.^^^ \ Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2006 witli funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/completecookplaiOOsandricli THE COMPLETE COOK. PLAIN AND PRACTICAL DIKECTIONS FOR COOKING AND HOUSEKEEPING; WITH UPWARDS OF SEVEN HUNDRED RECEIPTS: CONSISTING OP DIRECTIONS FOR THE CHOICE OF MEAT AND POULTRY PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING, MAKING OF BROTHS AND SOUPS; BOILING, ROASTING, BAKING, AND FRYING OF MEATS, FISH, &c. SEASONINGS, COLOURINGS, COOKIiVG VEGETABLES ; PREPARING SALADS, CLARIFYING; MAKING OF PASTRY, PUDDINGS, GRUELS, GRAVIES, GARNISHES, &c. AND, WITH GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING WINES. WITH ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS, BY J. M. SANDERSON, Of the Fiunklin House. PHILADELPHIA: LEA AND BLANCHARD. 1846. .^ J^c-,^^^*-^ ^f.-^- Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1843, by LEA AND BLANCHARD, in the clerk's office of the district court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. J. FA&AN, STEREOTYPER. J. AND W. KITE, PRINTERS. (8) THE PREFACE TO ENGLISH EDITION. LIBRARY The following work has been written, not only with the view o* furnishing a complete Cookery Book, but also for the purpose of in structing, in a simple manner, inexperienced mistresses and servants, in the elementary principles of the culinary science ; not losing sight of endeavouring to inculcate the relative duties of the employer and the employed. Almost the only cookery book in our language, ia which reasons are given for the doctrine laid down, is " The Cook's Oracle,'' by the late Dr. Kitchiner. The Doctor's work, though ex- ceedingly valuable, is a book fitted more for the improvement of the initiated, than for the instruction of those who possess no knowledge of the subject. There are many other books of cookery to which exceptions might be taken, but we have no wish to enhance our own^ work by depreciating the labours of others. We have done our best to produce a book, which all who can read may understand, and by which all may be instructed. Dr. Kitchiner says, in his " Rudiments," and says truly, " I have taken much more pains than any of my pre- decessors to teach the young cook how to perform, in the best manner, the common business of her profession." In our " rudiments" we have endeavoured to teach that which a woman should know before Bhe can be called a " young cook," as well as that which a young cook has to learn. To conclude ; ours is a book intended for the use of persons who keep servants, and those who keep none. If we give expensive re- ceipts, we also show, that good, substantial dishes, and the most deli- cate, may be prepared at as little, or even less, expense than the ordinary, or common preparations of food. In our receipts, in particu- lar, we have written, necessarily written, many things which have been written before, but we feel assured that, taken as a whole, our work will not be found devoid of originality. For the art of baking, and all the little knick-knacks of fancy bread, such as biscuits, sweet cakes, &c., and for confectionary, we refer our readers to two little works, by the Editor of " The Cook," called "The Baker," and "The Confectioner,"* which form part of the series of "Industrial Guides." * " The Baker" and " Tho Confectioner" will shortly be published by Lo3 & Blaiichard, at 25 cents, in one volume. 1* (3) PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION It is said that " Good wine needs no bush," and according to the same rule a good book should require no apology, (as a preface generally appears to be). In this instance, as we are not the author, we intend to devote the small space allowed us, to the praise of this our adopted work ; for, of all the English books on this subject, none, according to our ideas, possess half the claims to public approval as this one does. The author, whoever he is, is certainly a proficient in his business ; and, although making no pretensions to a literary character, has laid down his rules and precepts in a clear and concise manner. Very few additions or alterations have been made in this work ; in fact none, excepting where circumstances rendered it necessary; it being considered best to send it forth to the Ame- rican world with all its beauties untouched ; at the same time we wish it to be understood that we do so, not because the subject is a barren one ; on the contrary, were we to condense all the necessary information we have on this science, we should swell our small book to the dignity of a three-volumed work ; but, by so doing, we should place it beyond the reach of that class to whom its precepts will prove most valuable. We hav therefore concluded, after due reflection, to leave such labours alone until we have more time and experience. The American stomach has too long suffered from the vile concoctions inflicted on it by untutored cooks, guided by sense- less and impracticable cook-books ; and it is to be hoped, that 1** (5) VI PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. as this subject is now becoming more important in these days of dyspepsia, indigestion, dec, a really good book will be well patronised, and not only read, but strictly followed ; and let it not be said hereafter that " the American kitchen is the worst in the world." As we have made but few alterations or improvements, we do not consider it at all necessary to offer to the public any apology for our seeming presumption in thus undertaking, at our age, to edit a work which we think requires little improve- ment, and consequently no great degree of talent on our part. Should we ever undertake anything original, we shall then act with more humility. All that we ask, in the present case, is the wide and extended use of the " Complete Cook." THE COMPLETE COOK. RELATIVE DUTIES OF MISTRESS AND MAID. In this our little work, we more particularly address ourselves to Cook Maids in small families, where two maid servants only are kept, and where, consequently, all the business of the kitchen falls upon the cook, both as regards cleaning and cooking. In such families, it is true, the mistress in the house will take a part in the business of cooking upon herself; a most laudable custom, both as regards eco- nomy, and the real interests of the cook maid. To such mistresses, particularly the younger portion, it is hoped our little book will not be unacceptable. Cooking is neither a mean, nor a simple art. To make the best and the most of everything connected with the suste- nance of a family, requires not only industry and experience, but also considerable mental capacity, or, at any rate, an aptness to learn. One of the principal, if not the principal, requisite, in a cook, ia order — that faculty by which a person is enabled to keep all things in their proper places. Without order there can be no cleanliness, an- other indispensable requisite in a cook : to be always cleaning, is not to be clean. There are some foolish, fussy women, who, with all the disposition on earth to be clean, not having order, dirty one thing aa fast as they clean another. Nor is order an essential requisite, aa regards the cleanliness of a kitchen, and of kitchen utensils, only; in dressing food, without order there can be no good cooking. VVe have said, that the mistress will take a part in a small family in the business of cooking. We, perhaps, should have rather said, ought to take a part; for we are sorry to say, that there is too much reason to believe, that good housewifery is much neglected in the educating of young ladies now-a-days. If a mistress be really not acquainted with the general principles of cooking, she ought to do one of two things — either to make herself acquainted with them aa an humble learner, or to keep out of the kitchen altogether; for her ignorant interference with a good cook maid will do no good, but may do a great deal of harm. And while on this subject we must give a word of friendly advice to the unfortunate cook, who may happen to fall in with an ignorant, irritable mistress. Let her take care to refrain from going into a passion with her: if the. mistress scolds, let the maid be mild ; and above all, let her not scold again, or answer in an angry or insulting manner. This is a hard thing to do, we are aware, particularly where a servant feels herself injured ; but if she can do it, she will not only gain the victory over her mistress, but she (13) 14 THE COMPLETE COOK. will also feel a consciousness, a happy consciousness .-ying left- undone those things which she ought not to have don ^ and of having done those things which she ought to have done. But if the tempera and habits of the mistress and maid are incompatible to that good un- derstanding which ought always to subsist between the employer and the empJoyed, the best course for the servant t/v do is, to give notice and leave. Let not this, however, be done m anger : before giving Vv'arning, let her consult her pillow. It has been well observed, that it behoves every person to be ex- tremely careful whom she takes into her service; to be very minute in investigating the character she receives, and equally cautious and scrupulously just in giving one to others. Were this attended to, many bad people would be incapacitated for doing mischief, by abusing the trust reposed in them. It may be fairly asserted, that the robbery, or waste, which is but a milder epithet for the unfaithfulness of a servant, will be laid to the charge of that master or mistress, who knowing, or having well-founded suspicions, of such faults, is prevail- ed upon by false pity, or entreaty, to slide him, or her, into another place. There are, however, some who are unfortunately capricious, and often refuse to give a character, because they are displeased that a servant leaves their service \ but this is unpardonable, and an abso- lute robbery ; servants having no inheritance, and depending on their fair name for employment. To refuse countenance to the evil, and to encourage the good servant, are actions due to society at large ; and such as are honest, frugal and attentive to their duties, should be liberally rewarded, which would encourage merit, and inspire ser- vants with zeal to acquit themselves well. Servants should always recollect, that everything is provided lor them, without care and anxiety on their part. They run no risks, are subject to no losses, and under these circumstances, honesty, in- dustry, civility, and perseverance, are in the end sure to meet with their reward. Servants possessing these qualifications, by the bless- ing of God, must succeed. Servants should be kind and obliging to their fellow-servants; but if they are honest themselves, they will not connive at dishonesty in others. They who see crimes committed and do not discover them, are themselves legally and morally guilty. At the same time, however, well recollect, that tittle-tattling and tale- bearing, for the sake of getting in your mistress's good graces, at the expense of your fellow-servants, is, to the last degree, detestable. A sensible mistress will always discourage such practices. We have knov^^n servants imagine, that because their employers are kind to them, that because they do not command them to do this or that, but rather snlicit them, that, therefore, they cannot do with- out them, and instead of repaying their good-nature and humanity by gratitude and extra attention, give themselves airs, and become idle and neglectful. Such conduct cannot be too much condemned, and those servants, who practise it, may depend upon it, that, sooner or later, they Vv^ill have cause to repent. Let it be remembered, that vice ft veil as virtue has its reward, though of a very different character. DUTIES OF MISTRESS AND MAID. 15 We shall conclude this our friendly advice to young- cooks, by an extract from the ''Cook's Best Friend,'' by the late Dr. Kitchiner. Nothins^ can be done in perfection, which must be done in a hurry, (except catching of fleas), — '* Therefore," says the Doctor, " if you wish the dinner to be sent up to please your master and mistress, and do credit to yourself, be punctual ; take care, that as soon as the clock strikes the dinner bell rings. This shows the establishment is orderly, is extremely gratifying to the master and his guests, and is most praiseworthy in the attendants. But remember you cannot ob- tain this desirable reputation without good management in every respect; if you wish to ensure ease and independence in the latter part of your life, you must not be unwilling to pay the price for which only they can be obtained, and earn them by a diligent and faithful performance of the duties of your station in your young days, in which if you steadily persevere, you may depend upon ultimately receiving the reward your services deserve." All duties are reciprocal; and if you hope to receive favour, endea- vour to deserve it by showing yourself fond of obliging, and grateful when obliged. Such behaviour will win regard, and maintain it; enforce what is right, and excuse what is wrong. Quiet, steady perseverance, is the only spring which you can safely depend upon infallibly to promote your progress on the road to inde- pendence. If your employers do not immediately appear to be sensible of your endeavours to contribute your utmost to their comfort and interests, be not easily discouraged; persevere, and do all in your power to MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL. Endeavour to promote the comfort of every individual in the family; let it be manifest that you are desirous to do rather more than is re- quired of you, than less than your duty; they merit little who perform nothing more than what would be exacted. If you are desired to help in any business that may not strictly belong to your department, un- dertake it cheerfully, patiently, and conscientiously. The foregoing advice has been written with an honest desire to augment the comfort of those in the kitchen, who will soon find, that the ever-cheering reflection of having done their duly to the utmost of their ability, is in itself, with a Christian spirit, a never-failing source of comfort in all circumstances and situations, and that " Virtue is its own reward." Having thus briefly touched upon the relative duties of mistress and maid, we shall now proceed to make some general remarks (and though general, we think them most important) as respects the busi- ness of Cooking as an art, or, more properly speaking, as a science. 16 THE COMPLETE COOK. INTRODUCTORY GENERAL REMARKS ON COOKERY— IM PORTANCE OF GOOD COOKERY AS REGARDS HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE. It is an old, and somewhat vulgar sayingf, thoug-h very expressive, that '* God sends meat, and the devil cooks." This adage shows, that cooking has always been considered of some importance in this coun- try, even among the lowest classes of society. A great deal too little attention, however, is paid to the art of preparing food for the use of those who eat; and we think we may say, without much exaggera- tion, that in many families, even to this day, one-half of their moat ia wasted, and the other half spoilt. But the mere waste arising from this system of cooking, or rather want of system, is not the greatest evil, though this is an enormous one; the diseases that badly dressed food occasions to^he stomach are even a greater evil than the one to which we have first referred. A bad cook will turn that which waa intended by the Giver of all good for the nourishment of the body into a sort of poison. The functions of the stomach, when loaded with crude, undressed, or half-dressed meat, are unable to digest it. Hence the stomach is not only injured, but a train of diseases is engendered, sufficient to render one's life miserable. From the cause alluded to arises acidity, or sourness of the stomach, which gives rise again to heart-burns, hiccups, flatulencies, or wind ; which again creates paina in the stomach and head, and, indeed, in other parts of the body. Then again we have, from the same cause, the various descriptiona of nightmare, horrid dreams, and restless nights. Country people, in agricultural districts in particular, think themselves, when so afflicted, bewitched, or possessed by the devil, when, in fact, if pos- sessed at all, they are possessed by bad cookery and indigestible diet. Instead of resorting to charms, such persons ought to resort to a dose of opening medicine, and take care to eat food which is not spoilt by dressing. But the greatest of all ills by which we can be afflicted, ill-dressed, indigestible food will bring about — intellectual confusion — ■ perhaps madness — for be assured, that a deranged stomach is always, more or less, accompanied with a deranged head. In support of these opinions we might adduce many authorities of the highest reputation, but wo shall content ourselves with the fol- lowing : — " It cannot be doubted," says Dr. Choyne, " that the clear, ready, and pleasant exercise of the intellectual ftcultits, and their easy and undisturbed application to any subject, is never to be obtain- ed but by a free, regular performance of the natural functions, which the lightest (most digestible) food can only procure." Again, Dr. Cheyne says, " he that would have a clear head must have a clean stomach. It is sufficiently manifest how much uncomfortable feelinga of the bowels affect the nervous system, and how immediately and completely the general disorder is relieved by an alvine evacuation." Then we have the testimony of Abernethy, who says, "we cannot reasonably expect tranquillity of the nervous system, whilst there is INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 17 disorder of the digestive organs. As we can imbibe no permanent source of strength but from the digestion of our food, it becomes im- portant on this account, that we should attend to its quantity, quality, and the periods of taking it, with a view to ensure its proper diges- tion." But what says Dr. Kitchiner, who was an able physician, and the most learned and scientific writer upon the culinary art 1 " The stomach," he asserts, "is the main-spring of our system; if it be not sufficiently wound up to warm and support the circulation, the whole business of life will, in proportion, be inefiectually performed — we can neither think with precision — walk with vigour— sit down with com- fort — nor sleep with tranquillity. There would be no difficulty in proving, that it influences (much more than people imagine) all our actions." " One of the greatest, perhaps the greatest, moral writers of our age, Dr. Samuel Johnson, was a man," says Boswell, " of very nice discrimination in the science of cookery." He often remarked, " that some people have a foolish way of not minding, or pretending not to mind, what they eat ; for my part, I mind my belly very studiously and very carefully, and I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind any thing else." To this, Kitchiner adds, "the Doctor might have sa.\d, cannot mind any thing else." The energy of our brains is sadly dependent on the behaviour of our bowels. Those who say, 'tis no matter what we eat, or what we drink, may as well say, 'tis no matter whether we eat, r r whether we drink. Again, as to the relative importance of cookery as a science. Mr. Sylvester, in his Domestic Economy^ says, that it is not difficult to foresee, that this department of philosophy must become the most popular of all others, because every class of human beings is inter- ested in its result." Again, the same writer says, " if science can really contribute to the happiness of mankind, it must be in this de- partment. The real comfort of the majority of men in this country is sought for at their own fire-sides : how desirable then it becomes to give every inducement to be at home, by directing all the means of philosophy to increase domestic happiness I" Dr. Waterhouse, in his Lectures, thus speaks of the stomach : — " The faculty the stomach has of communicating the impressions made by the various substances that are put into it is such, that it seems more like a nervous expansion from the brain than a mere receptacle for food." From allusions in the great Milton's writings, it is quite evident, that he appreciated the science of cookery highly. Speaking of phi- losophy, he says, " 'Tis a perpetual feast of nectar'd sweets, Where no crude surfeit reigns." Again, " That which is not good is not delicious To a well-govern'd and wise appetite." But we have better evidence than these allusions, of Milton's at- 18 T H E C O M P L E T E C O O K. tachment to nicely dressed dishes. In his brother's, the judge's testimony, in support of a nuncupative will, which it was alleged he made before his death in favour of his third and last wife, a passage occurs, to the effect, that, approving of his dinner on a certain occasion, he said, "this will do; get something nice for me to eat, for when I am gone it will be all your's." We quote from memory. The cele- brated Dr. Parr, the great Grecian and theologian, was much attached to good eating himself, and thought it very necessary, both for the liealth of the body and the mind. A few weeks before his death, for he was perfectly conscious that he had but a short time to live, he made arrangements for his funeral ; and, amongst other things, he prepared a bill of fare for his funeral dinner. The dishes were all cold. He expressed his regret to a clerical friend of ours, that he could not give them a hot dinner, "but that is impossible," he said, **for there is not convenience in the house to cook for so large a number. I am much afraid," he continued, " lest you parsons should get a hot dinner for yourselves, and leave the poor laymen to the cold meat; but I should be very angry if I could know it. I always liked to take care of my own stomach, and of other people's. If that ia wrong, nothing can be right." There are people who imagine, that it is beneath the dignity of a philosopher to trouble himself about eating; such a one vi'as that gay fribble of a marquis, who, finding Descartes enjoying himself over a good dinner, exclaimed, " Hey ! what, do you philosophers eat dain- ties?" "Do you think," replied Descartes, "that God made good things only for fools'?" There is a point with regard to the importance of good cookery, upon which we have not touched, though one of first-rate consequence, namely, temperance, from the neglect of which so many, and such deadly, evils arise. Let a man load his stomach with crude, indi- gestible food, that is, ill-dressed meats or other substances, and what is the consequence 1 he feels ill — in fact, he is ill — his mind does not possess its proper vigour and elasticity ; in one word, the whole man, mind and body, is disordered — unhinged. He seeks relief in spirits, and he obtains it, perhaps, temporarily. Hence is the beginning of dram drinking, and all its concomitant evils; which it would fill a volume to enumerate. The members of temperance societies, and the promoters of temperance in general, would do well to turn their attention to this point, and we think they will agree with us on the importance of diffusing the art of cookery — the art of preparing good and wholsome food — as widely as possible among the people. In this country we have the best of all descriptions of butcher's meat in the world, and, with a few exceptions, the worst cooks. If the poor, half-fed meats of France, were dressed as our cooks, for the most part, dress our well-fed excellent meats, they would be absolutely uneatable. In France, the cooks, both private and public, contrive to make most excellent and easily digestible food, out of substances that we should throw away, as perfectly incapable of being rendered fit to eat, or at least palatable. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 19 It hiiS been proved by Dr. Prout, that sugar, butler, or oil, and white of egg, or substances partaking- of their nature, form the chief alimentary food of man. The saccharine, or sugary principle, in its extended sensf, is mostly derived from vegetables. A proper know- ledge of these principles forms the basis, or foundation, of French cookery, or, indeed, every other good system of cookery. It does not follow, however, that it is necessary that a cook should understand these things philosophically, so as to be able to give a reason for them. It is sufficient for him or her to take for granted the maxims or rules that have been deduced from them, and act accordingly. In France, most substances intended for food are exposed, by means of oil or butter, or grease, in a frying-pan, to a heat of 600^^ Fahren- heit, that is, nearly three times hotter than boiling water. This ia done by frying, or by some other method similar to frying. They are then put into a macerating or stewing vessel, with a little water, and kept for several hours at a temperature, or heat, below the boiling point; that is to say, the liquid is never allowed to bubble up, nor yet scar<;ely to simmer. By these united processes, it has been clearly proved, that the most hard and tough substances, whether vegetable or animal, are, more or less, reduced to a state of pulp, fit for the action of the stomach, and consequently for easy digestion. In this country, the majority of cooks, particularly in small families, toss the meat into a large quantity of water, make the water boil as speedily as possible, and as fast as possible; and foolishly imagine, that it will be sooner and better done. But what is the consequence? The outside of the meat is rendered so tough, that it will not admit the heat to penetrate the inside, which remains undone, and the result is, that both the outside and inside meat are spoilt, or at least greatly damaged, both as respects flavour and wholesomeness. Here an anecdote occurs to us, which, though it has been before related, will serve to illustrate our subject. An Irishman was ordered by hia master to boil him an egg for his breakfast, and was particularly en- joined to boil it soft. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the master inquired after his egg^ which, however, was not forthcoming ; the servant was seeing about it. Another five minutes elapsed, when the impatient master was coolly told his egg was not done — "Yer honour told me to bile it soft, and sure I've biled it a qua rter of an houi , and it is as hard as ever." Our ignorant, and too often unteachable, cook maid, would laugh at the simplicity of the Irishman — not considering that the very means she uses to make meat tender and palatable, that is, fast boiling, are just as absurd as those taken by Paddy to boil an egg soft. There is no rule, they say, without an exception ; but, generally speaking, ill-dressed meats, or even solid food well-dressed, taken in large quantities, are indigestible. It is a mistake to imagine, that people \yho take violent exercise in the open air, are always free from indigestion, and those numerous diseases to which it gives rise. That they^re not so liable as those confined to a house, or a workshop ia true ; and there are some stomachs that appear to be able to digest 20 THE COMPLETE COOK. any thing; but these are exceptions to the general rule — they do not aftect the truth of the rule itself. PHILOSOPHICAL COOKERY.—COUNT ROMFORD. The first person, perhaps, with any pretensions to learning and philosophy, who studied the dressing of meat, for food, as a science, was a gentleman of the name of Thompson, who was afterwards created Count Romford, by one of the German princes. This excel- lent and ingenious individual lived in the last century. He demon- strated, by experiments, the principles which in our foregoing remarks we have merely asserted. We are about to give an abstract of some of his observations and experiments on this subject, which are so Bimply and clearly detailed, that they are perfectly intelligible to every common intellect, and we are sure will be read with interest and advantage, not only by cooks, but also by all classes of persons interested in the health and welfare of society at large. The process by which food is most commonly prepared for the table — BOILING — is so familiar to every one, and its efTeets are so uniform, and apparently so simple, that few have taken the trouble to inquire how, or in what manner, these effects are produced ; and whether any and what improvements in that branch of cookery are possible. So little has this matter been made an object of inquiry, that few, very few indeed, it is believed, among the millions of 'persons who for so many ages have been daily employed in this process, have ever given themselves the trouble to bestow one serious thought on the subject. The cook knows from experience, that if his joint of meat be kept a certain time immersed in boiling water it will be done, as it is called ir -he language of the kitchen; but if he be asked ivhat is done to it? or how, or by what agency, the change it has undergone has been effected ^ if he understands the question, it is ten to one but he will be embarrassed ; if he does not understand it, he will probably an- swer, without hesitation, that " the meat is made tender and eatable by being boiled.'''' Ask him if the boiling of the water be essentia' to the success of the process 1 he will answer, " without doubt* Push him a little farther, by asking him whether, were it possible U keep the water equally hot without boiling, the meat would not be cooked as soon and as well, as if the water were made to boil 1 Here it is probable that he will make the first step towards acquiring know ledge, by learning to doubt. When you have brought him to see the matter in its true light, ani to confess, that in this view ofit,the subject is new to him, you may venture to tell him (and to prove to him, if you happen to have a ther mometer at hand,) that water which just boils is as hot as it can pos sibly be made in an open vessel. That all the fuel which is used in making it boil with violence is wasted, without adding in the smalle.sj degree to the heat of the water, or expediting or shortening the pro- cesf^ofcookinga single instant: that it is by the heat — i\fi intensity — and the time of its duration, that the food is cooked ; and not by boiling PHILOSOPHICAL COOKERY. 21 or ebullition or bubbling up of the water, which has no part whatever in that operation. Should any doubts still remain with respect to the inefficacy and inutility of boiling, in culinary processes, where the same degree of heat may be had, and be kept up without it, let a piece of meat be cooked in a Papin's digester, which, as is well known, is a boiler whose cover (which is fastened down with screws) shuts with so much nicety that no steam can escape out of it. In such a closed vessel, boiling (which is nothing else but the escape of steam in bub- bles from the hot liquid) is absolutely impossible; yet, if the heat ap- plied to the digester be such as would cause an equal quantity of water in an open vessel to boil, the m.eat will not only be done, but it will be found to be dressed in a shorter time, and to be much tenderer, than if it had been boiled in an open boiler. By applying a still greater degree of heat to the digester, the meat may be so much done in a very few minutes as actually to fall to pieces, and even tha very bones may be made soft. Were it a question of mere idle curiosity, whether it be the boiling of water, or simply the degree of heat that exists in boiling water by which food is cooked, it would doubtless be folly to throw away time in its investigation ; but this is far from being the case, for boiling cannot be carried on without a very great expense of fuel ; but any boiling hot liquid (by using proper means for confining the heat) may be kept boiling hot for any length of time, without any expense of fuel at all. The waste of fuel in culinary processes, which arises from making liquids boil unnecessarily, or when nothing more would be necessary than to keep them boiling hot, is enormous ; there is not a doubt but that much more than half the fuel used in all the kitchens, public and private, io the whole world, is wasted precisely in this manner. But the evil does not stop here. This unscientific and slovenly manner of cooking renders the process much more laborious and trou- blesome than otherwise it would be ; and (what by many will be con- sidered of more importance than either the waste of fuel, or the increase of labour to tiiO cook) the food is rendered less savoury, and very probably less nourishing, and certainly less wholesome. It is natural to suppose that many of the fiiner and more volatile parts of food (those which are best calculated to act on the organs of taste) must be carried off with the steam, when the boiling is violent : but the fact does not rest on these reasonings : it is proved to a de- monstration, not only by the agreeable fragrance of the steam that rises from vessels in which meat is boiled, but also from the strong flavour and superior quality of soups which are prepared by a long process over a very slow, gentle fire. But the volatile parts of food are not only delightful to the organs of taste — the Editor has no doubt that they are also stimulating and refreshing to the stomach. In many countries where soups constitute the principal part of the food of the inhabitants, the process of cooking lasts from oi^e meal time to another, and is performed almost without either trouble or expense. 22 THE COMPLETE COOK. As soon as the soup is served up, the ingredients for the next meal are put into the pot (which is never suffered to cool, and does not re- quire scouring;) and this pot, which is of cast iron, or of earthenware, being well closed with its thick wooden cover, is placed hy the side of the Jire, where its contents are kept simmering for many hours, but are seldom made to boil, and never but in the gentlest manner possible. Were the pot put in a close fire-place (which might easily be con- structed, even with the rudest materials, with a few bricks or stone, or even with sods, like a camp-kitchen,) no arrangement for cooking could well be imagined more economical or more convenient. Soups prepared in this way are uncommonly savoury, and there is little doubt that the true reason why nourishing soups and broths are not more in use among the common people in most countries, is because they do not know how good they really are, nor how to prepare them \ in short because they are not acquainted with them. There is another important reason which the Editor must add — the common people for the most part cannot spare time from their labour to stay at home and attend to them. To form a just idea of the enormous waste of fuel that arises from making water boil and ei;«j?ora^e unnecessarily in culinary processes^ we have only to consider how much heat is expended in the forma lion of steam. Now it has been proved by the most decisive and un exceptionable experiments that have ever been made by experimental philosophers, that if it were possible that the heat which actually combines with water, in forming steam (and which gives it wings to fly up into the atmosphere,) could exist in the water, without changing it from a dense liquid to a rare elastic vapour, this water would ba neated by it to the temperature of red-hot iron. Many kinds of food are known to be most delicate and savoury when cooked in a degree of heat considerably below that of boiling water; and it is more than probable that there are others which would be im- proved by being exposed to a heat greater than that of boiling water. In many of the seaport tov^^ns of our New England States, it has been a custom, time immemorial, among people of fashion, to dine one day in the week (Saturday) on salt fish, and a long habit of preparing the same dish has, as might have been expected, led to very considerable improvements in the art of cooking it. We have often heard foreigners who have partaken of these dinners, declare that they never tasted salt fish dressed in such perfection. The se- cret of this cooking is to keep the fish a great many hours in water, which is just scalding hot, but which is never made actually to boil. The Count being desirous of finding out whether it was possible to roast meat with a much gentler heat than that usually employed, put a shoulder of mutton in a machine contrived for drying potatoes: tho result, which we give in the Count's own words, was as follows : "After trying the experiment for three hours, and finding it showed no signs of being done, it was concluded that the heat was not suffi- ciently intense, and, despairing of success, it was abandoned to tho cookmaids. PHILOSOrillCAL COOKERY. 23 "It beinjT late in the evening, and the cookmaids thinking-, per* haps, that the meat would be as safe in the drying machine as any where else, left it there all night; when they came in the morning to take it away, intending to cook it for their dinner, they were much surprised to find it already cooked^ and not merely eatable, but per- fectly done, and most singularly well tasted. This appeared to them the more miraculous, as the fire under the machine was quite gone out before they left the kitchen in the evening to go to bed, and as they had locked up the kitchen when they left it and taken the key. This wonderful shoulder of mutton was immediately brought in tri- umph, and though we were at no great loss to account for what had happened, yet it certainly was unexpected : and when the meat was tasted we were much surprised indeed to find it very different, both in taste and flavour, from any we had ever tasted. It was perfectly tender, but though it was so much done it did not appear to be in the least sodden or insipid ; on the contrary, it was uncommonly savoury and high-flavoured. It was neither boiled, nor roasted, nor baked. Its taste seemed to indicate the manner in which it had been pre- pared : that the gentle heat to w^hich it had for so long a time been exposed, had by degrees loosened the cohesion of its fibres, and con- cocted its juices, without driving off" their fine and more volatile parts, and without washing away or burning and rendering rancid its oils." Having given an abstract of Romford's opinions and experiments on boiling water as a medium for the preparation of meat for the food of man, we shall now take an opportunity of remarking, that the same rule will not apply to the cooking of the greater part of vegetables, which must be put into the water boiling hot, and which cannot be boiled too quickly. This does not apply, however, to potatoes, which cannot be' boiled too slowly. These things, however, will be treated of more particularly in the receipts, which we shall give for the cookingof different kinds of vegetables. Seasoning is a very important element in the art of cookery. Ex- perience is absolutely necessary to acquire this art, which to be pro- perly done, requires great judgment and delicacy of taste. All the recommendations of Dr. Kitchiner and others to season by weight and measure, as apothecffries serve out drugs, are in the nature of the thing impracticable. "What's one man's meat is another man's poison," is a homely proverb, but a true one. So in seasoning, what one person likes, another may dislike. The writers we have alluded to ridicule the idea of directing the cook to use a pinch of that, and a dust of the other. M. Ude justly observes, " that where the quantities are indefinite, it is impossible to adjust the exact proportions of spice, or other condiments, which it v^ill be necessary to add in order to give the proper flavour." If these remarks are correct, and who can doubt it, the general terms " handful, pinch, and dust," are the best that can be applied as directions upon such a subject. In the use of salt in cooking, considerable judgment is required. The best rule is to employ as little as possible. It is easy to make a dish too fresh, salt ; but if made too salt, it cannot be made fresh 24 THECOMPIiETECOOK. again. Sugar may be applied with advantage in various dishes, where it is not generally used in this country, and which will be enumerated hereafter, but great care must be taken, that in such pre- parations it should be employed to enrich, not to sweeten. The taste of sugar should not predominate, or even be recognised. We allude more particularly to soups and gravies, and in some cases in vegeta- bles, such as green peas for instance. Meat intended to be broiled, or fried, should be well peppered, but never salted ; salt renders it hard. The author of "Domestic Cookery" says, that "salt should not be put into the water in which vegetables are boiled." We dis- agree with this lady ; indeed, she disagrees with herself; for in another part of her book she directs salt to be put into the water in which potatoes are to be boiled ; and we are quite sure it is very necessary in boiling cabbage, savoys, and most other descriptions of greens. It ought to be well understood, that pepper and all descriptions of spice require to be subjected to the action of heat to bring out their genuine flavour. Thus it will be seen, that though it is very prac- ticable to sweeten or salt things after they are dressed, it is not so aa respects flavouring them with spice. In the use of spices it is, how- ever, very important to take care that the aroma (commonly called smell), which they give forth, should not be allowed to evaporate or escape. Druggists and medical men always keep their essential oils, tinctures, volatile spirits and volatile gums, in ground stopper bottles, which are perfectly air-tight. This puts us in mind of a foolish cus- tom, which cannot be too much deprecated, of exposing in the open air aromatic herbs, such as marjoram, thyme, mint, and several otliers, which are known by the general term of sweet herbs, and which are extensively used in seasoning. These herbs ought always to bo kept as much as possible excluded from the air. This may be partially effected by tying the dried herbs in paper bags, but it is much better to reduce the leaves to a coarse powder, and confine it in well-corked bottles. RULES AND MAXIMS OF THE .KITCHEN. In our foregoing remarks we have endeavoured to explain the leading principles upon which the art of cookery is founded — princi- ples with which the young cook should become thoroughly acquainted. We now proceed to lay down a series of rules or maxims, relative to the dressing of meat, and the general management of the kitchen. These rules should be well studied, and the most important of tiiem committed to memory. By doing this a cook will save a great deal of trouble and loss of time, and she will also, by her knowledge of the general principles of the art, be enabled to vary, and probably nn- prove the receipts, which she may have occasion to consult. In short, when she knows what must be always done, and what must nevei be done, she is, in a great measure, mistress of her art, inasmuch as iho details will be easily ac(iuirod by practice. RULES OF THE KITCHEN. 25 WHAT MUST ALWAYS BE DONE, AND WHAT MUST NEVER BE DONE. 1. Keep yourself clean and tidy ; let your hands, in particular, he always clean whenever it is practicable. After a dirty job always wash them. A cleanly cook must wash her hands many times in the course of the day, and will require three or four aprons appropriated to the work upon which she is employed. Your hair must never be blowsy, nor your cap dirty. 2. Keep apart things that would injure each other, or destroy their flavour. 3. Keep every cloth, saucepan and all other utensils to their pro- per use, and when done with, put them in their proper places. 4. Keep every copper stewpan and saucepan bright without, and perfectly clean within, and take care that they are always well tinned. Keep all your dish-covers well dried, and polished ; and to effect tiiis, it will be necessary to wash them in scalding water as soon as removed from the table, and when these things are done let them be hung up in their proper places. 5. The gridiron, frying-pan, spit, dripping-pan, &c., must be per- fectly cleaned of grease and dried before they are put in their proper places. 6. Attention should be paid to things that do not meet the sight in the way that tins and copper vessels do. Let, for instance, the pud- ding cloth, the dish-cloth, and the dish-tub, be always kept perfectly clean. To these may be added, the sieve, the cullender, the jelly- bag, &,c., which ought always to be washed as soon after they are used as may be practicable. 7. Scour your rolling-pin and paste-board as soon after using as possible, but without soap, or any gritty substance, such as sand or brick-dust; put them away perfectly dry. 8. Scour your pickle and preserve jars after they are emptied ; dry them and put them away in a dry place. 9. Wipe your bread and cheese-pan out daily with a dry cloth, and scald them once a week. Scald your salt-pan when out of use, and dry it thoroughly. Scour the lid well by which it is covered when in use. 10. Mind and put all things in their proper places, and then you fi'ill easily find them when they are wanted* 11. You must not poke things out of sight instead of cleaning Ihem, and such things as onions, garlick, &,c., must not be cut with the same knife as is used in cutting meat, bread, butter, &:.c. Milk must not be put in a vessel used for greasy purposes, nor must clear liquids, such as water, &c., be put into vessels, which have been used for milk, and not washed; in short, no vessel must be used for any purpose for which it is not appropriated. 12. You must not suffer any kind of food to become cold in any metal vessel, not even in well-tinned iron saucepans, &c., for they will impart a more or less unpleasant flavour to it. Above all things 2* 36 THE COMPLETE COOK. you must not let liquid food, or indeed any other, remain in brass or copper vessels after it is cooked. The rust of copper or brass is absolutely poisonous, and this will be always produced by moisture and exposure to the air. The deaths of many persons have been occasioned by the cook not attending to this rule. 13. You must not throw away the fat which, when cold, accumu- lates on the top of liquors in which fresh or salt meat has been boiled; in short, you ought not to waste fat of any description, or any thin^, else, that may be turned to account; such as marrow-bones, or any other clean bones from which food may be extracted in the way of Boup, broth, or stock, or in any other way : for if such food will not suit your table, it will suit the table of the poor. Remember, "Wil- ful waste makes woful want." 14. A very essential requisite in a cook is punctuality: therefore rise early, and get your orders from your mistress as early as possible, and make your arrangements accordingly. What can be prepared before the business of roasting and boiling commences should always be prepared. 15. Do not do your dirty work at a dresser set apart for cleanly preparations. Take care to have plenty of kitchen cloths, and mark them so as a duster may not be mistaken for a pudding-cloth, or a knife-cloth for a towel. 16. Keep your spit, if you use one, always free from rust and dust, and your vertical jack clean. Never draw up your jack with a weight upon it. 17. Never employ, even if permitted to do so, any knives, spoons, dishes, cups, or any other articles in the kitchen, which are used in the dining room. Spoons are sure to get scratched, and a knife used for preparing an onion, takes up its flavour, which two or three cleanings will not entirely take away. 18. Take great care to prevent aL preparations which are delicate in their nature, such as custards, blancmange, dressed milks, &c., Sic, from burning to which they are very liable. The surest way to ef- fectually hinder this is to boil them as the carpenter heats his glue, that is, by having an outside vessel filled with water. 19. You ought not to do any thing by halves. What you do, do well. If you clean, clean thoroughly, having nothing to do with the "slut's wipe," and the " lick and a promise." 20. And last, though not leasts be teachable : be always desirous to learn — never be ashamed to ask for information, lest you should ap- pear to be ignorant ; for be assured, the most ignorant are too fre- quently the most self-opinionated and most conceited ; while those who are really well informed, think humbly of themselves, and regret that they know so little. CHOICE AND PURCHASING OF BUTCHERS^ MEAT. Inferior joints of the best animals should always be preferred to the prime joints of the ill-fed or diseased beasts. Inferior joints of good CHOICE OP BUTC hers' MEAT. 27 meat such as stickins^s, legs and shins of beef, shoulders of muttoa and veal, may, if well dressed, be made as nourishing and palatable as the superior joints, and may be bought much cheaper ; but no cooking, however well executed, will ever make bad meat good. Ill-condi tioned beasts, too, are for the most part unhealthy. 21. Beef. — Ox beef is considered, truly, the best.' Bull beef is coarse, tough, and has a strong, disagreeable smell and taste. Next to ox beef, that of a young heifer (if spayed the better) is preferred. Some persons, indeed, think it is the best. It is the most delicate and tender of all description of beef. Cow beef, particularly a young cow that has not had more than two or three calves, is very good. The grain is closer, and the fat whiter, than ox beef. Good beef has a fine, smooth, open grain, interlarded with thin streaks of delicate fat; and is of a deep healthy looking red colour. When the fat is of a dirty yellow colour, the meat is not good : it indicates its having been fed upon artificial food, such as oil cake. Grass-fed meat, or that fed upon hay and corn meal, is the best. When beef is old, a horny streak runs between the fat and lean ; the harder this is, the older the meat. The flesh is not good flavoured, and eats tough. 22. Mutton. — Good mutton is firm in the grain ; of a bright red colour; the lean delicately interlarded with thin streaks of fat; the fat itself being of a brightish white, tinted with a delicate pink. The fat of rotten mutton, in which the sheep was afliicted with a liver disease, is always of a dead white, and the flesh is of a pale colour. Such mutton is both unwholesome and unsavoury. The best way to detect this kind of mutton, is to examine the liver before it is re- moved from the sheep. If the liver be without bladders, or other marks of disease, the mutton is sound. Ewe mutton is not so good aa wether mutton; the flesh is generally paler, and the texture finer. The best mutton is that which is fed upon the natural grasses. This is the reason why the Welsh and mountain Scotch muttons are so firm, short, and sweet. The sheep have liberty to choose their own food. Mutton fed on rape and turnips does not eat so well, nor near BO well, as the grass-fed. Ram mutton has a strong, and, in some seasons of the year, an exceedingly disagreeable flavour. It is said that wether mutton, to be eaten in perfection, should be five years old ; but it is scarcely ever kept to that age. In wether mutton there is a knob of fat on the part of the leg, where in the ewe you will find a part of the udder. 23. Venison when young has the cleft of the haunch smooth and close, and the fat is clear, bright and thick. In old venison, the cleft is wide and tough. If, after running a long, narrow, sharp knife into the lean of venison, it comes out without smelling, the venison is sweet. Some persons like it a little gone, and others a good deal. This state of putrescency is called by gourmands haul gout, high tasted ; we should rather say at once, stinking. Venison requires more keeping than any other sort of meat to make it tender, unless it be dressed immediately it is killed, that is, before it is cold. 24. Veal. — Tins meat, to be truly good, delicate, fine flavoured, and 28 THE COMPLETE COOK. tender, ought not to be more than five or six weeks old, and, of course, fed exclusively upon the milk of the mother. Writers on cookery gravely tell us, that the whiteness of veal is partly caused by the calf licking chalk. This is .nonsense. The chalk is given to prevent calves from scouring, not to make their flesh white. However, whiteness is no proof of veal being good and juicy; it is caused by frequent bleeding. The flesh of the bull calf is said to be the firmest, but not so white. The fillet of the cow calf is sometimes preferred for the udder. The kidney of good veal is well covered with healthy looking fat, thick and firm. The bloody vein in the shoulder should look blue ; if it be of any other colour, the meat is stale. Fresh veal is dry and white. When it is spotty and clammy it is stale. The kidney is gone when the fat or suet upon it is not firm. The kidney goes first. 25. Lamb that is fresh will have the veins bluish in the neck and fore-quarter. If there be a faint smell under the kidney it is not fresh. When the eyes are sunk in the head, it is a sure sign the lamb has been killed too long. Grass lamb, which is the only lamb that is in perfection, comes in in April, but it is better in May and June ; that is to say, when men with hard hands can afford to eat it, and when there are green peas to eat with it. House lamb, for those who can afford to pay for it, and like to eat it, may be obtained all the year round. 26. Pork. — The quality of this kind of meat depends in a great measure upon its feeding. If grossly fed, it is bad, for the pig will eat any thing in the absence of delicate food. Dairy-fed pork we are told is the best: it is good, but we think not the best. To our taste, that is to be preferred in every respect which is fed not merely on dairy food, but upon good wholesome corn meal, whether of barley, oats, peas, or beans. Cookery writers tell us, that "if the rind is tough, and cannot easily be impressed by the finger, the meat is old ;" and they add, that a thin rind is a merit in all pork." These direc- tions are no guide whatever to the choice of pork : the rind may be made thin by dressing, but there are those, and no bad judges either, who prefer thick rinds. Moubray, on Poultry, &c., says^" the west- ern pigs from Berks, Oxford, and Bucks, possess a decided superiority over the eastern of Essex, Sussex, and Norfolk ; not to forget another qualification of the former, at which some readers may smile, a thick- ness of the skin, whence the crackling of the roasted pig is a fine gelatinous substance, which may be easily masticated, whilst the crackling of the thin-skinned breeds is roasted into good block tin, the reduction of which would almost require teeth of iron." So much for thin rinds. When pork is fresh, the flesh will be smooth and dry ; when stale, clammy. What is called measly pork is to be avoided as a poison. It may be known by the fat being full of kernels, and by the general unwholesomeness of its appearance. 27. Bacon is good when the fat is almost transparent and of a de- licate transparent pink tinge. The lean should adhere to the bone, be of a good colour, and tender. Yellow streaks in bacon show it is CHOICE OF POULTRY, EGGS, FISH, i&C. 29 becoming rusty ; when all is yellow, all is rusty and unfit to eat. Bacon and hams are frequently spoilt in the curing. Taste a little of the lean, and you will be able to judge whether it be too salt or not. 28. Hams are the best part of the pig when properly cured, per- fectly sweet, and not too salt. To ascertain whether a ham is tainted, run a sharp knife under the bone, and if it comes out with a pleasant smell, and clean, the ham is good. Summary of Directions. — Choose meat that has a clear red liver, free from knots and bladders, with kidneys firm, close, and well sur- rounded with firm, hard fat ; the skirts which line the ribs should bo full and fat. Meat possessing these qualifications may be depended on as of the first quality ; but if the kidney or kernels of an animal have spots resembling measles, as is too frequently the case with pork, the meat is unwholesome. We have said thus much on the choice of meats, but persons who keep up what is called an establishment, will do best to trust to their butcher, porkman, fishmonger, and poulterer, and not to choose at all, excepting tradesmen, taking care to deal only with the most respect- able in the neighbourhood. CHOICE OF POULTRY, EGGS, AND FISH, AND SEASONS OF FISH. ^^. Povltry of all kinds are preferred of a short thick maW?*broad and plump in the breast and thick in the rump and fat in the back. The epurs should be short as indicating youth, and the comb red as indi- cating health. The beak, bill, and claws, in a young bird will be tender, and the skin of the legs comparatively smooth ; the contrary are certain indications of an old bird. But the best test of a fowl, as respects its age, is to try the two bones which run by the side fef the belly to the vent ; if these are gristly and easily broken at th6^ end, the fowl is young. To judge of the age of geese or ducks, IJltle.or no dependence is to be placed upon the colour of the legs and bills — this varies according to complexion ; but if the bills and feet coarse red streaks, or a tinge of red in them, the bird is old. In yoi geese and ducks the above marks are not to be seen, and the wel will be smooth and thin. 29. Rabbits, young and in good condition, will be fat about the kidneys, and by the side of the belly. The flesh should be white, and if young, the legs will break easily. 30. Fowls are plentiful from August to January ; chickens come in about April, tame ducks in May, continue through the summer months, and go out in October. Young geese may be dressed in the latter end of May and through the summer, but a goose is not thoroughly ripe till after stubbling, that is, about Michaelmas. Tur- key poults are in season from May onwards, but turkeys are in high season about Christmas. 31. Rabbits and Pigeons may be had the year round ; wild rab 30 THECOMPLETECOOK. bits are best in the winter season ; young- pigeons may be had in February, and till September; wood-pigeons in December and January. 32. Game. — Hares, partridges and pheasants from September through the winter: the game season closes with February. All kinds of water-fowl are most plentiful in keen, dry weather, especially V cold 'weather, after snow; also larks, wood-cocks, snipes, &,c. 33. Eggs. — New eggs have always a rough fresh-looking shell, but this appearance may be effected by artificial means, and the purchaser be cheated with rotten ones, instead of getting fresh. A new-laid egg will sink in water, bad ones are more or less buoyant; but tiiis is a tedious way of testing eggs. Th6 best way is to form a 6ort of tube with the left hand, holding with the right hand the figg, close and opposite to this tube, in the light. If the egg is good the meat will look clear, and partly transparent; if bad, it will look dark with black spots in it. 34. Fish should be broad and thick of their kind, their eyes bright, gills red, and the scales close and shining: fish should feel firm to the touch and stiff. Stale fish have always a loose, limber feel, especially about the vent; their eyes are sunk and dim, the scales loose and flabby, and the whole has a dingy, disagreeable appearance. Lobsters and crabs are to be judged by their weight; if they feel light, they have wasted themselves by long keeping. 35. Seasons of Fish. — There are some kinds of fish absolutely poisonous ^ten out of season; such are salmon, and skate. The following will give some idea of the seasons of fish, but they vary according to the weather. Cod comes in about October, and goes out about February; it is sometimes good for a short time about August. Salmon comes in in February, is in high season during May, June, and July, declines in August, and is quite out in September. Pickled Balmon is good from May till September. Herrings are in season as long as they are full of roe; when shotten, they are worthless. Sprats are best in frosty weather. Lobsters and crabs are plentiful in the spring and early part of the summer. Haddock, flounders, muscles, come in in September or October, and are out about April or^'May. Jacks or pikes, eels, perch, tench, carp, and other fresh water fish, become plentiful about April or May, according to the weather. Eels are never out of season, but in cold weather are hardly to be procured. Hallibut is in season from the beginning of May until the end of September. PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING. 36. A great deal has to be done before the cook can commence the operation of cooking. She has to truss her fowls and prepare her fish, butcher's meat, and vegetables, with other things not necessary to mention here. Never wash butcher's meat except for the purpose of cleansing it of blood, which would otherwise disfigure it when dressed. Few joints require this operation ; heads, hearts and scrags PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING. 31 alwaypi rcquiro to be well washed before they are cooked, but if they or any thing else are intended for roasting or frying, they should first be rendered perfectly dry, by rubbing with a coarse cloth, or otherwise. Salt rubbed in with warm water will speedily remove the blood and cleanse the meat. Hares must be always well washed with salt and water, or milk and water. 37. Trussing is little required in butcher's meat ; but loins, boned and stuffed, such as those of beef, mutton and pork, must of course be trussed. This is done by spreading the stuffing and seasoning over them, then rolling them up as tightly as possible, tying up with a tape or string, and securing all by skewers. The long flap of the fillet of veal must be filled with stuffing, and then secured as above directed. 38. All kinds, of poultry should be killed the first thing in the morning, when their crops are empty. They should be plucked while they are warm ; be sure take out all the flues, and let the hair be singed ofl'with white paper. It is recommended to crop fowls and pigeons immediately you have them; but there is a difference of opinion as to the time of drawing them ; some say they should be drawn as soon as killed, or at least as soon as bought, which prevents the disagreeable flavour so often perceived in chickens; others say, and indeed the generality of cooks are of this opinion, that they should not be drawn till just before they are dressed, as it is apt to make them dry : we are of opinion that poultry should be drawn soon after Ihey are killed ; we do not believe that this makes them dry, though we are sure that to leave them undrawn will be apt to make them stink. 39. In drawing poultry, or removing the entrails, a very small slit may bo made under the vent with a penknife, at which slip in the fore-finger, and if there is any internal fat about the vent, draw it out, as it is in the way of taking out the entrails, and, if left in, would be very strong when roasted. Next get hold of the gizzard, which may be known by its being the hardest part of the interior; draw it out carefully; it will generally bring the whole of the intestines with it, but if tile liver should be left, again slip in the finger and take hold of the heart, which will bring out with it the liver, which you must not touch for fear of bursting the gall-bladder. The heart is generally left in by poulterers, but it is much better out, as it is apt to give a bloody appearance to the interior of the fowl. Trim round the vent with a pair of scissors. 40. Be careful to take away the gall-bladder from the liver with- out breaking it, for if one drop of the gall escapes, the whole liver is spoilt. The gizzird consists of two parts, with a stomach or bag in the middle, containing gravel and undigested food ; one part of the skin by which the two parts of the gizzard are united is rather nar- rower than the other; slit this vvitii a knife, and turning the gizzard inside out, remove the stomach bag and trim round the gizzard, but avoid cutting the skin by which it is joined in the middle. 41. In trussing poultrv, cut off the neck about two joints from its 32 THE COMPLETE COOK. commcncemeot at Ihn shoulders, but be pure to leave half an inch, or more, of the skin longer than the part of the neck remaining-, for the purpose of wrapping over on being tied. 42. The legs of fowls intended to be roasted should be taken off about one inch below the first joint ; the feet and legs of young chickens are generally left on, but they must be scalded in boiling water, and the claws and outside scaly skin taken off. Thrust the liver through a slit made in the skinny part of one pinion, and the gizzard tiirough the other; then turn the top of the pinion over the back, lay the legs close to the sides; with a wire skewer fix the middle joint of the pinion outside of the knee joint of the leg, and so through the body to the other knee and pinion ; with a short skewer fix the lower joint to the lower part of the body ; then the feet, or whatever part of them is left, may turn back over the belly. The skewer for this purpose must go through the sidesmen, fixing the stumps or feet between them. For a fowl that is to be boiled, a slit is made on each side of the belly, and the leg-stump tucked in. 43. To remove the crop and windpipe of those whose heads are left on, open the skin a little just in front of the throat; then pull each separately gently, first from the beak or bill, then from the stomach. Fowls whose heads are taken off may have the crop removed by putting the finger down the throat. The windpipe is easily removed in the same way. [Trussed Fowl for roastin?.] 44. Before dressing, a little flour should be dusted over fowls. Poulteren-, to make the bird look plinnp, often break the breast bone; thi*! is a bid practice — it lets the air into the fowl, and drys the meat; it often breaks the gall-bladder, and, of course, spoils the fowl, and it always renders the bone troublesome. The head of capon, we ought to observe, is often twisted under the wing in the same way as a pheasant's. 45. Ducks have the feet always left on, but the wings must be taken off at the middle joint; in doing this, leave more skin than be- longs to the bone. The feet must be scalded, and the skin and clawa taken away ; they then must be turned over the back. \n placing the skewers, keep the thigh joints outside of the pinions, and run the skewer through the leg, then through the bit of skin that hangs below the pinion, then through the body, the other pinion, skin, and the PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING. 33 other leg The short skewer must be inserted just above the joint, which is twisted to turn back the feet. Tie the skin round the throat;- put in the seasoning at the vent and turn the lump through a small slit in the apron. "^ ^^-^TV^iFrfe^-? iS§^_ B if^^^ [Trussed Duck for roasting.] 46. Geese are trussed exactly in the same way as ducks, except the feet are cut off, and dressed with the giblets. The liver is some- times dressed separately, and considered by some persons a great delicacy. A pioce of greased white paper should be laid over the breast, and secured with a string, not skewers, before a goose is put down to roast. 47. Turkeys are trussed the same way as fowls, but the sinews of the leg must be drawn out before trussing. The gizzard of a turkey intended to be roasted should be scored, and both gizzard and liver covered with the caul of veal or lamb; but buttered paper does a3 well, and is more generally used: this is to prevent them becoming dry. The breast sliould be secured in the same way, with a piece of buttered paper. Nicely clean th? head, and twist it under the wing. 48. Fiffeons should be cIeaT.ed with great care. For roasting, truss with the feet on ; tie the joints close down the rump, and turn the feet over the front (see engraving). Most people season them. For ^ [Trussed Pigeon for roasting.] [Trussed Pheasam.J boiling or stewing, cut off the feet, and truss just as fowls for boiling. For broiling, lay tliem open by cutting them down the back, and lav 3 34 THE COMPLETE COOK, ing them flat As pigeons have no gall, no extra care will be required with the liver. 49. Pheasants, Partridges, and Guinea Fowls, are trussed with the head tucked under the wing, and the feet on, which are twisted and tied to the rump, and turned back over the breast. The liver may be used in the stuffing. 50. Wild Ducks, and all other web-footed wild fowl, should have the feet left on, and be cleaned and trussed in the same manner a tame ducks. 51. Woodcocks, Plovers, &,o., and all other birds that live by sue tion, are not drawn ; the feet are left on, the knees twisted rouwi [Trussed Woodcock.] each other, and raised over the breast, by which means each foot turns back and falls on the side of the rump. 52. Hare, trussed for roasting, has the legs turned back without disjointing, so that the haunches are thrown up, much in the form that a cat is often seen sitting — the end bones of the fore and hind legs meet each other, and lie side by side. Two skewers should bo^ inserted, one where the end of the leg meets the fleshy part of the shoulder, and the other where the end of the shoulder meets tho fleshy part of the leg ; the head is fixed back with a skewer thrust [Trussed Hare.j into the mouth, through the head, and into the back between the shoulders. The belly should be slit no more than is necessary for taking out the paunch. To secure its keeping in place, a string w PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING. 35 employed for bracing it; the string- is laid across the back, twisted round the end of both skewers, and brought back across the back and tied. In skinning hares and rabbits, particularly bares, the ears and tails should be preserved entire, as they improve the appearance of these dishes on the table, and are much esteemed. 53. Rabbits for boiling are opened all the way down the belly ; joint the legs at the rump so as to admit of their turning along the sides ; turn''the shoulders back to meet them, so that the lower joints of each lie straight along, side by side; the head should be skewered down to the right shoulder. Rabbits for roasting are trussed liko hares. ^^ [Trussed Rabbit for boiling.] 54. Fawns or Kids are generally trussed and dressed in the same way as hares. As the flesh is of a dry nature, they should be covered with a caul or buttered paper, which should be tied on, not skewered. Fawns will not keep above a day or two at the furthest. 55. Sucking Pigs, the moment they are killed, should be put into cold water for a few minutes. Some persons then rub them over with powdered resin: others object to this on account of the flavour of the resin, which the pig will retain, if not well washed. Put the pig for half a minute into a pail or pan of boiling water, and take it out and pull off" the hair or bristles as quickly as possible. If any should remain, put it again into hot water; when quite free from hair, wash it thoroughly with warm water, and then rinse it several times in cold water, that no flavour of the resin may remain. The feet should be taken off at the first joint: then make a slit down the belly and remove the entrails ; once more wash the pig inside and out in cold water, and wrap it in a wet cloth till you are ready to dress it, which should be done as soon as possible. Fill the belly with season- ing, and sew it up; skewer back the legs, and the trussing is com- pleted. The feet, heart, liver, lights, and melt, are to be dressed separately, when well cleaned. This dish is called pig's pettitoes. 56. Fish, in cleaning, should have every particle of the entrails very carefully removed. If the blood has settled down the back-bone, or elsewhere, it should be carefully taken away, and care should be taken not to break the gallbladder of the liver. Some fish must be slit in order to clean them ; others may have their entrails drawn out at the gills, which should be always done when it is practicable. Mackerel, perch, &c. are cleaned in this way. Flat fish may be so .»-yf THE COMPLETE COOK. cleaned, but it is usual to make a slanting slit on one side, just below the gill, in order to put in the finger and remove the clotted blood from the back-bone. Fishes with scales should be scraped from the tail to the head, till all the scales are removed ; others, such as soles and eels, are skinned. The cook ought not to depend upon the clean- ing of fish by the fishmonger, but carefully examine them before dressing. 57. Eels are remarkably tenacious of life, and appear to suffer after they are cut into several pieces. In order to take the sense of feeling entirely from this fish, it is only necessary, before it is skinned, to pierce the spinal marrow, just at the back- of the skull, right through, when all feeling in the eel will instantly cease, though it has the appearance of being alive. Then raise the skin, at the" part cut or pierced, draw it back over the mouth and head, secure the head with a strong fork to a table, or dresser, and draw back the whole skin. To prevent the eel from slipping through your hands, rub tbem with salt, and you will then draw off the skin easily. Eels, except very small ones, require to be slit all the way from the vent to the gills, and the inside of the back-bone should be rubbed with salt. The liver, roe or melt, are much esteemed, and should be therefore pre- served. 58. Fish without Scales, <^c. — Cod, mackerel, whiting, and some other fish, being without scales, need nothing doing to them except drawing them and washing or wiping. Sprats, for broiling, should have a long bird-skewer run through their eyes, or a common knitting- needle. Neither sprats nor the silver-stringed herring, which is the best, should ever be drawn. They should be wiped dry and clean. Fish for frying, should not be washed if it be possible to avoid it. If they require washing, it should be done an hour or two before they are fried, and wrapped up in a coarse cloth till they are thorough- ly dry. 59. Turhot, Plaice, Flounders, ^c, having been gutted and wiped, enould be sprinkled with salt, and hung up for several hours before dressing. 60. Cod, having been drawn and washed, will eat firmer if it be sprinkled with salt some time before putting it into the fish-kettle, with cold v^rater, where it may remain an hour or two before boiling, or it may be hung up like plaice, &c. 61. Oysters, if fresh from the sea, that is, uncleansed by the fish- monger, should, as soon as received, be laid in a pan or tub, with the flat shell upwards, and the whole fish covered with spring water; to which put a pint of salt to every two gallons of water. In a few hours the fish will have cleansed themselves, and become fit for use. If they are required to be kept longer, the water should be taken away at night, and renewed in the morning; but they are never bettor than after they have been in the water from six to ten hours. There are persons who recommend that they should always be kept nnder water, which they say should be renewed every twelve hours. Such persons forget that oysters, in their natural state, are not under PREPARATIONS FOR COOKING. 37 water when the tide is out. Some writers recommend fresh water, but for what reason we know not, except to spoil the fish. Others order them to be sprinkled with flour, or oatmeal, for the purpose of making the fish white. We believe it has no such effect — much less will it feed them. Clear fresh springr water with a little sail, is the best ; in this they will soon scour themselves, and become delicately white. Oysters should be opened very carefully — be turned round on the shell — the lower shell preserves the liquor best, and then served immediately; but they are better when eaten and opened at table. Every moment the oyster is kept after it is opened^ injures it in quality and Jlavour. If served on the flat side of the shell, the liquor should be preserved and used for flavouring-. — N. B. Oysters when taken fresh from the clean sea, that is, from beds de- void of mud, require no cleansing; but, on the contrary, we are as- sured on good authority, are much better without it. The process of cleansing deprives the fish of its flavour to a certain extent, and very much weakens the delicious liquor in the shell. 62. Vegetables, particularly green, in preparing for dressing, re- quire great attention in point of cleanliness. If vegetables for boiling can be gathered perfectly clean, immediately before being put in the pot, they preserve their colour much better without washing. But this will seldom be the case, particularly with those purchased of the greengrocer. When they are a little stale, which is almost always the case, if not gathered in your own garden, putting them in water for a few hours will refresh them. Salt and water should be used for the purpose of bringing out the slugs, or caterpillars, in which sum- mer cauliflowers and cabbage very often abound. Every drop of cold water, if possible, should be shaken out of them before boiling. Green peas, broad beans and French beans, ought not to be washed. Tur- nip greens, if quite clean and fresh, are better not washed ; but it otherwise they must be washed through several waters. 63. Asparagus, Artichokes, Spinach^ ^c. — Scrape the stalks of asparagus clean, tie them up with tape, in bundles of twenty-five or thirty each ; cut off" the ends of the stalks to an equal length. If quite frf^^sh they need not be washed. Artichokes require thorough wash- ing, and should be soaked two hours or so in water before dressing. Spinach should be picked leaf by leaf; washed in three or four waters, and thoroughly drained. Celery should be well soaked. 64. Potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes should be well scrubbed with a birch broom, besom, or scrubbing brush, and washed very clea just before boiling; but they should never be the least wetted till they are about to be dressed. Some persons like them best boiled in the skins; they are best peeled before boiling when they are old or epecky. 65. Carrots, Parsnips, Beetroots, and Turnips. — Carrots and parsnips should be well washed and scrubbed, but not scraped, as it is apt to injure the flavour. After boilintr, rub the skins with a coarse cloth. jFur soups, &c., they should be scraped. Beetroots should be washed and scrubbed very clean, but if the red sort be scraped, or cut 3» 38 TIIECOMPLETECOOK. with a knife, the colour will escape. When done, carefully rub with a rough cloth. Wash and peel turnips. Having given directions for the preparations for cooking, we now proceed to Cooking itself; and shall begin v^ith SOUPS AND BROTHS, &c. In our general directions we have given pretty full instructions on the art of making broths, stews, &c., which instructions are of them- selves sufficient to enable a young cook, possessed of diligence and common sense, to prepare the diticrent varieties of these dishes, with- out the assistance of particular receipts. We give, however, the fol- lowing. 66. Clear Gravy Soups. — Cut half a pound of ham into slices, and lay them at the bottom of a large stew-pan, or stock pot, with two or three pounds of veal and the same weight of lean beef; break the bones and lay them on the meat; pare two turnips and skin two large onions; wash clean, and cut into pieces two large carrots, two iieads of celery; put in a large blade of mace, and three cloves; cover the stew-pan close, and set it over a clear fire; when the meat begins to Btick at the bottom of the stew-pan, turn it, and when there is a nice brown glaze at the bottom of the stew-pan cover the meat with hot water; put in half a pint when it is coming to a boil ; take off the ecum, and put in half a pint more of cold water; then skim it again, and continue to do so till no more scum rises: now set it on one side of the fire to boil gently for four hours; strain through a clean tamis (do not squeeze it, or the soup will be thick) into a clean stone pan ; let it remain till it is cold, then remove all the fat; when you bottle it, be careful not to disturb the settlings at the bottom of the pan. The broth should be of a fine amber colour, and very clear. If it is not quite as bright as you wish it, put it into a stew-pan ; break two whites and the shells of eggs, mix well together and put them into the soup, set it on a quick fire, and stir it with a whisk till it boils, then set it on one side till it settles; run it through a fine napkin; then it is ready. If you skim your broth carefully as directed above, it will be ck^ar enough; clarifying it impairs the flavour. — Ohserve. This is the basis of almost all gravy soups, which are called by the name of the vegetables that are put into them: carrots, turnips, onions, celery, and a few leaves of chervil, make what is called spring soup; to this a pint of green peas, or asparagus, or French beans cut into pieces, or a cabbage lettuce, is an improvement. With rice, Scotch barley, or vermicelli, maccaroni or celery, cut into lengths, it will be the soup usually called by those names. Or turnips scooped, round or young onions, will give you a clear turnip or onion soup. The roots and vegetables used must be boiled first, or they will im- pregnate the soup with too strong a flavour. Seasoning for those soups is the same, viz. salt, and a very little cayenne pepper. 67. Ox Tail Soup. — Take three or tour ox tails; divide at the joints; well wash, and soak them. Put them on the fire; to each SOUPS AND BROTHS, &C. 39 tail allow a quart of water; when they boil, take off all the scum. K four tails add four onions, and eight or ten corns of allspice and black pepper to each tail. Simmer it slowly till the meat on the bones is tender. Then take out the tails, scrape off ail the meat and cut it small; strain the soup through a sieve. To thicken it, take two ounces of butter, and as much flour as it will take up; mix it well with the whole, and let it simmer another half hour. If not perfectly smooth, it must be strained again ; then put in the meat, with a glass of wine, a table-spoonful of mushroom catsup, a little cayenne, and salt to taste ; simmer it again a few minutes. Or instead of thicken- ing the soup, the meat may be returned to the gravy and wanned again, with or without the addition of carrots and turnips. 68. Hotch-jjotch. — Take lamb or mutton chop?, and stew them in good gravy, with the addition of almost every kind of vegetable. A summer hotcli-potch is composed of young onions, carrots, asparagus green peas, lettuce, turnips, spinach, and parsley ; a winter one is com- posed of full-grown turnips cut small, old carrots cut small or grated, celery and onions sliced, dried peas — the green or blue sort are the best colours for this purpose. I^he peas will take much longer boiling than either meat or green vegetables. Put them in the liquor boiling, and let them boil an hour before the addition of meat, and the other vege- tables. The proportion is four pounds of meat to a gallon of stock, and two quarts of vegetables. Boil the meat and vegetables between two and three hours, slow boiling, with the lid on. If you add green peas or asparagus tops among the vegetables, keep out nearly all of them till within half an hour of sending them to table ; then letthern Doil fast till tender. Season with salt and pepper, and serve all to- gether. Some people make it of brisket of beef, and add a bunch of sweet herbs. The beef will require stewing longer. A leg of beef, cut in pieces, and stewed six or seven hours, with carrots and the other ingredients, makes very good soup. A little small beer is in improvement to all brown soups. 69. Fish Broth. — Thick-skinned fish, and those which have gluti- nous, jelly-like substances, are the best. The liquor which eels have been boiled in is good enough of itself, as they require but little water. The liquor in which turbot or cod has been boiled, bcjil again, with the addition of the bones. If purposely made, small eels, or grigs, or flat fish, as flounders, soles, plaice or dabs, or the finny parts of cod, will do for the purpose. A pound of fish to three pints of water ; add peppercorns, a large handful of parsley, and an onion ; and boil till reduced to half. A spoonful of catsup, or vinegar, is an improve- ment. This broth is very nourishing and easy of digestion; but for a sick person, leave out the catsup or vinegar. . 70. Cock-a-leeky Soup. — Take a small knuckle of veal, and a large fowl, or a scrag of mutton instead of veal. An old fowl will do. Add three or four large leeks, cut in pieces of half an inch long. Simmer in three quarts of good broth for an hour. Then add as many more leeks, and season with pepper and salt. Let it boil three-quarters of an hour iong.i^^, and serve all togetriur. The leeks which are put 40 THE COMPLETE COOK. in first, is with the intention of thickening the soup ; and those which lire put in last, should retain their form and substance. 71. Scotch Brose, or Crowdy. — Take half a pint of oatmeal ; put it before the fire, and frequently turn it till it is perfectly dry and of a light brown. Take a ladle-full of boiling water, in which fat meat has been boiled, and stir it briskly to the oatmeal, still adding more liquor till it is brought to the thickness desired, which is about that of a stiff batter; a little salt and pepper may be added, if the liquor with which it was made was not salt. Kalebroseis the same thing, but with the addition of greens, cut small, and boiled in the liquor. 72. Pease Soup.--Vi\\. a quart of split peas to three quarts of boiling water, not more (Dr. Kitchiner says cold water,) with half a pound of bacon, not very fat, or roast beef bones, or four anchovies; or, instead of water, the liquor in which beef, mutton, pork or poultry, has been boiled ; it will be very much better, but taste the liquor, as it must not be too salt. Wash two heads of celery, cut small (half a drachm of celery seed, pounded fine, and put into the soup, a quarter of an hour before it is finished, will flavour three quarts,) two onions peeled, and a spri^ of savoury, or sweet marjoram, or lemon thyme. Let it simmer very gently, stirring it every quarter of an hour, to keep the peas from sticking to or burning at the bottom of the pot. Simmer till the peas are tender, which will be in about three hours. Some cooks now slice a head of celery and half an ounce of onions, and fry them in a little batter, and put them into the soup, till it is li;: -itly browned; then work the whole through a coarse hair sieve, and then through a fine sieve, or through a tamis, with the back of a wooden spoon ; then put it into a clean stew-pan, with a tea-spoonful of ground black pepper; let it boil again for ten minutes, and if any fat arises skim it off. Send up on a plate some toasted bread, cut into little pieces, an inch square; or cut a slice of bread (that has been baked two days) into dice, not more than half an inch square ; put half a pound of quite clean dripping, or lard, into an iron frying-pan; when it is hot fry the bread ; take care to turn the bread with a slice, that it may be of a delicate brown on both sides ; take it up with a fish-slice, and lay it on a sheet of paper to drain the fat ; be careful that this is done nicely. Send them up in one side dish, and dried and powdered mint, or savoury, in another. The most economical method of making pease soup, is to save the bones of a joint of roast beef, and put them into the liquor in which mutton, or beef, or pork, or poultry, has been boiled, and proceed as in the first receipt. A hock or shank bone of ham, a ham bone, the root of a tongue, or a red or pickled herring, are favourite additions with some people ; others send up rice or vermicelli with pease soup. Pease soup may be made sa- voury and agreeable to the palate, without any meat, by putting two ounces of fresh and nicely clarified beef, mutton, or pork dripping, with two ounces of oatmeal, and mix this well into a gallon of soup prepared with the peas and vegetables, according to the first receipt, or in water alone. 73. Pease Soup and Pickled Pork. — Take two pounds of pickled SOUPS AND BROTHS, &C. 41 pork, which will make very good broth for pease soup; ifthe pork is too salt, put it in water on the over-night. The pork should not be in salt more than two days. Put on the articles, mentioned in the first receipt, in three quarts of water ; boil these gently for two hours; then put in the pork, and boil gently for an hour and a half, or two hours, according to the thickness of the pork ; when done, wash the pork clean in some hot water ; send it up in a dish, or cut it into little pieces, and put them into the tureen, with the toasted bread, &c., or as in the first receipt. The meat being boiled no longer than to be done enough to eat, you can get excellent soup without the expense of any other meat. 74. Plain Pease Soup. — To a quart of split peas, and two heads of celery, and a large onion, put three quarts of broth, or soft water; let them simmer gently over a slow fire for three hours. Stir them up every quarter of an hour, to prevent the peas sticking at the bottom of the pot, and burning. 75. Spanish Soup. — Take about three pounds of beef, off the leg or shin, with or without the bone — if with the bone, well crack it — a pound of knuckle of ham, or gammon. More than cover them with water, and when it boils skim it, and add a tea-spoonful of pepper. The ham will probably make it sufficiently salt — if not, add a little. Let this simmer by the side of the fire until it is three parts done, which will take two hours and a half. And then well wash some cabbage plants, or small summer cabbage; cut these into small pieces, also onions cut small; a tea-cup full of rice, with a bit of eschalot; put these in the saucepan, and let it simmer a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, until the rice is boiled enough. Then take it from the fire ; separate the meat, vegetables, and rice, from the soup, and eat the soup before the meat. Separate the meat from the bones, and mix it with the vegetables. If the plants are too strong, scald them before putting them in the saucepan. In the summer, a few young peas make a great improvement. Leeks are better than onions, a3 you can have more in quantity of vegetables. The Spaniards use garlic. This will dine a family of seven or eight people. 76. Chicken Broth. — Chicken bones, and the heads and feet, make a basin of good broth, provided the fowls have been boiled, and the liquor used instead of water. The heads and feet of four fowls may be boiled in a quart of water, with the addition of an onion and a blade of mace, a little pepper and salt. Chicken broth may be enriched by the additic>n of a knuckle bone of veal, a bit of beef, or three or four shank bones of mutton. 77. Mutton Broth. — Scrags of mutton, or sheeps' heads, make a very good family dinner. Two or three scrags of mutton, or two sheeps' heads, may be put on in a two-gallon pot; when it boils, skim it well, then add six ounces of Scotch or pearl barley, or rice; let it boil an hour or more; then add eight or ten turnips, three or four car- rots, cut up, and four or five onions. Half an hour before serving, put in a few small suet dumplings, a little parsley, and a few marigold blossoms. This broth should boil two hours and a half, or three hours. 4s THE COMPLETE COOK. The knuckle of a shoulder of mutton answers very well in this man- ner. Serve the meat on a separate disii, and the broth, dumplings, and vegetables, all together in a large tureen. 78. Mutton Chop Broth. — Cut the chops from a neck or loin of mutton ; cut as much as is required into thin chops ; put them in a stew-pan, with an onion or two, a little salt, and cold water enough to cover them. Skim well when it boils, and let it stew slowly three- quarters of an hour, or an hour. Turnips may be boiled in this liquor, or boiled separately, and mashed. Serve the broth and meat to- gether. In broth intended for invalids, the vegetables and spice should be left out. 79. Soup and Bouilli. — For the bouilli, roll five pounds of brisket of beef tight with a tape, put it into a slew-pan; four pounds of the leg of beef; about seven or eight quarts of water ; boil these up quick ; scum it ; add one large onion, six or seven cloves, some whole pep- per, two or three carrots, a turnip or two, a leek, two heads of celery ; stew them very gently, closely covered, for six or seven hours; about an hour before dinner, strain the soup through a piece of flannel (put the rough side upwards,) or a hair sieve ; have ready boiled carrots and turnips sliced, spinach, a little chervil, and sorrel, two heads of endive, one or tv/o of celery, cut in pieces. Put the soup into a tu- reen. The carrots and turnips in separate dishes; add a little salt and cayenne to the soup. Take the tape from the bouilli very care- fully, and serve in a dish. A leg or shin of beef, with a piece of fat beef, will answer the purpose. 80. A Cheap Sonp. — Two pounds of lean beef, six onions, six po- tatoes (parboiled,) one carrot, one turnip, half a pint of split peas, four quarts of water, some whole pepper, a head of celery, a red herring; when boiled, rub through a coarse sieve, add spinach and celery boiled, dried mint, and fried bread. 81. Veal Soup. — Cut the meat off in thin slices; put the meat in a large jug or jar; put to it a bunch of sweet herbs, half an ounce of almonds, blanched, and beat fine ; pour on it four quarts of boiling water; cover it close, and let it stand all night by the fire; the next day, put it into an earthen vessel; let it stew very slowly till it is re- duced to two quarts; take off the scum as it rises while boiling, and let it stand to settle; then pour it clear off, and put it into a clean saucepan ; mix with three ounces of either boiled rice or vermicelli. 82. Calf's Head Soup. — Take a calPs head, wash it clean, stew it with a bunch of sweet herbs, an onion stuck with cloves, mace, pearl barley, and Jamaica pepper ; when it is very tender, put to it some stewed celery ; season it with pepper ; and serve it with tha head in the middle. 83. Giblct Soup. — The most economical way is to take a pound or two of beef skirts, or of knuckle of veal; cut it into pieces two or three inches square; a set of goose giblets, or four sets of ducks', or the head, neck, and feet, of a turkey or two, or of six or eight fowls; all of these are good, either separate or together. Clean them well, split the heads, cut the gizzards across, crack the pinions and feet SOUPS ANDBROTHS,&C. 43 bones. Put all together into a stew-pan, with an ounce of butter, the red part of two or three carrots cut up, two or three onions sliced, and a clove or two of eschalots. Shake it over a clear slow fire a few minutes, to draw the gravy, then add water or broth enough to cover the whole ; let it simmer two hours or more, then season with salt and pf'pper, and a large spoonful of catsup, and serve all together. It may be thickened with rice or barley, which should be added as soon "IS it boils. — A more expensive way : Prepare the giblets a? above and set them on with good gravy, enough to cover them ; tie in a muslin bag an onion or two, a small bundle of sweet herbs, a few leaves of sweet basil, and twenty corns of allspice, the same of black pepper. Let it simmer till the giblets are tender, then take them out and cover up close while you thicken the gravy ; remove also the bag of spice and herbs. Make some force meat balls as follows: when the livers are done enough to chop fine, take them out or part of them, pound thnm fine with half their weight in butter^ and the yolks of three haid-bniled eggs; season with salt, cayenne, nutmeg, sage, and onions, scalded and chopped very fine, and also a leaf or two of sweet basil. Mix with half a tea-cup full of bread crumb?, wet with the yolk of an v.gg^ and make up into little balls with a little flour. Hav- ing removed iht giblets, thicken the soup with butter and flour, and when it boils add the balls; let them simmer a quarter of an hour, then add a glass tjf wine, a large table-spoonful of catsup, and the juice of half a Seville orange or lemon. Put in the giblets to warm through, and it is ready. 84. Kitchiner^s cheap Soup. — Wash in cold water four ounces of Scotch barley, and put into five qjarts of water, with four ounceg of sliced onions; boil gently one hour, and pour it into a pan; then put into a saucepan from one to two ounces of fresh beef or mutton dripping. Dripping for this purpose should be taken out of the pan as fast as it drips from the meat; if suffered to remain in the pan it is apt to become rancid. If no dripping is at hand, melted suet will do, or two or three ounces of fat bacon minced fine. When melted in the saucepan, stir into it four ounces of oatmeal, and rub them together until they become a soft paste. Then add, by degrees, a spoonful at a time, the barley broth, stirring it well together till it boils. For seasoning, put in a tea-cup or basin a drachm of celery or cress seed, or half a drachm of each, and a quarter of a drachm of cayenne, finely powdered, or a drachm and a half of black pepper finely powdered, or half allspice; mix them smooth with a little of the soup; then stir it into the rest; simmer it gently another quarter of an hour, season with salt, and it is ready. The flavour may be varied by any variety of herbs, or thickening with garlic or eschalot instead of celery; a larger portion of onions, or carrots and turnips, or rice, or paste, instead of oatmeal or barley. 85. Soup Maigre. — Divide two or three beads of celery, two large carrots, three or four moderate-sized turnips, some onions, two young jtettuces, a handful of spinach leaves, and a little sorrel. Cut the worst half of the vegetables in small pieces, and put them into the 44 T TI E COMPLETE COOK. 8tew-pan with three ounces of bnttpr; lot them fry till the vno-otahlesd are brown and the butter absorbed ; put a g^allon of boilino- wa'or info the pan; when it boils fast, skim it well, stir in a liLtie flour, and add some stale crust of bread ; put in two dozen of black peppery and the same of allf^pice, with two or three blades of mace; let it simnier for an hour and a half, then set it aside for a quarter of an hour, tiiea strain it off very gently, so as not to disturb the settlino-s at the Kot«^ torn of the stew-pan, which clean. When the soup has stood two? hours, pour it back again, avoiding' to disturb any sediment, if any* should escape from the first draining. Cut up the remainder of the.; vegetables and boil them in water live minutes, then drain them, and when the soup again boils, afy them to it, and let it simmer till they are tender, which will be about three-quarters of an hour; season,! with salt, cayenne, and a table-spoonful of catsup. If green peas aro:) in season, the liquor in which they have been boiled, added to the' soup, is a great improvement. 86. Mock Turtle. — Have the head and broth ready for the soup the day befiire it is to be eaten; it will take eight hours to prepare it properly. Get the calf's head with the skin on, the fresher the better, take out the brains and wash the head several times in cold water, let it soak in spring water for an hour, then lay it in the stew-pan, cover it with cold water, and half a gallon over; as it becomes warm a great deal of scum will rise, which must be immediately removed ; let it boil gently for one hour, then take it up. When almost cold cut the head into pieces about an inch and a half long and an inch' and a quarter broad ; the tongue into mouthfuls, or rather make a side dish of the tongue and brains. When the hnad is taken out, put. in about five pounds of knuckle of veal, and as much beef; add to the^ stock all the trimmings and bones of the head; skim it well, then, cover it close, let it boil five hours; reserve two quarts of this to. make gravy sauce, then strain it oft and let it stand till the next morning; then take olTtho fat, put a large stew-pan on the fire, with half a pound of good fresh butter, twelve ounces of onions sliced, four ounces of green sage chopped ; let tliese fry one hour; rub in half a pound of flour by degrees, add your broth till it i.s the thickness of cream; season it with a quarter of an ounce of ground allspice and half an ounce of black popper, ground very fine, salt to your taste, add the rind of one lem./n peeled very thin ; let it simmer very gently for one hour and a half, then strain it through a hair sieve, do not rub your soup to get it through the sieve or it will make it grouty ; if it do not run through easily, knock a v.^ooden spoon atjainst the side of the sieve; put it into a clean stew-pan with the head, and season by adding, to each gallon of soup, half a pint of wine, Madeira, or claret if you wish it dark; two table-spoonfuls of lemon juice, the same of catsup, one of essence of anchovy, a tea-spoonful of" curry powder, or a quarter of a drachm of cayenne, the peel of a lemon pan-d very tliin. Let it simmer gently ti'l the meat is tender; this may take from half an hour to an hour; take care that it is not over-done; stir it fre- quently to prevent the meat sticking to the bottom of the stew-pan ; SOUPS AND BROTHS, &C. 45 Krien the meat is quite done, take out the lemon peel, and the soup is ready. Serve with force meat stuffing-, or balls. 87. Carrot Soup. — Wash and scrape six large carrots, peel off the red outside (which is the only part used for this soup), put it into a gallon stew-pan, with one head of celery, and an onion cut into thin pieces ; take two quarts of veal, beef, or mutton broth, put the broth to the roots, cover the stew-pan close, and set it on a slow stove for two hours and a half, when the carrots will be soft enough; put in a tea-cup full of bread crumbs, boil for two or three minutes, rub it through a tamis, or hair sieve, with a wooden spoon, add broth, and make it nearly as thick as pease soup; season it with a little salt, and send it up with some toasted bread, cut into pieces half an inch square. The celery and onions should be sliced and fried in butter, or nicely clarified dripping, and then put in the stew-pan and the broth added to it. Or thus : Put some beef bones with four quarts of liquor in which a leg of mutton or beef has been boiled, two large onions, a turnip, pepper and salt, into a stew-pan, and stew for three hours; have ready six large carrots scraped, and cut thin ; strain tha Boup on them, stew them till soft enough to pulp through a hair sieve, or a coarse cloth ; then boil the pulp with the soup, which is to be as thick as, pease soup. Make the soup the day before it is to be used; add cayenne. Pulp only the red part of the carrot, and not the yel- low. The soup is better made with a shin of beef. 88. Curry or Mulligatawny Soup. — Cut four pounds of a breast of veal into pieces about two inches long and one inch broad ; put the trimmings into a stew-pan with two quarts of water, with twelve corns of black pepper, and the same of allspice; when it boils skim it clean, and let it boil an hour and a half; then strain it off; while it is boiling, fry of a nice brown in butter the bits of veal, and four onions; when they are done put the broth to them, put it on the fire; when it boils skim it clean, let it simmer half an hour, then mix two spoonfuls of curry, and the same of flour, with a little cold water, and a tea-sooonful of salt ; add these to the soup, and simmer it till the veal i» quite tender, and it is ready ; or bone a couple of fowls or rab- bits, and stew them the same as veal, and you may put in a bruised eschalot, and some mace and ginger, instead of black pepper and all- spice. The fowls and rabbits should be cut into joints, and fried of a nice brown in some batter. 89. Eel Soup. — To make a tureen full, take two middling sized onions, cut them in half, and cross your knife over them two or three iimes; put two ounces of butler into a stew-pan ; when it is melted, put in the onions, stir them in the pan till they are of a light brown; cut into pieces three pounds of unskinned eels, put them into your stew-pan, and shake them over the fire for five minutes; then add three quarts of boiling water, and when they boil, take the scum off very clean, and then put in a quarter of an ounce of the green leaves (not dried) of winter savoury, the same of lemon-thyme, and twice the quantity of parsley, two drachms of allspice, the same of black pepper ; cover it close^ and let it boil gently for two hours, skim it 4 46 THE COMPLETE COOK. clean and strain it off. To thicken it, put three ounces of butter into a clean stew-pan ; when it is melted stir in as much hour as wiil make it of a thick paste, then add the liquid by degrees, let it simmer for ten minutes, and pass it through a sieve, then put your soup on in a clean stew-pan, and have ready some little square pieces of fried fish of nice light brown — either eels, soles, plaice, or skate, win do, the fried fish should be added about ten minutes before the soup is served up. Force meat balls are sometimes added. Excellent fish- soup may be made of cod's head, or skate, or flounders, boiled in no ;inore water than will cover them, and the liquor thicKened wim jpatmeal, &c. 90. Gourd Soup should be made of full-grown gourds, but not those that have hard skins; slice three or four, and put them into a etew-pan with two or three onions and a good bit of butter, set thcra over a slow fire till quite tender, be careful not to let them burn; then add two ounces of crust of bread, and two quarts of good con- somme, season with salt and cayenne pepper ; boil ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, skim off all the fat, and pass it through a tamia when quite hot. Serve up with fried bread. 91. Game Soup. — In the game season it is easy to make very good soup at a little expense, by taking all the meat off the breasts of any cold birds that have been lefl on the preceding day, and pound it in a mortar; beat to pieces the legs and bones, and boil in some broth for an hour ; boil six turnips, and mash them and strain them through a tamis cloth, with the meat that has been pounded in a mortar; strain your broth and put a little of it at a time into the tamis to help you to strain all of it through. Put your soup kettle near the fire, but do not let it boil. When ready to dish your dinner, have six yolks of eggs mixed with half a pint of cream, then strain it through a sieve; put your soup on the fire, and as it is coming to boil, put in the eggs^ and stir it well with a wooden spoon. Do not let it boil, or it will curdle. 92. Turnip and Parsnip Soups are made the same as carrot soupi 93. Celery Soup — Split six heads of celery into slips about two inches long; wash them well, lay them on a hair sieve to drain, and put them into three quarts of gravy soup in a gallon soup pot ; set it by the side of the fire to stew very gently till the celery is tender-— this will take about an hour; if any scum rises, take it off. Season it with a little salt. When celery cannot be procured, half a drachm of the seed pounded fine may be considered as the essence of celery, which may be had very cheap, and can be bought at any season ; put this in about a quarter of an hour before the soup is done, and a little sugar will give as much flavour to half a gallon of soup as two heads of celery — or add a little essence of celery. 94. Lamb Stew.— Take a lamb's head and lights, and wash them ; remove all the bones and skin from the nose, put them in the pot with some beef stock made with three quarts of water and two oounds of shin of beef, strained ; boil very slowly for an hour, wash and strin/j two or three good handfuls of spinach, put it in twenty minutes before SOUPS AND BROTHS, &C. 47 Berving-, add one or two onions and a little parsley a short time before it conres off the fire ; season with salt and pepper, and it is ready. Serve all together in a tureen. 95. Hare, Rabbit , or Partridge Soup. — When hares and rabbits and other game are too tough to eat (in the ordinary way of cooking,) they will make very good soup. Cut off the legs and shoulders of a hare, divide the body crossways, and stew very gently in three quarts of water, with one carrot, about one ounce of onions, two blades of pounded mace, four cloves, twenty-four black peppers, and a bundle of sweet herbs; stew it till the hare is tender. Most cooks add to the above two slices of ham or bacon, and a bay leaf, but the hare makes sufficiently savoury soup without this addition. The time this will take depends upon the age and time it has been kept before it is .dressed ; as a general rule, about three hours. Make a dozen and a half of force meat balls, as big as nutmegs. When hare is tender, take the meat off the back and upper joints of the legs ; cut it into mouthfuls, and put on one side ; cut the rest of the meat off the legs, shoulders, &c., mince it and pound it in a mortar with an ounce of butter, and two or three table-spoonfuls of flour moistened with a little 60up; rub this through a hair sieve, and put it into the soup to thicken it ; let it simmer for half an hour longer, skim it well, and put it through the tamis in the pan again; put the meat in, a glass of port or claret wine, with a table-spoonful of currant jelly to each quart of soup. Season it with salt ; put in the force meat balls, and when all is hot,8lted and served hot; others like it sent to table as jelly. 139. Wine Sauce for Venison^ Hare, or Haunch of Mutton. — Take equal parts of rich mutton gravy, without any flavourings, and port wine. Simmer them together to half a pint, add a table-spoonful of currant jelly, let it just boil up. 140. Sauce for a Pig, — Three quarters of a pint of good beef gravy, six or eight leaves of sage, chopped very fine, a blade of mace, a tea- cup full of bread crumbs, and eight white peppercorns; let them boil six or eight minutes, then stir into the sauce the brains, gravy, and whatever sticks about the dish on which you have split the pig, one ounce of butter rolled in flour, two table-spoonfuls of cream, and one or two of catsup, if liked; simmer a minute or two, and serve in a sauce tureen. • 141. Turtle Sauce. — To a pint of rich beef gravy, thickened, put a wine glass of Madeira, six leaves of basil, the juice and peel of half a lemon, a few grains of cayenne or curry powder, an eschalot sliced, a table spoonful of essence of anchovy; simmer together five minutes, then strain, and add a dozen turtle force meat balls. This sauce ia used for calf s head, or hashed or stewed veal, or for any other rich dish in imitation of turtle. 142. A Sauce for all sorts of Fish. — Haifa pint of port or claret, half a pint of rich gravy, a little nutmeg, three anchovies, two table- spoonfuls of catsup, and salt; simmer all together till the anchovies are done, then add three ounces of butter thickened with flour, arrow- root, or potatoe mucilage ; when it boils, add some scraped horse- radish, a dozen or two of oysters, a lobster cut in bits, a few smai. mushrooms, and half a pint of picked shrimps or crawfish. This sauce is intended to pour over the fish — boiled carp, tench, pike, whiting, boiled cod, and haddock. 143. Pudding Sauce. — Half a glass of brandy, one glass of white wine, a little grated rind of lemon, half an ounce of grated loaf sugar, and a little powdered cinnamon, mixed with melted butter. It is a good way to keep a bottle of these ingredients to mix with melted butter when wanted. In a bottle containing one pint of brandy and two pints of sherry, steep the kernels of apricots, nectarines, and peaches, with an ounce of shaved lemon rind, half an ounce of mace, and a quarter of a pound of loaf sugar ; pour off clear to mix with but- ler. Two table-spoonfuls will flavour a boat of sauce; the mace and lemon peel may be steeped in half a pint of brandy, or a pint of sherry, for fourteen days; strain, and add a quarter of a pint of capillaire. 144. Custard Sauce. — For rice or other plain puddings, or with fruit pics, stir a pint of sweet cream in a double saucepan till it boils; beat the yolks of two or three eggs, with a spoonful of cold cream, 5 68 THE COMPLETE COOK. and an ounce of powdered sugar; pour the boiling- cream to tbero, and pour backwards and forwards two or three times to prevent cupjlirr^ ; then set the inner saucepan over the boiling water, and stir it con- tinually one way till it thickens. Serve in a china basin with grated nutmeg, or pounded cinnamon strewed over the top. 145. Roe Sauce. — Boil the soft roes of mackerel, clear away all the skin, and bruise them with the back of a wooden spoon ; beat up the yolk of an egg with a little salt and pepper, a little fennel and parsley scalded and chopped fine, rub the wiiole together, and stir into melted butter. Some people prefer a spoonful of catsup, essence of anchovy, or walnut pickle. BOILING. As this is the most common mode of preparing food for human sustenance, it is therefore the more necessary that its principles should be well understood ; for though the operations of boiling may appear to be very simple, yet a great deal of skill and judgment is j-equired to carry them into ejffect properly. We repeat, that the young cook ought to read attentively our observations upon this sub- ject, in the "Introductory Remarks." Instead of using the word boiling,, we ought rather to have said, the mode of preparing meats for food by means of hot water; for we are quite convinced, that all meats are more or less injured by being subjected to a boiling heat; that is, a heat of 212° of Fahrenheit. We have dressed salt cod fish in water never exceeding 145° of heat, and it was much more tender, and better flavoured, than when dressed in boiling water: we ought to add, that the fish is required to remain in this partially hot water four or five hours, in which time it becomes divested of the salt, and eats, comparatively speaking, quite fresh. 146. Take care that your vessel is large enough for the water to cover the meat, and to surround it. Do not suffer the steam to escape; and to effect this, see that the lid of the vessel fits it as closely as possible; by this means the water may be kept at a proper heat, that is to say, nearly simmering, but not bubbling, whereby fuel will be saved, and the meat much better dressed. In short, one of the greatest errors that can be committed in boiling meat, is to suffer the water to boil violently. It has the effect of hardening the outside of the joints, or, in other words, making it tough, while the inside will be raw, or only partially done. 147. Always prefer soft water to hard, whenever the former is to be procured. River, or clean rain water, should be used in preference to hard spring water; but your water must always be as pure and as bright as possible. 148. In making up a fire for cooking, regard must be had as to whether it is intended for boiling or roasting, or for both. A moderate fire is best for boiling, but a brisk and somewhat fierce fire is required for roasting. If you are going to roast and boil at the same fire, you must take care that your boiling vessels are sufficiently far removed BOILING. 59 from it With a good kitchen range, or steam cooking apparatus, all this may be done without difficulty or trouble. 149. All fresh meats are directed by the generality of culinary writers to be put into the pot, or saucepan, when the water is warm, not hot; but salt meat, for the most part, should be put in when the water is perfectly cold ; by this means the superfluous salt will be extracted from it The pot should not, with fresh meat, be allowed to boil, or rather to arrive at the boiling point, under forty or fifty minutes; more time should be taken with salt meat. The usual direction is, as above, to put fresh meat into warm water — but we are convinced, that the better plan is always to use cold. Meat, thoroughly cooked, will take twenty minutes boiling to each pound. Salt, a little more. 150. When the scum rises, let it be carefully removed; and if the heat of the water is checked with a small portion of cold water, it will throw up an additional scum, which must, of course, be also care- fully taken away. The scum rises just as the water is beginning to boil. The nice clear appearance of the meat, when done, in a great measure depends upon attending to the above directions. 151. When the liquor in your vessel once boils, after all the scum has been cleared away, let it continue to simmer till the meat is done. From fifteen to twenty minutes is generally directed to be allowed for each pound of meat, but twenty is better. Never stick your fork into meat, whether boiling or roasting, upon any account; the eflfect will be to let out the gravy. Bacon is an exception. 152. Meats of any description, just killed, and still warm, whether to be roasted or boiled, will do as soon, and eat as tender, as meat which has hung the usual time ; but if once suffered to become cold after slaughtering, it will require more dressing, and after all will not eat so tenderly, unless hung a proper time. 153. Meat which has been frozen must be immersed in cold water two or three hours, or till the frost is taken out of it, before it is dressed, or it will never be well done. In cold weather meat requires more dressing than in warm. 154. Salt meat will require more boiling than fresh, and thick parts, whether salt or fresh, rather more than thin ones. 155. In boiling bacon, if very salt, it is a good plan to take away a part or the whole of the water, when it is on the point of boiling, and filling up the pot with cold water. This process renders it more mild. Bacon or ham is done when the skin is easily removed, or the fork leaves it readily. 156. Hams, beef; tongues, and even pork, which have been kept long in pickle, should be soaked before they are boiled — if hard, ia warm water. A ham weighing twenty pounds, or upwards, will take from five to six hours to dress it well (the water should not boil) ; and a large dry tongue should be boiled, or rather simmered, for four hours or more. The following is a good plan to dress a ham : Put a certain quantity of suet into the pan which is to be used for the cook- ing of the ham ; then put in the ham and cover it with paper, over 60 THECOMPLETECOOK. which lay a cover of coarse paste, or the paper may be used withool the paste, or the paste without the paper; place the pan in the oven, where let it remain till the ham is done. The gravy coming from the meat will be a jelly, which, mixed with fresh slock or broth for gravies, &c. will greatly improve it. 157. Meat boiled by steam requires no water unless soup is wanted. Meat boiled in the ordinary way should not be permitted to touch the bottom of the pot. This object may be effected by placing a fish-drain in the pot, or by putting a plate upside down in it, or laying some skewers across it a little way from the bottom. 158. There is a method of boiling meat without allowing it to 4ouch or come in contact with the water. This plan, which is little followed in America, has been strongly recommended. To effect this object, fowls filled with oysters may be boiled in a bladder, or in a close jar, by which means they are deliciously stewed, and the flavour and animal juices are all preserved. Meat of any description may be dressed in a similar manner, that is, by putting it into a close jar and immersed in water, which is kept boiling till the meat is done. The Scotch dress their haggis in this way, and the custom was fol- lowed by the ancient Romans. Similar modes of dressing meat are used by savages in different parts of the world. 159. Any thing that is to be warmed and sent to the table a second time, should be put into a basin or jar, placed in hot water, which is not permitted to come to the boiling point. If allowed to boil, the meat will harden, or the sauce will be reduced and become thick; by avoiding these chances the flavour will be preserved, and the viands may be warmed up more than once without injury. The steam ap- paratus now employed in most kitchens, is admirably adapted to this purpose, since the heat can be regulated by the required temperature. 160. The beads, brains, and so forth, of animals, every thing in fact, which in the cleaning process requires soaking, should be soaked in warm, not hot water, as the hot will fix the blood, and injure both the appearance and flavour of the viand. All cooks must be particu- lar in keeping their saucepans well skimmed ; nothing will more completely spoil a dish of any kirnl than the nef lect of this essential point. In order to take off the fat from the braise, or any other gravy, plunge the basin containing it into cold water; the fat will immedi- ately coagulate, and may be removed. 161. It is much better to dress meat immediately after it is killed, that is, while it is warm, than to suffer it to get cold, and not let it hang a proper length of time. Indeed, there is no doubt that meat dressed while warm is as tender, or nearly as tender, as when it has been hung for some days. If, therefore, you cannot procure well- hung meat, and can get that which has been just killed, you ought to prefer the latter. 162. Bacon, ham, and salt beef, may be done, if you want to use your fire for vegetables, half an hour before serving, as it will not sustain any injury by remaining that time in the hot liquor; but all other descriptions of meat would be injured by such a course of proceeding BOILINO. butcher's MEAT, &C. 61 163. Potatoes must never be boiled with meat, or indeed with any thing else, for the meat is injured by the potatoes and the potatoes by the meat. 164. Yon may boil turnips, carrots, parsnips, and pease pudding, with salt meat ; by so doing^ these vegetables will be improved, and the meat not injured ; but the liquor will not keep so long, though it will be rendered better for some kinds of soup. 165. Green vegetables, such as savoys, &,c., should be always put into boiling water with a handful of salt, particularly if they are harsh and strong; they are generally kept boiling till they are done. In warm countries, in Italy, for instance, they first boil them in a large quantity of water for a considerable time; but as this will neither make them sweet nor tender, they are frequently taken out of the pot, and well washed in cold spring water ; they are then boiled again till they are sweet and tender. Old tough meat may be simi- larly treated with like effect. 166. Old potatoes must never be put into warm or hot water. On the contrary, the water in^ which this useful vegetable is boiled should be perfectly cold when the potatoes are first put in. New potatoes are better put in boiling water. BOILING— BUTCHER'S MEAT AND POULTRY. The general directions which we have given for boiling in the pre- ceding pages, if they have been well studied by the young cook, as we trust they have, render it useless for us to go into the question at any length ; we shall, therefore, content ourselves with a few special directions relative to the dressing of the different things designated at the head of this section. It will not be necessary to give a great multiplicity of receipts; for if the general principles of boiling are well understood, and we have spared neither time nor space to make them so, the cook will find no difficulty in preparing any particular dish without especial directions from us, or any other writer. The receipts which follow are selected according to the best of our judg- ment. We do not pretend to say that they are original ; upon such a subject it is impossible to be original, with the exception, perhaps, of a few instances. Dr. Kitchiner apologises in his "Cook's Oracle," for his " receipts differing a little from those in former cookery books." Very different is this open and candid proceeding from that of a voluminous writer of great pretensions, who claims the following mode of dressing rice, which is as old as the introduction of that article into this country, as original! "Tie some rice in a cloth, leaving plenty of room for it to swell ; boil it in water for an hour or two, and eat it with butter and sugar, or milk."' • 167. Boiled Beef. — Fresh boiled beef is called heefbouilli by some, but in the French kitchen the term means fresh beef dressed, without absolutely boiling, it being suffered only to simmer till it is done. Indeed, it may be laid down as a general rule, that whether you are dressing beef bouilli, or any other meat, it should never be suffered 5* 63 THE COMPLETE COOK. >"? to go into a boiling gallop^ except for a minute or two, for th6 pur- pose of throwing- up the scum. After the scum is all cleared away, let it simmer till it is done. But you must be careful not to let your meat boil too quickly ; for this purpose it should be put over a mo- derate fire, and the water made gradually hot, or the meat will be hardened, and shrink up as if it were scorched ; but by keeping the meat a certain time heating, without boiling, the fibres of the meat dilate, and it not only yields the scum more freely, but the meat ia rendered more tender. The advantage of dressing fresh meat in the way practised by the French with regard to fresh beef is twofold. In the first place, meat dressed in this manner affords much more nourishment than it does cooked in the common way, is easy of diges- tion, and will yield soup of a most excellent quality. (See Soup and Bouilli, and 99.) 168. Boiled Salt Beef. — A piece of beef of fifteen pounds will take three hours, or more, simmering after it has boiled, and it ought to be full forty minutes on the fire before it does boil ; skim carefully ; put a tea-cup full of the liquor, and garnish with sliced carrots. Vegeta- bles, carrots, turnips, kale, parsnips; sauce, melted butter. Pease pudding is sometimes boiled with salt beef, and the liquor, if not too salt, will make good pease soup. An aitch, or H bone of beef, a round, or ribs salted and rolled, and indeed all other beef, are boiled in the same way. Briskets and other inferior joints require, perhaps, more attention than superior ones; they should in fact rather be stewed than boiled, and in a small quantity of water, by which means, if good meat, they will be delicious eating. 169. Mutton. — A leg will take from two to three hours boiling. Accompaniments — parsley and butter, caper sauce, eschalot, onion, turnips, carrots, spinach, &c., and to boiled mutton in general. 170. JSeck of Mutton. — As the scrag end takes much longer to boil, some people cut it off and boil it half or three-quarters of an hour before the rest, as it is apt to be bloody, however well washed ; you had better skim it well. When it is time to put the best end in, add cold water to check the heat, allowing an hour and a half or three-quarters, after the second boiling up. Cut off some of the fat before dressing, or at least peel off the skin when taken up. For accompaniments, see 169. 171. Shoulder^ boiled. — The whole is sometimes boiled, and some- times cut in half, taking the knuckle part, and leaving the oyster for roasting ; it will take not less than two hours slow boiling, though it may not weigh above five pounds. Boil it either plain or in broth. Accompaniments, 169. 172. Breast, boiled, will require from two and a half, to three hours. Accompaniments, 169. 173. Sheeps' Heads, plain boiled. — Boil them two hours ; before boi[ ing, take out the brains, wash them clean and free from all skin ; chop about a dozen sage leaves very small, tie them in a small bag, and let them boil half an hour, then beat them up with pepper and salt, and BOILING. — butchers' MEAT, & C . 6& half an ounce of butter ; pour it over the head, or serve in a boat or tureen ; skin the tongue before serving. Accompaniments, 169. 174. Leg of Lamb, boiled. — From an hour and a quarter to an hour and a haltl Accompaniments — caper sauce, melted butter, turnips, spinach, carrots, &c. 175. Neck, boiled. — One hour ; if very large, an hour and a quar- ter. 176. Lamb's Head and Pluck. — Parboil the lights and a small bit of the liver till it v^^ill chop fine, and boil the head in the same liquor; it will take nearly an hour to boil ; scald the brains, tied up in a small bag, with five or six sage leaves, chopped very fine ; they will take twenty minutes to do ; warm the mince in a little of the liquor, sea- soned with salt, pepper, and nutmeg ; thicken with flour, and half an ounce of butter, and stir in the brains. Take up the head ; skin the tongue; pour over the mince; sippets of toasted bread and slices of lemon. The liver, heart, and sweetbread, to be fried, and laid round the dish with slices of bacon; or served in a separate dish, which ia preferable, as the liver requires a little brown gravy. Vegetables, turnips, carrots, &.c. Browned. — After boiling, wash the head with the yolk of an egg ; sprinkle with bread crumbs and chopped parsley, and brown it in a dutch oven, the mince to be poured round it. Some people like the flavour of catsup in the mince ; others like a little sliced lemon peel, and a spoonful or two of cream. 177. Boiled Veal. — A knuckle, whether of leg or shoulder, will take full two hours. A scrag of neck or breast, an hour and three- quarters to two hours. Sauce, melted butter, parsley and butter, celery, &,c. 178. Calfs Head, boiled. — Let it be cut in half by the butcher, and all the inside bones removed ; take out the brains, wash the head well in several waters, with a little salt, to draw out the blood ; boil it slowly in plenty of water two hours or two hours and a quarter. Sauce. Well clean the brains, and boil them in a cloth half an hour, with about a dozen sage leaves chopped fine, or parsley, or part of each ; when done, beat them up in a small saucepan, with a little salt and pepper, one ounce of butter, and a little lemon juice ; have them ready quite hot to pour over the tongue, when skinned. Some peo- ple mix the brains with parsley and butter, and pour over the whole head. However it is dressed, it is usually garnished with sliced lemon. 179. 7V/pe, when raw, will take four or five hours simmering. If previously well boiled, twenty minutes to three-quarters of an hour. It may be in milk, or milk and water, or equal parts of milk and its own liquor. Boil with the tripe eight or ten large onions. To keep the tripe warm, serve it in the liquor, and beat up the onions with pepper, salt, and butter ; or the tripe may be served without liquor, and the onion sauce poured over. If onions are not approved, serve parsley and butter, or caper sauce. Tripe may be cut in pieces the size of a hand, dipped in batter and fried, with rashers of bacon 64 THE COMPLETE COOK. laid round the dish. — N. B. Mustard is always an accompaniment of tripe, and generally vinegar also. In some of the English towns, particularly at Birmingham, famous for tripe, the belly or paunch of the animal, after being well cleaned, (in doing which thoroughly great attention and care must be observed,) is sent to the oven in a deep earthenware pot, or jar, closely covered over the top, and baked, or rather stewed, in just a sufficient quantity of water, for four or five hours, or till it is well done. It is sold while yet hot, in the public-houses or tripe shops, at so much a " large or small CM<," with a proportionate quantity of "broth," that is, the liquor in which it has been stewed ; nothing else is eaten with it, except mustard and salt. In Birmingham it is usually eaten for supper, and of course by candle-light, and at no other meal ; a relation of ours, however, was so fond of it, that he used to have the dining-room darkened, and the candles lit, in order that he might partake of it for his dinner, under the same apparent circumstances as at supper. We have heard of whist devotees who could not play the game with any gusto by daylight, and who resorted to the same expedient to imitate night as our tripe gourmand. Tripe cooked in the Birming- ham fashion is delicious — far, very far, superior to that gotten in London ; this may be partly accounted for by the fact that all meat ia greatly deteriorated by being twice subjected to heat. 180. Cow-heel in the hands of a skilful cook, will furnish several good meals; when boiled tender, cut it into handsome pieces, egg and bread-crumb them, and fry them a light brown ; lay them round a dish, and put in the middle of it sliced onions fried, or the accompani- ments ordered for tripe. 181. Pi^'s Pettitoes consist of the feet and internal parts of a suck- ing pig. Set on with a quantity of water, or broth ; a button onion or two may be added, if approved — also, four or five leaves of sage chop- ped small. When the heart, liver, and lights, are tender, take them out and chop fine ; let the feet simmer the while ; they will take from half to three-quarters of an hour to do. Season the mince with salt, nutmeg, and a little pepper, half an ounce of butter, a table -spoonful or two of thick cream, and a tea-spoonful of arrow-root, flour, or pota- toe starch ; return it to the saucepan, in which the feet are ; let it boil up, shaking it one way. Split the feet, lay them round in the mince. Serve with toasted sippets. Garnish. . Mashed potatoes. 182. Salt Pork requires long boiling, never less than twenty minutes to a pound, and a thick joint considerably more. A leg of ten pounds will take four hours simmering, a spring two hours, a porker's head the same. Be very careful that it does not stick to the pot. No sauce is required, except a quarter of a pint of the liquor in which it was boiled, to draw the gravy, and plenty of good fresh mustard. A chine is usually served quite dry. The vegetable accompanimenta are pease pudding, turnips, carrots, and parsnips. 183. Pickled Pork, which is usually bought pickled, requires to be well washed before boiling, and must boil very slowly. It is seldom eaten alone, but as an accompaniment to fowls, or other white meat. MEAT, &C. 65 ' 184. Bacon, Ham, Tongues. — First, well wash and scrape clean. If very salt, it may soak in cold water a few hours ; allow plenty of water, fresh rain or river water is best ; put it in when the chill is off, and let it be a good while coming to the boil, then keep it very gently simmering. If time allows, throw away nearly or quite all the liquor of bacon as soon as it boils up, and renew it with fresh cold water ; reckon the time from the second boiling. A pound of streaky bacon will require three-quarters of an hour to boil ; a quarter of an hour for every additional pound. If good bacon it will swell in boiling, and when done the rind will pull off easily. Take it up on a common dish to remove the rind, and sprinkle it over with bread raspings, sifted through a flour dredge, or grater. A ham of twelve or Iburteen pounds will require four or five hours simmering, or four hours baking in a moderate oven. When done, remove the skin aa whole as possible, and preserve it to cover over the ham and keep it moist. If to be served hot, strew raspings as above ; but if intended for eating cold, omit the raspings. It will be much the more juicy for not cutting hot. Set it on a baking stand, or some other contrivance, to keep it from touching the dish ; this preserves it from swamping in the fat that drips from it, keeps the fat nice and white for use, and also makes the ham keep the longer from becoming mouldy, by the outside being perfectly dry. Whether hot or cold, garnish with parsley. A neat's tongue, according to its size, age, and freshness, will require from two hours and a half to four hours slow boiling. When done, it will stick tender, and the skin will peel off easily. A dried chine, or hog's cheek, may be allowed the same boiling as bacon, viz. four pounds an hour and a half, and a quarter of an hour for every additional pound. 185. To poach Eggs. — The best vessel for this purpose is a frying pan ; but it must be kept for that purpose only, or the grease will ad- here to the water, and spoil the delicate appearance of the eggs. A wide-mouthed stew-pan will do as well. Both the vessel and water must be delicately clean. Break the eggs into separate cups ; when the water boils, gently slip in the eggs, and set the vessel on the hob for a minute or so, till the white has set, then set it over the fire ; let it once boil up, and the eggs are done. The white should retain its transparency, and the yellow appear brightly through it. Take up very carefully with a slice; trim ofl^any rough edges of white, and serve on buttered toast, a piece for each egg, a little larger than the egg itself; or on a fish drainer. Garnish with sliced bacon or ham, sausages, or spinach. 186. Turkeys, Capons, Chickens, c^c, are all boiled exactly in the same manner, only allowing time according to their size. A chicken will take about twenty minutes — a fowl, forty — a fine five-toed fowl or a capon, about an hour — a small turkey, an hour and a half — a large one, two hours or more. Chickens or fowls should be killed at least one or two days before they are to be dressed.* Turkeys (espe- * If they are dressed immediately after they are killed, befare the fiesh ia cold^ lUI poultry eat equally tender. ' 6* 66 THE COMPLETE COOK. cially large ones) should not be dressed till they have been killed three or four days at least — in cold weather, six or eight — or they will neither look white nor eat tender. Turkeys and large fowls should have the strings or sinews of the thighs drawn out. Fowls for boiling should be chosen as white as possible : those which have black legs should be roasted. The best use of the liver is to make sauce. Poul- try must be well washed in warm water ; if very dirty from the singe- ing, &.C., rub them with a little white soap, but thoroughly rinse it off before you put them into the pot. Make a good and clear fire; set on a clean pot, with pure and clean water, enough to cover the turkey, &c. ; the slower it boils, the whiter and plumper it will be. Whea there rises any scum, remove it; the common method of some (who are more nice than wise) is to wrap them up in a cloth, to prevent the scum attaching to them ; which if it do by your neglecting to skim the pot, there is no getting it off afterwards, and the poulterer is blamed for the fault of the cook. If there be water enough, and it is attentively skimmed, the fowl will both look and eat much better this way than vi'hen it has been covered up in the cleanest cloth; and the colour and flavour of your poultry will be preserved in the most delicate perfection. FISH. 187. Salmon to boil. — The water should be blood- warm : allow plenty to cover the fish, with a good handful of salt, and a quarter of a pint of vinegar; this makes the fish boil firm. Remove the scum as fast as it rises. Keep it at a very gentle boil from half an hour to an hour, according to the thickness of the fish. When the eyes start, and the fins draw out easily, it is done. Lay the fish-drainer across the kettle a minute or two before shifting the fish. Sauce, lobster, shrimp, anchovy, or parsley and butter. Melted butter is the uni- versal sauce for fish, whether boiled, fried, or baked. Whatever other eauce is served, plain melted butter must never be omitted: we shall therefore only refer to the number of other sauces suitable for parti- cular kinds of fish. Observe, also, potatoes, either boiled or mashed, are the only vegetables eaten with fish, excepting parsnips with salt fish. 188. Broiled Salmon. — This is a good method of dressing a small quantity of salmon for one or two persons. It may be cut in slices the whole round of the fish, each taking in two divisions of the bone ; or the fish may be split, and the bone removed, and the sides of the fish divided into cutlets of three or four inches each : the former method is preferable, if done neatly with a sharp knife. Rub it thoroughly dry with a clean rough cloth; then do each piece over with salad oil or butter. Have a nice clean gridiron over a very clear fire, and at some distance from it. When the bars are hot through wipe them, and rub with lard or suet to prevent sticking; lay on the salmon, and sprinkle with salt. When one side is brown, carefully turn and brown the other. They do equally well or better in a tin, PISH. 6? ot flat dish, in an oven, with a little bit of butter, or sweet oil; or tuey may be done in buttered paper on the gridiron. Sauce, lobster or shrimp. 189. Baked Salmon. — If a small fish, turn the tail to the mouth, and skewer it; force meat may be put in the belly, or, if part of a large fish is to be baked, cut it in slices, egg it over, and dip it in the force meat. Stick bits of butter about the salmon (a few oysters laid round are an improvement). It will require occasional basting with the butter. When one side becomes brown, let it be carefully turned, and when the second side is brown, it is done. Take it up carefully, with all that lies about it in the baking dish. For sauce, melted butter, with two table-spoonsful of port wine, one of catsup, and the juice of a lemon, poured over the fish; or anchovy sauce in a boat. 190. Pickled Salmon. — Do not scrape off the scales, but clean the fish carefully, and cut into pieces about eight inches long. Make a strong brine of salt and water; to two quarts, put two pounds of salt, and a quarter of a pint of vinegar; in all, make just enough to cover the fish ; boil it slowly, and barely as much as you would for eating hot. Drain off all the liquor; and, when cold, lay the pieces in a kit or small tub. Pack it as close as possible, and fill up with equal parts of best vinegar and the liquor in which the fish was boiled. Let it remain so a day or two, then again fill up. Serve with a garnish of fresh fennel. The same method of pickling will apply to sturgeon, mackerel, herrings, and sprats. The three latter are sometimes baked in vinegar, flavoured with allspice and bay leaves, and eat very well ; but will not keep more than a few days. 191. Tiirbot, Halibut, and Brills boiled. — Score the skin across the thick part of the back, to prevent its breaking on the breast, which it would be liable to do when the fish swells in boiling. Put the fish in the kettle in cold water, with a large handful of salt; as it comes to boil, skim it well, and set it aside to simmer as slowly as possible for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes. If it boil fast it will break. It may be garnished with fried smelts or gudgeons, laid all round like spokes of a wheel. Sauce, lobster or shrimp. 192. Soles and Dutch Plaice may be boiled exactly in the same way as turbot, and with the same garnish and sauce, or with parsley, fennel, or chervil sauce. If you have not a turbot kettle, these flat fish boil very well in a large frying pan, provided it admits depth of water to cover them. 193. Soles, fried.— Ea.v\ng cleaned, wipe them thoroughly dry, and keep them in a coarse cloth an hour or two before using. In case any moisture should remain, flour them all over, and again wipe it off! They may be fried either with or without bread crumbs or oatmeal. If bread crumbs are to be used, beat up an egg very finely; wash over the fish with a paste-brush ; then sprinkle over it bread crumbs or oatmeal, so that every part may be covered, and one part not be thicker than another. Lift up the fish by a fork stuck in the head, and shake off^any loose crumbs that may adhere. Have plenty of fat in your pan, over a brisk fire, and let it quite boil before you 68 THE COMPLETE COOK. put the fish in. The fat may be salad oil, butter, lard or dripping. If sweet and clean, the least expensive answers as well as the best, but let there be enough to cover the fish. Give the fish a j^entle ehove with a slice, that it may not stick to the pan. In about four or five minutes one side will be brown ; turn it carefully, and do the other; which, being already warm, will not take so long-. The best way to turn a large sole, is to stick a fork in the head, and raise the tail with a slice, otherwise it is liable to be broken with its own weight. If the soles are very large, it is a good way to cut them across in four or five pieces, by which means the thick parts can havp more time allowed them, without overdoing the thin. The very same rules will apply to the frying of Dutch plaice, flounders, eels, jack perch, roach, and other fresh-water fish. Jack and eels to be cut in pieces three or four inches long. Sauce, anchovy, parsley and butter, or melted butter flavoured with mushroom catsup. Garnish, sprigs of parsley or lemon juice. 194. Soles or Eels, steiced. — They may be first half fried, so as to give them a little brownness ; then carefully drain them from fat; season with pepper and salt, and set them on with as much good beef gravy as will cover them. Let them simmer very gently for a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, according to their thickness, but be very careful thnt they be not overdone. Take up the fish very gently with a slice. Thicken the sauce with flour and butter; flavour with mushroom catsup and port wine; simmer a minute or two, then, strain it over the fish. Some people do not like the addition of wine, and instead thereof mix the thickening with a tea-cup full of good cream, seasoned with cayenne and nutmeg, and with or without the addition of a spoonful of catsup. 195. Cod. — The head and shoulders, comprehending in weight two- thirds or three-quarters of the fish, is much better dressed separately; the tail being much thinner would be broken to pieces before the thicker parts are done. The best way of dressing the tail, is to fry it. For boiling cod, allow plenty of room and water, that the fi.-^h may be perfectly covered. Put it in blood-warm water, with a large handful of salt. Watch for its boiling, that it may be set a little aside. A small cod will require twenty minutes after it boils; a large one, hdlf an hour. When the fins pull easily, and the eyes start, the fish is done. Slip it very carefully on the fish plate, that it may not be broken. Take out the roe and liver, which are much esteemed ; they will serve to garnish the dish, together with horse-radish and slices of lemon, or fried smelts, or oysters. Sauce, oyster. The sound, a fat jelly-like substance, along the inside of the backbone, is the great delicacy of the fish. Cod is sometimes boiled in slices. Let them be soaked half an hour in salt water; then set on with cold spring water and salt, just enough to cover them. Let it boil up; then carefully skim and set aside for ten minutes. Serve with the same sauce as above. Slices of cod are much better fried as soles. Slices of crimped cod, for boiling, are put in boiling water, and when done , served on a napkin. , ,_ ^ ...:.. VI sn. - 69 196. Ling is a large finih, somewhat resembling- cod, and may be dressed in the same way, but is very inferior in quality. 197. Haddock is but a poor fish, make the best of it. It may be boiled, and served with e . ■»••■ 74 T H E C O M r L E T E C O O K. slightest inconvenience to the persons occupying the apartment. This contrivance will save, in the course of a year, all the expense, and more, of its original cost, in bakings, with this additional consi- deration, that meat so dressed will be equal to roasted meat. Meat cooked in a common oven, to say nothing of the abstracting of the dripping by the generality of bakers, is greatly inferior, both in flavour and tenderness, to that dressed in the American oven, where the air is not confined. It is not, however, meat alone that may be dressed in the American oven. All sorts of cakes may be made in it, and indeed, all the operations of baking and roasting may be performed by it, on a limited scale, but sufficiently large tor a small family in contracted circumstances; in short, with the addition of the recent improvement, a sort of oval iron covering, we have baked bread before a parlour fire as perfectly as it could be produced by the regular pro- cess of baking; in one word, no family, whether in poor or middling circumstances, ought to be without the American oven, which may be had for a few shillings. 225. The fire for roasting should be made up in time, but it is better not to be very hot at first. The fire should, in point of size, be suited, to the dinner to be dressed, and a few inches longer at each end than the article to be roasted, or the ends will not be done. 226. Never put meat down to a fierce fire, or one thoroughly burnt up, if you can possibly avoid it; but if not, you must take care and place it a considerable distance from the grate ; indeed, meat should always be done slowly at first; it is impossible to roast a joint of very considerable size well under some hours. It is said that George III., who lived principally upon plain roasted and boiled joints, employed cooks who occupied four, five, or even six hours in roasting a single joint; but the result amply repaid the loss of labour and time; the meat was full of gravy, perfectly tender, and of a delicious flavour. 227. In placing paper over the fat to preserve it, never use pins or skewers; they operate as so many taps, to carry off the gravy; be- sides, the paper frequently starts from the skewers, and is, conse- quently, liable to take fire, to the great injury of both the flavour and appearance of the meat. For these reasons, always fasten on your paper with tape, twine, or any other suitable string. 228. The fire should be proportioned to the quantity of the meat intended to be roasted, as we have intimated above. For large joints make up a good strong fire, equal in every part of the grate, and well backed by cinders or small coals. Take care that the fire is bright and clear in the front. The larger the joint to be roasted, the farther tt must be kept from the fire till nearly done — mind that. When you have to roast a thin and tender thing, let your fire be little and brisk. 229. When your fire is moderately good, your meat, unless very small, ought not to be put down nearer than from ten to fifteen inches off the grate; in some instances a greater distance would be prefer- able, but it is impossible to lay down any definite rule on this subject. 2t30. Slow roasting, like slow boiling, is the best, and the more ROASTING, BROILING, &C. 75 slow, in reason, the better. The time usually directed to be allowed for roasting m^at, where the fire is good, the meat screen sufficiently large, and the meat not frosted, is rather more than a quarter of an hour to a pound, but we take this to be too short a time; however, the cook must judge for herself; much will depend upon the tempera- ture of the atmosphere, fee, and more upon the degree of basting it has undergone. The more the meat is basted the less time it will take to do^ for the meat is rendered soft and mellow outside, and con- sequently, admits the lieat to act upon the inside. On the contrary, meat rendered hard on the outside by having too hot a fire, or neglect- ing to baste, the fire is prevented from operating upon the interior. When the meat is half done the fire should be well stirred for brown- ing, that is, it must be made to burn brightly and clearly. When the steam begins to rise, depend upon it the meat is thoroughly done, that is, well saturated with heat, and all that goes off from the meat in evaporation is an absolute waste of its most savoury and nourish- ing particles. 231. A good cook will be particular to place her dripping pan so as to catch the dripping, but not the loose hot coals which may chance to fall from the fire. Your dripping pan should be large, not lesa than twenty-eight inches long and twenty inches broad, and should have a well covered well on the side from the fire, to collect the drip- ping; "this," says Dr. Kitchiner, " will preserve it in the most deli- cate state." 232. Roasting and boiling, as being the most common operations in cooking, are generally considered the most easy ; this is a great error: roasting, m particular, requires unremitting attention toper- form it well, much more so than stewing, or the preparing many made dishes. A celebrated French author, in the Almanack des Gout' manils, says, that " the art of roasting victuals to the precise degree, is one of the mo.-t difficult things in this world, and ijou mayjind half a thousand good cooks sooner than one perfect roaster ; Jive minutes on the spiff more or less, decide the goodness of this mode of cookery.'' ROASTmG, BROILING, AND FRYING. Before entering into any detail as to the best method of preparing the different dishes imder this head, we must recommend the young cook to again carefully read our preliminary observations on roasting. We may here too be allowed to er.ter our most decided protest against baking meat, generally speakin-g — whether in the common brick oven, or in the iron ovens attached to kitchen ranges, particularly in the latter, unless they have a draught of air through them, when they will dress, or rather roast meat very well. Meat cannot be subjected to the influence of fire without injury, unless it is open to the air, by which the exhalations are carried off, and the natural flavour of the meat is preserved. Under the idea of saving fuel, persons are induced to use stoves in their kitchen instead of ranges. They should con- 76 . ;> T H E C O M P L E T E COOK. u sider, however, that baking" not only injures the meat, but absolutely Kpoils the dripping, which from roasted meat is much^^nore valuable than the extra cost of coals. For a small family, we recommend the bottle jack — and for large establishments, a kitchen range, a smoke jack, and the usual quantity of plating for stewing, or boiling-. In the following receipts we have generally indicated the time which a joint will take roasting, but a good cook will never wholly depend upon lime, either in roasting or boiling; she ought to exercise her own judgment, as to whether a thing is done or not When roast meat streams towards the fire, it is a sure sign that the meat is nearly done. On no account, whatever, should gravy be poured over any thing that is roasted. It makes the meat insipid, and washes oil the frothing, or dredging. 233. Sirloin of Beef, roasted. — Sirloin or ribs, of about fifteen pounds, will require to be before a large sound fire about three and a half or four hours; take care to spit it evenly, that it may not be heavier on one side than the other; put a little clean drippinj? in the dripping pan (tie a piece of paper over it to preserve the fat), b-tste it well as soon as it is put down, and every quarter of an hour all the time it is roasting, till the last half hour; then take off the paper, and make some gravy for it; stir the fire and make it clear; to brown and froth it, sprinkle a little salt over it, baste it with butter, and dredge it with flour; let it go a few minutes longer, till the froth ri^"■ 3; take it up. Garnish it with a hillock of horse-radish, scraped at fine as possible with a very sharp knife. A Yorkshire pudding is an excellent accompaniment. The inside of the sirloin should never be cut hot, but reserved entire for the hosh, or a mock hare. 234. Rump and Round. — Rump and rounds of beef are sometimes roasted ; they require thorough doing, and much basting to keep the outside from being dry. It should be before the fire from three hours, and upwards, nccording to size. Gravy and garrnsh as above. 235. Mock Hare. — The inside lean of a sirloin of beef may be dresse^l so as to resemble hare, and is by many people greatly pre- ferred to it. Make a good stuffing. If possible, get the inside meat of the whole length of sirloin, or even of two, lay the stuffing on half the length, turn the other end over and sew up the two sides with a strong twine, that will easily draw out when done ; roast it nicely, taking care to baste it well, and serve with sauces and garnishes the same as hare; or, it may be partly roasted and then stewed, in rich thickened gravy with force meat balls, and sauce. 236i Ribs of Beef , boned. — Take out the ribs, &c. and roll it ag- round as possible; bind with tape ; roast with or without veal stuffing, laid over before rolling. Thoroughly soak it, and brown it before a quick fire. Roast beef accompaniments, and, if liked, wow-womt sauce. 237. Roasting Mutton. — A saddle of mutton of ten or twelve pounds will take from two hours and a half to three hours roasting. Mutton should be put before a brisk fire; a saddle of mutton requires to be protected from the heat by covering it with paper, which should ROASTING, BROILING, &, C . 77 be taken off about a quarter of an hour before it is done ; when of a paie-brown colour, baste it; flour it lightly to froth. The leg of mutton, the shoulder, the loin, the neck, the breast, and the haunch^ require the same treatment as the saddle, with the exception of papering, which, however, may be sometimes required. The haunch should be served with plain but rich mutton sauce, and with sweet sauce ; of course separately. 238. Mutton, Venison fashion. — Hang till fit for dressing a good neck of mutton ; two days before dressing it, rub it well twice each day with powdered allspice, and black pepper ; roast it in paste, as ordered for the haunch of venison. 239. Roasting Veal. — This meat r'^quires particular care to roast it a nice brown ; the fire should be the same as for beef; a sound large fire for a large joint, and a brisker for a smaller: soak tho- roughly, and then bring it nearer the fire to brown ; baste on first pulling down, and occasionally afterwards. When done and dished, pour over it melted butter, with or without a little brown gravy. Veal joints, not stuffed, may be served with force meat balls, or rolled into sausages as garnish to the dish ; or fried pork sausages. Bacon or ham, and greens, are generally eaten with veal. 240. Fillet of Veal of from twelve to sixteen pounds will require from four or five hours at a good fire ; make some stuffing or force meat, and put it under the flap, that there may be some left to eat cold, or to season a hash ; brown it, and pour good melted butter over it ; garnish with thin slices of lemon and cakes or balls of stuffing. A loin is the best part of the calf, and will take about three hours roasting ; paper the kidney fat and back. A shoulder from three hours to three hours and a half; stuff it with the force meat ordered for the fillet of veal, or balls made of 271. Neck, best end, will take two hours; same accompaniments as the fillet. The scrag part is best in a pie or broth. Breast from an hour and a half to two hours. Let the caul remain till it is almost done, then take it off to brown it; baste, flour and froth it. 241. Veal Sweetbread. — Trim a fine sweetbread (it cannot be too fresh), parboil it for five minutes, and throw it into a basin of cold water. Roast it plain, or beat up the yolk of an egg, and prepare some bread crumbs. When the sweetbread is cold, dry it thoroughly in a cloth; run a lark-spit or a skewer through it, and tie it on the ordinary spit; egg it with a paste-brush ; powder it well with bread crumbs, and roast it. For sauce, fried bread crumbs round it, and melted butter, with a little mushroom catsup, or serve them on but- tered toast, garnished with egg sauce, or with gravy. Instead of spitting them, you may put them into a tin dutch oven or fry them. 242. Roasting Lamb. — To the usual accompaniments of roasted meat, Iamb requires green mint sauce or salad, or both. Some cooks, about five minutes before it is done, sprinkle it with a little fresh- gathered and finely minced parsley, or crisped parsley. Lamb and all 3^oung meats ought to be thoroughly done ; therefore, do not take eithe" lamb or veal oflT the spit till you see it drop white gravy. ■^ THE COMFLETE COOK. VVhfin green mint cannot be got, mint vinegar is an acsrptable sub- Btitute tor it, and crisp parsley, on a side plate, is an admirable accompaniment. Hind-quarter of eight pounds will take from an hour and three-quarters to two hours; baste, and froth it. A quarter of a porkling is sometimes skinned, cut, and dressed lamb Cushion, and sent up as a substitute for it. The leg and the loin of lamb, when little, should be roasted together, the former being lean, the latter fat, and the gravy is better preserved. Fore-quarter often pounds, about two hours, ft is a pretty general custom, when you lake off the shoulder from the ribs, to squeeze a Seville orange, or lemon, over them, and sprinkle them with a little pepper and salt ; this may be done by the cook before it comes to table. Some peo;>le are not remarkably expert at dividing these joints nicely. Leg of five pounds, from an hour to an hour and a half. Shoulder, with a quick fircj an hour. Ribs, almost an hour to an hour and a quarter; joint them nicely, crack the ribs across, and divide them from the brisket after it is roasted. Loi?i, an hour and a quarter. Neck, an hour. Breast three-quarters of an hour. 243. Roasting Pork. — If this meat be not well done, thoroughly well done, it is disgusting to the sight and poisonous to the stomach. "In the gravy of pork, if there is the least tint of redness," says Dr. Kitchiner, " it is enough to appal the sharpest appetite. Other moots under-done are unpleasant, but pork is absolutely uneatable." A Leg of eight pounds will require about three hours; score the skin across in narrow stripes (some score it in diamonds) about a quarter of an inch apart; stuff the knuckle with sage and onion minced fine, and a little grated bread, seasoned with pepper, salt, and the yolk of an egg. See 252 and 270. Do not put it too near the fire ; rub a little sweet oil on the skin with a paste-brush, or a goose- feather ; this makes the crackling crisper and browner than basting it with dripping, and it will be a better colour than all the art of cookery can make it in any other way ; and this is the best way of preventing the skin from blistering, which is principally occasioned by its being put too near the fire. 244. Leg of Pork roasted loithout the skin ; or Mock Goose. — Parboil a leg of pork, take off the skin, and then put it down to roast; baste it with butter, and make a savoury powder of finely minced of dried or powdered sage, ground black pepper, salt, and some bread crumbs rubbed together through a colander ; you may add to this a little very finely minced onion; sprinkle it with this when it is almost . roasted ; put a half pint of made gravy into the dish, and goose stuffing ' tinder the knuckle skin, or garnish the dish with balls of it, fried or broiled. 245. Spare rib : when you put it down to roast, dust on some flour. . and baste it with a little butter ; dry a dozen sage leaves, rub thenr through a hair sieve, put them into the top of a pepper box, and about a quarter of an hour before the meat is done baste it with butter; du.st the pulverised sage, or savoury powder, in, or sprinkle it with duck stuffing ; some people prefer it plain. fl o A s T I N a . 79 246. Loin of Pork, of five pounds, must be kept at a good distance from the fire, on account of the crackling, and will take about two hours — if very fat, half an hour longer: stuff it with duck stuffing (252 and 270 ;) score the skin in stripes about a quarter of an inch apart, and rub it with salad oil. You may sprinkle over it some of the savoury powder recommended for the mock goose (244.) 247. Sucking Pf^ should be about three weeks old, and it ought to be dressed as quickly as possible after it is killed; if not quite fresh, the crackling can never be made crisp. It requires constant attentior^ and great care in roasting. As the ends require more fire than the middle, an instrument called the pig-iron has been contrived to hang before the latter part. A common flat iron will answer the purpose, or the fire may be kept fiercest at the ends. A good stuffing m;iy be made as follows : — Take five or six ounces of the crumb of stale bread ; crumble and rub through a colander; mince very fine a handful of sage, and a large onion; mix with an egg, pepper, salt, and apiece of butter about the size of an egg ; fill the belly, and sew it up ; put it to the fire, and baste it with butter tied up in a rag, by applying it to the back of the pig. Kitchiner recommends bastinfr it with olive oil till it is done. It should never be left. It should be placed before a clear brisk fire, at some distance; and great care should be taken that the crackling should be nicely crisped, and delicately browned. It will require from an hour and a half to two hours, according to the size of the pig. When first put to the fire, it should be rubbed all over with fresh butter, or salad oil ; ten minutes after this, and when the skin looks dry, dredge it well with flour all over. Let this re« main on an hour, and then rub it off with a soft cloth. A sucking pig being very troublesome to roast, is frequently sent to the oven. A clever baker will do it so as to be almost equal to roasted ; he will re- quire a quarter of a pound af butter, and should be told to baste it well. (See 284.) Before you take the pig from the fire, cut off the head, and part that and the body down the middle; chop the brains very fine with some boiled sage leaves, and mix them with good veal or beef gravy, or what runs from the pig when you cut the head off. Send up a tureen full of gravy besides. Currant sauce is still a favourite with some of the old school. Lay your pig back to back in the dish, with one half of the head on each side, and the ears at each end, which you must take care to make nice and crisp, or you will get scolded, and deservedly. When you cut off the pettitoes, leave the skin long, round the end of the legs. 248. Turkey, Turkey Poults, and other Poultry. — A fowl and a turkey require the same management at the fire, only the latter will take longer time. Let them be carefiilly picked, break the breast- bone (to make them look plump,) and thoroughly singe them with a sheet of clean writing paper. Prepare a nice brisk fire for them. Make stuffing according to 269; stuff them under the breast wliere the craw was taken out; and make some into balls, and boil or fry them, and lay them round the dish; they are handy to help, and you can reserve some of the inside stuffing to eat with the cold turkey, ar 80 THE COMPLETE COOK. to enrich a hash. Score the gizzard ; dip it in the yolk of an err?, or melted butter, and sprinkle it with salt and a few grains of cayenne; put it under one pinion, and the liver under the other; cover the liver with buttered paper, to prevent it getting- hardened or buint. When you first put your turkey down to roast, dredge it with flour, then put about an ounce of butter into a basting ladle, and as it melts baste the bird. Keep it at a distance from the fire for the first half hour that it may warm gradually, then put it nearer, and when it is plumped up, and the steam draws towards the fire, it is nearly done enough ; then dredge it lightly with flour, and put a bit of butter into your bastinfif ladle, and as it melts baste the turkey with it; this will raise a finer froth than can be produced by using the fat out of the pan. A very large turkey will require about three hours to roast it thoroughly ; a middling sized one, of eight or ten pounds, about two hours ; a small one may be done in an hour and a half. Turkey poults are of various eizes, and will take about an hour and a half Fried pork sausages are a very savoury accompaniment to either roasted or boiled turkey. Sausage meat is sometimes used as a stuffing, instead of the ordinary force meat. If you wish a tcrkey, especially a very large one, to be tender, never dress it till at least four or five days (in cold weather, eight or ten) after it has been killed, unless it be dressed immediately after killing, before the flesh is cold ; be very careful not to let it freeze. Hen turkeys are preferable to cocks for whiteness and tenderness, and the small tender ones, with black legs, are most esteemed. Send up with them oyster, egg, and plenty of gravy sauce. 249. Capons or Fowls must be killed a couple of days in moderate, and more in cold, weather, before they are dressed, unless dressed immediately they are killed, or they will eat tough : a good criterion of the ripeness of poultry for the spit, is the ease with which you can pull out the feathers; when a fowl is plucked, leave a few to help you to ascertain this. They are managed exactly in the same manner, and sent up with the same sauces, as a turkey, only they require pro- portionably less time at the fire-^a full-grown five-toed fowl about an hour and a quarter; a moderate sized one, an hour; a chicken, from thirty to forty minutes. Have also pork sausages fried, as they are in general a favourite accompaniment, or turkey stuffing; see Force meats, 278 ; put in plenty of it, so as to plump out the fowl, which must be tied closely (both at the neck and rump,) to keep in the stuflf^ ing; some cooks put the liver of the fowl into this force meat, and others mince it and pound it, and rub up with flour and melted butter. When the bird is stuffed and trussed, score the gizzard nicely; dip it into melted butter ; let it drain, and then season it with cayenne and salt ; put it under one pinion, and the liver under the other; to. pre- vent their getting hardened or scorched, cover them with double pa- per buttered. Take care that your roasted poultry be well browned;, it is as indispensable that roasted poultry should have a rich brown] complexion, as that boiled poultry should have a delicate white one. ROASTING. 81 For sauces, see 111 ; or liver and parsley, and those ordered in the last receipt. 250. Goose. — When a goose is well picked, singed and cleaned, make the stuffing with about two ounces of onion, and half as much green sage ; chop them very fine, adding four ounces of stale bread crumbs, a bit of butter about as big as a walnut, and a very little pep- per and salt (to this some cooks add half the liver, parboiling it first,) the yolk of an egg or two, and, incorporating the whole together, stuff the goose ; do not quite fill it, but leave a little room for the stuffing to swell. From an hour and a half to an hour and three-quarters will roast a fine full-grown goose. Send up gravy and apple sauce with it. Geese are called green till they are about four months old. 251. Canvass Back Ducks, or Red Neck Ducks. — Let your duck be young and fat, if possible; having picked it well, draw it and singe carefully, without washing it, so as to preserve the blood, and conse- quently, all its flavour. You then truss it, leaving its head on for the purpose of distinguishing it from common game, and place it on the spit before a brisk fire, for at least fifteen minutes. Then serve it hot, in its own gravy, which is formed by the blood, &c., on a large chafing dish. The best birds are found on the Potomac river; they have the head purple, and the breast silver colour, and it is consideroi superior in quality and flavour to any other species of wild duck. The season is only during the cold weather. 252. Duck. — Mind your duck is well cleaned, and wiped out with a clean cloth ; for the styTmg, take an ounce of onion and half an ounce of green sage; chjp them very fine, and mix them with two ounces of bread crumbs, a bit of butter about as big as a walnut, a very little black pepper and salt, and the yolk of an egg to bind it; mix these thoroughly together, and put into the duck. From half to three-quarters of an hour will be enough to roast it, according to the size ; contrive to have the feet delicately crisp, as some people are very fond of them; — to do this nicely, you must have a sharp fire. Gravy sauce, and sage and onion sauce. To hash or stew ducks, the same as goose. If you think the raw onion will make too strong an impression upon the palate, parboil it. To insure ducks being ten- der, in moderate weather kill them a few days before you dress them. 253. Haunch of Venison. — To preserve the fat, make a paste of flour and water, as much as will cover the haunch; wipe it with a dry cloth in every part ; rub a large sheet of paper all over with but- ter, and cover the venison with it ; then roll out the paste about three- quarters of an inch thick. Lay this all over the fat side, cover it with three or four sheets of strong white paper, and tie it securely on with packthread ; have a strong close fire, and baste your venison as soon as you lay it down to roast (to prevent the paper and string from burn- ing;) it must be well basted all the time. A buck haunch which ge- nerally weighs from twenty to twenty-five pounds, will take about four hours and a half roasting in warm, and longer in cold, weather. A naunch of from twelve to eighteen pounds will be done in about three nours, or three hours and a half. A quarter of an hour before it ia done, the string must be cut, and the paste carefully taken off; now 82 THECOMPLETECOOK. baste it with butter, dredge it ]ic,^htly with flour, and when the froth rises, and it has got a very light-brown colour, it is done. Garnish the knuckle bone with a ruffle of cut writing paper, and send it up with good strong (but unseasoned) gravy in one boat, and currant jelly sauce in the other, or currant jelly in a side plate (not melted.) See for Sauces, 187, 138, 139. Buck venison is in greatest perfection from Midsummer to Michaelmas, and doe from November to January. Neck and Shoulder of venison are to be treated the same way as the haunch, but they will not take so much time, nor do they need the paste covering. 254. A Faicn should be dressed as soon after it is killed as pos- sible; when very young, it is dressed the same as a hare; but they are better eating when the size of the house lamb, or when they are large enough to be roasted in quarters. The hind-quarter is consid- ered the best. Fawns require a very quick fire. They are so deli- cate that they must be constantly basted, or be covered with sheets of fat bacon ; when nearly done, remove the bacon, baste it with butter, and froth it. Serve with venison sauce. 255. A Kid is very good eating when a suckling, and when the dam is in fine condition. Roast, and serve it like a fawn or hare. 256. Hare when young is easy of digestion, and very nourishing— when old, the contrary, unless rendered so by keeping and dressing. "When you receive a hare, take out the liver — if it be sweet, parboil it, and keep it for stuffing. Wipe the hare quite dry; rub the inside with pepper, and hang it in a cool place till it is fit to be dressed, that is to say, till it comes to the point of putrefaction, but not putrefied. Then paunch and skin, wash and lay it in a large pan of cold water four or five hours, changing the water two or three times; lay it in a clean cloth; dry it well, and truss. To make the stuffing, see 272. Let it be stiff"; put it in the belly, and sew it up tightly. The skin must be cut to let the blood out of tiie neck. Some persons baste it with skimmed milk, but we decidedly prefer dripping; it ought to be constantly basted till it is nearly done; then put a little bit of butter into your basting ladle; flour and froth nicely. Serve with good gravy and currant jelly. Cold roast hare, chopped to pieces, and stewed in water for a couple of hours, will make excellent soup. 257. Rabbit. — Put it down to a sharp clear fire ; dredge it lightly and carefully with flour; take care to have it frothy and of a fine light brown; boil the liver with parsley while the rabbit is roasting; when tender, chon them together; put half the mixture into melted butter, use the other half for garnish, divided into little hillocks. Cut off" the head, divide it, and lay half on each side the dish. A fine well-grown and well-hung warren rabbit, dressed as a hare, will eat very much like it. 258. A Pheasant should have a smart fire, but not a fierce one ; baste it, butter and froth it, and prepare sauce for it. Some persons, the pheasant being a dry bird, put a piece of beef or rump steak into the inside before roastipg. It is said that a pheasant should be sus- pended by one of the long tail feathers till it falls. It is then ripe SEASONINGS 83 and ready for the spit, and not before. If a fowl be well kept, and dressed as a pheasant, and with a pheasant, few persons will discover the pheasant from the fowl. 259. Guinea Fowls, Partridges, Pea Fowls, Blackcock, Grouse^ and Moorgamcy are dressed in the same way as pheasants. Par- tridges are sent up with rice sauc", or bread sauce, and good gravy. Blackcock, nioorgame, and grouse, are sent up with currant jelly and fried bread crumbs. 260. Wild Ducks, Widgeon, and Teal, are dressed before a clear fire, and on a hot spit. Wild ducks will require fifteen or twenty minutes to do them in the fashionable way, but to do them well will require a few minutes longer. Widgeon and teal, being smaller birds, of course will require less time. 261. Woodcocks and Snipes are never drawn; they should be tied on a small bird spit, and put to roast at a clear fire ; a slice of bread is put under each bird, to catch the trail, that is the excrements of the intestines; they are considered delightful eating; baste with butter, and froth with flour; lay the toa?t on a hot dish, and the birds on the toast; pour some good gravy into the dish, and send some up in a boat. They are generally roasted from twenty to thirty niinutes — but some epicures say, that a woodcock should be just introduced to tiie cook, for her to show it the fire, and then send it up to table. Gar- nish with slices of lemon. Snipes are dressed in the same way, but require less time. 262. Pigeons, when stuffed, require some green parsley to be chopped very fine with the liver and a bit of butter, seasoned with a little pepper and salt; or they may be stuffed with the same as a fillet of veal. Fill the belly of each bird with either of these compositions. They will roast in about twenty or thirty minutes. Serve with parsley and butter, with a dish under them, with some in a boat. Garnish with crisp parsfey, fried bread crumbs, br^ead sauce, or gravy. 263. Small Birds. — The most delicate of these are larks, which are in high season in November and December. When cleaned and prepared for roasting, brush tiiem with tiie yolk of an egg, and roll in bread crumbs; spit them on a lark-spit, and tie that on a larger Bpit; ten or fifteen minutes at a quick fire will do them ; baste them with fresh butter, and sprinkle them with bread crumbs till they are quite covered, while roasting. Sauce, grated bread fried in butter, which set to drain before the fire that it may harden ; serve the crumbs under the larks when you dish them, and garnish them with slices of lemon. Wheatears are dressed in the same way. 264. Reed Birds. — Having carefully picked your birds, v/hich should be very fat, draw them Vvith the greatest care possible so as not to rob them of any fat, and truss them on a skewer, which you fasten to the spit, and cook them before a brisk fire ; a very few minutes is requisite. In serving them, place them on buttered toast, and pour a small portion of gravy over them. Let them be hot. This is generally considered the best manner of serving reed birds, although many persons prefer them breaded and fried, or barbacued. 84 T II E C O M P L E T E C O O K . "When they are very fat it is unnecepsary to draw Ihcm. The season for this delicious bird is from the middle of September to the first or eecond week in October. SEASONINGS. The art of making seasoning's, or stuffings, principally consists in Eo proportioning the flavours as that none may predominate, or be tasted more than another. In stuffing, care must be taken to leave room for swelling ; if not, it is apt to be hard and heavy. 265. Seasoning for Roast Pork, Ducks, or Geese. — Two-thirds onion, one-third green sage, chopped fine, bread crumbs equal in weight to the sage and onions; season with a little pepper and salt, and incorporate it well with the yolk of an egg or two, and a bit of butter. Some omit the bread crumbs, and some again do not like the onions, while others add to them a clove of garlic. 266. Seasoning for a Sucking Fig. — A large teacup full of grated bread, two ounces of butter, season with nutmeg, salt, and pepper; scald two small onions, chop fine, and about thirty leaves of young sage, and egg beat fine, and mix altogether, and sew it in the belly of the pig. 267. Seasoning for a Goose. — Scald the liver, chop fine, crumb twice its weight in bread, chop fine four small onions, or an equal weight of chives, half the weight of green sage, half an ounce of butter, the yolk of an egg, and a table spoonful of potato starch ; season highly with salt and pepper; mix well. 268. Chesniit Seasoning for Goose. — Fry or boil chesnuts till the outer skin comes off" very easily, and the inside will pound or grate ; rexluce them to powder, scald the liver of the goose, and an onion or two, the juice of a lemon, season with pepper, cayenne, salt; mix well toofether. STUFFINGS AND FORCE MEATS. 269. Stiiffing for Veal, Roast Turkey, Fowl, t^^c. — Mince a quarter of a pound of beef marrow (beef suet will do,) the same weight of bread crumbs, two drachms of parsley leaves, a drachm and a half of sweet marjoram (or lemon thyme,) and the same of grated lemon peel, an onion, chopped very fine, a little salt and pepper, pound thoroughly together, with the yolk and white of two Gggs, and secure it in the veal with a skewer, or sew it in with a needle and thread. Make some of it into balls or sausages; flour and fry or boil them, and send them up as a garnish, or in a side dish, with roast poultry, veal, or cutlets, &c. This is sufficient quantity for a turkey poult; a very large turkey will require twice as much; an ounce of dressed ham may be added to the above, or use equal parts of the above stuffing and pork sausage meat. 270. Goose or Duck slvfing. — Chop vt^ry fine about one ounce of green sago leaves, two ounces of onion also chopped fine (both un« STUFFINGS, &C. boiled,) a bit of butter about the size of a walnut, four ounces bread crumbs, a little salt and pepper, the yolk and white of an egg: Bome add to this a little apple. 271. Force meat balls for turtle, mock turtle, or made dishes :— Pound some veal in a marble mortar, rub it through a sieve with aa much of the udder as you have of veal, and about the third of the quantity of butter ; put some bread crumbs in a stew-pan, moisten with milk, add a little chopped eschalot, and a little parsley; rub them well together in a mortar till they form a smooth paste ; put it through a sieve, and when cold, pound and mix all together, with the yolk of three eggs boiled hard; season it with curry powder, or cayenne pepper and salt; add the yolks of two unboiled eggs, rub it well together, and make small balls; a few minutes before your soup is ready, put them in. 272. Sticffing for Hare. — Three ounces of fine bread crumbs, two ounces of beef suet, chopped fine, eschalot half a drachm, one drachm of parsley, a drachm of lemon thymo, marjoram, winter savoury, a drachm of grated lemon peel, and the same of pepper and salt; mix these with the white and yolk of an egg ; de not make it thin, for if it is not stiff enough, it will be good for nothing ; put it in the hare and sew it up. If the liver is quite sound, parboil it, mince it very fine, and put to the stuffing. 273. Veal Force meat — Of undressed veal take two ounces, scrape it quite fine, and free from skin and sinews, the same quantity of beef or veal suet, and the same of bread crumbs; chop fine one drachm of lemon peel, two drachms of parsley, the same quantity of sweet herbs, and half a drachm of mace or allspice beaten to a fine powder ; pound all together in a mortar, break into it the yolk and white of an egg^ rub it all well together, and season with pepper and salt. This may be made more savoury by adding cold pickled tongue, eschalot, anchovy, cayenne, or curry powder. 274. Stuffing for Pike^ Carp, or Haddock. — A dozen oysters bearded and chopped, two yolks of eggs, a small onion, or two cloves of eschalot and a few sprigs of parsley chopped fine, season with cayenne, mace, allspice, pepper, and salt ; add their weight of bread crumbs,, or biscuit powder, then put two ounces of butter into a stew- pan, and simmer them till they have sucked up the butter ; as they begin to bind, sprinkle over them more bread crumbs or biscuit powder, till the whole forms into a ball, with which stuff the fish. Some people like the addition of ham or tongue scraped, and suet or marrow instead of butter. Another way. Beef suet, or marrow and fat bacon, and fresh butter, two ounces of each ; pound them with the meat of a lobster, ten or twelve oysters, one or two anchovies; season with thyme, parsley, knotted marjoram, savoury, chopped fine and scalded ; add salt, cayenne, and nutmeg, a few drops of essence of eschalot ; add the yolk of an egg, and bread crumbs. This pudding will be suffi* ciently done in the belly of the fish, if you do not add the eschaipt in substance. 7* 86 T II K COMPLETE COOK. 275. Stuffing for Heart and many other pur^wses. — Tako half a pound of grated bread ; chop fine a quarter of a pound of beef cfT lamb suet, or beef marrow; season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg; a handful of parsley leaves, thyme about a quarter as much, six spriga of marjoram and vervain, winter savoury or knotted marjoram, and the juice of a quarter of a lernon. Mix well with two eggs well beaten. You may add a dozen of oysters, chopped, and the liquor, or two ounces of dressed ham, chopped. This stuffing may be used for a turkey, with an equal quantity of sausage meat parboiled ; rub them well together, and keep out half a pound, to which add an egg, to make up into balls and fry, and lay round the dish as a garnish. Turkey is sometimes stuffed with chesnnts (see 267) ; take basil and parsley instead of onions, and add a quarter of a pound of dressed ham grated, and a little nutmeg. 276. A very rich stuffing for Veal, Poultry, and Game. — Take two pounds of beef suet, one pound of bread crumbs, a tea spoonful of thyme, the same quantity of marjoram, a tea-cup full of chopped parsley, chopped eschalot a table spoonful, half a lemon grated, half a nutmeg, half an ounce each of salt and pepper, and five eggs, well mixed. 277. Veal Cake. — Boil six eggs hard, cut the yolks in two, butter a mould ; lay some of the pieces of egg at the bottom, sprinkle salt, pepper, and chopped parsley; then lay thin slices of veal and ham; sprinkle again with the seasoning, and then eggs, and so on till the dish is filled. Then add gravy, till it covers the top of the meat; spread one ounce of butter over the top, tie it over with paper, and bake one hour ; then press it close together with a spoon, and let it stand till cold. Another way is to pound the meat instead of slices, iwo-thirds of lean veal and one-third of fat ham. When the cake ia wanted, set the mould in boiling virater for a minute or two, and the cake will turn out. 278. Force meal for Veal or Foivls. — Take equal parts of cold veal, beef suet, ham or gammon, a few parsley leaves, a small onion, the rind of lemon a little; chop all together very fine; season with pepper, salt, cayenne, mace, or nutmeg; pound the whole in a mortar, with an equal quantity of bread crumbs, and add two eggs to bind it. This is a good three meat for patties. 279. Light force meat balls. — Cold veal or chicken a quarter of a pound, chopped, half a pound of suet, chopped, crumbs of bread a tea- cup full. Season with sweet herbs, and spice and eschalots, and three or four eggs beat separately ; mix these articles with all the yolks and as much of the whites as is necessary to bring it to a moist paste, roll them in small balls, and fry them in butter, or lard, for«, garnish to roast turkey, fov;}, &-c. 280. Egg balls. — Boil four eggs for ten minutes and put them into cold water; when th(^ are cold beat the yolks in a mortar with the yolk of a raw egg, some chopped parsley, a tea-spoonful of flour, a pinch or two of salt, and a little black pepper, or cayenne; rub them well together, roll them into small balls, and boil them two minutes. Baking j£ EAT, &c. 87 281. Brain balls. — Take a calf's brains, or two or three lambs', scald them for ten minutes, quite free from every bit of vein and skin, beat up vi'ith seasoning the same as egg balls, adding a tea spoonful of chopped sage ; rub a tea-cup full of bread crumbs, three tea spoonfuls of flour, and a raw egg with them. Make them up into balls, rub each ball with bread, fry them with butter or lard; serve as a garnish to calf's head, or as a separate side dish. 282. Curry balls. — Take bread crumbs, the yolk of an egg boiled hard, and a bit of fresh butler; beat together in a mortar, and season with curry powder ; make them into small balls, and boil or fry them. BAKING MEAT, &c. 283. As baking is the only means by which the poor inhabitants of towns for the most part can enjoy a joint of meat at home,* we shall say a word or two upon the subject, particularly with regard to those joints which, when they are carefully baked, most resemble roasted ones. Legs and loins of pork, legs of mutton, fillets of veal, &c., may be baked with advantage, if the meat be good and tolerably fat. Besides the joints here enumerated, there are many others which may be baked, providing the meat is not poor or lean. The follow- ing are observations on baking meat by a well-experienced baker ; they are particularly deserving the attention of a careful house- keeper. 284. "A pig when sent to the baker prepared for baking should have its ears and tail covered with buttered paper, properly fastened on, and a bit of butter tied up in linen to baste the back with, other- wise it will be apt to blister. With a proper share of attention from the baker, this way is thought to be equal to a roasted one. 285. "A goose prepared as for roasting, taking care to have it on a stand, and when half done, to turn the other side upwards. A duck should be treated in the same way. 286. "After a buttock of beef has been in salt about a week, well wash it, and put it in a brown earthen pan with a pint of water, cover the pan quite over and tightly with two or three thicknesses of cap or foolscap paper (never use brown paper — it contains tar, Slc). Bake for four or five hours in a moderate heated oven. A ham pro- 'perly soaked may be baked in the same way. 287. "Bakers are in the habit of baking small cod fish, haddock, and mackerel, with a dust of flour and some bits of butter put on them. Eels, when large and stuffed. Herrings and sprats in a brown pan, with a little vinegar and a little spice, and tied over with paper. A hare, prepared the same as for roasting, with a few pieces of butter and a little drop of milk put into the dish, and basted several times, will be found nearly equal to roasting; or cut it up, season it properly, put it into a jar or pan, and cover it over, and bake it in a * We hope, however, in a few years, to see the American oven supersede the ca»« torn of dressing meat iii the public bake-house. 88 THE COMPLETE COOK. moderate oven for about three hours. In the same manner legs and shins of beef, ox cheeks, &c., prepared with a seasoning of onions, turnips, &c., may be baked: they will take about four hours; let them stand till cold to skim off the fat ; then warm up altogether, or part, as you may want it. 288. '* The time that each of the above articles should take, depends much upon the state of the oven ; they should be sent to the baker in time, and he must be very neglectful if they are not ready dl the time they are ordered." 289. We may be here allowed to remark, that the process of dress- ing meat in an oven in a covered pan is more analogous to stewing than it is to baking. It is, however, an excellent mode of cooking. The great objection to baking meat in an open pan, and among many other different descriptions of dishes, is the bad flavour which is apt to be imparted to it. There is, too, another objection to baked meat, which arises from the exclusion of the external air, or for want of a draught. The exhalations from the meat in baking, &.C., not being carried off) they have a tendency to sodden it. 290. Dr. Kitchiner, no mean authority, deprecates thp machines which the economical grate-makers call roasters, being in fact, as he asserts, "in plain English — ovens." The Doctor intimates, that these things are all very well for saving fuel, but affirms that the rational epicure, who has been accustomed to enjoy beef well roasted, will Boon discover the difference. Notwithstanding this high authority, we have no hesitation in stating, that meat cooked in the roaster attached to Flavell's cooking apparatus, is as good as meat roasted before the fire. But we ought to observe, that Mr. Flavell's roaster has a current of air passing through it when so employed, but when used as an oven the current of air is prevented by the introduction of a damper. We can state from the experience of some years, that the apparatus alluded to is a most excellent contrivance for cooking generally. 291. " Nothing can be more preposterous," says Mr. Sylvester, in his ' Philosophy of Domestic Economy,' " and inappropriate, than the prevailing construction and management of a gentleman's kitchen. Before the discovery of the stew hearths, all the culinary processes were carried on with one immense open grate, burning as much fuel in one day as might do the same work for ten. The cook and the furniture of the kitchen get a proportion of this heat, the articles to be dressed another portion, but by far the greatest quantity goes up the chimney. 292. "The introduction of the stew hearth has in some degree reduced the magnitude of these grates ; but they are yet disgraceful to science and common sense. In the present state (1819) of culinary improvement, a kitchen may be fitted up with apparatus, requiring much less labour and attention, with much less consumption of fuel ; rendering the food more wholesome and agreeable, and also prevent- ing that offensive smell which has made it so often necessary to detach the kitchen from the rest of the house." PRYING 89 293. The stew hearth is a most useful addition to the ordinary kitchen grate, but small families of limited means are seldom possessed of one. A stew hearth, indeed, or a substitute for one, which may be easily obtained, is indispensable in French, and indeed in good Eng- lish cookery. FRYING. 294. Frying, as is properly observed by Dr. Kitchiner, is often a convenient mode of cookery; it may be performed by a fire which will not do for roasting or boiling, and by the introduction of the pan between the meat and the fire, things get more equally dressed. 295. Be very particular that your frying pan is perfectly clean be- fore using it. Never use any oil, butter, lard, or drippings, which are not perfectly free from salt, and pf^-.fectly sweet and fresh. Aa frying is, in fact, boiling in oil fat, it is of the first importance that your fat should be clean, or it will spoil the look as well as the flavour, and salt will prevent the meat from browning. 296. Good oil is, perhaps, the best to fry in, but sweet fresh lard, or clarified mutton or beef suet, will answer every purpose, nearly, if not quite as well as the best oil or butter, and, what is of greater importance, at a much less expense. Nice clean dripping is almost as good as any thing. After you have done frying preserve your fat, which, if not burnt, will do for three or four fryings; but fat in which fish has been fried will do for nothing else. 297. If your fat is not of a proper heat, your frying cannot be well done ; this is, in short, the great secret in frying, which the young cook ought and must acquire. The frying pan must be always set over a sharp and clear fire, or otherwise the fat is too long before it becomes ready. When the fat has done hissing, or bubbling, that is, when it is still, you may be pretty sure that it is hot enough. It is a good way to try the heat of your fat, by throwing a little bit of bread into the pan ; if it fries crisp, the fat is of the right heat — if it burns the bread, it is too hot. 298. When your things are well done, take care and drain all the fat from them most thoroughly, particularly those that have been fried in bread crumbs, &c. ; if you do not, your cookery will be marred. Fried fish ought to be quite dry. This depends in a great measure upon the fat in which they are dressed being of a proper heat. If the fish are well done, and are well drained of the fat, they will become quite dry and crisp in a few minutes after they have been taken out of the pan. If this, however, should not be the case, and the fish on the contrary should be damp and wet, lay them on a soft cloth before the fire, turning them occasionally till they are dry. They will sometimes take ten or fifteen minutes drying. 299. In preparing bread crumbs in a considerable quantity, in order to save unbroken the crust, and preserving it fit tor the table, cut your loaf into three equal parts, that is, cut off" the bottom and top crusts, and use the middle part or the crumb for your frying. The 00 TIIECOMPLETECOOK. bread should be at least two days old. A |rood and cheap substitute for bread is oatmeal, which will cost, comparatively speaking, nothing. It is scarcely necessary to refer the cook to our general remarks upon the above operation. Frying is preferred by many persons to broiling; and our own opinion is, that steaks, chops, &c., may be dressed with much more certainty and regularity by the former, than by the latter, method. But plenty ofoil, butter, or sweet grease, must always be used, or the frying will be imperfect. 300. Steaks. — Cut them rather thinner than for broiling; put some butter, or, what is much cheaper and quite as good, some clarified dripping or suet, into an iron frying-pan, and when it is quite hot put in the steaks, and keep turning them until they are done enough. The sauce for steaks, chops, cutlets, &c,, is made as follows: — Take the chops, steaks or cutlets, out of the frying pan ; for a pound of meat, keep a table-spoonful of the fat in the pan, or put in an ounce of but- ter ; put to it as much flour as will make it a paste; rub it well toge- ther over the fire till they are a little brown; then add as much boil- ing water as will reduce it to the thickness of good cream, and a ta- ble-spoonful of mushroom or walnut catsup, or pickle, or browning; let it boil together a few minutes, and pour it through a sieve to the steaks, &c. To the above is sometimes added a sliced onion, or a minced eschalot, with a table-spoonful of port wine, or a little escha- lot wine. Garnish with scraped horse-radish, or pickled walnut, gher- kins, &c. • Some beef-eaters like chopped eschalots in one saucer, and horse-radish grated in vinegar in another. Broiled mushrooms are fa- vourite relishes to beef-steaks. 301. Beef-steaks and Onions. — The steaks are fried as directed above; the common method is to fry the onions cut small, but the best plan perhaps is to use onions prepared as directed in 115. 302. Sausages. — Sausages are not good unless they are quite fresh. Put a bit of butter or dripping into a frying-pan, before it gets hot put in the sausages, shake the pan, and keep turning them (be careful not to break or prick them in so doing); fry them over a very slow fire till they are nicely browned on all sides; when they are done, lay them on a hair sieve, place them before the fire for a couple of minutes to drain the fat from them. The secret of frying satisages is, to let them get hot very gradually — then they will not burst, if they are not stale. You may froth them by rubbing them with cold fresh butter, and lightly dredge them with flour, and put them in a cheese-toaster for a minute. The common practice to prevent their bursting is to prick them with a fork ; but this lets out the gravy. 303. Veal Cutlets should be about half an inch thick ; trim and flat- ten; fry in plenty of fresh butter, or good dripping; when the fire is very fierce, you must turn them often — but when not so, do them brown on one side before you turn them. Make gravy of the trim- mings, &c. ; you may add some browning, mushroom or walnut cat- sup, or lemon, pickle, &c. Or you may dress them as follows: Cut the veal into pieces about as big as a crown piece; beat them with a FRYING. 91 cleaver, dip in egg-, beat up with a littler salt, and then in fine bread crumbs ; fry them a light brown in boiling lard ; serve under them gome good gravy or mushroom sauce, which may be made in five mi- nutes. Garnish with slices of ham, or rashers of bacon, or pork sau- Fages. Many persons prefer frying veal cutlets with ham or bacon rashers, which will afford sufficient fat to fry them, but will be done much sooner; remove the rashers, and keep them warm. When the veal is done, take it out, pour off any fat that may remain, and put into the pan a large tea-cup full or more of gravy or broth, and a piece of butter rolled in flour. When it boils, add herbs and crumbs of bread, pour over the veal, and lay the rashers round the edge of the dish. Garnish, sliced lemon. 1304. Sweetbreads should always be got fresh and parboiled imme- diately. When cold cut them in pieces about three-quarters of an inch thick, dip them in the yolk of an eg^^^ then in fine bread crumbs (some add spice, lemon peel, and sweet herbs;) put some clean drip- ping into a frying-pan ; when it boils put in the sweetbreads, and fry them a fiue brown. For garnish, crisp parsley ; and for sauce, mush- room catsup and melted butter, or anchovy sauce, or bacon, or ham. This is called full dressing. They are dressed plain as follows : Par- boil and slice them as before, dry them on a clean cloth, flour them, and fry them a delicate broXvn ; take care to drain the fat well from tliem, and garnish them with slices of lemon and sprigs of chervil, pars' ey, or crisp parsley. For sauce, mushroom catsup, or. force meat balls made as 278. 305. Lamb or Mutton Chops are dressed in the same way as veal Ciitlots, and garnished with crisp parsley, and slices of lemon. If they are bread-crumbed, and covered with buttered writing paper, and then broiled, they are called '■' Maintenon cutlets.'''' 306. Pork Chops. — Take care that they are trimmed very neatly ; they should be about half an inch thick; put a frying-pan on the fire, with a bit of butter; as soon as it is hot, put in your chops, turning them often till brown all over, and done ; take one upon a plate and try it ; if done, season it with a little finely minced onion, powdered sage, and pi->pper and salt. Sauce, sage and onions, or Robert sauce. 307. Fried E^gs. — Well-cleansed dripping, or lard, or fresh but- ter, is the best fat for frying eggs. Be sure the frying-pan is quite clean; when the fiit is hot, break two or three esfgs into it; do not turn them, but, while they are frying, keep pouring some of the fat over them with a spoon ; when the yolk just begins to look white, which it will in about a couple of minutes, they are done enouo"h ; the white must not lose its traui^parency, but the yolk be seen blushing through it. If they are done nicely, they will look as white and de-- licate as if they had been poached; take them up with a tin slice, drain the fat from them, trim neatly, and send them up with toasted bacon round them. For Frying Fish, see section Fish, p. 66, par. 193, (^c. \ 92 THECOMPLETECOOK. BROILING. 308. Let your grridiron be quite clean, particularly between tlie bars, and keep it brin-ht on the top. . Before usinsf it, you should be careful to make the bars thoroughly hot, or otherwise that part of the moat which is covered by the bars will not be equally done with the other parts of the steak or chop. 309. Chops, steaks, or slices for broiling-, should be from half to three quarters of an inch in thickness; if too thick, they will be done outside before the inside — and if too thin, they will be dry and gravy less. 810. In broilingf, a brisk and clear fire is indispensable, and to obtain this you should prepare your fire in time, so that it may burn clear. It is a good plan to lay over a pretty strong fire a layer of cinders, or coke; some use charcoal, but cinders or coke are equally good. If your fire is not bright you cannot give the nice brown ap- pearance to the meat, which is not only pleasing to the eye, but is relishing to the taste. 311. The bars of the best gridirons are made concave, terminating in a trough to catch the gravy, and keep the fat from falling into the fire and making a smoke, wijich will spoil both the appearance and taste of the broil. Before using the gridiron the bars should be rubbed with clean mutton suet. The cook should watch the moment when the broil is done. Send it to the table immediately on a hot dish, from whence it sliould be transferred to the mouth all hot! — smoking hot! ! ! The upright gridiron, whicli is made of strong wire and may be now boiisiht in the streets for a few pence, is, as Dr. Kitchiner avers, the best, as it can be used at any fire, without fi^ar of smoke, and ilie trough under it preserves all the gravy. The Dutch oven, or bonnet, may be substituted for the gridiron, when the fire is not clear. 312. Steaks and Chops. — Meat to be broiled should be hung till it is tender; the inside of a sirloin of beefj cut in!o steaks, is greatly preferred by most people. But steaks are generally cut frotn the rump (ihe middle is tlie Lest), about six inches long, four inches wide, a»id half an inch thick. Do not beat liiem, it makes them dry arid tasteless.. Steaks should be done quickly; for this purpose, lake care to have a very clear brisk fire, throw a little salt on it, make the gridiron hot, and set it slanting to prevent the fat from dropping into the fire, and making a smoke. It requires more practice and care than is generally supposed to do steaks to a nicety; and for want of these little attentions, this very common dish, which every body \a supposed capable of dressing, seldom comes to table in perfection. Some like it under, some thoroughly, done. It is usual to put a table-spoonful of catsup, or a little minced eschalot, into a disji before the fire, while you are broiling; turn the steak with a pair of steak- tongs; it will be done in about ten or fifteen minutes; rub a bit (f butter over it, and send it up garnished with pickles and finely scrapei' horse-radish. Serve with the usual sauces. BRAISING, GLAZING, r just 124 THE COMPL'ETE COOK. melted, without either flour or water; great care must be taken in thus melting' the butter, or it will be apt to oil or curdle; it must be shaken one way only, and kept near the fire no lono-or than is neces- Biiry to dissolve the lumps — on no account suffered to boil. Eggs boiled for salads require ten or twelve minutes boiling, and should immediately be plunged into cold water. \n the more complicated preparation of a salad, great care must be taken that every additional ingredient is thoroughly well blended be- fore proceeding to add another. Prepare the dressings in the bowl, and add the herbs ; after stirring them in, take care that all the various colours are displayed. The coral of a lobster or a crab makes a beautiful variety with a lettuce, onion, radish, beet, and white of egg. The following are the ordinary proportions, but various tastes will suggest variety : The yolks of two eggs rubbed very smooth with a very rich cream ; if perfectly rubbed ■ and quite cold, they will form a smooth paste without straining; a tea-spoonful each of thick mustard, salt, and powdered loaf-sugar, or a little cayenne instead of mustard, less than half of the mustard ; when these are well rubbed in, add two table-spoonfuls of oil (or whichever of its substitutes is adopted), and then four spoonfuls of the best white wine vinegar; then lay the herbs lightly on. Cv.cumhers are only to be pared and sliced, with slices of onion, which correct their crudity, and render them less unwholesome; the pickle for them consists of pepper, salt, oil, and vinegar. VINEGARS FLAVOURED. Vinegar is employed in extracting flavours as well as spirits and wine. But such extracts are principally used with salads, or as relishes to cold meats, and in a few instances to flavour sauces and Boups ; but, in English cookery, flavours extracted by sherry wine are preferred for soup. 447. Vinegar for Salads. — Take three ounces each of tarragon, chives, eschalots, savoury, a handful of the tops of balm and mint, all oj'y and pounded ; put these into a wide-mouthed bottle, with a gallon oV the best vinegar, cork it close and set it in the sun, and in a fort- niglit strain it off', and press the herbs to get out all the juice; let it stand a day to settle, and then strain it through a filtering bag. 448. Basil Vinegar or Wine. — Sweet basil is in perfection about the middle of August; gather the fresh green leaves, quite free from stalk, and before it flowers ; fill a wide-mouthed bottle with them, fill it with vinegar or wine, and steep them ten days ; if you want a very strong essence, strain the liquor, put it on some fresh leaves, and let them steep fourteen days more; strain it and bottle, cork it close; it is a very agreeable addition to cold meat, soups, sauces, and to the mixture generally made for salads. A table-spoonful, when the soup ' is ready, impregnates a tureen-full with the basil and acid flavours at a very little expense, when fresh basil and lemons arc very dear. CATSUPS isr* The flavour of other sweet or savoury herbs may be preserved in the same manuer, by infusing- them in wme or vinegar. 449. Burnet Vinegar is made exactly in the same way as the above, and imparts t[ie flavour of cucumbers so exactly, when steeped in vinegar, that the nicest pajato could not distinfruissh it from the fruit itself. This is a nice relish to cold meat, salads, &c. Burnet is best in season from Midsummer to Michaelmas. 450. Cress or Celei-y Vinegar. — Pour over a quart of the best vineo^ar to an ounce of celery or cress seeds, when dried and pounded ; let them steep ten days, shake it every day, then sirain and bottle in ijmall bottles. 451. Ilorse-radish Vinegar. — Pour a quart of best vineg-ar on three ounces of fcraped horse-radish, one drachm of cayenne, and an ounce of shred eschalot; let it stand a week. This is very cheap, and you have an excellent relish for cold beef, salads, &c. Horse- radish is in perfection in November. 452. Garlic, Onion, or Eschalot Vinegar. — Put and chop two ounces of the root, pour over them a quart of the best vinegar, in a Dottle, shake it well every day for ten days; then pour oft" the clear hquor into half-pint bottles.- A few drops of the garlic will flavour a pint of gravy, as it is very powerful. 453. Tarragon Vinegar. — Fill a wide-mouthed bottle with fresh gathered tarragon leaves. They should be gathered on a dry day, just before it flowers, between Midsummer and Michaelmas. Pick the leaves ofi' the stalks, and dry them a little before the fire; cover them with the best vinegar, and let them steep fourteen days; then strain them through a flannel jelly-bag till it is fine, then pour it into half-pint bottles, cork them tight, and keep them in a dry place. 454. Elder Flower Vinegar is prepared in the same manner aa above, and other herbs also. 455. Green Mint Vinegar is made exactly the same way, and tho same proportions, as basil vinegar. In housed lamb season, green mint is sometimes not to be got, it is then a welcome substitute. 456. Camp Vinegar. — Take four table-spoonfuls of soy, a quarter of an ounce of cayenne pepper, six anchovies, bruised and chopped, walnut pickle a quarter of a pint, a clove of garlic shred fine; steep the whole for a month in a quart of the best vinegar, shake it four or five times a v/eek, strain it through a tamis, and put it in half-pint bottles, close corked and sealed, or dipped in bottle cement. 457. Capsicum, Cayenne, or Chili Vinegar. — Pound fifty fresh red chiiies, or capsicums, or a quarter of an ounce of cayenne pepper; steep in a pint of the best vinegar foj: a fortnight. CATSUPS. These rank high, and deservedly so, amongst the lists of flavour- ngs, particularly mushroom catsup, with the directions for the making af which wo have been at considerable pains. You cannot be certain jf having it good, unless you make it yourself, for no article is 126 THE COMPLETE COOK. more adulterated and diluted than this most delicious and useful i flavourer. 458. WaJmit Catsup. — Take three half sieves of walnut shells, put them into a tub, mix them up well wilh common salt, about a pound and a half. Let them s-tand six days, frequently beating and , washing them; by this time the shells become soft and pulpy; thcat bv bankinir them up on one side of the tub, raising- the tub on the i bame side, the liquor will run clear off to the other; then take that liquor out.' The mashing and banking- maybe repeated as long- ag i any liquor runs. The quantity will be about three quarts. Simmer- it in an iron pot as loner as any scum rises; then add two ounces of allspice, two ounces of ginger, bruised, one ounce of long pepper, onei ounce of cloves, with the above articles; let it boil slowly i'ov half aai hour; whon bottled, take care that an equal quantity of spice goes* into each bottle; let the bottles bo quite filled up, cork them tight,, and seal then; over. Put them into a cool and dry place, for one year- before they are used. 459. Oyster Catsup. — Take fine large fresh oysters, open them, carefully, and wash them in their own liquor, to take any particle of shell that may remain, strain the liquor aftor. Pound the oysters in a mortar, add the liquor, and to every pint put a pint of sherry, boil it up and skim, then add two anchovies, pounded, an ounce of common salt, two drachms of pounded mace, and one of cayenne. Let it boil; up, skim it, and rub it through a sieve. Bcjttle it when cold, and seal! it. What remains in the sieve will do i'ov oyster sauce. 460. Cockle and Muscle Catsup. — The same way as oyster catsup. 461. Mushroom Catsup. — The juice of mushrooms approaches the nature and flavour of gravy meat more than other vegetable juices. . Dr. Kitchiner sets a high value, and not without reason, upon goodi mushroom catsup, " a couple of quarts of which," he says, " will save: some score pounds of meat, besides a vast deal of time and trouble.'*' The best method of extracting the essence of mushrooms, is thatt which leaves behind the least quantity of water. In all essences, it! is quality, not quantity, to which we ought to look. An excess of aqueous fluid in essences renders them less capable of keeping; while in flavouring sauces, &.c. a small quantity is sufllcient, so that by this- means you do not interfere with the thickness or consistency of the thing flavoured. Mushrooms, that is, field mushrooms, begin to come: in about September. There are several varieties of these fungi, and I they differ very much, both in their wholesomeness and flavour. The; best and finest flavoured mushrooms are those whicli grow spontane-- ously upon rich, dry, old pasture land. The following is the mode of," making good mushroom catsup, o'r, as Dr. Kitchiner calls it, " double? catsup," ' Take mushrooms of the right sort, fresh gathered and full grown, but not maggoty or putrescent ; put a layer of these at the bottom of a deep earthen pan, and sprinkle them with salt; then put another layer of mushrooms, sprinkle more salt on them, and so on alternately, mushroom.- and salt. Let them remain two or three hours, by which . CLARIFYING. 127 lime the salt will have penetrated the mushrooms, nnd have mada thetn easy to break ; then pound them in a mortar, or break them well with your hands; then let them remain in this state for two days, not more, mashing- them well once or twice a day ; then pour them into a stone jar, and to each quart add an ounce and a half of whole black pepper, and half an ounce of allspice ; stop the jar very close, and set it in a saucepan or stew-pan of boiling water, and keep it boiling- for two hours at least. Take out the jar, and pour the juice clear from the settlings, through a hair sieve into a clean stew-pan. Let it boil very gently for half an hour ; but to make good or double catsup, it should boil gently till the mushroom juice is reduced to half the quan- tity, or, in other words, till the more aqueous part is evaporated ; then skim it well, and pour it into a clean dry jar or jug-; cover it close, and let it stand in a cool place till next day, then pour it off as gently as possible (so as not to disturb the settlings at the bottom of the jug,) through a tamis, or thick flannel bag, till it is perfectly clear; add a table-spoonful of good unflavoured spirits (brandy is dear and not a whit better than common spirits of wine of equal strength) to each pint of catsup, and let it stand as before. A fresh sediment will be deposited, from which the catsup is to be poured off gently, and bot- tled in half pints, washed with spirit. Small bottles are best, as they are sooner used, and the catsup, if uncorked often, is apt to spoil. The cork of each bottle ought to be sealed or dipped in bottle cement. Keep it in a dry cool place; it will soon spoil if kept damp. If any pellicle or skin should appear upon it when in the bottle, boil it up again with a few peppercorns. It is a question with us, whether it would not be best to dispense with the spice altogether, and give an addition of spirits. When a number of articles are added to the cat- sup, such as different spices, garlic, eschalot, anchovy, &c. &,c., the fiavour of the mushroom is overpowered, and it ceases to be, properly speaking, mushroom catsup. 462. Mushroom Catsup witJwut Sjrlce is made thus : — Sprinkle a little salt over your mushrooms. Three hours after, mash them; next day, strain off the liquor, and boil it till it is reduced to half. It will not keep long, but an artificial mushroom bed will supply sufricient for this, the very best of mushroom catsup, all the year round. 463. Mushroom Powder may be made of the refuse of the mush- rooms, after they have been squeezed, by drying them well in a dutch oven, or otherwise, and then reducing them to powder. If the mush- rooms themselves are dried and pounded, the powder will be much stronger. Tincture or essence of mushrooms, we apprehend, might be niade, by steeping dried mushrooms in spirits. CLARIFYING. 464. Clarified Butler. — Put the butter in a clean saucepan over a very clear, slow fire, and when it is melted, carefully skim off the but- ter-milk, which will swim on the top; let it stand for a minute or two for the imouritjes to sink to the bottom, then pour the clear butter 128 THE COMPLETE COOK. through a sieve into a basin, leaving the sediment at thelxittom of the ' pan. 465. Burnt Butter. — Pat two ounces of fresh butter into a fryino-- pan ; when it becomes a dark brown coiour, add a table-spoDufnl and a half of good vinegar and a little salt and pepper. Thii is used lor sauce to boiled iish or poached eggs. 466. Oiled Butter. — Put two ounces of fresh butter into a sauce- pan, melt it gradually till it comes to an oil, and pour it off quietly from the dregs. This will supply the place of olive oil. 467. To clarify Dripping. — Be careful that no cinders or ashes fall into thedrippmg-pan, and empty the well before the meat is salted or floured, as the dripping will be more valuable. The NoLtiiiglinin ware are the best vessels for Ue inches or more above the vegetables, as it is sure to shrink, and if the ^ vegetables are not thoroughly immersed in pickle they will not keep. . 477. Red Cabbage. — Choose fine firm cabbages: the largest areiy not the best; trim off' the outside leaves; quarter the cabbage, take- out the large stalk, slice the quarters into a colander, find sprinkle a little salt between the layers; put but a little salt, too much will spoil the colour; let it remain in the colander till next day, shake it well that all the brine may run off"; put it in jars, cover it with a hot pickle composed of black pepper and allspice, of each an ounce; ginger pounded, horse-radish sliced, and salt, of each half an ouncd PICKLES. 131 to every quart of vineg-ar (steeped as above directpd) ; two capsicums may be added to a quart, or one drachm of cayenne, 478. Garlic and Eschalots. — Gurlic and eschalots may be pickled in !ho same way as onions. 479. Melons, Mangoes, and long Cucumbers, may all be done in the same manner. Melons should not be much nior^^ than half g^rovvn; cucumbers full grown, but not overgrown. Cut otf'tlie top, but leave it han<,nn(r by a bit of rind, which is to serve as a himre to a box-lid ; with a marrow-spoon scoop out all the seeds, and fill the fruit with equal parts of mustard-seed, ground pepper, and ginger, or flour of mustard instead of the seeds, and two or three cloves of garlic. The lid which encloses the spice may be sewed down or tied, by running a while thread tiirough the cucumber, and through the lid, and then, tying it together, cut off the ends. The pickle may be prepared with the spices directed for cucumbers, or with the following, which bears a nearer resemblance to India. To each quart of vinegar put salt, flour of mustard, curry powder, bruised gmger, turmeric, half an ounce of each, cayenne pepper one drachm, all rubbed together with a large glassful of salad oil ; eschalots two ounces, and garlic half an ounce, sliced; steep the spice in the vinegar as before directed, and put the vegetables into it hot. 4S0. Brocoli or CauliJIowers. — Choose such as are firm, yet of their full size; cut away all the leaves, and pare the stalk; pull away the flowers by bunches, steep in brine two days, then drain them; wipe them dry and put them into hot picUle; or merely infuse for three days three ounces of curry powder in every quart of vinegar. 481. Walnuts. — Be particular in obtaining them exactly at the proper season ; if they go beyond the middle of July, there is danger of their becoming hard and woody. Steep them a week in brine. If they are wanted to be soon ready for use, prick them with a pin, or run a larding pin several times through them; but if they are not vi'anted in haste, this method had better be let alone. Put them into a kf'ttle of brine, and give them a gentle simmer, then drain them on a sieve and lay them on fish drainers in an airy place, until they be- come black, which may be two days; then add hot pickle of vinegar in which has been steeped, in the proportion of a quart, black pepper one ounce, ginger, eschalots, salt, and mustard-seed, one ounce each. Most pickle vinegar, when the vegetables are used, may be turned to use, walnut pickle in particular; boil it up, allowing to each quart four or six anchovies chopped small, and a large table-spoonful of eschalots, also chopped. Let it stand a few days, till it is quite clear, then pour oft' and bottle. It is an excellent store sauce for hashes, fish, and various other purposes. 482. Beet-roots. — Boil or bake gently until they are nearly done* according to the size of the roots they will require from an hou and a half to two hours; drain them, and when they begin to cool peel and cut in slices half an inch thick, then put them into a pickle comp(3sed of black pepper and allspice, of each one ounce, ginger pounded, horse-radish sliced, and salt, of each half an ounce to wery i32 THE COMPLETE COOK. quart of vinegar, steeped. Two capsicums may be added to a quart, or one drachm of cayenne. 483. CauliJImoers or Brocoli. — Choose firm full-ofrown cauliflowers and brocoli, cut away all the leaves and pare the stalk, and instead of sleeping in cold brine, set them over the fire in cold brine, and let it heat gradually. Just before it comes to boil, take them up in a wire ladle, and spread them on a cloth before the fire; when quite dry, put them into glass or jars, and add cold pickle, according to the second method of making pickle (472). 484. Artichokes. — Gather young artichokes as soon as formed ; throw them into boiling brine, and let them boil two minutes ; drain them; when cold and dry put them in jars, and cover with vineofar, prepared as method the third, but the only spices employed should be ginger, mace and nutmeg. 485. Artichoke Bottoms. — Get full-grown artichokes and boil them, but not so much as for eating, but just until the leaves can be pulled ; remove them and the choke ; in taking off the stalk, be careful not to break it off so as to bring away any of the bottom ; it would be better to pare them with a silver knife, and leave half an inch of tender stalk coming to a point; when cold, add vinegar and spice, the same as for aitichokes. 486. Mushrooms. — Choose small white mushrooms ; they should be but one night's growth. Cut ofTthe roots, and rub the mushrooms clean with a bit of flannel and salt; put them in a jar, allowing to every quart of mushrooms one ounce each of salt and ginger, half an ounce of whole pepper, eight blades of mace, a bay leaf, a strip of le- mon rind, and a wine-glassful of sherry ; cover the jar close, and let it stand on the hob or on a stove, so as to be thoroughly heated, and on the point of boiling; so let it remain a day or two, till the liquor is ab- sorbed by the mushrooms and spices; then cover them with hot vine- gar, close them again, and stand till it just comes to a boil ; then take them away from the fire. When they are quite cold divide the mush- rooms and spice into wide-mouthed bottles, fill them up with the vine- gar, and tie them over. In a week's time, if the vinegar has shrunk so as not entirely to cover the mushrooms, add cold vinegar. At the top of each bottle put a tea-spoonful of salad or almond oil ; cork close, and dip in bottle resin. 487. Samphire. — On the sea-coast this is merely preserved in wa- ter, or equal parts of sea-water and vinegar; but as it is sometimes pent fresh as a present to inland parts, the best way of managing it under such circumstances, is to steep it two days in brine, then drain and put it in a stone jar covered with vinegar, and having a lid, over which put thick paste of flour and water, and set it in a very cool oven all night, or in a warmer oven till it nearly, but not quite boils. Then let it stand on a warm hob for half an hour, and let it become quite cold before the paste is removed ; then add cold vinegar, if any more is re- quired, and secure as other pickles. 488. India?!. Fickle. — The vefietables to be employed for this fa- vourite pickle, are small hard knots of white cabbage sliced, cauli- . il O O PICKLES. ^ '*^ 133 flowers or brocoli in flakes, long- carrots not larger than a finder, or laroe ciirrots sliced (the former are far preferable,) gherkins, Frenclj beans, small bottom onions, white turnip radi. pepper, salt, and a little eschalot minced very fine. Roll each steak: with a good piece of fat, and fill your dish. Put some crust on thei edge an inch below it, and a cup of water or broth in the dish. Cover" with rather a thick crust, and set in a moderate oven. 508. Becf-sleak and Oyster Pie. — l^repare tlie steaks as above,, without rolling, and put layers of them and of oysters. Stew that liquor and beards of the latter, with a bit of lemon peel, mace, and a:i sprig of parsley. When the pie is baked, boil with above three"* spoonfuls, and an ounce of butter rolled with flour. Strain it, and*! put it into the dish. • 509. Veal, Chicken and Parsley Pie. — Cut some slices from the^ neck or leg of veal ; if from the leg, about the knuckle; season thenif with salt, scald some parsley that is picked from the stems and press i it dry ; cut it a little and lay it at the bottom of the dish, then put the meat, and so on, in layers. Fill the dish witli milk, but not so higii as the crust: cover it with crust, and when baked, pour out a little of the milk, and put in half a pint of good scalded cream. Chickens may be cut up and cooked in the same way. 510. Veal Olive Pie. — Make the olives in the following manner; Cut long thin slices of veal, beat tiiem, lay on them thin slices of fat PIES, TARTS AND PUFFS. 139 bacon, and over them a layer offeree meat, seasoned high with shred eschalot and cayenne. Roll them tight, about the size of two fingers, but not more than two or three inches long; fasten them round with a small skewer, rub egg over them. Put them round and round the dit«h, making the m.iddle highest; fill it up almost with water, and cover it. Add gravy, cream, flour, and mushroom powder, when baked. 511. Veal Pie. — Take some of the middle or scrag of a small neck; season it with pepper and salt, and either put to it, or not, a few slices of lean bacon or ham. if it is wanted of a high relish, add mace, cayenne, and nutmeg, to the salt and pepper, and also force meat and eggs, and if you choose add truffles, morels, mushrooms, sweetbreads cut into small bits, and cocks'-combs blanched, if liked. Have a rich gravy to pour in after baking ; it will be very good without any of the latter additions. 512. A rich Veal Pie. — Cut steaks from the neck or breast of veal ; season them with pepper, salt, and nutmeg, and a very little clove in powder. Slice two sweatbreads, and season them in the same man- ner. Lay a puff paste on the edge of the dish; then put the meat, yolks of hard eggi*, the sweetbreads, and some oysters, up to the top of the dish. Lay over the whole some very thin slices of ham, and fill up the dish with water; cover, and when it is taken out of the oven pour in at the top, through a funnel, some veal gravy and rich cream, warmed together. Lay a paper over the crust, that it may not be too brown. 513. Calfs Head Pie. — Stew a knuckle of veal till fit for eating, with two onions, a few isinglass shavings, a bunch of sweet herbs, a blade of mace, and a few peppercorns, in three pints of water. Keep the broth for the pie. Take off a bit of the meat for the balls, and let the other be eaten ; butter, simmer the bones in the broth till it is very good. Half boil the head, and cut it into square bits; put a layer of ham at the bottom of the dish, then some head, first fat, then lean, with balls and hard eggs cut in half, and so on till the dish is full ; and take care not to place the pieces close, or the pie will be too solid, and there will be no space for the jelly. The meat must be first pretty well seasoned with salt, pepper, and a scrape or two of nutmeg. Put a little water and a little gravy into the dish, and cover it with a tolerably thick crust; bake it in a slow oven, and when done, pour in as much gravy as it will hold, and do not cut it till perfectly cold, in doing which observe to use a very sharp knife, and first cut out a large piece, going down to the bottom of the dish, and when cut thus, thinner slices can be cut. The different colours and the jelly have a beautiful marble appearance. A small pie may be made to eat hot, which, with high seasoning, oysters, mushrooms, truffle.-^, and morels, has a very good appearance. The cold pie will keep many days; slices make a pretty side dish. Instead of isinglass, use a calf's foot or a cow-heel, if the jelly is not likely to be stiff enough. The pickled tongues of calves' heads may be cut instead of, or in ad- dition to, ham. 149 THE COMPLETE COOK. 514. Excellent Pork Pies to cat cold— Cut the trimininfrs ofF n hog when cut uj5, and if you have not sufficient, tako the meat otf f- Bweet-bonf?. Beat it well with your rollinor-pin ; season with salt ana keep the lean and fat separate. Raise common crust either in a round or oval form ; put a layer of lean and then a layer of fat, or mix your fat and lean, and so on till you have filled the pie to the top; lay on the lid, cut the edge smoothly round, and pinch it close. Bake in a slow oven, as the meat is very solid. Do not put any water or bone into pork pies. The outside pieces will be hard unleas they are cut sn)all and pressed close. See raised crust, 490. 515. Lamb Pie. — Make it of the breast, neck, or loin ; it should not be seasoned much with salt and pepper; the bone taken out, but not the gristles ; a small quantity of jelly gravy should be put in hot; put two spoonfuls of water before bakincr. This pie should not he cut until cold. House lamb is one of the most delicate things that can be eaten. Grass lamb makes an excellent pie, and may either be boned or not, but not to bone it is perhaps the bpst. Season with only pepper and salt; put two spoonfuls of water before baking, and as much gravy when taken out of the oven. Meat pies being fat, it is best to pour out the liquor on one side, take the fat off, and put it in again and a litiie more to it (by means of a funnel), at the top. 516. Mutton Pie. — Take steaks from the loin "or neck of mutton that has been kept some time hanging ; beat them and cut off soma of the fat; add pepper, salt, and a small onion; put a litiie water at the bottom of the dish, and paste on the edge, put in the steaks, and cover it over with rather a thick crust. If you make raised smal) pics, break the bones in two; season and cover them over, pinch the edges. When baked, pour into each a little gravy made of mutton, seasoned with pepper, salt, and a small hit of onion. .517. Chicken Pie. — Take two young fowls, cut them up and season them with salt, a little mace, nutmeg, and white pepper very finely powdered ; add a small bit of cayenne. Put the chickens, force meat balls, slices of ham or gammon, and hard eggs, in turn by layers. If they are to be made into raised pies, add no water; if in a dish, put a little at the bottom. Make gravy of the scrag or a knuckle of veal, with some shank bones of mutton, seasoned with mace, white pepper, an onion, a small bunch of sweet herbs, and a little salt. Add morels, truffles, mushrooms, and so forth, if eaten hot; but not, if eaten cold. Should you make this pie in a dish, put as much gravy as it will hold; but if in a raised crust the gravy must be strained, and then put w cold, as jelly. Make the jelly clear by boiling with it the whites of two eggs well beaten; take away the meat previous to adding the whites; strain it through a muslin sieve. Young Rabbits are prepared in the same way ; their legs should be cut short, and the breast-bones must not be put in ; they will help to make the gravy. 519. G-iblet Pie. — Nicely clean goose or duck giblets; stew them in a little water with a bunch of sweet herbs, black pepper, onion, a little salt, till nearly done; let them stand till cold. If you have not PIES, TARTS, AND PUFFS. 141 enough to fill the dish, put a veal or beef-steak, or two or three mut- ton chops, at the bottom. Put the liquor that you have stewed your giblets in into the dish ; put in the giblets, and when baked, pour into it a tea-cup full of cream. 520. Green Goose Pie. — Pluck and singe two young green geese of a good size ; bone them and wash ; season them well with allspice, mace, pepper, and salt. Put one inside the other and press them as close as you can, drawing the legs inwards. Butter them well, and bake either with or without crust. If made a pie of, the cover must fit the dish close, to keep the steam in. It will keep many days. Gravy-jelly may be put in when served. 521. Staffordshire Goose Pies. — Bone, wash, and season the birds with allspice, mace, pepper, and salt. Put rather a small turkey in- side a goose, duck, fowl, and then less birds, tongue or force meat. Force meat may fill up the spaces between the crust and fowls, and be omitted within. Ornament the crust, and put a knob or flower at the top by which to lift it, as it must not be cut, but kept to cover the pie. A less expensive and smaller pie may be made by omitting the goose and turkey. All pies made of white meats or fowls are im- proved by a layer of fine sausage meat. 522. Hare Pie to cut cold — Cut up the hare ; season it; and bake it with force meat and egg^ in a raised crust or dish. When served, cut off the lid, and cover it with jelly-gravy. 523. Partridge Pie. — Pick and singe four partridges ; cut off the legs at the knees ; season them with chopped parsley, thyme, mush- room?, pepper, and salt. Put a slice of ham and a veal cutlet at the bot- tom of the dish ; put the partridges in, and half a pint of good broth. Put puff paste on the edge of the dish ; cover it ; brush it over with eggs ; and bake an hour. 524. A French Pie. — Lay a puff paste on the edge of a dish ; put into it either chickens jointed, veal in slices, or rabbits, with force meat balls, sweetbreads cut in pieces, a few truffles, and artichoke bottoms. 525. Pigeon Pie. — Rub the pigeons with salt and pepper, inside and out ; put a bit of butter inside, and, if approved, some parsley chop- ped fine, with the livers, salt, and pepper. Lay a beef-steak at the bottom of the dish, and place the birds on it. Between every two a hard egg. Lay a bit of ham on each pigeon ; put a cup of water at the bottom of the dish. When ham is cut for pies or gravy, take the under part rather tiian the prime. Season the gizzards and two joints of the wings, and place them in the middle of the pie ; and over them, in a hole made in the crust, three feet, nicely cleaned, to show what pie it is. 526. Squab Pie. — Cut apples, and lay them in rows, with mutton chops, a little sugar, and an onion ; cut fine, and put among them. 527. Duck Pie. — Bone a fowl and a full-grown duck ; wash them, season with a small quantity of mace and allspice, in the finest pow- der, with salt and pepper. Put the fowl within the duck. Put a calf's tongue, pickled red, boiled very tender, and skinned, into the 12 142 THE COMPLETE COOK. fowl; press the whole closo. The skins of the legs should be drawn inwards, that the body of the fowl may be quite smooth. The apaco between the sides of the crust and fowl may be filled with a fine forco meat, if approved. Bake it in a slow oven, either in a raised crust or dish, with a thick crust ornamented. 528. Rabbit Pie. — Cut up two young rabbits ; take a pound of fat pork, that has been in pickle a week ; cut it into small bits; season it with salt and pepper, and put into a dish. Parboil the livers and brains, and beat them in a mortar with a quarter of a pound of fat bacon or ham ; add mace, salt, pepper and sweet herbs, chopped fine. Make this into small balls, and distribute in the dish, with artichoke bottoms, cut in dice. Grate half a small nutmeg over, and add half a pint of port, and the same quantity of water. Cover with a tolerably thick crust, and bake it an hour in a quick oven. 529. Vegetable Pie. — Cut young- carrots, artichoke bottoms, let- tuces, mushrooms, turnips, broad beans, scalded and blanciied, onions, celery, parsley, and add peas. Or use any of them you may chance to have. Make them into a stew, with some good veal gravy ; sea- son with salt and {>epper. Bake a crust over a dish, with some paste over the edge, and a cup turned bottom upwards, to prevent its sink- ing when baked. Pour the stew into the dish, and lay the crust over it. Winter vegetables may be used in the same way. A cup of cream is a great improvement, 530. An Herb Pie. — Take one handful of spinach, two handfulsof parsley, from the stems, some mustard and cress, two lettuces, a few leaves of borage, and white beat leaves. Wash and boil them a little, and then drain out all the water; cut them small; mix, and lay in a dish ; sprinkle with some salt ; mix a batter with two eggs well beaten, a pint of cream, and half a pint of milk, as much flour as will bring it to. a paste not very thick, and pour it on the herbs; cover with a good crust, and bake. 531. To prepare Venison for Pasty. — Take the bones out; season and beat the meat ; lay it in a stone jar in large pieces ; pour upon it some plain drawn beef gravy, rather weak. Put the bones on the top ; then set the jar in a saucepan over the fire ; simmer between three and four hours. Put it in a cold place until next day. Then remove the cake of fat. Lay the meat in handsome pieces on a dish. Put some of the gravy in, and keep the remainder for the time of serving. Venison thus prepared will require less time in baking, and a thinner crust. 532. Venison Pasty. — A boned and skinned shoulder makes a good j)asty. It must be beaten and seasoned. Add the fat of a loin of mutton, well hung, as the shoulder is lean. Steep twenty-four hours in equal parts of vinegar and port. Rub the shoulder well with sugar for two or three days, as it is sinewy. Wipe it clean from the sugar and wine when it is used. Either in the shoulder or side the meat must be cut in pieces, and laid with fat between, that it may be pro- portioned to each person, without breaking up the pasty to find it. PASTRY. 14.'1 Dust some salt and peppor at the bottom of the dish, put a bit of but ter ; then the meat, nicely paciunds to each gallon : half an ounce of iiops will both refine and preserve it, but is not com- monly added : skim carefully, draining the skimmings through a hair sieve, and return what runs through. When a proper coolness, stir in yeast; a tea-cup full of solid yeast will serve for nine gallons. Tun it, and let it work over, filling it up till the fermentation subsides. Paste over brown paper, and watch it (see No. 725). Rich mead will keep seven years, and afford a brisk, nourishing, and pleasant drin-k. Some people like to add the thinly shaved rind of a lemon to each gallon while boiling, and put the fruit, free from pith, into the tub. Others flavour it with spices and Si^eet herbs, and mix it with new beer or sweet wort : it is then called Welsh Braggart. 718. Parsnip Wine. — To make a kilderkin: Set on double the quantity of water, and for every gallon of water allow four pounds of parsnips cleaned and sliced. When the water boils, put in the par- snips, and boil till they are perfectly tender ; drain through a sieve or colander without pressing; immediately return it to the copper with fifty-six pounds of loaf-sugar ; it will soon boil, being already hot, and what drips from the sieve may be added afterwards ; six ounces of hops, and boil it two hours. Ferment with yeast ; let it stand four days to work in a warm place ; then tun and paste paper over. It is most likely it will work up and burst the paper, which must be re- newed. It may be cleared with isinglass, but will not require any brandy. 719. Malt Wi7ie, or English Sherry. — For an eighteen-gallon cask allow fifty-six pounds of good moist sugar, and sixteen gallons of water; boil them together two hours, carefully skimming. When the scum is all removed, and the liquor looks clear, add a quarter of a pound of hops, which should boil a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes. When the liquor is quite cool add to it five gallons of strong beer in the height of working: cover up, and let it work forty- eight hours; then skim and tun. If none remains for filling up, use new beer for that purpose. This method may be adopted with all boiled wines, and will be found to improve their strength, and promote their keeping. In a fortnight or three weeks, when the head begins to sink, add raisins (free from stalks) ten pounds, sugar-candy and bitter almonds of each half a pound, and a pint of the best brandy : brown paper as in former articles. It may be bottled in one year 180 THE C O M P I. E T E COOK. lut if left three years in the wood, and then bottled, it will be found equal in strength and flavour to foreign wine. 720. Orange or Lemon Wine, boiled. — (For quantity of fruit, see No. 726.) To make eighteen gallons, twenty gallons of water, fifty- six pounds of loaf-sugar, the whites and shells of a dozen eggs, a quarter of a pound of hops ; boil together the sugar, water, and eggs ; when it has boiled an hour, and become quite clear, add the hops and the thinly shaved rinds of two or three dozen of the fruit — more or less, according as the bitter flavour is desired. Let it boil, in all, two hours: meanwhile, remove all the peel and white pith of the fruit, and squeeze the juice. Pour a gallon or two of the hot liquor on the pulp; stir it well about, and, when cool, strain to the rest, and add the juice. (N. B. Some people strain off the hops, rind, and eggs; others prefer their remaining: it is by no means important which mode is adopted.) Work it with yeast, as the foregoing article, and refine with isinglass dissolved in a quart of brandy. This wine should be one year in wood, and one in bottles, when it will be found ex- cellent. 721. Grape Wine. — The larger the proportion of juice, and the less of water, the nearer it will approach to the strength and richness of foreign wine. There ought not to be less than one-third of pure juice. Squeeze the grapes in a hair sieve, bruising them with the hand rather than any heavier press, as it is better not to crush the stones. Soak the pulp in water until a sufficient quantity is obtained to fill up the cask. As loaf-sugar is to be used for this wine, and it is not easily dissolved in cold liquid, the best plan is to pour over the BUgar (three pounds in every gallon required) as much boiling water as will dissolve it, and stir till it is dissolved. When cold put it in the cask with the juice, fill up from water in which the pulp has been steeped. To each gallon of wine put half an ounce of bitter almonds, not blanched, but cut small. The fermentation will not be very great. When it subsides, proceed with the brandy and papering as 726. 722. Raisin Wine. — There are various modes of preparing this wine, which is, perhaps, when well made, the best of our domestic wines. The following receipts are considered good : — For raisin wine, without sugar, put to every gallon of soft water eight pounds of fresh Smyrna or Malaga raisins : let them steep a month, stirring every day; then drain the liquor and put it into the cask, filling up as it works over : this it will do for two months. When the hissing has in a great measure subsided, add brandy and honey, and paper as the former articles. This wine should remain three years untouched ; it may then be drunk from the cask, or bottled, and will be found excel- lent. Raisin wine is sometimes made in large quantities, by merely putting the raisins in the cask, and filling it up with water: the pro- portion as above: carefully pick out all stalks. In six months rack the wine into fresh casks, and put to each the proportion of brandy and honey. In cider countries, and plentiful apple years, a most ex- cellent raisin wine is made by employing cidqr instead of water, and MADE WINES, &C. 181 Steeping in it the raisins. Proceed in every respect as in the last ar.licla. 723. Raisin Wine with Sugar. — To every gallon of soft water four pounds of fresh raisins; put them in a large tub; stir frequently, and keep it covered with a sack or blanket. In about a fortnight the fermentation will begin to subside : this may be known by the raisins remaining still. Then press the fruit and strain the liquor. Have ready a wine cask, perfectly dry and warm, allowing for each gallon one pound or one pound and a half Lisbon sugar; put this into the cask with the strained liquor: when half full, stir well the sugar and liquor, and put in half a pint of thick yeast; then fill up with the liquor, and continue to do so while the fermentation lasts, which will be a month or more. Proceed with brandy, &c., as in the foregoing articles. 724. Raisin Wine, in imitation of Frontignac. — For every gallon of wine required, allow two pounds of raisins; boil them one hour in water ; strain the boiling liquor on loaf-sugar, two pounds for every gallon; stir it well together: when cool put it in the cask with a moderate quantity of yeast (as last article). When the fermentation subsides, suspend in the cask a muslin bag containing' elder flowers, in the proportion of a quart to three gallons of wine. When per- fectly clear, draw off the wine into bottles. 725. Currant or Gooseberry Wine without boiling. — Suppose the cask to be filled is a kilderkin, to make it rich you should have fifty quarts of fruit, bruise it, and add to it half that quantity of water. Stir it well together, and let it stand twelve hours ; then strain it through a coarse canvass bag or hair sieve to fifty-six pounds of good Lisbon su- gar, and stir it well. Put the pulp of the fruit into a gallon more wa- ter ; stir it about, and let it stand twelve hours. Then strain to the above, again stirring it; cover the tub with a sack. In a day or two the wine will begin to ferment. When the whole surface is covered with a thick yeasty froth, begin to skim it on to a sieve. What runs through may be returned to the wine. Do this from time to time for several days, till no more yeast forms. Then put it into the cask. 72G. Orange or Lemon Wine without boiling. — For an eighteen- gallon cask, half a chest of Seville oranges; they are most juicy in March. Shave the rinds of a dozen or two (more or less according as the bitter flavour is desired, or otherwise.) Pour over this a quart or two of boiling water : cover up, and let it stand twelve hours, then strain to the rest. Put into the cask fifty-six pounds of good Lisbon sugar. Clear off' all the peel and white pith from the oranges, and squeeze through a hair sieve. Put the juice into the cask to the sugar. Wash the sieve and pulp with cold water, and let the pulp soak in the water twenty-four hours. Strain, and add to the last, con- tinually stirring it ; add more water to the pulp, let it soak, then strain and add. Continue to do so till the cask is full, often stirring it with a stick until all the sugar is dissolved. Then leave it to ferment. The fermentation will not be nearly so great as that of currant wine, but the hissing noise will be heard for some weeks; when this sub- 15* 182 THE COMPLETE COOK. sides, add honey and brandy, and paste over with brown paper. This wine should remain in the cask a year before bottlin' '% CJ^ (