UC-NRLF % (! KMAJL, ^ ^^-.v ^ LIBHi^R'; OF G0NGR3SS Divir.ior: c? bibliography LIST OF RECENT REFERENCES ON, RAILROADS IN WAR ^L^Jt '^r ( u > . " C /.' BI|(LI0GRAPHY Bureau of Railway Economics, V/ashington , D.C Library references on railroads in war, October 10, 1914. libraries, Nov. 1914-/v.5: 134-143. Chief Bibliographer 1.. ry\.(\ M cA List of*" "■ Special 2671.S71,v,5 -Extended to Aug. 2, 1915, in mimeograph form, 34 p.Z6724'R2B9 The International military digest annual; a review of the current literature of military science for 1915-16. New York city, Cumulative digest corporation, 1916-17, 2 v. Ul.IS / "Railroads": v.l, p. 319-321; v. 2, p, 511-516. "Supply and transportation": v.l , p. 351-^353 ; v. 2, p, 562-563. International military digest. Monthly review of the current literature of military science, June, 1915-date. New York [The Ciimulative digest corporation, 1915-date] U1.I4 See each issue under Railroads. Pratt, Edwin A. The rise of rail-power in war and conquest, 1833-1914, TvlS-jo^ with a bibliography. London, P.S.King & son, 1915, 405 p. >ig Bibliography: p. 376-397. UC3io,P7 U.S. Genera l staff » War college division . Monthly list of military information carded from books, periodicals and other sources.,. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Press of the Army service schools [l915-date] ^ee each issue under Railroads in war* Z6723,U4 GENERAL American railway association. Special committee on national defense . Circuiar»^ no. 1-5, 1917. [Washington, 1917] ^"nos. w, . » , ^^f. . z* -H-j xNo.l. How the railroads will be operated during the war. 8 p, Ko<2, How much railroad equipment is deeded to move an army? 4 p. Noi3. Railroads, in interest of the i>ation, to give preferred movement to shipments of iron and steel. 4 p. The railroads' supreme patriotic duty to the nation. 7 p. Railroads' War Board takes steps to conserve fuel supply .4 p, 5 1917 .. . 438 1^0 No. 4. No . 5 , fir'''^j^^**^f J » <■ ' ) •■';- :.' '..-: v'l ) '' ' ; 38EH0K00 YHqAHDC :...,: FJ' •f^jcrrT-f'-cT :nj , X't-J V Ql! . ■ V di-a,t9<£^ to \, -:• " ' xt^^xX'M • lit atyj-Bto ^ ,; ;,; * . ' . • - . '. , i I, . ^. . . ,. . avxd-Biimu/D erf?} ?IioY wdV! atflfc-fliex ;eat;t\ jsionsiSfe yi^cMiXxJii io '' .'q 50•^ *dXSX ,no3 .* .^i:i)?.2.^1 .aoBfJoJ .'vr>iqi5'i^,> iXJio i-. -•. :-i'i JA> . £»ert9tei? Xjsn-^Ni-J^^n W rV^cFtjffii'-i'ib;^^ .'jStt^p-sgS ''.rroi'^. v:Bt?/X>|3i nas>x.t .-. 'A ■ -''^^ ':§tii*iijbr ■aBS:At'6.cj.o^ adrXXxW' efcisc'ilj'js'i- ?rf-+ -'••-' ■ ' "'-■■■' q *• om oi- hsbs^ ax- tnSffiaiup^ Kiso'sX'i.S't rfnuj; -2- 7 Bellinger, John B, Utf of electric rpilways in the military service. [Schenectady, N.Y. , The Maqua co.] 19i6. 9 p. UC313.B4 Also in Electric railway journal, July 1, 1916, v. 48; 18-20. TF701.S65,v.48 / 8 Bond, Paul S. The engineer in war, with special reference to the train- ing of the engineer to meet the niiitary obligations of citizenship. New York, McGraw-Kill book company, 1916. 187 p. UG145»B4 See index under Railruads* "* 9 Bonner, Francis A. The Northern railwajr of France in war time, ( in Railway library, 1915. Chicago, 1916, p. 71-74,) HE2751.R2 ,1915.' Translated from Journal des transports. \/ • i , i 'i o •) «-^ **-/*^ 10 ^' Bend, Paul S, , and M. J. McDonough, Technique of modern tactics; a study of troop leading methods in the operations of detachments of all arms, 3d ed.,rev. Menasha, Wi^,, George Banta pQblishing co.,1916. See section on Supply. *40 p. U165.B7 1916 y^-^^' (ll) Brent, Joseph L. Mobiliz /fortifications and their controlling influence in war, 2d ed. Baltimore, Williams ^ "How to pay for the war." HJ1023.F3'^ France, Laws , statutes , etc ., 1913 - [ Poincare ) Guerre de 1914; docu- ment is of fie ielsTTextes Ijt^gislatifs et reglementaires, . . Paris, Dalloz [1914-1915] 4 v, *-■ • D505,F6 1914 See Index of each vol. under Chemins de fer. .•'■;f^-ii..v-,-3aa\'iOTTr .,.^ ,-• . •.v. . •■'■ *' ^Miei^'ioU ".q rax v4!!KJr)'')tbod XXiH-w^aiO:*^ ,, 3JioY woVI ^, . - ■■ . ' ' ^■'- ; ':/^ •*•, .• ..^ .•.'■.•^•••- ^. ^■ , sttoqefiBij" csb Xjsniwol moTl jj^i-jsXaijfi^'ir • ' ,. : 'ti.:.'." .'''■■'"■-'■ ■■ ' \ ■ ^--'.r' .*^^ j- ':. r-.. •4: 8^X ♦iJXeX jX^isqxaoo 8nx?jXNfcW\i8^ amaiXXi^ , ©^ioraxlXj&S .bs bS ,*i6W rri :*'!eftxX xfiVT'xsi beit iifiol arii vitao io )ioAj'3'S yttdite ne naa woH'' a%. T^DIkSu • . .dSX-0OX,q-- •' ' ■ ' .dX9X' V5»'iqA joIbIIuS \o eeoabstBqotg no 00/ tiimflioo sa5i:*x0 ,a .i^/ lAXex vq.«J.;/ ' .'■•'; i:!-t n-'- ■■ • • ' . * .■■■''■ "'"■-'^SH/xevkaK .. . .r '- ■ ' \*.*ox-c?o£.q '.axoi .o^soirfo .ax€x Te.v,*H. '^'~' •^^-•^^ :^c' ii' .axe; ,XX.oo^.,W3i;VLSi; jC^iiJS^ ' /' • s'^i'.rxoea/! ■ , *q. ^s- •iaiB>A,4<^B'?.e.; .w.> ,_.,..,.,/:' ''^' ' ■ . ^fX^I < nd e * sniXiisa" , nobno^ . griiXXii^ isfenisxoIA vAXf?I , • 'iaiXiBa ,rs6Bfi ' tex-^XeX ''. * .R^asmsXqqi)?. ™-« .;:ra'roi bed-sbiXoBhoo ai bebu^iqW ,dXei , ■ ; . i-.itiiXjJSOi -uXi/^ai srij- 79f3ft0 • 9b.8fn ei8fc-ib ■ i>hj8 , enoii-jBX^ei ^o q16b& , aoj^ea .ri^iv/ .^=1': :- ^:i;ifiJwXA'Y«^ »fc?2 'i^e bS ,t • ^ .q SOI .■ • efejBoiXJ^M tdbhijXQbcii ?©& ^ •ve[5X-ex^x3. afTce a' sHnM .0 , Bi^iqXsbAlirfq .^^rjjjw j-seiO eriT 'IS iO.ISaa .im til 16' eorra-i-Wqind .exfiWXxdH'i&fcrtu- S.v- xfebcfx set. f. .. YSV/l'i;;^H ftl) .neni>j8.ciXx.si lart ycf beViss- e.v latXjaV; , .^i-jsiH sriT ,-10 y^BH grij- tol' .Y«q eYiBV/XMi edi)' eifcm o;f' woH .^o^ .aacti.mcH 2S .q 8^6 .-axex .Kflce A ssboT^-^'- ,«ob«da' .-bsyXoanigXcfoiq i-soqa«£TJ '-•-^3^' jis-PB ,-q -Sew erii bffjs >T «riT** *xcx sH.|5ta3^r ^ -:^^s:^ '"^^ ^- • 9Bne't8fi X;jnoi^Bfl lo m^i^x^ b to j-isq jb ea aYJ3v;i; .iisXXXlW ,.jfi-'js 8S ^1' i 'uh. !■:■'. ' I^S SC;v ,rji€'X j'Ci aifji.'u ,w©ivei x-^v/X. -4- Pratt, Edwin A. The rise of rail-?ow3r in war and conquest, 1833-1914. London, P.S.King & son, 1915. 405 p. mSltr.T7 30 Prussian state railway management, (in Railway library, 1914. Chicago, 1915. p. 236-241.) HE2751.R2 ,1914 From the Springfield republican. 3]) -^Railway news. Record of railway interests in the war. [British]. London, Railway news, 1915. 2 v. The Railway year book for 1916. London, The Railway publishing company, 1916. 332 p. Issues were also published for 1914 and 1915. See especially "British railways and the war": p. 21-22; "Ambulance trains for war service": p. 23. HE3014.R15 1916 Rixens, Louis, and Louis Marchant. Requisitions railitaires. Paris, L. Fournier, 1916. 423 p. UC15.R5 "Des requisitions relatives aux chemins de fer": p. 197-203. 34 Rose, V/illiam H, Railway transportation required for a pioneer battalion, U.S .Army. (in Professional memoirs. Corps of engineers, U.S. Army, and •'Engineer department-at-large . Washington, 1911. V.3, p. 613-617.) TAl.P85,v.3 Rucklin, Rene. Les requisitions militaires. Paris, Rousseau 5; cie, 1915. 264 p. UC15.R7 "Chemins de fer": p. 150-158. 36 Smith, H.G. The railways in time of war. (in Railway library, 1914. Chicago, 1915. p, 221-227.) Reprinted frdm the Railway news. HB2751.R2 1914 Snyder, George D. The railroads and national defense, (in "^New York railroad club. Proceedings, Nov. 19, 1915, p. 4108-4130) Swiss railways in war time, (in Railway library, 1915. Chicago, 1916. p. 84-87.) ^ Correspondence of the Railway gazette, London. HE2751.R2 1915 39 Thery, M. Edward. The Railways of Russia. (in Railway library, 1914. Chicago, 1915. p. 244-2 51.) HE2751.R2 1914 From Railway age gazette, July 31, 1914. 4r0 U,S, Congres s. Senate. Proposed railroad legislation. Debate in the Senate Feb. 10, 1917, on the bill (S.820l) providing for an amendment of the mediation and conciliation act authorizing the President .. .to take possession of the common carriers. . .in time of war. Congressional record, 64th Cong., 2d sess.,v.54, no. 54 (current file): 3360-3361. . q 30 .;■- -r- . -' ■- - '-^■' . "- , "^ . ■'- '-no J • nBoxIcfi/qst blsi^gniii-jP 9fii n'^i*? .V S: .eit'I , ews« xbwIIbH ,nol5noJ .-ciQi bn.<. I'..':, t 10 1: be:;'^.: idi.-u o'j.lt- y^t.w sayeal ;^" "t9w Bdd- fcfie 3yBWlj-.£7 rfgi.t.c'iH" A^XIjBxoeq'io aef. .?.J,o : ''^Dxviec •;>'i aaxBTt sonBli/c:;. ' ■iLBiJ-iXim sftoltiaijjpe •ijKoti??/! sxtjoJ bnB ^axuoj ,6ne.\ . S£ tsenoxq *! lol Jbeix^jpe-r noxtj^d"^ -.:f ,.Ajv;Ixjti;i .h uiB:.ilS , saoH ^t ,8i?';.'^.t^rr'> >r ^.■r^.oC: ,5-{xofn9n Xjsrjoj.aes'ic , ; ^) -ynnA. S.U ,noxIsd-crj3c:" .'rxflejsl^f . 6;s/:x>X-c^J5-t^I9^flt^£qot issniaxT^ btiB ,\cfmA.8.U .-;• ...li' ' ' . .' "'■•^-^"". J ,e.v ,9X3 * yjssaeuoK (EJtTaT .eeTxsi'iXinT BCtoxi-xaiapei eeJ •ensH ,niXMr)0R 5£, ~^^ '^•■■•^' .q #>as .eiex ' ^ '■ '•^■■nH' fu) . .A . :r:i;7 fix .:. x,'-' - --•— ■ -"^. •^'■- --v*.,... (.VSS-ISS.q .exex .osBDxdO il'i'I l*;..id Vi.Clh" .8wen ^J^wXi^H 9ri^ mftiT: fce^nxTqsH .92^eleb iBtioli-sm bnjs abBoiXxf;' -i-sbM^S VS ,c^i^-.o lex , ^^^^'xd■i:X '{jswXxiiH r|l) .sirrxj- evBwXxBn aexwg 8t (.V8-^8.q MPX SH.'xaTSaH ' "(.jeS-I^^S,q .eX^X ,o-gBoidO .ffoitBXax-qi^I bi»cfXx£"i i/'. . oJ-. enaS ♦e esT.g noD .t' ..a. 8) £116 ftiu xio ,vTex .ox-isi """ ■ -^0 noxi-jsxXlonoD bit/s nol^Bib&tn ''5,Vj ♦ eas3 fcS, '^ ' ' ' •/noui <^j-., .:. .-:.. .,-.. - _ cxaeeijrtoD ©aixo .XofcC- '■•' faQ'nu--: / V i -5- '-1 U.S. L aws , statutes , etc . cor-pxio.-bxon. of lav/s (revised statutes and statutes at large) relatirg to the Quartermaster corps. Washington, Govt, print, off. .1914. 199 p. /^C ^l •• Ai.\^it 'X C ^ | j ^V, /^ ^^In time of v/ar or threatened war preference and precedence shall, upon dsmand ol the President of the United States, be given, over al-i olhev" traffic, to the transportation of troops and mater- ials of war, and carriers shall adopt every means within their control to facilitate and expedite the military traffic ."-Act of June 29, 1906 (34 ^tat.,587) p..l34. UC31,5.A3 1914 42 War dept . Transportation of troops to Mexican border. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting. < .information regarding %he transportation of troops to the Mexican border. July 29, 1916.. [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916] 16 p. (64th Cong. ,1st sess. House, doc. 1311) UC313.A5 1916 43 Van Antwerp, W.C.. The war and Wall street, and, incidentally the railways (In Railway library, 1914. Chicago, 1915. p. 262-280) HE2751.R2 1914 An address before the City Club of Roc^iest^r, N.y.,Nov.l4, 1914, ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 44 1914 A further object lesson in German plans. Fortnigl^tly review, Feb. 1914, V.95: 306-314. ' AP4.F7,v.95 Living age, iept.19, 1914, v. 282; 707-713. AP2 .L65,v.282 "The extension of German railways, possibly with a view to their use in the next great European war." (45) Archer, H.G. Railways in war. -^Westminster gazette, Oct. 21, 1914, 46j Claudy, C.H. Railways on the firing line* How troop trains made victories of war possible by rushing vast armies to the front. Roads have great strategic value. Railroad man's maga- zine, Nov. 1914, v. 25: 583-589. AP2.218,v.25 (4]y 1915 War and the railway. *Great eastern railway magazine, 1915 and 1916, v.5-6. Series of articles, 48 The Prussian state railways and the war. Engineering (London) • Jan. 22, 1915, v. 99: 116. TAl..B55,v.99 ^ 49 The German railways and the War. Engineering (London), Feb. 19, 1915, V.99: 225-226. TAl.E55,v.99 V 50 The war and railway nationalization. Railway age gazette, Feb. 12, 1915, V. 58: 256. TFl.R2,v.58 "Military control argument against government ownership," y y 51 The railways and the war traffic. Engineering (London) Mar«19, 1915, V. 99; 327-328. TAl.E55,v.99 -,•>.- MeX:ETA,avXe0U.' ■ ' -I^Xl-.q (mi;.;-:l-B3-<^.|^l:'):dOt?X ,es ©nul iQi'f&d .tabip^- ciBjiJ : ^ , agooi; .'■ioqan.>- ret ;i.eW - ■.110 'I.':. .(■XX€X . . ' ■■■BiJo'H- U fWet'^t YXt^aXni- iLE^q osctnev fix aotiiyl jo&t<^ci 1Qri:^'aJJ1 A t^I^X i^^ r" rP r ■.i:39';h3-£ii • ' • ■ '■■*■*. , •), :. .1 »3«X5^3j8(n YJBWlhfli ftio*: :j3wli:6a arit bnn -ssW ("I? •€e.. v;r^aLlAt '*■■"'■ "^•- ■' ".dli'-re^ \T« ,dX^X- ..S-^.rrPl- ^/■--. i. w J ■(-■:; • •*■• .' • ^-^ '♦-;,"•■ ■■•A ^ •,'?., , ,, •« • ; ^ .eL.-i^M (Bo,^no4\.5fli:io6nXs«3 .oilljatt ^fiw Bd& boA ayBwXi^- xa -6- 5'^< 1915 The Swiss railways and the war. Engineering (London) Apr. 16, 1915, V.99: 4?5. TAl.E55,v.99 53 The French railv/ays in wa;.' time. Engineering (London), Apr. 16, 1915, V. 99; 439-440. TAl.E55,v.99 54 Prussian Jtabe railv/ays and r.'no war > Enf;in9crirg (London) Apr. 16, 1915, V, 99: 44-3. " TAl.E55,v.99 55 Jennings, H.J. Home railways during the war. Nineteenth century and after, Apr ,1915, v, 77: 920-933. AP4,N7,v.77 561 Smith, H.G. The value of railways in time of war. Flailway news, May 15, 1915, v,103: 793-794. TF1.R65 ,v.l03 V 57 Railway preparedness for war. A survey and study suggested. Railway ^°-^* July 10, 1915, v. 57: 48-49. TFl.R4,v.57 (^58\ Exhibition of ambulance train vehicles at Euston station: London "" and northwestern railway. Railway news, July 24, 1915, v. 104: 191-195. TFl.R65,v.l04 59,' Three big railways j oining Warsaw to Russia, objective of Teuton drive. New York Sun, Aug. 3, 1915, p. 2, col. 3-4. '^ 60 Hiatt , Walter S. Turning French freight cars into hospitals. Railway age gazette, Aug. 20, 1915, v. 59: 329-330. TFl. R2 , v. 59 h6T) Exhibition of ambulance train at Paddington: Great western rail- '^—^ way. Railway news, Aug. 28, 1915, v. 104: 361-362. TFl .R65 ,v.l04 J 62 Hanna, Matthew E. The first year of the war. Review of operations in all theatres of war. Scientific American, Aug. 17^, 1915, v. 113: 110-111, 125-127. Tli^5,v.ll3 Hov; strategic railways saved Germany: p. 126-127; The strategical railway. Prieska to Kalfontein, -^South African --r-7 railways and harbours magazine, Aug. 1915, v. 9: 704-708. The South African railways and the war. Engineering (London) Sept. 3, 1915, v.lOO: 248. TA1.E55 ,v.l00 The Changchun-kirin railway and its strategic meaning. Far Eastern review, Sept. 1915, v, 12: 158-159. HC411.F2 ,v.l2 Capture of Vilna. Independent, Sept. 27, 1915, v. 83: 416. Part played by the railroads. AP2.I53,v.83 67) McCormick, Robert R. War map now being used by German invaders in Russia. Problem of the Teuton strategists vastly different from Napoleon's owning to net work of railways* New York Sun, Sept. 19, 1915, p. 4, col. 4. «^--- •■ .:bncd) y^i . ., ■ . ■ d'l ■ ■ c • <- -ij ; C2 .".'"■■'■' - • ' - '''. * \ ■'■■.• nc*i;i9T ^0 av^-top .c r r \, ■••',•■■__ , • ■; -1 ■. " ' "■ ' ,■•-.... . » ■ ■ • » ■ lebflVftf rfBitPs? .-tr ^nxvS i" *'■'*'■..■ • > -.■•■,. ^ . „ ■ "■ '■".'SdV-XdT • :e .V .Sl^l.toQ , eifi^- ■ - ~-3 XAT ;,]_ VniJsM arit \ta 9X±;fBd ofe ,bri4"ifci30^Xi-i5T^i^^^ ' .3.W -.ritsxH 5V '€.v;eM.xoea ;ee' •£•.»■•, axe. r> ,;^oo . $e* vf " -a- 6i 1915 Peschaud, llarcel. Les chemins de fer fran^ais de la guerre. Revue politique at parlementaire , Oct. 10, 1915, v. 85: 28-49. H.3.R4,v.85 84 Wile, Frederic W. German state railroad lines. Scientific American supplement, Oct. 2, 1915, v. 80: 218-219. Tl.S52,v.80 85 Bell, Louis. Preparedness in transportation. Electric railv/ay journal, Nov. 27, 1915, v, 46: 1086. TF701.S65 ,v.46 Paris inter-urban traffic and the war. Engineering (London) Nov. 5, 1915, V. 100: 474-475. TA1.E55 ,v.l00 Coombs, V/illiam J. Railroads and war. The first step of prepara- tion should be . .. : to make them efficient. New York Times, Nov. 22, 1915, p. 14, col. 8. ■%6 Snyder, George D- The country's railroads and national defense .Railway age gazette, Nov. 26, 1915, v. 59: 1017-1018. ^ TFl R2,v.59 Abstract: Railway review, Nov27, 1915, v. 57.: 685-686.' TFl,R4,v.57 ^^ Ambulance trains for service on the Continent. Railway news, /^^ Nov. 6, 1915, V.104: 696-697. TF1.R65 ,v,104 90 Peschaud, Marcel. Les chemins de fer de la Grande -Br etagne et la guerre. Revue politique et parlementaire, Nov, 10, 1915, v.85: 173-191. H3.R4,v.85 91 Bancroft, ^illiam A. Electric lines along shore useful in moving troops and supplies. Electric railway journal, Dec. 4, 1915, V.46: 1125. TF701. S65, v.46 92 Our railways and the v/ar. [Gt. Brit.] Engineering (Lond/sn), Dec, 17, 1915, v. 100: 618-619. TAl E55,v.lOO 93 French railway traffic and the war. Engineering (London), Dec. 24, 1915, v. 100: 646-647. TA1.E55 ,v.l00 94 Markham, Charles H. Requirements of our railways in a system of national defense. Railway age gazette, Dec. 31, 1915, v. 59: 1229-1231. TFl. R2, v. 59 '95^ Peschaud, Marcel. From the standpoint of an ally, ^Railway gazette, Dec. 17, 1915, v. 23: 606, Use of British railways in the present war. Rail influence in warfare. Railway news, Dec, 4, 1915, v,104; 836-837. TFl .R6 5, v.104 Railways and the war. Times history and encyclopaedia of the war, Dec. 21, 1915, v. 6, pt.70: 161-200. D522 .T5,v.6,pt.7f Contents: See next page. 38.V • ^'' ■'■' . •^-: /-• ,■•■■ . ,..; ' y ■ ■'■'••' oox.v.aav^.XA • .■e.ti^r^^^ ,:oox,..v ., axer, .:33inxT '?ino'^ wolf' ;^ffI0iDi:^y0 irieri^}:- o^jB«s. crt ..-T. . -ao biuo^: •, ^,oaQ' t IjBrfiWi. YJSwXijai •bxrti'so'r-: .t,ad- i.a.iixi u yioi-sxfi astaxT . ibw ari;t fcfiD eyawXxBH -9- Contents: Importance of railways in war - The South African war. - German strategic lines. - The invasion of Belgium. •• The French railway system. - Russian and Italian systems. - The Balkans. - British railway executive committee. - The ex- peditionary force sent to France. - The railv/ay transport officer. - Ambulance trains. ^ 98 1915 Williams, Talcott. Can Germany go to India? American review of reviews, Jan. 1916, v. 53: 67-70. AP2.R4,v.53 The Baghdad railv;ay and its military importance. ' 99 Raffalovich, Arthur. Les chemios de fer en Allemagne. ^conomiste franpais, Jan. 8, 1916, v. 44: 39-41. HB3.E3,v.44 100 Bradford, Edward A. Relation of railway systems to preparedness. New York Times magazine, Jan. 16, 1916, p. 12-13. Haines, Charles 0. Our railroads and national defense. Railway age gazette, Jan. 14, 1916, v. 60: 55-56. TK-l.R2,v.60 102 Conference on railway "preparedness." Railway age gazette, Jan. 28, 1916, V.60: 175. TFl^H2,v.60 103 Hiatt, W.S. Europe struggling with a ship and car shortage. Railway age gazette, Jan. 21, 1916, v. 60: 102-104. TFl.R2,v.60 The Uganda railway under war conditionSv Railv;ay news, Jan.l5, 1916, V. 105: 130. TFl .R65.V.105 105 Railroads and national defense. Railway review, Jan. 15, 1916, V.58: 107-108. TFl. R4, v. 58 106 Railway co-operation in national defense. Railway review, Jan. 29, 1916, V. 58: 184. TFl. R4, v. 58 107 Blanchon, Georges. La guerre nouvelle. La material de guerre. Revue des deux mondes , Jan. 15, 1916, 6. per., v. 31: 326-364. AP20.R3,6.per.v.31 j'lOSj Perevel, V.I. [Petrograd -Arctic Ocean railroad as a factor in the great war.] -^Voenny sbornik, Jan. 1916. 109 The Balkan railway lines. American review of reviews, Feb .1916, V.53: 236-237. AP2.R4,v,53 Ambulance trains for the Continent. ^Central Argentine railway magazine, Feb. 1916, v. 6: 96-97. 111 Baker, C.B. Railway military preparedness. Electric railway journal, Feb. 19, 1916, v. 47; 348-350. TF701. S65,v.47 112 1 Built in record time. Union off South Africa needed rail connection """^ — between Prieska and Kalfontein in order to enter German colony, Railroad man's magazine, Feb. 1916, v. 29: 258-262. AP2.R18,v,29 "" •!?ohBi'^ "od" J-nse '3 0-10 t-v;'t£noxj ^-uoq ' ■ . g^nMioqrai 'Y-tsi-iXJiia" fei-i^ fcni; 'yjswX'ijBT'fcaMgjeS'-erfT : . . , ... ■\l^-C-- ' ■ '.^-^- „ ' - • -::-v..- .• ' v-5a6nfe9''Xfiqd'x<5 ''c* eater -- ■ voxtiri'^H' -.A '.Hi^Arbrd'yjJNo'iKs'xfi ,ieq.3,€H ..'V^I^I* ' oWsive^ rii&Dx^eiiBA ' ^iWrtxX vBWXf^l eriT ' ;V(-u^C'''-v ■ ■ ■"'"^'' '■ - •?---- ■"• — -10- 114 117 118 ^ L13 1916 Hiatt, Walter 3. Frenchman blames official dry-rot for freight congestion. Railway age gazette, Feb. 11, 1916, v. 60: 243-244. TFl.R2,v.60 Railroads supply cities, feeding the firing line. How immense central and distributing stations assemble and forward material for the French army. Railv/ay age gazette, Feb. 18, 1916, v. 60: 287-289. TFl.R2,v.60 Also in Scientific American supplement, July 29, 1916, V. 82: 68-G9. Tl,S52,v.82 , The war's effects on Europe's railways. Railway age gazette, Feb. 25, 1916, v. 60: 362-363. TFl.R2,v,60 Turning French goods wagons into hospitals. -^Railway gazette, Feb. 25, 1916, v. 24; 218-219. Bonham-Smith, R. Railway transport arrangements in France. Royal united service institution. Journal, Feb. 1916. U1.R8 Baker, Chauncey B. The military service .and transportation companies. •^Street railway bulletin, Feb. 1916, v. 15: 62-67. The railways in war time. [Gt . Brit.] (Engineering (London), ^ Mar .24, 1916, v. 101: 281-282. TAl .E55, v.lOl ^ The railway-wagon problem. Engineering (Lpndon) , Mar. 31, 1916, v.lOl: 303-304. TAl .E55 ,v.l01 Raffalovich, Arthur. La guerre et les cherains de fer Allemands. Journal des economistes. Mar .15, 1916, v. 75: 369-387. HB3.J8,v.75 Snyder, George D. The railroads and national defense. Military service institution of the United States. Journal, Mar. -Apr., 1916, v,58: 207-211. Ul.M6,v.58 Discussion: p. 211-232. Railroad forts that go where they are needed. A new idea in prepared- ness. Popular science monthly. Mar, 1916, v. 88: 323-324. The Luellen portable gun. AP2.P8,v,88 Hiatt, W.S. Liability of military railroads. Railv/ay age gazette, Mar. 3, 1916, v. 60: 396. TFl.R2,v,60 Whitham, Paul. Pacific coast railroads and preparedness. Railway and marine news, Mar. 1916, v. 14: 16-18. HEl.R3,v.l4 German military railroad organizations at work. Scientific American, Mar. 18, 1916, v. 114: 302-303. TFl.R2,v.ll4 Pratt, Edwin A. The role of the railways in the v/ar. -^^The Great war, edited by H.Vtf.v/iison, Apr. 1916, pts. 85 and 86, p. 133-146. X20 121 123 124 /125 -ox- Od, a£f£9ffiini woH '^sHitr'^fii^ti bdrc-^nibe^'i .^Beifi^^ilt^qiss 3::j^o^Xx^y{ :0'3.v ,Siei ,8£nild'i .©ti-asias age '^Bvlir.r 'ts 'rfoiif '-" .• Oe.v,SH,ITr' .' ■:• <;•.;:-.,■'.,. :;., r : -. . ..^^... :...., .-. '"'- . ^' . SH . ITT . S? e- 9^^ :^'d".. v -'^ -'■' " ^ ^- " -^ '1 '^ BH.fU .dlPI.ds'ir . : \ .;i>.i.jv^Kt-^GJ.r i^D.-r-oGfcoi.rnjyvr.^vcJI- ■ • ■ ■ ' :■■'■..'_}.. :■'. : .. '•, [AT :?BP- res :.roi .v\M^r ,^^;^fi% loi.v^aaa.iAT ':x6x*v 6.,: " . ^d.V ,d:\V 0^,-/', ^^7- r-TT- ,;^pr :r>a .V 'ni9l :^'-*.~r: M.v.F?'. r:^H * .ai-OX :J>X .v , ?X«?f .• -ori !^n/ .: 36 .8tq ,eieX.tqA ,rtc ".ii V.> 128; 1916 0*Ryan, John F. Influence of railroads in our next war. ^' Travel, Apr. 1916, v. 26: 11-13. G149.T8,v.26 129 Payne, J.L, Canadian railways in the eventful year, 1915. Railway age gazette, May 5, 1916, v. 60: 995-996. TFl,R2,v.60 130 The war and railway extension in Asia Minor. Outlook, June 21, 1916, V.113: 404-405. AP2.08,v.ll3 131 Hiatt, W.S. Friendship corners of French railway stations. Railway age gazette, July 14, 1916, v. 61: 59*60. TFl^R2,v,61 132 Railroads and the National guard. Railway age gazette, Jjine 30, 1916, V. 60; 1597-1598. TFl R2,v.60 133 Pratt, E.A. Control of railways in war< Railway review, June 10, 1916, V. 58: 833-834. TFl. R4, v. 58 134 British railways in war time. Railway review, June 17, 1918, V.58: 893-894. TFl. R4, v. 58 135 Gradenwitz, A. Model hospital train. Scientific Amerix^an, June 24, 1916, vai4: 664. Tl S5,v.ll4 136 Report of committee of New York electric railway association on movement of troops. Electric railway journal, July 1, 1916, v» 48: 20-23. TF701.S65 ,v»48 137 Tomlin, R.K. ,j_r. With the 22d corps of engineers at Camp Whitman. Engineering record, July 1, 1916, v» 74: 4-9. TAl.E62,v»74 138 Report of the American railway association, Committee on mobilization- Railway age gazette, July 28, 1916, v. 61: 150-1,51. 13^ The co-operation of railroads in the movement of troops. Railway review, July 1, 1916, v. 59: 21-22, TFl- R4, v. 59 140 Jacobs, Henry W. Railway preparedness for national defense. Railway review, July 8, 1916, v. 59: 37-38. TFl^R4,v,59 141 American railway association's co-operation with the military authorities: report. Railway review, July .29, 1916, v. 59: 138-140. TFl. R4,v.59 142 Mobilization of the militia. Scientific American, July 22, 1916, V.115: 76. Tl.S5,v,115 143 Hiatt, W.S. Feeding the firing line* Scientific American supplement, July 29, 1916, v. 82: 68-.69. Tl.S52,v.82 144 The railroads in war. Army and navy register, Aug 19, 1917, v. 60: 230. Ul.A6,v.60 €rX.Vv8C:-^V,- .3aiS'-:^ii r^IX^-^^.- se; .Gi .^«y,V. <7/^X'V&T vewliflH... »iJ3w.n-f a\:s>p^Xi4i ••l^.o JroiCrfKJ'j>t • A-3 ..icJ'^:'^^"/ SEX.'* «dXG'4.'«,X i\:XjJ-l tIJEUiTOCC ■YJB^^i.i'S^'i ^^i't^■•5&i^S i . '^'^v(f.,f?' .l-o Arnj?in9\'0in Gd.y,>H,;XTr .S£,-?e.-:.:?a;:;.y .,^I^^>.6 Y^^^:^ ^^/^nira^ ;:{jswXii3n . : ;9d.-,.y ..<^ .''I? if" '4 PS, a^J^iuI swa,i'/o'?v ^&\'Ji.k£H' •^'^t'UrZi^'n '.^ei'iiToHtufi' ee,v'.4i5 ' .oM-aex *• exx>y.;^e,.iT/^ - ■- .^Xj:.- v:\ - .■^^,m9XtJql^^■ wjBa^^«5a»A. 34:V#?i&i>*>f;' «»^XT^i^t^ •e'0%- "icl ^F ^'t.-t-siH •. £^X- ' ::'^. ■ \- - ^ ■ .ear^a- •.; ,. . ■•vr- - , ■ • ■. • '^ -12- / 145 1916 Hungerford, JSdward. Our railroads and +-^e next war. Collier's weekly, Aug. 19, 1916, v. 57: lO-T^""-- AP2.C65,v.57 146 French railv/ay traffic a?»« "the war. Sngineering (London), Aug. 25^ 1916, V. 102: 184-185. TAl .E55,v.l02 147 Parme3ee, J»H. War payments to the British railways. Railway age gazette, Aug. 11., 1916, v. 61: 244. TFl,R2,v.61 148 Roads that lead to the Italian front. Railway age gazette, Aug»25» 1916, V. 61: 320-322. TFl.R2,v.61 149 War department's statement on the railroads' service in movement of troops. Railway review, Aug. 19, 1916, v. 59: 242-243. TFl.R4,v.59 150 The railroads and national defense. Army and navy register, Sept. 9, 1916, V.60: 326-327. Ul.A6,v.60 151 Paris inter-urban traffic and the war. Engineering (London), ^ept.l, 1916, V. 102: 206. TAl .E55,v,102 152 Conquering the Alps by cable railway. Railway age gazette, Sept.l, 1916, v. 61: 364-366. TFl.R2,v,61 153 Snyder, George D. The relation of railway personnel to military defense. Railway age gazette, Sept. 8, 1916, v. 61: 404, TFl.R2,v.61 154 Organization to investigate transportation facilities for military pufcposes. Railway age gazette, Sept. 15, 1916, v. 61: 452, TFl.R2,v.61 155 Hospital train for the United States army. Railway review, Sept .2, 1916, V. 59? 304-307, TFl,R4,v,59 Railway age gazette, Dec.l, 1916, v. 61: 1003-1004.TF1.>^ ,v.Bl 156 Railways and national defense. Scientific American, Sept. 9, 1916, v,115: 236. Tl.S5,v.ll5 157 Railroads for military efficiency. Army and navy register, Nov. 25, me, v.60: 629. ■■r.'^\,^^s{, ^y,,,,^^^ U1.A8.V.60 158 Report of the American railway association, Special committee on military preparations. Railway age gazette, Nov. 17, 1916, v. 61: 908-909. TFl.R2,v.61 159 The employment of women in Great Britain Con the railroads]. American society of mechanical engineers. Journal, Dec. 1916, V.38: 1044-1045. TJl.A72,v.38 ^ 1^0 Transporting the Third Wisconsin infantry the electric way. Electric railway journal, Dec, 23, 1916, v. 48: 1295-1296. TF701.S65,v.48. r ."; ;:;.' ^ :'/'^ ;" . • --•■ ;'■'-?^c).v -13- 161 1916 Paris as a military railway center. Railway age gazette, Dec. 8, 1916. V 61: 1053-1054. TFl.R2,v.61 162 The transportation of American troops in 1916. Railway age gazette, Dec. 29, 1916, v, 61: 1207. TFl.R2,v.61 163 Park, W.Lr Preparedness and the railways. Railway mechanical engineer, ^ec.me, v. 90: 620. TFl.A3,v.90 164 1917 War and American railways. Engineer ^^ Jan. 1917, v. 123: 52-53. TAl E5,v.l23 X65 Italy's new and better railroad organization. Railway age gazette, Jan. 12, 1917, v. 62: 57-60. TFl.R2,v.62 166 Harries, George H. Railroads for national defense. Electric railway journal, Feb. 10, 1917, v. 49: 249. TF701.S65,v.49 167 Europe's transportation naiddle. Railway age gazette, Feb. 2, 1917, V.62: 189-190. TFl.R2,v.62 \ 168 Swiss railways in war time. Railway review, Feb. 16, 1917, v. 123: 149. TFl.R4,v.l23 168 preparedness in transportation. Railway review, Feb. 24,. 1917 , V.60: 269. TFl^H4,v.60 170 For national defense; Massachusetts street railways asked to co- operate. Electric railway journal, Mar. 10, 1917, v. 49: 436, TF701.S65,v.49 171 Making portable track for France, Iron trade review, Mar. 22, 1917, v.60: 669-671. TS300,I745,v.60 172 Railways and the Nationaldefense council. Railway age giazette, Mar. 9, 1917, v, 62: 409-410. TFl R2,v.62 ''I73j Cooking for an army on Canada's military railway trains. Railv/ay magazine (London), Apr. 1917, v. 40: 250. TFl.R57,v.40 {174; British railway service and the war. Railway magazine (London), ^-■^ Apr. -May, 1917, v. 40: 283-287; 358-363. TFl.R57,v.40 175 Adler, Waldo. The legs of an array. Outlook, Apr*18, 1917, v. 115: 696-698. AP2,08,v,ll6 176 The railroads' organization for war. [U.S.] Railway review, Apr .14, 1917, v.60: 522-525. TFl .R4, v. 60 v/ilson, H.R. British railways in war time. Railway reviev/, Apr. 21, May 12, 1917, v. 60: 562-563; 668^680. TFl,R4,v.60 178 V/ork of the Railroad war board. Railway age gazette, May 25, 1917, v.62: 1092-1093. TFl.R2,v,62 » V-^<^j, . ;^ ,.v^ ,: ., ., . :-f^. ;xj^ saani^xsasi-ly 63.X O^.v/^Tl^."^'^'^^-'"." -■••■■■••••' - ^V'^^-^^A '^^.1^ * Nj;js\vlii5.f^; .aaxiiivt. x^^v.Xit.'j, \r:^-t:?Xxni a 'i}Xii?r»jcjp- xiO' xoa^' ^'i^ icl ^ni;:j^poO ,tn-rnq^.:V aa j;.sx;;^sn;, \:i5Wi>x,j;;U. . i^\v. -./fl, o^^\;:i^e. ^sKj^V-ixjin, .i^x^.xT;;.; i:VX- Sd.v;»£H.nt-' " ■ ,^60Xr.,S90I: ;Sd.v c>yi.r TT'X- -14- 179 1917 Bills to create authority over priority of freight shipments. Railway age gazette, May 25, 1917, v. 62: 1097-1099, TFl,R2,v.62 180 Railroad regiments for France. Railway age gazette, May 25, 1917, V.62: 1099-1100. TFl.R2,v.62 18^ The railroads and the war. [U.S.] Railway mechanicalengineer , May, 1917, v. 91: 227-228. TFl.A3,v.9l 182 Prompt action by the railways in war. [U.S.] Railway ;nechanical engineer, May, 1917, v. 91: 238-239. TFl A3, v. 91 183 Railway engineers to be recruited for immediate service. [U.S.] Railway review, May 12, 1917, v. 60; 648-649. TFl.R4,v,60 * Not in the Library of Congress ''^•■' /. ^. ^ T ::i V :;^aj^ \^^ ip\,t&.h: .8ss-ras -.r^.v ,?iei ,x^ oLv.m^ni .9^d-8I^A :0d .v ,vii- iV£>"i ^^--'- 3 a eigne ' lo Yis'X^xj'sHJ' yr no-»'-i ^38190 b ( ■ 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY