University of California Berkeley in (morado PICKET / 626 MARKET/S7 TftfCAffSOH - fiA ffffff CO. NS L. With Nature in Colorado A brief resume of the grandeur of the IVocky Mountain Region PUBLISHED BY THE PASSENGER DEPT. OF TNI DENVER &RIOGRANDER.R E. T. JEFFERY PRESIDENT A. S. HUGHES S. K. HOOPER TRAFFIC MANAGER GEN'C PASS. AOCNT DENVER, COLORADO Royal Gorge J. G. METCALFE O him who in the love of nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks Jl various language. Thanalopsis Mount of the Holy Cross WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Curecanti Needle COPYRIGHTED 1901 BY S. K. HOOPER, GEN-L PASSENGER AGENT DENVER & Rio GRANDE RAILROAD WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Crest of the Range A Land of Infinite Variety /TURE has been most generous in her gifts to Colorado, and, with more than the magic of the ancient alchemist, has wrought wonders in behalf of her favorite child. There is nothing hackneyed, nothing common-place in the experiences of a visitor to Colorado. In spring and summer the traveler sees the dry and gravel-covered plains bloom out with luxuriant verdure, a miracle as wonderful in seeming as the budding of Tannhauser's pilgrim-staff, and the cause of this phenomenon of the plains irrigation is itself novel and interesting. And while the plains are decked with the verdure of spring or the blossoms of summer, the higher peaks of the mountains are covered with eternal snow and a cool breeze sweeps down from those celestial summits as grateful to the traveler as a draught of snow-cooled sherbet in a desert land. But the fall and winter are not less delightful. The climate of Colorado is of that sub-acid character which appeals to the jaded spirits and serves as a tonic to the weary nerves. There is nothing gloomy about the weather. There are no skies of lead, few days that are dark and Nature's gifts to Colorado Delightful climate WITH NATURE IN COLORADO dreary, and when occasionally such a day does come, it is so rare as to excite wondering comment, and is gone before it has had a chance to get onto one's nerves. Sunshiny As a matter of statistics it may be well to say that out of days tne 265 days in a year Colorado has 340 days of sunshine, wholly or in part. And there seldom exists any cause for a tourist to complain that his view has been cut off by darkling skies or his trip made unpleasant by unpropitious weather. The sunshine of Colorado Wagon Wheel Gap Enjoyment carries with it a cheerfulness of spirit that is splendidly and health conducive to hearty enjoyment and, in addition to that, bears in its bright embrace that health-giving elixir which heals otherwise irremediable ills. Trite has become the advice that one should "go to Colorado for health, wealth and pleasure," and, assuredly, WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Wealth in the moan* tains and plains Eagle River it is more than half true, for one cannot fail to secure health and pleasure from a sojourn in this favored region, and, as for wealth, there is plenty of it locked up in the hills or within the soil of the fertile plains. As to securing this wealth, that all depends on the indi- vidual, just as it does everywhere. But to the one who seeks health and pleasure in Colorado the result cannot fail to be gratifying. Espec- ially healing is the climate to those who suffer from diseased lungs. Years of observation on the part of medical scientists have established the fact that there is no climate in the world better adapted to the absolute cure of consumption than that of this sun-bathed plateau. ,, , fi The climate is an absolute specific and no case that is co'nsumptio taken in time will fail to yield to the health- restoring influences of this oxygenated air and these bright and bracing days. New surroundings keep the mind pleas- antly excited, novel experiences divert from too much introspection, high altitude sets the blood to coursing freely, and the invalid who, quite despondent and almost despairing, seeking for health will find it with Nature in Colorado. WITH NATURE IN COLORADO In Perry Park Suggestions of Scenic Delights RRIVING at Denver, the capital of Colorado and the largest city in the State, the traveler in search of the beautiful, the picturesque and the novel, although in the midst of metro- politan surroundings, with all the luxuries and the artificialities of the highest modern civili- zation, finds himself also in the immediate presence of Nature. Art may environ the visitor on every side. Architecture may pile its many- storied edifices to right and left, but Nature cannot thus ^ e mas ked and hidden. One glance upward and westward Nature brings to the enraptured vision that mighty procession of giant peaks, marching from north to south as far as the eye can reach, which forms the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. This grand parade of mountains, thus revealed from such a point of view, can never fail to make a most profound and most lasting impression. It is, indeed, unparalleled in unique beauty, and, like the thrilling M\dst h of WITH NATURE IN COLORADO prelude to sonic immortal aria compose d In the world's greatest musician, forms a fitting introduction, a splendid The suggestion of the delights, the grandeurs and the glories which await one who sojourns, though but lor a brief s< .i-on, with Nature in Colorado. Pike's Peak from Colorado Springs Fortunately for the traveler whose anticipations of enjoyment have been so aroused, the opportunities for beholding the indescribable wonders of the mountains have been so improved that what formerly required months can now be accomplished in days, and thus the horizon of pleasure has been enlarged and the hardships scenery of a tour among the mountains eliminated and all the luxuries and conveniences of modern travel substituted. The Denver \ Rio Grande Railroad, which from its enterprise and push has been aptly termed the " Pioneer Line," and which has now earned for itself the broader characterization of "The Scenic Line of the World," has scaled the clitfs, penetrated the canons, climbed the WITH NATURE IN COLORADO mountains, leaped the rivers and traversed the valleys of Colorado so completely that there is scarcely any scene of grandeur so hidden by Nature that it has not been brought plainly and easily into view. Thus the traveler, with no fear of hardships, but Better than with every assurance of speed, safety, comfort and luxury, the scenery finds himself in Denver at the threshold of experiences of the Old i i r i j i World which promise more of novelty, more of grandeur and more of really valuable knowledge than could be secured by a journey across the sea preparatory to an invasion of the trite, tame and time-worn tracts of tourist travel offered by the Old World. Ouray WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Collegiate Range A Mighty Maze, but Not Without a Plan" TH a map of "The Scenic Line" spread out before him, the traveler, ready to commence his journey from Denver, glances eagerly along the widely radiating lines of red and black which mark the courses of this marvel- ous railroad and reads the names of world- famed scenic wonders so lavishly distributed to north and south and west that the embar- rassment of riches becomes a burden and the question "where to go first?" grows into formidable proportions. In such a case the easiest way is the best, and the easiest way is to consult some one of the courteous agents of the railroad company, who will soon make it apparent that, although the map appears to be "a mighty maze," 'tis "not without a plan." Consult t/n map as to where to gt WITH NATURE IN COLORADO For example : if one desires to visit Colorado Springs and Manitou > the San Luis Valley, via La Veta Pass, behold Toltec Gorge, pass through Durango, penetrate Las Animas Canon, enter Baker's Park, cross the mountains Manitou from Silverton to Ouray over the famous Toll Road, or through the beautiful San Juan via the Rio Grande South- Th wUltell ern ' tnrou g n weird Lost Canon, the wonderful Ophir Loop you about it under the shadow of the majestic Mt. Sneffles, and gaze upon the marvels of the Black Canon, Curecanti Needle, Marshall Pass and Royal Gorge, if such a trip is desired, it is expressed by the agent in a single phrase, "Take the Trip Around the Circle." WITH NATURE IN COLORADO '3 In a general way one may consider the southwestern part of Colorado as forming the famous "San Juan," a great expanse of mountains, hills, valleys, upland The silver i i r TT 11-1 i San Juan meadows and forests. Here gold, silver, coal, copper and iron mines abound, some of them the richest and most productive in the world. Agriculture flourishes in the valleys, the hills are populous with game, the streams are alive with trout, and the forests furnish timber of excellent quality and inexhaustible quantity. Nowhere else in the old or new world can there be found grander or more varied scenery. The canons, passes, vales and parks afford endless combinations of beauty and magnificence, appealing to every emotion of the soul and sweeping the entire diapason of human thought. From Durango, which is the metropolis of the San Juan, the Rio Grande Southern Railroad extends to the westward into the hitherto almost inaccessible region of Rio Grande the Cliff Dwellers and then circling to the northward con- Southern nects with the Denver & Rio Grande line at Ridgway. This comparatively recent extension of this marvelous railroad has added largely to the list of attractions in Chipeta Falls 14 WITH NATURE IN COLORADO the way of scenic and historic interest, to say nothing Wonder of its commercial value. Among these wonder places may be briefly mentioned the Cliff Dwellings, already referred to ; Lost Canon Marshall Pass and Dolores Canon, both possessing points of interest peculiarly their own; Trout Lake, a beautiful expanse of water filled with trout, and a great resort for sportsmen; Ophir Loop, a marvel of railroad engineering; and many Jl marvel of other interesting features, each worthy of extended descrip- engineering t [ on anc j a j| f orm i n g a constellation of star attractions which cannot fail to appeal strongly to the mind and impress deeply the memory of the one who is fortunate enough to behold them. WITH NATURE IN COLORADO In like manner is simplified the intricacies of a journey westward over the continental range to Leadville, Glenwood Springs, Grand Junction, which includes such splendid scenery as that afforded by the Royal Gorge, Points of Mt. Massive, Eagle River Canon, the Canon of the Grand ' River, and return to the place of starting, through the Black Canon of" the Gunnison, Marshall Pass and the Grand Canon of the Arkansas, which the agent would tersely describe as the " Short Circle." It would require an expert accountant to so balance the credits to be entered in favor of each of these journeys as to decide which one possessed the greater sum of inter- est. The better way to do would be to take both journeys The better and thus lay up such a store of delightful memories that a " long life of retrospection could never stale their infinite variety. But these two grand tours do not byany means exhaust the resources of novelty and knowledge commanded by the mar- velous railroad which makes them accessible. There are many mat- ters yet to be considered; among them a visit to the famous gold mines of Cripple Creek, where millions of dollars in pre- cious ore are taken every month from the sur- rounding hills and where Tolt Gorj i6 WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Cliff Dwellings extinct romances of sudden riches are the every-day topics of dis- race cussion. Then down in the southern extreme of Colorado, beyond Durango, a radiating line penetrates the mysterious region of the Cliff Dwellers, where the ruins of their highly advanced but hopelessly lost civilization may be seen in the canon-hollows of the Mesa Verde. And, again, there is more of meritorious moment to be considered, for, reached by still another radiating route, are to be seen the characteristic homes of the The Pueblo Indians, the makers of wonderful pottery and t ^ ie heirs to a m y ster i us religion handed down from a remote and unknown ancestry. And down in this southern land, remote from the whirl and worry of the workaday world, the remnants WITH NATURE IN COLORADO of the red aborigines, who once held savage sway The red over all this territory, now dwell in the ancient tribal aborigines manner upon a reservation granted them by the general government. From this brief glance upon the map and from a short conversation with some obliging agent of " The Scenic Line " the traveler, pausing for a temporary The period of rest in Denver, gathers some idea of what vast "fflcenic scope and vague, what scenic magnificence, what historic magnificence interests, what tremendous contrasts, what heights, what depths, what vision-taxing expanses of mountain, plain and valley are awaiting the attention of him who would commune with Nature in Colorado. iS WITH NATURE IN COLORADO La Veta Mountain Health and pleasure resorts Indian Pueblo Colorado "Fountains of Youth" IS itinerary arranged, the traveler leaves Denver southward-bound, comfortably ensconced in a Pullman or a chair car, as choice or regard of expense may dictate, and a season of unalloyed pleasure is assured. It is no exaggeration to say that every mile of progress brings some- thing novel, interesting or transcendently beau- tiful into view, and that his journey is a crescendo of delightful experiences. Should health be a desideratum, it can be found at the delightful resorts near Colorado Springs, in the mineral waters of Manitou or the hot springs of Glenwood. Around these springs are clustered hotels unsurpassed in elegancies and WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Ig comforts, and, in the season, the hostelries are gay with merry companies of pleas- ure-seekers enjoying to the utmost the charm of their delight- ful surroundings and gathering strength and vigor with each day. Manitou has been the chief health resort of Colorado Manitou for a quarter of a century, and, before that, was famed among the Indians as "Great Medicine Waters." That this fame rested upon assured experience has been demon- strated by results not only marvelous in character but frequently and continuously repeated. While the mineral springs of Manitou undoubtedly pour forth waters of magic medicinal properties, the air of Manitou and the adjacent beautiful city of Colorado Springs, is exhilarating and health-giving and the scenery surrounding these charming places is varied Charming and novel. Thus there is a combination of qualities p which render them among the most attractive of health resorts. Closely adjacent are scenic beauties of world-wide celebrity. Among these are the famous Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak with its interesting cog-wheel rail- The road to the summit, Cave of the Winds, Rainbow Falls, c r oad Grand Caverns, Balanced Rock, and Cheyenne Canon with its remarkable Seven Falls. This mention is an injustice because it is inadequate to describe, but the glories of the Garden of the Gods alone would require more space than is allotted for this book. Hotel Colorado Glenwood Springs zo WITH NATURE IN COLORADO The mind should be employed in the work of health- Health building as well as the body, and the mind is kept con- building s tantly alert and is supplied with ever-varying and always pleasing themes of thought by the grand, the novel, the Trout Lake graceful and the grotesque forms of Nature's handiwork which abound in and around the Pike's Peak region. In another way, unique and original, Glenwood Springs can claim quite as much admiration and attention. Shut in by Alpine hills, margined by a river of wonderful pic- Glenwood turesqueness, and supplied with hot springs of established Springs healing properties, Glenwood has received the attention of capitalists and possesses one of the largest bathing pools in the world, a bath-house of splendid and luxurious equip- ment, and a hotel unrivaled in excellence of service and perfection of architecture. Those who love Nature will find themselves in WITH NATURE IN COLORADO closest companionship with her in the mountainous environment of Glenwood. "The forests primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks" darkle along Mountain the broad expanses of the encroaching hills, but their J somber stateliness is lightened by the bright vivacity and vigorous verdure of the aspens stirred into hilari- ous dancing by the gentlest of zephyrs and rippling into a foam of foliage when the white surfaces of the leaves are turned upward into view by strong breezes. For the angler, the trout sport in the ripples of the river, and for the hunter big game roam among the valleys and the foothills. Flowers of graceful forms, U)Ud flowers brilliant colors and delicate perfume are to be found in lavish abundance, and the visitor to Glenwood Springs can earnestly say with Cy. Warman, one of Colorado's poets : "God was good to make the mountains, The valleys a^d the hills, Put the rose upon the cactus And the ripple in the rills." At Glenwood Springs one can combine health- seeking and the fullest enjoyment of Nature's charms. Delicate invalids can take the hot baths under direction of competent physicians in the palatial bath house, and those of more ro- bust con- d i t i o n can enjoy Canon of the Grand River Nature's charms WITH NATURE IN COLORADO a plunge in the swimming pool at any season of the year, the waters being maintained at a maximum temperature of 90 degrees. Many Colorado Springs, Manitou and Glenwood are the l springs best known health resorts of Colorado, because of their being easy of access and situated on the main line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, but there are many other thermal springs on this line which have gained renown for their curative properties. Those at Wagon Wheel Gap are especially noted, being situated amidst scenery of unsurpassed beauty and in close contiguity to one of the best trout streams of the State. Pagosa Springs, which have long been noted for their wonderful curative properties are destined to rank with those at Glenwood and Manitou. As the Denver and Rio Grande completed its line of railroad into that point last fall and it is now so easily accessible capitalists have become interested. Other improvements in the shape of modern hotels and bath-houses are being planned. No longer Pagosa dependent upon the stage coach, Pagosa now takes its Springs . r -111-11," /-' t- - o place as it should with the first resorts of the State. It would be an injustice to pass without mention the many other health resorts; although space forbids extended descriptions here, the same will be .found in other pub- Lake San Cristoval WITH NATURE IN COLORADO lications of the Rio Grande Road. Among these are Canon City, with hot springs and excellent hotels; Valley View Hot Springs, near Villa Grove; Ojo Caliente, near Barranca; Trimble Springs, near Durango; Cebolla Hot More Springs; Waunita Hot Springs; Poncha Springs, near ' Salida; Buena Vista Hot Springs; Mt. Princeton Hot Springs; Soda Springs, near Leadville; and Steamboat Mount Abrams and Toll Road Springs, distant from Wol- cott, on the main line miles by stage, but the most extensive group of hot springs in the world, num- bering one hundred and fifty and varying in tem- perature from almost freez- ing cold to i 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Ponce de Leon never reached Colorado in his search The f ounta in for the fabled " Fountain of Youth," but certainly this of youth favorite of Nature comes nearer possessing such a boon than any other place in the world. WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Loop Ophir Scenes too grand for language to describe Masterpieces in Nature's Picture Gallery. IKE a necklace of golden beads, with here and there a diamond of purest ray and most daz- zling splendor, the scenic beauties of Colorado lie upon her breast. The royal ermine of imperial and eternal snow rests on the shoul- ders of her mountains. These comparisons may sound exaggerated to those unfamiliar with the facts and may appear an unwarranted employment of poetic license, but such is not the case. There are some emotions too profound for adequate expression in words, and there are some scenes too grand for lan- guage to describe. The traveler in Colorado cannot fail to experience some emotions, excited by be- holding the trans- cendent grandeur of such scenes. Even the artist whose work ap- peals directly to the eye, can never hope to convey to one unfamiliar WITH NATURE IN COLORADO with the scene a tithe of the sublimity, the glory and the The artist grandeur of one of Colorado's least famous canons, to say f aiis to . i 1-1 r i T- i convey the nothing about an attempt to depict those of the Royal idea Gorge, Black Canon of the Gunnison, the Rio de Las Animas or the Canon of the Grand River. Sultan Mountain But the memory of one who has beheld these trans- cendently beautiful scenes becomes a picture gallery whose Mature's walls are decorated with views from nature which surpass picture gallery the most finished product of artistic skill and genius. These pictures would be almost infinite in number and of such variety that interest would never flag in recalling them to view, just as interest never flagged when they were first beheld. 26 WITH NATURE IN COLORADO The Canon Among them would be the Canon of the Grand River, Grand River through which one passes on the main line of the Denver & Rio Grande road just before reaching Glenwood Springs. For a distance of sixteen miles the towering walls of the canon rise on each side, confining the river and the track within narrow limits and rising at times to the stupendous height of nearly half a mile of perpendicular ascent. The stratification of the walls is plainly marked, a characteristic not present in many of the famous canons of Colorado, and, in addition to the wonderful variety of shape assumed by the rock formations, their colors are quite as wonder- fully varied. Brilliant tints of red and yellow, of maroon, lavender, pink and amber make the walls a constant study and lend a delightful variety to the scene. The over- whelming grandeur of this gigantic specimen of Nature's Nature's architecture is softened and beautified by these chromatic Architecture . , , ~ , J , , r , ornamentations, and the effect upon the mind of the spec- tator is that of mingled delight and awe. WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Turning from this picture, a sharp and strong contrast is found in that of the Black Canon of the Gunnison. Black Canon This tremendous chasm through the mountains is the passage way of the Gunnison River and is followed for New Line over La Veta Pass fourteen miles by that line of the Denver & Rio Grande road which connects Salida with Grand Junction and traverses the central part of Colorado from its eastern to its western border. Here the lack of brilliant color gives a gloomy grandeur to the scene, while the presence of that majestic sky-piercing pinnacle known as Curecanti Needle and of the lovely Chipeta Falls adds an element of varied interest which banishes all monotony. As in the Canon of the Grand River, the rock walls rise to a tremendous The Rocks height, the skyline being frequently more than two thou- tremendous sand feet above the eyes of the observer. It is difficult height to grasp understandingly the vast proportions thus briefly noted, but some idea of them may be gathered when it is suggested that this rocky wall towers upward to a distance equal to that of the street frontage of four city blocks. WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Saltair Beach Take a bath in the Great Salt Lake The Royal Gorge And still another picture of abysmal heights and depths is held in memory. It is that of the Canon of the Animas. En route from Durango to Silverton the traveler beholds this marvelous chasm, which has been made the water-course of what the Spaniards called the "Rio de las Animas Perdidas," or "River of Lost Souls." But grandest of all the masterpieces of Nature whose pictures ornament the walls of memory's art gallery is that of the Grand Canon of the Arkansas and its crown- ing glory, the Royal Gorge. Easiest of access among all the canons of Colorado, being situated on the main line of the Denver & Rio Grande between Canon City and Salida in the Front Range of the Rockies, it is the most spectacular, awe-inspiring and magnificent. Down this mighty cleft in the heart of the granite rock-barrier rush the raging waters of the Arkansas River, lashed into- foaming fury and dashed into spuming spray by its swift descent through the tortuous defile. So narrow is the passage at one point that there was no room for both WITH NATURE IN COLORADO road and river, and therefore a curiously constructed bridge of steel had to be thrown lengthwise of the stream, suspended from iron supports mortised into the J he 11 1-1 1-1 i i r i famous canon walls on each side to the right and left. And hanging right here can be seen the climax of all the great canon's bridge grandeur, that which has been aptly called " The Royal Gorge." For two thousand six hundred feet the solid monoliths soar upward, five times as lofty as the Washington monument, the highest permanent structure reared by the hand of man. No words can adequately describe the magnificence of the scene. Only those who have beheld its glories can appreciate them. There are many more wonders which have not been mentioned, and there are numerous canons which have not been referred to ; enough has been said, however, for all description is inadequate and only those who see can know. The Denver & Rio Grande being a part of a great through trans-continental line, the journey continues on via the Rio Grande Western to Salt Lake City and Ogden and thence to the Pacific coast. Temple and Tabernacle You can stop over at Salt Lake City WITH NATURE IN COLORADO Indian Tepees Big Game in Nature's Preserves N the preceding pages we have endeavored to epitomize the attractions which Nature presents to the traveler in Colorado, so far as scenery, climate and health advantages are concerned, and having suggested the matters of interest to be found there by the students of geology, history and anthropology, there remains a word to say concerning the remarka- ble natural game preserves in the northwestern part of the State. Routt County, of which the town of Steamboat Springs is the county-seat, and Garfield and Rio Blanca counties within a radius of fifty miles from Meeker, has The been termed "The Sportsman's Paradise". Here big game Sportsman's abounds and here the huntsman can find at the minimum Paradise r . r , , r expense of time and money the most attractive field for the employment of the gun and rod on the continent. If the excitement of the chase is desired, it can be WITH NATURE IN COLORADO found on the trail of the black, cinnamon and silver-tip bear, or the stately elk can be stalked, the agile deer pursued, the fleet antelope followed. Should a spice of danger prove attractive, it can be found when the hunter faces a big mountain lion. As for wild fowl, they are found in abundance, including ducks, geese, grouse, ptarmigan and sage chickens ; and the fisherman will discover that the moun- tain brooks swarm with the largest and most gamy trout. To reach this really remarkable region, only seventy- five miles of staging are required from Wolcott station, or thirty to fifty miles from DeBeque or Rifle on the main line of the Denver & Rio Grande road. There are mountains and valleys to be explored, and each abounds with the game, large and small, which naturally seeks such favorable environment. This region has not been hunted out, and, as Colorado protects game with stringent and strongly enforced laws, it is safe to say it will not be exhausted for many seasons yet to come. It is no more than justice to say that no subject mentioned in the preceding pages has been given any- thing like an exhaustive treatment. As to the climate, statistics which would fill a volume have been gath- ered by scientists showing the advan- tages possessed by Colorado in this regard, but space has preven- ted more than a Elk and deer abound reach it Upper Twin Lake WITH NATURE IN COLORADO passing mention here. And with reference to the scenery, hundreds of marvels have been passed over in silence, and the same may be said concerning the health-giving springs and resorts for invalids. In what has been said, a desire to suggest some of the enjoyments and benefits which can be secured by a sojourn with Nature in Colorado has prompt- ed the saying, and with the hope that the suggestion has been successful Ute Indian in exciting interest this incomplete record ends. THE DENVER 4 RIO GRANDE OPERATES A MOST SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS. MEALS A LA CARTE. 310