Maim LttkAGfflC, DEPT, Nitrate of Soda For Profit With Sugar- Beets Maercker With Supplements by Danielson Colorado Experiment Station. EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM S. MYERS, Director, Nitrate of Soda Propaganda. Late Professor in Chemistry la the State Agricultural College of New Jersey. JOHN STREET AND 71 NASSAU, NEW YORK. THE Nitrate Propaganda is not engaged in the Sale of Nitrate of Soda but will furnish a list of dealers to all who apply for it* It should be remembered that the original package of Nitrate cf Soda contains approximately 200 Ibs* of normally dry Nitrate of Soda* Nitrate of Soda is generally sold in the original pack- ages and should be stored or kept in a dry place* Glass Works and Manufacturers of Dynamite and Gunpowder usually have Nitrate on hand* If you have any difficulty in obtaining Nitrate, either by reason of prohibitive prices or undue delays or on account of inability of dealers to supply you promptly, let me know at once, and the difficulty will be investigated immediately. Correspondence concerning excessive freight charges is invited. Nitrate is sometimes discriminated against by the Transportation Companies by charging a chemical rate instead of a fertilizer rate; please secure and forward all the facts, including Freight Receipts* When ordering Nitrate, please be sure to request your Dealer, Manufacturer or Importer to have your invoice clearly and distinctly marked as " Fertilizer." This is necessary that this valuable Farm Chemical may be properly classified in order to avoid the discrimination practised by the Railroads against Nitrate. WILLIAM S. MYERS, Director NITRATE PROPAGANDA John Street and 71 Nassau, New York NITRATE OF SODA FOR PROFIT WITH SUGAR-BEETS By Maercker With Supplements By Danielson, of the Colorado Experiment Station BULLETINS OF U. S. EXPERIMENT STATIONS Abstract of Bulletin No. 115 of the Colorado Station By Danielson. Edited and Published by WILLIAM S. MYERS, Director, M Nitrate of Soda Propaganda. Late Professor in Chemistry in the State Agricultural College of New Jersey, JOHN STREET AND 71 NASSAU, NEW YORK. Published February, 1907. Preface. The following leading Authorities, among others, have been consulted in the preparation of this work. 1. Dr. Maercker, Government Privy Councillor, German Agricultural Association. 2. Fertilizer Experiments ; Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Abstract of Bulletin No. 115, by A. H. Danielson. 3. Sugar-Beet Investigations / Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 179, by J. D. Towar. 4. Effect of Each Class of Fertilizer ; Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Extract from Bulletin No. 73. 5. Fertilizers for the Sugar-Beet ; from "The American Sugar -Beet Industry" 1906. 6. Sugar-Beet Investigations; Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 132. 7. Progress of the Beet Sugar Industry in America; from Report No. 80, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture. C. O. Townsend. 8. Experiments with Nitrate of Soda ; by Dr. Paul Wagner. 9. Farmers' Bulletin No. 52, United States Department of Agriculture. New York, January, 1907. 274380 The Profitable Cultivation of the Sugar-Be' et'arid' Other Crops by the Use of Nitrate of Soda. The Functions of Nitrate of Soda in Sugar-Beet Growing. Extracts from a Lecture, delivered by Dr. Maercker, Government Privy Councillor, German Agricultural Association, on the Profitable Cultivation of the Sugar-Beet and Other Crops by the use of Nitrate of Soda. It is always a great pleasure to me when 1 have the opportunity of going into Introduction, a new district and thereby extending my own sphere of knowledge ; for I go outside my own circle, not only with the object of imparting something, but also of, at the same time, bringing something away with me; and frequently, when a lively discussion has taken place upon a question which I have introduced, I have returned home with the consciousness that I have brought away from the meeting more than 1 took to it. Now, in order to be able to offer you perfectly definite advice, it is necessary to know accurately your agricultural position, and to be thoroughly acquainted with your conditions of soil and climate, so as to be able to form an adequate judgment regarding them. That is denied to me, because I am a stranger in your district, and this fact places me in some embarrassment and renders it possible that objections may be taken to what I am about to say to you, although I shall do my utmost to be as guarded as possible. But such objections will not be unfruitful, for I myself will learn something from them, and I shall endeavor to improve, what is capable of improve- ment, in your methods. It is very opportune that you should , , , , , {_ i- r -j Inseparable have chosen as the subject for considera ^ c , , . J , . . Connection of tion at to-day s meeting the cultivation ^ . of the sugar-beet, and the use of Nitrate Su U gar . Beet and or boda, which is inseparably connected Mj trate with the cultivation of the sugar-beet ; because, in fact, circumstances at the present time are such Nitrate of that, with the exception of cattle breeding and cattle dealing Soda for an( j eyen j n t j lat Branch retrogression has of late been Sugar-Beets , , . -111 ' i - observable agriculture has become so little remunerative 6 that farmers have almost lost heart, and the cultivation of the sugar-beet is the only resource that is left to us. We would, therefore, hope that, by an intelligent adoption of the new sugar-duty law, those parts of the country in which the culti- vation of the sugar-beet, although they are suited for it, has not yet attained due development, will have the possibility A Field of Young Beets on the Upper Gila in Graham County, After Thinning, April 22, 1901. Bulletin No. 51, Arizona Experiment Station Me Clatchin-Fabbs. open to them in future of taking it up to the fullest extent. The prospects of the law passing are, it may be said, not un- favorable; they have, so far as I can learn in Reichstag circles, distinctly improved of late, as regards the grants which are to be made and which will allow of the establishment of new factories to a wide extent. We, in the province of Saxony, in no way take up a narrow-minded position ; we know what advantages the cultivation of the sugar-beet confers on agriculture generally, and we are far from wishing that you should not share in those advantages. On the contrary, we Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-BeetJ shall rejoice to see our fellow-agriculturists in the east * participate in the blessings of the sugar-beet industry. Gentlemen, after these introductory remarks, I pass on to my proper theme, and I shall first of all have to discuss what is requisite generally for the remunerative cultivation of the sugar-beet. The first requisite is a suitable climate. ^.. TT i j j i r Climate. U pon this 1 do not need to enlarge, tor you are in the midst of sugar-beet growing districts, and your climate will not essentially differ from that in which the sugar factories of Culmsee, Kruschwitz, Nakel, Wreschen, and others, have called into existence a remunerative cultiva- tion of the beet. There can be no question that your climate is just as well suited to its remunerative cultivation, and to the production of beets as rich, if not richer, in sugar. Your climatic conditions, indeed, are such that you have a later spring. According to the data with which Major Hintze has furnished me, it may be taken that spring com- mences with you about ten days later than with us ; but you make up for that afterwards by a hotter sun and a higher summer temperature ; and there can be no doubt that just this temperature exercises a very favorable influence upon the contents of the beet in sugar ; so that, here in the east although we formerly doubted it you are able to produce beets which are not only not poorer in sugar than in the neighboring districts for which a monopoly of the cultivation of the crop was once claimed, but beets which are probably even somewhat richer in sugar, and which, in any case, possess as high a percentage of sugar as any factory can require ; so that the question of climate is completely disposed of. In the second place, there must be available the kind of soil suitable for the cultivation of the sugar-beet^ and we shall therefore have to enter upon the discussion of the question: What is essentially the best soil for beets ? Gentlemen, if you put this question ^ est to me, I am in a difficulty as to what reply ^ ., to make. For our ideas as to the necessary qualities of a soil for the growth of the sugar-beet have changed during the last ten years in a remarkable manner. Formerly we believed that we should never be Nitrate of a bl e to grow beets, and especially beets rich in sugar, on Soda for an y o ther kind of soil than light loam rich in humus, such uga ' as we have in the Magdeburg district, on the northern 8 border of the Harz, and in parts of Brunswick and Hildes- heim. But when later on land owners felt the need of giving their acres a rest from beet-growing, they gradually extended their beet cultivation to the lighter soils ; they turned from the essentially loam soils first to the sandy loams, then to the loamy, and lastly to the light sandy soils; and, in fact, on these last, if they only possess the necessary moisture and are properly manured, we succeed in growing as good beets as on loam, so that we may say that the type of soil suitable for growing beets is by no means a restricted one, but that any even moderately useful agricultural land appears to be suited for the cultivation of the crop. At most we might exclude heavy clay soils, which are certainly least adapted to the growth of the sugar-beet ; but, if the necessary means are employed, even they may be rendered suitable ; the means consisting mainly in the systematic employment of lime to modify the heavy nature of the clay soil so as to allow the beet to root deeply, to warm the soil, and to render it readily workable. If this be done, sugar- beet cultivation may be -profitably carried on even on the heaviest clays. This has been proved in the most convincing manner, and we therefore arrive at the conclusion that there is, in fact, no kind of soil, with the exception of the driest sand drifts, on which the sugar-beet may not be successfully cultivated, if we only understand what are the measures necessary to make it thrive. c , c .. If I now pass on to the third requisite for Sub-Soil. z. / . ; sugar-beet cultivation^ it urgently requires both a warm soil and a warm sub-soil. If we wish to define what constitutes a cold soil, we understand by a cold soil one in the sub-soil of which there is stagnant moisture, water which has no outflow. The water causes coldness, and cold is the greatest enemy of the sugar-beet, for it both diminishes the quantity and injures the quality of the crop in an incalculable degree. It is, in fact, correct to say of such a soil that it is unsuitable for the cultivation of the sugar-beet. But it must by no means be assumed that such a soil is wholly and forever unfit because it is less suitable than a soil with a warm, well drained sub-soil. A further requisite, absolutely essential in the case of soils Nitrate of where there is stagnant moisture in the sub-soil, is, therefore, Soda for the carrying out of judicious drainage. You must not think, ugar " Beets gentlemen, that the prize has fallen to us, who are in the 9 center of the beet cultivation, all at once and without exer- tion ; on the contrary, it has required hard and tedious work to enable us to reach the position which we have now attained, and, with us, drainage, wherever necessary and it has been necessary in very many places has long since been carried out, and with most beneficial results, not only to beet growing, but also in the case of other field crops. Now, I am unacquainted with the con- ^ . ditions in which you are farming here, and I do not know whether drainage is extensively required ; but I cannot divest myself of the impression that your soil is in many places in great need of drainage. Wherever we see water standing in the hollows of the fields, we may be quite sure that there is need for drainage, and that, if the necessary means are at disposal, drainage work should be carried out without delay. It may probably not always be a question of systematic drainage of the entire field, but only of those places where it is absolutely necessary that the water should be carried off. In all probability you will secure good results if you thus effect partial drainage ; but I must lay down, as an indispensable requisite of sugar-beet growing, that, if there be to any great extent stagnant moisture in the sub-soil, thorough drainage must be carried out. A further and, indeed', the most important , . c .. ,. . J r 77 r j r 7 7 - LimC ID Soil condition of alt for the successful cultivation D . . f j 7 j r /r a Requisite. of the sugar-beet is the -presence of a sufficiency of lime in the soil ; without this, the hope of a good and profitable yield of sugar-beets would be difficult of fulfill- ment. But this evil is easily to be remedied ; for, if there be not sufficient lime present in the soil, it can easily be furnished by judicious liming; and even in our district, where the cultivation of the sugar-beet has been very successfully carried on, the requisite store of lime was not always at the outset present in our soils. I am not aware whether your soils here are poor in lime, and therefore need to be supplied with it. But, gentlemen, the question is so important a one, not only for the cultivation of sugar-beets but for the production of farm crops generally, that it should be solved Nitrate of without delay. It is, as 1 have said, the most important Soda for Q f a jj agricultural questions. For beets not only need Sugar-Beets . .. >.. r - L u c - ample quantities or lime for their nourishment, for the 10 direct satisfying of their lime requirements, but the indirect effects of the lime are more important still. c * ll *f A so ^ which, when it is saturated with Q ?. the moisture of winter, forms heavy clods, and is, therefore, in the spring, only capable of tillage late and with difficulty, loses at once this tendency to form clods if the necessary quantities of lime are applied to it. A soil naturally cold can be rendered warm, at least on the surface, if sufficient quantities of lime are added to it. A soil which has an adequate store of lime brings into activity all the constituents of the manures applied to it, not only those of dung, but also those of artificial manures, much more rapidly than soils in which such store of lime is not present. The plant foods introduced into the soil in manures are gradually, in the course of absorption by the soil, in great part converted into an insoluble form, and in that insoluble form they cannot at once be dissolved by the water of the rainfall. To render them soluble it is first necessary that carbonic acid should be developed in the soil, and that this carbonic acid should be dissolved by the moisture in the soil. Only then this soil moisture, con- taining carbonic acid, capable of quickly and readily dis- solving phosphoric acid, potash and other food stuffs and of supplying them to the plants, thereby rendering possible the production of a heavy crop of beets rich in sugar. P. 'The fifth requisite for growing the sugar-beet P . . is deep cultivation. Without a soil deeply loosened and exposed in winter to the atmosphere, beet cultivation cannot be successfully carried on. The beet requires a deeper tilth than other plants, because it can only with great difficulty overcome resistance in the soil. It goes very deep with its tap-root, and if it meets with strong resistance in the soil it does not form its tap-root, on which it is greatly dependent, in a sufficient manner, and the natural consequence is that the produce is small. Therefore, deep cultivation is an indispensable requisite for growing sugar-beet. But for carrying out this deep cultivation many things are necessary. We must have the requisite team power, the necessary ploughing apparatus and the like; then, gentlemen, deep cultivation is not to Nitrate of be accomplished with the sub-soil plough alone: many other Soda for i c i u j i i i_ j Sugar-Beets implements are necessary for working the deeply ploughed - Root System of Sugar- Beet, showing necessity of deep preparation of Soil. Bulletin No. 13, California'Experiment Station. soil ; the heavy roller, the grubber, etc., are requisite. Without them sugar-beets cannot be grown, and there can be no question that if you wish to carry on the cultivation Nitrate of ' m an intensive manner a certain outlay is ncessary, which, Su arBeets ^ owever ' ls rendered remunerative not only by the beet _ crop itself but also by the yields of other crops in the rota- 12 tion. And it has to be borne in mind with regard to deep cultivation of the soil that by it we obtain not only heavier but also more certain crops. It is much easier to secure equality of yields, one year with another, in a deeply culti- vated soil than in one the cultivation of which is shallow. In favorable circumstances you may obtain in a superficially loosened soil heavy yields of wheat, potatoes and other farm crops ; but if unfavorable circumstances, of whatever nature, occur, the less deeply loosened soil fails, whether in a season that is too wet or in one that is too dry, whilst the deeply cultivated soil allows the injurious effects of excessive rain- fall or the still more disastrous effects of drought to come far less into evidence. If therefore you go in for deep cultivation, for which ordinary agricultural appliances do not afford the means, you will find that under its influence your other crops also will give more favorable results. More Liberal There are several other matters in this T j n connection to which I shall revert in the course Fertilizers of my lecture ; for example ', the more liberal use of artificial manures^ the selection of suitable varieties of the plants to be cultivated, etc.; but these are all secondary matters ; the main thing is, and will be, deep cultivation ; and this, as I have said, will be remunerative in the case of all other crops, as well as in the growth of the sugar-beet. Us of D '11 ^ father, and^ indeed^ a fundamental con- , TT ' dition for beet cultivation is that of con- and Hoe. . J . . . . . r . . ... / . necting with it the use of the drill and the use of the hoe and^indeed^ the most active use of the hoe. Gentle- men, if we have achieved something in the districts where beets have long been grown, we have done so not only by the use of the drill, but far more still by the use of the hoe, to which the cultivation of the beet, in the first instance for itself, but no less also for the other crops, gave occasion. If at the present season of the year you pass through our fields where sugar-beet cultivation is carried on, you see the long rows of laborers, who arrived towards the end of March, engaged in hoeing the wheat; and if it is still practi- cable, and the growth of the rye is not yet too far advanced, it also is being hoed. If the necessary labor be available, Nitrate of then the barley, the peas, the oats, etc., should also be hoed, So ' and those crops also, like the sugar-beet, will thrive under ! the use of the hoe, although hoe cultivation is not so indis- l3 pensably requisite for them as for the latter. To attempt to carry on sugar-beet cultivation without the use of the hoe whether the machine or the hand implement is a perfect chimera. Without a thorough use of the hoe no heavy yields, and, still less, beets rich in sugar, can be obtained. The use of the hoe is a fundamental D . , TT ... . r J ,i r ) J j. , r Right USC Ot condition for the successful cultivation of TT the sugar-beet, because it is not only neces- sary for the extirpation of weeds which is, of course, also a very important result of a thorough use of the hoe but it is, above all, requisite for the complete and repeated breaking up of the hard crust which forms to an exceptional extent in the intensive cultivation of the beet, in consequence of the application of dressings of salts, such as Nitrate of Soda and potash salts^ in order that air and warmth, the indispensable and vivifying elements of the soil, may be able to penetrate into it. The extirpation of weeds is, be it re- T c , , i i r L Importance of marked by the way, also or the greatest ^ .. importance in the growth of the sugar-beet, and moreover all the labor at the disposal of the sugar-beet farmer will likewise be profitably employed in the destruction of weeds in the wheat fields. It is extremely difficult for a farmer who can grow no very great breadth of crops requir- ing the use of the hoe to thoroughly keep down weeds. I do not know how it is with you here, whether weeds are common in your fields, whether wild mustard and other fine plants thrive here (laughter), but I expect from your climatic conditions that you are not very differently situated from what we were when as yet we did not carry on the intensive cultivation of the sugar-beet. To be frank, we must admit that we are not better than our neighbors, and that we have not by reason of our greater foresight brought our land into better condition than that of others elsewhere ; the fact is, rather, that the means of doing so have been afforded us by the cultivation of the sugar-beet ; and if you secure the same means by growing sugar-beet, you also, will, in a short time, enjoy the same freedom from weeds Nitrate of on your land that we in the province of Saxony have now Soda for f or ^ most p art obtained, but which is at once lost again 8 where intensive beet cultivation ceases to be carried on. In J 4 our district the common weeds are quite as widely distributed as in any other in Germany. I now pass from this fundamental requisite of the cultivation of the sugar-beet, the active use of the hoe, to the next, and that is the application of the food-stuffs necessary for the sugar-beet. Phosphoric '^ e Phosphoric acid requirements of the ^ ci( j beets are not greater quantitively than those of other farm crops; a heavy crop of it removes from the soil about 29 pounds ', and an average crop from 19 to 22 pounds of phosphoric acid to the acre. That is neither more nor less than a crop of rye, barley, oats or potatoes takes up, and the sugar-beet, from this point of view, really requires no heavier fertilizing with phosphoric acid than we are accustomed to give to our other farm crops. But, in the case of the sugar-beet, there is the circumstance that in its first young growth it undoubtedly requires a considerably larger provision of phosphoric acid than other farm crops. We can very easily convince ourselves of this if we heavily dress one-half of a field of beets or even a strip of one, with phosphoric acid and leave the other portion undressed. It will soon make itself evident that the early vegetation of the beets on the portion heavily fertilized with phosphoric acid progresses much more rapidly than on the part not dressed with phosphoric acid. From the outset, the beets grow far more quickly, they can be earlier singled, they shade the soil sooner and more com- pletely, and every experienced grower of the sugar-beet knows that this is of the greatest importance. The earlier I am able to single the beets, the better and safer prospect I have for my crop. Every experienced grower of the sugar-beet knows that, with the exception of fields affected by threadworms and beet sickness, it is in its first youth almost exclusively that the sugar-beet has to fight against its enemies, and that the more rapidly it thrives the quicker it grows out of the reach of those enemies. Therefore, gentlemen, we must employ an ample and not too restricted quantity of phosphoric acid for the pro- motion of this first period of growth. And for the hasten- ing and advancement of this early -period of growth we require. Nitrate of not the form of phosphoric acid with difficulty soluble, such as Soda f we have it in basic slag or in the precipitated phosphates or even in bone meal, but exclusively the form which is soluble in water. Nineteen pounds of phosphoric acid soluble in water are indispensably necessary to enable the beets to thrive, and in particular to secure a healthy and rapid first period of growth. Besides this, an additional quantity may be given in a less readily soluble form. Such a supply of phosphoric acid is an indispensable necessity, especially where the spring is cold and the soil at the time when the beets are singled is still but slightly warmed, as may well be the case under your climatic conditions. But, gentlemen, on the other hand, TT ,, nu L r L L -j i_ Use of Phos- tne quantity or phosphoric acid to be sup- , . A . , ,. 7 i i f- i- i f phone Acid. plied has also its limits. formerly the sugar factories demanded quite excessive quantities of phosphoric acid, with the object of obtaining beets rich in sugar. They required fifty to ninety pounds and upward to the acre, and they believed that not only was this neces- sary in order to obtain heavy crops of beet, but also that the quantity of phosphoric acid stood in direct relation to the formation of sugar in the beet. This idea has been set aside by Hellriegel, who has proved that no connection exists between the phosphoric acid and the formation of sugar in the beet. On a soil poor in phosphoric acid you will indeed grow fewer beets than on one rich in phosphoric acid, for phosphoric acid is an indispensable food-stuff of the beet ; but the crop of beet, although smaller in quantity, is relatively as rich in sugar as that of which the quantity is greater. Nor have I ever heard that a crop of beets which turned out to be a small one, and turned out to be a small one in consequence of a deficiency of phosphoric acid in the soil, was particularly poor in sugar. On the contrary, if we obtain a smaller crop, we usually get beets tolerably rich in sugar ; and in the case of heavy yields there is a greater risk of a low percentage of sugar than in the case of smaller crops. Therefore, in the present state of agriculture, it is no longer thought necessary, as formerly was generally the case, to squander phosphoric acid in this manner ; it is proper and customary to give to the beet no more than is required to render its first growth rapid and healthy, and Nitrate of tna n is required for its later development and the perfecting Su alteets ^ * ts structure > 4 u i te without reference to the formation of sugar, which, as we have said, is accomplished without the 16 co-operation of phosphoric acid. For this, the nineteen pounds of phosphoric acid soluble in water, which we give to push on the crop, suffice, and if there is present in addition a store of some nineteen to twenty-two pounds, in a form not readily soluble, that is ample. In numerous experiments in fertilizing which we have carried out in Saxony and the Altmark, on soils poor in phosphoric acid, these quantities have always sufficed, and I do not doubt that they will also suffice under the condi- tions in which you are farming, regard being had, of course, to difference of climatic conditions. In colder situations, gentlemen, we are compelled to use phosphoric acid more, largely because there it is necessary to hasten the develop- ment of the beet more than in warmer situations; and I will therefore not apply the rules which we have just laid down to your district without reservation ; but, for the reasons which I have given, I believe that you will have no need to have recourse to a more lavish use of phosphoric acid. Lastly, gentlemen, before I turn to the special topic with which I have to deal the employment of Nitrate of Soda and other Nitrogenous manures / have still to lay stress on one more point ; the selection of the varieties of beet suited to particular conditions of cultivation. Ho S 1 ^ n ^ s matter, likewise, we do not now y . . need to be anxious ; for, gentlemen, in no department of agriculture has greater pro- gress been made than in that of beet selection. The intensive and scientific manner in which beet selection has been carried on, has produced varieties, which are, so to speak, en tout cas y and which thrive just as well in France and America as in the Magdeburg district, in Austria- Hungary and South Russia, which bear all climatic condi- tions to which they may be exposed the climate of districts bordering on the sea and the climate of the steppes and which, notwithstanding the diversity of those climatic con- ditions, yield an equally high percentage of sugar. It was the Frenchman, Vilmorin, who gave the first direction to the selection of beets rich in sugar. But Vilmorin has long since been surpassed by the varieties of the brothers Dippe Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-Beets 17 Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-Beets 18 19 and many others ; varieties which all stand pretty nearly Nitrate of equally high. A slight superiority among the several Soda for 1 . / 5 .,, -1-L1 j i Sugar-Beets varieties may still exist, but it has long ceased to be as great as it was ten years ago, so that really bad varieties of beet no longer come into the market and it is not necessary to be so anxious about the choice. The varieties have been so much improved by selection and scrutiny, that almost all are suitable for our climate ; and therefore it is not necessary that we should exercise any extraordinary care in this respect. Finally, I come to yet another question which is very important in its relation to beet cultivation, but which may readily be disposed of, and that question is : In carrying on an intensive cultivation of the sugar-beet, what am I to do with my farm-yard manure ; am 1 to apply it all to the beets, or, if not, on which crops should it be used in carry- ing on an intensive cultivation of sugar-beets ? Gentlemen, for a long period we had y - p rm great doubt about the direct application of ar( j jyf anur farm-yard manure to sugar-beets, but those . , IT , J , 5 i i i Kinds to Use. doubts have been removed by the experi- ments first of all made in Wanzleben by Counsellor Schaper, who may well be called the father of intensive and rational beet cultivation, and it has been demonstrated that there is scarcely a crop which shows itself so responsive to the application of farm-yard manure as the sugar-beet; always, indeed, subject to certain conditions. The application of farm-yard manure must not be overdone ; we must not give fifteen or twenty tons of farm-yard manure, but eight to twelve tons are a dressing which is quite suitable for the beet. But here a proper selection must be made among the different kinds of dung which are at disposal, and sheep dung must be avoided ; not because it would be in any way a poison to the beets, but because in sheep dung, which is collected in deep stalls, far more immediately assimilable combinations of Nitrogen are contained than in yard dung, the available combinations of Nitrogen of which are in great part lost in consequence of unfavorable circumstances. This, indeed, is one of the most important questions of the day in connection with agricultural economy. Sheep dung is so intensive in its action because all the important con- stituents, and in particular the urine, are present in it, whilst Nitrate of the yard dung is less intensive in its effects because it has Soda for j ost a great part of the active constituents, circumstances, Sugar-Beets u i r T i_- L - which, or course, 1 cannot discuss here, but which represent ao the most important technical questions in connection with agriculture which is before us at the present day. Now, sheep dung is less suitable for beets, because it contains too many readily assimilable combinations of Nitrogen, and the only possibility of with certainty rendering beets poor in sugar lies in applying to them a manure which contains combinations too rich in Nitrogen. And this would happen if sheep dung were used. Good Effects ^ ut as re S ar< ^ s farm-yard manure in general. of Application. In the ^ rst P lac the effect . of * c a PP lic u a - tion or farm-yard manure is to loosen the soil ; the formation of carbonic acid, in connection with the formation of humus, brings about many useful changes ; and lastly, in a dry year, the beets root much more easily in a field dressed with farm-yard manure. Therefore, both in its chemical and its mechanical effects, the application of farm-yard manure is of extreme advantage to the sugar-beet, always subject to the reservation already mentioned, and also to the further condition, which also tends to the interest of the grower himself, that the farm-yard manure has been deeply ploughed under in the previous autumn. To dress sugar-beets with farm-yard manure in the spring, may, in certain circumstances, be to poison them ; for the period of drought which usually, at least with us, sets in soon after the tillage, and which frequently fills the heart of the farmer with anxious fears for the result of the harvest, causes the beets to surfer much during their early growth from defi- ciency of moisture. This danger would be greatly increased if the soil had been rendered too loose by farm-yard manure being ploughed under in the spring, nor would the peril to the development of the beets be obviated in a sufficient manner even by the use of the heavy roller. // is y therefore, wholly to the interest of the farmer to plough under the farm-yard manure in the autumn. But, gentlemen, you who wish to grow beets, bear well in mind the fact that in colder situations the application of farm-yard manure is of still greater advantage than in warmer climatic conditions, and co-operate accordingly with the sugar factories,which freely allow you to employ farm-yard manure within the limits laid down by me. How does the case Nitrate of stand in that respect here P (A voice : "It is freely allowed.") Soda for Well, gentlemen, then make free use of it. So much as regards the use of farm-yard xr . 2I & , ] r Nitrate the manure; we now come to the application of ,,, c . , . , 7 j AT- i- / t Most Suitable the most suitable Nitrogenous fertilizer for f th A m the cultivation of the sugar-beet^ that is to -\T- r rt i mates ror ,*y, Nitrate of Sub. Sugar-Beets. Gentlemen, it is, generally speaking, impossible to grow sugar-beets with profit without supply- ing them in a judicious manner with easily assimilable Nitrogenous food, and that, best of all, in XT , i_ r r XT- c o j r\c n Beets Need the form or Nitrate or Soda. Or all our A . . Ammomates crops the beet is the one whose require- AJI ~, XT . , n . . More Than ments m Nitrogen are the greatest; .t is p h hates capable or taking up Nitrogen m far greater P t h quantities than are usually supplied to it, and there are in this respect scarcely any limits to the increase of the yield but with a certain reservation. For just as we have already learned that phosphoric acid hastens the growth of the young beets, so the reverse may in certain circumstances be brought about by an injudicious use of Nitrate of Soda; and therefore, Nitrate of Soda, valuable as it is in beet cultivation, must be used with judgment. It should be the object of the beet p Qr g ugar grower to secure a ripe beet at the time of R M " , 11 iii 1* JJCClo iYlUol UC the harvest. But, by an excessive application D- of Nitrate of Soda the ripening is delayed, and an unripe beet is a beet poor in sugar; so that it is not to be doubted that an excessive use of Nitrate of Soda may go hand in hand with a diminution of the percentage of sugar, and therefore with a reduction of the value of the beets to the manufacturer. Gentlemen, I admit this per- fectly, and nevertheless I entertain the firm conviction that in present circumstances, sugar-beet growing cannot be carried on without an intensive use of Nitrate of Soda. But in applying Nitrate of Soda the farmer must understand how to proceed in such a manner that the percentage of sugar in the beets does not thereby suffer loss ; for the manufac- turer is justly entitled to require the agriculturist to deliver to him at the factory a beet as rich in sugar as is capable of being produced under the ordinary conditions of the district. Nitrate of But, with the same justice, the farmer, on his part, may Soda for c i a i m ^^ no restrictions be imposed upon him on the part _____!_ of the factory which would prevent him from obtaining the aa heaviest possible yield of beets on a given area. But both are to be reconciled, as I now propose to point out to you, by a proper use of Nitrate of Soda. Ammoniates The vari MS f orm \ f Nitrogen, as sul- All Converted f a * e f ammonia, dried blood and into Nitrates tankage, are in the long run converted into Nitrates in the soil. There are present in the soil ferments , bacilli (which indeed carry on their work in every division of life] , which, in the end, convert substances containing organic Nitrogen and ammonia into Nitrates. But, gentlemen, in the conver- sion of these substances into Nitrate, a certain loss takes place. In the conversion of ammonia into Nitrate, gaseous Nitrogen is developed, and this gaseous Nitrogen is altogether valueless, for the atmosphere already con- tains 79 to 80 per cent of it. But the Nitrogen- consuming La Loss s P^nts beets, potatoes, wheat are un- c A able to take up this atmospheric Nitrogen; of Ammonia 7 / < /->/ when Ordinary and an ammomacal manure, even if the . . . ammonia is in the course of time con- Ammoniates * j *~ \T** j. // JT j. . U . verted into Nitrate^ can only nave effect in proportion as Nitrate is produced from the ammoniacal Nitrogen. We know that 100 parts of ammoniacal Nitrogen yield only about 85 parts of Nitrate Nitrogen, so that the effect of the same quantity of ammoniacal Nitrogen to Nitrogen in the form of Nitrate of Soda is in the proportion of 85 to 100. In the case of dried blood and tankage the compari- son is still more unfavorable. Substances containing organic Nitrogen which are intended for plant-food must decay in the soil and first become ammonia, which has subsequently to be converted into Nitrate. In this process of decomposition and of conversion into ammonia, losses of Nitrogen take place, and to these losses have to be added those incidental to the conversion of the ammonia into Nitrate, and we have thus two sources of loss, in addition to which it has to be taken into account that, in the case of manures containing organic Nitrogen, only 65 per cent of the effect of the like quantity of Nitrate Nitrogen is apparent in the end. Therefore we come to the conclusion that the Nitrate of Nitrogen of Nitrate of Soda is in all respects the most effective, ? oda f r and, at corresponding prices, the form of Nitrogen generally to Ugar " be recommended. 2 3 If sulfate of ammonia is so cheap that, TT r\ u c , r XT- How Other for equal quantities or Nitrogen, it costs A , c , r XT- c Ammomates only 85 per cent or the price or iNitrate or . Soda, it has then to be considered whether we cannot give part of the Nitrogen in the form of the ammoniacal manure. But up to the present the prices of the manures containing ammoniacal Nitrogen have been too high for us to be able to think of employing them. Agri- culturists have indeed made much and frequent use of ammoniacal manure, but, in my opinion, quite injudiciously. For, gentlemen, the conversion of ammonia into Nitrate is not completed in the soil all at once, but is brought about by the growth and nourishment of small organisms, and this process requires a certain time; I cannot say how long it occupies, but some lapse of time always takes place before the last of the ammonia in the soil is converted into Nitrate. But as the beet is quite unable to consume ammonia, and can only live on Nitrate, it is, in my opinion, an agricultural sin of omission not to place at its disposal at the outset the quantity of Nitrogen necessary for its first development in the form of Nitrate of Soda. For this first development, which, I ^,. repeat once more, must, in the case of the T ,. . , , j .j, i i_ i 1-1 T Indispensable. sugar-beet proceed rapidly and healthily, I hold the application of Nitrate of Soda in certain quantities to be quite indispensable ; so that it may with truth be said that without Nitrate of Soda the profitable cuitivation of the sugar-beet cannot at the present time be carried on at all. A portion of the Nitrogen may, if sulfate of ammonia be worth its price, which at present it is not be given in that form, but there can be no question of any preference to be given to the application of the ammoniacal fertilizer; it may in the most favorable circumstances replace a portion of the Nitrate of Soda. It is indeed possible by the cultivation of catch crops and the maintenance of a greater head of cattle, and like- wise by the preservation of the Nitrogen of the dung, to introduce so much heart into the soil that, at the outset, Nitrate of sufficient Nitrogen is at the disposal of the plants; but from Soda for w h at j know of most kinds of soil in Germany, they are _ thoroughly hungry for Nitrogen, and I believe that hunger 2 4 for Nitrogen exists also in your soils. Or have any of you to complain of a superfluity? (Laughter. A voice: "Not outside the yard of the posting house!") Yes, possibly so, but that is only a quite exceptional case, which we may leave out of sight, so the remarks which I have made will be perfectly applicable to your circumstances and in those circumstances you cannot think of carrying on the cultivation of the sugar-beet profitably without an intensive employment of Nitrate of Soda. Formula for Sugar- Beets Per Acre. 300 pounds fine ground bone meal. 100 pounds fine ground bone. 100 pounds sulphate of potash. 300 pounds Nitrate of Soda. The Nitrate of Soda may be divided into two equal portions before mixing, and 150 pounds only put in the mixture, and the other 150 pounds reserved for use as a top-dressing. For sugar-beets when soil is light, apply 1 60 pounds of Nitrate at the time of planting, and later, 1 40 pounds at the time of the first hoeing. With heavy clay soils, 300 pounds may be put on at time of planting, and this followed later by thorough hoeing. Sugar- Beets. Quantity of Nitrate of Soda to be applied to the acre. 50 Ibs. And sti 11 further I 50 Ibs. Or 300 Ibs. at one time. Character of soil. Upon light soils. In the case of heavy clay soils, a large application of Nitrate may pro- mote the forma- tion of a crust, which must be prevented by care- ful hoeing. The richer the soil and the more freely it is ferti- lized, the closer the sugar-beets must be planted. Time of ferti- lization. At the time of planting. At the time of the first hoe- ing of the beets. At the time of planting. REMARKS. The application of Nitrate of Soda increases the yield of sugar-beets very largely, and by proper use produces sugar-beets very rich in sugar. In the use of large quantities of Nitrate one obtains beets rich in sugar when choice varieties of sugar-beets are cultivated, and when it is applied early and is quickly appropriated by the beets, in order that the ripening process may not be prolonged. The delaying of the ripening process is prevented when bountiful supplies of avail- able phosphoric acid are present in the soil. Every 224 Ibs. of Nitrate of Soda is able, according to Wagner, to produce an increased yield of 1 4,080 Ibs. of sugar- beets rich in sugar and a corresponding increase in tops or leaves. Nitrate Of Soda for Sugar- Beets 26 SUMMARY. Sugar-Beets for Profit, Abstract of Dr. Maercker's foregoing Lecture. A1 t1 r^. The somewhat popular idea that certain Almost all Kinds c ., c r , , of Soils Suitable ^ es f solls , are necessal 7 for Profitable for Sugar-Beets. Sugar-Beet culture seems to have no foun- dation in fact. Almost any type or soil is suitable for sugar-beets, so long as moisture and tillage, and the necessary plant food are supplied. Even heavy clay soils, ~ .. by systematic liming, may return regularly r very satisfactory sugar-beet crops. Sugar- beets require a warm soil and sub-soil; that is a soil free of stagnant water both above and below the surface. In practice this means a soil well drained, if not t^ j r\ naturally, then artificially. Drainage alone, Good Drainage . rr -c \ _r N c ssit 1S not sl clent > however, if the conditions are such that the soil is apt to become cloddy; on these soils lime must be used freely, broadcasted f T P f . in the early spring. With the soil mellowed Use of Lime. 7 . J , v , . by lime and proper drainage, we come to the next essential in the profitable culture of sugar-beets deep cultivation. If soils are at all heavy, they should Deep Cultiva- be fe " , P lowed - and even cross plowed the . roughly turned soil left to the action of the j, , winter weather. The crop requires a deeper r ,. tilth than other crops, as it seems to have Indispensable. little P ower of s ;l . burr ?, wi "g on its ^n account, especially in soils at all compact naturally; yet, a well-proportioned tap root seems to be one of the conditions of a high sugar content. Not only must the soil be deeply worked in its preparation for plant- ing, but it must have continuous and thorough cultivation during the growing season. The earth mulch must be maintained, and the soil kept free of weeds and surface crusts ; these crusts are a result of using very high grade Nitrate plant foods, but intensive cultivation demands their use. s a r Showing root system of Sugar-Beets and great extent of feeding. Bulletin No. 176, California Experiment Station, 1906. Acid Phosphate. The plant-food of sugar-beets is, of course, the same as for other crops, ammoniates, phosphoric acid and potash. The phos- phoric acid must be used in ample quantities in order to push forward a well nourished early growth, and with this Nitrate of crO p water-soluble phosphoric acid should be used, the form Soda for f ounc j m ac jj phosphate. There is no direct connection - between sugar formation and phosphoric acid plant food, 28 but phosphates unquestionably prepare the way for the development of sugar by influences to come later in the growing season. Abundant phosphoric acid in the earlier stages of growth puts the crop through to an early ripen- ing, and the earlier sugar-beets are matured the more time they have for sugar making. Ammoniate plant food best for the sugar-beet is a matter of some discussion, but the c roughage ammoniates of the farm, such as Farm-yard r j j i farm-yard manure, etc., are used extensively, and with proper care are effective, except perhaps in the case of sheep manure, which is too rich in Row Irrigation of Sugar-Beets. Bulletin No. 176, California Experiment Station, 1906. available ammoniates to be used to advantage, as losses are unavoidable for a fall application. The best practice seems to be to broadcast the manure and plow down in the fall it is never wise to top-dress sugar-beets with manure of the roughage type in the spring. The best form of plant r c food ammoniate is the Nitrated ammonia N.trateofSoda. of Nitrate of ^ Sugar . beets take all their ammoniate plant food in the form of a Nitrated ammonia ; while all ammoniates are in time converted Nitrate of into the Nitrated form in the soil, the action is always Soda for irregular and is accompanied by a heavy loss of ammonia. ugar With Nitrate of Soda all these disadvantages disappear. 2 9 It is estimated that sulphate of ammonia loses fifteen per cent of its ammonia in this process of ^ . c , Great Losses transformation, and that packing-house n IT ff u . & c from Use of ammoniates lose thirty-five per cent, farm- yard manures lose from forty to eighty per s 111* 1 1 1*1 cent, l^S 3,621 4 Excessive Potash 21,817 J 5'64 3>4 12 5 Normal Home Mixture 18,900 J 7-O4 3,220 6 Commercial Fertilizer 17,740 15.66 2,778 These figures show decidedly in favor of increasing the Nitrogen content of the sugar-beet fertilizers. Not only is the yield of beets greater, but the percentage of sugar is higher where an excessive amount of Nitrate of Soda is applied. The marked difference in yield of sugar from the home mixed fertilizer over the commercial fertilizer suggests the possibility of Nitrate Nitrogen being superior to the form of Nitrogen found in the commercial fertilizer. Nitrate of While no experiment comparing in equal quantities S r B t or g an i c Nitrate and ammonia Nitrogen, the general results so far favor the Nitrate. In the fertilizer experiment on page 130, the Nitrogen in the commercial fertilizer analyzing 2.24 per cent ammo- nia was undoubtedly of organic origin. The results from three years' experiments show a yield of 20 per cent more sugar from Nitrate Nitrogen than from the commercial fertilizer containing dried blood or some other organic Nitrogen. Nitrate Nitrogen vs. Ammonia Nitrogen. This experiment has been in progress for three years. The results recorded on following page are from experi- ments in three different fields of the College Farm. In every case the potash and phosphoric acid applied on the compared plots were identical. The quantity of Nitrate of Soda and sulphate ammonia was in each case regulated according to the ammonia content of the two materials, so calculated that the same quantity of Nitrogen was applied in every case where results are compared. The following is a fair comparison of Nitrate of Soda and sulphate ammonia as a source of Nitrogen for sugar- beets, and being the average result from five different experiments conducted for three years in succession, and showing a yield of over 1 1 per cent more sugar from the Nitrate than from the ammonia presents conclusive evidence of the superiority of the former. CHARACTER OF SOIL. NITRATE NITROGEN. AMMONIA NITROGEN. Yield per acre. Per cent, sugar. Sugar per acre. Yield per acre. Per cent, sugar. Sugar per acre. i Light sandy Pounds. 20,408 20,136 16,479 18,789 I5058 12.45 1 3- 1 9 14.09 13-43 13.29 Pounds 2,463 2,656 2,323 2,524 2,003 Pounds. i93 8 7 16,412 15,899 i5572 i3>9 l6 12.68 12.44 14.19 13'19 13.19 Pounds. 2,459 2,041 2,255 2,176 i,837 2 Clay loam 3 Sandy loam (complete fertilizer) 4 Same as 3 plus (one ton lime) 5 Sandy loam (as single elements) Average sugar per acre , . 2,394 2,154 Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 132. 1902. Sugar- Beet Investigations in 1901. By John W. Ames. Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-Beets 47 Fertilizer Experiments at Neapolis, Ohio. A series of plots containing 1-20 acre each, on light sandy soil at Neapolis, were treated with fertilizers for the purpose of showing the effect, if any, of phosphoric acid, Table VII : FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS ON BLACK SAND AT NEAPOLIS. " 1 1 1 i 3 e o Z Fertilizer Applied Date *: B I; fe L t "O a. c x 3 per acre. Analyzed. If t- B" 3 0. ll 3 IS, 3 i " S 5> 3 to .a | - cL Oct. 2, 1901 3*8 "3*5 88.2 I None. " 15, 1901 350 14.9 86.2 29, 1901 268 16.6 88.2 8,700 4>'44 2 Acid phosphate, 1 60 pounds. Oct. 2, 1901 *' 15, I9OI " 29, 1901 217 373 237 15.4 15.8 18.4 88.5 89.6 87.2 8,740 260 i, 608 3 Acid phosphate, 1 60 pounds. Potassium sulfate, 100 pounds. Oct. 2, 1901 " 15, 1901 << 29, 1901 279 33 308 11.7 14.9 15.8 89.7 90.0 85.9 13,560 3.980 2,142 Oct. 2, 1901 221 14.2 87.6 4 None. " 15, 1901 I8 7 14.4 87.7 " 29, 1901 I 9 I 15.2 86.4 9,360 1,422 Acid phosphate, 5 1 60 pounds. Nitrate of Soda* 1 60 pounds. Potassium sulfate, Oct. 2, 1901 " 15, 1901 " 29, 1901 327 162 15.0 '3-9 16.6 89.8 84.9 84.3 17,100 8,070 2,838 100 pounds. Nitrogen applied in form of Nitrate of Sodi Nitrate of potash and Nitrogen on the quality of beets and yield per Soda for acre< Acid phosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium chlorid, Sugar-Beets Ar . r c. j ^ j i j _ Nitrate of boda y tankage and barnyard manure were used as carriers of the phosphoric acid, potash and Nitrogen. The same variety of seed, Original Kleinwanzlebener, was planted on all the plots. Results on Black Sand. More satisfactory results were obtained from the ferti- lizer tests on black sand, the increase of yield of the fertilized plots over the unfertilized being very decided. The test included a series of five plots, the first and fourth being left unfertilized. The results shown in Table VII, page 72, set forth the interesting facts that acid phosphate alone increased the yield 260 pounds to the acre ; the com- bination of phosphoric acid and potash shows better results, by increasing the yield 3,980 pounds per acre; the combi- nation of phosphoric acid, potash and Nitrogen shows the best results, giving an increase of 8,070 pounds per acre. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Extract from Bulletin No. 73. Table IV. EFFECT OF EACH CLASS OF FERTILIZERS. Yield Sugar Purity FERTILIZERS. per acre in juice of juice in tons. percent. percent. Plots having potash 1 1 . 6 12.7 81.4 Plots having Nitrate 11.7 13.0 81.8 Plots having phosphate 11.7 12.7 81.2 Plots not fertilized : 1 1 . i 12.6 81.3 The Progress of the Beet Sugar Industry Nitrate of . Soda for in America. Sugar-Beets From Report No. 80, 49 U. S. Department of Agriculture. Page i75> The work of Professor C. O. Townsend, of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture, which has recently been published in Secretary Wilson's Report for the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, concerning the use of Nitrate of Soda on sugar-beets is of great interest and is as follows : " Nitrate of Soda has a decided effect in increasing the value of beets per acre. This experiment has been repeated several times with similar results under varying conditions. It seems, therefore, that Nitrate of Soda is beneficial as a fertilizer for sugar-beets under ordinary circumstances. A little better results were obtained by putting the Nitrate on in two applica- tions, as shown in plat 4, although when 300 pounds of Nitrate were applied at one time the results were almost as good. The cost of the 300 pounds of Nitrate, including its application, was approximately $9.00, so that in all cases where Nitrate was used a decided financial gain resulted. It should be noted, also, that the Nitrate did not apparently affect the sugar content nor the purity of the beets. In a few cases where larger quantities of Nitrate were used the results were not appreciably better than when only 300 pounds per acre were applied. Whether or not this is a general rule can be deter- mined only by repeated experiments." The great and growing interest now N . . tc , p 1- r i_ Nitrate of Soda taken in the subject or raising beet sugar in c c D , . i rxr- c for Sugar-Beets. this country makes the use or Nitrate or Soda on this crop of special interest, for it is only by the judi- cious use of this fertilizer that we can hope to compete with the best growers of Europe who have long profited by its use. Nitrate should be used only in connection with super- phosphate and potash, and should be applied early in the growth of the beet as soon after they come up the better; 200 to 300 pounds of Nitrate per acre is about the quantity that should be used. About 300 pounds of superphosphate and 100 pounds of sulphate of potash should be applied per acre before sowing the seed. J. E. W. Tracy, of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, says in Farmers' Bulle- tin No. 251 : Nitrate of "It is absolutely essential to success that we secure the best quality of Soda for seed, and past experience has conclusively shown that we cannot depend Sugar-Beets upon doing so from abroad. We must raise it ourselves, and in such a care- ful, scientific manner that it will not only be of the best quality, but will have such characteristics as will make it adapted to the particular needs and requirements of the locality where it is to be sown. Seed raised on a particular soil and under certain climatic conditions may not be best suited for planting in like soils and under similar climatic conditions ; in fact, very often it is not. Seed from comparatively poor soil may do best on rich soil, or that raised in the East may do best when sown in the West. Only study and personal experience on the part of each factory manager can determine what seed is best suited for the conditions in his region." Fertilizers for the Sugar- Beet. " Professor Schneidewind, the German beet expert, has made extensive experiments with fertilizers for beets and he has come to the con- clusion that the views of the different experts in regard to the value of these fertilizers which are best suited to beets can never be considered as correct, because the plant foods at the disposal of the root have a very different effect in different surroundings, and that it must remain largely for the individual farmer to give each suggestion a fair trial and then draw his own conclusions. The experiments by Schneidewind show that a surface application, Top- Dressing, of Nitrate of Soda (saltpeter) is better suited to beets than any other form of nitric fertilizer, and very much more satisfactory.'* From The American Sugar Industry, 1906. Nitrate of Soda as a Fertilizer for Beets. Mr. E. S. Bumstead, President of the State Beet Growers' Association, of Colorado, has stated that "At Sugar City, near Rocky Ford, beet growers began using Nitrate of Soda as a fertilizer three years ago. 'This was obtained from Chili, South America, and the very first experiment therewith proved so beneficial that it has been in use ever since. " 'Two hundred and thirty-five tons were tried first. The indications were from the outset that just the right thing had been discovered, and my opinion is that this will eventually become a great commercial article. It is reliably told me that 100 pounds of the soda will increase beet tonnage from 2 ^ to j*/2 tons per acre. " With this in view, it can be readily seen that such a fertilizer is not only practical, but quite profitable. This is another case in which science is aiding nature, but science must be good for something." Experiments with Nitrate of Soda. SUGAR BEETS. Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-Beets 5 1 No Phosphoric Acid Potash *..d Fert i lizcr and Potash ^ or Nitrate F>s Or Paul \Vaoner Experiments with Nitrate of Soda SUGAR BEETS. FertiFr/ed with Phosphoric Acid, Potash H oz. Nitrate. ^ol Nitrate 3 Az; Nitrad From 150 to 300 Ibs. Nitrate of Soda per acre islpplied i one* or more dress IHL>^. 1U' Oi: IVuil W;HMH In the experiments with sugar-beets, it will be noticed that the addition of a ration of phosphoric acid and potash to the soil, without Nitrate, actually reduced the yield of sugar-beets. Then as the quantity of Nitrate was increased, the yield of sugar-beets was correspondingly increased. Nitrate of Soda for Sugar-Beets Table Showing Prices of Nitrate of Soda Nitrate of Soda for on the Ammoniate Basis. Sugar-Beets Figured on Basis of 380 Pounds Ammonia in One Ton of Nitrate of Soda. Equivalent Cost Equivalent Cost per Cost Cost per Ammonia Cost of Cwt. of Ammonia ton of per Ib. as Nitrogen Nitrate. per Ton unit. Nitrate. Nitrate. perlb- $2.00 $2.10 $40.00 $0.105 $0.128 2.05 2.16 41.00 0.108 0.131 2.10 2.21 42.00 0.111 0.134 2.15 2.26 43.00 0.113 0.137 220 2.31 44 00 0.116 0.140 2.25 2.37 45.00 0.118 0.144 2.30 2.42 46.00 0.121 0.147 235 2.47 47.00 0.124 0.150 2.40 2.53 48.00 0.126 0.153 245 258 49.00 0.129 0.156 2 50 2.63 50.00 0.132 0.159 2.55 2.68 51.00 0.134 0.162 2.60 2.73 52.00 0.137 0.165 2.65 2.78 53.00 0.140 0.168 2.70 2.83 54.00 0.143 0.171 2.75 2.88 55.00 0.146 0.174 2.80 2.93 56.00 0.149 0.177 2.85 2.98 57.00 0.152 180 2.90 3.03 58.00 0.155 0.183 2.95 3.08 59.00 0.158 0.186 3.00 3.13 60.00 0.160 0.189 This table enables one to compare commercial quota- tions on ammoniates with accuracy. The figures themselves are not quotations in any sense of the word, and ail the figures of the table refer only to one grade of Nitrate of Soda, namely: that containing 15.65 per cent, of Nitrogen, equivalent to 19.00 per cent, of ammonia. It is prepared merely in order that purchasers may compare the price of Nitrate of Soda, which is always quoted by the hundred pounds, with other ammoniates, which are quoted by the ton unit. In the first column, therefore, are given the prices per hundred weight of Nitrate of Soda ; in the second Nitrate of column, the equivalent price of the ammonia per ton unit; Soda for j n fa e third column, the corresponding prices per ton ; in the fourth column, the cost of the contained ammonia per 54 pound, a figure which is always discussed, but almost never explained in Station Bulletins, and in the fifth column are given the corresponding prices of the cost of the Nitro- gen per pound, a figure also much discussed, but not always explained in Bulletins. The important figures to remember are the price per hundred weight, the price per ton and the equivalent price of the ammonia in the Nitrate per ton unit. The table is prepared to cover fluctuations in price running from two dollars per hundred, to three dollars per hundred; or from forty dollars to sixty dollars per ton. Increased Yield per Acre of Crops receiving Nitrate at the rate of 100 pounds to the Acre over those receiving none. Barley . . . . 400 pounds of grain. Corn . . . . . . 280 pounds of grain. Oats ...... 400 pounds of grain. Rye . . . . . . . 300 pounds of grain. Wheat . . . . . 300 pounds of grain. Potatoes . . . . . 3,600 pounds of tubers. Hay . . . . . 1,000 pounds, barn-cured. Cotton . . . . . .500 pounds seed-cotton. Sugar-Beets . . . . . 4,000 pounds of tubers. Beets ...... 4,000 pounds of tubers. Sweet Potatoes . . ... . 3,900 pounds of tubers. Cabbages . . . . . . . 6,100 pounds. Carrots . . . . . . 7,800 pounds. Onions . . .' ... ... 1,800 pounds. Turnips . . ... . . . 37 per cent. Strawberries . 200 quarts. Asparagus . . . . . . 100 bunches. Tomatoes 100 baskets. Celery V 30 per cent. General Directions for Nitrate of Soda for the Use of Nitrate of Soda on Staple Crops. sugar-Beets The use of Nitrate of Soda alone is never recommended, 55 except at the rate of not more than one hundred pounds to the acre. It may be thus safely and profitably used without other fertilizers. It may be applied at this rate as a .Top- Dressing in the Spring of the year, as soon as vegetation be- gins to turn green; or, in other words, as soon as the crops begin new growth. At this rate very satisfactory results are usually obtained without the use of any other fertilizer, and the Soda residual, after the Nitrogenous Ammoniate Food of this chemical is used up by the plant, has a perceptible effect in sweetening sour land. In most of our Grass experiments where Nitrate was used alone at the rate of but One Hundred Pounds per acre, not only was the Aftermath, or Rowen, much improved, but in the subsequent seasons, with nothing applied to the plots, a decidedly marked effect was noticed, even on old meadows. This speaks very well indeed for Nitrate of Soda not leaching out of the soil. The readily soluble elements are the readily available elements. The natural capillarity of soils doubtless is, in most instances, a powerful factor in retaining all readily soluble elements of fertility. If this were not so, all the fertility of the world in our humid regions would, in a season or two, run into the ocean, and be permanently lost. This is mentioned on account of certain critics having taken the trouble to object to the use of Nitrate on the grounds that it would leach away. A case is yet to be seen where the after-effect of Nitrate is not distinguishable, and, in certain cases, such effects have been most marked. When it is desired to use a larger amount than one hundred pounds per acre of Nitrate of Soda as a Top- Dressing, or in any other way, there should be present some form of Phosphatic and Potassic Plant Food, and we recom- mend not less than two hundred and fifty pounds of either Acid Phosphate or fine ground Raw Rock, and two hundred and fifty pounds of some high-grade Potash Salt, preferably the Sulphate, or wood ashes in twice this quantity. A much larger amount than one hundred pounds of Nitrate per acre, when used alone on staple crops, is generally sure to give an Nitrate of unprofitable and unbalanced food ration to the plant. For Soda for Market Gardening Crops, Hops or Sugar-Beets, however, somewhat more may be used alone. 5 6 When the above amounts of Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilizers are used, as much as three hundred pounds of Nitrate of Soda may be applied with profit. In applying Nitrate in any ration it is desirable to mix it with an equal quantity of land plaster or fine, dry loam or sand. If you have any reason to suspect adulteration of the Nitrate you may buy, send several pounds of it to your Experiment Station for analysis, giving date of purchase, full name and address of agent, and of the Company which the seller represents. Generally on the Pacific Coast Nitrate may be applied as a Top-Dressing after the heavy Spring rains are over, but before crops attain much of a start. Index. PAGE Acid Phosphate, 15 Almost all Kinds of Soil Suitable for Sugar-Beets, ., . 26 " American Sugar Industry, 1906," 50 Ammonia, Beets Need, 21 Ammoniates, All Converted into Nitrates, 22 Amount of Nitrate to be Used Depends Upon the Soil,. 22 Arizona Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 51, Illus., 6 Average Yield per Acre in Colorado, 30 Beet Drills, . . . 12 Beets Need Ammoniates, 21 Beets Require Deeper Tilth, , 10 Beet, The, 34 Beet, The Leaf or Top, 33 Beet Soil, 7 Best Use of Nitrogen Requires an Abundance of Phosphoric Acid in the Soil, 15 Best Time and Method to Apply Nitrate, 42 Broadcasting, 35 California Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 176, Illus., 27 Clay Loam Soil, 43, 46 Climate, 7 Cold Soils, 10 Cold the Greatest Enemy, 9 Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, Abstract from Bulletin No. 115, by A. H. Danielson, 30 Colorado Soils, 37 Comparison of Nitrate Nitrogen and Ammonia Nitrogen, 46 Comparison of Plots, 47 Condition of the Land, 38 Cost of Application, 30 Cultivation, Deep, 10 Deep Cultivation and Thorough Weeding, 10, 13 Desirable Types of Sugar-Beets, Illus., 18 Drainage, 9 Drainage, Good, a Necessity, 26 Drills, 35 Early Planting, 43 Elements the Soil Needs to Grow Crops, 36 Effect of Nitrate of Soda Upon the Soil 39 Effect of Nitrogenous Fertilizers on Sugar-Beets, 29 Equality of Yields, 12 Excessive Quantities not Recommended, 38 Farmers' Bulletin No. 251, J. E. W. Tracy, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, 49 Farm-yard Manure, Kinds to Use, . . 28 Fertilizer Experiments at Neapolis, Ohio, 47 Fertilizer for Sugar-Beets, 5 Fifth Requisite is Deep Cultivation, I o PAGE First Requisite is Suitable Climate, 7 Formula for Sugar-Beets, 25 Functions of Nitrate of Soda in Sugar-Beet Growing, 5 General Directions for Staple Crops, 54 Heavy Clay Soils, 8 Home Mixed Fertilizers, 43 How Much Nitrate is Best to be Used, 40 How Other Ammoniates Act, 23 How to Apply Nitrate, 29 How to Select Varieties, 1 6 Importance of Weeding, 13 Intensive Use of Nitrate of Soda, 21 Introduction, 5 Illustrations, 6, n, 17, 18, 27, 28, 32, 34, 39, 41, 51, 52 Judicious Drainage, 9 Land, Condition of, 36 Large Losses of Ammonia when Ordinary Ammoniates Are Used, . . 22, 29 Lecture, Extracts from, Delivered by Dr. Maercker, Government Privy Councillor, German Agricultural Association, on the Profitable Cultivation of the Sugar-Beet and Other Crops by the Use of Nitrate of Soda, 5 Lime in the Soil, a Requisite, 9 Lime to Modify Clay Soils, 8 Lime, Use of, 8 Maturing of Beets, 33 Map Showing Temperature Zone in Which the Sugar-Beet Attains its Greatest Perfection, 52 Michigan Bulletin No. 1 97, 44 Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 179, 43 More Liberal Use of Fertilizers, 12 Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Extract from Bulletin No. 73, 48 Necessary Outlay, 1 1 , 12 Nitrate Indispensable, 23 Nitrate of Soda, 5, 21, 23, 29, 33 Nitrate Nitrogen vs. Ammonia Nitrogen, 46 Nitrate of Soda as a Fertilizer for Beets, by E. S. Bumstead, President of State Beet Growers' Association, 50 Nitrate Used With Judgment, 20 Nitrate the Most Suitable, 19 Nitrogen of Nitrate of Soda Most Effective, 19, 39 Nitrogenous Food Necessary, 21 Ohio Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 132, Sugar-Beet Investigations, by John W. Ames, 47 Phosphoric Acid, 14 Practical Suggestions, 34 Price of Beet Tops, 33 Profitable Cultivation of Sugar-Beets, . . 5 Progress of the Beet Sugar Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 49 Residual Effects of Manures and Fertilizers, 33 PAGE Results (Colorado Station), 30 Results on Black Sand, 48 Results of Three Years' Experiments in Michigan, 44 Returns on Beets, 42 Right Use of Hoe, 13 Root System of Sugar-Beets, Illus., 1 1 Row Irrigation of Sugar-Beets, California Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 176, 28 Second Requisite, 7 Showing Root System of Sugar-Beets and Great Extent of Feeding, California Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 176, 27 Soils Hungry for Nitrogen, 24 Soils Suitable for Cultivation, 7 Sub-Soil, 8 Sugar-Beets for Profit, 26 Sugar-Beet Investigation by J. D. Towar, . . 43 Sugar-Beet Investigations, 47 Sugar-Beets Must be Ripe, 21 Summary, 26 Table of Fertilizer Experiments on Black Sand at Neapolis, Ohio, .... 47 Table of Nitrate of Soda as Compared with Sulphate of Ammonia, . . 44 Table Showing Prices of Nitrate of Soda on the Ammoniate Basis, .... 53 Table of Yields of Beets, Percentage of Sugar and Pounds of Sugar per Acre, 46 The Beet, 34 The Beet, and Leaf or Top, 33 The Progress of the Beet Sugar Industry in America, from Report No. 80, United States Department of Agriculture, Page 175, ... 49 Third Requisite, 8 Time and Method of Application, 29 Topping Beets, Illus., 39 Types of Soil Not Restricted, 8 Undesirable Types of Sugar-Beets, Illus., 17 Use of Drill and Hoe, 12 Use of Farm-yard Manure, 19 Use of Nitrate of Soda on Sugar-Beets in Colorado, 35 Use of Sieve or Screen for Breaking Lumps, 42 Varieties, How to Select, 1 6 Varying Types of Sugar-Beets, Illus., 32 Warm Soil' Best, 26 Weighing Samples in Nitrate Experiments, Illus., 41 What Elements a Soil Needs to Grow Crops, 36 What is Best for Sugar-Beets, 37 What Returns to Expect, 42 What the Michigan Authorities Say, 43 When and How to Use Nitrate, 38 Where and How to Use Nitrate, 38 Will Nitrate Injure the Quality of the Beet or Soil, 38 Without Nitrate the Profitable Cultivation Cannot be Carried On. ... 23 Yields from Plots, 1/20 of an Acre, , 47 >: v :' v^ i . < . .- T - -"-' - ' $ *J X^>|OMMUNICATIONS received from farmers and prospective consumers interested in the use of ^^-** Nitrate of Soda, who are unable to secure it in their immediate vicinity, will be referred to reliable dealers who will furnish them with this special fertilizer* Formulas and valuable information sent free* Below will be found a list of pamphlets relating to the use of Nitrate of Soda as a fertilizer, which will be furnished gratis to persons desiring information upon any of the subjects named* Cultivation of Citrus Fruits. * Field Experiments on Market Garden Crops. Food for Plants. * Notes on Four Years' Experiments. Sugar-Beets for Profit. Olive Culture. * Market Gardening with Nitrate. The Cultivation of the Sugar Cane. The Cultivation of Tobacco. The Cultivation of Cotton. Coffee Planting. Grass Growing for Profit. * Included in " Food for Plants." WILLIAM S. MYERS, F. C. S., Director Nitrate Propaganda John Street and 71 Nassau, New York THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. DEC 2 1936 LD 21-100m-8,'34 DU 274380 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY