UC-NRLF T II I: NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY, z . XOHTII AMERICA : \VEST INDIES to gepattwent^, with .un ^ Issued with the Proceedings of the Ess-'-x Insi. ' i.t. Vol. V SALKM, MASS. rruu>n;:jt i;v TIM ESSEX JN>; iseV ts 412. Lieut. Col. J. H. SIMPSON, U. S. Army. North American. 413. Lieut. Col. LORENZO SITGREAVES, U. S. Engineers. North American. 414. ALEXANDER S. TAYLOR, Santa Barbara, Cal. Californian. 415. Col. GEORGE THOM, U. S. Engineers. North American. 41G. Bv't Brig. Gen. STEWART VAN VLIET, U. S. Army. North American. 417. Maj. Gen. G. K. WARREN, U. S. Engineers. North American. 418. WALTER WELLS, Portland, Me. General. 419. Prof. J. D. WHITNEY (State Geologist of California), North- ampton, Mass., or San Francisco, Cal. North American. 420. Major R. S. WILLIAMSON, U. S. Engineers, San Francisco, Cal. North American. 421. Lieut. Col. I. C. WOODRUFF, U. S. Engineers. North American. 422. Maj. Gen. H. G. WRIGHT, U. S. Engineers. North American. 21 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 423-443 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 423. Prof. HARRISON ALLEN (Professor of Comparative Anatomy, University of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa. 424. Prof. H. JAMES CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa, Invertebrates. 425. Prof. JOHN C. DALTON (Professor of Physiology and Micro- scopic Anatomy, Columbia College ; Professor of Physiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons), New York, N. Y. 426. Dr. JOHN DEAN, Boston, Mass. 427. Prof. JOHN C. DRAPER (Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of New York ; Professor of Natural History and Physiology, New York Free Academy), New York, N. Y. 428. Prof. AUSTIN FLINT, jr. (Professor of Physiology, Belle vue Hospital), New York, N. Y. 429. Dr. WM. A. HAMMOND, No. 162, West Thirty-fourth street, New York, N. Y. 430. Prof. EDWARD HITCHCOCK (Professor of Hygeine and Physical Education, Amherst College), Amherst, Mass. 431. Dr. JULIUS HOMBERGER (Editor, American Journal of Opthal- mology), No. 39, West Twenty-third street, New York, N. Y. 432. Prof. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON (Professor of Anatomy and Physi- ology, University of Maryland), Baltimore, Md. 433. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Pennsylvania; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia), No. 1302, Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. 434. Dr. J. S. LOMBARD (Assistant Professor of Physiology, Medi- cal School of Harvard University), Boston, Mass. 435. Prof. MANLY MILES (Professor of Animal Physiology and Prac- tical Agriculture, State Agricultural College), Lansing, Mich. 436. Dr. S. WEIR MITCHELL, Academy of Natural Sciences, or No. 1332; Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. 437. GEORGE SCEVA, Townsend, Mass. [New York, N. Y. 438. Prof. J. CRESSON STILES (Professor of Physiology, ). 439. Dr. HENRY WHEATLAND (Secretary, Treasurer and Curator of Camparative Anatomy, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. 440. Dr. J. C. WHITE (Curator of Comparative Anatomy and Mam- malogy, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. 441. Dr. B. G. WILDER (Curator of Herpetology, Boston Society of Natural History ), No. 54, Bowdoin street, Boston, Mass. 442. Dr. RUFUS WOODWARD (President, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. 443. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University; President, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. 444-456 VBG. PHYSIOLOGY. HISTOLOGY* EMBRYOLOGY. 22 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. 444. Prof. S. W. JOHNSON (Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. 445. JOHN H. KLIPPART, Columbus, Ohio. 446. S. B. McMiLLAK, East Fairfleld, Columbiana Co., Ohio. HISTOLOGY. 447. Prof. H. JAMES CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College) , Centre Co., Pa. 448. Prof. JOSEPH LTEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Pennsylvania ; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia), No. 1302, Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. 449. Prof. J. H. SALISBURY (Professor of Physiology, Histology and Cell Pathology, Charity Hospital Medical College), Cleveland, Ohio. 450. THEODORE A. TELLKAMPF, No. 142, West Fourth street, New York, N. Y. 451. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University ; President, Boston Society of Natural His- tory), Cambridge, Mass. EMBEYOLOGT, 452. A. E. R. AGASSIZ (Assistant, Museum of Comp. Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. 453. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Har- vard University ; Director and Curator, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. 454. Prof. H. JAMES CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. 455. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. 456. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University; President, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. . Y% .**. 23 MICROSCOPY. 457-483 MICBOSCOPY. *^V: fv/j ^ ^. V ^r-iv cr 457. Dr. GKORGE S. ALLAN, Newburgh, N, Y. 458. J. W. S. ARNOLD (Librarian, Microscopical Society), Nw-'/ York, N. Y. 459. Prof. L. W. BAILEY (Professor of Chemistry and Natural His- ' tory, University of New Brunswick), Fredericton, N. B. 440. MOSES Y. BEACH, Louisville, Ky. 461. EDWIN BICKNKL*, Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 462. Dr. STEPHEN W. BOWLES, Brattleborough, Vt. 463. Prof. W. H. BREWER (Professor of Agriculture, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. 464. Dr. RUFUS K. BROWNE .(Corresponding Secretary, American Microscopical Society), New York, N. Y. 465. Prof. H. JAMES CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. 466. Prof. ARTHUR S. COPEMAN (Professor of , New York College of Veterinary Surgeons), New York, N. Y. 467. CALEB COOKE,* Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 468. ROBERT DINWIDDIE (Vice President, American Microscopical Society), No. 79, West Twentieth street, New York, N. Y. 469. GEORGE DOBBIN, St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. 470. T. D'OREMIEULX (Treasurer, American Microscopical Society), No. 261, Greene street, New York, N. Y. 471. A. M. EDWARDS (President, American Microscopical Society), No. 49, Jane street, New York, N. Y. 472. JAMES H. EMERTON,* Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 473. CHRISTIAN FEBIGER, Wilmington, Del. 474. JOSEPH FENTON, Columbus, Ohio. 475. DAVID W. FERGUSON, New York, N. Y. 476. WILLIAM H. GARLICK, Cleveland, Ohio. 477. JNO. E. GAVIT (Vice President, American Microscopical So- ciety), No. 83, West Forty-third street and No. 142, Broadway, New York, N. Y. 478. RICHARD C. GREENLEAF, Boston, Mass. 479. T. F. HARRISON, New York, N. Y. 480. D. S. HINES, Brooklyn, N. Y. 481. Dr. J. H. HINTON (Recording Secretary, American Microscopi- cal Society), New York, N. Y. 482. WILLIAM E. HULBERT, Middletown, Ct. 483. WILLIAM W. HUSE, Brooklyn, N. Y. 484-503 MICROSCOPY. 24 484. ALPHEUS HYATT* (Curator of Mollusca, Boston Society of Natu- ral History; Curator of Palaeontology and Protozoa, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. 485. SAMUEL JACKSON (Curator, American Microscopical Society), New York, N. Y. 486. Dr. B. JOY JEFFRIES (Curator of Microscopy, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. 487. Prof. CHRISTOPHER JOHNSTON (Professor of Anatomy, Mary- land College), Baltimore, Md. 488. Dr. SAMUEL A. JONES, Englewood, N. J. 489. H. F. KING,* Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 490. Dr. JOHN KING, Cincinnati, Ohio. 491. Dr. F. W. LEWIS, Philadelphia, Pa. 492. THOMAS H. MCALLISTER, No. 49, Nassau street, New York, N. Y . 493. Prof. OGDEN N. ROOD (Professor of , Columbia Col- lege), New York, N. Y. 494. Dr. W. V. V. ROSA, Watertown, N. Y. 495. LEWIS M. RUTHERFORD, No. 175, Second Avenue, New York. N. Y. 496. H. F. SHEPARD,* Essex Institute. Salem, Mass. 497. Prof. HAMILTON L. SMITH (Professor of Natural History and Astronomy, Kenyon College), Gambier, Ohio. 498. T. W. STARR, Philadelphia, Pa. 499. CHARLES STODDER, No. 75, Kilby street, Boston, Mass. 500. CORNELIUS VAN BRUNT, Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. 501. BENJAMIN WEBB, jr.* Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. 502. Dr. M. C. WHITE, New Haven, Ct. 503. Dr. T. G. WORMLEY, Columbus, Ohio. *These gentlemen are Curators of the Microscopical Section of the Essex Institute. 25 BOTANY. 504-531 BOTANY, 504. Prof. WM. E. A, AIKIN (Professor of Chemistry, Baltimore University), Baltimore, McK North American. 505. W. P. ALCOTT, Andover, Mass. Local. 506. Miss. LIZZIE B. ALLEJS, Davenport, Iowa, Local* 507. Dr. T. F. ALLEN, New York, N. Y. North American. 508. Dr. C. L. ANDERSON, Santa Cruz, Cai. Nevada. 509. Dr. T. L. ANDREWS, Niagara Falls, N. Y, Californian. 510. Dr. T. L. ANTISELL, U. S. Army. Pacific Rail Road Route, 511. C. F. AUSTIN, Closter, Bergen Co., N. J. North American* Special, Hepaticce. 512. E. P. AUSTIN, Nautical Almanac Office, Washington, D. C, Michigan. 513. AUSTIN BACON, Natick, Mass. Local. 514. Dr. M. M. BAGG, Utica, N. Y. Local. 515. Prof. L. W. BAILEY (Professor of Chemistry and Natural His- tory, University of New Brunswick), Fredericton, N. B. Local. 516. VINCENT BARNARD, Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa. Local. 517. Dr. JACOB BARKATT, Middletown, Mass, Local. Special, Salices, 518. Dr. JOSEPH BATES, New Lebanon Spa, Columbia Co., N. Y. Local. 519. WM. J. BEAL (Teacher of Natural Sciences, Young Ladies' Col- legiate Institute), Union Springs, Cayuga Co., N. Y. North American. 520. Miss M. E. BEAUCHAMP, Skaneateles, N. Y. Local. 521. Rev. M. W. BEAUCHAMP, King's Ferry, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Local 522. M. S BEBB, Rockford, 111. North American. 523. JAMES L. BENNETT. Providence, R. I. Local. 524. Dr. JACOB BIGELOW, Boston, Mass. North American. 525. Dr. J. M. BIGELOW, Detroit, Mich. North American. 526. B. BILLINGS, Ottawa City, Canada West. Canadian. 527. Rev. JOSEPH BLAKE, Gilmantown, N. H. Local. 528. H. G. BLOOMER, San Francisco, Cal. California and Nevada. 529. Prof. H. N. BOLANDER (Botanist, California State Survey; Curator of Botany, California Academy of Natural Science), San Francisco, Cal. Californian. Special, Cryptogames and Glumacece. 530. Dr. C. M. BOOTH, Rochester, N. Y. Local. 531. WM. BOOTT, Boston, Mass. North American. Special, Ferns, Grasses and Carices. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 4 December, 1866. 532-559 BOTANY, 26 532. Dr. E. D. BOSTWICK, Litchfleld, Ct. Local, 533. Mrs. BOWEN, Skaneateles r N. Y. Local. 534. WILLIAM BOWER, No. 53 Fulton street, New York, N. Y, North American Ferns and C-rchids under cultivation. 535. Dr. FREDERICK BRENDEL, Peoria, 111. North American. 536. Prof. WM. H. BREWER (Professor of Agriculture, Yale College) . New Haven, (X North American. Special, Californian. 537. Dr. ROBERT BRIDGES (President, Academy of Natural Science. 1 - of Philadelphia) , Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 538. GARLAND C. BROADHEAD, Pleasant Hill, Mo. Local. 539. The Abbe OVIDE BRUNET (Professor of Botany, University Laval f President, Entomological Society of Canada, Quebec Branch), Quebec, Canada. North American. Special, Canadian. 540. BUCHANAN, New York, N. Y. Cultivated Plants and Local. 541. ROBERT BUCHANAN, Cincinnati, Ohio. Local. 542. S. B. BUCKLEY, , Texas. Local. 543. Dr. F. J. BUMSTEAD, No. 162 West Twenty-third street, New York, N. Y. North American. 544. ISAAC BURK, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 645. WM. M. CANBY, No. 834 Market street, Wilmington, Del. North American. 546. Dr. C. A. CANFIELD, Monterey, Cal. Californian. 547. Dr. JOSEPH CARSON, Philadelphia, Pa. Medical Botany and Local. 548. Dr. FRANCIS CARTER, Columbus, Ohio, Local. 549. Prof. J. LANG CASSELLS (Professor of Chemistry and Toxicolo- gy, Western Reserve College), Hudson, Ohio. North American. 550. Prof. P. A. CHADBOURNE (President, Massachusetts State Ag- ricultural College), Amherst, Mass. North American. 551. Dr. A. W. CHAPMAN, Apalachicola, Fla. North American. 552. Rev. J. W. CHICKERING, Exter, N. H. North American. 553. Dr. CLAPP, New Albany, Ind. Western States. 554. Dr. DANIEL CLARK (President, Flint Scientific Institute), Flint, Mich. Local. 555. Prof. H. JAMES CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. North American. 556. JAMES H. CLARK, Newport, R. I. Carboniferous Plants. 557. Miss MARY H. CLARK, Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 558. Prof. W. S. CLARK (Professor of Chemistry, Amherst College), Amherst, Mass. North American. 559. Hon. GEORGE W. CLINTON (President, Buffalo Society of Natu- ral Science), Buffalo, N. Y. North American. 27 BOTANY. 560-587 560. A. COMMONS, Centreville, Del. Local. 561. Dr. COOLEY, Utica, Mich. LovaL 562. Dr. J. G. COOPER (Zoologist, California State Survey and Cali- fornia State Board of Agriculture ; Curator of Zoology, Cali- fornia Academy of Natural Science), Santa Cruz, Cal. Pacific Coast. 563. Dr. I. COURT, Port of Spain, Trinidad, W. I. West Indian. 564. Dr. E. S. CROSIER, New Albany, Ind. Local. 565. Rev. Dr. M. A. CURTIS, Hillsborough, N, C, North American* Special, Fungi. 566. A. H, CURTISS, Liberty, Bedford Co., Va. Local. 567. CHRISTIAN DAHL, St. Croix, W. I. West Indian. 568. Dr. JOHN DARBY, Auburn, Ala. North American* 569. Dr. J. DARRACH, Germantown, Pa. Local. 570. DAVID F. DAY, Buffalo, N. Y. Local. 571. Dr. D. V. DEAN, St. Louis, Mo. Local. 572. W. W. DENSLOW, Inwood Station, Hudson River R. R. ; Post- office address, Station "N,"New York, N. Y. North American* 573. Prof. CHESTER DEWEY (Professor of Chemistry and Natural History, University of Rochester), Rochester, N. Y. North American. Special, Carices. 574. Dr. ELIAS DIEFFENBAUGH, Clinton street, Philadelphia, Pa. North American. 575. Mrs. WM. E. DOGGETT, Chicago, 111. Local. 576. Dr. EDWARD DORSCH, Monroe, Mich. Local. 577. A. T. DRUMMOND, Montreal, Canada. Canadian. 578. ELIAS DURAND, Philadelphia, Pa. North American. 579. Miss A. B. EARLE (Assistant Curator of Botany, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 580. Prof. D. C. EATON (Professor of Botany, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. General. Special, Filices. 581. ARTHUR M. EDWARDS, No. 49 Jane street, New York, N. Y. Diatomacece. 582. SAMUEL E. ELMORE, Hartford, Ct. Local. 583. GEORGE B. EMERSON, Boston, Mass. New England. Special, Forest Trees. 584. RUSH. EMERY, Tipton, Iowa. Local. 585. FRANCIS E. ENGELHARDT (Professor of Chemistry, St. Francis College), No. 49 West Fifteenth St., New York, N. Y. Local 586. Dr. GEORGE ENGELMANN (President, St. Louis Academy of Science), St. Louis, Mo. General. 587. Prof. JACOB ENNIS, Philadelphia. Pa. Local. 588-016 BOTANY, 28 588. Miss ERRINGTON, New York, N. Y. Calif ornian. 589. Dr. O. EVERETT, Dixon, Lee Co., 111. Local. 590. AUGUSTUS FENDLER, Altenton, St. Loute Co., Mo. New Mexico and South American. 91. I. FOOTE, Detroit, Mich. Local. 692. Dr. E. FOREMAN, Catonsville, Mel. Local. 593. Rev. JAME FOWLER, Richibueto, N. B. Local. 594. SAMUEL P. FOWLER (Vice President, Essex Institute), Dan- vers, Mass. Forest Trees of New England. 595. J. Q. A. FRITCHEY, St. Louis, Mo. Local. 596. CHARLES C. FROST, Brattleborough, Vt. Local. Special. Lichens and Fungi. 597. Dr. C. C. F. GAY (Curator of Botany, Buffalo Society of Natu- ral Science), Buffalo, N. Y. Local. 598. GEORGE GIBBS, Washington, D. C. Oregon and Washington Terr. 599. Dr. GEORGE L. GOODALE (Curator of Botany, Portland Society of Natural History), Portland, Me. North American. 600. Hon. JOHN S. GOULD, Hudson, N. Y. Local. 001. Prof. ASA GRAY (Professor of Botany, Harvard University: President, American Academy of Arts and Sciences), Cam- bridge, Mass. General. Special, North American. 602. Dr. C. GREEN, Homer, N. Y. Local. 603. Prof. TRAILL GREEK (Professor of Chemistry, Lafayette Col- lege), Easton, Pa. North American. 604. THOMAS A. GREENE, New Bedford, Mass. North American. 605. ELIHU HALL, Athens, Menard Co., 111. North American. " 606. G. P. HARBOUR, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Mocky Mountains. 607. FIELDEN HARTLEY, Alton, 111. Local. 608. CLARK C. HASKINS, New Albany, Ind. Local. 609. Prof. F. V. HAYDEN (Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa. Upper Missouri. 610. Dr. G. W. HAZLETINE, Jamestown, N. Y. Local. 611. Dr. E. P. HEALEY, Medina, N. Y. Local. 612. E. W. HERVEY, New Bedford, Mass. Local. 613. Prof. E. W. HILGARD (Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, University of Mississippi), Oxford, Miss. North American. 614. Dr. THEO. C. HILGARD, St. Louis, Mo. Local. Special, Fungi and Algae. 615. Prof. WILLIAM HINCKS (Professor of Natural History, Univer- sity College ; Editor, Canadian Journal of Industry, Science, and Art), Toronto, C. W. General. Special, Canadian. 616. Hon. G. H. HOLLISTER, Litchfleld, Ct. Local. 29 BOTANY. 617-643 617. E. S. HOLMES, Wilson, Niagara Co., N. Y. Local. (518. I. F. HOLTON, Medford, Mass. New Grenada and Local. 619. -JOSHUA HOOPES, Westchester, Pa. Local. 620. Dr. ASA HORR, Dubuque, Iowa, Local. 621. FRANKLIN B, HOUGH, Albany, N. Y. North American. 622. Prof, HENRY How (Professor of Chemistry and Natural Histo- ry, King's College), Windsor, N. S. LocaL ' 623. WINSLOW J. HOWARD. No. 345 Grand street. New York, N, Y, Rocky Mountains. " 624. Dr. ELLIOTT C. HOWE, Troy, N. Y. LocaL 625. Prof. JAMES HUBBERT (Professor of Natural Sciences, St. Fran- cis College), Richmond. C. E. Canadian. Special, Fungi. 626. Dr. A. T. HUDSON, Lyons, Clinton Co., Iowa. Local. 627. Dr. G. W. HULSA, Natchez, Miss. California and Florida. 628. GEORGE HUNT, Providence, R. I. Local. 629. ROBERT INGRAHAM, New Bedford, Mass. North American Cryptogamia. 630. HALLIDAY JACKSON, Westchester, Chester Co,, Pa, Local. 631. Prof. THOMAS P. JAMES (Professor of Botany, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society), No. 400 South Ninth street, Philadel- phia, Pa. North American. Special, Musci. 632. Dr. H. A. JOHNSON, Chicago, 111. Local. 633. Dr. A. KELLOGG (Librarian, Californian Academy of Natural Science), San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Coast of America. 634. C. KESSLER, Reading, Pa. LocaL 635. JOHN KIRKPATRICK (Secretary, Academy of Natural Sciences of Cleveland; Secretary, Cleveland Horticultural Society, Cleveland, Ohio. LocaL 636. Dr. JARED P. KIRTLAND, East Rockport, Ohio ; Post-office ad- dress, Cleveland, Ohio. LocaL 637. Dr. P. D. KNIESKERX, Shark River, N. J. LocaL 638. HENRY KREBS, St. Thomas, W. I. West Indian. 639. THURE KUMLIEN, Busseyville Post-office, via Albion, Wis. Wisconsin. 640. Hon. I. A. LAPHAM (President, Wisconsin Historical Society), Milwaukee, Wis. North American. 641. Miss S. L. LAWRENCE (Curator of Botany, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. LocaL 642. Prof. GEORGE LAWSON (Professor of Chemistry, Dalhousie College), Halifax, N. S. North American. 643. W. H. LEGGETT, No. 224 Tenth street, New York, N. Y. Lo- cal. 644-670 BOTANY. 30 644. Prof. LEO LESQUEREUX, Columbus, Ohio. General. Special. Musci and Fossil Plants. 645. FERDINAND LINDHEEMER, New Braunfels, Texas. Texan. 646. Dr. GEORGE LITTLE (Mississippi State Geologist), Oxford, Miss. South Western States. 647. Rev. SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, Keyport, N. J. Devonian Plants of New York. 648. Rev. J. E. LONG, Hublersburg, Centre Co., Pa. Local. 649. H. B. LORD, Ithica, N. Y. Local. 650. Dr. STARLING LOVING, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 651. J. R. LOWRIE. Olive Post-office, Pa. Local. 652. JOHN MACOUN, Belleville, C. W. Canadian. 653. HORACE MANN (Curator of Botany, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. General. 654. W. T. MARCH, Spanishtown, Jamaica. West Indian. 655. ISAAC C. MARTINDALE (Director, Byberry Philosophical Society), Byberry, Pa. North American. 656. Dr. JOSEPH C. MARTINDALE, No. 918 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 657. R. MATTHEW, No. 93 Princess street, St. John, N. B. Local. 658. Dr. S. B. MEAD, Augusta, Hancock Co., 111. Local. 659. THOMAS MEEHAN (Corresponding Secretary, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society; Editor, Gardener's Monthly), German- town, Pa. General. Special, Horticultural. 660. Dr. EZRA MICHENER, Avondale, Chester Co., Pa. North American. Special, Fungi. 661. Hon. ANSON S. MILLER, Rockford, 111. Local. 662. CH. MOHR, Mobile, Alabama. Local. 668. Prof. JOSEPH MOORE (Professor of Natural History, Earlham College), Richmond, Ind. Local. 664. Prof. W. D. MOORE, Irwiu's Station, Pa. Local. 665. Dr. SEBASTIAN ALFREDO DE MORALES, Calle de Velarde, No. 5, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuban. 666. Miss E. S. MORSE (Assistant Curator of Botany, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 667. Miss M. E. B. MORTON, Rockford, Winnebago Co., 111. Local. 668. WILLIAM Mum, Fox Creek Post-office, St. Louis Co., Mo. Horticultural. 669. Prof. J. S. NEWBERRY (Professor of Geology, Columbia Col- lege), New York, N. Y. North American. Special, Fossil Plants. 670. S. T. OLNEY, Providence, R. I. Local. 31 BOTANY. 671-69? 671. Dr. J. G. ORTON, Binghamton, N. Y. LocaL 672. Dr. HORACE M. PAINE, No. 104 State street, Albany, N. Y. Local, 673. Eev. JOHN A. PAINE, jr., Newark, N. J. Local. 674. CHARLES F. PARKER, Philadelphia, Pa. LocaL 675. Prof. W. A. PARKER (Professor of , Iowa College), Gren- nele, Iowa, Local. 676. Dr. C. C. PARRY, Davenport, Iowa, North American. Special, Rocky Mountains. 677. Prof. T. L. PARVIN (Professor of Natural History, Iowa State University), Iowa City, Iowa. Local. 678. CHARLES H. PECK, Albany, N. Y. Local. 679. E. PECK, Washington, D. C. North American. 680. Prof. ROBERT PETER (Professor of Natural Science, Kentucky University), Lexington, Ky. LocaL 681. THOMAS M. PETERS, Moulton, Ala. LocaL 682. GEORGE D. PHIPPEN, Salem, Mass. LocaL Special, Wild Flowers under cultivation. 683. Dr. ZINA PITCHER, Detroit, Mich. North American. 684. ISAAC A. POOL, No. 829 Washington street, Chicago, 111. Horticultural. 685. B. S. PORTER, New Albany, Ind. LocaL 686. Prof. THOMAS C. PORTER (Professor of Botany and Zoology, Lafayette College), Easton, Pa. North American. Special, Pennsylvania. 687. Prof. A. N. PRENTISS (Professor of Botany and Horticulture, Michigan State Agricultural College), Lansing. Mich. North American. 688. MANUEL J. PRESAS, Calle de Velarde, No. 5, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuban. 689. WM. H. BAND, Chicago, 111. LocaL 690. Dr. J. H. RAUCH, Chicago, 111. LocaL 691. H. W. EAVENEL, Aiken, S. C. LocaL Special, Fungi. 692. THOMAS B. REDDING, Newcastle, Ind. LocaL 693. Dr. SAMUEL REID, New Albany, Ind. Local. 694. JAMES RICHARDS, Litchfield, Ct. LocaL 695. Dr. J. W. ROBBINS, Uxbridge, Mass. North American. Spe- cial, Fresh Water Plants. 696. JOSEPH T. ROTHROCK, McVeytown, Pa. General. 697. Prof. JOHN L. RUSSELL (Professor of Botany, Massachusetts Horticultural Society), Salem, Mass. North American. Spe- cial, Cryptogamia. 698-728 BOTANY. , 32 698. Prof. ABKAM SAGER (Professor of , University of Michi- gan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 099. Prof. J. H. SALISBURY (Professor of Physiology, Histology and Cell Pathology, Charity Hospital Medical College), Cleveland, Ohio. Fungi. 700. Dr. C. SARTORIUS, Mirader, Mexico. Local. 701. Dr. H. P. SARTWELL, Penn Yan, N. Y. Local. Special, Carices. 702. WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Dundas street, London, Canada West. North American. 703. FRANCISCO ADOLFO SAUVALLE, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 704. GEORGE SCARBOROUGH, Sumner, Atchinson Co., Kansas. Local. 705. Prof. GEORGE C. SCH^FFER, Washington, D. C. North American. . 706. Dr. ARTHUR SCHOTT, Georgetown, D. C. Mexico and Central America. 707. R. ROBINSON SCOTT, Port Kennedy, Pa. Local. 708. THOMAS F. SEAL, Unionville, Chester Co., Pa. Local. 709. Miss LYDIA SHATTUCK, South Hadley, Mass. Local. 710. HENRY SHAW, St. Louis, Mo. Local. 711. JAMES M. SHAW, South Waterford, Me. Local. 712. Prof. D. S. SHELDON (Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sci- ences, Griswold College), Davenport, Iowa. North American. 713. Dr. A. G. SKINNER, Youngstown, Niagara Co., N. Y. Local. 7U. AUBREY H. SMITH, No. 1516 Pine street, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 715. CHARLES E. SMITH (President, Reading R. K. Co.), Philadel- phia, Pa^ Local. 716. DANIEL B. SMITH, Germantown, Pa. Local. 717. S. I. SMITH, New Haven, Ct. New England. 718. WM. R. SMITH (Superintendent United States Botanic Garden), Washington, D. C. North American. 719. C. J. SPRAGUE, Boston, Mass. Fungi. 720. ISAAC SPRAGUE, Grantville, Mass. Botanical Artist. 721. JACOB STAUFFER (Secretary, Linnaean Society of Lancaster), Lancaster, Pa. Local. 722. Rev. JAMES STEPHEN SON, St. Inigos, St. Mary's Co., Md. Local. 723. Dr. GEORGE T. STEVENS, Albany, N. Y. Local. 724. Dr. STIVES, San Francisco, Cal. Calif ornian. Special, Algae. 725. SAMUEL STURTON, Quebec, Canada. Canadian. 726. WM. S. SULLIVANT, Columbus, Ohio. General. Special, Musn. 727. Rev. J. A. SWAN, Kennebunk, Me. Local. 728. EDWARD TATNALL, Wilmington, Del. Local. 33 BOTANY. 729-755 729. Prof. SANBORN TENNEY (Professor of Natural Sciences, Vas- sar Female College), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. North American. 730. Dr. JOHN G. THOMAS, Riviere-du-Loup-en-bas, Canada East. Canadian. 731. JOHN J. THOMAS, Union Springs, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Local. 732. Prof. GEORGE THURBER, Office, American Agriculturist, New York, N. Y. North American. Special, Graminem. 733. Prof. JOHN TORREY (Professor of Botany, Columbia College), New York, N. Y. General. Special, North American. 734. Dr. MORTON S. TOWNSHEND, Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio. Local. 735. C. M. TRACY (Curator of Botany, Essex Institute), Lynn, Mass. General Collection. Special, New Enyla nd. 736. Prof. EDWARD TUCKERMAN (Professor of Botany, Amherst College), Amherst, Mass. General. Special, Lichens. 737. Dr. GEORGE VASEY, Richview, Washington Co., 111. North American. 738. WM. S. VAUX (Vice President and Curator, Academy of Nat- ural Sciences), No. 1700 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. North American. 739. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. New England. 740. Dr. J. A. WARDER, Cincinnati, Ohio. Local. 741. G. WARRING, Boalsburg, Pa. Local. 742. DAVID A. P. WATT (Editor, Canadian Naturalist and Geolo- gist), Montreal, Canada. Canadian. Special, Fungi. 743. Miss MARY WHITTINGTON, Harrodsburg, Ky. Local. 744. DANIEL WILKINS, Littleton, N. H. Local. 745. H. WILLEY, New Bedford, Mass. Lichens. 746. Prof. O. R. WILLIS, Whiteplains, N. Y. North American. 747. HUGH WILSON, Salem, Mass. Horticultural. Special, -Ferns under cultivation. 748. NATHANIEL WILSON (Curator, Island Botanic Garden), Ja- maica, W. I. West 'Indian. 749. N. H. WINCHELL, Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 750. I. R. WIRT, McVeytown, Pa. Local. 751. W. WYNNE WISTAR, Germantown, Pa. Local. 752. JOHN WOLF, Canton, Fulton Co., 111. Local. 753. Prof. ALPHONSO WOOD, Brooklyn, N. Y. North American. 754. Prof. H. C. WOOD, jr. (Professor of Botany, University of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa. North American. 755. CHARLES WRIGHT, Wethersfield, Ct. General. Special, Cuba, Texas, and New Mexico. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 5 August, 1867, 756-78$ ARCHAEOLOGY. ETHNOLOGY. 34 AKOHJEOLOGY, 75-6. T. A. CHENEY (Lib., Georgic Library), Havana, N. Y. N. Am. 757. Dr. E. H. DAVIS, Worcester, Mass. American. 758. Dr. SAMUEL A. GREENE, Boston, Mass. North American. 759. SAMUEL F. HAVEN (Secretaiy, American Antiquarian Society ) r Worcester, Mass. North American. 760. Hon. I. A. LAPHAM, Milwaukie, Wis. North American. 761. Kev. SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, Eeyport, N. J. New Jersey. 762. Prof. O. C. MARS-H (Professor of Palaeontology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. North American. 763. Rev. ABNER MORSE, Boston, Mass. North American. 764. FRANKLIN PEALE, No. 1131 Girard street, Philadelphia, Pa. North American. 765. CHARLES BAU, New York, N. Y. American. 766. G. PEABODY RUSSELL (Curator of Archaeology, Essex Insti- tute), Salem, Mass. North American. 767. E. GEORGE SQUIER, No. 106 East Thirty-ninth street, New York, N. Y. American. 768. WM. S. VAUX (Vice President and Curator, Academy of Nat. Sciences), No. 1700 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. Am. 769. Col. CHARLES WHITTLESEY, Cleveland, Ohio. North American. 770. Dr. J. N. WILSON, Newark, Ohio. Local. 771. Dr. A. WISLIZENUS, St. Louis, Mo. New Mexico, etc. 772. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University ; President, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. General. ETHNOLOGY. 773. Rev. JOHN BACHMAN, Charleston, S. C. General. 774. Dr. E. H. DAVIS, Worcester, Mass. American. 775. GEORGE GIBBS, Washington, D. C. General. 776. Dr. J. AITKEN MEIGS, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia, Pa. Craniology. 777. LEWIS H. MORGAN, Rochester, N. Y. North American Indians. 778. Dr. J. C. NOTT, Mobile, Alabama. General. 779. Prof. HENRY S. PATTERSON, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 780. Dr. CHARLES PICKERING, Boston, Mass. General. 781. ALEX. S.TAYLOR, Santa Barbara, Cal. North American Indians . 782. Prof. DANIEI* WILSON (Professor of History and English Lit- erature, University College), Toronto, C. W. General. 783. Dr. A. WISLIZENUS, St. Louis, Mo. General. 35 GENERAL ZOOLOGY. MAMMALS. 784-800 GENERAL ZOOLOGY, 784. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Har- vard University ; Director and Curator, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. 785. Prof. S. F. BAIRD (Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institu- tion), Washington, D. C. 786. Prof. JAMES D. DANA (Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. 787. Prof. J. \V. DAWSON (Principal, McGill University), Montreal, Canada. 788. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Pennsylvania; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia), No. 1302 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. 789. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University; President, Boston So- ciety of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. MAMMALS, 790. Dr. HARRISON ALLEN, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- phia, Pa. Chiroptera. Kev. JOHN BACHMAN, Charleston, S. C. North American. 791. Prof. S. F. BAIRD (Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institu- tion), "Washington, D. C. American. 792. GEORGE BARNSTON, Montreal, Canada. Local. 793. Dr. G. A. CANFIELD, Monterey, Cal. Calif ornian. 794. Dr. J. G. COOPER, (Zoologist, California State Survey ; Cura- tor of Zoology, California Academy of Natural Sciences), San Francisco, Cal. Calif ornian. 795. Prof. E. D. COPE (Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadelphia, Pa. Cetacea. 796. Dr. ELLIOTT COUES, U. S. A., Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. Arizonian. 797. C. W. GILBERT (Assistant Curator of Mammalia, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 798. Prof. THEO. GILL (Librarian, Smithsonian Institution), Wash- ington, D. C. General. 799. Dr. JOHN GUNDLACH, Calle de la Reina, 61, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 800. Hon. RICHARD HILL, Spanishtown, Jamaica. Jamaican. 801-820 MAMMALS. BIRDS. 36 SOI. W. HUNTER (Taxidermist, Natural History Society of Mon- treal), Montreal, Canada. Local. 802. NATHANIEL PAINE (Curator of Mammalia, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 803. TITIAN R. PEALE, Washington, D. C. General. 804. Prof. FELIPE POEY, Calle del Aguila, 157, Habana, Cuba. Cu- ban. 805. F. W. PUTNAM (Superintendent, Essex Institute ; Curator of Ichthyology, Boston Society of Natural History), Salem, Mass. Essex County, Mass. 806. T. T. RICHARDS, St. Louis, Mo. Crania. 807. BERNARD K. Ross, Rupert House. Arctic. 808. E. A. SAMUELS, Office State Board of Agriculture, Bostou y Mass. Local. 809. Dr. J. H. SLACK, No. 1701 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa. Quadrumana. 810. Dr. GEORGE SUCKLEY, U. S. A., New York, N. Y. Washington Territory. 811. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College; Curator of Radiata, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass.), New Haven, Ct. North American. 812. Dr. J. C. WHITE (Curator of Comparative Anatomy and Mam- malogy, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. Anatomy. 813. J. F. WHITEAYES (Curator and Rec. Secretary, Natural His- tory Society of Montreal), Montreal, Canada. Local. BIKDS,* 814. JOHN AKHURST, No. 9 Prospect street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. Taxidermist and Dealer. 815. J. A. ALLEN, Springfield, Mass. New England. 816. G. ALMA, Farmers ville, Seneca Co., N. Y. Local. 817. Rev. JOHN AMBROSE, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co., Nova Scotia. Local. 818. AMORY L. BABCOCK, Sherborn, Mass. Surinam, S. A., and Local. Taxidermist. 819. Prof. S. F. BAIRD (Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institu- tion), Washington, D. C. General. Special, American. 820. VINCENT BARNARD, Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa. Local. *NOTE. Oology has now become so intimately connected with the study of the Birds themselves that about every person paying attention to Ornithology also has collections of the Eggs of Birds, therefore Oology, as a separate department, is omitted in the DIRECTORY. 37 BIRDS. 821-846 821. GEORGE BARNSTON, Montreal, Canada. Local. 822. Rev. M. W. BEAUCHAMP, King's Ferry, Cayuga, Co., N. Y. Local. 823. S. B. BECKETT (Curator of Ornithology, Portland Society of Natural History), Portland, Me. Local. 824. JOHN G. BELL, No. 339 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Taxider- mist and Dealer. 825. C. W. BENNETT (Curator of Ornithology, Museum of the Springfield City Library Association), Holyoke, Mass. Local. 826. Mrs. J. L. BODE, No. 16 North William street. New York, N. Y. Taxidermist and Dealer. 827. CHAS. L. BLOOD, Corner of Weir and First streets, Taunton, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 828. G. A. BOARDMAN, Milltown, Me. Local. 829. S. H. BOWKER (Assistant Curator of Ornithology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 830. JOSEPH BRANO, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. Taxidermist. 831. Dr. T. M. BREWER (Curator of Oology, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. North American. Oology. 832. C. G. BREWSTER, No. 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Dealer. 833. E. A. BRIGHAM (Assistant Curator of Ornithology, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. Local. 834. GEORGE C. BROWN (Curator and Treasurer, Burlington Co. Lyceum of Natural History), Mount Holly, N. J. N. American. 835. J. ELLIOTT CABOT (Curator of Ornithology, Boston Society of Natural History), Brookline, Mass. General Collection. 836. Dr. SAMUEL CABOT, Boston, Mass. North American. 837. R. A. CAMPBELL, Newark, Ohio. Local. 838. JOHN CASSIN (Vice President and Curator of Ornithology, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 839. RICHARD CHRIST, Nazareth, Pa. Local. 840. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Chicago, 111. North American. 841. JOHN COLTON, Worcester, Mass. Local. 842. Dr. J. G. COOPER (Zoologist, California State Survey ; Curator of Zoology, California Academy of Natural Sciences), San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Coast of N. A. 843. THOMAS COTTLE, Woodstock, Canada West. Local. 844. Dr. ELLIOTT COUES, U. S. A., Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C. American. 845. WILLIAM COUPER (Vice President, Quebec Branch, Entomolo- gical Society of Canada), Quebec, Canada. North American. Taxidermist. 846. C. A. CRAIG, Montreal, Canada. Local. Taxidermist. 847-880 BIRDS. 38 847. Dr. JOHN DARBY, South Williamstown, Mass. Local. 848. HENRY DAVIS, McGregor. Iowa. Local. 849. J. C. DEACON, Chicopee, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 850. ' RAFAEL MONTES DE OCA, Xalapa, Mexico. Mexican. 851. C. DREXLER, Washington, D. C. Local. Taxidermist. 852. D. G. ELLIOT, No. 27 West Thirty-third street, New York, N. Y. American. 853. SAMUEL E. ELMORE, Hartford, Ct. Local. 854. W. E. ENDICOTT, Canton, Mass. New England. 855. Prof. H. FAIRBANKS (Prof, of Natural Philosophy, Dartmouth College), Hanover, N. H. North American. 856. CHARLES FELDMAN, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. Taxidermist. 857. WM. H. FLOYD, Weston, Mass. North American. 858. AUGUSTUS FOWLER, Danvers, Mass. Local. 859. SAMUEL P. FOWLER (Vice President, Essex Institute, Salem), Danvers, Mass. Local. 860. Dr. A. VON FRANTZIUS, San Jose, Costa Rica. Costa Eican. 861. ALEXANDER GALBRAISH, No. 209 North Ninth street, Philadel- phia, Pa. Local. Taxidermist and Dealer. 862. CHARLES GALBRAITH, West Hoboken, N. J. Local. Taxider- mist. 863. WM. GALBRAITH, West Hoboken, N. J. Local. . Taxidermist. 864. WM. L. GILL, Lancaster, Pa. Local. 865. Col. A. J. GRAYSON, Mazatlan, Mexico. Mexican. 866. FERD. GRUBER, San Francisco, Cal. Local. Taxidermist. 867. Dr. JOHN GUNDLACH, Calle de la Reina, 61, Habana, Cuba. West Indian. 868. Prof. C. E. HAMLIN (Professor of Natural History, Waterville College), Waterville, Me. Maine. 869. HENRY HANFORD, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 870. GEORGE HENSEL, Lancaster, Pa. Local. Taxidermist. 871. JAMES HEPBURN, San Francisco, Cal. Western Coast of America. 872. Dr. A. HALL, Montreal, Canada. Local. 873. Hon. RICHARD HILL, Spanishtown, Jamaica. Local. 874. THOMAS HOLE, Clarkson, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Local. 875. Dr. P. R. HOY, Racine, Wis. Local. 876. Dr. A. T. HUDSON, U. S. A., Lyons, Clinton Co., Iowa. Local. 877. D. DARWIN HUGHES, Marshall, Mich. Local. 878. CHAS. A. HOUGHTON, Holliston, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 879. W. HUNTER (Taxidermist, Natural History Society of Mon- treal), Montreal, Canada. Local. 880. ILGES and SANTER, No. 15 Frankfort street, New York, N. Y. Taxidermists. XS 39 BIRDS. 881. JOHN JENKINS, Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y. Local. Tqxidertytst., 882. SAMUEL JILLSON, Hudson, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 883. Rev. C. M. JONES, North Madison, Ct. Local. 884. F. KJSMPFER, Chicago, 111. Local. 885. JOHN KIRKPATRICK (Secretary, Academy of Natural Sciences of Cleveland; Secretary, Cleveland Horticultural Society), Cleveland, Ohio. Local. 886. Rev. A. B. KENDIG, Davenport, Iowa. Local. 887. Dr. JARED P. KIRTLAND, East Rockport, Ohio, P. 0. address, Cleveland, Ohio. Local. 888. Miss H. M. KNOWLTON (Assistant Curator of Ornithology, Worcester Society of Nat. History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 889. JOHN KRIDER, Corner of Second and Walnut streets, Philadel- phia, Pa. North American. Taxidermist. 890. THURE KUMLIEN, Busseyville P. O., Wis. North American. 891. GEORGE N. LAWRENCE, No. 172 Pearl street, New York, N. Y. American. 892. J. S. LEACH, Bridgewater, Mass. Local. 893. JAMES M. LEMOINE, Quebec, Canada. Local. 894. Miss F. S. LINCOLN (Curator of Oology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local Oology. 895. Dr. STARLING LORING, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 896. B. P. MANN, Cambridge, Mass. Local Oology. 897. WILLIAM T. MARCH, Spanishtown, W. I. West Indian. 898. Dr. ISAAC C. MARTINDALE (Director, Byberiy Philosophical Society), Byberry, Pa. Local. 899. L. J. MAYNARD, Newtonville, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 900. R. MCFARLANE, Fort Anderson, British America. Northern Regions of America. 901. THOMAS MC!LWRAITH, Hamilton, C. W. Local. 902. Prof. MANLY MILES (Professor of Animal Physiology and Practical Agriculture, State Agricultural College), Lansing. Mich. 903. CHARLES H. NAUMAN (Chairman, Committee on Ornithology, Linnsean Society of Lancaster), Box 508, Lancaster, Pa. Local. 904. Dr. J. S. NEWBERRY (Professor of Geology, Columbia Col- lege), New York, N. Y. North American. 905. GEORGE Y. NICKERSON, No. 42 Williams street, New Bedford, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 906. J. P. NORRIS, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 907. CHARLES S. PAINE, East Bethel, Vt. Local. 908. FREDERICK PASSMORE, Yonge street, Toronto, C. W. North American. 909-940 BIRDS. 40 909. TITIAN R. PEALE, Washington, D. C. General. 910. Dr. D. WEBSTER PRENTISS, Washington, D. C. Local. 911. HENRY A. PURDIE, Boston, Mass. Local. 912. F. W. PUTNAM (Superintendent, Essex Institute ; Curator of Ichthyology, Boston Society of Natural History), Salem, Mass. Essex County, Mass. 913. L. E. RICKSECKER, Nazareth, Pa. Local. 914. O. RIENECKE (Curator of Ornithology, Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences), Buffalo, N. Y. Local. 915. A. H. RUSE, St. Thomas, W. I. West Indian. 916. JAMES S. ROGERS, New York, N. Y. Local. 917. JAMES H. ROOME, No. 55 Carmine street, New York, N. Y. Local. Taxidermist. 918. BERNARD R. Ross, Rupert House. Arctic. 919. WILLIAM A. ROUSSEAU, Troy, N. Y. Local. 920. E. A. SAMUELS, Office State Board of Agriculture, Boston, Mass. New England. North American Oology. 921. Dr. C. SARTORIUS, Mirador, Mexico. Mexican. 922. LIVINGSTON SATTERLEE, New York, N. Y. Local. 923. JOHN H. SEARS, Danvers, Mass. Essex County, Mass. 924. HENRY SHAW (Assistant Curator of Ornithology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 925. SHERMAN, Bedford street, New Bedford, Mass. Local. 926. Prof. HENRY SHIMER, Mt. Carroll, 111. Local. 927. JAMES G. SHUTE, Woburn, Mass. Local. 928. S. I. SMITH, New Haven, Ct. New England. 929. WILLIAM A. SMITH (Curator of Ornithology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 930. Rev. WM. S. SOUTHGATE, Litchfield, Ct. Local. 931. JACOB STAUFFER (Secretary, Linnaean Society of Lancaster), Lancaster, Pa. Local. 932. Rev. JAMES STEPHENSON, St. Inigos, St. Mary's Co., Md. Local. 933. Dr. GEORGE SUCKLEY, U. S. A., New York, N. Y. North American. 934. JOSEPH SULLIVANT, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 935. Prof. F. SUMICHRAST, Orozaba, Mexico. Mexican. 936. E. L. SUMNER (Assistant Curator of Oology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 937. S. H. SYLVESTER, 'Middleborough, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. 938. JAMES TAYLOR, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. Taxidermist. 939. T. MARTIN TRIPPE, Orange, N. Y. Local. 940. H. G. VERNOR, Montreal, Canada. Local. 41 BIRDS. REPTILES. 941-962 941. Dr. VELIE, Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y. North American. 942. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cura- tor of Radiata, Boston Society of Natural History), New Haven, Ct. North American. 943. NATHANIEL VICKARY, No. 262 Chestnut street, Lynn, Mass. Local. Taxidermist and Dealer. 944. FREDERIC WARE, Cambridge, Mass. Local. 945. JOHN M. WHEATON, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 946. J. F. WHITEAVES (Recording Secretary and Curator, Natural History Society of Montreal), Montreal, Canada. Canadian. 947. Prof. WM. D. WHITNEY (Professor of Sanskrit, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. New England. 948. ROBERT WILSON, Gouverneur, N. Y. Local. 949. R. K. WINSLOW, Cleveland, Ohio. Local. 950. ALEXANDER WOLLE, Baltimore, Md. Local. Taxidermist. 951. C. J. WOOD, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. Taxidermist. 952. Dr. WM. WOOD, East Windsor Hill, Ct. Local. REPTILES, 953. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Har- vard University ; Director and Curator, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. Special, Chelonia. 954. Prof. S. F. BAIRD (Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D. C. General Collection. Special, N. American. 955. Prof. EDWARD D. COPE (Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 956. Dr. B. F. FOGG (Curator of Herpetology, Portland Society of Nat- ural History), Portland, Me. Local. 957. Prof. J. E. HOLBROOK, Charleston, S. C. North .American. 958. Prof. JOHN LE CONTE (Professor of Natural Philosophy, Univer- sity of South Carolina), Columbia, S. C. Local. 959. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Penn- sylvania; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences), No. 1302 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fossil. 960. Prof. O. C. MARSH (Professor of Palaeontology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. Fossil. 961. Prof. J. S. NEWBERRY (Professor of Geology, Columbia College), New York, N. Y. Fossil. 962. F. W. PUTNAM (Superintendent, Essex Institute ; Curator of Ich- thyology, Boston Society o'f Natural History ; Editor, Ameri- can Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General Collection. Special, North American. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 6 December, 1867. 963-984 REPTILES. FISHES. 42 963. STEPHEN SALISBURY, jr. (Curator of Herpetology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 964. JACOB STAUFFER (Secretary, Linnsean Society of Lancaster), Lan- caster, Pa. Local. 965. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cura- tor of Radiata, Boston Society of Natural History), New Haven, Ct. North American. 966. Dr. B. G. WILDER (Professor of Natural History, Cornell Uni- versity ; Curator of Herpetology, Boston Society of Natural History; Assistant, Museum of Comp. Zoology), Boston, Mass. General Collection. 967. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, N. Y. Local. 968. Prof. ALEXANDER WINCHELL (Professor of Natural History, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 969. Dr. T. .G. WORMLEY, Columbus, Ohio. Local. PISHES, 970. Dr. C. C. ABBOTT (Zoologist, New Jersey State Survey), Trenton, N. J. Local. 971. ALEX. E. R. AGASSIZ (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoolo- gy), Cambridge, Mass. EmUotocoids. 972. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Har- vard University ; Curator and Director, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 973. G. ALMA, Farmersville, Seneca Co., N. Y. Local. 974. Rev. JOHN AMBROSE, St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax Co.. Nova Sco- tia. Local. 975. CHARLES G. ATKINS (Commissioner of River Fisheries), Augusta, Me. Fishculture. 976. Capt. N. E. ATWOOD, Provincetown, Mass. Local. Food Fishes. 977'. Dr. W. O. AYRES (Corresponding Secretary, California Academy of Natural Sciences), San Francisco, Cal. Californian. 978. Prof. S. F. BAIRD (Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D. C. North American. 979. Rev. M. W. BEAUCHAMP, King's Ferry, Cayuga, N. Y. Local. 980. J. CARSON BREVOORT (President, Long Island Historical Socje- ty), Brooklyn, N. Y. General. 98J.. Dr. ROBERT BRIDGES, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 982. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Chicago, 111. Local. 983. J. D. COOPER, San Francisco, Cal. Californian. 984. Prof. EDWARD D. COPE (Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia), Philadelphia, Pa. General Collection. Spe- cia'l, North American Fresh-water. 43 FISHES. 985-1010 985. Dr. J. W. DAWSON (Principal, McGill University), Montreal, Canada. Local and Fossil. 986. ANDREW GARRETT, Care of Samuel Hubbard, Agent Pacific Mail Steamship Co., San Francisco, Cal. South Seas. 987. Dr. W. P. GIBBONS, Alameda Co., Cal. Embiotocoids. 988. Prof. THEODORE GILL (Librarian, Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D. C. General. , 989. Dr. J. BERNARD GILPIN (Vice President, Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science), Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotian. 990. Dr. A. C. HAMLIN, Bangor, Me. Salmonidce of Maine. 991. Hon. RICHARD HILL, Spanishtown, Jamaica. West Indian. 992. Prof. J. E. HOLBROOK, Charleston, S. C. Southern States. 993. J. MATTHEW JONES, Ashbourne, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotian. 994. Dr. J. P. KIRTLAND, East Eockport, Ohio ; Post-office address, Cleveland, .Ohio. Great Lakes and Ohio. 995. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Penn- sylvania; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences), No. 1302 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fossil. 996. Kev. SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, Keyport, N. J. Local. 997. THEODORE LYMAN (Assistant, Museum of Comp. Zoology, Cam- bridge; Commissioner of River Fisheries), Brookline, Mass. Fishculture. 998. Dr. R. P. MANN, Milford, Ohio. Devonian. 999. H. A. MARSH (Assistant Curator of Ichthyology, Worcester So- ciety of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1000. Prof. O. C. MARSH (Professor of Palaeontology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. Fossil. 1001. Dr. J. C. MORRIS, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 1002. Dr. WILLIAM A. NASON. Post-office box 3412, Chicago, 111. Local. 1003. Prof. J. S. NEWBERRY (Professor of Geology, Columbia College), New York, N. Y. Fossil. 1004. THADDEUS NORRIS, 505 Minor st., Philadelphia, Pa. Game Fishes. 1005. Prof. FELIPE POEY, Calle del Aguila, 157, Habana, Cuba. West 1006. M. N. PRESTON, Skaneateles, N. Y. Local. [Indian. 1007. F. W. PUTNAM (Superintendent, Essex Institute ; Curator of Ich- thyology, Boston Society of Natural History ; Editor, Ameri- can Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General. 1008. O. H. ST. JOHN, Waterloo, Iowa. Fossil. 1009. S. H. SCUDDER (Custodian, Secretary, Librarian, and Curator of Entomology, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. Hcemulidce. 1010. H. L. SHUMWAY (Assistant Curator of Ichthyology, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1011-1037 FISHES. INSECTS. 44 1011. Dr. D. H. STOKER, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts. 1012. Dr. GEORGE SUCKLEY, U. S. A., New York, N. Y. Salmonidce. 1013. Dr. B. G. WILDER (Professor of Natural History, Cornell Univer- sity ; Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology ; Curator of Herpetology, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. Selachians. 1014. Prof. ALEXANDER WINCIIELL (Professor of Natural History, Uni- versity of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. North American and Fossil. 1015. J. W. YOUNG, Cleveland, Ohio. Local. INSECTS, 1016. CHARLES E. AARON, Mount Holly, N. J. Local. 1017. ALVEY A. ADEE, No. 54 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. Hy- menoptera. * 1018. A. E. E. AGASSIZ (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. Special, Lepidoptera. 1019. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Har- vard University ; Curator and Director, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 1020. JOHN AKHURST, No. 9 Prospect street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cole- optera. 1021. W. P. ALCOTT, Andover, Mass. Local. 1022. J. A. ALLEN, Springfield, Mass. Local. 1023. JAMES ANGUS, West Earms, N. Y. Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. 1024. T. B. ASHTON, North White Creek, Washington Co., N. Y. Local. 1025. E. P. AUSTIN, Cambridge, Mass. Coleoptera. 1026. SAMUEL AUXER, Lancaster, Pa. Local. 1027. AMORY L. BABCOCK, Sherborn, Mass. Local, and Surinam, S. A. 1028. AUSTIN BACON, Natick, Mass. Local. 1029. VINCENT BARNARD, Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa. Local. 1030. HOMER E. BASSETT, Waterbury, Ct. N. American Hymenoptera. 1031. D. W. BEADLE, St. Catharines, Canada West. Local Coleop- tera and Lepidoptera. 1032. Dr. H. BEHR (Entomologist, California State Board of Agricul- ture), San Erancisco, Cal. Californian. 1033. JAMES S. BEHRENS, San Erancisco, Cal. Coleoptera and Lepi- doptera. 1034. G. W. BELFRAGE, Chicago, 111. A Collector. 1035. AARON B. BELKNAP, New York, N. Y. Local. 1036. J. E. BENNER, New Lisbon, Ohio. Local. 1037. C. W. BENNETT, Holyoke, Mass. Local. 45 INSECTS. 1038-1069 1038. Kev. CHARLES J. S. BETHUNE (Secretary and Treasurer, Ento- mological Society of Canada), Credit, Canada West. Cana- dian Coleoptera^ and North American Lepidoptera. 1039. B. BILLINGS, Ottawa City, Canada West. Local. 1040. E. BILLINGS. Montreal, Canada. Coleoptera. 1041. CHARLES A. BLAKE, Philadelphia, Pa. Local Lepidoptera. 1042. M. P. BLAKE, Gilmanton, N. H. Local. 1043. J. H. B. BLAND, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Coleoptera. 1044. Col. J. H. BLISS, Erie, Pa. Local. 1045. CHARLES L. BLOOD, Corner of Weir and First streets, Taunton, Mass. Local. 1046. ANDREW BOLTER, Corner of Wells and Van Buren streets, Chi- cago, 111. Lepidoptera. 1047. JOHN BOLTON, Portsmouth, Ohio. Local. 1048. BOTTIN, Orizaba, Mexico. Mexican. 1049. GEORGE J. BOWLES (Secretary, Quebec Branch, Entomological Society of Canada ; Curator, Literary and Historical Society of Quebec), Quebec, Canada. North American Lepidoptera. 1050. FREDERICK BRACHES, Gray's Summit, Franklin Co., Mo. Local. 1051. GEORGE E. BRACKETT, Belfast, Me. Local. 1052. Rev. J. H. BRAKELEY, Bordentown, N. J. Local. 1053. Rev. W. B. BREED, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 1054. Dr. EMIL BRENDEL, U. S. A., Peoria, 111. Pselaphids. 1055. JOSEPH BRIDGHAM, jr., No. 26 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. North American Lepidoptera. 1056. Mrs. JOSEPH BRIDGHAM, No. 26 Waverly Place, New York, N. Y. Local. 1057. ROBERT H. BROWNE, Quebec, Canada. N. American Lepidoptera, 1058. S. B. BUCKLEY, Geological Bureau, Austin, Texas. Local. For- micidce. 1059. ROBERT BUNKER, Rochester, N. Y. Local. 1060. EDWARD BURGESS, Boston, Mass. Local. 1061. STEPHEN CALVERLY, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. 1062. WILLIAM W. CAREY, Colerain, Mass. Apiarian. 1063. DAVID A. CASHMAN, Chicago, 111. Local. 1064. H. H. CHAPMAN, Chicago, 111. Local. 1065. JOSEPH E. CHASE, Holyoke, Mass. Local. 1066. F. A. CLAPP, Dorchester, Mass. Local. 1067. Rev. V. CLEMENTI, North Douro, Canada West. Local. 1068. RICHARD COLVIN, Baltimore, Md. Apiarian. 1069. CALEB COOKE (Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. Local. General Collection. 1070-1099 INSECTS. 46 1070. WILLIAM COUPER (Vice President, Quebec Branch, Entomolog- ical Society of Canada), Quebec, Canada. Coleoptera and In- sect Architecture. 1071. E. T. CRESSON (Corresponding Secretary and Curator, American Entomological Society), No. 518 South Thirteenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. General . Special, Hymenoptera. 1072. Prof. HENRY CROFT (Professor of Chemistry , University College; President, Entomological Society of Canada), Toronto, Can- ada West. North American Coleoptera. 1073. CHARLES CURRIER, Providence, R. I. Local. 1074. W. O. CURRIER, Providence, R. I. Local. 1075. HENRY DAVIS, McGregor, Iowa. Local. 1076. A. W. DE FOREST, New York, N. Y. North American. 1077. THOMAS A. DICKINSON, Worcester, Mass. Local. 1078. GEORGE B. DIXON, (Librarian, American Entomological Society), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1079. CHARLES R. DODGE (Assistant in Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture), Washington, D. C. Local. 1080. Dr. EDWARD DORSCH, Monroe, Mich. Local. 1081. WILLIAM H. EDWARDS, Newburgh, N. Y. North American Lepi- doptera. 1082. JAMES H. EMERTON (Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute), Sa- lem, Mass. Local. Special, Arachnides. General Collection. Zoological Artist. 1083. CHARLES A. EMERY, Springfield, Mass. Local. 1084. L. ENGELBRECHT, Portsmouth, Sciota Co., Ohio. North Ameri- can Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Lepidoptera. 1085. J. M. ENGLISH, Chicago, 111. Local. 1086. FRANK FAIRBANKS, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Local. 1087. CHARLES E. FAXON, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Local. 1088. WALTER FAXON, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Local. 1089. H. TUDOR FAY, Columbus, Ohio. North American Coleoptera. 1090. HENRY FELDMAN, Philadelphia, Pa. Local Coleoptera. 1091. WILLIAM C. FISH, East Falmouth, Mass. Local. 1092. Judge FISHBANK, Batavia, N. Y. Apiarian. 1093. D. M. FISK, Brown University, Providence, R. I. Local. 1094. Dr. ASA FITCH (State Entomologist of New York), Salem, Wash- ington Co., N. Y. General. Special, Injurious and Beneficial. 1095. C. FOLEY, Lindsay, Canada West. Local. 1096. R. J. FOWLER, Montreal, Canada. Lepidoptera. 1097. ROBERT FRAZER, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Coleoptera. 1098. ALBERT S. GARLAND, Gloucester, Mass. Local. 1099. Dr. G. P. GIKDWOOD, Montreal, Canada. Local. 47 INSECTS. 1100-1127 1100. TOWNEND GLOVER (Entomologist, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture), Washington, D. C. North American. 1101. EDWARD L. GRAEF (Member of Committee on Entomology, Long Island Historical Society), Brooklyn, N. Y. North Amer- ican and European Lepidoptera. 1102. Dr. JOHN W. GREENE (Curator, Lyceum of Natural History of New York), No. 7 West Fifteenth street, New York, N. Y. North American Hymenoptera. 1103. AUGUSTUS R. GROTE (Curator of Entomology, Buffalo Society of Natural Science), No. 41 Beaver street, New York, N. Y. North American Lepidoptera. 1104. FERDINAND GRUBER, San Francisco, Cal. Local. 1105. Miss C. GUILD, Walpole, Mass. Local. 1106. Dr. JUAN GUNDLACH, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 1107. Dr. HERMANN HAGEN (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zo- ology), Cambridge, Mass. General. Special, Neuroptera. 1108. REUBEN HAINES, Germantown, Pa. Lepidoptera. 1109. Prof. S. S. HALDEMAN, Columbia, Pa. N. American Coleoptera. 1110. Dr. A. HALL, Montreal, Canada. Local. 1111. GEORGE H. HATHEWAY, Post-office box 5868, Chicago, 111. North American Hemiptera and Neuroptera. 1112. Dr. G. W. HAZLETINE, Jamestown, N. Y. Local. 1113. Dr. CHARLES A. HELMUTH, Chicago, 111. N. American Coleoptera. 1114. FRANK F. HODGMAN, Littleton, N. H. Local. 1115. GUSTAVE P. HOFFMAN, Chicago, 111. Local. 1116. Dr. GEORGE H. HORN (President, American Entomological So- cety), Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Coleoptera. , 1117. WIN SLOW J. HOWARD, No. 345 Grand street, New York, N. Y. Local. 1118. ROBERT HOWELL, Nichols, Tioga Co., N. Y. Local. 1119. CHARLES N. HOYT, Providence, R. I. Local. 1120. Rev. JAMES HUBBERT (Professor of Natural Sciences, St. Francis College), Richmond, Canada East. Diptera. 1121. GEORGE HUNT, Providence, R. I. North American. 1122. Miss M. E. HUNT, Providence, R. I. Local. 1123. Miss M. L. JENKS (Assistant Curator of Articulata, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1124. Rev. W. A. JOHNSON, Weston, Canada West. Local. 1125. J. MATTHEW JONES, Ashbourne, Nova Scotia. Local. 1126. Prof. SAMUEL JONES (Professor of Natural Sciences, Jefferson College), Canonsburg, Pa. Local. 1127. WILLIAM KEOSTLIN, New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. 1128-1157 INSECTS. 48 1128. Rev. P. P. KIDDER, Ellicottsville, N. Y. Local. 1129. JOHV KIRKPATRICK (Secretary, Academy of Natural Sciences of Cleveland ; Secretary, Cleveland Horticultural Society), Cleve- land, Ohio. Local. 1130. Dr. J. P. KIRTLAND, East Rockport, Ohio; Post-office address, Cleveland, Ohio. Local Lepidoptera. 1131. J. FRANK KNIGHT (Recording Secretary, American Entomologi- cal Society), Philadelphia, Pa. North American Homopter a. 1132. EDWARD KOCH, Toledo, Ohio. Local. 1133. Rev. L. L. LANGSTROTH, Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio. Apiarian. 1134. Dr. WILLIAM LE BARON, Geneva, Kane Co., 111. North American Diptera and Coleoptera. 1135. Dr. JOHN L. LE CONTE, No. 1325 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa.. Coleoptera. 113G. Dr. JAMES LEWIS, Mohawk, N. Y. Local. 1137. Dr. SAMUEL LEWIS, No. 1330 Spruce street, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Coleoptera. 1138. Dr. G. LINCECUM, Long Point, Texas. Local. 1139. J. A. LINTNER, Utica, N. Y. Lepidoptera. 1140. Miss ADELIA J. LITTLEFIELD, Woburn, Mass. Local. 1141. B. P. MANN, Cambridge, Mass. Local. 1142. Prof. R. Z. MASON, Appleton, Wis. Local. 1143. JAMES W. MCALLISTER (Treasurer, American Entomological So- ciety), Philadelphia, Pa. Hymenoptera. 1144. THEODORE L. MEAD, No. 233 West Thirty-fourth street, New York, N. Y. Local. 1145. E. E. MELSHEIMER, Davidsburg, York Co., Pa. General. 1146. JOHN MEICHEL, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 1147. JAMES C. MERRILL. Pemberton Square, Boston, Mass. Local. 1148. JULIUS E. MEYER, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. 1149. Prof. MANLY MILES (Professor of Animal Physiology and Practi- cal Agriculture, State Agricultural College), Lansing, Mich. Local. 1150. Rev. J. G. MORRIS, Baltimore, Md. North American Lepidoptera. 1151. Dr. WILLIAM A. NASON, Post-office Box 3412, Chicago, 111. Lo- cal Coleoptera. 1152. JAMES NEAL, Cleveland, Ohio. Local. 1153. GEORGE W. NICHOLS, West Amesbury, Mass. Local. 1154. J. NIETS, Cordova, Mexico. Local. 1155. D. BENJAMIN NORRIS, Pittsfleld, Pike Co., 111. Local. 1156. EDWARD NORTON, Earmington, Ct. General. Special, North American Hymenoptera. 1157. JOHN ORNE, jr., Cambridgeport, Mass. N. American Coleoptera. 49 INSECTS. 1158-1187 1158. JOHN OSGOOD, Lynn, Mass. Local. 1159. Baron R. VON OSTEN SACKEN (Russian Consul General), No. 52 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y. Diptera. Cynipidce. 1160. Dr. A. S. PACKARD, jr. (Curator of Crustacea, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute ; Edi- tor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General. Special, Ht/menoptera and Lepidoptera. 1161. TITIAN R. PEALE, Washington, D. C. Lepidoptera. 1162. CHARLES H. PECK, Albany, N. Y. Local. 1163. GEORGE WM. PECK, No. 26 Dey street, New York, N. Y. North American Lepidoptera. 1164. JOHNSON PETTIT, Grimsby, Canada West. Local Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. 1165. WM. S. PINE (Vice President, American Entomological Society), Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 1166. JAMES H. POE, Portsmouth, Ohio. Local. 1167. Prof. FELIPE POEY, Calle del Aguila, No. 157, Habana, Cuba. Cu- ban Neuroptera and Formicidce. 1168. S. S. RATHVON, Lancaster, Pa. Coleoptera. 1169. TRYON REAKIRT, No. 353 North Third street, Philadelphia, Pa. Diurnal Lepidoptera. 1170. A. S. REBER, Bellefonte, Pa. Local. 1171. E. BAYNES REED (Secretary, London Branch, Entomological So- ciety of Canada), London, C. W. Local. 1172. T. REYNOLDS, Montreal, Canada. Local. 1173. HARVEY J. RICH, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. 1174. WM. J. RICHARDSON, Oxford, Miss. Local. 1175. JAMES RIDINGS, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1176. JAMES H. RIDINGS, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Neurop- tera and Orthoptera. 1177. A. H. RUSE, St. Thomas, West Indies. West Indian. 1178. C. V. RILEY, Chicago, 111. Local. Injurious to Vegetation. 1179. A. S. RITCHIE, Montreal, Canada. Local. 1180. COLEMAN T. ROBINSON, New York, N. Y. N. Am. Lepidoptera. 1181. Dr. G. O. ROGERS, Lancaster, N. H. Local. 1182. WILLIAM A. ROUSSEAU, Troy, N. Y. Local. 1183. ALEX. L. RUSSELL, Quebec, Canada. North American Lepidoptera. 1184. J. SACHS, West Hoboken, N. J. Local. 1185. Prof. A. SAGER (Professor of Obstetrics, University of Michi- gan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 1186. JAMES SAMPSON, New Harmony, Ind. Local. 1187. F. G. SANBORN, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. North American. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 7 January, 1868. 1188-1219 INSECTS. 50 1188. Dr. E. SANGER, Littleton, N. H. Local. 1189. Dr. JOHN H. SANGSTER, Normal School, Toronto, C. W. Local. 1190. Dr. C. SARTORIUS, Mirador, Mexico. Mexican. 1191. WILLIAM SAUNDERS, Dundas street, London, Canada West. North American Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. 1192. MAURICE SHUSTER, St. Louis, Mo. North American Coleoptera. 1193. S. H. SCUDDER (Custodian, Secretary, Librarian, and Curator of Entomology, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, Mass. General. Special, Orthoptera. Diurnal Lepidoptera. Fossil Insects. 1194. Dr. WILLIAM SHARSWOOD, Philadelphia, Pa. Coleoptera and Arachnides. 1195. Prof. HENRY SHIMER, Mt. Carroll, 111. Local. 1196. GEORGE D. SMITH, No. 162 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Coleoptera. 1197. RUFUS SMITH, North Littleton, N. H. Local. 1198. S. I. SMITH (Assistant, Museum of Yale College), New Haven, Ct. North American. Special, Orthoptera. 1199. Dr. WILLIAM M. SMITH, Manlius, N. Y. Local. 1200. CHARLES SONNE, No. 47 La Salle street, Chicago, 111. North American Coleoptera. 1201. Miss JULIA H. SPEAR, Burlington, Vt. Local. 1202. H. S. SPRAGUE, Buffalo, N. Y. Local. 1203. PHILIP S. SPRAGUE, Dorchester, Mass. Local. 1204. Mrs. PHILIP S. SPRAGUE, Dorchester, Mass. Local. 1205. PHILANDER M. SPRINGER, Springfield, 111. Local. 1206. SOLOMON STEBBINS, Springfield, Mass. General. Special, Diptera. 1207. E. SUFFERT, Matanzas, Cuba. Lepidoptera. 1208. Prof. F. SUMICHRAST, Orizaba, Mexico. Local. 1209. ROBERT B. TALBOTT, New York, N. Y. Local. 1210. EDWARD TATNALL, jr., Wilmington, Del. Coleoptera. 1211. ALEX. S. TAYLOR, Santa Barbara, Cal. Local. 1212. Prof. SANBORN TENNEY (Professor of Natural Science, Vassar Female College), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Local. 1213. F. W. TEPPER, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. 1214. JOHN TEPPER, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. 1215. D. O. THIEME, Burlington, Iowa. Local. 1216. CYRUS THOMAS, Murphysboro', 111. North American Orthoptera. 1217. Prof. D. G. THOMPSON (Professor of Natural Sciences, Otterbein University), Westerville, Franklin Co., Ohio. Local. 1218. EDWARD F. TOLMAN (Assistant Curator of Articulata, Worces- ter Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1219. Dr. NORTON S. TOWNSHEND, Avon, Lorain Co., Ohio. Local. 51 INSECTS. CRUSTACEANS. 1220-1242 1220. JAMES 0. TREAT, Lawrence, Mass. Local Lepidoptera. 1221. Dr. ISAAC P. TRIMBLE (State Entomologist of New Jersey), New- ark, N. J. Local. Beneficial and Injurious. 1222. L. TUOUVELOT, East Medford, Mass. Local. Special, Silk pro- ducing Bombycidce. Zoological Artist. 1223. WILLIAM TUPPER, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lepidoptera. 1224. P. R. UHLER (Peabody Institute), Baltimore, Md. General. Spe- cial, Hemiptera and Neuroptera. 1225. HENRY ULKE, Washington, D. C. North American Coleoptera. 1226. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cura- tor of Radiata, Boston Society of Natural History), New Haven, Ct. Injurious and Beneficial. 1227. SAMUEL WAGNER (Editor Bee Gazette), Washington, D.C. Api- arian. 1228. BENJ. D. WALSH, Rock Island, 111. General. Special, Neurop- tera and Cynipidce. 1229. Rev. Mr. WASSALL, Newburyport. Mass. Lepidoptera. 1230. J. W. WEIDEMEYER, No. 75 Gold street, New York, N. Y. Lepi- doptera. 1231. Mrs. H. W. WELLINGTON, West Roxbury, Mass. Local. 1232. Rev. DAVID WESTON (Curator of Articulata, Worcester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1233. C. P. WHITNEY, Miiford, N. H. Local. 1234. J. P. WILDE, Egg Harbor, N. J., in summer; Baltimore, Md., in winter. Coleoptera. 1235. WILDEBOER, Fontanelle, Barbadoes. Local. A Collector and Dealer. 1236. Dr. S. C. WILLIAMS, Silver Springs, Lancaster Co., Pa. Local. 1237. CHARLES WILT, No. 1306 South street, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1238. Prof. ALEXANDER WINCHELL (Professor of Natural History, Uni- versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. North American Lepi- doptera, Coleoptera, .and Hymenoptera. 1239. Dr. HORATIO C. WOOD, jr. (Professor of Botany, University of Pennsylvania), Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. North American Myriapoda and Arachnides. 1240. WILLIAM S. WOOD, No. 61 Walker street, New York, N. Y. Coleoptera. 1241. Rev. DANIEL ZIEGLER, York, Pa. North American Coleoptera. OEUSTAOEANS, 1242. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Harvard University; Director and Curator, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 1243-1264. CRUSTACEANS. WORMS. 52 1243. CALEB COOKE (Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. Local. 1244. Prof. JAMES D. DANA (Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. General. 1245. C. B. FULLER, Portland, Me. Local. 1246. ANDREW GARRETT, care of Samuel Hubbard, San Francisco, Cal. South Seas. 1247. Prof. L. K. GIBBES, Charleston, S. C. Southern Coast. 1248. Prof. THEODORE GILL (Librarian, Smithsonian Institution), Wash- ington, D. C. North American. 1249. C. FRED. HARTT, Cooper Institute, New York, N. Y. TriloUt.es. 1250. Prof. O. C. MARSH (Professor of Palaeontology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. Fossil. 1251. F. B. MEEK, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Fossil. 1252. Gen. ALBERT ORDWAY, Richmond, Va. General. 1253. Dr. A. S. PACKARD, jr. (Curator of Crustacea, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute ; Edi- tor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General. Special, . North Atlantic. [Cuban. 1254. Prof. FELIPE POEY, Calle del Aguila, No. 157, Habana, Cuba. 1255. Dr. EDMUND RAVENEL, Charleston, S. C. Local and Fossil. 1256. S. I. SMITH (Assistant in Zoology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. General. 1257. Dr. WILLIAM STIMPSON (Secretary, and Director of the Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences), Chicago, 111. General. WOKMS, 1258. A. E. R. AGASSIZ (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. Marine. 1259. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Penn- sylvania; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences), No. 1302 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. Parasites. 1260. WILLIAM C. MINOR, New Haven, Ct. Marine, Local. 1261. Dr. A. S. PACKARD, jr. (Curator of Crustacea, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute ; Edi- tor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. North Atlantic. 1262. Dr. WILLIAM STIMPSON (Secretary and Director of the Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences), Chicago, 111. Marine. 1263. Dr. F. R. STURGIS, No. 103 Ninth street, New York, N. Y. Hel- minths. 1264. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cura- tor of Radiata, Boston Society of Natural History), New Ha- ven, Ct. Local. 53 WORMS. MOLLUSKS. 1265-1285 1265. Dr. J. C. WHITE (Professor of , Mass. Medical College; Curator of Mammalia and Comparative Anatomy, Boston So- ciety of Natural History), Boston, Mass. Helminths. 1266. Prof. ALEXANDER WIN CHELL (Professor of Natural History, Uni- versity of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Helminths. MOLLUSKS, 1267. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Zoology and Geology, Harvard University; Curator and Director, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 1288. TRUMAN H. ALDRICH, Troy, N. Y. Local. 1269. ANSON ALLEN, Orono, Me. Terrestrial and Fluviatile. 1270. J. G. ANTHONY (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. Special, North American Terres- trial and Fluviatile. 1271. RAFAEL ARANGO, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 1272. J. W. ARNOLD (Cabinet Keeper and Curator of Mollusca, Wor- cester Society of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. Local. 1273. E. P. AUSTIN, Cambridge, Mass. Local Terrestrial and Fluvi- atile. 1274. Rev. JOSEPH BANVARD, Patterson, N. J. Local. 1275. Rev. E. R. BEADLE (Secretary, Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1276. A. S. BICKMORE, New York, N. Y.), General. 1277. B. BILLINGS, Ottawa City, Canada West. Local. 1278. E. BILLINGS (Palaeontologist, Geological Survey of Canada), Montreal, Canada. Fossil. 1279. WILLIAM G. BINNEY, Burlington, N. J. North American Terres- trial. 1280. THOMAS BLAND, Brooklyn, N. Y., or No. 42 Pine street, New York, N. Y. North American and West Indian Terrestrial. 1281. Rev. E. C. BOLLES (Corresponding Secretary, Portland Society of Natural History), Portland, Me. North American Terrestrial and Fluviatile. 1282. A. D. BROWN, Princeton, N. J. Terrestrial. 1283. ROBERT H. BROWNNE (Recording Secretary, Lyceum of Natural History of New York), No. 54 West Fifteenth street, New York City; No. 91 South Ninth street, Williamsburgh, N. Y. General. 1284. Dr. P. P. CARPENTER, Montreal, Canada. General. Special, Pa- cific Coast of North America. 1285. RICARDO I. CAY, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuban. 1286-1315 MOLLUSKS. 54 1286. L. E. CHITTENDEN, No. 252 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Local. 1287. Dr. DANIEL CLARKE (President, Flint Scientific Institute), Flint, Mich. Local. 1288. Prof. H. JAMES-CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. Anatomy. 1289. WILLIAM C. CLEVELAND, No. 46 Washington street, Boston, Mass. North American Terrestrial and Flumatile. 1290. T. A. CONRAD, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Naiades and Fossil. 1291. CALEB COOKE (Curator of Articulata, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. Local. 1292. Dr. FRANCISCO J. CORONADO, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 1293. A. O. CURRIER, Grand Rapids, Mich. North American. 1294. WILLIAM H. DALL, Academy of Natural Sciences, Chicago, 111. North American. Special, Pacific Slope. 1295. HENRY DAVIS, McGregor, Iowa. Local. 1296. Dr. J. W. DAWSOX (Principal, McGill University), Montreal, Canada. Fossil. 1297. Dr. WM. H. DE CAMP, Grand Rapids, Mich.- North American. 1298. A. DIETZ, St. Thomas, West Indies. General. Special, West Indian. 1299. G. W. DUNN, San Francisco, Cal. General. 1300. DAVID W. FERGUSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. Local. 1301. Dr. A. E. FOOTE, Ann Arbor, Mich. North American Terrestrial and Flumatile,. 1302. JONATHAN FORD, Philadelphia, Pa. Marine Gasteropods. 1303. Dr. E. FOREMAN, Catonsville, Md. General. 1304. R. J. FOWLER, Montreal, Canada. Local. 1305. C. B. FULLER, Portland, Me. Local. 1306. ANDREW GARRETT, Care of Samuel Hubbard, San Francisco, Cal. South Seas. 1307. Prof. THEODORE GILL (Librarian, Smithsonian Institution), Washington, D. C. General. 1308. THOMAS A. GREENE, New Bedford, Mass. General. 1309. H. HAAGENSEN, St. Thomas, West Indies. West Indian. 1310. WILLIAM A. HAINES, No. 177 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. General. 1311. Prof. S. S. HALDEMAN, Columbia, Pa. North American Flumatile. 1312. Mrs. I. D. HALL, New Bedford, Mass. Local. 1313. Prof. JAMES HALL (Curator, State Geological Museum, State Ge- ologist of New York), Albany, N. Y. Fossil. 1314. Dr. W. H. HARTMAN, Westchester, Chester Co., Pa. Local. 1315. M. W. HARRINGTON (Assistant. Museum of the University of 55 MOLLUSKS. 1316-1339 Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. North American Terrestrial and Fluviatile. 1316. C. FRED. HARTT, Cooper Institute, New York, N. Y. Brachio- pods, Living and Fossil. 1317. J. P. HASKELL, Marblehead, Mass. Local. 1318. THOMAS C. HASKELL, Swampscott, Mass. Local. 1319. Prof. F. V. HAYDEN (Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania), Philadelphia, Pa. North American Fossil. 1320. Prof. F. S. HOLMES, Charleston, S. C. Southern States, Living and Fossil. 1321. ROBERT HOWELL, Nichols, Tioga Co., N. Y. Local. 1322. Dr. S. B. HOWELL (Chairman, Committee on Cephalopoda, Con- chological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadel- phia, Pa. Cephalopods. 1323. Dr. P. R. HOY, Racine, Wis. Local. 1324. Dr. E. W. HUBBARD, Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y. General. 1325. ALPHEUS HYATT (Curator of Palaeontology, Boston Society of Natural History; Curator of Polyzoa and Palaeontology, Essex Institute; Editor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. Ceph- alopods and Polyzoa, Living and Fossil. 1326. J. W. JACKMAN, Newburyport, Mass. Local. 1327. U. P. JAMES, Cincinnati, Ohio. North American. 1328. Dr. JNO. C. JAY, Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y. General. 1329. Col. EZEKIEL JEWETT, Utica, N. Y. Fossil, and a Collector. 1330. FRANCISCO DE JIMENO, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuban. 1331. Prof. SAMUEL JONES (Professor of Natural Science, Jefferson College), Canonsburg, Washington Co., N. Y. Local. 1332. Rev. P. P. KIDDER, Ellcottsville, N. Y. Local. 1333. Capt. H. F. KING (Curator of Mollusca, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. General Collection. 1334. Rev. A. B. KENDIG, Davenport, Iowa. North American Fluviatile and Terrestrial Gasteropods. 1335. Dr. J. P. KIRTLAND, East Rockport, Ohio ; Post-office address, Cleveland, Ohio. Local. 1336. HENRY KREBS, St. Thomas, West Indies. West Indian. 1337. Dr. I. A. LAPHAM (President, Wisconsin Historical Society), Milwaukie, Wis. Local. 1338. Dr. GEORGE A. LATHROP, East Saganaw, Mich. Local. 1339. ISAAC LEA (Vice President, American Philosophical Society; Director, Cqnchological Section, Academy of Natural Sci- ences), No. 1622 Locust street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fluviatile, Terrestrial, and Fossil. 1340-1369 MOLLTJSKS. 56 1340. Dr. JAMES LEWIS, Mohawk, N. Y. Local. 1341. Rev. SAMUEL LOCKWOOD, Keyport, N. J. Local. 1342. A. B. LYON, Aim Arbor, Mich. Terrestrial and Fluviatile. 1343. W. L. MACTIER (Treasurer, Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences), No. 132 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1344. WILLIAM T. MARCH, Spanishtown, Jamaica. West Indian. 1345. Prof. R. Z. MASON, Appleton, Wis. Local. 1346. E. R. MAYO, No. 82 Milk street, Boston, Mass. 1347. F. B. MEEK, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Fossil. 1348. Dr. MANLY MILES (Professor of Animal Physiology and Practical Agriculture, State Agricultural College), Lansing, Mich. Local. 1349. HENRY MOORES, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 1350. EDWARD S. MORSE (Curator of Mollusca, Boston Society of Nat- ural History ; Curator of Mollusca, Essex Institute ; Editor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General. Special, North American Fluviatile and Terrestrial. 1351. Dr. WESLEY NEWCOMB, San Francisco, Cal. General. Special, Pacific Slope of America. Achatinellce. 1352. Dr. EDWARD ,T. NOLAND (Conservator, Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1353. CHARLES F. PARKER (Librarian, Couchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1354. GEORGE H. PERKINS, Galesburg, 111. North American. 1355. JNO. S. PHILLIPS, Philadelphia, Pa. Marine Acephala. 1S56. Prof. J. W. Powell, Normal, 111. Fluviatile and Fossil. 1357. MANUEL J. PRESAS, Calle de Velarde. No. 5, Matanzas, Cuba. Cuban. 1358. TEMPLE PRLME, No. 26 Broad street, New York, N. Y. Corbicu- ladce. 1359. Dr. EDMUND RAVENEL, Charleston, S. C. Local and Fossil. 1360. J. R. READ, New Bedford, Mass. Local. 1361. J. H. REDFIELD, Philadelphia, Pa. Local. 1362. A. B. RICHMOND, Meadsville, Pa. Local. 1363. A. H. RUSE, St. Thomas, West Indies. West Indian. 1364. T. RIMMER, Montreal, Canada. General. 1365. S. R. ROBERTS (Recorder, Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences), Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1366. C. T. ROBINSON (Curator of Mollusca, Buffalo Society of Natural Science), No. 31 Wall street, New York, N. Y. General. 1367. HENRY ROUSSEAU, Troy, N. Y. Fossil. Local. 1368. Rev. J. ROWELL, San Francisco, Cal. Local. 1369. Dr. W. S. W. RUSCHENBERGER, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 57 MOLLUSKS. 1370-1392 1370. Prof. ABRAM SAGER (Professor of Obstetrics, University of Michi- gan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 1371. JAMES SAMPSON, New Harmony, Ind. Local, 1372. GEORGE SCARBOROUGH, Sumner, Atchinson Co., Kansas. Local. 1373. N. S. SHALER (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. Brachiopods, Living and Fossil. 1374. Prof. D. S. SHELDON (Professor of Chemistry and Natural Sci- ences, Griswold College), Davenport, Iowa. Terrestrial and Flumatile. 1375. Dr. E. R. SHOW ALTER, Uniontown, Ala. Local. 1376. SANDERSON SMITH, No. 26 Broad street, New York, N. Y. LocaL 1377. ROBERT E. C. STEARNS (Vice President and Curator of Mollusca, California Academy of Sciences), Lock box 1449. Post-office, San Francisco, Cal. General. Special, Pacific Slope of America. 1378. J. B. STEERE (Assistant, Museum of the University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. North American Terrestrial and Flumatile. 1379. D. JACKSON STEWARD, No. 148 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. General. 1380. WM. W. STEWART (Custodian, Buffalo Society of Natural Sci- ences), Buffalo, N. Y. Local. 1381. Dr. WILLIAM STIMPSON (Secretary and Director, Chicago Acad- emy of Sciences), Chicago, 111. General. Special, Atlantic coast of North America. 1382. FRANK W. STOWELL, No. 191 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. American. 1383. RICHARD H. STRETCH, Virginia City, Nevada. Local. 1384. ROBERT L. STUART, No. 154 Fifth avenue, New York, N. Y. General* 1385. JOSEPH SULLIVANT, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 1386. ROBERT SWIFT, St. Thomas, West Indies, or care of Thomas Bland, 42 Pine street, New York, N. Y. General. Special, West Indian. 1387. Dr. THEODORE A. TELLKAMPF, No. 142 West Fourth street, New York, N. Y. Ascidians. 1388. L. L. THAXTER, No. 13 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. New Eng- land Terrestrial and Flumatile. 1389. JOHN H. THOMSON, New Bedford, Mass. Terrestrial and Fluvi- atile Gasteropods. 1390. Dr. J. B. TRASK, San Francisco, Cal. Californian* 1391. Dr. J. B. TREMBLEY, Toledo, Ohio. Local. 1392. GEORGE W. TRYON, jr. (Vice Director, Conchological Section, Academy of Natural Sciences ; Editor, American Journal of Conchology), No. 625 Market st., Philadelphia, Pa. General. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 8 June, 1868. 1393-1416 MOLLUSKS. RADIATES. 58 1393. J. C. TURNPENNY, Philadelphia, Pa. Marine Acepliala. 1394. HENRY D. VAN NOSTRAND, No. 116 West street, New York, N. Y. General. 1395. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cura- tor of Radiates, Boston Society of Natural History), New Ha- ven, Ct. American. 1396. Rev. Mr. VILLENEUVE, Montreal, Canada. Local. 1397. W. E. WELLINGTON, Dubuque, Iowa. Local. 1398. CHARLES M. WHEATLEY, Phoanixville, Pa., or 42 Pine street, New York, N. Y. Fluviatile. 1399. JOHN M. WHEATON, Columbus, Ohio. Local. 1400. J. F. WHITEAVES (Recording Secretary and Curator, Natural His- tory Society of Montreal), Montreal, Canada. General. 1401. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, N. Y. Local, Living and Fossil. 1402. J. R. WILLIS, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Local. 1403. Prof. ALEX. WINCHELL (Professor of Natural History, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Terrestrial and Fluviatile. 1404. A. YOUNG, Brooklyn, N. Y. General. RADIATES. 1405. A. E. R. AGASSIZ (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General.. Special, Echinoderms and Aca- lephs. 1406. Prof. Louis AGASSIZ (Professor of Geology and Zoology, Har- vard University ; Curator and Director, Museum of Compara- tive Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 1407. Rev. WILLIAM H. BARRIS, Burlington, Iowa. Fossil Crinoids. 1408. Prof. H. JAMES-CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. Anatomy. 1409. Prof. JAMES D. DANA (Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. Polyps. 1410. P. DUCHASSAING, St. Thomas, W^est Indies. Polyps. 1411. CHARLES B. FULLER, Portland, Me. New England. 1412. B. J. HALL, Burlington, Iowa. Fossil Crinoids. 1413. Prof. C. FRED. HARTT (Professor of Natural History, Vassar College), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Polyps. 1414. JOHN G. HEYWOOD (Assistant Curator of Radiata, Worcester So- ciety of Natural History), Worcester, Mass. 1415. Dr. J. B. HOLDER, U. S. Army. Florida Corals, 1416. Col. THEODORE LYMAN (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zo- ology), Brookline, Mass. Ophiurans and Polyps. 59 RADIATES. PROTOZOA. PARASITES. 1417-1434 1417. Prof. JOHN MCCRADY, Charleston, S. C. Living and Fossil. 1418. F. B. MEEK, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. Fossil. 1419. W. H. NILES, Cambridge, Mass. Crinoids, Living and Fossil. 1420. Dr. WILLIAM STIMPSON (Secretary, and Director of the Museum, Chicago Academy of Sciences), Chicago, 111. Echinoderms and Polyps. 1421. Dr. O. THEIME, Burlington, Iowa. Fossil Crinoids. 1422. Prof. A. E. VERRILL (Professor of Zoology, Yale College ; Cu- rator of Radiates, Boston Society of Natural History), New Haven, Ct. General. Special, Polyps and Echinoderms. 1423. Dr. CHARLES A. WHITE (State Geologist of Iowa), Iowa City, Iowa. Fossil. PKOTOZOA. 1424. Prof. H. JAMES-CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. General. 1425. P. DUCHASSAING, St. Thomas, West Indies. Sponges. 1426. ALPHEUS HYATT (Curator of Palaeontology, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator in Natural History Department, Es- sex Institute; Editor, American Naturalist), Salem, Mass. General. 1427. Prof. O. C. MARSH (Professor of Palaeontology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. Fossil Sponges. 1428. Prof. ALEXANDER WINCHELL (Professor of Natural History, Uni- versity of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich, Local. PAKASITES. 1429. Prof. H. JAMES-CLARK (Professor of Natural History, Pennsyl- vania Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. Vegetable. 1430. Prof. JOSEPH LEIDY (Professor of Anatomy, University of Penn- sylvania ; Curator, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia), No. 1302 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. General. 1431. Prof. J. H. SALISBURY (Professor of Physiology, Histology, and Cell Pathology, Charity Hospital Medical College), Cleveland, Ohio. General. 1432. Dr. F. R. STURGIS, No. 103 Ninth street, New York, N. Y. Hu- man. 1433. Prof. J. C. WHITE (Adjunct Professor of Chemistry and Lectu- rer on Diseases of the SJdn), Boston, Mass. Human. 1434. Prof. JEFFRIES WYMAN (Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Harvard University; President, Boston Society of Natural History), Cambridge, 'Mass. General. 1435-1454 ADDITIONS. 60 ADDITIONAL NAMES RECEIVED. GEOLOGY, 1435. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Cumberland, Md. Local. 1436. Dr. GEO. S. BLAKIE, Nashville, Term. Local. 1437. W. T. BRIGHAM (Curator of Geology, Boston Society of Natural History), Boston, Mass. General Collection. Special, Vol- canic. 1438. Dr. A. E. FOOTE (Assistant in Mineralogy, University of Michi- gan), Ann Arbor, Mich. General Collection. 1439. Prof. C. FRED. HARTT (Professor of Natural History, Vassar Col- lege), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. North and South American. 1440. Prof. HENRY Y. HIND (Professor of Physical and Natural Sci- ences, Trinity College), Toronto, C. W. British American. 1441. JAMES HYATT, Bengali, N. Y. Local. 1442. Prof. CHARLES A. JOY, Columbia College, New York, N. Y. North American. 1443. Prof. JOSEPH LE CONTE (Professor of Chemistry and Mineral- ogy, University of South Carolina), Columbia, S. C. North American. 1444. Dr. GEORGE LITTLE (State Geologist of Mississippi), Oxford, Miss. North American. 1445. THOMAS MCFARLANE, Acton Vale, Canada East. Local. 1446. Rev. JOHN B. PERRY (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy), Cambridge, Mass. North American. 1447. GEORGE L. VOSE, Paris Hill, Me. General. 1448. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, N. Y. Local. PHYSICAL GEOGEAPHY, 1449. A. S. BICKMORE, Amherst, Mass. Asia, 1450. Prof. JAMES ORTON, Rochester, N. Y. Andes and Amazons. MINEEALS, 1451. EDWARD S. F. ARNOLD, Yonkers, Westchester Co., N. Y. 1452. Dr. GEO. S. BLAKIE, Nashville, Tenn. 1453. Dr. WM. H. DE CAMP, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1454. Prof. SILAS H. DOUGLASS (Professor of Chemistry and Mineralo- gy, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. 61 ADDITIONS. 1455-1476 1455. Dr. A. E. FOOTE (Assistant in Mineralogy, University of Michi- gan), Ann Arbor, Mich. 1456. A. P. GARBER, Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa. 1457. LEVI HAGER, West Hartford, Vt. 1458. Prof. EUGENE W. HILGARD (Professor of Chemistry and Miner- alogy, University of Mississippi), Oxford, Miss. 1459. C. C. HITCHCOCK, Ware, Mass. 1460. Prof. EDMUND O. HOVEY (Professor of Chemistry and Geology, Wabash College), Crawfordsville, Ind. 1461. Prof. CHARLES A. JOY, Columbia College, New York, N. Y. 1462. J. B. KEVIN SKI, Lancaster, Pa. 1863. Prof. JOSEPH LE CONTE (Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, University of South Carolina), Columbia, S. C. N. American. 1464. THOMAS MCFARLANE, Acton Vale, Canada East. 1465. Prof. A. E. STRONG, Grand Kapids, Mich. 1466. Prof. G. C. SWALLOW (State Geologist of Missouri and Kansas), Columbia, Boone Co., Mo. 1467. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, N. Y. METALLURGY, 1468. Prof. HENRY S. OSBORN (Professor of Mining and Metallurgy, Lafayette College), Easton, Pa. 1469. Dr. ALBERT B. PRESCOTT (Assistant Professor of Chemistry, etc., University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. PALEONTOLOGY, 1470. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Cumberland, Md, Local. 1471. HENRY DAVIS, McGregor, Iowa. Local. Collector and Dealer, 1472. W. H. R. LYKINS, Kansas City, Mo. Local. 1473. Prof. JOHN MCCRADY, Charleston, S. C, Southern States. Spe- cial, Echinoderms and Graptolites. 1474. EDWARD T. NELSON, New Haven, Ct. North American, 1475. G. H. PERKINS, New Haven, Ct. North American. 1476. HENRY S. WILLIAMS, Ithaca, N. Y. Local. 1477-1501 ADDITIONS. 62 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 1477. Prof. CORYDON L. FORD (Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. 1478. Prof. JOHN LKAMAN (Professor of Human Physiology and Anat- omy, Lafayette College), Easton, Pa. MIOKOSOOPY, 1479. Dr. GEO. S. BLAKIE, Nashville, Tenn. 1480. W. H. COBB, Wellsborough, Tioga Co., Pa. 1481. HIRAM A. CUTTING, Lunenburg, Essex Co., Vt. 1482. Dr. J. BAKER EDWARDS, Montreal, Canada, 1483. A. S. RITCHIE, Montreal, Canada. 1484. GEORGE B. SELDEN, Rochester, N. Y. 1485. C. A. SPENCER, Canastota, N. Y. BOTANY, 1486. Dr. GEO. S. BLAKIE, Nashville, Tenn. Local. 1487. J. J. CARTER, Lyle, Lancaster Co., Pa. Local. 1488. A. P. GARBER, Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa. Local. 1489. BENJ. D. GILBERT, Utica, N. Y. Local. 1490. E. L. HANKENSON, Newark, N. Y. Local. 1491. M. W. HARRINGTON (Assistant in the Museum, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 1492. JAMES HYATT, Bengali, N. Y. Local. 1493. A. B. LYON (Assistant in the Museum, University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Local. 1494. D. R. McCoRD, Montreal, Canada. Canadian Ferns. 1495. L. A. MILLINGTON, Glens Falls, N. Y. Local. 1496. Dr. I. S. MOYER, Plumsteadville, Pa. Local. 1497. C. S. OSBORNE (Manager, Western Union Telegraph), Suspen- sion Bridge, Niagara Co., N. Y. Local, 1495. S. B. PARSONS, Flushing, N. Y. Local, 1499. Dr. FRANK SAWERMAN, Apalachicola, Fla. North American. 1500. Prof. G. C. SWALLOW (State Geologist of Missouri and Kansas), Columbia, Boone Co., Mo. Western States. 1501. Prof. ALEXANDER WINCHELL (Professor of Natural History, Uni- versity of Michigan), Ann Arbor, Mich. United States. 63 ADDITIONS. 1502-1518 AKOHJEOLOGY, 1502. SAMUEL R. CARTER, Paris Hill, Oxford Co., Me. North American. 1503. HENRY DAVIS, McGregor, Iowa. Local. Collector and Dealer. 1504. Dr. WILLIAM H. DE CAMP, Grand Rapids, Mich. Local. 1505. C. B. FULLER, Portland, Me. Local. 1506. Hon. E. L. HAMLIN (President, Bangor Historical Society), Ban- gor, Me. North American. 1507. Prof. EDWARD HITCHCOCK (Professor of Hygeine and Physical Education, Amherst College), Amherst, Mass. N. American. 1508. Rev. N. W. JONES, New York, N. Y. North American. 1509. E. S. MORSE (Curator of Mollusks, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator in Natural History Department Essex Insti- tute) Salem, Mass. New England. 1510. F. W. PUTNAM (Curator of Fishes, Boston Society of Natural History; Superintendent, Museum of the Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. New England. ETHNOLOGY, 1511. A. S. BICKMORE, Amherst, Mass. Asia* MAMMALS, 1512. G. W. ADERHOLD, A. and M. College, Lexington, Pty. Local. Taxidermist. BIEDS, 1513. G. W. ADERHOLD, A. and M. College, Lexington* Ky* Local. Taxidermist. 1514. ANSON ALLEN, Orono, Me. Local. 1515. E. A. JOHNSON, Holyoke, Mass. Local. 1516. B. F. OWEN, Astoria, Fulton Co., 111. Local. HSHES, 1517. Dr. JAMES BLAKE, San Francisco, Cal. Embiotocoids. 1518. Dr. J. C. PARKER, Grand Rapids, Mich. Local. 1519-1537 ADDITIONS. 64 INSECTS. 1519. EDWARD P. ALLIS, jr., Yellow Springs, Ohio. Local. 1520. Prof. ALBERT J. COOK (Professor of Natural History, State Ag- ricultural College), Lansing, Mich. General Collection. 1521. E. A. JOHNSON, Holyoke, Mass. Local. 1522. T. F. McCuRDY, Norwich Town, Ct. Local. 1523. Dr. ALEX. F. SAMUELS, Nashotah, Wankesha Co., Wis. Lepidop- tera. 1524. G. WICKWIRE SMITH (Corresponding Secretary, Kent Scientific Institute), Grand Rapids, Mich. Local. 1525. Dr. G. S. WALKER, No. 1226 Washington avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Local. MOLLUSKS. 1526. Col. F. F. CAVADA, Trinidad, W. I. West Indian. 1527. Hon. EDWARD CHITTY, Kingston, Jamaica. West Indian. 1528. Dr. J. G. COOPER (Zoologist, California State Geological Sur- vey), San Francisco, Cal. Pacific Slope of America. 1529. W. M. GABB (Palaeontologist, California State Geological Sur- . vey), San Francisco, Cal. Fossil. 1530. W. G. W. HARFORD, San Francisco, Cal. General. 1531. Dr. JOHN C. JAY, Mamaroneck, N. Y. Local. 1532. GEORGE METZGES, Circleville, Ohio. Local. 1533. JOHN A. McNiEL, Grand Rapids, Mich. General Collector. Spe- cial, Fresh Water. (Now collecting in Central America. Ad- dress care of Peabody Academy of Science, Salem, Mass.) 1534. EDWARD T. NELSON, New Haven, Ct. Local. 1535. Dr. R. A. PHILLIPPI, Santiago, Chili. Chilian. 1536. Prof. FELIPE POEY, Habana, Cuba. Cuban. 1537. HENRY STRENG, Holland, Mich. Fresh Water. Local. 65 ADDITIONS. 1538-1573 TAXIDEEMISTS, 1538. G. W. ADERHOLD, A. & M. College, Lexington, Ky. 1539. JOHN AKHURST, No. 9 Prospect street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1540. A. L. BABCOCK, Sherborn, Mass. 1541. J. P. BATES, No. 209i North Sixth street, St. Louis, Mo. 1542. JOHN G. BELL, No. 339 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1543. C. L. BLOOD, Corner of Weir and First streets, Taunton, Mass. 1544. Mrs: J. L. BODE, No. 16 North William street, New York, N. Y. 1544a. RUDOLPH BORCHERDT, Chicago, 111. 1545. C. G. BREWSTER, No. 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. 1546. GEORGE E. BROWN, Dedham, Mass. 1547. JOSEPH BRUNO, Philadelphia, Pa. 1548. DE SCHUTE BUCKOW, No. 27 Frankfort street, New York, N. Y. General Collector of South American Animals and Plants. 1549. WILLIAM COUPER, Henderson's Buildings, Louis street, Quebec, Canada. 1550. C. A. CRAIG, Montreal, Canada. 1551. J. C. DEACON, Chicopee, Mass. 1552. T. W. DEWING", Saxonville, Mass. 1553. C. DREXLER, Washington, D. C. 1554. CHARLES FELDMAN, Philadelphia, Pa. 1555. ALEXANDER GALBRAISH, No. 209 North Ninth street, Philadel- phia, Pa. 1556. CHARLES GALBRAITH, West Hoboken, N. J. 1557. WILLIAM GALBRAITH, West Hobokeu, N. J. 1558. FERDINAND GRUBER, San Francisco, Cal. 1559. GEORGE HENZEL, Lancaster, Pa. 1560. CHARLES A. HOUGHTON, Holliston, Mass. 1561. W. HUNTER, Museum of the Natural History Society, Montreal, Canada. 1562. ILGES & SAUTER, No. 15 Frankfort street, New York, N. Y. 1563. JOHN JENKINS, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. 1564. SAMUEL JILLSON, Hudson, Mass. 1565. JOHN KRIDER, Corner of Second and Walnut streets, Philadel- phia, Pa. 1566. E. V. LORQUIN, San Francisco, Cal. 1567. C. J. MAYNARD, Newtonville, Mass. 1568. GEORGE Y. NICKERSON, No. 42 Williams St., New Bedford, Mass. 1569. G. ORENSHAW, No. 527 North Fifteenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1570. JAMES H. ROOME, No. 55 Carmine street, New York, N. Y. 1571. S. H. SYLVESTER, Middleborough, Mass. 1572. JAMES TAYLOR, Philadelphia, Pa. 1573. N. VICKARY, No. 262 Chestnut street, Lynn, Mass. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 9 Sept., 1868. 1574-1591 ADDITIONS. 66 1674. GEORGE O. WELCH, Washington street, Lynn, Mass. 1575. ALEXANDER WOLLE, Baltimore, Md. 1576. C. J. WOOD, Philadelphia, Pa. MINERALOGY, 1577. J. Ross BROWNE, San Francisco, Cal. 1578. W. S. KEYS, San Francisco, Cal. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, 1579. Dr. E. L. LATHROP, Koom No. 2 Newberry's Block, Chicago, 111. BOTANY. 1580. JOHN BUTTLE, San Jose, Cal. Local. 1581. W. C. CORMACK, New Westminster, British Columbia. Local. Special, Coniferce. 1582. LLOYD JONES, Victoria, British Columbia. Local. Special, Ferns. MAMMALS. 1583. Hon. JOHN D. CATON, Ottawa, 111. American Cervidce. BIRDS, 1584. EUGENE V. LORQUIN, San Francisco, Cal. Local. Taxidermist. 1585. GEORGE O. WELCH, Washington street, Lynn, Mass. Local. Taxidermist. INSECTS, 1586. Dr. .JONES, New Westminster, British Columbia. Local. Special, Lepidoptera. MOLLUSKS. 1587. ANDREW J. BENNETT, Circleville, Ohio. Local. ARCHEOLOGY. 1588. Rev. JOSEPH ANDERSON, Waterbury, Ct. 1589. J. J- H. GREGORY, Marblehead, Mass. North American. MICROSCOPY, 1590. S. A. BRIGGS, Chicago, 111. PISHES. 1591. Dr. J. H. SLACK, Troutdale, Bloomsbury, N. J. Pisciculture. CORRECTIONS. 67 CORRECTIONS. GEOLOGY, 13. FRANK H. BRADLEY. Change address to (Assistant, Illinois State Geological Survey), Wilmington, 111. 23. E. T. Cox. Change l < Local " to North American. 30. Eev. E. B. EDDY. Change address to Providence, R. I. 32. Should be L. Engelbrecht. 35. C. F. ESCHWEILER. Change address to Houghton. Mich. 51. Prof. C. H. HITCHCOCK. Change address to (Professor of Geol- ogy, Lafayette College ; State Geologist of Maine and New Hampshire), No. 33 Wall street, New York, N. Y. 63. CLARENCE KING. Change address to United States Geologist of the U. S. Geological Expedition of the 40th Parallel. 90. Prof. J. S. NEWBERRY. Change address to (Professor of Geology, Columbia College), New York, N. Y. 107. Prof. JAMES M. SAFFORD. Change address to Lebanon, Tenn. 117. Prof. S. TENNEY. Change address to (Professor of Natural His- tory, Williams College), Williainstown, Mass. 126. Prof. J. D. WHITNEY. Change address to (Professor of Geology, School of Mining, Harvard University), Cambridge, Mass. MINERALOGY, 143. W. T. BRIGHAM. Add (Curator of Geology, Boston Society of Natural History). 166. Rev. E. B. EDDY. Change address to Providence, R. I. 171. CHRISTIAN FEBIYER. Change to CHRISTIAN FEBIGER. 201. Rev. A. B. KENDIG. Change address to Dubuque, Iowa. 244. Prof. S. TENNEY. Change address to (Professor of Natural His- tory, Williams College), Williamstown, Mass. METALLURGY, 273. Prof. J. D. WHITNEY. Change address to (Professor of Geology, School of Mining, Harvard University), Cambridge, Mass. PALEONTOLOGY, 286. FRANK H. BRADLEY. Change address to (Assistant, Illinois State Geological Survey), Wilmington, 111. 305. G. R. GILBERT. Change to G. K. GILBERT. 312. Prof. E. W. HILGARD. Cross out " (State Geologist of Missis- sippi)." 319. ALPHEUS HYATT. Change address to (Curator of Palaeontology, Boston Society of Natural History ; Curator in Natural His- tory Department, Essex Institute), Salem, Mass. 68 COKRECTIONS. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 1449. A. S. BICKMORE. Change address to Tenant's Harbor, Me. 399. CLARENCE KING. Change address to United States Geologist of the U. S. Geological Expedition of the 40th Parallel. 419. Prof. J. D. WHITNEY. Change address to (Professor of Geology, School of Mining, Harvard University), Cambridge, Mass. OOMPAEATIYE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 441. Dr. B. G. WILDER. Change address to (Professor of Natural History, Cornell University), Ithaca, N. Y. MIOKOSOOPY, 484. ALPHEUS HYATT. Change " Curator of Mollusca" to Curator of Palaeontology. 461. /Should be EDWIN BICKNELL. BOTANY, 512. E. P. AUSTIN. Change address to Cambridge, Mass. 517. Dr. JACOB BARRATT. Change address to Middletown, Ct. 540. Should be J. BUCHANAN. 550. Prof. P. A. CHADBOURNE. Change address to (President, Wis- consin State University), Madison, Wis. 553. Should be Dr. A. CLAPP. 574. Change to Dr. ELIAS DIFFENBAUGH, No. 1113 Carlton street, Philadelphia, Pa. 652. JOHN MACOUN. Add, Special, Carices. 674. CHARLES F. PARKER. Change to Camden, N. J. North American. Special, New Jersey. 696. Dr. J. T. EOTHROCK. Change address to (Professor of Botany, Pennsylvania State Agricultural College), Centre Co., Pa. 729. Prof. S. TENNEY. Change address to (Professor of Natural His- tory, Williams College), Williamstown, Mass. ETHNOLOGY, 1511. A. S. BICKMORE. Change address to Tenant's Harbor, Me. 778. Dr. J. C. NOTT. Change address to New York, N. Y. BIRDS. 877. D. DARWIN HUGHES. Change " Local" to North American. 886. Eev. A. B. KENDIG. Change address to Dubuque, Iowa. 903. CHARLES H. NAUMAN. Change address to No. 195 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. Add, Oology. CORRECTIONS. 69 911. HENRY A. PURDIE. Change address to West Newton, Mass., and department to New England. EEPTILES. 966 Dr. B. G. WJLDER. Change address to Ithaca, N. Y. PISHES, 977. Dr. WM. O. AYRES. Cross out " (Corresponding Secretary, Cal- ifornia Academy of Natural Sciences)." 987. Dr. W. P. GIBBONS. Change address to Alameda, Cal. 1002. Dr. WILLIAM A. NASON. Change address to Algonquin, McHenry Co., 111. 1013. Dr. B. G. WILDER. Change address to Ithaca, N. Y. INSECTS, 1033. JAMES S. BEHRENS. Add, General Collection. 1048. BOTTIN. Change to BOTTERI. 1077. THOMAS A. DICKINSON. Change address to (Secretary, Andros- coggin Natural History Society), Lewiston, Me. Local. Co- leoptera and Lepidoptera. 1081. WILLIAM H. EDWARDS. Change address to Coalburgh, Kanawha Co., West Virginia. . 1103. AUGUSTUS R. GROTE. Change address to Hastings-upon-Hudson, N. Y., and dep't to General, Special, Lepidoptera. 1127. WILLIAM KEOSTLIN. Change to WILLIAM KOESTLING. 1151. Dr. WILLIAM A. NASON. Change address to Algonquin, McHenry Co., 111. 1178. C. V. RILEY. Change address to (State Entomologist of Mis- souri), No. 2130 Clark street, St. Louis, Mo. North American. Special, Injurious to Vegetation. 1203. PHILIP S. SPRAGUE. Change address to No. 141 Broadway, South Boston, Mass., and dep't to North American Coleoptera. 1204. Cross out Mrs. PHILIP S. SPRAGUE. MOLLUSKS, 1276. A. S. BICKMORE. Change address to Tenant's Harbor, Me. 1289. WILLIAM C. CLEVELAND. Change address to (Professor of Engi- neering, Cornell University), Ithaca, N. Y. 1334. Rev. A. B. KENDIG. Change address to Dubuque, Iowa. 1532. GEORGE METZGES. Should be GEORGE METZGER. 1351. Dr. WESLEY NEWCOMB. Change address to Oakland, Cal. 70 DECEASED. DECEASED. 97. (Geology.) Prof. E. J. PICKETT, Rochester, N. Y. Died October, 1866. 333. (Palaeontology.) 998. (Fishes.) Dr. R, P. MANN, Milford, Ohio. Died . 354. (Palaeontology.) AUGUSTE REMOND, San Francisco, Cal. Died 1867. 376. (Physical Geography.) Prof. .A. D. BACHE, Washington, D. C. Died 1866. 483. (Microscopy.) WILLIAM W. HUSE, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died 1867. 572. (Botany.) W. W. DENSLOW, New York, N. Y. Died 1868. 573. (Botany.) Prof. CHESTER DEWEY, Rochester, N. Y. Died December, 1867. 604. (Botany.) 1308. (Mollusks.) THOMAS A. GREENE, New Bedford, Mass. Died 1868. INDEX TO THE NATURALISTS'DIRECTORY. NORTH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. Aaron, Charles E., 1016. Abbott, C. C., 970. Abbott, Henry L., 375. Adee, Alvey A., 1017. Aderhold, G. W.. 1512, 1513, 1588. Agassiz, A. E. R., 276, 452, 971, 1018, 1258, 1405. Agassiz, Louis, 1, 275, 453, 784, 953, 972, 1019, 1242, 1267, 1406. Aiken, Wm. E. A., 2, 504. Akhurst, John, 814, 1020, 1539. Alcott, W. P., 505, 1021. Aldrich, Truman H., 1268. Aligny, Henry d'., 3, 181. Allan, George S., 457. Allen, Anson, 1269, 1514. Allen, Harrison, 423, 790. Allen, J. A., 815, 1022. Allen, Lizzie B., 506. Allen, Oscar D., 132, 259. Allen, T. P., 507. Allis, Edward P., jr., 1519. Alma, G., 816, 973. Ambrose, John, 817, 974. Anderson, C. L., 508. Anderson, Joseph, 1588. Andrews, E. B., 4. Andrews, T. L., 509. Andrews, Wm., 1435, 1470. Angus, James, 1023. Anthony, J. G., 1270. Antisell, T. L., 510. Arango, Rafael, 1271. Arnold, Edward S. F., 1451. Arnold, J. W., 1272. Arnold, J. W. S., 458. Ashburner, William, 260. Ashton, T. B., 1024. Atkins, Charles G., 975. Atwood, N. E., 976. Austin, C. F., 511. Austin, E. P., 612 (see corrections, p. 68), 1025, 1273. Auxer, Samuel, 1026. Ayres, W. O., 977 (see corrections, p. 69). ^ Babcock, Amory L., 818, 1027, 1540. Bache, A. D., 376. (Deceased. See p. 70.) Bachman, John, 773, 790i. Bacon, Austin, 5, 513, 1028. Baer, O. P., 277. Bagg, M. M., 514. Bagwell, G. H., 377. Bailey, L. W., 6, 459, 615. Bailey, S. C. H., 133. Baird, S.F., 785, 791, 819, 954, 978. Balch. D. M., 7. Bannister, Henry M., 278. Banvard, Joseph, 1274. Barden, Edward E., 134. Barden, James E., 279. Barnard, John G., 378. Barnard, Vincent, 135, 516, 820, 1029. Barnes, Wm., 136. Barnston, George, 792, 821. Barratt, Jacob, 517 (see correc- tions, p. 68). Barris, Joseph S., 280. Barris, Wm. H., 281, 1407. Bassett, Homer F., 1030. 72 INDEX, Bates, Joseph, 518. Bates, J. P., 1541. Batterson, J. S., 282. Beach, Moses Y., 460. Beadle, D. W., 1031. ' Beadle, E. K., 137, 1275. Beal, Wm. J., 519. Beauchamp, M. E., 520. Beauchamp, M. W., 8, 521, 822, 979. Bebb, M. S., 522. Beck, George, 9. Beckett, S. B., 823. Beckwith, E. G., 379. Behr, H., 1032. Behrens, James S., 1033 (see cor- rections, p. 69). Belfrage, G. W., 1034. Belknap, Aaron B., 1035. Bell, John G., 824, 1542. Bell, Robert, 10, 138, 283. Benner, J. F., 1036. Bennett, Andrew J., 1587. Bennett, C. W., 825, 1037. Bennett, James .L., 523. Bethune, Charles J. S., 1038. Bickmore, A. S., 1276, 1449, 1511 (see corrections, pp. 68-9). Bicknel, Edwin, 461 (see correc- tions, p. 68). Bicknell, Edwin, 461 (see correc- tions, p'. 68). Bigelow, Jacob, 524. Bigelow, J. M., 525. Billings, B., 526, 1039, 1277. Billings, E., 284, 1040, 1278. Binney, William G., 1279. Blair, James G., 11. Blake, Charles A., 1041. Blake, James, 1517. Blake, Joseph, 527. Blake, M. P., 1042. Blake, W. P., 12, 139, 380. Blakie, George S., 1436, 1452, 1479, 1486. Bland, J. H. B., 1043. Bland, Thomas, 1280. Bliss, J. H., 1044. Blood, Charles L., 827, 1045, 1543. Bloomer, H. G., 528. Boardman, G. A., 828. Bode, J. L.,826, 1544. Bolander, H. N., 529. Bolles, E. C., 1281. Bolter, Andrew, 1046. Bolton, John, 1047. Booth, C. M., 530. Booth, J. C., 261. Boott, Wm., 531. Borcherdt, B., 1544a. Bostwick, E. D., 532. Botteri, ' , 1048 (see correc- tions, p. 69). Bottin, , 1048 (see correc- tions, p. ( Bouve, T. T.,' 140, 286. Bowen, , 533. Bower, Wm., 534. Bowker, S. H., 829. ' Bowles, George J., 1049. BoWles, Stephen W., 462. Braches, Frederick, 1050. Brackett, George E., 1051. Bradford, P. D., 141. Bradley, Frank H., 13, 286 (see corrections, p. 67). Brakeley, J. H., 1052. Brano, Joseph, 830. Breed, W. B., 1053. Brendel, Emil, 1054. Brendel, Frederick, 535. Brevoort, J. Carson, 980. Brewer, T. M., 831. Brewer, Wm. H., 381, 463, 536. Brewster, C. G., 142, 287, 832, 1645. Bridges, Robert, 537, 981. Bridgham, Joseph, 1055, 1056. Briggs, S. A., 1590. Brigham, E. A., 833. Brigham, W. T., 143 (see correc- tions, p. 67), 1437. Broadhead, G. C., 14, 538. Brooks, Charles C., 145, Brown, A. D., 1282. Brown, George C., 288, 834. Brown, George E., 1546. Browne, C. M., 144. Browne, J. Ross, 1577. Browne, Robert H., 1057. Browne, Rufus K., 464. Brownne, Robert H., 1283. Brunet, The Abbe Ovide, 539. Bruno, Joseph, 1547. Brush, George J., 146, 262. Buchanan, J., 540 (see corrections, p. 68). Buchanan, Robert, 541. Buck, Stewart M., 147. Buckley, S. B., 542, 1058. Buckow, de Schute, 1548. NORTH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. 73 Bumstead, F. J., 543. Bunker, Robert, 1059. Burgess, Edward, 1060. Bark, Isaac, 544. Burton, A. R., 148. Bushee, James, 149. Buttle, John, 1580. C. Cabot, J. Elliott, 835. Cabot, Samuel, 836. Calverly, Stephen, 1061. Campbell, R. A:, 837. Canby, Wm. M., 545. Canfield, C. A., 546. Canfleld, G. A., 793. Cardeza, John, 150. Carey, William W., 1062. Carleton. James H., 382. Carley, S. T., 289. Carpenter, P. P., 1284. Carr, Ezra L., 15. Carson, Joseph, 547. Carter, Francis, 548. Carter, J. J., 1487. Carter, Samuel R., 16, 151, 1502. Case, L. B., 290. Cashman, David A., 1063. Cassells, J. Lang, 549. Cassin, John, 838. Caton, John D., 1583. Cavada, F. F., 1526. Cay, Ricardo I., 1285. Chadbourne, P. A., 550 (see cor- rections, p. 68). Chapman, A. W., 551. Chapman, Edward J.. 18, 153, 383. Chapman, H. H., 1064. Chandler, Charles F., 17, 152: Chase, Charles A., 291. Chase, Joseph E., 10C>5. Cheney, T. Apoleon, 19, 292, 756. Chickerin, 739, 811, 942, 965, 1226, 12(.4, 1395, 1422. Vickary, Nathaniel, 943, 1573. Villeueuve, Rev., 1396. Vose, George L., 1447. 11 Oct., 1868. 82 INDEX, NORTH AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. W. Wachsmuth, Charles, 369. Wadsworth, C. F., 249. Wagner, Samuel, 1227. Walbridge, T. C., 123. Walker, G. S., 1525. Walker, L. E., 250. Wallace and Hollingsworth, 1603. Walsh, Benjamin D., 1228. Ward, Henry A., 251, 370. Ward, John W., 252. Warder, J. A., 740. Ware, Frederic, 944. Warren, G. K., 417. Warring, G., 741. Wassail, J., 1229 (see corrections, p. 84). Watt, David A. P., 742. Webb, Benjamin, 501. Webster, Harrison E., 1593. Weidemeyer, J S W., 1230. Welch, George O., 1574, 1585. Wellington, H. W., 1231. Wellington, W. E., 253, 1397. Wells, Walter, 418. Weston, David, 1232. Wheatland, Henry, 439. Wheatley, Charles M., 371, 1398. Wheaton, John M., 945, 1399. White, Charles A., 125, 372, 1423. White, J. C., 440, 812, 1265, 1433. White, M. C., 502. Whiteaves, J. F., 813, 946, 1400. Whitfleld, R. P., 124, 373. Whiting, Charles B., 254. Whitney, C. P., 1233. Whitney, J. D., 126, 273, 419 (see corrections, pp. 67, 68). Whitney, S. F., 255. Whitney, William D., 947. Whittington, Mary, 743. Whittlesy, Charles, 127, 769. Wilde, J. P., 1234. Wildeboer, , 1235. Wilder, B. G., 441, 966, 1013 (see corrections, pp. 68, 69). Wilkins, Daniel, 744. Willey, H., 745 . Williams, Charles P., 128, 256. Williams, Henry S., 967, 1401, 1448, 1467, 1476 (see corrections, p. 84). Williams, S. C., 257, 1236. Williamson, R. S., 420. Willis, J. E., 1402. Willis, O. R., 746. Wilson, Daniel, 782. Wilson, Hugh, 747. Wilson, J. N., 770. Wilson, Nathaniel, 748. Wilson, Robert, 948. Wilt, Charles, 1237. Winchell, Alexander, 129, 374, 968, 1014, 1238, 1266, 1403, 1428, 1501. Winchell, N. H., 749. Winslow, R. K., 949. Wirt, I. R., 750. Wistar, W. Wynne, 751. Wislizenus, A., 771, 783. Wolf, John, 752. Wolle, Alexander, 950, 1575. Wood, Alphonso, 753. Wood, C. J., 951, 1576. Wood, H. C., 754, 1239. Wood, William, 952. Wood, William S., 1240. Woodruff, I. C., 421. Woods, Henri N., 258. Woodward, Rufus, 442. Wormley, T. G., 503, 969. Worthen, A. H., 130. Wright, Charles, 755. Wright, H. G., 422. Wurtz, Henry, 274. Wyman, Jeffries, 443, 451, 456, 772, 789, 1434. Y. Young, A., 1404. Young, J. W., 1015. Z. Ziegler, Daniel, 1241. Anderson, Joseph, 1592. Andrews, W. V., 1598. B. Bradley, Frank H., (see correc- tions, p. 84). ADDITIONS. 83 While the Index has been going through the press, the following additions and corrections have been received. ADDITIONS. ETENOLOaY. 1592. Rev. JOSEPH ANDERSON, Waterbury, Ct. American Indians. MOLLUSKS, 1593. HARRISON E. WEBSTER, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. 1594. GEORGE Y. NICKERSON, 36 Williams street, New Bedford, Mass. Dealer. 1595. HENRY FREEDLEY, Norristown, Pa. General Collection. MINEEALS, 1596. R. H. STRETCH (State Mineralogist of Nevada), Virginia City, Nevada. INSECTS, 1597. HENRY EDWARDS, Metropolitan Theatre, San Francisco, Cal. General Collection. 1598. W. V. ANDREWS, West Hoboken, N. J. Lepidoptera. 1599. JOSEPH R. CHURCHILL, Milton Lower Mills, Mass. New England. MAMMALS. 1600. Dr. FRANCIS R. ST^EHLI, (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. BIEDS, 1601. Dr. FRANCIS R. ST^HLI (Assistant, Museum of Comparative Zoology), Cambridge, Mass. General. 1602. Miss GRACE ANNA LEWIS, Sunnyside, Kimberton, Chester Co., Penn. TAXIDEEMISTS ATO DEALEES. 1603. WALLACE AND HOLLINGSWORTH, No. 14 North William street, New York, N. Y. 84 . CORRECTIONS. DECEASED. CORRECTIONS. 13, 286. FRANK H. BRADLEY. Change to (Professor of Natural Science, Hanover College), Hanover, Ind. 840, 982. SAMUEL C. CLARKE, Change address to Jamaica Plain, Mass. 845, 1070, 1549. WILLIAM COUPER. Change to Ottawa City, O., Canada. 471, 581. ARTHUR M. EDWARDS. Change to (Professor of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Woman's Medical College), No. 126 Second avenue, house 49 Jane street, New York, N. Y. 861, 1555. Should be ALEXANDER GALBRAITH. 310, 1249, 1316, 1413, 1439. C. FRED HARTT. Change to (Professor of Geology, Cornell University), Ithaca, N. Y. 70, 330, 644. Prof. LEO LESQUEREUX. Change address to Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. 650. Should be Dr. STARLING LORING. 1144. THEODORE L. MEAD. Change department to North American and European Lepidoptera. 92, 342. W. H. NILES. Change address to Cambridge, Mass. 734. Should be NORTON S. TOWNSHEND. 1229. Eev. J. WASSALL. Change address to Mazo Manie, Wis. 967, 1401, 1448, 1467, 1476. HENRY S. WILLIAMS. Change to (Assist- ant in Geology, Yale College), New Haven, Ct. DECEASED. G25. (Botany.) lli'O. (Insects.) Rev. JAMES HUBBEKT, R'chmond, Canada East. Died 1868. The following additions and corrections hare been re- ceived since the index was issued. ADDITIONS. 1604. Miss RACHEL L. BRODLEY,,NO. 1015 Cherry street, Philadelphia. Pa. Botany. 1605. W. R. LIMPERT, Groveport, Franklin Co., Ohio. Birds. Taxi- dermist. 1606. GEORGE W. LINCECUM, Long Point, Washington Co., Texas. Insects. Birds. Local. 1607. E. WILKINSON, jr., Mansfield, Ohio. Birds. Taxidermist. COKRECTIONS. 696. Dr. J. T. ROTHROCK. McVeytown, Pa., is now the correct address. 69. Prof. J. P. LESLEY'S address is 288 South 3d street, Philadelphia. 1497. C. S. OSBORNE'S address is now Box 12, Rochester, N. Y. 1294. W. H. DALL'S address is now Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, I) C. 1276, 1449, 1511. Prof. A. S. BICKMORE'S address is now Madison Col- lege, New York. 758. Dr. SAMUEL A. GREEN. Leave off the final "e." DECEASED. 653. (Botany.) HORACE MANN, Cambridge, Mass. Died Nov. 11, 1868.* 838. (Birds.) JOHN CASSIN, Philadelphia, Pa. Died Jan. 10, 1869.* *For obituary notices, see "Bulletin of Essex Institute," Vol. I, Nos. 1 and 2, Jan. and Feb., 1869. TO THE NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY It is proposed to issue several pages of this Appendix with each num- ber of the Proceedings, in order to allow naturalists an early opportunity of stating their wants and what specimens they have for sale or exchange ; to give notices of proposed works on Natural History ; changes of address of persons whose names have appeared in the Directory ; short obituary no- tices ; new names for the Directory ; and such other matters as may be of interest and appropriate to the work. Notices of the change of address or the decease of any person whose name has appeared in the Directory are especially requested, and any person knowing Naturalists whose names have been omitted, will confer a favor by sending the addresses of such to the editor. Five lines in the " Appendix " are allowed to each subscriber to the Pro- ceedings for notices of specimens and articles for sale. When a notice of more than five lines is inserted 10 cents per line will be charged for every ad- ditional line. Non subscribers will be charged 10 cents per line for any ad- vertisement of specimens for sale. All notices from subscribers or others, except of specimens or articles for sale, inserted free, at the discretion of the editor. F. W. PUTNAM, Editor. ESBEX INSTITUTE, June 18, 1866. 2 APPENDIX DESIDERATA AND SPECIMENS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. PROF. ROBERT BELL, Queen's University, Kingston, C. W. Canadian Minerals and Geological Specimens for exchange. HENRY D 'ALIGN Y, Houghton, L. S., Mich. Has for exchange extensive collections of specimens illustrating the Ge- ology arid Mineralogy of the state of Michigan, especially of the Lake Supe- rior Region. Gypsum, Saginaw Bay Salt, Silver Lead, Specular Iron, Pyr- olusite, Hematite, Magnetic Iron, Native Silver, Native Copper, Character- istic Vein Stone, Cupriferous Amygdaloids, Cupriferous Conglomerates, &c. Rare specimens, Whilneyite and Chlorastrolite. PROF. HENRY How, King's College, Windsor, N. S. Minerals for exchange. ISAAC C. MARTINDALE, Byberry, Pa. Minerals for exchange. REV. A. B. KENDIG, Marshalltown, Marshall Co., Iowa. Minerals for exchange. REV. E. N. BARTLETT, Oberlin, Ohio. Has a few Geodes from Hamilton, 111., for sale. J. D. PARKER, Steuben, Me. Minerals for exchange. CHR. C. BROOKS, 53 St. Paul street, Baltimore, Md. Minerals for exchange. W. M. HUNTING, Fairneld, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Quartz Crystals from Middleville, N. Y. for sale, or exchanged for other minerals. JOHN JENKINS, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. Minerals for sale. W. W. JEFFERIS, Westchester, Pa. Minerals for exchange. SAMUEL R. CARTER, Paris Hill, Oxford Co., Me. Cabinet specimens of the Minerals occuring at Mount Mica, Paris (Me.), Mount Rubellite, Hebron (Me.), and vicinity, exchanged for Minerals and Fossils from other localities. WINSLOW J. HOWARD, 345 Grand street, New York, N. Y. Rocky Mountain Minerals for exchange. VINCENT BARNARD, Kennett Square, Chester Co.', Pa. Geological specimens for exchange. HIRAM A. CUTTING, Lunenburg, Vt. Geological specimens for exchange. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 3 DR. THEO. A. TELLKAMPF, 142 West 4th street, New York, N. Y. Wishes to obtain a few good cabinet specimens of Beryl. E. SEYMOUR, 52 Beekman street, New York, N. Y. Dealer in Minerals. M. Fox & Co. 10 Courtlandt street, New York, N. Y. Dealer in Minerals. C. W. A. HERRMANN, 607 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Dealer in Minerals. JAMES EIGHTS, Albany, N. Y. Dealer in Minerals. C. G. BREWSTER, 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Dealer in Minerals. FOSSILS: PROF. F. S. HOLMES, College of Charleston, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina Tertiary Fossils for exchange. JOHN GEBHARD, JR., Schoharie, N. Y. Offers his Palaaontological collection for sale, PROF. HENRY How, King's College, Windsor, N. S. Fossils for exchange. PROF. ROBERT BELL, Queen's University, Kingston, C. W. Canadian Fossils for exchange. J. G. BATTERSON, Hartford, Ct. Dealer in Fossils. C. G. BREWSTER, 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Dealer in Fossils. JOHN JENKINS, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. Fossils for sale. BOTANICAL SPECIMENS. ELIHU HALL, Athens, Menard Co., 111. Rocky Mountain and Western Plants for exchange for other American species. DR. J. W. ROBBINS, Uxbridge, Mass. Plants collected at the White Mountains, coast of Connecticut, Vermont, Maryland, Virginia, Lake Superior, Texas and Cuba, for exchange. DR. DANIEL CLARK, Flint, Mich. Botanical specimens from Michigan for exchange. Wants a collection of the Alpine Plants of the White Mountains. VINCENT BARNARD, Kennet Square, Chester Co., Pa. Botanical specimens for exchange. ISAAC C. MARTINDALE, Byberry, Pa. Botanical specimens for exchange. THURE KUMLIEN, Busseyville P. O. via Albion, Wia. Botanical specimens for sale or exchange. 4 APPENDIX PROF. ROBERT BELL, Queen's University, Kingston, C. W. Canadian Plants for exchange. JOHN MACOUN, Bellville, C. W. Canadian Plants for exchange. WINSLOW J. HOWARD, 345 Grand street, New York, N. Y. A large collection of Botanical specimens, collected during three years research at the Rocky Mountains, for sale. Rocky Mountain Plants for exchange. Dr. F. J. BUMSTEAD, 162 We for the preservation of alcoholic specimens. DONNELL & MOORE, Old Cambridge, Mass. Manufacturers of Tin and Copper Cans for alcoholic specimens J. L. BODE, 16 North William street, New York, N. Y. Manufacturer of Birds' eyes. C. G. REWSTER, 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. Insect Pins. THEODORE SCHRECKEL, North William street, New York, N. Y. Has on hand and imports Insect Pins and Entomological Apparatus. F. W. CHRI STERN, Broadway, New York, N. Y. Imports Insect Pins. CHARLES STODDER, 75 Kilby street, Boston, Mass. Agent for R. B. Tolles, J. Zentmeyer, and W. Wales ; Opticians and Makers of Microscopes. H. M. RAYNOR, 748 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Platinum Apparatus ; Tube, Sheet, Wire, &c., in all forms, for all pur- poses. Wholesale and Retail. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 9 MICROSCOPE MAKERS. W. WALES, Fort Lee, Bergen Co., N. J. G. WALE, Bull's Ferry, Bergen Co., N. J. J. GRUNOW, New York, N. Y. J. ZENTMEYER, Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. TOLLES, Canastota, Madison Co., N. Y. T. H. MCALLISTER, New York, N. Y. TAXIDERMISTS. C. G. BREWSTER, 16 Tremont street, Boston, Mass. N. VICKARY, 262 Chestnut street, Lynn, Mass. A. L. BABCOCK, Sherborn, Mass. SAMUEL JILLSON, Hudson (Feltonville), Mass. S. H. SYLVESTER, Middlebo rough, Mass. L. J. MAYNARD, Newtonville, Mass. J. C. DEACON, Chicopee, Mass. C. L. BLOOD, Corner of Weir and First streets, Taunton, Mass. GEORGES Y. NICKERSON, 42 Williams street, New Bedford, Mass. JOHN JENKINS, Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y. JOHN G. BELL, 339 Broadway, New York, N. Y. J. L. BODE, 16 North William street, New York, N. Y. JOHN AKHURST, 9 Prospect street, Brooklyn, N. Y. JOHN KRIDER, Corner 2d and Walnut streets, Philadelphia, Pa. GEORGE HENSEL, Lancaster, Pa. C. DREXLER, Washington D. C. ALEX. WOLLE, Baltimore, Md. WM. COUPER, Henderson's Buildings, Louis street, Quebec, Canada. LABELS FOR CABINET SPECIMENS. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION has printed labels of the Family names of American Birds and Mammals, giving both the Scientific and Eng- lish names. Also special labels for many Birds, Mammals and other speci- mens, which it will supply at cost. It will also furnish, at cost, its Check Lists of North American Mammals, Birds, Mollusks, Minerals, Tertiary and Cretaceous Fossils, printed on one side for labelling. THE ESSEX INSTITUTE is now printing labels for Corals, consisting of the names of the Orders, Suborders, Families and Genera, after the classifi- cation of Professor Verrill, which it will furnish at cost. THE INSTITUTE also proposes to print similar labels for the other classes of Radiates and for the Mollusks and Insects. APPENDIX NAT. DIRECTORY. 2. 10 APPENDIX PHOTOGRAPHS OP CORALS AWD OTHER SPECIMENS. List of Photographs of Corals, &c., prepared by Prof. A. E. Verrill from original or rare specimens, authentically labeled : STEREOSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHS. COEAL8. No. 1, Astrea speciosa Dana. Original specimen. No. 2. Astrea (Prionastrea) robusta Dana. Original specimen. No. 3. Favia ordinata Verrill. Goniastrea aspera Verrill. Fungia papillosa Verrill. Original specimens. No. 4 Ccslastrea tennis Verriil. Pavonia complanata Verrill. From original specimens. No. 6. Madrepora pumila Verrill. M. striata Verrill, M. prolixa Verrill. From original specimens. No. 6. Prionastrea Chinensis Verrill. Original specimen. No. 7. Distichipora nitida Verrill and Stylaster elegans Verrill. From authentic specimens. No. 8. Fungia condnna Verrill. F. Haimei Verrill. From original specimens , No. 9. Fungia valida Verrill. Original specimen. No. 10. Allopora Californica Verrill. Original specimen. No. 11. Madrepora effloresc ens Dana. Original specimen. No. 12. Pocillopora nobilis Verrill. Authentic specimen. No. 13. Gorgonia Agassizii Verrill. G. rigida Verrill. Authentic specimens. No. 14. Madrepora spicifera Dana. Original specimen. No. 15. M. convexa Dana. Authentic specimen. MISCELLANEOUS. No. 16. Four Eggs of Falco anatum, from Mt. Tom, Mass. No. 17. Solaster endeca and S. papposus. Eastport, Maine. No. 18. Mastodon and interior of Prof. J. Wyman's Museum at Cambridge. No. 19. Three teeth of Bison. Quarternary fossils, Gardiner, Me. No. 20. Nine species of Shells from same formation as No. 19. PLAIN PHOTOGRAPHS, LARGER SIZES. No. I. Gorgonia Agassizii Verrill. Original specimen. No. 2. Gr. aurantiaca Verrill. Authentic specimen. No. 3. Four eggs of Falco anatum, from Mt. Tom, Mass. No. 4. Twelve species of moths (Bombycidoe) from original specimens described by Dr. A. S. Packard, Jr. No. 5. Nineteen species Bombycidae from original specimens of Packard. No. 6. Samia (Platysamia) Columbia Smith, male and female, cocoon and chrysalis from the original specimens. No. 7. Various rare or new Insects. Collection of A. S. Packard, Jr. No. 8. Quarternary (Drift) Shells, rare species. Coll. Packard. No. 9. Drift shells, Maine, Labrador, &c. Coll. Packard. No. 10. Mussa crispa Dana. Original specimen. 'No. 11. Section of nest of Common Wasp. No. 12. Three teeth of Bison. Drift fossils, Gardiner, Me. All the preceding, except Nos. 1, 10 and 1 1, which are reduced 6ne half, are of natural size. The stereoscopic sizes will be sent by mail, postage prepaid, at 50 cents each, or the set of 20 for $8. The larger sizes at 75 cents each, or the set of 12 for $8. Ad- dress F. W. PUTNAM, Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., or PBOF. A. E. VBKKILL, Yale College, New Haven, Conn. NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 11 CORRECTIONS TO THE DIRECTORY. No. 23. E. T. Cox. Should be North American. No. 90. Dr. NEWBURY is now Professor of Geology in Columbia Col- Sege. For correct address see No. 341. No. 171. Should be CHRISTIAN FEBIGER. No. 319. Mr. HYATT' is now residing in Satem. For correct address see No. 482. ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY. MINERALOGY. 243, a. Prof. G. C. SWALLOW, (State Geologist of Missouri and Kan- sas), Columbia, Boone Co., Mo. 201, a. J. B. KEVINSKI, Lancaster, Pa. Local. GEOLOGY. 4, a. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Cumberland, Md. Local. 27, a Dr. JOHN DB LASKI, West Falmouth, Me. Local. Special, Glaciers. 58, a. JAMES HYATT, Bengali, N. Y. Local. PALAEONTOLOGY. 276, a. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Cumberland, Md. Local. NOTICES OF PROPOSED WORKS ON NAT- URAL HISTORY. TRYON REAKIRT, 335 North 3d street, Philadelphia, Pa. Is engaged in preparing a Synopsis of the Diurnal Lepidoptera of the Rocky Mountains and Trans-Mississippi Plains. Mr. Reakirt would be happy to receive any specimens from these regions for examination. ARTHUR M, EDWARDS, 115 John street, New York, N. Y, Is preparing a work on the Bibliography of the Diatomace ; also a List of the described species of Diatomaceae, with references to the original descriptions and figures ; to be published in the Proceedings of the Essex Institute. For further information address Mr. Edwards. PROF. JAMES HUBBERT, St. Francis College, Richmond, Canada East. Is preparing a work on the Botany of Canada, entitled A Handbook of the Canadian Flora, being a description of the flowering plants, ferns and mosses indigenous to or naturalized in Canada. A comparison of the Ca- nadian Flora with that of Great Britain, and especially with that of the highlands of Germany will be given, and particular attention will be paid to the limitatidn of species. REV. DR. M. A. CURTIS, Hillsborough, N. C. Is preparing a work on the principal eatable species of Mushrooms and other Fungi, of this country, with colored figures. 12 , APPENDIX DESIDERATA AND SPECIMENS FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. ALPHEUS HYATT, Essex Institute, Salem, Mass. Offers to exchange identified specimens of ^Fresh water Polyzoa, from various localities in New England, for specimens from any other locality. PROP. H. C. WOOD, JR., Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Solicits Myriapods or Centipedes, and Phalangidse or "Daddy-long-legs," from all parts of North America. The former in order to perfect his pub- lished monograph on the North American species of the group, and the lat- ter with the intention of monographing them. They should be preserved in alcohol or very strong whiskey in small mouthed bottles. All collections will be returned labeled, if desired. The smaller species are especially desired, also any notes on the habits, of any of the species. Prof. Wood has a few copies of his monograph of the Myriapoda of North America which he will give for really valuable collections. The Phalangidae may be distinguished from the true spiders by the head not being distinct from the abdomen. DR. S. C. WILLIAMS, Silver Springs, Lancaster Co., Pa. Minerals and Local Insects for exchange. H. G. BRUCKHART, Silver Springs, Lancaster Co., Pa. Local Mollusks and Coleoptera for exchange. N. VICKARY, 262 Chestnut St., Lynn, Mass. (Taxidermist and Dealer). Has Birds and other specimsns for sale or exchange. DR. F. STEIN, Museum der k. Universitat, Berlin, Prussia. Has for sale the following Insects from the collection of the late Dr. Schaum. Elatrides (7 boxes), 200 Thalers; Buprestides (4 boxes), 75 Thalers; Chrysomelides (23 boxes), 150 Thalers; Scydmsenides and Pselaphides (num- ber not given), 120 Thalers ; Cerambycides (European), 40 Thalers. THE WALKER PRIZES. " The following prizes were founded by the late DR. WILLIAM J. WALKER, for the best memoirs, and in the English language, on subjects proposed by a committee appointed by the Council of the BOSTON SOCIETY OP NATURAL HISTORY. The first and second are to be awarded annually ; the third, once in five years, beginning 1870. First For the best memoir presented, a prize of sixty dollars may be awarded. If however, the memoir be one of marked merit, the amount awarded may be in- creased to one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the committee. Second For the next best memoir, a prize not exceeding fifty dollars may be awarded at the discretion of the committee : but neither of the above prizes shall be awarded unless the memoirs presented shall be deemed of adequate merit. Third GRAND HONORARY PRIZE. The Council of the Society may award the sum of five hundred dollars for such scientific investigation or discovery in natural history as they may think deserving thereof; provided such investigation or discov. ery shall have first been made known and published in the United States of America ; NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 13 and shall have been at the time of said award made known and published at least one year. If in consequence of the extraordinary merit of any such investigation or discovery, the Council of the Society should see fit, they may award therefor the the sum of one thousand dollars. Subject of the Annual Prize for 1866-7. " The fertilization of plants by the agen cy of insects, in reference both to cases where this agency is absolutely necessary, and where it is only accessory;" the investigations to be in preference directed to indigenous plants. Subject for 1367-8. "Adduce and discuss the evidences of the coexistence of man and extinct animals, with the view of determining the limits of his antiquity." Memoirs offered in competition for the above prizes must be forwarded on or be- fore April flist, prepaid and addressed "Boston Society of Natural History, for the Committee on tfie Walker Prizes, Boston, Mass." Each memoir must be accompanied by a sealed envelope enclosing the author's name, and superscribed by a motto corresponding to one borne by the manuscript." BOSTON, June, 1866. THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. This Society, organized in the Spring of 1859, has earned for itself in the short period that has since elapsed, a name and reputation which might be envied by many of the oldest scientific associations in this country or in Europe. Devoted solely to the study of that branch of Zoology which its name indicates, its members have infused a spirit of energy and progress into its proceedings, which has accomplished in a few months more than the same number of years have effected in larger bodies endowed with more extensive means. In fact the unavoidable expenses of accumulating and maintaining a collection, of publishing its quarterly journal, &c., have been borne almoaj entirely by the late Dr. Thomas B. Wilson, of Philadelphia. The generous liberality of this keen student of Nature was checked by his sudden death, after an illness of less than a week, on Wednesday, the 15th of March, 1865. The Society which had been the object of his benevolence had every reason to expect a continue ation of his bounty in the form of a bequest, from frequent expressions of his inten- tions, but his untimely death has placed them in such a position that they cannot continue their former useful career without the aid of all well disposed patrons of science. They are anxious to keep up the prestige of their publications, and for this purpose they ask subscriptions to a Fund of $50 000, of which amount $10 000 has already been realized and funded. To all subscribers of $100 and upwards, an Hon- orary Membership is tendered, and the pub ications of the Society will be furnished free of charge during the life-time of the subscriber. The importance of the work in which this association is engaged, cannot fail to be universally recognized at this time when our crops are yearly destroyed by new and strange insect enemies, whose diminutive size, mysterious transformations, and immense multitude , make us, in our ignorance of iheir habits, utterly powerless before them. On this subject a monthly bulletin, called the Practical Entomologist, is issued by the Society for distribution to any one forwarding their address and fifty cents per year to the Secretary of the ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADEL- PHIA, No. 518 So. 13th street, Philadelphia, Pa. Any one remitting annually a sum of not less than One dollar, to the Secretary, E. T. Cresson, will be elected a Contrib- uting Member of the Society, and will receive a Diploma to that effect. 14 APPENDIX THE PORTLAND SOCIETY OF^ NAT URAL HISTORY. We beg to call attention to the following appeal of this most unfortu- nate society, and to urge the friends of science to give what aid they can as promptly as possible, for every dollar received at this trying time will be more encouraging to the society than larger sums hereafter. AN APPEAL TO THE FRIENDS OF SCIENCE. " For the second time, the Portland Society of Natural History has been visited by a destructive calamity. Its new hall, with the furniture and all its collections, have again been destroyed by fire. The origin of this Society must be referred to the organization of the Maine In- stitute in 1836. Though at first struggling with poverty, it was able to secure large collections in Natural History, and a valuable library of scientific books. These were, by the favor of the Government, placed in the Custom House, a spacious hall in that professedly fire-proof structure being assigned to the Society's use. In 1854, the burning of this edifice destroyed every species of property belonging to the Soci- ety. Not a vestige of its museum or library was left to serve as a memorial of the past. But the spirit of the Society was not dead. A few individuals by their persever- ing labors raised a new cabinet from the ashes of the old. The State granted one half-township of land ; subscriptions were set on foot ; contributions flowed steadily in ; and at last the Society was housed in a noble building, which six months ago it had lifted so far out of debt that it could begin to call this its own. It had a splen- did hall of exhibition, fine lecture room and laboratory; while the collections made by some of the most faithful servants of science, or contributed from the East and West, adorned its walls. Publications of high scientific value had been issued from its press. A special Curator had just been regularly engaged, a repair fund gathered, courses of free lectures begun, new members were crowding to its ranks, all the signs of vitality and growth were large, when, in the terrible fire that left, in twelve hours only a desert where the commercial centre of Portland was, everything once more vanished like a dream. The building was isolated, fire-proof apparently, and in the judgment of all safe from harm, until the sweep of that awful tide of flame, which no masonry could withstand, closed in ruin over the cherished results of years of toil. By this loss, the Society is again stripped of its all. Its insurance proved nearly worthless. Its mortgage debt will absorb the value of the land, the charred ruins and its remaining funds. The library and the fine picture of Humboldt, the splen- did gift of the poet Longfellow, alone are saved. In the destitution, which these remnants of former wealth make more 'painful to consider, the Society is compelled to implore the aid of the friends of science everywhere to enable it to continue its work. Brethren ! whom God has spared the double affliction with which He has visited us, will you grant us your help? Our first need is a home a building that we may re-consecrate to science. We can repair all other losses better than that. Our city ia impoverished our own selves involved in grief and loss and if aid does not come from you, we know not where to turn. Will you give us the hand ot sympa- thythe open hand of benevolence, that we may again have a " local habitation and a name," and go on prosperously in the joyful work of studying and interpret- ing the book of Nature? NATURALISTS' DIRECTORY. 15 At a meeting of the Portland Society of Natural History, held July 9th, 1866, at the residence of Rev. E. C. Bolles, it was voted that the undersigned be a committee .to make a brief statement of facts connected with the history of the Society, and appeal to the friends of science everywhere for aid in this critical condition of its affairs. To this Committee, or to any officer of the Society, all communications upon the subject may be addressed. onpioEKS oa? TUB sooioai-siT. ooa^MXTTBoa. WM. WOOD, President. WM. WOOD, M. D. HENRY WILLIS, Vice President. REV. E. c. BOLLES. E. c. BOLLES, Secretary. CHAS. B. FULLER. EDW. GOULD, Treasurer. EDW. 8. MORSE. THE CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. The collections of this Academy were partially destroyed by fire on the 7th of June last. The following quotation from the circular issued by the Academy gives its present condition. "As nearly as can now be ascertained the present condition of the collection and property of the Academy is as follows: About half the Mammals and Birds, and nearly all the Skulls, etc., will be saved ; the extensive collection of Birds' eggs and nests were entirely destroyed ; Fishes and Reptiles are saved ; Insects all destroyed with the exception of the Lepidoptera dried Crustacea and Echinodermata destroyed ; Shells and Fossils in great part saved. Yery singularly and fortunately, the alcoholicj collection, contained in about 2000 jars, has escaped. The Herbarium, with the exception of the series of the plants of the North Pacific Expedition, is saved. The Library is greatly damaged by water but most of the books will be saved by careful drying and rebinding. The plates of the forthcoming volume of the Transactions, twenty in number, were much injured, and some of the edition may have to be reprinted. The publication of the volume, will not, however, be greatly delayed." We understand that the Academy will proceed at once to erect a fire- proof building for their collections and library, which, we trust, will, by the aid of kindred societies and friends, soon be larger than before the disaster. The several disasters to scientific in^tifutions during the last year, should warn all our Societies and Institutions having valuable collections and libra- ries, to secure fire proof buildings for them at once.* T,HE AMEBICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. The fifteenth meeting of the American Association was held at Buffalo, N. Y., from August 15th to 21st. Since the commencement of the war these meetings have been suspended and we are glad that they were renewed under such pleasant auspices as attended this meeting, and that the citizens of Buffalo so fully appreciated the value of the Society and were so cordial in their entertainment of its members. *The collection of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, was wholly destroyed by the burning of the Academy of Music in May last. We wait for offi- cial information in regard to this Society and its future movements. 16 APPENDIX The officers for this meeting were, President, F. A. P. BARNARD, President of Columbia College; Vice President, A. A. GOULD, M. D., of Boston; General Secretary, Prof. ELIAS LooMis,of Yale College ; Permanent Secretary, Prof. JOSEPH LOVERING, of Harvard College; Treasurer, A. L. ELWYN, M. D., of Philadelphia. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Burlington, Vt., commencing August 21st, 1867. The following are the officers elected for the meeting: President, Prof. J. S. NEWBERRY, of New York; Vice Presi- dent, Prof. WOLLCOTT GIBBS, of Cambridge; Permanent Secretary, Prof JOSEPH LOVERING, of Cambridge ; General Secretary, Prof. C. S. LYMAN, of New Haven ; Treasurer, Dr. A. L. ELWYN, of Philadelphia. We think that it would, perhaps, have been more advisable to have had the meeting for 1867 held at a more central city, which would have induced a larger number of members from the West and South to attend, but still we hope that, notwithstanding the extreme northern location of the meeting, members from all the states will endeavor to be present and maintain its character as an American Association. OBITUAEY NOTICES. REV. STILLMAN BARDEN, of Rockport, Mass; well known as a mineral- ogist, died at his residence on August 7, 1865, of consumption. Mr. Bar- den was an active and enthusiastic collector and a thorough lover of nature. He had gathered a large cabinet of minerals which will be kept up by his son Edward, who has inherited his father's taste for mineralogy. DR. SIMEON SHURTLEFF, of Weatogue, Hartford Co., Ct., a general student of nature and especially interested in Botany, Ornithology and Con- chology, died at his residence on December 29, 1865. THOMAS DANIELS, of Cincinnati, Ohio, died in January, 1866. Mr. Daniels was known to many naturalists as a student of Palaeontology. WILLIAM GLEN, of Cambridge, Mass., died of consumption at his home on May 25, 1866. Mr. Glen was a native of Scotland and came to this country in 1854. For several years he was an Assistant in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge. He was a person of most remark- able skill in his manipulations, and certainly had no superior in preparing sections and microscopical objects. By the sad death of Mr. Glen science has lost a careful, enthusiastic and faithful worker. PROFESSOR HENRY DARWIN ROGERS, LL. D., F. R. S., &c., of Glas- gow, Scotland, died at his residence in Shawlands, near Glasgow, on Tues- day, May 29, 1866, soon after his return from a visit to the United States. In 1857, Professor Rogers was called to the chair of Regius Professor of Ge- ology and Natural History in the University of Glasgow, which he filled to the time of his death. His intimate connection with the Geology of Amer- ica, and especially his great work on the Geology of Pennsylvania, will ever endear his name to American Naturalists. He was born in Philadelphia in 1809. I 1 ' 83 irectory UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY