- Angling Sketches" With three etctt tn ff*and nuifurrous illustrations by Burr-MurJ doch. No. 147 of the 150 copies printed on largV paper. Royal 8, boards, uncut London, 1891. _One of the scarcest of THE GIFT OF FLORENCE V. V. DICKEY TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE DONALD R. DICKEY LIBRARY OF VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY f ANGLING SKETCHES WORKS BY ANDREW LANG. CUSTOM AND MYTH : Studies of Early Usage and Belief. With 15 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 7^. 6d. BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. With 2 Coloured Plates and 17 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 6s. fxi. GRASS OF PARNASSUS. A Volume of Selected Verses. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. LETTERS ON LITERATURE. Crown 8v . 6s. 6d. OLD FRIENDS : Essays in Epistolary Parody. 6s. 6d. BALLADS OF BOOKS. Edited by ANDREW LANG. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. THE BLUE FAIRY BOOK. Edited by ANDREW LANG. With 8 Plates and 130 Illustrations in the Text by H. J. FORD and G. P. JACO.MB HOOD. Crown 8vo. 6s. THE RED FAIRY BOOK. Edited by ANDREW LANG. With 4 Plates and 96 Illustrations in the Text by H. J. FORD and LANCELOT SPEED. Crown 8vo. 6s. THE BLUE POETRY BOOK. Edited by ANDREW LANG. With numerous Illustrations by H. J. FORD and LANCELOT SPEED. Crown 8vo. 6s. London : LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. TO MRS HERBERT HILLS ' NO FISHER BUT A WELL-WISHER TO THE GAME ' IN MEMORY OF PLEASANT DAYS AT COR BY 535182 PREFACE SEVERAL of the sketches in this volume have appeared in periodicals. ' The Bloody Doctor ' was in Macmillaris Magazine, ' The Confessions of a Duffer,' ' Loch Awe,' and ' The Lady or the Salmon ? ' were in the FisJiing Gazette, but have been to some extent re-written. ' The Double Alibi ' was in Longman's Magazine. The author has to thank the Editors and Publishers for permission to reprint these papers. The gem engraved on the cover is enlarged from a small intaglio in the collection of Mr. M. H. N. STORY-MASKELYNE, M.P. Such gems were recommended by Clemens of Alexandria viii ANGLING SKETCHES to the early Christians. ' The figure of a man fishing will put them in mind of the Apostle." Perhaps the Greek is using the red hackle described by .-Elian in the only known Greek reference to Fly-fishing. CONTENTS PAGE THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER . . . . i A BORDER BOYHOOD ... . . 10 LOCH AWE 38 LOCH-FISHING . 65 LOCH LEVEN Si THE BLOODY DOCTOR 93 THE LADY OR THE SALMON? 107 A TWEEDSIDE SKETCH 121 THE DOUBLE ALIBI 11- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS A PALPABLE BITE Frontispiece NEWARK CASTLE To face page 20 UP THE BURN 28 YARROW 32 KILCHURN CASTLE, LOCH AWE 56 THE WITCH'S POOL 60 LOCH LEVEN THE CASTLE 84 CLEARISUKK LOCH 98 TWEEDSIDE 122 ASHIESTEIL 128 xii ANGLING SKETCHES ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT f PAGE PARR AND MINNOWS 14 SMAILHOLME TOWER 16 YARROW 25 A BORDER KEEP . . 27 ASHIESTEIL BRIDGE 30 THE GLEDDIS WEIL 37 INNISHAIL 49 LOCH-STOCKING 79 THE STARTING PLACE 91 YAIR BOAT POOL ... . . 124 ANGLING SKETCHES THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER / HESE papers do not boast of great sport. They are truthful, not like the tales some fishers tell. They should ap- peal to many sym- pathies. There is no false modesty in the confidence with \vhich I esteem myself a duffer, at fishing. Some men are born duffers ; others, unlike persons of genius, become so by an infinite capacity for not taking B 2 ANGLING SKETCHES pains. Others, again, among whom I would rank myself, combine both these elements of incom- petence. Nature, that made me enthusiastically fond of fishing, gave me thumbs for fingers, short- sighted eyes, indolence, carelessness, and a temper which (usually sweet and angelic) is goaded to madness by the laws of matter and of gravitation. For example : when another man is caught up in a branch he disengages his fly ; I jerk at it till something breaks. As for carelessness, in boy- hood I fished, by preference, with doubtful gut and knots ill-tied ; it made the risk greater, and increased the excitement if one did ho^k a trout. I can't keep a fly-book. I stuff the flies into my pockets at random, or stick them into the leaves of a novel, or bestow them in the lining of my hat or the case of my rods. Never, till 1890, in all my days did I possess a landing-net If I can drag a fish up a bank, or over the gravel, well ; if not, he goes on his way rejoicing. On the Test I thought it seemly to carry a landing-net. It had a hinge, and doubled up. I put the handle through a buttonhole of my coat : I saw a big THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER 3 fish rising, I put a dry fly over him ; the idiot took it. Up stream he ran, then down stream, then he yielded to the rod and came near me. I tried to unship my landing-net from my button- hole. Vain labour ! I twisted and turned the handle, it would not budge. Finally, I stooped, and attempted to ladle the trout out with the short net ; but he broke the gut, and went off. A land- ing-net is a tedious thing to carry, so is a creel, and a creel is, to me, a superfluity. There is never anything to put in it. If I do catch a trout, I lay him under a big stone, cover him with leaves, and never find him again. I often break my top joint ; so, as I never carry string, I splice it with a bit of the line, which I bite off, for I really cannot be troubled with scissors and I always lose my knife. When a phantom minnow sticks in my clothes, I snap the gut off, and put on another, so that when I reach home I look as if a shoal of fierce minnows had attacked me and hung on like leeches. When a boy, I was once or twice a bait-fisher, but I never carried worms in box or bag. I found them under big stones, or in the 11 2 4 ANGLING SKETCHES fields, wherever I had the luck. I never tie nor otherwise fasten the joints of my rod ; they often slip out of the sockets and splash into the water. Mr. Hardy, however, has invented a joint-fastening which never slips. On the other hand, by letting the joint rust, you may find it difficult to take down your rod. When I see a trout rising, I always cast so as to get hung up, and I frighten him as I disengage my hook. I invariably fall in and get half-drowned when I wade, there being an insufficiency of nails in the soles of my brogues. My waders let in water, too, and when I go out to fish I usually leave either my reel, or my flies, or my rod, at home. Perhaps no other man's average of lost flies in proportion to taken trout was ever so great as mine. I lose plenty, by striking furiously, after a series of short rises, and breaking the gut, with which the fish swims away. As to dressing a fly, one would sooner think of dressing a dinner. The result of the fly-dressing would resemble a small blacking-brush, perhaps, but nothing entomological. Then why, a persevering reader may ask, do I THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER 5 fish ? Well, it is stronger than myself, the love of fishing ; perhaps it is an inherited instinct, without the inherited power. I may have had a fishing ancestor who bequeathed to me the passion with- out the art. My vocation is fixed, and I have fished to little purpose all my days. Not for salmon, an almost fabulous and yet a stupid fish, which must be moved with a rod like a weaver's beam. The trout is more delicate and dainty not the sea-trout, which any man, woman, or child can capture, but the yellow trout in clear water. A few rises are almost all I ask for : to catch more than half a dozen fish does not fall to my lot twice a year. Of course, in a Sutherland loch one man is as good as another, the expert no better than the duffer. The fish will take, or thev won't. If they won't, nobody can catch them ; if they will, nobody can miss them. It is as simple as trolling a minnow from a boat in Loch Leven, probably the lowest possible form of angling. My ambition is as great as my skill is feeble ; to capture big trout with the dry fly in the Test, that would content me, and nothing under that. But 6 AJSGLING SKETCHES I can't see the natural fly on the water ; I cannot see my own fly, Let it sink or let it swim. I often don't see the trout rise to me, if he is such a fool as to rise ; and I can't strike in time when I do see him. Besides, I am unteachable to tie any of the orthodox knots in the gut ; it takes me half an hour to get the gut through one of these newfangled iron eyes, and, when it is through, I knot it any way. The 'jam ' knot is a name to me, and no more. That, perhaps, is why the hooks crack off so merrily. Then, if I do spot a rising trout, and if he does not spot me as I crawl like the serpent towards him, my fly always fixes in a nettle, a haycock, a rose-bush, or what not, behind me. I undo it, or break it, and put up another, make a cast, and, ' plop,' all the line falls in with a splash that would frighten a crocodile. The fish's big black fin goes cutting the stream above, and there is a sauve qui pent of trout in all direc- tions. I once did manage to make a cast correctly : the fly went over the fish's nose ; he rose ; I hooked THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER 7 him, and he was a great silly brute of a grayling. The grayling is the deadest-hearted and the foolishest-headed fish that swims. I would as lief catch a perch or an eel as a grayling. This is the / worst of it this ambition of the duffer's, this desire for perfection, as if the golfing imbecile should match himself against Mr. Horace Hutchinson, or as the sow of the Greek proverb challenged Athene to sing. I know it all, I deplore it, I regret the evils of ambition ; but ccst plus fort quc moi. If there is a trout rising well under the pendant boughs that trail in the water, if there is a brake of briars behind me, a strong wind down stream, for that trout, in that impregnable situation, I am impelled to fish. If I raise him I strike, miss him, catch up in his tree, swish the cast off into the briars, break my top, break my heart, but that is the humour of it. The passion, or instinct, being in all senses blind, must no doubt be heredi- tary. It is full of sorrow and bitterness and hope deferred, and entails the mockery of friends, especially of the fair. But I would as soon lay down a love of books as a love of fishinir. 8 ANGLING SKETCHES Success with pen or rod may be beyond one, but there is the pleasure of the pursuit, the rapture of endeavour, the delight of an impossible chase, the joys of nature sky, trees, brooks, and birds. Happiness in these things is the legacy to us of the barbarian. Man in the future will enjoy bricks s asphalte, fog, machinery, 'society/ even picture galleries, as many men and most women do already. We are fortunate who inherit the older, not ' the new spirit ' we who, skilled or unskilled, follow in the steps of our father, Izaak, by streams less clear, indeed, and in meadows less fragrant, than his. Still, they are meadows and streams, not wholly dispeopled yet of birds and trout ; nor can any defect of art, nor certainty of laborious dis- appointment, keep us from the waterside when April comes. Next to being an expert, it is well to be a con- tented duffer : a man who would fish if he could, and who will pleasure himself by flicking off his flies, and dreaming of impossible trout, and smok- ing among the sedges Hope's enchanted cigarettes. Next time we shall be more skilled, more fortunate THE CONFESSIONS OF A DUFFER 9 Next time ! ' To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow.' Grey hairs come, and stiff limbs, and shortened sight ; but the spring is green and hope is fresh for all the changes in the world and in ourselves. We can tell a hawk from a hand- saw, a March Brown from a Blue Dun ; and if our success be as poor as ever, our fancy can dream as well as ever of better things and more for- tunate chances. For fishing is like life ; and in the art of living, too, there are duffers, though they seldom give us their confessions. Yet even they are kept alive, like the incompetent angler, by this undying hope : they will be more careful, more skilful, more lucky next time. The gleaming untravelled future, the bright untried waters, allure us from day to day, from pool to pool, till, like the veteran on Coquet side, we ' try a farewell throw,' or, like Stoddart, look our last on Tweed. 10 ANGLING SKETCHES A BORDER BOYHOOD FISHER, says our father Izaak,is like a poet: he 'must be born so.' The majority of dwellers on the Border are born to be fishers, thanks to the endless number of rivers and burns in the region between the Tweed and the Coquet a realm where almost all trout-fishing is open, and where, since population and love of the sport have increased, there is now but little water that merits the trouble of putting up a rod. A BORDER BOYHOOD 11 Like the rest of us in that country, I was born an angler, though under an evil star, for, indeed, my labours have not been blessed, and are devoted to fishing rather than to the catching of fish. Re- membrance can scarcely recover, ' nor time bring back to time,' the days when I was not busy at the waterside ; yet the feat is not quite beyond the power of Mnemosyne. My first recollection of the sport must date from about the age of four. I recall, in a dim brightness, driving along a road that ran between banks of bracken and mica- veined rocks, and the sunlight on a shining bend of a highland stream, and my father, standing in the shallow water, showing me a huge yellow fish, that gave its last fling or two on the grassy bank. The fish seemed as terrible and dangerous to me as to Tobit, in the Apocrypha, did that ferocious half-pounder which he carries on a string in the early Italian pictures. How oddly Botticelli and his brethren misconceived the man-devouring fish, which must have been a crocodile strayed from the Nile into the waters of the Euphrates ! A half- pounder ! To have been terrified by a trout 12 ANGLING SKETCHES seems a bad beginning ; and, thereafter, the mist gathers over the past, only to lift again when I see myself, with a crowd of other little children, sent to fish, with crooked pins, for minnows, or ' baggies ' as we called them, in the Ettrick. If our parents hoped that we would bring home minnows for bait, they were disappointed. The party was under the command of a nursery governess, and probably she was no descendant of the mother of us all, Dame Juliana Berncrs. We did not catch any minnows, and I remember sitting to watch a bigger boy, who was angling in a shoal of them when a parr came into the shoal, and we had bright visions of alluring that monarch of the deep. But the parr disdained our baits, and for months I dreamed of what it would have been to capture him, and A BORDER BOYHOOD 13 often thought of him in church. In a moment of profane confidence my younger brother once asked me : ' What do you do in sermon time ? I,' said he in a whisper ' mind you don't tell / tell stories to myself about catching trout.' To which I added a similar confession, for even so I drove the ser- mon by, and I have not ' told ' till now. By this time we must have been introduced to trout. Who forgets his first trout ? Mine, thanks to that unlucky star, was a double deception, or rather there were two kinds of deception. A village carpenter very kindly made rods for us. They were of unpainted wood, these first rods ; they were in two pieces, with a real brass joint, and there was a ring at the end of the top joint, to which the line was knotted. We were still in the age of Walton, who clearly knew nothing, except by hearsay, of a reel ; he abandons the attempt to describe that machine as used by the salmon- fishers. He thinks it must be seen to be under- stood. With these innocent weapons, and with the gardener to bait our hooks, we were taken to the Yarrow, far up the stream, near Ladhope. 14 ANGLING SKETCHES How well one remembers deserting the gardener, and already appreciating the joys of having no gillie nor attendant, of being ' alone with ourselves and the goddess of fishing'! I cast away as well as I could, and presently jerked a trout, a tiny one, high up in the air out of the water. But he fell off the hook again, he dropped in with a little splash, PARR AND MINNOWS and I rushed up to consult my tutor on his unsports- manlike behaviour, and the disappointing, nay, heart-breaking, occurrence. Was the trout not morally caught, was there no way of getting him to see this and behave accordingly ? The gardener feared there was none. Meanwhile he sat on the bank and angled in a pool. ' Try my rod,' he said, and, as soon as I had taken hold of it, ' pull up,' he A BORDER BOYHOOD 15 cried, ' pull up.' I did ' pull up,' and hauled my first troutling on shore. But in my inmost heart I feared that he was not my trout at all, that the gardener had hooked him before he handed the rod to me. Then we met my younger brother coming to us with quite a great fish, half a pound perhaps, which he had caught in a burn. Then, for the first time, my soul knew the fierce passion of jealousy, the envy of the angler. Almost for the last time, too ; for, I know not why it is, and it proves me no true fisherman, I am not discon- tented by the successes of others. If one cannot catch fish oneself, surely the next best thing is to see other people catch them. My own progress was now checked for long by a constitutional and insuperable aversion to angling with worm. If the gardener, or a pretty girl-cousin of the mature age of fourteen, would put the worm on, I did not much mind fishing with it. Dost thou remember, fair lady of the ringlets ? Still, I never liked bait-fishing, and these mine allies were not always at hand. We used, indeed, to have great days with perch at Faldon- i6 ANGLING SKETCHES side, on the land which Sir Walter Scott was always so anxious to buy from Mr. Nichol Milne. Almost the last entry in his diary, at Naples, breathes this unutterable hope. He had deluded SMAII.HOI.ME TOWER himself into believing that his debts were paid, and that he could soon ' speak a word to young Nichol Milne.' The word, of course, was never spoken, and the un supplanted laird used to let us fish for his perch to our hearts' desire. Never was A BORDER BOYHOOD 17 there such slaughter. The corks which we used as floats were perpetually tipping, bobbing, and disappearing, and then the red-finned perch would fly out on to dry land. Here I once saw two corks go down, two anglers haul up, and one perch, attached to both hooks, descend on the grassy bank. My brother and I filled two baskets once, and strung dozens of other perch on a stick. But this was not legitimate business. Not till we came to fly-fishing were we really entered at the sport, and this initiation took place, as it chanced, beside the very stream where I was first shown a trout. It is a charming piece of water, amber-coloured and clear, flowing from the Morvern hills under the limes of an ancient avenue trees that have long survived the house to which, of old, the road must have led. Our gillie put on for us big bright sea-trout flies nobody fishes there for yellow trout ; but, in our inexperience, small ' brownies ' were all we caught. Probably we were only taken to streams and shallows where we could not interfere with mature sportsmen. At all events, it was demonstrated to us that we could C 18 ANGLING SKETCHES actually catch fish with fly, and since then I have scarcely touched a worm, except as a boy, in burns. In these early days we had no notion of playing a trout. If there was a bite, we put our strength into an answering tug, and, if nothing gave way, the trout flew over our heads, perhaps up into a tree, perhaps over into a branch of the stream be- hind us. Quite a large trout will yield to this artless method, if the rod be sturdy none of your glued-up cane-affairs. I remember hooking a trout which, not answering to the first haul, ran right across the stream and made for a hole in the opposite bank. But the second lift proved suc- cessful and he landed on my side of the water. He had a great minnow in his throat, and must have been a particularly greedy animal. Of course, on this system there were many breakages, and the method was abandoned as we lived into our teens, and began to wade and to understand some- thing about fly-fishing. It was worth while to be a boy then in the south of Scotland, and to fish the waters haunted by old legends, musical with old songs, and re- A BORDER BOYHOOD 19 nowned in the sporting essays of Christopher North and Stoddart. Even then, thirty long years ago, the old stagers used to tell us that ' the watter was ovvr sair fished,' and they grumbled about the system of draining the land, which makes a river a roaring torrent in floods, and a bed of grey stones with a few clear pools and shallows, during the rest of the year. In times before the hills were drained, before the manufacturing towns were so populous, before pollution, netting, dynamiting, poisoning, sniggling, and the enormous increase of fair and unfair fishing, the border must have been the angler's paradise. Still, it was not bad when we were boys. We had Ettrick within a mile of us, and a finer natural trout-stream there is not in Scotland, though now the water only holds a sadly persecuted remnant. There was one long pool behind Lindean, flowing beneath a high wooded bank, where the trout literally seemed never to cease rising at the flies that dropped from the pendant boughs. Unluckily the water flowed out of the pool in a thin broad stream, directly at right angles to the pool itself. Thus the angler 20 ANGLING SKETCHES had, so to speak, the whole of lower Ettrick at his back when he waded ; it was a long way up stream to the bank, and, as we never used landing- nets then, we naturally lost a great many trout in trying to unhook them in mid water. They only averaged as a rule from three to two to the pound, but they were strong and lively. In this pool there was a large tawny, table-shaped stone, over which the current broke. Out of the eddy behind this stone, one of my brothers one day caught three trout weighing over seven pounds, a feat which nowadays sounds quite incredible. As soon as the desirable eddy was empty, another trout, a trifle smaller than the former, seems to have occupied it. The next mile and a half, from Lindean to the junction with Tweed, was remark- able for excellent sport. In the last pool of Ettrick, the water flowed by a steep bank, and, if you cast almost on to the further side, you were perfectly safe to get fish, even when the river was very low. The flies used, three on a cast, were small and dusky, hare's ear and woodcock wing, black palmers, or, as Stoddart sings, ' NEWARK CASTI.K A BORDER BOYHOOD ar Wee dour looking huiks are the thing, Mouse body and laverock wing. Next to Ettrick came Tweed : the former river joins the latter at the bend of a long stretch of water, half stream, half pool, in which angling was always good. In late September there were sea- trout, which, for some reason, rose to the fly much more freely than sea-trout do now in the upper Tweed. I particularly remember hooking one just under the railway bridge. He was a two- pounder, and practised the usual sea-trout tactics of springing into the air like a rocket. There was a knot on my line, of course, and I was obliged to hold him hard. When he had been dragged up on the shingle, the line parted, broken in twain at the knot ; but it had lasted just long enough, during three exciting minutes. This accident of a knot on the line has only once befallen me since, with the strongest loch-trout I ever encountered. It was on Branxholme Loch, where the trout run to a great size, but usually refuse the fly. I was alone in a boat on a windy day ; the trout soon ran out the line to the knot, and then there was nothing for it 22 ANGLING SKETCHES but to lower the top almost to the water's edge, and hold on in hope. Presently the boat drifted ashore, and I landed him better luck than I deserved. People who only know the trout of the Test and other chalk streams, cannot imagine how much stronger are the fish of the swift Scottish streams and dark Scottish lochs. They are worse fed, but they are infinitely more powerful and active ; it is all the difference between an alderman and a clansman. Tweed, at this time, was full of trout, but even then they were not easy to catch. One difficulty lay in the nature of the wading. There is a pool near Ashiesteil and Gleddis Weil which illus- trated this. Here Scott and Hogg were once upset from a boat while ' burning the water ' spearing salmon by torchlight. Herein, too, as Scott mentions in his Diary, he once caught two trout at one cast. The pool is long, is paved with small gravel, and allures you to wade on and on. But the water gradually deepens as you go for- ward, and the pool ends in a deep pot under each bank. Then to recover your ground becomes by A BORDER BOYHOOD 23 no means easy, especially if the water is heavy. You get half-drowned, or drowned altogether, before you discover your danger. Many of the pools have this peculiarity, and in many, one step made rashly lets you into a very uncomfortable and perilous place. Therefore expeditions to Tweedside were apt to end in a ducking. It was often hard to reach the water where trout were rising, and the rise was always capricious. There might not be a stir on the water for hours, and suddenly it would be all boiling with heads and tails for twenty minutes, after which nothing was to be done. To miss ' the take ' was to waste the day, at least in fly-fishing. From a high wooded bank I have seen the trout feeding, and they have almost ceased to feed before I reached the water- side. Still worse was it to be allured into water over the tops of your waders, early in the day, and then to find that the rise was over, and there was nothing for it but a weary walk home, the basket laden only with damp boots. Still, the trout were undeniably there, and that was a great encouragement. They are there still, but infinitely 24 ANGLING SKETCHES more cunning than of old. Then, if they were feeding, they took the artificial fly freely ; now it must be exactly of the right size and shade or they will have none of it. They come provokingly short, too ; just plucking at the hook, and running out a foot of line or so, then taking their departure. For some reason the Tweed is more difficult to fish with the dry fly than the Test, for example. The water is swifter and very dark, it drowns the fly soon, and on the surface the fly is less easily distinguished than at Whitchurch, in the pellucid streams. The Leader, a tributary, may be fished with dry fly ; on the Tweed one can hardly manage it. There is a plan by which rising trout may be taken namely, by baiting with a small red worm and casting as in fly-fishing. But that is so hard on the worm! Probably he who can catch trout with fly on the Tweed between Melrose and Holy Lee can catch them anywhere. On a good day in April great baskets are still made in preserved parts of the Tweed, but, if they are made in open water, it must be, I fancy, with worm, or with the ' screw,' the larva of the May-fly. The A BORDER BOYHOOD 25 screw is a hideous and venomous-looking animal, which is fixed on a particular kind of tackle, and cast up stream with a short line. The heaviest trout are fond of it, but it can only be used at a season when either school or Oxford keeps one far from what old Franck, Walton's contemporary, YARROW a Cromwellian trooper, calls ' the glittering and resolute streams of Tweed.' Difficult as it is, that river is so beautiful and alluring that it scarcely needs the attractions of sport. The steep banks, beautifully wooded, and in spring one mass of primroses, are crowned here 26 ANGLING SKETCHES and there with ruined Border towers like Elibank, the houses of Muckle Mou'ed Meg ; or with fair baronial houses like Fernilea. Meg made a bad exchange when she left Elibank with the salmon pool at its foot for bleak Harden, frowning over the narrow ' den ' where Harden kept the plundered cattle. There is no fishing in the tiny Harden burn, that joins the brawling Borthwick Water. The burns of the Lowlands are now almost barren of trout. The spawning fish, flabby and useless, are killed in winter. All through the rest of the year, in the remotest places, tourists are hard at them with worm. In a small burn a skilled wormer may almost depopulate the pools, and, on the Border, all is fish that comes to the hook ; men keep the very fingerlings, on the pre- text that they are ' so sweet ' in the frying-pan. The crowd of anglers in glens which seem not easily accessible is provoking enough. Into the Meggat, a stream which feeds St. Mary's Loch, there flows the Glengaber, or Glencaber burn : the burn of the pine-tree stump. The water runs in A BORDER BOYHOOD 27 deep pools and streams over a blue slatey rock, which contains gold under the sand, in the worn holes and crevices. My friend, Mr. McAllister, the schoolmaster at St. Mary's, tells me that one A BORDER KEEP day, when fish were not rising, he scooped out the gravel of one of these holes with his knife, and found a tiny nugget, after which the gold-hunting fever came on him for a while. But little is got 28 ANGLING SKETCHES nowadays, though in some earlier period the burn has been diverted from its bed, and the people used solemnly to wash the sand, as in California or Australia. Well, whether in consequence of the gold, as the alchemical philosophers would have held, or not, the trout of the Glengaber burn were good. They were far shorter, thicker and stronger than those of the many neighbouring brooks. I have fished up the burn with fly, when it was very low, hiding carefully behind the boulders, and have been surprised at the size and gameness of the fish. As soon as the fly had touched the brown water, it was sucked down, and there was quite a fierce little fight before the fish came to hand. ' This, all this, was in the olden time, long ago.' The Glengaber burn is about twenty miles from any railway station, but, on the last occasion when I visited it, three louts were worming their way up it, within twenty yards of each other, each lout, with his huge rod, showing himself wholly to any trout that might be left in the water. Thirty years ago the burns that feed St. Mary's Loch were almost unfished, and rare sport we had in them, as boys, A BORDER BOYHOOD 29 staying at Tibbie Shcil's famous cottage, and sleeping in her box-beds, where so often the Ettrick Shepherd and Christopher North have lain, after copious toddy. ' Tis gone, 'tis gone': ' not in our time will any man, like the Ettrick Shepherd, need a cart to carry the trout he has slain in Meggat Water. That stream, flowing through a valley furnished with a grass-grown track for a road, flows, as I said, into St. Mary's Loch. There are two or three large pools at the foot of the loch, in which, as a small boy hardly promoted to fly, I have seen many monsters rising greedily. Men got into the way of fishing these pools after a flood with minnow r , and thereby made huge baskets, the big fish running up to feed, out of the loch. But, when last I rowed past Meggat foot, the delta of that historic stream was simply crowded with anglers, stepping in in front of each other. I asked if this mob was a political ' demonstration,' but they stuck to business, as if they had been on the Regent's Canal. And this, remember, was twenty miles from any town ! Yet there is a burn on the Border still undiscovered. 30 ANGLING SKETCHES still full of greedy trout. I shall give the angler such a hint of its whereabouts as Tiresias, in Hades, gave to Odysseus concerning the end of his second wanderings. When, O stranger, thou hast reached a burn ASHIESTEIL BRIDGE where the shepherd asks thee for the newspaper wrapped round thy sandwiches, that he may read the news, then erect an altar to Priapus, god of fishermen, and begin to angle boldly. Probably the troops who fish our Border-burns still manage to toss out some dozens of tiny fishes, A BORDER BOYHOOD 31 some six or eight to the pound. Are not these triumphs chronicled in the ' Scotsman ? ' But they cannot imagine what angling was in the dead years, nor what great trout dwelt below the linns of the Crosscleugh burn, beneath the red clusters of the rowan trees, or in the waters of the ' Little Yarrow ' above the Loch of the Lowes. As to the lochs themselves, now that anyone may put a boat on them, now that there is perpetual trolling, as well as fly-fishing, so that every fish knows the lures, the fun is mainly over. In April, no doubt, some- thing may still be done, and in the silver twilights of June, when as you drift on the still surface you hear the constant sweet plash of the rising trout, a few, and these good, may be taken. But the water wants re-stocking, and the burns in winter need watching, in the interests of spawning fish. It is nobody's interest, that I know of, to take trouble and incur expense ; and free fishing, by the consti- tution of the universe, must end in bad fishing or in none at all. The best we can say for it is that vast numbers of persons may, by the still waters of these meres, enjoy the pleasures of hope. Even 32 ANGLING SKETCHES solitude is no longer to be found in the scene which Scott, in c Marmion,' chooses as oi all places the most solitary. Here, have I thought, 'twere sweet to dwell, And rear again the chaplain's cell. But no longer does ' Your horse's hoof tread sound too rude, So stilly is the solitude.' Stilly ! with the horns and songs from omni- busses that carry tourists, and with yells from nymphs and swains disporting themselves in the boats. Yarrow is only the old Yarrow in winter. Ages and revolutions must pass before the ancient peace returns ; and only if the golden age is born again, and if we revive in it, shall we find St. Mary's what St. Mary's was lang syne Ah, Buddha, if thy tale be true, Of still returning life, A monk may I be born anew, In valleys free from strife, A monk where Meggat winds and laves The lone St. Mary's of the Waves. Yarrow, which flows out of St. Mary's Loch, was never a great favourite of mine, as far as fish- A BORDER BOYHOOD 33 ing goes. It had, and probably deserved, a great reputation, and some good trout are still taken in the upper waters, and there must be monsters in the deep black pools, the ' dowie dens ' above Bowhill. But 1 never had any luck there. The choicest stream of all was then, probably, the Aill, described by Sir Walter in ' William of Deloraine's Midnight Ride ' Where Aill, from mountains freed, Down from the lakes did raving come ; Each wave was crested with tawny foam, Like the mane of a chestnut steed. As not uncommonly happens, Scott uses rather large language here. The steepy, grassy hillsides, the great green tablelands in a recess of which the Aill is born, can hardly be called ' mountains.' The ' lakes,' too, through which it passes, are much more like tarns, or rather, considering the flatness of their banks, like well-meaning ponds. But the Aill, near Sinton and Ashkirk, was a delightful trout-stream, between its willow-fringed banks, a brook about the size of the Lambourne. Nowhere on the Border were trout more numerous, better fed, D 34 ANGLING SKETCHES and 'more easily beguiled. A week on Test would I gladly give for one day of boyhood beside the Aill, where the casting was not scientific, but where the fish rose gamely at almost any fly. Nobody seemed to go there then, and, I fancy, nobody need go there now. ' The nets and other dismal devices of the poachers from the towns have ruined that pleasant brook, where one has passed so many a happy hour, walking the long way home wet and weary, but well content. Into Aill flows a burn, the Headshaw burn, where there used to be good fish, because it runs out of Headshaw Loch, a weed- fringed lonely tarn on the bleak level of the table- land. Bleak as it may seem, Headshaw Loch has the great charm of absolute solitude : there are no tourists nor anglers here, and the life of the birds is especially free and charming. The trout, too, are large, pink of flesh, and game of character ; but the world of mankind need not rush thither. They are not to be captured by the wiles of men, or so rarely that the most enthusiastic anglers have given them up. They are as. safe in their tarn as those enchanted fish of the ' Arabian Nights.' A BORDER BOYHOOD 35 Perhaps a silver sedge in a warm twilight may somewhat avail, but the adventure is rarely achieved. These are the waters with which our boyhood was mainly engaged ; it is a pleasure to name and number them. Memory, that has lost so much and would gladly lose so much more, brings vividly back the golden summer evenings by Tweedside, when the trout began to plash in the stillness brings back the long, lounging, solitary days be- neath the woods of Ashiesteil days so lonely that they sometimes, in the end, begat a superstitious eeriness. One seemed forsaken in an enchanted world ; one might see the two white fairy deer flit by, bringing to us, as to Thomas Rhymer, the tidings that we must back to Fairyland. Other waters we knew well, and loved : the little salmon-stream in the west that doubles through the loch, and runs a mile or twain beneath its alders, past its old Celtic battle-field, beneath the ruined shell of its feudal tower, to the sea. Many a happy day \ve had there, on loch or stream, with the big sea-trout which have somehow changed their tastes, and to- 36 ANGLING SKETCHES day take quite different flies from the green body and the red body that led them to the landing-net long ago. Dear are the twin Alines, but dearer is Tweed, and Ettrick, where our ancestor was drowned in a flood, and his white horse was found, next day, feeding near his dead body, on a little grassy island. There is a great pleasure in trying new methods, in labouring after the delicate art of the dry fly-fisher in the clear Hampshire streams, where the glassy tide flows over the waving tresses of crow's-foot below the poplar shade. But no- thing can be so good as what is old, and, as far as angling goes, is practically ruined, the alternate pool and stream of the Border waters, where The triple pride Of Eildon looks over Strathclyde, and the salmon cast murmurs hard by the Wizard's grave. They are all gone now, the old allies and tutors in the angler's art the kind gardener who baited our hooks ; the good Scotch judge who gave us our first collection of flies ; the friend who took us with him on his salmon-fishing expedition, and made men of us with real rods, and ' pirns ' of ancient A BORDER BOYHOOD 37 make. The companions of those times arc scattered, and live under strange stars and in converse sea sons, by troutless waters. It is no longer the height of pleasure to be half- drowned in Tweed, or lost on the hills with no luncheon in the basket. But, except for scarcity of fish, the scene is very little altered, and one is a boy again, in heart, beneath the elms of Yair, or by the Gullets at Ashiesteil. However bad the sport, it keeps you young, or makes you young again, and you need not follow Ponce de Leon to the western wilderness, when, in any river you knew of yore, you can find the Fountain of Youth. THE GLEODIS WEIL ANGLING SKETCHES THE BOATMAN'S YARNS OOD trout-fishing in Scot- land, south of the Pentland Firth, is almost impossible to procure. There are better fish, and more of them, in the Wandle, within twenty minutes of Victoria Station, than in any equal stretch of any Scotch river with which I am acquainted. But the pleasure of angling, luckily, does not consist merely of the catching of fish. The Wandle is rather too suburban for some tastes, which prefer smaller trout, better air, and wilder LOCH AWE 39 scenery. To such spirits, Loch Awe may, with certain distinct cautions, be recommended. There is more chance for anglers, now, in Scotch lochs than in most Scotch rivers. The lochs cannot so easily be netted, lined, polluted, and otherwise made empty and ugly, like the Border streams. They are farther off from towns and tourists, though distance is scarcely a complete protection. The best lochs for yellow trout are decidedly those of Sutherland. There are no railways, and there are two hundred lochs and more in the Parish of Assynt. There, in June, the angler who is a good pedestrian may actually enjoy solitude, sometimes. There is a loch near Strathnaver, and far from human habitations, where a friend of my own recently caught sixty-five trout weighing about thirty-eight pounds. They are numerous and pluck}-, but not large, though a casual big loch-trout may be taken by trolling. But it is truly a far way to this anonymous lake, and all round the regular fishing inns, like Inchna- dampf and Forsinard there is usually quite a little crowd of anglers. The sport is advertised in 40 ANGLING SKETCHES the newspapers ; more and more of our eager fellow-creatures are attracted, more and more the shooting tenants are preserving waters that used to be open. The distance to Sutherland makes that county almost beyond the range of a brief holiday. Loch Leven is nearer, and at Loch Leven the scenery is better than its reputation, while the trout are excellent, though shy. But Loch Leven is too much cockneyfied by angling competitions ; moreover, its pleasures are expensive. Loch Awe remains, a loch at once large, lovely, not too dis- tant, and not destitute of sport. The reader of Mr. Colquhoun's delightful old book, ' The Moor and the Loch,' must not expect Loch Awe to be what it once was. The railway, which has made the north side of the lake so ugly, has brought the district within easy reach of Glasgow and of Edinburgh. Villas are built on many a beautiful height ; here couples come for their honeymoon, here whole argosies of boats are anchored off the coasts, here do steam launches ply. The hotels are extremely comfortable, the boatmen are excellent boatmen, good fishers, and LOCH AWE 41 capital company. All this is pleasant, but all this attracts multitudes of anglers, and it is not in nature that sport should be what it once was. Of the famous salmo ferox I cannot speak from experience. The huge courageous fish is still at home in Loch Awe, but now he sees a hundred baits, natural and artificial, where he saw one in Mr. Colquhoun's time. The truly contemplative man may still sit in the stern of the boat, with two rods out, and possess his soul in patience, as if he were fishing for tarpon in Florida. I wish him luck, but the diversion is little to my mind. Ex- cept in playing the fish, if he comes, all the skill is in the boatmen, who know where to row, at what pace, and in what depth of water. As to the chances of salmon again, they are perhaps less rare, but they are not very frequent. The fish does not seem to take freely in the loch, and on his way from the Awe to the Orchy. As to the trout-fishing, it is very bad in the months when most men take their holidays, August and Sept- ember. From the middle of April to the middle of June is apparently the best time. The loch is 42 ANGLING SKETCHES well provided with bays, of different merit, ac- cording to the feeding which they provide ; some come earlier, some later into season. Doubtless the most beautiful part of the lake is around the islands, between the Loch Awe and the Port Sonachan hotels. The Green Island, with its strange Celtic burying-ground, where the daffodils bloom among the sepulchres with their rude carvings of battles and of armed men, has many trout around its shores. The favourite fishing- places, however, are between Port Sonachan and Ford. In the morning early, the steam-launch tows a fleet of boats down the loch, and they drift back again, fishing all the bays, and arriving at home in time for dinner. Too frequently the angler is vexed by finding a boat busy in his favourite bay. I am not sure that, when the trout are really taking, the water near Port Sonachan is not as good as any other. Much depends on the weather. In the hard north-east winds of April we can scarcely expect trout to feed very freely anywhere. These of Loch Awe are very peculiar fish. I take it that there are two species one short, thick, golden, LOCH AWE 43 and beautiful ; but these, at least in April, are de- cidedly scarce. The common sort is long, lanky, of a dark green hue, and the reverse of lovely. Most of them, however, are excellent at breakfast, pink in the flesh, and better flavoured, I think, than the famous trout of Loch Leven. They are also extremely game for their size ; a half-pound trout fights like a pounder. From thirty to forty fish in a day's incessant angling is reckoned no bad basket. In genial May weather, probably the trout average two to the pound, and a pounder or two may be in the dish. But three to the pound is decidedly nearer the average, at least in April. The flies commonly used are larger than what are employed in Loch Leven. A teal wing and red body, a giouse hackle, and the prismatic Heckham Peck- ham, are among the favourites ; but it is said that flies no bigger than Tweed flics are occasionally successful. In my own brief experience I have found the trout ' dour,' occasionally they would rise freely for an hour at noon, or in the evening ; but often one passed hours with scarcely a rising fish. This max* have been due to the bitterness of the 44 ANGLING SKETCHES weather, or to my own lack of skill. Not that lochs generally require much artifice in the angler. To sink the flies deep, and move them with short jerks, appears, now and then, to be efficacious. There has been some controversy about Loch Awe trouting ; this is as favourable a view of the sport as I can honestly give. It is not excellent, but, thanks to the great beauty of the scenery, the many points of view on so large and indented a lake, the charm of the wood and wild flowers, Loch Awe is well worth a visit from persons who do not pitch their hopes too high. Loch Awe would have contented me less had I been less fortunate in my boatman. It is often said that tradition has died out in the Highlands ; it is living yet. After three days of north wind and failure, it occurred to me that my boatman might know the local folklore the fairy tales and traditions. As a rule, tradition is a purely professional part of a guide's stock-in-trade, but the angler who had my barque in his charge proved to be a fresh fountain of legend. His own county is not Argyleshire, but LOCH AlVE 45 Inverness, and we did not deal much in local myth. True, he told me why Loch Awe ceased like the site of Sodom and Gomorrah to be a cultivated valley and became a lake, where the trout arc small and, externally, green. ' Loch Awe was once a fertile valley, and it belonged to an old dame. She was called Dame Cruachan, the same as the hill, and she lived high up on the hill-side. Now there was a well on the hill-side, and she was always to cover up the well with a big stone before the sun set. But one day she had been working in the valley and she was weary, and she sat down by the path on her way home and fell asleep. And the sun had gone down before she reached the well, and in the night the water broke out and filled all the plain, and what was land is now water.' This, then, was the origin of Loch Awe. It is a little like the Australian account of the Deluge. That calamity was pro- duced by a man's showing a woman the mystic turndun, a native sacred toy. Instantly water broke out of the earth and drowned everybody. This is merely a local legend, such as boatmen 46 ANGLING SKETCHES are expected to know. As the green trout utterly declined to rise, I tried the boatman with the Irish story of why the Gruagach Gaire left off laughing, and all about the hare that came and defiled his table, as recited by Mr. Curtin in his ' Irish Legends ' (Sampson, Low, & Co.). The boatman did not know this fable, but he did know of a red deer that came and spoke to a gentleman. This was a story from the Macpherson country. I give it first in the boatman's words, and then we shall discuss the history of the legend as known to Sir Walter Scott and James Hogg, the Ettrick Shep- herd. THE YARN OF THE BLACK OFFICER ' It was about " the last Christmas of the hundred " the end of last century. They wanted men for the Black Watch (42nd Highlanders), and the Black Officer, as they called him, was sent to his own country to enlist them. Some he got willingly, and others by force. He promised he would only take them to London, where the King LOCH AWP: 47 wanted to review them, and then let them go home. So they came, though they little liked it, and he was marching them south. Now at night they reached a place where nobody would have halted them except the Black Officer, for it was a great place for ghosts. And they would have run away if they had dared, but they were afraid of him. So some tried to sleep in threes and fours, and some were afraid to sleep, and they sat up round the fire. But the Black Officer, he went some way from the rest, and lay down beneath a tree. 1 Now as the night wore on, and whiles it would be dark and whiles the moon shone, a man came they did not know from where a big red man, and drew up to the fire, and was talking with them. And he asked where the Black Officer was, and they showed him. Now there was one man, Shamus Mackenzie they called him, and he was very curious, and he must be seeing what they did. So he followed the man, and saw him stoop and speak to the officer, but he did not waken ; then this individual took the Black Officer by the breast and shook him violently. Then Shamus knew 48 ANGLING SKETCHES who the stranger was, for no man alive durst have done as much to the Black Officer. And there was the Black Officer kneeling to him ! ' Well, what they said, Shamus could not hear, and presently they walked away, and the Black Officer came back alone. ' He took them to England, but never to London, and they never saw the King. He took them to Portsmouth, and they were embarked for India, where we were fighting the French. There was a town we couldn't get into ' (Seringapatam ?), ' and the Black Officer volunteered to make a tunnel under the walls. Now they worked three days, and whether it was the French heard them and let them dig on, or not, any way, on the third day the French broke in on them. They kept sending men into the tunnel, and more men, and still they wondered who was fighting within, and how we could have so large a party in the tunnel ; so at last they brought torches, and there was no man alive on our side but the Black Officer, and he had a wall of corpses built up in front of him, and was fighting across it. He had more light to see by LOCH A WE 49 than the French had, for it was dark behind him, and there would be some light on their side. So at last they brought some combustibles and blew it all up. Three days after that we took the town. Some of our soldiers were sent to dig out the tunnel, and with them was Shamus Mackenzie.' INNISHAIL ' And they never found the Black Officer,' I said, thinking of young Campbell in Sekukceni's fighting koppie. ' Oh, yes,' said the boatman, ' Shamus found the body of the Black Officer, all black with smoke, and he laid him down on a green knoll, and was E 50 ANGLING SKETCHES standing over the dead man, and was thinking of how many places they had been in together, and of his own country, and how he wished he was there again. Then the dead man's face moved. ' Shamus turned and ran for his life, and he was running till he met some officers, and he told them that the Black Officer's body had stirred. They thought he was lying, but they went off to the place, and one of them had the thought to take a flask of brandy in his pocket. When they came to the lifeless body it stirred again, and with one thing and another they brought him round. 'The Black Officer was not himself again for long, and they took him home to his own country, and he lay in bed in his house. And every day a red deer would come to the house, and go into his room and sit on a chair beside the bed, speaking to him like a man. ' Well, the Black Officer got better again, and went about among his friends ; and once he was driving home from a dinner-party, and Shamus was with him. It was just the last night of the hundred. And on the road they met a man, and LOCH AWE 51 Shamus knew him for it was him they had seen by the fire on the march, as I told you at the beginning. The Black Officer got down from his carriage and joined the man, and they walked a bit apart ; but Shamus he was so curious what- ever happened he must see them. And he came within hearing just as they were parting, and he heard the stranger say, " This is the night." ' " No," said the Black Officer, " this night next year." ' So he came back, and they drove home. A year went by, and the Black Officer was seeking through the country for the twelve best men he could find to accompany him to some deer-hunt or the like. And he asked Shamus, but he pretended he was ill Oh, he was very unwell! and he could not go, but stayed in bed at home. So the Black Officer chose another man, and he and the twelve set out the thirteen of them. But they were never seen again.' ' Never seen again ? Were they lost in the snow ? ' ' It did come on a heavy fall, sir.' K 2 52 ANGLING SKETCHES ' But their bodies were found ? ' ' No, sir though they searched high and low ; they are not found, indeed, till this day. It was thought the Black Officer had sold himself and twelve other men, sir.' ' To the Devil ? ' ' It would be that.' For the narrator never mentions our ghostly foe, which produces a solemn effect. This story was absolutely new to me, and much I wished that Mr. Louis Stevenson could have heard it. The blending of the far East with the Highlands reminds one of his ' Master of Ball- antrae,' and what might he not make of that fairy red deer ! My boatman, too, told me what Mr. Stevenson says the Highlanders will not tell the name of the man who committed the murder of which Alan Breck was accused. But this secret I do not intend to divulge. The story of the Black Officer then seemed absolutely unpublished. But when Sir Walter Scott's diary was given to the world in October, 1890, it turned out that he was not wholly igno- LOCH AWE 53 rant of the legend. In 1828 he complains that he has been annoyed by a lady, because he had printed ' in the " Review " ' a ravvhead and bloody- bones story of her father, Major Macpherson, who was lost in a snowstorm. This Major Macpherson was clearly the Black Officer. Mr. Douglas, the publisher of Scott's diary, discovered that the ' Review ' mentioned vaguely by Scott was the ' Foreign Quarterly,' No. I, July, 1827. In an essay on Hoffmann's novels, Sir Walter introduced the tale as told to him in a letter from a nobleman some time deceased, not more distinguished for his love of science than his attachment to literature in all its branches. The tale is too long to be given completely. Briefly, a Captain M., on St. Valentine's day, 1799, had been deer-shooting (at an odd time of the year) in the hills west of D . He did not return, a terrible snowstorm set in, and finally he and his friends were found dead in a bothy, which the tempest had literally destroyed. Large stones from the walls were found lying at distances of a hundred yards ; the wooden uprights were twisted 54 ANGLING SKETCHES like broken sticks. The Captain was lying dead, without his clothes, on the bed ; one man was dis- covered at a distance, another near the Captain. Then it was remembered that, at the same bothy a month before, a shepherd lad had inquired for the Captain, had walked with him for some time, and that, on the officer's return, ' a mysterious anxiety hung about him.' A fire had also been seen blaz- ing on an opposite height, and when some of the gillies went to the spot, ' there was no fire to be seen.' On the day when the expedition had started, the Captain was warned of the ill weather, but he said ' he must go.' He was an unpopular man, and was accused of getting money by procuring recruits from the Highlands, often by cruel means. ' Our in- former told us nothing more ; he neither told us his own opinion, nor that of the country, but left it to our own notions of the manner in which good and evil is rewarded in this life to suggest the author of the miserable event. He seemed impressed with superstitious awe on the subject, and said, " There \vas na the like seen in a' Scotland." The man is LOCH AWE 55 far advanced in years and is a schoolmaster in the neighbourhood of Rannoch.' Sir Walter says that ' the feeling of supersti- tious awe annexed to the catastrophe could not have been improved by any circumstances of additional horror which a poet could have in- vented. But is there not something more moving still in the boatman's version : ' they were never seen again . . . they were not found indeed till this day ' ? The folklorist, of course, is eager to know whether the boatman's much more complete and connected narrative is a popular mythical develop- ment in the years between 1820 and 1890, or whether the schoolmaster of Rannoch did not tell all he knew. It is unlikely, I think, that the siege of Seringapatam would have been remembered so long in connection with the Black Officer if it had not formed part of his original legend. Mean- while the earliest printed notice of the event with which I am acquainted, a notice only ten years later than the date of the Major's death in 1799, is 56 ANGLING SKETCHES given by Hogg in 'The Spy,' 1810-11, pp. 101-3. I offer an abridgment of the narrative. 'About the end of last century Major Mac- pherson and a party of friends went out to hunt on the Grampians between Athole and Badenoch. They were highly successful, and in the after- noon they went into a little bothy, and, having meat and drink, they abandoned themselves to jollity. 1 During their merry-making a young man entered whose appearance particularly struck and somewhat shocked Macpherson ; the stranger beckoned to the Major, and he followed him instantly out of the bothy. ' When they parted, after apparently having had some earnest conversation, the stranger was out of sight long before the Major was half-way back, though only twenty yards away. ' The Major showed on his return such evident marks of trepidation that the mirth was marred and no one cared to ask him questions. ' This was early in the week, and on Friday the Major persuaded his friends to make a second LOCH AWE 57 expedition to the mountains, from which they never returned. ' On a search being made their dead bodies were found in the bothy, some considerably mangled, but some were not marked by any- wound. ' It was visible that this had not been effected by human agency : the bothy was torn from its foundations and scarcely a vestige left of it, and one huge stone, which twelve men could not have raised, was tossed to a considerable distance. ' On this event Scott's beautiful ballad of " Glenfinlas " is said to have been founded.' As will be seen presently, Hogg was wrong about ' Glenfinlas ' ; the boatman was acquainted with a traditional version of that wild legend. I found another at Rannoch. The Highland fairies are very vampirish. The Loch Awe boatman lives at a spot haunted by a shadowy maiden. Her last appearance was about thirty years ago. Two young men were thrashing corn one morning, when the joint of the flail broke. The owner went to Larichban and entered an 58 ANGLING SKETCHES outhouse to look for a piece of sheepskin wherewith to mend the flail. He was long absent, and his companion went after him. He found him struggling in the arms of a ghostly maid, who had nearly murdered him, but departed on the arrival of his friend. It is not easy to make out what these ghoulish women are not fairies exactly, nor witches, nor vampires. For example, three shepherds at a lonely sheiling were discoursing of their loves, and it was, ' Oh, how happy I should be if Katie were here, or Maggie, or Bessie ! ' as the "case might be. So they would say and so they would wish, and lo ! one evening, the three girls came to the door of the hut. So they made them welcome ; but one of the shepherds was playing the Jew's-harp, and he did not like the turn matters were taking. The two others stole off into corners of the darkling hut with their lovers, but this prudent lad never took his lips off the Jew's-harp. ' Harping is good if no ill follows it,' said the semblance of his sweetheart ; but he never answered. He played and thrummed, and out of one dark corner trickled red blood into the fire- LOCH A WE 59 light, and out of another corner came a current of blood to meet it. Then he slowly rose, still harping, and backed his way to the door, and fled into the hills from these cruel airy shapes of false desire. ' And do the people actually believe all that ? ' ' Ay, do they ! ' That is the boatman's version of Scott's theme in ' Glenfmlas.' Witches played a great part in his narratives. In the boatman's country there is a plain, and on the plain is a knoll, about twice the height of a one-storeyed cottage, and pointed ' like a sugar-loaf.' The old people remember, or have heard, that this mound was not there when they were young. It swelled up suddenly out of the grave of a witch who was buried there. The witch was a great enemy of a shepherd. Every morning she would put on the shape of a hare, and run before his dogs, and lead them away from the sheep. He knew it was right to shoot at her with a crooked sixpence, and he hit her on the hind leg, and the dogs were after her, and chased the hare into the old woman's cottage. The shep- 60 ANGLING SKETCHES herd ran after them, and there he found them, tear- ing at the old woman ; but the hare was twisted round their necks, and she was crying, ' Tighten, hare, tighten ! ' and it was choking them. So he tore the hare off the dogs ; and then the old woman begged him to save her from them, and she pro- mised never to plague him again. ' But if the old dog's teeth had been as sharp as the young one's, she would have been a dead woman.' When this witch died she knew she could never lie in safety in her grave ; but there was a very safe churchyard in Aberdeenshire, a hundred and fifty miles away, and if she could get into that she would be at rest. And she rose out of her grave, and off she went, and the Devil after her, on a black horse ; but, praise to the swiftness of her feet, she won the churchyard before him. Her first grave swelled up, oh, as high as that green hillock ! Witches are still in active practice. There was an old woman very miserly. She would alway be taking one of her neighbours' sheep from the hills, and they stood it for long ; they did not like to meddle with her. At last it grew so bad that they LOCH AWE 61 brought her before the sheriff, and she got eighteen months in prison. When she came out she was very angry, and set about making an image of the woman whose sheep she had taken. When the image was made she burned it and put the ashes in a burn. And it is a very curious thing, but the woman she made it on fell into a decline, and took to her bed. The witch and her family went to America. They kept a little inn, in a country place, and people who slept in it did not come out again. They were discovered, and the eldest son was hanged ; he confessed that he had committed nineteen murders before he left Scotland. 1 They were not a nice family.' ' The father was a very respectable old man.' The boatman gave me the name of this wicked household, but it is perhaps better forgotten. The extraordinary thing is that this appears to be the Highland introduction to, or part first of, a gloomy and sanguinary story of a murder hole an inn of assassins in a lonely district of the United States, which Mr. Louis Stevenson heard in his 62 ANGLING SKETCHES travels there, and told to me some years ago. The details have escaped my memory, but, as Mr. Stevenson narrated them, they rivalled De Quin- cey's awful story of Williams's murders in the Ratcliffe Highway. Life must still be haunted in Badenoch, as it was on Ida's hill, by forms of unearthly beauty, the goddess or the ghost yet wooing the shepherd ; indeed, the boatman told me many stories of living superstition and terrors of the night ; but why should I exhaust his wallet ? To be sure, it seemed very full of tales ; these offered here may be but the legends which came first to his hand. The boat- man is not himself a believer in the fairy world, or not more than all sensible men ought to be. The supernatural is too pleasant a thing for us to discard in an earnest, scientific manner like Mr. Kipling's Aurelian McGubben. Perhaps I am more superstitious than the boatman, and the yarns I swopped with him about ghosts I have met would seem even more mendacious to possessors of pocket microscopes and of the modern spirit. But I would rather have one banshee story than fifteen LOCH AWE 63 pages of proof that f life, which began as a cell, with a c, is to end as a sell, with an s.' It should be added that the boatman has given his consent to the printing of his yarns. On being offered a moiety of the profits, he observed that he had no objection to these, but that he entirely declined to be responsible for any share of the expenses. Would that all authors were as sagacious, for then the amateur novelist and the minor poet would vex us no more. Perhaps I should note that I have not made the boatman say ' whateffer,' because he doesn't. The occasional use of the imperfect is almost his only Gaelic idiom. It is a great comfort and pleasure, when the trout do not rise, to meet a skilled and unaffected narrator of the old beliefs, old legends, as ancient as the hills that girdle and guard the loch, or as antique, at least, as man's dwelling among the mountains the Yellow Hill, the Calf Hill, the Hill of the Stack. The beauty of the scene, the pleasant talk, the daffodils on the green isle among the Celtic graves, compensate for a certain ' dourness ' among the fishes of Loch Awe. 64 ANGLING SKETCHES On the occasions when they are not dour they rise very pleasant and free, but, in these brief moments, it is not of legends and folklore that you are thinking, but of the landing-net. The boatman, by the way, was either not well ac- quainted with MarcJien Celtic nursery-tales such as Campbell of Islay collected, or was not much interested in them, or, perhaps, had the shyness about narrating this particular sort of old wives' fables which is so common. People who do know them seldom tell them in Sassenach. LOCH-FISHING LITTLE LOCH BEG THERE is something mysterious in loch-fishing, in the tastes and habits of the fish which inhabit the innumerable lakes and tarns of Scotland. It is not always easy to account cither for their presence or their absence, for their numbers or scarcity, their eagerness to take or their ' dourness.' For example, there is Loch Borlan, close to the well- known little inn of Alt-na-geal-gach in Sutherland. Unless that piece of water is greatly changed, it is simply full of fish of about a quarter of a pound, which will rise at almost any time to almost any fly. There is not much pleasure in catching such tiny and eager trout, but in the season complacent anglers capture and boast of their many dozens. On the other hand, a year or two ago, a beginner F 66 ANGLING SKETCHES took a four-pound trout there with the fly. If such trout exist in Borlan, it is hard to explain the presence of the innumerable fry. One would expect the giants of the deep to keep down their population. Not far off is another small lake, Loch Awe, which has invisible advantages over Loch Borlan, yet there the trout are, or were, ' fat and fair of flesh,' like Tamlane in the ballad. Wherefore are the trout in Loch Tummell so big and strong, from one to five pounds, and so scarce, while those in Loch Awe are numerous and small ? One occasionally sees examples of how quickly trout will increase in weight, and what curious habits they will adopt. In a county of south- western Scotland there is a large village, popu- lated by a keenly devoted set of anglers, who miss no opportunity. Within a quarter of a mile of the village is a small tarn, very picturesquely situated among low hills, and provided with the very tiniest feeder and outflow. There is a sluice at the out- flow, and, for some reason, the farmer used to let most of the water out, in the summer of every year. In winter the tarn is used by the curling LOCH-FISHING 67 club. It is not deep, has rather a marshy bottom, and many ducks, snipe, and wild-fowl generally dwell among the reeds and marish plants of its sides. Nobody ever dreamed of fishing here, but one day a rustic, ' glowering' idly over the wall of the adjacent road, saw fish rising. He mentioned his discovery to an angler, who is said to have caught some large trout, but tradition varies about everything, except that the fish are very ' dour.' One evening in August, a warm, still evening, I happened to visit the tarn. As soon as the sun fell below the hills, it was literally alive with large trout rising. As far as one could estimate from the brief view of heads and shoulders, they were sometimes two or three pounds in weight. I got my rod, of course, as did a rural friend. Mine was a small cane rod, his a salmon-rod. I fished with one Test-fly ; he with three large loch-flies. The fish were rising actually at our feet, but they seemed to move about very much, never, or seldom, rising twice exactly at the same place. The hypothesis was started that there were but few of them, and that they ran round and round 68 ANGLING SKETCHES like a stage army, to give an appearance of multi- tude. But this appears improbable. What is certain was our utter inability ever to get a rise from the provoking creatures. The dry fly is difficult to use on a loch, as there is no stream to move it, ancf however gently you draw it it makes a ' wake ' a trail behind it. Wet or dry, or ' twixt wet and dry,' like the convivial person in the song, we could none of us raise them. I did catch a small but beautifully proportioned and pink-fleshed trout with the alder, but everything else, silver sedge and all, everything from midge to May-fly, in the late twilight, was offered to them in vain. In windy or cloudy weather it was just as useless ; indeed, I never saw them rise, except in a warm summer stillness, at and after sunset. Prob- ably they would have taken a small red worm, pitched into the ripple of a rise ; but we did not try that. After a few evenings, they seemed to give up rising altogether. I don't feel certain that they had not been netted : yet no trout seemed to be on sale in the village. Their presence in the water may perhaps be accounted for thus : they LOCH-FISHING 69 may have come into the loch from the river, by way of the tiny feeder ; but the river-trout are both scarce and small. A new farmer had given up letting the water off, and probably there must have been very rich feeding, water-shrimps or snails, which might partly account for the refusal to rise at the artificial fly. Or they may have been ottered by the villagers, though that would rather have made them rise short than not rise at all. There is another loch on an extremely remote hillside, eight miles from the smallest town, in a pastoral country. There are trout enough in the loch, and of excellent size and flavour, but you scarcely ever get them. They rise freely, but they always rise short. It is, I think, the most provok- ing loch I ever fished. You raise th^m ; they come up freely, showing broad sides of a ruddy gold, like the handsomest Test trout, but they almost invariably miss the hook. You do not land one out of twenty. The reason is, apparently, that people from the nearest town use the otter in the summer evenings, when these trout rise best. In a Sutherland loch, Mr. Edward Moss tells us 70 ANGLING SKETCHES (in ' A Season in Sutherland '), that he once found an elegant otter, a well-made engine of some unscrupulous tourist, lying in the bottom of the water on a sunny day. At Loch Skene, on the top of a hill, twenty miles from any town, otters are occasionally found by the keeper or the shepherds, concealed near the shore. The practice of otter- ing can give little pleasure to any but a depraved mind, and nothing educates trout so rapidly into ' rising short ' ; why they are not to be had when they are rising most vehemently, ' to themselves/ is another mystery. A few rises are encouraging, but when the water is all splashing with rises, as a rule the angler is only tantalised. A windy day, a day with a large ripple, but without white waves breaking, is, as a rule, best for a loch. In some lochs the sea-trout prefer such a hurricane that a boat can hardly be kept on the water. I have known a strong north wind in autumn put down the sea-trout, whereas the salmon rose, with unusual eagerness, just in the shallows where the waves broke in foam on the shore. The best day I ever had with sea-trout was muggy and grey, LOCH-FISHING 71 and the fish were most eager when the water was still, except for a tremendously heavy shower of rain, ' a singing shower,' as George Chapman has it. On that day two rods caught thirty-nine sea-trout, weighing forty pounds. But it is difficult to say beforehand what day will do well, except that sunshine is bad, a north wind worse, and no wind at all usually means an empty basket. Even to this rule there are exceptions, and one of these is in the case of a tarn which I shall call, pleonastically, Little Loch Beg. This is not the real name of the loch quite enough people know its real name already. Nor does it seem necessary to mention the district where the loch lies hidden ; suffice it to say that a land of more streams and scarcer trout you will hardly find. We had tried all the rivers and burns to no purpose, and the lochs arc capricious and overfished. One loch we had not tried, Loch Beg. You walk, or drive, a few miles from any village, then you climb a few hundred yards of hill, and from the ridge you see, on one hand a great amphitheatre of green and purple mountain-sides, 72 ANGLING SKETCHES in the west ; on the east, within a hundred yards, under a slope, is Loch Beg. It is not a mile in circumference, and all but some eighty yards of shore is defended against the angler by wide beds of water-lilies, with their pretty white floating lamps, or by tall sedges and reeds. Nor is the wading easy. Four steps you make with safety, at the fifth your foremost leg sinks in mud apparently bottomless. Most people fish only the eastern side, whereof a few 7 score yards are open, with a rocky and gravelly bottom. Now, all lochs have their humours. In some trout like a big fly, in some a small one, but almost all do best with a rough wind or rain. I knew enough of Loch Beg to approach it at noon on a blazing day of sunshine, when the surface was like glass. It was like that when first I saw it, and a shepherd warned us that we ' would dae naething ' ; we did little, indeed, but I rose nearly every rising fish I cast over, losing them all, too, and in some cases being broken, as I was using very fine gut, and the fish were heavy. Another trial seemed desirable, and the number of rising LOCH-FISHING 73 trout was most tempting. All over it trout were rising to the natural fly, with big circles like those you see in the Test at twilight ; while in the centre, where no artificial fly can be cast for want of a boat, a big fish would throw himself out of the water in his eagerness. One such I saw which could not have weighed under three pounds, a short, thick, dark-yellow fish. I was using a light two-handed rod, and fancied that a single Test-fly on very fine tackle would be the best lure. It certainly rose the trout, if one threw into the circle the}- made ; but they never were hooked. One fish of about a pound and a half threw himself out of the water at it, hit it, and broke the fine tackle. So I went on raising them, but never getting them. As long as the SUP. blazed and no breeze ruffled the water, the}- rose bravely, but a cloud or even a ripple seemed to send them down. At last I tried a big alder, and with that I actually touched a few, and even landed several on the shelving bank. Their average weight, as we proved on several occasions, was exactly three- 74 ANGLING SKETCHES quarters of a pound ; but \vc never succeeded in landing any of the really big ones. A local angler told me he had caught one of two pounds, and lost another ' like a young grilse,' after he had drawn it on to the bank. I can easily believe it, for in no loch, but one, have I ever seen so many really big and handsome fish feeding. Loch Beg is within a mile of a larger and famous loch, but it is infinitely better, though the other looks much more favourable in all ways for sport. The only place where fishing is easy, as I have said, is a mere strip of coast under the hill, where there is some gravel, and the mouth of a very tiny feeder, usually dry. Off this place the trout rose freely, but not near so freely as in a certain corner, quite out of reach without a boat, where the leviathans lived and sported. After the little expanse of open shore had been fished over a few times, the trout there seemed to grow more shy, and there was a certain monotony in walking this tiny quarter-deck of space. So I went round to the west side, where the water-lilies are. Fish were rising about three LOCH-FISHING 75 yards beyond the weedy beds, and I foolishly thought I would try for them. Now, you cannot overestimate the difficulty of casting a fly across yards of water-lilies. You catch in the weeds as you lift your line for a fresh cast, and then you have to extricate it laboriously, shortening line, and then to let it out again, and probably come to grief once more. I saw a trout rise, with a huge sullen circle dimpling round him, cast over him, raised him, and missed him. The water was perfectly still, and the ' plop ' made by these fish was very exciting and tantalising. The next that rose took the alder, and, of course, ran right into the broad band of lilies. I tried all the dodges I could think of, and all that Mr. Halford suggests. I dragged at him hard. I gave him line. I sat down and endeavoured to disengage my thoughts, but I ncver got a glimpse of him, and finally had to wade as far in as I dared, and save as much of the casting line as I could ; it was very little. There was one thing to be said for the trout on this side : they meant business. They did not 76 ANGLING SKETCHES rise shyly, like the others, but went for the fly if it came at all near them, and then, down they rushed, and bolted into the lily-roots. A new plan occurred to me. I put on about eighteen inches of the stoutest gut I had, to the end I knotted the biggest sea-trout fly I possessed, and, hooking the next fish that rose, I turned my back on the loch and ran uphill with the rod. Looking back I saw a trout well over a pound flying across the lilies ; but alas ! the hold was not strong enough, and he fell back. Again and again I tried this method, invariably hooking the trout, though the heavy short casting-line and the big fly fell very awkwardly in the dead stillness of the water. I had some exciting runs with them, for they came eagerly to the big fly, and did not miss it, as they had missed the Red Quill, or Whitchurch Dun, with which at first I tried to beguile them. One, of only the average weight, I did drag out over the lilies ; the others fell off in mid-journey, but they never broke the uncom- promising stout tackle. With the first chill of evening they ceased LOCH-FISHING 77 rising, and I left them, not ungrateful for their very peculiar manners and customs. The chances are that the trout beyond the band of weeds never see an artificial fly, and they arc, therefore, the more guileless at least, late in the season. In spring, I believe, the lilies arc less in the way, and I fear some one has put a Berthon boat on the loch in April. But it is not so much what one catches in Loch Beg, as the monsters which one might catch that make the tarn so desirable. The loch seems to prove that any hill-tarn might be made a good place for sport, if trout were introduced where they do not exist already. But the size of these in Loch Beg puzzles me, nor can one see how they breed, as breed they do : for twice or thrice I caught a fingerling, and threw him in again. No burn runs out of the loch, and, even in a flood, the feeder is so small, and its course so extremely steep, that one cannot imagine where the fish manage to spawn. The only loch known to me where the common trout are of equal size, is on the Border. It is extremely deep, with very clear water, and with scarce any spawn- 78 ANGLING SKETCHES ing ground. On a summer evening the trout are occasionally caught ; three weighing seven pounds were taken one night, a year or two ago. I have not tried the evening fishing, but at all other times of day have found them the ' dourest ' of trout, and they grow dourer. But one is always lured on by the spectacle of the monsters which throw themselves out of water, with a splash that echoes through all the circuit of the low green hills. They probably reach at least four or five pounds, but it is unlikely that the biggest take the fly, and one may doubt whether they propa- gate their species, as small trout are never seen there. There are two ways of enlarging the size of trout which should be carefully avoided. Pike are supposed to keep down the population and leave more food for the survivors, minnows are supposed to be nourishing food. Both of these novelties are dangerous. Pike have been intro- duced in that long lovely sheet of water, Loch Ken, and I have never once seen the rise of a trout break that surface, so ' hideously serene.' LOCH-FISHING 79 Trout, in lochs which have become accustomed to feeding on minnows, arc apt to disdain fly altogether. Of course there are lochs in which good trout coexist with minnows and with pike, but these inmates arc too dangerous to be intro- duced. The introduction, too, of Loch Leven LOCH-STOCKING trout is often disappointing. Sometimes they escape down the burn into the river in floods ; sometimes, perhaps for lack of proper food and sufficient, they dwindle terribly in size, and be- come no better than 'brownies.' In St. Mary's Loch, in Selkirkshire, some Canadian trout were 8o ANGLING SKETCHES introduced. Little or nothing has been seen of them, unless some small creatures of a quarter of a pound, extraordinarily silvery, and more often in the air than in the water when hooked, are these children of the remote West. If they grew up, and retained their beauty and sprightliness, they would be excellent substitutes for sea-trout. Almost all experiments in stocking lochs have their perils, except the simple experiment of putting trout where there were no trout before. This can do no harm, and they may increase in weight, let us hope not in wisdom, like the curiously heavy and shy fish mentioned in the beginning of this paper. 8i LOCH LEVEN I HAD a friend once, an angler, who in winter was fond of another sport. He liked to cast his louts into the green baize pond at Monte Carlo, and, on the whole, he was generally ' broken.' He seldom landed the golden fish of the old man's dream in Theocritus. When the croupier had gaffed all his money he would repent and say, ' Now, that would have kept me at Loch Leven for a fortnight.' One used to wonder whether a fortnight of Loch Leven was worth an afternoon of the pleasure of losing at Monte Carlo. The loch has a name for being cockneyfied, beset by whole fleets of competitive anglers from various angling clubs in Scotland. That men should competitively angle shows, indeed, a great want of true angling sentiment. To fish in a crowd is odious, to work hard for prizes of flasks and G 82 ANGLING SKETCHES creels and fly-books is to mistake the true mean- ing of the pastime. However, in this crowded age men are so constituted that they like to turn a contemplative exercise into a kind of Bank Holiday. There is no use in arguing with such persons ; the worst of their pleasure is that it tends to change a Scotch loch into something like the pond of the Welsh Harp, at Hendon. It is always good news to read in the papers how the Dundee Walton Society had a bad day, and how the first prize was won by Mr. Macneesh, with five trout weighing three pounds and three quarters. Loch Leven, then, is crowded and cockneyfied by competitions ; it has also no great name for beauty of landscape. Every one to his own taste in natural beauty, but in this re- spect I think Loch Leven is better than its reputa- tion. It is certainly more pictorial, so to speak, than some remote moor lochs up near Cape Wrath ; Forsinard in particular, where the scenery looks like one gigantic series of brown 'baps,' flat Scotch scones, all of low elevation, all pre- cisely similar to each other. LOCH LEVEN 83 Loch Leven is not such a cockney place as the majority of men who have not visited it imagine. It really is larger than the Welsh Harp at Hendon, and the scenery, though not like that of Ben Cruachan or Ben Mohr, excels the land- scape of Middlesex. At the northern end is a small town, grey, with some red roofs and one or two characteristic Fifeshire church-towers, squat and strong. There are also a few factory chim- neys, which are not fair to outward view, nor appropriate by a loch-side. On the west are ranges of distant hills, low but not uncomely. On the east rises a beautiful moorland steep, with broken and graceful outlines. When the sun shines on the red tilled land, in spring ; when the smoke of burning gorse coils up all day long into the sky, as if the Great Spirit were taking his pipe of peace on the mountains ; when the islands are mirrored on the glassy water, then the artist rejoices, though the angler knows that he will waste his day. As far as fishing goes, he is bound to be ' clean,' as the boatmen say to catch no- thing ; but the solemn peace, and the walls and G 2 84 ANGLING SKETCHES ruined towers of Queen Mary's prison, may par- tially console the fisher. The accommodation is agreeable, there is a pleasant inn an old town- house, perhaps, of some great family, when the great families did not rush up to London, but spent their winters in such country towns as Dumfries and St. Andrews. The inn has a great green garden at its doors, and if the talk is mainly of fishing, and if every one tells of his monster trout that escaped the net, there is much worse conversation than that. When you reach Kinross, and, after excel- lent ham and eggs, begin to make a start, the cockney element is most visible at the first. Everybody's name is registered in a book ; each pays a considerable, but not exorbitant, fee for the society often well worth the money and the assistance of boatmen. These gentlemen are also well provided with luncheon and beer, and, on the whole, there is more pleasure in the life of a Loch Leven boatman than in most arts, crafts, or professions. He takes the rod when his patron is lazy ; it is said that he often catches the '. , y I ? ; 1 1 IK?, ill , J'Vvi