J K GIFT OF r 2 1895 PRIMARY ELECTION LAW CITY AID COUNTY OF COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1895. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF LAW. L H. BROWN, SECRETARY OF STATE. USI7BESIT7 SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, : : : : : A. j. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1895. PRIMARY ELECTION LAW. CHAPTER CLXXXI. An Act providing for a ^general primary election in counties of cer- tain classes within the State of California, and to promote the purity thereof by regulating the conduct thereof, and to support the privileges of free suffrage thereat, by prohibiting certain acts and practices in relation thereto, and providing for the punish- ment thereof. [Approved March 27, 1895.] The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The primary elections for delegates to constitute Primary the various respective political conventions for the nomination el of candidates for public office shall hereafter be held in this State under and pursuant 'to this Act. A convention to nomi- nate candidates to be voted for by the electors of the entire State shall be known as a " State Convention." Conventions conven- to nominate members of Congress, of the Board of Equal- defined, ization, or Railroad Commissioners shall be known as "Dis- trict Conventions." All other conventions shall be known as " Local Conventions." A general primary election for the election of delegates to Time for the State and various local and district conventions in the year genera? eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and every two years there- primary after, shall be held on the second Tuesday in the month of July in that year. The day for holding such primary shall be a legal holiday, and the Governor of this State shall issue a proclamation to that effect in accordance with this Act. SEC. 2. All political parties or organizations of electors, Proceed- desiring to hold a convention or conventions for the purpose of sa nominating candidates for public office, to be voted for at the hol " din & ensuing general election, must petition the Board of Election tions. Commissioners of the county, or city and county, in writing, at least thirty days before the day for such general primary election, which petition must set forth: First The names by which such political party or organiza- tion is known, or desires to be known. Second That such political party or organization is desirous of and intends to hold a convention, or conventions, of dele- gates representing said party or organization designating the time and place of holding any such convention, or conventions for the purpose of nominating candidates for offices to be voted for by the people of the State pJ^'fiy&tY, or c ^y and county, or _ 4 when by selection be drawn officers. 1100 both, at the next ensuing general election, and is desirous of electing delegates to such convention, or conventions, to be held for that purpose, under the provisions of this Act, and request- ing that the Board of Election Commissioners of the county, city or county, perform the services hereinafter prescribed in this Act. If such political party is one which by reason of its previous vote is entitled to hold a convention defined by sections eleven hundred and eighty-six and eleven hundred and eighty-seven of the Political Code, such petition must be authenticated by the signature of the Chairman and Secretary of its State Com- mittee, selected at its last State convention of such party, veri- fied by the oath of such signers that the facts therein stated are true, and that the said signers are the Chairman and Secre- tary of said committee. No political party or organization can use the name of another political party or organization, or any name or designation so similar to another party name that it may deceive voters. SEC. 3. Any political party or political organization which, at the last election preceding the filing of such application, shall not have polled at least three per cent of the entire vote cast in the political division for which nominations are sought to be made, may file with the Election Commissioners of the county, or city and countj^, in which such general primary elec- tion is to be held, a petition, signed by at least three per cent of the voters of the political division for which nominations are sought to be made, which need not all be on one paper; which petition shall set out all the facts required to be set forth in the application in this Act provided for; and such petition must be verified in the same manner as required for a certificate of nomination mentioned in section eleven hundred and eighty- eight of the Political Code. Upon the filing of such petition, the Election Commissioners of the county, or city and county, in which said primary election is to be held, shall order its Clerk to issue to said political organization a certificate similar to that in this Act provided to be issued to existing political parties, which certificate shall entitle the petitioners to partici- pate in the said general primary election, and shall entitle them to all privileges and rights secured and granted to other polit- ical parties heretofore existing, both at said primary election and at the ensuing general election; that is to say, having complied with all the requirements in this Act provided, the petitioners shall be recognized as a political party or organiza- tion. Such certificate shall be issued to all parties petitioning, stating the name of the party, the date of the primary, the ter- ritory over which it will extend, and be signed by the Clerk of such Board. SEC. 4. During the month of January of each year in which a general election is to be held, it shall be the duty of the Board of Election Commissioners of each county, and city, and city and county to select from the last assessment roll of the county, or city, or city and county, the names of not less than thirty electors residing in each election precinct of such county, or city, or city and county; such selection to be made from each of the political parties then existing, in as nearly an equal proportion as practicable; and to write the name of each person so selected on a separate piece of paper, and to fold said paper so that the name written thereon cannot be seen or read with- out unfolding the same; and when the names are so written and folded, to put all of the names so selected from each separate election precinct in an envelope, then to close and securely seal such envelope, and to write the name and number of the precinct from which such selection was made on the outside of such envelope; and when the names so selected from each elec- tion precinct in such county, or city, or city and county, shall have been so placed in separate precinct envelopes, and each sealed and numbered so as to designate the precinct from which each selection was so made, then all of the said envelopes so marked and sealed shall be placed in a box, to be provided by each Board of Election Commissioners for that purpose, and such box shall then be securely locked and sealed, and safely kept by said Board of Election Commissioners until required by them for use as hereinafter provided. The names so selected shall be forthwith recorded in a book for that purpose by the Clerk of the Board of Election Commissioners, which book must be kept open at all times to public inspection, and the said Clerk shall also publish said names once in some paper of general circulation in the county, or city and county, within ten days after the names are so selected. SEC. 5. Twenty days before the holding of such primary Manner of election the said Board of Election Commissioners shall open |[fkf* g the said box in the presence of a majority of said Board, and officers, in the presence of each of the members of the various political parties as may be present to witness the same, and shall then take from said box the said envelopes, one at a time, and as each envelope is taken from the box it shall be opened and the names therein contained, without being unfolded, shall be placed in a separate box suitable for the purpose; and, after being thoroughly shaken, the Clerk of said Board, in the pres- ence of the Board, shall draw from said box the name of one person, who shall be the Inspector of the primary election in such precinct; said Clerk shall then draw irom said box the names of two persons, who shall be the Judges of such primary election in said precinct; and the names of two other persons shall be drawn in like manner, who shall be the Clerks of such primary election; provided, that if the persons whose names are drawn for Judges and for Clerks shall both belong to one polit- ical party the Clerk of said Board shall lay aside the last name drawn for Judges, and also for Clerks, and draw other names from such box until only one Judge and one Clerk who belong to the same political party are selected; and the same course shall be pursued in each precinct until the election officers are selected in each precinct in such county, or city, or city and county. Should all the names be drawn from said box and not a sufficient number of election officers be selected, the said Board of Election Commissioners must select and deposit more names in the box, and continue to draw therefrom until all the election officers are selected; provided, that such subsequent selection shall be made from the electors of the precinct in the same manner as those first selected, as provided for in section four of this Act. Pubiica- SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of tion. Election Commissioners to publish in some newspaper pub- lished in the county, of general circulation, as soon as they are selected, the names of the persons so selected, with the names of the precincts in which they severally are to serve, and the locations of the polling places. He shall also send a communi- cation to each person so chosen, through the mail, by registered letter, postage paid, to his post office address, informing him of his selection, and of the precinct, and the capacity in which he is to serve. Election ^ Ec - ^ - ^ ^all De ^ e duty of every person so chosen to act officers as such election officer at such a general primary election, to rve> perform the services required of him in such capacity; and any person so chosen to act who shall, without having been excused therefrom by the Board of Election Commissioners for sickness of self or family, or other good cause, fail or refuse to act in the capacity for which he is chosen, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor; and in case he is so excused, the Clerk, in the presence of the Board, shall select another person from said box to serve in his place. It shall be the duty of each of the persons so chosen to appear at the polling places in the precinct for which he is chosen, before the time of opening the polls, and there take the oath of office, as prescribed in the general elec- tion law, and perform the duties imposed upon him by the pro- visions of this Act. But in case of the failure of any of the election officers so selected to appear at the time the polls should be opened, or within ten minutes thereafter, the election officers present must choose some resident elector of the precinct Exemption to fill the vacancy. All persons serving as officers of election ry at a primary election held under the provisions of this Act, shall be exempt from jury duty for the term of one year thereafter, and such person shall receive from the Board of Election Com- missioners of the county, or city, or city and county, in which such service is rendered, a certificate, setting forth the fact of such service as an officer of a primary election, stating the time of service; and such certificate, on being presented to a Court in which such election officer has been summoned to appear as a juror, shall be deemed sufficient to excuse the person named therein from service as a juror at any time within one year from the date of service named in such certificate. Ballot- SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Board of Election Corn- number, missioners of the county, or city and county, to furnish ballot- etc - boxes for each precinct where such primary is to be held, of the kind and character which were required to be used at the gen- eral election held in this State in the year eighteen hundred and ninety, and there must be furnished as many separate ballot- boxes at each precinct as there are parties or organizations entitled by law to participate in such primary. Each such ballot-box must have, in distinct letters and words, upon the front of such box, the name of the respective political party or organization for whose use it is intended. All the ballot-boxes must be placed in a row, side by side, fronting so that the front of each box shall be in the same direction, and be where the voters can easily approach such boxes and present their ballots, and the said party name on each box must be on the front of each, so as to be easily seen and distinguished by any voter within six feet of such box. Every person desiring to vote at such primary must deposit one ballot only, upon which must be the names of all delegates for whom he desires to vote; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Board of Election Com- missioners of the county, or city and county, in which said general primary election is to be held, to designate in the certificate which is in this Act provided to be furnished to political parties, the color of the paper upon which the ballots color of are to be printed, and there shall be so designated for each ballots - political party participating in said general primary election, a color to be by them used for the paper upon which such ballots are to be printed, which color shall be in each case distinctive and easily distinguishable from the color to be used at said primary election by any other political party; and the name or designation of each political party must be plainly written or printed at the head of each ticket. The Manner of election officers shall stand behind the ballot-boxes, and as voting, each voter approaches to vote, when it is ascertained that he is entitled to vote, he shall be asked by the proper election officer in what box he desires to cast his ballot, and Avhen the voter has declared the fact, it shall be noted in the register by the Clerk in which box he votes, by writing in the register opposite his name the name on the box in which he votes, and there- upon his ballot shall be received by the Judge of Election or Inspector and deposited in the box named by such voter, and in no other, in the presence of the voter. SEC. 9. There shall be as many polling places for the pur- Polling pose of such general primary election as are provided for at a places - general election; that is, a polling place in each precinct; and each political party may file with the Board of Election Com- missioners a list of the precincts and number and name of street or locality in town, or township, where they want such polling places, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Election Commissioners to examine said lists and decide which polling places will be the most convenient for the voters of the precinct. The polls shall be kept open from nine o'clock A. M. to sunset Po n 8 open . on the day of holding said primary election, and shall be at all times kept open to the public during the reception of bal- lots, and until the same are counted and the results declared. There must be furnished, by the Board of Election Commis- Registra- sioners, to the election officers in each precinct, for use at such primary election, a register containing the names of each person entitled to vote in such precinct at the last preceding general election, as shown by the Great or Precinct Register, or both. Before receiving any ballots the election officers must, in the presence of any persons assembled at the polling place, open, and exhibit, and close the ballot-boxes, and thereafter neither of them must be removed from the polling place or presence of the bystanders until all the ballots are counted, nor must either box be opened until after the polls are finally closed. Before the election officers receive any ballots they must cause it to be proclaimed aloud at the place of such primary election that the polls are open, and when the polls are closed that fact must be proclaimed aloud at the place of such election; and after such proclamation no ballots must be received. Voting may commence as soon as the polls are opened, and may be continued during all the time the polls remain open. The ballots must be so folded when deposited that no person can see any name printed or written thereon. As soon as the polls canvass of are finally closed, the election officers must immediately pro- ceed to count and canvass the votes given at such primary elec- tion. The canvass must be public, in the presence of the bystanders, and every political party shall be entitled to have at least two representatives present. The canvass must be con- tinued without adjournment until completed and the result thereof is declared; but one box shall be opened and can- vassed at the same time, and no other box shall be opened until such box being canvassed is completed and the result written out and certified and declared. Except as herein other- wise provided, said votes shall be counted, canvassed, listed, strung, numbered, tallied, in the same manner required by law for the counting, canvassing, listing, stringing, numbering, and tallying of votes at a general election for public officers, and the tally lists, ballots, and registers must be signed, certified, made up, sealed, delivered, preserved, and kept in the same manner as required by law at a general election for public officers. SEC. 10. When the counting of the ballots is completed the election officers in each such precinct shall officially declare the result, and shall furnish to the candidates having received a plurality of all the votes cast in such precincts for delegates to each political party to the county or district conventions, when a delegate is to represent a precinct, a certificate, which cer- tificate shall be signed by all of the precinct election officers, and be delivered by them to the successful candidate; and such certificate, when so delivered, shall be the only credential required of any delegate to the party convention to which he was elected. They shall canvass the votes of all delegates to the State convention, and when it requires more votes to elect than those of one precinct, they shall certify the result of the ballot in such precinct to the Clerk of the Board of Election Commissioners, and shall seal up the ballots cast in such pre- cinct and the poll lists, and on the outside of the envelope so sealed the election officers of each precinct shall write and sign a certificate to the effect that it contains all the ballots cast in such precinct and the poll lists kept by the Clerks. They shall also, in a separate envelope, send a certificate of the number of votes cast for each delegate to the State convention, and to the Certifi- cates of election Delegates to State conven- tion. county convention, when it takes the votes of more than one precinct to elect a delegate, and said County Clerk shall safely keep such ballots and poll lists until the adjournment of all political conventions in that year, when he shall destroy the same. In case it requires more votes than is cast in one pre- cinct to elect a delegate to the county or State convention, the Clerk shall canvass the votes of the precincts voting for such delegates, as returned by the precinct officers, and issue a cer- tificate of election to the several persons receiving a plurality of the votes of his party in such precincts as are within the county. SEC. 11. The governing body in the county of each political General party taking part in such primary election may furnish to the c Board of Election Commissioners, prior to or at the time of the selection by the said Board of the election officers, the name of an elector in each precinct whom such party is desirous to have appointed as general challenger for such party. It shall be the duty of such Board of Election Commissioners, finding that the person named is a resident of such precinct, and that his name appears on the last Precinct Register of said precinct, to appoint such person as such challenger, and cause a certificate to that effect, under its seal, to issue to such person, which the said Clerk shall transmit to such person, in the same manner as provided in this Act for transmitting the certificates to the election officers. At any time after that, and as soon as the special third day before the election, any body of resident voters of challen g er - any precinct, not less than the number of delegates of said party to be elected in said precinct, may file a petition with the Board of Commissioners, setting forth that it is their intention to run as candidates at such primary election, and requesting the appointment of some person as a special challenger to act on their behalf, and naming such person. It shall thereupon be the duty of said Board to ascertain if such person has the qualifications hereinbefore provided, and if so, to appoint such person, and cause a like certificate to be issued to him. Such challengers shall act without compensation when so appointed, powers of and shall be sworn, the same as an election officer, and shall gef s llen ~ have power to challenge the vote of any person by him believed to be voting unlawfully, upon any ground mentioned in the general election law; and such challengers, during the prog- ress of any such primary election, shall be vested with all the powers of a peace officer; he shall have free access to such poll- ing place during the election and the counting of the ballots. SEC. 12. Any person who, at any such primary election, m e gai shall vote illegally or attempt so to vote, shall be subject to voting, the same punishment as provided by law in case of such voting or attempting to vote at the general election in this State. No person shall be allowed to vote whose name did not appear upon the Great or the Precinct Register of the county, in the precinct in which he desires to vote, at the last general election, as a person entitled to vote in such precinct. If the election officers at such primary election shall knowingly permit any person to vote after being challenged, who shows, by his exam- 10 ination, that he is not entitled to vote, they shall be guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof be imprisoned in State's Prison not less than one nor more than five years. primary SEC. ^- The primary elections for all political parties or elections organizations within the State shall be held at the same time parties under the provisions of this Act. Each political party or Seida? organization may determine for itself how many district con- same time, ventions it will hold for nominating its various candidates; provided, all candidates which are to be elected within a given territory must be nominated in the same convention. Dele- District gates to a State convention may, at the option of a party, tions en " divide themselves into district conventions to nominate mem- bers of Congress, of the Board of Equalization, and Railroad Commissioners, respectively, or any party may, at its option, select separate delegates to compose any or all such district conventions. The delegates to a county, or city and county convention must nominate all the candidates which it desires to name for a county or city and county office, in such county or city and county, and any party may at its option nominate candidates for State Senator, or Assemblyman, or Supervisors, or Justices of the Peace, or Constable, who are to be voted for in such county, or city and county, or in any part of such county, or city and county; or any party may at its option elect separate delegates to compose any senatorial, assembly, or other local convention. Where any assembly or senatorial district is composed of more than one county, any political party may select separate delegates to a separate convention, to nominate such Assemblyman or Senator, or it may, at its option, in any county convention select joint delegates to meet joint delegates from any other part of such senatorial or assembly district to compose a convention to nominate such Assembly- man or State Senator. Form of Every party shall cause to be printed or written upon the ballot. ballots used by it in the general primary election, the different sets of delegates it desires to choose at such primary, and each set of delegates must be separated distinctly from every other set named on the ballot, and over each separate set of dele- gates must be printed or written the designation of the conven- tion to which the delegates named in such set are selected. The tickets shall be substantially in the following form varied to suit each case: REPUBLICAN PRIMARY TICKET. Delegates to State Convention. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. 4 Philip Ross. 11 Delegates to Railroad District Convention, District. Form of Vote for baUot - 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. 4 Philip Ross. Delegates to Equalization District Convention. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. 4 Philip Ross. Delegates to Congressional District Convention for Con- gressional District. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. 4 Philip Ross. Delegates to County Convention for County. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. Delegates to State Senatorial Convention for Senatorial District. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. Delegates to Assembly Convention for Assembly District. Vote for 1 John Doe. 2 Richard Roe. 3 James Black. The names of each proposed delegate in each set shall be numbered consecutively, and opposite each set of delegates to be num- shall be expressed the number to be voted for in such set. If bered ' how - there is any delegate written or printed for whom any voter does not desire to vote, or if there be more names in any set than is to be selected, the voter may erase any name by draw- ing a line through such name with ink, and not otherwise. If any set of delegates contain more names, not erased, than is allowed by law, such ticket cannot be counted as to such set, but must be counted as to any other set correctly voted for. SEC. 14. At a general primary election held for the purpose of electing delegates to a convention other than a State con- delegates, vention, there shall be elected not less than one delegate for each party convention for each two hundred votes, and each 12 Eligibility Certificate of election Size of ballot. Expenses, how pro- vided for. Board of Election Commis- sioners, who shall constitute. Offenses defined and penalties prescribed. fraction of one hundred or more, cast in such precinct at the last general election; provided, that no convention shall be illegal for lack of the election of a delegate or delegates in any precinct. In selecting delegates for a State convention each political party or organization shall determine how many dele- gates it will choose from each county, city and county, in the State, and name the number in their petition, and the persons receiving the highest vote for each party shall be determined by canvassing the vote in the various precincts as provided in section ten of this Act. SEC. 15. At any time in any county, city and county, city, or township, or in any assembly district or political division within this State, or any precinct therein, at which a general primary election is held for the election of delegates to a conven- tion, any voter entitled to vote at such primary election may be a candidate for election as a delegate to any party convention to represent the precinct or district in which he is a voter. SEC. 16. As soon as the returns are received by the County Clerk, he shall canvass the same and issue a certificate of elec- tion for the different State conventions, to the different persons receiving a plurality of the party votes cast for such delegates. SEC. 17. The ballot to be used at such general primary elec- tion shall be of uniform size, twelve inches in length and six inches in width. SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of each county within the State of California, to appropriate from the general funds of the county a sufficient sum of money to pay all necessary expenses of holding any such primary elections within such county; and it shall be the duty of the Auditor of each county within the State of California to draw upon such appropriated funds his several warrants for the pay- ment of all expenses of such primary election as the same shall be certified to him by the County Clerk; such expenses shall consist only of the payment for the box in which to keep the names selected, for polling places, election officers, for printing, for advertising, for stationery, ballot-boxes, and postage stamps and tally sheets. The several political parties shall furnish their own ballots. SEC. 19. If in any city or county there shall not be by law any Board of Election Commissioners, then all duties enjoined herein upon a Board of Election Commissioners shall be enjoined upon and performed by the Common Council or Trustees of a city or the Board of Supervisors of a county; and all duties enjoined upon the Clerk of a Board of Election Commissioners, where there is no such Board in any city or county, are enjoined upon and shall be performed by the Clerk of a city or by a County Clerk, as the case may be, as fully and with equal force and effect as if specifically set forth in this Act. SEC. 20. Any act denounced as an offense by the general laws concerning elections of this State shall also be an offense in all primary elections, and in all matters relating thereto, antecedent or subsequent, and shall be punished in the same form and with like penalties as is prescribed for the punish- 13 ment of similar offenses against the general election laws; and all the provisions and penalties provided by law shall apply in all cases connected with primary elections with equal force, and shall be as effective as if specifically set out in this Act. SEC. 21. No candidate can have his name printed upon any 9 andi ' ballot, to be voted for as a candidate for public office at any general election in this State, unless he shall have been nomi- nated by a convention composed of delegates chosen as pro- vided by this Act; provided, however, that nothing in this Act shall prevent any candidate or candidates from being nomi- nated as provided by section eleven hundred and eighty-eight of the Political Code; but such nominees can have no other des- ignation upon a ballot than the word " Independent." SEC. 22. No ticket or ballot must, on the day of election, be given or delivered to or received by any person except the limit. Inspector, or a Judge acting as Inspector, within one hundred feet of the polling place. No person must, on the day of election, fold any ticket or unfold any ballot which he intends to use in voting, within one hundred feet of the polling place; exhibit to another in any manner, by which the contents thereof may become known, any ticket or ballot which he intends to use in voting. No person must, on the day of the election, within one hundred feet of the polling place, exhibit to another in any manner by which the contents thereof may become known, any ticket or ballot which he intends to use in voting. No person must, on the day of election, within one hundred feet of the poll- ing place, request another person to exhibit or disclose the con- tents of any ticket or ballot which such other persons intend to use in voting. SEC. 23. No polling place shall be held in any saloon where saloons, malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors are sold, or in any room leading from or in any manner connected with such saloon. SEC. 24. Immediately upon making out the credentials of Duties of any delegates elected under this law, the Clerk charged with clerk - signing such credentials shall mail to the Secretary of each political party or organization which participated in the pri- mary, a complete list of all delegates to whom credentials shall have been given; and said Clerk must, in a proper book to be by him kept, record the names of all delegates elected, with the vote received by each, specifying those to whom credentials have been given, stating when and where such credentials were mailed; and if any delegate entitled to credentials shall not have received his credentials, or have lost the same, said Clerk must, upon request, issue a new credential to such delegate, which must be stamped " Duplicate." SEC. 25. In years when by law Electors of President and when Vice-President are to be voted for, a State convention, to select ^amect- delegates to a National convention, to select candidates for ors are t<^ Elector of President and Vice-President, and at its option to manner of divide itself into a district convention, or district conven- pro tions, to nominate candidates for Congress or other district nominees, shall be composed of delegates selected pursuant to this Act at a general primary for such purpose, to be held upon 14 Operative, where. Free dis- tribution. the last Tuesday of March in each such year; provided, that in all counties which cast less than nine thousand votes for Governor at tne last preceding general election any political party or organization entitled to participate in such a State convention shall not be bound to proceed under this Act, but may select delegates to such a State convention in the manner any such party or organization may respectively determine in any such last mentioned county. SEC. 26. This Act shall apply to, take effect in, and be in force only in counties of the first and second classes. SEC. 27. Within thirty days after the passage of this Act the Secretary of State shall cause ten thousand copies of this Act to be printed in pamphlet form for free distribution. SEC. 28. All Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. SEC. 29. This Act shall take effect immediately. Attest: A true copy. [SEAL] L. H. BROWN, Secretary of State. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. \\w 59T * r MAR 2 8 1959 LD 21A-50m-9,'58 IT . Gen . eral f J br . a P' . (6889slO)476B University of California (:a ^ord Bros Bakers Practise, # y "i-nn.** T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY