; I ain Library WATERBURY WIRE ROPE . ARMORED ROPE . FIBRECLAD ROPE MUSIC WIRE MANILA ROPE SISAL ROPE DRILLING CABLES Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office GENERAL CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST FEBRUARY, 1920 WATERBURY COMPANY 63 PARK ROW NEW YORK *?! BRANCH OFFICES CHICAGO 1315-21 WEST CONGRESS STREET SAN FRANCISCO 151 MAIN STREET NEW ORLEANS 1018 MAISON-BLANCHE BLDG- COMPLETE STOCKS CARRIED AT BRANCH OFFICES A gri c . - Forestry . M ain JLi br ary WORKS : BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN NEW YORK (Covering two city squares) TO OUR CUSTOMERS i^hj PRESENT AND PROSPECTIVE IN compiling this general catalogue we have endeavored to incorporate in it all information about wire rope and cordage that the average rope user requires, and to make it a useful Hand Book for rope buyers . We have made no effort to increase its size by including statistics and other informa- tion rarely used and of questionable value. It is merely a comprehensive wire rope and cordage catalogue, of handy size, arranged to quickly give the user list prices and other essential data in connection with Wire Rope and Fittings, Armored Wire Rope, Fibre- clad Wire Rope and Cordage. We have also included in its pages reliable informa- tion about Music Wire. With regard to quality we do not believe it is possible, in the present state of the art, to manufacture better rope than is cata- logued herein. Next to actual experience with it in service the best evidence of its superiority is the constantly increasing de- mand for our product. In buying Waterbury Products you are assured of as high a quality as it is possible to make, also prompt and courteous attention. WATERBURY COMPANY 530 Index on pages 214 to 219. W A T E U B t R t W I R E ROPE 4 ! HOW TO* ORDER WIRE ROPE OWING to the variety of sizes and types of wire ropes, as well as the different materials from which they are made, ropes suited to one purpose are frequently useless for another. Buyers should incorporate full details on all orders. Unless we know exactly what is wanted we must delay shipment while writing for further information. HOISTING OR WINDING ROPES Number of Ropes required Length of each Rope in feet Diameter of Rope required Underlap or overlap Drum (diameter) and description Pulleys, their diameters Distance from Drum to Pulley Load exclusive of Rope Rope now in use Number of Wires to strand Hemp in strands and heart of Rope or Wire Quality of present Rope Speed of Rope Life of last Three Ropes Length Its operation Wet or Dry Diameter HAULAGE ROPES Number of Ropes required Length of each Rope in feet Diameter of Rope required Surface or Underground Number of Degrees and Angles Drum and Sheave diameters Load exclusive of Rope Rope now in use Number of strands and Wires to strand Hemp in strands and heart of Rope or Wire Quality of present Rope Length Life of last three Ropes Diameter Wet or dry working Gradients PAGE 4 WATERBURY WIRE R O P E MEASURING WIRE ROPE The right and wrong ways to measure wire rope: The diameter of a wire rope is that of a true circle. Right way to measure (A true circle) Wrong way to measure (Not a true circle) The diameter of a wire rope is that of a circle enclosing the rope. Care should be taken in measuring to obtain this diameter. If a rope is measured the wrong way (see diagrams above), and a wheel is ordered grooved to take the rope, the groove would be too small. PAGE 5 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE CORRECT PRACTICE IN THE USE OF WIRE ROPE nnHERE are various kinds of Wire Rope JL manufactured, one of the most pliable containing 19 wires to the strand, and is generally used for hoisting and running purposes. The ropes with 12 wires and 7 wires in the strand are better adapted for standing rope, guys and rigging. Orders should state the use of the rope, and advice will be given. For safe working load, allow one-fifth to one-seventh of the ultimate strength, ac- cording to speed, so as to get good wear from the rope. When substituting wire rope for hemp rope it is good economy to allow for the former the same weight per foot which experience has approved for the latter . Wire rope is as pliable as new hemp rope of the same strength; the former will there- fore run over the same size sheaves and pul- leys as the latter, but the greater the diam- eter of the sheaves, pulleys or drums, the longer wire rope will last. Sheaves should be scored to diameter of rope. In the con- struction of machinery for wire rope, it will be found good economy to make the drums and sheaves as large as possible. Experience has demonstrated that the wear increases with the speed. It is there- fore better to increase the load than the speed. Wire rope is manufactured either with a wire or a hemp center. The latter is more PAGE 6 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE pliable than the former and will wear better where there is short bending. Orders should specify what kind of center is wanted. In no case should galvanized rope be used for running rope. One day's use scrapes off the coating of zinc and rusting proceeds with twice the rapidity. The grooves of cast iron pulleys and sheaves should be filled with well-seasoned blocks of hard wood, set on end, to be re- newed when worn out. This end- wood will save wear and increase adhesion. The smaller pulleys or rollers which support the ropes on inclined planes should be con- structed on the same plan. When large sheaves run with very great velocity, the grooves should be lined with leather set on end, or with India rubber. This is done in the case of all sheaves used in the transmis- sion of power between distant points by means of rope, which frequently run at the rate of 4,000 feet per minute. Full informa- tion will be given on the size of rope and the size and speed of sheaves to be used for transmitting power. Steel ropes are taking the place of iron ropes where it is a special object to combine lightness with strength. But in substituting a steel rope for an iron running rope the object in view should be to gain an increased wear from the rope, rather than to reduce the size. Avoid, if possible, overlapping of wire rope on drums. For shafts and elevators, the load lifted PAGE 7 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE should not be more than one-tenth of the strength of the rope . Do not subject wire rope to sudden strain. For wire rope to be exposed to intense heat, a wire core may be substituted for the ordinary hemp center. The grooves on drums and sheaves should be a trifle larger than the rope, perfectly smooth and uniform to the surface of the rope. Wire ropes should run around all sheaves without chafing the sides of the grooves. WAYS OF UNCOILING A WIRE ROPE WIRE rope is shipped in coils or on reels and should always be unwound by re- volving the coil or reel axially either on a horizontal shaft mounted on bearings, as shown in Fig. 1, or on a turntable or swift, as shown in Fig. 2, or by rolling on the ground , as in Fig . 3 . Wire rope should never be pulled out from a stationary coil in the manner illustrated in Fig. 4, as this is sure to result in kinks which injure the rope and are al- most impossible to straighten out. Fig. 1. Right way PAGE 8 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE Fig. 2. Right way Fig. 3. Right way Fig. 4 . Wrong way PAGE 9 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE CROSS-SECTIONS OF WIRE ROPE SHOWING the various methods of laying up wire ropes; i. e., the number of wires composing each strand, and the number of strands composing the rope. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE A. Galvanized Compound Running Rope, 6 strands, each of 12 wires, laid about a hemp core, in turn laid about a hemp core. B. Transmission or Haulage Rope, 6 strands, each of 7 wires laid about a hemp core. C. Hoisting Rope, 6 strands, each of 19 wires, laid about a hemp core. D. Hoisting Rope with wire core, 6 strands, each of 19 wires, laid about a wire strand of 19 wires. E. Cable Construction Seale Lay, each strand of 19 wires, 9 outer wires, 9 small inner wires and 1 large center wire, the several strands laid about a hemp core. F. Tiller Rope, composed of 6 independ- ent wire ropes, laid about a hemp core. G. Flexible Hoisting Rope, 8 strands, each strand composed of 19 wires, laid about a hemp core. H. Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope, 6 strands, each of 37 wires, laid about a hemp core. I. Galvanized Steel Hawser and Mooring Line, composed of 6 strands of 24 wires per strand, laid about a hemp core with an addi- tional hemp core in each strand. J. Galvanized Steel Hawser, composed of 6 strands of 37 wires per strand, laid about a hemp core. K. Galvanized Steel Hawser and Moor- ing Line, 6 strands each composed of 12 wires with a hemp core and in turn laid about a hemp core. L. Deep Well Drilling Cable, composed of 6 strands, 8 wires to the strand with one hemp core. ,dgb* PA .12 %o 1 Ji .50 10 2 4 .10 1^ 1;H> .39 7.7 1.5 3/^ .08 Ke 1M .30 5.5 1.1 3 .06^ % l/^ .22 4.6 .92 2/4 .05J^ %8 i .15 3.5 .70 2J4 .04^ % 2 .W4 2.5 .50 m .04 All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19-wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This rope covers a wide range of utility, being par- ticularly adaptable for use in mine haulage work, which includes tail rope and endless haulage systems, gravity hoists, as well as coal and ore dock haulage roads operat- ing small grip cars. In sizes, j^J, % Yz-> %>> Y^ it finds use as sand lines for oil wells, and in the larger sizes, Y%-> M K> 1> is used for oil well drilling. In general, rope from this list can be used where abrasion is severe and flexibility requires a minimum quantity. PAGE 31 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL TRANSMISSION, HAULAGE OR STANDING ROPE 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Brice per Foot IK 4% 3.55 73 14.6 11 $0.75 1% &A 3 63 12.6 10 .64 Ijl 4 2.45 54 10.8 9 .53 l l /8 3 l /2 2 43 8.6 8 .44 1 3 1.58 35 7 7 .35 u 2M 1.20 28 5.6 6 .27 % VA .89 21 4.2 5 .20 % 2Y S .75 16.7 3.3 4M .17 5 /8 2 .62 14.5 2.9 4^ .14^ % IX .50 11 2.2 4 .12 1 A m .39 8.85 1.8 3H .09^ VK m .30 6.25 1.25 3 .07^ m .22 5.25 1.05 2^ .06 KG i .15 3.95 .79 2M .05^ % K 12^ 2.95 .59 n .05 All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope . This being the next stronger rope of this construc- tion, its use is practically the same as that of the crucible steel, except that in many cases a smaller rope can be used and the same strength obtained. This rope also covers a wide range of utility, being particularly adaptable for use in mine haulage work, which includes tail rope and endless haulage systems, gravity hoists, as well as coal and ore dock haulage roads operating small grip cars. In sizes %, %, }/%, %, 5^, it finds use as sand lines for oil wells, and in the larger sizes, J^s, M> %> 1 i g sometimes used for oil well drilling. In general, rope from this list can be used where abrasion is severe and flexibility requires a minimum quantity. When made galvanized, is used for Derrick Guys. PAGE 32 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE PLOW STEEL TRANSMISSION, HAULAGE OR STANDING ROPE 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Circum- Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised VA 4M 3.55 82 16.4 11 $0.90 m 4M 3 72 14.4 10 .76 wl 4 2.45 60 12 9 .62 iy* 3^ 2 47 9.4 8 .51 i 3 1.58 38 7.6 7 .41 K 2M 1.20 31 6.2 6 .32 H 2^ .89 23 4.6 5 .24^ We 2>i .75 18 3.6 4K .21 *A 2 .62 16 3.2 4^ 17^ % 1M .50 12 2.4 4 14Ji X m .39 10 2 3K HJi % IX .30 7 1.4 3 .09 iy s .22 5.9 1.2 25i .06^ % i .15 4.4 .88 2M .06 % % .12^ 3.4 .68 IK .05^ All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19-wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This is a very strong rope, and its wires are harder and capable of withstanding more external wear than the softer crucible steel. Its general scope of applica- tion is for mine haulage, including endless, tail rope systems and gravity hoists, as well as ore and coal dock haulage, roads operating small grip cars. Where it is necessary to secure increased strength and the phys- ical requirements render it impossible to alter the work- ing conditions, a plow steel rope may be used to dis- tinct advantage without increasing the diameter of the rope. When galvanized, is adapted to use for standing rigging on yachts and affords greatest strength for the weight. PAGE 33 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GREEN STRAND GIANT PLOW STEEL TRANSMISSION HAULAGE OR STANDING ROPE 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Circum- Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised iH 4M 3.55 90 18 11 $1.05 l/^ 4j2 3 79 16 10 .88 1/i 4 2.45 67 13 9 .72 i y& 3^2 2 52 10 8 .58 i 3 1.58 42 8.4 7 .48 H 2M 1.20 33 6.6 6 .37 k 2M .89 25 5 5 .28^ 2/^8 .75 20 4 4Ji .24J/2 5? 2 .62 17Ji 3.5 4:^2 .20^ 1M .50 13 2.6 4 .17 /^ i/^ .39 11 2.2 3M .13j^ He iJi .30 7% 1.5 3 .11^2 jl i .22 1.3 21/2 my. All ropes not listed herein and composed of more than 7 and less than 19 wires to the strand, with the exception of 6 x 8, take 19 wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE Oil Well Drilling. The principal ropes are Drilling Cables and Sand Lines. Drilling Cables are generally made left lay, running from Y%" to 1" diameter, 6 x 19, 6 x 8 or 6 x 7 construction. The largest call is in Cruc- ible Cast Steel stock. In some instances Extra Strong is called for, and in a few instances Plow Steel stock is called for. The list for 6 x 8 Drilling Cable is inter- mediate between list for 6x7 and 6 x 19. Other ropes known in drilling operations are tubing, casing and sucker rod lines, which are made 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand with a hemp center. Pumping lines are made 6x7, cleaning out cables are made 6 x 19 and 6 x 8 or 6 x 7, and steel wire dead lines are generally made endless of 6 x 19 Crucible Cast Steel stock. CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL DRILLING CABLES 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working List Diam. Weight Strength Load Price Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds 1 1.58 30 6 $0.31 y* 1.20 23 4.6 .24 *A .89 17.5 3.5 .19 5 /s .62 12.5 2.5 .14 EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL DRILLING CABLES 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core 1 1.58 34 6.80 $0.37 y% 1.20 26 5.20 .29 .89 20.2 4.04 .22 % .32 14 2.80 .16^ Note: 19-wire oil well lines used extensively for drilling new holes, while the 7- wire lines are adapted to cleaning out or redrilling a wet hole. PAGE 35 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE COARSE LAID CAST STEEL DRILLING CABLES 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. Approx- imate Weight Approx- imate Strength Proper Working Load List Price in Inches ^Per. Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 per Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds 1 1.58 31 6.2 $0.29 H 1.20 24 4.8 22^ % .89 18.6 3.7 .17 n .62 13 2.6 .12 CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL DRILLING CABLES 6 Strands 8 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core 1 1.58 31 6.2 $0.30 H 1.20 24 4.8 23K % .89 18.6 3.7 .18 5 A .62 13 2.6 .13 This construction combines pliability and strength, and being composed of large wires it has an excellent wearing surface. PLOW STEEL DRILLING CABLES 6 Strands 8 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core 1 1.58 38 7.6 $0.42 H 1.20 31 6.2 .33 % .89 23 4.6 <25J4 n .62 16 3.2 .18K This quality and construction of cable is recom- mended for deep drilling where the weight of the rope becomes a considerable part of the load. As this quality of drilling cable is stronger than that shown in the preceding list, the drums and sheaves should hi every case be ample in size. PAGE 36 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE STANDARD IRON HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2% 5/g 11.95 111 22.2 17 $1.70 7J^ 9.85 92 18.4 15 1.40 2M 7J^ 8 72 14.4 14 1.17 2 6/4 6.30 55 11 12 .95* 1H 5/4 5.55 50 10 12 .88 1M 5J^ 4.85 44 8.8 11 .80 5 4.15 38 7.6 10 .65 l/^ 4^4 3.55 33 6.6 9 .57 13/g 4}i 3 28 5.6 8.5 .49 1/4 4 2.45 22.8 4.56 7.5 .40 1H 3J^ 2 18.6 3.72 7 .33 i 3 1.58 14.5 2.90 6 .26 % 2/4 1.20 11.8 2.36 5.5 .20 /4 2/4 .89 8.5 1.70 4.5 .16 % 2 .62 6 1.20 4 .12 %> 1J4 .50 4.7 .94 3.5 .10 i^ 1^1 .39 3.9 .78 3 .08^ /ie 1J4 .30 2.9 .58 2.75 07^ 3^ 1H .22 2.4 .48 2.25 .07 %> i .15 1.5 .30 2 .06^ J4 M .10 1.1 .22 1.50 .06^ All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires, take 37-wire list. Siemens-Martin Steel Rope, having 25 per cent greater strength than iron rope, at same price as iron rope. Add 10 per cent to list for wire center or galvanized rope. The wires in our iron rope are of the best quality iron, soft, tough and pliable. Iron Hoisting Rope is generally used for elevator hoisting where the strength is sufficient. It is employed for counterweight ropes, except on traction elevators. For traction elevators we recommend the Mild Steel Hoisting Rope, see next page. Iron hoisting rope is sometimes used for power transmission where the pulleys are comparatively small. PAGE 37 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE MILD STEEL ELEVATOR HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. Circum- ference Approx- imate Weight Approx- imate Strength Proper Working Load Diam. of Drum or List Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised m 4M 3.55 54 10.80 7 $0.66 1% 4Ji 3 45 9 6.25 .56 \ 4 2.45 38 7.60 5.75 .46 3/^ 2 30.5 6.10 5.25 .38 1 3 1.58 24 4.80 4.50 .31 7 /8 2/4 1.20 18.5 3.70 4 .24 H 2/4 .89 13.5 2.70 3.5 .19 5 A 2 .62 9.5 1.90 3 .14 1M .50 7.7 1.54 2.70 .12 % .39 6 1.20 2.30 .11 % 1/4 .30 4.6 .92 2 .10 *A 1H .22 3.4 .68 1.75 09^ Made for traction elevators in tall buildings where, on account of usual quick starting and stopping, a stronger and lighter rope is required than the iron quality. This Mild Steel Elevator Hoisting Rope is not recommended for all styles of elevators. For elevators employing separate counterweight ropes, the Iron Hoisting Rope is recommended. PAGE 38 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE STANDARD CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight Per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8^ 11.95 211 42.2 11 $2.10 2^ 7Ji 9.85 170 34 10 1.75 VA 7K 8 133 26.6 9 1.44 2 6M 6.30 106 21.2 8 1.16 iy a 5Ji 5.55 96 19 8 1.02 1M 5Ji 4.85 85 17 7 .90 i'M 5 4.15 72 14.4 6.5 .77 i 4M 3.55 64 12.8 6 66 1% 4M 3 56 11.2 5.5 .56 m 4 2.45 47 9.4 5 .46 IK 3Ji 2 38 7.6 4.5 .38 i 3 1.58 30 6 4 .31 & 2% 1.20 23 4.6 3.5 .24 M 2M .89 17.5 3.5 3 .19 M 2 .62 12.5 2.5 2.5 .14 % IK .50 10 2 2.25 .12 H 1J* .39 8.4 1.68 2 .11 B IX 1H .30 .22 6.5 4.8 1.30 .96 1.75 1.50 .10 .09J^ 1 l H .15 .10 3.1 2.2 .62 .44 1.25 1 .09^ .09 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires, take 37-wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This rope is applicable to a great variety of uses, among which might be noted mine hoisting, logging, derricks, hay presses, dredges, cable-ways, inclined planes, coal hoists, conveyors, ballast unloaders, skip hoists, crane service, tubing, casing and dead lines, freight elevators, and many other applications. The material used in making this rope is about double the strength of iron in the same diameter. PAGE 39 WATER BURY WIRE ROPE STANDARD EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working .Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8K 11.95 243 48.6 11 $2.55 2K 7K 9.85 200 40 10 2.10 2M 7K 8 160 32 9 1.70 2 6M 6.3 123 24.6 8 1.34 IK 5M 5.55 112 22.4 8 1.25 m 5K 4.85 99 19.8 7 1.10 m 5 4.15 83 16.6 6.5 .94 m 4^ 3.55 73 14.6 6 .80 iH 4M 3 64 12.8 5.5 .68 1H 4 2.45 53 10.6 5 .56 IK 3K 2 43 8.6 4.5 .46 i 3 1.58 34 6.80 4 .37 7 /8 2M 1.20 26 5.20 3.5 .29 % 2M .89 20.2 4.04 3 .22 5 /8 2 .62 14 2.80 2.5 .16K YK 1M .50 11.2 2.24 2.25 .14 | % IK * .39 .30 9.2 7.25 1.84 1.45 2 1.75 .12K UK H IK .22 5.30 1.06 1.50 .11 Y* l .15 3.50 .70 1.25 .10^ | % .10 2.43 .49 1 10K All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires, take 37-wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This rope is made from selected steel wires of higher tensile strength than the crucible cast steel, and pos- sessing greater strength, rope from this list may be used with somewhat heavier loads than crucible steel. It has been found particularly useful for oil well drilling and tubing lines. Its other general uses are similar to those of the crucible cast steel, except that it may be used where loads are somewhat heavier. PAGE 40 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE STANDARD PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight ^ per . Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price per Foot 2M 8^ 11.95 275 55 11 $3.00 VA 7% 9.85 229 46 10 2.50 VA 7y s 8 186 37 9 2.00 2 6M 6.3 140 28 8 1.58 iy s 5M 5.55 127 25 8 1.46 1M 5y 2 4.85 112 22 7 1.30 i*A 5 4.15 94 19 6.5 1.08 IH 4M 3.55 82 16 6 .93 1% 4^ 3 72 14 5.5 .79 1M 4 2.45 58 12 5 .65 iy s 3^ 2 47 9.4 4.5 .54 i '3 1.58 38 7.6 4 .43 VB 2M 1.20 29 5.8 3.5 .34 *A 2M .89 23 4.6 3 .26 y* 2 .62 15.5 3.1 2.5 .19 % I5i .50 12.3 2.4 2.25 .16 x IK .39 10 2 2 .14 % 1M .30 8 1.6 1.75 .13 *A 1 .22 5.75 1.15 1.50 .12^ YK i .15 3.8 .76 1.25 .12M | *4 .10 2.65 .53 1 .12 All ropes not listed herein and composed of strands made up of more than 19 and less than 37 wires, take 37-wire list. Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or galvanized rope. This is a very strong type of hoisting rope, largely used for heavy mine hoisting, derricks, inclined planes, dredges, cableways for heavy logging, scraper lines, wrecking lines, ballast unloader ropes, heavy cranes, and similar uses. In deep mine shafts and long inclines it is especially efficient, because it possesses great strength for its weight. It, is the most economical rope to use where the weight of the rope has to be considered, or where the capacity of the machinery is to be increased without a corresponding increase in sheaves and drums. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GREEN STRAND GIANT PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8K 11.95 315 63 11 $3.45 2K 7^ 9.85 263 53 10 2.80 2k 7K 8 210 42 9 2.50 2 6k 6.30 166 33 8 1.85 IK 5% 5.55 150 30 8 1.75 m 5K 4.85 133 27 7 1.60 m 5 4.15 110 22 6K 1.30 IK 4k 3.55 98 20 6 1.10 m 4k 3 84 17 5K' .90 ik 4 2.45 69 14 5 .75 IK 3K 2 56 11 4K .62 i 3 1.58 45 9 4 .50 K 2k 1.20 35 7 3K .39 % 2k .89 26.3 5.3 3 .31 K 2 .62 19 3.8 2K .22K % Ik .50 14.5 2.9 2k .19 8 IK ik .39 .30 12.1 9.4 2.4 1.9 2 Ik .17 .15K *f IK .22 6.75 1.35 IK 14K % .15 4.50 .9 Ik .13K 8 k .10 3.15 .63 1 .13 Add 10 per cent to list prices for wire center or gal- vanized rope. This grade of hoisting rope is unequaled for strength. It is particularly useful on derricks, skidders, dredges and stump pullers. Being very strong, a smaller rope may be used than any other grade of this construction. It is stiff er in the same diameter than the plow and cruc- ible steel grades, but strength for strength, it is equally flexible. Sheaves should be somewhat larger for this quality of rope, to obtain the very best results. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE IRON HOISTING ROPE 8 Strands 1.9 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. Circum- ference Approx- imate Weight Approx- imate Strength Proper Working Load Diam. of Drum or List Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised i 3 1.42 16 3.1 6 $0.29 H 2M 1.08 13 2.6 5.5 .22 H 2^ .80 9.5 1.9 4.5 .18 % 2 .56 7 1.4 4 .14 % 1M .45 6 1.2 3.5 -HH X m .35 5 1 3 09J^ % m .27 2.3 .46 1.5 .085 3 A \yt .20 1.7 .34 1.3 .080 % .13 1.2 .24 1.1 .074 X H .09 .75 .15 1.0 .070 Extra Flexible (8 x 19) rope is sometimes preferred to (6 x 19) for operating the safety governors on passen- ger and freight elevators where sheaves are small and the velocity is high. REGULAR LAY. The Regular Lay is used for rapid operation and light loads on coal hoists, derricks, cargo falls and other types of hoists where pulleys, sheaves and drums are small and great flexibility is essential. Having eight strands in place of six, the hemp center is larger and the rope more flexible. Care should be taken in substituting this rope on account of its large hemp center and correspondingly lower breaking strength. SEALE LAY. A very successful rope where large sheaves and heavy abrasion are encountered, and while this type of 8 x 19 is less flexible than the regular construction as above, the larger outside wires better withstand severe conditions when used over a larger number of pulleys or over rocks and exposed places. PAGE 43 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Circum- Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches ^ per . Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised ifc 4% 3.19 58 11.6 3.75 $0.73 IK 4M 2.70 51 10.2 3.5 .62 1M 4 2.20 42 8.4 3.2 .51 i 3^ 1.80 34 6.8 2.83 .42 3 1.42 26 5.2 2.5 .34 % 2M 1.08 20 4 2.16 .27 H 2M .80 15.3 3.06 1.83 .21 H 2 .56 10.9 2.18 1.75 .16 % tijf .45 8.7 1.74 1.5 .14 IK .35 7.3 1.46 1.33 .12 /ie 1M .27 5.7 1.14 1.16 .11 i .20 4.2 .84 1 .10J^ k i .13 2.75 .55 .83 10^ M M .09 1.80 .36 .75 .10 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This rope is particularly adaptable for use over fairly small size sheaves on derricks, steam dredges, coal and ore handling machinery, pile drivers, and also for logging purposes, as well as tubing lines for oil wells. It is not quite as strong in the same diameter as the regular hoisting rope, 6 x 19, due to its larger hemp center, but it is more flexible. This rope, when galvanized, is known as galvanized extra flexible crucible cast steel hoisting rope and is much used by yachtsmen. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE, EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Circum- Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches ^per. Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised iH VA 3.19 66 13 3.75 $0.88 1% 4M 2.70 57 11 3.5 .75 1M 4 2.20 47 9.4 3.2 .62 \v% zy 2 1.80 38 7.6 2.83 .51 i 3 1.42 29.7 5.9 2.5 .41 % 2M 1.08 23 4.6 2.16 .32 H 2M .80 17.6 3.5 1.83 .25 5 A 2 .56 12.4 2.5 1.75 .18^ % IJi .45 10.1 2 1.5 .16 y 2 IX .35 8 1.6 1.33 .14 % m .27 6.30 1.26 1.16 .13 H iys .20 4.66 .93 1 12M 'A i .13 3.05 .61 .83 .12 H M .09 2.02 .40 .75 .11 Ji Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This rope is made from selected cast steel wires of higher tensile strength than the crucible steel, and possessing greater strength, ropes from this list may be used for somewhat heavier loads than crucible steel. Its general uses are similar to those of the crucible steel described on the preceding page. PAGE 45 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. Circum- ference Approx- imate Weight Approx- imate Strength Proper Working Load Diam. of Drum or List Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet per Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised iH 4M 3.19 74 14.8 3.75 $1.03 l/^ 4M 2.70 64 12.8 3.5 .87 ft* 3 2.20 52 10.4 3.2 .72 IH 3^2 1.80 43 8.6 2.83 .60 i 3 1.42 33 6.6 2.5 .48 % 2/i 1.08 26 5.2 2.16 .38 M 2M .80 20 4 1.83 .29 5 /8 2 .56 14 2.8 1.75 .21 i'5i .45 11.6 2.32 1.50 .18 Y 2 iJi .35 8.7 1.74 1.33 .16 ij4 .27 6.90 1.38 1.16 .15 % 1J^ .20 5.12 1.02 1 .14 YK i .13 3.35 .67 .83 13J^ X Ji .09 2.25 .45 .75 .1314 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. This is a strong and flexible rope, principally used on derricks, dredges, coal and ore handling machin- ery, pile drivers and logging, where small sheaves necessitate a flexible rope and where greater strength than shown for preceding grades is required. This rope is also made galvanized, and is then known as galvanized extra flexible plow steel hoisting rope, largely used on ships and yachts. PAGE 46 ' WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE GREEN STRAND GIANT PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 8 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Circum- Apprdx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches ^ per . Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised i 4M 3.19 80 16 3.75 $1.19 1H 4M 2.70 68 13 3.5 .98 1M 4 2.20 56 11 3.2 .82 1H sy 2 1.80 46 9.2 2.83 .68 i 3 1.42 36 7.2 2.5 .55 H 2% 1.08 28 5.6 2.15 .43 *A 2% .80 22 4.4 1.83 .34 S A 2 .56 15 3 1.75 .25 % 1M .45 12 2.4 1.5 .22 H l .35 9.5 1.9 1.33 .19 Add 10 per cent to list prices for galvanized rope. Very efficient for strength where loads are heavy, it being the strongest rope that can be made in this type of construction. It is preferable to employ sheaves somewhat larger with this quality so as to insure greater durability. PAGE 47 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SPECIAL FLEXIBLE CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight Per. Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price per Foot 2M 8*A 11.95 200 40 $2.30 VA 7 7 A 9.85 160 32 1.92 iy VA 8 125 25 1.60 2 6M 6.30 105 21 1.35 IK 5M 5.55 94 18.8 1.20 m 5Ji 4.85 84 17 1.05 m 5 4.15 71 14 .89 m 4M 3.55 63 12 3.75 .79 m 4M 3 55 11 3.5 .65 IM 4 2.45 45 9 3.2 .55 IK sy 2 2 34 7 2.83 .46 i 3 1.58 29 6 2.5 .37 H 2M 1.20 23 5 2.16 .28 M 2M .89 17.5 3.5 1.83 .23 5 A 2 .62 11.2 2.2 1.75 .18 % 1M .50 9.5 1.9 1.5 .15 y 2 IJi .39 7.25 1.45 1.33 .13 % 1M .30 5.5 1.1 1.16 12^ H IK .22 4.2 .84 1 .12 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent for wire center. Ropes of this construction may be used for general hoisting work where loads are moderate and where sheaves are small. It is stronger construction than the extra flexible, but somewhat more expensive, and its wires will not stand as much abrasion as the 6 x 19 construction. PAGE 48 WATEBBURY WIRE ROPE SPECIAL FLEXIBLE EXTRA STRONG CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8% 11.95 233 47 $2.80 VA 7Ji 9.85 187 37 . 2.35 2M 1% 8 150 30 .90 2 6M 6.30 117 23 .55 1% 5M 5.55 106 21.2 . . 41 Ji 1% &A 4.85 95 19 . . . .28 1% 5 4.15 79 16 .07 VA 4^ 3.55 71 14 3.75 .95 V/s 4M 3 61 12 3.5 .78 IX 4 2.45 50 10 3.20 .65 iy a 3Ji 2 39 8 2.83 .55 i 3 1.58 32 6.4 2.5 .44 % VA 1.20 25 5 2.16 .34 X 2M .89 19 3.8 1.83 .27 % 2 .62 12.6 2.5 1.75 .21 1M .50 10.5 2.1 1.5 .17^ 3^ i>i .39 8.25 1.65 1.33 .15 %> iji .30 6.35 1.27 1.16 .14 % IM .22 4.65 .93 1 .13 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent for wire center. This is the next stronger grade of this construction and can be used for heavier loads than the crucible steel, being considerably stronger in the same diam- eter. Its general uses are similar to the crucible steel. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SPECIAL FLEXIBLE PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8^ 11.95 265 53 $3.30 2jl 7J^ 9.85 214 43 ... 2.75 2M 7^g 8 175 35 2.20 2 6Ji 6.30 130 26 1.80 1J^ 5jJ 5.55 119 23.8 1.65 i|i 5% 4.85 108 22 1.50 5 4.15 90 18 1.25 1^2 4% 3.55 80 16 3.75. 1.10 1% 4}| 13 68 14 3.5 .91 1/4 4 2.45 55 11 3.2 .75 1J^ 3/^ 2 44 9 2.83 .64 1 3 1.58 35 7 2.5 .51 % 2M 1.20 27 5 2.16 .40 X 2%: .89 21 4 1.83 .31 H 2 .62 14 3 1.75 .24 1M .50 11.5 2.3 1.5 .20 g 1 .39 .30 9.25 7.2 1.85 1.4 1.33 1.16 .17 .16 & .22 5.1 1 1 .15 Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent for wire center. Used on electric traveling cranes, dredges and simi- lar machinery, where loads are heavy and sheaves are of necessity small. These ropes are very efficient and give excellent service where conditions favor their use. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SPECIAL FLEXIBLE GREEN STRAND GIANT PLOW STEEL HOISTING ROPE 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Proper Working Load in Tons of 2000 Pounds Diam. of Drum or Sheave in Feet Advised List Price Foot 2M 8^ 11.95 278 55 $3.75 23^2 7/^ 9.85 225 45 3.15 2/4 7^ 8 184 37 2.50 2 6M 6.30 137 27 2.10 l/^ 5J4 5.55 125 25 1.92J^ 1/4 5M 4.85 113 23 m 1.75 1^1 5 4.15 95 19 1.45 i*. 4% 3.55 84 17 3.75 1.25 3 71 14 3.50 1.05 ijl 4 4 2.45 58 11 3.20 .86 1J^ 33^ 2 46 9.2 2.83 .75 1 3 1.58 37 7.4 2.50 .59 % 2% 1.20 29 5.8 2.16 .46 M 2/4 .89 23 4.6 1.83 .36 2 .62 16 3.2 1.75 .27 % 1/4 .50 12.5 2.5 1.50 .23 H IJi .39 9.75 1.9 1.33 .20 Ke 1/4 .30 7.50 1.5 1.15 ,18J^ K w .22 5.30 1.06 1 .17* Ropes composed of strands made up of more than 37 wires, add 10 per cent to list price of 6 x 37. Add 10 per cent for wire center. This is the strongest rope of the 6 x 37 construction made and suitable where conditions are unusually severe. It is largely used on dredges both for main hoist and spud ropes. We recommend its use where loads have to be increased without corresponding in- crease in diameter of rope. PAGE SI WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SPECIAL WIRE ROPE 6 Strands 61 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Crucible Cast Steel Circum- Approx- imate Approx- imate Proper Working Diam. of List Diam. ference Weight Strength Load Drum or Price in Inches in Inches per Foot in in Tons of 2000 in Tons of 2000 Sheave in Feet Foot Pounds Pounds Pounds Advised zy 10M 16.60 280 56 11 3 9y 2 14.20 240 48 10 2% 8% 11.95 200 40 9 $2.53 VA IY* 9.85 160 32 8 2.112 iy w* 8.00 125 25 7 1.76 2 VA 6.30 105 21 6 1.485 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 3 2M 2Ji 2 * |p 16.60 14.20 11.95 9.85 8.00 6.30 315 275 233 187 150 117 63 55 47 37 30 23 11 10 9 8 7 6 $3.08 2.585 2.09 1.705 Plow Steel 3M 10M 16.60 350 70 11 3 2*4 ^A 8% 14.20 11.95 310 265 62 53 10 9 $3.63 2 1 A ? 7 A 9.85 214 43 8 3.025 2 1 A 7 1 A 8.00 175 35 7 2.42 2 6J4 6.30 130 26 6 1.98 Green Strand Giant Plow Steel 314 101/4 16.60 370 74 11 3 $ 1 A 14.20 325 65 10 234 &y* 11.95 278 56 9 $4.125 zy? 7% 9.85 225 45 8 3.465 2M ?y* 8.00 184 37 7 2.75 2 6M 6.30 137 27 6 2.31 Add 10 per cent to above list prices for wire center. Ropes of this construction are used for dredging purposes, and are generally made with a wire center. The Plow Steel and Green Strand grades most fre- quently used. PAGE 52 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE TILLER ROPE OR HAND ROPE 6 Strands of 42 Wires Each 252 Wires in All 7 Hemp Cores Cir- Ap- proxi- Diam. of Drum Approximate Breaking Strength List Price per Foot Diam. in cum- fer- ence mate Wgt. Per or Sheave Cru- Inches in Inches Foot in Lbs. in Inches Ad- Iron Pounds cible Cast Steel Iron Crucible Cast Steel vised Pounds 1 3 '1.10 24 22,000 35,000 $0.33 $0.43 14 2/4 .84 21 15,500 26,000 .27 .36 & 2M 2 .62 .43 18 15 11,000 7,000 18,000 13,500 .22 .17 .30 .24 %0 1/i .35 13/^ 6,300 11,000 .14 .20 Jl2 \}/2 .28 12 5,800 9,000 .llj^ .17 7Z. IH .21 10^2 4,000 6,500 .10 .15 % .16 9 3,000 4,800 .09 .14 1 .11 7^2 1,900 3,600 .08 12J^ y* *A .07 6 1,300 2,500 MH .11 The wires in this rope are very .fine, and should not be subjected to much abrasive wear. It is used to a limited extent for steering lines on yachts and motor boats. Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Yacht Rope, G strands, 19 wires to the strand, 1 hemp core, is preferred by many for motor boats. Three-eighths and one-half-inch diameter iron Tiller or Hand Rope is used for starting and stopping eleva- tors. This rope is also called Elevator Shipper Rope. Tiller Rope of tinned or galvanized iron or steel is furnished if required. For this rope add 10 per cent to the foregoing list prices . PAGE 53 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE LIST PRICES FOR LABOR FOR SPLICING ENDLESS ROPE Diameter of Rope in Inches List of Splicing Diameter of Rope in Inches List of Splicing M to % $2.50 K $4.75 Ys to KG 3.00 5.00 y* 3.50 VA 5.50 H 4.00 IX 6.00 H 4.25 IK 8.00 The above charges are for labor in making splices at our works, and do not include the additional 20 to 30 feet of rope used in making the splice. A special charge will be made for splicing done elsewhere, such charge depending on the circumstances of each indi- vidual case. Exact lengths of endless transmission ropes should be specified, or else the exact distance from center to center of sheaves, together with circumference of sheaves. PAGE 54 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE NON-SPINNING HOISTING ROPE CONSTRUCTION: 18 strands, 7 wires to V^ the strand with hemp center. Used principally as a hoisting rope. Is non-ro- tating, i. e. 9 non-spinning, and made to overcome the spinning of loading buckets, beams or whatever may be hoisted . It is also used for bridge construction work or where single-line derricks are in use, also for crane elevator work, mine hoisting, etc. Quarry men and others, when hoisting by a single line, require two or more men with guide ropes to prevent blocks from revolv- ing in their ascent. Our rope overcomes this difficulty. The principle of Non-Rotating Rope is quite fully explained below. Improvement in this rope, i. e. 9 Non-Spinning Wire Rope, according to invention, has for its object the production of a wire rope which is non- rotating, of greater flexibility and wearing surface, and with more sectional area to stand a larger amount of wear and tear than wire rope of 6 strands, 19 wires. PAGE 55 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE The object is accomplished by forming a wire rope of the inner rope, the outer cas- ing constructed, arranged and twisted with the inner rope, to wit: the outer casing consists of a maximum number of strands, each having a stated number of wires of a stated area. The inner rope is composed of a stated number of strands, each having a stated number of wires. The interstices of inner rope are wormed with lubricated hemp fibre, giving cushion effect to the outer strands,thus enabling same to better withstand abrasion. The outer strands and the inner rope strands respectively are by preference twisted in opposite directions, thus counter-balancing the outer strand wires. The rope is constructed of round wires which are not subject to as much internal friction as flat or irregular shaped core wires. We are prepared to furnish the rope in all classes of wire, i. e., Iron, Crucible Cast Steel, Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel and Plow Steel. List on succeeding page. PAGE 56 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE O I>*OO; rH COOCOOOO SO i ( I> i < CO Ci T ^ w H .. bo OOC OST^CO oooo l ^ t> :'"1'~! c U O 8. m i i S K^.S^ icoooiocoo Q St^-^'S coop e^ooso>ooo>o6ppiH I ^ (U^ OL 2 bo^] 'O <^ '0000(7 ass -- .g- a S3 rt -a x ^ i ^^ ix ^' x; ^ (N 5? ^^^^^^^ w a a a 2 -^ ilfSj PAGE 57 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED IRON SHIP'S RIGGING OR GUY ROPE 6 Strands 7 or 12 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Circum- ference of Manila Rope of Equal Strength List Price per Foot 7 Wires per Strand 12 Wires per Strand 1H 5M 4.85 42 11 $0.44 $0.46 1*^6 5/4 4.42 38 10J/2 .41 .43 1 % 5 4.15 35 10 .38 .40 4J4 3.55 30 9Mi .35 .37 \ i/fa 41^ 3.24 28 9 .31 Ji .33^ i y* 4J4 3 26 8J^ .28^ .30^ 1 /4 4 2.45 23 8 .25 .26^ 1 3^ 6 3J4 2.21 19 TjHz .22^ .24 1 1/g 3^2 2 18 6// 19J/2 .21 1 1^ 3M 1.77 16.1 6 .17J^ .I8J^ 1 3 1.58 14.1 5M .15 .16 % 2^4 1.20 11.1 5Ji .13 13/ i6 2J^ 1.03 9.4 5 .11 k 2M .89 7.8 4/4 .09 2 .62 5.7 4^ .08 ^fe 1M .50 4.46 3M .07 1^ 1% .39 3.39 3 .06 % IJi .30 2.35 2J x .05 iH* l/^ .22 1.95 2/ .04J/ %> 1 .15 1.42 2 .03^ 5 strands % T/^ .125 1.20 1/4 .03 J4 X .09 .99 1^ my* % .063 .79 1/4 .02M % .04 .61 IK .02 Used for guying stacks and derricks, also for shrouds and stays aboard ship. PAGE 58 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL YACHT RIGGING OR GUY ROPE 6 Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core FLEXIBLE GALVANIZED CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL YACHT ROPE 6 Strands 19 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight iCot in Pounds Approx- imate Stfength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Circum- ference of Manila Rope of Equal Strength List Price per Foot Guy Rope 7 Wires per Strand Flexible Yacht Rope 19 Wires per Strand 1 V 4 2.45 42 13 $0.47 $0.50 1 3 /fe 3M 2.21 38 12 .44 .46 i y* 3H 2 34 11 .39^ .41 % I 1 /* 3M 1.77 31 10 .35 .38 3 1.58 28 9 .31 M .34 H "A* 2H 2 1 A 1.20 1.03 22 19 8^ 8 %* .26^ .23^ % H I* .89 .62 16.8 11.7 7 6 :!!* 20M .15M % 1% .50 9 5M .11 .13 1M .39 7 4M .08^ .12 15^52 IN .34 6 4K .08 11^ We IK .30 5 4M .07 .11 3^ 1H .22 4.2 3M .06 .10^ M i .15 3.2 3 .04M .10 In ordering, specify exact construction desired. This rope is extra galvanized. Used where exposure to weather is constant or to periodical moisture. 6 x 19 construction is used largely for Backstays, Outhauls, Top- ping Lifts, or wherever strong, pliable mooring or messenger lines are used. 6x7 construction is used for standing rigging on ships and yachts. If greater strength than listed is required we are prepared to furnish galvanized plow steel wire. Prices on application PAGE 59 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED IRON AND CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL RUNNING ROPE 6 Strands 12 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds List Price per Foot Iron Crucible Cast Steel Iron Crucible Cast Steel We 3M 1.18 10.1 22.5 $0.22 $0.30 1 3 1.05 5.7 19.5 .20 .27 % 2M .80 6.9 15.5 .17 .23 % 2H .68 6 13.5 .14^ .20 X 2K .59 8.1 11.5 .12 .16^ *A 2 .42 3.6 8 .10 .14 % 1M .33 2.8 6.5 .08 .11 H 1H .26 2.2 5 .07 .09 % 1M .20 1.7 3.9 .06^ 08 J* N iH .14 1.3 2.85 .06 07M % i .10 .82 1.98 .05^ .07 In ordering, specify whether Iron or Crucible Cast Steel quality is desired. Designed for service where great flexibility is re- quired and exposure to moisture is frequent. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS AND MOORING LINES 6 Strands 12 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Size of Manila Hawsers of Equal Strength Circum- ference List Price Foot 2^6 ey 2 4.43 83 $0.78 2 6 1 A 4.20 77 .72 1% 6 3.89 71 .67 1% 5M 3.42 66 . . . .62 1M sy 2 3.23 61 13.5 .57 1% 5H 2.94 57 13 .53 l*A 5 2.76 53 12.5 .49 I. &A 2.36 45 12 .44 1% VA 2.16 41 11.5 .41 1H 4M 2 38 11 .38 1M 4 1.63 31 10 .35 1% 3M 1.47 28 9.25 .33 1H 3M 1.33 26 8.75 .31 For smaller sizes, see Galvanized Running Rope, 6 strands, 12 wires to the strand, 7 hemp cores. PAGE 6 1 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS AND MOORING LINES 6 Strands 24 Wires to the Strand 7 Hemp Cores Diam. in Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds Size of Manila Hawsers of Equal Strength Circum- ference List Price Foot 2 Mi &y 2 5.81 113 $1.22 2 & 1 A 5.51 106 . . . 1.14 1% 6 5.09 98 1.06 1% 5% 4.48 88 1.00 1..X 5y 2 4.24 82 . . . .93 1% 5M 3.86 76 . . . .86 1% 5 3.63 74 . . . .80 1^ 4M 3.10 63 13.5 .73 1% 4^ 2.92 55 13.0 .67 1% 4M 2.62 50 12.0 .62 1 Ji 4 2.15 42 12.0 .57 1.56 3^i 1.93 38 11.0 .51 1M 3H 1.75 34 10.25 .45 1^6 3M 1.54 27 9.25 .40 1 3 1.38 25 8.75 .35 K 2M 1.05 20 . . . .29 % 2^ .90 17 . . . .25 X 2M .78 14 . . . .22 For mooring large vessels. Made of tough, strong wires. Has great strength and flexibility. Made to withstand abrasion due to snubbing rope through hawser holes and around anchorages. PAGE 62 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED STEEL DEEP SEA TOWING HAWSERS 6 Strands 37 Wires to the Strand 1 Hemp Core Diam. in. Inches Circum- ference in Inches Approx- imate Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Strength in Tons of 2000 Pounds List Price Foot fi'H ? 1^ 8.82 188 $1.60 2 5 /| 7M 8.36 182 1.52 73^i 8 171 1.44 2 y% 6% 7.06 155 1.35 2 KG 6.65 140 1.28 2 6/4 6.30 132 1.20 1% 6 5.84 125 1.12 5M 5.13 112 1.05 1 M 5M 4.85 104 .98 1^6 5M 4.42 97 .91 1 iHi 5 4.15 87 .84 i v* 4/4 3.55 76 .77 4M 3.24 72 .71 1 /"s 4M 3 66 .65 IM 4 2.45 54 .60 1% 3/4 2.21 47 .54 3^2 2 42 .48 1 KG 3M 1.77 38 .42 1 3 1.58 31.5 .37 K 2M 1.20 26 .31 2jl 1.03 22 .26 *A 2K .89 20 .23 Where great strength and pliability are essential, this type of hawser, by reason of construction, is superior to all other forms. More than 50 per cent of the wires in the strands are on the inside, so that the outside layer of wires may be considerably worn before the strength of the inside wires becomes im- paired . Jttlk: PAGE 63 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED STEEL CABLES FOR SUSPENSION BRIDGES Composed of 6 Strands, with Wire Center Diam. in. Inches Approx- imate Circum- ference in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approx- imate Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Plow Steel Price per Foot 2^ S y 8 12.7 310 2^ 8J4 ir.6 283 2 l /2 7K 10.5 256 2^8 9.50 232 1 2M 7K 8.52 208 1 2Lg Q5/S 7.60 185 *E. 2 6M 6.73 164 1% 5^8 5.90 144 \% 5J^ 5.10 124 s iH 5 4.34 106 'I 1^2 4J4 3.70 90 1% 4/ 3.10 75 i* 4 2.57 62 We do not build or erect suspension bridges, but are prepared to supply cables. Further particulars and prices furnished upon appli- cation. Suspension Bridge cables are generally made 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, with a wire strand in center, or commonly known as 7 x 7. In some cases they are made 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand and a hemp center, or 6 strands, 12 wires to the strand and one hemp center. PAGE 64 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SASH CORD Strands 7 Wires to the Strand 1 Cotton Core 8 Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Pounds List Price per Foot 1 a c 1 1 3 8 fc 1 | i i 3 u II O N "89 | g .2 a a 1 a 1 c- fl I H l ~ l U PC cq HO^ U 26 y* .101 .115 2200 1650 1320 $0.03 $0.04 $0.09 27 7 <2 .077 .087 1800 1411 1080 .02| .03i .07i 27i Me .056 .064 1400 1100 840 .02J .03 .06 28 i/ .025 .029 550 425 350 .Olf .02J .04J 28 i % .014 .016 320 250 200 .Oli .02 .03| 29 * .006 .007 140 110 90 .011 .Olf .03 Sash cord will be made "soft" unless ordered to the contrary. Used principally for window weights, bell cords, automobile brakes and whistles. Three-thirty- second-inch diameter Galvanized Sash Cord is used on electric open-car curtain fixtures. One-sixteenth-inch Galvanized Sash Cord is used on steam car curtain fixtures. PAGE 65 W A T E R B URY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED MAST-ARM OR ARC LIGHT ROPE Diameter in Inches Weight per Foot in Pounds Approximate Breaking Stress in Pounds Construc- tion List Price per Foot H % H % .335 .245 .163 .107 .077 4700 3400 2200 1530 1125 9x7 9x7 9x7 9x4 9x4 $0.07 .06 .05 .03^ .02^ Used for arc lights, mast-arms or other purposes where exposed to moisture. This rope is more durable than manila rope and does not shrink. STONE SAWING STRAND 3 Wires Twisted Together Approximate Diameter in Inches Approximate Gauge of Wire Approximate Weight per 1000 Feet List Price per 1000 Feet .210 12 100 $13.50 .184 13 70 11.50 .160 14 50 9.50 .144 15 45 8.00 .126 16 35 6.75 This is suitable for sawing blocks of sandstone or similar soft stone but should not be used for marble or granite. W A T E R B U R Y WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED STRAND 7 Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand Standard Steel Strand .Galvanized or Extra Galvanized Diameter in Inches Seizing Strand Trade Number Approximate Weight per 1000 feet Pounds Approximate Strength in Pounds List Prices per 100 Feet *A 800 14000 $8.50 650 11000 7.00 3/ 510 8500 5.50 7/g 415 6500 4.50 y* 295 5000 3.50 210 3800 2.50 34 125 2300 1.75 % 95 1800 1.50 % 75 1400 1.25 % 55 900 1.15 % 18 40 700 1.10 19 32 500 1.00 20 25 450 .90 % 21 20 400 .80 % 22 13 300 .70 This strand is used chiefly for guying poles and smokestacks, for supporting trolley wire, and for operating railroad signals. Intermediate sizes take next higher list. Strands of larger diameter than listed in the table or those to be prepared from Special Stock . Prices on application. Galvanized Strand is furnished both single and double galvanized. Special prices apply when made double galvanized. GALVANIZED SEIZING STRAND Diameter in Inches Seven Wires of No. Weight per 1000 Feet Price Per Pound % 18 50 $0.18 % 19 37 .19 H 20 30 .20 % 21 25 .21 PAGE 6? WATERS IT RY WIRE ROPE EXTRA GALVANIZED SPECIAL STRAND 7 Steel Wires Twisted into a Single Strand We manufacture three qualities of special grades of Extra Galvan- ized Strand that should meet all requirements for durability, strength, toughness and light weight. Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand. Extra Galvanized High Strength (Crucible Steel) Strand. Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength (Plow Steel) Strand. All three qualities are composed of 7 wires, having the heaviest coating of galvanizing that will ensure the longest life. Extra Galvanized Siemens-Martin Strand Mini- Mini- Diam. in Tensile Strength mum Elonga- tion Per List Price Diam. in Tensile Strength mum Elonga- tion Per List Price Inches in Pounds Cent in 10 per 100 Feet [nches in Pounds Cent in 10 per 100 Feet Inches Inches % 19,000 10 $8.25 H 3,060 10 $1.70 H 11,000 10 5.25 % 2,000 10 1.35 V* 9,000 10 4.30 Ys 900 10 .90 H 6,800 10 3.25 % 4,860 10 2.50 % 4,380 10 2.05 Extra Galvanized High Strength Strand % 25,000 6 $12.00 % 7,300 6 $2.80 y* 18,000 6 7.25 M 5,100 6 2.25 v\* 15,000 6 6.00 3 /f fi 3,300 6 1.80 V* 11,500 6 4.40 y* 1,500 6 1.20 % 8,100 6 3.20 Extra Galvanized Extra High Strength Strand % 42,500 4 $14.60 % 10,900 1 4 $3.50 H 27,000 4 8.80 V* 7,600 4 2.85 % 22,500 4 7.20 K 4,900 4 2.40 y* 17,250 4 5.25 K 2,250 4 1.60 % 12,100 4 4.25 When either intermediate sizes and strengths are called for, if they are exactly midway between two sizes provided for, the average price of the two sizes shall apply; otherwise the price of the nearest size and strength shall apply. This class of strand costs more than ordinary strand of equivalent diameter. The higher strength admits of the use o smaller sizes. Lasts longer and is more economical in use. PAGE 68 WATERS URY WIRE ROPE TRACK CABLE FOR AERIAL TRAMWAYS List Prices per 100 Feet Diameter in Inches No. of Wires in Strand Weight per 100 Feet in Pounds Crucible Steel Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds Plow Steel Breaking Stress in Tons of 2000 Pounds v/2 91 1310 285.00 335.00 VA 91 1036 233.00 266.00 2^ 91 935 204.00 240.00 2 61 840 185.00 218.00 IK 61 728 161.00 189.00 m 61 659 145.80 171.00 i 61 563 124.00 146.00 iy 2 37 488 108.40 127.50 iy* 37 401 88.80 105.00 IX 37 323 71.80 84.60 iy* 37 270 60.00 70.70 19 220 49.20 58.00 ' 7 /8 19 169 37.60 44.40 % 19 124 27.60 32.50 5 /8 19 86 19.20 22.30 y 2 19 55 14.30 18.00 H 19 30 8.98 11.27 J 19 14 4.10 5.12 Prices on application. This strand is designed to give as much flexibility as possible as well as a fairly smooth surface for trav- eler wheels to run upon. The plow steel quality affords the greatest strength with the least weight a very important advantage, especially in long spans. PAGE 6<) W A T E R B U R Y W I R E ROPE LOCOMOTIVE SWITCHING, WRECK- ING AND BALLAST UNLOADER ROPE Single Fittings Hook and thimble in one end; thimble and link in other end. To determine the list price of Locomotive Switching, Wrecking, and Ballast Unloader Ropes, add to the list price of the length, size and quality of rope specified (the length to be added being measured from the bearing of hook in one end to the bearing of the last link in the other end), the following extras for fittings spliced in. List Prices for Fittings Fastened to Ropes Diam.,In. List Fit'gs Diam.,In. List Fit'gs Diam., In. List Fit'gs 2 IH IK 1H $55.00 45.00 35.00 30.00 S^J\QO\-i(\00 r-t\eO\r-i\rH\ f-H i-H i-H i 1 $25.00 21.75 16.50 13.00 1 7 /s % and smaller $10.00 8.75 6.00 Example: For 30 ft. 1 inch diameter crucible cast steel switch rope, 6 strands, 19 wires to the strand, single fittings: List price for fittings, spliced in $10 . 00 List price of 30 ft. 1 in. diameter cast steel rope at 31c. ft. . . . 9.30 List price complete, 30 ft. single switch rope $19 .30 Double Fittings Hook, thimble and link at one end; thimble and two links in other end. List Prices for Fittings Spliced to Rope Diam., In. List Fit'gs Diam., In. List Fit'gs Diam., In. List Fit'gs 2 IH IK 1 5 A $65.00 52.00 40.00 32.50 i% l*/s IM iy* $29.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 1 H % and smaller $12.00 10.50 7.50 Extras for other Styles List for thimble and two links spliced in both ends is same as for double. List for thimble and two links spliced in one end is one-half of double. List for thimble and two links spliced in one end and thimble and hook in other end, or thimble and link spliced in one end and thimble link and hook in other end, is half way between single and double. PAGE 70 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE EXTRA FLEXIBLE PLOW STEEL PULLING-IN CABLES 8 Strands^-19 Wires Each 1 Hemp Center Thimble spliced in one end . Thimble, swivel and sister hooks spliced in other end. List Prices of Diameter List Prices List Prices Thimble, Swivel of Rope of Rope of Thimble and Sister in Inches per Foot Spliced in Hooks Complete Spliced in Prices furnished on application For pulling cables into under-ground conduits, and for cleaning sewers. The sister hooks snap into the eye of a wire pulling grip that is attached to the end of the cable to be drawn into the conduit. The thimble end is wound on a small drum or hand winch. Com- mon sizes are ^g-inch and J<2-inch diameter. Lengths vary from 300 feet to 600 feet. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE CLOSED SOCKETS For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Cir- cum- ference of Rope in Inches Diam. of Rope in Inches Iron and Steel Rope Cir- cum- ference of Rope in Inches Diam. of Rope in Inches Iron and Steel Rope Loose Fast- ened Loose Fast- ened 7^ 6J4 VA 5 m 4M 4 3 1 A 3 2M 2 1H 1% 1^ 1% 1H IJi $26.00 24.00 16.00 10.00 9.00 6.50 6.00 4.00 3.50 $37.00 33.50 24.00 16.00 14.00 10.75 9.50 6.85 5.75 2M 2K 2 IX i l A IH 1H i 3 X p K %, j| % K 5 /f6 J4 $2.50 1.80 1.35 1.10 1.00 .80 .75 .65 .60 $4.50 3.30 2.65 2.35 2.15 1.95 1.75 1.55 1.50 OPEN SOCKETS For use with either Steel or Iron Rope 2 IV 1 $37.00 34.00 22.00 12.50 11.50 8.50 8.00 5.00 4.50 $48.00 43.50 30.00 18.50 16.50 12.75 11.50 7.85 6.75 ik i] i $3.40 2.70 2.10 1.70 1.60 1.25 1.20 .90 .85 $5.40 4.20 3.40 2.95 2.75 2.40 2.20 1.80 1.75 PAGE 72 W ATERBURY WIRE ROPE SWIVEL HOOK AND SOCKET For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Prices for List Prices for Steel Rope Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1x4 4 1 3 % 2M Prices furnished on *A 2 application % iji M i M % WATERBURY .WIRE ROPE HOOK AND SOCKET For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Prices for List Prices for Steel Rope Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1 4 i 3 % 2^ K y* 2 4 Prices furnished on application ' 1 1)1 78 1 H X These fittings may be attached to any style or con- struction of rope, but they are especially useful when attached to our Non-Spinning Rope, page 57. An open socket can be supplied, if desired. PAGE 74 WATERS URY WIRE ROPE HOOK AND THIMBLE For use with either Steel or Iron Rope List Prices for List Prices for Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches Steel Rope Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened IX 4^ IX 4 4 1 1 A 3^ 1 3 H H 2M Prices furnished on H 2 application X lj| % 1M $ 1 X M Used in many places, such as derricks, cranes, skidders, slings, etc. PAGE 75 WATERBTJRY WIRE ROPE SWIVEL HOOK AND THIMBLE For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Prices for List Prices for Steel Rope Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened ijj 4 4 i 3 y* % 2^ 2 4 Prices furnished on application *A i| H iH % 1 iA M This hook swivel and thimble permits the load to rotate without unduly untwisting the rope. PAGE 76 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE SISTER HOOKS AND THIMBLE For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Prices for List Prices for Steel Rope Iron Rope Loose Fastened Loose Fastened 1^ 4M ijl 4 i 3 $ /8 2 4 Prices furnished on application 5 4 1 % K Sister hooks are frequently employed where a rope has to be quickly attached and detached from a load and at the same time to hold the load locked in position so long as the rope is under strain. Illustration shows the two parts of the hook apart ready to attach load. Such devices are frequently used for logging and draw- ing-in cables. PAGE 77 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED THIMBLE SPLICED INTO ROPE For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Diameter of Rope in Inches Circumference of Rope in Inches List Prices Complete for Steel Rope List Prices Complete for Iron Rope m 4M $11.00 $10.50 m 4M 10.50 10.00 ij* 4 8.00 7.65 m &A 5.50 5.25 i 3 3.50 3.35 H 2M 2.85 2.70 % 2M 2.20 2.05 % 2 2.00 1.90 % 1H 1.90 1.80 *A IX 1.40 1.30 % 1M 1.35 1.25 % m 1.30 1.20 % i 1.10 1.00 X 3 A 1.10 1.00 PAGE 78 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GALVANIZED OVAL THIMBLES For use with either Steel or Iron Rope o Regular Extra Large |-S l u.S S.SJ "21.9 |3 1~J S.2S imete Inser imble .Sg 12 ii us .SP .3 v Is to IP III 7 /f6 4 3K 3 2% 2M 2 IK 2% 2% 2^6 2% 3% 4J4 3K 8 IN 1.80 1.40 1.05 .90 .60 .44 .37 .22 .13 .13 .09 .06 .05 .03 2.20 2.00 1.50 1.20 .85 .75 .50 .30 $0.50 .42 .33 .25 .20 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11 .10 .09 .08 .08 Prices for Extra Large furnished on application. WATERBURY WIRE ROPE WIRE ROPE CLIPS For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Circum. Diameter Circum. Diameter of Rope of Rope Price of Rope of Rope Price in Inches in Inches in Inches in Inches 7% 2> 3 1 In 2M 2 l. 22 *-" 3 3 2M 4) ^ 5% iff J 2 5/ 's J 4/4 "OT C^ l/^ ^ "^ & 4M 1% 1J^ N s & o 4 1/4 1 % iJ^ M M CROSBY WIRE ROPE CLIPS- GALVANIZED For use with either Steel or Iron Rope Size Clip Corre- Approxi- Size Clip Corre- Approxi- sponding to Rope Diameter in Inches TOght Each in Pounds List Price Each sponding to Rope Diameter in Inches mLht Each in Pounds List Price Each 2y 2 $11.50 1 3.00 '$0.85 2M 9.50 % 2.00 c75 2 . . 7.50 % 1.75 .65 1M . 5.50 % .87 .55 iji 3.50 y* .75 .45 ijl 5.75 1.50 VK .37 .45 ill 5.75 1.25 H .37 .40 1M 3.75 1.10 Y* .25 .35 IH 3.75 .95 y .25 35 PAGE 80 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE WIRE ROPE CLAMPS For use with cither Steel or Iron Rope Extra Heavy Size Clamp and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Price Each Size Clamp and Diameter of Rope in Inches Circum- ference of Rope in Inches List Price Each VA 7^ $13.75 1 3 $1.75 2 6M 8.50 y* 2M 1.30 1% 5K 5.50 1 Y* 2^ 1.15 1% 5 5.00 H 2M 1.05 ! 7 /f 6 ^A 3.80 % 2 .90 IX 4 2.50 % IX .60 m 3? 2.25 y 2 i l A .60 iy* 3y 2 1.90 % IK .45 W 6 3M 1.90 % i .30 PAGE 8l WATERS URY WIRE ROPE POWER TRANSMITTED BY WIRE ROPE A table showing the proper relation between the rope and wheels used in transmitting power by means of wire rope, and approximately the amount of power that may be thus transmitted. The calculations" are based upon a rope of the 6 strand, 7 wires per strand construction. Diam- eter of Wheel in Feet STumber of Revolu- tions per Minute Diam- eter of Rope Horse- power Diam- eter of Wheel in Feet Number of Revolu- tions per Minute Diam- eter of Rope Horse- power 3 80 3 7 140 % 35 3 100 y% 3M 8 80 Ys 26 3 120 y% 4 8 100 Ys 32 3 140 H 4;M> < 8 120 Ys 39 4 80 N 4 8 140 Me 45 47 4 100 V* 5 9 80 jl 48 58 4 120 3/ 8 6 9 100 ! .60 9 /l6 69 4 140 3// 7 9 120 73 82 5 80 % 9 9 140 % 84 5 100 11 10 80 H 64 68 5 120 /^6 13 10 100 n /l 80 85 5 140 /ie 15 10 120 % 96 102 6 80 ^ 14 10 140 j^ 112 119 6 100 i/< 17 12 80 n /i6 93 99 6 120 i^ 20 12 100 M/6 116 124 6 140 y& 23 12 120 n /ie 140 7 80 /is 20 12 120 K 149 173 7 100 % 25 14 80 1 141 148 7 120 % 30 14 100 1 IM 176 185 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE TABLE FOR INCLINED PLANES Use of wire rope on slopes, inclined planes, etc,, by which the strain produced by any load can easily be calculated. The table gives the strain on a rope due to a load of one ton of 2,000 pounds, allowing for rolling fric- tion. An additional allowance for the weight of the rope will have to be made. Example: For an inclination of twenty-five feet in 100 feet, cor- responding to an angle of fourteen degrees and two minutes, a load of 2000 pounds will produce a strain on the rope of 534 pounds, and for a load of 8000 pounds the strain on the rope will be 534 x 8000 2000 = 2136 pounds. Eleva- tion in 100 Feet Corre- sponding angle of inclination Strain in pounds on rope from a load of 2000 pounds Eleva- tion in 100 Feet Corre- sponding angle of inclination Strain in pounds on rope from a load of 2000 pounds 5 252' 150 95 4332' 1414 10 543' 249 100 45 0' 1449 15 832' 346 105 4624' 1482 20 1119' 441 110 4744' 1514 25 14 2' 534 115 4859' 1542 30 1642' 623 120 5012' 1569 35 1917' 707 125 5120' 1593 40 21 4S' 789 130 5226' 1615 45 2414' 867 135 6328' 1637 50 2634' 939 140 5428' 1657 55 2849' 1008 145 5524' 1674 60 3058' 1072 150 5619' 1692 65 33 1' 1132 155 5710' 1707 70 35 0' 1188 160 58 0' 1722 75 3652 / 1240 165 5847' 1736 80 3840' 1289 170 5932' 1749 85 4022' 1333 175 6015' 1761 90 4159' 1375 180 6057' 1772 In selecting a rope, a factor of safety from six to eight should be taken; that is, the working load on the rope should only be one-fifth to one-seventh of its breaking strength. As a rule, ropes for shafts should have a factor of safety of six, and for inclined planes, where the wear is much greater, the factor of safety should be seven. Further information and advice as to the best rope to use in par- ticular cases will be supplied on application. PAGE 8.3 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE COMPARISON OF STRENGTH BETWEEN WIRE ROPE AND MANILA ROPE Approximate Breaking Stress Calculated in Tons of 2,000 Pounds I Wire Transmission Rope One hemp core surround ed by six strands of seven wires each Wire Hoisting Rope. One hemp core surrounded by six strands of nineteen wires each fc I I? .8 s a '** Extra Extra ffl t! Cru- Str'g Cru- Str'g &j aS g Iron cible Cru- Plow T cible Crii- Plow" ^la .2 Cast cible Steel Iron Cast cible Steel > * (2) Steel Cast Steel Cast > ^ tained longer as the XV-" *' r 'O'* V rope wearing to a >^ ' / ' ; ^ ^ smooth surface does not change the score of the sheaves or drums. The flat wires when worn through do not project, but are pushed down into the interstices of the rope, thus giving a greater wearing surface than is ordinarily obtained. Note in the illustration that the flat wires are held transversely to the axis of rope so that the same do not affect its flexibility. The initial factor of safety is maintained longer in Waterbury Armored Wire Rope (Gore Patent), than in any other construe- End view of worn rope. No broken wires. Side view of worn rope. WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE This big Dipper Dredge in service on the Pacific Coast is equipped with Waterbury Armored Rope. tion. The strands are intended to take all the strains to which the rope is ordinarily subjected, and the flat wire covering is merely for the purpose of protecting the tensile strength wires from abrasion and exposure and to assist the strands in retain- ing grease for internal lubrication. An important factor is the lack of in- ternal friction between the strands them- selves, for in bending, it is impossible for the flat wires to interlock, which is the fail- ing of the ordinary construction. Another advantage is found in the fact that it is possible to use a wire rope core, or, PAGE 105 WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE On Floating Derricks and similar apparatus, Water- bury Armored Rope will be found exceedingly economical. in other words, a wire rope within a wire rope as chafing between the inner rope and the outer or covering rope is absolutely prevented by the flat wires. The extraordinary flexibility to be had from this construction, taking the breaking strain into consideration, has to be seen and tried to be appreciated. The flat wires are rolled from a special cold drawn acid open hearth round wire which leaves the edges convex and prevents the wire crowding during the bending of the rope . PAGE 1 06 WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE Waterbury Armored Rope is especially suited for Steam Shovel Work. On machines of the kind shown above, it shows superior wearing qualities. Users of this rope find that after outlast- ing the ordinary rope the flat wires are then just beginning to pack into the interstices, thereby greatly increasing the outside wear- ing surface. It is from this point on to its total destruction that the Waterbury Armored Wire Rope (Gore Patent) shows its fine wearing qualities , Where extra flexibility is required in the larger sizes of rope, we are prepared to fur- nish rope with a greater number of wires to each strand. The score of sheaves should be based on the outside diameter of rope. WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE This Bucyrus Drag Line Steam Caterpillar is equipped with Waterbury Armored Rope. For machines of this kind no other rope will give equal service. In splicing Waterbury Armored Wire Rope (Gore Patent) , follow the same rule as you would in splicing rope of Standard Con- struction. Bind the ends and tuck them in as you would following splicing of ordinary wire rope . Lubricate ropes frequently. A suitable lu- bricant will add life to rope, will prevent in- ternal and external rust, will keep rope pliable. PAGE 1 08 WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE A few of the many kinds of work in which Waterbury Ar- mored Rope has been used with great success. Hoisting Haulage Logging Dredging Shovel Work Pile Drivers Saw Mill Carriages Coal Hoists Quarry Work Sand Handling Equipment Derricks Drag Line Excavators Tower Scrapers Excavators Reclamation Work WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE IN RIVER AND HARBOR WORK r I^HE experience of the American Dredg- J- ing Company, of California, with Wa- terbury Armored Rope is given below: "The Waterbury Armored Wire Rope that we pur- chased from you last year, has proven everything you claimed for it, and we are more than satisfied with the service we have gotten out of it. Since ordering the first piece, we have equipped all of our dredges with the Waterbury Armored Rope and although we have given it the severest kinds of tests, it has stood up beyond our expectations. We have decided to specify W r aterbury Armored Rope on all our future orders, and to borrow the expression 'We. won't be happy until we get it.' " WATERBURY ARMORED ROPE CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL WATERBURY ARMORED WIRE ROPE Gore Patent, March 14, 1911 6 Strands, 19 Wires to Strand, 1 Hemp Core The Score of Sheaves should be based on the outside diameter of Rope Diameter Inside Diameter Outside Approx. Weight Per Ft. Approx. B-S in Net Tons App. Wkg. Load in Net Tons List Price Per Ft. M X Hi .64 8.4 1.68 $0.26 N X /^. 1.05 12.5 2.5 .30 % X y^R 1.40 17.5 3.5 .36 % X 1 1.66 23 4.6 .41 1 x l l /s 2.23 30 6 .49 \y% x IJi 2.75 38 7.6 .57 1M X 1^8 3.35 47 9.4 .67 \y % x 1H 3.99 56 11.2 .78 \y,fc ! H T-KN C< x o w S a < M tf S H " rD ! I-HCOCOOOOCOOOO' r rfl a* 3 en V 51 Ow 15 ^S s OP3 a V ! ^ *HH? 2 2 II ^ g ^8 WC I KS tf ^ 5, s a w 3 1 5 crT T H^iQCOOOT I1LQOC i-H T 1 i-H 11 1-S II-EI3 1 j^gw S I-M fe- ^ J r ^H d '& co" rH i 1 T I Sg SI | ^H S WP *5c o ^ PH i *o i ^-iC^COTflOOOrHOO xS 2 a S l 7^3 ]> S-T3 O 1 ^ rf] CO 1 O5 00 rH O 00 Oi'C^ IO rH CO^^H COOi O C K 8 . |l| a; " > in i o HH ! OOOOTj0 ill "I K 8 fe O i ^rHSoScO^i i fiiJ i >5 i I^S ffi ? tdO E] 'I ^ J W b. C || I c ^\^M\^ ^\^^ rH rH rH rH rH^ ? -g^J eg ^-5 ^Uo O'^o H3 a a.s PAGE 140 WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPE I.B g rH 1-1 i- i co d i-l T-I T-H (N ^^2 II S a .I* 3 Q.S 9 /f6 1 Ji 2 2^6 2 iHS *1 z a .S tcl I 38,000 50,000 60,000 80,000 103,000 2.12 2.30 2.59 3.20 3.80 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel $1.55 YK I 13 /i6 5% 42,000 2.12 1.80 VK 1% 6 56,000 2.30 2.00 V?, 2 6Ji 67,000 2.59 % '2 Ms VM 92,000 3.20 2.70 % 2J^ 8M 115,000 3.80 Plow Steel $1.70 y* 1% m 48,000 2.12 1.90 VK i K 6 64,000 2.30 2.15 y* 2 6K 76,000 2.59 9 /i6 2.56 VM 105,000 3.20 2.90 % 2^ 8M 128.000 3.80 Other constructions furnished to order. For galvanized wire add 10 per cent to above prices. PAGE 145 WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPI FIBRECLAD WIRE CABLE LAID HAWSER Composed of five ropes, with hemp centres. Fiv< strands to the rope, nineteen wires to the trand. Crucible Cast Steel fe I 8 "UJ3 IJ 5 3 ' KG 39,000 52,000 62,000 83,000 104,000 2.12 2.30 2.59 3.20 3.80 Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel 8 1% 5 3 X 43,000 2.12 % 1 % 6 59,000 2.30 H 2 m 70,000 2.59 % 2 5 /l6 7K ' 95,000 3.20 5 A 2 ^ 8M 119,000 3.80 Plow Steel % 5 A 1 % 2 2 KG 6 4 49,000 66,000 79,000 108,000 135,000 2.12 2.30 2.59 3.20 3.80 Other constructions furnished to order. For galvanized wire add 10 per cent to above prices PAGE 146 WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPE FIBRECLAD WIRE ROPE Crucible Cast Steel Composed of five strands and a hemp centre. Seven wires to the strand. 8 1 Sja l| -I | a (5 is * ,a a to p*| II It I* 3 ^1 'S d 1 2 || - 'r - sl Jfj JU u 1e fl I Diameter Before Sei o,Sj"* Approxim ference Ai with Mar] Approxim Strain in r J Pounds Minimum or Sheave Approxim per Foot i $0.25 y g H. 2 4.6 0.92 2 .36 .30 /^ 2x / 8 7.7 1.50 2^/2 .49 .38 % i 4 31^ 13.0 2.60 3/^ .80 .50 % ijHS 3% 18.6 3.70 41^ 1.12 .60 y% ij^ 3% 24 4.80 5 1.29 .68 1 m 4 5 /f 6 31 6.20 5M 1.66 FIBRECLAD WIRE TILLER ROPE Composed of five strands and a hemp centre. Nineteen wires to the strand. $0.26 .32 .38 .51 .66 .79 .89 1H 2 2^g 4k .21 .36 .49 .80 1.12 1.29 1.66 For price of six strand or wire heart add cent to the above list. per For galvanized wire add 10 per cent to above prices. WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPE FIBRECLAD ROPE FOR GRAIN ELEVATOR SERVICE WE make a Fibreclad Rope known as Grain Shovel and Shipper Rope construction 19 wires to strand in 3, 4 or 6 strands as desired (3 strand rope being known as Shipper Rope) with hemp core. This class of Rope is particularly well- adapted to Grain Elevators, being most economical for that purpose. Is pliable and strong, and withstands the abrasion which under ordinary working conditions is so hard on Manila. Its ultimate cost is less than Manila as it gives far greater service. The Marline serving acts as a safeguard against external and internal wear, keeps strands lubricated; hence preserves and in- creases the working life of rope many times beyond that of bare wire rope. For strength, lightness, flexibility and final results Fibreclad Grain Shovel and Shipper Ropes are unequaled and those who have heretofore used Manila Rope and Bare Wire Rope will quickly recognize the superiority of Fibreclad. PAGE 148 WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPE FIBRECLAD GRAIN SHOVEL ROPE Special Extra Strong Composed of six strands and a hemp centre. Nineteen wires to the strand. 1 at? .11 y l ~l I Q .g Price per Foot Diameter in Inche Before Serving !l 1-51 III Approximate Circ ference After Serv with Marline Approximate Brea Strain in Tons of $ Pounds Allowable Workin Strain in Tons of Pounds Minimum Size of or Sheave in Feet Approximate Weij per Foot in Pounc $0.28 1 4 y* 2 2.91 0.58 % .27 .34 N H 2 ?-s 6.36 1.25 1 .45 FIBRECLAD WIRE SHIPPER ROPE Crucible Cast Steel Composed of four strands and a hemp centre. Nineteen wires to the strand. $0.17 I 1.76 I 0.35 | .16 FIBRECLAD WIRE SHIPPER ROPE Extra Strong Crucible Cast Steel Composed of three strands. Nineteen wires to the strand. $0.15 We 0.29 .11 WATERBURY FIBRECLAD ROPE APPROXIMATE SCALE OF Comparison of Strength MANILA ROPE FIBRECLAD WIRE ROPE, Diameter Circum- ference Diam- eter Approxi- mate Breaking Strain Iron Crucible Steel Extra Strong Crucible Steel Plow Steel IK 2 VA V/2 2% 3 VA 3^ 3M 4 4K 4^ 4M 5 5K 6 6^ 7 7^ 8 8^ 9 9^ 10 % H X $ m ly* IX i% 15* i 1% IH 1% 2 2^ 2M 2J^ 2^ 2K 3 3^ 3^ 2,250 3,000 4,000 5,000 5,800 7,000 8,000 9,200 11,000 12,000 13,500 15,500 17,000 19,000 23,500 27,000 31,500 37,000 42,000 48,000 54,000 61,000 67,000 75,000 M H X '& M '% M ; '% y* % H ::* 3 / . H "x "H i IX i'x % '' 1 A y*. 'H "H "H % "x % i'4 'x % "H "x i" XI "% "x i iy* m i iji PAGE ISO WATERBURY CORDAGE TRANSMISSION ROPE DRILLING CABLES Trade Mark Reg.U. S.Pat. Office Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Office Waterbury 3-Strand Manila Rope PAGE 152 FOREWORD ONE hundred years ago, in the City of New York, was founded the Water- bury Cordage business, now con- ducted under the name of the Waterbury Company. The very fact that a product has been manufactured for such a long period, by the founder of an industry and his succes- sors, is evidence of maintained high quality and continuous fair dealing. A Waterbury "Brand" when marked on a package is a guarantee of the quality of the contents. The grades represented by the several Brands are listed on the follow- ing pages. WATERBURY COMPANY i>AGE 153 WATERBURY CORDAGE WATERBURY BRANDS Reg. U. S. Pat. Oft. "Waterbury" Manila Pure Manila First Quality. "Waterbury" Bolt Rope. "Waterbury" Reliance Transmission Rope. " Waterbury" "Drillwell" Cables (for oil, water, and gas wells). Reg. U.S. Patent Office Rex Brand Rope our Second Grade. "B" or Hardware our Third Grade. "Waterbury" Sisal First Quality. "Commercial" Sisal our Second Grade. STOCK PACKAGES Manila and Sisal Rope are carried in stock in full and half coils. Full lengths in sizes ^ inch and larger, coils con- tain 1200 feet, half coils 600 feet. Stock coils of %> inch, 35 pounds; }^ inch, 50 pounds; % inch, 55 pounds; % inch, 60 pounds; %; inch, 70 pounds per coil, approximate. Hay and Bale Rope ordinarily put up in 50 and 100 Ib. coils, single end, also 50 and 100 Ib. reels. Hay Rope should be ordered on reels. Bale Rope, 50 or 100 pound coils, unless otherwise specified . Hide Rope, 100 pound coil, stranded. Tarred Lath Yarn and Fodder Yarn, 100 pound coils. PAGE 154 WATERBURY CORDAGE PRICE LIST All quotations are basis and subject to the differentials as they apply. Basis is %" dia.(8J4''circumference) or larger. Diameter Inches Circumference Inches Thread Perlb. Above Basis %> K 6 2^c. H M 6 2 c. 1 9 2 c. % IJl* 12 IJ^c. % 1J 15 1 c. % Mi 1% 18 1 c. jjfull ill 21 24 1 c. 1 c. % 27 1 c. % full 1 J^8 30 1 c. p 2 2 J^ and larger .Me.. Basis Price Bolt Rope either 3 or 4-Strand, 5 cents per pound extra. Transmission Rope, 5 cents per pound extra. All Manila and Sisal goods sold, marked and billed at Gross Weight. All quotations based on Gross Weight unless specifi- cally stated. All prices per pound basis unless otherwise stated. All cut lengths of rope of less than 600 feet or 100 fathoms, excepting only Drilling Cables, and Transmission Rope, 1 cent per pound extra. All rope unoiled, 1 cent per pound extra. All 4-Strand Rope except Bolt and Transmission, 1 cent per pound extra. All rope in balls, 34 cent per pound extra. All rope to order with colored yarns, 1200 feet or less, 25 cents per colored yarn. All rope to order with colored yarns, over 1200 feet, 50 cents per colored yarn. All quotations subject to change in price without notice. All deliveries subject to fires, strikes, breakage of machinery or other causes beyond our control. PAGE 155 WATERBURY CORDAGE PRICE DIFFERENTIALS Balling, J^c per pound extra. Binder Twine, special. Bolt Rope, 3 or 4 strand, 5c above basis. Bull Ropes, special. Canal or Tow Lines If Bolt Stock, 5c above basis. If Regular Stock, basis. Coal Falls, if Bolt Stock, 5c above basis. Coal Falls, if made of Transmission Stock, 5c above basis. Colored Yarns in Rope, each coil of 1200 feet or less, 25c per yarn. Colored Yarns in Rope, coils over 1200 feet in length, 50c per yarn. Cut Lengths, except Transmission Rope and Drilling Cable, Ic per pound extra. Double Lath Yarn, special. Drilling Cables, Sand, Tubing, Sucker Rod Lines, special. Four Strand Rope, except Bolt and Transmission Rope, Ic per pound extra. Halter Rope, basis. Hawser Laid Rope, same price as Drilling Cables, special. Hay Hide and Bale Rope, medium and coarse, ^c above basis. Hay Hide and Bale Rope, fine, Ic above basis. Hay Hide and Bale Rope, unoiled, Ic per pound extra. Hoisting or Fall Rope, either Tallow or Graphite Laid, made from selected Transmission Stock, 5c above basis. Lariat Rope, Hard Laid, 3 strand, 4c above basis. Lariat Rope, Hard Laid, 4 strand, 5c above basis. Mill Carriage Rope, if Bolt Stock, 5c above basis. If Transmission Stock, 5c above basis. Paper Makers' Twine, any ply, medium and coarse, Y^c. above basis. Paper Makers' Twine, any ply, fine, Ic above basis. Paper Makers' Twine, unoiled, Ic per pound extra. Raft Ropes, 6, 9, 12 or 15 thread, special. Ring Yarn, medium and coarse, basis. Ring Yarn, fine, J^c above basis. Shingle Yarn, same as Lath Yarn. Single End (1 ply) Lath Yarn or Ring Yarn, medium, */c above basis. Single End (1 ply) Lath Yarn or Ring Yarn, fine, Ic above basis. Spun Yarn, medium and coarse, single end or many end, HC above basis. Spun Yarn, fine, single end or many end, Ic above basis. Spun Yarn, unoiled, Ic per pound extra. Steamboat Lines If Bolt Stock, 5c above basis. If Regular Stock, basis. Tallow Laid Rope, basis. Tarred Rope, except Lath and Fodder Yarn, basis. Tarred Lath and Fodder Yarn, medium and coarse, basis. Tarred Lath and Fodder Yarn, fine, %c above basis. Tent Rope, basis. Transmission Rope, Tallow Laid, 5c above basis. Transmission Rope, Graphite Laid, 5c above basis. Unoiled Rope, Ic per pound extra. Untarred Lath Yarn, same as Ring Yarn. Wheel Rope, if Bolt Stock, 5c above basis. Wheel Rope, if made of Transmission Stock, 5c above basis. Yacht Lariat Rope, 3 or 4 strand, special. When ordering always state whether sizes desired are diameter or circumference. PAGE 156 WATERBURY CORDAGE EXAMPLES Wanted Cost of 325 feet, }/% inch 4 strand unoiled Manila Rope, when basis is 20c. Per Pound Basis price 20 c Extra for J^ inch 1 c Extra for 4 strand 1 c Extra for unoiled; 1 c Extra for cut length, being less than 600 feet . . . 1 c Net cost 24 c Wanted Cost of 200 thread Sisal Ring Yarn un- oiled, when basis is lOc. Per Pound. Basis 10 c Extra for 200 end KC Extra for unoiled . . . 1 c Net cost Wanted Cost of 3 ply fine unoiled Sisal Hay Rope in 5 pound balls, when basis price of Sisal is lOc. Per Pound. Basis price ......................... 10 c Extra for fine size ................... 1 c Extra for unoiled .................... 1 c Extra for balling .......... . ......... J^c Net cost Wanted Cost of 1200 feet of I{Q inch diameter 4 strand Manila Rope, when the basis price of Manila is20c. Per Pound. Basis price .......................... 20 c Extra for 4 strand ............. ........ 1 c Extra for I/fa mcn diameter ............ 1 c Net cost ...................... 22 c PAGE IS7 WATERBTJRY CORDAGE . APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OF WATERBURY COMPANY'S STAND- ARD QUALITY MANILA ROPE Approx. Approx. Length Weight B/S * of Manila and T Diam. Inches Diam. m/m Cir. Inches Cir. m/m Rope in 1 Pound Length of Coil by New Manila Rope Feet In. Lbs. Feet Pounds 3 /f6 4.8 H 12.7 60 35 2100 550 M 6.3 % 19 55 50 2750 620 %> 8 i 25.4 41 55 2250 1,000 ?* 10 i/^ 28.5 27 60 1620 1,275 11 1M 32 18 70 1260 1,875 ixj 12.7 1^2 38 13 "i" 90 1200 2,400 9/ ie 14 1% 44.4 9 7 125 1200 3,300 % 16 2 50.8 7 6 160 1200 4,000 M 19 2M 57 6 1 198 1200 4,700 "/fe 20.6 2^ 63.5 5 1 234 1200 5,600 22 2M 70 4 5 270 1200 6,500 1 25.4 3 76 3 8 324 1200 7,500 1$ 27 3M 82.5 3 2 378 1200 8,900 28.5 3^ 88.9 2 9 432 1200 10,500 1M 31.7 3% 95 2 5 504 1200 12,500 !%> 33 4 101.6 2 1 576 1200 14,000 lM 2915 1200 62,000 3H 79 9/^ 241 4;M> 3240 1200 68,000 3M 82.5 10 254 4 " 3600 1200 75,000 The weight and strength of Manila rope per table, is approximate and may vary slightly either way. Manila and Sisal Standard Rope will weigh about alike. In the lower grades of Manila and Sisal there are greater variations in weight and strength, according to quality. Four (4) strand rope weighs from 5 per cent to 7 per cent heavier than three (3) strand plain laid rope. Manila rope runs approximately 25 per cent stronger than Sisal, WATERBURY CORDAGE WEIGHTS AND METRIC EQUIVALENTS Diam- eter Inches Weight Foot Pounds Weight per Fathom Pounds Approxi- imate Kilos per Foot Approx- imate Kilos per Coil Approxi- mate Kilos per Metre % .0166 .0996 .00753 15.8 .02469 .0181 .1086 .00824 22.7 .02694 5 /i6 .0244 .1464 .01107 24.5 .0354 9i .037 .222 .01678 27.2 .055 % .055 .33 .0249 31.4 .0818 J* .075 .45 .034 41 .112 % .104 .624 .047 56.7 .155 N .133 .798 .060 72.5 .198 5i .165 .99 .075 90 .246 % .195 1.17 .088 106 .29 K .225 1.35 .102 122.5 .335 1 .27 1.62 .122 147 .40 IHe .315 1.89 .143 172 .47 i. .36 2.16 .163 196 .535 iM .42 2.52 .19 229 .625 1% .48 2.88 .218 262 .715 1% .54 3.24 .245 294 .804 IK .60 3.60 .272 326 .892 1% .675 4.05 .306 368 1.0 15* .75 4.5 .340 408 1.12 Ui .90 5.4 .408 491 1.34 2 1.08 6.48 .49 589 1.61 2^ 1.26 7.56 .572 688 1.88 2K 1.47 8.82 .667 800 2.19 2^ 1.68 10.08 .762 916 2.50 2^ 1.92 11.52 .871 1046 2.86 2 7 /8 2.158 12.95 .979 1175 3.21 3 2.43 14.58 1.10 1324 3.62 3K 2.7 16.20 1.225 1470 4.02 3M 3 18 1.36 1632 4.46 The working strain should not be greater than one-third the break- ing strain. We recommend a larger factor of safety, as the greater the factor, the longer the life of rope. Indicate when ordering whether diameter or circumference is wanted. Unless specified it is understood that diameter measure- ment governs. Unless otherwise stated all quotations are made basis and subject to market changes in price, without notice. PAGE 1591 WATERBURY CORDAGE UNCOILING ROPE , To open a coil of rope, loosen the burlap wrapping, lay the coil on the flat side with the inside end nearest the floor. Then reach down through the center and grasp the end of the rope, drawing it up and out through the center of the coil. Do not un- coil from the outside as extra turns are put in the rope and kinks are apt to form. PAGE 160 WATERBURY CORDAGE CORDAGE r I ^HE word "cordage" is used in a com- J. prehensive sense to include all sizes and varieties of the articles from binder twine to a cable 15 inches in circumference, though strictly speaking the term is hardly applicable to a rope that is less than half an inch in diameter. The materials employed for rope making are Manila, Sisal and other vegetable fibres. Sisal from Yucatan is largely used for the manufacture of cheaper grades of rope and for binder twine. MANILA HEMP is more extensively used in the manufacture of cordage than any other material, as its great pliancy and strength adapt it to a multitude of uses . Manila hemp is obtained from a species of wild plantain belonging to the banana family and is a native of the Philippine Islands. Its stem has a height of from 15 to 20 feet, is of a dark-green color and very smooth on the surface. The fibre is round, silky-looking, white, lustrous, easily separated, stiff, very tenacious, and very light. Although not in itself very large, the fibre is composed of very fine and much elongated bast-cells. The length of the cells is about a quarter of an inch, and they are not, as commonly supposed, held together by an intercellular tissue or muci- laginous substance. The characteristic roughness possessed by manila fibre is due PAGE l6l WATERBURY CORDAGE entirely to mechanical causes, such as for instance, the laceration of a cell in the sep- aration from the leaf -stalk, or the subse- quent opening out of the ends of the cells. While the fibres are weak transversely, they have great strength in the direction of their length. The tensile strength of manila fibres will average over 30,000 pounds per square inch of section. SISAL Sisal as a fibre is a substitute for Manila. The length of Manila is usually from 6 feet to 10 feet, while Sisal will average 2 feet to 4 feet. The tensile strength is not more than three-quarters that of Manila. The color of Sisal, a yellowish white, sometimes with green tinge. It lacks the gloss and brilliancy of Manila of good grades. Ma- nila is smooth and pliable, Sisal stiff and harsh and easily injured by exposure to moisture and the elements far more so than Manila. Sisal is used for tying pur- poses such as Lath Yarn, Tie Rope, bun- dling Laths, Shingles, Lumber, Kindling- wood, Cooperage Stock, Hides, Leather, Nursery Stock, Grain Sacks, Baling Cloth in textile mills, and other uses. Sisal Ropes and Yarns are made in two grades; pure , i .e . , Waterbury Brand, and Common, i.e., Com- mercial or Mixed, being made oiled or dry as desired. TREATMENT The preliminary treatment of Fibre, after it reaches the Cordage Mill, is practically the same whether it be Manila or Sisal. PAGE 162 WATERBURY CORDAGE BOLT ROPE Bolt Rope means a rope of extra fine qual- ity Manila Fibre, superior to standard or Commercial Manila Rope as used by the trade in general. The yarns in the rope are also spun finer although the size of the yarns or thread depends on the size of the rope. It commands a higher price than ordinary pure Manila Rope, being five cents per pound above the basis of regular Manila. It is materially lighter, size for size, than regular Manila of all sizes, and will range 10 to 15 per cent stronger. It is longer lived, easier to handle and good appearing, being whiter than Commercial Rope. In the use of Bolt Rope the operator will secure the same service from the smaller sizes, thus effecting a saving in both weight and ultimate cost. WATERBURY HOISTING OR FALL ROPE This type of rope is generally 4 strand, with heart made of harder lay than ordinary 4 strand rope, the object being to make the rope firm and to hold its shape under stress or pressure. For use on Coal Docks, Grain Elevators, Cargo and Quarry Hoists, Pile-Driver and Hammer Lines. Sizes run %^/i inch to 6 inch circumference. Stock used, selected Fibre Transmission Rope stock, although some users specify Bolt Rope stock. If made of Transmission stock or PAGE 163 WATERBURY CORDAGE flt. Waterbury 4 Strand Manila Rope (Without Heart) PAGE 164 W A T E R B U R Y CORDAGE Bolt stock, 5 cents per pound advance. Transmission stock advised. When ordering, state grade wanted, i.e., Bolt or Transmission stock. WATERBURY STANDARD MANILA ROPE Waterbury Standard Manila Rope is in either 3 or 4 strand, the latter with or without heart. This grade of rope is most suitable for general work, is most commonly called for, and is most extensively sold by dealers and distributors. Waterbury Brand is made of selected and tough Manila fibre, and is the standard by which other grades of rope are measured. REX BRAND ROPE Our second grade of Rope is made from a less expensive grade of fibre, but most satis- factory for general use, where hazardous conditions are not encountered . This grade of rope is sold largely by the hardware mer- chants and general merchandise trade. Manufactured in all sizes, also 3 or 4 strand. "B" GRADE ROPE Our third grade Rope, well made, uni- form and strong; made to meet the demands of trade wanting an inexpensive rope; for use where requirements are not so exacting as to demand first quality stock. "B" Grade is made in all sizes; also 3 or 4 strand . This grade is also known as Hardware Brand. JHt, PAGE 165 WATERBURY CORDAGE Waterbury 4 Strand Manila Rope (With Heart) PAGE 166 WATERBURY CORDAGE TOWING LINES OR CANAL LINES Towing Lines, or Canal Lines, are gen- erally Bolt Rope Stock, although in some cases users specify a pure good grade of Manila Rope known as standard first qual- ity (our Waterbury Brand) . Towing Lines are medium soft lay, i. e.,,with slightly less twist than generally put in standard ropes. Buyers should specify grade wanted. STEAMBOAT LINES Steamboat Lines for docking vessels are generally medium soft laid Bolt stock or Pure Standard Grade. When made me- dium soft lay they are easier to handle and withstand sudden strains. Always specify whether Bolt Stock or regular Standard Stock is wanted. WHEEL ROPE Wheel Rope for Steering Gear is made 4 strand with heart. The lay is not quite so hard as Hoisting Rope, being made flexible for use over wheel drums on Boats, Barges, Tugs, Dredges and similar outfits . Made in both Transmission and Bolt Rope Stock. Transmission stock 5 cents per pound over Basis; Bolt stock 5 cents per pound over Basis. MILL CARRIAGE ROPE Mill Carriage Rope for Saw Mill use. To operate the carriage holding the log the best grade of rope is required as in the operation it is subjected to sudden jerks and severe service. The rope is 4 strand with heart, Transmission Rope stock, but in many PAGE 167 WATERBURY CORDAGE instances Bolt Rope is called for. Buyers should specify grade wanted. MANILA HAY ROPE HIDE ROPE BALE ROPE SPUN YARNS HAY ROPE, also called Papermaker's Twine, is made to wit: Two thread regular, coarse, medium and fine. Three thread regular, coarse, medium and fine . Four thread regular, coarse, medium and fine. Hide Rope PAGE 1 68 WATERBURY CORDAGE HIDE ROPE corresponds in size with Hay Rope. It is put up many ends, i. e., with a number of lengths twisted loosely together in strand shape. The Three Thread Coarse Hide Rope is most commonly used in tying bundles of leather. BALE ROPE is a single end product run- ning in size from 5 to 9 threads. It is largely used for tying up bales of finished goods. SPUN YARNS are made with two or more right hand threads put together with left hand twist. DIFFERENTIALS Coarse, J^ cent above Rope basis. Medium, ^2 cent above Rope basis. Fine, 1 cent above Rope basis. If made without oil, 1 cent per pound extra. If balled, % cent per pound extra. See remarks Sisal Hay, Hide and Bale Ropes. >Ps. PAGE 169 WATERBURY CORDAGE Trade-mark Reg. Applied For Waterbury "Drillwell" Drilling Cable FACE 170 WATERBURY CORDAGE "DRILLWELL" BRAND DRILLING CABLES Drilling Cables are made from carefully chosen grades of fibre, graded for toughness and general wearing quality. Every care is taken in the manufacture of cables as to spinning the yarns, the lay of the strand, lubrication, etc., in order to get strength and wearing quality so necessary. Drilling Cables are made three ropes laid into one (or 9 strands), so formed to be thor- oughly uniform, of correct lay and ten- sion in each of the three ropes (or thirds) forming the finished product. Drilling Cables are referred to as Hawser Laid Rope, i. e., three ropes twisted to- gether, the twist being in opposite direc- tions to the twist of the ropes, and is usually left hand, the advantage being that a properly made Hawser Laid Rope over other types of rope has greater elasticity or springiness and greater wearing surface. Sizes range from 1%-mch to 2^/2-inch diameter. All of our Drilling Cables are especially lubricated to prevent internal fricton also to keep the fibre from becoming very dry, thus preventing disintegration. PAGE 171 WATER BURY CORDAGE SAND LINES (Manila) are similar in construction to Drilling Cable, but smaller in size, ranging from Y% inch to 1J4 inch diameter, generally Y% inch, J/g inch, and 1 inch. TUBING LINES AND SUCKER ROD LINES, as used in oil drilling, carry the same prices as drilling lines, construction being similar. Manila Tubing Lines range from 1^ inch to 2J/2 inch diameter. Manila Sucker Rod Lines usually range from 1J4 inch to 1^ inch diameter. Cables also furnished made of fine yarns termed Bolted Drilling Cables. Owing to increased cost of spinning the fine yarn, in addition to the specially selected fibre, this type of cable is sold at an advance over the regular cable. Price on application. APPROXIMATE WEIGHT OF "DRILL WELL" CABLES Pounds per Diameter 1000 Feet inch 1937 inch 1688 inch 1438 inch 1375 l^inch 1250 1^| inch 1000 l^inch 875 The above weights are approximate, and may vary slightly over or under the figures given. WATERBURY CORDAGE BULL ROPES BULL ROPES for drilling purposes, for use on the Bull Wheel, are made 3 strands. The sizes usually range 2^/g inch to %% inch diameter, and in lengths, 85, 90 and 95 feet per Bull Rope. Small Bull Ropes are at times called Calf Ropes. We make Bull and Calf Ropes in two grades, Pure and Special, the latter being made to meet the demand for an inexpen- sive rope. APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS 85 Feet, 90 Feet, 95 Feet, Diameter Pounds Pounds Pounds inch... 115 124 133 inch ... 130 140 149 inch... 160 169 180 The above weights may vary slightly over or under the figures given. PAGE 173 WATERBURY CORDAGE MANILA YACHT ROPE The best of Manila fibre enters into the manufacture of this type of rope. The hemp being selected for the purpose, color and texture being considered, as well as strength and durability. This class of rope is used for Yacht Rigging, is of medium soft lay for easy handling, and made 3 or 4 strands, as desired. Price on application. MANILA YACHT LARIAT ROPE A very hard laid rope, made 3 or 4 strands, for use in the cattle country. The popular sizes are ^ inch and 7 /[Q inch diameter. The quality of hemp is the finest , being selected for texture, whiteness and strength. Price on application. MANILA LARIAT ROPE Manila Lariat Rope of Standard Quality of fibre, is hard laid, made 3 or 4 strand. Popular sizes, ^g inch and %j inch. We also manufacture Lariat Rope in Bolt Rope stock, the base being Bolt Rope price plus the differential for size. Buyers should state whether Lariat Ropes are to be furnished oiled or dry. Dry stock most commonly called for. PAGE 174 WATE'RBURY CORDAGE SISAL ROP$ Waterbury Brand No. 1 Sisal Rope for divers general uses. Where work is such not to require great strength and durability, this grade will be found most satisfactory. Pure Sisal has about 25 per cent less strength than Manila, is less flexible than Manila, and is not specially desirable for hand service owing to so-called splinters. It is also affected by exposure to moisture. Made in all sizes, 3 or 4 strand, oiled or un- oiled. Is made of Pure Sisal, and suitable for most every purpose where great strength is not required. SISAL ROPE COMMERCIAL BRAND Sisal Rope Commercial Brand our second grade or Commercial Sisal, made in all sizes, oiled or unoiled. Also in 3 or 4 strands. It is a well made rope for ordinary use and most satisfactory where an inex- pensive rope is desired. SISAL LARIAT ROPE Sisal Lariat Rope for cattle roping, made of Pure Sisal, oiled or unoiled, 3 or 4 strand, as desired, made extra hard lay. The most popular sizes are ^ inch and % inch. PAGE 175 WATERBURY CORDAGE SISAL HAY ROPE HIDE ROPE BALE ROPE SPUN YARN are made in No. 1 and mixed stock, the same construction as if made of Manila stock. See differential card for basis and advances. The uses are referred to in re- marks under "Manila Hay and Bale Rope." HAY ROPE Paper Twine, Spun Yarn, untarred Sisal, 2, 3, and 4 ply. Single end furnished either in coils or on reels, 50 or 100 pounds. A single yarn put up as above is termed 1-ply Hay Rope. When made of 4, 5, or more ply it is generally designated as Bale Rope. Medium and Coarse Hay and Bale Rope, any ply, J/2 cent over Rope Base. Fine Hay and Bale Rope, any ply, 1 cent over Rope Base. When furnished in Balls, J4 cent per pound extra. If made without oil, 1 cent per pound ex- tra. PAGE 176 WATERBURY CORDAGE HIDE ROPE is similar to Hay Rope, made in a strand of many ends, generally 2 or 3 ply, in coils or reels, generally coils of 100 or 200 pounds. The same prices and differentials apply as in the case of Hay and Bale Ropes. SPUN YARN is a single end product of which the common sizes are two yarn or three yarn, oiled stock. LATH AND FODDER YARN RING YARN LATH YARN is a strand of many ends of tarred yarns, generally Sisal. A strand of medium or No. 130 Lath Yarn contains 130 yarns of medium size, No. 200 or fine contains 200 small yarns, while coarse or No. 110 contains 110 large yarns in the strand. Coils are usually made up 50, 100 or 200 pounds each. Fodder Yarn and Wood Yarn are special forms of tarred yarns of many ends , PAGE 177 WATERBURY CORDAGE Lath Yarn, tarred, any size, can be furnished special in single ends, i. e., Hay Rope style. RING YARN is untarred Lath Yarn but similar to Lath Yarn in form. It is com- posed of many ends of untarred yarns, generally Sisal. It is furnished in coarse or No. 110, medium or No. 130, and fine or No. 200. When furnished without oil, 1 cent extra is charged . In some localities Lath Yarn is designated as B. C. D. "B" is regularly coarse yarn put up 110 ends in a ready. This yarn, when made up 100 ends in a ready, is known as 27-ounce Fodder Yarn. "C" is regular medium yarn made up 130 ends in a ready. When sold as Fodder Yarn, made up 100 ends in a ready, is known as 24-ounce Fodder Yarn. "D" is regular fine yarn, made up 200 ends in a ready. When sold as Fodder PAGE 178 WATERBURY CORDAGE Yarn of 100 ends is known as 18-ounce Fodder Yarn. Medium and coarse Tarred Yarn, in either Lath or Fodder Yarn form, is sold at the basis price of Rope. Fine, i.e., 200-end Lath Yarn, or Fodder Yarn, carries J^ cent per pound advance. Double Lath Yarn Price on application. LATH YARN AND SHINGLE YARN DIFFERENTIAL Coarse or B, 100, Tarred, rope basis. Medium or C, 130, Tarred, rope basis. Fine or D, 200 Tarred, J^c per pound over rope basis. Double yarn, price on application. Coils generally called for, 50, 100, or 200 pounds. FODDER YARN Coarse or B, 110, Tarred, rope basis. Medium or C, 130, Tarred, rope basis. Fine or D, 200, Tarred, Y^o. per pound over rope basis. Also furnished: 27 ounce, 100 ends, Tarred, rope basis. 24 ounce, 100 ends, Tarred, rope basis. 21 ounce, 100 ends, Tarred, rope basis. 18 ounce, 100 ends, Tarred, J^c per pound over rope basis. Coils generally called for in 50 and 100 pounds. RING YARN (Also termed Untarred Lath Yarn) Coarse or B, 110, rope basis. Medium or C, 130, rope basis. Fine or D, 200 3^c per pound over rope basis. Unoiled, Ic per pound extra. For single end Ring Yarn see below; also under Hay Rope. The size of Ring Yarn is the same as Lath Yarn . Single end 1 ply Lath Yarn or Ring Yarn. Medium, coils or reels, J^c over basis. Fine, coils or reels, Ic over basis. PAGE 179 WATERBURY CORDAGE HAYING ROPES HAYING ROPES, standard grade rope of either 3 or 4 strand, ranging in sizes from Y inch to 1 inch. Our Waterbury Brand of Manila has a wide sale, although Rex Brand is called for by some. We furnish the 4 strand rope with or without heart, as preferred. Where surface wear is the factor, the 4 strand rope is to be preferred, being more cylindrical, and wears rounder and smoother. Waterbury Brand is made of selected and! tough Manila fibre and is the standard by which other grades of rope are measured. TENT ROPE TENT ROPE is extra soft lay to permit of being opened up for sewing. It is used to line the edge of tent canvas and for guy lines. Made in Manila and Sisal (Pure), generally unoiled. HALTER ROPE HALTER ROPE is soft laid made, both oiled and unoiled, also 4 strand if desired. Sizes usually run Y% inch to % inch diam- eter, made both of Manila and Sisal. PAGE 1 80 WATERBURY CORDAGE RAFT ROPE RAFT ROPE is for binding logs. It is made soft lay, i. e., less twist than Tow Line. The demand is principally for Manila 6 and 9 thread, although sold in 12 and 15 thread. Sisal is also used, but Manila is preferred owing to greater tensile strength. BINDER TWINE For self - harvesting grain and corn binders, made in spinning known as "Standard" Pure Sisal. Put up in Flat Bales 5 - pound balls and packed 10 balls to the bale. We claim our twine to be as perfect as close inspection and best ma- chinery can spin from best fibre. Price on application. PAGE l8l WATERBTJRY CORDAGE TO MAKE A SHORT SPLICE Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 To make a short splice, Figs. 1, 2 and 3, unlay the strands of each rope for a con- venient length . Bring the rope ends to- gether so that each strand of one rope lies between the two consecutive strands of the other rope. Draw the strands of the first rope along the second, and grasp with one hand. Then work a free strand of the second rope over the nearest strand of the PAGE 182 WATERBURY CORDAGE first rope and under the second strand, working in a direction opposite to the twist of the rope. The same operation applied to all the strands will give the result shown by Fig. 2. The splicing may be continued in the same manner to any extent (Fig. 3) and the free ends of the strands may be cut off when desired. The splice may be neatly tapered by cutting out a few fibres from each every time it is passed through the rope. Rolling under a board or the foot will make the splice compact. TO MAKE A LONG SPLICE Figure 4 To make a long splice, Figs. 4 and 5, the rope should be unlaid for a greater distance than for a short splice, and the ends brought together, with strands interlacing. Instead of tucking at once, unlay al (one of the strands of A) for a considerable distance, and in place of it lay up bl (the adjoining strand of B), thus working a strand of B PAGE 183 WATERBURY CORDAGE Figure 5 into A, for about a foot and a half or two feet. For convenience, twist up al and bl together temporarily, as in Fig. 5. Turn the rope end for end, unlay b2 (one of the strands of B), and in place of it lay up a (the adjoining strand of A), a3 and b3 left lying beside each other without being un- laid. We now have three pairs of strands at different points of the rope. Beginning with a2 and b (for example) separate each of these strands into two parts, and taking one-half of each strand, overhand knot these together (K, Fig. 5), and tuck them as in a short splice, over one and under one of the full remaining strands of the rope (Fig. 5). The other pairs of strands (al, bl) (a2, b2) are similarly reduced, knotted, and tucked. The spare half of each strand is trimmed off smooth, likewise the ends of the other halves after they have been tucked. WATERBURY CORDAGE TO MAKE AN EYE SPLICE N Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 To make an eye splice, Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9, unlay a convenient length of rope. Pass one loose strand (a) under one strand of the rope, as shown in Fig. 6, forming an eye of the proper size. Pass a second loose strand (b) under the strand of the rope next to the strand, which secures (a) (Fig. 7). Pass the third strand (c) under the strand next to that which secures (b) (Fig. 8). Draw all taut and continue and complete as for a short splice. PAGE 185 WATERBURY CORDAGE SPLICE FOR TRANSMISSION ROPE* Figure 10 1. Tie a piece of twine (9 and 10, Fig. 10) around the rope to be spliced, about six (6) feet from each end. Then unlay the strands of each end back to the twine . 2 . Butt the ropes together and twist each corresponding pair of strands loosely, to keep them from being tangled, as shown at (a). 3. The twine (10) is now cut, and the strand (8) unlaid and strand 7 carefully laid in its place for a distance of four and a half feet from the junction. 4. The stand 6 is next unlaid about one and a half feet and strand 5 laid in its place . *From Flather's "Rope Driving." PAGE 186 WATERBURY CORDAGE 5 . The ends of the cores are now cut off so they just meet. 6. Unlay strand 1 four and a half feet, laying strand 2 in its place. 7. Unlay strand 3 one and a half feet, laying in strand 4. Figure 11 8. Cut all the strands off to a length of about 20 inches, for convenience in manipu- lation. The rope now assumes the form shown in Fig. 11, with the meeting-points of the strands three feet apart. Each pair of strands is now successively subjected to the following operations: 9. From the point of meeting of the strands 8 and 7 unlay each one three turns; split both the strand 8 and the strand 7 in halves, as far back as they are now unlaid, and the end of each half-strand "whipped" with a small piece of twine. Figure 12 PAGE 187 WATERBURY CORDAGE 10. The half of the strand 7 is now laid in three turns and the half of 8 also laid in three turns. The half strands now meet and are tied in a simple knot 11 (Fig. 12), making the rope at this point its original size. Figure 13 11. The rope is now opened with a mar- linspike, and the half strand of 7 worked around the half strand of 8 by passing the end of the half strand through the rope, as shown, drawn taut, and again worked around this half strand until it reaches the half strand 13 that was not laid in. This half strand 13 is now split, and the half strand 7 drawn through the opening thus made, and then tucked under the two ad- jacent strands, as shown in Fig. 13. 12, The other half of the strand 8 is now wound around the other half-strand 7 in the same way. After each pair of strands has been treated in this manner, the ends are cut off at 12, leaving them about four WATERBURY CORDAGE inches long. After a few days' wear they will draw into the body of the rope or wear off, so that the locality of the splice can scarcely be detected. For a three-strand rope of the same size, the foregoing method is slightly modified. After tying the twine 9 and 10 around the rope about 6 feet from each end, unlay the strands back to the twine, bring the butts together, and twist the corresponding strands loosely together. Now cut twine 10, and unlay strand 8 for a distance of four and a half feet from the junction, and lay in strand 7. Unlay strand 1, four and a half feet; lay in strand 2, and cut all the strands off to a length of about 20 inches, as before explained for convenience in handling. The splice now assumes an ap- pearance similar to Fig. 11, with the excep- tion that there are only three meeting points of the strands, and these are four and a half feet apart. Each pair of strands is now subjected to the series of operations described for the 4-strand splice, in steps 9 to 12, inclusive. PAGE 189 WATERBURY CORDAGE Waterbury Transmission Rope PAGE IQO WATERBURY CORDAGE WATERBURY TRANSMISSION ROPE WE make a rope especially prepared for the transmission of power. This rope is made from the best selected Manila Hemp. For transmission of power, Water- bury Transmission Rope is made with four strands, unless otherwise ordered. The yarns of this rope are each coated with a special composition, so that when twisted into strands the coating lodges among the fibres, and thoroughly lubricates the strands and individual fibres composing the rope, thus making it practically as near water- proof as possible. In placing these ropes on the market we offer a Manila Rope made as nearly perfect as the best machinery, superior quality of material, and good workmanship can pro- duce. We make and guarantee every coil of Transmission Rope we sell. We cannot furnish this rope at the same price as common rope, but guarantee our Transmission Rope, and know it will out- wear several common ropes for transmission purposes. When desired, we furnish Transmission Rope Tallow Laid, or Graphite Laid. Or- ders, however, should so specify, as our stock rope is made with our special com- pound referred to above. PAGE IQI WATERBURY CORDAGE ROPE TRANSMISSION It is most important that great care be exercised in the selection of Transmission Rope, which should be uniform in diameter and weight throughout its entire length to secure even alignment where a number of laps of ropes are used and durability is de- sired . It is also necessary to have the rope well lubricated so as to preserve it. There are many advantages in rope trans- mission; i. e. 1 . The amount of power and the distance over which it can be transmitted. 2. Runs in any direction and location and will operate successfully in the vertical as well as the horizontal position. 3. Has high mechanical efficiency; its loss of power slippage is practically eliminated. 4. Is positive, quiet and steady in opera- tion, regardless of the amount of power transmitted . 5. Economy in space as compared with belts, and eliminates electrical disturbance so frequently incident to the use of belts. 6. Can be operated with long or short shaft centers. 7. Low cost, economy in maintenance. As each installation presents a different problem it would be well for buyers con- templating the adoption of rope transmis- sion to submit their problems to us for further information. Two systems are in common use, one known as the continuous or American, the other, multiple or English system. PAGE IQ2 WATERBURY CORDAGE The American system consists of one end- less rope wrapped around the driving and driven sheaves, and a loop of the rope car- ried by means of the winder sheave around a traveling tension sheave, so as to transfer the rope from an outside groove of the driv- ing sheave to the opposite outside groove of the driven sheave; only one splice in the rope is necessary. The English system requires larger shaft centers and larger diameter of ropes, so as to provide the necessary amount of tension to prevent slippage . These large ropes also require larger diameter of sheaves . Under the English or multiple system a slack or loose rope will vibrate to a certain extent, which means it is necessary to use deeper grooves, with higher crests to prevent ropes jumping over grooves. Under the English system one or more of the ropes may be broken and taken off without impairing the service, as each rope operates independ- ently. In an outdoor drive, however, the English system is somewhat at a disad- vantage, as there is no provision made, as in the American drive system, to compensate for the shortening and lengthening of the ropes to the varying effects of the weather. When using Transmission Rope, avoid contact with anything stationary chafing injures rope quickly. If necessary to use small pulleys, use small ropes; increase the number as resistance to bending decreases with the smaller ropes. s. PAGE 193 WATER BURY CORDAGE Economical speed is rated at 4,500 feet per minute; slow speed increases durability. Avoid overloading; either use larger ropes, if grooves permit, or add additional ropes. Avoid having ropes rub against each other between pulleys . Put only enough weight on tension car- riage to allow rope to run without vibration and slippage in grooves. Dressing applied to rope when damp will cause mildew and rot. Life will be taken from rope stretched on blocks for several days . Ease up the stretch . Rope sheaves should have the same pitch line in every groove, otherwise rope will creep. Any roughness in the surface of grooves will rapidly injure the rope. Every care should be taken in making splice for Transmission Rope. Lubrication of splice should be given special attention. Failure of rope generally occurs at splice, hence this part of rope should be kept pliable and soft. For splicing 3 strand Transmission Rope, allow two-thirds of lengths noted in table. Jumping ropes may be due to poor splic- ing or sudden variations in the load; hence steadiness in speed is an essential feature. Sheave diameters for average conditions and good life of rope should be 40 times the diameter of rope, but never less than 36 times, although 50 times is advised for un- PAGE 194 WATERBURY CORDAGE hampered conditions and long life of rope. Sixty times would increase the efficiency of drive very materially, as the larger the sheave the longer the life of rope. Rope wear is aggravated by the use of small sheaves due to frequent bending and straightening of the rope. ORDERING When sending orders state number of ropes wanted, the diameter and length of each piece; also whether 3 or 4 strand. In ordering ropes to be spliced by the pur- chaser, include allowance for splice (see table), otherwise length as specified will be sent. Unless otherwise specified, we will fill all orders for Transmission Rope made 4 strands with a core. WATERBURY CORDAGE INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUB- MITTING PRICES FOR ROPE DRIVES A . Maximum horse-power drive is to transmit. B. Distance between centers of driving and driven shafts. C . Speed of driving shaft (R . P . M .) . Speed of driven shaft (R. P. M.). D . Is the driving side of the rope to be top or bottom? E. Do all shafts rotate in the same direction? F. Are all shafts parallel? If not, give angles be- tween them. G. Are shafts on same level? If not, which is higher and how much? H . Are shafts horizontal or vertical ? I. If there are any obstructions preventing direct lead from driving to driven shafts, please describe them, giving distances. J. If power is to be taken from more than ONE SHAFT state amount of power to be taken from EACH SHAFT. K. How large a diameter (from face to face) sheave may be placed on driving shaft? L. How large a diameter (from face to face) sheave may be placed on driven shaft? M. Are solid or split sheaves desired? N. Will rope be exposed or entirely protected? O. Where may take-up and track be most conven- iently placed? P. If new rope only is wanted, in addition to above questions, SEND TEMPLATE OF GROOVE IN PRESENT SHEAVES and kindly answer the following questions: Size of driver sheave? Length of take-up track? Number of grooves? If English or American Size of driven sheave? system? Number of grooves? Size and kind of rope Size of idler sheave, if any? now used? Is there a loose sheave Number of wraps now used? used? PAGE ig6 WATERBURY CORDAGE LUBRICATION OF ROPES WHEN ropes are used for transmission of power, the lubrication of the fibres is of great importance, for with the fibres properly lubricated the rope, under the same conditions, will outlast several ropes which are allowed -to run dry. By some, lubrication is considered of more impor- tance than the actual breaking strength of the rope. The wear of a rope is both internal and external. The internal wear is due to the bending of the fibres and their sliding upon one another, producing a grating together, which action is very much increased when the strands are not lubricated or when a hard twist is given to the rope, thus pre- venting the greater compression of the fibres one upon another, which is so essen- tial to the life of the rope . Rope should not become dry or fuzzy. More lubrication, i. e., dressing is required where ropes are used out of doors. A rope with the fibre properly lubricated will, under the same conditions, outlast several dry ropes. Manila fibre, while naturally tough and strong, when dry is rough and harsh, but when lubricated becomes smooth and silky. SLINGS SLINGS for Cranes, Derricks or ships' use, made with either long or short splice to meet conditions. We are also prepared to splice any kind of fitting into Manila rope. PAGE 197 WATERBURY CORDAGE ^o. 1*1 1*1 1 iQi t^-C^ St^-Tti Sffl w .9 OTJ COCQ^^tOiOCOCOt O O O O O T IQOlOOOr- I lll 8|S rH rH i-l i-l (M CO PAGE 198 WATERBURY CORDAGE CD O5 T I iO 00 C^ CD T-H CD l> ^^.^(MiMCOfC^ rH ^ 1 20 ISJ^ x 13J^x 11 1.16 $ IJ^s 30 14 x 14 x 11 1.248 1M 45 14 x!4 x llii 1.276 /^ 1^2 55 14M x 14J4 x 11}^ 1.351 9ie 1% 80 16 x 16 x uy 2 2.148 % 2 100 18 x 18 x 15 2.812 % 2M 125 20^ x 20^ x 19 4.621 13^g 23^ 145 21 x 21 x 19 4.849 y% 2M 165 22 x 22 x 19^ 5.462 l 3 200 24 x 24 x 20 6.667 ijl 3M 267 312 28 29 x 28 x 23 x 29 x 23 10.435 11.193 IX 400 31 x 31 x 25 13.903 4j| 441 33 x 33 x 28 17.646 NOTE Weights may vary under or over, according to packing PAGE 209 WATERBURY CORDAGE METRES EQUIVALENT TO FEET 1 foot = .3048 metre 51 feet = 15.5448 metres 2 feet = .6096 metre 52 feet = 15.8496 metres 3 feet = .9144 metre 53 feet = 16.1544 metres 4 feet = 1.2192 metres 54 feet = 16.4592 metres 5 feet = 1.5240 metres 55 feet = 16.7640 metres 6 feet = 1 .8288 metres 56 feet = 17.0688 metres 7 feet = 2. 1336 metres 57 feet = 17.3736 metres 8 feet = 2.4384 metres 58 feet = 17.6784 metres 9 feet = 2.7432 metres 59 feet = 17.9832 metres 10 feet = 3. 0480 metres 60 feet = 18.2880 metres 11 feet = 3. 3528 metres 61 feet = 18.5928 metres 12 feet = 3. 6576 metres 62 feet = 18.8976 metres 13 feet = 3 .9624 metres 63 feet = 19.2024 metres 14 feet = 4. 2672 metres 64 feet = 19.5072 metres 15feet= 4. 5720 metres 65 feet = 19.8120 metres 16 feet = 4.8768 metres 66 feet = 20.1168 metres 17 feet = 5. 1816 metres 67 feet = 20.4216 metres 18 feet = 5. 4864 metres 68 feet = 20.7264 metres 19 feet = 5. 7912 metres 69 feet = 21.0312 metres 20 feet = 6. 0960 metres 70 feet = 21 .3360 metres 21 feet = 6.4008 metres 71 feet = 21. 6408 metres 22 feet = 6.7056 metres 72 feet = 21.9456 metres 23 feet = 7.0104 metres 73 feet = 22.2504 metres 24 feet = 7.3152 metres 74 feet = 22.5552 metres 25 feet = 7.6200 metres 75 feet = 22.8600 metres 26 feet = 7. 9248 metres 76 feet = 23.1648 metres 27 feet = 8.2296 metres 77 feet = 23.4696 metres 28 feet = 8.5344 metres 78 feet = 23.7744 metres 29 feet = 8. 8392 metres 79 feet = 24.0792 metres 30 feet = 9. 1440 metres 80 feet = 24.3840 metres 31 feet = 9. 4488 metres 81 feet = 24.6888 metres 32 feet = 9. 7536 metres 82 feet = 24.9936 metres 33 feet = 10.0581 metres 83 feet = 25.2984 metres 34 feet = 10.3632 metres 84 feet = 25.6032 metres 35 feet = 10.6680 metres 85 feet = 25.9080 metres 36 feet = 10.9728 metres 86 feet = 26.2128 metres 37 feet = 11.2776 metres 87 feet = 26.5176 metres 38 feet = 11.5824 metres 88 feet = 26.8224 metres 39 feet = 11.8872 metres 89 feet = 27.1272 metres 40 feet = 12.1920 metres 90 feet = 27.4320 metres 41 feet = 12.4968 metres 91 feet = 27.7368 metres 42 feet = 12.8016 metres 92 feet = 28.0416 metres 43 feet = 13.1064 metres 93 feet = 28.3464 metres 44 feet = 13.4112 metres 94 feet = 28.6512 metres ' 45 feet = 13.7160 metres 95 feet = 28.9560 metres 46 feet = 14.0208 metres 96 feet = 29.2608 metres 47 feet = 14.3256 metres 97 feet = 29.5656 metres 48 feet = 14.6304 metres 98 feet = 29 .8704 metres 49 feet = 14.9352 metres 99 feet = 30.1752 metres 50 feet = 15.2400 metres Example 44 feet = 13.4112 metres = 134.112 deci- metres = 1341.12 centimetres = 13411.2 millimetres. WATERBURY CORDAGE FEET EQUIVALENT TO METRES 1 metre = 3.281 feet 51 metres = 167.323 feet 2 metres = 6.562 feet 52 metres = 170.604 feet 3 metres = 9.843 feet 53 metres = 173.885 feet 4 metres = 13.123 feet 54 metres = 177.166 feet 5 metres = 16.404 feet . 55 metres = 180.446 feet 6 metres = 19.685 feet 56 metres = 183.727 feet 7 metres = 22.966 feet 57 metres = 187.008 feet 8 metres = 26.247 feet ' 58 metres = 190.289 feet 9 metres = 29.528 feet 59 metres = 193.570 feet 10 metres = 32.808 feet 60 metres = 196.851 feet 11 metres = 36.089 feet 61 metres = 200.131 feet 12 metres = 39.370 feet 62 metres = 203.412 feet 13 metres = 42.651 feet 63 metres = 206.693 feet 14 metres = 45.932 feet 64 metres = 209.974 feet 15 metres = 49.213 feet 65 metres = 213.255 feet 16 metres = 52.493 feet 66 metres = 216.536 feet 17 metres = 55.774 feet 67 metres = 219.816 feet 18 metres = 59.055 feet 68 metres = 223.097 feet 19 metres = 62.336 feet 69 metres = 226.378 feet 20 metres = 65.617 feet 70 metres = 229.659 feet 21 metres = 68.898 feet 71 metres = 232.940 feet 22 metres = 72.179 feet 72 metres = 236.221 feet 23 metres = 74.459 feet 73 metres = 239.502 feet 24 metres = 78.740 feet 74 metres = 242.782 feet 25 metres = 82.021 feet 75 metres = 246.063 feet 26 metres = 85.302 feet 76 metres = 249.344 feet 27 metres = 88.583 feet 77 metres = 252.625 feet 28 metres = 91. 864 feet 78 metres = 255.906 feet 29 metres = 95.144 feet 79 metres = 259.187 feet 30 metres = 98.425 feet 80 metres = 262.467 feet 31 metres = 101.706 feet 81 metres = 265.748 feet 32 metres = 104.987 feet 82 metres = 269.029 feet 33 metres = 108.268 feet 83 metres = 272.310 feet 34 metres = 111.549 feet 84 metres = 275.591 feet 35 metres = 114.829 feet 85 metres = 278.872 feet 36 metres = 118.110 feet 86 metres = 282.152 feet 37 metres = 121.391 feet 87 metres = 285.433 feet 38 metres = 124.672 feet 88 metres = 288.714 feet 39 metres = 127.953 feet 89 metres = 291.995 feet 40 metres = 131.234 feet 90 metres = 295.276 feet 41 metres = 134.515 feet 91 metres = 298.557 feet 42 metres = 137.795 feet 92 metres = 301 .838 feet 43 metres = 14 1.076 feet 93 metres = 305.118 feet 44 metres = 144.357 feet 94 metres = 308.399 feet 45 metres = 147.638 feet 95 metres = 3 11. 680 feet 46 metres = 150.919 feet 96 metres = 314.961 feet 47 metres = 154.200 feet 97 metres = 318.242 feet 48 metres = 157.480 feet 98 metres = 321.523 feet 49 metres = 160.761 feet 99 metres = 324.803 feet 50 metres = 164.042 feet Example 45 metres = 147.638 feet; 45 decimetres = 14.7638 feet; 45 centimetres = 1.4764 feet; 45 millimetres = 0.1476 foot. WATERBURY CORDAGE COMPARATIVE TABLE POUNDS AND KILOGRAMS Lbs. Kilos. Pounds Kilos . Pounds Kilos . Pounds Kilos. 1 .453 31 14.05 61 27.66 91 41.27 2 .907 32 14.50 62 28.11 92 41.72 3 1.360 33 14.96 63 28.57 93 42.18 4 1.814 34 15.41 64 29.02 94 42.63 5 2.267 35 15.86 65 29.47 95 43.08 6 2.721 36 16.32 66 29.93 96 43.54 7 3.175 37 16.87 67 30.38 97 43.99 8 3.628 38 17.22 68 30,83 98 44.44 9 4.082 39 17.68 69 31.29 99 44.90 10 4.535 40 18.14 70 31.75 100 45.35 11 4.988 41 18.59 71 32.20 200 90.70 12 5.442 42 19.04 72 32.65 300 136.00 13 5.895 43 19.50 73 33.11 400 181.40 14 6.349 44 19.95 74 33.55 500 226.70 15 6.802 45 20.40 75 34.00 600 272.10 16 7.256 46 20.86 76 34.46 700 317.50 17 7.710 47 21.31 77 34.91 800 362.80 18 8.163 48 21.76 78 35.36 900 408.20 19 8.617 49 22.22 79 35.82 1000 453.50 20 9.070 50 22.67 80 36.28 2000 907.00 21 9.523 51 23.12 81 36.73 3000 1360.00 22 9.977 52 23.57 82 37.18 4000 1814.00 23 10.43 53 24.03 83 37.64 5000 2267.00 24 10.88 54 24.48 84 38.09 6000 2721.00 25 11.33 55 24.93 85 38.54 7000 3175.00 26 11.79 56 25.39 86 39.00 8000 3628.00 27 12.24 57 25.84 87 39.45 9000 4082.00 28 12.69 58 26.29 88 39.90 10000 4535.00 29 13.15 59 26.75 89 40.36 15000 6802.00 30 13.60 60 27.21 90 40.82 20000 9070.00 1 Kilogram 2^ Pounds (approximately) . INDEX WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GENERAL WIRE ROPE INDEX (INCLUDING ARMORED AND FIBRECLAD WIRE ROPES; Brick Cutting Wires 94 Closed Sockets 72 Comparative Strengths of Wire Rope and Manila Rope 84 Construction of Wire Rope 13 Construction of Strands 10-11 Crosby Clips 80 Cross Sections of Wire Rope 10-11 Diameters of Round Wire Ropes 86 Differentials 29 Decimals of an Inch and Millimetres .... 87 Drilling Lines for Oil Wells 35 Factors of Safety 27 Green Strand Giant Steel 28 Hook and Thimble 75 Hook and Socket 74 How to Order Wire Rope 4 Inclined Planes . . 83 Types of Wire Rope 10-11 Lang Lay Rope 24 Lays of Rope . . 24-25-26 Locomotive Switching Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 70 Locomotive Wrecking Ropes, Single and Double Fittings 70 Lubrication of Wire Rope 12 Marline Covered Wire Rope . . . . . .23 Measuring Wire Rope .'"$ PAGE 214 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE GENERAL WIRE ROPE INDEX Continued Metric Denominations and Equivalents ... 97 Open Sockets, Loose and Attached 72 Piano Wire 94-95-96 Preservatives for Wire Rope 12 Pulling-in Cables 71 Power Transmitted by Wire Rope 82 Right and Left Lay Rope 26 Sand Lines 35-36 Scale Lay Rope 15 Sheave and Drum Tables 85 Sister Hooks and Thimble, Loose and Attached . 77 Splicing Wire Rope, Prices for . . . . . .54 Splicing Wire Rope, Directions 88-90 Splicing a Thimble into a Wire Rope . . . 91-92 Steel Music Wire 94-95-96 Swivel Hook and Socket 73 Swivel Hook and Thimble . .76 Tiller Rope 18-53 Thimbles, Loose, Regular and Extra Large . . 79 Thimbles, Spliced in 78 Uncoiling Wire Rope ^_ 8 Use of Wire Rope, Correct Practice .... 6 Warrington Lay 14 Wire Rope Clamps . . . . . . . . .81 Weights of Round Wire Ropes 86 Wire Rope Clips 80 Wire Gauges . . 93 PAGE 215 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE WIRE ROPE INDEX 1 02 1 -- "to W) I/! "OC/2 Kinds of Wire .2 eS g 3 ^ & a Rope 15 vanized . . . ) 6x 7 6x12 58 21 Sash Cord (Iron or Copper) . . . 65 22 Suspension Bridge Cables, Galvan- ized 64 Stone Sawing Strand .... 66 Special Wire Rope 6x61 52 52 52 52 Siemens-Martin Strand .... 68 Seizing Strand, Galvanized . . 67 Transmission Rope 6x 7 30 31 32 33 34 15 Tiller Rope . . . 6x42 53 53 18 Yacht Rigging Rope, Galvan- ized 6x 7 59 20 Yacht Rope, Galvanized . , 6x19 59 21 PAGE 217 WATERS U R Y WIRE ROPE FIBRE ROPE INDEX "B" or hardware grade Ropes 154-165 Bale Rope Manila, Sisal . . . 154-156-169-176 Balling 155-156 Basis Prices 155-156 Binder Twine 156-181 Bolt Rope . . . . . . . . . . 155-156-163 Bull Ropes 173 Colored Yarns 155-156 Cut Lengths Fibre Rope 156-179 Double Lath Yarn 155-156 "Drillwell" Drilling Cables . . 154-156-170-171-172 Feet Equivalent to Metres 211 Fodder Yarn, Sisal . . . .154-156-177-178-179 Halter Ropes 180 Hay Rope Manila, Sisal .... 156-168-176 Haying Ropes 180 Hide Rope Manila, Sisal . . . 154-156-169-177 Hoisting or Fall Rope 156-163 Horse Power Transmitted at Various Speeds . . 199 Lariat Rope Manila, Sisal . . . 156-174-175 Lath Yarn, Sisal 154-156-177 Lubrication of Fibre Ropes .197 Metres Equivalent to Feet ....... 210 Metric Denominations and Equivalents, Fibre . 207 Mill Carriage Rope 156-167 Ordering Transmission Rope . . . . . .195 Other Names for Ropes and Yarns 200 Paper Makers' Twine j J . | . . . .156-176 Pounds and Kilograms, Comparative Table . . 212 PAGE 21 8 WATERBURY WIRE ROPE FIBRE ROPE INDEX Continued Price List, Differentials and Examples . 155-156-157 Raft Rope .156-181 Rex Brand Rope 154-165 Ring Yarn, Sisal ........ 156-178-179 Rules for Ropes, Blocks and Tackle .... 206 Sand Lines 172 Shingle Yarn 156-179 Sisal Rope 154-156-162-169-175 Slings 197 Splices 182-185-186 Spun Yarns Manila, Sisal .... 156-169-177 Steamboat Lines . 167 Stock Packages 154 Tent Rope .156-180 Towing or Canal Lines 156-167 Transmission Rope . 154-156-190-191-192-194-196 Transmission Rope Splice . . . 186-187-188-189 Transmission Rope Weights and Measurements . 198 Tubing Lines and Sucker Rod Lines . . . 156-172 Uncoiling Rope 160 Use and Care of Rope 202 Waterbury Standard Manila Rope . . . .154-165 Weights and Measures for Export Shipments .208-209 Weights of Manila Rope 158 Weights of Metric Equivalents . .159 Wheel Rope 156-167 Words and Phrases Relating to Cordage . .200-201 Yacht Lariat Rope, Manila . . . . . .156-174 Yacht Rope, Manila 156-174 PAGE 219 WATERBURY PRODUCTS MANILA AND SISAL CORDAGE STANDARD WIRE ROPE ARMORED WIRE ROPE (GORE PATENT) FIBRECLAD WIRE ROPE MUSIC WIRE BINDER TWINE WATERBURY COMPANY 63 PARK ROW : : NEW YORK Printed by The Read Printing Co., New York Under the direction of Rickard & Sloan, Advertising, New York THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY