THOMAS WILCOX, New Bedford, MASS. '-r- -o r f ENGLISH SURNAMES. LONDON : I'RINTED BY SPOTTISWOODB AND CO., NEW-STKEKT SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET ENGLISH SURNAMES THEIR SOURCES AND SIGNIFICATIONS. BY CHARLES WAREING BARDSLEY, M.A. SECO.VD EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED CHATTO AND WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 1875- TO MY FATHER. PREFACE THE SECOND EDITION. I ACCEPT the early demand for a new edition of my book, not so much as proof of the value of my indi- vidual work, as of the increased interest which is being taken in this too much neglected subject. In deference to the wholesome advice of many reviewers, both in the London and Provincial press, especially that of the ' Times ' and the 'Athenaeum,' I have re-arranged the whole of the chapters on * Patronymics ' and ' Nicknames,' subdividing the same under convenient heads. By so doing the names which bear any par- ticular relationship to one another will be found more closely allied than they were under their former more general treatment. My book has met with much criticism, partly favourable, partly adverse, from different quarters. To my reviewers in general I offer my best thanks for their comments. The * Saturday Review '—and I say it the more readily as they will see that I have not been in- sensible to the value of their criticism— has not, I think, viii PREFACE TO THE SECOND KDirrOX. sufficiently understood the nature of my work. lam well aware that praise is due to them for having for some length of time strenuously advocated the claim of our language to be English through all its varying stages. I do not see that in the general character of my book I have lost sight of this fact. An ' English Directory ' is not an 'English Dictionary.' The influences that have been at work on our language are not the same as those upon our nomenclature. Every social casualty had an effect upon our names which it could not have upon our words. The names found in Domesday Book, casting aside the new importation, were, in the great majority of cases, obsolete by the end of the twelfth century, and of those which have survived and descended to us as surnames, well-nigh all are devoid of diminutive or patronymic desinences — a clear proof that they were utterly out of fashion as personal names during the era of surname formation. The Norman invasion was not a conquest of our language, but it was of our nomenclature. The ' Saturday Review ' may still demand that we shall view all as English, and obliterate the distinctive terms of Saxon and Norman, but in doing so let us not forget facts. The language which preceded the Norman Conquest is still the vcJiiclc of ordinary converse. The nomenclature of tlKit period went down like Pharaoh's chariot, and like Pharaoh's chariot, which for all I know lies where it did, was never recovered. A review in the ' Guardian ' demands a brief notice PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IX on account of the mischief it may do. The end kept in view by the reviewer is as transparent as his in- ability to reach it. Surely the day is past for any further attempt to make out that we have no metro- nymic surnames. The writer is evidently unaware of the fact that the use of ' ie ' and ' y,' as in ' Teddy' or 'Johnnie,' in the nineteenth century, does not pre- vail to as great an extent as that of 'ot' and *et' from the twelfth to the fifteenth. As ' Philip ' became * Philipot,' now ' Philpott ' ; as ' William ' ' Williamot,' now ' Wilmott ' ; as ' Hew ' (or Hugh), ' Hewet ' and 'Hewetson' ; as 'Ellis' (or Elias), 'Elliot' and 'Elliot- son' ; so ' Till ' (Matilda) became 'Tillot' and 'Tillot- son ' ; ' Emme ' (Emma), ' Emmott,' ' Emmett,' and ' Emmotson ' ; ' Ibbe ' (Isabella), ' Ibbott,' ' Ibbett,' and ' Ibbotson ' ; ' Mary,' ' Mariot ' and ' Marriott ' ; and ' Siss ' (Cecilia), ' Sissot ' and ' Sissotson.' ' Em- mot,' the writer says, is a form of ' Amyas,' I suppose because he saw ' Amyot ' in Miss Yonge's glossary. According to him, therefore, Emmot is a masculine name. How comes it to pass, then, that Emmot is always Latinised as Emmota, or that in our old marriage licences ' Richard de Akerode ' gets a dis- pensation to marry ' Emmotte de Greenwood ' (Test. Ebor. iii. 317), or 'Roger Prcstwick ' to marry ' Emmotc Crossley ' (ditto, 338) .'' How is it we meet with such entries as ' Cissot^ West,' (Index) or ' Syssot that was %vife of Patrick ' (69) .'' How is it asrain that Mariot is refristcrcd as ' Mariot(7 X PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. in le Lane,' or 'John fil, Mariot^,' and Ibbot or Ibbet as ' Ibbot^ fil. Adae,' or ' Robert fil. Ibot^,' (Index) ? The fact is, we have a large class of metronymics many of which doubtless arose from posthumous birth, or from adoption, or the more important character of the mother in the eyes of the', neighbours than the father, others too from illegitimacy. Amongst other errors for which I have been called to account, the oddest is that of attributing to Miss Muloch the authorship of Miss Yonge's most useful and laborious work on Christian names. I do not know to which lady I owe the deepest apology — whether to Miss Yonge for robbing her literary crown of one of its brightest jewels, or to Miss Muloch for appearing to insinuate that hers was incomplete. This and several other mistakes of less moment I have rectified in the present edition. I have to thank the authoress of ' Mistress Mar- gery,' etc., for the names in the index marked QQ., RR. I, RR. 2, and RR. 3. Such entries from the registry of St. James's, Piccadilly (QQ.), as * Re- pentance Tompson' (1688), 'Loving Bell' (1693), ' Nazareth Ruddc' (1695), ' Obedience Clerk ' (1697), or 'Unity Thornton ' (1703), may be set beside the instances recorded on pp. 102-104. To these I would take this opportunity of adding * Comfort Starrc,' ' Hopcstill Foster,' ' Love Ikewstcr,' ' Fear Brewster,' ' Patience Brewster,' ' Remembrance Tibbott,' ' Re- PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. XI member Allerton/ ' Desire Minter,' ' Original Lewis,' and ' Thankes Sheppard,' all being names of emi- grants from England in the 17th century, {Vide Hotten's ' Original Lists of Persons of Quality.') February 1875. PRr:FACK THE FIRST EDITION. A S prefaces are very little read, I will make this -^^- as brief as possible. It is strange how little has been written upon the sources and significations of our English surnames Of books of Peerage, of Baronet- age, and of Landed Gentry, thanks to Sir Bernard Burke, Mr. Walford, and others, we are not without a sufficiency ; but of books purporting to treat of the ordinary surnames that greet our eye as we scan our shop-fronts, or look down a list of contributions, or glance over the * hatches, matches, and despatches ' of our newspapers — of these there are but few. Indeed, putting aside Mr. I^ower's able and laborious researches, we may say none. Tracts, pamphlets, short treatises, articles in magazines, have at various times appeared, but they have been necessarily con- fined and limited in their treatment of the subject.' ' Proofs of the ignorance of authors and authoresses in regard to surnames might be cited to any extent. The novel of Aurora Floyd is a case in point. When we read the account there given of the ancestry XIV PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. And yet what can be more natural than that we should desire to know something relating to the origin of our surname, when it arose, who first got it, and how ? Of the feebleness of my own attempt to solve all this I am conscious that I need not to be reminded. Still, I think the ordinary reader will find in a perusal of this book some slight increase of infor- mation, and if not this, that he has whiled away, not unpleasantly, some of his less busy hours. During the last seven years I have devoted the whole of my spare time to the preparation of a ' Dictionary of English Surnames.' But about two years ago it struck me that perhaps a smaller work dealing with the subject in a less formal and more familiar style might not be unacceptable to many, as a kind of rudimentary treatise. In the course of my labours I have come under obligations to several writers and several Societies. To long-departed men, whose works do follow after them, I must give a passing allusion. Camden was the first to draw attention to this subject, and though he wrote little, and that little not of the most correct kind, still he has afforded the groundwork for all future students. Verstegan, who came next with his * Restitution of Decayed Intelligence,' wrote quaintly, amusingly of the heroine, her Scotch descent, &c., and tlien remember thai P'loyd is but a corruption (tlirough the difficulty of pronunciation) of the Welsh Lloyd, we may well be pardoned a smile. Walter Scbtt would never have so committed himself. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. XV and incorrectly ; and, with respect to surnames, his definitions rather teach what they do not than what they do mean. Passing over several archaeological papers, and with a wide gap in regard to time, we come to Mr. Lower's studies. He was the first to give a real compendium of English nomenclature. Of his earlier efforts I will say nothing, for the ' Patronymica Britannica ' is that upon which his fame' must rest. The fault of that work is that the author has confined his researches all but entirely to the Hundred Rolls. These Rolls are undoubtedly the best for such reference ; but there are many others, as my index will show, which not merely con- tain a large mass of examples not to be met with there, but which, by varieties of spelling in the case of such names as they share in common with the other, afford comparisons the use of which would have made him certain where he has only guessed, and would have enabled him also to avoid many false conclusions. This I would say with all respect, as one who has benefited very considerably by Mr. Lower's labours. Others I must thank more briefly, though none the less heartily. To Mr. Halliwell I am under deep obligation, for to his ' Dictionary of Archaisms ' I have gone freely by way of quotation. To Mr. Way's notes to his valuable edition of the ' Promptorium Parvulorum ' I am also indebted for much interesting information regarding mediaeval life and its surroundings. Miss Yonge's ' History of XVI PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Christian Names' contains a large store of help to students of this kind of lore, and of this I have availed myself in several instances. In conclusion, I have to acknowledge much valuable aid received from the publications of the Surtecs Society, the Early English Text Society, the Camden Society, and the Chetham Society. It is in the rooms belonging to the latter that I have had the opportunity of consulting most of the records and archives, a list of which prefaces my index, as well as other books of a more incidentally helpful character, and I cannot allow this opportunity to pass without tendering my hearty thanks to Thomas Jones, Esq., B.A., F.S.A., for his courtesy in permitting me access to all parts of the library, and to Mr. Richard Hanby, the under- librarian, for his constant attention and readiness to supply me with whatever books I required. Mancukstkr : December 1873. PREFACE INDEX OF INSTANCES. THERE are several matters which I deem it advisable to mention to the reader before he turns his attention to the Index of Instances (pp. 514-612) I. I have not, in the various chapters that form the body of this book, in all cases drawn particular atten- tion when any name happens to belong to several distinct classes. In the Index, however, I have tried to remedy this by furnishing instances under the several heads to which they have been assigned in the text. II. While ordinarily adhering to my plan of giving but two examples, I have set down three in some instances that seemed more interesting, and in ex- ceptional cases even four. To the majority of the appended surnames more illustrations of course could have been added had it been expedient or necessary. There are several names, however, which, though 4 XVllI PREFACE- TO THE evidently of familiar occurrence in early days, as they are now, arc yet, so far as my own researches go, without any record. For instance, I cannot find any Arkwright or Runchiman previous to the sixteenth century. The origin is perfectly clear, but the registry is wanting. Of several others, again, I can light upon but one entry. Still, in a matter like this one must be thankful for small mercies, and it was with no small amount of rejoicing that in suCh a simple record as that of 'John Sykelsmith ' I found the progenitor, or one of the progenitors, of our many * Sucksmiths,' ' Sixsmiths,' ' Shuxsmiths,' etc. III. There has been a difficulty with regard to Christian names also, which I have not attempted to overcome because it was impossible to do so. With the Normans every baptismal name, masculine or feminine as it might originally be, was the comaion property of the sexes. Thus by simply appending the feminine desinence, ' Dructt' became ' Druetta ' (v. Drewett), 'Williamet' became ' Williametta ' (v. Williamot), ' Aylbrcd ' became ' Aylbreda ' (7-. All- bright), ' Raulin ' became ' Raulina ' {v. Rawlings), and ' Goscelin ' became ' Goscelina ' (v. Gosling). Any of these surnames, Drewett, Willmott, Allbright, Raw- lings, or Gosling, therefore, may be of feminine origin — nay, if the reader has studied my chapter on ' Patro- nymic Surnames ' with any care, he will see that this is fully as probable as the opposite view. Leaving thus undecided what cannot be solved, I have placed both INDEX OF INSTANCES. XIX masculine and feminine forms under the one surname to which one or other has given rise. . IV. There has been another difficulty also in re- spect of Christian names. These, as has been shown in the chapter thereupon, were turned into pet forms, and these shortened forms commonly came to be the foundation of the surname. In all the more formal registers, however, these surnames were never so set down. 'Hugh Thomasson,' 'William Thompson,' and ' Henry Tomson ' might come to have their names enrolled, and up" to the beginning of the six- teenth century at least they would be set down alike as ' Hugh fill. Thomas,' ' William fil. Thomas,' and ' Henry fil. Thomas.' Thus, again, ' Ralph Higgin- son' or 'John Higgins' would be 'Radulphus' or 'Johannes fil. Isaac' This has prevented me from giving so many instances of these curter forms of the patronymic class as I should have liked. When they are given, the reader will observe that they come from less punctilious and more irregular sources, such as for instance the Surtees' Society's collection of Mediaeval Yorkshire Wills and Inventories. Where I have given such an instance as ' Elekyn ' {v. Elkins) by itself, it must be understood that this is the Christian name, and that the owner when his or her name was registered did not boast a surname at all. V. By way of interesting the reader I have occa- sionally given the Latin form of entry. Thus ' Adam XX PREFACE TO THE the Goldsmith ' is set down as * Adam Aurifaber * {v. Aurifaber), ' Henry the Butcher ' as ' Henry Carni- fex' {v. Carnifex), and * Hugh the Tailor ' as ' Hugh Cissor ' (v. Cissor). Latin, indeed, seems to have been the vehicle of ordinary indenture. Thus under ' Littlejohn ' the reader will find extracted from the Hundred Rolls ' Ricardus fil. Parvi-Johannis,' and under 'Linota,' ' Linota Vidua,' ?>.,'Linota the Widow.' In the recording of local names, Norman-French and Saxon seem to have fought for the first place, and even in our most formal registers they had the pre- cedence over Latin. Thus if the latter can boast the entry of ' Isolda Beauchamp ' as ' Isolda de Bcllo Campo' (v. Beauchamp), still, if we come to such generic names as Briggs or Brook, we find the entry is all but invariably cither ' Henry Atte-brigg ' or * Roger del Brigge ' [v. Briggs), or 'Alice de la Broke or ' Ada ate Brok ' (v. Brook). As respects nick- names or names of occupation, the Norman-French tongue had them to itself ' Roger le Buck,' ' Philip le Criour,' ' Thomas le Cuchold,' ' Osbert le Curteys,' or * Thomas le Cupper' — such is their continuous form of entry. Such a Saxon enrolment as * Robert the Brochere ' {v. Broker) is of the rarest occurrence — so rare, indeed, as to make one feel it was an undoubted freak on the part of the registrar, whoever he might be. VL In some few cases I have set down surnames which are not treated of in the text. I have done this either because the name seemed worthy of this INDEX OF INSTANCES. XXI casual notice, or JDccause, though not itself mentioned, it happened to corroborate some statement I have made regarding a particular name belonging to the same class. In conclusion, I will not say there is no mistake in the Index — that would be a bold thing to state ; I will not say that I may not have given an instance that does not rightly belong to the surname under which it is set; but I can asseverate that I have honestly attempted to be correct, and I believe a careful examination will find but the most occasional error, if any at all, of this class. CONTENTS. TAfiR Preface to the Second Edition ... vii Preface to the First Edition .... xiii Preface to the Index of Instances . . . xvii Introductory Chapter i CHAPTER I. Patronymic Surnames 9 CHAPTER II. Local Surnames 107 CHAPTER HI. Surnames of Office 172 CHAPTER IV. Surnames of Occupation (Country) ... 243 CHAPTER V. Surnames of Occupation (Town) . . . .317 Appendix to Chapters IV. and V 415 CHAPTER VI. Nicknames 423 Index of Instances ENGLISH SURNAMES. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. npO review the sources of a people's nomenclature is to review that people's history. When we remem- ber that there is nothing without a name, and that every name that is named, whether it be of a man, or man's work, or man's heritage of earth, came not by chance, or accident so-called, but was given out of some nation's spoken language to denote some cha- racteristic that language expressed, we can readily imagine how important is the drift of each — what a record must each contain. Wc cannot but see that could we only grasp their true meaning, could we but take away the doubtful crust in which they are often- times imbedded, then should we be speaking out of the very mouth of history itself For names arc endur- ing — generations come and go ; . and passing on with each, they become all but everlasting. Nomenclature, in fact, is a well in which, as the fresh water is flowing perennially through, there is left a sediment that clings to the bottom. This silty deposit may accu- mulate — nay, it may threaten to choke it up, still the well is there. It but requires to be exhumed, and we shall behold it in all its simple proportions once more. B ENGLISH SURNAMES. And thus it is with names. They betoken life and matter that is ever coming and going, ever under- going change and decay. But through it all they abide. The accretions of passing years may fasten upon them — the varied accidents of lapsing time may attach to them — they may become all but undistin- guishable, but only let us get rid of that which cleaves to them, and we lay bare in all its naked simplicity the character and the lineaments of a long gone era. Look for instance at our place-names. Apart from their various corruptions they are as they were first entitled. So far as the nomenclature of our country itself is concerned, England is at this present day as rude, as untutored, and as heathen as at the moment those Norwegian and Germanic hordes grounded their keels upon our shores, for all our place-names, saving where the Celt still lingers, are their bequest, and bear upon them the impress of their life and its sur- roundings. These arc they which tell us such strange truths — how far they had made progress as yet in the arts of life, what were the habits they practised, what was the religion they believed in. And as with place- names, so with our own. As records of past history they are equally truthful, equally suggestive. One important difference, however, there is — Place-names, as I have just hinted, once given are all but imperish- able. Mountains, valleys, and streams still, as a rule, retain the names first given them. Personal names, those simple individual names which we find in use throughout all pre-Norman history, were but for the life of him to whom they were attached. They died with him, nor passed on saving accidentally. Nor were those second designations, those which we call INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. surnames as being 'superadded to Christian names,' at first of any lasting character. It was not till the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, or even fourteenth centu- ries that they became hereditary — that is, in any true sense stationary. Before, however, we enter into the history of these, and with regard to England that is the purpose of this book, it will be well to take a brief survey of the actual state of human nomenclature in preceding times. Surnames, we must remember, were the sim- ple result of necessity when population, hitherto iso- lated and small, became so increased as to necessitate further particularity than the merely personal one could supply. One name, therefore, was all that was needed in early times, and one name, as a general rule, is all that we find. The Bible is, of course, our first record of these — 'Adam,' 'Eve,' 'Joseph,' 'Barak,' ' David,' ' Isaiah,' all were simple, single, and expres- sive titles, given in most cases from some circum- stances attending their creation or birth. When the Israelites were crowded together in the wilderness they were at once involved in difiliculties of identifi- cation. We cannot imagine to ourselves how such a population as that of Manchester or Birmingham could possibly get on with but single appellations. Of course I do not put this by way of real comparison, for with the Jewish clan or family system this difficulty must have been materially overcome. Still it is no wonder that in the later books of Moses we should find them falling back upon this patronymic as a means of identifying the individual. Thus such expressions as * Joshua the son of Nun,' or ' Caleb the son of Jephunah,' or 'Jair the son of Manasseh,' are not ENGLISH SURNAMES. unfrequently to be met with. Later on, this necessity was caused by a further circumstance. Certain of these single names became popular over others. 'John,' 'Simon,' and 'Judas' were such. A further distinction, therefore, was necessary. This gave rise to sobriquets of a more diverse character. We find the patronymic still in use, as in ' Simon Barjonas,' that is, * Simon the son of Jonas ; ' but in addition to this, we have also the local element introduced, as in ' Simon of Cyrene,' and the descriptive in ' Simon the Zealot' Thus, again, we have 'Judas Iscariot,' what- ever that may mean, for commentators are divided upon the subject; 'Judas Barsabas,' and 'Judas of Galilee.* In the meantime the heathen but polished nations of Greece and Rome had been adopting similar means, though the latter was decidedly the first in method. Among the former, such double names as ' Dionysius the Tyrant,' ' Diogenes the Cynic,' ' Socrates the son of Sophronicus,' or ' Heca- tsus of Miletus,' show the same custom, and the same need. To the Roman, however, belongs, as I have said, the earliest system of nomenclature, a system, perhaps, more careful and precise than any which has followed after. The purely Roman citizen had a threefold name. The first denoted the ' pnenomcn,' and answered to our personal, or baptismal, name. The second was what we may term the clan-iiajiic ; and the third, the cognomen, corresponded with our present surname. Thus we have such treble appella- tions as ' Marcus Tullius Cicero,' or 'Aulus Licinius Archeas.' If a manumitted slave had the citizenship conferred upon him, his single name became his cog- nomen, and the others preceded it, one generally INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. 5 being the name of him who was the emancipator. Thus was it of * Licinius ' in the last-mentioned in- stance. With the overthrow of the Western Empire, however, this system was lost, and the barbarians who settled upon its ruins brought back the simple appel- lative once more. Arminius, their chief hero, was content with that simple title. Alaric, the brave King of the Goths, is only so known. Caractacus and Vortigern, to come nearer home, represented but the same custom. But we are not without traces of those descriptive epithets which had obtained among the earlier com- munities of the East. The Venerable Bede, speaking of two missionaries, both of whom bore the name of * Hewald,' says, ' pro diversd capellorum specie unus Niger Hewald, alter Albus diceretur ; ' that is, in modern parlance, the colour of their hair being different, they came to be called * Hewald Black,' and * Hewald White.' Another Saxon, distinguished for his somewhat huge proportions, and bearing the name of ' Ethelred,' was known as ' Mucel,' or ' Great,' a word still lingering in the Scottish mickle. We may class him, therefore, with our ' le Grands,' as we find them inscribed in the Norman rolls, the pro- genitors of our * Grants,' and ' Grands,' or our 'Biggs,' as Saxon as himself Thus again, our later ' Fair- faxes,' * Lightfoots,' * Heavisides,' and ' Slows,' are but hereditary nicknames like to the earlier ' Har- fagres,' ' Harefoots,' ' Ironsides,' and ' Unreadys,' which died out, so far as their immediate possessors went, with the ' Harolds,' and * Edmunds,' and * Ethelreds,' upon whom they were severally foisted. They were but expressions of popular feeling to in- ENGLISH SURNAMES. dividual persons by means of which that individuahty was increased, and, as with every other instance I have mentioned hitherto, passed away with the hves of their owners. No descendant succeeded to the title. The son, in due course of time, got a sobriquet of his own, by which he was familiarly known, but that, too, was but personal and temporary. It was no more hereditary than had been his father's before him, and even so far as himself was concerned might be again changed according to the humour or caprice of his neighbours and acquaintances. And this went on for several more centuries, only as population increased these sobriquets became but more and more common. In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, however, a change took place. By a silent and unpremeditated movement over the whole of the more populated and civilized European societies, nomenclature began to assume a solid lasting basis. It was the result, in fact, of an insensibly growing necessity. Population was on the increase, commerce was spreading, and society was fast becoming corporate. With all this arose difficulties of individualization. It was impos- sible, without some further distinction, to maintain a current identity. Hence what had been but an occa- sional and irregular custom became a fixed and general practice — the distinguishing sobriquet, not, as I say, of premeditation, but by a silent compact, be- came part and parcel of a man's property, and passed on with his other possessions to his direct descendants. This sobriquet had come to be of various kinds. It might be the designation of the property owned, as in INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. the case of the Norman barons and their feudatory- settlements, or it might be some local peculiarity that marked the abode. It might be the designation of the craft the owner followed. It might be the title of the rank or office he held. It might be a patronymic — a name acquired from the personal or Christian name of his father or mother. It might be some charac- teristic, mental or physical, complimentary or the re- verse. Any of these it might be, it mattered not which ; but when once it became attached to the pos- sessor and gave him a fixed identity, it clung to him for his life, and eventually passed on to his offspring. Then it was that at length local and personal names came somewhat upon the same level ; and as the former, some centuries before, had stereotyped the life of our various Celtic and Sclavonic and Teutonic settle- ments, so now these latter fossilized the character of the era in which they arose ; and here we have them, with all the antiquity of their birth upon them, breathing of times and customs and fashions and things that are now wholly passed from our eyes, or are so completely changed as to bear but the faintest resemblance to that which they have been. To analyse some of these names, for all were impossible, is the purpose of the following chapters. I trust that ere I have finished my task, I shall have been able to throw some little light, at least, on the life and habits of our early English forefathers. The reader will have observed that I have just incidentally alluded to five different classes of names. For the sake of further distinction I will place them formally and under more concise headings : — ENGLISH SURNAMES. 1. Baptismal or personal names. 2. Local surnames. 3. Official surnames. 4. Occupative surnames. 5. Sobriquet surnames, or Nicknames. I need scarcely add that under one of these five divisions will every surname in all the countries of Europe be found. CHAPTER I. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. T T is impossible to say how important an influence have merely personal names exercised upon our nomenclature. The most familiar surnames we can meet with, saving that of * Smith,' are to be found in this list. For frequency we have no names to be con- pared with * Jones,' or ' Williamson,' or * Thompson,' or * Richardson.' How they came into being is easily manifest. Nothing could be more natural than that children should often pass current in the community in which they lived as the sons of ' Thomas,' or 'William,' or 'Richard,' or 'John;' and that these several relationships should be found in our directories as distinct sobriquets only shows that there was a particular generation in these families in which this title became permanent, and passed on to future descendants as an hereditary surname.^ The interest that attaches to these patronymics is great — for it is by them we can best discover what names were in ' The following extract will show how patronymic surnames changed at first with each successive generation : — ' Dispensation for Richard yohnson, son of yohn Richardson, of Fishlake, and Evott daug : of Robert Palmer, who have married, although related in the fourth degi-ee. Issued from Rome by Francis, Cardinal of St. Susanna, 30th March, 13th Boniface IX. (1402).' Test, Ebor. vol. iii. p. 318. 10 ENGLISH SURNAMES. vogue at this period, and what not, and of those which were, by their relative frequency, in a measure, what were the most popular. Certainly the change is most extraordinary when we compare the past with the present. Some, once so popular that they scarce gave identity to the bearer, are now all but obsolete, while numerous appellations at present generally current were then utterly unknown. There are surnames familiar to our ears whose root as a Christian name is now passed out of knowledge ; while, on the other hand, many a Christian name now daily upon our lips has no surname formed from it to tell of any lengthened existence. The fact is, that while our sur- names, putting immigration aside, have been long at a standstill, we have ever been and are still adding to our stock of baptismal names.' Each new national crisis, each fresh achievement of our arms, each new princely bride imported from abroad — these events are being commemorated daily at the font. This is but the continuance of a custom, and one very natural, which has ever existed. Turn where we will in English history during the last eight hundred years, and we shall find the popular sympathies seeking an outlet in baptism. Did a prince of the blood royal meet with a hapless and cruel fate. His memory was at once embalmed in the names of the children born immediately afterwards, saving when a mother's super- stitious fears came in to prevent it. Did some national ' Thus we find in the Manchester Directory iox 1861, 'Napoleon Bonaparte Sutton, tripe-seller,' and 'Napoleon Stott, skewer-maker.' Born, doubtless, during the earlier years of the present century, their parents have thus stamped upon their lives the impress of that fearful interest which the name of Napoleon then excited. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. II hero arise who upheld and asserted the people's rights against a grinding and hateful tyranny. His name is speedily to be found inscribed on every hearth. The reverse is of equal significance. It is by the fact of a name, which must have been of familiar import, finding few to represent it, we can trace a people's dislikes and a nation's prejudices. A name once in favour, as a rule, however, tept its place. The cause to which it owed its rise had long passed into the shade of forgotten things, but the name, if it had but attained a certain hold, seems easily to have kept it, till indeed such a convulsion occurred as revolutionised men and things and their names together. There have been two such revolutionary crises in English nomenclature, the Conquest and the Reforma- tion, the second culminating in the Puritan Common- wealth, Other crises have stamped themselves in indelible lines upon our registers, but the indenture, if as strongly impressed, was far less general, and in the main merely enlarged rather than changed our stock of national names. Thus was it with the Crusades. A few of the names it introduced have been popular ever since. Many, at first received favourably, died out, if not with, at least soon after, the subsidence of the spirit to which they owed their rise. Some of these came from the Eastern Church, of whose existence at all the Crusader seems to have suddenly reminded us. Some were Bibhcal, associated in Bible narrative with the very soil the Templars trod. Some, again, were borrowed from Continental comrades in arms, names which had caught the fancy of those who introduced them, or were connected 12 ENGLISH SURNAMES. with friendly rivalries and pledged friendships. This era, being concurrent with the establishment of sur- names, has left its mark upon our nomenclature ; but it was no revolution. The period in which these names began to assume an hereditary character varies so greatly that it is impossible to make any definite statement. As a familiar custom I should say it arose in the twelfth century. But there are places, both in Lancashire and Yorkshire, where, as in Wales, men are wont to be styled to this very day by a complete string of patronymics. To hear a man called * Bill's o'Jack's,' 'o'Dick's,' 'o'Harry's,' 'o'Tom's,' is by no means a rare incident. A hit at this formerly common Welsh practice is given in ' Sir John Oldcastle,* a play printed in 1600, in which ran the following conversa- tion : — 'Judge : What bail .-' What sureties } ' Davy : Her cozen ap Rice, ap Evan, ap Morice, ap Morgan, ap Llewellyn, ap Madoc, ap Meredith, ap Griffin, ap Davis, ap Owen, ap Shinkin Jones. ' Judge : Two of the most efficient are enow. ' Sheriff: And 't please your lordship, these arc all but one.' This * ap,' the Welsh equivalent of our English * son,' when it has come before a name beginning with a vowel, has in many instances become incorporated with it. Thus 'Ap-Hugh ' has given us ' Pugh,' ' Ap- Rice,' just mentioned, ' Price,' or as * Reece,' ' Preece;' *Ap-Owen,' 'Bowcn;' 'Ap-Evan,' 'Bevan;' ' Ap- Robert,' 'Probcrt;' ' Ap-Roger,' 'Prodger;' 'Ap- Richard,' ' Pritchard ;' * Ap-Humphrey,' * Pumphrcy ; ' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 1 3 «Ap-Ithell,' 'Bethell;'' or ' Ap- Howell,' ' Powell.' » * Prosser ' has generally been thought a corruption of ' proser,' one who was garrulously inclined ; but this is a mistake, it is simply * Ap-Rosser.' The Norman patronymic was formed similarly as the Welsh, by a prefix, that of ' fitz,' the modern French ' fils.' Sur- names of this class were at first common. Thus we find such names as ' Fitz-Gibbon,' ' Fitz-Gerald,' ' Fitz- Patrick; 'Fitz-Waryn,' 'Fitz-Rauf,' 'Fitz-Payn,' 'Fitz- Richard,' or ' Fitz-Neele.' But though this obtained for awhile among some of the nobler families of our country, it has made in general no sensible impression upon our surnames. The Saxon added 'son,' as a desinence, as ' Williamson,' that is, ' William's son,' or ' Bolderson,' that is, ' Baldwin's son,' or merely the genitive suffix, as ' Williams,' or Richards.' This class has been wonderfully enlarged by the custom then in vogue, as now, of reducing every baptismal name to some curt and familiar monosyllable. It agreed with the rough-and-ready humour of the Anglo-Norman character so to do. How common this was we may see from Gower's description of the insurrection of Wat Tyler : ' ' Ithell,' though now unknown, was once a familiar CInistian name. ' Evan ap Ithell,' Z. ; Jevan ap Ithell, Z. ; Ann Ithell, II. II. ; Ithell Wynn, A. A. I. ' Bethell ' as a surname is still sufficiently common in the Principality to keep up a remembrance of the fact. ^ ' Ilowel' or ' Iloel ' was at one time a favourite Welsh baptismal name. We have a 'Ilowel le Waleys,' that is, ' llovvcl the Welsh- man,' or, as we should now say, 'Howell Wallace,' mentioned in the Parliamentary writs of 1313. As I shall show by-and-by, our ' Powells ' may in some^^cases, at least, be of more English origin. 14 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Watte ' vocat, cui ' Thoma ' venit, neque ' Symme ' retardat, ' Bat '-que ' Gibbe ' simul, ' Hykke ' venire subent : 'Colle' furit, quem ' Bobbe ' juvat nocumenta parantes, * Cum quibus, ad damnum * Wille ' coire volat — * Grigge ' rapit, dum ' Davie' strepit, comes est quibus ' Hobbe,' • I^rkin ' et in medio non minor esse putat : 'Hudde' ferit, quem 'Judde' terit, dum ' Tibbe ' juvatur ' Jacke ' domosque viros vellit, en ense necat — Or let the author of ' Piers Plowman' speak. ' Glutton ' having been seduced to the alehouse door, we are told— Then goeth * Glutton ' in and grcte other after, * Cesse ' the souteresse sat on the bench : 'Watte' the wamcr and his wife bothe : ' Tymme ' the tynkere and twayne of his prentices. ' Hikke ' the hackney man and * Hugh ' the nedlere, ' Clarice ' of Cokkeslane, and the clerke of the churche ; ' Dawe ' the dykere, and a dozen othere. In these two quotations we see at once the clue to the extraordinary number of patronymics our direc- tories contain of these short and curtailed forms. Thus ' Dawe,' from ' David,' gives us ' Daw^son,' or 'Dawes;' 'Hikke' from 'Isaac,' * Hickson,' or ' Hicks ;' 'Watte,' from 'Walter,' 'Watson,' or 'Watts.' Nor was this all. A large addition was made to this J category by the introduction of a further clement,'^ This arose from the nursery practice of giving pet names. Much as this is done now, it would seem to have been still more common then. In either period the method has been the .same — that of turning the name into a diminutive. Our very word ' pet ' itself is but the diminutive 'petite,' or 'little one.' The *• fashion adopted, however, was different. We are fond of using ' ic,' or * ley.' Thus with us ' John ' becomes ' Johnnie,* ' Edward,' ' Teddic,' ' Charles,' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 1 5 Charley.' In early days the four diminutives in use were those of ' kin,' ' cock,' and the terminations ' ot' or *et,' and 'on' or *en,' the two latter being of Nor- "man-French origin. I. Kin. — This Saxon term, corresponding with the German ' chen,' and the French ' on ' or ' en,' referred to above, and introduced, most probably, so far as the immediate practice was concerned, by the Flemings, we still preserve in such words as 'manikin,' ' pipkin,' ' lambkin,' or ' doitkin.' This is very familiar as a nominal adjunct. Thus, in an old poem, entitled ' A Litul soth Sermun,' we find the following : — Nor those prude yongemen That loveth ' Malekyn,' And those prude maydenes That loveth ' Janekyn ; ' At chirche and at chepynge When they togadere come They runneth togaderes And speaketh of derne love. Masses and matins Ne kepeth they nouht, For ' Wilekyn ' and ' Watekyn ' Be in their thouht — Hence we have derived such surnames as ' Simpkins ' and ' Simpkinson,' ' Thompkins ' and ' Tomkinson.' 2. CoSk. — Our nursery literature still secures in its ' cock-robins,' ' cock-boats,' and ' cock-horses,' the immortality of this second termination. It forms an important clement in such names as ' Simcox,' ' Jeff- cock,' ' Wilcock,' or 'Wilcox,' and 'Laycock' (Law- rence). 3. Ot or et. — These terminations were introduced 1 6 ENGLISH SURNAMES. by the Normans, and certainly have made an impreg- nable position for themselves in our English nomen- clature. In our dictionaries they are found in such diminutives as 'pocket' (little poke), 'ballot,' 'chariot,' ' target,' ' latchet,' ' lancet ; ' in our directories in such names as 'Emmett,' or 'Emmot' (Emma), 'Tillotson' (Matilda), 'Elliot' (Elias), 'Harriot' (Mary), 'Will- mot' (Willamot), and 'Hewet,' or 'Hewetson' (Hugh).' 4. On or 671. — These terminations became very popular with the French, and their directories teem with the evidences they display of former favour. They are all but unknown to our English dictionary, but many traces of their presence may be found in our nomenclature. Thus ' Robert ' became ' Robin,' ' Nicol ' ' Colin,' ' Pierre ' ' Perrin,' ' Richard ' ' Diccon,' 'Mary ' ' Marion,' 'Alice ' * Alison,' 'Beatrice ' 'Beton,' 'Hugh' 'Huon,' or 'Huguon'; and hence such sur- names as ' Colinson,' 'Perrin,' ' Dicconson,' 'Allison' (in some cases), ' Betonson,' 'Huggins,' and ' Hugginson.'^ I have already said that the Norman invasion revolutionised our system of personal names. Cer- tainly it is in this the antagonism between Norman ' 'Ot' and ' et ' sometimes became 'elot' and 'elet' — 'Robert Richelot' (w. 15) (from Richard); Crestolot de Eratis (d. d.) (from Christian) ; 'Walter Hughelot ' (A.) ; 'John Huelot' (A.) (from iluyh) ; Constance Hobelot (A.) (from Hobbe) ; ' ILimclet de la Burste' (Cal. and Inv. of Treasury) ; 'Richard son of Ilamelot ' (A. A. 2) (from Hamon). ' Ilamlet ' and ' Hewlett ' are the commonest representatives of this class in our existing nomenclature. As a diminutive suffix ' let' is found in such words as ' leaflet,' 'bracelet,' 'hamlet,' or 'ringlet.' - The French have, among others of this'class, 'Guyon,' ' I'hilipon,' • Caton ' (Catharine), and ' Louison.' Sir Walter Scott, ever most accu- rate in his nomenclature, makes ' Marthon ' to be domestic to Hamcline de Croye (Qucntin Durward). None of these reached England. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 1 7 and Saxon is especially manifest. Occasionally, in looking over the records of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, we may light upon a ' Godwin,' or ' Guthlac,' or ' Goddard,' but they are of the most exceptional occurrence. Were the local part of these entries foreign, explanation would be unneeded. But while the personal element is foreign, the local denotes settlement from the up-country. Look at the London population of this period from such records as we possess. There is scarcely a hamlet, however small, that does not contribute to swell the sum of the metropolitan mass, and while ' London ' itself is of comparatively great rarity in our nomenclature, an insignificant village like, say Debenham, in Suffolk, will have its score of representatives — so great was the flow, so small the ebb. It is this large accession from the interior which is the stronghold of Saxon nomenclature. It is this removal from one village to another, and from one town to another, which has originated that distich quoted by old Vestigan — In 'ford,' in 'ham,' in 'ley,' in 'ton,' The most of English surnames run. And yet, strange as it may seem, it is very doubtful whether for a lengthened period, at least, the owners of these names were of Saxon origin. The position of the Saxon peasantry forbade that they should be in any but a small degree accessory to this increase. The very villenage they lived under, the very manner in which they were attached to the glebe, rendered any such roving tendencies as these impossible. These country adventurers, then, whose names I C ENGLISH SURNAMES. have instanced, were of no Saxon stock, but the sons of the humbler dependants of those Normans who had obtained landed settlements, or of Norman traders who had travelled up the country, fixing their habitation wheresoever the wants of an increas- ing people seemed to give them an opportunity of gaining a livelihood. The children of such, driven out of these smaller communities by the fact that there was no further opening for them, poor as the villeins amongst whom they dwelt, but different in that they were free, would naturally resort to the metropolis and other large centres of industry. Not a few, however, would belong to the free Saxons, who, much against their will, no doubt, but for the sake of gain, would pass in the community to which they had joined themselves by the name belonging to the more powerful and mercantile party. In the same way, too, some not small proportion of these names would belong to those Saxon serfs ^yho, having escaped their bondage, would, on reaching the towns, change their names to elude detection. These, of course, would be got from the Norman category. But be all this as it may, the fact remains that throughout all the records and rolls of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, we find, with but the rarest exceptions, all our personal names to be Norman. The Saxon seems to have become well-nigh extinct. There might have been a war of extermination against them. In an unbroken succession we meet with such names as 'John' and 'Richard,' 'Robert' and 'Henry,' 'Thomas' and 'Ralph,' 'Geoffrey' and 'Jor- dan,' ' Stephen ' and ' Martin,' ' Joscelyn ' and ' Alma- ric,' ' Ik-ncdict ' and ' Laurence,' ' Reginald ' and PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. I9 * Gilbert; 'Roger' and 'Walter,' 'Eustace' and ' Baldwin,' ' Francis ' and ' Maurice,' * Theobald ' and ' Cecil,' — no ' Edward,' no ' Edmund,' no * Harold ' even, saving in very isolated cases. It is the same with female names. While 'Isabel' and 'Matilda,' * Mirabilla ' and ' Avelina,' ' Amabilla ' and ' Idonia,' 'Sibilla' and 'Ida,' 'Letitia' and 'Agnes,' 'Petronilla' or ' Parnel ' and ' Lucy,' ' Alicia ' and ' Avice,' ' Alia- nora,' or ' Anora ' and ' Dowsabell,' ' Clarice ' and ' Muriel,' ' Agatha ' and ' Rosamund,' * Felicia ' and 'Adelina,' 'Julia' and 'Blanche,' 'Isolda' and 'Ame- lia' or 'Emilia,' 'Beatrix' and 'Euphemia,' 'Anna- bel' and ' Theophania,' 'Constance' and 'Joanna' abound ; ' Etheldreda,' or ' Edith,' or ' Ermentrude,' all of the rarest occurrence, are the only names which may breathe to us of purely Saxon times. In the case of several, however, a special effort was made later on, when the policy of allaying the jealous feel- ings of the popular class was resorted to. For a considerable time the royal and chief baronial families had in their pride sought names for their children from the Norman category merely. After the lapse of a century, however, finding the Saxon spirit still chafed and uneasy under a foreign thrall, several names of a popular character were introduced into the royal nursery. Thus was it with ' Edward ' and * Edmund.' The former of these appellations was represented by Edward I., the latter by his brother Edmund, Earl of Lancaster. Previously to this, too, an attempt had been made to restore the British 'Arthur' in that nephew of Cceur do Lion who so miserably perished by his uncle's means, and thereby 20 ENGLISH SURNAMES. gave Lackland a securer hold upon the English throne, if not upon the affections of the country. The sad and gloomy mystery which surrounded the disap- pearance of this boy-prince seems to have inspired mothers with a superstitious awe of the name, for we do not find, as in the case of ' Edward ' or ' Edmund,' its royal restoration having the effect of making it general* On the contrary, as an effort in its favour, it seems to have signally failed. Of all our early historic names I find fewest relics of this. The difficulty of subdividing our first chapter is great, but for the sake of convenience we have de- cided to preserve the following order : — 1. Names that preceded and survived the Con- quest. 2. Names introduced or confirmed by the Nor- mans. 3. Names from the Calendar of the Saints. 4. Names from Festivals and Holy-days. 5. Patronymics formed from occupations and officerships. 6. Metronymics. 7. Names from Holy Scripture. I. — Nanus that preceded ajid survived the Conquest. The peculiar feature of the great majority of such names as were in vogue previous to the Norman ' As a Christian name, however, fashion has again brought it into favour. While the memories that cluster round tiie name of the Iron Duke live, 'Arthur' can never die. Indeed, there are as many ' Arthur- Wellesleys' now as there were simple ^'Arthurs' before the battle of Waterloo. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 21 Conquest, and which to a certain extent maintained a hold, is that (saving in two or three instances) they did not attach to themselves either filial or pet desinences. If they have come down to us as sur- names, they are found in their simple unaltered dress. Thus, taking Afred as an example, we see in our directories ' Alfred ' or ' Alured ' or ' Allured ' to be the only patronymics that have been handed down to us. Latinized as Aluredus it figures in Domesday, The Hundred Rolls, later on, register an Alured Ape, and the surname appears in the Parliamentary Writs in the case of William Alured. It is hard to separate our * Aldreds ' from our * Allureds.' The usually entered forms are ' Richard Aired,' ' Hugh Aldred,' or 'Aldred fil. Roger.' Besides 'Aldred' there is 'Alderson,' which may be but 'Aldredson.' Aylwin is met by such entries as Richard Alwine, or Thomas Ailwyne: 'Adelard,' as 'Adlard' or * Alard,' and * Agilward ' as ' Aylward,' are of more frequent occurrence ; while Aldrech, once merely a personal name, is now, like many of the above, found only surnominally. The Teutonic mythology is closely interwoven in several of these names. The primary root ' god ' or 'good,' which stood in all Teuton languages as the title of divinity, was familiarised as the chief component in not a few of our still existing surnames. ' Godwin,' the name which the stout old earl of Danish blood has given to our Goodwin Sands, seems to have been well estab- lished when the great Survey was made. The French ' Godin ' seems scarcely to have crossed the Channel, but ' Godwin ' and ' Goodwin ' have well filled up the gap. ' Hugh fil. Godewin,' or ' Godwin de Dovre,' 22 ENGLISH SURNAMES, represent our registers. Our ' Godbolds ' are found in the dress of Godbolde/ our * Goodiers ' and ' Good- years ' as ' Goder ' or ' Godyer,' and our * Goddards ' as 'Godard.' The Hundred Rolls give us a 'John fil. Godard.' . The Alpine mountain reminds us of its connection with ' Gotthard/ and Miss Yonge states that it is still in use as a Christian name in Germany. * Gottschalk/ a common surname in the same country, was well known as a personal name in England in the forms of * Godescalde,' ^ * Godescall/ or ' Godeschalke,' such entries as * Godefry fil. Godescallus,' or * Godes- kalcus Armorer,' or * John Godescalde,' being not un- frequent. The latter name suggests to us our ' God- sails" and ' Godshalls ' as the present English sur- nominal forms. ' Gottschalk ' in our directories may always be looked upon as a more recent importation from Germany. Goderic was perhaps the commonest of this class — its usual dress in our registers being 'Gooderick,' * Goderichc,' 'Godrick,' and * Godric' An early Saxon abbot was exalted into the ranks of the saints as ' St. Goderic,' and this would have its influence in the selection of baptismal names at that period. ' Guthlac,' not without descendants, too, though less easily recognisable in our * Goodlakcs ' and ' Goodlucks,' and * Geoffrey,' or ' Godfrey,' whom I shall have occasion to mention again, belong to the same category.'^ The last of this class I may mention is the old * Godeberd/ or ' Godbcrt.' As simple ' One John Godescalde was in 1298 forbidden to dwell in Oxford, owing to some riot between Town and Gown (Mun. Acad. Oxon. p. 67). ' Herbert fil. Godman occurs in the ' Cal. Rot. Pat. in Turri Londonensi.'' As a personal name it will belong to the same class as ' Bateman,' ' Coleman,' ' Sweteman.' Such entries as ' Bateman Gille,' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 23 * Godeberd ' it is found in such a name as * Roger Godeberd,' met with in the London Tower records. Somewhat more corrupted we come across a 'John Gotebedde' in the Hundred Rolls of the thirteenth century ; and much about the same time a ' Robert Gotobedd ' lived in Winchelsea. In this latter form, I need scarcely say, it has now a somewhat flourishing existence in our midst. Some will be reminded of the lines : — Mr. Barker's as mute as a fish in the sea, Mr. Miles never moves on a journey, Mr. Gotobed sits up till half-after three, Mr. Makepeace was bred an attorney. Still, despite its long antiquity, when I recal the pretty Godbert from which it arose, I would, were I one of them, go to bed as such some night for the last time, nor get up again till I could dress, if not my person, at least my personality in its real and more antique habiliment. ' Os,' as a rootword implicative of deity, has made for itself a firm place in our ' Osbalds, ' Osberts,' ' Os- wins,' ' Oswalds,' ' Osborncs,' and ' Osmunds ' or ' Os- monds.' Instances of all these may be seen in our older registries. We quickly light upon entries such as ' Os- bert le Ferrur,' * Osborne le Hawkere,' ' Oswin Ogle,' 'Thomas Batemanson,' 'Richard Batmonson,' 'Coleman le lien,' ' Swetman fil, Edith,' or ' Sweteman Textor,' are not unfrequent. 'Tiddeman ' is of the same class. 'Tydeman le Swarte ' and ' Tidde- man Bokere ' both occur in the fourteenth century. All the above are firmly established as surnames. Having referred to ' Sweetman,' I may add that ' Sweet ' itself was a baptismal name. ' Swct le Bone ' (A), 'John Swetson' ('State Papers, Domestic, 1619-1623'), 'Adam Swetcoc ' (A). 24 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Nicholas Osemund,' or ' John Oswald.' Nor must 'Thor,' the 'Jupiter tonans ' of the Norsemen, be left out, for putting aside local names, and the day of the week that still memorialises him, we have yet several surnames that speak of his influence. 'Thurstan' and ' Thurlow ' seem both of kin. ' Thorald,' however, has made the greatest mark, and next * Thurkell.' Thorald may be seen in ' Torald Chamberlain ' (A), Ralph fil. Thorald (A), or Torald Benig (A); while Thurkell or Thurkill is found first in the fuller form in such entries as ' Richard Thyrketyll,' or ' Robert Thirkettle,' and then in the contracted in ' Thurkeld le Seneschal,' or ' Robert Thurkel' We have just referred to Thurkettle. ' Kettle ' was very closely connected with the mythology of Northern Europe, and is still a great name in Norway and in Iceland. The sacrificial cauldron of the gods must certainly have been vividly present to the imagination of our forefathers. The list of names compounded with ' Kettle ' is large even in England. The simple ' Kettle ' was very common. In Domes- day it is ' Chctill,' in the Hundred Rolls ' Kctcl ' or ' Cetyl ' or * Cattle.' Such entries as * Ketel le Mercer,' or ' Chetel Frieday,' or ' Cattle Bagge,' are met with up to the fifteenth century, and as surnames ' Kettle,' ' Chcttle ' and ' Cattle ' or ' Cattell ' have a well-estab- lished place in the nineteenth. Of the compound forms we have already noticed ' Thurkettle ' or ' Thurkell.' ' Ankctil le Mercir' (A), 'Roger Arketel ' (A), ' William Asketiir (Q), and 'Robert fil. Anskitiel' (W. 12) are all but changes rung on Oskcttlc. The abbots of England, in 941, 992, and 1,052, were 'Turkctyl,' 'Osketyl,' and 'Wulfketyl' respectively. The last seems PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 2$ to be the same as * Ulchetel ' found in Domesday.* In the same Survey we light upon a ' Steinchetel,' and * Grinketel ' is also found in a Yorkshire record of the same period.^ Orm, the representative of pagan wor- ship in respect of the serpent, has left its memorial in such entries as ' Alice fil. Orme,' or ' Ormus Arch- bragge.' The descendants of these are our ' Ormes ' and ' Ormesons.' More local names abide in * Orms- by,' ' Ormskirk,' * Ormerod,' and ' Ormes Head.' A series of names, some of them connected with the heroic and legendary lore of Northern Europe, were formed from the root ' sig ' — conquest. Many of these maintained a position as personal names long after the Norman invasion, and now exist in our directories as surnames. Nevertheless, as with the others hitherto mentioned, they are all but invariably found in their simple and uncompounded form. Our * Sewards,' ' Seawards,' and ' Sawards ' represent the chief of these. It is found in England in the seventh century, and was a great Danish name. Entries like ' Syward Godwin ' or * Siward Oldcorn ' are found as late as the beginning of the fourteenth century. Next we may mention our ' Segars,' ' Sagars,' ' Sa- bers,' * Sayers,' and ' Saers,' undoubted descendants of ' While all these fuller forms are obsolete as surnames, we must not forget that most of them still exist curtailed. From early days •kettle' in compounds became 'kill' or 'kell.' Thus 'Thurkettle' has left us 'Thurkell' and 'Thurkill,' already mentioned. 'Osketyl' has become * Oskell' (' Oskell Somenour,' A. A. 3, vol. ii. p. 184). ' Ulchetel ' was registered as ' Ulkell' and ' Ulchcl' (' W. 12, pp. 19, 20). Our 'Arkells' (Sim. fil. Arkill, E.), I doubt not, are corniptions of 'Ansketyl' or 'Oscetyl' or 'Arketel.' * Matthew 'Paris, under date 1047, says of the bishopric of Selsey, ' Defuncto Grinketel, Selesiensi pontifice, Ilecca regis capellanus suc- cessit.* 26 ENGLISH SURNAMES. such men as ' Saher de Quincy,' the famous old Earl of Winchester. The registrations of this as a per- sonal name are very frequent. Such entries as 'John fil. Saer,' * vSaher Clerk,' ' Saher le King/ or ' Eudo fil. Sygar,' are common. Nor has ' Sigbiorn ' been al- lowed to become obsolete, as our ' Sibornes ' and 'Seabornes' can testify. I cannot discover any in- stance of * Sibbald ' as a personal name after the Domesday Survey, but as a relic of ' Sigbald ' it is still living in a surnominal form. Though apparently occupative, our registers clearly proclaim that * Seman' or * Seaman ' must be set here. As a personal name it is found in such designations as ' Seman de Cham- pagne,' or * Seaman de Baylif,' or 'Seaman Carpenter.' With the mention of ' Sebright ' as a corruption of ' Sigbert ' or ' Sebert,' I pass on ; but this is sufficient to show that a name whose root-meaning implied heroism was popular with our forefathers. The popular notion that ' Howard ' is nothing but * Hogward ' is not borne out by facts. We find no trace whatever of its gradual reduction into such a corrupt form. As we shall have occasion to show hereafter, it is our ' Hoggarts ' who thus maintain the honours of our swine-tending ancestors. There can be little doubt, indeed, that ' Howard ' is but another form of ' Harvard ' or ' Hereward.' That it had early become so pronounced and spelt wc can prove by an entry occurring in the Test. Ebor. (Surt. Soc.) where one ' John Fitz-howard ' is registered. Our ' Hermans ' and ' Harmans ' represent ' Herman,' a name which, though in early use in England, wc owe chiefly to immigration in later days. Such entries as ' Herman de Francia' or 'Herman de Alemannia' are occasionally PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 2/ met with. The fuller patronymic attached itself to this name ; hence such entries as * Walter Herman- son,' and * John Urmynson,' * Harmer,' and ' Hermer,' seem to be somewhat of kin to the last. The per- sonal form is found in * Robert fil. Hermer,' and the surname in ' Hopkins Harmar.' Besid^es * Hardwin,' * Hadwin ' is also met with as a relic of the same, while * Harding ' has remained unaltered from the day when registrars entered such names as ' Robert fil. Harding ' and ' Maurice fil. Harding ; ' but this, as * Fitz-harding ' reminds us, must be looked upon as of Norman introduction. Nor must * Swain ' be for- gotten. We find in the Survey the wife of ' Edward filius Suani,' figuring among the tenants-in-chief of Essex. This is of course but our present ' Swainson ' or ' Swanson ; ' and when we add all the * Swains,' * Swayns,' and ' Swaynes ' of our directories we shall find that this name has a tolerably assured position in the nineteenth century. ' Swain ' implied strength, specially the strength of youth; and as Samson's strength became utter weakness through his affection, so I suppose it has fared with * Swain.' The country shepherd piping to his mistress, the lovesick bachelor, has monopolised the title. As a personal name it oc- curs in such registrations as * Sweyn Colle,' ' Swanus le Riche,' or * Adam fil. Swain.' n. — Names introduced or confirmed by the Normans. Of names specially introduced at the Conquest, or that received an impulse by that event, we may men- tion ' Serl ' and * Harvey.' ' Serl,' found in such names as * Serle Morice ' or ' Serle Gotokirke,' or 28 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * John fil. Serlo,' still abides in our ' Searles ' and ' Series,' ' Serrells ' and ' Serlsons.' * William Serle- son * occurs in an old Yorkshire register, and ' Richard Serelson ' in the Parliamentary Writs. The Norman diminutive also appears in Matilda Sirlot (A) and Mabel Sirlot (A).* ' Harvey,' or ' Herve,' was more common than many may imagine, and a fair number of entries such as * Herveus le Gos ' or * William fil. Hervei,' may be seen in all our large rolls. The Malvern poet in his * Piers Plowman ' employs the name : — And thanne cam Coveitise, Can I hym naght descryve, So hungrily and holwe Sire Hervy hym loked, 'Arnold,* now almost unknown in England as a baptismal name, made a deep impression on our nomenclature, as it did on that of Central Europe. ' Earn ' for the eagle is a word not yet obsolete in the North of England, and this reminds us of the origin of the name. This kinship is more easily traceable in our registries where the usual forms arc * Ernaldus Carnifix,' or 'Peter Ernald.' Besides 'Arnold,' 'Ami- son,' and the diminutive ' Arnott ' or ' Arnct ' ^ still live among us. 'Alberic,' or ' Albrcc,' as wc find it occasionally written, soon found its way into our rolls as ' Aubrey,' although, as ALUnc, Miss Yonge shows it to have existed in our country centuries ' In these same Writs occurs also the name of ' Hugh Serelson.' It is possible they are patronymics formed from ' Cyril,' but ' Serle ' is the more probable parent. ' The ' Parliamentary Writs ' give us ' Matthew Amyct,' the ' Ilun- dred Rolls,' ' Milisent Arnqt,' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 29 earlier.^ ' Albred,' probably but another form of the lately revived * Albert,' is now found as ' Allbright * and the German ' Albrecht.' ' Emery,' though now utterly forgotten as a personal name, may be said to live on only in our surnames. It was once no unimportant sobriquet. 'Americ,' ' Almeric,' * Almaric,' ' Emeric,' and ' Eimeric,' seem to have been its original spellings in England, and thus, at least, it is more likely to remind us that it is the same name to which, in the Italian form of Amerigo, we now owe the title of that vast expanse of western territory which is so indissolubly connected with English industry and English interests. Curter forms than these were found in ' Aylmar,' * Ailmar,' * Almar,' and ' Aymer,' and ' Amar.' The surnames it has bequeathed to us are not few. It has had the free run of the vowels in our ' Amorys,' ' Emerys,' and * Imarys,' and in a more patronymic form we may still oftentimes meet with it in our ' Emersons/ * Embersons,' ^ and * Imesons.' ' Ingram ' represents the old ' Ingelram,' ' Engleram,' ' Iggelram,' or ' Inge- ram,' for all these forms may be met with ; and ' Ebrardus,' later on registered as " Eborard,' still abides hale and hearty in our ' Everards ' and ' Everys.' The latter, however, can scarcely be said to be quite extinct as a baptismal name. ' Waleran,' an English form of the foreign 'Valerian,' is found in such an ' The ' Hundred Rolls' give us a pet addendum in the entry 'Walter Auberkin. ' * ' Richard Amberson ' and * Robert Amberson ' may be seen in Barret's History of Bristol (index). If not sprung from 'Ambrose,' they -will be but a variation of 'Emberson,' and one more instance of the change of vowels referred to a few pages further on. 30 ENGLISH SURNAMES. entry as * Walerand Berchamstead,' or * Waldrand Clark/ or 'Walran Oldman.' We see at once the origin of our ' Walronds ' and * Walrands.' The name of * Brice ' begins to find itself located in England at this time. Hailing from Denmark, it may have come in with the earlier raids from that shore, or later on in the more peaceful channels of trade. The Hundred Rolls furnish us with ' Brice fil. William ' and ' Brice le Parsun,' while the Placita de Quo Warranto gives us a * Brice le Daneys,' who himself proclaims the nationality of the name. The Norman diminutive is met with in 'Briccot de Brainton' (M M). 'Brice' and ' Bryson ' (when not a corruption of * Bride-son ') are the present representatives of this now forgotten name.' All the above names I have placed together, because, while introduced or receiving an impetus by the incoming of the Normans and their followers, they have, nevertheless, made little impression on our gene- ral nomenclature. The factthat, with but one or two ex- ceptions, the usual pet addenda, 'kin,' 'cock,' and 'ot,' or 'et,' are absolutely wanting, or even the patronymic 'son,' shows decisively that they cannot be numbered among what we must call the popular names of the period. Introduced here and there in the community at large, they struggled on for bare existence, and have descended to us as surnames in their simple and unaltered form. ' As with ' Brice ' so it is to the Danes we owe many entries in our older records of which ' Christian ' is the root. As a';baptisnial ^name it has always been most common in those parts of the eastern coast of England which have been brought into contact with Denmark by trade. Suchnamesas ' JoanCristina, ' 'Brice Cristian,' or 'John fd. Christian/ frequently occur in mediieval registers. Their descendants are now found as 'Christian,' 'Christy,' and ' Christison.' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 31 We now turn to a batch of personal names of a different character, names which, with a few excep- tions, are still familiar to us at baptismal celebrations, and which have changed themselves into so many varying forms, that the surnames issuing from them are well-nigh legion. Most of these are the direct result of the Conquest. They are either!^the sobriquets borne by William, his family, and his leading fol- lowers, or by those whom connections of blood, alliance, and interest afterwards brought into the country. Many others received their solid settlement in England through the large immigration of foreign artisans from Normandy, from Picardy, Anjou, Flan- ders, and other provinces. The Flemish influence has been very strong. I will first mention Drew, Warin, Paine, Ivo, and Hamon, because, although they must be included among the most familiar names of their time, they are now practically disused at the font. ' Drew,' or 'Drogo,' occurs several times in Domesday. An illegitimate son of Charlemagne was so styled, and, doubtless, it owed its familiarity to the adherents of the Conqueror. Later on, at any rate, it was firmly established, as such names as Drew Drewery, Druco Bretun, or William fil. Drogo testify. That ' Drewett' is derived from the Norman diminutive can be proved from the Hundred Rolls, wherein the same man is described in the twofold form of * Drogo Malerbe ' and * Druett Malerbe.' The feminine ' Dructta de Pratello ' is also found in the same records. ' Drew ' and ' Drewett ' are both in our directories.' Few ' As a proof that 'Andrew' and 'Drew' were distinct names, we may cite a fact recorded in Mr. Riley's Memorials of London. In the 32 ENGLISH SURNAMES. names were more common from the eleventh to the fourteenth century than ' Warin,' or * Guarin,' or ' Guerin ' — the latter the form at present generally found in France. It is the sobriquet that is incor- porated in our ancient * Mannerings,' or ' Main- warings,' a family that came from the ' mesnil,* or ' manor/ of ' Warin,* in a day when that was a familiar Christian name in Norman households, A few generations later on we find securely settled among ourselves such names as ' Warin Chapman/ or ' Warinus Ceroid/ or ' Guarinus Banastre/ in the baptismal, and 'Warinus Fitz-Warin,' or 'John Wari- son,' in the patronymic form, holding a steady place in our mediaeval rolls. Two of the characters in ' Piers Plowman/ as those who have read it will remember, bear this as their personal sobriquet : — One Waryn Wisdom And Witty his fere Followed him faste. And again — Then wente Wisdom And Sire Waryn the Witty And wamede wrong. ' Robert Warinot,' in the Hundred Rolls, and ' Wil- liam Warinot ' in the Placita de Quo Warranto, reveal the origin of our ' Warnetts ;' while our ' Warc- ings/ ' Warings/ ' Warisons,' ' Wasons/ and ' P^itz- Warins ' — often written ' Fitz- Warren ' — not to men- year 1400, Drew Barenlyn, twice Lord Mayor, came before the Council, asking to have his name ' Drew ' set down in the list of those who possessed the freedom of the city, the scribe having entered it as •Andrew.'— pp. 554, 555. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. ^^ tion the majority of our ' Warrens,' ^ are other of the descendants of this famous old name that still survive. A favourite name in these days was 'Payn/ or ' Pagan.' The softer form is given us in the ' Man of Lawes Tale '— The Constable, and Dame Hermegild his wife, Were payenes, and that country everywhere. We all know the history of the word ; how that, while the Gospel had made advance in the cities, but not yet penetrated into the country, the dwellers in the latter became looked upon with a something of con- tempt as idolators, so that, so far as this word was concerned, 'countryman' and 'false -worshipper' be- came synonymous terms. In fact, 'pagan' embraced the two meanings that ' peasant ' and ' pagan ' now convey, though the root of both is the same. The Normans, it would appear, must have so styled some of themselves who had refused baptism after that their chieftain, Rollo, had become a convert ; and hence, when William came over, the name was intro- duced into England by several of his followers. In Domesday Book we find among his tenants-in- chief the names of ' Ralph Pagancl ' and ' Edmund fil. Pagani.' The name became more popular as time went on, and it is no exaggeration to say that at one period— viz., the close of the Norman dynasty — it had threatened to become one of the most familiar appel- latives in England. This will account for the fre- quency with which we meet such entries in the past as ' Robert fil. Pain,' ' Pain del Ash,' ' Pagan do la ' 'Warren Ic Latimer' occurs in the 'Rolls of Parliament,' and 'Fulco P'itz- Warren' in the 'Cal. Rot. Pat.' in Turri Londoncmi. D 34 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Hale,' 'Roger fil. Pagan,' 'Payen le Dubbour,' or ' Elis le Fitz-Payn,' and such surnames in the present as ' Pagan,' * Payne,' * Payn,' ' Paine,' ' Pain,' and * Pynson.' The diminutive also was not wanting, as * John Paynett ' (Z) or ' P^mma Paynot ' (W 2) could have testified. Thus, while in our dictionaries ' pagan ' still represents a state of heathenism, in our directories it has long ago been converted to the uses of Chris- tianity, and become at the baptismal font a Christian name. * Ivar,' or ' Iver,' still familiarised to Scotch- men in 'Mac-Iver,' came to the Normans from the northern lands whence they were sprung, and with them into England. It was not its first appearance here, as St. Ives of Huntingdonshire could have testified in the seventh centur>'. Still its popular character was due to the Norman, Such names as *Yvo de Taillbois ' (12 11), mentioned in Bishop Pud- sey's ' Survey of the Durham See,' ' Ivo le Mercer,' 'Walter fil. Ive,' 'William Iveson,' 'Iveta Millisent,' or * John fil. Ivette,' serve to show us how familiar was this appellation with both sexes.* Nor are its descendants inclined to let its memory die. We have the simple 'Ive' and 'Ives;' we have the more patronymic * Iverson,' ' Ivison,' ' Iveson,' and ' Ison,' and the pet ' Ivetts ' and * Ivatts,' the latter possibly feminine in origin. ' Hamo,' or ' Hamon,' requires a paragraph for • Ivo de Usegate was Bailiff of York in 127 1. A few years after we find the Church of Askam Richard, close to the city, given by William de Archis and Ivetta his wife to the Nunnery of Monkton. In 1729 Alicia Iveson was buried in St. Martin's, Micklegate. Thus in the one city we have memorials of the male, female, and hereditary \i§e of this name. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 35 itself. It is firmly imbedded in our existing nomen- clature, and has played an important part in its time. Its forms were many, and though obsolete as baptismal names, all have survived as surnames. Of these may be mentioned our ' Hamons,' ' Haymons,' * Aymons,' and ' Fitz-Aymons.* Formed like ' Rawlyn,' ' Thom- lin,' and ' Cattlin,' it bequeathed us ' Hamlyn,' a relic of such folk as ' Hamelyn de Trap ' or ' Osbert Hamelyn.' Another change rung on the name is traceable in such entries as ' Hamund le Mestre,' * Hamond Cobeler,' or ' John Fitz-Hamond,' the source of our 'Hammonds' and 'Hamonds;' while in ' Alice Hamundson ' or ' William Hamneson ' we see the lineage of our many ' Hampsons,' But these are the least important. The Norman-French diminu- tive, ' Hamonet,' speedily corrupted into ' Hamnet ' and * Hammet,' became one of our favourite baptismal names, and towards the reign of Elizabeth one of the commonest. A ' Hamnet de Dokinfield ' is found so early as 1270 at Manchester (Didsbury Ch. Cheth. Soc). Shakespeare's son was baptized ' Hamnet,' and was so called after ' Hamnet Sadler,' a friend of the poet's — a baker at Stratford. This man is styled ' Hamlet ' also, reminding us of another pet form of the name. We have already mentioned ' Richard,' ' Chris- tian,' ' Hugh,' and * Hobbe,' as severally giving birth to the diminutives, ' Rickelot,' ' Crestelot,' ' Huelot,' and ' Hobelot.' In the same way, * Hamon ' became ' Hamelot,' or ' Hamelet,' hence such entries as ' Richard, son of Hamelot ' (AA 2), and * Hamelot de la Burste' (Cal. and Inv. of Treasury). Out of fifteen 'Hamnets' set down in 'Wills and Inventories' (Cheth. Soc), six are recorded as ' Hamlet,' one being D 2 36 ENGLISH SURNAMES. set down in both forms as * Hamnet Massey ' and ' Hamlet Massey' (cf. i. 148, ii. 201). If the reader will look through the index of Bromefield's ' Norfolk,' he will find that ' Hamlet ' in that county had taken the entire place of ' Hamnet.' Amid a large number of the former I cannot find one of the latter. It would be a curious question how far Shakespeare was biassed by the fact of having a * Hamlet in his nursery into changing ' Hambleth ' (the original title of the story) to the form he has now immortalized. An open Bible, and, further on, a Puritan spirit have left their influence on no name more markedly than ' Hamon.' As one after another new Bible character was commemorated at the font, ' Hamon ' got crushed out. Its last refuge has been found in our directories, for so long as our ' Hamlets,' ' Hamnets,' ' Hammets,' ' Hammonds,' and ' Hampsons ' exist, it cannot be utterly forgotten. ' Guy,' or ' Guyon,' dates from the * Round Table,' but it was reserved for the Norman to make his name so familiar to English lips. The best proof of this is that the surnames which it has left to us are all but entirely formed from the Norman-French diminutive ' Guyot,' which in England became, of course, ' Wyot.' Hence such entries as 'Wyot fil. Helias,' or 'Wyott Carpenter,' or ' Wyot Balistarius.' The descendants of these, I need scarcely say, arc our ' Wyatts.' But the Norman initial was not entirely lost. * Alcyn Gyot ' is found in the 'Rolls of Parliament;' and * Guyot ' and ' Guyatt ' testify to its existence in the nineteenth century.' ' Ralph,' or ' Radulf,' of whom there were thirty-eight in Domesday, has survived ' 'Guido,' as •Wydo,' is found in such entries as 'Will. fd. Wydo' (A), or 'Will. fd. W)donis'(K), hence 'Widowson' and ' Widdowson,' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 37 in a number of forms. Our * Raffs ' and * Raffsons ' can carry back their descent to days when ' Raffe Barton ' or * Peter Raffson ' thus signed themselves. The favourite pet forms were ' RawHn ' and ' Randle ;' hence such entries as ' Raulyn de la Fermerie,' * Rau- lina de Briston,' or ' Randle de la Mill.' To these it is we owe our ' Rawlins,' ' Rawlings,' ' Rawlinsons,' 'Rollins,' 'RoUinsons,' 'Randies' and 'Randalls.' Other and more ordinary corruptions are found in ' Rawes,' ' Rawson,' ' Rawkins,' ' Rapkins,' and ' Rapson.' The reader may easily see from this that ' Ralph,' from occupying a place in the foremost rank of early favourites, is content now to stand in the very rear. There are a number of names still in use, although not so popular as they once were, which were brought in directly by the Normans, and which were closely connected with the real or imaginary stories of which Charlemagne was the central figure. Italy, France, and Spain possess a larger stock than we do of this class, but those which did reach our shores made for themselves a secure position. ' Charles,' by some strange accident, did not obtain a place in England, nor is it to be found in our registers, saving in the most isolated instances, till Charles the First, by his mis- fortunes, made it one of the commonest in the land. In France, as Sir Walter Scott, in ' Quentin Durward,* reminds us, the pet form was ' Chariot ' and ' Charlat.' This, as a surname, soon found its way to England, where it has existed for many centuries. The feminine ' Charlotte,' since the death of the beloved Princess of that name, has become almost a household word. Putting aside * Charles,' then, the Paladins have be- queathed us ' Roland,' ' Oliver,' ' Robert,' ' Richard,' 38 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Roger,' ' Reginald,' ' Reynard,' and 'Miles.' We see at once in these names the parentage of some of our most familiar surnames. ' Oliver ' was, perhaps, the least popular so far as numbers were concerned, and might have died out entirely had not the Protector Crom- well brought it again into notoriety. ' Oliver,' 'Olver,' ' Oilier,' and ' Olivcrson ' are the present forms, and these are met by such entries as ' Jordan Olyver,' or 'Philip fil. Oliver.' 'Roland,' or 'Orlando,' was the nephew of the great Charles, who fell in his peerless might at Roncesvalles. Of him and Oliver, Walter Scott, translating the Norman chronicle, says — Taillefer, who sang both well and loud, Came mounted on a courser proud, Before the Duke the minstrel sprang, And loud of Charles and Roland sung, Of Oliver and champions mo, Who died at fatal Roncevaux. ' Roland ' was a favourite name among the higher nobility for centuries, and with our ' Rolands,' ' Row- lands,' * Rowlsons,' and ' Rowlandsons,' bids fair to maintain its hold upon our surnames, if not the bap- tismal list. Old forms are found in such entries as 'Roland le Lene,' ' Rouland Bloet,' 'William Rol- landson,' or ' Robert Rowclyngsonnc ' ! We must not forget, too, that our ' Rowletts ' and ' Rowlcts ' repre- sent the French diminutive.' ' Robert ' is an instance of a name which has held its place against all counter influences from the moment which first brought it into public favour. It is early made conspicuous in the eldest son of the Bastard King who, through his • Matthew Rowlett was Master of the Mint to Henry VHI. (>S Tymme the tinker, and twain of his 'prentices. But, however unfortunate Paul's spiritual son may have been, the same cannot be said of Clement, his fellow-labourer. Raised to high distinction as the title of one of the greatest of the early fathers, a popular name among the Popes (for no less than fourteen were found to bear the sobriquet), Clement could not fail to meet with honour. Its usual forms were * Clement,' ' Clemcnce,' and ' Clemency.' Dimi- nutives were found also in ' Clem ' and ' Clim.' Of the noted North English archer it is said, in one of the Robin Hood ballads — And Clim of the Clough hath plenty enough, If he but a penny can spare ; and in the old song of the ' Green-gown ' a rhyme is easily secured by the conjunction of such names as — Clem, Joan, and Isabel, Sue, Alice, and bonny Nell. PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 99 The chief surnames whose paternity is traceable to ' Clement ' are ' Clements,' * Clementson,' ' Clemms,' * Clemson,' and ' Clempson.' Archangelic names are found in our ' Gabbs,' ' Gabbots,' and ' Gabcocks,' from ' Gabriel ; ' and in our ' Michaelson,' ' Mitchels,' and ' Mitchelsons,' from ' Michael.' But let us somewhat more closely analyse these names. As I have said before, from the most casual survey one thing is evident, they represent the Church's Calendar rather than the Church's Bible. They are the extract of sacred legends rather than of Holy Writ. There is not a single name to betray any internal acquaintance with the Scriptures. Nor could there well be. An English Bible was unknown, and had there been one to consult, the reading powers of the nation were too limited for it to have been much used. Many of the clergy themselves could not read. Thus the Bible, so far as extends beyond the leading incidents it contains, was a sealed book. This had its effect upon our nomenclature. We cannot find a single trace of acquaintance with its rarer histories. What a wide change in this respect did Wicklyffe and the Reformation effect ! With an English Bible in their hand, with the clearing away of the mists of ignorance and superstition, with the destruction of all forces that could obstruct the spread of knowledge, all was altered. The Bible, posted up in every church, might be read of all — and all who could probably did read it. This at once had its effect upon our nomen- clature. Names familiar enough in our own day to those ordinarily conversant with the Scriptures, but till then absolutely unknown, were brought forth from their hiding-places and made subservient to the new lOO ENGLISH SURNAMES. impulse of the nation. Names associated with the more obscure books, and with personages less directly confronting us in our study of the Word, begin now to be inscribed upon our registers. The ' Proceedings in Chancery ' is the best evidence how far this had affected our nomenclature towards the close of the reign of Elizabeth. We come across such names, for example, as ' Ezechie Newbold,' * Dyna Bocher,' * Phenenna Salmon,' ' Ezekiel Guppye,' * Dedimus Buckland,' * Esdras Botright,' ' Sydrach Sympson,' 'Judith Botswain,* 'Isachar Brookes,' 'Gamaliel Capell,' ' Emanuel Cole,' * Abigaill Cordell,' ' Reuben Crane,' * Amos Boteler,' ' Philologus Forth,' ' Zabulon Gierke,' * Archelaus Gifford,' 'Gideon Hancock,' 'Seth Awcocke,' ' Abacucke Harman,' or ' Melchizedek Payn.' The ' State Papers ' (domestic) of James I.'s reign are .still more largely imbued with the new influence. We are now brought face to face with entries such as * Uriah Babington,' ' Aquila Wykes,' 'Hilkiah Crooke,' 'Caleb Morley,' ' Philemon Powell,' 'Melchior Rainald,' 'Zachaeus Ivitt,' 'Ananias Dyce,' ' Agrippina Binglcy,' ' Apollonia Cotton,' or ' Phineas Pett.* So far, however, the change was of a certain kind. These new names did not clash with the old nomenclature. There was a greater variety, that was all. Both romance and sacred names went together, and in the same family might be seen 'John' and 'Ralph,' 'Isaac' and 'Robert,' 'Reuben' and ' Richard.' But a new spirit was being infused into the heart of the nation, th"at spirit which at length brought about the Puritan Commonwealth. We all know how this great change came. It is neither our intention, nor need we enter into it here. Sufficient PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. lOI for our purpose that it came. This revolution mar- vellously affected our nomenclature. It was not simply that the old and, so to speak, pagan names •William,' 'Roland,' 'Edward,' 'Ralph,' ' Aymon,' and a hundred others, once household words, were condemned to oblivion, but even the names of the Christian saints were ignored. ' Cromwell,' says Cleveland, 'hath beat up his drums clean through the Old Testament — you may know the genealogy of our Saviour by the names of his regiment. The muster master hath no other list than the first chapter of St. Matthew.' The Old Testament, indeed, seems to have been alone in favour.' The practice of choosing such designations borrowed therefrom as ' Enoch,' 'Hiram,' ' Seth,' ' Phineas,' 'EH,' ' Obadiah,' 'Job,' ♦Joel,' 'Hezekiah,' ' Habbakuk,' 'Caleb,' ' Zeruiah,' 'Joshua,' ' Hephzibah,' or ' Zerubbabel,' has left its mark to this very day, especially in our more retired country districts. Self-abasement showed itself, at least externally, in the choice of names of bad repute. 'Cains,' 'Absoloms,' ' Abners,' ' Delilahs,' 'Dinahs,' ' Tamars,' ' Korahs,' 'Abirams,' and ' Sapphiras,'^ ' Lord Macaulay has noticed this. Speaking of the Old Testament, and in respect of the old Puritans, he says : ' In such a history it was not difficult for fierce and gloomy spirits to find much that might be dis- torted to suit their wishes. The extreme Puritans, therefore, began to feel for the Old Testament a preference which, perhaps, they did not distinctly avow even to themselves, but which showed itself in all their sentiments and habits. They paid to the Hebrew language a respect which they refused to that tongue in which the discourses of Jesus and the epistles of Paul have come down to us. They baptized their chil- dren by the names, not of Christian saints, but of Hebrew patriarchs and warriors.' —(///>/'. E7tg. ch. i.) ^ The most curious illustration of this class is that of * Melcom Groat ' (T.T.), ' Milcom, the abomination of the children of Ammon.' 102 ENGLISH SURNAMES. abounded. Nor was this all. Of all excesses those of a religious character are proverbially most intem- perate in their course. Abstract qualities, prominent words of Scriptures, nay, even short and familiar sentences culled from its pages, or parodied, were tacked on to represent the Christian name. Camden mentions, as existing in his own day, such appella- tions as ' Free-gift,' * Reformation,' ' Earth,' ' Dust,' 'Ashes,' 'Delivery,' ' Morefruit,' 'Tribulation,' 'The Lord is near,' 'More trial,' 'Discipline,' 'Joy again,' ' From above ' — names which, he says, ' have lately been given by some to their children, with no evil meaning, but upon some singular and precise conceit.' ' Praise-God-Barebones ' is but another specimen of this extraordinary spirit. The brother of this latter could boast a still longer sobriquet. He had chosen for himself, it is said, the title, ' If-Christ-had-not- died-for-you-you-had-been-damned-Barebones,' but his acquaintances becoming wearied of its length, retained only the last word, and as ' Damned-Bare- bones ' left him a sobriquet more curt than pleasant. The following is a list of a jury said to have been enclosed in the county of Sussex at this time, and selected of course from the number of the Saints : — Accepted Trevor of Norsham. Redeemed Compton of Battle. Faint-not Hewit of Heathfield. Make-peace Heaton of Hare. God-reward Smart of Fivehurst. Stand-fast-on-high Stringer of Crowhurst. — 2 Kings, xxiii. 13. This is a conversion by baptism which would astonish equally Mr. Spurgeon and Dr. Pusey, I should imagine. A sister of Archbishop Leighton (son of a much persecuted Presbyterian minister) was ' Sapphira.' PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. IO3 Earth Adams of Waketon. Called Lower of the same. Kill-sin Pimple of Witham. Return Spelman of Watling. Be-faithful Joiner of Butling. Fly-debate Roberts of the same. Fight-the-good-fight-of-faith White of Emer. More-fruit Fowler of East Hadly. Hope-for Bending of the same. Graceful Herding of Lewes. Weep -not Billing of the same. Meek Brewer of Oakeham. The above list may be thought by many a mere burlesque, and so I doubt not it is, but a similar cate- gory could be quickly put together from more reliable sources, and some of the names therein set down did certainly exist. The following entries are quoted by Mr. Lower from the registers of Warbleton : — 161 7. Be-stedfast Elyarde. — Good-gift Gynnings. 1622. Lament Willard. 1624. Defend Outered. 1625. Faint-not Dighurst. — Fere-not Rhodes. 1677. Replenish French." The ' Proceedings in Chancery ' furnish us with ' Virtue Hunt,' ' Temperance Dowlande,' ' Charitie Bowes,' and ' Lamentation Chapman.' The ' Visitation of Yorkshire ' gives us * Fayth Neville,' ' Grace Clay- ton,' ' Troth Bellingham,' and * Prudence Spenser ; ' and amongst other more general instances may be mentioned * Experience Mayhew,' ^ ' Abstinence ' The same writer quotes from the register of Waldron the following curious entry : — ' Flie-fornication, the bace sonne of Catren Andrewes, bapt. ye 17th Desemb., 1609.' * 'The Rev. Experience Mayhew, A.M., born Feb, 5th, 1673, I04 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Pougher,' ^ ' Increase Mather,' * * Thankful! Frewen,' 'Accepted Frewen,'^ * Live-well Sherwood,' * * Faythful Fortescue,' * and * Silence Leigh.' ^ The more extraor- dinary and rabid phases of this spirit have now passed away, but the general effect remains. It is from this date, I have said, must be noted the declension of such a familiar name as ' Humphrey,' or ' Ralph,' or ' Jos- celyn,' and of the romance names generally. From this date we perceive the use of some of our present most fa- miliar and till then wellnigh unknown baptismal names. With the restoration of Charles II. much of the more rhapsodic features of this curious spirit died out, but it is more than probable it was fed elsewhere. The rigorous persecution of the Nonconformists which marked and blotted his reign, the persecuting spirit which drove hundreds to seek beyond the seas that asylum for religious liberty which was denied them at died of an apoplexy, Nov. 9th, 1758.' He was a missionary to Vine- yard Island. (Vide 'Pulpit,' Dec. 6, 1827.) ' 'Here lieth the body of Abstinence Pougher, Esq., who died Sept. 5th, 1741, aged 62 years.' (All Saints, Leicester. F/V/f Nicholls' ' Leicester.') * Dr. Increase Mather was sent from New England to represent to James II. the gratitude of the Dissenters for a Toleration Act in 1685. { FiV/i? Neales' 'Puritans,' vol. v. p. 31.) * Rev. Accepted Frewen (died 1664) was Archbishop of York, and son of a Puritan minister in Sussex. (Vide Walker's 'Sufferings of Clergy,' p. 38,) 'Thankful!' was his brother. * Mr. Livewell Sherwood, an alderman of Norwich, was put on a commission for sequestering Papists, in 1643. (ScobcU's 'Orders of Pari.,' p. 38.) * Faythful Fortescue. ('Visitation of Yorkshire.') * ' Robert Thycr and Silence Leigh, married Dec. 9, 1741.' (St. Ann's, Manchester.) She was evidently the daughter of some old stickler for St. Paul's doctrine — 'Let the women learn in silence, with all subjection' — or had he been himself a sufferer in his married life ? PATRONYMIC SURNAMES. 10$ home, could have none other effect than to make these settlers cling the more tenaciously to the new scheme of doctrine and practice, for which they had sacrificed so much. Thus the feeling which had led them at home to allow the Written Word to be the only source from which to select names for their children, or to make substitutions for their own, was not hkely to be suppressed in the backwoods.^ Their very life and its surroundings there but harmonized with the primitive histories of those whose names they had chosen, A kind of affinity seemed to be estab- lished between them. This spirit was fanned by the very paucity of population, and the difficulty of keep- ing up any connexion with the outer world. They were shut up within themselves, and thus the Bible became to them, not so much a record of the past as that through which ran the chronicle of the present. It was a living thread interwoven into their very lives. Their history was inscribed in its pages, their piety was fed by its doctrines. Its impress lay upon all, its influence pervaded all. All this has left its mark upon Anglo-American nomenclature — nay, to such a degree do these influences still exist, that, though derived from the same sources, the American system and our own can scarce be viewed otherwise than as separate and distinct. Rare, indeed, are the early romance and the Teutonic names in those tracts ' Charles Chauncy died in New England, 1671. He went from Hertfordshire, where the family had been settled for centuries. His children were 'Isaac,' ' Ichabod,' 'Sarah,' 'Barnabas,' ' Elnathan,' ♦Nathaniel,' and 'Israel.' (Clutterbuck's Hertford, vol. ii. 401.) Elnathan and Nathaniel are the same, with syllables reversed, like ' Theodora ' and ' Dorothea. ' I06 ENGLISH SURNAMES. where the descendants of the primitive settlers are found. All are derived from the Scriptures, or are of that fancy character, a love of which arose with their Puritan forefathers. Appellations such as ' Seth,' or 'Abel,' or 'Lot,' or 'Jonas,' or 'Asa,' or ' Jabez,' or ' Abijah,' or ' Phineas,' or ' Priscilla,' or ' Epaphro- ditus,' abound on every hand. Sobriquets like ' Faith,' and ' Hope,' and * Charity,' and * Patience,' and ' Prudence,' and * Grace,' and * Mercy,' have be- come literally as household words, and names yet more uncouth and strange may be heard every day, sounding oddly indeed to English ears. There would seem to have been a revulsion of feeling, even from such of the Biblical names as had lived in the earlier centuries of our history, as if the connexion of ' Peter,' and 'John,' and ' James,' and ' Thomas ' with others of more pagan origin had made them unworthy of fur- ther use ; certain it is, that these are in no way so familiar with them as with us. Such are the strange humours that pass over the hearts of men and com- munities. Such are the changes that the nomen- clature of peoples, as well as of places and things, undergo through the more extraordinary convulsions which sometimes seize the body corporate of society. Truly it is a strange story this that our surnames tell us. ' What's in a name .' ' in the light of all this, seems indeed but a pleasantry, meant to denote how full, how teeming with the story of our lives is each — as so they are. X CHAPTER 11. LOCAL SURNAMES. In wellnigh every country where personal nomen- clature has assumed a sure and settled basis, that is, where a second or surname has become an hereditary possession in the family, we shall find that that por- tion of it which is of local origin bears by far the largest proportion to the whole. We could well pro- ceed, therefore, to this class apart from any other motive, but when we further reflect that it is this local class which in the first instance became hereditary, we at once perceive an additional claim upon our atten- tion. I need scarcely say at the outset that, as with all countries so with England, prefixes of various kinds were at first freely used to declare more particularly whence the nominee was sprung. Thus, if he were come from some town or city he would be * William of York,' or ' John of Bolton,' this enclitic being fami- liarly pronounced * a,' as ' William a York,' or ' John a Bolton.' For instance, it is said in an old poem anent Robin Hood — It had been better of William a Trent To have been abed with sorrowe ; I08 ENGLISH SURNAMES. where it simply means * William of Trent.' * This, of course, is met in France by *de,' as it was also on English soil during early Norman times. If, on the other hand, the situation only of the abode gave the personality of the nominee, the connecting link was varied according to the humour or caprice of the speaker, or the relative aspect of the site itself Thus, if we take up the old Hundred Rolls we shall find such entries as 'John Above-brook,' or ' Adelina Above-town,' or ' Thomas Behind-water,' or ' John Beneath-the-town.' Or take a more extended in- stance, such as * Lane.' We find it attached to the personal name in such fashions as the following : — Cecilia in the Lane. Emma a la Lane. John de la Lane. John de Lane. Mariota en le Lane. Philippa ate Lane. Thomas super Lane. ' Brook,' again, by the variety of the prefixes which I find employed, may well be cited as a further example. We have such entries as these : — Alice de la Broke. Andreas ate Broke. Peter ad le Broke. Matilda ad Broke. Reginald del Broke. Richard apud Broke. Sarra de Broke. Reginald bihunde Broke. ' ' What is your name?' then said Robin Hood, 'Come, tell me, without any fail ;' ' By the faith of my body,' then said the young man, * My name it is Allan a Dale.' {Robin Hood^ vol. ii, 261.) LOCAL SURNAMES. IO9 These are extracts of more or less formal entries, but they serve at least to show how it was at first a mere matter of course to put in the enclitics that associated the personal or Christian name with that which we call the surname. Glancing over the instances just quoted, we see that of these definitive terms some are purely Norman, some equally purely Latin, a few are an admixture of Norman and Latin, a common thing in a day when the latter was the language of inden- ture, and the rest are Saxon, 'ate' being the chief one. This ' atte ' was ' at the,' answering to the Norman * de la,' ' del,' or ' du,' and was familiarly contracted by our forefathers into the other forms of * ate ' and * att ; ' or for the sake of euphony, when a vowel preceded the name proper, extended to 'atten.' Li our larger and more formal Rolls these seldom occur, owing to their being inscribed all but invariably in the Norman-French or Latin style I have instanced above, but in the smaller abbey records, and those of a more private interest, these Saxon prefixes are common. In the writers of the period they are fami- liarly used. Thus, in the * Coventry Mysteries,' mention is made of — Thorn Tynker, and Betrys Belle, Beyrs Better, and Watt at the Well ; • ' One of the best puns extant is put to the credit of the Duke of Buckingham by Walter Scott, in his Peveril of the Peak. A Mrs. Cresswell, who had borne anything but a creditable character, be- queathed 10/. for a funeral sermon, in which nothing ill-natured was to be said of her. The duke wrote the following brief but pointed dis- course : ' All I shall say of her is this : she was bom 7w//, she married •well, she lived wt'//, and she died well; for she was born at "Shad- well," married to "Cress-well," lived at " Clerken-well," and died in ♦♦Bride-well."' no ENGLISH SURNAMES. while ' Piers Plowman ' represents Covetousness as saying — For some tyme I served Symme aUe-Style And was his prentice. It may not be known to all my readers, probably not even to all those most immediately concerned, that this * atte ' or ' att ' has fared with us in a manner similar to that of the Norman ' du ' and ' de la.' It has occasionally been incorporated with the sobriquet of locality, and thus become a recognised part of the surname itself Take the two names from the two poems I have but just quoted, 'Watt at the Well' and ' Symme atte Style.' Now we have at this pre- sent day but simple ' Styles ' to represent this latter, while in respect of the former we have not merely * Wells,' but ' Attwell,' or ' Atwell.' These examples are not solitary ones. Thus, such a name as * John atte Wood,' or ' Gilbert atte Wode,' has bequeathed us not merely the familiar * Wood,' but * Attwood ' and * Atwood ' also. ' William atte Lea,' that is, the pasture, can boast a large posterity of ' Leighs,' ' Leghs,' and ' Lees ; ' but he is wellnigh as com- monly represented by our ' Atlays ' and ' Attlees.' And not to become tedious in illustrations, ' atte- Borough ' is now ' Attenborough ' or 'Atterbury;' ' atte-Ridge ' has become ' Attridge,' ' atte-Field ' ' Atfield ; ' while such other designations as ' atte- Town,' 'atte-Hill,' ' atte-Water,' ' atte- Worth,' 'atte- Tree,' or ' atte-Cliffe,' arc in this nineteenth century of ours registered frequently as mere ' Atton,' ' Athill,' ' Atwater,' ' Atworth,' ' Attree,' and ' Atclifife.' Some- times, however, this prefix dropped down into the LOCAL SURNAMES. Ill simple *a.' The notorious Finder of Wakefield was * George a Green ' according to the ballads regarding Robin Hood. ' Thomas a Becket,' literally, I doubt not, ' Thomas atte Becket ' — that is, the streamlet — is but another instance from more general history. The name is found in a more Norman dress in the Hundred Rolls, where one ' Wydo del Beck't ' is set down. In the same way 'atte-Gate' became the jewelled ' Agate,' and ' atte-More ' ' Amore ' and the sentimental ' Amor.' I have said that where the name proper— i.e. the word of locality — began with a vowel the letter ' n ' was added to ' atte ' for purposes of euphony. It is interesting to note how this euphonic ' n ' has still survived when all else of the prefix has lapsed. Thus by a kind of prosthesis our familiar 'Noakes' or 'Nokes' stands for ' Atten-Oaks,' that is, ' At the Oaks.' ' Piers Plowman,' in another edition from that I have already quoted, makes Covetousness to say — For sum tyme I served Simme atte-Noke, And was his plight prentys, His profit to look. * Nash ' is but put for * atten-Ash,' or as some of our Rolls records it, * atte-Nash ; ' ' Nalder ' for ' atten- Alder,' ' Nelmes ' for ' atten-Elms,' ' Nail ' for * attcn- Hall,' while * Oven ' and ' Orchard ' in the olden registers arc found as * atte-Novene ' and ' atte-Nor- chard ' respectively. That this practice, in a day of an unsettled orthography, was common, is easily judged by the traces that may be detected in our ordinary vocabulary of a similar habit. In the period we are considering ' ale ' was the vulgar term for an 112 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' ale-house.' We still talk of the ' ale-stake,' that is, the public-house sign. Thus *atten-ale' got corrupted into *nale.' Chaucer, with many other writers, so uses it. In the ' Freres Tale ' we are told how the Sompnour — Maken him gret festes at the nale. An old poem, too, says — Robin will Gilot Leden to the nale And sitten there togedres And tellen their tale. Thus our forefathers used to talk alike of * an ouch,' or 'a nouch,' for a jewel or setting of gold. Gowcr has it — When thou hast taken any thynge Of love's gifte, or nouche, or rynge. Even now, I need scarcely remind my readers, wc talk of a ' newt,* which is nothing but a contraction of ' an ewt ' or ' eft,' and it is still a question whether ' nedder,' provincially used for ' an adder,' was not originally contracted in a similar manner. ' Nale,' or * Nail,' thus locally derived, still lives in our directories as a surname.' While ' atte ' has been unquestionably the one chief prefix to these more familiar local terms, it is not the sole one that has left its mark. Our ' Bywa- ters' and ' Bywoods' are but the descendants of such mediaeval folk as ' Elias Bi-the-water,' or ' Edward ' A will, dated 1553, among other bequests mentions : ' Also to 7>iy tta7VHt Bygott an old angell of golde.' The old angel, I need not say, refers to the coin, not the aunt. (Richmondshire Wills, p. 76.) LOCAL SURNAMES. II3 By-the-wode,' and our * Byfords,' ' Bytheseas/ and 'Bygates,' or 'Byatts,' are equally clearly the off- spring of some early ancestor who dwelt beside some streamlet shallow, or marine greensward, or woodland hatchway. In this pursuit after individuality, however, this was not the only method adopted. Another class of names arose from the somewhat contrary practice of appending to the place-word a termination equally significative of residence. This suffix was of two kinds, one ending in ' er,' the other in ' man.' Thus if the rustic householder dwelt in the meadows, he became known among his acquaintance as ' Robert the Fielder,' or 'Filder;' if under the greenwood shade, 'Woodyer,' or 'Woodyear,' or 'Woodman' — relics of the old ' le Wodere ' and ' le Wodeman ; ' if by the precincts of the sanctuary, ' Churcher ' or ' Churchman ' in the south of England, or * Kirker ' or * Kirkman ' in the north ; if by some priory, ' Templer ' or * Templeman ; ' if by the village cross, ' Grosser,' or ' Grossman,' or ' Groucher,' or ' Grouch- man ; ' if by the bridge, ' Bridger ' or ' Bridgman ; ' if by the brook, ' Brooker,' or ' Brookman,' or ' Becker,' or * Beckman ; ' if by the well, the immortal ' Weller,' or ' Welman,' or ' Grossweller,' if, as was often the case, it lay beneath the roadside crucifix ; if by some particular tree, ' Beecher,' once written ' le Beechar,' or'Asher,' or ' Hollier,' or ' Holleyman,' or ' Okcr,' and so on. A certain number of names of the class we are now dwelling upon have arisen from a somewhat peculiar colloquial use of the term * end ' in vogue I 114 ENGLISH SURNAMES. with our Saxon forefathers. The method of its em- ployment is still common in Lancashire and Yorkshire. The poorer classes still speak of a neighbour as dwell- ing ' at the street end ; ' they never by any chance use the fuller phrase 'the end of the street.' Chaucer uses it as a familiar mode of expression. The Friar, in the preface to his story, says slightingly — A Sompnour is a rener up and doun With mandments for fornication, And is beaten at every tounes ende. In the * Persones Prologue,' too, the same poet says — Therewith the moons exaltation In mene Libra, alway gan ascende As we were entring at the thorpes ende. How colloquial it must have been in his day we may judge from the following list of names I have been enabled to pick up from various records, and which I could have enlarged had I so chosen : — John ate Bruge-ende. Walter atte Townshende. John de Poundesende. Margaret ate Laneande. William atte Streteshend. John atte Burende. Adam de Wodcshendc. Martin de Clyveshende. John de la Wykhend. William de Overende. John de Dichendc. Thomas atte Greaveshendc. Besides these we have such a Latinized form for ' Townsend,' or ' Townshend,' as ' Ad fincm villae,' or ' End ' itself without further particularity, in such a LOCAL SURNAMES. II5 sobriquet as ' William atte-Nende.' ^ The several points of the compass, too, are marked in ' North- ende,' ' Eastende,' and * Westende,' the latter having become stereotyped in the fashionable mouth as the quarter in which the more opulent portion of the town reside, whether its aspect be towards the setting siin or the reverse — but an exaggeration of this kind is a mere trifle where fashion is concerned. But these Saxon compounded names, numerous as they are, are but few in comparison with the simple locative itself, without prefix, without desinence, ' Geoffrey atte Style,' ' Roger atte Lane,' ' Walter atte Water,' * Thomas atte Brooke ; ' or in the more Norman fashion of many of our rolls, ' John de la Ford,' 'Robert del Holme,' 'Richard de la Field,' * Alice de la Strete : ' all these might linger for awhile, but in the end, as we might foresee, as well in the mouths of men as later on in the pages of our registers, they became simple * Geoffrey Styles ' and ' Roger Lane,' * Walter Waters ' and ' Thomas Brookes,' ' John Ford ' and ' Robert Holmes,' ' Alice Street ' and ' Richard Field.' Here, then, is an endless source of surnames to our hands. Here is the spring from which have issued those local sobriquets which prepon- derate so largely over those of every other class. To analyse all these were impossible, and the task of selection is little less difficult. But we may give the preference to such leading provincialisms as are em- bodied in our personal nomenclature, or to such terms as by their existence there betoken that, though not ' This name thus formed existed till the sixteenth century, at least, for ' Christopher Nend ' is set down in the Corpus Christi Guild, York, 1530. I 2 Il6 ENGLISH SURNAMES. now, yet they did then occupy a place in the vocabu- lary of every-day converse. For it is wonderful how numberless are the local words, now obsolete saving for our registers, which were used in ordinary talk not more than five hundred years ago. That many of them have been thus rescued from oblivion by our hereditary nomenclature is due no doubt to the fact that the period of the formation of the latter is that also during which our tongue was settling down into that composite form of Saxon and Norman in which we now have it, and which in spite of losses in con- sequence, in spite of here and there a noble word crushed out, has given our English language its pliancy and suppleness, its strengths and shades. We have mentioned ' de la Woode ' and ' Atte- woode.' ' De la Hirst' is exactly similar — its com- pounds equally numerous. The pasture beside it is ' Hursley ' — if filberts abound it is ' Hazlehurst ; ' if ashes, ' Ashurst ; ' if lindens or linds, ' Lyndhurst ; ' if elms, * Elmhurst.' If hawks frequented it we find it styled * Hawkhurst ; ' if goats, ' Goathirst ; ' if badgers or brocks, ' Brocklehurst ; ' if deer, ' Dewhurst ' (spelt Duerhurst, 1375). The 'holt ' was less in size, being merely a coppice or small thicket. Chaucer speaks of ' holtes and hayes.' ' Dc la Holt ' is of frequent occurrence in our early rolls. Our ' Cockshots ' are but the ' cocksholt,' the liquid letter being elided as in ' Aldershot,' ' Oakshot,' ' and ' Bagshot,' or badgers' holt. A * shaw ' or * schaw ' was a small woody shade or covert. An old manuscript says : — ' William de Okholt is found in the * Inquis. post mortem.' This would be the original form. LOCAL SURNAMES. , 11/ In somer when the shawes be sheyne, And leves be large and long, It is fulle mery in feyre foreste To here the foulys song. As a shelter for game and the wilder animals, it is found in such compounds as ' Bagshaw/ the badger being evidently common ; ' Hindshaw,' ' Ramshaw,' * Hogshaw,' ' ' Cockshaw,' ' Henshaw,' and ' Earnshaw.' The occurrence of such names as ' Shallcross ' and * Shawcross,' ' Henshall ' and ' Henshaw,' and ' Kersall ' and * Kershaw,' would lead us to imagine that this word too has been somewhat corrupted. Other descriptive compounds are found in ' Birkenshaw,* or * Denshaw,' or ' Bradshaw,' or ' Langshaw,' or * Openshaw.' As for ' Shaw ' simple, every county in England has it locally, and every directory surnomi- nally. Such a name as ' Richard de la Frith' or * George ate Frith ' carries us at once to the woodland copses that underlay our steeper mountain-sides — they represented the wider and more wooded valleys in fact We find the term lingering locally in such a name as ' Chapel-en-le-frith ' in the Peak of Derby- shire. The usual alliterative expression of early days was ' by frith and fell.' We have it varied in an old poem of the fourteenth century : — The Duke of Braband first of all Swore, for thing that might befall, That he should both day and night Help Sir Edward in his right, In town, in field, in frith and fen. Our ' Friths ' are by no means in danger of obsoletism, • ' Emehna de Hogshawe ' (Inquis. post mortem). The name is now extinct, I believe. Il8 ENGLISH SURNAMES. to judge by our directories — and they are a pleasant memorial of a term which was once in familiar use as expressive of some of the most picturesque portions of English scenery. Such a name as * De la Dene ' or ' Atte Den,' of frequent occurrence formerly, and as * Dean ' or ' Den ' equally familiar now, is worthy of particularity. A den was a sunken and wooded vale, where cattle might find alike covert and pasture. Thus it is that we are accustomed to speak of a den in connexion with animal life, in such phrases as a * den of lions ' or a ' den of thieves.' See how early this notion sprang. We have a remembrance of the brock in ' Brogden,' the wolf in ' Wolfenden,' the fox in * Foxden,' the ram in ' Ramsden,' the hare in ' Har- den,' and the deer in ' Dearden,' ^ ' Buckden ' or ' Bug- den,' ' Rayden ' and 'Roden,' or' Rowden.' The more domesticated animals abide with us in ' Horsden,' * Oxenden,' and * Cowden,' ' Lambden,' or ' Lamden,' * Borden,' and ' Sugden,' or ' Sowden ; ' ' Swinden,' * Eversden,' and ' Ogden,' at first written ' de Hog- dene.' With regard especially to this latter class it is that our ' Court of Dens ' arose, which till late years settled all disputes relative to forest pannage. The • Our ' Deardens,' however, may be in some cases but a corniption of the old • Demeden ' — that is, the secret or secluded den. The Hundred Rolls give us, for instance, a * Ralph de Demeden.' This word ' dem ' was then in the most familiar use. Thus, in ' Cursor Mundi,' mention is made of 'a mountain dern.' Chaucer speaks of ' deme love,' and Piers Plowman of 'derne usurie.' Our ' Durnfords' but represent such an early entry as ' Robert de Dcrneford ; ' and of names now obsolete, we miglit instance ' Dcrnehus,' found also in the same roll as the above. Our 'Dernes' simple probably originated in the reticent and cautious disposition of their first ancestor. We may take this opportunity of noticing that 'Dibdin' is but 'Deepdcn.' One of our older rolls has a ' Randolph de Dcpeden.' LOCAL SURNAMES. I IQ dweller therein, engaged probably in the tendance of such cattle as I have mentioned last, was the ' Denyer ' or * Denman,' both surnames still living in our midst. While the den was given up mainly to swine, the ley ^ afforded shelter to all manner of domestic livestock, not to mention, however, some few of the wilder quarry. The equine species has given to us ' Hors- ley ; the bovine, ' Cowley,' ' Kinley,' and ' Oxlee ' or 'Oxley;' the deer, 'Hartley,' 'Rowley,' 'Buckley,' and ' Hindley ; ' the fox, ' Foxley ; ' ^ the hare, ' Har- ley,' and even the sheep, though generally driven to the scantier pastures of the rocks and steeps, has left us in ' Shipley ' a trace of its footprint in the deeper and more sheltered glades. Characteristic of the trees which enclosed it, we get ' Ashley,' ' Elmsley,' ' Oakley,'- ' Lindley,' or ' Berkeley.' Of the name simple we have endless forms ; those of ' Lee,' ' Legh,' ' Lea,' ' Lees,' ' Laye,' and ' Leigh ' ^ being the most familiar. In the old rolls their ancestors figure in an equal variety of dresses, for we may at once light upon such names as ' Emma de la Leye,' or ' Richard de la Legh,' or 'Robert de la Lee,' or 'William de la Lea,' or ' Petronilla de la Le.' Our ' Atlays ' and 'Atlees,' as I have already said, are but the more Sax6n ' Atte Lee.' In some of these surnames we can trace the early cuttings amongst the thickly wooded districts where the larger wealds were situated. Our * Royds,' or 'Rodds,' or ' Rodes,' all hail from some spot ridded ' By 'ley' I include both 'lee,' a shelter, and 'lea,' a pasture, for it is impossible to distinguish the two. * ' John de Foxlee ' is mentioned. (Fines, Ric. I.) * More personal forms are found in ' Henry Legeman' (II.R.) and 'Elias Layman' (H.R.). I20 ENGLISH SURNAMES. of waste wood. Compounds may be found in our * Huntroyds,' that is, the clearing for the chase ; ' Hol- royds,' that is, the holly-clearing ; and ' Acroyds,' that is, the oak-clearing, the term 'acorn,' that is, 'oak- corn,' and such local names as ' Acton ' or ' Acland,' reminding us of this the older spelling ; ' Ormerod,' again, is but Ormes-clearing — Orme being, as we have already shown, a common Saxon personal name. Our ' Greaves ' and ' Graves ' and ' Groves,' descendants of the ' de la Groves ' and ' Atte Groves ' of early rolls, not to mention the more personal * Grover ' and * Graver,' convey the same idea. A ' Greave ' was a woodland avenue, graved or cut out of the forest. Fairfax speaks of the — Wind in holts and shady greaves. 'Tis true we only 'grave' in stone now, but it was not always so. Thus in the ' Legend of Good Women ' mention is made of — A little herber that I have That benched was on turves fresh ygrave. We still call the last resting-place of the dead in our churchyards a grave, though dug from the soil. I have already mentioned ' de la Graveshend ' occurring as a surname. Our ' Hargreaves ' hail from the grove where the hares arc plentiful ; our ' Congreves ' repre- senting the same in the coney. Our ' Grceves ' we shall have occasion in another chapter to show belong to another and more occupative class of surnames. Our ' Thwaites,' too, belong to this category. Locally the term is confined to Cumberland and the north, where the Norwegians left it. It is exactly equivalent LOCAL SURNAMES. 121 to * field,' a felled place, or woodland clearing The compounds formed from it are too numerous to wade through. Amongst others, however, we have, as denotive of the substances ridded, ' Thornthwaite,' * Limethwaite,' ' Rownthwaite,' and * Hawthorn- thwaite ; ' of peculiarity in position or shape, * Brath- waite ' (broad), and ' Micklethwaite ; ' of contents, * Thistlethwaite,' * Cornthwaite,' and ' Crossthwaite,' The very dress of the majority of these compounds testifies to the northern origin of the root-word. Our * Slade ' represents the * de la Slades ' of the Hundred Rolls. A slade was a small strip of green plain within a woodland. One of the numberless rhymes concerning Robin Hood says — It had been better of William a Trent To have been abed with [sorrowe, Than to be that day in the greenwood slade To meet with Little John's arrowe. Its nature is still more characterised in 'Robert de Greneslade,' that is, the green-slade ; ' William de la Morslade,' the moorland-slade ; * Richard de Wyt- slade,' the white-slade ; ' Michael de Ocslade,' the oak-slade, and ' William de Waldeslade,' ' the forest- slade (weald) ; * Sladen,' that is, slade-den, implies a woodland hollow. As a local term there is a little difference betwixt it and * launde,' only the latter has no suspicion of indenture about it. A launde was a pretty and rich piece of grassy sward in the heart of a forest, what we should now call an open wood, in fact. Thus it is we term the space in our gardens » 'William de Waldeslade' occurs in the 'Great Roll of the Pipe.' 122 ENGLISH SURNAMES. within the surrounding shrubberies lawns. Chaucer says of Theseus on hunting bent — To the launde he rideth him ful right There was the hart wont to have his fliglit. In the ' Morte Arthur,' too, we are told of hunting — At the hartes in these hye laiinJes. This is the source of more surnames than we might imagine. Hence are sprung our ' Launds,' ' Lands,' * Lowndes,' ' Landers,' in many cases, and our obsolete ' Landmans.' The forms, as at first met with, are equally varied. We have * atte-Lond,' * de la Laund,' and ' de la Lande,' while the origin of our ' Lunds ' shows itself in ' de la Lund.' ' De la Holme ' still flourishes in our * Holmes,' while the more personal form is found in our * Holmers ' and ' Holmans.' An holm was a flat meadow-land lying within the wind- ings of some valley stream. Our * Platts,' found in such an entry as ' Robert del Plat,' are similarly sprung, but in the 'plat' there was less thought of general surroundings. As an adjective it was in common use formerly. For instance, in the ' Ro- maunt of the Rose,' when the God of Love had shot his arrow, it is said — When I was hurte thus in stound I fell down plat unto the ground. Our ' Knowles,' ' Knowlers,' and ' Knowlmans ' carry us to the gently rising slopes in the woods, grassy and free of timber, the old form of the first being ' de la Cnolle ' or ' atte Knolle.' Our ' Lynches,' once written ' de Linches,' I should surmise, are but a dress of the LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 23 still familiar link across our northern border — the flat- land running by the river and sea-coast, while our ' Kays ' (when not the old British ' Kay ') represent the more artificial ' quay,' reminding us of the knitting together of beam and stone. It is but the same word as we apply to locks, the idea of both being that of securing or fastening. Though it is to the more open plains and wood- lands we must look for the majority of our place- names, nevertheless, looking up our steeps and into the fissures of the hills, we may see that every feature in the landscape has its memorial in our nomenclature. 'De la Hill ' needs no remark. * De la Helle' and * atte Helle ' are somewhat less pleasant to look upon, but they are only another form of the same. * De la Hulle,' again, is but a third setting of the same. Gower says — Upon the hulles hyhe Of Othrin and Olympe also, And eke of three hulles mo She fond and gadreth lierbes sweet. ' Mountain ' is the ' de la Montaigne ' of the twelfth century, but of course of Norman introduction. This sobriquet reminds us of the story told of a certain Dr. Mountain, chaplain to Charles H., who, when the king asked him if he could recommend him a suitable man for a vacant bishopric, is reported to have an- swered, ' Sire, if you had but the faith of a grain of mustard seed, the matter could be settled at once.' * How } ' inquired the astonished monarch. ' Why, my liege, you could then say unto this inojintaiii (smiting his own breast), " be thou removed to that 124 ENGLISH SURNAMES. see',' and it should be done.' ^ Our ' Cloughs ' repre- sent the narrow fissures betwixt the hills. From the same root we owe our ' Clives ' (the ' de la Clive ' of the Hundred Rolls), * CHffes,' ' Cleves,' and ' Clowes/ not to mention our endless ' Cliffords,' ' CHftons,' ' Clifdens,' ' Cliveleys,' ' Clcvelands,' ' Tunnicliffes,' 'Sutcliffes,' ' Nethercliffes,' ' Topliffs,' ' Ratcliffes,' or * Redcliffes,' ' Faircloughs,' and ' Stonecloughs.' Any prominence of rock or earth was a ' cop,' or ' cope,' from the Saxon ' cop,' a head.^ Chaucer talks of the 'cop of the nose.' In Wicklyffe's version of Luke iv. 29, it says, * And thei risen up and droven him out withouten the cytee, and ledden him to the coppe of the hill on which their cytee was bilded to cast him down.' We still talk of a coping- stone. Hence, from its local use, we have derived our ' Copes ' and ' Copps,' ' Copleys ' and ' Copelands,' and ' Copestakes.' From ' cob,' which is but another form of the same word, we get our ' Cobbs,' ' Cob- hams,' ' Cobwells,' ' Cobdens,' and ' Cobleys.' Thus, to consult the Parliamentary Writs alone, we find such entries as ' Robert de Cobbe,' ' Reginald de Cobeham,' ' John de Cobwell,' or ' Godfrey de Copp- den.* As a cant term for a rich or prominent man ' cob ' is found in many of our later writers, and * cobby ' more early implied a headstrong nature. Another term in use for a local prominence was • Quite as good a story, and one less objectionable, is told of a Scottish Member of Parliament called Dunlop, who, at a large dinner party, having asserted that no one could make a pun upon his name, met with the instant reply from one of his guests, ' Oh, yes, I can. Z<7/ off the last syllable, and it is done.'' * Thus in the ' Proverbs of Hending,' it is said ; ' When the coppe is fullest, then the hair is fairest.' LOCAL SURNAMES. 12$ ' ness,' or ' naze.' ' Roger atte Ness ' occurs in the thirteenth century ; and * Longness ' and ' Thickness ' and ' Redness ' are but compounds, unless, as is quite possible, they be from the same root in its more per- sonal relationship to the human face, the word nose being familiarly so pronounced at this time. Our * Downs ' and * Dunns,' when not sprung from ' le Dun,' are but descendants of the old ' de la Dune,' of the hilly slopes ; our * Combs ' and ' Combes ' repre- senting the ' de la Cumbe ' of the ridgy hollows, or * cup-shaped depressions ' of the higher hillsides, as Mr. Taylor happily expresses it. It is thus we get our terms ' honeycomb,' ' cockscomb,' ' haircomb,' &c. Few terms have connected themselves so much as this with the local nomenclature of our land, and few have made themselves so conspicuous in our directo- ries. The writer I have just mentioned quotes a Cumberland poet, who says — There's Cumwhitton, Cumwhinton, Cumranton, Cumrangan, Cumrew, and Cumcatch, And mony mair Cums i' the County, But nin wi' Cumdivock can match. Of those compounds which have become surnames we cannot possibly recite all, but among the more com- mon are ' Thorncombe ' and ' Broadcombe,' ' New- combe ' and ' Morcombe,' ' Lipscombe ' and ' Wool- combe,' * Withecombe ' and ' Buddicom,' and ' Slo- combe.' We have already mentioned * Amore.' The simple * More,' or ' Moore,' is very familiar ; ' atte Mor,' or * de la More,' being the older forms. This has ever been a favourite name for punning rhymes. In the ' Book of Days,' several plays of this kind 126 ENGLISH SURNAMES. have been preserved. When Dr. Manners Sutton' succeeded Dr. Moore in the Archiepiscopal chair of Canterbury, the following lines were written : — What say you ? — the archbishop's dead ? A loss, indeed ! Oh, on his head May Heaven its blessings pour ! But if with such a heart and mind, In Manners we his equal find. Why should we wish for More ? When Sir Thomas More was Chancellor, it is said, his great attention to his duties caused all litigation to come to an end in the Court of Chancery. The fol- lowing epigram bearing upon this fact was written : — When More some years had Chancellor been, No more suits did remain ; The same shall never more be seen Till More be there again. Our * Heaths ' explain themselves, but our ' Heths,' though the same, and from the first found as ' Talking of ' Manners,' however, we may add one on the celebrated Marquis of Granby : — ' What conquest now will Britain boast. Or where display lier banners ? Alas ! in Granby she has lost True courage and good Manners.^ Puns of this nature may be met with frequently in books of the last century. Some complimentary verses to Dr. Gill, on account of a sup- posed victory in a public controversy, in 1727, in support of immersion at baptism, have a play of this kind at one part : — 'Stennet,' at first, his furious foe did meet, Cleanly compelled him to a swift retreat ; Next powerful ' Gale,' by mighty blast made fall The Church's Dagon, the gigantic 'Wall.' (CilVs Works, edit. 1839.) LOCAL SURNAMES. 12/ ' atte Heth,' are not so transparent. Some might be tempted to set them down in a more IsraeHtish cate- gory as descendants of the ' children of Heth,' but such is not the case. Somewhat similar to ' Cope/ mentioned above, was * Knop ' or * Knap '■ — a summit.' Any protuberance, whatever it might be, was with our old writers a ' hto/>.' ^ Rose-buds and buttons alike, with Chaucer, are ' hzops ' : — Among the knops I chose one So fair, that of the remnant none Ne praise I halfe so wel as it. North in his Plutarch says, ' And both these rivers turning in one, carrying a swift streame, doe make the knappe of the said hill very strong of its situation to lodge a camp upon.' To our hilltops, then, it is we owe our ' Knaps,' ' Knappers,' ' Knapmans,' ' Knopps,* ' Knopes,' ' Knabwells,' and ' Knaptons.' Our ' Howes' represent the smaller hills, while still less prominent would be the abodes of our early ' Lawes,' ^ and ' Lowes,' or ' de la Lawe ' and ' de la Lowe,' as they are found in the Hundred Rolls. Our ' Shores ' need no explanation, but our ' Overs ' are less known. An old poem, quoted by Mr. Halliwell, says : — ' Our novr vulgar term ' nob ' is a relic of this : ' To hit a man on the nob ' is, in the north, to strike on the head. In the same districts a ' nob ' is a rich man, one of family and influence. * Our Authorised Version has it, in Exodus xxv. 33 : ' Three bowls made like unto almonds, with a knop and flower in one branch.' Here a bud is evidently intended. I need scarcely say that ' knob ' is but the modern form of this word. ' Besides 'David atte Lawe' (M.), we have the more personal ' John Laweman ' (A.), or ' Ranulf Laweman ' (A.). I doubt not these are also local, but one cannot help thinking of Chaucer's ' Sergeant of the Lawe, ware and wise.' 128 ENGLISH SURNAMES. She come out of Sexlonde, And rived here at Dovere, That stondes upon the sees overe. It seems to have been used generally to denote the flat-lands that lay about the sea-coast or rivers generally — what we should call in Scotland the links. I have already mentioned our 'Overends' as similar to our ' Townsends ; ' ' Overman * doubtless is but the more personal form of the same.* Coming gradually to more definite traces of human habitation, we may mention some of our tree names. Of several, such as ' Nash,' and * Nalder,' and * Nokes,' we have already spoken. Such a name as ' Henry atte Beeche,' or ' Walter de la Lind,' or ' Richard atte Ok,' now found as simple ' Beech,' and ' Lind,' and ' Oake,' reminds us that we are not with- out further obligations to the tree world. Settling by or under the shade of some gigantic elm or oak, a sobriquet of this kind would be perfectly natural. As our ' Lyndhursts ' and ' Lindleys ' prove, ' lind ' was once familiarly used for our now fuller ' linden.' Piers Plowman says : — Blisse of the briddes Broughte me aslepe, And under a lynde Upon a launde Leaned L Were the Malvern dreamer describing poetically the birth and the origin of the future Swedish nightingale who four hundred years after\vards was to entrance the world with her song, he could not have been more • ' William de Thornover ' and ' Walter de Aslioverc ' will repre- sent compound forms. LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 29 happy in his expression. Our * Ashes ' and ' Birches,' once * de la Byrche/ need Httle remark, but ' Birks,' the harder form of the latter, is not so familiar, though it is still preserved in such names as * Birkenhead,' or * Birkenshaw,' or * Berkeley.' A small group of trees would be equally perspicuous. Thus have arisen our ' Twelvetrees,' and ' Fiveashes,* and ' Snooks,' a mere corruption of the Kentish ' Sevenoaks.' Mr. Lower mentions ' Quatrefages,' that is, ' four beeches,' as a corresponding instance in French nomenclature. ^ A common object in the country lane or by-path would be the gate or hatch that ran across the road to confine the deer. The old provincialism for this was ' yate.' We are told of Griselda in the ' Clerkes Tale ' that— With glad chere to the yate she is gone To grete the markisesse ; and Piers Plowman says our Lord came in through Both dore and yates To Peter and to these apostles.'^ Our ' Yates,' written once * Atte Yate,' by their num- bers can bear testimony to the familiarity with which this expression was once used. ' Byatt ' I have just shown to be the same as ' Bygate,' and ' Woodyat ' is but equivalent to * Woodgate.' Other compounds are ' Several local names of this class are found with 'tree' appended. Thus, 'Thomas Appletree' occurs in the Chancery suits of Elizabeth ; and 'Crabtree,' ' Plumtree,' or 'Plumptree,' and 'Rowntrec' (rowan- tree) may still be seen in our busiest streets. * In the * Townley Mysteries,' Jacob, in his vision, is represented as laying : — ' And now is here none othere gate But Codes howse and hevens yate.' K I30 ENGLISH SURNAMES. found in the old registers. In the ' Placitorum ' of the thirteenth century, for instance, we light upon a ' Christiana atte Chircheyate,' and a ' John atte Foldyate ; ' while in the Hundred Rolls of the same period we find a ' Walter atte Lideyate,' now familiarly known to us as ' Lidgate.' Our ' Hatchs,' once en- rolled as ' de la Hache,' like our before-mentioned ' Hatchers ' and ' Hatchmans,' represented the simple bar that ran athwart the woodland pathway. We still call the upper-deck with its crossbars the hatches, and a weir is yet with the country folk a hatch. Chaucer speaks of — Lurking in hemes and in lanes blinde. Any nook or corner of land was with our forefathers a ' hearne,' and as ' en le Heme ' or ' atte Hurne ' the surname is frequently found in the thirteenth century.^ ' De la Corner ' is, of course, but a synonymous term. A passage betwixt two houses, or a narrow defile be- tween two hillsides, was a ' gore,' akin, we may safely say, to ' gorge.* Our ' Gores,' as descendants of the old ' de la Gore,' are thus explained. ' De la Gore- way,' which once existed, is now, I believe, obsolete. One of the most fertile roots of nomenclature was the simple roadside * cross ' or ' crouch,' the latter old English form still lingering in our ' crutched ' or ' crouched Friars.' Langland describes a pilgrim as having * many a crouche on his cloke ; ' i.e. many a mark of the cross embroidered thereon. A dweller by one of these wayside crucifixes would easily get • I believe this word is not yet extinct in our North-country vocabu- lary. A Yorkshire inventoiy of goods, of 1540 or thereabouts, con- cludes by stating what moneys had been discovered in comers and out of the way places in the house : * In hemes, x\\\s. mul. j item, x sylver spones, xxiiif. imd.' (Richmondshire Wills, p. 41.) LOCAL SURNAMES. I3I the sobriquet therefrom, and thus we find ' atte Crouch ' to be of early occurrence. Our ' Crouch- mans ' and ' Crouchers ' I have already mentioned. A 'Richard Crocheman' is found in the Hundred Rolls, and a ' William Croucheman ' in another entry of the same period. As for the simpler ' Cross,' once written ' atte Cross,' it is to be met with everywhere. ' Crosier ' and ' Crozier ' I shall, in my next chapter, show to be official rather than local ; so we may pass them by for the present. The more Saxon * Rood ' or ' Rudd ' is not without its representatives. ' Mar- gery atte Rudde ' is found in the ' Placitorum,' and our ' Rudders ' and ' Ruddimans,' I doubt not, stand for the more directly personal form. Talking of crosses, we may mention, in passing, our ' Bellhouses,' not unfrequently found as ' atte Belhus ' or * de la Belhuse.' The founder of this name dwelt in the small domicile attached to the monastic pile, and, no doubt, had for his care the striking of the innumerable calls to the supply of either the bodily or spiritual wants of those within. Our ' Bellows,' I believe, are but a modification of this. The last syllable has undergone a similar change in several other instances. Thus the form ' del Hellus ' was but ' Hill-house/ ' Woodus ' is but the old * de la Wodehousc,' * Stan- nus ' but * Stanehouse ' or ' Stonehouse,' ' Malthus ' but ' Malthouse,' and ' Bacchus ' is found originally as 'del Bakehouse.' ' The old ' Atte Grene,' a name familiar ' Thus, also, is it with 'Dufifus.' We find it in the Hundred Rolls set down in the same form as ' de Duffus' or 'del DufTus,' the more literal dress being met with in the London city archives in the name of 'Thomas Dufhous.' (Vide Riley's Memorials of London, p. 555') • Dove-house' is the root. K2 132 ENGLISH SURNAMES. enough without the prefix, may be set beside our ' Plastows,' relics of the ' Atte Pleistowe ' or ' de la Pleystowe ' of the period we are considering. The ' play-stowe ' (that is, 'playground') seems to have been the general term in olden days for the open piece of greensward near the centre of the village where the may-pole stood, and where all the sports at holiday times and wake tides were carried on.' Our ' Meads ' or ' Meddes ' hail from the ' meadow,' or ' mead.' * Ate Med ' is the early form.' A ' croft ' was an enclosed field for pasture. Be- sides * Croft ' it has given us ' Meadowcroft,' ' Rye- croft,' * Bancroft ' (that is, bcan-croft), ' Berecroft ' (that is, dar/ey-croft), and ' Haycraft' (that is, Jiedged-croft). It seems, however, to have been freely used, also, in the sense of garth or yard, the enclosure in which, or by which, the house stood. Thus, in the ' Townley Mysteries,' Satan is represented as calling to the depraved and vile, and saying — Come to my crofte alle ye. With the humour of the period, which was ever largely intermingled in even the most sacred themes, one of the characters, acting as a demon, replies — Souls come so Ihyk now late unto hell As ever Our porter at hell-gate Is holden so strait, Up early and downe late, He rests never. ' 'Agnes atte Punfald ' (A.) reminds us of our ' Penfold,' or ' Pinfold,' i.e. the pound. « ' Ralph ate Med' (A.). ' Philip atte Medde' (M). In the Hun- dred Rolls we find ' Willianr le Medward' corresponding to ' Hay ward.' (Fi/^p. 198.) LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 33 There is little distinction to be drawn between ' garth * and ' yard ' in the North of England, and in reality there ought to be none. Such names, however, as * Nicholas de Apelyerd,' or ' Robert del Apelgarth,' or ' Richard atte Orcheyerd,' the descendants of whom are still in our midst, bespeak a former familiarity of usage which we cannot find now. We have just mentioned * Haycraft.' This reminds us of our ' Hayes.' Chaucer, in his ' Troilus,' says — But right so as these holtes and these hayes, That han in winter dead been and dry, Revesten them in grene when that May is, When every lusty beast listeth to pley. A ' hay ' was nothing but a ' hedge.' In the Hundred Rolls we find such names occurring as ' Margery de la Haye ' or ' Roger de la Hagh,' or in a compounded form * Richard de la Woodhaye,' or ' Robert de Brodheye.' Of the simple root the forms most common now are ' Hay,' ' Hayes,' ' Haighs,' ' Haigs,' and ' Hawes.' The composite forms are endless. ' Roundhay ' explains itself. ' Lyndsay ' I find spelt at this period as ' Lyndshay,' so that it is not the islet whereon the lind or linden grows, but the hedge of these shrubs. Besides these we have ' Haywood ' or ' Heywood,' ' Hayland ' and ' Hayley.' From the form 'hawe,' mentioned above, we have our 'Haw- leys,' ' Haworths,' and * Hawtons,' or ' Haughtons,' and probably the longest name in the directory, that of ' Featherstonehaugh.' We still talk of the hazv- thorn and haw-haw. Chaucer uses the term for a farm-yard or garth — And eke there was a polkat in his hawe That, as he sayd, his capons had yslawe. 134 ENGLISH SURNAMES. This at once explains such a name as * Peter in le Hawe' found in the Hundred Rolls. But Chaucer has a prettier use of it than this, a use still abiding in our ' Churchays,' relics of the mediaeval ' de Chirche- hay.' He speaks twice of the * Churchhawe,' or grave- yard. How pretty it is ! almost as pretty as its Saxon synonym ' Godsacre,' only that is more en- deared to us, inasmuch as since the acre always denoted the sowed land (Latin ' ager '), so it whispers to us hopefully of the great harvest-tide to come when the seed thus sown in corruption shall be raised an incorruptible body. Our * Goodacres ' are doubtless thus derived — and with such names as ' Acreman ' or * Akerman,' ' Oldacre ' or ' Oddiker,' * Longacre ' and * Whittaker ' (or * Whytacre ' or ' Witacre,' as I find it in the thirteenth century), help to remind us how in early days an acre denoted less a fixed measure of land than soil itself that lay under the plough. But this by the way. I have just mentioned ' Hay worth.* A name like 'William de la Worth' (H.R.) repre- sented our ' Worths ' in the thirteenth century. Pro- perly speaking, any sufficiently warded place — it had come to denote a small farmstead at the time the surname arose. ' Charlesworth ' is the ' churl's worth,' the familiar metamorphosis of this name being identi- cal with that ©f the astronomic ' Charles Wain,' and with such place-names as ' Charle-wood,' ' Charlton,' ' Carlton,' and ' Charley.' Our various ' Unsworths,' * Ainsworths,' 'Whitworths,' * Langworthys,' ' Ken- worthys,' 'Wortlcys,' and others of this class are familiar to us all. Surnames like ' Roger de la Grange,' or ' Geoffrey de la Grange,' or ' John le LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 35 Granger,' ^ remind us that grange also was commonly used at this time for a farmstead, it being in reality- nothing more than our granary. "^ Piers Plowman portrays the good Samaritan thus — His wounds he washed, Enbawmed hym, and bound his head, And ledde hym forth on ' Lyard ' To * lex Christi,' a graunge Wei sixe mile or sevene Beside the newe market. Our * Barnes,' I need not say, are of similar origin. The Celtic ' booth,' a frail tenement of ' boughs,' whose temporary character our Biblical account of the Iraelitish wanderings so well helps to preserve, has given birth to our ' Booths ' and * Bo©thmans,' once written ' de la Bothe ' and ' Botheman.' They may possibly have kept the stall at the fair or market. Comparisons we know are ever odious, but set beside the more Saxon ' Steads ' and * Steadmans ' the former inevitably sufifer. The very names of these latter betray to us the well-nigh best characteristics of the race whence they are sprung. To be steady and sUdfsist are its best and most inherent qualities — qualities which, added to the dash and spirit of the Norman, have given the position England to-day occupies among the nations of the world. Our ' Bowers ' and * Bowermans,' when not occupied in the ' ' His tenants, the graingers, are tyed to come themselves and winde the woll, they have a fatte weather and a fatte lambe killed, and a dinner provided for their paines.' (Henry Best's Farming Book (1641), p. 97.) ' * John Grangeman ' occurs in the Proc. in Chancery. (Eliza- beth.) 136 ENGLISH SURNAMES. bowyer's or bower's craft, represent the earlier ' de la Bore ' or ' atte Bore,' and have taken their origin from the old ' bower,' the rustics' abode. It is the same word whence has sprung our bucolic * boor.' An old English term for a house or mansion was ' bold,' that which was built. The old ' De la Bolde,' therefore, will in many cases be the origination of our ' Bolds.' Our ' Halls ' explain themselves, but the older form of 'Hale' (once *atte Hale' or 'de la Hale') is not so easily traceable. ' De la Sale,' sometimes also found as ' de la Saule,' was the Norman synonym of the same. Soon they sembled in sale, Both kynge and cardinale, says an old writer. ' Sale ' and 'Saul ' are still extant. Names still more curious than these are those taken, not from the residence itself, but from particular rooms in such residence. They are doubtless- the result of the feudal system, which, with its formal list of house officers and attendants, required the presence of at least one in each separate chamber. Hence the Norman-introduced parlour, that is, the speaking or reception room, gave us ' Henry del Parlour,' or 'Richard ate Parlour;' the kitchen, 'Geoffrey atte Kitchen,' or ' Richard del Kechen ; ' or the pantry ' John de la Panetrie,' or ' Henry de la Panctrie.' But I shall have occasion to speak more fully of this by-and-by, so I will say no more here. There is a pretty word which has been restored from an undcsci-vcd oblivion within the last few years by Mr. Tennyson, in his ' Brook,' as an idyll perhaps the distinctly finest thing of its kind in the English language. The word referred to is 'thorpe,' a village, LOCAL SURNAMES. 137 pronounced * throp ' or ' trop ' by our forefathers. Thus in the ' Clerkes Tale ' we are told — Nought far fro this palace honorable, There stood a thorpe of sight delitable, In which the poor folk of that village Hadden their bestes and their harborage ; while in the ' Assembly of Fowls ' mention is prettily made of The tame ruddocke and the coward kite, The cock, that horiloge is of thorpes lite. This diversity is well exemplified in our nomencla- ture. Thus the term in its simple form is found in such entries as ' Adam de Thorpe,' or ' Simon de Throp,' or ' Ralph de Trep,' all of which are to be met with in the one same register; while compounded with other words, we are all familiar with such sur- names as ' Gawthorpe,' ' Winthrop,' * Hartrop,' * Den- thorp,' ' Buckthorp,' ' Fridaythorp,' * Conythorp,' * Cal- throp,' or ' Westropp.' Our ' Thrupps,' too, we must not forget as but another corrupted form of the same root. There are two words whose sense has become so enlarged and whose importance among English local terms has become so great that we cannot but give them a place by themselves. They are those of * town ' and ' borough.' Such registered names as * William de la Towne ' or ' Ralph de la Tune,' now found as ' Town ' and ' Tune,' represent the former in its primeval sense. The term is still used in Scot- land, as it was used here some generations ago, to denote a farm and all its surrounding enclosures. In Wicklyffe's Bible, where we read ' and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandize,' it 138 ENGLISH SURNAMES. is ' one into his toun.' In the story of the Prodigal Son, too, it is similarly employed — 'And he wente and drough him to one of the cyteseynes of that cuntre, and he sente him into his toun to feed swyn.' Let me quote Chaucer also to the same effect — Whan I out of the door came, I fast about me beheld. Then saw, I but a large field. As farre as ever I might see. Without toune, house, or tree. It is thus a name I have already mentioned, * de la Townshende,' the parent of our 'Townsends,' 'Towns- hends,' and * Tovvnends,' has arisen. Another entry, that of ' Robert Withouten-town,' has, as we might have expected, left no issue. Such names as ' Adam de la Bury,' or 'Walter atte Bure,' or 'John atte Bur- ende ' (the latter now extinct, I fear), open out to us a still larger mass of existing nomenclature. The manorial residence is still in many parts of England, with the country folk, the ' bury.' To this or 'borough' we owe our ' Burys,' ' Boroughs,' ' Borrows,' ' Buroughs,' ' Burkes,' ' Broughs,' ' Burghs,' and even ' Bugges,' so that, though Hood has inquired — If a party had a voice, What mortal would be a Bugg by choice ? still the possessors of that not exactly euphonious cognomen can reflect with pride upon not merely a long pedigree, but lofty relationships. Another form of the same word, familiar, too, to early registers, was ' de la Bere,' and to this we owe our ' Berrys,' ' Berri- mans,' ' Beers,' and ' Beares.' It is wonderful how the strict meaning of 'shelter' is preserved in all the LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 39 terms founded upon its root ' beorgan,' to hide. Is it a repository to guard the ashes of the dead i* — it is a barrow, the act of sepulture itself being the burial. Is it a refuge for the coneys i* — it is a burrow, or beare, as in ' Coneybeare,' ^ Is it a raised mound for the security of man } — it is a bury, borough, bro2igh, or burgh. How altered now the meaning of these two words ' borough ' and ' town.' Once but the abiding-place of a scattered family or two, they are now the centres of teeming populations. Of these, while some are still extending their tether, others have passed the middle age of their strength and vigour, and from the accidents of physical and indus- trial life are but surely succumbing to that dotage which, as in man so in man's works, seems to be but premonitory of their final decay. How true is it that the fashion of this world passeth away. Even now this ever restless spirit of change is going on. We ourselves can scarce tell the spot upon which we were born. We need not wait for death to find that our place very soon knoweth us no more, and when we talk of treading in the footprints of the generations ' The coney, or rabbit, Ims made a mark upon our local nomencla- ture. An old form of the word was 'coning' or 'conig.' Thus Piers Plowman says : — ' The while he caccheth conynges. He coveiteth naught youre caroyne, But feedeth hym all with venyson.' Relics of this are found in such an entry as ' Nicolas Conyng' or * Peter Conyng,' though now met with as 'Coney.' More local registrations, such as 'Thomas de Conyton,' 'John de Conington,' 'John de Conyngsby,' or 'Walter de Cunnyngby,' are still familiarised to us in 'Conington' and 'Coningsby.' The North English form was 'Cuning,' whence the ' de Cunnyngby ' above instanced and our modem 'Cunninghams.' 140 ENGLISH SURNAMES. that have gone before, it would seem as though it were but to blind ourselves to the sober and unwel- come truth that we are rather treading upon the debris of the changing years. But there is another class of surnames we may fitly introduce here, which, I doubt not, forms no small proportion in the aggregate mass of our nomen- clature — that of sign-names. We in a cultivated age like that of the present fail, as we must, to realize the effect of these latter upon the current life of our fore- fathers. We now pass up and down a street, and, apart from the aid of the numbered doors and larger windows, and a more peculiar frontage, above the door we may see the name of the proprietor and the character of his occupation in letters so large that it is literally a fact that he who runs may read them. But all this is of gradual and slowly developed growth. The day we are considering knew nothing of these. It was a time when the clergy themselves in many cases were unable to read, when such education as a child of twelve years is now a dunce not to know would have given then for the possession of like attainments the sobriquet of ' le Gierke ' or ' le Beau- clerk.' And if this was the case with the learned, what would it be with the lower grades and classes of society } We may, therefore, well inquire what would be the use of gilded characters such as we now-a-days may see, detailing the name of the shopkeeper and the fashion of his stores .'' None at all. They could not read them. Thus we find in their stead the practice prevailing of putting up signs and symbols to denote the character of the shop, or to mark the individuality of the owner. In an age of escutcheons LOCAL SURNAMES. I4I and all the insignia of heraldry, this was but natural. All manner of instruments, all styles of dress, all kinds of ensigns rudely carved or painted, that a rough or quaint fancy could suggest, were placed in a conspicuous position by the hatch or over the door- way, to catch, if it were possible, the eye of the way- farer. Even the name itself, when it was capable of being so played upon, was turned into a symbol readable to the popular mind. Nor was it deemed necessary that the device should speak directly of the trade. Apart from implements and utensils. Nature herself was exhausted to supply sufficiently attractive signs ; and what with mermaids and griffins, unicorns and centaurs, and other winged monsters, we see that they did not stop here — the supernatural also had to be pressed into this service. The animal kingdom was, however, specially popular — the hostelries pecu- liarly engrossing this class from the fact that they so often had emblazoned the recognizances of the family with which they stood immediately connected. Thus we still have * Red Lions ' and ' White Lions,' ' Blue Boars ' and ' Boars' Heads,' ' White Bears ' and ' Roe- bucks,' and ' Bulls' Heads.' Relics of the more special emblems remain in the barber's pole, to the end of which a bowl was once generally attached, to show he was a surgeon also — the pawnbroker's three balls, the goldbeater's mallet, or the shoemaker's last. Of the more fanciful we have a capital idea given us in the lines from Pasquin's 'Nightcap,' written so late as 161 2 — First there is maister Peter at the Bell, A linen-draper, and a wealthy man ; Then maister Thomas that doth stockings sell ; And George the Grocer at the Frying-pan ; 142 ENGLISH SURNAMES. And maister Timothie the woollen-draper ; And maister Salamon the leather-scraper ; And maister Frank the goldsmith at the Rose, And maister Philip with the fiery nose ; And maister Miles the mercer at the Harrow ; And maister Mike the silkman at the Plow ; And maister Nicke the salter at the Sparrow ; And maister Dick the vintner at the Cow ; And Harry haberdasher at the Home ; And Oliver the dyer at the Thome ; And Bernard, barber-surgeon at the Fiddle ; And Moses, merchant-tailor at the Needle. ' More than three hundred years previous to this we find such names figuring in our registers as 'John de la Rose,' ' John atte Belle,* ' Roger Home,' and ' Nicholas Sparewe,' while ' Cow ' is met by its Nor- man equivalent in the instance of * Richard de la Vache.' Of the rest, too, contained in the above lines, all are found in our existing nomenclature with the exception of ' Fryingpan.' Still more recently, the 'British Apollo' contained the following: — I'm amused at the signs As I pass through the town, To see the odd mixture — A ' Magpie and Crown,' The ' Whale and the Crow,' The ' Razor and Hen,' The 'Leg and Seven Stars,' The 'Scissors and Pen,' The ' Axe and the Bottle,' The ' Tun and the Lute,* The ' Eagle and Child,' The ' Shovel and Boot.' A word or two about these double signs before we pass on, as I cannot but think much ingenious ' Vide Lower's Suntames. LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 43 nonsense has been written thereon. There can be no difficulty in accounting for these strange combina- tions, some of which still exist. A partnership in business would be readily understood by the conjoin- ing of two hitherto separate signs. An apprentice who, on the death of his master, had succeeded to his business, would gladly retain the previous well-estab- lished badge, and simply show the change of hands by adding thereto his own. I cannot but think that such ingenious derivations as ' God encompasseth us ' for the ' Goat and Compasses,' or the ' Satyr and Bacchanals ' for the ' Devil and Bag-o'-nails,' or the ' Boulogne Mouth ' for the ' Bull and Mouth,' are altogether unnecessary. A clever and imaginative mind could soon produce similar happy plays upon the conjunctions contained in the above lines, and yet the originations I have suggested for them all I think my readers will admit to be most natural. There is no more peculiarity about these than about the ordinary combinations of names we are accus- tomed to see in the streets every day of our lives, denoting partnership. Thus the only difference is that what we now read as ' Smith and Wright,' in an age when reading was less universal was, say, ' Magpie and Crown.' Partnerships, or business transactions, often bring peculiar conjunctions of names. So early as 1284, I find a 'Nicholas Bacun' acknowledging a bond to a certain ' Hugh Motun,' i.e. Mutton. (Riley's * London,' p. 23.) I have myself come across such combinations as ' Shepherd and Calvert ' — i.e. ' Calve- herd,' or ' Sparrow and Nightingale,' or ' Latimer and Ridley.' During the early portion of my residence at Oxford the two Bible-clerkships connected with my 144 ENGLISH SURNAMES. college were in the hands of two gentlemen named * Robinson ' and ' Crusoe.' They lived on the same staircase, and their names being (as is customary) emblazoned above the door, the coincidence was the more remarkable. ' Catchem' and ' Cheetham' is said to have been the title of a lawyer's firm, but I will not vouch for the accuracy of the statement. A story, too, goes that ' Penn, Quill, and Driver' once figured over a scrivener's office, but this is still more hypo- thetical. But to return. We may see, from what we have stated and quoted, that up to a comparatively recent period the written name seems to have been anything but customary even in the metropolis. Any one who will look into a book printed up to the seventeenth century will see on the titlepage the fact stated that it was published or sold at the sign of the ' Stork ' or * Crown,' or ' Peacock,' or ' Crane,' as the case might be. How much we owe to this fashion I need scarcely say. The Hundred Rolls contain not merely a * Henry le Hatter,' but a ' Thomas del Hat ; ' not only an ' Adam le Lorimer,' but a ' Margery de Styrop.' It is to some dealer in earthenware we owe our existing * Potts,' some worker in metals our ' Hammers,' some carpenter our ' Coffins,' once syno- nymous with ' Coffer,' some osierbindcr our ' Basketts,' some shoemaker our ' Lasts,' some cheesemonger our ' Cheeses,' some plowright our ' Plows,' some silver- smith our ' Spoons ' and ' Silvcrspoons,' and some cooper our ' Tubbs ' and 'Cades,' our 'Barrills' and ' Punshons,' and so on with endless others. It was perfectly natural that all these should become sur- names, that the same practice which led to men being LOCAI, SURNAMES. 145 called in the less populous country by such names as ' Ralph atte Townsend,' or ' William atte Stile,' or 'Henry atte Hatch,' or 'Thomas atte Nash,' should in the more closely inhabited city cause men to be distinguished as ' Hugh atte Cokke,' or * Walter de Whitehorse,' or ' John atte Gote ' or * de la Gote,' or ' Richard de la Vache,' or ' Thomas atte Ram,' or * William atte Roebuck,' or ' Gilbert de la Hegle,' or 'John de la Roe,' or ' Reginald de la Wonte ' (weasel). Our only surprise would be were the case otherwise. Nevertheless, as we shall see in another chapter, many of these animal-names at least have arisen in another manner also. And now we come to what we may term the second branch of local surnames, that branch which throws a light upon the migratory habits and roving tendencies of our forefathers. So far we have touched upon names implying a fixed residence in a fixed locality. We may now notice that class which by their very formation throw our minds upon that which precedes settlement in a particular spot, viz., removal — that which speaks to us of immigration. Such a name in our mediaeval rolls as ' Peter le Newe,' or ' Gilbert le Newcomen,' or ' Walter le Neweman,' de- clares to us at once its origin. The owner has left his native village to push his interests and get a liveli- hood elsewhere, and upon his entrance as a stranger into some distant community, alone and friendless, nothing could be more natural than to distinguish him from the familiar ' Peters,' ' Gilberts,' and * Walters ' around by styling him as Peter, or Gilbert, or Walter the ' New,' or ' Newman.' This it is which is the origin of our ' Stranges,' descendants L 146 ENGLISH SURNAMES. as they are of such mediaeval folk as * Roger le Estrange ' or ' Roger le Straunge.' There was ' Roger the Cooper ' and ' Roger the Cheesemonger ' round the corner close to the market cross, and ' Roger atte Ram,' so, of course, this new-comer as distinguished from them was ' Roger the Straunge ' or ' Strange,' and once so known, the more familiar he became, the more ' Strange ' he became, though this may seem somewhat of a paradox. Thus, too, have arisen our * Strangers ' and ' Strangemans.' These, however, are the general terms. To quote a name like ' Robert de Eastham ' or ' William de Sutton ' is, as it were, to take up the plug from a never- ceasing fountain. We are thrown upon a list of sobriquets to which there is no tether. Take up a subscription paper, look over a list of speakers at a farmers' dinner, scan the names of the clergy at a ministerial conference, all will possess a fair average of this class of surnames, early wanderers from one village to another, Saxons fresh escaped from serfdom seeking a livelihood in a new district, Norman trades- men or retainers pushing forward for fresh positions and fresh gains in fresh fields. It is through the frequency of these has arisen the old couplet quoted by Verstigan — In ' Ford,' in ' Ham,' in ' Ley,' in 'Ton,' The most of English surnames run. There is probably no village or hamlet in England which has not subscribed in this manner to the sum total of our nomenclature. It is this which is so tell- tale of the present, for while a small rural spot like, say ' Dcbenham,' in Suffolk, or ' Ashford,' in Derby- LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 47 shire, will have its score of representatives, a solitary ' Richard de Lyverpole,' or ' Guido de Mancestre,' or ' John de Burmyngham ' will be all we can find to represent such large centres of population as Man- chester, or Liverpool, or Birmingham. Mushroom- like they sprang up but yesterday, while for centuries these insignificant hamlets have pursued the even tenor of their way, somewhat disturbed, it may have been, from their equanimity four or five centuries agone, by the announcement that Ralph or Miles was about to leave them, and who, by thus becoming ' Ralph de Debenham ' or ' Miles de Ashford,' have given to the world to the end of time the story of their early departure. In the same class with the village names of England must we set our county surnames. These are of course but an insignificant number set by their brethren, still we must not pass them by without a word. In the present day, if we were to speak of a man in connexion with his county, we should say he was a Derbyshire or a Lancashire man, as the case might be. That they did this five or six hundred years ago is evidenced by the existence of these very names in our midst. Thus we can point in our records to such designations as * John Hamshire,' or ' Adam de Kent,' or ' Richard de Wiltshire,' or * Geofi"rey de Cornwayle.' Still this was not the only form of county nomenclature. The Normans, I sus- pect it was, who introduced another. We have still * Kentish ' and Devonish ' and ' Cornish ' to represent the ' William le Kentish's,' or * John le Devoneis's,' or ' Margery le Cornyshe's,' of their early rolls ; and 148 ENGLISH SURNAMES. our ' CornwalHs's ' also yet preserve such fuller forms as ' Thomas le Cornwaleys,' or ' Philip le Cornwaleys.' We may here mention our 'Cockins,' ' Cockaignes,' and ' Cockaynes,' instances of which are early found. An old poem begins — Fur in sea, bi west Spayne, Is a lond ihote Cockaigne. There seems to be a general agreement among those who have studied the subject that our ' cockney ' was originally a denizen of this fabled region, and then was afterwards, from a notion of London being the seat of luxury and effeminacy, transferred to that city. A * William Cockayne ' is found in the ' Placitorum ' of Richard I.'s reign, while the Hundred Rolls are yet more precise in a ' Richarde dc Cockayne.' Speaking of London, however, we must not forget our ' Lon- donish's.' They arc but relics of such mediaeval entries as ' Ralph Ic Lundreys,' or ' William London- issh,' either of whom wc should now term ' Londoner,' one who had come from the metropolis and settled somewhere in the country. Chaucer in one of his prose works spells it ' Londenoys,' which is somewhat nearer the modern form. ' London,' once simple ' de London,' needs no remark. A passing from one part of the British Empire to another has been a prolific source of nomenclature. Thus we find such names as * Henry de Irlaund,' 'Adam de Irland,' 'John le Irreys,' or 'Thomas le ' Ireis,' in the ordinary dress of ' Ireland ' and ' Irish,' to be by no means obsolete in the present day. ' Roger le Escot ' or ' Maurice le Scot ' represents, I need scarcely say, a surname that is all but intermin- LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 49 able, the Caledonian having ever been celebrated for his roving as well as canny propensities. It is to our brethren over the Border, too, we owe the more special form of ' Inglis,' known better in the south as * English.' The Hundred Rolls furnish us with such names as ' Walter le Engleis,' or * Robert le Engleys,' or ' Walter Ingeleys.' Laurence Minot has the modern form. Describing Edward III.'s entrance into Brabant, he says — The Inglis men were armed wele, Both in yren and in stele. The representatives of our native-born Welshmen are well-nigh as numerous as those across the Scottish line, and the early spellings we light upon are equally varied — * le Galeys,' ' ' le Waleys,' * le Waleis,' and ' le Walsshe' being, however, the commonest. The last is used by Piers Plowman, who speaks of Rose the Disheress, Godfrey of Garlekhithe, And Gryfin the Walshe. In these, of course, we at once discern the progenitors of our ' Welshs ' and * Wallaces.' ' Walshman ' is also found as ' Walseman.' ' Langlois ' seems to be firmly established in our present midst as an importation from France. It was evidently returned to us all but contemporaneously with its rise there, for as ' L'An- gleys ' or ' Lengleyse,' it is found on English soil in ' One of Edward III.'s regulations concerning the sale and purchase of wool speaks of ' merchandises en Engleterre, Gales, ou Irlande ; ' and further on more personally of ' merchantz Engleis, Galeis, ou Irreis.' (' Stat, of Realm,' vol. i. p. 334.) ' Henry le Galeys,' that is, as we should say now, 'Henry Welsh,' was Mayor of London in 1298. I50 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the thirteenth century. It is quite possible that our ' Langleys ' are in some instances but a corruption of this name. Thus the different quarters of the British Empire are well personified so far as our directories are concerned. We have not quite done with the home country, however. Our modern ' Norris's ' are of a somewhat comprehensive nature. In the first place there can be little doubt they have become confounded by lapse of time with the once not unfamiliar * la Noryce,' or nurse. Apart from this, too, the term * le Noreys ' was ever applied in early times to the Norwegians, and to this sense mainly it is that we owe the rise of the name. And yet it has another origin. It was used in the mere sense of ' northern,' one from the north country. Thus in the Hundred Rolls we meet with the two names of 'Thomas le Noreys' and * Geoffrey le Northern,' and there is no reason why these should not both have had the same rise. A proof in favour of this view lies in the fact that we have their counterparts in such entries as ' Thomas le Surreys ' and ' Thomas le Southern,' the latter now found in the other forms of ' Sothcrn ' and ' Sotheran.' Nor are the other points of the compass wanting. A ' Richard le Westrys ' and a ' Richard le Estrys ' both occur in the registers of the thirteenth century, but neither, I believe, now exists. ' North ' found as ' de North ' needs no explanation, and the same can be said for our ' Souths,' ' Easts,' and ' Wests.' The distance from Dover to Calais is not great; but were it otherwise, we should still feci bound in our notice of names of foreign introducticMi first of all to mention Normandy. For not merely has this LOCAL SURNAMES. 15I country supplied us with many of our best family names, but it enjoys the distinction of having been the first to estabHsh an hereditary surname. This it did in the case of the barons and their feudary settle- ments. The close of the eleventh century we may safely say saw as yet but one class of sobriquets, which, together with their other property, fathers were in the habit of handing down to their sons. This class was local, and was attached only to those fol- lowers of the Conqueror who had been presented by their leader with landed estates in the country they had but recently subdued. As a rule each of these feudatories took ashis surname the place whence hehad set forth in his Norman home. Thus arose so many of our sobriquets of which 'Burke's Peerage' is the best directory, and of which therefore I have little to say here. Thus arose the 'de Mortimers' (the prefix was re- tained for many generations by all), the ' de Colevilles,' the ' de Corbets,' the 'de Ferrers,' the 'de Beauchamps,' the *de Courcys,' the *de Lucys/ and the 'deGranvilles.' Thus have sprung our ' Harcourts,' our ' Tanker- villes,' our ' Nevilles,' our ' Bovilles,' our ' Basker- villes,' our ' Lascelles,' our 'Beaumonts,' our 'Villiers,' our ' Mohuns,' and our ' Percys.' Apropos of Gran- ville, a story is told of a former Lord Lyttelton con- testing with the head of that stock priority of family, and clenching his argument by asserting his to be necessarily the most ancient, inasmuch as the little- town must have existed before the grand-ville. A similar dispute is said to have occurred at Venice between the families ' Ponti ' and ' Canali ' — the one asserting that the ' Bridges ' were above the ' Canals,' the other that the ' Canals ' were in existence before 152 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the * Bridges.' So hot waxed the quarrel that the Senate was compelled to remind the disputants that it had power alike to stop up Canals and pull down Bridges if they became over troublesome. But to return : the number of these Norman names was great. The muster-roll of William's army comprised but an item of the foreign incomers. As the tide of after-immigration set in, there was no town, however insignificant, in Normandy, or in the Duchies of Arijou and Maine, which was not soon represented in the nomenclature of the land. From giving even a partial list of these I must refrain, however tempted, but see what the chapelries alone did for us. St. Denys gave us our * Sidneys,' St. Clair, or Clare, our * Sinclairs,' vilely corrupted at times into ' Sinkler ; ' St. Paul, our ' Semples,' ' Samples,' ' Sempills, ' ' Simpoles,' and sometimes * Simples ; ' St. Lowe, or Loe, our ' Sal- lows ; ' St. Amand, our ' Sandemans ' and * Samands ; ' St. Lis, our ' Senlis ' and ' Senleys ; ' St. Saviour, our * Sissivers ; ' St. Maur, our ' Seymours ; ' St. Barbe, our ' Symbarbes ; ' St. Hillary, our ' Sillerys ; ' St. Pierre, our ' Sempers ' and ' Simpers ; ' St. Austin, our ' Sustins ; ' St. Omer, our ' Somers ; ' St. Leger, our ' Sellingers,' once more literally enrolled as ' Steleger,' and so on with our less corrupted ' St. Johns,* ' St. Georges,' and others. I do not say, however, that all these were later comers. Some of them must un- doubtedly be set among the earlier comrades in arms of the Conqueror. Indeed it is impossible in every case to separate the warlike from the peaceful inva- sion. Looking back from this distant period, and with but scanty and imperfect memorials for guidance, it cannot but be so. LOCAL SURNAME?. 1 53 With respect to another class of these Norman names, however, we are more certain. Their very formation seems to imply beyond a doubt that they had a settlement as surnames in their own arrondisse- ments before their arrival on English soil. We may, therefore, with tolerable certainty set them down as later comers. The distinguishing marks of these are the prefixes ' de la,' or ' del,' or ' du ' attached to them. Thus from some local peculiarity with respect to their early homes would arise such names as * Delamere,' •Dupont,' 'Delisle,' ' Delarue,' 'Dubois,' ' Ducatel.' ' Defontaine,' ' Decroix,' or ' Deville ' or * Deyville.' This latter is now found also in the somewhat un- pleasant form of * Devil.' They say the devil is the source of every evil. Whether this extends beyond the moral world may be open to doubt, but our * Evils,' * Evills,' and ' Eyvilles,' from the fact of their once being written with the prefix ' de,' seem to favour the suspicion of there being a somewhat dangerous relationship between them.' These names, though ' In two different rolls we come across such cognomens as ' Osbert Diabolus' and ' Roger le Diable.' These are very likely but relics of early jesting upon the local forms mentioned in the text. A ' Thomas de Devyle' occurs in the Parliamentary Rolls, while in the Writs of the same we find a ' John de Evylle.' The former instance, again, may be but a sarcastic reduplication of the prefix. Dean Milman, quoting the author of Anglia yudaica, tells the following story, which shows how early this name had been so played upon : — ' A certain Jew travelling towards Shrewsbury in company with Richard Peche, Archdeacon of Malpas, in Cheshire, and a reverend dean whose name was "Deville," was told amongst other things, by the former, that his "jurisdiction was so large as to reach from a place called 111 Street all along till they came to Malpas, and took in a wide circumference of country." To which the infidel, being more witty than wise, immediately replied : " Say you so, sir ? God grant me then a good deliverance ! For it seems I 154 ENGLISH SURNAMES. commonly met with in mediaeval records, are, never- theless, I say, not to be put down as coeval with the Conquest, but as after-introductions when England was securely won. There befell Norman names of this class, however, what I have shown still more com- monly to have befallen those of a similar, but more Saxon, category. If these prefixes ' de la,' ' del,' and ' du ' are sometimes found retained, they are as often conspicuous by their absence. Thus while at an early date after the Conquest we find the Saxon * Atwood ' met by the Norman ' Dubois,' it is equally true that they had already to battle with simple ' Wood ' and * Boys ' or ' Boyce.' Thus it was we find so early the Saxon ' Beech ' faced by the Norman ' Fail ' or ' Fayle,' ' Ash ' by ' Freen,' ' Frean,' or ' Freyne,' ' Hasell ' by ' Coudray,' ' Alder ' by ' Aunay,' and, let us say, for want of a ' Walnut,' ' Nut ' by ' Noyes,' In the same way our ' Halls ' or ' Hales ' were matched by ' Meynell ' (mcsnil), ' Hill ' by ' Montaigne,' now also 'Mountain,' 'Mead' or ' Medd,' or 'Field,' by ' Prall ' or ' Prail,' relics of the old ' prayell,' a little meadow. I have just set ' Wood ' by our ' Boys ' and ' Boyces.' To these we must add our ' Busks,' * Bushes,' ' Busses,' all from ' bois ' or ' bosc' The ' taillis,' or underwood, too, gives us ' Tallis,' and the union of both in ' Taillebois ' or ' Talboys,' as we now have it, combines the names of two of our best church musicians — ' Tallis ' and ' Boyce.' This comparison of early introduced Norman with names of a Saxon am riding in a country where Sin (Pechc) is the archdeacon, and the Devil himself the dean ; where the entrance into the archdeaconry is in 111 Street, and the going from it Bad Steps (Malpas)." ' (^History of Jews, vol. iii. p. 232.) I-OCAL SURNAMES. 155 local character we might carry on to any extent, but this must suffice — illustrations and not categories are all we can pretend to attempt. But these were not our only foreign introduced names. Coeval with the arrival of these later Norman designations a remarkable peculiarity began to make itself apparent in the vast number of names that poured in from various and more distant parts of the Continent. That they came for purposes of trade, and to settle down into positions that the Saxons themselves should have occupied, is undoubted. The lethargy of the Saxon population at this period would be extraordinary, if it were not so easily to be accounted for. There was no heart in the nation. The Saxons had become a conquered people, and, although the spirit of Hereward the Wake was quenched, there had come that settled sullen humour which, finding no outlet for active enmity, fed in spirit upon itself, and increased with the pampering. To punish open disaffection is easy ; to eradicate by the stern arm of power such a feeling as this is im- possible. Time alone can do it, and that but slowly. More than a century after this we find Robin Hood the idol of popular sympathy; no national hero has ever eclipsed him, and yet, putting sentiment aside, he was naught but a robber, an outlawed knave. He was but a vent for the still lingering current of a people's feelings. It was but the Saxon and Norman over again. We can easily imagine, then, if the spirit of the people was so lethargic as this, at how low an ebb would be the commercial enterprise of this period. No country was there whose resources for sclf-aggran- 156 ENGLISH SURNAMES. disement were greater than our own — none which had more disregarded them up to the reign of the third Edward. Till then she was the mere mine from which other countries might draw forth riches, the carcase for the eagles of many nations to feed upon. Saving the exportation of wool in its raw unmanu- factured state, she did nothing for her national pros- perity. The Dutch cured the fish they themselves caught on our coasts, and the looms of Flanders and Brabant manufactured the weft and warp we sent them into the cloth we wore. If our kings and barons were clad in scarlet and purple, little had England actively to do with that ; her share in such superior tints was nought, save the production of the dye, for in conjunction with the Eastern indigo it was our woad the Netherlands used. That other nations were advancing, and that ours was not, is a statement, commercially speaking, I need not enlarge upon ; it is a mere matter of history which no one disputes. Not, however, that there was no trade. Far from it. Long before Edward III. had established a surer basis of order and industry, London had become a mart of no small Continental importance. This out- lying city, as with other towns of growing industry abroad, had come under the beneficial influence of the Crusades. So far as the redemption of the Holy City was concerned, that strong, but noble madness which had set Christendom ablaze was a failure. But it effected much in another way. From the first moment when on the waters of the Levant were assembled a host as diverse in nation as they were one in purpose ; when in their high-decked galleons and oar-banked pinnances men met each other face to face LOCAL SURNAMES. I 5/ of whose national existence they had been previously- all but unaware — one result, at least, was sure to follow — an intercommunion of nations was inevitable, and, in the wake of this, other and not less beneficial consequences. Healthy comparisons were drawn, jealousies were allayed, navigation was improved, better ships were built, harbours hitherto avoided as dangerous were rendered safe, and new havens were discovered. This influence was felt everywhere. It reached so far as England — London felt it. But it was a minor influence — minor in comparison with our wonderful appliances — minor in comparison with the commercial spirit developing such Republics as Genoa and Venice, or the Easterling countries that border the Baltic and German Seas — a minor influ- ence, too, especially because the Saxons had so little share in it. So far as they were concerned, this in- ternationality was all one-sided. Denizens of all lands visited our shores, but their visits were unreturned. What an infinitesimal part of our Continental sur- names in the present day are traceable to English sources. On the other hand, there was no town how- ever small, no hamlet however insignificant, in Nor- mandy, in the Duchies of Anjou and Maine, or pro- tected by the cities of the Hanseatic League, that is unrepresented in the nomenclature of our land. Nay, it was this very lack of reciprocity of commerce that held out such inducements to the dwellers in other lands to visit our shores. It was to step into posses- sion of those very advantages we slighted they came : we became but a colony of foreign artisans. Truly our metropolis in those early days of her industry was a motley community. Numerous names of foreign lo- 158 ENGLISH SURNAMES. cality have died out in the lapse of centuries between ; a large proportion have become so Anglicized that we cannot detect their Continental birth, but there is still a formidable array left in our midst whose lineage is manifest, and whose nationality is not to be doubted. We dare not enumerate them all. Let us, however, take a short tour over Europe and the East. We will begin with Normandy, and advance westerly, and then southerly. The provinces that border upon Normandy and Bretagne, especially to the south and eastwards, large or small, have, as we should expect, supplied us with many names. We have besides ' Norman,' which, like ' le Northern,' is of doubtful locality, 'Bret,' 'Brett,' ' Britt,' 'Britten,' 'Briton,' and ' Brittain,' from ' Bretagne,' and represented in our olden rolls by such men as ' Hamo le Bret,' or ' Roger le Breton,' or ' Thomas le Brit,' or ' Ivo le Briton.' Our 'Angers' are not necessarily so irascible as they look, for they are but corruptions, as are ' Angwin' and ' Aungier,' of the ' Angevine of Anjou.' Like our ' Maincs' and ' Maynes' from the neighbour- ing duchy, they would be likely visitors to our shores from the intimate relationship which for a while en- dured between the two countries through royal alliances. Our ' Artcrs' and ' Artis,' once registered ' dc Artoys,' came from ' Artois ; ' our ' Gaskins,' and more correct ' Gascoigncs,' from ' Gascony ; ' and our ' Burgons' and ' Burgoynes' from Burgundy.' To Champagne it is we are indebted for our ' Champneys' and ' Champness's,' descendants as they are from ' Hall, in his 'Chronicles,' speaks of the 'Duke of Burgoyne.' (F. xxiiii.) LOCAL SURNAMES. I 59 such old incomers as ' Robert le Champeneis,' or * Roger le Chaumpeneys,' while the more strictly local form appears in our * Champagnes,' not to say some of our * Champions' and ' Campions.' ^ Speaking of Champagne, it is curious that next in topographical order come our ' Port-wines,' sprung from the Poicte- vine of Poictou. So early as the thirteenth century, this name had become corrupted into ' Potewyne,' a ' Pretiosa Potewyne' occurring in the Hundred Rolls of that period. More correct representatives are found in such entries as ' Henry le Poytevin,' and ' Peter le Pettevin.' Pickardy has given us our * Pickards' and ' Pycards,' Provence our * Provinces,' and Lorraine our ' Loraynes,' ' Lorraines,' and ' Lorings.' ' Peter le Loring ' and ' John le Loring ' are instances of the latter form. More general terms for the countrymen of these various provinces are found in such registered- names as 'Gilbert le Fraunceis,' or ' Henry le Franceis,' or * Peter le Frensh,' or * Gyllaume Freynsman.' I have mentioned 'Norman' — one of the commonest of early sobriquets is ' le Bigod' and ' le Bigot' Well- nigh every record has its ' Roger le Bygod,' or its ' William le Bygot,' or ' Hugh le Bigot,' or ' Alina le ' ' Champaigne,' of course, means simply plain-land, and is found locally in various parts of Western Europe. I have included ' Cham- pion' with the others because, though sometimes a combative sobriquet, it is as often found to be the mediseval form of the local term, ' Cham- pian ' and ' Champain' being other modes of spelling the same to be met with at this period. Thus we find such double entries as ' Katerina le Champion' and 'Roger de Champion.' Our present Authorised Version uses the word twice, as in Deut. xi. 30: — ' Are they not on the other side Jordan, by the way where the sun goeth down, in the land of the Canaanites, which dwell in the champaign over against Gilgal, beside the plains of Moreh ? ' In the various translations of this passage almost all the above modes of spelling have been used. l6o ENGLISH SURNAMES. Bigod.' Amid the varying opinions of so many high authorities, I dare not speak in anywise with confi- dence ; but, judging from these very entries which are found at an early period, I cannot but think Dean Trench and Mr. Wedgwood wrong in their conjecture that the word arose from the ' beguines ' — i.e. the Franciscans, With Mr. Taylor ' I am firmly convinced it is ethnic, and that as such it was familiarly applied to the Normans I am equally satisfied. In proof of its national character, Mr. Taylor quotes a passage from the romance of Gerard of Roussillon — Bigot, e Proven9al e Rouergues, E Bascle, e Gasco, e Bordales. The popular story ascribes its origin to the fondness for oaths so peculiar to the Anglo-Norman character, and in this particular instance to the exclamation ' by-God.' 2 My own impression is that the origin of the word has yet to be found. With regard to sur- names, however, I may say that we have at this day ' Bigots' in our directories as well as in everything else, and it is highly probable that our Bagots are but a corruption of the same. Turning westward, such names as ' Michael de Spaigne,' or ' Arnold de Espaigne,' tell us at once . ' Viik Words and Places, p. 436. * Camden says : ' When RoUo had Normandy made over to him by Carolus Stultus, with his daughter Gisla, he would not submit to kiss Charles's foot. And when his friends urged him by all means to kiss the king's foot, in gratitude for so great a favour, he made answer in the English tongue, " Ne se, l)y God" — "Not so, by God" — upon which the king and his courtiers, deriding him, and corruptly repeating his answer, called him " Bigod," from whence the Normans are to this day termed "Bigodi."' LOCAL SURNAMES. l6l who were the forefathers of our ' Spains ' and * Espins ;'' while ' John le Moor ' suggests to us at least the possi- bility that English heathlands did not enjoy the entire monopoly in the production of this familiar cognomen. The intensive ' Blackamoor,' a mere compound of ' black ' and ' moor,' seems to have early existed. A ' Beatrice Blackamour ' and a ' William Blackamore ' occur in a London Register of 1417 — (Riley's ' London,' p. 647). Nor is Italy void of examples. The sturdy old republic of Genoa has supplied us with 'Janeway 'and ' Jannaway,'^ * Genese ' and * Jayne' or ' Jeane.' Chaucer alludes to the Genoese coin the 'jane.' An old poem, too, speaking of Brabant as a general mart, says — Englysshe and Frensh, Lumbardes, Januayes, Cathalones, theder they take their wayes. The ' Libel on English Policy ' has the word in a similar dress. The Janueys comyne in sondre wyses, Into this londe wyth dyverse merchaiindysses, In grete karrekes arrayde withouten lack, Wyth clothes of golde, silke, and pepir black. Hall, in his Chronicles, speaking of the Duke of Clarence ravaging the French coast in Henry IV. 's reign, says, ' in his retournyng he encountred with two greate Carickes of Jeane laden with ryche mar- chandise.' (J. xxiv.) • 'John Spaynard' is found in the Ca/. Rot. Patentium ; but the name is now obsolete, I imagine. ' Peter Ispanier ' occurs in Clutter- buck's Hertford (vol. i. Index). * Hence we find Skelton speaking in one of his poems of ' That gentyll Jorge the Januay. ' M l62 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Its old rival upon the Adriatic still vies with it in 'Veness,' once enrolled as * de Venise.' Rome has given us our early ' Reginald le Romayns ' and * John le Romayns,' whose descendants now write their names in the all but unaltered form of ' Romaine,' ^ and to Lombardy and the Jews we owe Lombard street, and our ' Lombards,' ' Lumbards,' ' Lubbards,' and perhaps 'Lubbers' — not to mention our 'Luckes,' and ' Luckies,' a progenitor of whom I find inscribed in the Hundred Rolls as ' Luke of Lucca.' Advancing eastwards, a * Martin le Hunne ' looks strangely as if sprung from a Hungarian source. Whatever doubt, however, there may be on this point, there can be none on ' William le Turc,' ^ whose name is no solitary one in the records of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, and whose descendants are by no means extinct in the nineteenth. ' Peter le Russe ' would seem at first sight to be of Russian origin, especially with such a Christian name to the fore as the one above, but it is far more pro- bably one more form of the endless corruptions of * le Rous,' a sobriquet of complexion so extremely familiar to all who have spent any time over mediaeval registers. I have already mentioned * le Norrys ' as connected with our ' Norris.' ' Dennis,' I doubt not, in some cases, is equally representative of the former * le Daneys.' Entries like 'William le Norris,' or ' Walter le Norrcis,' or ' Roger le Daneis,' or ' Joel le Deneys,' are of constant occurrence. These, added • WicklyfTe, in his preface to St. Taul's Epistle to the * Romayns,' quotes St. Jeronic, and adds, ' This saith Jerom in his prologe on this pistle to Romayncs.' * ' Turk,' we must not forget, was a general term for anyone of the Mahommedan faith. It still lingers in that sense in the j^aws, Turks, Infidels, ami Heretics of our Book of Common Prayer. LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 63 to the others, may be mentioned as bringing before our eyes the broadest limits of European immigration, and with scarcely an exception they are found among the English surnames of to-day. But we must not forget the Dutch — a term that once embraced all the German race.^ ' Dutchman,' though I have found no instance in early rolls, is, I see, a denizen of our present directories, while * Dutch- women,' found in the fourteenth century, is extinct. Our ' Pruces ' are but the old ' le Pruce,' or Prussian, as we should now term them. The word is met with in an old political song, and, as it contains a list of articles, the introduction of which into England from Flanders made the two countries so closely connected, I will quote it fully: — Now beer and bacon bene fro Pruse i-brought Into fflaunders, as loved and fere i-soughte ; Osmonde, coppre, bowstaffes, stile and wex, Peltre-wai-e, and grey, pych, tar, borde, and flex. And Coleyne threde, fustiane, and canvase, Corde, bokeram, of old tyme thus it wase. But the fflemmynges among these things dere, Incomen loven beste bacon and beer. * Fleming,' as our registers prove, was seemingly the popular term for all the Low Countrymen, bands of whom were specially invited over by two of our kings to spread their industry in our own land. Numbers of them came in, however, as simple wool-merchants, ' Thus we find Bishop Coverdale, in his Prologue to the Neiu Testa- ment, written 1535, saying, ' And to help me herein I have had sundry translations, not only in Latin, but also of the Dutch interpreters, whom, because of their singular gifts and special diligence in the Bible, I have been the more glad to follow.' {Park : Soc. p. 12.) Here he is manifestly speaking of the German reformers. M 2 l64 ENGLISH SURNAMES. to transmit the raw material into Holland. As the old * Libel on English Policy ' says — But ye Fleminges, if ye be not wrothe, The grete substance of your cloth, at the fulle, Ye wot ye made it of youre English wolle. But Flanders was not the only division represented. Our ' Brabazons ' once written * le Brabangon,' to- gether with our ' Brabants/ * Brabaners,' and * Bra- bans,' issued, of course, from the duchy of that name ; while our ' Hanways ' • and ' Hannants' hailed from Hainault, the latter of the two representing the usual early English pronunciation of the place-word. The old enrolled forms are ' de Hanoia ' and ' de Henau.' It is very likely, therefore, that our * Hannahs ' are similarly derived. The poem I have just quoted, after mentioning the products of ' Braban,' ' Selaunde,' and * Henaulde,' proceeds to say : — But they of Holonde at Caleyse buy our felles And our wolles, that Englyshe men then selles. This, and such an entry as * Thurstan de Holland,' give us at once a clue, if clue were needed, to the source whence have issued our ' Hollands.' ' Holand- man,' which once existed, is, I believe, now extinct. A common sobriquet for those enterprising traders who visited us from the shores of the Baltic was ' Easterling,' and it is to their honest integrity as merchants we owe the fact of their name in the form of ' Sterling ' being so familiar. In contrast to the country-made money, their coin obtained the name of ' Easterling,' or, as we now term it, ' Ster- ' Andrew Porde speaks of ' Flaundcrs, Ilanvvay, and Braban, which be commodious and plentiful contreys.' — Bokc of the Iittroditction of Knowlalge. LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 65 ling ' money — so many pounds sterling being the ordinary phrase for good and true coin. We have even come to apply the term generally in such phrases as sterling worth, sterling honesty, or sterling character. The more inland traders were styled ' Almaines,' or merchants * d'Almaine,'^ terms common enough in our earlier archives, as ' le Ale- man,' or * de Almania,' or ' le Alemaund,' and thus have sprung our * Alemans,' * Almaines,' and ' All- mans,' and through the French, probably, our ' Lalli- mands,' ' D'Almaines,' * Dalmaines,' and more per- verted ' Dalmans ' and ' DoUmans.' ^ Thus to these enterprising and honest traders we owe a surname which from the odious forms it has assumed shows that their names, at least, were corruptible, if not their credit. I ought to have mentioned, though I have no record to quote in proof of my assertion, that our * Hansards ' are, I have no doubt, descendants of such Hanse merchants in our country as were members of the Hanseatic League. The founder of the Hansards, the publishers of the Parliamentary Debates, came from Norwich in the middle of the last century, and • An act passed in 1464 speaks of tonnage upon wines brought into England *by eny Marchaunt Alien, as well by the Marchauntes of Hance and of Almayn, as of eny other Marchauntes Alien.' (Rot. Pari. Ed. IV.) Bishop Coverdale's exposition of the 22nd Psalm is entitled, 'A very excellent and swete exposition upon the two and twenty Psalme of David, called in Latyn, " Dominus regit me, et nihil." Translated out of hye Almayne in to Englyshe by Myles Coverdale, 1537.' * The old form of ' Dutch ' was ' Douch ' or ' Dowch.' Skelton in his ' Parrot ' says that, besides French, Lattyn, Ebrew, 'With Douch, with Spanysh, my tong can agree.' Our ' Dowch's ' and ' Douch's ' still preserve this spelling. 1 66 ENGLISH SURNAMES. I need scarcely say that the city was the chief head- quarters of the Flemish weaving interest at the date we are considering. Leaving Europe for a moment, a name of peculiar interest is that of ' Sarson,' ^ or ' Sarasin,' a sobriquet undoubtedly sprung from the Crusades in the East, and found contemporaneously, or immediately after- wards, in England as ' Sarrasin,' ' Sarrazein,' ' Sarra- cen,' and in the Latinized form of ' Sarracenus,' The maternal grandfather of Thomas a Becket was a pure- blooded Saracen, settled in England. The * Saracen's Head,' I need not remind the reader, has been a popular inn sign in our land from the days of Coeur de Lion and Godfrey, It would seem as if they were sufficient objects of public curiosity to be exhibited. In the ' Issues of the Exchequer ' of Henry VI.'s reign is the following : — * To a certain Dutchman, bringing with him a Saracen to the Kingdom of England, in money paid him in part payment of five marks which the Lord the King commanded to be paid him, to have of his gift.' Speaking of the Sara- cens, however, we are led to say a word or two about the Jews, the greatest money-makers, the greatest merchants, the greatest people, in a commercial point ' Our * Sarsons ' may be metronymically descended from ' Sare ' or 'Sarra. ' Skelton, in 'Elynore Rummyng,' speaks of 'Dame Dorothe and lady Besse, Dame Sare, our pryoresse.' Nevertheless the same writer, in his ' Poem against Gameschc,' ad- dresses a Saracen thus — ' I say, ye solcm Sarson, alle blake is your blc.' Such entries as ' William fil. Sare,' 'John Saresson,' ' Henry Sarrasin' or ' Peter Sarracen,' show both origins to be possible. LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 6/ of view at least, the world has known. No amount of obloquy, no extent of cruel odium and persecution, could break the spirit of the old Iraelitish trader. Driven out of one city, he fled to another. Rifled of his savings in one land, he soon found an asylum in another, till a fresh revolution there also caused either the king or the people to vent their passions and refill their coflers at the expense of the despised Jew. 'Jury' would seem to be a corrupted surname taken from the land which our Bible has made so familiar to us. It certainly is derived from this term, but not the Jewry of Palestine. It was that part of any large town which in the Early and Middle Ages was set apart for these people, districts where, if they chose to face contumely and despite, they could live and worship together. Every considerable town in England and the Continent had its Jewish quarters. London with its 'Jewry' is no exceptional case. Winchester, York, Norwich, all our early centres of commerce, had the same. Johan Kaye, in his account of the siege of Rhodes, says: 'All the strete called the Jure by the walles was full of their blood and caren (carrion).' Our 'Jurys'^ are not, however, necessarily Jews, as it is but a local name from resi- dence in such quarters, and doubtless at one time or another during the period of surname establishment Christians may have had habitation there. ' Jew,' on the other hand, as representing such former entries as * Roger le Jew ' or ' Mirabilla Judaeus,' is undoubtedly of purely Israelitish descent. But these are not all. ■ This surname is found uncorrupted so late as 1626. A 'John Jewry' is set down in C. C. Coll. register for that date. (Vide //w/. C. C, Coll. ) ' Jewsbury ' has the same origin. l63 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Our early records teem with such names as ' Roger le Convers,' or * Stephen le Convers,' ^ deserters from the Jewish faith. We cannot be surprised at many of the less steady adherents of the ancient creed changing their religious status, when we reflect upon the cruel impositions made upon them at various times,' I suspect our * Conyers ' have swallowed up the repre- sentatives of this name. Even in the day of its rise we find it set down in one record as ' Nicholas le Conners.' So much for general and national names. To pretend to give any category of the town-names that have issued from these wide-spread localities were, of course, impossible. Such sobriquets as ' Argent,' from Argentan ; * Charters ' and ' Charteris ' from Chartres ; ' Bullen,' ' Bollen,' or ' Roleyn ' from Boulogne,' with ' Bulness ' as representative of ' le Boloncis ; ' ' Lan- dels ' from Landclles ; ' Death' or ' D'Aeth ' from Aeth in Flanders ; ' Twopenny ' from Tupigny in the same province ; ' Gant ' and ' Gent ' from Ghent, once ' de Gaunt ; ' ' Legge ' from Liege (in some cases at least) ; ' Lubbock,' once written ' de Lubyck ' and ' de Lubek,' ' We must not forget, however, that the term ' convert ' was applied to such as were lay members of a monastery. They were also working brethren, and thus were distinguished from the 'monachi,' or monks, who were wholly confined to religious offices and meditation. Thus, in the Life of Hugh of Lincoln, it is said, ' Omnes intcrea Hugonem loquebantur sive prior, sive monachus, sive conversus, gratiam attolebat collatam Hugoni.' (P. 46. See, also, Glossary to same.) * ' Edward I. went so far as to give the Dominican Friars, at their particular request, power to constrain the Jews to listen to their preaching, and even proceeded to waive his claim for seven years to more than a moiety of the goods of the converts, the other half being given to maintain the poor in the Hospital for Converts.' (Anglia "jfudnica, P- 231.) " H^ll, in his Chronicles, spells it ' Jiullcin.' (F, xxiii.) LOCAL SURNAMES. 1 69 from Lubeck in Saxony ; * Geneve,' once * de Geneve,' and 'Antioch/ once * de Antiochia,' are but instances taken haphazard from a list, which to extend would oc- cupy all my remaining space. Many of these are con- nected with particular trades, or branches of trades, for which in their day they had obtained a European celebrity. If the peculiar manufactures of such places at home as ' Kendall ' and * Lindsey ' and ' Wolsey ' have left in our own nomenclature the marks of their early renown, we should also expect such foreign cities as were more especially united to us by the ties of in- dustry to leave a mark thereof upon our registers. Such names as * Ralph de Arras ' or ' Robert de Arraz,' a sobriquet not yet extinct in our midst, carry us to Arras in Artois, celebrated for its tapestried hangings.' Rennes in Brittany has given birth to our ' Raines ' and ' Rains.' ^ Chaucer talks of pillows made of ' cloth of raines.' Elsewhere, too, he makes mention of * hornpipes of Cornewaile,' reminding us that in all probability some of our ' Cornwalls ' hail from Cornouaile in the same province. Romance in Burgundy, celebrated for its wine, has left a memory of that fact in our ' Rumneys ' and ' Rummeys.' ' So late as the year 1562 we find, in an old inventory, mention made of ' One bede coveringe of ariesworke, Ss. {Richmondshire Wills, p. 161.) ' Grant to John Bakes, arras-maker, of the office of maker and mender of the King's cloths and pieces of arras and tapestry, with \2d. a day for -wziges.^ —Materials for History of Reign of Henry VII. (p. 259). ' The Gildhallte Mu7iiinenta mention, among other goods, 'mer- cerie, canevas, conins-panes, fustiane, chalons, draps du Reynes, et draps de soye.' (P. 231.) ' Then take a towell of reynes of two yerdes and an halfe, and take the towell by ye endes double and laye it on the table,' — The Boke of Kervynge, I/O ENGLISH SURNAMES. Some of my readers will remember that in the ' Squyr of low degree' the king, amongst" other pleasures by which to soothe away his daughter's melancholy, promises her, Ye shall have Rumney. Our ' Challens ' are but lingering memorials of the now decayed woollen manufactures of Chalons, of which we shall have more to say anon ; and not to mention others, our ' Roans ' (always so spelt and pro- nounced in olden times), our 'Anvers,' once *de Anvers,' our ' Cullings,' ' CuUens,' ^ ' Collinges,* and ' Lyons,' are but relics of former trades for which the several towns of Rouen, and Antwerp, and Cologne, and Lyons, were notorious. The rights of citizenship and all other advantages seem early to have been accorded them. In the thirteenth century we find Robert of Catalonia and Walter Turk acting as sheriffs, and much about the same time a ' Pycard ' was Mayor of London. I must stop here. We have surveyed, compara- tively speaking, but a few of our local, surnames. From the little I have been able to advance, however, it will be clear, I think, that with regard to the general subject of nomenclature these additional sobriquets had become a necessity. The population of England, less than two millions at the period of the Conquest, was rapidly increasing, and, which is of far more importance so far as surnames are con- cerned, increasing corporatcly. Population was be- coming every day less evenly diffused. Communities ' Foxe, in his Alarlyrology, speaks of the ' Bishop of Mcntz, of Cullen, and of Wonnes.' (Vol. i. p. 269, ed. 1844.) LOCAL SURNAMES. I/I were fast being formed, and as circumstances but more and more induced men to herd themselves together, so did the necessity spring up for each to have a more fixed and determinate title than his merely personal or baptismal one, by which he might be more currently known among his fellows. CHAPTER III. SURNAMES OF OFFICE. A CLASS of surnames which occupies no mean "^"^ place in our lists is that which has been be- queathed to us by the dignitaries and officers of mediaeval times. Of these sobriquets, while some hold but a precarious existence, a goodly number are firmly established in our midst. On the other hand, as with each other class of our surnames, many that once figured in every register of the period are now 'extinct Of these latter not a few have lapsed through the decay of the very systems which brought them into being. While the feudal constitution remained encircled as it was with a complete scheme of service, while the ecclesiastic system of Church government reigned supreme and without a rival, there were num- berless offices which in after days fell into desuetude with the principle that held them together. Still, in the great majority of cases the names of these have remained to remind us of their former heyday glory, and to give us an insight into the reality of those now decayed customs to which they owed their rise. We must be careful, however, at the outset to remark that a certain number of these names ought, strictly speaking, to be set down in our chapter upon sobriquets. They are either vestiges of the many outdoor pageantries and mock ceremonies so popular SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 173 in that day, or of the numberless nicknames our fore- fathers loved to affix one upon the other, and in which practice all, high and low alike, joined. For instance, no one could suspect such a sobriquet as * Alan le Pope,' or ' Hugh le Pape,' the source of one of our commonest and most familiar names, to be derived from the possessor of that loftiest of eccle- siastic offices.* It could be but a nickname, and was doubtless given to some unlucky individual whose overweening and pretentious bearing had brought upon him the affix. So, again, would it be with such a title as ' Robert le Keser,' that is, Caesar, corre- sponding to the French ' L'empriere' and the obsolete Norman * le Emperer.' This is a word of frequent occurrence in our earlier poets. Langland says of our Lord, there was No man so worthie To be kaiser or king Of the kyngdom of Juda. Again, he finely says — Death cam dryvynge after, And al to duste passed Kynges and knyghtes, Kaysers and popes, Lered and levved. * * The same remark will apply to our ' Cardinals ' and ' Pontifexs.' 'Cardinal' is early found in 'Walter Cardinall ' (P.)j and 'William Cardynair (Z). * In one of our old mediaeval ' mysteries, ' representing the Nativity, one of the Magi says : — Certain Balaam speakys of this thyng, That of Jacob a star shall spryng, That shall overcom kasar and kyng. — Townley AfysteHes, 174 ENGLISH SURNAMES. This surname, too, is now all but equally common with the other, being met with in the several shapes of 'Cjesar,' ' Cayser,' * Cayzer,' ' Kaiser,' and ' Keyser.'' The name of 'Julius Caesar,' as that of one of our most esteemed professional cricketers, has only just disappeared from the annals of that noble game. The posterity of such enrolled burgesses as ' William le Kyng ' or ' Thomas le Kyng ' still flourish and abound in our midst. An imperious temperament would thus readily meet with good-humoured censure. ' Matilda le Quen' or * Simon Quene' has not quite failed of issue ; but had it been otherwise, it could not have been matter for any astonishment, as the sobriquet was doubtless anything but a complimentary affix. We must remember that, somewhat curiously, the old ' quen,' or, as the Scotch still term it, * quean,' at once represents the highest rank to which a woman can reach and the lowest depth to which she can fall. So would it be once more with our endless ' Princes,' and ' Comtes' or ' Counts,' ' Viscuntes,' the heads of provincial government.' There is no reason, however, why our ' Dukes,' * Dooks,' or * Dues,' as they are more generally found in our rolls ('Roger le Due,' E., * Adam le Duk.' M.),^ should not be what they represent, or rather then represented. A ' duke' was of course anything but what we now understand by the term, ' Some of these forms may be but corruptions of ' Casier,' the old cheese-maker, found in the Writs of Parliament in such entries as ' Michael le Casiere,' or * Benedict le Casiere.' ' Cayser' would require little variation to make it such. « 'EUice Pryncc' (Z.), 'John Ic Cunte' (E.), ' Peter leCounle' (C), 'John le Viscounte ' (B.). » 'William le Duck' (T.). Our 'Ducks' may thus be ofikial rather than ornithological. SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1/5 being then, as it more literally signifies, a leader, or chieftain, or head. It is thus used in Scripture. Lang- land, to quote him again, says of Justice — A-drad was he nevere Neither of due ne of deeth. Elsewhere, too, he describes ' Rex Gloriae ' as addressing Lucifer upon the brink of Hades, and saying — Dukes of this dymme place, Anoon undo these yates, That Crist may come in, The kynges sone of hevene. It is in this same category we must set, I doubt not, such old registrations as ' Robert le Baron' or * Walter le Baron,' 'John le Lorde' or 'Walter le Loverd,' and ' Walter le Theyn' or * Nicholas le Then,' names now found as ' Baron,' ' Lord,' and ' Thain,' ' Thaine,' or * Thane.' ^ Even in the case of names of a more eccle- siastic character, we shall have to apply the same remark. We have still in our midst descendants of the ' le Cardinals' and ' le Bishops' of the thirteenth century, and there can be little doubt that these were, in the majority of cases, but nicknames given to par- ticular individuals by way of ridiculing certain charac- teristics which seemed to tend in the direction the name suggested. As I have already hinted, however, there is another and equally probable origin for many of the names I have mentioned. Pageantries and mock ceremonies ' This word is found as a compound in ' William Burtheyn,' a Saxon title equivalent to the Norman 'Chamberlain.' The Prompt. Par. has 'burmayden,' i.e. 'chamber-maid.' 176 ENGLISH SURNAMES. were at this time at the very height of their popu- larity. The Romish Church fed this desire. Thus, for instance, take Epiphany. In well-nigh every parish the visit of the Magi, always accounted to have been royal personages, was regularly celebrated. Though the manner varied in different places, the custom was more or less the same. There was a great feast, and one of the company was always elected king, the rest being, according to the lots they drew, either ministers of state or maids of honour. Thus Herrick says — For sports, for pageantrie, and playes, Thou hast thy eves and hoHdayes : Thy wakes, thy quintels, here thou hast. Thy Maypoles, too, with garlandes graced : Thy mummeries, thy twelfe-tide kings And queens, thy Christmas revellings.' ' In the Hundred Rolls we find a 'Will Litleking.' This sobriquet would readily attach to one such feast-appointed monarch whose dimi- nutive stature would but impart additional merriment to the occasion. 'Roger Wyteking' {Testa de Neville) would owe his nont de phime to the dress he wore. It is to such an institution as this, again, we must ascribe the origin of such names as ' Reginald Kyngessone,' and per- chance • Richard Kyngesman,' both found in the Hundred Rolls also. That our ' Kings ' are but a memorial of the festivities of our forefathers, is an undoubted fact. Every great nobleman had not merely a pro- fessed ' fool,' but at particular seasons a ' King of Misnde.' This 'king' initiated and conducted the merry doings of Christmastide, and was a proper officer. Besides the 'King of Misrule,' there were also the ' King ' and ' Queen ' of each village enthroned on May morning, who would be sure to keep their regal title through the year at least. Thus, among the twenty or thirty families that comprised the manor of Ashton-under-Lyne in 1422, we find ' Hobbe the King,' while a festival to be held there in that year is to be under the supervision of ' Mar- garet, widow of Hobbe the King, Hobbe Adamson, Jenkin of the Wood, Robert Somayster (Sum-master), etc' {Three Lancashire Docu- ments. Cheth. Soc.) 'Wc, Adam Backhous and Harry Nycol, hath SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1/7 I need scarcely say that as popular nicknames these titles would be sure to cling to the persons upon whom they had fallen, and that they should even pass on to their descendants is no more unnatural than in the case of a hundred other sobriquets we shall have oc- casion to recount. Of the rest, however, and, as I have said, maybe in some of the cases I have mentioned, the surname was but truly indicative of the office or dignity held. The Saxon has suffered here. And yet to some this may seem somewhat strange when we remember how little change really took place in the institutions of the Kingdom by the Conquest, The Normans and Saxons, after all, were but propagations from the same original stock, and however distant the period of their separation, however affected by difference of clime and association, still their customs bore a suffi- cient affinity to make coalescence by no means a difficult task. William was not given to great changes. He was vindictive, but not destructive. His most cruel acts were retributive, done by way of reprisal after sudden disaffection. If a conqueror must estab- lish his power, deeds of this kind are inevitable. And even these are exaggerated. The story of the depopulation of the New Forest, it is now pretty generally agreed, is impossible — its present condition forbids of any such act to have been practicable — and the notion frequently conveyed in our smaller books of English history, that the curfew was a badge and made account for the Kenggam (King-game), that same tym don Wil- liam Kempe, A'enge, and Joan Whytebrede, Qucft, and all costs de- ducted, 4/. 5j. od. (Ch.wardens' Accounts: Kingston-upon-Thames. Lyson.) N 178 ENGLISH SURNAMES. token of servitude, is simply absurd, the fact being that the same custom prevailed over the whole of Western Europe, as a mere precaution against tire at a time when our towns were mainly constructed of wood. A crushed people will always misinterpret such ordinances. Prejudice of this kind is perfectly pardonable. William then, I say, was not inclined to uproot Saxon institutions. The national council still remained. The ancient tribunals with their various motes, the whole system of law which guided the administration of justice, all was well-nigh as it had been heretofore. But the language which was the medium of all this was generally changed. The old laws were indeed used, but in a translated form — old officerships still existed, but in a new dialect — the old policy was mainly upheld, but new terms of police were introduced. It was not till Edward III.'s reign that pleadings in the various courts were again carried on in the English tongue — it was not till Henry VI. 's reign the proceedings in Parliament were recorded in the people's dialect — not till Richard III.'s day its statutes and ordinances ceased to be indited in Norman-Erench. This at once shows the difficulty of any officership, however Saxon, retaining its original title. The office was maintained, but the name was changed. This was the more certain to ensue, so far as the Church was concerned, from the fact that for a considerable period all ecclesiastic vacancies were filled up from abroad, liishops and abbots were removed on pretexts of one sort or another, and their places supplied from the Conqueror's chaplains. The monasteries were hived with Normans ; the clergy generally were of foreign descent. It was the same, SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 79 or nearly the same, with regard to civil government. The lesser courts of judicature were ruled by foreigners and the foreign tongue. The Barons, as they retired into the provinces and to the estates allotted them, naturally bore with them a Norman retinue. All their surroundings became quickly the same. Thus the French language was used not merely in their common conversation — that of course — but so far as their power, undoubtedly large, existed, in the provincial courts also. Such entries as ' Thomas le Shirreve ' and * Lena le Shireve ' remind us not merely of our present existing * Sheriffs,' ' Shcrrifs,' and ' Shreeves,' but how firmly this Saxon word has maintained its hold through the many fluctuations of English government. The Norman ' Judge,' though it is firmly established in our courts of law, has not made any very great im- press upon our nomenclature. ' Justice,' a relic of * William ' or * Eva le Justice,' ^ is more commonly met with. Our ' Corners,' when not descendants of the local ' de la Corners ' of the thirteenth century, are but corruptions of many a 'John le Coroner ' or ' Henry le Corouner ' of the same period. It is even found in the abbreviated form of ' Corner,' in 'John Ic Corner ' and ' The Ordinary was any ecclesiastic judge, the bishop himself, or his deputy. Thus, in a statute of Edward III., dated 1341, it is said : — ' Item, it is accorded and assented that the king and his heirs shal have the conisance of the usurers dead, and that the Ordinaries of Holy Church — les Ordinares de Seinte Esglise — have the conisance of usurers in life, as to them appertaineth, to make compulsion by the censures of Holy Church for the sin,' &c. {Stat. Realm, vol. i. p. 296.) We still call the gaol chaplain the ordinary who conducts the condemned pri- soner to the scaffold and reads the appointed service. The Parlia- mentary Writs give us a 'John Ordeiner' and a ' Stephen Ordinar.' N 2 l80 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Walter le Cornur.' Thus we see that so early as this our forefathers discerned in the death of a subject a matter that concerned not merely the well-being of the crown, but that of which the crown as the true parent of a nation's interests was to take cognizance. More directly opposed to the Norman * Judge ' and * Justice,' and in the end displaced by them, were our Saxon ' Demer ' and ' Dempster ' (the older forms being ' le Demere ' and * le Demester '), they who pro- nounced the doom. An old English Psalter thus translates Psalm cxlviii. 1 1 : — Kinges of earth, and alle folk living, Princes and all deriiers of land. An antique poem, too, has it in its other form in the following couplet : — Ayoth was then demester Of Israel foure score yeer. We Still employ the term ' doom ' for judgment. Chaucer speaks familiarly of one of the Canterbury company as a ' Serjeant of the Lawc.' It is, in the majority of cases, to the term ' sergeant ' as used in this capacity we owe our much-varied * Sargants,' ' Sargeants,' ' Sargeaunts,' ' Sargents,' ' Sergents,' * Ser- geants,' * Sarjants,' and ' Sarjeants.' The same poet says of him : — Justice he was full often in assize. By patent and by pleine commission. ' Alured le Pledur,' or ' Henry Ic Plcidour,' and ' Peter le Escuzer,' all obsolete as surnames, need little or no explanation. Speaking of assizes, we are reminded of our ' Siscrs ' and ' Sizcrs,' representatives of the old SURNAMES OF OFFICE, l8l 'Assizer' — he who was commissioned to hold the court. Piers Plowman frequently mentions him : — To marien this mayde Were many men assembled, As of knyghts, and of clerkes, And other commune people, As sisours, and somenours, Sherreves, and baillifs. We are here reminded of ' Hugh le Somenur,' or * Henry le Sumenour,' now spelt ' Sumner,' the sheriffs messenger, he by whom the delinquent was brought up to the court. He was the modern apparitor in fact. In the * Coventry Mysteries ' it is said : — Sim Somnor, in haste wend thou thi way, Byd Joseph, and his wyffby name. At the coorte to apper this day. Him to purge of her defame. A ' Godwin Bedellus ' occurs so early as Domes- day record, and as * Roger le Bedel,' or ' Martin le Bedel,' the name is by no means rare somewhat later on. He was, whether in the forest or any other court, the servitor, he who executed processes or attended to proclamations. The modern forms of the name comprise, among others, ' Beadell,' ' Beadle,' ' Bead- dall,' and ' Biddle.' Such names as ' Richard le Gaye- ler ' or ' Ada le Gaoler,' are very commonly met with in our mediaeval rolls. The term itself is of Norman origin, reminding us that, however menial the duty, the Saxon could not be entrusted with such an office as this. We cannot, however, speak of the gaoler and his confreres without referring to a curious sobriquet of this period, a sobriquet to which we owe in the 1 82 ENGLISH SURNAMES. present day our ' Catchpoles ' and ' Catchpooles.' ' The catchpole was a kind of under-bailiff or petty- sergeant who distrained for debt, or otherwise did the more unpleasant part of his superior's work, and was so called from his habit of seizing his luckless victim by the hair, or poll, as was the familiar term then. So general was this nickname that we find it occupying an all but official place. It is Latinized in our re- cords into ' cachepollus,' a word unknown to Cicero, I am afraid. In the ' Plowman's Vision ' we are told of the two thieves crucified with the Saviour that : — A cachepol cam forth And cracked both their legges. Another name for the catchpole was that of ' Cacherel ' or ' Cacher,' both of which forms occur at this same period as surnames. An old political song says, murmuringly : — Nedes I must spend that I spared of yore Ageyn this cacherele cometh. This sobriquet also abides with us still.'* ' Le Cacher,' I fear, has been obsolete for centuries.' ' The term ' poll ' for the head, was far more familiar to our fore- fathers than to ourselves, as such terms as * poll-tax,' or ' going to the poll,' testify. It was in great favour for nickname purposes, and beside the one in the text gave rise to such sobriquets as 'ranti-poll,' i.e., boisterous fellow; 'doddy-poll,' or ' doddy-poul,' as Latimer spells it, i.e., blockhead; or 'withy-poll,' i.e., spoiled one. The latter was a term of endearment, and as such would not be resented. Hence it is found twice as a surname: — ' Poule Withipoule, taillour' [Rtitlaiid Papers, Cam. Soc); 'Edmund Withipole' {State Papers, Domestic). * An old sermon, written in the fourteenth century, upon Matt, xxiv, 43, speaks of those whom we should now term as the ' Devil and his angels' as the ' Devil and his kachereles.' ' We have the surname of ' Outlawe,' or ' Outlaghe,' figuring in SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 83 Of such as were accountable for duties in the pubHc streets, we may mention first our 'Cryers/ registered at the time we are speaking of as * Philip le Criour,' or ' Wat le Greyer.' He, like the still existing 'Bellman,'' performed a fixed round, announcing in full and sententious tones the mandates of bench and council, whenever it was necessary to advertise to the public such news as concerned their common well- being. Our policeman may be modern in his name and in his attire, but as the guardian of the peace, by night as well as by day, he is but the descendant of a long line of servants who have in turn fulfilled this important public trust. His early title was borne by ' Ralph le Weyte,' or ' Robert le Wayte,' or 'Hugh le Geyt,' or ' Robert le Gait.' All these forms are of the commonest occurrence in our olden registries. By night he carried a trump, with which to sound the watches or give the alarm, and thus it was he acquired also the name of ' Trumper,' such forms as ' Adam le Trompour ' or ' William le Trompour ' being fre- several rolls, and that of ' Felon,' or 'le Felun,' in at least one. These would be both unpleasant names to bear, perhaps more so then than now, A ' felon ' was one who had, by court adjudicature, and for some specific crime, forfeited all his property, lands, or goods. An ' outlaw ' was one who had been cited to judgment for some misdemeanour, and by refusing to make an appearance had put himself out of the protection of the law. Thus, Robin Hood was an outlaw. ' Adam Outelaw ' signs ordinances of Guild of St. John Baptist, West Lynn, 1374. {English Gilds, p. 102.) This name, strange to say, lingered on to within the last two hundred years, a ' Thomas Outlaw ' being found in a college register for 1674. (Vide Hist. C. C. Coll. Cam.) In 1661, too, 'Ralph Outlaw' was rector of Necton in Norfolk. (Hist. Norf., vi, 55.) ' 'On the 30th ult., at Greenheys, Manchester, formerly of Oxton, Cheshire, Sarah, widow of R. Bellringer, of Pendleton, aged 82.' (Manchester Courier, May 2, 1874.) This is the only instance of this name I have hitherto met with. ,l84 ENGLISH SURNAMES. quently met with at this time. To the former title of this official duty it is we owe the fact of our still terming any company of night serenaders * waits,' and especially those bands of strolling minstrels who keep up the good old custom of watching in Christmas morn. A good old custom, I say, even though it may cost us a few pence and rouse us somewhat rudely, maybe, from our slumbers. ' Wait,' ' Waite,' ' ' Wayt,' and ' Whaite,' with ' le Geyt,' are the forms that still exist among us. ' Trumper,' too, has its place equally assured in our nomenclature. Such names as we have just dwelt upon, however, remind us of other municipal authorities, higher in position than these, to whom, indeed, these were but servitors. A sobriquet like * Richard le Burgess ' or * John le Burges ' reminds us of the freemen of the borough towns, while * le Mayor,' or * Mayer,' or 'Maire,' or ' Mair,' or * Meyre,' ' or 'Mire,' for all these different spellings are found, is equally sugges- tive of the chief magistracy of such. Piers, to quote him once more, speaks of: — The maistres, Meirs and Jugges, That have the welthe of this world. The feminine form of this sobriquet appears in the early but obsolete ' Margaret la^ Miresse.' Speaking ■ 'Thomas le Await' occurs in the Rot. Curia: Regis. This reminds US that our 'waiter' was once prefixed with 'a' likewise — 'xii. esquiers awaiters. * ( Ord. Hoiisch old of Duke of Cla re f ice, 1 49 3 . ) ' ' And to meyris or presidentis and to kyngis yc shall be led for me in witnessyng to them.' — Matt x. 18 (WicklyfTc). In a Petition to Par- liament, dated 1461, the following varieties of spelling occur within the space of thirty lines : — 'Maier,' 'Mayer,' 'Mayre,' and ' Maire.' (Rot. Pari. Ed. IV.) SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 18$ of mayors, some lines written some years ago on the proposed elevation of a certain Alderman Wood as Lord Mayor are not without humour, nor out of place, perhaps, here : — In choice of Mayors 'twill be confest, Our citizens are prone to jest : Of late a gentle ' Flower ' they tried — November came and checked its pride. A ' Hunter ' next, on palfrey grey, Proudly pranced his year away. The next, good order's foes to scare, Placed ' Birch ' upon the civic chair. Alas ! this year, 'tis understood, They mean to make a mayor of ' Wood ! ' As a fellow to ' Meir ' we may cite * Provost,' or ' Prevost,' or ' Provis,' a term still used of the mayor- alty in Scotland. * Councellor ' and ' Councilman ' are still familiar terms in our midst. * Clavenger,' ' Claver,' and * Cleaver ' we will mention last as filling up a list of civic offices entirely, so far as the lan- guage is concerned, the property of the dominant power. A ' Robert Clavynger ' occurs in the Par- liamentary Rolls. Its root is ' claviger,' the ' key- bearer,' one whose office it was at this time to protect the deposits, whether of money or parchments, be- longing to the civic authorities. The more common term was that of ' Clavier,' such entries as ' Henry le Claver,' or 'John le Clavour,' or 'John le Clavier,'^ being of familiar occurrence at this time. Thus in a treaty agreed upon between the Mayor, sheriffs, and commonalty of Norwich in 14 14, it was declared that ' I suspect the difference between the ' claviger ' and the ' clavier ' la/ in that the former bore the key, and perhaps even the mace, in all the many public processions and pageants of the day. 1 86 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * the mayor and twenty-four (of the council) shall choose a common clerk, a coroner, two clavers, and eight constables, and the sixty common council shall choose a common speaker, one coroner, two clavers, and eight constables.' (' Hist. Norf,' Blomefield.) In a day when there were no patent safes we can readily understand the importance of appointing men whose one care it was to guard the chests wherein w'cre stored up the various parchments, moneys, and seals belonging to the civic council. This comprises our list of Norman civil officers. One name, and one only, of this class is Saxon, that of 'Alderman,' but I have found it occurring as a surname in only one or two instances, and I believe it has now become obsolete. Turning from municipal to ecclesiastical affairs, we find the Church of mediaeval times surrounded with memorials. Some of these I have already hinted at as being mere sobriquets ; ' none the less, however, do we owe them to the existing institutions. Such names as ' Hugo le Archevesk ' or ' William le Arceveske ' can be only thus viewed. In * Morte Arthure ' the hero holds festival at Caerleon, Wyth dukez, and dusperes of dyvers rewmes, Erles and erchevesques, and other ynowe, Byscliopes and bachelers and banerettes nobille. While this has long vanished from our directories, the descendants of 'John Ic Bissup ' or ' Robert le Biscop' are firmly established therein. The more Norman ' The old and general custom of electing a boy-bishop on St. Nicholas' Day gave their title, doubtless, to most of our 'bishops.' The familiarity of the ceremony is fully attested by Brand. To him I refer tlie reader. The boy thus elevated by his fellows could not but retain tlie sobriquet. Lyson quotes from the Lambeth Ch.wardcns' Accounts, 1523: 'For the Bishop's dynner and hys company on St. Nycolas' Day, \\s, viii^/.' SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 8/ * Robert le Vecke ' and * Nicholas le Vesk ' still live also in our * Vicks ' and 'Vecks.' It was only the other day I saw * Archdeacon ' over a hatter's shop — and that it is no corruption of some other word, we may cite the early ' Thomas le Arcedekne ' as a proofs Whether ' Archpriest,' a sobriquet occurring at the same date, was but another designation of the same, or performed more episcopal functions, I cannot say,' The name, however, is obsolete in every sense. The old vicar has bequeathed us our ' Vicars,' * Vicarys,' and ' Vickermans.' Chaucer says in the * Persons Prologue ' — Sire preest, quod he, art thou a vicary ? Or art thou a Person ? say soth by thy fay. Our ' Parsons,' as Mr. Lowther thinks, are but a form of ' Piers' son,' that is, * Peters* son.' It is, however, quite possible for them to be what they more nearly resemble ; indeed, I find the name occurring as such in the case of ' Walter le Persone,' found in the Parliamentary Rolls. Well would it be if we could say of each village cure now what our great early poet said of one he pictured forth — A good man there was of religioun, That was a poure Persone of a town, But riche he was of holy thought and werk, He was also a lerned man, a clerk, That Cristes gospel trewely wolde preche. ' Daniel Archdeacon was recommended to the King for his services, l6lo. {State Papers, 1623-5, p. 545.) * 'Roger le Archeprest' (J). The term was in use in the seven- teenth century. Smith, the ' silver-tongued ' preacher, speaks of ' priest, or priests, or archpriests, or any such like.' (GoiVs Arrow against Atheists.) l88 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Our * Priests ' and * Priestmans ' * answer for them- selves, ' Thomas le Prestre ' and ' Peter le Prest,' I do not doubt myself, were but other changes rung upon the same, but I shall have occasion hereafter to propose, at least, a different origin for the latter. The lower ministerial office is suggested to us in ' Philip le Dekene ' and ' Thomas le Deken,' but we must be careful not to confound them with ' Deakin,' which is often but another form of * Dakin,' that is, ' Dawkin,' or ' little David.'' Our * Chaplains ' or ' Chaplins,' once written more fully as ' Reginald le Chapeleine,' repre- sent less one who officiated in any public sanctuary than him who was attached to some private oratory belonging to one of the higher nobility. Our * Chanters ' or ' Canters ' (' Xtiana le Chauntour,' A., ' William le Chantour,' M.) still maintain the dignity of the old precentors who led the collegiate or cathedral choir — but the once existing ' Chanster ' (' Stephen le Chan- ster,' J.), strictly speaking the feminine of the other, is now obsolete.' In our ' Chancellors ' we may recognise the ancient 'John le Chancelcr ' or 'Geoffry le Chaun- celer,' he to whose care was committed the chapter, books, scrolls, records, and what other literature be- longed to the establishment with which he stood con- ' As in occupative names, svicli as 'Fisherman' and 'Poulterer,' there was a tendency to repeat the suffix, or to add ' man ' to a term that itself expressed a personal agent, so it was in official names. We have just spoken of 'Vickerman' and ' Priestman.' 'Symon Prior- man' (W. 15) and 'William Munkeman ' (W. 15) are other cases in point. ' After the fashion of ' Vicary,' from 'Vicar,' and 'Thackeray,' from 'Thacker,' so ' Diacony ' seems to have been formed from • Deacon.' — Michell Diacony, xx. * 'Williametta Cantatrix ' is found in the " A't^A Lit. Clatts. in Turri Lond." SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 89 neeted. * Clerk ' as connected with the Church has come down in the world, for as ' clericus/ or ' clergyman,* it once belonged entirely to the ordained ministry.' The introduction of lay-clerks, appointed to lead the responses of the congregation, has, however, connected them all but wholly with this later office. Nor have our ' Secretans,' or ' Sextons,' or ' Saxtons ' pre- served their early dignity. The sacristan was he who had charge of the church-edifice, especially the robes and vestments, and such things as appertained to the actual service.^ The present usually accepted mean- ing of the term, that understood by our great humorist poet when he said — He went and told the sexton, And the sexton tolled the bell, is quite of later growth. In our ' Colets ' and * Collets * (sometimes the diminutives of ' Colin ') we are reminded of the colet, or acolyte, who waited upon the priest and assisted in carrying the bread and wine, in lighting the candles, and per- forming all subordinate duties. Our ' Bennets,' when not belonging to the class of baptismal names (as a corruption of 'Benedict'), once performed the func- tions of exorcists, and by the imposition of hands ' A curious, not to say cumbrous, surname is met with in the Parlia- mentary Writs — that of ' Holywaterclerk ' — a certain ' Hugh Haliwater- clerk * being set down as dwelling at Lincoln. Doubtless he was con- nected with the cathedral body of that city. The name, I need not say, is obsolete ; and the Reformation has removed the office denoted. A ' Walter le Churcheclerk ' is found in the same record. * The charge of the vestry seems to have been given also to the ' rcve- tour,' from ' revestir.' A ' William Revetour, clericus, fdius Rogeri Morbet, revetour,' was admitted to freedom of York City in 1420. He died in 1446, and in his will makes mention of his father as * Roger Revetour.' {Corpus Christi Guild, p. 24. Surt. Soc.) 190 ENGLISH SURNAMES. and the aspersion of holy water expelled evil spirits from those said to be thus possessed. Last of this group we may mention our ' Croziers ' and ' Crosiers,' they who at this time bore the pastoral staff. Me- diaeval forms of these are met with in ' Simon le Croyzer ' or ' Mabel la Croiser,' I doubt not that he was a kind of chaplain to his superior, whose official staff it was his duty to bear. In the Book of Com- mon Prayer of the 2nd year of Edward VI. it is directed : ' Whensoever the bishop shall celebrate the holy communion, or execute any other public office, he shall have upon him, besides his rochet, an alb and cope, or vestment, and also his pastoral staff in his hand, or else borne by his chaplain.' When we turn our eyes for a moment to the old monastic institutions, we see that they, too, are far from being without their relics. In them we have more distinctly the echo of a departed time. Many of my readers will be familiar with the distinction recorded in such names as 'Alexander le Seculer' and ' Walter le Rcligieusc,' or ' man of religion,' as Chaucer would have termed the latter. To be * religious ' in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries was to be one of a monastic order bound by vows. Thus our great mediaeval poet says in his Romance — Religious folk ben full covert, Secular folke ben more apert, But nathelcss, I will not blame Religious folke, ne Ihem defame In what habitc that ever they go ; Religion humble, and true also, Will I not blame, ne despise. The ' religieuse ' has apparently stuck to his vows, for I have never found the term in an hereditary form, SURNAMES OF OFFICE. I9I while ' Secular,' as descended from such enrolled folk as 'Walter le Secular,' or 'Joan, uxor Nicholas le Secular,' still exists. I am afraid, however, the Sec- ularist of that time could and would have told us a different tale. Of these bound orders too, while the general term, as I say, does not now exist surnomi- nally, all the more particular titles which it embraced do. As we catch the cadence of their names a shadow falls athwart our memories, and in its wake a crowd of dim and unsubstantial figures pass before us. Once more we behold the fiery ' Abbot ' (Juliana Abbot, A., Ralph le Abbe, C), and the portly ' Prior' or 'Pryor' (Roger le Priour, B., William le Priur, E.). We see afresh the * Friar,' or ' Freere,' or ' Frere ' (Syward le Frere, A., Geoffrey le Frere, A.), so 'plea- sant of absolution ' and ' easy of penance.' Again our eye falls mistily upon the * Canon,' or ' Cannon ' (William le Cannon, A., Thomas le Canun, E.), with his well- trimmed beard and capped brow, and the ' Moyne ' (now ' Munn ') or ' Monk ' (Beatrix le Munk, A., Thomas le Mun, A., Ivo le Moyne, A.), all closely shaved and cloaked, and cowled, that knew his way to the cellar better than to the chapel, who loved the song more than the chaunt.^ And now in quick succession flit by us a train of personages all beshrouded in garbs of multitudinous and quaint aspect, in cloaks and hoods, and tippets and girdles, and white and dark apparel. There is the wimpled, grey-eyed ' Nunn ' (Alice la ' John Closterer.' {Three Histories of Durham. Suit. Soc. ) This would be a general term for one who dwelt in a monastic institution. Shakespeare uses the feminine 'cloistress.' Of a similar character would be 'Nicholas Brotherhood' (NichoUs' Zw^j/^?-, 1633), 'John Brother- hood' (W. 20), or ' William Felliship ' (W. il). 192 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Nonne, A.), and the Dorturer, represented in olden registers by such a name as ' Robert le Dorturer,' he who looked to the arrangements of the dourtour, or dormitory — His death saw I by revelation, Sayde this frere, at home in our dortour. ' The word still existed in the sixteenth century, as is evidenced by Heywood's use of it. He says — The tongue is assigned of wordes to be sorter ; The mouth is assigned to be the tongue's dorter ; The teeth are assigned to be the tongue's porter ; But wisdom is 'signed to tye the tongue shorter. The figure is somewhat forced, but it has its beauty. The ' Fermerer,' now found as ' Fermor ' and ' Firmer,' was he who superintended the infirmary. Only a few lines further on, in the earlier of the two poems from which I last quoted, we find Chaucer making mention of— Our sexton, and our fermerere, That have been trewe freres fifty year. The * Tale of a Monk,' too, begins — A black munk of an abbaye Was enfeiTner of alle I herd say — He was halden an hali man Imange his felaus. The fcrmery was the hospital or ' spital ' ^ attached to each religious house, and was under the immediate control of the above-mentioned officer. It is with him, ' In the Monastical Church of Durham, written in 1593, we are fold of the ' Cellarer' tliat ' the cliambre where he dyd lye was in the dorter.' (P. 83.) ' Hence the local surname ' Spital ' or ' Spittle : ' ' Richard ate Spitale,' M. 'Gilbert de Hospitall,' A. SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 193 therefore, we may fitly ally ' Robert le Almoner,' or ' Michael le Aumoner,' a name still abiding with us, and representative of him who dispensed the alms to the lazars and the poor. It is in allusion to this his office that Robert Brunne in one of his tales says : — Seynt Jone, the aumenere,' Saith Pers, was an okerere And was very coveytous And a niggard and avarus. Of the same officer in more lordly society the *Boke of Curtasye ' thus speaks — The Aumonere a rod schalle have in honde, An office for almes, I understonde ; AUe the broken mete he kepys in wait To dele to pore men at the gate. Many of those who were supported at this time and in this manner were lepers. We can take up no record, large or small, of the period without coming across a ' Nicholas ' or * Walter le Leper.' Leprosy was introduced into Western Europe with the return of the Crusaders. To such a degree had it spread in England, that in 1346 Edward III. was compelled to issue a royal mandate enjoining those * smitten with the blemish of leprosy ' to ' betake themselves to places in the country, solitary, and notably distant ' from the dwellings of men. Such a distinctive desig- nation as this would readily cling to a man, even after ' Our ' Amners ' are but a corruption of this same name. The word had become early so corrupted — ' For in tymes paste kynges have geven theyr bysshoprycks to theyr councellers, chaplaynes .... or to suche which have taken paynes in theyr householde, as amners, and deans of the chappell,' &c. (A Supplycacion to our moste Soveraign* Lorde Kynge Henry tlu Eyghi, p. 34.) O 194 ENGLISH SURNAMES. he had been cured of the disorder/ and no wonder that in our ' Lepers ' and ' Leppers ' the name still remains as but one more memorial of that noble mad- ness which set Christendom ablaze some six centuries ago. A term used synonymously at this time with leper is found in such an entry as ' Richard le Masele ' or * Richard le Masle,' that is, ' Measle.' Wicklyffe has the word in the case of Naaman, and also of the Sa- maritan lepcr.^ Langland speaks of those who are afflicted with various ailments, and adds that they, if they Take these myschiefs meeklike, As mesels, and others, Han as pleyn pardon As the plowman hymselve. Capgrave, too, to quote but one more instance, speak- ing of Deodatus, a Pope of the seventh century, says ' He kissed a mysel and sodeynly the mysel was whole.' Strange to say, this name also is not extinct. Our 'Badmans' arc not so bad as they might seem. They, and our ' Bidmans,' arc doubtless but corrupted forms of the old ' bcdcman,' or ' headman, ' he who professionally invoked Heaven in behalf of his patron. It is hence we get our word ' bead,' our forefathers having been accustomed to score off the number of aves and paternosters they said by means of these small balls strung on a thread. This practice, I need not say, is still familiar to the Romish Church. ' It was thus in the case of vSimon the I.cper of Bethany. The fact of there being a feast in his house shows that he had been cured of his disorder. None the less, however, did the surname cling to liim. * * Go ye and tell agen to Jon those things that yc have herd and seen. Blind men seen, crokide goen, mesels ben maad clcnc, defc men heren,* &c. (Matt, xi., WicklyfTc.) SURNAMES OF OFFICE. I95 But we have not yet done with the traces of these more distant practices. The various reh'gious wan- derers or sohtary recluses, though belonging to a system long faded from our English life, find a per- petual epitaph in the directories of to-day. Thus we have still our * Pilgrims,' or ' Pelerins ' (' John Pele- grim,' A., ' William le Pelerin,' E.), as the Normans termed them. We may meet with ' Palmers ' (' Hervey le Palmer,' A., ' John le Paumer,' M.) any day in the streets of our large towns, names distinctly relating the manner in which their owners have derived their title. The pilgrim may have but visited the shrine of St. Thomas of Canterbury ; the latter, as his sobriquet proves, had, forlorn and weary, battled against all difficulties, and trod the path that led to the Holy Sepulchre — The faded palm-branch in his hand Showed pilgrim from the Holy Land.' The * Pardoner,' with his pouch choked to the full (' Walter le Pardoner,' M.) with saleable indulgences, had but come from Rome. He was an itinerant re- tailer of ecclesiastic forgivenesses, and was as much a quack as those who still impose upon the credu- lity of the bucolic mind by selling cheap medicines. As Chaucer says of him — With feigned flattering and japes, He made the parson and the peple his apes. * Hermit ' I have failed to find as at present existing, ' Pilgrims to Rome were 'Romers;' whence such an entry as ' Cristiana la Romere' (H.R.) Piers Plowman in ' Passus IV.' speaks, within eight lines, of 'religious romares ' and ' Rome-nmners.' o 2 196 ENGLISH SURNAMES. though ' Hermitage * or ' Armitage ' (' John Har- maytayge,' W. 3), as local names expressive of his abode, are by no means unfamiliar. Our 'Anchors' and ' Ankers,' however, still live to commemorate the old ancre or anchorite ; he who, as his sobriquet im- plied, was wont to separate himself from the world's vain pleasures and dwell in seclusion and solitude. In the ' Romance of the Rose ' it is said — Sometime I am religious, Now like an anker in an house. Piers in his * Vision,' too, speaks of — Ancres and heremites That holden them in their celles, ' Hugh le Eremite ' or ' Silvester le Hermite ' are early forms of the one, while in the other case we find the aspirate added in ' John le Haneker.' The modern dress of this latter, however, presents the usual early and more correct spelling.' What a vision is pre- sented for our notice in these various sobriquets. It is the vision of a day that has faded, a day with many gleams of redeeming light, but a day of ignorance and lethargy ; a day which, after all, thank God, was but the precursor of the brighter day of the Reformation, when the Church, true to herself and true to her destiny, threw off the shackles and the fetters that bound her, and began a work which her greatest foes have been compelled to admit she carried through ' Capgrave, under date 1293, says: ' In the xxii. yere was Celestius the Fifte, Pope, take fro' his hous, for he was a ankir.' This Celestius at once passed a law that a Pope miglit resign, aad instantly gave it up, returning to his old life agaiu. SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 97 amid opposition of the deadliest and most crushing kind. Before passing on to a survey of our feudal aristo- cracy, I may mention our ' Latimers,' or ' le Latymer,' as I find it recorded in early lists. A latinier, or latimer, was literally a speaker or writer of Latin, that language being then the vehicle of all record or tran- script. Latin, indeed, for centuries was the common ground on which all European ecclesiastics met. Thus it became looked upon as the language of inter- pretation. The term I am speaking of, however, seems to have become general at an early stage. An old lyric says — Lyare was mi latymer, Sloth and sleep mi bedyner. Sir John Maundeville, describing an eastern route, says (I am quoting Mr. Lower) — 'And men allcweys fynden Latyneres to go with them in the contrees and furthere beyonde in to tyme that men conne the language.' Teachers of the Latin tongue itself were not wanting. ' Le Scholemayster ' existed so early as the twelfth century to show that there were those who professed to initiate our English youth in the rudiments of that which was a polite and liberal edu- cation in the eyes of that period. Such sobriquets as 'le Gramayre,' or ' Gramary,' or ' Grammer,' repre- sented the same avocation, being nothing more than the old Norman ' Gramaire,' or ' Grammarian' as wc should now call him, only wc now apply the term to a philologist rather than a professional teacher. As * Grammar ' the surname is far from being obsolete in our midst. A ' Nicholas le Lessoner ' is met with in 198 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the Hundred Rolls. He was evidently but a school- master also. The verb ' to lesson,' i.e. to teach, is still in use in various parts of the country, and we find even Shakespeare using it. Clarence says to his murderer — Bid Glostcr think of this, and he will weep ; to which the murderer replies — Ay, millstones ; as he lessoned us to weep. ^Richard III., act. i. so. iii.) In looking over the pages of our early Anglo- Norman history we are at once struck by the fact of the absence of any middle class ; that important branch of our community which in after and more civilised ages has done so much for English liberty and English strength. The whole genius of the feudal constitution was opposed to this. There was indeed a graduating scale of feudal tenure which bound together and connected each community ; but there was of equal surety in the chain of these inde- pendent links of society a certain ring where all alliance ceased save that of service, and which separated each provincial society into two widely- sundered classes. On the one side were the baron and his nearer feudatories and retainers ; and below this, on the other, came under one common standard the villein, the peasant, and the boor, looked upon by their superiors with contemptuous indifference, and barely endured as necessary to the administration of their luxury and pleasure. We have already mentioned many of those who gave the baron support. Of other his vassals we may cite ' le Vavasour,' or ' Valvasor,' a kind of middle-class landowner. The lower orders SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 1 99 of chivalry have left us in our many ' Knights ' ^ and * Bachelors ' or ' Backlers ' a plentiful token of former importance. Our ' Squiers,' * Squires,' ' Swiers,' or * Swires ' ^ carry us, as does the now meaningless Esquire, to the time when the sons of those ' Knights ' bore, as the name implies, their shields. By the time of Henry VI., however, it had become adopted by the heirs of the higher gentry, and now it is used indis- criminately enough. Those who are so surnamed may comfort themselves at any rate with the reflection that they are lineally descended from those who bore the name when it was an honourable and distinctive title. ' Armiger,* the form in which the word w^as oftentimes recorded in our Latin rolls, still survives, though barely, in our ' Armingers,' this corrupted form being in perfect harmony with all similar instances, as we shall see almost immediately. One of our mediaeval rhymes speaks of — Ten thousand knights stout and fers, Withouten hobelers and squyers. These hobelers are far from being uninteresting. When we talk of riding a hobby, we little think what a history is concealed beneath the term. A hobiler ^ ' The Hundred Rolls contain ' Geoffrey Halve Knit ' and ' Nicholas Halve Knycht.' They would seem to have arrived at some half stage towaid chivalric rank. '^ Swyan, in Morie Arthiire, slays Child-Chatelain, and 'The swyers swyre-bane (neck-bone) he swappes in sondre.' * An ordinance of Edward IH. declares that 'men of arms, hoblers' and archers (gentz darmes, hobelers et archers) chosen to go in tiie king's service out of England, shall be at the king's wages from the day that they depart out of the counties where they were chosen, till their return.' {Stat. Realm, vol. i. p. 301.) Of the hobby itself, too, we have mention. 200 ENGLISH SURNAMES. in the days we are speaking of, was one who held by tenure of maintaining a hobbie — a kind of small horse, then familiarly so known. A song on the times, written in the fourteenth century, and complaining of the manner in which the upper classes plundered the poor, says : — And those hoblurs, namelich, That husband benimcth cri of ground, Men ne should them bury in none chirch, But cast them out as a hound. Later on, by its fictitious representation in the Morris dances of the May-day sports, the hobby came to denote the mere dummy, and now as such affords much scope for equestrian skill in the Rotten Row of our nurseries. What tricks time plays with these words, to be sure, and what a connexion for our ' Hoblcrs' and ' Hobblers ' to meditate upon. Our ' Bannermans' are Scotch, but they represent an office, whether in England or the North, whose importance it would be hard to estimate at this period. Nor are we without traces in our nomenclature of its existence in more southern districts. Our not unfamiliar ' Pcn- nigers' and 'Pcnnigars' arc but the former official pcnuagcr, he who bore the ensign or standard of his lord. They figure even in more general and festive pageants. In the York Procession wc find walking alone and between the different craftsmen the ' Penna- gers.' Probably they bore the ensigns of that then Thus a list of the royal stud at Eltham, in the seventeenth year of Henry VHI., includes 'coursers, 30; young horses, 8; l)arbary horses, 4 ; stallions, 8; hobbyes and geldings, 12.' {Collection of Ordi- nances, p. 200.) SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 201 important corporate city. I have but recently re- ferred to * Robert Clavynger ' (H.) and the probabiHty of his having carried the club or mace or key of his superiors in office. All or well-nigh all the above names find themselves well represented in the registers of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Our eye falls at once on an ' Andrew le Gramary,' a ' Richard le Gramayre,' a ' Thomas le Skolmayster,' a ' Warin le Latimer,' a ' William le Latiner/ a 'Jordan le Vavasur,' a * Simon le Knyt,' a * Gilbert le Bacholer,' a ' Walter le Squier,' or a ' Nicholas Armiger.' A curious relic of the military tactics of mediaeval times is presented to our notice in our ' Reuters,' * Ritters,' and ' Rutters.' The old English forms are found in such entries as ' Thomas Ic Renter,' or ' Ranulph le Ruter.' The root of the term is pro- bably the German ritter, or rider, a name given at this period to certain mercenary soldiers oftentimes hired by our English sovereigns out of Brabant and the surrounding country. Thus we find William of Newburgh, under the date 1 173, saying that Henry II. 'stipendarias Bribantionum copias, quas Rutas vocant, accersivit.' (Lib. ii. cap. 27.) Trivet, relating the same fact, says (p. 73), ' Conduxit Brabanzoncs ct Rutarios.' ' An old song begins — Rutterkyn is come into owrc townc, In a cloke withoute cole or gowne, Save a raggid hood to kover liis crowne Like a iut*cr hoyda. • \\\ \hc Life of Hugh of Lincoln mcx\\.\or\ is made of ' Marchadeus princeps Rutariorum' (p. 264). See the glossary, however, from which I have derived much of the alcove, 202 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Rutterkyn can speke no Englyssh, His tonge runneth all on buttyrd fyssh, Ecsmcarcd with grccc abowte his disshe, T-ike a rutter hoyda. The nickname ' rutterkin ' proves the Flemish origin of these troopers. Their capacity for stowing away food and drink, from all accounts, is not exaggerated in the poem from which the above is an extract. We have just mentioned our ' Bachelors,' and this reminds us of our ' Childs,' and of the days of chivalry. The term 'child' was a distinctly honourable title in the olden times. It was borne by the sons of all the higher nobility; if by the eldest son, then in right of his title to his father's honours and possessions ; if more generally by others, then until by some deed of prowess they had been raised to the ranks of knight- hood. In either case 'child' was the term in use during this probationary state. Thus Byron in his ' Childe Harold ' has but revived the ' Childe Waters,' * Childe Rolands,' and 'Childe Thopas's' of earlier times.' We owe many existing and several obsolete surnames to this custom. Our ' Childs ' are but de- scendants of such a sobriquet as ' Ralph le Child ; ' our ' Eyres' of such an entry as 'William le Eyre ; * some of our ' Barnes ' may be but the offspring of such a personage as ' Thomas le Barne ' (now ' bairn,' that is, the born one); while 'Stephen le Enfant' or ' Walter Ic Enfaunt ' represents an appellation that is now obsolete in England. ^ I need scarcely add that ' In the Aforic Aithurc mention is made of a youth named ' Chas- telayne, a chylde of the Kynges chambyre.' ^ Such names as 'Alice Suckling' (ff.), or 'William Firstling,' SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 203 this last, in the form of Infante and Infanta, still bears the same meaning in the royal families of Spain that Child did in our own land in more chivalric days. The details of early feudal life are wonderfully depicted by our nomenclature. Owing to the bound- less and forced ceremony which arose out of the pre- vailing spirit of feudal pride, our official memorials are well-nigh overwhelming. Feudal tenure itself became associated with office, and none seemed too servile for acceptance. As has been said of Charlemagne's Court, so might it be said of those of others — ' they were crowded with officers of every rank, some of the most eminent of whom exercised functions about the royal person which would have been thought fit only for slaves in the palace of Augustus or Antonine ' — ' to carry his banner or his lance, to lead his array, to be his marshall, or constable, or sewer, or carver, to do in fact such services, trivial or otherwise, as his lord might have done himself, in proper person, had it so pleased him — this was the position coveted by youths of birth and distinction at such a period as this.' Many of these officerships, or the bare titles, still linger round the court of our sovereign. The higher feudatories, of course, followed the example thus set them by their suzerain, and the lesser barons these, and thus household officers sprang up on every side. See how this has left its mark upon our sur- names. ' John le Conestable,' or ' Robert le Constable,' (ditto) — both terms familiarised to us by tlie Authorised Version — belong, seemingly, to the same class. 204 ENGLISH SURNAMES. I need not say, is still well represented. In the ' Man of Lawes Tale ' the poet says : — The constable of the castel doun is fare To see this wreck. With him we may ally our not unfamiliar ' Castle- mans,' ' Castelans,' and ' Chatelains,' representatives of the old 'John Ic Chastilioun,' or ' Joscelin le Cas- tclan,' or ' Ralph Ic Chatelaine.' The poet whom I have just quoted says elsewhere : — Now am I Iving, now chastclaine. Doubtless this latter was but a synonym of the con- stable, and his duties as govcnor but the same. Of decidedly lower position, but not dissimilar in charac- ter, we have also ' Wybert le Porterc,' or ' Portarius,' as he is Latinized in our rolls. An old book of etiquette says : — When thou comes to a lordis gate The porter thou slialle fynde therate. He at the postern would as carefully look against hostile, as our former ' Peter le Ussher,' or ' Alan le Usser,' within would against informal approach.' The Saxon form, however, was evidently not wanting, for we have still ' Doorward ' and ' Doorman ' (' Geoffrey le Doreward,' A., ' Nicholas le Doreman,' O.) in our directories, not to mention their corrupted, ' Dur- wards,' immortalized by Walter Scott, and ' Dormans ' and ' Domans.' The term ' doorward ' is found in ' Among otlicr duties the u.slicr lay at the door of his lord's sleeping apartment. The Boke of Curtasyc says the ' Usher before the dore In outer chambur lies on the fl(}rc.' SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 205 many of our early writers. Thus in an old metrical account of the bringing of Christ before Caiaphas, it is said of John when he returned to fetch in Peter : — He bid the dureward Let in his fere. Our ' Chamberlaynes ' and * Chambers,' ^ (' Simon le Chamberlain,' M., ' Henry le Chaumberleyne,' B., ' William de la Chaumbre,' B.) had access to their lord's inner privacy, and from their intimacy with his mone- tary affairs occupied a position at times similar to that of our more collegiate bursar. We have only to look at mediaeval costume, its grandeur, its colours, and its varied array, to understand how necessary there should be a special officer to superintend his lord's wardrobe. Our ' Wardrops ' are but the former ' de la Wardrobe,' or ' de la Garderoba,' while ' le Wardrober,' or ' le Garderober,' has bequeathed us our ' Wardropers.' Thus the ' Book of Curtasye ' says : — The usshere shalle bydde the wardropere Make redy for alle, night before they fere. Equally important as an attendant was the ' Barbour.' He especially was on familiar terms with his master — when was he not .-• I need scarcely say that among his other duties that of acting as surgeon in the house- hold was none of the lightest. Still his tonsorial capacity was his first one. No one then thought of shaving himself, least of all the baron. Even so late as the sixteenth century a writer defending the use of the beard against Andrew Boorde employs this argument : — ' Our friends across the border have this surname in the form of 'Clialmers.' 206 ENGLISH SURNAMES. But, syre, I praye you, if you tell can, Declare to me, when God made man (I meane by our forefather Adam), Whether that he had a bcrde then ; And if he had, who did hym shave. Since that a barber he could not have. I have no doubt it is here we must set our' Simisters,' reHcs, as they probably are, of such a name as 'John Somayster,' or 'WilHam Summister.' The summaster seems from its orthography to have represented one who acted as a clerk or comptroller, something akin to the chamberlain or breviter, whom I shall mention almost immediately ; one, in fact, who cast up and certified accounts. Holinshed used the word as if in his day it were of familiar import. Dwelling upon a certain event, he says — 'Over this, if the historian be long, he is accomptcd a triflcr ; if he be short, he is taken for a summister.' ^ In such days as those, what with the number of personal retainers and the excess of hospitality ex- pected of the feudal chief, the culinary department occupied far from an insignificant position in regard to the general accessories of the baronial establish- ment. Our ' Cooks,' or ' Cokes,' or ' Cookmans,* relics of the old ' Roger Ic Coke,' or ' Joan le Cook,' or ' William Cokcman,' even then ruled supreme over that most ab.solutc of all monarchies, the kitchen ; our ' Kitchenmans' (now found also as ' Kitchingham'), ' Kitcheners,' and ' Kitchens,' or ' de la Kitchens,' ' The more correct form is found in the name of ' William Sum- master,' who is met willi in an old Oxford record as having deposited, in 1462, a caution for ' Sykyll-llalle,' of which he was principal. (Vide Mutt. Acad. Oxoit.) SURNAMES OF OFFICE. 20/ as they were once written, reminding us who it was that aided them to turn the spit or handle the posnet. Our ' Pottingers ' represent the once common ' Robert le Potager,' or ' Walter le Potager,' the soup-maker. Potage was the ordinary term for soup, thickened well with vegetables and meat.^ Thus in the * Boke of Curtasye ' the guest is bid — Suppe not with grete sowndynge, Neither potage ne other thynge — a rule which still holds good in society. We are well aware of the ingredients of the dish which our Bible translators have still bequeathed to us as 'a mess of potage.* In its present corrupted form of ' porridge ' this notion of a mess rather than of a soup is still preserved. Another interesting servitorship of this class has well-nigh escaped our notice— that of the hastilcr : he who turned the Jiaste or spit. In the Close Rolls we find a ' Thurstan le Hastier ' recorded, and in the Parliamentary Writs such names as ' Henry Hastiler ' and ' William ' A strange and yet most natural change gradually crept over this word. There can be no doubt that the original ' potager,' or 'potinger,' had his place in the baronial household as the superintendent of the mess-making department. From his knowledge of herbs thus acquired he evidently came to be looked upon in a medicinal capacity. Thus the term came to be used synonymously with 'apothecary.' In \\\q Archcco- logia (vol. xxii) we find it recorded that one of the horses connected with the household of James V. of Scotland was called ' le Pottinger ' — ' uno equo pharmacopile, vulgo le Pottinger.' In an old university record, dated 1439, I find, too, a certain 'Ralph Prestbury' mentioned as sworn to keep the peace towards ' Thomam Halle, potygare, alias chirurgicum.' {Man. Acad. Oxou, p. 523.) Probably, however, it was the lowly herbalist, rather than the professional druggist, who acquired the sobriquet. 208 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Hastiler.' In the will of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Essex, among other household servants, such as potager, ferour, barber, ewer, is mentioned ' William de Barton, hastiler.' I need not remind Lancashire people that a Jiaister, or haster, is still the term used for the tin screen employed for roasting purposes. The memorials of this interesting servitorship still linger on in our ' Hastlers,' ' Haslers,' and ' Haselers.' If, however, the supervision of the roasting and bast- ing required an attendant, none the less was it so with the washing-up department. How familiarly does such a term as 'scullery' fall from our lips, and how little do many of us know of its history. An esciidle^ was a porringer or dish, and a scullery was a place where such vessels were stored after being washed.^ Hence a 'squiller' or ' squyler ' was he who looked to this ; our modern ' scullion,' in fact, which is but a corrupted form of the same word. In one of Robert of Brunne's poems, we find him saying — And the squyler of the kechyn, Piers, that hath woned (dweh) here yn.* ' Amongst other gifts from the City of London to the Black Prince on his return to London from Gascoignc, in 1 37 1, were '48 fsqucUs and 24 saltcellars, weighing by goldsmiths' weight, 76/. 5^.' (Riley's London, p. 350.) 'The 11 messes to the children of the Kechyn, Sqiiillcry, and Pastrey, with Porters, Scowercrs, and Turnbroches, every mess at 23/. i6j. 9^^/., in all 261/. I3J-. 7^/.' (Ord. Henry VIIL at Eltham.) Apart from such entries as 'John le Squylier,' or ' Geoffrey le Squeller,' the Pari. Rolls gave us a 'John de la Squillerye.' * I may here mention that our brushes were almost entirely made of furze or ling ; bristles were rarely used. Hence such a name as ' Robert le Lingyure' (H. R.), doubtless a maker and seller of brushes and brooms. * The 'Pronip. Par.' has ' Swyllarc : Dysche-weschour.' SURNAMES OF Ol-FICE. 209 In a book of 'Ordinances and Regulations' we find mention made even of a ' sergeant- squylloure.' Doubtless his duty was to look after the carriage of utensils at such times as his lord made any extended journey, or to superintend the washing of cup and platter after the open-board festivities which were the custom of early baronial establishments. To provide for every retainer who chanced to come in would be, indeed, a care. The occurrence of a ' Roger de Norhamtone, Squyler,' however, in the London City rolls, seems to imply that occasionally the sale of such vessels gave the title. I cannot say the name is obsolete, as I have met with one ' Squiller ; ' and ' Skiller,' which would seem to be a natural corrup- tion, is not uncommon. Our ' Spencers,' abbreviated from * despencer,' had an important charge — that of the * buttery,' or ' spence,' the place where the household store was kept. The term is still in use, I believe, in our country farm-houses. In the ' Sum- ner's Tale ' the glutton is well described as — All vinolent as hotel in the spence ; and Mr. H alii well, I see, with his wonted research, has lighted on the following line« : — Yet I had lever she and I Were both togyther secretly In some corner in the spence.' * De la Spence,' as well as ' le Spencer,' has impressed itself upon our living nomenclature. Our ' I'anters,' ' In an inventory of household chattels, dated so late as 1574, we find the furniture of the hall first described, and this begins, ' A cup- board and a spence, 20s. ; xxiii pewter dublers, 20s. ; sevcntcne sawscrs and potingcrs, 6j.' (Richmottdshire Wills, p. 248.) r 2IO ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Pantlers,' and ferocious-seeming ' Panthers,' descen- dants of such folk as ' Richard le Pantcr,' or ' Robert le Paneter,' or ' Henry de le Paneterie,' are but relics of a similar office. They had the superintendence of the ' paneterie,' or pantry ; literally, of course, the bread closet. It seems, however, early to have become used in a wider and more general sense. In the Household Ordinances of Edward IV. one of the sergeants is styled ' the chief Pantrcr of the King's mouth.' John Russcl in his ' Boke of Nur- ture ' thus directs his student — The fuist yere, my son, thou shalt be pantere or buttilarc, TIiou must have three knyfTcs kenc in pantry, I scy thee, evcrmare, One knyfe the loaves to choppe, another them for to pare, The third, sharp and kene, to smothe the trenchers and square.' Of the old ' Achatour' (found as 'Henry le Catour' or ' Bernard le Acatour '), the purveyor for the establishment, we have many memorials, those of 'Cater,' ' Cator,' and ' Caterer ' being the commonest. Chaucer quaintly remarks of the ' Manciple,' "^ who was so Wise in Ijuying of victuals, that of him Achatours niighten take cnsample. The provisions thus purchased were called ' catcs,' a favourite word with some of our later poets. ' 'Tlic Sewer muste speke witli tlie pantcr and oflyccrs of ye spycery fur fruytcs tiial shall be elen fastynge. '— 77/c AWr of Ka-yii!:^. '^ A manciple was an achatour for a more public institution, such as an Inn of Court or College. It is (juitc j)ossiblc that our ' Manscls' and ' Mi.unsels' are thus derived, relics as they unn t!ic king's kitchen, for the afores.ii.l week, 17^. 4r/.' (43 Hen. III.) * We find all these various forms of the same occupation mentioncil in a statu'e of Elizabeth relating to the api)renticcship of chiUhcn. In it are included ' Lymcburner, lUickmaker, I'.ricklaycr, Tyler, Slater, llcalycr, Tilemakcr . . . Tha'chcr nr<;!tr." (5 Eli/, c. 4, 23.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 249 In the majority of the above names we shall find the Saxon to be in all but whole possession of the field. The fact is, the roof and its appurtenances were little regarded for a long period by our early architects, if we may give such a grand term to those who set up the ordinary homestead of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. There were no chimneys even in the residences of the rich and noble. A hole in the roof, or the window, or the door, one of these, whether in the homes of the peer or the peasant, was the outlet for all obnoxious vapours. With the Nor- mans, however, came a great increase of refinement in the masonry and wooden framework of which our houses are composed. Such names as ' Adam le Quarreur,' or ' Hugh le Ouareur,' ' Walter le Marbiler,' or ' Geoffrey le Merberer,' * Gotte le Mazoun,' or * Walter le Masun,' or ' Osbert le Machun ' represent a cultivation of which the earlier settled race, if they knew something, did not avail themselves in their merely domestic architecture. Two of these occupa- tions are referred to by ' Cocke LorcUe,' when he speaks of — Masones, maicmaheis, ami mcrlelcrs.' ' Henry le Wallcrc,' whose sobriquet was ennobled later on by one of our poets, is the only entry I can set by these as belonging to the Saxon tongue.''^ It is the same with the Norman 'Amice le Chari)enler ' and * Alan le Joygnour.' While the former framed ' Huj^'h Mail)e!er was sheriff of I>ondon in 1424. * Another Saxon name, that of 'John le Sclabhcrc,' is met with in the Parliamentary Writs. It is, however, but an isolated instance, and I do not suppose there was any particular cr.ift in masr.nrythat went by that title. 250 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the more solid essentials, the very name of the latter infers a careful supervision of minutiae, of which only a more refined taste would take cognizance. The descendants of such settlers as these still hold the place they then obtained, and are unchanged other- wise than in the fashion of spelling their name. Of the plaster work we have a goodly array of memorials, the majority of which, of course, are con- nected with a higher class work than the mere cot- tager required. The ordinary term in use at present for a maker of lime is ' Hmeburner.' It is quite pos- sible that in our * Limebears ' or ' Limebeers ' we have but a corruption of this. Such sobriquets as ' Hugh leLimwryte' and John le Limer' give us, however, the more general mediaeval forms. The latter is still to be met with among our surnames. But these are not all. We have in our ' Dawbers ' the descendants of the old ' Thomas le Daubour,' or ' Roger le Daubere/ of the thirteenth century, ' Cocke Lorelle,' whom I have but just quoted, mentions among other workmen — Tylers, bryckeleyers, hardehewers ; Parys-plasterers, daubers, and lymeboniers. Our ' Authorised Version ' when it speaks of ' the wall daubed with untcmpercd mortar,' still preserves their memorial, and our ' Plasters ' and ' Plaisters ' are but sturdy scions of many an early registered ' Adam le Plastier,' 'Joanna Ic Plaistercr,' or ' John Ic Cemen- tarius.' The last of this class I would mention is * Robert Pargctcr ' or ' William Pergitcr,' a name inherited by our ' Pargitcrs ' and ' Pargeters,' This was an artisan of a higher order. He laboured, in fact, at the more ornamental plaster work. In the SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 25 I accounts of Sir John Howard, A.D. 1467, is the follow- ing entry : — ' Item, the vj day of Aprylle my master made a covenaunt with Saunsam the tylere, that he schalle pergete, and whighte and bemefelle all the new byldynge, and he schalle have for his labore xiijs. ivd.' ' It is used metaphorically, but I cannot add very happily, in an old translation of Ovid — THhs having where they stood in vaine complained of their wo, When night drew neare they bad adue, and cche gave kisses sweete Unto the parget on their side, the which did never mcete. ' Roger le Peynture ' or ' Henry le Peintur,' ' Ralph le Gilder ' and ' Robert le Stainer,' were engaged, I imagine, in the equally careful work of decorating passage and hall within, and all have left offspring enough to keep up their perpetual memorial. Thus, within and without, the house itself has afforded room for little change in our nomenclature, though the artisans themselves have now a very different work to perform to that of their mediaeval prototypes. The increase of wealth and a progressive culture have not merely taught but demanded a more careful and refined workmanship in the details of ordinary house- building. We may readily imagine, however, even in this early day, how little the simple bondsman, or freer husbandman, had to do with such artisans as even then existed. I do not find, at least the excep- tions are of the rarest, that these workmen dwelt in the more rural districts at all. Their names are to be met with in the towns, where the richer trades- people and burgesses were already beginning to copy ' 'Item: Payd to a laborer for to pargytt, viii/. (P. 4, C/itirc/i- 7i>ardens' Accounts, Litdlmo, Cam. .Soc.) 252 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the fashions and habits of life of the higher aris- tocracy. We have already noticed the ' town ' — how it originally denoted but the simple farmstead with its immediate surroundings, then its gradual enlargement of sense as other steads increased and multiplied around it. We have also seen how the old 'ham' or home gathered about it such accessions of human abodes as converted it in time into one of those village communities, so many of which we still find in the outer districts, almost, as I have said, unaltered from their early foundation. It was in these various home- steads dwelt the peasantry. There might be seen our ' Cotmans ' and ' Cotters ' (' Richard Coteman,' A., 'Simon le Coterc,' F.F.), the descendants, doubtless, of the ' cotmanni ' of Domesday I^ook. Similar in origin and as humble in degree would be our now numerous ' Cottcrcls ' or ' Cottrels ' (' William Coterel,' M., ' Joice Cottcrill,' Z.), till a comparatively re- cent period an ordinary sobriquet of that class of our country population. A curious memorial of a past state of life abides with us in our ' Boardmans,' ' Boarders,' ' liordmans,' and ' l^ordcrs.' They were the tenants of lands which their lord kept expressly for the maintenance of his table, the rental being paid in kind. Hence our old English law-books speak familiarly of bord-service, or bord-load, or bord-land. The term board in this same sense still lingers on the common tongue, for we are }'et wont to use such phrases as bed and boaid, or a frugal board, or a board plentifully spread. A determinate, as distinct from an unfixed service, has left its mark in our ' Sockermans,' ' Suckermans,' and ' Sockmans,' they SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 253 who held by socage, or socmanry, as the old law-books have it. Under this tenure, as a condition of the meagre rental, the stout-hearted, thick-limbed rustic was to be ready, as his lord's adherent, to stand by him in every assault, either as archer, or arbalister, or pikeman — that is, fealty was to eke out the remaining sum which would otherwise have been due. But there were of these Saxon husbandmen some under no such thraldom, however honourable, as this, and of these freeholders we must set as the highest our ' Yomans ' and * Yeomans.' This term, however, be- came an official one, and it is doubtful to which aspect of the word we are to refer the present owners of the name. It is possible both features may have had something to do with its origination. How anxious they who had been redeemed, or who had been born free, though of humble circumstances, were to pre- serve themselves from a doubtful or suspected position such names as ' Walter le Free ' or ' John le Frcman ' will fully show. We find even such appellatives as ' Matilda Frewoman ' or ' Agnes I'rewyfe,' in the latter case the husband possibly being yet in bond- age. In our ' Frys,' a sobriquet that has acquired much honour of late years and represented in me- diaeval rolls by such entries as ' Thomas le Frye ' or * Walter le Frie,' we have but an obsolete rendering of 'free.'' These, as we see, are all Saxon — but Norman equivalents are not wanting. Our ' Fran- coms ' or 'Francombs' and ' Frankhams,' names by no means uncommon in our existing registers, are but ' Thus, our ' Freebodys' are found alike in this guise, and in that of • Frybody.' ' Robert Frybody ' is set down in Proc. and Or J. Prny Council. 254 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Anglicised dresses worn by the posterity of such registered folk as ' Henry le Franchome,' or* Reginald le Fraunchome,' or * Hugh le Fraunch-humme.' ' William le Fraunk,' too, or ' Fulco le Franc,' can boast many a hale descendant in our ' Franks ; ' and 'Roger le Franklyn ' or 'John le Fraunkelyn ' in our ' Franklins,' a name from henceforth endeared to Englishmen as that of our gallant but lost Arctic hero. From Chaucer's description of one such we should deem the ' franklin ' to have been of decidedly comfortable position, a well-to-do householder, in fact. Withouten bake mete never was his house, Of fish and flesh, and that so plenteous, It snowed in his hous of mete and drinke Of all deintees that men coud of thinke : After the sondry sesons of the yere, So changed he his mete and soupere. But we are not without vestiges of the baser ser- vitudes of the time, and in this category we must set the great bulk of the agricultural classes of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The descendants of the old * Ivo le Bondcs ' and ' Richard le Bondes ' are still in our midst, and to judge merely from their number then and now enrolled, wc see what a familiar position must that of personal bondage have been. Of alle men in londe Most toileth the bonde, says an old rhyme.' Still more general terms for those who lay under this miserable serfdom were those of ' A curiously contradictoiy name is met with in ' Robert Frebond,' found in the Hundred Rolls. The same roll contains the names of •Roger le Neubonde' and 'Emma Newbonde.' SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 255 * Knave ' or ' Villein.' ' Walter le Knave ' or * Lambert le Vilein ' or ' Philip le Vylayn ' are names registered at the time of which we are speaking. The odium, however, that has gradually gathered around these sobriquets has caused them to be thrown off by the posterity of those who first acquired them as simple bondmen. Indeed, there was the time when, as I shall have occasion to show in a succeeding chapter, our forefathers could speak of ' Goodknaves ' and ' Goodvilleins,' Feudal disdain of all that lay beneath chivalric service, however, has done its work, and we all now speak, not merely as if these terms implied that which was mean and despicable in outward con- dition, but that which also was morally depraved and vile. ' Geoffrey le Sweyn ' or ' Hugh le Sweyn,' how- ever, by becoming the exponent of honest rusticity, has rescued his sobriquet from such an ill-merited destiny, and has left in many of our * Swains ' a token of his mediaeval gallantry. 'John le Hyne' or 'William le Hyne' (found also as Hind), as represen- tative of the country labourer, is equally sure of per- petuity, as the most cursory survey of our directories will prove.' Of the ' Reve ' in the ' Canterbury Tales,' we are told : — There was no bailif, nor herd, nor other hine That he nor knew his sleight, and his covine. In the ' Townley Mysteries,' too, the word occurs. In the account of the reconciliation betwixt Jacob and Esau the former is made to say : — God yeld you, brother, that it so is, That thou thy hyne so would kiss. ' Among the peasantry of Yorkshire the simple farm labourer is still a 'hine' or 'hind.' 256 ENGLISH SURNAMES. In the rural habitations we have mentioned, then dwelt these various members of the lower class com- munity. The sobriquets we have just briefly surveyed, how- ever, are of a more general character. We must now, and as briefly, scan some of those which in themselves imply the particular service which as rustic labourers their first owners performed, and by which the titles were got. This class is well represented by such a name as ' Plowman.' Langland, when he would take from a peasant point of view a sarcastic survey of the low morality of his time, as exemplified in the Eng- lish Church ere yet she was reformed, could fix upon no better sobriquet than that of ' Piers Plowman,' and has thus given a prominence to the name it can never lose. What visions of homely and frugal content we discern in the utterance of such a surname as this ; what thoughts of healthy life, such as are becoming rarer with each returning year — For times are altered— trade's unfeeling train Usurp the land, and dispossess the swain. It was with him at early dawn would issue forth our ' Till)'ers ' or ' Tillmans,' to help him cleave the fur- row. A little later on we might have seen our ' Mowers ' and ' Croppers ' ' hanging up their scythes and sickles, as the autumn, in richly clad garb, passed slowly by. Then again in due season busy enough ' A 'Cropper ' was a farm laljourcr who superintended the growth and cutting of the crops. In the Custom Roll of the Manor of Ashton- under-Lyne (Ch. Soc.) occurs the following : — ' Roger the Croi)per, for his tenement, and whole service, the present 8 In the V<}r/i Pageant the ' Sellers ' and the ' Satellers ' went to- gether. The latter, doubtless, made satchels, and would differ little from the ' bourser ' or ' pouchemaker ' of that period. In the Prompt. Parv. we find ' Sele, horsys hameys.* A 'John de Essex, Sel- makere,' occurs in the London Records, 1310, and a ' Robert Newcomen, Sealmaker,' 131 1. (Riley's London, pp. xxii., xxx.) The latter, doubtless, was a maker of seals, like, some of the ' le Selers' of tiiis period. I have mentioned them elscwlicre. U 290 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Fewsters.' ^ In his ' Memorials of London,' Mr. Riley mentions a * Walter Polyt, fuyster ' (p. xxii.). A fuster was, strictly speaking, a joiner employed in the manufacture of the saddle-bow, that is, the wooden framework of the old saddle. It is derived from the French 'fust,' wood, and that from the late Latin ' fustis.' Our ' Shoosmiths,' as I have before hinted, made the horseshoe, while ' John le Mareshall,' or * Ranulph le Marescal,' or ' Osbert le Fcrrur,' or ' Peter le Ferrour,' fitted it to the foot. The modern forms are simple ' Marshall,' and ' Ferrier,' or * Ferrer,' In the * Boke of Curtasye ' it is said — For cclie a hors that ferroure schallc scho, An halpeny on day he takes hym to. Nothing could be more natural than that the shoeing- forge should become associated with the doctoring of horseflesh, but it is somewhat strange that when we now speak of a farrier we recognise in this old term ^ simply and only the horse-leech. So full of changes are the lives of words, as well as places and people. A curious insight into mediaeval travel is presented to our notice in our ' Ostlers ' and ' Oastlers ' and ' Osiers,' relics of such old registries as ' Ralph le Hostiler' or 'William Ic Ostillcr.' This term, once applied, as it rightly should, to the ' host ' or ' hosteller ' himself, has now become confined to the stableman, thus incidentally reminding us how important this part of the hostel duties would be at such a time as I am endeavouring to describe. The idea of the ' While, as I have just said, in the i'or/: 7'(i!^m>ttkhthc *Satellers|' and * Sellers' who go together, in the Chester Play it is the ' Saddlers' and * Fustcrers.' * In Holland's version of Pliny it is said that the Empress Poppxa ' was knowne to cause lier ferrers ordinarily to shoe her coach horses and other pnlfries, &c., with cleanc gold.' (Way's riviiipt. Par.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 29I hosteller being one whose especial office it was to tend that which was their sole means of locomotion, thus in time resolved itself into a distinct name for that branch of his occupation.' The old ' Herber- jour ' gave lodging, whence it is we get our ' arbour.' Our kings and barons in their journeys always kept an officer so termed, whose duty it was to go before and prepare and make ready for their coming. Owing to the large number of household attendants for whom lodging was required, this was an important and responsible duty. Thus has arisen our 'harbinger,' so often poetically applied to the sun as heralding the approach of day. The older spelling is preserved in the ' Canterbury Talcs,' where it is said — The fame anon throughout the town is bom, How Alia King shal come on pilgrimage, By herbergeours that wenten him beforn. It is, however, as applied to lodging-house keepers our many enrolled 'Herbert le Herberjurs,' 'Roger le Herberers,' ' William le Herbers,' or ' Richard le Hare- bers,' are met with, and I doubt not our ' Harbers ' and ' Harbours ' are their offspring. In this sense the word is used by our mediaeval writers in all its forms, whether verb, or adjective, or substantive. Tyndale's version of Romans xii. 13 is, ' Be ready to harbour,' where we now have it ' given to hospitality.' Bishop Coverdale, speaking of the grave, says — ' There is the harborough of all flesh ; there lie the rich and the poor in one bed ' {Friiitfid Lessons). He adds also, in another place, that Abraham was ' liberal, * A suggestion I received at a dinner-table the other day that ' ostler ' was merely a corruption of ' oat-stealer ' I may as well mention here. It is certainly suggestive, if not overburdened with accuracy. U Z 292 ENGLISH SURNAMES. merciful, and harborous ' — i.e., ready to entertain strangers {The Old Faith). Bradford, too, to give but one more quotation, prays God may * sweep the houses of our hearts, and make them clean, that they may be a worthy harborough and lodging for the Lord ' {Bradford's Works). Market Harborough still preserves this old word and its true sense from being forgotten. With the bearers, therefore, of the above names we may ally our ' Inmans ' and * Taverners.' The latter term is frequently found in early writings, and was evidently in ordinary use for the occupation — Ryght as of a tavernere The grene busche that hangcth out Is a sygiie, it is no dowte, Outward folkys for to telle That within is wyne to selle. While, however, the tavern has undergone but little change, the inn has. With our present Bible an inn is ever a lodging, and this was once the sole idea the term conveyed. It was not for casual callers by day, but for lodgers by night. Thus Chaucer in his ' Knight's Tale ' uses the verb — This Theseus, this duk, tliis worthy knight, When he had brought them into his cite, And ynned them, everich (cacli) at his degrc He festeth them. Until the fair or wake came on, as I have said, the community in the more retired nooks and corners of the country depended entirely on the mounted mer- chant. He it was who conveyed to them the gossip of the time. He it was, or one of his coiifrhcs^ that SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 293 brought them everything which in those days went under the category of small luxuries. The more lonely parts of the highway were infested by robbers. Hence the pack-horsemen and other mounted traders generally travelled in company, with jingling bell and belted sword — a warning to evil-minded roadsters. This was all the more necessary as they but seldom kept to the main thoroughfare, A straight line between the adjacent hamlets best describes their course. Such local terms as ' Pedlar's Way,' or * Ped- der's Way,' or ' Copmansford,' still found in various parts of the country, are but interesting memorials of the direct and then lonely route these itinerant traders took in passing from one village to another. The number of these roadsters we cannot otherwise speak of than as that of a small army. Many of them, so far as our nomenclature is concerned, are now obsolete, but not a few still survive. Amongst those of a more general character we find ' Sellman ' or ' Selman.'' From the old verb ' to pad,' which is still used colloquially in many districts, for the sober and staid pace the pack-horsemen preserved, we get our ' Pad- mans ' and * Pedlers,' or * Pedlars,' once inscribed as ' William le Pedeleure ' or * Thomas le Pedeler.' It is of kin to ' path.' We still talk of a 'footpad,' who not more than two centuries ago would aho have been spoken of as a * padder.' So late as 1726 Gay, in one of his ballads, says — Will-a-wisp leads the traveller a-gadding Through ditch and through quagmire and bog, No light can e'er set me a-padding But the eyes of my sweet Molly Mogg. ' ' William le Vcndour ' is registered in the Cal. Rot, C/iarlanim. 294 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Perchance of similar origin, but more probably from the old ' ped,' the basket they carried, are our * Ped- ders,* ' Peddars,' and ' Pedmans.' * Martin le Peddere ' or 'Hugh le Pedder' or 'William Pedman' was a com- mon entry at this time. On many parts of the English coast a fish-basket is still familiarly known as a ' ped,' and Mr. Halliwell, I see, quotes from another writer a statement to the effect that in Norwich, up to a recent day, or even now, an assemblage whither women bring their small wares of eggs, chickens, and other farm produce for sale, is called a ' ped-market.' It is likely, therefore, that with these we must ally ' Godewyn le Hodere' or 'John le Hottere,' who derived their sobriquets, I doubt not, from the fact of their carrying their Jiods or panyers on their backs, just as masons do now those wooden trays for mortar which bear the same name.' Their very titles remind us that our 'Huckers,' 'Hawkers,' and 'Hucksters,' relics of the old ' William le Huckere,' ' Simon le Hauckere,* or ' Peter le Huckster,' were from the first good at hag- gling and chaffering wherever a bargain was concerned. Our ' Kidders,' the ' William le Kydcrcs ' of the four- teenth century, were of a similar type, whatever their origin, which is doubtful. Probably, however, we must refer them to the ' kid ' or ' kit,' the rush-plaited basket they carried their goods in. We still speak of ' the whole kit of them,' meaning thereby the collective mass of any set of articles.'^ This view is strengthened — we ' Mr. Riley, in his interesting Memoriah of London, quotes from ^c Rolls of Gaol Di livery, temp. Edward I., the name of 'Richard Witbred, hodere,' who had l)ecn slain in one of the city streets. (Intro- duction, p. xi.) * An act of Edward VI. speaks of ' the buying of anye come, fyshe, butter, or cheese by any suche Badger, Ladcr, Kyddier, or Carrier as SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 295 might almost say proved — by the fact of a ' Robert Butrekyde ' being found in the Hundred Rolls of this period. This would be a sobriquet given to some one from the basket he was wont to bear to and from the country market where he carried on his calling. Later on we find it used for a large mug or bowl. In the ' Farming Book of Henry Best,' written in 1641, we find it said — ' Some will cutte their cake and putte (it) into the creame, and this feast is called the creame-potte or creame-kitte ' (p. 93), The kidder's usual confrhe was the * Badger ' — up to the seventeenth century an ordinary term for one who had a special licence to purchase corn from farmers at the provincial markets and fairs, and then dispose of it again elsewhere without the penalties of engrossing. It is generally said the sobriquet arose from the habits of the four-legged animal of that name in stealing and storing up the grain. The more pro- bable solution, however, is that it is but a corruption of ' baggager,' from his method of carriage. But we must not forget in our list of early English strolling merchants that the wandering friars them- selves were oftentimes to be met with bearing treasure wherewith to tempt the housewife, and no bad bar- gainers, if we may accept the statement made against them by an old political song : — There is no pedler that pak can here, That half so dere can selle his gere, shal be assigned and allowed to that office.' (5 & 6 Ed. VI. c. 14.) A confirmation of this act by Elizabeth alters 'Kyddier' to 'Kydder.' The lader was the old carrier or leader. I have deferred speaking of him till my next chapter. 296 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Than a frere can do ; For if he give a ^vyfe a knyfe That cost but penys two, Worthe ten knyves, so may I thrive, He wyl have ere he go.' Our ' Tinklers ' and ' Tinkers,' like our more northern ' Cairds,' seem to have been scarcely removed in degree from the strolling gipsies. They acquired their name from the plan they adopted of heralding their coming by striking a kettle, a plan of attracting attention more euphoniously practised by our bell- men, with whom we are still familiar. Such names as 'Alice Tynkeller' in the fourteenth century, or ' Peter le Teneker ' found in the thirteenth century, show how early had this method been adopted and the sobriquet given.'* Last, but not least, come our ' Chap- man ' or 'Copeman'** and * Packman.'"* The former is sometimes met with as ' Walter' or 'John le Chcpman,' whichat once reminds us of his origin,thatof the 'cheap- man,' or ' cheap-jack,' as we should now style him. ' The greed of these strolling ecclesiastics is frequently alluded to in the writings of this period. An old song on the Minorite friars says — ' They preche alle of povert, but that love they naught, For gode mete to their mouthe the toun is through sought.' {Pol. Poems, \o\. i. p. 270.) ' An act was passed in Edward VI. 's reign to suppress in some degree the nnmber of this wandering fraternity : — ' Forasmuch as it is evident that Tynkers, Pcdlers, and such like vagrant persones are more hurtfull than necessarie to the Commcn Wealth of this realme, be it therefore ordeyncd . , , that ... no person or persones commonly called Pedler, Tynkcr, or Pcty Chapman, shall wander or go from one townc to another, or from place to place, out of the towne, parishc, or village, where such person shall dwell, and sell pynnes, poyntes laces, gloves, knyves, glasses, tapes, or any suche kynde of wares whatsoever, or gather connye skynnes, &c.' (^^ 6 Ed. VI. c. 21) * 'John le Coper' is found in the Hundred Rolls. * ' Lambert Ilardewarcman ' (W. ii.) is met with in York in 1473. Whether he was a travelling dealer or no, I cannot say. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (COUNTRY). 297 The old ' cheaping,' or ' chipping,' a market-place, still lingers locally in such place-names as * Chipping- Norton,' or * Chipping-Camden,' or the local surname ' Chippendale ; ' and the verb ' to chop ' — i.e., to pur- chase, I believe, is not yet extinct amongst us. The once common phrase for selling and exchanging was * chopping and changing.' Coverdale uses it. Speak- ing of Christ driving out the money-changers from the Temple, he says, * The Temple was ordained for general prayer, thanksgiving, and preaching, and not for chopping and changing, or other such like things' {The Old Faith). Thus the term 'chapman' would be no unmeaning one to our forefathers. But we must give him a paragraph to himself The chapman, you must know, was a great man. According to more modern usage, he had a fixed residence, but we may still see him at times, after the olden fashion, travelling about in a large booth-like conveyance or rumble. This vehicular mode of transit set him far above the rank of ordinary foot- pads. He was a sort of pedlar in high life, in fact, and if his position was lofty, his abilities were generally equal to a performance of its duties. O the sensation his arrival caused ! The village green was instantly instinct with life. From impossible nooks and cran- nies surged forth a small army of all ages. Hoarded pennies or twopennies were drawn forth from cherished hiding-places, and flinty maternal pockets were for the nonce assailed with comparative success. To the young folks it was the next best thing to Pun- chinello, the chapman was so funny. Besides, he had so many things wherewith to tempt their juvenile fancy. What was there he had not .-* Everything 298 ENGLISH SURNAMES. that could under any lax code of fancy possibly or impossibly come under the all-expansive term of hardware was crowded within the magic recesses of that chapman's van. Dolls and dishes, scissors and hats, cornplasters and cosmetics, lollipops in the shape of soldiers, and lollipops in the shape of windmills issued forth in a succession as insinuating to the purse as it was tempting to the imagination. And what a man was Jack himself; he had a joke for every- one, a frown for none. His face was an ever-changing picture, bluffed by the wind and burnt by the sun ; still it was ever cheery withal, now demure, half wag- gish, half impudent, anon all benevolence as he de- tails the merits of his latest painless corn-suppressing plaster, and assures the gaping swains that his sole object in life, since the happy moment when he first became acquainted with its virtues, has been to carry through the world the blissful tidings to suffering man. All this, he adds, with reckless impudence, has been done at a great personal pecuniary sacrifice ; but an approving conscience, and the blessings showered upon his head by the recipients of his generosity, have been his ample reward. Of course they sell like wild- fire, and the profits are enormous.' Our ' Packmans,' ' Paxmans,' and perhaps 'Packers,' were, as a rule, the village commissioners.* What a simple and homely state of life do their names sug- ' It is to the humorous and familiar associations inseparably con- nected with the early chapman we owe our 'chap,' a mere corruption of the above. ' Mr. William Markcttman was appointctl by the Committee of Plundered Ministers in 1650 to the Rectory of Elstrcc. (Clutlerbuck's Hertford, vol. i. 161.) ' Articles exhibited against Clement Marketman, executor of Clement Stuppeney, &c.' (.S'/ean; vol. i. p. 35.) * A statute of T^lizabeth regarding the apprenticeship of poor children includes among others, ' WoUen-weaver, -weaving housewiefes or house- holde clothe onely and none other, Clolhe-Fuller, otherwise called Tucker, or Walker.' (5 Eliz. c. 4,23.) 'Of William Reynolles, wa'ker, for half a pewe with ICdward Doughtie, y. 4//.' {Churck- watdi-ns' Exfcitses, LtuiUnv, p. 154 (157 1 ), Cam. Soc.) In the Chester Play the 'weavers and walkers' marched together. (Kwi' Appendix.) * This practice of treading the cloth ii referred to in a complaint concerning the fulling of caps and hats in fulling mills, made to Edward IV. It begins by saying that hats, caps, and bonnets hitherto SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 325 same practice by Langland also when, using this whole process of cloth-making as an illustration, he says : — Cloth that cometh fro the wevyng Is nought comely to wear Til it be fulled underfoot. Or in fullying stokkes, Washen wel with water, And with taseles cracched Y-touked, and y-teynted, And under taillours hande. We are here not merely furnished with the entire process itself, but the terms themselves employed harmonize well with the names I have mentioned. ' Walker ' and ' Tucker ' or ' Towkare ' or ' Toker,' as it was variously spelt, together with * Tuckerman,' have, however, disappeared as terms of this trade; and it is in our directories alone we can find them declaring these forgotten mysteries of a more uncouth manufacture. The * taseles ' mentioned in the poem quoted above were the common * teasel ' or ' tassel,' a rough prickly plant allied to the thistle, which when dried was used for scratching the cloth, and thus raising a nap thereupon. Thus in Willsford's ' Nature's Secrets ' it is said, ' Tezils, or Fuller's Thistle, being gathered or hanged up in the house, where the air may come freely to it, upon the alteration of cold and windy weather will grow smoother, and against rain will close up his prickles.' (Brand's ' Pop. Ant.,' vol. iii. p. 133.) In an inventory of the property of Edward Kyrkelands, of Kendall, dated 1578, we find the following articles had been made, wrought, fulled, and thicked in the wonted manner, that is to say, with hands and feet — 'mayns et pees' — and then pro- ceeds to urge that the use of mills brought inferior articles into the market. (Stat, of Realm, vol. ii. p. 473. ) 326 ENGLISH SURNAMES. mentioned : — iiii syckles, a pair wyes and iii stafs, tazills, ^s. 8d. — more in tazills, 2s. — iiii tentors, 40J. (' Richmondshire Wills,' p. 274.) The occupation it- self is referred to in an old statute of Edward IV. — ' Item, that every fuller, from the said feast of St. Peter, in his craft and occupation of fuller, rower, or tayselcr of cloth, shall exercise and use tayscls and no cards, deceitfully impairing the same cloth ' — ' en sa arte et occupacion de fuller et scalpier ou tezeiler de drap, exercise et use teizels, &c.' (4 Ed. IV. C. I.) It is probable that our ' Taylors ' have engrossed this name. We find it lingering in Westmoreland, about Kendal, till the middle of the sixteenth century, in a form which required but little further change to make it the same. In the will of Walter Strykland, dated 1 568, there is mentioned among other legatees a certain ' Edward Taylzer,' a manifest corruption of ' Teazeler.' (' Richmondshire Wills,' p. 224.) A cen- tury earlier than this, however, such names as ' Gilbert le Tasseler ' or ' Matilda le Tasselere ' were entered in our more formal registers. Our ' Baters ' and ' Beaters,' relics of the old * Avery le Batour ' or ' John Betere,' were all but in- variably cloth-beaters, although, like the fuller ' wolle- beter,' ' they may have been busied at an earlier stage of the manufacture. Capgravc, in his ' Chronicles,' under date 30 A.D., says, * Jacobus, the son of Joseph first bishop of Jerusalem, was throwe there fro the pinacle of the temple and after smet with a fuller's bat.' "^ With the mention of our ' Shearers ' (' Richard ' A •John Wollebeter ' is mentioned in an old Sufiblk will of 1370. ' We have the word ' bat' used in WicklyfTe's Testament : * In that SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 32/ le Sherere,' M.) and endless ' Shearmans,' ' Sharmans,' or ' Shermans ' (* Robert le Sherman,' * John le Shere- man,' M.), who represent the shearing of the manufac- tured fabric, rather than that of the sheep itself, we have the process complete. The cloth is at length ready to be transmitted into the care of our * Drapers ' and ' Clothiers,' and from them again through the skilled and nimble fingers of our numberless * Tailors.' From all this we may readily see what an important influence has England's one great staple of earlier days had upon the nomenclature of our countrymen. Such a name as ' Ralph le Flexman,' with its many descendants, reminds us of the manufacture of linen, which, if not so popular as that of wool, was neverthe- less anything but unfamiliar to the early craftsman. Our ' Spinners ' carry us to the primary task of thread- making, an employment, however, all but entirely in the hands of the women. The distaff and the weaker sex have been ever associated, whether in sacred or profane narrative. Thus it is that 'spinster' has become stereotyped even as a legal term. Chaucer, four hundred years ago, somewhat uncourteously said : — Deceite, weping, spinning, God hath given To women kindly, while that they may liven. Our modern ' linen ' is formed from ' lin ' or ' line ' — flax — as 'woolen' is from ' wool.' Hence we still speak of the seed of that plant as 'linseed.' That this was the common form of the word we might prove by many quotations. lie drank never cidre nor wyn Nor never wered cloth of lyn, hour Jhesus seide to the people, as to a theef ye han gon out with swerdis and battis to take me.' (Matt. xxvi. 55.) 328 ENGLISH SURNAMES. says an old poem. Even Spenser speaks of 'garment of line,' and in ' Cocke Lorelle's Bote ' allusion is made to ' lyne-webbers ' and ' lyne-drapers.' ' We need not be surprised, therefore, to meet with such names as ' Elias Lyndraper,' or ' Henry le Lindraper,' or ' John le Lyner,' Only this last, however, has survived the changes of intervening centuries, and still holds a pre- carious existence as 'Liner.' 'Weaver' was more com- mon. A more Norman equivalent is found in such a sobriquet as ' John le Teler,' or ' Henry le Telere,' or ' Ida la Teleress,' a name which is not necessarily of modern French refugee origin, as Mr. Lower would lead us to suppose. Indeed, a special part of the ladies' head-dress had early obtained the name of a ' teler,' from the fine texture of the linen of which it was composed.^ It is but too probable that this name has become lost, like ' Taylzer,' in the more common ' Taylor.' This process of absorption we shall find to be not unfrequent. Nor are we without a memorial of the bleaching of linen. ' Whiter,' if not ' Whitster,' still lives in our directories. It seems strange that our ' Blackers' should denote but the same occupation ; but so it is — they, like our old ' Walter le Blakesters ' or ' Richard le Bleckcstcrs,' being but the harder and more antique form of our present ' bleacher.' ' Our term ' God made 'flbr to cover us and clethe us also lyne, and wolle and lethire.' {Mirror of St. Edmund, Early Eng. Text Soc., p. 21.) * The bailifT of Norwich in 1250 was ' Otto le Texter or Weaver. ' {Hist. Norfolk, iii. 58.) 'John Tixter' was Mayor of Gloucester in 1270. (Rudder's Gloucestershire, p. 1 13.) On the 30th April 1873, the Man- chester Courier announced ' the suspension of Messrs. Textor and Co., silk merchants, London.' * In the Prompt. Parv. we find the feminine termination to have Ijeen in general use in Norfolk. The author has ' plcykstare — candi- SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 329 ' bleak,' preserving as it does the earlier pronunciation, is but the same word, being formerly used to denote pallor, or wanness, or absence of colour. From this, by a natural change, it came to signify anything cheerless or desolate. With perfect honesty in this case, at any rate, we may ' swear that black is white.' With regard to silk, we had but little to do. The manufacture of this important cloth was barely carried on in Western Europe during the period of the esta- blishment of surnames. It was nigh the close of the fifteenth century before it appeared in France. All our silks were imported from the East by Venetian and Genoese merchant.s. Of the latter an old poem says, they come — Into this londe wyth dyverse merchaundysses, In grete karrekis arrayde wythouten lack, Wyth clothes of golde, silke, and pepir black. Still we find a company of silkwomen settled in Lon- don at an early period. In the records of this city occur such names as ' Johanna Taylour, Silkwyfe,' in 1348, and 'Agatha Fowere, Silkewoman,' in 1417.' In 1455 a complaint was raised by ' the women of tlite mystery and trade of silk and threadworkers in darius,' and further on, ' whytstare, or pleykstare— candidarius, candi- daria.' Earlier in the work, too, occurs ' bleystare, or wytstare (bleykester or whytster) — candidarius.' That the name lingered there for a considerable period is proved by the fact of a ' Robert Blaxter appearing as defendant in the Court of Chancery in a Norfolk case at tlie close of the sixteenth century. {Proceedings i)i Chancery (Elizabeth), vol. i. p. 250.) The earlier spelling is found in such entries as 'Will le Bleckestere' (H.R.) or 'Richard le Blekstare' (P. W.). Blackister, like Blaxter, still exists. ' Sylkewomen, pursers, and ganiysshers, Tablemakers, sylkedyers, and shepsters. {Cocke Lorelle's Dote.) 330 'ENGLISH SURNAMES. London, that divers Lombards and other foreigners enriched themselves by ruining the said mystery.' I think, however, we shall find that all these were en- gaged less in the manufacture of fabrics than of threads for the embroiderers to use. Thus, as connected with the throwing or winding of these silken tissues, we come across such names as ' Thrower ' and ' Throwster,' the former having been further corrupted into * Trower.' ^ Next to wool, perhaps leather formed the most important item of early manufacture. We can hardly now conceive the infinite use to which it was put at this period. In military dress it had an especial place, and in the ordinary costume it was far from being confined to the extremities, as we have it now. Jerkins, chausses, girdles, pouches, gipsire — all came under the leather-dresser's hands. In 1378 we find a jury, called together to decide upon a case of alleged bad tanning, to have been composed of ' saddlers, pouchmakcs, girdlers, botel-makers, tanners, curriers, and cordwainers.' Of the more general manufacture of hides we have numerous relics ; indeed, we are at once introduced into the midst of a throng of trades- men, the very list of which proves the then important character of the article on which they spent their energies. Such names as 'Jordan le Tannur,' or ' Loretta le Tannur,' ' Richard le Skynnere,' or ' Hamo Ic Skynnere,' arc still numerous both in the tanyard and the directory, and need little explanation. Our ' In A Complaint of Artificers to Parliament, in 1463, there is included amongst other productions, ' Laces, corses, ribans, frenges of silkc and of thrcdc, thrcden laces, throiven silke, silke in eny wise embrauded.' {Rot. Pari., Ed. IV.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 331 * Curriers ' are also self-evident ; but I have not met with any instance as yet in mediaeval times. Our more rare ' Fellmongers ' were once occupied more directly with the larger hides, or fells, as they were called, of the farmyard stock. Less connected with them, therefore, than with the others, we may mention such men as ' William le Barcur,' or * Nicholas le Barkere,' or * Robert Barcarius,' the ancestors of our modern * Barkers,' ^ who, by the very frequency with which they are met, show how important was the preparation of bark in the tanners' yard. In the conversation between Edward the Fourth and the Tanner of Tamworth, as given by Percy, it is said — ' What craftsman art thou ? ' said the king ; ' I pray thee telle me trowe,' * I am a Barker, Sir, by my trade ; Now tell me, what art thou ? ' Such names as ' John le Tawyere ' or ' Geoffrey le Whitetawier ' (now found as ' Whittear,' ' Whittier,' and * Whityer '), not to mention such an entry as that of ' Richard le Megucer,' throw us back upon the time when the terms these men severally bore as surnames would be of the most familiar import. Their owners spent their energies in preparing the lighter goat and kid skins, which they whitened, and made ready for the glovers' use.^ The verb ' to taw,' however, was also used of dressing flax, and we may have to place ' Tawycr ' in some instances in this category. ' 'Edmund Barkmaker' occurs in 'Calendar to Pleadings.' (Eliza- beth. ) * According to Strype, the ' Company of Megusers ' dealt in the skins of dead horses, and flayed them. He mentions ' Walter le Whitawyer ' in the same account. {London, vol. ii. p. 232. ) 332 ENGLISH SURNAMES. And whilst that they did nimbly spin The hemp he needs must taw, we are told in ' Robin Goodfellow.' Our ' Towers,' while apparently local, may be in some instances but a corruption of this same term. So early as the 14th century we find a certain ' Eustace le Wittowere ' occurring in the Hundred Rolls, and that the simpler form should similarly be corrupted would be natural enough.' Thus we see that leather, too, is not with- out its memorials. The more furry skins, as used in a somewhat more specific form as articles of dress, or to attach thereto, we will allude to by-and-by. As we traverse in some semblance of order the more definite wants and requirements of early social life, the importance of these several crafts will be more clearly brought out. We must not forget that there were the same needs then as now, though of a diffe- rent mould. Man in all time has had to be fed, and clothed, and housed ; and if in all these respects he has in these modern days become more civilized and polished, it has been the result of a gradual process by which he has slowly, and not without many a struggle, thrown off, one by one, this custom and that, which belonged to a ruder era and a rougher cast of society. Our surnames of occupation are a wonderful guide in this respect. A tolerable picture of early life may be easily set before us by their aid ; for in them are preserved its more definite lineaments, and all we need is to fill up the shading for ourselves. ' .Since writing the above, I have discovered in tlie same rolls a ' Gill)ert /t' Tower ' and a 'Thomas /. 1 1 3.) ' Benet Seinturer ' was Sheriff of London in 1216. (Strype.) * Under date 1355, Mr. Riley, in his interesting Alcniorials 0/ London, gives the 'Articles and Ordinances of the Biaelers.' He also has an account of the burning of some gloves and hraels for being of false make and fashion in 1350. {Vide pp. 277 and 249.) 350 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the shoulder as a 'bracelet' does the wrist. It is quite possible, however, they may be but a form of * breek-girdle.' * Ivo le Glover ' or ' Christiana la Glovere ' have left descendants in plenty, but they had to fight a hard battle with such naturalized foreigners as ' Geofifery le Ganter ' or ' Philip le Gaun- ter.' At one time these latter had firmly established themselves as the nominees of the manufacture, and the only wonder to me is how we managed to prevent ' gants ' from superseding ' gloves ' in our common parlance. The connexion of the * gauntlet ' with military dress, however, has preserved that form of the term from decay. Both ' Ganter ' and ' Gaunter,' I need scarcely say, are firmly set in our midst. And now we must descend once more till we come to the lower extremities, and in a day of so much tramping it on foot we need not feel surprised if we find many memorials of this branch of the personal outfit. The once common expression for a shoe- maker or cobbler was that of soiiter} It is of con- stant occurrence in our olden writers. Thus the Malvern Dreamer speaks of — Plowmen and pastours, And othere commune laborers, Sowters and shepherdcs. Elsewhere, too, he uses the feminine form when he makes mention of — Cesse the souteresse. The masculine term, I need not remind Scotchmen, is still in colloquial use across the Border, and that it was once so in England our many ' Souters,' * Sow- ' And * also, every sowtere that makcth shoon of new rothcs' lether,* etc. {Usages of IVifichcster. English Guilds, T,t^().) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (tOWN). 35 1 ters,' and * Suters,' and * Suitors,' misleading as these latter are, are sufficient evidence. Such entries as ' Andrew le Soutere,' ' Robert le Souter,' or ' Richard le Sutor' are common to old registers. In the * Promptorium Parvulorum ' ' sowtare ' is defined as a * cordewaner ' or ' cordynare,' and this at once brings us to our ' Cordwaners,' ' Cordiners,' and ' Codners.' They were so termed because the goatskin leather they used came, or was supposed to have come, from Cordova in Spain. In the ' Rime of Sire Thopas,' that personage is thus described : — His hair, his beard was like safroun, That to his girdle raught adown, His shoon of cordewane ; Of Brugges were his hosen brown. His robe was of ciclatoun. That cost many a jane. In the ' Libel on English Policy,' too, we find it said of Portugal — Their londe hath oyle, wyne, osey, wex, and grain, Fygues, reysyns, honey and cordwayne. In the Hundred Rolls it is represented by such a name as ' Hugh le Cordwaner ' or * Ranulph le Corde- waner.' ' ' William le Corviser,' from the same records, or * Durand le Corveser,' held a name which struggled for some time for a place, but had finally to collapse.'* ' ' Item, received of John Bent and John Davies, cordiner, for one pew, iis.' 1571. {Church'cvardens' Exp. Lndlmv, p. 148. Cam. Soc.) * In the Mysteries composed for the City Pageant by Randie, a monk of Chester Abbey, in the thirteenth century, a part in it is directed to be sustained by the ' Corvesters and Shoemakers.' (Orme- rod's Cheshire, p. 301). In this case we have the strictly speaking Saxon feminine termination appended to a Norman word. I have found three ' Shoemakers. ' ' Harry Shomaker ' was an attendant of 352 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ■* Cobbler ' ('Richard le Cobeler,' A ), though it has existed as a name of occupation fully as long as any of the above, has, I believe, never been able so far to overcome the dislike to the fact of its being a mere mending or patchwork trade as to obtain for itself an hereditary place in our nomenclature. * Cosier ' has fared better, as have ' Clouter ' and ' Cloutman,' relics of the old * John ' or ' Stephen le Clutere,' why I do not know. We all remember how the inhabitants of Gibeon 'did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old and rent, and bound up, and old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them.' Another name we may notice here is that of 'Patten-maker,' a 'James Patyn- makere ' being found enrolled in a Norwich guild of 1385. Cocke Lorelle mentions among others : — Alys Easy a gay tale-teller. Also Peter Patynmaker. ' A patten seems in the thirteenth and fourteenth cen- turies to have been very similar to our clog, only that the former was more easily put on and off. It was of a wooden sole, rimmed with iron. We find in 1464 the Princess Mary (1542). (Prky Piu-sc Ex/c-nst's, \>. 2.) 'Christopher Shoemaker' was burnt at Newbury (15 18), wliose story is related by Foxe. The name seems to have lingered on till the close of the xviiith cent., for it is found in St. Anne's register, Manchester, in 1 78 1, as ' Showmaker : ' 'Mary, wife of John Showmaker, burietl Aug. 26, 1781.' This spelling reminds me of an entry in the Household of Princess Elizabeth, Cam. Soc. : — ' Robert Waterman for showing (shoeing) xviij.' (p. 29.) ' And that the corvesers bye ther lelhcr in the seid Gild-halle. {Ordinamcs of \Vorc(stcr. Euglish Guilds, 371). ' Another form of the name and occupation is met with in the Cor/>. Christi Guild, York, in the case of ' Robert Patcner, et Mariona uxor ejus' (W. ii,). SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 353 the Patynmakers of London presenting a grievance in that the fletchers alone were allowed to use aspen- wood, whereas it was the ' lightest tymbre to make of patyns or clogges.' (Rot. Pari. iv. 567.) Mr. Way, in his Notes to the * Promptorium Parvulorum,' says they were worn much by ecclesiastics to protect the feet from chill when treading the cold bare pavements of the churches, and he quotes a Harleian MS. dated 1390 regarding an archiepiscopal visitation at York : ' Item, omnes ministri ecclesie pro majore parte utun- tur in ecclesia et in processione /«/(?;/i" et clogges con- tra honestatem ecclesie, et antiquam consuetudenem capituli.' The patten-maker was evidently of some importance at this time.^ Perhaps fashion never went to such an absurd ex- treme as it did in the fourteenth century with respect to wearing peaked shoes. An old poem entitled the ' Complaint of the Ploughman,' says of the friars, and alluding to their inconsistencies, that they wear — Gutted clothes to shewe their hewe, With long pikes on their shoon : Our Goddes Gospel! is not trewe Either they serve the devill or none. Piers Plowman, too, speaks of a knight coming to be dubbed — To geten him gilte spurs Or galoches y-couped. This last reminds us that they were commonly styled ' copped shoon.' Such a sobriquet as ' Hugh le Cop- pede ' or 'John le Copede' would seem to refer to this. Probably the owner had carried on the practice to an even more extravagant length than his neighbours, and ' 'John Rykedon, patynmaker,' occurs in the Patent Rolls (R.R., i). A A 354 ENGLISH SURNAMES. very likely he was one of those who caused a law to be passed in 1463 forbidding any knight, or any one beneath that rank, to wear any shoes or boots having pikes passing the length of two inches ! Even this curtailment, I imagine, would astonish the weak minds of pedestrians in the nineteenth century. Of a similar craft with the shoemaker came * the hosier ' or 'chaucer,' the latter of which has become, surnomi- nally, so famous in English literature. Though now obsolete, such a name as ' Robert le Chaucer ' or * William le Chaucier ' was anything but uncommon at this time. Like * Suter,' above mentioned, it has a Latin source, its root being ' calcearius.' Chausses, however, were not so much boots as a kind of leathern breeches worn over mail armour. There is probably, therefore, but little distinction to be made between them and the 'hose' of former days, though it is somewhat odd that leather, which once undoubtedly was the chief object of the hosier's attention, should now in his shop be conspicuous by its absence. While ' Chaucer ' has long ago become extinct, ' Hosier ' or * Hozier ' is firmly established in our nomenclature. Thus we see that clothing is not without its memen- toes. A curious surname is presented for our notice in our ' Dubbers,' not to be confounded with our * Dau- bers ' already mentioned. To ' dub ' was to dress, or trim, or decorate. Thus, with regard to military equipment, Minot says in one of his political songs — Knightes were there well two score That were new clubbed to that dance. It is thus we have acquired our phrase ' to dub a knight.' The term, however, became ver>' general in SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN), 355 the sense of embellishing, rather than mere dressing, and it is to this use of the word we owe the surname. Thus, in the * Liber Albus ' we find a ' Peter le Dubbour ' recorded, whose trade was to furbish up old clothes ; he was a fripperer in fact. In the York Pageant, already referred to more than once, we see the * Dubbers ' walking in procession between the * Bookbinders ' and ' Limners,' and here they were evidently mere trimmers or decorators externally of books. In another register we find a ' dubbour,' so called because as a hawker of fish he was in the habit of putting all the fine ones at the top of his basket, a trick still in vogue in that profession, I fear.' In all these cases we see that ' adornment ' or ' embellish- ment ' is the main idea. I need not remind my more North-country readers how every gardener still speaks of ' dubbing ' when he heaps up afresh the soil about his flowers and plants. The old forms of the name were * Jordan le Dubber,' ' Payen le Dubbour,' and * Ralph le Douber,' which last most nearly approaches its root, the old Norman-French ' adouber,' to arrange. A curious occupation is preserved from oblivion in our somewhat rare ' Raffmans.' We have the root meaning . of the word in our * reft ' and ' bereft,' im- plicative of that which is snatched away or swept off. Thus we still use ' riff-raff' in regard to the off- ' It is evidently in a depreciatory sense that Bishop Latimer in one of his sermons makes use of this word, while his very employment of it shows how familiar was its meaning as a term of occupation, even in the sixteenth century. He says, speaking of a certain bishop, ' There stood by him a dubber, one Doctor Dubber : he dubbed him by and by, and said,' &.c. Second Sermon before Edward VI. A A 2 356 ENGLISH SURNAMES. scouring of the people. A raff-merchant was a dealer in lumber of any kind. In the Guild of Saint George, Norwich, 1385, we find not merely the name of * John Raffman,' but such entries as ' Robert Smith, raff- man,' or 'John Smith, rafman.' The term 'raff' for a low fellow is not yet obsolete, and Tennyson, when he says Let raffs be rife in prose or rhyme, is only using a sobriquet which, until recently, was a very familiar one in the mouths of our peasantry. I have placed the surname here because I doubt not the occupation whence it sprung was chiefly in respect of trimmings, and the shearings of cloth, wool, and such-like articles of merchandise. Another surname we must consider here is that belonging to 'Ketel le Mercer' or ' Henry le Mercer,' now found also as ' Marccr.' We sec in the very title that the term has engrossed a sense not strictly its own, and that, though we visit the mercer's shop for silken goods, he was originally a dealer in every kind of ware. He represented in mediaeval times, in fact, the storekeeper of our colonies. Indeed I believe that to this day in some of our more retired country parts the mercer will supply his customers with haberdashery, drugs, draperies, hardware, and all general wants, saving actual comestibles. Mr. Lower quotes an old political song against the friars, in which this more correct sense of the word is conveyed — For thai have nought to live by, They wandrcn here and there, And dele with divers marcerye Right as thai pedlars were. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 357 Our * Chaloners ' and * Challenors,' representatives of such old names as 'Peter le Chaloner,' 'Jordan le Chaluner,' or ' Nicholas le Chalouner,' originated in a foreign but most useful manufacture. Chalons- sur-Marne, at this time one of the most thriving towns of the Continent, was chiefly renowned for its woollen and worsted stuffs, and a peculiar coverlet of this sort, called by the special name of a ' chalon,' became celebrated over the more civilized world. In the ' Reves' Tale ' we are told of the miller that — In his owen chambre he made a bedde With sheles, and with chalons fair yspredde,' Any importer or manufacturer of these was a ' Chaloner.' In a public solemn pageant held in 141 5 in the City of York, at the end of a list of trades to be represented, there follows this : ' It is ordained that the Porters and Coblers should go first, then, of the right, the Wevers and Cordwaners : on the left, the Fullers, Cutlers, Girdellers, Chaloners, Carpenters, and Taillyoures : then the better sort of citizens,' etc. ('History and Antiquities of York,' vol. ii. p. 126.) The trade name seems to have died out about the end ' The word was evidently in familiar use. Thus in the will of one William Askame, dated 1390, it is said, ' Item, Margaretse prenticiae Willielmi Askham do et lego a fedir bedd and i matras, ii shetes and a coverlet, i bacyn and i laver, and a bras potte and volette of crysp. Item Johanna; Dagh crisp volet and a cJtalou.'' — Test. Ebor., vol. i. p. 130. {Surt. Soc.) ' And that no chalon of ray, or other chalon, shall be made, if it be not of the ancient lawful assize, ordained by the good folks of the trade.' (Ext. from Ordinances of tlic Tapiccrs, Riley's London, p. 179.) ' Also, non of the Citce ne shal don werche qwyltes ne chalouns withoute the walles of the Citee [i.e. Winchester). [English Guilds, P- 35I-) The Chaloner is styled the ' Chaloun-makyere ' in this ordinance. 358 ENGLISH SURNAMES. of the fifteenth century. How corrupted a word may become in the lapse of time may be seen in the modern ' shalloon,' a term used for a species of worsted cloth. In such a name as * Hugh le Shetare ' or * Roger le Shetere ' we recognize him who provided that other portion of the bed gear which is referred to in the extract from Chaucer. This name is now extinct. Not so, however, our ' Quilters,' who still thrive in our midst hale and hearty, and need never fear obsoletism. Doubtless, as the cold of winter set in, and its warm padded qualities began to be appre- ciated, the quilters would be busy enough in providing such a coverlet as this. ' Quiltmaker ' ('John le Quylte- maker, (H.) is also found as a variation of the above : an old poem mentions among others — Quyltemakers, shermen, and armorers ; Borlers, tapestry-work makers, and dyers. Such a name as ' Christiana le Heldere ' or ' Robert le Holdere ' must, I doubt not, be set here, both forms being still in existence. They belonged, I think, to the craft of upholdsters or upholders, at this time confined, it would seem, entirely to the manufacture and sale of mattresses, bolsters, pillows, and quilts, anything of a padded nature connected with bed furniture.' The insertion of flocks and feathers and the stitching together of such would seem to be a woman's work, and this is the clue, I suspect, to the fact of our now using the feminine form of upholdster. There is a curious complaint made to Parliament in 1495, by ' In the Guikl of St. George, Norwich, 1385, is mentioned tlie name of 'Geoffrey Bedwevere.' He would \x: either a quiltcr, or one of tliosc artisans alhided to by Cocke Lorcllc. ' Fyners, plummers, and peuters, Bcdmakers, fedbedrnakcrs, and wyredrawcrs.' SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 359 the metropolitan upholders, that ' Quyltes, mattres, and cussions (were) stuffed with horse hair, fen downe, neetis here, deris here (deers' hair), and gotis here, which is wrought in lyme fattes and by the hete of mannys body the savour and taste is so abhomynable and contagious that many of the King's subgettis thereby been destroied.' ' It is prayed, therefore, that only one kind of stuff be allowed to be inserted in any one of these articles (' Stat : of Realm,' Henry VII.). In ' Henry le Canevacer' or 'Richard le Canevacer ' we are carried back to a class of now all but entirely decayed trade. The canvaser, of course, turned out canvas, and this more especially for bags for the conveyance of the raw wool, or for tapestry purposes. In an old poem relating to German im- ports, it is said at the close — Coleyne threde, fustaine, and canvase, Carde, bokeram, of olde time thus it wase. Tapestry work would engage much of this. Hangings of this kind, ere wainscot came into use, were the ordi- nary decorations of the baronial apartment, covering as they generally did the entire length of the lower wall. In the ' Boke of Curtasye ' we are told of the duties of one officer — Tapetis of Spayne on flore by side That sprad shall be for pompe and pryde, The chambur sydes rygt to the dorc He hangs with tapetis tliat ben fulle store. ' I find several writers speaking (Mr. Riley among them) as if the upholder was simply an undertaker. He may have been this, but it is evident it was but a subordinate branch of his occupation. We find in 1445 a certain ' Richard Upholder ' appraising the bedroom furniture of James Hedyan, the Principal of ' Eagle Ilall.' {Mttn. Acad. Oxo>t., P- 544) 360 ENGLISH SURNAMES. The name of * Tapiser,' for one who wove this article, is familiarized to us as that of one of the im- mortal company who sat down together at the 'Tabard ' in Southwark. Our modern ' Tapsters,' I doubt not, afford but another example of a surname engrossing what have been originally two separate and distinct titles. In an old sacred pageant given in York in 141 5, amongst other trades represented we find coupled together the * Couchers ' and ' Tapisers.' ^ Our ' Cou- chers ' and * Couchmans ' are thus explained. They were evidently engaged less in the wooden framework, as we might have supposed, than in the manufacture of the cushions that covered it, and doubtless, like the broiderer mentioned above, worked in gold and silver and coloured threads the raised figures thereon.'^ Thus we must ally them with such names as ' Robert le Dosier ' or ' Richard le Dosyere,' makers of the ' doss,' a technical term given at this time for cushions ' The ordinances for the Guild of St. Katharine, Lynn, are signed by 'Peter Tapcser.' — English Guilds, p. 68. (E. E. Text Soc.) The following entry from the Exchequer Issues will give the reader a fair idea of the work that came under the tapiser's hands : — ' To John Flessh, tapestry maker. In money paid to him for a side cushion, or carpet, a bench, and five cushions worked with the king's arms . . . to be placed about, and hung at the back of the king's justice seats of his common bench within Westminster Hall.' — 14 Henry VI. * It is only right to say that there seems to have been a term ' coucher ' to imply one who resided in certain towns for purjioses of trade of a somewhat doubtful character. In this sense it was but a French sobriquet, meaning in English 'a lurker.' A statute of Edward III. concerning the prices of wine and tlieir import speaks of • Cochoures Engleys' (English couchers, or lurkers), living in Rochelle, Bordeaux, etc., who traded in wines. The tenor of the allusion to them, however, is such that we could hardly expect them to be represented openly in an English pageant. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 36 1 or stools worked in tapestry.^ Thus the same book which I have just quoted says of the groom's duties — Tlie dosurs, curtines to hang in halle, These offices needs do he shalle. As a specific name for productions of this class the word is now quite obsolete, though familiar enough in early days ; tapestry indeed, in general, has ceased to be popular, and is now all but entirely confined professionally to the weaving of carpets, and as an amateur art among ladies to those figured screens so much in vogue not more than one or two generations ago, traces of which still remain in the framed embroi- deries yet lingering in many of our drawing-rooms — embroideries of cats with grizzly whiskers and tawny terriers — embroideries which as children we heard with bated breath had been worked by our grand- mothers when they were little girls, and thus we realised for the first time, not so much that they had done these wonderful things as that they had once been small at all, like ourselves. We have no surname to represent the weaving of carpets, as this was an introduction of much later date than most of our other household comforts in the way of furniture. In Brand's ' Popular Antiqui- ties ' an interesting quotation is given from Hentzner's ' Itinerary,' who, describing Queen Elizabeth's Pre- sence Chamber at Greenwich, says, ' The floor, after the English fashion, was strewed with hay.' The strewing of church pews with rushes was common ' An old Yorkshire will, dated 1383, contains the following bequest: ' To John Couper, a docer, and a new banacjucr (a seat-cover) and ij cochyns (cushions),' (Surtees Soc. ) 362 ENGLISH SURNAMES. until recent times, and in the North of England the peculiar customs attaching to the * Rush-bearing,' a kind of ' wakes,' are not yet extinct. It is fair to add, however, that carpets were in course of introduction at the beginning of the sixteenth century ; an old poem of that date mentions — Broudurers, strayners, and carpyte-makers, Spooners, tamers, and liatters. Before proceeding any further we had better intro- duce our 'Lavenders,' or washers, for be it linen or woollen stuff, be it garment for the back or covering for the bed, all needed washing then as now. The contracted feminine 'laundress' is still in common use. That the masculine form, however, was early applied to the other sex is proved in the ' Legend of Good Women,' where we are told — Envie is lavender of the court ahvay, For she ne parteth neither niglit ne day. The gradation from 'lavcnderic' to 'laundry' is marked by Stowe, who in his ' Chronicles ' writes it ' laundery.' By similar contractions our ' Lavenders' are now found also in the other forms of ' Launder ' and * Lander.' An old poem says — Thou shalt be my launder, To washc and keep clean all my gere.' 'Alicia la Lavendar' figures in the Hundred Rolls. Doubtless, like our more Saxon ' Washers,' she was a ' Beatrice ap Rice, laundress to Princess Mary (daughter of Henry 'VIII.), is always set down as ' Mistress Launder.' ' Item, paid for 2 lb. of starchc for Mts Launder, viiid.' [Privy Purse Expenses^ p. 160.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 363 professional washerwoman. The stiffening process, of infinitely more consequence then than now, has left its mark in such a name as ' Ralph le Starkere,' or even in that of ' William Starcman,' starch and stark being once but synonymous words. Whether it were the carefully pinched wimple or the kerchief, whether it were of silk or lawn, both alike required all the rigidity that could be imparted to them, would the head be befittingly adorned. Employed, therefore, either in the sale of the starch itself or in the work of stiffening the dress, we find men of such a title as the above. Doubtless they are referred to by the author of * Cocke Lorclle's Bote ' where he speaks of — Butlers, sterchers, and mustard-makers, Hardeware men, mole seekers, and ratte-takers. From the outer we may now naturally and fitly turn to the provision for the inner man. Nor are we without interesting relics also in this respect. We have already described the process by which the flour was provided. The agencies in the towns for the sale of this, and the uses to which it was put, are all more or less well defined, and well established also in our present directories. I do not know whether French rolls had obtained celebrity so early as this, but the name of ' Richard Frenshbaker ' would seem at least to give some kind of credence to the supposition. There can be no doubt, however, that he dealt in a fancy way, for in solid bread-baking the Saxon 'Baker' has ever kept his hands in the kneading- trough, and need never fear, so far as our nomencla- ture is concerned, being ousted therefrom. The feminine form has become almost equally well estab- 364 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Hshed among us, ' Bagster ' or ' Baxter ' ^ or ' Backster' (the latter spelling found in Foxe's Roll of Marian martyrs) being among other forms of the old female bakester.' Piers Plowman speaks of — Baksteres, and brewcsteres, And bochiers manye ; and such good folk as ' Elias le Baxter ' or ' Ralph le Bakster ' or ' Giliana le Bacster ' arc very plentifully represented in our olden registers.^ Still the foreigner did not give way without a struggle. We have ' Pollinger,' ' Bullingcr,' ' Bollinger,' and ' Ballinger,' as corruptions of the ' boulanger ' or ' Richard le Bulen- ger,' as he is recorded. In our 'Furners' we see the representatives of such a name as 'William le Furner' or ' Walter le Fernier,' he who looked to the oven, while in the all but unaltered form of ' Pester ' we may still not uncommonly meet with the descendants of many an old ' Richard le Pestour ' or ' Herman le Pestur,' who had spent the best of his days in the bakehouse. Such a name as ' John Pastemakere ' or ' Gregory le Pastemakere ' or ' Andrew le Pycbakere,' which once existed, reminds us of the pastrycook, a member, as he then was, no doubt, of a by no means unimportant fraternity — that of the ' Pastclers ' or ' Pie-bakers.' An old poem speaks of — Drovers, cokes, and pulters, Yermongcrs, pybakers, and \\aferers. ' The ordinances of the Guild of tlie Purification, Bishop's Lynn, 1367, are signed by 'Johannes Austyn, Baxter.' (English Guilds, p. 90.) Capgrave, under date 205 B.C., says, ' hi tliis same tynie lyved the eloquent man which hite (was called) I'lautus, and for al liis eloquens he was compelled for to dwel with a baxter, and grinde his corn at a querne.' '^ The curious name of ' Sara le Bredeinongesterc ' occurs in the ' London Memorials' (Kiley), SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 365 Best known, however, to most people would he be under the simple professional name of ' cook.' I need not remind any student of olden English records how familiar is ' Roger le Coke ' or * William le Cook ' or 'John Cokeman,' nor will he be astonished at his being so well represented in all those forms in the directories of the nineteenth century. I could give endless references to show that this term was not confined to the kitchen servitor. The 'City Archives' give us an ordinance passed 2 Rich. II. (A.D. 1378) by the * Cooks and Pastelers,' as an associated company, and Piers Plowman speaks of Punishing on pillories, Or on pynnyng stools, Brewesters, Bakers, Bochers, and Cookes, For these be men upon molde (earth) That most harm worken To the poor people. ' Cook ' or * Coke ' certainly holds a high position in the scale of frequency at present, and, as I have had occasion to notice in another chapter, is one of those few tradal names that have taken to them the filial desinence, ' Cookson ' being by no means uncommon. Of all these we might have said much, but to mention them must suffice, and to pass on. Solid bread- baking, however, as I have just hinted, was not the sole employment of this nature in early days. A poem I have recently quoted speaks of 'waferers.' Our 'Wafers,' relics of the old ' Simon' or ' Robert le Wafre,' seem to have confined themselves all but entirely to the provision of eucharistic bread, though they W'Cre probably vendors also of those sweet and 366 ENGLISH SURNAMES. spiced cakes which, under the name of ' marchpanes,' were decidedly popular. Among other gifts that Absolom the clerk gave Alison, Chaucer hints of — Wafers piping hot out of the glcde,' and the ' Pardoner,' in enumerating the company of lewd folks of Flanders, speaks of ' fruitsters,' ' singers with harps,' and 'waferers.' Piers Plowman puts them amid still more disreputable associates. No doubt, true to the old adage, * near the church, never in it,' they were wont to hang about the sacred edifice abroad and at home, ofiering their traffic to the de- vouter worshippers as they entered in. We ourselves know how searing to heart and conscience is such a life as this. That all were not of this kind we are reminded by the will of an Archbishop of York of the thirteenth century, who therein bequeaths a certain sum to two ' waferers,' evidently on account of their exemplary conduct while conducting their trade at the Minster door. Chaucer, describing the prioress, says that — With rested flesli, and milk, and wastel brede, she fed her small hounds. Cakes of wastel were of the purest flour and most careful bake, and were only second to the simnel in quality. Wasteler, found in such an entry as ' John Wasteler,' is extinct, but the shorter * Wastel ' still exists in our midst. Probably, in the latter case, it was originally but a sobriquet ' It is in this more general sense we find the word used in our present Authorized Version. Thus in Lev. ii. 4, it is said : ' And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.' — Tay to Ralph Crast the wafercr, 40?. of our gift.' ('Issues of Exchequer,' 26 Henry III.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 367 affixed to a baker of this peculiar kind of bread. It is in a similar manner, I doubt not, arose such early nicknames as 'William Wytebred,' or 'John Holibread,' or ' Roger Blancpain,' or ' Josce Barlibred,' or ' Matilda Havercake,' or ' Lambert Simnel,' the latter a name familiarized to the youngest student of English history. Strange to say, ' Barlibred ' is the only one of this list that has disappeared from our directories, although ' Barleycorn ' was in existence, I believe, but a few years ago. But to keep more strictly to tradesmen : I have no doubt myself it is here we must place our ' Mitcheners,' as makers of the 'mitche' or 'mitchkin.' The diminutive was the modern cracknel, while the larger seems to have been a small loaf of mixed flour. Chaucer, in his praise of contentment, says — For he that hath mitches tweine, Ne value in his demeine, Liveth more at ease, and more is rich Than doeth he that is chich (niggardly), And in his barne hath sooth to saine, A hundred mavis of wheat grain. I have, however, no proof of the connexion I deem exists, so I merely mention it and pass on. We are more certain about our rare * Flawners ' and * Planners,' ^ once the manufacturers of the ' flaon ' or ' flawn,' so popular as to have left its mark in our * Pancake Tuesday.' Caxton, in his ' Boke for Travellers,' says, ' of mylke and of eggs men make ' This corruption seems to have early become the accepted one. A John Flanner entered C.C. Col., Cambridge, in 1649. [Hist. C.C. Coll.). In 1641 another John Flanner was Rector of Kilverstone. {Hist. Nor/., I. 546.) Tt68 ENGLISH SURNAMES. flawnes.' In the story of Havelok the Dane, too, mention is made of — Brede an chese, butere and milk, Pasties and flaunes. A ' Roger le Flaoner ' comes in the London Cor- poration records, A.D. 1307, while much about the same time I find a ' Walter le Flawner' in the Parlia- mentary writs. I have kept our ' Panyers' and * Panniers' till the last, because there is just a shade of doubt as to whether they owe their name to the manufacture of the basket so-called or to the hawking of bread, the very practice of which custom, so familiar as it was then, has given us the term. The original meaning of ' pannier,' the French * panier,' was bread-basket, and the word seems to have acquired a peculiar pro- minence from the fact that in mediaeval times bakers, through being the subjects of a careful supervision, were forbidden to sell their bread anywhere but in the public market — nay, so particular were the authorities with regard to this that an officer was specially appointed to watch the * hutches,' boxes, or baskets in which the loaves were exposed. A surname ' Robert le Huchereve' is even found in the Guildhall records as a relic of this. We can thus readily under- stand how hawkers of these portable covers or baskets would acquire the sobriquet of ' panyers.' Certain it is we find such entries as ' Simon le Pannier,' ' Robert le Pannere,' ' Amiscus Panarius,' or ' Geoffrey Pany- man,' while in another register the occupation of ' panycre ' is distinctly mentioned. We can equally readily understand how from this the term itself SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 369 would, in course of time, obtain a wider and more general sense. That it has done so the donkey's pan- niers are a proof. It is, however, somewhat strange, when we reflect upon it, that perhaps the last thing we should expect to see borne in this fashion in the present day would be that very article to which the receptacle itself owed its name. It is somewhat remarkable that while our direc- tories possess many records of the early manufacture of and traffic in cheese, yet there are no names what- ever in the present day, I believe, and barely any in the past, which arc associated with the most impor- tant of all country produce — butter.^ The most satis- factory clue to the difficulty will be to suppose that the cheese-merchant of that day, as often in the present, dealt in both articles. This is the more likely, as the many sobriquets given to dealers in cheese in the fourteenth century would appear to give that edible, important as it was and is, a greater prominence than singly it deserved. Thus we find such names as ' Edward le Chescman' or ' Robert le Chesemaker,' 'John Ic Chesewright,' or 'William le Cheswright,' or ' Alen Ic Chesmongere,' as repre- sentatives of the Saxons, figuring somewhat conspicu- ously in the registers of the period.^ For the foreign element, too, cognomens were not wanting. ' Bene- dict' or 'Michael le Casiere' may even now be living ' Since writing the above I have found a ' William Buttyrman ' in the Test. Ebor., vol. iii., Surtees Soc, but I can discover no trace of its continuance beyond its immediate possessor. - The Hundred Rolls furnish us with the local ' Adam del Cheshus,' i.e., Cheese-house. He would be connected with some country dairy or city store-room. The name is formed like 'Malthus,' from 'Malt- house,' or ' Loftus,' from 'Loft-house.' £ B 370 ENGLISH SURNAMES. in our ' Cayzers,' if they be not but another form of ' Kaiser,' and ' Wilkin le Furmager ' or ' Wilham le Formager' in our ' Firmingers,' is in no risk of imme- diate obHvion. The majority of the Saxon forms, I need scarcely add, are also thriving in our midst. It may seem somewhat strange that ' grocer,' of all trades the most important, so far as the kitchen is concerned, should be so rarely represented in our nomenclature. But the reason is simple enough. To sell in the gross, or wholesale, was a second and later step in commercial practice. A 'John Guter, Gros- sarius,' appears in the London City Rolls so early as 1 310, but it had scarcely become a familiar name of trade till the close of the fourteenth century.^ In 1363 a statute of Edward III. speaks concerning ' Merchauntz nomez Grossers,' so termed because they ' engrossent totes maners des marchandises ven- dables,' and then enhanced the price on each separate article. Before this they had been known as the Fepperers, or Spiccrs Guild, such names as ' John le Espicer' or ' Nicholas le Espiccr ' occurring not unfre- quently at this period. Spice, indeed, was the then general term for all manner of drugs, aromatic and pungent, which were brought into England by foreign and especially Venetian merchants from the East. These were carried up and down the country again ' In the country, and more north, wc shall scarcely find the teiin to have made any way till even the fifteenth century. In tlie York Pa- geant which occurred in 141 5, and was supposed to represent, as a survey of its programme shows it evidently did, every trade or occupa- tion that could claim the slightest right to attention, we do not find it having a place. The 'Spicers' and '.Sauce-makers' are prominent, however, and they, no doubt, even then were upholding the interests of the trade which by-and-by was to go under this new sobriquet. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 37 1 by the itinerant traders, so many of whom I have already referred to in a previous chapter. An old song, written against the mendicant friars, relates that, among other of their vagaries — Many a dyvers spyse In bagges about they bear. As I have just stated, however, the term ' Grocer ' superseded that of ' Spicer,' and as such seems to have confined its dealings to the modernly received limit at an early date. As we must have already seen, each want had always hitherto been met by its own special dealer. With us now the Cutler would supply all the 'Knifesmith' and * Spooner' then separately furnished ; while our * Ironmongers ' or * Hosiers ' or ' Upholdsters ' would each swallow up half-a-dozen of former occupations. Thus it was here. Our 'John le Saucers' or ' Ada la Saucers ' provided salt pickle.* As with the * Frankelein,' so with many another there — Wo was his cook, but if his sauce were Poinant and sharpe, and redy all his gear. 'Peter le Salter' or 'Hugh Saltman' furnished forth the chloride itself; ' William le Mustarder' or ' Peter le Mustardman,' or 'Alice Mustard-maker/ the mustard ; ' Thomas le Pepperer,' ^ now spelt 'Pepper,' the pepper; ' 'Joan Sausemaker' occurs in the Corpus Christi Guild, York. ^ 'John Nutmaker' gave to a loan upon Middlesex in 1463. (Viiie ScobelFs Declarations of Pari., 429.) This name has troubled me much. Halliwell has 'nut,' a term for sweet-bread in the eastern counties. Failing this, I can only suggest 'nutmegger,' and place it among those set down in the text. B B 2 372 ENGLISH SURNAMES. 'Ralph le Soper' or 'Adam le Savonier,' the soap. Each set before his customers' eyes those pecuHar articles of household consumption their names seve- rally represent. All these, having flourished in the earlier age, established for themselves a better place in our register than our rare ' Grosers ' or ' Grossers,' who in this respect only appeared in time to save themselves from oblivion, though they have long ago revenged themselves on their humbler brethren by swallowing up entire the occupations they followed. It is curious to note that in later days, through the various accessions of luxury, the result in well-nigh every case of foreign discovery, even ' Grocer ' has failed to comprehend all. In our country villages we all but invariably find added 'and licensed dealer in tea, coffee, tobacco, snuff, &c.' In our towns, however, this addendum has been dropped, and a ' grocer's shop ' is the place we turn to, without thought of refusal, for these modern introduced luxuries. What changes in our domestic resources are here presented for our notice ! In my previous chapter it was the ovcr-abundancc of certain rural and primitive surnames which told the story of the times in which they sprang. The contrary is here the case. It is in the absence of particular names, some of which I have already noticed, we have the best guide to the extraordinary changes that have taken place in our household economy. Look at our tea- table. Already in the two short centuries from its introduction this article has given its name to a special meal, having thrown the once afternoon supper into a nocturnal repast. Even Shakespeare could only say — SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 373 Now can I break my fast, dine, sup, and sleep, ' How strangely would it have affected our nomencla- ture had this and other like novelties been brought in earlier. We should have had ' William le Coffyer ' giving us endless anxiety in the endeavour to separate it from the actual ' Godfrey le Coffrer.' We should have had, too, such folk as 'John le Riceman,' 'Walter le Snuffer,' ' Ralph le Tobacconer,' shortened into ' Bacconer,' and the still more awkward ' le Potato- man,' almost as inconvenient as ' Garlickmonger,' though doubtless it would have been quickly curtailed into ' Taterman ' or ' Taterer ' or ' Tatman ' and ' Tatter,' and later on again into other forms too obscure to contemplate. The very recounting of these changes, which are strictly on a par with other names of a less hypothetical character, serve to im- press us with the difficulties we have to encounter in the task of deciphering many of our surnames after the wear and tear they have undergone through lapsing generations. But I must not wander. The sale of vegetables and fruits left its mark in our former ' John le Frue- mongers ' and 'Ralph le Frueters,' and 'Hugh le Fruters ;' ' Richard le Graper ' testifying seemingly to ' We are all familiar with the old adage, 'After dinner sit awhile, After supper walk a mile ': it often used to puzzle me that this last line, while speaking from a medical point of view, should so calmly give up the general question as to whether suppers were or were not advisable as a part of the domestic regime. When we remember, however, that the couplet doubtless arose in a day when dinner was at twelve and supper at five or six, we can better understand its intent. 374 ENGLISH SURNAMES. a more specific dealing. Our ' Butchers ' of course have been busy enough from the day that the Nor- mans brought them in. The variety of spelhng which is found in olden records of this name is so great that I dare not attempt a list, but I believe there still exist, sans the article, such of the old forms as *le Bouchier,' ' le Bowcher,' and ' le Bowsher,' while ' Botcher' is at least not altered in sound from * le Bochere ' of the same period — ' Labouchere,' which preserves this article, is of more modern introduction from the Gallic shore. But the Norman was not without his rivals. Such names as * Walter le Flesh- mongere,' or ' Eudo le Flesshemongere,' or ' Richard le Flesmongere,' ' prove that the Saxon did not give up even this branch of daily occupation without a struggle, and in the two isolated cases of ' William Fleschour' and 'John Fleshcwer' that I have lit upon we are reminded that Scotland, with its still flourishing ' flesher,' is but the asylum where this truly Saxon term found its latest retreat. Even yet in England with the country folk the butchers' shambles are the ' flesh-market.' That ' Fleshmonger ' was the col- loquial term, we may prove from a list of tradesmen mentioned in ' Cocke Lorelle's Bote,' a poem I have already quoted several times ; reference is there made to— Woolemen, vyntcrers ami flcsshcmoiigers, Salters, jewelers, and liaberdashers. • William Fleshmonger, D.C.L., was Dean of Chichester in 1528. (I/ist. Univ. Oxford. Ackermann, p. 154.) 'Also, the usage of fleshemongcres ys svvych, tliat everych fleshe- niongcre ' not a freman shall pay 25(/. a year to the King if he have a stall. (Usages of IVituhcstcr. £ng/is/i GiMs, ^$^.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 375 The ' Pardoner,' too, in the same poem, thus begins his roll — Here is first Cocke Lorelle the Knyght, And Symkyn Emery, mayntenaunce agaynz ryght ; With Slyngethryfte Fleshemonger. But if not in the common mouth, yet in our rolls there were two other names of this craft, which we must not pass over unrecorded. They were those of ' Carnifex ' and ' Massacrer,' both representing the slaughter-house, I doubt not. The existence of the former would lead us to suppose that the old Roman hangsman was settled in our midst, but it was merely a mediaeval Latinism for a butcher.^ After the fashion of the time nicknames were affixed upon everybody, and our ' Butchers ' and ' Slaughters ' did not escape. The Hundred Rolls alone register the names of ' Reginald CuUebol,' ' Henry Cullebulloc,' * William Cullehare,' and ' William Culle-hog,' or in more modern parlance 'Kill-bull,' 'Kill-bullock,' 'Kill- hare,' and ' Kill-hog.' The original and more correct ' The following list in one of our early statutes will help to fami- liarize the reader's mind with some of these niediteval Latinisms : ' Item, sallarii, pelletarii, allutarii, sutores, cissores, fabri, carpen- tarii, cementarii, tegularii, batellarii, carectarii, et quicunque alii arti- fices non capiant pro labore et artificio suo,' etc. ' Item, quod carnifices, piscenarii, hostellarii, braciatorcs, pislores, pullctarii et omnes alii vcnditores victualium teneantur hujus-modi victualia vcndere,' etc. {Stat, of Realm, vol. i. p. 308.) The first list refers to the ' saddlers, skinners, whitetawyers, shoe- makers, taylors, wrights, carpenters, masons, tylers, boatwrights, and carters ; ' the second to the ' butchers, fishmongers, taverners, . brewers, bakers, and poulterers.' With regard to the 'Carnifex' we may add that among other items of expenditui^e belonging to Edw. I.'s Queen at Cawood is mentioned ' cxpensa duorum carnificum eosdem boves emencium.' 376 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * poulter,' he who dealt in ' poults ' or poultry, as we now term it, has bequeathed his name to our ' Poul- ters ' and ' Pulters.' Such names as ' Adam le Puleter,' or * Bernard le Poleter,' or ' William le Pulter,' by the frequency with which we come across them, show how much did the farmyard help to provide in these days for the supply of the dining-table. I have no peny, Poletes to biigge (buy), says Langland, showing that in his time they were commonly exhibited for sale. Indeed, the fact that in the York Festival of 141 5 the 'bouchers' and ' pulterers ' walked in procession together clearly proves their importance at the period in which the surname arose. We have already mentioned the fishmonger, or what was practically the fishmonger, the fisherman, in our last chapter while surveying rural occupations. Our rare 'Pessoners'' as representative of the Norman, and common * Fishers ' of the Saxon, lived in a day when under Roman ecclesiastic influences fish was of infinitely more importance than it is in this nineteenth century, when it is merely used as a go-between or mediator to soothe down the differences betwixt soup and beef Then the year was dotted with days of abstinence, or strongly indented with seasons like Lent. Among the higher circles it mattered but little. So much had the culinary art excelled in ' ' Egeas Fisher, or Pessoner,' was Mayor of Gloucester in 1 24 1. (Rudder's Gloucestershire, \i. 113.) ' Ralf Ic Pecimer ' was bailiff of Norwich in 1 239. {Broniefield, iii. 58.) This is a manifest corruption of Pessoner. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 377 respect of fish that such periods as they came round only brought to the epicurean mind visions of gas- tronomic skill that put the sterner and weightier joints utterly in the background for the time being. Pasties of herrings, congers, or lampreys were especially popu- lar, and, judging from the lists of courses contained in some of our records, that only one of our mediaeval monarchs should have succumbed to the latter is simply an historic marvel ! Dishes too were prepared from the whale, the porpoise, the grampus, and the sea-wolf 'It is lamentable,' says, facetiously, a writer in ' Chambers's Book of Days,' referring to these viands as Lent repasts, ' to think how much sin they thus occasioned among our forefathers, before they were discovered to be mammalian.'' A curious name is found in the Hundred Rolls, that of ' Symon Haryngbredere.' In what particular way he carried on his occupation I do not know. * Richard le Harenger ' is more explicable. Our ' Conders ' were partners in the fishing excursions of the above. A full account of their duties may be found in Cowel's 'Interpreter,' published in 1658. The conder stood upon the higher cliffs by the sea coast in the time of herring fishing, and with a staff or branch of a tree made signs to the boatmen which way the shoal was going. It seems there is a certain discoloured aspect of the water as they pass along, which is more apparent from an elevation than from the level of the sea.^ In mediaeval times the plaice ' That this is the real origin of this name may be proved by I James I. c. xxiii., which is entitled an 'Acteforthe better preserva- tion of Fishinge in the Counties of Somersett, Devon, and Cornwall, and for the relief of Balkers, Conders, and Fishermen against malicious 378 ENGLISH SURNAMES. was a very favourite dish. The term it usually went by was that of 'but.' Thus it is, I doubt not, we meet with such entries, as ' William le Butor ' or ' Hugh Butmonger.' From some fancied resemblance to this fish, too, it would be that such humorous sobriquets as ' Walter le But ' or * John le But ' would arise. But while good and solid food could thus be pur- chased on every hand, we must not forget drink, for our forefathers were great tipplers. I have already mentioned our ' William le Viners ' or ' Roger le Vinours,' in most cases, I doubt not, strictly cultiva- tors of that plant on English soil. None the less certain, however, is it that our many early 'John le Vineturs ' or ' Alexander le Vineters ' were also, as merchants, employed in the importation of the varied wines of the Continent into our land. How abundant and how diverse they were an old poem shall tell us — Ye shall have Spayneshe wyne and Gascoyne, Rose colure, whyt, claret, rampyon, Tyre, capryck, and malvesyne, Sak, raspyce, alycaunt, nimney, Greke, ipocrase, new made clary, Such as ye never had. The entry ' Adam le W^ncter ' reminds us that in all probability it is to our early wine-merchants also we suites.' In it too is found the folio A'ing: 'And whereas also for the necessarie use of the takinge of the said Herring . , . divers persons . . . called Balcors, Huors, Condors, Directors, or Guidors, at the fishing tymes . . . tyme out of mynde have used to watch and attend upon the high hilles and groundc near adjoining to the sea coast ... for the discoverie and givinge notice to the fisherman,' etc. (Stat, of Realm.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 379 owe our ' Winters.' ' Walter le Brewers/ or 'Emma le Brewsteres,' or * Lawrence Beerbrewers,' ^ abound on every hand. We are reminded of the last by ' Cocke Lorelle' — Chymney-swepers, and costerde-mongers, Lodemen and berebrewers. The Norman equivalent for our * brewer ' was ' bracer,' and thus it is we meet with such a name as ' Stephen le Bracer ' or ' Clarissa la Braceresse.' Latinized forms are found in 'Reginald Braciator' or * Letitia Braciatrix.' Brewing was at first entirely in the hands of women. We have here ' brewster,' ' braceress,' and ' braciatrix,' and such phrases as ' alewife ' and the obsolete ' brewife ' (though it lingered on till Shakespeare's day) show the ale-making and ale- selling business to have been mainly hers. ' Malter ' ^ and ' Maltster ' or ' Malster ' both exist, but the latter has ever denoted the avocation.^ 'Tapper' and ' Tapster,' too, are both occupants of our directories, but as a term of industry the latter has ever held its own.'* It is the same with several other occupations ' ' Lawrence Beerbrewer' occurs in a Norfolk register. {Hist. Nor/. iv- 357') ' Lambert Beerbrewer' was one of the Corp. Christi Guild, York. (Surt. Soc.) ^ ' Malter' I have failed to discover in our archives, but ' Aleyn le Maltestere ' and ' Hugh le Maltmakere ' are both found. On the other hand, while I have no feminine ' Tapster ' to adduce, I have hit upon 'Robert leTappere' and 'John le Tapper' in two separate records. * A curious name is found in the St. Edmund's Guild, Bishop's Lynn, the ordinances of which are signed by ' Johannes Mashemaker ' {English Guilds, p. 96), evidently a maker of mash-vats or of the mashel, i.e., the rudder used for mixing the malt. (v. Maschd Pr. Par.) * Another proof of this is contained in the fact that in all allusions in our olden ordinances to false dealings in the brewing and sale of ale 38o ENGLISH SURNAMES. which we have already noticed. It is so with ' bread- baking,' manifesting a woman's work. As we have already seen, the familiar expression in olden times was ' bakester,' now represented by our * Baxters.' It is so with weaving. Our nomenclature, as I have previously shown, still preserves the 'Webster' and the * Kempster ' from being forgotten. In the winter evening, as the logfire crackled on the hearth, and while the good man was chopping wood, or tending his cattle, or mending his outdoor gear, who but his wife should be drawing woof and warp in the chimney nook .'' Whose work but hers should this be to clothe with her own thrifty fingers the backs of them who belonged to her .'' But, as with the others, her work in time became less a home occupation than a public the punishment affixed is that of the tumbrel, the instrument for women, corresponding to the pillory for men. I would not be mistaken. I cannot doubt but that malster, tapster, baxter, webster, and kempster were feminine occupations, and arose first in these forms as such. But in the xivth century the distinction between *er' and 'ster' was dropped through the Norman-French ' ess ' becoming the popular termination. As 'ess' became still more strongly imbedded in the language, ' ster ' came into but more irregidar use, and by the time of Eliz.ibcth men spoke of 'drugster,' 'teamster,' 'rhymster,' 'whipster,' 'trickster,' 'gamester.' {Eiii^lish Accidence, p. 90.) That this confusion was marked even in the earlier part of the xivth century, not to say the close of the xiiith, is clearly proved by such registered names as 'Thatcher' and ' Thaxter,' 'Palliser' and ' Pallister,' 'Hewer' and ' Hewster,' ' Bcgger ' and ' Bcggister,' 'Blacker' (bleacher) and ' Blaxter,' 'Dyer' and ' Dystcr,' 'Whiter' and 'Whitstcr,' 'Corviser' and 'Corvester,' and ' Bullinger, ' or 'Billinger,' and ' Billingster.' An old statute of Ed. HI. (Statute jRealtu, I, 380) mentions 'filesters,' 'throwsters,' and ' brawdesters ; ' and Dr. Morris quotes ' bellringster,' ' hoardster,' and 'washster.' These latter are xiith and xiiith century words, and were strictly confined to women. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 38 1 craft, and thus it got into the hands of the male creation. While ' Spinner ' still flourishes as a sur- name, the feminine * spinster ' never obtained a place in our nomenclature.' This is no doubt to be attri- buted to that early position it took in regard to female relationship, which it still holds. This would naturally prevent it from losing its strictly feminine character.'-* A vintner went commonly by the name of a wine tunner, tunner itself being the ordinary term for one engaged in casking liquor. 'Tun ' rather than ' barrel ' was in use. In the ' Confessio Amantis ' it is said of Jupiter that he — Hath in his cellar, as men say, Two townes full of lovedrink. Thus have arisen such words as ' tunnel ' or ' tun-dish,' the vessel with broad rim and narrow neck, used for transferring the wine from cask to bottle. That our nomenclature should possess tokens of all this was inevitable. We find such names as ' Edmund le Tonder ' (F.F.),^ ' William Tundcr ' (F.F.), ' William le Toneleur ' (H.), ' William le Tonier ' (H.), ' Richard le Tundur' (T.), 'Hugh le Tundcr' (A.), or 'Ralph le Toneler ' (A.) Till the close of the fifteenth century wine of home-production was the common drink, for, though beer was not by any means unknown to us, it was not till the Flemings brought us the hop that it ' I find the term used occupatively once. Cocke Lorellc speaks of ' Spynsters, carders, and cappe-knytters.' * 'Juliana Rokster ' occurs in an old record of 1388 (R.R. 2). The *rock' was the old distaff. (Vide p. 74, note 2.) • 'Edmund le Tonder' was bailiff of NorM'ich, 1237. 382 ENGLISH SURNAMES. became a familiar beverage. We all know the old couplet — Hops, Reformation, baize, and beer, Came into England all in one year. Previous to this various bitter ingredients had been admixtured, chiefly, however, wormwood. 'John de la Bruere ' or ' William de Bruario ' are the local sur- names met with in early records. But we have been wandering. The Mayor of York in 1273 was 'John le Espicer, aut Apotecarius ' * (so the record is put), and while the two trades were distinct in character, there can be no doubt at the period referred to there would be much in common between them. The one would sell certain spices and drugs as ingredients for dishes, while the other disposed of the same for medicinal uses. Our ' Potti- carys,' of course, represent the latter. The term itself, professionally speaking, is fast becoming obsolete, having been forced into the background by our ' chemists ' and ' druggists.' But in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries it was the one name for all such. In the ' Pardoner's Tale ' the abbreviated form'^ is familiarly used — ' The bailiffof Gloucester, in the year 1300, was ' Robert L'espicer, or Apothecary.' (Rudder's G/ouccsiers/iin; \->. 114.) ^ We have a similar curtailment in our ' Prentices' or ' Prentis's ' (relics of ' William le Prentiz ' or ' Nicholas Apprenticius ') a name of the most familiar import at the time of which we are speaking. Chaucer begins his ' Cook's Tale ' by saying — 'A prentis whilom dwelt in our citec, And of a craft of vitaillers was he.' In the early days of national commerce and industry, when the jealousy of foreign craftsmen was at its^lcight, the prentice boys showed them- selves on various occasions a fomiidable body, capable of arousing riots and tumults of the most serious character. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 383 And forth he goth, no longer would he tarry, Into the town unto a Potecary, And praied him that he him wolde sell Some poison, that he might his ratouns (rats) quelL Such men as 'John le Chirurgien ' or 'Thomas le Surigien' are occasionally found,. but through the fact of the craft being all but entirely in the hands of the barber, they are rare, and I do not see that they have surnominally bequeathed us any descendants. Even so late as the reign of Elizabeth this connection seems to have commonly existed. In the orders and rules for an academy for her wards the following passage occurs with respect to the teaching of medicine : — 'The Phisition shall practize to reade Chirurgerie, because, thorough wante of learning therein, we have verie few good Chirurgions, yf any at all, by reason that Chirurgerie is not now to be learned in any other place than in a Barbor's shoppe. And in that shoppe most dawngerous, especially in time of plague, when the ordinary trimming of men for clenlynes must be done by those which have to do with infected per- sonnes.' ' That ' Thomas Blodlettere ' and ' William Blodlettere ' should be conspicuous by their absence in modern rolls is not surprising. Their former exist- ence, however, reminds us how in the past the fleshy arms of our forefathers were constantly exposed to this once thought panacea for all physical ills. It has long ceased, however, to be the resortment it was, and science, by taking it out of the tonsor's hands, has left it to the wiser discretion of a more cultivated and strictly professional class. We have no traces of the dentist, as he too was absorbed in the barbi- • Early Eng. Text Soc, Extra Series, vol. viii. p. 6. 384 ENGLISH SURNAMES. tonsorial craft. Some lines, quoted by Mr. Hotten in his interesting book on ' Signboards,' remind us of this — His pole with pewter basons hung, Black, rotten teeth in order strung, Rang'd cups that in the window stood, Lined with red rags to look like blood, Did well his threefold trade explain, Who shaved, drew teeth, and breathed a vein. Here, therefore, we see one more explanation of the plentifulness of our ' Barbers,' ' Barbours,' * Barbors,' and more uncouth-seeming * Barbars.' The old records give us an equal or even greater variety in such registrations as * John le Barber,' ' Richard Ic Barbour,' ' Nicholas le Barbur,' ' Thomas le Barbi- tonsor,' or 'Ralph Tonsor;'^ while feminine skill in operating upon the chins of our forefathers is comme- morated in such an entry as ' Matilda la Barbaresse.' It is just possible, however, that she kept an appren- tice, although such things are still to be seen, I believe, as women-shavers. But the one chief sobriquet for the medical craft, and the one which, excepting our * Barbers,' has made the deepest indenture upon our nomenclature, was that of * Leech ' — zaas, I say, for saving in our cow-leeches it is now, professionally speaking, obsolete. In our many 'Leeches,' 'Leaches,' and ' Leachmans,' however, its reputation is not likely soon to be forgotten. With the country folk it was the one familiar term in use. Langland, while speak- ing of — ' The surname of ' Shaver ' was not miknown then as now. ' JefiTery Schavere' was rector of Fincham, Norfolk, in 1409 (Brome- field). ' Henry Shavetail,' an evident nickname, occurs in the Patent Rolls (R.R.I). SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 385 One frere Flaterie, Physician and surgien, makes mention also of — Conscience called a Leche That could well shryve, To go salve those that sike ben, And through synne y- wounded. • Le Leche ' is the general spelling of earlier times, and it is that of the lines just quoted.' The Hundred Rolls furnish us with a ' Hugh le Leche,' while ' Robert le Leche ' figures in the Parliamentary Writs. Having just referred to the barber, we may here introduce an obsolete surname somewhat connected with his craft, that of ' le Loveloker.' In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the lovelock was as familiar as the chignon is in the nineteenth, only that the former was worn alike by men and women. They wore curls or plaits of hair, oftentimes adorned with bows or ribbons, and hung in front of the ear and about the temples. If false, the hair was fastened by means of adhesive plaster. In the ' Affectionate Shepherd ' it is thus alluded to — Why should thy sweete love-locke hang dangling downe, Kissing thy girdle-stud with falling pride ? Although thy skin be white, thy hair is browne ; Oh let not then thy haire thy beautie hide. How long this custom existed, and how commonly the exquisites of the period wore these pendants, we ' In a popular poem of Henry the Eighth's time mention is made of— ' Ilarpemakers, leches, and upholdsters. Porters, fesycyens, and corsers. * C C 386 ENGLISH SURNAMES. may judge by the fact of a 'Walter le Loveloker' occurring in the Hundred Rolls of the fourteenth century. Probably he added to this the craft of peruke-maker, and between the two, I doubt not, throve and grew fat — for wigs too were an early institution. The surname of occupation has been long obsolete, but the simpler ' Lovelock ' is firmly set in our registers. In a day when the luxury of gas was unknown, and the hearth, burning more generally with wood than coal, would throw but a chequered light athwart the room, we ought not to be surprised to find the chandlery business to be somewhat demonstrative, and so it is. In such a name as ' Michel le Oyneter ' or ' Hointer,' we are reminded of the old melter of grease, and of the equally old English term ' to oint,' for to 'anoint.' With him, therefore, we may asso- ciate such of his confreres as ' William le Candel- maker,' ' Roger le Chaundeler,' ' Richard le Chaund- ler,' 'William le Candeler,' ' or 'Thomas le Candleman,' names all in existence formerly, some of which still abide with us. In ' William le Cirgier ' we are once more reminded of the earlier religious rites of our Church and its many vigils, from a performance of which he who dealt in wax tapers, or ciergcs, as they were then styled, would derive no doubt a steady gain. In the ' Romance of the Rose ' wc arc told — The nine thousand maidens dere, That bcren in Heaven their cierges clere. Of which men rede in church and sing, Were take in secular clothing. • Johannes Thurton, Candelerc. (Guild of St. George, Norwich.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 387 With these latter then it is we must associate such a name as ' John Wexmaker.' While, however, we are dwelling upon such and similar wants in the domestic consumption, we are naturally led to make inquiry concerning the utensils in fashion at this period, and of those who provided them. Of drinking vessels we have many, for, as we have previously hinted, this was a decidedly drinking age. Chief of all was the ' Mazerer.' No word could be in more familiar use in the day we are speak- ing of than the ' macer ' or * maslin,' carved from the maple. It was the favourite bowl of all classes of society. By the rich it was valued according as it was made from the knotted grain, or chased and rimmed with gold and silver and precious gems. We are told of Sire Thopas how that — They fetched him first the swete win, And made eke in a maselin, And real spicerie. There is scarce a record of any magnitude or impor- tance which has not its several surnames derived from the occupation of carving this cup, and as the term itself was variously pronounced and spelt, so did the name vary. For instances the Hundred Rolls give us ' Adam le Mazerer ;' the Close Rolls, * William le Macerer ;' the Warranty Rolls, ' William le Mazeliner ;* and the London Records give us again a 'John le Mazerer.' Besides these we have ' Mazclyn,' ' Maselyn,' and ' Mazarin,' probably sign-names, the latter fami- liarised to us in the celebrated Cardinal of that name. Strange to say, ' Maslin ' and ' Masscr,' or ' Macer,' all rare, are now the only relics we possess of this c c 2 388 ENGLISH SURNAMES. once well-known surname and occupation. No instance I can furnish more clearly demonstrates the uncer- tainty of descent in our personal nomenclature. Such a name as ' Geoffrey le Hanaper ' or * William Ham- permaker' bequeaths us a strange story of changed circumstance. The shorter appellation, common enough at this time, still lives in our ' Hampers.' While the macer was invariably of maple, the ' hanap,' or two-handed goblet, might be of wood or metal. From the fact of a ' hanaper,' Latinized in our archives into ' hanaperium,' being the crate where these hanaps were kept, it acquired a secondary sense of a repository for things of a more general character. Thus has arisen the * Hanaper Office' ' in Chancery, where writs were treasured up in a basket ; and thus also it is that we now talk of a ' hamper,' a term so delightfully familiar to schoolboys about Christmas time. Our common ' Bowlers ' represent such olden personages as ' Robert le Bollere ' or ' Adam le Boloure,' they who made the cheap wooden ' bowl ' or ' boll.' The old spelling still survives botanically in such a phrase as we find in the Authorized Version, where it speaks of the ' flax being boiled,' that is, the seed vessel was forming. It is always so spelt with our mediaeval writers. Thus Glutton, in the ' Plow- ' Thus we find in an indenture of Henry the Seventh's reign it is said at the close : ' And over this oure said Souveraigne Lorde grauntctli by these presents to the said Ahbas and Convent that they shall have as well this present Indenture as all other grauntes necessary, wythout eny fyne, fee, or other thyng to hym orto his use in his Chauncerie, or Hanapore, or other place to be payde.' (Stat, of I\ealm, vol. ii. p. 671.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 389 man's Vision,' after sleeping away his last drunken bout, wakes, and — The firste worde that he warpe Was, ' Were is the bolle ? ' ' William le Cuppere ' and ' Richard le Kuppere,' while engaged in the same occupation, are, speaking surnominally, absorbed, I doubt not, by our' Coopers' and ' Cowpers.' ' Copper ' may be but another antique form of the same. Langland speaks of — ■ Coupes of clere gold And coppes of silver. I shall have occasion almost immediately to mention Chaucer, as speaking of ' turning cups,' which would seem to infer that they too were often made of wood. Another name once existing was that of ' Doubler,' a maker or seller of the ' doubler ' or ' dobeler,' or dish ; a term derived from the French ' doublier,' The word is still in use in the North of England,' and both ' Doubler ' and ' Doubleman ' are in our directories of to-day. The name of ' Scutelaire ' must be set here also, though when we think of our modern coal- scuttle we might imagine it somewhat of an interloper. A change, however, has come over the stricter mean- ing of the word. A 'scutcl' was formerly nothing more nor less than a wooden or metallic dish or platter used on our early dressdirs for culinary purposes. It seems ever to have had its place in the dining-hall, for in the household expenses of Bishop Swinfield (Cam- den Soc.) we find the entry, 'xv. scutellis, xvii. ' Vide V^Siy'% Fro tn^t Fan.'., p. 124. 390 ENGLISH SURNAMES. salsariis.' The learned editor of this book, com- menting upon this passage, says, ' " scutella " is a word of somewhat extensive appHcation to dishes or platters, saucers or salvers, and it is retained in our .present English " scuttle." ' I doubt not Avith him that while * scutum,' a shield, is the root, the term is here in- tended to refer to the large flat spoons or plates used for the sauce-dishes. It is from his resemblance to these that some wide-mouthed country bumpkin is set down in the Hundred Rolls as ' Arnold Scutel- muth,' while the occupation of making them finds its memorial in the Rolls of Parliament in such a sobriquet as 'James le Scutelaire.' Speaking, how- ever, of the dining table, we may here mention the cutler. Of such a name as ' Henry Knyfesmythe ' I have already had occasion to hint. The cutler enjoyed, or perhaps I ought to say was the victim of, a very uncertain orthography in mediaeval times, and some of the forms found are extremely curious. I may cite such personages as 'Richard le Cutyler,' ' John le Cotiler,' ' Peter le Cotyler,' ' Henry le Cotelcr,' or * Solomon le Cotillcr ' as representative of those which were then most in vogue. All are now content, it would seem, to be absorbed in the simple ' Cutler.' Strange to say, I cannot find a single ancestor of our familiar ' Spooner.' A mediaeval rhymester, however, speaks of ' sponers, turners, and hatters.' With many of these names I have just mentioned • the ironmonger would have much to do. The uncertain form of the term used for this material gave rise to three familiar words, those of ' iron,' ' ise,' or ' ire.' Trevisa speaks of Eng- land as being plenteous in ' vcynes of mctayls, of SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 39 1 bras, of yre, of leed, of tyn, of selver.'^ Thus while ' Henry le Ironmonger ' dealt, as no one of my readers will doubt, in vessels and utensils of the material his name suggests, it is not to be supposed that ' Geoffrey le Iremonger ' or ' William le Irremongere' was but a cant nickname for one of splenetic temperament ; or that in * Isabel le Isemonger ' or ' Agnes la Ismongere' we have traces of any disposition for those frozen creams which in the hot summer time we of the nine- teenth century are so glad to seek on the confectioner's counter. All alike were hardware manufacturers. The present forms are ' Iremonger,' ' Irmonger,' and * Ironmonger.' It may seem strange that wood should hold such a conspicuous position in work of a culinary nature, but it is with good reason. We must remember all our ornamental fictile vessels were unknown to our forefathers. It was not till the close of the sixteenth century they came into any settled use. It is to this circumstance we must doubtless refer the extraordinary prevalence of our * Turners.' Not the least important articles of their workmanship would be the vessels they turned off from the lathe. That Jack-of-all- trades, the Miller of Trumpington, could, according to Chaucer, amongst his many other achievements, * turn cuppes.'^ When wood, however, was not used, the utensils were of the roughest character — mugs, jars, and such like vessels, formed of the common ' Thus the author of Cocke Lordle's Bote refers to — ' Yermongers, pybakers, and waferers, Fruyters, chesemongers, and mynstrelles.' 2 * There dwelled also turners of beads, and they were patemoster- makers' (Stow, iii. 174). The term was evidently very general. 392 ENGLISH SURNAMES. baked and glazed clay, and reserved for the ruder requirements of the household. Our * Stephen le Crockers ' and ' John le Crokers ' (P. W.) — for both forms then as now are found — made simply the glazed crock, or ' crouke,' as Chaucer has it, used for holding butter or milk or such like store — vessels, in fact, re- served for the scullery or the pantry rather than the parlour or hall. John de Trevisa, writing in 1387, says in his description of Britain : * There is also white clay, and red for to make of crokkes, and steenes (stone jars) and other vessels.' The same may be said of our * Jarmans.* Most of our domestic utensils, therefore, if not of wood or clay, were made of metal, and this generally of a mixed kind. * Henry le Brasour ' or' Robert leBrazur,' now' Brazier' or' Brasher,' worked in brass ; ' Thomas le Latoncr,' or ' William Ic Latoner,' in latten or bronze ;' while a mixture of lead and tin fully employed the wits and hands of our ' Pewters,' ' Pewtrers,' and ' Founders.'^ We must not suppose ' 'Founders, latcn- workers, and brochc-makers.' [Cocke Lonile's Bote.) ' A law passed in the fust year of Richard II. forbids halfpennies and farthings to be melted for vessels or other things, on pain of forfeit- ing the money so melted and the imprisonment of the founder — 'sur- peine de forfaitre del monoie founder et imprisonement del foundour.' {Siaf. I^ealm.) The 'founder,' as his name implies, melted down the metal, and then poured it (fundere) into the mould. We still speak familiarly of a foundry; but the term 'founder' as a worker therein is now, I believe, obsolete. Such names, however, as ' Robert le P'undour' or 'John le Funder,' whose descendants are still with us, show that this was once in common use. As an additional proof that they were formerly more distinctively engaged in the manufacture of pots and vessels, we may state that in the ^'ork Pageant, elsewhere spoken of, the 'Pewterers' and ' Founders ' marched together. Speak- ing of ' Founder,' we are reminded of ' Alcfounder.' In 1374 William Alcfounder was Rector of Bichamwcll. {//isl. Norf., vii. 295.) The SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 393 therefore, that ' John le Discher ' or ' Robert le Disshere ' (with their once feminine partner, * Margaret la Disheress '), and ' Ranulf le Poter' or 'Adam le Potter ' or * Thomas Potman,' ^ laboured after the modern style. The ' disher ' all but invariably worked in pewter,^ and the ' potter,' if not in the same, could only resort to common clay as an alternative. ' Calisher ' is probably the old ' le Calicer ' or ' Chali- cer.' The more modern spelling is found in the London Records, in 13 10, where mention is made of ' Ralph de Chichestre, Chalicer.' The ' chalice ' has now, however, allied itself so entirely with the sacra- mental office of our Church that it is hard to regard it in the light of an ordinary utensil. As a trade-sign a chalice would be readily conspicuous, and to this we owe, no doubt, our * Challis's ' and ' Challices.' While speaking, however, of drinking vessels, I must perforce allude to the horner. I need not remind my reader how many are the descendants of such a alefounder took his name from his duty as an inspector, appointed by the Court Leet, of assizing and supervising the brewing of malt Hquor. He examined it as it was /(7«;y(/ out. Thus ' fundere,' and not 'fun- dare,' is its root. Another name he bore was that of 'ale-conner.' A poem of James the First's reign says — ' A nose he had that gan show, What liquor he loved I trow ; For he had before long ' ' seven yeare, Been of the towne the ale-conner." ' ' The following entry appears in the Issues of Exchequer : — '20/. paid to John le Discher, of London, for him and his companions to provide plates, dishes, and saltsellers for the coronation.' (i Ed. II.) ^ As an illustration of the use to which the art of working in pewter was put, we may instance one of the ' Richmondshire Wills' in which the following articles of this mixture are bequeathed : ' iij basyns, ij uers, one doson plait trenchers, one brode charger, iiij potijjers, xx"« platters, x dishes, and vj sausers.' {Surtces Soc.) 394 ENGLISH SURNAMES. man as * Richard le Horner ' or * John le Horner,' but it may not equally have struck him how all-important would be his trade at such a period as this. That his chief manufacture was that of the musical horn I cannot doubt, so used as it was officially or ordinarily, at fair and festival, at dance and revelry, in time of peace and in time of war. The ' Promptorium Par- vulorum ' describes it as ' hornare, or home-maker.' Still this would not be all — far from it. Windows were commonly made of this material, frames were constructed of it, the child's horn-book being but a memory of this ; lanterns were formed of it, cups of all sizes were fashioned from it, chessmen were manu- factured out of it. In the ' Franklin's Tale' de- scriptive of Winter it is said — Janus sils by the fire with double berd, And diinketh of his bugle-horn the wine. As a sign-name ' at the horn ' would be a common expression, and certainly we have had plenty of ' Horns,' if not the ' horn of plenty,' at all times during the last six hundred years. Turning for a moment to vessels of a more general character, our ' Coopers ' or ' Cowpers ' ^ or ' Coupers ' have ever flourished extensively. Such forms as * Thomas le Cuper,' ' Warin le Coupcr,' or ' Richard le Cupare ' are found on every side ; while even such entries as ' Richard Cowpcman ' or ' Roger Cowperese' may be occasionally alighted upon. The term * coop ' is not in itself in common use now — indeed, saving in ' We find this now well-known surname thus spelt in a statute passed in Elizabeth's reign, in which are included the ' lynncn-weaver, turner, cowper, millers, earthen -potters.' (5 Eliz. c. iv. 23.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 395 composition, as in hencoop, for instance, it is all but obsolete. The Norman and more correct ' cuve ' gave us such early names as ' Ralph le Cuver ' or ' John le Cover,' or * Adam le Covreur ' or ' Robert le Coverur,' the latter being one more example of a reduplicated termination.' Our modern * Covers,' however, pre- serve the earlier and more simple form. Our ' Cad- mans,' once written * Cademans,' framed the cade or barrel, the sign-name of which gave us the notorious Jack Cade of early insurrectionary times. Shake- speare facetiously suggests a different origin when he makes Dick the butcher to insinuate that it was for — • Stealing a cade of herring. In either case the same word is used, and the deriva- tion in no Avay impeached. Our * Barrells ' are either sign-names also, or but corruptions of such an old entry as 'Stephen le Bariller.' 'Alexander le Hopere' and ' Andrew le Hopere,' now ' Hooper,' explain themselves.^ Doubtless they would be busy enough at this time in strengthening these several barrels, cuves, coops, and cades with pliant bands, whether of wood or metal. Speaking, however, of wooden bands, reminds us of our ' Leapers,' ' Leapmans,' and ' Lip- mans.' A ' leap ' was a basket of flexible, but strong, materials, its occurrence in our old writers being so ' In the Issues of the Exchequer we find a ' Ric. le Cuver ' at one time providing three buckets, and at another working with other eight carpenters upon the outer chamber of the King's Court. (43 Henry III.) "^ 'John Busheler' occurs in Valor. Eccles. Henry VIII. He probably made the old bushel measure, once in. common use. ' Is a candle bought to be put under a bushel?' (Mark iv. 26.) 396 ENGLISH SURNAMES. frequent as to need no example.^ The ' maund ' was similar in character, but made of more pHant bands, probably of rushes, for we find it in common use by our early fishermen. Our ' Maunders ' and ' Manders ' are, I think, to be set here, therefore, either as manu- facturers or as wayside beggars, who bore them as the receptacles of the doles they got. Another sup- position is that they were beggars who acquired the sobriquet because they maundered out their petition for alms. I cannot but think the former is the more likely derivation, our Maundy Thursday itself having got its name from the practice of doling out the gifts for the poor from the basket then so named. But we have not even yet completed our list of surnames derivable from manufactures of this class. Our ' Coffers ' represent seemingly the same word in a twofold capacity. We find occasional records where the cofferer was undoubtedly an official servant, a treasurer, one who carried the money of his lord in his journeys up and down.'^ More often, however, he was a tradesman, a maker or dealer in coffers or ' Mr. AVay, in his valuable series of notes to the Proiii/torium Parvulorum, quotes a later Wicklyfiite version, in which the * basket of bulrushes' in which Moses was placed is termed 'a leep of segg' (sedge). An old list of words which he also quotes has 'a lepe maker, copliinarius.' {Cat/t. Aug.) I mention this latter especially, as I have not been able so far to light upon any instance of the sobriquet. I have no hesitation in saying, however, that if ' Leaper' and ' Leap- man ' be not manufacturers, they have, at any rate, as fish-scllers, ori- ginated from the same root. 'And thei ceten and weren fulfilled, and thei taken up that that leltc of relifs sevene leepis.' (Matt. viii. 8. Wicklyffe.) ^ 'Ihus in the Trcvelyan papers (Cam. Soc.) we fre juently come across such a record as the following : ' Item, to Edmund Peckham, cofcrer of the Kinge's House for th'cxpenses and charges, etc' SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 397 coffins, the two words being once used altogether indiscriminately.' Many of my readers who are familiar with Greek will recognise the more literal translation and meaning of the word in Wicklyffe's rendering of Mark vi. 43. 'And they token the relyves of broken mete, twelve cofifyns full.' Lacking any other name to represent the undertaker's busi- ness, I doubt not our early ' William le Cofferers' and ' Godfrey le Coffrers ' were quite able and willing to furnish forth this portion of the funeral outfit. These early surnames, then, must be set beside our already explained ' Arkwrights,' while, as sign-names, our * Cof- fins ' and ' Coffers ' (supposing the latter not to be a curter form of 'Coffrer') will be as readily recognisable. While, however, wood, clay, and the various cheaper metals were thus brought into requisition to provide the utensils of the household and the means of carriage, we must not forget that leather, too, had its uses in these respects. It is this lets us into the secret of the numerosity of our ' Butlers.' Important as undoubtedly was the ' Boteler ' to the feudal resi- dence, that fact alone would scarcely account for the large number of ' le Botillers ' or ' Ic Botelers ' we find in every considerable roll. The fact is, the name was both official and occupative. Of this there can be no doubt. In the York Pageant of 141 5 we find walk- ing in procession together with the ' Pouchmakers ' the ' Botillers ' and the ' Cap-makers,' all obviously engaged in the leather manufacture. The phrase 'like finding a needle in a bottle of hay ' still preserves ' The list of tradesmen in Cock LorclL's Bote includes — ' Pype-makers, wode-mongers, and orgyn-makers, Coferers, carde-makers, and carvers.' 398 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the idea of a bottle as understood by our forefathers four hundred years ago — that of a leathern case, whether for holding liquid or solids.^ The hay-bottle was doubtless the bag that hung at the girth, from which, as is still the case, the driver baited his horse. Bottles for liquids were commonly of leather. The 'black-jack' was always such. It is of this an old ballad sings — Then when this bottle doth grow old, And will no longer good liquor hold, Out of its side you may take a clout, Will mend your shoes when they are worn out. Thus we see that the * Botiller ' was, after all, in some cases but identical with the old pouch-maker, repre- sented in our old rolls by such folk as ' Henry Poucher ' or ' Agnes Pouchmakcr.' Another and more Norman term for this latter was that of 'Purser' or ' Purser,' though in later days both forms have come to occupy a more official position. Such names as ' Alard le Purser ' or ' Robert Ic Pursere ' are of frequent occurrence. Nor, again, while speaking of leather, can we omit a reference to the old ' Henry Male-maker,' who made up travelling bags. ' Cocke Lorelle' mentions — Masones, male-makers, and merbelers, Tylers, bryckc-leyers, and harde hewers. The modern postal mail has but extended its earlier use. We may remember in the ' Canterbury Tales ' ' An Act of Edward VI. relative to the buying of tanned leather speaks of the ' mysterie of Coriar (currier), Cordewainer, Sadler, Cobler, Girdler, Lether-seller, Bottelmaker.' (3 and 4 Ed. VI. c. 6.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 399 SO pleased were the company at the end of the first story, that the host said — Unbuckled is the male, ' Let see now who shall tell another tale, For trewely this game is wel begun. We must not forget, however, that many of these baskets and boxes would require cordage then as now. Piers Plowman mentions ' Robyn the Ropere,' and both name and occupation are still familiar amongst us. In the Fabric Roll of York Minster is mentioned a 'William Raper,' 1446; and again in 1457, under the head of 'Custos canabi,' one 'Thomas Kylwake, rapor.' Both forms are equally common in our directories. As representative of the more tech- nical part of the industry we may cite * Thomas le Winder' and 'Richard le Windere,' whose progeny still dwell among us. ' Adam le Corder ' or * Peter le Corder, ' or ' George le Stringer ' or ' Thomas Streng- fellowe,' carry us back to names of the commonest import in the fourteenth century. The — Lanterners, stryngers, and grynders are set together by an old rhymer. But I have already said something about them in connection with our 'Bowyers' and ' Fletchers,' so I will pass on. There are but few traces in our nomenclature of more delicate workmanship. Much of our jewellery came from abroad. Most of that fashioned in Eng- land was under the skilled eye of the Jew. Still ' Robert le Goldbeter ' or ' Henry le Goldsmith ' is not an uncommon entry at this time. The Norman equivalent was met by such a name as ' Roger le 400 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Orfevre ' or ' Peter Ic Orfeure,' and these lingered on in a more or less full form till the seventeenth cen- tury. Their memorial, too, still survives in our ' Offers ' and ' Ofifors.' ^ Ivory was much used, too, and our ' Turners ' here also were doubtless very busy. A pretty little casket of this material, called a 'forcer,' small and delicately carved, used in general for stor- ing away jewellery and other precious gems, was decidedly popular among the richer ranks of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. In an old poem, sometimes set down to Chaucer, it is said — Fortune by strength the forcer hath unshete, Wherein was sperde all my worldly richesse. Our present 'Forcers' and early 'Nicholas le Forcers' and ' Henry le Forcers ' represent this. Our use of ivory tablets is not yet obsolete, though of late years the wondrous cheapness of paper and the issue of pocketbooks and annuals have threatened to absorb their existence. Of somewhat larger size were the ' tables ' of this time. Chaucer, in portraying the Limitour, speaks of him as followed by an attendant, bearing — A pair of tables all of ivoiy, And a pointel, ypolished fetisly, And wrote alway the names, as he stood, Of alle folk that gave them any good. It is in a yet larger sense of this same word our early translators introduced the phrase ' tables of stone,' found in the Mosaic record — not, however, that the smaller 'tablet' was unknown. Apart from such a ' • William le Orbater ' (goldbeater) is also found in the Hundred RoUs. SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 4OI registration as * Bartholomew le Tabler,' found in the London Rolls (1320), we have mentioned as living in Cambridge in 1322 one 'Richard le Tableter.'' We can readily understand how useful would be his occu- pation to the students, who were thus provided with a writing material capable of erasure, at a time when paper was infinitely too expensive to be simply scribbled upon.^ The pointel, or pencil, mentioned above, seems to have required also a separate manu- facture, as we find the surnames ' Roger Poyntel ' and 'John Poyntel' occurring in 13 15 and 13 19, the latter the same date within a year as the ' Tabler ' just re- ferred to. These tablets, I need not say, were, whe- ther the framework were ivory, or box, or Cyprus, overlaid with smeared wax, the pointel being, as its name more literally implies, the stile with which the characters were impressed. The pointel was a com- mon ornament and hung pendent from the neck. Two surnames far from being uninteresting must be mentioned here. They are those of ' Walter Orlogyr ' ' and * Thomas Clokmaker,' the one being found in the 'Guild of St. George, Norwich' (1385), the other in the ' Proceedings and Ordinances of the ' A ' Bartholomew le Tableter ' is also found in the ' Memorials of London' (Riley). The date being the same or nearly the same as that of ' Bartholomew le Tabler ' inscribed in the Parliamentary Writs for the capital, we may feel assured both are one and the same person. 2 ' And thei bikenyden to his fadir, that he wolde that he were clepid. And he axinge a poyntel wrote seiynge Jon is his name.' (Luke i. 63. Wicklyffe.) ' I have since discovered another instance of this name — ' To Bartholomew le Orologius, after the arrival of William de Pikewell, 23 gallons.' 1286 (Domesday Book, St. Paul's, Cam. Soc). D D 402 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Privy Council.' ' It is just possible also that ' Clerk- wright,' set down in the former record, may be but a misspelling or misreading for ' Clockwright' The two first-mentioned names remind us that if not of clocks, as now understood, yet the manufacture of dials did make a transient mark upon our English nomenclature. I say transient, for I find no trace of either being handed down even to the second genera- tion by those who took these sobriquets. The ' horologe ' seems to have become a pretty familiar term in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, for we find Wicklyfie translating 2 Kings xx. 1 1, ' Isaye the profete clepide ynwardly the Lord, and browgte agen bacward by x degrees the schadewe bi lynes, bi whiche it hadde gone down thanne in the orologie of Achaz.' The transition from clocks to bells is not a great one, as both have to do with the marking of time. I will here therefore refer to the old bell- founder, and then pass on. The ' Promptorium Parvulorum' gives us ' Bellezeter' as the then usual term for the trade, and from the occurrence of such entries as ' Robert ie Belzctere ' or ' William Ic Bel- zetere' we cannot doubt but that it was so. Of course a corruption of so awkward a word was inevitable, and Stow, by informing us that ' Billiter Lane ' was formerly nothing more nor less than ' Belzetars Lane,' has prevented dispute from arising regarding the origin of our ' Billitcrs.' ^ If, however, further proof ' ' Imprimis Thomrc Clokmakcr for makyng of the sail when it was broken, viiij.' 1428 (Pro. Ord. Privy Council). - Stowc and Strype, however, while aware of the corraption, were both ignorant of its meaning. Speaking of the woodmongers, the former says, ' Whether some of these woodmongers were called ' IJilliters SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 403 were necessary, we could bring forward ' Esmon Belle- yeter' from the Privy Council Ordinances.^ Stripped of its uncouth orthography, we are here shown, the process by which the changed pronunciation gradu- ally came into use. We must say a word or two about former coinage, and weights and measures, for all are more or less carefully memorialized in our directories of to-day. The two chief names, however, by which the early scale was represented, ' le Aunserer' and ' le Balancer,' are, I am sorry to say, either wholly, or all but wholly, extinct. Such entries as ' Rauf le Balancer' ^ or ' John Balauncer ' or ' Thomas le Aunsercmaker ' were per- fectly familiar with our forefathers. The ' balance ' was of the simplest character, a scale poised by the hand. The manufacture of such is mentioned by the author of 'Cocke Lorelle's Bote,' when he includes — Arowe-heders, maltemen, and cornemongers, Balancers, tynne-casters, and skiyveners. By its repeated occurrence in our present Autho- rized Version this word is sure of preservation from obsoletism. The ' auncel ' or ' auncer ' was strictly from dealing in billets I leave to conjecture. In the register of >vills, London, mention is made of one William Burford, billeytere.' (ii. p. i26. The Woodmongers were sellers of fuel. ' Robert Wudemonger ' is found in the H. R. ' I may quote a statement recorded of Congham Manor. ' In 1349 Thomas de Baldeswell presented to the church aforesaid, as chief lord of this fee ; in 1367, Adam Humphrey, of Refham, and in 1385, but soon after, in 1388, Adam Pyk ; and in 1400, Edmund Belytter, alias Belzeter, who M'ith his parceners,' &c. {[list. Norf., viii. 383.) The said Edmund is also met with elsewhere as ' Belleycter ' and ' Bel- yetter.' * Another ' Ralph Balancer' was sheriff of London in 1316. D D 2 404 ENGLISH SURNAMES. the vessel in which the provisions were weighed. Piers Plowman says — And the pound that she paied by Peised a quatron moore Than myn owene auncer. In an appraisement of goods in 1356 mention is made, among other chattels, of ' one balance called an auncer.' ^ Thus our somewhat rare ' Ansers ' are not such geese as they look ! Our modern notion of the Mint is that of a place where with a certain amount of State secrecy our money is coined and sent forth. Nothing of this kind existed formerly : each consider- able town had its own mint, and even barons and bishops, subject to royal superintendence, could issue coin. Thus it is that we meet with more or less frequency such a name as ' Nicholas le Cuner,' from the old *cune' or 'coin;' or 'John le Meneter,' or ' John Monemakere,' or ' William Ic Moneur,' or ' William le Mynsmith,' mint-smith, that is ; and thus it is our present ' Moniers ' or ' Moneyers ' and ' Min- ters ' have arisen. Our ' Stampers ' remind us of the chief feature of coinage, the die. The system being thus general, and subject to but an uncertain and irregular supervision, abuse of alloy crept in, and it was to remedy this, it is said, our ' Testers ' and ' This weight was abolished in 1 35 1, and the balance made universal. ' Item, whereas great damage and deceit is done to the peoj)lc by a weight which is called Auncel (par une pois qu'cst appelle Aunsell), it is accorded and estaliHshed that this weight called Auncel betwixt buyers and sellers shall be wholly put out, and that every person do sell and buy by the balance.' (Stat. Realm, vol. i. j>. 321.) Cowell, in his Interpreter, suggests as the origin of the term 'auncel' hand"- sale, that is, (hat which is weighed by the poised hand ! SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 405 ' Sayers,' corrupted from assayers, 'were appointed. ' Sayer' or 'Sayers,' however, I have elsewhere derived differently, and in most cases I feel confident the account there given is more approximate to the truth. Literature and art in regard to the market are not without their relics. So far as the outside of books was concerned, our former ' John le Bokbinders ' or ' Dionisia le Bokebynders ' are sufficiently explicit. These, judging from their date, we must suppose to have bound together leathern documents and parch- ments of value, or books of manuscript. Speaking of parchment, however, we are reminded of the im- portance of this for testamentary and other legal purposes. Thus we find such names as ' Stephen le Parchemyner ' or ' William le Parchemynere ' to be common at this time. They afford but one more instance of an important and familiar name failing of descent. In the York Pageant, mentioned elsewhere, the ' Parchemyners ' ' and ' Bukbynders ' marched together.'^ The old sealmaker, an important tradesman in a • Another form is found in 1389. William Parchmenter was seized for holding independent views of the Sacraments. (Nicholls' Leicester.) ' In the Exchequer Jssties we find the following: — 'To John Ileth, one of the clerks in the office of privy seal of the Lord the King, in money, paid to his own hands, in discharge of G6s. which the said Lord the King, with the assent of his Council, commanded to be paid to the said John, for 66 great "quaternes" of calf skins, purchased and provided by the said John to write a Bible thereon for the use of the said King.' In an old Oxford indenture between the University and the Town, dated 1459, we find the more usual ' parchemener' spelt 'pergemener.' The agreement includes 'Alle Bedels with dailly servants, and their householdes, alle stacioners, alle bokebynders, lympners, wryters, pcrgemeners, harbours, the bellerynger of the uni- versitie,' &c. [Mini. Acad. Oxon., p. 346.) 406 ENGLISH SURNAMES. day when men were much better known by their crests than now, left its mark in the early ' Seler.' In the ' Issues of the Exchequer ' we find a certain ' Hugh le Seler ' commissioned to make a new seal for the See of Durham. The modern form is ' Sealer.' Professional writers and copiers were common. The calling of scribe has given us our many ' Scrivens ' and ' Scriveners,' descendants of the numerous 'William le Scrivayns' and 'John le Scrivryns' of our mediaeval rolls. Piers Plowman employs the word — I wel noght scorae, quoth Scripture, But if scryveynes lye. Our ' Writers ' are but the Saxon form of the same, while ' le Cirograffer ' would seem to represent the Greek. A ' William le Cirograffer ' occurs in the Hundred Rolls. As a writer of indentures he is frequently mentioned. An act passed in the first year of Edward IV. speaks of such ofificers as ' clerk" of our council, clerk or keeper of oure Hanaper, office of cirograffer, and keeper of oure Wills.' ' Employed in the skilled art of text-letter wc may next mention such men as ' Godfrey le Lomynour ' or ' Ralph Illu- minator ' or ' Thomas Liminer.' A poem, already quoted more than once, makes reference to — Parchemente makers, skynners, and plowcrs, Barbers, Boke-bynders, and lyniincrs." How beautiful were the decorations and devices upon ' Another ordinance has the following : — ' And that all Jews shall dwell in the Kings own cities and boroughs, where the chests of chiro- graphs of Jewry are wont to be' ('ou les Whuches (hutches) cirografTes de Geuerie soleient estre '). (S/uf. of Realm, vol. i. p. 221.) * ' Nicholas Cotes, lummcr.' {Corpus Christi Ciiil J, York.) SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 407 which they spent their care, some of the missals and other service books of this early period show.^ This, I need scarcely add, was a favourite monastic pursuit. I do not know that * Limner' still exists as a surname, unless it be in our ' Limmers.' That it lingered on in its more correct form till the beginning of the eighteenth century is certain, as the Tostock register serves to show, for it is there recorded that 'John Limner of Chevington, and Eliz : Sibbes of this town, were married, August 22nd, 1700.' (Sibbes' 'Works,' vol. i. p. cxlii.) Before closing this necessarily hurried resume of mediaeval trade, we must say a word or two about early shipping. We have mentioned certain articles, especially those of spicery and wines, which were then used, as the result of foreign merchant enterprise. Much of all this came as the growth and produce of the opposite Continent. Much again reached our shore brought hither from Eastern lands in caravan and caravel by Venetian traders. Our ' Marchants,' * Merchants,' or ' le Marchants,' we doubtless owe to this more extended commerce. Apart from these, however, we are far from being without names of a more seafaring nature. It is a strange circumstance that our now one general term of ' sailor ' had in the days we are considering but the barest existence sur- nominally or colloquially. In the former respect I only find it twice, the instances being those of ' John ' In the Mun. Acad. Oxon., p. 550, we find a quarrel settled by the Chancellor between ' John Conaley, lymner,' and 'John Godsend, stationarius.' Through him it is arranged that the former shall occupy himself in ' liminando bene et fideliter libros suos.' In the York Pageant the ' Escriveners ' and ' Lumners ' went together. 408 ENGLISH SURNAMES. le Saillur ' and ' Nicholas le Saler,' both to be found in the Hundred Rolls, It may be said to be a word of entirely modern growth. The expression then in familiar use was 'Shipman,'' and * Shipman ' is the surname best represented in our nomenclature. It is by this name one of Chaucer's company at the Tabard is pictured forth — A Shipman ther was wonecl far by West, He knew wel alle the havens as they were, Fro' Gotland to the Cape de Finisterre, And every creke, in Bretagne, and in Spainc ; His barge ycliped was the ' Magdelaine.' This, intended doubtless to set forth the wide extent of his adventure, would seem cramped enough for the seafarer of the nineteenth century. The word itself lingered on for some length of time, being found both in our Homilies and in the Authorized Version, but seems to have declined towards the end of the seven- teenth century. ' Henry le Mariner's ' name still lives among us, sometimes being found in the abbreviated form of * Marner,' and ' Shipper ' or ' Skipper ' is not as yet obsolete. The strictly speaking feminine * Shipster ' comes in the quaint old poem of * Cocke Lorelle's Bote,' where mention is made among others of— Gogle-eyed Tomson, shipster of Lyn. ' Cogger,' found in such an entry as ' Hamond Ic Cogger ' or ' Henry le Cogger,' carries us back to the ' Thus in Kaye's description of the siege of Rhodes it is said : ' Anone after that the Rhodians had knowledge of thees werkes a ship- man wel cxperte in swymmyng, wente by nyghte and cutted the cordes fro' the ancre.' SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 409 old ' cogge ' or fishing smack, a term very familiar on the east coast, and one not yet altogether obsolete. It seems to have been often used to carry the soldiery across the Channel to France and the Low Country border, or even further.^ Our cockswain was, I doubt not, he who attended to the tiller of the boat. We still speak also of a cock-boat, written in the ' Promp- torium Parvulorum ' as ' cog bote,' and doubtless it was originally some smaller craft that waited upon and attended the other. Thus it is highly probable that • le Cockere ' may in some instances have been but equivalent to ' le Cogger.' - ' Richard le Bots- weyn,' ' Edward Botswine,' ' Peter Boatman,' * Jacob Boatman,' or the more local * Gerard de la Barge,' are all still familiar enough in an occupative sense, but surnominally have been long extinct, with the exception of the last.^ Coming to port, whether it were York, or King- ston, or Chester, or London, we find ' Adam le ' In the Itinerarium of Richard I. we find it recorded that while the Christians were besieging Acre Saladin's army began to hem them in, ' In hoc itaque articulo positos visitavit eos Oriens exalto ; nam ecce ! quinquagintas naves, quas vulgo coggas dicunt, cum duodecim millibus armatorum, tanto gratias venenint quanto nostris auxilium in angustia majore rcpendunt.' — p. 64. The Cog was evidently in common use as a transport. To judge from the following entries, it was, in some cases, at any rate, of considerable size: — 'Henrico Aubyn, magistro f^^o,? Sancti Marie, et 39 sociis suis nautis, 23/. \2s. bd.' ' Thomo de Standanore, magistro f<7jv:' Sancti Thonia;, et 39 sociis suis, 23/. 12s. 6d.' (Ed. I. Wardrobe.) * ' Benjamin Cogman ' occurs in an old Norfolk register. Hence 'Cockman,' like ' Cocker,' may in some instance belong to this more seafaring occupation. • ' John Shipgroom ' occurs in the Rot. Orig. (G. ) ; ' John Shypward' in Cal. Rot. Chartarum (D.) ; and ' Alexander Schipward ' in Rolls of Pari. (H.). 4IO ENGLISH SURNAMES. Waterman,' or ' Richard Waterbearer,' or ' William le Water-leder ' busy enough by the waterside.* The latter term, however, was far the commonest in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. I have already mentioned the sense of ' lead ' at this time, that of carrying. Piers Plowman, to quote but one more instance, says in one place — With Lumbardes letters I ladde gold to Rome, And took it by tale there. In the York Pageant of 141 5 we find two separate detachments of these water-leaders in procession, one in conjunction with the bakers, the other with the cooks. It would be doubtless these two classes of shopkeepers their duties of carrying stores, especially flour, to and from the different vessels would bring them in contact with most. Our ' Leaders,' ' Leedcrs,' * Leders,' and ' Lodcrs ' are either the more general carrier or an abbreviated form of the above.'^ * Gager,' though rarely met with now, is a descendant of ' ' Richard Drawater ' (A.) would be a tiicknamc. * This word ' lead ' is worthy of some extended notice. We still speak of a path leading our steps to a place, but we scarcely now would say that we lead our steps to it. Shakespeare, however, does so, where Richard III. addresses Elizabeth — ' Dorset your son, that with a fearful soul Leads discontented steps in foreign soil.' Several commentators on Shakespeare have proposed * treads ' in the place of Meads,' not knowing, seemingly, how familiar was this sense of carrying or bearing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. A century earlier the Malvern Dreamer says — ' And maketh of Lyere a lang cart To leden all these othere :' SURNAMES OF OCCUPAflON (TOWN). 411 'William le Gageour,' or 'Alexander le Gauger,' or * Henry le Gaugeour,' of many a mediaeval record. His office was to attend to the King's revenue at our seaports, and though not strictly so confined, yet his duties were all but entirely concerned in the measure- ment of liquids, such as oil, wine, honey.' The tun, the pipe, the tierce, the puncheon, casks and barrels of a specified size — these came under his immediate supervision, and the royal fee was accordingly. Such a name as ' Josceus le Peisur,' now found as ' Poyser ' or ' Henry le Waiur,' that is, ' Weigher,' ^ met with now also in the form of ' Weightman,' represented the passage of more solid merchandise. The old form of ' poise ' was ' peise.' Piers Plowman makes Covetousness to confess — I lerned among Lumbardes And Jewes a lesson, To weye pens with a peis, And pare the heaviest. while just before he writes — * And cart-saddle the commissarie, Oure cart shall he lede And fecchen us vit?illes.' In North Yorkshire to this very day they do very little carting. They all but invariably 'lead hay,' ' lead corn,' etc. An old form of 'lead' was 'lode.' We still talk of a 'lode-stone.' This cxplams such an entry as ' Emma le Lodere ' or ' Agnes le Lodere.' They were both doubtless 'leaders' or 'carriers,' that is, wandering hucksters. ' ' Item, that all wines, red and white, which shall come unto the said realm shall be well and lawfully gauged by the King's Gangers, or their deputies' ('bien et loialment gaugcz par le gaujeour le Roi, ou son depute.'). {Stat, of Realm, vol. i. p. 331.) ^ An epitaph in St. Anthony's, London, dated 1400, says of the deceased that he was — ' The King's weigher more than yeres twentie, Simon Street, callyd in my place.' {Maitland, ii. 375.) 412 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Richard in ' Richard the III.' finely says — I'll strive, with troubled thoughts, to take a nap, Lest leaden slumber peise me do\ui to-morrow, (Act V. scene 3.) With the above, therefore, we must associate our ' Tollers,' once registered as ' Bartholomew le Tollere' or 'Ralph le Toller,' together with our 'Tolemans' and * Tolmans,' they who took the King's levy at fair and market — by the roadside and the wharf.' Piers Plowman, in a list of other decent folk, includes — Taillours and tynkers, And tollers in markettes. Masons and mynours, And many other crafts. Cocke Lorcllc is not so complimentary. He says — Then come two false towlers in nexte, lie set them by pykers (thieves) of the beste." In concluding this chapter, and our survey of trade generally, it will be necessary to the completion thereof that we should say a word or two about the money trading of four hundred years ago or more. Banks, bank-notes, bills of exchange, drafts to order — all these arc as familiar to the tongues of the nine- teenth century as if the great car of commerce had ever gone along on such greased and comfortable ' The local form is found in the case of 'Jcffery Talbothe,' a Norfolk Rector in 1371. (Bromeficld). The 'receipt of custom ' is with WicklifTe the 'tolbothe.' ■^ Skelton seems of the same mind as the author of Cocke LordU. ' .So many lolle:-s. So few tme tollers. So many pollers, Saw I never,' SURNAMES OF OCCUPATION (TOWN). 413 wheels. But I need not say it is not so. Very little money in the present day is practically coin. Our banks have it all. It was different with our ancestors. As a rule it was stored up in some secret cupboard or chest. Hence it is, as I have shown, the trade of * le Coffer ' and the office of ' le Cofferer ' are so much thrust before our notice in surveying mediaeval records. Still, trading in money was largely carried on, so far, at any rate, as loans were concerned. The Jew, true to his national precedents, was then, I need not say, the pawnbroker of Europe, and as his disciple, the Lumbard soon bid fair to outstrip his master. Under the Plantagenet dynasty both found a pros- perous field for their peculiar business in England, and, as I have elsewhere said, Lombard Street ' to this day is a memorial of the settlement of the latter. In such uncertain and changeful times as these, kings, and in their train courtiers and nobles, soon learnt the art, not difficult in initiation, of pawning jewels and lands for coin. The Malvern Dreamer speaks familiarly of this — I have lent lordes And ladies my chaffare, And been their brocour after, And bought it myselve ; Eschaunges and chevysaunces With such cheffare I dele. This species of commerce is early marked by such names as ' Henry le Chaunger ' or ' Adam le Cheves- • I need not remind the majority of my readers of the origin of our term 'lumber room,' that it is but a corruption of lombard-room, or the chamber in which the mediaeval pawnbroker stored up all his pledges. Hence we now speak of any useless cumbrous articles as 'lumber;' 414 ENGLISH SURNAMES. tier,' 1 while still better-known terms are brought to our notice by entries like ' John Ic Banckere,' ' Roger le Bencher,' 'Thomas le Brokur,' or 'Simon le Brokour.' Holinshed, in the form of ' brogger,' has the latter to denote one who negotiated for coin. As * Broggers,' too, we met them in the York Pageant. There, probably, they would transact much of the business carried on between ourselves and the Dutch in the shipping off of fleeces, or the introduction of the cloth again from the Flemish manufacturers.^ The pawnbroker of modern days, dealing in petty articles of ware, was evidently an unknown personage at the date we are considering. The first distinctive notice of him I can light upon is in the ' Statutes of the Realm ' of the Stuart period. It will be there found that (chapter xxi.) James I., speaking of the change from the old broker into the more modern pawnbroker, refers to the former as one who went ' betweene Merchant Englishe and Merchant Strangers, and Tradesmen in the contrivinge, makinge and concluding Bargaines and Contractes to be made betweene them concerning their wares and merchandises,' and then adds that he ' never of any ancient tymc used to buy and sell garments, household stuffe, or to take pawnes • Mr. Halliwell gives ' chevisance,' an agreement, and 'chevisli,' to bargain. Mr. Way commenting on 'chcvystyn,' quotes Fabyan as saying — ' I will assaye to have hys Erklom in morgage, for wclle I knowe he must chevyche for money to perfourme that journey.' Mr. Wright's Glossary to Piers Phrd A ' William Blackhead ' entered C. C. Coll. Cam. in 1669, and a 'Thomas Hardhede' in 1467. (^Hist. C. C. Coll.) ^ The Abbot of Leicester in 1474 was one * John Sheepshead.' ' William Sheepshead ' is also mentioned in the Index to NichoUs* Leicester. ' We must not forget, however, that ' swier ' is early found as a provincialism for 'squier,' so that it may be referred in some cases to that once important officer, (v, p. 199.) F F 2 436 ENGLISH SURNAMES. deformity (let us assume one of the former) has given us our * Hands,' ' Armes,' and ' Brass's,' from the old ' Braz.' * Finger,' once existing ('Matilda Finger,' H,), is now obsolete. Whether this sobriquet was given on the same grounds as that bestowed on the redoubt- able * Tom Thumb,' I cannot say, ' Brazdifer * (' Simon Braz-de-fer,' E., ' Michael Bras-de-fer,' B.B.), arm of iron, once a renowned nom-de-plume, still dwells, though obsolete in itself, in our ' Strongithams' and 'Armstrongs.'' A common form of this north country name was 'Armstrang' or 'Armestrang' (' Adam le Armstrang,' G.), reminding us that our ' Strangs ' are but the fellows of our more southern 'Strongs' ('John le Strang,' E., 'Joscelin le Strong,' H.). ' Lang'' and ' Long' represent a similar differ- ence of pronunciation. The 'Armstrongs ' were a great Border clan. Mr. Lower reminds me of the following lines : — • Ye need not go to Liddisdale, For when they see the blazing bale Elliots and Armstrongs never fail. (Lay of the Last Minstrel.) Another and more foreign form of this sobriquet, ' Ferbas* (' Robert Ferbras,' M.), has come down to us in our somewhat curious-looking * Firebraces.' Still earlier than any of these we find the sobriquet ' Swartbrand.' Thus we see the arm wielded a powerful influence over names as well as people, no mere accident in a day when ' might was right.' ' ' Guy le Armerecte' (A.) would seem to be a Latinization of the name. ^ 'Henry Langbane' occurs in the list of the Corpus Christi Guild, York. (Surt. Soc.) ' NICKNAMES.' 437 'Main,' when not local, corresponds to the Saxon * Hand,' and is found in composition in such designa- tions as * Blanchmains,' that is, white-hand, ' Graunt- mains,' big-hand, * Tortesmain,' twisted-hand, ' Male- meyn,' evil-hand, or perhaps maimed-hand, equivalent therefore to * Male-braunch ' (found at the same early- date) in 'Mainstrong,' a mere variation of 'Armstrong,' and in * Quarterman,' scarcely recognisable in such an English-like form as the Norman ' Quatre-main,' the four-handed. In the reign of the second Richard it had become registered as 'Quatremayn' and 'Quatre- man,' and the inversion of the two letters in this latter case was of course inevitable.' * Brazdifer,' I have said, is extinct — not so, however, ' Pedifer ' (* Bernard Pedefer,' G., ' Fulbert Pedefer,' X.), that is, iron-footed, which, occurring from the earliest times, still looks stout and hearty in its present guise of ' Petifer,' 'Pettifer,' ^ and ' Potiphar,' though the last would seem to claim for it a pedigree nearly as ancient as that of the Welshman who, half-way up his genealogical tree, had made the interesting note : ' About this time Adam was born.' Even this name, however, did not escape translation, for we find an ' Ironfoot ' (' Peter Yrenefot,' A.) recorded at the same date as the above.' Our ' Legges,' our * Shanks ' and ' Footes,' "* are all • I see 'Catterraan' also exists. This is early faced by ' Richard Catermayn ' (H.). * Robert Pettifer was Sheriff of Gloucester in 1603. (Rudder's Gloucestershire, p. 116,) • The famous old surname of ' Ironsides ' is found so late as 1 754, the Lord Mayor of London for that year being 'Edward Ironside.' The Bishop of Bristol in 1689 was 'Gilbert Ironside.' His father, ' Gilbert Ironside,' preceded him in the same see. * 'Antony Knebone' (Z.), This would seem to belong to a similar class, 438 ENGLISH SURNAMES. familiar to us, though the first is in most cases un- doubtedly local, as being but an olden form of ' Leigh.' ' We all remember the inimitable couplet placed over the memorial to Samuel Foote, the comedian — Here lies one Foote, whose death may thousands save, For death has now ont foot within the grave. * Jambe ' was the Norman synonym of ' Shank,' and by way of more definite distinction we light upon the somewhat flattering ' Bellejambe,' the equally un- flattering 'Foljambe,' the doubtful ' Greyshank,' ^ the historic ' Longshank,' the hapless ' Cruikshank ' or ' Bowshank,' ^ the decidedly uncomplimentary * Sheep- shank,' and, last and worst, ' Pelkeshank,' seemingly intended to be ' Pelican-shanked,' which, when we recall the peculiar disproportion of that bird's ex- tremities to the rest of its body, afibrds ample reason for the absence of that sobriquet in our more modern rolls. Some fifty years ago a certain Mr. Sheepshanks, of Jesus College, Cambridge, while undergoing an examination in Juvenal, pronounced ' satire ' ' satyr.' ' 'Leg' did not come into use till the beginning of the xiiith century, when it was imported from Norway. ' Shank,' as the various compound sobriquets found below will fully prove, did duty. * Mr. Halliwell quotes the following couplet from an old manu- script : ' Hir one schanke blak hir other graye, And all her body like the lede. ' — (Die. L i.) * 'Gerald Bushanke' (A.). This might be 'Beau-shank,' and therefore equivalent to ' Bellejambe,' but such an admixture of languages is not likely. We still speak of ' bow-leg,' and this is the more probable origin. * NICKNAMES.' 439 A wag, thereupon, wrote the following epigram, which soon found its way through the University : — The satyrs of old were satyrs of note, With the head of a man, they'd the shanks of a goat : But the satyr of Jesus all satyrs surpasses, Whilst his shanks are a sheefs, his head is an ass's. Swiftness of foot was not allowed to go unrecorded, and we have an interesting instance of the way in which this class of surnames arose from an entry recorded in the ' Issues of the Exchequer.' There we find a ' Ralph Swyft ' mentioned as courier to Edward III. Nothing could be more natural than for such a sobriquet to become affixed to a man fulfilling an office like this, requiring, as it did at times, all the running and riding powers of which he could be capable.^ Other memorials of former agility in this respect are still preserved in our ' Golightlys ' " and ' Lightfoots,' while of still earlier date, and more poetical form, we may instance ' Harefoot ' and ' Roe- foot.' These, however, are altogether inexpressive in comparison with such a sobriquet as ' Scherewind ' or ' Shearvvind,' which seems to have been a familiar ex- pression at this time, for I find it recorded in three several rolls. It is strange, and yet not strange, that every peculiarity that can mark the human gait is ' Siuift, however, is not the only courier's sobriquet preserved to us. ' In the Countess of Leicester's service were several whose real names weresunk in titles ridiculouslydescriptiveof theirqualities. *'■ Slingaway,^' the learned editor of the Household Roll, has pointed out, he might have added " Gobitheslie'^ (go a bit hasty) and " Bolctt" (bullet), so de- nominated from their speed, and " Tritcbodit''^ (true body) from his fidelity. These were all couriers.' {lions. Exp. Bish. Swittficld, p. 143.) * ' C. P. Golightly,' ' Thomas Golightly.' Vitii Clergy List, 1848, and other directories. 440 ENGLISH SURNAMES. distinctly preserved in our nomenclature. ' Isabel Stradling ' or ' William Stradling ' represent the straddle ; 'Thomas le Ambler ' or ' Ralph le Ambuler ' (when not occupative), the amble ; our ' Shailers,' * Shaylors,* and ' Shaylers,' the sJiuffle ; ' Robert le Liltere,' the hop ; our ' Scamblers ' and ' Shamblers,' the weak-kneed shamble ; ' Ralph le Todeler,' the toddle ; and ' Samuel Trotman ' or ' Richard Trotter ' (when not occupative), the trot, if that be possible on two legs. Besides these, we may mention the obsolete ' Thomas Petitpas ' or ' John Pctypase,' ' William Noblepas,' and * Malpas,' which we might Saxonize into ' Short-step,' ' High-step,' and ' Bad-step.' 'Chris- tiana Lameman ' and ' William Laymeman ' remind us of more pitiable weaknesses. ' Barefoot ' may have been the designation of some one under penitential routine, unless it be a corruption of ' Bearfoot.' ' Proudfoot ' and * Platfoot ' (plat = flat; need no com- ment, while ' Sikelfoot,' found by Mr. Lower as exist- ing in the thirteenth century, seems, as he says, to bespeak a splayed appearance or outward twist.' If this be so, the owner was not alone in his distress. We have just mentioned ' Cruikshank.' Our ' Crooks' are, I doubt not, of similar origin, and another com- pound of the same, now obsolete, was ' Crookbone ' (' Henry Crokebane,' A.). Our ' Crumps ' are but relics of the old ' Richard le Crumpe ' or ' Hugh le Crump,' the crookbacked, and perhaps our 'Cramps' and * Crimps' arc but changes rung on the same. Our nursery literature still preserves the story of the ' cow ' I have mentioned 'Matilda Finger' (H.). I do not find any ' Toe ' in our Directories, but ' Peter Pricktoe ' (M.) and 'Thomas Pinchsliu ' (A.) existed in the xivth century. NICKNAMES. 44I with the crumpled horn.' Thus, also, was it with our ' Cams,' once ' William le Cam.' As a Celtic stream- name, denoting a winding course, it has sur\dved the aggressions of Saxon and Norman, and is still familiar. Cambridge and Camford are on two different streams of this name. In the*north a man is still said to * cam his shoe ' who wears it down on one side. I have heard the phrase often among the poorer classes of Lancashire. ' Camoys ' or ' Camuse,' from the same root, was generally applied to the nasal organ. In the description of the Miller, which I shall have occa- sion to quote again shortly, Chaucer says — A Sheffield t-hwitel bare he in his hose, Round was his face, and camuse was his nose. As, however, I find both ' John le Camoys ' and ' Reginald de Camoys,' it is only a fair presumption that in some cases it is of Norman local origin. With one of our leading families it is undoubtedly so. The two great clans of ' Cameron ' and ' Campbell,' I may say in passing, though treading upon Scottish soil, are said to mean severally ' crook-nosed ' and ' crook- mouthed.' If this be so, we may see how firmly has this little word imbedded itself upon our nomencla- ture, if not upon our more general vocabulary. Not to mention ' Crypling,' ' Handless,' and * Onehand,' ' we find ' Blind ' significative of blindness ; ' Daffe ' and ' Daft,' of deafness ; ' Mutter ' and ' Stutter,' not to say * Stuttard ' and ' Stammer,' of lisping speech ; and ' Accidents of this kind naturally became sobriquets, and then surnames. Hence such entries as ' William Crypling' (A.), 'William Onhand'(B.), 'John Onehand' (D.), or 'John Handless' (W. 11). 'John Gouty' (V. I) represents a still troublesome complaint, and may be mentioned here. 442 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Dumbard,' of utter incapacity in that respect. Such a sobriquet as ' Mad ' • of course explains itself. As we might well presume, this. has not come down to us. Still less pleasant in their associations are our ' Burls* (' Henry le Burle,' A.), that is, blotch-skinned. But complimentary allusions to the smoothness of the hands and face were not wanting. Apart from a touch of poetry, such names as ' Elizabeth Lyllywhite,' now * Lilywhite ; ' ' William Beauflour,' now spelt 'Boutflower' and 'Buffler;' and 'Faith Blanchflower,' still existing also, are not without a certain prettiness. Of equally clear complexion would be the obsolete ' William Whiteflcsh ' or ' Gilbert Whitehand ' 2 or ' Robert Blanchmains,' not to mention our ' Chits ' and 'Chittys' ('John Ic Chit,' A., 'Agnes Chittye,' Z.). We still talk in our nurseries of a ' little chit,' a word which, though strictly speaking confined to no age, had early become a pet name as applied to young children. It is with these, therefore, we must ally our ' Slicks,' from* ' sleek,' ' smooth,' •"' ' Sam Slick ' being by no means in possession of an imaginary name. Chaucer says of * Idleness,' in his Romance — Her flesh tender as is a chicke With bent browes ; smooth and slicke. It is astonishing how carefully will a sobriquet of an ' ' Jordan le Madde ' occurs in the Placita de Quo Warranto. ' 'William Whitehand* is set down in the C. C. Coll. records for 1665. {Hist. C. C. Coll. Cam.) 'Humbert IJlanchmains' is found in Nicholls' Leicestershire. ' In the Prompt. Parv. we fmd not merely 'slyke, or smothe,' but ' slykeston.' The slick or sleek stone was used for smoothing linen or paper ; vide Mr. Way's note thereon, p. 458. ' The eban stone which goldsmiths used to sleeken theirgold with,' etc. (Burton's Anatomy.) ' NICKNAMES.' 443 undoubtedly complimentary nature find itself pre- served. Such a name as * Hugh le Bell ' or * Richard le Bell ' is an instance in point.^ While objectionable designations, or even those of but equivocal character, have been gradually shuffled off or barely allowed to survive, the mere fact of this being at the present day one of the most familiar, and in respect of sobriquet nomenclature the absolutely most common, of our surnames, shows that the human heart is not altered by lapse of generations, and that pride then, as now, wielded a powerful sceptre over the minds of men. Our 'Belhams ' represent but the fuller ' Bellehomme' (* William Bellehomme,' M.). Thus the two may be set against our Saxon ' Prettys ' and ' Prettimans,' ' though ' pretty ' would scarcely find itself so accept- able now, denoting as it does a style of beauty rather too effeminate for the lords of creation. In the Hun- dred Rolls occur ' Matilda Winsome ' and * Alicia Welliking.' Both these terms, complimentary as they undoubtedly were, are now obsolete, so far as our directories are concerned. (2) Nicknames from Peculiarities of Complexion. After all, however, it is, perhaps, complexion which has occupied for itself the largest niche in our more general nomenclature. Nor is this unnatural. It is ' Thus ' Bell' comes into three categories — the local, the baptismal, and the sobriquet, represented in our registers by three such entries as •John atte Bell' (X.), 'Richard fil. Bell' (A.), and 'Walter le Bel' (G.). ' 'Katharine Pretty man' (Z.), ' William Prettiman ' (F.F.). Thename still flourishes, and as ' Miss Prettiman ' figures in the Caudle JLeclurcs, 444 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Still that which, in describing people, we seize upon as the best means of recognition. Sobriquets of this kind were so numerous, indeed, that there was no term in the vocabulary of the day which could be used to denote the colour of the dress, the hair, or the face, which did not find itself a place among our surnames. It was the same with our beasts of burden or animals of the chase. In these days their hides almost invariably furnished forth their current de- signations. Thus we find the horse familiarly known by such titles as ' Morell,' from its moorish or swarthy tan, or ' Lyard,' that is, dapple-grey, or ' Bayard,' bay, or * Favell,' dun, or Blank,' white. The dark hide of the ass got for it the sobriquet of ' Dun,' a term still preserved in the old pro- verb, ' As dull as Dun in the mire,' while again as * Burnell ' its browner aspect will be familiar to all readers of Chaucer. Thus, also, the fox was known as ' Russell,' the bear as ' Bruin,' and the young hind, from its early indefinite red, ' Sorrell.' How natural that the same custom should have its effect upon human nomenclature. How easy for a country community to create the distinction between 'John le Rouse' and 'John Ic Black,' 'William le Hore' and 'William le Sor' or ' Sorrell,' if the com- plexion of the hair or face were sufficiently distinctive to allow it. Some of these adjectives were applied to human peculiarities of this kind till within recent times. Burns uses ' lyart ' for locks of iron grey, and Aubyn, in his ' Lives,' describes Butler, author of ' Hudibras,' as having ' a head of sorrell haire.' We ourselves talk of ' brunettes ' and ' blondes/ of NICKNAMES.' 445 ' dark ' and ' fair,' Thus it was then such sobriquets as 'PhiHp le Sor,' 'Adam le Morell,' 'William le Favele ' or ' Favell,' ' Walter le Bay ' or ' Theobald le Bayard,' ' Henry le Dun ' or ' Thomas le Lyard/ arose. Thus was it our ' Rouses ' and ' Russells,' our ' Brownes ' ^ and ' Brunes,' with the obsolete ' Brunman,' or 'Brunells' and 'Burnells,' our 'Whites' and * Whitemans,' our ' Hores ' and ' Hoares,' our * Greys ' and ' Grissels ' ' sprang into being. Nor are these all. Our ' Reeds,' ' Reids,' and ' Reads ' are all but forms of the old * rede ' or red, once so pro- nounced ;^ while ' Redman,' when not a descendant of 'Adam' or 'Thomas de Redmayne,' is the be- quest of some 'Robert' or 'John Redman' of the thirteenth century. Our ' Swarts ' are but relics of the old ' John le Swarte,' applied no doubt to the tawny or sunburnt face of its original owner. The word was in common use at this time. In ' Guy of Warwick ' we are told : — His nek is greater than a bole, His body is swarter than ani cole. The darker-hued countenances of our forefathers are immortalised also in such entries as ' Reyner le Blake ' or .* Stephen le Blak,' now found as ' Blake ' ' ' Nutbrown ' is found in several early records, and existed till 1630 at least. ' George Nutbrowne was sworne the same daye pistler, and Nathaniel Pownell, gospeller.' (Cheque Bk., Chapel Royal (Cam. Soc), p. 12.) * 'White' and ' Grissel' are combined in 'Anne Griselwhite,' a name occurring in an old Norfolk register. {Vide Index, Hist. Norfolk, Bromefield.) * ' Thomas Pock-red ' in the Hundred Rolls would not be accept- able. 446 ENGLISH SURNAMES. and ' Black,' or ' Elias le Blakeman ' or ' Henry Blac- man,' now ' Blakeman ' and ' Blackman ' respectively. ' John le Blanc ' and ' Warin Blench ' find themselves in the nineteenth century supported by our 'Blanks' and ' Blanches ;' ' while the descendants of such people as 'Amabilla le Blund,' or 'Walter le Blunt,' or ' Regi- nald le Blond,' or ' Richard le Blount ' still preserve a memorial of their ancestry in such familiar forms as 'Blund,' 'Blunt,' 'Blond,' and 'Blount' 'Blanket' and ' Blanchet,' as fuller forms, we shall notice shortly, and ' Blondin,' ' Blundell,' and the immortalised but mythic 'Blondel' are but changes rung upon the others. Our ' Fallows ' are but relics of the ' Fales ' and ' Falemans ' of the Hundred Rolls. The some- what pallid yellow they represented we still apply to park deer and untilled earth. We find it, however, used more personally in the * Knight's Tale,' where it is said of Arcite that he began to wax lean — His eye hollow, and grisly to behold, His hewe falew, and pale as ashen cold. * Scarlet ' doubtless was a sobriquet given, as may have been some of the above, from the colour of the dress, this being a very popular complexion of cloth in early days. Tripping it — In skerlet kyrtells, every one, would be a familiar and pretty sight, no doubt, as the village maidens went round to the tune of the fife and • • Blanchfront ' seems to have been common, as I find it in three distinct registers. 'Joan Blaunkfrount.'anunof Molseby. {Letters from Northern Registers, p. 3 1 9. ) ' Philip Blanchfront' (F. F. ), 'Amabil Blanch- front* (Fines, Ric. i.) NICKNAMES.' 447 tabor at the rural feast or ingathering, nor would umbrage be taken at the title. Several ' Blues ' are recorded in the more Norman-French form of ' le Bleu.' Whether they still exist I am not quite sure, nor are we helped to any satisfactory conclusion by the epitaph which Mr. Lower wisely italicises, when he says it is said to exist in a church in Berkshire — Underneath this ancient pew Lieth the body of Jonathan Blue. N.B, — His name was 'Black,' but that wouldn't do. There may be more or less doubt as to the pre- cise reference some of the above-mentioned names bear to the physical peculiarities of their owners, whether to the complexion of the face, or the hair, or, as I have lately hinted, to the dress. But in many other cases there can be no such controversy. For instance, no one can be in perplexity as to how our 'Downyheads,' 'Ruf heads,'' 'Hardheads,' 'White- heads,' ' Redheads,' ' Flaxenheads,' * ' Shavenheads,' ' Goldenheads,' 'Weaselheads,'^ 'Coxheads' or 'Cocks- heads,' and ' Greenheads ' arose, many of which, now extinct, were evidently intended to be obnoxious. Nor is there any greater difficulty in deciphering the meaning of such names as ' Whitelock ' or ' Whit- lock,' 'Silverlock' or ' Blacklock.' ' Shakelock' seems to refer to some eccentricity on the part of the owner, unless it be but a corruption of ' Shacklock,' a likely ' It was in the house of a Josias Roughead, of Bedford, that John Banyan was first licensed to preach in 1672. * ' Richard Flaxennehed ' occurs in the Hundred Rolls. • ' Antony Wiselheade ' is registered in Elizabeth's reign in the Calendar to Pleadings. 448 ENGLISH SURNAMES. sobriquet for a gaoler, from the fetterlocks, once so termed, which he was wont to employ — And bids his man bring out the fivefold twist, His shackles, shacklocks, hampers, gyves, and chains. ' Whitehair,' ■ ' Fairhair,'* and ' Yalowhair,' are equally transparent. The latter was once a decidedly favourite hue, as I believe it is still, only we now say ' golden.'^ With the gross flattery so commonly resorted to by courtier historians, every princess was described as having yellow tresses. How they allowed themselves to be so cajoled is an equally historic mystery. Queen Elizabeth had more obsequious adulation uttered to her face, and possessed a greater stomach for it, than any other royal personage who ever sat upon or laid claim to a crown, but nothing pleased her more than a compliment upon her golden locks, carroty as they really were. In a description of another Elizabeth, the Queen of Henry VH., as she appeared before her coronation, 1487, quoted by Mr. Way, it is said that she wore * her faire yellow hair hanging down pleyne behynd her back, with a calle of pipes over it,' and further back still, when Chaucer would describe the beauty of Dame Gladness, he must needs finish off * 'William Whiteheare ' was Dean of Bristol, 1551, (Barrett, Hist. Bristol. ) * ' 1522, 31 Dec. To Mr. William Farehaire, Doctor of Laws.' (Letters of Fraternity (DvLrhvim Priory), p. 119. Surt. Hoc.) Names like 'William Harebrown,' 'Ralph Lightred,' and 'John Litewhyte' seem to belong to the same category with the above. ' Burton, in his Anatomy of Melancholy, says, ' ApoUonius will have Jason's golden hair to be the main cause of Medea's dotage on him. Castor and Pollux were both yellow-haired. Homer so com- mends Helen, makes Patroclus and Achilles both yellow-haired ; Pulchricoma Venus, and Cupid himself was yellow-haired.' NICKNAMES.' 449 the portrayal by touching up her locks with the popular hue — Her hair was yellow, and clear shining, I wot no lady so liking. ' Yalowhair ' is obsolete, but in our ' Fairfax ' is pre- served a sobriquet commemorative no doubt of the same favoured colour. In ' Sir Gawayne ' we are told, after the alliterative style of the day, how ^ fair fanning fax ' encircled the shoulders of the doughty warrior. In the * Townley Mysteries,' too, a demon is repre- sented in one place as saying — A home, and a Dutch axe. His sleeve must be flecked, A syde head, and a fare fax, His goune must be specked. * Beard,' once entered as ' Peter Wi'-the-berd,' or * Hugo cum-Barba,' still thrives in our midst; and even ' Copperbeard,' ' Greybeard,' ' Blackbeard,' ^ and ' Whitebeard ' contrive to exist. * Redbeard ' * to- gether with 'Featherbeard,' ' Eaglebeard,' 'Wisebeard,' and ' Brownbeard,' ^ have long disappeared, and * Blue- beard,* of whose dread existence we were, as children, only too awfully assured, has also left no descendants ; but this, I fancy, we gather from his history. ' Love- lock ' is a relic of the once familiar plaited and ' This sobriquet, as old as tlie Hundred Rolls, is found in the xviith cent., at Durham. ' Peter Blackbeard ' was ' brought up for not paying Easter reckonings, 1676.' {Dean Granville^ s Letters, p. 235.) * A contributor to N'otes and Queries, Jan. 14, i860, quotes an old Ipswich record in which is mentioned an * Alexander Redberd ' dwelling there in the early part of the sixteenth century. ^ 'John Brounberd, son of William, a hostage from Galloway.' {Letters from Northern Registers, p. 163.) 'Janet Brounebeard ' was an inmate of St. Thomas's Hospital, York, February 6, 1553. (W. il, p. 304.) G G 450 ENGLISH SURNAMES. beribboned lock which I have already alluded to, as having been familiarly worn by our forefathers of the more exquisite type. To the same peculiar, if not effeminate propensity," we owe, I doubt not, ' Locke ' (' Nicol Locke,' A.) itself, not to mention ' Curl ' (' Marcus Curie,' Z.) and * Crisp ' (' Reginald le Crispe,' J.). The former of these two, however, seems to denote the natural waviness, the latter the arti- ficial production. In the poem from which I have but just quoted we find the same hero described as having his hair — Well crisped and cammed (combed) with knots full many, and a memorial of the fashion still lingers in the ' crisping pins ' of our present Bible version. In the Hundred Rolls appears the sobriquet of ' Prikeavant.' This, as Mr. Lower proves, lingered on till the close at least of the seventeenth century, in the form of ' Prick-advance.' ' I cannot agree with him, however, that it arose as a mere spur-expression. I doubt not it is but the earlier form of the later ' pickedevaunt,' the pointed or spiked beard so much in vogue in mediaeval times. The word occurs in the ' Taming of a Shrew ' — Boy, oh ! disgrace to my person ! Sounes, boy, Of your face ! You have many boys witli such Pickedevaunts, I am sure. Nothing could be more natural than for such a custom as this to find itself memorialised in our nomenclature, ' I find this name still exists as ' Pickavant.' It maybe seen over a boot and shoe warehouse by the Railway Station at Southport, Lancashire. Probably ' Pickance ' is an abbreviated form. ' Charles, son of Daniel and Eliza Pickance, bapt. March 26, 1754.' (St. Ann's, Manchester.) ' NICKNAMES.' 45 I Exaggeration in the habit would easily affix the name upon the wearer, and though not very euphonious as a surname, the popularity of the usage would take from its unpleasantness. This also will explain ' Thomas Stykebeard,' found in the H. R. at this time. But let us turn for a moment to an opposite peculiarity. Though we often talk of getting our heads polled, few, I imagine, reflect that our ' Pollards' must have obtained their title from their well-shorn appearance. It is with them, therefore, we must set our ' Notts,' ' Notmans,' and doubtless some of our ' Knotts.' The term ' nott ' was evidently synony- mous with ' shorn,' and to have a nothead was to have the hair closely cut all round the head. It is still commonly done in some parts of the country among the peasantry. Chaucer, describing the ' Yeo- man,' says — A not-hed hadde he, with a browne visage. Andrew Boorde, too, later on, writing of the ' Mores whyche do dwel in Barbary,' says : ' They have gret lyppes and nottyd heare, black and curled.' ^ The name as a sobriquet is very common in the old registers. Among other instances may be mentioned ' Henry le Not ' and ' Herbert le Notte ' in the. ' Placitorum ' at Westminster. Nature, however, did for our ' Callows ' what art had done for the latter. The term is written ' calewe ' with our earlier writers, and in this form is found as a surname in 13 13, one * Richard le Calewe,' or bald-headed, occurring in the ' Many of my readers will be familiar with the sobriquet 'nott- pated,' which Shakespeare puts in Prince Henry's mouth several times. GG 2 452 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Parliamentary Writs for that year. We still talk of fledgelings as ' callow young.' From its Latin root ' calvus,' • and through the French ' chauve,* we get also the early ' John le Chauf,' ' Geoffrey le Cauf,' and * Richard Ic Chaufyn ' — forms which still abide with us in our ' Corfcs' and ' Gaffins.' Our ' Balls' are manifestly sprung from some ' Custancc Balde ' or ' Richard Bald.' But there is yet one more name to be mentioned in this category, that of ' Peel ' or ' Peile,' descended, as it doubtless is in many cases, from such folk as ' Thomas Ic Pelc ' Or ' William Ic Pyl.' As pilled as an ape was his crown is the not very complimentary description Chaucer gives of the Miller of Trumpington. It is but the same word as occurs in our Authorised Version of Ezekiel xxix. 1 8, where it is said : ' Every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled.' In Isaiah xviii. 2, too, we read of a ' nation scattered and peeled,' the marginal reading being ' outspread and polished.' ^ Used as a surname, it seems to have denoted that glossy smoothness, that utter guiltless- ' ' Calvus protests for foes he cloth not care ; For why ? They cannot take from him one hair.'' {Salyrical Epii^rams, 1 6 1 9. ) * The Alhendtmi thinks the more manifest origin is the local 'peel,' a small fortress used by Chaucer in the House of Fame — 'God save the lady of this/t7<'.' I was not ignorant of the word, but as I could not find any examples in the old rolls, I gave the preference to the nickname. I have since met with an entry which justifies the At/ten/. Norfolk, vii. 77. ) NICKNAMES.' 463 II. — Mental and Moral Peculiarities. (i) Nicknames from Peculiarities of Disposition — Complimentary. Let us now turn to the varied characteristics of the human heart. If we wish to know how many- good and excellent qualities there are in the world, and at the same time deceive ourselves into a belief that the evils are few, we must look into our direc- tories. Scan their contents, and we might almost per- suade ourselves that Utopia was a fact, and that we were consulting its muster-roll. At every turn we meet with virtue in the guise of a ' Goode,' or an ' Upright,' or a ' Righteous,' ' or a * Patient,' or a ' Best,' or a ' Faith- ful;' or infallibility in a ' Perfect' or 'Faultless.' We are ever coming across philosophy in the shape of a ' Wise ' or a * Sage.' Conscience must surely trouble but little, where ' Merry ' and ' Gay,' ' Blythe ' and 'Joyce,' that is, joyous, are all but interminable; and companionship must be ever sweet with such people to converse with as 'Makepeace'^ and 'Friend,' ' ' William Ryghtwys ' was Vicar of Fouklon in 1497. (Brome- field's Norfolk.) ' Upright' appeared in a trial at Exeter in October 1874. ^ 'Make' was a familiar compomul. 'Joan Make-peace' was sister to Henry IIL, and so named by the Scotch through her betrowal to their monarch, by which peace was brought about. Bishop Hall uses the opposite for a quarrelsome fellow — ' If brabbling Makefray, at each faire and 'size, Picks quarrels for to show his valiantise.' •Julian Make-blisse' and 'JohnMake-blythe' occur in two separate rolls, and Mr. Lower mentions a ' Maud Make-joy ' in an old Wardrobe Account: '1297, Dec. 26. To Maud Make-joy for dancing before 464 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Goodhart ' and ' Truman/ ' True ' and ' Leal,' * Kind and * Curtis ' or ' Curteis.' ' Fulhardy ' and ' Giddy- head/ ' Cruel ' and ' Fierce,' ' Wilfulle ' and ' Sullen,' and ' Envious ' did indeed find a habitation in its' pages, but they have long since disappeared, being quite out of place in the presence of such better folk as ' Hardy' ' and ' Grave,' and ' Gentle' and ' Sweet ;' or if the cloven foot of pride be still visible in ' Proud ' and 'Proudfoot,' it is nevertheless under constant re- buke by our familiarity with such lowly characters as ' Plumble ' and ' Meek.' ^ Nevertheless, this was any- thing but so in the old time. The evil roots of sin may still abide hale and strong and ineradicable in the heart of man, but he has carefully weeded the more apparent traces of this out of his nomenclature. I do not mean to say we are utterly without names of ob- jectionable import, but we shall see that what I have stated once before is true in the main. We shall see that as a rule it is only when the sobriquet word has changed its meaning, or that meaning become obscure and doubtful, or when the name itself has lost the traces of its origin — easy enough in the lapse of so many days of unsettled orthography — that the sur- Edward Prince of Wales, at Ipswich, 2j.' Here the sobriquet is adopted in compliment to the profession. • Our ' Ilardmans' are but a corruption of ' Ilardyman.' John Ilardyman, D.D., was installed prebend of Chester in June, 1563. (Ormerod's Clic:hire, vol. i. p. 223.) ' 'Reginald Littleprowe' was Mayor of Norwich in 1532, and 'John Littleproud ' was buried at ' Attleburgh ' in 1619. (///>/. Nor/., iii. 219, and i. 535.) This sobriquet, I doubt not, was in sarcastic allusion to the haughty demeanour of its first possessor. As in so many cases, however, there seems to have been no objection to its acceptance on the part of his posterity. NICKNAMES.' 465 name has lingered on. This will make itself apparent as we advance. Such names as' Walter Snel,' 'Richard Quicke' (A.), including the immortal Quickly, ' Richard le Smert ' (M.),now ' Smart,' 'Thomas Scharp,' now ' Sharp,' ' ' Gil- bert Poygnant' ( A.), 'Thedric le Witte' (A.), now ' Witt' and ' Witty," Nicholas le Cute' (A.), and 'Ralph le Delivre ' ^ (M.M.), argue well for the keen perceptions and brisk habits of early days.^ The slang sense of several of these, strangely enough, is but the original meaning restored. 'Witty' arose when the word implied keenness of intellect rather than of humour. Chaucer thus speaks of ' witty clerkes,' using the latter word too in a perfectly unofficial sense. Our numberless ' Clarkes ' and ' Clerkes,' sprung from equally number- less ' Beatrix le Clercs ' or ' Milo le Clerks,' may there- fore belong either to the professional class or to the one we are considering. ' William le Frek ' (M.) or ' Ralph Frike ' (A.), now found as ' Freak,' ' Frick,' and * Freke,' was a complimentary sobriquet implicative of ' ' Oswin Sharparrovv ' (W. 3), 'John Sharparrow' (W. 2), 'William Sharparrow ' (W. 1 1). The original nominee was probably of a sarcastic turn. The following inscription was once to be seen in York Minster: ' Orate pro anima dom. Johannis Sharparrowe, quondam parsone in Eccles. Cath. Ebor., qui obiit xxv. die Oct. an. 141 1.' (Drake's Ebora- cum, p. 498.) "^ 'Deliver' as an adjective meant 'nimble,' 'lithe.' It was familiarly used. Chaucer has 'deliverly,' ' deliverness,' and 'deliver.' Of the young squier he says — ' Of his stature he was of even lengthe, And wonderly deliver, and great of strengthe.' ' Ralph le Delivre ' is found in the Rot. Curije Regis. * The names of ' Thomas le Busteler' (F.F.) and ' Robert le Bustler' (T.) are less complimentary than most of the above. 'Nicholas le Medler' (A.) would be quite as objectionable. H H 466 ENGLISH SURNAMES. bravery and daring even to rashness.^ Minot in his political songs tells us in alliterative verse how the doughty men of Edward the Third's army were — Fill frek to fight. The old 'William le Orpede,' or ' Stephen le Horpede,' or ' Peter Orpedeman ' denotes a disposition equally stout-hearted.'* It is a term found in well-nigh all our mediaeval writers, and was evidently in common and familiar use. Trevisa, in his account of the Norman invasion, represents ' Gurth ' as saying to Harold, * Why wilt thou unwary fight with so many orped men ?' The monk of Glastonbury also, speaking of Edward the Third's expedition to Calais in 1350, re- lates that he ' towke with him the nobleis, and the gentelles, and other worthi and orpedde menne of armes.' Our ' Keats ' and ' Ketts ' are the old ' Walter le Ket ' (G.) or ' Osbert le Ket ' (J.), that is, the fierce, the bold. Thus the cowherd in ' William of Pelerne ' directs the child how to conduct himself — When thou komcst to kourt Among the kete Ionics. With these therefore we may associate ' William le Prew,' now * Prcw,' ' ' Nicholas Vigerous,' now found also as 'Vigors,' 'Helen Gallant,' 'John le Stallworth,'* ' ♦ Craske, fryke of fatte,' I'.i:, lusty, fresh. (/'/-. /'<;;-.) * ' Richard Curtevalur' (A.) would seem to have had an instinctive acquaintance with the moral of that couplet which asserts that ' He who fights and runs away Shall live to fight another day.' There are a good many people, I fancy, who thus ' take thought for the morrow.' * Fr. Preux = valiant. * ' Simon Stallworthe ' is mentioned in the Grants of Edward the Fifth. (Cam. Soc. ) The modem form of the tcnn colloquially used is * stalwart. ' * NICKNAMES.' 467 * Thomas Doughtye,' and * Robert le Bolde,' all still well-known names, ' Prest,' * Peter le Prest ' (M.), when not the archaic form of ' Priest/ is of kin to the mountebank's ' presto,' and means — quick, ready. It was thus used till the seventeenth century. ' Kean,' found as ' Hugh le Kene ' or ' Joan le Kene,' implies impetuosity. All these names speak well for the pluck of our forefathers. They are found with tolerable frequency, and naturally have not been suffered to die out for lack of pride. The Norman element, as we see, is strong in these chivalrous sobri- quets. Nor is it less so with many other terms of no unpleasant meaning. Our ' Purefoys ' or * Purfeys ' represent the pure faith of their countrymen.' Our * Parfitts ' are but the quainter form of * Perfect.'^ Our 'Bones,' 'Boons,' and'Bunns' are but variously cor- rupted forms of Duran le Bon,' or ' Richard le Bone,' or ' Alice le Bonne,' or ' William le Boon,' equivalent therefore to the earlier ' Goods.' ' Bunker ' is similarly but 'Bon-coeur' ('William Bonquer,' O.),^ our Saxon * Goodhart ,' and ' Bonner,' and the longer ' Debonaire' (' Philip le Debeneyre,' A.),"* our more naturalized * 'Arthur Purefoy' or Turefaye' was Rector of Redcnhall in 1584. (Hist. No?-/., V. 363.) * Thus Archbishop Sandys commences a sermon at Paul's Cross: — 'The Apostle St. Peter, like a perfit workman and a skilful builder, first layeth a sure foundation.' {Parker Soc, p. 386.) * ' Thomas Bontemps ' appears in a Norfolk register of the fourteenth century, {//is/. Norfolk, Index.) It seems somewhat analogous to the now familiar ' Bonheur.' * The son and successor of Charlemagne, Louis First, went by the sobriquet of 'le Debonnaire,' on account of his courteous and affable character. H U 2 468 ENGLISH SURNAMES. 'Gentle' ('William le Gentil,' M.), ' Gentilman ' (' Robert Gentilman/ V. i.)/ and * Curteis ' or ' Curtis' ('Walter le Curteys' J., ' Richard le Curteis,' C), Chaucer says — AH men holde thee for musarde, That debonaire have founden thee. ' Amiable ' (' Edward Amiable,' Z., ' Joan Amiable,' Z.) once existed, but in our registers, at least, that sweet grace is now wanting. Equivalent to these latter, but more Saxon in character, come our ' Hendys' or ' Hentys ' (' Thomas le Hendy,' F.F., * John le Hendy,' F.F.), a term found in all our early writers, and prettily expressive of that which was gentle and courteous combined. In the ' Canterbury Tales* thehost reproves the friar for lack of civility to one of the company by saying — Sire, ye should be hcnde. And curteis as a man of your estate, In company we will have no debate. In the Hundred Rolls we find a' William Hendiman' occurring, and a 'John Hende' was Lord Mayor of London in 1391. We have just mentioned the word ' musarde.' This reminds us of our ' Musards ' (' Malcolm le Musard,' M.), who were originally of a dreamy temperament.* With our Saxon ' Moodys ' ^ (' Richard Mody,' G.), however, their title has fallen in general estimation, the one now denoting, when used ' 'Thomas Genlilhomme' in the Writs of Paul represents the Norman-French form. The surname still exists in France, as does '' in England. * Akin to 'Malcolm le Musard' (M.) was 'Alan le Mute' (A.). 'Henry Duceparolc' (T. ) or 'Richard Parlebien'(M.) is decidedly compli- mentary, but ' William Spekelital ' (P. ) would seem to have been morose. * 'John Strictman' (A.) and 'John le Severe' ( A. ) may be set here. ' NICKNAMES.' 469 at all, a trifling, the other a morose and gloomy dis- position. Our * Sadds ' (' Robert Sad,' H.), too, from being merely serious, sedate folk, have become sorrow- ful of heart. Our great early poet speaks in the nega- tive sense of — People unsad and eke untnie, that is, unstable and fickle. In a short poem, ascribed to Lydgate, pointing out to children their course of behaviour in company, we are told — Who spekithe to thee in any maner place, Rudely cast not thyn eye adowne, But with a sad cheer look hym in the face.' Here of course sobriety of demeanour, rather than sorrowfulness, is intended.^ That ' Henry le Wepere' (A.), and ' Peter le Walur ' (A.), and ' William le Blu- bere ' (A.), however, must have been of rueful coun- tenance we need not doubt. Many changes too have passed over the names as well doubtless as over the lives of another section of our nomenclatural community. Our ' Cunnings,' we will hope, dated from the time when he who kenned his work well was so entitled without any suspicion of duplicity.^ Very likely too our *Slys' {'John Slye,' H.), and ' Sleighs ' (' Simon le Slegh,' M.), ' Slees ' (' Isabella Slee,' W.G.), and ' Slemmans ' and ' Sly- mans ' were simply remarkable for being honestly ' The Babces' Book (Early Eng. Text. Soc). * * Every midwyfe shulde be presented with honest women of great gravity to the Bysshop,' for she ' shulde be a saddc woman, wyse and discrete, having experience.' (Andrew Boorde.) * The Hundred Rolls give us a 'Robert le Sotele.' * Salomon le Sotel' was .Sheriff of London in 1290, according to Stow. There is no reason to suppose that either of these was distinguished for any of the unpleasant features that often belong to sharp characteristics. 470 ^ ENGLISH SURNAMES. dexterous in their several avocations.* The * mighty- hand and outstretched arm ' of modern psalters was once translated ' a hand that was slegh.' But as sly- ness got by degrees but more and more associated with the juggler's sleight-of-hand tricks, the word fell into disrepute. Such is the invariable effect of keep- ing bad company. So late, however, as the seven- teenth century, one of our commonwealth poets Avas not misunderstood when he spoke of one whom — Graver age had made wise and sly. But the same predisposition to give ' cra!fty ' and ' sly' and ' cunning ' and ' artful ' a dishonest sense has not been therewith content, but must needs throw ridicule upon the unsophisticated and artless natures of our ' Simples ' (' Jordan le Simple,' A.), who would scarcely feel complimented if their surname were to originate in the present day.'^ It is the same with our ' Seeleys' (' Benedict Sely,' D.) and ' Selymans ' (' George Sely- man,' D.), the older forms of ' Silly ' and ' Sillyman.' Perhaps the phrase * silly lamb ' is the only one in which we colloquially preserve the former idea of 'silly,' that of utter guilelessness. A 'silly virgin' with Spenser was no foolish maiden, but one helpless in her innocence, and the 'silly women' Shakespeare hints at in his * Two Gentlemen of Verona ' were but inoffensive and unprotected females.^ ' Scaley,' ' Silly,' ' The Issue Roll gives us an opposite characteristic in ' Thomas Litilskill.* * ' Christopher Greynhome ' (W. 15) would represent the modem sense of this word. * There used to be an old proverb — ' Whylst grasse doth growe oft sterves the seely steede.' NICKNAMES.' 471 * Sillyman,' and ' Selyman,' ' are all pleasant memorials of the earlier sense of this word. Our ' Quaints ' and ' Cants have gone through a changeful career. They are but the descendants of the old ' Margaret le Coynte ' or ' Richard le Queynte,' from the early French ' coint,' neat, elegant, A shadow fell over it, however, and a notion of artfulness becoming attached to the word, to be quaint was to be crafty. Thus Wicklyfife, in his translation of St. Mark's account of Christ's betrayal, makes Judas say to the servants of the high priest, ' Whomever I shall touch, he it is, hold ye him, and lead him warily, or queintly.' Thus, too, Lawrence Minot, in his ' Political Songs,' tells us how — The King of Berne was cant and kene, But there he lost both play and pride. Strange to say, the word has well-nigh recovered its original sense, betokening as it does a whimsical and antique prettiness, if not the bare quality itself Our original 'Careless' ('Antony Careless,' Z.) was of that happy disposition which the petty worries and anxieties of life do not easily disturb, and, to judge from our nomenclature, he forms but one of a large band of cheery and easy-minded mortals. 'Joyce,* that is, ' Jocose,' when not a Christian name,^ and Vuie Dyce's notes to ' All's Well that luids Well' {Shakespeare'' s Works, vol. iii. p. 288.) One of the best illustrations of this word, however, is to be met with in Foxe's Martyrology, where, describing the martyrdom of a young child not seven years old, he says : ' The captain, perceiving the child invincible and himself vanquished, com- mitted the silly soul, the blessed babe, the child uncherished, to the stinking prison.' (Vol. i. p. 126, Edit. 1844.) ' Thomas Selybarn (/.<'. Silly-cliild) occurs in the ^'ork Guild. (W. II.) * Joyce may belong either to the nickname or the baptismal class. •Richard le Joyce,' J., 'Joyce Faukes,' II., 'Joice Frankline,' W. 9. 472 ENGLISH SURNAMES. * Jolly ' must be set here, not forgetting the older and prettier 'Jolyfife' ('Henry Jolyfife,' M,). In the ' Miller's Tale ' we are told of ' Absolon,' how that when at eventide he had taken up his 'giterne' — Forth he goth, jolif and amorous, to the window of his lady-love. 'Gay' ('William le Gay; R.), and ' Blythe ' (' Richard Blythe,' Z.)/ and 'Merry' ('William Merrye,' Z.), or ' Merriman' ('John Meryman,' X.), and ' Gaillard,' or ' Gallard,' or * Gay- liard,' or 'Gaylord' ('Nicholas Gaylard,' T., 'William Gallard,' A., ' Sabina Gaylard,' H.), must all be placed also in this category.^ I am not quite sure, however, that the last are without a suspicion of that conviviality which the buxom alewife was but too ready to bestow. Our merry, versatile friend Absolon, whom I have just referred to, among other his unclerkly arts, could play on the 'giterne' as well as any 'galliard tapstere.' It seems to have been a common epithet, and would readily find a place in our nomenclature, where it is now firmly fixed. Our ' Merryweathers ' ('Andrew Meriweder,' A.) and ' Fairweathers ' ('John Fayr- weder,' A.)^ may seem somewhat difficult of explana- tion to those who are unaware of the colloquial use of these expressions in former times, 'Mery-weder' ' 'William Gladchere' (' Gladcheer ') (F.F.) would be a pleasant sobriquet. * 'Alicia Blissewenche' occurs in the Hundred Rolls— a light-hearted ruddy-faced country girl of happy disposition and blithe expression. I doubt not he was a lucky swain who got her to go to the priest with h m to sue wedlock. Cf. 'JeiTery Joyemaiden' in the same record. • The early ' John Bellewether ' (II.) may be either a partial transla- tion of this, or that which is more likely, a sobriquet taken from the custom of fastening a bell around the neck of the leading sheep, by which to conduct the rest. We still tenii such an one the 'bell-wether,' NICKNAMES.' 473 especially being of the most familiar import. In the * Coventry Mysteries ' mention is made of — Bontyng the Brewster, and Sybyly Slynge, Megge Mery-wedyr, and Sabyn Sprynge. A happy sunshiny fellow would easily acquire the sobriquet, and indeed both are found at a very early day as such.* Not a few of those expressive terms of endear- ment, some of which still flourish in our nurseries, have made their mark upon our directories. We have already alluded to our ' Chittys.' Our * Leafs' repre- sent the old ' Alice le Lef ' or ' Matilda la Lef,' beloved or dear. We still use it in the well-nigh solitary expression * lief as loth,' but once it was in familiar request. Robert of Brunne, in one of his stories, says — Blessed be alle poor men, For God Almyghty loveth them : And weyl is them that poor are here. They are with God bothe lefe and dere. Akin to this latter is ' Love,' which, when not the old ' Robert le Love' or wolf, is found in composition in not a few instances. * Lovekin' and ' Lovecock,' after the remarks made in our first chapter on these termi- nations, will be readily explainable ; and ' Truelove,' ' We never use 'merry' now in relation to sacred things, though our P^nglish Bible does. The fact is, the word has somewhat sunk in the social scale. Few preachers would say, as Bishop Bradford could say quite naturally in his day, ' The Lord for Christ's sake give us merry hearts to drink lustily of His sweet cup.' A monument in Marshfield Church on A. Meredeth ends thus — 'Judge then, what he did lose who lost but breath. Lived to die wel), and dyed A MEREDETH. ( Rudder's Gloucestershire, ) 474 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Derelove,' ' Honeylove,' and ' Sweetlove ' ' supply us with expletives of so amorous a nature, wc can but conjecture them to have arisen through the too pub- licly proclaimed feelings of their early possessors. * Newlove ' sounds somewhat inconstant, ' Winlove ' attractive.'^ ' Goodlove,' * Spendlove,' and * Likelove,' 1 believe, are now obsolete — a lot, too, which has befallen the hardened ' Lacklove,' while our ' Fulli- loves ' ^ still declare the brimming affection which belongs to their nature — or at least did to that of their progenitor. But even they are commonplace beside our 'Waddeloves ' or 'Waddelows,' the early form of which, 'Wade-in- love,' would seem to tell of some lovesick ancestor so helplessly involved in the meshes cast about him as to have become the object of the unkind sarcasms of his neighbours. A longer and equally curious sobriquet abides in our ' Well- beloveds' and ' Wellbiloves.' It is this latter form in which it is found in the ' Issues of the Exchequer.' * The French form of this was ' Bienayme ' (' William Bienayme,' A.), and to some settler of that name upon ' ' Sweetlove ' is met by ' Duzaniour ; ' ' Felicia Duzamour' occurs in the Domesday, .St. Paul's (Cam. Soc). ' Dulcia Fynamour' is set down in the IVardrobc Accounts Ed. i. * ' Wooer,' and even ' Wooeress,' seem to have existed. 'John le Wower' (A.), 'Hugh le Wewer' (R. ), 'Emma Woweres' (A.). * ' Ralph Full-of- Love' was Rector of West Lynn in the year 1462. (Hist, of Norfolk, vol. viii. p. 536.) * ' Well beloved ' was the usual tenii applied in any formal address in the Middle Ages, such as when a king in council made .any public announcement, or when a priest addressed his people, or when a testa- tor mentioned a legatee. It was then a perfectly familiar expression, and would easily affix itself as a sobriquet. A Rev. C. Wcllbeloved published a translation of the Bible in 1838, printed by Smallfield and Co., London. * NICKNAMES.' 475 our shores I suspect it is we owe our ' Bonamys ' ('William Bonamy,' A.). I have just mentioned * Sweetlove.' Associated with this are our simpler * Sweets,' the nursery * Sweetcock,' and ' Sweetman,' ' variously corrupted into * Sweatman,' * Swetman,' and ' Swatman.' ' Bawcock ' and ' Baucock/ if not from * Baldwin,' will be the endearing ' beau-coq,' once in familiar use. Our ' Follets,' ' Follits,' and * Foliots,' the last the original form, meant nothing more than * my foolish one ' or ' fond one,' and were very com- mon. They are but varied in the longer ' Hugh Folenfaunt,' but I am afraid 'Walter Fulhardy' at the same period is less complimentary. ' Poppet,' or puppet, once the doll of English infancy, only remains in the gilded and waxen manikins of the showman. The surname, however, abides with us, as does also ' Poplett.' The old ' fere,' a companion, has left its mark in our ' Fairs.' We all remember Byron's resuscitation of the word. In ' Troilus and Cressida,' mention is made of — Orpheus and Euridice his fere. Thus ' Playfair,' once written ' Playfere,' is simply * playfellow,' while the obsolete ' Makefere ' (' Hugh Makefare,' A.) would seem to be but intensive, ' make' being the invariable dress with olden writers of our more familiar ' mate.' ^ ' ' Sweet ' and its compounds, however, are most probably to be referred to our baptismal nomenclature. A ' Swet le Bone ' is found in the Hundred Rolls, and in the same record occur such other forms as 'Swetman fil. Edith' and ' Sweteman Textor.' "^ In All Saints Church, Hertford, exists or existed a tablet with an inscription dated 1428, beginning thus — ' Here lyeth under this stone William Wake, And by him Joane his wife and make.' (Clutterbuck's /Av-//&n/j-///>i', vol. ii., p. 165.) 476 ENGLISH SURNAMES. There is something in obtrusive virtue that instinc- tively repels us. We always like a man's face to be the index to the book of his heart, but when he would seem to have carefully turned down each leaf for our inspection, we get a revulsion of feeling — we like to look out the page for ourselves. An elevated sense of self-esteem was decidedly approved of by our fore- lathers, but its too demonstrative exhibition soon showed itself condemned in our ' Prouds,' ' Prouts,' Proudmans,' ' Proudloves,' and ' Proudfoots ' (' Hugh le Proud,' A,, ' John le Prute,' H., ' George Proude- love,' Z.Z., 'Robert Prudefot,' A.). A very interesting name which has escaped the notice of surname hunters is that of * Gerish ' or ' Gerrish,' both forms being found in our modern directories-. They are but the truer representatives of the word ' garish ' as used by our later poets. Shakespeare's Juliet, we may remem- ber, apostrophizes Night, and bids her, when Romeo be dead, cut him into stars, and thus — All the world M-iil be in love with night, And pay no worship to the garish sun. This splendidly describes the term, expressing as it does that which glares ostentatiously and showily upon the eye. Lydgate, far earlier, had used it thus, in the form of ' gerysshe ; ' and such names as ' Umfrey Ic Gerische ' or ' John le Gerisse,' found yet more remotely, testify to its once familiar and fre- quent use. Wc now talk of a prude as one who ex- aggerates woman's innate modesty of demeanour. Formerly it denoted the virtue pure and untravestied. The root, the Latin ' probus,' excellent, still remains in our 'Prudhommes' ('William Prodhomme,' R., NICKNAMES.' 4/7 • Peter Prodhomme,' A.), with their more commonly corrupted 'Pridhams' and 'Prudames' and 'Prudens,' ' a sobriquet which once referred simply to the honest and guileless uprightness of their owners. How truly do such words as these remind us of the poor estimate man, after all, forms of himself Man often rebels at the declaration of Revelation that he is a fallen being, and yet how strongly does he assert this fact in the changes he himself has made in the meaning of words. Our 'Bauds' ('William le Baud,' B., 'Wauter le Baud,' M.) were once but the Norman equivalent of our ' Merrys ' already mentioned.^ Must lightness of heart inevitably end in wanton levity .-' There was a day when our ' Parramores ' (' Roger Paramour,' M. ; ' Henry Parramore,' Z.) ^ were but the simple honest lover of either sex, when our ' Lemons,' ' Lemans,' and 'Lemmans' (' Eldred Leman,' A., 'John Leman,' M.) meant but the beloved one from ' lief,' * dear.' Both Chaucer and Piers Plowman employ the term ' lef-man ' or ' leef-man ' as an expression of endearment, with no thought of obloquy. Thus, too, in the ' Townley Mysteries,' God is represented as bidding Gabriel to go to Nazareth — And hail that madyii, my lemman, As hcyndly (courteously) as thou can. ' ' Prudens ' should more properly, perhaps, be placed among abstract virtues. ' Richard Prudence ' F. F. Later on it became a baptismal name — ' Prudence Howell.' (Proceedings in Chancery : Eliza- beth.) * ' Richard Merricocke' (F. F. ) was evidently a jovial fellow. ' ' Parramore ' is always found as ' Paramour ' in early rolls, and in this form existed till the xviith century. ' April 18, 1635, Whitehall. Captain Thomas Paramour appointed to the Adventure,'' State Papers, 1635 (Domestic). 478 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Still, SO early as the days of Gower, its corrupted leman had become a sobriquet for one of loose, dis- orderly habits.' (2) Nicknames from Peculiarities of Disposition — Objectionable. The mention of such names as ' Baud,' ' Parra- more,' 'Leman' or 'Lemon,' 'Proud,' 'Proudman,' and 'Proudfoot,' which we have charitably set in the list of complimentary nicknames, as having, perchance, risen at a time when the meaning of the words conveyed a totally different idea from that which they now convey, brings us to the category of those which can scarcely seek any shelter of such a kind. ' Lorel,' ' Lurdan,' and ' Lordan,' together with the once familiar ' losel ' and ' losard,' denoted a waif, or stray, one who preyed upon society, exactly identical, in fact, with the Latin ' perditus.' Thus we find Herod, in the * Townley Mysteries,' saying to his officers — Fie, losels and lyars, lurdans each one, Tratours and well worse, knaves, but knyglits none. Cocke Lorel le,' too, speaks of — Lollers, lordaynes, and fagot l)erers, Luskes, slovens, and kechen knaves. " It was a favourite joke some few years ago in the House of Com- mons to say that there were in it two Lemons and but one Peel. While Sir Robert Peel was Irish Secretary, from 1812 to 1818, and was somewhat remarkable in that capacity for his opposition to the Roman Catholics, it was customary to style him by the sobriquet of * Orange Peel.' NICKNAMES.' 479 Cotgrave explains a ' loricard ' to mean a biske, lowt^ or lorell. This hiske, from the old French lasqiic, or lache — slothful — though now wholly obsolete, did much duty formerly. The adjective htskisJi and the substantive liiskishness are often found. In law lache still survives as a term for culpable remissness; Our * Laches,' ' Lashes,' * Laskies,' and ' Lusks,' I am afraid, therefore, come of but an indifferent ancestry. Nor can anything better be said of our ' Paillards' or ' Pallards.' We still talk of a ' pallet,' the old ' paillet,' or straw bed, from ' paille,' chaff. A paillard was a cant term for a lie-a-bed. By ' ribaldry ' we always mean that which is foul- mouthed in expression. This was ever its implication. A ' ribaud,' or ' ribaut ' belonged to the very scum of society. He was a man who hung on to the skirts of the nobility by doing all their more infamous work for them. Chaucer, wishing to comprise in one sentence the highest and the lowest grades of society, speaks in his 'Romance' of 'king, knighte, or ribaude.' ' William le Ribote,' therefore, men- tioned in the ' Chapter House Records of Westmin- ster,' or 'William Ribaud ' (W. 15), could not have borne the best of characters, I am afraid. Although not quite so degraded in the world's esteem as some of these last, we may here include our ' Gcd- lings,' reminiscences of the old 'Gadling' or 'Gedling,' one who gadded about from door to door to talk the gossip and scandal — the modern tattler, in fact. Our former ' Gerard le Gaburs ' and ' Stephen le Gabbers ' were equally talkative, if not such ramblers. As overmuch talking and jesting always beget a sus- picion of overstretching the truth, so was it here. 480 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Wicklyfife uses ' gabbing ' in the sense of lying, and an old poem says : — AUe those false chapmen The fiend them will habbe, Bakeres and breowares • For alle men they gabbe. ' (A litd soth Sen/iun.) In the North of England, I need scarcely add, this is the ordinary and colloquial sense of the term to the present day. The name of ' John Totillcr ' might well-nigh induce us to believe that teetotalism was not unknown by that name at this period, but it is not so. A ' totillcr ' was a ' whisperer ' of secrets. In the ' Le- gend of Good Women,' one says to the God of Love — In ye court is many a losengeour And many a queinte totoler accusour. The name of 'Dora Gibelot ' or 'John Gibbclote'^ reminds us of a term now obsolete, but once familiar as denoting a giddy, flighty girl.^ It is found in various forms, the commonest being that of ' giglot.' "* Mr. Halliwell quotes an old proverb by way of adding a further variation — The smaller pesun (peas), the more to pott, The fayrer woman the more gylott. ' ' Lyare, or gabbare — mendax, mendosus.' (Pronipi. PinT.) 'Henry le Lierc' (H.R.) speaks for himself, unless he liclhs himself. " Like ' Gabelot,' ' Ilamelot,' 'Hughelot,' Crestelot,' etc., ' Gibelot ' may be a diminutive, in which case ' Gilbert ' will be the root, and the name will belong to the patronymic class. (ViJc p. i6, note i.) * A • William Gidyheved ' (Giddyhead) is mentioned by Mr. Riley as living in London in the xivth century. (X. index.) ♦ In the Pr. Far., 'Gybelot' (or Gyglot) is rendered 'ridax.' NICKNAMES.' 48 1 I would, however, suggest this as but the pet form of * Gill,' mentioned in my chapter on Christian names. In either case the meaning is the same. An often met with sobriquet in the fourteenth century is that of * Robert le Burgulion,' or ' Geoffrey le Burgillon,' the old term for a braggart. It is now, however, wholly obsolete. ' Robert le Lewed,' or * William le Lewed,' is also lost to our directories, and certainly would be an unpleasant appellation in the nineteenth century. Its general meaning four hundred years ago, however, was its more literal one, that of simplicity or igno- rance. It is connected with our word ' lay' as opposed to * cleric,' and arose at a time when knowledge was all but entirely in the hands of the clergy. Thus in the ' Pardoner's Tale ' it is said — Lewed people loven tales olde, Such things can they vvel report and holde. Such a name then, we may trust, implied nothing beyond a lack of knowledge in respect of its possessor. ' William Milksop,' or ' Thomas Milkesop,' or ' Mau- rice Ducedame ' were but types of a class of dandified and effeminate beings who have ever existed, but even their names would be more acceptable than those which fell to ' Robert le Sot,' or ' Maurice Drun- card,' or ' Jakes Drynk-ale,' ' or ' Geoffrey Dringke- dregges,' ^ or ' Thomas Sourale.' ' It is evident that ' Teetotalism was not without its representatives — ' Thomas le Sober' (M.), 'Richard Drynkewatere ' (M.), 'John Drinkewater (A.). There is no proof for Camden's statement that this is a corruption of Derwentwater. From the earliest days it appears in its present dress. ^ ' Memorandum, quod die sancti Leonard i, fecit Galfridus Dringked- regges de Ubbethorp homagium.' (V. 8, p. 151.) * 'Thomas Sourale ' (A.) is met by 'John Swetcale,' a member of I I 482 ENGLISH SURNAMES. there were those who were disposed to follow the dictate of at least one portion of the old rhyme — Walke groundly, talkc profoundly, Drinke roundly, sleape soundly.. ' Ralph Sparewater,' I fear, was a man of dirty habits, while ' John Klenewater ' was a model of cleanliness. But we have not yet done with sobriquets of an unpleasant nature. Men of miserly and penurious habits seem to have flourished in plentiful force in olden days as well as the present. ' Irenpurse ' figures several times in early rolls, and would be a strong, if somewhat rough, sarcasm against the besetting weak- ness of its first possessor. ' Lovegold ' is equally explicable. ' Pennifather,' however, was the favourite title of such. An old couplet says — The liberall doth spend his pelfe, The pennyfather wastes himself. It is found in the various forms of ' Penifader,' ' Pany- fader,' and ' Pcnifadir,' in the fourteenth centur}'. ' Pennypurse,' ' ' Halfpcny,' and ' Turnpcny ' - are met with at the same time, and somewhat later on ' Thick- peny.' ' Broadpeny,' ' Manypcnny,' now corrupted into ' Moneypcny,' ' Winpcny,' now also found as * Wimpenny,' ' Pinchpenny,' with its more directly St. George's Guild, Norwich (V.). The foiTncr, I doubt not, was a crabbed peevish fellow. ' 'Simon le Chuffere' occurs in the II. R, This was a common term of opprobrium for a miser. As ' ChufTcr ' it is found in the Toiunley Mysteries. * * The wife of Mr. Turnpenny, newsagent, Leeds, was yesterday delivered of two sons and one daughter, all of whom are doing well {Manchester Evening Nezvs, July i, 1873.) * NICKNAMES.' 483 Norman * Pinsemaille,' and ' Kachepeny,' with its equally foreign * Cache-maille,' are all also of the same early date, and with one or two exceptions are to be met with to this very day.' It is a true criticism which, as is noticed by Archbishop Trench, has marked the miserly as indeed the em- phatically miserable soul. * Whirlepeny ' is now ex- tinct, but alone, so far as my researches go, existed formerly to remind men that the spendthrift character is equally subversive of the true basis of human happiness.^ Several names combined with 'peck' and ' pick,' as ' Peckcheese,' ' Peckbean,' ' Peckweather,' and ' Pickbone,' seem to be expressive of the glut- tonous habits of the possessors, but it is possible they may be but the moral antecedents of our modern 'Pecksniffs '[3 Our ' Starks ' and ' Starkies,' if not ' Starkmans,' represent a word which can hardly be said to exist in our vocabulary, since it now but survives in certain phrases, such as ' stark-mad,' or ' stark-naked.' We should never say a man was ' stark ' simply. A forcible word, it once expressed the rude untutored nature of anything. Thus, on account of his unbridled ' ' William Taylemaylc ' is found in the Chronicon retrobtirgense. (Cam. Soc.) '■' We may also mention 'Gilbert le Coveliose' (M.) and 'Robert Would-have.' We still say ' much would have more.' ' Robert Would- have, sergeant-at-mace, witness in trial before the Mayor of Newcastle, March 23, 1662.' (W. 16.) ' • William Rakestraw' reminds us of ' Piers Plowman's ' ratoner and rakyer of Cheape,' i.e., ratcatcher and scavenger of Chcapside. A still more objectionable name was that of * Adam Ketmongere ' (II. R.), Ket = filth, carrion. ' Honorius le Rumonjour ' (Rummager) (N.) would seem to have followed a similar calling. These sobriquets would readily be affixed upon men of a penurious and scraping character. I I 2 484 ENGLISH SURNAMES. passion, the Bastard King is termed in the Saxon chronicle ' a stark man, and very savage,' while just before he is asserted to be ' stark beyond all bounds to them who withsaid his will.' Thus it will be akin to such names as ' Walter le Wyld,' ' or ' Warin Cruel,' or ' Ralph le Ferce,' or 'John le Savage,' or ' William le Salvage,' or ' Adelmya le Sauvage,' or ' William Ramage.' Chaucer speaks somewhere of a ' ramage goat.' III. — Miscellaneous. (1) Nicknames from t]ie Aii'u)ial and Vegetable Kingdom, Mr. Lower, in his ' English Surnames,' gives a long list of names from what he calls vegetable pro- ductions, but, although he does not say so, I am con- fident he would be the first to admit that the great majority of those which he instances should really be set among our local surnames. For example, he includes ' Cherry,' ' Broome,' ' Bramble,' ' Feme,' ' Holyoak,' ' Peach,' * Rowntrce,' in this category. While ' Cherry ' and ' Peach ' might possibly be sobriquets of complexion, the manifest course is to look upon them as of local origin. So persuaded am I of this, after a long perusal of mcdia:val records, that I shall notice but some half-dozen names from the vegetable kingdom, and only those of which I can find memorials in past registers. This is a place which of all others might well tempt me to run riot among our directories, and collect a curious list from our present existing nomenclature ; but I would even • ' William Wildeblood ' is found in a Yorkshire Roll (W. 9), and 'Jordan Kite-wilde' in the II. R. 'NICKNAMES.' 485 here persistently adhere to the idea with which I set out, and* to which I have mainly been true, viz., to instance names about which I can speak somewhat positively, because I have found them imbedded in the nomenclature of the period in which surnames had their rise. ' Blanchflower,' ' Lilywhite,' and ' Bout- flower ' I have already dealt with. * Robert Daisye * occurs in the ' Trial of Dame Alice Kyteler ' (Cam, Soc), ' Nicholas Pescodde ' in the ' Proceedings in Chancery ' (Elizabeth), ' Godfrey Gingivre ' (Ginger) in the ' Writs of Parliament,' ' ' Geoffrey Peppercorn ' in the Hundred Rolls, ' Robert Primerose ' and ' Sara Garlek' in the 'History of Norfolk' (Bromefield), and 'Roger Pluckerose' and 'John Pullrose' in a Sussex Roll of 1296.^ I doubt whether more than one or two of these can be said rightly to belong to the nickname class. As sign-names — for I feel assured they thus arose — they will have their place in our second chapter on ' Local Names.' ' But when we come to the Animal Kingdom we are on clearer and more definite ground. The local class must undoubtedly embrace a large number of these names, as such an entry as ' William atte Roe- buck ' (M.), or 'Richard de la Vache' (A.), or ' Thomas atte Ram ' (N.), or 'John de la Roe ' (O.), or 'Gilbert de la Hegle ' (A.), or ' Hugh atte Cokke' (B.), or 'Walter de Whitchorse ' (C), or 'John atte ' Also ' Agnes Gyngyvcrc ' in Riley's Memorials of London. Like 'John Vergoose' (W. 13) i.e., vincgarish, they would seem to hit off the sharp temperament of their owners. ^ Vide Lower's English Surna/nes, i. 242. ' Thus it is with our 'Roses.' The Rot. Fin. in Turri London. give us a 'John de la Rose,' while the Hundred Rolls furnish us with a 'Nicholas de la Rose.' 486 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Gote' (M.) clearly testifies. But on the other hand we find a class, set by which the last is insignificant — a class which has its own entries — * William le Got ' (A.), 'Katerina le Cok ' (B.), 'Alicia le Ro ' (A.), 'Philip la Vache' (C), or 'Joachim le Ram ' (T.), corresponding to the former, only differing in that such entries are vastly more numerous and embrace a wider range, taking in, in fact, the whole genus and species that belong alike to ' the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.' In dealing with this large and varied assortment of sobriquets, I would say then that, where there is no proof positive to the contrary, the course is to survey a name of this class as referable to three distinct origins, and I put them in the following order of probability : — i. A nickname taken from that animal whose generally understood habits seemed to bear affinity to those of the nominee. 2. A local sign-name. 3. An heraldic device. With these preliminary statements, let us proceed. As we find all the moral qualities seized upon to give individuality to the possessors, so, too, we find the names of animals whose peculiarities gave pretext for the sobriquets pressed into the service of our nomenclature. In our earlier Pagan history it had been the wont of Saxon fathers to style their children by the names of such beasts as from their nobler qualities it was hoped the little one would one day copy. The same fashion still existed, only that the nickname as the exponent of popular feeling was really more or less appropriate to him who was made to bear it. In the latter case, too, it was the ridicu- lous aspects of character that were most eagerly NICKNAMES.' 487 caught at. Our general vocabulary is not without traces of this custom. We still term a shrewish wife a vixen, i.e. a she fox. Men of a vile, mean character are rascals, i.e. lean deer ; and rough boys are tirchins^ a corruption of the old herison, or hedgehog. Apply- ing this to surnames, we come first to {a) Beasts. — Our ' Bests,' when not local, are but the ' Richard le Bestes ' or * Henry le Bestes ' of the thirteenth century. Their superlative excellence is therefore imaginary, I fear, but we may be permitted to hope that they are what they appear. ' Edith Beest,' in the sixteenth century, is nearer our mo- dern form. Our ' Oliphants,' ' Olivants,' and ' Olli- vants' represent but the elephant, and owe their origin, doubtless, to the huge and ungainly propor- tions of some early ancestor. In the * Romance of Alexander' is a strange description of the fabled mono- ceros, which would seem to have been a kind of pot- pourri of all other beasts, for besides a tail like a hog, tusks like a dog, and a head like a hart's — Made is his cors After the forme of a hors, Fete after olifant, certis.' This sobriquet, in a day when size and strength went for much, does not seem to have been thought ob- jectionable, for its owners have left issue enough to prevent its ever falling into abeyance.^ Thus we see » ' Paid John of the hall, of tow (two) urchines, o/. os. ^d.' [Hist, and Attt. Staffordshire, i. 1 97-) 2 George Camel and Jane Camel were apprehended as Popish recusants, Maya, 1673. {Dean Granville's Letters, p. 225.) 'William Cammille' (V. 4), 'George Camil' (W. 20). ' '1438.' "Item, pro aula 'Olefantc,' Magister Kyllynworth." 488 ENGLISH SURNAMES. we may meet with elephants every day in our streets without going to the Zoological Gardens for them. Our ' Lions ' (' Richard Lion,' V. 2) and ' Lyons,' when not local,' speak doubtless for the brave heart of some early progenitor. Our ' Bears,' relics of ' Richard le Bere ' (A.) or ' Lawrence le Bere ' (M.), as a reflec- tion upon a surly temper, would be less corriplimen- tary, or perhaps the original nominee wore his hair shaggy and long. A fierce disposition would meet with rebuke or praise, as the case might be, in such a sobri- quet as 'John Lepard,' or 'Tiger,' now all but obsolete, saving for our striped and liveried youths ; or 'Wolf (' Elena le Wolfe,' A., ' Philip Ic Wolf,' M.), with its more Norman ' Lupe'^ ('Robert le Lupe,' B.), or ' Lovel'^ or ' Love ' (' Robert le Love,' A.), the latter being in flat contradiction to the usually ascribed instincts of the animal. Timidity or reserve, or perchance fleetness of foot, would soon find itself exalted in ' Geofl*rey le Hare,' ' Reginaldc le Raye,' ' Walter le Buk,' ' Hobart le Hart,' ' Dorothie le Stagge,' ' Henry Rascal,' * ' William {Mun. Acad. Oxon. p. 522.) This hall or smaller college was so called from the sign over the door. Skclton has both ' olyfant ' and • olyphante.' lie describes a woman in ' Eleanor Rummyng' as ' Necked lyke an olyfant. ' ■ ' Herveus de Lyons,' C, ' Richard de Lyouns,' M. ' It was ' Ilugues le Loup' the Conqueror appointed Second Count of the Cheshire Palatinate. * ' Lovel' is the diminutive. ' Maulovel ' will thus be 'Bad-wolfkin.* * A Rascal was a lean, ragged deer ; Shakespeare so uses it. Very early, however, the term was applied to the vulgar herd of human kind, but with far less opprobious meaning than now. Ilall, quoting Henry of Northumberland, speaks of Henry IV. as having obtained his crown ' by the counsadl of thy frcndcs, and by open noising of the rascale people' (f. xxi.), i.e. the rabble. An extract from the Ordinances of Henry VIII. at Eltham says, ' It is ordained that none of the sergeants * NICKNAMES.' 489 le Do/ or * Alicia le Ro,' the ancestors of our * Hares,' • Rays,' or ' Wrays,' ' Bucks,' ^ ' Harts,' * Stags,' ' Does,' or * Roes,' of legal notoriety, and ' Prickets.' That old spoiler of hen-roosts, the polecat, has left us in ' Fitch ' and * Fitchett ' no very happy relationship of ideas. Craftiness would be very properly stigmatised in ' Henry le Fox ' or ' John le Tod,' and a ' John le Renaud ' occurring in the Parliamentary Rolls reminds us that some of our ' Renauds ' and * Renards ' may be more closely associated with this wily denizen of our forest fastnesses than they think. The badger has originated ' Walter le Broc ' or ' Henry le Brok ' (now Brock) ; the beaver ' John le Bever,' or ' Johnle Bevere ' (now Beaver).^ The rabbit gave us ' Henry Cony ' and ' John Conay ; ' the weasel ' Mathew le Martun ' (now Marten) ; the mole * Walter le Want ' (now Want) ; the nimble haunter of our forest boughs * Thomas le Squyrelle ' (now Squirrell), and the otter ' Alan Otere,' or ' Edward Oter ' (now Otter). Nor must we forget the farmyard and its acces- sories, which, as we might readily presume, are well represented. ' Alice le Bule,' or ' William le Bule ' (now Bull), is a sobriquet which has now such a firm at arms, heralds . . . have, retain, or bring into the court any boyes or rascalles, nor also other of their servants.' The surname was very common, and lasted a long time — 'John Raskele' (H.), 'Henry Ras- call' (Z.). Robert Rascal was persecuted for his religion in 15 17 (Foxe). • Received for a pcwe in the lower end of the churche set to Richard Rascalle, vij.' (Ludlow Churchwardens' Accounts, Cam. Soc.) • As we have Cock and Cockerell, Duck and Duckrell, so we have Buck and Buckerell—' Peter Bokerel' (A.), 'Matthew Bokerel' (A.). Cf. Mackarel and Pickerell. * Sometimes this is local, and a mere corruption of Bcauvoir — 'Roger de Bel voir' (M.). 490 ENGLISH SURNAMES." place as symbolic of our national character that we need not show to what peculiarities of temperament they owed their name. ' Simon le Steer,' ' Peter le Vache,' with its Saxon ' Thomas le Cu ' or ' Ralph le Cou/ * Richard le Calf, ^ ' Godwin le Bulloc,' ' Peter le Stot,' ' Roger le Colt,' are all of common occurrence, and still abide with us. ' Roger le Mule,' as repre- sentative of obstinacy, we might have suspected, would have become early obsolete, but it still survives.' ' * Robert le Veyle,' or 'William le Veel,' now written 'Veale,' 'Philip le Mutton,' and 'John le Boeuf,' or ' Robert le Bef,' ^ carry us back to the day when these several terms denoted the living animal. Thus, with respect to the last, Burton in his ' Anatomy,' translat- ing Plautus, says — Like other cooks I do not supper dress, That put whole meadows into a platter, And make no better of their guests than beeves, With herbs and grass to feed them fatter. — p. 69. Alongside our ' Muttons ' we may place our ' William ' 'Duncalf may be seen over a window in Oklham Road, Man- chester. ' William Duncalf (A.A. i), 'John Duncalf ' (A. A. i). - Such names as Roger Runcy, Richard Palefray, John Portehors, or Ralph Portehos represent terms very familiar to our forefathers. * This word 'beef as denotive of the living animal was in vogue in the seventeenth century at least. The plural ' beeves ' is still to be found in our Authorized Version. P'or instance, Levit. xxii. 19, is trans- lated, ' Ye shall offer at your own will a male without blemish of the beeves, of the sheep, or of the goats.' Sliakespeare, also, has the word in this sense. He speaks in his ' Merchant of Venice ' of the — 'Flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats.' We have here mutton used in the same manner. Edward the Second was accustomed ' to breedc upp beeves and motonnes in his parkes to serve his household.' [Liber A7[^rr, Ed. IV,) NICKNAMES.' 49I le Lambs ' and ' Richard le Lombs,' ^ and if they were remarkable for their meek disposition, playfulness, I doubt not, was equally characteristic of our ' Reginald Kidds' and ' Cheevers,' relics of the old 'Henry le Chivre ' or goat. I am afraid the connexion of ideas that gave rise to such sobriquets as were represented by 'Alice le Hog,' 'John le Bacun,' 2 'William le Gryse,' ' Gilbert Gait,' ' Walter Pigge,' ^ ' Roger Sugge,* ' Richard le Bor ' (Boar), 'Richard Wildbore,' 'John Pork,' and ' John Purcell ' (little porker, that is), is not of the pleasantest — terms, too, as they are, all familiar to our directories to this present day. Several of these words are now colloquially obsolete. ' Grice/ I fancy, is one such. We still speak of the ' griskin,' Locally it comes in such names as ' Grisdale ' and * Grisvvood.' As a sobriquet of the animal, it was quite familiar in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Piers Plowman says — Cokes and their knaves Cryden, ' Hote pies, bote ! Goode gees and grys !' ' Sug ' was provincial for ' sow,' and comes in the local 'Sugden' mentioned in my first chapter. Richard HI. was sometimes styled the 'Boar' or 'Hog.' It was in allusion to this that the rhyme got abroad — ' Apart from such entries as 'William le Lamb,' we find a 'John Lambgrome' in the Himdred Rolls. Though obsolete, we must set him by our ' Shepherds.' A brother-in-law of John Wesley bore the name of ' Whitelamb.' I am not sure whether this surname has died out or not. In the Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665, it is found in the person of ' Isabel Whitlamb.' 2 'Robert Spichfat' (X.), ' William Spichfat' (W. 11.), fromthcold 'spic,' bacon, seem to refer to the greasy habits of their owners. ' Christopher Pigg was Mayor of Lynn Regis in 1742. 492 ENGLISH SURNAMES. The Rat, the Cat, and Lovel the Dog, Rule all England under the Hog. The first two referred of course to Ra/c\if(e and Caieshy. But the mention of these reminds us of our household pets and indoor foes. * Elias le Cat,' or * Adam le Kat,' or ' Milo le Chat ' still boasts de- scendants, and the same can be said for ' Nicholas Dogge,' or ' Eborard le Kenn,' or * Thomas le Chen.' The usual forms are Catt, Ken, and Kenn. In our kemiel we still preserve a memorial of this Norman- introduced word. Our ' Hunds ' and ' Hounds ' are but the old ' Gilbert le Hund ' or ' William le Hund,' and carry us to the forest and the chase. The especial bugbear of cat and dog alike found remembrance in our early ' Nicholas le Rat ' and 'Walter le Rat,' or * Ralph Ratun,' ' and in 'John le Mous,' 'Hugh le Mus,' or ' Richard Mowse.' ' Ratton,' ' Ratt,' and ' Mowse ' still exist. With one more name we conclude. Through Spain and the Moors of Barbary monkeys were early introduced for the amusement of the English people. In the ' Miller's Tale ' it is said of Alison — And thus she maketh Absolom her ape, And all his earnest turneth to a gape.* that is, she was wont to make a fool of him. The sobriquet is found in such an entry as ' John le Ape,' registered in the Hundred Rolls, or 'John Jackanapes,' in the Parliamentary Writs. ' Raton is still the term in the North. Langland uses it, and in Chaucer the Potccary is asked by a purchaser — ' That he him woukl sell Some poison, that lie might his ratouns quell.' ' An old political poem says the Italians bring in ' Apes and japes and mamusetts taylcde, Nifles, trifles, that litellc have avaylcd.' ' NICKNAMES.' 493 (/;) Birds.— The surname that represents the genus is ' Bird,' the name being met with as ' John le Bryd ' or ' David le Brid/ a pronunciation still in vogue in many parts of England. Falconry has given us many sobriquets of this class. Accustomed as our fathers were to seeing the fierce and eager instincts of the bird, to nickname a man of rapacious and grasping habits by such a term as ' John le Kyte,' or ' William le Hawk,' or Richard le Falcon,' would be the most natural thing in the world. And just as the difference in breed and disposition in these birds themselves gave rise to separate definitions, so an imagined resemblance to these distinct qualities must have originated such different names as ' Muskett,' ' Buzzard,' * Puttock,' ' ' Goshawk,' ' Tassell,' ' Gleed,' or * Glide,' ^ and ' Spar- rowhawk,' or ' Spark,' or ' Sparke,' as it is now more generally spelt. So early as Chaucer, however, this last was written 'Spar-hawk,' ^ and that once gained the further contraction in our nomenclature became inevi- table. Thus was it with other birds. Did a man develop such propensities as showiness, then he was nicknamed 'Jay;' if pride, 'Peacock' or ' Pocock,' ' ' Some bileve that yf the kite or the puttock fle ovir the way afore them that they should fare wel that daye, for sumtyme they have farewele after that they see the puttock so fleyinge.' (Brand, iii. 113.) ^ Our present Authorized Version retains the term in Deut. xiv. 13, wliere mention is made of ' the glcdc, and the kite, and the vuUure after his kind.' Locally it is found in 'Gledhill' and 'Gladstone,' or more correctly ' Gledstane,' that is, the hill or crag which the kites were wont to frequent. A 'William de Gledstanys' is met with in the Coldingham Priory Records of the date of 1357, proving its North English origin. ' Ilawkstone' and ' Gladstone' are thus synonymous. » 'Richard Sparhawke ' was Rector of Fincham in 1534. (Hisi. Nor/., vii. 358.) 494 ENGLISH SURNAMES. as it was once pronounced ; if guile, ' Rook ; ' if pert- ness, ' Pye,' with its diminutive 'Pyet ' or ' Pyett ; ' if garrulity, ' Parrott ' or ' Parratt ; ' if he was a votary of song he was styled ' Nightingale ' or ' Lark,' or in its more antique dress ' Laverock ' or ' Woodlark,' or ' Finch,' or ' Bulfinch,' or ' Goldfinch,' or ' Chaffinch,' or ' Spink,' or ' Goldspink,' or ' Thrush,' or ' Thrussel,' or ' Cuckoo.' If jauntiness displayed itself in his actions he was nicknamed ' Cock ' or ' Cockerell ' or ' Chaunte- cler ; ' if homeliness, 'Sparrow; ' if tenderness, ' Pigeon ' or * Dove,' and so on with our ' Swans,' * Herons,' ' Cootes,' ' Gulls,' * Storks,' ' Ravens,' ' Crows,' ' Speights,' ' Cranes,' ' Capons,' * Henns,' * Chickens,' ' ' Ducks,' ' Duckerells,' * Drakes,' ' Sheldrakes ' or ' Sheldricks,' * Wildgooses,' 'Mallards' {i.e. wild duck), ' Gooses ' or ' Goss-'s,'^ 'Grey- gooses,' * Goslings,' ^ ' Ganders,' ' Woodcocks,' ' Par- tridges,' ' Partricks,' ' Pheasants,' or ' Fesants,' as once spelt, and 'Blackbirds.''' These are names ornithologi- cally familiar to us. Many a pretty name, however, once on the common tongue but now obsolete, or well- nigh so, still abides in our surnames. Thus our ' Pop- jays ' still preserve the remembrance of the once common popinjay or parrot, ' the popinjay, full of deli- ' * Philip Chikin' (A.), 'John Chiivin' (A.). The name existed in the xviithcent., for one 'George Chicken' was summoned at Ryton 'for not payeinghis assessments, July 28, 1673.' {Dean Giain'tlle's Letters, Sur. Soc.). * ' Peter leGoos,' F.F., ' Walter leGows,' A., 'Amicia Ic Gos,' J., 'John le Gos,' M. The latter, as ' Goss,' is the present most common form. * This is as often from Joscelyn. ' Goscelinefil. Gawyn,' A., ' Roger fil. Gocelin,' A. * A tablet with the inscription ' Sacred to the Memory of Priscilla Blackbird ' has been put up in Stepney churchyard within the last few years. * NICKNAMES.' 495 easy,' as Chaucer styles her.* In * Culver' or ringdove we are reminded of the pathetic story of Philomine, where the same writer likens her to the lamb that of the wolf is bitten, Or as the culver, that of the eagle is smitten.* Our « Ruddocks ' or ' Ruddicks ' (' Ralph Ruddoc,' A.), again, are but the old ruddock or robin-redbreast, * the tame ruddock,' as he is termed in the ' Assembly of Fowls.' The hedge-sparrow still lives represented by our ' Pinnocks 'or * Pinnicks ' * John Pynnock ' (G.), * Richard Pinnoc ' (A.)— Thus in the pinnick's nest the cuckoo lays, Then, easy as a Frenchman, takes her flight. So an old writer says. Our ' Turtles ' (' Roger Turtle') D.) are but" pleasant memorials of the bird that has been so long emblematic of constancy, the dove ; our ' Challenders,' if not a corruption of ' Callender,' are representatives of the chelaiinder or goldfinch, so often mentioned by early poets ; and in our * VVoodalls,' ' Woodales,' and ' Woodwalls,' not to say some of our * Woodwells,' we are but reminded of the woodwale, the early woodpecker. Our ' Rains ' are but the old * Robert or William le Rain,' another term for the same ; ^ while our * Stars ' and ' Stares ' (' Robert Stare,' ' ' The bailiffs and commons granted to Robert Popingeay, their fellow citizen, all their tenement and garden in the Parish of St. Mary in the Marsh.' 1371. {Hist. Norf.,m. ()"].) ' Richard Popingay,' T.T. *To a servaunt of William ap Howell for bringing of a popyngay to the Quene to Windesore, xiiij. iiii(/.' {Privy Puise Expenses of Elizabeth of York, 1502.) * ' He turnede upso down the boordis of chaungeris, and the chayers of men that solden culvers. ' (Matt. xxi. 12. v. WicklyfTe.) ' The Prompt. Par. has 'reyn-fowle, a bryd,' so called, the Editor says, because its cry was supposed to prognosticate rain. 496 ENGLISH SURNAMES. A.) carry us back to the day when the starling was so familiarly styled. In the * Assembly of Fowls ' the author speaks of — The false lapwing, full of trccherie, The stare, that the counsaile can beurie. In the * Romance of the Rose ' a list of birds is given embracing many of the above — For there was many a bird singing, Throughout the yard all thringing, In many places were nightingales, Alpes, finches, and wodewales. That in their sweet song delighten. In thilke (such) places as they habiten. There might men see many flocks Of turtles, and laverocks, Chelaundres fele (many) saw I there, That very nigh forsongen were (tired of singing). Every one of these birds so styled is still to be met with in our directories, for even the alpe or bull-finch is not absent. It is only in the investigation of sub- jects like this we see how great are the changes that creep over a people's language. What a list of words is this, which if uttered now would fall dead and meaningless upon the ear of the listener, and yet they were once familiar as household words. {c) Fish. — 'John le Fysche' or 'William Fyske' have left descendants enough to prove that many a Fish can live out of water, although much has been advanced to the contrary. At a time when the peasants lived daily on the products of the inland streams and sandy sea-banks, and when the supply was infinitely more plentiful than it is now, we can easily perceive the naturalness of the sobriquets that belong to this class. Terms that are all but obsolete * NICKNAMES.' 497 to US now, were household words then. Hence it is that we find our directories of to-day abounding with such entries as ' Whale,' ' ' Shark,' ' Dolphin,' * Her- ring,' 2 ' Codde,' ' Codling,' ' Salmon,' ^ ' Trout,' ' Macka- rel,' ' Grayling,' ' Smelt,' ' Pilchard,' ' Whiting,' ' Tur- bot,' ^ ' Keeling,' ' Crabbe,' ' Chubb,' ' ' Tench,' « ' Pike,' and * Pickerel.' * John Sturgeon ' is mentioned by Foxe in his ' Martyrology,' under date 1541, and still remains. The Hundred Rolls contain a ' William Lampreye.' ' Barnacle ' is still common, and * Mus- sell ' and ' Spratt ' ^ are not unknown. But perhaps the most curious of these early nicknames are those belonging to * Matilda le Welke ' and * William Welkeshorn.' Probably they were notorious for a weakness towards that mollusk, which is still eaten in large quantities in some parts of England. (d) Insects and Reptiles. — This is not a large class. The Hundred Rolls furnish us with a ' Magge Flie ' and an ' Oda ^ Flie.' The same records contain a ' ' Thomas le Whal ' (B.), ' Ralph le Wal ' (A.). As with Oliphant, over-corpulence would give rise to the sobriquet. * * Reymund Heryng' (INI.). The diminutive is found in the case of ' Stephen Ilarengot' (D.D.), i.e., 'Little Herring.' ' 'Elizabeth Salmon' (G. ). It is said, a Mr. Salmon having been presented by his wife with three boys at one birth, gave them the names of 'Pickled,' 'Potted,' and 'Fresh.' I would call the reader's attention to the italicised words that preface the statement. * Daniel Turbot was summoned ' for not paying Easter reckonyngs, Aug. 23rd, 1674.' (^Granville's Letters. Sur. Soc.) * 'Matthew Chubb,' a member of the 'Gild of Tailors, Exeter.' — 21 Ed. IV. {English Gilds, 323 p.) ^ ' John Tenche' (A.). Tcnche is the name of one of the yeomen of the Guard to Queen Mary when I'rincess Mary. {Priv. Purse Exp. 1 543-) ' Thomas Spratt was Bishop of Rochester in 1688. * This is doubtless but a feminine form of Odo. K K 498 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Margaret Gnatte' and a 'William Gnatte.' ' Baldewin Bugg ' (B.) and ' Bate Bugge ' (A.) are also found, but although the question has been asked — If a party had a voice, What mortal would be a Bugg by choice, I fancy the cognomen is local, one of the endless forms, like ' Brough,' ' Burgh,' * Burkes,' of the old * Borough.' ' Roger le Waps ' ' reminds us of the still existing provincialism for wasp, and ' William Snake * or 'John Frog' would be as little acceptable.^ The smallest and most repulsive insect we have, the para- sitic louse, is found in ' Nicholas le Lus' (J.), but our di- rectories have now got rid of it — an example that might be followed with no small advantage in other quarters. (2) Descriptive Compoimds affixed as Nicknames. But in an age like that of the thirteenth and four- teenth centuries we cannot imagine that society would be merely required to come under a verbal castigation such as, after all, did nothing more than strike off the names of the animals that entered into Noah's Ark. To call a man a 'wolf or a 'bull' or a 'grayling' or a ' salmon ' or a ' peacock,' after all, is not very dreadful. Terms of a more compound form, sobriquets more minutely anatomical, arc also met with, the un- pleasantness of which is proved by the fact of so few of them having come down to us, while not a small portion, as not fit for ears polite, must be altogether left in their obscurity. There are others, however, of which none need to be ashamed. For instance, ' * Roger le Waps ' is found in a Sussex subsidy roll of 1 296. (Lower, i. 242.) « In Ricart's Kalcudar of Bristol (Cam. Soc), William and Robert Snake are set down among the earlier ' Prepositi.' ' NICKNAMES.' 499 the kingly denomination of ' Quer-de-lyun' ('Ralph Querdelyun,' T,, * William Querdelion/ X.), ^ found in several lists, could not but be agreeable, while ' Dan- de-lyun,' or 'lion-toothed' ('William Daundelyun,' B.), would be in thorough harmony with the spirit of the age. ' Colfox ' (' Thomas Colfox,' Z.), still existing, would be less pleasant. The term ' fox ' is supposed in itself to be synonymous with deceit, but the inten- sive ' col-fox ' or ' deceitful-fox ' must have implied duplicity indeed ! Chaucer, in his ' Nunn's Story,* speaks of A col fox full of sleigh iniquity. Clenehog ' (' William Clenehog,' A.) or ' Clenegrise ' (* Roger Clenegrise,' A.) would seem to be a sarcasm upon the dirty habits of its early owner, while ' Piggesflesh ' (' Reyner Piggesflesh,' M.) or ' Hogges- flesh ' (' Margery Hoggesflesh,' Z.) ^ is as obviously intended to be a reflection upon the general appear- ance. 'Herring' ('Robert Heryng,' A.), already mentioned, is not objectionable, but ' Goodherring ' ' In 1433 it had got corrupted into ' Querdling,' a ' Thomas Querd- ling* occupying an official position in Norwich in that year. Of him the following rhyme speaks — ' Whoso have any quarrel or pie, If he but withstand John Hankcy, John Querdlyng, Nic Waleys, John Belagh, John Meg, Sore shall him rcwc For they rule all the court with their lawes newe.' (Bromefield, iii. 145.) I doubt not 'Curling' is the modern representative of this name. ' This name is not obsolete. Mr. Lower quotes a local rhyme thus — ' Worthing is a pretty place, And if I'm not mistaken, If you can't get any butcher's meat, There's "hogs' flesh" and "bacon."' K K 2 500 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ('Adam Godharing,' A.) and ' Redherring' ' ('William Redhering,' M.) are, ' Fish ' one would not for a moment find fault with, but few young ladies, I imagine, would be found to face at the matrimonial altar a 'John Pourfishe' (M.). Objection, too, if not by the fair inamorata, yet by her parents, would be raised, I suspect, to an alliance with a * Roger Feldog,' or ' Thomas Catsnose,' or ' William Cocksbrain,' or 'Robert Calvesmaw,' or 'Peter Buckeskyn,' or ' Arnulph Dogmaw,' or ' Henry Crowfoot,' or ' Matthew Goose- beak,' or 'John Bullhead.' ' Talking of the last, how- ever, it is interesting to notice how much the bull has entered into compounds of this kind. Thus we light upon such names as ' Walter Oyl-de-beof ' or ' William Oldbeof,' that is, bull-eyed ; ' Ralph Front-de-boeuf,' that is, bull-faced ; 'John Cors-de-boeuf ' or 'Thomas Cordebeofe,' that is, bull-bodied ; ' John Queer-de- boef,' that is, bull-hearted, or 'Amice le Wildeboef or ' Nicholas Waldebeof,' seemingly like ' Wild-bore,' referring to some wild untutored characteristics of the bearer. In all these the genius of the age is quite apparent, and probably not one was looked upon as otherwise than complimentary. ' William Scorche- bouef was evidently some unlucky young kitchener who had mismanaged his duties as spit-turner, but it betrays the process by which the term ' boeuf ' has come into its present position of verbal usefulness. In this light 'Cors-de-boeuf also is further interesting as reminding us that there was a time when ' corpse ' ' 'William Wolfheryng' occurs in a Sussex subsidy roll, 1296. (Lower, i. 242.) * 'Joan Blackdam ' occurs in Hist. Norfoll;. (Bromcfield, v. Index.) * NICKNAMES.' $01 did not necessarily imply the inanimate frame. 'Behold, they were all dead corpses,' found in our Authorized Version, was no tautology, it would appear, even in the seventeenth century. Thus do changes creep over the lives of words as well as men. We might fill a book with these descriptive compounds — surnames so whimsical, so absurdly humorous that they manifestly could not live. For instance, we meet in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries with such a sobriquet as 'William Honde- shakerC)' which no doubt spoke for the hearty good- will of its easy possessor. ' Geoffry Chese-and-brede* seems to refer to the peculiar taste of its owner, while ' Arnold Scutelmouth ' would be a sarcasm on personal capacity for such things. ' Alan Swet-in- bedde ' would not be an acceptable cognomen, nor 'William Badneighbour,' nor 'Thomas Two-year-olde,' nor 'Geoffrey Dringke-dregges,' nor 'Anna Hellicate' (hell-cat).' 'Alice Gude-ale-house ' was evidently a homely landlady, who kept her tavern in good repute by assiduous attention and good-humoured ways. ' William Kepegest ' would seem to bespeak the kindly cheer of more private hospitality, while ' John Dry- bread,' if not stingy, was doubtless crusty, ' John Ratelle-bagge,' or ' John Leve-to-day,' or ' Serle Go-to- Kirk,' or 'Thomas Horsenail,' or 'John Light- harness,' or ' Richard Myldew,' or ' John Buckleboots,* or 'Edward Tortoise-shell,'^ or 'John Hornbuckle,* ' ' Anna Hellicate' was called before the Archdeacon of Durham, for not coming to the Church, 27th July, 1673.' {Dean Granville's Letters, Surt. Soc.) * This most curious name appears in the Manchester Directory for 1861. 502 ENGLISH SURNAMES. while conveying no slight upon the character, would be obnoxious enough as surnames. Our * Doolittles,' * Lovejoys,' ' Scattergoods,' ' Makepeaces/ and ' Hate- wrongs ' belong to this same category. ' A large and varied assortment of this class will be found in the notes to this chapter, and to them I refer the reader. They are of a class which were especially popular at the time of which we are writing. Many of them are used as expletives in the railing poets and writers of the period. For instance, the author of * Cocke Lorelle's Bote ' speaks of — ' Slingthrlft Fleshmonger,' Also 'Fabian Flatterer,' and 'Cicely Claterer,' With 'Adam Avenis,' flail-swinger, And ' Francis Flaproach, ' . . . With ' Giles Unreste,' mayor of Newgate, And 'Lewis Unlusty, the leesing-monger. ' Here is ' Will Wily,' the mill-pecker (thieQ, And ' Patrick Peevish,' hairbeater. With ' Davy Drawlatch ' ' of Rockingham. Also 'Hick Crookneck,' the rope-maker, And 'Steven Meascllmouth,' mussell-taker, With 'Gogle-eyed Thompson,' shepster of L)mn. The above selection of fancy names will give us a fair idea of the kind of sobriquet which went down with the lower orders during the Angevine and Plantagenet dynasties. But the largest branch of descriptive compounds is yet to be mentioned. We find not a few instances where names of simple relationship or occupation or office, or even, we may add, of patronymic character, having become compounded with adjectives expres- sive of the feeling of those with whom the nominee had to deal, naturally place themselves under this * This seems to have been a surname— 'John Drawlace' (W. l8). NICKNAMES.' 503 same category. These, so far as they have come down to us, are generally of a favourable, or at least harmless, description. Thus, to notice Christian names first, this has especially been the case with * John.' Probably as this sobriquet grew into favour the practice became the means of distinguishing be- tween several of the same title. Thus, as I hinted in my previous chapter, if John were doughty, he became 'Prujean,'^ that is, preux-jean ; if fat, 'Grosjean;' if young, ' Youngjohn ; ' '^ if clownish, * Hobjohn ; ' if big, ' Micklejohn ; ' if small, ' Littlejohn,' ^ or ' Petitjean ; ' * if of a sunburnt countenance, ' Brownjohn ; ' ^ and if comely or well proportioned, ' Properjohn ; ' thus pre- serving a once familiar sense of ' proper,' which we may meet with in such an olden phrase as a ' proper knight,' or in our present Authorized Scripture Version, where our translators make St, Paul speak of ' The President of the College of Physicians in 1665 was Sir Francis Prujean. Bramston, in his Autobiography (Cam, Soc), styles him ' Prugean.' * The newspapers for June 6th, 1874, mention a 'Mr. Youngjohn ' in connection with an election petition at Kidderminster. ' We have already noticed that ' Robin-hood ' had become in itself a surname. It is quite possible our ' Little-johns ' have arisen in a simi- lar manner. Little John, I need not say, was as carefully represented at the May-day dance as Robin himself or Maid Marian. Ritson has preserved us a rhyme on the subject — ' This infant was called John Little,' quoth he ' Which name shall be changed anon ; The words we'll transpose, so wherever he goes, His name shall be called " Little John." ' * ' Item, to Guillam de Vait, Guillam de Trope, and Pety John mynstralles, iv/.' {Trcvelyan Papers, ii. 20. Cam. Soc.) ' We might be tempted to place our ' Brownbills ' here, but I have recently shown them to be representative of the old and famous pikes known as 'brownbills,' used so commonly in war previous to the introduction of gunpowder. 504 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Moses in his infancy as a ' proper child.' ' Lastly, we have the estimable ' Bonjohn,' the origin, I doubt not, of ' Bunyon ' and ' Bunyan,' the familiar bearer of the latter form of which we shall all doubtless admit to be well worthy his name. It is happy chance that when we speak, as we often do, of ^ good John Bun- yan,' we simply give him a reduplication of that very title which none more richly merits than he. In 1310 there was a ' Jon Bonjon ' in London, and still earlier than this a ' Durand le Bon Johan' figures in the Hundred Rolls. ^ Several others we may mention, more Saxon in their character, and all long obsolete, save one. Indeed, I doubt not they died with their original possessors. These are ' Robert Good-robert ' (P.) and ' Richard White-richard ' (J.), ' William Holy- peter ' (A.) ' William Jolif-wiU ' (A.) {i.e. ' Jolly-Will '),' and ' William Prout-picrrc ' (M.). ' William Good- hugh ' (M.), however, has contrived to hold his own, unless, as Mr. Lower thinks, it belongs not to this category, but one I have already surveyed, that re- garding complexion. Its early form of ' Godhewc ' would seem perhaps to favour his notion. Names of this class, however, are rare. When wc come to oc- ' Thus Desdemona says to Emilia {Othello, iv. 3) — ■ ' Tliis Lodovico is a proper man ; ' and the latter responds — ' A very handsome man.' * ' Apple-John' must be looked upon as a nickname taken from the fruit of that name. An apple-john was a species of apple which was never fully ripe till late in the season, when it was shrivelled. Hence Shakespeare's allusion in 2 Heniy IV. ii. 4. ' Sweet-apple' will belong to this category. * ' Full-James' must be looked upon as a corruption of Foljambe. I prefer the original, though that is not complimentary. ' NICKNAMES.' 505 cupation the instances are much more common. Thus if we have ' Husband,' who doubtless owes his origin to his economical rather than his marital posi- tion, we have, besides, ' Younghusband ' — in his day, I dare say, a somewhat precocious youth — the now obsolete ' Goodhusband ; ' if ' Skinner,' then ' Lang- skinner ; ' if ' Wright,' then ' Longwright ' or ' Longus- Faber,' as it is Latinized in our rolls ; if ' Smith,' then ' Gros-smith,' that is ' big-smith,' or ' Wild-smith ' or * Youngsmith ;' or if ' Groom,' then ' Good-groom '' and * Old-groom.' If we have * Swain,' we had also * Goodswain,' or ' Brownswain,' or ' Madswain,' or ' Summerswain,' or ' Cuteswain,' or ' Colswain ' (that is, deceitful swain , or ' Littleswain ; ' if ' King,' ^ then ' Littleking,' ' Coyking,' ' Brownking,' ' Whiteking,' and 'Redking;' if ' Hine,' or ' Hyne,' or 'Hind,' a peasant somewhat similar to Swain, then also * Goodhyne ; ' if ' Bond,' then ' Youngbond ; ' if * Knave ' or servant, then ' Smartknave,' ' White- knave,' ' Brov/nknave,' and ' Good knave,' the latter a strange compound to modern ears ; ^ if ' Clerk,' then ' Bonclerk,' * Bcauclerk,' ' Goodclerk,' * Mauclerk,' '' and ' This name lingered on till 1674 at least, for one of the private musicians attached to the household of Charles II. was 'John Gode- groome.' (Vide Chappell's Ballad Literattire, p. 469.) 'Robert le Godegrom ' had appeared three centuries before in the Hundred Rolls. ' ' King ' I have already suggested as a sobriquet given to one who represented such a rank in some mediaeval pageant. Peculiarities of stature, manner, or dress would readily give rise to the compound forms. ' Archbishop Chichele, when founding All Souls' College, purchased for this purpose the sites of • Beresford's Hall, St. Thomas's Hall, Tyngewyck Hall, and Godknave Hall.' {IHst. Univ. Oxon, vol. i. P- 195) Probably its founder bore that name. * 'Godfrey Mauclerk' was mayor of Leicester in 1286. Also, 506 ENGLISH SURNAMES. 'Redclerk;'' if 'Page/ then ' Littlepage ' ^ and * Smallpage,' and to put it here for convenience, ' Law- page ; ' if * Wayt,' a ' watchman,' then * Smartwayt,' * Stertwait ' (active, on the alert), and ' Goodwayt ;' if 'Man' or 'Mann,' a relic of the old ' le Man' or menial, then also ' Goodman,' a term, however, which became early used of any honest householder.' ^ ' Le Mayster' or 'Master' was common enough, but I am sorry to say I have not lighted upon a ' Goodmayster ' as yet. Thus ' Fellowe ' also, or ' Fellowes,' as we now have it, is met by ' Goodfellow ' and ' Longfellow ; ' ' Child ' by ' Goodchild ' and the obsolete ' Evilchild ; ' ' Son ' by ' Littleson ' and ' Fairson ; ' ' Sire ' by ' Lit- tlesire ' and ' Fairsire ; ' ' Nurse ' by ' Goodnurse,' and * Fowl ' by ' Goodfowl.' Norman equivalents for these, however, were not wanting. ' Goodfellow ' had its mate in ' Boncompagnon,' ' Goodbody ' in ' Bonecors,' ' Goodwait ' in ' Bonserjeant,' ' Goodclerk ' * in ' Bon- ' Walter Malclerk' (P.P.). Corrupted into 'Manclerk,' this name still exists. (Cf. Clerical Directory, 1874.) ' ' Johan le Redeclerk, hosier dc Coventry.' (V. 9, p. xxiv.) * The first ' Littlepage ' I can light upon is in the case of ' John Littlcpnge ' and 'Joan Littlepage,' persecuted for their religion in 1521. (Foxe's Marty rology.) ' 'Man' in the sense of servant is found appended to several Christian names. Thus we come across such combinations as ' Mathew- man,' 'Harriman,' and 'Thomasman.' The wonder is more are not to be met with. The customary way of registering servants in the old rolls is 'William Matthew's man,* or 'John's man Thomas.' Thus the surname arose. The Proceedings in Kent, 1640 (Cam. Soc), contained the name of 'Nicholas Ilodgman,' and 'John Ilobman' was buried May 17th, 1649. {Smith's Obitnaty. Cam. Soc.) * 'Grant to Henry Goodclerk for his services in the parts beyond the sea, 23rd Sep. 1485.' {Materials for Hist. Henry VII., p. 557.) 'NICKNAMES.' $0/ clerk,' and ' Goodman ' Mn * Bonhomme ' (our present * Bonham ') "^ and ' Prudhomme ' or ' Pridham.' * Evil- child ' found itself face to face with * Malenfant,' ' Littlesire ' with ' Petitsire,' * Goodchild ' with ' Bony- fant,' * Bonenfant,' or ' Bullivant,' as we now have it, and * Godson ' or ' Goodson,' it may be, with ' Bonfils ' or 'Boffill.' We have still 'Clerk,' but 'Bonclerke,' if not ' Beauclerk,' is obsolete ; * Squier,' but ' Bon- squier ' has disappeared ; * Chevalier ' also thrives, while ' Bonchevalier ' is extinct. In some cases the simple and the compound forms are both wanting. It is so with our former ' Vadlets ' and ' Bonvalets,' our ' Vileins,' ' Beauvileyns,' and ' Mangevileyns ' (scabby), our ' Queynts ' and ' Bonqueynts,' and our * Aventures ' and ' Bonaventures,' the latter sobriquet evidently given to one who had acquitted himself well in some mediaeval joust or tournament. It is found in several records. Piers Plowman uses the term simple, when he speaks of Faith crying — As dooth an heraud of armes, When aventrous cometh to justes. 'Christian,' which may be but the proper name, still lives, though ' Bonchristien ' is gone ; and ' Count/ too, lingers, ' Boncount ' being obsolete. Sometimes, strangely enough, the French idiomatic compounds got literally translated into Saxon, resulting in terms of utterly different meaning. Thus, as I have already shown, ' Beaupere ' met face to face with * Fairsire,' ' ' Goodwife ' seems to have existed formerly. A ' William Good- wyfe' was Rector of Stapleford, Herts, in 1443. (Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, vol. ii. p. 218.) * ' Alan Bondame' represents the feminine (P.P.). 508 ENGLISH SURNAMES. ' Beaufiz '^ with ' Fairchild,' and * Beaufrere ' with * Fair- brother.' But this bare and naked translation into the vernacular seems to have been a general prac- tice. The Norman * Petyclerk,' for instance, was speedily met by ' Smalwritere,' ' Blauncpayne ' by ' Whitbred,' and * Handsomebody,' over which much obscurity has lingered, is, I have no hesitation in as- serting, a directly Saxonised form of ' Gentilcors,' a name not unfrequently met with at this date. Many of the names I have mentioned above, how- ever, are, strange to say, being reproduced in the present day after a curious fashion. The multiplica- tion of forenames has been the primary cause of this.'* In many cases these, by becoming as it were adjec- tives to the surname, form sobriquets no less ludicrous and striking than those which for that very reason so soon became obsolete. Thus such a combination as ' Choice Pickrell ' is exactly equivalent to * Good- herring ' just alluded to. ' Arch Bishop ' restores the archiepiscopal name which fell into abeyance in the twelfth century ; while such other names as ' Perfect Sparrow,' * Savage Bear,' ^ ' Royal King,' ' Sing Song,' ' John Beaufitz was Sheriff of Warwick in 1485. ' A curious circumstance happened, 1 believe, but a few years ago, causing the increase of a forename, unintended, we may feel sure, by those most immediately concerned. A child was taken to church to be baptized. The clergyman at the usual place turned to the mother and asked what name the infant was to bear. ' Robert,' was the reply. 'Any other name?' he inquired. 'Robert honly,' she answered, her grammar not being of the best description. 'Robert Honly, I baptize thee, in the name,' etc., at once continued the clergyman, and the child was therefore duly so registered. • A 'Savage Bear' was at large in Kent a few years ago. (Lower i. 177.) NICKNAMES.' 509 ' Ivory Mallet/ ^ * More Fortune,' "^ * Christmas Day,' ' Paschal Lamb,' ' River Jordan,' ^ or * Pine Coffin,' * may be met by designations equally absurd, if less travestied. These, of course, must be attributed to mere eccentricity on the part of parents, rather than to accident. Combinations of this kind, however^ have arisen of late years through another circum- stance. It not unfrequently occurs that through certain circumstances two family names are united. Thus we have such conjunctions as ' Burdett-Coutts ' or ' Sclater-Booth.' Speaking of these reminds me of a story I have heard anent a combination of this kind. A certain gentleman, it is said, of the name of CoUey, in bequeathing in his will a considerable estate to a friend of the name of * Mellon,' made it the condition of his acceptance that the legatee added his bene- factor's name to his own. His friend had no objec- tion to the property, but when he found that his ac- quiescence in the terms imposed would make him ' Mellon-Colley ' to the end of his days, he considered the matter afresh and declined the offer. ' ' Ivory Malet' (D.D.) This, though registered in the xiiith, would seem to have anticipated the croquet of the xixth cent. ' Ivray ' was a baptismal name at the earlier date. ^ 'More Fortune, bayliff of St. Martin's, died May 17th, 1367.' (^Smith's Obituary, p. 13.) ' 'May 27th, 1805. River, son of River and Rebecca Jordan.' (^Christenings, St. Ann's, Manchester.) * Several ' Pine Coffins ' may be seen in the Clerical Directories of I 840- I 850. 5IO ENGLISH SURNAMES. (3) Nickjtames from Oaths, Exclamations ^ Street- cries, and Mottoes. {a) Oaths. — A remarkable, though not a very- large, batch of surnames is to be referred to perhaps the most peculiar characteristic of all — that of the use of profane, or at least idle oaths. The prevalence of imprecations in mediaeval times was simply extraor- dinary,^ If the writings of that period bear but the faintest comparison to the talk of men, their conver- sation must have been strangely seasoned. F'or in- stance, in the ' Canterbury Tales ' we find introduced without the slightest ceremony such oaths as 'for Cristes passion,' ' by Goddes saule,' ' for Cristes saule,' ' by Goddes dignitee,' ' Goddes banes,' ^ ' Cristes pcin,' * Goddes love,' ' Goddes hate,' 'Cristes foot,' ' God me save,' and the more simple ' By-God,' or ' Parde ' or ' Pardieu.' That they are mostly mean- ingless is their chief characteristic. 'JohnPardieu' inthe Rolls of Parliament will represent our many ' Pardews,* ' Pardows,' ' Pardoes,' and ' Pardies ; ' and although I have given a different origin in my second chapter,^ I may mention ' Alina le Bigod ' (J.), or 'John le Bygot' (M.). ' Barbara Godselve ' ■* (F.F.), 'Richard Godes- ' 'Jean Gottam,' the Frenchman's title for 'John Bull,' is old. A witness in the trial of Joan of Arc used the term *Godon,' and ex- plained it to be a sobriquet of the English from their use of the oath 'Goddamn.' * A clever article in the Edinburgh Revinv, April 1855, suggests 'Blood' and 'Death' from ' S'Blood' and ' S'Death,' the abbreviated ' God's blood ' and ' God's death.' ' Vide page 160. Camden says the Normans were so called because ' at every other word they would swear l>y God.' * ' Henry Godsalvc' entered C.C. Coll. Cam. in 1614. (Masters^ Hist., C.C. Coll.) 'NICKNAMES.' 51 1 name' (X.), 'Richard Godbeare' (Z.), (now 'Godbeer,' * Godbehere,' and ' Goodbeer '), ' Roger Godblod ' (E.) (God's blood), 'Alicia Godbodi ' (A.) (God's body), seem all to be representative of familiar imprecations. [b) Mottoes. — In many cases we can scarcely doubt that ensigncy has had something to do with the origin of our surnames. Edward III. at a tourna- ment had his trappings embroidered with the couplet — Hay, hay, the white swan, By God's soule I am thy man. ' Godsol ' and ' Godsoule ' formerly existed, and may have so risen. Among other names of this class may be mentioned ' Janett God-send-us '^ (W. 13), 'Roger Deus-salvet-dominas/ 2 'John God-me-fetch,' 'John Dieu-te-ayde,' ' John Flourdieu,' ' Henry Grace-dieu,' ' * Henry Warde-dieu,' 'John Depart-dieu,' and 'John Angel-dieu.' ^ From the escutcheons of their wearers these would easily pass on to the men themselves who first bore them as surnames. {c) Exclamations. — ' Peter Damegod ' (M.) and 'John Domegode' (O.), meaning literally 'Lord God,' represent a once favourite expletive.^ We are here ' * Item, to Jannett God-send-iis, I give a caldron, and a pare of tonges.' (Extract of will of William Hardinge, Vicar of Heightington, 1584. W. 13.) The editor suggests she was a foundling. ^ The Saturday Review, in a criticism of my book, mentions a Rogerus Deus-salvet-dominas in the Essex Domesday. ' * Mr. Gracedieu, Incumbent of St. James's, Duke's Place.' (Strype, London. ) * A curious heraldic name is found in the 17th cent. John Poyndexter, fellow of Exeter Coll., Oxford, was dispossessed, (Walker, Sufferings of the Clergy.) 5 Our ' Olyfadres ' will similarly be the expletive ' Holy-father,' unless, like ' Thomas Worthship ' (Z, ), the name be but a title of respect to some ecclesiastic functionary. 512 ENGLISH SURNAMES. reminded that there was a time when ' Dame,' from dominus and domina alike, was applied to either sex. One or two exclamations of less objectionable import are also to be met with. ' William Godthanke' (A.) seems but a reversal of our ' Thank God,' while ' Ralph Godisped ' (A.), fossilised in our ' Goodspeeds,' may represent ' God-speed-thee.' ^ ' Richard Fare- wel' (A.), 'Simon Welfare' (A.), ' John Welcome' (Z.Z.), 'William Adieu ' (M.), would possess affixes readily given for their kindly and oft utterance. Our ' Rumme- lows,' ' Rummileys,' and ' Rumbelows,' without dis- pute, represent but the old well-known cry of ' Rom- bylow' or * Rummylow,' the sailor's 'Heave-ho' of later days. In the ' Squire of Low Degree ' it is said — Your mariners shall synge arow, Hey how, and rumbylow. The ancestor of those who bear the name was doubt- less a sailor at some period of his career.'^ (d) Strcet-crics. — The calls of hawkers could not of course escape the good-humoured raillery of our forefathers. We find 'Robert Freshfissh' (X.) to have been a fishmonger, and ' John Freshfisch ' is set down in the Rolls of Parliament. About the same time ' Margaret Fressheharyng ' dwelt in the Me- tropolis. ' Agnes Godcfouclc ' (A.) and ' Basilia God- fowele ' (A.) were manifestly poultry-women, for even the most respectable occupations were then, as I have already shown, itinerant. But perhaps the most curious thing of all is to notice the price-calls that have ' 'Good-speed' may belong to the same class as Swift, Golightly, Lightfoot, Roefoot, etc.— V. p. 388. * The Constable of Nottingham Castle in 1369 was one Stephen Rummelowe, or Runibilowc, for both forms are to be found. 'NICKNAMES.' $13 found themselves inscribed in our registers. The larger sums will have a different origin, but I place them here for convenience sake. The Writs of Parlia- ment give us a ' Robert Peny ; ' the ' Wills and In- ventories ' ^Surt. Soc), a ' Thomas Fourpeni ; ' the Hundred Rolls, a ' John Fivepeni ; ' the * Cal. Rot. Originalium,' a ' Thomas Sexpenne ; ' the ' York- shire Wills and Inventories' (Surt. Soc), a 'John Ninepennies ; ' and the Hundred Rolls, a ' Fulco Twelpenes.' ^ 'James Fyppound ' (Fivepound) is men- tioned in ' Materials for History of Henry VII.' So early as 1342 we find 'John Twenti-mark ' to have been Rector of Risingham (Norfolk, i, 64); while ' William Hunderpound ' was Mayor of Lynn Regis in 1417 (do. viii. 532). This latter may be a translation of a Norman sobriquet, for * Grace Centlivre ' and 'Joseph Centlivre ' are set down in a Surrey register of the same date. (' Hist, and Ant. Survey,' Index.) In both cases, I doubt not, the nickname was acquired from the peculiarity of the source whence the income was derived. 'Centlivre' existed in the eighteenth century at least, for it was Mrs. Centlivre who wrote the 'Platonic Lady,' which was issued in 1707, ' Thomas Thousandpound,' the last of this class, ap- pears in the 'Wardrobe Accounts' (Edward I.), and concludes a list as strange as the most ardent ' lover of the curious ' could desire.^ ' ' Fulco Twelvepence ' was perhaps related to 'Robert Shillyng,' found in the ' Patent Rolls ' (State Paper Oflice). * A most anachronistic name is met with in the ' Calend. Inquis. Post Mortem,' 30 Henry VI., in the entry 'Robert Panknolt.' A • knot' was a small local prominence. On the bank or side of this the nominee doubtless dwelt. 514 ENGLISH SURNAMES. Looking back, however, upon these eadier names, how many varied and conflicting qualities of the human heart do they all reflect, some honourable, some harmlessly innocent, the greater part, I fear, dis- creditable. Of all how much might be said, but I refrain, lest I be liable to a charge of acting contrary to the spirit of the kindly old adage, ' de mortuis nil nisi bonum ' — ' speak no evil of the dead.' Thus tell- tale, however, are our surnames, and if it be no plea- sant task to expose the weaknesses and the frailties of them whose bones have so long ere this crumbled into decay, still we may comfort ourselves with the remembrance that their names, with many others I could have adduced had space permitted, offer no kind of reflection upon their present possessors. It is not unseldom we see the bearer of a worthy name dragging the same through the dust and mire of an ignoble life. It is amongst these names of somewhat unsavoury origin we oftentimes meet with the best, and the truest, and the noblest of our fellows. The Alphabetical Letters appended to the Navies furnished in the Ijidex refer to the Documents in the List here cited. Hundred Rolls. A. Calendarium Inquisitionum Post Mortem. B. Calendarium Rotulorum Patcntium in Turri Londinensi. C. Calendarium Rotulorum Chartanim. D. Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londonensi. E. Valor Ecclesiasticus. F. Calendarium Rotulorum Originalium. G. Rolls of Parliament. H. Placitorum in Dom. Cap. Westminster. J. Testa de Neville, sive Liber Feodorum. K. Calendarium Genealogicum. L. Writs of Parliament. M. Munimenta Gildhalloe Londoniensis. N. Issues of the Exchequer. O. Issue Roll. P. History and Antiquities of York (Pub. 1785). Q. Placita de Quo Warranto. R. Guild of St. George, Norwich. 5. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi. T. V. Camden Society Publications. V. I. Bury St. Edmunds Wills. V. 2. Dingley's History from Marble. V. 3. Trevelyan Papers. V. 4. Camden Miscellany. v. 5. Smith's Obituary. V. 6. Diary of John Rous. V. 7. Liber Famelicus^Sir James Whitelock. V. 8. Chronicon Pctroburgense. V. 9. Proceedings against Dame .Mice Kytcler. V. 10. Autobiography of Sir John Bramston. V. II. Doomsday Book of St. Paul's. V. 12. Ricart's Kalcndar. V. 13. Proceedings in Kent. v. 14. Rutland Papers. W. Surtces' Society Publications. \V. I. Coldingham Priory. \V. 2. Testamenta Ebor. W. 3. Durham Household Book. L L 3 w. 4- w. 5- w. 6. w. 7- w. 8. IV. w. lO. w. II. w. 12. w. 13- w. 14. w. 15- w. 16. w. 17- IV. 18. w. 19. IV. 20. 516 ALPHABETICAL LETTERS REFERRED TO. Kirkby Inquest. Knight's Fees. Nom. Villarum. Illustrative Documents. Priory of Finchdale. ( Fabric Rolls of York Minister. I Wills and Inventories. Hexham Priory. Corpus Christi Guild. Hist. Dunelm. Barnes' Eccles. Proceedings. Visitation of Yorkshire. Feodarum Prior. Dunelm. Depositions from York Castle. Memorials of Fountains Abbey. Depositions and Eccles. Proceedings. Liber Vitce. Remains of Dean Granville. Memorials of London (Riley). X. Proceedings and Ordinances : Privy Council. Y. Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery (I'Llizabeth). Z. The Publications of the Chetham Society. A A. Wills and Inventories (Lancashire). A A. i. Three Lancashire Documents. A A. 2. Lancashire Chauntries. A A. 3. Birch Chapel. A A. 4. Rotuli Normanniae in Turri Londinensi. B D. Documents Illustrative of English History. D D. Index to 'Originalia et Memoranda.' E E. History of Norfolk (Bromefield). /''/•'. Fines (Richard I.). G G. History of Hertfordshire (Cluttcrbuck). H H. Rotuli Curias Regis. MM. Calendar and Inventories of the Treasury. A'^ A'. History of Leicestershire (Nicholl's). P P. Register — St. James, Piccadilly. Q Q. State Paper office. R R. Patent Rolls. A' R. i. Compoti. R R. 2. Issue Rolls. R R. 3. History of (Surtees). .S 5. State Papers (Domestic). T T. Materials for History of Reign of Henry VH. X X. i. Registrum Abbatia; Johannis Whethamstede. XX. 2. Letters from Northern Registers. X X. 3. Calendar to Pleadings (Elizabeth). Z Z. INDEX OF INSTANCES. Ablett, Ablott, AAR A ARON, 83. Aaron le Blund, T. "^ Aron Judde, A. A'Becket {v. Beckett) 85. Abbe, 191. Radulf le Abbe, C. Abbott, 191. Juliana Abbot, A. Ric. Abbot, M. Abel, 82. Abel le Orfeure, T. Thomas Abel, A. Abigail, 100. Abi^jail Cordell, Z. Abi- gail Tayler, W 16. 82. Abalotta de la Forde, A. William Abelot, M. J Ric. Abelote, V xx. Abner, 77. Above-brook, 108. John Abovebrok, A. Above-town, 108. Adelina Abovetoun, A. William Abovetoun, M. Abraham. Gerard Abbraham, A. Robert Abraam, A. Absolom, 83. Absolon in le Dyche, A. Absolon fil. Simon, C. Abstinence, 103. Abstinence Rougher, 104, n. Acatour, 210. Bernard le Acatour, M. John le Acatour, M. Accepted, 104. Accepted Frewen, 104, n. Achatour, 210. Jocius le Achatur, A, Henry le Achator, H, Acherman {v. Acreman), 259. Alex. Acherman, A. Acland, 120. John Acklande, Z. Acreman, 259. Roger le Acreman, A. Acroyd, 120. Henry Aykeroid, Z. Ric. de Akerode, W 2. Acton, 120. Reiner de Acton, jl/. En- gelard de Actone, A. Adam, 3, 81. Adam fil. Warin, M. Adam le Flecher, T. Adams, 81. Juliana Adams, /i. Richard Addames, Z.Z. Adamson, 81. Hugh fil. Adam, A. Hoel fil. Adam, A. )8i. William Adcock, IF 9. Stephen Adcock, Z. Hamme, son of Adecok, AA 2. Addison, 81. Gilbert fil. Adae, C. Thomas Adesone, R. Adcla (z/. Adelina), 19. Adela uxor Roberti, C. Adelaid [v. Alard), 21. Adam Adelaad, A. Adelina, 19. Adelina le Heyr, A. Henry fil. Adelyne, A. Adieu, 512. William Adieu, M. Adkins, 81. Adekin le Fuller, A. Wil- liam Adekyns, EE. Adkinson, 81. William Adkinson (London: Maitland). 5i8 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Adlard (v. Adelard), Agate, III. Richard Atte-gate, A. Leonard Agate, Z. Agatha, 19. Agatha le Kareter, A. Agatha de Dene, B. Agnes, 19. Thomas fil. Agneta, y. Agnes le Bruno, A. Agrippina, 100. Agrippina Bingley, TT. Aguiler, 342. Thomas le Aguiler, A/. William le Aguiler, Q. Lucas le Aguler, A. Aikman (v. Acrcman), 259. Ainsworth, 134. Margaret Aynes- worthe, Z. Akerman (v. Acreman), 259. Peter le Akerman, A. John le Akurman, B. Alabaster, 225. Richard le Alblaster, B. Henry le Alblaster, A/. Reginald le Arbelestre, A. Alan (v. Allen). Alan fil. Warin, Af. Alan le Chapelein, L. Alanson {v. Allinson). Brien fil. Alan, C. William Alynson, IV 2. Thomas Allason, Z. Alard, 21. Alard ie Fleminge, B. Alard le Burser, //. Robert Alard, A/. Alaric. Robert Alrych, A. Agnes Al- rich, A. Albert, 29. John Albert, A. Robert Alberd, A. Alcock, 55. John Alcoc, A. John Al- kok, //. Alder, 154. Alderman, 186. Thomas Alderman, F 8. Robert le Alderman, A. Benjamin Aldermannus, A. Alderson, 21. John fil. Aldrech, C. Christopher Alderson, IV 8. Aldershot, 116. Robert de Alreshawc, Af. Thomas Allshawe, XX. Aldred, 21. Aldred fil. Roger, y. Aldred Andre, A. Aldrech, 1 21. John Alrich, Af. John Aldrich, 1 Aldrich, A. Alecot {v. Alicot), 87. Alefounder, 392, n. William Ale- founder, FF. Mary Alfounder, PP. Richard Alefounder, Z. Aleman, 165. Custance de Alemania, A. William Alcmannus, C. John le Aleman, IV 7. Alexander, 98 (v. Saundcr). William Alexandre, Af. Nicholas Alesandre, A. Alexander fil. Seman, y. Aleyn (v. Allen). Aleyn Forman, If. Aleyn, Af. Alfred, 21. Alurod fil. Ivo, y. Alfred Dionysius Langsomer, A. Robert fil. Alfridi, A. Alianora, 19, 72. Alianora Bushe, ££. Alicia Alianor, P. Alice, Cig, 87, //. Nicholas fil. Alicia, Alicia, (^ A. Richard fil. .Alice, .ff. Alicot, 87. Alecot fil. Almar, C. Wil- liam Alicot, A. Alina (v. Alinot), 72. Alina Atte-broc, A. Alinot, f^9. 72. William .Minot, A. .,• ,' -| Alnot Red, A. Havisia Almet, ... , ( Alinet, A Allot, 19, 72, 87. Robert Aliot, A. Walter Allot, A. Alyott de Symond- ston, A A 2. Alison (i), 87, «. Ric. fil. Ahse, A. Goselin fil. Alice, A. John Alicesone, A" A* i. (2), 87, ;/. Alisccon de Tux- forth, 11^2. Alison Gclyot, //. Alison Wrangwish, IV ir. .Alkins, 87. John Alkyn, Af Allbright, 29. Aylbreda de Chcny, A. Aylbricht le Turner, A. Albred de l.-x'Hayc, 7. .Mlcock, 87. William .Mlcockc, Z2. John AUcock, ZZ. Allen. Thomas fil. Alani, Af. Will. fil. Alani, P. Allinson (v. Alanson). John Alleyn- INDEX OF INSTANCES. 519 sone, S. William Aleynsonne, BB. George Alonsonne, ZZ. Allison (v. Alison), 16, 87. Allkins (v. Alkins), 87. AUman (v. Aleman), 165. Allott, 87. Alote le Messer, A. Alot Chapman, FF. Thomas fil. Alote, M. Allured (v. Alfred), 21. Alured Ape, A. William Alured, M. Almaine {v. Aleman), 165. Almaric, f 18, 29. Almaric Breton, AI. Almeric, | Almaricus le Botiller, B. Almoner, 193. Robert le Almoner, //. Alured {v. Allured), 21. Alwright, 278. Richard Alwright, Z. Amabilla, 19, 70. Amabilla le Blund, B. Amabil fil. Emma, % Amand (v. Samand), 125. Aymer de St. Amand, A/. Amary, 29. Rob. Amary, A. Roger Ammary, A. Amberson, 29. Richard Amberson, 29, ;/. Robert Amberson, 29, n . Ambler, 440. Thomas le Amblur, A. William Ambler, IF 9. Ame {v. Eame), 429. Amelia (v. Emilia), 19, 87, «. Amclot {v. Amelia), 87, «. Nic. Amelot, A. Ric. fil. Amelot, A. Americ, 29. Americus Balistarius, £. Americ Wylson, I V 3. Amery {-j. Emery), 29. Hugh Amery, //. Amiable, 468. Edward Amiable, Z. Joan Amiable, Z. Thomas Amable, A. Amice, 17. Geoff, fil. Amice, A'. Amice le Noble, A. Robert fil. Amicie, Af Amiger {v. Armiger), 199. Robert Amiger, Z. Amiot (v. Amy). Amiot de Pontefracto, DD. Walter fil. Amiot, C7G. Wil- liam Amiot, A. Amner {v. Almoner), 193. III. Agnes atte-More, B. Amor, 1 Amore, f ' Amy {v. Amelia). Thomas Amye, BE. Amy le Strange, FF. Ananias, 100. Ananias Dyce, TT. Ancell (v. Ansell). William Auncell, AI, Anchor, 196. Sarra Ancorita, A. Anderson, 94. Alice fil. Andre, A. Colyn Andresonne, BB. John An- drewson, ZZ. , J (QA.. Nic. fil. Andree, A. Andrew, ^^^ , , . , , , 4 Emma Andreu, A. An- Andrews, ) , r^ r r (. dreas le Orfeure, L. Angel-Dei, 511. Henry Angel-Dei, A. Anger, 158. Isabella Anger, H. Hugh de Angiers, y. Robert Angier, XX. Angwin, 158. Geoffrey leAungevyn, Z,. Maurice le Anjevin, A. Simon le Angevin, F. Anker {v. Anchor), 196. Anketell, 22. Anketil le Mercer, A. Peter fil. Anketill, C. Ankelill fil. Thomas, /C. Annabel, 19. Anabilla de Harpham, JF2. Peter fil. Annabel, il/. V. Alianora), 72. John IAnnotson, FF. Enota Coley, A. William An- notyson, /''/'". Anota Canun, A. Anora (v. Alianora), 72. Annora Vidua, A. Annora le Aencurt, A'. Annore Beine, y/. , „,, I'll. William Ansel, /^. An- Anselm, ^'^^'^ '^^ Bamburgh, A. [ John fil. Anselmi, A. Anser, 403. Ansketil {v. Asketil), 24. Robert fil. Anskitiel, IV 12. Anson, 72. Elisha Annyson, FF. Richard Anyson, /''F. Anthony [v. Antony). Antioch, 169. Nicholas Antioch, Af. Robert de Antiochia, F. Antonison, 54. Agnes Antonison, Z. 520 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Antony. John fil. Antony, A. Antony Stilman, //. Anvers, 170. Richard de Anvers, A. Thomas de Anvers, R. Ape, 492. John le Ape, A. Alured Ape, A. Apollonia, 100. ApoHonia Cotton, TT. Applegarth, 133. Robert del Apelgargh, A. Geoffrey de Appelgarth, K. Appletree, 129. Thomas Appletree, Z. Apple-john, 504. Appleyard, 261, 133. Nicholas de Apel- yerd, A. Thomas Appleyeard, ZZ. (225. John le Arblaster, A. ' \ Reginald le Arblaster, B. ' \ Urric le Arbelastrc, J. Archbishop [v. Archcvesk), 186, 508. Hugh Archiepiscopus, C. Archdeacon, 187. Richard I'Ercedekne, V 9. Thomas le Arsdekene, A. Adam Ercedekne, A. Archer, 225. William le Archer, D. Pagan Ic Archier, E. Archevesk, 186. Hugo le Archcvesk, C. William le Arcevcske, E. Archpriest, 187. Roger leArcheprest, y. Argent, 168. Reginald de Argente, ^i. John de Argcntcyn, A'. 25, n. Simon fil. Arkill, E. William ArkcU, W 2. Roger Arketel, A. Arkwright, 279. Hugh Arkewright, ZZ. Lawrence Arkewrighte, ZZ. Arme, 436. 222. Gwydo le Armcrcr, A. Armcr, Simon le Armurer, G. Armcrcr, Adam le Armercr, M. Marion Armourer, 1 1'' 18. Armiger, 199. Thomas Armigcr, C. Nicholas Armigcr, E. Arminger (v. Armigcr), 199. JefTry Ar- mingcr, Z. Armitagc, 196. John Harmaylayge, IF3. Gregory Armitagc, Z. Armour [v. Armcr), 222. Arkell, Arkettle, ASH (436. Adam le Armstrang, G. William le Arme- strang, G. Guy le Armerecte, A. Arnison, 28. Arnald, 28. Walter fil. Amald, A. Arnald atte Brok, A. Arnet, 28. Hugh Arnyet, M. Milisent Amet, A. Arnold {v. Ernald), 28. Amoldus Bassctt, E. Arnold Lym, H. Arnold Lupus, H. Arnott (v. Amett), 28. Ernot Stead, Amulph. Amulph Dogmaw, A. Arnul- fus de Derham, C. Arras, 169. Ralph de Arras, A. Robert de Arraz, A'. Arrowsmith, 227, 281. William Arowe- smythe, ZZ. John Arrowsmyth, /'. Arsmith (v. Arrowsmith), 227, 281. Richard Arsmith, Z. Arter, 158. Robert de Artoys, //. Arthur, 19, 20. William fil. Arthuri, A. Harthurus Bosewyll, It' 2. Aquila, 100. Aquila Wykes, TT. Ash [v. Ashe), 154. Ashbunicr 264. Peter Ashbumer, ZZ. Thomas Ashbumer, ZZ. Ashe 154. Pagancl del Ash, M. Roger atte Ashe, FE. Asher, 113. Ashes, 129. Ashford, 146. Walter de Ashford, M. Roger Ashford, Z. Ashley, 119. John de Ashlegh, A'. Oliva de Esscligh, E. Ashman, 113. Walter Ascheman, A. Thom. Asheman, B. Ashover, 128. Walter de Ashoverc, -V-V 4- Ashurst, 116. Adam de Ashurst, M. John Asshenhyrst, Z. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 521 Attenborough, Atterbury, Attwell Atwell, Asketil f^' ^^- J°'''^^" Asketil, A. A kell I ^'^"''^'" Asketil, Q. Askill ' ( le Fisherman, V8. Assman, 285. Richard Asseman. A. Roger Asman, A. Astrier, 241. William le Astrier, £. Atcliffe, no. Atfield, no. Linota Ate-felde, A. John Atefelde, A. Athill, no. Bateman Ate-hil, A. Gre- gory Attehill, FF. Atkins, 81. William Atkyns, F. Thomas Atkyns, //. Atkinson, 81. John Attechenson, XX. i. Raufe Atkinson, Z. Mariona Atkyn- sone, IV ig. Atlay, (119, no. Lawrence Atlee, Z. Atlee, I Hugh Atlee, Z. no. Walter Atteburg, A. John Atte-bury, M. Alton, no. William Atton, B. Attridge, no. Jacob Atteriche, A. Attree, no. no. Agnes Atte-well, B. Wil. Atte Welle, Af. John At- welle, Af. Atwater, no. Elias Atwatere, A. William Atte- Water. (Lower's Eng- lish Surnames.) Atwood, no, 154. Richard Ate-wode, A. Adam Atte-wood, C. Atworth, no. Auberkin (v. Aubrey), 29. Walter Auberkin, A. Aubrey, 28. Albericus Balister, C. Al- bricus le Child, T. Aubrey Bunt, A. Audrey (v. Awdrey), 302. Aumeric {v. Almaric), 17, 26. Robert fil. Aumeric, C. Aumoner (v. Almoner), 106. Michael le Aumoner, B. Walter le Aumoner, M. Adam le Aumener, G. Aunay, 154. Aunger {v. Anger), 158. Charles de Angers, H. John de Aungiers, M, Robert Aungier, XX. i. Aunsermaker, 403. Thomas le Aunserc- maker, X. Aurifaber. Adam le Aurifaber, A/. Andrew Aurifaber, i?. iAwsteyne Mayne, Z. Astin de Bennington, A. Wilekin fil. Austin, C. 19, 87, n. Avehna Batayl, FF. Wydo Aveline, A. Avelina le Gros, y. 219. Walter le Avenur, A. William le Avenare, G. Ralph le Avener, Af. Aventure, 507. William Aventur, A. Andrew Aventur, A. Avery (v. Every), 27. Avery le Batur, A. Avere de Dayce, A. Avice, 19. Avice le Aubergere, //. Avicia de Breaute, £. Hawisia le Gros, y. Austen, Austin, Avelina, Aveline, Avener, Avis, Avison, (v. Avice), 19. Avis Tailor, F2. Richard fil. Avice, A. William Avison, ZZ. Await {v. Wait), 184. Thomas le Await, A/A/. Awdrey f3°^' Etheldreda Plote, A. Awdry,' ] Audrey Bendish, /•'/'•. ( Awdrie Butts, Z. Aylmar, 29. Aylmar Child, A. Elyas fil. Ailmar, C. Pleysaunt Aylmair, //. Aylward, 21. Simon fil. Aylwardi, /?. Alan Alward, A. Ranulph Aluard, A/. Aylwin, 21. Richard Alwine, A. Thomas Ailwync, A/. Aymon, 35. T) ABBE (v. Barbara), 75, «. Bertol -*-' Babbe, A. Bacchus, 131. Edmund atte Bakhus, Af. Henry del Bakehouse, Af. Thomas Bacchus, ZZ. Bacheldor (v. Bachelor), 166. 522 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Bachelor, 199 - Jordan le Bacheler, L. Backler ( Gilbert le Bacholcr, E. Backhouse (y. Bacchus). Robert Back- house, V. 5. Backster, 364. Giliana le Bacstere, A. Geoffrey le Bakestere, M. Bacon, 491. John le Bacun, T. Roger Bacon, R. Badcock (f. Batcock), 92. Roger Bade- cok, M. Richard Badcok, H. Badger, 295. Nicholas Badger, ZZ. Thomas Badgger, ZZ. Badkins (z/. Batkins), 92. Badman, 194. Simon Bademan, A. Badneighbour, 501. William Badneigh- bour, PP. Bagger (i/. Badger), 295. Thomas le Baggere, A. John Bagger, XX . i. Bagot (f. Bigot) 160. Margery la Ba- gode, K. Harvey Bagod, E. Bagshaw, 117. Nicholas Bagshawe, Z.. Humphrey Bagshawe, ZZ. Bagshot, 116. John Bagshot, ////. Bagster [v. Baxter), 364 Bailey, \ Bailif, [232. Seman Ic Baylif, J. Baillic, 1 Henry le Baillie, M. John Baillif, ) le Baillif, B. Baird, 310. Baker, 363. Robert le Baker, B. Wal- ter le Bakare, M. Balancer, f 403- R^uf Ic Balancer. M. Balauncer, John Ralauncer, G. Ra- ^ dulf le Balauncer, N. Balcock, 52. Bald, 452. Custancc Balde. A. Richard Bald. A. Balderson, 52. Ric. fil. Baldewin. A. John fil. Baldevvini. R. Allaine Baw- dyson. F3. Baldwin. 18, 52. Baudewin de Bitton. A. Baldwin Boton, C. Bawdcn Maynard (English Gilds, 320). Ball [v. Bald). 452. Roesia Ballc, A. Ballinger {v. BuUinger). 364. BAR Balmer, 263. Christiana de (le?) Bal- mere, PP. Balster. 225. Thomas Balistarius, Q. Bancroft, 132. Banker, 414. John le Bancker, M. Banknott, 513. Robert Banknott. B. Bannerman. 200. Barbar (v. Barber), 384, 205. Richard le Barbar. A. Barbara. 75. ;/. Barbara Bickerdyke, \V. 16. Barbara Cla.xtone, IF 19. Barbelot, 75. ;/. Nicholas Barbelot, A. Barbot 75, n. John Barbot, A. Barberess, 384. Matilda la Barbaresse, A. Isabel le Barbaresse. A. Barber. 205. 384. Bela le Barber, A. Luke le Barber. M. Barbitonsor. 384. Thomas le Barbi- tonsor, J. William le Barbitonsor. H. Barbour, 205. 384. Richard le Barbour, M. Robert le Barbour. M. Bardsley. William de Bardesley. H. Robert de Bardesle. A. Barefoot, 440. Norman Barefoot, A. Roger Barefoot. Z. Barge. 409. Gerard de la Barge, C. Barker, 331. William Ic Barcur, A. Osbert le Barker. .1/. Robert Barca- rius, A. Barkmaker, 290. Edmund Barkmaker, ZZ. Barkman [v. Barker). John Barkman, \V\Z. Barleybrcad. 367. Toser Barlibrcd. M. Barleycorn. 367. Richard Barlccorn. A. \ 96. 97. Barnabc le Teyl, Barnabas (_ A. Burnaybc Brooke. Barnaby 1 Z. Barnaby Benison. '' Z. Barnacle, 497. Bamc. 202. William le Bame, A. Thomas le Bame. T. Barnes. 135. Warin de la Bame, A Baron. 175. Robert le Baron, A. Wal- ter le Baron, M. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 523 Barrel!, 144, 395. John Baryl, A. Ralph Barel, A. Gilbert Barrel], F 5. Barreller, 395. Stephen le Bariller, £. Barter. Hugh le Bartur, A. Bartholomew, 91. John Bartylmewe, ZZ. Lawrence fil. Bartholemew, A. Bartle, 92. John fil. Bertol, A. Bartcl Frobisher, W 9. Bartly Bradforth, IV g. Bartlett, 92. Bartelot Govi, A. Thomas Bartholot, A. Edward Barthlette, FK Thomas Berthelett, F3. Baskerville, 151. Sibilla de Baskervillc, Af. Isolda Baskerville, £. Baskett, 144. Bass, 432. Alice la Basse, A. Robert le Bas, BB. Bastard, 378. Peter le Bastard, B. Robert le Bastard, £. Nicholas le Bastard, A. Batcock, 92. Robert Batecoc, A. John Batekoc, Af. Bateman, 22. Bateman Gille, A. Bate- man Taye, A. Bateman de Capele, A. Batemanson, 22. Thomas Batemanson, F. Geoffrey Batmanson, IV 2- Richard Batmonson, W 12. Batcr, 327. Avery le Batour, A. Adam le Batur, A. William Ic Batur, B. Bates, 92. Bate Bugge, A. Bate le Tackman, A. Bate fil. Robert, A. Batkins, 92. Batekyn le Clerk, A. Batekin Lahan, A. Batson, 92. John Bateson, F. Gilbert Batessone, Af. Batt, 439. Geoffrey Ic Batt, B. Walter le Bat, G. Battenson [v. Betonson), 68. John Battenson, Z. Batty, 92. William fil. Battay, IF 5. Ralph Baty. A'. Baucock, 475. Baud, 477. William le Baud, B. Wauter le Baud, Af. Bawcock, 475. Baxter, 364. Elias le Baxtere, Af. Barth le Bakesture, B. Andrew le Bakester, G. Bay, 445. Walter le Bay, A. Robert le Bey, B. Bayard, 445. Thebald le Bayard, A. Thomas Bayard, A Bayley {v. Bailey), 197. Beaddall, "j Beadell, I {v. Bedell), 181. Beadle, J Beaman {v. Beeman), 262. Beanover (v. Over). Richard Beanover, B. Bear, 488. Richard le Bere, A. Law- rence le Bere, AI. Bearbait, 306. Thomas Barebat, A. Alex. Barebat, A. Bearbaste, 306. Geoffrey Barebast, A. John Barbast, A. Beard, 449. Peter Wi-the-Berd, D. Hugo cum-Barba, A. Bearman, 306. Ralph Bareman, A. Bearward, 306. Michael le Bereward, A. Beater, 326. John le Betere, A. Beaton {v. Beton), 68. Beatrice, f 19, 67, Beatrix Cokayn, B. Beatrix, | Beatrice de Knol, y. Beatson, 63. Walter fil. Betricie, A- Richard fil. Beatrice, F. Beau. Richard le Beau, Af. Bcauchamp, 151. William de Beau- champ, A'. Isolda di; Bello-Campo, F. Beauclerkc, 505. Charles Beauclerke, PP. Beaufils, 430. Henry Beaufitz, Af. Hugh Beaufiz, A. John Beaufitz, XX. I. Bcauflour, 508. Thomas Beauflour, Af. Jacobus Beauflour, G. Bcaufrcre, 430. Roger Beaufrere, Af. Walter Beaufrere, Af. 524 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Beaumont, 151. Alice de Beaumont, M. Robert de Beaumond, M. Beaupere, 430. Beauvileyn, 507. William Beauvilayn, R. William Belvilein, E. Beauvoir, 489. Roger de Bclvoir, M. Beaver, 489. John le Bever, G. Ino le Bevere, N. Beck, 113. William en le Bee, A. William atte Beck, M. Becker, 113. Beckett (i), iii. John de Beckote, A. Wydo del Beck't, R. (2), Becket fil. Emeric, E. Beckman, 113. Bedell, 151. Reginald le Bedel, B. Roger le Bedel, M. Bt dson (v. Betson), 92. Bedweaver, 358. Geoffrey Bedwevere, S. Bee (v. Wasp), Nicholas le Be, y. Cuthbert Bee, IF 9. Beech, 128. Eufemia de la Beche, B. Robert de la Beche, A'. Beccher, 113. John Becher, ^. Henry le Beechur, A. Boechman, 113. Beef, 490. Robert le Bef, A. Richard b Beef, A. John le Bcuf, M. Mary Beefe, QQ. Beeman, 262. Becrbrewer, 379. Lawrence Bcrbrewer, EF. Lambert Beerbruer, W. 11 Bcere, 138. Thomas de la Beere, B. B'-hind-the-brook, 108. Reginald Be- liundebroke, A. Bchind-the-water, 108. Thomas Be- liundewattre, A. Bflham, 443. William Belhom, A. William Belhomme, Af. Bell (i), 443. Peter le Bel, A. Walter le Bel, G. Robert le Bel, B. (2), 80. Richard fil. Bell, A. Bele le Fciawe, A. Bcvll Horsle, IV . (v. Clerk), 412. COA Clement, <'98. Richard Clement, W Clements, 16. Ralph fil. Clemence, Clementson, I A. Eustace fil. Clement, Clemms, " A. Roger Clempson, Z. Clempson, Peter fil. Clem, A. Clemson, (^ Joyce Clem son, Z. Clerk, I 189, 465. Beatrix le Clerc, A. Clerke, | Milo le Clerk, A. Clerkson, 65. Geoffrey fil. Clerici, A. William Clerkessone, AI. Clerkwright, 402. Robert Clerkwright, 5. Cleve, 124. Plenry de la Clyve, A. Thomas de Cleve, FF. Cleveland, 124. Clever (v. Cleaver), 154. William le Clever, FF. Clifden, 124. Raymund de Clifden, A. Thomas de Cliffedon, A. Cliffe, 124. Thomas del Clif, A. Henry de Clyf, AI. Clifford, 124. Robert de Clyfford, AI. Roger de Clyfford, E. CHffshend, 114. John de Cleveshend, E. Martin de Clyveshend, A. Clifton, 124. Ralph de Clifton, A. Gervase Clifton, XX i. Clive, 124. Humfrey de la Clive, A. William atte Clyve, M. Cliveley, 124. John de Clyveley, A. Nicholas Cleveley, XX i. Clockmakcr, 401. Thomas Clokmaker, Y. Cloisterer, 191. Johannes Closterer, IK 12. Clothier, Clothman, Clougli, 124. Roger Clough, A. Richard Cloughe, Z. Clouter, 352. John le Clutcre, A^. Stephen le Clutere, N. Cloutman {^. Clouter), 352. Clowes, 12^. John Clowes, Z. Thomas Clowes, Z. Coachman, 288. Dorothy Coachman, V<,. Tclney Coachman, V^. John Coache- man, Z. Robert Clothman, A'A' 2. 536 INDEX OF INSTANCES. COB Cobb, 124. Robert de Cobbe, M. Milisent Cobbe, A. Cobbett {v. Cuthbert), 56. Cobbler, 352. Robert le Cobeler, A. Edward Cobler, H. Cobden, 124. Godfrey de Coppden, M. John Copedenne, A. Cobham, 124. Reginald de Cobcham, M. John de Cobbeham, A. Cobley, 124. Cobwell, 124. John de Cobvvell, M. Cock (i), 145. Peter atte Cok, B. Wil- liam atte Cok, G. {2), 485. John le Koc, A. Ka- terina le Cok, D. Cockaigne, ( 148. Alan de Cokayne, A. Cockayne, \ Richard de Cockayne, ^. Cocker, 307. Simon le Cockere, A. William le Kokcrc, A. John le Coker, M. Cockerell, 494. Giot Cockerel, M. Jac. Quoquerell, C. Cockeyn (v. Cockaigne), 148. Cockin {v. Cockaigne), 148. Richard Cokyn, H. Cockman, 307. Maud Cockman, FF. Robert Cokeman, M. Cockney, 148. John Cokcney, D. Cocksbrain, 500. William Cockes- brayne, A. Cockshead, 447. Adam Cockshevcd, M. Antony Cockshead, Z. Cocksha\s', 117. Adam de Cokeshaw, A. John de Cokeshaw, A. Cockshot, n6. Alan Cockshott, /■". John Cockshott, Z. Cockson {v. Cookson), 65. lid- ward Cockson, 7,. John Cockson, EE. Codde, 497. Thomas Codde, /-"/•'. Joan Codde, FF. Codiner {v. Cordwaner), 351. Codling, 497. Alan Codling, /•"/•'. Simon Codlyng, FF. Codner (v. Cordwaner), 351. COL Coeurdebeef, 500. Thomas Cordebeofe, A. John Queerdeboef, B. Coffer, f^^^' 336. 396. Godfrey le Cofferer, j ^offrer, A. Ralph le Cof- ( frer, H. John le Coffrer, il/. Coffin, 144, 397. Richard Coffyn, H. Eiias Coffyn, "J. Cogger, 408. Hamond le Cogger, O. Henry Cogger, P. Cogman, 408. Benjamin Cogman, /'7^ Coifcr, 336. Emma leCoyfcre, A. Ralph le Coifier E. Dionysia la Coyfcre, A. Coke (y. Cook), 206, 365. Roger le Coke, M. Alexander Coke, A. Cole (v. Colin), 95. Coleman, 22. Editha Coleman, A. Coleman le Hen, A. Colet (f. Collet), 189, 96. Nicholas Colyt, il/. William Kolytte, IF 11. Colfox, 499. Thomas Colfox, Z. Richard Colvox, A. Colinson, 16, 96. William fil. Colin, A. Colin le Balistar, E. Collet {v. Colet), 189, 96. Collctta Clarke, HH. Henry Collette, XX i. Collier. Robert le Cohere, A. Johnle Collier, C. CoUinge [v. Culling), 170. Collins (i'. Collinson), 96. Colinus de liarcntyn, E. Colin le Fcrur, A. Collinson (f. Colinson), 96. John Col- lynson, Z. Lanclot Colynson, W ix. CoUopp, 333 n. John CoUop, A. Mabil Collope, A. Colson (f. Colinson), 96. George Col- lison, HH. RolxTt Colson, HH. Colswain, 505. Stephen Colcswcyne, A. Richard Colswcyn, T. Colt, 490. Roger le Colt, .'/. William lo Colt, /f. Joan Coke, Vj. Coltman, 267. John Collman, //. Geoffrey Coltman, M. Richard Coltman, IK 11. Colville, 151. William de Colville, M. Felip de Colville, A. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 537 Colj-er (v. Collier). Henry le Colyer, A. Cnmh (■'•^S- Elias de Comb, A. Combe, William atte Combe, M. Nicholas atte Combe, Af. Comber, 320. John le Comber, A. Walter le Comber, E. Commander. William le Comandur, A. William Commander, Z. Conder, 377. Coney, 139, 489. Henry Cony, D. John Conay, A. Coney beare, 139. Coneythorp, 137. Robert de Conig- thorpe, XX ^. Congreave, 120. Robert de Concsgrave, A. William Congrove, //. Henry Conygrave, XX 2. Coning, 139. Nicholas Conyng, //. Peter Conyng, /-". Michael Conning, IF 20. Coningsby, 139. John de Conyngsby, P. Walter de Cunnyngby, A. Conington, ( ^39- John de Conyngton, Connington, ^^- Thomas de Cony^ l ton, A. Conqueror. William Conqueror, A. Robert Conqueraunt, A. Constable, 203. John le Conestabic, B. Robert le Conestable, G. Constance, 19, 67. William fil. Con- stance, A. Convert, 167. Dyonis le Convers, A. Stephen le Convers, B. Nicholas le Conners, B. Conyers {v. Convert), 197. Cook, {^°^' 3^5- ^'^'"''^ <^oca, A. r- ,' i Roger le Cook, J/, loan ^°°''^' i le Cook, /.•/.•. ^ Cookman, 206, 365. William Cokcnian, y. John Cookman, IF 9. Cookson, 65, 365. Robert fil. Coci, A. John Cokesson, /'V\ Henry Cukeson, IF II. Cooper, 389, 394. Richard le Cupare, A. John le Cuper, Af. Coote, 494. Cope, 124, Robert Cope, A. Adam Cope, Af. Copeland, 124. William de Copelaunde, £. John Copland, Z. Copeman, 296, 124. Laurence Copiman, A. Hugh Cowpman, A'. Coper, 296. John le Copere, A. Copestakc, 124. William Copcstake, Z. Copley, 124. Avery Copley, Z. Christo- pher Copley, Z. Thomas de Coppc- ley, XX 4.' Copp (i). John le Coppe, A. Thomas le Coppe, A. (2), 124. John de la Coppe, FI'\ Richard de la Coppe, FF. Copped 353. Hugh le Coppede, A. John le Copede, A/. Copperbeard, 449. Robert Coperberd, A''. Corbet, 151. Nicholas Corbet, A/. Felicia Corbet, A. Cord' r, 399. Adam le Corder, A. Peter le Corder, A. ('351. Durant le Cord- Cord iner, J waner. A/. Roger le Cordwaner, 1 Cordewaner, C. Ger- \ vaise le Cordewaner, A^. Corfe, 452. John Chauf, A. Geoffrey le Cauf, F. Coroner, 179. John le Coroner, A/. Henry le Corouner, A. Corner (i), 179. John le Corner, A. Waiter le Cornur, A'. (2), 130, 179. William de la Cornere, A. Robert Atte Cornere, A/. Cornmongcr, 275. Ralph le Corn- monger, T. Henry le Cornmongere, A/. Cornish, 147. William Cornish, D. Margery Cornish, //. Cornthwaite, 121. Cornwall, 169, 147. Geoffrey de Corn- wayle, B. Wauter de Cornwaille, A/, 538 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Comwallis, 148. Thomas le Corn- waleys, A. Philip le Cornwaleys, L. Walter le Comewaleys, X. Corsdebeef, 500. Thomas Cors-de-boef, A. Thomas Cor-de-beofc, B. Galiena Cordebeof, y. /•286, 351. Ralph le Core- Corser, ] viser, A. William le Corviser, I Con-iser, B. Durand le \ Corvescr, Af. Cosier, 352. Cosscr (v. Corser), 286. Cotman (i), 252. Richard Coteman, A. William Coteman, A. (2). Thomas fil. Cotman, A. John fil. Cotman, A. Cotter, 252. William le Cotier, A. ■ Simon le Cotere, FF. Cotterel, j 252. William Coterel, M- Cottrell, I Joice Cotterill, Z. Cotwife, 252. Beatrix Cotewife, A. Coucher, 360. John le Cochere, A. William Coucher, IV 2. Couchman [v. Coachman), 288. Richard Couchman, Z. William Cowcheman, EE. Coudray, 154. William de Coudrayc, Af. Peter de Coudray, H. Coulman, 337. Launcelot Coulman, Z. Coullhard, 1=^7- John Colthirde, Wg. Coulthcrd, J D'-^vy Cowlhird, (P^iS. Coultman, 267. Councillor, ) Councilman, Count, 174. John le Cuntc, E. Peter le Countc, G. Richard Ic Counte, A^. Countess, 174, 507. Judctha Comm.i- tissa, A. John Countcsse, A. Countryman. John Cuntrcman, A. Couper, 394. Nicholas le Coupcr, A. Warin le Couper, J/. Coupcrcss, 394. Roger Coupcrcsse, A. i8i Coupman. Richard Coupman, A. Courcy, 151. Court. Baldwin attc Curt, M. Godfrey ate Curt, M. Cousen, ("429. Richard le Cusyn, A. Cousin, \ John le Cosyn, G. Thomas Couzen, \ le Cozun, E. Cover, 395. Richard le Cuver, O. Walter le Cuver, E. Michael le Cuver, A. Coverer, 395. Robert le Covcrour, A. Adam le Covrcur, M. Covetous, 483. Gilbert le Covetiose, M. Cow (i), 490. Thomas le Cu, A. Ralph le Cou, M. (2), 485. Thomas del Cou, M. Coward, 266. William le Kuhcrde, A. John le Couhcrde, B. Adam le Cow- hirde, M. Cowbcvtson, 56. Nicholas Cowbeytson, IV9. Cowden, ii3. Thomas Cov.-den, I-F. Nathaniel Cowden, FF. Cowlcr, 337. Richard le Couhelere, J/. Cowley, 119. Alexander de Couleye, A. Roger de Couele, A. Cowman, 271. Cowpcr (v. Coupcr), 389, 394. Willel- mus Cow])ere, Wig. Cowjiman, [v. Coupman) 394. Richard Cowpeman, A. Coxhcad {v. Cockshead), 447. Thomas Co.xhead, HH. Coxon {v. Cockson), 65. Coyking. 505. John Coyking, Rf. Crabb, 497. Crabtrce. John Crabtre, IF 16. Wil- liam Crabtrcc, W 16. Crackshicld, 462. Thomas Cracky- shiekl. Cramp [v. Crumj)), 440. William Cramp, Z. Cramphom, 461. Joseph Cramphome, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 539 Crane, 144, 494. Hugh le Crane, G. William le Crane, E. Crask, 432. Walter le Crask, FF. Crass, 432. Richard le Cras, A. John le Cras, AI. Stephen Crassus, y. Crestolot, 16. Crestolot de Pratis, D. D. Crimp {v. Crump), 440. Cripling, 441. William Crypling, A. Crisp, 450. Robert le Crespe, A. Regi- nald le Crispe, y. Crocker 392. Simon le Crockere, A. Stephen le Crockere, M. Croft, j 132. Roger de Croft es, A. Crofts, I Agnes de Croftis, A. Croiser, 158. Simon le Croiser, M. Wil- liam Croiser, //. Croker, 392. Robert Croker, /-'. John le Croker, M. Crook, 461. Roger le Cruk, M. John Cruke, A. Crookbone, 440. Henry Croakbane, A. Geoffrey Crokebayn, 11^4. Crooke [v. Crook), 440. Vincent Crooke, Z. Crookhom, 461. John Crokehorn, B. Robert Crokehorn, T. Cropper, 256. Roger tlie Cropper, A A 2. Robin the Cropper, A A 2. Crosier {v. Crozier), 190. William Croy- ser, G. Cross f^3°" J°'^" '^"'^ Cross, M. Crosse, ^°Ser del Cros, R. Jordan ( ad Crucem, A. Crosser, 113. Crossman, 113. Julyan Crosman, Z. Emme Crossman, Z. Crossthwaite, 121. Henry de Cros- thwcyte, M. John de Crostwyt, R. Crossweller {v. Crcssweller), 113. Crotch, j 130. John attc Cruche, A. Crouch, I Mrailda atte Crouche, B. Croucher, 113, 130. John le Crocher, K. John Crowcher, FF. Crouchman, 113, 130. Richard Croche- man, A. William Croucheman, B. Crow, 494. Claricia Crowe, A. Robert Crowe, AI. Crowder, 310. Ricard le Cruder, A. Thomas le Crouder, 1^2. Crowfoot, 500. William Crowfoot, FF. Henry Crowfoot, FF. Crowther [v. Crowder), 310. Crozier, 190. Simon le Croyscr, AI. Mabel le Croyser, G. Cruel, 464, 484. Warin Cruel, A. Cruikshank, 438. Crump, 440. Richard le Crumppe, A. Hugh le Crumpe, T. Cryer, 183. Philip le Criour, E. Wat le Creyer, G. Edward le Crciour, N. Cuckhold. Thomas le Cuckold, A. Matilda Cuckold, A. Cuckoo, 494. Stephen Cuckoo, FF. William Cuckow, FF. I'homas Cuckowe, V. 13. Cuddie [v. Cuthbert), 55. Cullen C ^70- Jo''^'^ ^e Coloigne, FF. Cullin<^ ^1 WiUiam de Culinge, A. ^' i Alan Culling, ^. Culver, 495. Cuner, 404. Ada le Cuner, A. Henry Cunator, A. Cunerer, 404. Samson le Cunercr, A. Cunning, 139, 469. Cunningham, 139. Cuppagc, 215. John Cupnge, A A 3. Cupper, 389. William le Cuppere, G. Thomas le Cupper, AI. Cure. John le Cure, A. Anno Cure, Z. Curl, 450. Marcus Curie, Z. William Curie, Z. Curling [v. Qucrdclyun), 499. Currier, 331. Curt, 432. Thomas le Curt, A'. Wil- liam le Curt, L. Curtman. Adam Curtman, A. Curtbrand, 457. Reginald Curtbrant, B. 540 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Curteis, 468, 464. Walkelin le Curteis, C. Richard le Curteis, E. Curtepy, 456. Richard Curtepie, A. William Cortepy, A. Curthose, 456. Robert Curthose, A. Robert Curthose, PP. Curtis, 468, 464. Osbert le Curteys, A. Walter le Curteys, f. Curtmantel, 456. Henry Curtmantel, PP. Curtvalor, 456. Richard Curtevalur, A. Curtwailet, 456. Martin Curtwallet, A. f{v. Custson), 67. Eliza Cusse, W 9. Matilda fil. Cusse, A. Osbert Cuson, A. Cuss Balla, A. Cussot, 67. Cussot Colling, A. Cust, 67. Custe Newman, A. Robert fil. Cust, A. Custe Alver, A. Custance, 67. Custance la Braceresse, A. Henry fil. Custance, W 6. Rey- ner Custance, A . Custerson, ( 67. William Custson, W8. Custson, I Henry fil. Custance, A. Cutbeard, 56. Thomas Cutbcrt, //. John Cutbert, A. William Cutteberd, Cute, 465. Nicholas le Cute, A. Bene- dict le Cuyt, A. Cuteswain, 505. John Cutsweyn, A. Cuthbert, 56. Cuthbert Capun, P. Cuthbert Ricerson, IV $■ Cuthbertson, 56. Elizabeth Cuthbcrtson, W 16. Thomas Cuthbertson, IV 11. Cutler, 282, 390. Walter le Cotiler, A. Peter le Cotelcr, M. Jordan le Cotiler, N. Cydercr, 261. ■pv'AETH {v. Death), 140. •^ Uaffe, 441. Lcfcke DafTc, .-/. Daft, 441. William Daft, A. Daisy, 485. Roger Daisye, V 9. Thomas de la Cus- tance de Alemania, A. Damet, Damiot, Dakins, 188, 83. Dale, Sibill de Dale, B. Dale, M. Dallman, \ , m _. \ ^ „, , .' I (V. Aleman), i6t;. D Almaine, ' ^ " o Dalmaine, . Dalman, 165. John Dalman, FF. Wil- liam Dalman, /'Y'. Dame, 84. Henry Dame, A. Alexan- der Dame, A/. Damegod, 511. Peter Damegod, M. John Domegode, O. Damsell, 84. Simon Damsell, A. Lawrence Damysell, IV 2. Dameson, 84. John Damson, Z. r 84, Dametta, A. Dametta I fil. Morrell, DD. Henry ■i Damett, P. Hugh Damiot, A. Damietta Avenel, FF. l^ Alice Damyett, Z. Damned-Barebones, 78. Damsel (v. Damsell), 84. Damosel Skren, QQ. Dance {v. Dans), 84. Dancer, 307. Herveus le Danser, A. Henry Dawnser, Z. Dancock, 84. John Dancock, G. Dandelyan, 499. William Daundelyun B. Danett, 84. Ralph Danett, PP. Thomas Danet, XX i. Daniel, 84. Daniel fil. John, E. Richard Danyel, .-I/. Dankin {v. Daniel), 84. Gunnilda Danekin, A'. ^84. Daniel Dann, PP. Henry Dannn, j Dann, PP. Moses Dan- Dannett, ") nett, F 5. John Dannctt, L ^4. Dans, 84. \. , ^ ~ 11 . } John Danse, Z. Danser (v. Dancer), 307. Danson, 84. Christoiihir Danson, Z. John Danson, Z. Marmaduke Dan- son, IV II. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 541 Dawe, Dawes, DAP Dapifer, 2ir. Henry Dapifer, ^. Sewall Dapifer, y. Darling. Jane Darling, W 20. Dason (v. Davison), 83. Dauber, 250. Roger le Daubere, A. Silvester Daubere, //. David, 83. David Faber, A. Gilbert David, A. Davidson, 83. Robert fil. David, A. Thomas Davydson, Af. Davies, 83. Davey ap Davidson, Z. Gerves Daves, IV 9. Davy Cow- third, IV 18. Davison, 83. James Davyson, IV g. Thomas Davyson, /'7^ Davitt (v. David), 83. Robert fil. Davit, A. Isabel uxor Davit, A. Dawber {v. Dauber), 250 83. Daw le Pestour, //. Dawe le Falconer, DD. Lovekin Dawes, A. Dawkes, 83. Charles Dawkes, FF. Robert Dawkes, F5. Dawkins, 83. John Dawkyns, F. Henry Dawkins, Z. Dorken le Bercher, A. Dawkinson, 83. Dawson, 83. Richard fil. Dawe, A. Raffe Dawson, Z. Day, (273. CecilialeDay, y. Stephen Daye, \ leDagh, T. Thomas le Day, .1/. Dayes, 83. Dayman, 273. Dayson {v. Davison), 83. Daystar. Robert Daystcrre, A. Deacon, 188. Senxa le Dekcnc, A. Philip le Dekene, M. Deakin, 188. Dean (i), 156. Roger le Dene, A. John le Dene, FF. (2), 118. William do la Dene, A. A lam atte Dene, Af. Dearden, 11 i Ralph de Dernedcn, A. Dearlove, 47 William Derelove, F. Richard Lcrclove, ZZ. Thomas Dearlove W 16 Dearman (v. Deerman), 235 Death, 168, 510. John Deth, M. Hugh de Dethe, A. Debenham, 17, 146. John de Deben- ham, A. Giles de Debenham, FF. Debonaire, 467. Philip le Debeneyre, A. Decroix, 153. Deer, 443. Robert leDere,^^. Lawrence le Deer, AI. Deerman, 235. John Dereman, A. William Dereman, A. Defend, 103. Defend Outered. Defontaine, 153. Delamere, 153. Reginald de la Mere, A. Grigore de la Mere, A. Delarue, 153. Delilah, 77. Delisle, 153. Deliver, 465. Ralph le Delivere, MAI. Delivery, '^j. Deman, 273. Roger Deyman, Z. Demer, 180. Simon le Demer, B. Dempster, 180. Christopher Dempster, Q. Den, 118. Henry de Denn, A/. William ate Denne, Af. Denis (v. Dennis), 70. Denison (v. Dennison), 70. Denman, 119, 270. Ralph Denmane, ZZ. Dennis (i). Denneyse Fowler, Z. Denes Lister, IV 9. Richard Dio- nys, Af. (2), 162. Joel le Deneys, A. Brice le Daneis, Af. James le Danoys, XX i. Dennison (i), 70. Henry Dennison, IV 16. John Denyson, IF 13. Michael fil. Dionysioe, A. (2). Walter Denizen, A. Dcnt-de-fer, 434. Robert Dent-de-fer, F. Denthorp, 137. Catherine Denthorp, XX 4. Denyer, 119, 270. Departedieu, 511. John Departe-dieu, f'F. Deputy. Thomas Deputy, IV 20. 542 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Despencer, Despenser, Derbyshire, 147. Henry Derbyshyre, ZZ. Thomas Derbyshire, 7,Z. Deme, ii8 n. Denihouse, ii3 n. Thomas Derne- huse, A. Denventwater, 429. Henry de Der- wentwater, M. Thomas de Dertsent- water, L. 175. Thurstan le De- spencer, A. Edward le Despenser, B. Deus-saUet-dominas, 511. Roger Deus- salvet-dominas, v. p. 511. Devil, (153. John Deyvyle, ^. Tho- Devjlle, I mas de Dey\7le, T. Devoni h, 147. John le Deveneis, E. Isabel le Deveneis, A. Xichol le Devenys, M. Dewhurst, 116. John Derhurste, XX \. Grace Dewhirste, ZZ. Deye (v. Day), 273. Hugh le Deye, G. Cecily le Deye, FF. Deyville, 153. Goscelin de Eyville, M. John de Eyville, M. Diacony, 188 «. Micheli Diacony, XXx. Diable, 153. Osbert Diabolus, C. Roger le Diable, y. Dibden, ii3 ». Randoljibde Depcnden, A. John Debden, XX i. '65. (i),Johnfil. Decani, ^. Amice fil. Decani, A. (2), John Dyconson, H. Anlhonye Dickon- son nc, \V 9. Dick, 40. Agatha Dick, FF. John Dik. FF. Dickens, 40. William Dicons, FF. Richard Dikkins, FF. Dickenson (f. Dicconson), 16, 40. Robert Dickenson, ZZ. William Dykynson, Z/Z. Dicker, 257. Symon le Dikcr, A. Geoffrey le Dykero, A. Dickcrson, 40. Henry Dickcrson, FF. Dickman, 257. Walter Dikeman, A, Diccons, Dicconson, DOD Agnes Dykman, B. Henry Dickman, Vs. Dicks, 40. William Dikkys, FF. Thomas Dykys, FF. Dickson, 40. Ralph Dikson, F. Nicho- las Dykson, W 2. Dieu-te-ayde,5ii. John Dieu-te-ayde, J/. Digger, 257. William Digger, V 2. Diggs (f. Dicks), 40. Robert Diggs, 257 n. Anne Digges, Z. Digginson (w. Dickenson), 40. John Digginson, Z. Agnes Digison, Z. Dinah, 100. Dyna Bocher, 100. r7o.Dionisius Garston, \V\\. Dionisia, J Dionise Argentein, HH. Dionisius, | Dionysia la Coyfere, A. ^.Michael fil. Dionisie, A. Discipline, 77. Disher, 393. John le Discher, O. Robert le Dishere, X. Disheress, 393. Margaret le Disheresse, A. Disser, I qi4. Roger le Disser, A. Dissour, ) ^ ^ " Dister, 322. Robert le Dighestere, G. Walter le Dighestere, G. Thomas Dyster, B. Ditchcnd, 114. John dc Dichende, R. Dives, 431. Elyas le Diveys, A. Dix [v. Dicks), 40. William Dixe, Z. Thomas Dickcs, /•"/''. Dixon (i'. Dickson), 40. Bayll Dixson, J Kg. Agnes Dixson, Z. Dobbins, 39. Toby Dobbin, FF. John Dobbins, Z.. Matilda Dobin, A. Dobbs, 39. Roger Dobbs, M. Richard Dobbys, >S£. Robert Dobbis, 1^17. Dobinett. John Dobyncttc, v. p. 39, «. Dobinson, ^39. Miles Dobsonne, ZZ. Dobison, \ Richard Dobyson, W 2. Dobson, i Henry Dobbinson, W 20. Dodman, 304. Peter Dodcman, A. John Dodman, FF. Dodson (f. Davidson), 83. John Daud- son, M. Adam Doddson, ZZ. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 543 Doe, 489. John le Doe, A. William le Do, A. Dog, 492. Nicholas Dogge, A. Dogmow, 434. WilHam Dogmow, A. Araulph Dogmow, A. Dollman, 165. Ales Dolman, Z. Mathew Dolman, ££. Dolphin, 497. John Dolfin, Z. William Dolfin, A. Doman (v. Doorman), 204. Domitt, 84. Henry Domet, A. Dook (v. Duke), 174. Doolittle, 500. Doomsday. Richard Domesdaye, FF. Margery Domesday (Lower). Doorman, 204. Nicholas Doreman, O. Doorward, 204. Geoffrey le Doreward, A. Elias Dorewarde, B. Isabel Dorewarde, //. Dorman (v. Doorman), 204. Dorturer, 192. Robert le Dorturer, B. William le Dorturer, DD. Dosier, 360. Robert le Dosier, A. Richard le Dosyere, A. Dosser {v. Dosier), 360. Gilbert le Dosser, A. John Dawsor, ££. Dosson, 69. Doubleman, 389. Doubler, 389. Hans Doublcr, O. John Doblere, X. Doublcrosc. Annabell Doublerose. Douce {v. Dowse), 69. Doucett [v. Dowsett). John Doucctt, FF. Douch, 165. Doughty, 467. John Doughty, FF. Thomas Doughtye, ZZ. Dove, 494. Richard le Duv, Af. Nicho- las le Duv, Af. Dowch, 165. Dowkin {v. Dowse), 69. Richard Dow- kin, /'•. Downe, 125. John de la Dounc, B. Nicholas atte Doune, AI. Downyhead, 447. John Downyhead, M. Dowsabell, 19, 70. Dowsabell Cobbe, FF. Dowzable Mill, Z. Dussabell Caplyn, Z. Thomas Duszabell, Af. Doomsday, 63. Richard Domesday, FF. Doucett (z>. Duckett), 70. Dowse, 69. Duce Mercatrix, A. Douce de Moster, A. William Douce, Af. Dowsett (v. Dowse), 69. Walter fil. Dussote, A. Dowson, 69. John fil Dousje, W 5. John Dowsson, Z. Stephen Dowson, F. Dragon, 428. Walter le Dragon, A. William le Dragon, A. Drake, 494. Adam le Drake, B. Martin le Drake, F. Draper, 286. Roger le Draper, A. Henry le Drapier, Af. Drawespe, 461. Thomas Drawespe, A. William Drauespe, A. Drawlace, 502. John Drawlace, W 18. Drawsword, 461. Henry Draweswerd, A. Maurice Draugheswerd, Af. Draw-water, 410. Richard Drawater, A. Drayncr, 257. Elizabeth Draner, Z. Thomas Draner, Z. Dresser, 261. Raphe Dresser, Z. John Dresser, IV i6. Drew, 31. William fil. Drogo, A. Dru Rarentyn, //. Drcwe Drewery, Z. Drewett, 31. Druett Malerbe, A. Dnietta de Pratello, A. Drynk-ale, 481. Jakes Drynkale, XX i. Drink-dregs, 481. Geoffrey Dringke- dreggcs, ^' C. Drink water, 481. John Drinkewater^^/. Richard Drynkewatere, Af. Driver, 288. John le Drivere, .4/. Richard le Drivere, Af. James Driver, IF 16. Drivcrcss, 281. Alice le Driveress, A. Drunkard, 481. Maurice Dnmcard, A. Drybread, 501. John Drybrcd, A. 544 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Dubber, 354. Jordan le Dubbere, P. Stephen le Dubbere, AI. Payen le Dubbour, N. Dubois, 153. John Dubois, A. Ducatel, 153. Duce, (v. Dowse), 6g. Duce Vidua, A. Agnes fil. Duce, A. John fil. Duce, A. Ducedame, 481. Roger Ducedame, A. Duceparole, 468. Henry Duceparolc, T. Duck, 174 «. Roger le Due, ^. Adam le Duk, M. William le Duck, T. Ducket (v. Dowsett), 70. Margery Duckett, HH. Robert Duckett, PP. Dulcia Duket, A. Duckrell, 494. Dudder, 303. Dudderman, M03. Simon Dudeman, Z). Duderman, \ Ralph Deudeman, M. Dudman, ( Obbe Dudeman, E. Duffus, 131. Thomas Dufhouse, X. John del Duffus, A. Duke, 174. Nicholas Duke, ^. Thomas Duke, B. Dukeson {v. Douce). Robert Dukeson, Z. Dulcia (i'. Duce), 69. Robert fil. Dulcie. A. Dulcia le Drapcre, G. Dulcia fil. Willliam, E. Dulcia Boveton, A. Dulcibella [v. Dovvsabcll), 70. Dulson {v. Dulcia), 70. Dull. Alicia le Dul, A. Dumbard, 442. Robert Dumbard, A. Dun (i), 125. Gilbert attc Dune, A. Henry de la Dun, A'. (2), 445. Henry le Dun, A. Wil- liam le Dun, n. Duncalf, 490. John Duncalf, AA i. William Duncalf, A A 1. Dunman, 395. William Dunman, A. John Dunman, A. Dunn (f. Dun), 395. William le Dunne, A. Dupont, 153. Durand, Durant, Dyot, Dyott, Dyotson, EDE Henry fil. Durant, A. Durand le Bonjohan, A. Ivo Du- raunt, A. Duredent, 434. Walter Durcdent, E. Durnford, 118 n. Radegund Derneford, HR I. Robert de Derneford, A. Durward {v. Doorward), 204. John Dunvard, B. Dust, -jj. Dutchman, 163. Dutchwoman, 163. Katherine Dutch- woman, X. Duzamour, 474. Felicia Duzamour, z: p. 474- Dyer, 322. John le Deyere, A. Geoffrey le Deghere, G. Nicholas le Deighere, M. [v. Dionisia), 70. Diota de Walworte, W 19. Dyot Hayne, 11^ 11. Diotson, Dyson [v. Dionysia), 70. William Dy- sone, M. Dyster iv. Dister), 322. T7AGLE, 14s, 485. (i), Gilbert de la ^ Hegle, A. (2), Custance le Egle, A. Eaglebcard, 449. Ismay Egleberd, A. Eame {v. Erne), 429. Earl, 145. Roger leErl, /f.John Erie, B. Famshaw, 117. Earth, 77. East, 150. Robert dc la Este, A. Christopher Easte, /. Eastcnd, 115. Emma ate Estende, A. Adam in Estend, A. Eastcrling, 164. ILastcrn, 150. Thomas Esteme, A. Eborard, 27. Geoffrey fil. Eborard, A. r21)orard le Ken, A. Edcline (v. Adeline), 19. Robert fil. JCdeline, A. Edclina del Brok, K. Edelina Aylevc, A. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 545 Edelota (v. Edeline). Edelota Darby, y1. Ydelot Binytheton, A'. Edith, 19. John fil. Edithe, A. Editha uxor Edwardi, C. Edmond, j 19. Edmon le Ussher, M. Edmonds, | Walter Edmonds, Z. Edmondson, 19. Robert Edmondson, Z. Edmund, j 5, 19. Robert Eadmund, Edmunds, \ A. Edmund Bullok, Z. Edmundson, 19. John fil. Eadmundi, A. Alexander fil. Eadmund, A. Edred. John Edred, A. Thomas Edrede, A. Edward, (19. Roger Eadward, A. Edwardes, | Robert Edward, Af. Edwardson, 19. George Edwardson, XX r. Emma fil. Edward, A. Eimeric, 26. Elcock, 87. Francis Elcock, Q. Roger Hellecok, A. Elder, 432. lileanor (v. Alianora). Eleanor Lovet, H. Hugh fil. Elyenore, A. Elner Martin, Z. . Elias, 86. Eliot f^7' ^'^°' ^^ ^^P- ^''^^' ^• Eliott I ^l'°""s ^^ Balliol, E. ' I Richard Eliot, Af. Elizabeth, 79 n. Elizabeth Draner, Z. Elcock, 87. John Elcock, ZZ. Henry Elcocke, ZZ. Elkins, (86. Elekyn, A'. Robert Elkinson, | Elkyn, X. EUcock (v. Elcock), 87. Ellen (JA Eleanor), 72. David fil. Elene, A, Elene le Fleming, y. EUice, 86. Duce Elice A. Ellice C^w- per, Z. Elice Apprice, Z. Ellicot, 87 «. Elisoip, A. Ellisotc Dispenser, A. Elisott! Domicella, IV 2. Elisot Bustard, U^' 2. Elliot (v. Eliot), 16, 87. Richard fitz Elote, Af. Henry Elyot, A. Elliotson, 87. Robert Elyotson, /•'. N EMP Ellis, 86. Elis le Fitz-Hugh, Af. Elis de Albrighton, Af. Nicholas Ellys, F. Ellison, 86. Henry fil. Elis, A. John Ellison, F. Elias fil. Elye, Af. Ellson, 86. Roger fil. Elie, A. Wil- liam Elson, H. Elmer (v. Aylmer), 29. Richard Eilmar, A. William Elmer, Af. Elmhurst, 116. Elmsley, 119. Albred de Elmsleie, A. Elwyn {v. Aylwin), 29. Elwyn le Hey- ward, A. William Elwin, A. Ember, 61. Ember SoleiroU, QQ. Emberson (v. Emerson), 29. Eme, 429. Nicholas Eme, A. I Emelia, 19, 87 n. Emelia la Prys, M. i Emelot, 87 n. Emelot, y. Elena Erne- lot {v. Emelia), A. I Emeric, 29, 87 «. Emeric de Bezill, A. j Emericus de Sacy, B. Emericus de I Bosco, C. j Emerson, 29. Richard Emryson, VV ! 12. John fil. Emerici, Af. William j Emeryson, IV 8. Richard Emerson, PV2. I Emery, 29. Emerius Monetarius, C. I William Emery, D. I Emlott {v. Emelot), 87 n. I Emma, 68. Emma mater Andreas, C. I Emma la Gradere, A. limma uxor I Saer, J. 68. Walter Em, A. Wil- liam Emms, A. Edmund Emmes, /•'/•'. 16, 68. Emmetta Catton, X. Em met Flessour, IV 9. Emmet Chapman, IVg. Emmot (v. Emmott), 16, 68. Emmotson, 68. Emmott, 68. Emmota Plummer, IV2. Emmota Fysscher, IV 2. Emmot Kneyt, A. Emperor, 173. Richard le Emperer, O. Em me, Emmes, Emmet, Emmett, N 546 INDEX OF INSTANCES. EMP Empson, 68. Richard Empson, H. John Emmeson, FF. Emson, 68. Elyas fil. Emme, A. John Emyson, F. Enfant, 202. John le Enfaunt, A. Walter le Enfaunt, H. John le En- fant, E. Engineer, 229 (w. Jenner), William le Engynur, A. Richard le Enginur, B. Emulf le Enginnur, E. English, 149. Walter le Engleis, A. Richard le Engleys, B. John le Eng- lisshe, M. Enota, 87 «. Enota Coly, A. Envious, 464. Hamo le Enveyse, A. William le Enveise, C. Epiphany, 61. Epiphania Jackson, QQ. Eremite (v. Hermit), 196. Hugh le Ermite, E. Emald (f. Arnold), 28. Ernaldus de Baiona, C. Ernaldus Camifex, C. Peter Emald, R. Escot (w. Scott), 148. Roger le Escot, A. Adam le Escot, //. Escriveyn (v. Scriven), 362. Robert le Escriveyn, E. William le Escrevyn, G. Eskirmesur (v. Skrimshire), 220. Henry le Eskirmessur, A. Peter le Eskur- mesur, E. John le Eskirmesour, K. Espaigne (f. Spain), 161. Arnold de Espaigne, H. John de Ispania, A. Espicer (z/. Spicer), 329. Alan le Espe- cer, A. Milo le Espicer, N. Richard le Espicer, B. Espigumell [v. Spigumell), 183. Nicho- las Espigurnel, A. Edmund le Espi- gumel, L. Espin (z/. Espaigne), 161. Esquier (v. Squier), 166. Thomas le Esquier, E. Gilbert le. Esquier, J. Esquiler (w. Squiller), 174. William le Esquiler, //. Robert le Escuyllcr, E. ■^■''.Strange (v. Strange), 146. Robert le P' Estrange, A. John le Estrange, R. Estraunge (v. Straunge), 146. Roger le Estraunge, H. John le Estraunge, y. Estrys, 150. Moyne le Estrys, A. Richard le Estreys, T. Etheldreda [v. Audry), 19. Etheldreda Castell, FF. Etheldred or Audrey Clerc, FF. Ethelred, 5. Euphemia, 19. Eufemia de Grey, K. Eufemia de Heslarton, W <). Eustace, 18. Herveus fil. Eustace, A. Evans, j Howell ap Yevan, H. David Evanson, 1 ap Evan, Z. Eve, 3, 81. Eva Te.xtrix, A. Eva la Warre, J. Eva fil. Dolphini, J. Evelyn, I 87 n. Evelina Coynterel, A. Eveline, \ George Evelynge, 7.. Everard, 29. Fulco fil. Everardi, R. Everard Gallicus, E. Geoffrey fil, Everard, A. Everardson {tj. Evorard). Nicholas Eve- rardsonne, BB. Peter Everadsonne, BB. Eversden, 118. John de Eversdene, A. Luke de Eversden, DD. Eversholt, 116. Richard de Eversholt, M. John de Everesholt, R. Every, 29. John Every, H. William Everye, Z. Eves {v. Eveson), 81. Evesk (z'. Vesk), 156. Henry le Eveske, E. Elyas le Eveske, T. Eveson, 81. John fil. Eve, M. Cecilia fil. Evae, T. Richard fil. Eve, A. Evett, 81. Evota de Durham, A". Evota de Stanley, W 2. William Evote, X. ^^''' \ 153- Peter de Evyille, M. Evill, I Evilchild, 506. Alan Evilchild, A. Evitt (v. Kvett), 81. Evott [^. Evett), 81. Ewe (i), 445. Leticia le Eue, M. Nicholas le Ewe, FF. {2), 118. Jordan del Ewe, A. John del Ewe, A, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 547 EWE Ewer, 214. Brian le Ewer, E. Richard le Ewere, H. William le Ewer, T. Ewery, 214. Adam le Euere, A. Roger de Euere, M. Excuser, 180. Peter le Es-cuzer, H. Experience. Experience Mayhew, 103 Eyre, 202. William le Eyr, B. Simon le Heir, A. Robert le Eir, M. Eyville, 153. Nicholas de Eyvil, A. John de Eyvill, R. Ezekiel, 100. Ezekiel Guppye, Z. Ezota (t'. Elizabeth). Ezota Hall, WXT.. ■pABER. Silvester Faber, A. Nicho- las Faber, H. Fail, 154. Gilbert Fayel, E. Matilda Faiel, E. Faint-not, 103. Faint-not Dighurst, . 103. Fair, 475. Richard le Fay re, A. Marcus le Faire, C. Fairbrother, 508. Fairchild, 508. Robert Fayrchild, A. Godfrey Fairchilde, C. Fairclough, 124. William Fairclough, Z. Hugh Faierclugh, Z. Fairfax, 449. Thomas Fayrfax, M. Guy Fairefax, H. William Farefaxe, Fairhair, 448. Geoffrey Fairher, N. Edward Fayreheire, Z. Fairhead, 435. William Fairheved, A. Richard Faireheved, H. , Fairman (i), 304. John Fayerman, A. Richard Fayrman, A. (2), 304. Fairman Alberd, M. Fairesire, 506. Henry Fairesire, X. Fairson, 506. Richard Fairsone, M. Fairweather, 472. John Fayrweder, A. Hugh Fairweder, A. Faith, 103. Faythe Childe, W 14. Fayth Neville, W 14. Faithful, 104. Faythful Fortescue, 104. Fakes [v. Fawkes), 50. Fakes de Breante, E. Falcon, 493. William le Falcon, M. Falconar, /240. Guide le Falconare, ^. Falconer, Geoffrey le Falconer, M. Falkener, | William le Falkoner, M. Falkner, ( Antony Falkner, Z. Fallow, 446. Roger le Falewe, A, Alicia la Falour (?), A. Fallowman,446. William Faleman (?),^. False. Agnes le P'aleise, J. Fanner, 276. Walter le Fannere, X. Simon le Fannere, X. Fanne, 276. William atte Fanne, R. Margery Fanne, Z. Farebrother, 430. Farewell, 512. Thomas Farewel, A. Richard Farewell, A. Farmer, 271. William le Farmere, A. Robert le Fermere, A. Farrier (v. Ferrier), 290. Sibilla le Feryere, A. Farthing, 456. Geoffrey Ferthing, A. William Ferthing, M. Father, 430. Arnold le Fader, A. Robert le Fader, R. Fatherless, 430. John Faderless, M. Ralph Faderles, 55. Fatman, 431. Richard Fatman, FF. Fatt, 431. William le Fatte, M. Alan Fatt, FP. Fauconer, c(^- Falconer), 240. Bernard P , '^ Fauconer, M. John le FaulcTner, 1 Faukcncr, A. Henry le \ raucuner, E. Faulkes [v. Fawkes), 50. Edmund Falkes, H. Faulkner (v. Falconer), 240. F'aultless, 463. Faucet {v. Fauset). Fauset {v. Fawkes). Richard Fauset, /'/', Faux {v. Fawkes), 50. Nel Faukes, A, John Faux, H. Nicholas Faukes, A, Favell, 445. Hugh Fauvel, M. John Fauvel, M. NN2 548 INDEX OF INSTANCES. FAW Fawcett (v. Fawsett). Fawkes, 50. Faukes le Buteller, A. Faukesius de Breant, A. Fauke de Glamorgan, £. Fawsett (v. Fawkes). Robert Fawcett, PP. Fawson, ] Faxson, J ^ Fayle (v. Fail), 154. Fear-not, 103. Fere-not Rhodes, 103. Fearon (v. Feron), 244. Featherbeard, 449. John Featherberde, //. Featherstonehaugh, 133. Feelgood. William Felegod, A. Felicia, 19. Felicya Pudforth, A. Felicia de Quoye, A. Warner fil. Felice, A. Fell-dog, 500. Roger Feldog, 11^15. Fellmonger, 331. Fellowe, ( 506. Bele le Felawe, A. Fellowes, \ Robert le Felawe, A. Fellowship, 191. William Felliship, W II. Felon, 182 n. Henry le Felun, A. Fenn. Roger del Fen, A. Thomas atte Fenne, B. Gonnilda in le Fenne, A. Fenner, 237. Richard le Fenere. //. Ralph le Fenere, P. Fenreve, 233. Adam Fen re ve,^. Symon Fenreve, A. Fermer (v. Farmer), 271, 192. Robert le Fermere, A. Matilda la Fermer, G. Fermerie, 192. Idonia de la Fermerie, B. John le Fermery, H. Fermor (v. I'ermer), 192. Feron, 283. Alan le Feron, A. Mar- gery la Feron, B. Ferrers, 151. Wydo de Ferreris, /'/''. Elizabeth de Ferreris, PF. Ferrier, 290. Osbert le Ferrur, A. Peter le Ferrour, G. Colin le Ferur, A. Ferriman, 285. Peter Feryman, Z. Richard Ferryman, Z. Ferron {v. Feron), 283. Roger leFemn,^. Fesant (z-. Pheasant), 494. Feure, 283. Reginald le Feure, B. Thomas le Feure, M. Feuterer (v, Fewter), 236. Walter le Feuterer, A. (283. Richard le Fevere, A. John le Fever, A/. Torald le Fevre, y. Achard le Fevre, T. Fewster (v. Fuster), 289. Ralph Few- ster, 55. Fewter, 236. Geoffrey le Wewtercr, A. John le Vautrer, A. Godfrey le Futur, A. Fidler, 308. Robert Fyflfudlerc, X. John Fydler, ZZ. Ruelard Vidulator, DD. Thomas le Fytheler (Lower). Robert Fediller,A'A' I. John le Fythe- ler, AA i^. Field, 115. Linota ate Feld, A. Thomas atte Felde, Af. Fielder, 113. Alice Feylder, ZZ. Rich- ard Feilder, IV g. Fierce, 464. Ralph le Fere, A. Fighter, 305. Richard le Fytur, A. Filder (f. Fielder), 113. Fillpot, 91. John Filpot, P. Roger Fylpot, PP. Fillip, 91. Walter Fell]), A. Jon fiz Felyp, DD. Felipp Clerk, A. Finch, 494. Thomas Finch, A. James Fynch, //. Fincher, 239. Robert le Fincher, B. Fine-amour, 474. Dulcia Fynamour, V. p. 474. Finger, 436. Matilda Finger, //. Firebrace, 436. Robert Ferbras, Af. Firminger (v. Furminger) 278, 370. Andrew Firminger, Z. John Far- mynger, Z. Firstling, 202. Bartholomew Firstling (Strype). William Firstling, PP. Fish, 274, 496. John le Fysche, Q. Richard Fishe, PP. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 549 Fisher, 273, 376. Thomas le Fishere, D. Henry le Fisscre, J. Margaret le Fischere, A. Fisherman, 273. Antony Fisheman, FF. Andrew Fishman, FF. Fishmonger, 334. William Fyshmon- ger, F. Fiske, 274, 496. William Fyske, Q. Catherine Fiske, FF. Fisker, 273. Robert le Fys-cer, A. Lawrence Fisker, E. Fitch, 489. William Fitche, A. Wil- liam Fitch, FF. Fitchett, 489. John Fichet, M. William Fychet, H. Fitz-amice, 13. Robert Fitz-amice, M. Fitz-bennet (z-. Bennet). John le Fitz- beneit, H. Alan Fitz-bennet, FF. Fitz-clerk, 65. Alexander Fitz-clerk, H. Fitz-ellis, 86. Robert Fitz-elis, M. William Fitz-elias, M. Fitz-garret [v. Garret). Edward Fitz- garret, EE. Agnes Fitz-garret, FF. Fitz-gerald, 13, 52. Gerald Fitz-gerald, M. Thomas Fitz-gerot, H. Fitz-gibbon, 13. Fitz-hamond {v. Hammond), 13, 35. John Fitz-hamond, D. Sibil Fitz- hamon, FF. Fitz-herbert (v. Herbert), 13. William Fitz-herbert, Z. Thomas Fitz-her- bert, EE. Fitz-howard, 26. John Fitz-howard, Wz. Fitz-james (v. James), 13. John Fitz- james, Z. James Fitz-james, EE. Fitz-lettice, 71. Roger Fitz-lettice, H. John Fitz-lettice, M. Fitz-neel, 13. Robert Fitz-neel, D. Thomas Fitz-neel, M. Fitz-parker,65. Thomas Fitz-parkere, ^V. Fitz-patrick, 13. Thomas Fitz-patrick, M. Fitz-payn, 13. Ela le Fitz-payn, //. Elis le Fitz-payn, M, Fitz-peers (v. Peers), 13. Lucia Fitz- peers, li. Aveline Fitz-piers, FF. Fitz-provost, 65. Simon Fitz-provost, H. Fitz-rauf, 13. John Fitz-rauf, B. Rich- ard Fitz-ralph, M. Fitz-richard, 13. John Fitz-richard, B. Rauf le Fitz-richard, M. Fitz-simon {u. Simon), 13. Edward le Fitz-simon, B. Robert Fitz-simon, M. Fitz-water (v. Walter), 13. W^illiam 16 Fitz-water, A. Humfrey Fitz-wau- ter, B. Fitz-warin, 13, 32. Ino Fitz-Waryn, B. Fulco Fitz-warr^n, C. Fitz-william (v. William), 13. Jarvis Fitzwilliam, Z. Roger Fitz-wilham, FF. Five-ashes, 129. Fivepenny, 513. John Fivepeni, A. Five-pound, 513. James Fyppound, XX I. Flanner [v. Flaoner). John Flanner, FF. John Flanner, 367;/. Flaoner, 367. William le Flaoner, A. William le Flaoner, B. Roger le Flaoner, X. Flawner (z/. Flaoner), 367. John Flaw- ner, X. Flaxenhead, 447. Richard Flaxenne- hed, A. Flaxman, 327. William Flexman, A. Ralph le Flexman, K. Flaxwife, 327. Christina le Flexwyf, X. Fleming, 163, 318. Ascelyn le Flemyng, A. Alard le Fleminge, B. Baldwin le Fleming, M. Jordan le Flem- Fleshmonger, 374. William le Fles- mongere, A. Eudo le Flcshmongere, M. William Fleshemongere, /•". Flcsher, 374. Robert Flessher, IF 2. Miles Flesher, V $. Fleshewer, 264. William Flesschcwer, W "2.. John Fleshewer, y/. Fletcher, 226. Henry le Fletcher, A, 550 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Robert le Fleccher, E. Adam le Fletcher, G. Flexman (w. Flaxman), 287. Flinthard, 416. Jacob Flinthajd, A. Richard Flinthard, H. Florence, 134. John de Florence, R. Florianora. Florianora de Barkworth, RR I. Flouredieu, 511. John Flouredieu, FF. Flower, 228. John le Floer, A. Nicho- las le Flouer, J. Reginald le Flower, B. Fluter, 312. Nicholas le Floutere, B. Fly, 497. Maggie Flie, A. Oda Flie, A. Foakes (w. Fulkes), 50. Foke OdeU, H. Ralph Foke, A. Foldyate, 130. John atte Foldyate, J. Foliot, 475. Jordan Foliot, A. Richard Foliot, B. Foljambe, 438. Thomas Folejamb, A. Richard Foljamb, M. Folkes [v. Fulkes), 50. Follenfant, 475. Hugh Folenfaunt, A. Follet, f 475. Margery la Folyet, M. Follit, I Jordan Folyot, A. Fool, 216. Peter le Folle, A. Alexander le Fol, C. Johannes Stultus, DD. Foolhardy, 475, 464. Walter Ful- hardy, X. Foote, 437. Thomas Fot, A. Matilda Fot, A. Forager. William le Forager, B. Forcer, 400. Nicholas le Forcer, A. Henry le Forcer, B. John le Forcer,^/. Ford, 115. Peter ate Ford, jT/. Nicho- las de la Forde, A. 230. Gilbert le Forester, A. Richard le Forester, M. Ivo le Forester, J. Forster (w. Forester), 230. William le Forster, A. Henry le Forster, M. Fort, 432. John le Fort, E. William le Fort, M. Fortescue, 459. Isabella Fortescue, B. John Fortescu, //. Forester, Forrester, Foster {v. Forester), 230. Walter le Foster, J. Founder, 392. William le Fonder, A. John le Funder, E. Fourpeny, 513. Thomas Fourpeni, W<). Foulkes (w. Fulkes), 50. Fowlke Grevill, Z. Fowkes (v. Fulkes), 50. FowkedeCou- drey, A. Fowke Crompton, Z. Fowl, 434. Walter le Fowel, A. Nicholas le Foghele, M. Fowler, 239. Warin le Fowlur, A. Wil- liam le Fougheler, D. John le Fo- gheler, M. Fox, 489. Henry le Fox, A. Walter le Fox, M. Foxden, 118. Foxley, 119. John de Foxlee, NN. Francis, 159. Richard leFraunceys, ^. Gilbert le Franceys, B, Henry le Franceis, C. Francom (v. Frankham), 253. Francomb (z/. Frankham), 253. Wil- liam Francombe, Z. Frank, 254. Walter le Frank, A. Fulco le Frank, E. Frankham, 253. Robert Frankhome, G. Reginald le Fraunchome, A. Hugh Fraunch-humme, A. Franklin, 254. Geoffrey le Fraunkelyn, A. John le Fraunkelyn, B. Miles le Franklein, M. Frean (v. Freen), 154. Frebom (f. Freeborn), 253. Free, 253. Walter le Free, A. Freebody, 253. Richard Freebody, CC 3. Frcebond, 254 «. Robert Frebond, A. Freeborn, 253. Richard Frebem, A. Agnes Frebem, A. Geoffrey Frebem, Freegift, 77. Freeman, 253. John le Freman, A. Martin le Freman, A, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 551 FRE Freen, 154. Fulk de la Freigne, G. Stephen ad Fren, A. Freer, (430, 191. Geoffrey le Frere, Freere, | A. Syward le Frere, A. Freke, 465. William le Frek, M. Henry Freke, A. Freman {v. Freeman), 253. Fremantel, 457. Richard de Fremantell, M. Hugh de Frigido-Mantello, E. French, 159. Simon le Frensch, A. Eborard le Frenshe, G. Richard le Frensh, M. French-baker, 363. Richard Frensh- baker, D. Frenchman, 159. Gyllame Freynsman, Frere [v. Freer), i6r, 430. John le Frere, A. Henry le Frere, B. Freshfish, 333 n., 512. John Freshfisch, H. Robert Freshfissh, X. Freshherring, 512. Margaret Fresshe- haryng, X. Frewife, 343. Agnes Frewife, A. Frewoman, 253. Matilda Frewoman, A. Freyne (v. Freen), 154. Robert le Freyne, A. William le Freyne, A. Friar (v. Frere), 191. Frick, 465. Ralph Frike, A. Friday, 63. Simon Fridey, A. Thomas Fryday, B. Henry Friday, M. Fridaythorp, 137. John de Fridaythorpe, XX :^. Friend, 410. Hugh le Frend, A. Wil- liam le Frend, H. Frith, 117, Richard de la Frith, A. John attte Frith, FF. Frobisher [v. Furbisher), 222. Peter Frobysher, Z. Antony Frobiser, ZZ. Frog, 437. John Frog, A. Fromabove, 77. Front-de-beuf, 500. Ralph Front-de- bceuf, M. Fruiter, 373. Ralph le Frueter, A. Peter le Fruter, E. Hugh le Fruter, N. Fulke, Fulkes, Fruitmonger, 373. John le Fruemonger, M. Fry, 253. Walter le Frie, A. Roger le Frye, H. Thomas le Frye, T. Frybody (v. Freebody), 253. Robert Frybody, Y. Fryer (v. Frere), 159, 437. Fulchon [v. Fulke). Ralph fil. Fulchon, A. Faulcon Pursevaunt, XX i. {SO. Fulk Paifrer, H. Fulke Paynel, A . Fulke le Taver- ner, B. Fulco Fitz-warin, B. Fuller, 324. Grigge le Fulur, A. Wal- ter le FuUere, N. Mathew le Fullere, M. Fullilove, 474. Ralph FuU-of-love, FF. Roger Full-of-love, FF. Full-James, 504. Fulman {v. Fuller), 324. William Ful- man, v. p. 324. Furber, 222, John le Furber, E. Alan le Fourbour, G. Furbisher [v. Frobisher), 222. Thomas le Furbisur, M. Edmund Furbyssher, ZZ. Furminger, 370. William le Formager, A. Ely le Furmager, O. Wilkin le Furmager, O. Furner, 364. William le Furner, A. Walter le Fernier, A. Furrier, 345. Richard Furryour, W3. Fusilier, 229 n. Johannes Fusilier, Y. Fuzelier, Y. Fuster, 289. Ralph le Fuster, M. Robert Fuster, F. Futter (v. Fewter), 236. Ful«her le Fewtrer, FF. Simon le Futur, A. Fynamour, 474. Dulcia Fynamour, 474 «. /"* A B B E R , 479. Stephen le Gabbere ^^ A. Gerard le Gabur, A. Gabbot, 99. Anable Gabbot, A. Gabbs, 99. 552 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Gabcock, 99. William Gabecoky, A. Gabriel, 99. John Gabriel, M. Gabriel Carye, Z. Gadling, 479. Gager {v. Gauger), 410. William le Gageour, G. Gaicote, 459. William Gaicote, A. Gaillard (v. Gayliard), 472. Gaite, 183. Robert Ic Gait, M. Galer {v. Gayler), 151. Galeys, 149. Thomas le Galeis, E. Henry le Galeys, R. Gallant. Thomas Galaunt, A. Helen Gallant, FF. Gallard {v. Gayliard), 472. William Gallard, A. Gait, 491. Gilbert Gait, A. Gamaliel, 100. Gamaliel Capell, Z. Gamson, '458. Robert Gamson, Z. William Gamson, Z. Gander, 494. Roger Gandre, A. Thomas Gandre, X. Gant (i), (v. Gaunt). Warin le Gant, A. John le Gant, A. (2), 168. Gilbert de Gant, J. Reginald de Gante, E. Ganter {v. Gaunter), 350. Gantlett (v. Gauntlett), 459. Gardiner, 290. Amabilla la Gardiner, A. Thomas le Gardener, M. Gardner (v. Gardiner), 260. William le Gardner, J. Raffe Gardner, Z. Garlick, 485, 263. Robert Garlick, A. Sara Garlek, FF. Garlickmonger, 263. John Garleke- mongere, B. Henry le Garlekemon- gere, M. Thomas le Garlykmonger, M. Garrett (v. Gerald), 52. Garrett Fitz- garrett, Z. Garret Hawkinson, Z. Garratt Jonson, v. p. 52. Garretson (v. Gerald), 52. John Gar- redsone, Z. Andrew Garretson, TT. Gascoigne, 158. Jacob Gascoigne, B. Philip le Gascoyne, T. Gaskin (v. Gascoigne), 158. William Gascon, B. Robert Gaskyn, /•'. Gate (i), 230. Adam le Gfiyt, B. Robert le Gait, M. (2), 102. Richard atte Gate, J/. William atte Gate, M. Gateschale, 212. JohnGateschale, VVi, Percevall Gatescalle, ZZ. Gatesden, 268. William de Gatcsden, iM. John de Gatesden, FF. Gathard (v. Gaytherd), 268. Gatherer, 263. Roger le Gaderer, A. Gattard {v. Gaytherd), 268. Gauger 411. Alexander le Gauger, A''. Henry le Gaugeour, A^. Alan Gauger, M. Gaunt (i), 140. Simon de Gaunt, M. Maurice de Gaunt, C. (2), 432. Thomas le Gaunt, A. Juliana le Gaunt, A. Gaunter, 350. John le Gaunter, A''. Stephen le Gaunter, AI. Geoffrey le Ganter, A. Gauntlett, 459. Kenry Gauntelett, Z. Roger Gauntlet, Z. Gawthorpe, 137. Gay, 463. Robert le Gay, A. William le Gay, K. Gnyler, 181. Rich.ard le Gayeler, A. John le Gaoler, B. Gayliard, (472. Sabina Gaylard, H. Gaylord, ( Nicholas Gaylard, T. Gayt [v. Gate), 268. Adam le Gayt, B. Gaytherd, 268. Roland Gateard, VV g. Robert Gatherd, W g. Gedling, 479. Geldard, J 268. John Gildderd, IK 11. Geldart, ( John Gcldert, \V z. Gencse, 161. Geneve, 168. Nicholas de Geneve, O. Walter de Jeneve, A". Gent (v. Gant, 2), 168. Alicia Gent, A. JudaL'Us Gent, E. Gentilcorps, 508. William Gentilcorps, M. Richard Gentylcors, JC. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 553 Gentilhomme (v. Gentleman), 467. | Tliomas Gentilhomme, //. j Gentle, 464. Robert le Gentill, A. William le Gentil, M. John Jentill, Fir. Gentleman, 467. Robert Gentilman, V. Xicholas Gentilman, A. William Gentilman, Fii. Geoffrey (v. Godfrey), 18. Geoffrye Gerard, A. Geoffrey de Grenville, A. Gerard, 52. Cierald, 52. Warin fil. Gerold, A. Mar- garet fil. Geraldi, J. Gerish, 476. William le Geriss, A. John le Gerisse, A. Gerrish (v. Gerish), 476. Umfrey le Gerische, A.' Gervase. William fil. Gervasii, A. Gervase fil. Hamo, C. Geyt, 183. Hugh le Geyt, A. Robert le Geyt, M. Gibb /S^' Thomas Gybbys, XX i. p.. ■ ' J Adam Gibbe, Af. Robert y Gybbys, FF. Gybby Selby. Gibbins, 59. John Gybbyn, Z. John Gybbyns, ZZ. Gibbons, 59. John Giboun, Af. Robert Gybbon, //. Gibbonson, 59. John Gibbonson, F. Giljelot, 480. Dera Gibelot, A. John Gibbelote, IV 2. Gibson, 59. Thomas Gibson, F. Cicell Gibson, VV 9. Perseval Gybson, IV II. Robert Gyb'jyson, W 11. Giddyhead, 480. William Gidyheued, X. Giggler. Robert le Giglere, A. Peter le Gigelore, A. Gigur, 311. Walter le Gigur, ^. Ale.x- ander le Gigur, T. Bigelot le Gigur, DD. Gilbert, 18, 58. Warin fil. Gilbert, JJD. Gilbert de Gaunt, T. Gilbertson, 58. William fil. Gilbert, A. Henry fil. Gilbert, A/. Gilcock (v. Giles), 56. Cecilia Gilkoc, A. Gildensleeve, 404. Roger Gyldenesleve, A. Gilder, 251. Ralph le Gilder, X. Giles, 56. Gile Deacon, A. Jordan fil. Egidius, A. Gill, 73. Richard fil. Gille, A. Gille HuUe, A. Gillian {v. Julia), 73. Gillian Cook, A. Gilian de' la Mill, A. Gillett ('^'^' ^"'^1°^ '^ Balister, E. Cillot ' J G''o* '^ Heauberger, X. Gillott I ^''^°' Carrel, BB. Gwil- ' \ lottus Clerk, C. Gilpin, 58. Gilbert Gilpyn, H. Gilson, 74. Robert fil. Gyle, A. Thomas Gylson, F. William Gelson, M^i8. Giltspur, 409. Agnes Giltspur, FF. Jeffrey Giltspur, FF. Ginger, 485. Godfrey Gingivre, Af. Agnes Gyngyvere, X. Ginn, 230. Alexander Gin, A. Ginner (v. Jenner),229. Hugh le Gin- nur, m. William le Ginnur, A. John Ginour, Af. Gipps (v. Gibbs), 59. Girdler, 348. Adam le Gurdlere, A. Rol e:t le Girdlere, Af. Simon le Gcrdlere, If. Gladcheer, 472. William Gladchere, FF. Gladstone (v. Gledstane), 493. Glaisher {v. Glaizer), 277. Glassman, 277. John Glassman, IV g. Robert Glasman, IV g. Glasswright, 277. Nicholas lo Glas- wryght, X. 'I'homas le Glaswryghte, X. Walter Glasonwryght, IV 11. Glazier, 277. William Glascar, Z. Robert Glazier, Z. Gledhill, 493. 554 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Gledstane, 493. William de Gledstanys, Wi deed {v. Glide), 493. Simon Clyde, B. Glceman, \ Gleman, - 313 Glemman, ) Glide, 493. Henry le Glide, M. Adam le Glide, M Glorious. Robert le Glorius, E. Glossycheek, 433. Bertholomew Glos- cheke, A. Glover, 350. Richard le Glovere, A. Ivo le Glover, M. Christiana la Glovere, //. Glutton. Gilbert Glutun, L. Gnat, 498. Margaret Gnatte, A. Wil- liam Cnatte, A. Qoat (i), 486. Simon le Got, A. Wil- liam le Got, A. (2), 486. John atte Cote, M. John de la Cote, IV 2. Goathirst, 116. Simon de Gotehirst, A. Coalman, 271. Nicholas Coteman, Go-be-fore, 461. Robert Gobefore, N. God-beer (v. Goodbeer) 511. Godbert, 22. Roger Godberd, A. Roger Godeberd, y. Godblod, 511. Roger Godblod, .£. Godbold, 22. Godebold, y. Alice God- bolde, Z. Goddard, 17, 22. John fil. Godard, A. Goddard Freebodye, Z. Godfrey, 21. John fil. Godfrey, C. Alen Godefrai, M. Godin (v. Godwin), 21. Godin de Bere, A. Codunle Bere, A. Godman, 22. Herbert fil. Godman, C. Godmefetch (v. Lower's Die.) 511. Godrich, 22. William Godrick, //. Robert fil. Godric, J. Godsall, 511, 22. Cecilia Godsol, A. Codsalve, 510. Thomas Codsalfe, iV 9. Barbara Codsalve, fF. Godsave (v. Codsalve), 51a God-send-us, 511. Jennett Cod-send-us, W 13. • Codshall (v. Codsall), 22. Godsname, 5x0. Richard Godesname X. Godson (v. Coodson), 507. Ralph fil. Godde, A. William fil. Gotte, A. Amisius Godeson, M. Godthank, 512. William Codthanke, A. Godwin, 17, 21. Hugh fil. Codewin, A. Godwin de Dovre, C. Codun le Bere, A. Co-in-the-Wind, 388. John Co-ir.-the. Wynd, X. Goldbeater, 399. Robert le Goldbeter, A. Bartholomew le Goldbetter, C. Coldenhead, 447. Richard Golden- heved, CC i. Goldfinch, 494. Agnes Goldfinche, A. William Coldfynch, B. Coldhose, 404. Richard Goldhose, A. Goldsmith, 281, 399. Hervey le Gold- smith, M. Robert le Coldsmyth, M. Coldspink, 494. Golightly, 439. Roger Galichtley, Af. James Colyghtlye, W g. Cooch, 24. John fil. Cuch, A. Roger Cuch, A. Evan ap Couch, M. Good, 463. Hugh Godde, A. Roger Godde, M. Coodacre, 134, Goodalehouse, 501. Joan Good-ale- house, IV 2. Coodbarn, Christopher Goodbarne, W Goodbeer, 511. Richard Codbearc, Z. Goodbehere (v. Goodbeer), 511. Coodbody, 506. Alicia Godbodi, A. Goodchild, 506. Ralph Godchild A. John Codchyld, M. Coodclerk, 505. Henry Goodclerk, XX I. Coodenough. John Codynogh, G. William Godyinogh, M. Goodfellow, 506. John Coodefelagh, O. Thomas Godfelawe, //. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 555 Goodfowl, 506. Agnes Godefouele, A. Basilia Godfowele, A. Goodgift, 103. Goodgift Gynnings, 103. GoodgToom, 505. Robert le Godegrom, A. John Godgrom, H. Goodhart, 463. Alexander Godherte, E. Walter Godherte, E. Goodherring, 499. Adam Godharing, A. Goodhugh, 504. John Godhug', A. Hugh Godhewe, M. William God- hugh, M. Goodhusband, 505. Agnes Godhus- bonde, y4. Nicholas Godhosbonde, ^4. Goodhyne, 505. Alexander Godhine, A. John Godhyne, M. Goodier, 22. William Godier, M. Joan Goodyere, W 2. Goodknave, 505. Geoffrey Godeknave, A. Gilbert Godknave, B. William Goodknave, D. Goodlake, 22. Guthlake Folyot, Z. Goodlove, 474. William Godelove, M. Goodluck {v. Goodlake), 22. Goodman (i), 506. Henry le Godman, A. (2), Herbert fil. Godman, C. Gcodmother. William Godmoder, A. Goodnurse, 506. William Godenurs, A. Goodrich [v. Goderich), 22. Walter Goderiche, A. Richard Gooderick, Z. Goodrobert, 504. Robert Goderoberd, P. Goodson, 507. Emma fil. Gode, A. William Godeson, A. John Gode- sone, A. Goodspeed, 512. Ralph Godisped, A. Goodsvvain, 505. Henry Godeseweyn, A. John Godsweyn, A. John Gode- sweyn, M. Goodwayt, 506. Roger Godweyt, A. Goodwife, 507. William Goodwyfe, 507 n. Goodwin, 21. William Godewyn, A. Thomas Godwine, M. Goodwright, 278. Goodyear {v. Goodier), 22. GRA Goose (v. Goss), 494. John le Goos, M. Peter le Goos, FF. Walter le Gows, A. Goosebeak, 500. Mariota Gosebeck, A, Gooseherd, 267. Joan Gushyrde, W 11. Agnes Gusehyrd, W 11. John Goos- hewed, W 19. Gore, 130. Robert atte Gore, A. Tho- mas de la Gore, H. Goreway, 130. William ad le Gore- way, A. Goshawk, 493. William Goshawke, FF. Gosling (v. Joscelyn), 494. Goscelina fil. Gawyn, A. Roger fil. Gocelin, A. Goss {v. Goose), 494. Amicia le Gos, 7. John le Gos. M. Gotobed {v. Godbert), 22. Johannes Go-to-bedde, RR i. John Gotebedde, A. Henry Gotobed, Z. Gotokirk, 501. Serle Gotokirke, A. Gottard {v. Goddard), 267. Gottschalk, 212, 22. Godeschalke de Estlaund, A. Godefry fil. Godescal- lus, C. Godeskalcus Armorer, Wz Gouty, 441. John Gouty, V. Grace, 103, 432. Grace Clayton, W 14. Grace Prest, W 16. Gracedieu, 511. 'Mr. Gracedieu,' v. \ 511 n. Gramary, 197. Andrew le Gramary, G, William Grammary, M. ('197. Andrew le Gramayre, Grammar, 1 A. Richard le Gramayre, Grammer, 1 G. William Gramma- L ticus, y. Grand {v. Grant), 432 Grange, 134. Jordan de la Grange, A. William de la Grange, M. Grangeman, 135. John Grangeman, Z. Granger, 134. Richard le Granger, A. John le Graunger, G. Grant, 432. Richard le Grant, C. Walter le Grant, M. Granville {v. Grenville), 151. 556 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Graper, 374. Agnes Graper, B. Richard le Graper, H. Grass, 432. Ralph le Gras, B. Walter le Gras, G. Amabel le Gras, Af. Graunt, 432. Jurdan le Graunt, A. Richard le Graunt, M. Grave, 464. Graver, 120. Thomas Graver, Z. Graves, 120. Sibilla de le Grave, B. Robert atte Grave, M. Graveshend, 114. Richard de laGraves- hend, A. Stephen de Graveshende, B. Gray (f. Grey) (i), 395. William le Gray, O. Nicholas le Gray, A. (2). Norman de Gray, ^. Graycock {v. Grayson). Peter Gray- cocke, W 16. Francis Graycocke, W xb. Grayson [v. Grierson). Mary Gray- son, W xb. Great. William le Grete, M. Hugh le Gret, R. Greathand. John Greathand, M. Greathead, 435. Thomas Gretehed, H. Agnes Greatheved, R. Greaves {v. Graves), 120. Greavesend (v. Graveshend), 114. Green, 131. Deonisia ate Grene, A. Warin de la Grene, A. Greenett {v. Green). Simon atte Grenette, B. Greenhead, 447. Richard Greenhead, IF 2. Greenhorn, 470. Christopher Greyn- horne, W 15. Greenkirtle, 458. John Grenecurtel, FF. Greenman, 456. Greenslade, 121. Robert de Greneslade, A'. Antony Greneslade, '/.. Grccnsmith, 281. Henry Greensmith, 7.. Edward Greensmith, FF. Richard Grensmythe, Z. Greeves, 120. Greg, ) {v. Gregory) Simon fii. Greg, Gregg, j A. Robert Grege, A. GRO Gregory. Peter Gregory, A. Richard fil. Gregorii A. Gregory Washer, Gregson (v. Greg). William fil. Greg, A. Robert Gregson, W \\. Grenville, 151. Richard de Grenville, A. Matilda de Grenewille, A. Grey (v. Gray) (i). Reginald de Grey, R. William de Grey, R. (2), 445. John le Grey, A. Adam le Grey, G. Greybeard, 449. Richard Greyberd, A. Greygoose, 404. Greyling, 497. Gilbert Greyling, R. Greyshank, 438. Gilbert Greyschanke, A. Grierson (v. Gregson). Grice, 445. John le Gris, A. Thomas le Grise, M. Grieve, 233. Thomas le Greyve, A. Grieveson, 65. John Greveson, W ^. William Greffeson, SS. {v. Greg). Richard fil. Grigge, A. Grigge le Fulur, A. Serle Grigg, A. Grinchetyl, 25. Grinchetyl, Q. Grim- kettle, FF. Grinketel, v. p. 25 n. Grimkelson. Only Grimkelson (Lower). Grinder. Stephen le Grindar, .^. Ralph Grindour, C. Grinkle (z'. Grinchetyl), 22. Grisdale, 491. Thomas Grisedale, 1^4. John Grysdale, W 16. Grise (v. Grice), 491. William le Gryse, ■/.. Griselwhite. 445. Annie Griselwhite, FF. Grissel, 445. John Grissel, 7.. Griswood, 491. Groome, 505. Seman Ic Groin, A, Simon le Grom, H. Grose, 432. John le Gros, B. Bertram le Gros, E. Hugh le Gros, G. Groser, 370. Grosjean, 46, 503. Grig, Grigg, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 557 GRO Grosser, 370. Grossmith, 505. (435- Richard Grostete, A. ' \ Peter Grossetest, IV 4. Grostete, [ ^^^^^^ Groteste, X. Grosvenur. Robert le Grovenur, y. Robert le Grosvenur, T. Grote. Roger le Grote, A. William Grote, A. Grover, 120. Groves, 120. William atte Grove, Af. Guard. Robert le Gard, FF. i(v. Waring), 32. Guarinus de Chauncy, E. Guarinus Banastre, C. Ivo fil. Guarin, C. Gull, 494. Hugh le Gul, A. Clement le Gul, A. Gunn (i), Matilda fil. Gunne, A. Roger Gunne, y. (2), 230. Gunner (v. Ginner), 229. Gunson {v. Gunn, i). Richard fil. Gunne, i?. Eustace Gunson, A. Gunter (v. Gaunter), 309. Roger Gunter, B. John Gunter, Z. Gumey. Hugh de Gumay, A. Anselm de Gumey, A. Guster, 214. Robert le Gustur, T. Guthlac, 17. Guy, 36. Guy de Boys, //. Imbert fil. Guido, T. Guyatt, ( (v. Guy), 36. Aleyn Gyot, Guyot, \ H. TTABBAKUK, 100, Abacucke Har- man, Z. Haberdasher, 343. Richard le Haber- dasher, P. Hacker, 264. Adam le Hacker, E. Richard Hacker, F. Hackman, 264. Thomas Hakeman, A. Joan Hakeman, FF. Hadwin (f. Hardwin), 27. Haig, Haigh, HAM ^133. Robert atte Haghe, J FF. Richard atte Haghe, i FF. Hairproud, 453. Richard le Herprute, A. Half-Knight, 199. Geoffrey Halve Knit, A. Nicholas Halve-Knight- A. Halfpeny, 482. William Halpeni, A. Walter Halpeni, A. Halfnaked, 431. Adam de Halnaked, M. Adam de Halfenaked, H. Hale, 136, 154. Pagan de la Hale, A. Thomas ate Hale, M. Halket, 51. Hall, 136, 154. Walter de la Halle, A. John atte Halle, B. Hallett, 51. Matthew Halyet, FF. Nathaniel Hallyet, FF. Halliday, 64. Gerard Haliday, A. Alan Halyday, H. Halse, 385. John Halse, H. Andrew Halse, W<^. John Hals, XX i. Halstaff, 462. Anthony Halstaffe, 462. Hamlet {v. Hamnett), 16, 35. Hamlet Ashton, A A i. Hamelet de la Burste, A'^A'^. Richard fil Hamelot, A A 2. Hamlyn 35. Hamelyn de Trap, H. Hamalin Prepositus, C. Osbert Hamelyn, M. Hammer, 144. Hammett (z/. Hamnett), 35. Hammond, 35. Hamund le Mestre, A. Hamond Cobeler, H. John Fitz- hamond, D. Hamnett {v. Hamlet), 35. Hamnet, Stockley, A A i. Humfrey Hamnett, AA I. Hamnet Sadler, v. p. 35. Hampnet Clegge, XX 1. Hamo, / (v. Hammond), 35. Hamole Hamon, • Bret, A. Hamo le Bard, A. Hamond, (. Hamo fil. Ricardi, M. Hamondson (i/. Hampson), 35. Alice Hamundson, W 2. John Hawmund- son, W \i. 558 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Hamper, 388. Geoffrey le Hanaper, A. John Hanaper, A. Hampermaker, 388. William Hamper- maker, H. Walter Hampermaker, /?^3. Hampshire, 147. John Hamshire, A. Hampson, 35. Nicholas fil. Hamon, y. Hamo fil. Hamonis, C. Wil- liam Hamneson, ZZ. John Hamson, Hamsher (v. Hampshire), 120. Hancock (v. Handcock) 46. Hand, 436. Richard Hand, A. Thomas Hande, A. Handcock, 46. Hanecock Birun, A. John Hancock, O. Handless, 441. John Handelesse, Wii. Handshaker, 501. William Honde- shakere, M. Handsomebody, 508. Hanker, 196. John le Haneker, A. William Hanekare, A. Hankins, 46. Hancken de Fine, E. Hanekyn Jocelyn, .V. Hankyn MayTi- waryng, H. Hankinson, 46. Garrett Hankinson, Z. Randolph Hankynson, ZZ. Hannah (v. Hannay), 164. Hannant, 164. Hannay, 136. John de Henau, C. William Hannay, H. Hans, 45. Hans Berner, O. Hans Doubler, O. Hansard, 165. Hanson, 46. Roger Hanson, F. Richard Hanson, W 2. Bamby Hanson, ^"4. Hanway (v. Hannay), 164. Harber, 291. William le Harl>ciour, B. William le Herber, E. Richard le Hareber, N. Harbinger, 219, 291. Harbour {v. Harber), 291. Harcourt, 151. Sacr de Harccurt, A. Alicia de Harecurt, K. Hardcorse. bimon Hardcoric, E. HAR Harden, 118. Richard de Harden, B. William de Harden, C. Hardfish. Richard Hardfysshe, FF. John Hardfish, FF. Hardgripe. Robert Hardgripe, MM. Hardhead, 435, 447. Robert Hard- heved, A. Simon Hardheved, T. Harding, 27. Maurice fil. Harding, E. Harding Faber (Lower). William fil. Harding, MM. Hardman, 464. John Hardiman, 494 «. Hardwareman, 296. Lambert Hard- wareman, W 11. Hardwin, 27. Hardy, 464. Thomas Hardi,^. Richard Hardy, M. Hare, 488. Geoffrey le Hare, B. John le Hare, M. Harebrown, 448. William Harebrown, FF. Harefoot, 439. Harengot, 497. Stephen Harengot, DD. Harfagje, 5. Hargreaves, 120. John de Haregrave, A. John de Hargreve, C. Harley, 119. Roger de Harlege, A. Richard de Harleg, A. Harlot. John Harlot, A'. John le Harlet, A. Harman (v. Herman), 26. Cecilia Hercman, A. Herman de Francia, C. Harmanson (v. Harman), 27. Walter Hermanson, O. John Urmynson, VV II. Harmcr (v. Hcrmer), 27. Robert fit Hcrmer, C. Hopkins Harmar, Z. Harold, 5. 19. Gilbert fil. Harold, J. Harold fil. Roberti, J. Harper, (310. Ralph le Harpur, A. Harpour, j Gilbert le Harponr, B. IIar]nir, ( Hugh Ic H.-irper, M. Harpmaker, 309. Robert Harpmaker, 309 «. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 559 HAR (SI. Heriot Heringflet, FF. Thomas Haryette, G. Wil- liam Haryott, F. Harriman, 506. John Harriman, PP. Harriot (i'. Harriet), 51. Harris, 51. John Harryes, H. Ezekias Harrys, FF. Harrison, 51. Henricus fil. Henry, C. George Herrison, W 9. Reginald Herryesson, FF. Harrold (i'. Harold), 5, 19. James Harrold, FF. Hart, 488. Hobart le Hart, FF. Richard le Hert, M. Hartley, 119. Richard de Hertleye, A. Robert Harteley, Z. Hartman, 235. Hartop, I 137. John Hartop, FF. Hartrop, ( Elizabeth Hartopp, FF. Harvard, 26. 128. Eustace fil. Hervei, A. Herveus le Gos, A. Wil- liam fil. Hervei, E. Haseler [v. Hastiler), 207. Hasell, 54. Oliver de Hassell, A. William de Hasele, A. Hasler (z'. Hastiler), 207. Haster (w. Hastier), 174. Philip le Haster, A. John Haster, W <). 12'son, FF. Hewe Hare, Z. Hewe Why thede, Hewer, 264. Walter le Howere, A. Ralph le Heuer, B. Benedict le Huwere, A. Hewet, 16, 60. Robert Hughet, M. John Hewette, H. Hewetson, 16, 60. William Heuetson, W^. Elizabeth Hewetson, Z. John Hewetson, W 16. John Huetson, W12. Hewlett, 16, 60. Walter Hughelot, A. William Hughlot, N. John Huelot, A. Houlot de Rancheste, AA 4. Hewson, 60. Jordan fil. Hugh, A. John Hewisson, Z. Eliz. Hewson, VV16. Hewster, 264. Richard le Hewster [v. p. 264 «). Heyward, 234. Elwin le Heward, A. Henry le Heyward, B. William le Heyward, AI. Heywood [v. Haywood), 133. Hicks, 82. Geoffrey fil. Hicke, A. Baptist Hickes, Z. Thomas Hix, Z. Hickson, 82. John Hixson, F. William Hikson, W 3. Nicholas Hichesone, PP. Higgett (v. Higgott), 32. Higgins, 82. John Hyggyns, F. Edward Hyggons, /''. William Higons, //. Higginson, 82. Thomas Hyggenson, IV g. Robert Higynson, ZZ. Higgott, 82. George Higgott, 82 n. Higgs, 82. George Higges, F. Tiionuis Higges, Z. High, 431. Robert le Hey e, /4. Robert le Hey, M. Higson, 82. Peter Higson, Z. Hill, 122. Geoffrey del Hil, A. John at Hil, M. Hillary, 71. Hillary Constabularius, A. lUaria Purcel, T. Hillaria la Waleyse, A. Hillier (v. Hellier), 247. Hillyer (v. Hellier), 247. Hind, 255. Francis Hind, Z. John Hynd, ZZ. Hinde, 255. Mildred Hynde, Z. Law- rence Hynde, ZZ. Hindley, 119. Hugh Hyndeley, ZZ. John Hyndley, ZZ. Hindman, 235. Richard Hindman, Z. Hindshaw, 117. Hindson, 65 n. Jenet Hyndsone, A A 4. Hine, 255. Stephen le Hine, M. John le Hyne, A. Hinxman (v. Henchman), 215. William Hinxman, Z. Joseph Hinxman, Z. Hiredman. Thomas Hiredman, RR i. Hirst, 116. Simon de la Hirst, A. John de Herst, E. Hitchcock, 40. Higecok de Trent, X. Hichecok Bedell, /i. WilliamHychcok, Hitchcox, 40. Hitchins, 40. William Hychyns, F. Hitchinson, 40. David Henchenesson, • FF. Hithereve (John le Huthereve, A^.), 233. Hoarder, 211. Richard le Hordere, A. Adam le Horder, H. John le Hor- dere, A*. Hoare {v. Hore), 444. Adam le Horc, A. Hob {v. Hobbs), 39. Hobbins, 39. Hobbyn, FF. Hobbler, 200. Hobbs, 39. Obbe Dudeman, y?. Hobbc fil. Ralph, DD. Hobbe the Wcre- wede, (". Molxlay, 64. Richard Hobday, Z. Hobelot, 16, 39. Constance Hobelut, A. 562 INDEX OF INSTANCES. John Hobman, F5. William Hobson, F. ■ 64. John Hockeday, Z. Hobkins (v. Hopkins), 39. Nicholas Hobekyn, A. Roger Hobekyn, A. Hobjohn, 503. John Hobjohn, Z. Hobler, 200. Hobman, 506. Hobson, 39. Thomas Hobbessone, H. Hockday, 1 Hockerday, j Hodder, 294. Godewyn le Hodere, N. John le Hottere, X. Hodges (w. Roger), 40. William Hodgys, F. Robert Hodge, H. Hodgkins [v. Roger), 40. John Hoge- kyn, H. Charles Hodgskines, Z. Hodgkinson {v. Roger), 40. John Hoddeskynson, ZZ. Robert Hodge- kynson, F. Hodgman, 506. Nicholas Hodgman, V. p. 506. (v. Roger), 40. John Hodgson, _ Hoggeson, F. Richard Hodson, Hodggessone, H. Evan ^ Hodson, ZZ. Heel (v. Howell), 13. Hoel fil. Philip, C. Isabel Hoel, ZZ. Hogg (i), 485. Richard del Hog, M. (2), 491. AliceleHog, ^. Philip le Hog, A. Hoggart, 267. Nicholas Hogherde, F. Margaret Hoggard, F. John Hogerd, Wit. Hogman, 270. John Hogeman, A. Hogsflesh, 499. Margery Hoggesflesh, Z. William Hoggesflesh, Z. Hogshaw, 117. Emelina de Hogshawe, 117 «. Hointer, 386, 263. Michelle Hointer, A. Holder, 358. Robert le Holdere, A. Holland, 164. Thurstan de Holland, M. John de Holland, H. Hollandman, 164. William Holand- man, Wi. Holleyman, 113. William Holyman, /i, Richard Holly man, Z. IIOR Holliday, 64. Leonard Hollidaie, Z, Ralph Holiday. FF. Hollier, 113. William Holycr, FF. Holman, 122. Digone Holman, Z. Holme, 115. Joscelyn de Holme, A, Robert del Holm, R. Holmer, 122. Holmes (v. Holme), 122, 115 Holt, n6. Henry de la Holte, A. Ralph atte Holt, M. William del Holt, A. Holtman [v. Holt), 116. John Holtman, H. Thomas Holtman, FF. Holroyd, 120. Richard Oldroyd, W16. Holy-bread, 367. John Stokes, alias Holibread. Holy-peter, 504. William Halupetir, A. Holy-water-clerk, 189. Hugh Hali- watere-clerk, M. Homer, 223. Manekyn le Heaumere, H. Honeyman, 262. Osbert Honiman, A, Gilbert Honyman, D. Hooker. William le Hoker, M. John Hoker, X. Hooper, 395. Alexander le Hopere, A. Andrew le Hopere, M. Hope. Roger de la hope, A. David atte Hope, O. Hopkins, 39. Henry ap Hopkyn, B, Hopkyn ap Rees, C. Hopkinson, 39. Henry Hopkynson, ZZ. Richard Hopkinson, Z. Hopper, 307. Richard le Hoppar, A. Geoffrey le Hoppere, H. Adam le Hoppere, "J. Hopperson, 65. Nicholas Hopperson, V. p. 65 n. Hore, 444. Richard le Hore, A. Peter le Hore, B. Thomas le Hore, M. Horn, 142, 394. Roger Horn, A. Richard Horn, R. Homblow (v. Blowhom), 236 Hornbuckle, 501. John Hornbuckle, PP. Homer, 394. Matilda le Hornere, A, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 563 Homer, 394. John le Horner, B. Richard le Horner, M. Horsden, 118. William de Horsden, A. William de Horsenden, Q. Horsley, 119. Beyll Horsle, W 9. Roger de Horssele, DD. Horsman, 285. Agnes le Horsman, A. John Horseman, H. Horsemonger, 286. Leo le Horse- mongere, A. Horse-nail, 501. Thomas Horsenail (Hist. Ant. Surrey). Hosier, 354. Philip le Hosier, M. Lawrence Hosyer, H. Hoskyns (^u. Hojigkins), 40. Thomas Hoskyns, H. Elizabeth Hoskyns, Z. Host. Roger le Hoste, C. John le Host, A. Hostricier {v. Ostricer), 241. Geoffrey le Hostriciere, E. (w. Hodgkinson), 40. John Hotchekynson, ZZ. Hound (zJ. Hund), 493. Hound-dealer. John Houndealler, F. Housewife. John Hosewyf, G. Howard, 26. John Fitz-Howard, W 2. William Howard, A. Howe (i), 127. Letitia atte Howe, M. John de la How, FF. Robert adleHo, V8. (2), Ralph le Howe, M. William le Howe, M. Howell {v. Powell), 13. Howel le Waleys, M. Elizabeth ap Howell, B. Howel ap David, M. Howett (v. Hewett), 60. Howlett (v. Hewlett), 60. JohnHowlett, F. Humfrey Howlett, Z. Howson, 60. Carolus Howson, F. Simon Howissone, FF. Hozier (v. Hosier), 354. Hucker, 294. William le Huckere M, O Hotchkins, Hotchkinson, Huckin {v. Hughkin) 60 Huckster, 294. Peter le Huckster, M. Hudd. Hudde de Knaresborough, E. Hudde Garcio de Stabulo, DD. Hudson (v. Hudd). Richard Huddeson, //. John Hudeson, VV 2. Huet (v. Hewett). 60. Huet de Badone, F. Joan Huet, W 2. Huggins, 16, 60. William fil. Hugonis, John Hugonys, FF. Hugyn, A A 2. Hugginson, 16, 60. Nicholas fil. Hugo- nis, A. William Huggynson, ZZ. Mary Huggison, ]V 16. Hugh, 60. Edde fil. Hugh, A. Hugh le Chepman, T. Hughes, 60. Richard Hewys, F. Richard Hewes, Z. Hughkin, 60. Hughkin Byston, AA i. Hughson, 60. John Hughson, Z. Richard Hughesson, FF. Hull, 97. Nicholas atte Hulle, B. Jordan de la Hulle, y. Hullett (v. Hewlett), 60. William Houghlot, O. Roger fil. Hulot, IV 8. Humble, 464. Richard Humble Z. Humphrey, f^^'^- ^chard Umfrey. Humfrey, ^. Humfndus de Bas- [ singbourn, C. Hund, 492. Gilbert le Hund, A. Wil- liam le Hund, B. Hundredpound (v. Centlivre), 513. Wil- ham Hundredpound, FF. Hungry. William Hungry, F. Hunnard, 269, 235. Helyas le Hun- derd. A, Hunne, 162. William le Hunne, A, Martin le Hunne, A. Hunt, 237. Nicholas le Hunte, A. John le Hunt, B. Gilbert le Hunt, M. Hunter, 237. Henry le Huntere, A. Thomas le Hunter, M. Huntsman, 237. Walter Hunteman, A. Joan Hunteman, C. Hurd(i'. Herd), 266. Robert le Hyrde, A. O 2 564 INDEX OF INSTANCES. HUR Hurdman (v. Herdman), 266. Mawde Hurdman, A. Christopher Hurds- man, Wt.6. Hurer (v. Hurrer), 338. Alan le Hurer, A. Hurlebat, 462. Robert Hurlebat, X. Matilda Hurlebatt. V. John Hurle- batt, Z. Hurlstone. 462. Hurrer (v. Hurer), 338. Geoffrey le Hunvere, A. Hursley, 116. William de Hurslee, A. Hurst (v. Hirst), 116. William de la Hurst, B. John atte Hurst, M. Husband, 505. Robert le Hosebonde, A. Walter le Husebonde, A. Husbandman. Christopher Husband- man, VV II. Huskisson, 60. John Hocheskynson, F. Hutchins, 60. William Huchyn, F. Alan Huchyns, H. Hutchinson, 60. Johannes Huchesson, W19. Thomas Hochinson, F. Chris- topher Huchynson, F. Hutchreve, 368. Robert le Huchereve, N. Hyde. Leticia de la Hyde, A. Adam atte Hyde, M. Hyldsmith. William Hyldsmyth, A. Hyne, 255. John le Hyne, A. William le Hyne, J. Hyneson, 65. Ellen Hyneson, W 9. Thomas Hynson, Z. Hythe, 233. Walter de la Hythe, A. Eustace de la Hythe, A. Hythereve, 233. John le Huthereve, O. TBBETSON {v. Ibbotson), 79. Joseph Ibbetson, VV i6. Francis Ibbit- son, H^20. Ibbet [v. Ibbot), 79. Ibbot, 79. Ibbota fil. Adae, W a. IRO Walter Ibbot, A. Ebote Gylle, Z. Ibote Babyngton, Z. Ybote de Chalar, A. Ibbotson, 79. Robert fil. Ibotre, B. Alice Ebotson, IF 2. Henry Ebison or Ibbotson, TT. Ibbs, ( 79- Thos Ibson, IV 11. John Ibson, I Ibson, IF 11. Icemonger, 391. Isabel le Isemongere, G. Richard Ismongere, A/. Agnes la Ismongere, X. Ida, 19. Ida Salter, PF2. Ida Carle, A. Ida de Bello Campo, ./. Iddison (v Ida), 19. Emma fil. Ido, IV 5. Thomas Idessone, 5. Idonia, 19. Joan fil. Idonea, T. Idonea le Engleys, y. Ilbert. Ilbert le Cementer, 55. Ilbcrt de Hereford, DD. Imary, 29. Eymerus de Melinges. M. Eimcricus de Chaworth, £. Aimaric Gedge, M. Imbert. Imbertus de Salinis, B. Isem- bert Burrellus, C. Henry Isemberd, A. I meson, 29. Imper, 260. Adam le Imper, M. Imray (t/. Imray), 29. Increase, 104. Increase Mather, 104 «. Inglis, 149. William Inglish, B. Roger Ingleys, M. Walter Ingeleys, A. Ingram, 29. Ingeram de Betoyne, A. Engeram Betencurt, £. Ingram Ger- mayn, Af, Inman, 292. Toby Inman, IV g. Henry Inman, Z. Ireland, 148. Adam de Irlond, //. Henry de Irlaund, Af. Iremonger, 391. John le Irmongere, A. Daniel le Irmongere, A/. William le Irremongere, AI. Irish, 148. Adam le Ireis, B. Henry le Ireys, A/. John le Irreys, //. Irishman, 148. Edward Irishman, FF. Ironfoot, 437. Peter Yrenefot, A. Ironmonger (v. Iremonger), 391. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 565 Ironpurse, 482. Jordan Irenepurs, A. Robert Irenpurse, A. Ironsides, 437. Margery Ironside, IF9. Gillaert Ironside, ^5'. Invin. Augustus fil. Envin, A. Isaac, 82. John Ysac, A. Samuel fil. Ysaac, DD. Ysaac do Norwich, y. Isaacson, 82. Geoffrey fil. Isaac, y. William fil. Isaac, T. Isabel, 19. Isabel de Arcy, A. William Isabelles, FF. Ismay. Isemay Eglebird, A. Roger fil. Ysmay, A. Isamaya Hibernicia, DD. Isolda, 19. Isolda Longespe, ^i. Richard fil. Isolda, .'i. Isolda fil. Hugh, R. Ison {v. Iveson), 34. Isott (v. Issot), 79. Isotte Symes, Z. Izott Barn, Z. Ezotta Hall, W xi. Ispanier, 161. Peter Ispanier, 161 n. Issot [v. Isott), 79. John Issot, W 16. Sarah Issot, W 16. Ithell {v. Bethell), 13. Ann Ithell, HH. Ithell Wynne, AA i. Ivatts [v. Ivetts), 34. Ive (v. Ivo), 34. Ive Hook, A. Wil- liam fil. Ive, A. Ivens, 45. Peter fil. Ivone, A. John Ivyn, H. David ap Ivan, XX i. Iverson {v. Iveson), 34. Ives, 34. Thomas fil. Ivonis, £. Aimeric fil. Yvo, C. Iveson, 34. William Iveson, W 2. Walter fil. Ive, A. Antony Iveson, W.ri. Ivetts,34. John fil. Ivette,y4. Thomas fil. Ivettse, F. Ivetta de Inglethorpe, FF. Ivison [v. Iveson), 34. Ivo {v. Ive), 34. Ivo le Merch, A. Ivo fil. Warin, M. Ivory-Malet, 509. Ivot [v. Ivetts), 34. Ivote le Bolure, A. 'ACKANAPES, 492. John Jacka- napes, M, JAR Jack, 46«. Jackele Warner, .<4. Catherine Jak, W2. Jackett, 49. Jackett Tozer, Z. Jaket Owdet, Y. Jacquetta Kuskyn, A A 3. Henry Jaket, V 11. Jacklin. Alexander Jacklin, v. p. 49. Jackman, 222, 49. Bennett Jackman, Z. Annejackman, FF. Jack's, 45, 46 n. Agnes Jakkes, A. Jakes Amadur, A. Jackson, 45. Robert fil. Jake, A. Ed- mund Jacson, F. Thomas Jaxsonn, VV g. Richard Jaqueson, V 2. Jacobs, 46 «. Jordan Jacob, A. Agnes Jacob, //. Jacobson. Robert fil. Jacob, A. Thomas fil. Jacob, M. Jacox, 45. Jakeman {v. Jackman), 222. John Jakeman, F. Jake, 45. Jake Heriet, A. Robert fil. Jake, A. Jakes {v. Jacks), 45. Robert Jacques, M. Jakys Breton, IV 2. Jambe, 438. Hugh Jambe, A. Tho- mas Jaumbe, M. James, 94. James le Queynt, H. John Jamys, H. Christianajames, A. Jameson, J 94. Thomas Jamson, H. Jamieson, \ Ralph Jamson, ZZ. Jane (i), 48. Jane Jay, FF. Jane Swcte, H. Thomas Jeynes, V2. (2). 133- Janet (v. Jane), 48. John Janet, H. Janekin Jonet, H. Janeta Barker, A. Janeway, 161. Benedict dejanua, E. Peter de Jueigny, E. Jankin {v. Jenkins), 45. John Janekyn, B. Janekin Jonet, H. Jannaway (v. Janeway), 161. Janson (i/. Jennison), 45. Roger Janne- son, FF. Peter Janson, /•'/''. Jarman, 392. Robertjarman, ZZ, 566 INDEX OF INSTANCES. JAR Jarrard, ({v. Gerard), 52. JarrardGore, Jarratt, J Z. Jarrett Dashwood, /-Y-'. Jarrett, ( Jarat Nycholson, IV g. Jarvis (v. Gervase). Ellen Jarvyes, Z. Jay, 493. John le Jay, A/. Walter le Jay. B. Jayne. ] ^^ ,^^ ^^^ Teane, j Jeffcocks, so. John Jeffcocke, Z. Jefferson, 50. Warin Fitz-Geffrey, M. Geoffrey Jeffreson, F. Peter Geffrey- son, ZZ. Teflfkins, 50. Jeffries, 50. John Geffereys, H. Richard Jefiferaye, Z. Teflfrison (v. Jefferson). Mathew Jeffrey- son, ^FI6. Jeff, f 50. Nicholas Jeff, Z. John Jeffs, ( Jeffes, ZZ. Jemmitt, 94 n. Thomas Jemmitt, 94 n. James Jemett, CC 3. Jenkins, 45. Jenkyn le Messer, //. Jevan ap Jeynkyns, F. Jenkinson, 45. Katerine Jankynson, F. Gilbert Jenkynson, N. Jenks, 45. Rowland J enks, F. Thomas Jenks, Z. Jeniier, 229. William le Genour, Af. Henry Jenner, Z. Jennings, 45, 49. Janyn Godard, //. Thomas Jennyns, F. Jennison, 45, 48. Alan fil. Jene, A. John Jenanson, N. John Jenysyn, F. Joan Geneson, W^ii. , Jenour {v. Jenner), 229. Jephson, 50. Thomas Jephson, FF. Jepson, 50. Richard Jepson, W 2. John Jepsonne, ^^ 4. MosesGipson, CC3. Jerard (v. Jarrard), 53. Jerard Watson, W<). Jerrett Bulloke, IV g. Jervis {v. Gervase). Alexander Jervis, Z. Edyth Jervice, ZZ. ]essmakcr',24i. Robert leJessemaker,/4. Jeune, 432. William lejeune, A. Joceus lejouene, G, JOS Jew, 167, Mirabilla Judseus, C. John le Jew, M. Moses le Jew, /?. ((v. Jowett). Christopher Jewitson, Z, 74 n. Henry Jewel, XX I. Mary Jewitt, W 16. Jewry (v. Jury), 166. Jewsbury (v. Jewry), 167. Jewson (v. Jewitson), 74 n. Jimson, ) 94. William Gimmison, W Jimpson, ) 20. JiU (v. Gill), 73- Joan, 48. Joan Peny, ff. Joan de la Pomeroy, Ff. Joan fil. Idonea, T. Joanes, 48. Joanna, 19. Johanna le Curteys, T. Tob (^3' J°'^" '^'- i°^' ^- "^'"Jam Jobson, I Jobbe,^/. Edward J obson. John, 41, 45. Thomas John, A. John leGris, T. Johncock, 45. Johnson, 45. Ivo fil. John, A. Edmund Jonson, H. Robert J ohanson, /-. Joiner, 249. Hugh le Joignour, G. Alan lejoygnour, N. Jolifwill, 504. William Jolifewille, y. Jolly, 472. William Golye, .^. Thomas Joly, O. Jolyflfe, 472. John Jolif, A. Henry Joly fife, M. Jones, 45. Walter fil. Jone, A. William Jon, A. Geoffrey Johns, /•'. David Jonys, F. Johan Johans, //. Robert Johnys, F. Jonson {v. Johnson), 45. Jordan, 18, 85. Stephen fil. Jordan, A. Jordan atte MuUe, M. Jordan le Flemynge, y. - , Hohn fil. Tordan, C. Ralph Jordanson, ^ ge.fil.jirdan,^. Thomas lordeson, i , , o^ m i ,. \ Tordanson, w. p. 86. Mar- Jordison, I , j o*- V gery jordanson, v. p. 86. Joscelyn, 18. Jocelidus fil, Joscelini, T. Ralph Josselyn, //. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 567 JOS Joseph, 3. Henry fil. Josep, A. Adam Josep, M. Jospp le Tavemer, y. Joule, 433. Jowetson {v. Jowett), 74. Christopher Jewitson, Z. Roger fil. Jouettae, T. Jowett, 14 n. Jowett Barton, IV 11. Joette de Sudmarle, W 19. Juetta fil. William, T. Richard fil. Juette, T. William Juet, A. Jowl, 433. Joy. Adamjoye, A. William Joye, Joyagain, 102. Joyce (i), 71. Joyce Faukes, .^. Joyce Tibetot, H. Joice Frankline, (2), 463, 471. Richard le Joyce, 7- Joymaiden, 472. Geoffrey Joyemaiden, A. Judd, Judkins, Judge, 179. Judson, 86. William J udson, Z. James Jurdeson, 55. Jugg- Jugg Byron, v. p. 49. Juggour, 313. Richard le Juggour, M. Juggler, 313. Thomas Joculator, M. Julia, j 19, 73. Emma fil. Juliana, A. Juliana, | Juliana Loveday, y. Juliet {v. jowett), 74. Julita u.xor Widonis, CC. June (z'. Jeune), 432. Stephen le Juvene, A. William le June, i¥. Junior, 429. John le Junior, FF. Egi- ' dius Junior, C. Jurdan (W.Jordan), 86. Roger fil. Jurdan, A. Thomas Jurdan, FF. Jury {v. Jewry), 166. Justcr, 305. Thomas le Justere, T. Robert lejusture, H. William Jous- ter, Z. Justice, 179. William le Justice, A. Robert lejustise, E, cins, j 86. Aronjudde, A. TT" AISER {v. Cayser), 174. Katherine, II. Katerina le Bakere, T. AveUna fil. Katerine, T. Kay, 123. John Kay, W 9. Jordan Kay, A. Kean, 467. Hugh le Kene, A. Joan le Kene, FF. Keat, 466. Mary Kete, Z. Roger Kete, Z. Keeling, 497. Josiah Keeling, HH. Henricus Keylynge, W 19. Keen {v. Kean), 467. Keeper, 232. William Kepere, A. John Keeper, Z. Keepguest, 501. William Kepegest, A. Keller, 336. Alicia la Keller, F. Ro- bert le Kallere. H. Alias le Keller. R. Kempe, 224. Roger Kemp, M. Nicho- las Kemp, M. Kemper, 320. Kempson, 65. Kempster, j 320. Johanna la Kemp. Kemster, 1 ster, X. Kendal, 169. Roger de Kendale, M. Hugh de Kendale, R. Kenn, 492. Eborard le Ken, A. Tho- mas le Chene, A. Geoffrey le Ken, B. Kent, 147. Adam de Kent, M. Wil- liam de Kent, y. Kentish, 147. Alan le Ksnteis, A. William le Kenteys, E. Robert le Kenteys, A. Kenworthy, 134. Kerr. William dele Ker, .(4. John del Ker. H. Kersall (r'. Kershaw), 117, Kershaw, 117. Gilbert Kyrshawe, ZZ. Henry Kyrshawe, ZZ. Kcsar, 173. Robert le Keser, R. Lam- bert Keser, R. Ketnionger,"483. Adam Ketmongere, A. Kelt, 466. Walter lo Ket, G. Osbert le Ket, y. Kettle (t'.CIicttle), 24. Emmafil. Kctcl,.-i. Robert til. Ketell, j. KelleleMercer,/i. 568 INDEX OF INSTANCES. KEW Kew (v. Cow). Agnes le Keu, .1/- ]ohn le Keu, A. Keyser {v. Keser), 173. Richard Key- ser, FF. Kidd, 491. Reginald Kyd, A. John Kidd, FF. Kidder, 294. William le Kydere, B. Richard Kydder, Z. Kidman, 271. Alan Kydeman, A. John Kideman, FF. KillbuU, 375. Reginald Cullebol, A. Killbullock, 375. Henry CuUebulloc, A. Killhare, 375. William Cullehare, A. Killhog, 375. William CuUehog, A. Kind, 464. Adam Kind, Z. Andrew Kynd, FF. King, 174. HamondleKing, ,4. Robert le Kynge, C. Saher le King, //. ij6ft. Kingsman, 176 n. Richard Kynges- man, A. Ralph Kyngesman, M. Kingson, 176 n. Reginald Kynges- sone, A. Simon Kyngeson, M. Kinley, 119. Kinsman, 429. John Kynnesman, ZZ. Leonard Kinsman, Z. Kirk, 113. Joan atte Kirke, ^. Robert atte Kirke, y. Kirker, 113. Kirkman, 113. Roger le Kyrkeman,^}. Thomas Kirkeman, IV 2. Kisser, 223. Richard le Kissere, X. Kitchen, 136, 206. Henry atte Kychene, M. Richard del Kechin, //. Kitchener, 206. Thomas Kitchvnner, Kitchenman, 206. Alice Kitchinman, IV 2. Robert Kytchinman, ZZ. Christopher Kychman, IV g. Kitchingham, 206. 'I'homas Kitching- ham, W 16. Kite, 493. Agnes Kite, FF. John Kyte, /••/'■. Kitewild, 484. Jordan Kitewilde, A. Kitson, 57. John Kitson, H^9. Mary Kitson, Z, Kitts, 57. Nicholas Kitte, A. William Kitte, A. Knabwell, 127. Robert de Cnapwell, A. John de Cnabwelle, A. Knapman, 127. James Knapman, Z. William Knapman, ZZ. Knapp, 127. John Knappe, ^. Cajiella de la Cnappe, DD. Knapper, 127. William Knappere, G. Knapton, 127. Thomas de Cnapeton, A. William Knapton, W^i6. Knave, 255. Simon Knave (Lower, i. 242.) Walter le Knave, F. Kneebone, 437. John Knebone, Z. Antony Knebone, Z. Knifesmith, 282, 214. Henry Knyfe- smythe, F. Knight, 198. Reginald le Knicht, A. Juliana le Knit, A. Emmot Kneyt, A. Simon le Knyt, A. Knope {v. Knapp), 127. Knopp (v. Knapp), 127. Knott, 451. Isolda Knotte, A. William Knotte, y. Knowler, 122. Knowlman, 123. Knowles, 122. Roger de la CnoUe, A. |ohn atte Knolle, B. Korah, loi. T ABORER. Isabel Laberer, ZZ. ^ Robert Laborer, ZZ. Labouchere (f. Butcher), 374. Lacer, 348. Henry leLacer, //. Richard le Lacer, X. Lache, 479. John le Lache, A. Wil- liam Lache, A. Lacklove, 474. Simon Lacklove, A. I-acter, 272. John le Lacter, M. Lake. William atte Lake, A. Walter de la Lake, A. I^iUimand, 165. Lamb, 491. William le Lamb, A. Richard le Lomb, A. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 569 LAM Lambden, (118. William Lambdene, Lamden, | A. Lambert, 57. Lambert fil. Thome, C- Robert Lamberd, N. Lambgroom, 445. John Lambegrom, A. Lambkin (v. Lampkin), 57. Lambekin Taborer, P. Lambshead, 435. Agnes Lambesheved, A. Lament, 103. Lament Willard, 103. Lameman, 440. William Laymeman, V. p. 440. Christiana Lameman, W II. Alex. Lameman, fFii. Lamentation, 103. Lamentation Chap- man, Z. Lammas, 62. Richard Lammasse, A. Thomas Lammas, FF. Lampkin, 57. Lambekyn fil. Eli, C. Lamkyn Lokyr, O. Lamprey, 497. William Lampreye, A. Lampson, 57. William Lampson, ZZ. Edward Lamson, FF. Antony Lambe- son, 57 ti. Lance, 459. Mabil Lance, A. Johanna Lance, A. Land, 122. Richard dc la Lande, B. William atte Land, M. Landells, 168. Lander, 122, 362. William Landre, A. Landman, 122. Richard le Landman, M. Lane, 108, 115. Cecilia-in-the-Lane, A. Alexander atte Lane, B. Lane-end, 144. Margaret atte Lane- ende, H. Alice atte Lane-ende, X. Laner, 319. Bartholomew le Laner, A. John le Laner, T. Lang, 436. Hamo le Lang, M. John le Lange, L. Langbane, 436. Henry Langbane, IV II. Langhorn, 461. Benjamin Langhorne, Wii. Langley, 150. John de Langeleye, M. Langley, 150. Thomas de Langeleghe, E. Langshaw, 117. Henry Langshawe, XX I. Robert Langschawe, \V 11. Langskinner, 505. Henry Langeskyn- nere, M. Langstaff, 409. Agnes Langstaff, G. Langstaf, DD. Langworthy, 134. John Langworth, Z, Christopher Langworthie, Z. Lanyer, 319. William Lannator, A. Toke Lanarius, A. Lapwater. Henry Lapewater, X. Lardiner, [^7°- PhiHp le Lardiner, 5. Lardner "l Thomas le Lardiner, M. \ Hugh le I^ardiner, L. Large, 431. William le Large, A. Robert le Large, M. William le Large, E. Lark, 494. Richard le Laverock, A, Hamo Larke, A. Larkins, ({v. Lawson), 56. William Larrett, \ Lareson, PP. Andrew Lar- Larson, ( rett, PP. Lascelles, 151. Alan de Lascelle, A. Robert de Laceles, E. Lashe {v. Lache), 479. Laskie, 479. Last, 144. Latimer, 197. William le Latiner, G, Alan le Latymer, jf. Warin le Lati- mer, B. Nicholas le Latimer, M. (284, 392. Richard le La- tonere, V 9. Thomas le Latoner, AI. Richard La- toner, FF. Laugh-well. Henry Laughwell, Z. Laund, 122. Robert de la Laund, A. Nicholas atte Launde, FF. Launder, 362. John Launder, Z. Jef- fery Lawnder, FF. Laura. Laureta Picot, MM. Loreta del Piatt, AA ^. Laurence, 18. John fil. Laurence, M. Ester l^aurence, FF. Lavender, 362. Alice la Lavander, A. 570 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Lavender, 362. Robert le Lavender, A. Isabel la Lavendre, E. Laverick (v. Lark), 494. Cuthbert La- vericke, W 20. I^awe, 127. David atte Lawe, AI. Thurston Lawe, Z. Lawman, 127. Raulf Laurence, A. William Lawrence, V 8. Lawpage, 506. Agnes Lawpage, VV 2. Richard Lawpege, Z. Christopher Lawpage, FF. Lawrence {v. Laurence), 17, 56. Piers Lawrence, Z. Lawson {v. Lawrence). John fil. Law- rence, A. Thomas fil. Launce, A. Thomas Lauson, F. Edward Lason, V7. Laycock, 15. Josiah Laycocke, W 16. Peter Laycocke, W 16. Laye, 119. Emma de Lay, A. Ber- nard de Lay, A. Layman, 119. Elias Layman, A. Lazarus, 431. Lea, 1 19. William de la Lea, A . Ralph de la Leye, A. Leach, 384. Hugh le Leche, A. Ro- bert le Leche, M. John le Leche, X. Leachman, 384. (284. Gonnilda le Led- betere, /i. Rcs,nnaldle Ledbeter, M. Thomas Leadbeatcr, ZZ. Leader, 410. Oliver Leader, Z. John Leder, ZZ. Leaf, 473. Alice le Lef, A. ' Matilda le Lef, A. Leal, 464. Lean, 431. Roland le Lene, y4 . Richard Lene, H. Leaper, 395. Leapman, 395. Least, 432. Richard le Lest, J. Leave-to-day, 501. John Leve-to-day, A. Leatherhose, J 457. John Letherhose, A. e. \ " ■ • Lee, 119. Roger de la Lee, B. John atte Lee, M. Leech (v. Leach), 384. Sibil le Leche, FF. Leeder {v. Leader), 410. John Leeder, FF. Lees, 119. Roger de Lees, /4. William de Leghes, y. Avelina de Leys, J. Legate. Geoffrey le Legal, y4. Nicholas Legat, M. Legge, 437, 168. John de Leg, A. Philip de Leg, J. Legh, 119. Pagan a la Legh, A. Adam de la Legh, J. Leghman, 119. Henry Legeman, A. Leigh, 119. William de la Leigh, M. William de Leigh, FF. Leighman. Henry Legeman, A. Leman, (477. Eldred Leman, A. Lemman, -j John Leman, M. Thomas Lemon, I Lemon, V e^. Lenebaud {v. Baud), Thomas Lene- baud, A. William Lenebaud, E. Lenedame, 433. Matilda Lenedame, A. Leopard, 488. John Lepard, H. , ( 193, 431. Nicholas le Lepere, T \ M. Walter le Lepere, A. ' I Geoffrey le Lepere, A. Lessoner, 198. Nicholas le Lessoner, A. Letitia (v. Lettice), 19, 71. Leticia Pal- mere, A. Letson, 71. John fil. Lettice, .^. John Lettesone, M. Lettice, 71. Warin Letice, A. Letice de Uggele, X. Lettice Leicester, Z. John Lettice, PP. Letts {v. Letson), 71. Lewd, 481. Robert le Lewed, M. Wil- liam le Lewed, M. John Lewis, V ii. Lewes Ledderhose, 1 Richard Letherhose, /?. Lewis, Lcwison, . Lewson, Robson, tK 16. James Lew- sone, Vii. James Lusone, Kii. John Lewson, K 10. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 571 Liar, 480. Henry le Liere, A. Liberty (v. Leadbeater), 284. Lickpeny, 483. Lidbitter {v. Leadbeater), 284. Lidgate, 130. Thomas de Lidgate, M. Walter atte Lideyate, H. Light, 431. Thomas le Leht, A. Wil- liam le Light, M. Lightfoot, 439. Robert Lightfot, M. Thomas Lightfot, G. Lighthamess, 501. John Lighthamess, W j'^. Thomas Lighthamess, Wi'^. Light-red, 448. Ralph Light-red, M. Light-white, 448. John Lite-whyte, M. Likelove, 474. Lilter, 440. Roger le Liltere, A. Lilywhite, 442. Ehzabeth Lilywhite, Wii. Limebear, ) Limebeer, j ^^°' Limer, 250. John le Limer, A. Limethwaite, 121. Limewright, 277, 250. Hugh le Lim- wryte, A. Limmer, 406. Limner, 406. Ralph Illuminator, A. Thomas Liminer, A. Godfrey le Lomynour, T. William le Lomner, E. Lina, 72. Lyna le Archer, A. Lena Aylmen, RR 1. Lind, 128. Henry de la Lynde, B. Robert ate Lynde, M. Lindley, 119, 128. Lindraper, 328. Wymund le Lynge- draper, ^. William le Lyndraper, G. Elias le Lyndraper, M. Lindsey, 169. Liner, 328. Gilbert le Lyner, A. Michael le Linere, A. Linger, 208. Robert le Lingure, A. Linnet, (72. Linota ate Feld, A. Linota, | Linota Vidua, A. Lion, 488. Richard Lion, V2. LipScombe, 125. Lister, 322. Nicholas le Lystere, G. Andrew le Litster, M. Hugh le Lit- ster, R. Little, 431. William le Letle, A. Robert le Litele, M. Littlebond. William Lutebonde, A. Littleboy. John Littleboye, Z. George Littleboy, CC 3. Littlecope. John Littlecope, A. Littlehair, 453. John Lytlehare, FF. Simon Lytehare, M. Littlejohn, 46, 503. Richard fil. Parvi- Johannis, A. Littleking, 176 n, 505. William Litel- king, A. Littlepage, 215, 506. Littleproud, 462. John Littleproud, FF. Reginald Littleprowe, FF. Littler, 432. Ranulph Lyttylore, XX 1. Richard Lytteler, Z. Littlesire, 506. Hugh Litilsir, IV 8. Littleskill. Thomas Litilskill, P. Littleson, 506. Ralph Littulsone, R. Littleswain, 505. Philip Litsweyn, A. Liverpool, 147. Richard de Lyveqjole, M. Livewell, 104. Live-well Sherwood, 104 n. Locke, 450. Nicol Locke, A. Locker (v. Lockyer), 282. Lockman, 282. John Lockman, N//. Locksmith, 282. John Locksmith, IVz. Robert Locsmyth, A. William Lok- smyth, M. Lockyer, 282. Henry le Lokier, A, John Lokare, A. Locock, 95. Loder, 410. Emma le Lodere, A. Agnes le Lodere, A. 369. William Loftliouse, VV 16. John Loftous, Lombard, 162. Richard Loniberd, A. Jacob le Luniberd, /;'. London, 148. Robert de London, A. Lofthouse Loftus, 572 INDEX OF INSTANCES. LON London, 148. Walter de London, M. Thomas de London, y. Londonish, 148. William Londonissh, M. Ralph le Lundreys, T. Richard Londoneys, A. Long, 431. Hamo le Long, A. Walter le Long, C. Gilbert le Longe, M. Longacre, 134. Roger le Langacre, Af. Longespe, 459. Isolda Longespe, A. Thomas Longespe, M. Emelina Longespee, y. Longfellow, 506. Peter Langfollay, W 11. Elizabeth Longfellow, IF 16. Longman, 433. Thomas Longman, O. William Longman, FF. Longness, 125. Longshank, 438. Longshaw (v. Langshaw). Longstaff, 462. William Longstaf, A. William Longstaff, FF. Longwright, 505. John Longus-faber, M. Looker, 282. Lord, 175. Walter le Loverd, ^, John le Lorde, B. Robert le Lord, C. Lordan, 478. 4 Lorayne (v. Lorraine), 159. Lorel, 478. Lorimer, 144, 289. Alan le Lorymer, T. Nicholas le Lorimer, C. Thomas le Lorimer, M. Loring, 159. Peter de Loring, A. John le Loreng, A. Dux Lotharing, Ji. Lorn. Imbert le Lorn, F. Lorraine (v. Loring), 159. Lorrimer (v. Lorimer), 144, 289. Losewit, 470. Henry Losewyt, L. Louse, 498. Nicholas le Lus, y. Love, 473, 488. Robert le Love, A. Mabil I^ve, 7. Lovechild. John Lovechild, A. Lovecock, 473. Roger I^vccock, B. Philip Lovecok, D. Lovcday, 63. Alexander Loveday, A. Ralph Loveday, M. Lovegold, 482. John Lovegold, FF. Lovejoy, 500. Thomas Lovejoy, Z. Lovekin (i), 473. Lovekyn Piscator, v4. Lovekyn Stukepenne, A. (2), 473. John Lovekyn, D. Richard Lovekyn, M. Lovelance, 462. Simon Lovelaunce, T. Lovelock, 386, 449. Thomas Lovelok, A. Loveloker, 385. Walter le Loveloker, A. Loving, 103. Loving Bell, QQ. Lowe (i), 431. Brian le Lo, A. Robert le Low, M. (2), 127. Hugh de Lowe, A, Robert atte Lowe, M. Lowman. Parthenia Lowman (Mait- land's 'London,' ii. p. 605). Lowndes, 122. John de la Lound, R. Beatrice atte Lound, FF. Lubbard, ) Lubber, J <^- Lombard), 162. Lubbock, 168. Robert de Lubyck, A. Hildebrand de Lubek, y. Lucas (v. Luke). Lucas Barcator, A, Thomas fil. Lukas, fFi5. Lucca. Luke of Lucca, O. Lucke, 162. John de Luke, Af. Luckett, 95. Matilda Luket, If 11. Walter Luket, VV ii. Luckins, 95. Jane Luckin, FF. Robert Lukyn, Z. Luckock, Lucock, 1 Lucy (i), 19. Richard fil. Lucia, y. William fil. Lucias, T. (2), 151. Geoffrey de Lucy, O. Robert de Lucy, G. Luke, 95. Luke Morel, AI. Walter Luke, H. Lukctt (v. Luckett), 95. Lukic, 162. Lumbard, 162. Michael le Lumbard, //. Iacol)ina la Lumbard, ^V. Lumner [v. Limner), 406. Edmund 95. Richard Luccock, Z. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 573 LUN I.umner, ZZ. Henry Lominour, FF. Thomas Lumpner, W w. Lund, 122. Richard de la Lund, A. William de la Lund, K. Lupe, 488. Robert le Lupe, B. Robert le Lup, L. Lurdan, 478. Lusk, 479. Lusty, 431. Luter, 310. German le Lutrere, T. John le Leuter, K. Haunce the Luter (Privy expenses Princess Mary). Lyard, 445. Henry Lyard,^. William Liard, M. Walter Lyhert, H. Lyndholt, 128. Robert de Lindholt, A. Lyndhurst, 116. Heniy de Lindhurst, P.. Henry de Lindeherst, K. Lyndsay, 133. Robert de Lindesay, A. William de Lindesia, E. Lyon [v. Lion), 488. Lyons, 170. Hen^eus de Lyons, C. Richard de Lyouns, M. Lyte, 433. William le Lyt, M. Gon- nilda le Lyth, A. Lyteman, 433. Richard Liteman, A. John Lytman, Z. ■jV/T ABBOTT, 71. George Mabbott, ^^ ^ PP. William Mabbott, PP. Mabbs {v. Mabson). Giles Mabbes, FF. Mary Mabbs, FF. Mabil (w. Amabilla). Amabilla de Tyne- dale, SS. Richard Mable, M. Mabson (v. Mabil). Thomas Mabson, SS. Richard Mabson, Wi^. Michael Mabson, IV 11. Macer, 387. John le Macher, A. Mackarel, 497. Richard Makarel, A. Ralph Makereir, //. Macklehose, 457. Mad, 442. Jordan le Madde, /?. Maddelyn, 67. Thomas le Maddelyn, A. Maderer, 323. Laurence Maderer, //. Thomas Maderer, XX 1, Maderman, 323. John Maderman, Af. Madison (v. Mawson). Thomas Maw- I deson, FF. John Madison, V 3. I Ralph Maddison, W 16. I Madswain, 505. Alan Madsweyn, A. Magdalen (v. Maddelyn), 67. Mag- dalen Garison, ^F 16. Maggot, 76. Magota del Hill, W 2. j Magot Catell, H^2. Maggot Fin, yi. Richard Maggote, A. Maggs, 76. Magge Flie, A. Henry fil. Mag, A. Robert Magges, A/. Magotson {v. Magot), 76. Main, ) Maine, j ^'^^' 437- Mainstrong, 437. Thomas Mainstrong, A. Mainwaring {v. Mannering), 32, 339. Mair, 1 / n^- \ o . ' }-(v. Mn-e , 184. Maire, j Major. William le Magere, A. Makeblisse, 463. Julian Makeblisse, A. Makeblithe (v. Makebliss). John Make- blythe, IV 11. Makefere, 475. Hugh Makefere, A. William Makefair, JV. Make-joy, 463. Maud Makejoy. Makepeace, 463. Joan Makepeace, John Makepeace, PP. Richard Make- peace, IV 20. Makin, 78. Henry Maykin, A. May- kina Parmunter, ff. Makinus Hap- py ng, XX I. Makinson, 78. John Makinson, Z. William Makinson, PF. Malcbraunch, 437. Roger Malebraunchc, A. Matilda Malebraunch, B. Malemaker. Henry Malemaker, A'P 2. Malemeyne, 437. Nicholas Malemayne, B. John Malemeyne, P. Malenfant, 507. Robert Malenfant, T. John Malefaunt, ZZ. Malkin, 77. JohnMalekyn, (9. William Malkyn, M. Mallard, 494. 574 INDEX OF INSTANCES. MAL Malpas, 440. Malregard, 434. William Malregard, T. Geoffrey Malreward, y. Malster, 379. John Malster, B. Aleyn le Maltestere, H. Malter, 379. Malthus, 131. Beatrix Malthus, W \b. Simon Malthus, W 16. Maltmaker,379. HughleMaltmakere,^. Man, 506. Henry le Man, A. Richard le Man, E. Manchester, 147. Guido de Mancestre, M. William de Mauncestre, A. Manciple,' 210. Thomas Mancipill, 210 n. Manclerk (v. Mauclerk), 505. Mander (f. Maunder), 396. Mangevileyn, 507. Robert Mangevileyn, Wxo. Manikin, 433. Robert Manekin, A. Manekyn le Heaumer, H. Mann (i*. Man), 506. Mannering, 32. Robert de Meynwaring, A. Warin de Menwarin, B. Mansel, 210 n. Sampson le Maunsel, A. John le Maunsel, M. Robert le Mansel, J. Mantel, 457. Robert Mantel, C. Walter Mantel, L. Manyword. John Maniword, M. Regi- nald Maniword, R. Mapleson, 71. 249. Geffrey leMerberer, 5. e Merbrer, X. Wal- Marbiler, X. Marcer (w. Mercer), 356. Marchant, 407. Henry le Marcant, A. Robert le Marchaunt, M. William le Marchant, B. Marcock, 95. A^arcus. q i;. Margaret, 75. Margaret fil. Olivae, T. Margaret le Grey, J. Margerison, 76. Henry fil. Margaret, A. Richard fil. Margaret, J. Marbiler, Marbrer, (249. Gef '^«'"' \ Johnle ^^'- i terlal MAS Margery, 76. John Margerie, A. Mar- gerie le Bercher, T. Majoria Comyn, Margetson (v. Margerison), 76. Francis Margetson, FF. Thomas Margetson, FF. Joyce Margetson, PP. Margetts, 75. Margota Servant, W 2. Robert Margets, Z. Margison, 76. Richard fil. Marge, A. John fil. Marge, A. Maria, 76. William fil. Marie, A. Maria le Chaucer, y. Ediva fU. Mariae, T. Mariot {v. Marriot), 16, 76. Mark, 95. Markettman, 298. William Markett- man, v. p. 298 n. Nicholas Market- man, TT. Clement Marketman, TT. Markin, 95. Marks, 95. Marler, 259. Alice le Marlere, A. Joha Marlere, B. Marlward, 259. John Marleward, A. Mamer, ( 408. Henry le Mariner, H. Marriner, ( Roger le Mariner, A, Marriott, 16, 77. Mariota in le Lane, A. Walter fil. Mariot, ^. Adam fil. Mariot, ..-/. John fil. Mariotas, T. Marshall, 212, 290. Gunnilda le Marescal, A. William le Marchal, B. John le Mareshall, B. Henry le Marshall, B. Marson, 95. Marten, 489. Martin (i), 18. Martin le Freman, A, Richard fil. Martin, A. (2), 489. Mathew le Martun, E. Martyr, 443. John le Martre, G. Wil- liam le Martre, y. Maryatt (v. Marriott), 77. John Maryott, F. Nichol Maryot, A. Mashmaker, 379. John Mashemaker, 379 «• Maslin, 387. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 575 MAS Mason (i), Roger fil. Maye, A. (2), 249. Osbert le Machun, A. Gotte le Mazoun, A. Adam le Mazon, M. Massacrer, 375. Laurence leMacecrer,^. Masser (v. Mazerer), 387. Massinger (v. Messager), 217. Master, 506. Thomas le Maistre, M. Alan le May ster, ^. John le Mayster, B. Masterman. Richard Masterman, H. Thomas Mastermen, Q. Syth Maister- man, 1-^16. Masterson, 65. Roger le Maistrcssone, G. Dorothy Masterson, Z. Robert Maystreson, A'Jf 4. Mathew, 91. Oliver Matheu,yl/. Mathew le Vineter, L. Mathewman, 506. John Mathewman, W 16. Richard Mathewman, W 16. Mathews, 91. Edward Mathewes, Z. Mark Mathews, W 16. Mathewson, 91. William fil. Mathew, A. Richard fil. Mathaei,' C. Alex. Mathewson, XX i. Matilda, 19, 44, 78. Juetta fil. Matilda, A. Sabina fil. Matilda, T. Matkin, 91. Richard Matkyn, ZZ. Jermayne Matkyn, ZZ. Matthew {v. Mathew), 91. 91. Richard Mattyson, Z. Launcelott Matterson, W 16. Marmaduke Mat- teson, W 16. Anne Mattson, W 16. Matt, (91. Andrew Matts, /^/^. Adam Matts, I Matt, A. Mattwife, 52. Avice Mattewife, P. Mauclerk, 505. Walter Malclerk, PP. Godfrey Mauclerk, PP. Maud, 78. Maud de Holland, H. John Maude, M. [drj. Maudlin !hoby, V 2. Maudelyn David, Z. Robert Maudelyn, O, Mattinson, Mattison, Matson, Maudlin, Maudling, Maugason {v. Mauger). Hugh Mauga- son, H. William Maugesson, FF. Mauger. Malgerle Gierke, ^4. Thomas fil. Mauger, A. Mauger fil. Elie, M. Maunder, 396. John Mawndour, W g. Maunsel {v. Mansel), 210 n. Maurice, 19. Serl fil. Morice, A. Mauricius Capellanus, C. Mawkin {v. Mawson). Auriana Mawkin, QQ. Mawson, 77. Simon fil. Matilda, y. William Mawson, Z. Thomas Mawde- son, FF. Richard son of Mawe, AA 2. May. Bateman le May, A. Robert le Mey, G. Ralph le May, M. Maycock [v. Matthew), 91. Hugh Maykoc, A. Mayer, 184. James Mayer, Z. Mayhew [v. Mathew). Adam fil. Ma- heu, A. Mayeu de Basingboume, M. Maykin (v. Makin), 78, 91. Henry May kin, A. Mayne, 158. Mayor (z/. Mayer), 184. Mazeliner, 387. John le Mazelyner, M. William le Mazeliner, R. Mazerer, 387. Adam le Mazerer, A. John le Mazerere, N. William le Mazerer, X. Mead, 132. Robert atte Mede, M. Richard ate Med, A. Meadow, 132. John Atte-medowe, FF. William Atte-medow, FF. Meadowcroft, T32. Nicholas de Medu- croft, A'. Meagre {y. Megre), 431. Meagresauce. Peter Meagresause, R. Mealmonger {v. Oatmonger), 275. John le Melmongere, AI. Meakin, 78. Robert Meykin, C. Jolm Meakin, Z. Measel, ( 194. Richard le Masle, L, Measle, \ Richard le Masele, T. Meatyard, 461. 576 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Medde, 132. Ralph ate Med, A. Philip atte Medde, M. Meddler, 465. Nicholas le Medler, A. Medlicote, J 458. Thomas Modlycoit, Medlicott, | Z. Medward, 132. William le Medward, A. Meek, 464. Robert le Meke, B. Robert le Meeke, Q. Meekin (v. Meakin), 78. Meggs, 76. John fil. Megge, A. Henry Megges, Z. Megre, 431. John le Meaugre, O. Hugh le Megre, M. Basilia le Megre, T. Megson, 76. Adam Meggessone. Af. Roger Megson, IV 9. John fil. Megge, A. Megucer, 331. John le Megucer, A^. Richard le Megucer, ^V. Meir, 185. David le Meir, A. Henry le Mere, AI. Melchior, 100. Melchior Rainald, TT. Melchizedek, 100. Melchezedek Payn, Z. Mellon-Colley, 509. Mendfault. Walter Mendfaute, IF 11. Mercer, 356. Ketel le Mercer, A. Henry le Mercer, B. Merchant (v. Marchant), 407. Mercy, 106. Mercy Bagley, IV 16. Meredeth, 473. Merriman, 472. William Merryman, F. John Meryman, X. Gerard Merri- man, IV 16. Merry, 463, 472. William Merrye, Z. Roger Merrey, Z. Merrycock, 472. Richard Mcrricocko, K Mcrrymouth, 434. John Mcrrymouth, V. Richard Mery mouth, X. Merryweather, 472. Andrew Muriweder, A. Henry Muriweder, O. Messager, 217. Roger le Messager, B. John le Messager, C. Messinger {v. Messager), 217. Robert Messinger, W 11. Eliz. Messinger, IK 16. Meteyard, 408. Meyneli, 154. Hugh de Meynill, T, Robert de Meynnill, A. Meyre {v. Meir), 184. Michael, 99. Gilbert Michel, A. Michael le Jovene, Af. Michaelmas (v. Middlemas), 62 Michaelson, 99. Roger fil. Michael, A. Harvey fil. Michael, A. Micklejohn, 46, 503. Micklethwaite, 121. Middlemas, 62. Shorman Myglemas, A. Midwinter, 62. Gonnilda Midewynter, A. John Midwinter, //. Milchom, loi n. Melcom Groate, TT. Mildew, 501. Richard Myldew, 501 «. Milend, 114. Simon de la Milende, £. Miles, 41. Milo le Messer, A. Milo Basset, /(. Wy chard Miles, A. Mileson, 41. Alicia fil. Milo, A. Richard Mileson, v. p. 41. Milicent. Joan fil. Milicente, ^4. Mille- sent Cruche, A. Milker, 272. Thomas le Milkar, A. William le Milkar, T. Milksop, i8r. William Milksop, Af. William Milkesop, y. Hugh Milkesop, J?/? I. Millard (v. Milward), 274. Miller (v. Milner), 274. John le Mel- lere, Af. Millerson, 65. Gilbert Millerson, W 3. Richard fil. Milot, AfAf 41. Roger Millot, A, Thomas Mylett, 1^9. Millikin. Agnes Myllykin, 55. Mills {v. Milnes), 274. John del Mill, Af. Roger atte Mille, A. Millson, 41. John fil. Mille, A. Edward Myleson, ZZ. Anne Millison, IV 16. Milman, 274. Millet, Millot, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 577 MIL Milhvard, 274. Walter le Meleward, A^. Robert le Milleward, A. William le Milward, G. Milmaster, 275 n. Andrew Milmaster, 275 «. Milner, 274. Alan le Milner, G. Wil liam le Melner, M. Emmot Mylner, Milnes, 274. John atte Melne, A. Thomas atte Milne, B. Minsmith, 282, 404. John le Mynsmuth, M. Minter, 404. Henry le Munetar, A. Ralph le Myneter, N. Mirabilla, 19. Mirabella Wal, \V 2. Belina fil. Mirabilis, DD. Lucia Mirable, A. Mire (v. Meir), 184. John le Mire, y. Agnes le Myre, y. Miress, 184. Margaret la Miresse, E. Mirorer. Crispiana le Mirorer, A. John le Mirorer, H. Richard le Mirourer, X. Mitchell [v. Michael), 99. Mitchelson, 99. Thomas Mychelson, W 3. Seth Meculson, ZZ. John fil. Mich. A. Mitchener, 367. Mock-king. N'ichol Mokkynge, Y. Mohun, 151. John de Mohun, H. Moigne, 191. William le Moigne, D. Ivo le Moyn, A. Molehunte, 238. William Molehunte, A. Mollison, 80. Hugh fil. Mary, A. Monday, 63. Symon Moneday, ^4. An- drew Monday, Z. Moneyer, 404. Haco le Muner, A. John le Muner, B. Gilbert le Muner, G. Moneymaker, 404. John Monemaker, Moneyman, 404. Robert Moneyman, FI'. Moneypeny, 482. Richard Monypeny, A. Thomas Monipeni, \V2. Alex- ander Moneypenny, FF. Monier, 404. Henry le Moneur, A. John le Monnier, A''. Hamole Monner, 't. Monk, 191. William le Monek, A. Peter le Monek, M. John le Monck, G. Monkman, 188. William Munkeman, Montaigne, 123. Peter de Monetania, A'. Hamond de Monetania, FF. Moody, 468. Richard Mody, G. John Mody, W 9. ^(i), 161. Robert le More, E. Moor, John le Moor, R. Moore, 1 (2), 125. John atte Mor, A. \ Jordan de la Mor, A. Moorslade, 121. William de la Morslade, R. Moorvvard, 232. German le Morward, A. Henry le Morward, B. Morcombe, 125. More, 125. Adam del More, M. Oliva ate More, A. Morefniit, 102. Morell, 445. Thomas Morel, A. Ralph Morell, J. Moretrial, 102. Morley. Milo de Morlee, ^. Robert de Morlegh, M. / (v. Maurice) Morice ap- Morris, Owen, XX. Mauricius Morrison, 1 Capellanus, C. William ( Morrison, W 16. Mortimer, 151. Roger de Mortimer, A. Hugh de Mortumare, A. Mountain (v. Montaigne), 123. Mouse, 492. John le Mous, M. Richard Mowse, Z. Hugh le Mus, F. Mower, 256. Moyne {v. Moigne), 191. Mucklebone. Henry Mucklebone, A. Muckleman. Robert Muchulnian, A. r r 578 INDEX OF INSTANCES. MUL Mule, 490. Roger le Mul, J. Munday (f. Monday), 63. Edward Mun- day, FF. Munk, 191. Beatrix le Munk, ^. Peter le Munk, FF. Munn, 191. Geoffrey le Moun, A. Thomas le Mun, A. Muriel, 19. Muriel ad Fontcm, A. Adam fil. Muriel, T. Musard, 468. Malcolm le Musard, M. Muskett, 493. Robert Musket, A. John Musket, D. Mussele, 497. Nicholas le Musele, J. Mustarder, 371. Richard le Mustarder, A. Robert le Mustarder, H. Thomas le Mustarder, X. Mustardman, 371. Peter leMustardman, A. Mustardmaker, 371. Alicia Mustard- maker, W 2. Mute, 463. Alan le Mute, A. Mutter, 441. John le Mutare, A. Mutton; 490. Philip le Mutton, B. Robert Mount, T. "NT AIL, 112. John Nail, Z. Thomas ^ Naile, Z. Nailor (v. Naylor), 282. John Naler, F. Nalder, in. John Nclder, H. Alice Attenalre, J . Nale (y. Nail), 112. Nail, III. Napery, 215. Walter dela Naperye, L. Napier, 215. John le Naper, A. Robert le Naper, O. John le Naper, C. Naples, Lewis of Naples, O, Napper, 215. Jordan le Napperc, A. Robert Napparius, /;. Nash, III. Sarra Attcneshe, B. Pagan atte Nash, B. William atte Nasche, M. Nasmyth, 282. James Nasmite, If 9. John Naysmith, IF 13. NEW Natkin (Nathaniel). Robert Natkyn, FF. Naylor, 282. John le Naylere, R. Ste- phen le Naylere, X. Nazareth, 103. Nazareth Rudde, QQ. Neave (f. Neve), 430. Robert Neavc, Z. Neck, 435. Henry Nekke, A. Neddlemaker, 342. John Nedlemakyere, M. Needier, 342. Reginald le Nedlere, A. Richard le Nedlere, M. Needyman, 431. John le Nedyman, B. Neele, 73. Neel le Bret, E. Thomas Fitz-neele, M. Neilson (v. Nelson), William Neilson, If II. Nell, 73. Nel Fawkes, A. John fil. Nel, A. Nelmes, iii. Nelson, 73. John fil. Nel, A. William Neleson, H. Thomas Nelson or Neilson, W \\. Nend, 115. John atte Nende, ^. Clwis- topher Xend, If ir. Nephew, 430. John Neveu, A. Richard le Nevu, E. Elias le Nevou, DD. Ness [v. Xose), 125. Xethercliffe, 124. Neve, 430. Robert le Neve, M. \\'al- ter le Neve, E. Reyner le Neve, A. Neville, 151. Orme de Neville, R. Wal- ter de Nevill, E. New, 145. Simon le Neue. A. Richard le Newe, A. New-bond, 145, 254 ;/. Roger le New- bonde, A. Emma Newbondc, A. Newcombe, 125. Newcomen, 145. Gilbert le Neucomen, A. Robert le Xeucomen, T. New love, 474. Newman, 145. Richard le Neuman, A. John le Neuman, M. Simon le Newe- man, E. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 579 NIC Nicholas, 95. Nicholas le Chapeler, T. Nicholas le Hunte, A . Nichol, /95. Henry fil. Nicholei, Nicholls, -j M. John Niccolson, ZZ. Nicholson, ( Nichol Crump, F9. Nickerson, 95. Nicks (f. Nix), 95. Nickson (tj. Nixon), 95. Nigel {v. Neele), 73. Simon fil. Nigel, A. Nigel fil. John, E. Nightingale, 494. Robert Nitingal, A. Thomas Nightegale, R. Ninepence, 513. John Ninepennies, fF9. Nix (v. Nicholas), 95. Richard Nix, FF. Joan Nykkes, FF. Nixon, 95. William fil. Nyck, M. An- drew Nyxson, W 9. Noakes (v. Nokes), iii. Noble, 463. Amice le Noble, A. Hugh le Noble, M. Noblepas, 440. William Noblepas, MM. Noel (f. Nowell), 62. Richard Noel, M. William Noel, B. Noel de Aubianis, A. Nokes [v. Oakes), in. Richard At- tenok, B. William atte Noke, X. Richard atte Noke, P. Norchard (i'. Orchard), in. Robert atte Norcharde, M. Richard Atenorchard, A. Norfolk, 147. Thomas de Xorthfolch, M. Robert de Northfolk, A. Norman (i), 158. Ralph le Norman, E. Mathew le Norman, A. (2), Norman de Arcy, A. Roger fil. Norman, C. Norrice(t'. Nurse), 150. William Xorricc, Z. Norris, 150, 162. Robert le Norys, B. William le Noreis, E. Walter le Noreis, M. North, 150. William de Northe, H. Henry North, M. V Northend, 114. Peter de Northende, A. William Northend, ZZ. Northern, 150. Geoffrey le Northern, A. Thomas le Northern, M. John Northeron, H. Northman, 150. William Northman, A. Robert Northman, A. Nose, 125. Roger atte Ness, A. Notman {v. Nott), 451. John Notman, Nott, 451. Alice le Notte, A. Richard le Not, M. Henry le Not, J. Noven, in. Thomas atte Novene, B. Nowell (y. Noel), 62. Nowell Harper, XX 1. Noyes, 154. Nunn, 191. Alice le Nonne, A. Mar- garet Nunne, FF. Nurse, 506. Maria le Noreyse, A. Thomas Nurse, B. Alicia le Noryce, B. Nutbrown, 445. William Nutbrowne, Z. William Notbrone, W 11. George Nutbrowne, v. p. 445. Nutmaker, 371. John Nutmaker. 371 n. Nutman, 263. William Nuteman, A. Nutt, 154. Nuttard, 267. Richard le Netehird, .M. Nutter, 263. Christopher Nutter, ZZ. r\.\YA\ 128. Thomas del Oke, A. ^-^ Richard atte Oke, B. Oakes, 128. Roger of the Okes, M. Philip del Okes, A. Oakliolt, 116. William de Okholte, /.'. William de Okolt, A. Oakley, 119. Walter deOclee, A. Simon de Akelegh, E. Oakover, 128. Roger de Okovere, M. Alice de Okeovere, J. Oakshot (t^. Oakholt), 116. Oakslade, 121. Michael de Ocslade, A. Oastler (;'. Ostler), 290. P 2 58o INDEX OF INSTANCES. Oatmonger (t'. Mealmon£;er), 275. Denis le Otemonger, X. Obedience, 103. Obedience Clerk, QQ. Oddiker, 134. Odger. Alan fil. Oger, E. Roge fi!. Oger, E. Oger fil. Oger, GO. Offer, ( [v. Orfevre), 400. William le Offor, '( Orfeure, R. Richard Orfer, /'. Ogden, 118. William de Hogdene, A. John Ogden, ZZ. Ointer (v. Hointer), 386, 263. Michael le Oynter, X. Oker, 113. Thomas Oker^ B. Henry Oker, A. Old [V. Ould), 431. Oldacre, 134. Oldbeof, 500. William Oldbcof, /?. Walter Oyldcbeof, X. Oldgroom, 505. Henry Eldegrome, O. John Eldegrom, O. Oldman, 433. Walran Oldman, A. Richard Oldeman, M. Oliphant, I g Olivant, ) ^ Oliver, 38. Oliver Crane, A. Jordan Olyver, H. Oliver de Eynciirt, ./. Oliverson, 38. Philip fil. Oliver, A. Simon fil. Oliver, A. Oilier (v. Oliver), 38. Ollivant, 487. Olver (i-. Oliver), 38. Olyfader, 511. Onehand, 441. William Onhand, /?. John Onehand, D. Onesiphonis, 102. Oncsiphonis Kittie, QQ. Openshaw, 117. Samuel Oiicnshawe, ZZ. Orbater, 400. Walter le Orbater, A. Orchard, in, 133. John de la Orcharde, A. Richard atte Orcheyerd, (/'. Orcharder, 261. Ordcincr, 179 n. John le Ordeiner, M. Stephen Ordinar, M. Orfevre, 400. John le Orfe\Te, A. Roger le Orfevre, M. Orfroiser, 346. John Orfroiser, H. Organer, 312. Peter le Organer, M. Adam Orgener, 312 ;/. Orger, 312. Robert Orger, M. Matilda Oregare, A. Orlando (v. Roland), 38. Orloger, 401. Walter Orlogyr, S. Bar- tholomew the Orologius. Orme, 25. William Orm, A. Ormus Archebragge, H. Ormcrod, 25, 120. Pcares Armerod, ZZ. Richard Ormerode, ZZ. Ormesby, 25. Richard Ormesbye, Z. Henry Ormesby, Z. Ormeson, 25. .Mice fil. Orme, ^. Adam fil. Orme, R. John fil. Orm, IF 19. Orped, 466. Stephen le Horpede, A. William le Orpede, A. Orpedman, 466. Thomas Orpedeman, A. Peter Orpedeman, P.. Orphanstrange, 430. John Orphan- strange, 430 //. Osbald, 23. Osbert, 23. Osbert de Bellebeck, R. Osbert le Ferrur, A. William fil. Osbert, C. Osborne, 23. Gerard fil. Osebernc, A. Osborne le Haukere, //. Os-ceytl, 24. Oscetyl, t-. yt. 24. Osgood, John Osegod, A. John Ose- gode, A'. Oskell {v. Osketyl), 25. 0.skell Somc- nour, A A 3. Osketyl (v. Oscetyl), 24. Osketyl, p. 2^ Osier, 290. Reginald le Osiler, T. Godfrey le Hoselur, A. Osmond, (23. Nicholas Osemund, ./f. Osmund, ( Richard Osmund, M. Ostler (i'. Osier), 290. Ral])h leHostiler, A. Richard le Hosteler, yl/. William le Ostiller, J. Ostriccr (r'. Astrier), 241. Robert le Ostricer, ,/. Alan le Ostrizer, L. William Ic Ostricer, T. Oswald, 23. John Oswald, M. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 581 Oswin, 23. Oswin Ogle, Wg. Otter, 489. Alan Otere, A. Edward Oter, A. Ould, 431. John le Olde, M. Outlaw, 182 //. William Outlawc, Vg. John Outlagh, A/. Richard Utlawe, A. Over, 127. Richard de Overe, A. Lucas de Overe, A/. Overend, 114, 128. William de Overende, A. Michael de Overende, A. Overman, 128. Owen, 12. Richard fil. Owen, .1. Alan Owayn, A. Oxenden, ii3. Alice de Oxcnden, B. Ivo de Oxinden, A/. Oxenhcrd, 267. Thomas Oxenhyrde, IV 2- John Oxenhyrde, 1^3. Oxherd, 267. Peter Oxhird, ll'' 2. Oxlee, ] I- 119- Oxiey, j Oysiler, 241. Walter le Oyselur, T. William le Oysellur, £. Idonea le Oyselur, A. , pACKER, 298. Mathew le Pakkere, -*• D. Adam le Packer, A/. William le Packere, y. Packman, 296, 298. Agnes Pakcman, B. Robert Pakeman, T. Padman, 293. Padre, 430. Ralph le Padre, A/. Pagan, 33. Paganala Legh, ^. Pagan de la Hale, A. Roger fil. Pagan, A. Page, 215. John le Page, A/. WilHam le Page, BB. Paillard, 479. Pain, Paine, I {v. Pagan), 33. Robert fil. -' Pain, A. Pain del Ash, Af. [ Robert Pain, li. Painter, 251. William le Painter, A/. Henry le Peintur, li. Palfrey, 490. Thomas Palfrei, A. Ri- chard Palefray, A. Palfreyer, 220, 285. Gill Palfreur, A. Roger le Palefreyour, IV 2. Palfreyman, 220, 285. John le Palfrey- man, Af. Robert Palfreyman, A. Palfriman (v. Palfreyman), 220, 285. Clement Palfryman, FF. Pallard, 479. Pallet, 459. Palliser, 258. John Pallyser, VV 9. Thomas Palysar, IV g. Pallister, 258. William Pallyster, IV g. John Palyster, IV 9. Robert Pay- lyster, I^Kii. Palmer, 195. Hervey le Palmer, A. Geoifrey le Palmere, B. John le Paumer, Af. Pannier, 368. Simon le Pannier, FF. Jordan Pannare, A. Editha Panier, A. Panter, f2io. Richard le Paneter, C. Panther, Robert le Panter, A. Geof- Pantler, ( frey le Paneter, G. Pantry, 136, 210. John de la Paneterie, A. Henry de la Paneterie, Af. Panyer, 368. Robert le Pannere, //. Amisius Panarius, A. Richard Pan- yere, N. Panyman, 368. Godfrey Panyman, //. Pape, 173. Hugh le Pape, y. Wil- liam le Pape, 7'. Parchmentcr, 405. William Parch- mentar, P/\ Parchmyner, 405. John le Parchmyner, B. Hamo le Parchemener, L. Chris- tiana le Parchemyner, (/. Geoffrey le Parcheminer, y. Pardew, 510. John Pardicu, //. Pardie (v. Pardew), 510. Pardoe (v. Pardew), 510. Pardoner, 195. Walter le Pardoner, Af. Thomas Pardoner, O. Pardow (v. Pardew), 510. Parent, 430. John Parent, A. Wil- liam Parent, /'. 582 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Parfay (v. Purefoy), 467. Geoffrey Par- fay, //. Eudo Parfey, A. Parfitt, 467. Robert Parfyte, B. Ro- bert Parfite, //. Pargeter, f^^^o- William Pargct^r. Z. PaiKiter ) ^'^^^^^^ Pi-rgitcr, Z. Eliza- ' ( beth Pergetor, /-V-'. Paris. John de Parys, B. Simon do Paris, Af. Parke, 231. Roger atte Parke, M. Jolin del Pare, A. Parker, 231. Hamo le Parkere, B. Robert le Parkere, G. Adam le Par- kere, M. Parkes, 89. Edward Parkes, Z. John Parkes, Z. Parkin, (89. William Parkyns, //. Parkins, | John Parkynne, FF. Parkinson, 89. Ann Parkinson, IV 9. Roger Parkinson, Z. James Parkyng- son, IV 2. Parkman, 231. Parlebien. Richard Parlebien, Af. Hervey Parleben, A. Parlour, 136. Henry del Parlur, B. Richard ate Parlur, Af. William Par- lour, VV 19. 1339. Geoftrey le Parmun- ter, A. Saher le Par- mentier, //. Hamo le Parmenter, T. Parmitcr, 339. William le Parmctcr, Af. Richard le Parmuter, .-/. Pamall, ((^- P^tronilla), 19, 66. Paniel r! „' i de la Le, A. Parnell Cot- Parnell, i, ton, Z. Parr, 88. Parramore, 477. Roger Paramour, Af. Henry Parramore, Z. Parrat, 88, 494. William Parrat, Z. Ralph Parratt, Z. Parrott, 88, 494. John Parrott, Z. Alice Parrott, Z. John Parol, IP' II. Parry, 51. Thomas ap-Harr)-, D. Pask, Paske, Hugh ap-Harrye, Z. Watkin ap- Parry, Z. Parson (i), 88. Robert Parson, F 10. John Paressone, I-'J'. (2), 187. William Persona, ./. Walter le P»rsone, //. Partrick, 494. William Partricke, Z. Partridge, 494. Richard Partriche, A. Ancelm Partrich, Af. Pascal, 62. Pascall Sloman, Z. Pascal the Physician, O. Paschal, 62. Paschal Balistarius, E. Paschal de Arnold, //. Paschal-Lamb, 509. Pascheson {v. Paschal). Antony Pasche- son, FF. Hugh fil. Pasche, A. Pash, 62. John Passhe, /'". Hugh fil. Pasche, A. 62. Alice Pascke, FF. Pas- kinus Mercator, C. John Pask, A. Passavant, 218. Roger Passavant, F. William Passavaunt, ff. Pastemaker, 364. Gregory le Paste- makere, X. John le Pastemakere, Af Paternoster, 341. William le Pater- noster, X. John Paternoster, A. Patience, 103. Edward Patience, QQ. Patient, 463. Pattener, 352. Robert Patener, H^ii. Pattenmaker, 352. James Patynmakerc, 5. Paul, 96. Paulinus de Bointon, .-f . Paulett, 97. John Paulctt, //. .\nne Pawlett, Z. Paulson, 97. Pauper, 430. Mathew le Paujjer, A. William le Pauper, A. Pavicr, 278, ;/. Gerard le Pavier, F. Pawlett, 97. Isabel Pawlett, B. Amys Pawlct, //. Pawson, 96. William Pavison, F William Pawson, IF 13. Paxman, 298. Roger Paxman, FF. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 583 Payn, Payne, Paynett, Pay not, Daniel Peachman, Robert Pearce, PAY '33. Payen le Doubbour, N. Payn le Fitz-waryn, M. Elis le Fitz-payn, M. [v. Payn), 33. John Paynett, Z. Henry Paynot, A. Emma Paynot, IV 2. Paynter, 251. Roger le Peyntur, T. Walter le Peyntur, J. Pe (-L>. Peacock), 493. Richard le Pe, A. Peacock, 144, 493. Ilenry Pecock, A. John Pekok, H. Peachman, 261. FF. Pearce [v. Piers), Z. Pearman, 261. Antony Pereman, Z. Pears, (v. Piers), 88. Peares Armerod, ZZ. John Pears, Z. Pearse (f. Piers), 88. Pearse Clement, Z. Pearse Edgcombe, Z. Pearson, 88. Edward Pereson, /''. John Peyrson, F. John Peresone, H. Peascod, 333 it, 485. Godwin Pescodde, FF. Nicholas Pescodde, Z. Peate, 432. Pecheress, 274. Agnes la Pecheresse, A. Pecheur, 274. Walter le Pecheur, A. Pecimer {v. Pessoner). Ralf le Pe- cimer, FF. Peckbean, 483. William Peckebcne, A. Peckbone, 483. IFir. Peckcheesc, 483. Pecksniff, 483. Peckweather, 483. A. Peddar, (293. Martin le Peddere, A. Pedder, \ Hugh le Peddcr, M. Pedifer, 437. Bernard Pedefer, G. Ful- bert Pedefer, X. William Pedefer, E. Pedlar, ( 293. W illiam Pedeleure, M. Pedler, | Thomas le Pedeler, DD, Thomas Pikebone, Alice Pcckeclicse, A. Ralph Peckewether, PEP Pedman, 293. William Pedman (Pipe Roll. Ric. i). Peel (i), 452. Thomas le Pele, M. Hugh le Pele, T. (2), 452. Roger of the Peele, 452 n. Robart of ye Peele, 452 n. Peers (f. Piers), 88. Richard Peers, F. Alice Peres, //. Peersdaughter. Isabella Peersdoghter, W 15. Isolda Peersdoghter, W 15. Peerson {v. Pearson), 88. Thomas Peerson, F. Laurence Perysson, //. Peile (v. Peel), 452. Peirs (v. Piers), 88. Peirson (f. Pearson), 88. William Peirson. Peiser (^'. Poyser), 411. Pelerin, 195. Simon Pellerin, A. \\'il- liam le Pelerin, E. Pelkeshank, 438. Thomas Pelkeshanke, X. Pelliper, 345. Joan Pellipar, FF. Miles Pellipare, A. Simon Pelliparius, A. Pelter, 345. Adam le Peleter, A. John le Peleter, G. Reyner le Peleter, M. Pender, 235. William le Pendere, A^. Penfold, 132. Agnes atte Punfald, A. Pennigar, j 200. Thomas le Penniger, Penniger, | E. William le Pennager, E. Penny, 513. Robert Peny, M. Richard Peny, H. Pennyfather, 482. Robert Pcnifader, R. Richard Penifadir, A. Roger Pcnyfader, X. Pennypuise, 482. Aluric Pcnipurs (Domesday). Penry (». Parry), 51. John Ap-Hcnry, 51 n. Pentecost, 62. Pentecost de London, E. Pentecost Serviius, E. John Pentecost, A. Pepper, 371. John Ic Pcpor, //. Mar- tin Peper, A. Peppercorn, 485. Geoffrey Pej^pcr- corn, A, 584 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Percy, 151. Henry de Percy, A. Wil- liam de Percy, A. Perfect (v. Parfitt), 463. Perfect-Sparrow, 508. _ . (h. Perkins), 88. Edmund Perkes _ , ' i Perke, /'V''. Thomas Perkes, Perks, I y Perkins, 88. Perkin Snode, Z. Perekin de Camera, £. Adam Perkyn, //. Perkinson, 88. Robert Perkynson, F. William Perkinson, H^g. Perler, 341. Thomas le Perler, X. William Pirler, IF 2. Pernell (v. Parnell), 66. Pernel Clcrc, A. Pernell Boulton, Z. Perot {v. Perrott), 89 «. Perrer, 261. Josceus le Pcrrer, E. Wil- liam le Perier, £. Perret, 89. Simon Pcret, .1/. Thomas Perret, //. Perriman, 261. William Peryman, A. Arthur Peryman, Z. Perren, | jg_ g^ p^^,,^ ^j ^ Perrin, | Perrott, 89. Perot Grucr, //. IIenr\- Perot, Af. . ■ ' Pessoner, 376. William le Pcssoner, A. Henry le Pessoner, C. Richard le Pessoner, 71/. Pessur, 274. Richard Ic Pessur, A. Hugh le Pesour, y. Godard le Pcscher, T. Pestur, 364. Herman le Pestur, A. Walter le Pestur, B. Richard le Pestour, Af. Peter, 88. Peter fil. Wnrin, Vl/. Hore- bert fil. Petri, T. Peterkin (i-. Perkin), 88. PetersQn, 88. Walter fil. Peter, ./. Adam fil. Petri, C. Peticurteis. Walter Peticurteis, A. William Petitkorteys, A. Petifer {v. Pcdifcr), 437. William Pctti- fer, /•■/'. Pelitjean (f, Littlcjohn), 503. PIC Petitpas, 440. John Petypasc, IV 11. Thomas Petitpas, MM. Pctitsire, 507. Warin Petitsire, A'. Petronilla, 19, 66. Simon fil. Petronillc, A. Nicholas fil. Petronelle, C. Petronil le Saucer, G. Pettifer (v. Pedifer), 437. Pettitt, 432. Hamo le Petit, A. Emma la Petite, T. Richard le Petit, C. Pettovine, 159. Peter le Pcttovin, B. Robert le Peytevinc, A^ Petty, (432. Simon Pctte, A. Hugh Pettye, ( Pety, A. Petyclerk, 508. Richard Pctyclerk, M. William Peticlerk, //. John Petielerk, 11^2. Petygard. Richard Petygard, /•"/■'. Petyson (f. Peterson), 88. William Pety son, /'"!/•". Pewter, ) _, ^ Pewterer U^s- Henry Pewterer, ZZ. Pewtrer.'J William Peuterere. 5. Pheasant, 494. William Phesant, Z. James Phesaunte, ZZ. Robert Fesant, A. Phelps {v. Philps), 90. John Phelpes, Z. Philcox, 90. Philemon, 100. Philemon I'owcU, TT. Philip, f90- John Phelip, M. Sibill Philips, Philip le fil. Philippi, 7'. Grant, 7". Philipson, 90. Thomas fil. Philip, Af. Christofer Philipson, ZZ. Phillot, 90. Phillpot (f. Philpol), 90. Philps (t'. Philips), 90. John Philpe, Z. Philpot, 90. Thomas Phylyjjotte, B. John Philipot, N. John Philypot, ff. Phipps, J90. William Phippes, //. Phipson, ( Thomas Phippes, Z. 159. Milo Pichard, Af. Colin le Picart, BB. Baldwin I'ikard, ./. Pickavant (f. Prikeavant), 450. Picard, Pickard INDEX OF INSTANCES. 585 PIC Pickerell, 497. German Pikerel, H. Sabina Pikerel, A. Picot (i-. Pigott). Pidgeon, 494. Richard Pigun, A. Honore Pidgeon, Z. Pierce, 83. Pierse Lloyd, Z. Pierce Butler, Z. Piers, 83. Pierres de Belegrave, M. Piers Emerik, H. I'ierson, 88. John Pierson, F. Mathew Pierson, H. Pigg, 491. John Pyg, H. Walter Pigge, A. Pigman, 270. Jordan Pigman (Pipe Roll. Ric. I.). John Pegeman, A. Pigott. Peter Pykot, R. Robert Pigot, A. Pigsflesh, 499. Reyner Piggesflesh, M. Pike, 459, 497. Richard Pyke, M. Randal Pike, ZZ. Pikeman, 222. Thomas Pikeman, R. Giles Pykeman, X. Pilate (v. Pilot). Pilchard, 497. Robert Pilchard, Y. Pitcher, 345. Hugh le Pilechcr, A. John Pilcher, G. Pilgrim, 195. John Pilegrim, A. Alice Pilgrim, Z. Pilot. Ivcta Pilate, J. William Pilot, J. Walter Pilat, A. Pimple. Pinchpenny, 482. Pinchshoc, 440. Thomas Pinchshu, A. Pindar, (^35- John le Pinder, E. j>- , ' \ Henry le Pynder, M. John ( le Pindere, T. Pinfold {v. Penfold), 132. Pinner, 320, 342. Andrew le Pynner, G. Walter le Pinner, X. Pinnick, | 495. John Pynnok,(^;. Richard Pinnock, \ Pinnoc, A. Pinsemaille, 483. Pinson, 34. Elias fil. Pagani, M. Robert Pynson, //. John Penyson, V\i. Wil- liam I'onison, / '3. Piper, 309. Robert le Pipere, M. Richard le Pipere, M. Arnald le Pyper. P. Pitkins, 90. Pitt. Robert in the Pyt, M. Nicholas de la Putte, A. Plaister, f^^o- John le Cementarius, ■n^ ■ ' B. Adam le Plastier, X. Plaisterer, \ ' p, Joanna Plaisterer, W 13. v William Plaisterer, tF 13. Plastow, 132. Robert atte Pleistowe, A. Nicolas de la Pleystowe, A. Plater, 223. Anna Playter, K Walter Playter, A. Platfoot, 440. Margaret Platfoot, FF. Piatt (i), 122. Roger del Plat, J. (2), Roger le Plat, H. Player, 305. Arthur Player, Z. Playfair, 475. William Plaifare, IK 9. Pleader, 180. Alured le Pledur, T. Henry le Pleidour, A. Plow, 144. John Plu, A. John Plough, FF. Plowday, 63. William Plouday, A. Plowman, 256. John le Plouman, A. John le Ploghman, A. Plovvright, 277. William le Plowritte, ^f. William le Ploughwryte, M. Catha- rine Ploughwright, IK 2. Plowstaff, 462. Thomas Ploghstaf, I K 1 1. Pluckrose, 485. Roger Pluckrose. Plumber. Johnle Plumber, O. Plumer, 336. Peter le Plomer, M. Jileyn Plomier, //. Mariot le Plumer, T. I'himmcr, 336. Simon le Plummcr, O. Walter Plummer, Z. Plumiitree, ) \ 129 Plumtree, j Plunket, 454. Pockred, 445. Thomas Pockred, A. Pocock, 493. William Pocock, M. Geoffrey Pococ, A. Poer, 430. Arnald le Poer, M. Walter k' Poer, /;". Nicholas le Poer, A, 586 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Poignant, 465. Gilbert Poygnant, y. rointdexter, 511. J. Poyndexter, 511 «. Pointer, 347. John le Poyntour, B. Robert le Poyntour, T. Pointmaker, 347. William Poyntmakere, S. Pollard, 451. Henry Pollard, M. Wil- liam Polard, A. Pollinger {v. Bollinger), 364. William Pal linger, Z. PoUitt (v. Paulett), 97. James Polet, O. Poison (v. Powlson), 80, 96. Pond. Sewal atte Ponde, M. Thomas atte Ponde, B. Pontifex, 173. Pontiff, 174. Richard Puntif, A. Poore, 430. Roger le Povere, A. Wil- liam le Poure, B. Robert le Poor, R. Poorfish, 500. John Pourfisshe, M. Pope, 173. Hugh le Pope, A. Alanle Pope, A. Popgay, (228, 494. Robert Popin- Popingay, \ geay, FF. Richard Pop- Popinjay, i ingay, TT. Popkins (v. Hopkins). Hopkyn ap Pop- kin, Z. Poplett, 475. Poppett, 475. Porchcr, 270. Emma la Porchcr, A. Roger la Porcher, B. Gilbert le Porchcr, H. Pork, 491. John Poik, Af. Porkeller, 270. Geoffrey Ic Porkuiller, E. Porker, 270. John le Porker, A. Thomas le Porkere, A. Port. Charles le Port, BB. Oliva Ic Port, BB. Porter, 204. Alan le Porteur, E. Albin le Portour, A'. Wybert le Porteur, /,. Portgreeve [v. Portreeve), 233. Porthorse, 490. John Portehors, ^"8. Ralph Portehors, F8. Portman. Christina Port man, B. Wil- liam Portman, //. Portreeve, 233. William le Portreve, A. Augustin le Portreve, A. Portwine, 159. Presiosa Potewyne, A. Henry le Poytevin, y. Peter le Pet- tevin, L. Potiphcr (v. Pedifer), 437. Potkin, 90. Thomas Potkin, HH. Potman, 393. Thomas Potman, FF. Henry Potcman, H. Potter, 393. Ranulph le Potcr, ./. Wal- ter le Poterc, ^V. Adam le Potter, M. Potticary, 382. William Apotecarius, A. Pottinger, 207. Robert le Potager, G. Walter le Potager, M. John Potengcr, F. Potts, 90, 144. Roger Potts, W 16. Deborah Potts, W 16. Poucher, 348, 398. Henry Pouchcr, B. Pouchmaker, 348, 397. William Pouche- maker, H. Agnes Pouchemaker, IV 2. Poulet (v. Paulelt), 97. Poulter (i'. Pulter), 376. Pounder, 235. Richard le Pundere, T. William le Pondere, A. Poundsend, 114. John de Poundesend, D. Pourtraycr. Richard le Pertriur, IP' 4. Geoffrey le Purtreour, X. Powell, 13, 97. Elizabeth Ap-Howcll, B. John Ap-Howcll, D. John Ap- powell, F. Power, 430. Thomas le Power, B. Wil- liam le Povere, H. Walter le Powere, -V/. Powlett (v. Paulett), 97 Powlson, 96. Geoffray Poulson, Z. Alberte Powlson, Z. James Poulson, \Vi6. Poyntel, 401. John Povntel, X. Roger Poyntcl, X. Poynter {t: Pointer), 347. Thomas Ic Poyntour, Af, Vasse le Poyntur, A, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 587 Poyser, 411. Josceus le Peisur, DD. Frail, 154. William de Prahell, E. Praise-God-barebones, 102. Prall (z: Prail), 154. Preacher, 191. Thomas le Prechur, T. John le Precheur, A. Jacob Preacher, W-zo. Preece, 12. Hopkin ap Rees, C. Robert Prees, H. Prentice, (382. William le Prentiz, G. Prentis, | Nicholas Apprenticius, G. Prest, 467. Peter le Prest, M. Walter le Prest, H. Prester, 187. Joseus Presbiter, B. . Thomas le Prestre, A. Richard le Presture, FF. Prettiman, 443. William Prettiman, /'"/•'. Katharine Prettyman, Z. Pretty, 443. Edmond Prettie, Z. Thomas Prettye, Z. Prevost (v. Provost), 185. Prew, 466. William le Prue, B. Price, 12. Philip ap Rys, C. Lodovicus Apprise, F. John Apryce, /''. Prickadvance (v. Prikeavant), 450. Prickett, 489. Richard Priket, M. Prickherring. John Prikehering, A. Pricktoe, 440. Peter Pricktoe, M. Pride, 464, 476. Richard Pride, T. Roger Pr)'de, R. Pridham, 477. William Prodhomme, R. Peter Prodhomme, A. Priest (v. Prest), 187. Thomas Freest, A. Friestman, 187. Robert Frestman, A. George Prestman, W 9. Priestson, 65. William le Prestessonc, G. Simon fil. Presbiter, A. Prikeavant, 450. William Prikeavant, A. Simon Prickadvance (Lower's Die.) Primate, 187. William Primate, /•"/''. Primrose, 485. Richard Frimerose, FF. Robert Primerose, FF. Prince, 174. Ellice Prince, /,. Jeffrey Prynce, Z. Prior, 191. Roger le Priour, B. Richard le Prior, A. WilHam le Priur, E. Priorman, 188. Symon Priorman, W i^. Agnes Priorman, IVz^. Pritchard, 12. John Aprichard, F. \\o Ap-Richard, G. Probert, 12, 39. Lloyd ap Robert, ZZ. Ellice ap-Robert, Z. Probyn, 39. William ap Robyn, H. William Ap-robyn, XX i. Proctor. William le Procurator, R. John le Procuratour, D. Prodger, 12, 40. Roger Aproger, ZZ. Properjohn, 46, 503. Prophet. John Prophete, V 2. Prosser, 13. David ap-Rosser, F. Robert ap Rosser, H. John Approsser, Z. Proud, 464, 476. Hugh le Proud, A. Ro- bert le Proude,/)/). Lewis Prowd, V7. Proudfoot, 440, 464, 476. Robert Prude- fot, A. William Proudfot, H. Proudman, 476. Proudlove, 476. Peter Froudlove, FF. George Proudelove, ZZ. Prout, 476. Thomas le Prute, A. John le Prute, H. Cristma le Prute, A. Proutpiere, 504. William Proutepiere, M. Provence, ) Province, j Provis, I 185. Geoffrey le Provost, Fro\ost, I H. Walter le Provost, J. Frovostson, 65. Robert fil. Provost, r. Fruce, 163. Hugh le Fruz, M. \\'il- liam le Pruz, y. Prudame (v. Fridham), 477. Prude, 464, 476. Elias le Prude, A. William le Prude, T. Frudcn, 477. Prudence, 103. Richard Prudence, FF. Prudence S_penser, W 1^. Frudhomme, 477, 507. John Prudhomc, A. William I'rodhomme, //. John Frudhome, Af, 588 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Puigneur, Puinnur, Prujean, 46, 503. Anne Prujean, V 10. Francis Pnijan, F5. Pryor {v. Prior), 191. Robert Pryer, A. Pudding, 431. Peter Pudding, A. Henry Pudding, X. Pugh, 12. Morice Apew, H. [320. Robert le Puigneur, C. William le Pugneor, C. Robert le Puinnur, E. Pulter, 376. Osbert le Puleter, A. Adam le Poleter, M. Pumphrey, 12. John ap Houmfrey, Z. Humfrey ap Humfrey, Z. Punch. Roger Punch, T. Robert Punche, A. Punshon, 144. Elizabeth Puncheon, Purcell, 491. John Purcel, M. Roger Purcell, 7. Purcfoy, 467. Arthur Purejoy, /''/•'. Puregold, 428. Margaret Puregold, FF. Purfey (v. Purefoy), 467. Purser, 348, 398. William Purser, D. Robert le Purscre, G. Pursuivant. Thomas Purscvaunt, I'j. Faulcon Pursevaunt, XX. r. Puttinger (:'. Pottinger). Robert Pcw- tinger, Z. Puttock, 493. Richard Puttak, A. Letice Puttoc, A. Pyatt, 494. Pycard {v. Picard), 159. Henry Pykard, M. Roger Pycard, //. Pye, 494. William Pye, A/. Jolin le Pie, A. Pyebaker, 364. Andrew le Pyebakcre. X. Pyet, Pyett Pylch, 457. Symon Pylche, A. Pyletok, 457. Thomas Pyletok, A 494. QUAINT, 471, 507. Margaret le Coynte, B. Richard le Queynle, B. Michael le Queynt, j\f. Quarrier, 249. Adam le Quarreur, M. Hugh le Quareur, A. Quarterman, 437. Guy Quatreman, B. Richard Catermayn, H. Thomas Quatermains, .Af Quatrefages, 129. Queen, 174. Matilda Ic Qucn, A. Simon Queue, A. Queenmay 176 n. Warin le Quenc-may E. Querdelynn, 499. Ralph Querdelynn, T. William Querdelion, X. Quick, 465. Robert Quic, A. Richard Quicke, Z. Qaickly, 465. Quickman, 465. Adam Quikeman, A. Thomas Quikman, M. Quilter, 358. Egidius le Quylter, y. Thomas le Queylter; T. Richard le Quilter, A. Quiltmaker, 358. John Quyltemaker, H. n AFF {v. Ralf), 36. Amice Raffe. A. ■^ Raffe Barton, Z. Raffman, 355. John Raffman, 356. Raffson {v. Raft), 36. Peter Ralfson, ZZ. Ragg, 431. Ragged, (431. Robert le Ragidde, A. Raggett, I Thomas le Raggede, B. Ragman. Richard Ragman, A. Rain, 495, Robert le Rain, J. Wil- liam le Rain, J. Raines, ( 169. Richard de Rcnncs, R. Rains, i William de Rainis, K. Rakestraw, 483. William Rakestraw, Wii. „ .- (^36. Ralph le Gras, /?. Ralph n' , ', i fil. Ivo, 7". John Radul- ''"'''"• i fus./. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 589 Ram (i), 145, 485. Thomas atte Ram, .V. Hugh de Ram, A. (2), 485. Geoffrey le Ram, A. Jocelin le Ram, T. Ramage, 484. \\'illiam Ramage, B. Ramsden, 118. Geoffrey de Ramesden, A. Adam de Rammesdene, A. Ramshaw, 117. William Ramshaw (Court of High Com. Sur. Soc.). John Ramshaw, IV 16. '(■^ Randle, Randall, Ranger, 232. . Ralph), 37. Randal Wylmyslow, F 11. Ran- dle de la Mill, A. Ran- dulf Cissor, A. Francis Ranger, Z. Ro- bert Ranger, Z. Rankin, 41. Gilbert Renekyn, A. Richard Reynkyn, H. Ranson {%'. Rankin), 41. Thomas Ranson, I V 20. Raper(t'. Roper), 399. William Raper, IVg. Rapkin, 37. Rapson, 37. John Rapson, Z. Rascal, 488. John Raskele, //. Henry Rascall, Z. Maria Rascall, J^/e r. Rash. Roger le Resh, /-V-". Ratcliffe, 124. Richard dc Radcclivc, A". William de Radeclive, A. Ratt, 493. Walter le Rat, J. Nicholas le Rat, A. Rattlebag, 501. John Rattilbaggc, A. Raton, 493. Ralph Ratun, A. Raven, 494. John Raven, /'. Alex- ander Raven, //. Rawes, 37. Roger Rawe, Z, Humfrey Rawe, Z. Rawkins, 37. Joane Rawkyns, Z. Wal- ter Ravvkyns, Z. 37. Raulyn de la Fer- merie. A/. Raulina de Briston, F/''. Raulinus Bassett, £, ' 37. Robert Rawlyng- son, ZZ. John Raw- lynson, F. Rawlings, Rawlins, Rawlingson, Rawlinson, Rawson, 37. John Rawson, F. Diony- sia Rawson, IV 2. Ray, 488. Reginald le Raye, A. Philip le Rey, £. Rayden, 118. Reade, 445. Roger le Rede, C. Adam le Rede, H. Reader, 247. William le Redere, X. Emma le Redere, A. Receiver. Richard le Receyvour, A A 3. Ric le Recevour, IV. 15. Red, 445. William le Red, A'. Isabel le Red, A. Redbeard, 449. Alexander Redbeard, 449 «• Redclerk, 506. John le Redeclerk, Vg. Redclitfe, 124. 'I'homas de Radcliff, //. Redhead, 447. John Redheved, A. William Redehead, IV 2. Thomas Readhead, 11^20. Redherring, 500. William Redherring, Af. Redking, 505. Rjchard Redeking, A. Walter Redeking, A. Redman, 445. Robert Redeman, A. John Redman, A. Brian Redman, IK 16. Redmayne, 125. William Redmaine, IF 16. Adam de Redmayne, H. Redness, 125. John Redness, IF 9. Thomas Redness, IF 2. Redsmith {z'. Rodesmith), 281. Recce {v. Rees), 12. Reed, 445. Hamo le Rede, A. Ama- billa la Rede, A. Rees, 12. Hopkin ap Rees, C. Henry fil. Reys, A. Rees ap Howell, J/. Reeve, 233. John le Reve, A/. Sager le Reve, H. Thomas le Reve, y. Reformation, 102. Reginald, 18, 41. Roysia fil. Reginald, A. Reginald le Porter, y. Reid {v. Readc), 445. Religious, 190. Walter Ic Religieuse, £. 590 INDEX OF INSTANCES. REN Renard {v. Reynard), 41, 489. Renaud (i), 41. Adam fil. Reinaud, A. Renaud Balistarius, C. (2), 489. John le Renaud, //. Rennison (v. Reynerson), 41. Anne Ren- nison, IV 14. Thomas Rennison, IF 20. William Renyson, F. Repentance, 103. Repentance Tomp- son, QQ. Replenish, 103. Replenish French, 103. Reuter, 201. Thomas le Renter, N. Ranulph le Ruter, 7. Adam le Ruter, £. Revetour, 189 n. Will, le Revetour, W II. Joan Revetour, IF 11. Wil- liam Revetour, IF 17. Reynard {v. Renaud, i), 41. Godfrey Reynaud, A. Reynardson, 41. William fil. Reynaud, A. Joseph Reynardson, IF 11. Reyner. Reyner de Aula, A. Reyner le Blake, A. Reyner Custance, A. Henry Reyner, IF 16. Reynerson (v. Reyner). John Reyner- son, IF 10. Reynold, 1^41. Robert Reynold, X. Reynoldson, j Robert Reynoldson, IF. Reynolds, i 16. Emme Raynold, ^. Reyson. Peter Rcysonnc, IF. 18. Rhymer, 313. Ralph Rymer, IF 16. Ribaud, 479. Philip Ribaud, IF 15. Will, le Ribote, y. Rice (v. Price), 12. Hugh ap Rys, C. Rice Mansel (Princess Mary, Privy E.\penses). Richard, 40. Richard fil. Milo, T. Durand fil. Richard, A. (40. John Richardesonne, Z/.. Thomas Rychcrde- son, /''. John Rychart- son, IF 19. Riche, 430. Swanus le Riche, A. Reimbal le Riche, C. Genasc le Riche, //. Richelot, 16, 40. Robert Richelot, IV 15. Robert Richelot, J?J?. Rikelot, CC i. Richson, 40. Thomas Richeson, IF 9. Rickards, 40. Thomas fil. Ricard, A. Hugh Ricard, y4. Rycardus, IF 19. Ricketts, 40. Ricks, J40. Cuthbert Ricerson, IF3. Rickson, I John Rycerson, IF 3. Rider, 232. Roger le Rider, ^. Stephen le Ridere, A. Robert le Rider, F8. Ridler, 275. John Ridler, Z. William Rydler, Z. Righteous. John Rightwyse, H. John Rightwys, X. Ritson (v. Rickson), 40. Ritter (v. Reuter), 200. River-Jordan, 509. Ri.x (7: Ricks), 40. Ri.\on (v. Rickson), 40. Laurence Ri.xon, Z. Roan, 170. Robarts, 39. Thomas Robart, //. Robelot (v. Robert), 75 //. Henry Robe- lot, A. Ric Robelot, A. Rus Roba- lot, A. Roberds, 39. Walter Roberd, H. Wil- liam Roberd, A. Robert, 39. Robert fil. Ivo, T. Robert de Romeny, A. Robcrtot {v. Robert), 39. William Robertot, A. 39. Bate fil. Robert, A. Wacius fil. Robert, G. Edmund Roberteson, //, Robin {v. Robins), 39. Robinet, 39. Richard Robynet, //. Robinet of the Hill, Y. Robinhood, 39. Thomas Robynhod, <■• P- 39- Robins, 39. William Robyn, A'. Robin le Herberjur, /?. Dera Robins, A. Robinson, 39. Roland Robynson, H. John Robbynson, Z. Robison, 39. John Robeson, IF9. Ro- bert Robcrson, II' 16. Roberts, Robertson, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 591 Robkin {v. Robert), 39. Adam Robe- kin, A. Stephen Robekin, /I/. Robson, 39. Edward Robson, //. Thomas Robson, IV g. Robuck, 145, 485. WilHam atte Roe- buck, Af. Roger Robuck, IV 16. Rodd, 461. Rodds, 119. Francis Rods, Z. Roden, 118. William Rodden, Z. Rodes, 119. Raffe Rodes, Z. Godfrey Rodes, Z. Rodesmith, 283. John Rodesmithe, D. Rodgers, 40. Hugh Roggers, //. Roe (i), 443. Alicia le Ro, A. (2), 145, 485. John de la Roe, O. Roefoot, 439. Roger, 18, 40. James fil. Roger, T. Roger le Riche, N. Rogercock {v. Roger), 40. Stephen Rogekoc, A. Rogers, 40. William Rogers, ^. Henry Rogers, A. Rogerson, 40. Richard Rogersonne, ZZ. Ranulf fil. Roger C. Rokster, 381. Juliana Rokster, /?J? 2. Roland {v. Rowland), 38. Rolond le Lene, A. John Roland, //. Rolfe {v. Ralph). John Rolff, //. Sarra Rolf, A. Rollins (v. Rawlins), 37. RoUinson (v. Rawlinson), 37. Romaine, f^^^" J°^" le Romayn, Z. Romayne, ^^^'"^'^ ^'^ Romayn, A. ( John Roman, VV 17. Romer, 195. Christiana la Romere, A. Stephen Romer, ZZ. Rood, 130. William de la Rude, A. Richard de la Rude, //. Rook, 267 », 494. Geoffrey le Roke, A. William le Ruk, A. Adam le Roe, A. Rookherd, 267. Henry le Rochyrde, A. Roper, 399. Simeon le Roper, A. Ro- bert le Ropere, A^. Alvena le Roper, RUD Rosamund, 19. Rosaxnunda, A. Rosser (v. Prosser), 13. Rosser Morres, Z. Rose, 142, 485. John de la Rose, T. Nicholas de la Rose, A. Roughead, 447. Robert Rogheved, R. Josias Roughead, 447. John Rough- heved, RR i. Round, 431. Robert Rounde, Z. Roundhay, 133. Rountree {v. Rowntree). Rous, 444. Jordan le Rous, B. Henry le Rous, A". Ivo de Rous, J. Rouse, 444. Juliana le Rouse, ^. Alice Rouze, A. Rowden, 118. William de Ruweden, A. Simon de Ruweden, A. Rowe, 443. William le Roo, A. Thomas le Roo, A. Rowland, (S^- Roulandus Bloet, C. Rowlands, Ro^^land Robynson, H. \ Rowland fil. Roulandi, T. Rowlandson, 38. William Rollandson, F. Richard Rowlinson, W 2. Ro- bert Rowelyngsonne, ZZ. Rowlett, ( ^\ Ro^^lf "d), 38 Joane Row- Rowlet, I 'f""i ^^'^^ ^°"'f ' \ HH. Mathew Rowlett, Y. Rowley, 119. Geffery Rowley, Z. Hew Rowley, Z. Rowlson [v. Rowlandson), 38. Francis Rowlson, Z. Rownthwaite, 121. Thomas Rounth- waite, W 16. Henry Rownthwaite, ZZ. Rowntree, 129. William Rowentree, W \(> Ralph Roentree, n'20. Royds, 119. Royal-King, 508. Fioylance, 459. Rudd, 130. Margaret atte Ruddr, y. Agnes Rudde, A. Rudder, 130. William Rudder, /., Ruddick {v. Ruddock), 495. Ruddiman, 130. 592 INDEX OF INSTANCES. RUD Ruddock, 495. Ralph Ruddoc, A. Edward Ruddock, \V 16. Rufhead (v. Roughead), 397. Rumbelow, 512. Stephen Rumbilowe,//. Rummager, 483. Ilonorius le Rumon- gour, A'. Rummelowe (v. Rumhelow), 512. Rummcy (v. Rumney), 169. Rummiley (v. Rumbelow), 512. Rumney, 169. Alan de Romeny, T. John de Romeneye, O. Robert de Romeny, F. Runchiman, \ Runchman, j-286. Runciman, ) Runcy, 286, 490. Lawrence Runcy, A. Thomas Runcy, ^. Roger Runcy, FB. Russe, 162. Martin le Rus, A. Wil- liam le Ruse, B. Hugh le Ruse, E. Russell, 445. Willecoccus Russel, A. Miriel Russel, A. Ruler, 1 , ^ Rutter, [ ^''- R^"'^"")' =°°- Ryecroft, 132. Richard de Ricroft, R. Robert Ryecroft, Z/.. Ryder, 232. Roger le Rydere,^/. Ralph le Ryder, J. Rylands, 459. ^72. Sabina Pikerel, A. gABIN, Sabina Gay lard, //. Sabma, Sabinus Chambre, r4. Sacker, 319. John Sakkcre, //. Adam le Sakkere, X. Sadd, 469. Robert Sad, //. William Sad, R. Sadler, 289. John le Sadelcr, AT. John Sadeler, //. Saer (v. Saher), 25. Sacr Batagle, A. John fil. Saeri, A. Sacr Rude, A. Sage, 463. Jacob le Sage, C. Geoffrey le Sage, T. Saher, 25. Sahcnis de Braban, E. Saher Clerk, C. Saher le King, //, SAR Sailor, 408. JohnleSaillur, ^. Nicholas le Saler, A. Saint. William le Seynt, DD. Sale, 136. Alexander de la Sale, /?. Katerina de la Sale, J. John de la' Sale, T. Sallow, 152. Giles St. Lowe, //. Mar- garet St. Lcwe, //. Salmon, 446. Elizabeth Salmon, G. Salter, 31^;, 371. Walter le Salter, A. John le Salter, M. Salmon, 83. Salomon. Salvage (f. Savage), 484. William Iq. Salvage, D. Geoffrey Ic Salvage, E. Samand, 152. Almaric de St. Amando, B. John de St. Amand, M. Sample (v. Semple), 152. Samms (v. Samuel), 83. (83. Samson deBattisford, Sampson, J A. Sampson de Box, A. Samson, Sampson Darnebrougli, ^ Jri6. Samuel, U .samucll Ellis. rri6. Samuelson, ) Sandeman {v. Samand), 152. .Sandcrcock, 98. Sanders (v. Saunders), 98. Sanders Ewart, W 9. Roger Alisander, R. William Sandre, A. Sanderson, 98. Sanger, 313. Adam le Sangere, T. Sangster, 313. Willametta Cantatrix, E. Sapphira, 101. Sapphira Leighton, loi //. Sarah, 23. Sarra Malet, A. Sarra le Cornmongerc, T. William fil. Sarra, T. Sarasin, 166. Peter Sarracen, C. Henry Sarrasin, y. William Sarazein, C. Sargant, a Sargeant, Sargeaunt, Sargent, (f. S;irjant), 180. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 593 Sarjant Sarjeant, ' SAR ■ 1 80. John le Serjant, A. Roesia la Seijaunte, y. Gocelin le Seijaunt, N. Sarra {v. Sarah), 82. Sarson (i), 82, 166. Nicholas fil. Sarre, A. William fil. Sare, Z?Z). (2), {v. Sarasin), 166. John Sarcs- son, FF. Saturday, 63. Saucemaker, 371. Joan Sausemaker, Saucer, 371. Robert le Sauser, H. Matilda le Sausere, B. Roger le Sau- ser, A^. Saul, 136. Saundercock, 98. Edward Saundercock, Q- Saunder, f ('-^^ Sanders), 98. John Ali- c J A saundre, AI. John Saun- i dors, ZZ. Saunderson, 98. Thomas fil. Saundre, A. George Saunderson, ZZ. J, i 484. Adelmya le Sauvagc, J, ' \ y. Henry le Sauvage, B. \ John le Savage, H. Savonier, 372. Agneta le Savoner, A. Adam le Savonier, E. Savvard (v. Seward), 25. Sawkin {v. Saunder). John Sawkyn, ZZ. Sawtrer, 311. William le Sautreour, X. Sawyer. Geoffrey le Savvere, A. Walter le Sawyere, G. Henry le Saghier, M. Saxton {v. Sexton), 189. Say (i), 213. William le Saye, A. John Ic Say, M. (2), 213. Geoffrey do Say, M. Hugh de Say, A. Sayer {v. Saher), 25, 405. Sayer Herberd, A. Sayer Lorimer, D. Agnes Sayer, N. Saykin [v. Sayer). Saykin Budc, ^/. Scambler, 440. Scarlett, 446. Hugh Skarlet, D. Eliza- beth Scarlet, //. Scattergood, 500. Wimcotc Schatregod, Q Scriven, Scrivener, SFX A. Thomas Skatergoode, F. Mathew Scatcrgude, IV 2. Schalk, 212. Doctor Schalke, 212 n. Scharpe [v. Sharp), 412. Schoolmaster, 197. Thomas Skolmaystcr, B. Scissor, 340. William le Scissor, C. German Scissor, T. Sclater, 248. Adam le Sclattcrc, ..-/. Roger Sclatiere, A. Scolardson, 65. John Scolardesson, M. Scorchbeef, 500. Simon Schorchebef, A. Roger Scorchebof, A. Scot (v. Escot), 148. William le Scot, B. Walter le Scot, C. Maurice le Scot, y. Scratchhose, 457. John Scrothose, M. Scrimminger, 220. Scrimshaw {v. Skrimshire), 220 406. William le Scnvayn, y. John le Scriveyn, L. Clara le Scrivyn, A. Scuteler, 389. James le Scutelairc, //. Robert Scutellarius, E. Scutehnouth, 390, 501. Arnald Scutcl- muth, A. Seabourne, 26. .\lexander S;jbcrn, A. Sealer {v. Seller), 406. Sealey, 470. Nicholas Sely, .1/. Thomas Sely, N. Seaman, 26. Seaman le Baylif, y. Sea- man Carpenter, A. Seaman Cham- payne, B. Seamer (?■. Seymour), 340. James Sca- mer, IV 16. Scarle (i'. Serlc), 27. William Scrle, C. Searson {v. Saer), 25. Seer le Fabcr, A. Seer do Freville, A. Seaward (t'. Seward), 25. Secretain {v. Sexton), 189. Secular, 190. Alexander le Seculer, /,. Nicholas le Secular, //. Walter le Seculer, A. Seculer {v. Secular), 158. Q 594 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Sempill, Semple, Seeley(r. Sealey), 470. William Sely, ^. Segar, 25. Eudo fil. Sygar, C. Eudo fil. Seger, E. Seller, 289, 406. John le Seler, G. Waxin le Seler, N. Hugh le Seler, O. Bellinger (y. Steleger), 152. Roger de Seint-Leger, M. Sellman, \ Thomas Selman, Z?. Selman, ) ^^ Selyman, 470. George Selyman, D. Robert Selyman, H. Seman (f. Seaman), 26. Semper, 152. Agnes Seynpere, D. John Seyntperc, C. Robert de Seyntpere, M. {v. Semple), 152. John de St. Paul, H. Robert de Seint Poul, M. Sempster, 340. Peter le Scmestre, A. Elen Semster, IF 2. Emma Scmister, W^. Hellen Simstcr, IFi6. Senecal {v. Senechal), 211. Senechal, 211. Alexander le Seneschal, B. William le Seneschal, H. Ivo Seneschallus, T. Senior, 429. Michael le Seigneur, E. William le Seignour, M. Edmund Seignyowr, W 2. Thomas Senior, W\6. Senlez, [ 152. Guy de Saintliz, M. Si- Senlis, | mon de Seintliz, E. Serelson (f. Serlson), 28. Ri. Serelson, M. Sergcantson, 65. Thomas Sergcauntson, H. Sergent, Sergeant Sergcantson. Thomas Sargandson, \V II. Henry Serchauntson, \V \\. Scrgison (v. Sergcantson), 65. Mary Sergison, IF 16. Scrlc, 27. Serle Gotokirke, A. John fil. Serlo, A. Scrl fil. Ade, A. Serlson, 27, ;/. Hugh Serlson, M. (f. Scrjant), 180. SHA Richard Serelson, M. William Serle- son, I^^2. Serrell (f. Serle and Serlson), 27. Setter, 227. Clement le Settere, N. Alexander le Settere, X. Severe, 468. John le Severe, A. Seward, 25. Syward Godwin, y. Siward Oldcorn, L. Richard Seward, A. Sewer, 212. Robert le Suur, A. Henry le Suur, Cr. Nicholas le Suur, A. Sexton, 189. William Sexten, '/.. Robert Sextin, Z. Richard Sekkesteyn, /•'/■". John Sixton, \V 16. Seymour, 152. Elizabeth Seyntmaur, D. Henry de St. Maur, M. Shacklock, 447. Johannes Schaklok, IF 2. Shailer, 440. Shakelance, 461. Henry Shakelauncc, A. Shakelock, 447. Hamo Shakeloc, A. Simon Shakclok, .1/. Shakeshaft, 461. Anne Shakcshaft,i'. p. 461. Hugh Shakeshaft, v. p. 461. Shakespeare, 461. William Shakesjxirc. V. Shallcross, 117. Humfrey Shallcross, £■. Shambler, 440. Shanks, 437. Stephen Schankes, A. Shark, 497. Sharman [v. Sherman), 327. Sharp, 465. Thomas Scharp, //. Alex- ander Scharp, A. Sharparrow, 465. John Sharparrow, IF 2. William Siiarparrow, IF ir. Oswin Sharparrow, W '^. Shavenhead, A., 447. Robert Shevene- hod, A. Shaver, 384. Jeffery Schavcre, EE. Shave-tail, 384. Henry Shavetail, A' A" i. Shaw, 117. John altc Schawe, H, Thomas de Shaghc, M. Shawcross (v. Shallcross), 117. Shayler, Shaylor, 440. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 595 Shearer, 327. Richard le Sherere, M. Reginald le Scherere, M. Shearman {v. Sherman), 327. John le Sheremon, M. Shearsmith, 282. Walter le Schere- smythe, M. Sheather, 223. Sheerwind, 439. Richard Sherewynde, D. Henry Scherewind, A. Sheepshank, 438. Sheepshead, 435. John Schepished, PP. William Schepished, PP. Sheeter, 358. Hugh le Shctare, AI. Roger le Schetere, AI. Sheldrake, ( 494. John Sheldrake, D. Sheldrick, ( Adam Sceyldrake, A. Shepherd, 267. Margaret le Shepherde, A. John le Shepherde, .1/. Josse Ic Sephurde, A. Shepperdson, 65. Alice Shippcrdson, IV g. William Shipperdson, SS. Sherman, 327. Robert le Sherman, M. William le Sherman, R. Sherriff. Thomas le Shirreve, B. Lena le Shireve, A. Shilling, 513. Robert Shillyng, RR i. Shingler, 248. Shipgroom, 409. John Shipgroom, G. Shipley, 119. Shipman, 408. William Shypman, B. Alexander Schipman, //. Shipper [v. Skipper), 408. Shipward, 409. John Shypward, D. John Shipward, H. Shipwright, 277. Hugh le Schipwryte, A. Simon Shepewright, ZZ. Shirriff (f. Sherriff). Roger le Shyrcve, L. Nicholas Sherreve, L. Shoebeggar, 314 «. Simon le Shobeg- gere, A. Shoemaker, 351 ti. Christopher Shoo- maker. John Showmakcr, v. p. Harry Shomaker, v. p. Richard Shomaker, Shoosmith,282, Henry Shughsmy the, IV. Q Shore, 127. Short, 431. Richard Ic Shortc, M. Richard Short, J. Shorter, 432. John Shorter, H. Anna Shawter, W 20. Shorthose, 456, Shortman, 431. Shotbolt, 462. John Shotbolt, ////. Thomas Shotboltc, Z. Shoveller, | g Showier, j Shreeve {v. Sherriff), 179. Shunchrist. William Shonecrist, A. Shuxsmith, 282. Margerie Shughsmythe, AA I. Henry Shughsmythe, A A 1. Sibbald, 26. Sibbald Jones, QQ. Sibbes (z'. Sibson), 72. Sibilla, [v. Sybilla), 72. Siborne (y. Seabourn), 26. Sibson, 72. Richard fil. Sibille, A. John Sybson, 11^9. Sicklefoot, 440. Gilbert Sikclfot, M. Sicklesmith, 282. John Sykelsmith, B. Sidney, 152. Silence, 104. Silence Leigh, 104 11. Sillery, 152. Silly, 470. Benedict Sely, D. Silly barn, 471. Thomas Selybam, IV 11. Sillyman, '470. George Selynian, D. John Seliman, A. Silverlock, 447. Richard Selverlok, A/. James Silverlock, HH. Alex Silver- lock, Vs- Silverspoon, 144. Silvester. Silvestrc le Enncysc, A. Thomas fil. Silvestrc, A. Simbarb, 75 n., 152. Thomas Seynt- barbe, B. Jordan de St. Barbe, M. William Sembarbc, V 2- Simcock, I o t ~ c \ itr •89. Tames Sympcock, IVo. Snncox, J Simister {%: Summistcr), 206. Jolin Somayster, /•'. William Summaster, Z. Simkins (f. Simpkins), 89. Q 2 596 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Simms, 89. William Symmes, X. James Symmes, Z. c.. , /8q. Ingilram fil. Simon, Simmonds, ( cv r. \ c- ... 7. Robert fevmondson, bimmons, J -;,,„,, '. „ „. I It' 8. Marqms Svmon- Simmonson, , ,, ' \ desson, H. Simnel, 367. Lambert Simnel. Simon, 89. Simon fil. Peter, C. Simon le Gras, T. Simonet, 89. Simonettus Mcrcator, E. Symonet Villain, CC 4. Simper {v. Semper), 152. Simpkins, 89. Robert Symkyn, /■'. Sim- kin Cock, FF. Ann Symkynes, Z. SjTnkyn Edward, V. Simpkinson, 89. John Symkynson, Z. William Simpkinson, ZZ. Simple (i), 470. Henry le Simple, Af. Jordan le Simple, A. (2), 152. Simpole (v. Scmple), 152. Simpson, 89. William Sympson, F. Dorothy Sympson, Z. Sims [v. Simms), 89. John Symcs, Z. Thomas Symes, ZZ. Simson, 89. Simon fil. Sim, A. Hugh fil. Sim, A. Sinclair, 152. Robert de Sender, A. Thomas de Seint Clere, M. Sing-Song, 508. Sinkler [v. Sinclair), 152. Sire. Alexander le Sire, y4. William le Syre, A'. Sirlot [v. Serle), 28. Matilda Sirlot, .-/. Mabil Sirlot, . /. Siscr, 180. Sisselot, 69. .\licia fil. Sissclot, A. Bella Cessclot, .-/. Sisselson, 69. Richard Sisselson, //. Sissiver, 152. HughSanzaver, .,4. Ralph Saunsavoir, j1/. Henry Syssivcr, IP' 9. Sisson, 69. John Sisson, IF2. Henry Sysson, \V ^. Cuthbert Sisson, H'20. Sissot, 69. Cissota West, IV 2. Syssot Wilbon, AA 2. .Syssot Cook, A A 2. SLI Sissotson, 69. John Sissotson, \V 2. Agnes Sissotson, W ii. Sisterson, 430. Jacob Systerson, \V 3- Sivew right, 277. Sivier, ( 275. Ralph le Siviere, A. Sivyer, 1 Peter Syvyere, D. Sixpeny, 513. Thomas Sexpenne, G. Sixsmith {v. Sicklesmith), 282. -Sizer, 180. Skilful. John Skilful, O. Geoffrey Scil- ful, A. Skiller (v. Squiller), 209. Skilman. John Skilman, M. Henry Skileman, A. Skinner, 330. Richard le Skynnerc, D. Hamo le Skynner, y. Robert le Skynnere, .1/. Skipper, 408. Robert .Skeppcr, IF 9. ■;■. ICskirmisour), 220. Elizebetha Skrymsher, EE. Alexander Schir- missure, SS. William leShyrmisur, .4. Roger le Skirmisour, X. Slabber, 249. John le Sclabbere, Af. I Slade, 121. John Atte Slade, M. Nicho- I las de la Slade, M. I Sladen, 121. I Slater, ( 248. Adam le Sclattcre, A. I Slatter, \ John Sclatter, //. ! Slaughter, 375. Paris .Slaughter, V 2. ' Siaymakcr, 321. George Slemaker, i'. p. 321. Susannah Slemaker, v. p. 321. I Slay man, 321. Henry Slayman, A. Slaywright {v. Slywright), 277, 321. Thomas Slawrvght, W 11. Richard i Slawr\-ght, A A 3. ! Slee, 469. Isabell Sice, W c). Richard Sle, A. .Sleeper. Simon le Slepare, A. Sleigh, 469. Simon le Slegh, M. Nigel le Sieygh, .1/. John le Siege, A. Slemman. 469. Davy Slemen, Z. Slick, 442. Skirmisher, Skrimshire, Skrymsher, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 597 Slight, 431. Allan Sleight. Q. John Slyt, A. Slinger, 224. Thomas Slinger, W 16. William Slynger, Z. Slocombe, 125. John Slocombc, Z. Richard Slocombe, Z. Sloper, 345. Agatha le Slopere, A. William Sloper, HH. Sly, 469. John Slye, //. Alexander Slye, O. Thomas Sly, RJi i. Slyman, 469. Slywright, 277, 321. Margery Slywright, ZZ. Thomas Slywright, ZZ. Smale, 433. John le Smale, A. John le Smale, M. Smaleman, 433. Richard Smaleman,^. Stephen Smaleman, Z. Small, 431. Nicholas le Smalle, D. Robert le Small, A. Smallman {v. Smaleman), 433. William Smallman, V 2. Lucy Smallman, V2. Smallpage, 215, 506. Thomas Small- page, IV 2. Ralph Smallpage, I' 3. Percivall Smallpage, v. p. 215. Smallwriter, 508. William Smalwritere, A. William le Smalewritere, R. mart (v. Smert), 465. John Smart, M. William Smart, A. Smartknave, 505. Christiana Smart- knave, A. Smartwayt, 506. James Smartwayt, FF. Geoffrey Smartwayt, F. Robert Smart- wate, /•'. Smelt, 497. Smert, 465. Richard le Smert, M. Walter Smert, H. / 281. Philip le Smethe, A. Smijth, I Henry Lc Smcyt, A. Gil- Smith, j bert le Smyth, A/. Wil- ( ham le Smyt, Af. Smithman. John Smythman, /•'. Henry Smytman, H. Smithson, 65. Thomas Smythson, /•". William le Smithssone, A/. John fil. Fabri, A'. Smocker, \ Smoker, [ 344- Smooker, ) Smythe {v. Smith), 281. Peter le Smyth, A/. William le Smyth, A. Snake, 498. Roger Snake, 498 ;/. Wil- ham Snake, 498 ;/. Snell, 465. William Snel, A. Walter Snel, X. Snooks, 129. William Sevenokes, //. Snowball. William Snowball, IF 16. Soaper {v. Soper), 371. Sober. Thomas le Sober, Af. Sockerman {v. Sockman), 252. Sockman, 252. Sokemannus de Castro, A. William Sokeman, A. Solomon, 83. Somer, 152. William St. Omer, C. Thomas de St. Omer, A/. Soper, 371. Julian le Soper, A. Aleyn le Sopere, X. Sor, 444. John le Sor, //. Philip le Sor, T. Sorrell, 444. Robert Sorcl, y. Richard Sorel, Af. Sot, 481. Robert le Sot, O. Thomas leSot, T Sotheran, | Sothern, j ^^°" Sour. Gilbert le Sour, A. Sour-ale, 481. Thomas Sourale, A. Souter (v. Sowter), 350. Robert le Souter, Af. D.avid le Souter, Af. South, 150. Henry Suth, A. Southern, 150. Soward, 267. Sowden, 118. William de Soudon, Af. Robert de Sowdcne, A. Sowman, 270. Sowter, 350. Andrew le Soutere, D. Richard le Sutor, Af. Spain (v. Espin), 161. William do Spaigne, B. Michael de Spane, A. Spaniard, i6r. John Spaynard, C. Sparewater, 482. Ralph Sparewatcr.y. 598 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Spark (V. Sparrowhawk), 493. Nicholas Sparke, A. Hugh Spark, A. Sparling, 497. Robert Sparling, //. Wil- liam Sparling, I?. Sparrow, 142, 494. Nicholas Sparewe, A. Walter Sparewe, B. Sparrowhawk, 493. Richard Sparhawke, FF. Olive Sparrehawke, Z. Speaklittle, 468. William Spekelitel, P. William Spekelitel, GG. Speakman. Isolda Spekenian, A. Richard Spekeman, A. Spear, 459. Ralph Sper, A. John Spere, A. Spearman, 222. Spearsmith, 281. Speight, 494. John Spight, ]V 16. Richard Speight, W 16. Speller. Gerard le Speller, //. Spence, 209. Cecily Spence, IV 16. Marmaduke Spence, IV 16. Spencer, 209. John le Spencer, A. Richard le Spencer, A. Spendlove, 474. John Spendlove, P. Alicia Spendlove, A. Spenser (i: Spencer), 209. Henry le Spenser, A. Roger le Spenser, A. Spicer, 370. Harry le Spicerc, M. Saer le Spicer, N. Amphelisa le Spicer, O. Spichfat, 491. Robert Spichfat, A'. William Spichfat, IV 11. Spigurell f^'^' ^''cholasleSpigumcll, Spigumell, ^- Godfrey SpigurnelO. V Henry Spigumer, A A i. Spillwine. Emma Spilleweyne, //. John Spillwyne, A. Spindler, 321. John Spyndelere, A' i. Thomas Spendelcr, /''/•'. Spink, 494. Spinner, 381. Spittal, j Richard ate Spitele, A/. Gil- Spittle, ( bert do Hospitall, .-/. Spoon, 144. Spooner, 214, 390. Spratt, 497. Thomas Spratt, I' 10. Edward Spratt, Vji. Springald. John Springald, A. Wil- liam Springald, J?. Spurdance, 462. Margaret Spurdaunce, V. Richard Spurdaunce, FF. Spumhose, 457. John Sprenhose, A. Spurrier, 224, 289. Benedict le Sporier, y. Nicholas le Sporiere, X. Squier (v. Squire), 199. Walter le Squier, Af. John le Squier, A. Squiller, 209. John le Squylier, //. Geoffrey le Squeller, O. Squillery, 209. John de la SquiUeryc, //. Squire {v. Esquire), 199. Squirrell, 489. Thomas Squyrelle, A''. Stabler, 272. Thomas le Stabeler, A. William le Stabler, F. Anne Stabler, IV 16. Staff, 461. Stag, (488. Dorothie Stagge, ZZ. Stagg, I John Stagge, V8. Stagman, 235. Robert Stagman, N. Stainer, 251. William Steynour, //. Robert Stainer, M. Stallard, 303. Geoffrey Stallard, Af. Staller, 303. John le Stallere, A/. Elias Staller, A. Stallman, 303. Stalwart, 466. Henry Staleworth, A. John Ic Staleworthe, A. Stammer, 441. Stamper, 404. John Stamper, A. An- tony Stamper, ZZ. Robert Stami^er, IV 16. Stannus, 131. Robert deStanehouse, .'/. Stapler, 319. ' l-49i- Robert Stare, /f. Stare, P^^ Starker, 363. Ralph le Starker, A. Starkie, 483. Humfrey Starkey, //. Starkman, 363, 483. Geoffrey Stark- man, T. William Starcman, A. Stead, 135. John Stedc, A. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 599 Steadman, f 135. John le Stedman, M. Stedman, | Simon le Stedman, B. Steenson {v. Stevenson), 96. Steer, 490. Roger le Star, A. Simon le Ster, M. Steerman, 271. Thomas Sterman, M. William Sterman, M. Steerson {v. Stevenson). Francis Stear- son, W 16. John Stearson, W 16. Stein-kettle, 25. Steinchetel (Domes- day B.). Steleger {v. Sellinger), 152. Ranulph Steleger, //. Stennet, ] , Stennett, j Stephen, 96. Stephen le Fox, L. Stephen le Bor, T. Stephens, (96. Jordan fil. Stephen, ^. Stephenson, \ Simon fil. Stephen, A. Stepkin {v. Stephen). John Stepkin, F 10. Theodosia Stepkin, K 10. Sterling, 165. John Sterlyng, A/. Stertwayte, 506. William Stertwayte, Stevens, 96. Robert Stevene, ''-/. Esteven Walays, I V 2. Stevenson, 96. Thomas Stcvison, IF 11. Joseph Stinson, IF 11. Stewardson, 65. Rowland Stewardson, ZZ. St. George, 152. Baldwin de Seyn- george, -'/. Thomas Sayntegeorge, XX I. Stickbeard, 451. Thomas Stikeberd, A. Stierman (v. Steerman), 271. Stinson (v. Stevenson), 96. Stimson, j {v. Stephenson), 96. John Stimpson, | Stimpson, I''/\ Stirling (v. Sterling), 165. Stirrup, 144. Margery de .Styrop, P. Roger de Stirap, A. St. John, 152. John de .St. Johanne, Af. St. Leger (v. .Sellinger), 152. P,ar- tholomew Seintleger, XX i. Stoddard, Stoddart, STR Stobbart, 268. Thomas Stoberd, IF 3. Janet Stobart, IF 9. Simon Stobbart, IV 16. 1^266. Cuthbert Stoddert, \ Wg. Walter Stodhirde, ( .^. JohnStuddart, IF16. Stone. John de la Stone, A. Richard Stone, Z. Stoneclough, 124. Matthew Stonecliflfe, IF 16. Stonehewer, 264. Richard Stonhewer, SS. John Stonehewer, AA 4. Stonehouse (v. Stannus), 131. Stork, 144, 494. Thomas Storck, A. Stothard, J 266. Matilda Stotehard, A. Stotherd, \ William Stothard, A. Stott, 490. Peter Slot, A. Hugh Stote, A. Stout, 431. John Stout, BB. Richard Stout, M. Stradling, 440. Isabel Stradling, //. Edward Stradelyng, V. Straitbarrel. James Straytbarrel, AA 3. Richard Streteburell (Hist. Leeds, P- 359)- James Stratberell, XX i. Strang (?■. Strong), 436. John le Strang, £.' Strange, 146. John le Strange, A. Fulk le Strange, A/. Stranger, 146. Strangeman, 146. Ellen Strangman, Z. John Strangman, lili. Strange-woman, 146. Alicia Strange- woman, A' A' I. Straunge, 146. Richard le Straungc, B. Amice le Straunge, A/. Street, 115. Alice de la .Strete, A. Wil- liam atte Strete, A/. Streeter, 113. James Strcater, IF 16. John Streteer, /'. Streetman, 113. Streetshend, 114. John atte Strete- send, /■/''. Walter ate Stretende A. Strictman, 468. John Strictman, A. 6oo INDEX OF INSTANCES. STR Stringer, 226, 399. George Stringer, ZZ. Thomas Stringer, I V 16. Stringfellow, 228, 399. John Stringe- fellowe, Z. Thomas Strengfellowe, ZZ. Strokehose, 457. Nicholas Strokchose, M. Strong, 431. Joscelin le Strong, H. William le Strong, T. Strongbow, 459. Ranulf Strongbowe, A. Simon Strongebowe, H. Stronger, 432. Henry le Stronger, M. Strongfellow, 433. Robert StrongfcUowe, Z. Frances StrongfcUowe, Z. Strongitharm (i'. Armstrong), 436. Strongman, 433. Bridget Strongman, FF. Strut. John le Strut, A. Cecil Strut, A. Stubbard, 268. William Stubbard, ]'. Augustin Stubbard, Z. Sturdy. Walter Sturdi, A. Henry Sturdy, /•'/•'. Sturgeon, 497. Nicholas Sturgeon, D. John Sturgeon, //. Stuttard (f. Stoddart), 266, 441. John Stouthirde, M. Stutter, 441. Nicholas le Stotere, M. Styles, no, 115. Richard de la Style, A. William atte Style, B. John atte Stighele, .1/. Subtle, 469. Robert k: Sotele, A. Salomon le Sotell, 469 //. Suckerman (j'. Sockman), 252. William Sucheman, A. Robert Suckerman, Z. Suckling, 202. Amice Suckling, FF. Sucksmith (;-. Sicklesmith), 282. Bryan Sukesmythe, Z.Z.. Sugden (t'. Sowden), 118. John Sug- den, Z. Raynbroun Sugden, Z.Z. Sugg, 491. John Sugge, A. Roger Sugge, A. Suitor {v. Sowter), 351. SWA Sullen, 464. Andrew Sullen, B. Summerswain, 505. Eve Summersweyn, FF. Summister [v. Simister), 206. William Sumaster, Z. William Summayster, B. Sumner, 180. Hugh le Somenur, A. Henry le Sumenour, B. Ralph le Somenur, T. Sumpter, 300. William le Sumeter, A. Philip le Someter, M. Sumption, 62. Sumter (f. Sumpter), 300. \\'illiam le Somter, M. Sumterman, 300. Richard Somterman, RR -z. Surgeon, 382. William le Surgien, G. John le Chirurgien, M. Thomas le Surigien, T. Surreys, 150. Thomas le Surreys, J. Simon le Surreis, DD. Avcline le Surrys, FF. Sustin, 152. Sutcliffe, 124. Suter(r'. Souter), 351. William leSutere, A. Isabel la Sutare, A. William le Suter, M. Sutton, 146. Henry de Sutton, M. Robert de Suttone, X. /(i), 27. Sweyn CoUe, R, J Swanus le Richc, A. (2), 255, 505. Geoffrey le Sweyn, V A. Hugh le Sweyn, O. Swainson, 27. .'\dain fil. Suani, A. Adam fil. Swain, J. Swallow, 494. John Swalowe, //. Hele- visa Swalwe, A. Swan, 494. Ifenry le Swan, //. Simon le Swoii, ^1/. Swanhcrde, 267. William le Swonherde, M. Swanson {v. Swainson), 27. Agnes Swanson, Z.Z.. Swart, 445. John le Swarte, N. Tydy- man le Swarte, A^. Swain, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 6oi Swartbrant, 436. Swartebrant, IV 12. Swatman, 475. Swatson, 23. John Swetson, TT. Swayn {v. Swain), 27, 255. Swayne (v. Swain), 27, 255. Sweat-in-bed, 501. Alan Swetinbedde, F8. Sweatman {z: Swetman), 22, 475. Sweet, 23, 464. Swet la Bone, A. Adam Swet, A. Sweetale, 481. John Swetea'.e, F i. Sweetapple, 504. Edward Swetapple, v?i? I. Sweetcock, 23, 475. Adam Swetcoc, A. Sweetlove, 474. Margery Swetelove, A. Peter Swetlove, A. Sweetman, 22, 475. Sweteman Tex- tor, A. Avice Sueteman, A. Sweetmouth, 434. Robert Swetemouth, n. William Swetmouth, Q. Swetman (r-. Sweetman), 22, 420. Swet- man fil. Edith, A. Swetman de Helig- ham, A. Swier {v. Swyer), 199. Swift, 439. Robert Swifte, //. Amice Swift, A. Swimmer. William le Swymmer, /^/?. Swmden, 118. Swinnart, 267. John Swynhird, IJ''2. Swire {v. Swyer), 199, 435. Sword, 459. Alice Swerde, A. Sworder, 223. John le Serdere, Af. John Swerder, Z. Henry Swerder, //. Swyer, 199. Geoffrey le Swyer, .4. Wil- liam Swyer, W 2. Sybilla, 72. Sybilla fil. Geoffrey, A. SibiUa de Dale, B. Symbarbe (v. Simbarbe), 152. Syson {v. Sisson), 59, 69. Richard fil. Cecilia, A. -T^ABARD, 458. Tabberer, 309. John le Taburcr, A. William le Tabourer, B. TAY Taber (v. Tabor), 309. Tabler, 401. Bartholomew le Tabler, M. Roger Tablour, M. Tableter, 401. Richard le Tableter, .1/. Bartholomew le Tableter, X. Tabor, 309. Edmond Tabour, F. Tabrer {v. Tabberer), 309. William le Taburer, A. Tailor, 339. Roger le Tailour, M Miles le Taillur, A. Tailoress, 339. Alicia la Tayleurese, A. Tait,434. John Tate, //. George Taytte, Wg. Talboys, 154. Walter Talebois, B. William Tailboys, //. Tallis, 154. Tamar, loi. Tanken-ille, 151. Camberlane de Tan- kervile, A. Tanner, 330. Jordan le Tannur, A. Gilbert le Tanur, B. Loretta le Tan- nur, T. Tapiser, 360. Simon Tapser, //. Peter Tapiser, 360 «. Tapper, 379. Robert le Tappere, A/. John le Tapper, A. Tapster, 360, 379. Tasker, 275. Alexander Tasker, Af. Benedict le Taskur, A. Taskermale, 275. Adam Taskermale, A. Tassel, ) John Tassel, /7^. Tassell, ^^^^ ■> Tasseller, 326. Gilbert leTasselero, //. Matilda la Tasselere, //. Tate {v. Tail), 384. Nicholas Tate, A. Taverner, 292. Walter le Taverner, B. John le Tavcmour, C. Thomas le Taverner, D. Tawyere, 331. John le Tawyere, A'. Ralph le Tawyere, A. Tayler (v. Taylor), 339. Margery la Taillere, B. Taylor, 326, 339. Henry le Talyur, A. Roger le Tayllur, B. Richard le Taillour, N. 6o2 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Tebbott, Tebbutt, TAY Taylour, 339. Alan le Taylour, M. Adam le Taliour, H. Taylzer, 326. Edward Taylzer, \V 9. Tebbatt, 59. Teobald le Botiler, A. Teobald Bussel, A. Tebbes, 59. Tebbe Molendinarius, A. Tebb fil. William, J. Margery Tebbe. 11^ II. Thomas Teblie, \V ii. f'59. Tebald de Englesche- vile, A . Richard Tebaud, A. Roger Tebbott, Z. Tibot Fitz-piers, F. Ti- 1^ baud de Russell, PP. Teinter, 322. Warin le Teyntour, T. John le Teyntour, H. Teinturer, 322. Robert leTeynturer, ^. William le Teinturer, E. Teler, 328. John le Teler, E. Robert le Teler, J. Henry le Telere, M. Teleress, 328. Ida le Teleresse, T. Teller (f. Teler), 328. Telwright, Tellwright, Temperance, 103. Temperance Dow- lande, '/.. Temperance Gell, v. p. 103. Templeman, 113. Ambrose le Temple- man, A. Robert Templeman, A. Templer, 113. William le Templer, y. Adam le Templer, M. Tench, 497. John Tenche, A. William Tench, P. George Tench, V ^. I [v. Denison), 70. Francis Ten>son, J ^^^^^^^ ^y ^^ ^^^^, Tennison, ^ ^^^^^ Tenison, W 14. Tennyson, ( Thomas Tenison, V 10. Tenter (i'. Teinter), 322. Richard le Tenter, H. Philip le Tentier, H. Termday, 63. Margery Termeday, ./. Tester, 404. Testimony. Ralph Teslimonic, ./. Adam Testimonie, A. Tcxter, 328. Otto le Textcr, FF. John Ti.vtor, 328 //. Thacker, 246. Philij) Thackcn-, //. William Thockcr, M. 278. ly. f (i/. Th: i, \ Thai Thackery, | Thackwray, \V 16. Thackman, 246. Nathaniel Thackman, TT. Thackster, 246. Thomas Thackstere, H. John Thackster, FF. Thackwray, 246. Thomas Thackwray, iri6. Thain, [175. Nicholas le Then, T, Thaine, \ John le Theyn, A. Roger Thane, ( le Theyn, T. Thankful, 104 ;/. Thankfull I'^rewin, Vs. Thatcher, 246. Reginald le Theccher, L. John le Thacher, M. Thaxter (f. Thackster), 246. John Thaxter, 246. Tlie-Lord-is-near, 102. Theobald, 19, 59. Thebold le Bayard, A. Fulco fil. Theobald, C. Theophania, 19,72. Thefamafil. Henry, A. Theofania Brid, E. Typhania Hauteyn, FF. Thick, 431. Thickness, 125. Thomas Thykenasse, //. James de Thykcnesse, M. Thickpcny, 482. William Thickpenj', I V 2. Rychard Thickpenny, I V 9. Thin, 431. Thomas Thynne, A. Thistlcthwaite, 121. Tholy, 92. Tholy Oldcorn, A. Thom, 93. Thomas, 93. Thomas fil. Odo, T. Thomas fil. Lambert, T. Thomasett, 93. Thomasine, 93 ;/. Thomasena Raw- lyngson, \V 11. Thomazin CoUing- Wixdi, SS. George Thomasin, ^'5. Thomasman, 506. William Thomas- man, V 13. Thomason, 93. John Thomason, F. William Tomasson, //. Thomlin, 93. Thomlyn of the Leghes, A A 2. Thompkins, 15, 93. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 603 Thompson, 93. Gerard fil. Thomas, A. Walter fil. Thomas, C. Thorns, 93. Thomas Tomse, V 5. Nathan Tomse, F'5. Thomsett, 93. Thomson, 93. Thome fil. Thome, A. Maurice fil. Thome, C. Thorald, 24. Torald Benig, A. Torald Camerarius, yi. Ralph fil. Thorald,//. Thorncombe, 125. Robert de Thorn- coumbe, AI. Thomover, 128. William de Thorn- over, XX ^. Thornthwaite, 121. Thorowgood. William Thogood, L. Nicholas Thorowgood, Z. Thorp, J 137. Adam de Thorp, B. Thorpe, ( Robert de Thorpe, M. Thousandpound, 513. Thomas Thou- sandpound, 513. Thresher, 275. Thropp, 137. Adam de la Thropp, A. Simon de Throp, B. Thrower, 330. John Thrower, FF. Throwster, 330. Thrupp [v. Thropp), 137. Thrush, 494. Thrussel, 494. Thomas Tiirustle, Z. John Throssell, ZZ. Thurkell, 24. William Thurkel, M. Thurkeld le Seneschal, R. Thurkettle, 24. Richard Thyrketyll, /•'. Robert Thirkettle, FF. Thurkill, 24. Thomas Thurkill, D. Robert Thurkil, T. Thwaites, 120. Thomas de Thwaytes, B. John del Thwaites, M. Tibbald [v. Tebbott), 59. Thebald ad Cap. Ville, A. Tebald Archep. Cant. A. Tibbat {v. Tebbott), 59. Robert Tebaud, M. Tibbes, 59. John Tibbs, Z. Tibbet, Uv. Tebbot), 59. Tibota Tibbett, 1 Foliot, A. TIR Tibbie (v. Theobald), 59. Tiddeman, 23. Tethingman de Auste, A. Tiddeman Boker, H. Tydyman le Swarte, N. Tideman de Winch- comb, H. Tiffany, 72. Nicholas fil. Tiffaniae, T. Thifania Simme, A. Tyffanie Sea- mor, Z. Teffania de Wildeker, E. Tiger, 488. Tileman, 211, 212. Walter Tileman, A'. Geoffrey Tileman, A. Tile Wright, 278. Till, 44. Alexander fil. Tylle, DD. Tillman, 256. Henry Tilman, BB. Tillot, 16, 44. Tyllot Thomson, If '9. William Tulyot, H. Cecilia Tillote, A. Tillotson [v. Tillot), 16, 44. Tillyer, 256. William TilUer, H. Tilly, 44. John Tilly, A. Tilson, 44. Roger Tilson, F. John Tilson, IV 2. Alexander fil. Tyllc, DD. Timberman. John Timberman, Z. Timbs {v. Timms), 98. Timcock, 98. John Tymcock, ////. John Tymcock, V 5. Timms, 98. John Timms, V 11. Timson, 98. Tinker (v. Tynker), 296. Richard le Tinekere, 7'. Peter le Teneker A. Tinkler, 296. Richard Tynkler, W 9. Alice Tynkeller, IF 9. Tipkins, 59. Tipler. William Tipeler, A. Tipper, 227. John le Tipper, M. Wil- liam le Tipper, A. Tippet, I (,^, ^i-ibbetts), 59. Tippetts, ] ^ '^^ Tippins, 59. Tipple (v. Tibbie), 59. Tipson, 59. Tipstaffe, 461. Tireman (v. Tycrman), 336. John Tire- man, FF. 6o4 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Todd, 489. Ive Todde, DD. John le Tod, M. Toddler, 440. Ralph leTodeler, A. Todhunler, 238. Todman, 238. Robert Todman, SS. Toleman (t'. Tolinan), 367. Tollbooth, 412. Jeffrey Taltoth, FF. Ermstrud Taleboth, NN. Toller, 412. Ralph le Toller, D. Bar- tholomew le Tollere, M. Tolly {v. Toly), 92. Tolman, 412. Thomas Tolman, D. Tolson (i'. Bartholomew), 92. Henry Tolson, 7//.. Thomas Tolson, IF 16. William the son of Tole (English Gilds, p. 150). Toly {v. Bartholomew), 92. William fil. Tholy, E. Duce Toly, A. Tom {v. Thomas), 93. Tomkin, f 15, 93. Nicholas Tomkins, Tomkins, | 7.. Richard Tomkins, 7.. Tomkinson, 15, 93. Tomline, 93. Tomlinson, 93. Thomas Tomplynson. F. Bernard Thomlynson, /•'. Robert Tomlynson, //. Tompkins, 93. Katharine Tompkyns, Z. Richard Tompkins, Z. Tompsctt, 93. Tompson, 93. Reginald Tompson, F. John Tomison, FF. Thomas Tom- sone, \V \<^. Tomsett, 73. Henry Tomsct, 7.. Tonder, 381. Edmund le Tonder, FF. Toneler, 381. William le Toneleur, //. Ralph le Toneler, . /. Tonkin, 54. Tonson [v. Townson), 54. Tonsor, 384. Ralph Tonsor, J . Tony, 54. Richard le Tony, /J. Stephen le Tony, A. Topliff, 124. Tort, 432. Ralph le Tort, R. Tortesmaine, 437. IClias Tortman, RK. TRU Tortoiseshell, 501. Edward Tortoise- shell, V. p. 501. Totiller, 480. John Totillcr, //. Richard leTitteler, A. Tower (i), 332. Hugh de la Tour, D. Henry atte Torre, T. (2), Gilbert le Tower, /4. Thomas le Toure, A. Towester, 332. Juliana la Touestre, A. Towler (f. Toller). Thomas Towler, IF 16. Town, 137. William de la Tounc, A. Towncnd {v. Townsend), 114, 138. Townegreen, 138. John atte Towne- greene, M. Townsend, 114,138. John Attounsend, D. Henry ate Tuneseiide, A. Townsend, 114, 138. Adam ate Tunes- hende, A. Alice ate Tunishende, A. Townson, 54. Jane Tounson, E. Rolx-rt Townson, F7. Towzer, ) Tozer, j Tragetour, 314. Symon leTregetor, /4. William le Tregetur, A. Tranter, 285. Annes Tranter {;■. Lud- low Church: Cam. Soc.) Trapper, 239. Traunter, 285. Agnes Trauntcr (f. Lud- low Church : Cam. Soc.) Tribulation, 102. Trop, 137. Walter de Torp, J. Osbcrt de Trop, T. Trotman f-^^' ^amuelTrotman, ////. Trotter ' ] Thomas Trotter. 11' 13. \ Richard Trotter, C. Trout, 497. Trower, 330. True, 464. Truebody, 439. Stejihen Trewbody, H. Truelove, 474. Richard Trewlove, 0. Stephen Truelove, //. Truman, 464. Agnes Treueman, A, Thomas Treweman, .,-/. JohnToser, F. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 60s Trumper, 183. William le Trompour, M. John le Trompour, M. Truth, 103. Troth Bellingham, 1(^14. Tubbs, 144. Tubman. Henry Tubman, IV 16. lohn Tubman, /•'. Tucker, 324. Roger le Tukere, A. Wil- liam le Touker, G. Peter Tuker, T. Percival le Toukere, M. Tuckerman, 324. Tuesday, 63. Richard Twyssoday, IV 11. Thomas Twysday, //. John Tcwsi- daye, IV 17. Tumber, 308. William le Tumbere, A/. Tunder, 381. Hugh le Tundur, A. Ric. le Tundur, T. Tune {v. Town), 137. Ralph de la Tune, B. Geoffrey de la Tune, A. Tunner, 381. William le Tonier, //. Tunnicliffe, 124. Turbot, 497. Daniel Turbot; IF 20. Thomas Turbot (Ct. of High Com. Sur. Soc.) Turk, 162. Jacob le Turk, DD. Wil- liam le Turc, A. Turner, 391, 400. Aylbricht le Turnur, A. William le Tournour, G. Robert le Tornour, N. Turnpeny, 482. John Turnpeny, Z>. Robert Turnepeny, (7. Turtle, 495. Roger Turtle, D. Regi- nald Turtel, A. Twelvepence, 513. Fulco T\velpenes,y4. Tvvelvetrees, 129. Twentimark, 513. John Twentimark, /•7''. William Twentymark, A'A* i. Twcntyman, 271. Henry Twentyman, TT. Twist, 432. Twopenny, 168. Two-year-old, 501. Thomas Twoycar- olde, AA I. Tyerman, 336. Henry Tyerman, Q. John Tyerman, Z. Tyler, 248, 279. Ralph le Tilere, A. Hugh le Tygheler, //. Adam le Tyghelere, Af. Tyner, 258. John le Tynere, Af. Tynker (v. Tinker), 296. Thomas le Tyneker, A. Tyrer, 336. Richard Tyrer, A'. Tyson {t: Dyson), 70. T TL-KETTLE,25«. Ulchetel (Domes- ^ dayB.)Ulchell, IV12. Ulchil, IV12. Uncle, 429. John le Uncle, A. Robert Unkle, //. Unity, 103. Unity Thornton, QQ. Unsworth, 134. Upholder, 359. Richard Upholder, 359 n. Ujjright. Richard Upright X. Uriah, 100. Uriah Babington, TT. Usher, 204, Alan le Usser, A. Nicho- las le Usher, B. Julian le Usher, C. yACHE (i), 142. Richard dc la Vache, A. (2), 485. Peter le Vache, A. Philip la Vache, C. Vacher (7'. Vatcher), 272. Vadlct, j 507. John le Vadlet, T. Vallct, I Robert le Vallet, !■:. Vanne, 276. Richard Atte Vanne, A". Robert de la Vanne, A'. V^anner, 276. Henry Vannere, A". Wal- ter le Vanner, A. Vatcher, 272. John le Vacher, A'. Wal- ter le Vacher, A. Vavasor, 198. Jordan le Vavasur, A'. William le \'avasor, //. Vavasour, 198. Robert Ic \';ivasour, B. Richard le V^avasour, //. Veale, 432. Robert le \'ele, //. Wil- liam le Veol, A'. Veck, i36. Robert le Vecke, A. - Veile, 490. Thomas le Veylc, A. Hu- bert le Veyll, B. Vender, 293. William le Vendour, D. 6o6 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Veness, 162. John de Venuz, A. Leo- nard de Venetia, E. Venner, 237. Robert le Venur, A. John le Venour, B. Thomas le Veneur, T. Verjuice. John Vergoose, IV 13. Vesk {v. V'eck), 186. Jacob le Veske, T. Nicholas Levesk, R. Vestmentmaker, 339. Robert Vesment- maker, M^2. Vicar, 187. Reyncr Vicarius, A. Gil- bert Vicare, A. Vicary, 187. Richard Vicary, B. Vick (v. Veck), 186. Vickerman, 187. Vidler (v. Fiddler), 308. Vielur {v. Vyler), 311. Jacob le Vielur, T. Uter le Vileur, E. Vigorous, 466. Nicholas Vigcrous, R. John Vygerous, X. Vigors {v. Vigorous), 466. Viler {v. Vyler), 311. Villain, 255. Lambert le Vilein, C. Terri le Vileyn, H. Philip leVylayn, T. Villiers, 151. Gilbert de Vilers. E. Robert de Vilers, E. Viner, 378, 261. Symon Ic Vynur, A. William le Viner, C. Roger le Vynour, G. Vinter, 378. John le Vinetur, B. Ralph le Vinetcr, N. Alexander le Vineter, y. Virtue, 103. Virtue Hunt, Z. Viscount, 174. Eustace de Vechountc, A. John le Viscounte, ^. Vyler, 311. Benedict le Viler, 5. Nicho- las le Vylour, H. Wyot le Vilur, WADDILOVE, f47-4- J'^'^^^y^.t"'"' VV waddilow, ^Z% , T \ \\ ade-m-love, A. Wadman, 323. Wafer, 365. Simon Ic Wafrc, A'. Robert le Wafre, A, Waferer, 365. William le Wayfrc, y. Theobald Wayferer, W 2. Wag. Robert le Wag, A. Robert Wagge, A. Waghorn, 461. Wagner f ^^^' Godemar le Wag- Wagoner, '^^"^'■- ^^- J°hn Wig- \ goner, W 16. Wagspear, 461. Mabill Wagspcr, VV'\. Wagstaffe, 461. Robert Waggestaflf, ./. P:d\vard Wagstaffe, PP. Wagtail, Richard \\'agetail, Y. Waller, 469. Rol:)crt le Walur, .-/. Peter le Walur, A. Wainman, 288. Henry Wayneman, F. Hugh Waynenian, IV ■^. Wainwright, 277. Thomas Wainwright, //. Henry Wainwright, IV 2. Wait, f '^3- Ralph le Weyte, A. Waite 1 Henry le Weyte, D. Robert ' i le Wayte, //. Wake, 3or. Thomas le Wake, B. John leWake, E. Wakeman, 301. Jacob Waykman, F. Joan Wakeman, //. Waldebeof, 50c. Nicholas Waldebeof, B. Waldeslade, 121. William Waldeslade, RR. Walker, 324. Geoffrey le Walkere, A. Ralph le Walkere, T. Peter le Walkar, R. Wallace, 149. John le Waleis, B. Ingleram le Waleys, B. Mabil le Walleys, y. Waller, 249. Henry le Wallere, A. John le Wallere, X. Johann le Wallere, Vg. (30. Walrand Clerk, A. Walran Oldman, A. Wal- lerand Ic Tyes, ./. Robert Wallerond,' G. Walsh, 149. Howel le Walsshc, y. William le Wales, A. Walshman, 149. Alan Walseman, R, William Walssheman, X, INDEX OF INSTANCES. 607 :■} 53. Thomas Waltrot, N. WAL Walter, 18, 53. Geoffrey fil. Walter, A Walter le Graunt, T. Walterot, Waltrot, Wand, 461. Wanhope. Thomas Wanhope, IV 11. Want, 489. Walter le Wante, J. John Want, A. Wanter, 238. Richard Wantcr, y. Henry le Wantiir, A. Ward. Thomas le Ward, A. John le Ward, B. Wardman. Christoplier Wardeman, It^ii. Alice Wardeman, 11^16. Warde-dieu, 511. Henry Wardedieu, FF. Wardrop, 205. Adam de la Garderoba, B. Thomas de la Wardrobe, R. Wardroper, 205. Elizabeth Wardraper, Z. Robert Wardropper, IV ij. Ware. John le Ware, A. Peter le Ware, E. Wareing [v. Waring), 32. ['32. Warin Cruel, yi. Warin de la Stane, A. Robert fil. Warin, A. Warinot, 32. William Warinot, R. Robert Wannot, A. Warison, 32. Warinus fil. Warin, B. JohnWarison, 5. Mabil Warison, G Warner, 231. Jacke le Warner, A. Eustace le Warner, T. Warnett {v. Warinot), 32. Warren (i), 231. Richard de Waren, A. (2), 32. Robert fil. Warin, A. Warren le Latimer, //. Warrener, 231. William le Warrener, A. Thomas le Warrener, /i^. Warson [v. Warison), 32. Washer, 362. John Wasshcre, X. Gregory Wasshcr, V 3. Wason {v. Warison), 32. Wasp, 498. Roger le Waps, 498 ;/. Waste-hose, 457. Emma Wastchose, B. Richard Wastehose, J. Warin, Waring, WEB Waste], 366. Richard Wastel, H. Wasteler, 366. John Wasteler, M. Watchorn, 461. Isaac Watchorn, 461 ;/. Henry Watchorn, PP. Water (i), 115. Walter atte Watre, X. John de la Watre, A. (2), 53. Wauter Goldbeter, G. Wattare Taylor, v. p. 53 u. Water le Chesman, NN. Waterbearer, 410. Richard Water- bearer, H. Watcrleader, 410. William Waterleadcr, D. Waterman, 410. Adam le Waterman, A. Robert le Waterman, A. Waters [v. Water), 54. Watersmith, 283. William Watersmith, Af. Waterson, 54. William Watterson, IVii. John Waterson, IV 16. Watkins f54- Thomas ap Watkyn, Watkin,' ^- Richard Watkins. Z^. \ Nicholas Watkin, IV 16. Watkinson, 54. Thomas Watkynson, H. John Watkynson, ZZ. Watson, 54. Humfrey fil. Walter, '/'. Joan Wattson, IV 2. Watte, 54. Wat le Chevalier, A. Wat le Greyer, G. Watte fil. William DD. Watts {v. Watson), 54. John Wattys, 1^20. Waxmaker, 387. John Wexmaker, /'. Wayte, 184. Ralph le Wayte, B. Ste- phen le Wayte, T. Weaselhead, 447. Antony Wiselheade, ZZ. Weathercock, John Wcdercoc, E. {{v. Wctherherd), 267, William Wederhcrd, IP^i. Richard Wcth- erherd, A. Weaver, 322. Bcnnet W'ever, //. Richard le Wovcre, M. Webbe, 322. Elyas le Webbe, A, 6o8 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Wellbelove, Wellbeloved, WEB Roger le Webbe, B. Simon le Webbe, N. Webber, 321. Robert le Webber, B. Clarice le Webbere, B. Webster, 321. John le Wcbestre, A. John le Webstere, G. Weeks, 44. William Weeks, Z7.. John Weks, ZZ. Weeper, 469. JohnleWepcr, A. Henry le Weper, A. Weigher, 411. Henry le Waiur, A. Weightman, 411. JohnWeightman, 7.Z. Welsh ('.'. Walsh), 149. Welcome, 512. John Welcome, ZZ. Welfare, 512. Simon Welfare, A. Weliking, 443. Alice Weliking, A. Well (y. Atwell), 113. Jordan atte Welle, M. Henry de la Welle A. ' 474. William Welbilove, O. Charles Well- beloved, 420 n. Waller, 113. Wells (f. Well), 113. Welman, 113. Welsh (v. Walsh), 149. 149 «. Welshman (v. Walshman) Welsheman, XX i. Wenman, 288. Thomas Weynman, F. Thomas Wenman, Z. West, 150. Simon West, R. Emma West, A. West-end, 115. Mabil ate Westendc, A. William atte Westende, M. Westrop, 137. Westrys, 150. Richard le Westrcys, T. Roger le Westcreys, A. Geoffrey le Westreys, /'8. Wetherhead, f (f. Weatherhcrd), 267. Wetherherd. | John Wetherhird, O. Whaite, 184. Robert Ic Whaylc, B. Whale, 497. Thomas le Wlial, B. Ralph le Wal. ./. Wheeler, 277. Robert le Whclcre, G. Hugh le Welcre, A. Hcnrv Welsh, Lewis WHI Wheelwright, 277. Walter Wehvryghte, A. Alan Quelewrighte, \V 2. John Quwelewright, W 9. Whelk, 497 n. Matilda le Welke, A. Welkshorn, 497 «. William Welke- shom, A. Whirlpeny, 483. Ralph Whirlepeni, A. Whitbread, 367, 508. Henry Whitbread, H. William A'^hitebread, Z. Whitbred, 367, 508. William Wyte- bred, A. John Whitebread, C. Whitbeard, 449. Philip Wytberd, J. William Witberd, R. White, 445. Stephen le Whyte, B. Roger le White, G. Hugh le Wyt, A. Whiteflesh, 442. William Whiteflesh, A. Whitehair, 448. William Whiteheare, V. p. 448. George Whitehair, QQ. Whitehand, 442. Gilbert Whithand, T. William Whitehand, 442. Humlx;rt Whitehand, PP. Whitehead, 447. Reginald Whiteved, T. Rauf Whytehed, IT 2. Henry Quytheved, R. John Qhwiteheved, \V(). Whitehom, 461. John Wytthorne, HH. George Wythorne, HH. Whitehorse, 145, 485. Walter de Whitehorse, C. Walter Whithors, RR I. Whiteking, 176 ;/, 505. Roger Wyte- king, K. Whiteknave, 505. Acelin Wyteknave, A. Whitelamb, 491 ;/. Isabel Whitlamb, IF 14. Whitelock, 447. Henry Wytloc, William Witloc, A. Whiteman, 445. William Whytman, B. Audrey Whiteman, Z. Whiter. 328. White-richard, 504. Richard Wliyt- rychard, y. Whiting, 497. A. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 609 Whiteslade, 121. Richard de Wytslade, H. Ralph Wyttslayd, DD. Whitesmith, 281. Robert leWithsmyth. A. William le Wytesmyth, M. Whitlock, 447. Philip Whytelock, G. John Whitelock, P. Whitster, 328. Whitsunday, 62. William Wytesone- day, A. Whittaker, 134. Richard de Whytacre, y. Jordan de Whitacre, R. 1 331. Thomas le Wytewere, Whittear, j A. Geoffrey le White- Whittier, 1 tawier, N. Eustace le \ Wittowere, A. Whittle, 455. Whitworth, 134. Whityer (v. Whittier), 331. Whyman, 272. Wick, 114. Henry de la Wyk, A. Richard at Wyke, M. Wickend, 114. Johnde la Wykend, ^. Wickerson, 44. Wickins, 44. Wickman. Richard Wycman, A. Widehose, 457. Richard Wydhose, A. Widowson (i), 429. William le Wed- wesone, J?. Simon fil. Vidue, A. William Widowson, Z. (2), 429 «. William fil. Wydo, A. William fil. Wydonis, E (v. Guy). Wight, 433. Wightman, 433. Gilbert Wyghtman, B. WiUiam Wightman, P. Wilcocks, 15, 44. Willecoccus Russell, A. Wylekoc Hervy, A. William Wilkokys, ff. Wilcockson, 15, 44. Richard Wylcokson, F. John ap Wilcok, B. Wilcox {v. Wilcocks), 15, 44. Wilcoxon {v. Wilcockson), 15, 44. Wild, 484. Nicholas le Wild, A. Wil- liam le Wild, M. Wildblood, 484. Richard Wyldeblode, Wg. Wildbcef, 500. Amice le Wildeboef, A. David Wyldebuff, A. Wildbore, 491. Robert Wildboar, M. Richard Wildbore, ZZ. Wild, j Walter le Wilde, A. Emma Wilde, ( la Willde, A. Wildgoose, 494. John Wildgoose, Z. Edric Wildegos, GG. Ursula Wild- goose, TT. Wildsmith, 283. Thomas Wildsmith, H^i6. WilfuU, 464. William le Wilfulle, A. (44. Wilkin le Furmager, O. Wilekin fil. Austen, C. Ralph Wylkyns, F. Do- rothy Wilkin, IF 16. Wilkinson, 44. John Wylkynson, F. Christopher Wilkynson, //. Wilks, 44. Henry Wylkys, F. Eliza- beth Wilkes. Z. Willert (v. Willett), 44. Willett (v. Willott), 44. Thomas Wy- lott, F. William, 41. William fil. Karoli, T. William fil. Letitiae, T. Williamet (v. Wilmot), 44. Willametta Cantatrix, E. Gwillimett, E. Williams (v. Williamson), 44. John Willyams, XX 1. Richard Williamys, XX I. Williamot (v. Wilmot), 16, 44. Gilemota Carrecke, IV2. John Willimote, 48 «. Williamson, 44. John fil. William, C. Avice fil. William, T. Thomas Wil- liamssone, XX i. Willis, 44. Robert Willys, F. Willison, 44. Richard Willyson, F. Richard Wyllyson, F2. Willmot (v. Wilmot), 16, 44. Willott, 44. Richard Wylyot, A. Thomas Wiliot, y. John Wylot, A/. Wills, 44. Richard Willes, A. Hamon Wills, Z. R R 6io INDEX OF INSTANCES. Willsher, 147. Richard Wilteshire, B. Almaric de Wilteshire, Z. William de Wiltesire, MM. Wilmot, 44. John Wylemot, M. WTil- mot Furze, Z. John Wylmott, F. Wilson, 44. Robert Wylson, F. Americ Wylson, W^. Wimpeny, 482. Wimpler (y. Wympler), 341. Henry le Wimpler, A, William le Wympler, N. Winder, 399. John le Winder, A. Richard le Windere, A. Winlove, 474. Hugh Winne-love, M. Windmillward, 275 n. William Wynd- milward, D. Winner, 275. Roger le Wyner, R. Winpeny, 482. Winsome, 443. Matilda Wensom, A. Winspear, 462. Winter, 378. Adam le Wyneter, R. John Winter, H. Winthrop, 137. Bartholomew Wintrup, W 16. John Wynthropp, Z. Wiredrawer. William le Wirdrawere, X. Rauf le Wyrdrawere, X. Wisdom. Stephen Wysdom, A. Wil- liam Wisdom, E. Wise, 463. Thomasle Wise, y4. Emald le Wyse, T. Wisebeard, 449. John Wisebeard, HH. Ellen Wisebeard, HH. Wiseman, 305. John Wyseman, H. William Wysman, X. Withecomb, 125. Robert Wythecomb, M. Withibeard (v. Beard), 449. John Wytheberd, RR i. Peter Wi-the- berd, D. Withipoll, 182. PouleWithipoule, CC4. Edmund Withipole, TT. Sir Wil- liam Withipole, V 6. Without-the-town, 138. Robert With- outentoun, A. Woodwale), 495. Witty. 465. Thomas Witte, A. Thedric le Witte, A. Wolf, 488. Adam le Wolf, H. Philip le Wolf. M. Wolfenden, 118. Robert Wolveden, Wg. Robert Wolfenden, ZZ. Wolfhunt, 237. Richard le Wulihunt, A. Walter le Wolfhunt, B. John Wolf- hunte, G. Wolsey, 169. Johanna Wolsy, X. Wonte, 145. Reginald de la Wonte, A. Wood, no. JohnatteWode, 5. Richard de la Wode, A. Woodale, ) , Woodall, J ^ ■ Woodard (v. Woodward), 231. Alan Wodard, A. Woodcock, 494. Wydo Wodecok, A. Walter Wodekok, B. Wooder, 264, 323. Roger le Woder, H. Thomas le Wodere, M. Robert Ic Woder, E. Woodgate, 129. Richard atte Wode- gate, M. Woodhaye, 133. Thomas de la Wood- haye, A. Richard de la Wodehaye, R. Woodhewer, 264. Robert le Wode- hyewere, H. Woodhird, 269. Richard le Wodehird, A. William le Wodehirde, M. Woodhouse, 131. Petronilde la Wode- house, B. John atte Wodehouse, X. Woodkeeper, 231. Thomasine Wood- keeper, TT. Woodlark, 494. Robert Wodelark, H. Woodman, 113, 264,323. EudoWude- man. A. Alan Wodeman, B. Woodmonger, 264, 403. Robert Wude- mongere, A. Woodreefe. J23i- JohnWoodrofc, lVi%. Woodroff, I Walter Woderove, A. Woodrow, 231. Hugh Woderoue, A. Ralph Woderoue, A. Woodruff, 231. George Woodniffe, Z. Edmund WoodnifiF, Z. INDEX OF INSTANCES. 6ii woo Woodshend, 114. Adam de Wodeshend, A. John Wodeshend, IV 8. Woodus (v. Woodhouse), 131. Richard del Wodehus, A. Woodward, 231. Aylward le Wode- ward, A. Walter le Wodeward, B. William le Wodeward, G. Woodwale, 1 ^ Woodwall, j Woodyat, j {v. Woodgate), 129. Wil- Woodyate, \ liam de Wudyate, £. Woodyear (v. Wooder), 113. Woodyer (v. Wooder), 113. Wooer, 474. Hugh leWewer, J?. John leWower, A. Wooeress, 474. Emma Woweres, ^. Woolard {v. Woolward), 459. Woolbeater, 326. John Wollebeter, 326 n. Woolbuyer, 319. Geoffrey le Wollebyer, M. Woolcombe, 125. Wooler, 318. David le Woller, C. John Wooler{Maitland's London). Woolman, 318. Agnes Woleman, G. Walter Woleman, y. Woolmonger, 319. Walter le Wolle- monger, A. Morekin le Wolemongere, A. Roger le Wolmonger, M. Woolpacker, 319. Woolward, 459. Geoffrey Woleward, A. Reginald Wolleward, N. Michael Wollward, y. Workman. Gilbert le Worcman, A. John Workman, TT. Worship, 511. Thomas Worthship, G. Hugh Worshipp, Z. Worth, 134. Richard de la Worthe, A. Reginald de la Wurth, £. Wortley, 134. Would-have, 483. Robert Wouldhave, IV 16. Wrangservice, 424. Thomas Wrange- servis, M. Wray [v. Ray), 489. R R Wren, 494. Geoffrey Wren, O. Alice Wrenn, A. Wright, 277. Richard le Wryght, Af. Roger le Wricte, A. Margery le Wrytte, A. Wrightson, 65. Ann Wrighteson, Wg. John Wrightson, Z. Michael Wright- son, IV 16. Writer, 406. Wulfketel, 24. William Ulfketel, /?. Wulfkeytl, p. 24. Wyatt, 36. Wyot fil. Helias, DD. Wyott Carpentarius, A. Wyot Balis tarius, £. Wyld {v. Wild). Wyman, 272. Wympler {v. Wimpler), 34!. John le Wympler, X. Alan le Wympler, A. TT'ATES, 129. John atte Yate, B. John At-yates, FF. Henry atte Yate, M. Roger atte Yate, H. Yeame {v. Eame), 429. Yeatherd, 266. Yeatman, 266. Yellowhair, 448. Thomas Yalowehair, E. Yeoman, 253. William Yeaman, Z. Yeomanson. Robert Yomanson, F. Yoman (v. Yeoman), 253. Yonge {v. Young), 433. William le Yonge, B. John le Yonge, A. Yongeman, 433 William Yongeman, M. Young, 431. Richard le Yunge, L. Ralph le Younge, A . Youngebond, 505. Nicholas le Yonge- bond, Af. Younger, 432. Robert Yonger, IV 3. William Yongere, M. Younghusband, 505. Roger le Yong- husband, G. Thomas le Voung- husbond, M. 6l2 INDEX OF INSTANCES. Young-John, 503. Youngman, 382. William le Yungeman, B. William Yungman, H. Youngservant. Ricardus Yongesuaynt, ■ XXs. Youngsmith, 283, 505. John Yongsmith, F. Bartholomew Youngesmithe, VV 13- Yule, 62. John Yule, Q. VABULON, 100. Zabulon Gierke, Z. Zachoeus, 100. Zachceus Ivott, TT. THOMAS WILCOX, New Bedford, MASS. LONDON : I'KINTKD BY SPOTTISWOOUK AND CO., NKW-STRHET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET N(nv publishing in Twcn iy-/our Monthly Parts, quarto, at Five Shillings, pro- fusely Illustrated by Plates and Wood Engravings ; with each part will alto be issued a Splendid Coloured Plate, from an Original Painting or Illu- mination, of Royal and Noble Personages and National Costume, both Foreign and Domestic. THE CYCLOPEDIA OF COSTUME; OR, A DICTIONARY OF DRESS, From the Earliest Period in England to the Reign of George the Third. INCLUDING NOTICES OF CONTHMPORAKEOUS FASHIONS ON THE CONTINENT; AND PRECKDED BY A General History of the Costumes OF THE PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. BY SOMEB8ET HEBALD. CIIATTO & WINDUS, Publishers, PICCADILLY, W. (0\ER ADVERTISEMENT. IN collecting materials for a History of Costume of more import- ance than the little Handbook which has met with so much favour as an elementary work, I was not only made aware of my own deficiencies, but surprised to find how much more vague are the explanations and contradictory the statements of our best authorities than they appeared to me when, in the plenitude of my ignorance, I rushed upon almost untrodden ground, and felt bewil- dered by the mass of unsifted evidence and unhesitating assertion which met my eyes at every turn. During the forty years which have elapsed since the publication of the first edition of my * History of British Costume ' in ' The Library of Entertaining Knowledge,* archaeological investigation has received such an impetus by the establishment of metropolitan and provincial peripatetic antiquarian societies, that a flood of light has been poured upon us, by which we are enabled to re- examine our opinions, and discover reasons to doubt, if we cannot find facts to authenticate. That the former greatly preponderate is a grievous acknowledg- ment to make after assiduously devoting the leisure of half my life to the pursuit of information on this, to me, most fascinating subject. It is some consolation, however, to feel that, where I cannot instruct, I shall certainly not mislead, and that the reader will find, under each head, all that is known to or suggested by the most competent writers I am acquainted with, either here o on the Continent. That this work appears in a glossarial form arises from the desire of many artists who have expressed to me the difficulty they constantly meet in their endeavours to ascertain the complete form of a garment, or the exact mode of fastening a piece of armour, or the buckling of a belt, from their study of a sepulchral effigy or a figure in an illumination; the attitude of the personages represented or the disposition of other portions of their attire effectively pre- venting the requisite examination. The books supplying any such information are very few, and the best confined to armour or ecclesiastical costume. The only English publication of the kind required, that I am aware of, is the late Mr. Fairholt's 'Costume in England' (8vo. London, 1846), the last two hundred pages of which contain a glossary ; the most valuable portion whereof are the quotations from old plays, mediaeval romances, and satirical ballads containing allusions to various ^ticles of attire in fashion at the time of their composition. Twenty-eight years have expired since that book appeared, and it has been thought that a more comprehensive work on the subject than has yet issued from the English press, combining the pith of the information of many costly foreign publications, and in its illustrations keeping in view the special requirements of the artist to which I have alluded, would be, in these days of educational progress and critical inquiry, a welcome addition to the library of an English gentleman. J. R. PLANCHE. College of Arms. yuly, 1878. CHATTO & WINDUS'S %iSt Of IBooftS. A^gf ON BOOKS AND BOOK-BUYERS. By John Ruskin, LL.D. "/ say we have despised literature ; what do we, as a nation, can about books ? How much do you think we spend altogether on our libraries, public or private, as cornpared with what we spend on our horsa? If a man spends lavishly on his library, you call him mad — a bibliomaniac. But you never call one a horse-maniac, though men ruin thetnselves every day by their horses, and you do not hear of people ruining themselves by their books. Or, to go lower still, how much do you think the contents of the book-shelves of the United Kingdom, public and private, would fetch, as compared with the contents of its wine- cellars ? What position wotdd its expenditure on literature take as com- pared with its expenditure on luxurious eating? VVe talk of Jood for the mind, as of food for the body : now, a good book contains such food inexhaustible : it is provision for life, and for the best part of us ; yet how long most people would look at the best book before they would give the price of a large turbot for it I Though there have been men who have pinched their stomachs and bared their backs to buy a book, whose libraries were cheaper to them, I think, in the end, than most f/un's dinners are. We are few of us put to such a trial, aud more the pity ; for, indeed, a precious thing is all the more precious to us if it has been won by ruork or economy ; and if public libraries were half as costly as public dinners, or books cost the tenth part of what bracelets do, ex>en foolish men and 7vomen might sometimes suspect there was good in read- ing as zvell as in tnitnching and sparkling ; whereas the very cheapness of literature is makijig even luiser people forget that if a hock is -.i-:r!h reading it is worth buying.'^ — Sesame and Lilies ; or, KiN'.;'3 Treasures. CHATTO & WiNDUS'S List of Books. Square 8vo, cloth, extra gilt, gilt edges, with Coloured Frontispiece and numerous Illustrations, \os. 6d. The Art of Beauty. By Mrs. H. R. Haweis, Author of "Chaucer for Children.** With nearly One Hundred Illustrations by the Author. '* A most interesting book, full of valuable hints and suggestions. , . , . If young ladies wovld but lend their ears for a little to Mrs. Haweis, we are quite sure that it luouldresult in their being at once more tasteful, more happy, and more healthy than they now often are, witli tlieirfalse hair, high heels, tight corsets, and ever so much else of the same sort." — Nonconformist. Crown 4to, containing 24 Plates beautifully printed in Colours, with descriptive Text, cloth extra, gilt, 6j-. ; illustrated boards, 3J. 6d. ^sop's Fables Translated into Human Nature. By C. H. Bennett. " For fun and frolic the new version of ./Esnp's Fables must bear away th* palm. There are plenty of grown-up children 7uho like to be amused ; and if this nev) version of old stories does not amuse Hum they must be very dull indeed, and their situation one much to be commiserated." — Morning Post, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with 639 Illustrations, 7^-. 6d., a New Edition (uniform with "The Englishman's House") of A Handbook of Architectitral Styles, Translated from the German of A. Rosengarten by VV. Collett-Sandars. With 639 Illustrations. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Crown 8vo, Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations, cloth gilt, "js. 6d. A History of Advertising, From the Earliest Times. Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Biographical Notes of Successful Advertisers. By Henry Sampson. " We have here a book to be thankful for. We recommend the present volume, vthtch takes us through antiquity, the tniddle ages, and the present time, illustra- ting all in turn by advertisements — serious, comic, roguish, or do^vnright rascally. The volume isfullofentertatjimentfrOTn tlu first page to the last." — AxHKNiBUM. Crown 8vo, with Portrait and Facsimile, cloth extra, is. 6d. Art emus JVard's IVorks : The Works of Charles Farrer Browne, better known as Artemus Ward. With Portrait, facsimile of Handwriting, &c. •• The aut/wr combines the powers of Thackeray viith those of A Ibert Smith. The salt is rubbed in with a native hand — one which has tlu gift of tickling."— Saturday Rkview. Small 4to, green and gold, 6j. dd. j gilt edges, 7j. bd. As Pretty as Seven, and other Popular German Stories. Collected by Ludwig Bechstein. With Additional Tales by the Brothers Grimm, and loo Illustrations by Richter. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, "js. 6d. A Handbook of London Bankers ; With some Account of their Predecessors, the Early Goldsmiths j together with Lists of Bankers, from 1677 to 1876. By F. G. Hilton Price. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gj. Bardsley 's Our English Sttrnarnes : Their Sources and Significations. By Charles Wareing Bardsley, M.A. Second Edition, revised throughout, con- siderably enlarged, and partially rewritten, "Mr. Bardsley has faithfully consulted the original tneditrval documents and ntorks from ■which the origin and development of surnames can alone be satis- factorily traced. He has furnislud a valuable contribution to the literature cf turHames,and we hope to hear more of him in this field." — Times. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, i8j. Baker *s Clouds in the East: Travels and Adventures on the Perso-Turkoman Frontier. By Valentine Baker. With Maps and Illustrations, coloured and plain, from Original Sketches. Second Edition, revised and corrected. " A man who not only thinks for himself, but who has risked his life in order to g»in tHjormation. . . . A most grnf hie and lively narrative of travels and aiiiien- turtt which have nothing of the commonplace about them." — Leeds MltscLKV. CHATTO &> WINDUS, PICCADILLY. 5 Demy 8vo, illustrated, uniform in size for binding. Henry Blackburn 's Art Handbooks : Academy Notes, 1875. With Forty Illustrations, is. Academy Notes, 1876. With One Hundred and Seven Illustrations. \s. Academy Notes, 1877. With One Hundred and Forty-three Illustrations. \s. Academ.y Notes, 1878. With One Hundred and Fifty Illustrations, is. Grosvenor Notes, 1878. With Sixty-eight Illustrations, is. \Sce end of this list. Dudley Notes, 1878. (The Water-colour Exhibition.) With Sixty-four Illusts., is. Pictures at South Kensington. (The Raphael Cartoons, Sheepshanks Collection, &c.) With Seventy Illustrations, is. The English Pictures at the National Gallery. With One Hundred and Fourteen Illustrations, is. The Old Masters at the National Gallery. With One Hundred and Thirty Illustrations, is. 6d. * ^* The two last form a complete Catalogue to the National Gallery, and may be had bound in one volume, cloth, 3^-. Other parts in preparation. " Our Bank of Elegance notes are not in high credit. But our Bank of Arts notes ought to be,'wlien the banic is W^'UXVi Blackburn's & Co., and the notes are his Grosvenor Gallery Azotes, and his Academy Notes for 187S. Ne^ier ■were more unmistakable cases of " value rccei'.'ed" than theirs loho purchase t/iese tiuo "wott- derful shillingsiuorths — tlie best aids to memory, for the collections thev relate to, that have ever been produced. The Illustrations, excellent records of the pictures, in many cases from sketches by the painters, are full of spirit, and, for their scale, wonderfully effective : tJie remarks terse, and to the point. After I'unch's Own Guide to the Accuiemy, and the Groyz'enor, the best, he has 710 liesitation in saying, are Mr. Blackburn's." — Punch, June 7, 1878. UN/FORM WITH "ACADEMY NOTES." The Royal Scottish Academy Azotes, 1878. Containing One Hundred and Seventeen Illustrations of the Chief Works, from Drawings by the Artists. Edited by George R. Halkett. is. Notes to the Seventeenth Exhibition of the Glasgow histiliiteof the Fine Arts, 1878. Containing 95 Illustrations, chitfly from Drawings by the Artists. Edited by George R. Halkett. is. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Folio, half-bound boards, India proofs, 2IJ. Blake (William). Etchings from his Works. Ey William Bell Scott. W^ith descriptive Text. " The best side of Blake's work is given here, and makes a realty attractive volu-me, -which all can enjoy . . . The etching is of the best kind, more refined and delicate than the original work." — Saturday Review. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, "js. 6d. Boccaccio's Decameron ; or. Ten Days' Entertainment. Translated into English, with an Introduction by Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. With Portrait, and Stothard's beautiful Copperplates. Price One Shilling Monthly, with Four Illustrations. Belgravia Magazine. That the purpose -with which " BELGRAVIA" was originated has been fulfilled, is shown by the popularity that has attended it since its first appear- ance. Aiming, as may be inferred from its fiame, at supplying the most refined and cultivated section of London society with intellectual palmlmn suited to its requirements, it sprang at once into public favour, and has since remained one of the most extensively read and widely circulated of periodicals. In passing into neiv hands it has experienced no structural change or modification. In- creased energy and increased capital have been employed in elevating it to the highest standard of excellence, but all the features that had won public apprecia- tion have been retained, and the Magazine still seeks its principal support in the homes of Belgravia. As the means through -which the -writer most 7eadily reaches the heart of the general pnd'lic, and in consequence as the tnost inifortant of aids in the establishtnent of morals and the formation of character, fiction still remains a principal feature in the Mae^azine. Two Serial Stories accordingly run through its pages ; supplemented by short Stories, Novelettes, and narrative or dramatic Sketches: whilst Essays, Social, Biographical, and Humorous; Scientific Dis- coveries brought to the level of popular comprehension, and treated with a light touch; Poetry, of the highest character; and records of Adventure and Travel, form the remaining portion of the contents. Especial care is no7u bestowed upon the illustrations, of which no fewer than four appear in each number. Beyond the design of illustrating the article they accompany, these aim at main- taining a position as works of art, both as regards drawing and engraving- In short, w/uitever claims the Magazine before possessed to favour have no^u been enJianced, and tlie Publisliers can but leave the result to a public that has seldom failed to appreciate all earnest, persistent, and well-directed efforts for its amuse- ment and benefit. **The THIRTY-FIFTH Volunu oj BELGRAVIA, eL^anily bound in crimson cloth, full gilt side and back, gilt edges, price "js. 6d. , is now ready. — Handsome Cases for binding the volume can be had alls, each. Third Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 6j. Boudoir Ballads : Vers de Societe. By J. Ashby-Sterry. CHATTO &> WINDUS, PICCADILLY. Imperial 4to, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, price 21$. per volume. Beautiful Pictures by British Artists : A Gathering of Favourites from our Picture Galleries. In 2 Series. The First Series including Examples by Wilkie, Con- stable, Turner, Mulready, Landsekr, Maclise, E. M. Ward, Frith, Sir John Gilbert, Leslie, Ansdell, Marcus Stone, Sir Noel Paton, Faed, Eyre Crowe, Gavin O'Neil, and Madox Brown. The Second Series containing Pictures by Armytage, Faed, GooDALL, Hemsley, Horsley, Marks, Nicholls, Sir Noel Paton, Pickersgill, G. Smith, Marcus Stone, Solomon, Straight, E. M. Ward, and Warren. All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art, Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by Sydney Armytage, M.A. " This book is well got up, and good engravings by Jeens, Lumb Stocks, and otlters, bring back to us pictures of Royal Academy Exhibitions of past years." — Times. Crown 8vo, with Photographic Portrait, cloth extra, 9^. Blanchard' s (Laman) Poems. Now first Collected. Edited, with a Life of the Author by Blanchard Jerrold. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7^. 6a!'. Bret Harfe 's Select IVorks, in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by J. M. Bel- LEW, Portrait of the Author, and 50 Illustrations. " Not many months before my friend 's death, he had sent me iivo sketches of a young American writer (Bret H arte), far away in California (' 1 lie Out- casts of Poker Flat,' and another), in which he had found such subtle strokes of character as he had not anywhere else in late years discovered ; the niantier resembling himself, but the matter fresh to a degree tlmt had smprised him ; the painting in all respects viastcrly, and the wild ruiie thitu; paintea a guite wonderful reality. I luive rarely known him more honestly moved." — Korstrr's Life of Dickens Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7j. 6d. Brand's Observatio7ts on Popular A7iti' quities, chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Custonis, Cerenionies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of Sir Henry Ellis. An entirely New and Revised Edition, will-, line full-page Illustrations. Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with full-page Portraits, 4J. bd. Brewster's (Sir David) Martyrs of Science. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Astronomical Plates, 4J. dd. Brewster's (Sir David) More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. Small crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6x. Brillat-Savarin 's Gastronomy as a Fine Art ; or, The Science of Good Living. A Translation of the •' Physiologic du Gout " of Brillat-Savarin, with an Intro- duction and Explanatory Notes by R. E. Anderson, M.A. " IVe have read it tvith rare enjoyment, just as ve have delightedly read and re-read quaint old Izaak. Mr. Anderson has dctie his vork oj translation daintily, ivith true appreciation of the foints in his original; and altogether, though late, ive cannot but believe that this book "will be tuelconied ana much read by wawy."— Nonconformist. Demy 8vo, profusely Illustrated in Colours, price yu. The British Flora Medica : A History of the Medicinal Plants of Great Britain. Illustrated by a Figure of each Plant, coloured by hand. By Benjamin H, Barton, F.L.S., and Thomas Castle, M.D., F.R.S. A New Edition, revised, condensed, and partly re-written, by John R. Jackson, A. L.S., Curator of the Museums of Economic Botany, Royal Gardens, Kew. The Stothard Bunyan. — Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, 7j. dd. Bimyan 's Pilgrim s Progress. Edited by Rev. T. Scott. With 17 beautiful Steel Plates by Stothard, engraved by Goodall ; and numerous Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7^. bd. Byron 's Letters and yonrnals. With Notices of his Life. By Thomas Moore. A Reprint of the Original Edition, newly revised. Complete in One thick Volume, with Twelve full-page Plates. " We have read this book ivith the greatest f>leasure. Considered merely as a omposition, it deser^'es to be classed among the best specimens of English prose •which our age has produced. . . . The style is agreeable, clear, and manlv, and iiihen it rises into eloquence, rises without ejflort or rstentation. It ivould be difficult to name a book iv/iirh exhibits more kindness, fairness, and modesty." — Macaulav, in the KniNKfRGH Rfvikw. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, "js. 6d. Colman's Htmiorotis Works: "Broad Grins," "My Nijjhtgown and Slippers," and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of George Colman. With Life by G. B. BucKSTONE, and P^rontispiece by IIoGARTH. CHATTO dH WINDUS, PICCADILLY. Demy 410, cloth extra, gilt edges, 31J. 6d. Cancnja 's Works in Sculpture and Model- ling. 150 Plates, exquisitely engraved in Outline by Moses, and printed on an India tint. With Descriptions by the Countess Albrizzi, a Biographical Memoir by Cicognara, and Por- trait by WORTHINGTON. " The fertility of this piaster's resources is amazing, and the manual labour expended on his ivorks would have worn out many an ordinary workman. The outline engra7iings are finely executed. The descriptive notes are discriminating^ and in the main exact." — Spectator. NEIV VOLUME OF HUNTING SKETCHES. Oblong 4to, half-bound boards, l\s. Canters in Cranipshire. By G. Bowers. I. G.iUops from Gorseborough. II. Scrambles with Scratch Packs. ILL Studies with Stag Hounds. " Tlie fruit of tlie observation of an artist who has an eye for character, a sense of humour, and a firm and ready hand in delineating characteristic details Altogether, this is a very pleasant volume for the tables of country gentlemen, or of those town gen'lemen ivho, like Mr. Blark's hero and heroine, divide their time between "Green Pastures and Piccadilly." — Daily News. "An amusing volume of sketclies and adiientures in the htintingfield, drawn with great spirit, a keen sense of humour and fun, and no lack of observation." — Sprctatok. Two Vols, imperial 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, the Plates beautifully printed in Colours, £'>, 3^. Catlin 's Illnstyations of the Manners^ Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians: there- suit of Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the Wildest and most Remarkable Tribes now existing. Containing 360 Coloured Engravings from the Author's original Paintings. Small 4to, cloth gilt, with Coloured Illustrations, lOi-. 6/. Chaucer for Childreit : A Golden Key. By Mrs. II. R. Haweis. With Eight Coloured Pictures and numerous Woodcuts by the Author. " It must not only take a high place among the Christvias and New Year books of this season, but is also of permanent value as an introduction to the study oj Chaucer, whose works, in selections of some kind or other, are ?ioiv text-books tn every sclwol that aspires to give sound instruction in English." — Academy. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt. Two very thick Volumes, Ts. 6d. each. Cruiks hank's Comic Almanack. Complete in Two Series : The First from 1835 to 1843 ; the Second from 1844 to 1853. A Gathering of the Best Humour of Thackeray, Hoon, Mayhew, Aliiekt Smith, AM^eck- ETT, Robert Brough, &c. With 2000 Woodcuts and Steel Engravings by Cruikshank, Hine, Landells, &c. 10 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Coloured Illustrations and Maps, 24J. Cope's History of the Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own), formerly the 95th. By Sir William H. Cope, formerly Lieutenant, Rifle Brigade. " This latest contribution to the history of tiie British army is a work of ike most varied information regarding tlie distinguished regiment whose life it nar- rates, and also oj facts interesting to the student in military affairs. . . • Great credit is due to Sir IV. Cope for the patience a?id labour, extending over many years, which he has given to the work. . . . In many cases well-exe- cuted plans of actions are given.'' — Morning Post. ' ' Even a bare record of a corps which has so often been jinder fire, and has borne a part in important ens^agements all over the "world, could not provt otherwise than full of matter acceptable to tlie military reader." — AxHENiEUM. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Portraits, ']s. 6d. Creasy' s Mejnoirs of E^ninent Etonians; with Notices of the Early History of Eton College. By Sir Edward Creasy, Author of "The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World." A New Edition, brought down to the Present Time, with 13 Illustrations. "A new edition of ' Creasy' s Etonians' will be welcome. The book was a favourite a quarter of a century ago, and it Jias maintained its reputation. The value of this new edition is enhanced by the fact that Sir Edward Creasy has added to it several memoirs of Etoniatis who have died siftce the first edition appeared. The work is eminently interesting." — Scotsman. To be Completed in Twenty-four Parts, quarto, at 5J. each, profusely illustrated by Coloured and Plain Plates and Wood Engravings, Cyclopcedia of Costume ; or, A Dictionary of Dress — Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Mili- tary — from the Earliest Period in England to the reign of George the Third. Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, and a General History of the Costumes of the Prin- cipal Countries of Europe. By J. R. Planch6, Somerset Herald. Part XXI. nearly ready. "A most readable and interesting work — ar.d it can scarcely he consulted in vain, whether the reader is in search for information as to military, court, ecclesiastical, legal, or professional costume. . . . All the chromo-lithogra^hs, and most 0/ the woodcut illustrations — the latter amounting to several thousands — are x>ery elaborately executed ; ajtd the work forms a livre de \\\xe. which renders it equally suited to the library and the ladies' drawing-roam." — Times. ♦,* The DICTIONARY forms Vol. /., w/itch may no7v be haa bound in half red morocco, price £2 ^3^- ^^' Cases for binding; ^s. each. The remaining Parts will be occupied by the GENERAL IflSTOR Y OF THE COSTUMES OF EUROPE, arranged Chronologically. Demy 8vo, half-bound morocco, 21s. Dibdin's Bibliomania ; or. Book- Madness : A Bibliographical Romance. With numerous Illustrations. A New Edition, with a Supplement, including a Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. CHATTO «&• WIND US, PICCADILLY. II Parts I. to XII. now ready, 2IJ. each. Cussans' History of Hertfordshire. By John E. Cussans. Illustrated with full-page Plates on Copper and Stone, and a profusion of small Woodcuts. " Mr. Cussans has, from sources not accessible to Clutterbuck, rnade most valuable additions to the manorial history of the county front the earliest period downwards, cleared up ntany doubtful points, and given original details con- cerning various subjects untouched or imperfectly treated by that ■writer. The pedigrees seetn to have been constructed with great care, and are a valuable addition to the genealogical history of tht county. Mr. Cussans appears to have done his work conscientiously, and to have spared neither time, labour, nor expense to render his volumes worthy of ranking in the highest class of County Histories." — Academy. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, \2s. 6d. Doran's Memories of our Great Towns. With Anecdotic Gleanings concerning their Worthies and their Oddities. By Dr. John Doran, F.S.A. " Lively and conversational ; ' brimful,' as the introductory notice in the volume describes them, ^' of pleasant cJiatty interest and antiquarian lore.' . . The volume will be found useful to ordinary visitors to the towns includea •within its range. . . . Many of tlie anecdotes contained in Ms pleasant col- lection have not, so far as we know, been published elsewhere." — Saturday Review. Second Edition, demy 8vo, cloth gilt, with Illustrations, i8j. Dunraven' s The Great Divide: A Narrative of Travels in the Upper Yellowstone ia the Summer of 1874. By the Earl of Dunraven. With Maps and numerous striking full-page Illustrations by Valentine W. Bromley. " There has not for a long time appeared a better book of travel than Lord Dunraven' s ' The Great Divide.' . . . The book is full of clever observation, and both narrative and illustrations are thoroughly good." —Athksxvm. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 24s. Dodge's (Colonel) The Hunting Grounds of the Great West : A Description of the Plains, Game, and Indians of the Great North American Desert. By Richard Irving Dodge, Lieutenant-Colonel of the United States Army. With an Introduction by William Blackmore ; Map, and numerous Illustrations drawn by Ernest Gkiset. " This magnificent volume is one of the most able and most interesting works which has ever proceeded from an American pen, while its freshness is equal to that of any similar book. Colonel Dodge has chosen a subject of wh'ch he is master, and treated it with a fulness t/tat leaves nothing more to be desired, and in a style which is charming equally for its picturesqueness and its purity." — Nonconformist^ Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, bs. Emanuel On Diamonds and Precious Stones : their History, Value, and Properties ; with Simple Tests for ascertaining their Reality. By Harry Emanuel, F.R.G. S. With numerous Illustrations, Tinted and Plain. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7^. dd. The Englishman' s House : A Practical Guide to all interested in Selecting or Building a House, with full Estimates of Cost, Quantities, &c. By C. J. Richardson. Third Edition. With nearly 600 Illustrations. •»• This book IS intended to supply a long-felt want, viz., a plain, non-technical account of every style of house, with tlie cost and maimer of building ; it gives every variety, from a -workman's cottage to a nobleman s palace . Crown 8vo, cloth boards, 6^. per Volume ; a few Large Paper copies (only 50 printed), at 12s. per Vol. Early English Poets. Edited, with Introductions and Annotations, by Rev. A. B. Grosart. "Mr. Grosart has spent the most laborious and the most enthusiastic care on the perfect restoration and preservaticm of the text ; and it is very unlikely that any other edition of the poet can ever be called for. . . From Mr. Grosart ive always expect and alivayi receive the final results of most patient and competent sc/u)larship."—^'iiAKiiiV.^. 1 . Fletcher 's ( Giles, B.D. ) Complete Poems: Christ's Victorie in Heaven, Christ's Victorie on Earth, Christ's Triumph over Death, and Minor Poems. With Memorial-Introduction and • Notes. One Vol. 2. Davie s' (Sir John) Complete Poetical Works, in- cluding Psalms I. to L. in Verse, and other hitherto Unpublished M^S., for the first time Col- lerted and Edited. With Me- moral-lntroducticn and Notes. Two Vols. 3. Herrick's( Robert )Hes- perides, Nuble Numbers, and Complete Collected Poems. With Memorial-Introduction and Notes, Steel Portrait, Index of First Lines, and Glossarial Index, &c. Three Vols. 4. Sidney's (Sir Philip) Coniflcte Poetical Works, in- cluding all those in "Arcadia." With Portrait, Memorial-Intro- duction, Essay on the Poetry of Sidney, and Notes. 1 Inree Vols. 5. Donne's (Dr. John) Complete Poetical Works, in- cluding the Satires and various from MSS. With Memorial-In troduction and Notes. [/» freparafton. IMPORTANT VOLUME OF ETCHINGS. Folio, cloth extra, i^i lis. 6d. Examples of Contemporary Art. Etchings from Repre=entative Works by living English and Foreign Artists. Edited, with Critical Notes, by J. 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To make somewhat enlarged copies of them, looking at them through a ma^iiifyim: glass, and never putting two lines where Cruikshank has put only one, ^I'Dii/d be an exe?- cise in decision and severe drawing which would leave aftenvards little to be learnt in schools."— Extract from Introduction by John Ruskin. One Vol. crown 8vo, cloth extra, 95. Gilbert's (IV. S.J Original Plays : "A Wicked World," "Charity," "The Palace of Truth," " Pygmalion," " Trial by Jury," &c. *' His luorkmanship is in its way perfect ; it is very svtnd, very even, very well sustained, and excellently balanced Ihrougkiut '— Or.sKRVEK. 14 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 4J. dd. Faraday 's Chemical History of a Candle. Lectures delivered to a Juvenile Audience. A New Edition. Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 4J. dd. Faraday' s Various Forces of Nature. A New Edition. Edited by W. Crookes, F.C.S. With numerous Illustrations. One Shilling Monthly, Illustrated by Arthur Hopkins. The Gentleman's Magazine. Edited by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. In seeking to restore the ^'GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE " to the position it fortnerly held, the Publishers do not lose sight oj the changed conditions tinder which it now appears. While maintaining an historical continuity "which dates back to the reign of George the Second, there will be no attempt to burden the present with the iveight of a distant past, or to adJiere slavishly to traditions the application of which is unsuited to the altered conditions of society at the present time. It is sought to render the Magazine to the gentleman of to-day what in earlier times it proved to the gentleman of a past generation. New features will be introduced to take the place of those which disappear ; in the tHost important respects, however, the connecting links bet^veen the present and the past •will be closest. Biography attd History, which have always formed a conspicuous portion of the contents, will retain the prominence assigned them, and 'will be treated with the added breadth that springs f ran inct'eased famili- arity with authorities and more exact appreciation of the province of the Biographer and tlu Historian. Science, nvhich confers upon the age special eminence, will have its latest conclusions and forecasts presented in a manner which shall bring them vnithin the grasp oJ the general reader. The philo- sophical aspect of Politics, the matters which affect Imperial interests, will bt separated from the rivalries of party , and luill receive a due share of attention, Archaology (under ■which comprehensive head may be included Genealogy, To- pography, and other similar matters). Natural History, Sport and Adventure, Poetry, Belles Lettres, Art in all its manifestations, will constitute a portion of the contents; and Essays upon social subjects will, as heretofore, be inter- sprrsed. Under the head of Table Talk matters of current interest will bt discussed, and facts of historic value will be preserved. A Work of Fiction by some novelist of highest position will run through tJu pages of the Magazine, and will be illustrated by artists of ktiown excellence. With a full sense of what is involved in their promise, and with a firm resolution to abide by their pledges, the Publishers undertake to spare no exertion that is nrcessary to secure the highest class of contributions, to place the Magazine in the first rank oj serials, and to fit it to take its place on the table and on the shelves of all classes cf cultivated Englishmen. *»* Now ready, the Volume for JANUARY to JUNE, 1 878, cloth extra, price %s. dd. ; and Cases for hindins;, price 2s. each. 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Hopes Costmne of the Ancients. Illustrated in upwards of 320 Outline Engravings, containing Re- presentations of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman Habits and Dresses. " The substnnce of many expensive works, containing all that may be necessary to give to artists, and even to dramatic performers and to otiurs engaged in classical representations, an idea of ancient costumes sufficiently ample to prevent t'uir offending in their per/ormatices by gross and obvious blutiders. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, -js. 6(1. Hood's (Thomas) Choice IVorks^ In Prose and Verse. Including the Cream of the Comic Annuals. With Life of the Author, Portrait, and over Two Hundred original Illustrations. ^* Not only does the volume include the better-knmun poems by ike author, hit also ivhat ts happily described as ' the Cream of the Conic Annuals' Such delicious tilings as ' Don't you smell Fire ? ' ' Tlie Parish RevolutioJi,' and ' Huggins atid Duggins, will never want readers." — Graphic. 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The Volume will contain Chapters on t/ie /ollowing- among otJier subjects — Biology and its Teachings — Science and Education— A Study of Loiuer Life— Moot Points in Biology — Sea Ser/ents -Some Facts and Fictions of Zoology — Animal Architects — The Law of Likeness — The Distribution of Animals — Tlie Origin of Nerves — Animal Development and w>iat it Teaches— Animals and t/ieir Environ- ments, &'c. b^c. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7^. td. ife in London ; or. The History of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom, With the whole of Cruikshank's Illustrations, in Colours, after the Originals. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 7^'. (xl. Longfellow' s Complete Prose Works. Including " Outre Mer," " Hyperion," " Kavanagh," " The Poets and Poetry of Europe," and " Driftwood." With Portrait and Illustrations by Valentine Bromley. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, "js. dd. Longfellow 's Poetical IVorks. Carefully Reprinted from the Original Editions. With numerous fine Illustrations on Steel and Wood. " Mr. Longfelloiu has for many years been the best known and the most read of American poets ; and his popularity is of the right kind, and rightly and fairly •won. He has not stooped to catch attention by artifice, nor striven to force it by violence. His works have faced the test of parody and burlesque (luhich in these days is almost the common lot of writings of any tnark), and have come off un- harmed."— Satvrvav Review. Li/, Second Edition, crown 8vo, cloth extra, $s. MacColl's Three Years of the Eastern Question. By the Rev. Malcolm MacColl, M.A. " / hope I shall not seem obtrusive in expressing to you t/te pleasure with which J have read your " Three Years of thi Eastern Question." The tide is running so hard against the better cause just no^vthat one feels specially impelled to ojfer one's thanks to those who stand firm, particularly ivJien they state our case so admir- ably as you have." — Goi-Dwin Ssmith. 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There is a certain freshness and novelty about it, a prac- tically romantic character, so to speak, which will make it very attractive." — Spectator. *#* Also a Popular Edition, post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2S. 24 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY NEW COPYRIGHT WORK BY MARK TWAIN. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. An Idle Excursion, and other Papers. By Mark Twain. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 1$. 6d. Mark Twain 's Choice IVorks. Revised and Corrected throughout by the Author. With Life, Portrait, and numerous Illustrations. Post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2s. Mark Twain s Pleasure Trip on the Continent of Europe. ("The Innocents Abroad," and "The New Pilgrim's Progress.") Two Vols, crown 8vo, cloth extra, i8j. Mars ton's (Dr. JVestland) Dramatic and Poetical Works. Collected Lilirary I'-dition. " Tke 'Patrician's Daughter' is art ons:s in the desert of modem dramatic literature, a real emanation of mind. He d'> not recollect any modern 7fork in which states of t/wu^hi are so freely dmeloped, except the ' Torqjiato Tasso ' of Goethe, file play is a work of art in the same sense that a play of Sophocles is a •work nf art ; it is 07ie simple idea in a state of gradual derelopment . , . 'The Favourite of Fortune' is one of the most important addttwtis to the stock of English prose comedy that has been made during the present century." — Times. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, ?>s. Marston '5 (Philip B.J All in All. Poems and Sonnets. Handsomely half-bound, India Proofs, royal folio, £,\o ; Large Paper copies, Artists' India Proofs, elephant folio, £20. Modern Art : A Series of superb Line Engravings, from the Works of Distin- guished Painters of the English and Foreign .Schools, selected from Galleries and Private Collections in Great Britain. With descriptive Text by James Dafkokne. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, gilt edges, "]$. 6d. Muses of May fair : Vers de Socicte of the Nineteenth Century. Including Selections from Tennyson, Browning, Swiniu;kne, Kosseiti, Jean Ingei.ow, Locker, Inguldsby, Hood, Lytion, C. S. Q., Landor, Austin Dobson, Iokconfokmist. z6 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY NEW WORK by the Atithor of " THE NEW REPUBLIC" Crown 8vo, cloth extra, y. 6d. The New Paul and Virginia; or, Positivism on an Island. By W. H. Mallock, Author of "The New Republic." Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Vignette Portraits, price 6j. per Vol. The Old Dramatists : Ben J onsen's Works, With Notes, Critical and Ex- planatory, and a Biographical Memoir by William Giffokd. Edited by Col. Cunningham. Three Vols. Chapman's Works. Now First Collected. Complete in Three Vols. Vol. I. contains the Plays complete, including the doubtful ones ; Vol. II. the Poems and Minor Translations, with an Introductory Essay by Algernon Charles Swin- burne ; Vol. III. the Transla- tions of the Iliad and Odyssey. Marlowe's Works. Including his Translations. Edit- ed, with Notes and Introduction, by Col. Cunningham. One Vol. Massinger's Plays. From the Text of WiLLlAM GiFFORD. With the addition of the Tragedy of ' ' Believe as you List." Edited by Col. Cun- ningham. One Vol. Fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 6j. O'Shatighnessy's (Arthur) An Epic of Women, and other Poems. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, \os. 6d. O' Shaughnessy 's Lays of France, (Founded on the " Lays of Marie.") Second Edition^ Fcap. 8vo, cloth extra, 7^. bd. O'Shaughnessy 's Music and Moonlight : Crown 6vo, uiusiraled boards, with numerous Plates, zs. bd. Old Point Lace, and How to Copy and Imitate It. By Daisy Waterhouse Hawkins. With 17 Illustrations by the Author. Crown 8vo, carefully printed on creamy paper, and tastefully bound in cloth for the Library, price ds. each. The Piccadilly Novels: Popular ^tariciS ij} tt)C 33cit ^utljorS. A ntonina. By Wilkie Collins. Illustrated by Sir J. GILBERT and ALFRED Concanf.n. Basil. By WiLKiE Collins Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert and J. Mahoney. 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By Wilkie Collins. Illustrated by S. L. FiLDES and Sydney Hall. TJie Txvo Destinies. B/ Wilkie Collins. %* Also a POPULAR EDITION of WILKIE COLLINS'S NOVELS, post 8vo, illustrated boards, 2S. each. Fehcia. By M. Betham-Edwards. With a Frontispiece by W. Bowles. "A noble furvel. lis teaching is elevated, its story is sympathetic, and the kind of feeling its fierusdl leaves behind is that more ordinarily der ivied from music or poetry than from prose fiction. Few works in modem fiction stand as high in our estimation as this." — SUNDAY TiMES. Olympia. By r, e. Francillon. Under the Greenwood Tree. By Thomas Hardy. Fated to be Free. By Jean ingelow. The Queen of Connaught. By Harriett Jay. The Dark Colleen. By Harriett Jay, *' A novel luhich fiossesses the rare and valuable quality 0/ no7iclty. . . . The scenery will be strange to most readers, and in many passages the aspects of Nature are very cleverly described. Moreover, ilu book is a study of a very curious and interestins; state of society. A no7fel w/iich no noz'el-reader should miss, and which People w/to generally shun novels may enjoy."— S\tvrdav Review, j 28 BOOKS PUBLISHED BY The Piccadilly '^o^y.\j&— continued. Patricia Kernball. By E. Lynn Linton. With Frontispiece by G. Du Maurier. " Displays genuine humour, as ivell as keen social observation. Enough graphic portraiture and viitty observation to furnish materials for half-a-dozen novels of the ordhiary kind." — Saturday Review. The Atonement of Learn. Dundas. By E. Lynn Linton. With a Frontispiece by Henry Woods. " In her narrowness and her depth, in her boitndless loyalty, her self -forgetting passion, that exclusiveness of love which is akin to cruelty, and t/ie fierce humility which is vicarious pride. Leant Diiudas is a striking figure. In one quality the aut/wress has in some measure surpassed herself." — Pall Mall Gaz. The Waterdale Neighbours. By Justin McCarthy. 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