollars. Fifth Presbyterian Church is a colony of the Third, which purchased a frame mission Sunday- school house on Blackford Street, between Vermont and Michigan, in the fall of 1866, and in October the Indianapolis Presbytery authorized the organization of the Fifth Presbyterian Church here, with eighteen members, — twelve from the Third, one from the First, and five from churches out of the city. The present house, on the southwest corner of Michigan and Black- ford Streets, was erected in 1873. The first pastor was the Rev. William B. Chamberlin. Present pas- tor. Rev. Joshua R. Mitchell. Membership, two hun- dred and ninety-four ; Sunday-school pupils, three hundred and eighty ; value of property, probably fifteen thousand dollars. Sixth Presbyterian Church. — This church was organized Nov. 20, 1867, with twenty-one members, and a handsome brick house built on the northeast corner of Union and McCarty Streets in a few years after. The first pastor was Rev. J. B. Brandt, so long secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association. He had two or three successors, but the pastorate is now vacant. The membership is seventy-five ; the Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and sixty-two; value of property, probably ten thousand dollars. Seventh Presbyterian Church. — This was origi- nally a mission branch of the First Church on Elm Street near Cedar. It was the suggestion of an old member of that body, William R. Craig, who hoped CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 397 to reduce to better order a troublesome juvenile pop- ulation of the southeast quarter of the city by the influence of a Sunday-school. The scheme worked well, and the mission Sunday-school, established in an old carpenter-shop in 1865, grew into a mission church and a new frame building, on a lot donated by the late Calvin Fletcher and his partners in a tract of city property, in December of that year. The parent church gave Rev. W. W. Sickles as stated supply at the outset, but in 1867, November 27, a church was organized with twenty-three members. Rev. C. M. Howard was the first pastor, who resigned in 1869, and was succeeded for a time by Rev. J. B. Brandt, but finally in 1870 by Rev. Charles H. Raymond. Rev. L. G. Hay preceded him for a few months. Pastorate vacant. Membership, two hundred and fifty-six ; Sunday-school pupils, three hundred ; value of property, about three thousand dollars. Eighth Presbyterian Church (Indianola). — Or- ganized Oct. 1, 1871, with seven members. The first pastor was Rev. J. R. Sutherland. Rev. T. C. Hor- ton, stated supply. Location, northeast corner of Market and Drake Streets. Membership, sixty ; Sun- day-school pupils, one hundred and sixty-six ; value of property, probably three thousand dollars. North Presbyterian Church (Colored). — Organ- ized Feb. 18, 1872, with fourteen members. The first pastor was Rev. L. Faye Walker. Church dis- solved in 1880, and reorganized as a colored Presby- terian Church. The building is that on Michigan Street near Tennessee, originally erected by one of the extinct Universalist congregations. The pastor is Rev. William A. Alexander ; membership, thirty ; Sunday-school pupils, forty-five ; value of property, probably eight thousand dollars. Tenth Presbyterian, or Memorial Church. — The origin of the Memorial Presbyterian Church is to be traced to the action of the session of the Second Presbyterian Church in the winter of 1869- 70, during the pastorate of the .Rev. H. A. Edson. It was the desire to signalize the memorial year of Presbyterian reunion by the establishment of another mission. At a meeting of the session, March 17, 1870, a committee was appointed to secure ground for that purpose in the northeast quarter of the city. Lots were accordingly purchased at the southwest corner of Christian Avenue and Bellefontaine Street, and a temporary building was erected. On the 8th of May, at four o'clock p.m., the house was dedicated, a Sabbath-school having been held there for the first time at 8.30 a.m. of the same day. At first the enterprise gave small promise of success. The Sun- day-school had a vacation, and an offer for the pur- chase of the property was favorably considered. Better counsel, however, prevailed, and at a meeting of the session, Oct. 13, 1870, the whole work was committed to the Young Men's Association of the Second Church. It was prosecuted with energy, and in February, 1873, forty persons reported themselves desirous of entering a formal church organization. At a special meeting of Indianapolis Presbytery, March 3, 1873, the project was fully considered, and the church was constituted March 12th. Immediately upon his release from his former field, Mr. Edson began work on the new ground, holding the first service on the first Sabbath of April. The present site, on the northwest corner of Christian Avenue and Ash Street, was at once purchased for a perma- nent edifice. On the 7th of April, 1874, the corner- stone was laid, and worship was conducted for the first time in the chapel, March 7, 1875. A printed report of the board of trustees, January, 1884, shows a property valued at twenty thousand dollars, with considerable resources in real estate, and subscriptions for the continuance and completion of the enterprise. The oflScers of the society are at present as follows : Pastor, Hanford A. Edson ; Ruling Elders, Benjamin A. Richardson, George W. Stubbs, Joseph G. McDowell, James H. Lowes, William P. Ballard, Frank F. McCrea; Deacons, E. A. Burkert, W. J. Roach, Charles H. Libean, C. W. Overman, P. M. Pursell, Joseph E. Cobb, H. H. Linville, I. H. Herrington, A. J. Diddle ; Trustees, George W. Stubbs, A. G. Fosdyke, J. H. Lowes, J. W. Elder, C. C. Pierce. Membership, three hundred and sixteen ; Sunday-school pupils, four hundred and fifty. Rev. Hanford A. Edson, D.D. — The Edson family are of English nationality, and trace their lineage from Deacon Samuel Edson, of Bridgewater, 398 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Mass., and his wife Susanna, the former of whom died July 9, 1692, and his wife February 20, 1699. In the direct line of descent was Jonah, born July 10, 1751, who died July 21, 1831. To his wife Betsey were born fourteen children, of whom Free- man is the father of the subject of this biographical sketch. His birth occurred Sept. 24, 1791, in West- moreland, N. H., and his death June 24, 1883, in his ninety-second year. He studied medicine with : Dr. Twitchell, of Keene, and also at Yale College, and ' at the close of the second war with Great Britain, in 1814, settled at Scottsville, N. Y., in the prac- tice of his profession. Hanford A., his son, born j in Scottsville, Monroe Co., N. Y., March 14, 1837, was named for his maternal grandfather, one of the earliest settlers in Western New York. He enjoyed early advantages of tuition at home and at the neigh- boring district school, and entering the sophomore class of Williams College, Massachusetts, graduated from that institution in 1855. For a large part of the three following years he was instructor in Greek and mathematics in Geneseo Academy, New York. In September, 1858, he was admitted to the Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and for two years prosecuted the study of divinity. In May, 1860, he repaired to Europe and was matriculated i in the University of Halle, where especial attention was given to theology and philosophy under the in- struction of Tholock, Julius Miiller, and Erdman. After extended tours in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, and England, hastened by the war, he re- turned home. Being licensed to preach by Niagara Presbytery at Lyndonville, Oct. 29, 1861, he assumed charge of the Presbyterian Church at Niagara Falls, and remained until called to the pastorate of the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, where his labors began Jan. 17, 1864. He discontinued his relations with this parish, and became the pastor of the Memorial Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, on the 1st of April, 1873. Dr. Edson has been the recipient of many ecclesi- astical honors. In 1873 he represented the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the National Congregational Council in New Haven, Conn. ; and, • in 1878, he was commissioned to the same duty ! before the General Council of the Reformed Epis- copal Church in Newark, N. J. He has written largely for the press, and is the author of various magazine articles and published sermons and ad- dre.sses. Among the latter may be mentioned com- mencement address at McLean Institute, 1864 ; com- mencement address before the theological societies of Marietta College, 1867; address at the dedication of the library and chapel of Wabash College, 1872 ; commencement address before the theological socie- ties of Hanover College, 1873; semi-centeiinial ad- dress before the synods of Indiana, 1876. His thanksgiving sermon, Nov. 26, 1868, is said to have given special impulse to the establishment of the Indianapolis Public Library. Dr. Edson was married, July 16, 1867, to Helen M., daughter of William 0. Rockwood, Esq., of Indianapolis, and has had the following children : William Freeman, Mary, Hanford Wisner, Elmer Rockwood, Helen Mar, and Caroline Moore. Of these the four last named are living. Eleventh Presbyterian Church, east side of Olive, north of Willow Street. Organized April 18, 1875, with thirty-seven members. Rev. William B. Chamberlin was the first pastor. Present supply, Rev. C. H. Raymond. Membership, eighty-eight ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty; value of property, probably four thousand dollars. Twelfth Presbyterian Church, south side of Maryland Street, west of West Street. Organized June 14, 1876, with fourteen members. First pastor, Rev. E. L. Williams. Rev. C. C. Herriott until very recently was pastor. Membership, one hundred and six; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty-one; value of property, probably three thousand dollars. Thirteenth Presbyterian Church. — ^This is a mission of the Second Church recently organized on Alabama Street, near the Exposition building and fair ground. METHODISTS. Wesley Chapel. — The Methodists of the first set- tlement of Indianapolis do not seem to have made a church organization till after the Indianapolis Circuit had been constituted by Rev. William Cravens, of the Missouri Conference, in 1822. How long after, or "l^^^ CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 399 just when, tliere is no record to show. As early as 1821, Rev. James Scott came here from the St. Louis Conference and held services at private houses, and on the 12th of September, 1822, a camp-meeting was held on the farm of James Givan, on what is now East Washington Street, near the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. It was probably at this time that the Indianapolis Circuit, in connection with the Missouri Conference, was constituted. In 1825 there was a division of the Conference, and this circuit was attached to the Illinois Conference. At this time the Methodists of the town had an organization, and probably had had for a couple of years. In that year they rented a hewed log house on the south side of Maryland Street, on the corner of the alley east of the east end of the Grand Hotel, and worshiped there till they removed to the first old brick church on the southwest corner of Circle and Meridian Streets in 1829. This first building cost them three thousand dollars, and remained till the walls cracked in 18'±6, when it was replaced by Wesley Chapel at a cost of ten thousand dollars. From the first visit of a Methodist preacher here in 1821, till the division of the church in 1842-43, was a period of twenty years of primitive Methodism, — extempore sermons, "lined out" hymns, congrega- tional singing, separation of the sexes in church, and a sort of clerical uniform for the preachers resem- bling a little the Quaker fashion. During this now historical period the appointments to this circuit will be interesting : Preacher. 1821. ..Rev. Wm. Cravens (circuit). 1822-23. ..Rev. Jas. Scott (circuit). 1823-24. ..Rev. Jesse Hale and Rev. George Horn (circuit). 1825 ..Rev. Jolin Miller (circuit). 1825-26. ..Rev. Thomas Hewston (circuit). 1826-27. ..Rev. Edwin Ray (cir- cuit). 1827-28. ..Rev. N. Griffith (circuit). 1828-29... Rev. James Armstrong (stationed). 1829-32. ..Rev. Thomas Hitt (sta- tioned). 1832-33. ..Rev. Benjamin 0. Ste- venson (stationed). 1833... Rev. C.W.Ruter (stationed). 1833-34... Rev. C. W. Ruter (sta- tioned). Presiding Elder. None. Rev. Samuel Hamilton. " William Beauchamp. " John Strange. Allen Wiley. John Strange. Allen Wiley. James Havens. Preacher. Presiding Elder. 1834-35. ..Rev. Edward R. Ames Rev. James Havens. (stationed). 1835-36. ..Rev. J. C. Smith (sta- " " " tioned). 1836-37...Rev. A. Eddy (stationed). " " " 1837-38. ..Rev. J. C. Smith (sta- " A.Eddy. ' tioned). 1838-39...Rev. A.Wiley (stationed). " " " 1839-40... " " " " " " 1840-41. .. Rev. W. H. Gbode (sta- " James Havens. tioned). 1841-42. ..Rev. W. H. Goode (sta- '• " " tioned). There are but few survivors of this early period of the Methodist Church here. Rev. John C. Smith is still living in the city, and a few years ago pub- lished an interesting book of reminiscences of the prominent preachers and the religious condition of the country at that time. Rev. Greenly H. McLaughlin, though too young to be in the min- istry then, was a member of the church and well remembers the early incidents of its history. Rev. Greenly H. McLaughlin. — The great- grandfather of the subject of this sketch was James, a native of Scotland, who married Nancy Franklin, and emigrating to America settled near Richmond, Va. Among their children was John, who was born in Virginia, and married Miss Herod, a native of Virginia. Their children were James, Francis, John, William, Nancy, and Mary. John, with his family, removed from Virginia to Pittman's Station, Ky., in 1781. His son William, father of the subject of this biography, was born in Virginia Dec. 19, 1779, and died March 26, 1836. He was reared in Ken- tucky, and later in life removed to Ohio. He mar- ried, Dec. 31, 1812, Miss Elizabeth Hannaman. Her grandfather was Christopher Hahnemann, born in Germany, who had seven children, among whom was John, born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1769, and died Nov. 15, 1832. He married Susannah Beebe, born June 11, 1771, who died April 2, 1842. Their children were thirteen in number, of whom Judge Robert L., of Knoxville, 111., is the only sur- vivor and now in his eightieth year. Elizabeth, their eleventh child, was born in Scioto County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1795, and died Feb. 3, 1880. She married, as above, William McLaughlin, and had children, — 400 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Susannah, Euphemia W., Greenly H., Nancy R., William H., Elizabeth J., and Maria G. William McLaughlin, who was a soldier of the war of 1812, bought the quarter-section two miles southeast of the court-house, on which the subject of this sketch now resides, at the land-sales at Brook- ville, in July, 1821, before the lands of the " New Purchase" were subject to entry. There was then no road or " trace" through it, and it was regarded as not first choice ; hence he was permitted to bid it oiF at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. This, however, nearly absorbed his entire capital, leaving only a few dollars for the expenses incident to mov- ing and fixing up. In September of that year he moved upon this purchase and took up his abode in a temporary camp. This soon gave way, however, to a first-class cabin of round logs, eighteen by twenty feet, which for several years did the compound duty of kitchen, parlor, and bedroom, to which was often added the further service of tavern and meeting- house. Greenly was at this time four years old, having been born in Fayette County, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1817. His great-grandfather being a Scotch Catholic and his great-grandmother a Scotch Presbyterian, to set- tle all probable discords on account of difierences on religion, it was agreed in advance that the boys who should be born of the marriage should be educated in the Catholic faith and the girls in the faith of their mother. But the pair moved to America and settled near Richmond, Va., before there was much occasion to carry out this agreement, and all in the third generation became Protestants through maternal influence. Mr. McLaughlin, though only four years old when his father moved from their temporary sojourn (from 1819 to 1821) in Rush County to a more permanent home in Marion, remembers the peculiar trials and pleasures incident to what pioneer life then was in the midst of a dense forest. He recalls the abun- dance of game and of snakes, and to have seen In- dians as they passed to and fro through the country. He remembers that his father once shot a deer stand- ing in his own door-yard, and such was the abundance of squirrels that the killing of them partook more of drudgery than of sport, for if left unmolested they would entirely destroy the small patches of corn that grew in the midst of the heavy timber every- where abounding. To aid in protecting the crop the children who were too young to handle guns were armed with immense rattles, called horse- fiddles, and sent frequently through the field to drive the thievish " varmints" away. He recalls the primitive schools and the primitive school-houses with the primitive teacher and his primitive rod and ferule. The structures were made of round logs, with doors of clapboards hung on wooden hinges, and with no light except that which strug- gled through greased paper in the absence of glass. Nearly one entire end was devoted to the fireplace. Such at least was the one which stood on the iden- tical spot now occupied by Mr. McLaughlin's ele- gant residence, and in which he obtained the knowl- edge of a, b, c, and other intricacies of the spelling- book. To the ordinary appointments of such houses, the dimensions being eighteen by twenty feet, was added a pulpit in the end opposite to the fireplace, in which the early Methodist, Baptist, and other preach- ers very frequently expounded the Word to the sturdy yeomanry of the country, and this school-house be- came so much of a religious centre that it was fol- lowed by a neat hewed-log and then a frame church on the same farm, and the first camp-meeting ever held in Marion County was held here in 1826, under the management of Rev. John Strange. The elder McLaughlin and his wife brought with them their membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and soon after their arrival the first class of that church was formed in Indianapolis, of which they became members. His piety and talents were such that he became a leader and exhorter in the church, and was extensively useful as such during the remainder of his life, which ended in 1836. It is hardly to be wondered that under these circumstances, with such a home, a frequent-lodging place for the itinerants of those days, Greenly grew up a Meth- odist of a most pronounced type, nor surprising that four out of five of his sisters became wives of Meth- odist preachers. As Greenly advanced in years the educational advan- (^^L-^^^ /--'' CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 401 tages of the home log school-house were supplemented by occasional attendance at some of the better schools in the town. He finally became a pupil at the '' Old Seminary," adding frequent turns at teaching in the neighboring districts both as a means of turning an honest penny and as further developing his own mind. In the summer of 1840, Mr. McLaughlin entered Indiana Asbury University with the intention of grad- uating at that young institution. He was then nearly twenty-three years of age, with a religious character well established, and a fund of theological knowledge much above the average of men of his age just from the plow ; hence, when the next year he was licensed to preach the gospel, it is not strange that he at once took a high rank among the student preachers of that institution. Such was the demand for his gratuitous pulpit labors, even at that age, that his studies were seriously interfered with though he held a respectable standing in his class, and at the expiration of two years he yielded to the importunities of friends and gave up his college life altogether to enter upon the pastoral work in the Indiana Conference. His stand- ing as a preacher may be readily inferred from the class of appointments received. He was welcomed at such places as Knightstown, Shelbyville, Brookville, Rushville, and Vincennes. While at Vincennes in 1847 he was tendered the important work of chaplain to the port of Canton, China, under the auspices of The American Seamen's Friend Society, but his health not being suflSciently robust to ju.stify such a mission, he declined. In 1849 he was solicited by Bishop Janes to take a part in the interest of the Methodist Episcopal Church at St. Louis, Mo., but this he also declined for the same reason. After seven years of successful labor in the pastoral work, including one year as agent for Asbury Univer- sity, he sought rest and recuperation by returning to country life on the old farm where he now lives. He immediately gave himself to the work of a local preacher while engaged in the work of farming, and has been extensively useful and acceptable in this field. Meanwhile his health improved, but again relapsed, so that he never fell sufficiently strong to assume the work of a pastor. Mr. McLaughlin is an industrious and successful farmer, as he was, while so engaged, a successful and industrious pastor. In these years of comparative retirement he has kept well read in the theology and literature of his church, after contributing to the col- umns of the church periodicals valuable papers on theological and ecclesiastical subjects. He lives still on the farm purchased by his father more than sixty years ago, and to which he came when a boy of only four years. He is among the few who have witnessed the growth of the city of Indianapolis from the be- ginning. He was married, June 1, 1854, to Mary M. Ball, of Rush County, taking one of the three daughters of the family, all of whom became w.ives of Meth- odist preachers. The children of this marriage have been four in number. Zopher Ball, the great-grand- father of Mrs. McLaughlin, was a soldier of the Rev- olution and resided in Washington County, Pa. He had five sons, — Henry, Caleb, Dennis, Abel, and Isaiah, all of whom were patriots. Caleb, who served in the war of 1812, married Phoebe Walton, of Mercer County, Pa., where he settled early in the present century. His children were Amos, Jonathan, Caleb, Henry, William, Sarah, Mercy, and Aseneth. Jona- than Ball, of this number, was born in Washington County, Pa., Jan. 2, 1797, and removed to Rush County, Ind., in 1835. He later became a resident of Henry County, and died May 13, 1867, in his seventy-first year. He married Aseneth Moore, and had children, — Samuel, Henry, Demas, William, Mary M., Phoebe, Cyrus, Caleb, and Emily, of whom Mary M., born May 8, 1830, is married, as above stated, to Mr. McLaughlin. Their children are Olin S., a suc- cessful hardware merchant at Knightstown, Ind., and Wilbur W., yet a minor attending Butler University, and at intervals assisting on the farm, and two who died in infancy. In 1842^3 the station here was divided, and a new church called Roberts' Chapel was formed. In 1846, as above noted, Wesley Chapel replaced the old church, and was itself sold in 1869 and converted into the Sentinel building, now changed to a block of business houses. Meridian Methodist Church. — After the sale of Wesley Chapel in 1869 the congregation worshiped 402 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. in the Michigan Street Church, built by the Univer- salits, and now a colored Presbyterian Church. It stands on the southwest corner of Meridian and New York Streets. It is of stone, costing about one hundred thousand dollars, and finished in 1870. A brick parsonage is connected with it, which cost about eight thousand dollars. The full membership num- bers five hundred and eighty-seven, with ten on pro- bation ; Sunday-school attendance, about four hun- dred. The school has no circulating library, but pro- vides all necessary books and charts for all the pupils. The annual contributions for benevolent purposes, exclusive of five thousand dollars annual expenses, is over one thousand dollars. Rev. John Alabaster, D.D., is pastor. His residence is No. 25 West New York Street; presiding elder, Rev. John K. Pye. Roberts' Chapel. — Indianapolis station having been divided in 1842 into western and eastern charges, the latter went out from the old hive, and formed an organization, calling itself Roberts' Chapel congregation. In 1843-44 a church building was erected on the northeast corner of Market and Penn- sylvania Streets, at a cost of ten thousand dollars, which was at that time the most imposing church edifice in the city, except possibly the second build- ing of the First Presbyterian Church, built very nearly at the same time. In the square base of the spire was set the first town clock in the city, made by John Moifiit, and paid for by a special tax. The Rev. John S. Bayliss was the first pastor. In the basement of this church the first course of lectures ever delivered in the city was given. Here Governor Henry S. Foote, of Mississippi, lectured a short time before the war. Here Jonathan Green, the " re- formed gambler," lectured on his first visit. In 1868 the old church, then just a quarter of a cen- tury old, was sold, and incorporated in one of the Martindale blocks, now occupied by the counting- room of the Jovrnal newspaper. Roberts' Park Church. — During the time after the sale of the old chapel till the occupancy of the new church the congregation held services in a frame building near the site of the, new one. The latter was completed far enough for use in 1870. It is of dressed limestone, cost one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars, including the lot, and is said to be " the finest free-seat church in the United States." The present pastor is Rev. Ross C. Houghton, D.D. The number of members, eight hundred and ninety-one ; Sunday-school pupils, six hundred and three; super- intendent, H. C. Newcomb ; presiding elder. Rev. John Poucher. California Street Church. — This congregation was originally formed in 1845, for the benefit of the I region west of the canal, and called the " western i charge." The first preacher was Rev. Wesley Dor- sey. A frame building on Michigan Street, west of the canal, was built, and called " Strange Chapel," after John Strange, the third presiding elder in this circuit, in 1825. Soon after the building was re- moved to Tennessee Street, near Vermont. In 1869 a difficulty occurred in the church in consequence of the desire of some of the prominent members, who had contributed largely to the purchase of the lot and building, to reintroduce the old fashion of the church, — separation of the sexes and congregational singing. A resolution to this effect was adopted, and about half of the congregation withdrew. In the .same year the lot on West Michigan Street was sold, and a new brick church built at a cost of thirteen thousand dollars, dedicated Jan. 9, 1870. The " Primitive Methodi.sts" bought the lot, or donated it to the church, and made it a condition of the deed that the old ways should be adhered to. On Sunday, the 8th of January, 1871, however, the church took fire, and was burned to the bare walls, and sold. The congregation had divided before the catastrophe on the question of receiving the pastor assigned by the Conference, Rev. Luther M. Walters, the dissenting portion occupying the abandoned Universalist Church, previously used by Meridian Church congregation. After the fire the part of the congregation still adhering together occupied Kuhn's Hall, with Mr. Walters as pastor. The completion of arrangements for a new church suggested a change of name from that which distinguished so inauspicious a career as I that of Strange Chapel, and St. John's Church was I adopted. A lot was purchased on the southwest j corner of California and North Streets for fourteen ! hundred dollars, and a building erected to cost about CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 403 twenty thousand dollars, now estimated, including the lot, at only ten thousand dollars. There are two hundred full members and ten on probation. The Sunday-school has about two hundred pupils, with a similar provision of books to that of Meridian Street. Annual expenses, about fifteen hundred dollars ; benevolent contributions, about one hundred dollars. Present pastor. Rev. W. B. Collins, 297 North California Street. Fletcher Place (formerly Asbury) Church was first organized, in a school-house on South Street near South New Jersey, by Rev. S. T. Cooper, in 1849, and John Dickinson, William L. Wingate, Samuel M. Sibert, Samuel P. Daniels, and John Day were the first board of trustees. Of the origi- nal members there remains six, — John Dickinson and wife, Mrs. Nancy Ford, Mrs. Ellen Smith, Mrs. Montieth, Mrs. Tabitha Plank. It was first organ- ized under the name of Depot and East Indianapolis Mission. In 1850 it was called Depot Charge. In 1852 it was called Asbury Chapel, and in 1856 Asbury Church. In 1874 its name was changed to Fletcher Place Methodist Church. The first church building was located on South New Jersey Street, near South Street. It was begun in 1850 and completed in 1852. The present church, a fine brick structure, is located on the corner of South and East Street. It was built about ten years ago, but not fully com- pleted till later. It is valued at thirty-five thousand dollars. The membership, which at first was less than sixty, is now over five hundred. The present pastor is Rev. J. H. Doddridge, B.D. The Sabbath-school has at present on the roll eight hundred and forty- nine members. The ofllicers are A. C. May, superin- tendent ; Mrs. H. Furgeson, assistant; Miss Mollie Roberts, treasurer; Miss Mary Brown, secretary; P. M. Gallihue, chorister; W. T. Ellis, Jr., libra- rian. Ames Methodist Church, formerly South City Mission, is located at the head of Union Street, at the intersection of Merrill Street and Madison Ave- nue. It was organized by twelve members in Feb- ruary, 1867, a mission having been maintained since July of the year before by Rev. Joseph Tar- kington, in an unfinished frame on Norwood and South Illinois Streets, till cold weather, and then in an unoccupied grocery-room on Madison Avenue. About the time the church was organized, a Sunday- school was formed. Though flourishing well in a moral aspect, the young church was financially strait- ened, and the trouble continued till the pastor. Rev. Mr. Walters, made a resolute push out of it, and bought the present site and building of the Indianap- olois mission Sunday-school for five thousand dollars. Repairs were made to the amount of fifteen hundred dollars, and a good sale of a lot owned by the church on South Illinois Street enabled it to pay off most of the whole expense. It has now two hundred and five full members, seven on probation, and about two hun- dred pupils in the Sunday-school. Annual expense, about twelve hundred dollars ; benevolent contribu- tions, one hundred and twenty-five dollars ; present pastor, Rev. C. E. A.sbury ; value of property, about five thousand dollars. Blackford Street Church, located on the south- east corner of Blackford and Market Streets, built in 1873-74; property valued at four thousand dollars; membership, one hundred and twenty-five ; proba- tioners, forty-three ; Sunday-school pupils, one hun- dred ; annual expenses, seven hundred dollars, and aided by Meridian Church ; Rev. T. H. Lynch, pastor. The presiding elder. Rev. Dr. Poucher, says, " These churches are all out of debt, and have all improved largely in the last three months." Grace Church, on the northeast corner of Market and East Streets, was organized in September, 1 868, on therequestof a number of Methodists "residing in and near Indianapolis," as their memorial to the Confer- ence stated. They believed five thousand dollars could be raised for a suitable church building, and promised to " go forward at once in the enterprise of building a church for the use of such congregation." Rev. W. H. Mendenhall was appointed to the charge, held the first quarterly meeting 19th and 20th of September, 1868, and at the clo.se, one hundred members of Roberts' Chapel united with the mission. The first quarterly Conference was organized Sept. 22, 1868. A site for a church was obtained at once, a house erected, and on the 21st of February, 1869, i was dedicated by Bishop Clark. Present pastor. 404 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Rev. S. G. Bright ; membership, three hundred and thirteen ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty ; teachers, sixteen ; probable value of property, eighteen thousand dollars. Third Street Church, on the north side of Third Street between Illinois and Tennessee, was organized from a class of thirty-six, led by Jesse Jones, in 1864. A site was purchased in 1866, and a building commenced for a mission church, under the direction of Ames Institute. Finding themselves unable to finish it, the young men of the institute gave it up to Mr. Jones, who completed it at his own expense. It was dedicated Sept. 8, 1867, by Rev. (now bishop) Thomas Bowman. The present pastor is Rev. E. B. Rawls ; membership, one hundred and fifty-four ; Sunday-school pupils, two hundred and twenty, under Superintendent Wollever. East Seventh Street Church, organized in 1874 ; church building is a frame ; membership, two hundred and fifty-six ; Sunday-school pupils, two hundred and twelve ; pastor, M. L. Wells ; school superintendent, H. C. Durbin ; value of property, nine thousand dollars. Central Avenue Church was organized in June, 1877. It was formed by the consolidation of Trinity and Massachusetts Avenue Churches, both of which were located in the northeastern part of the city. The consolidated organization leased an eligible lot situate on the northeast corner of Cen- tral Avenue and Butler Street, and removed to it the building formerly occupied by the Massachusetts Avenue Society. This building was enlarged so as to comfortably accommodate the membership of the church. The lot has since been purchased, and is now owned by the church. It is the present plan of the society to erect at an early date a plain and sub- stantial church edifice. The location of the church is an excellent one, and by careful and prudent man- agement Central Avenue Church will, without doubt, be one of the largest and most effective organizations of the denomination in this city. Number of mem- bers, three hundred and seventy ; value of church property, ten thousand dollars ; names of former pastors, Rev. B. F. Morgan, Rev. Reuben Andrus, D.D., Rev. J. N. Beard ; present pastor. Rev. Abijah Marine, D.D. ; total number of oiEcers and teachers in the Sunday-school, thirty-six ; scholars, three hundred and fifty ; Sunday-school officers, superin- tendent, W. D. Cooper ; assistant superintendents, W. B. Barry, Mrs. C. T. Nixon ; secretary, H. G. Harmaman ; treasurer, Miss Sallie Pye ; librarian, Jefferson Cuylor. Edwin Ray Church, southwest comer of Wood- lawn Avenue and Linden Street; organized in 1874; frame building ; membership, one hundred and fifty- two ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and fifty ; John Jones, school superintendent ; pastor, Rev. William B. Clancy. Coburn Street Church, on northwest corner of Coburn and McKernan Streets. Simpson Chapel, corner of Howard and Second Streets ; pastor, Rev. Charles Jones. First German Church, southwest corner of New York and New Jersey Streets; pastor. Rev. Otto Wilke ; organized in 1849, with fifteen members. The first church building was erected in 1850 on Ohio Street, between New Jersey and East. The first trus- tees wore William Hannaman, Henry Tutewiler, John Koeper, Frederick Truxess, and John B. Stumph. A more commodious building was needed, and in 1869 was erected on the present site, which was pur- chased in December, 1868. The dedication took place on the 17th of April, 1871, the ceremonies being conducted by Professor Loebenstein (of Berea College, Ohio), Dr. William Nast, and Rev. H. Lie- bert. The membership is about two hundred and fifty, and the Sunday-school has over two hundred pupils. The value of the church property is about thirty thousand dollars. Second German Church, northeast corner of Prospect and Spruce Streets ; pastor, Rev. John Bear. North Indianapolis Church. — No pastor and no report of Sunday-school attendance. Brighlwoud Church, not included in the statements of either of the Conferences which divide Indianapolis and Centre township. COLORED METHODISTS. Forty-eight years ago, among the earliest churches of the city following the pioneer bodies, a colored CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 405 Methodist Church was organized here, called Bethel Chapel now. It stood on Georgia Street, fronting the open ground to the south, which then extended with hardly a break by house or fence to the river. The house was a cheap little frame, erected about the year 1840-41, and the leading man was the late Augustus Turner. Rev. W. R. Revels, brother of the United States senator from Mississippi, was pastor for four years, from 1861 to 1865. For a number of years after the completion of the first little church Rev. Paul Quinn, of Baltimore (later a bishop of the Colored Methodist Church, and a man of marked ability, and as highly esteemed even in those days as any of his white coadjutors), visited the city and preached there. His arrival was the signal for a revival, and many a peculiarly enthusiastic time have the brethren had on the floor while the sedate old bishop stood in the pulpit and looked compla- cently on, but never giving any encouragement to the boisterous glory of the especially ecstatic members. In 1857, when the first Episcopal Church was re- moved to make way for the present edifice, it was bought by the Bethel Church and moved to Georgia Street, where it was burned in two or three years. The congregation now has a fine brick edifice on Ver- mont Street, northeast corner of Columbia ; pastor, Rev. Morris Lewis ; membership, about six hundred, Sunday-school pupils, about three hundred. Allen Churcli, east side of Broadway, north of Cherry. West Mission, west side of Blackford Street, near North. Zion Church., on the northeast corner of Black- ford and North Streets, Rev. Thomas Manson pastor. The colored churches belong to the Lexington Con- ference. METHODIST PEOTESTANT CHUKCU, on the southeast corner of Dillon Street and Hoyt Avenue, Rev. Seymore S. Stanton pastor. CHRISTIANS. Central Chapel. — This is the oldest religious or- ganization in the city after the three pioneer churches of the three leading denominations at that time. It was made on the 12th of June, 1833. Rev. John O'Kane, who died but two or three years ago in Mis- souri, visited the city in the fall of 1832, and gave the first impulse to tlie organization. Of the original twenty members there are none living now but Mrs. Zerelda Wallace, widow of Governor Wallace. Mr. O'Kane and Rev. Love H. Jameson visited the infant church occasionally, as they had an opportunity, and in 1834 or 1835 Rev. James McVey came and held a protracted meeting in the lower room of the old seminary, then recently completed, and won quite an addition of converts. The leading members in the early days of the organization were Robert A. Tay- lor (father of Judge Taylor, of the Superior Court), Dr. John H. Sanders (father of Mrs. Governor Wal- lace, Mrs. R. B. Duncan, Mrs. D. S. Beaty, and Mrs. Dr. Gatling, of gun fame), Ovid Butler, James Sul- grove, Leonard Woollen, Cyrus T. Boaz, John Wool- len, Charles Secrist. The preachers who visited the church most frequently were, as already noted. Rev. John O'Kane, subsequently noted as a debater in the- ological duels with logical arms. Rev. Love H. Jame- son, Rev. John L. Jones, very recently deceased after long years of partial or total blindness. Rev. Michael Combs, Rev. Andrew Prather, Rev. Thomas Lock- hart, and Rev. T. J. Matlock. On the 18th of March, 1839, Rev. Chauncey Butler, father of the late Ovid Butler, founder of Butler University, served as pastor for about a year, and Butler K. Smith, a blacTcsmith on Delaware Street, whose residence stood where the present Central Chapel stands, occasionally preached. He subsequently devoted himself wholly to the ministry, and made a very able and efficient preacher. The first regular pastor was Rev. Love H. Jameson, who took charge Oct. 1, 1842, and remained till 1853. Love H. Jameson was born in Jefferson County, May 17, 1811, of Virginia parents, who came to Kentucky, the father in 1795, the mother in 1803. In 1810 they settled on Indian Kentucky Creek-, in Jefferson County. He was educated at a country school in winter, and helped his father on the farm in summer from 1818 to 1828. He began preaching on Christmas eve, 1829. He taught himself the classic languages to such a degree of proficiency as to entitle himself to the degree of A.M. from Butler University, and also made himself equally familiar with music, which lie occasionally taught in the city 406 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. after ho became pastor of the church here. He was married first in 1837 to Miss Elizabeth M. Clark, who dropped dead in the garden when seemingly in perfect health, on 18th June, 1841. In the summer of 1842 he married his present wife, Miss Elizabeth K. Robinson, and brought her with him to Indian- apolis when he first came to assume his pastorate. He has one son still living by his first wife, and seven children by his second, of whom two sons are dead. Mr. Jameson served for many years as trustee of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and was one of the fore- most of those engaged with Mr. Butler in founding the Nortliwestern Christian (now Butler) University. During the war he was chaplain of the Seventy-ninth Regiment, Col. Fred. Knefler, and after nearly two years of service resigned from ill health and general disability, for which he is now in receipt of a moder- ate pension. Since his retirement from the pastorate of the First Christian Church, in 1853, he has been chiefly engaged in serving congregations throughout the county, and occasionally in remote localities. Last fall he went to Europe, at the invitation of a Mr. Coop, a member of the church, a wealthy English- man living 'at Southport. He will make a tour of Europe and the Holy Land before he returns. In the summer of 1836 the church built its first house of worship on Kentucky Avenue, about half- way between Maryland and Georgia Streets, on the southeast side. Here the church remained till 1852, when the present Central Chapel, southwest corner of : Delaware and Ohio Streets, was completed. In that year, or the year before. Rev. Alexander Campbell visited the city and preached in Masonic Hall, the only visit he ever made here. The present pastor of Central Chapel is Rev. David Walk. The number of members is seven hundred and fifty-two ; of Sunday- school pupils, about four hundred ; value of property, probably fifty thousand dollars. Second Church (Colored), corner Fifth and Illi- nois Street; organized in 1868. Present pastor, LeRoy Redd ; present membership, seventy-five ; Sunday-school pupils, one hundred and twenty ; value of property, probably three thousand dollars. Third Church, corner Ash Street and Home Avenue; organized Jan. 1, 1869. First pastor. Elijah Goodwin. Charter members, seventy ; pres- ent pastor, S. B. Moore; present membership, two hundred and thirty-seven ; Sunday-school, about two hundred pupils ; value of property, about ten thou- sand dollars. Fourth Church, corner Pratt and West Streets, organized in 1867. First pastor, John B. New. The present pastor is E. P. Wise ; present mem- bership, one hundred ; Sunday-school, one hundred and fifty ; value of property, about five thousand dollars. The Fifth Church, Olive Branch, was organized in 1868, but lost its meeting-house in the fall of 1880, and the members were scattered to the other churches, principally to the First and Sixth. Sixth Church, corner Elm and Pine Streets, organized Feb. 14, 1875. Pastor, no regular. Present pastor, J. W. Conner ; present membership, two hundred and twelve. CATHOLICS. The following account of the Catholic Churches and Institutions of Indianapolis is furnished for this work by the kindness of Rev. Dennis O'Don- oughue, chancellor of the diocese. The first Catholic Church in Indianapolis was built in 1840 by the Rev. Vincent Bacquelin, then residing in Shelbyville, in this State. It was called Holy Cross Church, and was situated near West between Washington and Market Streets. Father Bacquelin was killed by a fall from his horse, Sept. 2, 1846, in a wood near Shelbyville. His successor was the Rev. John McDermott, who had charge of Holy Cross Church for several years. The next clergyman in charge was the Rev. Patrick J. R. Murphy, who was transferred to another congrega- tion in 1848. He was succeeded by the Rev. John Gueguen, who commenced the erection of the old St. John's Church in 1850. This edifice fronted on Georgia Street, and was located on the spot where the bishop's residence now stands. Father Gueguen was succeeded by the Rev. Daniel Moloney, who, in 1857, built an addition to the church. This same year the Rev. A. Bftssonies took charge of the con- gregation, a position which he still retains. CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 407 The Sisters of Providence built a young ladies' academy on the corner of Georgia and Tennessee Streets, in 1858, which they occupied until their present academy was built in 1873. The school building for boys was commenced in 1865, and was completed the following year, when the Brothers of the Sacred Heart took charge of the school. The pastoral residence was built iu 1863, and was enlarged by Bishop Chatard, when he took up his residence here in 1878. The present St. John's Church, fronting on Ten- nessee Street, was commenced in 1867. It is the largest church edifice in the city, measuring two hun- dred and two feet in length and having a seating capacity of one thousand six hundred. St. John's congregation numbers at present four thousand souls. The parish schools are attended by five hundred chil- dren. There are several religious and benevolent societies attached to the congregation, of which the following are the principal : The Sodality for men, established in 1860, with a membership of one hun- dred ; the Living Rosary Society for women, having one hundred and thirty-two members ; the Young Ladies' Sodality, organized in 1877, with eighty-five members ; the Cathedral Altar Society, two hundred and twenty-five members ; Boys' Sodality, seventy members ; Sodality of the Children of Mary, one hundred and fifty members ; Total Abstinence Society, eighty members ; Knights of Father Mathew, seventy members ; Catholic Knights of America, one hundred members ; the St. Vincent de Paul Society for the relief of the poor, composed of men and women, seventy-five members. St. Mary's German Catholic Church, situate near the corner of Maryland and Delaware Streets, was commenced in 1857, and was opened for service the following year by the Rev. L. Brandt, its first pastor. The next pastor was the Rev. Simon Siegrist, who had charge of the congregation until his death, in 1879. He was succeeded by the Rev. A. Scheideler, the present pastor. The congregation has large school buildings for boys and girls. St. Mary's Academy was built in 1876 by the Sisters of St. Francis from Oldcnburgh, in this State, at a cost of forty thousand dollars. The pastoral residence attached to the church was built in 1871, at a cost of eight thousand five hundred dollars. St. Mary's congregation numbers one thousand five hundred souls. There are three hundred and ten children attending the parish schools. The following religious and benevolent societies are attached to the congregation : St. Mary's Altar Society, two hundred members; St. Joseph's Aid Society, one hundred and forty members; St. Boniface Aid Society, one hundred and ten members ; St. Rose's Young Ladies' Sodality, one hundred and fifty members ; St. Anthony's Church and Scliool Society, seventy-five members. St. Patrick's congregation was formed in 1865. That year the congregation built a church at the ter- minus of Virginia Avenue, of which the Rev. Joseph Petit was the first pastor. He was succeeded by the Rev. P. 11. Fitzpatrick in 1869, who commenced the erection of a new church the following year. St. Patrick's Church is built of brick, and is in the form of a cross, Gothic style, with a spire of neat design over the intersection of the transept. It is one hun- dred and ten feet in length and has a seating capacity of six hundred and fifty. The present pastor is the Rev. H. O'Neill, who succeeded the late Father Mc- Dermott in 1882. The congregation numbers one thousand four hundred souls. There are two parish schools, attended by two hundred children. The boys' school is under the management of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart ; the girls' school is taught by the Sisters of Providence in the building formerly used as a church. The following are the societies attached to the church : St. Patrick's Altar Society, one hun- dred and twenty members ; Young Ladies' Sodality, one hundred and sixty members ; Men's Sodality, one hundred and thirty members ; Children of Mary So- ciety, sixty members ; St. Patrick's Benevolent Society, forty members. St. Joseph's congregation was organized in 1873 by the Rev. Joseph Petit. He erected a two-story building on East Vermont Street, which was to serve as church, school, and pastoral residence. He re- signed in 1874, and was succeeded by Rev. F. M. Mousset, and later by Rev. E. J. Spelman. This building was afterwards remodeled by Bishop de St. Palais and converted into a diocesan seminary. St. 408 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Joseph's coDgregation, in 1880, purchased ground on the corner of North and Noble Streets, and built the new church in which they now worship. This church is of Gothic style, one hundred and thirty feet in length, and cost seventeen hundred dollars. A pas- toral residence was built in 1881 costing two thousand five hundred dollars. A large school building has just been erected by the Sisters of Providence, which is to serve as a parish school for boys and girls of this congregation. The number of children in attendance is about two hundred. The congregation numbers twelve hundred souls. The Rev. H. Alerding is the pastor. He has had charge of the congregation since 1874. The following societies are attached to the congregation : St. Aloysius Society for Boys, thirty members ; Ciiildren of Mary, forty members ; St. Joseph's Confraternity for Young Men, fifty mem- bers; Society of the Immaculate Conception, one hundred and six members ; St. Michael's Confrater- nity for Men, forty-five members ; St. Ann's Confra- ternity for Married Women, eighty-five members ; St. Joseph's Association, four hundred members. The Church of the Sacred Heart, for the German Catholics living in the southern part of the city, was built in 1875, and is situate on the corner of Union and Palmer Streets. The building first erected, and which served as a church, school, and monastery, be- came insufficient, and a new church was commenced in the summer of the present year. It is not yet completed, but will be soon opened for service. The clergymen attending this church are priests of the Order of St. Francis, known as Franciscans. The present pastor is the Rev. Ferdinand Bergmeyer, who is superintending the erection of the new church. There are parish schools for boys and girls. The latter is under the charge of the Sisters of St. Joseph, who erected a school building and residence in 1875. About two hundred children attend these schools. The congregation numbers eleven hundred souls. The following societies are attached to the church : St. Bonaventure's Society, one hundred and forty members ; St. Mary's Altar Society, one hundred and thirty members ; St. Cecilia's Singing Society, sixty members; Young Ladies' Sodality, seventy members; Emerald Beneficial Association, thirty-five members ; Catholic Knights of America, thirty-five mem- bers. St. Bridget's Church, on the corner of West and St. Clair Streets, was opened for service on the 1st day of January, 1880. It was built under the su- pervision of Rev. D. Curran, the present pastor, and has a seating capacity of five hundred. The congre- gation is now large enough to fill it twice on Sunday, the number of souls being over one thousand. The church measures one hundred and six feet by forty- four, and cost eleven thousand dollars. A pastoral residence adjoining the church was erected in 1882, costing twelve hundred dollars. A large school building was erected in 1881 near the church by the Sisters of St. Francis, from Oldenburgh, at a cost of eleven thousand dollars. There are one hundred and fifty children in attendance. The societies at- tached to the church are : The Sodality for Men, sixty members ; Young Ladies' Sodality, seventy members ; Altar Society, seventy members ; First Communion Society, fifty members. The Home for the Aged Poor, conducted by the Little Sisters of the Poor, was founded in 1873, and is situate on Vermont Street, between East and Liberty. These sisters take charge of the aged and destitute, and support them by soliciting alms from the public who are charitably disposed. They rely entirely on the means obtained in this way. They receive no one into their house except such as are old and destitute. This community was founded in France in 1840, and it has now in charge two hundred and twenty-three houses in difierent parts of Europe and America. The House of the Good Shepherd, situate south of the city on the Bluff road, was founded in 1873. The city authorities donated a building partly finished, and which was intended for a female reformatory. The object of this institution is to afford an asylum to females whose virtue is exposed to danger, or to reclaim such as have fallen and desire to amend their lives The rules are founded on the strictest princi- ples of Christian charity, and no one is received ex- cept she is willing to enter ; hence the a.sylum is in no sense a compulsory prison. The inmates are di- vided into two classes, — the penitents, or those who CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 409 I have fallen from virtue, and in whose case, as a sani- tary precaution, certain conditions are required ; and the class of perseverance, or those who seek refuge from danger to which they are exposed. These two classes are entirely separated from each other, and are under the care of different members of the commu- nity. The period for which persons are usually received is two years, after which they are either returned to their friends or the sisters try to find situations for them. This community does its work in silence, away from the noise of the world, and but few are aware of the good that it accomplishes. St. Vincent's Infirmary, situate on Vermont Street near Liberty, was established by Bishop Chat- ard in 1881. It is in charge of the Sisters of Charity from Baltimore. The building used is the Old St. Joseph's Church and Seminary. The sisters intend to locate the infirmary in another part of the city soon, when they will erect a new and suitable build- ing. The Sisters of Charity are a religious commu- nity founded by St. Vincent de Paul in 1633. Its object is the care of the poor, especially the sick, and its members are everywhere the servants of the poor and afflicted. The destitute who enter the infirmary are supported by the alms which the sisters solicit. Contributions are received from those who may be able to pay for the service rendered them, and the means obtained in this way go to the support of the institution. There is no religious distinction made in regard to those received into this infirmary. Rev. John Francis August Bessonies. — The grandfather of Father Bessonies was Dubousquet de Bessonies, who during the horrors of the French revolution of 1793 thought prudent to drop the "de," a title of nobility, which was, however, again assumed by the family in 1845, but never by the subject of this sketch. His great-uncle, a Catholic priest, was arrested as such, and about to be transported or drowned when happily released by the death of Robespierre. The parents of Father Bessonies were John Baptist Bessonies and Henrietta Moisinac. Their son was born at the village of Alzac, parish of Sousceyrac, department du Lot, diocese of Cahors, on the I7th of June, 1815, and is one of four surviving children. A sister died an Ursuline nun after twenty- 27 five years of religious life. August (as Father Bessonies now writes his name) was placed under the instruction of a priest of a neighboring parish, but made little improvement. On attaining his tenth year he was placed with the Picpucians, and spent a year in preparation for a collegiate course. Here he made his first communion, and was confirmed by Monseigneur Guilaume Baltazar de Grandville, said to be closely allied to Napoleon First. After two years at the latter school he repaired to the Petit Seminaire of Montfaucon, and spent seven years in pursuing the classics and rhetoric. In 1834 he entered the famous seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris, and spent two years at Issy in the study of mathe- matics, philosophy, and natural philosophy. In 1836 he entered the great seminary as a divinity student, and at the expiration of the first year received the sacred order of subdeaconship and the second year that of deaconship. In 1836 he offered his services to Right Rev. Simon Gabriel Brute, Bishop of Vin- cennes, in Indiana. After completing his studies the young man left for America and arrived, after a tedious journey, in 1839. Having been ordained priest in 1840, his earliest mission was in Perry County, where thirteen years were spent. During this period he founded the town of Leopold and erected two stone and three wooden churches. Sever- ing his very happy relations with the parishes of Perry County, he removed to Fort Wayne in 1853,- and remained one year, meanwhile erecting a church and parsonage. His next mission was Jefferson villa and the Knobs, where during a period of four years he held service regularly, never missing an appoint- ment. He completed the church at the Knobs, built a parsonage and enlarged the church at Jeffersonville, and secured a fine lot for the present church. In 1857 he became pastor of St. John's Church, Indi- anapolis. He raised the first cross in the city on the old St. John's Church, which is still in use on the vault of St. John's Cemetery. He the following spring erected the St. John's Academy, where a school was opened by the Sisters of Providence in 1859, and soon after built a parsonage. The Catholic cem- etery now in use was purchased with . his private means. Soon after a school building for boys was 410 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tJJbyiAiJ erected, and at the same time the St. Peter's Church edifice, now used as a school building. In 1867 was begun the present St. John's Cathedral, which was opened for worship in 1877, and cost about one hun- dred thousand dollars. He was also instrumental in obtaining from the city, ground for the buildings occupied by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd and the Little Sisters of the Poor. Father Bessonies was appointed vicar-general by the bishop of the diocese, and later administrator of the Diocese of Vincennes by the Archbishop of Cincinnati. His zeal in the cause of temperance has won for him the affectionate regard of citizens irrespective of creed, and prompted, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his pastorate and his departure for Europe, the presentation of a purse of four hundred dollars, with a graceful address by the mayor of the city. Father Bessonies continues to fill the ofiices of rector of the cathedral, vicar-general of the diocese, and agent for the orphans' asylum. He manifests the same earnest spirit in his life-work and enjoys as ever the esteem and love of his parishioners. IPISCOPALIANS. Christ Church was organized in 1837. There had been an occasional clergyman in the settlement, and he had held occasional services at private houses, through a period reaching nearly as far back towards the first settlement as the early services of any denom- ination, but the Episcopal was the weakest numer- ically of all the leading sects, and took longer to grow up to organizing and building strength. Among the clergymen who were here temporarily were, first. Rev. Melanchthon Hoyt, then Rev. J. C. Clay (after- wards Dr. Clay, of Philadelphia), Rev. Mr. Pfeiffer, and Rev. Henry Shaw. The end of the transition period came with Rev. James B. Britton, in 1837 ; as a missionary he held regular services in July of that year. Three months before a movement towards organization had been made, and with the arrival of CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 411 Mr. Britton it was advanced a step and completed. On the 13th of July, less than a week after Mr. Brit- ton's first ministration, a meeting was held and the following agreement made: "We, whose names are hereunto affixed, impressed with the importance of the Christian religion, and wishing to promote its holy influence in the hearts and lives of ourselves, our fam- ilies, and our neighbors, do hereby associate ourselves together as the parish of Christ Church, in the town of Indianapolis, township of Centre, county of Marion, State of Indiana, and by so doing do recognize the jurisdiction of the missionary bishop of Indiana, and do adopt the constitution and canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. " Joseph M. Moore. D. D. Moore. Charles W. Cady. T. B. Johnson. George W. Mears. Thomas McOuat. Janet McOuat. William Hannaman. A. St. Clair. Mrs. Browning. Miss Howell. Miss Gordon. Mrs. Riley. Miss Drake. Mrs. Julia A. McKenny. " Indianapolis, July 13, 1837." G. W. Starr. Mrs. G. W. Starr. James Morrison. A. 6. Willard. M. D.Willard. James Dawson, Jr. Edward J. Dawson. Joseph Farbos. Nancy Farbos. Joseph Norman. Joanna Norman. Stewart Crawford. John W. Jones. Edward Boyd. Mrs. Stevens. Under this organization an election for vestrymen, on the 21st of August, resulted in the choice of Arthur St. Clair, senior warden, Thomas McOuat, junior warden, James Morrison, Joseph M. Moore, and William Hannaman. On the 7th of May, 1838, the corner-stone of the first church was laid with suitable ceremonies, and that was the first corner- stone laid in Indianapolis. One of the members made a deposit in it of the first silver coins of the dime and half-dime class ever brought to the town. On the 18th of November following the edifice was opened for worship, and consecrated on the 16th day of December by Bishop Kemper. In 1857 it was removed to Georgia Street for the colored (Bethel) church, and burned soon after. The present thor- oughly ecclesiastical edifice, orthodoxically covered with ivy, was finished in 1860, the chime of bells, the only one in the city, put up in the spring of 1861, and the spire completed in 1869. The membership is three hundred and fifty, Sunday-school pupils, two hundred. Value of the property, seventy-five thou- sand dollars. Rector, Rev. B. A. Bradley. St. George's Chapel, a little stone mission church on the corner of Morris and Church Streets, was built some half-dozen years ago by the Christ Church congregation. It is served by Rev. Mr. Bradley, has about two hundred children attending the Sunday- school, and the value of the property is about two thousand dollars. St. Paul's Cathedral, the largest Protestant Epis- copal Church in the city, is situate on the southeast corner of Illinois and New York Streets. The parish was organized, in 1866, by the Rev. Horace Stringfel- low. The first services were held in Military Hall, which was in the building located on East Washing- ton Street, over Craft & Co.'s, and Cathoart, Clel- land & Co.'s stores. The present edifice has a seat- ing capacity of ten hundred and fifty, besides the chapel, which will seat about two hundred and fifty. The present edifice was erected in 1869, at a cost of about ninety thousand dollars. The number of com- municants, three hundred and twenty-one. Bishop, Right Rev. D. B. Knickerbacker, D.D. ; dean and rector, Rev. Joseph S. Jenckes. Sunday-school, one hundred. St. James' Mission, located on West Street above Walnut, is also under control of St. Paul's Cathedral, and possesses a neat little edifice, erected in 1875 at a cost of seven thousand dollars ; has a flourishing Sun- day-school of one hundred scholars. Full service is held every Sunday evening by Rev. Mr. Jenckes. Will seat about two hundred. Grace Church, at the corner of Pennsylvania and St. Joseph Streets, has a good building with seating capacity of about two hundred and fifty, with large school-room. Is at present closed as a church, but Bishop Knickerbacker will have it reopened as soon as possession can be obtained, as it has been rented for school purposes. Holy Innocents, on Fletcher Avenue, has a neat frame building ; seating capacity about two hundred. Has seventy-three communicants. Until recently under charge of Rev. Willis D. Engle. 4ia HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. REFORMED KPISCOPAL. Trinity, on the northwest corner of Alabama and North Streets. LUTHERANS. First English Lutheran Church, organized Jan. 22, 1837. P. W. Seibert, one of the early hardware merchants of the city, was president, and Elijah Martin, secretary. The first elders were Adam Haugh and Henry Ohr, who, like Rev. Abraham Reck, the first pastor, were Maryland men. The first deacons were King English (father of Joseph K., for- merly county commissioner) and Philip W. Seibert. The first house was a brick of one story on the south side of Ohio Street, near Meridian, but not on the corner. It was built in 1838. Mr. Reck resijrned the pastorate in 1840, and was succeeded by Rev. A. A. Timper. Mr. Reck died in Lancaster, O., in 1869. His son, Luther, entered the Indianapolis company of the First Indiana Regiment in the Mexi- can war, and was drowned while swimming in the Rio Grande, at Matamoras, where the regiment was stationed. During the pastorate term of Rev. J. A. Kunkleman, about 1860, the church was torn down and another built on the southwest corner of New York and Alabama Streets, which was dedicated in 1861. A few years ago this church was sold and a ' third built on the corner of Pennsylvania and Walnut Streets. The present pastor is Rev. John Baltzley, The membership is one hundred and two ; Sunday- school pupils, seventy-five ; value of property about eighteen thousand dollars. St. Paul's (German), on the corner of East and Georgia Streets, was organized June 5, 1844. The first church was built on Alabama Street below Wash- ington, and dedicated May 11, 1845 ; first pastor. Rev. Theodore J. G. Kuntz. In 1860, another church was built on the corner of East and Georgia Streets, and dedicated Nov. 3, 1860, by Rev. Dr. Wynckan, president of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In the rear of the church two school-houses have been built, where a parochial school has been maintained for twenty years. A parsonage on East and Ohio Streets was built in 1869, and in 1870 the cemetery south of Pleasant Run, on the east side of the Three- Notch road, already referred to, was purchased and laid out. The present pastor is Rev. Charles C. Schmidt. The membership is over two hundred, and the Sunday-school attendance is about four hun- dred. The value of the church property is about sixty thousand dollars. Second Lutheran Church (German), on the northeast corner of Eiist and Ohio Streets. The pastor is Rev. Peter Seuel ; membership, one hun- dred and fifteen ; Sunday-school pupils, two hun- dred; value of property, probably twenty thousand dollars. Zion's Church (German) was organized in 1840 by the German members of the First English Lu- theran Church. They wanted services in their own language, and formed the new organization for that purpose. The first pastor was the Rev. J. G. Kuntz, who was later the first pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, who served until 1842. The congregation was then without a pastor till 1844, when Rev. J. P. Isensee was called. The first church building was erected where the present one is in 1844, and was dedicated in 1845, May 18th. In 1866 the present house was begun, the corner-stone laid July 1, 1866, and the dedication celebrated Feb. 5, 1867. The church has about two hundred members, and the Sunday-school one hundred and fifty pupils. The value of the church property is over thirty thousand dollars. First Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church, _ southeast corner of McCarty and Beaty Streets. Second Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church, east side of New Jersey Street, south of Merrill. During about a year, in 1882-83, a small Danish mission church was maintained in a neat little frame building on South Missouri Street, below Merrill. The " wash" of the west bank of Pogue's Creek at that point cut away the ground between the church and the creek, and finally cut under the house, and the congregation moved. The building was turned into a little grocery-store. GERMAN REFORMED. Emanuel Church, on the northwest corner of Coburn and New Jersey Streets ; Rev. H. Helming, pastor. CHURCHES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 418 First Church, east side of Alabama, south of Market Street; pastor, Rev. John Rettig. The first steps in the organization of this church were taken by Rev. George Long, who came here as a missionary of the German Reformed denomination — chiefly fol- lowers of Zwingle and Calvin — in 1851, and preached till the following spring, 1852, when he organized the First Church, and they began the erection of the church, which was completed and dedicated in Octo- ber, 1852. In 1856, Mr. Long resigned, and Rev. M. G. I. Stern succeeded. The membership is over two hundred, and the Sunday-.school attendance about as large. The value of the property is about fifteen thousand dollars. Second Church, west side of East Street, opposite Stevens Street. Organization was made in the sum- mer of 1867 by some members of a former church who lived in the southeastern part of the city. Rev. Mr. Steinbach, who had served here as a Lutheran minister, took the church first, resigning at the end of the year 1867. Rev. M. G. I. Stern was selected in place of Mr. Steinbach, and under him the mission was changed to the " Second German Reformed Church." Mr. Stern is still the pastor. A German- English parochial school of one hundred pupils is connected with the church, under two teachers. Membership, about one hundred and fifty-six ; the attendance at Sunday-school, nearly double that ; value of property, about twelve thousand dollars. GERMAN EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION. First Church, on the southeast corner of New Jersey and Wabash Streets; organized June 19, 1855, with twenty-one members, as the Immanuel Church of the Evangelical Association of Indianap- olis. Rev. Joseph Fisher is the pastor. The mem- bership is about two hundred ; the Sunday-school attendance, about two hundred ; value of property, probably twelve thousand dollars. FRIENDS. Their meeting-house is on the southwest corner of Delaware and St. Clair Streets. The ministers are Jo- seph J. Mills, Anna Mills, Calvin W. Pritchard, Jane Trueblood, and Sarah Smith. The organization was made in 1854, and the first minister Mrs. Hannah Pierson. Membership, about two hundred and fifty; value of property, twelve thousand dollars. CONQKBGATIONALISTS. Plymouth Church, organized Aug. 9, 1857, by thirty-one members, who for some months previously had maintained religious services and a Sunday- school in the Senate Chamber of the old State- House. The chamber was used most of the time, till the congregation removed to their first church on Meridian Street, opposite Christ Church (Epis- copal). This edifice was begun in the fall of 1858, and the front part, containing the lecture-room, study, and social rooms, was completed and occupied in September, 1859. The remainder was finished and dedicated, after much improving, on the 30th of April, 1871, when the Rev. Joseph L. Burnett was made pastor. The first pastor was Rev. N. A. Hyde, now of the Mayflower Church. He began in the fall of 1866, and resigned the pastorate in August, 1867, to assume the duties of superin- tendent of the American Home Missionary Society for this State. Within the present year (1884) this church has completed and occupied a new and very fine church edifice on the southeast corner of Merid- ian and New York Streets. The value of it is esti- mated at forty thousand dollars. The membership is not counted by the number of communicants but by the number attending the church services, aver- aging about six hundred in the morning and seven to eight hundred young people in the evening. Mayflower Church, St. Clair and East Streets, was organized from a Sunday-school formed by the Young Men's Christian Association, at a private house on the corner of Jackson and Cherry Streets, May 23, 1869. There were thirteen original members, — five from Plymouth Church, two from the Third Street Methodist Church, one from Roberts Park Church, and three from the Fourth Presbyterian Church. The church edifice was completed and dedicated in January, 1870. It is a frame building, worth now with the lot probably ten thousand dol- lars. The membership is one hundred and fifty ; Sunday-school attendance, one hundred and eighty. 414 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Rev. Nathaniel A. Hyde, first pastor of Plymouth Church, is the present pastor of Mayflower Church. Rev. Nathaniel Alden Hyue, D.D., pastor of the Mayflower Congregational Church of Indianap- olis, has been actively identified with the general, as well as the religious, interests of the city and State for upwards of twenty years. Like many other prom- inent and useful men of the West, he is of New England origin, and of genuine Pilgrim stock. He was born May 10, 1827, in StaflFord, Conn. His father, Nathaniel Hyde, was a thrifty and successful till she was removed by death in his ripe and suc- cessful manhood. This devoted mother was very desirous that her son should enter the gospel min- istry, and, very early in his life, laid her plans for him accordingly. At the age of twelve years he entered Monson Academy, then a very popular and flourishing school in the town of Monson, which was just across the line from his native town, in the State of Massachusetts. Here he pursued his preparatory studies for four years, entering Yale College at the age of sixteen, and graduating from that institution iron-founder. His mother, whose maiden name was Caroline Converse, was a direct descendant of John Al- den, one of the Pilgrims coming in the " Mayflower" «nd landing on Plymouth Rock. This honorable ancestry was recognized by his parents, doubtless with commendable pride, in the name which they gave to their son, — Nathaniel for the father, and Alden for the Pilgrim father. The death of the father early left the son to the entire care and train- ing of the mother, between whom and himself there ever existed a peculiarly tender and intimate relation ! at twenty years of age in the class of 1847. His professional studies were pursued at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, from which he graduated in the I class of 1851. After graduation, and before begin- ning his long and useful work in Indianapolis, he spent seven years in somewhat desultory work in his profession. During a portion of 1851-52 he preached in Central Village, Conn., and in 1852-53 ' in Rockville, Conn. He then became assistant secre- : tary of the Children's Aid Society in New York i City, a position which he held from 1854 to 1856. CHURCHES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 415 After preaching for a short time in Deep River, Conn., in 1857 he turned his face and steps west- ward. On the 23d day of December in this latter year he was ordained at Columbus, Ohio, remaining there till the next year, when he went for a very brief period to fill a temporary engagement at Cin- cinnati. The Plymouth Church in Indianapolis had just been organized, and in 1858 it extended to Dr. Hyde a call to become its pastor. He accepted the call, and here entered, with this young church, upon his real life-work. The first services which he con- ducted here were held in the Senate chamber of the old State-House. But it was not long before the enthusiasm and earnestness of the young pastor, with the pressing need of a church home, resulted in the erection of the house of worship which has been occupied till recently by that church. For nearly ten years he held this pastorate to the entire satis- faction and great profit of the church. In the year 1867 the State Association of Congregational Churches and ministers felt that the time had come when the general interests of the cause of religion, and the interests and usefulness of the demomination, demanded the appointment of a superintendent of missions for the State. When application was made to the American Home Missionary Society for such an appointment, and the officers of the society replied that they would comply with the request if the breth- ren in Indiana would name the right man for the place, the thoughts of all turned directly to Dr. Hyde. His long residence in the State, and conse- quent familiarity with its peculiarities and needs, coupled with his earnest Christian spirit and sound judgment, caused his brethren unanimou.sly to feel that of all others he was the man for the place, a decision which subsequent results fully justified. Accordingly, although it was contrary to his own desires, and contrary to the desires of his church, which was very strongly attached to him, he was appointed to this important position, and, in obe- dience to a sense of duty, accepted it, and discharged its duties with rare fidelity, success, and acceptabil- ity for six years. The assertion will not be ques- tioned by those knowing the facts in the case that DO other man in the State has done so much for the interests of the denomination of which he is a member as has Dr. Hyde. At the same time he Is as far as it is possible to think from being a sectarian in his feelings or work. He is broad and catholic in his spirit, and has the profoundest respect of all denominations of Christians in the city and the State with whom the duties pf his various positions have brought him in contact. Directly after resign- ing his position as superintendent of missions for domestic reasons, he became pastor of the Mayflower Church in 1873, which position he still holds. His pastorate has been a very successful one. In addition to his professional labors, Dr. Hyde has been associated with various other interests of city and State. He was for several years a prominent and efficient mem- ber of the school board, held the position of president of the State Social Science Association for several terms, contributing some very valuable papers to its meetings, and is a member of the boards of trustees of several educational institutions. As a friend of every good cause, and of all persons needing and deserving aid, he is widely and most favorably known throughout the city and State. He is ever counted upon as ready to lend a helping hand, and those who look to him are never disappointed, for, while he is quiet and unostentatious in manner, he is earnest and efficient in labor, of an excellent judgment, and has a very warm heart. Of all the worthy members of his profession in the city, it is safe to say that none are more generally or favorably known than is the subject of this biographical sketch. Dr. Hyde was married on the 28th of August, 1866, to Laura K., daughter of the late Stoughton A. Fletcher, Sr., of Indianapolis. UNIVEBSAUSTS. As related at the beginning of this chapter, the Universalists have no distinct organization, though for many years they had a strong one, and for sev- eral years had two. They claim that so large a portion of the orthodox churches has discarded the notion of a material hell and an eternity in it that their sectarian identity is eflFaced. Everybody is Universalist now, except a few immovable lumps of prejudice. At all events, there is no longer a Uni- versalist Church in Indianapolis. m HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. UNITED BRETHREN. ■ The only church of this denomination is on the east side of Oak between Vine and Cherry ; pastor, Rev. Augustus C. Willmore. The first church of United Brethren was organized in 1850, and the congregation in 1851 built the brick house occupied for many years, on the southeast corner of New Jersey and Ohio Streets. In the fall of 1869 a dissension broke out which led to the formation of the Liberal United Brethren, containing a majority of the membership. They refused to allow the other division the use of the house, which led to a law-suit and the recovery of possession by the old society, Aug. 31, 1870. Then the Liberals dis- banded and distributed themselves about among the Methodist Churches. The property is worth about seven thousand dollars. The membership now is about one hundred ; the Sunday-school attendance rather larger. UNITARIAN. A brief account of this denomination and its dis- appearance about 1872 has been given. It never owned anything, so it has nothing to be noted after its own dissolution. SWEDENBORGIAN. There is but one congregation of this denomina- tion in the city, and it occupies New Church Chapel, No. 333 North Alabama Street. UNITED PEKSBYTERIANS. The only church is on the northeast corner of East Street and Massachusetts Avenue. The pastor is Rev. James P. Cowan. HEBREWS. The first Hebrew congregation in this city was organized in the winter of 1855. Before 1853 there were no Hebrew residents here but Alexander Franco and Moses Woolf. The growth of this class of population increased so considerably in the next two years, however, that a church organization was a natural suggestion, and it was made. In the fall of 1856 a room in Blake's Commercial Row, on Wash- ington Street west of Kentucky Avenue, was en- gaged for a church, and Rev. Mr. Berman became the pastor. In 1858 a change was made to a larger hall in Judah's Block, which was dedicated by Rabbi Wise, of Cincinnati, distinguished for his learning. Rev. J. Wechsler was engaged as pastor, and served till 1861. During that year the congregation had no pastor and became greatly reduced, but in 1862 obtained Rev. M. Moses as pastor, and made some changes from the old style of ceremony which re- stored its strength , and it began to debate the pro- priety of having a house of its own. In 1864 subscriptions were started, and on the 7th of Decem- ber, 1865, the cornerstone of the temple on Market Street east of New Jersey was laid with an address from Rev. Dr. Lilienthal, of Cincinnati. After some serious embarrassments the temple was completed and dedicated Oct. 30, 1868. The pews in this church are not rented from year to year, as in Gentile churches, but are sold outright as so much real estate, for which a regular conveyance is exe- cuted. Only adult males are counted as members in making up the strength of the congregation. The membership of Indianapolis Hebrew Society is eighty adult males. A regular school is kept through the week in the temple, and on the Sabbath a special school is held free for those who wish to pursue the study of Hebrew or biblical history. The value of the property is about thirty thousand dollars. A smaller congregation was formed a few years ago, which holds its meetings in Root's Block, corner of Pennsylvania and South Streets. Its membership is about forty, and has no school attachment. In the appended summary, exhibiting the present condition of the churches of Indianapolis, no more than an approximation is possible in some cases. In most, however, the church authorities have furnished as accurate statements as they could arrive at. The general result is very close to the truth. It must be noted, as before suggested, that the Catholic authori- ties number the members of their church as " souls," counting all of whatever age born into the church, as well as all attaching themselves to it, as professors of Protestant creeds do. This makes their numbers look disproportionately large. But count the Pres- byterians or Methodists in the same way and they SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 417 will show larger congregations. The Plymouth Con- gregational pastor counts attendants on his services. Churches. Baptist Presbyterian Methodist Christian Catholic Episcopal Lutheran German Reformed German Evang'l Ass'n Friends Congregationalist United Brethren Hebrew , Member- ship. 1,100 2,950 4,700 1,400 10,200 1,000 600 350 200 250 800 100 120 SuDdny-School Pupils, 1,150 3,400 4,000 1,000 600 850 450 200 120 Totals 23,770 11,770 Value of Property. $100,000 425,000 420,000 75,000 500,000 200,000 125,000 30,000 12,000 12,000 50,000 7,000 35,000 $1,991,000 or $2,000,000 CHAPTER XVIL SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. Early Schools. — The history of the early schools of Indianapolis is very meagre, but happily not con- fused or uncertain. There seems to be no doubt that the first school-house was a log cabin on the point of junction of Kentucky Avenue and Illinois Street, adjacent to a large pond or mud-hole, and built dur- ing the pestilent summer of 1821. The first teacher was Joseph C. Reed, who was the first recorder of the county. He taught but a few weeks, a single quarter, probably, and was followed by one or two others, possibly, though there is no record or safe memory to assure us of it ; but the first year of the settlement appears to have been one of no consider- able solicitude about education. There was enough to do to get something to eat and keep a stomach healthy enough to hold it. By the summer of 1 822, however, affairs were getting in better shape, and with the irrepressible instinct of Americans for education, measures were taken to secure adequate tuition for the children of the yearling city capital. A meeting was held at the school-house on the 20th of June, 1822, to arrange for a permanent school. Trustees were appointed, says the sketch of 1850, but the names are not given. James M. Ray, or James Blake, or Calvin Fletcher, one or the other, or all, most likely, made the first educational board of the city. A Mr. Lawrence and his wife were engaged as teachers, and continued in the first school house till the com- pletion of the First Presbyterian Church in 1824, when they removed to that more eligible locality and building, and the first school-house disappears from history as it probably did from nature thenceforward. Whether it was torn down or turned into the log pottery-shop that preceded the old State Bank, there is no certain indication to suggest. Nor is there any- thing to enlighten antiquarian curiosity as to the origin or fate of that other log school-house on Mary- land Street and partly in it, west of Tennessee, which the Baptists used for a time as their place of worship. In 1825, after the arrival of the capital and its ac- companiments, Mr. Merrill, the treasurer, who was probably the best educated man in the place, at the solicitation of the citizens, undertook to relieve the educational stress of the time, caused by a large influx of population with the capital and the Legislature, and taught a school for a time in the log house on the south side of Maryland, west of Meridian, which the Methodists used for a church about that time. A Mr. Tufts taught there too, and one or two others later. It is not likely that there wore more than this and the original school-house till the completion of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Lawrence and his wife, it is supposed, continued in the church till near the time that Ebenezer Sharpe came here from Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky., in 1826. For three years before thi^the Union Sunday-school had been in operation in Caleb Scudder's cabinet-shop, and later in the church, and here Mr. Blake and his coadjators had taught the alphabet and spelling, as in any primary school, to some of their young pupils. It was more like a school, and less like a sort of semi-theological recreation, than the modern Sunday-school. Mr. Nowland says he learned his A, B, C's of Mr. Blake at the Union, and he was not alone by any means. Mr. Sharpe succeeded Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence in the school of the old church which was kept in the back part,' on the alley that runs northward from Market Street past the Journal building. Some years later. 418 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. about 1830, he took his school to a frame house on the site of the Club House, corner of Meridian and Ohio, where he continued till near his death in 1835. He was assisted a part of the time by his son, Thomas H. Sharpe, one of the best known and esteemed of the relics of the early days of the city. About the time that Mr. Sharpe took his school to the house on Meridian Street, Mr. Thomas D. Gregg opened a school in an old carpenter-shop on the northwest cor- ner of Delaware and Market Streets, where he was succeeded till about 1840, or a little later, by William J. Hill and others, and lastly by Josephus Cicero Worrall. Contemporaneously with these, about 1832, Miss Clara Ellick opened a school in the old Baptist Church, corner of Meridian and Maryland Streets. She taught here a couple of years, probably, and then, in 1834, a little frame house was built purposely for a school-house near the west end of the lot, abutting on the alley east of the Grand Hotel. About 1835, Miss Ellick was married to a Methodist preacher by the name of Smith, and give up the school to Miss Laura Kise. During her tenancy of the little frame school-house the Baptists built a bell-tower of open frame-work for their church against the east end of the school-house, a hundred feet from the church. It stood there as long as the old church remained, and was sometimes made the occasion of a general uproar by frolicsome boys, who could not resist the temptation to climb up the frame and jerk the bell- clapper about like a fire alarm. One night two boys, one of whom is now the distinguished author and general. Lew Wallace, climbed up to the bell and fastened a cord to the clapper, which they led across the street and the intervening lots to the bedroom of one of them over a store on Washington Street, and here- they kept a lively alarm going as long as they liked, to the infinite disturbance and mystery of the neighbors, who could not discover what made the bell ring. As related in the general history, the Legisla- ture, on the 26th of January, 1832, authorized the town agent to lease University Square, No. 25, to the trustees of Marion County Seminary for thirty years, wi^h permission to them to build on the south or southwest corner, the other corners were then " out of town ;" and, if the square should be needed for a university before the termination of the lease, a half- acre, where the seminary stood, was to be sold to the trustees. Under this arrangement the old county seminary was built, in 1833-34, on the southwest corner, where a tablet, set in the ground by Ignatius Brown and some others of the " old seminary boys," marks the centre of the site. It was two stories high, about one hundred feet long from east to west from one lobby-wall to the other, with five windows in each story on a side, and about forty feet wide in the main body, while the lobbies at the ends were about fifteen feet square. A stairway ascended from each lobby to the second story. That at the east end entered the lecture-room, or exhibition-room, where more than one church made its place of wor- ship before it was able to build a house. The stair- way in the west lobby ascended to a room about twenty feet square, where was kept the philosophical apparatus of the institution. The chief of these were an air-pump and an electrical machine. South of this room was another smaller, for the teacher's private room. A door led from the apparatus-room to the platform of the exhibition- or lecture-room. After the free-school system was put in operation, in 1853 till 1859, the old seminary was occupied as the high school of the system. It was torn down in September, 1860. The only surviving trustee is Simon Yandes, Esq., and the last who died was James Sulgrove, in the fall of 1875. In the summer of 1860, before the old house was torn down, the whole square was inclosed with a high fence, and covered with an immense show-house or shed by a Mr. Ferine, who called it the " Coliseum," and pro- posed to make it a meeting-place for large assemblies, political or otherwise, and for big shows. It was opened on the 4th of July with a military parade, an instrumental concert, a balloon ascension by Mr. J. C. Bellman, and a display of Diehl's fire-works at night. The enterprise was too big for the place. The seats would hold twenty thousand spectators. In a few weeks the work was all torn away, and the old house too, and the square was left vacant all through the war. In 1865-66 the city got posses- SCHOOLS AND LIBKARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 419 sion of it, fenced it, laid it out in walks, set trees in it, and made it a very pretty park, which it will remain. The seminary was opened by the late Gen. Dumont, Sept. 1, 1834. He left after a single quarter's expe- rience, and William J. Hill succeeded in January, 1835. Three or four months satisfied him, and Thomas D. Gregg came in May, 1836. William Sullivan followed in December, 1836, and Rev. Wil- liam A. HoUiday in August, 1837. James S. Kem- per took the school in the summer of 1838, and re- tained it till the spring of 1845. Of the effect of his administration on the reputation of the seminary, and the character of the pupils he taught there, the general history has treated as fully as it properly may. In 1845, J. P. Safford succeeded Mr. Kem- per, and gave way to Benjamin L. Lang in 1847 or 1848, who continued till 1853, when the free-school system absorbed the seminary. Of these noted teach- ers, Mr. Holliday, Gen. Dumont, Mr. Gregg, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Safford are dead, the last only two years ago in Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Gregg made a valuable bequest to the city at his death. Of the schools contemporaneous with the old seminary, the Franklin Institute, the Worrall School, the Axtell Female Seminary, the general history has given an account, as well as of the later ones, the Indiana Female College and the McLean Female Insti- tute. The Baptist Young Ladies' Institute, occu- pied now as the high school of the city school sys- tem, was founded in 1858 by the Baptists of the city, who formed a stock company for the purpose, the paper of which was indorsed by the individual credit, to the amount of sixteen thousand dollars, of Rev. J. B. Simmons, pastor of the church ; Rev. M. G. Clark, editor of The Witness, the denominational paper; Mr. Judson R. Osgood, of the Sarven Wheel- Works ; and Mr. James Turner. Thus the company was enabled to buy the acre at the northeast corner of the intersection of Pennsylvania and Michigan Streets. The first superintendent was Rev. Gibbon Williams, and his daughter was the principal. In 18G2, Rev. C. W. Hewes succeeded, and became substantially the proprietor of the institution. Up to 1866 the site, building, and improvements had cost fifty-three thousand dollars. The site was for many years the residence of Robert Underbill, one of the earliest iron manufacturers and millers of the city. In 1871 the school board bought the site and buildings, and removed the high school there from Circle Hall (or the old Beecher church). The McLean Female Institute filled so conspicuous a place in the educational advantages of the city and was so wholly the work of its founder, the Rev. C. G. McLean, that a short sketch of his life will be of interest to many who knew him without knowing anything of his past life. He was born in Ireland in 1787. His father. Dr. John McLean, a surgeon in the British navy, died in early manhood on the coast of Africa. His mother, who was also a Mo- Clain, was left a widow before she was twenty-one. She became the wife of Rev. James Gray, D.D., and soon after, with her husband, came to this country. For many years Dr. Gray was the honored pastor of Spruce Street Church, Philadelphia. Under him Dr. McLean prepared for the University of Pennsylvania, of which he was a graduate. His theological studies he pursued under the celebrated Dr. John M. Mason. In 1815 he married Helen Miller, of Philadelphia, who died in 1822, leaving two daughters. In 1844 he married Mary Yates, daughter of Henry Yates, of Albany. His first charge was in Gettysburg, Pa., where he was pastor for twenty-seven years in the Associate Reformed Church. He was afterwards pastor for eight years of the Dutch Reformed Church, Fort Plain, N. Y. Being unable from ill health to perform pastoral duty, he came in 1852 to this city and opened a female seminary known as McLean Female Institute, in which he was aided by his son- in-law, C. N. Todd, by whom it was continued after his death in 1860. For some time previous he had been unfitted for his duties by a stroke of paralysis. The institution received a good share of the best pat- ronage of the city and State, and was regarded as permanently established at the time of its transfer to other hands on account of the health of the family. After a life of about fifteen years, it was suffered to go out of existence, but its elevating influence has not been lost. Dr. McLean was best known as a minister. He had rare pulpit gifts. By his famous 420 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. teacher he was trained to independent thinking and thorough investigation of subjects. Having no pet theories, he sought every field of inquiry. Hence his discourses, rich in thought, had variety, freshness, and originality. He never read his sermons. His choice language and attractive elocution secured and held his hearers. The young were drawn to him. A winning playfulness led them to seek his presence, and even in his later years he would sport as a com- panion with them. In prayer he was gifted, and he scarcely placed a limit to its power. His strong faith kept him bright and hopeful in the darkest hours. The Northwestern Christian (now Butler) Uni- versity was the suggestion of the late Ovid Butler. He drafted the charter for it, and planned the outline of the system upon which it has been conducted, do- nated the ground for its first site, endowed one of its chairs permanently, provided a large portion of its general endowment fund, and so identified himself with its history, progress, and interests that the change of its name from the cumbrous anti unmean- ing combination that loaded its first feeble existence to the deserved and descriptive name it now bears was an act of equal justice and good taste. The charter for it was passed by the Legislature in 1850, and authorized a stock company with a capital of one hundred dollar shares, the total to range from ninety- five thousand to five hundred thousand dollars. One- third might be expended in a site and building, but two-thirds at least must be an endowment fund. Rev. John O'Kane was appointed by the friends of the enterprise in Indianapolis soliciting agent. He visited all parts of the State in pursuing his work, and in two years had succeeded so far that in July, 1852, the company organized and elected the first board of directors. Mr. Butler donated the ground, twenty-five acres of a beautiful natural grove of sugars, beeches, and walnuts, on the northeastern border of the city at that time, and part of the farm which was Mr. Butler's residence, called Forest Home, and here the college building was begun and never completed. The style was Gothic, — hand- some, striking, and convenient, — and the plan so con- trived that it could be built in divisions, which, when all were completed, would present a harmonious and efiective mass. The first section, which would have been about a third of the completed edifice, was fin- ished and opened for collegiate purposes on the 1st of November, 1855, the first and only college or in- stitution for the more advanced degrees of education ever known in the capital, except the seminary in Mr. Kemper's time, and some of the high school classes. The leading feature of the Butler system, as distin- guished from that of all the institutions of learning in this country at that time, was the admission of female pupils upon the same conditions in the same classes, with the same course and graduation, as male students. No distinction was made, and no other school twenty years ago followed the example. Some years later another innovation was made on the old system of sexual separation even more startling than this. On the death of a young daughter, Mr. Butler determined to erect a memorial " more enduring than brass," and endowed a chair of English History and Literature called the Demia Butler chair, and pro- vided that the professor should be Miss Kate Merrill, daughter of the State treasurer who brought up the capital from Corydon, and the best known of the native teachers of the city. Another feature of a liberaliz- ing tendency (in which, however, it was preceded partially by Alexander Campbell's college at Bethany, W. Va., and by Brown University of Rhode Island) was the permission to a student to take any part of the full course he pleased, and graduate with the ap- propriate title in the division pursued. Thus, some took the full course, with the degree of A.B. ; others took only the scientific division, and graduated as Bach- elors of Science ; and a third class, following what is called the philosophical course, graduated as Bach- elors of Philosophy. Just how these masculine titles have been softened into fitness for female proficiency and educational honors we are not informed. About half of the students take one or the other of the partial courses, scientific or philosophical, and about a third of the higher grades of students are females. In the academic or preparatory courses the propor- tion of girls is larger. Of the four literary societies, two, the Athenian and Demia Butler, are composed of female students. SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 421 A law department was opened in connection with the university in 1871, the first term beginning Jan- uary 16th, composed of three chairs or classes, taught by Judge Byron K. Elliott, Judge Charles H. Test, and Charles P. Jacobs. This was maintained for some years, but was recently discontinued and dis- solved. A commercial department, to assist students who desire to qualify themselves for business, was formed and carried on for a time, but appears to have been discontinued in the last few years. Musical in- struction is made a specialty also, and is still a part of the university system, though not of the regular course. The most important division of the univer- sity is the medical department. The Medical College of Indiana, referred to particularly in the chapter on the medical profession, forms this department. The last catalogue shows one hundred and sixty-eight students in the literary department of the university, and one hundred and sixty-four in the medical de partment. Practically the two are little concerned with each other, one being in the city and the other five miles away. In the literary department is what is called a post-graduate course, of which the author- ities say that it, " with the Bible-classes of the fresh- man, sophomore, and senior years, presents a com- plete course of Bible study." This course is free. Of the diflFerent degrees conferred by the institution the following official statement is made : " I. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on students who complete the studies in the course of arts and pass the examinations in the same. " II. The degree of Bachelor of Science is conferred on students who complete the studies in the course of science and pass the examinations in the same. This degree may be conferred also on students in special studies whenever the special work done shall be deemed by the faculty a full equivalent for the part of the scientific course which may have been omitted. " III. The degree of Bachelor of Philosophy is conferred on students who complete the studies in the course of philosophy and pass the examinations in the same. " No Bachelor's degree will be conferred on any person who may not have studied at least one year in this university. " IV. (1) The degree of Master of Arts, Master of Science, or Master of Philosophy will be con- ferred on any student who shall have taken the cor- responding Bachelor's degree at this university, on the following conditions : (a) When such student shall have pursued a post-graduate course of study for one year under the direction of the faculty, have passed a satisfactory examinati6n, and have presented an approved thesis on some one of the subjects chosen for examination ; or (b) When, after not less than three years from the time of receiving the Bachelor's degree, such student shall have given satisfactory evidence of having been engaged in some literary or professional pursuit, and shall present to the faculty an approved thesis on some subject of research. (2) Any of the above-named Master's degrees may be conferred on any person who may have taken the corresponding Bachelor's degree at any other institu- tion authorized by law to confer such degree, when he shall have given to the faculty satisfactory evi- dence of scholarship, have pursued a post-graduate course of study under the direction of the faculty, and have presented an approved thesis on some one of the subjects chosen for examination. " V. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be conferred on graduates of this university or of any other institution authorized to confer Bachelor's de- grees, who, by special study in some department of science, literature, or philosophy, may have obtained eminence as original investigators, and shall present to the faculty a meritorious thesis based on such investigations. " VI. The honorary degree of A.M. or LL.D. will be conferred occasionally on persons who, in addition to possessing fair scholarship, may have obtained eminence in some pursuit or profession." In 1876 the university authorities determined to remove to the present location, on the west side of the handsome suburban town of Irvington, where strong inducements were offered by the citizens, and the sale of the old site, then entirely surrounded by the busi- ness and residences of the city, and largely enhanced in money value, would help to place the institution firmly on its feet. New buildings were erected, a fine " Campus" laid out, and the work kept moving 422 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. on steadily and succeasfully in spite of the change. Soon after the removal some of the trustees sought to change the school into a more rigidly sectarian exclusiveness, and confine the tuition wholly to mem- bers of the Christian Church, the denomination which bad originated and supported it, and which had re- garded it as a denominational school. This so far succeeded as to force out two or three of the best- known professors, and would probably have made the institution wholly sectarian but for the interference of Mr. Butler, who saw, if its injudicious friends could not, that this was not the day, nor this the community, to turn back a liberal revolution to old- time bigotry and exclusiveness, and the mischievous action was reversed. But not without some ill eflFect lingering, and possibly not wholly lost yet. The old site, the gift of Mr. Butler, has been partially sold out in city lots ; but part has been retained, and, with the building, is now occupied by the City Orphan Asylum. The following is the faculty : Harvey W. Everest, LL.D., president; Allen R. Benton, LL.D., William M. Thrasher, A.M., Cath- arine Merrill, A.M., Scott Butler, A.M., Oliver P. Hay, A.M., Hugh C. Garvin, A.M., Demarohus C. Brown, A.M., Virginia K. Allan, Letitia Laughlin, librarian. Contemporaneously with the larger institution a German-English school was maintained for a number of years on East Maryland Street, east of Virginia Avenue, and several smaller schools of the same kind have been carried on in different parts of the city, and are still. Though German is now taught in the city schools, it does not serve the purpose of German children who have to be taught in the German language the use of English. There are five Kindergartens in the city, all of the last three years. One is in the Riverside Chapel, corner of McCarty and Chadwick Streets ; one is at No. 134 West Ohio Street, under Miss Steiger; another is at No. 443 North Meridian, under Miss Jane M. Moore; the fourth is at No. 224 Broadway, under Miss Ella D. Oakes ; the fifth at No. 456 North Meridian, Miss Alice Chapin, principal. There are two schools of the Sacred Heart, one for girls and one for boys, connected with the Franciscan Convent, on Palmer Street, and besides these there are some ten other Catholic schools, of which an account is given by Rev. Father O'Don- noghue, in his statement of the Catholic institutions of the city. Schools, as intimated in the chapter on churches, are maintained in connection with the German Evangelical Lutheran Church on New Jer- sey Street, south of Merrill, and by one or two other German Lutheran Churches. The Indianapolis Classical School for Boys is carried on by Mr. T. L. Sewell on the northwest corner of North and Alabama Streets, and a similar school for girls is maintained by the same man at the southeast corner of St. Joseph and Pennsylvania Streets. A female seminary of high character, conducted by John H. Kappes and wife, on North Pennsylvania Street, till last summer, was given up by them to go to some remote Western region. Mr. Hadley, and Mr. Rob- erts at one time principal of the high school, have for some years maintained an academy of excellent repute, which seems to fill much the same place and need that the old seminary did. Colored schools are now mainly or wholly carried on in connection with the city school system. The first Commercial School was opened here by Mr. William McK. Scott, who maintained it with moderate success for some years, and during about a year, in 1851, as noted in the general history, kept up a reading-room in connection with it, intending to make a library a part of the plan ; but the public would not sustain it. Since then there have been but few and brief intervals without a commercial college. Sometimes there have been two or three together. The oldest and best known was Bryant & Stratton's, which Mr. Bryant has recently revived after an absence from the city of several years. Mr. W. W. Granger also has a commercial school in effi- cient condition in the upper story of the Vance Block. Of law and medical schools an account is given in the chapters touching those topics. The only theological school is that, if it can be called so, offered by the post-graduate course of Butler Univer- sity. A serious if not strenuous effort was made to induce the Legislature to locate the Agricultural Col- lege here. The location was practically put up at SCHOOLS AND LIBRAKIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 423 auction, to raise means enough to create a competent endowment with the avails of the land-grant made by Congress, and Indianapolis bid high. The late James Johnson made a munificent offer of land west of the city, but within the township, and other offers were made with the obvious superiority of a central situation here ; but Mr. Purdue offered a fine site and a liberal cash endowment, which were just what the college needed, for the honor of putting his name to it, and thus Indianapolis lost it. Attempts have been made, or rather discussed, to remove the State University here from Bloomiogton and to remove Asbury University here from Greencastle, but noth- ing more than talk ever came of either suggestion, or ever will, now that a disastrous fire in the State institution has failed to stir it, in spite of strong sug- gestions in the papers up about the capital ; and Asbury has been permanently and munificently en- dowed by Mr. De Pauw, the citizens of Greencastle, and the Methodists of Indiana, and has changed its name to that of its benefactor. The City Schools. — The education of the city is so nearly absorbed by the free-school system that no apology need be made for tracing here the history of it fully and authentically in the oflScial reports of the managers in 1866 : " During the Legislative session of 1846-47, the first city charter, prepared by the late Hon. Oliver H. Smith, for the town of Indianapolis was intro- duced into the General Assembly. It would have passed without opposition as a matter of course and courtesy, had not a well-known member from this town, Mr. S. V. B. Noel, presented as an amendment Section 29, which provided that the City Council should be instructed to lay off the city into suitable school districts, to provide by ordinance for school buildings, and the appointment of teachers and su- perintendents ; and, further, that the Council should be authorized to levy a tax for school purposes, of not exceeding one-eighth of one per centum of the assessment. The amendment met with a vigorous and determined opposition from several influential members, whose arguments carried weight ; and the amendment was in peril, when a prudent and useful member, who advocated all sides on vexed questions. moved to still further amend by providing that no tax should be levied unless so ordered by a vote of a majority of the town at the ensuing April election, when the ballots should be marked ' Free Schools' and ' No Free Schools.' The charter, thus amended, became a law. " An animated contest ensued in the town, and at the first charter election the school question became the overshadowing issue. The opposition was thin and noisy. The friends of free schools were quiet, but resolute, and on the day of election were by no means sanguine of the result. A citizen, who was to a considerable degree a representative of the learning, jurisprudence, and capital of the town, the late vener- able and eminent Judge Blackford, was earnestly cheered as he openly voted a ballot indorsed ' Free Schools.' The cause of impartial education triumphed by an overwhelming majority. " The population of Indianapolis was then about six thousand. City lots and building material were cheap and abundant ; but the valuation of property (for taxation) was low, and twelve and a half cents on a hundred dollars produced but a slender revenue. The proceeds of the tax were carefully husbanded, and economically invested, from time to time, in school lots and buildings. Lots were purchased and houses built in seven wards of the city, and teachers ap- pointed, who received their limited compensation from the patrons of the schools. " For a period of six years the records show pay- ments made by the city treasurer for lots and buildings, but none for teachers' salaries. Previous to 1853 the schools were managed by trustees in each of the school districts into which the city was divided. The schools had no central head, and no organization out- side of the several districts. In January, 1853, the Council appointed Messrs. H. P. Coburn, Calvin Fletcher, and H. F. West the first board of trustees for the city schools. At their first meeting, March 18, 1853, they elected ten teachers for the city schools, and ordered that they receive two dollars and twenty- five cents a scholar for the term, to be paid by the parent or guardian. April 8, 1853, it was ordered that the Sixth Ward lot be graded. It is interesting to note that thirteen years elapsed before the grade 424 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. was made. April 25, 1853, the first free schools were opened for a session of two months. On this date a code of rules and regulations, prepared and reported by Calvin Fletcher, was adopted. These rules were comprehensive and well matured, and constitute the basis of the code now in force in the schools. May 14, 1853, occurs the first record of the payment of salaries to teachers. " From this time forward the receipts from city taxation and the State school fund by slow degrees increased, and the schools flourished and grew in favor with all good citizens. Early in 1855, Mr. Silas T. Bowen was appointed superintendent of the schools, with instructions to visit and spend a day in each school every month, and to meet the teachers every Saturday for review of the work done, instruction in teaching, and classification. His contract with the board called for about one-third of his time in the discharge of these and other duties. It is clear, from the arduous labor performed, that the schools got the best of this bargain. "March 2, 1856, Mr. George B. Stone was ap- pointed superintendent. All his time was given to the schools, and they were conducted with vigor and success. The schools were fully and generously sus- tained by the public. The revenue, in great part de- rived from local taxation, was sufficient to sustain them prosperously during the full school year. But this period was of short duration. Early in 1858, the Supreme Court of the State decided that it was unconstitutional for cities and towns to levy and collect taxes for the payment of tuition. The eflFect was most disastrous. It deprived the city schools of the principal part of their revenue, and in spite of gen- erous efforts on the part of a portion of the public the free-school graded system, which had taken ten years to build up, was destroyed at a blow. The su- perintendent and many of the teachers emigrated to regions where schools were, like light and air, com- mon and free to all, with no constitutional restrictions or judicial decisions warring against the best interests of the people. " Then commenced the dark age of the public schools. The school-houses were rented to such teachers as were willing, or able from, scant patronage, to pay a small pittance for their use. The State fiind was only sufficient to keep the schools open one feeble free quarter each year ; and, in 1859, even this was omitted for want of money. (The schools remained in this crippled condition, improving hardly at all, till after the outbreak of the war. Then a new set of Supreme Court judges succeeded to that bench, and virtually reviewed and reversed the disastrous deci- sion.) The Legislature then made provision for more efficient and prosperous schools, and fuller taxation for their support. "During the last five years (from 1861 to 1866) the schools have been rapidly gaining in length of term, and in general prosperity and usefulness. We cannot here give even a condensed statement of the successive steps by which this improvement has been accomplished. The schools during the last two years have been in session the usual school year of thirty- nine weeks. Considering the ten years required to develop an efficient system of schools, previous to the judicial blotting-out, and the slow growth of the nine subsequent years, it is hoped that no further disaster will occur to set them back another decade, but that they may go on increasing in strength and vigor, and each succeeding year be stronger and better than the last." In April, 1854, an enumeration of the school pop- ulation was taken by order of the board of trustees. The number of persons in the city between the ages of five and twenty-one was found to be three thousand and fifty-three. The number enrolled in the schools was eleven hundred and sixty, with a daily average of eight hundred and one, all about evenly distributed among the seven wards into which the city was then divided. At the high school, conducted upon a rather 1 ow grade for lack of proficient pupils to go higher, were one hundred and fifteen children, in the old seminary, under the direction of Mr. E. P. Cole, who served at one thousand dollars a year. The school fund fell off in June, 1858, after the decision of the Supreme Court, till the balance in the city treasury belonging to the schools was only twenty- eight dollars and ninety-eight cents. At that time Mr. Thomas J. Vater was employed to take care of the school property, a good deal of which was, or soon SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 425 became, vacant, from the paralysis of the system, and was often abused by the riotous occupancy of tramps, thieves, and strumpets. Mr. James Green was ap- pointed school director in September, 1858, at a salary of five hundred dollars a year when employed, and two hundred and fifty dollars in vacation. In term time he was to give half of his time to his school duties. In April, 1859, the school fund had accu- mulated to three thousand five hundred and forty- Beven dollars for the current expenses of the schools, and in June the amount belonging to the tuition fund was three thousand three hundred and seventy-seven dollars. In order that the accumulation of means, in the crippled condition of resources made by the court, might be sufiicient to maintain the schools ef- fectively when they were opened, the opening was put off till February, 1860, just two years after the calamity that had overtaken them. Teachers to the number of twenty nine were appointed, at salaries from one hundred dollars down to fifty dollars a quarter. The high school, killed in 1858, was not resurrected till August 18, 1864. In June, 1861, the first board of trustees, com- . posed of a representative of each ward elected by the voters of the ward, was organized. Previously three trustees had been elected by the Council. In 1865 the law was again changed and the trustees elected by the council till 1871, when a board of school com- missioners was created, each commissioner to repre- sent a school district. The first districts were the nine city wards, each ward making one ; but the commissioners, being authorized to change the districts when they deem it necessary, have made eleven. The commissioners hold office three years, and have com- plete control of all taxes, revenues, outlays, buildings, teachers, libraries, apparatus, grounds, everything appertaining to the school system, but they must ac- count every year to the county board for their receipts and expenses. At the close of the winter term, 1861, the schools remained closed till February, 1862, continuing in session then for twenty-two weeks. Professor George W. Hoss was appointed school director, to serve dur- ing the school term, giving one-half his time to the schools, at a salary of five hundred dollars per annum. 28 Twenty-nine teachers were appointed at the following rates of pay, being an increase on the previous sala- ries : Principals of grammar schools, one hundred and fifty dollars a term of eleven weeks ; assistants of same, seventy-five dollars. Principals of interme- diate departments, seventy-five to eighty-five dollars a term ; and teachers in the primary schools, fifty to sixty-eight dollars. The aggregate compensation of teachers for the two terms was four thousand six hun- dred and fifty-eight dollars. Miss Nebraska Cropsey, the present and for a number of years past superinten- dent of the primary department, first appears among the teachers in 1862. She has been in the schools twenty-two years continuously, and always most effi- ciently. Owing to the pressure of taxation, by reason of the war of the Rebellion, the annual levy made in March, 1862, was reduced to three cents on each one hundred dollars valuation, and thirty cents on each poll. The same spring, by order of the trustees, shade-trees were planted on all the school property. In October of this year Professor Hoss was appointed superintendent. He was required to give one-fourth of his time to the schools for the quarterly pay of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. The next term of the schools opened in November, 1862, with twenty-eight teachers. The salaries were fixed at the following prices for each day's services actually rendered : Principals of the grammar schools, two dollars and fifty cents per day ; assistants, one dollar ; principals of the First, Third, Fourth, Sixth, and Seventh Wards (one-story buildings), one dollar and twenty- five cents per day ; principals of the First, Second, Fifth, and Eighth Wards (two-story buildings), one dollar and fifty cents per day ; primary and secondary principals, one dollar and ten cents ; and all a.ssistants, eighty-five cents a day. A few months later an in- crease of twenty per cent, on the above salaries was voted. In the spring of 1863 the trustees levied a tax of fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars. The pay- roll of twenty-nine teachers for the quarter ending May 2, 1863, amounted to two thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-four dollars. On the 29th of Au- gust, 1864, the trustees, by resolution, defined at 426 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. I . length the duties of superintendent, fixed the salary { studies. Upon leaving college he went to Missis- at one thousand dollars a year, and elected to the position Professor A. C. Shortridfre. The income arising from special taxation and the apportionment from the State tuition fund now rapidly increased, so that the schools, in spite of the rapid increase of the number of pupils, were kept open during the usnal school year of thirty-nine weeks. In August, 1864, the high school, which went down in the crash of 1858, was again organized in the school- house on the corner of Vermont and New Jersey Streets, and placed in charge of W. A. Bell, at a salai'y of nine hundred dollars a year. Mr. Bell was for some years presi- d«nt of the school board. William Allen Bell was born near Jefferson, Clinton Co., Ind., Jan. 30, 1833. His father, Nathaniel Bell, settled in Michigantown, in the same county, when young Bell was only six years of age, and the village and vicinity continued to be his home until he was twenty years old. His early education was ob- tained in the common school, and at the age of eighteen he taught his first school of sixty-five days for one dollar per day and board himself. He likes to recall the inaugural address of Horace Mann upon the opening of Antioch College at Yellow Springs, 111., in 1853, at which time he entered the prepara- tory department of that institution, from which he was graduated in 1860 with a standing above the average of his class. Dependent entirely upon his own resources to defray the expenses of his college course, he met this necessary obstacle with a will to succeed by engaging in outside work and teaching during his vacations and in connection with his sippi as a teacher, but the breaking out of the war caused his return the same year. In 1861 atid 1862 he had charge of the schools at Williamsburg, Ind., and in the summer of 1863 he was chosen principal of the Second Ward school at Indianapolis. Upon the organization of the present city high school, in 1864, Mr. Bell was made its principal. In 1865 he was superintendent of the schools of Richmond, Ind., and the following year resumed the principalship of the Indianapolis high school at an increased salary, which position he filled creditably until the close of the school-year 1871. During the last four years of this time he served as school examiner for Mar- ion County, and in the summer of 1870 visited Europe. On July 20, 1871, Mr. Bell married Miss Eliza C. Cannell, a woman of high literary attainments, a native of Waterford, N. Y., who had efficiently served as first assistant teacher in the city high school for five years prior to her marriage. In August, 1871, he became sole proprietor and editor of the Indiana School Journal, and has devoted his time and energies largely to its interests since, thereby increasing its size, improving its char- acter, and more than quadrupling its circulation. In his hands the Journal has been a power for good, and Indiana teachers have reason to be proud of it. In 1873, Mr. Bell was president of the Indiana State Teachers' Association, and since 1873, over ten years, he has been a member of the Indianapolis School Board, of which time he has served seven consecu- tive years as its presiding oflScer. His practical knowledge of school work has made him a most val- SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 42* mble member of the board, and his long gratuitous service cannot easily be repaid. Since his connection with the Journal Mr. Bell has spent much time in traveling over the State doing school work, and his efficient school labors in teachers' institutes and lecturing tours have reached eighty-nine out of ninety-two counties in the State. His editorial writings are perspicuous, and have a remarkable adaptedness to his purpose and his read- ers, and have exerted a pronounced influence upon school legislation arid methods. Whether in the school, the church, or in any other field of labor, Mr. Bell is known as a faithful and conscientious man, and his candor, earnestness, sociability, and high moral and Christian worth have won for him a large circle of friends. In the spring of 1865 the income from the special fund was fifteen thousand nine hundred and eighty- three dollars, and from the tuition fund fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars. In April of that year, under the new common-school law of the State, a board of three trustees was elected by the Common Council, and in the summer they ordered the erection of the first really adequate and creditable school buildings of the city. One was on the corner of Blackford and Michigan Streets, the other on the corner of Vermont and Davidson Streets. The two, with the fences and out-buildings, cost seventy-one thousand dollars. Thenceforward the managers built only large, durable, and valuable houses. It is not necessary to notice the addition of these to the school system in detail. In 1866 was issued a full report of the condition and prog- ress of the schools, from which this sketch of their history has been condensed. During the school year, 1869-70, schools for colored pupils were opened in the old houses of the Fourth and Sixth Wards. A second story was added to the Fourth Ward house in 1870, and an evening school for colored pupils opened in the winter of 1871. Evening Schools were reported in 1871 to have had the preceding winter three hundred and seven- teen pupils enrolled, the average attendance being one hundred and sixty-one. The total cost was but five hundred and seven dollars, or one dollar and fifty-nine cents per enrolled pupil and three dollars and fifteen cents per pupil actually attending. The first report says,^ " Their instructions have been eminently useful t6 a class of persons who have no other opportunities' for obtaining useful learning, but their numbers should be largely increased from that class of un- taught boys and girls who, as at present situated, are subjected to the worst influences during the long nights of winter. The evening schools have been even too respectable, containing few youth who are not of confirmed steady and industrious habits. We earnestly commend these schools to all good citizens as worthy of their best endeavors to increase the in- terest in them by frequent visitations, and to add to their numbers by solicitations, watchfulness, and missionary effort among those young persons who can hardly escape becoming bad citizens unless res- cued by the influences thrown around them in these schools by exciting a thirst for knowledge which shall overcome the fascinations of idleness and vice." In 1866 the lowest school age, which had previ- ously been five years, was increased to six, reducing the total of enrollment for that year from twelve thousand four hundred and fifty-five in 1865 to nine thousand one hundred and seventy-seven. Part of the difference is ascribed to incomplete returns. Since 1870 all children, colored and white alike, are counted in the school enumeration. On the basis of this the State's fund, derived from the State school tax and the income of the congressional township fund and the sinking fund, is apportioned to the counties and cities and school districts. The city school tax constitutes a large and indispensable part of the school revenue. This is now assessed by the school board, but until within a few years past was fixed by the City Council with other city taxes. The rate of school tax is limited to twenty cents on one hundred dollars. A recent report of* the school board presents some interesting facts in regard to the grounds and houses, modes of lighting, warming, and ventilating, that are important in giving the reader a clear idea of the free-school system of Indianapolis in its entirety. Where so many thousands of those whose habits are 428 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. unformed, physical systems immature, and modes of life unsettled have to pass so large a portion of every working-day, the conditions touching health are of the highest importance. President Bell says of the school ground.s, " It has been the policy of the board to purchase large lots upon which to erect school-houses ; the lots will average for twelve-room buildings one hundred and fifty by two hundred feet ; and for smaller buildings the lots average one hundred and twenty-five by two hundred feet. In most instances these lots are bounded on three sides by streets and alleys. Sixteen of them are corner lots. Schools Nos. 3, 4, and 9 have less than the desired amount of space, but in no instance does the school building cover one-third the lot upon which it stands. In no instance does a neighboring building stand within the distance of its own height from the school building. In other words, no building stands so near a school-house as in any perceptible degree to cut off its light or air. Thus the size and location of the school lots secure sufficient play-ground, and ample light and air." In regard to the construction and character of the school buildings he says, " Out of our twenty-six school buildings but three are more than two stories high, and one of these three will be abandoned soon. This arrangement saves the climbing of stairs by both teachers and pupils, and greatly lessens danger in case of fire. The halls and stairways are uni- formly wide, and all outside doors and all doors that open from the school-rooms into halls swing outward on their hinges to prevent danger in case of a panic. The school-rooms are, with few exceptions, twenty- seven by thirty feet in size, and most of them four- teen feet in height of ceiling. This gives fifty pupils, which is more than the average number in a room, each seventeen square feet of floor space and two hundred and thirty-eight cubic feet of air space. All school-rooms are furnished with comfortable desks ; twelve rooms with double desks, two hundred and six with single desks.'' Of heating and ventilation he says, " The simple matter of heating a school-room is comparatively an easy task, but to heat it and at the same time ven- tilate it so that the air can be kept pure in it when it is occupied by fifty pupils, is a problem most diffi- cult to solve. The solution the board has arrived at is to make a separate ventilating shaft for each room, and they have done this in all the buildings erected for several years past. The foul-air registers have twice the capacity of the heat registers. The stoves used for heating warm the cold air before it gets to the pupil. This system is applied to about one hundred school-rooms, and gives the best satis- faction. The average of children to a room in the primary department is about fifty, and it ought not to be more than forty. That of other departments is thirty-eight." Of the lighting of the school-rooms the report says, '• Next in importance to pure air in a school- room is good light. Too much care cannot be taken of the children's eyesight. It is safe to say that there iS not a hadly-lighted school-room in the city. Out of the two hundred and ten rooms in use, in not one of them do the children sit facing the light, and in one hundred and sixty-four of them the light is admitted from the left hand and from the back, and in fifteen rooms from the left hand only, and in the remaining thirty-one the light comes from the right hand and the back. In our later buildings all the rooms are so arranged as to admit the light from the back and the left only, and this is the best possi- ble arrangement, according to the weight of authority and our experience. " There are in these buildings four windows in each room, — two in the rear and two at the side, — each window nine feet six inches by three feet ten inches in size." Cotjas? OP Instruction. — In the first applica- tion of the system of grades to the city schools there were four divisions, the primary, the intermediate, the grammar, and the high school. Some years later, about the close of the war or soon after, these were reduced to three grades, the primary, the intermedi- ate, and the high school. Still later the intermediate was changed to a grammar department, as appears in the " Manual of 1881," and four years were assigned to each, making a full course of the free schools cover twelve years. Since 1881 the grammar department has been eliminated and the course below the high SCHOOLS AND LIBKARIBS OF INDIANAPOLIS. 429 school runs on continuously from the first year to the eighth. In each year there are two grades, the lower, B, advancing quarterly into the next, or A grade. The first year has Grade 1 B and Grade 1 A ; the second year, Grade 2 B and Grade 2 A ; the third year. Grade 3 B and Grade 3 A ; the fourth year. Grade 4 B and Grade 4 A, and so on through the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth years, each year marking the numbers of the grades in it. There are two quarters to each year, and the school year consists of thirty-nine weeks. First Year, or Grade 1 B. — Reading Monroe's " Chart Primer," spelling by sound words of reading, general lessons, inventions, and oral lessons on pictures and plants, music, writing. These for the first quar- ter. Second quarter the same, with addition of arith- metic, counting with and without objects, and Ending a given number of objects. The general lessons on color and animals. 1 A, reading, spelling, arithmetic; general lessons (the human body and drawing, first quarter ; oral compositions on pictures and lessons on plants, second quarter), music, writing. Second Year, 2 B. — Reading, spelling, arithmetic, language (how to talk, oral compositions, lessons on color), writing, drawing, music, continued through both quarters. 2 A, reading, spelling, arithmetic, language, writing, drawing, music, through both quarters. Third Year, 3 B. — The course in both quarters consists of the same studies substantially as in Grade 2 A, with slight variations ^at are of no conse- quence to such a summary as this. 3 A, the same as 2 A, advancing in the text-books, and in the second quarter introducing geography. Fourth Year, 4 B. — The same as in 3 A, last quar- ter, with some changes of text-books and methods, continuing through both quarters. 4 -4 still contin- ues reading, spelling, arithmetic, language, geography, writing, drawing, and music through both quarters. Both B and A are going the same road, with one a little ahead of the other. The other four years of the course preceding the high school continue the same studies, only advancing from quarter to quarter till the seventh year of A, when history is introduced and kept up through the year, and introduced in the eighth year of B. In eighth year of A physiology is introduced, and con- tinued through the year in the place of history. HIQH SCHOOLS. la t-1 Mathematics. 1. Algebra 2. Algebra 1. Geometry 2. Arithmetic 1. Solid Oeometry 2. Trigonometry and Surveying Weeka. 20 20 20 20 20 20 Science. (September Classes.) 1. Physical Geography « J 1. Physical Geography ' I 2. Physics 1. Physios 2. Botany 1 J I. Botany I 2. Physiology 2. Chemistry 1. Laboratory 2. Astronomy or 1. Zoology 2. Geology 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 Science. < (January Classes.) 2. Physical Geography , (1. Physical Geography ^- \2. Physics 2. Botany. , f 1. Botany I 2. Physiology 2. Physios 1. Chemistry 2. Laboratory 1. Astronomy or 2. Zoology 1. Geology 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 430 HISTOKX" OF INDIANAP01.IS AND MARION COUNTY. HIGH SCHOOLS— Om/twud. English. Weeks. (Tommerciul and History. Weeks. Weeks. 1^' 20 20 ( 2. Rhetoric, Literature, Road- o5 IN u 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 1 f 1. Orecian History 2. Roman History a fl. Medieval History... \ 2. Modem History 20 20 Germany Latin, Greek, ■ 40 S5 1. English Literature and Themes 20 20 1. Oioil Government, United 20 20 20 German, Latin, Greek, 40 2. Political Economy 2. Eiifflish Literature and or The required branches are in Roman letters and the elective branches in italic. Drawing and music are also elective in the first year. The Commercial Course includes book-keeping, commercial Istw, and a review of arithmetic, and is designed especially for pupils who intend business pursuits. Three recitations daily are required to complete the high eohool course in four years. STATISTICS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOB THIRTY TBAKS, 1853 TO 1883. No. of No. Teach- ers. No. of Average Average tt Salary Salary of the Salary of Principals of District Schools. DiTE. • School Weeks X Salaries Paid Different Whole Daily Per Cent, of of the Principal of High School. Census. of School. to Teachers. Pupils Enrolled. Number Belonging. Atten- dance. Attendance. Superin- tendent. 1«63 1854 1856 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 8 11 22 10 19 20 801 t«75 t 76 400 $1000 3,053 3 901 $250 300 1160 $506 1000 500 41504 4,338 4,739 4,931 5,178 4,803 4,965 6,863 11,907 30 39 1300 S 500 30 300 1300 I 500 .* 250 f ** 20 21 250 500 400 29 200 500 400 1862 186:t 1864 22 30 36 29 29 500 400 to 600 240 to 260 2,040 2,374 1000 300 to 600 30 240 to 260 1,260 1096 64.86 1200 900 300 to 700 1865 12,455 38 28 360 to 376 2,533 1,428 1305 92. 1500 1000 600 to 620 1866 tt 9,177 39 34 400 3,242 1,763 KXW 91.2 2000 1000 600 to 620 1867 ^8:964 40 44 400 4,149 2,502 2361 94.2 2000 1250 500 to 620 1868 9,507 40 62 400 to 600 4,949 3,260 3099 95. 2000 1500 600 to 700 1869 11,028 40 78 400 to 600 5,160 3,549 3375 94.9 2000 1600 aa 1200 1870 ID 13,082 40 92 400 to 600 5,795 3,967 3759 94.7 2400 1700 ^ 1300 g 1300 1871 14;617 40 103 400 to 600 6,660 4,468 4205 94.4 2400 1600 1872 16,718 40 112 400 to 600 6,896 4,676 4S79 93.6 2400 2300 600 to 800 1873 16,927 40 128 4.10 to OSO 8,178 5,728 5306 92.6 3000 2400 700 to 1100 1874 19,125 40 161 460 to 660 9,361 6,756 6283 94. 3000 2400 700 to 1100 1875 20,723 40 176 460 to 650 11,013 7,467 7210 95.3 2800 2400 700 to 1100 1876 21,265 40 189 460 to 650 12,316 7,686 7686 92. 2600 2400 700 to 1100 1877 22,806 40 203 460 to 650 13,679 8,606 7920 92. 2500 2000 700 to 1100 1878 26,012 40 208 460 to 600 13,178 9,264 8665 93.5 2600 1800 700 to 1000 1879 26,039 , 40 213 420 to 570 13,336 9,643 8912 93.3 2500 1750 700 to 1000 1880 28,789 40 219 40O to 600 13,960 9,645 8^25 92.5 2600 1750 700 to 1000 1881 28,959 39 233 400 to 600 12,833 9,750 9065 92.8 3000 1800 800 to 1100 1S82 30,888 39 235 300 to 600 13,277 10,198 9496 93.2 OOOO 1800 800 to 1100 1883 32,079 39 259 300 to 600 13,686 10,753 9938 92.4 3000 1800 800 to 1100 * The census from 1854 to 1865 included all white persons between five and twenty-one yeara ; from 1866 to 1871, all between the ages of six and twenty-one ; and since 1870, all white and colored persona between the last-mentioned ages. t City Clerk, acting school director. t Salaries are based on the rale per annum for a fall school year of forty weeks. I Superintendent was also principal of the high school. I High Bclu»ol suspended until 1804. •* No free schools — BchooI-housRS rented. . --„„ j ■ * ft From 1858 to 1863 the executive officer of the board was called the " Director." His pay was 8250 during vacation and 5500 during term ft This falling off In the census is ascribed to the minimum age being increased by one year (six and twenty-one years) and in part to Incomplete returns. — , . , □ ,. 33 Two principals only appointed ; one for the districts north and one for the districts south of Washington Street. II Includes the first enumeration of colored persons of school age. SCHOOLS ANP LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 431 Present Condition. — In the following tables, [ been made to the houses or lots of this or other prop- taken from the last reports of the board of commis- 1 erty of the schools since the compilation of the fol- sioners and the school oflScers, is presented as full lowing statistical table, which is for the year 1881, and accurate a view of the present condition of the public schools as can be obtained. No additions have so that it is as complete as if made for the past year (1883) : TABLE SHOWINO SCHOOL PROPERTY, SIZE, LOCATION, COST OF GROUNDS, BOILDINGS, FOBNITDEE, ETC., JOLY 1, 1881. School Bulldiaga. Location and Size of Lots. Date of Erection . Cost or Estimated Value of Sites. Cost of Buildings and Improve- menta. No. of Seats. How Seated. How Heated. Value of Furni- ture and School Appa- ratus. "Total Value of Property. No. 1 Corner Vermont and New Jersey Streets. Lot 90 by 19fi. Corner Delaware and Walnut Streets. Lot 187U by 95. Meridian Street, between Oliio and New Yorlc. Lot Kb by 195. Corner Blackford nnd Micbigan Sts. Lot 157!4 by 210. Maryland Street, between Mississiiipi and Missouri. Lot 61% \>y 195. Corner Un ion and Pblpps' Streets. Lot 266 by 189. Corner BatesandBentonStrcets. Lot 180 liy 190. Virginia Avenue, near Huron Street. Lot 240 by 125. Corner Vermont and Davidsiin Streets. Lot 160 by 190. Corner Ash Street and Home Avenue. Lot 135 by 254. Corner Fourth and Tennessee Streets. Lot 12'.i by 208. Corner West and McCarty Streets, Lot 164 by 188. Garner Buchanan and Beatv Streets. Lot 164 by 231. Ohio Street, eaat of Highland Avenue. Lot 135H l)y 219. Market Street, between West and Cal- ifornia. Lot 67 by 2(14. Indianoia, corner Ray and Plum Streets. Lot 173 by 181. Corner Michigan and Huntington Streets. Lot . Tandes Street, between Home Avenne and Lincoln Street. Lot 120 l.y 168. Shelby Street, soutli of Virginia Ave- nue. Lot 61 by 150. Spruce Street, south of Prospect. Lot 198 by 181. New York Street, between Illinois and Tennessee. Lot 82i<; by 125. Corner Chestnut and Hill Streets. Lot 118 by 223. Corner Fourth and Howard Streets. Lot 183 by 201. Corner North and Minerva Streets. Lot 136^1 by 20SV„. Corner New Jersey and Merrill Streets. Lot . Beeier Street, between Lincoln Ave- nue and 7lh St. Lot 165.6 by 174.4. Corner Pennsylvania and Micbigan Streets. Lot 2521^ by 195. East Street, north of Louisiana. Lot 90 by 200. East Washington Street, near Deaf and Dumb Asylum . Lot 66 by 193. Pennsylvania Street, south of South. Lot 591^ by 160. Corner Pennsylvania and Ohio Streets. Lot 120 by 120. Add the books and furniture of c 1881 1871 1876 1867 Recon- 8'ted]859 1808 1872 1857 1867 1872 1872 1874 1873 1878 Recon- s'ted 1870 1873 18»3 1876 1878 1876 Recoil- s' ted 1862 1878 18S0 1880 1881 1881 1872 Not in use Not in use Not in use 1880 ity library $11,500.00 32,660.00 40,697.50 10,000.00 7,000.011 15,(KX).00 11,000.00 16,000.00 13,000.00 16,260.011 12,200.60 7,000.00 6,600.00 4,900.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 4.000 00 3,600 00 2,800.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 8,500.00 2,000.00 60,000.00 7,000.00 6,500.00 6,000.00 SI1,446.36 42,431.76 61,131 45 46,046.00 2,000.00 40,500.00 28,061.00 6,106.02 45,500.00 32,043.00 26,291.66 22,000.00 32,078.41 10,241.32 3,300.00 3,600.00 23,401.35 5,342 00 6,032.00 26,706.00 2,000.00 16,618.28 6,483.36 10,871.03 10,134.19 11,890.46 50,000.00 1,600.00 1,466.61 8 14 13 12 4 12 12 12 14 12 8 12 8 4 3 8 4 4 8 4 8 4 8 8 8 T 448 777 720 700 210 683 644 284 693 777 603 382 628 483 144 168 33B 205 151 423 464 381 209 362 604 434 643 Single seats Single seats Single seats S'gle & double Single seats Single seats Single seats S'gle & double Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Double seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Single seats Grossitts beaters Steam Steam Grossins heaters Grossius li eaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossins heaters Grossius li eaters Grossius beaters Grosfius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius beaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius beaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Gtossius heaters Grossius heaters Grossius beaters Grossius heaters Grossius heaters Heaters & furnace $2,096.20 6,709.88 3,265.65 4,614.72 1,081.64 4,330.64 3,475.26 952.40 6,174.90 3,744.60 2,097.56 2,069.10 3,118.90 1,952.82 831.50 829.81 2,066.61 766.00 506.66 2,866.66 200.00 1,868.66 783.66 1,660.47 1,641.32 396.6;j 9,019.76 $25,040.66 81,791.63 94,984.60 69,660.72 10,081.64 59,830.64 42,536.26 21,069.02 63,674.90 61,037.60 39,688.20 31,069.10 41,697.31 17,094.14 8,631.50 7,.329.81 29,466.96 9,608.00 8,638.66 34.562.86 14,200.00 23,376.98 10,067.02 15,031.60 20.176.61 14,287.09 119,019.76 7,000.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 2,989.11 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 No. 6 ! No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. U No. 14. No. 16 No. IT No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 26 No. 26 High School. Old No. 7.... Old No. 14.... Old No. 6.... Lib. B'ldiDg.. Grossius beaten 1,622.60 $334,997.60 and office fu $672,021.73 225 11,946 $69,392.67 $976,411.90 36,000.00 $1,011,411.90 432 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 1883. 25,257 7,822 SUMMARY OF STATISTICS. 1. Legal school age, six to twenty years inclusive. 2. Number of population according to the census : 1882. Under six Between six and sixteen 23,990 Over sixteen 6,898 3. Whole number of dififerent pupils enrolled : Under six Between six and sixteen 12,916 Orer sixteen 361 4. Number in schools other than public, as reported by census enumerator 1,053 5. Number of school days in the year 190 6. Number of days taught 185 7. Estimated real value of property used for school purposes, grounds, or sites $334,907.50 8. Buildings 572,021.73 Furniture 69,392.67 Total 976,321.90 9. Total taxable property of city, assessed value 52,633,500.00 Tax for school purposes, mills per dollar, assessed value .02 13,378 307 2,833 190 186 $346,347.50 602,071.73 72,682.67 1,021,101.90 53,081,400.00 .02 -I r a o S o Si T a o 10. Number of rooms in which pupils are seated for study and recita- tion under one teacher 11. Number of rooms in charge of two or more teachers 12. Number of rooms used for recitation only 13. Number of school buildings 14. Number of sittings for study 15. Number of teachers, January, including principals: Males Females 16. Average number of teachers 17. Number of pupils enrolled 18. Average daily attendance 19. Average daily attendance per teacher 205 2 2 26 11, .373 211 219 12,678 8,772 . 40 5 10 1 643 7 15 599 444 30 206 7 12 27 11,916 17 218 235 1.3,.301 9,228 223 2 2 28 12,279 11 233 244 13,151 9,938 40.7 5 10 1 543 6 8 14 634 492 38 .224 7 12 29 12,822 * 18 241 259 13,709 10,442 ANNUA! SALARIES. 1882. Of superintendent $3000 Of assistant superintendent 2000 Of superintendent of primary instruction... 1400 Of special teacher of music 1295 Of special teacher of drawing 1450 Of principal of normal school 1650 Of principal of high school 1800 Of assistants 950 Of principals of ward schools $800 to 1100 Of assistants in ward schools. 300 to 600 Expense of instruction per capita based on a attendance : Tuition $14.57 Inoidentals 4.27 1883. $3000 2000 1500 1400 1500 2000 2000 $750 to 1100 800 to 1100 300 to 650 verage daily $14.86 4.26 Total $18.84 $19.12 NUMBER or SCHOOL CHILDREN BY COMMISSIONERS' TRICTS, 1883. No. 1 1,685 No. 2 1,764 No. 3 1,596 No. 4 3,857 No. 5 3,868 No. 6 3,484 No. 7 2,413 No. 8 5,118 No. 9 2,477 No. 10 4,193 No. 11 2,624 Total 33,078 Transfers 91 Total 33,170 STATEMENT OF ATTENDANCE, ETC. 1882. 1883. Enrollment 13,277 13,685 Average number belonging 10,198 10,753 Average attendance 9,495 9,9.38 Per cent, of attendance 93.2 92.4 Cases of tardiness 8,244 6,054 Number of tardy pupils 3,571 3,539 Number of pupils neither absent nor tardy 1,777 3,659 Number of truancies 553 555 Number of truant pupils 352 422 SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 433 TABLE SHOWING THE RELATION BETWEEN SCHOOL CENSUS AND SCHOOL ENROLLMENT. Yenr School Census. Total. School Enroll- ment. No. In Pri- vate Schools. No. at White. Colored. Work. 1869... 10,407 621 11,028 5,160 Not given. Not given. 1870... 12,274 808 13,082 5,795 " " 1871... 13,714 903 14,617 6,560 tf (* 1872... 14,708 1010 '894 15,718 6,895 n It 1873... 16,035 16,927 8,178 tt it 1874... 18,074 1051 19,125 9,351 It tt 1875... 19,734 989 20,723 10,013 it tt 1876... 19,925 1330 21,255 12,315 2100 4739 1877... 21,095 1711 22,806 13,679 1340 3931 1878... 23,956 2056 25,012 13,178 1156 3265 1879... 23,738 2301 26,039 13,336 1597 4680 1880... 22,253 2776 26,029 ■13,936 1116 3652 1881... 25,961 2998 28,959 13,964 1334 3643 1882... 27,372 3516 30,888 13,277 1053 3636 1833... 29,363 3716 33,079 13,685 2833 7731 In Private Schools. — In Indianapolis the number enrolled in all schools other than public is thirteen and a half per cent, of the public school enroll- ment. Per Cent. In Fort Wayne, Ind 83 In Logansport, Ind 45 In Terre Haute, Ind 17 In Vincennes, Ind 51 In Madison, Ind 57 In Detroit, Mich 47 I» Chicago, 111 39 In St. Louis, Mo 34 In Buffalo, N. Y 40 In Cincinnati, Ohio 51 In Cleveland, Ohio 46 EXPENDITURES. Tuition Janitors Officers' salaries Fuel Gas Water Furniture Repairs and expenses.. General expense Office expense Library expense General repairs Improvements New buildings Library building Insurance Printing Advertising Interest Supplies Enumeration Library fund Expended 1881-82. $148,648.17 • 8,938.60 2,841.77 6,351.68 100.60 256.00 1,478.12 6,736.81 1,538.72 1,992.66 3,879.14 671.18 990.80 20,442.11 805.76 814.04 82.20 8,881.33 3,952.87 621.10 11,305.32 $231,328.97 Expended 1882-83. $159,876.00 9,192.00 3,053.60 6,561.10 I 91.60 256.00 I 4,969.94 j 5,916.08 1,092.33 ! 2,003.31 4.040.52 ] 530.17 648.26 23,580.09 154.35 1,116.17 679.63 22.20 10,784.41 4,097.88 588.88 9,342.14 Estimates 1883-84. $160,000.00 9,500.00 3,100.00 6,500.00 100.00 300.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,900.00 4,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 $248,596.66 400.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 9,000.00 4,500.00 600.00 12,500.00 $225,000.00 The Gregg Fund. — This is the bequest of Thomas D. Gregg, one of the early teachers of the city, who died in Virginia some years ago. The condition of the gift was that the value of the lands of which it consisted should be safely invested and the income applied to the city schools. The last report of the trustee of the fund, Mr. Merritt, shows that the amount of it is ten thousand two hundred and one dollars and eleven cents, and the income fund is one thousand seven hundred and forty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. Iforinal School. — In 1867 a normal school depart- ment was formed, and placed in charge of Miss Fu- nelle, in which the chief purpose was the education and training of the pupils of our own schools for teachers in them. The present superintendent of this department, Mr. Lewis H. Jones, says that fifty-seven per cent, of the teachers now in the city schools have graduated from it since 1867. He says that according to present regulations applicants must be at least eighteen years of age, and of good moral character and good health, with an education equivalent to that given by the high school, but that graduates of that school may be subjected to competitive examination by the principal of tho normal school. There are now two departments in it, — a theory department, in which instruction, in methods of teaching and in school management is given ; and a practice depart- ment, in which the pupil-teachers, under the care of a competent critic, put into practice the theories of school work learned in the other. Each pupil-teacher is required to remain in each department twenty weeks, filling the place of a regular teacher during her stay in the practice-school, without pay, her in- struction paying for her services. The following is an outline of the course of study : Psychology, one recitation per day for 20 weeks. Arithmetic and methods in primary number, 10 weeks each 20 weeks. Rhetoric, practical composition, and language 20 weeks. Botany (elementary), 8; school economy, 12 20 weeks. Geography, 12; lessons on place, 4; object lessons, 4.. 20 weeks. Methods in primary reading and spelling, 10; form, 6; moral instruction, 4 .'.20 weeks. Music, drawing, and penmanship, one lesson per week. Within the three years sixty-four persons have received its diploma. 434 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. PBESENT COMMISSIONEBS. Dirt. Term expirea. I., J. P. Frenzel, Merchants' National Bank 1885 11., Charles W. Smith, 76 East Washington Street 1885 III., H. G. Carey, corner North and Illinois Streets 1886 IV., George Merritt, 411 West Washington Street 1886 v., J. J. Bingliam, 148 West Maryland Street 1884 VI., Austin H. Brown, 290 South Meridian Street 1884 VII., E. P. Thompson, Post-Office 1886 VIII., I. W. Stratford, 187 Buchanan Street 1886 IX., Clemens Vonnegut, 184 East Washington Street... 1884 X., William A. Bell, No. 12 Journal Building 1885 XI., Robert Browning, 7 and 9 E. Washington Street... 1885 Officers of the Board. — President, Austin H. Brown ; Secretary, Charles W. Smith ; Treasurer, H. G. Carey ; Superintendent of Schools, H. S. Tar- bell; Assistant Superintendent, J. J. Mills; Superin- tendent of Primary Institution, Nebraska Cropsey. Special Teachers : Jesse H. Brown, drawing ; Charles E- Emmerich, German. Librarian, William DeM. Hooper ; Assistant Secretary, Emma B. Ridenour ; Building and Supply Agent, H. C. Hendrickson ; Clerk, Therese E. Jones. Trustees. — -From 1853 to 1861, as before stated, the board of trustees was elected by the Common Council. From 1861 to 1864 the board was elected by the people, one from each ward ; and from 1865 to 1871 the trustees were again appointed by the Council. In June, 1871, a board of school commis- sioners, one from each school district, was elected by the people. 1853.— Henry P. Coburn, Calvin Fletcher, H. P. West. School Director, the city clerk. 1854.— H. P. Coburn, Calvin Fletcher, John B. Dillon, William Sheets. Director, the city clerk. 1855. — CalTin Fletcher, David Beaty, James M. Ray. School Superintendent, Silas T. Bowen. 1856.— Calvin Fletcher, David Beaty, D. V. CuUey. Superin- tendent, George B. Stone. 1857. — D. V. Culley, N. B. Taylor, John Love. Superintendent, George B. Stone. 1858-59.— D. V. Culley, John Love, David Beaty. Director, James Greene. 1860. — Caleb B. Smith, Lawrence M. Vance, Cyrus C. Hines. Director, James Greene. 1861-62. — Oscar Kendrick, D. V. Culley, James Greene, Thomas B. Elliott, James Sulgrove, Lewis W. Hasselman, Richard O'Neal. Director, George W. Hoss. 1863-64.— James H. Beall, D. V. Culley, I. H. Roll, Thomas B. Elliott, Lucion Barbour, James Sulgrove, Alexander Metz- ger, Charles Ooulon, Andrew May, Herman Lieber. Super- intendent, A. C. Shortridge. 1865-68.— Thomas B. Elliott, William H. L. Noble, Clemens Vonnegut. Superintendent, A. C. Shortridge. 1869-70.— William H. L. Noble, James C. Yohn, John E. Elder. Superintendent, A. C. Shortridge. Commissioners. — The board of school commis- sioners of this city was organized in July, 1871, and since then the following gentlemen have served on the board : John R. Elder, James t. Yohn, H. G. Carey, Thomas B. Elliott, J. J. Bingham, Austin H. Brown, William F. Reasner, Peter Routier, Clemens Vonnegut, Thomas R. Norris, A. L. Roache, Moses R. Barnard, John M. Youart, C. C. Hines, E. R. Moody, George Merritt, Charles W. Smith, John Coburn, Robert Browning, I. W. Stratford, Edward P. Thompson, and John P. Frenzel. City Library. — This is by far the largest, most complete, and best-managed library in the State. It is a part of the city school system, under the direction of the board of school commissioners, and supported by a tax levied with the city school tax. The his- tory of this institution deserves more than a cursory notice. On the 24th of May, 1872, a committee on the Public Library was appointed, in connection with the high school and night schools, consisting of Dr. Harvey G. Carey, Dr. Thomas B. Elliott, Austin H. Brown, and Judge Addison L. Roache, and the same members were continued for the following year. On the 5th of July, 1872, the committee employed W. F. Poole, of the Cincinnati Public Library, to prepare a catalogue of at least eight thousand volumes. On the 6th of September the school board appointed an advisory committee of citizens on the library, con- sisting of Mr. John D. Howland, Rev. Hanford A. Edson, and Judge Elijah B. Martindale, whose duty was to " attend the stated meetings of the committee for consultation in regard to all matters affecting the interests of the library." On the 20th of September, 1872, the selection having been made by W. F. Poole, Esq., who was then librarian of the Cincinnati Public Library, the contract for supplying the books, bids having been invited for that purpose, was let to Messrs. Merrill & Field, of this city. On Nov. 15, 1872, Charles Evans, Esq., who had been thoroughly trained for its duties, was appointed librarian, at a salary of twelve SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 436 hundred dollars per aonum. To his many admirable qualifications for the position, his zeal in the work, and his indefatigable labors while librarian, is the success of the library in a large measure due. At this time there was in existence the Indianapo- lis Library Association, a stock company, having a catalogue of near four thousand well-selected books. With great liberality this association, on Dec. 20, 1872, offered to transfer its library to the board upon the condition that the Indianapolis Public Library should ever be free to the citizens of the city. This generous gift was the corner-stone of our free Public Library. On March 21, 1873, rules for the government of the Public Library were adopted by the board. On the 4th of April, 1873, the terms of transfer of the Indianapolis Library Association to the city were ac- cepted by the board, and at the same time it made the following acknowledgment of the donation : " The board, in behalf of the citizens of Indianapolis, desires to return its thanks for this timely and munificent benefaction. Without it the free library could not have been opened at this time, nor would it at an early day have adequately supplied the immediate wants of the people." The first catalogue of the library was ordered to be published July 5, 1873. On July 18, 1873, the board added to its standing committees one on Pub- lic Library, and the following members were ap- pointed : H. G. Carey, A. H. Brown, W. A. Bell, and J. M. Ridenour. Advisory Committee, J. D. Rowland, H. A. Edson, Simon Yandes, and C. C. Hines. The following persons have composed that commit- tee since th^t time : 1874-75, A. H. Brown, W. A. Bell, J. J. Bingham, J. M. Youart. Advisory Com- mittee, H. G. Carey, J. D. Howland, H. A. Edson, Simon Yandes, and C. C. Hines. 1875-76, same as last year, with the exception of Simon Yandes, on the Advisory Committee, who re- signed. 1876-77, C. C. Hines, J. J. Bingham, A. P. Stan- ton, and Clemens Vonnegut. Advisory Committee, J. D. Howland, H. A. Edson, H. G. Carey, W. P. Fishback. Mr. Stanton resigned on September 15th, and Robert Browning, Esq., was appointed in his place. 1877-78, C. C. Hines, J. J. Bingham, H. Q. Carey, and Robert Browning. Advisory Committee, J. D. Howland, H. A. Edson, W. P. Fishback, ancjl A. C. Harris. 1878-79, C. C Hines, J. J. Bingham, Robert Browning, and H. G. Carey. Advisory Committee, Rev. 0. C. McCulloch, Rev. Myron W. Reed, O. B. Hord, and Rev. C. H. Raymond. 1879-80, N. A. Hyde, J. J. Bingham, Robert Browning, and H. G. Carey. Advisory Committee, Rev. 0. C. McCulloch, C. C. Hines, Mrs. Martha N. McKay, and Mrs. India Harris. 1880-81, same as last year. 1881-83, same. The Public Library and Reading- Room were opened in the high school building, where they i-emained until January, 1875, when they were removed, with the offices of the board, to the Sentinel building, corner Meridian and Circle Streets, a more central location and additional room. The rapid growth of the library at the end of the five years' lease required more commodious quarters, with diminished fire risks. The board not having the means to erect a building for the purpose, conditionally purchased from E. S. Alvord, Esq., the property on the corner of Pennsyl- vania and Ohio Streets, very near if not quite the centre of the population of the city, paying annually five per cent, interest on ten-year bonds for sixty thousand dollars, dated Jan. 1, 1881, with the privi- lege of reconveying the property at the end of that time. By agreement, the improvements and additions to the property having been completed, the library, reading, and reference rooms, and the offices of the board, were removed to their present home in Sep- tember, 1880. Mr. Charles Evans continued librarian until July, 1878, when Mr. Albert B. Yohn succeeded him, but on account of ill health he resigned at the end of the school year. During his brief term Mr. Yohn did much to popularize the library, especially by increas- ing the usefulness of the reference department. In August, 1879, Mr. Arthur W. Tyler, who had been connected with the Astor Library, New York City, and the Johns Hopkins Library of Baltimore, was 436 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. elected librarian. He resigned on the 30th of June, 1883, and Mr. W. DeM. Hooper was elected. He has proved very efiBcient and popular. The Indianapolis Public Library was opened to the public April 8, 1873, with appropriate ceremonies. At a meeting of citizens, held in the high school hall on the evening of that day, addresses were made by the Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, Rev. H. A. Edson, and Rev. Mr. Kumler, who forcibly and eloquently presented the advantages of a public library as an educational institution, and, being free to every citizen, making it a library for all who availed themselves of its privileges as a means of intellectual culture or en- joyment. The following historical sketch of the library was given by Judge Roache at the opening : " The public library is a part of the common school system of Indianapolis. After a trial of the general common school system in force in the State, it becomes evident that, while admirable in the main, it did not fully suit the wants of the larger class. A number of our citizens who felt an interest in the subject, held several meetings with the view of considering whether some plan could not be suggested which, while constituting a part of the general system, should be flexible enough to be adapted to the various needs and capacities of the larger cities of the State. One of the defects of the general law, when it came to be applied to cities, was the absence of any sufficient authority for the creation and maintenance of such a library as it was felt we ought to have. No system of education can be complete without such a collection of books as is beyond the ability of private individ- uals. Other cities are rapidly providing their people with such institutions, and regard them not only a most beneficial and material part of the system, but as the crown of the whole. The problem was to supply this defect. " The idea was suggested of embodying in the statute then being prepared for organizing the city schools a provision authorizing the board of school commis- sioners to levy an annual tax, so small that no one would feel it, the proceeds of which should be devoted exclusively to the providing and maintaining of a public library, free forever to all the inhabitants of the city. The law under which our present city schools are organized was accordingly drafted, and on the 3d of March, 1871, passed by the Legislature, one of its sections authorizing the board to levy a tax, for the purpose of creating a library, of one-fifth of one mill, equal to two cents on the hundred dollars of assessed valuation. This section was the origin of the Indianapolis Public Library. " The board levied the tax and immediately ad- dressed themselves to the task of selecting the books and perfecting a proper system of management, and they soon found they had more of a task on their hands than any of them had expected. Sensible of the importance of starting out on correct principles, and of their own want of the technical knowledge and experience in management necessary to its successful working, they sought to avail themselves of the ex- perience of men who were already familiar with the organization and working of such institutions in other cities. A committee was accordingly appointed by the board, consisting of Dr. H. G. Carey, Dr. T. B. Elliott, and Austin H. Brown, Esq., who visited the cities of St. Louis and Cincinnati, which had in operation most successful free public libraries, the former of thirty thousand and the latter of forty thousand volumes. " These gentlemen spent considerable time in study- ing the systems of those libraries, and were aflForded every facility for so doing by all the officers, who cheerfully imparted to them the fullest information as to the plans and details of management. Mr. Wil- liam F. Poole, the efficient and accomplished manager of the free library of Cincinnati, took a very deep in- terest in the enterprise, and rendered most valuable assistance, visiting this city on several occasions for the purpose of advising and consulting as to the selection of books and the organization of the library. " Upon the report of the committee a plan suggested by them was adopted, and the work of selecting and purchasing books was proceeded with as rapidly as was consistent with a due regard to economy and to the proper care and discrimination in making the selections. It was found that certain classes of books could be purchased much cheaper in Europe than at home, and whenever that was the case they were SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES OF INDIANAPOLIS. 437 bought abroad. It occasioned some delay, but that was amply compensated by the saving of our very limited means. " Some years since a number of our public-spirited citizens, impressed with the great need that existed in so rapidly a growing city for a public library, or- ganized a society for the purpose of providing one by public donations, and with a design of making it free to the public on such moderate terms as would barely provide for its maintenance. At a very considerable cost to themselves, a collection of near four thousand volumes of admirably selected books was made, and was rapidly becoming efficient and useful. When the Public Library of Indianapolis was organized, these gentlemen, perceiving that it would, if properly sus- tained by the people, accomplish the purpose they had mainly in view, and with much ampler means than they could command, conceived the generous idea of abandoning their organization and donating their handsome collection to the public library. The generous purpose was as generously carried out, and the entire body of the stockholders of the Indianap- olis Library Association have united in transferring their admirable collection of books to the public. " On the completion of the donation, the committee was enlarged by the addition of A. L. Roache, from the school board, and the appointment of Hon. John D. Howland, Rev. H. A. Edson, and Hon. E. B. Martindale, the last three as advisory members, se- lected because of their former connection with the Indianapolis Library Association, and because of their great interest in the subject. The books embraced in this donation number three thousand seven hun- dred and forty volumes, the number purchased by the board six thousand two hundred and eighty, making in all ten thousand and twenty volumes now on our shelves, and there are still outstanding orders for two thousand five hundred more, making a total of twelve thousand five hundred and twenty volumes." Officers of Library. — Librarian, William DeM. Hooper, 258 North Delaware Street. Assistant Li- brarians, Mrs. I. McElhennen, 32 Winslow Block ; Miss Alice B. Wick, 264 North Tennessee Street; Miss Mary E. Lloyd, corner New Jersey and Sev- enth Streets ; Miss Mary E. Keatinge, 331 North Alabama Street ; Miss Emily S. Bingham, 148 West Maryland Street ; Miss Lyde Q. Browning, 300 South Meridian Street; Mrs. E. L. S. Harrison, 191 Christian Avenue ; Miss I. C. Schonacker, 220 North New Jersey Street. Night Attendants, Miles Clif- ford, 384 North West Street; Lindsay M. Brown, 4 Mayhew Block; Paul B. Hay, 14 Talbott Block; Charles W. Moores, 232 North Alabama Street. Accession catalogue, June 30, 1881, 35,198 vol- umes, 3252 pamphlets; June 30, 1883, 38,689 volumes, 3417 pamphlets. Gain from June 30, 1881, to June 30, 1883, 3491 volumes, 165 pam- phlets. Of these, 2902 volumes have been acquired by purchase, and 589 volumes and 165 pamphlets by gift. This does not represent, however, the number of volumes actually upon the shelves, many of the Tauchnitz edition of the English authors being bound two volumes in one ; many volumes having been worn out and condemned or lost, which have not been replaced. By actual count, the volumes upon the shelves amount to 35,025. The losses through failure to get the books back from bor- rowers, or to collect the cost of them, have been very small, amounting during the past ttoo years to only Jive. Many books reported lost or missing will undoubtedly come to light when an examination of the shelves is made. The registration of borrowers continues in about the same ratio, 22,815 cards having been issued to date, — 1268 and 1211 having been issued during the years ending June 30, 1882, and June 30, 1883, re- spectively. It is to be regretted that some means cannot be devised to prevent the frequent forgeries and frauds which are to be met with in the filling of certificates of guarantee. Exercise what diligence we may, such cases will still occur, and occasionally it is necessary to call in a card for investigation upon the certificate on which it was issued. It is impos- sible to state how many of these cards are in actual use at present, since it is very seldom that a person leaving the city, or discontinuing the use of a card, will take the trouble to surrender it. The experience of this library has been similar to that of almost every other free library in the 438 HISTOEY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. country, in a decrease of circulation during the busy and prosperous times of the past two or three years. Our circulation steadily decreased until it fell to 188,- 239 during the year 1881-82. The year 1882-83 just closed, however, shows a gain of 7138, having reached by June 30th, 195,377. From present indi- cations the current year will show a larger increase in circulation. The following shows the circulation for 1881-82 and 1882-83: Home Use. 1881-82 120,840 1882-83 125,375 Hall Use. 47,800 46,607 Schools. 19,599 23,395 Total. 188,239 195,377 Gain, 4,535 Lose, 1,193 Gain, 3,342 Gain, 7,138 Considering the population of the city, the age of the library, and its size, this is a very flattering ex- hibit. While the circulation for home reading shows a considerable increase, and the number of visitors to the reading-room increased seven thousand eight hun- dred and fifty-three, the number of pieces used has decreased four thousand nine hundred and twenty-one during the past year. It is undoubtedly true that there has been comparatively no idleness in the com- munity ; and this, coupled with the fact that the cir- culation otherwise increased largely, may be accepted as evidence of the growing popularity and usefulness of the library. It will be seen by adding the circulation of books, reading-room, and schools that the total number of pieces handled amounts to nearly a quarter of a mil- Uon yearly : 1881-82, number of pieces read 245,428 1882-83 " " " 248,838 The following exhibit, made up from the circula- tion for home use, shows the percentage of the classes of reading for the two years : 1881-82. a a 1882-83. ^ Olabbifioation. Volumes Used. Volumes Used. s 1 71,482 20,0SO 4,860 9,620 2,428 3,148 6,544 2,718 69.4 16.6 4.0 7.9 2.0 2.6 6.4 2.2 69,606 19,100 6,831 12,356 2,366 2,921 4,279 2,714 68.6 2.. 3.. 4.. 6.. 6.. 7.. 161 4.6 History, biography, and travel. 10.4 2.0 Theology, Bocial science, phil- osophy, education Miscellaneous (literature, es- 2.6 3.6 8 2.3 120,840 100.0 118,673 100.0 The following exhibit shows statistics of reading- room and school reference libraries : July .August September , October November ., December ... 1,952 2,891 3,387 3,927 3,996 4,429 January 4,691 1881—1882. Febrnary.. Marcb. April... May June.... Total 44,358 57^89 4,273 4,189 3,727 3,758 3,228 2,931 3,635 4,501 5,316 4,862 4,907 5,709 4,994 5,171 5,268 5,388 4,507 1,615 2,518 2,594 4,399 4,732 5,327 4,632 5,493 5,261 4,489 4,290 2,460 4,546 6,153 7,095 9,715 9,594 10,2.34 10,,341 10,497 10,432 9,757 9,678 6,957 47,800 104,989 19,599 1,134 2,529 2,076 2,573 1,413 2,625 2,549 2,363 1,782 555 I 3,226 3,130 3,192 4,212 4,211 5,331 5,231 5,297 6,836 4,506 4,349 3,601 52,211 1 P 4,223 4,293 4,556 4,866 5,442 5,387 6,521 5,812 6,671 6,392 4,870 4,906 53,461 2,217 2,243 2,617 3,843 4,167 4,760 4,323 5,831 5,798 4,531 3,392 2,785 6,440 6,536 7,173 8,709 9,609 10,147 10,844 11,643 12,469 9,923 8,042 7,691 46,607 100,068 893 2,466 1,729 2,864 2,378 2,974 2,957 2,924 3,172 519 23,395 BEPAHtS. Teab. No. Volumes Bound at Library. No. of Volumes Repaired. No. Vols. Cov- ered with Paper at Library. At Bindery. At Library. 1881-82... 1882-83... 788 832 403 394 2578 3749 5680 2304 The Indianapolis Library, to which reference is made by Judge Roache in the historical sketch of the City Library, was formed in March, 1869, by one hundred citizens, each of whom was to contribute one hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid in annual in- stallments of twenty-five dollars, the annual amount SCHOOLS AND LIBKARIES OP INDIANAPOLIS. 43^ to go to the maiutenaiice and increase of a public library for five years to begin with. The ofScers were John D. Rowland, president; William P. Fish- back, vice-president ; D. W. Grubbs, secretary ; William S. Hubbard, treasurer. A .sketch of the City Library has related that the books of this associa- tion were given to the city institution and the organiza- tion dissolved. The County Library. — This library was founded id 1844 on a public fund, of which a share was given to each county for library purposes. The first trus- tees were Demas L. McFarland, George Bruce, Henry P. Coburn, John Wilkins, James Sulgrove, and Liv- ingston Dunlap. The first librarian was Augustus Coburn, elder brother of Gen. John, who removed to Ontanagon in 1846, and was drowned in a wreck on Lake Superior while returning from a visit here in 1862. The next were B. R. Sulgrove, Gen. Coburn, and later Charles Dennis, recently of the Review. The number of volumes is about four thousand ; it was about two thousand when started. The first loca- tion was a little room in the southwest corner of the old court-house. It now has ample and superb ac- commodations on the first floor of the new court- house. The income of a fund of two thousand dol- lars is spent in the addition of new books and repairs of old ones. Any citizen of the county can take out two volumes for a week for about a dollar a year, or one a week for half of it. Henry P. Coburn selected the first books, and it was as admirable a selection as was ever made for a small library. It never had more than seventy to one hundred subscribers at once, and these were chiefly in the country. The Township Library contains one thousand or twelve hundred volumes, under charge of the town- ship trustee. It is founded on the township's share of money due to the State from the general government in some of the early business affairs of the two. The Catholic Workingmen's Library is kept in the building on the northeast corner of Georgia and Tennessee Streets, where the Sisters of Providence School was first established, and is open every night from six to ten o'clock. It contains some five hun- dred volumes, and is the property of one of the Cath- olic Sodalities of the parish. The Sisters of Provi- dence have a library of about one thousand volumes connected with their school. The State Library contains about seventeen thou- sand volumes. It was formed in 1825, and kept by the Secretary of State till 1841, when enough vol- umes, including public documents and legislative journals, had been got together to make a decent show, and it was thought becoming to constitute the library a positive and visible existence. This was done in that year by appropriating to it two rooms in the southwest corner of the first floor of the State-house, and electing John Cook librarian. His successors in office will be found in the list of State officers. Before the old State-house was torn down the State Library had become a sort of museum of historical relics, and contained daguerreotypes of all the members of the Constitutional Convention of 1850, memorials of the Mexican war, flags of Indiana regiments in the civil war, Indian weapons and utensils of pre-historic times, and other things of like interest, and filled nearly the whole of the west side of the lower floor of the build- ing. When the old house was about to come down, quarters were found for the library in the Gallup or McCray Block, on Market and Tennessee Streets, where it is likely to remain till it goes into the new State-house. The law library of the Supreme Court is kept in the State buildings, but it is not a public library, though open to the profession. The State Geological Museum is in the rooms of the building over the State Library. It contains more than one hundred thousand specimens of fossils, many of them the finest ever discovered. Dr. Cox, while State geologist, made considerable progress in the accumulation of this museum ; but it was left to the professional enthusiasm, personal liberality, and scien- tific sagacity of Professor Collett, present State geolo- gist, to make it the rare and wonderful collection and the admirably systematized work it is. The State System. — All the school revenues de- rived either from permanent funds or taxation go into a common fund which is apportioned to the counties according to their population of school age. This arrangement is cumbered by the very serious defect of forcing honest counties, which take fair enumerations and pay their taxes fairly, to pay a large share of the 440 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. school expenses of rascally or slothful counties. Marion pays into the State treasury in her school tax one-third more than she gets back. The difference goes to counties that will not help themselves, or make exaggerated enumerations, as some were alleged to have done a few years ago, for the purpose of get- ting an undue allowance of State money. There is no remedy visible, however, and the better counties have to grin and bear it. Indianapolis and the county have not had much to do with the State system, j except feed it. The only superintendent born and ! bred here was Professor Miles J. Fletcher. 1 Hon. Miles J. Fletcher. — The subject of this biographical sketch, who was the son of Calvin Fletcher, a distinguished citizen of Indianapolis, a sketch of whose life is elsewhere found in this vol- ume, was born June 15, 1828, in Indianapolis. He was the fourth in a family of eight adult sons, who in the various walks of life have made themselves honorable places. He received the rudiments of edu- cation at the old seminary of the city of his birth, under the guidance of Rev. James S. Kemper, and subsequently entered Brown University, from which he graduated in 1852. Almost immediately on his graduation he was elected professor of English litera- ture in Asbury University, Indiana. This position, which he held but a few months, was resigned to at- tend the law school at Harvard University. Gradu- ating at the law school, he returned to the professor- ship at Asbury, discharging its duties with great suc- cess until he received the nomination for superinten- dent of public instruction in 1860, to which office he was elected in October of the same year. He was at the time of his death filling its onerous and respon- sible requirements. It was an office which suited his tastes and satisfied his ambition, his labor being a " labor of love." Though frequently interrupted by circumstances incident to the war, and absent for weeks in efforts to learn the fate of and rescue his brother. Dr. Wm. B. Fletcher, then a prisoner, he yet worked so energetically as to fulfill every requirement of the law and to visit the schools extensively, giving a decided impetus to the cause of education. He possessed the untiring energy peculiar to his family, with a full share of enterprise, qualities which, com- bined with an intellect of more than usual vigor, indicated great promise and usefulness. Professor Fletcher was, in 1852, married to Miss Jane M. Hoar, of Providence, R. I., to whom were born two children, William T. and Mary B. The incident of Professor Fletcher's death was peculiarly sad. He was requested on the night of the 10th of May, 1862, to join Governor Morton and a small party of gentlemen en route by special train for Pittsburgh Landing, their mission being provision for the im- mediate transportation of such sick and wounded soldiers from Indiana as could be safely brought to their homes, and the completion of suitable hospital arrangements for tho.se whose condition would not admit of removal. The train had made but little progress when a detention occurred which alarmed Professor- Fletcher, who on investigating its' cause was instantly killed. This sad termination of a noble Christian career lost to the soldier an inestimable friend while fulfilling a mission of mercy and love, to the State a model officer of irreproachable char- acter, and to the people an example of integrity and uprightness worthy of lasting remembrance. The expressions of sorrow over the death of Professor Fletcher were not confined to his home but extended over the entire State, and were no less a tribute to the exemplary citizen than to the efficient public officer. CHAPTER XVII L MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. Origin and Early History. — For the purpose of tracing succinctly and clearly the origin and growth of the manufactures of the city, they may be divided into three leading classes, with several minor ones too slightly connected with others to be accurately classified. 1st. Food products, meat, meal, flour, and minor products of grain, including starch, beer, and whiskey. 2d. Wood products, lumber, hard and soft, house finishings, furniture, staves, wooden ware, boxes, picture- frames, wagons, agricultural M. J. FLETCHER. o/^tzi^^^'y^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 441 implements, and freight cars. 3d. Iron products, rails, machinery, stoves and hollow-ware, saws, files, railing and building work, and railroad repair-work. Agricultural implements belong about equally to wood and iron manufactures, but the bulkier por- tions being wood they are put in that class. Of minor industries, there are oils and varnish ; fertil- izers, an oflFshoot and adjunct of meat products ; printing, paper, and paper products ; textile fabrics of cotton and wool ; tobacco in different forms ; clothing ; marble and stone work ; saddles and harness ; tin, copper, and galvanized iron. There are many of less extent and importance than these, but a reference to them is not necessary to exhibit the early condition and progress of the productive industries. The germs of most of the manufactures that con- stitute the permanent prosperity and means of de- velop'' nt of the city can be found in little mills and shops almost coeval with its first settlement. Not a little coarse meal was grated for a long time from half-hardened ears of corn for "mush" ^nd " Johnny-cake," but there was a grist-mill in opera- tion in the fall of 1821 on Fall Creek race, after- wards known as " Patterson's mill," but its flour had to be sifted, as bolting cloths were unknown for ten years more. Samuel J. Patterson. — The Patterson family are of Scotch-Irish lineage. Robert, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch, a native of Maryland, early removed to Kentucky, from whence, in the fall of 1821, he came to Indianapolis. He was well versed in the law, and for many years judge of the Probate Court of the county. He also for a period engaged in contracting. He married Miss Annie Elliott, of Virginia, and had children, — Sam- uel J., Elliott M., Robert M., Mary Ann (Mrs. David Macy), Eliza J. (Mrs. I. Draka), Margaret M. (Mrs. James Hill), Annie (Mrs. James South- ard), James M., Almira C, Marion M., William J. D., and Henry C. Their son Samuel J. was born Oct. 18, 1804, in Cynthiana, Ky., and accompanied his parents in 1821 to Indiauapolis. His early ad- vantages of education were limited, though superior opportunities were ofi"ered at a later day under the 29 instruction of Ebetiezer Sharpe. He early embarked with his father in the manufacture of bricks, and for several years conducted the business successfully. After his marriage Mr. Patterson engaged in the milling business on the farm which is the present home of his widow, and continued it until 1840, when the site was removed to the corner of Wash- ington and Blake Streets, where a spacious mill was erected, suitable to the wants of the- increasing trade. Meanwhile he embarked in mercantile pursuits, and after an interval of some years again resumed milling and farming. He felt a deep interest in all schemes for the benefit of Indianapolis, and was at various times awarded contracts for the improvement of the city. In his political sympathies he was an ardent Whig, and found the principles of the Republican party on its organization in harmony with his convictions. His energies being devoted wholly to business, left little time for participation in the political measures of the day. He was, though not a member of any church, a supporter of the Meridian Street Meth- odist Church, with which Mrs. Patterson was con- nected, and at the time of his death a devout Chris- tian. Mr. Patterson was on the 17th of March, 1831, married to Miss Patsy, daughter of Isaac Wilson, one of the earliest settlers, who came to Indianapolis in 1821, when it contained but two houses. The dwelling in which they were married fifty-three years ago is still occupied by Mrs. Patterson. Here their golden wedding was celebrated in 1881. They have children, — Samuel W. (a contractor), Elizabeth J. (Mrs. B. F. Riley), Robert H., Charles W. (a con- tractor), and Fannie A. (Mrs. Cortland Van Camp). The grandchildren are Harriet G., Walter G., and Bessie G., children of Samuel W. and Agnes Green- field Patterson ; Elizabeth J., Charles A., Robert M., and Sadie S., children of B. P. and Elizabeth J. Riley ; and Raymond P., Ella P., Samuel G., Fadny May, and Cortland M., children of Cortland and Fannie A. Van Camp. Mr. Patterson's death oc- curred May 25, 1883, in the house he had occupied for more than half a century. A saw-mill was erected about the same time as 442 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Patterson's grist-mill on Fall Creek a little north of the line of Indiana Avenue. Within a year Caleb Scudder made cabinet work, and in two years the late George Norwood made wagons. John B. Hall, the first car- penter ; Matthias Nowland, the first bricklayer ; Andrew Byrne, the first tailor; Amos Hanway, the first cooper ; Daniel Yandes, the first tanner ; George Smith, the first bookbinder ; Nathaniel Bolton, the first printer, were all here in or before 1821, and at work at their trades then or within a year or two ; and Samuel S. Booker, the first house and sign painter ; William Holmes, first turner ; Conrad Brus- sel, first baker, came close along with these. George Norwood, one of the oldest citizens of Indianapolis, was born Jan. 21, 1789, in the city of Baltimore, and in 1793 removed to Washington County, East Tenn. In 1819 he became a resident of Wayne County, Ind., and on the 22d of March, 1822, Indianapolis, which at that early day embraced but a few straggling cabins, became his home. Mr. Norwood was by trade a wagon-maker, and for a number of years conducted his business on the pres- ent site of the office occupied by his grandson, Frank Bird. He some years previous to his death divided a considerable estate between his children, retaining for himself only a house and lot on Illinois Street. He was married in 1812 to Miss Mary Ann Rooker, who died Feb. 28, 1877, in her eighty-fourth year, having enjoyed sixty-five years of married life. Their surviving children are Washington Norwood, Ann Maria (Mrs. Abram Bird), and E. F. Norwood. Mr. Norwood was in his religious predilections a Methodist, and the first trustee of the first Methodist Episcopal Church of Indianapolis. He on successive occasions filled the office of Councilman, and in 1846 was elected city treasurer. He enjoyed a reputation for strict integrity and scrupulous honesty, and was firm in his convictions, especially in discussions in- volving a question of right and wrong. Having acquired a competency, Mr. Norwood retired from business in 1850, and during the remainder of his life enjoyed excellent health until a short period before his death, which occurred March 8, 1880, in his ninety-second year. The women did most of the weaving and sewing, but machines for carding wool (or making " rolls') were among the earliest attempts at substituting ma- chinery for hand labor. A carding-machine was attached in 1823 by William Townsend and Earl Pierce to one of the first mills, probably the grist- mill of the late Andrew Wilson and Daniel Yandes, on the "bayou," a little west of the present location of the Nordyke & Marmon Machine- Works. Not far from the same site, and about the same time, a distillery was at work making a liquor popularly known as " Bayou Blue." Co-operating with the carding machinery moved by water were several smaller, and a little later, establishments worked by horse-power, applied on a large inclined wheel, fifteen to twenty feet in diameter, on the lower section of which a horse was kept in motion, as in other tread- mills. One of these, as late as 1833 or 1834, stood on the northwest corner of Illinois and Maryland Streets, and another on Kentucky Avenue a little below Maryland, and was converted into the first tobacco factory. Here in the first two years of the town's existence^for it was laid out in 1821, and previous to that was a mere settlement — were the beginnings of the flour and lumber trade, the woolen-mills and whiskey business, the latter never considerable and very intermittent even in the matter of existence, often dying out altogether. The products were wholly for home consumption, and in the ordinary sense of manufactures had no fair claim to be of the class. The first manufacture proper, the first product of skill and labor intended for sale and not for consump- tion at home, was that of ginseng, started by the late James Blake, in 1826, or thereabouts, on what was then the blufif of Pogue's Creek, half-way between South Street and the creek, between Delaware and Alabama Streets. It was sent to Philadelphia for the Chinese market. Ginseng was then a common growth of the dense woods about the village. It is all gone now, and has been for a generation. About the same time that the "Sang Factory," as it was generally called, began its work, the first great enterprise of skill and capital was put in operation. It was the mother of Indianapolis industries, though it died long before its family was big enough to be worth counting. That was the old " Steam-Mill yy^v^vyiATirv^ MANUFACTUKING INTP]KESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 443 Company," composed chiefly, and managed wholly, by the late James M. Ray, Daniel Yandea, Governor Noble, James Blake, and Nicholas McCarty. A full account of it will be found in the general history. It was incorporated Jan. 28, 1828, bought at a nom- inal price, by special act of the Legislature, seven acres of public land on the river along the line of Blake Street back to Fall Creek, starting at the head of the old bridge, and by December, 1831, had a large four-story frame building with an attic fin- ished, and early the succeeding year had machinery for a grist-mill, with bolting apparatus — the first of the kind here — in operation, with a saw-mill that was kept quite busy usually, and a carding-machine that worked fitfully. The entire machinery, from boilers to bolting-cloths, was hauled here on wagons from Cincinnati, it is said, but it is probable that a part of it came on the first and only steamer that ever reached Indianapolis. In a year or two the failure of the disproportionate enterprise was assured. It was too big for the place and the times. The ma- chinery was sold for old iron, and the building made a haunt for idle boys, till the Messrs. Geisendorfi' attempted to revive the woolen manufacture there in 1847, with little success. They left it in 1852, and on the night of the 16th of November, 1853, it was burned down. The fate of the first Indianapolis manufacturing establishment could hardly be consid- ered auspicious. Contemporaneously, or nearly, with the ginseng factory and the old steam-mill, a man by the name of Bagwell made cigars in a shanty on the southwest corner of Maryland and Illinois Streets, just south of one of the horse-power carding-machines of that day. His operations were too slight to be worth attention except as the first appearance of an industry of very considerable importance now, and forty-five years ago of a good deal more proportionately than now. About the time he disappeared, which was about the time the steam-mill gave up finally, the manufacture of tobacco was begun on a scale of production and general distribution that made it of State value and interest. This was in 1835, by the late William Hannaman and Caleb Scudder (the pioneer cabinet- maker of the city), at that time partners in the drug business. Their factory was on the west side of Kentucky Avenue, on the site of, and occupying as one of its buildings, the old horse-power carding- machine house of hewed logs. Here they made both plug and " fine-cut" — but little of the latter — and cigars. A fire destroyed the whole establish- ment in 1838, causing an uninsured loss — nobody insured in those days — of ten thousand dollars. John Cain, a long time postmaster, afterwards, and later Robert L. Walpole, owned the establishment, with Charles Cooper as manager. About a year before the establishment of the first tobacco-factory, in 1834, a Mr. John S. Barnes and Williamson Maxwell began making linseed oil in an old frame stable on the alley south of Maryland Street, within a half-square of the line of the canal which was dug some four years later. Scudder and Hannaman bought them out in 1835, and in 1839 moved the mill into their new woolen-mill building, near where the water-works building is now. Their machinery could not compete with Cincinnati hydraulic presses, and they quit. About 1842, Edwin Hedderly and the late Edwin J. Peck manufactured lard-oil here quite extensively, but it was a mushroom growth and never amounted to much. This is all there ia of the early manufacture of oils and tobacco here. Daniel Yandes, with John Wilkins, had a tannery on South Alabama Street as early as 1823. About the year 1833 they formed a partnership with Mr. William M. Black, now of this city, to carry on the tanning business in Mooresville, in this State. Up to 1835 we have the seed planted and more or ] less production, in a small way, of grist- and lumber- I mills, woolen-mills, distilleries, tanneries, oil- and to- ! bacco-factories. Ginseng was an accident. The first attempt at iron manufacture was made in 1832, con- temporaneously with the active existence of the old steam-mill, by R. A. McPherson & Co., on the west side of the river, near the end of the National road bridge, which was completed the year following. It was a losing affair, working for local service, and continued but a few years. About 1835 it went out. The year 1835 marks a sort of era in the history of Indianapolis industries. Then, or but a few months earlier, started the pioneer factories and mills which 444 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. have continued by active succession till now. Then ■wa.s established the first tobacco-factory ; the first linseed-oil factory a little earlier ; the first stone-yard and stone-cutting machinery, by William Spears, west corner of Washington Street and Kentucky Avenue ; the first brewery, by John L. Young, on the south side of Maryland Street, half-way between the canal (1838 or 1839) and West Street ; the first mattress- factory, by Frank Devinney, near the canal crossing of Maryland Street ; the fir.st plane-factory, by Young & Pottage, site of Hubbard's Block ; the first perma- nent and profitable iron-foundry, maintained for nearly twenty years, by Robert Underbill, for a time joined by John Wood, the first private banker here ; and last, but greatest in results, the first pork-packing was done, in 1835. Ist. Food Products. — Pork Packing. In this year James Bradley, now of Johnson County, asso- ciated with one or two partners, bought hogs ready killed and cleaned of farmers, cut and cured them in a log house on the site of the Chamber of Commerce (first used as a pottery by a man named Myers), and lost money at it. The ill result of the speculation checked the embryotic industry for several years, but in 1840, John H. Wright, son-in-law of the late Jeremiah Mansur, father of Frank and Dr. Mansur Wright, came here from Richmond, and in 1841 began, in connection with his father-in-law and his brother-in-law, William Mansur, to buy slaughtered hogs of farmers for goods from his store, and packed them in an old frame building, once a blacksmith- shop, on the northeast corner of Maryland and Me- ridian Streets. They also bought and packed a large amount of pork at Broad Ripple, and both from that point and this, shipped their produce south during the winter and spring freshets in the river. This mode of operation they kept up till the completion of the Madison Railroad, in September, 1847, gave them a speedier and handier mode of reaching a market, and from that time the flat-boat has been as wholly unknown here as the trireme of the old Ro- mans. The late Isaiah Mansur joined his brother, and the Mansurs and Mr. Wright killed their hogs in a building on the river-bank, at the west end of the old bridge, and cut and packed them in a building on the we.st side of what is now the depot of the Jeffersonville Railroad. About that time Benjamin I. Blythe and Edwin Hedderly began packing in a house where Frank Landers' establishment is now. The Mansurs got this in 1854. In 1852-53, Macy & McTaggart began killing and packing in a house near the east end of the Vandalia Railroad bridge. In 1855, Col. Allen May killed and packed on the west side of the river, near the Crawfordsville road bridge. He failed in two years, and his house burned down the third year, 1858. In 1863-64 the Kingans built their house, which was almost totally destroyed by fire in the spring of 1865. They rebuilt at once, and have since enlarged their establishment to treble it-s origi- nal capacity, and include extensions of the business never contemplated at the outset. This gigantic establishment is second to none in the world, except one in Chicago, in extent, and to none in completeness of arrangement and amplitude of accommodations and facilities for every process of the business. It is the matured product of twenty years of improvement, directed by experience and enterprise, employing ample means. The various buildings cover ten acres of the thirteen constituting the entire site of the establishment. Some years ago, finding their space inadequate, the company pur- chased the Ferguson Pork- House, directly south, on the other side of the tracks used by the St. Louis, the Bloomington and Western, and Decatur and Springfield Railroads, and connected the two by tun- nels under the tracks, making the cellars one vast ex- cavation, packed with meat and lighted with gas and electricity. In a large part of the old establishment there are two stories of cellars. In all these, where meat is stored preparatory to shipment, a steady tem- perature is maintained by artificial processes, so that the soundness of the product is assured. But to make assurance doubly sure, every ham, and shoulder, and piece of side-meat is probed through, and its con- dition perfectly ascertained before it is shipped. It may be as well to say here that the Kingan house kills and packs for the English market, and was the first house in the United States to prepare hog-meat in the style demanded by English consum- Monia Street Bridge. Union t;iuck Yards. Indianapolis and Vincennes R. E. Bridge. Yandalia B. B. Bridge. Hog Pens. Indianapolis and St. LouiR R. K. Bridge. Stable. f>unth Wait-lious'-' Furgiison House. SU Kl @ ^ Kl P>©lf5K Dining Room. Sausage Department. Rofrigerating Works. Kiugan Housp. Wholesale Houbp. East WarahooM. Meat Market. Office. Liuil House. Boiler House. Sniuke HouspB. Sliitiglitt^r Huusi'. Mediauic Sliops. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 445 ere. The details of the process would require too much time to describe here, and would be irrelevant to the purpose of this sketch. It is enough to say that the meat, chiefly hams, is trimmed, salted, and laid away in perfect order in the huge dry cellars, and left lying a certain number of days, during which so much curing is done as is required for the special demand to be supplied. The product of each day's killing and packing is put by itself, with slats, and signs set through it marked with the date of the deposit. When the time comes this pile of hams of 3000 to 5000 hogs is put on the cars, and sent across the Atlantic, without waiting orders or dependent on market quotations. The business goes right on like the sale of goods between a factory and its ware- hou.se. Of course, a large business is done in the home market, with transient customers and orders, as they come, but the dependence of the house is its English business. The factory is in Indianapolis ; the warehouse and salesroom in Liverpool. The extent of the business may be judged from a few facts. The number of hogs killed is about 500,000 a year, or at the rate of about 5000 a day in winter and 2500 a day in summer. The estab- lishment has the capacity to do more than this if pushed, but so much it can do regularly and certainly. It employs 600 hands in summer, and 1250 in winter. It may be noted here that Kingan's was the first house in the country — certainly the first in Indiana — to kill in the summer, and cool the hogs by ice and an artificial process. In this it did the best thing that any manufacturer ever did for the agricultural interest of Indiana. It enabled a farmer to sell his hogs as well and readily in July as in January. He was not compelled to keep them on stock feed for six or eight months before he could begin fattening for the market, at a dead loss of every bushel of corn they ate and all the time consumed. The money invested was no longer compelled to lie idle while the hoga were worrying through hot weather to the following season. The farmer could begin feeding for the packer the day he bought his stock, and the sooner he got it up to the market standard the sooner he made his profit and the larger it was. It also employed 600 or 700 men who would otherwise have been idle. In cooling hogs, to get rid of the animal heat, an apparatus and process invented by George Stockman of this city are used with entire success and greater cheapness than any hitherto devised. The occasional variableness of winter weather is equalized by the same means, so that the house is not forced to suspend work, as all pork-houses used to do, when a warm day comes. The average weight of the hogs killed at Kingan's is about 220 pounds, showing a net result of about 175 of meat. The annual value is about $7,000,000. The shipments amount to 4000 cars a year, while there is sold at home, for shipment and in the market-rooms belonging to the establishment, about $45,000 worth of meat, fresh and cured, per week, or $2,300,000 a year. It takes 13,000,000 pounds of salt a year to cure the meat, 500,000 pounds of salt- petre, 1,000,000 pounds of sugar, and 20,000 tons of ice. To ship it requires 150,000 boxes and crates, and 75,000 tierces for lard and hams. For sale and immediate consumption there are made 6000 pounds of sausage daily. The hogs, when killed and scalded, are scraped by machinery invented in the house by some of the men engaged there. An unbroken stream of dead hogs, alive and squealing ten seconds before, pours along the tables from the sticking-pens to the scalding-troughs and scraping-machines inces- santly from daylight to dark, and often longer, and as rapidly they are hurried in to the " gutter," the original " Col. Gutrippah," who can dispose of half a dozen a minute, and from him are sent flying down a little elevated railroad track, from which they are suspended to the huge low room, where they hang by thousands literally, to cool oflF sufficiently for the cut- ters and salters. Following up the carcass of any particular hog, we find it taken from the cooling- room, after the animal heat has been all removed, to a group of big blocks, set in a square form around, and in which a crowd of men swing up and down incessantly flashing cleavers, in a wild, stormy fashion, with no measure or rest, reminding one of the fierce, irregular motions of the claymores rising and falling in the fight of the clans at the " North Inch." Here the hog is divided, the pieces trimmed, and the fin- ished product dropped through a slide into the room 446 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. below, where the salters take it, and when they are through, send it down to the packers, who lay it away, marked and dated, till the shipping tinne comes. It is the full occupation of a busy day to go through this huge establishment, and merely note the processes and the crowds of busy men who carry them on. Electric lights are used all through the different departments, the machinery being worked by a su- perb Corliss engine, made at the Atlas Works here. Besides these, no less than 86500 worth of gas and candles is used for lighting. It takes 750 cars of coal a year — 14 tons to a car — to supply the heat required, and 20 carpenters and 2 blacksmiths are con- stantly employed, consuming 50 car-loads of lumber in repairs of one kind or another, exclusive of the men employed in the coopering- and box-shops. The stables attached to the establishment contain 25 horses, employed in market-wagons and otherwise. A large market-room for the supply of daily custom- ers in the city has been added within the last six or eight years, and here all the fresh meat is kept cold by artificial cold currents of air ; and neat, active young clerks in the traditional white aprons cut up the steaks and hams and roasts on marble counters, and conduct all the details of an ordinary meat-shop, as if it were not a mere attachment or little excres- cence of the huge slaughter- and packing-house back of it upon the rear. This establishment has a rail- road of its own turning out of the yard at a track at Missouri Street, and fills pretty much all of the space between Helen Street and the river, and Maryland Street and the Vandalia Railroad and freight-yard. The taxes are about $10,000 a year. Within the past four years Mr. Thomas Kingan, the original manager of the business, has retired permanently) and has been succeeded by Mr. Samuel Sinclair, by whom many extensive and valuable improvements have been made. The Landers establishment occupies the buildings, though with much improvement and a great exten- sion of business, of the Blythe & Hedderly and W. & I. Mansur house, the oldest now standing in the city. The amount of packing done by Mr. Landers in the last report was about $1,000,000 a year. A railroad-track from the Lafayette, or Cincinnati, In- dianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago, road passes along the mill-race from the canal, and over the low ground northwest to Blake Street, and there enters the pack- ing-house, about a square north of the National road and the old bridge. Directly south of Kingan's are the ruins of the second Ferguson pork-house, which was built south of the Vandalia Railroad and round- house, at the west end of Greenlawn Cemetery, soon after the first house, on the north side of the Vandalia and just south of the St. Louis road, was sold to Kingan. It did a large business both in summer and winter killing, but was entirely burned in February, 1881, and was never rebuilt, the proprietors removing to Chicago. At the south end of the old cemetery, opposite the foot of Merrill Street, is the pork-house of McMurtry & Co., built some ten or twelve years ago by Holmes, Pettit & Bradshaw. These latter gave it up about three years ago to the present pro- prietors, who have been doing a large and safe busi- ness. Coffin, Greenstreet & Fletcher built their present house in 1873, on the east bluff of White River bottom, at the foot of Ray Street. Their busi- ness, by the last statement, was about like that of the other houses, except Kingan's, — a million a year. A railroad-track connects this house with the Vincennes road, along the river-bank, on what, in early times, were the " High Banks." A very short side-track from the same road connects with the McMurtry house. It would be interesting to know something about the extent of the pork business in early times, but no record has been made, and nothing can be learned but from the memories of the few connected with it who remain. It is probable that the total number of hogs killed during the season by the two houses of the Mansurs and Blythe & Hedderly did not exceed 20,000. In 1873 the whole number of hogs killed and packed here was 295,766, value of $7,614,000. In 1878 the number was 776,000; in 1879, 667,- 000; in 1880, 746,000 ; in 1881, 472,494; in 1882, 306,000. In 1878 and in 1880 Indianapolis was the third pork-packing point in the world, being ex- ceeded only by Chicago and Cincinnati. The falling off since 1880 has been the effect of short crops and tight business. The value of the hog product of the MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OP INDIANAPOLIS. 447 city in 1880 was $10,516,000, the largest in any one year. General Butcherino. — The earliest butcher of Indianapolis was Wilkes Reagan, who sold his meat in the grove in the Circle. There was not much for a butcher to do in those days, for the pioneer could get his meat for the powder and lead that would kill it by walking about through the woods that the town was lost in I Butchers came though, as usual, with the growth of the town, and killed in little houses located on the outskirts, and sold in the East Market, which was all there was. But even then no inconsiderable part of a family's meat- food was bought of farmers or raised and killed at home, poultry par- ticularly being almost always a home growth. Win- ter supplies were commonly a family job in the prep- aration, the whole hogs or quarters of beef being bought of farmers and cut up and cured by the united labor of everybody about the house that was big enough to lift a ham or hand salt. The smoking was done in the family smoke-house, and to this day the out-house in which are stored the family provis- ions is called a smoke-house by old residents and their children, though never a pound of meat was smoked within a mile of it. Not unfrequently the town householder raised his own pigs, as well as chickens, killed them a little before Christmas time, and provided his own winter meat throughout, as well as a good part of his summer supply. Thus the butcher did not figure largely in the economy of In- dianapolis till after the growth impelled by the advance of the railroad system made country supplies inadequate and forced a greater dependence on the butcher. He was then, as now, usually a German. Gradually, with the increase of butchering, came a resort to private meat-markets in localities that were handier to consumers than the public market. One of the earliest and largest of these was that of Tweed & Gulick, the latter of whom was candidate for sher- iff in 1858, but beaten by William J. Wallace, whom the Supreme Court ruled out because he was holding the office of mayor of the city at the. time of his elec- tion as sheriff. There were a dozen others at that time. Now there are 113 meat-shops, exclusive of Kingan's, which does as much business as the greater part of all the others together. The aggregate amount of the business it is impossible to say. Until within the period since the war the butchers of the city usually did their killing each for himself, and there were slaughter-houses scattered all about in the suburbs and sometimes in the more densely set- tled parts. The lower portion of the canal, below the present line of the street, was a favorite locality for them, and the block facing the swamp or glade in the east bottom of the river, along what is now South Meridian Street. In later years the tendency has been towards the Paris abattoir system of having all the slaughtering done in a few places or one. Within a year the Abattoir Company has given a strong impulse to this wholesome change by buying and greatly enlarging the beef slaughter-house at the west end of the Morris Street bridge, and mak- ing ample provision there for all the slaughtering required. There was some talk of the Stock- Yard Company establishing an abattoir, but nothing came of it. The Exchange Stock- Yard, at the south end of the Vincennes Railroad bridge, had such a slaughter-house connected with it, but the yard went out of business when the larger yard farther south was completed ; and the slaughter-house has declined or gone out of business, too. Hides and Tanning. — There are several estab- lishments in the city that deal in the hides and pelts produced at the slaughter-houses, — the Abattoir Company, for one ; Messrs. Rauh, on the Belt road and South Pennsylvania Street ; Allerdice, south- west corner of South and Meridian Streets ; Hide Leather Company, South Meridian ; Lewitt & Co., West Indianapolis, on Vincennes Railroad ; Mooney & Sons, South Street ; Lewark, West Pearl ; Stevens, South Meridian ; and Gallaway, South Meridian. The first tannery in the town was that of Daniel Yandes and John Wilkins, which occupied nearly all of the ground south of Washington Street, on the east side of Alabama to the creek. It was established about sixty years ago. Mr. William M. Black, a prominent member of the Masonic order in this city, learned the trade with this firm, and in 1833 formed a partnership with them for four years in a tannery at Mooresville, Morgan Co. The con- 448 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. nection continued till 1858. About 1840 a second tannery was begun on South Pennsylvania Street, west side, just below Maryland. This filled the swampy street — Pennsylvania Street and all the re- gion of the creek-bottom east of Meridian to Ala- bama Street was either swamp or wet bottom — with great piles of tan-bark, on which it was the delight of school boys to repeat the jumps and tumbles of the last circus performers. As noted elsewhere in this chapter, this tannery gave way to a stage repair- shop in five or six years. These were the only tan- neries over established in the city limits. Some years later, after the decadence of the West mills at Cot- tontown, a large and flourishing tannery was estab- lished there by Mr. John Fishback, but that has disappeared. There are three tanning establish- ments now iu the city, Borst & Co., J. K. Sharpe, Jr., and Robert Schmidt. There are no statistics to show the amount of the leather trade now, \>\it of hides, pelts, and tallow the total was over $1,500^000 last year. Fertilizers are a direct result of the manufacture of animal food, and the establishments devoted to | their manufacture may be briefly noticed here. They are a growth of the last decade, mainly, and are all on the west side of the river. The first was started by Mr. Lannay, at the foot of West Street, during the war, but was abandoned in three or four years, and changed to a soap-factory. The most ex- tensive fertilizer factory about the city, a " blood drying" house, built by Crocker & Becker some four years ago, at the crossing of the Belt and Vandalia and St. Louis roads, has been abandoned. Another extensive one is carried on upon the Sellers farm, three miles southwest, a site bought by the city pur- posely for important but unfragrant industries. A related business is " rendering," or tallow-making, carried on here chiefly by the Abattoir Company and Lewitt & Co., both in West Indianapolis. Mince-Meat. — The Adams Packing Company on South Alabama Street do a large business in the preparation and packing of mince-meat, which they ship to all parts of the country. The annual amount of this and the packing associated with it is about «150,000 a year. Orain-Orinding. — The early grist-mills alluded to above worked only for home consumption, on grain brought by farmers in wagons, or by farmers' boys on horseback. Usually the bag was unloaded di- rectly into the hopper, and the farmer or his boy waited about, fishing around the dam, or shopping in the town, till the grist was ground, and the meal — it was oftener meal than flour — went back in the same bag, and on the same day it came. There was do bolting apparatus in any mill of that time in the New Purchase till the steam-mill of 1832 put one in its machinery, and all grain went back home in the bran, for the housewife to sift out as well as she could, as related in the general history. The first mill of a more pretentious character was built in 1840, by John Carlisle, at the south end of the basin into which ran the race from the canal at Market Street. It was the first merchant mill in the town, but its flour, like the pork of early packing, was harder to get to market than to make. It was wholly burned down in 1856, but immediately rebuilt and maintained till the still larger mills in the same vicinity succeeded it. Con- temporaneously with the Carlisle mill, or a year or two earlier, there was a mill at the crossing of the canal by the Michigan road, afterwards called " Cottontown," from a cotton-mill erected there a little later than the grist-mill. Both were built by Nathaniel West, who owned a large tract of land on Fall Creek at that point, which now constitutes a large part of the northwestern portion of the city. After the close of the war the GeisendorflF brothers rebuilt or replaced the grist-mill and made it a much larger establishment than before, and a few years later built one of the finest mills in the State on the site of the old steam-mill destroyed about twenty years before. Robert R. Underbill built a large four-story frame mill,- — all mills were frame in those days, — a few years after the opening of the canal, on the blufiF bank of the swamp just east of which the BlufiF road, now South Meridian Street, ran. The blufiF gave him a good head for his power, and the canal gave him water through a race starting from the east side at the head of the upper wooden look. Some- times struggling, sometimes prosperous, this mill was run for thirty years, not unfrequently stopping alto- MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 449 gether and becoming a haunt for tramps. But some six or eight years ago it was turned into a mattress- factory, and was in a fairly prosperous condition, when it took fire one morning the past winter and was utterly destroyed. In 1848, Gen. T. A. Morris built a flouring-mill on the northeast corner of Meridian Street and the Union tracks, at the east end of the Union Depot site, and carried on merchant milling there success- fully, but the mill burned in 1853. It was never re- built or replaced by another at another point. In this establishment was first used the automatic or machine- packing apparatus, which steadily and regularly kept the flour, as it entered the barrels from the bolting- cloths, pressed smoothly down. Some years after the destruction of this mill the changes began on the canal basin that have covered all the available ground there with flouring-mills, and recently with apparatus of the new kind, which substituted chilled iron rollers for stones, and saves all the flour that used to stick to the bran. The Gibson mills at least have made this substitution. The Skiller mill has been idle for several years. Some embarrassment in the affairs of the Gibson mills caused their sale last summer, but not their suspension. There are now nine flouring- mills in the city and near it. The Arcade on West Maryland Street, at the crossing of Missouri, belong- ing to Blanton, Watson & Co. (steam), originally built by Mr. Carlisle and his son Harry D. in 1868 as the Home Mill, and conducted by them till 1874 ; since 1879 the present proprietors have had it. The capacity is about 200 barrels a day. The rollers are used here. It was burned in May, 1881, but rebuilt and reopened in December. The Hoosier State Mills, owned by Richardson & Evans, on the site of the old steam-mill, contains 30 sets of rolls, with a capacity of 350 barrels a day; were burned in 1880, but got in running order in August. Jacob Ehrerman, on Clifford Avenue and Archer Street ; Monroe & Len- non, Shelby Street ; Schofield, on Fall Creek ; Har- vest Mill, on Eagle Creek near the Vandalia road; Union Star Mill, formerly Buscher's brewery, changed to a mill in 1870, owned by Frederick Prange since 1880, capacity 50 barrels a day ; City Mills, Holmes & Hartman, East Washington Street, No. 354 (rollers and stones), capacity about 50 barrels in 24 hours. The capacity of all the flouring-mills is stated by Mr. Blake, secretary of the Board of Trade, at 500,000 barrels a year. Hominy. — Flour is not the only product of grain- grinding, though the largest. The Indianapolis Hominy-Mill uses about 2000 bushels of corn a day in making hominy, grits, and corn-flour. It was burned twice within a year, in June and October, 1881, but has been rebuilt in better condition and larger than ever. It is situated at the crossing of Palmer Street and the Jeffersonville Railroad, and is now owned by M. A. Downing and E. F. Claypool, late of the Belt road management. Hall's Western Hominy-Mill, at the crossing of Kentucky Avenue and the Belt road, west side, uses about 1000 bushels of corn a day, and turns out about $150,000 worth of hominy, corn-flour, and feed a year. It began opera- tions in August, 1882, with a capital of $25,000. James Kelly's mill, 430 North Alabama Street, is a smaller establishment. The annual product of all is about $500,000. Brewing. — Without entering into the controversy concerning the nutritive character of malt liquors, the manufacture may be briefly treated in this con- nection as closely related to the topic of grain products. The first brewery was put in opera- tion here in 1834 or 1835, by John L. Young and William Wernweg, contractor for the National road bridges. It stood on the south side of Maryland Street, half-way between the line of the future Canal and West Street. It was not a very extensive or profitable establishment, and appears to have sunk almost entirely out of view as a source of business by 1840. It was next known under the management of Mr. Faux, about 1841 or 1842. He was a French- man, who bought frog-legs of the boys for beer, and made a good deal of his profit by selling yeast to the housewives of the town to make light or raised bis- cuit at a time when bakor's bread was not held in high esteem, and every respectable household ex- pected its bread hot at every meal. Not long after, Mr. Faux moved to Noble and Washington Streets and opened a brewery there, and some one else, Mr. John Philip Meikel probably, continued that at the 450 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. old stand. He removed it in a few years to the old Carlisle House, a three-story frame palace, built west of West Street in 1848 for a fashionable hotel, but would not pass for it, and there it collapsed a few years ago. About the time the war broke out Frank Wright established an ale-brewery on Blake Street, a little north of the Landers pork-house, which con- tinued in successful operation about twelve years, but finally succumbed to the superior attractiveness of lager and suspended. The early breweries made nothing but what was called strong beer. It was neither ale nor lager, and none of it is made now, so that it is hard to describe it to one who knows nothing of it experimentally. Mr. Wright's brewery was the first to make ale, and Mr. C. P. Schmidt's, since be- come famous under the management of his widow and sons as Schmidt's brewery, was the first to make lager, at least in any merchantable quantity or con- dition. Mr. Schmidt began brewing lager in 1858-59, on the site where the present huge establishment stands, filling a whole block south of McCarty to Wyoming, at the head of Alabama Street. A recent statement says the original brewery building remains, two stories high, 93 by 40 feet, with a two-and-a-half story brick ice-house 60 by 80 feet, with cellars 94 by 85 feet, and a new brick ice-house, directly on McCarty Street, able to hold 1800 tons of ice on the second story, with cellars two stories in depth, con- structed with stone and iron ; a stable one and a half stories in height and 50 by 120 feet in dimensions; a two-story bottling-house 60 by 130 feet in dimen- sions. An additional building 40 by 115 feet in size, is occupied as a malt-house ; and in the various depart- ments a force of 70 hands is employed and 50 horses with 30 wagons are required to deliver the beer to city customers. The bottling department was started as recently as 1881, yet about thirty barrels are bottled daily. The house owns extensive ice-ponds north- west of the city and large ice-houses erected there, not less than 10,000 tons of ice being annually re- quired in the business. The sales for the year 1882 reached nearly 60,000 barrels. The cellars and vaults are among the finest in the West, and have an aggregate storage capacity for 25,000 barrels. Lieber's brewery, on Madison Avenue below Mor- ris Street, backing upon the JeflFersonville Railroad, is a considerably younger establishment than the pre- ceding, but is little inferior in the extent of its busi- ness, and notably in the character of its product. The present proprietor, Peter Lieber, is the founder of the business, and its success is the result of his energy, enterprise, and honorable dealing. The same may be said of Maus' brewery, on the Fall Creek race, near the intersection of New York and Agnes Streets. It was established by Mr. Caspar Maus, father of the present managers, and by him pushed to a point of marked success, when he died, leaving his sons to carry on the en-terprise with the same energy and prudence that established it, and is now constantly enlarging it. The annual product is about $200,000. The secretary of the Board of Trade says of the brewing interest of the city, " that our breweries" — there are but three that amount to anything now — " buy enough malt, hops, barley, ice, and other arti- cles to form a good market." And adds, " However, two of them are substituting ' cold-air machines' in- stead of ice for cooling purposes, which is said to produce much better results in every way. In short, it is safe to say that the breweries of Indianapolis have no superiors in the completeness of their ap- pointments and the quality of their products ; and it is well known that they ' hold their own' in competi- tion with other cities." Total capital of breweries for 1882 $715,000 Value of raw material used in 1882 469,500 Wages paid during 1882 103,100 Total value of manufactured product 733,000 Several breweries in other cities have agencies here, and distribute their beer as the Indianapolis breweries do. Distilling. — Liquor-making, in spite of the abun- dance of corn, has never been an important or even considerable business in Indianapolis, and during a large part of the city's existence there has been no distillery at all in or near it. The reason of so ex- ceptional a lack of enterprise in a direction so likely to be profitable is probably to be found in the com- pletion of establishments with the great advantages of water transportation in their favor. There was a MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OP THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 451 distillery on or near the Bayou nearly as early as the Yandes mill, and its product was as famous in the neighborhood as any present brand of strangling liquor from " Jersey Lightning" to " Robinson County." It seems to have disappeared, though, by the time the town organization was first formed. Somewhere about the time of the completion of the Madison Railroad Capt. Cain established a dis- tillery on the northeast border of the town, outside the " donation," and kept it in operation a few years, apparently with little advantage. About the same time, or rather earlier, the late Jacob Landis built a small distillery on Pleasant Run, in connection with a mill run by water from the creek, brought by a race along the south face of the bluiF at the lower end of the Catholic cemetery. Some few years later the still- house passed to the hands of some of the farmers along Pleasant Run, Mr. DeMotte or Mr. Hoefgen, but it went to decay some years ago, and there is no trace of it or the mill-race discernible now. A few years after the close of the war the Mount Jackson distillery was built, close to Little Eagle Creek, and has been run fitfully, with long intervals of suspen- sion, ever since. It has been in court sometimes, too, and recently was sold on some judicial order. It is the only distillery about the city, or that has been for twenty-five years or more. It is a business that does not enter into any report or estimate of the city's condition or trade. Baking, — One of the settlers of 1820 was Conrad Broussell or Brussell, a baker, who, from Mr. Now- land's account, began his professional work very soon after his arrival. But it was a whole generation after the settlement before the people became so far alienated from old home fashions as to substitute the baker's loaf f«r the home-made biscuit and " salt- rising" bread. Of course there were some who had been accustomed to "bought bread," and on these the early baker or two of the town depended for a living. Others learned the fashion later, but it is doubtful if the baker would ever have banished home- made bread as far as he has if he had not been aided by other agencies. As the town grew and immigra- tion increased, the domestics, who had been in the past, girls from the country, daughters of well-to-do farmers, who wanted to live awhile in town, or rela- tives of the family who were willing to help with the house-work for their board, gave place to foreigners, who, as capable and careful as they might be, could not replace the home-trained girl of the farm. The latter had been brought up to do the family cooking with her mother since she could handle a knife or a rolling-pin, and she could do home-baking as well as the mistress. The foreign substitute could not. Thus it came that the housewife had to go back to her " dough-board" and " tray," or buy her bread ready made. This was one contributing influence. An- other and more powerful, no doubt, was the tendency of all communities to substitute paid for personal labor as they grow older and richer. At all events, the first generation of Indianapolitans ate bread made at home, as a good many do yet, and it is mainly since the war that bakers' wagons and daily visits have become as much a part of the average household life as the morning wash or the evening meal. The chief product of the baker's art in old times was the " hoosior bait," as related in the general his- tory ; and " baker Brown," whq kept a place on Fort Wayne Avenue, or near by, and sold gingerbread in " fip" squares, with spruce beer, — a sort of exagger- ated pop, very like " ginger ale," — made a little money and a good deal of business reputation that would have been a fortune to him now. In later days, when the professional bread-maker came more largely into the daily supply of the town's necessities, the business fell into the hands of Germans chiefly, as it is now and has been all the time. Most of them work for daily customers and household service, but a few do a larger business, and supply markets all through the West. The oldest of these is the present Taggart establishment, which was begun soon after the completion of the Madison Railroad, by Hugh Thompson, a Scotchman, whose first establishment was on the corner of Delaware and South Streets, but subsequently removed to East Street, when it passed into the hands of the Taggart Brothers. Recently one of them bought the old and extensive South-Side bakery of Anthony Ball, on Illinois Street below the Union depot. The brothers, singly or together, do a great deal of cracker-baking. The next oldest large 452 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. establishment is that of Parrott & Nickum, 190 and 192 East Washington Street. They succeeded Alexander Metzgar in 1862, and now occupy three floors, each 40 by 195 feet, using 100 barrels of the best flour daily. Their business amounts to $150,000 a year, and extends throughout all the adjacent States. Bryce's steam bakery, 14 and 16 East South Street, was established in 1870 by Peter F. Bryce, a level-headed, enterprising, big-hearted Scotch- man. He uses 7 wagons and 25 employes in his bouse, and supplies over 300 customers daily, besides selling a good deal at wholesale for shipment abroad. His consumption of flour is about two hundred bar- rels a week. Mr. Bryce represented his ward in the Council one term, and made a very eflScient and pop- ular councilman. There are altogether some 51 bakeries in the city, but these are the chief estab- lishments in the wholesale trade. The Indianapolis Cracker Company may be noted as one of the leading city industries of this class. Starch-Making.— W. F. Piel & Co.'s starch-fac- tory is located in the southwest part of Indianapolis, on grounds bounded east and north by Dakota and Morris Streets, and bordering White River on the west, and is the only establishment of the kind in the city. The business was established in the spring of 1867 by W. F. Piel, Edward Mueller, Charles Wischmier, and Henry Burke, who formed a partnership for the purpose, and built the Union Starch-Factory, on East New York Street, just outside the corporation limits. It was a brick building one hundred feet square, in which were included the entire works, all under one roof. Their capacity was about two hundred bushels of corn per day, and they employed from thirty to thirty-five men. On the night of Oct. 8, 1868, the factory was totally destroyed by fire, supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. New buildings of about the same capacity were erected on the same site immedi- ately afterward, and the business was continued by the firm until October, 1872, when Messrs. Mueller, Wischmier, and Burke sold their interests to E. Birchard, who then became associated with Mr. Piel in the business, and it was carried on by them until April, 1873, when the partnership was dissolved, and the Union Starch- Factory ceased operations. In March, 1873, Mr. Piel formed a partnership with Mr. Andrew Erckenbrecker, of Cincinnati, under the firm-name of W. F. Piel & Co., which has since remained unchanged. The object of the partnership was to erect and operate extensive starch-works in Indianapolis, on a more eligible site than that of the old factory on New York Street. For this purpose they purchased about fifteen acres of land (a part of the property on which the works now stand), and in June of the same year commenced the erection of two brick buildings, each one hundred and thirty by one hundred feet in size and three stories high. Tracks were laid connecting the manufactory with the main line of the Vandalia Railroad, the grading being done at the expense of Piel & Co. The works were com- pleted and put in operation in March, 1874, employ- ing eighty hands, and using five hundred bushels of corn per day in the manufacture of starch. Since that time numerous additions have been made, and the business has been largely extended. The factory grounds — originally about fifteen acres — have been increased to about thirty-one acres by sub- sequent purchases of adjoining lands, — viz., ten acres purchased in the fall of 1878, and a lot of about six acres in 1882. A brick building one hundred by twenty-eight feet and twenty-five feet high was erected in 1875 for storage of corn. On the ten- acre tract purchased in 1878 the firm erected, in the following spring, a brick building one hundred by one hundred and thirty feet and two stories high, to be used for packing and storage purposes. Sub- sequently (1882) this building was raised to three stories in height, and in the same year a brick " run- house" was built, eighty by two hundred feet in size. Originally the motive-power of the factory was furnished by a one hundred horse steam-engine. Two smaller engines (of twenty and twenty-five horse-power respectively) have since been added, and now (November, 1883) the firm has in process of construction by a noted builder of Milwaukee a " Corliss" engine of three hundred horse-power to replace the first one. When the factory is put in ^:^w (^(^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 453 operation (about Jan. 1, 1884) with the new engine and some other contemplated improvements', its capacity will be two thousand five hundred bushels of corn per day, employing from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty men. William F. Piel is of Prussian ancestry, and the son of Cort Henry Piel, who was born and lived in Dankarsen, near Minden, in Prussia, where he fol- lowed farming employments. He married Katarina Poppe, of Larbeck, in the same judicial district, and had children, — Mary, Henry, Frederick, Katarina, Charles, Christian, William P., and Ernst, of whom five are living. William F., who is the subject of this biographical sketch, was born at the home in Dankarsen, Prussia, on the 23d of April, 1823, and there remained during his early youth under the care of his brother Henry, who became owner of the prop- erty on the death of the mother. At the age of sev- enteen be chose the trade of a cooper, and followed it for seven years at the nominal sum of twenty-five dol- lars per year. On attaining his twenty-fourth year he decided to emigrate to America, and landing in Baltimore on the 8th of August, 1846, he came direct to Indianapolis. Here, from the time of his arrival until 1858, he followed his trade. Circum- stances influenced him at this juncture to change his business and embark in mercantile ventures. After keeping for some years a country store, with a stock adapted to general trade, he in 1867 sold out, and the same year began the erection of a starch-factory in the suburbs of the city, the firm by which the busi- ness was established embracing four partners. This was continued until 1872, when Mr. Piel purchased the entire interest and secured another partner, who continued for a brief period. In 1873 he formed a business connection with Andrew Erkenbrecher, of Cincinnati. Under this partnership the capacity of the factory has been greatly increased, two thousand bushels of corn being utilized in a single day. A large demand has been created for its products, one- third of the entire quantity produced being exported. Mr. Piel, by his energy, his indomitable persever- ance, and his business capacity, has placed himself in the foremost rank of manufacturers of the city of Indianapolis. In the midst of many discouragements. and with but few aids to success, he has brought the business of starch-manufacturing to a high degree of proficiency, and made it one of the most profitable industries of the West. Mr. Piel has been to some extent identified with the interests of the city, and was, as a Democrat, in 1879-80 elected one of its aldermen, the nomination for a second term hav- ing been declined by him. In his religious prefer- ences he is a member of Trinity German Lutheran Church of Indianapolis, of which he is also a trustee. His wife and children are members of the same church. Mr. Piel was on the 29th of January, 1849, married to Elonore Wishmeyr, of Frille, near Minden, Prussia. Their children are William F. (marrie^d to Miss Lizzie Meyer), Henry C. F. (mar- ried to Mary Ostermeyer), Charles F. W. (married to Lena Stroup), Amelia M. H. (who is Mrs. Henry Melcher, of Cleveland), Lena M. M., George H. W. (deceased), and Mary L. E. 2d. Wood Products. — The next most important industry in the amount of annual product, the capital invested, and the population supported, is of lumber and wood in various forms. It would be impossible, even if it would be of interest, to indicate the origin and growth of each separate class of manufactures of wood, and a summary of leading points must serve. Lumber-yards, and machinery for the manufacture of lumber products, are of comparatively recent date. Pine lumber was but little used for fifteen years after the completion of the first railroad, and was not really in general use until the close of the civil war. Before that poplar was the wood for house-work, for doors, windows, weather-boarding, and shingles, and ash for floors. Both are still used, poplar chiefly for the best weather-boarding and house-finishing, and ash for finishing and flooring, but not so extensively. Within about twenty years the use of pine has become almost universal for frame-work. Saw-mills are frequent enough for a Michigan pinery, and have been gathering in and about the city since the completion of the first railroad, or near it, but their work is mainly on the hard wood of the forests, which are so rapidly and mischievously dis- appearing. Besides the first saw-mill on Fall Creek, above Indiana Avenue, and the saw-mill attachment 464 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. to the old steam-mill, there was no sawing done in the town or its close vicinity till the Eaglesfield Mill was built, soon after the completion of the canal and the collection of an abundant water-power in the basin of one of the old ravines, where the water- works building is now. This mill continued in operation, more or less steadily, for ten or twelve years, and was succeeded by an oil-mill. In IStJl its place was taken by the paper-mill now belonging to Salisbury & Vinton. In 1849, Mr. Kortepeter started a saw-mill on South Pennsylvania Street. In 1857, Fletcher & Wells had one on Massachusetts Avenue. Gay & Stevens had another near the Madi- son Railroad depot the same year. John F. Hill built one on East Street in 1858, which was burned the next year and rebuilt. In connection with this mill, for a time, was operated the first shingle-machiiie in the city. In 1858, Messrs. Oif & Wishmeier ran a saw-mill in the northeast part of the city, on Rail- road Street, and Helwig & Blake had one on the canal the same year. Marsey built one on New Jersey Street in 1859, and the late James H. Mc- Kernan ran one a few years on Kentucky Avenue, mainly to cut up the sycamore growth of the Mc- Carty farm, for which he had contracted, and the lumber of which he used in building a large number of cheap residences in the southwestern part of the city, between the creek and the river, for workmen, who were allowed to count their rent as purchase- money, if they chose, and in a short time become owners, instead of tenants. -There are now 42 lum- ber-yards and dealers in the city, some with mills for sawing, some for sash, door, and blind work, some for hard wood, and some for all kinds. Besides these, certain classes of wood manufacturers keep large lumber-yards for their own use. Fourteen lumber-yards are reported by the secretary of the Board of Trade as doing a retail business to the amount of $1,500,000 of lumber, shingles, and laths the past year, while the whole lumber trade is esti- mated at $3,000,000. The trade in black walnut is kept up, but not so extensively as formerly. The walnut woods of In- diana are practically exhausted. Their lumber was the best in the market. Indiana walnut commands the best price and the greatest sale in Europe, as well as at home. And the demand for it, when it had been held of little value for a lifetime, cleared it off with a rapidity that would have delighted the pioneer, who looked upon it as a sort of natural enemy of the farmer and the corn crop. Its place is supplied now by the walnut picked up by agents in all parts of the Mississippi Valley. Col. A. D. Streight, the largest dealer in the country, whose business has averaged $500,000 a year for fifteen years, gets his walnut from Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia, but ships much of it East directly without bringing it to his yards and mills in the city. Still, there are a dozen or so other dealers that do a considerable business in this and other hard lumber. It is worth noting in this connection that wild-cherry lumber is coming into demand again. For many years after the first settlement of the city cherry was the exclusive lumber of cabinet-work and orna- mental work generally, if any of that era can be called ornamental. Bureaus, bedsteads, tables, wash- stands, and all sorts of furniture were made of cherry. And it was especially the wood of coffins till the costly burial-cases of later days superseded it. Of course the wealthier people used mahogany, sometimes rosewood, or other tropical growths, but cherry was the lumber of the American average citi- zen, and the farmer. For a generation, however, cherry has been put aside, till a recent freak of fashion has reached it. Now it is used largely for car-finishing, and is especially in demand for ebon- izing purposes, as the wood makes very fine imitation ebony. For ordinary domestic use pine is the lumber of this region, as of the whole country. Even houses that are weather-boarded with poplar are framed of pine and shingled with pine, and the trade in it has grown to be one of the leading items of the commerce of the capital. The earliest, or among the earliest dealers in lumber, exclusively, in the city is the firm of Coburn & Jones. It was at first Coburn & Lingen- felter, and had the yard on the corner of New York and Delaware Streets in 1860. In 1862, William H. Jones, one of the early settlers of the city, and for MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 455 some yeans proprietor of a blacksmith-shop ou the corner of Tennessee Street and Kentuclcy Avenue, north of the Chamber of Commerce, bought Lingen- felter's interest, and the firm has been Coburn & Jones now about twenty-two years. In 1865 the yard was removed to the present location on the block once known as " Sheets' pasture," between Georgia Street and the Union tracks, and between Tennessee and Mississippi Streets, occupying the major partofthe four acres, while on the north side of Georgia Street, occupying over 100 feet on that street and as much on Kentucky Avenue, they carry on a planing- mill, and make doors, sash, and all other work usually turned out by sash-factories. They employ 40 to 45 hands, about equally divided between the lumber- yard and the mill, and sell now about $150,000 of lumber, lath, and shingles annually, but in good seasons increase this amount by $100,000. The yard and mill of the Dickson Brothers, at the crossing of Market Street and Pogue's Creek, is nearly as old as the preceding establishment, having been opened by the father of the brothers in 1865. It covers a whole square, employs some 30 hands, and ships about 4,000,000 feet of hard-wood lumber a year. The floods in the creek have caused the pro- prietors a great deal of loss and trouble, and the city stands in a good position to reimburse them, or to be compelled to protect them. Wright & Hopkins, in South Alabama Street, established here a branch of the large Bufi'alo house of Scatchard & Son, in 1866, dealing chiefly in hard-wood lumber. The Cutler & Savidge Company established a branch of their Mich- igan house herein 1876, and removed to their present site, 151 to 161 South East Street, in 1882. The yard • covers an area of nearly 8 acres, and the business amounts to 10,000,000 feet a year. R. B. Emerson & Son, West Market Street, began as Emerson, Beam & Thompson in 1864. Mr. Thompson withdrew in 1867, and Mr. J. B. Emerson came in, and after Mr. Beam withdrew, in 1874, the firm became Emerson & Son. A planing-mill is connected with the yard. Murry & Co., Russell & Co., Rapert, Foster & Co., Paul, Eldridge & Co., Gladden, Cope & Hunt, Carter & Lee (Indianola), Lyons, Huey & Son, King, Long, Carmiehael & Bingham, are also largely engaged in lumber, besides several establishments of later date or lighter business. Furniture. — The first cabinet-maker of the set- tlement was Caleb Scudder, a pioneer of 1821. But very close after him, not later than 1823, came Sam- uel Duke, with whom James Grier, still living, learned his trade. Among those who followed were Fleming T. Luse, who in 1835 had a shop on Pennsylvania Street, about where the Bank of Commerce now is. Later Mr. Donnelan worked there, or in that neigh- borhood. The late John F. Ramsey and James Grier, about 1845, carried on the same business, but mixed up with their own work an extensive trade in articles bought of wholesale manufacturers, in a large house on South Illinois Street, about half-way between Washington and Maryland. Mordecai Cropper made furniture a little earlier than Mr. Ramsey's arrival, leaving here for the far West in 1838, and, returning two or three years ago, after an absence of more than forty years, finding a city of 90,000 people where he left a village of 3000. Joseph I. Stretcher, about the time Mr. Cropper left, established the largest cabinet manufactory of the time on West Washing- ton Street, about where the Iron Block stands. A fire came near destroying the whole establishment here about the time of the Polk and Clay campaign. Contemporary with Mr. Stretcher, and working upon a scale of equal magnitude and enterprise, was the establishment of Espy & Sloan, on West Washington Street, and later Sloan & Ingersoll. About the time that old-fashioned cabinet-work and cabinet-makers, with their old-fashioned cherry lum- ber for everything that was needed in household fur- niture, from a cradle to a sideboard, were passing away, and new fashions of more variety, beauty, and expense were coming in, about the year 1855, Messrs. Spiegel & Thorns began the first manufacture of fur- niture on a difierent line, and with a closer regard to the improved taste of the time. Their beginning was humble enough, in a little shop on East Wash- ington Street, but by 1863 they were doing so well that they had to seek better accommodations, and moved to East Street, near the creek, and in three years built there the first five-story house in the town to make room for their work and workmen. Ten 456 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. years or so ago they again doubled their capacity by erecting a fine five-story block on West Washington Street, a little east of Masonic Hall, with an equal front on Kentucky Avenue. This is the oldest ex- tensive furniture-factory in the city, and if not the largest, is certainly unsurpassed by any. Augustus Spiegel. — Mr. Spiegel, who is of German ancestry, is the son of Jacob and Elizabeth Brown Spiegel, who resided in the town of Michel- stadt, in Hesse-Darmstadt. They had among their children Augustus, the subject of this biographical sketch, whose birth occurred on the 1st of May, 1825, in the above town. Here his childhood was passed until seven years of age, when his parents, with their children, in 1832 emigrated to America and settled in Baltimore, Md., where the father died three years after. The family, two years later, re- moved to Cincinnati, where Augustus became a pupil at a German and English school, and there acquired the rudiments of an education. At the age of four- teen he entered the office of the Christian Advocate, published in Cincinnati, as press-boy, and acted in that capacity for two years. At the age of seven- teen he decided upon the trade of cabinet-maker as that most fitted to his peculiar abilities, and served an apprenticeship of four years, after which his crafl was followed for the same length of time in Cincin- nati. He was in 1848 united in marriage to Miss Anne Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Hester Lackey, of Philadelphia. Their children are Louisa (married to William C. Nichols), William C, Henry L., Mollie M. (married to Edward Noland), and two who are deceased. The sons are associated with their father in the business of furniture manufacturing. Mr. Spiegel, after his marriage, removed to Lawrence- burg, Ind., and continued his trade. In 1858 be repaired to Indianapolis, then a rapidly-growing city, and became a member of the firm of Spiegel, Thoms & Co., manufacturers of furniture. He has since that time continued his connection with the busi- ness, which has greatly increased in proportions, and now ranks among the leading industries of the city. Mr. Spiegel devotes his attention exclusively to the business in which he is engaged, and has little leisure for matters of a public character. He participates but rarely in the excitement of political life, and casts his vote for the most deserving candi- date irrespective of party ties. He is a member of Centre Lodge of Independent Order of Odd-Fellows of Indianapolis. Two years later than Spiegel & Thoms, Mr. John Vetter began an extensive furniture business at the Madison depot, and conducted it successfully for eight or nine years, when the establishment was burned, in 1866. Helwig & Roberts began the same year with Mr. Vetter (1857) on the canal, in a factory that was burned and rebuilt in 1860. M. S. Huey, on West Washington Street, with a large workshop on the alley south, between Mississippi Street and the canal, began about the time that Spiegel & Thoms did. John Ott, who excelled in carved work, was contemporary with both the last-named houses, and built an extensive shop on West Washington Street, a little east of Mississippi, which was taken for the State arsenal when Governor Morton concluded to make the ammunition for the war instead of waiting for the inferior stuff of the government. Field & Day did cabinet-work on Vermont Street contempo- raneously with Espy & Sloan ; Wilkins & Hall worked on West Washington Street in 1864 ; Philip Dolin, on South Meridian Street, in 1865 ; burned and re- commenced in 1867 ; C. J. Myer, on East Washing- ton Street, about the outbreak of the war ; the Cabi- net-Makers' Union, East Market Street, at the creek, in 1859. This last is one of the largest establish- ments in the city, as also one of the oldest. Its buildings and yards cover the larger part of a block on the east bank of the creek. The Indianapolis Cabinet Company and the Indianapolis Veneer Com- pany occupy the extensive series of buildings at the extremity of Massachusetts Avenue, on Malott Ave- nue, where the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing-Machine Company established a cabinet-making branch as early as 1862. The works employ altogether about 300 hands. The president of the company was Mr. Helwig's partner in the furniture-factory just referred to. The annual business is an excess of $300,000. The Wooten Desk Company, who make a specialty of fine writing and business desks, formerly had a factory on the Bee Line road, near the city. Emerich, Pau- MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 457 I lini & Co., on Morris Street, east of the creek, began work in 1881, making a specialty of tables, but are now extending their business and greatly enlarging their capacity. On South Tennessee Street Henry Hermann has a very extensive furniture-factory and lumber-yard on the site of the old Greenleaf Machine- Works, and with it has another on South Pennsyl- vania Street just below South Street. A. D. Streight & Co. began business with a lum- ber-yard, in 1865, on the ground south of the Van- dalia depot, mostly occupied at that time by the Indianapolis Wagon-Works, since removed to North Indianapolis and out of existence. In 1866 they removed to a site south of the Vandalia road on West Street, and then moved north and to their present site. They dealt in pine somewhat at first, but soon passed entirely into the walnut and hard- i wood trade. Some three years ago they added a chair-factory to their, mills, and now turn out about $50,000 worth of that class of work a year. The Indianapolis Chair Manufacturing Company on West I New York Street, at the canal, do an extensive business in the same way, the largest, probably, of the kind in the city. The Western Furniture Com- pany have a large establishment on Madison Avenue north of Morris Street. King & Elder, South Meridian Street; Lauter & Frese, Massachusetts Avenue ; Ralston & Co., East Washington Street ; Sander & Recker, East Washington ; Miller, Indiana Avenue; Morton, West Washington; Smith, West Washington ; H. Frank & Co., East Washington ; Born & Co., and Benson, East Washington, are all engaged in general furniture-making. Lounges are a specialty largely manufactured by several houses here, and sold wholesale to the large dealers in the cities around us, — St. Louis, Chicago, Louisville, and others. Michael Clurie was engaged in this work and mattress-making in the old Under- bill mill when that relic of old times was recently destroyed by fire. Ott & Madden carried on a very large business, amounting to $150,000 a year, when their establishment on Morris Street was nearly de- stroyed by fire in December, 1883. Since then the I firm has dissolved, Mr. Ott continuing at the old place and Capt. Madden opening soon in a large establish- 30 ment on Merrill Street. Otto Stecban also does an extensive business in lounges on Fort Wayne Ave- nue. He began in 1875, employs now sixty work- men, and does a business of about $150,000 a year. Vance & Zehringer, on Massachusetts Avenue, Hoff- man, on North East Street, Ferriter, on East South, and Krause, on East Washington, are engaged in the same specialty. Agricultural Implements. — Although largely sold here by the agents of manufacturers at other points in the State and in other States, there is very little manufacture of agricultural implements in Indianapo- lis. Agricultural machinery is made here by several houses, and has been for thirty years and more. The Eagle Machine- Works made threshers or sepa- rators as early as 1851, and competed with the older houses of Richmond and the White Water Valley at the first State Fair, in 1852, and portable engines and other machinery for farm-work are made here as largely as any class of machinery, but agricultural implements, plows, axes, spades, and the like are un- known to the manufacturing skill and enterprise of this city. Eight or ten years ago, or about the time the panic of 1873 fairly closed in on business here, a large establishment was planned and partly built, a few miles up Fall Creek, for the manufacture on a large scale of the Simmons axe, but the hard times killed the project, and the succeeding better times have not revived it. Two years ago the secretary of the Board of Trade, Mr. H. C. Wilson, noticing the deficiency of the city's enterprise in this direction, said that the agricultural area of the State, exclu- sive of surfaces covered by water, was 21,637,760 acres, of which 90 per cent, is capable of cultivation with the plow, and yet nearly one-half is untilled. The sales of agricultural machinery and implements, he says, in Indianapolis, in 1881, "amounted to $1,250,000, a very small per cent, of which, except engines and threshers, was made here, or within sixty miles of the city, while some of the standard articles of large sale were manufactured a thousand miles away. This should not be." The very best and most suitable timber is abundant here, and the coal-fields embrace an area of 6500 square miles, offering seven workable seams, at a '458 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. depth ranging from 50 to 220 feet, and averaging i four and a half feet in thickness. There are prob- ably 175,000 farms in the State of Indiana, more than 2400 miles of gravel and turnpike road, and 54,000 miles of common road. There are 5000 miles of railroad, traversing every part of the State, bringing it into close communication with this city, through the medium of twelve railroads, radiating from here in every direction, to which two new roads will be added within a few months, and a third prob- ably before the close of the year. Upon these roads citizens of eighty-two counties out of the ninety-two that compose the State can" come to Indianapolis and return the same day. Yet there is manufactured in Indianapolis but an insignificant per cent, of the machinery and imple- ments used upon the roadways or farms of Indiana. There are more plows used on farms abutting this city than are made in the entire county, yet the timber is near and abundant. From the tower of the court-house one may see the forest where men are now cutting timber, which is sent away one hundred and fifty miles, to be made into plow-frames, and the plows brought here and sold by thousands, and used iu fields no farther away than the woods where the timber grew. Every year there are about 2500 two- horse sulky-plows sent here and sold, also 25,000 breaking-plows, 2500 one-horse steel-tooth hay-rakes, 10,000 cultivators, 2000 two-horse wheat-drills, and car-loads of one-horse wood-rakes, corn-shellers, and cutting-boxes, and many other farm implements which are not made here to any appreciable extent. Mowers and reapers are also brought here and sold to the number of 1000 annually, and to the amount of $1,500,000 in the State every year, and there are none made in Indiana. If these facts do not demon- strate that here is an unoccupied field for profitable industries, then is this statement shorn of a degree of humiliation which seems to attach to it. The deficiency thus deplored is in a fair way to be filled. The city papers announced very recently that an establishment for the manufacture of one class of agricultural implements was projected by men amply able to accomplish it. The statement is that a partnership has been formed for building a manufac- tory in this city which will employ several hundred men. The establishment will probably be located on the site of the old rolling-mill, in the southwestern part of the city, and the construction of the buildings, it is said, will begin early in the spring of 1884. The company will manufacture an improved grain- reaper which was recently patented by Dr. Allen, and ill the operation of the business a very large number of men will be employed. Carriages and Wagons. — Wagons for road and farm use were made here as in all frontier towns, among the earliest products of mechanical skill, for they were among the earliest necessities of pioneer life. George Norwood, as before noted, was the first wagon-maker. His shop was on the east side of Illinois Street, about where the building of the Young Men's Christian Association stands, and here it re- mained till about 1845, though Mr. Norwood gave up the business before that, and occupied himself with his buildings and property on Illinois and Wash- ington Streets. Thomas Anderson also was a wagon- maker on East Washington Street, and Richard Anderson (no relation) was a wagon-maker by trade, but had no shop of his own for any considerable time. About the year 1832 a Mr. Johnson, who had a contract for carrying the mail by stage on some of the routes into the town, established a carriage-factory on the present site of the post-office, or a little south of it, but his main object was the making and repairing of his own coaches. His successor, Lashley, com- mitted here the second murder in the history of the place, in 1836. About the year 1840, Hiram and his surviving brother, Edward, — the latter had worked for Johnson in the Pennsylvania Street shop, — began carriage-work on an alley south of Maryland Street, at the Illinois Street corner. A little later, about 1842, they built a large establishment where the Bates House stands, and carried on an extensive business there till 1850, or near that time. Then Edward opened a shop on Kentucky Avenue, — pos- sibly he did so before the time suggested, — and not long afterwards Hiram died. This was the earliest large carriage- factory in the city. It has been suc- ceeded at one time or another since by Drew, George MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 459 Lowe, Heifer & Co., the Indianapolis Wagon-Works, before alluded to, Shaw & Lippincott, Helfrich, Hart- man, Gruedelhoeffer, Bernd Brothers, on Morris Street, Robbins & Garrad, O'Brien & Lewis, Miller & Co., Furst & Bradley Manufacturing Company, Burnworth & Kohnle, Kramer, La Rue & Hill, Kayser, Schweikel & Prange, James Nunn Kierolf, Job Alzire, V. M. Backus, Circle Street, G. H. Shover, C. R. Albright, Indiana Avenue. The Shaw & Lippincott firm was changed to a company, and built a very large and admirably-arranged factory on the east bank of Pleasant Run, where the Belt road sub- sequently crossed it, and did some work there, but the times would not support so extensive an enter- prise, and there has been little done there, or by that company anywhere, since 1876 or '77. A few months ago Mr. Lowe sold his establishment on West Market Street, and it has been converted into the Sentinel oflBce. For a period of eight or ten years prior to the general use of railroads by passengers and mails, the Vorhees Stage Company, or firm, had a large repairing estab- lishment and stables for their own business exclusively on the quarter of a square at the southwest corner of Maryland and Pennsylvania Streets. Somewhere about 1855 or '56, the stage lines having been discon- tinued, these shops were abandoned, and replaced by Alvord's block of tenement-houses. This corner has had a strange experience. It was a swamp at first. Then the second tan-yard of the town was put there. The stage repair-shops displaced that, and a row of tenement-houses removed the shops, and a business block displaced the tenement-houses a dozen years ago. Musical Instruments. — Though not relevant to the subject of carriage-making, it is proper to note here that Edward Gaston, since his retirement from the active pursuit of his trade of carriage- maker, has given much of his time to making musical instruments, especially violins, and has made some thirty or more, all of a superior tone, and readily salable, when he chooses to sell them, at good prices. His latest efibrt was a bass viol of remarkably fine quality. Piano-makers we had here as early as 1843, when Mr. Robert Parmlee worked on West Wash- ington Street, about where the Hubbard block stands, but did not hold out long. Twenty years ago Mr. Trayser made pianos opposite the court-house, and J. H. Kappes & Co. and Messrs. Garred & Co. tried it, but with no success ; and last the Indianapolis Piano Manufacturing Company tried it on a very large scale, with an extensive building on Merrill Street, but that failed too. So the only successful manufacture of musical instruments we have ever had here is the modest little business of Mr. Gaston's. The Woodburn Sarven Wheel Manufac- tory. — This is the largest establishment of the kind in the United States or the world, probably. Its buildings and lumber-sheds, dry-houses and storage- rooms, cover seven acres on both sides of Illinois Street, between South and the creek, extending back to Tennessee Street on the west, and eastward to the creek north of the " elbow." It employs some 500 workmen, pays out over $200, 000 a year in wages, and turns out for sale in all parts of the world wheels of all kinds to the amount of $700,000 a year or more. It was started in 1847 by C. H. Crawford and J. R. Osgood for making lasts and other shoe- makers' implements, and was then located near the site of the Union depot. Six years later Mr. Craw- ford retired from the establishment, leaving Mr. Os- good as the only proprietor. The latter shortly afterwards added the manufacture of staves and flour- barrels to his other business. Finding his building too small, he erected on the present site of his estab- lishment a three-story brick building, twenty-five by one hundred feet. This location, now in the heart of the city, was then in the open country, and it was deemed a hazardous investment in that day to locate so considerable an establishment so far from the busi- ness portion of the city. The manufacture of wooden hubs was added in 1866, when Mr. L. M. Bugby was admitted into the firm. Mr. S. H. Smith was admitted as an equal partner in 1866, and the manu- facture of wagon and carriage materials was added. Thus began what has grown to be a very extensive business, not only in this city but in the State at large, employing more than $1,000,000 capital. In February, 1864, their establishment was destroyed by fire, involving a loss of $20,000. Within ninety days 460 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the manufactory had been rebuilt on a larger scale than before. In the year 1865, Messrs. Woodburn & Scott, of St. Louis, who had been doing a large business in the manufacture of wheels of various kinds, and who, in connection with a New Haven firm, had the exclusive right to manufacture the cele- brated " Sarven patent wheel," and had expended large sums in its introduction, disposed of all their patents and business to Messrs. Osgood & Smith. In order to obtain the requisite capital to conduct this extension of their business Messrs. Osgood & Smith disposed of a one-third interest to Messrs. Nelson & Haynes, a wealthy house in Alton, 111., who opened an establishment in St. Louis for the manufacture of wagon materials. The St. Louis house was known as Haynes, Smith & Co., the In- dianapolis firm as Osgood, Smith & Co. Subse- quently Mr. Woodburn purchased the interest of Messrs. Nelson & Haynes, and the St. Louis house then took the firm-name of Woodburn, Smith & Co. In 1869 the establishment obtained a controlling in- terest in the manufactory at Massac, 111., for making -carriage materials, a step that was taken for the pur- pose of supplying the St. Louis house with materials. In the same year they bought a large tract of timbered land in Orange County, Ind., and erected a saw-mill there to supply the Indianapolis manufactory with lumber. In 1870 the concern was changed into a joint-stock company, under the name of the Woodburn Sarven Wheel Company, with a capital of $250,000, making no change in the proprietorship except as before stated. Mr. Osgood died in June, 1871. A few years later Mr. Smith died, shortly after return- ing from a European tour. A very destructive fire occurred in the works in June, 1873, in which the chief fire engineer of the city was killed by the falling of a wall. In a few months the damage was repaired, though the amount of it was said at the time to be nearly $100,000. Boxes. — The manufacture of boxes on a large scale was partly, if not mainly, the effect of the Eu- ropean pork trade of Kingan & Co., which was largely carried on in boxes instead of barrels, and required the active work of a considerable establish- ment, both in men and machinery, to keep it sup- plied. This house, however, does a good deal of its own box-making and cooperage now. Mr. Frederick Balweg was the first manufacturer of boxes exclu- sively in a factory on the southwest corner of the block of Coburn & Jones' lumber-yard. He subse- quently removed to a much larger house on Madison Avenue, a little north of Morris Street, which has since passed into the hands of Mr. Frederick Dietz. Mr. Jason S. Carey also makes boxes in connection ■with his extensive stave-factory on West Street. Brunson & McKee on the canal and St. Clair Street, and Murray & Co. on Alvord Street, in the northeast part of the city, are engaged more or less in the same work. Butter-dishes, made of thin slices of poplar, sweet gum, or Hnnwood, cut out by machinery and lopped and fissured at the ends by a machine, have become the favorite deposit of the family purchase of butter at the grocery or creamery, and the demand for them has started three establishments in and near the city, two of which, in the city, were burned within a year, and have not been replaced. The other, at North Indianapolis, is still in operation. Stave- Making. — This has become a very impor- tant industry of the city, and is one of the earliest of the second stage of industrial growth. The first machinery for making and dressing staves and barrel- heads was brought here and put in a shed structure near the river, south of Maryland Street and west of West Street, by the late John D. Defrees and his brother Anthony, in 1856 or '57. The enterprise was premature, however, and failed. Some years afterward it was resumed and pushed more success- fully, and one or two other establishments began the manufacture of staves and barrel-heads by machinery in other parts of the city. Mr. Jason S. Carey suc- ceeded the Defrees' management in the original estab- lishment, and has made a very large and lucrative business there, covering nearly all the space north of the St. Louis Railway, along Georgia Street north to the alley and back to California Street. A neighbor to him is Mr. M inter, at the foot of California Street, in the same business, while Mr. Coleman makes barrel- heads extensively on the Belt road east of the Jefifer- sonville crossing ; George W. Hill is at the corner of I Snff.flrz^ A.ff.Rltcf'i^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 461 East and Georgia; Mr. May on Kast 8tretit wuth, and Mr. Walter & Son on the oaaal ar ^*— •* Street. Jason S. Caret is of Englisb •a^MMtiaii, aad the ion of Cephas Carey and ais wife, Rkariti Jmnxi, who resided in Shelby Countr ' " ■ "hew tlwir »on, the subject of this biographi-, was bom Nov. 28, 1828. At the age of twrime years he removed with his parents to Sidney, tb» founty-seat, where modest advantages of educatiou »•>•»•' attainable. Previous to that time the log schoei-himse in the vicinity of his former home had eaabled him to obtain the rudi- ments of learning. He was early apprenticed to the 8litice^ He is actively engaged in religious work, and a member of the Meridian Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a steward. Mr. Carey was married in IS.'iS to Miss Ada M., daughter of Rev. James Smith, of Sidney, Ohio, one of the pioneer Meth- odist preachers of Ohio. Two children were born to this marriage, a son, Harvey, deceased, and a daughter, Margaret. The latest and largest addition to the stave-manu- fhctories is that of the Standard Oil Company's factory in 1879 in West Indianapolis, at the crossing of the Belt road and Morris Street. It occupies a dozen acres with its yard and machine-shops and drying- houses. No returns are made of €be amount of busi- ness lifme by any of these factories in late years, but the total was nearly $1,200,000 in the census report, and the new factory has added probably a half- million to that, which, with the increase of the other establishments, would make the aggregate of stave- dressing and^ cooperage here not much less, than J2,000,000 a year. The stave-dressing establish- ments have created a considerable trade and a very great convenience to householders in the shavings they make, which are the best sort of material for kindling firett, and can be bought by the wagon-load as cheap as comaioii fuel. CooPERAOK. — There are eight coopering establish- ments in the ' - tboee maintained in connec- tion witli Kh. aii . .;iid other establishments for' special manufactures. William Baird, on Blackford and ■ Pearl Streets ; Daniel Burton, near Maus' brewery, on New York Street ; Sanuel B. Gardner, Bright Street; John W. Humphrey, Indiana Ave- nue ; R. Seiter, East McCarty Street ; Cornelius Funkhonser, Smith Street ; George H. Burton, North Mistdissippi. I' "c.^MRS. — One of the minor manufac- tures ;, but by no means a trifling one, is that of picture-frames, which has been carried to a con- siderable extent for a dozen years or more, chiefly tiy Hermann Lieber, of the Art Emporium, ••v. K:i*f Washington Street; Ralston & Co., Kaw W*>.i!H;^- ton- Street; Scheirick, on M.'.sfnj^h'f^i'UK Arcnue; John Keen, on South Illi: .>« Hoffman, Virginia Avenue; H«rt».' ■■ ; ..iiats Avenue; Hubbell. N'lrth ni»t?<'ijs i ,;. The Indianapolis Picture- FrAme ,;f!!t Moulding Company have a large manufactory nn Madison Avenue,-and Wenzel Kautsky has another ou the same street, where the material for frames is dressed r:- ' '■- - 'w;d for the frame- makers, who fit it to sue' ..id combinations as MANUFACTUllING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 461 East and Georgia; Mr. May on East Street south, and Mr. Walter & Son on the canal at Pratt Street. Jason S. Carey is of English extraction, and the son of Cephas Carey and his wife, Rhoda Jerard, who resided in Shelby County, Ohio, where their son, the subject of this biographical sketch, was born Nov. 28, 1828. At the age of twelve years he removed with his parents to Sidney, the county-seat, where modest advantages of education were attainable. Previous to that time the log school-house in the vicinity of his former home had enabled him to obtain the rudi- ments of learning. He was early apprenticed to the saddler's trade, and at the expiration of a service of two years accompanied his brothers, Simeon B. and Thomas, on a journey across the plains with mules and horses to California in pursuit of gold. The ill health of one of the number influenced their return before any practical results followed their labor, when Jason S. engaged with his brother Jeremiah in the boot and shoe business at Sidney, Ohio, and remained thus occupied until 1861, when he embarked in the produce business. Mr. Carey removed the same year to Dayton, Ohio, and super- intended the construction of the Richmond and Cov- ington Railroad, and continued thus engaged until February, 1863, when Indianapolis became his place of residence. Here he embarked in the pioneer enterprise of stave manufacturing, and was the first manufacturer who introduced machinery for the dressing of staves. He still conducts his business, which has assumed large proportions, and has also engaged in farming pursuits, though not to the ex- clusion of more important business interests. Mr. Carey was formerly a Whig in his political asso- ciations, and later became a Republican, but has not been during his active career diverted from the busy arena of commercial life to the more exciting, but less profitable, field of politics. He is actively engaged in religious work, and a member of the Meridian Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a steward. Mr. Carey was married in 1855 to Miss Ada M., daughter of Rev. James Smith, of Sidney, Ohio, one of the pioneer Meth- odist preachers of Ohio. Two children were bom to this marriage, a son, Harvey, deceased, and a daughter, Margaret. The latest and largest addition to the stave-manu- factories is that of the Standard Oil Company's factory in 1879 in West Indianapolis, at the crossing of the Belt road and Morris Street. It occupies a dozen acres with its yard and machine-shops and drying- houses. No returns are made of thp amount of busi- ness done by any of these factories in late years, but the total was nearly $1,200,000 in the census report, and the new factory has added probably a half- million to that, which, with the increase of the other establishments, would make the aggregate of stave- dressing and cooperage here not much less than $2,000,000 a year. The stave-dressing establish- ments have created a considerable trade and a very great convenience to householders in the shavings they make, which are the best sort of material for kindling fires, and can be bought by the wagon-load as cheap as common fuel. Cooperage. — There are eight coopering establish- ments in the city besides those maintained in connec- tion with Kingan's and other establishments for special manufactures. William Baird, on Blackford and Pearl Streets ; Daniel Buxton, near Maus' brewery, on New York Street ; Sanuel B. Gardner, Bright Street ; John W. Humphrey, Indiana Ave- nue ; R. Seiter, East McCarty Street ; Cornelius Funkhouser, Smith Street ; George H. Burton, North Mississippi. Picture-Frames. — One of the minor manufac- tures of wood, but by no means a trifling one, is that of picture-frames, which has been carried to a con- siderable extent for a dozen years or more, chiefly by Hermann Lieber, of the Art Emporium, on East Washington Street ; Ralston & Co., East Washing- ton Street ; Scheirick, on Massachusetts Avenue ; John Keen, on South Illinois; James Hoffman, Virginia Avenue ; Hudson, Massachusetts Avenue ; Hubbell, North Illinois Street. The Indianapolis Picture-Frame and Moulding Company have a large manufactory on Madison Avenue, and Wenzel Eautsky has another on the same street, where the material for frames is dressed and finished for the frame- makers, who fit it to such sizes and combinations as 462 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. they wish. The aggregate of the products of this class per year is probably in excess of 8100,000, as it was nearly that amount three years ago. There are no late reports from which to learn the present condition of business. Car- Works. — This is the latest development of wood manufacture in or near the city, and by far the largest and most important. The company is com- posed mainly of a few large railroad capitalists and managers, and aim to embody in the establishment here all the improvements that have been devised in the business in any part of the country. There are five large iron-roofed and weather-boarded shops side by side, one hundred and twenty by fifty feet, fronting north, in which the car-wheels are cast and cooled, and all the castings are made required in the works. Next to this is the machine-shop and blacksmith-shop. The wood-work in its various stages is done in the other shops. Through each a railway runs its full length, on which the material completed in separate parts is carried to two large shops, where they are put together, one over five hundred feet long by about sixty wide, the other over four hundred long, and of the same width as the first. A very wide railway track, ten or fifteen feet wide, extends between these finishing-shops, and a side-track of the Belt road at the east side of the car-works, and on this the finished cars are mounted and run out sideways to the track where they belong, landing them lengthwise with the track, which saves the trouble of turning them round. On the east of these large shops, which stand east and west, at right angles to the direction of the other shops, is a long, narrow building, three or four hundred feet long, for housing and painting the cars. There is also a boiler- and engine-bouse, and two or three minor buildings south of the main line of workshops, and south of these still is the lumber-yard, through which runs a track from one of the West stock-yard tracks. The whole estab- lishment covers about a dozen acres of ground. The shops are strongly framed, and, as already suggested, are covered with sheet-iron. They employ now about 560 hands, and turn out about $2,500,000 worth of cars a year. They do not make any but freight-cars. The shops were begun upon the re- mains of a last year's corn crop, and in two months were ready for occupancy. The contractors were Shover & Ohristian, the builders of the huge stables and stock-sheds of the stock-yard. Coffin- Works. — A company for the manufacture of coffins and burial-cases carried on a considerable business for some years at the old Cottontown site, near the crossing of the canal and the Michigan road. Its location is now on North Illinois Street. Two years ago, in the spring of 1882, the platform along the coffin warehouse, on the south bank of the creek, a little east of the Union Depot, was the gathering-place of hundreds of spectators of an un- usual flood in the creek, when it gave way and dropped them into the furious, turbulent current, and seven were drowned, some of whose bodies were not recovered for a week afterwards. This establishment might be quoted in corrob- oration of the old adage, " the third time is the charm." This is the third attempt at car-making here, and the first that has succeeded. In 1852 or 1853 the Bellefontaine Railroad built a freight depot in what was then the far northeastern corner of the town, now densely built up, and covering the area west of Massachusetts Avenue to Fort Wayne Avenue, north of North or St. Clair Street, and finding it a poor investment, the company leased it for a car-manufactory to Mr. Farnsworth, of Mad- ison, and his son-in-law, Jehiel Bernard, late secre- tary of the Board of Trade. They made no profit of it, and soon gave it up. Some time after the war, Mr. Frederick Ruschaupt and some associates formed a company to make cars, in tlie present far north- eastern corner of the city, east of the Peru Railroad, and north of Seventh Street, nearly east of the Ex- position building. This enterprise failed too, and the very extensive buildings are now occupied by the very successful and extensive Atlas Machine- Works. Step- Ladders and wooden-ware have been made a specialty by the Adell Company, of North Indian- apolis, and a very large business is done in these articles. The manufactory was established in North Indianapolis about the time the wagon-works on South Tennessee Street were removed to that suburb. Wooden butter-dishes are also made there. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 463 Caepenters and Builders. — There are over 100 carpenters and builders in the city, who may be classed among manufacturers as the makers' of houses. Among those longest and best known for energry and enterprise are Shover & Christian, Peter Routier, John A. Buchanan, William Saltmarsh, Daniel Berghmer, John Hyland, 0. B. Gilkey, John Mar- tin, C. F. Rafert, Thomas J. Hart. It is worth noting in this connection that a great and grateful change has come upon the character of the houses, the residences especially, since the close of the war. There were earlier signs of it, but its presence has not been fully recognized till within the last twenty years, and mainly within the last ten. That is the breaking up of the old rectangular plans into some variety of outline, with occasional curves and pleasing projections and recesses. A generation ago a resi- dence was built upon a plan as invariable, except in dimensions, as the laws of the Medes and Persians. It might be set with the gable to the street, but it savored of heresy, and had better not. It must be right-angled at every corner, with no change of the plain square front but a portico just as plain and square, all painted a glaring white, from the fence pickets to the cornice ; the window-blinds green ; the bricks below the line of the door-sills red, unless the house were brick, and then it was painted white from chimney-top to cellar-window. An " L" was permis- sible, and a recess turned into a porch was not for- bidden ; but no other liberties with the orthodox rec- tangle and barn plan were tolerated. Now we have the fence of one color, the weather-boarding of an- other, the window-frame of a third, the sash differ- ent from all. Little porticoes in corners, broad, project- ing eaves, with brackets, quaintly-moulded porch-posts, ornamented cornices, mouldings, and door-frames, have come to please the eye and lighten the sombre- ness of life, no more costly than the old-time ugliness and uniformity, and far more conducive to a Christian spirit of cheerfulness and kindliness. One can hardly conceive it possible that the dwellers in the dreary old houses could have been adequately generous to the suflFerers by the great Ohio floods of 1883 and 1884. Iron Products. — The first attempt at the manu- facture of iron here was made about three years earlier than the first attempt at pork-packing. It resulted in much the same way. R. A. McPherson & Co. put up a building at the west end of the National road bridge for an iron foundry in 1832, and kept up a spasmodic business until 1835 and quit. In that year Robert Underbill established a foundry on North Pennsylvania Street, east side, just above Ver- mont, where the Second Presbyterian Church now stands, and here for twenty years he maintained the first " paying" iron manufacture of the city. It was a small business, and did only such casting as was re- quired by country customers, millers, and farmers. The amount of it, of course, is purely conjectural, but no reasonable conjecture can make it more than a few thousands of dollars a year. The " boom" in this, as in several other industries, as already noticed, came with the completion of the first railway, in 1847. At that time Watson & Voor- hees established the Eagle Machine-Works, in which they were succeeded, in 1850, by Hasselman & Vin- ton. Two destructive fires in close succession in 1852-53 obstructed their progress, but in spite of their losses they added the manufacture of threshing- machines and agricultural implements to their busi- iness in time to make a most creditable exhibition in 1853 at the first State Fair. In May, 1851, the manufacturing enterprise of the awakened town was developing some very encouraging results. The pa- pers of May of that year say that there were then two foundries in operation here, three machine-shops, and a boiler-factory ; fifty steam-engines had been built, and, as just stated, the manufacture of thresh- ers commenced at the Washington Foundry, as it was then called. Not long after this Mr. Underbill abandoned his Pennsylvania Street foundry and established a ma- chine-shop on the north bank of the creek, at the crossing of the same street, where he remained a few years, till the hard times following the Free Bank panic of 1855 caused his failure and the abandon- ment of the house to other uses, mainly hominy- grinding. It was burned in 1858. In March, 1854, Wright, Barnes & Co. began the machine business at the crossing of Pogue's Creek and Dela- 464 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ware Street, which was burned and abandoned in 1857. About the time Underbill began his foundry and machine-shop on South Pennsylvania Street, Carter & Dumont began boiler-making just north, and Kelshaw & Sinker just south, on the north bank of the creek. The latter were burnt out in 1853, but rebuilt in 1854, and then Dumont & Sinker joined business, adding foundry-work to boiler-making. Here Dr. R. J. Qatling planned and made the first gun of the kind that bears his name and has now become famous all over the world. The first public trial of it was on the river-bank at the old " Grave-yard Pond," now a little east of the pile-work of the Vincennes Railroad, at the foot of Kentucky Avenue. In 1863, Mr. Dumont left the business, and Mr. Allen and Mr. Yandes entered it, greatly enlarging it, and occupying with it the old site of the Underbill shops. Later the firm became Sinker, Davis & Co., and thus it remains a company instead of a firm. Edward T. Sinker was born at Ranavon, Wales, on the 22d of December, 1820. He was the only son, and on embarking for America left his aged parents and seven sisters in his native land. When a boy but eleven years of age he entered a large shop at Hawarden-on-the-Dee, Wales, and there learned the trade of a maphinist. He continued thus em- ployed for several years, acquiring the skill and practical knowledge that prepared him for the large operations which he conducted in this country. Mr. Sinker on learning his trade labored at different points in Wales and England, always holding posi- tions of trust. At Liverpool he superintended the iron work in the construction of steamers. His skill and integrity were such that the government desired him to go to Portugal and take charge of the repairs of government vessels in the ports of that country. He labored two years on that wonder of engineering skill and mechanics, the tubular iron bridge over the Straits of Menai, and while on this work, finding the necessity for a reduction in the force of laborers, with characteristic generosity left his place for those who had greater needs than himself. In 1849, with his young wife and one child, he landed as a stranger in New Orleans, and thence journeyed to Madison, Ind. They reached Indianapolis in November of the same year, the scene of his future labors, where from small beginnings he rose to become at last the chief of one of the largest manufacturing establishments in the West. His history is a noble example of what industry and integrity will acccomplish. Mr. Sinker also filled a large place in all the public enterprises, benevolent and religious institutions of the city of his residence. Every movement for the relief of the poor, the reformation of the vicious, the edu- cation of the young, or the salvation of his fellow- men found him a warm sympathizer and helper. He was a marked example of industry, and a man who loved to work. " Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord," was one of his favorite maxims. He was a man whose earnest pur- pose pushed him on and through his work despite all obstacles. He possessed a resolution and courage that led him to take hold of the heaviest end in a lift and strike at the hardest part of the task. This made him a leader among workingmen, and his contagious spirit inspired others to follow after him. Mr. Sinker was a generous man, — generous to a fault. His generosity was only limited by his abil- ity to give. It was more than meat and drink to him to bestow blessings on the needy. No cause of benevolence appealed to him in vain while he had the means to help. He was a man of the purest integ- rity, and no chance of gain could tempt him to dis- honesty. As a business man he meant to do right, and believed his religion should be carried into daily life. Mr. Sinker was in his religious belief a devout and sincere Presbyterian. For some years after his arrival in Indianapolis he was connected with the Fourth Presbyterian Church. In 1857 he united with others in forming the Plymouth Congregational Church, and remained until his death, which oc- curred April 5, 1871, one of its honored and useful members, where he held the responsible ofiices of trustee, deacon, and much of the time superinten- dent of the Sunday-school. Mr. Sinker was married, June 22, 1844, to Miss Sarah Jones, daughter of Robert and Sarah Jones, of Hawarden, Flintshire, North Wales. Their children are J]dwin, Alfred T , who was married Sept. 2, 1867, to Miss Rebecca II „ T o m u \f^i \K\ E m TjH]'- it/ SB Ball. & Sims Uev Tcml-- / Ti-^w^'^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 465 Coates, of Mansfield, Ohio, and has three children ; Sarah J., Frederick, Walter, Frederick (2d), and Clara Belle. Of this number Clara Belle (Mrs. Rudolph Rossum, of St. Paul, Minn.), and Alfred T., of Boston, Mass., are the only survivors. The widow of Mr. Sinker still occupies the homestead, and sacredly cherishes the name of him who was a faithful and devoted husband and father. In 1851, Delos Root & Co. established the first stove-foundry in the city in a small frame building near the corner of South and Pennsylvania Streets. Business improved here, so that when the frame house was burned in 1860 the firm rebuilt more extensively and with brick, enlarged their business, and added heavy castings of all kinds and boiler- work. Some six or eight years ago they moved to the buildings left by the dissolved Glass-Works Com- pany between Sharpe and Merrill Streets, on Ken- tucky Avenue, and here they continued as energetic- ally as ever till the spring of 1883, when a destructive fire swept over a considerable section of that part of the city, and destroyed all the buildings and a good deal of the work of the company. The loss was about 820,000. The rubbish was cleared away at once, however, and work begun on the restoration of the establishment, which was soon as busily employed as ever. The concern is now the Indianapolis Stove Company, and Mr. Root is president. Deloss Root. — The name of Root was originally spelled Rutetee, and first known in England in the eleventh century. Two brothers emigiated to Amer- ica at an early day and settled at or near Stock- bridge, Mass. From one of these brothers was de- scended Moses Root, who resided in Stockbridge and was married to a Miss Taller. Their children were Daniel (a soldier of the war of 1812, who was taken prisoner with Gen. Scott, and led the command which proved fatal to Gen. Brock), Silas, Elias, Aaron, James, Aseneth, and Sally. Aaron, the father of Deloss, was born in 1781 , at Stockbridge, Mass., and removed with his family to the West in 1837, locating at Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio, from whence he, in 1852, came to Indian- apolis and resided until his death, Aug. 30, 1854. Mr. Root followed farming occupations during his lifetime. He married Miss Harriet Kingman, who was born in the village of Vergennes, Vt., in 1794. The birth of their son Deloss occurred on the 3d of February, 1819, in the town of Cincinnatus, Cortland Co., N. Y. He was educated at the town of Linck- laen, Chenango Co., N. Y., after which his early life was spent upon the farm. In 1844 he was in the iron trade at New Lisbon, Ohio, and in 1850 became a resident of Indianapolis. Here he engaged in the manufacture of stoves, being the first man in the State to embark in that industry, in which his busi- ness grew to large proportions. He was connected with the first rolling-mill in the city of Indianapolis, and also a large stockholder in the first mill for the manufacture of merchant iron, which he assisted in organizing. He was also interested in the " Archi- tectural Works." In 1867 he was one of the m6v- ing spirits in the erection of a blast-furnace in Brazil City, Clay Co., Ind., the first in the State, and the largest in the West, and in 1870, assisted by one other gentleman, he built a similar furnace in Hardin County, 111. In 1854 he was appointed by the State a director of the Bank of the State of Indiana, and continued as such until it became a national bank, after which he assisted in organizing the First Na- tional Bank of the city, in which he was a large stockholder and a director for ten years. He was also for years largely interested in the street railways of the city. The enterprise, however, in which Mr. Root especially advanced the interests of Indianapolis was that of the establishment of the present system of water-works. All previous efibrts in that direc- tion having failed, a gentleman largely interested in the matter conferred with him, and with his aid and that of other influential citizens carried the enterprise to a successful completion. Three thousand, tons of pipe were purchased and the bonds of the company given at par in payment. This sale of bonds gave the movement an impetus and secured to Indianapolis the best system of water-works in the United States. Mr. Root himself laid eighteen miles of the pipe, and did much by his energy and business tact to fur- ther the work. He was a director in the old Indian- apolis Insurance Company (now the Franklin Fire Insurance Company), assisted in organizing and was 466 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. a director in a bridge-building company, and one of the first stockholders in the Cincinnati Railroad. He was also connected with the Evansville and Indi- ana Railroad, which was never completed, and inter- ested in the North and South Railroad, in the In- dianapolis, Delphi and Chicago Railroad, and in the Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. He was also an extensive dealer in real estate, laying out Allen & Root's Addition, and Allen, Root & English's Wood- lawn Addition, together with several smaller ones. He also found time to engage in building, and has erected no less than one hundred buildings within the city limits. Mr. Root is at present connected, as president, with the Indianapolis Stove Company, which was organized in 1850 and incorporated in 1857. This foundry is one of the most complete in the West. It has two moulding-rooms, and is sup- plied with all the latest improved machinery and other appliances to facilitate the business and econo- mize labor. The great amount of work done and the general prosperity of the business give evidence of the solidity, tact, and indomitable energy which characterize its management. Mr. Root is a member of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Cathedral, of, 'which he has for many years been a vestryman. He was married, Aug. 15, 1861, to Miss Kate H. Howard, daughter of the late Maj. Robert Howard, of the British army, whose military career was an eventful and honorable one. Their children are Robert Howard, born Sept. 12, 1862 ; Edward Deloss, whose birth occurred Jan. 7, 1866 ; Devol- son, born Aug. 5, 1867; Allen, born Aug. 15, 1871 ; and Harry B., born March 31, 1873. The last named is the only survivor of this number. In 1858 the Redstone Brothers began the foundry and machine business on Delaware Street, between Louisiana and South, and soon after Spotts & Thomp- son began a foundry beside them, but both were burned in 1860 and abandoned. Cox, Lord & Peck established a stove-foundry at the crossing of Dela- ware Street and the creek in 1861, and kept it in operation for a few years, when they gave it up, and soon afterwards A. D. Wood & Co. took it and carried it on a few years. The Indiana Foundry Company at Brightwood, organized about three years ago, also makes stoves. The Cash Stove Company, of South Pennsylvania Street, are the only other stove manufacturers in the city. The Ruschaupt foundry and machine-shop, on South Meridian Street, was absorbed into the Eagle Machine- Works. In 1859, Chandler & Wiggins established the Phoenix Foundry and Machine-shop in a small way, at the crossing of Washington Street and the mill-race, on the east side. It was burned in a few years, and rebuilt and enlarged by Chandler & Taylor, who have since gone on with a steadily increasing business, and now have one of the most extensive establishments in the city. The Novelty Works were begun in 1862 by Frink & Moore, and changed to the Novelty Works Company in 1868, with Dr. Frink as presi- dent, and H. A. Moore, superintendent, and manu- factured a number of small articles, as hinges, latches, gas- and water-boxes, bed-irons, and the like. Some years ago the company built a large shop at Haughs- ville, but never did much there, and never recovered from the change. In 1866, Mr. B. F. Hetherington began foundry- and machine-work in a modest way on South Dela- ware Street, and continued there till eight or ten years ago. Then he and Mr. Berner moved to a frame shop on the south side of South Street, at the alley along the east bank of Pogue's Creek. Hard and honest work gradually enlarged the business, and additions were made down the creek at the end of the old shop and westward into the creek. A serious loss by fire occurred shortly after this exten- sion, but was at once repaired, and work went on more energetically than ever. Again came a destructive fire, but the damage was immediately repaired. Then an extension was made clear across the creek about two years ago, and a large brick addition made on the west bank, so that now this really large establish- ment covers the whole width of the creek to the alleys on each side, and extends almost 200 feet down. Benjamin Hetherington. — John Hethering- ton was the son of a member of the English Parlia- ment, and resided in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Eng- land, where he was engaged as a warper in a cotton- factory. He married, in Carlisle, Miss Ann Wilson, @ a ® te) ^ S5 3 Ill Si &i) 35 i MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OP THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 467 born in London, and had twelve children, the youngest of whom was Benjamin F., the subject of this biography, whose birth occurred Oct. 30, 1828, in Carlisle. His early boyhood was spent at school. At the age of twelve his father died, and a year later the mother, with her family, emigrated to America, his brother Christopher having already preceded them to the United States. Soon after their arrival they proceeded to Webster, Mass., where Benjamin obtained employment in a cotton-factory, but pre- ferring to encourage his mechanical genius, he at the age of nineteen became apprentice to the trade of a machinist, and continued thus engaged for two years. He then became a resident of Cincindati, and .an employe of the firm of Reynolds, Kite & Tatura. At the expiration of two years — ^a strike having occurred in which he did not wish to participate — he removed (in 1852) to Indianapolis. Here he was first employed in the foundry of R. R. Underbill, and later became foreman in the shop of A. G. Searl, with whom he afterwards formed a copartnership. The panic of 1857 having caused a general stag- nation of business, affected values, and reduced the wages for skilled labor, Mr. Hetherington engaged for one year in the foundry of Mr. Delos Root at a nominal sum, and was later employed by the Wash- ington foundry, owned by Hassellman & Vinton. The ten consecutive years following were spent in the employ of the Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Louis- ville Railroad, after which he erected a small machine- shop and began a career of independence. His ven- ture was successful ; business increased and encouraged him to purchase a lot and erect a foundry in com- pany with Frederick Berner and Joseph Kindel. This business association was continued for six years, when he disposed of his interest, and entering the firm of Sinker, Davis & Co., remained in this con- nection for three years. He then, with his former partner, Mr. Berner, built another foundry, and still continues his business interest with him. The de- mand for the work from their shops has greatly increased and rendered an increase in the dimensions and capacity of the foundry necessary. The princi- pals in the business have also associated with them their sons in special departments of the business. Mr. Hetherington, in view of his success, may refer with pardonable pride to his industry, ambition, and integrity as the powerful levers that have brought him to a position of independence. In polities he is a Republican and actively interested in the politics of the ward in which he resides. He has been for years inspector of election for this ward. He is a member of the Indianapolis Board of Trade and of Marion Lodge, No. 601, Knights of Honor. He was reared in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and still inclines to that belief. Mr. Hetherington was married in Webster, Mass., on the 21st of April, 1821, to Miss Jane Stephen, daughter of William Stephen, a printer, of Penrith, England, and his wife Diana. Their children were William, Frank, Mary W., Charles A., Benjamin, and Frederick A., all of whom, with the exception of Frederick A., are deceased. Mothershead & Co., in 1864, established a hollow- ware and stove-foundry, and after conducting it some years with fair success, changed it to the Indianapolis Foundry Company, and now do a very large business in light malleable castings, making most of those for the great Beatty organ factory, as well as for several other special demands. The Greenleaf foundry was begun in 1865, on South Tennessee Street, near the rolling-mill, increased largely, and in 1870 became the Greenleaf Machine- Works, making engines, shafting, railroad turn-tables, and other heavy work. Some ten or twelve years ago it suspended, and the building, after a short occupancy by another machine- factory, passed into the hands of Henry Hermann, of New York, who now carries on a large furniture-fac- tory there. The Dean Brothers built their first house on Madison Avenue, at the crossing of Ray Street, in 1870, and began business the first of the year 1871, doing a sort of general foundry and machine work, but within the last half-dozen years they have made a specialty of pumps, and particularly of one of their own invention. Two or three years ago the estab- lishment was enlarged by a handsome building on the avenue. The Victor Machine- Works have been es- tablished within the last four or five years by Ewald Over. The Atlas Works. — This is the largest estab- 468 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. lishment of the kind in the city or the State. The buildings it occupies in the extreme northeast corner of the city were originally intended for the manu- facture of cars, and were for a time used for that purpose, but proving unremunerative, the business was abandoned and the buildings left unoccupied till the organization of the Atlas Machine Company, the president and chief stockholder of which is Stoughton A. Fletcher, nephew and long associated in the bank with the late Stoughton A. Fletcher. It has been in operation about ten years, for a time having an office and wareroom on South Pennsylvania Street, oppo- site the gas-works, but for the last five or six years keeping all its business at the main establishment. The Corliss engine is a specialty of this company, though it makes anything in its line, and the excel- lence of the work and the thorough satisfaction it gives have created a demand for it all over the West, and also in foreign countries.. It is the most complete " express and admirable" piece of machinery that is now made of iron, and the Atlas gets little time to make anything else. The company employs about 500 hands, and turns out about $1,000,000 of work annually. The works have a railway connection. Stoughton A. Fletcher, Jk., the fifth son of the late Calvin Fletcher, was born on the 25th day of October, 1831. His father was well known as an early pioneer in Indianapolis ; as the first lawyer who came to this city ; as a man who took a deep interest in the material, intellectual, and moral Welfare of society in Central Indiana, and, for that matter, in the whole State. He believed in land, believed in labor, believed in schools, and believed that industry, guided by true Christian principles, made the noblest community on earth. Calvin Fletcher had eleven children, nine of them boys, and all of whom lived to adult years. Every child learned something useful, and learned to depend upon himself or herself. One son he placed with a carpenter ; another with a mer- chant ; a third drove a team for an English company over the plains into Mexico, and rose to be secretary of the company ; six were early put upon farms and learned to plow and do all other kinds of husbandry ; and one in his teens was at the head of his father's farm. All of them had the best education the schools of Indiana oflFered, while six of them either had a complete or partial collegiate education at the East. Thus, while the sons of Calvin Fletcher had the ad- vantage of intellectual training, they had the higher advantage of having learned from their father the dignity of labor and the nobility of a Christian life. The subject of this sketch went through the same ordeal with his brothers, but united perhaps more than any other the qualities of his father and mother. He was early trained on the farm, and showed great aptitude in whatever pertained to agriculture or agri- cultural machinery. In 1850 he learned practical telegraphy, and many a message was sent by him that year in the old office on Washington Street. On attaining his majority he passed some time in a par- tial course at Brown University, Providence, R. I. In 1853 he became conductor on the Bellefontaine Railroad. In June, 1853, he ran the first train that started out of the Union Depot, and after two years as conductor he rose to be superintendent of the same road. He not only understood cars, but locomotives and railroad machinery. He could drive a locomo- tive like an old hand, and on the occasion that his brothers and sisters met (the first and only time together in Indianapolis), ran the engine out of the Union Depot with all the family on the tender, and carried them to his father's farm. After some years in railroad enterprises he became, in 1858, the clerk and teller in S. Ai Fletcher's bank, and applied the same practical energy to this as to the farm and railroad. He afterwards became partner in the same bank with F. M. Churchman. Here he remained until 1868, when his business duties led him into the gas company, of which he was president for more than ten years. As he studied farming, railroading, and banking, so he studied gas-making. In 1878 he, through various circumstances, became the head of the Atlas Engine- Works, where portable and Atlas- Corliss engines are turned out by nearly six hundred hands. As in other pursuits, " the eye of the master" is perceptible here, and a now energy was infused into the whole establishment when Stough- ton A. Fletcher, Jr., took hold of the Atlas Engine- Works. Its business extends over the whole Union and to distant foreign lands, and it is said to be the |W1 Is! S MANUFACTUKING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 469 largest and best equipped concern of its kind west of the Alleghanies. He has his father's practical ideas with regard tp the education of his sons. His eldest son, Charles, after studying at the East, took a regu- lar course in the Atlas Engine- Works, beginning at the lowest point and " graduating with honors." He is now secretary of the company, and traveling in South America in its interest. His second son is at Harvard University. He has also other business relations, — as partner in the large banking-house of Fletcher & Sharpe, and as director in the Indianapolis National Bank. He is a quiet man, and not a speech-maker; but no man more steadily attends to business or cares more for his fellow-man than he. He is public- spirited. He, with James M. Ray, Calvin Fletcher, James Blake, and others, was among the first who i initiated the idea of a new cemetery, which resulted 1 in Crown Hill, and was made president of the j Crown Hill Cemetery Association in 1874, which | office he still holds. Mr. Fletcher has traveled much in our own country — north, south, east, and west, — from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Lakes to the Gulf In 1874-75 he made the tour of Europe, Egypt, and the Holy Land. In 1856 he married Miss P]lizabeth Barrows, of Augusta, Me. The children of this marriage are two sons and two daughters. The Noedyke and Maemon Works. — These were originally the Quaker City Machine-Works, es- tablished here in 1873 by A. N. Hadley & Co., of Richmond (the Quaker city), from which they took their name. They have a frontage to the west along the east side of the Vincennes Railway of about 600 feet, mostly one story in height, abundantly lighted from both sides and roofed with slate, with an L ex- tending eastward to Kentucky Avenue, and with a whole settlement of shops in the rear along the avenue extending from near Morris Street to the lumber-yard along the Belt road, with which, as well as with the Vincennes road, the works have a connection by side tracks. The Belt road was not built when the works were, as they were occupied in 1873-74, and given up by Mr. Hadley in 1876, the year before the com- pletion of the Belt. The Nordyke and Marmon Company took it then, and have since created a very extensive business, making a specialty of grist-mill machinery and stones. A large portion of the rear buildings are occupied by the millstone-works, and a monthly publication called the Millstone is pub- lished here, the work being done in the building. The company employs about 300 hands now, and turns about from $600,000 to $700,000 worth of work annually. Atkins' Saw-Works. — Mr. Atkins began his business single-handed in the old Hill Planing- Mill on East Street in 1856. In a year or so he removed to Pennsylvania Street, in the old City Foundry, where he had the misfortune to be burned out once or twice. He removed to his present location on South Illinois Street, next to the Woodburn Sarven Wheel- Works, in 1860-61, and has gradually enlarged his business and premises till he now employs about 140 hands, with a pay-roll of $75,000 a year, and pro- duces an annual value of work of about $300,000. Elias C. Atkins. — The earliest representative of the Atkins family in America emigrated from England in the sixteenth century, and settled in New England. From his son Benoni was de- scended Rollin Atkins, father of the subject of this biographical sketch, whose birth occurred in Bristol, Conn. He was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Bishop, of the same city, and had children, — George R., Ellen (Mrs. Volney Barber), Harriet (Mrs. Lyman Smith), Mary Ann (deceased). Marietta (Mrs. Henry Stevens), and Elias C. The last named, the youngest of the number, was born June 28, 1833, in Bristol, Conn. His early education was confined to a period of three years at the grammar-school, after which, at the age of twelve, he was apprenticed to the trade of saw manufacturing, and continued thus employed until his seventeenth year. His thorough knowledge of the business and mechanical genius immediately caused his promotion to the po- sition of superintendent of the establishment. His evenings were devoted to study and reading, the lack of earlier opportunities having inspired a desire to improve such advantages as later and more favorable circumstances offered. He was, at the age of twenty-two, married to Miss Sarah J. Wells, of 470 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Newington, Conn., whose family were of English extraction. One daughter, Hattie J., was born to this marriage. Mrs. Atkins' death occurred April 11, 1863, and Mr. Atkins was a second time mar- ried, to Miss Mary Dolbeare, of Colchester, Conn., who died March 11, 1865. Their only child was Willie D., whose death occurred Aug. 30, 1865. Mr. Atkins, desiring a wider field of usefulness than was opened in New England, removed in 1855 to Cleveland, Ohio, and established the first saw- manufactory in that city. One year's experience convinced him that the saw industry could be de- veloped under more favorable conditions in Indian- apolis, and, disposing of his interest, he removed to the latter city in 1856, and developed the first and largest manufactory of saws in the State. Beginning with limited capital and the employment of but a single hand, the enterprise has increased to such proportions as to utilize the labor of one hundred and twenty men and furnish its products to a large area of territory in the Northwest and other points. Much of the machinery used in the various depart- ments of the mill is the invention of Mr. Atkins, and protected by patents. He has also engaged ex- tensively in mining operations, having organized the Hecla Consolidated Mining Company of Indianapolis, with mines situated in Montana, of which he was for seven years general agent and for two years superin- tendent, with his residence at the mines. During this time all purchases and sales of products was made by him, and the profitable development of the property the result of his personal attention and financial ability. He also purchased seven addi- tional mines, which are at present the most produc- tive interests of the company. Other mining enter- prises in which he is interested have proved equally successful. Mr. Atkins is in politics a Republican, but without ambition for oflBce, his time being exclusively devoted to his various business pursuits. Both he and his wife are members of the First Baptist Church of Indianapolis. Mr. Atkins was a third time married, to Miss Sarah Frances Parker, daughter of Rev. Addison Parker, of Newton Centre, Mass. The children born to this marriage are Mary Dolbeare, Henry Cornelius, Sarah Prances, Emma Louisa, and Carra Isabel. These children, with Miss Hattie J., constitute the present family of Mr. and Mrs. Atkins. In 1867, Farley & Sinker, son of E. T. Sinker, began making saws on the corner of Pennsylvania and Georgia Streets, and carried it on successfully till Mr. Sinker went back to the machine-works on the death of his father. Mr. Farley then, or soon after, opened up the same business on the east side of South Meridian Street, just below the Eagle Machine- Works. Henry Westphal & Co. are in the same business on the same street, farther south, and Barry & Co. occupy the old establishment on Penn- sylvania and Georgia Streets. Files were made for a number of years by Stein- bauer & Drotz on Pennsylvania Street, near the Union Railway tracks, but recently the proprietors seem to have gone into the coal business and aban- doned file-making. The Malleable Iron- Works at Haughsville oc- cupies the building originally erected by the Novelty Company, and has added to it till the capacity has been enlarged tenfold, and one of the most extensive establishments of the kind in the country has been completed. The death of the manager in the summer of 1882, while the buildings were in progress, caused a good deal of delay, but seems to have proved a less serious obstruction than was feared. No report of the amount or condition of business, however, has appeared, and nothing can be said definitely about an establishment which promised at one time to be one of the most important of the industries of the city and the State. Architectural Iron-Works. — This establish- ment is well known all over the country for its superior iron house-work, especially for large and costly public buildings. It began in the manufac- ture of iron railings by Williamson & Haugh on Dela- ware Street, opposite the old court-house, in 1856. Some years later, Mr. Haugh's brother, Benjamin F., took the business and removed to South Pennsyl- vania Street, where his rails and iron columns, and other house-work, very greatly enlarged his business, and finding his quarters inadequate and '/ a MANUFACTURING INTORESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 471 not oversale, the establishment was removed to the high level plateau west of the river and north of the National road, a half-mile east of the Insane Asylum. Here a series of large connected buildings, with a railway track into the main line of the Indianapolis, Bloomington and Western road was erected, and the company has gone on in a larger business than ever. Some three years ago Mr. John L. Ketcham entered the concern, and the name is now Haugh, Ketcham & Co. The establishment has done work for public buildings. State and national, court-houses and custom- houses, from Boston to Iowa City, and to States farther west. It employs over 100 hands all the time, and turns out about $200,000 of work a year. Hadley, Wright & Co. — After leaving the Quaker City Machine-Works in 1876, Mr. Hadley, the founder, opened a machine repair-shop in the old Byrkit Planing-mill, on the northwest corner of Georgia and Tennessee Streets, in 1878. His busi- ness increased here to such an extent that, in 1881, he had to find new quarters, and he bought the whole of the quarter of a square on the southeast corner of Georgia and Tennessee Streets, except the resi- dence on the corner and some feet fronting Georgia Street. Here he erected an unusually solid three- story brick building, 102 feet on Tennessee Street, with a depth of 170 feet, and a front on Georgia Street which gives a length in that direction of 200. Besides, all the open ground in the rear of the build- ings is full of machinery, boilers, and other apparatus, while the north end of the opposite square is also filled with boilers. The business of the firm is to purchase second-hand engines and boilers, and put them in good condition, and sell or trade them to any who want that sort of work. They employ thirty hands, and do a business of $150,000 a year. The Rolling-Mill was an enterprise like the old steam-mill, a little too early for the time and the de- velopment of the city, but it grew to fit its situation finally, and has become the leading metallic industry of the State. The projector was Mr. R. A. Douglass, who, with a Mr. Schofield, came here in 1857, and formed a company to carry on the enterprise. A railway track was made down Tednessee Street that same summer, and work begun on the building on the ' 29th of October. Two old citizens went into the scheme heartily, and sunk the gains of their lives largely in it, — James Blake and James Van Blaricum. The latter owned the ground, — then Van Blaricum's pasture, — one of the original outlots of the donation on which the establishment was to be located. Mr. Douglass does not seem to hav« been a very prudent manager, and by the following spring, before the mill was ready for work, the embarrassments he had in- curred checked |the enterprise, and he abandoned it. A new company, or the old one reorganized, bought the unfinished affair, and put it in working order, and soon made it pay, under the skillful management of Mr. John Thomas, the superintendent, whose inven- tion of the " pile," or bundle of old rails cut up, to be re-rolled and ingeniously compacted and held together, was one of the sources of the company's success. War times made prosperity for this busi- ness, as it did for all railroad work, and the company's stock was soon above par. Success led Mr. John M. Lord, the president, to make some hazardous experi- ments, especially with the Dank puddling apparatus, and the final result was some trouble and embarrass- ments, and Mr. Lord went out, and Mr. Aquilla Jones, State treasurer in 1857-59, carne in. The mill has since done well all the time, rarely having to suspend for more than a few days for repairs, or sometimes on account of delayed material. John Thomas. — Thomas Thomas, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch, married Keturah Hughes, both natives of Pembrokeshire, South Wales. Their children were William, Eliza- beth (Mrs. Tenbrook), Ellen (Mrs. Cotrell), Richard, Thomas H, Hannah, Nancy (Mrs. Chase), and John, all of whom, with the exception of the latter, are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas emigrated to America during the present century and settled in Bound Brook, N. J., where the former engaged in building. Later he removed to Utica, where he was an early settler, and continued actively employed until a few years before his death. He served in the war of 1812, and, while acting as lieutenant of his company, was severely wounded at the battle of Sacket's Harbor. His son John was born July 5, 1816, in Utica, N. Y., and at an early age left 472 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. fatherless. In his eighth year he became a member of the family of a farmer in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., and later found a home in Herkimer County. From thence he removed for one year to Johnstown, N. Y., after which seven years were spent with a brother-in-law in Delaware County, N. Y. He then determined upon acquiring an independent trade, and, having entered a machine-shop in New York City, served an apprenticeship as a general machinist. During his residence of twelve years in New York and the immediate vicinity, a portion of the time was spent in the pursuit of his trade and the remainder in active business as a dealer in produce. His vo- cation of machinist, however, having proved more attractive and profitable, he became an employe of Peter Cooper's rolling-mills in New York and Tren- ton, N. J. Mr. Thomas, on leaving the latter place, purchased a farm in Delaware County, N. Y., upon which his family were placed, and engaged for other parties in the construction and management of mills in Utica, N. Y., and Wyandotte, Mich. He was induced in July, 1857, to remove to Indianapolis with a view to erecting and operating the property of the Indianapolis Rolling-Mill Company. His con- nection with this mill has been continued, first as a salaried oflScer, later as a stockholder and director, and as the present treasurer and largest shareholder. After a brief connection with the manufacturing in- terests of the city, Mr. Thomas realized the impor- tance of a cheaper and better quality of coal than was in general use, and securing the services of Dr. Brown, the State geologist, made a prospecting tour through the coal-fields of the State. In Brazil, Clay County, a shaft had been sunk and a small quantity of the now popular block-coal was being mined. This Mr. Thomas converted to practical use in his mill, and was instrumental in securing its general use for manufacturing purposes. It is now in great demand in various parts of the State. The subject of this sketch has been since largely identified with the business interests of the city. He has aided in the establishment of three machine-shops and foun- dries, is president and treasurer of the Indianapolis Cotton Manufacturing Company, president of the Hecla Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Com- pany of Montana, which has proved a profitable en- terprise, and interested, as projector or otherwise, in various minor business schemes. He is also a di- rector of the Citizens' National Bank of Indianapolis. In his political associations he is a prominent Re- publican, and, although not ambitions for office, has served two years in the City Council. Mr. Thomas was in 1840 married to Miss Ann Barber, a native of Manchester, England, who, having lost both parents, came to America with a relative when eight years of age. Their children are Richard Z. (of Montana), William H. (of Indianapolis), Learned J. (deceased), Martha A. (deceased), Charles J. (de- ceased), Edward L. (of Arkansas), and Julia A. The death of Mrs. Thomas occurred March 5, 1879. One of the stockholders of the second company, who was always active and interested in its work, and who contributed largely to its success in obtaining its own coal mines, was William 0. Rockwood, one of the leading citizens and among those most respected. William 0. Rockwood.— The ancestry of Mr. Rockwood in both lines of descent was English. His father, the Rev. Dr. Elisha Rockwood, a grad- uate of Dartmouth College in 1802, was for twenty- seven years minister of the Westboro' parish. His mother, Susannah Brigham Parkman, was the daugh- ter of Breck Parkman, Esq., and granddaughter of Rev. Ebenezer Parkman, the first minister of West- boro', and a clergyman of wide influence. The child- hood of Mr. Rockwood was passed in his native town. He later studied at Leicester and Amherst Academies, and finally entered Yale College to com- plete a classical course. Having a passion for the sea, after two years at Yale an opportunity was ob- tained for him as a common sailor on a cotton vessel bound for Savannah, and from thence to Liverpool. This voyage satisfied him, and returning home he engaged in teaching. In August following the death of his mother, which occurred June 4, 1836, he came to Warsaw, III., and later resided at Quincy and St. Louis. In the latter city he was largely engaged in the business of wholesale groceries, with a partner who desired to enlarge their mercantile ventures by embarking in the liquor traffic and slave trade. This being repugnant to Mr. Lockwood, the '"■"i ill Sa,mVfl Sarin^' /ym ^^^/i/ry^^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 473 partnership was dissolved, and Madison, Ind., became his home, where he was for seven years connected with the firm of Polleys & Butler, after which he removed to Shelbyville. There he engaged in milling enterprises and as superintendent of the new Shelbyville Lateral Branch Railroad. Ultimately came to Indianapolis, where he continued to reside until his death on the 13th of November, 1879. The enterprise in which he was first engaged at Indianapolis, the manufacture of railroad cars, was too extensive for the place and time, and met with but partial success. Soon, how- ever, he received the appointment of treasurer of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, and found at last a pursuit congenial to his talents and tastes. For seven years he discharged the onerous and difficult duties of the railway treasurership, resigning the place in 1868 that he might bestow needed attention upon his own accumulated aflfairs. He was promi- nent in the inception of various iron industries, par- ticularly the Indianapolis RoUing-Mill and the Roane Iron Company at Rockwood and Chattanooga, Tenn. Of the former he became treasurer in 1872, having previously been an influential director. The growth of the latter organization, originating largely in his sagacity and perseverance, was to the last a source of pleasure and an occasion of reasonable pride. Mr. Rockwood possessed unusual capacity for the dispatch of business. Beside his duties at the rolling-mill, quite sufficient to occupy the attention of one man, he was a director of the Roane Iron Company, Tennessee, of the First National Bank and Bank of Commerce, of Indianapolis, of the Franklin Fire Insurance Com- pany and the Bedford Railroad Company, president of the Industrial Life Association, and treasurer of the Indianapolis Telephone Company and the Hecla Mining Company. He was also associated with several other complicated business concerns in differ- ent States, each of which required a considerable correspondence. In the direction of his latest and largest employments his facility was greatly enhanced by his mechanical insight. Few men without formal training in such matters looked farther or more quickly than he into cranks and wheels. He also had a useful faculty of resting. This came partly 31 from the composure of his nerves, and partly from his enjoyment of humor. He rarely failed to be diverted by a gleam of wit, — a backgammon-board untangled thought. He enjoyed good talkers, and his frequent journeys were occasions of amusement and rest. Doubtless the quality and quantity of his work was affected by a certain calmness of judgment, a judicial temper of mind. He was not easily jostled by excitements around him. While feeling the deep- est interest in questions of public policy, he evinced both calmness and judgment in the regular exercise of his franchise. More important is it, however, to observe Mr. Rockwood's moral traits. He was marked by a conspicuous integrity. Nothing was so sure to stir the last drop of blood in him as the .raising of a question regarding his probity. His capacity for friendship was also remarkable. In the midst of the most urgent engagements he was capable of writing every day to a man he loved, and for months and years each day looking for the reply. For humanity in general he had a kindly side, trust- ing men too readily for safety out of mere good nature or genuine pity. It was seldom that in ordi- nary conversation he could be betrayed into saying a word in disparagement of any one. Mr. Rockwood was republican in the simplicity of all his tastes ; and class distinctions he thoroughly disliked. An intelli- gent and firm believer in Christianity, he was at the time of his death a member of Memorial Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. Beside his widow, who was Miss Helen Mar Moore, of Auburn, N. Y., three children survive him, — Helen Mar (wife of Rev. Hanford A. Edson, D.D.), William E., and Charles B. In 1881 the Rolling-Mill Company concluded that a steel-rail mill here could be made to pay, and they erected one of the largest and finest mills in the United States for that work. It has a front to the south of over 200 feet, and over 300 to the west, with an arrangement to extend it 200 feet more to the east if necessary. The main divisions are 120 feet wide, and each over 200 long. All the apparatus for heating, rolling, sawing, cooling, and straightening is of the latest improved style, and a large part of it is the invention of Mr. Lentz, the 474 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. superintendent of machinery. The roll trams are "three high," the "hookers and catchers" are re- placed by adjustable tables moved by a lever in one man's hands ; the oflF-bearing to the saws and the action of the saws is automatic nearly, only requiring one hand at the lever, and the moving off on the " hot bed" is automatic. Machinery is made to do the work of 40 or 50 men. Machinery also hauls the blooms from the furnace when ready for the rolls. The boilers and furnaces are so constructed as to save 30 per cent, of the fuel required by ordinary furnaces. The whole establishment is complete, and has been pronounced by experienced mill men who have ex- amined it unequaled anywhere. North of it are the machine-shops and foundry connected with it. The capacity of the mill when running full-handed, with about 350 hands, is said to be equal to the production. of $3,000,000 worth of rails a year or more. The machinery, boilers, and furnaces have all been thor- oughly tested by the actual performance of all the ■work required of them, and found to operate more smoothly and readily than was expected. The two mills stand within about two hundred feet of each other in the 13 acres of ground south of Pogue's Creek and west of Tennessee, whidi the company has long owned. Hon. Aquilla Jones, the son of Benjamin and Mary Jones, who were of Welsh extraction, was born in Stokes (now Forsyth) County, N. C, on the 8th of July, 1811. His father, being a farmer in limited circumstances, could afford his son but few advantages of education, and early required his assistance in the cultivation of the farm. In 1831 the family emi- grated to Columbus, Bartholomew Co., Ind., to which point Elisha P. Jones, brother of the subject of this biographical sketch, had preceded them and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He also held the commission of postmaster of the place. Aquilla entered the store as clerk, and remained until August, 1836, when he removed to Missouri. The following year found him again a resident of Columbus, and engaged in the busi- ness of hotel-keeping. This venture was, however, of short duration, and his brother, Elisha P., having died, he succeeded him by purchase of the stock, and was by common consent made postmaster of the village. He continued the business of a country merchant until 1856, first with his brother, Charles Jones, and later with B. F. Jones, another brother, and during much of this period held the office of postmaster. He was, in 1849, made president of the Columbus Bridge Company, which erected a bridge across the east branch of the White River at Columbus, and super- intended its construction. He owned a controlling interest in the stock, which was later sold on his removal to Indianapolis. He was appointed by Presi- dent Martin Van Buren to take the census, and again to the same office by President Millard Fillmore in 1850; was tendered the position of clerk of the court of Bartholomew County, and elected to the State Legislature for the sessions of 1842-43. Mr. Jones was honored with the appointment of Indian agent for Washington Territory by President Franklin Pierce, but declined, after which he was offered the same position in connection with New Mexico, and was constrained to decline this also. He received in 1856 the Democratic nomination for State treasurer, was elected, and renominated in 1858, which honor he declined. Having removed to Indianapolis, he was, in 1861, made treasurer of the Indianapolis Rolling-Mill, and continued thus officially connected with the enterprise until 1873, when he was made its president. He was also chosen president of the water- works in 1873, but was influenced by circumstances to resign at the expiration of four months, his numer- ous business connections requiring all his time and attention. Mr. Jones for a period of half a century has been engaged in the active duties of life, and in his various enterprises has iavariably been successful. This is largely due to his indefatigable industry, his keen intuitions, and his enterprise. He has ever manifested public spirit and a lively interest in mat- ters pertaining to the State, county, and city of his residence. Mr. Jones has been twice married, — in 1836 to Miss Sarah Ann, daughter of Evan Arnold, who died soon after; he was again married, in 1840, to Miss Harriet, daughter of Hon. John W. and Nancy Cox, of Morgan County, Ind. To this mar- riage were born children — Elisha P., John W., Emma (Mrs. Harry C. Holloway), Benjamin F., Charles, Aquilla Q., Edwiu S., William M., Frederick, Har- L^tu^^i ^ CHx^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 475 riet (deceased), and Mary (also deceased). Mr. and Mrs. Jones are membei-s of St. Paul's Cathedral, Indianapolis, in which the former is a vestryman. In 1867 a rolling-mill company was formed by Valentine Butsch, James Dickson, Fred. P. Rusch, J. C. Brinkmener, and William Sims, to roll bar and rod and other ordinary merchantable iron, and in 1868 the building, with twelve puddling and two smelting furnaces, was erected on the north bank of the river, at the end of the Vincennes Railroad bridge. Here it worked 75 to 100 hands and produced about 20 tons of iron a day. The capital was about $150,000, and the product 8300,000 to $400,000. After the panic of 1873, when times began to grow hard,'the mill, called the " Capital City Iron- Works," began to grow heavy on its owner's hands, and was finally abandoned six or eight years ago and has fallen to pieces; the walls have been blown down, the roof tumbled in, the smoke-stacks broken down, and the furnaces wrecked. This is said to be the probable location of the new agricultural machine-works. Connected with this mill was a nut and bolt factory that did a good business, and there is now one in the city on South Pennsylvania Street that seems to be well situated. Brass-Foundries. — The first brass-foundry in the city was established by Joseph W. Davis, in 1855, on South Delaware Street. Garrett & Com- pany began the same business with a bell-foundry attachment, in 1858, on the Union tracks, between Meridian and Pennsylvania Streets, but in a couple of years or less it collapsed. The brass-foundries now in the city are those of William Langenskamp, South Delaware ; Louis Neubacher, Georgia Street ; the Pioneer Brass- Works, South Pennsylvania Street, and Russell & Son, Biddle Street. Tin-ware is made by some fourteen manufacturers in the city, and copper-ware by two or three. Yost & Koyter on East Washington Street are the only manufacturers of cutlery. Cunningham Brothers on South Meridian Street, and HoUenbeck & Miller on South Illinois, manufacture wire screens, signs, and other articles of that material. Galvanized iron is manufactured into cornices and other building-work by four establishments. Of blacksmiths there are forty-eight in the city, though they make no such impressive show of importance as an old village blacksmith, whose shop was a sort of gossip resort, as the saloon is now, though hardly so innocently. Too much of the old-time blacksmith's work has been drawn by specialties and by machinery to leave a very impressive or important remainder. No complete statistics of this important industry, prior to 1873, are attainable, but for that year the secretary of the Board of Trade makes a full and accurate report, which shows that the foundries and machine-shops turned out for 1872 11,375,000 of work, and for 1873 $1,421,000 worth, used $878,- 000 of capital, and employed 633 hands. The roll- ing-mill turned out $1,400,000 worth of rails in 1872, and $1,580,000 in 1873, employed $900,000 capital and 475 hands. Malleable iron-works turned out $175,000 of work in 1873, with a capital of $115,000, and the employment of 70 hands. File- factory turned out $47,000 of product, with $21,000 of capital and 46 hands. Edge-tools, $15,000 of product, $5000 capital, 9 hands. The aggregate of all forms of industry dealing with iron or steel, ex- cept agricultural implements, was, in 1873, in prod- uct, $3,238,000 ; capital, $1,919,000; hands, 1233. In 1880 the aggregate product of foundries, ma- chine-shops, rolling-mills, and saw-works was, by the census, $3,869,000, and the number of hands em- ployed, 2241, an increase of 20 per cent, in product, and nearly 100 per cent, in the number of hands employed. These returns are but vague indications. They do not present the same class of details with the same particularity, and consequently do not allow comparisons except at one or two points. The prod- uct of the rolling-mill, for instance, was larger, according to the estimate of the secretary, in 1880 and 1881 — 24,000 tons — than in any years previ- ously, but the value of the product has declined since 1873, and the total value returned in 1881 is less than in 1873. No return later than the census that is complete enough to permit a comparison to be made, but an increase to over $4,000,000 of aggre- gate iron products is the usual estimate. Miscellaneous. — There are more manufactures lying outside of the three general divisions than in 476 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. any one of them, and some are hardly inferior in ex- tent and importance to any, either iron, wood, or food. A glass- factory was started here in February, 1870, by Messrs. Bulsitz, Dickson, Pitzinger, Brinkman, and Deschler, and two large furnace-houses, with the necessary adjuncts, were built. For a year or two some profitable work was done, about 80 hands employed, and about $135,000 of work turned out, chiefly fruit-jars and bottles, but there was not business enough to keep it employed, and it was gradually reduced in operation till it was abandoned, about 1873, and turned into a fertilizer-factory. Then, as -already mentioned, the Root Stove Foundry took it. Encaustic Tiles. — The United States Encaustic Tile- Works, on Seventh Street, are said to be the largest in the world, yet they were begun in 1877, — a striking proof of enterprise and business sagacity is the magnificent success they have achieved so soon. A recent account in the News of the city gives a very clear idea of the extent and character of the work : " Its goods are sought for in all quarters. Only the other day a large order came from South Africa. Starting with the idea that tile could be made profit- ably in this country, and being here within easy access of fine clays adapted to the purpose, the com- pany erected substantial buildings with the proper machinery, and procured a number of skilled work- men from England. The first eighteen months were devoted chiefly to experiments. It is easy to start a manufactory of any kind, but it requires time to produce the right article and obtain a market for it. The company was just beginning to emerge from the diflSculties incident to a new enterprise when fire swept the factory away, involving great loss. But American pluck was behind the enterprise, and the buildings rose again and work was resumed. Success was attained, for the best work was done, and the demand for the article grew so that great enlarge- ments were necessary. Recently, improvements to the value of $50,000 have been made, including four new kilns, of greatly increased capacity, and eight mufile-kilns, two more than any factory in England, not excepting Minton's, has. " The works now have a capacity of 2,000,000 square feet a year, and employ 300 persons, about 100 of whom are women. Among these are a num- ber of English operatives ; nearly all those who came originally, remain, and Superintendent Harrison in his recent visit to England engaged and brought over a number of additional families. The product of the factory is found in every State and in hundreds of public buildings. Special orders are constantly exe- cuted for palatial dwellings in the great cities, and there is an increasing demand from churches, hotels, depots, stores, and banks. Among other large con- tracts are the great Produce Exchange of New York, the Custom House and the Post-Oflice at St. Louis, and the Iowa State-House at Des Moines. " An encaustic tile, properly speaking, is one that is made of two kinds of clay, — a red base, with a face of finer clay, which bears the ornamental pattern, and strengthened at the base with a thin layer of different clay to prevent warping. It is made both by the dry and plastic processes. In the latter the clay is damp. The workman, taking what he needs, cuts off a square slab, upon which the facing of finer clay is slapped down ; a backing is put on the other side to make the requisite thickness. It is then put in a press, and the pattern in relief, usually made of plaster of Paris, is brought down upon the face of the tile, and the design is impressed into the soft-tinted clay. The hollows thus formed are filled with a semifluid clay of a rich or deep color, poured into them and over the whole surface of the tile. In twenty-four hours this has become suflBciently hard to admit of the surplus clay being removed, which is skillfully done by the operator, and the whole pattern and ground are exposed. The surface is perfectly smooth, but the baking brings out the indentations or ridges of the patterns. " The artistic perfection reached in this work is re- markable. All colors and tints are produced at will ; forms of beauty of all shapes, — fruits, vines, flowers, birds, insects, portraits, lettering in any style of text. In short, there is no shape or likeness that cannot be reproduced with the exactness of engraving, though, of course, not in such delicate lines. The demand for variety necessitates the use of many designs, the production of which is a field of itself Then, when the tile is finished for use, several designers are kept MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 477- busy in arranging the forms and combinations for mosaic floors, vestibules, chimney-pieces, walls, and other uses, and drawing working plans for the layers." Leather Products. — Mention has already been made of the tanneries of the city, early and late, but the products of leather in their different forms re- main to be noticed briefly. First of these is boot- and shoe-making. Boots and Shoes. — The first shoemaker in In- dianapolis was Isaac Lynch, who came in the fall of 1821. He was soon followed by others, but their work was all for customers and immediate use. None was made for stock or general sale. There has never been any extensive manufacture of foot-gear in the city that continued long. About ten years ago a company built a large three-story brick on Brookside Avenue, near its crossing of Pogue's Creek, northeast of the city, and shoes and boots were made there by machinery for a short time, but the enterprise was not profitable and was soon abandoned. Then John Fishback made it a tannery. There are three manufac- turers of, boot and shoe " uppers" in the city, Thomas D. Chautter, corner of Meridian and Washington Streets ; Jacob Fox, West Maryland ; Vincent Straub, South Illinois. There are 170 boot- and shoe-makers and dealers in the city, but the makers all work for customers directly. Besides these are 9 wholeseale dealers. There is no practicable way of arriving at the aggregate value of all the work and sales of these 182 establishments, but it runs well up in the millions, no doubt. Harness and Saddles. — The first saddler in the city, so far as any mention or memory can de- termine, was Christopher Kellum, who came in 1822 or 1823. The late James Sulgrove learned the trade with him, and when Mr. Kellum left the town, Mr. Sulgrove, then just out of his time, in 1826 took the business and carried it on, first with his brother and later with William S. Witbank, and in the days since the advent of railroads with Silas Shoemaker and Augustus Smith, and finally with some of his sons, till his death in November, 1875. At that time and for several years before his was the oldest business house in Indianapolis. He was born in Montgomery County, Ohio, and came here with his father in 1823. He had never any regular schooling but for a few months, and , taught himself about all he ever learned. He married in 1826 and raised a family of ten children, ^ all of whom survived him, and but one has died since. His wife died in 1865, more than ten years before him. He afterwards married a Mrs. Johnson, and for a few years left the city and lived on a farm on the Bluflf road about a mile below the farm of his younger brother, Joseph, his former business partner,- who died the year before him. He returned to the ' city a few years before his death, but never discon- tinued his attention to his business till forced to do so by ill health. He had been continuously in the saddle and harness business there forty-nine years, and was a few days over seventy at his death. He at- tached himself to the Christian Church in 1836, the year after its organization, and remained a member and an officer all his life. He was for many years one of the directors of the branch here of the old State Bank, with the late Calvin Fletcher, with whom he was always on terms of warm friendship, and with Mr. Thomas H. Sharpe and others. He served one term in the city council, and was alSo the last trustee of the old County Seminary except Mr. Simon Yandes, and was one of the trustees of the city schools. He was a prominent Republican and a member of the county and State central committees, but was never a poli- tician, and never held or sought any office of emolu- ment. He was noted among his business associates for his integrity and faithful adhesion to every promise, and his punctual fulfillment of all engage- ments. He was buried at Crown Hill by the Masons, of whom he was a member for thirty years. The harness house of the Sulgrove Brothers, on West Washington Street, was the first in the city to manufacture harness for general sale and for whole sale. This business they have maintained now nearly ten years. Besides this house there is that of Ad. Hereth, on Court Street (one of the oldest of the later establishments) ; F. M. Rottler, North Dela- ware ; Paul Sherman, South Delaware ; C. J. Shan- ver, Indiana Avenue ; Fechentin & Co., South Me- ridian ; R. P. Thiecke, East Washington ; William 478 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. S. Marsh, Fort Wayne Avenue ; John Foltz, West Washington ; I. H. Herrington, North Delaware ; J. M. HuflFer, West Washington ; M. E. King & Co., Massachusetts Avenue. These generally make both saddles and harness. Belting is manufactured by the Hide, Leather and Belting Company, South Meridian Street. j Textile Products. — Wool. The earliest mill for ! the manufacture of woolen goods was that of Na- thaniel West, on the canal at the Michigan road crossing, or ' Cottontown, but nearly contemporane- ously with him Souder & Hannaman made woolen cloth and fulled it on the site of the water-works. This establishment came to the hands of Merritt & Coughlin in 1849, or thereabouts, and it was burned the following year, or about 1851. They rebuilt at once, and have continued the business ever since. In 1856 they built their present extensive woolen- mill on West Washington Street (a little off the site of the old building), and within two or three years have built a large addition on the east, next to the mill-race. George Merritt. — The Merritt family came to America about two hundred years ago, landing at Quebec. One of its earliest members settled at the head of Lake Champlain, and had among his chil- dren Nehemiah, whose relationship to the subject of this biographical sketch was that of great-great- grandfather. His son Ichabod married Sarah Wing and had children, among whom was Joseph Merritt, born in 1776, and married to Cynthia Howland. The children of this marriage are Austis, Abraham, Jo- seph, Richard, Sarah, Isaac, Cynthia, Mary L., and Mahala. Joseph, of this number, was born June 19, 1792, in Saratoga County, N. Y., and married Phebe Hart, to whom were born children, — Jane, William, Jonathan, Daniel, Charles, Richard, George, Phebe, and Joseph. The birth of their son George oc- curred Nov. 22, 1824, in Saratoga County, N. Y., where his youth until his twelfth year was passed. The family then emigrated to Michigan, and his growing years were spent in the general labor inci dent to clearing and cultivating a farm. On attain- ing the age of twenty-one he removed to Ohio, and under the direction of an uncle learned the trade of woolen manufacturing. On becoming proficient in this branch of industry, he, with his brother Charles, in 1850, leased a mill at Beaver Creek, Ohio, and began the manufacture of woolen goods, which was continued for six years. Mr. Merritt, in 1856, re- moved to Indianapolis and formed a copartnership with William Coughlen, for the purpose of woolen manufacturing, which was continued uninterruptedly for a period of twenty-five years, when the latter re- tired from business, and a son. Worth Merritt, be- came interested, under the firm-name of George Mer- ritt & Co. Mr. Merritt has been actively identified with other enterprises in the city of his residence. He is a di- rector of the Indiana National Bank and one of its incorporators. He was elected to the board of school commissioners of Indianapolis in 1874 and is still a member, during all of which time he has been chair- man of the finance committee. All measures for the conduct of the late war received his earnest support, especially those having in view the labors of the San- itary Commission. During this period he was one of the trusted advisers of Governor Morton, and fre- quently consulted with reference to the many ques- tions arising during that critical period. Mr. Mer- ritt's sympathies having been enlisted in behalf of the orphans of soldiers, he, in connection with Miss Susan Fussell, established a home for a limited num- ber of these children at Knightstown, where liberal provision was made for their training and comfort until able to help themselves, Mr. Merritt bearing the necessary expense involved. Through his exertions a bill passed the Legislature, by which orphan chil- dren in poor-houses were established in families under the supervision and care of matrons. He was reared in the Quaker faith, but is a supporter and one of the congregation of Plymouth Church of this city. Mr. Merritt was married on the 30th of March, 1852, to Miss Paulina T. McClung, whose birth oc- curred in Rockbridge County, Va. She is the daugh- ter of John S. McClung and Hannah Eliza Kinear, of Xenia, Ohio, and granddaughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Wilson McClung. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt are Jeannette G., Worth J., who is '^'W^aiySa.mu ^<=v. cy^^-^^ybo^ MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 479 associated with his father in business, and Ernest G., now in college. In 1847, C. E. and G. W. GeisendorfF began the manufacture of woolen goods in the old steam-mill, but not very successfully, and they left it in 1852 and built a frame mill, still standing and in use, on the west bank of the mill-race, on the National road a little west of the point where that road separates from Washington Street. Here they have carried on a large and successful business, which has compelled them to more than double their original capacity by the addition of a large brick mill in the rear of the old one. Mr. Yount succeeded Mr. West on the canal in 1849, but did not continue long. Cotton. — He, or Mr. West before him, attempted the cotton manufacture for a short time, but aban- doned it as not worth the trouble. The only cotton- mill that has approached a succe.ssful business here is that of the Indianapolis Cotton Manufacturing Com- pany, which was built ten or twelve years ago just west of Fall Creek race, and three or four hundred feet north of the river-bank. This has been kept in pretty fair operation since then, but recently it has been proposed to abandon it. Hemp. — The only hemp manufacture of any con- sequence, and that of very little, was rope-making. There have been several " rope-walks" here at one time or another. That which continued longest was on the lane which now forms South West Street, a little below the other lane which is now South Street. About 1840, as related in the general history, Mr. McCarty began the manufacture of hemp, not of hemp products, on the east bank of Pogue's Run Bottom, near the present line of Ray Street, taking the water to rot the hemp and run his brakes and other apparatus from the canal. He raised the hemp himself, or most of it, on his " Bayou Farm," now the site of so many and so large industrial establish- ments in West Indianapolis. The times were hard though, and all the circumstances unpropitious, and even his iron energy and resolution could not endure carrying an extensive factory and a large farm at a dead loss. The business was abandoned about 1843. Dressmaking belongs to this division of manu- factures, and as there are 91 dressmaking establish- ments in the city, it may be supposed to be a pretty large division. The census of 1880 reports 31 milli- nery and dressmaking establishments here, with 306 hands and an annual product of $324,000. As the directory shows 91 dressmaking establishments and 35 milUinery establishments, or a total of 126, four times as many as the census found, either the census was incorrect, — a not very improbable suggestion, — or this class of manufactures has increased enormously in four years. What the real value of products or force of hands employed may be it is impossible to conjecture with any reasonable measure of accuracy. The census statement might fairly be doubled, how- ever. Tailoring. — Tailoring, like shoe-making, was an affair of direct work, on orders, for customers in all the first thirty years of the city's existence, and most of it both in town and country was done at home. Working-clothes, " every-day" clothes, as they were called, were oftener than not the product of the mother's scissors and needle, cut by patterns, and made up in the intervals of cooking, washing, and house-cleaning. If the fits were not close or neat, the wear was unequaled in these degenerate days of " slop-shop" work and sewing-machine evasions. The first man to sell ready-made clothes was Benjamin Orr, in 1838, but tailors had grown plenty and quite busy by that time. The first was Andrew Byrne, uncle of Mr. Nowland, who came here in 1820, and presumably plied his trade then and always after- wards when he had anything to do. Among the late arrivals of tailors were Capt. Alexander Wiley, James Smith, Samuel P. Daniels, afterwards State Librarian, John Montgomery, D. B. Ward, who be- long to the first two decades. Merchant Tailoring came after the opening of our railroad system, though no doubt some little was done before. Mr. Ward was probably among the earliest merchant tailors. There are now 23 mer- chant tailors in the city, and 34 tailors of ordinary custom-work. The census reports 28 merchant tai- lors four years ago, employing 453 hands, and pro- ducing annually $777,960 worth of clothing. Not- withstanding the reduction of 5 establishments, the probability is that more work is done now than then, 480 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. and the value of the work done by other tailors is probably enough to make the aggregate of both $1,000,000. Printing, aside from newspapers, employs 26 estab- lishments in the city, and 5 publishing-houses. In , 1880 the aggregate of both was 25, with 707 hands, and an annual product of $726,857. It is probably twice that now, though the force of hands may not be doubled. The census returns are of little value four years away, and they are not strikingly accurate indications of the condition of industries even when nearer to the time they are supposed to belong to. Chemicals. — The manufactures of this class have until within the last decade been carried on by drug- houses, when anything of that kind was attempted at all. In this class the oldest in the city, and probably in the State, is that of Browning & Sloan, East Washington Street, near Meridian. It was estab- lished by Dr. John L. Mothershead about the year 1840, on the north side of Washington Street, mid- way between Meridian and the alley. Some years later David Craighead, who, with Mr. Brandon, carried a like establishment nearly opposite, went into this, and Mr. Browning, now .senior proprietor, was for a number of years a clerk in it. He ac- quired so thorough a knowledge of the business and such skill in all its processes that he became indis- pensable, and was made a partner in 1850, when only twenty-three years old. Mr. Sloan, who was a clerk with Craighead & Browning, became a partner in 1862. During all the time after Mr. Craighead's death, Mr. Browning conducted the business alone from 1854 to 1862, the estate still retaining its in- terest. It is the best-known and most extensive house of its class in the State. It manufactures its fluid extracts and pharmaceutical preparations gen- erally, and all the latest remedies. A large factory on MoCarty Street, between Dela- ware and Alabama, is used wholly for the manufac- ture of chemicals and pharmaceutical preparations. It was established byJJBli Lilly & Co. some ten years ago on Maryland Street, and was then removed to South Meridian, and thence to its present location. For a time Dr. John P. Johnston was associated with Mr. Lilly, but for a few years past they have been separated, and Dr. Johnston has an establishment on South Pennsylvania Street. Varnish is a manufacture belonging to this class, and there is one long-established and extensive factory of that kind here. It was begun by Henry B. Mears eighteen years ago, on the point between Kentucky Avenue and Mississippi Street. Here in a very short time J. 0. D. Lilly entered the estab- lishment, and in a few years bought out Mr. Mears, and associated his sons in the business. About ten years ago he built a much larger house, and espe- cially arranged for his work, on the river-bank at the foot of Rose and Grant Streets, a block west of West Street, and here he produces an article that com- mands a sale all over the United States, even in cities that have varnish-factories of their own. In 1871, Messrs. Ebner, Kramer & Aldag established a varnish- factory on the corner of Pine and Ohio Streets. No report appears of the amount of business done by either, but Mr. Lilly probably produces near $100,000 a year. John 0. D. Lilly is of English parentage, his grandfather William Lilly, an Episcopal clergyman, having come to America about the year 1794 and settled at Albany, N. Y., from whence he removed to Elizabeth, N. J., and, in connection with his sacred calling, taught a female seminary. His children were Catherine (Mrs. Francis Lathrop), John, a physician who resided for half a century in Lambertville, N. J., and William, who was born about the year 1789 in England, and came when a lad of six years to America with his father. The latter served in the war of 1812, and participated in the battle of Platts- burg. He was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Dey, of Geneva, N. Y., and had children fourteen in number, of whom Samuel, Benjamin, Phoebe Ann, Jane, Charlotte, William, John 0. D., and James reached mature years. Four of this number are still living. John O. D. was born Sept. 17, 1822, in Penn Yann, Yates Co., N. Y., which place he left with his parents for New York City when six years of age. After a brief residence in the metropolis, the family removed to Steuben County, in the same State, where he remained seven years. The common school, and later the academy of the town in which MANUFACTUKING INTEEESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 481 his parents resided, afforded advantages of education, after which he removed to Carbon County, Pa., and acquiring the business of a machinist, before the age of twenty-one years became foreman of a machine- shop. At twenty- two he removed to Philadelphia, and from that city to Reading, where his mechanical insight and thorough knowledge of machinery made him invaluable as foreman of the shops of the Read- ing Railroad. Mr. Lilly was in 1848 married to Miss Catherine, daughter of Col. John Miller, a prominent citizen and legislator of Berks County, Pa. Their children are Emma, Ida, Charles, and John M. Charles, of this number, is married to Miss Jessie Hall, of Indianapolis. Mr. Lilly determined in 1849 to seek the West as a more promising field for the artisan, and located in Madison, Ind., where he became master machinist of the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, and ultimately superin- tendent of the same road. He afterward was offered and accepted the superintendency of the Lafayette and Indianapolis Railroad. In 1862 he became an employ^ of the government as master machinist of United States Military Railroads, with the rank of colonel, and Washington as headquarters. Mr. Lilly in his various railroad schemes brought to bear not only superior knowledge, but his accustomed energy and judgment, which placed the seal of success on all his efforts, and rendered his services alike valu- able to the government or private corporations. Hav- ing previous to the war resided in Indianapolis, he made that city again his home on retiring from the service, and began the manufacture of varnish with Henry B. Mears, whose interest he subsequently purchased and made his sons partners in the estab- lishment. Their products are of superior quality and find a ready market. Mr. Lilly was president of the Brown Rotary Shuttle Sewing-Machiue Com- pany, located in Indianapolis, which succumbed to the financial disasters of 1873. He is also engaged in other active enterprises. He has been identified in various ways with the city and its improvements, and is especially interested in its school system. In politics he is a Republican, though not a participant in the active work of the party. Tobacco. — Leaf. There are three dealers in leaf- tobacco who do some little manufacturing, but there is little done now compared to what there was up to 1878. At that time, or shortly before, Mr. Ferdinand Christ- man manufactured " fine-cut" very largely, and sold it all over the West. The business has declined since, till it is prosecuted only in a small way, except in the manufacture of cigars. This, branch of the business is still carried on as extensively as ever. The census reported but 42 manufacturers of cigars and tobacco of all kinds, with 192 hands, and a yearly product of $287,900. There are now 87 cigar-making houses in the city, double the number four years ago, and they have probably doubled the product, though there are no authoritative statements to prove it. Among the largest of the present establishments is that of C. H. O'Brien, corner of Maryland and South Illi- nois Streets; John A. McGaw, North Illinois Street; John Rauch, West Washington Street. Confectionery. — The oldest confectionery house in the city is that of Daggett & Co., northwest corner of Meridian and Georgia Streets. It carries on the manufacture in all three of the upper stories, and does a larger business probably than similar factories. Becker, on West Washington Street, also does a large business ; also Angelo Rosasco, on South Illinois Street ; Irmer & Moench, North Pennsylvania Street; John Dixon, Massachusetts Avenue ; Harriet E. Hall, East Washington Street. There are of manu- facturers and dealers together 34 in the city, 5 being women : Mary Watson, West Washington Street ; Caroline B. Martin, Indiana Avenue; Harriet Love- joy, East Washington Street ; Lola Harris, Virginia Avenue. There were 9 in 1880, producing 8260,000 worth of goods. Stone-Cutting. — The first stone-cutter who had a yard here and sawed stone was Mr. Spears, on the corner of Washington Street and Kentucky Avenue, in 1833 or 1834. He was followed a few years later by Peter Francis, who had his place on the corner of Kentucky Avenue and Maryland Street. These were the pioneers. Scott & Nicholson, who had the con- tract for the stone-work of the court-house, began business here in 1854, and soon established the most extensive yard in the city on Kentucky Avenue, at a point just below the Vandalia Railroad. After com- 482 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. pleting the court-house they retired from business, and their yard is partly occupied by Mr. Greenrod. Mr. Goddard also has a yard on the same avenue a square farther north, and G. Ittenbach & Co. have one on Harrison Street. Marble-Work. — This is a comparatively recent industry here, and is largely confined to memorial work of one kind or another. The houses are only seven : T. J. Clark & Co., West Washington ; J. R. Cowie, North Delaware ; August Diener, East Washington ; J. P. LePage, opposite west entrance of Crown Hill ; A. A. McKain, East Market ; J. M. Sullivan, West Ohio ; W. C. Whitehead, Massachu- setts Avenue. The value of the marble- and stone- cutting of 1880, — no report is later except those that are partial or defective, — with 11 establishments and 114 hands, was $237,000. Brick. — Yards for making and burning brick in the last generation gathered along Virginia Avenue, outside of the town proper, though an occasional one was maintained nearer the centre of settlement. Now they are all clear out of the city, or only in the re- motest outskirts, though they have offices in the usual business-places. There are 13 of them now. There were 7 in 1880, producing $53,000 of brick. The secretary of the Board of Trade reports them thus for 1882 (the report for 1883 not being yet completed), showing a loss of 3 yards in the year, but a large gain otherwise : Number of yards in city and vicinity 18 Capital invested $130,000 Numberof men employed 280 Number of brick manufactured during year 20,000,000 Total value of brick made $165,000 Oil. — The early manufacture of linseed oil has been described in the general history. There is little to add now, except that after the business had disap- peared or diminished greatly for a score of years, it was revived in 1864 by I. P. Evans & Co., who also established a large manufactory on South Delaware Street, at the crossing of the Union Railway tracks. Here the business increased to such an extent that about three years ago it was deemed necessary or advisable to establish a second manufactory, on a still larger scale, on the west side of the river, near the Michigan Street bridge, on the Belt Railroad. The product of oil annually is about 8200,000. Ice. — Ice was packed for domestic use and confec- tionery manufacture as early as 1840, by John Hodg- kins, on the sites of the present Catholic school, St. John's Cathedral, and the bishop's residence. It was not for several years, however, that it was packed in quantities to supply a general demand. About the year 1847, Mr. George Pitts began this business, and it has extended till now several large dealers maintain ice-ponds on the low ground between the canal and Fall Creek, while others cut from the canal and Fall Creek, and occasionally from the river. There are some half-dozen packers and dealers in the city now, who supply customers every day by wagons, as bakers and butchers do. They employ about 200 hands altogether in the packing .season, which is very variable in this climate, and in 1880 sold a total value of $67,000 of ice. The business now is much larger, and there are some dealers who supply only ice cut on the lakes in the northern part of the State, cutting none here. Photography. — The first of the business of sun- painting was done here in 1842 by T. W. Whitridge, as related in another chapter. Improvement was slow, but in the last ten years photography has made as striking advances as any industry in the city. There were 20 establishments here in 1880, pro- ducing about $50,000 worth of work. There are 23 here now, doing probably double that amount of work. Electric Lights. — The Brush Electric Light Com- pany was organized here June 17, 1881, with John Cav6n, so long mayor of the city, as president. The capital is $150,000. A large establishment was built by them on South Pennsylvania Street, below Geor- gia, and powerful machinery put in, and operations begun within a year after the organizatioi). About 120 lights, each of 2000 candle-power, are main- tained, but for private use. The city has not yet seen fit to use the light, though advantageous oflFers have been made it by the company. The Telephone, — Two telephone companies were organized here in 1878, — one under the control of the Western Union Telegraph Company, using the 5S S e ■vi' & @ Jr^ =il ■ (S e f^: ?.»l SI 5> IS) a (P © es (551 •vi ?^ IP ^ q; P i^ © • m © IP ta MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OP THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 483 Edison invention, and one managed by Mr. E. T. Gilliland, of the Electrical Manufactory, who used the Bell invention. The former had the exchange in the Western Union telegraph-office, the other was lo- cated in the Vance Block. The two were consoli- dated into the Western Telephone Company in 1879, and the consolidated exchange kept in the Western Union location. In 1882 the Central Union Com- pany was formed, absorbing the others. Very re- cently the exchange was removed to the building on the southwest corner of Illinois and Ohio Streets, the removal causing a good deal of embarrassment to the citizens as well as the company. There are now about 1000 "renters," as they are called, requiring the services of about 50 persons, though 100 were needed during the removal. Sewing-Machines. — In 1870 the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing-Machine Company established a fac- tory at the upper end of Massachusetts Avenue, to make the cabinet-work of their machines, and it was carried on extensively for several years. But for some half-dozen years past it seems to have declined, and suspend finally, as no return is made of any of that class of work. Agencies for the sale of machines are numerous. Indianapolis as a Manufacturing Centre, — The variety, extent, and value of the manufactures, of which the foregoing summary may give the reader an idea, are an assurance that the position as a manu- facturing centre which the city has attained is very unlikely to be lost or seriously weakened. The influ- ences that combined to create this impulse continue in their original force, or rather, are stronger than ever. The central position of the city, its central position in the State, or rather in the Northwest, has brought to it from all directions the new lines of com- munication opened by the locomotive, and in these it has found the advantages by the energetic and saga- cious improvement of which it has attained its posi- tion. These are the work of man's intelligence and energy, and are, therefore, in no way dependent on the accidents or changes of nature. They are as easily kept as got, and more, for as. population attracts population and business attracts business, the concen- tration of railways attracts or compels the addition of railways, when new outlets to markets are needed. The city will therefore, in all probability, continue to grow from the roots already sent out, as it has grown in sending them out. But to this probability must be added others of even greater promise. No city in the West, or even in the world, offers such opportu- nities for illimitable and easy expansion. There is not a foot of ground within ten miles in any direction that cannot easily be built upon and added to her area. Cheap lots are therefore possible for more years and growth than would suffice to make it as large as London. There is no cramping of hills, or streams, or unhealthy localities, to huddle up settlements in any quarter and raise real estate to figures inaccessi- ble to poor men. The health is not surpassed by that of any city in the country or any country. There is nothing in that direction to offset the advantages offered by a flourishing town, with an inexhaustible area of cheap building-lots. The schools are equal to any in the country. East or West, and have been sup- ported with unfailing liberality and unanimity. The public improvements are in good part completed, or advancing to completion, so that the heaviest expenses of preparing for comfortable and profitable residence have been incurred, and will not need to be renewed. Thus it offers the four best inducements to the emi- grant, — cheap residence, ample means of education, light taxes, and assured health. Without these the unequaled railroad advantages might have left, and might still leave, it merely a flourishing town, but not a large commercial and manufacturing centre. But to all the advantages enumerated there must be added another equal to either, if not to all to- gether. This is the city's vicinity to the best coal- field in the world for all classes of manufactures. Fuel is the prime necessity of manufacturing in these days, and is likely to remain so until electricity or Ericsson's concentrated sunlight replaces it. Baw material goes to power to be worked up. The phi- losophy of this movement need not be considered here. It is enough, in this connection, to .state the fact. Power exists here in such abundance as all the developments of England cannot equal. Within two or three hours' run of us lies a coal-field of nearly eight thousand square miles. We enter it by five. 484 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNT?. and soon may by six, different lines of railway, making a monopoly, and consequently a heavy cost of transportation, impossible. The dip of the strata is to the west, thus turning up the outcrop in the direction nearest to us, and making that part which 18 most easily mined also the most easily reached. The seams, in many cases, are mined by drifting in from hill-sides, sometimes by shallow shafts, some- times by merely stripping off a few feet of the sur- face soil. The ground above is all capable of culti- vation and can support all the men, and more, necessary to work them. Mining, therefore, can be carried on at the lowest possible cost. But more than this, the character of the coal itself increases the facility and consequent cheapness of mining. It is soft and easily broken ; its laminations are easily separated ; it breaks easily across the line of stratifi- cation ; in fact, is seamed with lines of breakage crossing those of cleavage. It can be thus knocked out of the seam in large, square masses, or chunks, as one might knock bricks out of a dry-piled wall. This, again, assures easy mining. It is almost en- tirely free from the dangerous gases that produce such fearful calamities in deeper mines of different coal. It is not saying too much to say that no coal has yet been found anywhere in the world so easily accessible, so cheaply mined, or so free from danger to the miner. These facts alone are enough to assure to the city all the advantages that belong to the pos- session of inexhaustible fuel and illimitable mechanical power. But there are other facts besides these that " make assurance double sure." This coal, called block coal, — from the peculiarity above alluded to of breaking into blocks, — is really a sort of mineral charcoal. It contains no sulphur, or so little that no analysis has been able to detect more than a trace of it. It contains enough naphtha to kindle almost instantane- ously, and it burns without caking, or melting and running together, as most bituminous coals do. These two qualities — freedom from sulphur and burning without caking — every man accustomed to using coal for steam, or for smelting or working iron, will understand at once to make the Indiana block coal uuequaled for all manufacturing purposes. For iron it is unapproachable, being but little different from charcoal. In fact, much of it is charcoal, as any one can see by breaking a lump. The whole surface will be found mottled by alternate lines of bright and dull black, and the latter are laminations of mere mineral charcoal. It will rub off on the fingers or clothes like charcoal, and it can be scraped up in little heaps of charcoal-dust. The brighter laminations are a sort of cannel coal. The whole mass, instead of the glossy, polished look of Pitts- burgh coal, is dull and dark, rather than black, with frequent splotches of grayish hue, like an under- ground rust, upon it. It is, in all respects, different from the ordinary bituminous coal, which has to be coked before it can be used to smelt or work iron. To its singular adaptation to iron manufacture is due the enormous development of that interest in the city within the past ten years. The field is calculated, from the facts so far ascer- tained, to contain over twenty thousand millions of tons of this block coal. This is more than will be worked up by all the population that can be collected on the vast plain about Indianapolis in five hundred years. Besides the block, the field contains many seams of the ordinary coal, though varying less from the Other than does the Eastern kind. There is every variety for all kinds of work, and all can be obtained with equal ease and cheapness. The whole field is calculated to contain sixty-five thousand millions of tons, much of it close to the surface, none of it so deep as to need the costly shafting and machinery of the English or Eastern mines. In the possession of this amount of fuel, Indian- apolis offers to the manufacturer, and especially to the iron manufacturer, these advantages : 1st. The best coal that has yet been found in the world to make or work iron, and as good as any — better than most — for making steam. 2d. Cheap coal, made cheap by ease of mining, freedom from danger, facilities for approach in mining, and by the capability of the covering country to sup- port the miners. 3d. Cheap transportation of coal from the mines to the city, assured by the actual operation of four lines MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. 485 of railway pcnetratinj; the field in four directions, with the certain addition of a fifth, already on the way to completion. Added to the.se is the probability of a cheap narrow-gauge line, which the recent de- velopments as to the value of that mode of transpor- tation have suggested to men not likely to abandon it. The competition of these lines makes high prices impossible. 4th. Choice of coal. Standing at the junction of five or six lines of coal transportation, each bringing a diflFerent variety or diflFerent grade, the manufacturer at Indianapolis can choose that which suits him best, at a price regulated by strong and steady competition. Bight in the coal-field, he would have to take what was near him, or obtain better at a cost that would make profit impossible. Iron men know well the necessity of adapting coal to ore, and the uncertainty there is of finding one kind yielding an equal product with another. The city is, therefore, a better point for smelting, as well as puddling, rolling, casting, or any other process of iron manufacture, than any other point in the State. 5th. The numerous railway lines centring here afford all possible facilities for obtaining necessary raw material or shipping completed products. We have thirteen lines entering the city, and, counting the old Madison road, fourteen. There are only three counties in the State that are not in direct rail- way connection with us, that is, that cannot send a passenger from there here all the way by rail. This can hardly be said of another State in the Union, except some of the New England States. There are only these three or four from which a mer- chant may not come here, do business, and return in the same day, with suitable arrangement of connec- tions and trains. This places every dealer in the State at the doors of our manufacturers virtually. 6th. Besides these advantages, offered to the iron manufacturer especially, the advantages of cheap fuel and unequaled transportation are offered to every class of manufacture. To wood-workers we can show hardly less capabilities of profitable labor than to iron men. 7th. We offer plenty and cheap building stone, brick, and other building materials. The Coal Trade. — The completion of the Van- dalia (then Terre Haute and Indianapolis) Railroad in 1852 was the signal for active operations in the Indiana coal-field, which was cut across the middle by the new line, and opened up to the readiest possible means of transportation. But enterprise proceeded rather slowly at the outset. The value of the new fuel, for new it was to most of the settlers of White River Valley, was not appreciated. It was not better than wood, it was a great deal dirtier, and it did not then appear likely to be cheaper. So the country viewed the opening of its new and great resource with a very indifferent eye. The late generous and philan- thropic Chauucey Rose, president of the railroad, fumed and swore because some of his old ties and spikes had been used by a firm from this city in lay- ing a little side track to connect their mine with his line and make business for him. He did not want that sort of business. The first mining attempted by any one in Indianapolis was by John Caven, mayor during the war, and now president of the Brush Electric Light Company, and a partner by the name of Robert Griffith. They opened a surface mine; merely skinning off a few feet of alluvial soil, near the little town of Brazil in the fall of 1852, and prosecuted the enterprise under very great disadvan- tages all that winter. Then the trouble and expense became too weighty, and they quit and sold out. Some little of this coal was burned in the city, but not much, and what was used was not greatly liked. Gradually, however, as forests were swept away and cultivation extended, wood became dear, and the war- times and prices made it dearer, and then coal began to find a readier sale. For twenty years the business has steadily increased by the increasing consumption for domestic purposes, and by the increasing number and use of locomotives and stationary engines. In 1880 the consumption of all kinds of coal here was 252,357 tons, of which 25,000 was Pittsburgh coal. In 1882 it was about 350,000 tons. For the past year no returns have been completed, but it is esti- mated that the increase has been about ten per cent., which would raise the total well up towards 400,000 tons. There are 31 coal and coke dealers in the city. 486 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. CHAPTER XIX. CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION CODNTT. Following is a complete list of the town and city officers of Indianapolis from 1832 to the present time, kindly furnished for this work by Mr. George H. Fleming, who was appointed by the Council to revise the city ordinances, viz. : PRESIDENTS OF BOARDS OP TRUSTEES. Samuel Henderson Oct. 12, 1832, to Sept. 30, 1833 James Edgar (resigned as trustee) Sept. 30 to Dec. 9, 1833 Benjamin I. Blythe March 7, 1834, to Feb. 14, 1835 Ale.\ander F. Morrison Feb. 14 to Oct. 2, 1836 Nathan B. Palmer Oct. 2, 1835, to April 13, 1836 George Lockerbie April 13, 1836, to April 4, 1837 Joshua Soule, Jr April 4, 1837, to April 2, 1838 PRESIDENTS OF COMMON COUNCIL. James Morrison 1838-39 Nathan B. Palmer 1839-40 Henry P. Coburn 1840-41 William Sullivan (resigned Nov. 12, 1841) 1841 David V.Culley 1841-44, 1850-53 Lazarus B.Wilson 1844-45 Joseph A. Levy 1845—47 Samuels. Rookcr (resigned Nov. 1, 1847) 1847 Charles W. Cady 1847-48 George A. Chapman 1848-49 William Eckert 1849-50 Andrew A. Louden (resigned June 3, 1850) 1850 MAYORS. Samuel Henderson 1847-49 Horatio C. Newcomb (resigned Nov. 7, 1851) 1849-51 Caleb Soudder 1851-54 James McCready 1854-56 Henry F. West (died Nov. 8, 1856) 1856 Charles Coulon (to fill vacancy until Nov. 22, 1856) 1856 William John Wallace (resigned May 3, 1858) 1856-58 Samuel D. Maxwell 1858-63 John Caven 1863-67, 1875-81 Daniel Macauley 1867-73 James L. Mitchell 1873-75 Daniel W. Grubbs 1881-84 John L. McMaster 1884-86 PRESIDENTS OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Horatio C. Newcomb 1877-78 William D. Wiles 1878-79 Jonathan M. Ridenour 1879-80 Henry Coburn 1880-81 James T. Layman 1881-84 TOWN CLERKS. Samuel Merrill (trustee) Oct. 12 to Nov. 27, 1832 Isaac N. Heylin (resigned March 22, 1833) 1832-33 Israel P. Griffith (resigned Deo. 6, 1833).... T.... 1833 Hugh O'Neal 1833-34, 1836-38 James Morrison (resigned Oct. 2, 1835) 1834-35 JoshuaSoule, Jr Oct. 17, 1835, to April 4, 1836 SECRETARIES OF COMMON COUNCIL. Joshua Soule, Jr 18.38-39 Hervey Brown 1839-43 William L. Wingate 1843-45 James G. Jordan (resigned Deo. 10, 1849) 1845-49 Joseph T. Roberts 1849-51 Daniel B. Culley 1851-53 CITY CLERKS. Daniel B. Culley 1853-54 James N. Sweetser 1854-55 Alfred Stephens (died Oct. 14, 1856) 1855-56 Frederick Stein (to fill vacancy) 1856-57 George H. West 1857-58 John G. Waters 1858-83 Cyrus S. Butterfield 1863-67 Daniel M. Ransdell 1867-71 John R. Clinton 1871-75 Benjamin C. AVright 1875-79 Joseph T. Magner 1879-84 George T. Breunig 1884-86 CLERK OF BOARD OF ALDERMEN. George T. Breunig 1877-84 CITY AUDITOR. John 6. Waters 1866-67 TOWN TREASURERS. John Wilkens (trustee) Oct. 12 to Nov. 27, 1832 Obed Foote (died) 1832 Hervey Bates 183.3-35 Thomas Il.Sharpe 1835-39 Charles B. Davis 1839-40, 1841-44 Humphrey Griffith 1840-41 John L. Welsbans 1844-46 George Norwood 1846-47 CITY TREASURERS. Nathan Lister (resigned April 22, 1848) 1847-48 Henry Ohr (to fill vacancy) 1848 James Greer (resigned Aug. 9, 1848) 1848 James H. Kennedy 1848-50, 1851 John S. Spann (resigned Jan. 6, 1851) 1850-51 Ambrose F. Shortridge 1851-55 Harry Vandegrift 1855-56 Francis King 1856-58 James M. Jameson 1858-61 Joseph K. English 1861-65 William H. Craft 1865-67 Robert S. Foster 1867-71 John W. Coons 1871-73 Henry W. Tutewiler 1873-77 William M. Wiles 1877-79 William G. Wasson 1879-81 Isaac Newton Pattison „ 1881-86 TOWN ASSESSORS. Josi.-ih W. Davis (resigned) Nov. 27, 1832- Butler K. Smith 1833-34 George Lockerbie 1834-36 John Elder 1836-37 Thomas McOu.it 1837-38 Albert G. Willard 1838-40 Henry Bradley 1840-41 Thomas Donnellan 1841-42, 1843-46 James H. Kennedy 1842-43 John Coen ; 1846-47 CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 487 CITY ASSESSORS. Joshua Black 1847-48 Charles I. Hand 1848-49 Henry Ohr 1849-50 Samuel P. Daniels 1850-51 Lemuel Vanlandingham 1851-52 John S. Allen 1862-53 Matthew Little 1853-54 John G. Waters 1854-55 James H. Kennedy 1855-56 John B. Stumph 1856-58 (resigned July 6, 1864), 1860-64 David L. Merryman 1858-59 Robert W. Robinson 1859-60 William Hadley 1864-79 Milton F. Connett 1879-84 Eugene Sauloy 1884-86 TOWN ATTORNEYS. James Morrison 1837-38 Hugh O'Neal 1838-40 Hiram and Hervey Brown 1840-46 Alanson J. Stevens and John L. Keteham 1846-47 CITY ATTORNEYS. Andrew M. Carnahan (resigned April 3, 1848) 1847-48 Napoleon B. Taylor 1848, 185.3-66 William B. Greer 1848-49 Edwin Coburn 1849-50 William Wallace (resigned Oct. 28, 1850) 1850 Abram A. Hammond 1850-51 Albert G. Porter 1851-53 John T. Morrison 1856-57 Benjamin Harrison 1857-58 Samuel V. Morris 1858-59 Byron K. Elliott 1859-61 (resigned Oct. 31, 1870), 1865-70, [187,3-75 James N. Sweetser 1861-63 Richard J. Ryan 186.3-65 Jonathan S. Harvey 1870-73 Casablanca Byfield (deposed May 8, 1876) 1875-76 Roscoe 0. Hawkins 1876-79 John A. Henry 1879-82 Caleb S. Denny 1882- CITY SOLICITOR. Byron K. Elliott Nov. 11, 1872, to May 12, 1873 TOWN MARSHALS. Glidden True Nov. 27, 1832, to Feb. 8, 1833 Edward McGuire (resigned May 10, 1833) 1833 Samuel Jenison (resigned 1834) 1833-34 Dennis I. White 1834-35 John C. Basic (resigned Oct. 7, 1835) 1835 John A. Boyer (resigned Deo. 19, 1835) 1835 Richard D. Mattingly 1836-36 William Campbell 1836-39 James Vanblaricum 1839-42, 1844-43 Robert C. Allison 1842-46 Benjamin Ream 1843-44 Newton N. Norwood 1845-46 Jaoob B. Fitler 1846-47 CITY MARSHALS. William Campbell 1847-48 John L. Bishop 1848-49 Bims A. Colley 1849-50, 1851-52 Benjamin Pilbean 1850-51, 1853-55 Elisha McNeely 1852-53 George W. Pitts 1855-56 Jefferson Springsteen 1866-68, 1859-61 Augustine D. Rose 1858-59 David W. Loucks (died April 24, 1862) 1861-62 John Unversaw 1862-69 George Taffe 1869-71 Thomas D. Amos 1871-73 W. Clinton West 1873-75 Eli Thompson 1875-77 Alonzo D. Harvey ^ 1877-79 Richard S. Colter (legislated out of office)....1879 to Apr. 16, '83 CAPTAINS OF THE WATCH. Jefferson Springsteen 1854-55 Jesse M. Vanblaricum 1855-56, 1862 Charles G. Warner 1866-67 Augustine D. Rose (resigned Sept. 14, 1861)...1857-58, 1859-61 Samuel Lefever 1858-59 Thomas A. Ramsey 1861-62 John R. Cotton 1862 CHIEFS OF POLICE. David Powell 1864-65 Samuel A. Cramer 1865 Jesse M. Vanblaricum 1865-66 Thomas S. Wilson 1866-69 Henry Paul 1870-71 Eli Thompson 1871-74 Frank Wilson 1874-76 Austin C. Dewey 1876-77 Albert Travis 1877-80 Robt. C. Williamson (legislated out of offioe)...1880 to April 16, [1883 TOWN SURVEYORS. William Sullivan Sept. 27, 1832, to June 18, 1838 Luke Munsell 1838-39, 1839-41, 1843-44 Robert B. Hanna (resigned Aug. 17,1839) 1839 James Wood, Sr 1841-43, 1844-47 CITY CIVIL ENGINEERS. James Wood, Sr. (died Nov. 15, 1862) 1847-56, 1868-62 Amzi B. Condit 1855-56 Daniel B. Hosbrook 1856-58 James Wood, Jr. (died July, 1866) 1862-66 Joshua Staples, Jr 1866-67 R. M. Patterson 1867-73, 1878-79 (resigned June 1, 1881), [1879-81 James W. Brown , 1873-75 Bernhard H. Deitz (resigned June 10, 1878) 1875-78 Thaddeus Reed (removed July 14, 1879) 1879 Samuel H. Shearer 1881- CITY GAS INSPECTORS. George H. Fleming (left city in March, 1871) Feb. 17, 1868-71 William S. Cone (resigned Nov. 6, 1871) 1871 E. T. Cox 1871-73 RylandT. Brown 1873-74 Alexander Robertson (defaulted; office abolished) 1874-75 TOWN SUPERVISORS OF STREETS. Thomas Lupton 1838-39 James Vanblaricum 18.39-42 Robert C Allison 1842-43 Thomas M. Weaver 1843-44 William Wilkinson 1846-46 Jacob B. Fitler 1846-47 488 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. CITY STREET COMMISSIONERS. Jacob B. Fitler 1847-48, 1855-57 John Bishop 1848-49 George W. Pitts 1849-50 George Youngerman 1850-51 Joseph Butsoh 1851-52 Hugh Slaven 1852-53 ■William Hughey 1853-55 Henry Colestock 1857-61 John A. Colestock 1861-63 John M. Kemper 1863-65 August Richter 1865-69 Augustus Bruner 1869-73 Thomas Wiles 1873-75 Stephen Mattler (deposed May 8,1876) 1875-76 Leander A. Fulmer 1876- CLERKS OF MARKETS. Thomas Chinn (resigned) Nov. 27, 1832, to Feb. 21, 1835 Fleming T. Luse (resigned July 29, 1835) 1835 Andrew Smith 1835-36 Jacob Boop (died , 1837) 1836-37 James Gore (resigned Feb. 6, 1837) 1837 Jeremiah Wormegen (died , 1846) 1837-46 James Vanblaricum 1839-41 Jacob Miller 1845-47 Jacob B. Fitler 1846-47 CITY MARKET-MASTERS. Jacob Miller (resigned Aug. 2, 1852)..... 1847-52, 1854-55 Sampson Barboe, Sr. (resigned March 20, 1848) 1847-48 Henry Ohr 1853-54 Richard Weeks 1855-56, 1857-58 George W. Harlan 1852-53, 1856-57 Charles John 1858-61, 1862-63, 1864-67 Thomas J. Foos 1861-62 John J. Wenner 186.3-64 Sampson Barbee, Jr 1867-68 Gideon B.Thompson 1868-69 Theodore W. Pease 1869-70 James Y. Mardiok 1870-71 John Unversaw 1871-74 John F. Gulick 1874-76 William Shaw 1876-77 Jehiel B. Hampton 1877-78 Roger R. Shiel 1877-78 Joseph M.Sutton 1878-79 Charles N. Leo (resigned Feb. 15, 1879) 1878-79 Levi H. Rowell (to fill vacancy) 1879 Albert Izor , 1879-80 Leroy C.Morris 1879-80 James A. Gregg 1880-82 Edward A. Guthrie (resigned Oct. 4, 1880) 1880 Abraham L. Stoner (resigned May 14, 1883) 1880-83 Orville B. Rankin 1882- Joseph R. Shelton 1883- TOWN WBIGH-MASTERS. Jacob J. Wiseman (resigned) Oct. 27 to Dec. 12, 1835 Edward Davis 1835-36 John F. Ramsey Jan. 30 to April 18, 1836 James Edgar 1836 Jiimes Gore Jan. 19 to Feb. 6, 1837 Jeremiah Wormegen Feb. 6 to May 17, 1837 Isaac Harris 1837-38 Adam Haugh 1838-39, 1840-47 Charles Williams 1839-40 CITY WKIGH-MASTERS. John Patton 1847-48 Adam Haugh 1848-56 Willard Nichols 1878-78 John W. Smither 1878-79 William P. Ballard 1879-80 Jesse DeHaven 1880- SEALERS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Joseph W. Davis 1853-54 Jacob T. Williams 1854-56 Hugh J. Kelly 1856-57 James M. Jameson 1857-58 John G. Hanning 1858-69 Cyrus S. Butterfield 1859-61 James Loucks 1861-66 Joseph L. Bishop 1866-67 Augustus Bruner 1867-68 Samuel B. Morris 1868-71, 1873-74 William H. Phillips 1871-73 Ignatz Cook (office abolished) 1874-75 FIRE DEPARTMENT MESSENGERS. James Vanblaricum (removed Dec. 23, 1842) 1840-42 David Cox 1842-48 Jacob B. Fitler (resigned Aug. 23, 1848) 1845-48 James H. Kennedy 1847-48 Hiram Siebert 1849- Andrew Heiner 1851— CHIEF FIRE ENGINEERS. Thomas M. Smith 1843-47 Joseph Little 1853-54 Jacob B. Fitler 1854-55 Charles W. Purcell 1855-56 Andrew Wallace 1856-58 Joseph W. Davis 1858-63 John E. Foudray (resigned Not. — , 1859) 1859 Charles Richmann 1863-67, 1868-70, 1872-74 George W. Buchanan 1867-68 Daniel Glazier (died in fall of 1872) 1870-72 Michael G. Fitchey 1874-76 W.O.Sherwood 1876-78 John G. Pendergast 1878-82 Joseph H. Webster 1882- TOWN SEXTONS. James Cox 1842-43 John Musgrove 1843-44, 1845-47 John O'Connor 1844-45* CITY SEXTONS. Benjamin Lobaugh 1847-48 Joseph I. Stretcher 1848-49 Philip Sachs 1849-54 George Bisbing (resigned July 31, 1854) 1864 Henry Stumph (to fill vacancy) 1854-56 John Moffit, Sr 1855-56, 1857-59 Archibald Lingenfelter 1856-57 Garrison W. Allred (died Jan. — , 1876) 1859-69, 1875-76 James H. Hedges 1869-72 CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 489 John K088 (impeached Aug. 11, 1873) 1872-73 Thomas Spaulding (to fill vacancy) 1873-74 James O'Connell (resigned Aug. 12, 1875) 1874-75 Valentine Rcinhart (to fill vacancy) 1875 Mrs. Fannie Allred (to fill her dead husband's place) 1876 Robert Turner 1876-78, 1880-81 (to fill vacancy) 1883- Jacob Ross (died Jan. — , 1879) 1878-79 . James R. Locklear (to fill temporary vacancy) 1879 Mrs. Sarah Ann Ross (to fill her dead husband's place)... 1879-80 Fielding Houston (resigned May 14, 1883) 1881-83 CITY JANITORS. William Regenour 1871-79 Joseph Raible 1879- MEMBERS OF BOARD OF HEALTH. W.Clinton Thompson 1849-50, 1869-70 James S. Harrison 1849-50 David Funkhouser (resigned March 4, 1850) 1849-50, 1857 George W. Mears... 1850-53, 1854-55 (resigned Sept. 14, 1861), [1861, 186.3-69 Livingston Dunlap 1850-53 John L. Mothershead 1850-55 Patrick H. Jameson 1853-54, 1855-57 Charles Parry 1853-54, 1857-59 John S. Bobbs 1854-57 Talbut Bullard j 1855-57 James H. Woodburn 1857-61 John M. Kitchen 1858-61 Clay Brown 1861-62 Mansur H. Wright 1861-65 John M. Gaston 1862-64, 1871-72 Will. R. Bullard 1864-66 Emil Kline 1865-66 Thomas B. Harvey 1866-67, 1869-71 Robert N.Todd 1866-69 John P. Avery 1867-68 John A. Comingor 1869-73 Guide Bell 1870-74 William Wands 1872-74, 1877-80 Samuel A. Elbert 1873-74, 1876-77 James S. Athon 1874-76 A. Stratford 1874-76 Charles E. Wright 1874-76 Francis M. Hook 1876-77 Joseph W. Marsee 1876-77 Thomas N. Bryan 1877-78 Henry Jameson 1877-80 William E.Jeffries 1879-81 Elijah S. Elder 1880- William J. Elstun 1880-81 Moses T. Runnels 1881- John A. Suteliffe '. 1881- DIRECTORS OF CITY HOSPITAL. William Braden 1866-70 George W. Buchanan (elected chief fire engineer) 1866-67 J. C. Geisendorff 1866-68 Alexander Graydon, Sr. (resigned) 1866-67 John M. Kitchen (resigned June 30, 1870) : 1886-70 George Merritt 1866-69 Frisby S. Newcomer 1866-71 Samuel V. B.Noel 1866-67 Lazarus B. Wilson (resigned) 1866-67 William W. Smith 1867-69 Charles Glazier 1867-71 32 E. J. Holliday 1867-69 John M. Phipps 1867-68 Dandridge H. Oliver 1868-69 Stoughton A. Fletcher, Jr 1889-70 John M. Gaston 1869-71 Love H. Jameson 1859-71 Samuel E. Perkins 1869-61 J. F. Johnston 1860-71 William Kown 1870-71 H. C. Newoomb 1870-71 William H. Snider '. 1870-71 TRUSTEES OF CITY HOSPITAL. Patrick H. Jameson 1871-73 Theophilus Parvin 1871-73 Robert N. Todd 1871-76 Thomas Cottrell 1875-76 SUPERINTENDENTS OF CITY HOSPITAL. Greenly V. Woollen 1866-70 Evan Hadley 1870-71 Joseph W. Marsee '. 1871-73 A. W. Davis 1873-74 W. B. McDonald 1874-76 Flavius J. Van Vorhis 1876-77 William H. Davis 1877-79 AVilliam N. Wishard 1879- SUPERINTENDENTS OF CITY DISPENSARY. William B. Fletcher 1876-79 Caleb A. Ritter 1879-82 John J. Garver 1882- CITY COMMISSIONERS. Edmund Browning 1855-61 Nathan B. Palmer 1855-58 J. M. Talbott 1855-58 W. Clinton Thompson 1855-61 G. B. West 1855-58 David S. Beaty 1858-61, 1863-66 Adam Gold 1858-61 Adam Knodle 1858-61 James Blake 1861-64 William Boaz 1861-64 Andrew Brouse 1861-64 James Sulgrove 1861-66 Lemuel Vanlaningham (resigned Nov. 27, 1865) 1881-65 ^gidius Naltner 1863-66 David V. Culley (^resigned Nov. 27, 1865) 1863-65 William Coughlen 1866-67 J. W. Davis 1865-66 T. L. Roberts 1885-66 William Braden (resigned May 21, 1870) 1886-70 James N. Russell (died November, 1869) 1866-69 Thomas Sohooley 1868-89 Samuel M. Seibert 1866-73 James C. Yohn 1866-69, 1879- John F. Ramsey 1889-73 Joseph M. Sutton (resigned June 27, 1873) 1869-73 Ignatius Brown (to fill Russell vacancy) 1869-73 William S. Hubbard '. 1871-75 George W. Alexarjder, 1873-75 William J. Elliot 1873-75 J. George Stilz 187.3-75 Peter Weis 1873-75 John L. Avery 1875-79 490 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. J. S. Hildebrand 1875-79 George W.Hill 1875- William Mansur 1875-79 Robert H. Patterson 1875-79 William Hadley 1879- Newton Kellogg 1879- Miobael Steinhauer 1879- CITY DIRECTORS OF BELT RAILROAD. John M. Kitchen 1877- Benjamin C. Shaw 1877-79 Napoleon B. Taylor 1879-80 Edwin H. Lamme 1880-82 Arthur L.Wright 1882- TOWN TRUSTEES. John G. Brown 1832-33 Henry P. Coburn 1832-33 Samuel Henderson 1832-33 Samuel Merrill 1832-33, 1838-37 John Wilkins 1832-33 Benjamin I. BIythe 1833-35 Nathaniel Cox 1833-35 James Edgar (resigned Deo. 9, 1833) 1833 Samuel Goldsberry 1833-35 James Vanblarioum 1833-35 Joseph Lefavour 1834-36 Charles C. Campbell 1835-36 Livingston Dunlap 1835 Humphrey Griffith 1835-37 Alexander F. Morrison 1835 Nathan B. Palmer 1835-36 I. M.Smith 1835-36 John Foster 1836-38 George Lockerbie 1836-38 John L. Young (resigned Dec. 22, 1836) 1836 Henry Porter 1837-38 Joshua Soule, Jr 1837-38 George W. Stipp 1837-38 TOWN COMMON COUNCIL. William J. Brown (resigned Dec. 2, 1838) 1838 John Elder 1838-39 John W. Foudray 1838-39 George Lockerbie 1838-40 John F. Ramsey 1838-39 Samuel S. Hooker 1838-40, 1842-45 George W. Stipp 1838-39 John E. MoClure 1839-40 George Norwood 1839-42 Philip W. Seybert 1839-41 William Sullivan 1839-40 Jacob Cox 1840-42 Samuel Goldsberry (died Jan. 16, 1847) 1840-47 John Wilkins (to fill Goldsberry vacancy) 1847 Matthew Little 1840-42 Andrew A. Louden 1840-47 Carey H. Boatright (resigned Nov. 5, 1842) 1841-42 Joshua Black 1842-44 James R. Nowland 1842-46 Thomas Rickards 1842-44 Humphrey Griffith 1844-46 William Montague 1844-47 William C. Vanblaricum 1845-47 Charles W. Cady 1846-47 Abram W. Harrison 1846-47 CITY COMMON COUNCIL. Charles W. Cady 1847-48 Uriah Gates 1847-48 Abram W. Harrison (resigned June 7, 1847) 1847 Morris Morris (to fill Harrison vacancy) 1847-48 Cornelius King 1847-48, 1849-50 Samuel S. Hooker 1847-48, 1849-51, .1856-57 Henry Tutewiler 1847-49 William L. Wingate 1847-48 Matthew Alford (resigned March 12, 1849) 1848-49 Frederick H. Brandt 1848-49 George A. Chapman 1848-49 Thomas Eaglesfleld 1848-49 Royal May hew 1848-49 Hiram Seibert 1848-49, 1854-55 Hervey Bates 1849-50 William Eckert 1849-51 James Gillespie (died Nov. 2, 1849) 1849 David V. Culley (to fill Gillespie vacancy) 1849-53 William Montague 1849-50 James Sulgrove 1849-50, 1855-56 Samuel Hetzelgesser 1850-51 Joseph M. Landis 1850-51 Andrew A. Louden '. 1850-53 George McOuat 1850-51 Thomas Buchanan .. 1851-53 George Durham 1851-64, 1856-59 Nathan Edwards 1851-54 George W. Pitts 1851-56 Charles Woodward 1851-52 Samuel Delzell 1852-54, 1855-57 Jacob B. Filler 1852-53 John Greer 1852-53 William A. Bradshaw 1853-54 Daniel Carlisle 1853-54 Livingston Dunlap 1853-59 William H. Karns 1853-55 Nicholas MoCarty 185.3-54 Douglass Maguire 1853-56 Henry H. Nelson 1853-55 Horatio C. Newcomb 1853-54 David Strickland 1853-54 Edwin H. Wingate 1853-54 John L.Avery 1854-55 William Boaz 1854-56 (resigned May 31, 1866), 1863-86 Sims A. Colley 1854-55, 1862-89 Canada Gowan 1854-55 Alexander Graydon, Jr 1854-56 William H. Jones 1854-56 Daniel Keelcy 1854-56 John Trucksess 1854-55 Samuel Beck 1855-56 Samuel M. Douglass 1855-56 Andrew W. Fuqua 1855-56 Berl S. Goode 1855-56 Henry J. Horn 1855-56 William Mansur 1855-57 J. B. E. Reed 1855-56 Henry Buscher 1856-57 Adam Gold 1856-57 Nixon Hughes 1856-57 William McKee 1856-57 CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 491 Friaby S. Newcomer 1856-57 Niithan B. Palmer 1856-57 Robert M. Patterson 1856-57 Thomas Cottrell 1857-60, 1867-73 Joseph K. English (resigned Nov. 12, 1859) 1857-69 Stoughton A. Fletcher, Jr 1857-69, 1862-65 George W. Geisendorff (resigned Feb. 2, 1862J 1857-62 Robert Greenfield 1867-59 William Hadley 1857-59 Jonathan S. Harvey 1857-58 Erie Locke 1857-61, 1869-72 Stephen McNabb 1857-65, 1866-67 Myron North 1857-59 Albert G. Porter (resigned April 30, 1859) 1857-59 Jacob Vandegrift (resigned Oct. 12, 1861) 1857-61 Jacob S. Pratt (resigned March 24, 1860) 1858-60 Theodore P. Haughey 1859-65 Ernest H. L. Kuhlman 1859-63 Alexander Metzger 1869-63 Charles Richmann 1859-63 Samual M. Seibert 1859-63 Herman Tilly 1859-61 Andrew Wallace 1859-63 John Blake (resigned April 4, 1864) 1861-64 James G. Douglass (to fill Blake vacancy) 1864 Austin II. Brown 1861-75 W. Clinton Thompson (resigned May 1, 1867) 1861-67 William Allen 1863-66 . Henry Coburn 1863-69 William Cook 1863-65 Roswell B. Emerson 1862-67 Horace A. Fletcher 1862-67 Charles Glazier 1863-69 Patrick H. Jameson 1863-69 Samuel Lefever (resigned March 12, 1866) 1863-66 Joseph Staub 1863-67 William John Wallace (resigned Feb. 15, 1864) 186.1-64 Adolph Seidensticker (to fill Wallace vacancy) 1864-69 Julius A. Grosvenor (left city ; seat declared vacant)... 1865-67 G. A. Foster (to fill Grosvenor vacancy) 1867-69 J. Henry Kappes 1865-69 William H. Loomis 1865-69 John B. McArthur 1865-69 Christian F. Schmidt 1865-69 Charles Kempker (to fill Boaz vacancy) 1866-67 James Burgess 1867-69 Joseph W. Davis 1867-69 Henry Geiscl 1867-69 Samuel Goddard 1867-69 William H. Henschcn 1867-69 Ambrose P. Stanton 1867-69 James H. Woodburn 1867-75 Henry Gimber 1869-70, 1871-76 Temple C. Harrison 1869-71 Christopher Heokman 1869-72 Leon Kahn 1869-71, 1872-76, 1879-81 Robert Kennington 1869-75 John L. Marsee 1869-72, 1877-79 John S. Nenman.., 1869-72 John Pyle 1869-71 James McB. Shepherd 1869-71, 1873-75 Isaac Thalman 1869-77, 1880-84 Frederick Thorns 1869-72 William W. Weaver 1869-72 C. E. Whitsit 1869-73 William D. Wiles 1869-73 Edward Reagan 1870-74 John H. Batty 1871-74 William II. Craft 1871-77 Heydon S. Bigham 1871-75 Frederick C. Bollman 1872-76 David Gibson 1872-74 E. J. Hardesty ; 1872-74 John T. Pressley 1872-74 Frederick P. Rush 1872-74 Lyman Q. Sherwood 1872-74 Justus C. Adams 1873-77 M. C. Anderson 1873-75 Calvin F. Darnell 1873-77 William McLaughlin 1873-75 Thomas II. S. Peck 187:^-74 Ralph C.J. Pendleton 1873-74 Isaa« W. Stratford 187.3-77 James E. Twiname 1873-75 Boswell Ward 1873-76, 1881-84 Henry F. Albershardt 1874-76 Patrick H. Curran 1874-76 George W. Geiger 1874-76 Marshal! E. Hall 1874-76 Francis M. Hook 1874-76 Thomas Madden 1874-76 Robert C. Magill (elected to Board of Aldermen) 1874-77 Enos B. Reed 1874-78 John Stuckmeyer 1874-76 William Buehrig 1876-77 John J. Diftiey 1875-77 George Kenzel 1876-77 James C. Laughlin 1875-77 Daniel M. Ransdell 1875-77 William F. Reasner 1875-77, 1878-79 Frederick Schmidt 1875-77 George C. Webster 1875-77 Joseph W. Bugbee (expelled April 15, 1878) 1876-78 Norman S. Byram 1876-78 John L. Case 1876-78 Albert Izor 1876-78 Martin McGinty 1876-80 Thomas J. Morse .' 1876-79 Milton Pouder 1876-78 Michael Steinhauer 1876-78 John Thomas 1876-78 Arthur L. Wright 1876-79 William G. Wright 1876-78 Robert B. Bagby 1877-79 Marcus L. Brown 1877-80 William M. Cochran 1877-78 Josiah B. Dill 1877-79 James T. Layman 1877-79 Thomas C. Reading 1877-79 Abraham L. Stoner 1877-78 William H.Tucker 1877-80 Isaac C. Walker 1877-79 James E. Watts 1877-78 George P. Wood 1877-80 George Anderson 1878-79 Henry Bermann , 1878-80 Jacob M. Bruner 1878-79 Matthew M. Cummings 1878-79 M. Horace McKay 1878-81 Frank A. Maus 1878-79 Sheldon Morris 1878-79 Chris. H. O'Brien 1878-79 492 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Christian Off. 1878-79 Omer Rodibaugh 1878-79 Samuel Showalter 1878-79 Gottlieb Sindlinger 1878-79 John L. F. Steeg 1878-79 Christian P. Wiese 1878-80 Jacob Bieler 1879-80 Peter F. Bryoe 1879-80 Harvey G.Carey 1879-80 James T. Dowling 1879-84 John T. Downey 1879-81 Francis W. Hamilton '. 1879-80 Chris. H. Harmoning 1879-80 George King 1879-80 William C. Lamb 1879-81 William H. Morrison 1879-84 John O'Connor 1879-81 John R.Pearson 1879-84 Henry J. Prior 1879-81 Calvin F. Rooker 1879-80 Joseph H. Sheppard 1879-80 William E. Shilling 1879-81 Flavins J. VanVorh'is 1879-81 Collins T. Bedford 1880-84 William F. A. Bernhamer 1880-81 Allen Caylor 1880-84 Edward H. Dean 1880-84 John W. FnltJ 1880-84 Patrick Harrold 1880-84 Ernest H. Koller 1880-84 John A. Lang 1880-81 Henry J. Manor 1880-84 James A. Pritehard 1880-84 William G. White 1880-81 Nelson Yoke 1880-84 Edgar Brundage 1881-84 Barton W. Cole 1881-84 John R. Cowie 1881-84 Simeon Coy 1881-84 John Egger 1881-84 Frederick Hartman 1881-84 Ernst F. Knodel 1881-84 Philip Reichwcin 1881-84 Hervey B. Stout 1881-84 George Weaver 1881-84 Frank Benjamin, 17th Ward 1884-86 John R. Cowie, 13th Ward 1884-86 Simeon Coy, 18th Ward 1884-86 William Curry, 25th Ward 1884-86 James T. Dowling, 16th Ward 1884-86 J. T. Downey, «th Ward 1884-86 Philip J. Doyle, 15th Ward 1884-86 G. F. Edenharter, 8th Ward 1884-86 P. M. Gallahue, 20th Ward 1884-86 Charles E. Haugh, 10th Ward 1884-86 Fred Mack, 24th Ward 1884-86 John Moran, 19th Ward 1884-86 Robert C. McClelland, 7th Ward 1884-86 AV. C. Newcomb, 6th Ward 1884-86 John R. Pearson, 5th Ward 1884-86 J. F. Reincke, 22d Ward 1884-86 R. H. Rees, 12th Ward 1884-86 M. M.Reynolds, Ist Ward 1884-86 J. L, Sheppard, 14th Ward ; 1884-86 Theodore F. Smither, 4th Ward 1884-86 George W. Spahr, 2d Ward 1884-86 Isaac Thalman, 11th Ward 1884-89 P. C. Trussler, 21st Ward 1884-88 J. W. Wharton, 30th Ward 1884-88 P. H. Wolf, 23d Ward 1884-88 BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Thomas E. Chandler 1877-80 Henry Coburn 1877-81 Robert S. Foster 1877-79 Gottlob C. Krug 1877-78 Robert C. MoGill 1877-78 Horatio C. Newcomb 1877-78 William H. Snider 1877-79 Isaac W. Stratford 1877-79 William Wallace 1877-78 William D. Wiles 1877-79 Daniel W. Grubbs (resigned May 1, 1881) 1878-81 Diedrich Mussman 1878-84 William F. Piel 1878-80 Jonathan M. Ridenour 1878-80 Harry E. Drew 1879-84 James T. Layman 1879-84 John Newman 1879-84 Hiram Seibert 1878-84 Francis W. Hamilton 1880-84 William H. Tucker 1880-84 George P. Wood 1880-84 Derk DeRuiter 1881-84 Brainard Rorison 1881-84 W. F. A. Bernhamer, 5th District 1884-86 S. H. Cobb, 3d District 1884-88 W. A. Cox, 2d District 1884-86 Thomas J. Endly, 1st District 1884-86 Isaac King, 4th District 1884-86 James MoHugh, 5th District 1884-86 H. J. Prier, Ist District 1884-86 James A. Pritehard, 2d District 1884-86 Brainard Rorison, 3d District 1884-86 Thomas Talentire, 4th District ". 1880-86 CITY JUDGE. John N. Scott 1867-68 METROPOLITAN POLICE. John W. Murphy, commissioner 1883-84 John P. Frenzel, " 1883-85 Volney T. Malott, " 18S3-86 Sidney M. Dyer, secretary 1883- Irvin Robbins, superintendent (resigned November, 1883). 1883 John A. Lang 1883— In the following list the names are given of all per- sons who have held county offices, and also of those resident in Marion County who have held important offices in or under the State or national government, except those of official residence only.' ' Quite a number of persons who have attained more or less distinction in politics, war, letters, or art have, at one time or another, been residents of Indianapolis. Among them are CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 493 SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. Caleb B. Smith 1861-62 POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Walter Q. Gresham... 1883 MINISTER TO TURKEY. Lewis Wallace 1881 to present. CHARGE D'AFFAIRES TO SWEDEN. HoDry W. Ellswortli 1845-50 UNITED STATES CONSUL AT GENEVA. Nathaniel Bolton 1855-67 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES FOR INDIANA. Caleb B. Smith 1862-64 David McDonald 1864-69 Walter Q. Gresham 1869-83 UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. Lucien Barbour 1848-50 Hugh O'Neal 1850-53 CLERKS OF UNITED STATES COURTS.' Horace Bassett 1835-60 John H. Rea 1853-65 Walt. J. Smith (died December 6) 1863-65 John D. Howland 1865-77 William P. Fishbaok 1877-79 . Noble Butler 1879- Professor George Bush, Oriental scholar and religious speculator. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Rev. Phineas D. Gurley. John B. Dillon, historian of Indiana. Rev. Sydney Dyer, poet. T. W. Whifridge, noted artist. Joseph 0. Eaton, a well-known Western artist. William Miller, a distinguished miniature painter. Dr. Schliemann, celebrated Troas explorer and vindicator of the " Iliad." Mrs. MoFarland, author and lecturer. Mrs. Seguiil-Wallaoe, vocalist. Mrs. Sarah T. Bolton, earliest of Indiana poets. Edward R. Ames, a distinguished Methodist bishop. Thomas Edison, the inventor and electrician. Miss Julia (Dudu) Fletcher, author of "'Kismet," when a child. Charles Nordhoff, city editor of the Sentinel in 1855. Gen. Lew Wallace, author of the " Fair God" and " Ben Hur." James W. Riley, author of " Ben Johnson's Poems." 1 There are two Federal Courts. Mr. Bassett was clerk of both till 1853, when Mr. Rea was made clerk of one, Mr. Bassett continuing in the other. In 1860, Mr. Rea was ap- pointed to the other place, and held both till 1863, when Walt. J. Smith, son of Judge Caleb B. Smith, was given one of the clerkships, and he and Mr. Rea held till 1865, when the late John D. Howland succeeded to both places, and they have not since been separated. UNITED STATES MARSHALS. Robert Hanna 1841-45 David G. Rose 1861-65 R. S. Foster 1881- POSTMASTERS (See Post-Oppick). PENSION AGENTS.2 Alexander F. Morrison (died 1857) 1857 William Henderson 1857-61 William P. Fishback , 1861-64 John W. Ray 1864-66 Joseph P. Wiggins 1866-69 Charles W. Brouse 1869-73 William H. H. Terrell 1873-77 Fred. Knefler 1877- COLLECTORS OF REVENUE. Theodore P. Haughey 1862-63 Dr. J. J. Wright 1863-66 Austin H.Brown 1866-69 Charles F. Hogate (died) 1869-74 Frederick Baggs' 1874-83 Horace McKay ; 1883- ASSESSORS OF REVENUE. William A. Bradshaw 1862-66 Martin Igoe 1866-67 David Braden 1867-69 William M. Wiles (died) 1869-73 COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. John R. Leonard 1882 UNITED STATES SENATORS. Robert Hanna (by appointment) 1831 Oliver H. Smith 1837-43 James Whitcomb 1849-52 Joseph A. Wright (by appointment) 1861-63 David Turpie (by appointment) 1863 Thomas A. Hendricks 1863-69 Oliver P. Morton (died in office) 1867-77 Joseph E. McDonald 1875-81 Benjamin Harrison 1881 REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS. Oliver H. Smith (then in Connersville) 1827-29 George L. Kinnard (blown up in a steamer; two terms) 1833-37 William W. Wick 1839-41 David Wallace 1841-43 Caleb B. Smith (then of Connersville ; three terms)... 1843-49 William J.Brown 1843-45 Joseph A.Wright 1843-45 ' The pension agency was at Madison till 1857, when it was removed to Indianapolis. In 1861 there were about 300 pensioners on the rolls, requiring an annual aggregate pay- ment of about $10,000. In 1877, when Gen. Knefler, the present agent, took the office, there were between 13,000 and 14,000 pensioners on the rolls here, with an annual aggregate payment of $1,400,000. In 1883 there were over 22,000 on the rolls, with an annual total of pensions of $6,800,000. ' On the death of Mr. Hogate the offices of collector and assessor were combined, and Mr. Baggs held both, as Mr. McKay does. 494 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ■William W. Wick (two terms) George W. Julian (then of Centreville) William J. Brown Joseph E. McDonald (then of Crawfordsville) Thomas A. Hendricks William H. English (then of Scott Count; ; three terms) Lncien Barbour Albert G. Porter (two terms) Ebenezer Dumont (two terms) John Coburn (four terms) Franklin Landers Gilbert De La Matyr Stanton J. Peele (two terms) GOVERNORS OF INDIANA. James Brown Ray (acting) February, 1825, to De- [cember, James Brown Ray (first term) James Brown Ray (second term) Noah Noble (first term) Noah Noble (second term) David Wallace James Whitoomb (first term) James Whitcomb' (second term) Joseph A. Wright (first term) Joseph A. Wright (second term) Abram A. Hammond (acting) November, 1860, to [January, Oliver P. Morton (acting) January, Oliver P. Morton ^ Conrad Baker (acting) January, Conrad Baker Thomas A. Hendricks Albert G. Porter LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS. John H. Thompson David Wallace Abram A. Hammond Conrad Baker 1846-49 1849-51 1849-81 1849-51 1853-55 1855-61 1855-57 1859-63 1863-67 1867-75 1875-77 1879-81 1881-83 1852 1825-28 1828-31 1831-34 1834-37 1837-40 1843-46 1846-48 1849-53 1853-57 1861 1861-65 1865-67 1867-69 1869-73 1873-77 1881- SECRETARIES OF STATE. William W. Wick James Morrison William Sheets William J. Brown William Sheets - John H. Thompson , Charles H. Test James S. Athon Nelson Trusler John H. Farquhar William W. Curry AUDITORS OP STATE. Morris Morris Douglass Maguire Erastus W. H. Ellis John P. Dunn John W. Dodd Thomas B. MoCarty , John D. Evans John C. Shoemaker James A, Wildman 1825-28 1834-37 1857-60 1865-67 1825-29 1829-33 1833-37 1837-41 1841-45 1845-49 1849-53 1863-65 1865-69 1872-73 1873-75 1829-44 1847-50 1850-53 1853-55 1857-61 1865-69 1869-71 1871-73 1873-75 ' Resigned for United States Senate. TREASURERS OF STATE. Samuel Merrill 1823-34 Nathan B. Palmer 1834-41 Royal Mayhew 1844-47 Samuel Hanna 1847-50 James P. Drake 1850-53 William R. NolTsinger 1855-57 Aquilla Jones 1857-59 Jonathan S. Harvey 1861-63 James B. Ryan 1871-73 John J. Cooper 1883- ATTORNEYS-GENERAL. James Morrison from March 5, 1855 Joseph E. McDonald from Dec. 17, 1857 Oscar B. Hord from Nov. 3, 1862 James C. Denny from Nov. 6, 1872 ADJUTANT-GENERALS.s Samuel Beck David Reynolds 1846- William A. Morrison 1853- Lewis Wallace 1861- Lazarus Noble 1861-65 William H. H. Terrell 1865-70 J. G. Greenawalt 1870-73 William W. Conner 1873-77 George W. Russ 1877-81 James R. Carnahan 1881- SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. William C. Larrabee 1852-55 William C. Larrabee 1857-59 Samuel L. Rugg 1859-61 Miles J. Fletcher (killed on cars) 1861-62 Samuel K. Hoshour (by appointment) 1862-63 Samuel L. Rugg 1863-65 George W. Hoss 1863-65 George W. Hoss 1865-67 STATE LIBRARIANS. Jghn Cook 1841-43 Samuel P. Daniels 1843-45 John B. Dillon 1845-51 Nathaniel Bolton 1851-54 M. G. C. W. Tanner 1855-57 S. D. Lyons 1867-59 David Stephenson 1863-66 B. F.Foster 1865-69 Moses G.McClain 1869-71 Sarah A. Oren.... 1873-75 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. Isaac Blackford 1817-53 Samuel E. Perkins 1846-66 Addison L. Roache 1853-65 Samuel B. Gookins 1854-57 2 Until the occurrence of the Mexican war the ofiiee of adju- 1 tant-general was merely nominal, and the records show nothing of the occupants or terms. From the closing up of the businesB made by the Mexican war, during which Mr. Reynolds held the ofBce, till the outbreak of the civil war, it lapsed into its former unimportance. Since the civil war it has been a place of much business and responsibility. CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAKION COUNTY. 495 Charles A. Raj (eon of James M. Ray) 1865-71 Samnel E. Perkins (died) 1877-79 Byron K. Elliott 1881- CLERKS OF SUPREME COURT. Henry P. Cobum 1820-52 William B. Beach 1852-60 Lazarus Noble 1864-68 Gabriel Sohmuck 1876-80 Jonathan W. Gordon (by appointment) 1882-83 REPORTERS OF SUPREME COURT. Isaac Blackford (by his own appointment) 1817-50 Albert Q. Porter (bylaw) 185.S-57 M. Gordon C. W. Tanner 1857-61 Benjamin Harrison 1864-69 James B. Black 1869-77 STATE SENATORS. James Gregory, session of 1825-26. Calvin Fletcher, session of 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829- 30, I8.S0-31, 1831-32, 1832-33. Alexander F. Morrison, session of 1833-34. Henry Brady, session of 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1839-40. Robert Hanna, session of 1840-41. Nathaniel West, session of 1841-42, 1842-43. Thomas J. Todd, session of 1843-44, 1844-45, 1845-46. William Stewart, session of 1846-47, 1847-48, 1848-4'9. 'Nicholas McCarty, session of 1849-50, 1850-51, 1851-52. Percy Hosbrook, session of 1853, 1855. John S. Bobbs, session of 1857, 1859, special of 1858. Horatio C. Newcomb, session of 1861. John C. New, session of 1863. William C. Thompson, session of 1865, 1867, special of 1865. John Caven, session of 1869, 1871. Sims A. Colley, session of 1869. Elijah B. Martindale, session of 1871. William C. Thompson, session of 1873, 1875, special of 1872. Dandridge H. Oliver, session of 1873, 1875, special of 1872. J. J. Maxwell, session of 1875. Addison C. Harris, session of 1877, 1879. Abel D. Streight, session of 1877, 1879. George W. Grubbs, session of 1879. Flavins J. Van Vorhis, session of 1881, 1883. George H. Chapman, session of 1881. Simon P. Yancey, session of 1881, 1883. William B. Fletcher, session of 1883. STATE REPRESENTATIVES. James Paxton, session of 1823-24. John Conner, session of 1824-25. James Paxton, session of 1825-26. Morris Morris, session of 1826-27. George L. Kinnard, session of 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30. Alexander W. Russell, session of 1830-31. Henry Brady, session of 1831-32. Robert Hanna, session of 1832-33. Henry Brady, session of 1833-34. Jeremiah Johnson, session of 1834-35. Austin W. Morris, session of 1835-36, 1836-37. Robert Hanna, session of 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39. Alexander F. Morrison, session of 1837-38. James Johnson, session of 1838-39, 1839-40. Philip Sweetser, session of 1839-40, 1840-41. Israel Harding, session of 1840-41, 1841-42. William J. Brown, session of 1841-12, 1842-43. Thomas Johnson, session of 1842-43. John Sutherland, session of 1843-44, Obadiah Harris, session of 1843-44. John L. Bruce, session of 1844-45. John M. Jamison, session of 1844-45. Nathaniel B. Webber, session of 1845-46. Young E. R. Wilson, session of 1845-46. S. V. B. Noel, session of 1846-47. W. M. Moore, session of 1846-47. Samuel Harding, session of 1846-47, 1847-48. Hervey Brown, session of 1847-48. Henry Brady, session of 1848-49. Arthur St. Clair Vance, session of 1848-49. James P. Drake, session of 1848-49. Isaac W. Hunter, session of 1849-50, William Robson, session of 1849-50. John Coburn, session of 1850-51. Benjamin Morgan, session of 1850-51. Percy Hosbrook, session of 1850-51. Henry Brady, session of 1851-52. Isaac Smith, session of 1851-52. Jesse Price, session of 1853. George P. Buell, session of 1853. Robert N. Todd, session of 1857. Jonathan W. Gordon, session of 1857, 1859, special of 1858. Isaac N. Cotton, session of 1859, special of 1858. James H. Turner, session of 1861. William H. Kendriok, session of 1861, 1863. John C. Tarkington, session of 1863. Horatio C. Newcorab, session of 1865, 1867, special of 1865. James M. MeVey, session of 1866, special of 1866. Emsley Hamilton, session of 1867. Fielding Beeler, session of 1869, 1871. Ambrose P. Stanton, session of 1869. James M. Ruddle, session of 1869, 1871. T. J. Vater, session of 1869. Oliver M. AVilson, session of 1871. Edward King, session of 1871, 1873, special of 1872. Nathan Kimball, session of 1873, special of 1872. John J. AV. Billingsley, session of 1873, special of 1872. Edward T. Johnson, session of 1873, special of 1872. E. C. Kennedy, session of 1875. James Hopkins, session of 1875. James L. Thompson, session of 1875. David Turpie, session of 1875. John E. McGaughey, session of 1877. William H. Craft, session of 1877. Stanton J. Peele, session of 1877. Justus C. Adams, session of 1877. J. B. Connor, session of 1879. Jonathan W. Gordon, session of 1879. William W. Herod, session of 1879. C. B. Robinson, session of 1879. William E. English, session of 1879. Nelson B. Berryman, session of 1881. Vinson Carter, session of 1881. Isaac N. Cotton, session of 1881. John W. Furnas, session of 1881. James S. Hinton (colored), session of 1881. Thomas MeShcehy, session of 1881. William D. Bynum, session of 1883. John C. Ferriter, session of 1883. Elisha J. Howland, session of 1883. Bellamy S. Sutton, session of 1883. Jesse Whitsit, session of 1883. John R. Wilson, session of 1883. 496 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. SHERIFFS OF MARION COUNTY. Hervey Bates, Jan. 1, 1822, to Aug. 26, 1824. Alexander W. Russell, Aug. 26, 1824, to 'Aug. 28, 1828. Jacob Landis, Aug. 28, 1828, to Aug. 21, 18.32. Israel Philips, Aug. 21, 1832, to Aug. 9, 1836. Corson Viokers, Aug. 9, 1836, to Aug. 1, 1840. Resigned. John B. Ferguson, Aug. 8, 1840, to Aug. 1, 1842. Banner Lawhead, Aug. 1, 1842, to Aug. 19, 1844. Alexander W. Russell, Aug. 19, 1844, to Aug. 19, 1848. Charles C. Campbell, Aug. 19, 1848, to Oct. 12, 1852. Isaac W. Hunter, Oct. 23, 1852, to Oct. 24, 1854. John E. Foudray, Oct. 24, 1854, to Nov. 12, 1858. Resigned. William J. Wallace, Nov. 12, 1868, to June 27, 1859. John F. Gulick, June 27, 1859, to June 6, 1860. Resigned. William J. Wallace, June 6, 1860, to Dec. 9, 1862. Resigned. William J. H. Robinson, Deo. 9, 1862, to Dec. 9, 1866. George W. Parker, Dec. 9, 1866, to Dec. 9, 1870. Nicholas R. Ruckle, Dec. 9, 1870, to Deo. 9, 1874. Albert Reisner, Deo. 9, 1874, to Dec. 9, 1876. John T. Pressley, Deo. 9, 1876, to Dec. 9, 1880. Henry C. Adams, Dec. 9, 1880, to Deo. 9, 1882. James W. Hess, Dec. 9, 1882, for two years. CORONERS. George Smith, Sept. 28, 1822, to Aug. 8, 1825. Resigned. Harris Tyner, June 24, 1826, to Oct. 12, 1829. Fleming T. Luso, Oct. 12, 1829, to Sept. 8, 1831. Joel Blackledge, Sept. 8, 1831, to Aug. 31, 1833. Ahira Wells, Aug. 31, 1833, to Sept. 1, 1837. Joel Blackledge, Sept. 1, 1837, to Nov. 14, 1837. Resigned. Harris Tyner, Nov. 28, 1837, to Sept. 1, 1838. Thomas N. Thomas, Sept. 1, 1838, to Sept. 1, 1842. Jacob Smock, Sept. 1, 1842, to Sept. 4, 1844. Andrew Smith, Sept. 4, 1844, to Oct. 17, 1848. Peter F. Newland, Oct. 17, 1848, to Sept. 24, 1850. William W. Weaver, Sept. 24, 1850, to Aug. 15, 1851. Resigned. Andrew Smith, Aug. 16, 1851, to Aug. 15, 1853. George Newland, Aug. 15, 185,3, to Aug. 15, 1855. Thomas N. Thomas, Aug. 15, 1855, to Aug. 15, 1857. John Moffltt, Aug. 15, 1857, to Aug. 15, 1861. Garrison W. Albred, Aug. 15, 1861, to Oct. 24, 1870. James H. Hedges, Oct. 24, 1870, to Oct. 24, 1872. Samuel C. Tomlinson, Oct. 24, 1872, to Oct. 24, 1874. James H. Fuller, Oct. 24, 1874, to Oct. 24, 1876. William H. Wishard, Oct. 24, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1880. Allison Maxwell, Oct. 25, 1880, to Nov. 10, 1884. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Jesse Wright, Aug. 1, 1831, to Aug. 4, 1834. Harris Tyner, Aug. 1, 1831, to March, 1835. Thomas O'Neal, Aug. 1, 1831, to March, 1835. Andrew Hoover, Aug. 4, 1834, to March, 1835. Jesse Wright, Aug. 7, 1837, to Aug. .3, 1840. John Williams, Aug. 7, 1837, to Aug. 5, 1839. James Turner, Aug. 7, 1837, to Aug. 5, 1839. Thomas Johnson, Aug. 5, 1839, to Aug. 2, 1841. Asa B. Strong, Aug. 5, 1839, to Aug. 3, 1840. Isaac Pugh, Aug. 3, 1840, to Aug. 7, 1843. Harris Tyner, Aug. 2, 1841, to Aug. 5, 1844. James Mcllvain, Aug. 2, 1841, to Aug. 1, 1842. John McFall, Aug. 1, 1842, to Aug. 4, 1845. Isaac Pugh, Aug. 7, 1843, to Aug. 3, 1846. Harris Tyner, Aug. 5, 1844, to Aug. 2, 1847. John McFall, Aug. 4, 1845, to Aug. 7, 1848. David Marrs, Aug. 3, 1846, to Aug. 6, 1849. Harris Tyner, Aug. 2, 1847, to Aug. 5, 1850. Aaron Aldrige, Aug. 7, 1848, to Aug. 4, 1851. Thomas F. Stout, Aug. 6, 1849, to Aug. 2, 1852. Matthew R. Hunter, Aug. 5, 1850, to Aug. 1, 1853. Powell Howland, Aug. 4, 1851, to Aug. 7, 1854. Henry P. Todd, Aug. 2, 1852, to Nov. 1, 1855. Matthew R. Hunter, Aug. 1, 1853, to Nov. 1, 1856. Powell Howland, Aug. 7, 1854, to Nov. 1, 1856. James Blake, Oct. 13, 1855, to Nov. 1, 1858. Abraham C. Logan, Nov. 1, 1855, to Oct. 9, 1856. Died. Henry P. Todd, Oct. 9, 1856, to Nov. 1, 1856. Thomas W. Council, Nov. 1, 1856, to Nov. 1, 1858. Levi A. Hardesty, Nov. 1, 1856, to Nov. 1, 1859. Thomas Johnson, Nov. 1, 1857, to October, 1860. Samuel Moore, Nov. 1, 1858, to October, 1861. Levi A. Hardesty, Nov. 1, 1859, to October, 1862. George Bruce, October, 1860, to October, 1863. Samuel Moore, October, 1861, to October, 1864. Levi A. Hardesty, October, 1862, to Dec. 31, 1863. Resigned. George Bruce, October, 1863, to October, 1866. Lorenzo Vanscyoc, Dec. 31, 1863, to October, 1865. Samuel Moore, October, 1864, to November, 1867. Lorenzo Vanscyoc, October, 1865, to November, 1868. Joseph K. English, October, 1866, to November, 1869. Aaron McCray, November, 1867, to Oct. 25, 1873. Lorenzo Vanscyoc, November, 1868, to Oct. 27, 1871. John Armstrong, Oct. 24, 1870, to Oct. 25, 1873. Samuel S. Rumford, Oct. 27, 1871, to Oct. 24, 1874. Charles A. Howland, Oct. 25, 1873, to Oct. 25, 1876. Alexander Jameson, Oct. 25, 1873, to Oct. 25, 1876. Samuel Cory, Oct. 24, 1874, to Oct. 24, 1877. Allison C. Remy, Oct. 25, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1879. William Worman, Oct. 25, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1879. Jacob Rubush, Oct. 27, 1877, to Oct. 24, 1880. George F. McGinnis, Oct. 25, 1879, to July 13, 1881. Resigned. Moses Allen, Oct. 25, 1879, to Nov. 20, 1882. John H. Smith, Oct. 24, 1880, to Nov. 5, 1883. Jonathan M. Ridenour, Aug. 1, 1881, to Nov. 20, 1882. Frederick Ostermeyer, Nov. 20, 1882, to Nov. 20, 1885. Joseph Loftin. Nov. 20, 1882, to Nov. 20, 1885. Wharton R. Clinton, Nov. 5, 1883, to Nov. 5, 1886. RECORDERS. Joseph C. Reed, April 8, 1822, to April 8, 1829. James M. Ray, April 8, 1829, to Feb. 13, 1834. Resigned. Livingston Dunlap, Feb. 13, 1834, to Aug. 14, 1834. Lewis C. Lewis, Aug. 14, 1834, to Aug. 12, 1848. Charles Stephens, Aug. 12, 1848, to Aug. 19, 1855. Alexander G. Wallace, Aug. 19, 1855, to Aug. 19, 1863. William J. Elliott, Aug. 19, 1863, to Aug. 19, 1871. Benjamin F. Johnson, Aug. 19, 1871, to March 5, 1872. Died. Daniel C. Greenfield, March 5, 1872, to March 27, 1875. Died. Edward M. Wilmington, March 27, 1875, to Oct. 23, 1876. Calvin F. Darnell, Oct. 23, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1880. Jacob L. Bieler, Oct. 25, 1880, to Oct. 24, 1884. William F. Keay, Oct. 24, 1884, for four years. COUNTY CLERKS. James M. Ray, April 1, 1822, to Feb. 13, 1834. Resigned. Joseph M. Moore, Feb. 13, 1834, to March 25, 1834. Robert B. Duncan, March 25, 1834, to March 8, 1850. William Stewart, March 8, 1850, to Nov. 20, 1856. Died. John C. New, Nov. 22, 1856, to Nov. 2, 1861. William Wallace, Nov. 2, 1861, to Nov. 2, 1865. William C. Smock, Nov. 2, 1865, to Oct. 24, 1870. William J. Wallace, Oct. 24, 1870, to Oct. 24, 1874. Austin H. Brown, Oct. 24, 1874, to Oct. 24, 1878. CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 497 Daniel M. Ransdell, Oct. 24, 1878, to Nov. 10, 1882. Mose» G. MoClain, Nov. 10, 1882, for four years. COUNTY TREASURERS. Daniel Yandes, April 16, 1822, to Jan. 7, 1828. John Johnson, Jan. 7, 1828, to Nov. 7, 1832. Resigned. Thomas B. Johnson, Nov. 7, 1832, to March 5, 1838. John B. E. Reed, March 5, 1S38, to Sept. 3, 1838. Charles Stephens, Sept. 4, 1838, to Aug. 9, 1841 . Jacob Landis, Aug. 9, 1841, to Aug. 10, 1847. John M. Talbot, Aug. 10, 1847, to Sept. 3, 1850. Willis W. Wright, Sept. 3, 1850, to Sept. 3, 1855. Jesse Jones, Sept. 3. 1855, to Sept. ,3, 1859. Thomas D. Barker, Sept. 3, 1859, to Sept. 3, 1861. John L. Brown, Sept. 3, 1861, to Sept. 3, 1863. George F. Meyer, Sept. 3, 1863, to Sept. 3, 1867. Arthur L. Wright, Sept. 3, 1867, to Sept. 3, 1869. Frank Erdelmeyer, Sept. 3, 1869, to Sept. 3, 1871. Benjamin F. Riley, Sept. 3, 1871, to Sept. 3, 1875. Jackson Landers, Sept. 3, 1875, to Sept. 3, 1877. Samuel Hanway, Sept. 3, 1877, to Sept. 3, 1879. Sample Loftin, Sept. 3, 1879, to Sept. .3, 1881. John L. Mothershead, Sept. 3, 1881, to Sept. 3, 1883. William G. Wasson, Sept. 3, 1883, for two years. COUNTY AUDITORS. John W. Hamilton, Aug. 9, 1841, to Nov. 1, 1855. Austin H. Brown, Nov. 1, 1855, to Nov. 1, 1859. Jacob T. Wright, Nov. 1, 1859, to Nov. 2, 1867. George F. McGinnis, Nov. 2, 1867, to Nov. 2, 1871. Francis W. Hamilton, Nov. 2, 1871, to Nov. 2, 1875. William R. Sproule, Nov. 2, 1875, to Nov. 2, 1879. William A. Pfaff, Nov. 2, 1879, to Nov. 2, 1883. Justus C. Adams, Nov. 2, 1883, for four years. COUNTY ASSESSORS. James Paxton (appointed), April 17, 1822, to Feb. 11, 1823. Aaron Lambeth (appointed), Feb. 11, 1823, to Feb. 11, 1824. ' Jacob Landis (appointed), Feb. 11, 1824, to Jan. 2, 1826. George L. Kinnard (nppointed), Jan. 2, 1826, to Jan. 1, 1827. John McCollum (elected), Dec. 6, 1841, to Dec. 1, 1845. Ahira Wells (elected), Dec. 1, 1845, to Deo. 6, 1847. Thomas McFarland (elected), Dec. 6, 1847, to Deo. 6, 1849. Samuel Vanlaningham (elected), Dec. 6, 1849, to October, 1862. Anthony Wiese (elected), Aug. 1, 1873, to Nov. 1, 1874. Andrew J. Vansickle (elected), Nov. 1, 1874, to March, 1875. COUNTY COLLECTORS OF REVENUE. Harris Tyner, May 15, 1822, to 1823. Hervey Bates, 1823, to Feb. 11, 1824. Jeremiah Johnson, Feb. 11, 1824, to Jan. 3, 1825. Alexander W. Russell, Jan. 3, 1825, to May 6, 1828. Jacob Landis, May 6, 1828, to May 2, 1831. Andrew Wilson, May 2, 1831, to May 7, 1832. George Taffe, May 7, 1832, to May 6, 1833. Asa B. Strong, May 6, 1833, to May 5, 1835. ' Corson Vickers, May 5, 1835, to April 18, 1836. Israel Phillips, April 18, 1836, to May 1, 1837. Corson Vickers, May 1, 1837, till the office was abolished In 1841. COUNTY SURVEYORS. Isaac Kinder, Feb. 19, 1827, to Nov. 7, 1831. George L. Kinnard, Dec. 12, 1831, to March 25, 1835. Isaac Kinder, April 6, 1835, to Oct. 2, 1835. Resigned. Robert B. Hanna, Oct. 3, 1835, to Nov. 7, 1836. Resigned. William Sullivan, Nov. 11, 1836, to Nov. 11, 1839. Robert B. Hanna, March 19, 1840, to March 25, 1843. Resigned. Isaac Kinder, Nov. 24, 1843, to June 8, 1847. Resigned. Lazarus B. Wilson, Sept. 1, 1847, to March 9, 1848. Resigned. Percy Hosbrook, March 10, 1848, to Sept. 4, 1860. Daniel B. Hosbrook, Sept. 4, 1850, to Nov. 6, 1854. William A. Curran, Nov. 6, 1854, to Nov. 12, 1856. William P. Case, Nov. 12, 1856, to June 9, 1858. Resigned. Royal Mayhew, June 9, 1858, to Oct. 27, 1860. Oliver W. Voorhis, Oct. 27, 1860, to Nov^ 12, 1874. William H. Morrison, Nov. 12, 1874, to Jan. 18, 1876. Died. Hervey B. Fatout, Feb. 6, 1875, to Nov. 10, 1884. SCHOOL LAND COMMISSIONERS. John M. Frazee, November, 1829, to Jan. 8, 18.33. Abram W. Harrison, Jan. 8, 1833, to Nov. 4, 1833. Thomas H. Sharpe, Nov. 4, 183.3, to Sept. 6, 1834. William Hannaman, Sept. 6, 1834, to March 11, 1842. John L. Mothershead, March 17, 1842, to Sept.' 7, 1842. Elias N. Shimer, Sept. 7, 1842, to March 7, 1844. Moore Galway, March 8, 1844, to Sept. 6, 1844. Aquilla Parker, Sept. 6, 1844. SCHOOL EXAMINERS. George M. Darrock, Dec. 5, 1854, to July II, 1360. Lawrence Waldo, March 6, 1856, to March 1, 1867. Silas T. Bowen, March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1860. George W. Hoss, July 11, 1860, to March 1, 1861. Cyrus Smith, March 1, 1861, to Sept. 5, 1865. Pleasant Bond, Sept. 5, 1865, to Sept. 4, 1867. William A. Bell, Sept. 4, 1867, to June 4, 1873. COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS. Walter S. Smith, June 4, 1873, to June 9, 1876. Lea P. Harlan, June 9, 1876, to June 11, 1886. DIRECTORS COUNTY ASYLUM. Abraham Coble, May 8, 1832, to — . William McCaw, May 8, 1832, to—. Carey Smith, to May 7, 1833. Resigned. Samuel McCormick, May 7, 183.3, to Jan. 7, 1834. Isaac Pugh, Jan. 7, 1834, to Jan. 4, 1836. James Johnson, Jan. 7, 1834, to Jan. 4, 1836. William Logan, Jan. 7, 1834, to Jan. 4, 1836. Isaac Pugh, Jan. 4, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. James Johnson, Jan. 4, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. James Johnson, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 2, 1838. Samuel McCray, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 2, 1838. Abraham Coble, Jan. 2, 1838, to Nov. 6, 1839. William McCaw, Jan. 2, 1838, to Nov. 6, 1839. George Lockerbie, Nov. 6, 1839, to March 1, 1841. Thomas.F. Stout, Nov. 6, 1839, to March 1, 1841. SUPERINTENDENTS COUNTY ASYLUM. James H. Higgenbotham, March 1, 1841, to March 1, 1847. Ruth Higgenbotham, March 1, 1847, to March 1, 1850. Henry Fisher, March 1, 1850, to March 1, 1851. Firmin Stout, March 1, 1861, to March 1, 1852. Henry Fisher, March 1, 1852, to March 1, 1854. Titus Baker, March 1, 1854, to March 1, 1857. John Felty, March 1, 1857, to March 1, 1858. William H. Watts, March 1, 1858, to March 1, 1860. John Adams, March 1, 1860, to March 1, 1863. William H. Watts, March 1, 1863, to March 1, 1864. Levi A. Hardesty, March 1, 1864, to March 1, 1867. Parker S. Carson, March 1, 1867, to March 1, 1868. Joseph L. Fisher, March 1, 1868, to March 1, 1872. 498 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Samuel Royster, March 1, 1872, to March 1, 1878. Lawrence Logsdon, March 1, 1878, to March 1, 1879. Peter M. Wright, March 1, 1879, to March 1, 1885. COUNTY PHYSICIANS. Charles Parry, Sept. 9, 1840, to Sept. 7, 1841. David Yeakle, Sept. 7, 1841, to March 10, 1842. Livingston Dunlap, March 10, 1842. to March 8, 1843. John S. Bobbs, March 8, 184.% to March 1, 1844. Livingston Dunlap, March 8, 1843, to March 1, 1844. John H. Parry, March 1, 1844, to March 1, 1847. Charles Saunders, March 1, 1844, to March 1, 1847. John H. Parry, March 1, 1847, to March 1, 1850. John M. Gaston, March 1, 1847, to March 1, 1850. Livingston Dunlap, March 1, 1850, to March 8, 1851. Alois D. Gall, March 1,1850, to March 8, 1851. John P. Merrill, March 8, 1851, to March 8, 1852. Fitch C. Fisher, March 8, 1851, to March 8, 1852. David Punkhouser, March 8, 1852, to June 8, 1853. George W. Mears, March 8, 1852, to June 8, 1853. Livingston Dunlap, June 8, 1853, to June 8, 1854. Nicholas J. Dorsey, June 8, 1853, to June 8, 1855. David Funkhouser, June 8, 1855, to June 1, 1857. Thomas B. Elliott, June 1, 1857, to June 15, 1859. Michael J. Lynch, June 15, 1859, to Dec. 6, 1860. Clay Brown, Deo. 6, 1860, to Dec. 6, 1861. Mansur H. Wright, Dec. 6, 1861, to Dec. 6, 1863. Robert N. Todd, Dec. 6, 1863, to Dec. 6, 1865. John M. Phipps, Deo. 6, 1865, to Dec. 6, 1866. James W. Bigelow, Dec. 6, 1866, to Dec. 6, 1867. William Wands, Dec. 6, 1867, to Dec. 7, 1870. PHYSICIANS AT COUNTY ASYLUM. H. H. Moore, Dec. 7, 1870, to March 1, 1873. P. Henry Jameson, March 1, 1873, to Feb. 1, 1877. Samuel M. Davis, Feb. 1, 1877, to Feb. 23, 1879. Harry Peachee, Feb. 23, 1879, to Feb. 23, 1881. W. D. Culbertson, Feb. 23, 1881, to Feb. 23, 1882. C. A. Ritter, Feb. 23, 1882, to March 1, 1883. Theodore A. Wagner, March 1, 1883, to March 1, 1885. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN OF THE COUNTY ASYLUM. Orange G. Pfaff, March 1, 1883, to March 1, 1885. JUDGES OF THE PROBATE COURT. John C. Hume, Aug. 15, 1829, to Aug. 17, 1836. Robert Patterson, Aug. 17, 1836, to Sept. 23, 1850. Adam Wright, Sept. 23, 1850, to Oct. 13, 1851. Died. Samuel Cory, Oct. 14, 1851, till the court was abolished in 1852. PRESIDENT JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. William W. Wick, Feb. 7, 1822, to Jan. 20, 1825. Resigned. Bethuel F. Morris, Jan. 20, 1825, to Nov. 13, 1834. Resigned. William W. Wick, Dec. 4, 1834, to Aug. 2, 1838. Resigned. James Morrison, Aug. 2, 1838, to Aug. 10, 1842. Resigned. William Quarles, commissioned Aug. 15, 1842. Not accepted. Stephen Major, commissioned Sept. 28, 1842. Not accepted. William J. Peaslee, Dec. 16, 1842, to Sept. 17, 1849. Resigned. William W. Wick, Sept. 17, 1849, to Oct. 23, 1852. JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. William W. Wick, Oct. 23, 1852, to May 1, 1853. Resigned. Stephen Major, May 1, 1853, to Sept. 5, 1859. Resigned. William W. Wick, Sept. 5, 1859, to Oct. 24, 1859. Resigned. FabiuB M. Finch, Oct. 24, 1859, to Oct. 27, 1865. John Ooburn, Oot. 27, 1865, to Sept. 24, 1866. Resigned. John T. Dye, Sept. 24, 1866, to Nor. 3, 1866. Cyrus C. Hynes, Nov. 3, 1866, to Nov. 5, 1870. John S. Tarkington, Nov. 5, 1870, to Oct. 26, 1872. Resigned. Livingston Howland, Oot. 26, 1872, to Dec. 28, 1876. Resigned. Jacob B. Julian, Dec. 28, 1876, to Oot. 14, 1878. Joshua G. Adams, Oct. 14, 1878, to Oct. 14, 1884. Alexander C. Ayres, Oct. 14, 1884, for sU years. ASSOCIATE JUDGES OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. James Mollvain, April 8, 1822, to April 25, 1825. Resigned. Eliakin Harding, April 8, 1822, to Deo. 15, 1826. Resigned. George Smith, Aug. 8, 1825, to April 8, 1836. James Mcllvain, Feb. 12, 1827, to April 8, 1829. Joshua Stevens, April 8, 1829, to April 8, 1836. Adam Wright, April 8, 1836, to April 8, 1850. Thomas O'Neal, April 8, 1836, to April 8, 1843. Daniel R. Smith, April 8, 1843, till the office was abolished in 1851. Samuel Cory, April 8, 1843, till the office was abolished in 1851. JUDGES OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Abram A. Hammond, Jan. 12, 1849, to March 20, 1860. Edward Lander, March 26, 1850, to Oct. 26, 1852. Levi L. Todd, Oct. 26, 1852, to Oct. 29, 1856. David Wallace, Oct. 29, 1856, to Sept. 4, 1859. Died. John Coburn, Oct. 24, 1859, to Sept. 30, 1860. Resigned. Charles A. Ray, Sept. 30, 1860, to Dec. 7, 1864. Resigned. Solomon Blair, Dec. 13, 1864, to March 3, 1871. Resigned. Livingston Howland, March 3, 1871, to Oot. 24, 1872. William Irwin, Oct. 24, 1872, till the court was abolished in May, 1873. JUDGES OF THE CRIMINAL COURT. George H. Chapman, Deo. 27, 1865, to Oct. 24, 1870. Byron K. Elliott, Oct. 24, 1870, to Nov. 16, 1872. Charles H. Test, Nov. 16, 1872, to Oct. 22, 1874. Edward C. Buskirk, Oct. 22, 1874, to Oct. 23, 1878. James E. Heller, Oct. 23, 1878, to Oct. 24, 1882. Pierce Norton, Oct. 24, 1882, for four years. JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT. Room 1. Frederick Rand, Feb. 25, 1871, to Aug. 24, 1872. Resigned. Samuel B. Perkins, Aug. 24, 1872, to Jan. 1, 1877. Resigned. John A. Holman, Jan. 1, 1877, to Nov. 20, 1882. Napoleon B. Taylor, Nov. 20, 1882, to Nov. 20, 1886. Boom 2. Solomon Blair, March 3, 1871, to Nov. 3, 1876. Daniel W. Howe, Nov. 3, 1876, to Nov. 18, 1886. Rooiti 3. Horatio C. Neweomb, Feb. 25, 1871, to Sept. 18, 1876. Harry M. Burns, Sept. 19, 1876, to Oct. 24, 1876. Byron K. Elliott, Oct. 24, 1876, to Oot. 27, 1880. Lewis C. Walker, Oct. 27, 1880, to Oct. 27, 1888. Room 4. Myron B. Williams, March 10, 1877, to Oct. 28, 1878. David V. Burns, Oot. 28, 1878, till the court was aboliehod in May, 1879. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS OF THE CIRCUIT COURT. Calvin Fletcher, Sept. 26, 1822, to Nov. 8, 1823. Hervey Gregg, Nov. 8, 1823, to Aug. 9, 1825. Calvin Fletcher, Aug. 9, 1825, to Aug. 28, 1826. James Whitoomb, Aug. 28, 1826, to Jan. 14, 1829. CIVIL LIST OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 499 William W. Wiek, Jan. 14, 1829, to Jan. 14, 1831. William Brown, Jan. 14, 1831, to Jan. 14, 1833. William Herod, Jan. 14, 1833, to Deo. 11, 18:!8. William Quarles, Deo. II, 1838, to April 13, 1838. William J. Poasleo, April 13, 18;!9, to Jan. 25, 1841. Hugh O'Neal, Jan. 29, 1841, to Jan. 29, 1843. Abram A. Hammond, Jan. 29, 1843, to Jan. 29, 1847. Edward Lander, Jan. 29, 1847, to Aug. 27, 1851. David S. Gooding, Aug. 27, 1851, to Oct. 23, 1852. Reuben A. Riley, Oct. 23, 1852, to Oct. 27, 1854. De Witt C. Chipman, Oct. 27, 1854, to Nov. 2, 1856. Peter S. Kennedy, Nov. 2, 1856, to Nov. 2, 1858. William P. Fishback, Nov. 2, 1858, to Oct. 4, 1862. Resigned. William W. Leathers, Oct. 4, 1862, to Dec. 27, 1865. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS OP THE CRIMINAL COURT. William W. Leathers, Dec. 27, 1865, to Nov. 25, 1867. John S. Duncan, Nov. 25, 1867, to Nov. 3, 1870. Henry C. Guffin, Nov. 3, 1870, to Nov. 3, 1872. Robert P. Parker, Nov. 3, 1872, to Nov. 3, 1874. James M. Cropsey, Nov. 3, 1874, to Nov. 3, 1876. James E. Heller, Nov. 3, 1876, to Oct. 22, 1878. John B. Elam, Oct. 22, 1878, to Nov. 17, 1882. PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS OP THE CIRCUIT COURT. John Denton, Oct. 26, 1874, to Oct. 26, 1876. Joshua G. Adams, Oct. 26, 1876, to Oct. 26, 1878. Richard B. Blake, Oct. 26, 1878, to Oct. 26, 1880. Newton M. Taylor, Oct. 26, 1880, to Nov. 17, 1882. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY OF THE CIRCUIT AND CRIMINAL COURTS. William T. Brown, Nov. 17, 1882, to Nov. 17, 1884.1 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS OF THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS. John T. Morrison, Oct. 25, 1852, to Oct. 24, 1854. Jonathan W. Gordon, Oct. 24, 1854, to Jan. 30, 1856. Resigned. Richard J. Ryan, Jan. 20, 1856, to Oct. 28, 1856. John S. Tarkington, Oct. 28, 1856, to Oct. 28, 1858. James N. Sweetser, Oct. 28, 1858, to Oct. 26, 1860. John C. Buff kin, Oct. 26, 1860, to Nov. 1, 1864. William W. Woolen, Nov. 1, 1864, to Nov. 2, 1868. William Irvin, Nov. 2, 1868, to Nov. 2, 1870. David V. Burns, Nov. 2, 1870, to Nov. 2, 1872. Robert E. Smith, Nov. 2, 1872, till the court was abolished in May, 1873. COUNTY BOARD OF JUSTICES." 1824-25. Prest., Joel Wright, May 11, 1822, Washington and Lawrence townships. William D. Rooker, May 11, 1822, Washington and Lawrence townships. John C. Hume, June 19, 1824, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, February, 1824, Wayne township. ' The prosecuting attorneys of the Circuit Court were re- placed by those of the Criminal Court from 1865 to 1874. Then there was a prosecutor for each until 1882, when the offices were combined. • The date in county boards of justices is the date of election always. Abraham Hendricks, May II, 1822, Wayne township. Removed from township. William Logan, Jan. 29, 1825, Wayne township. Joseph Beelor, Aug. 30, 1823, Decatur township. Peter Harmonson, May 11, 1822, Perry and Franklin town- ships. Henry D. Bell, Feb. 22, 1823, Perry and Fmnklin townships. Wilks Reagin, May 25, 1822, Centre and Warren townships, Obed Foote, May 25, 1822, Centre and Warren townships. Lismund Basye, May 25, 1822, Centre and Warren townships. 1825-26. Prest., Joseph Heeler, Decatur township. Joel Wright, Washington and Lawrence townships. Resigned Sept. 5, 1825. William D. Rooker, Washington and Lawrence townships. Hiram Bacon, Oct. 1, 1825, Washington and Lawrence town- ships. John C. Hume, Pike township, Jacob Sheets, July 30, 1825, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, Wayne township. William Logan, Wayne township. Peter Harmonson, Perry and Franklin townships. Henry D. Bell, Perry and Franklin townships. Obed Foote, Centre township. Wilks Reagin, Centre township. Resigned April 15, 1826. Lismund Basye, Centre township. Caleb Scudder, June 3, 1826, Centre township. Rufus Jenison, June 3, 1826, Warren township. 1826-27. Prest., Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. Joel Wright, July 2, 1827, Washington township. William D. Rooker, Washington township. Term expired. Hiram Bacon, Washington township. John C. Hume, Pike township. Resigned May 16, 1827. Jacob Sheets, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, Wayne township. William Logan, Wayne township, Peter Harmonson, Perry and Franklin townships. Henry D. Bell, Perry and Franklin townships. Obed Foote, June 2, 1827, Centre township. Re-elected. Lismund Basye, Centre township. Term expired. Henry Bradley, June 2, 1827, Centre township. Caleb Scudder, Centre township, Rufus Jenison, Warren township. Thomas North, Oct. 6, 1826, Lawrence township. Invalid. Peter Castetter, Dec. 2, 1826, Lawrence township. 1827-28. Prest., Joel Wright, Washington township. Died. Hiram Bacon, Washington township. Edward Roberts, April 5, 1828, Washington township. Jacob Sheets, Pike township. Austin Davenport, July 28, 1827, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, Wayne township. William Logan, Wayne township. Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. Henry D. Bell, Perry township. Peter Harmonson, Perry township. Thomas Carle, April 5, 1828, Perry township. James Greer, Oct. 6, 1827, Franklin township. Rufus Jenison, Warren township. Peter Castetter, Lawrence township. Obed Foote, Centre township. Henry Bradley, Centre township. Caleb Scudder, Centre township. 500 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. 1828-29. Prest., Caleb Soudder, Centre township. Obed Foote, Centre township. Henry Bradley, Centre township. Hiram Bacon, Washington township. Resigned Jan. 4, 1830. Edward Roberts, Washington township. Jacob Sheets, Pike township. Austin Davenport, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, March 28, 1829, Wayne township. Re- elected, William Logan, Wayne township. Resigned Nov. 4, 1828. James Johnson, Dec. 6, 1828, Wayne township. Joseph Beeler, Doc. 30, 1828, Decatur township. Re-elected. Thomas Carle, Perry township. Henry D. Bell, Perry township. James Greer, Franklin township. Rufus Jenison, Warren township. Resigned Nov. 3, 1828. Henry Brady, Aug. 4, 1828, Warren township. Solomon Wells, Feb. 7, 1829, Warren township. Peter Castetter, Lawrence township. 1829-30. Prest., Caleb Scudder, Centre township. Obed Foote, Centre township. Henry Bradley, Centre township. Edward Roberts, Washington township. Abraham Bowen, Jan. 30, 1830, Washington township. Jacob Sheets, Pike township. Resigned. Austin Davenjmrt, Pike township. Resigned March 1, 1830. Zeph. Hollingsworth, Jan. 30, 1830, Pike township. William C. Robinson, Jan. 30, 1830, Pike township, Jesse Lane, March 20, 1830, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, Wayne township. James Johnson, Wayne township. Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. Thomas Carle, Perry township. Peyton Bristow, Oct. 1, 1829, Perry township. James Greer, Franklin township. Marine D. West, July 25, 1829, Franklin township. Henry Brady, Warren township. Solomon Wells, Warren township. Peter Castetter, Lawrence township. 1830-31. Prest., Caleb Soudder, Centre township. Obed Foote, Centre township. Henry Bradley, Centre township. Edward Roberts, Washington township. Abraham Bowen, Washington township. William C. Robinson, Pike township. Zeph. Hollingsworth, Pike township. Resigned May 2, 1831. Jesse Lane, Pike township. Adam Wright, June 4, 1831, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, Wayne township. James Johneon, Wayne township. Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. Thomas Carle, Perry township. Died May, 1831. Peyton Bristow, Perry township. Thomas McFarland, May 28, 1831, Perry township. James Greer, Franklin township. Marine D. West, Franklin township. Removed May, 1831. Isaac Baylor, June 11, 1831, Franklin township. Henry Brady, Warren township. Solomon Wells, Warren township. Resigned Sept, 3, 1832, Peter Castetter, Lawrence township. John Bolander, Feb. 5, 1831, Lawrence township. 1831-32. Prest., Caleb Scudder, Centre township. Obed Foote, Centre township. Henry Bradley, Centre township. Edward Roberts, Washington township. Abraham Bowen, Washington township. William C. Robinson, Pike township. Jesse Lane, Pike township. Adam Wright, Pike township. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, AVayne township. James Johnson, Wayne township, Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. James Epperson, April 2, 1832, Decatur township. Peyton Bristow, Perry township. Thomas McFarland, Perry township. James Greer, Franklin township. Isaac Baylor, Franklin township. Henry Brady, Warren township. Joshua Black, Aug. 13, 1831, Warren township. Peter Castetter, Lawrence township. Term expired in De- cember, 1831. John Bolander, Lawrence township. William G. Mcintosh, April 2, 1832, Lawrence township. 1835-36. Prest., Caleb Scudder, Centre township, Henry Bradley, Feb. 2, 1833, Centre township. Wilks Reagin, Dec. 7, 1833, Centre township. Samuel Jenison, March 8, 1834, Centre township, James Epperson, Decatur township. Zimri Brown, Feb. 12, 1834, Decatur township. Joseph Beeler, Aug. 29, 1835, Decatur township. James Greer, Nov. 20, 1832, Franklin township. Isaac Baylor, Franklin township. Joseph Johnston, Dec. 1, 1832, Lawrence township. Daniel Shartz, April 1, 1835, Lawrence township. Jacob Smock, Feb. 1, 1834, Perry township. George Tomlinson, Oct. 4, 1834, Perry township. Smith Isaac, Oct. 4, 1834, Pike township. Nathaniel Bell, April 6, 1835, Pike township, Eliaa N. Shimer, Oct. 13, 1832, Warren township. Joseph S. Mix, Oct. 4, 1834, Warren township, Daniel R. Smith, Oct. 12, 1833, Washington township. Abraham Bowen, April 1, 1835, Washington township. James Johnson, Feb. 5, 1834, Wayne township. James W. Johnston, May 6, 1834, Wayne township. Allen Jennings, May 6, 1834, Wayne township. 1836-37. Prest., Henry Bradley, Centre township. , Caleb Scudder, Aug. 27, 1836, Centre township. Wilks Reagin, Centre township, Samuel Jenison, Centre township. Thomas M. Weaver, Oct. 2, 1836, Centre township. Joshua Stevens, April 3, 1837, Centre township. Joseph Beeler, Decatur township. Zimri Brown, Decatur township. Noah Reagan, Oct. 1, 1836, Decatur township. Jesse Grace, Dec. 24, 1836, Decatur township. James Greer, Franklin township. Isaac Baylor, .Tune 25, 1836, Franklin township. Benjamin Morgan, April 4, 1836, Franklin township. Joseph Johnston, Lawrence township. Daniel Shartz, Lawrence township. Jacob Smock, Perry township. George Tomlinson, Perry township. CENTRE TOWNSHIP. 501 Smith Isaac, Pike township. Nathaniel Bell, Pike township. Elias N. Shioier, Warren township. Joseph S. Mix, Warren township. James P. Hanna, May 28, 18.S6, Warren township. Lyman Carpenter, Oct. 4, 1836, Warren township. Daniel R. Smith, Washington township. Abraham Bowen, Washington township, John R. Anderson, Nov. 20, 1836, Washington township. James Johnson, Wayne township. James W. Johnston, Wayne township. Allen Jennings, Wayne township. CHAPTER XX. CENTRE TOWNSHIP. Although the city of Indianapolis covers but about twelve of the forty-two sections in Centre township, the history of the city is so largely that of the township that there is little to say of the latter that will not be a repetition. The settlements which have become little towns are merely the natural ac- cretions of residence about a factory or mill, or an in- dustry of some kind that belongs to the city, and they are really as much a part of it as the squares cornering on the Circle. What history and business they have independently can be soon told. The township was associated with Warren from its first organization, in the spring of 1822, to the 1st of May, 1826, and the records called the combination Centre- Warren township. After this separation the township and the town were one till the independent organization of the latter, Sept. 3, 1832. Then the outside area began to have a little consciousness of a legal existence. It has never had much more. The population in 1880 was five thousand five hundred and ninety-two, and is probably seven thousand now. Of this number, Brightwood contains six hundred and seventy-nine, part of Irvington eighty-nine, and Woodruif Place twenty. The population of West Indianapolis, formerly Belmont, is not stated, as the town was not organized when the census was taken. Haughsville is in Wayne township, and Brookside and Indianola belong to the city, and North Indian- apolis is not organized. So there is no way to learn accurately the distribution of this outside population. There are four divisions of the surrounding area. Washington and Meridian Streets are the dividing lines, and all inside of the city limits is taken off, leaving a rim of territory round each quarter of the city in the corners. Each of these sections is di- vided into two precincts for voting purposes. Each is a road district, and has its own supervisor, under the general supervision of the township trustee. There are thirteen schools in these four sections, with about thirty teachers. Two of these are colored schools, — No. 11, in the northeast, and No. 5, in the southeast. A colored class is taught in No. 10, North Indianapolis. In Nos. 7 and 4 a German school is maintained in connection with the regular schools ; that is, such portions of each school as wish to study German, or to pursue their general studies in that language, are given the services of a teacher, who separates them temporarily from the others and gives them instruction as he would do if they had a school wholly to themselves. The German language is studied by a number of the colored pupils at No. 10 and other schools. Teachers' institutes are held monthly to assist the teachers by discussions of subjects connected with their occupation. The churches are not numerous in these outlying sections. The city is so convenient and so much more likely, as a rule, to have a more interesting class of services, that the church attendance of a considerable portion of the township is taken to the city, to the damage of the home influence and the depreciation of church property. There are two churches at Brightwood, one Catholic and one Meth- odist ; one in Belmont, or used to be ; and one that may be still kept up on the Shelby ville road, near the McLaughlin place, the religious training-school of Rev. Greenly H. McLaughlin, one of the few now living who can remember Indianapolis from the year it was laid out until to-day. In the chapter on " Charities" is a statement by the township trustee of the pauper account during the first month of this year. The total payments on this account are nearly eighteen hundred dollars, or at the rate of over twenty-one thousand dollars a year. This, the trustee says, is an unfair indication. The pauper expense of January was double that of the 502 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. average monthly outlay. The year's total will not reach ten thousand dollars. During the winter of 1874-75 there were eighteen hundred persons, many with families, supported by the township, and the annual outlay was four times what it is now. But that was the worst season for the extent of pauperism ever known in this country. The town- ship trustee takes care of several abandoned or abased children in the course of the year at the different asylums. The following is a list of officers of Centre township from its formation in 1822 to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES or THE PEACE. Wilks Reagin, June 14, 1822, to April 15, 1826; resigned. Lismund Basye, June 14, 1822, to June 7, 1827. Obed Foote, June 14, 1822, to June 7, 1827. Caleb Soudder, June 14, 1826, to June 14, 1831. Obed Foote, June 13, 1827, to June 12, 1832. Henry Bradley, June 13, 1827, to June 12, 1832. Caleb Soudder, June 27, 1831, to June 18, 1836. Henry Bradley, Feb. 13, 1833, to Feb. 13, 1838. Obed Foote, Feb. 13, 1833, to November, 1833; died. James Wingate, Feb. 13, 1833, to January, 1834; died. Wilks Reagin, Dec. 17, 1S33, to August, 1836; removed. Samuel Jenison, March 11, 1834, to March 25, 1837; resigned. Caleb Scndder, Sept. 19, 1836, to Sept. 19, 1841. Thomas M. Weaver, Nov. 1, 1836, to July 12, 1841 ; resigned. Joshua Stevens, April 6, 1837, to April 6, 1842. John L. Ketcham, April 11, 1838, to June 2, 1842; resigned. Joseph A. Levy, Aug. 13, 1841, to Aug. 13, 1846. William Sullivan, Oct. 6, 1841, to Nov. 1, 1867. Joshua Stevens, April 8, 1842, to April 8, 1852. William Campbell, Aug. 10, 1842, to Dee. 9, 1845; resigned. James G. Jordan, Jan. 27, 1846, to Sept. 28, 1848; resigned. Caleb Scudder, Aug. 14, 1846, to Aug. 14, 1851. James McCready, April 11, 1850, to May 6, 1854; resigned. Charles Fisher, Aug. 18, 1851, to Nov. 1, 1875. Christopher G. Werbe, April 20, 1852, to April 20, 1856. John Saltmarsh, May 5, 1855, to May 3, 1859. Charles Coulon, April 21, 1856, to April 20, 1860. Andrew Curtis, May 3, 1859, to May 3, 1863. Frederic Stein, April 20, 1860, to April 20, 1864. Oscar H. Kendrick, May 3, 1863, to Dec. 1, 1864; resigned. Charles Coulon, April 20, 1864, to April 20, 1868. Alexander G. Wallace, April 18, 1865, to April 17, 1869. Andrew Curtis, April 13, 1867, to April 13, 1871. Charles Seorest, Nov. 1, 1867, to Nov. 1, 1871. Charles Fred. Doepfner, April 20, 1868, to Deo. 30, 1870; re- signed. Henry H. Bogges, Nov. 9, 1869, to Oct. 19, 1872 ; resigned. William Dietrichs, Feb. 22, 1871, to April 18, 1876. Peter Smock, April 13, 1871, to April 13, 1875. John G. Smith, Nov. 1, 1871, to April 9, 1875; resigned. William H. Schmitts, Oct. 21, 1872, to Oct. 21, 1876. Christopher C. Glass, Oct. 24, 1874, to Oct. 24, 1878. Abel Catterson, April 9, 1875, to June 20, 1878; resigned. Thomas P. Miller, April 13, 1875, to April 13, 1879. Luke Walpole, Nov. 1, 1875, to Nov. 1, 1879. William C. Newcomb, Oct. 23, 1876, to Oct. 23, 1880. David K. Miner, Oct. 26, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1880. Willis W. Wright, Jan. 13, 1877, to April 9, 1878. William Whitney, April 9, 187S, to April 9, 1882. Willis W. Wright, June 20, 1878, to Nov. 1, 1879. Theodore W. Pease, Oct. 24, 1878, to Oct. 24, 1882. Marquis L. Johnson, April 13, 1879, to April 13, 1882; re- signed. George M. Seibert, Nov. 1, 1879, to Nov. 1, 1883. John W. Thompson, Nov. 1, 1879, to Nov. 1, 1883. William H. Schmitts, Nov. 12, 1880, to April 13, 1882. John C. Woodard, Oct. 23, 1880, to Oct. 23, 1884. John M. Johnston, April 13, 1882, to April 13, 1886. Patrick Bennett, July 8, 1882, to Oct. 11, 1882; resigned. David K. Miner, July 10, 1882, to June 20, 1883; resigned. Charies B. Feibleman, July 10, 1882, to April 17, 1884. Theodore W. Pease, Sept. 20, 1882, to April 17, 1884. Christopher C. Glass, Oct. 11, 1882, to April 17, 1884. Luke Walpole, Oct. 24, 1882, to Oct. 24, 1886. John C. Boss, June 21, 1883, to April 15, 1886. , TRUSTEES. Jacob Newman, April 14, 1859, to April 13, 1861. James Turner, April 13, 1861, to June 13, 1864. James W. Brown, June 13, 1864, to June 29, 1864. Joshua M. W. Langsdale, June 29, 1864, to 1867. Cyrus C. Heizer, 1867, to Oct. 18, 1872. Charies John, Oct. 18, 1872, to Oct. 22, 1874. Michael Doherty, Oct. 22, 1874, to Oct. 20, 1876. W. Smith King, Oct. 20, 1876, to April 14, 1880. Alonzo B. Harvey, April 14, 1880, to April 14, 1882. Ernest Kitz, April 14, 1882, for two years. ASSESSORS. Henry Bradley, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. Jamea F. N. Bradley, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 3, 1831. Daniel R. Smith, Jan. 3, 1831, to Jan. 2, 1832. Butler K. Smith, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. John W. Reding, Jan. 7, 1833, to Jan. 5, 1835. Elias N. Shimer, Jan. 5, 1835, to May 5, 1835. Morris Bennett, May 5, 1835, to Jan. 4, 1836. Charles J. Hand, Jan. 4, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. Morris Bennett, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 1, 1838. Peter Winoholl, Jan. 1, 1838, to Jan. 7, 1839. John M. Wilson, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Robert Hanna, Jan. 6, 1840, to Jan. 4, 1841. Benjamin G. Yates, Jan. 4, 1841, to Dee. 6, 1841. John Taffe, Dec. 21, 1852, to Feb. 6, 1854. i.'1';«lli|i'llhlUillUililillUi!lilliliiiliiiiUUI!i!l!iiaiiliil!U^ 1" '^^'TyT^ c/y^L^^-cT^-ty CENTRE TOWNSHIP. 503 John D. Thorpe, Ftb. 6, 1854, to April 7, 1855. John B. Stumph, April 7, 1855, to Dec. 13, 1855. John C. Baker, Deo. 13, 1855, to Nov. 29, 1856. Andrew Curtis, Nov. 29, 1856, to Oct. 25, 1858. Oscar H. Kendriok, Oct. 25, 1858, to Nov. 22, 1860. Leonidas M. Phipps, Nov. 22, 1860, to Nov. 1, 1866. William C. Phipps, Oct. 24, 1864, to April 3, 1868. John Reynolds, April 3, 1868, to Oct. 26, 1870. David W. Brouse, Oct. 26, 1870, to Aug. 1, 1873. David W. Brouse, March 17, 1875, to April 12, 1880. Bernard Raw, April 12, 1880, to April 10, 1882. Thomas B. Messiok, April 10, 1882, to April 10, 1884. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. SAMUEL CANBY. Samuel Canby, whose ancestors were of English extraction, was the son of Dr. Benjamin H. Canby and his wife, Sarah Taylor, of Virginia. He was born in Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va., on the 12th of April, 1800. Here his early years were spent in the pursuit of such educational advantages as the schools of the neighborhood aiforded. On attaining the years of manhood he removed with the family to Boone County, Ky., where his father purchased a farm on the banks of the Ohio River, at East Bend, Bacon Co., and was assisted in the cultivation and improvement of the land by his son. Samuel Canby was married, in April, 1827, to Miss Elizabeth De Pew, of Boone County, Ky., granddaughter of John De Pew, who emigrated from England and settled in Virginia. The latter had eight children, of whom Abram, the father of Mrs. Canby, married Mildred Sebree, whose parents were John and Mil- dred Johnson Sebree. The former was a Revolution- ary soldier, and died at the siege of Yorktown. He was the companion of Gen. George Rogers Clark in his expedition against the British posts in the West. In 1837, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Canby removed to Marion County, Ind., in company with an uncle, John H. Canby, a gentleman of the old school, who possessed ample means, and had many years before retired from business. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and much esteemed for his many Christian virtues. His death occurred Feb. 8, 1844, at the age of seventy-one years. Mr. and Mrs. Canby located upon a farm in Centre township, two miles from the city of Indianapolis, where they con- tinued the congenial pursuits of the agriculturist during the former's lifetime. Mr. Canby enjoyed the reputation of being a model farmer, and one of the most successful in the county. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Canby was the seat of a generous hos- pitality, and proverbial for the welcome and good cheer afforded alike to guest or traveler. In politics the subject of this sketch was a Democrat, though his innate modesty and the demands of his private business alike prevented active participation in the political events of the day. He was reared in the Quaker faith, and with his wife became a member of the Roberts Park Methodist Episcopal Church of Indianapolis. Mr. Canby, in 1874, erected a spa- cious dwelling in the latter city, to which he removed on its completion. He survived this change of resi- dence but two weeks, and died on the 16th of Oc- tober, 1874. His remains are interred in the beau- tiful Crown Hill Cemetery. His widow, with her sister, Miss De Pew, now occupies the city home. Mrs. Mildred De Pew, the mother of Mrs. Canby, died at the home of her daughter at the advanced age of eighty-eight years, and is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery. She was a lady of genial nature, great force of character, and remarkable Christian faith. JOHN MOORE. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Moore emigrated when a young man from Scotland to Ireland, where he married a Miss Reid and had children, — John, William, Thomas, Christopher, James, Catherine (Mrs. William Humphrey), Eleanor (Mrs. Robert Roe), Peggy (Mrs. Jesse Roe), and Elizabeth (Mrs. Keyes). Mr. Moore resided in County Donegal, Ireland, where he was employed in the cultivation and improvement of a farm. His son Thomas was born in County Donegal, and mar- ried Miss Catherine Gutherie, daughter of John Gutherie, of County Fermanagh, Ireland, who was also of Irish descent. The children of Thomas and Catherine Moore are John, Thomas, Mary (Mrs. S04 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Henry Bowser), Margaret (Mrs. Charles Clenden- ning), Isabel J. (Mrs. R. A. Yoke), Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Roe), Catherine (Mrs. Edward Thomas), and Eleanor (Mrs. Hampton Kelly). Mr. and Mrs. Moore were attracted by the superior advantages America offered the working classes, and left their native land in 1824 for its hospitable shores. Mrs. Moore's death occurred in Pennsylvania, en route for Ohio, where the family soon after settled. In 1831 Mr. Moore removed to Marion County, Ind., where his death occurred Jan. 8, 1838. John Moore, his son, was born Nov. 8, 1806, in County Farmanagh, Ireland, and at the age of eighteen emigrated with his parents to America. His educational oppor- tunities were limited, his early years having been devoted chiefly to labor. He engaged in Ohio with his father in clearing land and farming, and on becoming a resident of Marion County, in 1831, sought work upon the public improvements, and also busied himself at farming. He was, on the 19th of September, 1833, married to Miss Sarah Bowser, daughter of Henry Bowser, of Marion County. Their children are Thomas H., William, Hannah, Ritchison, Isabel (Mrs. J. W. Yoke), John 0., Catherine, Mary E. H., Joseph A., and three who are deceased. Mr. Moore, in 1839, removed to his present home, and has there continued farming until the present time. He has devoted his energies entirely to the improvement of his land, and given little attention to the affairs of more general interest. He was formerly a Whig in politics, and subsequently gave his vote to the Republican party, though he has never accepted or desired office. He is in religion a Methodist, and member of the Fletcher Place Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Moore celebrated their golden wedding on the 19th of September, 1883, on which interesting occa- sion there were present nine children and eleven grandchildren, who offered their affectionate con- gratulations to this venerable couple. THOMAS MOORE. Thomas Moore is a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland, where his birth occurred on the 6th of Au- gust, 1808. At the age of sixteen his parents determined to emigrate to America, there being at that time few avenues to advancement or independ- ence open to the poorer classes in Ireland, while the New World offered unlimited possibilities to the in- dustrious and ambitious foreigner. After a brief so- journ in Washington, Pa., Mr. Moore and his family removed to the vicinity of Zanesville, Ohio, and in 1831 made Thomas Moore's present farm, in Marion County, Ind., their permanent abode, where the father died on the 8th of January, 1838. The education Thomas received in his youth was neces- sarily limited, but sufficient knowledge of the rudi- ments was obtained to be of service in his subsequent career. His first employment in Indiana was in con- nection with public improvements and the construc- tion of roads. This was continued for a period, when Mr. Moore engaged in the tran.sportation of goods from Cincinnati for the merchants of Indianapolis, and also became a successful farmer, making this the business of his life. His industry, application to the work in hand, and discretion in the management of his varied interests have received their reward in a competency which is now enjoyed in his declining years. Mr. Moore was married, in January, 1832, to Miss Catherine, daughter of William Moore, who resided near Zanesville, Ohio. Her death occurred June 29, 1867. Their children are three daughters, — Jane (deceased), Mary Ann (Mrs. George Langs- dale, who died in Texas in April, 1880), and Margaret J. (Mrs. Wilmer Christian, of Indianapolis). Mr. Moore has always been in his political predilections a consistent Democrat, though not active as a politician and without ambition for the honors of office. The Moore family are of Scotch-Irish lineage, the grand- father of the subject of this biographical sketch hav- ing married a Miss Reid, to whom were born nine children. Their son Thomas, a native of County Donegal, Ireland, married Miss Catherine Gutherie, of County Fermanagh, Ireland, and had two sons and six daughters. The sons, John and Thomas, are represented by portraits in this work. •7 111 a ^■> ) a J C- / I O^r e^r-<^ 604 hloiUrtk^ OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Henry Bowaer;, Marinret (Mrs. Charles Clenden- ninn ' : i s R A*. Yoke), Elizabeth (Mrs. RobcK „...i,riDe (Mrs. Edward Thomas), and Eleauor (Mrs. Hampton Kelly). Mr. and Mrs. Moore were attracted by the superior advantages America offered the working classes, and left their native land in 1824 for its hospitable sboreSi Mrs. Moore's death occurred in Pennsylvania, en route for Ohio, where the family soon after settled. In 1831 Mr. Moore removed to Marion County, Ind., where his death occurred Jan. 8, 1838. John Moore, his son, was born Nov. 8, 1806, in Oonaty Farmanagh, Ireland, and at the age of eightees t>mignU«d with his parents to America tunities were limited, liu- :iii< on devoted chiefly to labor. He eng,. . ith his father in clearing land and farming, and on becoming a resident of Marion County, in 1831, soucl ■ ' n the public improvements, and also busii M at fanning. He was, on the 19th of j*epW(mber, 1833, mjtrried to Miss Sarah Bowser, daughter of Henry Bp?wer, of Marion County. Their chi!' . T'loiuas H., William, Haanah, Ri»^4ui»on, , . J. W. T..1..' Tnli O Catherine, Mary E. H., Joseph A art; deceased. Mr. Moore, in 1839, removei present home, and ■ the present time. >... i... ■■■: . .^. . entirely to the improvement of his land, and given little attention to the affairs of more general interest. He was formerly a Whig in politics, and subsequently gave his vote to the Republican party, tliough he has never accepted or desired office. He is in religion a Methodist, and member of the Fletcher Place Meth- odist Episcopal Church of Indianapolit. Mr. and Mrs. Moore celebrated their golden weddings do the 19th of September, 1883, on which interesting occa.. siou there were present nine children and eleven grandchildren, who offered their affectionate con- gratulations to this venerable couple. gust, 1808. At the age of sixteen his parents determined to emigrate to America, there l>eing at that time few avenues to advancement or independ- ence open to the poorer classes in Ireland, while the New World offered unlimited possibilitiee to the in- dtistrious and ambitious foreigner. After a brief so-, journ in Washington, Pa., Mr. Moore atid his family removed to the vicinity of Zanesville, Ohio, and in 1831 made Thomas Moore's present farin, in Marion Oonoty, Ind., their permanent abode,' where the fether died on the 8th of January, 1838. The education Tbomati received in his youth was neces- sarily limited, but sufficient kt>owledge of the rudi- ments was obtained to be of service in his subsequent career. HLs Brst employment in Indiana was in con-, nection with public improvements and the construc- tion of roads. This was continued for a period, when Mr. Moore engaged in the transportation of goods from Cincinnati for the merchants of Indianapolis, and also became a successful farmer, making this the business of his life. His industry, application to the work in hand, and discretio'n in the management of his varied interests have received their reward in a competency which is now enjoyed in his declining «*n«. Mr. Moore was married, in January, 1832, to Miss Catherine, daughter of William Moore, who 'od near Zanesville, Ohio. Her death occurred .^ic 29, 1867. Their children are three daughters,- — Jane (deceased), Mary Ann (Mrs. George Langs- dale, who died in Texas in April, 1880),' and Margaret J. (Mnt. Wilmer Christian, of Indianapolis). Mr. Moore has always been in his political predilections a consLstent Democrat, though not axitive as a politician and without ambition for the honors of office. The Mogre family are of Scptch-Irish lineage, the grand- father of the subject or this biographical sketch hav- ing married a Miss Reid, to whom were born nine children. "Their son Thomas, a native of County Donegal, Ireland, married Miss Catherine Gutherie', of County Fermanagh, Ireland, and had two sons and six daughters. The sons, John and Thomas, are represented by portraits in this work. THOMAS MOOKE. Thomas Moore is a native of County Fermanagh, Ireland, where his birth occurred on the 6th of Au- ^7^1 6)!^ e^l^ 16^ &-?~C_ qi ir-j ll.B.lIaa .? "iTW, ITev! Y^^rl.r . 0f ^^^2^//^ CENTRE TOWNSHIP. 505 BLISHA J. HOWLAND. Mr. Howland is of English extraction, and the grandson of Elisha Howland, who was a native of Rhode Island, and when seventeen years of age emi- grated to Saratoga County, N. T. He married a Miss Powell and had six children, all of whom sur- vive, with the exception of Powell, who was born Oct. 16, 1799, in Saratoga County, and removed to Indiana in 1839. He married, in 1818, Miss Tamma Morris, of Saratoga County, and in 1823, Miss Mahala Thurber. To the first marriage were born two children, and to the second five, among whom was Elisha J., whose birth occurred in Saratoga County, Nov. 30, 1826, where he remained until thirteen years of age. He then with his father re- moved to Indiana, and was until eighteen years of age a pupil of the public school, after which for two years he enjoyed the advantages of the Marion County Seminary, in Indianapolis. His attention was then turned to the cultivation of the homestead farm, a part of which became his by division on attaining his majority. He has since that time con- tinued farming of a general character, combined with stock-raising, and has met with success in his voca- tion. He shares his father's love of horticultural pursuits, and has devoted much time and attention to the subject. Ho is a member of both the State and County Horticultural Societies. In politics Mr. Howland is an ardent Democrat, and was in 1882 elected to the State Legislature, where he served on the committees on Reformatory Institutions and Fees and Salaries, and was chairman of the former. He has ever manifested much public spirit, been active in the furtherance of all public improvements, and the promoter of various schemes for the welfare of the county of his residence and the good of the pub- lic. Mr. Howland was married, in 1851, to Miss Margaret E., daughter of Nineveh Berry, one of the earliest settlers in the State, who was born in Clark County, and removed to Anderson, Madison Co., before the government survey was made. He held many prominent offices, and was one of the original surveyors who laid out the lands of the State in be- half of the government. His death occurred Aug. 17, 1883, in his eightieth year. Mr. and Mrs. Howland 83 have children, — Charles B., Elizabeth M., James E., Margaret M., Julia H., and one who died in child- hood. He was a member of the Ebenezer English Lutheran Church, in which he has been both an elder and a deacon. Mrs. Howland is also a member of the same church. JOHN G. BROWN. John G. Brown, who was of Scotch-Irish descent, was born in Charleston, S. C, June 23, 1785. He received in youth a fair English education, and in early manhood emigrated to Kentucky. He was, on the 17th of October, 1810, married to Eliza M. Bar- nett, to whom were born four children, — Juliet D., Eliza Jane (Mrs. L. W. Monson), Emeline A. (Mrs. J. L. Mothershead), and Alexander M. Mrs. Brown died in September, 1820, and he was again married in October, 1821, to Mrs. Mary C. Todd, 7iee Win- ston, who was of English lineage and the daughter of James Winston, a soldier of the Revolution, and his wife, Sarah. Mrs. Brown was born in Louisa County, Va., in 1791, and was a lady of much refinement and culture. On her marriage to Mr. Brown she was the widow of Dr. Henry Todd, of Bourbon County, Ky. Her death occurred in May, 1859. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Brown are Mary T. (Mrs. Stephen D. Tomlinson), James Winston, Margaret M. (Mrs. W. T. Sprole), and Caroline S. James W. and Marga- ret M. are the only survivors of all Mr. Brown's children, the former having come, when but eighteen months old, with his father to Indianapolis. He ia consequently among its earliest settlers. Mr. Brown, while a resident of Kentucky, engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods, which business was continued until his removal to Indiana in the fall of 1825. His strong convictions on the slavery question induced his removal from Kentucky. Be- lieving that all men were created free and equal and entitled to the blessings that freedom confers, both he and Mrs. Brown liberated their slaves and re- moved to a free State. About the year 1830 he formed a copartnership with W. H. Morrison for the purpose of conducting a general mercantile business, which was continued until his death, with the addi- 506 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tional interest involved in the cultivation of a farm in the suburbs. In politics he was a Henry Clay Whig, though content to let others share the labors and honors of oflBce. He was a zealous member of the First Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis, in which he was an elder and one of its most active workers. All measures for the advancement of mo- rality and the furtherance of the best interests of society found in Mr. Brown a warm supporter and friend, though feeble health prevented active partici- pation in works of philanthropy. His death occurred in May, 1838, in his fifty-third year. LEVI AYRES. The Ayres family are of Welsh extraction, the grandfather of Levi Ayrea having been John Ayres, a Revolutionary patriot, who was taken prisoner by the enemy and confined in the noted prison- ship lying in New York harbor, where he remained until released by the suspension of hostilities. He was a blacksmith, and in that capacity proved invalu- able to the enemy, who refused to exciiange him. He married Miss Susanna Jarman, and had children, among whom was John, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch, born in 1777, in Cumber- land County, N. J., the residence of his father, where he followed agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Margaret Pawner, the daughter of Asher Pawner, who was reared in the Quaker faith. The children of John and Margaret Ayres are Levi, Reuben, George, Charles, Richard, John, and Mary Jane (Mrs. Ebenezer WoodruflF). The death of Mr. Ayres occurred in 1847, and that of his wife the same year. Their son Levi was born on the 3d of September, 1808, in Cumberland County, N. J. His early life was spent upon the farm, and such education obtained as was possible in the common schools of the neighborhood, after which, for two successive winters, he engaged in teaching, mean- while during the remainder of the year aiding in the labor of the farm. In 1832 he removed to Indiana, and settled for one year in Franklin County, after which he resided in Vicksburg, Miss., and for three years pursued the trade of a painter. In 1836 he returned to Franklin County and became owner of a farm. He was, in 1840, married to Jane C, daughter of Alexander and Rachel Cregmile, of Franklin County, Ind. Their children are John T., deceased ; R. Jennie, deceased; Alexander C, a prac- ticing lawyer in Indianapolis ; Franklin, a farmer ; Levi P., a farmer, and two who died in infancy. Alexander C. and Levi P. are graduates of Butler University. Mr. Ayres during the two successive winters following his advent in Indiana engaged in teaching, the remainder of his life having been devoted to the cultivation of his lands. In 1858 he removed to Centre township, Marion Co., his present residence. He has been, as a Democrat, actively identified with politics, and in Franklin County served as inspector of elections, justice of the peace, county commissioner for two terms, and as a member of the State Legislature in 1858. He is a charter member of Mount Carmel Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, and also member of the Brookville Chapter. Mrs. Ayres and her family were reared in the faith of the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Ayres is a supporter. CHAPTER XXL DBCATDR TOWNSHIP.i This township, named in honor of Commodore Stephen Decatur, is the extreme southwestern town- ship of Marion County. It is bounded on the north by Wayne and, for a very short distance, by Centre township ; on the east by White River, which marks the boundary against Perry township ; on the south by Morgan County ; and on the west by Hendricks County. The population of Decatur, as shown by the returns of the United States census of 1880, was then sixteen hundred and forty-seven. Originally the territory of the township was very heavily timbered with black walnut, poplar, the dif- ferent varieties of oak, blue and gray ash, beech, • By Fielding Beeler, Esq. 0^^ ^^^yLjca DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 507 sugar-tree, red and white elm, and hackberry, and on the bottom-lands sycamore, buttonwood, soft maple, buckeye, paw-paw, and in early times spice- wood and prickly ash. The heavy timber was a great drawback in the early settlement, requiring a great amount of very hard labor to clear the land sufficiently to furnish the settlers with bread and feed for their stock, though the stock usually re- quired (or at least received) but little feed, subsist- ing largely on the " range," while hogs lived and were fattened on the mast, — acorns, beechnuts, hickory- nuts, etc. The land was at first cleared of the grubs, logs, and smaller trees, and the large ones " deadened," as it was termed, by girdling, and thus the clearing was sometimes many years in being completed. As years passed on and the clearings extended, the custom of deadening all timber, where the land was intended to be cleared, was introduced. The streams of the township are the White River, which forms its entire eastern boundary ; Eagle Creek, a tributary which enters the river at the ex- treme northeast corner of the township ; and a num- ber of smaller and unimportant creeks and runs, which flow through Decatur soutbeastwardly to their junction with the White River. The surface of the township is sufficiently rolling to admit of good and easy drainage of the lands. There are in the town- ship two considerable elevations of ground, one known as Marr's Hill, near the residence of Patrick Harman, the other as Spring Valley Hill, owned jointly by Mr. Elijah Wilson and Isaac B. Dewees, Esq. It is an isolated point or knob, rising one hundred and forty feet or more above the general level of the surround- ing country, and two hundred feet or more above the level of the river, which is nearly a quarter of a mile east. From this point, when the air is clear, an ex- tended view may be had of the surrounding country, including the buildings of the insane asylum, the spires and many of the highest buildings in the city of Indianapolis, and even Crown Hill, north of the city, and fully twelve miles from the point of ob- servation. The lands of the township consist of a variety of soils ; alluvial or bottom, along the valley of White River ; second bottom underlaid with gravel ; and upland, of which the soil is underlaid with clay. All the soil of the township, with proper cultivation, produces largely of cereals, vegetables, clover, timo- thy, and blue grass, for all of which crops it equals the best in the county or State. In the first settlement of the township the large yellow and spotted rattlesnakes were numerous, and the cause of much terror among the settlers. Cattle and other animals were frequently bitten, and died from the effects of, the poison, though there is no account of any person having died from that cause. During the fall of 1824 some of the settlers became convinced that the reptiles had a den in the vicinity of what is now the village of Valley Mills, and in the following spring a close watch was kept for their appearance in that locality. On one of the earliest of the warm days their den was discovered by John Kenworthy, and the inhabitants of the neighboring settlements were notified of the fact. The able-bodied men of the region for several miles around gathered at the place, and with mattocks, shovels, spades, and hoes proceeded to dislodge and §lay the serpents. Their den was in the side of a ravine on the land of Isaac Hawkins, now owned and occupied by William Sanders, about a half-mile east of Valley Mills Sta- tion of the Indianapolis and Vincennes Railway. One hundred and seven rattlesnakes were killed (most of them of large size), besides a number of other and less venomous snakes. This general slaughter of the reptiles seemed to almost entirely rid the township of them, as but few were seen afterwards, most of them, howeVer, in the vicinity of Valley Mills and near the high bluifs along White River. A few of the black variety, known as the prairie rattlesnake, were found around the bog prairie, situated partly in Decatur and partly in Wayne townships, until quite recently, but now they appear to have been exterminated. Many years ago Ira Plummer was bitten (while gathering hazel-nuts) by a snake of this kind, but survived and recovered wholly through the efficacy (as was said) of whiskey and a tea made of blue-ash bark. Decatur, like the other townships of the county, was set off and erected into a separate township by the board of county commissioners, April 16, 1822, and on the same date it was, by the same authority. ^8 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. joined with Perry and Franklin townships for organ- ization and the election of justices of the peace, for the reason that none of the three contained a suffi- cient number of inhabitants for such organiaation. This arrangement continued until Aug. 12, 1823, when the commissioners ordered " that Decatur town- ship be stricken oflF from Perry and Franklin town- ships, and form from this date a separate and inde- pendent township of this county, in every respect as if it had never been attached to the said townships of Perry and Franklin ;" and the board assigned one justice of the peace to be elected for the township of Decatur, at an election ordered to be held at the house of John Thompson, on Saturday, Aug. 30, 1823, John Thompson to be inspector of the said election. The following is a list of* justices and township officers of Decatur from its erection to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES or THE PKACE. Peter Harmonson, .Tune 28, 1822, to Aug. 30, 1823 (for town- ships of Decatur, Perry, and Franklin, until their separa- tion). Joseph Beeler, Nov. 3, 1823, to Oct. 8, 1828. Joseph Beeler, Jan. 5, 1829, to Jan. 5, 1834. Jauies Epperson, May 7, 1832, to Aug. 1, 1835: died. Zimri Brown, Feb. 25, 1834, to Sept. 1, 1836 ; resigned. Josepli Beeler, Sept. 21, 1835, to Sept. 21, 1840. Noah Reagan, Nov. 1, 1836, to Nov. 23, 1836; resigned. Jesse Grace, Jan. 14, 1837, to Jan. 14, 1842. Young Em. R. Wilson, Feb. 23, 1839, to Fib. 23, 1844. Zadock Jackson, Dec. 25, 1840, to Dec. 22, 1846. John S. Hall, Feb. 19, 1842, to Feb. 19, 1847. Young Em. R. Wilson, May 11, 1844, to July, 8, 1845 ; resigned. Noah McCreery, Aug. 27, 1845, to Aug. 27, 1850. William Mendcnhall, Dec. 22, 1845, to Dec. 22, 1850. Joseph Beeler, Feb. 19, 1847, to Feb. 19, 1852. John Burris, Dec. 26, 1850, to May 3, 1859. Jesse f'rice, Nov. 8, 1851, to Oct. 9, 1852; resigned. Lewis George, April 24, 1858, to May 24, 1859; resigned. Gurdon C. Johnson, July 19, 1859, to July 19, 1867. Thomas Mendcnhall, April 19, 1864, to April 13, 1 866 ; resigned. John S.Walker, April 17, 1866, to Sept. 12, 1866; resigned. Thomas R. Cook, Nov. 9, 1866, to Nov. 9, 1870. John iM. Ritter, April 26, 1869, to April 16, 1873. David W. Compton, Nov. 9, 1870, to Oct. 18, 1872; resigned. James S. Wall, Oct. 24, 1874, to April 17, 1882; removed. Isaac B. Dewees, Oct. 24, 1878, to Oct. 24, 1882. John D. Haworth, June 12, 1880, to April 15, 1886. Charles F. Allan, April 17, 1882, to Oct. 24, 1886. TRUSTBES. Martin Searly, April 9, 1859, to April 9, 1860. i Josiah Russell, April 9, 1860, to April 19, 1862. Jackson L. Jessup, April 19, 1862, to Oct. 10, 1867. John W. Billingsley, Oct. 10, 1867, to Oct. 23, 1872. Jacob Horner, Oct. 23, 1872, to Oct. 26, 1874. Noah McCreery, Oct. 26, 1874, to April 14, 1882. Thomas N. Janeway, April 14, 1882, for two years. ASSESSOES. Demas L. McParland, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. Cader Carter, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 4, 1830. Jesse Wright, Jan. 4, 1830, to Jan. 2, 1832. John P. Clark, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. Adani Wright, Jan. 7, 1833, to Jan. 6, 1834. Aaron Wright, Jan. 6, 1834, to May 5, 1835. James M. Bailey, May 5, 1834, to May 5, 1835. Zimri Brown, May 5, 1835, to Jan. 4, 1836. Demas L. McFarland, Jan. 4, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. Abram H. Dawson, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 1, 1838. Jesse Grace, Jan. 1, 1838, to Jan. 7, 1839. Grimes Dryden, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 4, 1841. Aaron Wright, Jan. 4, 1841, to Dec. 6, 1841. Joseph Cook, Dec. 21, 1852, to Dec. 8, 1854. Isaac Hawkins, Dec. 8, 1854, to Feb. 5, 1855. Eli Sanders, Feb. 9, 1855, to Dec. 13, 1856. John S. Rabb, Deo. 13, 1856, to March 12, 1857. Jesse Price, March 12, 1857, to Deo. 12, 1858. Abner Mills, Dec. 12, 1858, to Nov. 22, 1872. John Ellis, Nov. 22, 1872, to Aug. 1, 1873. Jesse W. Reagan, March 22, 1875, to Dec. 26, 1876. John W. Ellis, Dec. 26, 1876, to April 13, 1880. Edward C. Forest, April 13, 1880, to April 13, 1884. This township, as originally set off and erected by the commissioners in 1822, contained forty-two sec- tions of land, being in size six miles from north to south, and seven miles east and west, its eastern line being a continuation of the line between the town- ships of Centre and Wayne, thus bringing into De- catur a strip of land lying east of the White River, and between that stream and the township of Perry, the strip having an average width of about two miles, and embracing about twelve sections of land. This continued to be included in Decatur township until the 7th of January, 1833, when, upon petition by citizens of Decatur township, it was ordered by the board of justices " that all the part of Decatur town- ship lying on the east side of White River be attached to and hereafter form a part of Perry township." By this action the White River was established as the DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 909 line between Decatur and Perry, and has remained as RQch to the present time. The earliest settlements in Decatur were generally made in the vicinity of the White River, and near ^rings, with which the township abounds, especially along the higher lands near the river. In the gov- ernment sales of lands this consideration had much to do in deciding the location and purchase of differ- ent tracts. The first settlements were made in 1821, — possibly two or three came as early as the fall of 1820, — but who was the first settler who came to make his permanent home within the territory that soon afterwards became Decatur township cannot now be satisfactorily ascertained. Among the first, however, were the DoUarhides, David Kime, Charles and Joseph Beeler, Demas L. McFarland, John Thompson, Jesse Wright, and John, James, Edward, Eli, and Jacob Sulgrove on the west side of the river, and Martin D. Bush, Emanuel Glimpse, and the Myers and Monday families on the east side of the stream, in that part of the township which was transferred to the jurisdiction of Perry in 1833, as before mentioned. Joseph Beeler was one of the earliest settlers in Decatur, as he was also for a period of almost thirty years (from his settlement here to his death) one of the most prominent and respected men of the town- ship. He was born in April, 1797, in a block-house which was built for defense against Indians in what I is now Ohio County, W. Va. The block-house was surrounded by a stockade work which was called ' " Beeler's Fort," or '• Beeler's Station," his father 1 being in command of the defense, and also of a com- pany of frontiersmen called " rangers," whose head- quarters were at the stockade. The name Beeler's Station is retained to the present day in the post- oflBee at that place. His father dying when he was but six weeks old, he was left with but the care and protection of his mother, and he grew to years of manhood, living part of the time in Virginia and part in Washington County, Pa. In the summer of 1819 he, with his mother and brother George, descended the Ohio River in a pirogue (a very large dug-out canoe), and stopped at a place on the lower river (the locality of which is not now known), from which, in the fall of the same year, he, with his two brothers and two acquaintances, made an exploring trip to the then wilderness region which is now Marion County. Striking the White River at the place where the village of Waverly now is, they traveled thence northward and halted at a camp which they made on the river bank nearly on the site of the present water-works of Indianapolis. There was not at that time a white man's cabin or habitation of any kind in the vicinity. He made a thorough examination of this region, and being pleased with it, he returned in the spring of 1820 with his mother, his brother, G. H. Beeler (afterwards the first clerk of Morgan County), and several others for permanent settle- ment, and located on the west side of the river near the blufl^s. At the land sales they bought the tract on which they had settled, but afterwards sold it to James Burns at an advance of one hundred dollars, which would pay for an additional eighty acres of land in some new location. Burns, the purchaser, afterwards built upon the tract a small frame house (the first of the kind in that part of the country) and painted it red. The house is still standing, and the place has been and is at this day known as the " Red House." Soon after his sale to Burns, Joseph Beeler bought the northeast quarter of section 6, township 14, range 3, and commenced a clearing. In May, 1822, he was married to Hannah Matthews, and late in the fall of the same year they removed to their new home on his land in Decatur township. Mr. Beeler was a fine specimen of pioneer man- hood, being six feet in height and finely proportioned. He was ever a leader in matters of public enterprise, and untiring in perseverance and industry. He regarded his vocation of farmer as one of the highest respectability, and he had great ambition to excel in his calling. He was one of the first farmers of the county to import improved breeds of stock, which gained the reputation of being the best in the county, — as the records of the agricultural societies show, — from the number of premiums awarded him in the difierent classes. He also took a deep interest in 510 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. horticulture, and his orchards were noted for their production of the best quality of fruit. He was for many years a justice of the peace. In those times there was much more litigation in the county than now, and though in his office he might have profited by it pecuniarily, he always used his influence to prevent instead of promoting law-suits. In Mr. Nowland's " Sketches of Prominent Citi- zens," he says, " Were I writing for the eye only of those who knew Mr. Beeler, it would be unnecessary to say that he was a man of the strictest integrity, whose word was as good as his bond, and was never questioned." At the time of his death, and for many previous years, he was a member of the Chris- tian Church. He died July 12, 1851, in the full strength and vigor of manhood. He had endured years of toil and privation, but lived to see the forest give place to cultivated fields and fruitful orchards, the small clearing extended to a large and valuable farm, and the log cabin to the comfortable mansion ; but though he had much to live for, he entered the dark valley with the resignation and faith of the Chris- tian who feels that his work has been well done, and that there is peace and happiness on the other side of the river. He left surviving him his wife and five children. His oldest son, Fielding Beeler (born March 30, 1823), is now a resident of Wayne town- ship, and one of the best known and most successful farmers of Marion County. George M., then but a small boy (and who died at the early age of twenty- four years), inherited his father's taste for horticul- ture, and was particularly distinguished in that pro- fession for one of his years. Emily, the oldest daughter, married Calvin Fletcher, of the well-known Fletcher family of Indianapolis, and now resides with her husband at Spencer, Ind. Melissa, the second daughter, married the Hon. John C. New, of Indian- apolis. She died, leaving an only son, Harry S. New, who is one of the proprietors and editors of the Indianapolis Journal. The third daughter, Hattie, married T. W. Hall, who died several years ago, and she now lives with her three children in Indianapolis. The widow of Joseph Beeler survived him thirty years, and died in Indianapolis in 1881, in the eightieth year of her age. She was remarkable for the activity of her mind, on which account, and be- cause of her excellent memory of the incidents of early times, she was often appealed to as authority concerning occurrences with which she had been ac- quainted in her youth. The minister who officiated at her funeral spoke of her life and experience as a forcible illustration of the progress of the country ; mentioning the fact that when a young lady of twenty years she passed over the ground (then dotted by only a few log cabins) that became the site of the city in which she died, containing at the time of her death nearly one hundred thousand inhabitants. Martin D. Bush came from the State of New York in 1821, and settled on the east side of White River, on the southeast quarter of section 8, township 15, range 3, now in Perry township. His land was all river bottom and so much subject to overflow that he became discouraged, and in 1845 or 1846 sold out and removed to Atchison County, Mo., where he died. During the years of his residence in the White River Valley Mr. Bush was ever known as an honorable, upright, and public-spirited man. His house was the headquarters of traveling ministers of the several denominations when they came to the new country, and preaching was frequently held there. His wife was noted for her benevolence, and kindness to the sick and afllicted among the early pioneers. They were both original members of the Liberty Church. They bad three children, a son and two daughters. The oldest daughter, Anna, was married to Mr. Merrill, brother of the late Samuel Merrill. The other daughter, Mary, married Amos Sharp, brother of the well-known banker of Indianapolis. The son, Henry Bush, married Susan, daughter of Grimes Dryden. All of them with their families removed to Missouri with their parents. Charles Beeler, born in Ohio County, Va. (now West Virginia), came to Morgan County, Ind., in 1820, and to Decatur township in 1822, and settled on the southeast quarter of section 7, township 14, range 2, it being land which he bought at the government land sales at Brookville, and which is now owned and occupied by ex-County Commis- sioner A. C. Remy. He sold his property in Decatur and removed in 1831 to Shelby County, 111. After- DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 611 wards he moved to the State of Missouri, thence to California, and from there back to Missouri, and died near St. Joseph, in that State, about the year 1867, at the age of eighty-four years. Samuel K. Barlow, an early settler in the township, and who laid out the original town plat of Bridgeport on land of John Furnas, located a short distance south of that village, in the northwest part of Decatur. He was always regarded as well behaved and peace- able, yet he had the misfortune to become the slayer of a man named Matlack, who was his brother-in-law. It appears that upon the fatal occasion he visited Matlack's house (in Hendricks County), and upon seeing Matlack attempt to whip his wife with a cow- hide, Barlow interfered for the protection of the woman, and in the fight which ensued Matlack was killed. For the homicide Barlow was confined a long time in the Hendricks County jail, and finally brought to trial, which resulted in his acquittal, but the cost of his defense was so heavy that he was compelled to sell his property to pay it. He then removed from Decatur to Iowa, and afterwards to Oregon, where he died about 1878, at the age of eighty-four years. Jesse Wright, a native of North Carolina, came to Decatur from the Whitewater country, and settled on the northwest quarter of section 29, township 15, range 3, the same property now owned by the family of the late Jacob Hanch. He was a positive and an energetic man, but a very contentious one, and this latter characteristic made him an Ishmael among the people of the community in which he lived, as was shown by the course he took at the death of his first wife (he was twice married), who was a most estima- ble woman. Although there was a public burial- ground within half a mile of his home, he buried her in the woods on the bluff overlooking the swampy lands southwest of his residence. He was af man in good circumstances, yet after selling his farm to Jacob Hanch, about the year 1838, he left the coun- try and removed to Iowa without erecting even the rudest or simplest stone to mark her resting-place ; and there are few, if any, now living who can identify the spot where he made her lonely grave. . Aaron Wright, brother of Jesse, was also a North Carolinian by birth. He came from Union County to Decatur township, and settled on the lands now owned and occupied by John Hurd. He was an honest, upright man, who attended strictly to his own business, and never engaged in controversy or conten- tion with his neighbors. He died in 1877, upwards of seventy years of age, leaving a son, Jesse Wright, who has been for two terms trustee of Wayne town- ship, and is one of its most prominent farmers ; also a daughter, who is Mrs. John Doty, and another living near Council Bluffs, Iowa. Cader Carter came from Ohio in the early days of the settlement and bought an eighty-acre tract in Decatur township, the same now owned by John Chamberlain. Carter was a single man, and for sev- eral years made his home with Jesse Wright, with whom he had a disagreement which grew into a law- suit, which resulted adversely to Carter and compelled him to sell his land to pay the expenses of litigation. He always complained bitterly of the wrong which had been done him by Wright and by the decision in the latter's favor. After the loss of his property he lost his energy, and never made another purchase of land in the township. He served as constable for several years, and for about five years drove a stage between Indianapolis and Cincinnati. He was an active and earnest politician of the Democratic party, and it was alleged that he was of one-eighth negro blood. In consequence of his active partisanship at the State election of 1836, his vote was challenged and refused. He sued for damages, but, unfortu- nately for him, it was proved to the satisfaction of the jury trying the case that the allegation was true, and he was never again allowed to vote. All who knew him gave him the character of a strictly honest and upright man, and one of very fair intelli- gence and general information. He died in 1851. John Thompson, one of the earliest of the settlers in this township, located upon (and afterwards bought) the southwest quarter of section 30, township 15, range 3, now owned and occupied by Patrick Har- mon. He was also the owner of the west half of the southwest quarter of section 29, in the same town- ship, which latter tract alone was assessed to him in 1829. John Thompson was esteemed by all who knew him as an honorable, upright man, who in h 512 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. daily walk and in all his dealings was entitled to the appellation of Christian. His cabin was the plaoe of the earliest gatherings for religious worship in the township, and the place where Liberty Church was organized and its meetings held until the erection of the meeting-house. In the absence of regular minis- ters, Mr. Thompson often preached himself at his dwelling. In 1837 he sold his land to John Marrs and removed to Iowa. His first wife died about 1832, and he afterwards married Mrs. Matlack, widow of the Matlack who was killed by S. K. Barlow, as noticed in the sketch of the latter. Mr. Thompson raised a large family of children, all of whom moved West with him, except Naomah (wife of Eli Sulgrove) and Sarah (wife of Calvin Mat- thews). ' Demas L. McFarland came from Washington County, Pa., to Marion County in February, 1822, and located in Decatur township. In 1829 he was assessed on the northeast quarter of section 30, township 15, range 3, but afterwards was the owner of other lands. He was an earnest, energetic, and public-.spinted man ; always " kept up his end of the handspike" at the neighborhood log-rollings and house- raisings, and did his full share in contributing to all enterprises for the public good. He was a colonel in the militia as long as that system and organization was kept up. He died in 1869, in the seventy-ninth year of his age, leaving one son, Abel, who has been fur many years a resident of California, and three daughters, — Charlotte and Laura, of Indianapolis, and Anne, who is the wife of Dr. Duzon, and who with her husband and family occupied the old home- stead of her father in Decatur. Near the dwelling is a noted and excellent spring, which doubtless influenced Mr. McFarland in the location of his home. Reason Reagan, who was one of the early settlers in Decatur, located on the northwest quarter of sec- tion 9, town.ship 15, range 2, where he cleared up a good farm, but sold it many years ago, and spent the later years of his life in Mooresville, Morgan Co. He was the father of Dr. Amos Reagan, of Moores- ville, Dr. Lott Reagan (deceased), of Bridgeport, and Noah Reagan, a well-known stock-raiser and auction- eer, now dead. Joseph Mendenhall, a native of North Carolina, came from Ohio to Decatur in 1822, and settled near where West Newton now is. In 1829 he was as- sessed on lands, the southwest quarter of section 23, township 14, range 2. He died in 1868, at the age of eighty-two years. Two of his sons (Eli and Atha) and four daughters live in the township, also one daughter in Kansas. Richard Mendenhall, brother of Joseph, came to Deeatur in 1823. His lands are described in the as- sessment-roll of 1829 as the northeast quarter of section 22, township 14, range 2. He moved in about 1852 to Iowa, where he died in 1868, in his eighty-fourth year. His widow is (or was very re- cently) living at near one hundred years of age. One son, William, lives near West Newton village ; the rest of the family made their homes in Iowa. John McCreery came to this township from Ohio in 1826 or 1827, and located on the west half of the northeast quarter of section 26, township 15, range 2, as shown by the township assessment-roll of 1829. He was a pioneer member of the Bethel Methodist Church (better known as the McCreery Church), and an earnest, upright, Christian man. His house was the usual headquarters for preachers and strangers visiting or exploring this region, and all were hospit- ably entertained. He died in 1879, in his eighty- seventh year, leaving a son, Noah, who has been sev- eral times elected township trustee, though differing in politics from a majority of the electors, a fact which plainly shows the confidence which his fellow- townsmen repose in his integrity, judgment, and im- partiality. A daughter (Amanda) of John McCreery is the wife of John HoflFman, and lives at the old homestead. Daniel McCreery came to this township at the same time with his brother John. He also was a pioneer member of the Bethel Methodist Church. He was killed by his horse running away with him in a spring wagon July 4, 1863. He was about seventy-five years of age at his death. Asahel DoUarhide came from North Carolina to Marion County, Ind., and settled in Decatur town- ship in 1821 or 1822. He was an upright, honest DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 513 man, and an early member of Liberty Church. He died about 1840, at the age of eighty-three years. Edmund DoUarhide was the youngest son of Asahel Dollarhide, and lived with his father, near where the Spring Valley gravel road crosses Dollarhide Creek, the homestead now occupied by his granddaughter, Mrs. Dewees. Edmund Dollarhide was rather a pe- culiar character, a little too fond of whiskey to pass for a strict temperance man. For a long time his business was that of a teamster, hauling produce to and goods from the principal points on the Ohio River for Indianapolis merchants. He usually drove six horses attached to an old-fashioned Conestoga wagon ; almost always returning home from Indianapolis late in the evening with his horses in a fast trot (some- times on the gallop), he sitting in his saddle on the nigh wheel-horse, and clinging with one hand to his mane, the chains of the wagon making a clatter that could be heard for miles in the stillness of the night. He seemed at such times to entirely abandon all attempt to guide his team by the lines, and to sur- render all responsibility to the lead-horse, which he named " Farmer," a noble chestnut sorrel, who seemed endowed with something higher than mere brute in- stinct, and always brought team, wagon, and man home in safety. Edmund Dollarhide died in Feb- ruary, 1862. He had two sons, one of whom died several years before his father ; the other migrated West. His only daughter married Ira N. Holmes, and now lives with her husband at Winfield, Kansas. David Kime, one of the very early settlers in Decatur, located on the east half of section 24, town- ship 14, range 2. He was a quiet and unobtrusive, but honest and honorable man, one of the original members of Liberty Church. He died in 1873, nearly eighty years of age. He had two sons, Michael and Alfred, who removed to the Platte Pur- chase about 1840. His daughter is the wife of Isaac B. Dewees, Esq. The following-named persons, early settlers in Decatur, were resident tax-payers in the township in 1829. The description of their lands, given after the name of each, respectively, is taken from the township assessment-roll of that year, viz. : Joseph Allen, the west half of the northeast quar- ter of section 9, township 14, range 2. Mr. Allen was a native of North Carolina, and came to this county in 1826. He was the father of ex County Commissioner Moses Allen, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser ; of Dr. W. Allen, the well-known and popular physician of West Newton ; of Preston Allen, deceased ; and of Joseph Allen, a leading farmer and dealer in stock, who owns and occupies the homestead farm of his father in Decatur. Christopher Ault and Henry Ault, no real estate assessment in 1829. They came from Ohio. Henry (son of Christopher) removed to Hancock County, and was killed on a railway track in the winter of 1880. William Boles, the ea.st half of the southeast quarter of section 25, township 15, range 2. He came from Ohio to Decatur, and removed thence to Huntingdon County about 1835. j Thomas Barnet, no real estate assessment in 1829. He was a native of North Carolina ; came to Decatur in 1827, and died in 1839. He was the father of Jesse, William, and James Barnet. All were mem- bers of the Society of Friends. Jesse is now living in Iowa. Thomas also emigrated to Iowa. James died in 1868. Athanasius Barnet died in Iowa. William Bierman, no real estate assessment in 1829. He was a brother-in-law of John Thompson. He had much sickness in his family, and did not remain long in Decatur. Benjamin Cuddington, the southwest quarter of section 29, township 15, range 3. He came from New York State in 1824, and died in 1830. Most of his family left the county soon afterwards, and all are now dead. John Cook, no assessment on lands in 1829. He was from North Carolina, a member of the Society of Friends, and emigrated to Iowa about 1842. Seth Curtis, tract of one hundred and forty acres on section 18, township 14, range 3. He came from Kentucky, and moved from Decatur to Boone County. Aaron Coppock, no real estate assessment in 1829. He died in 1840. James Curtis, tract of one hundred and forty-seven acres on section 18, township 14, range 3. He was 514 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. a Kentuckian. Moved from Decatur in 1845 to Holt County, Mo. Died at the age of eighty-four years. Uriah Carson, no real estate assessed to him in 1829. He was a Quaker from North Carolina. Died in 1860. Dennis Cox, assessed on no property in 1829, except one horse and a silver watch. He was from North Carolina, and married the youngest daughter of Asahel DoUarhide. He is now living near Augusta. Joshua Compton, assessed in 1829 on one horse, two oxen, and one silver watch. He was a Quaker from Ohio. Died in 1841. John Cowgill, part of the northwest quarter of section 23, township 14, range 2. He was a tanner, and had a tan-yard on his farm. Grimes Dryden, part of the northwest quarter of section 18, township 14, range 3. He came from Kentucky, and moved from Decatur to Atchison, Mo., about 1843. James Dryden, the east half of the southeast quarter of section 12, township 14, range 3. He came from Kentucky, and afterwards returned to that State. James Epperson, the northeast quarter of section 33, township 15, range 2. He was a justice of the peace. Died in 1833. Abel Gibson, no real estate assessment in 1829. He was a blacksmith and axe-maker. He removed to Hamilton County, and died in 1880, at the age of eighty-seven years. While in Decatur he was in- terested in a wagon-shop with Abidan Bailey, who was a wagon-maker by trade. Joseph Gibson was a son of Abel. Emanuel Glimpse, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 33, township 15, range 3. Lands located in what is now a part of Perry township. Andrew Hoover, Jr., the southeast quarter of section 9, township 14, range 3. Lands east of White River, now Perry township. David Hinkston, the southwest quarter of section 36, township 15, range 2. East of river in what is now Perry township. Isaac Hawkins, the southwest quarter of section 36, township 15, range 2. He was from North Carolina, and a member of the Society of Friends. He left the township about 1833. George Hayworth, no real estate in 1829. He was a Quaker from North Carolina. Came to the township in 1825. Died about 1875. James Horton, no real estate in 1829. He came to the township in 1824. Died about 1850. His son James removed recently to Arkansas. Henry Hobbs, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 23, township 14, range 2. He removed to Tipton County. Frederick Hartzell, no lands in 1829. He came from Ohio. Removed from Decatur to Iowa. Died about 1850. Peter HoflFman, no lands in 1829. He came from Ohio, and settled in the Bethel neighborhood in 1826. Died in 1840, at ninety years of age. Jesse Hawkins, the east half of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 15, range 2. He came from Carolina in 1825 or 1826. Died about 1858. Mark Harris (colored), the west half of the south- east quarter of section 21, township 14, range 3. Parker Keeler, the east half of the northeast quar- ter of section 36, township 15, range 2. He was a Virginian by birth, moved thence to Ohio, thence to Decatur township. He was one of the pioneer mem- bers of the Bethel Methodist Church. Noah Kellum, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 33, township 15, range 2. He was a Quaker from North Carolina, came to Decatur in 1824, but was only a temporary resident. John Kenworthy, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 36, township 15, range 2. He was from North Carolina, a member of the Society of Friends, and father of William and John, Jr. The latter moved to Iowa and thence to Texas. John, Henry, and Larkin Munday, John and Henry Myers, and James Martin were emigrants from Kentucky, who came here before 1829 and settled east of White River in that part of Decatur which was afterwards joined to Perry township. Alexander Mendenhall, no lands in 1829. He re- moved to Hamilton County, where he died in 1882. DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 515 Charles Merritt, no real estate in 1829. He re- moved to Iowa many years ago. Joseph Nunn, the southwest quarter of section 33, township 15, range 3. He left the township and moved West. Frederick Price, no real estate in 1829. He came from Butler County, Ohio, and removed from Deca- tur to Arkansas. John Rozier, the east half of the northwest quarter of section 29, township 15, range 2; land now owned by Martin Seerly. Rozier came from Ohio to Deca- tur in 1826. George Rozier, son of Adam Rozier, is now living in Morgan County. J.ohn Sulgrove, the northwest quarter of section 28, township 15, range 3. His brother James had the south part of the southwest quarter and their brother Edward the remainder of the section, two hundred and twenty-three acres. Eli Sulgrove, an- other brother, had the east half of the northwest quarter of section 32 of the same township. The family came from Ohio. Edward, the eldest, never married. Eli moved to Iowa about 1856. Jacob Sulgrove, son of James, is named in the assessment of 1829, but paid a poll-tax only. Jacob Sutherland, part of the southwest quarter of section 33, township 15, range 3. His wife was a daughter of one of the Sulgroves. Anthony Sells, no real estate in 1829, but after- wards owned lands now embraced in the farm of A. C. Remy. Sells was unmarried, and removed West about 1836. James Thompson, son of John Thompson, had no land in 1829. He moved from Decatur to the West. James Vorice (Voorhes?) owned no land, but lived in a cabin on the farm of Jesse Wright. John Wilson, the northeast quarter of section 22, township 14, range 2. He was afterwards the owner of part of section 23. His lands south of the village of West Newton are now owned by J. R. George. He was a member of the Society of Friends, and re- moved to Iowa about 1846. He died about 1879 at a very advanced age. Edward Wright, no lands in 1829. He came from Ohio to Decatur, and moved thence to Missouri about 1835. He was the father of Henry Wright and of Peter N. Wright, who has been for several years superintendent of the Marion County poor farm. John Dollarhide, the south half of the southeast quarter of section 24, township 14, range 2. He also owned part or all of the southwest quarter of section 19, township 14, range 3. His homestead is now owned and occupied by his daughter, Mrs. Sawyer, and her husband. John Dollarhide died in the winter of 1832. Absalom Dollarhide, a tract of eighty acres not clearly described in assessment-roll of 1829. The land on which he settled is now owned by William Boatright. Mr. Dollarhide moved to Illinois about 1834. Zimri Brown, no real estate asses-sed to him in 1829. He came from North Carolina, and married a daughter of Asahel Dollarhide. He removed from Decatur township to Hamilton County. Villages. — The most important village in the township is that of West Newton, which was laid out by Christopher Furnas in April, 1851. Its loca- tion is in the south part of the township and south of the Vincennes Railroad. It has two churches (Friends and Methodist), a fine two-story school- house, a graded school, two physicians, a post-office, two general stores, two blacksmith- and one wagon- maker's shop, one undertaker's shop, one saw-mill, and the railway station of the Vincennes line. West Newton Lodge, No. 452, P. and A. M., was chartered May 27, 1873. Philip McNabb, W. M. ; Jeremiah R. George, S. W. ; Jesse A. Reynolds, J. W. The names of the present officers have not been obtained, though asked for. The lodge is in a flour- ishing condition. Valley Mills village, previously called Fremont, and also Northport, was laid out as Fremont by Joe Sanders in 1856, and laid out and platted under the name of Northport, March 21, 1839; is located a little north of the centre of the township, on the Vincennes Railroad. It has a Friends' meeting- house, and another of the Hicksite branch of the same society, one commodious school-house of four rooms, a graded school, post-office, one physician, one general store, one grocery, a blacksmith- and 516 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. wagon-maker's shop, a saw-mill, and railroad station. On the northeast, adjoining the village, is the fine nursery and fruit farm of the Hon. John Furnas. The village or town of Spring Valley was laid out on the northwest quarter of section 10, township 15, range 3, by Stephen Ward, in 1848 (plat recorded January 4th of that year). Quite an extensive store was opened, with a full stock of goods, a building was erected for a hotel, a blacksmith-shop and a wagon-shop were started, and several dwellings were built and occupied by families, a physician located there, and a post-office was established. The town flourished well for a time, but the rivalry of Fremont and West Newton caused it to decline. The original projector sold out his landed interest, and the mer- chant became discouraged and left the place, as did also the physician, when it became apparent that the village and vicinity could not support him. Finally the place was abandoned by all who felt any interest in its prosperity or existence. The buildings were dismantled, and the material removed to other places, and Spring Valley was left with its name, but with not enough of the marks of a town to lead a stranger to suspect that one had ever existed there. A public school-house is still there, but there has been no post- office or postmaster for Spring Valley for several years. Mills and Distilleries. — The first and only grist- mill in Decatur was built by James A. Marrs and Ira N. Holmes in 1854, at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 36, township 15, range 2. It was a steam mill, with two boilers, two engines, and three run of burrs, — two for wheat and one for corn, with a capacity for making one hun- dred barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. It did both custom and merchant work. Holmes sold out his interest to Marrs before the mill was finished. Marrs completed it, and ran it until his death, which occurred in October, 1857. His adminis- trator kept it in operation for some years afterwards, but it was found unprofitable, because the distance from market or a shipping-place rendered the ex- pense of hauling too great. The mill was then sold to Fielding Beeler and Calvin Fletcher, and removed by them to what is now Maywood. There it was re- built, a saw-mill and new machinery added, and all was operated vigorously till the spring of 1873 (Mr. Beeler being the superintending partner), when it was sold to other parties, but was not successfully conducted, and finally the business was abandoned. The machinery has since been sold and the building dismantled. The first saw-mill in Decatur was built about 1834 by Reuben Jessup, on DoUarhide Creek, on land now owned by Isaiah George. The creek afibrded water enough to run the mill only during the wet season of the year, but by gathering a head of water in the pond it was able to do the necessary sawing of lumber for the neighborhood. The mill was sold by Jessup to Joseph Beeler, who ran it some three years, then sold the machinery to Noah Sinks, who erected a dam, race, and building lower down the creek (near where it enters White River), on land now owned by ex-County Commissioner A. C. Remy, and moved the machinery of the mill to the new site. Mr. Sinks was a good millwright, and his new mill was well constructed and put in excellent order, but in consequence of the leakage of an aqueduct, which was necessary to carry the water at some height over the bed of the creek, the mill was unable to run with even as much success as it did on the old site. The only distillery in the township of which any information has been gained was started by Stephen Ward in 1857, on the old Eli Sulgrove farm, now owned by the heirs of the late Jeremiah Mansur. Its capacity was about twenty barrels of whiskey per day, but it was not successful, and was soon abandoned. Schools. — The first school in Decatur township was taught in the winter of 1824-25, by Samuel Wick, brother of Judge W. W. AVick, in one of the cabins of Col. D. L. McFarland. In the fall of 1825 a cabin was built for school purposes on the land of Jesse Wright, near its north line, and near the present crossing of the Martin Seerly gravel road and the Vincennes Railroad. In that cabin a school was taught by Joseph Fassett, the earliest Baptist min- ister of this section of country. It has not been ascertained that any other person than he ever taught in the cabin referred to. DECATUR TOWNSHIP. 617 In 1826 or 1827 a house waa built oa the land of John Thompson for school and church purposes, and was called Liberty school-house and Liberty Church. It was quite a pretentious structure for those days, being of hewed logs with a loft of clapboards. The west end was furnished with logs, hewed flat on the upper side, and extending across the building, in- tended for seating the men at meeting. When school was taught in the room these same logs furnished seats for the children, the feet of the smaller ones hanging several inches above the floor. The east end of the building had a fireplace, with jambs built up of clay, which after two or three years gave place to brick. The fireplace communicated with a " stick" chimney on the outside of the building. The seats in the east end were benches made of puncheons, with legs fastened in auger-holes on the under side. It was soon found that the fireplace was insufficient to keep the room warm enough for even tolerable comfort, and an old-fashioned box, or " six-plate" stove was put in, it being the first of the kind ever seen in this part of the country. It was hauled from Cin- cinnati by Daniel Closser, one of the Vauderbilts of those times, whose transportation line ran over a road of mud and corduroy, and whose car was a wagon, having a bed crooked up at each end like sled-run- ners, boxes in the sides, feed-box at the back end, all heavily ironed from end to end, with two heavy lock- chains, one on each side, rattling in concert with the bells on the harness of tlie four or six horses which furnished the motive power. A house for school purposes was built on land of Absalom Dollarhide, occupying almost the exact spot on which now stands the residence of William Boat- right. This house was of round logs, two of which were halved out at the sides and one end for win- dows. In these openings split pieces of wood were placed perpendicularly at the proper distances for sashes, and greased paper stretched over them instead of glass. The floor and seats were made of puncheons (split logs), with the roughest splinters dressed off with an axe. It had no chimney but a hole left ^ the comb of the roof for the smoke to pass out. There was no fireplace but a few stones built against the logs and plastered with clay, and no hearth but the bare ground. A stick of wood nearly as long as the width of the house was laid on the fire, and when it burned in two the ends were chunked together again. Another house, of the same description as this, was built south of the present village of West Newton, and near the south line of the township. The first teacher in this was Benjamin Pucket. An- other house was built a year or two later at the south- west comer of Parker Keeler's land, about a quarter of a mile west of the first site of Bethel meeting- house (where the cemetery is located). Another school-house was built and maintained for many years by citizens of the Society of Friends, near the site of their Beech Grove meeting-house. This was inde- pendent of the public school organization or school funds, and was for many years a very prosperous school, attended by several pupils who have since attained prominence in the educational institutions of the county. Among these was Mr. Mills, who was for many years assistant superintendent of the public schools of the city of Indianapolis. A fine and com- modious school -house is now located about a quarter of a mile east of the site of this old house, and in it a very well conducted and successful graded school is maintained under the general school system, the old organization having been abandoned. The house stands in a pretty grove, a few rods southeast of Val- ley Mills railroad station. There was also a school- house built, and a school maintained, by the Friends near the Beech Grove meeting-house. This has given place to a spacious two-story frame school-house, in which a prosperous school is maintained under the present public school system. Decatur township has now six school districts, and the same number of school-houses (four frame, and two of brick). Schools are taught in all the houses, and there are graded schools in two of the districts. In 1883, ten teachers were employed (three male and seven female). Six teachers' institutes were held in the township during the year. The average total daily attendance was 244 ; whole number of children ad- mitted to the schools, 400 ; average length of school terms in the township in 1883, 160 days ; valuation of school-houses and grounds, 816,000. Churches. — The earliest church organization in 518 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Decatur township was that of the Baptist denomiDa- tion, called Liberty Church, which was organized at a meeting convened for that purpose at the house of John Thompson, on the 8th of July, 1826, Joseph Fassett, moderator, and Samuel McCormick, clerk of the meeting. The members of this first organization were John Thompson and Nancy his wife, John Dol- larhide, Elisha Smith, George Stevens, Jane Beeler (grandmother of Fielding Beeler, Esq., now of Wayne township), Nancy McFarland (wife of Col. Demas L. McFarland), Martha Sutherland, Mary Spickel- moir, Rachel Dollarhide, Phebe Spickelmoir, Rebecca Smith, and Rosanna Shoemaker. Meetings for relig- ious worship had previously been held by these people at the house of John Thompson ; and after the or- ganization they were held at the same place regularly every month, the preachers being Joseph Fassett, William Irwin, and John Butterfield. On the second Saturday in October, 1827, a meeting was held for the first time in the house which had been erected for both church and school purposes (as has been mentioned in the account of the schools of the town- ship). The record mentions the presence on this occasion of ministers Irwin, Fassett, Butterfield, and Cotton ; also, that a sister from Massachusetts (name not given) preached to the congregation present. When no regular minister was present the services were often conducted by John Thompson as long as he remained a resident of the neighborhood, up to about 1837. When the split in the Baptist Church occurred, as caused by the teachings of Alexander Campbell, Liberty Church enrolled itself under his leadership. John Thompson and other leading mem- bers having removed from the county (and from other causes), Liberty Church ceased to exist as an organization ; no regular services were held after the year 1841, and the church building was allowed to fall into disuse and decay. The next religious organization after Liberty Church was that of the Friends worshiping at the Easton meeting-house at West Newton. It dates from the year 1827, and was from the start, and still is, a well-maintained religious organization. The first minister or preacher was Benjamin Pucket, who died in 1829 or 1830, and was the second person interred in the burial-ground connected with the meeting- house. The third church of the township was Bethel (Methodist Episcopal), known to the worldly-minded of those early days as " Brimstone Church," from the preaching of one of its early ministers named Beck, whose principal theme was " fire and brimstone." The Rev. James Havens, noted in the early annals of Methodism in this State, was also one of the earliest preachers at Bethel. This organization is still in active and prosperous life. Its old log church has given place to a neat frame building, and though the McCreerys and others of its original pillars have passed away, their descendants and the new-comers have taken up and continued its work. Lick Branch Meeting of the Friends was organized and a log meeting-house erected about 1830. The old log structure was superseded by a frame house which is still standing, but the organization ceased to exist many years ago. Beech Grove (Friends) Church was also organized and a meeting-house erected about 1830. The or- ganization still exists and is prosperous. A new building has been erected near the site of the old one, which is a few rods west of Valley Mills Station of the Indianapolis and Vincennes Railroad. The Centre, or " Starbuck" Church of the Friends was organized about the year 1850. Its location is on the west line of Decatur, against Hendricks County, where many of its principal members reside. The Mount Pleasant Baptist Church building — a frame structure, erected about 1860 — is located a short distance west of the residence of ex-County Com- missioner A. C. Remy. Before the building of the church, services were held in the vicinity, the first minister who served the small congregation being the Rev. Mr. McCray. From the erection of the church to the present time, preaching has been held (gen- erally monthly) with considerable regularity, though there is now no church organization, and the people who gather for worship at Mount Pleasant, having no regular pastor, depend on services by ministers from other places, among the principal of whom is the Rev. Mr. Maybee, of Indianapolis. Burial-Grounds. — Near Liberty Church, at the FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 519 northeast corner of the east half of the southwest quarter of section 29, township 15, range 3, is a free public burial-place, the land for which was donated by John Thompson. The first person buried in it was Elizabeth Thompson, in 1828 or 1829. The Bethel graveyard is adjoining the first site of Bethel Church, near the northeast corner of the west half of section 26, range 2. Adjoining the site of the old Easton Friends' meeting-house at West Newton is a free burial- ground, in which the first interment was that of a child of Thomas Barnet, in 1828. The second burial in it was that of Benjamin Pucket, who died in 1829 or 1830. He was the first school-teacher and -first preacher at the Easton Friends' meeting. On the river bluff, on land of Elijah Wilson, near the east end of the south half of section 18, township 15, range 3, is an old burial-ground in which lie the remains of several of the early settlers of the neighbor- hood and some of later date, with a considerable num- ber of children. Burials have been free, but the ground has never been deeded or formally dedicated to its sacred use, and it is now nearly abandoned as a place of interment. There is a small burial-ground on the land formerly owned by Joseph Beeler, on the Spring Valley gravel road. The first burial in it was that of a child of Joseph Beeler, in October, 1826. It also contains the graves of Mr. Beeler, his mother, his brother Thomas, and several other members of his family, and those of several of his neighbors and friends. Burials have always been free in this ground, though it was never formally consecrated. There is a graveyard attached to the Centre, or " Starbuck'' Friends' meeting-house grounds, on the west line of the township ; another at Lick Branch (Friends) Church, and another at the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. There are also several places in the township where from one to four or five graves have been made together on private lands, but which are not regarded as public burial-grounds, and in some cases all traces of the graves are obliterated. CHAPTER XXII. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP.! The township of Franklin lies in the southeast corner of Marion County, being bounded on the north and west respectively by the townships of Warren and Perry, on the south by Johnson County, and on the east by the- counties of Shelby and Hancock. The township is traversed diagonally from southeast to northwest by the line of the Cin- cinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Rail- way. The principal stream is Buck Creek, which enters the township across its north line a short dis- tance west of its northeastern corner, flows through the eastern part of Franklin in a general southward direction, nearly parallel with the eastern line, and leaves the township at a point near its southeastern corner, joining its waters with those of Big Sugar Creek in Shelby County. Wild Cat and Indian Creeks, Big Run, and several smaller streams are tributaries of Buck Creek which flow in a south- eastwardly direction through Franklin township to their junctions with the main stream. Another stream, which also bears the name of Buck Creek (sometimes called Little Buck Creek), and is a tributary to White River, flows from its sources in Franklin south westwardly into Perry township. The surface of Franklin township is, like that of other parts of the county, neariy level in some parts, in others rolling, and in some parts hilly. The soil is, in general, excellent, well adapted to most of the purposes of agriculture, and the farmers working it are well rewarded for the labor they bestow upon it. The total population of the township in 1880 was two thousand six hundred and nine, as shown by the returns of the United States census of that year. Franklin was laid off and erected a township of Marion County by the board of county commissioners on the 16th of April, 1822, and on the same day, and by the same authority, Decatur, Perry, and Franklin were (because none of the three were then sufficiently populated for separate organization) joined together as one township. This union of the three • By T. J. MoCoIInm, Esq. 520 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. townships continued until the 12th of August, 1823, when Decatur was made separate and independent by order of the commissioners. Then Perry and Franklin remained joined together as one until May 12, 1824, when, upon petition, and it being made to appear to the commissioners that Perry and Franklin had each a sufficient number of inhabitants for separate organization, the board ordered that Frank- lin be taken from Perry, and that an election be held on the 19th of June following, at the house of William Rector, for the purpose of electing a justice of the peace, John Ferguson to be inspector of the said election. Following is a list of township officers of Franklin from its erection to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES or THE PEACE. Peter Harmonson, June 28, 1822, to Juno 6, 1827 (for Perry, Decatur, and Franklin, until their separation). Henry D. Bell, Jan. 3, 1824, to Oct. 6, 1827. James Greer, Oct. 27, 1823, to Oct. 22, 1832. Marine D. West, Aug. 24, 1829, to May, 1831; removed. Isaac Baylor, Aug. 10, 1831, to June 24, 1836. James Greer, Deo. 24, 1832, to Dec. 24, 1837. Benjamin Morgan, April 18, 1836, to April 15, 1846. Isaac Baylor, Aug. 1, 1836, to Aug. 1, 1841. James Clark, Feb. 5, 1838, to Feb. 2, 1843. Patrick Catterson, Sept. 20, 1841, to Sept. 20, 1846. Alexander Carson, March 9, 1843, to March 9, 1848. Benjamin Morgan, April 25, 1848", to Aug. 3, 1850; resigned. Daniel MoMullen, Nov. 7, 1846, to Nov. 7, 1851. William M. Smith, April 19, 1848, to April 19, 1853. William Power, Nov. 23, 1850, to Nov. 23, 1855. Daniel McMuUen, Nov. 17, 1851, to May 28, 1858; resigned. James A. Hodges, April 19, 185.3, to April 5, 1856; resigned. William Power, May 5, 1856, to April 19, 1860. Thomas J. McCollum, July 16, 1858, to July 16, 1862. Lewis B. WiUsey, April 19, 1860, to April 17, 1864. James Morgau, April 18, 1860, to April 16, 1864. George W. Morgan, July 16, 1862, to Jan. 29, 1864; resigned. Kichard L. Upton, April 16, 1864, to Aug. 27, 1864; resigned. Jefferson Russell, April 15, 1864, to April 15, 1868. John T. Kynearson, April 17, 1864, to April 17, 1868. James Hickman, Aug. 24, 1866, to Aug. 24, 1870. Lewis B. Willsey, April 17, 1868, to April 17, 1872. John T. Phemister, Oct. 25, 1870, to November, 1875; died. Georire W. Morgan, Oct. 24, 1874, to November, 1875; died.' John Wilson, Nov. 22, 1875, to Oct. 25, 1880. John Porter, Dee. 30, 1875, to Oct. 25, 1880. Lewis B. Willsey, Oct. 25, 1880, to Oct. 25, 1884. John H. Peggs, Oct. 26, 1880, to Oct. 25, 1884. TKUSTEES. John H. Randsdell, April 7, 1859, to April 16, 1863. James A. Ferguson, April 16, 1863, to April 14, 1865. Waller M. Benson, April 14, 1865, to April 20, 1868. James L. Thompson, April 20, 1868, to Oct. 26, 1874. Hiram H. Hall, Oct. 26, 1874, to April 8, 1878. James L. Thompson, April 8, 1878, to April 19, 1880. R. C. M. Smith, April 19, 1880, to April 14, 1882. John Wilson, April 14, 1882, for two years. A8SBSS0BS. George L. Kinnard, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. William Rector, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 5, 1829. John Bellis, Jan. 5, 1829, to Jan. 2, 1832. Ahira Wells, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. John Bellis, Jan. 7, 1833, to May 5, 1835. John H. Messinger, May 5, 1835, to Jan. 4, 1836. Benjamin Morgan, Jan. 4, 1836, to March 7, 1836. William Townaend, March 7, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. Benjamin Morgan, Jan. 2, 1837, to Deo. 6, 1841. Bernard Leachman, Dec. 16, 1852, to Nov. 13, 1858. James Morgan, Nov. 13, 1858, to Oct. 18, 1860. Joseph S. Carson, Oct. 18, 1860, to Oct. 30, 1862. Hh-am H. Hall, Oct. 30, 1882, to Oct. 21, 1872. Richard C. M. Smith, Oct. 21, 1872, to Aug. 1, 1873. Richard C. M. Smith, March 18, 1875, to April 14, 1880. James H. Gibson, April 14, 1880, to April 14, 1882. Joseph N. Cunningham, April 14, 1882, to April 14, 1884,^ The old Michigan road, traversing the territory of Franklin township diagonally in a northwesterly direction, had been cut out and underbrushed (but not graded or grubbed) through a great part of this region as early as 1820, and it was over the route of that road that many of the pioneers came to Marion County. The first settlements within what is now ^Franklin township were made by people who came" over this old thoroughfare and located not far from its line, in the east and southeast parts of the present town.ship, along the valley of Buck' Creek. It is believed (though the fact cannot now be established by absolute proof) that the first white settler within the present boundaries of Franklin township was William Rector, who came here from Ohio in the year 1820, and built his cabin on lands bordering Buck Creek. It was at his house that the first election of the township was held (as before mentioned) on the 19th of June, 1824. On the earliest assessment-roll of the township which can now be found (that of the year 1829) the name of FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 521 I William Rector appears assessed on one hundred and sixty acres of land, the northeast quarter of section 10, township 14, range 5 ; also on two oxen and three horses. He was an extensive dealer (for those times) in hogs, of which he drove large numbers to Lawrencebufg and Cincinnati. Mr. Rector was a prominent man in the Methodist Church, and was a member,and leader of the first class of that denomina- tion in the township, which was organized at his house in 1827. He had three sons and several daughters. Having remained an inhabitant of Franklin township for more than a quarter of a century, he, about 1848, sold out his possessions here and removed with his family to Iowa. One of his sons afterwards rettirned to Franklin township and married a daughter of Isaac Baylor, one of the pioneers of this region. Maj. John Belles (who received his title from ser- vice in that grade in the war of 1812) came from Scott County, Ky., in 1820, and first stopped on the Bradley farm, just south of the city of Indianapolis, where he remained two years, during which time his wife died, leaving him with a family of five sons and three daughters. In 1822 he moved into Franklin township, and settled on the line of the old Michigan road, near where it crosses the line dividing the town- ships of Franklin and Warren. The land on which he located was still owned by the government, and he did not become a purchaser until a number of years later. At this place he erected his first dwelling, which was constructed of rails, with a wagon cover hung up in front for a door. His third son, Caleb, was at this time twelve years old, and the cooking and household duties fell on him for a few years, until his father married a widow by the name of Snell, who was a sister of Dr. John Sanders and William Sanders, of Indianapolis. He erected a more comfortable house in which to live after his marriage, and commenced keeping a tavern. When Maj. Belles settled in Franklin township his nearest neighbor was a man named Doyle, who lived midway between Indianapolis and the Belles tavern stand, which was six miles southeast from the town. This tavern was a very popular one with the traveling public, and there was always an extra effort made by travelers to reach it for lodging at night. 34 After the capital of the State was moved to Indian- apolis the representatives and senators from the southeast part of the State made it a point to stop with the major on their way to and from the General Assembly. Maj. Belles continued to keep this tavern until his death in 1838. His son Caleb settled on the school section in 1838. His wife was Lewis O'Neal's daughter Mary, to whom he was married in 1836. The farm of Maj. John Belles was bought by William Morrison, after which it passed through other hands, and is now owned and occupied by William Sloan. Although the first settlements in Franklin were among the very earliest made in Marion County, and although within four years from the time when the pioneer, William Rector, built his lonely cabin in the solitude of the Buck Creek Valley the township had become sufiSciently populous to entitle it to a separate and independent organization, it appears certain that the greater part of the people living here at that time were but squatters rather than permanent settlers ; for, even as late as nine years after the first settle- ment, it is shown (by the assessment-roll of 1829) that only eight hundred and seventy-five and one- half acres of land was assessed to resident owners or holders, and only eight hundred acres to non-resident owners, leaving more than nine-tenths of the area of the township still in possession of the government. The roll referred to shows that in the year 1829 only nine persons, residents in Franklin township, were assessed on lands, while those wlio paid the poll tax, but were assessed on no real estate, were thirty- nine in number, named as follows, viz. : Simeon Adams. Joshua Jackson. William Adams. Elijah Jackson. William Adair. John Miller. Moses Barker. George Montgomery. John Belles. George R. McLaughlin. Robert Brown. James McLain. Benson Cornelius. James B. McLain. Robert Carthen. John Messinger. James Greer. Henry Martin. William Griffith. Aquilla W. Noe. William Hines. Lewis O'Neal. Israel Jennings. John Perkins. 522 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Willianj P. Smith. James Turner. Josiah B. Toon. John Walden. Marine D. West. William West. Stephen Yager. James Pool. Thomas Rowes. John Smither. John Smither, Jr. Lewis Smither. James Smither. Willis Smither. James Skelly. Following are given the names of the resident landholders of Franklin township in 1829 (excepting William Rector, who has already been mentioned), together with a description of the lands on which each was assessed, as shown by the assessment-roll, viz. : John Ferguson, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 28, township 15, range 5, and the west half of section 27 in the same township. Mr. Ferguson was appointed by the county commission- ers ir),spector of the election held at the, house of William Rector in June, 1824, which was the first election held in Franklin after it became a separate and independent township. Jeremiah Burnet, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 3, township 14, range 5. Also one horse, two oxen, and a silver watch. Thomas Berry, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 3, township 14, range 5. Peter Carberry, fifty acres in the west half of the southwest quarter of section 15, township 14, range 5. Carberry came to this township in 1826, and settled where the village of Acton now is. Jacob Rorick, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 3, township 14, range 5. Daniel Smith, the southeast quarter of section 10, township 14, range 5. Gfeorge Tibbitts, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 10, township 14, range 5. Mr. Tibbitts came here from the south part of the State in 1824. He was a tanner by trade, and built a tannery on his lands in 1828. In 1845 he sold out his property in Franklin township to Samuel Parsley and moved to Iowa. Daniel Skelly, the east half of the northwest quarter of section 3, township 14, range 5. Reuben Adams came to Franklin township in 1825, cleared a piece of land, and put in a crop. In 1826 he brought his family here, and died in the same year. He had nine sons and two daughters. His daughter Lorinda married James Skelly about 1830. His son, William Adams, settled on a farm which he afterwards sold to John Smither, who sold to Samuel McGaughey. It is now occupied by John E. McGaughey. Lewis O'Neal emigrated from Kentucky in 1825, and settled in Franklin township, near New Bethel, on one hundred and sixty acres of land which he purchased from the government about four years later, and which is now owned and occupied by George Adams and Isaac Shimer. O'Neal's daughter Mary married Caleb Belles Nov. 10, 1836. Richard, son of Lewis O'Neal, married Charlotte Vickers. He died in Indianapolis. Susan O'Neal married Harvey Sebern in 1839. Kitty, another daughter of Lewis O'Neal, married Eli Maston and removed to Ken- tucky. James Pool emigrated from Ohio to Marion County, Ind., in 1828, and settled on forty acres of land which he afterwards sold to William Faulkner, and he to David Brumley. Benson Cornelius came to this township in 1827. He was assessed on no land in 1829, but he settled on an eighty-acre tract, which he sold to Henry Childers about 1840. Childers sold to Haven- ridge, and he to John Hill, who is the present owner. Israel Jennings made his settlement in this town- ship in 1827. He was not assessed on any lands in 1829, but he became the owner of the eighty-acre tract on which he settled. About 1840 he sold it to Isaac Collins, the present owner. John Messinger came from Decatur County, Ind., to Franklin township about 1824. He was not a land-owner in 1829, but became such immediately afterwards, and built on his land the mill known as the Messinger mill. In 1840 he sold his property in this township and removed to Iowa. John Miller came to Franklin township about 1826, and located on lands which he purchased three or four years later. In 1853 he sold out to William Miller, who afterwards sold the land to Thomas Porteus. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 623 Josiah B. Toon settled in this township in 1828. His name appears on the assessment-roll of 1829, but he was not at that time assessed on any real estate. M. S. Toon came to the township in 1830, and his fether, John Toon, in 1831. The first wife of M. S. Toon was a daughter of James Davis, one of the earliest settlers in Warren township. Willis Smither (who also married a daughter of James Davis, of Warren township) came to Franklin township in 1827. The assessment-roll of 1829 does not show that he was then a land-holder, but when he came to the township he took up and settled on the land on which he now lives. His brothers John and Lewis had come to this township some time before him, but neither of their names appear as land-holders in 1829. John Smither bought the farm of William Adams (son of Reuben Adams), and afterwards sold it to Samuel McGaughey. William P. Smith settled in this township, near New Bethel, in 1826. In 1829 he paid no tax on real estate, but was assessed only on one horse and one silver watch. Only four other persons in the township were the owners of silver watches at the time, viz., Jeremiah Burnet, Maj. John Belles, George R. McLaughlin, and James B. McLain. Mr. Smith was one of the first school-teachers in the township. He afterwards became the owner of lands which he sold to David Marrs. Marrs sold the farm to Knowles Shaw, whose widow still owns and occupies it. John Leeper came from Dearborn County, Ind., about 1832, and settled in this township at the " Pigeon Roost," on land now owned and occupied by Isaac Golden. Joseph Leeper, son of John, set- tled on land now owned and occupied by Oliver Holmes. Stephen Glasco migrated from Rush County, Ind., to this township about 1837, and settled on lands, a part of which are now owned by Jonas Hamlyn. A part of the Glasco tract passed to the ownership of John Maze. Richard Hamlyn came from England to America with his wife and children in 1849 ; located in Hamil- ton County, Ohio, remained there several years, and in 1857 came to Franklin township, where he bought the farm owned by George Dillender. He died about 1865. His son Jonas came to this township from Franklin County, Ind., in 1860, and bought from William Leeper a tract of land which had been first located and settled on by Stephen Glasco. John Hamlyn, son of Richard and brother of Jonas, mar- ried Amanda Clark (half-sister of James Clark) in 1859, and settled on the farm which his father had owned, and on which he (John) still lives. Elizabeth, sister of Jonas and John Hamlyn, is the wife of Isaac Golden, who owns and lives on the farm on which John Leeper settled at the " Pigeon Roost." Joseph Wheatley came to this township about 1830, and located on a farm which had been entered by Marine D. West. The farm is still owned by the Wheatley family. George Eudaly, a native of Virginia, came from Kentucky to this township in 1830, and afterwards settled on what was known as the Nosseman farm, the land of which had been entered by a Mr. Chown- ing, and sold to John Nosseman, who came here from Virginia. Neither Chowning, Nosseman, or Eudaly appear on the assessment-roll of 1829. The land which they owned in succession is now owned and occupied by Henry Laws. William Beckley came to this township from Ken- tucky in 1832, and lived for about one year on the David Morris farm ; then bought from James Grif- fith the farm he now lives on. Joseph Perkins came here in an early day, and set- tled on and owned the farm where Joseph Clark now lives. Alexander Perkins, son of Joseph, married a daughter of William Griffy. George Hickman was a settler who came from Ohio in 1836, and bought a tract of land extending from the eastern border of Franklin township across the eastern line into Hancock County. It was in that county, on the eastern part of his land, that he first built his cabin, but he soon afterwards made his residence on the west part of his tract in this town- ship, where he is now living at the age of sixty-eight years. Jacob Springer, a carpenter by trade, came from Ohio in 1833, and settled on the old Michigan road near New Bethel. His two sons, John J. and David, 524 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. are now living in the township. John J. Springer owns and occupies the land which Ephraim Fray re- ceived as his portion of the estate of his father, who settled on a tract of one hundred and sixty acres on Buck Creek in 1828. The farm of the elder Fray was divided between his son Ephraim and his daugh- ter, Susan Fray. James Clark came here from Jennings County, Ind., in February, 1835, and settled on the same farm that he now occupies. The land had been entered in 1832 or 1833 by John Van Cleve. James Turner came from Kentucky in 1828, and settled one hundred and sixty acres of land on Little Buck Creek, and on the line of the Morgan trace, now the Indianapolis and Shelbyville road. Nehemiah Smith came from Kentucky in 1830, and settled a half-section of land on Little Buck Creek. He died about 1840. Abraham Hendricks was married in Kentucky in 1825 to a daughter of Nehemiah Smith. He moved to this township in 1830, and settled eighty acres of land on Little Buck Creek, and now owns and lives on the same, being in the eighty-seventh year of his age. Nimrod Kemper came from Kentucky in 1832, and settled one hundred and sixty acres of land on the line of the Morgan trace. He died about 1867. Nimrod Par and Nimrod Kemper, his grandchildren, now live on his old homestead farm. Stephen K. Tucker came from Kentucky in 1834, and bought out Hampton Bryan, who then returned to Kentucky. Mr. Tucker still lives on the land which he bought of Bryan. W. W. White came from Kentucky in 1824, with his mother and her family, and settled on Lick Creek, in Perry township, where he remained until 1833, when he married and moved to this township, and settled on the eighty acres of land which he still owns and occupies. James McLain came from Kentucky in 1 828, and settled on Little Buck Creek, on one hundred and sixty acres of land which he purchased a year or two after his settlement. He erected a horse-mill, which cracked corn for the neighboring farmers for a num- ber of years. After his death his sons James B. and John came in possession of his lands, John hav- ing the north half, and James B. the south. The latter removed West and sold his farm here, which is now occupied by Mrs. Wolcott. John McLain died in 1872. His son John now lives on the farm. Another son, Moses G., served in the Seventieth In- diana Volunteer Regiment in the war of the Rebel- lion, losing a hand in the service. He is now clerk of Marion County. George B. Richardson emigrated from Kentucky in 1831, and settled eighty acres of land, and re- mained on it until 1834, when he moved to New Bethel, Franklin township, where he went to work at his trade of blacksmith. He remained there until 1837, when he bought eighty acres of land of Patrick Catterson, and remained on it several years, after which he sold to Brown, and he to Thomas Schooly, who resides there at the present time. G. B. Rich- ardson moved back to the land on which he first settled, and is still living there. .}2 Samuel Smith came from Kentucky to Fayette County in 1820 with his father. He moved into Rush County in 1821, and remained there until 1834, when he married, and moved to this town- ship, and settled on the fractional quarter-section of one hundred and fifteen acres where he now resides. William Powers came from Kentucky to Rush County in 1821, and remained there until 1834, when he came to this township and settled eighty acres of land, and lived on it until his death, about 1870. Samuel Smith now owns the land. Jacob Mathews came from Ohio in 1833, and set- tled on eighty acres, where he lived until his death, about 1872. He was the father of Harvey R. Mathews, of this township. James Tolen came from Ohio in 1833, and settled on eighty acres of land, where he lived until his death, about 1873. It is now owned by Andrew Collins. James Tolen, son of Jacob, settled eighty acres adjoining his father's farm, and now lives on the same. Nathaniel Smith emigrated from Kentucky to Rush County in 1821, and came to this township in 18.34. He was married to a daughter of Patrick Catterson, and settled on Little Buck Creek, where FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 525 he commenced a tannery, and carried it on until about 1854, when he closed out and removed to Brazil, Ind. John Graham came from Pennsylvania in 1821, and settled on Lick Creek, in Perry township, where he died in an early day, leaving a wife, two daugh- ters, and four sons, of whom William M. Graham was the oldest. He was born in December, 1824; was married to Emily Kelley, of Perry township, in 1848, and moved into Franklin township in 1850, and settled on eighty acres of land entered by Patrick Cafterson in 1833, and sold by him to Charles B. Watt in 1834. Graham is now living on the same land. Ethelbert Bryan settled in 1836 on the farm now owned by Shepler Fry, who came here in 1854, and purchased from Bryan. Mr. Fry's farm is the most thoroughly underdrained and the best cultivated of any in the township. William Morris came in 1834, and settled on the farm since well known as the David Morris farm. Thomas P]. Moore came from Kentucky in 1834, and settled on the farm where his son Daniel now lives. William C. Adair came to Franklin township in 1836, and settled on land now owned by John Fike. Morgan Bryant, a comparatively early settler in this township, located on the land now owned and occupied by William McGregor. Thomas Craft made his first settlement in this township on land which had been previously entered by James Fisk. John Craft, son of Thomas, now owns a part of the tract. Jacob Smock came to Marion County from Jeffer- son County, Ind., Jan. 1, 1837. He at first located in Perry township, where he remained two years, and in 1838 came to Franklin township, and entered the land on which he now lives, and which was the last tract entered in Marion County. New Bethel, a village of one hundred and fifty inhabitants, situated in the northern central part of the township, was laid out by J. H. Messinger for Mary Adams in the year 1834, the town plat being recorded on the 24th of March in that year. The first store in the village was opened by Davis & McFarland, who were followed in the busi- ness successively by Greer & Toon, Patrick Catter- son, Samson Barbee, Lewis B. Wilsey, the last named commencing in 1850. Another store was opened by Richard O'Neal and W. G. Toon, who sold out to Wilson, who was succeeded by Harlan & McMullen, and Harlan & Silvers, who continued till 1863. J. C. Van Sickel commenced merchandising about 1865, and continued till 1869, when he sold to L. B. Wilsey and John Wilson. In 1872 Wilsey sold his interest to Wilson, who in 1875 sold to David Brumley, who in 1876 sold a half interest to Henry Brown. In 1877 Brumley sold his remain- ing interest to A. Helms, and he in 1879 sold to Henry Brown, who is still in trade. The other store of the village at the present time is carried on by John Wilson and Henry Bond. The pottery business was established by Patrick Catterson at the commencement of the village in 1834. Mrs. James Pool now has a jar made by Catterson in 1836. The first blacksmith of the village was George B. Richardson. The first wagon-maker was Jacob Springer. A saw-mill was built at this place in 1835 by John Smither, Lewis O'Neal, and Jacob Springer. The first physician of the village was Dr. Lawrence. Then came Drs. Hoyt, Orsemus Richmond, and Wil- liam Presley. The last named practiced in New Bethel and vicinity from 1845 to 1847, after which he moved to Indianapolis. During the last year of his practice in New Bethel he was associated in partnership with Dr. S. M. Brown, who has from that time to the present remained in practice as the physician of the village and surrounding country. In 1852, Dr. Brown was married to Mahala Brady, who died in 1867. She was a daughter of Henry Brady, Esq., a pioneer settler of Warren township. Poplar Grove is a cluster of five or six houses located on the railroad in the northwestern part of the township. There was once a post-ofiBce there, but it was discontinued, and now the place has no pretensions to the name of a village. 526 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Gallaudet is not a village, but merely a post-office and station on the Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago Railway. The village of Acton is situated in the southeastern part of Franklin township, on the line of the Cin- cinnati, Indianapolis, St, Louis and Chicago Railway. The land which forms the site of the village is a part of the tract originally owned by the pioneer settler, Peter Carbery, but which in 1852 was owned by Thomas Wallace. The village was laid out in that year by John E. Stretcher, surveyor, for Thomas Wallace and Thomas Ferguson, the town plat being recorded October 22d in the year named. There would probably never have been any village at that point but for the building of the railroad, which was at that time approaching completion, and which was opened for travel in September of the following year. The original name of the town was Farmersville, which was afterwards changed to Acton, to avoid confusion in the mail service, as there was already a post-office named Farmersville in the State. Upon the establishment of the post-office at Acton, John Daily was appointed postmaster ; and his suc- cessors in the office have been (in the order named) Joseph Pierson, Samuel Rosengarten, Reuben Con- way, Joseph Brenton, George W. Morgan, N. T. Parker, George W. Vaughn, D. W. Pierson, John Foley, and (again) D. W. Pierson, who is the present incumbent. The first merchants of the village were John Al- bright and William Duval, who opened their store in a log building in 1852. The next was John Daily, who opened in 1853, and continued until 1855, when he sold to Joseph Pierson and William Leeper. The latter sold his interest in the store to Pierson, who carried on the business until 1858, when he sold out at auction and removed to Iowa. Salathiel T. Pierson commenced merchandising at Acton in 1853, and continued till his death in Sep- tember, 1855. Dugald McDougall commenced in 1854, and continued about one year. James Morgan and Peter Swigart commenced at about the same time. John Threlkill commenced in 1855, and continued in trade about three years. N. J. Parker commenced about 1858 and continued till 1864. Rev. Thomas Ray was a merchant in Acton from 1858 to 1860, and Warren Stacy from 1860 to 1866. The three general stores of the village at the present time (January, 1884) are carried on respectively by D. W. Pierson, George W. Swails, and James W. Swaila. The first physician of Acton was Dr. William Scott, who came in 1855, and remained but a short time. Dr. Johnson located in the village in the fall of 1855, and remained about one year. Dr. Samuel Mo- Gaughey, who was reared and educated in Franklin County, and married a daughter of Madison Morgan, of Shelby County, Ind., located in Acton in 1856, and has remained in practice in the village and vicinity until the present time. Dr. T. N. Bryant came about 1857. He was in partnership with Dr. McGaughey for about a year, after which he removed to Illinois, but returned to Marion County and located in Indian- apolis. Dr. Philander C. Leavitt, who resided at Pleasant View, Shelby Co., at the opening of the war of the Rebellion, entered the service of the United States as a private soldier, was promoted to surgeon, and soon after the close of the war located in Acton, where he remained in practice till his death in 1882. Dr. J. W. Spicer, who is now in practice in Acton, located in the village about 1879. Acton is now a village of about three hundred and fifteen inhabitants, and has four churches (three Prot- estant and one Catholic), one school-house (built in 1876, at a cost of six thousand dollars), one graded school, three physicians, three general stores, one boot- and shoe-store (by Henry Baas), one drug-store (by John Curry), two wagon-shops (by Daniel Gillespie and Hamilton Brothers), two blacksmith-shops, a steam saw-mill (huilt in 1853 by John McCoUum & Sons, and now operated by A. H. Plymate), a steam flouring-mill (built about 1860 by Jacob Rubush, John Ferrin, and Solomon Hahn, and now operated by Mr. Hahn), a Masonic lodge, and a lodge of the order of Odd-Fellows. Pleasant Lodge, No. 134, F. and A. M., was organized at Pleasant View, Shelby Co., in May, 1852, with eight members. About four years after the organization it was removed to Acton, where a frame building, twenty-five by fifty feet in size, was FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 527 erected, and the upper story fitted and furnished as a lodge-room, while the lower story was rented for store purposes. In 1873 the building was destroyed by fire, with a total loss of the furniture and records of the lodge. In 1875 a brick building, twenty-four by sixty feet in size, was erected on the same site, at a cost of four thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. The lower story is occupied as a store by D. W. Pierson, and above it is the Masonic Hall. The lodge has now a membership of fifty. The present officers are William Cooper, W. M. ; William T. Cummins, S. W. ; John Hanahan, J. W. ; Austin Daugherty, Sec. ; Solomon Hahn, Treas. ; George Clover, S. D. ; Dr. J. W. Spicer, J. D. ; John Means, Tiler. Acton Lodge, No. 279, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted June 20, 1867, with the following-named members: J. C. P. Stage, E. T. Wells, Joseph Fittsgeval, C. C. Weaver, Charles J. Phemister, J. G. Clark, Allen Drake, S. Rosengarten, John A. Johnson, William C. Nicholas, John Porter, James H. Clark, Joseph R. Johnson. The lodge now has fifteen past grand officers, sixteen active members, and property valued at about one thousand dollars. The hall is in the second story of the building, over the store of George W. Swails. The present officers of the lodge are : John Craft, N. G. ; James Matthews, V. G. ; J. Swails, Sec. ; G. W. Swails, Treas. ; Charles C. Weaver, Per. Sec. The grounds of the Acton Camp-Meeting Associa- tion, adjoining the village of Acton on the northwest, being the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 16, township 14, north of range 5 east, were purchased of the Rev. John V. R. Miller for about one thousand dollars, and laid out and buildings erected for camp-meeting purposes about 1859. The buildings were destroyed by fire about 1863 ; were rebuilt, and again burned about three years later, when the present buildings were erected. The camp-meetings held yearly on this ground are very largely attended, as many as forty thousand people having sometimes been present in a single day. The Union Agricultural Fair Association of Frank- • lin township was first oi^anized as a grange associa- tion, and its name afterwards changed to the present one. Hitherto the fairs of the association have been held on grounds (about twelve acres) rented for the purpose on the farm of John P. Overhiser, about three miles west of Acton ; but this arrangement was not intended to be a permanent one, and the fairs will be held in future on grounds adjoining the village. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Acton was first oruauized at the house of William Rector, on the northeast quarter of section 10, township 14, range 5 east, about the year 1827. It was formed by the following-named members : William Rector and wife, George Tibbitts and wife, John Walden and wife, Jeremiah Burnett and wife, with William Rector and George Tibbitts as leaders. About 1830 they built a house of worship on the land of William Rec- tor, which was twenty-eight by thirty-six feet, and constructed of hewn logs, as was the custom in that day. The church was served by the following-named preachers or pastors (in what order cannot be given) Revs. James Havens, Francis McLaughlin, Elijah Whitten, David Burt, Jacob Miller, John V. R. Miller, Landy Havens, George Havens, David Hav- ens, James Corwin, Baherrell, and Greenly McLaughlin, with William Rector as exhorter or local preacher. About 1846, William Rector moved to Iowa, and the class began to decline and became quite weak. In 1852 they organized a class at the school-house, one and one-half miles southw&st, where the village of Acton was laid out in the same year. They con- tinued to hold their meetings in the school-house until the fall of 1855, at which time they had a church edifice sufficiently near completion to hold their services in, but it was not dedicated until June, 1856. In the fall of 1853 they held the quarterly meeting in the warehouse of John Daily, in Acton. After the class was moved from Rector's chapel to Acton, John Daily, William Crosson, Henry Mc- Roberts, David Rayburn, Joseph Brenton, and C. C. Butler were class-leaders up to 1860. They had for pastors or preachers the Rev. George 528 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Havens for 1853, Rev. Thomas Ray for 1854-55, Rev. John V. R. Miller for 1856, Rev. John Brouce for 1857, Rev. Chivington for 1858, Rev. Patrick Carlin for 1859, Rev. Elijah Whitten for 1860, Rev. F. S. Potts for 1861, Rev. R. Roberts for 1862-63, Rev. M. Mitchell for 1864, Rev. A. Lotten for 1865-66, Rev. J. H. Tomlinson for 1867 -68, Rev. Henry Wright for 1869, Rev. B. P. Mor- gan for 1870, Rev. Thomas W. Jones for 1871-72 (number of members at this time, sixty-five). Rev. F. S. Turk for 1873-74 (number of members at this time, eighty). Rev. E. S. Spencer for 1875-76 (num- ber of members at this time, one hundred and twelve), Rev. P. S. Cook for 1877-78, Rev. William Nich- ols for 1879-80, Rev. R. L. Kinnear for 1881, Rev. Albert Cain for 1882-83. Present number of mem- bers, one hundred and thirteen. The church building was burned Dec. 24, 1879, the fire being caused by a defective flue. They commenced to rebuild is May, 1881, and completed the building so that it was dedicated on the 31st of July of the same year. The building is a brick structure, thirty-four by forty- eight feet, and cost three thousand dollars. The oflicers of the church at this time are : Trus- tees, Jonas Hamlyn, David Rayburn. Frederick Doke, and Jacob Tolen ; Secretary, Austin Daugherty. Jonas Hamlyn was class-leader from 1875 to 1881. David Rayburn is the class-leader at the present time. The present stewards are James Copeland, Herbert E. Hamlyn, Charles Doke, W. S. Clover. Connected with the church is a Sunday-school having an aver- age attendance of seventy. Jonas Hamlyn has been for five or six years and is at present the superin- tendent. The New Bethel Baptist Church was organized on the 7th of April, 1827, with eight members, as follows : James Greer, Lewis O'Neal, David Woods, James Davis, Elizabeth Greer, Aohsah Woods, Catharine O'Neal, and Elizabeth Davis. The Rev. Abraham Smock was called to the pastorate of the church, and served until December, 1832, during which time there was a number added to the church. In the year of the organization (1827) they built a hewn-log house, twenty-four by twenty-eight feet, with a large fireplace and split slabs for seats. In this they felt they had a comfortable place to worship God. In January, 1833, the Rev. John Richmond was chosen pastor for one year. In February, 1834, the Rev. Thomas Townsend became pastor for one year. In June, 1835, a council met with the church and ordained Ebenezer Smith to the ministry. From 1835 to 1838 they were without a pastor. Town- send and Smith (being members of the church) supplied them alternately. In 1838 they called Townsend and Smith to supply the pulpit on al- ternate Sabbaths, and they served until 1848. In 1842 the church by a council ordained John Ransdell to the gospel ministry. In 1843 the church built a frame building, thirty-six by forty- eight feet, at a cost of one thousand dollars. In 1848 the Rev. Madison Hume was called to the pastoral care of the church, and continued until 1852, when the Rev. Michael White was called to the pastorate. In May, 1853, Rev. James S. Gil- lespie was called to the pastorate, and he continued his services until 1859, when the Rev. J. H. Razor was called to the care of the church. In 1860, Rev. Stewart became their pastor. In 1863, Rev. J. H. Razor was again called to the care of the church. In 1866 the Revs. James M. Smith and A. J. Essex hold a meeting of two weeks, at which meet- ing ninety-three were added to the church, seventy- eight of them by baptism. At the same time the Rev. James M. Smith was called to the pastoral care of the church. While he was pastor they erected a new church building of brick, ihirty-six by fifty feet, at a cost of four thousand dollars. In 1869 the Rev. F. M. Buchanan was called to the pastoral care of the church, and served them until 1880. The Rev. N. Harper was pastor in 1881 and 1882. In 1883 the Rev. T. J. Conner was called to the pastorate. The membership at this time is one hundred and seventy-three. The Sun- day-school has an average attendance of seventy-five, with John Grames as superintendent. The Baptist Church at the Forks of Little Buck Creek was organized on the 8th of June, 1833, at the house of Nehemiah Smith, by a council from the following-named churches : Lick Creek FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 529 Church, Abraham Smock, Thomas Townsend, Thomas Bryan, Jacob Smock, and Luke Bryan ; Bethel Church, Joel Kemper, Lewis Smither, and John J. Belles ; Pleasant Run Church, John Perry and Wil- liam Herring. The council was organized by electing Abraham Smock moderator and Thomas Townsend clerk, after which they adopted articles of faith, which were signed by the following-named constitu- ent members : Elijah Vise, Susan Vise, Nehemiah Smith, Sarah Smith, William Forsythe, Sarah Por- sythe, Edmond Lovitt, Mary Lovitt, Abraham Hen- dricks, Susan Hendricks, Frank Smith, Rebecca Perkins, Elizabeth Vise, Susan Vise, Francis Vise, Nathaniel Vise, Polly Vise, Benson Cornelius, Debo- rah Cornelius, Thomas McFarland, Betsy McFar- land, and Sarah Wikoff. The first pastor of the church was the Rev. Thomas Townsend, who served them for two years ; then Rev. Abraham Smock served them for two years; then Ebenezer Smith. (Here the records are missing.) Since 1868 the following-named ministers have served the church as pastors, viz. : Peterson K. Par, Daniel Caudle, and Robert Thompson. P. K. Par and Robert Thompson are now serving the church alternately as pastors. Services are held once a month. The church has now thirty-six mem- bers. Nimrod Par is church clerk. The Presbyterian Church at Acton was first organized in Perry township. On the 30th of March, 1833, a few Presbyterians met at the house of Mrs. Mary Sebern, one and one-half miles north of where Southport now stands, and, after a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Woods, from Proverbs xxviii. 4, the New Providence (now Acton) Presby- terian Church was organized. John S. Sebern and Otis Sprague were the first elders, and Samuel Brewer the first deacon. They were all ordained and installed on the 31st of March, 1833, having been elected on the preceding day. The church at its organization consisted of twenty- four members, set apart by the Indianapolis Presby- tery from the Greenfield (now Greenwood) Church, and one by letter from the only Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis at that time. The following are the names of those forming the organization : Samuel Brewer, Eleanor Brewer, Thomas C. Smock, Rachel Smock, Ann Smock, Abraham V. Smock, Simon French, Mary French, Eliza McFarland, Benjamin McFarland, Mary McFarland, John A. Brewer, Lemma Brewer, Phannel Graham, Paulina White, Jane E. McCollum, Mary Sebern, Phebe Sebern, Samuel Sebern, John Sebern, Deborah W. Sebern, Andrew C. Mann, Sally Mann, and Otis Sprague. Of this number the following now survive : Samuel Brewer and Eliza McFarland (now Thomas). In 1838 a division took place in the church, and twenty members, including one elder, went with this branch, and seventeen, including two elders, went with the New School branch. There was no hostile feeling manifested by either. From 1838 to 1844 the church had been irregu- larly supplied with preaching, having had only one regular supply (Rev. Sayers Gaglay) for about two years. In 1845 the church (then numbering forty- five members) elected and called their first pastor after the division. He was the Rev. B. P. Wood, who continued to serve them one-half the time until 1850. In 1845 and 1846 they built a house of worship on the farm of Joseph Wallace, one and one-half miles east of Southport. The house was twenty- eight by thirty-six feet, a wooden structure, and cost about five hundred dollars. In 1851, Rev. Henry Coe served as pastor one-half his time. In 1852 there were but thirty-nine members, and in this same year there was a division of the church for the sake of convenience, one portion going west to the Blufif road, in Perry township, and forming the Union Church, and the other portion (seventeen members) going east to Acton, in Franklin township, and forming what is known as the Acton Presbyterian Church. The first pastor at Acton was Rev. William A. Holliday, who gave one-half his time. In 1856 the church building was moved from the Wallace farm to Acton. It was refitted, and in it they held their church services until 1870, when they built a brick church building, thirty by forty feet, at a cost of four thousand five hundred dollars. In 1856, Rev. P. R. Vanetta served them as pas- 630 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tor, and the membership was eighteen. The Rev. John Gilchrist served the church from 1857 to the close of 1859 as pastor (membership increased to thirty-nine) ; Rev. A. C. Allen served as pastor till the close of 1861, at which time he enlisted in the United States volunteer service (membership, forty- two). In 1863 the Rev. James Gilchrist supplied the pulpit. In 1864, L. G. Hay served the church one-half the time. In 1865, James Gilchrist again became pastor of the church one-half of his time, and served until the close of the year 1867. The Rev. L. G. Hay became pastor in 1868, and con- tinued to the close of 1870. The Rev. James Wil- liamson was pastor of the church from 1871 until 1882. Rev. L. B. Schryock was called and accepted the pastorate for 1884. The membership at this time is ninety-six. In 1873 the membership had increased to seventy. A Sunday-school was organized in 1857, with Jacob Smock as superintendent. Jacob Rubush has been superintendent of the Sunday-school the greater por- tion of the time from 1870 to 1884. The average attendance is eighty. The following are the names of the officers of the church from its organization : Elders, John S. Seb- ern, Otis Sprague, Simon Smock, Samuel Brewer, Peter Smock, James Clark, William H. Boyd, Syl- vester Ellis, Samuel S. Sebern, Jacob Smock, Thomas L. Clark, Samuel Potter, Jacob Rubush, A. H. Ply- mate, and William Cooper; Deacons, Samuel Brewer, Andrew 0. Mann, Samuel Moore, Jacob Smock, Wil- liam J. Colley, Henry Baas, Malcomb A. Lowes, William Hutchinson, William R. Lowes, John N. Clark, John M. Clark, and William P. James; Trustees, John V. Sebern, Andrew C. Mann, Thomas C. Smock, Samuel Moore, Jacob Smock, William J. Colley, Thomas Wallace, Samuel Mc- Gaughey, Jacob Rubush, Jehu, John, and William H. Smock. The present officers are: Elders, James Clark, Jacob Smock, Jacob Rubush, A. H. Plymate, Wil- liam Cooper, and Thomas L. Clark ; Deacons, John N. Clark, William R. Lowes, and John M. Clark ; Trustees, Jacob Rubush, Samuel McGaughey, and William H. Smock. The Big Bun (Anti - Missionary Baptist) Church, was organized at the house of Knowles Shaw, one-half mile east of the village of New Bethel, on the 11th of February, 1848, with ten members, viz. : Willis Smither, Hester Smither, Lewis Smither, Obadiah Davis, Mary Davis, Caleb Belles, Mary Belles, Albert Hickman, Amanda Hick- man, and James Tolen. They called the Rev. Em- mons Hurst to the pastorate of the church, and he was the only regular pastor until 1853, at which time the Rev. Erasmus D. Thomas became pastor, and has continued in that capacity to the present time with- out any interruption. They have regular services once a month. This church used school-house No. 5 (known as the township house) as a meeting-place until the fall of 1849, when they had a house of worship erected. It was a frame structure twenty by thirty feet, and cost one thousand dollars. As time passed this build- ing became too small for the increasing congregation, and in 1871 they built a more commodious house of worship. It is a brick structure, thirty-six by fifty- four feet, and cost four thousand three hundred dol- lars. The membership at this time is ninety-two. The Buck Creek Christian Church was organ- ized on the 21st of August, 1860, at Murphy's school-house (No. 7), with the following-named mem- bers, viz. : James Eaton, Sarah Eaton, Alexander Helm, P]lizabeth Helm, George B. Richardson, Sarah Richardson, Ashley Sutherland, Elizabeth Suther- land, King Parrish, Maria Parrish, Zerviah B. An- derson, William H. Richardson, Catharine Helm, Isabelle Hall, Sarah Hittle, Nancy Mathews, and Nancy J. Baker. Their pastors have been John Brown (one year), Butler K. Smith (one year), J. H. McCuUough (two years), Amzi Atwater, Charles Shoat (one year), J. L. Parson (one year), W. H. H. Blark (one year), Elijah Goodwin (two years), M. T. Hough and H. T. BuflF (alternately, one year), W. R. Lowe (one year), M. T. Hough (two years), H. T. Mason (one year), A. H. Carter (one year), John A. Mavity (one year), W. R. Couch (two years), W. H. Boles (one year), J. M. Camfield (three years), and C. W. Martz, the present pastor, who is now on his second year of service. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 531 Their first place of worship was the school-house where they first organized. In 1861 they built a house of worship on the northwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 28, township 15 north, range 5 east, — a frame structure, thirty-two by forty-four feet, which cost one thousand dollars. In 1880 they built their second house of worship on the same grounds. It is a brick building thirty-two by forty-two feet, and cost two thousand eight hundred dollars. The present membership of the church is one hundred and twenty-four. Meetings are held once a month They have a good Sunday-school, with seventy-five scholars in attendance, and sessions are held every Sunday the year round. The superin- tendent is John M. Toon. The present officers of the church are : Trustees, Henry J. Toon, Joseph Harris ; Elders, Henry J. Toon, Joseph Harris, and James E. Greer; Deacons, Ebenezer Smith, Obadiah Eaton, and John M. Toon. The Acton Baptist Church was organized at Acton OQ the 13th day of January, 1866, with twenty-five members, viz. : John N. Eades, Elislia Baily, Mary Baily, William Everett, William Mor- gan, Nancy Morgan, Sarah Morgan, Mrs. Everett, Mahala Everett, Susan Morgan, Nancy Phemister, John Morgan, John T. Phemister, Sr., James M. Smith, Elizabeth J. Smith, Joseph C. Smith, George W. Crossen, Mary Crossen, Thomas Foster, Permelia Foster, Martha Baas, Delila Jenkins, Jane Keeler, Cumi Keeler, Nancy Leavitt. At the same time the Revs. James M. Smith and A. J. Essex held a meet- ing of some two weeks' duration, and added thirty- four to the church, the Presbyterians giving them the use of their house of worship for the meeting. At the close of this protracted effiart the church called Rev. James M. Smith as their pastor, who continued to serve the church half his time until June, 1869, when Rev. F. M. Buchanan was called to the pastorate, and continued half his time until January, 1873. The Rev. H. C. McCaleb was pastor half his time for the years 1873 and 1874 Rev. T. J. Murphy was pastor for the year 1875, and the Rev. D. D. Swindall in the same way for 1876. In the year 1877 the church had no pastor. The Rev. C. King was pastor in 1878 and 1879. The church was without a pastor in 1880. The Rev. James M. Smith was again called to the pastorate, and served one-fourth of his time for the years 1881 and 1882. The Rev. F. M. Buchanan was again called to the pastorate, and is now acting as such one-fourth of the time. The present membership is ninety-nine. Sabbath-school sessions are held every Sabbath. The number of scholars in attendance is fifty-two. T. J. McColIum is superintendent of the Sunday-school, and has been since 1868 except one year (1875). The trustees of the church are William McGregor, L. F. Montague, and Henry T. Craig ; Deacons, T. J. McCollum and J. F. McCollum ; Clerk, L. P. Montague. The Koont Zion Methodist Episcopal Church was organized as a class in the year 1832, at the house of James McLain, with about fifteen members, principally of the families of McLain and Perkins. In 1836 they built a log meeting-house on James McLain's land, and this was used as a house of worship till about 1853, when they erected a frame building, in which they continued to hold their services for about twenty years, when the church organization ceased to exist. The location of this church is near the west line of the township, and near its centre from north to south. The Methodist Chapel, so called, of the Methodist Episcopal Church is located in the northwest corner of Frapklin township. The first class at this place was organized about 1838, at the house of Nathaniel Owens, its members being principally of the fami- lies of Owens, Reyburn, McLaughlin, Stoops, and Arnold. Soon after the organization, they built a log church on land then owned by Simon Peters (now by Cottman). About 1860 this old building gave place to a frame church, which was erected on the same site. In this they worshiped about ten years, after which the organization went down, and services were discontinued. The church building is still standing, and although no preaching is held there, it is used as the meeting-place of a flourishing Sabbath-school of about fifty scholars, not under charge of the Methodist denomination, but under 532 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the patronage and superintendency of a daughter of F. M. Churchman, Esq. The Church of the United Brethren, which wor- shiped in a churcli buildinjr located near the centre of the township, was organized about 1855, at the house of Isaac Collins. The greater part of its members were of the Collins family. Their first meetings were held at Collins', and in the school- house for a year or two, when they erected a frame church building which is yet standing, though the church organization became dismembered and ceased to exist several years ago. The oldest burial-ground in Franklin township was opened on land of William Rector, at the place where the Rector Chapel was built. It is not now known who was the first person interred in this ground. It is not used now, no burials having been made in it for several years. In the graveyard at New Bethel the first inter- ment was that of Reuben Adams, on whose land the burial-place was laid out. It was at first a plat of about one acre, which has since been increased to about two acres. The ground is now nearly filled with graves, and contains some handsome monu- ments. At the Methodist Chapel in the northwest corner of the township is a burial-ground of about one acre, which is well filled with graves though not crowded. One of the first interments in it was that of the wife of Simon Peters. The graveyard at Mount Zion Church, near the west line of the township, contains about one acre, and is only partially filled. The first interments here were made about 1835. At the Little Buck Creek Church is a burial- ground still in use, which was laid out on land entered by Nehemiah Adams. The first burials in this ground were made about 1833. A burial-ground was opened on the David Morris farm in 1835, and is still in use. It is not in con- nection with any church, and there is no house of worship near it. The cemetery at Acton is a ground of about two acres, a part of the old Leeper farm, purchased from William Leeper, and laid out as a cemetery in 186fi. The lots in this cemetery are all sold, and many fine monuments have been erected in it. Improvements are constantly being made in the ground, though it is yet far from being completed in accordance with the design, which is based on the modern idea of cemetery embellishment. Schools, — Very soon after the pioneer settlers had established themselves and their families in their rude log cabins, and cleared a sufficient space of ground to raise crops enough to insure them a subsistence, they took measures (inefficient though they were) to pro- vide for their children the means of acquiring some of the rudiments of education by opening primitive schools, which were usually taught by persons who were employed at farm labor during the summer, and who during the winter taught school for a term of six weeks to two months, receiving a mere pittance for their services. The first schools were taught in the east part of the township in the Buck Creek settlements, but others were opened very soon after- wards in other parts, as soon as enough settlers had come in to form a neighborhood school. Thomas Townsend and William P. Smith were the first two persons who taught school in Franklin township, but it is not certainly known which of these was the pioneer. Peter Townsend, Abraham Smock, and Price N. Batts (son-in-law of Reuben Adams) were among the other early teachers of the township. The first schools were usually taught in deserted cabins which had been built by " .squatters" who, after a temporary occupation, had deserted them and moved away. Where log buildings had been built as places of worship, they were also invariably used for schools. And as the township became a little more thickly settled, each neighborhood of two or three miles' radius had its school-house. They wore all nearly the same, — a low log building of about eighteen by twenty-two or twenty-four feet in size, with a log cut out on two sides, leaving openings which, when covered with greased paper in place of glass, formed the windows of the house. In one end of the school- room was a fireplace plastered with clay or mud, sometimes communicating with a " stick chimney" on the outside, and sometimes having no chimney at '^^i.irTi4ycf^^e^-A^lJ^^ FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 533 all, except a hole in the roof. The floor was of puncheons, the seats and benches of split logs, with the split sides dressed to comparative smooth- ness. A high, rude, and uncomfortable writing desk (or more properly shelf) was formed |in a similar way. None of the requisites or equipments of the modern school-room were found in these houses. Everything was rough, uncomfortable, and discourag- ing to both pupil and teacher, yet the schools taught amid such surroundings were the best that could be had in those days, and in them many a child acquired the rudiments of education, and laid the foundation of an honorable career. About 1836, under the Congressional towhsnip school system, rather better school-houses were built on about each four square miles of territory through the township. These houses were built by the peo- ple of the neighborhood, while the fund derived from the sale of the school lands aided in maintaining in- different schools in them for short terms. Upon the establishment of the present system, Franklin took a place abreast of the other townships of the county in the improvement of its schools. Franklin township has now eleven school districts, and the same number of school-houses (seven frame, and four brick). Schools are taught in all the houses, and two of them are graded schools. There are also four private schools taught, with an average attendance of forty-four. In 1883, fourteen teachers (nine male and five female) were employed in the public schools. Six teachers' institutes were held in the township during the year. The average total daily attendance of scholars was 371 ; whole number of scholar^ admitted to the schools, 625 ; average length of school terms in the township in 1883, 114 days ; valuation of school-houses and grounds, 8 14,500. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. THOMAS SCHOOLEY. John Schooley, the grandfather of Thomas, was of English extraction and a resident of Massachusetts. His children were James, William, Sewell, and David. James, the first named, was born during the year 1792, in Massachusetts, and early removed to Dela- ware, where he married Ruth Hobson, a native of Philadelphia, Pa. To this marriage were born chil- dren, — John, James, Thomas, Daniel, and Andrew. Mr. Schooley removed later to the State of Mary- land, where he became a successful merchant. His son Thomas was born Feb. 22, 1830, in Cecil County, Md., and in early youth removed to Zanesville, Ohio, and in 1840 to Indianapolis, where his father died soon after the arrival of the family. Thomas re- mained until fifteen with his mother, and then sought employment as assistant to various farmers of Marion County, being meanwhile, for a brief time, a pupil of the Indianapolis Seminary. In 1851 he married Miss Rachel Blue, of the same county, whose only son, Frank, died July 15, 1869, at the age of fifteen. In 1852, Mr. Schooley having left* his wife at the home of her father, crossed the plains en route to California (where he remained three years), in Placer County, engaged in mining and the profita- ble business of hotel-keeping. Returning in 1855, he purchased a farm north of Indianapolis, and his wife having meanwhile died, he, in June, 1855, married Miss Esther, daughter of Madison Hume, one of the earliest Baptist clergymen in the county. Their children are Flora (Mrs. H. J. Brown) and Minnie. Mr. Schooley, in 1862, sold his farm and removed to Indianapolis, where he engaged in com- mercial pursuits. Having determined to return again to country life, he, in 1869, purchased his present home in Franklin township, and has since engaged in general farming and speculating. In politics he is a Republican, but not an active worker in the political field. The cause of education has ever found in him an earnest advocate and friend, and all ndeasures for the promotion of education receive his cordial en- couragement. He is in religion a supporter of both the Methodist Episcopal and the Baptist Churches, Mrs. Schooley being a member of the latter church. MARTIN S. TOON. Henry Toon, the grandfather of Martin S., and a German by birth, resided in Kentucky. He was united in marriage to a Miss Bryant, and had children, among 534 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. whom was John, a soldier of the war of 1812, and a native of Delaware, who removed with his parents to Kentucky when a youth, and during his lifetime en- gaged in the labor incident to a farmer's life. He married Malinda Stafford, of Kentucky, and had chil- dren, eleven in number, as follows: Letitia, Martin S., Drusilla, Henry, William G., Charity, Wesley, Lewis, Josiah, Elizabeth, and Dorcas, the latter of whom died in childhood ; seven of this number are still liv- ing. Martin S. was born on the 12th of June, 1815, in Owen County, Ky. His youth was, like that of most farmers' sons, passed in labor, with such opportu- nities of education as were afforded by the subscription schools of the period. Mr. Toon married Miss Mary Jane, daughter of James Davis, to whom were born two sons, — William H., who died while a soldier in . the war of the Rebellion, and John J., who served with credit during the whole conflict. He was again mar- ried in November, 1842, to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of John Ross, of Marion County, and has children, — Lewis C, Martin, Dorcas, Mary Anice, Melinda Alice, George G., Charles W., Richard 0., William S., and Lydia Jane. Mr. Toon during a short period resided in Indianapolis, and assisted in drawing the brick for the State-House, and at twenty-seven he rented a farm in Franklin township which for ten years he continued to cultivate. He then purchased his present home, embracing eighty acres, which has since been increased to two hundred and twenty acres, and which his son George G. assists in cultivating. He has, aside from his labors as a farmer, engaged in threshing wheat by machine, his own thresher having been the first in the township. Mr. Toon is in politics a Republican, but not active in the political field, preferring his daily routine of labor to the excitements of a public career. Both he and Mrs. Toon are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is a deacon. CHAPTER XXII L LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. This township is situated in the extreme north- eastern portion of the county, and is seven miles square, containing forty-nine square miles, or thirty thousand eight hundred and nineteen acres of land. It is bounded on the north by Hamilton County, on the east by Hancock County, on the south by Warren township, and on the west by Washington township. The surface of the country is generally level, except along the streams, where it is somewhat broken, and in some localities hilly. The soil is well adapted to the culture of wheat, corn, rye, barley, and most vegetables, but the culture of fruit has proved to be unprofitable during the past few years, though in a few localities this branch of agriculture has yielded a good revenue. About thirty-five years ago immense crops of peaches were raised, but the peach crop has been almost an entire failure during the last twenty years. The soil is principally clay, but consists of four grades, viz. : white clay, or beech flats ; black loam of the flats ; limestone or clay hills ; and bottom- land, or dark chocolate loam intermixed with sand. Originally the township was covered with a heavy growth of timber, consisting principally of walnut, sugar, poplar, ash, beech, hickory, sycamore, lime, buckeye, oak, and hackberry. In the lowlands, the primitive forest abounded with grape-vines, frequently growing to an enormous height. Beneath the forest and the net-work of vines grew pawpaws, leather- wood, prickly-ash, black haw, and other underbrush. At the Lawrence district fair, September, 1883, John Johnson exhibited fifty-four natural varieties of tim- ber of the township. Nearly all the valuable timber was recklessly destroyed in the clearing of the land, or has since been sold in the market. In an early day the level lands were covered with immense sheets of water, quagmires, and ponds. From its first settlement the township has con- stantly increased in wealth, as the wilderness disap- peared before the march of civilization. The taxable wealth of the township in 1883 was as follows: Farming and wild lands $1,041,196 Improvements 83,075 Lots 13,858 Improvements 20,885 Personal property 544,995 Total valuation $1,704,009 In 1883 there were in the township two hundred V h^ K-^yyf l^i--i>-Ou^^^ ^^ ^^Jig^-tri'^ LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 535 and twelve miles of drainajre (mostly tile), and the value of its manufactured goods in the year 1882 was twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dol- lars. In the year 1883 there were cultivated five thousand four hundred and fifteen acres in wheat, five thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven acres in corn, and one thousand and sixty-eight acres in other staple grains and in vegetables. There were two thousand two hundred and seventy-one acres in timothy meadow, and two thousand and eleven acres in clover. The following is the number of head of live-stock in the township in the year 1883 : Horses 934 Milch-cows 723 Other cattle 879 Mules 49 Sheep 2184 Hogs (fatted in 1882) 3340 The lands bordering on the creeks and rivulets are well supplied with springs, which afford a plentiful supply of water for stock, and the lands produce a luxuriant growth of blue-grass, and thus the town- ship contains quite a number of valuable stock farms, not excelled elsewhere in the county. In many portions of the township is found lime- stone, and in the peat swamps stratified rocks are found. Deposits of gravel and sand are found along the bluflPs of Fall Creek, and in numerous mounds scattered promiscuously throughout the township. Probably the most peculiar rock in the township is upon the farm of Mr. Jonah F. Lemon. It is about four feet in length by two feet each in width and height. The rock is composed entirely of very small stones, of almost every imaginable shape and color, and of adamantine hardness. Mr. Lemon prizes it very highly, and has refused an offer of one hundred dollars for it. A most peculiar limestone rock is found in the edge of a peat swamp on the farm of Mr. Robert Johnson. The stone rises above the ground to the height of ten feet, and in length ex- tends thirty feet ; the width is unknown, as the rock extends back into a hill fifty feet in perpendicular height. The stone contains many curious holes or crevices, no two of the same size or shape, while out of many water oozes continually. Fall Creek, Mud Creek, Indian Creek, and the tributary brooks afford thorough drainage for the lands embraced in the township. Fall Creek is so named from the falls at Pendleton. Mud Creek was so named by Elisha Reddick, from the fact that in the first settlement of the country the water at ita mouth was always muddy. Subsequently the name was changed, and it was called Walnut Creek, and was so recorded, but it is called by the original name. Indian Creek at first was called Indian Branch by Elisha Reddick, because Indians were found en- camped at various points along the stream. After- wards it gained the name of Indian Creek, and was so recorded. Fall Creek, the principal stream, enters the township one half-mile west of the northeast cor- ner, flows about a mile in a semicircle, and leaves the township. It re-enters about one and three-fourths miles west of the northeast corner, and flows in a southwesterly direction through the township, and leaving it at a point one and three-fourths miles north of the southwest corner. Mud Creek flows into the township at a point three and one-half miles west of the northeast corner, and flows in a direction bearing west of south, and empties into Fall Creek about three-fourths of a mile west of the centre of the town- ship. The source of Indian Creek is in the swamps in Hancock County, and it enters the township one mile north of the southeast corner, and flows in a ser- pentine course, with a general direction towards the northwest for a distance of several miles, and empties into Fall Creek about three-fourths of a mile north- northeast of the centre of the township. Three fine covered wooden bridges, costing eight thousand seven hundred and ten dollars each, span Fall Creek at convenient points; and Mud Creek is supplied with one covered wooden and one iron bridge, all built by the county. Since the country has become mostly cleared and drained these streams have become sub- ject to frequent damaging freshets, causing great de- struction to crops and property in the valleys almost annually. The freshets of June and August, 1875, were the most damaging in the history of the town- ship, although the one of January, 1847, was much 636 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. the highest. The freshet of November, 1883, did a great amount of damage. Lawrence township was erected April 16, 1822, by order of the board of county commissioners, and on the same day and by the same authority it was joined to Washington for purposes of township organization (neither township being sufficiently populous to be organized separatelyj. This union of the two town- ships as one continued until Sept. 4, 1826, when the board of justices ordered that Lawrence be taken from Washington and separately organized, and that an election be held on the first Saturday in the fol- lowing October at the house of John Johnson for choice of a justice of the peace for Lawrence, Alex- ander Wilson to be inspector of said election. The election was held as ordered, and resulted in the choice of Peter Casteller as justice of the peace. The fol- lowing is a list of officers of the township from its erection to the present time, viz. : JCSTICBS OP THB PBACB. ■William D. Rooker, June 22, 1822, to Deo. 2, 1826. Joel Wright, June 22, 1822, to Sept. 5, 1825; resigned. Hiram Bacon, Oct. 15, 1825, to Dec. 2, 1826. (The three preceding served for Washington and Lawrence while thej were joined as one township.) Peter Castetter, Dec. 15, 1826, to Dee. 15, 1831. John Bolander, Feb. 19, 18.31, to October. 1832; resigned. William J. Mcintosh, April 17, 1832, to January, 1835; re- signed. Joseph Johnston, Deo. 13, 1832, to Dec. 13, 1837. Daniel Sharts, April 18, 1835, to April 18, 1840. Joseph Johnston, Jan. 3, 1838, to Aug. 4, 1838; resigned. Madison Webb, April 20, 1840, to April 20, 1845. John Emery, Feb. 1, 1843, to Feb. 1, 1848. Madison Webb, April 26, 1845, to April 26, 1850. Travis Silvey, July 14, 1848, to July 11, 1853. James W. Perry, April 26, 1850, to March 9, 1862; resigned. Milford H. Vert, April 19, 1852, to April 19, 1856. Levi A. Hardesty, April 20, 1852, to April 20, 1856. Charles Faussett, July 16, 1853, to Nov. 24, 1854; resigned. Cornelius B. Wadsworth, April 23, 1866, to April 18, 1860. Moses Craig, May 1, 1866, to April 18, 1860. John Thomas, May 5, 1866, to April 18, 1860. John W. Combs, April 18, 1860, to April 18, 1868. John a. Downing, April 18, 1860, to April 18, 1868. John Thomas, April 20, 1860, to April 18, 1864. John Thomas, May 21, 1864, to March 8, 1867; resigned. Ozro Bates, April 22, 1866, to April 17, 1869. Thomas M. Elliott, April 20, 1867, to April 13, 1875. John W. Combs, April 21, 1868, to Sept. 7, 1875; resigned. Cornelius B. Wadsworth, April 17, 1869, to April 16, 1873. Charles Faussett, Sept. 16, 1875, to April 21, 1876. Robert Johnson, Oct. 2, 1875, to Got. 2, 1879. John A. Chapman, Oct. 30, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1880. Cornelius B. Wadsworth, Oct. 26, 1876, to Oct. 26, 1880. William Roberts, Nov. 19, 1880, to Oct. 30, 1884. Moses C. Hamilton, April 16, 1882, to April 15, 1886. TBUSTEES. William F. Combs, April 9, 1859, to April 14, 1860. Samuel Cory, April 14, 1860, to Oct. 24, 1874. George W. Stanley, Oct. 24, 1874, to April 14, 1880. William B. Flick, April 14, 1880, to April 15, 1884. ASSESSORS. William Mollvain, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. Peter Castetter, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 4, 1830. Daniel R. Smith, Jan. 4, 1830, to Jan. 2, 1832. Peter Castetter, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. Jacob Schenkle, Jan. 7, 1833, to Jan. 7, 1839. Robert Wells, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Jacob Sehenkle, Jan. 6, 1840, to Dec. 6, 1841. James Hinds, Jr., Dec. 17, 1862, to June 5, 1864. Jacob McCord, June 5, 1854, to Nov. 29, 1856. Joseph Badgley, Nov. 29, 1856, to Nov. 24, I860. George W. Teal, Nov. 24, I860, to Nov. 28, 1862. Moses Craig, Nov. 28, 1862, to Nov. 21, 1866. Cicero Vanlaningham, Nov. 21, 1866, to Oct. 29, 1868. Abel M. Wheeler, Oct. 29, 1868, to Aug. 1, 1873. Abel M. Wheeler, iMaroh 27, 1875, to April 11, 1878. John W. Combs, April U, 1878, to April 14, 1880. George W. Church, April 14, 1880, to April 10, 1882. George N. Kesselring, April 10, 1882, to April 10, 1884. When the fisrt settlers came into the township large numbers of Indians were encamped here, prin- cipally on Indian Creek. They were of the Delaware and Miami tribes, with a few Pottawatomies, and were in charge of three chiefs named Big Otter Skin and Old Buckwheat and a nearly deaf Indian (name unknown) aged about one hundred years. The Indians were very friendly to the new settlers, and made frequent visits to their cabins. There were three Indians living near the cabin of Elisha Eeddick, and they always expressed the warmest friendship for him, visiting him often, and in divers ways showing great attachment towards him. About the time Hudson, Sawyer, and Bridges were hung at Pendleton for the murder of Indians the redskins in this township became furiously enraged at the whites, and the latter became much alarmed. However, soon LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 637 afterwards (about the year 1826) the Indians departed from their hunting-grounds here never to return. Many Indian relics have been found in the township, principally upon the lands adjacent to the streams. These curious and interesting stones consist of darts, axes, hoes, pestles, etc. Many of the early settlers in this township came from Brown and Clermont Counties, Ohio. The families of Plummer, Hoss, Chapman, Johnson, and John Bolander came from Brown County ; those of Cory, Apple, Peter Bolander, Emry, Perkins, Helt- man, Smith, Lewis, Bragdon, Marshall, McCord, Wilmington, White, Reddick, Collous, Fred, and Brown (James P. and William), from Clermont. Other settlers emigrated from various localities, as hereafter mentioned. Following is a list of resident tax-payers in Law- rence in 1829, as shown by the assessment-roll of that year, viz. : Alexander Smith. Daniel Shurts. John Setter. Christopher Sellers. John A. Tuttle. Jeremiah Yanlaningham. Robert Warren. Christopher Beaver. William Beaver. James Ballenger. Isaac Ballenger. Peter Castetter. John Clark. Samuel Con. Andrew Clark. Leonard Elier. David Eller. Adam Eller. Andrew Eller. Nathan Essary. Robert Ellis. John Flannigan. James Flannigan. James Giles. William Graves. Robert Hewstin. Samuel Harrison. James Hines. Henry Hardin. John Johnson. Fountain Kimberlin. 35 George Long. Robert Large. Samuel Morrow. John McConnel. Alexander McClaren. William McClaren. Ephraim Morrison. John Negley. Samuel North. William North. Joseph North. John North. Heirs of Thomas North. James North. Jeremiah Plummer. William Reddick. Joshua Reddick. Alexis Riley. Conrad Ringer. David Ringer. Abraham Sellers. Jacob Shinkle. Daniel Speece. John Shinkle. Elisha Reddick was the first settler in the town- ship. He is a son of William and Margaret Reddick, and was born Jan. 9, 1797, in Pennsylvania. At an early age he went with his parents to Kentucky, and remained there until sixteen years of age, when he went to Clermont County, Ohio, where he married Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of John Johnson, in the year 1821. He came from there to this town- ship with his wife and son, James Milton, and settled near the " correction line," one-half mile east of Fall Creek, on the 18th day of October, 182.3. He entered one hundred and thirty-two acres of land and subsequently purchased one hundred and eighty acres more. He lived on that farm fifty-one years, and has been absent from the township (in Boone County, Ind.) only three years from 1873 since 1823. Mr. Reddick came here in an old Pennsyl- vania wagon, the bed of which would hold seventy- five bushels of corn. He brought with him two yoke of oxen, two horses, twenty-five hogs, two milch-cows, and twelve sheep. The wagon was loaded with provisions and household goods. The last four miles of his journey was accomplished with great difficulty, as he was compelled to cut his way through the timber and thick underbrush. For several months after his arrival at his new home Mr. Reddick did little but protect his stock from the wolves, wildcats, and other wild animals. Soon after his arrival at his now home he had a desperate encounter with a large catamount weighing not far from one hundred pounds. The reception was not a pleasant one, but after a fierce struggle he succeeded in dispatching it with his axe, but not until it had nearly killed his two dogs and severely injured him- self. Mr. Reddick states that it was the most dangerous encounter he ever experienced. . Ho killed no less than fifty wild-cats on his farm in the early years of his settlement, and with the assistance of his brother Joshua succeeded in killing three black bears. He says that when he first came to his new home the b-68 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. bottom-lands were exceedingly wet, and abounded in bayous and swamps and dense thickets, into which it was almost impossible to penetrate. Mr. Reddick was on the most intimate terms with the Indians ; he received them as visitors at his cabin, went hunt- ing, ran races and shot at marks with them, and in perfect contentment lived in their midst for three years, — until their departure. The first cabin raised in the township was that of Elisha Reddick, on the tract of land entered by him. He raised it in November, 1823. After he had his logs prepared he called upon the Indians in camp on Indian Creek to assist him. Their chief, " Big Otter Skin," promised the required help, and many of the Indians were ready to oflFer their assistance and help Mr. Reddick raise his wigwam, as they called it. Not an Indian came at the appointed time ; however, but they sent three squaws, who came riding up to the selected site for the cabin at the time fixed for the raising. Mr. Reddick told them to remain and help his squaw get dinner. They did so, and remained until evening. Mr. Reddick then, with the assistance of Alexander Smith, John McCounel, and John John- son, who were in the township prospecting for a location, and Charles Johnson, a boy seventeen years of age who had helped him move to the township, raised the cabin in two days' time. As an incident of pioneer life we will relate that Mr. Reddick once upon a time carried on horseback a grist of two and one-half bushels of corn sixty miles before he could get it ground. He first went to William Conners', near Noblesville, and got the corn. He took it to the falls of Fall Creek, and, being unable to get it ground there, he took it to Linton's Mill, on White River, near Indianapolis, then operated by Seth Bacon. He left it there and returned for it in one week. In time of high waters the early settlers used the " hominy-block" to make their meal. They would cook the coarsest of the meal for the grown folks and the finest for the children. Mr. Reddick states that for some time after he came into the township he was compelled to work all day and hunt raccoons nearly every night ; would frequently have three or four skins stretched before breakfast. They brought twenty-five cents each, and were considered a cash article, while corn, wheat, pork, chickens, etc., were exchangeable for dry-goods and groceries only. Mr. Reddick endured all the hardships and trials of a pioneer life, and witnessed the new country in which he so many years ago cast his fortune emerge from a wilderness to its present state of civilization. He is a member of the Universalist Church at Oak- land, and has been for twenty-five years. In his early settlement the latch-string was always hung out at his door, and the weary pilgrim cordially wel- comed within. He never refused the hungry food, the weary shelter, or the oppressed assistance. He has always been ready to nurse the sick, comfort the dying, and help bury the dead. His memory is good, his health fair, though his age is nearly eighty- seven years. He is a ready thinker, and delights to relate the incidents of his early pioneer life. He has been a farmer all his life, and cleared a large farm. His wife was also a member of the Univer- salist Church, and died in that faith a few years ago. Since her death Mr. Reddick has been living with his children. In all he had fourteen children, six of whom died in their infancy. James Milton, his eldest son, was born in Ohio, and came into Lawrence township with his parents. He served in the Fiftieth Indiana Regiment, and died in Louisville, Ky., in 1862, of typhoid fever. William Perry and John Newton (twins), the next eldest, were the first white children born in the town- ship. The former served in the Twenty-fifth Indiana Regiment, and was killed in 1862 at the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. The latter is a farmer, and lives on his farm one mile northeast of Lawrence. Margaret Ellen lives in Augusta, Ind., is the widow of Michael Day, and has two children. Charles was born in 1831, left the township in 1872, and has since lived near Sheridan, Ind. Lucinda died of spotted fever in this township in 1862. Her husband, Jesse Herrin, and two sonSj Aldus and Fernando, both of age, all live in this township. Augustus Harrison served nearly four years in the Union army (in 1861 to 1865) ; was severely wounded at Munfordsville, Ky. He is a resident of this town- LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 539 ship, and has lived here since his birth, except one year in Missouri and three years in Boone County, Ind. Elisha Taylor, the youngest son of Elisha Reddick, has been a resident of this county all his life except two years. He now lives in Indianapolis. William Reddick was born in Ireland about 1762, came to America with his parents when eleven years of age. While in Ireland he was bound to an older brother to work at the weaver's trade, and when they arrived in America he was rebound to a weaver in Pennsylvania. At the age of thirteen years he ran away and enlisted in Wayne's division, and served in the Revolutionary war six years and seven months. At the close of the war he returned to near Lebanon, j Pa., where he married Margaret Trump. He lived ! in Pennsylvania nineteen years after his marriage, and then went to what was called the " backwoods" in Virginia. In one year he returned to Pennsylva- nia. In 1805 he went to Bracken County, Ky., where he lived ten years. He then went to Ohio, and lived there until the latter part of November, 1823. During the war of 1812 he kept ferry at the mouth of Bull Skin, forty miles above Cincinnati, in Clermont County. He came to this township in the fall of 1824. He entered for his son Joshua one hundred and sixty acres of land just northwest of the mouth of Mud Creek. He lived on that farm until his death, in October, 1831, at the age of sixty-nine years. He laid out and set apart the first graveyard in the township. He was a Methodist nearly all his life, and was a moral and strictly honest man. Circuit preaching was held at his house for years, and minis- ters were always welcome at his abode ; in fact, no person ever failed to receive hospitable treatment at his hands. He was a class-leader in the church and a true Christian. The first sermon ever delivered in the township was at his cabin. His wife lived nearly forty years after his death, and died in Clinton County, 111., of milk sickness, at the age of ninety- three years. She also was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from childhood. The number of their children was ten, two of whom never came into this county, and but three are now living. Margaret lived here twenty years, married, went to Missouri, and died, aged eighty-two. Polly married James Giles. Died about 1831. Katie lived in this county forty years ; married James Gittleman. Died in Kansas in May, 1883, of apoplexy, at the age of eighty-nine. Elisha (first settler in Lawrence as before mentioned). Joshua (noticed elsewhere). Helen ijiarried Alexander McClaren. Died two years ago in Illinois, at the age of seventy-two. Lived in this county thirty years, and was thirty-five when she left. Lucinda lives at Lathrop, Mo. She lived in this county forty years. Rachel married Moses McClaren, and lives in this county, one mile west of Castleton. She was fourteen years old when her parents came to this county, and has lived here ever since. Aged seventy- three. Joshua Reddick, son of William and Margaret Reddick, was born in Washington County, Pa., May 20, 180-1. He went with his father on his various journeys till the last of November, 1823, when he came to this township. He raised a small crop in 1824, and in the fall of that year he went to Ohio and brought his parents and sisters to this new country. He settled on the farm now known as the Elijah Fletcher farm, and one hundred and sixty acres of which was entered for him by his father in 1825. Mr. Reddick lived there about twenty-three years. He sold the ftirm in 1848 and went to Clin- ton County, 111., where he resided until October, 1859, when he died of milk sickness. Mr. Reddick and three of his grown children died within two weeks' time. His wife died of the same disease in the following April. Mr. Reddick married Elizabeth, daughter of Adam Eller. Mr. Reddick was a farmer, and in religious belief a Universalist. He took a great interest in all public improvements, and gave all his children a good education. He had eight children, — seven were born in this township and one in Illinois. Six of the children went to Clin- ton County, 111., with their parents. Catharine, the youngest, married George Church, and lived here until her death in 1878. Three of the other children are dead. Samuel Morrow was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., about 1789, of Irish descent. Married 540 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Agnes Anderson. In 1821 or 1822 himself, wife, two S0D8, Adam Kerr, and his son, Samuel Kerr, took passage on a flat-boat, and landed at Cincinnati, Ohio, with a span of horses and two "tester" bed- steads. They went from there to near Brookville, Ind., and remained till the fall of 1824. Through the solicitation of John Johnson, his cousin, he came to this township in November, 1824. He entered eighty acres of land Aug. 25, 1824. It is known as a part of the Webb farm, and joined John Johnson on the west. Immediately after his arrival he cleared a spot of ground for his cabin, and erected it on the north side of Fall Creek. He brought into the town- ship with him two horses, one yoke of oxen, and two milch-cows. Thirteen persons landed in the township with Mr. Morrow, and remained with him in his cabin during the following winter. Tiie cabin erected was eighteen feet by twenty feet, without floor. The roof was made of clapboards, and having no nails to nail the boards on, they were weighted down with poles, and thus kept in place. The room was divided in sleeping apartments by hanging quilts for partitions. As soon as Mr. Morrow had his cabin completed he began clearing his land. The Indians called fre- quently at his cabin, and camped quite a while on his farm. A great deal of sickness prevailed at the cabin of this new settler. His son, Jacob A., and his two daughters, Elizabeth and Thersa, as well as Jacob Anderson, who was there on a visit, and Adam Kerr, all died there about the same time, and were buried in the Joshua Reddick graveyard. His phy- sicians were Dr. Isaac Coe and Dr. Mears, of Indian- apolis, the nearest doctors. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and his family used to ride horseback to Indianapolis, and attend church at the Presbyterian meeting-house on Pennsylvania Street, north of Market. He was a moral, upright man, sociable, neighborly, and exceedingly popular. He was a farmer all his life, and did an immense amount of hard work. He experienced all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and stood up bravely against them all. He was a voter at the first election in the township, and was elected supervisor. When he first came to the township he had to go to Con- ner's, near Noblesville, and get corn, and then take it to a mill on Fall Creek, near where the Crawfords- ville road crosses the stream, to get it ground. It took two days to make the round trip horseback with a two-bushel grist — distance ten miles — from his cabin. That was the nearest mill at that time, and the nearest school-house was six miles. He lived in the township until about 1831, when he went to Washington township, this county, and thence to Morgan County, Ind. He lost an arm while there, and then went to near Colfax, Jasper Co., Iowa, where he bought a pre-emption right, and subse- quently entered the tract, on which he died in the year 1850. His son John died in Iowa. Two daughters, Martha Plummer and Margaret Griggs, are living, the former in Iowa. The following are the names of the thirteen who came from Brookville, Ind., to this township to- gether : Samuel Morrow. Agnes Morrow, his wife. John Morrow, his son. Jacob A. Morrow, his son. Robert Ellis. Martha Ellis, his wife. Elizabeth Ellis, his daughter. John Ellis, his son. Samuel Stewart Ellis, his son. Samuel Johnson Black. William M. Black. Adam Kerr. Samuel Kerr, his son. Of the thirteen but three are living, namely : Samuel S. Ellis, at Leavenworth, Kan. ; Elizabeth Moore, at Des Moines, Iowa ; William M. Black, at Indianapolis, Ind. Robert Ellis was born in New York State. He came on flat-boat from Westmoreland County, Pa., to Cincinnati, Ohio, going thence to Brookville, Ind., in May, 1824. He brought with him his wife (formerly Martha Morrow) and his daughter Eliza- beth, and two sons, John and Samuel Stewart, and also Samuel Johnson Black, who was living with him. In the fall of the same year the party came to this township with Samuel Morrow, and lived with him in his cabin for six months. He then settled on LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 541 Congress land ; farm now owned by Robert Johnson. He raised a cabin, and lived there till about 1830, and then went to Hamilton County, Ohio. In 1832 he went to Marietta, Ohio, to visit a sister, took the cholera, and died. The heirs failed to pay for the land he had bought in Hamilton County, and lost it. His wife was a Presbyterian, and, after her husband's death, moved to various places, finally to Iowa, and died there at the house of her daughter, Elizabeth Moore, in Des Moines. Of the three children who came into this township with their parents two are living. Elizabeth married S. P. Moore, and lives in Des Moines, Iowa ; Samuel Stewart lives in Leaven- worth, Kan. ; John went to Illinois years ago, and died there. There were four other children born afler Mr. Ellis and family came here, viz. : James, who died in the army ; Margaret, who lived in Iowa at last accounts ; Mary J., who lives in Chicago with her daughter ; William B., who lives in Franklin, Ind. Samuel Johnson Black came to the township at the age of twelve years, and lived with Robert Ellis about five years. He then began learning the tan- ner's trade with Abraham Sellers, in this township, worked three years, and then went to Indianapolis with Blythe and Noble. He died in Newton, Jasper Co., Iowa, about 1853. He was one of the party of thirteen who came here together in the fall of 1824. Adam Kerr came to the township with Samuel Morrow, his brother-in-law, from Pennsylvania, at an advanced age, and lived here until his death, which occurred Aug. 27, 1828. He was buried in the Reddick graveyard. Samuel Kerr came to this township with his father, Adam, and Samuel Morrow. He was a boy thirteen years of age in the year 1824. After his father's death he continued living with Samuel Mor- row and with Hiram Bacon until a young man ; learned the blacksmith trade with Thomas Long, worked at journey-work awhile, and then began busi- ness for himself near where Millersville now stands. He married Caroline Ringer, and after her death he married Catherine Easterday. He carried on his trade for several years, where Glen Ethel now is, and died there in 1861. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, a moral, industrious citizen, firm in his convictions, and his word was as good as his bond. He experienced all the trials incident to pioneer life. William M. Black, son of Thomas R. and Sarah Black, was born in Erie County, Pa., on the waters of French Creek, Jan. 1, 1811. He was taken by his uncle, Samuel Morrow, on horseback when quite a small boy to Westmoreland County, Pa. He came from there with Robert Ellis and family to' near Brookville, Ind., in May, 1824, and in the fall of the same year came to this township, being one of the party of thirteen. He lived with Samuel Morrow till Jan. 18, 1827, and helped him clear land. Mr. Morrow gave him the privilege of remaining with him till of age and receiving an eighty-acre tract of land or learning a trade. He chose to learn the tan- ner's trade. He learned it with Yandes & Wilkins in Indianapolis. He lived with John Wilkins in a house that stood where the station-house now stands. Apprenticed five years, after which he worked at journey-work till March, 1833. He then entered into a partnership with Yandes & Wilkins, himself owning a half interest, and bought a tan-yard of John G. Kline at Mooresville, Ind. In 1839, Mr. Black sold his interest and moved to IndiaDapolis, and has lived there ever since, following various occupations. On July 4, 1833, he married Frances Hardwick, daughter of John and Sarah Hardwick. They have had nine children, six of whom are living, — Sarah and John H. live in Indianapolis, Martha J. lives at home with her parents, Nancy L. lives in Morgan County, Thomas S. is in Virginia, and Elizabeth lives in Washington Territory. Mr. Black is an ardent Free- mason, and is tiler of every lodge, chapter, council, and commandery, both subordinate and grand, that meets in the Masonic Temple. He has been tiler of Marion Lodge since 1867, and of the Grand Lodge since 1869. When the old Masonic building was torn down in 1874 his name was found recorded oti papers found in the corner-stone, showing that he was a member when that building was erected. His name is also deposited in the corner-stone of the new build- ing. He was raised a Presbyterian, but is now a Methodist. He saw the first engine and first steam- boat, " General Hanna," come to Indianapolis. «42 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Robert Warren was born in Kentucky in 1797, on Clinch Mountain, at the head of Big Sandy, and with his wife and two children, William and Matilda, came to this county in 1821, and lived near where Millers- ville now is till the year 1824, then came to this township, and entered eighty acres of land just north of and adjoining the land known as the Elisha Reddick land. He lived there seven years and then went to Crawibrdsville, where he lived five years, and moved to Michigan, and subsequently to Iowa, where he was living at last accounts. He was a great hunter and a crack shot. He killed a large number of deer ; his gun furnished most of the meat for the table. He was a member of the Methodist Church when he lived in this county ; he afterwards became a Univer- salist. Mr. Warren was a kind and good neighbor, and a skillful nurse of the sick. He was very healthy and robust. When he left this county six children and his wife left with him. Nothing further is known of their history. John Sellers was born in Kentucky, on Clinch Mountain, at the head of Big Sandy, about the year 1797. He came to this county in 1821 and settled near (east of) where Millersville now is. Lived there three years, and then entered eighty acres in what is known as the Ringer Settlement in this township. He cleared a portion of the tract, and about 1840 he sold out and went to Illinois, where he died about 1871. Christopher Sellers was born about 1804, on Clinch Mountain, in Kentucky. He married a daughter of Nathan Essary about 1827. He came to this county in 1822, and into this township about 1825. He went to Hamilton County, Ind., about 1829, and died there about 1880. Daniel Sharts came to this county with a colony of Lutherans in the year 1824, and with his wife and four children settled on a farm now owned by Anna C. Pressly, two miles south of Millersville. He entered a tract of land there and lived upon it until he died, about ten or twelve years ago. He was a Lutheran all his life, and took an active part in all church affairs. He was a justice of the peace for some years, and was a good citizen. Of the children that came with him, Hanson was raised in this township, and is now living in the county. Joseph died in California about 1850. He was drowned in the American River. Rebecca went to Illinois about 1855, and lives there now. William died in Hamilton County, Ind., three years ago. Fountain Kimberlain was born in Kentucky. He came to this county in 1820, and first settled about half a mile north of where AUisonville now is. He lived there seven years. In 1827 he came to this town- ship, and entered the eighty-acre tract of land now owned by his heirs. On that laud he lived until his death, in 1864. He followed farming all his life. He built a saw-mill on Fall Creek about 1835, but tore it down in about five years. The election was held at his house for several years from about 18.37. In 1827 he married Elizabeth Shenkle. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church nearly all his life, — a conscientious, upright, moral man. There were born unto himself and wife ten children, three of whom are living, namely : Marion and John Wesley, farmers, and residents of this town- ship ; and Julia Ann, wife of John Thorp, a resident of this township. Christopher Beaver was born in North Carolina, and emigrated to this township about 1824, and settled near where the Salem Lutheran Church now stands. He came to this country with two six-horse teams, following an Indian trail for more than twenty miles. His wife died in Butler County, Ohio ; and six children came from there to his new home here with him. He died here after a continuous residence of thirty- one years. He was a farmer all his life. He spent all his spare time hunting deer for years after his arrival here, and he was a dead shot. He never swore, drank, or gambled. He was a strict Lutheran for several years prior to his death. Polly, the oldest daughter, came to the township in 1824 with her husband, Samuel Harrison, and three chil- dren. She died here about twenty years ago. Wil- liam, born in North Carolina, came to this township with his father, and died here about 1859. Sarah, born in North Carolina, came to this township with her father, and died in Oakland, Marion Co., about 1873. Mary, born in North Carolina, came to this township with her father, and died in Hamilton LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 543 County, Ind., fourteen years ago. Henry, Moses, Ann, and p]lizabeth were born in Ohio, and came to this township with their father. They all lived here until their deaths. Henry died eight years ago ; Moses died forty years ago ; Ann died fifteen years ago, at the ajre of thirty years ; Elizabeth married James N. McCoy, and died at the age of sixty-one years only a few years ago. Samuel Harrison was born in North Carolina, and with his wife and three children came from Butler County, Ohio, to this township in 1824 with his father-in-law, Christopher Beaver, and lived on his farm eight years. He then went to Hamilton County, Ind., and died there about twenty years ago. He was a blacksmith by trade. He took a lease and cleared a large tract of land in this township. He followed farming the latter part of his life. He was a moral man, — a member of the Campbellite Church. Samuel North was born near Stillwater, Ohio, and from there came to Lawrence township in 1825 with his wife, formerly Mahala Brooks, and one daughter. He entered the eighty-acre tract of land now owned by V. T. Malott, one mile west of Lawrence. He lived there two years, and moved into Washington township, this county, and died near Allisonville many years ago. He was a farmer. William North was born near Stillwater, Ohio. He came here in 1825 with his wife and one child. He lived here four years, then sold out, and returned to Ohio. He subsequently went to Mis.souri. Joseph North came here from Little Troy, Ohio, at an early date, and owned forty acres where John Newhouse now lives. In or about 1850, he returned to Ohio. John North was born in North Carolina. He was a Tory during the Revolutionary war. From North Carolina he went to Ohio, and in the spring of 1827 he came here. There were high waters nearly the whole of that year, and he had a terrible time getting to his destination. He entered the eighty acres of land now owned by James McHaffey. Mr. North was a farmer, and both himself and wife lived to be about ninety years of age. They both died on the old homestead many years ago. James North was born in North Carolina. He emigrated to Stillwater, Ohio, and thence here in the year 1821. After his arrival he married Mary Flan- nigan, and three sons and one daughter were the number of their children. He lived here about thirty-five years, until his death, in 1860. He never owned any land, though he was a farmer. Thomas North came to this township from Still- water, Ohio, in the year 1824. He entered eighty acres of land, now owned by Samuel Cory ; he was a farmer, and died in 1826. His daughter, Matilda, married Richard North, and went to Missouri about 1838. His son, Alexander, returned to Stillwater, Ohio, about 1838. David Ringer was born in Maryland in 1790. Himself and family, consisting of wife (Susan Darr) and two children, came with the Lutheran colony to this county in 1824. He located at tnce on the land now owned by James Pressly, and lived there the remainder of his life, — about forty-one years. He died June 25, 1865. He was one of the prominent members of the colony, and identified with the Lu- theran Church nearly all his life. He was a farmer and a good citizen. He was married three times ; his last wife died at the age of eighty-nine years. His son Peter died at New Britain, Ind., in 1859; lived in this township twenty-seven years. His daughter Delana is the wife of Leander Harper, a prominent citizen of Lawrence township. Conrad Ringer was born in Washington, Md., in 1792. Himself and family, consisting of wife (Mary D. Bower) and four children, came from Maryland to this State with the colony of Lutherans, and located in this township in 1824, about one mile southeast of where Millersville now is. He entered two hundred and forty acres, and lived upon the land until his death, in 1851. The land is now owned by six dif- ferent persons. He followed farming all his life. He was a member of the Lutheran Church long before he came to this county, and was a leading member at the time of his death. He was an earnest encourager of all laudable enterprises, a good citizen and a Chris- tian. The names of the children who came with him to this county are Caroline, Joseph, Jacob J., and Emma E. The first named married Samuel Kerr, 644 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. »nd died December, 1844. Joseph was a farmer and blacksmith ; died about 1857 ; lived in township twentj-eight years. Jacob J. lived in this county about twenty-nine years ; now lives in Cass County, Ind. Emma E. married John C. Hoss, and has lived in this county since 1824. Mr. Ringer had five chil- dren born in this county, — three boys and two girls. Two are living, Harrison and Ann, both in this town- ship. Jeremiah Vanlaningham was born in Fleming County, Ky., in May, 1801. He assisted his father in clearing a farm in Bath County, Ky. At the age of eighteen he went to New Orleans as a hand on a flat-boat, returning home on foot. He drove hogs to Washington City in 1821, and returned to Kentucky on foot. In 1822 drove hogs to South Carolina, and returned on foot. In 1823 drove hogs to North Carolina, and returned home on foot. In 1824 drove hogs to Petersburg, Va., and returned home on foot. In fall of 1824 he came to Indiana and selected land in this township, upon which he moved with his wife and two children in the fall of 1828. The farm is situated on Indian Creek, one mile southwest of Oak- land. He settled in the woods and cleared a farm, and resides upon it now. His wife (Nancy Denton), to whom he was married in 1822, died about seven years ago. Mr. Vanlaningham is a highly respected and prominent citizen of the township. He has endured many privations and trials, but has triumphed over them all. Of the two children who came to the township with, him but one (Woodford) is now alive. He has lived in the township fifty-five years. The other child (Jane) lived in the township seventeen years ; married James McClain, and is now dead. Mr. Vanlaningham had eight children born here ; six are living. Ellen lives in Hancock County, Ind., and John lives in Texas ; the remainder live in this township. Alexander Smith came into this township in 1825 and entered forty acres on Indian Creek, near its mouth. In 1827 he married Betsy McConnell. He was a shoemaker by trade, but followed farming also for a livelihood. He lived on that forty acres about twelve years, and then moved to the Indian reserve in this State, where he lived about twelve years until his death. John Shenkles was born in Ohio in 1803; was married to Isabel McConnell in Brown County, Ohio, in 1822. In 1824 they came to this township and settled on Indian Creek, two and a half miles south of where Oakland now is. He remained there about twenty-two years, and emigrated with his family to Illinois, and subsequently to Iowa, where he died about 1877. He was a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for thirty years previous to his death. His wife also belonged to the same church. John Mock was born June 1, 1820, in Butler County, Ohio. At the age of three years he went with his father to Ripley County, Ind. ; lived there three years, and returned to Ohio ; remained there till 1831, in which year he came to this township with his father. He has resided here since 1831. His mother died when he was but seventeen months old. Mr. Mock has lived on his farm adjoining Oak- land during the past thirty-two years, and in the township fifty-two years. He laid off an addition to the town of Oakland several years ago. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church about twenty-five years. He has been married twice. His first wife's maiden name was Leah Klepfer, and that of his second wife was Mary Ann Lingle. Mr. Mock is a Freemason, a Democrat, and a good citizen. Alexis Riley was born in Maryland about 1802. At the age of eleven years he went to Clermont County, Ohio, and in the year 1824 he came to this county. He worked two years for Peter Negley, near Millersville, this county, and in 1826 bought forty acres of government land about two miles south- west of where Oakland now is. He came into the township with his family, coqsisting of wife (Nancy Moore) and four children. He was a farmer and great stock-raiser. He was raised a Catholic, but never pro- fessed any religion. He was a great promoter of the public schools and the cause of education. At one time he operated a little mill on Indian Creek for about ten years. In all he had ten children, — two by his second wife (Jane Davis). Of the four children who came into the township with him, two, John and Oliver, are dead, and Klias L. went to Illinois about 1856, and lives there now. Ellen has never LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. &46 left the township, and is now the wife of Joseph N. Day. Of the children born here, Charles J. and George N. are dead ; Stephen P., Wesley, Lavinia, and William have lived here since their birth. Stephen P. Riley is a son of Alexis and Nancy Riley, and was born in this township in 1832, and lived in it ever since. He lives half a mile west of Oakland on a farm. He married Lizzie Bolander, and has four children, — one son and three daughters. He is a member of the Patrons of. Husbandry, Inde- pendent Order of Odd-Fellows, and Free and Ac- cepted Masons. He is one of the most influential citizens in the township. He takes a great interest in politics, and always votes the Republican ticket. He takes great delight in encouraging every worthy public enterprise. William Lakin came here from Clermont County, Ohio, about 1833, and took a lease. Afterwards he traded the lease for forty acres where Daniel Jordan now lives. He took an active part in the building of the first church in this township, and was a prominent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for nearly half a century. He was a class- leader and an exhorter, and took a great interest in church affairs. He moved to Jennings County, Ind., about 1847, and died two years ago. His widow lives in Indianapolis. One of his children lives in Ripley County, Ind. One of his daughters married, and lives in Grant County, Ind. Another lives in this township, and is Anderson Hamilton's widow. Alexander Mock was born in Butler County, Ohio, in 1815. He came to this township in 1831, and is one of its prominent and successful farmers. James Hines, Sr., came from Lawrenceburg, Ind., to this township in 1826 with a wife, two sons, and one daughter. He herded fifty head of cattle for Gen. Hanna for some time, and the general gave Mr. Hines a forty-acre tract of land, entered by him, situated one-half mile southwest of where Oakland now is. He was a farmer and a great hog-trader. His three children are all dead. James was killed accidentally at the Methodist Episcopal Church building in Oakland ; Lovey married John Hoss, and died the mother of six children ; Clark died in Hancock County, Ind., about 1881. He lived here about forty years. James Hines, Sr., died about 1850. His wife is also dead. Thus not one of the family of five that came here together is living to-day. Andrew McDonald was bom in North Carolina. He came from Clermont County, Ohio, with a wife and several children to this township in 1826, and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in 1827. Mr. G. McLain is thef present owner of the tract. Mr. McDonald was a farmer ; remained here only a short time. William Gallon was born in Kentucky May 16, 1799. He went to Clermont County, Ohio, with his parents at the age of four years. There he married Ruth Wells, and in the year 1828 he emigrated with his family — wife and two children — to this township. He entered sixty-three acres three-fourths of a mile north of where Lawrence now is ; was a farmer, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for forty years. He died Jan. 7, 1867. His wife died June 6, 1880. William and Leonidas were the children that came here with the father and mother. William died at the age of eighteen years ; Leonidas went to Iowa in 1868, and now lives there. There were eight other children, all born in this township. James Giles and family came from Bracken County, Ky., in 1824, and entered eighty acres where Joseph N. Day now resides, — near the mouth of Indian Creek. His wife's maiden name was Mary Reddiok, whom he married in 1818. He lived here until 1835, and then went to Tipton County, and died in May, 1875. He was a farmer, and a fine man. He had two sons and four daughters. William, the oldest son, died while working on the Wabash and Erie Canal, in Hamilton County, Ind. ; James and Sallie live in Tipton County ; Lettie in Missouri ; Marie lives near Perkinsville, Ind., and Catharine is dead. Robert Huston came from Brown County, Ohio, to this township about 1827, and worked on the farm of Elisha Reddick one year, raising five acres of corn. The next spring he went to Rush County, Ind., where he had left his family, and brought them here. He resided for several years on the farm east of the Mcllvain farm and north of Fall Creek, and then 546 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. moved to what is known as the McCormick farm. Here he lived until about 1848, when he died at the age of fifty-eight years. He married Barbara Shengles. She has been dead thirty years. Mr. Huston was a Methodist seven years ; was constable for ten years, and was serving as such when he died. He had five sons and two daughters, — William, Jacob, Joshua, George, Fountain, Betsy, and Polly. Fountain and William live in 'Bracken County, Ky. ; Jacob and George are dead, — the former died here at the age of thirty, and the latter died about 1873, and his family lives in Washington Territory ; Joshua lives in Boone County, Ind. ; Betsy and Polly both died unmarried before 1861 in Warren township, this county. Henry Hardin came from Lawrenceburg, Ind., to Lawrence township in the fall of 1 825, and settled in the woods on one hundred and forty acres of land that he had entered from the government. He raised a cabin upon his land, on a spot near where Jonah F. Lemon now resides. He cleared about forty acres of the fractional quarter-section. His wife's maiden name was Ludwick. He was converted at a prayer-meeting at the house of William Reddick about 1828, and shortly afterwards began preaching. He lived in this township twenty years, and then moved to Iowa. He was a moral, upright, conscientious man, and a kind, generous neighbor. Ephriam Morrison came to this township in the year 1825 from Lawrenceburg, Ind., bought the farm of one hundred and forty-two acres owned by William McClaren, and settled upon it. At that time fifteen acres was cleared. The farm is now owned by H. M. and J. E. Hunter. In 1845 he went to Iowa, and died there after a residence of five years. His sons, Wil- liam and Perry, went to California after their father's death, but subsequently returned, and took their mother (who was a sister to Henry Hardin) and the rest of the family to California. William McClaren was born in Manchester, Ohio, in 1797. He emigrated in 1824 with his wife and two children to this township, and entered the fractional quarter-section subsequently owned by Ephraim Morrison, but now owned by H. M. and J. E. Hunter. He lived there only one year, sold to Mor- rison, and purchased the ninety-one-acre tract now owned by D. Leatherraan. He lived there about ten years, and went to Bloomington, Iowa, where he died. His family are all dead except his son Andrew. Mr. McClaren had four children when he left this county. He was a great trader, and made his living mostly in that way. He was an intelligent man, and one of the shrewdest in this township in those days. He was a good pettifogger, and practiced considerably before the justices of the peace. Robert Wells was born in Mason County, Ky., in 1804. Emigrated with wife and son Aaron to this township about 1827, and bought the fractional quar- ter-section now owned by John Newton Reddick, where he lived for twenty or twenty-five years. He then sold the farm to Robert Walpole and went to Stringtown, Ind., where he lived two years, thence moved to the Twelve-mile Prairie, thence to Ander- son, and since the war of 1861—65 went to Illinois, where he died about 1875. His wife died when he lived on the Twelve-mile Prairie. He was a farmer while he lived here, but subsequently became a shoemaker and a dealer in harness and saddlery. He and his wife were both members of the United Brethren Church, and they died in that faith. For four or five years that denomination held preaching at his house. He took a great interest in improving the public highways, in advancing the cause of edu- cation, and, in fact, in all laudable public enterprises. He was regarded by all who knew him as a model gentleman, and by his emigration the township lost one of its best citizens. He had six children when he left here. His son Aaron lives in Illinois. John Johnson was a native of Ireland, but was raised in Kentucky. He went from there to Ohio. From there he came to this township, arriving on New- Year's day, 1824. He entered in all seven hundred and twenty acres of land in the vicinity of where the correction line crosses Fall Creek. He erected his cabin about half a mile southeast of the hill known as the Johnson Hill. There he lived until his death in 1849, aged sixty-seven years. His wife's maiden name was Jane McConnel. She died four years before him, at the age of sixty-three years. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 547 took great interest in church affairs. His wife and the most of his children died in that faith. He huilt a mill on Fall Creek in 1825, and operated it for years. The first election ever held in the town- ship was at his cabin, and he was one of the thirteen electors. He was instrumental in bringing quite a number of new settlers into the township shortly after his arrival. He was a farmer and miller, — industri- ous, persevering, and moral. He had two sons and five daughters. Charles, the oldest son, came to the township with Elisha Reddiek in October, 1823. When twenty-one years of age his father gave him eighty acres of land. Charles grubbed three acres. He went in swimming the day after he was tweuty- one years old, took the fever, and died four days thereafter. John Calvin died two years after his father's death. Elizabeth married Elisha Reddiek in Ohio in 1822, and died in this township March 11, 1872, at the age of sixty-eight years. Isabel, Mary, and Jennie are also dead. Nellie married John Newkirk, moved to Carlisle, 111., about 1850, where she now resides. Robert Large came into the township about 1825. He owned no land, but lived on the farm now owned by Philip Miller ; lived there eight years and went to Washington township, this county, and subsequently died there. His vocation was fishing, and he did little else. James Ballenger came to this township about 1825. He lived on Daniel Ballenger's land, half a mile east of where Millersville now is, about eight years, then went to Washington township, this county, and died there. George Long was a native of England. He came to this township with his family about 1827, and entered one hundred and sixty acres, now owned by Dr. Jonathan Conkle. He lived there ten or twelve years and went to Missouri, where he now resides. He is a tailor by trade, but was a farmer when here, and cleared a large farm. Two of his daugh- ters live here. Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Swarm, lives in Centre township, and Ellen, the widow of Simeon Mock, lives near Germantown. Alexander McClaren was born near Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1804. He went to Kentucky when a mere boy, and from there came to this township in 1824. He was married here to Helen Reddiek. daughter of William Reddiek. He bought eighty acres, the farm now owned by John Sargent, in 1828. He was a shoemaker, and worked at his trade evenings. He was a very industrious man, and prospered. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he improved every opportunity to ad- vance the interest of that denomination. He was a leader in the building of the Hopewell Methodist Episcopal Church. He sold his land here about 1850 and went to Clinton County, 111. He died about 1859. He had six sons and four daughters. His wife died in 1881. Five of the sons lived in Clinton County, 111. Andrew died more than twenty years ago. Moses McClaren was born in Adams County, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1810, and went to Kentucky with his parents about 1820. From there he came to Marion County in the fall of 1823, and in 1832 settled in this town- ship, half a mile above the mouth of Mud Creek. That year he married Rachel, daughter of William Reddiek. He lived in this township twelve years, following farming. He and his wife now live half a mile east of Allisonville, this county, where they hav« lived during the last fifty-one years. He has been a member of the Allisonville Methodist Episcopal Church since 1849. He is a Republican in politics. His residence of sixty-three years in the county has given him an opportunity to become acquainted with the first citizens. He is now in the " sear and yellow leaf" of life, and is honored and respected by all who know him. His children, nine in number, are all dead. John Gillam entered one hundred and sixty acres in 1828, the same now owned by John F. Sterrett. He was a farmer, and a hard-working man. He raised quite a family of children, and taught them all to believe in witches and witchcraft. He sold his land here, and went to Illinois with his family in 1840. John Collins came to this county from Mason County, Ky., in 1820. He was in Washington township a few years, and in 1824 or 1825 he came into this township, where he lived about twenty years. 548 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. He followed hunting for a living, was in the woods nearly all the time, atid strolled from place to place. No person knows whither he went from this town- ship. Adam EUer came from Stillwater, Ohio, with family (wife aud six children) in a very early day. He entered one hundred and sixty acres, a part of which is now owned by Philip Miller. Mr. EUer was a farmer, and died there forty years ago. His wife also died several years ago. His daughters were Elizabeth, Lucinda, and Nancy, and they all moved to Illinois years ago. His sons were David, Andrew, and Leonard. David Eller came from Stillwater, Ohio, with his father, Adam. He entered the farm now owned by Ettie Newhouse, and married Lucinda Reddick. He was a farmer and also a carpenter. He was a great and noted hunter. About 1854 he went to Kirks- ville, Mo., and died there in 1875. He was in Cali- fornia during the gold fever about 1849. Leonard Eller came from Ohio with his father, Adam. He went West at the age of twenty years. Andrew Eller, son of Adam, came here with his father at a very early date. His first wife was Martha, daughter of John McConnell. Mr. Eller entered eighty acres, now owned by Josiah Day. He moved upon it in 1835, and in 1840 he moved on the farm now owned by Christopher McConnell. In about 1853 he moved on the John Johnson place. His second wife's maiden name was Elizabeth Flanin- gan. She only lived three years, and he then mar- ried the widow of John Calvin Johnson. In 1859 he went to Missouri, but returned to this county during the Rebellion on account of the troubles in Missouri. At the close of the war he returned to Missouri. In the early settlement of the country he was a great deer-hunter. He was a good citizen and a kind neighbor when in this county. Edmund Newhouse was born near Charlestown, Va., about 1796, and came here in 1832. He entered one hundred and sixty acres about three- fourths of a mile west of where Lawrence now is. He followed farming for a livelihood until a few years ago. He is now eighty-seven years old, and lives on the old homestead with his children. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church about fifty years, and was one of the founders of the Lawrence Methodist Episcopal Church about the year 1838. He and his children and grandchildren are among the best and most highly respected of Lawrence township's citizens. Jacob Shenkle came here from Brown County, Ohio, with his wife, two sons, and a daughter. He entered one hundred and sixty acres of land on Indian Creek, — now owned by Lewis Hossenfans, — • and was assessor of the township by appointment many years. He sold his farm in 1841 and left the county. His son John went to Illinois, and Benja- min moved West. His daughter Elizabeth married Fountain Kimberlain in 1827. William Dickerson came from Kentucky to this county in 1825 with his wife, three sons, and five daughters. He lived three miles east of Indian- apolis for five years, and then came to this township and entered eighty acres, being the east eighty- acre tract now owned by John D. Louden. He was a farmer, and died on the above eighty-acre tract in the year 1851. Merritt, liis second son, was killed by a railway train, in 1850, at the crossing of Indian Creek. The other two sons are dead. The five daughters went to Pana, 111. Abel Swords came from Ohio about the year 1827, and entered the west eighty-acre tract now owned by John D. Louden. His wife, four sons, and two daughters came here with him. He died in •Washington township, this county, about 1861. His wife died on the old homestead. His sons, William and Robert, live in this township. Daniel Speece was born Jan. 10, 1802, in the State of Kentucky. From there he came to this township in January, 1828. He was married, March 9, 1825, to Elizabeth Fidaman. They emi- grated here with two children, Franklin and Fred- erick M. Mr. Speece was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since the oldest member of the family can remember, and he died in that faith at an advanced age. His widow is still living, although very feeble. Mr. Speece, if not the first, was one of the first teachers in the first log school-house built in this township. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 549 Their son Franklin died in 1852, and Frederick M. emigrated to Kansas. Thirteen other children were born to these old pioneers, eight of whom are dead. William H. lives at home with his mother; George lives at Glenn's Valley, this county ; Thomas B. J. lives in this township ; Joseph is in Missouri ; and Martha Ann in Kansas. John Thomas was born June 20, 1805, near Red Stone Old Fort, Pa. He lived in Hamilton County, Ohio, from June, 1806, till 1815, when he went to Clermont County, Ohio. His mother died in the year 1810. Mr. Thomas was married to Harriet Bradbury on the 9th of March, 1828. On Sept. 16, 1832, he came here and settled in the woods near and east of Minnewan Springs. He made shelter for his family out of brush until he could raise a log cabin. After his cabin was in order, he and his wife began clearing the eighty-acre tract upon which he now resides and which they had previously entered. Two children, Elizabeth and Benjamin, emigrated to the township with their parents. These old pioneers had seven children after they arrived here. They raised all these chil- dren to be full-grown men and women. Six of them are dead and three are living. His wife, Harriet, died in March, 1863. The following children are living : the two who emigrated to this township with their father, and John M., the next to youngest son. Mr. Thomas was a school-teacher for several years during the first settlement of the township. He cleared and improved the farm upon which he now resides. He was elected captain of the Indiana militia in Lawrence township, March 23, 1833, and held that commission for five years and then re- signed. He was elected justice of the peace in 1856, and re-elected twice in succession, but resigned after eleven years' service. He has served as supervisor and as school trustee several terms. He served one term as clerk of the board of township trustees. He has been a member of the Universalist Church con- tinuously since 1840. He has led an active and industrious life, and takes rank as one of the best citizens of the township. He has always encouraged every commendable public enterprise. He is now seventy-eight years of age, and is living with his second wife, whom he married April 9, 1876. Abraham Sellers was born Jan. 25, 1805, in North Carolina. He served three years as an apprentice, and learned the tanner's trade in Clermont County, Ohio. In the year 1827 he came to this township. In order to reach his destination he was compelled to cut his way through the brush and timber during the last four miles of his journey. He entered eighty acres, now owned by his heirs, and he subsequently purchased an additional eighty acres. He married Lydia Rumple when in Ohio, and he, his wife, and two children (Susan and Elizabeth) came to this county in a wagon. He cleared a large farm in this township, and followed farming for a living. He had a tan-yard on his farm for many years, and occasionally worked at his trade. He was a moral man, and used his influence for the good of society. He was a member of the Lutheran Church, and ser- vices were held at his house for years before any church was built in the neighborhood in which he lived. He built a saw-mill on Fall Creek about the year 1853, and sold it after operating it two years. Mr. Sellers died March 10, 1875. His first wife, Lydia, died in 1850. The two eldest children are also dead. Seven children were born unto Mr. Sel- lers after he came to the township, two of whom are dead. Amos Hanway came to this county from Vin- cennes, Ind., in the year 1821. He came into this township in 1824, and lived till his death on the farm now owned by his son Samuel. Mr. Hanway came to this county on a flat-boat up White River. He brought his wife and three children, — Mary, Amos, and Ann E. The last-named married James Crigler, April 24, 1836. Mr. Crigler was a member of the Lutheran Church. He is now dead. His widow is living, aged sixty-five years. Mary Han- way married Isaac Doty, and died one year there- after. Amos Hanway, Jr., is still living, and is a leading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Francis Flannigan was born in Maryland. He moved to North Carolina, and married there Mary Eller. He moved to Miami County, Ohio, and thence to this township in October, 1824. He en- &5e HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tered eighty acres about one and a quarter miles southeast of where Millersville now is. His children were : James, located east of where Millersville now is ; John, located near where No. 4 school-house now is; Elizabeth, located north of \*here John located; Sarah, located near same place ; Peter, married in Lawrence township to Nancy Mock, located north of the Marion County line, in Hamilton County ; Leonard, married in Lawrence township to Amelia Mitchell, located in Hamilton County, afterwards moved back to Marion County, and located on Mud Creek ; Francis F., lived one year and three months in Marion County, then died, age not known. Mr. Flannigan's widow married James North, and died in 1863, aged eighty-one years. The first school at- tended by the children was in an old log house on the Smay farm, one mile south of where Millersville now is. It was taught by Samuel Burns. John Flannigan, the second eldest child of Francis Flannigan, came to the township in October, 1824, and located on eighty acres now owned by John Johnson. He afterwards married Elizabeth North, farmed four years, and worked in the saw-mills at Millersville, Germantown, Cicero, and other places. He died at Jesse Klepfer's, in this township, about 1860, aged fifty-seven years. He was buried at Hopewell. He had eight children, — four sons and four daughters. Three of the former and one of the latter are living. James Flannigan (born May, 1804), eldest child of Francis Flannigan, came to this township in 1824, with his wife, Susannah Bracken, daughter of John Bracken, of Tennessee. Mr. Flannigan first located east of where Millersville now is, and subsequently just north of where his brother John located, where he continued to reside until his death, in 1876. His aged wife also died the same year. Mr. Flannigan was a farmer, and cleared a large farm, and raised a large family of children, five of whom are now living. He endured all the trials incident to a pioneer life, and died respected by all who knew him. Peter Bolander was born in Pennsylvania. He emigrated to this township in 1833, and entered the one hundred and sixty acres upon which the village of Oakland is situated. He was a farmer. He died several years ago, and his wife died three years after- wards. They had five children, one of whom, An- drew, is still living in the township, aged sixty-four years'. John J. Mollenkopf, Sr., was born in Germany, Sept. 24, 1794 ; came to America in 1821 ; located in Baltimore County, Md. ; engaged in the manufac- ture of paper ; moved to Wayne County, Ind., in 1836, and to this township in 1839 ; married Juli- anna Painter in 1825 in Maryland. There were born unto them nine children ; eight are living. Mr. Mol- lenkopf died aged seventy-nine years. Mrs. Mollen- kopf died aged sixty-four years. He engaged in farming after coming to Indiana. John Negley, one of the pioneers of this township, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1804. He was raised there, and at the age of nineteen years came with his parents to this county. In the year 1825 he married Isabella, a daughter of John John- son, and had born to him seven children, three of whom are living. He worked with his father-in-law one year after his marriage, and then located on what is now known as the McCormiok farm. His wife died in 1842. He was married in September, 1844, to Mary Ann Sheets, and by her had eleven children, five of whom are living. In 1845 he removed to Warren County, Ohio, where he lived six years. He then returned to this county, and located adjoining Millersville, where he lived until his death, which took place Aug. 30, 1878, aged seventy-three years, eight months, and ten days. He was a consistent member of the Lutheran Church. From the spring of 1823 till his death he was absent from the county only six years. He endured all the trials and hard- ships of a pioneer life ; was an industrious and influ- ential citizen. He was a voter at the first election ever held in the township, and was an encourager of all worthy public enterprises. For more than twenty- five years prior to his death he was a Master Mason in good standing, and no craftsman ever labored more zealously in the cause of Masonry than he. His loss to the fraternity was most keenly felt. In the im- provement of the public highways and the promotion of the cause of education, and in the advancement of the cause of religion, no person evinced greater in- LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 551 terest. He lived respected, and his loss to society was regretted by all who knew him. William Orpurd, an old pioneer of Lawrence town- ship, was born in Frederick County, Md., Nov. 9, 1793. He served in the war of 1812 from com- mencement to close, and afler discharge from the army he emigrated to Indiana. He came to this county in 1821, and located on what is known as the Metzger farm, on White River. In the year 1830 he entered eighty acres about one mile southwest of where Castleton now is, and resided upon it until his death, which occurred Aug. 5, 1871. On Aug. 18, 1824, he was united in marriage to Nancy Allison, who came to this county with her parents in 1S19, and who walked every rod of the way from Ken- tucky to where Allisonville now is. Mr. Orpurd was a farmer. During his early residence here his living was made by clearing land and hunting deer. Dur- ing the last twenty-five years of his life he was a pious man, and believed in the doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was strictly moral and temperate in all his habits. The first school attended by his children was in a log cabin, just south of Allisonville. His wife survives him, living on the old homestead of eighty acres, and holds the old patent for the property, signed by Andrew Jack- son. She joined the Methodist Episcopal Church when nineteen years of age, and although nearly eighty-seven now, she has not let her faith be shaken. During the past four years she has been alBicted with almost total blindness. The number of children born unto these pious people was six, three of whom are now living, viz. : Lavica, Calvin, and Marion. Lavica, now in her fifty-seventh year, was never mar- ried, and lives with her mother. Marion is a widow, in her forty-eighth year, and resides with her mother. Calvin went to Missouri fourteen years ago, and in 1883 moved to Kansas. John Newhouse was born in Kanawha County, W. Va., Dec. 21, 1804. When thirty years of age he and his wife came to this township, on horseback, with nothing but a very limited supply of clothing. He located and bought the land on which he now resides. He has cleared a large tract of land, and by his industry and good management succeeded in accumulating a large amount of property. He mar- ried Catharine Squires, May 22, 1834. They have four sons and four daughters, all living. Their oldest son lives in Virginia. Two daughters live near Lebanon, Ind. Three sons and one daughter reside in this county. Robert White was born in Clermont County, Ohio, in April, 1802. He came to this township in Sep- tember, 1833, and located in the woods on the eighty acres now owned by him. He cleared the land,and has always followed farming. Four children came to the township with Mr. White and his wife, viz. : Mary Jane, John, Joseph, and Elizabeth. Joseph is dead, the other three are living. Mr. White is now living with his second wife. Daniel Smay was born in Maryland. He came here with the Lutheran colony in 1824, at the age of fifty-four years, and located in the southwest part of the township, and finally bought the farm entered in 1827 by John North, where he lived until his death, in 1854. He was a farmer, and a member of the Lutheran Church for forty or fifty years. He was one of the leading members in the Ebenezer Luth- eran Church for thirty years, and took an active part in all church affairs. He was a pious, moral, honor- able man, and a good citizen. Four children emi- grated here with Mr. Smay and his wife, viz. : Joseph, who lived here forty years, went to Iowa and died. Polly, who married David Ringer, and died in the township. Absalom, who went to Story County, Iowa, twenty-eight years ago. David, who went to Story County, Iowa, in 1862. David Hoss was born in North Carolina, 1790. He married Nellie Trout, and moved to Brown County, Ohio. While there his wife died, leaving him nine children. He was married, in Ohio, to Martha Plummer, and by her had two children. Mr. Hoss came to this township in September, 1829, and entered land about one mile southwest of where Oakland now is. He lived there till his death, in July, 1882. He built a saw-mill on Indian Creek, on his land, in the year 1836, and operated it about fifteen years. Farming was his chief occupation, and he cleared a large tract of land. The first school to which he had the privilege of sending his 552 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. children was in an old log cabin once used as a dwell- ing-house. Jeremiah Wells was the first teacher. Mr. Hoss' second wife, Martha, is deceased. Of the nine children who came here with him, five are dead. William lives in Perry township, this county. Chris- tian lives in Pike County, 111. Sarah is the wife of Henry Apple, and lives one mile south of Oakland. Eliza J. married Nelson Hoss, and lives in Perry township, this county. One of his children by the second wife is dead, and Benjamin is an inmate of the Hospital for the Insane at Indianapolis. Isaac Hartsock was born in Maryland, and emi- grated thence to Kentucky. In November, 1834, he came to this township with his wife and four children. He located on an eighty-acre tract entered by William McKinster. The first school to which he sent his children was on the Smay land. John Hutcheson was the teacher. Mr. Hartsock followed farming all his life. Peter, the oldest son, is a farmer, and resides in this township. Eliza married Isaac Hensley, and died, aged thirty-five years. Wilson C. died in 1874. Emily married William P. Hensley. William S. Thomas was born in Nicholas County, Ky., Oct. 25, 1805. He emigrated to Rush County, Ind., in November, 1828, and lived there four years. In 1831 he was married to Polly Hensley. In 1833 they removed to this township with one child, named Elizabeth, who died in July, 1862. Mr. Thomas is an honest, upright citizen. One of his sons was killed in the army during the late Rebellion, and two died of disease contracted while in the army. In all he has had nine children, only two of whom are living. Robert Johnson was born in Scotland ; time of birth not known. He emigrated to Ireland at the age of seventeen years ; learned the weaver's trade at the age of twenty-one ; was drafted as a soldier to serve the British government for four years. He found a favorable opportunity and came to America, leaving behind his British uniform, and became a citizen of Pennsylvania. He set up a loom in Phila- delphia, and engaged in weaving for some time. He then married Sarah Guthry, and shortly moved to Morgan County, Ohio, locating there on eighty acres of land. He remained until November, 1836, when he sold and removed to Lawrence township, Marion Co., Ind., taking with him his family and six chil- dren His children, all born in Ohio, were James, who died at the age of twenty years ; Margaret, married Thomas P. Silvey ; John, born Aug. 21, 1828; married Nancy Thomas. He has raised a large family, and takes an active interest in the wel- fare of his township, county, and country generally. Robert, born Aug. 31, 1831 ; married Mary H., daughter of George W. Deford. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Masonic fraternity, and takes rank as one of the leading citi- zens of the township. Richard, born Jan. 17, 1834; has lived a bachelor; George G., born Aug. 18, 1836; married Nancy Day. Mr. Johnson being a man of firmness and steady aim, as well as a foreigner by birth, was not greatly admired by his pioneer neighbors, who spent their Sundays hunting, and seemingly no moral influence existed. He did not rebuke them, but engaged the services of a minister of the gospel of his choice to preach at his house. For some ten or twelve years preaching was held there, until a church edifice was erected. Mr. Johnson lived a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church ever since any of his children can remember. In his last days he told his pastor that he felt that his time spent in his religious de- votion was not in vain. He felt that he was like a sheaf of corn fully ripe, ready for his Master's garner. He died at the age of seventy-eight years. John Herron, his wife, and two children emigrated from near Crab Orchard, in Kentucky, to this town- ship in 1828. He entered eighty acres, now owned by Robert Johnson, and died of typhoid fever about 1853. He was a farmer. His wife and daughter, Polly, are dead. Jane married William Sigmund, and lives in this township. Peter Castater came from Ohio to this township about 1824 with wife and four children. He entered eighty acres, known as the Stoops farm, and improved it. He was a voter at the first election ever held in the township; was elected justice of the peace in 1825, and served as such for several years. About 1837 he moved to Hamilton County, Ind. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 658 Samuel Conn and family came here from Ohio aboat 1827 or 1828, and lived here about one year, and then moved to Pike township, where he died. Lewis Hossenfaus was born in Ohio in 1834, and came to this county with parents in 1846. He lives one and a half miles west of Oakland. At the age of twenty-one he married Catharine Baker. He has two children living and two dead. Mr. Hossenfaus is an industrious and enterprising citizen. Edward P. Day was born in North Carolina, Aug. 6, 1788. He emigrated to Ohio, and thence, in the fall of 1830, to this township. He located in the woods, on the land where " Male" Emery now lives, where he resided until his death. He was a farmer. His wife (formerly Elizabeth Williamson) and six of the eight children came here with him. Joseph N., Josiah W., and Evaline live here now; Nathaniel W. is dead ; Jonathan W. went to Kansas several years ago, and John E. lives in Illinois. William Mcintosh came here about 1828, a single man. He married Sallie, daughter of Peter Negley, about 1830. He was a minister of the gospel, and called himself a Dunkard Baptist. By trade he was a stone-mason. He moved to Illinois, west of Vin- cennes, Ind. Moore Mcintosh, with his wife and family, came here about 1830, and lived in the Highland neigh- borhood. He was justice of the peace for four years. John Cory was born in New Jersey, May 9, 1792. He emigrated to Clermont County, Ohio, and thence to this township, arriving here Sept. 10, 1834, with his wife, Mary, and six children. He located on eighty acres near Indian Creek, a quarter>of a mile northwest of where Oakland now is. He lived there until his death, June 26, 1872. He was a farmer, and built and ran a saw-mill on Indian Creek for sev- eral years. His wife died two months subsequent to his death. He was a member of the Universalist Church for thirty-four years preceding his death. He belonged to the first society of Universalists organ- ized in the township, which was about the year 1838. He was constable of the township two terms. But two of his children are living, viz., Samuel and An- drew P., both prominent citizens of the township. 36 Samuel Cory was born in what is now Hancock County (then Brooke County), W. Va., Jan. 4, 1818. At the age of three years he went to Highland County, Ohio, lived there eight years, and moved to Clermont County, Ohio. From there he emigrated with his parents to this township in September, 1834. He taught the first public school ever taught in the Oakland district, commencing October, 1837, and con- tinuing six months. He taught school during each subsequent winter till the winter of 1849. He worked on the farm and at his fathers's saw-mill when not teaching. He served as school ofiScer for nine years, and in 1849 was elected one of the associate judges of Marion County, serving in that capacity from April, 1850", to November, 1851. The oflSce was then abolished by the new State constitution. He was then appointed by Governor Wright probate judge of Marion County, and filled the vacancy occasioned by the death of Adam Wright. He served as such until the office was abolished by an act of the Legis- lature, which act transferred the business of that court to the Court of Common Pleas. In April, 1853, he was elected one of the township trustees for Lawrence township under the new school law ; was re-elected from time to time, and served till 1874 (except for the year 1859). In October, 1874, he was elected county commissioner for Marion County, and served as such for three years, during which time the new court-house was completed. He has settled a large number of estates of deceased persons and acted as guardian for a number of orphan children. In the mean time he has lived on the farm and labored there, and raised a family of three sons and six daughters. He served for thirteen and a half years as Worshipful Master and eight years as secretary of Millersville Lodge, No. 126, F. and A. M. He has been a member of that lodge since May, 1853. He belongs to no church, but in sentiment is a Universalist. In politics he is a Dem- ocrat, and looked upon as a leader of that party in Lawrence township. He is a moral, honest, consci- entious citizen, positive in his views, and temperate in his habits. A better or more honorable citizen never lived in the township. Andrew F. Cory was born in Highland County, «64 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Ohio, April 21, 1821. He emigrated to this county and township with his parents in 1834. He lived with his father on the farm until eighteen years of age, and then learned the carpenter trade. He worked at that trade three years and then studied medicine. In the year 1844 attended lectures at the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, Ohio. He received the degree of M.D. in 1846, and has practiced medicine ever since. He has a good farm near Oakland. He was treasurer of the township for several years, — as long as it had three trustees. He served over seven years as Worshipful Master of Oakland Lodge, No. 140, F. and A. M., and three years as secretary of that lodge. He is a prominent Democrat and an in- fluential citizen. He has three sons and two daugh- ters. Jeremiah Plummer was born in Kentucky about 1776, and emigrated from Brown County, Ohio, to this township in 1826 with wife and seven children, and entered two hundred and forty acres on Indian Creek, now owned by John Smith and Chris. McCon- nell. His wife's maiden name was Monica Chapman. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and took a great interest in all affairs of the church. About the year 1835 a class was organized at his house, and preaching held there regularly every four weeks for two or three years. He was the leading spirit in the formation of Wesley Cliapel, Methodist Episcopal Church, and in the building of the first church in the township, long known as the " Plum- mer Church." He had five sons and two daughters. The two daughters are dead, also two sons. Mr. Plummer died about 1853. His wife is also dead. John McConnell was a native of Ireland. When he first came to this country he settled in Pennsyl- vania, and subsequently moved to Brown County, Ohio. While there he enlisted and served eighteen months in the army during the war of 1812, at the close of which he was discharged, and he returned to Ohio. Betsy Brown was his wife's maiden name. He, together with his family (wife and nine children), emigrated to this township Nov. 17, 1824, and entered eighty acres about three miles southwest of where Oakland now is. The land is now owned by Chris. McConnell. He continued to reside there until 1837, when he died. He was a blacksmith, but his princi- pal occupation was that of a farmer. While in the township on a prospecting tour in the fall of 1823 he assisted at the raising of the first cabin ever raised by a white man in the township. The first barrel of salt bought by him cost twelve dollars and fifty cents, and two and one-half bushels of wheat furnished all the flour his large family ate during the first year of his residence here. The first school privilege was a subscription school, taught for eighteen days only, in the kitchen of Peter Negley, — distance six miles. His family had to go seven miles to church in the early days of their residence here. Mr. McConnell was an honorable, conscientious citizen, and being one of the very first settlers of the township, was com- pelled to endure many privations and hardships. His companion has long since passed from this earth, and of their nine children only two remain. Four of the children died in 1855 at about the same time. Isabel lived here about twenty years ; married John Shenkle, and died in Iowa in 1880. Betsy married Alexander Smith ; lived here till 1837, when she died. Martha married Andrew Eller ; located on Indian Creek, and lived there till her death, in 1850. John L. died about 1855 ; lived here thirty-one years. Thomas died about 1855; lived here twenty-nine years. William dii:d about 1855 ; lived here twenty- six years. Hiram died about 1855 ; lived here twenty-four years. Washington lived here twenty- two years, and went to Missouri thirteen years ago. Charles McConnell, the third child of John and Betsy McConnell, was born in Brown County, Ohio, in 1808, and came to this township with his parents Nov. 17, -1824, and remained with them until twenty- one years of age. He assisted in grubbing and grad- ing the National road for several miles east of Cum- berland, this county, at thirteen dollars per month, and thereby saved enough money to buy the eighty- acre tract of land upon which he now lives with his son-in-law, Mr. Barr. At the age of twenty-three he married Barbara Hoss, with whom he lived forty- one years, until her death. By this marriage there were bom unto them nine children, eight of whom are living, and seven of whom live in this township. He has been a member of the Universalist Church LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 555 for thirty years, and has been a believer in that faith all his life. lie has always been liberal in his dona- tions towards all churches and for all purposes. The public highways and schools always received great encouragement from him. By his perseverance, in- dustry, and economy he has accumulated quite a for- tune. He is now seventy-five years of age, and is one of Lawrence township's best citizens. He fol- lowed farming most of his life, but has now retired. In politics he is a Democrat. John Bolander was born in Pennsylvania, Jan. 11, 1791. He emigrated to Brown County, Ohio, and thence to this township, arriving here in October, 1828, with his family, consisting of a wife and' eight children. He located on Indian Creek, two miles southwest of where Oakland now is. He entered there two hundred and forty acres of land, and lived upon it until his death, June 16, 1865. He farmed all his life, and was a member of the Universalist Church many years. His children were Samuel, died November, 1875, never left county to live ; Levi, lives in township ; Irena, died June, 1881, never left county to live ; Elizabeth, died May, 1880, never left county to live; Joseph, died May, 1878, never left county to live ; Solomon, lives in county, has lived in Iowa and Illinois; Noah, died in 1848, never left county to live; Polly, died about twenty-two years ago, in township. Three children were born after their parents came to this county, viz. : Christina, died about 1858,' aged twenty-three ; Catherine, mar- ried Joseph Apple, lives in township ; Rebecca, lived here until she moved to Hancock County, Ind., four years ago. Levi Bolander was born in Brown County, Ohio, October, 1815, and came to this township with his parents in October, 1828. He has lived here ever since, and now owns seven hundred and twenty-three acres of as fertile land as there is in the township. He resides two miles northeast of Lawrence. He has been a great encourager of the public schools, and has freely given his money and time towards the improvement of the public highways. He is treas- urer of the Lawrence District Fair Association, an Odd-Fellow, a granger, and a member of the Law- rence Township Horse Company. He has fourteen children living, all of whom reside in this county ex- cept two. He has been married three times, and is now living with his third wife (Mary J. Badgley), whom he married twenty-three years ago. He is known throughout the county as one of Lawrence township's most substantial, influential, and valuable citizens. He votes the Democratic ticket. George H. Negley, son of Peter and Elizabeth Negley, and a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, came to this county with his parents in the year 1823. He located in this township about 18.30. He was a Methodist preacher for years, a farmer, and a true Christian, — moral, temperate, and industrious. At the time of his death he owned four hundred acres of land in this township. At an early age he married Elizabeth Ludwic, who survived him thirty- three years, and who raised a large family of children by her own industry, economy, and good management. Rev. Negley died April 23, 1848, aged thirty-seven years and two months. They had twelve children, — two died in infancy and ten are now living. Three sons and three daughters reside in this county. One son lives in Frankfort County, Ind., one daughter in Kansas, one in Ohio, and the youngest daughter in Sheridan, Ind. William McCoy, a native of Pennsylvania, emi- grated to this county Dec. 21, 1826, with his wife and ten children, and located half a mile west of Malott Park. He moved to this township about 1830, and bought the farm now owned by the Bash heirs. He followed farming. He and his wife both died in this township. The following are the names of their children that came to this township : Rebecca, married John Collins, died after a residence of six- teen years ; Elizabeth, married, went to Illinois and died there; John, lived in township twenty years, died in Illinois ; William, lived in township thirty years, died here about 1870 ; Clarrisa, lived in town- ship thirty-five years, been dead eight years ; Hannah, been dead twenty-two years, died here ; James N. has lived in county fifty-seven years ; Murdock, went to Wabash County, Ind., forty years ago ; Morris, died four years ago, lived in county fifty-three years ; Nancy, married James Ballenger, lives in Grant County, Ind., been there twenty-five years ; Louis 556 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTy. and Polly were born in this county, and are both dead. Four children died before Mr. McCoy came here. James N. McCoy, son of William McCoy, was born in 1816. The first school attended by him in this county was half a mile west of Malott Park, and was taught by James Blackaby. The first church attended by him was at his father's house, early in the year 1827. He suffered all the trials and hard- ships of a pioneer life, and has been a very hard- working, industrious man. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years ; has held numerous positions of trust and honor in the church at different times. In early times he was compelled to go horseback to Pendleton to get corn ground into meal, and during the time of high waters resorted to the use of the "hominy-block." His first wife was named Elizabeth Beaver, daughter of Chris- topher Beaver. Hilary Silvey was born in Prince William County, Va., July 27, 1798. He emigrated with his parents to the Twelve-Mile Purchase near Brookville, Ind., in the year 1812. He married Patience Williams in Franklin County, Ind., and in 1832 moved with his wife and five children to this township. He entered one hundred and sixty acres near the centre of the township, land now owned by William K. Sproul. He lived there five years, and then moved into Washing- ton township, this county, and bought one hundred and sixty acres of Francis Holland, upon which he has since lived. He has been a farmer all his life, and has done an immense amount of labor. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty-nine years. During his residence in this county circuit preaching was regularly held at his cabin. During the past few years he has been totally blind, and his usefulness is thus somewhat impaired. His wife is still living, and on the 27th day of No- vember, 1883, they had been married sixty years. In all there were born unto them thirteen children. The five who came here with them were Thomas P., lived in Lawrence township till his death, two years ago; Martha, died in Indianapolis in 1872; Sarah, married Joshua Houston and lives in Zionsville, Ind. ; William A. is a farmer in Washington town- ship, this county ; John Wesley was drowned in a spring when a baby. Several of the other children live in this county. Travis Silvey was born in Prince William County, Va., in I7d6. He emigrated with his parents to the Twelve-Mile Purchase, near Brookville, Ind., in 181 2. He married Elizabeth Powers, and in 1834 moved, with wife and three children, to this township, and entered two hundred acres of land, now owned by his heirs. He lived there until his death, in April, 1878. He followed farming all his life, and was a useful member of the community in which he lived. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for forty-five years ; was an exhorter, and took a great interest in all matters of religion. His wife survives him. The three children who came here with him were Mary Jane, married Jordan Hendricks, went on the Wabash, and died there ; William, lives in Mis- souri, went there five years ago ; Martha, went to California four years ago ; is a widow. Henry Bell, a native of Kentucky, came to this township when sixteen years of age (in 1835), and located where he now resides, two and one-half miles south of east of Lawrence. He worked in Indian- apolis nine years. He has followed farming nearly all his life. During the past thirty years he has fol- lowed auctioneering. He was married in 1843 to Elizabeth Brown. They have had seven children, of whom two sons and two daughters are living. He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity for a quarter of a century, and evinces a great interest in its prosperity. He has been a good farmer and a suc- cessful man. Jacob Fred was born in Virginia Sept. 29, 1794. He emigrated to Clermont County, Ohio, with his parents at the age of five years. He and his family moved to this township in 1833, and settled ia the woods one and one-half miles southeast of where Lawrence now is. He entered one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon which No. 11 school-hou.se now stands, and lived there until his death, in January, 1863. His wife died in 1866. He was a blacksmith by trade, but followed farming after he came here. During his lifetime he cleared seventy acres of heavy timbered land. Of the eight children who came to LAWREXCE TOWNSHIP. 557 the township with him but four are living, as follows : James B., lives on a part of the old homestead ; Israel, lives in McCordsville, Ind., left here about 1843; William W., lives on the west ninety acres of the old homestead; Hulda, married Samuel Groves, and went to Illinois in 1866. She lived here thirty-three years. John W. Combs was born Jan. 25, 1825, in Dear- born County, Ind. He came to this county with his parents in 1828, located on Pennsylvania Street, in Indianapolis, his father building a residence on a lot known as Switcher property, opposite where the new Denison Hotel now is. In 1837 he moved five miles west of Indianapolis, on the National road, where his father, Jesse Combs, bought a farm of eighty acres. John W. left home at the age of seventeen years, and engaged in the dry-goods business with his brother, William F. Combs, at Strawtown, Ind. He was there two years. In 1847 he was married, in Hamilton County, Ind., to Emma, daughter of Allen Cole. These two brothers then moved to this county, and engaged in the dry-goods business at Germantown till 1852. They built the first store-house in Oakland, and moved there in 1852, and continued the business five years. John W. was agent of the " Bee Line" at Oakland for fourteen years. He served as justice of the peace in this township for sixteen years ; has been assessor of the township, and held many places of trust and honor. After retiring from the dry- goods business he purchased a farm near Oakland, and is now a farmer. He has three children, — two sons and one daughter. He has been a Master Mason since 1852, and served as Worshipful Master of Oak- land Lodge, No. 140, two years, and as secretary eleven years, and held many other places of honor and trust in that fraternity. He has been identified with the interests of Lawrence township for years, and is one of its most prominent citizens. He is a prominent local politician, identified with the interests of the Democratic party. He is a notary public. John Perry was born in Maryland about 1780. He married Druzilla Newhall when twenty-four years of age. He moved to this township in 1832 and entered the land on which John L. Brown now re- sides, one-half mile south of Lawrence. Mr. Perry lived there until 1862, and died. His wife died in 1864. He and his wife were members of the Bap- tist Church for more than fifty years. Mr. Perry owned a store in Lawrence for several years, his son, Aquilla D., attending to the business for him. Mr. Perry was a useful member of society, moral, tem- perate, and upright. He brought seven children to the township with him, and another followed him soon afterwards, viz., Thomas, died in township twelve years ago. Ann died in Colorado in 1881 ; lived here until 1858, married Moses Winters ; Wil- liam was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1810. He emigrated to this township with his par- ents in 1832. At end of one year returned to Ohio, remaining there five years, and then returned to this county and bought the farm on which he has since re- sided. He was married Jan. 20, 1839, to Catharine Newhouse. He has been an industrious farmer all his life. John died in Iowa, lived here twenty years ; Rezen only lived here four|years, lives in Pana, 111. ; Samuel lived in township about twenty-nine years, died in 1863 ; James, never absent from township since 1832 but three years. He died in Marshall County ; Aquilla D. lived here four years, died in Pana, 111., in 1873. Thomas P. Silvey was born in Fayette County, Ind., Nov. 6, 1825, and moved with his father's family to this township in 1832, where he lived till his death, Nov. 13, 1881. He married Margaret J., daughter of Robert Johnson, Sr., in October, 1846. She died Sept. 13, 1867. He had by this wife nine children, seven of whom, three sons and four daugh- ters, survive him. Two died in infancy. In June, 1868, he married Lauvina Johnson, daughter of James Johnson, who died in March, 1869. In Jan- uary, 1870, he married Elizabeth E., daughter of John Calvin Johnson, who lived till June, 1875. By her he had three children, all of whom died in infancy. He again married in March, 1876, to Sally Ann Irwin, who survives, and by whom he had one child. When he was first married he lived on a rented farm near Millersville, this county, where he lived till 1852, when he bought a farm of eighty acres near the same village. On this farm he lived one year, when he sold it and bought what is known as the old Joshua Reddick farm, on Mud Creek. 5B8 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Subsequently he purchased the Sheets farm, the Abe Anderson farm, and a part of the John Calvin John- son farm. He sold all of this to Elijah Fletcher in 1872, and in the spring of 1873 bought and moved to the Ozro Bates farm, one-quarter of a mile east of Castleton. In 1874 he bought of David Macy the Gentry farm and Brown farm, in all about three hun- dred acres. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and lived a consistent member thereof. He was an industrious farmer and a useful member of society. By his death the church lost one of its most prominent and valuable members. He was a member of the order of Odd-Fellows. William McClaren, Sr., was born in Ireland about 1760. In the year 1831 he came from Kentucky to this township with his wife, five 'sons, and two daugh- ters, and entered three hundred and twenty acres of land, where the Mcllvains and George G. Johnson now live. He lived there till his death, about the year 1850. He was a Universalist in sentiment, and a farmer by occupation. His wife, two girls, and son, John, are dead. William Hubbard was born in Morgan County, Ind., Jan. 25, 1839, raised upon a farm, and served in Company H, Eleventh Indiana Volunteers, till May 23, 1863, when he was discharged to receive promo- tion as captain of Company B, Fifty-third United States Colored Infantry, he remaining in the service (participating in many engagements in and around Vicksburg, Miss.) until August, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He returned to his old home, and engaged in the drug business. He came to Marion County in 1872, and at present is engaged in the drug business in Lawrence. In politics he is a National, — a leader in this township. Jesse Herrin was born in Pulaski County, Ky., March 10, 1801. He left home at the age of eighteen years, and from that time has made his own living in the world. He emigrated to Shelby County, Ind., with second wife and three children, about the year 1831, and thence to this township in 1835. He moved on the McDonald land, now owned by Mr. MoLain, and took a lease there, and cleared about thirty acres. He then entered eighty acres about one mile southeast of where Castleton now is, and built upon it, cleared it, and improved it. He has been a farmer through life. He has raised eight sons and two daughters to be men and women. Mr. Herrin .still lives on the old homestead. Cornelius Wadsworth was born in Harrison County, West Va., July 5, 1800. He lived on the farm with his father until near the close of the war of 1812, when he enlisted, served sixty days, until its close. He left his parental roof at the age of eighteen years to seek a home in the far West. He went to Ohio, thence to Illinois, and thence to Mis- souri, but soon came to Indianaj stopping in Indian- apolis, and before there was a brick laid or a house of any importance on the streets of Indianapolis, he cut cord-wood and helped to clear away the brush and trees off the ground where the prominent streets and business-houses now are. At the age of twenty- three he married Cassandra Legg. He purchased one hundred and sixty acres in this township, upon which he lived until his death, Aug. 19, 1882. There were born unto him five children, two of whom, to- gether with their mother, survive him. Mr. Wadsworth was a man of good moral charac- ter, true to his convictions, and respected and liked by his acquaintances. He followed farming all his life, cleared a large tract of land, and, besides being a man of industry and energy, was a truly good neigh- bor and friend and citizen. In politics he was a Democrat of the Jeffersonian faith. He was elected and served three terms as justice of the peace of Lawrence township. Christopher Apple was born in Clermont County, Ohio, April 28, 1807. At the age of twenty-two years he married Catharine Crumbaugh. Their parents were of German descent. He emigrated from Ohio to this township in 1837, and entered eighty acres, the farm now owned by his son, John W., near Oakland. He cleared and improved the eighty acres, and lived upon it until his death, Jan. 2'!, 1871. He was an honest, industrious citizen, and his good wife shared with him in all the trials and hardships incident to pioneer life. For a number of years he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1866 he changed his relation to the Christian Church, and aided largely in building a LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 559 house of worship in Oakland, Ind., for that denomi- nation. He lived a consistent and faithful Christian until his death. In politics he was a firm Democrat. His wife survived him five years, dying in January, 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Apple were the parents of eight children, the youngest dying in infancy. The following are living in Marion County, except Mahlon, who lives in Hancock County, Ind., viz. ; Eliza J., Mary, Peter, Phebe, John W., Mahlon, and William M. John W. lives upon the old homestead ; has been a successful teacher in the public schools of Marion County for a number of years, and in farm- ing (which occupation he follows) has been very successful. He is elder, trustee, and clerk of the Christian Church, and superintendent of the Sunday- school, and occasionally preaches very acceptably. He was born on the farm which he now owns Sept. 7, 1841. John L. Brown, born in Brown County, Ohio, April 20, 1816, is the son of George Brown and Mary, his wife, both old Virginians. They had eight children, the oldest a daughter, who was the wife of James H. Wallace. Mr. Wallace was one of the leading men of Jefferson County, Ind. He was a member of the Indiana Legislature for several terms, commencing about the year 1830 ; was regarded as the father of the " Internal Improvement System" of this State. Their seven boys in succession grew to be men; their names were as follows: Thomas B., Lewis L., James W., George, Richard II., John L., and Daniel R. The subject of this sketch is a first- class farmer, having two good farms, which he works to good advantage financially. He was county treas- urer of this county, and the county lost not a cent under his faithful administration. His brother, Daniel R., the youngest of the family (a resident of Indianapolis), by his energy and industry, has accu- mulated quite a fortune. He is a physician by pro- fession, but has long since given up the practice. He has served as clerk of the court of Hamilton County, also senator for the counties of Hamilton and Tipton in the Legislature of this State. Richard H. was a hotel-keeper in the cities of Madison, Ind., and Cov- ington, Ky. George was a merchant; was a very ardent Odd-Fellow. George Brown Encampment, No. 44, I. 0. O. P., at Noblesville, Ind., was named after him. James W., Lewis L., and Thomas B. were farmers, having cleared the forest and made their farms in this county. This was a very remarkable family, all large, healthy men, with about one hundred and ninety pounds average weight, and what is yet more re- markable, no death occurred in the family under forty-seven years. The father, George Brown, was almost pure English. His father, Thomas Reeth Brown, was a native of Yorkshire, England, and came to Virginia about the year 1774. When the Revolutionary war broke out he enlisted as a soldier of his adopted country. He married Margaret Tacket, whose mother was a French lady and her father an Englishman. She was born and raised near Old Point Comfort, Va. All of their children were born and raised in Loudoun and Fauquier Coun- ties, Va. About the year 1800 they emigrated to Mason County, Ky., bringing with them their chil- dren. After a short residence in Kentucky they moved across the Ohio River and settled in Brown County, Ohio, immediately opposite to Mason County, where they remained the balance of their days. The father lived to the age of eighty-five years, and the mother survived him, and lived to the great age of one hundred and four years. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, daughter of these old people, died only a few years since, at the extreme age of one hundred and eight years. Mary (Lee) Brown, mother of John L. and the others of this family, was a de- scendant of the celebrated Lee family, of Virginia, being a relative of Gen. Robert E. Lee, of the Con- federate army. Her father was Lewis Lee, a brother of Gen. Harry Lee and Peter Lee. Her father, with his brothers, settled in Mason County, Ky., and for some time lived in a block-house, which was then called Lee's Station. They took up large tracts of land, which were called surveys. Some of those old titles are yet in the hands of the Lee family. The father and mother of the subject of this sketch were married in the year 1802, in Washington, Ky., and lived together for twenty-eight years, when the mother died in Maysville, Ky. In 1832 the father sold his farm in Ohio and emigrated to this county. The 560 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. four unmarried sons, Thomas, Richard, John, and Daniel, came with the father, and settled in the woods, three-quarters of a mile north of where Law- rence now stands, paying one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for his land. The next fall James came and settled near by. Lewis had preceded the family six years, and also owned land adjoining. This family furnished seventeen good soldiers (their own sons) for the Union army during the late Rebel- lion. Two of those lost their lives in battle. The father died in the spring of 1847. At that time all of his children were living, but now all but three are dead, leaving Lewis L., John L., and Daniel R. living at this date (Nov. 11, 1883). The wife of John L. was born in Brown County, Ohio. Her maiden name was Caroline D. Mason, daughter of John Mason and Mary, his wife. The mother is still living at the home of her daughter, in the eighty-sixth year of her age. Mary Mason was a daughter of Charles O'Connor, an Irishman by birth, who came to this country in the latter part of the last century. He was educated for a Catholic priest, but never entered upon the duties of the priesthood. John Mason was born in Adams County, Ohio ; was of English descent. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war under Gen. Francis Marion. John L. Brown and Caroline D. Mason were married in 1851, and are still living on one of the farms in Lawrence township. They have five children, — Mrs. C. Martin, who is now living with her husband, Reuben Martin, on their farm in Brown County, Ohio, the same farm where John L. and Daniel R. were born. Mrs. L. Hufi^, the wife of A. M. Hufi^, living on their farm in Lawrence township. The other three — Clara, William, and Daniel — are living at home with their parents. John L. and Caroline Brown have also raised six orphan children. In politics the subject of this sketch is a Republican, as is also the whole family of Browns of this large re- lationship, most of them have been active and very decided in their political views. Mr. Brown says his experience in clearing up this country was a very laborious undertaking, but he has no regrets now. It is true, he says, they had many privations, but al- ways had plenty to eat, sometimes plenty of game, such as deer, turkeys, squirrel, and pheasant, and al- ways certain of plenty of pork, with turnips and cab- bage, and, if the season was favorable, potatoes. In the summer wild plums, roasting ears, and pumpkins generally in abundance, especially after the first year. Corn-bread always on the table, for the best reason in world, — they had no wheat to make flour, and if he had there was no mill to grind and bolt it, only on the regular corn-stone, and had to bolt by hand, that made the flour dark and clammy ; but notwithstand- ing all the hardships and privations, if he knew of a county as good as this, he would be willing to try the same over again. The following is a list of early settlers, not previ- ously noticed, who came to Lawrence township about the year set opposite their names, viz. : Oliver Vanlaningham 1825 Joseph Justice 1825 Angel 1828 Lamb 1828 James Sigmund 1830 Solomon Bowers 1833 Richard Marshall 1833 Benjamin Newhouse 1828 Madison Webb 1834 William McKenzie 1834 Adam Miller 1834 Lewis Tilyer 1832 Benjamin Chapman 1835 Paulser Sowers 1865 Nathaniel Webber 1836 Reuben Hunter 1836 George J. Baker 1836 James White 1836 Joseph Heltman 1837 Isaac Murphy 1827 James H. Murphy 1837 Jonah F. Lemon 1838 James Hunter 1838 Henry Klepfer 1838 Zachariah White 1838 Mark Day. Date unknown. William McKinster " " Adam Clark " " Frederick Sheets " " Conrad Fertig " " William Sigmund " " James T. Wright came to the township with a large family at a comparatively late period, but it can be truly said of him that he accomplished as much for the LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 561 morals of the people of the township as any other man that ever resided within it. He was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for many years labored zealously for the cause of Christianity and the welfare of his fellow-men. He was beloved by all who knew him, and the moral, temperate. Chris- tian influences by him spread among the people were lasting. He was the founder of the Castleton Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and for many years preached " without money and without price" to the people at various points in the townships of Washington and Lawrence. The first two white children born within the limits of the township of Lawrence were William Perry Reddick and John Newton Reddiek, twin sons of Elisha and Margaret Reddick. The first marriage in the township was that of David Cothran to Lucinda Reddick. They were married in May, 1825, by William Rooker, in the log house of William Reddick. The first white person known to have died in the township was the wife of a man named Canada, who had squatted on public land. She died and was buried on the farm now owned by Hettie M. and John E. Hunter. She was buried by James Ellis, Robert Warren, and John Sellers in a piece of an old canoe on the top of the high hill just west of the residence now upon the farm. This occurred in the fall of 1 823, and so frightened Mr. Canada that he took his departure for Kentucky the day after his wife's burial. Silas Ashley was the first white man and the sec- ond white person buried in the township. His grave was dug within ten feet of the corner-stone now standing on the township line just west of the Mil- lersville Flouring-Mill. The first funeral sermon preached in the township was by a Presbyterian minister named Mooreland at the burial of Charles Johnson, in the Joshua Reddick graveyard, in 1827. The first burial-ground in the township was upon the farm known as the Joshua Reddick farm, and the ground was set apart as a burial-ground by William Reddick. The place is still used as a burial-place, and is better known as the Tom Silvey graveyard. The first physician who practiced in the township was Dr. Isaac Coe. His route was up and down Fall Creek. In the early settlement of the town- ship chills and fever were prevalent, and the doctor used to make the statement that frequently in mak- ing his trips he would find whole families down at one time with the then dreaded disease. The next doctors who came into the township were Drs. Jones and Dr. Stipp, who were successful practitioners. The early roads of the township were almost im- passable, and during the spring of the year many of the present ones are nearly so. The first road laid out in the township was what is now known as the old Pendleton State road, and which was at one time a noted Indian trail. This route was used before the settlement of the township by people traveling be- tween Indianapolis and Anderson. It was " cut out" by the voters of the township during the winter of 1825-26. Before that time it was simply a track that wound around between the trees and brush. Samuel Morrow was the supervisor. Beginning at a point where the toll-gate stands northeast of Millers- ville, they worked in a northeasterly direction, and meet a gang of men engaged in a similar work, from Pendleton, at a point on the county line west of where Germantown now is. Several years ago the township received from the government what was termed the three per cent, fund, and with it cross- laid the highways wherever needed. The public highways of Lawrence have never been in good condition, though they have received great attention, and a very large annual outlay of money and labor has been made to maintain them in even a passable condition. There are one hundred and eleven miles of public highway in the township, nine- > teen miles of which is turnpiked, and eight miles of that is free. The levy for road purposes for the year 1883 is fifteen cents on one hundred dollars. The water-power of the township is, and has always been, chiefly derived from Fall Creek, though many years ago three mills were erected and operated for some time on Indian Creek ; but as the country 562 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. became cleared the water-power diminished until they could be operated only a short time during each year, hence the business proved an unprofitable one, and the mills were abandoned. John Cory built a saw-mill on Indian Creek in the year 1836, just west of where Oakland now is. It was operated until about 1850, and then allowed to go down. David Hoss built a frame saw-mill on Indian Creek, two miles southwest of where Oakland now is, about the year 1836. It was operated about fifteen years, and then abandoned. About the year 1833, Samuel Williams built a log grist-mill on Indian Creek, upon the land now owned by Ben- jamin Smith. It had one run of stone, upon which both wheat and corn were ground. Its capacity was two bushels per hour. The flour was bolted by hand, and the bolt consisted of two boxes so adjusted that one would slide upon the other. Every man had to bolt his own grist, and it required two hours' work to bolt the flour made from one bushel of wheat. Mr. Williams built the mill and dressed the stone out of granite rock, performing all the labor himself For some time after the completion of the mill nothing but corn was ground. About the year 1837, Mr. Williams sold the mill to Alexis Riley, who operated it about ten years, and then abandoned it because of the lack of water in the creek in the dry season of the year. A grist-mill was built in the fall of 1825 on the east bank of Fall Creek, just north of what is known as the " correction line," and owned and operated it about two years. It proved to be worth- less, and he let it go down. He then hired Messrs. Cooney and Van Pelt, two millwrights of Pendleton, to build another mill (grist-mill and saw- mill combined). It was erected on the opposite side of the creek from the first one, and a dam seven feet in height with force-head was built. The mill was operated by various parties for twenty-four years, and was destroyed by fire in 1851, and never rebuilt. The capacity of the mill was eight bushels of corn and one thousand feet of lumber per day. Fountain Kimberlain built a saw-mill, about 1835, on Pall Creek, upon the land now owned by his heirs. It was torn down prior to 1840. Samuels & Son built a saw-mill, about 1837, on Fall Creek, at a point known as the Emery Ford. The fall being insufiScient and the mill of not much account, it was torn down about the year 1842. Abraham Sellers built a saw-mill on Fall Creek about 1853. He ran it two years, and sold out to James Hines. In 1855 or 1856, Mr. Hines built a grist-mill on the west side of Fall Creek, opposite the saw-mill. About the time of the completion of the grist-mill building Mr. Hines died. The property was then sold to Benjamin Chroninger, who in turn sold it to Leonard & Francis Chroninger. James Floor then bought the property, and completed the mill and put in the machinery. He failed to pay for it, and the ownership reverted to Leonard & Francis Chroninger. They owned and operated it till 1864, and then sold it to William Roberts, who has owned and operated it ever since. The mill is a good one, and is supplied with improved machinery. John Beaver, an old pioneer, erected a grist-mill in about the year 1832 on Fall Creek, about one-half mile below where the creek first enters the township. He owned it until his death, and his heirs sold it to William Bills about the year 1844. He sold it to Philip Dresher and Baughman about the year 1862. Baughman lost his life by an accident re- ceived at the mill. In the year 1873 the ownership became vested in Enoch Hanna, the present proprie- tor. It is known as the Germantown Mill, and did a good business prior to 1873 ; at present the ex- penses of operating it exceed the income. The mill built by Seth Bacon and Peter Negley in 1824 on Fall Creek, near Millersville, also the mills on the same stream and near the same place owned by Daniel Ballenger, Noah Leverton, Jacob Spahr, William Winpenny, Tobias Messersmith, and others, are mentioned in the history of Washington township. Elections, — The Democratic party has ever held the ascendency in the township, and at present its majority is in the neighborhood of eighty. On the first Saturday in October, 1826, the first election was held in the township. A justice of the peace and a supervisor were elected. The polls were opened at the cabin of John Johnson, on Fall Creek, a short distance southeast of where the " correction line" LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 563 crosses the creek. Thirteen votes were cast, and Peter Castater was elected justice of the peace, and Samuel Morrow was elected supervisor. The fol- lowing persons voted, viz. : Elisha Roddick. Peter Castater. Joshua Reddick. Samuel Morrow. William Reddick. Robert Warren. Thomas North. John Johnson. Samuel North. John Negley. Daniel Ballenger. John McConnel. James Ballenger. At the second election, which was held at the same place in 1826, there were present nearly forty voters Subsequently elections were held at Joseph John- son's blacksmith-shop, near where No. 5 school- house now stands ; at Fount Kimberlain's residence for several years (it was held there in 1840) ; at Baker's school-house for several years (it was held there in 1842 and 1843) ; at Andrew Bolander's blacksmith-shop and at his residence, situate on the east forty-acre tract of land now owned by William K. Sproul (the election was there in 1849) ; and at Spring Valley school-house No. 8, and was held there until three voting precincts were established. The election was then held at the residence of Henry Cronk, one mile east of Castleton, at Spring Valley school-house No. 8, and at William Hoss' residence, at the cross roads near the David Hoss farm, south- west of Oakland, until the township was divided into three precincts for election purposes and polls established at school-houses Nos. 3, 6, and 9, which are the- present voting places, as follows : Precinct No. 1, at Oakland; Precinct No. 2, at Vertland; Precinct No. 3, at Lawrence. Bailroads. — Two railway lines pass through the township. The Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad enters it, from the southwest, at a point about three miles south of the northwest corner, passing through the township in a northeasterly direction a distance of three and one-half miles, and leaving it at a point one and three-quarter miles east of the northwest corner. The road was completed through the township in the winter of 1851. Castleton is the only station on the road in the township. The railway now known as the Bee Line was completed through the township in the winter of 1850. It enters the township two miles east of the southwest corner, and passes across the southeast corner, a distance of eight and one-half miles, and leaves it at a point four and one-quarter miles north of the southeast corner. The towns of Lawrence and Oakland enjoy the facilities offered by this railroad. Minnewan Springs.— These springs, situate upon the farm of Hezekiah Smart, one and one- half miles northeast of the town of Lawrence, are worthy of notice. These springs are situated in the midst of a grove. They came into public notice about the year 1860, and were supposed to contain valuable mineral properties. Great excitement pre- vailed and much comment was indulged in upon the first announcement of the wonderful curative power of these springs, but they have long since passed from public notice. These springs, three in number, " rise perpendicular through blue clay to the surface, one hundred and eighty feet above the water, in White River, at Indianapolis." Abraham Vines, the owner of the premises at the time of the discovery, sold them, on Aug. 27, 1863, to the Minnewan Springs Company, composed of speculators in Indian- apolis. The company erected a bath-house, fitted up the springs, and otherwise improved the property so as to fully test the efiBcacy of the waters. Thomas D. Worrall was the manager. For several years thereafter the place became a favorite resort for people from the city. The investment proved an unprofitable one, as the springs, by careful chemical analysis, were found to contain but little if any medicinal virtues ; hence, on the 22d day of April, 1871, the company — J. L. Hunt, James Maulsley, and Ruth Maulsley— sold the premises to Hezekiah Smart, the present owner. Post-Offices and Villages. — The following-named post-offices are located in Lawrence township, viz. : Castleton, Lawrence, and Oaklandon. At. and from each of these offices the mail arrives and departs twice daily. Mail matter intended for Germantown is sent to Oaklandon, and that bound for Vertland goes to Castleton. 664 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. The township has five villages, viz. : Germantown, Lawrence, Oakland, Vertland, and Castleton. Germantown, situated in the northeastern part of the township, on Fall Creek, is the oldest, and was laid out by John Beaver, Solomon Beaver, and George Beaver, on March 1, 1834. A part of the town was in Hamilton County and a part in Marion County. It contains a saw- and grist-mill combined, and one country dry-goods store. Anthony Snyder is the merchant, William Sala is the miller, and Harvey Smith the physician. The population is about thirty. Lawrence was laid out Feb. 27, 1849, by James White, in the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 13, township 16 north, range 4 east, being south of the Pendleton road. Mr. White platted the town as Lanesville, and it was sometimes called Jamestown, after Mr. White. North Lanesville was laid out by James White, Dec. 27, 1850. Reuben Hunter laid out an addi- tion June 14, 1852, and on Nov. 5, 1856, Samuel Records made an addition and subsequently four more additions. William M. Voorhes laid out an ad- dition north of the railroad, and Robinson & Co. laid out an addition, just west of North Lanesville, containing three hundred and sixty-eight lots and four blocks. The latter addition was made during the great real estate boom, and never benefited the town. A post-oflBce was established at the cross- roads south of the present town in 1847 or 1848, and James R. Beard was the first postmaster. The name of the office was Lawrence. Upon petition, the county commissioners about the year 1866 changed the name of the village from Lanesville to Lawrence, so as to correspond with the name of the post-office. This action was taken to obviate the difficulties con- tinually experienced in mail matters. Mail intended for Lawrence would be taken to Lanesville, in Har- rison County, and the Lanesville mail would con- stantly be sent to Lawrence, thus continually creating a source of annoyance and confusion. The first mer- chant in old Lanesville was Elijah Knight. The town of Lawrence is situated nine miles from Indianapolis, in a direction north of east, on the Bee-Line Railroad. The streets are well graded and graveled ; the buildings are in good condition. and the village is a lively little place, and the prettiest in the township. No village of the size in Marion County outranks it in enterprising business men. The Western Union Telegraph Company have an office there, and it has telephonic connection with all important towns in Indiana. It has a graded school, a Methodist and Baptist Church, an Odd-Fellows' lodge, and a lodge of Knights of Honor; two physi- cians (Dr. Samuel Records and Smith H. Mapes, M.D.) ; two general dry-goods stores, conducted by M. E. Freeman and H. M. Newhouse & Co., both doing a thriving business. William Hubbard has the oldest drug-store, is a man of the strictest integrity, and has an extensive trade. Mapes & White carry a large stock of goods, and although the firm is new, it is an enterprising one. Peters Brothers have a knife- manufactory. M. C. Dawson manufactures drain-tile, and does a business not surpassed by any firm in that line in the county. The population of the village is about one hundred and fifty. M. E. Freeman is the pqstmaster. The village of Oakland is situated thirteen miles from Indianapolis, on the Bee-Line Railroad. It was laid out June 18, 1849, by John Emery. The name Oakland was suggested by Dr. Moore. The streets have never been improved and many of the houses are in a dilapidated condition, and the village presents the appearance of age and decay. Subse- quent to 1849 John Mock, Andrew F. Cory, John ' W. Combs, and Enoch Hanna laid out additions. The first merchants were the firm of John W. & William Combs ; the first practicing physician was James W. Hervey. The town has a population of about two hundred, and has a telephonic connection and a Western Union Telegraph office. The railroad company recently completed a commodious depot, which adds greatly to the comfort of the traveling public. The present merchants are David G. Hanna and Naaman G. Plummer, both of whom are dealers in general merchandise. Andrew F. Cory and Jeff. K. Heltman are the physicians, and Naaman C. Plummer is the postmaster. The name of the post- office is Oaklandon. The town has three churches, — a Methodist, a Christian, and a Universalist. The last two named have a large membership and are well LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 565 attended. The first Darned, however, is in a precari- ous condition. The village contains a graded school, and the Masons, Odd-Fellows, and Grangers have lodges located there. Vertland is situated eleven and a half miles north- northeast of Indianapolis, on the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad. It was laid out by Milford H. Vert, March 14, 1851, and given the name of Belle- fontaine. It was so called until June 13, 1853, when, upon petition of Milford H. Vert and seven other citizens of Bellefontaine, all voters of said town, the Board of County Commissioners ordered " that the name of said town be, and it is hereby changed to, Vertland ; which name it shall hereafter bear." Originally the town contained thirty-three lots, but many of them have been thrown back into farming- land, and no business of any kind has been carried on there for many years. The first merchants of the town were Hilary and Eaton Thomas. The Castle- ton Methodist Episcopal Church and the parsonage of the Castleton Circuit are located there. No. 3 school-house is also located there and a graded school taught. James I. Rooker is the only physician in the place. The population of the town is about twenty- five. Eleven miles from Indianapolis, on the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad, is situated the lively little town known as Castleton. It was laid out Feb. 25, 1852, by Thomas P. Gentry, aud contained nine lots. On April 29, 1875, David Macy laid out an addition east of the railroad, containing sixteen lots. Lewis Drounberger was the first merchant. The present merchants are Peter L. Negley, Solomon Kleffer, and Wadsworth & Son, all of whom deal ex- tensively in general merchandise. Peter L. Negley is the postmaster, and A. W. T. Lyle and Hilary Sil- yey are the physicians. The town has telephonic connection. The present population is about fifty, having improved considerably during the past eight years, prior to which time no ground could be ob- tained upon which buildings could be erected and the village enlarged. It is situated in the midst of a fine farming region. Societies and Associations. — There are five active secret and benevolent societies in the town- ship ; one dormant and one defunct grange P. of H. ; one fair association ; and a horse company, as fol- lows: Oakland Lodge, No. 140, F. and A. M., was in- stituted under a dispensation dated Dec. 8, 1852, in Oakland, Ind. The following were the charter members : B. G. Jay, W. M. ; John W. Combs, 8. W. ; Nelson Bradley, J. W. ; James A. Harrison, Treas. ; James Hinds, Sec. ; Elias V. Kelly, S. D. ; Elias H. McCord, J. D.; Enoch D. Hanna, Tiler; James W. Hervey, Jacob Beatty, Clark Wait, and Nehemiah Brooks. The lodge was chartered by the M. W. Grand Lodge May 25, 1853. The following ofiicers were elected under charter: Barzilled G. Jay, W. M. ; John W. Combs, S. W. ; Nelson Bradley, J. W. The following persons have served as Worshipful Masters of the lodge the number of years noted, viz. : B. G. Jay, IJ years; Nelson Bradley, 1 year; John W. Combs, 2 years ; James W. Hervey, 2 years ; Thomas P. Hervey, 3 years ; Harvey Colwell, 4 years ; Joseph L. Harley, 1 year ; Andrew F. Cory, 7} years ; Naaman C. Plummer, 1 year ; Charles J. Negley, 2 years ; George W. Bolander, 1 year ; George W. Stanley, 5 years. The following named have served as secretary the number of years noted, viz. : James Hinds, 2 years ; B. G. Jay, 1 year ; I. N. Craig, 3 years ; Jacob McCord, 5 years ; A. F. Cory, 3 years ; Martin V. McConnaha, 2 years; John W. Combs, 11 years; Jonathan Conkle, 1 year; George W. Stanley, 2 years. The lodge held its meetings in the attic under the roof of Enoch D. Hanna's store building until 1857. About that time the trustees of the lodge and the township trustee jointly erected the building now used as a lodge hall, and occupied by the primary department of district school No. 6. The lodge has fifty members in good standing, and meets on the Wednesday evening of or preceding the full moon of each month. Oakland Lodge, No. 534, I. 0. O. P., was insti- tuted by John W. McQuiddy, special deputy, on 566 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. June 1, 1876, with six charter and six initiatory members. The following were the first oflBcers : F. Fellows, N. G. ; G. W. Bolander, V. G. ; George W. Karer, Rec. Sec. ; G. W. Teal, Treas. The society meets every Thursday evening, and has about thirty-six members. The following ofiBcers were elected in June, 1883 : Thomas Shafer, N. G. ; Noel Bolander, V. G. ; William F. Combs, Sec; Stephen P. Riley, Treas. Castleton Lodge, No. 518, I. 0. 0. F., was insti- tuted by dispensation at Castleton, Dec. 21, 1875, by J. W. McQuiddy, P. G. Rep., special deputy. In the summer of 1881 it was consolidated with Broad Ripple Lodge, No. 548. The event was cele- brated on Saturday, June 11, 1881, by a picnic in the beautiful grove adjoining Broad Ripple. Lawrence Lodge, No. 375, I. O. 0. F. On the 28th day of June, 1871, W. H. De Wolf, Grand Master of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F., granted a dispensation for a lodge at Lawrence, Ind., to bo known as Lawrence Lodge, No. 375, 1. 0. O. P., on the petition of the following-named persons, who became charter members : W. M. Babcock, John Bills, William Morrison, Isaac Bills, and Sylvester Gaskins, formerly of McCordsville Lodge, No. 338. The lodge was instituted by Grand Secretary B. H. Barry, as special deputy, on July 15, 1871. After the lodge was duly instituted the following persons were initiated : John McCormick, Thomas Spong, John Newhouse, Richard Johnson, Henry Bell, John Delzell, Smith H. Mapes, George Springer, Henry C. Allen, John Shafer, and 0. N. Wilming- ton. No other signer of the petition for the lodge was present, except George W. Hunter, E. T. Wells, and Abel Wheeler, and they could not be admitted on card, not having complied with the law. The first oflScers elected were William M. Babcock, N. G. ; S. H. Mapes, V. G. ; 0. N. Wilmington, Sec. ; Henry Bell, Treas. The lodge has a membership of forty-three, and meets in Voorhis' Hall, in Lawrence, every Saturday evening. The following ofiicers were elected in June, 1883 : M. C. Dawson, N. G. ; W. F. Landis, V. G. ; W. H. Cruchfield, Sec. ; Ezra Hamilton, Treas. Lawrence Lodge, No. 358, Knights of Honor, was instituted in Newhouse's Hall on Sept. 30, 1876, by George Hardin, of New Augusta, Deputy Grand Dictator, with the following charter members, viz. : John Meldrum, Joseph W. Church, Joseph Meldram, William S. Newhouse, William H. Wheeler, Thomas B. Speece, Millard F. Church, George Newhouse, Christian Lout, James W. Jenkins, and A. J. New- house. There were other petitioners, but they did not become members. The first trustees were A. J. Newhouse, George Newhouse, and Christ. F. Lout. The first officers were Christ. F. Lout, D. ; Millard F. Church, V. D. ; John Meldrum, A. D. ; George Newhouse, Treas. ; Thomas B. Speece, Rep. ; J. W. Church, Fin. Rep. ; Joseph Meldrum, G. ; James W. Jenkins, Guard. ; William S. Newhouse, Sent. The lodge meets every Wednesday evening, in Voorhis' Hall, in Lawrence, and has thirty-five con- tributing members. Thomas M. Elliott, M. Black, and Paul Klepfer are the trustees, and the following officers were elected at the last election, to serve one year, viz. : J. J. Marshall, D. ; John Tharp, V. D. ; H. B. Fisher, A. D. ; William White, Treas. ; Thomas M. Elliott, Rep. ; M. F. Church, Fin. Rep. ; John Meldrum, G. ; James W. Jenkins, Guard. ; B. F. Marshall, Sent. Indian Creek Grange, No. 828, P. of H., was chartered Dec. 27, 1873, and instituted the same day, by Abner J. Pope, with the following charter members, viz. : Charles J. Negley, M. ; Lewis Hossan Jans, 0. ; Stephen P. Riley, L. ; Andrew M. Huff, S. ; John J. Snyder, A. S. ; Pressly Silvey, Chap. ; Joseph N. Day, Treas. ; Solomon Klepfer, Sec. ; A. J. Springer, G. K. ; Caroline Negley, C. ; Nancy Smith, P. ; Lizzie Riley, F. ; Margaret Snyder, A. S. Also Taylor Corey, John J. Sharp, John W. Kimberlain, and George W. Applegate. The grange was in a flourishing condition at one time, with a membership of one hundred and eighty- four. The number of contributing members June, 1883, was about thirty. Lawrence Grange was organized in No. 7 school- house, Germantown Grange was instituted at Ger- mantown, and Castleton Grange was instituted at Castleton, during the great grange movement of LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 567 1874. These granges all flourished lor a while, but io a short time they ceased to exist. Germantown Grange and Lawrence Grange were consolidated with Indian Creek Grange, No. 828. Castleton Grange became defunct after a short life. The present offi- cers of Indian Creek Grange are Stephen P. Riley, M. ; Simon Klepfer, Treas. ; Charles J. Negley, Sec. The grange meets in the hall of the grange building in Oakland, on the first and third Saturday evenings of each month. Highland Grange, No. 1182, P. of H., was organ- ized Dec. 7, 1883, by J. J. W. Billingley, deputy. There were thirty petitioners and charter members, and the grange began its existence with seventy members. The first officers were Samuel Cory, M. ; Israel Pressly, 0. ; L. Y. Newhouse, L. ; Joseph E. Boswell, S. ; Henry A. Newhouse, A. S. ; John Mowry, Chapl. ; Benjamin Tyner, Treas. ; William B. Flick, Sec. ; Robert W. Cory, G. K. ; Hanna j Pressly, C. ; E. J. Newhouse, P. ; Nancy Miller, F. ; j Laura Cory, A. S. Samuel Cory served as Master until the grange became dormant. The grange ceased to work in the year 1881, because of the non- attendance of the members, numbering at the time only twenty-one. The grange can resume the work at any time, and probably will be resuscitated some time in the future. The Lawrence Guards, of Indiana Legion, were enrolled and mustered during the late Rebellion, and held in readiness for several years for active service in the event they should be needed. At one time there were one hundred and six members of the com- pany. They were fully equipped, and provided with Austrian rifles. The company drilled every Satur- day, and often engaged in battalion drill. The com- pany was in camp three days at Acton, this county. 0. W. Voorhis was the captain, James H. Thomas first lieutenant, and Robert Johnson second lieu- tenant. The Lawrence Township Horse Company was first organized in the fall of 1845, in the Third Baptist Church of Jesus Christ, on Fall Creek. The object of the organization was "the detection and appre- hension of horse-thieves and other felons." The following persona became members at the organiza- tion, viz. : Smith Bates, Madison Webb, Elisha Reddick, Joshua Reddick, and Moses McClaren. The first officers were elected at a subsequent meet- ing, when Madison Webb was made president and Allen Vanlaningham was selected as captain. After the adoption of the new State Constitution, in 1852, the company was reorganized in conformity to the new State laws enacted. The second charter expired in the year 1862, and on the 26th day of July of that year the company was reorganized. The fourth charter was obtained upon the expiration of the third, but for some reason the articles of incorporation were not properly filed and recorded, hence, as soon as the error was discovered, the company again reor- ganized. On the last Saturday in February, in the year 1879, the company was last chartered for a term of ten years under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, approved Dec. 21, 1865, and the Board of County Commissioners at their Febru- ary term, 1879, granted thirty-two members of said company " all the power of constables." The follow- ing officers were elected for one year on Oct. 27, 1883, viz. : Hezekiah Smart, president ; Oliver W. Voorhis, secretary ; Jonah F. Lemon, treasurer ; William Apple, captain ; Solomon Klepfer, 1st lieu- tenant ; George F. Merryman, 2d lieutenant ; George W. Bolander, 3d lieutenant ; J. H. Herrin, door- keeper. The company is in a flourishing condition, with a membership of seventy -seven. A large surplus re- mains in the treasury, and no property has been stolen from its members for some time, and every horse stolen since its organization, in 1845, has been recovered. The organization has been instrumental in sending a number of thieves to the State's prison, and it has recovered a large amount of stolen prop- erty. Its regular meetings are held on the last Saturday in the months of January, April, July, and October of each year, at school-house No. 8, known as Spring Valley. The Lawrence District Fair Association originated in Highland Grange, No. 1182, Samuel Cory, Worthy Master; W. B. Flick, secretary. After discussing the matter, arrangements were made, and the first exhibition, small, but interesting and successful, was 568 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. held at Highland school-house Oct. 1, 1877. There were about three hundred entries, horses, cattle, farm products, women's work, etc. No cash premiums were given, but certificates of excellence only. Mr. Kingsbury, of the Indiana farmers, delivered an ad- dress, " Beautify the Home," and about two hundred persons were in attendance. In the fall of 1878 a corn show was held, and proved to be a good exhibition, but not very well attended. In 1880 a joint-stock company, named the Lawrence Township Agricultural Association, was formed, with 0. W. Voorhis as president, and W. B. Flick, secretary. The first exhibition was held at Minnewan Springs, the beautiful grounds of Hezekiah Smart. No premiums were paid, and no admission fee charged. The show was good, and the attendance large. The whole exhibition was a sub- stantial success. Dr. R. T. Brown made a good practi- cal address. The encouragement received now deter- mined the association to procure grounds of their own, improve them, and arrange for annual exhibitions to which people might come for pleasant reunion, to com- pare products and ideas, criticise, and profit by the re- sult. The use of a beautiful grove and lands adjoining Lawrence was generously donated by President Voor- his, which was tastefully improved at an expenditure of fifteen hundred dollars by the association. Owing to the sickness of the superintendent, work was not begun in time, but by working hands night and day, and a cheerful energy upon the part of all concerned, the work took shape for the fair held Sept. 22, 23, and 24, 1881. The entries numbered eight hundred, and the attendance about twenty-five hundred. Re- ceipts did not equal expenditures, but the association, with commendable honor, resolved to pay all premi- ums in full. The second exhibition, held Sept. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, 1882, proved to be a grand success, better than any one expected. The attendance on Thurs- day was over four thousand, the number of entries exceeded eighteen hundred, and in quality, beauty, and excellence the exhibition is seldom excelled. In vegetable and farm crops the display was immense and excellent. The show of stock, though not so large, was as good as the best. Again the premiums were paid in full. The association resolved to carry a debt rather than discount the premiums. The im- provements made this year were good ones, and cost nearly eighteen hundred dollars. It having been ascertained that the State Board of Agriculture would not recognize the association under the pre- vious name, this was changed to the Lawrence Dis- trict Fair Association. The third exhibition was held Sept. 11 to 15, 1883, inclusive, and was the most successful one ever held, the entries being one-third more than at any previous one, and the attendance one-third greater than upon any former occasion in the history of the association. The association paid nine hun- dred dollars in premiums, and expended thirteen hundred and forty-one dollars in improvements, such as enlarging Agricultural Hall, straightening, widening, and otherwise improving the track, erect- ing additional stalls, pens, etc. The receipts from all sources amounted to about twelve hundred dollars. Again the receipts fell short of the expenditures, but the premiums were paid in full. Aims of the association : 1st. To hold an annual fair at the cheapest possible rate, so the masses may receive the benefits ; 2d. To make this annual gath- ering second to none in the State. To accomplish this they propose to spend every dollar they receive over and above expenses in beau- tifying the grounds, in comfortable improvements for man and beast, and paying premiums. In another year the association will probably have forty acres of their own, which will give more room for improve- ments. This, briefly, is a history of its rise and progress. President Voorhis has been prompt in helping the objects of the association, while Secretary Flick has been not only tireless in his eflforts, but has shown rare and excellent judgment in the discharge of his difficult and sometimes thankless duties. Tlie following are the officers of the association for 1883: 0. W. Voorhis, president, Lawrence, Ind. ; John W. Apple, vice-president, Oaklandon, Ind.; Levi Bolander, treasurer, Oaklandon, Ind. ; James H. Thomas, general superintendent, Lawrence, Ind. ; William B. Flick, secretary, Lawrence, Ind. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 569 Schools. — Lawrence township has turned out many excellent school-teachers ; it has the best public-school buildings, and it is one of the most enterprisiog in all matters pertaining to schools, of all the town- ships in the county. The first school in the town- ship was taught by a man named Edmison, from Chillicothe, Ohio, in Elisha Reddick's cabin in the year 1828. The teacher took the measles and spread consternation among the few scholars, and thus the school was brought to a sudden termination. The first school building erected was in the year 1830, upon the northwest corner of the Eddie Newhouse land, now owned by James W. Jenkins. The first school taught there was a subscription school, and was taught by an old man named Lamb. The boys barred him out on Christmas day and asked for a treat. The demand was acceded to and a gallon of whiskey purchased. The boys drank of it quite freely, and many of them became intoxicated. The patrons held a meeting and discharged Mr. Lamb. Subse- quently log school-houses were erected at various points, notably on the east side of the land now owned by William B. Flick ; on the northwest corner of the farm known as the Smay land ; on the northeast corner of Robert White's farm, and it was afterwards moved on to the southwest corner of the eighty-acre tract of land now owned by Mrs. Mary Ann Negley ; on Cornelius Wadsworth's land ; on the Bragdon farm, east of where Lawrence now is ; one near where each of Nos. 4, 5, and 8 school-houses now stand. School was taught at intervals for four years in a vacant house upon the farm now owned by John Johnson, south of Castleton. In the year 1834 William Hendrick taught school in a small round- log cabin on Indian Creek, near Williams' mill. Spelling-school was held there quite often, and the boys had to carry brush to throw upon the fire in the fireplace in order to light the house. John Thomas taught the first school in the house on the Bragdon land in the year 1831. He taught three terms. Cyrus Smith taught the first school held in the house on Robert White's land. In the year 1835, Travis Silvey taught the first school held in the log house near where No. 8 school-house now stands. For many years after the settlement of the 37 township the schools were few and the terms of short duration, while a majority of the teachers were of an illiterate class. Many of the scholars were obliged to travel long distances through the brush and over swamps, often being obliged to " coon" logs for great distances. The first public school-house was built of hewed logs, on the land then owned by John Bolander, and stood very near the spot upon which the new brick (No. 7) school-house now stands. Daniel Speece, if not the first, was one of the first persons who taught there. After the organization of the Congressional township system the schools were placed upon a solid and permanent basis, and their good eflFects began to be realized. The township system was adopted in 1853, and immediately thereafter the township was supplied with ten schools, and about three years thereafter with ten frame public school buildings, and the township ever since has had an excellent corps of teachers. The first teachers after the adoption of the township system were : School No. 1, Aquilla McCord ; No. 2, Henry Cronk ; No. 3, Nelson Hoss ; No. 4, John Cory ; No. 5, George Speece ; No. 6, Cyrus Smith ; No. 7, James Mc- Kean ; No. 8, Gilbert Ross ; No. 9, William Young ; No. 10, Nelson Hoss. The term lasted sixty-five days, and they were paid as wages seventy-five doUare each. Cyrus Smith taught No. 6 in the Universalist Church at Oakland, and the trustees of the church were allowed nine dollars for the use of the building. On April 29, 1853, the township trustees called " a special meeting of the voters of the township at usual places of holding elections on Saturday, the 28th day of May next, for the purpose of deter- mining whether they will submit to a tax for build- ing, removing, furnishing, and purchasing sites for school-houses of said township." The result of the election was : For tax, seventy-three ; no tax, forty- four. The trustees then levied fifty cents on each poll, and thirty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property, and built a new frame school-house that year, and afterwards about four houses per year until the township was fully supplied with new houses. The estimated cost of eight school-houses 670 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. ■was thirty-two hundred dollars, and it was ordered by the trustees that sixteen hundred dollars be raised in the year 1853 and sixteen hundred dollars in the year 1854. On June 21, 1853, the township trustees, Abraham Sellers, Samuel Cory, and Moses Craig, " Ordered, that the school districts now ex- pending the school funds which was in their hands unexpended on the first Monday in April, 1853, be permitted to expend the same for tuition." There are now twelve school districts in the town- ship, distributed at convenient points. Districts Nos. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, and 10 are supplied with commodious brick buildings, each containing thirty-eight thousand brick. District No. 3 has a two-story brick edifice, finished in modern style, and district school-house No. 9 is a beautiful two-story frame structure. Dis- trict No. 6 has two frame houses, and the school is a graded one. The remaining districts have substan- tial frame buildings. The following is from the teachers' reports to the trustee for the term of 1882 and 1883, viz. : Whole number enrolled, 626 ; males, 341; females, 285; average daily attendance, 413 number studying orthography, 578 ; reading, 625 writing, 605 ; arithmetic, 570 ; geography, 339 grammar, 367 ; history, 75 ; physiology, 125. The trustee made the following school levy for 1883 : Tuition school, seven cents on the one hun- dred dollars ; special school, three cents on the one hundred dollars. The school term now lasts six months, and the fol- lowing are the teachers for the winter of 1883 and 1884, viz.: No. 1, Samuel Beaver; No. 2, A. E. Bragdon ; No. 3, Principal, Marion Bell ; No. 3, Primary, Annie Herrin ; No. 4, O. H. Tibbott ; No. 5, James Watson ; No. 6, Principal, William F. Lan- dis; No. 6, Primary, Lou Abbott; No. 7, A. A. Johnson ; No. 8, F. A. Whitesides ; No. 9, Prin- cipal, Samuel Bolander ; No. 9, Primary, Jennie 0. Hensley; No. 10, Edward White; No. 11, Charies Bolander; No. 12, Belle Conkle. They are paid from $2.25 to $2.50 per day. The township library contains about eight hun- dred volumes, some of them valuable works. They are about equally distributed": at the following con- venient points, are in first-class condition, and in charge of the persons named : Castleton, Mrs. An- derson ; Lawrence, Grace Mapes ; Oakland, Dr. A. F. Cory. Churches. — The first preaching held in the town- ship after its settlement was in the year 1825, on the farm entered by William Reddick for his son Joshua, and in his cabin, situated northwest of the mouth of Mud Creek. Preaching was held there nearly seven years. The first sermon was delivered by a young man named Miller. There are now ten church buildings in the town- ship, under control of five different denominations, as follows, viz. : Five Methodist Episcopal, two Evangel- ical Lutheran, one Christian Church, one Baptist Church, and one Universalist Church. Oakland Methodist Episcopal Church was organ- ized in 1852, with a membership of twenty-four. The, meetings were held two years in an old log cabin, one half-mile east of Oakland, on the Combs farm. Rev. Manwell and Rev. Gillum were the first preachers. The present church building was erected in the summer of 1854. James Hines, Jr., was accidentally killed in May of that year, while en- gaged in adjusting one of the timbers of the cupola. The church was dedicated in 1855. Rev. M. Gillum was the first circuit preacher in the new building, and James W. Hervey, Henry Whittiker, and Foun- tain Kimberlain were the first trustees. The present trustees are John Mock and Ephraim Thomas. J. S. Ruggles is the circuit preacher. The church is on the Castleton Circuit. Paul Klepfer is the stew- ard and class-leader. This society was at one time in a flourishing condition, but not so now. Present membership, twenty-five. Lawrence Methodist Episcopal Church was organ- ized by Rev. Trusler, from Virginia, at the residence of Benjamin Newhouse, one and one-fourth miles west of where the town of Lawrence now is, about the year 1838, with the following members, viz. : Benjamin Newhouse and Mahala, his wife, Henry Newhouse and Elizabeth, his wife, and Edmund New- house and Sallie, his wife. LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 671 Preaching was held at Benjainin Newhouse's sev- eral years, and afterwards at Henry Newhouse's resi- dence. About the year 1848 the class built a hewed log house on the farm of Henry Newhouse, three- fourths of a mile west of Lawrence, Mr. Newhouse donating land for the site. This church was called Concord, and was used and occupied by the class as a place of worship for twelve years. Concord was then abandoned as a preaching-point, and the ground con- veyed back to Henry Newhouse. The society then went to the present frame church in the town of Law- rence, which was erected in the year 1860, the ground for the site and one hundred and fifty dollars in money being donated to the society by Henry Newhouse. The frame church was dedicated in 1860. Frank Hardin delivered the dedicatory sermon. The first trustees of the new church property were Amos Anderson, James Beard, and James Wheeler. The trustees of the property at the present time are Matthew C. Dawson, John Smith, and Franklin Joseph Johnson. The stewards are John Smith and Matthew C. Dawson. The present membership is seventy-five. The following ministers preached regularly at Concord, viz. : Frank Hardin. Bernhart, Johnson, Martin, Manwell, Greenmund, and Burt. The church is now on the Castleton Circuit, and Rev. J. S. Ruggles is the minister. The society is a strong one and in a good condition financially. Spring Valley Methodist Episcopal Church was or- ganized as a class in Hilary Silvey's cabin, near the centre of the township, in the year 1832, with aboUt eighteen members. The first regular preacher was Rev. Ellsberry, the second Rev. Igoe, and the third Re¥. Sullivan. Services were held there for five years, and then from house to house until a preach- ing point was established at Spring Valley. A Sab- bath-school was organized in district (log) school- house by Abraham Vines, under the auspices of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the spring of 1852, and carried on successfully for two years. In about 1854 a preaching-point was established there, and the place called Vines' School- House. Preaching and Sabbath-school were held there until the com- pletion of the present frame building. In 1859, Abraham Vines, John Stires, and other moral men concluded to erect a frame building, thirty by forty feet, and soon succeeded in raising enough money to do so. The building was built in the years 1860 and 1861, near No. 8 school-house. J. H. Thomas did the carpenter-work, John C. Thomas was the plasterer, and Isaac N. Thomas the painter. The buillding was dedicated in 1865, the Rev. John V. R. Miller, the then presiding elder, delivering the dedicatory sermon. At that tim'e Rev. J. C. White was the circuit preacher. The first trustees were Joshua Huston, Thomas P. Silvey, and J. H. Thomas. In 1837 the church had thirty-two members. The following pastors followed Rev. J. C. White, who was on the circuit two years, viz. : Michael Black, 1 year; William Nichols, 2 years ; Samuel Pinkerton, 2 years; Richard Osburn, 1 year; W. S. Falken- berg, 1 year ; L. Havens, 1 year ; Alexander Jami- son, 2 years. The present minister is J. 8. Ruggles. The church is attached to the Castleton Circuit. The present trustees are Hezekiah Smart, Pressly Silvey, George G. Johnson, John W. Russell, and William T. Johnson. Martha Speece is the only person remaining with the class who became a mem- ber in 1832. Hopewell Methodist Episcopal Church edifice is situated on the west bank of Mud Creek, about one and one-half miles south of the Hamilton County line. It was built about 1850, by J. N. McCoy, Jacob Hoss, John Tate, Hiram Simons, Alexander McClaren, and others, who banded together for the purpose. John Burt was the first preacher, and Richard Hairgrave the first presiding elder. The church began with a membership of fourteen. The ground for the church site was donated by Jacob Hoss, and a cemetery surrounds the building. The church was abandoned as a preaching-point in 1878, but is kept in moderate repair and used upon occa- sions such as funerals or special preaching. The first trustees were Jacob Hoss, James N. McCoy, and David Fee. The present trustees are Henry Cronk, James N. McCoy, and C. B. Wadsworth. The church belongs to the Castleton Circuit. Alexander Jamison was the last pastor. 572 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Castleton Methodist Episcopal Church was organ- ized with fifteen members about 1843, by James T. Wright. Its meetings were held at the residences of James T. Wright, William Orpurd, Milford H. Vert, and others ; also, in an old log school-house in the north part of Vertland, just west of the railroad, and in Milford H. Vert's warehouse, for twenty years. After which their meetings were held for twelve years in the new frame school-house. The present brick edifice was built through the instrumentality of Rev. James H. Stallard. It was completed in the year 1874, but was not occupied as a place of worship until the year 1876. The trustees of the church in their report to the Quarterly Conference, Aug. 16, 1882, represented the title as being good, and placed j the value of the property at three thousand five hun- dred dollars. James T. Wright, the founder of the church, was its first minister and for several years its sole pastor. Thomas Jones was the first preacher in the new brick. The church was dedicated in the summer of 1880, during the pastorate of Harvey Harris. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by J. K. Pye, the presiding elder. The present minister ; is J. S. Ruggles. The present membership is about \ sixty. The stewards are John J. Johnson, Henry | Cronk, and C. B. Wadsworth. The trustees are as j follows, viz. : Wilson Whitesell, John J. Johnson, Samuel T. Hague, Robert Johnson, John E. Myles, Robert B. Smith, James I. Rooker, William F. Wads- worth, and Andrew Smith. Prior to the building of the new church building the following circuit preach- ers were the most prominent : George Havens (3 years), John Burt (3 years), Wade Posey (2 years), R. D. Spellman, J. C. White, D. C. Benjamin, Sam- uel Longdon, and James H. Stallard. The following have been the pastors of this church since the completion of the new building, viz. : Revs. Thomas Jones, Thornton, Alexander Jami- son, Austin Reek, Harvey Harris, and William M. Grubbs. Camp-meeting was held under the direction of Rev. Alexander Jamison in the vicinity of Castleton, in July, 1878, and again in 1879 and 1880, lasting each year for several days. The church is in a pros- perous condition, having passed safely through a great financial strain, and its future prospects for accomplishing much good are very flattering. The parsonage of the Castleton Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church is located at Vertland, and adjoins the Castleton Church building. The parsonage is under the control of the following trus- tees appointed by the Quarterly Conference : Wilson Whitesell, John J. Johnson, Andrew Smith, and Henry Cronk. Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church was organized as a class at the residence of Jeremiah Plummer, on Indian Creek, about the year 1835, and a circuit-rider preached there regularly every four weeks for two or three years. The hewed-log school- house on John Bolander's land was then used for five or six years. About the year 1842 a hewed-log church was built by the moral men of the neighbor- hood on the northeast corner of the eighty-acre tract of land now owned by John Smith. John Shenkle donated an acre of land for the site of the church. The first trustees of the property were George Plum- mer, William Lakin, and John Obrian. It was the first church building erected in the township, and was commonly called the Plummer Church. The so- ciety numbered about fifty at the time the church was built. William Lakin, James H. Murphy, Ben- jamin Chapman, John Obrian, Ephraim Thomas, George N. Plummer, Jeremiah Plummer, and John Shenkle were the prominent members, and took an active interest in the building of the church. John B. Burt, Charles Morrow, et al, were the ministers of the church prior to the erection of the church build- ing. George W. Bowers was the first preacher in the log church. Following him, the most prominent were Allen Beasley, L. M. Hancock, William C. Smith, Crouch, and Eli Rummel. The mem- bership dwindled down to a few, the building became unfit for occupancy, and the class was unable to build a new one; consequently about 1857 meetings ceased to be held there, and the class disbanded. The build- ing was left standing until the year 1867, when the crumbling structure was torn down and removed from the premises. The old site has long been used as a cemetery, and is known as the " Plummer grave- yard." LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. 673 The Pleasant View United Brethren Church was organized many years ago, and held its meetings at the cabin of William Hendricks, on Fall Creek, for several years. A hewed-log church was raised about the year 1845 on the east bank of Fall Creek, on a high hill called Mount Holy, near the Emery Ford, and used as a meeting-house nearly thirty years. The class disbanded years ago. The first preacher in the church was the Rev. Richardson. Amos Hanway was one of the most prominent ministers of the church. William Hendricks and Charles Emery were two of the first trustees. The house was built upon the farm of William Hendricks, now owned by Richard Johnson. The house has decayed so that it is in a condition to fall at any time. The Salem Lutheran Church was organized at the residence of Abraham Sellers several years prior to 1848. During that year a hewed-log church was built upon an acre of ground donated as a site for the church by Joseph Swarm. It was built by donations from men of moral influence, and is situated on the Fall Creek and Mud Creek gravel road, about one- half mile south of school-house No. 2. The church was dedicated one year after its completion, John A. Myers delivering the dedicatory sermon. Hugh Wells was the minister in charge at the time of the dedication. The present minister is Obadiah Brown. The first trustees were Joseph Swarm, Abraham Sellers, and Arthur Clawson. The Upper Ebenezer Lutheran Church originated in 1824, in the old Ebenezer Lutheran Church of Washington township, which will be found fully mentioned in the history of that township. An ac- count is there given of the division of that church and the sale of the church building in February, 1868. In consequence of the sale of the church building, about sixty persons were left without a house in which to worship. They resolved to build a new frame church after the modern style, and ap- pointed John Mowry, J. G. Marshal, and John C. Hoss as a building committee, and selected John Negley as a suitable person to raise the funds. In due time the necessary money was secured, and the building erected in the year 1868 upon seventy-two square rods of ground donated to the church society by Hezekiah Ringer out of the southwest corner of his farm in Lawrence township. The church build- ing was dedicated in 1868 immediately upon its com- pletion. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Rev. Samuel Sprecher, CD., of Springfield, Ohio, the then president of Wittenburg College. The Rev. Jacob Keller, the pastor at the time of the separation of the church, went with the Upper settlement and continued their pastor two years, until 1870. The old book of the original organization was kept by the congregation of the upper settlement. The congre- gation at present numbers forty-one active members. The pastors since 1868 have been as follows : Jacob Keller, 2 years ; E. Fair, 1 year ; J. Boone, 2 years ; Wm. H. Keller, 5 years; and Obadiah Brown, 1 year. The last named is the present minister. Harrison Ringer and George Mowry are the elders, and Elijah Mowry and George W. Pressly are the deacons. There was no reorganization of this body after the division in the church ; it was by the terms stipu- lated in the articles of agreement a continuation of the original body. The Oakland Christian Church was organized May 1, 1866, with a membership of one hundred and thirty-eight, and occupied the Universalist Church building one year thereafter. In 1868 the class erected the present frame building, and dedicated it the same year. Rev. David Franklin, of Madison County, Ind., delivered the dedicatory sermon. Christopher Apple took the most active part in the building of the church. He contributed all the material that went into the building and three hun- dred dollars in money. The first preacher was W. V. Trowbridge, and the first trustees were Chris- topher Apple, Sylvester Vanlaningham, and Daniel Jordan. Newton Wilson, of Irvington, is the min- ister at present, and John W. Apple and Henry Apple are the trustees. The church has fifty-eight active members. Sabbath-school has been held every Sunday during the past fifteen years, a most remark- able incident for a country church. The Lawrence Baptist Church. The Baptists in the southwestern portion of the township held their meetings for a few years at the residences of various persons of that religious faith, notably at Milton 574 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Woolen's cabin, Parsley's cabin, and George G. F. Boswell's cabin. It was at the cabin of George G. F. Boswell, on the third Friday in May, 1848, that the.se people formed an organization and consti- tuted themselves the Lawrence Township Baptist Church. About that time the congregation built a frame meeting-house on the farm of Milton Woolen, one and one-half miles due west of the town of Law- rence. Milton Woolen, the founder of the church, donated the ground for the site and obtained the pastors. The following persons were very enthusi- astic in the building of the church : Milton Woolen, George G. F. Boswell, Wilson Hartsock, Moses Winters, and Moses Dunn. The following were the ministers in the frame church, viz. : John S. Gilles- pie, Michael White, Madison Hume, Stewart, and Josiah H. Razor. About the year 1860 the congregation abandoned the church on the Woolen land and went to the town of Lawrence, and for sev- eral years thereafter held their meetings in the school- house. A portion of the time they were without a meeting-place and without a pastor. In the year 1872 the present brick edifice was erected in Robin- son & Co.'s addition to Lawrence, and on the oppo- site side of the Pendleton road from old Lanesville. When the congregation occupied the new brick it had but five members that belonged to the church when its meetings were held in the old frame on the Woolen farm. The new brick was dedicated in the year 1875, the Rev. John S. Gillespie preaching the dedicatory sermon. The Rev. R. N. Harvey has been the pastor for eight years, and is in charge at the present time. The Third Regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ, on Fall Creek, was organized on Saturday, July 28, 1838, when the following delegates from the churches named met in council at the residence of Madison Webb, on the " correction line," one-fourth of a mile west of Fall Creek, and constituted them- selves a regular Baptist Church, viz. : T. Woolen, from Indianapolis ; Elder Madison Hume, Thomas Oliphant, and David Stoops, from Crooked Creek ; ' Harris Tyner, John Griffis, and John Perry, from Pleasant Run, and adopted articles of faith and a • constitution, and the following persons declared mem- i hers of a legally constituted regular Baptist Church, viz. : John Giilman and Mary, his wife, Madison Webb, Elijah Webb, Nancy Morrison, and Elizabeth Hardin. Madison Hume was chosen moderator at the organization, and served in that capacity for eight years and six months, and Madison Webb was selected at the same time as clerk, and served for seventeen years, until his death. John Giilman was the first deacon. The church held regular services once per month, as follows: from July, 1838, to August, 1842, and from September, 1843, to April, 1857, on the third Saturday in each month; from August, 1842, to September, 1843, on the fourth Saturday in each month ; and from April, 1857, to the disorganization, on the first Saturday in each month. The church held its meetings at the residences of many'of its members, but principally at Madison Webb's, until 1844, when the congregation built a hewedlog house, costing one hundred and sixty-nine dollars and seventy-three cents. It was erected on top of the Johnson Hill, on the land now owned by John E. Myles, and the members of the church wor- shiped there until the dissolution of the church in 1859. Madison Webb and Jesse Herrin contributed sixty-seven dollars and twenty-four dollars respectively ; said sums being more than one-half of the building funds. Madison Webb, Jesse Herrin, and Robert Stoops were the first trustees. The membership of the church increased rapidly from the first organiza- tion. At one time there were ninety names on the roll. In July, 1842, the church connected themselves with the Indianapolis General Association. From June, 1851, till May, 1853, the church was without a pastor. However, W. M. Davis, of Bloomington, and John Jones, of Stilesville, preached twice each. The following is a list of the pastors of the church from date of organization, with time of service: Mad- ison Hume, 8} years; E. B. Smith, 2 years; Michael White, 2 years ; J. S. Gillespie, 2 years ; H. Keeler, 1 year; D. S. Cothren, 1 year; E. B. Tomlinson, 1 year; and R. Vickers, 1 year. On the first Saturday in October, 1859, the church was dissolved by a unanimous vote of the members, PERRY TOWJ^SHIP. C^7S giving as their reason that the church was scattered and discouraged, and unable " to have preaching and keep up necessary expenses." Letters of dismissal were granted to those who wished them, and it was resolved that when the house ceased to be used for a good purpose that it, together with the furniture, be sold, and the proceeds divided equally between those accepting letters of dismissal. On Saturday, March 30, 1861, the meeting-house and contents was sold by the trustees. Afterwards the house was rented and occupied as a dwelling-house, and finally became a rendezvous for disreputable characters of both sexes. They were notified by a gathering of more than one hundred persons to vacate the premises, and refusing to do so, the citizens met at night, stoned the building, smashed in the windows, and battered down the door. They still refused to leave, so one dark night about 1861 some unknown person set fire to the building, and it was totally destroyed. The Oakland Universalist Church was organized in 1850, with twenty-five members. A frame church was built the same year, and during the summer of 1875 the present brick structure was erected. The present membership is about one hun- dred. The following have been regular pastors since the organization : Longley, 1 year ; Oyler, 1 year ; W. W. Curry, 2 years ; Babcock, 1 year ; Mitchell, 8 or 9 years ; B. P. Foster, 1 year; Adams, 1 year; William Chaplain, 1 year ; Cronley, 1 year ; Adams, 1 year. The following itinerant preachers have preached at the church at divers times, viz.. Revs. Kidwell and J. D. Williamson. The church is without a regu- lar pastor much of the time. The first trustees were Charles McConnell, J. N. Reddick, and Mc- Cord. This denomination has the finest and best church building, the largest membership, and is in the most flourishing condition in every particular of any in the township. The first Universalist society was formed in the township about the year 1838. Aged People of the Township. — In the year 1883 the following persons over seventy years of age resided in the township, viz. : William Horton, of Oakland, was born in North Carolina, and is the oldest, being 102; Lewis Griffith, 87; Edmund Newhouse, 85 ; Solomon Bowers, 86 ; David Clare, 83 ; Jacob Kesselring, 85 ; Benjamin Newhouse, 86 ; Jeremiah Vanlaningham, 85 ; Robert White, 82 ; Jesse Herrin, 83 ; Elisha Reddick, 86 ; John Tate, 80 ; S. W. Crutchfield, 73 ; Daniel Fox, 70 ; Charles Faucett, 74 ; John Hughes (colored), 73 ; George Klepfer, 77 ; Jonah F. Lemon, 72 ; Simeon Mock, 70 ; Granville Morgan, 77 ; John Newhouse, 76 ; William Perry, 72 ; John Plummer, 73 ; Samuel Plummer, 78 ; John Smith, 73 ; Andrew Smith, 78 ; William S. Thomas, 77; John T. Thomas, 78; Clark Wait, 70. CHAPTER XXIV. PERRY TOWNSHIP.! The township of Perry (so named in honor of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry) is the central one of the southern tier of townships of Marion County, being bounded on the west by Decatur township, on the north by Centre, on the east by Franklin town- ship, and on the south by Johnson County. The principal stream (and the only onp of any importance) in the township is White River, which flows in a general south-southwesterly direction, and forms the entire western boundary of this township against that of Decatur. Several inconsiderable tributaries of White River flow in westerly and southwesterly courses through Perry, among them being Buck and Lick Creeks, which have become a little more noted than other unimportant streams of this region from the fact that eariy churches were built near them and received their names. The lands of this township are bottom, second bottom, and uplands, the latter in many places rising into undulations. In nearly all parts of the township the soil is excellent, well adapted for purposes of agriculture, and yields an abundant return to the farmer for labor bestowed upon it. The population of Perry township in 1880 was two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight, as • By Dr. William H. Wishard. 576 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. shown by the returns of the United States census taken in that year. Perry township was laid off and erected by order of the county commissioners of Marion County on the 16th of April, 1822, and on the same day and by order of the same board it was joined with Deca- tur and Franklin, the three to be regarded tempora- rily as one township, for the reason that none of the three were then sufficiently populous for separate or- ganization. This union continued till Aug. 12, 1823, when the commissioners ordered Perry to be stricken off and separately organized. Then Perry and Frank- lin continued united until May 12, 1824, when the same action was taken with regard to Franklin, thus leaving Perry a separate and independent township. When Perry township was laid out by the com- missioners in 1822 its west line was a prolongation of the present line between Centre and Wayne, thus giving to Decatur township a large triangular strip of land lying east of White River, and now included in Perry. This original west line remained undis- turbed until Jan. 7, 1833, when, upon petition of certain citizens of Decatur township living east of the river, the commissioners ordered " that all the part of Decatur township lying on the east side of White River shall be attached to and hereafter form a part of Perry township," thus permanently estab- lishing the river boundary. Following is a list of township officers of Perry township from its formation to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Peter Harmonson, June 28, 1822, to June 6, 1827. Henry D. Bell, Jan. 3, 1824, to April 18, 1828. Thomas Carle, April 30, 1828, to May, 1831; died. Peyton Bristow, Nov. 3, 1829, to July 4, 1834; resigned. Thomas MoFarland, June 18, 1831, to Jan. 6, 1834; resigned. Jacob Smock, Feb. 21, 18.34, to Feb. 21, 18.39. George Tomlinson, Oct. 18, 1834, to Oct. 18, 1839. John Myers, April 6, 1839, to April 6, J 844. George Tomlinson, Deo. 7, 1839, to Deo. 7, 1844. John Myers, May 25, 1844, to May 25, 1849. George Tomlinson, Jan. 15, 1845, to Jan. 15, 1850. John Smith, May 25, 1849, to May 25, 1868. Thomas C. Smock, Jan. 15, 1850, to Jan. 15, 1855. Thomas J. Todd, June 2, 1854, to June 2, 1862. William H. Boyd, Jan. 15, 1855, to Feb. 26, 1857; resigned. Garret List, April 28, 1857, to April 18, 1861. Thomas N. Thomas, May 26, 1858, to 1864. John W. Riley, June 4, 1861, to March 18, 1864; resigned. James Gentle, June 2, 1862, to April 1, 1863; resigned. Thomas 0. Smock, April 22, 1863, to April 22, 1871. John Myers, Nov. 14, 1864, to July 20, 1882; died. Jobn W.Thompson, Nov. 15, 1864; removed. William T. Curd, April 1.3, 1867, to April 13, 1871. Samuel Royster, April 13, 1871, to Feb. 27, 1872; resigned. Joseph Henricks, June 14, 1871, to March 16, 1872; resigned. William T. Curd, Oct. 21, 1872, to Feb. 4, 1875; died. George Isaac Tomlinson, March 25, 1875, to Oct. 25, 1880. Isaac N. Staokhouse, July 6, 1877, to April 9, 1878. Samuel C. Ferguson, April 9, 1878, to April 9, 1882. Levi A. Hardesty, Oct. 15, 1879, to Oct. 30, 1884. TRUSTEES. John MoCollum, April 9, 1859, to April 18, 1863. Robert M. Stewart, April 18, 1863, to Sept. 8, 1865. James Gentle, Sept. 16, 1865, to April 18, 1868. John E. Griffith. April 18, 1868, to June 3, 1871. James Gentle, June 3, 1871, to Oct. 8, 1872. Elbert F. Norwood, Oct. 8, 1872, to Oct. 26, 1874. Charles Larsh, Oct. 26, 1874, to Oct. 20, 1876. William R. Wycoff, Oct. 20, 1876, to April 10, 1880. John S. Morford, April 10, 1880, to April 14, 1884. ASSESSORS. George L. Kinnard, .Tan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. David Marrs, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 4, 1830. Thomas McFarland, Jan. 4, 1830. to Jan. 2, 1832. William H. Bristow, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. Samuel Alexander, Jan. 7, 1833, to Jan. A, 1834. William H. Bristow, Jan. 6, 1834, to May 5, 1835. George Tomlinson, May 5, 1835, to March 7, 1836. Jonathan Barrett, March 7, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. George Tomlinson, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 1, 1838. Thomas N. Thomas, Jan. 1, 1838, to Jan. 7, 1839. Jonathan Barrett, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Samuel Alexander, Jan. 6, 1840, to Jan. 4, 1841. Thomas N. Thomas, Jan. 4, 1841, to Dec. 6, 1841. John P. Fisher, Dec. 8, 1852, to Nov. 21, 1854. Isaac M. Todd, Nov. 21, 1854, to Deo. 9, 1856. James Tharp, Dec. 9, 1856, to Oct. 13, 1860. Archibald Glenn, Oct. 13, 1880, to Nov. 4, 1862. John P. Fisher, Nov. 4, 1862, to Nov. 19, 1870. Marion Kelly, Nov. 19, 1870, to Nov. 20, 1872. David M. Fisher, Nov. 20, 1872, to Aug. 1, 1873. Samuel C. Ferguson, March 27, 1875, to Deo. 2, 1876. John S. Morford, Dec. 2, 1876, to April 10, 1880. Wooster D. Cleaver, April 10, 1880, to April 14, 1882. George C. Thompson, April 14, 1882, to April 14, 1884. In the west part of Perry township the first set- tlers were Henry Riddle, his brother-in-law, William Kinnick, Peter Harmonson, and his brother, who PKRRY TOWNSHIP. 577 came in November or December, 1821. They did not enter land, being merely squatters. Riddle built his cabin on the Vincennes trace, which led from Indianapolis to the Bluffs of White River. His location was on the south side of Buck Creek, and east of the present Bluff road. The Harmonsons located on the west side of the trace, and on the north side of Buck Creek. Their cabins were the only dwellings that there were at that time between Indianopolis and the Bluffs of the White River, where Waverly now stands. There were a number of other settlements made during the year 1822. The first of these other set- tlements was made on Pleasant Run, directly south of Glenn's Valley, the settlers being Archibald Glenn, John Murphy, and John Smart. The first two located precisely on the line between Marion and Johnson County, and Smart on the Marion side of the line, the land belonging to Hezakiah Smart, his brother (who had entered the land some time before), and adjoining the land of Glenn and Murphy. This settlement was made in October, 1822, and at about the same time, or a little later, there came a colored family and located on land which now belongs to Archibald Glenn, it being at the crossing of Pleasant Run and the Bluff road, south of the run and west of the road. They were Mark Harris, a bachelor and the owner of the land (three hundred and twenty acres), and his brother Daniel and family, a wife and five children. They came from Ohio, and were the first colored family in the township, and perhaps in the county. John Smart was a cripple, his left arm being lame, but he cleared between four and five acres of ground the first winter, leaving the logs on the ground, merely trimming off the brush, which he burnt, and having no horse of his own, he hired Mark Harris to lay off the ground, which Harris did with a shovel-plow, marking it (not plowing at all) off in furrows about four feet wide, jumping the logs. The corn was cultivated with nothing but a hoe, and the sacks in which it was carried to mill and the clothing which they had were made from nettles gathered and prepared by Mrs. Smart. Crippled as he was. Smart in a few years became the possessor of eighty acres of land, part of which is in the present village of Glenn's Valley, and now occupied by his son, Hezekiah Smart. About a mile north of this settlement, on the six- teenth or school section, there settled a colony, com- ing from Dearborn County, Ind., consisting of three or four families, — James Martin and family, his brother-in-law, Samuel Smith, and family. Smith's son-in-law, William Stallcop, and Stallcop's brother. Martin did not settle permanently on this section, but soon after entered eighty acres of land half a mile north of his temporary location. At about the same time that the above settlers came in John Myers located on the west half of the southwest quarter of section 9, which he and his brother Henry, mentioned below, had entered, it being the section just north of the school section, and Peyton Bristow, who had been here in the sum- mer and put up a cabin, now returned (it being in the first part of December), and settled permanently on what was called Bristow's Hill, six miles south of the city, on the east of the Bluff road, which had then just been laid out. John and Israel Watts, with Benson Miner, from Whitewater, settled east of Myers, in the same section, David Fisher being the present owner of one of the farms, and Isaac Sutton of the other. This last-named settlement was made most probably in the spring of 182.3, as were also a number of others, all so near the same time that it is diflScult to tell their order. Among these settlers was Zachariah Lemaster, who settled on the hill, known among the pioneers as Lemaster's Hill, on the north side of Lick Creek, and east of the Bluff road, his cabin making the fourth between the city and Johnson County line, on this road, the first cabin built being Henry Riddle's, the second, Har- monson's, then Bristow's and Lemaster's, this being also the order in which they would be passed coming towards the city of Indianapolis. Another settler was Martin Bush, who located on the south side of Buck Creek, near its mouth, he being the first settler on White River in this town- ship. Joseph and Benjamin Snow located respec- tively on the southeast quarter of section 34 and the southwest quarter of section 27, in township 15, 5T8 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOI.IS AND MARION COUNTY. range 3. Larkin, John, and Henry Mundy, and their father, with their brother-in-law, Henry Myers, and Emanuel Glimpse, and others, — among whom were the Stevens family, — located north of the school section, between the Bluff road and the river, Watts and Glimpse being in the second bottom- land, and the others were in the first. From the north side of section 9 to Lake Creek was a section which was afterwards known as Waterloo, and had an unenviable reputation, a number of these settlers being squatters on government lands. Thomas Wilson was the next to settle on the Bluff road, his cabin being first on the east side, and after- wards on the west, the road having been so changed as to accomplish this, his being the next cabin built between Harmonson's and Bristow's. Going back to the year 1822, when a settlement was made on the north side of the township, on the line of the present Three-Notch road, gives the time of the arrival of Rev. Henry Brenton, with his ward, George Tomlinson, his brother, Robert Brenton, and Adam Pense, who, though he did not come with the Brentons, settled there at about the same time. Robert Brenton settled in Centre township, on land immediately south of Pleasant Run, and extending from the Three- Notch line to the Bluff road. Henry Brenton first settled on land a half-mile south of the township line and on the east side of the Three-Notch line, but about two years afterwards he moved south to land on the south side of Lick Creek and same side of the road. Pense settled on the north side of the creek, just across from where Henry Brenton afterwards located; and just across the road from Pense, late in the fall or in the next spring (that of 1823), Samuel True settled with his son Isaac. About 1825 or 1826 he put up a frame house, the first in the township, and which is yet standing. One half mile south of Lick Creek, and on the west side of the Three-Notch line, as it was called then, was the place of location of Bowser ; and on the same road, on the south side of Buck Creek, was the land of David Marrs, whose cabin, however, was on the west side of the road. It may be interesting to give an explanation of how this road came to be so named. In laying out the road there were three notches cut in the trees which marked the line of the survey, to distinguish it from the Bluff road, on the west, and the Madison road, on the east ; and it was also on the section line, hence the name Three-Notch line. Going south on this road and coming down a little later in time, there was the settlement of the Dab- neys, Samuel, James, and John, with their brother- in-law, John Smith, on the west side of the road, and the land commencing a half-mile south of the road running from Southport to White River. Just south of thi^ road and on the east side of the Three- Notch line were the cabins of Samuel True, Jr., and Glidden True, who were just married, and had come out with their father, Samuel True. We have now to go back to the spring of the year 1821, when some squatter, name unknown, located on land on the north side of Lick Creek, and through which the Shelbyville road now runs, being in the northeast corner of the township. This person had succeeded in clearing a small space and raising a small crop of corn by September, at which time the land and crop were purchased by John Graham. This place and that of Henry Riddle were the two first improvements in the township. Just across the creek on the south side was the place of the Widow White, who, with her two sons, Milton and Woodford, set- tled there the following year (1822). On the oppo- site side of the Shelbyville road from the Whites was the farm of Jacob Coughman, who arrived the following fall or the next spring, and just west of them was David Small, who came this year or the fall of 1822, and southwest of him was Henry D. Bell, who had the northeast quarter of section 143, and who came about the same time. There was a tran- sient squatter or two between Bell's and Abraham Lcmaster's, who settled about the same time, three- fourths of a mile south of the present town of South- port. Jacob Smock was next to settle, occupying the farm immediately north of Southport and east of the railroad, he and Lemaster coming probably in the spring of 1823. This same year Peter Canine located on the line of the present railroad and north of Lick Creek, on the Bluff. Henry Alcorn settled on the farm where Henry Riddle had squatted, and PERRY TOWNSHIP. $79 had entered the place in 1821. These settlements are all that can be positively located, both as to time and place, who came before the year 1824. During this year and the following there was a very consider- able immigration, and the following settlements were made: Samuel Brewer, on the hill, west side of Madi- son road, north of Buck Creek, who came in 1825 ; Noah Wright, on the east side of Madison road and south of Lick Creek ; Simon Smock, east side of Madi- son road, just over the line from Centre, his brother-in- law, Lawrence De Mott, just east of him, the farms adjoining. Immediately west of Smock, on the east side of the Three-Notch line, were John McFall and sons, — John, Benjamin, and David, — and just across the road from him was George Marquis. About a mile or a mile and a half east of Southport was a small colony, Isaac Coonfield, with his sons, John and James, his son-in-law, Archibald Clark, with his brother, Obadiah Clark, and northeast of these, on the present Churchman pike, were John Thompson and William Huey. These are about all the permanent settlers who came this year, 1824, but there were others whose names are not known who stayed but a year or 80. This same thing happened every year, as there was an almost constant moving around. This being caused by the way the land was farmed. A man entering land and then sending some one here to put up a cabin, or leasing it to some one, who put up a cabin and stayed a short time, selling the lea.se to some one else, and thus a large part of the settlers were only transient. The permanent settlers of the years 1825 and 1826 are given as near in the order of their arrival as is known, and are as follows : David Fisher (at whose house the Lick Creek Baptist Church was organized), on the north side of the Churchman pike, east side of the township ; James Turner, and his brother Jacob, west of James, on the Shelbyville pike, northeast of Southport ; Thomas Bryant, just west of Jacob Turner, on the south side of the Shelby- ville pike, directly north of Southport ; John Brewer, with his family, about half a mile east of Southport ; Andrew Mann, on Buck Creek, south side, next to Franklin township ; Stephen Hankins, with his family, half a mile east of the Madison road, north side of Lick Creek ; Ephraim Arnold, near the Lick Creek Church ; Archibald Bruce, immediately east of Henry Aleorn ; Charles and Elijah McBride, with their father, on the Bluff road, west side, three-quarters of a mile north of Glenn's Valley : Samuel Brewer, west side Madison road, north side of Buck Creek ; Purnell Coverdill, two or two and a half miles northeast of Southport ; Jeremiah Featherston and family, three- quarters of a mile southeast of Southport ; Benjamin McFarland, the first man who practiced medicine that settled in the township, and his two sons, Samuel and William, and soon after him his son-in-law, John McCollum, near Lick Creek, east side of the township ; Moses Orme, on the Three-Notch line, next to Johnson County ; Lambert Saulter, with his two sons. Garret and Elijah, and Page Rawlings, about one mile and a half southeast of Southport ; Samuel Woodfield, five miles south of town, on the east of the Bluif road ; Charles Neighbors and Scipio Sedgwick, on adjoining land to Woodfield, Neighbors being just west of him, and Sedgwick south of Neigh- bors ; Thomas Richardson, one-half mile north of Southport, on the east side of the Madison ro»d ; Rev. John Ritchie, east side of the Bins' road, ad- joining the Centre township line, ju.st west of George Marquis ; Noah Wright, on the east side of Madison road, south bank of Lick Creek ; William Evans, on the south side of Lick Creek, about three-quarters of a mile east of where the Madison road crosses ; James Hoagland, with his sons, Richard, John, and Wil- liam, one and a half miles southeast of Southport. About this time William Tracy, his son-in-law, Peggs, and his brother, John Tracy, settled one mile west of Southport, south side of the present gravel road. Jacob Peggs is still living at Franklin, Ind., about ninety years old. He served as recorder of Johnson County two terms, and as justice of the peace in the same county several terms, and was the first miller at Smock's mill, spoken of elsewhere. On the west side of the township was Silas Rhoads, who settled just across the road from Henry Alcorn, but he remained only a year or so, leaving in 1827, and moving to the Wabash ; and the same year Alex- ander Clark, after whom Clark township, Johnson County, is named, moved in, and after remaining about two years moved to the northeast corner of 580 HI8T0KY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Johnson County. This completes the list of what might be called old settlers, those at least who were of any prominence, there being others whose names are not known and who remained, as a rule, but a year or so, and did not generally own the land. About 1827, Isaac Kelly settled one half-mile north of Lick Creek, on the east side of the Three- Notch line ; William McCIain on the north side of the gravel road, one mile east of Southport ; Jesse Dunn on the north side of Buck Creek, one half- mile west of where the Three-Notch line crosses it; Benjamin Harris (a tenant only), about a mile and a half northwest of Southport; William Jones, who came in 1828, and was the first Welshman, two miles west of Southport, on the south side of the gravel road. The following is a list of those who were settlers, and who either remained but a short time or whose place of settlement is not known : Jesse Admire, Henry Brewer, near Southport ; William Brenton, east of Southport ; Lewis J. Brown, William H. P. and James, sons of Peyton Bristow, Isaac and Edward Brazelton, near the centre of the township ; Allen Bost, Joel Boling, Richard Berry, Thomas Carle, northeast of Southport about two miles ; Nicholas Cline, James Carson, Henry Coughman, Benjamin Crothers, Frederick Disinger (who was very probably the first German to settle in the town- ship), Abram and Peter Ellis, David Fulson, Moses Frazee, Richard Good (the first Irishman who settled in the township), William Hall, Jacob Hill, John Heist, John W. Johnston, John M. Johnson, Wil- liam and James Johnson (William living in Water- loo), John Jackson, Thomas Lewis (one mile and a half southwest of Southport, on the county road run- ning east and west, the farm now owned by the widow of Ezra Smith), Jacob and Ezariah Mosely, George McClain, two miles west of Southport on the county road ; William Mentieth, William and James Mc- Laughlin, in the northeast side of the township; Smith McFall, Charles Orme (who was a transient settler only), John Parker, a United Brethren minis- ter, John Reding, Sr., Henry Rammel, John Russell (one half-mile west of Southport, north side of Buck Creek), Joseph Rosenbarg, Ephraim Robinson (who stayed about a year), William Rice, Thomas Richard- son, a half-mile north of Southport, east side of the Madison road ; John Seiburn (at whose mother's house the first Sunday-school in the township was organized, one mile and a half north of Southport, half-mile east of the Madison road), Thomas Shelton, northwest of Southport, on the north bank of Buck Creek ; Frederic Shultz, Isaac Senoney, Daniel Stack, James Spillman, in the northeast part of the town- ship ; Francis Sanders (who lived to be over ninety years of age), one mile and a half east of Glenn's Valley ; Robert Tomlinson, southwest of Southport, north side of the road ; Thomas Lewis, Jacob Tumes, John Thompson, Richard Thomas, George Wright, one half-mile east of the present site of Centre Church ; Primrose Yarbrough (northeast side of township), who married the widow of James Spill- man. Rev. Henry Brenton came from Trimble County, Ky., in the early part of 1822. He was a local Methodist preacher on Sundays and a farmer during the week ; there being constant need of his services, as there was a meeting held either in the woods or in the cabin of some pioneer nearly every Sunday. He accomplished much in the field he had adopted, and was a pioneer of the church, as, on account of his solemn and earnest presence, he was called upon by the settlers of Johnson and Morgan Counties, some- times riding twenty miles to perform the marriage ceremony or to conduct religious services, and few that saw him but were impressed by his brevity and earnestness. He had his own peculiarities, one of which was that he always prayed with his eyes open, and when remonstrated with, replied, " We are com- manded to watch as well as pray." He probably preached at more funerals and solemnized more mar- riages than any other pioneer minister in the county, for which latter service two dollars was almost invari- ably his largest fee. He died at his home on the Three-Notch line, in June, 1847, nearly seventy years of age, and was buried in his brother Robert's family cemetery, on the Blufl" road where it crosses Pleasant Run. After his death his wife, known as Aunt Esther, and family moved to Iowa. Most of them are now PERRY TOWNSHIP. 581 dead, his wife living to a great age and dying but a few years ago, after having been blind some ten years. He had five children, — James, now living in Iowa, Martha, another daughter, Mary, and Thomas. Rev. Greenup Kelly was born in Estelle County, Ky., and licensed and ordained as a Methodist min- ister by the Kentucky Conference. A young man of fine promise and great zeal in his work, but his health failing him, he came out to his father, Isaac Kelly (who had settled here in 1827), and after suffering a couple of years, died of consumption, and was buried on a Sunday in December, 1830, in what is now known as Round Hill Cemetery, then known as the Camp Ground Graveyard, it being the place of the first camp-meeting in the county. The Rev. John Belzer was the only New Light minister who ever settled in the township. His father, and brother Phoenix, settled with him on the school section, having purchased the lease of the Stallcops in the fall of 1824, having a blacksmith-shop on his farm. He organized a church of his persuasion, but it was a rather weak one. He was a superior man and was able beyond his opportunities, having had but little education. He was, in fact, an excellent man. In the fall of 1828 he removed with all his family to Southern Indiana. Rev. John Ritchie, a local Methodist minister, was a Kentuckian by birth, but came from Ripley County, this State, in the fall of 1826. He was generally known as " Judge" Ritchie, having been an associate judge. He was a large man, of fine presence, and had a magnificently formed head, was very gifted, and though hindered by lack of educa- tion, was extraordinarily eloquent, and most forcible in logic, which made him remarkable and honored, both in the pulpit and on the stump, he taking part in the campaign of 1840. In the pulpit he was most remarkable, his appearance belying his abilities, and when he entered the pulpit, always being dressed in home-made jeans, gave rise to a feeling of disappoint- ment, until he spoke, when the audience became spell-bound, fascinated, by his eloquence and earnest- ness, and remained so until the last word was ut- tered. He died Aug. 24, 1841, and was buried in what is called the Lemaster's family burying-ground. His children were Sally, Drusilla, Ann, Jane, James, Samuel, Arnold, Mary, Eunice, Adaline, Lucinda, and Lavina. Rev. Abram Smock, a Baptist minister, came from Kentucky in the fall of 1825, his brother John having preceded him some four years, returning to Kentucky for him. He organized the first Baptist Church in the township, at the house of David Fisher, in the spring of 1826. He was pastor of this church for a number of years, and also of the First Baptist Church of Indianapolis from December, 1826, to July, 1830, organizing more Baptist churches than any other man in the county, and was a leading minister for many years. He was both eloquent and impressive, and in his work zealous and fervent, but retired from the ministry long before his day of work should have ceased. The Rev. Jeremiah Featherston, a pioneer Baptist minister, came from Kentucky. He was a mission- ary most of his time, never having a church of his own. He was a zealous and upright man. H.e died in 1865. Rev. Monroe was a Revolutionary soldier, and came from Pendleton County, Ky., in 1830, with his son William, who settled in a southeasterly direction from Southport about one and a half miles. He lived part of the time with his son and part with his son-in-law, Joseph Wallace. At the time of his death, Nov. 20, 1842, he was eighty-seven years old, and had been in the ministry for more than fifty years, the greater portion having been spent in Ken- tucky. He was buried in the Southport Cemetery. Henry Riddle came from Roane County, N. C, and lived in the township but a little while, when he removed to St. Joseph County, Ind., where he died some twenty years ago. He was a true pioneer, never allowing civilization to but just reach him, when he retreated before it. He had but a small family. He was very popular, and universally liked, so much so that if there happened to be a dispute in his neighborhood, he was always able to act as peace- maker. The Harmonsons were old neighbors of Rid- dle's, and came from North Carolina very probably with him. They stayed but a few years, and then went to the southern part of this State. 582 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAKION COUNTY. Hezekiah Smart was born in Nicholas County, Ky., where his brother John was also born. He was married in 1824 to Margaret Hinkston, of Har- rison County, Ky. John was married in 1815 to Sally Earls. Hezekiah came to the township in 1823, to his brother, but went back to get married, after which he returned, and lived here until Dec. 25, 1867. He had four sons and five daughters, who all lived to maturity, — Humphrey, William, Martha, Elizabeth, Margaret, Comfort , Heze- kiah, and Caroline. His wife died in March, 1879. John had four sons, — Hezekiah, Samuel, John, and Joseph, and four daughters, — Susan, Mary, Eliza- beth, and Sally. He died in 1833. His wife died in 1875. Margaret, Hezekiah 's wife, was a leading member and worker in the Methodist Church, and was very prominent in meetings for the part she took in prayer, an unusual thing for women of that day. Thomas Carle came from Kentucky in 1825 or 1826, and settled in the angle of the road, two miles north of Southport, on the south side of the Shelby- ville road, a half-mile south of Lick Creek. He established a tan-yard (the second in the township) the year he came. He was one of the first justices of the peace, having been elected in 1828, and died in office, in March, 1831. He was buried on his farm. His son, Holman Carle, still owns the old place, but lives in the city. James Martin, an early settler, died in 1843, leaving one son and one daughter. Samuel Smith lived near Glenn's Valley till 1839, when he moved to Johnson County, near Greenwood, and died there in 1834. John Myers was born in Kentucky, and moved to Brown County, Ohio, then to Whitewater Valley, near Brookville; remained there but a short time, and then came here in the spring of 1822 with An- drew Wilson (who lived in Wayne township) and his brother Henry, with one horse for all, on a visit to the site of Indianapolis, before he moved out. Soon after he married. He removed with his wife and a few household goods, and when his goods had been unloaded from the wagon of the teamster who had hauled them out, they were left alone in a dark forest, with his nearest neighbors, Henry Riddle and the Harmonsons, a mile and a half away. It was a heavy, unbroken forest, full of wild beasts, and their first night's rest was much disturbed by the howling of wolves and hooting of owls. His first wife died in 1850, and in 1852 he married the widow Comfort Hinkston, who is still living. He died July 20, 1882, eighty-four years old. He served as justice of the peace longer than any man in the county. He was a successful farmer, and, though starting with but forty acres, left an estate valued at thirty thou- sand dollars. He had two sons and four daughters. James Madison, his eldest son, born in December, 1822, is now living, the oldest resident of the town- ship. His son, Vincent Myers, and his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Thomas, are also living. Martin D. Bush came here from Dearborn County, Ind., in the fall of 1822. He had three children- Ann, Mary, and Henry — when he came. His wife was a sister of Col. Eggleston. Both he and his wife were noted for their hospitality and their kind- ness to the sick and needy. Their daughter Ann married Frank Merrill, a brother of Samuel Merrill ; Mary married Amos Sharpe, brother of Thomas Sharpe ; and Henry married a Miss Dryden. Mary died a short time before they left, and the remaining members of the family moved in the spring of 1853 to Northwestern Missouri. He and his wife died some years since at an advanced age. Henry and Ann are still living. Henry Alcorn came from the north of Ireland when quite a young man, and settled in Lexington, Ky. He moved to Ohio, then came to Indiana, by Muncie and Strawtown, to Indianapolis, prospecting in 1821, and then entered the land on which Henry Riddle and Peter Harmonson had squatted. He moved to Perry in 1823. His wife died in the winter of 1829-30. He had two sons and three daughters, — Henry, Melinda, Joseph, Elizabeth, and Mary Ellen. He married again in 1836, to Sally McClintock, who had come on a visit to her brother Thomas. Henry Alcorn, Jr., died soon after his mother, who died in September, 1847, in Kentucky, having returned there on a visit. He married again in 1850, and his third wife died in 1863. He died in 1875, at the home of his son-in-law, George List, PERRY TOWNSHIP. 683 who married his daughter Mary Ellen. His oldest daughter married Garret List. He was eccentric and stern, and a prodigy in arithmetic and mathematics, having had a very liberal education, and having a remarkable memory. He was also regarded as au- thority in questions of history. Zachariah Lemaster came in the fall of 1822 or 1823 from Kentucky. He married a Miss Wright, and died about 1840, and left a widow and five chil- dren, — two sons and three daughters. The youngest daughter now lives on the old homestead. Henry Myers, brother of John Myers, married a Miss Mundy, and came here in 1823. About 1846 —47 he sold out and moved to near Peru, Ind. He was an earnest member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a man of unblemished character. He had a large family. Mrs. Elizabeth Custard came to this township in the fall of 1828 with her son-in-law, David Hinks- ton, who had married her daughter Comfort. Her daughters, — Eliza, married soon after Elijah Mc- Bride ; Margaret, married Larkin Myers, a son of Henry Myers ; Mary, married James Tracy, son of John Tracy ; and Amanda, married Saulsbury Jones, son of the Welshman, William Jones. They came from Harrison County, Ky., and purchased land on the sixteenth section from John Belger. Mrs. Custard is still living with her daughter, Mrs. Comfort Myers, the widow of the late John Myers, and she is now the oldest person in the county who was a pioneer, being nearly one hundred years old. Peyton Bristow was a native of Virginia, born in Loudoun County the 29th of August, 1778, his parents being natives of Wales. His father died when he was but a boy, and soon after his mother started with the family, consisting of herself and ten children, for Kentucky. Though he was fourth in the family, he was the practical head, the older ones having left to work for themselves. In the wild forests of Kentucky he had but little or no chance for educating himself, and very little education did he have. He was married on the 16th of Novem- ber, 1802, to Miss Mary Price. After his marriage he settled on a "claim" in Greene County, Ky., after- wards Adair County, and remained until the fall of 1809, when he sold out and went to Preble County, Ohio. He was a soldier of the war of 1812, though he was not engaged in any battles. In the fall of 1821 he sold out, and, coming to this township, en- tered three hundred and twenty acres of land. He returned to Ohio to get the two oldest boys, who were to help him build the cabin, which they nearly completed, when the father and the younger son again returned for the family, leaving the elder son to finish it ; but when they returned they found that he had been seriously injured by a falling tree a day or two after they had left, and the cabin was no nearer done than they had left it. This was about the 1st of February, 1822. Soon after this was the first township election, at which there were himself and four others, — Henry Riddle, Peter Harraonson, William Stallcop, and Elias Stallcop. He served as justice of the peace from Nov. 3, 1829, to July 4, 1834, from which he acquired the title of "Squire." He lived a householder for over sixty-six years, and died Feb. 10, 1869. He was sternly and strictly honest, and liberal in his views. He was politically a Democrat and religiously a Universalist. His own death was the first under his roof His wife survived him some eighteen months, and died in 1870. He had thirteen children, — William, James, Lucy, Mar- garet, Sally, Evans, Cornelius, Eliza, Mary, Martha, Powell, Henry, and Alfred, of whom four or five are dead. Thomas Bryan came in 1825 from Kentucky, and was married to Miss Saunders, sister of Dr. Saun- ders, formerly of Indianapolis. He helped to organize the Lick Creek Baptist Church. He had two sons, John and Samuel, and three daughters. John died in 1840; Samuel is still living in Missouri; Mrs. Samuel Siebern living in the city ; Mrs. Samuel Mc- Farland living near the old homestead ; and Mrs. James McClelland living at Franklin, Ind. Mrs. Bryan died in 1853; Mr. Bryan in 1857. Both are buried at Southport. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth Bryan were Samuel, Julia, Mertila, John, and Isabella. Luke Bryan was born in Pendleton County, Ky., and came to the neighborhood of Southport in the fall of 1828, bringing with him his father and mother, 584 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. of whom it is necessary here to speak. Samuel and Mary Bryan were the companions and relatives of Daniel Boone, the famous Kentucky pioneer, Samuel's mother being Daniel Boone's sister. When the pio- neer started from North Carolina, in 1779, for the far-off land of Kentucky, Samuel and Mary Bryan accompanied him and his wife in the colony which went with him. Samuel had served in the Conti- nental army, and was married just before starting. They traveled on horseback and with pack-horses. When they came to the Cumberland River their goods were transported on a raft, and Mrs. Bryan, being in advance of the other women, was the first white woman who set foot north of the Cumberland River in Ken- tucky. This colony built on the Elkhorn what was called Bryant's Station, a place of historic note. There or in the vicinity Thomas and Luke Bryan, ^ sons of Samuel, were born. Luke, after he came to this county, married a Miss Saunders, another sister of Dr. Saunders. Samuel Bryan died in 1837, in the eighty-third year of his age, and his wife died in 1840. They were buried on the farm of their son Luke, but afterwards taken to the Southport Ceme- tery, where rest two of those pioneers who passed through scenes and adventures which have become historical ; and it is doubtful if persons more noted in pioneer history lie buried in the county. Luke Bryan lived three-quarters of a mile north- east of Southport, on the farm now owned by Capt. Carson. He died March 5, 1857, and his remains lie in the Southport Cemetery. The children of Luke and Mary Bryan were Alphonso H., Sarah, Ethel- bert W., Mary, Dorcas A., John S., Joseph M., James W., and Dr. Thomas N. Bryan, now of In- dianapolis. Only one other of the sons is now living. Their mother died in June, 1862, in Clay County, 111., whither the family removed after Luke Bryan's death. Thomas C. Smock was born Dec. 31, 1808, in Mer- cer County, Ky., and removed to Indiana in 1825, in the seventeenth year of his age, making his home with his brother, John B. Smock, on the Madison road, two miles south of Southport. After his twenty-first year (1829) he made his home with his mother, Mrs. Ann Smock, two miles north of South- port, on the west side of the Madison road. In September, 1831, he married Rachel Brewer, daugh- ter of John Brewer, who resided one mile east of Southport. She died Sept. 21, 1838. On the 22d of December, 1839, he married Sarah, youngest daughter of John Smock, who settled in 1821 on the Madison road, on the south bank of Pleasant Run, one mile south of Indianapolis. From his first marriage until the time of his death, June 25, 1877, he resided on the same farm, one and one-half miles north of Southport, on the west side of the gravel road. As a citizen he was honored, having served several terms as justice of the peace for Perry township ; as a husband and father he was a pattern, an example worthy of imitation ; as a neighbor, and in all the qualities that make a good neighbor, he was unexcelled, as all will bear testi- mony, both rich and poor. Forty-six years of his life he was a church member, earnest and faithful. For more than thirty years he was a Sabbath-school superintendent. At his death he had eight children that survived him, — four sons and four daughters. His second wife died in January, 1872. He left to his family a noble legacy, — a character without spot or blemish. The writer of this knew him well for fifty-two years, and knovra whereof he has written. His remains were deposited in the Southport Ceme- tery. Peace to his memory ! Simon Smock was born Oct. 8, 1792, in Mercer County, Ky. He was married in Kentucky, and moved to Perry township in 1824. He settled on the east side of the Madison road, adjoining the north line of the township, on the road from Indianapolis to Greenwood. Of the early pioneers there were nine Smocks and three Brewers on or adjoining the road, and it was a common saying, " If you meet a man call him Smock ; if he fails to answer call him Brewer, and he will be sure to answer." There was a colony of Smocks and Brewers moved from Kentucky, set- tling on or in the vicinity of the Madison road, from within one mile of Indianapolis south to the south line of the county, and extending into Johnson County two miles. As early settlers the Smocks and Brewers were men of a higher order for enter- prise and morality than the average emigrants to a PERRY TOWNSHIP. 585 new country, and they contributed much to elevate the tone of society in the middle and eastern part of Perry township. . Simon Smock, being one of the eldest, a man of convictions, and not afraid to stand by his convictions, played well his part in church and society. He had a large family, but was out down in the full vigor of his manhood, an irreparable loss to his church and his family. He died in 1854. Samuel Brewer was born in Kentucky ; married to Ellen Smock, al.so a native of Kentucky. Soon after his marriage he emigrated to Indiana and settled in Perry township, on the west side of the Madison road, on the north bank of Buck Creek. In the fall of 1825 he built a cabin, commenced opening a farm, and started a blacksmith -shop. Be- tween farming and blacksmithing he made a com- fortable living. He had ten children, — two sons and eight daughters. His eldest son. Dr. Abram Brewer, entered the profession of medicine and made an able and successful physician. His health failed him and he retired from practice, and died at his father's house in the fall of 1869. The youngest son died in 1851, in childhood. Two single daughters died in early life, and afterwards two others (Mrs. Jane Todd and Mrs. Fanny McCalpin). Four daughters are still living. In September, 1876, his wife died, and two years after he married Mrs. Grube, a widow lady of the neighborhood. Mr. Brewer raised a very moral and upright family. He has some pecu- liarities that make him a marked man in his neigh- borhood. He was a pioneer in the temperance and anti-slavery causes. He is positive in his character. When he takes a position he adheres to it against all opposition. No one who ever knew him doubted his fidelity to his church and himself. These are the great ruling traits in his character. The Dabney family was quite numerous in Perry township. They emigrated to the neighborhood from Shelby County, Ky., in 1823 or 182-t, having formerly come from the State of Virginia to Ken- tucky. The Dabney family was and is to this day a noted family in the Old Dominion. These were a branch of the same family. Samuel Dabney and wife, with three sons and three single daughters and his son-in-law, John Smith, all settling on the Three- 38 Notch line, seven or eight miles south of Indianapolis. The father died soon afterwards. John Smith, the son-in-law, was in after-years elected a justice of the peace for Perry township. He was a shrewd and thrifty farmer, and died at Greenwood in 1861. The sons of the elder Dabney (Samuel, James, and John) were as unlike a^ any three brothers could be. Samuel lived and died a bachelor. He was a great wit, full of anecdotes, and the centre of all the sport at the neighborhood gatherings. James, or Jimmy, as he was familiarly known, was the prin- cipal class-leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church in all the country, and in that special department he was successful. For fifteen years he carried the ban- ner, caring nothing about the things of this life, leaving them all to take care of themselves if his brother Samuel would not look after them. John, or Jack', as the family called him, was a Nimrod, and more than that name would imply. In hunting and fishing he was unexcelled, and he furnished all the venison, fish, and honey for the family. It was said he knew every bee-tree for miles around. He moved to Miami County in 1838, and the remainder of the family followed soon after. The female portion of the Dabney family were noted for their hospitality and kindness in sickness. They have now all gone to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. Archibald Clark, with his father-in-law, Isaac Coonfield, Sr., his brothers-in-law, John and James Coonfield, and his brother, Obadiah Clark, came from Kentucky, and were among the early settlers east and northeast of Southport. They were of that class of people who preferred the frontier ; not that they had any vice, but seemed to prefer the rude freedom of a frontier life. They remained in the neighbor- hood some fifteen or twenty years, when the Coon- I fields moved to Brown County and Clark to Madison County. Some years after Archibald Clark returned and spent a few years on the Bluff road, near Glenn's Valley, running a blacksmith-shop. About 1853 he moved to Jasper County, 111., and died some ten years later. It was truthfully said of Archibald Clark that if he had but one meal in his house for his family he would divide that meal with friend or foe. Some of his family, after their removal to Illi- 586 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. nois, developed considerable ability, and one of his sons represented Jasper County in the Legislature, and others of the family accumulated a considerable amount of property. They all inherited their father's marked trait, open-handed hospitality. Isaac Kelly came from Lincoln County, Ky., bought land on the Three-Notch line, apd re- moved to it in the fall of 1827. He settled on the east side of the road, his farm including the ground now known as the Round Hill Cainp-Grouud Ceme- tery. His son, the Rev. Greenup Kelly, was the first person interred in that cemetery, in December, \ 1830. On that hill was the first camp-meeting ever held in this county, in 1831. There were no tents, all cabins of round logs, with clapboard roofs. People came for many miles around, with horses and ox- teams. It was then a dense forest with thick under- brush. The campers on the ground fed all" visitors with corn bread, bacon, beef, and potatoes. No' police were required to keep order. The early | settlers were noted for their good behavior at church, both saints and sinners. They had no idle or bum- mer element in society. Methodism had a strong hold in this neighborhood. Such men as David Marrs, Father Kelly, Father Norwood, Eperson, and many other old-fashioned Methodists of sterling worth were the men that laid the foundation of society. All honor to their memory ! Alexander Clark was an early settler in what was known as the Clark settlement. Clark township, in Johnson County, took its name from Alexander Clark, Sr. The Clarks were a most respectable family and worthy citizens. "Aunt Sally," as she was familiarly known, lived to a great age, and was blind many years before her death. She was a re- markable woman for her sound good sense, patience, and piety. Alexander Clark, Sr., and all his sons and daughters have passed away except one, Sarah Kinnick, the wife of William Kinnick, an early settler of Perry township. Moses G. McLain, the present county clerk, is a grandson of Alexander Clark, Sr. William Evans was born in Indiana County, Pa., | in 1798. He married Margaret Elliott in Butler County, Ohio, in 1820, and they moved from Ohio in August, 1823, and settled on the farm of John Smock, on the east side of the Madison road, south of Pleasant Run. Being a brick-moulder and layer, he took the job of building a brick house for John Smock, the first brick house ever built on the Madi- son road south of the city. It was finished in 1824. In the same year he bought land on the south side of Lick Creek, a quarter of a mile west of where the Shelby pike crossed the creek. He remained there fifteen years, then moved to Sugar Creek, in Shelby County, adjoining Johnson County. After living on his farm for many years he moved to Indianapolis, where he died, Dec. 15, 1872. His wife survived him eleven years, and died in the city, Dec. 5, 1883. When Mr. and Mrs. Evans came to the county, in 1823, they had two children. They afterwards had born to them ten children, five of whom died in in- fancy, and seven lived to maturity, — Sarah, Andrew E., Thomas, Mary, Eliza, Rhoda, and Ann. The first-named two died after marriage ; five are now living. Thomas, who was the first born after they came to this county, is now living in the city, one of the most popular and able ministers in the United Brethren Church. Mr. and Mrs. Evans joined the Lick Creek Baptist Church at its organization, in 1826, at the house of David Fisher. They were a very exemplary couple, lived a blameless and upright life. Their family followed in their footsteps. At Mrs. Evans' death, Dec. 5, 1883, she had been a faithful and true follower of the Lord over sixty years. John Wade Thompson came to this county with his father, who settled on the east side of Perry township in 1824. The family came from Ken- tucky, and John returned there for a short time, but soon after came back and settled in the neigh- borhood of Lick Creek Church. He married a Miss Denny. He filled the ofiice of justice of the peace for Perry township until 1867, when he moved to the city, where he was elected to the office of justice of the peace. It was said of him that he broke up the Lick Creek Baptist Church, and the inquiry was made why he should do such a wicked thing. The answer was, " He moved away, and when he left the main pillar of the church was gone and it fell to pieces." John Wade, as he is familiarly called, is a PEREY TOWNSHIP. 587 positive man, fearlessly follows his convictions, and is always found on the right side of every moral ques- tion. He is an upright and worthy citizen, and he has a family worthy of their parentage. The McBride family came to Perry township from Dearborn County, Ind., in the winter of 1825-26, settling on the west side of the Bluff River, one mile north of Glenn's Valley. They had five sons and three daughters. Elijah, the eldest, married Eliza Miller, and they had a large family. The mother and six children have passed away. The father and four children are living. Charles, the second son, married Julia Eddy, in the fall of 1828, and died some years after, leaving his wife and three children. The widow and one child are living. The third son, Nimrod, in early life moved to Illinois. Of the two younger sons, John is living; William died many years ago. Of the three daughters, Mrs. Nancy Hull died in June, 1840. Her youngest sister, Henrietta, died a few years after. Mrs. Cath- erine Christian is the only daughter now living. The father died in 1833, the mother two years later. Of all the early settlers in the neighborhood no family was attended by such fatality as the McBride family. John Graham was born in Franklin County, Pa. He married Phannel McClain in 1820, and soon after his marriage started for the great Northwest, embarking on a keel-boat at Pittsburgh with his young wife to seek a home in the wilds of Indiana. He landed at Madison early in the spring of 1821, and leaving his wife there, he came to Indian- apolis, the then new seat of government. Mak- ing some purchases, after spending the spring and part of the summer in Indianapolis, he returned to Madison for his wife some time in the month of August, and in September, 1821, he settled on what was known as the Madison or Morgan trace, on the north bank of Lick Creek, and on what is now the Shelby gravel road, the farm now owned and occu- pied by his son, Robert D. Graham. Some one had squatted on the land, put up a cabin, and made some little improvement. This was the first improvement in the northeast part of Perry township. There were born to this pioneer couple four sons and two daugh- ters, as follows : Sarah, Mary, William M., Robert D., John J., and Thomas W., all of whom are now living but Sarah and Thomas W. They struggled along for eight years, and made progress in opening a farm until October, 1829, when Mr. Graham died of bilious fever, leaving his widow with six small children. John Graham was an earnest Christian man. He opend his house to the Christian ministers and made it a preaching-place. He died in the faith, leaving his family in the hands of a covenant-keeping God. They were not forsaken, his seed had never to beg bread. She who was the companion of his youth proved equal to her task. She reared a respectable family and died in February, 1880, having lived a widow over fifty years, respected and honored by all who knew her. John McCoUum was born in the State of Ken- tucky March 9, 1796 ; his wife, Jane McFarland, was born Jan. 5, 1801, in the same State. They were married Nov. 6, 1823, moved to Ohio, and thence, in 1827, to Perry township, and located in the neighborhood of Mrs. McCoUum's father, Benja- min McFarland. They had five children, — Thomas J., Benjamin C., John M., Martha G., and Sarah E., all now living but Benjamin C, who died May 6, 1864. John McCollum was a carpenter by occupa- tion, and was the owner of a farm. When he was in the prime of his manhood he met with an accident that made him a cripple for life ; but he succeeded in making a competency for himself and family. He served his township as trustee with great fidelity for many years. As age advanced he retired from active ! life, and after the death of his wife, July 14, 1870, he sold his homestead, divided his worldly effects, and made his home with his children. He spent the most of his time with his daughter, Mrs. Martha J. Fisher, at whose house he died March 11, 1882, eighty-five years and two days old. Few who trust to their chil- dren to care for them in old age receive such unre- mitting care as he received at the hands of his chil- dren. He sleeps in the Southport Cemetery, by the I side of her who was his companion through a long life of toil. Dr. Benjamin McFarland and family moved from Campbell County, Ky., in 1826, and settled on Lick 588 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Creek, half a mile east of the Shelby pike. He was the first settler in the township who practiced the healing art. He made himself very useful to the early .settlers as a physician. He built the first saw- mill on Lick Creek, and soon after added a grist- mill, so as to furnish his neighbors both bread and lumber. He had two sons, Samuel and William, both living in the neighborhood, enterprising and respect- able citizens. He had two daughters, — Jane E. (who married John McCoUum) and Eliza (who married Thomas N. Thomas). Benjamin McParland died at the house of his son, Samuel McFarland, in the year 1860, in the ninetieth year of his age, his wife having died some years previous. The McFarland family has a marked individuality. They have always been in the advance from a moral and educational stand- point. David Fisher came to Perry in 1825, and settled on the east side of the township. He was married to Elizabeth M. Hodges in the State of Kentucky, moved to Shelby County, Ind., and thence to Marion. He started the first tan-yard in Perry township. It was at his house that the Lick Creek Baptist Church was organized in the spring of 1826. He was an enterprising pioneer, and did his part to advance the moral and material interests of the neighborhood. He always took a strong stand on the side of law, good order, and religion. He had a large family, consist- ing of four sons and five daughters, in the following order: John P., James W., Cynthia, Mary J., Ben- jamin L., Elizabeth R., Matilda, Joseph L., and Sarah E. Fisher. They all lived to maturity, except one daughter. They are now scattered from Indiana to Western Kansas, only two living in this county, — one daughter and Joseph L. Fisher, of Indianapolis. David Fisher died in 1836. His wife survived him four years. Jacob Smock was born in Mercer County, Ky., March 8, 1797. Emigrating thence to Indiana in the fall of 1823, he settled in Perry township on a farm north of Southport. A part of the town plat is on the original quarter-section that he settled on, which was then an unbroken forest. It was in his cabin that the first Presbyterian preacher. Rev. John M. Dickey, first preached in the township. His wife was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was not then a member of any church, but in after-years he joined the Baptist Church, and during his resi- dence in the neighborhood he was one of its leading members. He was the first captain of militia iu the township, and also served as a justice of the peace. At an early day he built a grist-mill on his farm on Buck Creek. It was one of the earliest mills of the township for grinding corn. Jacob Smock's family consisted of five sons — John, Henry, Simon, Daniel, and Thomas — and four daughters. He moved to Benton County, Iowa, in September, 1859, and died a few years after with cancer of the stomach. His wife survived him but a few years. He was an enterprising citizen and an upright man. Henry Brewer was an early settler, coming to this township from Mercer County, Ky., in 1825 or 1826. He married and settled on a farm on the west side of the Madison State road, adjoining the Johnson County line. He remained there some twenty years, then sold out and moved to Jasper County, 111. His wife died soon afterwards. He raised a large family. His patriotism was such that in the war of the Rebellion he joined the Union army when he was over fifty-five years of age, but his health failed him from the exposure of a soldier's life, and he lived but a few years after the close of the war. He died in Jasper County, 111., respected by all, and without a personal enemy. Archibald Bruce came to this township from Dear- born County in 1826, and settled on a quarter-section adjoining Henry Alcorn on Buck Creek, quarter of a mile east of the Bluff road. He had a wife, two daughters, and two sons, Robert and William. They soon returned to Lawrenceburg, their business being running the river to New Orleans. They both died in a few years. Mr. Bruce and his wife died some thirty-five years ago, leaving two daughters, Sydna and Eliza. The younger (Eliza) died a few years after her parents; the other daughter is the only sur- vivor, and is now living in Indianola, west of the city, in her eightieth year. Alexander Clark, Sr., was married to Sarah Qlenn in Nicholas County, Ky., and soon after marriage moved to Muhlenberg County, in what was then PERRY TOWNSHIP. 589 known as the Green River country. In the fall of 1827 he migrated to Perry township with his family, consisting of three sons, — Archibald G., Alexander, and Moses, — and four daughters, Sarah, Nancy, Susan, and Polly. He settled on the west side of the Bluff road, on the south bank of Buck Creek (the farm now owned by Charles Orme), and re- mained there two years, when the family all moved to the northeast corner of Johnson County. Moses Orme settled on the Notch line, east side, adjoining the Johnson County line, in 1827. He was married to a Miss Elson, and they came from Lewis County, Ky. He lived there ten years, and then sold his farm to John H. Oliver, of Henry County, Ky. He bought an unimproved tract of land two miles north, on the same road, and opened a second farm. Moses Orme did as much hard work in clearing up land as any of the early settlers. He was a quiet, kind-hearted man, and his wife was of the same type of character. They had five sons, — Charles, Henson, Richard, Eli, and George, — and three daughters, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Nancy, all now living but Henson and Richard. The Ormes were all well-to-do farmers. Mrs. Orme died in 1860, Mr. Orme in 1862, leaving to his children a good estate and a worthy example of honesty and industry. Samuel WoodfiU came from Jefferson County, Ind., and settled on the Bluff road, east side, five miles south of Indianapolis, in the spring of 1826. He was a pattern farmer, and raised a large family. His wife died, and he then sold his farm and lived with bis children. He died in the city some years since, and was buried with his wife in the Southport cemetery. He was an upright citizen, a kind neigh- bor, always ready to do a favor to those who asked or needed it, even at inconvenience to himself. The first mill in the township was built about 1827, by William Arnold, on Lick Creek, three- fourths of a mile west of the eastern boundary of the township. It was used a few years, and then aban- doned because the water supply failed. A grist-mill was attempted on the McGinnis farm by John Mc- Cormick, who dressed two " nigger-head" bowlders for the millstones, but it was found that the water supply was insufficient to make the mill successful, and the enterprise was abandoned. The stones were afterwards sold to James McLain, who added a grist- mill to his saw-mill on Buck Creek, about one hun- dred yards east of the Perry township line in Frank- lin township. This enterprise also failed for lack of water, and he sold the stones to Benjamin McFarland, who already had a saw-mill (built in 1827) on Lick Creek, about a half-mile east of where the Shelby- ville road crosses. He added the grist-mill in 1829 or 1830, and it was for a time successful, but some years later both the grist-mill and the saw-mill were abandoned for the usual cause, — lack of water to run them a sufficient length of time in the year to make them profitable. Jacob Smock built a grist-mill about 1828, on the present site of the village of Southport, on Buck Creek. It was kept in operation till about 18-tO, and then abandoned because of the failure of water sup- ply. About one mile below Southport, on Buck Creek, a saw-mill was started about 1836, and was run a number of years by Nathaniel Beasley. The water supply diminished, and in 1866 a steam-engine was added as an auxiliary, but this proved a failure, and the mill was abandoned in 1870. A mill was built in 1846, a quarter of a mile north of South- port, by Bonty, and was run by Bonty & Cot- peter for about six years in sawing timber for the railroad. It was afterwards abandoned. There was also a saw-mill in existence and in operation from 1839 to 1855 on Pleasant Run, just below Glenn's Valley, on the farm of Archibald Glenn. A steam grist-mill was erected and put in operation at Southport by Richard Smock about 1855. A few years afterwards he sold it to John S. Webb, who rebuilt and still owns it. There is also a saw-mill at Southport, built about ten years ago, and now owned by Isaac Grube. There are within the township of Perry two small villages, the larger being Southport and the other Glenn's Valley, which is on the Bluff road, in the southwest part of the township, three-fourths of a 590 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. mile north of the Johnson County line, and on the north side of Pleasant Run. The village was laid out partly on land of John Smart and partly on land of Robert Burns. The first house on the village site was built by Mr. Burns in the winter of 1830-31. The village was named for Archibald Glenn, one of the earliest settlers in the township. A post-ofiSce was established here in 1838. After a few years it was discontinued, but was re-established in 1856. The village has now a post-office, two general stores, one drug-store, a blacksmith-shop, a wagon-shop, a steam grist-mill, a Masonic lodge, an excellent school- house and graded school, one church (Methodist Episcopal), and about one hundred inhabitants. The first settler at what is now the village of Southport was Jacob Smock, who came from Mercer County, Ky., in 1823, and bought land immediately north of the present town. In the same year, Sam- uel Brewer came, and bought eighty acres of his present farm, then returned to Kentucky, married, and came back to Perry in 1824. The first building erected within the limits of the present village was the old water-mill, which stood just back of Mr. Howard's present residence. The old race-way is still to be seen in the woods east of the railroad. The oldest house now standing is the one where Mr. Christian lives. It was built by Jacob Smock, on his farm, and when it became probable that the rail- road then in progress of construction would have a station at Southport, the house was moved across the creek to its present location. Until the coming of the railroad, however, there was no village, nor any prospect of one, where Southport now stands. The first town-lots on the west side of the railroad were laid out by William Hooker, and on the east side by Dr. Merritt. The town plat was surveyed in 1852, and recorded April 5th in that year. In 1880 Southport had a population of three hundred and eighty-eight, as shown by the returns of the United States census of that year. The Southport Baptist Church was organized as the Buck Creek Baptist Church, in or about the year 1838, at the Mud School-house, by persons previ- ously members of the Lick Creek Church. About two years after the organization a meeting-house was erected, on land donated for the purpose by Jacob Smock. In the spring of 1838 a great protracted meeting was held at Lick Creek, and immediately afterwards at Buck Creek, under the leadership of the Rev. Haine, a missionary, resulting in a revival, which added a large number of members to both churches. One of the earliest ministers to this church was the Rev. Henry Hunter, who was suc- ceeded by the Revs. Thomas Townsend, Madison Hume, I. N. Clark, A. J. Riley, and others. The congregation grew until the old meeting-house be- came too small, when a new and much larger church building was erected on land purchased from J. H. Combs, adjoining the Smock donation on the east. The old meeting-house was then removed. Soon after the village of Southport was laid out the name of the Buck Creek Church was changed to South- port. It has always been a flourishing organization, and still has quite a large membership, being the only Baptist Church in the township. In con- nection with the old (first) meeting-house of this congregation a space was set apart for burial pur- poses, on the land donated by Jacob Smock. In this ground the first interment was that of John B. Smock, eldest son of Jacob, Aug. 10, 1842. The ground (about one and a half acres in extent) is now nearly full of graves, and arrangements are being made to obtain land for a new cemetery in a better location. The Southport Presbyterian Church was organ- ized in 1833. In January of that year the Presby- tery of Indianapolis, in session at Greensburg, gave its consent to the formation of a Presbyterian Church in this community, and, on the 30th of March fol- lowing, the Rev. W. W. Woods, then pastor of the Greenfield (now Greenwood) Church, effected the organization in the Mud School-house. It was first called the Providence Presbyterian Church, in honor of the older church at Providence, Ky., from which some of the members had come. The organization I included twenty-four members, viz. : Samuel Brewer, Eleanor Brewer, Thomas C, Rachel, Ann and Abram V. Smock, Simon and Mary French, Benjamin, Mary, and Eliza McFarland, John A. and Lemma Brewer, Phannel Graham, Paulina White, Jane E. McCoUum, PERRY TOWNSHIP. 591 Mary, Phebe, Samuel S., and John S. Siebern, Deb- orah W. Siebern, Andrew E. and Sarah Mann, and Otis Sprague. All were from Greenwood Church except the last named, who was from the only Pres- byterian Church then in Indianapolis. Otis Sprague and John S. Siebern were chosen ruling elders, and Samuel Brewer deacon. A committee appointed for the purpose selected a site for a house of worship on the northwest corner of Jacob Smock's land, but some disagreement arose, which resulted (though no reason can be given for the change) in the building of the meeting-house on the land of Samuel Brewer, opposite the site of the present school-house. In 1838, when the great divi- sion occurred in the Presbyterian Churches, although that at Greenwood remained united, this one was seriously affected. Of the thirty-eight members who composed it at that time, seventeen became adherents of the New School. Both congregations worshiped in the old Mud School-house for about four years, at the end of which time the majority composing the old branch built a frame church building, one and a half miles east, in which they worshiped until 1858, when the church was removed to Acton. In 1842 the New School branch built a church building at what is now Southport, and have worshiped there to the present time. Their first church at this place was a frame building about twenty by thirty-four feet in size. It was used for some time before being en- tirely finished, and, after about seventeen years' ser- vice as their house of worship, it was destroyed by fire, Nov. 18, 1859. In 1860 they erected the present church building, which is of brick, about thirty-two by forty-four feet in size, and cost originally about two thousand one hundred dollars. In the destruc- tive tornado of July 12, 1883, the roof of this church was badly damaged, but the other parts of the build- ing remained comparatively uninjured. In 1868 a parsonage was built at a cost of about one thousand dollars. At the present time (September, 1883) the church has one hundred and sixty-four members. The ministers serving this church from its begin- ning have been the following named, viz. : Revs. Hilary Patrick, John Todd, Eliphalet Kent, William M. Campbell, James Brownlee, Benjamin M. Nyce, Philip S. Cleland, and Horace Bushnell, Jr. Mr. Cleland served the church for a period of twenty-one years. The oflScers of the church since its organization have been : Ruling Elders, Otis Sprague (ordained and installed March 30, 1833; dismissed Nov. 16, 1833), John S. Siebern (ordained and installed at same time as Mr. Sprague; ee&sed to act in 1838), Simon Smock (ordained and installed June 28, 1834 ; died April 14, 1855), Samuel Brewer (Sept. 25, 1834), Robert N. Todd (Jan. 12, 1851), Thomas J. Todd (Dec. 12, 1852 ; died Sept. 28, 1864), John Calvin Woods CMarch 4, 1855 ; died Aug. 27, 1865), Isaac J. Canine (March 4, 1855 ; moved away in 1879), William H. Wishard (Nov. 11, 1865; moved to Indianapolis in 1876), Samuel Moore (Nov. 11, 1865), David Smock, R. G. Graydon, and Henry Alexander McCalpin. Deacons, Samuel Brewer (March 30, 1833; ceased to act Sept. 25, 1834), Andrew C. Mann (June 28, 1834; died Dec. 26, 1862), Thomas C. Smock (Aug. 8, 1841), David R. Smock, Richard M. Smock (Nov. 11, 1865; dis- missed April 2, 1867), William B. Miles (Aug. 10, 1867). The Union Presbyterian Church, which is still standing on the Bluff road, was built in 1854, an organization having been formed in the previous year by Dr. Scott, Henry Alcorn, Garret List, William Boyd, and others. Services were held for many years with more or less regularity, but the number of members having become greatly reduced by deaths and removals, they disbanded in 1880, The Southport (Methodist Episcopal) Circuit was originally a part of the Greenfield Circuit, Indiana Conference. In 1848-49 it was known as the South Indianapolis Circuit, consisting of the following- named appointments, viz. : Hopewell Methodist Chapel (Johnson County), Bowser's, Smock's, Fish- er's, Tucker's, Brenton's, Greenwood, Marrs', and Asbury. At the annual Conference of 1849 the name was changed to Southport Circuit, E. R. Ames presiding elder, and H. M. Shafer, preacher in charge. The pastorate of the circuit has been supplied in the following order until the present time, viz. : E. D. Long, George Havens, J, W. T. McMullen, W. B. 592 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Taylor, Jesse Brockway, Thomas Ray, P. Q. Rose- crans, J. V. R. Miller, Jesse Chevington, C. G. Heath, J. A. Brouse, W. G. Ransdell, P. Garland, and (again) W. G. Ransdell. At the Conference of 1860 the cir- cuit was reduced to the present dimensions by con- stituting the east half of it a new circuit, called Acton. Only four societies are now embraced in the South- port Circuit, viz. : Southport, Madison Avenue, Centre, and Fairview (Johnson County). Southport Church was organized in 1845 by the Rev. H. M. Shafer, with Richard Smock and wife add five others as members. Their first house of worship was built in 1849, and dedicated by E. R. Ames. It is a frame building, still standing and used as a carpenter-shop. This old building was used by the society as a house of worship until 1868, when they built a large brick church, which was used about fifteen years, and was totally destroyed on the 12th of July, 1883, by a tornado which swept over the southern portion of the county. A new brick church was then erected on the same site, and dedi- cated on the 18th of November following. It is the largest and in all respects the best church edi- fice in the town. The present number of mem- bers and probationers in the Southport Church is sixty. The Methodists held meetings for religious wor- ship in this township as early as any other denomi- nation. The first preaching in Perry township was by Henry Brenton, who was a local preacher. The first circuit preacher was James Armstrong, who first came to preach in the fall of 1826 ; about the same time, or perhaps a little later, came John Belzer, a " New Light" preacher, who had a few followers and a temporary organization. He lived on the school section for a time, and moved away in 1828. The first Methodist Church edifice in Perry was Asbury Chapel, a meeting-house of hewed logs, about twenty-four by thirty-six feet in dimensions, which was erected on the southeast corner of the eighty-acre tract now owned by the Talbot heirs, on the Three- Notch line. The land on which this building was erected (in 1829 or '30) was donated by Henry Brenton. The first church organization at this place was composed of Henry Brenton and family, Robert Brenton and family, Isaac Kelly and family, Darid Marrs and family, Zachariah Lemaster's family, and several members of the Bouser family. The pioneer ministers of this church were Henry Brenton (local), Revs. Allan Wiley, Edmund Ray, James Hargravc, Thomas Hill, and James Havens, circuit preachers. Rev. Allan Wiley was the presiding elder. Meetings were held in the hewed-log meeting-house for ten or twelve years, and then the place of worship was re- moved to the Marrs school-house on Three-Notch road. The old meeting-hou.se being abandoned as a preaching-place, was some years later removed to the brick-yard south of Indianapolis, where it is still standing. After worshiping a number of years at Marrs school-house, the organization was joined with that of New Bethel, and formed the present Centre Church, which was organized with forty members. Their church edifice, built in 1848, was dedicated by E. R. Ames. The church has now seventy-four members. The New Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church was organized as a class about 1826, with Andrew Hoover and wife, John Myers and wife, Henry Myers and family, several persons of the Mundy family, Mrs. Comfort Hinkston, Elizabeth Custard, David Fisher and family, and some others as mem- bers. Among the early preachers were Revs. Long, George Havens, John W. T. McMuUen, and Orlando Havens. The meeting-house was erected in 1831, on the northwest corner of the Andrew Hoover farm, near the present residence of George Harnese. It was the first frame church built by the Methodists in this township. It was never plastered or other- wise finished on the inside, but was kept as a preach- ing-place for many years. The land on which it was built, although donated by Hoover, was never deeded by him, but was afterwards deeded by Thomas H. Sharpe. After some years the organization, with that which worshiped at the Marrs school-house, was merged into the organization of the Centre Church, for which a house of worship was erected in 1848. Among the ministers who preached to this congrega- tion were Long, John W. T. McMulIen, George Havens, and Orlando Havens. The old building is still standing on the lot surrounded by lands of Eli PERRY TOWNSHIP. 593 F. Ormes, on the Bluff road, about five and a half miles south of Indianapolis, and about one and a quarter miles south of Lick Creek, on the east side. The Mount Carmel Church was organized and a church building erected in the fall of 1839, on the north line of Robert Burns' land, on the west side of the Bluff road. The members of this church were William Hall and family, James Orr and family, Nicholas Elson and family, the family of Robert Burns, Hezekiah Smart, Sr., and wife, and a few others. Their ministers were John V. R. Miller and William C. Smith. The old church building was destroyed by fire about the 1st of April, 1842, which accident had the effect to break up the or- ganization, and the members scattered to the Marrs school-house, the New Bethel, and some to Pleasant Hill Church, in Johnson County. The Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church is the outgrowth of a mission founded and organized by Hiram Wright, a local preacher. Their first preaching was held in the school-house of the neigh- borhood until they were able to build a house of worship. The church is now embraced in the South- port Circuit. The meeting-house is on land of B. Wright, three miles south of Indianapolis, on the Southport gravel road. The Methodist Church at Glenn's Valley was or- ganized some twelve or fifteen years ago. Their preaching was held in the school-house and in the Masonic Hall until they purchased the old brick school-house and converted it into a church edifice. The Lick Creek Baptist Church (the first church in the township) was organized at the house of David Fisher (now the Ritzinger farm), in the spring of 1826, by Abrani Smock. Among its original mem- bers were David Fisher and wife, John Chinn and wife, William Gott and wife, Thomas Bryant and wife, James Turner and wife, and James R. Mc- Laughlin and wife. A church edifice was built within one year after the organization, and also estab- lished a burial-ground in connection with the church. The first person interred in this ground was David Judd, Oct. 17, 1827. The second interment was that of Richard Ferree, a lad about ten or twelve years old, who was killed by the overturning of a cart, the first death by accident or violence in Perry township. The first minister of the Lick Creek Church was Abram Smock, who served the congregation for many years. About 1832 a large number left the church to organize the Buck Creek Baptist Church, which afterwards became the Southport Baptist Church. By reason of deaths-' and removals of members, the Lick Creek Church was disbanded in 1866, its building torn down, and the material re- moved to Indianapolis (in 1867 or 1868), and there rebuilt for the use of a colored Baptist Church. A Christian Church was organized in Perry town- ship in 1845 or 1846, George Shortridge and family, and Robinson and family being the original members, to whom were soon afterwards added Peter Smock and wife, John Monroe, George Oldacre, John Shortridge and wife, and others. The organization continued till about 1863, when, having become greatly reduced in numbers, it was disbanded, and most of the members having removed to the vicinity of Greenwood, went into the church organization at that place. Schools. — One of the earliest school-houses (and probably the first) in Perry township was built in 1823, on what is now the northeast corner of the land of Joseph Alcorn, a half-mile west of the Union Presbyterian Church. In that old log school-house the first teacher was Emanuel Glimpse, one of the earliest settlers in that region. A log school-house was built in 1826, on land of Archibald Glenn, and in it Michael Groves taught school for two winters. Afler him came as teachers, Samuel Hare and Blihu Hardin, the last named teaching there about 1830. About 1831 a small log building was erected for a school-house at David Marrs' farm, and another of the same kind near the site of Lick Creek Church. In this last mentioned a man named Thaler was one of the first teachers. In the vicinity of Southport I the first school-house (a log building, of course) was erected on Jacob Smock's farm, its location being on the bluff north of Buck Creek. The second in that neighborhood was located where the residence of Mr. J. E. Phillips now stands, and was known as the Mud School-house, from the material which was 594 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. largely used in its construction. This, as also the house at Marrs', was used not only for school pur- poses, but as a preaching-place for many years. A frame school-house which was afterwards built on the same site has long since disappeared. All the pioneer school-houses of Perry, as of the other townships of this and adjoining counties, were of one and the same character, — small and low struc- tures of logs, with puncheon floors, seats, and writing- benches ; with a large fireplace of stones and mud, and with a log cut out from two sides for windows, ' the openings being covered with greased paper in place i of glass. All the appliances of the modern school- house were lacking. The teachers were men who la- ! bored on the farm in spring, summer, and autumn, and in winter taught school for terms of six weeks' to three months' duration. They were required to be able to teach (more or less thoroughly) reading, spelling, writing, and ciphering as far as the single rule of three, and for their services received a remuneration which the lowest class of laborers would now regard as trifling. After many j'ears frame school-houses took the places of the old log buildings, the school terms were lengthened, and teachers of a somewhat higher grade of acquirements were employed. Fi- nally came the formation of the present public school system, and its adoption by Perry as by the other townships of the county. Perry township has now 14 school districts, and the same number of school-houses (2 frame and 12 brick), in all of which schools are taught, one being a graded school. There is also a colored school in the township. The number of teachers employed in 1883 was 18 (6 male and 12 female). The average daily attendance was 446. The whole number admitted to the schools was 662, including colored children. Five teachers' institutes were held in the township during the year. The valuation of school apparatus is $600; valuation of school-houses and grounds, $12,000. There is one private school taught in the township, with an average attendance of 84 during the year 1883. Secret Societies.— ^Southport Lodge, No. 270, F. and A. M., was chartered May 28, 1861, Wil- liam G. Lockwood, W. M. ; Hezekiah Hinkston, S. W. ; James Gentle, J. W. The officers for 1884 are George L. Thompson, W. M. ; Joseph P. Bailey, S. W. ; James A. Norwood, J. W. ; William Wor- man, Treas. ; Spofibrd E. Tyler, Sec. The present membership of the lodge is thirty- five. Southport Lodge, No. 394, I. 0. O. F., was insti- tuted with the following-named original members : J. M. McLain, Isaac Grube, S. Graves, W. L. Ber- ryman, Alfred Brewer, S. D. Moody, Aaron Grube, J. L. Fisher, E. S. Riley, W. P. Trout, R. R. Graham, Jackson Snyder. The lodge has now forty- five active members and the following-named officers, viz. : E. Kelley, N. G. ; John S. Rene, V. G. ; Chris. Grube, Sec. ; Isaac Grube, Treas. ; Charles Grube, Per. Sec. The lodge has twenty-three Past Grands. Glenn's Valley Lodge, No. 514, F. and A. M., was chartered May 25, 1875, Hezekiah Hinkston, W. M. ; Alexander C. Sedam, S. W. ; Franklin L. Barger, J. W. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. WILLIAM H. WISHAED, M.D. William H. Wishard, M.D., was the eldest son of John and Agnes H. Wishard, born in Nicholas County, Ky., Jan. 17, 1816. The family was Scotch- Irish in their nationality. His father emigrated to Indiana, and settled on the UluS road, nine and one- half miles south of Indianapolis, where they pitched their camp on the evening of Oct. 26, 1825. His father had purchased the land in 1824, came out in the following spring, cleared some land, and put in a crop of corn, potatoes, and turnips. The first night after their arrival the wolves were heard howling near their camp, which, however, was no unusual thing for years after that time. William H. Wishard was then in his tenth year, and being the eldest, had to hunt the cows in the woods, do the errands, and go to mill, and many were the exciting scenes he passed through. On one occa- sion, in the fall of 1826, when returning from mill late at night, alone in the darkness of a dense forest, [fluiA^ wtt?A«^ PERRY TOWNSHIP. 595 and one and a quarter miles from any settler's cabin, he suddenly came upon a pack of wolves snarling j over a wounded deer that they had just caught. It was an unpleasant situation for a boy of twelve years to find his only pathway blocked by fifteen or twenty hungry wolves; but he kept his presence of mind, and, passing around through the brushwood on one side as rapidly and silently as possible, escaped from the beasts, and reached his father's house in safety. Many a night in his boyhood he spent at the old Bayou, and Patterson's, and Bacon's mills, waiting for his grist to be ground. His educational advantages were very limited, attending only the winter schools of the pioneer days, taught by teachers of very meagre capacity and attainments. The .spring and summer seasons were spent in attending to the crops and help- ing to clear land. Having passed the early years of his life in this manner, he, at the age of twenty-two years, com- menced the study of medicine with Dr. Benjamin S. Noble, of Greenwood, Johnson Co., and entered into partnership with him in the spring of 1840, which partnership continued for ten years. He was married to Harriet N. Moreland, daughter of the Rev. John R. i Moreland, the second pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis. They had nine children j born to them, — four sons and five daughters. The first four, one son and three daughters, died in in- fancy and childhood. The others are living, viz. : Dr. William N., of the City Hospital of Indianapolis; Albert W., an attorney of the city ; Dr. George W., of Indianapolis ; Harriet J. ; and P]lizabeth. During the war of 1861-65, Dr. Wishard served two years as a volunteer surgeon, after which he com- menced the practice of medicine in the neighborhood where his early years were passed, and where from the first he had a large practice. In October, 1876, he was elected coroner of the county and removed from Southport to Indianapolis, where he has remained ever since. After serving four years as coroner he returned to the practice of medicine, which, however, he had not entirely relinquished. He is now in the sixty-ninth year of his age. and in full vigor for one of his years. He has practiced medicine in Morgan, Johnson, and Marion Counties longer than any man now living in the county, and still holds a large practice, after forty-four years of service as a physician. MORRIS HOWLAND. Mr. Howland, who is the grandson of Blisha How- land, and the son of Powell Howland, was born on the 30th of January, 1823, in Saratoga County, N. Y., where he resided until sixteen years of age, and re- ceived such advantages of education as the neighboring schools afibrded. His father having determined to leave the Empire State for the unsettled West, his son Morris started on the 25th of September, 1839, with a pair of horses and a wagon for Indianapolis, reaching his destination after a journey of forty- two days. The family on their arrival located in Centre township, where Morris remained four years, after which he engaged in flat-boating at points be- tween Cincinnati and New Orleans. In 1844 he embarked in business near Evansville, Ind., and on abandoning this enterprise made an extensive tour by steamboat and on horseback through many of the States of the Union, with a view to pleasure and an intelligent comprehension of the extent and resources of the country. On returning in 1845, he, on the 22d of January of that year, married Miss Susan Marquis, of Perry township, Marion Co., and settled in the last-named township, where he became a farmer. The children of this marriage are Sarah (Mrs. F. S. Turk) and Mary (Mrs. John Epler). Mrs. Howland died in August, 1852, and he was again married on the 22d of February, 1854, to Miss Jane Gentle, who was of Scotch descent, and a resi- dent of the same township. Their children are Powell, Lida, and Minnie. Mr. Howland has princi- pally engaged in farming and stock dealing, in which he has been signally successful. He has been actively interested in developing the resources of his county and township, and constructed the first gravel road in the county, of which he is still president. He is a member of the Wool-Growers' Association, and of the Short-Horn Breeders' Association, and actively in- terested in the subject of horticulture. He was in 596 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. politics a Democrat until the introduction of the Kansas-Nebraska bill in 1854, when a disapproval of the measures adopted by the party induced him to cast his vote with the Republicans. He has been actively interested in the success of his party, and participated in various local campaigns, though not an aspirant for the honors which it confers. Though repeatedly declining ofl&cial positions of importance, he has held various ofiBces in the township, among which may be mentioned that of justice of the peace. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and con- nected with Southport Lodge, No. 270, of that order. Mr. Rowland is an active member and one of the founders of the Southport Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been successively steward, class-leader, and trustee. His influence and active labor in the cause of temperance have accomplished a salutary work in Perry township, and given it a decided moral strength in the county. GEORGE TOMLINSON. John Tomlinson, the great-grandfather of the sub- ject of this biographical sketch, was a native of Yorkshire, England, and having emigrated to Amer- ica about the middle of the last century settled in Maryland. His son, Joseph Tomlinson, the grand- father of George, was the first settler of Elizabeth- town, Va., having laid out the town and named it in honor of his wife, Elizabeth Tomlinson. George Tomlinson was the son of Isaac and Anna Tomlinson (whose maiden name was De Mint). In childhood he removed with his parents to Bourbon County, Ky., from which point, after a residence of a few years, he repaired with the family to Trimble County, in the same State, and a few miles above Madison, Ind., where his father died soon after the close of the war of 1812. In 1821 he became an inmate of the house of his guardian, Rev. Henry Brenton, in Trimble County, Ky., and in 1823 accompanied him to Indiana, when he became a resident of Perry township, Marion Co. He was married on the 2d of August, 1827, to Miss Lucy E. Dawson, and about October of the same year removed to the homestead on the Madison road, four miles south of the city, where he resided until his death. Mrs. Tomlinson was born April 20, 1811, in Oldham County, Ky., and was the daughter of Daniel and Keziah Dawson, and granddaughter of Josiah Tanner, a captain in the American army during the Revolutionary war. Her parents both died during her childhood, when a home was found with her grandmother, Martha Tanner, until her marriage. The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson continued over a period of fifty- three years, their golden wedding having been cele- brated on the 2d of August, 1877. Their children are three sons and four daughters, all of whom sur- vive them. Mr. Tomlinson did not enjoy superior advantages of education, but was a student all his life, and devoted much of his leisure time to reading. He was in politics a Whig, a Republican at the or- ganization of that party, and pronounced in his anti- slavery sentiments. He was strong in his political convictions, an ardent supporter of measures for the conduct of the late war, and willingly promised to protect from want the families of soldiers who enlisted in the cause of the Union. He was in 1832 elected justice of the peace, and held the office for twenty consecutive years. He was a member of the Tippe- canoe Club of Marion County, and voted for Gen. Harrison in 1836 and 1840. About 1847, Mr. Tomlinson began a general merchandising business at Southport, Ind., and continued it for twenty years, after which he retired from commercial pursuits and devoted the remainder of his life to farming. His death occurred May 11, 1881, and that of his wife in the same year. CHAPTER XXV. PIKE TOWNSHIP. Pike township lies in the northwest corner of Marion County, and is bounded on the north by Hamilton and Boone Counties, on the east by Wash- ington township, on the south by Wayne township, and on the west by Hendricks County. The town- ship contains forty-four sections, or twenty-eight J^ •a-^Ci^^U^W^ i?*^ PIKE TOWNSHIP. 597 thousaDd one hundred and sixty acres of land. Its surface is in some parts rolling, in others nearly level, and in some parts rather swampy. The buttonwood ponds were formerly numerous in some localities, but these are unknown to-day, for the industrious farmers have cleared up these places and tile-drained them, so that excellent crops are raised on these lands. The soil of the township is generally of a good quality, and well adapted to farming and stock-raising. It is watered by Eagle Creek, which enters the township on the north line, about two and one-half miles east of the northwest corner, and runs in a southwesterly course until it reaches the Wayne township line, about one and one-quarter miles east of the west line of the township. Fishback Creek enters the town- ship near the northwest corner, and empties into Eagle Creek one-half mile below Trader's Point. The country along this stream is the most broken part of the township, and is called the hilly country of Fishback. The creek derived its name from Free- man Fishback, who was an early settler on the farm now owned by P. Beck. Some of the finest springs of the county are along this stream. Bush's Run, a small stream, heads near the north centre of the township, and empties into Eagle Creek three-quarters of a mile below Trader's Point. Little Eagle Creek, which is somewhat of a noted stream, has its source near the south line of Boone County, and it enters this township about one mile east of the centre of the north line. It runs just east of New Augusta, and empties into Big Eagle near Mount Jackson, in Wayne township. This stream is the second in size in Pike. Crooked Creek enters the township near the northeast corner, and takes a southwesterly direc- tion until just north of Old Augusta, where it bears to the southeast, and leaves the township about one- third of a mile southeast of Old Augusta. Staton's Creek heads a little south of Old Augusta, runs in a southwesterly course, and empties into Little Eagle on or near W. H. Guion's farm. It derived its name from Joseph Staton, who was the first settler in the southeastern part of the township. Pike, like the other townships of Marion County, was laid out and erected a separate township by order of the county commissioners on the 16th of April, 1822, and on the same date and by the same au- thority it was joined to Wayne for township pur- poses (there being but few inhabitants in either), and the two together were deemed a single township, called the township of Pike and Wayne. This continued until May 10, 1824,' when the commis- sioners of Pike separated from Wayne (the inhab- itants being suflSciently numerous), and an election was ordered to be held at the house of Alexis Jack- son for the choice of a justice of the peace on the 19th of June following, David McCurdy to be in- spector of election. At this election there were but seventeen votes cast, and John C. Hume was elected the first justice of the peace by a majority of three votes, Mr. Thomas Burns being his opponent for the judicial honors of the township. J. C. Hume at that time lived in the northern part of the township, in the Harman neighborhood, on the south part of the farm now owned by Samuel Hornaday, and Thomas Burns lived in the southwestern part of the township, on the east side of Eagle Creek, on the farms now owned and occupied by his grandsons, Thomas and Oliver Reveal. Following is a list of township ofiicers of Pike from its formation to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Abraham Hendricks, June 15, 1822, to June 19, 1824, Isaac Stephens, June 22, 1822, to February, 1824 j removed. Jeremiah J. Corbaley, May 10, 1824, to June 19, 1824. (The three preceding served for Pike and Wayne while those two townships were joined as one.) John C. Hume, Aug. 19, 1824, to May 10, 1827; resigned. J^cob Sheets, Aug. 27, 1825, to December, 1829; resigned. Austin Davenport, Aug. 9, 1827, to March 1, 1830; resigned. Zephaniah Hollingsworth, Feb. 19, 1830, to May 2, 1831; re- signed. William C. Robinson, Feb. 20, 1830, to Feb. 12, 1835. Jesse Lane, April 9, 1830, to April 9, 1835. Adam Wright, July 4, 1831, to July 4, 1834; resigned. ' From that time until 1834 small parts of the counties of Hamilton, Boone, and Hendricks were included in this town- ship, but in the year last named the matter was brought before the Legislature by the Hon. R. B. Duncan, and the northern and western lines established as they are now. Another change was made by which three sections of land originally belonging to Pike were thrown into Washington township, thus establishing the township lines as they are at present. 598 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Smith Isaac, Oct. 17, 1834, to Oct. 17, 1839. Nathaniel Bell, April 18, 1835, to April 15, 1845. Riley B. Hogshire, June 9, 1838, to June 9, 1843. Daniel Cooper, Dec. 14, 1839, to Dec. 7, 1844. Daniel Cooper, Feb. 8, 1845, to Feb. 8, 1850. Benjamin Powell, May 6, 1845, to May 6, 1850. Nathaniel Bell, May 10, 1845, to July, 1846 ; removed. James Haines, Dec. 18, 1846, to Dec. 15, 1851. John C. Hume, April 12, 1850, to April 12, 1855. Eiley B. Hogshire, May 8, 1850, to March 15, 1851 ; resigned. James Haines, Dec. 22, 1851, to Dec. 15, 1856. Fletcher I'atterson, April 19, 1853, to April 19, 1857. John C. Hume, May 8, 1855, to May 3, 1859. Perry W. Cotton, Nov. 3, 1855, to Nov. 1, 1859. James Haines, April 20, 1857, to Norember, 1860 ; died. Abner A. Wakeland, May 7, 1859, to April 22, 1861 ; resigned. Perry W. Cotton, Nov. 7, 1859, to Nov. 1, 1863. Joseph Patton, Dec. 6, I860, to Sept. 22, 1863; resigned. John M. Voorhis, April 21, 1863, to Dec. 26, 1865; resigned. William R. McCune, Nov. 5, 1863, to Nov. 1, 1867. Abraham Artman, April 20, 1865, to May 24, 1867 ; resigned. Joseph F. Trowbridge, April 13, 1867, to Oct. 13, 1879 ; resigned. William R. McCune, Nov. 9, 1867, to Nov. 1, 1871. Mahlon B. Pentecost, April 25, 1868, to Nov. 16, 1868 ; resigned. Salathiel F. Pentecost, April 28, 1869, to Jan. 31, 1871; re- signed. . Francis M. Hollingsworth, Oct. 28, 1872, to Oct. 28, 1876. John C. Reed, A#rll 9, 1878, to April 9, 1882. Francis M. Hollingsworth, July 9, 1878, to April 14, 1880. Tiry N. Hurdin, Oct. 13, 1879, to June 27, 1882; removed. James M. Smith, May 11, 1882, to May 11, 1886. Robert Dunn, June 27, 1882, to April 14, 1884. TRUSTEES. John H. Wiley, April 11, 1859, to April 11, 1860. Elihu Culver, April 11, 1860, to Jan. 13, 1861. William P. Long, Jan. 13, 1861, to April 13, 1861. James M. Draper, April 13, 1861, to April 17, 1863. John H. Wiley, April 17, 1863, to April 13, 1867. James H. Kennedy, April 13, 1867, to Oct. 29, 1870. Jeremiah Coble, Oct. 29, 1870, to April 10, 1880. Jasper N. Guion, April 10, 1880, to April 14, 1882. Jesse A. Avery, April 14, 1882, for two years. ASSESSORS. John B. Harmon, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 5, 1829. Jesse Davenport, Jan. 5, 1829, to Jan. 3, 1831. Joseph Staton, Jan. 3, 1831, to Jan. 2, 1832. William W. Harmon, Jan. 2, 1832, to May 5, 1835. Alexander Felton, May 5, 1835, to Jan. 4, 1836. Smith Isaac, Jan. 4, 1836, to March 7, 1836. Alexander Felton, March 7, 1836, to Jan. 2, 1837. William W. Harmon, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 1, 1838. Smith Isaac, Jan. 1, 1838, to Jan. 7, 1839. Alexander Felton, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Smith Isaac, Jan. 6, 1840, to Jan. 4, 1841. Alexander Felton, Jan. 4, 1841, to Deo. 6, 1841. Thomas W. Council, Dec. 10, 1852, to Nov. 20, 1854. John Bowers, Nov. 20, 1864, to April 7, 1855. Abraham Logan, April 7, 1855, to Dec. 4, 1856. James M. Draper, Dec. 4, 1856, to Nov. 20, 1858. Allen P. Wiley, Nov. 20, 1858, to Nov. 6, 1860. John M. Voorhis, Nov. 6, 1860, to Nov. 16, 1862. John Souerwine, Nov. 16, 1862, to Nov. 26, 1864. Jacob R. Wilson, Nov. 26, 1864, to Oct. 27, 1866. Joseph Loftin, Oct. 27, 1866, to Aug. 1, 1873. Samuel H. Sohenok, March 23, 1875, to Oct. 23, 1876. Joseph Loftin, Oct. 23, 1876, to April 10, 1880. Jacob Souerwine, April 10, 1880, to April 14, 1882. Jacob H. Heisay, April 14, 1882, to April 14, 1884. From the best information now to be obtained the first white man who settled in this township was James Harman, who was a native of Pulaski County, Ky., and a soldier in the war of 1812. He came to Indiana and first located in Rush County, and in 1820 came to Marion County and settled in the north part of Pike township, on the east side of Eagle Creek, where he lived until the 20th day of Novem- ber, 1832, when he sold out to Wesley Marklin, and moved to the farm where Richard Carter now lives. He lived there for a few years, and then moved to Boone County, Ind., near Zionsville, where he died. Mr. Harman raised twelve children, some of whom still live in the neighborhood where they passed the years of their youth. The next settler in the township is supposed to have been David McCurdy, Sr. He was born in Ireland in the year 1777, and at the age of two years he with his mother (then a widow) came to New York, where he lived until 1818. He then came to Indiana and settled near Noblesville, on White River, in Hamilton County, and lived there until 1820 or 1821, when he came to Marion County and settled in Pike township, west of Eagle Creek, on the farm now owned and occupied by James White. Mr. McCurdy owned at one time two thousand five hundred and eighty acres of land along Eagle Creek in this township. In a few years he moved to the southwest part of the township, on the farm which he made his home until his death. He built the first grist-mill in the township, on Eagle Creek, at what is known as the McCurdy PIKE TOWNSHIP. 599 Ford, where the citizens got their corn and wheat ground for a number of years, the flour being bolted by hand. He also owned and ran a small distillery just south of the residence of his son Samuel. Mr. McCurdy was married twice. He had ten children by his first wife and ten by the second, equally I divided between the sexes. All lived to maturity, I and settled in this section and shared in their father's large estate. Mr. McCurdy was honest in all his dealings, kind and liberal to the poor, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Jones' Chapel, and very liberal in its support. He died at the age of eighty-four years, and was buried iit Jones' Chapel Cemetery, where a fine monument marks his grave. Samuel McCurdy, a son of David McCurdy, Sr., was born in Pike township, Jan. 11, 1840, and lives on the old farm and homestead, where his father died. His residence (built by his father) is the first brick house built in the township. Samuel McCurdy is one of the wealthiest men in Pike township ; is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. He owns six hundred and thirty acres of excellent land, and has built two miles of gravel road at his own expense. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. John B. Harman, born in Virginia, emigrated thence to Kentucky, thence to Bartholomew County, Ind., and in 1821 came with a wife and two children to Pike township, and settled in the north part of the township, west of Eagle Creek, on the farm now owned by Samuel Hornaday. In 1829 he was assessed on the northeast quarter of section 15, township 17, range 2. In 1837 he sold out, and removed to Boone County. His wife was Mary Findley, to whom he was married in 1817, and they became the parents of six sons and two daughters. After his arrival here he traded with the Indians, and was on friendly terms with them while they re- mained in this region, but afterwards he saw some- thing of their hostility. He had served in the war of 1812, and volunteered for service in the Black Hawk war of 1832, in which he became a captain. At one time, at the close of a very fatiguing march, he, with about thirty-five men who were with him, was attacked by the savages, and all were killed ex- cept himself and one other man, who escaped by leaving their horses and swimming a swollen stream. Capt. Harman died in Boone County in June, 1860. James Delong was one of the earliest settlers in Pike. He came here in 1822, first settling in the northern part of the township, and in 1823 he bought out Elijah Standridge, on the east side of Eagle Creek, two miles south of Trader's Point. The farm (two hundred and fourteen acres of excel- lent land) is now owned by Jacob Delong, his second son, who was born on the farm, and has lived on it sixty years, this being the longest continuous residence of any man in the township. Chesley Ray, Sr., a native of North Carolina, came to Pike township in the winter of 1822-23, and set- tled with his family (wife and two children) on land now owned by Amos Smith, east of Eagle Creek. Some years afterwards he bought an eighty-acre tract, now land of William Jennings. He was also owner of several other farms at different times. He moved to Illinois, and died there in 1869, in his seventy-first year. He had five children, — three sons and two daughters. His first wife was the second adult person who died in this township, in May, 1826. Joseph Staton was a Virginian by birth (born in 1796), was married in 1818 to Cidna Tarns, and in 1823 came with his family (wife and three children) to settle in Pike, on Staton's Creek, — their nearest neighbor then being three miles distant. Mr. Staton died at the age of sixty-six years, two months, and fifteen days. He raised four sons and four daughters. His eldest two sons, Reuben and Washington Staton, own the lands on which their father and mother settled sixty years ago. George Haines, Sr., was a native of Pennsylvania, moved in his youth to Kentucky, and came to Pike township in October, 1824, settling on the farm after- wards owned by Ira HoUingsworth. After a few years he moved to Missouri. He had seven, sons and four daughters, and raised them all. His son George was famed as the largest man in this township, being six feet seven inches high. Another son, Absalom, now approaching his threescore and ten years, has 600 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. lived in Marion County almost continuously for nearly sixty years. Abraham McCorkle was a native of Fleming County, Ky. He came to this township in 1824, and entered one hundred and twenty acres of land on the west side of Eagle Creek, in the western part of the township. On this tract he built a cabin, and in 1825 (October 26th), with his wife and child, com- menced housekeeping in the woods of this part of the township. He was one of the original members of Jones' Chapel (Methodist Episcopal Church), and donated the ground for the meeting-house and ceme- tery. Hon. Robert B. Duncan came to this township in 1824 (when but a lad), and lived with his brother-in- law, William C. Robinson, and also with his uncle, John Duncan. In 1827 he left, and went to the then village of Indianapolis to educate himself He lived with James M. Ray, and worked for his board while at school. His subsequent career is too well known to the people of the county to need extended mention here. David Wilson, Sr., was born in Pennsylvania in 1801. In 1825 he came to Indiana and settled in this township, on the west side of Eagle Creek, on the land now owned and occupied by Thomas Parker. He owned several other tracts of land in the town- ship. His wife was Annie Railsback, and they raised thirteen children, eight sons and five daugh- ters. David Wilson at one time owned a saw-mill and grist-mill, and carried on the milling busi- ness quite extensively for a number of years. He died Nov. 30, 1853, and was buried on his farm. His widow is still living, and is eighty years old. She was one of the original members of Ebenezer Christian Church, and is now a faithful Christian, holding her membership in one of the Christian Churches at Indianapolis, where she lives with her children. Her house was the preachers' home while she lived in Pike township. John C. Hume was born in 1790 in Harrisburg, Pa., whence he removed with his father to the State of New York in 1804. After a time he engaged in the occupation of civil engineer, and as such laid out the plat of the city of Rochester, N. Y. He was married in 1813 to Martha Rodman, in New York, and in 1815 he removed to Washington County, Ind., where he resided until 1821 or 1822, when he took up his residence in Marion County. He located where the city of Indianapolis now stands, which place at that time contained but a half-dozen log cabins. He was among the first settlers of the county. He served fourteen years as justice of the peace, seven years as probate judge of Marion County, and four years as circuit judge of McLean County, 111., to which State he removed in 1837. After the expiration of his term of office in Illinois he returned to this township, where he lived uninterruptedly until his death. Stephen Gullefer, a Virginian by birth, came to Pike township in 1827. In 1829 he was assessed on the northwest quarter of section 7, township 16, range 3. His son, Aaron Gullefer, was born in the Shenandoah Valley, Va., in 1796 ; emigrated with his father to Ohio ; thence to Wayne County, Ind., in 1821 ; thence moved to Pike township in 1827. He owned lands on Little Eagle Creek, near Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, and elsewhere in the township. The farm he lived on is now owned by Henry Gullefer and Jacob Heine. Aaron Gullefer was married in 1821 to Lydia HoUingsworth. They had three sons and three daughters. Mr. Gullefer died in 1852. Joseph Loftin, Sr., was a North Carolinian by birth. He emigrated thence to Wayne township, Marion Co., about 1826. In 1830 he moved from Wayne to the northeast part of Pike township, and settled on lands which are now owned by the Loftin family, and the homestead farm occupied by Joseph Loftin's youngest son. He had ten children, five sons and five daughters. Three of the sons became physicians. The eldest, Hon. Sample Loftin, has been treasurer of Marion County. Joseph Loftin, Jr., a native of Wayne township, and now fifty-six years of age, is one of the most prominent men of Pike township. He was township assessor for about fourteen years, trustee for two years, and in 1882 was elected county commissioner. He was engaged in school-teaching for a number of years, and taught the first school at the school-house called Poplar Cot- PIKE TOWNSHIP. 601 tage, a name given to it by him because it was a very low building of poplar logs. Mr. Loftin is active in politics, and bears the reputation of being one of the best-informed men in the county on political matters. Nicholas Hightshue was born in Germany in 1794, and settled in Maryland in 1805. From there he moved to Perry County, Ohio, and in 1829, with his wife and five children, settled in the northwest corner of Pike township. They raised seven chil- dren, two sons and five daughters, all of whom are still living. Nicholas Hightshue served through the war of 1812. He was one of the original mem- bers of Ebenezer Christian Church, and served as an elder for many years. He died in 1858, and his wife in 1859. The HoUingsworth and Klingensmith families were the most numerous of any in Pike township. There were twenty-four Hollingsworths and twenty-two Klingensmiths, voters, on the registry roll at one time in 1865-66. The Hollingsworths were Republicans and the Klingensmiths Democrats. The Hollings- worths were members of the Christian and Meth- odist Churches, while the Klingensmiths were mostly members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Zephaniah HoUingsworth was born in South Caro- lina, near Charleston, on the 6th of September, 1787, and was married to Polly Dayley on the 12th of Oc- tober, 1806. In May, 1807, he, with his wife and son, George D. (who was then only six weeks old), emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio. Polly rode a pack-horse, carrying her babe, and their bedding and wearing apparel, the distance being nearly six hundred miles. They remained in Ohio until May, 1828. They settled in this township, on Little Eagle Creek, near Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church, on the land now owned by W. H. Broug- hard. They reared five children, — three sons and two daughters, — who all lived to maturity. Only two are now alive, — the oldest son, George D. Hol- Hngsworth, and the daughter Jane. G«orge HoUingsworth, born near Charleston, S. C, in 1801, emigrated at the age of six years, with his father to Ohio, and in 1819 moved thence to Ran- dolph County, Ind., from which place he came to 89 Pike township. His name appears, with that of Zephaniah HoUingsworth, on the assessment-roll of the township for 1829, but neither of them were then assessed on any real estate. Both paid poll- taxes in the township in that year, and Zephaniah HoUingsworth was assessed on two horses. The lands on which George HoUingsworth settled were located on Little Eagle Creek, and he built a saw- mill on that stream, which was one of the early mills of the township. He died in 1860, having reared a family of ten children, of which the youngest is Syl- vanus HoUingsworth, who was born in this township, and now lives on the farm on which he was raised. He is engaged in farming and stock-raising, and is regarded as one of the leading agriculturists of the township. Joseph Klingensmith, Samuel Rodebaugh, and Peter Anthony came to Pike township with their families (each having a wife and four children) in 1829. They were from Western Pennsylvania, and passed down the Ohio River with their families and household goods on a flat-boat to Cincinnati, where they disembarked, sold their boat, and finished their journey to this township by wagons, arriving in the early part of August in the year named. Joseph Klingensmith settled near where New Augusta Station now is, on the land now owned by Simon Klingensmith, his second son. Samuel Rodebaugh settled east and south of the centre of the township, on the land now owned by Joseph Rodebaugh. Peter Anthony settled near the centre of the town- ship, on the farm known as the Daniel Meyers farm. Of this party of early settlers, but two who were then adults are now living, — Esther Klingensmith, who is eighty years old, and lives on the old farm, with her son Simon ; Sally, wife of Samuel Rode- baugh, is also one of the survivors, is eighty-one years old, and lives on the old farm with her young- est son, Joseph Rodebaugh. Simon Rodebaugh, son of Samuel and Sally Rode- baugh, was born in Pennsylvania, and was nine years old when his parents came to this country. He lives in the eastern part of the township, on some of the land his father entered. He owns three hundred and fifteen acres of good land, is a good farmer, and 602 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. is somewhat extensively engaged in the business of stock-raising. Joseph Klingensmith, Jr., was a native of Penn- sylvania. He came to this township in 1835, and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in the eastern part of the township, and just south of the centre ea.st and west. His oldest son, Oliver, now owns and occupies the land. He is a good farmer, and is extensively engaged in the manufacture of drain-tile. He ran the first tile-mill in the township ; is treas- urer of the Marion County tile-maker organization. He has also been engaged quite extensively in the saw-mill business. Emanuel Meichal came to Marion County in 1828, and first located in Wayne township. In 1833 he came to Pike, and settled between one and two miles northeast of Old Augusta, on the Michigan road. He is a North Carolinan by birth, is now seventy-four years old, and has lived in this township for half a century, except about two years when he resided in j Hamilton County. Wesley Marklin came to this county from North Carolina in November, 1832, and settled on the north line of Pike township, east of Eagle Creek. His wife was Margaret Green, to whom he was married in 1832. They have raised one son and three daughters, and have lived together as man and wife more than fifty-one years. He is now seventy-four, and his wife sixty-seven years old. He has been a great hunter, and some have called him the Daniel Boone of Pike township. Thomas Burns was an early settler in Pike. He owned a large farm in the southwestern part of the township, and in connection with Jedediah Read, one of his neighbors, carried on the first tan-yard in this township. He was an enterprising man and a good farmer. The farm on which he lived is now owned and occupied by his grandsons, Thomas and Oliver Reveal. They are energetic and enterprising citizens, and are extensively engaged in farming. A. B. Smock was a son of Peter Smock, who came to this township in 1826, and bought eighty acres of land near the centre of the township, on what is now the Zionsville and Pike township gravel road. The land is now owned by Newton Pollard. A. B. Smock served during the Mexican war in the Fourth Indiana Regiment. He also volunteered in the late war of the Rebellion in Capt. Black's company. Sixty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteers. He has at different times been extensively engaged in the saw-mill busi- ness, is now a retired farmer, is sixty-three years old, and the only Mexican soldier living in the township. Thomas B. Jones came from Franklin County, Ind., to Marion County in 1824. He was married to Jane Speer, daughter of Robert Speer, Sr., Jan. 18, 1826, by Jeremiah Corbaley, Esq., of Wayne township, where they then resided. In the spring of 1826 they moved to this township and built a cabin on the west side of Eagle Creek, one-quarter of a mile southwest of where Jones Chapel (Meth- odist Episcopal Church) now stands. They raised eight children (six daughters and two sons), of which four daughters and the two sons are still living. Aunt Jane Jones, as she is called, is still living, and makes her home with her son, J. T. Jones, west of Clermont. She is in her seventy-ninth year, is a regular attendant at church, and has been for sixty- five years. She is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Craig Jones was a native of Kentucky. He came to Marion County in 1821 and lived with his brother, John B. Jones, in Wayne township, near old Union Christian Church. He was married to Sally Speer Sept. 30, 1830, and in October following they settled in Pike township, on the east .side of Eagle Creek, on the farm now owned by the Davenport heirs. They lived there thirty-two years; then went to Iowa, lived there seven years, came back to Indiana, and settled in Hendricks County. Mr. Jones died July 7, 1880. They had no children of their own, but raised several orphans. Aunt Sally, as she is called, is now living in Clermont, Wayne township. She is now in her seventy-second year, and has been a member of the Christian Church for fifty-six years. Jonathan Ingo came to this township in 1829 with George Coble, and settled near the site of Old Au- gusta. The farm was afterwards owned by David Boardman and Thomas Council, and is now owned by Mr. Collins. Seth Rodebaugh, son of Christopher Rodebaugh, JU?->^i ^^ T^^to 'cry^ PIKE TOWNSHIP. 603 was born in Pennsylvania in 1796, and was raised by his uncle, Adam Rodebaugh, who came to Ohio in an early day. He was married to Mary Hollings- worth July 9, 1817, and in March, 1818, moved to Randolph County, Ind. In 1825 he, with his wife and four children, came to Marion County, and settled in Pike township, on Little Eagle Creek, on the farm now owned and occupied by Jacob Meyers. Rode- baugh sold to Meyers in 1844 or 1845, and went West. He died during the " Border Ruffian War" in Kansas. His wife and children remained in this township, Mrs. Rodebaugh living with her children, of whom she had eight, six daughters and two sons. She is now living with her daughter, Mrs. Laycook. She is eighty-five years of age, the oldest person in the township. Daniel Cooper was born in Virginia in 1793, and moved to Ohio with his father in 1809. He served in the war of 1812, and in 1830 came to Indiana and settled in the northwestern part of Pike township, on Fishback Creek. He served as justice of the peace for several years, and was a school teacher of some prominence in the early day of the township. The farm of Daniel Cooper is now owned by Elijah Cooper. Samuel Cooper, of Perry County, Ohio, a carpenter by trade, came to this township in 1830, and entered eighty acres of land in the northwest corner of the township on the Lafayette road. Fishback Creek runs through the land he entered. In 1831 he, with his wife (Elizabeth Moore, to whom he was married in December, 1827) and two children, moved to his land, where a cabin was soon erected, and they were at home in the woods. They raised eleven children who lived to maturity, seven sons and four daughters. Aunt Betsey, as she is called, still lives, at seventy- five years of age, on the farm they entered. Mr. Cooper died April 1, 1864. John Moore, a son of John Moore, Sr., was born in Perry County, Ohio, June 9, 1816, and came to Indiana in 1832. He settled in Pike township, on the farm now owned and occupied by Pluman Reck. Mr. Moore now resides in the southwestern part of the township, on the west side of Eagle Creek. He owns a farm of over three hundred acres, which he has acquired by his own industry and economy. He is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. He has served as inspector of elections for thirty-five or forty years, and is an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Clermont. Enoch Reade was born in Jackson County, Ohio, in 1814, and in 1828, with his father's family, came to Hendricks County, near Plainfield, where he lived until 1831. In August of that year they came to Marion County, and settled in Pike township, where Marion Wiley now lives. He was married to Ruth Hume, daughter of J. C. Hume, Oct. 16, 1834, and in 1837 moved to Illinois with a number of other early settlers of this township. He remained in Illinois five years, then returned to this township, and settled on the farm where A. P. Wiley now re- sides. He raised five children, who are still living. Mr. Reade is now and has been for a number of years living on the Lafayette road. Alexander Felton came to Pike township Sept. 2, 1832, and settled on the farm now owned by Leander Felton. He taught school the following winter in a house owned by Zephaniah Hollingsworth, in his own yard, used for loom-house, etc. For many years afterwards, during the winter, he taught in different places, working on the farm in summer. He was an advocate of temperance and freedom for all races and color, standing up for the anti-slavery cause when it cost something to do so. He did not, however, live to see the liberation of the slaves. He died Sept. 2, 1854. His widow died Feb. 17, 1883, at eighty years of age, having lived fifty-one years on the old homestead. John Bowers was a son of David Bowers, Sr., born in Dearborn County, Ind., Aug. 28, 1818. He came to this township in 1833, and settled on land, now the 6. W. Aston farm, on the Michigan road. John Bowers was married to Elizabeth GuUefer Oct. 27, 1844. They had five children, — three sons and two daughters, — who are all living in this vicin- ity on good farms, to which they were assisted by the liberality of their parents. Mr. Bowers was one of the early school-teachers of this township when the qualifications required of a teacher were a knowledge of spelling, reading, writing, and ciphering to the single rule of three, 604 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. but his qualifications exceeded those of the ordinary teacher, for he was master of the arithmetic that was then used in the schools. Mr. Bowers owns and oc- cupies the land entered by Allen Harbert and Wil- liam Groves in the southeast centre of the town- ship, — one hundred and eighty acres of good land. He is a model farmer and stock-raiser ; is an exem- plary member of the Methodist Church, in which he has held several positions, having acted as class- leader the most of the time for the last forty years. John Miller, son of William Miller, a Revolution- ary soldier, was born in Fleming County, Ky., in 1801, and was married to Cynthia Wilson, Feb. 23, 1828. He came to Indiana in September, 1833, and settled in this township, half a mile northwest of where the village of Trader's Point now stands. He is the only man ,in this township living on the land which he entered from government. He and his wife have lived together fifty-five years and raised six children. Mr. Miller is eighty-three years of age, and the oldest man in the township. His wife is seventy-two years old. Mr. Miller has been a member of the Christian Church nearly sixty-eight years, and his wife fifty-eight years in the same ' church with her husband. Isaac N. Cotton (a son of John Cotton, who came to this township in May, 1838) was born in Wayne County, Ind., in 1830. He now owns and lives on the farm of his father. He is an excellent farmer, raises fine-wool sheep, is quite extensively engaged in raising bees, and is the president of the Indiana State Bee-Keepers" Association. He is also a member of the Swine-Breeders' and Wool-Growers' Association of the State of Indiana. He attended 'the Marion County Seminary from 1849 to 1851, crossed the plains with an ox-team in 1852, and remained in California two years. After his return to this county ■ he engaged in school-teaching in the winter season and farming in the summer. He was at one time township clerk ; was revenue assessor for the three north townships of Marion County ; represented the county in the State Legislature in 1859, and was elected again in 1880. William P. Long was a native of Hamilton County, Ohio, whence he came with his father, Daniel Long, to Indiana in February, 1832, and settled in Rush County. In February, 1848, he was married to Sarah D. Rees, and on April 1, in the same year, came to Pike, and settled in the southwest corner of the township, on the farm entered by James San- dusky. He is one of the elders of the Christian Church at Clermont, is a good farmer and citizen, and takes a great interest in the educational interests of the township. He has been inspector of elections at diflferent times, and was captain of a company of the Indiana Legion during the war of the Rebellion. John W. Riley was born in Maryland in 1830, and in 1835 came to Marion County, Ind., with his father, Samuel J. Riley, and .settled on Pall Creek. From there he moved with his parents to Perry township in 1836, and settled in the western part of the township, on the east side of White River. In the war of the Rebellion he served two years as first lieutenant in the Ninth Indiana Cavalry, and in the battle of Sulphur Trestle, Ala., he (with a detachment of one hundred and eighty-five men) was taken prisoner. He was commissioned captain by Governor Morton in the Indiana Legion. After the war Captain Riley returned to his farm in Perry township and remained there until 1869, when he moved to Pike township and bought a farm on the Michigan road, one and a half miles north of Old Aususta. He now owns over four hundred acres of good land, is a prosperous fanner, and somewhat en- gaged in raising graded short-horn cattle. He was a charter member of Hosbrook Lodge, F. and A. M., and served as Worshipful Master eight years. The first road that was surveyed and cut out through this township was the Lafayette road. It was surveyed and cut out in 1831 and 1832 from Indianapolis to Lafayette. The next was the Michi- gan road from Indianapolis to Michigan City ; this was surveyed by George L. Conard in 1832. Some of the citizens are still living who helped cut out these roads. The Lafayette road runs in a north- westerly direction through the township, and in some places passed through the swampiest land in the township. In, such places it was " corduroyed," and in open, wet winters or in the spring this road was PIKE TOWNSHIP. 605 impassable for teams and wagons, and in those days it was a great undertaking to go to Indianapolis, a distance of ten or twelve miles, and often re- quired two days to make the round trip to mill or market with a small load. In 1859 to 1862 the Lafayette road was graded and graveled by Aaron McCray, Isaac Meyers, John Bowers, and Manning Voorhes, at a cost of twelve hundred dollars per mile ; in these four years twelve miles of this road was graveled, and it was made one of the best thorough- fares of the county. Since that time the Michigan road, the Zionsville, and other roads in this township have been graveled, and there are now about thirty- five miles of gravel roads in the township, fully half of which are free roads. Quite an improvement has been made in the other roads of the township, all the wet and low places being graded and graveled. In the summer of 1877 the first iron bridge was built in this township across Big PJagle Creek, on the Lafayette road at Trader's Point, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. The first grist-mill of the township was built by David McCurdy on Big Eagle Creek, at the McCurdy ford. The next mill of the kind in Pike township was built by John Trester on Crooked Creek, nearly one-half mile southeast of Old Augusta, on the farm now owned by Byron K. Elliott. Lewis Mitchell built the third grist-mill in 1832, about one mile south of the site of the village of Trader's Point. The first saw-mill was built by Henry Groves on Little Eagle Creek, on the farm known as the Cropper farm. Harrison Button built the next saw-mill on Fish- back Creek, on the farm he now owns and occupies. Other saw-mills were built in this township by Stephen Gullefer, George Hollingsworth, James McCurdy, and others. These were all propelled by water-power. The first steam saw-mill was built by Marchant Rode- baugh on the Zionsville road, on the northeast corner of the farm now owned by Ezra Meyers. Rodebaugh sold out to Jacob Souerwine. The first distillery in the township was built by David McCurdy, Sr., just south of the house that Samuel McCurdy now lives in. This was built about 1827. The second distillery was built by Joseph Klingensmith, near the house now owned and occupied by Simon Klingensmith. The third distillery in the township was built by Richard Miller and Gay, and was sometimes called " Sodom." This was on the bank of Eagle Creek, just below the McCurdy ford. All of these mills and distilleries are matters of the past in the history of Pike township. The first post-ofiSce in this township was named Piketon, and located at Adam Wright's house, on the farm now owned and occupied by Zachariah Bush, on the Lafayette road. The mail was carried on horse- back from Indianapolis to Lafayette. The mail con- tractor was a man named Bentley, and his son Joseph carried the mail for a number of years on this route. The second postmaster in this part of the township was Christopher Hines, under whom the office was removed to the farm now occupied by P. M. Hollings- worth. Piketon post-office was continued and kept at Mr. Hines' until 1853, when an office was estab- lished on the Indianapolis and Lafayette Railroad at Augusta Station (now New Augusta), and the Pike- ton office and also the office at Old Augusta were dis- continued. Mr. Rudicil was the first postmaster at Augusta Station. The present postmaster there is Dr. E. Purdy. Villages. — The oldest village in Pike township is Old . Augusta, situated in the eastern part, near the Washington township line. The first settlements in its vicinity were made by George Coble, Sr., and Jonathan Ingo. George Coble was a native of North Carolina, who came to this township in 1829. He entered and settled on one hundred and sixty acres of land one-quarter of a mile east of where New Augusta now is, and lived there until his death, which occurred a few years ago. He was a zealous member of the Lutheran Church for many years, and was respected by all his neighbors. He raised a family of five children, of whom Jeremiah Coble, the youngest, was born in this township, and now owns the farm on which his father settled. He has served eight years and six months as trustee of the town- ship, and in that position gave satisfaction not only to his own party, but to his political opponents. He was a charter member of Hosbrook Lodge, P. and ti06 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. A. M. ; has served as its secretary for ten years, and was re-elected at its last stated communication. He also holds the same position in the Knights of Honor at New Augusta. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. Old Augusta was laid out in 1832 by David G. Boardman and James Fee ; and Riley B. Hogshire built and owned the first dry-goods and grocery-store that was opened in the place after the town was sur- veyed. The store was on Washington and Walnut Streets, and is now owned and occupied by John Darling as a residence. The next who engaged iu the merchandising business in the place was a Mr. McCalley, who, in connection with his store, was licensed to sell whiskey, this being the first licensed place in the town. It was on the west side of the street, where Joseph Martin's blacksmith-shop now stands. The next store was opened by James Evans, one square south of where Joseph Johnson's store now stands. Mr. Evans continued in the business for a number of years, then went to Noblesville, and was engaged in merchandising there until a few years ago, when he was elected to Congress. Riley Hog- shire, Sr., again purchased a large stock of goods, and carried on the business very successfully for a number of years, then sold out to his son, Samuel H. Hogshire, who was also successful in bu.siness. There have been quite a number since that time engaged in selling goods at Old Augusta. At the present time there are four stores in the place, the proprietors being Joseph Johnson, Arthur Wakelin, Leander Cox, and B. F. Berry. The first blacksmith-shop in Old Augusta was opened by Elias Fee, on the east side of the street, near the centre of the village. He sold out to Thomas Council, who carried on the business, in con- nection with that of wagon-making, for a number of years. The first physician in the village was Dr. James M. Blades ; the next. Dr. Woodyard. Sample Loftin (ex-county treasurer) practiced medicine here for sixteen or seventeen years. George Dusan was a resident physician here for a number of years, and lived where Mr. Stucker now resides. Dr. Almond Loftin practiced medicine here for ten or fifteen years. Dr. E. Purdy was located here in practice at one time, and is now at New Augusta. The last physi- cian of this village was Dr. Sanford Hornaday, who was a graduate of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons at Indianapolis. Dr. Hornaday moved West in the early part of 1883, and settled in Winfield, Kansas. The first church built here was by the Methodists. The second was built in 1845 or 1846 by the Chris- tian congregation. The first school here was taught in 1832 by a Kentuckian named Lynch, in a cabin just north of the town, on the north side of Crooked Creek, owned by a man named Lakin. The next school taught in this vicinity was by David G. Board- man, in a cabin on the land belonging to Elias Fee. At that time the cabin stood about one-quarter of a mile southwest of the village, where the orchard is on the Adam Rodebaugh farm. Old Augusta is now a place of little importance, having been eclipsed by the newer town of Hosbrook, which enjoys the advantage of railway communication. The village of Hosbrook (otherwise known as New Augusta) is on the old Lafayette and Indianapolis Railroad, ten miles northwest of Indianapolis. It was laid out in 1852 by William Hornaday, who was administrator of the estate of Christopher Hornaday, deceased, on which estate the town was laid out. The railway-station and post-office established at that place bore the name of Augusta Station. The first postmaster was Ephraim Rudacil, who was suc- ceeded by Joseph Klingensmith. The office re- mained in the Klingensmith family the most of the time until 1882, when Dr. Ephraim Purdy was appointed and is still the postmaster. The name of the office was changed in 18V8 to New Augusta. The first store at this place was owned by Thomas Council & Son. Soon after Council's store was opened, Ephraim Rudacil and Jacob and Simon Klingensmith built a large store and warehouse, and did a large business in selling goods and buying and shipping grain. Rudacil sold out to Joseph Kling- ensmith, Sr., after which the firm continued in the grain and merchandising business for a number of years and then sold out. The business afterwards PIKE TOWNSHIP. 607 passed into the hands of Reuben Klingensmith, who dropped the grain business but continued the store trade until 1879, when he closed out his stock of goods at private sale and retired to his farm. The two stores of the village are now carried on by George Avery, Robert Avery, and Marshall Hollingsworth. There is also a drug-store, owned by Nelson Kling- ensmith. Dr. Ephraim Purdy was the first resident phy- sician and surgeon of the town, and he is still here in practice. Dr. W. B. McDonald, who is also in practice here, is a graduate of the Indiana Medical College. He served three and a half years at the City Hospital in Indianapolis, the last two years as superintendent. He located at New Augusta in 1877. Dr. George Coble, who graduated at the Indiana Medical College in 1882, is located at New Augusta and associated with Dr. McDonald. In 1872, Henry and William Pollard built a large flouring-mill at this place, and afterwards added a saw-mill to the establishment. The flour-mill and two saw-mills are now owned by William H. Neid- linger. Besides what has already been mentioned, the village contains three churches (Methodist Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran, and Christian), several mechanic shops and trades, three lodges of secret benevolent societies, and about two hundred inhabitants. Hosbrook Lodge, No. 473, F. and A. M., was organized June 7, 1873, with the following-named oflScers : John W. Riley, W. M. ; Joseph F. Trow- bridge, S. W. ; F. M. Hollingsworth, J. W. ; Ste- phen GuUefer, Treas. ; Jeremiah Coble, Sec. ; Jesse Dun, S. D. ; Joseph Loftin, J. D. ; John S. McCIain, Tiler. The lodge owns property valued at one thousand dollars. Augusta Lodge, No. 511, I. 0. O. F., at New Au- gusta, was organized Nov. 18, 1875, by Grand Sec. B. P. Foster, with T. J. Dawson, D. R. Walker, Henry M. Hessong, G. W. Bass, Peter Smith, W. H. Neidlinger, Jasper N. Guion, Allen Avery, Jonathan A. Guion, Henry Lowman, R. S. Hollingsworth, Perry Hanes, and C. H. Felton as charter members. The first oflicers were T. J. Dawson, N. G. ; William H. Neidlinger, V. G. ; D. R. Walker, Per. Sec. ; J. A. Guion, Rec. Sec; G. W. Bass, Treas. The present oflScers are Wyatt Farrington, N. G. ; A. V. Lewis, V. G. ; G. N. Gullefer, Rec. See. ; W. H. Neidlinger, Per. Sec. ; Perry Haines, Treas. Knights of Honor Lodge, No. 176, at New Au- gusta, was chartered Oct. 20, 1875, with Ephraim Miller, Jacob Miller, William Meyers, I. S. McClain, B. F. Abrams, John Coble, ""folney Kenney, Samuel Coble, J. M. Neidlinger, D. C. Kindrey, W. H. Neidlinger, and J. N. Harden as charter members. Its first officers were J. N. Harden, D. ; William Meyers, V. D. ; J. McClain, P. D. ; B. F. Abrams, A. D. ; W. H. Neidlinger, R. ; E. Miller, F. R. ; John Coble, Treas. ; Volney Kenney, G. ; D. C. Kendrey, G. ; Samuel Coble, Chap. Its present officers are Jeremiah Coble, D. ; S. Klingensmith, V. D. ; B. F. Abrams, A. D. ; W. D. McDonald, R. ; W. H. Neidlinger, F. R. ; Henry Dobson, Treas. ; F. M. Mathes, P. D. ; James Nelson, I. G. ; Samuel Coble, 0. G. ; John Hessong, Chap. The present total membership is twenty-six. The lodge owns property worth six hundred dollars. The village of Trader's Point was laid out by John Jennings and Josiah Coughran in 1864. They erected a flour-mill, with four run of burrs, — three for wheat and one for corn. It was at first a water- mill, with a raceway nearly three-quarters of a mile long, and cost, with water privilege, machinery, and construction, about thirty thousand dollars. The mill was run to its full capacity for several years as a grist- and merchant-mill. In 1868 or 1869, Mr. Jennings sold out his interest to his partner, Mr. Coughran, who continued to run the mill until the panic of 1873, when Mr. John Irick bought the mill at assignees' sale, and afterwards sold it to James Skillen, of Indianapolis, who ran the mill for a few years, after which it fell back to the Irick estate, and in 1881 John Jennings again became the owner. He remodeled it, put it in good repair, and sold it to Mr. Coffin, of Indianapolis, who sold it in the fall of 1883 to a Mr. Jennings, of Kokomo, who is pre- paring to put it again operation. The first store in Trader's Point was opened by Clark Jennings, who did a good business. He was HISTOKY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. followed by John Ray, who sold out to Lewis Wiley, Wiley to Harry Morris, he to James Kirlin (one of the oldest merchants in this county), and Kirlin to J. B. Grossett, who did a good business for a number of years, and finally sold out and went to Kansas. The second store building was erected by John Jennings, Chesley Ray, and the Rural Lodge, I. O. 0. F., in 1873. This store did a prosperous busi- ness, and in 1874, Ray bought Jennings' interest in the store, and now carries on the business. He is also the postmaster of Trader's Point. The first blacksmith at Trader's Point was Presley Jennings. Lewis Gass is now running the shop started by Jennings. Another shop is carried on by James Wells. A cooper-shop was started here by Alfred Parker, who followed the business for a number of years. The first physician to locate here was a young man from Ohio named Howard. The present physician is Dr. Lewis 0. Car.son, who came in May, 1877. He is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Indianapolis, is also a graduate of the Medi- cal College of Indiana, and of the medical depart- ment of Butler University. He has a lucrative practice, and is a successful physician and surgeon. Rural Lodge, No. 416, I. 0. 0. F., of Trader's Point, was instituted on the 22d of May, 1873, with Christian Lang, James Troutman, W. R. Clinton, Nelson Starkey, A. B. Smock, A. D. Huls, John R. Wilson, Lewis Parker, John Caldwell, Enoch Reade, John H. Rcade, James A. Davenport, G. W. Howard, J. F. Hickey, Isaiah Voris, and A. B. Conarroe as charter members. The first regular meeting was held at their hall on the 10th of June, 1873, at which time oflBcers were installed as follows : Christopher Long, N. G. ; W. R. Clinton, V. G. ; J. F. Hickey, Sec. ; G. W. Howard, Per. Sec. ; A. B. Conarroe, Treas. The hall is twenty-one by fifty feet in size, valued at one thousand dollars. The lodge has now eleven members and the following-named ofiicers : John Caldwell, N. G. ; A. S. Huls, Y. G. ; A. D. Huls, Sec. ; Harrison HoUingsworth, Treas. Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. — The first meetings of the citizens in the northwestern part of the township for worship were at the residences of J. C. Hume and Orlos Babcock. Mr. Hume then lived on the south end of the farm now owned by Samuel Hornaday. The meetings were conducted generally by a Rev. Bramble, who was a local Methodist preacher. In 1828, Abraham Busenbariek donated one acre of land at the southeast corner of his farm (opposite the residence of David Dolong) on which to build a school- and meeting-house. It was built and named Pleasant Hill, and the charge was then added to the Danville Circuit, and Joseph Tarkington was the first circuit preacher who preached in this township. The original members of this pioneer church were John C. Hume, Patty Hume, Mrs. Rodman (mother of Judge Rodman), John and Mary Rodman, James Brazilton and wife, Orlos Bab- cock, and Jemima Babcock. The Rev. Bramble con- tinued to preach for this church for some years, in connection with the preachers of the circuit. Joseph Tarkington remained with the church for two years, and was succeeded by the Rev. E. Farmer, who re- mained for the years 1830-31. The Rev. Charles Bonner was on this circuit for the year 1832, and was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas Bonner for 1833. The Rev. Asa Beck was assigned to this circuit for the years 1834-35. He was succeeded by Isaac Welsh and John Edwards for the year 1836. Heze- kiah Smith was assigned to this circuit in 1837, and remained in 1838. He was followed by Enoch Wood and Wesley Dorsey, 1839-40 ; Miles Hufacre and James L. Belot, 1841-42 ; Daniel F. Straight and Jacob Meyers, 1843-44 ; Robert Calvert, 1845- 46. This is as far as the names of the preachers have been ascertained. The congregation continued to meet at the old building until 1853, when they built a new meeting- house on the farm of Silas White, Sr., just south of his residence, on the west bank of Eagle Creek, and called it Pleasant Hill Church. The first Sunday- school was held in this part of the township in 1830, at the residence of James Duncan, on the Lafayette road (where Nelson McCurdy now lives), a quarter of a mile north of Trader's Point. The school was con- ducted by James M. Ray, of Indianapolis. The first Sunday-school was organized in the old Pleasant Hill PIKE TOWNSHIP. 609 school- and meeting-house, and John Alford, Sr., was superintendent for a number of years. The Pleasant Hill Church is still an organization) but meets at Brooks' Methodist Episcopal Chapel at Trader's Point, the old Pleasant Hill Church having been replaced by a new church at the Point, built in 1873, for the better accommodation of its members. The history of this church was given by Silas White, Sr., who came to this township in 1828, on the 26th of November. He is now seventy-nine years of age, and has been a regular attendant at church for fifty- two years. Jones Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church. — The first meeting of this organization was held at Thomas B. Jones' house in 1828, and conducted by Joseph Tarkington, who was then on this circuit. The names of the members in the first organization were Thomas B. Jones, Jane Jones, Polly Jones, John Jones, Mary Jones, James M. Jones, Jemima Jones, Sarah Jones, A. B. McCorkle, Nancy Mc- Corkle, David McCurdy, Mary A. McCurdy, Stacy Starkey, Margaret Starkey, Margaret Wilson, Susan Plummer, William Davis, Jane Davis, Richard Douty, Alexis Jackson, Mary Jackson, Benjamin Morning, Margaret Morning, Charles Tomlinson, Edna Tom- linson, Mary Tomlinson, Nancy Davis, Sarah Parish, Margaret McCall, Elizabeth Coughran. The preachers to the Jones Chapel congregation were those of the circuit and some local preachers, and are named, as nearly as they can be ascertained, in the history of the Pleasant Hill Methodist Epis- copal Church, to which reference may be had. The church was built on a tract of two acres, donated by Abraham McCorkle for that purpose and for a burial- ground. The first person interred in that ground was Jemima Jones. Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church was first organized by holding meetings at Robert Ramsey's (where James C. Meyers now lives), and at Abram Wells' residence (where Leander Felton now lives). The original members were Robert Ramsey, Jane Ramsey, Abram Wells, Nancy Wells, Samuel Ewing, Sarah Ewing, Fanny Felton, Nancy Felton, Stephen GuUefer, and Betsey Gullefer. The first preacher who preached for this class was the Rev. Bramble. All the Methodist Episcopal Churches of this township were in the Danville Circuit, and all had the same circuit riders. The list of preachers is given in the history of Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1832, Aaron Gullefer donated land for a meet- ing-house, and Zephaniah HoUingsworth gave land for cemetery purposes. Matilda Starkey was the first person buried in this ground, in June, 1832. Stephen Gullefer, Sr., was the second person buried here, in July, 1832. The first sermon preached in the meet- ing-house was at the funeral of Stephen Gullefer, Sr., by the Rev. John Klinger. Soon afler the comple- tion of the church a Sunday-school was organized, and is still one of tlie best organizations in the town- ship. Stephen Gullefer is the present superintendent. In 1832 the Washingtonian Temperance Society was organized here, with Samuel Frazier, Leonard West, Samuel Ewing, and others as leaders of the organi- zation. This organization was maintained for several years, when the Sons of Temperance was organized, with Samuel Frazier as leader of this organization, which was kept up for several years. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Old Au- gusta was organized in 1833 by Rev. Thomas Brown, who was on the circuit at that time, but meetings had been held prior to that in the cabins of James Fee, Elias Fee, and Michael Mitchell. The first preachers who met with the early settlers here were Bramble and White. When the meetinghouse was built the Rev. Thomas Brown preached the dedi- catory sermon. The first members in the church were James Fee, Nellie Fee, Elias Fee, Mary Fee, Samuel Fee, Simon Boardman, Margaret Boardman, Thomas Bonner and wife, Esther Bowers, James Hubbard (who is still living in Washington township at the age of ninety-nine years), Nancy Hubbard. A. G. Boardman and John Bowers became members soon after the church was organized. The same preachers were employed here that preached at Pleas- ant Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. There was a Sunday-school soon afterwards organized, with Samuel Fee as superintendent, and an attendance of twenty scholars. Mr. Fee was succeeded as superintendent by A. G. Boardman in 1837. He continued in that 610 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. capacity while the church and school remained at Old Augusta, which was till about 1871, when, for the better convenience of members, a new house was built at New Augusta, and the organization was transferred to that place. North Liberty Christian Church was organized in May, 1841, by the Rev. Thomas Lockhart, who is now in his eighty-ninth year and is still preaching. The officers of the church were Samuel Frazier and Leonard West, elders, and James Haines and Isom Lawrence, deacons. The original members of the church were Asa HoUingsworth, Susannah Hol- lingsworth, Ira HoUingsworth, Deborah HoUings- worth, Jonathan HoUingsworth, Kuhn HoUingsworth, Daniel HoUingsworth, Emily HoUingsworth, Samuel Frazier, Martha Frazier, James Haines, Mary Haines, Allison Pollard, Mary Pollard, Thomas Turley, Mary A. Turley, John Fox and wife, William Draper and wife, Mary Draper, Mrs. Avery, wife of Andrew Avery, Constantine Evans and wife, Leonard West, Anna West, Harrison Denny, George L. Sanders and wife, Martha Finney, Amanda Jones, William Starkey, Nancy Starkey, Rebecca Kemple, Elizabeth Hawkins. These are the names as far as can be had from memory of the first organization. Daniel Hol- lingsworth and wife, Thomas Turley and wife, Samuel Frazier, Rebecca Cropper, and Deborah HoUings- worth, who were original members of this church, are still living. The formation of this church (which was one of the strongest Christian Churches in Central Indiana) was the result of a protracted meeting which was held in May, 1841, at Bell's school-house at night, and in the woods by day for eighteen days. The meeting was held by Thomas Lockhart, assisted by Jeflferson Matlock, both of Hendricks County. Lockhart con- tinued to preach for this church for thirty or thirty- five years. Other preachers were L. H. Jamison, B. K. Smith, Asa HoUingsworth, Samuel Frazier, Elijah Goodwin, George Snoddy, John 0. Kane, James M. Mathis, the Rev. Chalen, W. B. Hopkins, Thomas Conley, Joseph Sadler, John Brown, Matthew Coun- cil, John Hadley, W. R. Jewell, J. B. New, Nathan Hornaday, George Smith, Robert Edmanson, W. R. Couch, Irwin Brewer, Rev. Becknal, S. K. Houshour, John Barnhill, Aaron Walker, and others whose names do not appear on the church record. For a number of years a good Sunday-school was taught at this place, with Leonard West as superin- tendent ; but many of the members of the church have died, others have moved away, and there has been no church organization here for seven years. The house has been abandoned except for funeral occasions. Leonard West donated one acre of land for church purposes, and James Haines donated an acre for a burial-ground. Ebenezer Christian Church (so named by the Rev. Alexander Miller) was organized in 1834 by the Rev. Jesse Frazier, with Sally Jones, Annie Wilson, Daniel Barnhill, Elizabeth BarnhiU, Lewis Mitchell, Chesley Ray, Jane Ray, Nicholas Hight- shue, Alexander Miller, and Mary Miller as original members. Its first elders were Alexander Miller and Chesley Ray. The Rev. Jesse Frazier con- tinued to preach to this church for a number of years. The first meetings were held alternately at the residences of Lewis Mitchell and Alexander Mil- ler, and in the spring of 1834 they built the first Christian Church of this township, Annie Wilson donating the ground. Her husband furnished ^he lumber and helped to build the church. It is still an organization, with a membership of one hundred and fifty. The same preachers who preached in North Liberty Christian Church preached also for the Ebenezer Church except " blind Billy Wilson," who preached for this church many years ago. The pres- ent officers of the church are Thomas T. Glidenell and James G. Dickerson, elders; James A. Snyder and John Black, deacons ; F. M. HoUingsworth, clerk ; and James A. Snyder, treasurer. A Sunday- school was organized many years ago in connection with this church, with John Miller as its first super- intendent. Its last superintendent was Marshall S. Glidenell, who held the office at the suspension of the school about three years ago. Old Augusta Christian Church was organized in 1846, with Joseph Loftin, Sr., Mary Loftin, T. W. Council, Hester J. Council, B. F. Berry and wife, Simeon Head, Malinda Head, John Sheets, Mary ■ Sheets, John Moss, Peter Daubenspeck, Alexander PIKE TOWNSHIP. 611 West, Temperance West, Thomas Reveal and wife as members. Council, Moss, and Reveal were chosen elders. This church was prosperous for a number of years, and was ministered to by most of the same preachers who served North Liberty and Ebenezer Churches. By reason of the emigration of some of the leading members of this church and the death of others, it ceased to be an organization for a num- ber of years ; but in the last few years, through the earnest efforts of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stacker and some others, it has been revived, with Mr. Stucker as elder, and it now has regular service every Sunday and also a good Sunday-school. The Christian Chapel at New Augusta was built in 1872 by subscription at a cost of twenty-five hundred dollars, and the church was organized by the Rev. W. R. Jewell, with William Pollard and Henry Dobson as elders, Hardress Avery and B. F. Abrams as deacons, and Milo Johnson clerk. The members were Allison Pollard, Mary Pollard, Eliza Gutherie, Alice Souerwine, Henry Pollard, Ann Pol- lard, Henry Dobson, Sarah Dobson, Rachel Pollard, Hardress Avery, Nancy Avery, B. F. Abrams, Caro- line Abrams, Allen Avery, E. A. Avery, Henry Pol- lard, Candace Pollard, Mary A. Broughard, Sarah A. Pollard, James Holley, Harriet Holley, Rachel Crop- per, Sarah Cropper, and Anna Crull. The Rev. Mr. Jewell continued to preach for the church for one year, and was followed by J. M. Canfield, who preached one year, Robert Edmonson one year, then Jewell one year again, L. H. Jamison one year, R. T. Brown one year, W. R. Couch one year, H. R. Pritchard one year, Walter S. Tingley one year, then a vacancy for two or three years. The Rev. Mr. Gilchrist is now preaching for the congregation. The church num- bers about one hundred. It has had a good Sunday- school since the organization of the church, with some one of its most prominent members as superin- tendent. The present superintendent is William Pollard. Prospect Presbyterian Church was organized about 1835, at Burns' school-house, by the families of Thomas Burns, Thomas McMannis, James Moore, James Duncan, John Duncan, Joseph Patten, and some others. In a few years after the organization they built a house for worship on the northwest corner of James Duncan's land (where the Rural Academy now stands), and the first preacher who occupied the pulpit there was the Rev. Stewart, who continu^ to preach for this church for a number of years. After him the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher (the noted Brook- lyn divine) preached here, and he was followed by the Rev. Reed, who preached for the church for a number of years, and the Rev. Long, who was the last minister of this church. As some of its leading members had moved to the West, and others had died, the house was sold for a school-house, and is now known as Rural Academy. Hopewell Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized at the residence of John Klingensmith, in 1836, by the Rev. Abraham Reck. The members of the organization were John Klingensmith, Susan Klingensmith, Peter Anthony, Hannah Anthony, George Coble, Sarah Coble, Jacob Klingensmith, Joseph Klingensmith, Esther Klingensmith, George Klingensmith, Cecilia Klingensmith, Michael Kep- ple, Polly Kepple, Jacob Souerwine, Elizabeth Souer- wine, Isaac Meyers, and Catharine Meyers. They continued to meet at Klingensmith's residence until 1840, when a house of worship was built on Klingen- smith's land, of which he donated one acre for that and cemetery purposes. This house was never en- tirely finished, but was used to hold meetings in until 1855, when the old house was sold and the congre- gation then met at centre school-house (where Newton Pollard's residence now stands). They met here until 1859, when a new house of worship was built at Augusta Station, Joseph Klingensmith donating the land for church purposes. This house was used until the congregation was too large for it, and a new brick meeting-house was built at a cost of five thousand dollars. It is one of the finest church edifices in the county outside the city of Indianapolis. In the spring of 1880 the new house was opened for worship, and the Rev. A. V. Hurse, of Rochester, Ind., preached the dedicatory sernjon. This church has always been prosperous, and now has a membership of about one hundred communicants. It has had preaching reg- ularly since its organization. Its first preacher was Abraham Reck, who was followed by Ephraim Rudacil, 612 HISTOEY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Samuel Good, John Livingood, Eusatius Hinkle, Philo Ground, Ephraim Wisner, M. J. Sterewalt, Jacob Wisner, W. C. L. Lower, John Hursh, and J. C. 5'"'b ; these preachers preached from two to six years each. Since the organization of this church it has manintained a good Sunday-school, for a number of years some one of its leading members acting as superintendent. Its present superintendent is Elias Klingensmith. Schools. — The first schools of this township were taught in the cabins of the early settlers, and some of the scholars had to walk several miles to attend school. The first school of the township was taught by George L. Conard, in a cabin on David McCurdy's land, on the west bank of Eagle Creek, near where James McCurdy's saw-mill was built, on the farm now owned by James White. The second school was taught in a cabin on the land of Capt. John B. Harman. The next school in this part of the town- ship was in Pleasant Hill school and meeting-house, on the southeast corner of the Busenbarick land. The next school was in the southeast part of the township, in the Staton neighborhood, in a cabin on the land now owned by Thomas Ramsey, where James C. Meyers lives, on the Lafayette road. This school was taught by Hugh Wells. The next school was taught by Oliver Shirtliif, in a cabin where Jones Chapel now stands, on the land then owned by Abraham McCorkle. Then the Burns school-house was built, on the east side of the creek, in 1830 or 1831. When the township was sufiBciently settled several school-houses were built, with better accommodations for the scholars than the cabins had aflForded. They were about sixteen by twenty feet in size, and high enough for the large scholars to stand upright. The doors were hung outside ; holes were cut in the walls and greased paper pasted over them, and they were called windows. The furniture consisted of split poles with legs in them for the scholars to occupy, and they were called seats. The requirements of a Hoosier schoolmaster was to be able to teach spell- ing, reading, writing, and ciphering to the single rule of three. They were paid very small wages for their work, usually receiving six to ten dollars per month and board themselves, but the teacher was always a welcome visitor at the homes of the patrons of the schools, and generally boarded among the scholars. The teachers in the days of the log school-houses were George L. Conard, Oliver ShirtlifiF, Claiborne Lewis, Daniel Cooper, William Martin, Hugh Wells, William Harbert, Alexander Felton, Richard Miller, David Boardman, James T. Morgan, David Moss (now Gen. Moss, of Noblesville), Daniel Griffin, and others whose names are yet familiar to some of the older inhabitants of this township. In 1843 a new set of teachers, with new rules and regulations for the government of schools, came upon the stage of ac- tion. Among these reformed and more humane teach- ers were Nancy Felton (who was the first female teacher of the township), William Paten, John Bowers, Alfred Hawkins, Harriet Huffman, Oliver Felton, Joseph Loftin, John Laycock, Mary A. Hightshue, Samuel Martin, Patsey Bell, James Dobson, and others. In 1853-54 the township was divided into twelve school districts, frame houses were built, and the teachers required to furnish a certificate of compe- tency from the county board of education to teach all the common school branches, and maintain a good moral character. This was the inauguration of the free-school system. The teachers were paid by the month out of the township school fund, and cor- poral punishment was almost entirely abandoned. The township now has twelve school-houses, as good as any township in the county. The value of the school property in 1883 was ten thousand dollars. The school enumeration for 1883, between six and twenty-one years of age, was : males, four hundred and eighteen ; females, four hundred and two ; total, eight hundred and twenty. There are fifteen teach- ers employed at the twelve school-hoftses, at an aver- age of forty-six dollars per month, and the school terms are six or seven months. The teachers are Jesse C. Smith, Whitaker, M. S. Glidenell, Ella Jennings, Henry Green, John Vantine, M. J. Wagle, John McKinsey, F. M. Klingensmith, Ed- ward Hungate, Jesse Dunn, Plackard, John Barnhill, and Kate Davidson. WARREN TOWNSHIP. 613 CHAPTER XXVI. WARREN TOWNSHIP.i The township of Warren is the central one of the eastern range of townships of Marion County, Lawrence township joining it on the north, and Franklin on the south. It is bounded on the west by Centre township, and on the east by Hancock County. The population of Warren township, by the United States census of 1880, was three thou- sand one hundred and seven. In the western, southwestern, and northwestern parts of the township the surface is but slightly un- dulating. The east part is more broken and rolling. The soil is either a black loam or clayey. This township is not excelled by any in the county for the production of grass, and the soil is also well adapted to the production of corn and wheat. Originally, Warren township was thickly covered with timber, and had many low marshes and swamps. The kinds of timber were principally beech, maple, white-, red-, and burr-oak, hickory, poplar, elm, ash, sycamore, walnut, buckeye, bass, mulberry, and iron- wood. The timber was of large growth, with very thick underbrush. Warren township is afforded good drainage by Buck Creek on the east. Lick Creek through the centre and south, and Pleasant Run in the northwest. The marshes have all disappeared, and now but little waste land is to be found in the township. At an early date the principal road through the township was the Centreville road, about a quarter of a mile south of where the National gravel road is now. After the location of the National road the Centreville road was vacated. Now the principal \ roads are the National, Brookville, and German pikes. But few dirt roads are left in the township, j Warren township was laid off and erected by the county commissioners on the 16th of April, 1822, but, being then not sufficiently populous for separate organization, it was at the same time joined to Centre township, the two to be regarded as one township, under the name of Centre- Warren. This union ' By Wharton R. Clinton, Esq. continued until May 1, 1826, when, by order of the county board of justices, Warren was taken from Centre, to be separately organized as a township, and an election of justice of the peace was ordered to be held, on the 3d of June following, at the house of Rufus Jennison, Harris Tyner to be judge of the election. At this election Rufus Jennison was elected justice of the peace. Following is a list of township officers of Warren, from its erection as a township to the present time, viz. : JUSTICES OF THK PBAOB. Wilks Reagan, June 14, 1822, to April 15, 1826; resigned. Sismund Basye, June 14, 1822, to June 3, 182B. Obed Foote, June 14, 1822, to June 3, 1826. (The three preceding served as justices for Centre and War- ren townships while they were united as one.) Rufus Jennison, Aug. 7, 1826, to Nov. 3, 1828; resigned. Henry Brady, Aug. 25, 1828, to Aug. 14, 1833. Solomon Wells, March 17, 1829, to Sept. 3, 1832; resigned. Joshua Black, Aug. 27, 1831, to Aug. 27, 1836. Elias N. Shimer, Oct. 27, 1832, to Oct. 27, 1837. Joseph S. Mix, Oct. 15, 1834, to April 18, 1836: resigned. James P. Hanna, June 8, 1836, to June 8, 1841. Lyman Carpenter, Nov. 30, 1836, to July 4, 1838; resigned. Elias N. Shimer, Dec. 5, 1837, to Deo. 5, 1842. Ambrose Shirley, July 31, 1838, to Aug. 23, 1840; resigned. Edward lleizer, Dec. 14, 1839, to Dec. 7, 1844. John A. Buell, Sept. 29, 1840, to December, 1844; resigned. Joseph Clinton, Oct. 7, 1842, to Oct. 7, 1852. Joseph W. Buchanan, Jan. 18, 1845, to July 14, 1849 ; resigned. John Pleasants, Aug. 30, 1849, to April, 1852; resigned. Stephen Tyner, Jan. 15, 1850, to March 16, 1850; resigned. Joseph MeConnell, April 26, 1851, to Aug. 21, 1865; resigned. Charles Bonge, June 9, 1852, to Nov. 12, 1857; resigned. Jesse D. Tomlinson, Oct. 8, 1852, to March 7, 1853; resigned. Elias N. Shimer, April 23, 185.3, to April 19, 1857. Aquilla Parker, April 21, 1857, to April 19, 1861. Peleg Hathaway, April 20, 1858, to April 19, 1862. Austin B. Harlan, April 20, 1861, to April 16, 1881. George Nowland, April 26, 1862, to April 19, 1866. William T. Whitesides, April 21, 1866, to April 13, 1870. Aquilla Parker, April 13, 1867, to May 29, 1871; resigned. Alexander D. Reading, Oct. 23, 1872, to Oct. 22, 1876. William T. Whitesides, Oct. 31, 1872, to Oct. 30, 1876. Lewis S. Wiley, June 22, 1875, to March 18, 1876; resigned. Daniel Foley, Oct. 30, 1876, to April 5, 1877; resigned. Levi White, Nov. 18, 1876, to Oct. 25, 1880. Sampson M. Houston, Jan. 15, 1877, to April 15, 1878. John S. MeConnell, May 18, 1877, to April 9, 1882. Samuel A. Vandeman, April 24, 1878, to April 9, 1882. Cyrus Laughlin, Feb. 15, 1881, to April 13, 1882. 614 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Austin B. Harlan, April 15, 1882, to April 15, 1886. John D. Godfrey, July 24, 1882, to April 14, 1884. Levi White, Sept. 21, 1883, to April 14, 1884. TRUSTEES. William Hunter, April 7, 1859, to Oct. 24, 1874. George M. Smith, Oct. 24, 1874, to Oct. 21, 1876. William Hunter, Oct. 21, 1876, to April 15, 1880. Robert Carr, April 15, 1880, to April 14, 1884. ASSESSORS. Samuel Jennison, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 7, 1828. Edward Heizer, Jan. 7, 1828, to Jan. 4, 1830. Rufus Jennison, Jan. 4, 18."i0, to Jan. 3, 1831. Edward Heizer, Jan. 3, 1831, to Jan. 2, 1832. Ahira Wells, Jan. 2, 1832, to Jan. 7, 1833. Joel Blackledge, Jan. 7, 1833, to Jan. 6, 1834. Elias N. Shimer, Jan. 6, 1834, to Jan. 5, 1835. Ahira Wells, Jan. 5, 1835, to Jan. 2, 1837. Benedict Higdon, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 7, 1839. Harris Tyner, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Elias N. Shimer, Jan. 6, 1840, to Deo. 6, 1841. John Allen, Jan. 24, 1853, to Dec. 9, 1854. Obadiah Davie, Deo. 9, 1854, to Oct. 19, 1858. Alfred B. Shaw, Oct. 19, 1858, to Nov. 26, 1860. Andrew J. Vansiokle, Nov. 26, 1860, to Aug. 1, 1873. Elijah N. McVey, March 22, 1875, to Deo. 14, 1876. Andrew J. Vansiokle, Dec. 14, 1876, to April 6, 1878. Robert Davis, April 6, 1878, to April 14, 1884. Early Settlements and Settlers. — ^Among the earliest settlers in Warren township was Henry Brady, who was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 16, 1794. He had a great desire to gain an education, and with that intention he went to Athens, Ohio, where he for some time attended school, working mornings and evenings for his board, and his lessons were chiefly learned while on his way to and from school. He was, however, compelled to abandon his idea of completing the course. His first residence in Indiana was in Jackson County; from there he moved in 1824 to Marion County and settled in Warren township, on land about six miles east of Indianapolis, whore he has lived ever since, and is yet quite hale and hearty, though in his ninetieth year. His name is a fa- miliar one to all the older inhabitants of Marion County. He has served his township in various ways, as surveyor, teacher, and magistrate. Al- though a stanch Democrat, he has represented Marion County at different times in both branches of the Legislature. He has now quite a large farm, and it is also one of the finest and best improved in the township. Mr. Brady was always popular wher- ever known, and now in his old age he is happy in the respect and esteem of his many friends. Harris Tyner was born in South Carolina. He emigrated to Kentucky, and from there to Indiana in 1805, and settled in what is now Franklin County. In February, 1821, he moved to Marion County and settled in the northern part of Warren township, where he resided at the time of his death, in 1881. Harris Tyner served as county commissioner for twelve years. He was in the war of 1812, also in the Black Hawk war. The earliest assessment-roll of Warren township that can now be found is that of the year 1829, which, being complete, shows, of course, very nearly who were the male adult inhabitants of the township at that time. The following names taken from it are those of men then resident in the township who were assessed on no real estate, viz. : Thomas Askren. Stephen Brown.' Christopher Black. Henry Boling. Joshua Black. Augustus E. Black. James Black. William Birdwhistell. David Bump. Isaac Bates. John Clow. Caleb Clark. Joseph Clark. Daniel Cool. William Callan. Daniel Devorse. Benjamin Fowler. James Ferguson. William Ferguson. Samuel Fallen. David Groves. Thomas Hudson. Billips Harper. Henry Harper. Jacob D. Hudson. Reason Hawkins. Parks Hannah. John Hamilton. Robert Hamilton. Rufus Jennison. Rufus Jennison, Jr. John Jones. Mark Jones. Daniel Julick. Francis Kitley. Jeremiah Kinman. John Kitley. John Latham. Jacob Louks. John Lamb. John Mann. John S. Moulton. 1 The only person in the township then assessed on a carriage, presumably a pleasure-oarriage. WARREN TOWNSHIP. 615 Aaron Montfort. John Marigore. Joel Roberts. George Sharrar. Joseph Shields. Philemon Shirley. Andrew Sharrar. Jacob Sharrar. Peter Voris. John Vandaman. Andrew Van Sickel. Richard Vanlandingham. George Vanlandingham. Aaron Wells. Reason Wells. Solomon Wells. Royal Wells. Eli Wells. Ahira Wells. Nathan Wells. Nelson Wells. David Wallace. John Wallace. The same assessment-roll gives the following Dames of persons resident in Warren township in 1829, and who were the owners and holders of the lands re- spectively described, viz. : Willis G. Atherton, the west half of the north- west quarter of section 10, township 15, range 4. Samuel Heeler, the east half of the northwest quarter of section 22, township 15, range 5. Henry Brady, Esq., the east half of the north- west quarter of section 13, township 15, range 4. Joel Blackledge, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 14, township 15, range 4. Harvey Blackledge, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 15, range 4. John P. Chinn (?), the east half of the northwest quarter of section 22, township 15, range 4. Elizabeth Cox, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 22, township 16, range 4. Jane Dalzell, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 15, range 4. James Davis, the southeast quarter of section 21, township 15, range 5. Jacob Duringer, the northeast quarter of section 22, township 15, range 4. James Doyle, the southwest quarter of section 15, township 15, range 4, and the west half of the south- east quarter of the same section. Elisha Greer, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 15, township 15, range 4. Edward Heizer, the east half of the southeast quarter of section 10, township 15, range 4. John S. Hall, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 11, township 15, range 4. Nathan Harlan, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 22, township 15, range 5. William Hamilton, one hundred acres in the south- west quarter of section 12, township 15, range 4. Samuel Jennison, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 1, township 15, range 4. Andrew Morehouse, the southeast quarter of sec- tion 11, township 15, range 4, and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 14, in the same survey township. John W. Reding, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 15, township 15, range 4. David Shields, the northwest quarter of section 27, township 16, range 4. Harris Tyner, the west half of the southeast quarter of section 22, township 16, range 4. John Wilson, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 3, township 15, range 4. Daniel Woods, the east half of the northeast quarter of .section 21, township 15, range 5. Willis Wright, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 3, township 15, range 4. Edward White, the west half of the southeast quarter of section 10, township 15, range 4. Thomas Askren settled in the northwestern part of the township in 1828, and a year or two later bought the land on which he lived till his death, in 1868. He accumulated a large amount of property, and was, moreover, a man highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him. Nathan Harlan moved to Marion County in 1823. He first settled in Franklin township, but in 1827 moved from there to the southeastern part of Warren, and lived there until his death, in 1846. In 1828 he took the contract for cutting the timber from off the line of the Brookville road. He kept tavern from 1833 to 1844. James Davis settled in Warren township in 1827. The lands he entered were on Buck Creek, in the southeastern part of the township. He lived here until 1864, when he moved to Fremont County, Iowa, where he lived until his death, in 1872. Andrew Morehouse was born in Schuyler County, 616 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. N. Y., Nov. 8, 1796. His father was an old Revo- lutionary soldier, and was at the capture of Bur- goyne when only sixteen years old. Not long before his father's and mother's deaths they lost their farm through a defective title. Eight children were left to shift for themselves, the youngest being but two years old. Andrew determined to go West, and walked to Olean, on the Alleghany River, and get- ting employment on a lumber-raft, floated down the river to Cincinnati. Liking the country, he deter- mined to go back to New York and make prepara- tions for emigrating West. He had to walk the most of the way home, and in the spring he again floated down to Cincinnati. There he bought a part interest in a flat-boat, floated down to New Orleans, and sold his boatload of produce. Not liking the institution of slavery, he determined to go back to Cincinnati. He worked his way back on a keel- boat, it taking sixty days to make the trip. This trip disgusted him with river-life, and having saved some money, he, in March, 1823, walked to Indian- apolis, where he stopped with a man by the name of Benjamin Atherton. Mr. Morehouse entered one hundred and sixty acres of land on Lick Creek, about five miles east of Indianapolis, on the Brook- ville road. Having had the misfortune to lose one hundred dollars while looking for land, and wanting eighty acres of land adjoining his, he built a cabin of round logs, split puncheon floor, clapboard door hung up with wooden hinges, cut down four acres of Heavy timber, piled the brush, and then left for Ham- ilton County, Ohio, where he worked through the summer of 1824. Making his one hundred dollars, he came back to his farm and bought the eighty acres. March .8, 1825, he married Theresa White, who was born in Kentucky, Oct. 4, 1796. Then commenced in earnest the work of clearing. Their honeymoon was spent in burning brush and logs, with every day, three times, corn bread and meat as the bill of fare. By April they had succeeded in clearing about three acres, one corner of which was sown in flax for clothing, and the rest planted with corn, while the places between logs were dug up for potatoes and pumpkins. From early morn until evening Mr. Morehouse kept the axe going, felling the heavy timber, and on moonlight nights he would work until late in the night. In the fall, the fight commenced with squirrels, deer, and raccoons for pos- session of the corn ; fires were built around the field to keep them away, and as soon as the corn was dry enough it was stored away in the cabin loft. The pumpkins were peeled, cut in thin rings, and hung overhead on poles. In the fall of 1825, Mr. More- house took his yoke of oxen and an old cart, also an axe to cut the saplings out of his road, and set out for Hamilton County, Ohio, to get apple-trees. He brought back fifty apple- and some cherry-trees, and planted the first orchard in Warren township ; he also brought a quart of apple-seed, which he planted. One of the seedling trees and a sprout from one of the fifty trees are still living, and both bore apples in the past season. The first year of his new life was a success, and the promise it gave for the future was fully realized. Mr. Morehouse served in the Black Hawk war in 1832. In 1835, while digging a well, a tub fell on him, crushing his skull. The skull was never lifted, and he sufiered from the effects until his death, Feb. 3, 1864. Mrs. Morehouse is still living, and although in her eighty-eighth year, is as ambi- tious to be useful as when she first came to the wil- derness of Marion County with her willing hands to help her husband clear the land for their home. Her mind is as bright as ever, and to see her sitting in her own particular corner, knitting and chatting, it is hard to realize that one little woman could ever have done so much. Robert Brown, another of the early settlers in Warren township, was bom at Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1787. His father, who came to America from Ireland, was the most prominent physician of Staunton. The early education of Rob- ert Brown was sadly neglected. When a mere boy he took to hunting, and many a deer and bear fell at the crack of his rifle. At the age of fifteen he left home to make a living for himself. His first work was at the saltpetre-works in Virginia, where he worked, off' and on, for three or four years. He then went to the western part of Pennsylvania, where, in 1807, he married Elizabeth Messinger, who was of WARREN TOWNSHIP. 617 German parentage, and was born near the Mononga- hela River, in Pennsylvania, Dec. 10, 1786. After staying a year in Pennsylvania, they emigrated to Butler County, Ohio, within a few miles of Hamil- ton, where he followed farming, and in the winter months worked at coopering. In the summer of 1812 he volunteered, and served in the war. His company went out in the early part of the summer, and, after a few months of active service, returned home in September, and remained long enough to put in their wheat. They returned to headquarters in October, where Mr. Brown served till the close of the war. His children still have the sword which he carried. In the fall of 1822 he and his family, in company with two of his brothers and a brother-in- law, moved to Indianapolis, then but a small settle- ment of a few log huts. The evening before he reached Indianapolis he camped with a party of In- dians on Lick Creek, just south of Irvington, the place where he lived so many years. Mr. Brown re- turned the next fall to Hamilton, Ohio, to enter his farm, south of Irvington, and on returning, in com- pany with others, they were obliged to swim Blue iliver, which was very high at the time and the weather very cold. There were Indians camped near the river, and they wrung the water from their clothes and dried them by the Indian camp-fire. The only man they met between Blue River and Indian- apolis was Henry Brady, who was hewing the logs for his cabin. Mr. Brown lived for eight years on the present site of the Blind Asylum, and he tended his corn several years on the square on which the present court-house stands. He would kill game enough to feed his family two or three weeks and then go out and work on his farm, clearing off the land and build- ing his house, which he finished in the fall of 1824. The same house is now standing and occupied. When he was building it, the deer would come two and three at a time and lie down within fifty steps of the house in the daytime. Wild turkeys were also very plenty. He moved to Warren township in the fall of 1830. He served as school trustee three or four terms, before the free school system was estab- lished. The school-houses of that day were few and 40 wide apart. He helped to survey all of Warren and the greater part of Centre township, and in later years if there was a dispute about any corner-stone in his vicinity, he was called on to settle the matter and locate the corner. Mr. Brown followed farming and hunting. Bread- stuff was an item at that time, and they had to go to a horse-mill in Shelby County, a distance of some twenty or thirty miles, the trip generally occupying three days. For meat they relied exclusively on deer and other game, which was in abundance. The day was never too cold or too hot, rain or sunshine, for him to go out hunting. He was acknowledged the best shot in the country. He would never hunt with a hound, or go out with a party if they took a hound. His favorite way was a still hunt, and it appeared that he knew just where to look for deer, and when he shot he was sure to bring down his game. He was present at all shooting- matches for miles around, and if he was not ruled out (which was often done to give others a chance), he always won the first choice, which was the hide and tallow. Mr. Brown was respected by all who knew him. His word was as good as his bond, and few indeed were the promises that he broke. His wife died April 20, 1867, at the advanced age of eighty years, four months, and six days. She had been married for sixty years. Mr. Brown survived her nine years, and died Oct. 20, 1876, at the age of eighty-nine years, eight months, and fifteen days. Only four children survived him, three sons and one daughter. He left several great-grandchildren, and one great- great- gran dph ild. " Fate seemed to wind him up for fourscore years, Yet ran he freshly on ten winters more. Until, like a clock, worn out by eating time, The wheels of weary life at last stood still." Reason Hawkins came from Hamilton County, Ohio, about 1826, and located on Pleasant Run, northeast of the present town of Irvington. In 1829 he was not assessed on any> lands in the township. He sold out his first location and afterwards bought land of Calvin Fletcher, situated a little west of 618 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Cumberland. This was his homestead farm. He built a saw-mill, propelled by the water-power of Buck Creek, and known as the Hawkins mill. Joseph S. Mix and wife came from Hamilton County, Ohio, in the year 1833, and settled in the east part of Warren township, in a perfect wilder- ness, where the only clearing was where the logs were cut for erecting his cabin, which was (as was usual in those days) of only one room, with puncheon floor, and quilts or blankets hung up at the door and windows. For three years he kept a store in Cum- berland for Nicholas McCarty, and when he closed at night would take the money in a basket on his ^rm and go to his home, a mile distant through the woods. There he hung his basket (with the money in it) on a peg for the night, without the least doubt that it was perfectly safe, as it was. He was afterwards in the hemp business with Mr. McCarty. The farm on which he settled in 1833, and where he still lives, is situated one mile southeast of the village of Cum- berland. Henry Bowser was born in Pennsylvania in March, 1810. When five years old he went with his parents to Ohio, and when twenty-one years of age he mi- grated to Indiana, and settled in the southwest corner of Warren township, where he resided until his . death, Oct. 18, 1883. He married, May 6, 1833, i Mary Moore, who still survives him. j James C. Ferguson was born March 4, 1808. His father and mother were natives of Virginia, but when quite young moved with their parents to Ken- tucky. About four years after his father's marriage he volunteered to go into the Maumee country, under Gen. Anthony Wayne, to fight Indians, and re- mained out until peace was made. In a few years thereafter he moved to Butler County, Ohio, where James C. Ferguson was born. Six years after his birth his father' died with a contagious fever, called the cold plague. In 1820 the family moved to In- diana. In 1825, James C. Ferguson settled where he now resides, in Warren township, on the National road, six miles east of Indianapolis. In 1829 he married Nancy Goble, who lived in Henry County, Ind. Her native State was Ohio. Mr. Ferguson says, " I frequently fed the Indians, chased bear, and killed a great many deer. 1 had a horse with a long tail that I rode when hunting. If I succeeded in killing a deer I would tie the horse's tail to its jaw, and in that way drag the deer home. Turkey and wolves were plenty, but the wolves soon disappeared. My first cabin was built in 1825. The floor was of split puncheons, and the door of clapboards. My table was also made of split puncheons." Elias H. and Mahala Shimer, pioneers of Warren township, arrived here from Zanesville, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1829, and settled on the farm on which Mr. Shimer died July 29, 1864, in the sixty-fifth year of his age, and on which his widow still lives. She is now in her eighty-second year, a woman of remarkable health and unimpaired mind. Mr. Shimer was not a stout man, and being sufiiciently qualified to teach, he taught school for a number of years. In 1858 he was awarded the first premium for the finest farm in Marion County. In 1834, Mr. and Mrs. Shimer joined the Old-School Baptist Church, of which they remained consistent members till the breaking up of the church, about 1856. It can be truthfully said that their house was the home of the homeless ; scarcely a time can be mentioned when his house was not the abode of one or more orphans. At one time five homeless ones, all of diff'erent families, were taken into his house to share whatever blessings the Great Master had given them. Joseph Clinton, with his family, emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana in 1830, and entered the east half of the southwest quarter of section 13, and bought of Benjamin Atherton the west half of the northwest quarter of the same section in township 15, range 4. When Mr. Clinton arrived there was no house on the land, but as material was plenty it was but a few days until he had erected a rude cabin of one room, with split puncheon floor, clap- board door, and a greased-paper window. The cabin was heated by a large fireplace, which also served for cooking purposes. The chimney to the house was of mud and sticks, and built at first about four feet high, but it was afterwards made higher. It was late in the fall, and as it had taken about everything that Mr. Clinton possessed to buy his farm and move, the WARREN TOWNSHIP. 619 family had to practice the most rigid economy- Land on which to plant the next year's crop had to be cleared before spring ; so, working from early in the morning till late at night, and in all kinds of weather, he succeeded in partially clearing enough ground to raise the next winter's food and clothes. At night, when any other light than that from the fireplace was needed, an iron vessel, with a handle for sticking in the cracks of the logs, was filled with lard, and a wick of twisted cotton rags put in for burning. The first improvement in lights was a candle made by dipping a rag up and down in melted tallow until enough tallow adhered to the rag to form the candle. All clothing was home-made, either made from flax or wool. The principal article of food was corn. Corn bread in all its various forms was eaten through the week, and on Sunday a great treat was had in the form of wheat bread. Joseph Clinton was for several years justice of the peace, and of the many ridiculous incidents that came under his notice he often related the following : One day while working in the corn-field a German and his wife came running excitedly towards him, and as soon as the man was within hearing he called out, " Here, Meester Squire, here is your thaler ; take him, take him." "Why?" said Mr. Clinton, " I don't want your dollar." " Oh, yes, Meester Squire, take him ; me hit Ostermeyer on der kopf, and he fall down dead. Take him, Meester Squire." The man seemed in such evident earnest that Mr. Clinton stopped his work and went to see what was the matter. He found that the two men had quar- reled ; one had hit the other on the head, the blow having stunned but not killed Ostermeyer. The Ger- man had been in this country but a short time, and knowing that the fine for a fight was one dollar, he thought that one dollar would settle the matter, even if he had killed the man. Joseph Clinton lived upon the farm where he firs* settled until his death, in December, 1874. He was always a man of remarkably even temper, honored and respected by all who knew him. All little chil- dren seemed to recognize in him a true friend, and he was most happy when surrounded by a crowd of little ones, telling them stories and soothing them in their childish griefs. In spite of his white hair, he seemed to have become as one of them. Mills, Taverns, and Distilleries. — In 1832 there was a saw-mill built about half a mile south of Cumberland, run by water-power. In 1834 a saw* mill (water-power) was built on Buck Creek, about three miles south of Cumberland. It was known as Baker's saw-mill. About 1835 a saw-mill (water- power), known as Davis' mill, was built one and a half miles south of Brookville road. The first steam-mill was built on the National road, about two miles west of Cumberland. The exact date of the building of this mill is not known, but it sawed the lumber for planking the Cumberland plank road, now the National gravel road. At present there are three steam saw- mills in the town- ship and one steam grist-mill. There are no water- power mills. An early tavern was kept by Samuel Fullen, on the Centreville road. When that road was vacated he moved to Cumberland, and kept the first tavern there. Henry Brady kept tavern six miles east of Indianapolis as early as 1824. John Wilson kept on the Centreville road, near the present site of Butler University, three and a half miles east of Indianapolis. When the National road was located he moved to it and kept tavern there. Rufus Jennison kept tavern five and a half miles east of Indianapolis, on the National road. James Ferguson kept six miles east of Indianapolis, on the National road. He kept tavern as early as 1825. David Woods kept ten miles east of Indianapolis, on the Brookville road, at a very early date. Nathan Harlan kept on Brookville road from 1833 to 1844, for accommodation of stage travelers. This was about nine miles east of Indian- apolis. At present there is but one hotel in the township, kept by Ingram Little at Cumberland. A small distillery was built as early as 1830 by a man named Richardson, on Buck Creek, near the east end of Cumberland. It was principally used for the manufacture of peach brandy, and was run but a short time. There is no distillery in the township. Villages. — There are three villages within the territory of the township of Warren, viz. : Irvington (the largest but youngest of the three), lying on the 620 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. west line of the township, adjoining Centre, and about four miles east of the city of Indianapolis ; Julietta, in the southeast corner of the township ; and Cum- berland, near the east line of Warren, and occupying a central position on that line, between the north- eastern and southeastern corners of the township, eleven miles east of Indianapolis, on the old National or Cumberland road. The village of Cumberland was laid out in 1831 (plat recorded July 7th in that year) on land owned by Samuel FuUen ; the survey being made by Henry Brady, who received one or two town lots in payment. Originally there were but six streets in the town, viz. : North, South, East, West, Main, and the Cumberland road, which latter passes through it from west to east, ninety feet wide, with sidewalks nine and a half feet wide. Main Street was laid out forty-nine and a half feet wide, and each of the other four streets thirty-three feet wide. Ground for a public cemetery was donated by the owner of the plat. The first tavern in the village was opened by Samuel FuUen, who moved there from the Centreville road, where he had previously kept a public-house. His wife was Ann Pogue, daughter of George Pogue, the pioneer settler at Indianapolis. He afterwards sold out in Cumberland to David Richardson, who came from Miamitown, Ohio. Other early tavern-keepers at Cumberland were James Parker, Donahue, and Dr. William Moore, whose house was the stop- ping-place for the stages on the Cumberland road. The hotel of the place is now kept by Ingram Little. The first stock of goods was brought to Cumber- land by John Stephen.s, a native of Kentucky, who came to this place from Indianapolis, where he owned the Bayou farm. He was an honest and respected man, but became poor, and it is said he died in Han- cock County poor-house. Other early and later mer- chants of Cumberland were Joseph Mix, Brown & Buell, John Hawkins, Jacob Loucks, Hugh Wooster, Jeremiah and Joseph Oakes, James Woods, and Charles Bouge. The present stores of the village are kept by Jesse Ebrough, Charles Hendricks, Joseph McConnell, and Edward Bouge, — the last named also having the post-oflBce. Among the early settlers in Cumberland, besides those named, were Dr. Lyman Carpenter, Daniel Knight (wheelwright), George Patterson (married a daughter of Samuel Fullen), Noble Perrin (black- smith), Travis, and his sons James and Joseph, Dr. William Moore (elected and served as a member of the State Legislature), James Parker (the tavern- keeper already mentioned) and his son Squire, now living in Shelby County, Dr. John Pleasants, Robert Wooster (son of Hugh, the storekeeper), Emer- son, Joseph Church, Ambrose Shirley, John Dorsey (wagon-maker), Nicholas Stuttsman, George Plum- mer, Aaron Nixon, and James logersoU (black- smiths), Mr. Panzy, George McVeigh, and Daniel Reagan, who made the first bricks, which were used for building two brick houses, — one for Mrs. Smith and the other for Samuel Fullen. Cumberland has now about four hundred inhab- itants, three physicians, four stores, a post-office, a railway station, one hotel, two blacksmith-shops, one grist-mill, two saw-mills, a school-house, and one church (Baptist). There were at one time two other church organizations in the place, viz., Methodists and Universalists, and all worshiped in harmony. Julietta village, in the southeast part of Warren township, was laid out in 1 868 (plat recorded Feb. 5, 1870). It contains at present two stores, one blacksmith-shop, a post-office, one physician, and about fifty inhabitants. The suburban town of Irvington (so called in honor of Washington Irving) is situated on an ele- vated piece of ground, one hundred and seventy-five feet higher than the ground on which the Union depot in Indianapolis is built, and is four miles east of Indianapolis, on the National road. The original town was laid out into one hundred and eight lots by Jacob B. Julian and Sylvester Johnson, on the 7th day of November, 1870, and embraces the southeast quarter of section 10, township 5, range 4 east, lying north of the Junction Railroad, except the school- house lot in the northeast corner, the entire area covered being 304.47 acres. Irving Circle was dedi- cated to use and purposes of a public park, on which, at no distant day, it was designed to erect the statue WARREN TOWNSHIP. 621 of Washington Irving. College Circle was designed for the use of a female college. The object was to make it a suburban residence town for the profes- sional and business men of Indianapolis. Additions have from time to time been made, the most notable of which are the following : Woodland Park addition to Irvington, laid out Jan. 4, 1872, by James E. Downey and Nicholas Ohmer ; and Ritter's addition, laid out Sept. 6, 1871. Every purchaser of a lot was obliged to accede to the following requirements, em- bodied in the deeds of conveyance : " The grantee accepts this deed from the grantor with the express agreement that he, his heirs, and assigns will not erect or maintain, or suffer to be erected or maintained, on the real estate herein conveyed any distillery, brewery, soap-factory, pork- or slaughter-house, or any other establishment offen- sive to the people, and that he will not erect or maintain, or suffer to be erected or maintained, on said premises any stable, hogpen, privy, or other offensive building, stall, or shed within fifty feet of any avenue in said town, and that he will not sell or suffer to be sold on said premises any intoxicating liquors except for medicinal, sacramental, or me- chanical purposes strictly, and he accepts this deed on the further agreement that the right to enforce and compel a compliance of the above conditions rests not only in the grantor, his heirs, and assigns, but in all the property-holders and inhabitants of said town." The land on which the town was built was owned by Jacob Sanduska and Isaac Sanduska prior to the time it was purchased by Messrs. Julian and others. The town now embraces four hundred and fifty acres. There was an agreement entered into by the gentlemen who were the leading spirits in the under- taking to build in the town and reside there, accord- ingly Jacob B. Julian, Sylvester Johnson, and Levi Ritter each built a fine residence and moved into it, where they have since resided. The next house was built by Charles Brouse, and then the following persons built fine houses in the order named, viz., Nicholas Ohmer, Dr. John H. Tilford, Oliver M. Wilson, James M. Crawford. On petition of Jacob B. Julian and eighty-two other citizens and tax-payers, the town was incor- porated June 2, 1873. In the year 1874 the trustees of the Northwestern Christian University (now Butler University) de- cided to locate said college at this place, and in 1875 those persons who had been so persevering in their efforts to secure the prize had the satisfaction of see- ing their anticipation realized, and the college moved to and located within the town. A more extended accouut of this institution is given in the history of the city of Indianapolis. The first merchant in Irvington was William Furrey. After him were the following : William H. H. Shank, William W. Wilson, Cones & Huston, and Omer Burger, the present merchant of the village. Jacob A. Krumrine, the proprietor of the first drug store, is still conducting the business. Dr. Cotton was the first physician who located in the place for the practice of medicine. The next was Dr. Jacob A. Krumrine, who at present is retired. Dr. J. A. Tilford was the next. Dr. Robert W. Long and John Daugherty are the present physicians. Edgar Williams was the first postmaster, and George Russell is the present one. The Robinson Methodist Episcopal Chapel was built for Sabbath-school purposes in the year 1880, and will seat three hundred persons. It was named after its founder, Mrs. L. 0. Robinson. In the year 1881 this lady minister held a protracted meeting in the house and organized a Methodist Episcopal Church class of about eighty persons, and she served them as minister for a period of eighteen months. The next minister was the Rev. John W. Turner, who has been for two years and is still in pastoral charge. The number of members is now about eighty. Sabbath-school is held every Sabbath in the year, with an average attendance of about one hundred. James E. Downey is the superintendent. The Christian Church has an organization in the town, and its members hold their services in the col- lege chapel. The church was organized, at the time Butler University was opened for the reception of students. President Everets and Allen R. Benton hold services alternately. The present membership is nearly one hundred. Sabbath-school is also held 622 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Iq the college chapel every Sabbath. Average at- tendance is about one hundred and ten. Professor Scott Butler is the superintendent. The average daily attendance of all children in the public school in 1883 was one hundred and eighty- five, and the school was taught one hundred and sixty days during the year. Irvington contains, besides the University, a Meth- odist Episcopal Church building, a handsome depot built by the Panhandle Railroad in 1872, and front- ing on Washington Irving Circle stands a magnificent three-story brick public school building, which was erected in 1874, and is valued at twenty thousand dollars. The town has a telegraph-office (Western Union), and a telephone-station connecting it with all parts of the State. The street cars pass to and fro between the place and Indianapolis every hour, and arrangements have been perfected whereby special passenger trains will be run by the Panhandle Rail- road line between the points named. The town has a post-office, an Odd-Fellows' lodge, one general dry- goods store, one drug-store, a wagon-shop, a meat- store, and a blacksmith-shop, and six hundred and fifty-two inhabitants by the United States census of 1880. Irvington Lodge, No. 508, I. 0. 0. F., was insti- tuted Sept. 10, 1875, with the following-Darned mem- bers : J. H. Tilford, John B. W. Parker, L. C. Kuhn, B. F. Askren, John B. Wilson, C. C. Heizer, E. T. Wells. The present active membership is twenty, with the following officers : Jonathan B. Roll, N. G. ; Devit C. Devall, V. G. ; Thomas W. Wunnell, Sec. ; J. A. Krumrine, Treas. ; Thomas W. Wunnell, Per. Sec. The number of Past Grands is sixteen. Churches. — The Cumberland Baptist Church dates back to the fall of 1832, though its organization was not fully efiected until the following year. On the 20th of October, in the year first named, James Parker, John Kitley, Lyman Carpenter, Dosha Car- penter, and Sarah Pogue met at Cumberland, " in order to converse upon the propriety of becoming a constituted church, and it was agreed to be consti- tuted on the faith of the Apostles," after which the meeting adjourned to meet on the second Saturday in November following, when they took steps pre- liminary to formal organization, which was effected on the fourth Saturday in July, 1833. at which time there were present at the meeting in Cumberland Ezra Fisher and Samuel McCormick from the Indian- apolis Baptist Church, Joseph Clark and Joel Black- ledge from the Bethel Baptist Church. Ezra Fisher was chosen moderator, and Joseph Clark clerk, and by the usual proceedings the Cumberland Baptist Church was fully organized with the following-named members: John Kitley, Lyman Carpenter, Ambrose Shirley, Anna Kitley, Elizabeth Shirley, Hannah Hathway, and Sarah Pogue. The first pastors were Thomas Townsend, Ebenezer Smith, and Madison Hume. Thomas Houston was pastor for twenty years previous to the last year. A new church building is now being erected, though the membership is but small. Pleasant Run Baptist Church was organized in 1832, with the following members : John Pogue and wife, Caleb Clark and wife, William Herrin and wife, Joseph Clark and wife, James Ferguson and wife, Jennison Hawkins, moderator. This church dis- banded in 1856. Mount Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1830. It is in the southeastern part of the township, and is in a very weak condition at present. Old Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church was or- ganized about 1840. It was disbanded for several years, but was reorganized about 1878, and a new church house built in 1882. This church is in the northern part of the township. Robinson Chapel Mission, Methodist Episcopal Church, located in Irvington, just north of National road, in 1877. The first pastor was Mrs. L. 0. Robinson, the present pastor Rev. J. W. Turner. The church has been in a flourishing condition from the beginning. The Christian Church in Irvington was organized in 1874. Meetings are held in Butler University chapel. The German Lutheran Church was built in 1874, in the southwestern part of the township, on the Michigan road. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 623 The German Presbyterian Church edifice, in the southeastern part of the township, was built about 1877. Schools. — The first school-house in the township was on the farm owned by Andrew Morehouse. It was built by a man who had taken a lease of the farm and then left it. It was of round logs, about twenty feet square, with a fireplace in one end eight feet wide. The outside was a bank of dirt, sur- rounded by logs. On an appointed day the neighbors all assembled to transform it into a school-house. One log was cut out of the side for light, little sticks were fastened across at intervals, and then greased paper fastened on instead of glass. A door was cut in one end, then the splinters were shaved from a puncheon, large wooden pins fastened in the wall, and the puncheon laid on them and fastened down for a writing-desk. The seats were made of saplings about eight inches in diameter, split, and wooden legs fastened in. This completed the model school-house of that period. On the morning that school opened the parents came with their children from all direc- tions, cutting paths and blazing trees as guides for the children, some of them having as high as three miles to come to school. At Christmas it was de- cided to turn the " master" out, and not let him in until he promised to " treat." This was done, and the required promise made. Then came the ques- tion of what to treat with. There were no apples, and no money to buy with if there had been. One of the patrons generously proifered a bucket of whiskey (they had no jugs), and another, home-made sugar to sweeten it. On the day of the treat the children turned out in full force. The " master" mixed his toddy, seated the children in rows, and then with his bucket and tin cup passed up and down the rows, giving each one as much as he thought they could stand. Then the children were permitted to go out to play, and in a short time they were again called in, and they did not tarry on the grounds. The same process was repeated until all the toddy was used. This was the first " treat" of school- children in Warren township, and patrons, " master," and children were all delighted with it. In 1 827 a school-house was built on land of James C. Ferguson, and school was first taught in it by James O'Brien. In the east part of the township a school-house was built in 1831 on land owned by David Woods. In this house the first teacher was Elias H. Shimer. These and most of the other early school-houses of the township were of about the same kind as the one first described, but it is not to be understood that the custom of treating the scholars to whiskey at Christmas was generally observed, as in the case before mentioned. Warren township has now eleven school-houses, as follows : No. 1 (brick), in the northeast corner of the township ; No. 2 (frame), in the north part ; No. 3 (frame), in the northwest part; No. 4 (frame), just north of Irvington ; No. 5 (two-story frame), in centre of township; No. 6 (frame), two miles west of Cum- berland ; No. 7 (frame), in southeast part of town- ship ; No. 8 (frame), south side of township; No. 9 (frame), southwest part; No. 10 (two-story frame), at Cumberland; No. 11 (frame), north side of town- ship. At Irvington there is one public-school build- ing, a large two-story brick, and three teachers are employed. The number of schools taught in the township in 1883 was twelve (one graded). The average daily attendance was 277. Total number of children admitted to the schools, 436 ; number of teachers employed, 12 (seven male and five female). Average number of days taught in the year, 158. Number of teachers' institutes held in the township during the year, 8. Valuation of school-houses and sites, 820,000. CHAPTER XXVII. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP.i The township of Washington is the central one in the northern tier of townships of Marion County, being bounded on the west by Pike, on the south by Centre, on the east by Lawrence townships, and on the north by Hamilton County. The principal 1 By George W. Lancaater, E«q. 624 HISTORY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. streams (and the only ones of any importance) are White River and Fall Creek. The former enters the ( township near its northeast corner, and flows thence diagonally across the township in a very meandering, but generally southwest, course to a point a little east of the southwestern corner, where it passes into Cen- tre township. Fall Creek, coming in from Lawrence, flows southwestwardly across the southeast part of Washington township into Centre. Several incon- siderable streams, tributaries of White River, enter it within the territory of Washington, chiefly from the west. The surface of this township is much like that of the others of the county, ranging from flat bottom-lands to undulating uplands, which, in some parts, may be termed hilly. The soil is, in general, good, and in some parts exceedingly fertile, yielding abundant returns to the farmer for the labor expended on it. The population of the township in 1880 was two thousand three hundred and ninety- nine, as shown by the returns of the United States census of that year. Washington township was laid off' and erected by order of the county commissioners, April 16, 1822, with boundaries as described in the general history of the county. In November, 1826, the western boundary was changed by order of the county board, by including in Washington three sections of land taken from Pike, in survey township 16 north, of range 3 east, leaving that boundary line as it is at the present time. When Washington township was erected, in April, 1822, the commissioners ordered that it be joined with Lawrence as one township, neither being then sufficiently populous for separate organization. This union continued until Sept. 4, 1826, when the county board of justices ordered Lawrence to be taken from Washington, leaving the latter as a separate and independent township. Following is a list of officers of Washington township during the sixty-two years of its existence, viz. : JUSTICES OF THB PEACE. Joel Wright, June 15, 1822, to Sept. 5, 1825 ; resigned. William D. Roolser, June 22, 1822, to June 6, 1827. Hiram Bacon, Oct. 15, 1825, to Jan. 4, 1830; resigned. (The three above named served as justices for Washington and Lawrence while they were united as one township.) Joel Wright, July 22, 1827, to April, 1828; died. Edward Roberts, June 28, 1828, to June 20, 1833. Abraham Bowen, Feb. 20, 1830, to Feb. 12, 1835. Daniel R. Smith, Oct. 30, 1833, to Oct. 23, 1838. Abraham Bowen, April 18, 1835, to April 6, 1840. John R. Anderson, Nov. 30, 1836, to Sept. 23, 1837 ; resigned. William R. Deford, Oct. 17, 1837, to March 1, 1841; resigned. Lorenzo Vanscyoo, June 20, 1838, to June 2, 1843. Daniel R. Smith, Deo. 3, 1838, to July 25, 1842; resigned. Walter A. Bridgford, Dec. 12, 1839, to Dec. 7, 1844. Charles Hallam, April 20, 1840, to April 15, 1845. Henry B. Evans, April 6, 1841, to Oct. 2, 1841 ; resigned. Daniel R. Brown, Nov. 24, 1841, to Jan. 13, 1846; resigned. Anthony Williams, Sept. 20, 1842, to April 18, 1846; resigned. Lorenzo Vanscyoo, July 22, 1843, to July 3, 1848. Eli Heaton, April 29, 1845, to Aug. 29, 1853 ; resigned. John Bssary, Feb. 27, 1846, to Feb. 27, 1851. Gary H. Boatright, June 9, 1846, to March 1, 1847; resigned. James S. Hensley, April 22, 1847, to Feb. 28, 1851; resigned. William B. Bridgford, July 6, 1848, to July 4, 1852. David Huff, April 21, 1851, to April 21, 1856. William Stipp, April 29, 1854, to April 29, 1858. James G. Featherston, Nov. 1, 1855, to Nov. 1, 1859. John Essary, April 19, 1858, to Dec. 1, 1864; resigned. William Stipp, May 24, 1858, to April 19, 1862. Emsley AV right, Nov. 1, 1859, to April 9, 1863; resigned. Benjamin Tyner, April 19, 1862, to April 19, 1866. James W. Schooley, Nov. 4, 1863, to Dec. 10, 1864; resigned. George W. Deford, April 21, 1865, to April 21, 1869. Benjamin Tyner, April 21, 1866, to Jan. 2, 1869; resigned. Calvin Fortner, April 25, 1866, to April 12, 1870. George W. Deford, April 24, 1869, to April 24, 1873. John W. Vansoyoc, May 1, 1869, to April 16, 1873. James Logan Groves, Nov. 25, 1870, to Oct. 25, 1874 John W. Vanscyoo, April 24, 1873, to present time. John P. Moore, Oct. 30, 1874, to Aug. 15, 1875 ; died. John Stipp, Oct. 25, 1876, to May 15, 1880; died. Alexander Culbertson, April 21, 1877, to April 21, 1881. Gilbert Justice, May 15, 1880, to Oct. 25, 1880. Henry C. Green, Deo. 16, 1881, to April 15, 1882. Daniel W. Heaton, April 15, 1382, to Aug. U, 1883; resigned. Alexander Culbertson, Sept. 4, 1883, to April 15, 1886. David Huff, April 11, 1859, to April 19, 1860. Jacob 0. Coil, April 19, 1860, to April 13, 1861. Lorenzo Vanscyoo, April 13, 1861, to April 22, 1862. William Vance, April 22, 1862, to April 12, 1865. Hiram A. Haverstick, April 12, 1865, to Oct. 19, 1872. John H. Smith, Oct. 19, 1872, to Oct. 23, 1874. William H. Sharpe, Oct. 23, 1874, to May 11, 1876. Hiram A. Haverstick, May 11, 1876, to April 14, 1880. James Mustard, April 14, 1880, to April 14, 1882. George W. Lancaster, April 14, 1882, for two years. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 625 ASSESSORS. Joel Wright, Jan. 1, 1827, to Jan. 5, 1829. Daniel R. Smith, Jan. 5, 1829, to March 7, 1836. David Bowen, March 7, 1836. Young Em. R. Wilson, Jan. 2, 1837. Carlton R. Smith, Jan. 2, 1837, to Jan. 7, 1839. Daniel R. Brown, Jan. 7, 1839, to Jan. 6, 1840. Jacob Roberts, Jan. 6, 1840, to Dec. 6, 1841. Jacob Roberts, Deo. 6, 1852, to Nov. 18, 1854. Ira Keeler, Nov. 18, 1854, to Jan. 6, 1857. William Shartz, Jan. 6, 1857, to Dec. 13, 1858. Jacob Roberts, Dec. 13, 1858, to Dec. 10, 1864. John Essary, Deo. 10,'1866, to Aug. 1, 1873. Benjamin Tyner, March 27, 1875, to Nov. 6, 1876. Daniel W. Heaton, Nov. 6, 1876, to April 15, 1880. Samuel Sheets, April 15, 1880, to April 14, 1882. William H. Wheeler, April 14, 1882, to April 14, 1884. One of the earliest, if not the very first, of the pioneer settlers who came to make their homes within the territory now embraced in the township of Wash- ington was John Allison. He was born in Virginia about 1759, and went from there to Lexington, Ky., at the age of fourteen years, with his parents. Sub- sequently he moved to Nicholas County, Ky., and from there came to this township in October, 1819. He came through with his family, consisting of wife (formerly Anna Gray) and eight children, via Brook- ville, Ind., in wagons, cutting his road for quite a dis- tance between here and Brookville. He left two married daughters in Kentucky, who subsequently came here. He entered eighty acres near where Allisonville now stands (at present owned by the Widow Devanberger), upon which he resided till his death, September, 1837. He was a hard-working, industrious citizen, and followed farming all his life. He at one time owned two hundred and seventy acres in one body, two hundred acres of which he cleared. His wife died Jan. 2, 1838. When Mr. Allison settled here in the woods, his nearest neigh- bors were William Coats and Joseph Coats, who lived two miles distant in a northwest direction. He. lived there about nine years before his family enjoyed the privileges of even a subscription school. The Indians were in the neighborhood for three years after he set- tled. Mr. Allison laid out the town of Allisonville. He was a Freemason for years before he came to this State, and was regarded as a moral, industrious. sociable citizen. He took a great interest in the schools, and everything tending to the advancement of civilization. The following were the names of his children : Mary, Martha, Jane, Malinda, Julia Ann, Nancy, John, David, Charles, and William. Only two, Nancy and William, are now living. The former is the widow of William Orpurd. Both live in this county, and are the oldest residents now living in this part of the county. Few, if any, persons now living in this county have resided here for so long a time as they. Charles Allison was born in Kentucky, and came from that State to this township with his parents in October, 1819, and settled near where the town of Allisonville now is, and where he remained with his parents until thirty-five years of age. He owned eighty acres east of Allisonville, now owned by the Widow Sterrett. He removed to Howard County, Ind., and established a trading-post eight miles east of Kokomo, on Wild Cat, where he traded with the Indians for some time. He followed farming and teaming while he lived here, and was a merchant while in Howard County. He kept the first store ever kept in Kokomo. He died about 1864, and his widow and one child are now living in Kokomo. David Allison was born in Kentucky, and came from that State to this township with his father, John Allison, in the year 1819. He resided with his parents until about 1840, when he married Ma- tilda Ellery and went to West Liberty, Hamilton Co., this State, where he continued to reside until his death, in 1878. He belonged to the Methodist Church twenty years prior to his death. His widow and one child are now living near West Liberty. Hiram Bacon, Sr., was born in Williamstown, Mass., on March 14, 1801. He was of English descent. He came to Indiana about 1819, and for about one year was a member of a government survey- ing party that surveyed land in this part of the State. He then returned to his home and married Mary A. Blair, and on the day of his marriage emigrated to Indiana with his wife, and settled in this township in 1821. He purchased two hundred and forty acres from William Bacon, who had entered it from the government. A portion of Malott Park ia upon the 626 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. farm. Subsequently he bought one hundred and forty-five acres from Arthur Williams. He built his first cabin in the dense woods, and made the sash for its window with his pocket-knife. That was the first glass window in that part of the county. An Indian brush-fence surrounded his cabin, and within the inclosure was an Indian well. He operated not only the first, but the most extensive cheese dairy ever in Marion County. Beginning the business on his farm in 1830, he continued it for twenty years. He was a member of the first Presbyterian Church ever built in Indianapolis, and he hauled with his oxen the logs used in its construction. He joined the Presbyterian Church in early life, and was a con- sistent member of that denomination until his death. He took great interest in all church matters, and held various oflicial positions in it. His vocation ■was that of a farmer. He was justice of the peace in this township for a period of twelve years. In politics he was a Whig, and then a Republican. He was one of the leading citizens of the township, and was noted for his strict integrity. His first wife died in November, 1863; he remarried, and in August, 1882, he died. Seven children survive him, viz. : Electa (widow of William P. Thornton), Helen (wife of Charles A. Howland), George, Hiram, Mary A. (wife of B. F. Tuttle), William, and Caro- line (wife of George W. Sloan). William Bacon was born in Williamstown, Mass., about 1798. He came to Indiana a single man soon after his brother Hiram, and settled on land about one mile north of where Malott Park now is. There he lived till his death, in about 1863. He married Deborah, daughter of Hezekiah Smith, Sr., soon after his arrival here. He was a farmer, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. In politics he was a Demo- crat. He lived a proper life for years, arid left behind him a large and valuable estate. Hezekiah Smith, Sr., was born in Delaware, April 18, 1763. At the age of sixteen he entered the Revolutionary army, and was in nine battles. His eldest brother, Daniel, was killed in the Revolutionary war. His brother Simeon was also in the same war, and also in the war of 1812, and lived to enjoy the blessings for which he fought. The subject of this sketch married Mary Ann Rector, who was born in Virginia, Feb. 12, 1776. Her mother died when she was an infant, and she was raised by her uncle, Pres- ley Neville, in Pittsburgh, Pa. The Rector family was large, and many of them emigrated to Ohio, where a number of their descendants now reside on Mad River, in Champaign and Clark Counties. Hezekiah Smith was a local preacher of the Methodist Episco- pal Church ; by trade he was a wagon-maker, and worked at that business in the Bluelicks, Nicholas County, Ky. ; but subsequently he bought a farm on Indian Creek, and partially quitting his trade, followed farming. The following are the names of his chil- dren, viz. : Betty, Susan, Deborah, Daniel R., Peter, Hezekiah, Nancy, Simeon, Miles C , Carlton R., and Marcus L. The seven sons all reached manhood and became sober, industrious, and useful citizens. But two of the children are living, viz., Susan Chinn, in Colorado, and Marcus L. Smith, in Argos, Ind. In 1820, Mr. Smith sold his farm in Kentucky and moved his family to this township, and settled in the woods Oct. 27, 1820, about one half-mile east of where Broad Ripple now is, and on the west half of north- east quarter of section 6, township 16, range 4 east. At that time there were but two or three cabins be- tween where he settled and the donation, as Indian- apolis was then called. Mr. Smith and his son Peter had came out to where the family settled and made an improvement, and raised a crop of corn the spring before. The family lived in camp for six weeks after arrival here, when a cabin was built, into which they moved before winter. Mr. Smith was a man of extraordinary memory, of strong and vigorous mind, and a great reader. After an illness of four weeks he died, on the 26th day of August, 1824, in the sixty-second year of his age, and his remains were buried in the burial- ground on the Hiram Bacon land. He was the first person buried in that graveyard. His widow re- mained on the old homestead, and kept the family together until her death, Oct. 3, 1837. Daniel R. Smith, son of Hezekiah Smith, Sr., and Mary Ann, his wife, was born in Mason County, Ky., near May's Lick, in a log cabin, on the 4th of October, 1801. He emigrated to this township with WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 627 his parents Oct. 27, 1820. He remained with the family until shortly after his marriage to Margaret N., eldest daughter of John Nesbit, on Nov. 11, 1834. He then began life for himself and wife, set- tling on the farm now owned by his son, John H. There he lived the remainder of his life. When comparatively a young man he was elected justice of the peace, in which capacity he served five years, and was re-elected to the same office, and commissioned for five years on the 3d day of December, 1838. He served a part of the term, but resigned to accept the oflBce of associate judge of the Circuit Court, to which he was elected in August, 1842, and served for a period of seven years from the 8th of April, 1843. In 1849 he was re-elected to the same office for seven years from April 8, 1850, and served in that capacity until the office was abolished. On Sept. 20, 1851, he was admitted as an attorney and counselor-at-law, with authority to practice in the circuit and inferior courts of Indiana, and he fol- lowed that profession the rest of his life. Soon after the establishment of the new Constitution he was elected one of the township trustees, and served as such for three years, during which time he as- sisted in the organization of the public-school system in the township. He was a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church at the time of his death, and for ten years prior to that time. He always took an active part in promoting the cause of religion. He was one of the leading citizens of the township; of steady habits, moral, industrious, and sociable. He was a good and kind neighbor, and was a great en- courager of every laudable public enterprise. His wife died Aug. 11, 1854, and he died April 4, 1875. He left two children, John H. and Mary Ann. The son is now living on the old homestead where he was born, near Malott Park, and is by occupation a farmer. The daughter is the wife of Dr. Greenly B. Woollen, and resides in Indianapolis. Peter Smith, the second son of Hezekiah Smith, Sr., was born in Kentucky, Sept. 27, 1803. He emigrated to this township with his father's family in 1820, and remained with his parents till after his father's death. He learned the gunsmith trade, and afterwards became a physician and practiced medicine a few years in the neighborhood of Millersville. He married in 1825, and a few years afterwards went to Nashville, Tenn., thence to New Orleans, where he took the gold fever about 1849 and went to San Francisco, Cal., where he established a hospital. He was in South America a while, but returned and went to Europe, settling in England, where he died Oct. 9, 1866. He was a very successful practitioner of medicine, and for many years a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Hezekiah Smith, Jr., was born Nov. 29, 1805, in Kentucky, and in 1820 emigrated to this township with his parents, with whom he lived till after his father's death. He married in June, 1829, and lived for several years about half a mile southeast of Millersville, on the east part of the farm now owned by William A. Schofield. He joined the Methodist Church at an early date, and was ordained a minister of the gospel, and preached with good eflfect for many years. He died in Indianapolis Dec. 4, 1879. James Ellis was born in Tennessee about 1798. He came to the township a single man in March, 1820, and settled one half-mile southwest of where Millersville now is. He lived for a while on the farm now owned by David HuiFs heirs. He was an in- dustrious, moral citizen. He married Leah Cruise, who is now living on the old homestead. She has in her possession a large dish which her husband bought of Mrs. Garner sixty-five years ago. Mr. Ellis died in 1845. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis raised four children, three of whom are living. Alfred lives on the old homestead. Henry is in Colorado, and Palina, the wife of William J. Millard, Jr., lives in Iowa. When Mr. Ellis came into this township there were no schools, no preaching, nothing but woods, wild animals, and Indians. He assisted in the burial of the first white person that ever died in Lawrence township, this county. Martin McCoy, wife, and children came from Ken- tucky to this township with Henry Cruise in 1820. His wife died in 1821. He was a great hunter and trapper. He was with the Indians most of the time ; was missing, and it was supposed that the Indians killed him. Henry Cruise was born in North Carolina in 1760. 628 HISTOKY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MAKION COUNTY. He came to Daviess County, Ind., from Ohio in Oc- tober, 1816, and thence to this township in June, 1820. He came up White Eiver in a boat with his family, and Martin McCoy and family to within eight miles of Indianapolis, and the rest of the way in wagons. His wife's maiden name was Susannah Cress. He settled in the woods on Fall Creek, near where the Wabash Railroad crosses. In 1824 he went to Illinois, and died there. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and by occupation a farmer. He was the father of ten children, six of whom are now living. William Hardin was born in Virginia in 1780. He came from Lawrenceburg to this township in 1820, and entered one hundred and sixty acres, now owned by Joseph Schofield. He lived there eighteen years, then went to Iowa, where he died about 1858. He was of Baptist belief, but not a member of the church. He was a very industrious, moral citizen, and by occupation a farmer. Joel Wright, one of the first settlers of Washing- ton township, was born in Stokes County, N. C, on the 5th of February, 1793, and was married to Sarah Byerby on the 10th of September, 1812, in North Carolina. They moved from there to Indiana in May 12, 1813, settling temporarily in what is now Wayne County, on the west fork of White Water. Prom there they moved to Washington township, Marion Co., on the 22d day of December, 1821. Joel Wright was appointed one of the first justices of the peace for Washington township. When his term expired he was run again, and received the largest vote, being elected over Hiram Bacon, Esq., in 1826. On the 1st of April, 1828, Mr. Wright cut the artery in his left leg below the knee. On the 6th, Drs. Dunlap and Kitchen amputated the limb about four inches above the knee, and three days afterwards Mr. Wright died, leaving Sarah Wright, his wife, with seven children, — Alfred, Mary, Jincy, Emsley, Phebe, Elizabeth, and Lucinda. On the 25th of August, 1828, another child, Joel Wright, was born. Mrs. Wright lived a widow all the rest of her life, and raised the eight children. She died at the age of seventy-six years. Conrad Colip was born in Pendleton County, Va., about 1795. In 1821 he came to this township with his family and settled on one hundred and sixty acres now owned by James Bridges. He followed farming all his life, and was a moral man and a good citizen. He left the township about 1852 and went to St. Joseph County, Ind., where he died several years ago. Jacob Hushaw, who was of German descent, was born in Virginia. He came to this township from Ohio in 1821, and settled near where Broad Ripple now is. He was a carpenter by trade, and a good mechanic. He died on his old homestead about 1843. Zachariah Collins, with his wife and family, came from Mason County, Ky., to this township about 1821, and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land, now owned by David Allen. He was a farmer, industrious, and a good neighbor. He lived there till about 1840, then sold to Mr. Allen, and went to near Bloomington, Iowa, where he bought a farm, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was one of the first settlers in the township. The earliest assessment-roll of Washington town- ship that can now be found is that of the year 1829, which, being complete, shows, of course, very nearly who were the male adult inhabitants of the township at that time. The following names, taken from it, are those of men then resident in the township who were assessed on no real estate, viz. : Alexander Ayers. Ellis Bunnell. Charles Allison. Robert Barnhill. Willis Atkins. Robert Brown. David Allison. Daniel Bowes. Jacob Applegate. James Cook. Thomas Blackerby. Daniel Clark. John Burrough. James Cochran. Robert Branson. George Clark. William Brunson. Richard Clark. Jonathan Brunson. Absalom Cruise. Thomas Brunson. William Deford. Evan Ballenger. Squire Dawson. John Burns. James Ellis. John Brady. Ephraim Elkins. John Brady, Jr. Charles Ecret. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 629 Ralph Fults. Jacob Hushaw. William Hart. Caleb Harrison. John Harrison. Benjamin Inman. Thomas Jackson. John Jackson. Noah Jackson. Nathan Johnson. Milton Johnson. James Kimberlain. Jacob L. Kimberlain. Jefferson Keeler. John Kimberlan. Samuel Leeper. Robert Leeper. Samuel Lakin. Andrew Leeper. John Mansfield. Zebedee Miller. John Miller. Michael Miller. Alexander Mills. John McCoy, Jr. William Mansfield. John Medsker. John G. Mcllvain. William Mcllvain. William McClung. Daniel Miller. Edmund Newby. William Orpurd. Barrett Parrish. Adam Pense. Nicholas Porter. James Porter. Jonathan Ray. John Ray. John Smith. Isaac Stephens. Isaac Simpkins. David Sharp. John Shields. Hezekiah Smith. Samuel P. Sellers. Harvey Steers. Thomas Todd. Jacob Triggs. Richard Vanlandingham. William Viney. Joseph Watts. Edward Watts. Richard Watts. Edward Wells. Robert Williamson. William McCoy, The same assessment-roll gives the following names of persons resident in Washington township in 1829, and who were owners or holders of the lands respec- tively described, viz. : John Allison, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 21, township 17, range 4, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 29 in the same township. William Appleton, the north half of the northwest quarter of section 14, township 16, range 3. Abraham Bowen, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 24, township 17, range 3. Mr. Bowen lived in the north part of the township, and died only a very few years ago. Several of his family are now living in the township. James Brown, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 30, township 17, range 4. Mr. Brown came to this township from Kentucky in 1824. Hiram Bacon, Esq., the west half of the southwest quarter of section 5 ; the east half of the southeast quarter of section 6, and the east half of the north- east quarter of section 7, all intownship 16, range 4. William Bacon, the southwest quarter of section 31, and the southwest quarter of section 32, in town- ship 17, range 4. James Bonnell, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 35 ; the southwest quarter of sec- tion 25 ; the east half of the southeast quarter of sec- tion 26, and the north half of the southwest quarter of section 35, all in township 17, range 3. Jesse Ballinger, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 9, township 16, range 4. Zachariah Collins, the northwest quarter of section 18, township 16, range 4. Joseph Coats, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 21, township 17, range 4, and the north half of the northeast quarter of same section. Conrad Colip, the north half of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3 ; the south half of the southeast quarter of section 1, same township, and one hundred and forty acres in the northeast and southeast quarters of section 19, town- ship 17, range 4. Jacob Coil, the south half of the southwest quar- ter of section 36, township 17, range 3 ; eighty-eight acres in the northwest quarter of same section ; the south half of the northeast quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3 ; and the north half of the northeast quarter of section 1 , same township. William Crist, the east half of the southwest quar- ter of section 5, township 16, range 4. Isaac Coppuck, fifty acres in the southeast quarter of section 17 and northeast quarter of section 20, township 17, range 4. William Coats, the east half of the northwest quarter of section 29, township 17, range 4. . Solomon Cruise, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 31, township 17, range 4. Fielding Clark, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 32, township 71, range 4. 630 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Robert Dickerson's heirs, the west half of the southeast quarter of section 6, township 16, range 4. William DuflBeld, all the land east of the river in section 2, township 16, range 3, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 11, township 16, range 3. Elijah DawsoD, the southwest quarter and the east half of the northeast quarter of section 6, and the west half of the northwest quarter of section 5, all in township 16, range 4; also the west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the same sec- tion, in township 17, range 4; forty acres in the southeast quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3 ; and the north half of section 36, township 17, range 3. John Fox, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 3, township 16, range 3, and the east half of the southeast quarter of section 9,^ame township. Noah Flood, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 24, township 16, range 4. John Gwin, the north half of the northeast quar- ter of section 14, township 16, range 3. Garret Garrison, the south half of the southeast quarter of section 10, township 16, range 3. Jonas Hoover, the east half of the southeast quarter of section 14, township 16, range 3. William Hobson, the west half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section 24, township 17, range 3. Lewis Hoffman, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 18, township 17, range 4. Philip Hardin, forty acres in the east half of the northwest quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3. Jonas Hoffman, the northwest quarter of section 6, township 16, range 4, and the part east of the river (sixty acres) of the southeast quarter of section 36, township 17, range 3 ; five acres east of river in the southwest quarter of the same section, and forty acres west of the river in the southwest and southeast sections, same township. William Hardin, the northeast quarter of section 18, township 16, range 4, and forty acres in the east half of the northwest quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3. Henry Hardin, Sr., the north half of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 7, township 16, range 4. John Johnson, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 18, township 16, range 4. Thomas Keeler, fifty acres in the south half of • the southwest quarter of section 35, township 17, range 3. Elias Leming, ninety-eight acres in the southeast quarter of section 2, township 16, range 3. Noah Leverton, the south half of the northeast quarter of section 14, township 16, range 3. Thomas A. Long, the east half of the northeast quarter of section 5, township 16, range 4. Samuel McCormick, the east half of the northwest quarter of section 15, township 16, range 3. James McCoy, the east half of the northwest quar- ter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 5, township 16, range 4. John McCoy, the south half of the southeast quarter and forty acres in the west half of the same quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3. George Medsker, the southwest quarter of section ■ 17, township 17, range 4 ; also the west half of north- east quarter, and the east half of the northwest quar- ter of the same section. James Mcllvain, Sr., the east half of the south- west quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3. Nathan McMillen, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 12, township 16, range 3. Daniel McDonald, the northeast quarter of section 13, township 16, range 3. Lyle McClung, the southeast quarter of section 8, township 16, range 4. Peter Negley, the southeast quarter of section 4, township 16, range 4. Edward Roberts, Esq., forty acres in the west half of the northwest quarter of section 10, township 16, range 3, and the west half of the southwest quarter of the same section. Jacob Roberts, the north half of the southeast quarter of section 34, township 17, range 3. Sargent Ransom, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 10, township 16, range 3. John Richardson, one hundred and three acres WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 631 west of river iu the southeast quarter of section 17, and northeast quarter of section 20, township 17, range 4. William Ramsey, the south half of the northeast quarter of section 21, township 17, rang* 4. David Ray, the northwest quarter of section 18, township 17, range 4. William D. Rooker, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 17, township 16, range 4. John Reagan, Jr., the whole of section 20, town- ship 17, range 4. Samuel Ray, the south half of the northwest quar- ter of section 28, township 17, range 3. Isaac Stipp, the west half of the southwest quarter of section 13, township 16, range 3. Peter Smith, one hundred and fifteen acres in the northwest quarter of section 6, township 16, range 4. Mary Ann Smith, sixty-eight acres in the west half of the northeast quarter of section 6, township 16, range 4. John St. Clair, the north end (forty acres) of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 7, town- ship 16, range 4, and the southwest quarter of sec- tion 8 in same township. Daniel R. Smith, the east half of the southwest quarter of section 4, township 16, range 4. Cornelius Van Scyock, the south half of the south- east quarter of section 34, township 17, range 3. John Van Blaricum, the west half of the south- west quarter of section 15, township 16, range 3. William Vincent, the east half of the southeast quarter of section 13, township 17, range 3. Isaac Whitiuger. twenty-seven acres in the north- west quarter of section 20, township 17, range 4, and one hundred and forty-seven acres in the northeast and southeast quarters of section 19, same township. Henry Whitinger, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 24, township 17, range 3, and the northwest quarter of section 19, township 17, range 4. John West, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 28, township 17, range 4. Abraham Whitinger, one hundred and nineteen acres in the northwest and northeast quarters of sec- tion 30, township 17, range 3, and eighty-one acres west of river, in the west half of the northeast quarter of section 25, same township. Francis Whitinger, one hundred and thirty-nine acres in the northeast quarter of section 15, township 16, range 4. Polly Wright, the west half of the northwest quarter of section 12, township, 16, range 3. Jacob Whitinger, the southwest quarter of section 19, township 17, range 4; the east half of the south- east quarter of section 24, township 17, range 3 ; the west half of the southeast quarter of section 23, same township, and sixty-seven acres in the west half of the southwest quarter of section 15, township 16, range 3. Francis Williamson, the west half of the north- west quarter of section 2, township 16, range 3. James Mcllvain, Sr., was bom in 1767 in Virginia, and moved from there to Kentucky, thence to Ohio, settling in each of those States. In the spring of 1821 he emigrated to Marion County, with his wife and several children, settling at Indianapolis, where he remained a short time, then moved into this town- ship, settling on the land now owned by his son, S. H. Mcllvain, and the heirs of Uriah Hildebrand. He was a farmer by occupation, and was the first asso- ciate judge of the Circuit Court in the county. For years prior to his death he was a Christian, and was one of the leading men in the township. His death occurred Aug. 13, 1833. James Mcllvain, Jr., was born near Lexington, Ky., in the year 1798, and from there went to Ohio, and thence to this county with his parents, and set- tled where the city of Indianapolis now is in the spring of 1821. Subsequently he settled where North Indianapolis now is, and lived there till his death, April 5, 1848. By occupation he was a farmer, and he was one of the most extensive stock traders ever in this county. He was a man of great intelligence, shrewd and energetic. He was a mem- ber of the Christian Church for twenty-five years before his death. He was county commissioner many years ago, serving as such two terms. S. H. Mcllvain is his only child now living. Henry Kimberlain was born in Hagerstown, Md., in 1766, and, on reaching manhood, went to Ken- 032 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tucky, where he was married to Olivira Patterson. Subsequently he came to Harrison County, Ind., where he resided a few years, and in 1821 came with his wife and ten children to this township, and en- tered land now owned by William Whitesell's heirs, half a mile north of where Allisonville now is. He lived there until 1826, when he died. He was a farmer all his life, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years prior to his death. He was a good, industrious citizen. Of the ten chil- dren, but one is living, Sarah Ann, who lives in Hamilton County, this State. The first preacher who preached in the neighborhood of Mr. Kimber- lain's was Joel Cravens, about 1824, when the circuit extended from Pendleton to Morgan County. John C. Kimberlain, a son of Henry Kimberlain, was born in Kentucky in 1797, and came to this township with his parents in the year 1821. He never married, and was a farmer all his life, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church from boyhood. He died about 1844. Jacob L. Kimberlain, son of Henry Kimberlain, was born in Kentucky about 1803. He came here with his parents in 1821 and located with them, where he lived till he was married to Nancy Butler. He lived in this county several years, then moved to Hamilton County, Ind., where he lived twelve years, and thence went in 1861 to Iowa, where he died in 1864. His wife died the same year. He was a min- ister of the Methodist Church for many years. John Kimberlain was born in Kentucky in March, 1800. He came to this township in 1821, and entered eighty acres one half-mile northeast of where Allison- ville now is. He owned it but a short time, — worked on the Wabash Canal, and was a contractor in the work. He lived in this county seven years, and died at Anderson, Ind., in 1840. Fielding Clark came to this township a single man from Bracken County, Ky., about 1822, and settled on eighty acres now owned by Joshua Spahr, which he paid for by clearing laud. About 1830 he sold the eighty acres to John Nesbit, and entered two hundred acres just north of the old home place. He lived there sixteen years and went to Missouri, where he died about 1879. He was a farmer. Thomas Brunson was born July 8, 1760, in Penn- sylvania. He came to this township in 1826 from Kentucky, and entered eighty acres, now owned by Rev. R. D. Robinson. He followed farming all his life, and lived there till his death, in 1839. He was the father of William, Robert, and Jonathan Brunson, and of four other children. William Brunson was born April 8, 1795. He married Martha Allison, and with her and four chil- dren — Madison, Hulda, Jane, and Jefferson — came to this township in the year 1825, and entered one hundred and twenty acres, now owned by Erastus Brunson and John Bear. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for twenty years prior to his death, which occurred in the year 1876. In all he had eight children, five of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood, and three of whom are now living, namely, Madison, Erastus, and Armelda. They all have families and live in this township. Robert Brunson was born Feb. 22, 1797, in Ken- tucky, and came to this township in the year 1825. He entered one hundred and sixty acres, now owned by his son Leonidas. He married Jennie Allison, whom, together with their daughter, Malinda, he brought with him. Mr. Brunson was the father of five children, three of whom are living, viz., Ma- linda, who married Anthony Williams, from Ken- tucky. She is now a widow, and and lives in Cicero. Leonidas and Caroline live on the old place. Mr. Bronson was a farmer ; a moral and industrious man. Jonathan Brunson, son of Thomas Brunson, was born in Harrison County, Ky., April 8, 1801. He was married there to Mary Ann Henry, and in Octo- ber, 1826, came from that State to this township with his wife and son, Asher. He entered one hundred and sixty acres, now owned by that son. He lived there until 1849, then went to Allisonville, where he lived until his death, Sept. 12, 1859. He followed farming all his life, and was industrious, moral, and frugal. He was a member of the Christian Church for twenty-five years prior to his death. He was the father of eight children. His widow, now seventy- seven years of age, is still living in the township on the old homestead with her son Asher. Jacob Ringer, Sr., was born in the year 1757. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 633 He came from Maryland, bringing his wife and one child with him to this township, in 1824, with a Lu- theran colony, and settled on land now owned by Perry Rhodes. His wife died there in 1842, and Mr. Ringer then lived with his children till his death. He was a Lutheran for many years. The daughter who came here with him was named Lydia. She subsequently married Hezekiah Smith, Jr., and lived in the township many years. She died at Cicero, Ind. Peter Negley was born in Pennsylvania in the year 1777. He moved to Hamilton County, Ohio, and thence, in March, 1823, emigrated to this town- ship, and settled on Fall Creek, where Millersville now is. He brought from Ohio with him his wife and nine children, — four sons and five daughters, — as follows: John, George H., David, Jacob, Elizabeth, Katie, Eva, Sarah, and Margaret. Of these children all are dead except Sarah (now Mrs. Mcintosh), who lives in Greene County, Ind. He purchased four eighty-acre tracts of land, and, in partnership with Seth Bacon, built the first mill at Millersville. He also founded the village of Millersville. He followed milling a short time, and then farming the remainder of his life. He was a Universalist in belief, and a moral, industrious, and respected citizen. He died at Millersville, Aug. 6, 1847. His wife survived him four years. Elijah Dawson was born in Virginia in 1781. His wife's maiden name was Mary Ann Hardin. He emigrated to Kentucky, lived there two years, and went to Dearborn County, Ind., from whence he came to this township in 1823, and settled on the land now owned by his son Ambrose, and where he resided till his death, in 1858. He was of Baptist persuasion, but not a member of the church. He was strictly moral and temperate in all his habits ; was an industrious and valuable citizen, and good neighbor, and he was never at law. He raised seven sons to be sober, moral, good citizens. In all there were ten children, named Squire, Matthias, Uriah, Isabel, Ambrose, Mary Ann, Charles, Amanda, An- drew, and Jackson. The first three named and Mary Ann are dead ; Amanda lives in Knoxville, Tenn., the wife of Joseph Schofield ; Andrew lives in Cowles Co., Kansas. The remainder are highly-respected citi- 41 zens of this township. There are several families of Dawsons, all descendants of this one family, now living in the township. Squire Dawson, the eldest son of Elijah and Mary Ann Dawson, was born in Lawrenceburg, Ind., in 1807. He came to this township with his parents in 1823. He was an exhorter and member of the Chris- tian Church. He raised a large family of children, of whom two are now living. He died in 1871. Jacob Coil, Sr., was born in Hamilton County, Va., about 1790. He was of German descent. He emigrated to Fayette County, Ohio, where he lived several years, and from there came to this township with his family, consisting of wife and several chil- dren, in the year 1823, and settled on eighty acres now owned by James Bridges. In 1835 he moved to near Broad Ripple, and died there in the fall of 1837. By occupation he was a farmer. He was moral and industrious, and in business a persevering man. He took an active interest in all matters per- taining to the public good. He followed the burning of lime for several years during his residence in this township, obtaining the rock for the purpose out of the bed of White River. He burned many thousands of bushels of lime every year. Most of the lime used in the building of the old State-house was burned by him. He married Barbara Colip, and was the father of eight children, four of whom he raised to maturity. Two are living, viz., Casandra, the wife of Swartz Mustard, who lives in Broad Ripple, and Sabina, the wife of Lewis H. Rickard, who resides in Norton County, Kansas. William Crist came to the township from White- water in 1824, and settled on land now owned by William Schofield, just north of Malott Park. He served through the war of 1812, and was severely wounded in the service. He with his family went to Iowa about 1842. Jonas Huffman was born in Virginia, and from there went to Kentucky, where he settled for some time. He then went to Ohio, and from there emi- grated to this township with his family about 1824, and entered one hundred acres on White River. The land is now owned by James Huffman, his son. He was a carpenter by trade, but followed farming for a nu HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. livelihood. He was a moral, upright citizen, and took especial interest in all laudable public enter- prises. He lived on the old homestead till his death, in 1861. His wife died in 1856. They were the parents of nine children, seven of whom, — four sons and three daughters, — became men and women. Thomas A. Long was born in Carlisle, Nicholas Co., Ky., about 1796. He emigrated to this town- ship about 1824 with his wife (formerly Peggy McClanahan) and two children, and entered eighty acres, now owned by Mrs. Mary A. Woollen. He is a blacksmith by trade, and is now living in Howard County, Ind., where he went about 18'1:4. For sixty years he has been a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was one of the first and leading mem- bers of the old Washington Presbyterian Church. In Howard County he served as associate judge of the Circuit Court, and afterwards as a justice of the peace for many years. He is an influential business man ; raised a large family, and they are all good citizens and wealthy. John Johnson was born and raised in Kentucky, and emigrated to Indiana, and first settled on White- water, near Brookville, where he remained till 1824, when he came to this township with his wife (Louisa Dawson) and two children (Louisa and Oliver), and settled on one hundred and sixty acres of land now known as the G. H. Voss farm, where he continued to reside till his death. He followed farming all his life, and was a moral, upright man, and a valuable citizen. He was always kind to the poor, and helped those around him as much as his circumstances would allow. He died about 1858, at the age of fifty-six years. Joseph Culbertson was born in Franklin County, Pa., in 1766, and emigrated to Kentucky, where he lived till 1829, when he came to this township with wife and family, and settled on land now owned by William Culbertson, his son, where he died in 1850. He was a member and the founder of the Washing- ton Presbyterian Church, which was built on his farm. He was an elder in that church. He took special interest in the schools and the public high- ways, and was a promoter of all worthy enterprises. In all he had eleven children, two of whom are living, William Culbertson and Esther Jane Hahn, the latter of whom resides in Maryland. John Nesbit was born in Bourbon County, Ky., in 1782, and with wife and eight children emigrated to this township in 1829. He bought eighty acres of land (now owned by Joshua Spahr), and entered eighty acres adjoining. He was a farmer, a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church about thirty yeai-s, and an elder and trustee of the Washington Presby- terian Church. His wife's maiden name was Mary McClure. She died in October, 1835. Mr. Nesbit died in August of the same year. There were three sons and five daughters. Joanna and William A. died single, Nancy T. is the widow of A. G. Ruddle, M.D., M. J. is the widow of Henry B. Evans, Margaret married Daniel R. Smith, and Eliz. E. married John P. Moore. Joseph A. Nesbit, son of John and Mary Nesbit, was born in 1821 in Kentucky. He emigrated to this township with his parents, with whom he lived until their death, in 1835. He then went to Ken- tucky and remained one year, when he returned to Allisonville, where he lived on a farm until 1841. He then attended school at Centreville, Ind., for two years, after which he taught school during the winter months and farmed during the summer till the winter of 1846. He then began the study of medicine with Dr. Charles Ray, and during the winter of 1848-49 he attended Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia. He located at Allisonville, and practiced medicine till 1856, when he took the second course of lectures in the above-named college, and in March, 1857, graduated. Since that time he has been a prominent and successful practitioner of medicine at Allisonville. On the 22d of July, 1858, he married Margaret Sterrett. Dr. Nesbit has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for nine years, and he is a member of Keystone Lodge, No. 251, of F. and A. M. In politics he is a Re publican. Thomas McClintock, who was an early settler in Marion County, and lived for several years nearly on the line of Washington and Centre townships, was a son of Joseph McClintock, who emigrated from Mary- laud to Kentucky, and settled at Hinkston Station, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 685 in a block -house built for defense against Indians. In that house Thomas was born in 1788. The fam- ily afterwards moved to Harrison County, Ky., near Cynthiana, whence, in November, 1829, he emigrated to Indianapolis, coming at the solicitation of the Rev. William R. Morehead, a Presbyterian clergyman, who had previously come to Indianapolis from Kentucky. Thomas McClintock lived in the town during the winter following his arrival, and in the spring of 1830 moved out about one mile to the Johnson farm, where he remained one year, and then removed to lands which he had purchased at Sugar Flat, where he died in September, 1837. Thomas McClintock was a life-long member of the Presbyterian Church. He had three sons and two daughters. Of the latter, Rebecca died about 1853, and Martha is now living in Green.sburg, Decatur Co., Ind. The mother died at her daughter Martha's house about 1873. Of the sons, Joseph is living in California, Thomas J. died about 1853, in Marion County. The other son, William H. McClintock, was born in the old block-house at Hiukston Station, Ky., March 13, 1813, and moved with his father's family to Harrison County, Ky., and thence to In- dianapolis. He lived with the family till his father's death, and after that event owned eighty of the one hundred and sixty acres of his father's farm at Sugar Flat. In 1873 he sold out and moved to Indian- apolis, where he remained eight years. . In 1881 he bought a house and land at Mapleton (about a half- mile from his father's homestead), and is now living there. At the age of fourteen years he joined the Presbyterian Church at Stonermouth meeting-house Bourbon County, Ky. In January, 1843, he married Sarah Ann Mattox, near Booneville, Union Co., Ind. His wife being a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, induced him to leave the Presbyterians and join the Methodists, and he is now one of the most prominent members of the church of that denomina- tion at Mapleton. He reared three sons, viz. : Thomas A. (now a class-leader in the Mapleton Church), Edmund A., also a member of the same church, and living at San Jos6, Cal., and William D., who joined his mother's church at the age of nine years, after- wards studied medicine with Dr. Harvey, of Indian- apolis, and located in practice in Kansas, where he died in December, 1880. An examination of the list of tax-payers of 1829 shows that of the Allison family, for whom Allison- ville is named, there only remains in this town- ship William, son of John Allison. There remain in this township of the children of Abraham Bowen, Peter, James, and Abraham, Jr., all honorable citi- zens and farmers. James is, in addition to farming, engaged in merchandising at the town of Nora. Of the Brunson families there remain Erastus and Madison, sons of William, and Asher and Noble, the sons of Jonathan Brunson. Leonidas, the son of Robert Brunson, is yet living in this township. Of Hiram Bacon's family there are still living here Mrs. C. A. Howland and William Bacon. George and Hiram, Jr., live in Shelby County, Ind. Mrs. B. F. Tuttle, daughter of Hiram Bacon, lives in Indianapolis. Of William Bacon's family there remains a grandson (John Strange), a very prosperous and wealthy young farmer. Of James Bunnell's family, Reuben is still living here, a prosperous and honored citizen, having served several terms as township trustee. Robert Barnhill is still living. D. Bowers has two daughters and one son living in this township. Of Jacob Coil's family there are still living in this town- ship two daughters, Mrs. Volney Dawson and Mrs. Hamilton Thompson. William Crist, so often elected constable in the early history of this township, has no descendants left. He, in addition to serving as con- stable, was or had been quite an Indian-fighter. It is said by his niece, Mrs. Gerard Blue, who is still living here, that Mr. Crist, in the early settling of this county, went with two of his neighbors to the mills on White Water, in the eastern part of the State, and on their way back they were attacked by the Indians in ambush. The two neighbors were both killed and Crist severely wounded, but holding on to his horse he was enabled to make his escape. He had during his life on the frontier received eighteen bullet-wounds from Indian guns. Of the De Ford family there remains only George W., son of William De Ford. He is an honorable farmer and good citizen. Of Elijah Dawson's family, Ambrose, Charles Jackson, and Mrs. Isabella Cul- 636 HISTOKY OP INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. bertson, the mother of Alexander Culbertson, or, as he is familiarly called, Squire Culbertson. Ambrose Dawson is one of this township's best and most hon- ored citizens, and has been a very successful farmer. A few years since he divided his property to his chil- dren, giving all of them a good farm, and in his old age and declining years has the pleasure of seeing his children all well started in life. Charles Dawson is, in addition to being the wealthiest citizen of this township, an honorable gentleman. He has a large family of children, all of whom are at home except the eldest daughter, who is married to Dr. Collins. Matthias Dawson, one of Elijah's sons, has been dead about six years. His son, W. M., is now living in, this township, and also two young sons by a second wife. Jackson Dawson, son of Elijah, is still living in this township, and is one of its best citizens, a suc- cessful farmer and honorable citizen. Of the heirs of James Ellis there remains in this township Alfred Ellis. Of John Fox there remains his son, Raney Fox, a wealthy farmer. Of the Noah Flood family there remains here Mrs. Gerard Rlue, with a family of four children, — one son, William J. Blue, and three daughters. The oldest daughter was the wife of G. W. Lancaster. She died in 1875, leaving one son, Edwin G., and one daughter, Dovie. The second daughter is the wife of L. G. Akin ; the third daughter is the wife of C. G. King. Of the heirs of John Johnson there remain Luther, Oliver, and John V. Johnson, all very successful farmers, honorable citizens, and intelligent men. Luther has a family of two sons and three daughters, all at home except the eldest daughter, Mrs. Amos Butterfield. Oliver Johnson has three sons — James, Silas H., and Frank P. — and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Lowe, wife of W. A. Lowe, an attorney-at-law. Silas H. and Frank P. are living in this township, and are intelli- gent, honest young farmers. John V. Johnson is a bachelor, a very successful farmer, and good citizen. Mrs. Ambrose Dawson (deceased), Mrs. Jackson Dawson, Mrs. W. M. Dawson, and Mrs. Hiram Haverstick are daughters of John Johnson. Of James McCoy's heirs there remains Mrs. Rich- ard Hope. Of James Mcllvain's family only S. H. Moll vain, a successful farmer, remains. Of Ed- mond Newby's family there remains Mrs. George Stipp. Of Jacob Roberts' heirs there remains only Mrs. William Scott. Of the heirs of David Ray there are in this township Mrs. Jacob Whitesel, Mrs. Jane McCoy, and another married daughter. Of the heirs of David Sharpe there remains William H. Sharpe, a wealthy farmer and successful business man. Of the heirs of John Shields there are John Shields, Jr., a successful farmer and thorough busi- ness man, and Mrs. Jane Dodd, wife of Peter Dodd. Of the heirs of Daniel R. Smith, generally known as Judge Smith, there remains John H. Smith, an in- telligent farmer and one of our honored citizens, having served two terms as township trustee and one term as county commissioner, which term expired Nov. 1, 1883. He is known as a careful, pains- taking man in all of his business transactions, both public and private. To him the writer of this brief history of Washington township feels under lasting obligations for counsel and assistance in the adminis- tration of a public oflBce. Mrs. Dr. Woollen and Mrs. W. W. Woollen are both daughters of Daniel R. Smith. Of the heirs of Cornelius Van Scyoo there only remains his granddaughter, Mrs. James Mustard, and daughter of Lorenzo Van Scyoc, who was a son of Cornelius. Isaac Whitinger's widow is still living in this township, being now the Widow Kinsley. Henry Wliitinger, son, and Mrs. Mary Newby, daughter, of Isaac Whitinger, are living in this township. Of Joel Wright's family there re mains his son, Emsley, an attorney-at-law and ex- tensive farmer, and the oldest settler in the township now living. Mrs. Jincy Osborn is also a daughter of Joel Wright. James T. Wright, an old citizen of this township, is a grandchild, as are also Mrs. Mary John- son and John Wright. Of other old settlers who have come to this town- ship since 1829 may be mentioned Dr. J. A. Nesbit, who lives at Allisonville, a successful practicing phy- sician, and also a large farmer. Jacob S. and James Mustard, who are among the old settlers, are both honored and intelligent citizens. James, the younger of the two brothers, has a national reputation as a breeder of the best strains of Poland China swine, has also served as township trustee, and is in every WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 637 particular an excellent citizen. R. R. and Thomas C. Hammond are also among the esteemed citizens and wealthy farmers of the township. Benjamin Tyner is another intelligent, successful old settler. James Parsley is an old settler here, a successful business man, and a good citizen. Among the oldest and best citizens of the township are the Hessong family, — John J., M. L., H. M., George, and Charles. Thomas and Jacob Sutton are old settlers here. Jacob Whitesel came to this township in 1835, and is one of its best citizens. He has a large family of sons and daughters, most of them yet at home. The Blue family is among the oldest of the town- ship. There are now in this township Uriah and George, sons of the late Benjamin Blue, both intelli- gent, upright farmers ; Mrs. S. H. Mcllvain is also daughter of Benjamin Blue. Mrs. Elizabeth F., widow of Peter Blue, has a large family of sons and daughters, most of whom are at home. C. A. How- land, a wealthy and honored citizen, who has repre- sented this county in the Legislature, served as county commissioner, and filled numerous places of trust in this township and county, is living here. Isaac Bomgardner is among the prosperous and thorough - going citizens. William Bradley is another of the substantial citizens. The sons of Daniel Pursel are among the best citi- zens. Samuel, 0. J., and J. 0. are all living here, prosperous and thorough farmers. James Hubbard, aged ninety-nine years, who is probably the oldest person living in Marion County, lives here. He is hale and healthy, works regularly, and converses with intelligence on any subject with which he has ever been familiar. There are no manufactories in Washington town- ship, nor any very important towns or villages. Broad Ripple and Wellington villages, on White River, in the central part of the township, are the most important. Malott Park, Millersville, and Al- lisonville are villages in the eastern and southeastern part of the township. Mapleton is on the south line, adjoining Centre township, part of the village being in Centre. Nora is a village in the northern part of the town- ship, having a railroad station on the Chicago Air- Line, a post-oflBce, two general country stores, two black smith -shops, and a population of about one hun- dred and fifty. Sutton's Corners, also located in the north part of the township, has a school-house (No. 11), one gen- eral store, a blacksmith-shop, a drain-tile factory, and a sub-post-ofiice, which receives and distributes mail- matter for and from Nora. Broad Ripple village is situated seven miles north of Indianapolis, on White River, and the Chicago and Indianapolis Air-Line Railroad. It was laid out into forty-eight lots by Jacob Coil, on April 20, 1837. It was so called from the fact that the ripple in the river at that point was the largest and widest in the country, and the place was known by that name from the time of the first settlement. The town is just south of the feeder-dam of the old Wabash and Erie Canal, which was begun in 1837, and finished in 1839, by John Burke, contractor. About two-thirds of the original town, as laid out, has been thrown back into farming land. At present the town contains only one water-mill, one railroad depot, and a few dwelling-houses, with a population of thirty- five. The first merchant of the village was Robert Earl ; the second was Zaehariah Collins ; the third was William Earl ; and the last one was Joseph Ray, who left the business in 1860. Dr. Harvey Kerr, the first physician, was there from 1851 to 1880. The present physician is Dr. R. C. Light. The first postmaster was William Earl, who took charge of it about 1850 for a time, and it went to Wellington, and afterwards returned to Broad Ripple, when William Earl again kept it for a short time. The office is now called Broad Ripple, but is kept in Wellington. About 1843, John Burk built a saw-mill on White River, just below the feeder-dam, and operated it till 1845, when Peter W. Koontz became a partner, and together they operated it till 1851, when it was abandoned and torn down. In 1845, near the same place, John Burk and Peter W. Koontz built a grist- mill, and operated it till 1847, when the former sold 638 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. to the latter, and Abraham Koontz became a partner. About 1851, Peter W. Koontz died. The mill then passed into the possession of Abraham H. Turner, who operated it until about 1853. Mr. Fairbanks then rented it, and operated it one year. In the fall of 1855 the ownership again became vested in Abra- ham Koontz. He ran it a while, and Samuel W. Hetsellgesser became partner, and together they operated it till the spring of 1862. William Craig and George A. Kirkpatrick then bought it, and oper- ated it three or four years, when the former retired, and Mr. Kirkpatrick operated it till it was washed away by the great freshet in 1875. Shortly after- wards Mr. Kirkpatrick built a new mill where it now stands (being several rods down the river from the place where the old mill stood), and operated it until 1880, when Harrison Sharp and Samuel Sheets became the owners by purchase at sheriflF's sale, and they still own it. The water supply is furnished by the feeder-dam, as it has been from the beginning. Wellington village is situated on White River, seven miles north of Indianapolis, on the opposite bank of the old Wabash and Erie Canal from Broad Ripple. It was laid out into thirty two lots by James A. Nelson and Adam R. Nelson on May 17, 1837, and so named in honor of the Duke of Wellington. A part of the original town has gone back into farm- ing lands, yet it is something of a village. It con- tains one store, a blacksmith-shop, a post-oflSce, called Broad Ripple, an Odd-Fellows' lodge, and a Union Church ; also the township graded school. The present population is one hundred and eight. The first merchant was William Switzer, and after him came the following in the order named, viz. : Reed Hardin, Gurdon C. Johnson, Swartz Mustard, Jackson Dawson, Oliver P. Johnson, Samuel Sheets (who kept there longer than all the rest, from 1866 tilll 1882), and Reuben and Hillary Morris. The last two named are in partnership, and are the present merchants. The first physician was Dr. Atler, and the follow- ing named came after him in the order named, viz. : Horatio Johnson, Edward Collins, W. B. Culbertson, and Joseph B. Bates. The last named is the present physician. The present postmaster is Hillary Morris. Broad Ripple Lodge, No. 548, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted June 2, 1877, the following named being the original members, viz. : Austin Bradley, George Parsley, James Garrity, Piatt Whitehead, John Mc- Cormick, James Mustard, John W. Stipp, N. M. Hessong, Frank McCormick, Levi Johnson. In June, 1881, the Castleton Lodge was consolidated with this. The Broad Ripple Lodge is the most prosperous one of the order in Marion County out- side of Indianapolis. It has a good two-story build- ing for lodge purposes, built in the village of Wel- lington, at a cost of about one thousand dollars. Its membership now numbers eighty-three. The present ofiScers of the lodge are Piatt Whitehead, N. G. ; Isaac N. Jackson, V. G. ; Henry Whittinger, Treas. ; Lewis Aiken, Sec. ; Trustees, Hillary Morris, James McCoy, Daniel Stanley. This lodge meets every Saturday evening in their hall at Wellington. The village of Millersville, situated north and west of Fall Creek, seven miles north-northeast of Indian- apolis, was never formally laid out. The ground was never platted, but was sold in lots of from about one- fourth of an acre to one acre. The ground upon which the town is located was owned as follows : That portion north of the road running east and west, by Peter Negley ; that portion situated east of the old Pendleton State road and south of Cross-roads, by G. G. F. Boswell ; and that portion embraced in the triangle, by Brubaker and Speaker. The existence of the town dates back to the year 1838. There are eighteen lots of land embraced in the town, and the present population is eighty-six. The first merchant was Ira Thayer, who owned the merchandise, and James K. Knight kept the store for him. The following merchants came after him, viz. : James G. Featherston, William Sheets, George Webb, Ad. Ehrisman, George Ewbanks, and Lewis Kern. The last named is the present merchant. William J. Millard, Sr., was the first postmaster, appointed about forty years ago. During the last twenty years there has been a post-office there only one year, and then (about four years ago) it was kept by Lewis Kern. James G. Featherston had the office for several years prior to 1859. Mrs. Mary F. Ringer WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 639 had it for a short time about 1864. The first physi- cian was Dr. Ducat, who remained only one year. G. M. Shaw, John W. Bolus, and others have located there since. John V. Bower is the present physician. A great deal of business was transacted in the place prior to 1860, but since that time the trade has decreased, and the village has retrograded contin- ually. The village now contains fourteen dwelling- houses, one blacksmith-shop, a Masonic Hall building, two business houses, and one (water) flouring- and grist-mill. The post-office, when kept in the village, was called Millersville, but when kept by Elijah James, two miles west, was called Hammond's, and afterwards James' Switch. The residents of the vil- lage receive their mail at present from the Malott Park post-office. The place where the village of Mil- lersville now is was called Brubaker's Mill before it gained its present name, which was nearly a half- century ago. In the year 1824, Seth Bacon and Peter Negley formed a partnership for the purpose of building and operating a saw-mill on Fall Creek, near where Millersville now is. The mill was built, and the dam they erected was nearly one-fourth of a mile east of the present mill building, and it backed the water up against Daniel Ballenger's mill, which stood just below where the present mill-dam stands. Bal- lenger's mill was a frame structure, but so badly erected that it was insecure. In consequence of the injuries sustained because of the back water, Ballen- ger sued Bacon & Negley for damages. Bacon was worth nothing, and Negley compromised the case at a sacrifice of two eighty-acre tracts of land and his mill, which stood upon one of the eighty acres, two horses, and a wagon. John Essary was Ballenger's lawyer and ran the mill from 1826 for six years, when Noah Leverton bought Ballenger out and erected a grist-mill where the present one stands, which is a few rods west of where the old saw-mill stood. Leverton cut the present race and built a dam a few feet below the present one. The charter for the present dam was granted in the year 1836 by the Circuit Court, William W. Wick presiding, the dam to be not more than four and a half feet above low- water mark in the place where it then stood, desig- nated by certain marks named. A jury was empan- eled and damages assessed for injury to the property. Ballenger, after selling out, went with his family to the Wabash and Erie Canal, and subsequently to Stillwell, Ohio, his place of birth. Mr. Leverton operated the mill about three years, and sold to Chauncey True and Samuel True. These men put two run of burrs in the mill and did a good business. The Trues owned the mill until Sept. 23, 1839, and sold to Jacob Brubaker, and went to Michigan and engaged in farming. Brubaker built a still-house adjoining the mill, and owned the property three years. On Aug. 8, 1842, he deeded the property to Christ. Haushey and went to parts unknown. Mr. Haushey was a resident of Pennsylvania, and never lived here. He owned the property one year and then died. After his death, Jacob Spahr bought the mill and operated it until 1848. About that time William Winpenny and Jacob Spahr formed a partnership, rebuilt the mill aud distillery, and op- erated them until May 10, 1855. The partnership was then dissolved, and Mr. Winpenny continued the bu.siness until his death, in 1861. He did a large custom business, operating two wheat-burrs and two corn-burrs, one of which was used to grind the corn for mash to be used in the distillery. At no time during its history was it more successfully managed than when owned by Mr. Winpenny. After his death it was owned by his heirs and operated by various parties until Oct. 21, 1872, when it was sold to Tobias Messersmith, since which time Jacob J. Ringer, William Sala, and John Carlisle have in turn purchased it, but each time the ownership reverted to Tobias Messersmith. In April, 1883, it was sold at sherifi''s sale, and purchased by N. S. Russell, of Massillon, Ohio, and is now being operated by William H. Spahr. The mill has been destroyed by fire three times, the first time when owned by Bru- baker ; again about the year 1848, when owned by Jacob Spahr ; and again in August, 1878, when owned by John Carlisle. The mill was rebuilt at once by Mr. Carlisle, supplied with all the latest im- proved machinery, and contains the only genuine buckwheat-bolt in the county. The mill-seat com- prises seventy-one acres. The building is a substan- 640 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. tial structure, and the water-power ample for four run of burrs at all seasons of the year. The prop- erty has been a source of annoyance and a continual expense to every person that has had anything to do with it. A still-house, with a capacity of eight barrels per day, was built adjoining the grist-mill on the south by Messrs. Spahr & Winpenny, about the year 1849, and the business carried on four or five years, when it was suspended, and the still removed by Mr. Winpenny. Millersville Lodge, No. 126, F. and A. M. This lodge was instituted at Millersville by dispensation granted by A. C. Downey, Grand Master, on March 3, 1852. The first meeting of the lodge was held, March 6, 1852, at the residence of William J. Mil- lard, Jr. The charter was granted by the Grand Lodge May 25, 1852, the following named being the charter members: William J. Millard, Jr., Jonah F. Lemon, Jacob Spahr, William J. Millard, Sr., Hiram Haverstick, William Bacon, Joseph A. Nesbit, John R. Anderson. The first meeting under the charter was held May 29, 1852. The lodge held its meetings for some time in the upper story of the grist-mill, in a room fitted up for i it. Subsequently they moved to the new hall, which | was dedicated Oct. 26, 1853, by A. M. Hunt, ! proxy of the M. W. Grand Master. The oration was by Thomas H. Lynch. The following persons have served as Worshipful Master the number of years noted, viz. : William J. Millard, Jr., 9 years ; Samuel Cory, 13i years; W. H. Hornaday, 1 year; Robert Johnson, 4 years ; W. W. Henderson, 2 years; John W. Negley, 1 year; B. W. Millard, 1 year. The following have served as secretary the number of years noted, viz. : William Winpenny, 1 year ; Samuel Cory, 8 years ; William J. Millard, Jr., 2 years ; James G. Featherston, 2 years ; Lewis Y. Newhouse, 6 J years; Peter L. Negley, 1 year; W. W. Henderson, 6 years ; Joseph E. Boswell, 1 year ; W. H. Hornaday, 2 years; A. Culbertson, 2 years. The following is an exhibit of the lodge since its organization : number deceased, 11 ; number expelled, 2 ; number suspended, 7 ; number demitted, 61 ; number of present members, 32. Robert Johnson is the present Worshipful Master, and W. W. Hen- derson is the secretary. Four of the charter mem- bers are now living, namely, William J. Millard, Jr., Jonah F. Lemon, Hiram Haverstick, and Joseph A. Nesbit. This lodge meets in its hall in Millersville on the Saturday evening of or before the full moon in each month. Valentine Lodge, No. 1390, Knights of Honor, was instituted at Millersville by dispensation on Feb. 18, 1879, by David M. Osborn, Deputy Grand Dic- tator. The following were the charter members, viz. : William H. Wheeler, William W. Foster, William H. Hornaday, William H. Spahr, Frederick Karer, Henry G. Gerstley, John P. Goode, George W. White, Frederick Steinmier, Henry C. Greene, John H. Wineow, Thomas Doyle, William H. Negley, A. A. Vangason, George W. Winpenny, and Jacob Vol- mer. The lodge was duly chartered by the Grand Lodge Oct. 9, 1879. The following have served as Dictators of the lodge : W. W. Foster, John P. Goode, William H. Spahr, William H. Wheeler, William H. Heath, John V. Bower, Thomas T. Lankford. The following named are the oflScers for the year 1884: John W. House, Dictator; William H. Wheeler, Treasurer; Silas Tyner, Reporter. John V. Bower is the representative to the Grand Lodge. William A. Schofield, John V. Bower, and Jacob Stiltz are the present trustees. The number of mem- bers in good standing at present is twenty-five. The lodge meets every two weeks on Saturday evenings in the Winpenny Hall in Millersville. The Millersville Free Library was made up by sub- scription, and was opened to the public June 1, 1882. It contains five hundred and fifty-five volumes of the most judiciously selected books. Many of the most popular magazines and valuable papers are regularly received. In July, 1883, a library association was formed, with Hiram B. Howland as president, W. W. Henderson secretary, and Alfred Ellis treasurer. Dr. J. V. Bower is librarian. The following are the trustees : Albert B. Fletcher, Benjamin Tyner, Wil- liam H. Wheeler, Mrs. Hettie M. Hunter, and Miss Lou HuflF. Free lectures are regularly held under the auspices of the above society, and prove to be a source of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 641 both pleasure and knowledge. Additional volumes will be added to the library from time to time. The liberal patronage given the library by the citizens in the vicinity is assurance that its advantages are duly appreciated. AUisonville is situated ten miles from Indianapolis, on the Noblesville State road, about three miles cast of north from Indianapolis. It was laid out into forty lots by John Allison on the 8th day of February, 1833, and the town was named after Mr. Allison. The population at present is about fifty. The first merchants were Leven T. McCay and George Bruce, in partnership. They kept for three years. A. G. Ruddle was the first physician, and he practiced medicine there for forty years. At one time, some forty years ago, there were two hotels there, and they did a good business. Richard Brown was the first hotel-keeper, and followed the business seven years. There is no post-office there, and has not been for a great many years. Mail-matter intended for the peo- ple of the village is sent to Castleton. Lewis Droan- berger was the merchant in AUisonville many years from about 1850. The present merchant is John D. Gerstley, who has been in the business there about thirteen years. The present physicians are Joseph A. Nesbit and Isaac N. Craig. James Armentrout carried on a tan yard just south of the village for six years, about 1832. Keystone Lodge, No. 251, F. and A. M., was in- stituted at AUisonville by dispensation Oct. 22, 1858, and the following officers elected: I. N. Craig, W. M. ; P. A. Leaver, S. W. ; Jacob W. Ray, J. W. The following were the petitioners, all of whom became charter members, viz : I. N. Craig, Sidney Cropper, A. S. Ellis, Samuel Farley, Philip A. Leaver, Joseph A. Nesbit, William Whitesell, John R. Anderson, E. S. Cropper, J. S. McCarty, John Tate, Samuel C. Vance, James Farley, Samuel B. Beals, John Har- vey, Stephen Harvey, Isaac Michener, F. Farley, T. P. Farley, Milon Harris, J. W. Ray, Jacob White- sell, George Metsker, Hiram A. Haverstick, Daniel St. John, Lewis Farley, Jacob Eller, F. M. Beck, Isaiah Williams, Charles Whitesell, B. Todd, and John Bruce. The charter was granted by the Grand Lodge May 26, 1859. The following were elected under the charter : Isaac N. Craig, W. M. ; Philip A. Leaver, S. W. ; Jacob W. Ray, J. W. For about seventeen years the lodge held its meet- ings in a small, inconvenient room in AUisonville. In the spring of 1875 the lodge built a new hall in that village, at a cost of fifteen hundred and seventy- five dollars. The first meeting held in the new hall was July 24, 1875. The building committee were Joseph A. Nesbit, Samuel Farley, Reuben Bunnel, John H. Smith, and John John.son. The first trus- tees were Joseph A. Nesbit, John H. Smith, and Isaac N. Craig. The present membership is forty-three. The fol- lowing persons have served as Worshipful Masters the number of years noted, viz. : Isaac N. Craig, 8 years ; Samuel Farley, 1 year ; Thomas N. Williams, 3 years; John H. Smith, 6 years; David D. Negley, 1 year ; John Johnson, 2 years ; Hillary Silvey, 3 years. Hillary Silvey is the present Worshipful Master, and George W. Kesselring is secretary. This lodge meets in its hall in AUisonville on the Saturday evening of or after the full moon in each month. The village of Mapleton is on the line of Washing- ton and Centre townships, the main street being on the township line, and the village being on both sides of it. It was laid out in 1871 (town plat recorded September 18th in that year). That part of the site which is on the Washington township side was owned by John Messersmith, who purchased from Thomas Ruark. The first and present merchant of the place is Theodore F. Harrison. The village now contains the Methodist Episcopal Church edifice and parsonage, a brick school-house, in which is a graded school, one store, a post-office (Theodore F. Harrison, post- master), a blacksmith-shop, and about three hundred inhabitants. Malott Park, located in the eastern part of the township, was laid out in 1872 (plat recorded May 4th in that year) by Daniel and John H. Stewart. The first merchant was George Byers, who is also the present merchant of the town. The first postmaster of Malott Park was Warren W. Bowles ; the second was Barbara Spahr, who was succeeded by George 642 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. Byers, who is the present postmaster. The town has now one store, a post-office, a black.smith-shop, the Malott Park station of the Wabash and Pacific Kail- way, one church (Methodist Episcopal), and about fifty inhabitants. Churclies of the Township. — The Washington Presbyterian Church edifice was built about the year 1838 by subscription, on the farm of Joseph Culbert- son, now the land of William Culbertson. It was a small frame building, and was used as a church about ten or twelve years. The building soon afterwards became dilapidated and was torn down. It stood about one half-mile north of where Malott Park now is. The number of members at organization was about twenty-five, among whom were the following : Hiram Bacon, Mary Alice Bacon, Joseph Culbertson, John Nesbit, Elizabeth Culbertson, Mary Nesbit, Paulina McClung, old Mrs. McClung, John Johnson, Cynthia McClung, Samuel McClung, Nancy Nesbit, Margaret Nesbit, James Brown and wife, James Gray, and Sallie Gray. John Nesbit, Joseph Culbertson, and Hiram Bacon were the first trustees. The first preacher was John Moreland, who re- mained with them four years. The next was William Sickles ; he remained with them four or five years. After which there was no regular preaching, and when services were held there it was by transient ministers. After the place was abandoned the class went to Broad Ripple and united with the Union Church. The Ebenezer Lutheran Church. In the year 1823 a small number of persons residing in Maryland conceived the idea of forming a colony and taking their departure for Indiana, hoping thereby to better their condition. They were all Lutherans, and all related, and Abraham Reck was their pastor. They organized a colony composed of the following persons and their families: Conrad Ringer, David Ringer, Jacob Ringer, Daniel Smay, Daniel Sharts, John Brown, Peter Brown, Solomon Easterday, Daniel Bower, and Jacob Ringer, Sr. Their pastor then said to them, " You are like lambs going among wolves ; I will go with and take care of you." The colonists, determined to brave the dangers and undergo the hardships incident to a new country, started in the year 1823 for their destina- tion. They came in wagons as far as the Ohio River, where they built a flat-boat, and on it came to New Harmony, Ind., where they resided one year, and then came to this county and settled in the same neighborhood, most of them in Washington, and the remainder in Lawrence township. For several years after their arrival here they held religious services at " old man" Reek's barn, and afterwards at the resi- dences of the new colonists, — Rev. A. Reck officiating. On Aug. 6, 1836, a church organization was formed under the leadership of Abraham Reck, with the fol- lowing members : George P. Brown, Jacob Ringer, Sr., Daniel S. May, Sr., Folsom Swarm, Jacob Ringer, Jr., Conrad Ringer, Daniel Sharts, Peter Brown, David Ringer, Daniel Bower, King English, John Brown, George Brown, Aaron Sour, Palser Sour, William Clow, and Solomon Easterday. The first account we have of the election of officers is that it was held on May 20, 1839, when David S. May, Sr., was elected elder, and Peter Brown, Jr., deacon, of the church. The congregation built a hewed-log church near the northeast corner of the present cemetery grounds, situate about one half-mile east of where the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railroad crosses Fall Creek, in Washington township. The congregation held ser- vices in the log church until 1853, when they built a frame church on the site of the old log house, and soon afterwards dedicated it. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Rev. D. Altman, and a debt of one hundred and seventy-five dollars was removed. From the organization, in 1836, until 1868 the following were the pastors for the number of years noted, viz. : A. Reck, 4 years ; A. A. Trimper, 3 years : Jacob Shearer, 2 years ; Abraham H. Myers, 5 years; A. P. Hill, 1 year; George A. Exline, 5 J years ; A. J. Cramer, 5 years ; Jacob Keller, 5 years. The church was without a pastor in 1852. During Rev. Cramer's charge sixty names were added to the church-roll. Under the charge of Rev. George A. Exline the church experienced four revivals and began an era of great prosperity. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 643 In the year 1868, during the pastorate of Rev. Jacob Keller, a disagreement or difficulty arose among the members, which finally resulted in a separation and the formation of two distinct churches. With some difficulty a committee of two from each faction was appointed to fix upon terms of settlement. The following were appointed, viz. : John Mowry and John Negley, in behalf of the upper, and Samuel Harper and David W. Brown in behalf of the lower, settlement. On the 26th day of February, 1868, the committee met and agreed upon the following terms of settlement : The party represented by Messrs. Harper and Brown to retain the Ebenezcr Church building, and pay the party represented by Messrs. Mowry and Negley the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, in two equal installments, thg first due in two months, and the second due on Dec. 25, 1868. Messrs. Harper and Brown were to give their notes for said amounts. The article of agreement signed and sealed by all the members of the com- mittee on the 26th of February, 1868, and attested by John C. Hoss, their secretary, concludes as follows : " And the party represented by Samuel Harper and David W. Brown do hereby surrender to the party represented by John Mowry and John Negley all their interest in the privilege of Ebenezer Church. The committee also agree that the ground on which the church now stands and adjoining graveyard shall be held and controlled jointly by the two parties." This action of the committee was duly ratified by the members of the congregation, and a separation ensued. Those that remained and worshiped in the old church were ofiered letters, but a slight misunder- standing occurred and they refused the proffer. The Lower Ebenezer Lutheran Church was organ- ized with sixty members in 1868, after the division in the Ebenezer Church. The congregation con- tinued to worship in the old frame building until 1872, when the present two-story brick edifice was completed, when they occupied it and sold the old building to George W. House, who subsequently sold it to the Northwood Methodist Episcopal Church. The Ebenezer Church recently acquired it again and made it a parsonage. It stands about forty rods west of the church building. The following pastors have been with the congre- gation since 1868, the number of years noted, viz. : Obadiah Brown, 7 years ; David Hamma, IJ years; Henry Keller, 4 years. The last named is the present pastor. The present membership is seventy-five. The new brick church was dedicated to the service of God during the pastoral charge of Rev. Obadiah Brown ; the Rev. Richards preached the dedicatory sermon. The first elders after the separation were Samuel Harper and John A. Sargent ; and the first deacons were Luther Johnson and Robert C. Heizer. The present elders are Luther Johnson and Luther Easterday, and the present deacons are Samuel Harper, Silas Johnson, and Franklin Bower. Sab- bath-school is held in the church every Sunday in the year. The present superintendent is John P. Goode. The average attendance the year round is about fifty-five. This church is situated in a wealthy neighborhood. Its members are zealous in the cause of religion, and consequently take an interest in all church matters, hence the church organization is exceedingly pros- perous. The Pleasant View Lutheran Church was organ- ized on the 26th of February, 1844, with seven members, viz.; Jacob Schearer (pastor), Peter Hes- song, George Bomgardner, David Hessong, Barbara Bomgardner, Catharine Hessong, and Rebecca Hes- song. Their meetings for worship were held at the house of Peter Hessong. In 1854 a meeting-house was erected at Old Augusta, which was removed to Pleasant View and there rebuilt in 1863. The first pastor of the church was Jacob Schearer, who was succeeded (in the order named) by A. H. Myers, J. Giger, George A. Exline, A. J. Cramer, W. G. Trester, Jacob Keller, John Boon, William H. Keeler, and the Rev. 0. Brown, who is the present pastor. The church has now forty members, and a Sabbath-school attended by fifty scholars, under the superintendence of J. J. Hessong. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Allisonville dates back to abojit the year 1827, when services were held by a preacher named Ray at the house of Mrs. Kimberlin, where and at other dwellings in the 644 HISTORY OF INDIANAPOLIS AND MARION COUNTY. vicinity preaching continued to be held occasionally until the building of a school-house (in 1836), which then became the preaching-place. After Mr. Ray preaching was held by a Mr. Miller, during whose time a small class was organized. After Miller came the preachers Berry and Smith, and after them a local preacher from North Carolina, named James T. Wright, who was somewhat instrumental in causing their first church building to be erected. He cut the logs for the building, and hauled them himself to a spot about half a mile east of Allisonville, where he proposed to have the church built, but the people of Allisonville, unknown to him, hauled them to the village and raised the house on the ground where the present church stands. At about the time the church was built they bad a preacher named Donaldson. Afterwards came Burt, and after him Posey, who was the preacher in 1850, when the log church was destroyed by fire, and the present frame church was erected in its place. Among the preach- ers who followed Posey were Harden, Barnhart, Grenman, Carter, Harden, McCarty, Speelman, Ha- vens, White, Langdon, Jones, Thornton, Stalard, Jameson, Harris, Grubbs, and Ruggles. The Millersville Methodist Episcopal Church. For twelve years prior to the year 1846 religious services were held by the Methodists in the neighbor- hood of Millersville, at the residences of Robert Johnson, Sr., George H. Negley, David Huff, Hillary Silvey, Gideon True, Samuel True, and in Peter Neg- ley's barn and cooper-shop, and other places. The class held services in an old log school-house that stood on the southeast corner of Daniel R. Smith's land, about a quarter of a mile west of Millersville, for two years (about the years 1846 to 1848). In the year 1848 the class fitted up an old log cabin, situate a few rods north of the cross-roads in Millersville, where they continued to worship for four years, hav- ing regular preaching every four weeks. It was there that a church organization was formed. The number of members at organization was about thirty-three. The following were among the number, viz. : David Huff and wife, Elizabeth Huff, William J. Millard, Sr., and wife, Mary Hunter, Richard Shelly, Debba Shelly, Annual Sweeny and wife, Hillary Silvey and wife, Robert Johnson, Sr., and wife, George H. Neg- ley and wife, Mrs. C. G. Wadsworth, Mary Meldrum, George Day and wife, Isaac Record, Hannah Record, Andrew McDaniel and father, John Essary and wife, Mrs. House, Debba Bacon, and Anna James. In 1853 the congregation bought the lower story of the Masonic lodge building, and occupied it from that time until 1877. By order of the Quarterly Conference the church property was sold in 1877, and was purchased by the Masonic lodge, and the church class was consolidated with Malott Park Church. This caused much dis- satisfaction, and many of the forty members belong- ing at the time refused to take their membership to Malott Park. Some of them went to Castleton, a few to Allisonville, and others to Broad Ripple, while many have not held membership in any organized class since. The following are the most prominent ministers that preached at the private houses prior to the purchase of the church, viz. : John V. R. Miller, Meliades Miller, George Havens, Henry A. Cotting- ham, and McCarty. The following ministers preached in the old log cabin, viz., James Scott and Frank Hardin. The latter was the first regular min- ister who preached in the new church, and it was during his pastoral charge that the house was dedi- cated to the service of God. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Thomas H. Lyuch, on Oct. 26, 1853. The first trustees of the church property were Hillary L. Silvey, David Huff, and Richard Shelly. The last trustees were Alexander Culbertson, Robert Roe, and William H. Hornaday. There has been no church organization at Millersville since 1877 ; how- ever, through the kindness of the Masonic lodge, the building formerly used as the church is at the disposal of the citizens to be used for Sabbath-school and any kind of religious meetings free of charge. A union Sabbath-school is carried on during the summer months only. The attendance during the past summer averaged about sixty, and John Roberts was the superintendent. The Rev. Mr. Cobb, an Episcopalian missionary, preaches every Sabbath evening. The Mapleton Methodist Episcopal Church dates back to the year 1843, at which time a cjass was WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. 646 organized at the house of Delanson Slawson, who had come here from Switzerland County. The class then organized consisted of six or seven members, all fe- males, among whom were Sarah A. McCIintock, Delia Hildebrand, Hannah Blue, Mrs. Rachel Ruark, and some of the Slawson family. Their first meetings were held at Slawson's, subsequently at the residences of other members, and in the old log school-house of the neighborhood. Their first preachers were John L. Smith and Luoien Berry, after whom were Frank Hardin and H. J. Meek, — then a local, but afterwards a regular preacher on the circuit. In the summer of 1855, Rev. H. J. Meek, assisted by George Havens, a local preacher, held a protracted meeting in the woods at Sugar Grove, which resulted in the formation of the Sugar Grove Methodist Epis- copal Church by the Rev. Mr. Meek ; the following being the original members, viz. : James and Mary Ruark, William H. and Sarah A. McCIintock, Pame- lia Johnson, Hannah Blue, Martha F. Hammond, Joseph Ruark, Thomas Ruark, Rachel Ruark, Peter Ruark, Winnie Ruark, Henry and Rachel Wright, John A. and Rebecca Smay, Elias Blue, Joshua and Sarah Huston, L. D. Beeler, B. F. Slate, Pamelia A. Slate, Isaac and Susan Wheatley, Mary Willis, Mary Ann McWhorter, Deliah Hildebrand, David Howver, Wilhelmina Beeler, Lavina Walters, Margaret Armen- trout, Thomas Wright, and Susan Wright. On the 23d of August in the same year the society met, and elected John Armstrong, Thomas H. Johns, James M. Ruark, John F. Hill, and S. M. Brister, trustees; and Thomas Ruark, Gerard Blue, Henry Wright, William McCIintock, and William Roe were appointed a building committee to supervise the erec- tion of a church edifice. Thomas Ruark donated half an acre of ground in Sugar Grove on which to build the church, and one acre was also given by Noah Wright for church purposes. The present parsonage stands on it. A frame building was immediately erected, at a cost of about eight hundred dollars, and is still standing and in use, having been repaired and refitted during the past year, at a cost of about eight hundred dollars. The Rev. H. J. Meek continued to minister to the church for about three years after the organization, after which they were served by the preachers of the circuit. The present minister is the Rev. S. F. Tin- cher. The name of the church has been changed from Sugar Grove to Mapleton Church, which has at the present time about fifty members. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Malott Park was organized in 1876, with sixteen members, viz. : David Huff, Hannah Huff, — Huff, E. Bowles, Albert Culbertson, Margaret J. Culbertson, Charles A. Culbertson, W. H. Horaaday, Kate Hornaday, Thomas J. Wright, Susan Wright, Clara Wright, W. D. C. Wright, Robert Roe, E. Roe, and Martha E. Roe. Their church building was erected in 1875, and is the same that is now in use by the congrega- tion. The preachers who have served this church are, and have been, Amos Hanway, Thomas Wyell, J. D. Widman, Early, B. F. Morgan, J. S. Alley, and S. F. Tincher, the present minister in charge. The church has now about thirty members, and con- nected with it is a Sabbath-.school (not taught in winter), with about seventy scholars. The superin- tendents have been A. Culbertson, W. D. C. Wri•? \ I 1 fi0i ^MSSdih J^ '%.