EVOLUTION OF THE MACHINE SHOP By JAMES HARTNESS M JONES & LAMSON MACHINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, VERMONT 1905 Copyright 1905 by the Jones & Lamson Machine Company Springfield, Vermont, U. S. A. TJ 12.' 1-V5.2 \ <=i o~" fce/ice- $1000 earned year is worth $25,obo, and $2000 per year ' is worth $50,000 to the recipient. This is real value, with a security in some respects better than a more easily negotiable principal which the possessor might be beguiled into exchanging for some hazard- ous investment. Since this earning power has this value, let us see on what basis it stands. Is it secure regardless of the pos- sessor's indifference ? Or, is it something to be guarded ? Success in management of a business or department may give a good name and a good professional standing, but it must be remembered that just as a plant may or may not be on a sure footing, so there may be a doubt regarding the professional standing and good name of each individual in re- sponsible position. To-day's standing is based on yesterday's action, and to-morrow's position will be the result of the decisions of to-day. The correct course for to-day may not be very clear, but it is safe to conclude that there is no safety in standing still, for that surely results in losing one's position in the race. One way to make or protect a good name is to be on the right side of questions re- lating to progressive development. No credit or good comes from weakly suggest- ing the adoption of this or that method, or resorting to the " I-told-you-so " attitude. Real results come from strenuous and tireless insistence upon an action which you believe is best. It may be that the plant will be carried along by the combined work of all without it becoming necessary for you to conspicu- ously push for some reform, and, as a result of such combined work, the whole scheme may for many years continue to furnish comfortable conditions for you, or, if not, perhaps some other opening may be found in some other establishment, and all this may happen without your playing the pain- ful part of a reformer ; but the chances are that inaction now will not result in any such favorable future ; on the contrary, there is much evidence to show that individuals rise and fall even quicker than companies. Many of the important actions may be tested without greatly jeopardizing an in- dividual's name ; for instance, a maker of a device or machine may make a claim that he can effect an important saving in the cost of your work, and stands ready to dem- onstrate, without cost to your company, and without placing you on record as in- dorsing his views there is small chance of mistake. Let him demonstrate or fail, and let him abide by the result. It is his own proposition. You will indorse it if it is a success, but if it is not, you will not want that machine standing in your plant, for it would be there as a continual evidence of somebody's blunder. With the ever-increasing complexity of machines you should compare results, and should not hesitate to disclaim attempting to comprehend each minute detail of each machine. Therefore, let the burden of proof rest on the advocate. In considering cost of production by present method compared with some newly proposed scheme, see what saving is to be made by the change. The saving for one year makes a convenient basis ; com- pare this with the cost involved in making the change. If you see a chance to make a good saving by the introduction of a certain machine, the next step is to make sure that that machine is the best of its kind. Unfortunately the maker's standing is not a conclusive proof, for the best machine shop equipment cannot be obtained from any one company or any one section of our country. The best companies are unable to keep their entire line of manufacture in the lead ; in fact, some of the machines turned out by the best builders are known to be back numbers. Why is this so ? How can they be of the best, and yet so far be- hind in some respects ? There may be no satisfactory explanation, further than that good things may grow up anywhere in the country and be developed by the most faithful and zealous specialists, and that no one company, no state, and no section of our glorious country, can have a monopoly of all of the machines of all types. But, while warning against the mistake of selecting a machine on the builder's general reputation, it should be borne in mind that although that is not a guarantee of correct design, the greatest mistake of all is to dis- regard the builder's reputation. See to it that your proposed new ma- chinery is of correct design and made by one of the best companies, but don't accept any machine that meets only one of these two requirements. Whatever policy you follow in the manage- ment of your own personal interests, it is safe to state that a careful consideration of each new phase of problems is absolutely necessary to enable you to hold your own, to say nothing about advancement. The problems of machine shop manage- ment are affected by the evolution of its machinery as much, if not more, than by any other element. All new growth is not of a kind that may be of service to you ; in fact, much that is new is inferior to the old. In this book is set forth a machine built on new lines. It is one of the new things that affects machine shop values. If it is a good machine, it gives its users an advan- tage over others. If it is not a good ma- chine, the advantage goes to the non-users. It has been on the market in its present form since March of 1904. It is an out- growth of the original Flat Turret which held undisputed supremacy since 1891. There are thousands of the original and hundreds of the present in operation. The original machine has been abandoned by its makers for this new type. This may only indicate that they consider the new more profitable ; but even so, a machine cannot be profitable to the builder without its being iri'^c hearty indorsement br\he users.' In addition' fto^your being able to se plant (and many of actual use in other plants), you have in this problem that extra chance of proof offered by the builder to demonstrate its value on your own work, in your own plant, in the hands of your own men, without cost to you, and without your indorsement until it has there shown its value. The foregoing pointers do not include an important element, and one that must be settled by your own decision ; namely, Is this machine the best of its kind ? There may be a dozen machines that would effect a saving on some of your work, but in making each move see to it that it is the best. Your own future depends on your judgment in such matters. In the following pages you will find some of the important points to be kept in mind in considering such questions. HE evolution of the machine shop is a topic of vital interest to everybody, from the proprietor, to the apprentice. All must know the tendency of the times. The development is going on irresistibly. The change affects the security of investment, the reputation of managers and the trade of machinists. It is a time for cool observation and careful determination of the proper course. There is no other way to protect a good name, to make a good record, or to keep a plant from depreciating, to say noth- ing about making a dollars-and-cents profit, which is the substantial proof of good work. The condition that confronts us to-day is one of unusual activity in the development of important changes in the art. There have been whole centuries since the begin- ning of the human race in which there has been little or no progress in the arts. But the last century was not one of that kind, and the last decade was probably the greatest in point of progressive development, the machine shop sharing in record-making advancement ; but great as this advance- ment has been, there is evidence in the signs of the times that the next five years will greatly outdo the last ten in changing the methods of machine shop work. 1 8 95 A.D. An indication of the tendency of the I^s A! D! times may be best obtained by a careful study of the present-day conditions and a glance at the older practice. Within the last ten years many special machines have become standard, and there are now many machines for the work for which there were formerly only the lathe, planer and drill 26 press ; so that the machine shop of to-day does not resemble the machine shop of ten years ago, and it is very safe to assume that the shop of ten years hence will be very unlike the present. Many of the present-day machines were originally designed for special conditions and for a certain narrow field of work in which good results were given. Nearly all of these machines have been used beyond the field for which they were intended, so that now we find certain parts of the work covered by many different types of machines. This variety renders it possible for the Sufficient ' data now careful observer to select the machines best at hand suited for the present-day conditions, and although this is the process of selection that has been followed in the past, there is to-day not only greater opportunity, but an absolute necessity of knowing the machines that should be used, also those which should be discarded. The machines and methods for next month's work or next year's work should be selected after carefully looking over those now in use. This may seem a very great task to men who have made a life study of some other phase of work in which every minute of every day is occupied, but it is not so difficult, after all, if the real essentials alone are considered. Only the It is here the intention to state some of essential the real essential elements that should be elements necessary borne in mind by one trying to find the true course. These pointers are all submitted subject to the approval of the reader, and are only offered on their face value, as they may appear to be in accordance with ex- perience and facts within the knowledge of everybody. It is not necessary to thoroughly under- stand all of the new special machines put on the market any more than it is necessary to read all of the books of fiction that are now being printed faster than any person living can digest. A watch may be judged by its record as a timekeeper without much knowledge of its parts, and although this is true of all machinery there is a certain general knowledge that should be possessed by all who wish to see the direction of evolution. Now, since so much is written of an advertising nature, in which the real object of the writer is concealed, it is understood that the average reader has become wary, and discounts in advance any 'statement with the feeling that the writer has his own interest in mind, and that sooner or later it will appear. In the discussion of this subject, however, it is not the intention to conceal this fact, but this very point is brought forward at this time with the acknowledgment that it is a handicap, but Mechani- with the claim that mechanical facts are suscep- tible of hard facts, and that by a full and complete proof disclosure the subject becomes clear, and that as we proceed each point will be clearly stated that it may be recognized as true or false. No attempt in dealing with hard facts will be made to prove that two and two make five ; each proposition is to be of the simplest nature, and as readily understood as the simplest example in arithmetic, and as definitely conclusive. In getting at the present conditions in the machine shop always have in mind the useful efficiency of the machine. This means more than the record time in which a piece of work can be machined; it includes the performance of the machine every day in the year. NO profit Many record-making machines have two in record spurts kinds of records : the number of seconds in which a single piece of work can be machined, and the number of months required to get new tools for each new piece of work. This makes it necessary to observe all of the actual conditions. The standard engine lathe has the good record for continuous work. A glance through any machine shop will usually show all of the lathes at work, but seldom all of the won- der-working special machines in opera- tion. Many of the most successful machine shop managers have preferred the slow but sure method of getting out the work, and their good results have furnished ample proof of their wisdom ; but, as stated in the beginning, this is the period in the evolution of the machine shop in which progressive steps are necessary. Not all of the latter-day machines are found lacking in quick adap- tability. Some of these machines will be Machine for every found in operation every hour of every day, hour of every day regardless of the character of the work. One of the conditions that should be changing character borne in mind in trying to determine the line of work of development of the modern machine shop is the changing character of its own work. Many of the rim-rolling and other special machines for bicycle work are of very little use to-day. If there is any evidence that the turbine engine and the electric motor are to partly or wholly displace the present engine and locomotive, those interested should see that their machine shop equipment is kept flexible and adaptable enough to meet the new conditions. . Jj> e The extreme cases of the bicycle, the probability of changes turbine engine and the electric motor are not analogous to the changing character of work in the average machine shop, but every one knows that only the most visionary are unmindful of change required in their own product. It is the intention here to discuss only one of the phases of the subject, but the principles set forth will be found applicable to a wide range. In order to mention exact conditions we shall consider the lathe and various ma- chines in which a cutting tool is held and controlled by one part of the machine, while the work is held and controlled by another part, the whole object of these machines being to absolutely control the relative motion of work and cutting tool. So much attention is being given to the convenience of handling in hand-operated machine tools and the development of automatic features, that we have temporarily lost sight of the greatest of all questions ; and that is, the control under which the work and tool are brought together. We know that a cutting tool will last almost indefinitely under some conditions, and under other conditions the edge seems quickly destroyed. The destruction of the cutting edge is not wholly due to the real work of separating material ; in fact, only a small amount of wear is due to the work. The greatest edge-destroying action is side motion or quivering, which in the most extreme cases may be heard and felt. It has been generally assumed that in absence of any marked quivering, such as would be called chattering, that the tool was free from this edge-destroying action. That this is erroneous Avill be clearly shown later on. Very few of the standard machine tools hold the work and tool with sufficient firmness of control to prevent this lateral trembling or quivering. Before passing this point, it should be explained that the meaning of lateral motion is that motion which is across the cutting edge of the tool, and not in the general direction of the cut. A cutting The cutting edge of a knife would not be acute, a last long if used for scraping the surface of edge blunt a stick ; in fact, it would not last long if we were to use the knife in the same way that we use a lathe tool in the average lathe. But the knife edge will last in whittling because there is no scrape across its edge. This is just as true of a cutting tool working in metal, for the lateral motion of the metal across the edge of the tool causes a side pressure against the edge where there is no backing, and causes its wearing away, whereas, when the work is moved against the edge firmly in its true path only, the edge is Real cut- free from side thrust. For the real work of cut- ting with- . 1-1 out quiver ting, the extreme edge is braced and sustained sharpens 111- -T tool by the backing, and has great durability. Under correct conditions, the action of a heavy chip of steel on a properly pro- portioned tool occasionally wears a slight hollow just back of the edge instead of wearing away the edge. This action has been occasionally observed in the engine lathe, where it happens as a result of a balance of conditions which includes an amount of clearance of the tool that just equals the feed, and which allows the tool to steady itself by riding on the finished surface. This prevents the quivering which would otherwise have rounded the edge before the chip could have had time to make an impression elsewhere. Experience has demonstrated that accurate control of work and tools not only adds to the durability of the tool and accuracy of the product, but this condition makes it possible to leave not only a true surface, but a smooth surface when taking a relatively large cut. Now, this is not a point at which to throw Theory clown the book and say that this is theory, practice that the finishing cut must be a light cut, and that the writer is now leaving the bounds of reason and practice. Experience with the former types of lathes has proven that finishing cuts must be light cuts, or, in other words, a cut that is lighter than the heaviest cut that we can take with the same machine. Now, this statement is true, although the light cut for the ideal machine would be considered a heavy cut in the old machine, for in the ideal machine both the roughing cut and the finishing cut should be larger than the respective cuts in the former types of machines ; the only practical limitation should be in that class of work where, owing to the distortion of the metal on removing a large proportion of its surface, it is necessary to take a light cut for finishing. Firm con- Firm control makes it possible to use r shlr P sharp cutting tools ; that is, tools with slight clearance and plenty of rake, the rake being principally in the direction to make easy the flow of the metal from the largest part of the chip. This tool, when used without !' back rests|i8>uld Iri^UteicEVrJbr'sHghtty rounded, and the, part of the tool that leaves the final surface"' should have sufficient width to cover two or more times the. width of the feed, and the proper 'shape to gradually reduce the thickness of chip as it approaches the finishing part. We all know the shape of the ideal tool for removing plenty of metal, and at the same time leaving a smooth metal surface. We have all seen the other extreme where a blunt tool has been made to tear off metal in a powerful machine, in which the finished surface looked as if the metal had been pulled out by the roots. Former practice seemed to establish Rough surface that a comparativelv blunt tool should left by powerful be used in taking a heavy cut. Since this machines using point is more fully explained further on, it blunt tools is only necessary here to say that the blunt tool is undoubtedly the best for the ma- chines in which it is used, on account of the excessive side quivering, which would quickly destroy the edge of a properly shaped cutting tcol. Other tool shapes are more fully discussed elsewhere ; in order to bring out the im- portance of correct design in the machine we are here considering only those tools that must depend on the firmness of control of the machine without aid of back rests or steady rests. The For the purpose of setting forth the corn- standard lathe mon method of controlling both the work and tools, it is necessary to call attention to the present scheme of work and tool carriages. In doing so it will be necessary to say some unkind things about everybody's friend, the standard engine lathe ; not that it is the standard engine lathe alone that is borne in mind, for remarks regarding this ma- chine may be readily applied to other tool mountings. We recognize that the engine lathe has been the machine from which all of the wonderful mechanism of the age has come, and although in some respects it is felt that there are other machines of higher development, there is no machine designer so near the top of the ladder at present that he has any occasion to u holler for more ladder." From the time of the birth of the slide-rest Long- lathe it has been customary to have the head control stock rigidly affixed to or a part of the bed, and to get all of the relative motion between work and tool by mounting the cutting tool on the necessary slides. The first slide resting on the lathe bed is called the car- riage. To the saddle of this carnage there is a tool-carrying slide which runs trans- versely to the travel of the carriage. In addition to this, it is frequently the practice to add a swiveling slide for traveling at any desired angle, which has been called the compound rest. More than one-third of the lathes used to-day are provided with the three slides. A glance at the engine lathe carriage shows it to be of frail design. The guiding V's of the bed, on which it rides and by which it is controlled, are a long distance from the point of the tool. The average carriage has four bearings on the shears. The front part of the carriage consists of a bridge which spans the distance between Chouse the two bearings on the front V. In the slide slide same wa Y tnere ^ a bridge at the back that connects the two contacts on the back V. Now, from these bridges on the front and back V's another bridge runs across, making the whole form in the shape of an H. This may seem an elementary description to the average lathe hand, but the object will appear later on. There are other types of carriage saddles. The H-shaped are most reli- able for very light cuts, and others, although uncertain in action in all cuts, are generally better for heavy stock-reduc- ing operations. There is no opportunity to make either the carriage or the tool mounted thereon of sufficient rigidity to withstand the working strains, nor of suitable section to properly hold their gibbing, which of course serves as a means of holding each slide to the surface on which it travels. We will assume that the bed of the stand- ard engine lathe is all that it should be. We know that a single slide can be stiffly de- signed and securely gibbed to a piece having dimensions similar to the engine lathe bed ; that the limitations and troubles come in when it is necessary to cut away that slide, giving clearance here and there for the swing of a pulley or a large shaft and the addition of other slides, all of which must come within certain dimensions, regardless of the effect upon the stiffness. The natural process of reasoning for the reader at this point is that inasmuch as attention has been directed to these weak- nesses, it is merely for the purpose of introducing a machine in which these weak- nesses do not exist. There is, however, a more important point to be brought to view. It is that the engine lathe, with this great handicap, is the very machine with which we have obtained our experiences and formed our opinions regarding the limitations of a cutting tool and the quality of work obtainable under the various cuts. Inc Sm? ^ conce ption of the performance of a notcom too ^ un der heavy cut in a properly propor- f or Indirect ^ onec i machine can be obtained by the design performance of a tool in the engine lathe large enough to take a similar cut. The engine lathe takes its largest cut on work about one-third of its swing, and instead of the tool being controlled by guiding surfaces close to its maximum diameter of most efficient work, these guiding surfaces are three times as far off in a direct line, and many times farther off in the line followed by the metal supporting the tool. The extent of vibration of the tool point of lateral yielding is governed, of course, by the stiffness of the carriage to resist the working strains at that point, and as this stiffness is inversely as the square of the distance between the sliding base and the cutting tool point, it becomes apparent that a tool working at this handicap may be forced to crowd off the metal, but while doing so the cutting edge vibrates laterally, making it necessary to use only blunt tools, which add greatly to the " pulling-out-by- the-root " process of removing the metal, and although such lathes can be forced to push off the metal, there is an absence of the cutting action that leaves a true and smooth surface. Furthermore, such lathes are very susceptible to chatter when taking light cuts such as a scraping broad tool, because a certain amount of pressure is re- quired to take up all the slack of their parts and the spring due to long-distance control. This is not a case where the doctors disagree. Lathes are built, by people who understand the work thoroughly, but they are built to supply a certain demand that calls for a standard lathe known to every machinist, and it is necessary in offering these lathes for sale to give swing over both shears and car- riage, and price. Udells ^ is apparent that the machine must be 'standard made to swin g> sav > l8 inches, for it is the custom to consider these dimensions in considering the price. They are therefore selling dimensions and must not be reduced. Just as dolls are sold by the length, and when carried home will be found to lack the proportions of the real baby, just so lathes are sold by dimensions that would be deceptive if this were a new subject. As it is, the machin- ist knows that he must have an 1 8-inch lathe to do lathe work on a 5-inch or 6-inch shaft. Many good results have been obtained in special forms of lathes for a given class of work that we are now to take as object lessons, and which may serve as pointers to indicate the direction of the develop- ment in machine shop evolution. Long-distance control, cob-house design, gibs and gib screws without tension, except when taking working strains, any one or all of these are bad conditions. It is not enough to know that the tool mounting is capable of withstanding heaviest cutting strains without breakage or even perceptible quiver. We must know that the controlling carriages are short, compact and unaffected by strains varying from light to heavy cuts. A tree may be capable of withstanding a Breeze hurricane and yet be waved by a light breeze. tSh A child can deflect a wagon spring. Tool S holders and carriages are nothing more nor less than springs in equilibrium and should be of the shortest, stiffest possible design. In view of the foregoing, it would be safe to assume that the correct scheme is one that gets around the long-distance control and cob-house construction of slide on slide. The foregoing is offered as one of these propositions no deeper to solve and having no more indefinite conclusion than the two and two example in arithmetic mentioned in the beginning. It is needless to say that a machine approaching the ideal is fully described in the strictly commercial part of this book. Each feature of this machine may be readily understood. The machine set forth gives a control of work and tool that greatly reduces the tendency to chatter, and thereby makes possible the use of ideal tools for all cuts. Sharper tools with plenty of rake for cutting the metal may be used, also broader tools for light and heavy cuts where chattering has been the limiting element, stock re- We are fully aware that it is useless to ducing only one- make a machine with solely large stock- half of the ' problem reducing qualities; that although this is almost a supreme test, yet since it is so general to consider cost of metal as well as labor, the average work requires mostly accurate turning at medium chips, and the stock-reducing feat is to be performed only in extreme cases. But it seems to be clear that accurate work requires a machine in which a light broad cut or a heavy stock- removing cut can be taken with the mini- mum chatter. The boy Chattering is caused by conditions that cane are fundamentally objectionable. Every boy 4 6 knows that he can make a cane chatter along the sidewalk by pushing it ahead at a given angle, and that it will not chatter when dragged at same or any other angle. The draw-cut shaper astonished many by its wonderful performances of great stock- removing feats, and although this may not be what is primarily wanted in a shaper, it may be cited as an example of the per- formance of a cutting tool under a pulling cut and non-chattering conditions. In the lathe, planer, standard shaper and boring mill there seems to be good reason for using the tool mounting that is equivalent to the chattering cane. The expression, "cart before the horse," fits the case, but the plow before the horse would be a better analogy. In order to offset the chattering tendency Chattering * tendency in machine tools of thirty years ago, a spring remains tool was used for finishing cuts which re- quired a tool having plenty of rake. Under the varying strains this tool would yield in opposite direction to its frail mount- ing ; that is, it would spring away from the 47 work under an increased strain, while the slide rests had a tendency to tip over towards the work, which would otherwise cause the tool to " duck in." The yielding of the tool would offset the chattering tendency. This tendency to chatter has been partly met in present-day machines by making all these slides of stiffest form possible, so that it is no longer necessary to use the old- fashioned spring tool. But the fact remains, that although we have greatly reduced the chattering, we have yet the plow before the horse and the cane ahead of the boy ; that is, the tendency remains, and the conditions exist to a sufficient extent to necessitate the use of blunt tools for heavy chips, and to greatly restrict the use of broad tools for forming, taper and irregular cuts. The detailed description and illustrations of the machine described clearly bear evidence of a more perfect control, which is the result of a very low swing, and an absence of long-distance control and slide on slide tool mounting. ^ PR/ pr TV Inasmuch as the dimension^ bf "wbrkaf- feet the design of machine^ that is, a planer must be used for long work, while th,e.$haper is best for short work, from here on we will-limit -. . our discussion to the work under 12 inches and 14 inches in diameter, for which the two machines described in this book are built. We will take it for granted that the description of the flat turret which is mounted on our tool slide or carriage, with all its schemes of accurate gibbing and accurate presentation of six different tools at the will of the operator, is all clearly set forth and accepted as the best known means for this purpose, and we will pass at once to the consideration of the mounting of the head stock, which carries the work- holding spindle. Of course, any effort to control the tool slide would be futile if we were to mount the work in a light spindle or in a long overhanging chuck. For this reason it has been necessary to depart from the usual proportions of lathes. 49 P Uonof ^ or mstan ce, m these machines the swing spin swing * s on ty tnree an d tnr ee and one-half times the diameter of the spindle. The mere statement of these proportions convinces the average man that here is something unusual, and that it is quite likely that a machine having corresponding proportions will be found capable of taking its heaviest cut at its maximum swing, and that the work will be most rigidly held by such a spindle. The details of the con- struction are clearly set forth in the latter part of this book ; and it is only the inten- tion here to consider the principles involved in the adoption of this scheme of work and tool control. stock^dth In order to get away from the cob-house trlvfi scneme of design of slide on slide for the tool carriage, in this machine we mount the head stock on guideways running across the machine. In this scheme, of course, the head is gibbecl directly to the bed, and since there are no additional slides to con- sider, it is possible, the same as in the case of the carriage, to adopt an ideal system of gibbing and the stiffest possible design of frame, so that here we have a slide of any desirable shape gibbed directly to the bed. In passing, an important detail in con- struction, which is also described elsewhere, is our scheme of gibbing, which puts the gib and its thrust-taking screws under severe tension, even when adjusted for the free movement of the slide. The object is to see that all of the spring of the bolt and gib is taken up before the strain of the work comes on it, and although this is only a detail, it is one of the one hundred or more points on which the success of a machine of this kind stands. The conservative man frequently asks : f How is it possible to return this head to its central position ? It is only necessary for us to call attention to the fact that for years we have been turning the turret around to six different positions with a satisfactory accuracy, under conditions more difficult to control than the present single direct slide ; and to furthermore state that we not only bring this cross slide with accuracy to its central position, but by an ideal scheme of stops it is possible to bring it to as many other positions as called for by the work with the same nicety, and that these details are elsewhere described. Just as our experience with the cutting tool in the engine lathe shapes our views of its endurance and capacity for doing good work under heavy cuts, just so our experi- ence with former types of special machines comes to mind whenever a machine of this kind is to be considered. We know that a special machine usually requires special tools, and although this is not apparently a serious objection, owing to our usual hope- fulness that there will be no immediate change in the kind of work we are to do, yet even with no change of work in view, the question of special tools, both from the side of expense and delay, is a serious barrier to the adoption of many of the special lathes that are now offered, and it is -% ' no uncommcji perer^c^tcff|i(j a jri^ch^mj standing two of" three months waiting for Long delays some special tools for a given piece of work t> and frequently a very slight change: character of the work makes to throw away or set aside all of the tools in such a machine's equipment. The practical man, therefore, is ready to admit all the theorist may say regard- ing firmness of control, ideal conditions of slides and anti-cob-house construction, but he will say : " Deliver me from the toils of such a tempter ; I have not lived to this point in vain, and I cannot forget my experience with special machines." The machine described on pages following page 69 is provided with an equipment of standard tools which it holds under absolute control, conveniently and quickly adjusted, and it puts an end to the foreman's difficulties in getting out the class of work coming with- in its range, regardless of any changes that may be made in the design or the number of pieces to be made ; and it is safely described " a ny" as the "any " machine ; that is, it is ready machine any hour of any day to make any piece of any shape and any quantity coming within its working dimensions, with an accuracy and efficiency never before attained. This adapt- ability to all conditions not only gives a ready relief for the troubles of to-day but it also makes progressive designing possible. Many important improvements in your product can be made without delay or expense if your machines are truly ready for turning every conceivable piece. The description of the details of the machine which follows renders it possible to understand the various features of the ma- chine. If it has been made clear that this machine indicates the direction in which the evolution of the lathe is traveling, there is no one, from the proprietor to the machinist, who can afford to be indifferent to the subject. It is not safe for us to disregard impor- tant pointers of this character; and there can be little profit or benefit accruing to any one knowing these facts who fails to act accordingly. The foreman should stren- success depends uously advocate what he knows to be true. The superintendent's reputation suffers if he does not advise on correct lines, and the proprietor's profits, to say nothing about the depreciation of his permanent investment, will seriously suffer if he continues to use inferior machines. It is not enough to know that machines in operation were built yesterday ; it must be known that they are of the correct type, for with so many ma- chines offered for a given class of work, each machine cannot be the best ; some one is better than all the others. Many compa- nies may be wrecked in the future by conditions outside of their control, but we know that the companies that will survive will be only those that take advantage of cost-reducing methods, and that others, instead of being a source of income to the proprietors, will become white elephants, pos- itive burdens that no one can afford to own. It is not within the scope of this chapter to answer all of the questions that will come to the mind of the man who has given this matter much serious thought and has heard claims for the old type reiterated. Each important point will be fully treated in the most fitting place. The foregoing pages present only a few of the many indications of direction of the evolution of the machine shop. A few more pointers will be found throughout the entire book, including that portion devoted to the commercial descrip- tion of the machine. Therefore, you are urged to read all of the following pages. 5'' DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING CUT- TING ACTION THE cutting strain should be only in line with dotted line A to A in diagram on following page, which would keep a continuous strain on the cob-house, holding it away from the work, thus taking up all the slack and spring in one direction. But the real facts of the case are that the tool must be very blunt and very unlike the tool shown in order to maintain a constant thrust. On steel work of small diameter the tool may be set a trifle above the center to maintain a constant backward thrust. The most trouble is experienced in working brass and other soft compositions. For such work it is very common to find tools without top rake. The edge-destroying motion is in line with dotted line BB which is an arc struck from center of base at C. Experience has demonstrated that the tool shown by Fig. i is the most effective in many lathes. The reason is that although 57 C"' Exaggerated Cases of Cob-house Construction, Slide upon Slide 58 there is a cutting strain of the chip in direc- tion of arrow marked A, there is at the same time a lateral vibration (while under the cut- Fig, i. A Common Form of Tool, Showing almost Level Top, a Tool with very Little Rake Fig. 2. An Exaggerated Case of a Tool, showing the Sharpening Action of a Chip, proving that the Tool should he Ground on the Angle Indicated by Dotted Line ting strain) in the direction of arrow B. This edge-destroying vibration is what has made it necessary to give the edge a strength or backing to meet this strain. The hollow shown in Fig. 2 was worn in the tool by the chip because some condition prevented the vibration, which usually de- stroys the edge first. Fig. 3. Ideal Form of Cutting Edge for an Ideal Machine The dotted line indicating the line of thrust of cutting is in line with the tool's greatest strength. 60 AXE WOOD Fig. 4 Stock removing is accomplished by a splitting action and finishing surface is produced by a scraping action of the tool. The axe shown in Fig. 4, and the cutting tool in Fig. 5, are shown with cutting edge not in contact with the metal. Although these are exaggerated diagrams they tell a true story, as shown by Fig. 2. In Fig. 5 we have another action which leaves a fair surface. This is the regular tool used so many years in the Flat Turret Lathe with such satisfactory results. The chip is split from the face of the shoulder and is sheared off from the surface which is left on the finished diameter. This action of shearing is better than that of the average tool in other machines, for there is no WORK TOOL 62 pulling-out-by-the-root appearance to the fin- ished surface. Furthermore, this tool is usually followed by the back rest, which burnishes the finished surface. The shoulder from which the splitting cut is taken is rough until the tool is allowed to take a slight scraping cut after desired length has been turned. The preferred form of tool for finishing is one which takes a diagonal scraping cut, as the cutter in Fig. 6 would take if it were ground like Fig. 7 ; that is, with rounded corner. The diagonal scraping cut is the kind taken by a spiral milling cutter. The diagram, P'ig. 6, shows the ideal tool remov- ing heavy part of chip by the splitting action at A and finishing with a diagonal scraping cut at D, WIDTH OF FEED CDE 'FINISHED TOOL SECTION OF CHIP DIRECTION OF FEED Fig. 7 gives top view of tool for chucking and other operations in which no back rests or other steadying means are employed. The chip from A to B is removed by splitting action : from B to C the cut becomes lighter and the angle of the tool becomes diagonal to the motion of the work. 6 4 THE HARTNESS FLAT TURRET LATHE AND EQl IPMENT, PROTECTED BY TWENTV ONE GOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT ST. LOUIS IN 1904 SILVER MEDAL WAS ISSUED TO THE INVENTOR BOTH AWARDS WERE THE HIGHEST OBTAINABLE COLUMBIA EXPOSITION IS 193 ISSUED AN AWARD FOR SUPERIOR DESIGN w. D. WOOLSON, TV,.,.,,, J. W BENNETT, S,,r,/.,, JONES & LAMSON MACHINE COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, VliRMONT, U. S. A. J*d 97 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND M KOYEMANN. C.V.L-II.CI.IIU. (f~ G,r.^. S,,iarl.,J. H*U*,<, >,&,*, A.^./fa.^,) CHAKLOTTEN STRASSE, DUSSELDORF. GERMANY Copyright 11/15 by the Jones & Lamson Machine Company Springfield, Vermont, U. S. A. THE HOME OF THE FLAT TURRET LATHE HE frontispiece of this section gives a Summer and a Winter view of Springfield, Vermont, the home of the Flat Turret Lathe. In the foreground may be seen the buildings of the Jones & Lamson Machine- Company, in which all of the Flat Turret Lathes now running in this country were built. In the lower corner, with a snow bank for a background, is shown the present form of Plat Turret Lathe, to which the following pages are devoted. The P'lat Turret Lathe was the first ma- chine for rapidly doing general lathe work and the first machine for accurately turning long, slender work without use of centers. Before its introduction there was no means for rapidly and accurately turning bar work having a length over ten or more times its diameter. The working length of the original Flat Turret Lathe was 24 inches, and although this was a desirable feature, the strongest point in making friends was its simplicity and convenience of design, which made it possible to quickly adjust it for any kind of work within its limits, its product being true beyond the average product of the engine lathe and in quantity from three to ten times as great. Since 1891 we have developed with care each feature of this machine and now illus- trate its present form, which has already met with even greater favor than anticipated. FIFTY YEARS' PROGRESS HE evolution of the Turret Lathe has been the result of work of many men and many compa- nies, but this Company has made some of the important improvements. The principal steps of our fifty years' work are illustrated on the following page and may be summarized as follows : 1855 We made the first turret machine known to us, having mechanism for auto- matically turning the turret. 1858 We produced the present form of high turret with the turret-turning mechanism the same as the one now in universal use. 1870 One of the links in the chain of evolution, showing an automatic chuck. 1882 The first clutch back-geared ma- chine. 1886 The same in more symmetrical form. 1891 The first Flat Turret Lathe. 1904 The first Flat Turret Lathe with cross sliding head. INTRODUCTORY VER since the introduction of the Flat Turret Lathe in 1891, it has had a steadily increasing sale and a corresponding develop- ment. The noticeable change in appearance, as now shown, is chiefly due to the new form of bed and the new cross sliding head. It is the same old machine taking on an outward shape that conforms to the growth and development of the internal mechanism. For many years our entire plant has been exclusively devoted to the manufacture of the Flat Turret Lathe and its equipment of tools, and we have enjoyed the reputation of being the only machine tool builders making only one machine, and that in only one size. During these years we have de- veloped several modified forms of this type of machine. Many of these have long been running on our own work. The present machine embodies the desirable features which have been thoroughly tested and 74 developed in these various machines, com- bined with the standard features of the now celebrated Flat Turret Lathe. We now offer the machine in two sizes for .both bar and chucking work. OUR METHOD OF SELLING E sell only to the user, and have no other agents or offices than those given on page 67 for the various countries named. In the United States and Great Britain we have our own traveling representatives whose time is wholly devoted to the Flat Turret Lathe. A personal inspection of your work by a specialist thoroughly versed in this branch of lathe work may be had within one or two days by wiring us, provided your plant is located in the British Isles or in the manufacturing States bordering on or east of the Mississippi and north of North Caro- lina and Tennessee. Since we have our own representatives in this field, you are placed under no obli- gations to us by making a request for such an inspection and report or proposition. There can be no uncertainty about price, for we quote a fixed price only, and any one may know our prices. We make free delivery to nearly all points, and send without charge an operator to instruct your workman in the use of the machine, thus relieving you of all responsi- bility, except that you agree to accept and pay for the machine and equipment if we fulfill our guarantee. The Flat Turret Lathe is made by no other maker in America. There are over 3000 now running; therefore, there is no uncertainty about this being the machine. It is either called the Hartness Flat Turret or the Jones & Lamson Flat Turret, but it is always the " Flat Turret." The present machine is protected by many American, British and German patents. JONES & LAMSON MACHINE COMPANY SPRINGFIELD, VERMONT, U. S. A. 97 QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, ENGLAND DESCRIPTION HE Flat Turret Lathe, like all other lathes, consists of the three important parts: (i) The head stock, having the work- holding spindle, the pulley for receiving the power for driving spindle and the necessary intermediate gears for obtaining requisite reduction and variations of speed of spindle ; (2) the tool-holding carriage ; and (3) a frame or bed with guide ways for carriage. It differs from all other lathes and turret lathes in the construction of these parts as follows : FIRST The head stock is mounted on guideways running across the machine in- stead of being affixed to the bed. It con- tains the necessary gears and clutches for producing all the changes of speed. SECOND The carriage carries a flat circular plate-shaped tool holder, from which the lathe takes its name of Flat Turret. THIRD The frame or bed is one single casting formed with guideways which run lengthwise for the carriage and crosswise for the head stock. The lower part of the bed casting serves as a receptacle for chips and oil. The reasons for departing from the well- established form of lathe have been set forth in the chapter on Evolution. The advantages will be readily understood after glancing at the following pages, which show the working range and details of construc- tion, the whole combination resulting in a machine that is always in absolute readiness any hour of any day to make any piece of work of any shape quickly and accurately and to turn out work in lots of from two or three to a thousand pieces of a kind with turret lathe speed and accuracy of a well- handled engine lathe. Turret lathe efficiency and engine lathe accuracy are our best terms, but to one who has carefully considered this subject these terms are unsatisfactory. 79 Front View of the 2 x 24-inch Hartness Flat Turret Lathe with Cross Sliding Head, Equipped for Bar Work THE Hartness Flat Turret Lathe with cross sliding head is made in two sizes, and may be furnished with an equipment of tools for either bar work or chuck work, or a double equipment for both bar and chuck work. The smaller machine (above shown) is called the 2x24, and when equipped with the automatic die outfit of tools it turns out the same work as the original 2 x 24, ex- cepting that the hole through the spindle is now made 2|4 inches instead of 2^ inches. For various details of working range and outfit for bar work, see pages 84 to 93. Itemized outfit, pages 190 to 193. This machine, equipped for chuck work, is described on pages 88 to 93. See also pages 132 to 189. The machine may be ordered with either the chucking or bar outfit, and supplied later with the other outfit, if for any reason the machine should be changed from bar to chuck work, or vice versa. Since the chuck- ing outfit is comparatively inexpensive, it is frequently ordered with the bar outfit of one or more machines of a lot, so that at least one machine may be used on short notice for chuck work. Front of 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe with Cross Sliding Head, Equipped for Bar Work THE machine shown above, and on op- posite page, is the 3 x 36-inch size. It is shown in these three views arranged to handle full bars of stock up to 3 inches in diameter, turning pieces up to 36 inches in length of the class of work shown on the following pages. It may also be equipped for chuck work up to 14 inches in diameter, and is illustrated and described as a chuck- ing machine on pages 132 to 189. Itemized outfits on pages 194 to 197. This machine may be ordered with either the chucking or bar-working outfit of tools, Back of 3 x 36-inch Flat Turret Lathe with Cross Sliding Head, Equipped for Bar Work 3 x 36-inch Lathe with Motor Drive. It may be driven from countershaft overhead if desired and supplied later with the other outfit. Since the chucking outfit is comparatively inexpensive it should be ordered with the bar. WORKING RANGE THE work shown on this page and on page 86 is the product of the Flat Turret Lathe with the automatic die outfit (outfit I)). In the 2x24 machine this outfit turns all diameters up to 2^ inches, and all lengths up to 24 inches, and cuts all U. S. standard screws from 3/% to \ l / inches, inclusive, by sixteenths. (Whitworth, Metric or V standard furnished if desired.) 8 4 Items of outfits on pages 190 to 193. The same kind of work is turned out by the 3x36 with automatic die outfit, which turns diameters from 3 inches down, and lengths up to 36 inches, and cuts screw threads from i to 2 inches, inclusive, U. S. standard. (Whitworth, Metric or V standard furnished if desired.) Items of outfits on pages 198 to 201. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT In addition to the outfit D, the 2-inch die may be furnished for the 2 x 24, and the 3-inch die for the 3 x 36 machine. The 2 x 24 machine is also made for turning 42 inches in length. Bar Work. Samples of pieces made from the bar Bar Work. Samples of pieces made from the bar MULTI-STOP AND DOUBLE TURNERS FIG. i illustrates the advantage of the double stop for each position of the turret, and the double adjustment of each turner. This piece has six finished diam- eters and six shoulders, and is turned by only three turners, which occupy only three positions on the turret. This not only leaves the remaining positions free for other tools, but it saves the operator the time and energy required to run the turret slide back each time. All this is obtained without complication, and without introducing any features that are annoying when not in use. In addition to the double stop for each of the six positions of the turret, we have an extra stop, consisting of a pin which may be dropped into any one of the six holes at the rear of turret slide. This makes it possible to borrow five extra stops for any one of the tools, and gives to this tool seven length or shoulder stops, and leaves one stop for each of the remaining tools. The illustrations, Figs. 2 and 3, give examples of what one tool can do in this machine on chuck work, when we take advantage of the seven length stops and the seven shoulder stops of the cross-feed head. Of course, in general practice three or four stops for one tool is all that will be needed, but since the modern cutting steels have greater durability, there is nothing lost by giving each tool all the work it can do. Outer face and all shoulders and diame- ters may be accurately finished to independ- ent stops by one tool. When roughing and finishing cuts are required, the roughing tool can be set near enough to use the same stops that are accurately set for the finishing tool. When an extra tool is used to give a roughing cut it is set as indicated by dotted lines in Figs. 2 and 3. We find it difficult to illustrate all of the classes of work that can be turned out by this machine, but a little thought will suggest many forms that may be readily handled in bar and chucking work, both steel and cast-iron, on account of the many provisions for bringing both turret and cross slide up to fixed stops, either by power feed or by hand. BARTLETT * CO., N.Y. Q hfi rA 1= 93 Front and Back Views of Turret with Tools for Kar Outfit TURRET DESCRIPTION THE turret is a flat circular plate ; it is mounted on a low carriage containing controlling mechanism. The connections of the turret to the carriage, and the carriage to the lathe bed, are the most direct and rigid, affording absolute control of the cutting tools. The turret is accurately surfaced to its seat on the carriage by scrap- ing, and securely held down on that seat by an annular gib. In the same manner the carriage is fitted to the V's of the bed ; the gibs pass under the outside edge of the bed. The index pin is located directly under the working tool, and so close to it that there can be no lost motion between the tool and the locking pin. The turret is turned automatically to each position the instant the tool clears the work on its back- ward travel, and it is so arranged that by raising and lowering trip screws near the center of the turret, it may be turned to three, four or five of the six places without making any other stops. A simple, accurate stop mechanism for the turret slide provides twelve independ- ently adjustable stops, two for each of the six positions of the turret, or any other division required by the operator. These stops connect with the twelve flat stop bars clamped side by side in the groove in top of the bed. For more detailed description see page 222 on operating in- structions. TY& feeding mechanism for the turret slide and the cross-feeding head receives its power through a speed-varying device which is under the convenient control of the hand wheel at head end of bed. One revolution of this wheel gives the full range of feeds, from drilling feed of 120 per inch to coarse turning feed of 10 per inch, and every intermediate speed. A spring tore weighing device on the feed rod gives the pulling power of this feed mechanism a known value. This device yields at a certain predetermined pressure. In operation ; the fraf|i(igp p jfe until it reaches one of the stops, against which it is held by this pressure till dis- engaged by the operator.-: -Arresting O feed without releasing the carriage .give-s-fhe tool a chance to accurately face the shoulder, leaving a smooth surface instead of the ragged face left when carriage is released under full cut. It has been the practice heretofore to arrange the positive stop a thirty-second of an inch beyond the knock-off for the feed, and in the usual operation of a machine of this kind the feed knocks off, and then the turret slide, released, jumps back, and the tool digs in, cutting a slight groove just back of the shoulder. When on work re- quiring exact shoulder distances or smoothly- finished shoulders, the operator brings the slide against the positive stop, holding it there with as nearly as possible uniform pressure until the turner has surely faced its full length. In the present machine the turret is always fed against the positive stop and held there with a uniform pressure, insuring the most accurate results for shoulder length. The feed reversing for turret slide is effected by use of a worm with right and left- hand threads, either of which may be en- gaged at will. CROSS-SLIDING HEAD THE distinctive feature of the original Flat Turret Lathe was the fiat, plate- shaped tool holder from which the lathe took its name. The original work-holding head stock possessed many distinctive features, such as the automatic chuck and roller feed, but it contained the now nearly obsolete cone pulley drive and back gear scheme. In the present machine we have combined an ideal scheme of speed regulation with many other desirable features. The cross-feeding feature of the head grew out of our desire to get the best form of self-contained speed variator. After try- ing several combinations and positions, we found it best to arrange all the shafting and gearing in a horizontal plane, so that the lower half of these running parts could be submerged in oil to insure perfect lubrication. This determined the adoption of a shallow, pan-shaped frame for the head stock, into which were placed all the clutches and Main Spindle with Automatic Chuck and Roller Feed for Bar Workj and Showing Main Bearing bearings, including main spindle bearings. The natural form of bed for holding this head stock made the way open to give the head stock a cross travel, which we had long realized was a most desirable feature. A most fortunate combination was the result. We not only obtained a most com- pact and symmetrical machine, but in one machine we succeeded in getting practically all of the features made desirable by present-day conditions. The sliding head stock is securely gibbed to guideways running across the machine, thus giving the work-carrying spindle a cross feed relative to the turret, or, in other words, providing a cross feed for each tool. The value of this feature is not only for chuck work, but for many other kinds of work. The single drive receives power at a constant speed and in one direction, and all of the changes for variation and direction of speed are obtained by clutches and gears between the power-receiving shaft and the spindle. Since the pulley receiving the power is driven at a constant speed, it may be belted to countershaft above or to a constant-speed electric motor on the floor at the head of the machine. The motor requires only our compensating base to maintain even tension of the belt. No controller is nee- Cross-feeding Head, showing the Rotary Sto Containing Ten Stops p Holder essary, only a starting box, and since we do not vary the motor speed, it is not necessary to provide a motor four times the nominal size to compensate for loss of power due to reduced speed. Since we use belt connec- tion, any kind of motor may be used, thus avoiding the delay incident to getting a given type of motor. The new high-speed steels tax the running bearings of a machine to their limit, and to meet this we have used bronze bearings for the driving shafts, and all of these bearings get a continual shower of oil when running, for they are enclosed in the chamber formed by the shallow, pan-shaped head stock and its lid. The cross-sliding head is provided with ten stops carried in a revolving holder, which is turned at will by the operator. Sliding Head Stock with and without Cover. Pulley shaft is driven at constant speed and in one direction only. All changes of speed effected by two lower levers at right-hand side, the reversing by lever at left-hand side, to which shipper bar is attached. The upper lever at right actuates the auto- matic chuck and roller feed AUTOMATIC CHUCK (PATENTED) THE automatic chuck and roller feed handle the rough bars of round, square, octagon, hexagon and flat stock, presenting a new length and gripping it while the machine is running. The automatic chuck is one of the essential features of the machine in its equipment for turning work from full lengths of bars. Its strong and unyielding grip gives a rigid presentation of the work, which is of para- mount importance. The jaws are of unbreakable form and may be readily made for any size or shape of material within the spindle's capacity. All sizes, from 2/ / 2-inch down to ^-inch in the 2 x 24 machine, and from 3-inch down to i -inch in the 3 x 36 machine, and any of the above-mentioned shapes, may be held by the jaws furnished in automatic die outfits of tools. Special attention is called to the superior construction of this chuck for handling rough bars of stock. This chuck is used in connection with the roller feed, which is described on the next two pages. ROLLER FEED STOCK-FEEDING devices come and go, but this, the original revolving roller feed, seems destined to stay. Each year some- thing new is tried, only to be found unsatis- factory. As the matter stands now, there seems to be no other suitable power roller feed obtainable. Roller Feed Roller Feed The roller feed pushes the bar through the spindle and chuck till the end strikes the stock stop on carriage ; then the rolls slip till the chuck is closed. It is started into action by the same lever and motion that opens the chuck. Its friction rolls are held in contact with the bar of stock by- stiff springs. It is the only roller feed that is actuated by the power of the machine, for feeding round, square and hexagon bars. TURNERS AND CUTTERS OUTFIT D THIS turner is the result of the natural development of the original turner around which the Flat Turret Lathe was designed. Experience has proven that this cutter and means of holding and adjusting it are the best. The present turner is provided with a double adjustment for both the cutter and back rest, but it has lost none of its original convenience and simplicity, and may now be used for turning only one diameter without any inconvenience from extra adjustment. We retain our quick means for withdrawing the cutter and back rest for opening the turner when passing over a larger diameter. The cutter is of rough i-inch by y> -inch high-speed steel, is held in the pivoted tool block of forged steel, which in turn is accurately fitted to the hollow frame. 108 Groups of Turners and Cutters, Outfit D (Small Size) 109 The adjustment of the cutter is effected by two screws arranged side by side. These screws take bearing against cams on cam shaft, which is controlled by a handle similar to that used in a machinist's bench vise. These cams are diametrically opposite, so that either may be brought into action by a half turn of the handle. The back rests are controlled by a double latch in order to obtain the double adjustment. The hollow frame serves as a conduit for the oil which enters the base of the frame through the turret. The oblong opening in the frame over the cutting tool delivers a ^^^i large, slowly-moving stream ljk ^t JB of oil directly on the cut- ting edge. Cross Slide and Tool Holder The turret cross slide is made very compact. The sliding tool block is closely fitted and gibbed to the base, which is bolted securely to the turret. A long lever and a small pinion furnish means for feeding the cross-slide tools. The sliding surface is so close to the work that its slight necessary amount of looseness is never greater at the tool point. This slide is used as a cut-off, also for holding broad tool, especially when the latter is to be used near the outer end of a long and slender piece. For such broad tool work on a slender shaft a supporting bushing is fitted to the hole in upright. The tool holder furnishes convenient means for holding drill chucks, reamers, taps, etc. C F The only Flat Turret Lathe. The only turret lathe having cross-sliding head. The only turret gibbe^at the x^uter edge. The only turret having locking pin directly under the working tool. The only turret slide having double stops for each position of the turret. The only single-drive turret lathe. The only turret lathe in which all speeds and feeds are instantly obtainable. The only practical drive for either electric or countershaft drive. The only machine with universal outfit of tools for either bar or chucking work. No cross slide between turret and work ; hence the tools may be made much shorter and stiffer than where it is necessary to over-reach an intermediate cross slide or carriage. Seven of the twelve turret stops may be used for one of the tools. Turret stops operate in either direction. Feeding and stop mechanism accurately measure the pressure with which the turret slide is brought against the positive stop, thus insuring accurate shoulder work. No troublesome oil pipe and no swing joints. All spindle driving gears, etc., partially sub- merged in oil. All bearings hung to insure perfect alignment. Cover of head conveniently removable. Adjust- ment of frictions outside of head. Clutch scheme gives three speeds for each lever : fast at one side ; medium at opposite extreme position ; and when in middle position, with both fast and medium clutches disengaged, the slow- moving silent ratchet engages and carries it along, giving the third speed. Turret turns automatically to the position desired, skipping other positions. Figures that tell. Swing only 12 and 14 inches ; turret diameters, 16 and 18 inches ; spindte outside diameter, 4 inches. Lathe rests on three-point bearing. An unsteady or unnatural foundation will not twist the bed. The only turners having double size turning adjustments. The only turners in which the tool and back rest may be quickly withdrawn without disturbing the adjustment. The only turning tools that do not overhang. 114 The only machine in which the stock stop operates at the back end of travel. The only turret lathe taking a cut on long work from, instead of toward, the chuck ; and this is the only method of turning long work true. Oil flows in large, slowly moving stream through the turret and hollow frame of the turner that is in working position ; not in a little stream, sputtering at high pressure. Automatic chuck grips any shape of square, round or hexagon up to the spindle capacity. Double adjustment of turners, combined with double turret stops, greatly reduces total travel of turret slide. The only turret in which index locking pin for the turret is nearly as far from center of turret as the point of the turning tool. In other machines the slight necessary looseness at turret center and locking pin allows from tw r o to more times the movement at the tool point, which is more than twice the distance from turret center. No mechanic would expect to get very accurate control by an index wheel one-fourth to one-fifth the diameter of the work. Other turrets are of comparatively small diameter. Each tool travels the length of its own cut only. On account of the double adjustment of both turners and turret stops the machine may be interrupted while running on one kind of work, and with the extra stops set for a new piece, it can turn out an entirely different piece without disturbing the adjustment for the first piece ; or, if only one extra piece is required, all of the stops may be held out of position without change of adjustment. DIE CLAIMS The only interchangeable automatically opening die for turret lathes. The only die for which each chaser is separately milled by a large free cutting mill. The only lead controlling die. The only chaser in which there is an error of only one hardening. 116 SCREW THREADS N the original development of the Turret Lathe for accurate lathe work, the greatest obstacle to our progress was the means formerly employed for cutting and measuring screws. Die-cut threads were never correct in lead, and seldom of good shape. Lathe-cut or chased threads were found to have an error in lead averaging one-thirty-second of an inch in twelve inches when cut by new lathes, and much greater error when produced by old lathes. On account of errors in lead and shape, neither the die nor lathe-cut screws could be measured. The so-called screw gauge used would tell how a screw would " feel " in a hole of 117 the same length as the gauge, but would never tell how it fitted. The die described has a lead error of less than one-sixty-fourth in eighteen inches ; produces a shape of thread accurate beyond measure, making it possible for the first time to measure screw threads by the use of the ordinary micrometer, ring or snap gauge. We believe this marks a most important step in the advancement of accurate machine construction. A full explanation follows, making very clear how such results are obtained. 1.8 GENERAL DESCRIPTION THE Hartness Automatic Die, shown herewith, is supplied in three sizes, viz. : No. i, for cutting screw threads from ^\ inch to y? inch in diameter; No. 3, for screw threads from % inch to i^ inches in diameter ; No. 6, for screw threads from i inch to 2 inches in diameter, and No. 9 for screw threads from i ^ to 3 inches diameter. Right or left-hand chasers are supplied as required for cutting United States Standard, Whitworth Standard, V, Acme and pipe threads ; also, the various fine threads in customary use. It was designed expressly for the Flat Turret Lathe, but may be used in any of the existing screw machines or turret lathes by change of shank. It opens automatically when the travel of its holder or shank is retarded. The cam for controlling the chasers takes bearing directly over and very close to the cutting strains, hence there is no chance for the chaser to get away from its work by canting or tipping. This insures straight work, which has seldom been done by other forms of automatic dies. The connection between the shank and the body of the die is a double universal joint allowing the die to assume any position required by the work. This connection remains perfectly flexible under the greatest torsional strain of cutting, and provides a Hartness Automatic Die and Its Parts A Group of Hartness Automatic Dies compensation for the slight but important change of alignment that takes place in all turret machines as soon as a die begins to cut. The latch pin which holds the cam in close adjustment is provided with two latch surfaces, one for a roughing cut and the other for a finishing cut. Turning the latch half way around changes it from one to the other without disturbing the principal adjustment for size, \yith this feature smooth screw threads can be cut when the lead is very coarse. It is seldom used on standard threads below i inch in diameter. Every part of the die is made either from open-hearth or tool steel, the lathe work being done exclusively on the Flat Turret Lathe, and all other operations by special machinery. It is perfectly interchangeable throughout. LEAD-CONTROLLING FEATURE THE process of forming the chaser teeth is such that the front or working teeth have an ideal cutting clearance, while the back teeth have no clearance, but instead take bearing on the work a trifle back of the face of the chaser, forming substantially a lead nut which rides on the thread produced by the front teeth, thus governing the lead of the screw. These chaser teeth are formed by special milling machines provided with means for recording to a nicety all angles and positions of approach of work to cutters, so that an absolute knowledge of the clearance and contact of each tooth is possessed. Each chaser is milled separately, insuring a perfect interchangeability. The milling cutters used are 2^ inches in diameter, regardless of the size of the screw to be cut by the chasers. These cutters are formed in backing-off lathes and possess an ideal clearance. When in use the faces of their cutting teeth are ground frequently, thus maintaining the correct degree of rake and a keen cutting edge ; they take a clean cut without any of the burnishing or rubbing action which always accompanies the nobbing or tapping of dies. The importance of this feature is appreciated after the dies have returned from the hardening process. Since the metal in the chaser teeth has been undisturbed by the cutting process, and only the extreme edge hardened, leaving the soft back very near to the edge, no appreciable change of form takes place. In the process of hardening other dies the compressed or burnished metal which has been squeezed into shape by the hobbing or tapping action is quick to assume a more natural position, and this results in a distorted die. Our method does not depend on the accuracy of the lead screw of a lathe in which hobs, taps and mills for producing dies are made, neither are we affected by the change in hardening of such tools. All other methods have at least the errors of two hardenings and one lead screw. We correct in the milling machine all errors excepting the final hardening of the chaser, which takes place under such ideal condi- tions that we cut a practically perfect screw. The error in lead is less than -g\ in 18 inches in screws of standard pitch, and when cutting threads of fine pitches, a propor- tionate accuracy of lead is maintained. To obtain a full appreciation of the comparative minuteness of this error it is only necessary to measure with a good scale the lead of the best taps on the market, the lead screws of engine lathes and the screws cut by other dies, any of which will show errors from four to ten times as great. In view of these facts we consider our die practically perfect in its lead-controlling features. If greater accuracy of lead is required than that found in our regular stock chasers, we are prepared to furnish, at a special price, chasers having lead errors not exceeding Tl j\n ^ an mc ^ ' in l & i ncnes - GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR USING IF the lead of the work produced does not correspond to the nut into which it is fitted, do not condemn the die, but measure the lead of both the work and the taps with a scale, providing you can get both in length of 4 or 6 inches. It is practically impossible to make taps that will lead accurately on account of varying results in hardening. This element of uncertainty is eliminated in this die, as explained on the two preceding pages. The error in lead of taps is usually so great that it is plainly visible on i or 1% inches of length. A scale placed on tops of teeth will show at the even inches the error, and at the i^- inch graduations if the pitch is an even number to the inch. Fifty per cent, of the taps now in use should be discarded When you order new taps ask the maker to select taps of good lead, and if necessary pay an extra price for getting the cream. It will be worth it if you want good work. Measure the diameter of the taps and see that there are no burrs or fins in bottom of thread to spoil shape of thread in the work. The so called thread gauges, in the form of a circular nut, though nicely finished and hardened pieces of steel with an internal thread, are very misleading. All that has been said in the foregoing regarding the impossibility of making correct lead dies is equally true of these gauges. Furthermore, such gauges wear in directions for which an adjustment cannot be made. A more unreliable gauge could hardly be invented. The three distinct dimensions of a screw thread should be measured separately. The shape and lead should be measured when the die is made ; in other words, the die should cut a correct shape and lead ; then the third dimension, the diameter, should be measured when the die commences on a lot of screws, and occasionally thereafter. The thread may be measured by the ordinary micrometer, snap or ring gauge, taking the diameter at the top of the thread. As the die becomes badly worn, the lead should be measured occasionally. This can be done by cut- ting a thread 6 or 1 2 inches long and measuring it with a good scale, remembering that all scales may " look alike " and yet not be the same in length ; hence get a good scale. The various forms of screw lead-measuring de- vices may be used with economy of time and material, but such gauges should be handled with special care and occa- sionally compared by the foregoing method. THE FLAT TURRET CHUCKING LATHE UST as the original Flat Turret Lathe was the first machine to be equipped with an outfit of conveniently adjustable tools for bar work, so now with the present machine we have provided a universal outfit of tools for chuck work. The many illustrations of chucking tools and conditions under which they work will carry conviction that we have not fallen short of our established record, to use only the most practical and efficient tools held under the most rigid control and in conveniently adjustable holders. When we say chuck work, we do not mean merely the process of boring a rough hole in a piece of work to be reamed else- where and after that to be pushed on an arbor and turned in some other machine, but we mean finishing the work shown by our accompanying sketches, in which every pos- sible cut is taken that can be taken, and still leave means for holding the piece. Front View of the 14-inch Suing Flat Turret Chucking Lathe with Cross-feeding Head. This same machine with auto- matic chuck and roller feed and tools for bar work is called the 3 x 36-inch. When our 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe is equipped for chucking, it is called the 1 2-inch Flat Turret Chucking Lathe with Cross-feeding Head 33 Just as in the past we restricted our working dimensions to a 2-inch spindle hole, so now in this machine we restrict our chucking swing to 12 and 14 inches; but in doing so, we furnish a machine that can- not be equaled by any other machine. The simplicity of our entire scheme makes it possible to retain for our entire range of work our claim made for the original machine, viz., we can make one piece quicker than it is possible to make it in an engine lathe, and if two pieces or more are required our systems of stops make a convenient and quick means for accurate duplication. The ten stops for the cross-feed head, combined with the dozen stops for the turret, and the turning and boring tools, all of the simplest and stiffest construction, make this machine ready to begin work as soon as it is supplied with the driving power. It is not only ready to begin work on the work for which it may have been purchased, but Back View of the 1 4-inch Swing Flat Turret Chucking Lathe with Cross-feeding Head. This same machine with auto- matic chuck and roller feed and tools for bar work is called the 3 x 36-inch. When our 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe is equipped for chucking, it is called the 1 2-inch Flat Turret Chucking Lathe with Cross-feeding Head. '35 Front Views of Turret with Chucking Outfit Tools in Position 136 Showing Large Boring Bar 2 x 24-inch Flat Turret Lathe ( 12-inch Chucking Machine) Showing a piece of work in the chuck and one of the boring tools in a holder on the turret 137 Showing Stability of Work and Tool Control 138 it is supplied with a set of tools that will take care of any similar piece any hour or any day in the future ; and, notwithstanding this universality, adaptability and efficiency, our tools and work are brought together under the most rigid control and under ideal conditions never before attained in a lathe. All the shears and running surfaces are protected from the dust of cast-iron, so that the machine may be used for either steel work in which oil is used, or for cast-iron chucking. The drawings on pages 140 to 189, in- clusive, are intended to show some of the results of giving the lathe head stock a cross travel. For compactness the work is shown at each turret tool, but it will be understood that the turret turns to present each tool to the work and that the travel of the turret carriage lengthwise, combined with the cross travel of the work-carrying head stock and the turning of the turret, bring all the necessary changes of position of work and tools. r x Q o ^ < X 2 o? Z r~ sis fe? z - z X Q o uj < X J. X II CO 1. z O X Q ^X S w -411- dl iu 5 F fr V 48 2 i Finished in One Operation ^ M V O < I of lard oil in cutting tenacious irons and steels. The so-called cutting oils and com- pounds of soda and oil give good results on brittle material only. Nothing less than lard oil that is lard oil should be used in cutting the general run of Bessemer and open- 237 hearth steels, as well as tenacious irons, as they are found on the market, for these metals will average tough and hard. If the same purse pays for the labor and tools that pays for tbe oil, there is no saving in buying a cheap oil, whether it is called lard oil or some more truthful name. To Resharpen the dies grinding must be done very sparingly. Grind the least possible amount off the face ; do the princi- pal grinding in the throat of the die. This, of course, carries back the cutting edge into the die so far that it is impossible to cut close to a large shoulder. If the work requires cutting close to a small shoulder, the chasers may be ground back enough to admit that shoulder. Some grinding must be done on the face of the die, as it wears back to the last threads, but it should be done with great care. In grinding the throat, do not follow the curved lines of the teeth in order to obtain the correct clearance, for the teeth were produced by a mill 2^ 238 inches in diameter; following this shape would give too much clearance. Don't change the angle of chamfer ; it is better to be guided by the wearing of the die. See that each chaser is ground an equal amount, either by gauge or by bringing the teeth only to a cutting edge. Ordering Parts. The chaser and all other parts of the dies are made by special machinery and are perfectly interchangeable ; any one of the standard chasers may be duplicated from stock, and special chasers on short notice, providing you give in your order all the letters and numbers appearing on the chaser. Chasers may be sent by mail. When ordering other repair parts please use list number of piece given on pages 240 and 241, and always state size of die head. The head which has capacity for threads up to 2 inches diameter is called No. 6, the i ^-inch capacity No. 3 (cut on page 241 illustrates parts of our later pattern i^-inch die, No. 4), and the ^-inch capacity No. i. PVB A O Parts of Nos. 3 and 6 Dies Parts of No. 4 Die 241 TRAVELING DIRECTIONS FOR VISITORS Our entire plant is open to those interested enough to come to see us. Springfield, Vermont, the home of the Flat Turret Lathe, is located near the Connecticut River just north of Bellows Falls. It is reached by a modern freight and passenger electric railway which connects with the Connecticut River Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad at Charlestown, New Hampshire. The electric railway cars meet all trains, including the midnight, and take the trav- elers directly to the office and works of the Jones & Lamson Machine Company, which is located on the electric line, three minutes' walk from the terminus. The Adnabrown Hotel, at the end of the railway, is of course ready to receive guests at any hour. Travelers from Boston come via the Fitch- burg Division of Boston & Maine Railroad 242 through to Bellows Falls, at which junction they change cars to the Connecticut River Division for an eight-mile ride north to Charlestown, where an electric car will be found awaiting the train. Visitors from New York come to Spring- field, Mass., over the New Haven Road, and change there to the Connecticut River trains, which run north through the beautiful Connecticut Valley to Charlestown, New Hampshire. In the summer season White Mountain trains run without change from New York through Charlestown. The trip takes six to eight hours from New York and from four to four and one- half hours from Boston. Travelers from the West, if coming via the New York Central Railroad, generally continue to Springfield, Mass., over the Boston & Albany Division, or take the Fitchburg Railroad through the Hoosick "Tunnel to Greenfield, Mass., the junction with the Connecticut River Railroad. 243 CONTENTS Evolution of the machine shop Diagrams showing cutting action Address of Jones & Lamson offices . Home of the Flat Turret Lathe Our record ...... Introduction Our selling method .... The flat turret, general description Illustrations of 2 x 24 and 3 x 36-inch machines ..... Working range Multi-stop and Double Turners . Turret Feeding mechanism .... Cross-sliding head .... Automatic chuck .... Roller feed Turner for bar work .... Turret cross slide .... Our claims Screw threads and automatic die Lead control Accurate screw cutting Chucking machines .... Outfit of tools ....'. Taper turner Miscellaneous tools .... Setting-up directions and operation . Parts of dies Traveling directions .... 1-56 57- 64 67 69, 70 7i- 73 74> 75 76, 77 78, 79 80- 83 84, 85 87- 93 95 96 96-98 98-103 104, 105 106, 107 108-110 III, 112 113-116 117-122 123-126 127-131 132-189 190-197 198, 199 200-203 204-239 240, 241 242, 243 Ik PROFLETY 1 Bartlett & Company The Orr Press New York UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBR^ BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped b LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES