939 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ENGLISH POETRY ON SALE BY BASIL M. PICKERING. ALDI LONDON: BASIL MONTAGU PICKERING, 196, PICCADILLY, 1862. Z Catalogue of Engliih Poetry. DDISON, J. Poetical Works. I2mo. calf, Urie, Glafgow, 1750, 51. Addifon, J. Miscellaneous Works, in Profe and Verfe, with Life, &c. by Tickell. 4 vols. I2mo. calf gilt, 1753, 6s. Akenfide, M. Poems, i vols. in i, ismo. bright calf gilt, yellow leaves, 1776, 4;. 6d. Akenfide, M. The Pleafures of Imagination, a Poem in three Books, Glafgoio, 1780. Calf, $s. Akenfide, M. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by A. Dyce, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. por- trait, uncut, 8/. 6d. Aldine, The, Edition of the Britim Poets, with Me- moirs and Notes, by Dyce, Mitford, and Nicolas ; comprifing Akenfide, Beattie, Burns, Butler, Chaucer, Churchill, Collins, Cowper, Dryden, Falconer, Goldfmith, Gray, H. Kirke White, Milton, Parnell, Pope, Prior, Shakefpeare, Spenfer, Surrey, Swift, Thomfon, Wyatt, Young. 53 vols. 1 2 mo. publijbed by W. Picker- ing, and containing many pieces of the feveral Authors not pre- vioujly printed, boards, uncut, 137. Another copy, bound in varioujly coloured French grofgrained morocco, in Roger Payne's ftyle, by Riviere, 28 /. Alford, H. The Abbot of Muchelnaye, Sonnets, &c., W. Pickering, 1841. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, \s. Alfred. The Will of King Alfred. 4to. uncut, Ox- ford, 1787, 5J. All the Talents, a Satirical Poem, in three Dialogues, by Polypus. 8vo. fourth edition, uncut, 1807, zs. 1050507 America. Ponteach, or the Savages of America, a Tragedy. Royal 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Anderfon, R. Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, chiefly by R. Anderfon, with Notes and Gloflary ; the remainder by various Authors, feveral never before publifhed, Wigton, 1808. izmo. frontifpiece, uncut, js. 6d. Angling. The Fifher's Garland for 1841. Crown 8vo. cut by Bewick, uncut, Newcaftle, 1841, 6d. Anfon, T. Affghaniftan, W. Pickering, 1852, Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3-r. Anthems. The Book of Anthems, for the ufe of the Chapel at Brougham, W. Pickering, 1835. Fcp. ^ vo - PRIVATELY PRINTED, JS. 6d. Ariftophanes. Tranflated by J. Hookham Frere, a Me- trical Verfion of the Archarnians, the Knights, and the Birds ; in the lall of which a vein of peculiar humour and character is, for the firft time, detected and developed, W. Pickering, 1840. 410. fewed, uncut, ^L izs. 6d. Another copy, with the Frogs (410. Malta, N. D.) appended thereto, alfo 410. uncut, never publijhed, but prefented to the Author's friends, and never found with copies of the foregoing, 3/. i$s. Ariftophanes. The Clouds, the Greek text, with a tranflation into correfponding Metres, and original Notes, W. Pickering, 1852. 410. 5-r. Arnold, Edwin. Poems, Narrative and Lyrical, Ox- ford, 1853. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. Arnold, Edwin. Grifelda, a Tragedy, and other Poems, 1856. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Bailey, P. J. Feftus, a Poem, W. Pickering, 1839. 8VO. FIRST EDITION, SUPPRESSED BY THE AUTHOR, I Ss. Another edition, the SECOND EDITION, W. Pickering, 1845. Cr. 8vo. uncut, js. 6d. Another edition, the THIRD EDITION, W. Pickering, 1848. Cr. 8vo. uncut, js. 6d. Another edition, THIRD EDITION, WITH CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS, W. Pickering, \%^>,feioed, 51. This third edition, in royal 8vo., was publilhed fimultaneoufly with the crown 8vo. third edition. Another edition, FIFTH EDITION, W. Pickering, 1852. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 8s. 6d. Thefe editions all vary more or lefs, the Author having altered them confiderably from time to time. The firft edition was fup- prefled, and the llory altered, a portion having been objected to as heretical. Barlee, T. D. Mifcellaneous Poetry, Bath, 1837. Uncut, is. 6d. Bartas. His Devine Weekes and Workes, tranflated and dedicated to the King's Moft Excellent Majeftie, by Jofuah Sylvefter, in 410. (1605-7), fine copy, engraved title, from the Surrenden library, with the Autographs of John Saville, the elder and younger, red morocco extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, 61. 6s. Barter, W. G. T. Poems, original and tranflated, including the Firft Iliad of Homer, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3-r. 6d. Batty, W. Publication of Hymns, in two Parts, the latter of which has never been printed before, Kendal, 1779. l zmo. foiled, 2s. 6d. Baxter, R. Poetical Fragments, W. Pickering, 1821. 1 6mo. portrait, uncut, ^s. 6d. Beattie, James. The Minftrel, in two Books, with fome other Poems, 1784. Svo.J&eep, is. 6d. Beattie, J. The Minftrel, or the Progrefs of Genius, and other Poems, 2 vols. \zn\o.frontifpiece, calf, 1801, 2s. Beattie, J. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by A. Dyce, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4_r. Beddoes, T. L. Poems, W. Pickering, 1851. i2mo. uncut, 3.;. Beddoes, T. L. Death's Jeft Book, or the Fool's Tragedy, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. 9*. Beddoes, T. L. Poems, Pofthumous and Collected, with Memoir, W. Pickering, 1851. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, los. 6d. Behn, Mrs. Milton, Prior, Tho. Brown, &c. Mif- cellaneous Poems upon feveral Occafions, with Tranflations from Petronius, Arbiter, &c. I2mo. 1692, 5^. 6d. Behn, Mrs. A. Plays written by the late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, the third edition, 1724. 4 vols. I2mo. beft edition, portrait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, and contents lettered, by Bedford, 61. 6s. Behn, Mrs. A. Plays written by the late Ingenious Mrs. Behn, entire in two volumes, 1702. 2 vols. large I2mo. nice old blue morocco, Harleian pattern, with gilt leaves, ftained, 3/. 13^. 6d. %* This edition contains the Prologues and Epilogues, which are not to be found in the 4 vols. 1 2mo. Beowulf. Traveller's Song, and Battle of Finnes- Burh, in Anglo-Saxon, with Gloflkry by J. M. Kemble, W. Pickering, 1833 ; only loo copies printed. A Tranflation of the Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf, with copious Gloffary, Preface, and Notes, by J. M. Kemble, W. Pickering, 1837. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, zl. 15^. Beowulf. A Tranflation of the Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf, with copious Gloflary, Preface, and Notes, by J. M. Kemble, 1837. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, \L 4_r. Beowulf, tranflated from the Anglo-Saxon into Eng- lim Verfe, by A. D. Wackerbath, 1849. Fcp. ^vo. uncut, $s. 6d. Beranger. Songs tranflated, with a Sketch of his Life, W. Pickering, 1837. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, y. Bewick. Beattie, J. Minftrel, or the Progrefs of Genius, and other Poems, I2mo. cuts by Tburfton and Clennel (Bewick's pupils}, half calf, Alnwick, 1808, $s. Bewick. Bloomfield, R. Farmer's Boy, a Rural Poem, 8vo. large paper, cuts in manner of Bewick, \ 800, 5.1-. Bewick, T. Goldfmith, O., Poetical Works, with Life of the Author, I2mo. cuts by Thomas Bewick, uncut, Glou- cefter, 1809, 8s. 6d. Bewick, T. and J. Somerville W. The Chafe, a Poem, 1802. Royal 8vo. cuts, red morocco, gilt leaves, 14^. Bibliographical Dictionary, containing a Chronological Account, alphabetically arranged, of the moil curious, fcarce, and important Books in all departments of Literature, by Dr. A. Clarke, Liverpool, 1 802, 6 vols.; the Bibliographical Mifcellany, containing a lift of Arabic and Perfian Grammars and Lexicons, a Hiftory of Printing, a Catalogue of Authors, or Bibliography and Typography, the Proper Method of arranging Books in a Library, Table of Olympiads, the Roman Calendar, the Mahommedan Era, &c. 1806, by Dr. A Clarke, 2 vols.; together 8 vols. cr. 8vo. uncut, los. Bijou, The, or Annual of Literature and the Arts, W. Pickering, 1828-9-30, flutes by Stotbard, Lawrence, f?r. i6/. Blake, W. Songs of Innocence and of Experience, fliowing two contrary States of the Human Soul, W. Pickering, 1839. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 1 8;. Blake was artift and poet ; he died infane. Some of his pro- duflions fetch extraordinary prices ; and this volume is of uncom- mon occurrence. Bland, R. Collections from Greek Anthology, with Specimens of all the Poets included in Meleager's Garland, by J. H. Merivale. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 1833, 4^. 6d. Bloomfield, R. Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs. 1 802, portrait and cuts, after Bewick, nice old red morocco, gilt leaves, 6s. 6d. Blount, T. P. Remarks upon Poetry and Cenfures of the moft Confiderable Poets ancient and modern, extracted from the beft and choiceft Criticks. 4.10. Mitford's copy, clean in old calf, 1 694, 8j. 6d. Boethius. King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Verfion of the Metres of Boethius, with an Englifh Tranflation and Notes, by S. Fox, W. Pickering, 1838. 8vo. $s. Boothby, Sir Brook. Sorrows facred to the Memory of Penelope, 1796. Folio, very pretty plates by Sir J. Reynolds, Fufeli, &c. ana fame landf capes, uncut, gs. Bourne, V. Poetical Works, Oxford and London , Pickering, 1826. Cr. 8vo. nicely printed, half morocco, top gilt, IOJ. 6d. Another copy, boards, 8.r. 6d. Another edition, 1857, 4^. 6d. This volume contains Hymns with Latin tranflations, original Poems, Latin and Englim, and renderings of fome of the beft Poems of various authors into elegant Latin. This author was a Mafter of Weftminfter School. Cowper, in fpeaking of him fays " I love the memory of Vinny Bourne ; I think him a better Latin poet than Tibullus, Propertius Aufonius, or any of the writers in his way except Ovid, and not at all inferior to ^im." The prefent volume is a fuitable one for a fchool prize or a pre- fent to a youth. Bowdler, J. Poems, Divine and Moral, many now firft publimed, felefted by J. Bowdler. 8vo. uncut, 1821, u. 6d. Bowles, W. L. The Spirit of Difcovery ; or, the Conqueft of Ocean, izmo.frontifpiece, half calf, 1804, is. 6d. Bowles, W. L. Scenes and Shadows of Days departed, W. Pickering, 1837. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, $s. B. P. Juvenilia Sacra ; or, Divine Youthful Medita- tions, confifting of a Dialogue between Chrift and the Soul, &c. izmo. blue morocco, gilt leaves, 1664, icxr. 6d. Brathwait, Richard. Barnabas Itinerarium ; or, Barnabee's Journal, the feventh edition, to which are prefixed an account of the Author, a Bibliographical Hiftory of the former editions, and illuftrative Notes, 1818. I2mo, with Hardings* plates, clean and uncut, 8s. 6d. The editor in the preface, fpeaking of this and the former editions, except the firft, fays " The merit of this edition may be eafily appreciated by confidering the omiffions, variations, and additions ;" and from examining thefe points it feems impoffible to doubt as facl, that the editor did not poflefs a perfect copy of the firft edition ; to which circumftance may be attributed fimilar omiffions in the four fubfequent ones. Braithwaite, H. T. The Reign of Avarice, an Allegorical Satire in four cantos, W. Pickering, 1851. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Braithwaite, H. T. Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, W. Pickering, 1852. 8vo. uncut, is. 6d. Breen, H. H. The Diamond Rock and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1849. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3-r. Breton, Nich. A Pofte with a Packet of Mad Letters, John Marriott, 1637. 410. clean copy, BLACK LETTER, the two parts y one leaf in 2 in facfimile, woodcut on each of the titles (by N. Breton, poet, but not in verfe], \l. $s. Breton, Nich. Wit's Private Wealth, ftored with choice Commodities to content the Minde, Tbos. Creede,for J. Trapp, 1615 (not in verfe}. 410. 3/. 13^. 6d. Not in Mr. Stirling's Catalogue of books of Proverbs ; and this edition is not mentioned by Lowndes. Broome, W. Poetical Works, with Life, Edinb. 1781. BelFs edition, frontifpiece and portrait, old red morocco, gilt leaves, 35. Browne, Mofes. Pifcatory Eclogues, with Practical and Philofophical Notes. Svo.yfr/? edition, half calf, -emblematical tooling, 1729, 5-r. Browne, Mofes. Poems on various Subjects, 8vo. frontifpiece, title laid down, 1739, 3 s - ^- Browne, T. B. (of Mellington). The National Bankruptcy and other Poems, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Browne W. of the Inner Temple. Original Poems, never before publifhed, by the author of Britannia's Paftorals, with Preface and Notes by Sir Egerton Bridges. 410. calf, Mitford's Copy, Lee Priory private prefs, 1815, MS. 6d. Bryant, W. C. Poems, edited by Washington Irving, 1832. Crown Svo.yfr/? Englijb edition, uncut, 6s. 6d. Brydges, Sir E. The Britifht Bibliographer. 4 vols. 8vo. plates, calf gilt, yellow leaves, by Riviere, 1810, 61. 6s. Containing Bibliographical Accounts of many very rare works, as well as reprints of others. Brydges, Sir Egerton. Reftituta, or Titles, Extracts, and Characters of Old Books in Englifh Literature revived, 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow edges, by Bedford, 4/. 14^. 6d. Brydges, Sir E. Bertram, a Poetical Tale. Kent, printed at the private prefs of Lee Priory, 1814. 8vo. cuts, uncut, only 100 copies printed, js. 6d. Brydges, Sir E. Select Poems with a Preface. Printed at the private prefs of Lee Priory, 1814. 410. only 100 copies printed, cuts, uncut, 6s. 6d. Burgon, J. W. Petra, a Poem. Second Edition, to which a few fhort Poems are now added. Oxford, 1846. Sm. 410. frontifpiece, uncut, 2s. 6d. Burgoyne, J. Dramatic and Poetical Works, with Memoir of the Author. 2 vols. I2mo. frontifpiece, 1808, 5^. Burns, J. D. The Vifion of Prophecy and other Poems. Edinb. 1854, uncut, zs. Burns, R. Poems, chiefly in the Scottifh Dialed:. 8vo. with the portrait after Nafmytb, Edinb. 1787. Calf gilt, js. 6d. This was the firft Edinburgh edition ; it contains a long lift of fubfcribers, and is the fecond edition of Burns' poems. Burns, R. Poems, chiefly in the Scottim Dialect. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, Edinb. 1 794. js. 6d. Burns, R. Poetical Works, with feveral Pieces not inferted in Dr. Currie's edition. 2 vols. i6mo. portraits, calf neat, 1819, 2s. 6d. Burns Robert. Works, with an Account of his Life and a Criticifm on his Writings, with fome Obfervations on the Character of the Scottifb Peafantry, third edition, 1802. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, very nice old gilt rujjia with marbled leaves, \l. \s. Burns, Robt. Poetical Works, with his Life, Alnwick, 1808. 2 vols. I2mo. cuts by Bewick, calf, \^s. Burns, R. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Sir H. Nicolas, W, Pickerings Aldine edition. Fcp. 8vo. 3 vols. portrait, uncut, \ ^s. 6d. Burns, Robert. AN AUTOGRAPH UNPUBLISHED POEM in the Scottifh Dialed, ii page, 8vo. Begins, " The auld man's mare's dead." In good condition, in a frame glazed each fide, z/. izs. 6d. Burns, Robert. AN AUTOGRAPH POEM, 4 pages, 4to. Begins, " When Nature her great matter-piece defign'd." Poetical addrefs toR. Graham, Efq., of Fintray, the firft fketch, containing many altered words and phrafes. Graham was one of the Commiffioners of Excife to whom Burns was indebted for his poft of Excifeman. This Epiftle appears to have been written before he occupied that fituation, as he concludes: " I truft, meantime, my boon is in thy gift, That, placed by thee upon the wifhed-for height, -\ Where, man and nature fairer in her fight, I My mufe may imp her wing for fome fublimer flight." J In good condition, and in two frames glazed each Jtde, $1. $s. Burns. Views in North Britain, illuftrative of the Works of Robert Burns, with Defcriptions and Sketch of the Poet's Life, by J. Storer and J. Greig, 1805. Royal 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Burton, F. B. Diftant Glimpfes, or Aftronomical Sketches, 1837. Crown 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Butler, S. HUDIBRAS, the FIRST PART, written in the time of the late Wars. London, printed in the year 1663, 15^. FIRST EDITION, in all probability being the one which was referred to in the Publick Intelligencer of Dec. 23, 1662. It has no printer's or bookfeller's name, but is licenfed by Jo. Birkenhead, Nov. nth, 1662. Butler, S. Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the Time of the late Wars. 8vo. old blue morocco, gilt leaves, 1678, IQJ. 6d. Butler, S. Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the Time of the late Wars, corredled and amended, with Additions, to which is added Annotations, with an exaft Index to the whole, adorned with a new fet of Cuts, dejigned and engraved by Mr. Hogarth, 172.6. I2mo. FIRST EDITION, WITH THE POR- TRAIT AND CUTS BY HOGARTH, and the edition ufed by Johnfon when quoting this author in his dictionary, dark calf, marbled leaves, \s > s. Butler, S. Pofthumous Works, written in the Time of the Grand Rebellion, being a Collection of Satires, Speeches, and Reflections upon thofe times, publiAied from original MSS. and Scarce and Valuable Pieces, to which is added a Key to Hudibras, fixth edition, izmo. portrait by V. der Gucht, and adorned with cuts, bright old calf gilt, $s. Butler, S. Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the Time of the late Wars. I2mo. portrait and plates after Hogarth, 1775, 2s. 6d. Butler, S. Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the Time of the late Wars, corrected and amended, with Large Annotations and a Preface, by Z. Grey, 1764. 2 vols. 8vo. portraits and plates by Hogarth, in very bright old calf gilt, i/. i os. Butler, S. Hudibras, in three Parts, written in the Time of the late Wars, with Annotations and Preface, by Z. Grey. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates by Hogarth, bright calf gilt, yellow leaves, 1764, I/. 8;. Butler, S. Poetical Remains, with Notes by Thyer. 8vo. portrait and plates, uncut, 1827, $s. 6d. Butler, S. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by J. Mitford, W. Pickering, Aldine edition. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, \^s. Another copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, \l. 4*. Byron, Lord. Hours of Idlenefs ; a feries of Poems by Geo. Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor, firft edition. 12 mo. half-bound, Newark, 1807, 6s. Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Poems, Original and tranflated, fecond edition, Newark, \%Q%,frontifpiece, 31. The poems in this volume are thofe which the Edinburgh Review fo feverely criticifed, which criticifm called forth " The Englim Bards and Scotch Reviewers." Byron, Lord. Englifh Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Crown 8vo. firft edition. 1809, 6s. 6d. Byron, G. Lord. Englifh Bards and Scotch Re- viewers, a Satire. Crown 8vo. n. d. [i8o9J,/r/? edition, half calf, fold at Fonthill for i/. 8^., ^s. 6d. Byron, Lord. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a Ro- maunt, and other Poems. 2 vols. 8vo. uncut, foiled, 1814, zs, Byron, Lord. Poems on his Domeftic Circumftances. 8vo. portrait, eighth edition, uncut, 1816, zs. This is a pirated edition, and though it profefles to be the eighth edition, yet the above poems firfl appeared in 1816. Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Works, containing Childe Harold, Giaour, Bride of Abydos, Corfair, Lara, Ode to Napoleon, Poems, Hebrew Melodies. 4 vols. izmo. red morocco gilt, with gilt leaves, 1 8 1 6, 1 5/. Byron, Lord. Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, a Tragedy; the Prophecy of Dante, a Poem. 8vo. frjt edition, uncut, 1821, 4.?. Bysfhe, E. The Art of Englifh Poetry, containing Rules for making Verfes, a Dictionary of Rhymes, a Colledion of moil Natural, Agreeable, and Noble Thoughts, 1 702. 8vo. calf, zs. 6d. Cambridge. Poems, written chiefly at the Univerfity of Cambridge, with a Latin Oration on the Roman and Canon Laws, with Comparifon of the Law of England, 1760. Royal 8vo. by J. Marriott, calf, 2s. Camden, W. Remains concerning Britaine, the In- habitants thereof, their Language, Names, Emprefles, Wife Speeches, Poefies, and Epitaphs. 410. frft edition, very nice clean copy, in ruffia extra, gilt leaves, by C. Smith, 1605, I/. Ss. Camden, W. Remains concerning Britain, their Lan- guage, Surnames, Anagrams, Armories, Apparel, Wife Speeches, Proverbs, Poefies, Epitaphs. The feventh impreffion, much amended, with many rare antiquities never before imprinted, by the induftry and care of J. Philipot, 1674. Small 8vo. BEST EDITION, with portrait by White, and cuts, fprinkled calf extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere, i6s. 6d. Cameo, The. A Melange of Literature and the Arts. I2mo. plates after Wilkie, Lawrence, Reynolds, and S tot hard, green morocco, gilt leaves, Pickering, 1831, js. 6d. Camp Diverfions, or Poems written on feveral Occa- fions, and for the moft part on foreign fervice, by an Officer, 1816. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Carter, Eliz. Poems on feveral Occafions, the third edition, 1776. 8vo. half bound, zs. Cartwright, W. Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, and Poems. Small 8vo. 1651, portrait, with the leaves containing the cancelled Jlanzas, and alfo the leaves as printed with the faid ftanzas left blank, French red morocco extra, paned Jtdes and gilt leaves, 3/. 13*. 6d. Cartwright, W. Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems, the Ayres and Songs fet by Mr. H. Lawes. izmo. portrait, good copy, with the leaves between pages 300 and 301 frequently mijjing, 1651, 15^. Cartwright, W. Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, with other Poems. I2mo. wants portrait, calf, 1651, gs. CarTels, W. R. Eidolon, or the Courfe of a Soul, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, %s. Catalogue of the Curious and Extenfive Library of Is. Reed (editor of Shakefpeare). 8vo. portrait, uncut, 1807, 5*. 6d. Caunter, H. The Ifland Bride, in Six Cantos. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 1830, 2s. Cayley, G. J. Some Account of the Life and Ad- ventures of Sir Reginald Mohun, done in Verfe, W. Pickering, 1849. 8vo. uncut, 2J. 6d. Chalklen, C. W. Semiramis, an Hiftorical Morality, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1847. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Chalkhill, J. Thealma and Clearchus, a Paftoral Hiftory in fmooth and eafy Verfe, written long fince by John Chalkhill, Efq., an acquaintant and friend of Ed. Spenfer. 8vo. Jheep, 1683, I/. 5/. "This volume has a Preface by Iz. Walton, and is by fome fuppofed to have been written for him ; at lealt this hypothefis has been adopted by a writer in the Retrofpefiive Review, in Major's Walton, and Zouch's Walton's Lives ; but it is moft pro- bable that the book was written by a Mr. Chalkhill, a relative of the Ken family, and thus by marriage to Walton." Chalkhill, John. Thealma and Clearchus, firft pub- lifted by Ifaac Walton, Chifwick, 1820, edited by Singer, vig- nette and frontifpiece, only 250 copies printed, uncut, 6s. 6d. Chalmers, G. Poetic Remains of the Scottish Kings. Cr. 8vo. portrait of James I. and plate of facfimile, uncut, 1824, 4-r. 6d. Chalmers, A. General Biographical Dictionary, con- taining an Account of the Lives and Writings of the moil eminent Perfons in every Nation. 32 vols. 8vo. calf 'extra, yellow edges, by F. Bedford, 1812-17, i6/. i6s. %* Containing Lives of Poets, &c. Chapman, E. J. The Lay of Charity, and other Poems, fecond edition, B. M. Pickering, 1858. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, y. 6d. Chapman, G. Monfieur D'Olive, a Comedie as it was fundrie times afted by Her Majefties Children at the Blacke Friers. 410. firft edition, calf, Mitford's copy, with numerous notes in bis writing, \ 606, 1 5 s. Chapman, G. The Gentleman Ufher. 4*0. firft edition, clean copy, half morocco, Mitford's copy, with MS. memo- randa by him, 1606, i6s. Chapman, G. May-Day, a Witty Comedie, divers times acted at the Black Friers. 410. half morocco, Mitford's copy, with MS. memoranda, 1 6 1 1 , i$s. Chapmen's Broadfide Songs. The Unhappy Me- morable Song of the Hunting of Chevy- Chafe. Oblong folio, printed in five columns, with rude woodcut, n. d., old and curious, 7s. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide Songs. The King and the Forefter. Oblong folio, printed in three columns, with rude woodcut, n. d., 6s. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide Songs. King Henry V, his Conqueft of France, in revenge for the affront offered by the French King in fending him (inflead of the tribute) a ton of tennis-balls. Printed and fold in Aldermary Church-yard, Bow- lane, London. Oblong folio, in three columns, with rude wood- cut, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. The Honour of Briftol, mowing how the Angel Gabriel fought three Spanijh mips, who boarding her many times, me clear'd the deck, kill'd 500 Spaniards, and forc'd them to fly into Cales ; with the lofs of three men only. Oblong folio, in four columns, with two rude cuts, js . 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. A Pleafant Ballad of King Henry II. and the Miller of Mansfield, mowing how he was entertain'd and lodg'd at the Miller's houfe. Printed and fold at the Printing-office in Bow Church-yard, London. Oblong folio, in four columns, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. The Amorous Lady's Gar- land, or the Handfome Butcher of St. James's Market. Printed and fold in Aldermary Church-yard, Bow-lane, London. Oblong folio, in four columns, two rude cuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Robin Hood's Chafe, or a Merry Progrefs between Robin Hood and; King Henry. Tune, " Robin Hood and the Beggar." London, printed by L. How, in Petticoat-lane. Oblong folio, three rude cuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Robin Hood and Allen-a- Dale ; or the manner of Robin Hood's refcuing a Young Lady from an Old Knight, and reftoring her to Allen-a-Dale, her former love. Tune of " Robin Hood in the Green Wood." Oblong folio, in four columns, rude woodcut, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. The Noble Fifherman ; or, Robin Hood's Preferment. Tune of "In Summer Time." Printed and fold by L. How, in Petticoat-lane. Oblong folio, in four columns, three rude woodcuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Robin Hood, newly revived ; or, his Meeting and Fighting with his Coulin Scarlet, to a new Tune. London: Printed and fold by L. How, in Petticoat Lane. Oblong folio, in four columns, three rude woodcuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Robin Hood and the Shep- herd, mowing how Robin Hood, Little John, and the Shepherd fought a fore Combat. Tune, Robin Hood and Queen Catherine. London : Printed and fold by L. How, in Petticoat Lane. Oblong folio, in four columns, four rude cuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Renowned Robin Hood ; or, his Archery truly related in his Exploits before Queen Catherine. London : Printed by L. How, in Petticoat Lane. Oblong folio, in four columns, rude woodcuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. Robin Hood and Will Study ; mowing how he refcued him from the Sheriff and his men, who were going to hang him. Tune, Robin Hood and Queen Cathe- rine. Oblong folio, in four columns, rude woodcuts, js. 6d. Chapmen's Broadfide. The Pedigree, Education, and Marriage of Robin Hood, with Clorinda, Queen of Tetbury. Feaft fuppofed to be related by the Fiddler who play'd at their Wedding. Northampton : Printed for R. Dicey. Oblong folio, in Jive columns, with rude woodcut, with curious note as to ufe of Old Songs in teaching children, and a puff by the above R. Dicey, js. 6d. Charlemagne. Travels in Conftantinople and Jerufa- lem ; an Anglo-Norman Poem of the 1 2th Century, now firft publifhed, with GloiTarial Index, by F. Michel, W. Pickering, Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 6s. Charlton, W. H. Poems, 1804. Crown 8vo. uncut, is. Chatterton, T. Poems, fuppofed to have been written at Briftol, by T. Rowley, and others, in the XVth century, with Preface and Gloffary. 8vo. uncut, 1777, 6s. Chatterton, T. Works, containing his Life by G. Gregory, and Mifcellaneous Poems, 1803. 3 vols. 8vo. un- cut, I/. IOS. Chatterton, T. Poetical Works, with Notices of his Life, Hiftory of the Rowley Controverfy, a Selection of his Letters and Notes, Critical and Explanatory, Cambridge, 1842. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, frontifpiece andfacfimile, 2/. 8s. Chatterton, T. Life, with Criticifm, &c. on his Writings, by G. Gregory. Svo.facjimile, calf, 1789, $s. Chatterton, T. Life, with Criticifm on his Genius and Writings, and Concife View of the Controverfy concerning Rowley's Poems, by G. Gregory. 8vo. uncut, 1789, $s. 6d. Chaucer, G. Workes newlye printed, wyth dyvers Workes vvhych were never in print before. Folio, corner off title, and wants two leaves, TT I and TT 6, John Reynes, 1542, I/. 15^. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales in the Original, from the moft authentic MS, and as they are tuned into modern lan- guage, by Dryden, Pope, and other eminent hands. 8vo. calf, 1737, y.bd. Chaucer, G. Tyrwhitt, T. GlofTary to Chaucer, with an Account of the Works of Chaucer, to which this GlofTary is adapted, and of thofe other pieces which have been improperly intermixt with his in the Editions. Crown 8vo. this volume forms vol. 5 ofTyrwbitfs Chaucer, calf, 1778, izs. Chaucer J. Works of our Ancient, Learned, and Excellent Englifh Poet, J. Chaucer, compared with the beft MSS, and feveral things added, never before in print, to which is adjoyn'd The Story of the Siege of Thebes, by J. Lidgate, with Life of Chaucer, by T. Speght, 1787. Folio, BLACK LETTER, portrait, dark fprinkled calf gilt, marbled leaves, zl. 8s. Chaucer, G. Works, viz. Canterbury Tales, by Tyrwhitt, 5 vols. Romaunt of the Rofe and Minor Poems, by Nicolas, William Pickering, 1822-46. Crown 8vo. portrait and plate of Canterbury Pilgrimage, uncut, 3/. 1 6s. Chaucer, G. Romaunt of the Rofe, Troilus and Crefeide, and Minor Poems, with Life and Notes by Nicolas, W. Pickering, 1846. Crown 8vo. uncut \L is. This edition of the Minor Poems ranges with four editions of the Canterbury Tales, viz. the old edition in 5 vols. by Tyr- whitt ; two editions in 5 vols. by Tyrwhitt, publifhed by W. Pickering, and the edition edited by Wright, in the Percy Society, and therefore completes either, making the entire works of Chaucer. Chaucer, G. Poetical Works, (including both the Canterbury Tales and Minor Poems,) edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, W. Pickering, 1852. 6 vols. fcp. 8vo. portrait, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, 2/. 15^., or a copy, boards uncut, I/. 4J. Chaucer, G. Contes de Cantorbery, traduits en vers Francois par le Chev. de Chatelain, B. M. Pickering, 1857-60. 2 vols. fquare fcp. 8vo. printed in old-cut type, uncut, i/. 5^. " There are evidences of great induftry in it, ftill more of found judgment and good tafte." Athenaeum. Chaucer, G. La Fleur et la Feuille ; poe'me avec la texte Anglais en regard, traduit en vers Francais par le Chev. de Chatelain, B. M. Pickering, 1857. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, zs. Chaucer, G. Cleomades, Conte traduit en vers Francais modernes du vieux langage D'Adenes le Roy, con- temporian de Chaucer, par le Chev. de Chatelain, B. M. Pickering, 1859. Fcp. ^ vo> 3 s - ^d It will be remembered that Chaucer's " Squyeres Tale " was left by its author unfinished, and that it is literally a ftory with- out an end ; this little volume fupplies materials to make up the deficiency, as it is with little queftion the fource from whence Chaucer obtained the plot of his ftory. The Athenaeum, in fpeaking of this volume, fays, " Critics, commentators, annotators, editors, and antiquaries have long been forely puzzled as to the fource whence Chaucer drew his ' Squyeres Tale.' The ftory is not to be found fo has hitherto circulated the report in any fimilar or other form in the literature of the Middle Ages." The reviewer, after tracing the fimilarity between the two authors, in an article too long to quote in this place, concludes by taking leave of both minftrels, and "recommending our (his) readers to make fuch acquaintance with the former (D'Adenes le Roy), as they are enabled to do by the good offices of the Chevalier de Chatelain." Chaucer, G. Life with Memoir of his Friende and Kinfman John of Gaunt, and Sketches of the Manners, Opinions, Arts, and Literature of the XlVth century, by William Godwin. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 1804, 121. Children's Books. New Selection of Hymns for ufe of Schools, Edinb. 1822. i6mo. is. Children's Books. Poetical Chronology of Ancient and Englifti Hiftory, with Hiftorical and Explanatory Notes. Reading, 1795. izmo. fecond edition, 4_r. 6d. Children's Books. Watt, J. Divine Songs, at- tempted in Eafy Language, for the ufe of Children. i6mo. 1812, is. 6d. Chriftmas Tyde, a Series of Sacred Songs and Poetical Pieces, fuited to the Seafon, W. Pickering, 1849. Uncut, $s. Churchill, C. Poems, 1763. 4to. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION ; A PRESENTATION COPY FROM THE AUTHOR TO THE CELEBRATED JOHN WILKS, with bis book-plate, and elaborately bound, in inlaid and gilt red and green morocco, with emble- matical tooling, I/, is. Cibber, Colley. Dramatic Works, 1736. 5 vols. I2mo. plates, calf, izs. Cibber, C. Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland to the Time of Dean Swift, 1753. 5 vols. 12 mo. uncut, i8/. Cibber, C. Apology for the Life of Colley Cibber, with an Hiftorical View of the Stage during his Own Time, and a Lift of Dramatic Authors, and their Works, 1746. 2 vols. I2mo. wants portrait, uncut, 71. 6d. Cibber, C. Dramatic Works, 1777. 5 vols. imp. 8vo. portrait, befl edition, fprinkled calf extra, ye/low leaves, con- tents lettered, by Bedford, 3/. 1 8/. Another copy, uncut, \l. l8j. Another copy, old calf, \l. is. Clayton, J. Sketches in Biography, defigned to mow the Influence of Literature on Character and Happinefs, Edinb. 1825. I2mo. boards uncut, \s. 6d. Cleveland, J. Revived ; Poems, Orations, and Epif- ties, and other of his genuine Incomparable Pieces, 1659. Portrait, clean copy, old Jbeep, js. 6d. Cleveland, J. Poems, with Additions, 1651. I2mo. Jheep, js. 6d. Cobden, Ed. Poems on Several Occafions, 1748. 8vo. calf, 2s. 6d. *,* Containing,amongft other translations, three Odes of Horace. Cocke Lorelle's Bote, Edinb. 1841. i2mo. half Rox- burgbe morocco, uncut, \ 2s. Only forty copies printed, and only one or two copies of the original known. This volume prefents a curious and entertaining picture of the habits and morals of the inferior clafles of fociety in the metropolis during the reign of the bluff Harry (VIII.) Cock Lorell was a noted thief and vagabond of the time ; and in the prefent fatire the name of this diftinguifhed rogue has been ufed to ufher in before the reader the train of worthies whom he no doubt would have delighted to honour. Coleridge, Hartley. Poems, Songs, and Sonnets, Leeds, 1853. 8vo. FIRST EDITION, WITH AN ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH SONNET TO HENRY N. COLERIDGE, SIGNED ; alfo another Sonnet on the death of Mrs. Coleridge, palled on fly-leaf, with a fhort note, by S. Coleridge, fen., who alludes to his mother reading " this book during the laft year of her life, the fummer and autumn of 1845." A VERY INTERESTING VOLUME, UHCUt, \L \S. Coleridge, Hartley. Poems, Songs, and Sonnets, Leeds, n.d. 8vo. FIRST EDITION, uncut, 6s. 6d. Coleridge, S. T. Poems ; to which are now added, Poems, by Charles Lamb and Charles Lloyd, 1797. I2mo. calf, js. 6d. Coleridge, S. T. Zapolya, a Chriftmas Tale, in 2 parts; or, the Ufurper's Fortune, and the Ufurper's Fate, 1807. 8vo._/fr/? edition, uncut, 4/. 6d. Coleridge, S. T. Zapolya, a Chriftmas Tale, in 2 parts, the Prelude entitled " The Ufurper's Fortune," the Sequel, " The Ufurper's Fate," with autograph prefentation, " To the Rev. R. Cattermole, from his obliged friend the Author," 1817. 8vo. 6s. "I think moil highly of it," BYRON. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works, with Dramas of Wallenilein, Remorfe, and Zapolya, W. Pickering, 1829. Crown 8vo. uncut, i8s. Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works, W. Pickering. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, i6s. Coleridge, S'. T. Poems, W. Pickering^ 1844. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 8s. 6d. Another copy, calf gilt, js. 6d. Coleridge, S. T. Memoirs, by James Gillman, vol. i, W. Pickering, 1838. 8vo. all publijhed, uncut, 31. Coleridge, S. T. Berkeley, Bp. Geo. Siris, a Chain of Philofophical Reflections and Inquiries on the Tar Water and divers other Subjects, 1 744. 8vo. calf, with long note in AUTO- GRAPH OF S. T. COLERIDGE, and figned at end S. T. C. and formerly belonging to Gillman, the biographer of S. T. Cole- ridge, I5/. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Poet, Eflayifr, Philofopher. AN AUTOGRAPH LETTER, SIGNED, Briftol, July 1 6, 1814. 4 pages, 4to, two portraits, memoir, etc. 2/. ^s. Alludes to a complaint in one of his legs. " In head and vigour of mind I am not amifs, in difpofition to activity much improved, but fubjedT: at times to ftrange relapfes; for infiance, all laft Sun- day I was thoroughly \3Z-belzebubbed. . . Mentions a Sir G. B., who, it would appear, was an American, and a countryman of his, whom he calls an old fratricide, and fays he had " a merry Cain fort of treating Abel folks (Spelling, A vaunt!)" " I looked over the five firft Books of the ift (Quarto) edition of Joan of Arc yefterday, at Hood's requeft, in order to mark the lines written by me. I was really aftonifhed i, at the fchool-boy wretched allegoric machinery 2, at the tranfmogrification of the fanatic Virago, into a modern Novel-pawing profelyte of the Age of Reafbn, a Tom Paine in Petticoats, but fo lovely ? and in love more dear ! ' On her rubied cheek hung pity's chryflal gem'' 3, at the utter want of all rhythm in the verfe, the monotony and dead plumb down of the paufes, and of the abfence of all Bone, Mufcle, and Sinew, in the fingle lines.'* Collier, J. P. Poetical Decameron ; or, Ten Con- verfations on Englifh Poets and Poetry, particularly of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I, 1820. 2 vols. crown 8vo. uncut, gs. Collins, W. Poetical Works, edited by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1827. Crown 8vo. uncut, Ss. 6d. Another copy, LARGEST TINTED PAPER, ONLY NINE COPIES so TAKEN, 8VO. UnCUt, I/. IS. Collins, W. Poetical Works, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, un- cut, 3-r. 6d. Congreve, W. Poems, Foulis, Glafgow, 1752. I2mo. bright calf gilt, 5;-. Congreve, W. Works, confifting of Plays and Poems, 1753. 3 vols. izmo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, \L i6j. Conftable, H. The Sonnets and other Poems of H. Conltable, of St. John's College, Cambridge, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, with Notes and Illuftrations by T. Park, B. M. Pickering, 1859. Crown 8vo. only 230 copies printed, uncut, 6s. Another copy, 1859, calf 'extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, i6s. Another copy, large and thick paper, only 20 copies printed, 1 5*. Conybeare, J. J. Illuftrations of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, edited, with additional Notes, &c. by W. D. Conybeare, 1826. Royal 8vo. calf extra, yellow leaves by Bedford, I/. 5^. Cornim, T. H. The Thames, a Defcriptive Poem, W. Pickering, 1842. Imp. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Coftello, L. S. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henry Quatre, W. Pickering, 1835. Crown 8vo. illuminated plates, uncut, I2s. 6d. Cotton, C. Poems on Several Occaflons, 1689. fir ft collefled edition, tall copy with rough leaves, red morocco extra, paned Jides and gilt leaves, by Riviere, I/. 15^. Cotton, C. The Wonders of the Peak. Nottingham^ 1744, f econ d edition, 6s. 6d. Cotton, Chas. Genuine Poetical Works, containing Scarronides ; or, Virgil Traveftie, Lucian Burlefqu'd, The Wonders of the Peake, 1765. izmo. illuft rated by many curious cuts by t^an der Gucht, fprinkled calf extra, red edges, 12s. Another edition, 1771, 6s, 6d. Cotton, C. Virgil Traveftie, a Mock Poem, on the Firft and Fourth Books of Virgil's ^Eneid, in Englim Burlefque, fourteenth edition, 1807. I2mo. curious cuts by BEWICK (?) uncut, 5.;. Cotton, C. Scarronides; or, Virgil Traveftie, a Mock Poem of the Firft and Fourth Books of Virgil's ^Eneid in Englim Burlefque, compared with former editions, Durham, 1807. Uncut, 4/. 6d. Couper, R. Poetry, chiefly in the Scottifti Language, Invernefs, 1804. 2 vols. I2mo. uncut, *js. 6d. Cowley, A. Works, confifting of thofe which were formerly printed, and thofe which were defigned for the Prefs, now publifhed out of the Author's Original Copies, 1 68 1. 1 2mo. portrait, red morocco, gilt leaves, js. 6d. Cowley, A. Works, 1721. 3 vols. i2mo. portrait by Vertue, &c, calf, 9^. Cowper, W. Poems, 1782. Poems, vol. 2. The Talk, a Poem in Six Books, to which is added, by the fame Author, an Epiftle to J. Hill, Tirocenium, or a Review of Schools, and the Hiftory of J. Gilpin, 1785. 2 vols. 8vo. FIRST EDITION, UNCUT, I/. I Bs. Cowper, W. Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. firft edition., fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by F. Bedford, 1782-5, 2/. io/. Cowper, Wm. Poems, in 2 volumes, 1794. 2 vols. %\o.Jixtb edition, UNCUT, js. 6d. Cowper, W. Poems, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. plates by Stotbard, nice copy in old gilt rujfia, 1 8.r. Another copy, 1800, calf gilt, \^s. Cowper, W. Poems, 1800. 2 vols. fmall 8vo. plates by Stotbard, calf, I ^s. Cowper, W. The Diverting Hiftory of John Gilpin, illuftrated by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, 1832. I2mo. fewed, 3/. 6d. Cowper W. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Mitford, W. Pickering, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, uncut, I/. Cowper, W. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 15^. Cowper, Wm. Poems, 1855. 2 vols. 32mo. pearl type, cloth, y. Cowper. Cooper, W. Memoirs till the age of forty, written by himfelf, 1815. I2mo. MS, js. 6d. Cox, H. G. Sacred Hymns, from the German, W- Pickering, 1841. i6mo. cloth, 3^. Crabbe, G. Poems, 1810. 2 vols in i, portrait^ red morocco, gilt leaves, jj. Crafhaw, R. Poetry by Richard Crafhaw, who was a Canon in the Chapel of Loretto, and died there in 1650, with Account of the Author, by P. Phillips, izmo. uncut, 1785, 4-r. 6d. Croft, Sir T. E. Poetical Remains, W. Pickering 1836. Fcp. 8vo. 3^. Cromek, R. H. Remains of Nithfdale and Galloway ; Song, with Hiftorical Traditions and Notices relative to the Manners and Cuftoms of the Peafantry, 1810. 8vo. vignette by Stotbard, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, I/, is. Cromek, R. H. Select Scottifh. Songs, ancient and modern, with Obfervations and biographical Notices by R. Burns. 2 vols. poft 8vo. vignettes by Stotbard, uncut, 1810, %s. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, to a Kal- thoeber pattern, I/, los. Crow, W. The Indian, a Poem in Six Cantos, 1806. Uncut, is. 6d. Crowe, W. Lewefdon Hill, considerably enlarged, with other Poems, the third edition, 1804. izmo. uncut, is, 6d. Cruttwell, C. J. Lines on the Chriftening of his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, and on the Opening of Parliament, W. Pickering, 1842. Cr. 8vo. uncut, $5. Cunningham, J. W., Vicar of Harrow. De Ranee, a oe.n\,j'econd edition, 1815. 8vo. uncut, is. 6d. By the fame author as " The Velvet Culhion." Cynofure, The, being Select Paflages from the moft diftinguimed Writers, W. Pickering, 1837. i6mo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Alfo bound in calf and morocco, at various prices, forming a very pretty volume for a prefent. Daniel, G. The Modern Dunciad, Virgil in London, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1835. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Daniel, G. Democritus in London, with the Mad Pranks and Comical Conceits of Motley and Robin Goodfellow, to which are added, notes, feftivous, &c., W. Pickering, 1852. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Daniel, S. Whole Works. Small 4to. wanting en- graved title and pages 39, 40, dark calf, red edges, 1623, I/. 4;. Daniel, S. Poetical Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, 1718. 2 vols. 1 2mo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, il. i$s. Davenant, Sir W. Gondibert, an Heroic Poem, 1651. 1 2 mo. calf gilt, wanting the title, $s. Davenant, Sir Wm. Gondibert, an Heroic Poem, 1651. Damaged by damp, $s. 6d. Davenant, Sir Wm. Gondibert, an Heroic Poem, 1651. I2IDO. FIRST EDITION, with the AUTOGRAPH OF HENRY KIRKE WHITE ON THE TITLE, AND MS. NOTES BY HIM THROUGH THE VOLUME, green morocco, gilt leaves, by Lewis, io/. los. " Dryden honoured this work with diftinguifhed praife, and wrote his ' Annus Mirabilis' in imitation of it." One of the MS. notes in the autograph of H. K. White in the volume. " Davenant is a poet who approaches nearer to Shakefpeare in the beauty of his defcriptions, the tendernefs of his thoughts, the ferioufnefs of his feelings, and the wildnefs of his fancy." GRAY, by Mitford, vol. i, p. Ixxxvii. 410. 1818. Davifon, F. Poetical Rhapfody, and other Pieces, with Memoir and Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, W. Pickering, 1826. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. with the plate of autographs uncut, \$s. Day, H. T. Algarfife, and other Poems, W. Pick- ering, 1848. Uncut, 3J-. Day, Julia. Poems, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 6fS. Day, Julia. Poems, fecond feries, W. Pickering, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Defoe, D. The True-born Englifhman, a Satyr, 1701. 410. poor copy, 2s. 6d. Delights of the Bottle, with the Humours of Bubble Uptlarts, Dinner Spungers, Jill Tipplers, Pan Soppers, &c., &c. 1720. Svo.frontifpiece, 4^. 6d. Denham, Sir J. Poems and Tranflations with the Sophy, 1668. Small 8vo.fr/} edition, in the old Jheep binding, js. 6d. Denham, Sir J. Poems and Tranflations with the Sophy, 1668. Small 8vo. firft edition, red morocco extra, paned fides, and gilt leaves, by Bedford, I/. 151. Derrynane. A Sketch from the Interior of Derry- nane Abbey, W. Pickering, 1836. Uncut, is. 6d. Devotional Poetry. Primitiae Sacras ; the Reflections of a Devout Solitude, confifting of Meditations and Poems on Divine Subjects, 1701. 1 2mo. old red morocco, gilt back and fides, and gilt leaves, 6s. 6d. De Vere, Sir Aubrey. Poetical and Dramatic Works, B, M. Pickering, 1858. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, \6s. De Vere, Sir A. Julian the Apoftate, the Duke of Mercia, two Dramas, B. M. Pickering, 1858. (Vol. I of the Works.) Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 8/. 6d. De Vere, Sir A. Mary Tudor, an Hiftorical Drama, &c., W. Pickering, 1847. (Vol. 2 of the Works.) Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4.1. 6d. De Vere, Sir A. A Song of Faith, Devout Exercifes, and Sonnets, W. Pickering, 1842. (Vol. 3 of the Works.) Fcp. 8vo. 3-f. 6d. De Vere, Aubrey. The Search after Proferpine, Re- colleflions of Greece, and other Poems, Oxford, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4_r. 6d. De Vere, Aubrey. Poems, 1855. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4/. 6d. De Vere, Aubrey. May Carols, 1857. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3.;. 6d. De Vere, Aubrey. The Sifters, Inisfail, and other Poems, 1 86 1. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. Dilke, C. W. Old Englifti Plays, being a Selection from the Early Dramatic Writers, by Dilke, 1814. 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, *jl. js. Bound uniformly with the fet of Dramatifts. D'Ifraeli, I. Narrative Poems. 4to. with the errata^ No. 2, being a flip, and frequently wanting, uncut, 1803, js. 6d. Dodd, J. W. Ballads of Archery, Sonnets, &c., 1818. I2ino. woodcuts, boards, uncut, p. 6d. Dodfley, J. A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, by Several Hands, 1766. Pearch, G. A Collection of Poems in Two Volumes, by Several Hands, 1768; together 8 vols. 1 2 mo. in old red morocco, yellow leaves, but a volume wormed, Ife. Dodfley. Old Plays. Collier, J. P. Supplement to Dodfley, containing five Old Plays, by A. Munday, T. Hughes, and N. Field, 1828. Cr. 8vo. uncut, \L $s. Donaldfon, T. Poems, chiefly in the Scottifh Dia- led, both humorous and entertaining, Alnwick, 1800. I2mo. cuts by T. Bewick, uncut, 3*. 6d. Donne, J. Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, 1635. Fine portrait by Marjball, Jbeep, \$s. Donne, Dr. J. Letters to feveral Perfons of Honour, 1651. 4:0. large paper, but wanting portrait, 8^. 6d. Donne, J. Paradoxes, Problems, EfTays, and Cha- raders, &c. 1652. izmo. 6s. 6d. Donne, J. Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, to which is added divers Copies under his own Hand, 1654. I2mo. portrait by Mar/hall, Js. 6d. Donne, J. Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, 1654. izmo. portrait by Marjball, gs. Donne, J. Dean of St. Paul's. Two Sermons, preached before King Charles, upon Genefis, ift chap. 26 v. 410. 3/. Dorfet, Mrs. The Peacock at Home, &c., 1809, Half ' ruffia, js. 6d. Drama, Old Englifh. A Selection of Plays from the Old Englifh Dramatifts, Baldwin, 1724-5. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. calf gilt, neat copy, I zs. Drama. The Second Maiden's Tragedy, now firft printed from the original MS. in the Lanfdowne Collection, 1824. 8vo. half morocco, $s. Dramatifts. Series of Englifh Dramatifts, comprifing : Beaumont and Fletcher, by Dyce, 1 1 vols. 1843 ; J. Ford, by GifFord, 2 vols. 1827 ; T. Heyvvood, by Collier, 2 vols. 1850; Ben Jonfon, by Gifford, 9 vols. 1816; P. Maffinger, by GifFord, fetond edition, 4 vols. 1813; T. Middleton, by Dyce, 5 vols. large paper, 1840; J. Shirley, by GifFord and Dyce, 6 vols. 1833, 39 vols. 8vo. ; R. Greene, by Dyce, 2 vols. 1831 ; J. Lilly, by Fairholt, 2 vols. large paper, 1858; C. Marlowe, by Dyce, 3 vols. 1850; Otway, by Thornton, 3 vols. 1813; G. Peele, by Dyce, fee and edition, 3 vols. 1829-39.; J. Webfter, by Dyce, 4 vols. 1830, 17 vols. crown 8vo. together 56 vols., calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, all uniformly bound from uncut copies, and all be ft editions, 6^1. Dramatifts. A Series of fuch of the Dramatifts as have not recently been reprinted in library editions : Behn, Mrs. 4 vols. ; Buckingham, Villiers, Duke of, 2 vols. ; Centlivre, Mrs. 3 vols. ; Gibber, Colley, 5 vols. ; Col man, G. 4 vols. ; Congreve, W. 3 vols. ; Dryden, J. 6 vols. ; Etherege, Sir G., Farquhar, G. 2 vols. ; Foote, S. 2 vols ; Garrick, D. 3 vols. ; Gay, J. 2 vols. ; Home, J., Howard, Sir R., Lanfdowne, G. Lord, Lee, N. 3 vols. ; Lilly, G. 2 vols. ; Mountfbrt, W. 2 vols. ; Rowe, N. 3 vols. ; Savage, R. 2 vols. ; Sedley, C. 2 vols. ; Shadwell, T. 4 vols. ; Shadwell, C., Southerne, T. 3 vols. ; Steele, Sir R., Vanbrugh, Sir J. 2 vols. ; Whitehead, W. 2 vols. ; Wycherley, W. together 69 vols. portraits and plates, fprinkled calf extra, contents lettered, and yellow leaves, by Bedford, $jl. i$s. Dray ton, M. Battaile of Agincourt, the Miferies of Queene Margaret, &c., 1627. Folio, firft edition, wants frontif- piece, calf, iSs. Drury, A. H. Annefley, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, ^s. 6d. Another copy, with the Firft of May, a Modern Verfion of a celebrated Ancient Ballad, W. Pickering, 1851. Half morocco, top gilt, 7-r. 6d. Dryden, J. Fables, Antient and Modern, tranflated into verfe, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, and Chaucer, 1713. 8vo. front, with Dr. Farmer's autograph, $s. Dryden, J. Dramatick Works, 1735. 6 vols. I2mo. portrait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 3/. 15^. Dryden, J. Fables from Boccaccio and Chaucer, 1806. \2mo.plates by Stotbard, calf gilt, Js. 6d. " The fables of Dryden are not by any means to be confidered as mere imitations or modernifings of Chaucer ; they have a character intrinfically their own, and they might be read with great advantage together with the originals." SHAW'S Englijb Literature. Dryden, J. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by J. Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, ijs. 6d. Dryden, J. Poetical Works, with Life of the Author, 1855. 2 vols. 32mo. pearl type, cloth, $s. Dunbar, Wm. Poems, now firft collected, with Notes and a Memoir by David Laing, W. Pickering, 1834. 2 Vols. Cr. 8VO. ONLY A FEW COPIES PRINTED, UnCUt, 7.1. \$S. " William Dunbar, the greateft poet that Scotland has pro- duced." GEO. ELLIS. " This darling of the Scottifh mufes has been juftly raifed to a level with Chaucer by every judge of poetry to whom his obfolete language has not rendered him unintelligible." SIR W. SCOTT, * # * Vol. 2 contains a gloffary of old Scottifh words. Duncan, John, of Wimbourn Minfter, Dorfet. Poetical Dialogue between the Soul and Echo, to which is added the Soul's Addrefs to the Heart, in three parts. Second edition, Salijbury, 1788, 3-r. 6d. Dyce, A. Specimens of Britim Poetefles felected and chronologically arranged. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 1827, 8s. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, i8s. Dyce, A. Specimens of Englim. Sonnets. W. Pick- ering, 1833. Square i6mo. js. 6d. Edwin, J. The Eccentricities of J. Edwin, collected from his MSS. and enriched with feveral hundred Anecdotes, by Anthony Pafquin. 2 vols. izmo. half calf, n, d., js. 6d. Ellis, G. Specimens of the Early Englifh Poets, with Hiftorical Sketch of Englifh Poetry and Language, 1 80 1. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. with note in autograph (?) of Sir E. Brydges, being from the Lee Priory Library, uncut, \^s. Erfkine, R. Gofpel Sonnets, or Spiritual Songs, in Six Parts, tenth edition, Glafgow, 1762. izmo. Jbeep, $s. Etherege, Sir Geo. Works, containing his Plays and Poems, 1704. Small 8vo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow edges, contents lettered, by Bedford, I/, u. Evans, T. Old Ballads, Hiftorical and Narrative, collected from Rare Copies and MSS, a new edition, by R. H. Evans, 1810. 4 vols. cr. 8vo. BEST EDITION, FROM REV. J. MIT- FORD'S LIBRARY, WITH HIS MS. MEMORANDA, calf neat, I/. 15^. Evelyn, A. J. Englifh Alice, a Poem in Five Cantos, W. Pickering, 1852. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, T,S. Falconer, W. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 8s. 6d. Another copy, morocco, gilt leaves, 6s. 6d. Farquhar, G. Works, containing all his Poems, Letters, EiTays, and Comedies, tenth edition, corrected from the errors of the former impreffions, 1772. 2 vols. i zmo. fprinkled calf extra, contents lettered, and yellow leaves, by Bedford, I/, icxr. Fay, Gerda. Poetry for Play Hours, with Eight Illuftrations, 1860. 410. cloth, 2s. 6d. Ferriar, J. Illuftrations of Sterne, with other Effays and Verfes, 1812. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. BEST EDITION, boards, uncut, /. 6d. " If we propofe to look clofely into the manner of compofition, which Sterne thought proper to adopt, we find a fure guide in the ingenious Dr. Ferriar, who, with moft fingular patience, has traced our author through the hidden fources whence he borrowed moft of his learning, and many of his more ftriking and peculiar ex- preffions." SIR WALTER SCOTT. Fiflier, R. T. Three Poems I. Eleufmia; II. Nim- rod; III. Sibylla Anglica, W. Pickering, 1842. 2 vols. 8vo. uncut, i6/. Fifher, R. T. The Travellers, an Argument, in Three Parts I. The Night Watch; II. The Day Watch; III. The Repofe, B. M. Pickering, 1857. 8vo. uncut, $s. Fitchett, J. King Alfred, a Poem, edited by Robert Rofcoe, W. Pickering, 1841. 6 vols. portrait, uncut, iSs. Flatman, Thos. Poems and Songs, fourth edition^ with many additions, 1686. 8vo. portrait by White, calf, 7/. 6d. %* Containing the original of Pope's " Dying Chriftian to his Soul." Flatman was a friend of Iz. Walton. Fletcher, Giles. Chrift's Victorie, and Triumph in Heaven and Earth, over and after Death. Second edition, Camb. 1632. 410. a little wormed, gs. With the autograph of Will. Browne. Fletcher, P. (author of Pifcatory Eclogs, Purple Ifle, &c.) De Literis Antiquas Britanniae Regibus prasfertim qui doc- trina claruerunt, quique Coll. Cantab, fundarunt, Sylva Poetica, auctore P. F., Cantab. 1633. I2tno. calf neat, \6s. Fletcher, P. De Literis Antiques Britannias Regibus, et Sylva Poetica, Cantab. 1633. 12 mo. French red morocco extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, 2/. 2s. Fletcher, P. The Purple Ifland, or the Ifle of Man, together with Pifcatorie Eclogs, and other Poetical] Mifcellanies, Cambridge, 1633. f^ery beautifully clear copy in the old vellum wrapper, and having the verfes by Diaries fometimes wanting, I/. i8/. Fletcher, P. A Father's Teftame.nt written long fince for the Benefit of the Particular Relations of the Authour (partly in verfe), 1670. 8vo. oldjheep, 15^. This work is by the author of " The Purple Ifle," and " Pif- catory Eclogs." He was a friend of Iz. Walton. Fletcher, Phineas. Pifcatory Eclogues, with other Poetical Mifcellanies, illuftrated by Notes, critical and explanatory, Edin. 1771. 8vo. edited by Lord Woodboufelee, uncut, $s. Fletcher, P. Purple Ifland, with Critical Remarks by H. Headley, 1816. 8vo. boards, uncut, p. 6d. " There came into my mind certain verfes in praife of a mean eftate and an humble mind ; they were written by Phineas Fletcher, an excellent divine, and an excellent angler, and the author of excellent Pifcatory Eclogues ; in which you fee the picture of this good man's mind ; and I wifh mine to be like it." IZAAC WALTON. Fortune, and other Poems, to which is added Maria Maybud, a True Tale, W. Pickering, 1845. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3'- Fox, S. Menologium, or the Poetical Calendar of the Anglo-Saxons, with Englifh Tranflations and Notes, W. Pick- ering, 1830. 8vo. uncut, 6s. Another copy, royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, ONLY 20 COPIES PRINTED, UnCUt, I2J". Frankum, R. The Bee and the Wafp, a Fable in Verfe, 1860. Square izmo. with etchings by Geo. Cruikjbank, executed in early life, and in bis beft manner, uncut, ^s. Another copy, fquare I2mo. with the plates on India paper, only 50 copies fo printed, js. 6d. Thefe etchings are among fome of the moft fpirited of Cruik- fhank's works ; in the third the attitude and expreffion given to the Wafp, who is fneering at the Bee, after having beguiled him into the honey-pot, is as fiendim as it is poffible to conceive, though the perfonality of the wafp is fully preferved. Frere, J. Hookham. The Monks and the Giants. Profpedtus and Specimen of. an intended National Work, by W. and R. Whiftlecraft, of Stowmarket, Harnefs and Collar Makers, intended to comprife fome interefting Particulars relating to King Arthur and his Round Table, 1821. 12 mo. uncut, I2j. 6d. Frere, J. H. Profpectus and Specimen of an intended National Work, by W. and R. Whiftlecraft, intended to comprife the moft interefting particulars relating to King Arthur and his Round Table, Bath, 1842. 8vo. uncut, prejentation copy from the author, 1 qs. Frere, John Hookham. Theognis Reftitutus ; the Perfonal Hiftory of the Poet Theognis, deduced from an Analyfis of his exifting Fragments, one hundred tranflated or paraphrafed in Englifli metre, with an accompanying Commentary, Malta, 1842. 4tO. PRIVATELY PRINTED, UnCUt, 2/. 2S. Frere, the Right Hon. J. Hookham. Pfalms, &c. W. Nicol, circa 1848. 410. n. d., privately printed, printed only on one fide, and very feldom to be met with, I/. 151. Frere, W. H. and George Canning. The Microcofm, a periodical Work by Gregory Griffin, 1 809. 2 vols. in I, 1 2mo. portraits of Canning and Frere, neat calf gilt, $s. 6d. Fuller, T. Abel Redivivus, or the Dead yet Speak- ing ; the Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines, written by feverall able and learned Men (whofe names ye fhall finde in the epiftle to the reader), 1651. Small 410. WITH THE PORTRAIT OF FULLER, the engraved title by Vaughan, and portrait of Andrewes, befides the numerous engraved portraits on the text, fine copy, red morocco extra, paned fides, and gilt leaves, by Bedford, 8/. 8/. The writers in this work, as we are informed by Fuller in his epiftle, were Dr. Featly, Dr. Smith, the Bp. of Kilmore, Mafter Ifaakfon, my meanefle (T. Fuller), SAVE THE MOST PART OF THE POETRY WAS DONE BY MASTER QUARLES, FATHER AND SON, fufficiently known for their abilities therein. Fuller, T. Abel Redivivus, another copy, old binding, with engraved title by Vaughan, portrait of Andrewes, and nu- merous portraits on text, but wanting that of Fuller, zL 25. Fuller, T. The Beft Name on Earth, 1659. I2mo. WITH VERSES BY J. QUARLES, poor copy, frontifpiece by Stafford, 7*. 6d. Futurity, by the Author of " Emanuel," " Life," and " Home," dedicated by permiffion to her Moft Gracious Majefty, Cork, 1837. Royal 8vo. uncut, 2s. Gardens. A Review of the Landfcape, a Poem, and alfo of an Eflay on the Pidlurefque, with Practical Remarks on Rural Ornament, 1795. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Gardening. Mafon, W. The Englifh Garden, with Notes, by W. Burgh, Tork, 1783. izmo. calf, 2s. 6d. Garrick, D. Dramatic Works, to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, 1798. 3 vols. izmo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, and contents lettered, by Bedford, \L i6.r. Garrick. A Catalogue of the Library of D. Garrick, containing Poetical and Hiftorical Trades and Splendid Books of Prints, fold April 23rd, 1823. 8vo. priced, 51. Garrick, D. A MS. Book of Poetical Extracts, with curious portrait of Garrick on cover, 6s, 6d. ( Garth, Sir S. The Difpenfary, a Poem in Six Cantos, fourth edition, 1700. %vv. frontifpiece by Van der Gucbt, zs. 6d. Garth, Sir S. The Difpenfary, a Poem in Six Cantos, 1714. 1 2 mo. plates, is. 6d. " His full vigour is always exerted ; fcarcely a line is left un- finifhed, nor is it eafy to find an expreffion ufed by conftraint, or a thought imperfectly exprefled." JOHNSON. Gafcoigne, G. Princelye Pleafures at the Court of Kenelwoorth, 1821. 8vo. boards, uncut, portrait, $s. Gafcoigne, Geo. Whole Workes, newlye compyled into one volume, that is to fay, his Flowers, Herbes, Weedes, the Fruites of Warre, the Comedie called Suppofes, the Tragedie of Jocafta, the Steele-glafle, the Complaint of Phylomene, the Storie of Ferdinando Jeronimus, and the Pleafure at Kenelworth Caftle, 1 587. 410. red morocco extra, paned Jides and gilt leaves, by F. Bedford, quite perfect, \$l. 13^. Gay, J. Achilles, an Opera, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden, the Mufic prefixed to each Song, 1733. 8vo. 2s. Gay, J. Fables, Ton/on, 1737-8. 2 vols. 8vo. clean copy, nice old plates by fan der Gucbt and Gravelot, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, \l. icxr. Gay, John. Poems on Several Occafions, 1753. 2 vols. I2mo. plates by Fourdrinier, calf, zs. Gay, J. Poems on Several Occafions, 1762. 2 vols. 1 2mo. nice bright old calf gilt, js. 6d. Gay, John. Poems on Several Occafions, 1767. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. plates by Fourdrinier, calf gilt, $s. Gay, John. Plays, to which is prefixed an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, 1772. I2mo. portrait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bed- ford, i6s. Gay, J. Mifcellaneous Works, 1773. 6 vols. I2mo. plates, the BEST AND ONLY COMPLETE EDITION, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, 3/. 1 8s. Gay, J. Fables, with Life of the Author, Stock- dale, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. with 70 plates, by Blake, ffr. uncut, I/. IOJ. Gay, J. Fables, with Life of the Author, Stock- dale, 1793. 2 vols. imperial 8vo. 70 plates, nice copy, in calf gilt, yellow leaves, LARGE PAPER, 7.1. 2s. Gay J. Fables by John Gay, with Life of the Author, 1793. 2 vols. imperial 8vo. plates engraved by Blake, &c., tree-marbled calf gilt, by Riviere, 2/. 5/. Gay, J. Fables, with Life of the Author, 1808. 1 2mo. Heptenftall's edition, many nice plates, calf gilt, gs. Gentleman's Magazine, The. A Selection of Curious Articles from 1809-11. 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, marbled leaves, I/. i6s. Giffbrd. Baviad and Maeviad, Pafquin v. Faulder. Epiftle to Peter Pindar, to which is prefixed the Author's Memoir of his own Life, Byron's Englifh Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1827. 1 6mo. engraved title and frontifpiece, uncut, is. Gleanings in Verfe, edited by G. E. H. Vernon, Efq., and fold by the Countefs of St. Germains, for the benefit of the Irifh, at the Bazaar held at Regent's Park Barracks, May, I 847. Poft &vo. fezued, 2s. 6d. Glover, R. Leonidas, a Poem, 1804. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates by Stotbard, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, \^s. Glover, R. Leonidas, a Poem, adorned with plates, 1804. 2 vols. crown 8vo. plates by Stotbard, very nice in old red morocco, gilt leaves, los. Goethe. Fauftus, tranflated and abbreviated from the German, 1821. 8vo. u. 6d. Goethe, J. W. Fauft, Part II. as completed in 1831, tranflated into Englifh Verfe, fecond edition, W. Pickering, 1842. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Goethe, J. W. Reynard the Fox, tranflated by T. J. Arnold, W. Pickering, 1853-5. Witb frontifpiece and 12 Spirited illuftrations by Jofeph Wolf, india proof imprejjions, half Roxburghe morocco, uncut, \ $s. Goldfmith, O. The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldfmith, a new edition, with an account of the Life and Writings of the Author, 1791. 2 vols. 8vo. portraits, cuttings from New/papers and us, ADDITIONS by REV.]. MITFORD andW. PICKERING; and a curious profpettus, date 1794, relating to the edition of Goldfmith with BEWICK'S cuts, printed at Hereford and having the faid cuts printed on the profpeftus, probably UNIQUE, calf, \L 15^. c Goldfmith and Parnell. Poems, 1795. 4to. with plates engraved by T. Bewick, half calf , 12s. Goldfmith, O. Poetical Works, with the Life of the Author, Hereford, 1799. Embellijbed with Vignettes and Tail- pieces defigned and engraved on wood, by T. BEWICK. This edition is not mentioned in " Bell' s Catalogue of Bewick's Works," Ss. 6d. Goldfmith, O. Poetical Works, edited by J. Mitford, Aldine edition. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, half morocco, top gilt, f)s. ; cloth, 8s. 6d. Goldfmith, O. The Captivity, an Oratorio, W. Pickering, 1836. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, is. This was never previoufly publimed, and was printed from the original MS. with the variations ; it is neceflary to perfedt the earlier iflues of the Aldine Goldfmith as well as all previous editions. GofTon, S. Pleafant Quippes for Upftart New-fangled Gentlewomen, to which is added Pickings and Pleafantries from the Trumpet of War, Totham, 184.7. 8vo. uncut, printed at Charles Clark's private prejs at Totham ; a very limited number printed, 3J. 6d. GofTon, Step. Pleafant Quippes for Upftart New- fangled Gentlewomen. A Treatife on the Pride and Abufe of Women, by Charles Barnfley, the firft from a copy with the Author's autograph, the laft from an unique impreffion by Thos. Raynalde. PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1841. Crown 8vo. prefentation copy from J. P. Collier to Rev. J. Mitford, with note ftating it to be Jirft caftrated and then entirely fuppreffed by the Percy Society, and that " THIS is ONE OF TWENTY UNCASTRATED COPIES," half Roxburghe morocco, zl. 12s. 6d. Gower, Lord Francis Levefon. Catherine of Cleves, and Hermani Tragedies, tranilated from the French of A. Dumas and V. Hugo, 1832. Small 8vo. uncut, $s. 6d. Gower, J. De Confeffione Amantis. T. Berthelette, 1554. "PETER LE NEVE NORRAY " has written his name on the fecond leaf of this copy, having formerly been his, and he has noted that it wanted only the title, but this has been fupplied Jubfequently, as alfo the laft leaf from another copy, not in as good condition as the reft of the volume, which is very fine, and bound in French red morocco extra, paned Jldes and gilt leaves, by Bedford, I 2/. I 2S. Gower was one of our earlieft poets ; he was contemporary with Chaucer; he lies buried in St. Saviour's, late St. Mary Overis, Southwark. Warton fays, " If Chaucer had not exifted, the compofitions of J. Gower, the next poet in fucceffion, would alone have been fufficient to refcue the reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. from the imputation of barbarifm." Grace Triumphant. A Sacred Poem, by Philan- thropes, Birmingham, 1770. 8vo. beautifully printed by Bajker- ville, 3-f. 6d. Gray, H. Odes, firft edition, 1757. 4to. printed at Strawberry bill, with view on the title, $s. Gray, T. Poems, with Notes by Gilbert Wakefield, G. Kearfley, 1786. 8vo. old green morocco, 5^. Gray, T. Poetical Works, with Life of the Author, 1788. 1 6mo. portrait and frontifpiece, calf gilt, is. 6d. Gray, T. Poetical Works, with Account of his Life and Writings, 1800. I2mo. portrait, nice bright old calf gilt, 41. 6d. Gray, T. Poems, 1800. Crown 8vo. plates by Fufeli, Du Roveray's edition, half calf, 2s. 6d. Gray, Beattie, and Collins. Poetical Works, with Biographical accounts of the Authors, 1826. \6rno. frontifpiece, uncut, is. 6d. Gray, T. Works collated from the various editions, by W. Mafon, 1827. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 41. Gray T. Works, with Memoir and Notes by Mitford, W. Pickering. 5 vols. fcp. 8vo. \js. 6d. Gray, T. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 8s. 6d. Another copy, calf gilt, gilt leaves, 95. 6d. Gray, T. Obfervations on the Writings and Charac- ter of Gray, by T. J. Mathias, 1815. Crown 8vo. uncut, ^s. Greene, R. Dramatick Works and Poems, with Account of the Author and Notes by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1831. Crown 8vo. uncut, \l. $s. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered by Bed- ford, 2/. 2J. Greenwell, Dora. Stories that might be True, with other Poems, W. Pickering, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, p. 6d. Greflet. Vert Vert, from the French of GrerTet, by Robert Snow, W. Pickering, 1850. Untut, zs. 6d. Gueft, Ed. Hiftory of Englifh Rhythms. W. Pickering, 1838. 8vo. uncut, \^s. Guileville, G. de. Le Pelerinage de 1'Homme, com- pared with the Pilgrim's Progrefs, printed with Notes made by the late N. Hill, with many Illuftrations copied from a MS. in the Britim Mufeum, &c. B. M, Pickering, 1858. Crown 410. with Appendix, containing a portion of a Metrical Tranflation, made by J. Lidgate, in 1426, printed from a MS. in the Britim Mufeum. FORTY-ONE ILLUSTRATIONS in Photography, wood and ftone, uncut, \z > s. Guileville, Guillaume de. The Booke of the Pil- grimage of the Sowle, tranflated from the French, printed by Caxton, 1483, with Illuftrations taken from a MS. copy in the Britim Mufeum, edited by K. I. Cuft, B, M. Pickering, 1859. Crown 410. Coloured plates, uncut, \^s. This translation of the " Pylgrimage of the Sowle" was made from :he French, with additions in the year 1413. The tranflator, or at leaft the author of the " additions " (which confitl of poetry in feven-lined ftanzas), was in all probability Lydgate. The parts omitted in the prefent volume relate entirely to the worfhip of the Virgin Mary, and contain abftrufe metaphyfical doctrines, which the editor confidered would not be of intereft to the general reader. The coloured plates are copied from a MS. in the Britim Mufeum, and thofe in black are from the profe French edition, by Verard, Paris, 1499. Habington, Wm. Caftara, the third edition^ cor- rected and augmented, T. Cotes, 1640, frontifpiece by Mar/ball, Jlightly damaged, FIRST EDITION containing THE THREE PARTS in old Englijh very richly ornamented inlaid morocco binding with gauffered edges, but worn, \l. 15^. Hag. The Old Hag in a Red Cloak, a Romance, inicribed to the author of the " Grim White Woman," 1801. PRIVATELY PRINTED, uncut, zs. 6d. Hall, John. Poems, Camb. 164.6. I2mo. with the portrait by Marfhall, generally wanting (but inlaid), red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie, \l, i6s. Another copy, late Mr. Mitford's, with his MS. notes; wanting portrait and portion of title, calf, js. 6d. Hall, Bp. J. Virgidemiarum. Satires in Six Books, W\ Pickering, 1825. Crown Svo. ONLY ONE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED, uncut, %s. 6d.j half moroc co, top gilt, los. 6d. Hall, S. C. The Juvenile Forget-me-not, 1830. 1 2 mo. 12 plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, zs. fad. Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of Archaic and Pro- vincial Words, Obfolete Phrafes, Proverbs, and Ancient Cuftoms, from the Fourteenth Century, 1860. 2 vols. 8vo. fourth and beji edition, calf extra, yellow edges, by Bedford, \l. los. Halliwell, J. O. Dictionary of Old Englifh Plays in Print . and MS. from the Earlieft Times to the clofe of the Seventeenth Century, 1860. 8vo. uncut, \^s. The Plays are arranged alphabetically, and at the end is an alphabetical lift of their authors ; alfo a lift of the collected editions of the works of the early dramatifts. Hanchet, R. Poems on Moral and Religious Sub- jefts, with Remarks, Cirencefter, 1787. Svo.Jbeep, 6s. Hannay, J. Satire and Satirifts, fix Lectures, 1854. Crown 8vo. calf gilt, Mitford's copy, -js. 6d. Harrington, J. Nugas Antique, being a Mifcel- laneous Collection of Original Papers in Profe and Verfe, written in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Mary, Elizabeth and James I, edited by H. Harrington, 1792. 3 vols. fmall 8vo. uncut, from the Lee Priory library, \l. $s. Park, in his edition, has left out fome of the pieces contained in this. Hartfhorne, C. H. Ancient Metrical Tales, printed chiefly from Original Sources, W. Pickering, 1829. Cr. 8vo. forming a fupplement to the Collections of Percy, Ritfon, and Ellis, uncut, Ss. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, i8/. " A Golden Garland of Early Englifh Poetry, compofed of pieces little known, or for the greater part wholly unknown." DlBDIN. Harwood, J. Poems, W. Pickering^ 1849. ^cp. 8vo. uncut, 3^. Hawkins, T. The Loft Angel, and the Hiftory of the Old Adamites found written on the Pillars of Seth, W' Pickering, 1840. 410. uncut, $s. Hawkins, T. One Centuary of Sonnets, W. Pick- ering, 1841. 410. uncut, 3/. 6d. Hayley, W. Triumphs of Temper, 1793. I2mo. Stothard's plates, calf, $*. Hayley, W. The Triumphs of Temper, 1799. I2mo. plates by Stothard, green morocco, gilt leaves, in good pre- fervation, 6s. 6d. Hayley, W. The Triumphs of Temper, a Poem, in Six Cantos, the twelfth edition, corrected, Chichefter, 1803. With defegns etched by W. BLAKE, the mad artift and poet, nice red morocco, gilt leaves, I oj . 6d. " Its vifionary fcenes are drawn and tinted with a mafterly pencil, and do great credit to the Italian fchool, in whofe fpirit and ftyle they have been conceived and executed." DRAKE. Hazlitt, W. Character of Shakefpear's Plays, 1817. 8vo. uncut, 6s, 6d. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the Englifh Poets, 1818. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on Englifh Comic Writers, 1819. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, fecond edition, 1821. 8vo. un- cut, 6s. 6d. Headley, H. Select Beauties of Ancient Englifh Poetry, with remarks by H. Headley, and a Biographical Sketch, by H. Kett, 1810. 2 vols. crown 8vo. engraved titles, un- cut, 6s. 6d. Heber, Bifhop R. Life, 1829. Portrait, uncut, \s. Helps, A. Catherine Douglas, a Tragedy, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3-f. 6d. Helps, A. King Henry the Second, a Drama, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3*. 6d. (Hemans, Mrs.) Browne, F. D. Poems, Liverpool, l8o8. 4tO. FIRST EDITION, CUtS, UnCUt, JS. 6d. Henderfon, J. Narrative of the Life and Theatrical Tranfadtions of J. Henderfon, commonly called the Bath Rofcius, 8vo. 1777. Catalogue of the Library of J. Henderfon, Efq. of Covent Garden Theatre, containing early editions of the Englifh Poets, Novels and Romances, and Early Dramatic Authors, fold Feb. 20th, 1786. EfTay on the Character of Hamlet, as performed by Mr. Henderfon, 8vo. fecond edition, n. d. The 3 in i vol. half morocco, uncut, with cuttings, and 6 portraits of Henderfon inferted, one a drawing faid to be by J. Ireland, from Charles Mathews 1 Library, with his book-plate, \l. 4*. Herbert, George. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, firft edition, Cambridge, 1633. i6mo. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves, jl. js. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, fecond edition, Camb. 1633. I2mo. old vellum wrapper, \l. 8s. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, fourth edition. Camb. 1635. izmo. Jheep, 9;-. Herbert, G. Remains ; or, Sundry Pieces of that fweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. George Herbert, now expofed to public light, 1652. I2mo. calf, \l. is. Containing the Country Parfon, Jacula Prudentium, fome Latin Poems, and Apothegmes, by feveral Authors. Herbert, G. Remains. Another copy, 1652, with the AUTOGAPH OF " ROBERT SOUTHEY, BRISTOL, 1797," on the title, and having bis book-plate, nice copy in old calf, 4/. 4.;. In this copy, at the beginning in pencil is a memorandum of the pages and a tick at the page, probably alfo by Southey, of fuch pafl'ages in the work as enjoin on the Country Parfon that his church be " on great feilivals ftrawed, and ftuck with boughs, and perfumed with incenfe," and " particularly, he loves Procef- fion, and maintains it," &c. &c. Herbert, G. Prieft to the Temple ; or, the Country Parfon's Character and Rule of Holy Life, third edition, 1675. 1 2m o. calf, 5/. Another edition, 1701. \zmo.fourth edition, calf, $5. 6d. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, with Life by Iz. Walton, eleventh edition, 1678. izmo. portrait, the firft with Life by Walton, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, I is. 6d. Herbert, G. Poemata varii argument! partim e G. Herberto Latine (utcunque) reddita, partim confcripta, A. W. Dillingham, S. T. D. Cantab, adfcitis etiam aliis aliorum, 1678. I zmo. calf, 5^. Moft of the pieces in this volume were corrected by Archbifhop Bancroft, and one of them is certainly written by him. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, with his Life by Iz. Walton, 1679. izmo. portrait by White, %s. 6d. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and" Private Ejaculations, with his Life by Iz. Walton, 1679. izmo. portrait by White, $s. Another copy, wanting portrait, is. 6d. Herbert, G. The Temple, Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, Briftol, 1799. I2mo. boards uncut, ^.s. Herbert, G. Works, in Profe and Verfe, with Memoir by Walton and B. Oley, and Notes by Coleridge, W. Pickering, 1853. 2 vols. 8vo. handfomely printed library edition, portrait and plate of Bemerton, uncut, \%s. Another copy, dark calf, red edges, \l. IQJ. Another copy, calf gilt, \l. 6s. Herbert, G. Works in Profe and Verfe, with Memoir by Walton and Oley, and Notes by Coleridge, W. Pickering. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, ioj. Herbert, G. Remains of that fweet Singer of the Temple, with Life by Iz. Walton, Pickering, 1841. Fcp. 8vo. frontifpiece, blue morocco, gilt leaves, 8;.y uncut, 35. 6d. Herbert, G. Thefaurus, E. Caefares et ejufdem varia carmina, editio fecunda. Wright, A. Delhise Delitiarum. Barclaius, J. Poematum, lib. 2, I2mo. in i vol. Jbeep, with com- mendatory verfes by G. Herbert, Oxon. 1636-7, 5^. Herrick, R. Sele<5t Poems from the Hefperides, or Works both Human and Divine, with Remarks by J. N., Brijlol, n. d. Cr. 8vo. "with head, autograph, and feal of the Poet," calf neat, marbled leaves, 6s. 6d. Herrick, R. Works, Edin. 1823. 2 vols. fmall 4to. portrait on title, LARGE PAPER, only a very fmall number fo printed, calf extra, inlaid with red morocco, with gilt and marbled leaves, by Bedford, 5/. 5^. Herrick, R. Hefperides, or the Works both Human and Divine, W. Pickering, 1846. Portrait, uncut, iS/. Another copy, tree marbled calf extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere, \l. 4;. Heywood, J. The Spider and the Flie. A Parable of the Spider and the Flie, imprinted in Flete Strete, by The. Powell, 1556. 410. French red morocco extra, tooled jides, gilt leaves, by Bedford, g/. gs. This copy belonged to both Brand and Heber. The title is in facfimile, as alfo the leaf containing portrait of Heywood be- fore the body of the work ; otherwife perfect, and a very fine copy. This book contains a number of cuts, many of which at firft fight would appear to be the fame; but upon clofer in- fpeftion there are no two alike. The work is intended as a parable on the ftruggles betwixt Catholics and Proteftants, but is interefting in a philological and poetical point of view, and alfo as a fpecimen of the art of wood-engraving at this period. Heywood, John. A Mery Play between Johan Johan the Hujbande, Tyb bis Wife, and Syr Jhan, the Preeft, attributed to John Heywood, 1533, reprinted at the Chifwick Prefs, ly C. Whittingham, from AN UNIQUE COPY in the Ajbmo- lean Mufeum, n. d.. Cr. 8vo. calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, l6s. John Heywood was author of the " Spider and the Flie,'' " The Four P.'s" &c. " Exclufive of its antiquity and rarity, it is valuable as affording a fpecimen of the earlielt and rudeit form of our Comedy, and of the liberty with which even the Roman Catholic authors of that age felt themfelves authorized to treat the eftablifhed prieilhood." The author fled the kingdom on the acceffion of Elizabeth, on account of his religion. Heywood, Thos. Troia Britanica, or Great Britaines Troy. A Poem deuided into XVII. feuerall Cantons, intermixed with many pleafant Poeticall Tales ; concluding with an Vniueriall Chronicle from the Creadon vntill thefe preient Times, W. Jag- gard, 1609. Small folio, a few leaves foiled and written on, and the marginal notes in the Proeme Jlightly cut, otherwife a good copy, in old rujjia, gilt leaves, \l. i8j. Rev. C. H. Craufurd's fale, jl. Heywood, T. Dramatic Works, with a Life of the Poet, and Remarks on his Writings, by J. P. Collier, 1850. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, top gilt, I/. 4;. Heywood, T. Another copy, i vols. calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 2/. 25. Heywood, T. The Golden and Silver Ages, two Plays, with Introduction and Notes by J. P. Collier, 1851. 8vo. uncut, %s. Hogarth, G. Mufical Hiftory, Biography, and Cri- ticifm, 1838. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. uncut, 5^. 6d. Hogg, J. Jacobite Relics of Scotland, being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Adherents to the Houfe of Stuart, 1819-21. 2 vols. 8vo. calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bed- ford, 3 A i8/. Hogg, J. Jacobite Relics, fecondjeries^ Edinb. 1821. 8vo. uncut, iSs. Holiday, The, and other Poems, Songs, &c., W. Pickering, 1853, 31. Holmes, O. W. Poems, Bofton, 1849. ^ r uncut, 41. Holt, D. A Lay of Hero Worfhip, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1850, $s. Holt, D. Janus, Lake Sonnets, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1853. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 31. Homer. The Iliad of Homer, tranflated by T. S. Brandreth, W. Pickering, 1846. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, ^s. Homer. The Odyffey, tranflated by A. Pope, 1771. 4 vols. izmo. bright calf gilt, ^s. Homer. The Iliad, tranflated into Englifh Profe as . literally as the idioms of the Greek and Englifh languages will allow, fourth edition, 1841. 8vo. uncut, \s, 6d. Hood, Thos. The Comic Annual, 1830-39. 10 vols. I2mo. many curious cuts unufually clean in the binding as ijfued with comic covers, 3/. 3-r. Hoole, Barbara. Poems, Sheffield, n. d. Cut on title, half morocco, $s. Horace. The Poems of Horace, rendered in Englifh by feveral Hands, A. Broome, &c., 1680. 8vo. Jbeep, portraits, 3-r. 6d. "Nor was he (A. Broome) lefs eminent for his verfion of Horace, tho' not wholly his own ; he has gained to himfelf a reputation which will not fpeedily decay.'' LANGBAINE, Dramatic Poets. Horace. The Epodes, Satires, and Epiftles of Horace, tranflated by the kte Rev. Francis Howes, W. Pickering, 1845. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3-r. 6d. Horace. The Odes of Horace, tranflated by John Scriven, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3_r. 6d. How the Goode Wif thaught hir Daughter, C. Whit- tingham, 1836. Printed in red and black, black letter ; halfRox- burghe morocco, uncut, ONLY FIVE-AND-TWENTY copies printed, 1 5 j. Howard, E. The Britifh Princes, an Heroick Poem, 1669. izmo. calf,2s. 6d. Howard, Sir Robt. Dramatic Works, the third edition, 1722. I2mo. portrait by Vertue, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, i6s. H. R. (Author of the Settler in South Africa, and other Tales.) Fragments in Verfe, B. M. Pickering, 1861. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3^. 6d. H. R. Waters Drawn from the Well of Life, B. M. Pickering, 1862. Fcp. 8vo. is. Hume, Alex. Scottifh Songs. I2mo. uncut, 1835, 4_f. 6d. Hutchinfon, J. Pilgrim of India, an Eaftern Tale, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8 vo. wants frontif- piece, uncut, 2s. 6d. Hymns, Sacred German, text and translation, by N. E. Cox, W. Pickering, 1841. i6mo. 4J-. 6d. Hymns. A Selection of Hymns for Congregational Worfhip, &c., an Appendix to Dr. Watt's Pfalms and Hymns, zznd edition, 1843. i6mo. roan, is. Imlah, J. May Flowers, Poems and Songs ; fome in the Scottifh Dialect, 1827. I2mo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Ireland. The Anglo-Norman Conqueft of Ireland by Henry II, from a MS. in the Lambeth Library, edited by F. Michell, with Introduction by T. Wright, W. Pickering, 1837. Facfimile, uncut, $s. Jones, J. The Anglo-Polifh Harp, a Pfalter for the Reiteration of the Poles, &c., third edition, W. Pickering, 1836. Poll 8vo. uncut, 4_r. 6d. Jones, Sir W. Poems, confifting chiefly of Tranfla- tions from Afiatic Languages, to which is added two Eflays on the Poetry and Arts of the Eaftern Nations, 1777. 8vo. nice old calf gilt, yellow leaves, Dr. Difnefs copy, 6s. Johnfon's Lottery Song Book, containing a choice Collection of Love, Hunting, and Bacchanalian Songs, with a number of New and Spirited Toafts, Sentiments, and Hobnobs, n. d. I2mo. uncut, half calf neat, 9;. Jonfon, B. Works, 1640. 2 vols. folio, portrait and engraved title, clean copy in old calf, 7.1. ^s. "Ben Jonfon is fententious, witty, humorous, learned, obfervant, and acute ; rich in illuftration, and frequently airy and fanciful." HALLAM. Jonfon, B. Dramatic Works, with Memoir and Notes by Gifford, 1816. 9 vols. 8vo. portrait, half morocco, top gilt, jl. ijs. 6d. Another copy, freed from fpots, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford,, 1 3/. 1 3^. Beit edition of Ben Jonfon. Juvenile Forget-me-not, a Chriftmas, New Year's, or Birthday Gift, edited by Mrs. S. C. Hal], 1830. izmo. nine plates, half morocco, gilt leaves, 2s. 6d. Juvenile Verfe and Picture Book, with numerous Illuftrations, 1848. 410. many cuts, cloth, 5*. 6d. Keane, J. H. Ladye Alice, the Flower of OfTorye, with Metrical Legends, Chronicles, Tranflations, and Mifcel- laneous Poems, W. Pickering, 1836, $s. Ken, T. Bifhop of Bath and Wells. Works, con- taining Hymns ; Chriftophil ; Edumund, an Epic ; Hymnotheo, or the Penitent ; Anodynes, or Alleviations of Pain ; Pfyche and Sion, &c. &c. publifhed from the original MS. by W. Hawkins, Efq. 1721. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait by Vertue, calf, \L los. * # * From the library of the late Bifhop of Durham, and in faft the gem of that colleclion (!) Kennet, B. Lives and Characters of the Grecian Poets, 1697. 8vo. calf, many portraits, -$s. 6d. King, H. Bifhop of Chichefter. Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes and Sonnets, firft edition, 1657. I2mo. 15^. Bifhop King was a friend of Walton, and this volume was publifhed by R. Marriot, alfo his friend, and the publifher of his Angler. King, H. Bifhop of Chichefter. Poems, edited by J. Hannah, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, marbled leaves, by Bedford, 9^. King, R. J. Selection from Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland, W. Pickering, 1842, uncut, ^s. 6d. Kingfley, C. Saints' Tragedy ; or, .the True Story of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, with Preface, by F. D. Maurice, 1848. izmo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Knowles, J. Sheridan. Dramatic Works, 1841. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. portrait, BEST EDITION, calf extra, gilt leaves, con- tents lettered, by Bedford, 2/. los. Kortright, F. Dreams of my Youth, W. Pickering, 1848. Cr. 8vo. 4-f. 6d. (Kynafton, Herbert). Strena Poetica, a D. Pauli Scholae Informatore Primario Alumnis, fuis Ineunte anno decata, 1849. i2mo. PRIVATELY PRINTED, prefentation copy to S. J. Hunter, boards, 2s. 6d. La Fontaine, J. Loves of Cupid and Pfyche, in Verfe and Profe, with a verfion of the fame ftory from "Apuleius, and a Life of La Fontaine, with Notes, &c. by Mr. Lockman, 1744. 8vo. calf, 6s. Lady, The, and the Saints, 1839. ^vo. w ^^ ten illuftrations, by R. Cruikjbank, boards uncut, 2s. 6d. Lamb, C. Album Verfes with a Few others, 1830. FIRST EDITION, 4/. 6d. Lamb, James, Comedian. A fmall Collection of Original Pieces in Verfe, confirming of Epiftles, Songs, Rural Ballads, and Hymns, 1819. Cr. Svo.fewed, q.s. 6d. Landor, W. S. Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems, 1831. Cr. Svo.^/fr/? edition, uncut, $s. 6d. Landor, W. Savage. Dry Sticks Fagoted, Edinb. 1858. 8vo. uncut, \$s. In confequence of publiming this book the author was obliged to fly the country, and the book was fupprefled by the pub- lifhers. Langhorne, Dr. The Fables of Flora, 1794. 8vo. plates by Stotbard, uncut, qj. 6d. Langland, R. Vifio Willi de Petro Plouham item Vifiones ejufdem de Dowel, Dobet et Dobeft ; or, the Vifion of William concerning Piers Plouhman, and the Vifions of the fame concerning the Origin, Progrefs, and Perfection of the Chriftian Life, Gloflary and Notes, &c. by T. D. Whitaker, 1813. Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, 1814. 410. ruffia extra, gilt leaves, by Lewis, 3!. I $s. 6d. A religious allegorical fatire, in which the vices of almoft every profeffion are attacked; fuppofed to be written about 1362, by R. Langland or Longland, a fecular prieft of the county of Salop. Langland R. Piers Ploughman, his Vifion and Creed, edited with Notes and Gloflary, by Thomas Wright, W. Pickering, 1842. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. folding plate, \$s. Langland R. Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, 1814. 410. BLACK LETTER, and red and black type, \6s. Often wanting to go wjth the Viiion publifhed by Whittaker. Lanfdowne, Lord. Genuine Works in Verfe and Profe, 1736. 3 vols. I2mo. old calf, "]s. 6d. Lanfdowne, Lord. Poems upon feveral Occafions, 1726. Calf, 2s. 6d. Lawrence, Edwin. Xamayca, a Romantic Poem, in Six Cantos, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. Lays from the Cimbric Lyre, with various Verfes, by Goronva Camlan (Rev. Rowland Williams), W. Pickering, 1846. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4-r. 6d. Lays of Ancient Babyland, to which are added divers fmall Hiftories not known to the Ancients, Pickering, 1857. Printed with grotefque head and tail pieces, cloth, $s. 6d. Le Hardy, E. Agabus ; or, the Laft of the Druids, an Hiftorical Poem, W. Pickering, 1851. Fcp. 8vo. uncut , $s. Lee, N. Dramatic Works, 1734. 3 vols. i2mo. portrait and plates, fprinkled calf extra, contents lettered, yellow edges, by Bedford, \l. 15^. Lewes, J. Lee. Poems, LI verpool, 1 8 1 1 . Imp. 8vo. frontifpiece by Tburfton, uncut, zs. 6d. Lewis, M. G. (Monk). Tales of Wonder, written and collected by M. G. Lewis, Efq. author of the "Monk," 1 80 1. Crown %VQ..calf, 6s. 6d. Lillo, George. Works, with fome Account of his Life, 1775. 2 vols. izmo. fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, I/, icxr. Lillo, George. Dramatic Works, with Memoir by Thomas T)a.\\es,fecond edition, improved, 1 8 10. 2 vols. I2mo. calf gilt, Ss. 6d. Love and Loyalty, by the Author of Irrelagh, (Mifs Colthurft,) W. Pickering, 1851. Fcp. 8vo. zs. Lovelace, R. Lucafta, Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, &c. to which is added Aramantha, a Paftoral, 1649. I2mo. having the portrait of Lucy Sacbeverell, by Faitborne, an original imprejfion but inlaid, fprinkled calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, 2/. 12s. 6d. Lovelace, R. Lucafta, another copy, modern im- prejfion of portrait, and wanting a leaf( pp. 97, 98), calf, i$s. Lovelace, R. Lucafta, Pofthume Poems, 1659, with engraved title, and the frontifpiece to the Elegies, but wanting portrait of Lovelace and title, a poor copy, Jheep, \ 2s. The two volumes of Lovelace are very difficult to procure, and are defirable to the collector of old Englifh poetry, the reprint by Singer having portions omitted. Lunt, George. The Age of Gold, and other Poems, Boflon, 1843. Uncut, is. 6d. Lyte, H. F. Poems, chiefly Religious, 1834. i 2mo. uncut, 41. 6d. Macdonnel, D. E. Dictionary of Quotations, from the Britifh poets, in three parts. I. Shakefpeare. II. Blank Verfe. III. Rhyme, 1824. Dictionary of Quotations, in moil frequent ufe, taken chiefly from Latin and French, but computing many Greek, Spanifli, and Italian, tranflated into Englifh with illuftrations Hiftorical and Idiomatic, ninth edition, 1826, together 4 vols. I2mo. calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, 2/. icu. McNicoll, Thomas. Eflays on Englifh Literature, B. M. Pickering, 1861. Crown 8vo. uncut, 71. Containing Eflays on Milton and Pollok. Traits and Tenden- cies of Modern Poetry. Alfred Tennyfon. Poems of Landor and Browning, &c. &c. Madan. A Collection of Pfalms and Hymns, ex- tradled from various Authors, 1760. Sm. 8vo. 2s. Magnay, Claude. (Author of " The Reft," " Reginald Graeme," &c.) Poems, W. Pickering, 1853. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s, Manners, Lord J. England's Truft, and other Poems, 1841. I2mo. uncut, js. 6d. SUPPRESSED by the Author. This volume contains the cele- brated lines at page 24, which have been fo often quoted and the fentiments held up to ridicule, and on account of which the volume was fupprefled. Mant, F. W. (late R. N.) The Rubi, a Tale of the Sea, 1840. I2mo. frontifpiece and -vignette, uncut, 2s. 6d. Marlow, C. The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine the Great, MafTacre at Paris, Luft's Dominion, Faullus, Edward II, with Memoir and Notes, by W. Oxberry, 1818. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. Marlow, C. and Chapman, G. Hero and Leander, a new edition, with a critical Preface, Cbifwirk, 1821. Edited by Singer, only 250 copies printed, uncut, js. 6d. Marlow, C. Works, with Notes, and fome Account of his Life and Writings, by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1850. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. BEST EDITION, uncut, i/. 15;. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 2/. l6s. Marmion, Shakerley. Cupid and Pfyche, a Legend, Cbiftvick, 1820. Edited by Singer, with a pretty vignette by Stotbard, uncut, 3^. 6d. Marfland, G. Regeneration, a Poem in Six Books, W. Pickering, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3/. Marfton, J. The Infatiate Countefs, a Tragi-Comedy, 1613, reprint, 1820. 8vo. 2/. 6d. Maffinger, P. Plays, in Four Volumes, with Notes Critical and Explanatory, by W. Gifford, tiizfecond edition, 1813. BEST EDITION, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, Maffinger, P. Plays, another copy, BEST EDITION, ON LARGE PAPER, BOARDS UNCUT, but wants portrait, 2l. 12s. Merivale, J. H. Poems, Original and Tranflated, a new and corrected edition, with fome additional Pieces, IV. Pickering, 1835 ; Minor Poems of Schiller, of the fecond and third periods, with a few of earlier date, translated into the fame metre as the Originals; or Poems Original and Tranflated, vol. 3, W. Pickering, 1844. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncuf, \8s. Merivale. Poems, Original and Tranflated, W. Pick- ering, 1835. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. uncut, 6s. Metaftafio Artaxerxes, an Englifti Opera, as it is per- formed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, the Mufick by T. A. Arne, 1764. 8vo. 2s. Methuen, H. H. Poems, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Midas, an Englim Burletta, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden, 1764. 8vo. 2s. Mills, J. H., of the Theatre Royal, Manchefter. Poetical Trifles, Mancbefier, 1806. Half morocco, 2s. 6d. Milton, J. Pro Populo Anglicano Defenfio contra Claudii Anonymi alias Salmafii Defenfionem Regiam, 1651. l6mo. calf gilt, tooled fides, from the Library of J. Difney, 6s. 6d. " The belt apology that was ever offered for bringing kings to the block." T. WARTON. Milton, John. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Ten Books, the Author John Milton, London, S. Simmons, to be fold by T. Helder, 1669. FIRST EDITION, very tall and fine copy, bound in red morocco extra, paned fides, and gilt leaves, by Bedford, gl. gs. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Ten Books, fi rft edition, S. Simmonds, 1669. 410. old red morocco, gilt leaves, S l. 5'. To the firft edition of Milton's Paradife Loft there were as many as eight different title pages. The prefent copy has what is ftyled in the firft edition of Lowndes the fourth; but in the new edition of Lowndes, edited by H. G. Bohn, it is mentioned as No. 7 ; not that it is neceffarily the feventh, but that it is mentioned feventhly it being juft as probably the fixth or eighth. For full account of the different variations, fee Lowndes, new edition, part fix. Milton, J. Paradife Regained, a Poem in Four Books, to which is added Samfon Agonirtes, frft edition, 1671. 8vo. but has not the leaf preceding the title with the words, " Licensed, July 2, i6jo" printed thereon, js. 6d. Milton, J. Poems, &c. upon Several Occafions, both Englifh and Latin, &c. compofed at feveral times, with a fmall Traftate on Education to Mr. Hartlib, 1673. \2mo.frjl com- plete edition of the Minor Poems, Jheep, 8s. 6d. Milton, J. Poems, &c. upon Several Occafions, Jecond edition, 1673. izmo. calf, title in MS, with the autograph of Ifaac Watts, l6s. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, in Twelve Books, the fe- cond edition, revifed and augmented by the author, 1674. 12 mo. the SECOND EDITION, portrait by W. Dolle, jheep, \l. i6s. Milton, J. Paradife Regained, a Poem in Four Books, to which is added Samfon Agoniftes, fecond edition, 1680. izmo. very clean copy in the old Jbeep, with the leaf containing the word licenfed, 1 2s. Milton, J. Eiconoclaftes, in Anfwer to a Book in- titul'd Eikon Bafilike, or the Portraiture of his facred Majefty, 1690. 1 2 mo. 4^. 6d. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Twelve Books, the tenth edition, adorned with fculptures, 1711. 1 2mo. portrait and plates, calf, is. 6d. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Twelve Books, the tenth edition, adorned with fculptures, 1719. I zmo. portrait and plates, calf, is. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Twelve Books, the author John Milton, the thirteenth edition, to which is pre- fixed an account of his Life, Tonfon, 1727 ; Paradife Regained, a D Poem in Four Books, to which is added Samfon Agoniftes and Poems upon Several Occafions, with a Traftate of Education, the feventh edition, Tonfon, 1727. 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. plates by Fourdrinier, in old gilt red morocco, with yellow leaves, zl. 2s. Milton, J. Poetical Works, with Notes by T. New- ton, 1757. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait by Vertue, plates by Grignion, after Hayman, calf, i 5^. Milton, J. Poetical Works, edited by T. Newton, Birmingham, printed by John Bajkerville, 1759. 2 vo ^ s - f ma U 4to. portrait, printed in Bajkerville' s beautiful type , fprinkled calf extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, $L 151. Milton, J. Comus, a Mafque, now adapted to the Stage as altered from Milton's Mafque at Ludlow Caftle, 1762. 8vo. 3-r. 6d. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Twelve Books, thefeventb edition, with Notes of various authors, by T. Newton, 1770. 2 vols. 8vo. with verbal index, bright old calf gilt, gs. Milton, J. Poems upon Several Occafions, Englim, Italian, and Latin, with Tranflations, with Notes critical and explanatory, and other illuftrations, by T. Warton, 1785. 8vo. calf, 2s. 6d. Milton, J. Comus, a Mafk, prefented at Ludlow, 1634, to which is added L' Allegro and II Penferofo, and Warton's account of the origin of Comus, 1799. I2mo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, 1802. 1 vols. cr. 8vo. Du Roveray's edition, with plates by Fufeli, &c. calf, ^s. Milton, J. Latin and Italian Poems, tranflated into Englifh Verfe by Jacob George Strutt, 1814. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 25. 6d. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, a Poem in Twelve Books, for y. Sharpe by C. Whittingham, 1817. 2 vols. I2mo. en- graved titles by Stothard, tree marbled calf extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere, l/. $s. Milton, J. Poetical Works, with Introduction, Life, and Notes by J. Parkes, W. Pickering, 1826. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. portrait, uncut, iSs, Milton, J. Works in Profe and Verfe, printed from the original editions, with Life and Notes by Mitford, Pickering, 1851. 8 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, io/. los. Milton, J. Life of John Mil ton, by John Mitford, W. Pickering, 1851. 8vo. portrait, prefentation copy from Mit- ford to Rev. J . Hunter, having letter Jlating that ONLY ELEVEN COPIES WERE PRINTED, 9-f. Milton, J. Paradife Loft, Paradife Regained, and other Poems, 1855. 2 vols. 321110. pearl type, cloth, $s. Milton. Symmons, C. Life, Jecond edition, 1810. Royal 8vo. LARGE PAPER, portrait and facjimile, half morocco uncut, prefentation copy from the author to James Bindley, 8s. 6d. Milton. Philips, John. Poems attempted in the ityle of Milton, with Life of Philips, by Dr. Seweli, tenth edition, 1 744. Portrait by Pander Gucht, calf, ^s. Milton, J. Familiar Explanation of the Poetical Works of Milton, to which is prefixed Mr. Addifon's Criticifm on Paradife Loft, with a Preface by the Rev. Mr. Dodd, 1762. Calf, 2s. Milton, J. Remarks on Johnfon's Life of Milton, to which are added Milton's Traflate on Education, and Areopa- gitica, 1780. I2mo. uncut, ^s. 6d. Mifcellany of Rhimes, written on various Occafions, and different Subjeds, by the Leaft, the Loweft of the Tuneful Train, Gloucefter, 1782. Half morocco, $s. Moines, Les, De Kilcre, Poe'me Ballade traduit de 1'Anglais par le Chevalier de Chatelain. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, js. 6d. " The metre is flowing, and there is an air of antiquity in the phrafeology which harmonizes with the fubjedV' The Literary Gazette. Montgomery, Jas. (Author of the World before the Flood, &c.) Lectures on Poetry and General Literature, 1833. Cr. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. More, H. Sacred Dramas, 1805. I2mo. half mo- rocco, is. 6d. More, Sir T. Philomorus, a Brief Examination of the Latin Poems of Sir T. More, W. Pickering, 1842, by J. H. Marfden. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. 6d. Moultrie, J. Poems, W. Pickering^ 1837. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 5->\ 6d. Another copy, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere, los. 6d. Moultrie, J. Dream of Life, Lays of the Englifli Church, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, "]s. 6d. Another copy, morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Riviere, 12s. 6d. Mountford, W. Six Plays, to which is prefixed fome Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Mountford, 1720. 2 vols. 12010. fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, i/. i8j. Another copy, 2 vols. in I. I2tno. old calf, 12s. Moxon, E. ^Qrmzte^fecond edition, 1837. 8vo. plates by Stotbard, uncut, $s. Sonnet to Iz. Walton, &c. Mufas Seatonianas. A Complete Collection of Cam- bridge Prize Poems, 1772. Cr. 8vo. old blue morocco, with gold borders on Jjdes, and gilt leaves, $s. Naunton, Sir R. (Author of Fragmenta Regalia.) Memoirs, with fome Pofthumous writings, never before printed, 1814.. 410. portrait and cuts, boards uncut, 41. 6d. Neve, P. Curfory Remarks on fome of the Ancient Englilh Poets, particularly Milton, 1789. 8vo. privately printed, only 200 copies taken off, js. 6d. Nicolas, Sir N. H. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, W- Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. only a few copies printed Separately, half Roxburghe morocco, uncut, 6s. 6d. Norfolk Poetical Mifcellany, to which are added fome Select Eflays and Letters in Profe, never before printed, by the Author of the Progrefs of Phyfick, 1744. 2 vo ^ s> ^vo. dedicated to Lady Caroline Cow per, and having autograph notes by Mitford rejpe cling Wm. Coivper and bis anceftors, calf gilt, by Murton, neat, \L is. Norwich, the Rebellion ; or, Norwich in 1 549, a Drama, interfperfed with Mufic, firft afted April 1 7th, 1815, at the Theatre Royal, Norwich, with Notes, &c. by G. P. Bromley, Norwich, n. d. 8vo. calf gilt, j/. Novelle Antiche, Cento. Libro di Novelle et di bel parlur gentile nel qual Ji contengonocento Novelle altravolta mandate fuori da Mefler Carlo Gualteruzzi da Fano di nuovo ricorette con Aggiunta di quattro altre nel fine et con una Dichiaratione d'alcune delle Voci piu antichi (di V. Borghini), Fiorenza, Giunta, 1572. 410. old vellum, nice clean copy, l/. 5,. Thefe Novels are confidered models of Italian compofition, and on them have been founded fome of the moft beautiful Tales of fucceeding Novelifts and Poets, including amongft the latter Chaucer, and others of our early Poets. Novelle Antiche, Cento. Another copy, wanting two leaves of table and damaged by damp, but containing all the tales, old vellum, $s. Nutbrowne Maid, the, from the earlieft edition of Arnold's Chronicle, edited by Thomas Wright, W. Pickering, 1836, uncut, 3/. 6d. Oehlenfchlaeger, A. The Gods of the North, an Epic Poem, tranflated from the Danifh of W. E. Frye, W. Pickering, 184.5, uncut, 6s. To this volume is prefixed a Dictionary of Scandinavian Mythology, and to this Poem compilers of works on that fubjedl: are greatly indebted. Oehlenfchlager. Wayland Smith, a Diflertation on a Tradition of the Middle Ages, and the amplified Legend, by Oehlenfchlaeger, edited by S. W. Singer, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. 6d. Orphan's Trial, the. A Tale in blank Verfe. W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Orton, J. Excelfior; or, the Realms of Poefie, by Alaftor, W. Pickering, 1852. Crown 410. uncut, 5-r. Orton, J. The Enthufiaft ; or, the Straying Angel, W. Pickering, 1852. Crown 410. uncut, 41. Otway, T. Works, with Notes, Critical and Expla- natory, and Life of the Author, by T. Thornton, 1813. 3 vols. crown 8vo. BEST EDITION, portrait, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by F. Bedford, T.I. 1 2s. 6d. Another copy, plates uncut, l8j. Oxford. Epithalamia Oxonienfia, Oxon. 1735. ^^ vignette on title, old Harleian red morocco, gilt leaves, 5^. 6d. Parnell, Thos. Works, in Verfe and Profe, with Poems never before publifhed, Glafgow, R. & A. Foulis, 1755. Old red morocco, Foulis 1 s nicely printed edition, xoj. 6d. Parnell, T. Poems on Several Occafions, 1737. 8vo. calf, 3/. " Of his compofitions it is impomble to fay whether they are the productions of nature, fo excellent as not to want the help of art, or of art, fo refined as to refemble nature. JOHNSON. Parnell, T. Poems on Several Occafions, publifhed by Mr. Pope, Glafgow, 1752. Calf, 2s. Parnell, T. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. un- cut, 4.;. 6d. Paffion Week. A Collection of Poetical Pieces fuited to the Seafon, W. Pickering, 1849. Boards uncut, 4.1-. 6d. Paffion's Progrefs. A Series of Lyrics, in three parts, by a Nortli Midlander, W. Pickering, 1848. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2.s. 6d. Peele, G. Works, now firft Collected, with fome Account of his Writings and Notes, by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1828-39. 3 v k' cr - 8vo facjimile of a letter by Peele inferted, uncut, z/. i8j. Peele, G. Works, Collected and Edited with fome Account of his Life and Writings, by A. Dyce, fecond edition, with additions, W. Pickering, 1829-39. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. fac- fimile of Peele's writing, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 5/. 5^. Peele, George. Works, by Dyce, Vol. 3. W. Pick- ering, 1839. Crown 8vo. uncut, io/. This volume was publifhed ten years after Vols. I. and II. and is frequently wanting to complete fets. Peele, G. Letter directed to the r. honorable and woorthie Patrone of Learninge the L. Burleigh, L. highe Thea- forer of England, and one of her Mties. moft honorable Priuie Counfell, a facjimile engraving of the original letter, preferred among the Burleigh papers in the Lanfdowne Collection, 5^. dd. This letter is not in the firft edition, it was added in the fecond and therefore is defirable to pofleflors of the firft. Philips, John. Poems attempted in the Style of Milton, with Life of Author, by D. Sewell, tenth edition, 1744. 1 2 mo. portrait by Van der Gucht, calf, $s. Phillips, John. Cyder, a Poem in Two books, 1708. Frontijpiece, half bound, 2s. 6d. Phillips, Ed. (nephew of Milton.) Theatrum Poeta- rum, or a Compleat Collection of the Poets, efpecially the moft eminent of all Ages, with Obfervations, &c. on many of them, efpecially thofe of our own Nation, 1675. izmo. firft edition, very clean copy, qs. "There is good reafon to fuppofe that Milton threw many additions and corrections into the ' Theatrum Poetarum,' a book publifhed by his nephew in 1675. ^ contains criticifms far above the tafte of that period. Among thefe is the judgment on Shakefpeare, which was not then the general opinion." T. WARTON. Phillips, Ed. (nephew of Milton.) Theatrum Poeta- rum Anglicanorum, containing the Names and Characters of all the Englifh Poets, from Henry III. to the clofe of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, firlt publifhed 1675, now enlarged by additions to every article, Canterbury, 1 800. Edited by Sir Egerton Bridges, H. J. HUNTER'S COPY, with MS. additions by him, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, it. is. Phillips, Ed. Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, containing the Names and Characters of all the Englifh Poets from Henry III. to Queen Elizabeth, enlarged with additions to every article, Canterbury, 1 800. Sml. 8vo. BEST EDITION, edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, Sir James Mackintojb's copy with bis bookplate, calf, 9/. Phillips, Ed. Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, containing Brief Characters of the Englifh Poets down to 1675, reprinted with Notes, by Sir Egerton Brydges, Geneva, 1824. Royal 8vo. uncut, privately printed, only 100 copies taken, izs. Phillips, H. The True Enjoyment of Angling, 1843. 8vo. portrait and mujlc tofongs, uncut, 6s. Pinkerton. Select Scottifh Ballads. 2 vols. Ancient Scottifh Poems, never before in print, publifhed from the MS. collections of Sir R. Maitland, and written from about 1420 to 1586, with large Notes, and a GlofTary, 2 vols. together 4 vols., 1783-6. I2mo. uniform in calf gilt, \l. $s. Playford, J., Blow J., and Purcell, H. The Mufical Companion in two books : the firft, Catches and Rounds, for three voyces ; the fecond, Dialogues, Glees, Ayres, and Songs, for two, three, and four voyces, 1673 ; the fecond book of the pleafant Mufical Companion being choice Catches for three and four voices, 1707. The 2 vols. in i, oblong 410. calf, the fir ft has a Jbeet, entitled " An additional Jbeet to the book entitled the Mujical Companion " inferted, being pages I to 8, placed between pages 64 and 65, 18^. Playford, W. Harmonia Sacra of Divine Hymns and Dialogues, with Through Bafs for the Thorbo-Lute, Bafs- Viol, Harpfichord, or Organ ; the Words wrote by feveral Learned and Pious Perfons, 1703. Folio, frontifpiece, nice clean copy, in old blue morocco, with the arms and monogram vf Queen Anne on fides, and gilt leaves, 3/. 13;-. 6d. PJays and Farces, as they are Performed &t the Theatre, Smoke Alley, Dublin, containing " No Song, no Supper," " Wild Oats," " Hunt the Slipper," " Patrick of Pruffia," and "Fontainbleau,'' 1792. izmo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Poe, Edgar Allan. Works, with Notices of his Life and Genius, by N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Grefwold, New York, 1850-52. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. boards, i$s. Poems. A Collection of Poems, written upon Several Occafions, by feveral Perfons, 1672. izmo.Jbeep, zs. 6d. Poems, Select (from Englim Authors), 1795. Royal 8vo. " From Mr. Hatfell, 1796," written injlde the cover with David Carriers book-plate, half morocco, privately printed, qs. Not mentioned by Lowndes, Watt, or Martin, in his catalogue of privately printed books. It was probably printed at the expenfe of John Hatfell, Efq. Poems. Written chiefly in France, Germany, and Holland, during the Peace, 1802, by a Young Gentleman lately deceafed, Edinb. 1804. Half calf, zs. 6d. Poetical Magazine, or the Mufes' Monthly Com- panion, vol. I, 1764, all publifhed. Bright tree marbled calf 1 gilt, marbled leaves, by Kalthoeber, js. 6d. Poetry. A Collection of Poems, collected chiefly from the MSS. of living Authors, edited by Joanna Baillie, 1823. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Poetry of Nature, comprising Apoftrophes, Hiftories, Songs, Elegies, &c. from the Works of the Caledonian Bards. 4to. printed in curious curjlve type, uncut, apparently privately printed, n. p. or d. $s. Poetry. Specimens of German Lyric Poetry, 1828. Crown 8vo. uncut, \s. 6d. Poets. Johnfon's Edition. The Works of the Englifh Poets, with Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by S. Johnfon, and a Poetical Index, 1790. 75 vols. I2mo. THE BEST EDITION, old green morocco, marbled leaves, gL gs. Poets, Old Englim. Chamberlayne, W. Pharronida, an Heroic Poem, in five Books (1659, reprinted), 1820, 3 vols. Marlowe, C. and G. Chapman, Hero and Leander (1606, re- printed), 1820. Sackville, T. Lord Buckhurft and Earl of Dorfet, Poetical Works, containing Gorboduc, and induction and legend of Henry, Duke of Buckingham (1563, reprinted), 1820. Together 5 vols. izmo. uncut, 12s, 6d. Poets. The Beauties of the Poets, being a collection of Moral and Sacred Poetry, compiled by T. Janes, of Briftol, 1799. I2mo. half calf, is. 6a. Poets. Index to the Englifh Poets, 1780. i vols in I, 1 2 mo. containing the names of all Poets and Poems written before the middle of the l%tb century, half calf, $s. 6d. Pope, A. Works, including his Letters, with his laft Corrections, edited by Warburton, 175-7. 9 vo ^ s - I2mo - plates, bright old calf gilt, \ 8s. Pope, A. Works in four volumes complete, Edinb. 1764. 4 vols. I2mo. portrait, old red morocco, gilt leaves, i/. 5,. Pope, A. Works with his Laft Corrections, Addi- tions and Improvements, together with Commentary and Notes by his Editor,! 766. 9 vols. plates by Wale. The Iliad of Homer, tranflated 1760. 6 vols. plates. TheOdyfley of Homer, tranflated 1 760. Together 20 vols. 8vo. edited by Warburton, uniform, in nice old bright calf gilt, ^l. \$s. Pope, A. Works with his Laft Corrections, Addi- tions and Improvements, with Commentary and Notes by his Editor, 1766. 9 vols. 1 2mo. plates, bright calf gilt, \%s. Pope, A. Works, with Notes and Illuftrations, by J. Warton, 1797. 9 vols. 8vo. uncut, \l. ^s. Pope, A. Eflay on Man, an Epiftle to a Friend. Folio, firft edition all the four parts, 6s. 6d. Pope, A. Seven Select Pieces, written by Mr. Pope, viz. Eflay on Criticifm, Ode on Mufick, Windfor Forreft, Eloifa to Abelard, &c. &c. Car// and Lintot, 1722. 8vo. plates by Gribelin. Pope, A. New letters, and feveral of his Friends, 1737. 8vo. portrait by Richardfon. Four Original Letters, viz. Two from a Hufband to a Gentleman, and Two from a Hufband to a Wife, 1739. 8vo. 15-1-. Pope, A. Poems, 1829. 2 vols. vignettes by Stothard, &c. uncut, los. Pope, A. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by A. Dyce, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. 3 vols. fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 15^. Popple, W. The Lady's Revenge; or, the Rover Reclaim'd, a Comedy, as adhd at the Theatre Royal, in Coven t Garden, 1734. 8vo. old red morocco, gold borders on fide and gilt leaves, ^s. Popple, W. The Double Deceit; or, a Cure of JeaJouly, a Comedy, as afted at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, 1736. 8vo. old red morocco, gold borders on fide and gilt leaves, 5^. Pottinger, H. Zurlina, a Tale of Corfica, in Two Cantos, W. Pickering, 1853. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, ^s. Prior, M. MifceHaneous Works, containing a Hiftory of his own Time, Poems, Epiftles, Tales, &c. 1740. 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and frontifpiece, fprinkled calf extra, yellow edges, by F. Bedford, I/. 15^. Prior. Poems on Several Occafions, Jecond edition^ 1709. 8vo. frontifpiece, 31. Prior, M. Poems on Several Occafions, 1766. 2 vols. I2mo. portrait, bright old calf gilt, 151. Prior, M. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by J. Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 1 2s. (Probert, W.) The Gododin and the Odes of the Months, tranflated from the Welfh, Alnwick, n. d. Crown 8vo. cuts by BEWICK, uncut, $s. Proftor, B. W. The Flood of Theflaly, the Girl of Provence, and other Poems, by Barry Cornwall, 1823. 8vo. uncut, 3-c. Prynne, W. The Player's Scourge ; or, Actor's Tragedie, divided into two Parts, wherein is largely evidenced that popular Stage-playes (the very pompes of the Devil], which we renounced in Baptifme) are finfull, heathenifh, lewde, ungodly fpe&acles, &c. &c. 1633. 4:0. clean copy, calf neat, \l. 6s. For writing this book the author was fentenced to be imprifoned during life, fined 50007., expelled Lincoln's Inn, degraded the Univerfity, to be twice fet in the pillory, and to lofe his ears, and the book was burnt by the common hangman. Pfalmodia Germanica ; or, the German Pfalmody, tranflated from the High German, together with their proper tunes and thorough bafs (by J. Haberkorn), 1765. 8vo. old red morocco, Harleian pattern on fides and back, in beautiful prejerva- tion, i6s. Pfalms and Hymns. The whole Booke of Pfalmes, with the Hymnes Evangelical], and Songs Spiritual!, newly cor- rected by Tho: Ravenicroft, 1621. FIRST EDITION, WITH A AUTOGRAPH MS. NOTE refpcdting the tunes, SIGNED T. R. on the back of the title, I/, is. %* Among "the names of the Authors which compofed the tunes of the Pfalmes into 4 parts," will be found the name of John Milton, father of the poet. Pfalms. The Pfalms of K. David, tranflated by King James, fecond edition, Oxford, 1631. izmo. wants title, calf neat, gs. Pfalms. New Englim Tranflation from the Hebrew, by Bimop Hare, with Notes and Illuftrations from the Claffics, &c. by T. Edwards, of Cambridge, Camb. 1755. 8vo. calf gilt, 3-r. 6d. Pfalmes of David, tranflated into divers and fundry kindes of Verfe, more rare and excellent than ever yet hath been done in Englim, begun by Sir P. Sidney, and finilhed by the Countefs of Pembroke, his filler, izmo. portraits, uncut, only 250 copies printed, n. d. 8s. 6d. Pfalms, in a new Verfion, fitted to the Tunes ufed in Churches, by M. Montagu, 1851. izmo. uncut, 2s. Pfalms. Hymns on Various Subjects extracted from the Pfalmes, 1 806. 8vo. old red morocco gilt, and gilt leaves, Ss. 6d. Punch and the Times ; or, the Flagellators Whipped, in Two Letters to the Fleet Street Buffoon, from his Loving Friend Panurge, 1846. 8vo. uncut, is. 6d. Pye, H. J. The War Elegies of Tyrtaeus Imitated and addreffed to the People of Great Britain, with fome obferva- tions on the Life and Poems of Tyrtaeus, 1795. 8vo. uncut, y. 6d. Quadruped's Pic-Nic, the. By F. B. C, W. Pick- ering, 1840. i6mo. uncut, is. Quarles, F. Argalus and Parthenia ; a Poem, in three Books, Land, for John Marriott, no date (1621). 410. ve ry clean and fne, but wanting engraved title, gs. Quarles, F. Job Militant, with Meditations, Divine and Moral], 1624. 410. large copy, but wanting part of A 3 and whole of M 2 and rather foiled, js. 6d. Quarles, F. Divine Fancies, digefted into Epi- grammes, Meditations and Obfervations, 1641. 4:0. very fine clean copy, in red morocco extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by F. Bedford, $1. y. Quarles, F. Solomon's Recantation, entitled Eccle- liaftes Paraphrafed, with a Soliloque or Meditation on every Chapter, very feafonable and ufeful for thefe Times. Opus pofthumum, never before imprinted, with a Ihort Relation of his Life and Death, firft edition, 1645. 410. UNCUT, red morocco extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, $1. $s. Another copy, headline of title cut into, i6s. Quarles, F. The Shepheard's Oracles, delivered in certain Eglogues, J. and R. Mar riot, 1646. Front ijpiece by Mar- Jball, reprefenting the Puritans undermining the Tree of Religion, while the King, &c. are prote fling it, very clean and fine copy in red morocco extra, paned Jides and gilt leaves, by Bedford,^!. 145. 6d. Quarles, F. The Shepheard's Oracles, delivered in certain Eglogues, 1 646, having the curious frontijpiece Ly Mar Jh all, but wanting the title ; Mitford's copy, a poor one, with memoranda in his writing therein, 6s. 6d. " The Shepheard's Oracles '' was a pofthumous publication, and the Preface prefixed is confidently afTerted to be by Walton. For fatisfadlory reafons for fuch a belief, fee Sir H. Nicolas's edition of" The Complete Angler," vol. I. p. 26. This book was pub- lifhed by J. and R. Marriot, the friends of Walton, and publiftiers of his "Angler." Quarles, F. Emblemes with Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man. izmo.Jbeep, foiled, n. d. gs. Quarles, F. Argalus and Parthenia, originally com- piled in Profe by Sir P. Sidney, and afterwards done into Verfe by Francis Quarles, Efq. 1726. I2mo. with portrait of the Author, and adorned with 30 copper plates, 6s. 6d. Quarles, F. fee Fuller. Quarles, J. fee Fuller. Raleigh, Sir W. Poems now firft collected, with Biographical Introduction by Sir Egerton Brydges, 1814. I2mo. uncut, \s. 6d. Raleigh, Sir W. and Sir T. Wooton. Poems, edited by J. Hannah, Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. Kept in various calf and morocco bindings, fuitable for prefents or prizes. Ramfay, A. The Gentle Shepherd, with Original Mufic, to which is added Familiar Epiilles and a complete Glof- fary, Perth, 1786. Calf, $s. Ramfay, Allan. The Gentle Shepherd, a Paftoral Comedy, Glafgow, 1788. Royal 410. curious plates, half morocco, 15*. *,* With a Gloffary. Regimen Sanitatis Salerni ; or, the Schoole of Salerne's Regiment of Health, whereunto is annexed a neceflary Difcourfe of all forts of Fifh, &c. 1634. 4 to - fa lf> 9 s - Retrofpective Review, and Hiftorical and Antiquarian Magazine, confuting of Criticifms upon, Analyfes of, and Extracts from, Curious, Ufeful, and Valuable Books, edited by H. Southern and Sir H. Nicolas, complete from its commencement. 16 vols. 8vo. both feries, calf extra, yellow edges, by Bedford, bound from an uncut copy, i$l. 13^. Richards, A. B. Croefus, King of Lydia, a Tragedy, in Five Acts, the illuftrations by Field Talfourd, W. Pickering, 1845. 410. plates, half Roxburghe morocco, uncut, Ss. 6d. (Richards, A. B.) Death and the Magdalen, The Memory of Sale, The Idle Scholar's Lament, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1846. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, T,S. Ritfon, Jofeph. Collections of Old Englifh and Scottifh Poetry and Fictions, with Antiquarian and Critical Notes, comprifing: A Select Collection of Englifh Songs, the original edition, 3 vols. Scottifh Songs, 2 vols. Ancient Englifh Metrical Romances, 3 vols. Englifh Anthology, 3 vols. *Robin Hood, 2 vols. original edition. Robin Hood, 2 vols. reprint, with additional matter. Minot's Poems, original edition. Caledonian Mufe. Northern Garlands. Gammer Gurton's Garland. Bibliographia Poetica. A Catalogue of Englifh Poets. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry. Ancient Songs from the time of King Henry III. to the Revolution. Ancient Songs and Ballads, 2 vols. Life of King Arthur from Ancient Hiflorians and Authentic Documents. Fairy Tales, with DifTertations of Pygmies and Fairies. Annals of the Caledonians, 2 vols. Memoirs of the Celts. Life and Letters by Nicolas, 2 vols. Life by Hazlewood. Letters to Paton ; and a Critique on Ritfon's Scottifh Songs, by Pinkerton. *Remarks, Critical and Illuftrative, on the Text and Notes of the lall edition of Shakelpeare. Quip Modeft, a Supplement to Remarks on laft edition of Shakefpeare. Together 35 vols. with plates and vignettes, by Bewick, S tot- hard, Fufeli and others, all bejl editions, and all UNCUT (except the two works marked with ) very deferable in this ft ate, 25 guineas. Ritfon, J. Scottifh Songs in Two Volumes, 1794. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. tree marbled calf extra, marbled leaves, \l. 15^. Ritfon, J. Select Collection of Englifh Songs, with their original Airs, and an Historical Effay on the Origin and Progrefs of National Song, with additional Songs and Notes, by T. Park, 1813. 3 vols. cr. 8vo. uncut, ft amp on title, i6s. Ritfon, J. Caledonian Mufe, a Chronological Selection of Scottifh Poetry from the Earlieft Times, printed 1785, publijhed 1821. Cr. 8vo. vignettes engraved by Heath after dejigns by Stothard, uncut, js. 6d. Ritfon, J. Robin Hood ; a Collection of all the An- cient Poems, Songs, and Ballads now extant relative to that cele- brated Englifli Outlaw, to which are prefixed Hiftorical Anecdotes of his Life, fecond edition, W. Pickering, 1832. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cuts by T. Bewick, uncut, \ 8s. Ritfon. Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry from Au- thentic MSS. and old printed copies, fecond e dition, adorned with cuts, W. Pickering, 1833. Cr. 8vo. cuts, uncut, $s. Roberts, Mrs. Martyn. The Spiritual Creation, or Soul's New Birth, a Poem in Seven Books, W. Pickering, 1843. Fcp. 8vo. 3/. Robert the Deuyll, a Metrical Romance, from an ancient MS., 1798. Cr. 8vo. plates from old illuminations, half calf, 4*. 6d. Another copy, LARGE PAPER, uncut, 1 2s. 6d. Robin Hood's Garland, being a complete Hiflory of all the Merry Exploits performed by him and his men, n. d. 8vo. " adorned with 27 neat and curious CUTS proper to the fubjecJ of each S.^NG," calf, izs. Robinfon, Henry Francis. A Summer's Day Dream, W. Pickering, 1853. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Robinfon, of Kendal. The Intriguing Milliners and Attornies Clerk, a Mock-Tragedy, with the Lace Women, a Satire, and Poems on leveral occafions, 1738. I zmo.frontifpiece, 5' Rodd, T. Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada and the Twelve Peers of France, 1803. I2mo. uncut, 41. 6d. Rogers, S. Pleafures of Memory, with other Poems, 1 799. 1 2mo. illustrations dejjgned by Stothard and engraved by Heath, nice copy in red morocco, gilt leaves, 'js. 6d. Rogers, S. Pleafures of Memory, with other Poems, 1799. izmo. plates by Stothard, &c., is. 6d. Rogers, S. The Pleafures of Memory, with other Poems, 1810. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, with beautiful engravings on wood by Clennell, from S tot hard's drawings, calf, 9 s. Rogers, S. Italy, a Poem, 1830. 8vo. earlieft copy, being one of thofe iffued before the error in placing one of the cuts was dif covered, and therefore containing the beft imprejfions of the numerous beautiful engravings after Turner and Stothard, half morocco, top gilt, zl. l$s. Rogers, S. Recollections of the Table Talk of S. Rogers, to which is added Porfoma.na,/econd edition, 1856. Cr. 8vo. calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, IQJ. 6d. Rogerfon, J. B. Rhyme, Romance, and Reverie, W. Pickering, 1840. Cr. 8vo. uncut, \s. 6d. Rofcoe, T. The Laft of the Abencerrages, or the Fall of Granada, W. Pickering, 1850. Cr. 8vo. utuut, $s. Rofcoe, W. S. Poems, W. Pickering^ 1834. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. RofTe, Alex. Mel Heleconium, or Poeticall Honey gathered out of the Weeds of Parnaflus, by Alex. Rofle, 1640. izmo.Jheep, $s. Rowe, E. Works, in Profe and Verfe, with Twenty Letters from the Dead to the Living, 1753-6. 4 vols. izmo. bright calf gilt, 6s. 6d. Rowe, N. Works, 1766. 3 vols. 1 2mo. portrait by Vertue, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, zl. 2s. Ruflel, Lord J. Don Carlos, or Perfecution, a Tra- gedy, 1822. Svo.fecond edition, 31. S. J. Certaine Worthye Manvfcript Poems of Great Antiquitie, referued long in the Studie of a Northfolke gentleman, and now firft publimed by J. S. : I. The Statly Tragedy of Guiftard and Sifmond ; II. The Northern Mother's Bleffing ; III. The way to Thrifte. Imprinted at London, R. D., 1597. I2mo. olive morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, 3/. \^s. 6d. Dedicated " To the worthier! Poet, Maifter Ed. Spenfer ;" and " the Mother's Bleffing," and " Way to Thrifte," are ftated to have been " Written nine years before the death of G. Chaucer." Sackville, T., Lord Buckhurft and Earl of Dorfet. Poetical Works, containing Gorbodue, and induction and legend of Henry Duke of Buckingham, 1820. izmo. uncut, ^s. Sandbach, Mrs. H. R. Poems, W. Pickering, 1 840. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Mrs. Sand bach's maiden name was Rofcoe. Sandys, G. Chrift's Paflion, a Tragedy, with An- notations, firft edition, 1640. I2ino. in the old Jbeep, ios'. 6d. Sandys, G. Paraphrafe on the Divine Poems I. A Paraphrafe on Job ; II. A Paraphrase upon the Pfalms, fet to new tunes for Private Devotion, and a thorough bafe for Voice or Inftrument, by Henry Lawes, revifed and corrected by John Play ford ; III. A Paraphrafe on the Song of Solomon, Abel Roper, 1676. Small 8vo. calf, portion of fir ft title deficient, having mujical notation, ^s. Sandys, G. Ovid's Metamorphofis Englifhed, 1678. i2mo. 5/. Sandys. Chrift's Paflion, a Tragedy, with Annotations, the fecond edition, illuitrated with Iculptures, 1687. 8vo. firft edition with plates, a few leaves pierced by a worm, Jbeep, js. 6d. Sandys, G. Chrift's Paffion, a Tragedy, with An- notations, the fecond edition, 1687. I2mo. firft edition with the curious plates, but one wanting, calf, zs. 6d. Sandys, M. A. The Decalogue, the Belief, and the Lord's Prayer verfified, W. Pickering, 1849. Fcp. Svo.fewed, is. Sankey, W. S. V. The Miflion of Sympathy, a Poem in Four Cantos, W. Pickering, 1850, %s. Sargent, J. The Mine, a Dramatic Poem, Jecond edition, to which are added, Two Hiftoric Odes, 1788. izmo. plates by Stotbard, red morocco, gilt leaves, 6s. 6d. Sargent, J. The Mine, a Dramatic Poem, third edition, 1798. 12010. nice red morocco, gilt leaves, $s. Savage, R. Works, with Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by S. Johnfon, 1777. 2 vols. fmall 8vo. vignettes, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, \L 8/. Scott, J. Poetical Works, 1786. 8vo. with -plates after Stotbard, and engraving by Woollett, bright calf gilt, inlaid with coloured leather, 8/. 6d. Scott, J. Poetical Works, 1786. 8vo. plates after S tot bard, and engravings by Woollett, Heath, and Blake, calf, $s. 6d. Scott, Sir W. Halidon Hill, a Dramatic Sketch from Scottifh Hiftory, Edin. 1822. 8vo. fewed, $s. Scott, Sir W. The Doom of Devorgoil and Auchin- drane, or the Ayrfhire Tragedy, firft edition, 1830. 8vo. uncut, V- Scott, Sir W. Lady of the Lake, Edin. 1857. 1 2 mo. IS. Selections from the moft celebrated Englifh Poets, from Chaucer to Milman, W. Pickering, 1 835. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Settle, E. The Union of the Imperial Crowns of Great Britain, an Heroick Poem, 1707. Folio, old blue morocco, with arms on the fide, $s, 6d. Shadwell, Thos. Dramatick Works, 1720. 4 vols. 1 2mo. portrait by Gribelin, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 3/. i6s. Shakefpeare. Mr. William Shakefpeare's Comedies, Hiftories, and Tragedies, publifhed according to the true original copies, facfimile reprint of 'firft edition, 1623, . d. Folio, por- trait, calf gilt, 4/. 4_r. Shakefpeare. Mr. William Shakefpeare's Comedies, Hiftories, and Tragedies. Publifhed according to the true original copies. The fecond imprejfion. London, printed by Tbo. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be fold at bis Jbop at the Jlgne of tie Blacke Beare, in Paul's Church-yard, 1632. Folio, imperfeft, I/. IOJ. Shakefpeare, W. Works, with a GlofTary, carefully printed from the Oxford edition, in 410. 9 vols. 1747. I2mo. portrait, very neat calf gilt, and gilt leaves, contents lettered, one volume jhorter than the reft, 2/. loj. Shakefpeare, W. Plays, with Corrections and Illuftra- tions of various Commentators, and Notes by Johnfon and Stee- vens, and a GlofTarial Index, 1793. 15 vols. 8vo. BEST EDITION', nice copy, new calf gilt, by Henderfon and Biffet, 8/. 8/. This is called by fome " the Variorum edition," by others, " Steevens' own edition ;" it is the beft edition of Shakefpeare for a library. Shakefpeare, W. Plays, with the Notes of Johnfon, Steevens, and Is. Reed, and the Corrections and Illuftrations of various other Commentators, with Life of the Poet, an enlarged View of the Englifh Stage, by E. Malone, edited by Reed, and revifed by J. Bofwell, 182 i. Beft edition, in 21 vols. 8vo. plates, boards uncut, <)l. ys. Shakefpeare, W. Dramatic Works, with a GlofTary, C. Whittingham, Chifwick, 1823. Small 8vo. frontifpiece, un- cut, js. 6d. Shakefpeare, W. Plays [from Text of Johnfon and Steevens], 1825. 9 vols. 48010. portrait and plates, by Stothard, &f., uncut, \L j/. Another copy, cloth, portrait, but not having the plates, los. 6d. Another copy, PRINTED ENTIRELY ON INDIA PAPER, with portrait and plates by Stothard, uncut, 3/. 3^. Shakefpeare, W. Plays and Poems, W. Pickering, 1825. II vols. cr. 8vo. uncut, $1. 31. This edition, one of the prettieft printed editions ever publiflied, ranges with, and is printed like the crown 8vo. editions of CKaucer and Spenfer, and is from the text of Johnfon and Steevens. Another copy, fprinkled calf extra, marbled leaves, contents lettered, by Riviere, 5/. 15*. Shakefpeare, W. Dramatic Works, with a Life and GloiTary, C. and C. Whittingham, Chifwick, 1828. 8 vols. i6mo. cuts, nicely printed fmall edition, uncut, izs. 6d. Shakefpeare, W. The Dramatic Works, W. Pickering, 1836. In i vol. fcp. 8vo. printed with diamond type, by C. Corrall, Ss. 6d. Another copy, with ^plates after Stothard, &e., i6s. Another copy, PRINTED ENTIRELY ON INDIA PAPER, with 39 plates by Stothard, zl. zs. Shakefpeare, W. Plays, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies left by George Steevens and Ed. Ma- lone, with Malone's various Readings, a feledlion of various Notes, Hiftory of the Stage, and a Life of Shakefpeare, by Alex. Chalmers, 1856. 8 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf gilt, marbled leaves, by Riviere, 3/. \6s. Shakefpeare, W. Dramatic Works, with a Gloffary, 1858. Royal 8vo. " Lanfdowne edition" and having a portrait of Shake fpe are engraved from the painting known as the Lanfdowne portrait, printed in red and black, and having tbirty-feven plates after Stothard, &c. calf extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere, I/, lo/. Shakefpeare, W. Works, containing his Plays and Poems, from the text of the editions by Chas. Knight, with Glof- farial Notes, &c. illuftrated by W. Harvey, 1859. Imp. 8vo. calf half extra, marbled leaves, by Riviere, ijs. 6d. Shakefpeare, W. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by A. Dyce, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 8s. 6d. Shakefpeare's Library. A Collection of Romances, Novels, Poems, and Hiftories ufed by Shakefpeare as the founda- tion of his Dramas, collected and accurately reprinted from the original editions, by J. P. Collier, T. Rodd, n. d. 2 vols. 8vo. THICK PAPER COPY, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, zl. 8.r. Shakefpeariana. Davies, T. Dramatic Mifcellanies, Critical ObferVations on the Plays of Shakefpeare, &c. 1784. 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, uncut, from the Lee Priory library, js. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Defcriptive Account of the Royal Gala Feftival at Stratford-upon-Avon, in commemoration of the Natal Day of Shakefpeare, on 23rd, 24th, 26th, and 2/th of April, 1830, Stratford-upon-Avon, 1830. I2mo. frontifpiece and cuts, zs. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Beauties of, felecled by W. Dodd, Chifwick, 1818. I2mo. $s. Shakefpeariana. Douce, F. Illustrations of Shake- fpeare, and Ancient Manners, with Differtations on Clowns, Fools, Morris Dancers, and on the Tales in the Gefta Roman- orum, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. curious plates, engraved by Berryman, talf gilt, neat, il. is. Shakefpeariana. Dyce, A. Remarks on J. P. Col- lier's and C. Knight's editions of Shakefpeare, 1 844. 8vo. uncut, 9 s. Shakefpeariana. Dyce, A. Notes on Shakefpeare, with Remarks on the Emendations of the MS. Corrector in Mr. Collier's copy of the folio, 1632, 1853. 8vo. uncut, 4.1. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Fletcher, G. Studies of Shakefpeare in the Plays of K. John, Cymbeline, Macbeth, As you like It, Much ado about Nothing, Romeo and Juliet, with Obfervations on the Criticifm and the Acting of thofe plays, 1 847. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 2s. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Halliwell, J. O. Introduction to Shakefpeare's Midfummer Night's Dream, W. Pickering, 1841. 8vo. js. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Halliwell, J. O. On the Character of Sir J. Falftaff, as originally exhibited by Shakefpeare in the two parts of King Henry IV, W. Pickering, 1841. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 7-r. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shake- fpeare's Plays, 1817. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Kemble, J. P. Macbeth and King Richard III, 1817. Cr. 8vo. neat calf gilt, 12s. Shakefpeariana. Mafon, J. M. Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, and Obfervations on Shakefpeare, the editions by Malone and Steevens, &c. 1798. 8vo. uncut, 3^. Shakefpeariana. Poole, J. Hamlet Traveftie, in 3 Afts, with Burlefque Annotations, after the manner of Johnfon and Steevens, and the various commentators, 1811. 12 mo. calf, 6s. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Richardfon, W. EfTays on Shake- fpeare's Dramatic 'Characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen, 1785. 2 vols. izmo. very nice copy, in clean old calf binding, 5^. Shakefpeariana. Richardfon, W. EfTays on Shake- fpeare's Dramatic Characters of Macbeth, Hamlet, Jaques, and Imogen, 1785. 2 vols. I2mo. bright old calf gilt, yellow leaves, 7-f. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Shirley, W. Edward the Black Prince, or the Battle of Poidtiers, an Hiftorical Tragedy attempted after the manner of Shakefpeare, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, 1750. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Singer, S. W. The Text of Shake- fpeare Vindicated from the Corruptions advocated by J. P. Collier, W. Pickering, 1853. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Shakefpeariana. Twifs, F. Complete Verbal Index to Shakefpeare, adapted to all editions, 1805. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, \L i6s. Sharpley, C. G. The Coronation, a Poem, 1838. Royal 8vo. 2s. Shelley, P. B. Queen Mab, 1821. 8vo. uncut, 4/. 6d. Shelley, P. B. Pofthumous Poems,7?r/? edition, 1824. 8vo. uncut, 5/. Shenftone, W. Works, in Verfe and Profe, Edin. 1768-70. 3 vols. izmo. engraved title and portrait, calf, 6s. Shenftone, W. Letters written by Lady Luxborough to W. Shenftone, 1775. 8vo. bright old calf gilt, yellow edges, js. 6d. Sheppard, J. G. St. Paul at Athens, a Poem which obtained the Univerfity Prize, Oxford, 1 8 5 1 , fecond edition, with additions, Oxford, 1851. Uncut, is. 6d. Sheridan, R. B. Works, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. uncut, I/. 12S. Sheridan, R. B. Works, 1821, 2 vols. 8vo. Me- moirs of the Life of the Rt. Honble. R. B. Sheridan, by Thomas Moore, fifth edition, 1826, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait. Together 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, yellow edges, contents lettered, by Bedford, 3/. 1 5*. Shirley, Jas. Dramatic Works and Poems, now firft collected, with Notes by W. Gifford, with additional Notes and account of Shirley and his Writings by A. Dyce, 1833. Portrait, prefentation copy from J. Murray to H. N. Coleridge, uncut, zl. izs. Another copy, freed from the Jtains always in this work, and bound in calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, 61. i8/. Shirrefs, A. Poems, chiefly in the Scottifti Dialect, Edin. 1790. 8vo. portrait, calf, $s. 6d. Sidney, Sir P. Works in Profe and Verfe, 1725. 3 vols. 8vo. portrait by Vertue, and plates by Vandergucbt,jprin- kled calf gilt, red edges, by Riviere, $1. \6s. Another copy, old calf binding, ^l. $s. Skelton, J. Poetical Works, with Notes and Account of the Author and his Writings, by A. Dyce, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. with the additional Addenda, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, 2/. 2S. Smith, Charlotte. Elegiac Sonnets, fifth edition, with additional Sonnets, and other Poems, 1789. I2mo. (wants lift of fubfcribers], plates by Stotbard, old red morocco, yellow leaves, 2S. 6d. Smith, W. Sir William Crichton, Athelwold, Gui- done, Dramas by William Smith, W. Pickering, 1846. i6mo. 6s. 6d. Smollet, T. Works, with Memoir of his Life, and View of Commencement and Progrefs of Romance, by J. Moore, 1797. 8 vols. 8vo. portrait and plate, beft edition, very tall copy, J'prinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford, 61. 1 6s. 6d. Another copy , fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Riviere, 5/. 5 s. Smyth, W., Prof, of Camb. Englifh Lyrics, fifth edition, W. Pickering, 1850. Portrait, uncut, 6s. Snow, R. Poems on Mifcellaneous Subjects, with Preface and Notes, 1843. 8vo. privately printed, and on India paper, blue morocco, gilt leaves, js. 6d. Snow, R. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, to which are added, Mifcellaneous Poems, W. Pickering, 1845. Cr. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Snow, R. See Greflet. Social Pofition, or Our Recommendations, a Satire, W. Pickering, 1850. 8vo. uncut, p. Somerville, W. The Chace, a Poem, with Effay, by Aikin, 1800. I2mo. plates by Stotbard, uncut, $s. Somerville, W. The Chafe, a Poem, Bulmer, 1802. Royal 8vo. cuts by BEWICK, nice copy, red morocco, gilt leaves, 14;. Songs. Collection of Songs, or an Appendage to the Pianoforte, 1806. I2mo. calf gilt, js. 6d. Songs. Dalrymple, A. Collection of Englifh Songs, with Appendix of Original Pieces, 1796. Cr. 8vo. calf extra, gilt leaves, Js. 6d. Songs. Murray, E. C. G. Dome, or the National Songs and Legends of Roumania, 1854. Cr. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Songs. Mufical and Vocal Cabinet, a Selection of Englifti, Scotch, and Irifh Melodies, 1821. izmo. portrait of J. Brabam, half calf , with the mujic, $s. 6d. Songs. Playford, J. Practitioner in Mufick. Mufical Companion, in two books ; the firft containing Catches and Rounds for three voices ; the fecond, Dialogues, Glees, Ayres, and Songs, for two, three, and four voices, 1673. Oblong 410. with the mujic, calf, 8s. 6d. Songs. Ritfon, J. Scottim Songs, 1794. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. having a duplicate of the title to vol. I, with a vignette different to that ufually found in this work, grained calf, 3/. $s. Songs. The Caledonian Mufical Repofitory, a Se- lection of elleemed Scottifh Songs, with the mufic, 1806. 8vo. engraved title, Mitford's copy, Ss. 6d. Songs. The Goldfinch, being a Collection of the moil efteemed Songs in the Englifh Language, 1803. I2mo. Jheep, 4/. 6d. Songs. The Hive, a Collection of the moft celebrated D * Songs, 1724. 3 vols. izmo.frontifpiece, calf neat, izs. 6d. Songs. The Nightingale, a choice Selection of the moft admired popular Songs, Sentimental, Humorous, and Bac- chanalian, by the Editor of the Skylark and Thrufh, n. d. Cr. 8vo. uncut, 4^. 6d. Songs. The Skylark, being a Selection of the Beft Songs in the Englifh Language, 1800. 8vo. engraved title and frontifpiece, Jheep, 4.1. 6d. Songs. Woodlark, The, containing a numerous and elegant Collection of Scotch and Englifh Songs, Airs, Ballads, &c. and a great variety of Toafls and Sentiments, 1 784. Oblong 1 2mo. red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Mackenzie, I /. 8/. Songs and Airs. The Britifh Orpheus, being a Se- lection of 270 Songs and Airs adapted to the Voice, Violin, Flute, &c. arranged under Amatory, Bacchanalian, Humorous, &c., &c. Stourport, n. d. Cr. 8vo. uncut, mujtc and cuts by Bewick's pupils, 6s. Songs and Carols, printed from a MS. in the Sloane collection in the Britifh Mufeum, W. Pickering, 1836. i6mo. edited by Wright, uncut, 41. Soul's, the Departing, Addrefs to the Body. A Fragment of a Semi-Saxon Poem, difcovered in the archives of Worcefter Cathedral, with a tranflation by S. W. Singer, 1845. 8vo. privately printed, 31. Southey, R. Poems, 1801. 2 vols. i2mo. calf gilt, 3 s - Southwell, R. Marie Magdalen's Funerall Teares for the Death of our Saviour, 1823. 2 vols. fquare I2mo. por- trait, reprint, uncut, 8s. 6d. Southwell was born at St. Faith's, in Norfolk, he was educated at Douay, and at the age of 16 was received into the Society of Jefus, came to England; but was imprifoned for adminiftering the facraments according to the ufe of the Church of Rome, was kept three years in prifon, where he was put to the rack ten feveral times, and was finally executed at Tyburn. Southerne, T. Plays, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author, 1774. 3 vols. I2mo. portrait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, much fuperior to the edition in 2 volumes, 2/. 5^. Spenfer, E. Poetical Works, W. Pickering, 1825. 5 vols. cr. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 3/. p. Spenfer, E. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by J. Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, \l. 155. Spenfer, Ed. The Faerie Queene, difpofed into twelve books, fafliioning XII Morall Vertues, W. Ponfonbie, 1590-6. 2 vols. fmall 410. FIRST EDITION, QUITE PERFECT, red morocco extra, paned Jides and gilt leaves, by F. Bedford, \jl. ijs. Spenfer, Ed. The Faerie Queene, difpofed into twelve books, fafhioning XII Morall Vertues, W. Ponfonbie, 1590-6. Small 410. firji edition, titles in admirable facjimile by the elder Harris, but having the Sonnets, jL I 51. This firft edition of the Fairy Queen is of confiderable intereft, not only as a bibliographical rarity, but as it contains the Poem as originally written by Spenfer, which in the fecond and all fubfe- quent editions, was altered to the omiffion of whole ftanzas, betides alteration of others. Spenfer, Ed. Complaints, containing fundrie fmall Poemes of the World's Vanitie, 1591. 410. frft edition, a good, found, and clean copy, a leaf of dedication fpliced, green morocco extra, bordered Jides and gilt leaves, by Mackenzie, 61. 6s. Another copy, LANCELOT HOLLAND'S, title Jligbtly mended, a leaf in dedication an admirable facsimile, two leaves from a Jhorter copy, rujfia extra, gilt leaves, 2/. I Ss. St. Aubyn, M. The Deformed, Jefly Bell, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1842. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 4;. Steele, R. Dramatick Works, 1723. iimo. portrait by Fertue, fprinkled calf extra, contents lettered, yellow edges, by Bedford, 15^. Steers, Fanny. The Ant Prince, a Rhyme, Jecond edition, W. Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, ^s. Suckling, Sir John. Works, containing his Poems, Letters, and Plays, 1770. 2 vols. I2mo. BEST EDITION, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Riviere, i/. Bs. Surrey, Earl of, and Sir T. Wyatt. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Sir N. H. Nicolas, W. Pickering, 1831. Cr. 8vo. portraits, uncut, 8s. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, \L 4_r. Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, and Sir T. Wyatt. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Nicolas, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portraits, uncut, js. Another copy, 2 vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves, ijs. Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Nicolas, Aldine edition, W. Pick- ering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, ^s. 6d. Swift, J. Works, containing additional Letters, Tradls, and Poems, not hitherto publimed ; with Notes and Life of the Author, by Sir W.Scott, Edinb. 1824. 19 vols. 8vo. fecond and left edition, par trait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, by Riviere, 15/. Swift, J. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by J. Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, \T ) S. 6d. Sylvefter, Jofuah. Bethulians Refcue, the Wonder of Widowes, Honor of Wiues, Mirror of Mayds ; Little Bartas, or Meditations on the Power and Goodnefs of God ; Micro- cofino-graphia, or the Map of Man ; and Lachrymae Lachry- marum, or the Spirit of Teares, 1614. I2mo. old olive morocco, forming a portion of the Works of Sylvefter in two volumes, of which no perfefl copy is known, 1 6s. Tales. Ancient Metrical Tales, printed from original fources, edited by C. H. Hartfhorne, W. Pickering, 1829. Cr. 8vo. calf extra, gilt leaves, by F. Bedford, iBs. Taflb, T. Godfrey of Bulloigne ; or Jerufalem De- llvered, tranflated by E. Fairfax, Gent. 1817. 2 vols. crown 8vo. portrait and cuts by Thurfton, uncut, 1 qj. This work is faid to have been all but totally deftroyed at the fire in Benfley's printing office. Taylor, John, the Water Poet. All the Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet, collected into one volume by the Author, with fundry new additions ; corrected, revifed,and newly imprinted, 1630. Folio, the engraved title by T. Cockfon, very beautifully facjimiled, otberzvife quite perfect, olive morocco extra to an old EngUJh pattern, by Riviere, 1 2/. 1 2s. Taylor, John, the Water Poet. Differing Worfhips ; or the Oddes betweene fome Knights fervice and God's, or Tom Nam, his Ghoft (the old Martin queller) newly rous'd, and is come to chide Nonconformifts, Schifmatiques, Separifts, and Scandalous libellers, wherein their abufive opinions are manifefted, their Jeeres mildly retorted, and their unmannerly manners ad- monifhed, 1640. 410. two leaves damaged, French red morocco extra, paned jides, and gilt leaves, by Bedford, 5/. 15*. Tennyfon, A. Poems, 1842. 2 vols. I2mo. dyed calf extra, marbled leaves, I/, is. Tennyfon, A. Poems, fecond edition, 1843. 2 vols. I2mo. boards uncut, 15*. Tennyfon, A. In Memoriam, 1860. I2mo. green morocco extra, paned Jides and gilt leaves, by Hay day, i^s. Thomfon, J. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes, by Sir N. H. Nicolas, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 12s. * % * Containing Poems never previoufly printed. Another copy, green morocco, gilt leaves, \l. \s. Thomfon, James. The Seafons, a new edition, adorned with a fet of Engravings from original defigns, with an Eflay by J. Aiken, 1778. 8vo. plates, calf, is. 6d. Thomfon, J. The Seafons, with Eflay by Aiken, 1793. 8vo. plates, blue morocco, gilt leaves, js. 6d. Another copy, calf gilt, by Kaltboeber, los. 6d. Thomfon, J. Seafons, with Life, Index, Gloflary, and Notes, by P. Stockdale, 1793. Royal 8vo. green morocco, gilt leaves, portrait, and plates by S tot bard, izs. 6d. Thomfon, J. Seafons, with Life and Notes, 1794. I2mo. I ^.plates by Stotbard, calf, 2s. 6d. Thomfon, J. The Seafons ; Life of the Author by P. Murdock, and an Eflay by J. Aiken, 181 1. 121110. uncut, 2s. Thomfon, J. Seafons, Chi/wick , 1818. jamo. cuts, calf, 2s. Thomfon, Jas. The Seafons, and Caftle of Indolence, W. Pickering, 1830, with Memoir by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Crown 8vo. portrait, uncut, $s. Thomfon, James, the Poet. Teocrito Volgarizzato da Antor Maria Salvini, Venetia, 1726. I2mo. with autograph of the poet Thomfon, and a If o that of E. Farneworth, \l. Bs. Thomfon, J. weaver in Kenleith. Poems in the Scottifh Dialed, Edinb. 1 80 1. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 5^. Townfend, G. of Trinity College, Cambridge. Poems, 1810. Royal 8vo. uncut, is. 6d. Tranflations, chiefly from the Greek Anthology, with Tales and Mifcellaneous Poems, 1 806. Crown 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Travers, H. Mifcellanous Poems and Tranflations, 1731. 8vo. foiled, calf, zs. Troubadours. Lays of the Minnefingers ; or German Troubadours of th 1 2th and 1 3th century, with Lyric Poetry of Provence, and other parts of Europe, Hiftorical and Critical Notices, and Engravings from the MSS. of the Minnefingers at Paris, &c. edited by Edgar Taylor, 1825. Crown 8vo. 12 plates, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, I/, u. Tupper, M. F. Proverbial Philofophy, a Book of Thoughts and Arguments, originally treated, fecond feries , 1842. Crown 8vo. FIRST EDITION, uncut, zs. 6d. Tournament the, of Totenham, and the Feeft. Two early Ballads, reprinted from a MS. in the Library of the Uni- verfity of Cambridge, edited by Thomas Wright, W. Pickering, 1836. i6mo. uncut, 6s. Utterfon, E. V. Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, republifhed principally from early printed copies in the black letter, W. Pickering, 1825. 2 vols. crown 8vo. uncut, I/. 8s. Another copy, half morocco, uncut, \l. 12s, Vanbrugh, J. Plays, 1735. 2 vols. I2tno. calf y 6s. 6d. Another edition, 1776. 2 vols. 121110. portrait, fprinkled calf extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, by Bedford, I/. 8s. Vanbrugh, J. The Cornifh Squire. A Comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, by his Majefty's Servants, done from the French, 1734. ^vo. 2s - Vaticinium Votivum ; or, Palsemon's Prophetick Prayer; a Paraphrafe on Paulus Grebneruf's Prophecie and Ele- gies on Charles the Firft, Lord Capel, and Lord F. Villiers, Trajedtum Anno Caroli Marty res primo, (1649.) izmo. calf, 9 s - Vaughan, H. Olor Ifcanus, felect Poems and Tranf- lations, 1651. izmo. engraved title by R. Vaughan, red mo- rocco extra, paned fides and gilt leaves, by Bedford, 4/. 1 4^. 6d. Vaughan, H. Silex Scintillans, Sacred Poems, and Private Ejaculations ; edited, and a Biographical Sketch, by H. F. Lyte, W. Pickering, 1847. I2mo. Cambridge panelled calf extra, gilt fides and gilt leaves, by F. Bedford, i$s.; boards un~ cut, 5j. Vaughan's Devotional Poems, while " preferving all the piety, of George Herbert, have lefs of his quaint and fantaftic turns, with a much larger infufion of poetic feeling and expreffion." Campbell, while he abufes our author, has condefcended to borrow both his thoughts and words : fee a Poem called " The Rainbow ; " in each author, from which the following lines are extracted : " When Terah, Nahor, Haran, Abram, Lot, The youthful world's grey fathers, in one knot, Did with attentive looks watch every hour, For thy new light and trembled at each mower." VAUGHAN. " When o'er the green, undeluged earth, Heaven's covenent Thou did ft mine, How came the world's grey fathers forth, To watch the facred fign." CAMPBELL. Virgil. Phillips, J. Maronides ; or, Virgil Travefty ; being a paraphrafe on the Sixth Book of the ^Eneids, with auto- graph of J. Ritfon, 1673. 8vo. $s. Virgil. Tranflated by R. Andrews, Ba/ker-ville y Bir- mingham, 1766. Royal 8vo. uncut, js. 6d. Wakefield, B. The Warbling Mufes, or Treafure of Lyric Poetry, containing 731 Songs on all forts offubjects, 1749. I2mo. calf, clean copy, qs. Walford, Ed. Men of the Time. A Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Living Characters, including Women ; a new edition, revifed and brought down to the prefent time, 1862, Ss. bd. %* Containing Lives of living Poets. Wallace, Sir W. Hiftory of the Life and Adventures, and Heroic Adions, by W. Hamilton, to which is added, The Life and Martial Achievements of R. Bruce, by J. Harvey, Air, 1793. I2mo. calf, js. 6d. Wallace, Sir W. Documents, illuftrative of Sir W. Wallace, his Life and Times, Edinburgh, 1841. 410. facfimile, privately printed for Maitland Club, uncut, I/. 6s. ** Some in verfe. Waller, E. Poems, &c., written upon feveral Occa- fions and to feveral Perfons, the fourth edition, with feveral addi- tions never before printed, 1682. Portrait damaged, T,S. Waller, E. Poems, &c., written upon feveral Occa- fions and to feveral Perfons, 1693. I2mo. portrait by Vandre- bane after Lely, old red morocco gilt, and gilt leaves, \l. is. Waller, E. Works, in Verfe and Profe, with Life of Author, 1772. I2mo. very bright old calf gilt, \l. is. Waller, Sir W. Recollections, printed from an ori- ginal MS. to which are prefixed Poems by Anna Matilda, 1788. I2mo. half morocco, 2s. Walpole, Horace. The Myfterious Mother ; a Tra- gedy, 1791. 8vo. old red morocco, gilt leaves, 6s. 6d. [Warburton,] R. E. E. Hunting Songs, Ballads, &c. byR. E. E. W. Efq. with llluftrations, Chejier, 1834. 8vo - vignettes and 1 3 plates, uncut, js. 6d. Warner, W. Albion's England ; a continued Hi torie (Poetical) of the fame Kingdome, from the Originals of the firft Inhabitants, revifed and newly enlarged, by the fame author, 1602. Small 410. title mended, brown morocco extra, a pane and ft amp onjide, blind and gold tooling on back and Jide, by Riviere, I/. i8j. Warren. Index to Warren's Collection of Catches, Canons, Glees, and Madrigals, together with the Vocal Har- mony, 1836. Svo.fewed, ^s. Warton, John. Poems, Original and Tranflated, Salijbury, 1794. 8vo. uncut, \s. 6d. Warton, T. Hiftory of Englim Poetry from the nth to the 1 8th Century, revifed, and Notes by Ritfon, Douce, and Park, 1824. 4 vols. 8vo. portrait, beft edition, calf extra, yellow edges, by Bedford, 3/. $s. Watkins, C. F. The Human Hand, and other Poems, W. Pickering, 1852. 3.;. Watkins, C. F. The Twins of Fame ; or, Welling- ton and Buonaparte; a National Poem, Northampton, 1854. zs. Watfon, J. S. Geology ; a Poem in Seven Books, W, Pickering, 1844. Uncut, $s. Watts, A. A. Poetical Sketches, and other Poems, 1828. I2mo. plates by Stothard, &c. uncut, 2s. 6d. Wayland Smith. A DifTertation on a Tradition of the Middle Ages, from the French of G. B. Depping, and F. Michel, with additions by S. W. Singer, and the amplified Legend by CEhlenfchlager, Pickering, 1847. Fcp. 8vo. calf gilt, Mit- ford*s copy, 4/. 6d._ Sir Walter Scott, in his novel of Kenilvvorth, makes ufe of this legend. Webb, D. Remarks on Poetry, 1762. I2mo. bright calf gilt, 2s. 6d. Webfter, J. Works, now firft collected, with fome Account of the Author and Notes, by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1830. Appendix to the Works of J. Webfter, edited by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1838. In 4 vols. cr. 8vo. uncut, j/. 5/. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, contents lettered, by Bed- ford, 61. 15-r. Webfter, J. Appendix to the Works of J. Webfter, edited by A. Dyce, W. Pickering, 1838. Cr. 8vo. uncut, js.6d. Wellington. De Renzy, G. W. Poetical Illuftra- tions of the Achievements of the Duke of Wellington and his Companions in Arms, Edinb. 1852. 8vo. portrait, p. Wefley, S. Poems on Several Occafions, the Jecond edition, Cambridge, 1743. izmo. portrait, \l. 5^. Samuel Wefley was the elder of the three brothers Wefley, he was, fays Chalmers, " unqueftionably the beft poet of his family, but was a very high churchman, and totally difapproved of the conduct of his brothers, John and Charles ; " and as much may be gathered from a Poem contained in this volume, " On the Death of a Friend, a Diflenter from the Church of England," in which occur the following lines : " Not caft in furious Pharifaic mould The Puritannick Shibboleth of old; That feem'd all mirth as fin to difavow, No formal frowning funk her even brow, As if each look difplay'd its owner's fate, And all that fmil'd were feal'd for reprobate ; As awkward fow'rnefs were a fign of grace, And lure election bleft an ugly face ; As if hell-fire were always plac'd in view, Ordain'd for all men, but the gloomy few." He, further on, after regretting that it had not fallen to his lot to gain this " wanderer to his (the Saviour's) fold," concludes the Elegy with thefe lines : " Now after death at leaft a convert made, Too good for thofe with whom on earth flie ftray'd. Her teacher's felf, as touch'd with inward ftiame Avoids the mention of her flighted fame ; To her no incenfe, no applaufe is giv'n, Too much a faint on earth to reign in heav'n : Bradjhaw and Ireton had their heav'n pofTeft, Enthron'd in Baxter's Everlafting Reft. Amazing faintfhip ! This perhaps you knew, And wifely, teacher, from the fubjecT: flew : Your place befits not characters fo fair ; Her faith, her zeal, her piety, forbear ; Her beft memorial is Your filence there." Neither does Wefley appear, from a Poem on the Pfalms of David, to have appreciated the endeavours of Meflrs. Tate and Brady : " To mend the harmony that flow'd From his prophetick lyre." The volume contains alfo the Iliad in a Nntfliell, or Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Weft, Mrs. The Mother; a Poem in Five Books, fecond edition, 1810. 12 mo. calf, is. 6d. W T haley, J. Collection of Original Poems and Tranf- lations, 1745. 8 vo. old red morocco, gilt leaves, with gold borders on Jtdes, 5-r. White, Henry Kirke. Poetical Works, with Me- moir and Notes by Nicolas, Aldine Edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 6s. 6d. %* Containing poems never previoufly printed. Another copy. Aldine Edition, morocco extra, gilt leaves, 1 2s. White, H. Kirke. See Davenant. Whitehead, W. Plays and Poems, 1774. 2 vols. 1 2 mo. calf, 4-r. 6d. Whofe Poems? W. Pickering, 1850. [By E. D. Girdleftone.] Fcp. 8vo. uncut, -$s. Welby, M. A. A Cry from the Oppreft, and other Poems, 1838. Uncut, is. 6d. [Williams, Rev. Rowland. Author of one of the " EfTays and Reviews."] Lays from the Cimbric Lyre, with various Verfes by Goronva Camlan, W. Pickering, 1846. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, 3.;. 6d. Wither Geo. Epithalamia, or Nuptial Poems upon the moft blefled and happy Marriage between the high and mighty Prince Frederick the Fifth, and the moft vertuous, gra- cious, and thrice excellent Princefle Elizabeth, fole daughter to our dread Soveraigne, James King of Great Britaine, &c. 1622. izmo.fome marginal notes very Jligbtly cut into, half calf , gs. Wither, G. The Hymnes and Songs of the Church, divided into two parts: thefirft part, the Canonical! Hymnes, and fuch parcels of Holy Scripture as may properly be fung with fome other ancient Songs and Creeds ; the fecond part, Spirituall Songs appropriated to the feverall times obferuable in the Church of England, tranflated and compofed by G. W., 1623. izmo. Jbeep, very clean copy, zL 5-f. Wither, G. Britains Remembrancer, containing a narration of the Plague lately paft, a Declaration of the Mif- chiefs prefent, and a Prediction of Judgements to come. It is de- dicated (for the glory of God) to Pofteritie, and to thefe Times if they pleafe. Reade all or cenfure not. 1628. I2mo. engraved title, calf, 1 5j. Wither, G. Collection of Emblems, Ancient and Moderne, quickened with metricall Illuftrations, Moral and Di- vine, 1635. Folio, engraved title and portrait by Marjhall, and many cuts by Crifp. de Pafs (the dial inlaid], dark fprinkled calf extra, paned Jide, and gilt leaves, by Bedford, yl. gs. Another copy, the dial a facfimile, and wanting one leaf before the frontifpiece, poor copy, \L i8j. Wither, G. Campo-Mufas, or the Field Mufings of Capt. G. Wither, touching his Military Ingagement for the King and Parliament, &c. 1643. 8vo. frontifpiece, vellum, \l. is. This poem, Wither fays, in his " Fragmenta Prophetica," was written while he was in arms for the King and Parliament, to unite, not divide them. It called forth J. Taylor's (the Water Poet) Aqua-Mufae Cacafogo Cacadaemon. Wither, G. What Peace for the Wicked ? or an Expoftulatorie Anfwer to a Deriforie Queftion lately made, con- cerning Peace, by a Freeman though a Prifoner, 1646. 410. badly damaged, 4^. 6d. Wither, G. Amygdala Britannica, Almonds for Par- rets, a Difh of Stone-Fruit, partly fhel'd and partly unmel'd, which, if crack'd, pick'd and well digefted, may be wholefome againft thofe Epidemick Diftempers of the Brain now predominant, 1647. 410. T. Park's copy, i6s. Wither, G. Profopopoeia Britannica ; Britan's Genius or Good- Angel, perfonated ; Reafoning, and advifing, touching the Games now playing in thefe Iflands, and prefaging alfo fome future things not unlikely to come to pafle, 1648. I2mo. cut into at tail, 6s. 6d. Wither, G. Speculum Speculativum, or a Confider- ing Glafs, being an Infpeftion into the prefent and late fade Con- dition of thefe Nations, with Cautional Expreffions made there- upon, immediately after his Majeftie's Reftauration, alfo fome Glimmerings difcovered of what will probably enfue hereafter, 1660, 9/. Wither, G. The Prifoner's Plea, humbly offered in a Remonftrance, with a Petition annexed, to the Commons of England, 1 66 1 . 1 2mo. headlines cut, 1 6s. Wither, G. A Triple Paradox affixed to a Counter- mure raifed againft the Furious Batteries of Reftraint, Slander, and Poverty. The faid Paradox maintains thefe particulars : That Confinement is more fafe than Liberty. Slander more advantageous than Praife. Poverty more profitable than Riches. 1 66 1. I2mo. clean copy, I/. 5-f. Wither, G. Paralellogrammaton, an Epiftle to the Nations of England, &c. whereby their Sins being parallel'd with thofe of Judah and Ifrael, they are forewarned and exhorted to a timely Repentance, left they incur a like Condemnation, 1662. izmo. imperfeft, zs. 6d. Wither, G. Three Private Meditations ; which being, for the molt part, of Publick Concernment, are therefore publifhed by their Author. The Firft, is a Private Thankfgiving, confifting of three Hymns ; the Second, is a Sacrifice of Praife and Prayer ; the Third, intituled Nil Ultra, is a Soliloquium, 1666. i zmo. 15;. Wither, G. Sigh for the Pitchers breathed out in a Perfonal Contribution to the National Humiliation, May, 1666. 1 2 mo. rujjia extra, gilt leaves, imprinted in the fad year of this feafonable Chronogram, LorD haVe MerCie Vpon Vs, 1666, I/. IOJ-. Another edition, fame date, and apparently the fame up to page 33, when they vary to the end. 12 mo. 181. Wither, G. Hymns and Songs of the Church, with Preface by Sir E. Brydges, 1815. I2mo. half calf , uncut, only 100 copies printed, 8s. 6d. Wither, G. Select Lyrical Poems, 1815. Small 4to. printed on one Jide only, on coloured paper, uncut, five leaves inked, only 100 copies printed, Lee Priory, 4J-. 6d. [Wolcott, J.] The Works of Peter Pindar, 1826. 8vo. portrait, uncut, 2s. 6d. Wood, G. H. Poems, to which are added Critiques on Metaphylical Subjects, Douglas, 1853. Cr. 8vo. uncut, zs. Woodhouflee, Lord. Hiftorical and Critical Effay on the Life and Character of Petrarch, with tranflation of a few Son- nets, Edin. 1810. 1 2 mo. portrait and vignettes, uncut, 4^. 6d. Wooton, Sir T. and Sir W. Raleigh. Poems, edited by J. Hannah, Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, $s. Another copy, calf half extra, marbled leaves, gs. 6d. Another copy, morocco extra, gilt leaves, los. Another copy, French morocco extra, gilt back and Jides, by Riviere, i$s. Wordfworth, W. Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems, 1798 ; Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems, in two volumes, by W. Wordfworth, Vol. II, \%oo t frft editions, 15^. Wordfworth, W. Poems, including Lyrical Ballads, in two volumes, 1815 ; Wordfworth, W. The River Duddon, a feries of Sonnets, Vandracour and Julia, and other Poems, 1820, forming a third vol. together 3 vols. 8vo. J. M. Gutch's copy, with his autograph, uncut, ys. Wotton, Sir H. Reliquiae Wottonianas, or a Col- ledion of Lives, Letters, Poems, with Characters of Sundry Per- fonages, 1685. 8vo. portraits by Dolle, calf, beft edition, 91. Wrangham, F. Sonnets attempted from Petrarch, Lee Priory, 1817. 410. half morocco, uncut, privately printed, by Sir E. Brydges, 12s. Wright, T. Reprints of Early Englim Poetry, edited by Wright, viz : The Turnamen t of Totenham, and the Feaft . Two early ballads, printed from a MS. in the Univerfity Library, Cambridge. The Tale of the Bafyn, and the Frere and the Boy. Two early tales of magic, printed from a MS. in the Univerfity Library, Cambridge. Songs and Carols, from a MS. in the Britifh Mufeum. The Nutbrowne Maid, reprinted from the earlieft edition of Arnold's Chronicle. W. Pickering, 1836. 4 vols. i6mo. blacft letter, 15^. Wyatt, Sir Thos. and Earl of Surrey. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, IV , Pickering, 1831. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. portraits, uncut, 8s. 6d. Another copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, by Bedford, \l. 41. Wyatt, Sir T. and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by Nicolas, Aldine edition, W, Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, is. Another copy, a vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves, ijs. Young, E. The Complaint, or Night Thoughts, to which is added a Paraphrafe on part of the Book of Job, new edition, corrected by the Author, 1758. 1 2mo. frontifpiece, by Grignion, after Hayman, calf, 6d. Young, Ed. The Complaint, or Night Thoughts, to which is added a Paraphrafe on part of the Book of Job, 1768. izmo. calf gilt, u. 6d. Young, E. The Complaint, or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality, with Memoir, 1836. izmo. morocco, gilt leaves, is. 6d. Young, Ed. Poetical Works, with Memoir and Notes by J. Mitford, Aldine edition, W. Pickering. Fcp. 8vo. uncut, js. Another copy, 2 vols. morocco extra, gilt leaves, ijs. Youth. The Pious Youth's Recreation, containing a Pleafant Hiftorical Relation of the Families of Riches and Poverty, &c. wherein the Family Neglefts and Vices of Hufbands and Wives, &c. are laid open in familiar Verfe, 1711. I2mo. " illuf- trated with diverjity of PICTURES," 5/. Daniel, Geo. Mifcellaneous Poems, 1812. Frontif- piece, blue morocco, gilt leaves, $s. Faber, Fred. Wm. The Rof^ry and other Poems, 1845. izmo. illuminated frontifpiect, uncut t $s. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-50ro-4,'61(B8994s4)444 feveral authors, fecond edition, 1736. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. Tobacco. A Pipe of Tobacco, fourth edition, with Notes, 1744. 8vo. uncut, zs. 6d. CHISWICK PRESS : PRINTED BY WHITTINCHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 99_ Pickering Basil Montagu, firm, booksellers, London - English poetry OP sale Z 999