NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION TO EXPLOKE ' THE RIVER ZAIRE, USUALLY CALLED THE CONGO, IN SOUTH AFRICA, IN J8I6, UNDER THE DIRECTIOJI OF CAPTAIN J. K. TUCKEY, R.N. TO WHICH )S ADDED, THE JOURNAL OF PROFESSOR SMITH ; SOME GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE COUNTRY AND ITS INHABITANTS; AND AN APPENDIX: CONTAINING THE NATITR.\L HISTORY OF THAT P.\RT OF THE KINGDOM OF CONGO THROUGH ^ATHICH THE ZAIRE FLOWS. PUBLISHED BY PERMISSION OF THE LORDS COJLVnSSIONERS OF THE ADMIR.ALTY. LONDON: JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE-STREET. 1818. London : Printed by W. Bolmerand Co. Cleveland Row, St. .lames's. \ I' CONTENTS. Introduction - - - - page i CHAPTER I. Passage to, and Notices on, the Island of Saint Jago - - 5 CHAPTER II. Passage from Porto Praya to the Mouth of the Zaire - - _ 37 CHAPTER III. Passage up the River to the Place wiiere the Ship was moored, and from whence the Party proceeded in the Double-boats - - - 67 CHAPTER IV. Progress up the River as far as Yellalla, or the Cataract - - 127 CHAPTER V. Progress from the Cataract, or Cooloo, by Land chiefly, to Inga - l67 CHAPTER VI. Excursion from Inga, and from thence to the Termination of the Journey 189 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. SECTION I. Notices from England to our departure from St. Jago - - 227 SECTION II. From St. Jago to the Mouth of the River Zaire - - - 253 CONTENTS. SECTION III. Progress up the River as far as Cooloo, opposite the Cataract page 273 SECTION IV. From Cooloo to the Extremity of the Journey - _ - . 321 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ; containing A CONCISE VIEW of the Country along the Line of the Zaire, — its Natural History and Inhabitants, — collected from the preceding Narratives, and from the Observations of the Naturalists and Officers employed on the Expedition - - 33; APPENDIX. No. 1. A Vocabulary of the Malemba and Embomma Languages - 391 II. Observations on the Genus Ocythoe of Rafinesque, with a Description of a New Species. By William Elford Leach, M. D. F. R. S. 400 III. The distinguishing Characters between the Ova of the Sepia, and those of the Vermes Testacea, that live in Water explained. By Sir Everard Home, Bart. V. P. R. S. - - - 402 IV. A General Notice of the Animals taken by Mr. John Cranch, during the Expedition . . _ . 407 V. Observations, Systematical and Geographical, on Professor Christian Smith's Collection of Plants from the Vicinity of the River Congo, by Robert Brown, F. R. S. - - - 420 VI. Geological Remarks on the Specimens of Rocks presented to the Bri- tish Museum. By Charles Konig, Esq. F. R. S. - 48G VII. Hydrographical Remarks from the Island of St. Thomas to the Mouth of the Zaire - _ . _ 489 DIRECTIONS FOR PLACING THE PLATES. 1 The Chart of the Zaire- - - - To front the Title Page. 2 The Fetiche Rock - - - - To face page 96 3 Market Village, near Embomma— - - 116 4 Fishermen of Lover's Leap — . _ _ . 130 5 ^No. 1. Alligator Pond _ - - - - 134 6 c 1 No. 2. Condo Sonioh — . _ - - 136 7 "i i No. 3. Slate Hills, near Noki - - - 138 8 ' No. 4. Ditto near Giddee . - - 144 •J Figures on Fetiche Rock - - - • - 380 10 Ditto Ditto ^ - _ - - 382 1 1 Ocythoe (Dr. Leach) — - - - - 401 12^ - - - - - 13 > Accompanying Sir Everard Home's Paper 14 1 ERRATA. Page 31, for Birunda, read hirundo. 32, for Eltertus, read .Ettereits. 33, for ommon, read common. 40, for La Marc, read La March for serrata, read lerralus. 65, for La Marc, read La March. for sulcata, read patula. 121, for sephus, read cephus, 289, for Simio, read Si7nia. 302, for decompose, read decempoied. INTRODUCTION. 1 HE reign of George III. will be referred to by future historians as a period not less distinguished by the brilliant exploits of our countrymen in arms, than by the steady and progressive march of the sciences and the arts. Oc- cupied, as a very considerable portion of that period has been, by a war, longer in its duration, more ferocious in its character, and more extensive in its ravages, than had ever before afflicted Europe, at least in modern times, the advancement of physical and geographical knowledge, though necessarily retarded in its progress, suffered but little interruption, if we except one memorable instance where a French General brutally seized the person and papers of a British naval officer, on his return from a voyage of discovery, and with unparalleled meanness, injustice, and inhumanity, detained the former nearly seven years in captivity, and purloined a part of the latter. With this exception, no Avar was waged against science ; the im- pulse which had been given to geographical discovery still maintained its direction, and was never lost sight of, even by hostile fleets ; witness, among other instances, the interesting and admirable survey of the coast of Asia Minor by Captain Beaufort, while commanding a frigate attached to the Mediterranean squadron, the account of which has recently been laid before the pubhc. " Indeed," as Dr. Douglas has justly observed, " it would argue a most b ii INTRODUCTION. culpable want of rational curiosity, if we did not use our best endeavours to arrive at a full acquaintance with the contents of our own planet." And if those endeavours, which, during war, were so successfully pursued, should be relaxed on the return of peace, we might then indeexi have cause to think meanl}- of the times in which we live, or, to use the words of this eminent writer, " if we could suppose it possible that full justice will not be done to the noble plan of discovery, so steadily and so successfuU}^ carried on since the accession of His Majesty, which cannot foil to be considered, in every succeeding age, as a splendid period in the history of our country, and to add to our national glory, by distinguishing Great Britain as taking the lead in the most arduous undertakings for the common benefits of the human race." — Introd. to Cook's Third Voj'age. By following up, therefore, the same system, and being actuated by the same motives, of promoting the extension of human knowledoe, the Prince Regent's oovernment has evinced a correspondent feeling ; it has moreover proved, b}'^ appropriating to the purposes of discover}- and maritime geography as great a share as possible of that part of the British navy which constitutes the peace establishment, its laudable inclination to cultivate the uselul arts of peace, not from any selfish views, but for the general benefit of mankind. To what purpose indeed could a portion of our naval force be, at any time, but more especially in a time of profound peace, more honourably or more usefully employed, than in completing those minnt'ue and details of geographical and h^drographical science, of which the grand outlines have been boldly and INTRODUCTION. iii broadly sketched by Cook, Vancouver, Flinders, and others of our own countrymen ; by La Perouse, Den- trecasteaux, Baudin, and other foreign navigators, French, Spanish, and Russian : in ascertaining with greater pre- cision the position of particular points in various parts of the o'lobe — on the shores of Asia Minor — of northern Africa, and of the numerous islands in the Mediterranean — the coasts, harbours, and rivers of Newfoundland, Labra- dore, Hudson's bay, and that reproach to the present state of European navigation, the existence or non-existence of Baffin's bay, and the north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Eastern ocean — in exploring those parts of the north-west coast of New Holland, which have not hitherto been visited since the time of Dam pier — and in obtaining more distinct and accurate information of those great Archipelagos of islands, and those innumerable reefs and islets, which are scattered over the northern and southern Pacific oceans, and the Indian and Chinese seas, many hundreds of which were but the other day discovered, in one spot, by the Alceste, on her late voyage up the Yel- low Sea, where not a single island had been even suspected to exist — and, to come nearer home, in filling up and correcting those imperfect and erroneous surveys of our own coasts, and of the seas that surround them — and lastly, in ascertaining with more precision, the extent, direction, and velocity, in different parts and at different seasons of the year, of that extraordinar}-^ current known by the name of the Gulf Stream, by which all the currents of the northern Adantic are more or less influenced. These are olijects of general concern in which all Europe and Ame- rica are equally interested. iv INTRODUCTION. By the present improved state of nautical science, by means of His Majesty's ships of war employed on surveys, of the surveying marine of the East India Com- pany, and of the accidental discoveries of commercial vessels, the hydrographical knowledge of every part of the globe is daily extending itself. The line of the coasts which form the boundaries of the continents and larger islands, are traced with more or less accuracy ; the po- sitions of most of the islands or groups of islands are generally ascertained ; and the prevailing winds and cur- rents of the ocean are so much better understood than formerly, that the usual time of an eight or nine months passage to or from China, is now reduced to four months, and rarely exceeds five. It may be said indeed, ge- nerally speaking, that, as far as regards maritime disco- very, the edge of curiosity has been taken off. Enough however still remains to be done. The deficiency in the detail, and the want of that accuracy so essentially necessary for the advantage and security of navigation, still furnish ample scope for further investigation and research. But the object of the voyage, of which the narrative is contained in the present volume, though fitted out in the naval department, is nearly, if not altogether, unconnected either with maritime discovery or nautical surveying. It was planned and undertaken with the view and in the hope of solving, or of being instrumental in solving, a great geographical problem, in which all Europe had, for some time past, manifested no common degree of interest ; and, at any rate, in the almost certain means it would afford of adding something to our present very confined INTRODUCTION. v knowledcre of the great continent of Africa — that ill-fated country, whose unhappy natives, without laws to restrain or governments to protect them, have too long been the prey of a senseless domestic superstition, and the victims of a foreign infamous and rapacious commerce. That great division of the globe of which, while we know that one part of it affords the most ancient and more stupen- dous monuments of civilized society that exist on the face of the earth, another, and by far the greater portion, ex- hibits at this day, to the reproach of the state of geogra- phical science in the nineteenth century, almost a blank on our charts ; or what is still worse, large spaces filled up with random sketches of rivers, lakes, and mountains, which have no other existence than that which the fancy of the map-maker has given to them on his paper. So little indeed has our knowledge of this great continent kept pace with the increased knowledge of other parts of the world, that it may rather be said to have retrograded. If we have acquired a more detailed and precise acquaintance with the outline of its coast, (and in this we are very deficient, as the present expedition has proved,) and with the position of its headlands and harbours, than the Egyptians, the Greeks, or the Romans in their time possessed, it may be doubted whether the extent and accuracy of their information respecting the interior did not surpass ours ; for it cannot be denied that, amidst the fabulous accounts, which fear or fancy is supposed to have created, of regions within and beyond the boundaries of the great desert, many important facts are enveloped, which modern discoveries have brought to light and proved to be correct. For the greater part of what is still known of the vi INTRODUCTION. interior resions of northern Africa, we are indebted to the Arabian writers of the middle ages, and to the information of Arabian travellers of our own times. After them the Portuguese were the first Europeans to penetrate beyond the coast into the interior, where they no doubt collected much information ; but, unfortunately for the world, it was their plan to conceal what they discovered, till it has been lost even to themselves. That this nation sent frequent embassies to Tombuctoo, we have the authority of De Barros, which can seldom be called in question, and never, we believe, when he states mere matters of fact, which is the case in the present instance ; but though he mentions the names of the persons sent on these missions, he omits all the circumstances and occurrences of the journey, and fails even to describe this renowned cit3^ There are however some circumstances which make it possible that .the Tombuctoo of De Barros was no other than the Tam- bacunda of Park and others, as in ail the maps of the sixteenth century, taken from Portuguese authority, Tom- buctoo is placed not more than from three to four hundred miles from the coast, Avhich is about one-third part only of its real distance. The Portuguese, however, followed the Arabian geographers in describing the stream of the Niger to flow from east to west, which Herodotus had learned, nearly twenty centuries before, to flow in a con- trary direction ; an opinion which Ptolemy afterwards seems to have adopted, perhaps on information gained from the same source; though it must be confessed, that Ptolemy is unusually obscure in his geographical delin- eation of the rise, direction, and termination of this cele- brated river. In the midst of these conflicting opinions respecting the INTRODUCTION. vii course of a great river, which was still left undecided in our times, the authority of an English traveller, from per- sonal inspection, set this question for ever at rest, by de- terminino- the direction of the stream to be from west to east. That part, therefore, of the problem Avhich relates to the origin and the direction of the early course of this cele- brated river, has been completely solved ; but another and no less interesting part still continues to be wrapt up in ra3'stery — where is its termination? As ancient authorities had pointed out the li ue direction of the stream, it was but fair to allow them credit for a knowledge of its termination. In the examination of this part of the question, by the first geographer of tlie age, either in this or any other countrj^the authorities of the Arabian writers are w'cighed and compared with the geography of Ptolemy ; and after a close and accurate investioation of the various state- ments of ancient and modern authorities, and a train of reasoning clear and argumentative, the result of tlie en- quiry appears to be, that the Niger loses itself in the ex- tensive lakes or swamps of Wangara; an hypothesis which was supposed to have the merit of falling in pretty nearly with the termination of that river, as assigned to it by Ptolemy in what he called the Libya pains, which lake, however, Ptolemy only says, is formed by the Niger. In addition to this coincidence, there were also negative proofs of the disappearance of the Niger in the interior regions of Africa. Jt could not, for instance, be a branch of the Egyptian Nile, as the Arabs generally c|state being in March, and lowest about the end of August; INTRODUCTION. xix a proof that it is influenced by the tropical rains, and that one branch of it, at least, must pass through some portion of the northern hemisphere. Another objection has been made to the identity of the Niger and the Zaire, grounded on the circumstance of no traces being discovered of the IVIahomedan doctrines or institutions on the coast where the latter terminates. It would be a sufficient answer to observe, that as far as our present knowledge extends, the Niger, in Northern Africa, formed the boundary of Mahomedan invasion. What the difficulties may have been, whether moral or physical, or both, " to impede the spirit of enterprise and proselytisra which belongs to the Mahomedan character," it vrould be idle to conjecture; but that they have been impeded, and in a great measure limited to the parallel of the Niger while on its eastern course, is pretty certain ; yet there appears to be neither difficulty nor want of means in crossing this river, though there may be both in descending it. Inde- pendently of the lakes and swamps, the sand-banks and rapids, that may occur, the Africans have not at any time, or in any part of the country, been famous for river navigation. But it is far from improbable, that Arab priests or traders may have penetrated into south- ern Africa ; on the eastern coasts they held, at one time, powerful settlements, and Arabic Avords. occur in all the languages of the negroes even on the western coast. Some vague objections have been stated to the identity of the Niger and Zaire, from their difference of tempera- ture, the precise meaning of which it is not easy to com- XX INTRODUCTION. prehend. In what way, it may be asked, can the tempera- ture of a stream in 16° N. lat. affect the temperature of the same stream in (f S. lal. ? There is no assignable ratio in which it ought to encrease or decrease in its long course ; it may change dail}-, and many times in the course of the day according to the temperature of the surrounding at- mosphere. Of the temperature of the Niger nothing is known, for Park does not appear to have noticed it ; but that of the Zaire was repeatedly ascertained, in the present expedition, in different parts of its course, and was sel- dom found to differ more than 2° of Fahrenheit either way, from the temperature of the atmosphere ; remaining most commonly about 76, and 77°, which was pretty nearly the mean day temperature of the atmosphere. The hypothesis of Mr. Reichard, a German geographer of some eminence, which makes the Niger to pour its waters into the gulf of Benin, is entitled to very little atten- tion. The data on Avhich it is grounded are all of them wholly gratuitous. He proceeds on a calculation of the quantity of water, evaporated from the surface of the lakes of AVangara, and the quantity thrown into them by the Niger, without knowing whether the Niger flows into them or not, or even where Wangara is situated, much less the extent and magnitude of those lakes. 'J'he Rio del Rey, the Formosa, and the numerous intermediate branches that open into the gulf of Benin, are supposed to join in one great stream beyond the flat alluviil laud which they seem to have formed ; the supposition, however, has never been verified by observation ; but as far as it is known, the Rio del Rey proceeds from the northward, and INTRODUCTION. xxi tlie other branches have a tendency to the north-west. Whether, therefore, they unite, or not, the probability cer- tiinly is in favour of all the streams, from Guinea to Biafra, having their sources in the southern face of the Kong mountains. It can scarcely be supposed that the same mountains, whose northern sides give rise to the three large rivers, the Niger, the Senegal, and the Gambia, should have their southern faces destitute of streams. If however, we refer these numerous branches to some grreat stream crossing the continent, from the north-east, the Houssa merchants, in their journey to Lagos, must neces- sarily psas it ; but by their own account, though nume- rous streams, and lakes, and marshes occur, they neither cross anv hig-h mountain, or verv large river In this unsatisfactory state of doubt and conjecture, in which a most important geographical problem was involved, two expeditions were set on foot under the auspices of Government; the one to follow up the discovery of Park by descentling the stream of the Niger, the other to ex- plore the Zaire upwards towards its source. Indepen- dently of any relation which the lattei' might be supposed to have to the former, the river itself, from all the descrip- tions which had been given of it, from its first discovery by Diego Cam down to the present time, was of sufficient magnitude to entitle it to be better known. To accom- plish this (-bject more of difficulty was apprehended in the navigation, than of danger from the hostilit}^ of the natives, or the unhealthiness of the climate, neither of which had oj)posed any obstacle to the progress of the Poituguese. It was well known both to them and the slave dealers of Liverpool, who used to frequent this river. xxii INTRODUCTION. that its navigation was impeded by a cataract at no great distance from its mouth ; but that was not considered as a reason why it should not again become navigable beyond it. Maxwell's information from the slave dealers stated it to be so for six hundred miles above this cataract. In exploring the course of an unknown river upwards, there would obviously be less risk to the parties employed than in following the stream downwards. In the first case a retreat could always be secured when the navigation became no longer practicable, or the state of the coun- try rendered it unsafe to proceed ; in the second, every moment might be pregnant with unforeseen dangers from which there could be no retreat. The river might, for in- stance, suddenly and imperceptibly become bristled with rocks, and its rapid stream roll with such velocity as to sweep the unfortunate navigator to certain destruction down a cataract ; or it might spread out its waters into a wide lake without an outlet, which, becoming in the dry season a boundless swamp, would equally doom him to inevitable destruction No one can tell what the fate of Park may have been, but no one will believe that this enterprising traveller finished his career in the manner related by Isaaco, on the pretended authority of Amadou Fatima. Some persons indeed are still sanguine enough to suppose he may be living. It is just possible, and barely so, after such a lapse of time, that this unfortunate traveller may have been hurried down the stream of the Niger into the heart of Africa, and placed in a situation from whence he had neither the means of returning or of proceeding ; but what these obstacles may have been, whether moral or physical, or both, in the total absence of all information ' INTRODUCTION. xxiii it would be idle to conjecture ; it may reasonably be concluded however, that if this intelligent traveller had still been living, he would long ere now have hit upon some expedient to make his situation known. It was hoped then, even should the immediate object of the expedition up the Zaire not prove succesful, that some more correct as well as more extensive information, re- specting the regions through which it flows, would be the result of it. Some doubt was entertained, in making pre- parations for exploring the river, as to the kind of vessel which might be found most suitable and convenient in all respects to be employed on the occasion. Among other qualifications, two were iudispensibly necessary ; first, that she should draw but litle water ; and secondly, that she should afford sufficient accommodations for the officers and crew, for the Naturalists and their collections, besides an ample supply of provisions and presents, without which there is no getting on among the Africans. It was suggested by Sir Joseph Banks, who, from the lively interest he invariably takes, and the willing assistance he is ever ready to afford, where the advancement of human knowledge is concerned, was the first to be consulted on the present occasion, that a steam engine might be found useful to impel the vessel against the raj)id current of the river. Many reasons were urged for and against the employment of a steam vessel. If individuals both in Europe and America find it of ad- vantage to avail themselves of the aid of this powerful agent, it could not be less advantageous when employed on the public service ; it would spare the men the labour of rowing when the wind should be foul, or failed. Some difficulties were started with regard to fuel, but these were xxiv INTRODUCTION. over- ruled by the ^vell known fact, that on the banks of the lower parts of the river are whole forests of the mangrove, the wood of which possesses the peculiar quality of burning in its green state better than when dry ; but it was not known to what extent these forests might reach, though it was fair to presume, that, in an equinoctial climate, where water was to be found, wood would not be wanting. At the same time it could not escape notice that the labour of felling and preparing fuel for the boiler of a steam eno-ine to the amount of about three tons a day, in such a climate, might be fully as fatiguing, and in all probability more fatal to the crew, than the occasional operation of rowing. If, however, it could have been certam that this vast and rapid river was navigable beyond the cataracts, and its banks well wooded, a steam engine might prove a good auxihary ; and accordingly it was determined that a vessel, capable of being navigated b}' steam should forth- with be constructed. But another difficulty presented itself The vessel was not only to be constructed so as to be adapted to the flats and shallows that might occur in the river, but so as to ensure her a safe passage across the Atlantic ; this was thought by many persons to be no easy task. The burden of the vessel was not to exceed one hundred tons, her draft of water four feet : of this tonnage it was calculated that the engine of 24 horses power would alone occupy one-third part, and, of her measurement, the whole breadth of the vessel, and twenty feet in length. Such a vessel, however, with so heavy a burden and so small a displace- ment of water, Mr. Seppings, the surveyor of the navy, undertook to construct, and at the same time to give her INTRODUCTION. xxv such strength and stabihty under sail as would enable her to be navigated in safety to the southern Atlantic. It had been proposed to send her out in frame, and to set her uj) in the river, but against this plan there were insuperable objections. Messrs. Watt and Bolton were put in communication with Mr. Seppings, in order that a proper steam engine might be fitted for the vessel. Unfortunately however, by some misconception, the engine with its boiler was heavier, or the vessel drew more water, than had been anticipated; the consequence of which was, that at the highest pitch of the engine it Would not propel her through the water at a greater speed than that of four knots an hour ; and when lightened to the draught of four feet three inches, her rate of going never exceeded five knots and a half an hour. It was therefore so ob- vious that this rale of going never could compensate for the very great incumbrance of a machine that occupied one-third part of the vessel, that it was at once deter- mined to get rid of it altogether ; a measure which was earnestly urged by Captain Tuckey, as he thereby would procure a most important addition for the stowage of provisions, and the accommodation of his crew. As the trial of this steam vessel, which had been constructed with the view of combining the opposite qualities of navi- gating the ocean by the power of the wind, and stemming the current of a river by that of steam, had attracted a very considerable degree of curiosity, the failure brought for- ward a shoal of projectors, every one ready Avith his in- fallible remedy ; and jMessrs. Bolton and Watt were no less anxious to try the result of another engine with some e xxvi INTRODUCTION. difference in the application of its power ; but the season for the departure of the expedition had arrived, the month of Januar}^ had already expired, the othcers and men of science were all engaged, the articles for presents pur- chased, the instruments prepared, and it was most de- sirable that the expedition should reach the coast of Southern Africa not later than May, or June at farthest, in order that the voyage up the river might commence with the early part of the dr}^ season. Mr. Seppings and Captain Tuckey Avere both of opinion that, with a trifling alteration, the Congo (for so she had been named,) might be converted into an excellent sea vessel, and equally proper for ascending the river by the ordinary means of navigation, namely, by sail and oar : and as far as the river navigation was concerned, they were confirmed in this opinion by information collected from the master of a merchant vessel, who had been several voyages up the Zaire to the distance of 140 miles from its mouth, and who stated that he had never found the least difliculty in ascending with a schooner to that distance by the assistance of the sea-breeze, which sets in regularly every da}^ ; the current of the river seldom, by his account, exceeding five miles an hour in the dry season, and in many parts not running more than three. The engine was accordingly removed without delay from the Congo, and sent, where it was much wanted, to the new works at Chatham dock-yard ; the proposed alte- ration was immediately made, and on trial of her qualities, Captain Tuckey reported, that " he had no hesitation in saying, that she was, in every respect, fit for the business.^" The contrary opinion had been held by many sea officers, INTRODUCTION. xxvii who still persisted, that she would never cross the Atlantic ; but her first essay from the Nore to the Downs fully jus- tified Captain Tuckey's expectations. " I am much gra- tified," he says, " in being able to inform you, that the Congo justifies, as far as she has been tried, ray obstinacy, in wishing to keep her in preference to any other. In run- ning, yesterday, from the Nore to the North Foreland, with a fair wind, she kept way with the transport (Dorothy) ; and what is more extraordinary, in working from the Foreland into the Downs, the wind at west, blowing so fresh that the transport could scarcely carry double reefed topsails, the Congo beat her completely, and indeed every other vessel working down at the same time ; in short, she has completely falsified the sinister predictions of her nu- merous traducers, as far as sailing is concerned ; moreover, she scarcely feels her sails, and is as dry as possible." It may here be added, that during the voyage, she answered every good purpose, was a dry commodious vessel, per- fectly safe at sea, and is now employed on the surveying service in the German Ocean, or North Sea, for which she is admirably adapted. It is the more necessary that this should be stated, as her form, which pretty nearly resembles that of a horse trough, militates stronolv aoainst the ffe- nerally received opinions of naval men, as to the most eligible forms of bodies calculated for mcving best throu2;li fluids by meeting with the least resistance. It is also worthy of notice, that the principle on which the Congo was built is ver^'^ similar to that for which the late Lord Stanhope so strongly contended, as being the most proper for ships of war, by uniting in one body, strength, stabihty, stowage, accommodations for the people, and a light xxviii INTRODUCTION. draught of water ; but Lord Stanhope's ideas were rejected by a committee of naval officers as crude and visionary, with the exception, we believe, of one individual. The Congo was schooner-rigged, and three parallel keels assisted in enabling her to hold a good wind. In the event of meeting with shallows, rapids, or cata- racts, of the existence of which no doubt could be enter- tained, though the accounts given of them were vague and uncertain, it was necessary that some hghter kind of vessel should be provided capable of being transported by land ; Captain Tuckey proposed a double-boat built of light materials, drawing very little water, and which, when screwed together by means of a kind of connecting plat- form, should be able to carry from twenty to thirty men, Avith three months provisions ; each boat was 35 feet long, and six feet broad, and when put together a canopjr was fitted to keep off the sun and rain. A second double- boat was afterwards provided, and several smaller ones ; and as the size of the Congo was wholly inadequate to the stowage of these boats, with the provisions, water, pre- sents, &c. the Dorothy transport, of about 350 tons, was appointed to accompany the expedition into the river Zaire, when, after transhipping into the Congo all that could be deemed necessary for the prosecution of the great object of exploring the river, she was to return to England. The armament of the Congo, the quantities and the different kinds of provisions and refreshments, were left to the discretion of Captain Tuckey. Presents of the usual kind, such as iron tools, knives, glass ware, beads, bafts, umbrellas, &c. were put on board in such quantities INTRODUCTION. xxix of each as the Congo could conveniently stow ; mathema- tical and philosophical instraments for surveying the river, for astronomical, meteorological, and other scientific pur- poses were also provided, in order that every kind of in- formation might be brought back, in as complete a man- ner as the present state of the sciences and other circum- stances would allow. The officers and men composing the crew of the Congo consisted of the following persons, the greater part of whom were left to the choice of the commander, and were all of them volunteers : Captain J. K. Tiickey, Commander. Lieutenant John Hawkey. Mr. Lewis Fitzmaurice, Master and Surveyor. Mr. Robert Hodder, Master's Mate. Mr. Robert Beecraft, Master's Mate. Mr. John Eyre, Furser. Mr. James Mc Kerrow, Assistant Surgeon. 8 Petty officers. 4 Carpenters. 2 Blacksmiths. 14 Able Seamen. 1 Sergeant, / „ , , . , ^ , / of Mannes. 1 Corporal, i 12 Private Marines, making in the whole 49 persons. To whom were added on a supernumerary list, Mr. Professor Smith, Botanist. Mr. Cranch, Collector of Objects of Natural History. Mr. Tudor, Cotnparative Anatomist. Mr. Galwey, a Volunteer. XXX INTRODUCTION. Mr. Lockhart, from His Majesty's Garden at Kew, Benjamin Benjamin, /^^ . ^^ ^^ •' _,. "^ )- Natives of Congo. Somme Simmons, i of these 55 took their passage out on board the transport, and 21 were on iDoard the Congo to navigate her to the Zaire. As so very httle was known of the course of the Zaire, and nothing at all beyond the first cataracts, it was at first intended to leave Captain Tuckey entirely to his own dis- cretion, to act as circumstances might appear to require, and to furnish him only with general directions to use his best endeavours for the prosecution of the principal ob- ject, and the promotion of general science ; but Captain Tuckey pressed with such urgency for specific instructions, that, as he observed, be might be satisfied in his own mind when he had done all that was expected from him, that his wishes in this respect were complied with ; and the intructions, of which the following are copies, were given for his guidance, a draft of them having first been sent for his perusal, which met with his entire approbation. 5y the Commissioners ^r exemting the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, S^c, VV HEREAS, we have thought fit to appoint you to the command of his Majes- ty's ship Congo, destined for an expedition of discovery up the River Zaire, into the interior of Africa, by command of His Royal Highness the Prince Re- gent, signified to us by Earl Bathurst : you are hereby required and directed to receive on board the said ship, the persons named on the other side hereof,* with • Mr. Professor Smith, Botanist. Mr. TuDOB, Comparative Anatomist. Mr. C RANCH, Collector of Objects of Natural History. — L ocKART, a Gardener. INTRODUCTION. xxxi their baggage, instruments, &c. (which persons you are to bear on a supernu- merary list for victuals only) ; and having taken under your orders the trans- port Dorothy, laden ^vith certain stores and p-o\ i^5ions, for the use of the expe- dition, you are to put to sea without delay, and make the best of your way into the river Zaire, commonly called the Cong-o, in southern Africa, and having proceeded up that ri\er to some convenient place for transhipping the stores> and provisions abovementioned, you are to direct the master of the transport to return to Spithead, sending by him an account of your proceeding-s, for our information. On the departure of the transport, you will proceed up the Zaire, and use your utmost endeavours to carry into execution the instructions contained in the memorandum, which accompanies this order ; and on your return to the mouth of the river, you are either to proceed to England, to the Isle of St. Thomas, or to St. Helena, as you may judge most expedient for the safety of yourself, and people entrusted to your charge, after a due consideration of the state of the vessel and of your provisions ; reporting to our Secretary, for our informa- tion, your arrival, and transmitting an account of your proceedings. Given under our hands, the 7th of February, 181b'. (Siffned) MELVILLE. GEO. I. HOPE. H. PAULET. To James K. Tpckey, Esq. Commander of Jiis Majesti/s Sloop Congo, (if Dcptford, By Command of their Lordships, {Signed) John Barrow. Memorandum of an Instruction to Captain Tuckey. Although the expedition, about to be undertaken for exploring the course of the river Zaire, which flows through the kingdom of Congo, in southern Africa, was originally grounded on a suggestion of its being identical with the Niger, it is not to be understood, that the attempt to ascertain this point is by any means the exclusive object of the expedition. That a river of such magnitude as the Zaire, and offering so many pecuharities, should not be known with any degree of certainty, bevond, if so far as, 200 miles from its mouth, is incompatible with the present advanced state of geographical science, and little creditable to those Europeans, who, for three centuries nearly, have occupied various parts of the coast, near to which it empties itself into the sea, and have held commuuication xxxii INTRODUCTION, with the interior of the country through which it descends, by means of mission- aries, and slave agents ; so confined indeed is our knowledge of the course of this remarkable river, that the only chart of it, which can have any pretension to ac- curacy, does not extend above 130 miles, and the correctness of this survey, as it is called, is more than questionable. There can be httle doubt however, that a river, which runs more rapidly, and discharges more water, than either the Ganges or the NUe, and which has this peculiar quality of being, almost at all seasons of the year, in a flooded state, must not only traverse a vast extent of country, but must also be supplied by large branches flo^ving from different, and probably opposite directions ; so that some one or more of them must, at all times of the year, pass through a tract of country where the rains prevail. To ascertain the sources of these great branches then, will be one of the principal objects of the present expedition : but in the absence of more correct information, the instructions regarding the conduct to be observed, can be grounded only on probable conjecture. The unusual phenomenon of the constant flooded state of the Zah-e, as men- tioned by the old writers, and in part confirmed by more recent observations, would seem to warrant the supposition, that one great branch, perhaps the main trunk, descends from the tropical region to the northward of the Line ; and if in your progress it should be found, that the general trending of its course is from the north-east, it will strengthen the conjecture of that branch and the Niger being one and the same river. It will be advisable therefore, as long as the main stream of the Zaire shall lie found to flow from the north-east, or between that point and the north, to give the preference to that stream ; and, to endeavour to follow it to its source : at the same time, not to be drawn off by every large branch of the river, that may fall into the main stream from the northward, but to adhere to the main trunk, as long as it shall continue to flow from any point of the com- pass, between the north and east. It is also probable that a very considerable branch of the Zaire will be found to proceed from the east, or south-east ; as it has been ascertained, that all the rivers of southern Africa, as far as this division of the continent has been tra • A ersed from the Cape of Good Hope, northwards, flow from the elevated lands on the eastern coast, across the continent, in a direction from west to north- west: and it may perhaps be considered as a corroboration of the existence of some easy water conveyance between the eastern and western coasts of south Africa, that the language of Mosambique very nearly resembles the language spoken on the banks of the Zaire. INTRODUCTION. xxxiii If this conjecture sliould turn out to be well founded, such an eastern stream, being next in point of interest, will claim the second place in point of attention ; and if it should appear to be navigable through the heart of southern Africa, to the high lands on the eastern coast, it may probably hereafter be considered as the first in point of importance ; by opening a convenient communication through a fine country, from the southern Atlantic to the proximity of the In- dian or eastern ocean ; and with the once opulent kingdoms of Melinda, Zanzibar, Quiloa, &c. With regard to a large branch proceeding from the southward, out of a lake called Aquelundn, so many details, though loose and vague,have been given by the early Spanish and Italian missionaries, than one can scarcely be permitted to doubt of its existence. As this branch is likely to be, from the barren nature of the country to the southward, and along the western coast, the least important and least interesting, it will be adviseable to leave it unexplored until the re- turn of the expedition from examining the others ; unless indeed, what would be contrary to all expectation, and irreconcilable with the peculiar phenomena of the river, this southern Iiranch should turn out to be the main trunk. But though less interesting than the others, this branch will require a more accu- rate examination than has hitherto been given to it, which however may be left, untU the more important branches, whose existence we have supposed, may have been explored. If, after all, it should be found that unforeseen and invincible obstacles op- pose themselves to your penetrating, by any of the branches of the Zaire, to a considerable distance into the interior (obstacles which it is hoped may not oc- cur,) you are, in that case, after collecting all the infoniiation in your power, during your descent of the river, to proeeed without loss of time to the Bight of Benin, where you will endeavour to ascertain whether the great Delta, suppo- sed to be formed by a river, one branch of which usually known by the name of Rio del Rey, flows into the Atlantic on the eastern, and the other the Rio Formosa, on the western side of the said Delta, be actually so formed : or whe- ther these branches be two separate and distinct rivers. The determining this question is the more interesting, as, on the supposition of the union of these two great streams, the continential geographers have raised an hypothesis that the Niger, after reaching Wangara, takes, first, a du-ection towards the south, and then bending to the south-west, discharges itself into the Gulf of Guinea. In the eventual prosecution of this discovery, the same instructions wiU apply as those for your guidance up the Zaire. Keeping therefore the general principles above mentioned in view, the mode of carrying the examination of either of the rivers into effect must be left, in a f xxxiv INTRODUCTION. great degree, to your judgment and discretion, after a due consideration of all the local circumstances that may present themselves, and the information you may be ; ble to collect on the spot. It may be observed, however, that the occurrence of rapids, or of a cataract, impedino- the navigation of the river, is not to be considered as a sufficient obstacle to the further prosecution of the attempt to discover its source. In the event of meeting with an obstacle of this kind, it will be necessary, in the first place, to look out for a safe and proper situation for mooring the Congo, and then to use all possible means, by trucks and other apparatus with which you will be fur- nished, to get the double boats, with one or both of the small ones, if necessary, to the upper part of the rapids : and having accomplished this, to divide the officers and crew between the Congo and the double boats, in such manner and in such proportions as you shall deem to be most expedient for the protection of the former, and the management of the latter in their further progress up the river; taking care that, whenever it may be necessary to detach the boats, the gentlemen to whom the scientific departments of the expedition have been assigned, shall always accompany them ; in order that no opportu- nity may be omitted of examining and collecting specimens of the natural products of the country, through which the Zaire, or any of its larger branches, may flow. On your arrival in the river, you will endeavour to find out a suitable spot for transhipping such stores and provisions from the transport to the Congo as the latter may be able to take on board. The anchorage opposite the Tall Trees is understood to be a safe and healthy spot ; but there are many reasons that would make it adviseable not to stop at a place so near the slave-trade stations of the Portuguese ; and yuu cannot be too much on your guaid against the agents of this nation, concerned in carrying on that trade, whether they are white men or blacks ; and as it is understood, that many vessels have been as high up as Embomma, a place of considerable trade, you may, should you find it practicable, carry up the transport to that place, or even to Benda, which is still higher, before you dismiss her down the river; in doing which, you will take care to provide her with such arms and ammunition as may be neces- sary, for her defence against any attack that may be made upon her by the canoes of the natives ; cautioning the master to have no communication with them, but to make the best of his way down the river, and from thence to Spithead ; and you will take this opportunity of sending home an account of your proceedings to the date of her departure. It is understood that, at Embomma, vou will be likely to meet with natives who speak the English and Portuguese languages : and it is probable, that you INTRODUCTION. xxxv may find it useful to employ one or more of the respectable inliabitants to pro- ceed with you as interpreters, and to explain to their countrymen, the real motives and views of the expedition. You will, of course, avail yourself of the assistance of such persons, and collect from tb.em every information they may be able to give of those parts of the continent through whicli the river descends ; and on your entering the country of any new tribe of people, your first care should be to obtain interpreters, and to make it clearly understood to tlie chiefs of every tribe, that you mean to make them suitable presents, or pay them such transit duty as may be customary ; and you are to take especial care that no cause of jealousy or quarrels with the natives be occasioned by any of the officers or men under your orders. It would be unnecessary to go into a minute detail of the various duties you will have to perform on this voyage of discovery, the conduct of which has been intrusted to your charge ; or of the probable objects that will present themselves for your research ; but the mention of some of the more prominent points that should claim your attention, may enable you to prepare yourself on your pas- sage thither, by making arrange. nents for your future proceedings after the de- parture of the transport for England Among the more important points, tl^n, for observation, may be mentioned, the depth of the river ; the strength of the current in general, and its velocity in particular places; the quantity of it* rise and fall, from land floods and droughts ; the quality of the water as to clearness or muddiness ; the direc- tion of the several reaches; and the latitude and longitude of every spot remarkable for any particular produce, towns, hamlets, neighbouring mountains, L-c. and of the points of junction of branches falling into the main stream ; all of which should be particularly attended to. The variation of the compass should be taken and stated down, as frequently as opportunities may offer for ascertaining it ; and a set of observations t)f the dip of the magnetic needle is very desirable, to obtain which, their Lordships have directed a very excellent dipping needle, by Blunt, to be supplied for your use. You will also, V ith die assistance of the Surveyor, be careful to keep an ac- count of each dav s run, to enable you to lay down with tolerable correctness a chart of the river and the adjacent banks, and on such a scale, as will admit of the main features of the country, and all remarkable objects, being marked down upon it : airung other things, the ranges of wood alon^ the banks ; the places where those ranges are interrupted, and to what extent ; the nature of the prevailing trees, and dieir quality as fuel in a grce.i state, in order that a competent judgment may be formed of the supply of fuel, should xxxvi INTRODUCTION. it, at any time hereafter, be thought expedient to navigate the Zaire by steam boats It is almost unnecessary to observe to you, how important it will be to keep a journal of your pi-oceedings. In this journal all your observations and occur- rences of every kind, with all their circumstances, however minute, and however familiar they may have been rendered by custom, should be carefully noted down ; and although the gentlemen employed in the several departments of science, will each be instructed to keep their respective journals, it will not, on that account, be the less desirable that you should be as circumstantial as possible in describing, in your own, the general appearance of the country, its surface, soil, animals, vegetables, and nunerals ; every thing that relates to the population ; the peculiar manners, customs, language, government, and do- mestic economy of the various tribes of people through which you will probably have to pass. The following, however, will be among the most important subjects on which it will be more immediately your provmce, assisted by your oflicers, to endeavour to obtain information. The general nature of the climate as to heat, cold, moisture, winds, rains, and periodical seasons. The temperature regularly registered from Fahrenheit's thermometer, as observed at two or three periods of the day. The direction of the mountains, their names, general appearance as to shape, whether detached or continuous in ranges. The main branches of rivers, their names, direction, velocity, breadth, and depth. The animals, whether birds, beasts, or fishes, insects, reptiles, &c. distin- guishing those animals that are wild, from those that are domesticated. The vegetables, and particularly those that are applicable to any useful purposes, whether in medicine, dyeing, carpentry, &c. scented or orna- mented woods adapted for cabinet work, and household furniture ; and more particularly such woods as may appear to be useful in ship building ; hard woods fit for treenails, block sheaves, &c. of all which it would be desirable to procure small specimens labelled and numbered, so that an easy reference may be made to their mention in the journal ; to ascertain the quantities in which they are found, the facility, or otherwise, of floating them down to a convenient place for shipment, &c. Minerals, any of the precious metals or stones ; how used, and how valued, b}' the natives. The description and characteristic difference of the several tribes of people. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii The occupations and means of subsistence, whether chiefly, or to what ex- t&at, by fishing, hunting, feeding sheep or other animals; by agriculture or by commerce. The principal objects of their several pursuits as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. A circumstantiul account of such articles, if any, as might be advantageously imported into Great Britain, or her colonies, and those which would be required by the natives in exchange- for them. , The state of the arts or manufactures, and their comparative perfection in different ti-ibes. A vocabulary of the language spoken by every tribe, through which you may pass, using in the compilation of each, the same English words ; for this purpose you will receive herewith some copies of printed vocabularies, to fill up, accom- panied with the copy of a letter on this subject from Mr. Marsden, which is well deserving your attention, The condition of the people, as far as can be ascertained ; what protection the chief, or the laws afford them ; what is the state of slavery amonw them : whether wars are carried on for the purpose of making slaves : how their pri* soners are treated; how disposed of ; and every possible information that can be collected, as to the manner and extent to which the slave trade is conducted \nth Europeans : who those Europeans are ; where residing : how their agents are employed ; what the articles of barter are ; in what manner the slaves are brought down to the coast, &c. The detailed questions furnished by the Afri- can Institution, and which accompany this memorandum, will materially assist your enquiries into this interesting subject, and other matters connected with the state of society and the condition of the people. The genius and disposition of the people, as to talent, mental and bodily energy, habits of industry or idleness, love, hatred, hospitality, &c. The nature of their amusements, their diseases, and remedies, &c. Their rehgion, and objects of worship, their religious ceremonies ; and the in- influence of rehgion on their moral character and conduct. A description of the manners, appearance and condition of any Mahomedans, that may be found in any of the tribes in southern Africa. What written or traditionary records, may exist among the latter; any fac- similes of their written character, or copies of any drawings or paintings, they may have attempted, would be desirable. The several objects hitherto mentioned, wliich it would be desirable to ac- conophsh are such as relate more irmnediately to your province as commander xxxviii INTRODUCTION. of the expedition, and to the officers under your orders, in obtaining which, however, their Lordships cannot doubt you -will meet with the willing assistance and co-operation of those gentlemen who liave been engaged to accompany you. for the purpose of scientific research. These are, Mr Peofessoe Smith, Botanist and Geologist ; Mr. Tudor, Comparative Anatomist ; Mr. Crakch, Collector of Objects of Natural History ; each of whom has specific instructions for his guidance, of which it may be necessary to furnish you ■with a general outhne, in order that you may the bet- ter be able to afford sucli opportunities, and such facilities to all and each of them, as may tend to promote the several objects, which their Lordships have in view. Professor Smith, Botanist and Geologist, is directed by his instructions to collect together as many specimens of plants, growing on the banks of the river, as time and opportunities will enable him to do ; and these specimens, it can hardly be doubted, will be very numerous, as the country has never yet been explored by botanists, nor have the parallels of latitude, through which the river passes, been yet investigated in any part of the world, with the exception of south America, and these only partially explored. And in order to enable him to execute his laborious duties, a Gardener, from His Majesty's Botanical Garden at Kew, has been assigned to assist the Professor in drying and pre- serving, as well as in collecting specimens, to afford him moi-e time to note down the prominent characters of tlie most remarkable plants, which may fall within his reach. He is also directed to collect the seeds of all new plants, which may oflper them- selves for the use of the Royal Gardens at Kew; and the supply of tliese has ])een Umited to two packages of each kind, sewed up, with a view to keep the stock intire, without breaking into it on any consideration ; so that the whole collection may be delivered, so sewed up, to the Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, as soon as possible after the return of the expedition to England. The Professor is further directed to preserve the fructifications of the more deUcate plants in spirits, sewed up in small bags of musUn. It has been thought right to apprise you of the nature of these coUections, in order that, in the ar- rangement and distribution of the stores, provisions, &c., on board the Congo, a sufficient space may be alloted for their stowage. He will also have occasion to examine into the geology and geognosy of the country, tlu-ough which the river shall be found to pass, and to collect speci- raens of such stones and minerals as may occur ; and ais he is diiected to l^eej^ INTRODUCTION. xxxix a journal, in wliich will be recorded such remarks as he may think wortliy, on the locahties, the particularities, and the distinguishing characters and uses to ^hich plants or minerals are applied, you will afford him such assistance with regard to the latitude and longitude of particular places, as he may require, in order that no information may be wanting, on points generally interesting to science. And as the parts of fructification of trees, in warm climates, are seldom ac- cessible to botanists, on account of the labour of felling them, and consequently the arborescent plants of these chmates ai-e least of all known, you will allow one or two of the carpenters to accompany the Professor and Gardener, to ena- ble them, by felling trees of a moderate size, to get at the flowers and fruits of those species of which it may be deemed advisable to collect and preserve specimens. Though Mr. Smith modestly declines to take upon himself the office of Pro- fessional Geologist, yet, having examined the Canary Islands, in company with his friend the Baron Von Buch, who eminently excels in that interesting science, there can be no doubt of his sufficient proficiency in that branch of physical knowledge, to enable him to collect such specimens as may be useful to elucidate the geology of those parts of southern Africa, through which you may have to pass. To enable you however, and any of the gentlemen who accompany you, to form a competent knowledge of what may be desirable to bring home from the mineral kingdom, a few general directions may be of use. The objects of the most value, are the metallic ores, fossil bones, teeth, shells, impressions of plants and fishes; those of least esteem, spar, crystal, py- rites, pieces of loose stone or gravel, unless where the last is supposed to contain metallic matter. The most common substances, (such as flint, chalk, sandstone, coal, clay, limestone, basalt, slate, granite) will be interesting, if labelled on the spot, and kept clean, in separate papers, and not suffered to rub against each other ; the label to express the name and situation of the rock or mountain, from which the specimen was detached. The size of a common watch is sufficiently large for each specimen ; shape is of little consequence ; that of a cube spUt in two is perhaps the most convenient. Specimens of rock are always desirable, with the native names for each, where they can be obtained ; and the uses to which they are applied. Fossil bones and shells, of whatever size, should be brought away entire ; if an entire skeleton be found it should be brought away ; and it is essential to xl INTRODUCTION. note down whether such bones were found in loose soil, in solid rock, or in caverns. It will be interesting to ascertain what mines, quarries, or caverns exist, where the different metals, coal, salt, slate, limestone, &c. are found, and if worked, in what manner. It will be desirable to note down the distance of the mountains or hills on both sides of the Congo, their height, from conjecture, when no means offer for their measurement, their form, which of the sides are steepest, how their strata are disposed, how much they dip, and in what direction ; whether they disappear by dipping under the soil, or by the intersection of valleys. It wiU also be desirable to note down all the places where two rocks of a different nature may be seen in contact, and to what extent each may be traced. And for your further assistance in this interesting subject, a printed copy of geological inquiries, published by the Geological Society, accompanies these instructions. Mr. Tudor, the Compai-ative Anatomist, is directed by his instructions, to ex- amine the structure and habits of all new and uncommon animals, and it will therefore be desirable that he should always accompany the collector of objects of natural liistory, when detached, either on the river or on shore. One portion of his collection, consisting of the Internal parts of animals, and of the smaller animals in an entire state, will be required to be preserved in spirits, but of these he is not to preserve more than triplicates of each specimen. The external parts of animals, as their skulls, skins, feet, &c. he is directed to preserve in a dry state, and the specimens of each, as before, not to exceed three in number. Any preparations he may have made at the time of the departure of the transport from the Zaire, you are to send home, along with a copy of his jour- nal. In that transjwrt. Mr. Cranch, Collector of objects of natural history, by his instructions, is directed to commence his operations on the voyage outwards ; to fish up out of the sea, by a dipping net from the chains, and by such other means as may be most likely to succeed, whatever sea-weeds or animals may float alongside, par- ticularly of the class of mollusca, which he is directed to preserve in spirit, and to send home by the transport on her return from the Zaire. On the progress of the expedition up the Zaire, he is instructed to collect all unknown fishes, shells, and Crustacea, insects and reptiles, birds, beasts, am- phibia, and in short, whatever may occur in the animal kingdom, which he is INTRODUCTION. xH to preserve with all possible care, by putting the tender animals into spirit, and preserving the larger ones dry, such as the skins of animals, insects, shells, fishes, and other bulky articles, which, when well dried, he is to pack in casks or boxes, so as to secure them against the attack of ants or other insects, with the greatest care. In framing such chests or boxes, as well for liis collection, as for those of the comparative anatomist, the carpenters of the Congo will be re- quired to give all possible assistance. Of the number of specimens of each kind to be preserved, it has been thought necessary to limit hhn generally to three, lest the stock should occupy more room thfm could with propriety be allowed in the vessel. If however, it should be found, on approaching the utmost Hmit of the voyage, or on the return, that sufficient room still remains, he, as well as the others, may all be permitted to extend the number of their specimens beyond that prescribed by their in- structions. The proper times of his going on shore for the purpose of collecting, will of course be regulated by your orders, and be such as not to interfere with the general convenience of the expedition. But whenever you shall have occasion to stop for the purpose of cutting fuel, purchasing provisions, or holding communications with the natives, or from any other cause, you will afford the several gentlemen in the scientific department the means of going on shore, where it can be done with safety, to give them the ( pportunity of enriching their collections ; and in general, whenever any thing occurs to make a landing on any particular spot very derirable, you will, of course, pay attention to any representation that may be made to you for that purpose, by any of the above-mentioned gentlemen. And as they are required by their instructions to keep, each of them, a regular journal, in which every thing remarkable relating to the natural history of the objects on which they are respectively engaged is to be entered, it is particularly desirable that they should be able to mark down with precision that spot on which any thing remarkable may be found ; you will therefore supply them, on their application to you, with the latitude and longitude of the place where any such rare object may have been discovei-ed. And as all of them have been given to understand that their journals are. In the first place, to be transmitted to the Admiralty, you are to call upon them, whenever an opportunity may occur, to send, along with your own, a copy or an abstract of these journals, according as you may deem the occasion that offers for a conveyance to be a safe or a doubtful one : and to prevent as far as possible, your and their labours from being lost to the world, it is strongly xHi INTRODUCTION. recommended, that triplicates at least be kept of all the journals, and that eacft. person carry aboirt with him a brief abstract of his observations, in order that,^ in the event of any accident befalling his journals, he may still preserve the ab- stract to refresh his memory. Finally, in all your proceedings, you are to be particularly mindful of the health ot' the officers and men placed under your orders ; to this end it will be adviseable to avoid, as much as possible, passing the night in the neighbour- hood of the mangrove swamps, which are said to abound on the banks of the lower part of the river ; you will prevent, as far as may be practicable, their exposure to the sun in the middle part of the day, as well as to heavy rains, and never permit them to slec}) at night in the open air, but under an awning to protect them from the dews, which are always destructive of health in a tropical climate. You are to spare the people as much as possible, from long and severe exertion, and make use of the sails instead of sweeps or oars, whenever it can be done ; considering a moderate rate of progress up the river with the former, as preferable to a rapid one, at the expense of the health of the men by the latter ; bearing in mind, that a moderate progress will afford better opportunities of acquiring knowledge in all departments of physical science, than a rapid one. But in the proper execution of all these matters, and the other important duties committed to your superintendance, my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty rely on your judgment, discretion, and zeal; not doubting that you will use your best endeavours to execute all and every part of this interesting and im- portant mission, in such a manner as will afford full satisfaction to the public, as well as to their Lordships. By command of their Lordships. (Signed) John Baekow. It may not, perhaps, be too much to say, that there never was, in this or in any other countr}', an expedition of dis- covery sent out Aviih better prospects or more flatterino- hopes of success, than the one in question ; whether it be considered as to the talents and zeal of the persons se- lected to carry the objects of the voyage into execution, or the preparations that were made for rendering the means of executing it efficient, and for the health and comfort INTRODUCTION. xliii of those who had embarked in it. Yet, by a fatality that is ahnost inexplicable, never were the results of an an ex- pedition more melancholy and disastrous. Captain Tuckey, Lieutenant Hawkey, Mr. Eyre, and ten of tlie Congo's crew, Professor Smith, Mr. Cranch, Mr. Tudor, and Mr. Galwey, in all eighteen persons, died in the short space of less than three months which they remained in the river, or within a few days after leaving the river. Fourteen of the above- mentioned were of the parly of thirty who set out on the land journey beyond the cataracts ; the other four were attacked on board the Congo ; two died in the passage out, and the serjeant of marines at the hospital at Bahia, making the total number of deaths amount to twenty -one. This great mortality is the more extraordinary, as it appears from Captain Tuckey 's journal that nothing could be finer than the climate, the thermometer never descend- ing lower than 60° of Fahrenheit during the night, and seldom exceeding 76^ in the day time ; the atmosphere remarkably dry ; scarcely a shower falling during the Avhole of the journey ; and the sun sometimes for three or four days not shewing himself sufficiently clear to enable them to get an observation. It appears indeed from the report of Mr. M'^ Kerrow, the assistant surgeon of the Congo, that though the greater number were carried off by a most violent fever of the remittant type, some of them appeared to have no other ailment than that which had been caused by extreme fatigue, and actually to have died from exhaustion. The greater number however of the whole crew caught the fever, and some of them died of it who had been left on board the Congo below the cataracts ; " but these,'" as xliv INTRODUCTION. he observes, " were permitted to go on shore on hberty, where the day was passed in running about the coun- try from one village to another, and during the night lying in huts or the open air ; and though the dews were scarcely sensible at this season, the fall of the ther- mometer was very considerable, say 15° or 20° below that of the day. Spirituous liquors were not to be obtained, but excesses of another kind Avere freely indulged in, to which they were at all times prompted by the native blacks, who were always ready to give up their sisters, daughters, or even their wives, for the hope only of getting in return a small quantity of spirits.'' Perhaps too, the river water may have had its baneful effects, mixed as it is with foreign matter arising from the perpetual decomposition of animal and vegetable substances, by the dead carcases of alligators, hippopotami, lizards, &c. and by the decay- ed mangroves which for fifty miles occupy tlie alluvial banks of the river, antl which, after their disappearance, are covered with the Cyperus pai)yrus of the height of twelve feet. Beyond these the Congo was moored, where the river was closed in by lofty hills, and over these woody shores the sea breezes had to pass. Mr. M^-- Kerrow seems to think, howcA'er, that fatigue and exposure to the sun, together with considerable atmospherical vicissitudes, were the principal excitino causes of the disease which attacked the marchiujo; party, and probably those also left in the lower part of the river. Yet Captain Tuckcy, so far from complaining of the heat of the sun, observes, as before mentioned, that they scarcely ever got a sight of it ; and in a private letter dated from Yellala, the 20th August, after an excursion of several days, he writes, " the climate is so good and the INTRODUCTION. xlv nights so pleasant, that we feel no inconvenience from our bivouac in the open air." The fever appeared moreover in some degree contagious, as all the attendants on the sick were attacked, so that before they got out of the river it had pervaded nearly the whole crew, and extended to that of the transport ; Mr. M^ Kcrrow was himself last of all attacked after leaving the coast, but he con- sidered mental anxiety and disturbed rest as the sole causes. From the general symptoms that shewed them- selves in most of the cases, the fever would seem to be closely allied to the yellow fever of the West Indies, as indicated by " the violent affection of the head, the suffused eye, oppressi'^n at the prsecordia, great prostra- tion and anxious timidity at the commencement, the yel- low suffusion and grumous vomiting, with tiie indifference and apparent resignation, at the latter siage of the dis- ease.'" The most prominent features of the disease are thus described by Mr. M^ Kerrow. " The fever, as I observed it in those who were attacked on board, was generally ushered in by cold rigors, succeed- ed by severe headache, chiefly confined to the temples and across the forehead, in some cases, pain of the back and lower extremities, great oppression at the pra^cordia, and bilious vomiting, which in many cases proved extremely distressing ; but in general, where the headache was very severe, the gastric symptoms were milder, and vice versa, though in some, both existed in a violent degree. Great anxiety and prostration of strength, the eyes in general watery, though in some the tunica conjunctiva was of a pearly lustre ; the tongue at first white and smooth, having a tremulous motion when put out, and shortly becoming xlvi INTRODUCTION. yeHowish or brown, and in the last stage covered with a black crust ; in some cases the face was flushed, though frequently pale, and the features rather shrunk. The skin in some cases dry and pungent, with a hard and frequent pulse ; in others the pulse below the natural standard, with a clammy perspiration on the surfiice. In several a yellow suffusion took place from the third to the sixth or seventh day, in one case livid blotches appeared on the wrists and ankles. The delirium was most commonly of the low kind, with great aversion from medicine. Singultus, a common and distressing symptom. The fatal termination in some, happened as early as the third or fourth, but in others, was protracted even to the twentieth day. With regard to the treatment, 1 shall here only observe, that bleeding was particularly unsuccessful. Cathartics were of the greatest utility ; and calomel, so administered as speedily to induce copious salivation, generally procured a remission of all the violent symptoms ; when I found it immediately necessary to give bark and wine." From the accounts of the missions to Congo by Carli, MeroUa, and others, it would appear, that bleeding copi- ously is the common remedy practised by the negroes, in the fevers of the country which are brought on by fatigue, and exposure to the weather. Carli mentions his havino- been bled no less than ninety seven-times, besides frequent and copious discharges of blood from the nose ; and from the loss of such enormous quantities, he suffers himself to be persuaded, that all the water he drank was turned into blood. Of the fourteen missionaries, who proceeded to the court of Zingha, Queen of Matamba, every one was seized with the fever, in consequence of the fatigue of INTRODUCTION. xlvii travelling, and the toil of baptizing the people, and the whole were recovered in the course of four months, by having almost all their blood drawn out of their bodies, and fre- quent purgatives administered to them, similar, in their violent effects, to those which in Europe are given to horses ; however it is possible that the fever contracted by these pious men may have been of a very different type from that which attacked the expedition up the Zaire. As a close to this melancholy recital, the editor hopes he may stand excused in putting on record a few brief sketches, which he has been able to collect, of the profes- sional and literary history of those valuable men, who may be said to have fallen the victims of a too ardent zeal in the pursuit of science, which, how much soever we may lament, leaves nothing for us to censure. James Kingston Tuckey was the youngest son of Tho- mas Tuckey, Esq. of Greenhill, near Mallow, in the county of Cork, by Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. James Kings- ton, rector of Donoughmore, and sister of the present vicar- general of the diocese of Cloyne. I le was born in August 1776; and his parents dying during his infancy, he was left under the care of his maternal grandmother, who placed him in ihe first grammar school in Cork ; here he soon distinguished himself by an ardent and inquisitive mind, and was making considerable progress in his stu- dies, when his inclination took a turn for the sea service, from Avhich it could not be diverted. His thirst after know- ledge was ardent, but his mind was romantic in the ex- treme. With an eagerness natural to youth, he panted after a life of adventure : and the course of his voluntary xlviii INTRODUCTION. reading being directed to the perusal of voyages of disco- very, and nautical research, he quickly imbibed a predi- lection for the naval profession ; a predilection whose growth, fortunately for the British navy, when once it has taken root, is not easily checked. The period when Mr. Tuckey fixed his choice of a profession being that of pro- found peace, and no opportunity being afforded for enter- ing the navy, he was allowed by his friends to undertake a voyage, on trial, to the West-Indies in 1791 ; after which he ventured upon a second to the bay of Honduras, in which he caught a fever, that had nearly deprived him of life. On the breaking out of the revolutionary war, soon after his return, he was received on board the Suffolk, com- manded by Captain Rainier, at the recommendation of Captain, afterwards Sir Francis Hartwell, a relation by the father's side. In that ship he proceeded to India, and was soon rated master's mate ; he was present at the cap- ture of Trincomallee from the Dutch, and received a slight wound in his left arm, from the splinter of a shell, while serving in the batteries ; he assisted at the surrender of Amboyna, " famous," as he observes in a letter to his friends," for Dutch cruelty, and EngUsh forbearance." On this occasion, a fate more general, though less horrible in its complexion, was about to be inflicted on the Dutch, by the native chiefs, had not the English undertaken their defence and protection. To assist in this humane pur- pose, Mr. Tuckey was stationed in a brig to cruise off the island ; and on firing a gun at a party in arms assembled on the beach, it burst, and a piece stri4cing him on the wrist, broke his right arm. Having no surgeon on board, INTRODUCTION. xlix (he writes) I was obliged to officiate for mj^self, and set it ill a truly sailor like, fashion, so that in a Aveek after it was again obliged to be broken, by the advice of the surgeon/* Mr. Tuckey never completely recovered the use of this arm. From the intense heat and the sufFocatino- smell of an active volcano, to which they were exposed in Amboyna Roads for ten months, where they experienced the evils of famine and sickness in addition to that of rebelhon, they were glad to escape to Macao, where, in the month of January, they found the weather so intolerably cold as several times to have snow. From hence they proceeded to Ceylon ; and when at Colombo, on the 15th January, 1798, a serious mutiny broke out on board the Suffolk, then bearing the flag of Rear Admiral Rainier, in the c|uelling of which Mr. Tuckey exerted himself with so much success, that though wanting eighteen months for the completion of his servitude to qualify him for a lieute- nant's commission, the Rear Admiral appointed him, the following day, acting lieutenant of that ship : from her he was removed to the Fox frigate ; and when belonging to that frigate, but being at Madras in a prize, intelligence was there received that La Forte, a French frigate, was cruising in the bay of Bengal. His Majesty's ship La Sy- bille immediately prepared for sea, and Mr. Tuckey, with a small party of seamen belonging to the Fox, volunteered their services in her. In the night of the 28th February they fell in with their opponent, and after a most brilliant action of two hours, frequently within pistol shot of each other, La Forte iiaving lost all her masts and bowsprit, struck to the Sybille. In this action Lieutenant Tuckey h I INTRODUCTION. tominandcd on the forecastle. Captain Cooke was mft*- tally wounded, and Lieut. Hardyman, Avho succeeded to the command, observes, *' the scene which presented itself on La Forte's deck was shocking; the number she had killed cannot be accurately ascertained, as many had been thrown overboard during the action, but from every calculation I have been able to make, the number killed must be from 150 to 160 men, and 70 wounded ; the first and second captain, the first lieutenant, Avith several other oflScers, are included among the number killed. The Sybille had only 3 men killed and 19 Avounded,two of whom afterwards died." La Forte was the largest frigate in the French navy ; she mounted 52 guns, 24 and 12 pounders, and had 420 men. The Sybille mounted 44 guns, 18 and 12 pounders, and had 370 men. In an action with a ship of such superior force, in which so dreadful a slaughter was sustained on the part of the enemy, the vast disparity in the number of killed and wounded affords a striking instance of the great advantage which English coolness possesses over the momentary ardour of French impetuosity, and, at the same time, shews what may be effected by good seamanship and good gunnery. After this action Mr. Tuckey returned to the Suffolk, and received from the Admiral a new acting com- mission for his meritorious conduct. In August 1799, he was sent by the Admiral, in the Braave, Avith dispatches for Admiral Blankett, then commanding a squadron in the Red Sea. At the Seychelles islands they captured a ship proceeding to Europe Avith an em- bassy from Tippoo Sultaun to the French Director}'. The ambassadors concealed themselves several days in the Avoods, Avhere they Avere discovered by Mr. Tuckey, for INTRODUCTfON. Ji which he received a French general's sword as the only share for this capture, he being only a passenger in the Braave. On his arrival in the Red Sea, Admiral Blankett had quitted it for India ; and he rejoined his old ship, the Fox, which was left to guard the straits of Babehnandeb. On the return of the Admiral in 1800, he intended to visit Sir Sidney Smith at Cairo, on the supposition of the French having evacuated Egypt, under sanction of a convention with that officer ; and in that idea, sent Mr. Tuckey in the Fox to Suez, to proceed over land from thence with letters for Sir Sidney ; but on his arrival at Suez, he found it in possession of the French, in consequence of Lord Keith's refusal to permit their embarkation. He therefore returned to Bombay. The excessive heat of the Red Sea seems to have laid the foundation of a complaint which never left him. He writes from Bombay, " it may surprise you to hear me complain of heat, after six years broiling between the tropics ; but the hottest day I ever felt, either in the Easrt or the West Indies, was winter to the coolest one we had in the Red Sea. The whole coast of ' Araby the Blest,' from Babelmandeb to Suez, for forty miles inland, is an arid sand, producing not a single blade of grass, nor af- fording one drop of fresh water ; that which we drank for nine months, on being analyzed, was found to contain a very considerable portion of sea salt. In the Red Sea the thermometer at midnight was never lower than 94>°, at sunrise 104% and at noon 112°. In India the medium is 82% the highest 94°." Towards the latter end of the same year he again proceeded with the expedition to the Red Sea, contrary kfi the advice of the faculty, and arrived at Juddah in lii INTRODUCTION. January 1801 ; but in the course of a month his complaint of the Hver returned, and his health suffered so many severe shocks that he was reduced to a skeleton, and obliged to make his way back to India, Avhere the physician of the fleet advised him to return home, as the only means of his accomplishing his recovery ; and the Admiral entrusted him with his dispatches. His native climate had the desired effect ; and imme- diately on the re-establishment of his health he applied to the Admiralty for active employment; accordingly in 1802 he was appointed First Lieutenant of His Majesty's ship Calcutta, in which situation he served during the whole of her long and arduous vo3^age, the object of which was to form a new establishment in New South Wales. Here Lieut. Tuckey had an opportunity of rendering very essential service, which was strongly acknowledged by the Lieu- tenant Governor, Colonel Collins, who transmitted to the First Lord of the Admiralty a most flattering testimon}' of his merits; and in particular for a complete survey he had made of the harbour of Port Phihp, and for his examination of the adjacent coast and surrounding countr3^ He was also furnished by the Lieutenant Governor with letters of recom- mendation to Sir Joseph Banks. He reached England in 1804, and published an account of the voyage. But the favourable testimonies he had received were rendered abortive by the capture of the Calcutta in 1805, on her homeward voyage from St. Helena (whither she had been sent to bring home some ships under her convoy) and by an imprisonment of nearly nine years in France. For the preservation of a valuable convoy entrusted to his charge, Captain Woodriff, with a conduct which, as truly INTRODUCTION. Jiii stated b}' the Members of the Court martial, was, " that of an experienced, brave, and meritorious officer," de- termined to sacrifice the Calcutta to the safety of his con- voy, by first manoeuvering so as to draw the attention of the eneni}' to one point ; and, with this view, he offered en- gagement to the whole squadron of the enemy from Roche- fort, one of which was a three-decker, and four others of the line. After a sort of running fight with TArmide, the Magnanime came up, and this ship of the hne he engaged for fifty minutes, frecjuently within pistol shot. By this time the Calcutta was unrigged and unmanageable, and had six of her crew killed and six wounded; and the Thetis frigate coming up close under her stern. Captain Wood- riff was under the painful necessity of striking his colours; but the whole of his valuable convoy effected their escape. Captain Woodriff, after an imprisonment of eighteen months, was exchanged for a French officer of equal rank, but Lieutenant Tuckey was kept till the termina- tion of the Avar. The Court martial held for the loss of the ship " most honourably acquitted Captain Wood- rifl, his officers and ship's company ;" and on this oc- casion the Captain delivered a paper to the court, which Avas as follows : " I cannot, Mr. President and Members of this Honourable Court, omit to express to you, how much I regret that the captivity of Lieutenant Tuckey, late first of His Majesty's ship Calcutta, should be a bar to the promotion he so highly merits ; his courage, cool intrepidity, and superior abilities as a seaman and an officer, entitle him to my warmest gratitude, and render him most worthy of the attention of the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty/' liv INTRODUCTION. Lieutenant Tuckey was one of about forty lieutenants of the navy, who had cause to execrate the brutal inhuma- nity of the man, who for so many years tyrannized over France, and the greater part of the continent of Europe ; those who had the misfortune of falling into his clutches, felt themselves at once cut oflf from every hope of ad- vancement in their profession, and many fell the victims of despair. Not so, however, with Lieutenant Tuckey. He still kept up his spirits, and encouraged hope, being, as he expressed himself, on another occasion, " by no means addicted to contemplate the dark side of events ; but as cheerful and happy as the possession of health, case, and a satisfied disposition can make me." He married in 1806, a fellow prisoner. Miss Margaret Stuart, daughter of the commander of a ship in the East India Company's service, at Bengal. She also had been taken by the Rochefort squadron, on her passage in a packet to join her father in India. Various applications were made at different times, for the exchange of Mr. Tuckey ; but they proved fruitless, and he was doomed to remain a prisoner during the war : sad consequence of that implacable spirit of hatred which actuated the ruler of France, and made him careless aUke of the lives of his own, and of his enemy's prisoners ! How many fair prospects were blighted and destroyed by the unfeeling obstinacy of this disturber of Europe ! In 1810, after considerable difficulties, and repeated re- fusals, Mr. Tuckey obtained permission for his wife to visit England, for the purpose of looking after his private affairs. Her object being accomplished, she obtained passports from the French government to return to her INTRODUCTION. Iv husband, and was landed at Morlaix ; but counter-orders had been received at this port, and she was detained ; and after many unsuccessful memorials, praying to be allowed to rejoin Mr. Tuckey at Verdun, and after a detention of six weeks, she was sent back to England. We have here another instance, in addition to the many on record, of the capricious cruelty of Bonaparte, which was equally exer- cised on either sex : and let it not be said by his advo- cates — strange, that such a man should find advocates, especially among Englishmen — that he knew nothing of such counter-orders. So it was said, with equal truth, in regard to the detention of Captain Flinders ; for it is well known that, in all matters relating to the British prisoners, his ministers stirred not a step without his special di- rections. On the advance of the allied armies into France, in 1814, the Bri tish prisoners were ordered at a moment's warning into the interior ; and Mr. Tuckey, with his two little boys, was obliged to travel, in the most inclement weather he ever ex- perienced, to Blois. His youngest son was taken ill on th^ journey, and fell a victim to fatigue and sickness. " I had, in- deed," says the father, " a hard trial with my little boy, for af- ter attending him day and night for three weeks, (he had no mother, no servant, no friend, but me to watch over him,) I received his last breath, and then had not only to direct his interment, but also to follow him to the grave, and recom- mend his innocent soul to his God; this was indeed a se- vere trial, but it was a duty, and I did not shrink from it." Another severe trial was reserved for him, on his return to his family in England, on the final discomfiture of Bona- parte; he had the misfortune to lose a fine child, a girl, of Ivi INTRODUCTION. seven years of age, in consequence of her clothes taking- fire, after Ungering several days in excruciating agony. During his long imprisoment in France, Mr. Tuckey suffered considerably from tedious and harassing illness, aggravated by the cruel reflection, that the prime of his life was rapidly passing away, without the possibility of any exertion of his talents being employed for the benefit of himself, or his growing family. In the intervals of sick- ness, besides the education of his children, which was to him a source of pleasure and constant employment, his chief amusements were reading and composition. Severe as his fate was, he possessed a' mind of too vigorous and active a turn to allow his spirits to sink under his unmerited misfortunes ; the painful moments of his long imprisonment found some relief, in the laborious compilation and com- position of a professional work, " undertaken to pass away the tedious hours of a hopeless captivity, alike destructive of present happiness, and future prospects." This work was published in England, shortly after his return, in four octavo volumes, under the title of" Maritime Geography, and Statistics." It takes a comprehensive view of the va- rious phenomena of the ocean, the description of coasts and islands, and of the seas that wash them ; the remark- able headlands, harbours, and port towns ; the several rivers that reach the sea, and the nature and extent of their inland navigations that communicate with the coasts. The information thus collected is drawn from the latest and best authorities ; to which is added his own " local and professional knowledge, acquired in the navigation of the seas that wash the four quarters of the globe." A brief view is also taken of the history and state of the foreign INTRODUCTION. Ivii and coastins: trade of the colonies ; the state of the home and foreign fisheries ; of the national, and mercantile marine ; and generally of all maritime establishments and regulations. It is a work of useful reference, and one that may safely be recommended for general information. In August 1814, Mr. Tuckey was promoted by Lord Melville to the rank of commander ; and in the following vear, on hearino- of the intention of Government to send an expedition to explore the river Zaire, he made an ap- plication, with several other officers, to be appointed to that service ; his claims and his abilities were unquestion- able ; he had stored his mind with so much various know- ledge and, for the last nine years, had given so much attention to the subject of nautical discovery and river navigation, that he was considered as most eligible for the undertaking ; but his health appeared delicate : he was, however, so confident that his constitution would improve by the voj'age, and in a warm climate, and urged his wishes so strongl}', that the Lords of the Admiralty con- ferred on him the appointment. How far his zeal and quali- fications were suited to the undertaking, his Journal Avill furnish the best proof That document is now given to the public, just as it came from the hands of its author. Not a sentence has been added or suppressed, nor has the least alteration been made therein, beyond the correction perhaps of some trilling error in grammar or orthography. The information it contains must have been procured under very unfavourable circumstances. Had he been permitted to penetrate further into the interior, or to return at leisure, and in health, from the farthest point even to which he ascended, his account of the country would have been so i Iviil INTRODUCTION. much the more complete ; hut his zeal to accomplish the object of the expedition had completely exhausted him, and brouoht on the return of a disorder to which he had lonof been subject ; still he held out to the last ; and there is very little doubt, that if the accident which happened to his baggage canoe had not put an end to every possi- bility of his proceeding much farther up the river, that he would have gone on till he had sunk under sickness and fatigue, and left his remains in the interior of the country. On the 17th September he reached the Congo sloop, and the following day, for the sake of better accommo- dation, was sent down to the Dorothy transport, at the Tall Trees. He arrived in a state of extreme exhaustion, brouglit on by fatigue, exposure to the weather, and privations. He had no fever nor pain in any part of the body ; the pulse was small and irritable ; the skin at times dry, at others clammy, but never exceeding the tempera- ture of health. On the 28th he thought himself better, and wholly free from pain, but shewed great irritability, which was kept up by his anxiety concerning the affairs of the expedition. On the 30th the debility, irritability, and de- pression of spirits became extreme, and he now expressed his conviction, that all attempts to restore the energy of his system would prove ineffectual. From this time to the 4th, when he expired, his strength gradually failed him, but during the whole of his illness, he had neither pain nor fever ; and he may be said to have died of com- plete exhaustion, rather than of disease. He had deceived himself, it seems, by the confidence which he felt in the strength of his constitution. The surgeon states that, since leaving England, he never enjoyed good health, the INTRODUCTION. Vn hepatic functions being generally in a deranged state ; yet he was always unwilling to acknowledge himself an invalid, and refused to take such medicines as were deemed at the time to be essentially necessary. On his march into the interior, the symptoms became much aggravated, and he was prevailed on by Doctor Smith to take some calomel ; afterwards opium was found necessary, and lastly, the bark. The tew survivors of this ill-fated expedition will long cherish the memory of Captain Tuckey, of Avhom Mr. Fitzmaurice, the master, who succeeded to the command, observes, in reporting his death, — " in him the navy has lost an ornament, and its seamen a father." But his bene- volence was not confined to the profession of which he was so distinguished a member. A poor black of South Africa, who, in his youth, had been kidnapped by a slave dealer, Avas put on board the Congo, while in the Thames, with the view of restoring him to his friends and country, neither of which turned out to be in the neighbourhood of the Zaire, and he was brought back to England. This black was publicly baptized at Deptford church, by the name of Benjamin Peters; having learned to read on the passage out by Captain 'i'uckey's instructions, of whom he speaks in the strongest terms of gratitude and affection. He was generous to a fault. A near relation has observed, " that a want of sufficient economy, and an incapability of refusal to open his purse to the necessities of others, have been the cause of many of the difficulties which clouded the prospects of his after life ;" — that " he knew nothing of the value of money, except as it enabled him to gratify the feelings of a benevolent heart." In his person Captain Tuckey was tall, and must once Ix IxXTRODUCTION. have been handsome ; but his long residence in India had broken down his constitution, and, at the age of thirty, his hair was gray, and his head nearly bald ; his countenance was pleasing, but wore rather a pensive cast ; but he was at all times gentle and kind in his manners, cheerful in conversation, and indulgent to every one placed tmder his command. In him it may fairly be said, the profession has lost an ornament, his countr}'^ has been deprived of an able, enterprising, and experienced officer, and his widow and children have sustained an irreparable loss. Lieutenant Hawkey was another of those officers, whose prospect of rising in his profession was blasted by the system of refusal to exchange prisoners of war; a most inhuman sj^stem, wdiich doomed young officers to a hope- less captivity, limited only by the duration of the war, or rather, viewing the character of that war, limited by no visible bounds ; with the additional cruelty of an indefi- nite separation from their country and their friends. They had, moreover, in this hopeless situation constantly be- fore them the melancholy reflection, that, after having spent the first and best years of their lives in the active service of their country, and the middle part of them in a horrid captivity, even when the time of their liberation should arrive, they would have to begin the world again ; and, without a chance of employment in their own profession, as the war would then have ceased, painfully to seek out new means for the support of themselves and their families. Under this unfeeling system, Lieutenant Hawkey suffered an imprisonment of eleven years. A few months after the renewal of the war, in 1803, when serving as a midship- INTRODUCTION. Ixi man in La Minerve, under the command of Captain (now Sir Jaheel) Brenlon, he was taken prisoner in the gallant defence of that ship, when she was unfortunately, in a fog, run by the pilot on the western point of tbc stone dyke of Cherbourg. A commission however of Lieutenant had been sent out for him, by mistake, to the West-Lidies ; which being dated previous to his capture was not can- celled, but forwarded to him in France ; and was thus the means, in some degree, of alleviating the evils of captivity. It was in France he became acquainted with his fellow prisoner Captain Tuckey, who, on his appointment to the command of the Congo, requested to have his companion in misfortune to accompany him on a voyage, Avhich held out a fliir prospect of gratifying and rewarding their mutual talents. Lieutenant Hawkey was an excellent draughtsman : lie sketched in a bold and artist-like manner ; and to a ge- neral knowledge of natural history, he united the talent- of painting the minuter sea and land animals, with great spirit and accuracy, and in an exquisite style of colouring. A number of specimens of this kind were found in a small pocket book, accompanied with some slight memoranda ; but his papers, containing descriptions of those sketches and drawings, and other remarks, in the progress up the river, have unfortunately been lost. He proceeded with the captain to the farthest point of the journey, and though employed in the most active manner, and exposed to the same weather, and the same hardships, as the rest of the party, he had no complaint whatever when he returned to the vessel, on the 17th September ; his case was therefore some- what singular. He continued in good health, and without ^ xTTi INTRODUCTION. any complaint till the 3d October, when the ship was at sea ; he then expressed a sense of lassitude about his loins, and irritability of stomach ; but there was no apparent fe- brile action ; the pulse being about the natural standard, which with him was only 65°, without the body undergo- ing any encrease of temperature. The only symptoms were irritability of stomach, with extreme langour and de- bility ; the next day however, he was seized with vomiting ; on the 6th, became insensible, the pulse scarcely percep- tible at the wrist, and the extremities cold ; and he conti- nued thus till 1 1 o'clock in the evening, when he expired without a struggle. Mr. Eyre, the Purser, was a young man of a corpulent and bloated habit. He had no illness, while in the river ; had not been on shore for three weeks, and had taken very little exercise during the voyage. In the night of the 27th September, when on the passage to Cabenda, he was at- tacked with febrile rigors, severe pain in the head, back and extremities, with general lassitude, prostration and de- pression of spirits, and on the third day he breathed his last. Before death a yellow suffusion had taken place, Avith vomiting of matter, resembling coffee grounds ; this symptom of extravasated blood into the stomach, which oc- cured in many of the cases,M'ould seem to confirm the idea of the disease being the same as that of the Bulam fever. Mr. Fitzmaurice, the Master and Surveyor, and Mr. HoDDER, Master's Mate and Midshipman, entirely es- caped the fever, excepting a slight attack, experienced by the former, in consequence of a fatiguing march across INTRODUCTION. Ixiii the mountains, on a hot sultry day, to view the cataract of Yellala, which after a good night's rest, was entirely removed. Lockhart the gardener was on his legs every day, from morning till the evening, sometimes heavily loaded with the plants he had collected ; yet he proceed- ed to the farthest point, and returned to the ships, with- out experiencing an hour's illness, and found the climate the whole way remarkably pleasant. Being drenched however with rain in the lower part of the river, he took the fever, and was left in the hospital at Bahia, with the Serjeant of marines, both of whom were so much reduced, as to I ave little hope of the recovery of eitlier. Lockhart however survived, and is now perfectly well in England; but the sergeant died almost immediately after the sailing of the Congo. Mr. Chetiek Smith, the son of a respectable land- holder, ne 'r the town of Drammen in Norway, was born in October 178.5. He was educated at the school of Kongsberg, and finished his studies at the university of Copenhagen; where, under Professor Hornemann, he ac- quirctl a taste for botany, and particularly for that branch of the science, of which his native mountains afforded such ample resources, — the mosses and lichens. Though at an early period of life, he had distinguished himself in the study of medicine, and had the care of the sick in the great hospital at Copenhagen, he could not resist the temptation of accompanying his friends, Hornemann and Wormskiold on a bot aiiical tour into the mountains of Norway. Iij the early part of this tour, the war, which broke out in 1807 be- tween Sweden and Denmark, recalled his companions, and Ixiv INTRODUCTION. left Mr. Smith to pursue alone his researches, in the moun- tains of Tellemarck, where he discovered a great number of mosses, and other new plants, which gained him celebrity among all the botanists of the North. In 1812 he made a se- cond excursion across the mountains of Tellemarck and Hal- lingdal, which were but little known, even to the natives of Norway ; he ascertained their heights, examined their pro- ductions, made a numberof curious meteorological observa- tions, and, in short, traversed those solitary regions not only as a botanist, but as a natural philosopher ; and the narra- tive which he has given of his proceedings, to use the words of his friend Von Buch, " will alwa3's be considered as one of the most curious and instructive documents of physical geography." He has therein exemplified and explained the immense influence of the proximity of the sea, and the sur- prising difference, resulting from it, between the tempera- ture of the interior of the continent, and of the coast, and its effects on the different products of the vegetable world ; the limits of perpetual snow on the sides of different moun- tains, and a great variety of interesting facts, connected with the geography and physiology of plants. . The Patriotic Society of Norway, struck Avith the zeal and indefatigable industry of Mr. Smith, engaged him at its own expense to undertake another scientific expedition into the clusters of mountains, which, about the 62'"' pa- rallel of latitude, separate the valleys of Walders, of Guld- transdal, and of Romsdal, whose height and extent were unknown, and many parts of them untrod even by the hunters of the rein deer. B3' this excursion the Norwegian Flora was greatly extended, and from it the geography of plants acquired fresh facts at once exceedingly curious and INTRODUCTION. Ixv interesting. Nor was this all ; with a true spirit of philan- thropy Mr. Smith assembled the scattered peasantry of these high and secluded valleys, explained to them the characters and the valuable properties of the lichens which covered their mountains, instructed them how to convert these mosses into bread that was pleasenl to the taste, nourishing, and wholesome, and prevailed on them to adopt this bread instead of that miserable resource of bark bread, which aftbrds but little or no nourishment, and that little at the expense of health. The death of his father about this time put him in pos- session of a little fortune, which he at once resolved to employ in studying nature in foreign countries. His nomination to the professorship of botany at the university of Christiania did not divert him from his plan ; on the con- trary, he thought he could not do a greater service to the cause of science than to consecrate the fruits of his travels to the new botanical garden of that place. He came to London, met with a countryman who had been instructed in the King's Gardens at Kew, and sent him to superin- tend his favourite garden at Christiania, with abundance of plants and seeds which he purchased at his own ex- pense. He next proceeded to Edinburgh, from whence he set out on a tour across the highest mountains of Scotland to examine their productions. The mountains of the northern counties of England and of Wales did not escape his active researches. Erom Wales he crossed over to Dublin, scoured all the mountains of Ireland, and re- turned to London towards the end of the 3'ear ]814. It is needless to add, that so zealous an advocate for the ex- tension of human knowledge engaged at once the friendship k Ixvi INTRODUCTION. and protection of Sir Joseph Banks. At the house of this patron of science he met with the first naturahsts of the ao-e, and among others with that distinguished geologist, the Baron Von Buch, whose habits and feelings being con- oenial with his own, they soon projected a voyage of scien- titic inquiry to the island of Madeira, and to those of the Canaries. On the 21st April, 1815, they landed at Funchal, the capital of Madeira. " From that moment," says M. Von Buch, " transported with the sight of so many new ob- jects, Smith knew no repose ; he laid hold of the several species of Cactus which in the most whimsical forms cover the rocks, to convince himself that they were real ; he leaped over the walls to examine those forests of Donax which the wind agitates above the vines to which they give support ; he ran from flower to flower, as if in extacy, and ,it was with great difficulty he could be prevailed on to enter the town. Here again his eye was delighted in traversing the great square, and observing the avenue of large trees of Justicia, of the Melia Azedarach, and of the gigantic Da- tura, covered with their large and brilliant blossoms, Avhich fill the air with their perfumes ; the immense leaves of the Banana trees waving above the walls, and the superb palm lifting its lofty head high above the houses ; the singular form of the Dragon tree ; the fragrance of the flowers, and the tufted foliage of the orange trees threw him into raptures. The elegant coffee-shrub is found only in the gardens ; but the pine-apple flourishes in the open fields ; and the Mimosa, the Eucalyptus, the Melaleuca, the Mam- mea, Clitorea, Erythrina, Eugenia, of which the dwarfish fragments only are seen in the conservatories of Europe, INTRODUCTION. Ixvii here mount up to large and beautiful trees, and their flowers, glowing with the most vivid colours, are viewed against the most brilliant sky in the world. His own feelings, on being thus suddenly transported from the moss-grown mountains of his native country to a more genial climate, are thus expressed in a letter to his friend ; " how shall I be able to describe to you, how de- clare to you what I have here felt, what I have here seen ! How shall I be able to give you an idea of the variety, of the singularity of those forms, of that beauty and that brilliancy of the colours, of all that magnificence of nature which surrounds me ! We ascend the sloping ridges of the mountains which embrace the splendid city of Fun- chal; we rest ourselves on the margin of a brook, which falls in numberless cascades across thickets of roseniar}-, of laurels, and of myrtles ;— the city at our feet, with its forts, its churches, its gardens, and its roadstead ; above us, forests of the stone pine and of chesnuts, interspersed with the flowers of the spartium and lavender. A whole legion of Canary birds makes the air resound with their sweet song; and nothing here, but the snow on the moun- tain tops, which now and then pierce through the clouds, would recal to my recollection my native country." M. Von Buch observes, that neither the torrents of rain which fell almost daily, nor the dense clouds which con- stantly covered the mountains for more than half of their height, nor the snow which enveloped their summits, could restrain them from attempting to ascertain the distribution of vegetation on this island, and the height of its moun- tains. They found by the barometer, the altitude of Nostra Senhora da Monte to be 1778 Enghsh feet above Ixviii INTRODUCTION. the level of the sea. At the height of 3200 feet they en- countered a wood composed of the beautiful Laurus in- dica, the Laurus nobilis, the Erica arborea or mediterranea, and the Erica scoparia. Through thick fog, and continual rain, thej persevered in the ascent ; and at the height of 4340 feet, they traversed the valley of Canada, where Smith viewed with astonishment and delight, a whole forest of myrtles (Vaccinium arctostaphyllos) of trees from 16 to 20 feet high and more. At 5390 feet they fell in with the snow. The summit of Torringas was found to be 5857 feet. The two naturalists left Madeira on the 2d May, and landed on the 5th at Oratava, in Teneriffe, where they were kindly and hospitably received by one of the most amiable and respectable families in the island, to whom Mr. Smith, by his natural gaiety and the suavity of his manners, made himself particularly acceptable : but the charms of agreeable society did not make him forget the object of his visit to the Canaries. He was always on his feet, and incessantly in pursuit ; he never returned from his excursions till late in the evening, and always laden with a rich harvest of plants, the examination and arrange- ment of which, left him but little time for sleep. Some- times, in his rambles, overtaken by night, he passed it in caverns, without food, and harassed by fatigue ; but happy in the discoveries he had made, he neither felt nor thought of either. The melting of the snow, on the 19th May, al- lowed him to ascend the summit of the Peak of Teneriffe, from whence he made a tour round the southern part of the island, in which he examined, and determined for the first time, the pine of the Canary islands to be an unde- INTRODUCTION. Ixix scribed species, to which he gave the name of Pinus ca- nariensis ; discovered a new species ofArdisia, and col- lected many other new and interesting plants. Several botanical travellers have noticed the singuhir appearance of the roofs of the houses of Laguna, from their being co- vered with a sort of house-leek, but none had described it. JNIr. Smith, on examination, found it to be a new spe- cies, and named it, from its situation, Sempervivum urbium. From Santa Cruz the travellers passed near to Palmas, the capital of Grand Canaria. It was now^ the month of August, and the summer heat had parched the earth and dried up the plants, excepting some Euphorbias and others of the succulent tribe. They, however, determined by the barometer, for the first time, the height of Pico del Pozo de los Nieves, the most elevated on the island, to be 6224 English feet above the level of the sea. On returning to Santa Cruz, Smith and his friend set out on a journey to the Peak of Teneriffe, along the crest of the mountain which crosses the island in its greatest length. Near the summit of the peak the two naturalists passed several days, traversing the immense stream of Obsidian, which encircles its western side, examined the volcano of Chahorra, remaining in the mountains till forced down from want of food, water, and shoes, the latter of which were fairly cut in pieces by the glassy lava. Em- barking at Oratava, they proceeded to the Isle of Palmas ; examined the immense and almost inaccessible crater, which occupies the centre of the island ; ascended the Pico de los Muchaclios, whose height was found to be 7707 Enghsh feet, and which commands a view of the whole Ixx INTRODUCTION. island. They next visited the port of Naos, on the isle of Lancerota, where the vessel was to complete her cargo with barilla, made from the Mesembrj'anthemum crystalli- num. In the mean time, the two naturalists paid a visit to the volcano, which, in 1750, almost entirely destroyed twelve villages, and covered nearly the third part of the island. Instead of one mouth the}'^ observed fifteen or sixteen, extending in the same line about six English miles, each havins formed a cone from three to four hundred feet high. Across the middle of these mouths were large fissures, exhaling aqueous vapours, which raised the ther- mometer in a few moments to 180°. On the 27th October, they re-embarked, and arrived at Portsmouth on the 8th December. It was the intention of Dr. Smith to arrange his Flora for publication, in London, and then return to his native country : but on Sir Joseph Banks proposing the appoint- ment of botanist, to an expedition then preparing to ex- plore the Zaire, he most readily and unconditionally accepted the same, from a pure love of science, and in the hope of being useful to the world. His Journal, which is now published precisely in the state it was found, is suflftcient to evince his great zeal, and quahfications as a botanist. It is but just however to the memory of the deceased to stale, that this Journal had evidently un- dergone no revision, but is a transcript or rather a trans- lation of his original minutes and observations, as they appear to have been entered, from day to day, in a small pocket memorandum book ; written in the Danish language, and in so small and illformed a character as in some places to be perfectly illegible. By the close INTRODUCTION. Ixxi attention, however, of Doctor Rydberg, to whom the edi- tor is indebted for the translation, the greater part has been pretty well made out. His notes are carried on to the end of the journey upwards, but are not continued on his return down the river. He was taken ill, before they reached the vessels, and came down with the Captain in the last canoe : and was sent with him to the Trans- port, for the sake of greater convenience : by this time however, he was dangerously ill, and refused to take any thing, either in the shape of medicine, or nutriment. He had tried bark, but his stomach constantly rejected it : and under an idea that his illness proceeded only from debility, he persisted in taking only cold water. On the 21st September he became delirious, and died on the fol- lowing day. Mr. Cranch was one of those extraordinary self-taught characters, to whom particular branches of science are sometimes more indebted, than to the labours of those Avho have had the advantage of a regular education. He was born at Exeter in the year 1785 of humble, but res- pectable parents ; at eight years of age he had the misfor- tune to lose his father ; and as the circumstances in which his mother was left, did not enable her to provide for all her children, John, the subject of the present memoir, was taken charge of by an uncle living at Kingsbridge. The main object in life, and which was nearest to the heart of this relation, was the accumulation of wealth ; and his ex- treme penury denied to his nephew almost the benefit of a common education. The miserable guinea which pro- cured for him a year's instruction in reading, writing, and Ixxii INTRODUCTION. arithmetic, was wrenched from him with so much grudg- ing, and in a manner so unkind, as to be then severel}'^ felt, and never afterwards forgotten. At the age of fourteen, this provident relation first put him out as an apprentice, to learn " the art and mystery of shoemaking ;" a line of life which, from its peculiar monotony of stillness, or in spite of it, seems by no means unfriendly, as experience has shewn, to the progress of in- tellectual acquirement. The strength of mind for which young Cranch had been distinguished from his childhood was now constantly' and obviously struggling with the ad- verse circumstances of his situation ; but every moment, which could be stolen from his daily labour, was devoted to the few books Avhich he had found means to collect. The study of natural history was that in which he mostly delighted ; and, even at this early period of his life, he was able to draw up correct and classical descriptions of all the insects he could procure in the neighbourhood of Kingsbridge. Without other assistance than books, he had acquired a sufficient knowledge of Latin and French, to enable him to understand thoroughly those languages, when made use of by zoological writers, and to employ them himself, in describing objects of natural history. He had acquired also a general knowledge of astronomy. But, while thus eagerly endeavouring to grasp at science, every thing tended to depress, and nothing to encourage him. However, he had the fortitude to persevere ; and continued, in spite of every obstacle, silently and sedu- lously, unnoticed and unknown, to nourish his ruhng pas- sion, the love of knowledge. At the expiration of his apprenticeship, he went up to INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii London, with the professed view of improvement in the art of shoemaking: but in reahty with higher objects and better hopes ; though he hardly ventured to own them to himseh". The manners and morals of his fellow workmen were ill suited to his feelings and pursuits ; and served onl}' to encrease his dislike for the profession to which he had been doomed. But it was some consolation to retiect that he was in the great mart of human knowledge : and thouo;h unfriended, and a stranoer, he found that informa- tion flowed in upon him on every side. His mind was fil- led, but not satisfied. Every museum, auction room, and book stall, every object to which his attention was called, he visited with a rapid and unsatiable curiosity ; gleaning information wherever it was to be had, and treasuring it up with systematic care. His account of what he obser- ved in the capital is said to exhibit an obvious and striking proof of an inquisitive, diligent, and discerning mind. A person of this stamp could not long remain in London without meeting with kindred spirits. One of these asso- ciates, speaking of Cranch, observes, " our conversations and philosophical rambles near London, have often cal- led forth such observations and disquisitions from him on the various qualities, attributes, combinations, provisions and arrangements of nature, as marked vast comprehen- sion, as well as the most delicate subtilties of discrimina- tion in an intellect, which seemed indeed to be calculated to grasp magnitude and minutia? with equal address, and which could at once surprise, delight, and instruct." After a residence of some time in London, he returned to the haunts of his childhood ; but it was soon discovered how little chance the " bootmaker from London" hagl of 1 Ixxiv INTRODUCTION. eclipsing even his humble rivals, who had never lost sight of the smoke of their native hamlet. But he had no al- ternative ; he must eat to live ; and work at his trade to be able to eat. His labour however produced him little more than a bare subsistence ; and every moment that he could venture to take from it, was dedicated to his favou- rite pursuit. Shortly, however, his domestic circumstances were fa- vourably improved by marriage. His workshop Avas now consigned Avholly to his journeymen, while he was sedu- lously and successful!}' collecting objects of natural history. No difficulties nor dangers impeded his researches He climbed the most rugged precipices ; he Avas frequently lowered down by the peasants from the summits of the tallest cliffs ; he Avadcd through rapid streams ; he explored the beds of the muddiest rivers ; he sought the deepest recesses He frequently wandered for Avhole weeks from home, and often ventured out to sea for sevv^ral days to- gether, entirely alone, in the smallest skiffs of the fisher- men. " No inclemency of weather; no vicissitudes of " storms and sunshine," ever prevented his fatiguing pur- suits; the discovery of a new insect amply repaid the most painlul exertions. Several papers in the " Weekly Enter- tainer," a little Avork Avhich accompanies one of the most popular of the Avestern newspapers, were written by him; and by these, and his collection of subjects in natural history, he gradually became better known, and his talents duly appreciated by the most able naturalists. Of this the following extract of a letter to the editor, from Dr. Leach, of the British Museum, bears ample and honour- able testimony. INTRODUCTION. Ixxv ' " In 1814, Mr. Montagu and myself, together Avith Mr. C. Prideaux, visited Mr. Cranch, for the purpose of seeing his museum. We were all astonished at the niasnitude of his collection of shells, Crustacea, insects, birds. Sec. collected entirely by himself, and still more so with the accuracy of their classification, and with the remarks made by this self-educated and zealous individual. He con- versed on all subjects connected with natural history, with modesty, but at the same time, with that confidence which is the result of knowledge. Quite deliohted Avith havinor made his acquaintance, I left him Avith a resolution to cul- tivate a correspondence Avith him on the subject of our fa- A'ourite pursuits. On the following morning, I received a note from him, offering me any specimens that might be Avanting, and that he could supply, to my collection. " Soon after this meeting, I was appointed to the British Museum, Avhen Mr. Cranch applied to me to endeavour to obtain for him some situation in that institution, which would enable him to cultivate the study of natural history on a more extended scale ; but as no vacanc}^ existed, and as I found his demands for employment come Avithin the limits of my pocket, I proposed that he should undertake to investigate the coasts of Devon and Cornw^all, for ma- rine productions ; and eventually to make a tour of Great Britain, Avith the same vicAv; at the same time, I promised to recommend him to the first situation that misht occur, to enable him to attain the object of his ambition. " On receiving my letter he immediately discharged his journeymen, and converted his manufactory of boots and shoes into apartments for the reception and preservation of such objects of natural history as his daily excursions Uxvi INTRODUCTION. might procure. He kept up a continual communication with the fishermen of Plymouth, and constantly received from them baskets filled with the rubbish they dredged from the bottom of the sea ; and this he examined with diligence and attention, preserving all the new objects that he discovered, and making descriptions of them. He vi- sited, occasionally, the Brixham, Plymouth, and Falmouth fishermen, and made excursions with them. He very often left Kingsbridge in an open boat, and remained absent for a long time together, during which, he dredged when the tide was full, and examined the shores when it was out. At night he slept in his boat, which he drew on shore ; and when the weather was too stormy for marine excursions, he would leave his boat and proceed to examine the country and woods for insects, birds, &c. The remarks with which he accompanied the infinity of new objects Avhich he discovered, are invaluable ; many of them have been, and the rest shall be hereafter, made public." In this way Avas Mr. Cranch employed for the collec- tion of natural history in the British Museum, at the time when the expedition to the Congo was planned : for such an expedition, a person of this description was invaluable, and Doctor Leach recommended him to Sir Joseph Banks, as one in every Avay fitted for the undertaking. On his part, an appointment so suited to his pursuits, and so flattering to his hopes, was the height of his ambition, and he at once accepted it, though not without some painful struggles to -his feelings. It seems he had a sort of presentiment that he should never return, and that the ex- pectation of such an event became weaker and weaker, as his country faded from his view. His conduct, however. IN*rRODLCTION. kxvii during the voyage out, does not appear to have beeft iii- liuenced by this feeling ; nor was his exertions at all re- laxed by an occasional lowness of spirits, which was, per- haps, partly constitutional, and owing partly to the gloomy view taken of Christianity by that sect denominated Me- thodists, of which, it seems, he was a member. He is re- presented, however, by his friends, as a sincere Christian, an affectionate parent, and a kind friend. Mr. Cranch was taken' ill on the 23d August, on the march between the banza or town of Cooloo, and the banza Inga, and was carried back on the shoulders of the natives to Cooloo, and from thence in a hammock to the place of embarkation below the rapids ; but it was the tenth day before he reached the ship in a canoe. The sj'raptoms, by the surgeon's report, were an extreme languor and general exhaustion ; a restlessness and anxiety, approaching at times to delirium, but he had no pain, except an uneas}^ sensation throughout the abdomen ; the countenance became of a dirty yellow colour, the pulse was at 108°, and very small. The next day he was much worse, and on the third day the whole body became yellow ; the countenance assumed a deadly aspect, the pulse at the wrist imperceptible, and in the evening he expired, " after uttering," says Mr. Fitzmaurice, " a de- vout prayer for the welfare of his family, and with the name of his wife quivering on his lips. He was of that order of dissenters," he adds, " who are called Methodists, and if I may judge from external appearances, he was an affectionate husband and father, a sincere friend, a pious, honest, and good man." He died in the 31st year of his age, and was buried at Embomma by permission of the Ixxviii INTRODUCTION'. king, in his own burial ground, where he was laid with military honours by the side of his fellow-traveller Mr. Tudor, who had been interred with the liice ceremony, a few days before. Mr. Tudor was a young surgeon recommended by Mr. Brookes the anatomist, and examined and approved by Sir Everard Home, as a person well qualified to act in the capacity of comparative anatomist. The unfor- tunate circumstances of the expedition afforded him but few materials to work upon, and but litde opportunity to exercise his talent on those few. He was the youngest of the party, and the first who was attacked with fever on shore, being seized on the 15th August, after a march of three days. He was immediately sent back to the vessels, and on the 22d he reached the Congo in one of the double- boats. On his arrival he shewed great debility, anxiety, and impatience. His case was very similar to that of Mr. Cranch, and on the evening of the 29th he died ■without pain. Mr. Edward Galwey was second son to the banker of that name in Mallow. He was educated for the uni- versity, with a view to qualify for one of the learned pro- fessions ; but an eligible appointment offering, in the mean time, to a situation in the East Indies, he was about to proceed thither, when, by the advice of his friends, and a necessity occurring for his assistance in his father's office, he was prevailed on to take his seat at the desk. It was soon however discovered, that the dull routine of such employment was but little congenial with his inclinations, INTRODUCTION. Ixxis and he escaped from it whenever he could with propriety do so, to indulge his zeal for scientific research, and to cultivate his taste for music, of which he was passionately fond, and in which he excelled. He availed himself of all opportunities to acquire a practical knowledge of botany, and was particularly conversant in all the new discoveries in chemistry, which, with geology, were his favourite studies. Pie was soon however drawn from his retired and studious habits to seek for health in the south of Europe, having suffered for several months by an op- pression and pain in the chest, accompanied m ith a con- stant short, dry cough, (juick pulse, and all the symptoms of a confirmed consumption ; from all which however he was completely cured before he landed in Lisbon, after a tempestuous and protracted passage in the winter of 1813. Finding himself so well, and conceiving that his uniform of a yeomanry officer would afford him much facility in travelling in the peninsula, he was induced to go into Spain; and the leu months he spent in visiting various parts of this country, and the delight experienced by a mind finely stored like his with diversified knowledge, inspired him with so enthusiastic a zeal for foreis'i travel, that althouo;h on his return to Ireland, he re-assumed his station in' the bank, it was evident that an opportunity only was want- ing to set him out again on his travels. That opportunity soon occurred by the ill-fated expedition to explore the Zaire. On hearing that Captain Tuckey, who was one of his early friends, had got the appointment, he immediately wrote to entreat he might be allowed to accompany him as a volunteer. It was in vain to represent how inconveniently he must be accommodated ; and that he could not be allowed Ixxx INTRODUCTION. even to take a servant ; but he pleaded the example of Sir Joseph Banks, as entirely obviating, in his own case, so Iriflino- an objection ; his family remonstrated with him on the score of his health being injured from the hardships he would necessarily have to undergo, and from the effects of climate : his argument was, that he had already tried both, and his health had improved by the experiment. In short, remonstrance and persuasion were resorted to in vain : he persisted in his entreaties with the Admiralty and Captain Tuckey; and on the latter expressing a wish to take him, as one likely to be useful, in promoting the objects of the expedition, he was permitted to join the Congo as a volunteer. Mr. Galwey proceeded Avith the Captain's party as far up the river as the banza Inga, where he was taken ill, about the 24th August, and sent off from thence to the vessels : but he did not reach the Congo, in his canoe, till the 7th September, being then in a state of great exhaus- tion ; his countenance, by the surgeon's account, ghastly, with extreme debility, and great anxiety ; a short cough, with hurried respiration and heaving of the chest, the pulse 108, and very small, the body of a dirty yellow colour. On the following day, all the bad symptoms were encreased, but he was free from pain. On the 9th he became insensible, and expired about the middle of the day. His body Avas taken to the burial ground of the King of Embomma, and interred with such honours as the dispirited and much reduced party could bestow, by the side of his unfortuate companions Cranch and Tudor. Mr. Galwey had taken a very active part in collecting specimens, and making remarks on the natural products INTRODUCTION. Ixxxi of the country, and more particularly on its geology ; but both his journal and his collections have been lost. They had met in their progress with a party of slave-dealers, having in their possession a negro in fetters, from the Mandingo country. From motives of humanity, and with the view of returning this man to his friends and country, as well as under the hope that he might become useful as they proceeded, and give some account of the regions through which he must have passed, as soon as he should be able to speak a little EngUsh, Captain Tuckey pur- chased this slave, and appointed him to attend Mr.Galwey ; but he was utterly incapable, it seems, of feeling either pleasure or gratitude at his release from captivity ; and when Mr. Galwey was taken ill, he not only abandoned him, but carried off the little property he had with him, no part of which was ever recovered. After this gloomy recital of the mortality which befel the officers and naturalists of the expedition, it will be the less necessary to bespeak the indulgence of the public in passing judgment on the present volume. The Journals of Captain Tuckey and Professor Smith, with the collections which have reached England, afford ample testimony how much more might have been expected in less unfortunate circimistances. These Journals will not be deemed the less valuable for being the mere records of facts and impres- sions, written down without regard to arrangement, the moment they occurred and were made. The few General Observations collected from these Journals, and from de- tached notes of Lieutenant Hawkey, Mr. Fitzmaurice and Mr. Mc Kerrow, have been thrown together in order to in Ixxxii INTRODUCTION. give a connected, though imperfect, view of thai particular part of the country, and people visited by the expedition. The papers, No. 2 and 3 in the Appendix, by Doctor Leach, and Sir Everard Home, respecting the parasitic Vermis which takes possession of the Argonaut shell, and which clear up a long disputed point in natural history, are reprinted from the Philosophical Transactions, by permission of the venerable President, who is on all occa- sions most ready to lend his cordial assistance to the dis- semination of human knowledge. The other papers in the Appendix, illustrative of those subjects in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms which occurred along the line of the Zaire, as far, at least, as the materials sent home would admit, were obligingly drawn up by Doctor Leach and Mr. Koenig of the British Museum, and by Mr. Brown, Secretary to the Linna?an Society, and Librarian to Sir Joseph Banks ; to each and all of whom, but more especially to the last mentioned gentleman, for his excellent observations on the plants found in the vicinity of the Congo river, the Editor has to express his grateful acknowledgments. NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION TO EXPLORE THE RIVER ZAIRE B CHAPTER I. Passage to, and Notices on, the Island of Saint Jago. NARRATIVE, S^c. CHAPTER I. 1 H E provisions and stores for the expedition having been all shipped on board the Congo, and the Dorothy transport, and the river being free from the ice, which had blocked it up for many days, the tAvt) vessels quitted Deptford on the l6th of February, and proceeded to the Nore, where the Congo's crew received six months wages in advance ; and on the fol- lowing morning (25th) we weighed and anchored the same evening in the Downs, where we were detained until the 28th by strong westerly winds. On that day, the wind being at N.N.W., we put to sea, but returning to S. W. when 6 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. abreast of Plymouth, we were obliged to run into the Sound, where we lay for three days, perfectly sheltered by the Breakwater from the violence of a S.W. gale. Here we completed the Congo's complement, by receiving two ma- rines, and entering two seamen, in lieu of as many who had deserted at Sheerness the same evening on which they re- ceived their advance. On the 5th of March, the wind moderating, though still at S.W., we put to sea in the hope of being able to beat down the Channel ; but the return of strong gales forced us into Falmouth on the 6th, from whence we again sailed on the 9th, Avith a fine breeze at N. N.E.; this, however, failed us on reaching the length of Scilly, and was succeeded by a heavy galefrom S.W. , with extremely thick and dirty weather, such as, at this season, renders the navigation of the English channel equally disagreeable and dangerous, and which now, by preventing our getting a pilot for Scilly, obliged us to run back to Falmouth. In standing in for Scilly, we passed the Bishop and Clerk's rocks at the distance of a mile, the sea breaking on them in a frightful manner; we also passed close to the Wolf rock, on which the sea also broke furi- ously, but without that roaring noise whicli gave it its name, and which formerly warned seamen of their danger. On en- quiring at Falmouth, I was assured that, some years since, CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 7 the fishermen of Cornwall employed all their boats a whole summer in conveying stones to fill up the chasm or hole that caused this roaring, which, they alleged, frightened the fish to a great distance. During a tedious detention of eight days at Falmouth, the winds fluctuated every moment in hard squalls, from W. S. W, to N. W., with heavy showers of rain, snow, and hail ; effects ascribable probably to the local situation of this harbour, which, being placed nearly at the narrowest part of the peninsulaof Cornwall, and surrounded by high lands, is exposed to the vapours from the Atlantic, and from the English and Irish channels ; and these being intercepted and condensed by the hills, produce those frequent squalls and quick succeeding showers. Falmouth is a neat, clean town, built entirely of stone found on the spot ; its market, which is a commodious building of Cornish granite, is exceedingly well supplied with meat, poultry, butter, eggs, and vegetables. The number of meeting-houses indicate the great majority of the inhabitants to be dissenters. The stranger however is most forcibly struck by the strong similarity of features in the Falmouth females, which consists in plump rounded faces, without much expression, but denoting cheerfulness and placidity of disposition, while the bloom of their cheeks 8 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. sufficiently proves that the humidity of the cHmate is not unhealthy. The wind at length coming to the north, we weighed once more, (19th) and at last cleared the Channel, passing Scilly at the distance of 15 leagues. On opening the Lizard, we suddenly, from a very smooth water, got into a heavy swell from N.W., with a cross sea; the swell doubtless proceeding from the late westerly gales, and the cross sea from the meeting of the tides of the two channels at the Land's-end, for as we en creased our distance from the land, the waves subsided, and the sea became more regular. When abreast of Scilly the wind came to the east, and we now found that the transport rolled so heavily going before it, as to be most uncomfortable even to seamen, while the Naturalists became most grievously sea-sick ; in order to remedy this rolling, as far as was noAv possible, all the lumber stowed in the boats on deck was got out of them ; but this had little effect, the cause being either in the ship herself, or in some vice in the stowage of the hold, we were therefore obliged to submit to this discomfort, by which we could neither take our meals, sleep, walk the deck, or even sit down to write with any satisfaction. The common gull (Larus canus) was the only bird that CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 9 accompanied us from the Channel, and it did not disap- pear finally until the 23d, when Cape Finisterre, the nearest land, was 200 miles distant. On the 25th we passed the parallel of this cape, nearly at the same distance. AVe now shaped a course for the west end of Madeira, and a pleasant breeze from the N.E. impelling us forward 50 to 60 leagues aday, we made that island at day-light on the Slst, our approach to it on the preceding days being denoted by the wind veering to the west, with frequent squalls and showers of rain, and by the numbers of logger- head turtles (Testudo caretta) seen asleep on the surface of the sea. One of these animals was taken up by the Congo with many clusters of barnacles adhering to the shell ; they consisted of two species, the Lepas anatifera, and Lepas mem- hranacea. The first floating mollusca were also seen on ap- proaching Madeira, and as the scientific gentlemen were now pretty well recovered from their sea sickness, and the weather was warm and fair, Fahrenheit's thermometer at noon being CS", the tow-net was put overboard, and col- lected some of these animals, all of the Vellela genus. Passing Madeira to the west at ten leagues distance, we steered for Palma, which, at day-hght on the 2d of April, was in sight ; running along its west side at the distance of six leagues, we observed the summit of the Caldera mountain C 10 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. patched with snow. In the afternoon we passed along the west side of Ferro, also at the distance of six leagues. As far as the Canaries our route had been very barren of any event of interest; we saw several vessels, but spoke none. After losing our English gulls, two birds only were seen on the day before making Madeira, the one a large bird resembling a raven, the other an ash coloured gull. This almost total absence of sea birds in the vicinity of Madeira and the Canaries seems the more extraordinary, as it may be sup- posed that the Dezertas, Salvages, and other rocks would afford them undisturbed breeding places. After passing Madeira the winds were generally from N.N.E. and N.E., blowing moderately with fair weather ; the days rather hazy, but the nights so bright that not a star was hid in the heavens. Our route laying to the east- ward of the islands of Cape Verde, the trade wind, as we approached the coast of Africa, lost its steadiness, veering from N.N.E. to N.W. On the 5th, in latitude 22°, longitude 19° 9', the sea being much discoloured, we tried for soundings, but did not get bottom with 120 fathoms of line. Cape Cowoeira, the nearest point of Africa, was at this time 32 leagues distant. The atmosphere extremely hazy, and a large flight of fishing-birds was seen ; both being indications of CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 11 the vicinity of soundings. Here I may observe, that should this discolouration of the sea at such a distance from the land be a constant circumstance, it may serve to guide ships which have no means of correcting their reckonings, and thereby prevent the shipwrecks that so often happen on the coast of the Desart in the vicinity of cape Blanco, by their not allowing for the easterly current that seems invariably to set quite from the English Channel to the Canaries, and the effect of which we found to be, in that distance, equal to one degree and a half of longitude. The towing-net was now become tolerably successful, taking up from time to time various species of mollusca, such as Portuguese men of war, (Holothuria physalis), Vellela mutica, (La Marc) Thalis trilineata, (ib.) besides some testacea, viz. the Helix ianthina, with the living animal ; many dead shells of the Nautilus spiralis, &c. specimens of all which were preserved by Mr. Cranch. The holothuria made its first appearance on the 4th in- stant in latitude 24° 13', longitude 18° 31', temperature of the atmosphere at noon being 68°, of the surface of the sea Q5°. These animals continued more or less abundant until past the Cape Verde islands, when they entirely disappear- ed. The greatest abundance of them was however on the 12 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 5th and 6th, when nearest to the coast of Africa, where the sea was perfectly covered with them. The Congo's decks and sides having become extremely leaky, both from the shrinking of the planks with the heat of the weather, and also apparently from imperfect caulking in the severe weather while she was building, I determined to anchor 24 hours in Porto Praya, to caulk her sides, which could not be done at sea; and accordingly steered for Bo- navista, with a fresh trade at N. E., and the atmosphere very hazy during the day, as it usually is near the Cape Verde islands. On the 8th we passed along the east side of Bo- navista, at the distance of four leagues, and at daylight on the 9th were at the same distance from the west side of Mayo, when we steered for Porto Praya, and anchored in the road in the forenoon. With exception of the mollusca, &c. taken up by the towing net, our Naturalists had no subjects to employ them- selves on since entering the tropic; a single flying fish. (Exocatus volitans), the first seen, was found dead on the deck the morning of making Bonavista, but neither dolphin, bonito, albicore, shark, or tropic bird was yet seen. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 13 PORTO PRAYA. In the afternoon I went on shore, accompanied by several of the gentlemen, to wait on the Captain- general of the islands, who now resided at Porto Praya. On entering the gateway of the town, for gate there was none, we were con- ducted by a negro, to a white-washed house, of tolerably decent external appearance, when contrasted with the miserable hovels that surround it, and on being announced by a ragged centinel, were ushered up a ladder into a large apartment, the rafters, floor, and wainscot of which were as rough as they came from the sawpit ; without paint, or other decoration, save some daubed prints of the Virgin and Saints. Here we found the General at dinner with a large company, among whom were half a dozen greasy monks, wrapped in frize (the thermometer at 84°), whose jolly figures and cheerful countenances denoted any thing but abstinence and penance. The General's lady, a comely European Portuguese, drest. a I'inglaise, was the only female at table, and sat on the right hand of her husband. Not having had any arrivals from Portugal for four months, the General was very inquisitive as to the political appear- ances in Europe, and as he spoke tolerable French, I was able to satisfy him. 14 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE From hence we were conducted to the house of the Go- vernor of the island, who we also found at dinner with his wife, several monks, and officers. The lady was a half-cast, and habited a la negresse, that is, with nothing but a shift and petticoat, being the only female. The Governor, who can make himself very well understood in English, immediately requested to be employed in procuring the refreshments we required ; at the same time taking great pains to convince us, that he had no interested motives in offering his services; to which, of course, we gave all due credit. Nevertheless, in order to avoid the delay I knew he might cause, and besides the triffing supplies we required being of little moment, I gave him an order for four bullocks and some pumpkins and oranges. This very disinterested officer, Avho wears the uniform and has the rank of colonel, is however one of the most sturdy beggars I ever met with, and com- menced his attack on our liberality, by telling the purser, that his wife desired him to ask if he could sell her some butter; but adding, that he knew English officers never sold, but only made compliment. This broad hint was followed up by wishes for porter, cheese, and potatoes ; and the example of the Governor was followed by his guests ; one of the of- ficers modestly asking me to sell him a pair of old epaulets; another wished he could get a cocked hat; a third, a pair of CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 15 English shoes; a fourth, a pair of gloves; at the same time pulhng a pair out of his pocket which he assured us were English ; but added, with a sigh, thai they were not his own, having borrowed them from a brother officer for the day. All these gentlemen expressed themselves in very broken English, and indeed there is scarcely a person in the town who does not speak enough of this language for the pur- poses of bartei'ing or begging. Having taken leave of the Governor, we walked over the town, which is situated on a kind of platform or table land, nearly perpendicular on all sides, and quite so towards the ba3^ With the exception of half a dozen houses of the chief officers, which are plaistered and white-washed, and of the church, which is without a spire, and externally resembles a barn, this capital of the Cape V^erde islands consists of three rows of hovels, constructed of stones and mud, and thatched with branches of the date tree, and chiefly inha- bited by negroes. The fortifications consist of what is here called a fort, but which an engineer would be puzzled to describe; and a line, facing the bay, of sixteen old iron guns, within a half demo- Ushed parapet wall. In a sort of bastion of the fort, the grave of Captain Eveleigh is distinguished by a patch of pavement of round pebbles. This officer, commanding His 16 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Majesty's ship Acteon, was mortally wounded in a drawn action with a French frigate. On the several high platform points that surround the bay are also mounted some guns, each of these posts being guarded by a single negro family. From the imposing appearance of these batteries, it is, doubtless, that the Governor-general expects that all vessels will notify their intention of sailing; nor could I refrain from a smile, when, after informing me that this was a necessary ceremony, even for ships of war, he assured me that on hoisting a flag, he would immediately make a signal to the batteries to let us pass ! ; perfectly satisfied as I was, that the vessels might be almost out of sight of the Island before a gun could be fired. The bay of Porto Praya, however, possesses the greatest capability of being strongly fortified against shipping, and the town might, by a simple wall in those places where the sides of the platform are not perpendicular, be secured from a coup de main. The town must however in this case be supplied with water from the rain collected in cisterns. There are here no regular European troops, a few officers ex- cepted, and the militia ; one of whom may be seen standing centinel every ten yards in the town, perfectly in character with the fortifications, this corps being composed of the most ragged, bare-legged, sans-culotte vagabond-lookingwretches CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 17 of all shades of col our, from the swarthy European Portuguese to the Negro of Guinea; and, as if it was determined that there should be no incongruity in any part of the military de- partment, not one of their muskets in ten has a lock, and many of the barrels are lashed to the stocks with rope yarns. From the town we descended by a zig-zag path to the valley on the left, named " Val de Trinidad,'' over which are scattered some clusters of date trees (Thoeinx dactyUfera ) , some mimosas, and other spontaneous vegetation ; but the only attempt at cultivation is near the two wells, which supplv the town and shipping, where a negro hut is surrounded b}- a miserable plantation of the cotton shrub (Gossipium herha- cevm). There can, however, be no doubt but that the soil of this vallc}' wants only Avatcrto render it fruitful; and it seems equally certain, that water might be had in sufficient quantity by digging Avells. The present possessors of the island must however change their natures, before this or any other improvement is effected. Though a species of mimosa groAvs to a large size in the most burnt-up spots, and affords a good shade, they seem never to have thought of planting it in the town, where it Mould be not only orna- mental, but highly useful in luoderating the excessive heat, caused by the action of the sun on the ferruginous sand. The wells we now found surrounded by negro washcrwo- D 18 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. men, whose state of all hut nudity, and pendant flaccidity of bosom, seemed to wake our untravelled companions from the dreams they had indulged in of the sable Venuses which they were to find on the banks of the Congo. In the afternoon of the 10th we made a more extended excursion; quitting the town, we followed the sides and summits of the hills that bound the valley of Trinidad, for about three miles, when we came to a mean delapidated house, hanging over the precipitous brow of a platform, which we learnt was one of the Governor General's country residences. At the foot of the precipice is what here may be called a garden, containing half a dozen cocoa-nut trees, some manioc, sweet potatoes, cotton shrubs, &c. Near this we measured a Boabab, (Adamonia digitata), whose trunk, five feet from the ground, Avas 21 feet in circumference; it Avas now without leaves, the branches much resembling those of the chestnut tree. A mile farther, at the head of a narrow glen, we found the negro hamlet of San Felippe, composed of a dozen huts. The bottom of the glen is covered with huge stones, evident- ly tumbled from the hills that enclose it ; and from the foot of a vast mass of rock issues a fine spring, which serves to nourish a little plantation of fruits and vegetables. A very large tamarind tree, growing out of the crevice of a naked CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 19 rock, and the profusion of fruit on the cocoa-nut, banana, and papau trees, where there is not a foot of soil, prove that, in this chmate, water is the grand principle of vegetation. The negroes who watched the plantation, and tended a few cows and sheep, received us with much civility, and in return we purchased from them a fine milch goat with her kid, and all the eggs they had to dispose of. The hut of a poor negro slave is not luxuriously furnished ; where there are females, a partition of the branches of the date tree en- closes a recess for their use ; the bedsteads are four up- right sticks stuck in the clay floor, with transverse sticks for the bottom, over which is spread a mat or blanket; a solid wooden chest, serving also for table and couch, a wooden mortar to pound their Indian corn, a pot to boil it, some gourds for holding milk and water, and some wooden spoons, form the sum total of furniture and domestic utensils ; the drum made out of a log of wood hollowed, and the rude guitar of three strmgs, which are seen in every hut, prove however that providence every where " tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," and that if it permits human slavery, it also blunts the feelings of the slave, not only to the degree of en- durance, but even to that of enjoying life under its most for- bidding form. Inwitnessing the joyous songs and dances of 20 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. the negroes, we could scarcely believe that they are subject to be momentarily dragged away to receive the lashes com- manded by a brutal owner, were we not painfully convinced by the indelible marks of the whip on their naked bodies. The strictest precautions are taken against the evasion of slaves on board foreign vessels that touch here, and par- ticularl}^ by not allowing boats of any kind to the inhabi- tants, the want of which gives to the port the appearance of a deserted settlement. The industrious pursuits of the islanders appear to be limited by their absolute wants, being confmed to produc- ing the stock and vegetables for their consumption, manu- facturing a little sugar also for their own use, and weaving the cotton of the island chietly into shawls for the women. As there is scarely any thing exported from the island, there is no other ingress of money, than what is paid by ships for refreshments, or that which is sent from Portugal to pay the expenses of the estabhshment ; and this cannot be much if all are paid in the same proportion as the Governor, Avho told us that his salary was but four dollars a day. Pos- sessed by a more industrious people, and better governed, this island might however be made highly productive of colonial objects ; the sugar cane is equal to that of the West Indies, the indigo plant succeeds perfectly, and the dye it CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 21 affords for their cottons is excellent ; coffee is also produced for consumption, and ^Adth common industry the now burnt- up vallies might be covered with the cotton-shrub. Two or three pitiful shops, containing the most heterogenous assort- ment of goods, convey the only appearance of domestic com- merce; in them we observed various kinds of EnoHsh cotton goods and earthen ware ; the other objects, as hats, shoes, &c. being of Portuguese fabric. Towards the sea shore, Avhere my own observations ■\vei;e confined, St. Jago presents the most forbidding ap- pearance of sterility, the whole surfice denoting the efiect of some mighty convulsion, which piled matter upon matter in what nuu^ be termed a regular confusion. The two prominent forms arc those of platforms or table lands ge- nerally cut perpendicular as a wall on one side, and level with the neighbouring land on the other ; and series of per- fectly conical hillocks diminishing in sii^e by regular gra- dation. Besides these, vast irregular masses are scattered over the interior of the island, forming shapeless mountains, and Ions; serrated outlines. The whole of the elevated grounds, which I passed over, are covered with loose blocks of stone, basalt, lava, and other volcanic products, and the beds of the numerous torrents, which were now quite dry, shewed a covering of black basaltic sand. "\Vit.h the excep- 22 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. tion of the spring at San Felippe, I did not meet a drop of running water, and all the annual plants were so burnt up as to be reducible to powder between the fingers. The onlj trees seen here are a few jnelancholy dates, useful only by their branches, as their fruit does not come to perfec- tion ; and some thinly scattered mimosas, serving only to render the general nakedness more apparent. The lesser vegetation consists of about a dozen shrubs, on which, as Avell as the mimosa, the goats browse, and some herbaceous plants, particularly a convolvolus, which covers the most sandy spots, a solanum, a lotus, an aloe, &c. Professor Smith and Mr. Tudor, who employed the whole of our short stay here in a botanizing excursion to the mountains, describe the interior of the island as more pleasing than the sea shores. The valleys, as they ascended from the inferior region, being well watered by springs forming little brooks, and covered with plantations of fruits and vegetables ; the hills well clothed with grass, affording pasture to numerous herds of cattle and flocks of sheep. The result of Dr. Smith's botanical researches is thus stated by him.* " The Cape de Verde islands, though situated * It may be necessary to observe, that though Dr. Smith understands and speaks the English language with great correctness, he, as may be expected in a foreigner, does not write it with equal facility, hence I have been obliged to put the wTitten observations he has furnished me with into a more correct form as to 7nanner, the matter being eatirely his own. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 23 nearly in the middle of the northern equinoctial zone, and separated only by a distance of 120 leagues from the broadest part of Africa, in their climate and vegetation approach nearer to the temperate regions than to the tro- pical. In the opposite countries of Senegambia, the rains and the hottest season arrive together, and continue during the months of May, June, and July. In the Cape Verde islands, on the contrary, the rains do not set in until the middle of August, (when they are about to cease in Sene- gambia,) and continue with intermissions until January or February. On our arrival at Porto Praya, the dry season had therefore commenced two months ; some of the in- digenous trees and shrubs had just lost their leaves, and a few had put forth new ones ; all the perrnnial plants were in seed, and all the annual nearly dried up, the vegetation being in the same state as in June and July in the Canary islands. " Even in the dry season the atmosphere of the Cape Verdes is extremely humid, for the air being heated over the broadest part of Africa, a great capacity for imbibing moisture is thereby acquired, and in passing over the sea it is saturated to the highest point, so that the least diminution of temperature causes it to deposit abundant vapour Not only the highest point of St. Jago, (Pico de San Antonio,) 24 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVK ^vhicli has about 4500 feet of elevation, but also the Avhole central ridge of hills down to 1400 feet are usually enveloped in clouds from 10 o'clock in the morning. This humidity clothes the hills with thick pasture grass, giving to the country a feature entirely unlooked for in so low a latitude and of so small an elevation alcove the sea. " It is also this moist atmosphere that causes the mean temperature of the island to be so much less than that of Senegambia. According to Humboldt's new scale of mean temperatures, the curve will intersect the latitude of St. Jago at 27° of the centigrade thermometer, (80° 7' of Faren- heit,) which is probably the middle between the iso-ther- mometer of the island and of Senegambia, the latter being probably not less than 30° centig. {86° of Fahrenheit). On the 10th of April the temperature of the well in the valley of Trinidad was 25"" centig. (73° Fahrenheit), the well being two or three fathoms deep, and the afflux of water con- siderable, as it supplies the M'holc town. It is probable that this is about the mean temperature of the well through- out the year, and that Ave shall not be far wrong in con- sidering it also as the iso-therm. of the lower parts of the island.* * On boad the sliip in the bay at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the thermometer was 7C°, while in the ton n of Porto Prava it was at the same time 84°. CAPTAIX TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 25 " The nature of the vegetation is here, as well as every where else, the truest criterion of the climate. Few of the iindoubtedl V indigenous plants can be called tropical ; on the contrary, the flora of the island is poor in sonxe families which occupy a large portion of tropical vegetation in general ; such, for instance, as the Coinposita, while it is much richer in others chiefly found in temperate climates, as the Lahiatce. Few of the plants of the hotter regions of Africa are found here; but a much greater number of species similar, or allied to, those of the temperate extremities of this continent, and of the Canary islands in particular. The number of these encrease in ascending from the low grounds to the hills of second magnitude, where they are succeeded partly by European and partly by other Canarian plants to the height of 3000 feet, which was the greatest elevation I reached." " St. Jago, though enjoying the genial influence of a tro- pical sun, seems to be poor in indigenous plants, as is indeed usually the case with islands at any considerable dis- tance from a continent. But thouoh nature is not here spontaneously productive, she has adopted every plant, which has been brought to the island either by accident or design. Thus the most prevalent species are exotic, and chiefly introduced from the other Portuguese colonies, par- ticularly from the Brazils and the Malabar coast. The E 26 CAPTAIN TUCKEY S NARRATIVE. Jatropha curcas, probably first brought here for its seeds, Avhich afford a good oil, forms thickets in the vallies and on the sides of the hills ; the Anona tripetala is also common in the same wild state, and in similar situations. The Justicia makibarica covers all the fields and bottoms of the vallies. Tlhe. Argemoi^e meaicana is dispersed in every direction; and the Cassia occidentals is scatteretl amono-st the rocks round Porto Praya. Three species of Sida, the canariensis being most abundant (and even more so than in the Canaries) and one species of Malva, also very prevalent, are probably from America. " The principal indigenous plants in the lower region, are a species of Mimosa, Avhich I have named glandulosa; a Con- volvolus, which is doubtful, and may also be American ; a Zizyphus resembling the vulgaris. Spermacoce verticilata^ said to be common in the West Indies and Africa : Momor- dica soiegalensis, and Cardiospcrniin/i hirsutum, both of Sene- gal, and Lotus jacohans. In the hilly region some indige- nous plants cover large tracts, resembling, by this character of aggregation in one place, the vegetation of temperate climates. A new species of Peimisetum covers all the hills, having no other resemblance to tropical grasses, than its height and ramified stems, xlmong the many Canarian plants, I looked long for the family of Euphorbia, so preva- CAPTAIN l UClvEY'S NARRATIVE. 2T lent in the Canaries; but at the height of about 1600 feet I at length found the sides of the hills and small vallies co- vered with large bushes of a Thymalea, resembling the pisca- toria, but the identity diflicult to be established. A Sider- oxylon, I was told, formed thickets on the highest mountains, but 1 saw only one sterile plant resembling the Marmulana of Madeira. " I have, in the following table,* divided the vegetation of St. Jago into two regions only, and doubt if the plants of the Pico de San Antonio difler suthciently to form a third. I must however observe, that a two days excursion, in the dry season, and in one of the least fertile parts of owe island only, is by no means sufficient to estabhsh a phj'sical ar- rangement of the Hora of the islands in general, where such difference of localities exist as in the burning peak of Fogo, and the wooded mountains of the island of San Antonio. Indeed, from the little I had time to observe, I am convinced that a botanist would have his labour well I'epaid should he give a sufficient time to the examination of the vegetable reign of these islands ; nor can I help being surprised that no one has yet turned his attention towards them.'' With respect to the cultivated vegetables, Dr. Smith ob- serves, " Cultivation is only seen in the glens or ravines, * Inserted in Professor's Smith's Journal . 28 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. which are watered by rills from the mountains. In the upper and wider part of the valley of Trinidad, we first met widi plantations of Indian corn, cassava, sugar cane, Arum esculentum, and pine apples. Cotton and indigo had also been formerly planted in some spots of the valley, but being neglected, a few plants run wild are now only to be seen. On the sides of the brooks grow luxuriantly the fig, lemon, orange, papaw, ( Anona triloba,) custard apple, ( Anona ofricana,) the tamarind, guava, plaintain, and banana, (Cassia fistula,) and prickly pear (Cactus npuntia). Near one of country houses we saw some Ailanthus glandulosa Xhnenia amcricana, and a few grape vines. Besides the date palm, which grows in abundance in the sands near Porto Pra3^a, some tall cocoa ])alms are scattered here and there, and bear ripe fruit at the elevation of 800 feet above the sea. A single palmyra ( Borassus flahelliforvm ) was seen. On some spots of the elevated grassy hills, roots and vegetables are cultivated with great success ; we saw no traces of other Cerealia than Indian corn, but were told that wheat succeeds perfectly when sown in the dry plains in the rainy season, as does rice in the lowest and wettest grounds ; but the islands being supplied with corn from America, in return for their salt and mules, the indolent inhabitants do not think of cultivating either. The inhabitants we coii- CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 29 versed with Avere entirely ignorant of any tree affording dra- gon's blood, though the Draccena draco is said to be found in these islands, as well as Madeira and the Canaries. The deep valley of St. Domingo, on the east side of the island, which we saw beneath us from the mountains, and that of Ribeira on the south-west side, we were assured are better watered, more fertile, and more extensively cul- tivated than that of Trinidad." Dr. Smith remarks of the geological features of the island, that " the Cape Verdes, like all the African Atlantic islands, are of sub-marine volcanic origin, and mostly of the ba- saltic formation. Few of them seem to have had super- marine eruptions, and perhaps the cone of Fogo, which rises above 7000 feet, and still smokes, is the only one. The forms of the four high north-western islands, and of Brava, as represented in the charts, lead to the belief that they do not differ essentially in structure from the basaltic mountains of St. Jago, and it is probable that Mayo is similar to the inferior region of the latter island. " The south-east and south coasts of St. Jago are sur- rounded by steep and often perpendicular rocky cliffs of a few fathoms in height, from which the land rises towards the mountains, in a generally Hat surface, with a few hills covered by loose fragments and furrowed with ravines. 30 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. " The valley of Trinidad, the largest and deepest ravine in the south side of the island, commences at the sandy beach of Porto Praya, and runs S. S.W. and N.N.E., with its upper extremity bent to the E.N.E. until it is lost in sloping hills. It is generally covered Avith volcanic fragments. " The central ridge of hills follows nearly the largest diameter of the island from S.E. to N.W., but nearest to the eastern coast, with sloping sides to the west, and having many steep basaltic rocks, and well Avatered vallies or ravines to the east. The peak of St. Antonio rises above the other mountains in an oblique, conical, sharp-pointed form, to the height of about 4500 feet. " The sea rocks round Porto Praya expose five strata to view; 1st, or lowest, a conglomerat, passing into pumice tufa; 2d, jnimice ; 3d, a thin layer of porotts basalt ; 4th, columnar basalt ; and 5th, or uppermost, a basalt-like substance, which from its concentrical and globular forms, seems to have been in a semifluid state. Farther inland, the basaltic strata sometimes contain oliiin and augite, and more rarely amphibole. About a league u[) the valley, on its western border, are huge rocks, which cause a bending in its direction, and which are composed of a deep red quartz, with crystals of felt spur ; about two leagues up are found CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 31 loose masses of lava, the cells sometimes empty, sometimes filled with crystals of mesotype. To the west, I observed at some distance a discoloured appearance, not unhke a lava stream, and not far distant from some conical hills, in the direction of the Peak of Fogo ; but the stinted time did not admit of examining if these were the vestiges of an eruption. In two or three places 1 met beds of a compact felspar, mostly decomposed into a white earth. I was also told of a bed of shells among some hills, not far distant from the place named Toara, but which the same reason prevented me from verifying." The island appears to be scantily supplied Avith l)irds, either as to species or numbers ; those seen were three spe- cies of falco ; the first a fishing eagle, common at Porto Pray a ; the second ash-coloured, of a large size, seen only on shore; and the third, which was shot on shore, nearly resembled the sparrow-hawk. The small birds, of Avhich specimens were shot, were a fine king fisher (Alcedo), very common ; the common swift (Hinmda apiis ;) a sparrow differing little from the European house sparrow ; a bird resembling the lark ; and a very small warbler, the only one that appeared to have any song. Some covies of Guinea fowl were seen, but too shy to be shot at ; and the common quail was also seen. The greater tropic bird, 32 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. (Phaeton etherus) breeds in the crevices of the elevated rocks near the shores, but was not at this time numerous. Fish are tolerably abundant in the bay, and the seine may be hauled with good success, either in a sandy cove on the west side of the east point of the bay, or on the beach west of the town; the latter appearing preferable, the former being subject to a sudden rise of surf, when the sea breeze blows fresh. Of nine species of fish which we took, three only were familiar to us, viz. a young white shark, (Squalus carcharias) barracoota, or barracuda and grey mullet. The others we were prevented from examining by a mistake of the cabin steward, who (supposing they were selected and put by for the purpose) caused these specimens to be drest for dinner. Although the most rigid catholics, the inhabi- tants seem to make fish a ^ery small portion of their ge- neral food, a single boat alone going out to fish in deep water ; and the few fish we observed on shore were taken as we understood by hook and line from the rocks. The Governor, however, on learning that we had hauled the seine with success, let us know that it was customary to pay him the compliment of a dish of fish, which through ignorance we had omitted. Of crustaceous fish, we only took a prawn four inches long, a few small crabs among the rocks, and a species of land crab. The testaceous moUusca CAPTAIN TUCKEYS NARRATIVE. 33 collected among the rocks were not numerous, consisting of patella, buccina, turbo, trochii, and dead shells of cones. Two species of sea egg (echinus) were also found on the rocks. I The insects seen (besides the common ^y of a small size, and neither numerous nor troublesome,) were several kinds of grasshoppers (gnjlli ) , three or four species of coleopterous insects, among which was a small beetle (Scarabceus), and some moths and butterflies. The only reptile seen was the ommon stone lizard. Porto Praya has been so often visited by our navigators, that it may be supposed they have left little room for new nautical observations ; the directions for knowing the bay are indeed so minute and various, as to confuse rather than assist a stranger ; it seems however to have been forgotten, that one marked and prominent feature is a better guide than a number of trivial appearances, Avhich may change with the position of the observer. It seems to me to be quite sufficient to inform the naviga- tor, that the S.E. point of the island is seen as a A-ery long and very low point in coming from the north or south ; that to the west of this point, three or four miles, is a bay with a brown sandy beach, a building, and a grove of date (not cocoa-nut)* trees ; that this first bay must not be mis- * This mistake is made in all tiie directions for Porto Praya that I have seen ; the trees are however sufficiently different in appearance, to render the cor- rection proper. F 34 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. taken for that of Porto Praja, as its east point is surrounded by rocks that do not always break ; that after passing this bay you may keep along shore towards Porto Praya within 1^ mile, or in 10 fathoms. This last bay is first distinguished by a battery of earth or brown stones on its west point, otf which the sea always breaks to some distance. In standing on, round the east point of the bay, (which is safe, and should be rounded in seven or eight fathoms, or within a cable's length,) the brown sandy beach opens, on which is first seen a house or shed, then a grove of date (not cocoa- nut) trees, and shortly after the fort itself With respect to anchorage, it may be proper to observe that a large ship should lay well out, and near the east shore, in order to ensure her weathering the west point of the bay, should the wind be light, or far to the east, as is often the case. The best birth I conceive to be with the flag-staff of the fort N.W. by W., the east point of the bay E.S.E. and the S.W. point W.S.W. in seven or eight fathoms. The ground is coarse sand and gravel, that does not hold well ; consequently it requires a good scope of cable to bring the ship up in a fresh sea breeze. It is also advisable to drop a kedge anchor to the west to steady the ship, and keep the bower anchor clear, when at times in the forenoon the wind is light from the west. There is always some surf on the beach, so that it is CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 35 proper to have grapnels in the boats going on shore. When the surf is high, there is a good landing place at a rock east of the town, where a path-way is seen. It is also very necessary to be cautious in carrying sail in boats, the puffs of Avind from the high lands being very dangerous, as we experienced by the oversetting of the gig, by which Lieu- tenant Hawkey was nearl}^ drowned. Two other boats Avere also nearly lost in the surf, b}"^ which unlucky ac- cidents my own Avatch and four others Avere totally spoil- ed, causing, in our situation, a very serious and irremedia- ble evil. Refreshments for a ship's crew are by no means to be procured at Porto Praya on reasonable terms ; for lean bullocks of 2501b. Aveight they at this time expected 40 dollars ; for long-haired African sheep, 4 dollars each ; milch goats, 2 to 3 dollars ; pigs of 50lb. (a long-legged and long-sided breed), 5 dollars; large turkies, I7 dollar each ; small long-legged foAvls, 6 for a dollar. A fcAv Muscovy ducks were seen in the country, but no geese. For bullocks or sheep, bills or cash are alone taken ; but all other stock, as well as fruit and vegetables, Avhich usually belong to ne- groes, may be most advantageously procured in exchange for any articles of wearing apparel, or for blankets. Monkeys are offered for sale by every negro, and unless a prohibi- 36 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. tion is issued, the seamen will always fill a ship with these mischievous animals. The only species here is the green monkey (Cercopitliecus sabaus). CHAPTER II. Passage from Porto Praya to the Mouth of the Zaire. [39] CHAPTER II. jHIaving completed the Congo's caulking in the evening of the 10th, I should have quitted Porto Praya the following morning, but it being Holy Thursday, consequently a great festival with Catholics, all the free inhabitants, drest in their best attire, were occupied the whole day in church ceremo- nies, which not permitting them to attend to worldly concerns, we could not get our business settled on shore, and were therefore obliged to defer sailing until the next day, in the afternoon of which we as-ain sot to sea. In compliment to the religion of the place, we this morn- ing, it being Good Friday, hoisted the colours half-mast, the fort having done so, and the Portuguese vessels putting them- selves in mourning by topping their yards up and down. At sun set the Peak of Fogo was seen nineteen leagues distant. A moderate trade-wind between N. E. and E, N. E. conti- nued until the 18th, when in latitude 7^°, longitude 18° W., welost it, ?nd got into the region of light variable breezes and very sultrjMveather, the thermometer rising in the afternoon to 82° and 84° ; the temperature of the sea being 80° and 81° ; 40 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. during the nights constant faint lightning without thunder. Many porpoises (Ddpkinus phocena), flying fish, and tropic birds were now seen, and a swallow rested on the yards when 250 miles distant from the land. From the 15th to the ipth the sea represented a continual succes- sion or riplings, and on trying the current with a boat, it was found to set to the S. E, at the rate of |^ of a mile an hour, nearly agreeing with our chronometers. The towing net, which was kept constantly overboard, gave us for the first time on the 18th, great numbers of perfect- ly diaphanous Crustacea, resembhng insects of glass ; they were of four different species, and considered by Dr. Smith, as belonging to the genus Sajllurus. (La Marc,* p. 156.) We also took a small squalus, of a species new to us, and Avhich from the form of its teeth may be named Squalus serrata. On the 19th the first deluge of rain was experienced in a heavy squall from N. E., and was the commencement of that succession of squalls, calms, and rains, which would seem to be entailed as an everlasting curse on this region of the Atlantic ; in consequence of which, from this time till we passed the meridian of Cape Pal mas, our progress was ex- ceedingly slow, never exceeding 40 miles a day, and some- times making no progress at all. The Avinds, when there • Similar Crustacea were taken during the rest of the passage in greater or less numbers until we made the continent of Africa. CAPTAIX TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 41 Mere any, were between E. N. E. and S. W., but mostly southerW. Our only amusement now was the taking of sharks, all of the white species ( carcharias ) , except one of the blue (glaucus), and the only one seen during the pas- sage ; the largest of the former was a male, ten feet long, the latter a female impregnated, seven feet long; she was unattended either b}^ pilot-fish or sucking-fish, while the white sharks had many of both accompanying or at- tached to them. It was observed of the pilot-fish (Gasto- rosteus ductor), that they took especial care to keep out of the way of the shark's mouth, generally playing over the hinder part of his head. The shark was also observed to lift the head above water and seize objects floating, with- out any change of position. One shark was seen to leap out of the water and seize a small albicore while it was itself in pursuit of a flying-fish. The first bonitos (Scomber pe/amis) were seen on the 25th, in latitude 5° 53., and many cavally or shipjack sported after showers of rain, while flocks of tropic and other ocea- nic birds hovered over the riplings they caused, in order to seize the flying fish frightened from their element. On the 26th, in latitude 6° l6', longitude 13° 45', the tem- perature of the sea at the depth of 220 feet was 64°, that of the surface being 80°, and of the air 81". G 42 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Since the commencement of the rains eveiy additional precaution was taken to guard against the effects of tlie damp sultry weather on the people ; thej were never exposed to the rain when it could be avoided, and when unavoidably wetted, they were obliged to put on dry clothes as soon as possible, occasionally receiving a small glass of spirits when shifted. The humidity of the air between decks was dried up by frequent fires, and the bedding often aired. The large quantity of water I had shipped in the river enabled me to afford a proportion for Avashing the people's clothes twice a vvcek, until now, when tlie rain water saved by the awnings was put by for the purpose. From the very commencement of the voyage, I had much difficulty in forcing the observance of general regulations for cleanliness, and the consequent preservation of health on the transport's crew ; for the master and mates, like the genera- lity of merchant seamen, considering all such regulations as useless, took no steps to enforce them, nor could I even get the hammocks brought on deck after our arrival in the warm latitudes, until I had recourse to coercion, and the punishment at the gangway of one of the most refractory of the crew, which effectually broke up the confederacy that seemed to have been formed to resist all my orders on this subject. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 43 The currents, from leaving Porto Praya until in latitude 6°, longitude 15°, set to the south andS.E. ; they then changed to the N. E. and E. N. E., with various degrees of velocity, from 8 to 40 miles a day, and retained this direc- tion imtil we made Prince's Island. The winds imtil the 5th of May, when we crossed the meridian of Cape Palmas, at the distance of 15 leagues from that Cape, were very light and variable, between south and S. W, The greatest heat of the atmosphere was 85*' in a clear calm at 3 P. M., and the least 74° after heavy rain ; the rain water as it fell being at 75°. The various trials of the temperature of the sea gave between 81° and 82" at the surface, and 63°to 64° at the depth of 200 fathoms. A large shoal of the bottle-nose porpoise or dolphin of naturalists, (Delphimis delphis) was seen ; flocks of tropic birds, and a few men-of-war birds (Pelicanus aquila) now also accompa- nied our course. It was observed that the former bird fishes in the manner of the gull, flying low, and seizing its prey only at the surface, and often sitting on the water ; while the man-of-war bird soars very high, hovers on the wing like the kite, and darts perpendicularly on its prey, <3iving after, and carrying away, the largest flying-fish into ithe air. After passing Cape Palmas, the light southerly air was 44 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. succeeded by moderate breezes from S.S.W. and S. W. with which we stood close hauled across the Gulf of Guinea; but the strong N. E. currents prevented our making any southing. The weather, in crossing the Gulf, was always extremely cloudy, widi frequent drops of rain, and much less sultry, the thermometer varying between 80° and 78°. May 6th. Until this time the Naturalists were obliged to content themselves with the small animals the towing net afforded them, but they were now gratified by the capture of albicore and bonito, many of both being taken by the grains and hook. The most apparent distinctive characters of these two species of the Scomber are the following. The albicore (Scomber thjnnus) has 14 rays in the first dorsal fin, 8 small false fins on the back, and the same number on the under side ; the dorsal, anal, and false fins are strongly tinged with orange, the under part of the sides of the fish marked with transverse whitish stripes, the palate studded with boney points. The foremost dorsal fin of the bonito (Sc. pelamis) has 16 rays, the false fins are eight on the back, and only seven beneath. These fins have no orange tinge ; the under sides are marked longitudinally with four black stripes, and the palate is quite smooth. If the esteemed tunny-fish of the ]\Iediterranean and the albicore of the Atlantic be the same species, there seems to CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 45 be an enormous difference in their sizes. The tunny- fish arriving at the weight of 8 to 12 cwt. while the largest albicore I have ever seen taken in the Atlantic weighed but 1601 bs. and the most common weight was between 30 and 40lbs. and these latter Avere evidently full grown fish. On the 11th we had full moon, and the same day and the next, such heavy rains fell, that I feared the wet season had already set in to the north of the line, we being on this day in 2j° N. and 1 j° E. By a rain guage made on board, we found that, on the morning of the 12th, between 1 and 4 o'clock, the water that fell from the heavens was equal to 3^ inches. On this day died Joseph Burgess, seaman, of the Congo ; on opening him, his death was found to have been occasioned by a disease of the heart caused by the ancient rupture of a blood vessel. Though the rains lasted but two days, seven of the trans- port's crew Avere already attacked by fevers, more or less serious, all of which were to be traced to their sleeping on the wet decks, and to the neglect of chansinc; themselves after being exposed to the rain during the day. The almost inevitable bad consequences of carelessness in these res- pects, may be estimated by the state of the thermometer at night in various jiarts of the ship. In the space called between deck, where the people slept, it was 88°, in my cabin 79° or 80°. On deck 73° to 77°. The great evapo- 46 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. ration from the decks, &c. after rain, being found to lower the thermometer a degree or more below the temperature of the rain in falling. With respect to my own people, I obliged them to wear flannel next their skin, in addition to the other precautionary regulations ; and the good effect of these precautions was fully evinced in the continued good health of the crew, one or two only (and these were proved to have neglected them) being slightly attaked with symp- toms of fever, which gave Avay by immediate bleeding, and gentle cathartics. Ma}' 14. The bird named booby (Pelecaniis sula) now fre- quently settled on the yards in the dusk of the evening, and two of them were taken ; the external characters of these birds seem by no means to authorise their being placed in the genus of Pelican. Of the two individuals now taken, the largest measured 18 inches from the point of the bill to the extremity of the tail, and weighed seven ounces ; the plumage a rusty brown, deepest and rather glossy on the upper side of the wing quill feathers, the crown of the head only being of a dove colour, lightest towards the forehead. The upper sides of the wing quill feathers black, the imder side a dirty white ; the bill conical, slightly curved ; the nostrils very open, being two wide longitudinal sJits on the sides of, and about the middle of the upper mandible ; the eye a dark brown approaching to black, surrounded by a CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 47 circle of minute white feathers ; three toes full webbed, the fourth toe behind very small, and quite free ; bill and legs black. This specimen on examination proved to be a full grown male. The second specimen, which was found to be a young female, was somewhat less than the first ; the dove colour on the crown of the head was deeper, nearly mixing with the general brown ; and the circle of minute feathers round the eye Avas black ; it differed in no other respects from the male. These birds were observed generally in pairs; they fly close to the water with the neck stretched out and the tail spread. On the l6th, at day-light, Prince's island was in sight, bearing S.E. 12 or 14 leagues ; our approach to it the pre- ceding day having been denoted by great numbers of fish- ing birds, apparently different species of gulls. The swarms of albicore round the ship were now such as almost to justify the hyperbole of their obstructing the ship's way ; and twenty a day was the usual success of our fishery with hook and line, the flying-fish found within them serving as bait. The proportion of bonito appeared to be small, not one being taken to 10 albicores. The flying fish, in endeavouring to escape from their cruel enemies, skimmed the surface hke flights of birds, and it was ob- 48 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. served, that when they rose in the direction of the wind, they could reach a considerable distance, but when against the Avind, they dropped again almost immediately ; when the rise was in an oblique direction to the wind, they some- times described a considerable curve, until they got before the wind, and this without any assistance from the wings, the only movement of these members being at the moment of their quitting the water, Avhen they had for a few instants a quick fluttering motion. Four different species of these fish were taken. After passing Cape Pahnas and entering the Gulf of Guinea, the sea appeared of a whitish colour, growing more so until making Prince's island, and its luminousity also encreasing, so that at night the ship seemed to be saihng in a sea of milk. In order to discover the cause of these appearances, a bag of bunting, the mouth extended by a hoop, was kept overboard, and in it were collected vast numbers of animals of various kinds, particularly pellucid Salpce, with innumerable little crustaceous animals of the Scyllarus genus attached to them, to which I think the whitish colour of the water may be principally ascribed. Of Cancers, we reckoned 13 different species, eight having the shape of crabs, and five that of shrimps, and none more than a quarter of an inch in length ; among them the Cancer CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 49 fulgens was conspicuous. In another species (when put into the microscope by candle hght), the luminous property was observed to be in the brain, which, when the animal was at rest, resembled a most brilliant amethyst about the size of a large pin's head, and from which, when it moved, darted tiashes of a brilliant silvery light. Beroes, beautiful hololhurias, and various gelatinous animals were also taken up in great numbers. Indeed the Gulf of Guinea appears to be a most prolific region in these sort of animals ; and I have no doubt but the marine entomologist would here be able to add immensely to this branch of natural history. As it was found impossible to preserve the far greater number of these animals by reason of their delicate orga- nization, the spirit of wine dissolving some, and extracting ihe colours of others, and as most of them require the aid of a microscope to describe them, a great portion of thena were lost on us, from the want of a person either to describe or draw them from that instrument. Light baffling winds from south to S.W. kept us in sight of Prince's island until the 18th, when a hard squall from the S. E. brought to our view tliat of St. Thomas, which at day-light on the 19th bore S. by W., distant 19 leagues. ^Ve were again plagued with light winds for two days off thia island, when another squall from the S. E. ran us clear of H 50 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. il to the west ; but the wind soon returning to south, and I)lowing fresh, we were unable to weather it, and I thought it advisable to stand off to the W. S. W. in the hope of making southino-! accordingly we crossed the line in this course on the 23d, and in the meridian of 4^° E. From the time of our making St. Thomas, we experienced a current setting to the W. N. W., encreasing in velocity as we went to the westward, until on the line it set 33 miles in 24 hours. Finding we made little southing, the wind still hanging obstinately at south, we tacked on the 24th to the eastward, and on ihe 27th passed to the south of St. Thomas, within 5 leagues, our latitude being 0° 17' S., so that we had gained but 45 miles southing in 6 days, owing to the strong northerly currents, although in this track the latest chart of the Atlantic marks a strong southerly current. While in sio-ht of the two islands above mentioned, the Aveather was so very cloudy that we could see little more than their outlines. Towards the south end of Prince's island are two whitish ravines : but whether this colour is from the nature of the ground, or from the excre- ment of birds (of which there are immense numbers round the island) we could not ascertain. St. Thomas, which we approached Avithin 7 or 8 miles, appears to be Avooded up to the summit of Avhat is rather improperly called the Peak CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 51 of St. Anna, being little conical, but rather a round topped mountain, of the probable elevation of 7 or 8000 feet, with a gap in the summit. Olf the north end, the rock or islet named Mono Cacada (significant I suppose of its being co- vered M'ith the dung of birds), leaves a considerable open space between it and the main island. Our chronometers a;uve the longitude of the north end of Prince's island 7° ; the variation, by the mean of many observations, 2 1" 22' W. The same watch makes the N. W. point of St. Thomas in 6° 31', and Rolle's island, at the south end, in 6° 44'; the variation at this end of the island 22° 7'. The winds now came more westerly, but were at the same time so light, that our progress was most tiresomely slow; I therefore determined to make the continent, in the hope of finding land and sea breezes in shore ; and ac- cordingly we first saw it on the morning of 3d of June, and at noon were three leagues ofl" shore in l6" fathoms, latitude observed 2° 10' S. ; the land very low and entirely covered with wood. The atmosphere for the two days before making the land, had become so saturated with nsoisture, that the hygrome- ter at noon marked 5', and the thermometer stood at 71°- At 7 o'clock in the evening a dew, little less penetrating 52 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. than rain, began to fall, and continued the whole night, with so sensible a degree of cold, that instead of melting under an equinoctial sun in the lightest cloathing, as our gentlemen expected, they were glad to resume their woolens. The albicores which had accompanied us in vast shoals to the edge of soundings, and were taken in such numbers, that besides being consumed fresh to satiety, the crews of both vessels pickled and salted several barrels, now entirely disappeared, and with them the sea birds ; the white colour of the water changed to the oceanic blue before we struck soundings, the marine animals much decreased, and the sea lost a great portion of its luminosity. From the 3d to the 8th we were plagued with light atrs, veerino; towards midnio-ht to the west as far as S. W., and having for an hour or two sufficient strength to send the ship two or three miles an hour, then again dying away to light airs, which in the morning veered to south and S.S.E. ; these variations being the only signs of the mutual re-action of the land and sea on the atmosphere ; and indeed we ex- perienced similar variations morning and evening since making Prince's island. The nature of this part of the coast is doubtless the cause of the want of more marked alteruale breezes from the laud CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE, 53 and sea : here the land is very lo'.v, and entirely overgrown with Avood, which causes the atmosphere over it to preserve nearly an equal temperature day and night; this temperature by reason of the great evaporation from the wood (which, as I before observed, saturates the atmosphere with moisture), seems even for the greater part of the 24 hours somewhat less than that of the sea; and hence thelight breezes that blow from the land, or between south and S. E. for 18 hours of the 24, or from six o'clock in the morning until midnight, when the evaporation having ceased for some hours over the land, the temperature becomes a little higher than that of the sea, and produces a short and weak breeze from the latter. The general range of the thermometer while in with the land was at 6 A. M. 71°. ; at 2 P. M. 73°. ; at 9 P. M. 70°. ; the temperature of the sea at 2 P. M. 72°. The hygrometer varied during the day from 5° to 15°. The dredge was put over board, and brought up two or three species of echmi, some small cuncri, bits of coral, &c. While in soundings no fish were seen, nor any birds except an occasional solitary tropic bird or pair of boobies. The longitude of the coast in the latitude of 2° 10' S. our chronometers make 9° 40', and by o and D 9° 51'. The bank of soundings stretches off about 10 leagues from the land, deepening regularly as follows. 54 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Fathoms. About 9 miles off shore, 16, oozy sand. 18 ditto, 30, brown sand. 24 ditto, 47, ditto and broken shells. 28 ditto, 67, ditto. 30 ditto, no bottom at 120. Although we took every advantage of the variations of the M'ind, to stand off and in shore, the lightness of the breezes, and a daily current of fifteen miles to the north and N. N. E. permitting us barely to hold our ground, I determined again to stand off out of soundings, in the hope of losing the current and getting fresher breezes. In both respects I was, however, disappointed ; for though the current became more Avesterly as we went off shore, its velocity encreased at the same time to 30 and 40 miles a day. The winds still remaining very light in the morning from S.S. E.. and from S.S. W. in the evening, Avhile the trans- port being extremely leewardly,and both she and the Congo sailing very badly in light winds, our progress was slower than ever. In this choice of difficulties I again stood in for the land, hoping, that as we were now past the low land to the north of Loango, we should meet more regular land and sea breezes. We in consequence made the land on the 18th in 3° 24' ; thus having gained but To miles southing in 15 days, by working out of soundings. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. B5 In this most tedious fortnight we found Uttle to amuse us ; birds and fishes seemed to liave forsaken this region ; o a sino'le swallow or martin beina; the only one of the former seen ; the towing net, however, again afforded us abundance of marine animals, amongst which were many of the paper nautilus ( Argoimuta sulcata), with the living animals, M'hich, in contradiction to tiie opinion of the French naturalists, proved to be perfect Octopi.^ When forty leagues from the land, several floating patches of reeds and trees passed us, proving, if our chronometers had not shewn it, the existence of a strong western current. The day we made the land a dead albatross (Diomedea cxulam), was picked up floating in a putrid state ; which seems to shew that these birds wander farther towards tlio ecjuator than is generally supposed. The same day a whale (apparently a species of the Physeter, having large humps behind the back fm), struck our rudder with his tail in rising, and one of these fish rose directly under the Congo ; and, according to the expression of those on board her, lifted her almost out of the water. These animals indeed were now extremely numerous. This day a vessel was seen for the first time since leaving Porto Praya; from her warlike appearance and superior * L'anlmal qui forme cette coquillc ne pent etre un poulpe La Marc, Ani. maux sans Vertebres, p. 99. 56 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. sailing, she \^'as at first supposed to be a ship of war ; ])ut on approaching us she hoisted Enghsh merchant colours, and keeping half-gun shot to windward, we w^ere unable to speak her ; nor did she seem to have any desire to com- municate with us. This circumstance, together with her apparent force and preparation for defence, having 18 guns run out of her between-deck ports, with the tompious out, left litde doubt of her being employed in a forced and illicit slave trade. Her anchor a-cock-bill, and her tacking with the variations of the wind, proved her to be working alono- shore to the south. The land and sea breezes, though now more regular as to time, (the former setting in about four in the morning from N.E. to S.E., and the latter from two to four in the evening from S. W.) were so faint and of so short duration, that neither afforded us a run of more than ten miles, Avhile the current setting one mile an hour to the north, we re- mained in sight of Ma>'Umba bay until the 24th, anchoring whenever we found we lost ground. The land to the north of this baj' presents an undulating line. Cape Mayumba being the highest point, and forming a little hummock. Point Matooly, the south point of the bay, also forming a hummock, descending gradually to the south into a hue of low even land. Tlie bight of the bay CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 57 is also low land, with a saddle hillock in the centre of the ■.^■*-. back ground. The whole of this land is coA'^ered with wood, but is proved to be inhabited by the numerous fires seen on the shore, and '.vhich were probably intended as signals for us to land. We now, while at anchor on a sandy botton), took a good number of fish of the Sporiis genus, named by the seamen sea-bream, and light-horsemen, the latter, from a reddish protuberance on the back of the head (fancifully thought to resemble a helmet) ; they Avere taken with the hook close to the ground, and baited with fresh pork or their own livers; the largest weighed 18lbs., and though rather dry and insipid, were infinitely preferable to the albicore and bonito Avith Avhich Ave had been surfeited in the gulf of Guinea. Sea birds had also entirely disappeared, Avith the exception of an occasional tropic bird, and a few of ilf o//«er Cere?/ 's chickens (storm petterel). Numbers of insects of the genus Tipula Avere taken from the surface of the sea. The Aveather, though now much less damp than Avhen Ave made the land to the north, Avas still very hazy, and the cold even encreased, the thermometer in the day never rising above 73°, and falling in the night to 67°. As the moon approached the full, the current diminished, and on the 24th a more favourable sea breeze than Ave had hitherto I 58 CAPTAIN' TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. experienced, carried us along shore until the evening, when we anchored in ten fathoms. The land south of Mayumba to 3° 50', has an agreeable appearance, rising in a series of three or four gentle elevations from the sea inland, the farthest and highest not deserving the name of hill ; the whole covered with wood, except in some spots vrhich were bare of wood, and resembled spots of burnt-up grass. A sandy beach margins the sea, which breaks in a surf that must prevent the access of an European boat, unless some of the many projecting points give slielter to coves where a landing may be eftected. The soundings are here very regular, altering about a fathom in a mile, and the depth at six miles off shore ten fathoms. The bottom is extremely- various, but sand predominates, brown, black, white, with sometimes quartz pebbles, small lumps of yellow ochre, bits of corals, and frag-ments of shells of the cockle and venus genera. Never did lover wait more anxiously for the hour of as- signation with his mistress, than we now did for that of the usual setting in of the sea breeze, on which alone we found we must depend to finish this eternal passage, for the land winds were so famt as not to render us the smallest service, and the currents the day after new moon returned with en- creased velocity. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 59 On the 2Sth wc had reached the latitude of 4° SO', and found the land we passed from 3° 50', more picturesque than to the north ; the variety of elevations being here greater, and the clear spaces more numerous ; these we were however now led to think the signs of barrenness rather than of fer- tility, having, when viewed near, the appearance of tra(?ts of naked reddish clay. We were now opposite to Loango bay, the red hills on the north side of which (formed by clay of the appearance above mentioned) we anchored olf, in iG fathoms mud, at about 8 miles distance. The next afternoon, when the sea breeze set HI, we weighed ; but it again dying away, we found ourselves carried towards the land by the current, and again let go the anchor in 12 fathoms ; but before the ship brought up we Avere in 8 fathoms on a reef of rocks, over which the cuirent ran to the N.N. E. two miles an hour. The south point of the bay (Indian Point) bearing S. E. The sea breeze freshening, we cut our cable, and leaving the stream anchor behind us, made sail and deepened gradually over the rocky bottom until in 12 fathoms, when it again became soft and mud. This reef is in about latitude 4° 30' (an observation at noon possibk erring 2 or 3 miles, the horizon being bad), and it lays seven miles off shore ; towards which latter 60 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. we sounded for three cables lengths, and found 7f fathoms, nor is it probable that there is much less until near the shore, between which and the ship many whales were seen sporting, and the}^ doubtless would not go into very shoal water. The position of Loango bay is most erroneously laid down in the latest charts, the latitude of Indian Point being 4° 37' (we were in 4" 39' at noon of the 2Pth, by good observation, M'hen the pitch of the point bore E.^S. true bearing). 'J'he description of the land however in Laurie and AVhittle's chart is sufficiently exact, and particularly so with re- spect to Indian Point, which strongly resembles the Bill of Portland, but of a greater length. The north side of the bay is formed by reddish land of moderate eleva- tion, with ravines or fissures resembling chalky cliffs dis- coloured by the weather. These high lands descend gra- dually to the low land at the bottom of the bay : Indian Point also falls gradually towards the south into low land entirely covered with wood. Here the water was first ob- served to have a deep red tinge as if mixed with blood, but on being examined in a glass was found perfectly colourless ; the bottom however seems to account for this appearance, being a soft mud composed of a reddish clay without the smallest mixture of sand, and so smooth that it might be laid on as paint. The only fish taken since we have been CAPTAIN TUCKEYS NARRATIVE. 61 in muddy ground were two toad fish ( Diodon) and several eels, one of which measured in length 4 feet 10 inches and in circumference 7 inches. On the 30th June we anchored in the evening oft' Ma- lemba point, in 15 fathoms, and on the morning of the 1st, were surprised by a visit from the Mafook or king's merchant of Malemba, accompanied by several other negro gentlemen, and a large cortege of attendants in an Euro- pean built four-oared boat and two canoes, one of which latter preceded the boat to announce the great man, and the officer in her introduced himself by letting us know, that " he was a gentleman, and his name was Tom Liver- pool." The first question put by the Mafook on his coming on board was " if we wanted slaves ;" nor could we for a long time convince him in the negative, observing that we were only merchant ships, and particularly from our numerous boats. Having at last made him understand the motives of the expedition, and informed him that no nation but the Portuguese were now permitted to trade in slaves ; he very liberally began to abuse the sovereigns of Europe, telling us that he was over-run Avith captives, whom he would sell at half their value, adding, that the only vessel that had visited Malemba for five years was a French ship about a year before this time ; and according to him, 62 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE, the Portuguese government had prohibited their subjects from trafficking in slaves to the north of Cabenda, where there were now nine vessels bearing their colours, and one Spaniard. The Mafook however acknowledged that they sometimes sent their boats from Cabenda to Maleinba to procure slaves, and indeed we saw an European boat sailing between the two ports. From the description of the vessel hoisting Spanish colours at Cabenda, there could be no doubt of her being the ship we passed on the 18th. The Mafook finding we did not want slaves, offered to supply us with frcsli provisions : and as I knew we should, as usual, be obliged to anchor in the evening not far from our present station, I accepted his offer of sending his boats on shore for that purpose, he himself desiring to remain on board for the night with eight of his officers, doubtless in the expcctaiion of having a glorious dose of brandy, which in fact they swilled until they could no longer stand. The dresses of these gentry were a singular medley of European and native costume; the Mafook had on a red superfine cloth waistcoat ; his secretary, an English ge- neral's uniform coat on his otherwise naked body ;*a third a red cloak edged with gold lace like a parish beadle's. Sec. &.C. The native portion of the dress consisted of a piece of checked or other cotton cloth folded round the waist, and CAPTAIN TL'CKEY'S NARRATIVE. G:J a little apron of the skin of some animal, which is a mark of gentility, and as sucli is not permitted tt) be worn by menial attendants. A striped worsted cap, or else one of their own manufacture and of very curious workmanship, on the head, completed the useful part of their dress. Their ornaments consisted of rings of iron and copper on the ancles and wrists, welded on so as not to be taken olf ; and many of the copper ones having raised figures tolerably executed. This metal we understood was abundant in their country. Besides necklaces of beads, the general neck ornament was circles or rings of the brisdes of the elephant's tail, called by them morfil, and which seemed to be multiplied in proportion to the puppyism of the wearer, the graver or middle aged men having but one or two, while some of the voimo- ones had so many, that they could with dithculty move the head, and reminded us of our Bond-street bloods with their chins hid in an enormous cravat. All were loaded with fetiches of the most heterogeneous kinds; bits of shells, horns, stones, wood, rags, &c. &c.; but the most prized seemed to be a monkey's bone, to which they paid the same worship that a good catholic would do to the os sacrum of his patron saint. The master fetiche of the ]Mafook was a piece of most indecent sculp- 64 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. ture representing two men, surrounded by the tips of goat's horns, shells, and other rubbish, and slung over the shoulder with a belt of the skin of a snake. The features of these sculptured figures, instead of being Negro, as might be expected, were entirely Egyptian; the nose aquiUne and the forehead high. The canoes are of a single tree ; each had five men, who worked them with long paddles standing up. At night our visitors were satisfied with a sail in the 'tween-decks, where they all huddled together, and from which they started at daylight to light their pipes and resume their devotions to the brandy bottle. As I had expected, we were obliged to anchor, by the failure of the sea breeze opposite to Cabenda, from whence, in the forenoon, a boat came off with another cargo of gen- tlejiien; but, as I had been quite suificiently plagued by my Malemba guests, I excused myself from not being able to receive them on board ; the sea breeze being about to set in, and as there was no appearance of the Malemba boat bringing off the stock, I, much against their inclination, sent off" my visitors in this boat. The information we picked up respecting the coast from Loango Bay to the mouth of the Zaire, proved, as we expected, that it is very erroneously laid down in the most recent charts. The only river between Indian Point and CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 65 Cabenda is the Loango-Louise, and is that marked in the charts by the name of Kacongo, being by our observations when at anchor nearly opposite to it, 5° 17'- Its opening is between two high lands, and appears to be wide and clear. The country is divided into petty sovereignties, tributary to the king of Loango ; the northernmost of these states, after passing Laongo bay, is named Boal, to which suc- ceeds Makongo, of which Malemba is the port ; then that of N'Goy, whose port is Cabenda, and which extends along the north side of the entrance of the river Congo. The king of Makongo, or Malemba, resides inland at a town named Chingele (evidently the Kinhele of the charts,) but which is jiot situated on a river. From our visitors I pro- cured a vocabulary of their language ; they all speaking English to be perfecth' understood, and several of them French still more correctly. While at anchor this day, I sent two boats in shore to look for the bank of Bele, said by Grand Pre to be situated south-west of Malemba, and which, according to him, shoals suddenly from seven fathoms. The boats, however, could not find any bank, but on the contrary, the Avater shoaled very regularly from where the ship was anchored in 15 fathoms to 5 fathoms within about three miles of the shore, all soft muddy bottom. One of the natives on board K 66 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. assured us that he had been on the bank in question, with Mr. Maxwell, and that it lies within a short distance of the shore, and nearer to IVIalemba than Cabenda. Havina: weighed with a tolerable sea breeze, we were enabled to stand along shore until eight in the evening, when being in 8 fathoms, the anchor was let go, and the current was found running N.N.AV. 1| mile an hour ; an officer being sent in shore to sound, reported that the water shoaled very gradually to three fathoms within half a mile of the shore, near to Avhich is a lengthened reef, with the sea breaking violently, but which seems to shelter the beach within it, and thereby affords landing to boats. The coast from 4° 50' is moderately elevated, forming reddish gray cliffs, similar to those near Loango bay ; until past Cabenda, when the coast descends to low land covered with wood, (apparently the mangrove) and our view this day terminated on the Red Point of the charts, (Chabaroca point of the natives) which the}^ informed us was the entrance of a little river. CHAPTER III. Passage up tlie River to the place wliere the Congo was left, and from whence they proceeded in the double-boats. [69] CHAPTER III. As we were now approaching the scene of action, I thought it right to issue to the Officers and Naturalists the following memorandum of regulations for our conduct while in the country. " Although it is impossible to foresee all the circum- stances which, in the progress of the expedition, ma}-^ call for the exertion of the utmost prudence and presence of mind in those who may have intercourse with the natives ; nevertheless the following observations are offered, Avith the certainty that an attention to them will be the means of avoiding the ill effects, Avhich may as certainly be ex- pected from a different line of conduct to that which they recommend. " Though we are not to expect to find in the natives of Africa, even in the most remote region, that state of savage nature which marks the people of other newly discovered countries, with whom the impulse of the moment is the only principle of action, it is nevertheless highly necessary 70 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. to be guarded in our intercourse with them; that, by shewing we are prepared to resist aggression, we may leave no hope of success, or no inducement to commit it. " In doing this, it is, however, by no means necessary to exhibit marked appearance of suspicion, which would probably only serve to induce the hostility it seemed to fear; it is, on the contrary, easy to combine the shew of being guarded, with marks of the greatest confidence. " In the event of the absolute necessit}^ of repelling hostility for self-preservation, it will certainly be more consonant to humanity, and perhaps more effectual in striking terror, that the first guns fired be only loaded with small shot. " Although we may expect to find the idea of property fully known to all the people we shall have intercourse with, it is not to be the less expected that they will be addicted to theft, the punishment of which in savages has been one of the most frequent causes pf the unhappy ca- tastrophes that have befallen navigators ; it is therefore urgently advised, not to expose an}^ thing unnecessarily to the view of the natives, or to leave any object in their way that may tempt their avidity. " In the distribution of such presents as may be entrusted to those going on shore, great caution is requisite to CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 71 ascertain the rank of the persons, to whom they are given, and to jDroportion the value accordingly, in order, as much as possible, to prevent jealousies. " A great cause of the disputes of navigators with un- civilized people is in unauthorised freedoms with their females ; and hence every species of curiosity or familiarity with them, which may create jealousy in the men, is to be strictly avoided ; taking it for granted, that, in a state of society where the favours of the women are considered as a saleable or transferable commodity by the men, the latter will be the first to offer them. " As one of the objects of the expedition is to view, and describe manners, it will be highly improper to interrupt, in any manner; the ceremonies of the natives, however they may shock humanity or create disgust; and it is equally necessary, in the pursuits of the different Naturalists, to avoid offending tlie superstitions of the natives in any of their venerated objects. Hence, in inhabited or enclosed places appearing to be property, permission should be first sought to cut down trees (particularly fruit-bearing ones,) which, as well as animals, are often held sacred. When no superstitious motive interferes, a few beads will, probably, always purchase the required permission. " As it is probable that the different pursuits of the 72 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. scientific gentlemen may be as well carried on in company as if separated, it is therefore strongly recommended to them to keep together as much as possible for their mutual support and safety. Should they however think proper to separate in their excursions, it is to be understood that the two or three marines, who will always be appointed to ac- company them, are to remain with the gentleman having the direction on leaving the vessel; and, in order to avoid the possibility of any dispute for precedence in this last respect, the succession in which the Lords of the Admiralty have given me the names of the scientific gentlemen, is to be considered as the estabhshed rule, viz. Mr. Professor Smith, Mr. Tudor, Mr. Cranch ; and when it shall be thought necessary to send a midshipman or other petty officer to command the escort which may accompany the naturalists, he is strictly directed to comply with the wishes of the gen- tleman having the direction of the excursion, as far as his ideas of safety will authorise. " The health of the persons accompanying the naturaUsts in their excursions will of course be a particular object with those gentlemen, by taking care not to expose them unne- cessarily to the sun in the hottest hours of the day, or to the rain, if shelter can be had, and by carrying them as little as possible into swampy tracts. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 73 " It is most particularly enjoined to every person who may be on shore to return on board, as soon as possible, on seeing the signal for that purpose." The scantiness and short duration of the sea breezes and the current kept us nearly stationary, until the 5th, when in the afternoon a fresh sea breeze sprung up at W. S. W. with which we stood to the south, and soon shoaled our water from 22 to 13 fathoms, which depth we carried without alteration until 8 o'clock, when we deepened to 18 fathoms, and the next cast had no ground with 150 fathoms of hne ; whence it was evident we were in the deep channel of the river Congo or Zaire, and thus had overshot my intention, which was, in consequence of the expected velocity of the stream, to anchor on the edge of the bank, and take the next sea breeze to cross it. We had now however no alternative but to stand on, and the breeze lasting for near an hour, carried us across the fathomless channel, and we struck soundings in 23 fathoms on this side, as suddenly as we had lost them on the other ; the wind at the same time failing, we anchored in that depth, and found no currelit whatever ; indeed in the deep channel of the river it must have been insignificant, in comparison with what we had been led to expect, certainly cot above two miles an hour. h 74 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. At daylight of the 6th we found Cape Padron bearing S. b. E. ^E., and Shark Point S.E. ^S.; the latitude at noon in the same situation being 6° 5'. At noon weighed with a prett}^ fresh sea breeze, and ran in for the land between the aliove points, until within half a mile of the shore, when we had 20 fathoms water. We then bore up towards Shark Point, and immediately lost soundings, nor did we again get bottom with the hand lead until it sud- denly strutk the ground in 5 fathoms ; the anchor Avith the chain cable was immediately let go, but finding the ship did not bring up, and was drifting from the buoy, I concluded the chain had snapped, and directed another anchor to be let go; but before this was done the ship was in 36 fathoms and still drifting; both the chain and cable were now veered away, and she at last brought up ; but fearing she would again go adrift, the kedge anchor, backed by a smaller one, Avas run out. The Congo sloop, which had let go her anchor . in 4 fathoms, also drove, and fell along side of us, but without any other ill consequence than the loss of her anchor and cable, which, by some mismanagement, was suffered to run out end for end. AVhenthe ship had brought up we found that she tailed on a mud bank with but 7 fathoms, while imder the chains was 14, and under the bows 36. Where we first let go the anchor in 4i fathoms, there was no current what- CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 7/> ever, but at the place to Avhich we had drifted it ran 24- miles an hour to the N. N. W. ; but it was here also con- siderably affected b}^ a twelve hours tide, being almost still water at 5 o'clock in the evenino; and 6 the next morning. On heaving up the chain we found that the anchor had broken at the crown. In the forenoon, while waiting for the sea breeze, the Mafook of Shark Point came on board with half a dozen of his myrmidons, and though the most ragged, dirty looking wretch that can be well conceived, he expected as much respect as a prince; first complaining that the side ropes were not proper for a person of his quality (they were only covered with canvas) ; then insisting on a chair and cushion on the quarter deck ; with the latter of Avhich being unable to comply, he was satisfied with spread- ina; an ensisn over the former. Seating himself at the taf- farel, he certainly made a very grotesque appearance, having a most tattered pelisse of red velvet, edged with gold lace, on his naked carcase, a green silk umbrella spread over his head, though the sun was completely obscured, and his stick of office headed with silver in the other hand. It being our breakfast hour, he notified his desire to be asked into the cabin, to partake of our meal; but he smelt so offensively, and was moreover so covered with a cutaneous disorder, that my politeness gave way to my stomach, and 76 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. he was obliged, though with great sulkiness, to content himself on deck. To bring him into good humour, I how- ever saluted him with one swivel, and gave him a plentiful allowance of brandy. He seemed indeed to have no other object in coming on board than to get a few glasses of this liquor, which he relished so well that he staid on board all night and the five following days. From him Ave learnt that there were three schooners and four pinnaces (all Portu- guese) at Embomma, procuring slaves. He also affirmed that the transport could not, at this season, ascend higher than the tall trees, on account of the little water in the channel. At 2 P. M. of the 8th, a fresh sea breeze coming in, Ave weighed, but the moment the ship came abreast of Shark Point, she was taken by the current and swept right round ; with difficulty her head was again got the right wa}', and she rounded the point in 4j fathoms. We then stood on S. S. E. by compass, carrying a regular depth of 7 and 8 fathoms for about 2 miles, when finding her go astern, blow- ing a fresh breeze Avith all the studding sails set, let go the anchor in 8 fathoms, and veered 30 fathoms of chain. Shark Point bearing W. b. S. about 2 miles. At 8 o'clock, 4 found the ship driving, and that through the neglect of the men attending the lead ; she Avas already in l6 fathoms, and CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 77 the sea breeze being still fresh, we loosed and set all the sails, and let go another anchor, which brought her up. During the night the wind remained light at S. W., and the ship Avas steered as if under way, though riding taught with all sail set. The Congo, without dithculty, went over the current, and might have run up to the Tall trees, had her signal not been made to come to, and she accordingly anchored op- posite Sherwood's Creek, At four o'clock this afternoon, a schooner appeared off the point, hoisted Spanish colours, and fired a gun ; after laying to for some time, she hoisted the royal colours of Spain, fired a shot, which fell near the transport, and ran in and anchored. A boat was immediately sent from her to ask what we were, and on being informed, they made some excuse for firing the shot, intended, as they said, to assure the colours ; their vessel, by their account, was from the Havannah for slaves; but it was perfectly evident, from their answers to my questions, that she was illicitly em- ployed in this trade, and prepared to carry it on by force, being armed with 12 guns, and full of men : this was indeed put out of doubt on the return of her boat on board, by her getting under way and again running out of the river; doubtless from apprehension of the sloop of war, which they were told was gone up the river. This vessel was destined 78 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. to take off 320 slaves; her burthen being 180 Spanish tons. The sea breeze setting in fresh at 2 P. M. on the 9th, and finding the ship under all sail go ahead of her anchor, we weighed, but, though the current was running scarcely three miles an hour, she at first barely stemmed it, and soon went astern ; deepening the water so rapidlj^ that finding we should be out of soundings before we could bring up, 1 had no al- ternative but to run out again and try to anchor under Shark Point ; but so little effect had the sails, even when going with the current, that she drifted bodily on the Moena Moesa bank, on which I was just about to let go the anchor in 7 fathoms, Avhen the sea breeze becoming suddenly and providentially very strong, we got her to stay, and again just fetched Shark Point, Avhere the wind again failed, and Ave Avere driven round bv the current, and ao-ain oblioed to stand out. The wind hoAvever once more freshening at sun- set, after making a short tack off, Ave stretched in, and were fortunate enough at ? o'clock to get to an anchor under Shark Point in 4j fathoms ; an attempt, Avhich I should have considered highly imprudent had I not examined the bank, and taken accurate marks ; nor indeed had I any other alternative l)ut that of finding myself oft' Cabenda in the morning had I kept to sea. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 79 The three succeeding days, there being either no sea breeze, or only such as was too weak to attempt any thing with our brute of a transport, we were obhged to remain at anchor, rolhng gunnel in, from the ground swell on the bank ; consoling ourselves however that, of the three evils which threatened us, we had escaped the two worst, either being; oblio-ed to anchor on the Mazea bank, or beinsj driven by the current to the northward, God knows where. Our Shark Point visitors were now succeeded by the Mafook of Market Point and a gentleman from Embomma, who told us he was sent by the Great Mafook of that place to accompany us up the river, in order that no accident should happen to us ; and though I would very gladly have foregone the pleasure of their company, I could not refuse receivinp- them on board. I however endeavoured to make them clearly understand that they were not to expect the same attentions on board a King's ship (I was sorry to be obliged to disgrace the name by applying it to the detestable transport,) which they had been used to receive from slave traders ; and the uniforms of the officers, and the marines, seemed to give them the proper feeling of our consequence. Several of the Sonio men who came on board were Chris- tians after the Portuguese fashion, having been converted bv missionaries of that nation ; and one of them was 80 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. even qualified to lead his fellow negroes into the path of sal- vation, as appeared from a diploma with which he was fur- nished. This man and another of the Christians had been taught to write their own names and that of Saint Antonio, and could also read the Romish litany in Latin. All these converts were loaded with crucifixes, and satchels containing the pretended relics of saints, certainly of equal efficacy with the monkey's bone of their pagan brethren ; of this we had a convincing proof in each vociferating invocations to their respective patrons, to send us a strong wind ; neither the fetiche or Saint Antonio having condescended to hear their prayers. The Christian priest was however somewhat loose in his practical morality, having, as he assured us, one wife and five concubines ; and added, that St. Peter, in con- fining him to one wife, did not prohibit his solacing himself with as many handmaids as he could manage. All our vi- sitors, whether Christians or idolaters, had figures raised on their skins, in cicatrices, and had also the two upper froijt teeth filed away on the near sides, so as to form a large opening, into which they stuck their pipes, and which is so perfectly adapted to the purpose that I thought it expressly formed for it ; until on enquiry I learned, that, as well as the raised figures on the skin, it was merley ornamental, and principally done with the idea of rendering themselves CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 81 agreeable to the women, who, it seems, estimate a man's beauty by the wideness of this cavity, which in some measur- ed near an inch, the whole of the teeth, and particularly tlie two front ones, being enormously broad, and very white. Our Sonio visitors were almost without exception sulky looking vagabonds, dirty, swarming with lice, and scaled over with the itch, all strong symptoms of their having been civilized by the Portuguese, and in their appearance and manners forming a striking contrast, not unimportant to the study of national manners, to our Malemba guests, who were chearful, clean, drest even to foppishness, and choqiiSd their glasses with us ; in short, quite gentlemen d la Frcuicaise, the nation with which they have had most intercourse. Some canoes brought on board a few pigs, goats, fowls and egojs, for sale, but the prices they asked were so exorbitant, that for fear of spoiling the market up the river, by their re- ports of our facility, I confined myself to the purchase of a few fowls and eggs. The value they here set on our dift'er- ent articles for barter was by no means in the proportion of their respective English prices ; for an empty bottle, a looking-glass, or knife, invoiced at 3d, we got a full grown fowl, while for a bunch of beads that cost 2s. lOd. they offered but two ; and for a small goat, they wanted four fathoms of blue baft. We however purchased for a mere M 82 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. trifle, a fresh Avater turtle weighing 40lb., which, when drest, we found equal the green turtle. The method of closing a bargain, and giving a receipt, is by the buyer and seller breaking a blade of grass or a leaf between them, and until this ceremony is performed, no bargain is legally concluded, though the parties may have possession of each other's goods ; this we only learned by experience, for having bought, and, as we thought, paid for a couple of fowls, they were immediately slaughtered for dinner, but the owner taking advantage of the omission of the ceremony, pretended that he had not concluded the bargain, and insisted on another glass, which we were obliged to give him, but profited by the lesson. During our forced detention at Shark point, the Naturalists made some excursions on shore, and were gratified in their respective pursuits, particularly Dr. Smith, who procured many interesting plants. Mr. Cranch shot some birds, amongst which were an eagle, an anhinga, several varieties of the king fisher, a toukan, and many small birds. Near the shore, these gentlemen saw, close to a place where had been a fire, human skulls and other human bones. Ob- serving the natives take considerable numbers of fish with nets, we sent two boats to haul the seine at day-light of the 11th. On the outside of the point they were entirely CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 83 unsuccessful, not taking a single fish, but on the inside, in one haul, thirty large fish were taken, some weighing 60lbs ; these were all of one kind, of the Sparm genus, and named Vela by the natives. They were found to be excellent in taste and firmness, much resembling the cod. The only other species taken Avere a single large cat fish (Lophius) and a few small mullets. July 12. I now determined to lose no more time in the at- tempt to get the transport up the river, but to extricate my- self from this exquisitely tantalizing situation by the imme- diate transhipment of the provisions and stores to the Congo ; for which purpose the double boats, and all the ship's boats were hoisted out, on the evening of the 12th, and the double boats being put together and rigged, the whole were next morning loaded ; when therefore the sea breeze set in at two o'clock in the afternoon, I took my leave of the transport, with the Naturalists, leaving the master and purser to see her discharged, or get her up the river if an opportunity offered. I had now the satisfaction to find the double boats answer my best expectations in their fitness for this service ; for though the breeze was very fight, and the current running round Shark point three miles an hour, they without difliculty doubled this, to us more redoubtable promontory than that of Good Hope to our earl}' navigators, 84 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. and in two hours and a half we reached the Congo sloopy laying about ten miles from the point. The berth she occupied I found was about half a mile from the south shore, nearly opposite Sherwood's creek, (Fuma of the natives). The current here at its maximum ran 3i miles an hour, but was subject to very great irregularities, apparently from the combined effects of a regular tide, and of eddies formed by the points of land or banks. These effects were frequently so great as to entirely overcome the stream, and create perfect slack water of various duration from half an hour to five minutes. The rise and fall of tide by the shore, as marked on the roots of the mangrove, was 2^ feet. The water thus high is too brackish for use, and though perfecdy colourless in a glass, has the same red appearance as we remarked off Cabenda, Hitherto the river has presented no appearance to inspire the idea of magnitude equal to that of a river of the first class ; unless we were indeed to consider tlie estuary formed between the Sonio and Moena Mazea shore, as the absolute embouchure of the river, than which certainly nothing would be more erroneous ; the true mouth of the river being at Fathomless Point, where it is not three miles in breadth ; and allowing the mean depth to be 40 fathoms, and the mean velocity of the stream 4j miles an hour, it CAPTAIN TLXKEY'S NARRATIVE. &", will be evident that the calculated volume of water carried to the sea has been greatly exaggerated. The peninsula of Cape Padron and Shark Point, which forms the south side of the estuary, has been evidently formed by the combined depositions of the sea and river, the external or sea shore being composed of ([uartzy sand, forming a steep beach ; the internal or river side, a deposit of mud overgrown with the mangrove ; and both sides of the river towards its mouth is of similar formation, inter- sected by numerous creeks, (apparcndy forming islands) in which the water is perfectly torpid. Tiiis mangrove or alluvial tract appears to extend on both shores about seven or eight miles inland, where the elevated and pri- mitive soil then occurs, and the outline of which is frequently caught from the river, through vistas formed b}^ setting fire to the mangrove, or over the creeks. This mangrove tract is entirely impenetrable, the trees growing in the water, with the exception of a few spots of sandy beach. Small islands have in many places been formed by the current, and doubtless in the rainy season, when the stream is at its maximum, these islands may be entirely separated from the banks, and the entwined roots keeping the trees toge- ther, they will float down the river, and merit the name of floating islands. At this season however, they are 86 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. reduced to occasional patches of a few yards of brush wood, or reeds, Avhich, ghding gently down the stream, convey the idea of repose rather than the rush of a mighty river. Liutenant Hawkey proceeded up the creek opposite to which the Congo was anchored, and describes it " as di- viding into two branches, one having a direction E. by S. and the other W. by N., the former of which he fol- lowed, and found it extremely tortuous ; after passing twenty reaches in directions almost opposite, he reached the primitive land, composed here of sandy precipitous cliffs ; the soil in some spots bare, in others covered with wood, particularly with the Adansonia or boabab. Here we met with the excrement of elephants, tygers, and other animals both herbivorous and carnivorous ; the skeleton of the head of a wild hog was picked up, and an antelope was seen ; on the sandy beach close to a pond of stagnant fresh water were many birds, where the river turtle had deposited their eggs." Many canoes visited the Congo, with pigs, goats, fowls, and eggs for sale, but being almost as exorbitant in their demands as at Shark Point, we did little business ; some trading canoes with 10 to 20 men in each, going up and down the river, also stopped along side to satisfy their CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 87 curiosity. Their general cargoes were salt, and palm nuts, from the latter of which they extract oil. The salt is pro- cured from the north shore, in the district of Boolambemba, near Fathomless Point. In one of these canoes were also an elephant's tooth and a boy for sale. From the natives who were on board we learnt that the King of Sonio resides at Banza Sonio, on a fresh water river, the entrance of which is the creek marked in Maxwell's chart " Raphael's creek," and that a boat would be twelve hours ascending to the town, though the current is trifling. We also now learnt how the human bones came in the place where they were seen by tlie Naturalists nearShark Point, and which, without an explanation, might have led to the supposed cannibalism of tlie natives ; Ave Avere however assured that they were the remains of criminals, who had suffered for the crime of poisoning, this spot being the place of execution of a certain district. When a conunon man is convicted of this crime, his head is first severed, and his body then burnt ; but the punishment of a culprit of su- perior rank is much more barbarous, the members being amputated one by one, so as to preserve life, and one of each sent to the principal towns of the kingdom, to be there burnt. The trial is always by a kind of ordeal. This afternoon the transport weighed with the sea m CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. breeze, })ut being as unmanageable as ever, she ran on Shark Point, where she lay half an hour, Avhen the tide flowing, she went off without the smallest damage, and by the great exertion of the master of the Congo, was brought to an anchor two miles within the point. We had now visitors arriving hourly, all of whom pre- tended that they were sent by the Mafook of Embomma, to see the vessels safe up the river, and each of these gen- tlemen assured us that all the others were impostors, and only came on board to get brandy, so that I had a difficult task to keep clear of offending them, and at the same time avoid imposition. I however succeeded in getting rid of them all, by telling them that they should remain on board until A\e reached the town, when the Mafook would decide who were and who were not impostors, and doubtless would punish the latter. From them Ave learnt that an express had been sent from Cabenda to notify our approach, and that on this intelligence all the Portuguese vessels at Embomma, htui precipitately left it, and quitted the river, passing us no doubt in ih.e night. I had however expressly declared to the ISIalcmba and Cabenda people who visited us, that I should not in any manner interfere with the slave traders, of M hatever nation they niight be. 'J'be transhipping the stores and provisions being fmislied CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 89 on the 18th 5 the double boats were loaded and every thing ready to proceed up the river, but there being only a very faint sea breeze this day, we were obliged to continue at anchor. The Mafook Sina, or chief kino's merchant of Embomma, came on board this morning, but as I had been frequently deceived by gentlemen Mafooks, I received him so cavalierly that he quitted the Congo, and went on board the transport, where his quality being acknowledged by several natives then on board, he sent back his interpreter and head man to me, and on finding that he was really the person he pretended to be, I desired the transport to salute him with four guns, which made up for my first bad reception, and he visited me in the afternoon, bringing with him a retinue of twenty rascals, all of whom he expected to be gorged with brandy ; and as I knew he had great in- fluence at Embomma I endeavoured to gratify even his im- moderate wish, and lent him the Congo's jolly boat to return to Embomma, and my own boat cloak to keep him warm. The 19th, there being no sea breeze, we continued at the same anchorage, but the next day were more fortunate, and succeeded in getting the Congo up abreast of Halcyon island (Zoonga Campendi). The banks of the river, along which we passed sometimes within a stone's throw, are en- tirely cbvered with mangrove, intersected by creeks, the first N 90 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. ofwhich of any consideration after passing Fuma, is Kanga- vemba, (Alligator's pond of Maxwell), which seems to be a large expanse of water, but according to the natives, goes but a little way inland. The next considerable creek is that whose entrance contains the three islands called by Maxwell, Bonnet, Knox, and Halcyon ; the first having its name from a clump of trees, and is called by the natives Zoonga, Casaquoisa ; Knox^s island the natives describe as a penin- sula. The eastern part of the entrance of this creek forn)s an excellent little haven, where the Congo was now an- chored, entirely out of the stream of the river in five fathoms. This inlet, the natives say, goes up to the town of Loocansey, the distance from the mouth being about three hours rowing of a boat. July 21. This morning we sent a party to haul the seine on one of the banks which lie close to Knox's island, and took great abundance of fish of four species ; one being a Spams of a large size, a mullet a ( Surmuletus ) , and an old wife (Ballistes). A brig under Spanish colours, Avith 12 guns and 50 men, cleared out from the Havannah, arrived this day in the river for slaves : hernominal mate, butreal captain (named Sherwood) and a number of their crew being English and Irish, though pretended Americans, left no doubt of her being either English or American property. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 91 -.^ The precariousness of the sea breezes by which alone we could get the Congo up the river, and the necessit}- of my losing no time in endeavouring to arrange matters at Em- bomma, made me determine on proceeding thither in the sloop's double-boat ; and I accordingly quitted the Congo with the Naturalists (except Mr. Cranch, who preferred the accommodations afforded by the Congo), at 4 o'clock in the evening, keeping within boat's length of the shore ; we found no current until reaching the point named Scotsman's Head, where it ran S-j miles an hour; and the breeze being very weak, we barely stemmed it. In the hope of meeting a counter current on the opposite shore, I now crossed the stream, and it being dark when we reached it, I anchored on one of the banks in six feet, entirely out of the current. This evening's sail along the banks was particularly agree- able, the lofty mangroves overhanging the boat, and a variety of palm trees vibrating in the breeze; immense flocks of parrots alone broke the silence of the woods with their chattering, towards sun-set ; and we learnt that those birds make a daily journey across the river, quitting the northern bank in the morning to feed in the Indian corn plantations on the south side, and returning in the evening. July 22. The shoals and low islands near which we an- chored are composed of a border of sand and clay, with a 92 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. muddy swamp in the middle, the islands being covered with reedy grass. By the natives they are named Monpanga, or look-out. They Avere covered with fishing eagles, terns, white herons, and other beach birds, of which several were shot, and Dr. Smith collected no fewer than thirty new species of plants. Our bearings at anchor were, Avest end of Tall Tree island nearly shut in with the north shore, west, and the entrance of Maxwell's river, N.E. At noon we had a light breeze from W. S. W. ; weighed and ran along the edge of the shoals in one and two fathoms; at four, a fresh breeze; and being past the low reedy islands and shoals, we ran along the bank of the mangrove land, nearly touching the trees in 3 or 4 fathoms until 7 o'clock, when the darkness obliged us to anchor in 2 fathoms. July 23. At daylight, we found that we had anchored within 20 yards of a dry shoal; being also close to the island named Draper's island by Maxwell, and Zoonga Kampenzey or Monkey island by the natives ; bearings as entered in yesterday's journal (by mistake). The land, for about 3 miles west of the entrance of Maxwell's river, is thickly covered with palms intermixed with the mangrove, and other trees ; and here a great quantity of palm wine is made for the Embomma market. Hordes of Negroes came down to the bank as we passed, and learning that we had CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 93 one of their countrymen on board returning from slavery, they greeted us with cheers, after their fashion, and clapping of hands. A great quantity of shell fish, of the Mya genus, are taken out of the mud round Kampenzey island by the natives ; and tiie fish, stuck on wooden skewers, as the French do frogs, and half dried, are an object of trafific ; their state of half putrefaction being entirely to the taste of the Negroes. In a raw state they are uneatable, having no flavour of the oyster, though confounded with that fish by the English who have visited the river. At noon, Ave weighed with a light breeze at S. W., and ran along the main bank until opposite the entrance of Max- well's river, when, by the advice of a native on board, we attempted to pass between tlie two easternmost of Draper's islands, but found them joined by a bank with only 6 feet, where deepest ; and keeping too close to the eastern island we grounded in 2^ feet, but shoved the boat off w^ithout difiiculty ; and by sending the gig ahead, passed round the shoals through a very winding channel in 2, 3, and 4 fathoms; then ran along the south side of Monkey's island of the chart (Zoonga Chinganga of the natives), and the islands east of it, in 6, 7, 8, and 9 fathoms. Here we lost the mangrove tract, and the soil became a stift^ clay, cut into perpendicular low cliffs at the margin of the river, 94 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. covered with high reedy grass and scattered palm trees. We passed two Negro villages, and at 7 anchored within a few yards of the bank in 8 fathoms. July 24. At daylight, having a hght breeze at S. W., we weighed and ran along the edge of Stocking island, com- posed (asj^esterday) of reedy grass and thinly scattered palms : at 8, the breeze dying away, anchored in a little cove in 9 feet, close to the Negro villao'C of Peter Mesouo-v, where we purchased a few fowls. Here, in searching for something in the boats' cabin, I put my hand on a snake coiled up on a bag of clothes ; on killing it with a cudass, it proved to be a water snake, and apparently not venomous ; though the natives asserted that its bite is mortal. At noon, we weighed with a light westerly breeze, and crossed the channel named " Mamballa river" (not dis- tinguished by any other name than " Boat's channel" by the natives) ; the middle of it is filled Avith dry shoals, the channels between which are very winding, so that we kept the gig constantly ahead, and had from 1 to 5 fathoms water until we gained the shore of Farquhar's island, where there is 7 and 10 fathoms close to the bank. Here we saw the first plantation consisting of Indian corn about 2 feet high, and tobacco. In crossing the channel, a hippopotamus was seen, and, from the shoalncss of CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 95 the water, it must have been walking on the bottom, the head only appearing above the surface. The na- tives tell us that the irregularity of soundings which we found is caused by these animals assembling in a spot and making holes with their feet. Two women, an old and a young one, came on board from one of the plantations ; by their dress and ornaments they appeared to be of a superior class ; I therefore gave them some beads and a glass of rum, which they swallowed as greedily as the men ; and, in return, the old lady offered, through our interpreter, to leave the young one on board, pour m'amuser; a civility which, under existing circumstances, I thought proper to dechne; though the young lady seemed much chagrined at such an insult to her charms. At 3 o'clock the sea breeze set in fresh, and we again crossed the channel ; and at 7 anchored on the bank of the east end of Stocking island in; 2 fathoms. July 2oth. At day-light we observed the Fetiche rock bear- ing W. by S., and theBeacon rock N. E. I visited the Fetiche rock, which is a collection of masses of the oldest granite, mixed with quartz and mica, running into the river per- pendicularly, and entirely isolated, the land behind it being a plain with reedy grass and some corn plantations. It completely commands the passage of the river, being about 96 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. If mile distant from the opposite bank. Some of the natives on board could not be prevailed on to accompany me in the boat, dreading the whirlpools off the rock, as much as the ancients did Charjbdis ; a few very insignifi- cant eddies, close to the rock, were however now the only signs that some Avhirlpools may exist in the rainy season, and the current, wliich here ran stronger than in any other part of the river, did not exceed 27 miles an hour. The prospect of the river from the summit of the rock is ex- tensive, but in no other respect prepossessing, the hills which bound the vicAV being naked, except a few Adansonia, and apparently of the same formation as the Fetiche rock. Just as we reached the rock, two hippopotami were ob- served about 100 3ards from the shore, with their heads above the water, snorting in the air ; a ball fired at them sent them off. M'Gonza Cheela hills, the middle hill N.E. 6 miles. The three hills in the fore-ground are those named Tunkloo in the chart of Maxwell, and a is his Fingal's shield ; they have the same appearance on all bearings, and con- sequently are nothing like the representation in the chart. b Taddy Enzazzi (lightning stone). e > ^ K 5 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 97 Taddy d'ya MVangoo, or Fetiche rock. W. by S. Fetiche rock south -j mile. c nrmnjiinii:l,iiillll[llllll a « Plain, and corn plantations. Fetiche rock E. by S. Z» Breadth of the river, about 1 1 mile, c Reedy island. On the very summit of one of the M'Gonza cheela hills, named Fingal's shield in the chart of Maxwell, is a very singular pyramidal stone, which has all the appearance of an artificial building, resembling a watch tower or a light- house, but is a natural block of loose gianite with another perched upon it. It is called by the natives Taddi enzazzi, or the lightning stone, and is held as an object of great veneration. It was sketched by Lieutenant Hawkey, and appears to rise out of the circular summit of the hill, as under. 98 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. At 3, weighed with a fresh sea breeze, and at 6 anchored opposite the village of Lombee, where the Fuka or king's merchant resides, who was to accompany me to the Chenoo, or kins; of Embomraa. Simmons, a black man whom I had received at Deptford from Sir H. Popham's flag-ship for a passage to his country, here first met with some. of his family. His father and brother came on board the sloop. The transport of joy at the meet- ing was much more strongly expressed b3i the father than by the son, whose European ideas, though acquired in the school of slavery, did not seem to assimilate with those of Negro society, and he persisted in wearing his European jacket and trowsers ; he however went on shore with his friends, and throughout the night the town resounded with the sound of the drum and the songs of rejoicing. The story of this man, which I had before never thought of en- quiring into, and which was partly related by his father, adds one blot more to the character of European slave- traders. His father, who is called Mongova Seki, a prince of the blood, and counsellor to the king of Embomma, entrusted him, when eight or ten years old, to a Liverpool captain of the name of , to be educated (or according to his expression to learn to make book) in England ; but his conscientious guardian found it less troublesome to have CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 99 him taught to make sugar at St. Kitts, where he accordingly sold him ; and from whence he contrived to make his escape and get on board an English ship of war, from which he was paid off on the reduction of the fleet. During our passage he performed, without any signs of impatience or disgust, the menial office of cook's-mate. July 26th. Lombee is a village of about a hundred huts, and here is held the market of the banza or King's town, no trading operation whatever being carried on at the latter ; all trading vessels also anchor opposite Lombee. The reason assigned for the market being held here is, that as a great con- course of country people frequent the market, if any dispute were to arise between them and the banza people, the banza would run great risk of being burned, and the person of the Chenoo himself would not be safe. Mr. Simmons this forenoon paid us a visit, in so complete a metamorphosis that we could with difficulty recognize our late cook's mate ; his father having dressed him out in a silk coat embroidered with silver, which seemed by its cut to have adorned the person of a stage fop in the days of Sir Roger de Coverley ; this piece of finery worn over his own dirty banyan and trowsers ; on his head a black glazed hat with an enormous grenadier feather, and a silk sash, which I had given him, suspending a ship's cutlass, finished his costume. He was brought to the boat by two slaves in a hammock, aa umbrella 100 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. held over his head, preceded by his father and other mem- bers of his family, and followed by a rabble escort of 20 muskets. His father's present to me consisted of a male goat, a bunch of plantains, and a duck. I had now no small difficulty in keeping the sloop from being constantly crammed with A'isitors, every Fuka, which appears to be a common title of honour, having his linguister, (linguist) and his two or three gentlemen, all equally voracious for brandy, and without whom it is impossible he could move a step. The market here we found miserably supplied, being only able to procure a few fowls, a dozen eggs, and some plan- tains, in exchange for beads, that made them come dearer than in a London market. The staple article of trade here seemed to be salt, in which there Avere both wholesale and retail dealers, the former having 40 to 50 baskets, which he sold to the latter by the basket, who retailed it to the con- sumer by the handful, two handfuls for a money mat. At four o'clock the sea breeze setting in, we ran up and anchored before the creek of the banza, in 8 fathoms, close to the shore, saluting with four swivels. Here I found a hammock sent by the Chenoo, to convey me to his pre- sence ; but it being too late, I sent his majesty an excuse by the Fuka Sina, who appeared to be extremely angry, because I could not visit the Chenoo in the dark. July 27. At ten o'clock I quitted the sloop, with the Natu- CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 101 ralists and Mr. Galwey, and with an escort of four marines; the hammock I found to have some resemblance to the native palanquin of India, but in a miserable dirty plight, so that I ordered it to follow ; and after the walk of an hour, for the first mile over a plain, covered with reedy grass, ex- cept in some spots where Indian corn and a kind of French bean were planted, and Avhich is under water in the rainy season, and then over a fatiguing hill, we reached the banza, at the entrance of which I got into the hammock, and was set down under a great tree, the ground having been swept clean. Here the first objects that called our attention were four human skulls, hung to the tree, which we were told were those of enemy's chiefs taken in battle, whose heads it was the custom to preserve as trophies ; these victims, however, seemed to have received the coup de grace previous to the separation of the head, all the skulls presenting compound fractures. After wailing half an hour under the tree, we were led to the Chenoo's habitation, where, in a court formed by a fence of reed mats, and which was crowded with the king's gentlemen, I found a seat prepared of three or four old chests, covered with a red velvet pall, an old English carpet with another velvet pall being spread on the ground. Having seated myself, in about five minutes the Chenoo made his appearance from behind a mat screen, his costume conveying the idea of punch in a puppet- 102 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. show, being composed of a crimson plush jacket with enor- mous gilt buttons, a lower garment in the native style of red velvet, his legs muffled in pink sarsenet in guise of stock- ings, and a pair of red Morocco half-boots ; on his head an immense high-crowned hat embroidered with gold, and sur- mounted by a kind of coronet of European artificial flowers : round his neck hung a long string of ivory beads, and a very large piece of unmanufactured coral. Having seated himself on the right, a master of the ceremonies with a long staff in his hand entpiired into the rank of the gen- tlemen, and seated ihem accordingly. The doctors (Messrs. Smith and Tudor) having the first places, and then jNIr. Gal- wey, whom they stiled chief mate ; the serjeant of marines the}"^ metamorphosed into a boatswain, taking all the titles of officers from the trading vessels to which only they had been accustomed. All being seated (the crowd of king's gentlemen squatting on bullocks hides,) I explained to the Chenoo, by Sim- mons, the motives of my mission ; stating that " the king of England, being equally good as he was powerful, and hav- ing, as they already had heard, conquered all his enemies, and made peace in all Europe, he now sent his ships to all parts of the world, to do good to the people, and to see what they wanted, and what they had to exchange ; that for this purpose I was going up the river, and that, on my CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 103 return to England, English trading vessels would luring them the objects necessar}- to them, and also teach them to build houses, and make cloth," &c. &:c. These benevolent intentions were however far beyond their comprehension ; and as little could they be made to understand that curiosity was also one of the motives of our visit; or that a ship could come such a distance for any other purpose but to trade or to fight ; and for two hours they rung the changes on the questions " are you come to trade," and " are you come to make war." At last, however, they appeared to be convinced, that I came for neither purpose ; and on my assuring them that though I did not trade myself, I should not meddle even with the slave traders of any nation, they expressed their satisfaction by the frequent performance of sakilla, one of the chief men first starting up and making gestures with his arms, like a fugle man at exercise, and all the company striking their chests at the termination of every motion. This ceremony they afterwards repeated whenever any thing was said that pleased them; and with redoubled energy when I shook hands with the Chenoo. The keg of spliced rum which I had brought as a part of my present to the Chenoo, was now produced, together with aji En dish Avhite earthen-ware Avash-hand bason covered with dirt ; into which some of the liquor was poured and dis- 104 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. tributed to the company ; the king saying he drank only wine, and retiring, as he told me, to order dinner. The moment he disappeared the company began to scramble for a sup of the rum, and one fellow, dropping his dirty cap in the bason, as if by accident, contrived to snatch it out again well soaked, and sucked it with great satis- faction. While dinner was preparing we walked over the banza, accompanied by some of the chief men. It is situated on a small plain on a summit of a hill, and consists of about 30 dwelling places or tenements, each composed of two or three huts, within a square enclosure of reeds matted ; the huts are composed of the same materials, and consist of two sides and two end pieces, which they call Avails, and two other pieces for roofs ; so that a house, ready to put together, may be purchased for the same price as four fowls, and in five minutes may be made ready for occupation; the entrance is by a square door in one of the sides, just large enough to crawl in at, and opposite to it is a window; both of which openings are closed at night with shutters of the same fabric as the walls. The Chenoo's tenement differs in no other respect from the common ones, than in contain- ing one large apartment, a little better lighted and aired, and in being surrounded by a double fence, forming a CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE 105 succession of outer and inner courts ; of which the sketch underneath will give a sufficiently just idea. ■^iiiil-'l- (I j^liiiM'i-iiMii.-MiitMiHrililllUinniMimiijuiuMiiiu.miMMimHtiiiiu = w. riLmtiiil K 'ST >*\ H-. '/t. -TN fTQ N- -T^ ^ 1^ ■'TT^ '+> /jO rfi 'Tf^ "^ '^' ZM b ^LxumiiiuiuiuiuuiiiuiiiuiiuiUU j 'niiiniiiii t jilnimilUllltlll a e e e e e c c e il l nillu i ni i lu i n l linmiLu i iii i in i jnn iii i ii mum ii u i iimi i i i n nTlii nmH iTnmiin u n iu mi n ii m nr umn iiiiiiirrrTnimniriir n iriiii n i Ik «. Tl>e grand entrance, being an opening in the outer fence about tliree feet higb. h. The audience seat. ccc. The women's huts. d. The grand apartments. eee. Huts. f. Heap of stones for Fetiche. gg. Fences or screens. hh. Young trees inside the outer fence. Besides a large heap of common stones opposite the grand entrance of the Chenoo's tenement, a fetiche was seen in every hole and corner, consisting of sculptured figures in wood and stone, one exactly resembling the figures we see in England of Bacchus astride on a barrel, with the 106 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. addition of a long pipe in his mouth and a spear on his shoulder. The two figures of men below, representing two war fetiches, the one armed with a musket, and the other witli a broad sword, will serve to shew in what a low state the art of sculpture is among these people, which indeed could hardly be otherwise where writing is utterly unknown. In no one shape whatever do they seem to have profited by the multitude of missionaries that flocked to Congo in the l6th and 17th centuries. Our repast was laid out in the grand apartment, where some chests covered Avdth carpets served for seats and ta- bles. A few plates and mugs of earthenware, and some Venetian gilt glass were placed on the table, together with a few silver spoons and forks, evidently of French work- manship. The meats consisted of a soup of plantains and CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 107 goat's flesh, a fowl cut in pieces and broiled, and roasted plantains in lieu of bread ; a large silver tankard filled with sweet palm Avine, and a bottle of the rum I had brought, Avere placed as our beverage. While we were at table, I learnt that the Chenoo held a palaver in another part of the tenement, where Simmons was most strictly questioned with respect to the motives of our visit, and obliged to swear in the most solemn manner of the country, to the truth of his assertion. This palaver being finished, the Chenoo sent to me, to say that he would again speak to me ; and ^ve accordingly were all seated in the audience court as before, with the addition of an old man, who, we were told, was the Chenoo's uncle, and who seemed to be a chief counsellor. After again tiring me with questions as to my motives, the old man, starting up, plucked a leaf from a tree, and holding it to me, said, if you come to trade, swear by your God, and break the leaf; on my refusing to do so, he then said, swear by your God you don't come to make war, and break the leaf; on my doing which, the whole company performed a grand sa- hilla, and the assembly broke up ; the King retiring into an inner hut, where the present I had brought Avas carried ;* for on my first telling him that I had brought him a present * It consisted of a piece of furniture cotton, some beads^ a plated tanliard and goblet, and a silk umbrcli;i. 108 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. from the King of England, he begged il might not be pro- duced until all his gentlemen were dismissed. While we were seated in the audience court, the King's women (of whom he has fifty), were peeping out of one of the squares, and before retiring, the King very politely offered me the choice of all his daughters, while his courtiers as civilly proferred their Avives ; so that I began to fear I should find myself in the same dilemma as Frere Jean (in Compere Matthieu) ; fortunately, however, the gentlemen who accompanied me were not so fastidious as the Frere's companions. I however learnt that the ladies, though ap_ parently nothing loth to change husbands, resisted all soli- citations to consummation during day-light, under the ap- prehension that the fetiche would kill them. The language of the men in offering their women was most disgusting and obscene ; being composed of the vilest words picked up from English, French, and Portuguese. The faces of many of the women were by no means unprepossessing, and their forms extremely symmetric. Among the men we saw one marked with the small-pox, another with a short leg, and a third with a Avithered arm. Great numbers of the boys had a large knot at the navel. A cutaneous disorder seemed to be very general, and, like the itch, chiefly on the wrists ; and the hands of several of the men were perfectly bleached as if from a scald. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 109 July 28. This morning the Chenoo returned my visit on board the sloop, accompanied by half a dozen of his sons and gentlemen ; his modesty was much greater than that of any of our inferior visitors, expressing himself perfectly satisfied with my present, and only hoping that, when I came down the river, I would build hnn an English house, leave him a boat, and give him a musquet; with the latter request I complied immediately, to his great satisfaction. I learnt from one of his sons, who spoke tolerable English, that a palaver had been held all night, at which the Fuka Sina and all the traders insisted that our intentions could not be good, and that the King should order the sloop to quit the banza, and not let me ascend the river. The King, however, and the court party, would not listen to his suggestions, saying, they were satisfied I came to do them good, and that I might go where I pleased. Indeed the King now repeated the same thing, adding, that if I came to make the country (signifying to form a settle- ment), as the Portuguese had done at Cabenda, he would grant me all the land I required ; in short, we parted the best of friends ; and on his landing I saluted him with four swivels, the report of which (though they had been warned) struck all the crowd on shore with such a panic, that they ran off precipitately, tumbling over each other ; which no CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. shewed us at least that we had little to fear from the warlike disposition of this people. This morning I dispatched a canoe to the Congo, >vith instructions for bringing her up the river, and employed the afternoon in sounding the river. On the following morning (29th), I visited the Chenoo, at his request, unceremoniously, taking only two marines. I found him seated on a mat, in a court of his tenement, dis- tributing palm wine to a family party consisting of about 40 men and boys, of all ages ; a seat being placed for me, he sent for a small box full of papers, which he requested me to read, and which I found to be all Portuguese, generally cer- tificates of the Chenoo's good conduct ; and one letter from the governor of St. Paul de Loando, complaining that the Sonio men had killed some of the missionaries, and cut off a Portuguese trading pinnace; its date 1813. After a palaver of half an hour, in which I was obliged to repeat my assurances of not coming to prevent the slave trade, or to make war, the Chenoo led the way to a pen in which were six fine cows, a young bull and a calf; and one of the largest and fattest cows was selected as a present for me. This animal, I found, had been introduced by the Portu- guese, and was now considerably multiplied, though no care whatever seems to be taken to encrease them, the cows in CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Ill calf being indiscriminately killed with the bulls ; nor do the natives make any use of their milk. The Portuguese, we also understood, had brought several horses, but none now remained. Near the pen was an 18lb. carronade, with which I had been saluted on first landing, and which I now learnt had belonged to an English vessel, burnt at the Tall Trees some years since by the slaves on board her, and that the rest of her "guns (which had been fished up by the Sonio men), were now in the possession of the Fuka Sina, who offered to sell them. July 30. Prince Machow Cand}^ known to English traders as Fuka Candy, (he being Fuka of Market Point when the English traded here), paid me a visit ; and, as he is considered as having great influence, I gave him a piece of chintz. He is a mulatto of- French extraction, and said to have made a great fortune by trade, while he filled the office of Fuka of the Point. July 31. This day and AVednesday, I employed in taking a sketch of the reach of the river. August 1. This forenoon I was visited by Mr. Sherwood, the ostensible mate of the brig under Spanish colours, and who had been an old slave trader out of Liverpool in this river. He was accompanied by four Portuguese masters of trading vessels now at Cabenda, and part of those 112 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. that had quitted Embomma, on intelligence of an English King's ship approaching. Their visit was for the purpose of assurino- themselves if I meant to interfere with the slave trade, and desired to show rae their papers. I declined however looking at them, declaring explicitly that I should not meddle Avith trade or traders in any manner, which seemed to satisfy them, and they went off, as they said, to brins their vessels back from Cabenda. The Fuka of the Point and all the trading men seemed to be also rejoiced at learning this= declaration, as they had still doubted, it seems, my assurances made to themselves. There seems to be no reason to doubt but that the chief slave trade to this river is honajide Portuguese. Two persons of this nation visited me, saying they were from Rio Janeiro ; I endeavoured to learn en passant the amount of the trade, and by combining their answers with the accounts of the natives, think it may be averaged at 2000 slaves a year. The price of a slave at this time, as stated by the natives, is as follows 2 Muskets. 2 Casks of gunpowder 2 Guineas (1 fathom each). 12 Long Indians (10 fathoms each). 2 Nicaneas (6 fathoms each). CAPTAIX TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 113 1 Romaul (8 fathoms). 1 Fathom woollen cloth. i Cortee, or sash of cloth. 2 Jars of brandy. 5 Knives. 5 Strings of beads. 1 Razor. 1 Looking-glass, iCap. 1 Iron bar. 1 Pair of scizzars. 1 Padlock. I have no doubt however but that slaves are now sold for one half this valuation. The Congo this evening succeeded in getting up to an Anchorage under Leyland island. August 2d. I this morning shook hands with the Chenoo, giving him, as a parting token of friendship, one fathom of scarlet cloth, an amber necklace, two jars of spirits, and some plates and dishes. We found a seat placed in the audience court for us, and the Chenoo seated opposite on a mat with fifty or sixty of his friends ranged on each side. On being told that I came to take leave, he retired with me into the grand apartment, where he endeavoured to persuade me to Q 114 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. defer my departure, until he consulted his great men ; but in fact I suppose he Avas sorry to lose his daily bottle of spirits, for as he sent me every morning a bottle of palm wine, I returned him one of rum. Finding I was deter- mined, he ceased all solicitation, and gave me three of his sons, and two pilots to accompany me to Binda ; I had also engaged four boys as a boats crew, finding them extremely useful, in saving my own people a great deal of trouble by going backwards and forwards with the Naturalists. In returning from this visit, we passed a hut in which the corpse of a woman v/as lying, drest as when alive ; in- side the hut, four Avomen were howling, and outside, two men standing close to the hut, with their faces leaning against it, kept them, company in a kind of cadence, pro- ducing a concert not unlike the Irish funeral yell. These marks of sorrow, we understood, were repeated for an hour for four successive days after the death of the person. This scene induced me to enquire for the burying ground, and the natives at first seemed very unwilling to let us see it ; after a little persuasion, however, two or three of them led us towards it, and we found it not above 200 yards from the banza, amongst a few rugged trees and bushes, and over-run with withered grass. Two graves were now pre- paring for gentlemen, their length being nine feet and their CAPTAJN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. II5 breadth five. At this time they were nine feet deep, but Ave were told they would be dug to the depth of the tallest palnvtree, preserving the same length and breadth as at pre- sent ; the soil, we observed, was a superficial layer of black earth 18 inches deep, and all the rest a compact yellow clay ; the graves are dug by the same hoes that are used to till the ground, and the excavation is carried on in the neatest manner. One of the old graves had a large ele- phant's tooth at each end, and another, which we under- stood to be a child, had a small tooth laying on it ; all had broken jars, mugs, glass-bottles, and other vessels stuck on them ; some shewed that there had been young trees planted round them, but all Avere dead except one plant of the Cactus quadrangularis. The graves seemed to be indis- criminately dug to all parts of the compass, and no atten- tion appeared to have been paid to them since their first beino- filled in. Simmons requested a piece of cloth to envelope his aunt, A\4io had been dead seven years, and was to be buried in two months, being now arrived at a size to make a genteel funeral. The manner of preserving corpses, for so long a time, is by enveloping them in cloth money of the country, or in European cottons, the smell of putrefaction being only kept in by the quantity of wrappers, which are successively 116 ' CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. multiplied as they can be procured by the relations of the deceased, or according to the rank of the person ; in the case of a rich and very great man, the bulk acquired being- only limited by the power of conveyance to the grave ; so that the first hut in which the body is deposited, becoming too small, a second, a third, even to a sixth, encreasing in dimensions, is placed over it. August 3d. This morning at daylight, I rowed the sloop round Booka Embomma island to the south entrance of the creek, where I anchoretl to wait for the Congo coming up with the sea breeze. The reach of the river formed by the main land and the island Booka Embomma on the north, and the islands Hekay (Molyneux) and Booka (Leyland's) on the south, is a bason surrounded by elevated hills composed of primitive granite, or schistus ; in general the first formation is naked of trees, and the second covered with brush M'ood, and large trees in the crevices of the rock. The hills are all extremely rugged, forming deep hollows, separated by natural causeways, and much resembling, but on a greatly larger scale, the road which passes the Devil's Punch Bowl between Portsmouth and London ; the flattened summit on which the banza stands is, as we observed in the groves, an under stratum of compact clay covered with black mould, on which the ridges CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 117 marked that it had been cultivated; and there can be no doubt but it would be capable of producing the finest wheat. The plain, wiiich we passed over to reach the foot of the hills in going to the banza, is equally proper for the production of rice, and would probably afford two crops a year; one bv tlie natural watering in the rainy season, and the other by a very small degeee of labour, in introducing the river water upon it in the dry season. The Booka Embomma, which is separated from the main land by the creek named Logan by Maxwell, is entirely of schistus, except an exuberantly fertile lev^el that borders the creek ; this latter is about 5 yards broad, and has 3 and 4 fathoms depth up to a ledge of rocks, which crosses it near its south entrance, and through which there is an (opening barely capable of admitting a canoe. The only part of this reach, in which the current has any considerable force, is at the east side of Zoonga Booka, where it runs in little whirlpools over the rocky bottom about 3 miles an hour; the stream in the mid-channel (where the depth is 15 fathoms) is from 1^ to 2 miles an hour, and in shore on both sides it is often stagnant ; and sometimes a small coun- ter current is experienced. The island Booka Embomma would be the most eligible place thus far for a settlement. The trees we had occasion to observe here are generally 118 CAPTMN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. of a soft spongy nature, unfit for fuel while green, and useless as timber ; one species only affording a wood as hard as lignum vitse, and proper for the same purpose ; the larsrest size we found it arrive at, was that of a man's body. The miscellaneous information I was able to collect here, I shall sive without attention to arrangement of the matter, which my time at this moment does not permit. This is the winter of the country, the thermometer in the day seldom rising above 76, and at night, when there are occasionally (not always) heavy dews, falling to 60. The mornings, from sun-rise to 9 or 10 o'clock, are dark, hazy, and sometimes foggy. The winds in the morning are often lisht from south to S. W. The sea breezes set in very irregularly fi-om noon till 4 o'clock, from west to W. S. W.; they have seldom any considerable force more than once a week, and are stronger after a hazy morning, succeeded by a hot sun ; they die away from sunset to 10 o'clock. The natives feel the changes of temperature very severely, shivering with cold when the sea breeze sets in fresh. Salt is the great object of trade at the Market point, and is made near the river's mouth, and brought up by canoes in baskets of the substance that covers the trunk of the CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 119 palm trees, of about 7lbs. each, one of which fetches about two fathoms of blue baft. The other objects of petty traffic are palm oil and palm nuts, from which the oil is extracted. Indian corn, pepper (chiefly bird pepper), and mat sails for canoes. The small money in use is little mats of the leaf of the bamboo, about 18 in- ches square, 20 of which will purchase a fowl. The name of Zaire is entirely unknown to the people of Embomma, who call the river " Moienzi enzaddi," the great river, or literally the river that absorbs all the lesser ones ; this title must however be derived from its receiving tributary streams higher up, as we could not understand that there is a stream of any consideration thus far ; and the only springs we observed were two very insignificant ones issu- ing from a rock near the banza ; there is also said to be good rock water at the jMarket point, and at Tall Trees ; and while at anchor at Sherwood's creek, the natives brought us a cask of excellent water from a creek near Kelly's point. The river water is at this season but little muddy, and after being boiled and allowed to deposit its sediment, is not found to atiect the people. There are several varieties of the palm trees here, three of which aftbrd palm wine ; the first, the sweet kind, is given by that named Moba, and the second by the Mosombie ; 120 CAPTAIN TUCKETS NARRATIVE. the liquor is extracted as in the West Indies. The sweet wine is allowed to ferment, and produces an intoxicating beverage : when quite fresh it is very pleasant and whole- some, taken moderately, keeping the body open. The Masongoi tree also affords a palm wine, considered of supe- rior quality ; an inebriating liquor is also produced from Indian corn, and named baaniboo. The cultivation of the ground is entirely the business of slaves and women, the King's daughters and princes' wives being constantly thus employed, or in collecting the fallen branches of trees for fuel. The only preparation the ground undergoes is burnins: the grass, rakino: the soil into little ridges with a hoe, and dropping the Indian corn grains into holes. The other objects of cultivation that we saw near the banza, were tobacco and beans of two sorts. Fruits are very scarce at this time, the onl}- ones being long- plantains, small bitter oranges, limes and pumpkins. There are no cocoa nut trees, nor, according to the natives, is this tree found in the country. The only root we saw is the sweet cassava, w hich the natives eat raw and roasted. Sugar cane of two kinds was seen. The only vegetable production of any consequence in commerce is cottcm, which grows wild most luxuriantly; •but the natives have ceased to gather it, since the English CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 121 left off trading to the river, the Liverpool ships formerly taking off a small quantity. The domestic animals are sheep spotted black and white, with pensile ears and no horns, goats, hogs of a small breed, a few dogs resembUng the shepherd's dog, and cats. The black cattle brought by the Portuguese cannot be consi- dered as fully estabhshed, no care being taken of them, though, from their very fine appearance and their excellent meat, no part of the world seems more proper for their multiplication. Common fowls of a small breed, and Muscovy ducks are the only domestic poultry The wild animals of whose existence we have any cer- tainty, are elephants in small numbers, this hilly country being unfavourable to them. Buffaloes, which are said to be abundant. Antelopes, of which a few have been seen ; wild hogs, the skeleton of the head of one being found. Tigers and tiger cats, the skins being seen with the natives. Monkeys in abundance, (Simia sephus). The hippopo- tamus and alligator appear to be numerous. The only species of fish we have seen to be peculiar to the river is a kind of cat-fish, and some small ones resembling the bleak. Among the birds are the grey and other parrots, the toucan, the common royston crow, a great variety of king- R 122 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. fishers, and many of the falcon tribe. A species of water- hen is also ver}'^ numerous. Insects (with the exception of ants,) are not numerous, there being no common flies, and very few musquitoes; some moths, and beetles. The natives speak of a large species of snake, and some of the early catholic missionaries make mention of them from twenty to thirty feet in length, but we have seen no other reptile than the water snake which I killed in the boat, and small lizards. The natives are, Avith very few exceptions, drest in Euro- pean cloathing, their only manufacture being a kind of caps of grass, and shawls of the same materials ; both are made by the men, as are their houses and canoes, the latter of a high tree, which grows up the river, and appears to be a species of the ficus, resembling that of the ficus reli- giosa. These vary in their size, but they appear to be generally from twenty to twenty-four feet long by eighteen to twenty, and even twenty-four inches wide. Their drink- ing vessels are pumpkins or gourds, and their only cooking utensil earthen pots of their own making, in which they boil or stew their meats, but more generally boil them. They take no wild animals for food, a few birds excepted, but they arc very inexpert in the use of the musquet ; and their CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 123 natural indolence seems to suppress any fondness for the chace. Their musical instruments consist of a large drum and a kind of guitar, or rather perhaps a lyre, of which the following is a representation. Some pains have been taken, and no small degree of labour bestowed, in collecting the materials for this instru- ment. The body is of Avood much lighter than deal ; the bridge and the eleven bars which it supports are of iron ; they are confined by a strip of bamboo fixed to the body or frame by strings of leather ; and they rest also on a piece of skin. The circular ornament is part of the brass frame of a print or looking-glass ; and the circles are French brass buttons with the head of Louis XVI. on them. The tones are soft, and by no means unpleasing. Both men and women shave the head in ornamental figures, according to fancy, and the brides are always close shaven before they are presented to their husbands ; this operation 124 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. being performed on them by an old woman. The women seem to consider pendent breasts as ornamental, the young girls, as soon as they begin to form, pressing them close to the bod}' and downwards withal with bandages. They also sometimes file the two front teeth away, and raise cicatrices on the skin as well as the men. The common ceremony of closing a bargain, of giving a receipt or an assurance, is by breaking a leaf, which is considered as then irrevocable ; and this ceremony we found necessary to perform with the seller of every fowl. Excepting one knife, which was stolen by a boy, we met with no instances of theft; and on one of the great men being informed of the loss in this case, the whole of the per- sons present were called under the great tree, and asked individually if they had taken it; when a boy confessed and produced it. There being now a general peace in the country all the men go entirely unarmed, except when they go down the river in canoes, when there is usually a musquet in each canoe. Among the number of their superstitions is that of refrain- ing from different kinds of food at certain times and occa- sions ; thus the men will not eat the flesh of a fowl until a woman has tasted of it, to take off the fetiche, as ihey express it. Pumpkins and eggs are objects of similar superstitions ; and when we killed the cow, the king sent CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 125 one of his men to take the fetiche piece, as we learnt, for the Ganga or priest; and they seemed to know the best piece, carrying off one of the liind quarters. The two prominent features, in their moral character and social state, seem to be the indolence of the men and the degradation of the women ; the latter being considered as perfect slaves, whose bodies are at the entire disposal of their fathers or husbands, and may be transferred by either of them, how and when they ma\" please. The intriguing with a man's wife without his knowledge is however punished by a fine of two slaves ; and if the adulterer cannot pay, the husband seems to be authorised to murder him. Both men and women rise at daylight, and after washing their skins, those who pretend to gentility rub their shoulders and bodies to the waist with palm oil, which, though it keeps their skins smooth, gives even to the women, who otherwise have not the same natural effluvia as the men, a most disagreeable smell. There are much fewer mulattoes among them than might be expected from their intercourse with Europeans, two only having yet been seen by us. The mode of salutation is by gently clapping the hands, and an inferior at the same time goes on his knees and kisses the bracelet on the superior's ancle. 126 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Thej have no other manner of reckoning or keeping an account of time than by moons ; so that beyond half a dozen moons not one of them can tell the lapse of time since any event may have happened. The day they divide into morning or breakfast, noon or grand time, and evening or supper. The sea breeze was insufficient to bring the Congo up either this day or the 4lh. August 4. This forenoon I landed on the main land opposite Booka Embomma, and found it composed of very rugged hills, chiefly granite, with very little wood. An Adansonia here measured 42 feet in girth at the ground^ and carried nearly the same circumference to the height of 30 feet. Where the boat anchored we found a regular tide, the rise and fall being 13 inches, and the current little or nothino- during the rise. August 5. Got the Congo up to a good anchorage on the south shore, opposite Chesalla island, where, finding we should be much retarded by persevering in the attempt to- get higher, from the precariousness of the sea breezes, I ordered her to be moored, and directed Mr. Ej^e, the purser, to remain in charge of her ; together with the sm- geon, a master's mate, and 15 men. CHAPTER IV. Progress up the River as far as Yellalla, or the Catarac. [ 129 ] CHAPTER IV. About the middle of the day we proceeded up the river in the double boats, the transport's long boat, two gigs, and one of the punts, having with me the lieutenant, master, one mas- ter's mate, the four scientific gentlemen, and Mr. Galwej. We found the river running between two high ridges of barren rocky hills, chiefly mica slate, with masses of quartz rising above the surface ; the slate running out in points, and the rocks under water forming strong ripplings and little eddies. In some spots, where the current has been turned aside by the rocky points, the river has deposited its mud, and formed little strips of soil covered with reedy grass, and some few little spots of Indian corn. Off these places anchorage is always found on a good clay bottom in from four to eight fathoms, a boat's length from the grass ; besides these narrow strips we this day counted several little vallies between the hills, forming the mouths of the ravines, the largest of which is named Vinda le Zally, and extends two miles along shore. In those vallies were some corn and manioc plantations, and many palm trees. The S 130 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. two rocks named by the natives Sandy, or Zonda, are of slate ; that named Oscar, by Maxwell, has a very large tree uj)on it, the other only brush wood ; they are separated by a space of about 50 yards. On the north shore, nearly opposite these rocks, is a hanging precipice, to which may be given the name of Lover's Leap, though in a sense dif- ferent from that of Leucadia, this being the place of . execution of the adulterous wives of the king of Bomnia, and their paramours, who are precipitated from the summit into the river. The rocks to which Maxwell has given the little appro- priate name of Scylla, lie close to the north shore, and form two masses of slate above water ; about 20 yards beyond them the rippling denotes another mass under water, but on which there is six fathoms depth. At seven o'clock the breeze failing, Ave anchored on the east entrance of the creek oft" the Gombac islands, close to the grass, in six fathoms. Aug. 7- In the morning, it being calm, I went in the gig through the creek of Gombac, and found, though extreme- ly narrow, that it had a depth of five to ten fathoms. There are but two islands, the separation marked by Maxwell be- tween the two western ones being only a cove; they are mere rocks of slate with a good many trees. From them I 6 M Q ^ CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 131 landed on the main, and ascended the hills that form the Fidler's Elbow of Maxwell, which are also composed entirely of slate, with vast masses of quartz on the surface, and with only thinly scattered bushes of a shrubby tree, of which the natives make their spoons. These spoons are made with great neatness, and not inferior in any respect to the same utensil in many parts of Europe. Their knives, too, are not to be despised, but the blades are not always made by themselves ; though they always prefer their own hafts and sheaths. These articles are here represented. The ant hills were here extremely numerous, but now un- occupied, it appearing that these insects shift their habita- tions to the trees in this season ; those on the ground have 132 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. exactly the shape of a mushroom, consisting of a round co- lumn 18 inches high, surmounted by a domed head two feet in diameter. We this morning observed a curious optical illusion, caused doubtless by the state of the atmosphere and the shadows of the high hills, the boats appearing to be placed on the pinnacle of an elevated mass of water, from which the descent was rapid on every side, so that in looking up the river the current seemed to be running up hill. By moonlight the reach Ave anchored in much resembled Loch Tay in Scotland. The rise of water in the wet season was here observed on the rocks, having worn two grooves, the first 8 feet above the present level, and the second and f\untest 9j feet. The nature of the hills, as well as their ap- pearance, prove that they do not absorb any of the water that CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 133 falls in the rainy season, the Avhole of which is carried direct to the river by gullies and ravines, with which the hills are all over furrowed, and in which the only luxuriant vegeta- tion is found. We got a few very small shrimps from a fisherman, Avhich he had just taken in a cotton scoop net, very well made. At 1 1 o'clock we weighed with a light breeze at west, and crossed over to the south side of the river, to near the banza Sooka Congo; the Alafook of which sent his interpreter and gentlemen to ask for a bottle of brandy, which, not intending to stop near him, I did not think necessary to supply. We continued our course along shore until we reached the Diamond Rock of Maxwell, near to which, and to the south shore, we found the current too strong to be overcome with the sails and oars, and Ave anchored a little to the west of it. In the afternoon, however, the breezes' freshened, we got through the channel, and at 7 anchored about 4 miles west of Condo Sono. The rock called Boola Beca in Maxwell's plan, is by the natives named Blemba (the husband), and the rock named the Tinker, to the east of it, is an islet. The largest and westernmost of the three rocks named Weird Sisters, the na- tives call N'Casan (the wife) ; they lay nearest to the north shore, which, according to the natives, is all foul. The 13 i CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. Diamond Rock they name Salan Koonquotty, or the strong feather, alluding probably to the strength of the current, uhich is doubtless much encreased in the rains, it being now about 3^ miles an hour, running directly on the rocks, and forming a strong upward eddy on its west side, where ihe ground is verj'^ foul and shoal, so that no vessel should attempt this channel without a breeze sufficient to ensure her goino; over the current. On the summit of one of the hills which we passed close under, were upwards of twenty monkeys, which, had we not seen their tails, we should, from their great size and black faces, have taken for negroes. Aug. 8. The hills which surround our last night's station are more barren than lower down, the strips of reedy grass and vallies less numerous, the palm trees are no longer seen, nor is there any cultivation whatever on the banks. Seve- ral persons came on board this morning from banza Noki, and from them we received the first coherent information respecting the obstruction in the river, higher up, by what they state to be a great cataract named Yellala, only one day's march from Noki. At 10 weighed with a light breeze, and with the aid of the oars reached the spot named Condo Sono, where the European slave traders formerly transacted their business, t^ ■J\ CAPTAIN TUCKEV'S NARRATIVE. 13.5 but where there is now not a single hut. I immediately sent Simmons to the Chenoo of Noki, to request he would send me a person acquainted with the river higher up ; but on his return in the evening, I found that nothing could be done without my own presence, and the usual dash of a present of brand3\ August 9. I went this morning up the river in the gig, and found the difficulties encrease every mile, from the velocity of the current, and the ledges of rocks ; the barrenness of the hills also became greater, and the only trace of inhabitants was discovered in a few miserable fish- ermen, who take some small fish in scoop nets off the rocks and dry them. August 10. There being every prospect that we should not be able to proceed much further in the boats, and find- ing that there were many Mandonzo men at Noki, whose country is situated very far up the river, and whose manners and language were described to me as totally differing from those of Congo, I this day paid a visit to the Chenoo of Noki, to endeavour to ascertain these facts, and to procure guides. AVe were led a two hour's most fatiguing march before we reached the banza; sometimes scrambling up the sides of almost perpendicular hills, and over great masses of quartz and schistus, sometimes getting on pretty smoothly 1:3G CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. along their summits of hard clay, thinly scattered with brush wood, and sometimes descending into vallies covered with a rich soil and exuberant vegetation, the high and now withered grass choaking up the little plantations. In two of those vallies we found banzas, differing in nothing from that of Bomma, except that the roofs of the huts formed the segment of a circle instead of a triangle ; close to them are two runs of water in ravines. At length we reached the banza, which is situated on the level summit of the highest hills amidst palm-trees, and plantations of vegetables, amongst which we were gratified with the sight of young cabbages in great perfection. In a few minutes I was ushered into the presence of the Chenoo, whom we found seated with two other Chenoos, in much more savage mag- nificence, but less of European manner, than the king of Bomma, the seats and ground being here covered with lions and leopard skins, the treading on which, by a subject of the highest rank, is a crime punished with slavery; and the care with which they stepped clear of them in passing to and fro, e\"inced that they never lost sight of the penalty. The Che- noo, besides his red cloak laced, had on his head an enormous high cap of the white feathers of the heron. One of the other kings was covered with an old hat, and the third was wrapped in a velvet mantle, and on his head a coronet, with a large I p ^ 5 5n ikT" --*#•' 1,1 -.F >? ^\' ',:M 1?$ r-^-r: • ii 'I'>fe'' CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 137 button of coloured glass, which had evidently been procured from a theatre. The assembly was composed of about fifty persons squatted in the sand. Simmons having explained my wishes and the motives of the expedition, the Chenoo, with less deliberation or questioning than 1 had been plagued with at Bomma, granted two guides to go as far as the cata- ract, beyond which the country was to them a terra incog- nita, not a single person of the banza having ever been beyond it. The palaver being over, the keg of brandy I had brought was opened, and a greater scramble than even at Bomma took place for a sup of the precious licpior ; and, towards the conclusion, one having been unable to catch a share, his neighbour, who had been more fortunate, and who had kept it, as long as he could hold in his breath, (as they always do), very generously spat a portion of this mouthful into the other's mouth ! The Chenoo apologized for having nothing; drest to offer us to eat, but directed a small pig to be carried to the boat, which on killing we found to be measly and unfit to eat. We saw no women during this audience, but a con- siderable portion of the assembly was composed of boys of all ages down to four or five, and those young urchins were observed to pay the utmost attention to the discourse of the men, and to express tjieir approbation by clapping their hands. ].38 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. On our return we were conducted by a slave merchant of Simmons' acquaintance, by a road at first much more pleasant than that Ave had come, being along the summits of hills which are highly fertile, and in great part cultivated, but in the most careless manner. The veo-etables we saw were manioc, Indian corn, a species of shrubby holcus, French beans, cabbages or greens, ground nuts in great quantity, and bird pepper. The fruit consisted of limes, papavvs, and plantains, all at present immature. Our conductor led us to his town (for every man of pro- perty calls his residence his town), where Ave were agree- ably surprised to find a repast prepared, consisting of a steAved foAvl, a dish of stcAved beans, and cassava bread named Coanga. The stews were hoAvever so highly pep- pered that our gentlemen, not accustomed to such Avarmth of seasoning, could scarcely sAvallow them ; a bottle of spirits, in Avhich some aniseed had been infused, Avas also set before us. The remains of our repast Avas served to the marines. The water brought to us issued from a rock, its temperature 73° ; the barometer at the banza fell two inches loAver than at the river side, Avhich, according to Leslie's scale, gives the elevation about 1300 feet. While at our repast, the back ground of the court in which we were, Avas filled Avith Avomen and girls, separated ' \\ vi--- •f-x lA E bP '^' CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 139 by a space from the men and boys. Though not one of them had ever seen a white man, they did not seem to feel any timidity, but on the contrary we had abundant opportunity of discovering that, as far as depended on themsehes, they were perfect Otaheitans in their manners. One woman we saw spinning cotton for a fishing net exactly in the manner the French women do while tending their sheep. The latter part of our journe}^ as we again approached the river, was even worse than our road going, being obliged to ascend and descend a succession of hills, of smooth rocks, so nearlj^ perpendicular, that it required almost the legs of flies to crawl over them, and here the natives had greatly the advantage of us, the soles of their naked feet seizing hold of the rock, while our shoes slipped over them and threatened us every moment with a fall that would not have been without danger ; at length we jreached the boats at 4 o'clock extremely fatigued, though the distance of the banza is not more than three miles in a direct line from the river, but by the circuitous route we took, could not be less than seven or eight. The most striking features of the country we passed over are the extreme barrenness of the hills near the river, the whole being still composed of slate with masses of quartz, and sienite, the latter becoming the main for- 140 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. mation, as we advanced to the S.E. with perpendicular fissures from three inches to ^ inch in breadth, filled with quartz. The summits of the hills and the vallies are of stiff clay and vegetable mould extremely fertile. We did not see the smallest trace of any thing calcareous, nor the signs of any other metal than iron. August 11 . We had no visitors until near noon, when four women came to the river's side, opposite the boats, to make market, having a single fowl, halfa dozen eggs, and a small basket of beans to sell ; we were soon told that the oldest was a princess of the blood in her own right, and that consequently she enjoyed the privilege of choosing her husband and changing him as often as she liked, while he was confined to her alone, under penalty, if a private person, of being sold as a slave. This lady, after getting for her fowl and other articles twice their value, offered herself and her three companions (who, we Avere assured, were the Chenoo's daughters) for hire, to whoever would take them on board the boats, and seemed to be much dis- appointed at the apathy of white men, Avhen they found their advances treated with neglect. In the afternoon a couple of small sheep, a goat, and a few fowls were brought for sale ; but for one of the former the owner had the conscience to ask a full piece of blue bafS. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 141 and two caps, which cost 30 shilHngs in England, making the meat considerably above a shilHng a pound ; so that we were obhged to confine ourselves to the purchase of a goat for four fathoms of printed cotton. Indeed, from the very little spare provisions the natives seem to have at this season, I do not. think it would be possible to procure daily subsistence for fift}^ men in passing through the country. Towards evening two men were sent from the Chenoo as guides for Yellala, but one of them having evidently never been there, I sent him back. A Mandingo slave man was brought to me, bound neck and heels with small cords. His answers to the questions put to him Avere, " that he was three moons coming from his country, sometimes on rivers, sometimes by land ; that his own country was named M'intolo, on the banks of a river as broad as the Zaire, Avhere we were at anchor, but so filled with rocks, that even canoes could not be used on it ; and that he had been taken when walking a short distance from his father's house, by a slave catcher, who had shot him in the neck with a ball, the cicatrice of the wound still remaining ; and that he had been about two years from his country." Although his reckoning of the lapse of time could not be depended on, he evidently had not been long caught, for he spoke the Congo language but very imperfectly ; nevertheless, as he undejrstood enough of it 142 CAPTAIX TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. to make himself intelligible, I thought he might be of use and purchased him, giving an order for his value to be paid on board the Congo, and taking care to explain to the natives my motives for bujang him, as well as that I gave him his liberty on the instant, and only considered him as a ser- vant; and finally, that if we arrived at his country, I would restore him to his friends. When this was explained to him he expressed not the least mark of satisfaction, and permit- ted the people to take off the cords which had served to bind him with apparent apathy ; indeed our people seemed to have more satisfaction in performing, than he felt in un- dergoing, this operation. In concluding this bargain, I had a specimen of the tedious manner of doing business amongst the native traders, the intervention of the Mafook, Mam- bouk, and a broker, being necessary between me and the seller ; and each of these fellows expected two fathoms of baft, and as much brandy as they could drink. This roundabout way of trading, and the indecision of the sellers, must, I should suppose, have been a great draw back on the profits of the slave trade, by the time it kept them on the coast; for I am assured, that though fifty slaves may be brought to market in a day, not three are usually sold. The same huckstering is indeed visible in every branch of their trading with Europeans ; the possessor of a single fowl. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 143 or a root of the manioc, examining the articles offered him fifty times, giving them back, taking them again, exchanging them for something else, and after p\itting patience to the test for an hour, often taking up his goods and marching off", because he could not get t\vice or thrice what he first asked. Aug. 12. At nine this morning we weighed, and with th^ aid of the oars, and a track rope at times, got the boats up along the south shore, until we came to a large sand bank ex- tending two-thirds across the river ; here we crossed over to the other side, and ran along it as far as a little island named _ _ . Here we found the current so rapid, that with a strong breeze and the oars we could not pass it ; besides, having observed when up here in the gig, that the north shore above this island was extremely foul, I crossed over, and after considerable difficulty succeeded in getting to an anchor in a fine little cove named Nomaza, entirely out of the cur- rent. In crossing the river we passed several whirlpools, which swept the sloop round and round in spite of her oars and sails, and not without some danger to so low and deep laden a boat. These vortices are formed in an instant, last but a few moments with considerable noise, and subside as quickly. The punt got into one of them and entirely disap- peared in the hollows, so that the depression of the vortex must have been three or four feet. The schooner could not 144 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. succeed in passing ZoongaTooley CalaAangoo, and anchored on the opposite shore ; but a very strong sea breeze spring- ing up in the evening she joined me. In the afternoon I went on shore and ascended the highest bills under which we were anchored, and whose elevation might be 500 feet. From hence our upward vicAv of the river was confined to a single short reach, the appearance of which, however, was sufficient to convince us, that there ^was little prospect of being able to get the double boats up much fardier, and none at all of being able to transport them by land. Both sides of the river appeared to be lined by rocks above water, and the middle obstructed by whirl- pools, whose noise we heard in a constant roar, just where our view terminated by the closing in of the points. High breakers seemed to cross the river ; and this place we learnt was called Casan Yellala, or Yellala's wife, and were told that no canoe ever attempted to pass it. The most distant hill, whose summit appeared above the rest at the distance of perhaps 7 or 8 leagues, we found was that of Yellala. The appearance of the river here Avas compared by Dr. Smith to the torrent rivers of Norway, and particularly the Glommen, the hills on each side being high, precipitous towards the river, totally barren, and separated by such deep ravines as to preclude the idea of conveying even a canoe %^ "4 ^ CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 145 over them, without immense labour. Two tufts of trees on the summits of the northern hills, Ave understood from a fish- erman, were the plantations round the banzas. The only other information we could get from him was, that Yellala was the residence of the evil spirit, and that whoever saw it once would never see it a second time. This has been the only tolerable clear day since our en- tering the river ; the sun being visible both at rising and setting, and the thermometer at two o'clock at 80°. This heat produced a breeze in the evening stronger than any we be- fore experienced, and which continued all night. On a little sand beach, off which the boats were anchored, there is a regular rise and fall of water of eight inches ; during the rise, the current is considerably slackened. Aug. 13. This morning at daylight I went up the river with the master in the gigs, to ascertain the utility of carry- ing the boats any farther. By crossing over from shore to shore as the current was found slackest, we found no diffi- , culty in getting up to Casan Yellala, which is about three miles above Avhere the boats lay. We found it to be a ledge of rocks stretchino; across the north shore about two-thirds the breadth of the river (which here does not exceed half a mile), the current breaking furiously on it, but leaving a smooth channel near the south shore,where the velocity of U 146 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. the current seems the only obstacle to the ascent of boats, and that I should consider as none to my progress with the boats, did there appear to be the smallest utility in getting them above it. But as the shore on either side presents the most stupendous overhanging rocks, to whose crags alone the boats could be secured, while an impetuous current flows beneath ; and as every information makes Yellala a cataract, of great perpendicular fall, to which the approach is far easiest from the place near which the boats are now anchored in perfect safety, I determined to visit this cataract by land, in order to determine on my future operations. Accordingly at 8 o'clock on the morning of the 14th I landed on the north shore, in a cove with a fine sandy beach, covered with the dung of the hippopotamus, exactly resembling that of the horse. My party consisted of INIessrs. Smith, Tudor, Galwey, and Hodder, and 13 men, besides two Embomma interpreters (the Chenoo's sons), and a guide from Noki, with four days provisions. Our route lay by narrow foot paths, at first over most difficult hills, and then along a level plateau of fertile land ; in short, over a country resembling that between the river and Noki. Our course lay between E. N. E. and N. E. At noon we reached Banza Cooloo, from whence we understood Ave should see Yellala. Anxious to get a sight of it, I declined CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 147 the Chenoo's invitation to visit him, until my return. Oa the farthest end of the banza we unexpectedly saw the fall almost under our feet, and were not less surprised than dis- appointed at finding', instead of a second Niagara, which the description of the natives, and their horror of it had given us reason to expect, a comparative brook bubbling over its stony bed. Halting the people, who complained of fatigue, I went with the genUemen to examine it more closely, and found that what the road wanted in distance, which was not a mile from the banza, it abundantly made up in difficulty, having one enormous hill to descend and a lesser one to climb, to reach the precipice which overhangs the river. The south sideof tne river is here a vast hill of bare rock (sienite), and the north a lower but more precipitous hill of the same substance, between which two the river has forced its course ; but in the middle an island of slate still defies its power, and breaks the current into two narrow channels ; that near the south side gives vent to the great mass of the river, but is obstructed by rocks above and under water, over which the torrent rushes with great fury and noise, as may easily be conceived. The channel on the north side is now nearly dry, -and is composed of great masses of slate, with perpendicular fissures. The highest part of the island is 15 feet above the present level, but from the 148 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. marks on it, the water in the rainy season must rise 12 feet, consequently covers the whole of the breadth of the chan- nel, with the exception of the summit of the island ; and with the encreased velocity, must then produce a fall some- what more consonant to the description of the natives. In ascendina: two hills we observed the river both above and below the fall to be obstructed by rocks as far as we could see, which might be a distance of about four miles. Highly disappointed in our expectations of seeing a grand cataract, and equally vexed at finding that the progress of the boats would be stopped, we climbed back to our people, whom we reached at four o'clock totally exhausted. The principal idea that the fall creates is, that the quan- tity of water which flows over it, is by no means equal to the volume of the river below it; and yet, as we know there is not at this season a single tributary stream sufficient to turn a mill, below the fall, we can hardly account for this volume, unless we suppose, as Dr. Smith suggests, the existence of subterranean communications, or caverns filled with water. After having refreshed and rested ourselves, I waited on the Chenoo with a little brandy, and found less pomp and noise, but much more civility and hospitality, than from the richer kings I had visited. This old man seemed perfectly satisfied with our account of the motives of our visit, not CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 149 asking a single question, treating us with a little palm wine, and sending me a present of six fowls without asking for any thing in return. In one of the courts of his tenement we had the disagreeable sight of two men slaves prepared for sale, one having a long fork stick fastened to his neck, and the other with European-made irons on his legs ; on enquiry I found that there were 14 slaves in the banza for sale, who were going to Embomma. The night was cool, the thermometer at one o'clock being at 60^ ; in the early part the stars shone brightly, but to- wards morning it became very cloudy ; and at daylight we might easily have fancied ourselves amidst the blue misty hills of Morven. August 15th. In the morning we were surrounded by all the women of the banza with fowls and eggs to exchange lor beads. In the eggs we were however taken in, more than half we purchased having been taken from under the hens half hatched. Although the largest banza we have seen, we could not procure either a sheep, goat, or pig for the people. Having engaged a guide to lead us above the falls (the hills close to the river being absolutely impassable by any thing but goats), we quitted the banza at seven o'clock, and after four hours most fatiguing march we again got sight of 150 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. the river ; but to my great vexation, instead of being 12 or 13 miles, as I expected, I found we were not above four miles from Yellala, our guide having persuaded me out of my own judgment, that the river wound round in a way that made the crescent we took necessary. Here we found the river still obstructed Avith rocks and islets sometimes quite across, but at one place leaving a clear space, which seems to be used as a ferry, as we found here a canoe with four ^en ; no inducement we could offer them had however any effect in prevailing on them to attempt going up the stream , which I wished to do to examine the state of the river more exactly. In this day's journey we crossed three deep ravines, the beds of torrents in the rainy season, but now quite dry, and but once found water at a very small spring. One antelope's skin was seen with the natives, and the dung of these animals occurred in many spots ; several porcupines' quills were also picked up. On quitting the river 1 determined to cross the hills in a direction that I expected would again bring me to it considerably higher up, but the setting sun obliged us to halt on the side of a steep hill, at whose foot we for- tunately found a fine spring, forming the only brook we had yet seen ; and here we passed the night, which was much warmer than the preceding one, the thermometer not falling CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 151 below 70°, the sky cloudy, but not Jie least dew. The con- stant dryness of the atmosphere is evinced in the quick dry- ing of all objects exposed to it ; meat hung up a few hours loses all its juices, and resembles the jerked meat of South America; the plants collected by Dr. Smith were fit for packing in a day, while, towards the mouth of the river, he could scarcely get them sufficiently dry in a week. The oxidation of iron also entirely ceases here. The hygro- meter at sun-rise usually marks 50°, at two o^clock in the afternoon in the shade 70^. August l6. Finding Mr. Tudor and several of the people were unable to proceed farther, I sent them back to Banza Cooloo in the morning, and with the remainder proceeded onwards. Passing the brook and ascending the hill on the opposite side, we found ourselves on a level plateau at the banza Menzy Macooloo, where we again got a guide to lead us to the river. At noon we had a view of it between the openings of the hills, about two miles distant. Here the people, being extremely fatigued, were halted, while the natives went to the river for water, and I ascended the highest of the hills, which descends perpendicularly to the river : from its summit I had a view about five miles down the river, which presented the same appearance as yester- day, being filled with rocks in the middle over which the current foamed violently ; the shore on each side was also 152 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. scattered with rocky barren islets. The river is here, judg- ing by the eye, not more than i mile broad, and I estimate the distance from Yellala at 12 or 14 miles. Upwards my view was stopped by the sudden turn of the river from north to S. E. ; the concavity of the angle forming a large .bay, apparently freer from obstructions than below. I descended a most precipitous path to the river side, where I found four women fishing with a scoop net ; they had no canoe, and I learnt that persons Avanting to cross the river are obliged to go from hence to the ferry above Yellala. Just where the river shuts in, in turning to the S. E., on a high plateau of the north shore, is the banza Inga, which we understood was two days march from Cooloo (though its direct distance is not above 20 miles,) and that it is out of the dominions of Congo. The only other information I could get here was, that the river, after a short reach to the S. E., turned again to the north ; and the appearance of the hills seemed to corroborate this information ; but as to the state of its navigation, or the possibility of getting canoes, I could not acquire the slightest notion. On the return of the people with water from the river we dined where the men halted, and set out on our return for the boats ; at eight o^clock we reached Cooloo (having this day walked ten hours), where we found Mr. Tudor in a violent fever. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 153 It was by great persuasion we could get our guide to go on after sunset, through his fears of wild beasts, and his superstitious terrors of the night combined ; and every five minutes he sounded, a whistle, which it seems had been fetkhed by the Gangam kissey ; and consequently both spirits and beasts fled at the sound. The only traces of animals we saw this day were the foot prints of buffaloes, who had been to the brook we crossed in the morning to drink ; and we were surprised how so bulky an animal could ascend the hills; indeed the marks shewed that in descending they had sliden considerable distances on their hind legs. A wild hog also crossed us, making from thicket to thicket ; but our men were not fortunate enough to hit him, though four of them fired. Having crossed in a direct line from one of the fertile plateaus to the river, Ave had a good opportunity of seeing the formation and structure of the country near its banks ; of which I have attempted to give an idea below. Feet. 1000 Hills of steep ascent and rocky sides; their summits, plateaus ot fertile soil. 500 Hills of yellow clay with vast masses of sienite. 300- HiKs of ferruginous clay and small iron stones jmassesof quartz iW Hills of quartz pebbles Slate cliffs. Kiver. <^^^St&!t^^^^-^ 154 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. The margin of the river and the rocks in it are of mi- caceous slate ; next to which small hills of loose round pebbles of quartii ; then more elevated hills of ferruginous clay with masses of quartz ; next hills of 3'ellow clay with masses of sienite ; and lastly, steep hills with rocky sides, (sienite), but with long levels at the summit, covered with a fertile vegetable soil, and on which most of the banzas are situated. The hills of quartz pebbles have every appearance of once having been the bed of the river, the pebbles having evidently been rounded, and the hills received their forms, by the long and violent action of water. If we assume, what seems highly probable, that the present obstruction at Yel- lala was once a real cataract of equal elevation with the op- posite shores, this surmise of the riv^er having formed these hills of pebbles will acquire a certainty ; for in that case, the water kept up by the cross ridge or cataract would have covered these hills. A great quantity of quartz sand is thrown up on the sides of the river among the rocks. At night the hills appear to be in a continued blaze of fire, from the hunters in the day setting fire to the long dry grass to drive out the animals. The fire running to windward, as is always the case, the hunters keep to leeward of the spot fired, and the game, it would appear, being also aware of the direction which the fire will take, endeavour to avoid it, by also running to leeward, and consequently throw them- CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 155 selves wfthin the hunter's reach. The guns we have seen among them are of Portuguese or French manufacture, and of a great length ; each has usually several fetiches fastened to it, to prevent it from doing the owner any injury. Aug. 17. In the morning we prepared for our return to the boats, when Mr. Tudor, being too ill to move, was obliged to be carried in a litter made of one of the black men's blankets ; the other invalids, exceeding half the party, were sent forward with him under charge of Mr. Hodder, while I went to take leave of the Chenoo. Having performed this ceremony, and given him two fathoms of bafts, I quitted Cooloo, came up with the invalids in a short time, and reached the boats at noon, when a tent Avas immediately pitched on shore for Mr. Tudor, who was now in a most vio- lent fever. The complaints of the other men were confined to fatigue and blistered feet. During this excursion we seldom met with water to fill our canteens (that of the river excepted), more than once a day, and the springs were generally very small. The only provisions we could procure were a few fowls and eggs, some cassada root, green plantains, and beans ; but all in quantities totally insufficient to supply the daily expendi- ture of 20 men. We did not see a single sheep or goat, and not above two or three pigs. Palm wine, which we found 156 CAPTAm TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. infinitely more refreshing and grateful to the stomach, when heated and fatigued, than either wine or spirits and water, is at this season extremely scarce, owing to the long drought; so that, though every banza and gentleman's town is sur- rounded by these trees (from 20 to 200 at each), we often could not procure it even in exchange for brandy. It appears that the rainy season, for these last two years, has been very moderate, and the lighter rains, that usually happen in June, have been entirely wanting this year, which accounts for the burnt -up appearance of the country, and the very little water. It is however expected by the natives, that the ensuing rainy season Avill be proportionally violent ; and they are now preparing for it, by fresh covering and repairing their huts. They say that every third or fourth year the river rises considerably higher than in the inter- mediate ones ; and this accounts for the different elevation of the marks on the rocks. Thus far the banks of the river do not afford a single timber tree capable of making a beam or timber for a sloop of war. The only trees that grow to a large size are the Adansonia and the Bombax, (or wild cotton), and the wood of both is spongy and useless; several varieties of evergreens, highly ornamental in their growth and foliage, are however met Avith in the vallies. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 157 The only appearance of metals is in the ferruginous clay and stones near the river, which the natives grind, and of these form their pots for boihng (their only cooking uten- sil); these small stones rounded to the size of a pea, serve them for small shot. Small particles of copper were observed by Dr. Smith in some of the specimens of mine- rals he collected. During my absence the seine was hauled, but not a single fish was taken. The only implements of fishing seen with the natives were the scoop-net, already spoken of, and a kind of fish pot of reeds. The fish we could procure from them are all very small, Avith the exception of one which I bought, and whose skin Mr. Cranch preserved. It appears to be of the genus Miirena. Testaceous fish are extremely few; a single shell (Helix) found on the summit of one of the hills near a fishing hut, and an oyster taken up by the dredge, are all we have been able to procure. On the banks we have found snares for taking beach birds, nearly resembling those used in Ireland to catch snipes, being an elastic twig with a bit of line and noose, which catches the bird's neck. The higher we proceed the fewer European articles the natives possess ; the country grass-cloth generally forms the sole clothing of the mass of the people, and gourds are 158 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. substitutes for glass bottles, or earthen mugs. The women too approach nearer to a state of nudity ; their sole clothing being a narrow apron (the breadth of the hand and 18 inches long) before and behind, so that the hips on each side are uncovered. From every town near to which we passed they flocked out to look at the white men, (moudele) and without an}' marks of timidity came and shook hands with us. To the best looking and the best drest I distributed some beads. The price paid here, by a native, for a wife of the first class, the Chenoo's daughter for instance, is four pieces of baft, one piece of guinea, and a certain quantity of palm wine. We in no instance since we left Embomma found the men allant en avant in their offer of their women ; but this our Bomma men told us was from their little intercourse with Europeans, for that any of them would think himself honoured by surrendering his wife or daughter to a white man. The population seems to be extremely thin, and (leaving out the insignificant number of fishermen who remain on the rocks at the river side) is collected into banzas and gentle- mens' towns ; the largest of the former (Cooloo) does not contain above 300 souls, of whom two-thirds are women and children. The extent of fertile land is, however, capable, with very moderate industry, of supporting a great increase CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. isa of population, not the one-hundredth part of that we have passed over being made any use of whatever. The plateaus appear to be M^ell adapted for wheat, and certainly all the garden vegetables of Europe might be produced here in perfection, as well as potatoes. According to our informers, the dominions of Congo ex- tend from below Malemba, cutting the coast and river to Banza N'Inga ; but how far they extend to the south of the river's mouth, or up it on the south side, we could not learn, but it seems to be considerably higher up the river than Inga. The paramount sovereign is named Lindy, or Blin- dy N'Congo, and resides at Banza Congo, six days journey in the interior from Tall Trees (on the south side of the river) ; it has no water communication with the Zaire. Here the Portuguese appear to have a fixed settlement, the natives speaking of their having soldiers and white women. The opposite sides of the river form two vice royalties, that on the north being governed by the N'Sandy N'Congo, and the south by N'Cucula Congo, both of whom reside at banzas in the interior. The Chenooships, improperly named kingdoms by Euro- peans, are hereditary fiefs, passing in the female hue ; that is, on the decease of the Chenoo the succession, instead of passing to his son, goes to his brother, or uterine uncle 160 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. or cousin. On every demise a fresh investiture takes place by the viceroy's sending a cap (here the mark of all dignity) to the appointed successor ; but though it is necessary that the succession should be continued in the family, the vice- roy is not restricted to nearness of kin or primogeniture, but as favour, corruption or intrigue operates strongest, the investiture is given. The Chenoo, in his turn, appoints seve- ral inferior officers by sending them caps, particularly the Mafook, or custom master, who interferes in all trading transactions. The Mombella, Macaya and Mambom, are officers whose respective powers I have not yet been able to ascertain with any certainty. Slavery is here of two kinds, which may be denominated household or domestic, and trading. When a young man is of age to begin the world, his father or guardian gives him the means of purchasing a number of slaves of each sex, in proportion to his quality, from whom he breeds his domestic slaves, and these (though it does not appear that he is bound by any particular law) he never sells or transfers, unless in cases of misbehaviour, when he holds a palaver, atwhich they are tried and sentenced. These domestic slaves are, however, sometimes pawned for debt, but are always redeemed as soon as possible. The only restraint on the conduct of the owners, towards their domestic slaves, seems to be the fear of their desertion; CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 161 for if one is badly treated, he runs ofl', and goes over to the territory of another Chenoo, where he is received by some proprietor of land, which inevitably produces a feud between the people of the two districts. The trading or marketable slaves are those purchased from the itinerant black slave merchants, and are either taken in war, kidnap- ped, or condemned for crimes ; the first two of these classes, however, evidently form the great mass of the exjjorted slaves ; and it Avould seem that the kidnapped ones (or as the slave merchants who speak English call it " catching in the bush"), are by far the most numerous. This practice how- ever is certainly unknown at present on the banks of this river as far as we have yet proceeded. The property which a man dies possessed of devolves to his brothers or uterine uncles, but prescriptively, as it would appear, for the use of the family of the deceased ; for they are bound by custom (which is here tantamount to our written laws) to provide in a proper manner for the wives and children of the deceased ; and the wives they may make their own, as in the Mosaic dispensation. Crimes are punished capitallj^ by decapitation, by gra- dual amputation of the limbs, by burning and by drowning. The only capital crimes, however, seem to be poisoning, and adultery with the wives of the great men. This latter Y 162 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE; crime, it would appear, being punished in proportion to the rank of the husband. Thus a private man accepts two slaves from the aggressor ; but the son of a Chenoo cannot thus compromise his dishonour, but is held bound to kill the aggressor ; and if he escapes his pursuit, he may take the life of the first relation of the adulterer he meets ; and the relatives of this latter, by a natural re-action, revenging this injustice on the other party, or one of his relations, is one of the grand causes of the constant animosities of the neighbouring villages. If a man poisons an equal, he is simply decapitated ; but if an inferior commits this crime (the only kind of secret murder) on a superior, the whole of his male relations are put to death, even to the infants at the breast. When a theft is discovered, the gangam kissey or priest, is applied to, and the whole of the persons suspected are brought before him. After throwing himself into violent contortions, which the spectators consider as the inspirations of the kissey or fetiche, he fixes on one of the party as the thief, and the latter is led away immediately to be sen- tenced by a palaver. Of course the judgment of the priest is guided either by chance, or by individual enmity : and^ though (as our informer assured us) the judgment was often found to be false, it derogates nothing from CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 163 the credit of the gangam, who throws the whole blame on the kissey. The frequency of the crime of putting poison in victuals, has established the custom of the master invariably making the person, who presents him with meat or drink, taste it first ; and in ofl'ering either to a visitor, the host performs this ceremony himself; this the natives, who speak English, call " taking off the fetiche." Both sexes paint themselves with red ochre ; and, before a bride is conveyed to her husband, she is smeared with this substance from head to foot. The men also make marks on their foreheads and arms with both red and white clays ; but the only answer Ave could get to our enquiries respecting these practices was, that they Avere done by order of the gangam kissey. Besides a prevalent cutaneous disorder or itch, seve- ral cases of elephantiasis were oljserved, and two patients with gonorrhoea applied to our doctor ; this, however, they told us was a present from the Portuguese. The only game ^ve have seen them play at Avas a kind of drafts named looela, the implements of Avhich are a flat stone IS inches square Avith 16" cavities grooved in it, and a small stone in each cavity, as in the annexed figure. 164 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. The impossibility of procuring information to be at all depended on from the natives, respecting the course of the river or the nature of the country, proceeds equally from their want of curiosity, extreme indolence, and constant state of war with each other. Hence, I have never been able to procure a guide farther than from banza to banza, or at the utmost a day's journey ; for at every banza we were assured that, after passing the next, we should get into the Bushmen's country, where they would be in danger of being shot or kidnapped. Thus at Cooloo, it was only CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 165 by the promise of handsome pa}-, and still more through the assurance of safety offered by our muskets, that I could pre- vail on a guide to promise to accompany me to banza Inga. All my endeavours to find a slave trader who knew some- thing of the river have been fruitless. One man at Cooloo presented himself, and said he had been a month's journey from that place, but always travelled by land, except in the passage of several rivers by canoes and fords ; the direction of his course appeared to be to the N. E. and the country, according to him, more mountainous than where we are. Indeed it appears that the people of Congo never go them- selves for slaves, but that they are always brought to them b}^ those they call bushmcn, who, they say, have no towns nor acknowledge any government. All however agree in asserting that the country on the south is still more diffi- cult than that on the north, which, together with there ap- pearing to be no traces of the Portuguese missions on the lattei^,* as Avell as the river again taking a direction to the north, induces me to prefer this side for my farther progress. Aug. 19. In pursuance of my intention to endeavour to * At Noki the crucifixes left by the missionaries were strangely mixed with the native fetiches, and the people seemed by no means improved by this melange of Christian and Pagan idolatry. 166 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. get as far as possible by the north bank of the river, I sent this morning Lieut. Hawkey with eight men, to form a de- pot of provisions at Cooloo. Aug. 20. Sent Mr. Fitzmaurice with eight men, with a second proportion of provisions, to proceed to Cooloo, where I learnt Mr. Hawkey arrived late last night; I shall to morrow proceed with 14 men for the same place, from thence for banza Inga, sending the boats down to rejoin the Congo. CHAPTER V. Progress from the Cataract, or Cooloo, by Land chiefly, to the Termination of the Journey. [ m ] CHAPTER V. riAvixG arranged matters at the double-boats, I quitted the river with the remainder of my party at 1 1 o'clock, and reached Cooloo myself at two ; but for want of hands was obliged to leave part of the burthens behind, until the people could be sent back for them. Visited the Chenoo, who gave me a fine sheep, and promised me a guide, and some men to assist in conveying our things to Inga. Aug. 21. ^^ itii the usual delay, I waited this whole day for the guide and bearers, without either making their appearance ; and in the afternoon I received a visit from the Chenoo, when I found that the delay proceeded from my not having given presents to the Mambom, IMacaya, and half a dozen other gentlemen. As the giving way to such pretensions would very soon exhaust my stock, I positively refused all their solicitations for the moment, pro- mising, however, that when I returned I would treat them as their conduct to white men should have deserved. After a long palaver, in which the disappointed party was extremely violent, the more moderate remained masters of the field, Z 170 CAPTALN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. and it was determined that the Chenoo's son should accom- pany me as a guide the next mor;nng. The night scene at this place requires the pencil to deli- neate it. In the foreground an immense Adansonia, under which our tents are pitched, with the fires of our people throwng a doubtful light over thera ; before us the lofty and perpendicular hills that form the south side of Yellala, with its ravines (in which only vegetation is found) on fire, pre- senting the appearance of the most brilliantly illuminated ampitheatre ; and finally, the hoarse noise of the fall, contrasted with the perfect stillness of the night, except when broken by the cry of our centinels " all's well," continued to create a sensation to which even our sailors were not indifferent. The conclusion of the night I however found not so pleasant ; awaking extremely unwell, I directly swallowed five grains of calomel, and moved myself until I produced a strong perspiration. Aug. 22. Though still very unwell, I had every thing pre- pared to be off" at day-light with half the party for Inga, intending to leave the remainder at Cooloo, until I had tried the practicability of advancing. It was however ten o'clock before I could get the guide, and six men or bearers, to each of whom I was obliged to give two fathoms of baft CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 171 and three strings of beads. I now found that Prince Schi (ahas Simmons) had deserted, and taken with him four of the best men I had brought from Embomma, as porters; and just as I was setting off, the Chenoo and all his posse came to me, to let me know that my interpreter had violated their customs, and his own word, havino; bargained with two of the head gentlemen for their wives (one, the first time I was at Cooloo, and the other the night preceding), for two fathoms a night, which having no means of paying, he had concealed himself, or ran oft' to Embomma. Though sufficiently irritated, I could not forbear smiling at their manner of relating the circumstance, as well as at their expectations, that I would either pay to the husbands the stipulated price, or permit them to seize Simmons, and sell him as a slave. In order to avoid either of these alternatives, I promised that, on my return, I would arrange the affair amicably ; with which, after a long palaver, which cost me some brandy, they were obliged to be satisfied. Having thus lost my interpreter, I Avas obliged to offer very high terms to the only person with me, who could supply his place ; a man whom we had picked up at Embomma, and employed as one of the boats crew, but who, having been in England five years, spoke the lau- guage as well as Simmons, and his own much better; I therefore at once promised him the value of a slave and other 172 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. etceteras on my return, if he would accompany me ; to which he at last acceded, all his countrymen attempting to deter him, by the idea of being killed and eaten by the bushmen. We reached banza Manzy (about nine miles north of Cooloo), at noon, the whole road being along a plateau. Here I was obliged to give four fathoms of baft for a pig of 151b. weight; and after he was paid for, the people pretend- ing they could not catch him, I was obliged to direct him to be shot. At four came to a very deep ravine (Sooloo en- vonzi), the bed of a vast torrent, covered with rocks, slate and quartz, in the hollows of which a considerable quantity of excellent water still remained, apparently since the rains. The sides of the ravine were thinly cloathed with wood, among which were trees perfectly straight from 80 to 100 feet high, and 18 inches diameter, the wood of which was nearly the density, and had much the appearance, of oak ; they were the only trees we had yet seen of any utility. In this ravine we halted for the night, on learning that we could not reach Inga, and that there was no water between where we were and tliat })lace. The country we passed over this day would appear to be from 8 to 12 miles from the river, and is more hilly and barren than any we have yet gone over ; but the same structure, on a larger scale, appears to prevail, as that of which I have given a repre- sentation. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 173 Our night scene here, though entirely dissimilar from the preceding one, was perfectly theatrical ; the trees completely shading the ravine, and the reflection of the fires on the tent, and on the foliage, and on the rocks, with the mixture of black and white men, each cooking his supper, might have exercised the pen of Salvator Rosa, and would give no bad idea of the rendezvous of a horde of banditti. In the morning we found we had pitched our tent over a nest of pismires ; but although we were covered with them, not a person was bitten, any more than by the musquetoes, who, from its shade and humidity, had cliosen this as their head quarters. At day-light we were roused by the discor- dant concert of a legion of monkeys and parrots chattering, joined with that of a bird named by the natives booidoso, (a crested Toucan) having a scream between the bray of an ass and the bleat of a lamb ; another, with a note resembling the cuckoo, but much hoarser; and another crying " whip poor will" (a species of goatsucker). We also found that several buffaloes had been to drink at one of the holes in the rocks, about 200 yards from one of our tents. Aug. 23. At seven o'clock (having given the people their usual breakfast of cocoa), we set out, and crossed a most difficult tract of hills and ravines until 11, Avheii we found -ourselves just at the angle of the river, formed by its 174 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. returning to the S. E. ; this last reach not appearing to be more than three or four miles, but entirely filled with rocks, and absolutely, as far as we could judge with our glasses, without the smallest passage or carrying place for a canoe. At noon we reached banza Inga, having turned off to the west considerably from the river, and found it situated on one of the usual plateaus. The Chenoo, we learned, was blind, and that the government was in a kind of commission, com- posed of the Macaya, Mam bom, &c. which portended me no good ; a palaver being immediately assembled to know what white men came here for. I now found it would be necessary to deviate from my former assertions of having nothing to do with trade, if I meant to get forward ; and according!}' I gave these gentlemen to understand, that I was only the fore-runner of other white men, who would bring them every thing they required, provided I should make a favourable report of their conduct on my return to my own country. At length I was promised a guide to conduct me to the place where the river again became navigable for canoes, but on the express condition that I should pay a jar of brandy, and dress four gentlemen with two fathoms of baft each. These terms I complied with, stipulating on my part that the guide should be furnished immediately, (as this part of the river was said to be not CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 175 above half a day'sjourneyfromlnga), and he was accordingly brought forward. Depending on these assurances, I pro- posed, as soon as the people should have dined, to set off, but was now informed that I could not have a guide till the morning. Exasperatedby this intolerable tergiversation, being unable to buy a single fowl, and having but three day's pro- visions, I remonstrated in the strongest manner, and deviated a little from my hitherto patient and conciliating manners, by telling them, that if they did not furnish a guide, I should proceed in spite of them, ordering at the same time the ten men with me to fall in under arms ; at the sight of which the palaver broke up, and it was sauve quipeut. The women and children, who had flocked to see while men for the first time, disappeared, and the banza became a desert ; on enquiring for the men Avho had come with me from Cooloo, I also found that they had vanished with their masters ; in short, I was left sole occupier of the banza. Finding that this would not at all facilitate my progress, I sent my inter- preter with a concihating message to the Macaya, whose tenement was outside the banza, and which shortly produ- ced the re-appearance of some men, but skulking behind the huts with their musquets. After an hours delay, the re- cency again appeared, attended by about fifty men, of whom fourteen had musquets. The Mambom, or war minister 176 CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. first got up, and made a long speech, appealing every now and then to the other (common) people who were seated, and who all answered by a kind of howl. During this speech he held in his hand the war kissey, composed of buffalo's hair, and dirty rags ; and which (as we after- Avards understood) he occasionally invoked to break the locks, and wet the powder of our muskets. As I had no intention of carrying the affair to any extremity, I went from the place where I was seated, opposite to the palaver, and familiarly seating myself along side the Macaya, shook him by the hand, and explained, that though he might see I had the power to do him a great deal of harm, 1 had little to fear from his rusty mus(piets ; and that though I had great reason to be displeased with their conduct and breach of promise, I would pass it over, provided I was assured of having a guide at day-light ; which was promised, on condi- tion that the gentlemen should receive eight fathoms of cloth. The people here had never before seen a white man, and the European commodities we saw were reduced to a little stone jug and some rags of cloathing. The language is a dialect of that of Embomma, but considerably differing. The Chenoo receives his cap from the Benzy N'Congo, who resides ten days journey to the N. W. and not on the river. CAPTAIN TUCKEY'S NARRATIVE. 177 We purchased half a dozen fowls, but were obhged to pay for watei, at the rate of three beads for a canteen. There is here a good deal of lignum vitfc, the largest seen about four inches in diameter. Aug. 24. Though the guide was promised at day-light, I found that the people of the banza wished to throw every obstacle in the way of our proceeding, assuring us, that the people further on would shoot us from the bushes, &c. e Eiiphorbiacece, which are peculiar to a great part of the African countries, from the Canaries to the Cape of Good Hope, the Jatropha only is here to be met with, and this too is a foreign importa- tion. In the small level valleys on the sides of the grassy mountains, I perceived groups of a shrub, which had something new in its appearance, and on approaching it, I found at last an Euphorbia, that bore so near a resem- 244 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. blance to piscatoria, as scarcely to be distinguished from it. I met successively with several old acquaintances on the hills, as for instance, a Bupthalmum sericeuin; most of them however, in the Canaries, are growing in the lowest region. Another beautiful view opened to the east. The valley of St. Domingo lay under our feet, between perpendicular rocks. South American and tropical fruit trees, planta- tions of sugar and other vegetables, in various places, and at the bottom a rivulet, formed by several streams spring- ing from the steep rocks around, afforded a most delight- ful view of contrasting objects. We had now reached the ridge of the mountains, and tbllowed it for some time over vallej^s and hills partly covered with high grass, and inter-r spersedE uphorbia, Jatropha curcas, and some solitary Mi inosce. The day was already far advanced, and on seeing the Peak aoain before us, we found the ascendino; it would take the remaining part of our time, and that the way we had followed, though it was the most commodious, was at the same time the longest. We resolved, therefore, to limit our farther journey to the ascent of one of the conical hills that surrounded us, in order to take as ex- tensive a view of the island as possible, and then to re- turn. Corea was dispatched to the nearest shepherd's hut to procure us some milk. We gave up our first plan with less regret, by considering that we had brought no barometer wit.h us ; but in return we missed many in- teresting plants, the number of which continued increasing as we walked on. We had soon reached the summit of the nearest hill to the left ; and to the south-west, the PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 245 level land through which we had travelled, comprehend- ing the whole barranco of Trinidad down to Puerto, was spreading itself under our feet. Farther on to the west some hills were seen, between which another barranco was winding its course down to Publico grancle. The ridge of mountains runs in the direction of the lon2;est diameter of the island from S.E. to N. W., but it runs nearer the sea and with steeper declivities at the N.E. than at the opposite side. The valley of St. Domingo is one of the deep barrancos to this side, and there are probably mo^e of them farther on. Their steep side towards the ridge of the mountains, as also the Pico Antonio itself have a complete basaltic appearance. No trace of real vol- canoes were to be seen. The hills to the W. S.W. have a more volcanic form, and it is in this direction that the high peak of the island of Fogo is situated, but this we unfortunately could not discover through the clouds. Pico Antonio is very sfeep at its western side. At the opposite side it would be easy to ascend it, the highest summit perhaps, only excepted. Its perpendicular height is scarcely more than oOOO feet, and from the place where we stood, about 3000 feet. Pico occupies about the middle of the ridge of the mountains, which is con- tinued to the N. and N.W. by mountains more round- ed, but not much lower. Its geological features, to con- clude from the structure of the mountains, do not in any essential point deviate from those of the grand Canaria. All the specimens of minerals which I collected, are prin- cipally the same as those found in the latter island. 246 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. According lo the notices which are to be found on some maps, there can be no doubt that the four islands to the N.W.N, are of the same submarine volcanic nature. Mayo and Bonavista may be compared with the lower part of St. Jago, and Togo is in all likelihood the only volcanic one. The climate of the island is delightful, and considering its situation within the tropics, it is re- markably temperate. Of this the nature of the vegetation gave evident proofs. There were found very few tropical plants in proportion to the number of those which are common in temperate countries. The temperature which has been given for its wells probably does not much differ from the mean temperature (isothermosj of the island It was with difficulty I could draw the information from the inhabitants that it is now about a month or six weeks since the rainy season commenced. The Adamonia^ Jatropha, and Ziziphiis were alread}' stripped of their leaves, and the Mimosa was producing new ones. Almost all annual plants were decayed by drought. The rainy season was said to last from five to six months, and to continue to the end of September. The atmosphere, after being heated in traversing the continent of Africa, is after- wards fully saturated in passing over the sea, and arrives at this island in a humid state, so that the fog comes down at the slightest degree of cooling. The mountains, even those of less height, are almost constantly covered with clouds. At the height of 1400 to loOO feet, the ap- pearance of the country is completely changed. The hills are covered with grass of a tropical form and magni- PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 247 tude. A number of small streams spring up in the bar- rancos and water the valleys. The cultivation is extended with success to the tops of the hills. This sudden trans- ition was, as usual, very striking in the plants, which in- duced me to represent in a table their physical and geo- graphical distribution.* Whether the still higher parts of Pico Antonio might possess a third physical diversity we could not determine, but this is hardly probable. The whole number of the different plants collected did not exceed eighty, among which about a dozen are new species, and perhaps one new genus. We did not see any of the green monkeys that inhabit the steep hills in great number, but many of them were brought on board by the inhabitants. It was near noon. We waited a Ions; while for Corea, and sent Lockart to fetch him. Corea return- ed by another road, and we waited again a long while for Lockhart, but resolved at last to leave a direction for him to follow, and to hasten back on our return. At Faaru we hired two jack-asses in order to save time, and gallop- ed off by a shorter Avay across the plain. But I almost swore never more to make use of tliese animals, because by being obliged to beat them continually, our arras were as much fatigued as our feet would have been by running. Lockhart arrived nearly as soon as ourselves. The officers and the marines were on shore; and on being informed that the \^essels were not to put to sea until the wind was fair, we walked quietly back again to the town, to remain there during the night. It was on the eve of ]\Iaunday Thursdaj. * See Table at the end of the Section. 248 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. A procession with wretched music moved round the mar- ket-place. We understood from the officers, that several curious circumstances had taken place. The governor had been washing the feet of some of the poor inhabitants, Judas Iscariot was hanged in effigy, and had received some hard thumps by way of chastisement, and so forth. The governor had invited Eyres and Galwey to dinner, an hospitality which proved to be rather interested, he himself and the noble lady, his consort, begging as presents for every thing they saw or could imagine to be on board the ship. All the provisions that are brought to market, pass in a manner through the hands of the governor, and their price is enhanced by the duty, which is applied to the de- fraying the expenses for maintaining the garrison and the civil government. The colony probably does not afford any revenue to the government, nof charge it with any ex- penses ; for which reason the communication Avith the mother-country is very little, or none at all. Almost all the inhabitants of the lower classes are black people. Eyres came the following morning ashore, in order to fetch the remainder of the provisions, consisting of goats, sheep, fruits, &c. to which we added a quantity of oranges, peaches, &c. Captain Tuckey, Hawkey, and Galwey had been at the end of La Trinidad, and in another small harranco which is the country-seat of the governor. Cranch had been rambling about the plain, and shot a number of birds. Fitzmaurice and Galwey, on the first morning, had been very successful in fishing in the bay, but the boat was upset, by which they lost the fishes. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 249 The last of these misfortunes happened to Fitzmaurice and Gahvey in the morning of the day of our departure. As they were going on shore with a view of making tri- gonometrical obsesvations, the boat was again upset. The instruments nearly escaped being lost, and the gentle- men saved themselves at the expense of some bruises only. DispOsiTio Geographic A pkmtarum quas legi in insula Sti. Jacobi die x'°° et .rf"" Calend. Aprilis ; circa portum Trayce. in conval/e Trinidad et montibus Pico St. Antonio conjinibus ad altitudinem circiter 3000 pedum. A. Re^io inferior : arida, loOO ped. circiter alta. 1. FlantcB ti'opicce. a. Propria. Mimosa glandulosa. - - - MS. Convolvolus jacobneus. - - do. affinis eriospermo. - - do. Boerhavia suberosa. sp. nov, - - do^ depressa. ditto - - do. Glycina punctata. . _ - do. Smilacina anomala genus forte novum. do. b. Senegalenses. Adansonia digitata. Achyranthes tomentosa. - - MS. Spermacoce verticillata ; etiam in Jamaica. Momordica Senegalensis. Cardiospermum hirsutum. Souchus goreensis Kk 250 PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. v. Introductce Amcrkaiue Jiian quasi indigence propartes tropicas. Jatropha curcas. Anona tripetala. Tribulus cistoides. Argemone mexicana. Solanum furiosum? Datura metel. ' Cassia occidentalis. Ipomea pilosa. Eclipta erecta b. Malva ciliata ? - - - MS. Sida polycarpa ? - - do. repens ? - - - do. micans ? - do. d. IntroductcB AsiaticcE num. quasi indigena. Justicia malabarica. Calotropis procera. Abrus precatorius. Plumbago. . Plantce Zones temper atce. a. Proprice. Herniaria illicebroides. sp. nov. MS. Zygophyllum stellulatum, sp. nov. do • Lotus jacobaeus. Zyzyphus insularis. _ - - MS. Antirhinum molle. _ _ - do Borago gruina. - - do. Lavandula apiifolia, sp. nov. do. Polycarpia glauca, do. do. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 251 b. Canarienses. Sideritis punctata? Heliotropium plebeiuin. Banks. Herh. Lotus glaucus. Erantliemum salsoloides. Sacharum Tenerifae. Phjsalis somnifera. Polygonum salicifolium. Sida Canariensis ? c. Boreali— Africans, qua simul Canarienses. Cucumis colocynlhis. Aloe perfoliata. Tamarix gallica, var. canariensis. Phoenix dactylifera. Cenchrus ciliatus. Celsia betonicsefolia. Comelina africana. Achyranthus argentea. Corchorus triloculaiis. d. Capenses. Sarcostemma nudum. Forskohlea Candida. B. Remo superior : humida graminosa ; inter allis 150Q 3003 ped. et forsan ad summa cacumina usque, a. Proprice. Euphorbia arboresc^ns, sp. nov. - MS. Pennisetum ramosum. - do- Campanula jacoba^a sp. nov. - MS, Poly gala? Lotus lanatus sp. nov. - - ^^^' 252 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. Sperntiacoce? divers, geims. videter. MS. Eestuca ? b. Canarienses. Bupthalmum sericeuni. Thymus therebinthinaceiis. Sideroxylon marmulana ? (Madeira) Festuca gracilis. c. Meridionali-EuropecB, qiice etiam in Canmien. Silene gallica. Oxalis corniculata. Sisymbrium nasturtium . Centaureum autumnale. Anagallis cerulea. Radiola milligrana. Gnaphalium ? d. Capenses. Crotalaria procumbens? Hedyotis capensis. e. AmericancB introductce ? Evolvolus lanatus. Tagetes elongata, Indeterminahiles absque Jiorc etfructu, Compositae anmiae, (duo) Liliacea. Convolvolus. Trutex. No. 90. - - MS. Cenchrus. Crypsis. Bilabiata. [253 ] SECTION U. From St. J ago to the Mouth of the River Zaire. We weighed anchor about noon of the 12th, the wind blowing fresh from off the island. At 5 o'clock, the fog at the horizon having disappeared, we got sight of the peak of Fogo, which reared itself above the skies. Though at a distance of 14 leagues, the sun, Avhich was setting behind the island, afforded us a distinct and beautiful view of its form. The height of the peak probably is not less than 7000 feet, which is considerable for a spot of so small a circumference. The following days we proceeded at a moderate rate towards S.E. till the 19th, when the Avind dying away, veered somewhat to the south. We had calm weather and squalls alternately. Thus we found ourselves in that miserable region which has been so much spoken of as exposed to an everlasting calm and violent rains. The wind that accompanied them generally blew from the south, which obliged us to turn the ship's [head towards the coast of Africa. The horizon was constantly foggy. In the evening dark clouds arose from the east, and flashes of lightning gleamed all the night. The west was generally clear, sometimes with scattered dark clouds, which at the setting of the sun, being tinged with an in- 254 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. finite variet}^ of colours, presented an interesting appear- ance never witnessed in the northeiTi hemisphere without the tropic. The other parts of the canopy of heaven were mostly bright, except when they were overcast with a squall. The wind that preceded and followed the latter was seldom strong, but the rain fell in such torrents and in such large drops, as to keep the surface of the water smooth. We had not any opportunity of making ob- servations on the depth of the sea. The polar-star was sinking low towards the horizon, and it was with ditRculty w^e could discover it for the fog, in order to bid it iarewell, for God knows how long a time. New constellations were making their appearance towards the south. The brio-ht-olinimerino; stars of the Cross and the beautiful form of tiie Scorpion, were seen in the course of the night. The heat during the day was intense, but I did not feel greater inconvenience from it, than I had experienced upon former occasions. The evenings were cool and agreeable. During the last fourteen days I was oc( upied Avith examining the plants I had collected in St. Jago, and this en)ployment being now finished, I am about to make some sketches of the physical objects of that island. On the evening of the 'SSth, Fitzmaurice and myself set out in a boat to make obsen-alions on the current. The sea was quite smooth, but a gentle swelling from the west, and an uncommonly dark cloud trom that c|uarter, indica- ted an approaching change in ihe state of the weather. In tlie night I was awakened by the motion of the vessel, and £»ii arising, I saw the Congo again taken in tow, and the PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. 2.: •JO vessels proceeding with a brisk and cool westerly wind. We are now at the distance of 14 to lo k'agues only iioni the coast of Africa. Should the wind continue as it is, we shall soon reach the latitude of Cape Palnms, and probably then be out of this hot and tedious pacific ocean, and ap- proach the line, when, I suppose we shall have to go through the usual ceremony of being shaved by Neptune. Our whole party continues to be cheerful and agreeable. Poor Cranchjs almost too much the object of jest. Galwey is the principal banterer. April 30. To day we had the most violent squall we yet liad witnessed, and the Captain himself owned that he had never seen a horizon so dark as that, towards which we were now sailing this afternoon. At the horizon flashes of lightning crossed each other in the deep darkness, which soon surrounded us. The rain, falling in torrents, and accompanied by flashes of lightning in rapid succes- sion, approached us. We could no longer gaze at this dreadful pha^nomenon, but were obliged to retreat into the cabin. After somewhat more than the half of the squall had passed us, we ventured up again, and enjo3^ed the most sublime scene of the whole heaven beautifully illumi- nated bv flashes of liohtnino-. It o-enerallv darted forth from two points, now rising like spouts of water, now run- ning in zigzag, and spreading itself into innumerable branching shapes. No lightning I had seen in Europe bore any resemblance to this. From the third to the tenth of May we had a southerly wind, that carried us far into the Bay of Guinea. Innu- 256 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. merable shoals offish of different kinds, but chiefly Albicore and Bonitos, were swimming in all directions. Every day some of them were cauo-ht. Flocks of birds belonaiins to the tropical regions and now and then some men-of-war birds were seen. From the 10th, the weather has been frequently calm, but the squalls have somewhat abated. To day a man died on board, who had been sick a long- time. On opening him, a quantity of coagulated and ex- travasated blood was found in the pericardium. It was not without some emotion that I witnessed for the first time a burial at sea. Tuckey read the prayers, and two sailors in white shirts lowered him over the side. The common story that the sick recover, when the ship comes in sound- ings, was not in his case verified. ]4th. In the afternoon we had the very amusing sight of a great multitude of fishes, flying over the surface of the water and chased by albicores, which hurried after them with the swiftness of an arrow. The chase took place close to the vessel. 15th A number of brown indicated that we were not far from land ; and on the l6"th in the morning, Ave came in sight of Prince's island, at the distance of about ten leagues. This island had a singular appearance. Steep rocks of a cubical and conical form arose towards N. E. and E., some of which, on the side we passed, were per- pendicular, and white as chalk. It is difficult to assign a reason for this Avhite colour. Their forms prove that they are basaltic rocks, but no white substance, as far as I knoAV, occurs in such large masses in this formation. Some of the PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 257 gentlemen supposed this colour to be owing to the multi- tudes of water-fowls which frequent these rocks ; but the number is scarcely conceivable that would be requisite to supply matter for covering rocks of the height of 2000 to 3000 feet, and of such a substance as to make it appear at so great a distance. The next two or three days we endea- voured to get to the westward, in order to pass St. Thomas on the west side, that we might not make the coast of Africa before we had passed the latitude of Cape Lopez. May 18. This da}^ we got sight of the island ; and on the 21st we passed its north-west side, at the distance of two or three leaoues, and were now arrived at the lowest degree of the northern hemisphere. The island is uncom- monly high, its ridge of mountains rising in a peak (St. Anna), which cannot be of less height than 8000 feet : yet, on looking through the telescope, we discovered the moun- tains covered with trees up to their ver}- summits. What an inviting sight! how many new and interesting objects the natural historian has passed for centuries, without be- stowino- a moment's notice on them ! We know little or nothing of these islands, though they are .situated as it were in the midst of a track which has been for ages one of the most frequented by vessels of all nations, while immense collections of plants and animals have been brought toge- ther from Australia, China, the East Indies, and South- America. For the last eight daj^s we made a cruise, which was perhaps unnecessary, in order to pass to the westward of St. Thomas. How I could have wished to have spent these days on the island ! LI 258 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. May 23. In the course of this morning we crossed the line. All the sons of Neptune were now busy in their preparations for a visit from his Tritons ; who soon made their appearance with their hair dressed with hempen tails, their backs striped with tar, their heads covered with large caps, and gave notice to the Captain of the arrival of the God of the Sea, which was instantly announced by the sound of fifes and drums. [Here foUoivs a long detailed account of the ridicidous ceremonies performed on those who for the first time cross the Equator, which, new and amusing as they were to Dr. Smith, do not deserve insertion here^ We continued to steer towards the west till the 26th, but the wind veering more and more to the eastward, it was resolved to try the other course along the coast. The sea is here uncommonly abundant in fish. The w hole surface is often put in motion by the fl3'ing-fishe8, when chased by others. Their number is immense. Shoals of them con- stantly surrounded the vessel, and at night they give out a white light, resembling that of the moon, when reflected by the sea. It was also chiefly at night that we were enabled to catch, with the net, the greatest number of mollusca and Crustacea. Many diiferent substances contribute to make the surface of the sea light. Some parts of the bodies of most of the Crustacea have certain glittering points, and two or three species of crabs were perceived to give out the most brilliant light. The points, which are to be seen on the mollusca are larger, but less bright. But that luminous PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 259 appearance which diifuses itself over the whole surface of the sea, arises from a dissolved slimy matter, which spreads its light like that proceeding from phosphorus. The most minute glittering particles, when highly magnified, had the appearance of small and solid spherical bodies. May 28. We saw for the first time this day one of those floating islands, often mentioned, and which probably come out of one of the rivers of Africa. The Captain per- mitted us to put out a boat, in order to examine it. It was about 120 feet in length, and consisted of reeds, re- sembling the Donax, and a species of Agroatis / among which were still growing some branches of Justicia ; and in the midst of these were seen a number of animals (Sepice) ? For many days past the sea-water has been uncommonly cold. We were probably in soundings, though we could not reach the bottom Avith a line of 120 fathoms. I am often up at night fishing ibr marine animals, of some of which I make sketches- June 2d. We this day got sight of the continent of Africa for the first time. The land was very low, but we did not approach it sufficiently near to be able to describe its appearance. The 3d and 4th we continued under the land with a southerly Avind. The Captain re- solved to stand out again to the westward, which course we followed, cruising till the 14th, but found that the wind was veering more and more against us, and becoming the steady tropical Avesterly (? easterly) wind. We stood in a second time for the coast, and got in sight of it on the 18th. In the mornins; we descried a large vessel. All 2G0 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. on board believed it to be one of His Majesty's ships, whicli were known to be stationed here for the preventing of the slave trade. All were immediately busy with writing letters. On coming up, however, we felt no small disap- pointment on being informed that it was an East India- man going to St. Helena. I had indulged a hope of sooth- ing my poor mother's anxiety on my account. We were now at a distance of two or three leagues from the coast, of which we had a distinct view. The shore consists of black perpendicular rocks, with yellov/ish streaks running in the same direction, and mixed with larger spots of the same colour ; and lower down resembling beds of pumice- stone. Behind these rocks a broad ridge arises covered with trees, some of which scattered here and there greatly over-topped the rest. In some places we observed plains of considerable extent, and of a yellowish colour, pro- bably owing to the dry grass ; we observed also clouds of smoke, proving that the custom of setting dry grass on fire is even here })revalent. Several leaves and pieces of wood floated past on the water. About the parallel of Cape Yamba, and at some distance from the shore, is a conical hill, the height of which, though it is the highest part of an extensive ridge, did not appear to exceed 1000 feet. The longitude of this coast is very erroneously marked on the charts, so that according to the most recent, and we may suppose the best, it appeared from several good lunar observations, we should have been sailing inland to a considerable distance. June 14th. A dead albatros (a bird rarely to be met PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 26" 1 with so far to the north,) was fished up. On the 20th, a wliale was swimming close to the vessel. For the last eight or ten days the weather has been humid and foggy. The Captain now communicated to us his instructions re- lative to our conduct in our future excursions. They are such as to afford a satisfactory proof of his liberal conduct towards us. We have two Congo negroes on board, both of whom speak English. One of them, named Ben, acts as my servant ; but as Ben left his native country when twelve years of age, and as the other is but very little ac- quainted with the English language, wc have not profited much by their information. We have for some days past been proceeding at a re- gular but slow rate along the coast. The sea-breeze ge- nerally sets in at noon from S.W.,and carries us somewhat forwards to the south. AVe now anchor in shallow water at the distance of two or three leagues from the shore. The country here is very low, ami thickly covered with wood. The coast has a sandy beach, on which we can distinctly see the breakers, and hear them roar at night. June 23. We anchored at a distance of three leagues from the shore, and had a beautiful view of it. The thick forests, w'hich rise in two, and sometimes three successive ranges behind one another, varied by plains covered with grass of a light green colour, though they present an in- teresting appearance, nearly resembling that of the woody shores of the Danish islands, indicate at the same time, as far as may be judged at a distance, a great uniformity of the country itself, and of its natural productions. By looking 262 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. throueh the telescope I did not discover any difference in the form or colour of the trees. Some of them scattered about towards the beach appeared higher than the rest, and were probably palms of the cocoa tribe. The pieces of wood which we have fished up, do not present any variety in their appearance. Ben asserts that the banks of the river Congo are perfectly similar to this shore. Whales (probably Pht/seter . . . . ) are seen daily swimm- ing near the vessel. We catch every day a number of Sparus resembling Pagrus. Its flesh, though dry, has a very good taste. On the 28th we had passed that vast tract of land, the appearance of which has been here de- scribed, extending from Cape Mayambo through Malambo and Guilango down to the bay of Loango. In the two last days the aspect of the country has changed. The trees do not form themselves into forests, but are scattered in groups only, or stand singly, having uncommonly large tops. These groups might be discovered from a great distance, even when the whole country presented itself only as a blue line, bordered by a gently rising ground apparently naked, with banks of a greyish white colour, which probably are banks of clay that have fallen down. To-day we made several attempts before we could weigh the anchor. The current Avas very strong, and the bottom, which before consisted of a sandy clay, was here uncom- monly uneven, with banks of coral rocks and mud alter- nately. Although the sea-breeze blew fresh, the vessel made not the least progress. On Aveighiug the anchor for the fourth time, we found it now to be so diflicult, that PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. 263 we were obliged at last to cut the cable. To-day, the 29th, in the afternoon, Ave are again under sail. We have ascertained that we already must have passed the southern point of the bay of Loango, although this point on all our charts is placed much farther to the southward. The weather is clearing up and the heat is again encreasing. The nights are resembling those we had in the bay of Guinea, the atmosphere being clear, except at the horizon, where it is foggy. The sea-breeze enables us to get to the southwards, and we shall soon see a new hemisphere, with new constellations appearing at night. The sea- breeze generally continues until midnight, but is not fol- lowed by any land-breeze at all, the weather continuing calm until the sea-breeze sets in again at noon, or some- what later. This may be partly explained by supposing, that b}' the returning current of the air in the higher regions of the atmosphere, the eqilibrium is restored ; a supposition which is the more probable from the fact, that the fog, which had been driven together towards the shore, as soon as the calm comes on, again covers the heavens, Avhich before were clear ; but the principal reason of the want of the land-breeze may probably be this, that the great cur- rent of air setting from the two coasts of this narrow part of Africa towards the interior, is deflected towards the north, where the continent is greatly extended, and where the heat is much more intense. Some days ago the sea had a colour as of blood. Some of us supposed it to be owing to the whales, which at this time approach the coasts in order to bring forth their 264 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. youno-. It is however a phenomenon which is generally known, has often been described, and is owing to myriads of infused animalculse. I examined some of them taken in this blood-coloured water : Avhen highly magnified, they do not appear larger than the head of a small pin. They were at first in a rapid motion, which however soon ceased, and at the same instant the whole animal separated into a number of small spherical particles. The sea has again assumed a reddish appearance ; but this is probably owing to mud, that has been dissolved. We have of late not had any sick on board. When we were in the bay of Guinea, several symptoms of a putrid fever were dis- covered ; but this disorder, as also a peripneumonia that frequently occurred, and sometimes was very violent, were easily cured, July 1st. This morning we found ourselves near the coast at the large mouth of the river Loango Luisa, on the south side of it. This river is called Caconga in the chart; and in the place where Loango Luisa is marked, no river exists. The coast before us had perpendicular cliffs towards the sea. Its banks consist of a reddish substance, which, as far as may be judged from a piece of about one foot in length, which was taken up with the anchor, is a hardened chalky clav or marl. Their upper part, which is flat, is over-grown with scattered groups of palms and other solitary trees. The bay of IMalambo is situated lower down within the banks. The harbour of Malambo, as also that of Cabenda, which is next to it, were formerly the principal trading-places of the French on this coast. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 2&3 At noon we went all upon deck on hearing the Captain haihng some canoes that were in sight. They soon came along-side. This circumstance, more than the aspect of the country, reminded us of the place in which we were. On looking at the hollow trunks of which their canoes were made, each pushed forwards by two or three naked negroes, who stood upright in them, the figures resembling those I had seen in South-sea voyages were brought to my mind. The canoes were from twelve to fourteen feet in length, and from one to one foot and a third in breadth, and about as much in depth ; the upper part of the sides were somewhat bent outwards, the bottom was flat, and both ends pointed. The oars were made of a rounded flat piece of wood, fastened to a staff. A half-dressed negro addressed us in English, and appeared very much pleased by being answered in the same language, and in- vited on board. He called himself Tom Liverpool, and said he was the interpreter of the Mafook, whose visit he came to announce ; but he appeared to be greatly astonish- ed on being told that we were not come for the sake of trade. The Mafook came soon after in an European boat, bearing a small white flag, and he had an umbrella over his head. He welcomed us in the Eno-lish lansruaffe. They were all invited into the cabin, and the conversation became general, partly in broken English, and partly in somewhat better French. They were very much alarmed on hearing from us, that hereafter no other nation except the Portuguese, could carry on the slave-trade with them ; and one of them, considering the King of England as the Mm 266 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL cause of it, broke out into a violent passion, abusing and callino- him " the devil." The inhabitants of Malambo, who \vere formerly Avealthy, since the abolition of the slave trade, have become very poor, because their town was little more than the general market-place for the disposal of slaves, having no other source of profit, than what those slaves from the interior and the trade of the harbour affor- ded them. After having refreshed themselves with a glass of brandy, and with great appetite partaken of our biscuit, filling their pockets with it at the same time, it was resolved that the Mafook, with some of his gentlemen, should remain on board during the night, and that in the mean time the boat should be sent on shore, and return with refreshments the next morning. They now put on their court-dresses, which they had brought with them. One appeared in the coat of an American officer, another in a red waistcoat, a third in a sailor's red jacket, the Mafook himself in a red cloak. All of them had a piece of coloured stuff wrapped round their loins, and a skin worn as an apron. Their legs were naked. Those, who called themselves gentlemen, wore caps of several sorts, mostly red caps with tops, but the Mafook and two others wore round caps, that were made in the country itself, and neatly embroidered. They were presents from the king, who gives them on appointing any one to the office of Mafook. The Mafook (Tamme GommaJ had worn his cap six months only, but his prede- cessor, who was with him and retained the title, had worn his cap for ten years. On showing them the plate in the PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 267 voyage of Grand pr6, it was found that Tatu Derponts, at that time Mafook of Malanibo, who is represented on this plate, was the uncle of Tanime Gomma. But the luxuri- ous and polite manner with which Grandpre was received by the ibrmer, Avas very much contrasted with the poverty of the latter. Tamme Gomma was a man of the middle age, tall and well formed, with an interesting and noble countenance, which resembled more that of an Arab, than of a Negro. This was the case with several of his re- tinue. He wore over his shoulders a riband with a fetishe of some inches in length and breadth, representing two figures in a sitting posture, each of them holding a globe in their arms : they were tolerably well executed. Grandpre observes of these figures that they have European features, and the resemblance struck us immediately. They had high bare foreheads, aqualine noses, painted Avhite, and bore some resemblance to the Egyptian, and in some parts to the Etruscan figures. Those of the better sort of people wore skins of a kind of tiger, but the rest wore simply skins of calf. All of them wore round their necks pieces of cord twisted from the hair of elephants' tails, and above the wrist a thick ring of iron or copper, with figures, the execution of which proved that they have some skill in working these metals. Most of them however wore rings of iron. They told us, that both these metals were abund- ant in the interior, but that the country produced no gold dust. We showed them samples of beads and small looking-glasses, &c. in order to be informed of what value they considered them to be, which, as merchants, they un- 268 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. derstood perfectly well. A row of beads or a looking-glass, worth sixpence or thereabouts, they thought might be ex- chanoed for a fowl, and twelve cowries they considered to be worth as much. This price is considerably higher than what would be offered for these commodities on the coast of Guinea, or in the East Indies, where forty cowries are not worth more than a penny. They were now called to dinner, and behaved themselves perfectly after the manner of the French. The Mafook carved tlie meat. They drank to the health of every one of us. When the night came on, they all complained of cold, and were very much pleased to get our great coats to protect them. Tom Liverpool, having got my Norway cloak on, walked about with great gravity. They had several times been half drunk, and went now to sleep between deck. In the night we were boarded by a boat from Cabenda, which was not received. The next morning, having waited in vain for the Mafook's boat, and the breeze coming on, we made sail towards Cabenda. The people of Malambo probably thought it too far off to follow us thither. In the course of the day two boats boarded the Congo, and by them the Captain took the opportunity of having our guests sent ashore, though they seemed not to be very good friends with the people of the boats. These at first refused to take them at all, till the Captain threatened to sink them if they persisted in their refusal. The person who had the command put on a red embroidered coat, being otherwise naked, and came on board, where he stayed a few minutes only. He confirmed what the others PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 269 had told us, that there were nine Portuguese vessels in Ca- benda. As this is the most northern trading-place that has ever been in the possession of the Portuguese, and which has been a matter of dispute with the French, it will also probably for the future, be declared to be the highest place to the northward at which they will be allowed to trade. It is not improbable, that the large vessel we met Avith some time ago, is also in this part. With the assistance of Simons (the Congo negro) we cal- lected a great many words of the language of the people of Malambo. Man^- of them had been high up the river Congo, and told us that it is navigable for boats to a very considerable distance. Yamba Enzadi is, according to the explanation they gave of the word, a whirl or violent current, which may be passed by one side of it. We felt disappointed in not getting refreshments here, as we pro- bably, for some time, shall have no opportunity of pro- curing an}' . The Mafook, among other things, had ordered a goat and a pig as a present to the Captain, besides fowls, fruits, &c. We should have abundance of all this, they told us, if we would go on shore. They had been taught by Europeans, among other things to be offered, never to forget women, and were highly pleased when Ave were joking with them on that head. After all, Ave Avere very glad to get rid of them, because they made a terrible noise, particularly Avhen their boats boarded us. They Avere all immediately quite as home, and ran to assist the sailors Avith the utmost Avillino-ness to Aveish the anchor. Some of them danced Avith the lascivious gesticulations usual 2T0 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. with them, while the pretended gentlemen encouraged them. Fitzmaurice, accompanied by Tom Liverpool, had made an excursion in the morning, in order to examine a sand- bank to the southward of Cabenda, mentioned by Grandpre ; but it was found to be so near the shore, that it was not thought to be of any consequence to us. About noon, we could discover some of the vessels at anchor under the high banks ; and, on a projecting low point to the south-ward of the harbour, some huts were observed to be scattered among the trees. After our guests had left us Fitzmaurice was again sent out; Galwey and myself ac- companied him, and Hawkey soon joined us. Though it was ali;eady growing dark, the thought of approaching for the first time so near the soil of Africa, afforded us great joy. From our anchorage, which was four miles distant from the shore, the depth M^as gradually diminishing. No breakers were observed until we came close under the land, the breakers running parallel with it to a great distance. We proceeded along the banks. The breakers were here so inconsiderable that a landino- mio-ht have been effected without any difficulty ; but as the officers did not partici- pate in the eagerness I felt to visit the shore, we did not approach it nearer than at a distance of some hundred yards. It was a level tract of land, covered with wood, and in some places having small open plains, on which stood larger trees; from this plain we were separated by a white strand. A bright m(»on-light aiding the awakened e;nthusiasm of my mind, made me fancy that I beheld PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 271 charming landscapes, which appeared to me to be en- hvened by the loud chirping of the grass-hoppers. No birds or other animals were seen. On hearing the signal- gun we returned. July 3. The Congo was ordered this day to proceed along the coast down to Red Point, which we had in sight, and Avhich is the last point before entering the river ; but the current carrying her away, she was obliged to anchor, and to day she was brought up by the boats. These two last days we have had a gentle sea-breeze from S.S.E. (? land-breeze,) which sets in in the morning, and commonly carries with it some butterflies. Yesterday it was squally, to-day it is foggy and dark. With the drag we have fished up several kinds of shells and Crustacea, An uncunmonly large eel of a very good taste was caught on board the Congo. The temperature of the sea-water did not present any difference. To-day it is colder than Ave had yet found it in the southern hemisphere. We feel already the strong current of the river. July 4. We remained all the day at anchor with an indistinct view of the land. July 5. We went into a boat to sound the nature of the bottom, which was found to be rocky and uneven. Nothing was taken up but branches of an Antipatlies. In the after- noon, after the calm and warm morning, a strong sea- breeze set in. We weighed anchor and sailed on briskly through the rapid current. In the evening we found ourselves all at once out of soundings. The wind was dying away, and we thought we should be under the 272 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. necessity of driving back with the current ; but at mid- night we were again in soundings with a depth of 20 fathoms, and the anchor was dropt. We had unexpectedly passed to the other side of the channel, but we have got in sight of the long-wished for Cape Padron, and Fitz- maurice is gone to try the depth. [ 273 J SECTION III. Our Progress up the River as far as Cooloo, opposite the Cataract. Wf. weighed anchor on the morning of the 6th, in the expectation of soon welcoming the land of promise, but were obliged to anchor again at seven o'clock under Shark Point, at a distance of a hundred yards from the shore. It is low, Avith a sandy strand terminating in a very steep bank. Along the beach and close to it is a thicket of shrubs ; above this another of palms extends along the whole shore (probably Corypha,), and higher up is a lofty wood. The vegetation has the appearance of being de- cayed by drought. To the right hand is Hippopotamus Cliff, with a low shore, running southward in a long straight line. The anchor broke at the heanng, and we were for a moment in a dangerous and critical situation, the Congo having run foul of us. For the first time in four months we now saw the sails taken in. A number of naked negroes immediately assembled on the shore. The land to the north (Mona Mazea,) is perfectly similar to Maxwell's representation of it. The mouth of the river is very large, perhaps fifteen miles wide. The naked hills of the interior consist probably of sand. Fathomless Nn 274 PROFESSOR SxMlTH'S JOURNAL. Point is just before us. At this point, towards the bank that runs down perpendicularly 100 fathoms, the wood appears as if it were cut off. It is at this point that the river first commences its proper breadth. Shark Point is a narrow and unsafe anchorage. The bottom is steep and very uneven, as we have a depth of 17 fathoms on one side the vessel, and a depth of SO fathoms on the other ; and a few fathoms father off is the whirl of the rapid cur- rent. The Congo had also her anchor broken by careless- ness. We expect to be very busy tomorrow morning, but there is scarcely any hope of getting on shore. This is a tedious tantalizing busines. At ten o'clock this evening we have a brio-ht moon-light. The dark forest and the white foaming surf below, present an interesting appear- ance. The negroes have made several fires on the Point. About the twilight the cries of parrots were heard from the vessel, and large eagles hovered over the forest. It is rather cold (69°), and the dew falls in large drops. The current runs at the anchorage about three knots an hour. July 7. Early this morning the Mafook or governor came on board in two canoes, with his retinue. At first his pretensions were very lofty. He insisted upon being saluted with a discharge of cannon, and on observing us going to breakfast, declared that he expected to be placed at the same table with the Captain, and endeavoured to make his words sufficiently impressive by haughty gesti- culations. Sitting on the quarter-deck in a chair covered with a flag, his dress consisting of a laced velvet cloak, a red cap, a piece of stuff round his waist, otherwise naked. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 275 %Vith an umbrella over his head, though the weather was cold and cloudy, he represented the very best caricature I ever saw. He soon became more moderate on being informed that these vessels were not belonging to slave-merchants (who generally for the sake of their own profit grant these gentlemen every possible indulgence), but to the king of England, and that our object was not trade. In order however to give him a proof of our good will towards him, a gun was discharged, and a merchant flag hoisted. At table they ate and drank immoderately ; and in return promised to procure refreshments if we would send a boat on shore. In the meantime they were to remain on board. Fitzmaurice was accordingly ordered to go on shore in the boat. The Captain observing my extreme impatience to accompany him, said that if an excursion of a few minutes could be of any use to me he would readily give his permission, but that there w^as no place for more of us. I was not long in jumping into the boat. With a fair wind and with the assistance of oars we v/ere scarcely able to double the point on account of the current. At last with great difficulty we reached the shore. Ah, our pilot, flung a rope to the negroes, who flocked down, and they drew us for some time through the surf along the coast. The A^egetation was magnificent and extremely beautiful. Shrubs of a rich verdure, large gramineous plants, and thick groups of palms met the eye alternatel3\ The country displayed the most beautiful forms, the most charming scenery. I found myself as in a new world, which was before known to me in imagination only, or by 276 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. dra^vings. We had still to double several points before we could arrive at the village, but our orders did not per- mit us to go farther. We leaped therefore on shore Avith one of the sailors, each of us carrying a rifle barrelled gun. I ran a few paces to the left, where the thick and dark forest came down close to the strand ; but my progress being obstructed by shrubs and grass so as to make it impossible to proceed, I turned to the opposite side. The ground was sandy. The strand was in a few places some feet broad, but in general the vegetation left no inter- mediate space. I met Fitzmaurice surrounded by negroes, and bargaining for a turtle of immense size and a singular form, being no doubt a new species. On going farther I was so much obstructed by thickets of shrubs, that I was obliged to step into the water up to the middle, which I found to be the only way of getting at the plants, and of taking a view of the outside of the trees. The most common shrub was a Chrysohalanus, bearing a strong re- semblance to icaco. It was mingled with another, which, though without flowers and therefore hardly determinable, is probably a Ximenia, and the same I found at St. Jago, (whither I believed it to have been carried,) with a fruit resembling much a yellow , which had a fragrant smell, and an acid but not disagreeable taste. The in- habitants higher up the river called it Gangi. The Por- tuguese missionaries tell long stories about its use in putrid fevers. Chrysobalanus has also a fruit called Mofva, that is blhicL I saw also two large species of Arunclo, three of Cyperus, one of which was the papyrus. It rather sur- PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. 277 prised me to find diis last growing in low and inundated places. Various shrubs of Hibiscus with flowers in bunches, and growing near the water ; a Papilionaceous plant with ripe pods, and thick groups of Mangrove were successively met with. The palms are probably the Hyphcene, with large frondes. A creeping Jasmine (the same I found at St. Jago,) was also discovered. The forest consists of a tree resembling Ccesalpinia, but I could not approach near enough to be able to examine it. Most of the plants here mentioned are commonly called South American, but they have probably been carried thither from Africa along with the negroes. The Hifphcene and Ci/perus papyrus are the same as those of Egypt. I found those parts of the ground the most accessible, which had been set on fire by negroes. Near the Point a great quantity offish was hang- ing exposed to the air to be dried, but no huts were any where to be seen, nor did any women appear, which shows that their habitations must be situated at some distance in the forest. The current carried us back in a few moments. The large turtle was exchanged for a pair of knives, worth about one shilling. Almost all the negroes who came on board our ship are Christians. One of them is even a Catholic priest, ordained by the Capuchin monks at Loando. Thej^ Avere baptized by these monks two years ago at St. Antonio, situated seven days journey from hence. The monks have given to the priest a diploma. This bare- footed black apostle, however, had no fewer than five wives, the nundjer of whom is always in proportion to 278 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. their means and inclination, and which they never forget to make known. If the early missionaries had used a little more indulgence on this point, their doctrine would cer- tainly have met with a better reception. A few crosses on the necks of the negroes, some Portuguese prayers, and a few lessons taught by heart, are the only fruits that remain of the labours of three hundred years. If the exertions of the missionaries had been deliberately directed towards civilizing the natives, what good might not have been effected in the course of so long a period ! July 8. We had this morning a visit of another Mafook from the point of Tall Trees, situated higher up the river. His countenance wore the mark of great good-nature. He brought with him as a present a beautiful little goat. They tell us that there are eight small Portuguese vessels at Embomma, which seems to be the general market-place of all the surrounding nations. Simons, who is an impor- tant personage in his capacity of interpreter, has already got some intelhgence of his relations, after an absence of eleven years, and Ben is in hopes of meeting with some of his countrymen. They all agree in considering it impos- sible for the Dorothy to proceed as far as Embomma. The rapidly advancing season will not allow us to stop un- til we have proceeded far up the river. The current under the point runs from 1 to 3^ knots, and in the channel of the river from five and six to eleven and twelve knots. On the setting in of the sea-breeze, in the afternoon, we weighed anchor, and were nearl}^ boarded a second time by the Congo sloop. We had no sooner doubled the Cape, than PROFESSOR SiMITH S JOURNAL. 279 the A'essel was whirled round by the force of the current. The wind however blowing fresh, enabled us to advance about a mile before we were again compelled to anchor. The Congo went on briskly, following Fitzmaurice, who Avas sounding ahead. She ancliored at Sherwood's creek, near the shore, her people having thereby the satisfaction of having sailed before us up the river, though she had been towed all the day. As we anchored we saw a schooner steerino- towards Kakatoo Point. While we were at table this vessel discharged a gun, and hoisted the Swedish flag, which by mistake was reported to be Spanish. On seeing the British flag displayed, she fired another gun, which was said to have been loaded witti shot, and that the ball passed very near our vessel. Every thing was now in a bustle, and all in arms ; the guns were loaded, and every thing in readiness to answer such an unexpected salute. We were all courage, though aware of our mferiority in point of strength. The schooner anchored at a short distance, and sent a boat with a few men on board with the Captain's compliments, and an offer of his services. Captain Tuckey began to suspect that it was an American slave-vessel under Spanish colours. He returned for an- swer, that he would send a n}essage on board their ves- sel, with thanks for the Captain's civility (the real object was to reconnoitre) ; adding, that he commanded an expe- dition, of which the principle vessel, a corvette, had pro- ceeded before us. The siglit of regimentals, and of marines, and the return of Fitzmaurice in a boat from the upper part of the river, confirmed the Captain's statement. 280 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. The schooner immediately turned back and put to sea, though her Captain had just before mentioned his intention to sail the next day for Embonmia. On leaving the point we had an interesting view before us. The sea-coast with its sandy beach and foaming surf were gradually disappearing ; before us was the Cape of Kakatoo, of which the lower part is covered with shrubs and palms to a distance of about half a mile from the shore, and farther up is a dark lofty wood. On the other side of the point the shore is covered with grass and shrubs, and one point after another is seen projecting into the great bay. Making allowance for the ti'opical form of the ve- getation, the scene bears some resemblance to the Danish lakes. In the forest of palms, some larger trees were to be seen ; they were destitute of leaves, and Maba is the name given to them by the natives. I have no doubt but that Adansonia even here is to be found. 9th. We are still in the middle of the great bay. On one side is Cape Kakatoo, where a number of canoes are seen fishing. Farther (m before us lies the Congo (schooner) under the land, at the mouth of a rapid river, the banks of which her people are exploring. The natives are still on board. The Mafook of Kakatoo cannot for- get that he has been seated at table with the Captain of a King's ship. 10th. We have been driving back durino- the ni^ht to a considerable distance. To day we weighed anchor, and endeavoured again to sail up the river, but on perceiving that we were driving back in the mid-stream, we were PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 281 obliged to steer out of it. Tlie vessel was very difficult to manage in the current. We had soon passed the mid- channel, which is scarcely more than 1^ mile broad, and reached the Mona Mazea bank, where the depth was only seven fathoms. The vessel was for a moment in danger, but by the exertion of all on board, she was brought to anchor again under Kakatoo, a litde farther back, and in shallower water than the first time. We remained here all the day waiting for the sea breeze. The Captain began to entertain doubts whether he should be able to bring our clums\' bark up to the Congo. To the joy of all of us it was resolved that a fishing-party should go ashore to morrow. Every one is permitted to be of the party, who may be inclined, provided he will re- turn with Fitzmaurice at breakfast time. I thought this time too limited, and procured permission to remain on shore till dinner time, on condition that I would risk to be cut off from the ship, in case the re-embarking at that time should prove impossible ; which condition I eagerly accep- ted of, hoping that if such an event should happen, I might be able to get a canoe to convey me on board. 11th. We were all up before day-break and went into the boat. INIost of us were completely wet, though the swell of the sea Avas not very high. After having dried our clothes at the fire made by the negroes, and waited until the first draught was made with the seine, Avhen not a single fish was caught, the company, consisting of Cranch, Tudor, Lockhart, a marine, and myself, proceeded along the shore. This being the only opportunity we should Oo 2«2 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. probably have during the whole voyage, of examining the coast, I preferred to take this course, though less interest- ins than a walk into tlie thick forests. A great many strand-plants were growing in the gravel ; some of them presented forms similar to those at the Cape of Good Hope, and detained us a great while. At last we thought it ne- cessary to turn back and enter the forest. Thickets of thorny shrubs made every step difficult, but in return every step Avas repaid by the discovery of some new plants. Among them were the following ; a Jasmine with large fra- grant flowers; pyramids of Flagellaria of a light green colour, covering the trees up to their tops ; a l\/ia»niiis covered with flowers ; and several shrubs, almost all with fruit, and for this reason undeterminable. We tried to follow a path leading into the wood, and soon met with Mancrove trees, which sometimes rise to a considerable height. Here we sunk to our knees in a morass. The first tropical Feliv was seen here. I w^as now obliged to return. The whole peninsula seems to of the same struc- ture. The surf, opposing the current of the river, has thrown up a high sand-bank along the shore ; above this bank is a vast morass, covered with mangroves. The land at the river side is level and sandy, parti}- overgrown with lofty groups of Hypluvne. The ground is covered with an Ariaulo, and an Andropogon Avith broad leaves. The}' were each of them about twelve feet high, but had been set on fire in many places. Our way led through these Fli/pha^ne palms, the iruit of which was hanging down in branched clusters. ^Ve met with some negroes, who PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 283 informed us that our comrades were in the neighbourhood, near a pool of water hke a fishing-pond, whei'e Cranch had just shot an Anhinga. We went down to the river side, and to our great joy found here the whole company, who had just had an immense draught of large fishes of a spe- cies of Spams. It was near dinner-time, and we thought it best to accompany them onboard. We returned accord- ingly with a full cai'go, more like wood-cutlers than bota- nists. Cranch had not been very fortunate. We observed but few insects, and the birds were very shy. I saw a number of parrots, small parroquets, a black-bird on the wing, and two small MoticUUe, but did not fire a single shot. Galwey brought to me a beautiful violet-coloured Robinia, which I had not seen before. We had collected plants, the examination of wliich would recpiire weeks, though our excursion had been so very short, not more than four hours. Lockhart and myself were occupied the whole afternoon and evening in laying in. specimens of plants. I considered that the best way would be to pre- serve them immediately, and put a specimen of each in water. We found ourselves quite exhausted. The heat was from 6° to 8' of Fahrenheit greater inland, than on the sea-shore. July 12. We examined plants all this day. The two double-boats had already been put into the water last niglit. Both are fitted up to-day, and to-morrow we shall leave the ship. A boat from Embonima is with us. The natives tell us that all the vessels which were at that place had betaken themselves to flight before we entered the 284 PROFESSOR SxMlTH'S JOURNAL. river, having got over land from Cabenda intelligence of our approach, which makes it probable that they were Americans under Portuguese colours. Every thing yet seems to indicate that the descriptions of the great breadth of the river, of the length of its course, &c. have been exaggerated, and that the whole expedition will sooner terminate than any body suspected. The channel is very narrow, and the current never more than three knots, though six are marked on the chart. The oentlemen from the Congo came on board the transport in the afiernoon, bringing with them specimens of several interesting plants collected during their excursions. Yesterday they had penetrated into Sherwood's Creek to a distance of about five miles, till they came nearly close under the high in- land country, which is more open, and accessil)]e. They had seen traces of elephants and of numbers of antelopes, but the negroes inform us that these animals, as also the hippopotamus, are first to be met with in great numbers higher up the river. July 13. All our baggage is sent on board the double- boats, and the Dorothy is now like a deserted village. In the afternoon all were on their appointed posts on board the small vessels, which make a kind of flottilla. Our two double-boats formed the van, and were soon found to be excellent sailing vessels. The double-boat and skiff of the Dorothy followed, and Captain Tuckey in his gig was in the rear. Galwey and myself were with him. Favoured by the sea-breeze we soon passed the bay, and in the evening found ourselves under the southern bank of PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 285 the river. The weather, as usual, was clear and pleasant. Small floating islands, sometimes overgroAvn with waving shrubs of Cyperus papijrus passed by us. The river-side was thickly covered with a variety of plants of interesting forms. We heard the cries of parrots and the warbling of some small singing birds. The scene was solemn and beautiful. The night was approaching when we arrived on board the Congo, where we found our room very close, as we indeed had expected ; but our agreeable prospects made us forget this and every other inconvenience. These prospects were only clouded by the gloom which some of us could not avoid betraying, when speaking of the ex- aggerated accounts of the river, and the forebodings they were apt to entertain of the voyage being speedily ter- minated. July 14. In the morning all wished to go on shore, which Avas at the distance of about two gun-shots only ; permission for this purpose was given after breakfast. The landing-place was in a small bay just opposite the ship, with an island covered with plants, and a Rhizophora with bended branches. At the bottom of the bay was a sandy beach, with a small plain, in the middle of which a large Adansonia was growing, and higher np a thick lofty forest was discovered. To the right and along the shore the country was more cjpen. A number of slirubs and trees, from their form and novelty, excited admiration and surprise. Farther on the surface had been set on fire, which is the only method of making a way through the impenetrable thickets. After having Avalked about 286 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. in all directions as far as the thickets and mangroves per- mitted, hunting for birds, insects, and plants, we sat down near the river to rest ourselves. The strand, being now broader and more accessible in consequence of the ebb, we had an opportunity of discovering many new and in- teresting objects. The evening was approaching when we gave the signal for our returning on board. July 15. I was fully occupied all the day in laying plants in paper, having ver>' litde time for examination. I have already got three or four new genera, and two- thirds, I conceive, of all the plants that have been col- lected will probably turn out to be new species. The collection of birds and insects is small. .Some of the gentlemen are again on shore for a short time. July 16. We went into the boats on another excursion. Having passed along the shore up to Sherwood's Creek and entered several of the innumerable small inlets, we pro- ceeded nearly to Alligator's Creek, and then returned with the current. The river-side promises us a large collection of plants, the vegetation being so luxuriant, that there are only a few places where a landing may be effected, either where the negroes coming down the river in their canoes encamp during the night, or where there lately has been fire in consequence of their encampment. The high thickets growing near the water consist chiefly of Fterocarpiis, Convolvulus, a new species of Hibiscus, related to tiliaceus, with scattered red and yellow flowers, Fanda- nus candelabrum (a little farther up) an Eugenia, coA-ered with flowers, and a vast number of shrubs and trees round PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. 287 which are twisted a great variety of climbing plants, and among which are Qu/sqiiolis ehracteatus, and a plant re- sembling Schonsbcea, with brilHant purple coloured flowers in bunches. Farther on, in the bay, we met with more uni- formity. Rhizophora covers the lower part of it, having bended and branched roots, on which some of the otficers observed marks, that in their opinion determined the height of the flood tide to be about 2^ feet, but they are rather to be considered as indicating the rising of the river in a former season. A species of Acrostichon is the only plant growing among this Rhizophora.- A complete calm and the deep shade of the forest give to the contiguous places a dark and solemn appearance. We saw traces of buffaloes on the sand of the shore. Of birds, we saw two species of the eagle, an Ardea alba, and Flatus anhinga, three Certhia^, two Alcedines, two Fringilla, a large grey parrot and a parroquet. — The negroes come daily on hoard in great numbers, bringing refreshments, consistino- chiefly of goats. As yet we have not met with any remarkable fruit, except that of Rhaphia, which I have seen but once. A journey to Sognio is daily spoken of, but the distance is about ten leagues, and all on board being very busy, it is consequently put off. The Dorothy has at last advanced a little higher up, but will scarcely reach Embomma. W'e have a great many Negroes on board, who come under various pretexts, being by their own account all Mafooks, all good pilots, &c. The prin- cipal enticements, however, are our provisions and our brandy. 288 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. July 17th. I remained again on board all the day. Lockhart and Tudor went on shore. Lockart had col- lected several new plants, w^hich were all found within the limits of our small bay. July 18lh. Lockhart and myself went on shore in the bay, in order to discover what still might have been over- looked. We found a remarkable tree at the river-side (Di(h/n. dritpac. fol. 5-nath.) We heard a shot from the Dorothy. The Mafook Senu, from Embomma, having been dismissed from the Congo, was received on board the Doroth}^ with a salute. The Mafook with his retinue have been constant visitors on board for a long time. His pretensions were not much attended to. He was, however, presented with a small boat, in which he might return, because the Negroes, it was said, would laugh at him, if he returned without some present. The Captain resolved to proceed to Embomma in the double-boat before the Congo, having there affairs to settle with the Mafook Senu, which will take several days. July 19th. We prepared ourselves to accompau}' the Captain, but the weather continuing calm we were obliged to remain here all the day. July 20th. We left Sherwood's Creek and the beautiful bay Avhere the Congo had been at anchor, proceeding along the bank of the river, which presented the most charming and varying scenery, and, after having passed Knox's island, we anchored between several low sandy creeks and small islands. July 21st. Early in the morning we were under Knox's PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. ' 289 island. While the other gentlemen were filling the boats ■with fishes in a few draughts, we were walking about in the thickets. Our acquisitions this da^^ were ; a palm with two sorts of leaves ; a Rhamnus, which being too weak at the root to stand upright, was supported by high shoots ; an Amomum ; a plant of the Liliaceous tribe ; Rhaphia, and many other plants. A large monkey was seen on the shore from the Congo. The Simio cephus was frequently brought to us by the inhabitants. July 22d. We made a short excursion on the shore nearest to our anchorage, where it wore a more varying aspect. A Rhaphia with brilliant flowers was seen here. In the evening the double-boat was ordered to make sail. We bade farewell to the Congo with three cheers. Our accommodations were in this boat much better in every re- spect. Tudor, Galwey, myself, and the Captain, were on board. We sailed on briskly along the shore, though the water was shallow. ^Ve frequently came in contact witli the shrubs that were spreading their various branches over the water. The wine-palm waved its leaves above them. Tiie parrots, flocking together like crows, leave this side of the river, where they have been seeking their food in the day, and retire to the northern shore, were they remain during the night. The wind was dying away, and we were obliged to cross over to the opposite side of the river. We anchored under the first, which is one of the many banks formed in the middle of the river. The Captain olfered me his boat for an excursion on shore the next morning. 290 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL July 23d. being awaked early in the morning by the cries of the parrots, we went on shore on a low island (Mampenga.) I had not expected to find here any great variety in the vegetation, A number of new objects, how- ever, presented themselves every moment as I walked on. The island is the point of an extensive sand bank formed in the river, and at the north side is almost joined to the main land. In the middle were low morasses, in which a number of different plants were growing, and among them two species of Nymphcea, a Menyanthes indica, and several others. They were almost all herbaceous. Tudor chased several water-fowl, but with little success. Traces of Hippo- potami were seen every where in the sand. A singular species of Sterna and an Alcedo were shot. The river here abounds with canoes, which come to this side to fish. About thirty new plants collected here, will fully occupy my time until we shall weigh anchor in the evening. We proceed along the islands, several of which are overgrown with whole forests of the Cyperus papyrus. We are again near the main-land, which has a most beautiful appear- ance . . . A great many wine-palms growing among the thickets, seem to indicate a populous country. A num- ber of negroes walking about among the shrubs, call out to us as we go along. Behind the thicket is a village, but there is scarcely any penetrable landing-place on the shore. We continued our course along the north side, and anchored under Sangam Compenzi (Monkey's Island), and we are again preparing ourselves for another excur- PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 291 sion on shore to morrow at an early hour, and to renew, as it were, the exquisite pleasures of this day. July 24th. We landed on the second range of the low sandy islands in the river, or Monkey's Islands (which name the inhabitants give to these islands, not to those of Maxwell). At low ebb they formed two ranges of banks, of which those parts which are above the water at high flood were thickly overgrown with a tall grass, and with scattered thickets of shrubby plants. One of these shrubs was a nezi^ genus, and another a new species of Limodoriim. These plants and some Ci/peroidece were the principal acquisitions of this day. 1 was running for a long time after several strand birds, but shot only a few of them. Galwey and Tudor were in another quarter. I waded to the island farthest to the south, and returned in a canoe. These islands are probably only inhabited periodically, and nmst be j)arlly inundated in the rainy season. The fishing for oysters seems to be the main object of the negroes who live here. Large heaps of the shells of a Mya lay spread all over the shore, and a great quantity of dried and half-roasted oysters were hanging under the straw huts. We have not yet seen any regular built hut, but only thatched roofs, supported by four poles. A few women only were to be seen. We were proceeding to the northern woody side of the river, when mc observed the fore-top sail hoisted on the boat. Innumerable canoes are continually passing upwards and downwards. The object of some, that of fishing ; of others, that of drawing palm- A(vine from the trees. 292 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. The breze sets in to day somewhat early, or about eleven o'clock, but, as usual, is scanty. It generally begins first to blow fresh after it is dark, when we are obliged of course to remain at anchor, We proceeded at a slow rate along the coast. Our black pilot steered between the two islands to the northward (where the boats touched the very bottom) and into the great channel along Monkey Island. The picturesque and varied scenes occasioned by the thickets and forests have now disappeared. We have now passed the mangrove country, and see only thickets of Hibiscus near the water, Avith some solitary trees. To the right the low land is thickly overgrown with high grass like a corn- field. No forests are now visible, unless that name should be given to vast ranges of the Ci/perus popi/rus, which with their lofty and waving tops present a singular appearance. Farther up some scattered Hijphcene palms are still visible. The appearance which these two plants give to the whole country strongly reminds me of the drawings of Egyptian landscapes. The palms as Ave proceed increase in number, forming groups, and higher up even whole forests. Great numbers of the natives make their appearance on the shore, walking about in the grass between the thickets. We are just by the village of Maliba, whose name is derived from its palms. When it greAv dark we anchored a little higher up, a few fathoms from the shore. A black cloud for the first time made its appearance in the northern horizon. The negroes told us that it Avas the prognostic of the ap- proaching rainy season. While I am writing this at our anchorage I hear the evening music of the grasshoppers. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 203 July 25th. A gentle breeze carried us about two miles higher up, where we anchored near the shore in a small ba3\ The natives welcomed us. A water-snake about four feet in length Avas caught in the cabin of the Captain. He must have swam on board durins; the nisiht. For the first time we saw here the bank of the river rising perpendicu- larly about four feet, and consisting of indurated clay The surface was thickly overgrown with grass ; but as the soil consisted of a hardened clay, it was not so high as usual. Groves and forests of Ihjphcene, mingled with some Adamonhr, were the only kinds of trees that occur- red. The village Condo Tjongo was at a short distance. It consisted of huts covered with neat mats, made of grass or straw, and supported by poles. We walked about an hour in the high grass and between the trees, on which calabashes were hanging to receive the juice which consti- tutes the palm-wine. 1 shot a large species of Corviis and some small pigeons, of which a great number were cooing in the trees. We saw numerous traces of buffaloes, and -were told by the natives that tliey had seen a whole herd ■ of these animals early in the morning. Tiie vegetation here is without variety. A gentle breeze carried us some- what higher up the river. A\'e crossed the channel, and passed to the shore on the right, near Farquhar's island. J bad now the opportunity of going on shore for a few minutes. Here at lengtli, for the first time, some traces of cultivation were seen. A considerable extent of land -was planted with maize, and some tobacco, both of Avhich Avere now ahjout one foot high. I collected tv>o new plants, and 294 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. some specimens of a singular tree with large leaves. We proceeded along the island, which seemed to be well cul- tivated and very populous. At a distance an hippopota- mus was seen with his head above the water. The land on both sides of the river is again quite level and sandy, over- grown with high grass, and in some places with Cyperus papyrus. An old woman, a relation of Simons, came on board, accompanied by her grand-daughter, a little black V^enus, the sight of whom kindled an amorous flame in the breasts of several of our gentlemen. Some tempting otfers were made to her before hand, and Embomma appointed as the place of meeting. A canoe, in Avhich was the son of Mafook Senu was upset. He gave a specimen of his skill in swimming by diving from under it. We passed Rough Point, and came within sight of the high country on both sides the river. To the left Avere some rounded hills, and behind them a ridge of mountains, Avith a pointed pillar on the highest summit, Avhich is called Taddi Enzazzi, or the rock of lightning. These hills are almost naked and do not therefore promise much in the way of botany, in com- parison with the lower parts of the river side. To the right we observed a large projecting point terminated by a rock (Fetishe rock) resembling a mass of ruins, but not high. We crossed the channel and anchored near the shore to the right. On the north side and at a short dis- tance is Coyman's Point, where three channels of the river meet together. We shall probably reach Embomma to- morrow. The whole appearance of the river, its numerous sand-banks, low shore, inconsiderable current, narrow PROFESSOR SMITHS JOURNAL. 296 channel, seem but little to justify its extravagant fame. Its sources cannot be farther inland than those of Senesal and Gambia. Though we were at the distance of four or five miles from Fetishe rock, the Captain was desirous of sailing down to it. Our pilots entertained some fears of passing through the whirlpools, which, however, we found to be nothing more than the main stream of the river running with a strong current. We had no sooner landed on the rock than we observed two hippopotami, at which un- luckily we were not prepared for firing. Tudor however fired a random shot near the head of one of them. The rock is steep, and difficult of ascent. Its lower part was overgrown with trees of various kinds. Its conical shape gave us an opportunity of discovering its structure. It consists of a coarse-grained granite. Large pieces of feld-spar occur in several places, and at the extremity of a low flat point some of them are not less than from one to two hundred feet in circumference. The towering clifFs of Fetishe rock, the new and varied vegetation on its sides, and the extensive view of the river which it commands, presented a magnificent scene. This rock is the ter- minating point of the high mountainous land which is seen to extend into the interior in undulating ranges of blue mountains, two or three ridges one behind the other. Beyond the great sandy and grassy islands in the river, scattered palms are seen in the horizon, appearing as if they were growing in the water. The high land rising fi-om the banks of the river would form interesting land- 296 PROFESSOR SMITH S JOURNAL. scapes, if it was not quite naked. Some scattered Adun- sonice, stripped of tiieir leaves, were almost the only trees that were visible. A few minutes only were allowed to me for examining the rich vegetation of the Fetishe rocks. The steep cliffs and the impenetrable thickets of shrubs, climbers, and lofty trees, limited my acquisitions to a most superb climber fPoli/an. monog.), a Limodorum, and a Liliaceous plant, the thick fibrous stalks of which (vvithoul leaves) are used by the natives for making ropes. The sea-breeze set in late as usual. We passed several villages. We are now under the rounded mountains, of which Taddi Enza^izi is the highest ; perhaps it may be from a thousand to fifteen hundred feet. They seem to be naked, with the exception of some solitary trees and dry grass. Groups of the Maha palm are seen in small valleys be- tween the hills, and shrubs of a Mimosa are common at the river side. We arrived soon at the market-place of Embomma, where a number of negroes bad assembled. The Captain's intention was to go to the banza this evening, but when the iSIafook came on board and promised to accompan}^ him to the King's residence the following morning, the journey Avas put off. July 27. The negroes intruded themselves upon us be- fore we had left our beds. I went into a boat in order to visit Molineaux's island, which at the river-side consists of a steep rounded rock. A patch which had been set on fire opened a way down to the more level parls. Here I found several new and brilliant plants, and lofty trees M'itli u})right leaves, which I had not seen before. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 29T Impenctralile thickets obstructed our farther progress. We made some attempts from the boat to ascend the steep hill. The climbers and creepers hanging down its sides resembled worked tapestry. The ground was covered with Ipomcea, one with white and another with violet flowers. The rock consists of blocks of quartz. I Avas called back on board just when I was taking a view of the surrounding scener}'. In the evening we arrived at the banza, and dropped anchor near the shore, which was level, and covered with grass. The residence of the king is on the other side of the hill. The river is already narrow, and is perhaps not larger than the bay of St The land to the left rises gently, and forms a long ridge, better covered with wood than the lower parts, and behind it is seen a range of undulating mountains. A salute was fired and soon after a palanquin made its appearance, having been sent by the king to the Captain, who however de- clined going on shore till the following morning. July 28. This day was fixed upon for the ceremonious procession to the royal residence. Early in the morning we were already teazed with visits from Mafooks and Princes by dozens. The Captain preferred to walk the greatest part of the way. Some marines followed us as a guard and we ourselves, dressed in borrowed coats, formed the van. Our w^y led over a grassy plain, varied by culti- vated patches of maize, different kinds of pulse, and cas- sava, resembling asparagus as to Single trees were scattered around. The grass was almost dry. A path leads over the rising ground (which consists of clay) Qq 298 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. up to a hill, which commands an excellent view of the river, winding behind a high island, and re-appearing be- yond it. The Captain having got into the palanquin, which was constructed after the ancient Portuguese fashion, and the party disposing itself into a sort of processional order, and being puf in motion, which, contrary to European custom, is here a full gallop, we soon arrived in the royal city, which did not appear to us a very large one. With its situation however, and neatness, we were more satisfied. On an eminence among palms and Bombax, Adansonia, and Ficus, and several other trees ; the straw huts were scattered about, all of them surrounded by fences, near which young trees had been carefully planted. We halted by a large old tree, under whose sacred branches the meetings of the elders are held, and all public business transacted. After some time had elapsed, we were in- vited to proceed to the residence of his Majesty, which is composed of several huts ranged within a small enclosure. The Captain was seated on an elevated place Avith a large umbrella over his head, and we took our seats around hini. The King, dressed out as if going to "a masquerade, in drawers and a cloak of silk, and boots of marroquin, with a large cap on his head, resembling that of a gre- nadier, adorned with flowers, made his appearance, and took his seat near the Captain. Next behind us were his counsellors, surrounded by a great assemblage of people. Mr, Simons, in an ancient court-dress, with a sailor's hat on his head, had here the weighty charge of being the interpreter, and had told us the preceding evening that PROFESSOR SiMlTHS JOURNAL. 209 great doubts were entertained as to the real object of our visit, and that, since we did not profess to trade, it could be attributed to nothing else than a hostile intention. The Captain ordered him briefly to explain the object of the expedition : but this they could not at all comprehend. When any thing occurred in the conversation that struck them, one of the nobles rose, and with attitudes resembling those of a fugle-man, gave the signal for the sacala ; on which all smote themselves on their breasts with an expres- sion of )03\ As a first present a cask of brandy was brought forward. This they comprehended well enough ; and having poured it into a large Avashing bowl, they fought among themselves for the nectar. The king and his ministers soon after went away, and we were shortly invited into a spacious straw- hut, which, like all the rest, could not be said to be encum- bered with too much furniture. We observed in it, how- ever, a number of small fetishes. Here we were entertained with a dish of boiled fowl and with palm Avine in mugs of English manufacture. The sailors dined after us. We took a walk in the town and were allowed to enter into every enclosure. Tudor and Galwey found here the daughter of the Macage of Loomba, which is a market- place, where they had been the day before, and made some bargains in favour of their other friends. The women are considered in the lidit of merchandise; and a husband generally takes care to make an European pay dear for his bargain. If any of his countrymen, however, should violate his wife without his knowledge, he is permitted to 800 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. put him to death ; but every one most readily w ill lend his wife to his neighbour for a very trifling consideration. Some of our gentlemen had thoughts of hiring a house ; but the distance from the vessel was considered to be too great, and the Captain did not by any means approve of it. A long deliberation had taken place among the King's advisers; after which we again assembled. The Captain repeated what he had said before. One of the sons of the King was the person who showed most uneasiness, distrust, and coldness during the whole deliberation. At length, an old man, uncle of the King, who commonly communi- cates the resolutions of the assembly, and who had voted with Simons in our favour (Simons had been called upon by them to take the oath), broke leaf, Avhich is the symbol pf peace and amity, with the Captain ; implying, that they believed that he had come on friendly purposes, &c. The most interesting personage was the father of Simons. He had given his son in charge to a trading slave captain, of Liverpool, in order to be educated in England ; but instead of this, the boy had been sold by this captain in the West Indies, where he had suffered many hardships : from which he escaped by getting on board a King's ship, from which he was by mere accident sent on board the Congo. The father, after waitin^>- for his return eleven years, during which time he had made many inquiries for him in vain, had now unexpectedly got intelligence of his being with us, and came on board the first evening of our arrival near liOomba. His excessive joy, the ardour with which he hugged his son in his arms, proved that even among this PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 301 people nature is awake to tender emotions. As a token of gratitude he offered to the Captain a present of nine slaves. Simons was here an important personage, Avas called Mafook, carried in palanquin, Sec. In the midst of this business I could only give a hasty glance at the treasures which surrounded me ; among which, however, I observed a Clerodendrum, with flowers of a scarlet colour; but I hope that none of them will elude my researches, as soon as I shall be at liberty to dispose of my time. The evening was again noisy, as a number of black gentlemen had come on board. They have already nearly exhausted our store of spirits. To- morrow our pilots, whose names are Gun, Brown, and Tati MaxzceU, are to bring the Congo up to this place. July 29th. In the morning I set out for the small creek, accompanied by four boys and a servant : here I shot several water-birds. The shore was overgrown with a thick sod covered with a species o^ J uss'iemi, Q.i\d higher up with a thick grass, chiefly consisting of Iscluemuni. I made an excursion on the shore to the right, which is a penin- sula almost surrounded by water, being connected Avith the main land only by a small chain of rocks in the middle. Cultivated patches are seen here and there, with free access to a considerable distance. Lofty Hi/p/uene, a Bombax pentandr. tn/nco spinoso, and a great many new shrubs and other plants, are scattered about. ^Ve penetrated through the thickets up to the mountain which occupies the middle of the peninsula. Near the summit we saw a superb tree with eatable fruit resembling dry The 302 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. inhabitants seemed to have no knowledge of its being an esculent fruit, but after I had given the example, they partook of it readily. A tree of Pandamis caught my attention. The prospect from the summit was grand, comprehend- ing the Avindings of the river, its islands, the points of its shores up to Taddi Moenga and Bamba, the eastern Boka de Embomma, the western Boka de Embomma which is overgrown Avilh wood, Kaeti, which is the third island above Loomba, with a rounded mountain in its middle. Boka Embomma consists of a half decompassed gneiss, which occurs in large projecting blocks. The Captain had pitched his tent to day. Frank Clark came to inform him that his Majesty had sent one of his daughters to Clark's wife, and that he might send for her. I took a walk to the town, chiefly with an intention of seeing Galwey and Tudor in their habitations. On enter- ing the enclosure of the King's residence we found him sitting amidst a number of children, and distributing food among them. They were all boys. Having stayed there a while, during which I was considered as the Embassador of the Captain, a young girl, naked, as all the others were, presented herself kneeling at the entrance. I took her hand, when unexpectedly N'Kenge, the Prince of Em- bomma, offered her in a very polite manner as a present to the Captain. She was very much alarmed ; and on being brought into the Captain's tent, which was lighted by lamps, she ran under the bedstead. The Captain seemed not much pleased with this obtruded civiHty. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 303 July 30th. Early in the morning I went out with Hod- der, and proceeded towards the upper end of the creek ; and here I shot a number of birds. After having been on shore on the island Boka, I pursued my course up the creek to a bank in the middle, and passing the villages Thimanga and Vinda, I followed the shore until I arrived at Tinyanga, a village belonging to the brother of the King. He was sitting on a mat, surrounded by his gran- dees and armed young men. The rock above the village is steep, with two or three springs, and covered with an interesting vegetation. We went to the village of Frank Clark, who accompanied us, and invited me into his house. One of the Captain's people had been sent to fetch a cow, which was promised him by the King. In assisting to catch this half-wild beast, my foot was entangled in the rope which was fastened to her, and with which she was running away. I was thus placed all at once in an awkward situation ; it might have been still worse if the rope had not broken. I was brought to the King's house almost sense- less, except to exquisite pain. From thence I was removed on board in a kind of litter. I was confined to the cabin till the afternoon of the following day, when, with the as- sistance of another person, I was enabled to limp on shore, and to collect such plants as I might have overlooked on my former excursions. Guji brought us the agreeable news that the Congo had already passed Taddi Moenga. The Dorothy is at Tall Trees. They say they have killed an alligator. Frank, according to a promise given long ago, brought on board 304 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. a weeping girl last night, who was soon followed hj another. To day Tudor and Galwej have renaoved their light huts to the tent of the Captain, which is already called the Captain's village by the inhabitants. A village means with them a pater-familias and his private dependants. The village of the King (Banza Embon)ma) is the only village where several families have sulhcient land capable of cultivation in the neighbourhood, and to enable them to live together. The land is cultivated in patches only, and the labour is performed by the women, whom we saw fre- quently in the fields, carrying with them their children and baskets of provisions, the daughters of the King as well as others. The only plants we observed to be cultivated were cassava in small quantity, and maize, planted chiefly along the river-side, probably because the air there is more humid. The cotton shrub was growing wild in the plains. Pisaiigswere frequently brought from the marketof Loom- ba, though none were seen in this neighbourhood. They were said to grow plentifully higher up the river on the opposite side, as also oranges and other fruits. The order of precedency is : Tjenu, or the King, the princes Malibere, Mambous, ]\lacaya, Mafook. The inhabitants are ad- dicted to some superstitions with respect to food ; as, for instance, to abstain from eating eggs and milk. A Fetish- man is not allowed nmsic at his meals, except when hehas not partaken of Leimba ? July 31. My foot being much better, I Avas enabled to take a short walk on the plain. I caused a pit to be dug in order to ascertain the temperature of the earth, but ths PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 305 clay which here ever}^ where is predominant, and hard as stone, did not permit a deeper pit to be dug than three feet, M'hich proved insufficient. The temperature however appeared to be 80°. The weather, which continues cloudy and unsettled, does not allow of any remarks on the dew, and in general makes all observations on the climate in this season less intreresting. The temperature to-day, before the setting in of the sea-breeze, is about 77°» and in the tent of the Captain, 88°. The grand-father of Simons is on board. Hodder is sent with orders for the Congo. August 1. In company with Galwey and Tudor I visit- ed our creek again in the morning. We passed through floating Jussietice and Ipomcea. We shot a number of birds of a species of , which is here very common. We proceeded upwards to the sand-bank, Avhich Galwey and Tudor 3'esterday had found to be passable in a flat-bot- tomed boat. It was overgrown with floating grass, through which we could not pass but with great difficulty and la- bour ; but in return, the most beautiful scenes presented themselves on the other side The river runs between roimded mountains, the higher parts of which are naked, but the lower parts along the river side are partly covered with a luxuriant vegetation. The mountains incline towards the north, with their precipi- ces facing the south, which is indeed evident by the differ- ent appearance of both sides of the river. The declivity is in some places vertical. The Congo with the two. double-boats arrived in the evening and anchored near the opposite shore. To-raorrow we shall take leave of the Tjenu. Rr 306 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. Auo;ust 2. We went to the banza with the officers to take our leave. In the meantime Lockhart made an excursion to the left between the plain and the hills, and I took the opposite side, where I again met with the superb Brownea. The visit was imceremonious, and not very hospitable. His Majesty did not so much as ofFer the Captain a mug of palm-wine. His dress was that usually worn by the natives. He was seated near his house, opposite the bench of the officers, surrounded by about, fifty negroes. I visited their burying-place, where a very deep grave had been dug for a woman who had just died, and I pass- ed by her house, where half a dozen women were howling terribly. They are said to repeat this mode of shewing their grief for several days, keeping up the same kind of con- cert for about an hour each day. I returned in company wilh my friend Frank Clark (who is the best of all the members of the Royal family), to the precipices, by the way of Tihenyanga. The rocks consist of a completely decomposed quartz, and granular red masses. In some places water is continually pouring forth as from springs. The temperature under the shade of the thickets is down to 70°, probably in consequence of the evaporation. I found several new plants, among which was a shrub bear- ing berries, of which I am uncertain whether it be culti- vated, but I saw it growing wild all around. I met Lockhart, Avho had collected several beautiful plants. Haw- key and Mr. Kerrow returned to the village on a visit to the ladies. Tjenu offered another daughter to the Captain in addition to the first-mentioned, who was better looking PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 307 than the former. I was occupied with laying in plants till late in the evening. Augusl 3. Yesterday the village of the Captain was re- moved in al>out the same space of time as that which had been requisite for its erection. To-day, at day-break, the schooner proceeded, with the assistance of oars, along Boka de Enibomma, and anchored nearly opposite to the middle of it, where the rock was overgrown with thickets of shrubby plants. An alligator was seen swimming near the shore. Lofty trees over-shadow the steep sides of the rock, which rises to the height of four or five hundred feet. Its upper parts are almost naked. I was ordered on board the Congo, in consequence of some misunder- standing between Tudor and Cranch, relating to the am- munition belonging to the latter, and of some irregularity which had taken place with respect to the boats. August 4. Accompanied the Captain to the rock Taddi Mansoni on the opposite side. Plains and deep vallies vary with hills, Avhich sometimes terminate in peaks and grotes(|ue cliffs. Groups of the Mimosa spinosa and some cultivated patches were scattered about. We saw in our way the skeleton of a hippopotamus. We n)easured a large Adansonia, which at two or three feet above the root was found to be forty-two feet in circumference. The river is now no longer divided into several channels, but continues to be free from islands to a considerable distance. Its breadth here I calculated to be about the same as that of Drammen (in Norway) at the bridge. I raoimted ihe hill, %vhose base consists of a yellow mica-slate, which con- 308 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL, continually decreases in approaching the summit, where the formation is almost entirely quartz. Among the trees we found lying on the giound several pieces of wood, which was called lignum vitcE by our carpenters. It is extremely hard, but I could not ascertain what it is. A Maba palm was cut down, which I examined. We found several curious insects. Our situation, as we are walking here under groups of trees of various . kinds, would be envied by many of our friends. We saw monkeys running to and fro on ihe branches of the trees (Simia cephus), and several birds, among which was a spotted Alcedo. Divine service was performed on deck, where we had an agree- able temperature. We observed on a small bank of mud, situated a tew fathoms only from our anchorage, that the flood tide rose about ten inches. August 5. In our tiat-bottomed boats we arrived at Tchinsala, and run deep in the mud. We observed the Congo proceeding upwards. The Captain was just gone on board the Congo, and brought her up to the height of Tchinsala on the opposite side of the river, where she anchored near the end of the island Kinyangala. The Captain fmding that she only retarded our progress, re- solved to leave her in this place. Tlie evening was spent in arranging for our furthei progress in the double-boats. Fitzmamice and Hawkey went on board the schooner.. Cranch was at first resolved, after lor)g deliberation, to re- main with the Congo, but changed his mind on hearing that the third part of the apparatus should be dehvered up to us. All left collections to be conveyed to the Dorothy. I left all my dry plants and a box full of seeds. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 309 August 6. I had landed for a moment on Tchinsala, but a shot called me immediately back again. Our flo- tilla was already under sail at one o'clock. The Umg- boat of the ship is to go as far as Benda. We crossed the river several times according to the streno;th of the current. The mountains come down to the river, and in many places contract its channel to scarcely half a mile; They are rounded, and commonly sloping hills with narrow and short vallies between them. They are overgrown with dry grass, but otherwise entirely naked. The south- side had at first more level ground, with rising blocks of slate dispersed over its surface. At Vinda, a small plain, the mountain ah ng the northern bank is very steep, the declivity about forty-five degrees, and sometimes almost vertical, out of which were projected several rocky points. It is only near the high grass on the banks of the river and in the vallies that trees of luxuriant growth are to be seen. On the small plains at the heads of creeks we observed some villages amidst palms of Hyphane, which were also seen scattered about higher up the sides of the mountains. The banks, with their precipitous cliffs of slate, overgrown with a hanging green tapestry of climbers, and surmounted with j)lants and trees of various kinds, among which is a high and always naked Ada7isunin, present indeed a picturesque view, but nothing yet inspires the notion of an extraordinary grand river. We anchored above three islands (Tanyanda), on the northern bank, near where it is studded with high rocks. One of these v/as said to be used for the same purposes as the Tarpeian rock of old, 310 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL from which criminals, as for instance, seducers of the wives of the King, &c. are sometimes precipitated. August 7th. In the morning we found ourselves between Gamba islands. We saAv several birds. The mountains con- sist every where of mica-slate. These picturesque islands are very much visited by hippopotami. At noon a gentle breeze carried us a little higher up. The river at Fidler's Elbow is again somewhat more expanded. In its middle are some rocks, with scattered trees. The river turns north- ward, and is contracted by the mountains. These are here somewhat higher up intersected b\' narrow valleys. They are all of the same mica-slate formation, inclining in all directions, but commonly towards the west. The inclina- tion is at half an angle (qu. do''). We observed half-a-dozen monkeys, from three to four feet in length, on a hill near the southern bank. The breeze seems to die away as we pass between the mountains. We anchored on the southern bank. The natives of Benda begin already to talk of the fall of Yallalla, of which, they tell us, we may hear the roar. At one time we could only approach this cataract by a journey by land, or by double-boats composed of canoes, &c. The river is here broad, resembhng the Scotch lakes. August 18th. I went on shore up a narrow A'alley, opposite to us, which, as is usual, forms at its lower end a small plain, covered with grass, and higher up a narrow, deep ravine, the sides of which are covered with trees. Galwey and myself ascended the hill just before us. It consists of mica-slate. PROFESSOR SMITH S JOURNAL. 311 We had only a confined view of the river, the prospect being obstructed by the mountains, which appeared some- what liiojher to the east. The river runs in a Avindino- course between them. They form cokmms rounded at the top witli fragments of quartz, which sometimes form veins and beds in the slate. We found here some scattered shrubs of Eugenia, and two or three species of grass. We rowed up opposite Congo Binda, which is situated at some distance inland, and high upon the platform of a mountain. We went on shore and followed a rugged ravine, whose sides consist of a compact mica-slate We observed the traces and excrements of several kinds of animals; chiefly, however, antelopes; but Ave did not get a sight of any of them. I Avalked over some flatly-rounded rus!;o;ed hills, on Avhich only a few shrubs Avere groAvino;. I attempted in vain to get a view of the Avindings of the river as far up as the cataract. The mountains are of the same form, and are seen to a great distance, undulating Avith sloping declivities, and frequently intersected by deep ravines. The level parts are luxuriant, but the sides and tops of the mountains are naked. I descended the ravine through climbers and shrubby plants, almost all of Avhich left me in uncertainty as to their genus, and regretting, as usual, our coming here so late in the year. I foUoAved another ravine, intersected Avith numerous narroAv but deep holes, Avhich generally makes the ravines very difiicult to walk in. I met Lockhart amidst a thicket, in Avhich Avere several lofty trees, but almost all of them Avere in fruit. We discovered an Arum foliis 3-nat. dichotomis ; the root of 312 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. which we afterwards boiled, and found to be eatable. We returned in the dark quite loaded. During our whole excursion we did not meet with any animal, a few pigeons and small birds excepted, but we saw a great many traces of hippopotami on the shore. Simons was sent to the Tjenu of Benda, in order to procure some men who were acquainted with the country higher up. His account of Benda would seem to prove that the inha- bitants have some intercourse with the Portuguese. He was ceremoniously received. August 9th. We sailed somewhat higher up. I passed over to the north side of the river. The vegetation is with- out variety, and the steep hills overgrown with grass, in which Avas only found growing an Euphorbia. I fired three shots at an allio;ator. In the evening it was resolved that we should go to Banza Nokki, the residence of a Tjenu, by the way of Condo Sonjo. The north side is generally called Benda. August 10th. Simons was dispatched to announce the intended visit of the Captain. Early in the morning Ave set out on our journey, and proceeded over the hills and across the small plain, where we had been two days before. The slate formation here ceases. The rounded mountains on the other side rise to a greater height, with projecting cliffs of a more cubical form. The transition is formed by a compact mica-slate with a large proportion of feldspar. The .... of the mica mountains perhaps sienite. It is granular as granite, and composed of quartz, feldspar and a third metallic substance. Blocks of PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 313 rock, which we have often met with before, were scattered about, but they occurred now in greater number, and in masses of a cubical form. We passed two or three small villages, situated between the mountains. A spot planted with Pisangs was seen from amidst the palms. A few moments afterwards we arrived at a rivulet. Springs, they tell us, are here ver}' common. This circumstance also proves a new formation of the mountains. These small villages and cultivated patches, surrounded by mountains of more grotesque form than those hitherto seen, and the luxuriant vegetation, afford us a new and beautifid view. The straw-huts have here rounded roofs. At eleven o'clock, after a inarch of six or seven hours, we reached the summit of those mountains, Avhich appeared to be the highest within our view. On a small plain the ground had been cleared and planted with Ficus rcligiosa. Here is the market-place of the inhabitants of the banza, and close by is the village of the Tjenu. In passing between the huts we observed poppies, cabbages and other vege- tables. Having observed the height of the mercury in the barometer, we found, according to the calculations of Leslie, that the elevation was about 1450 feet, which, gene- rally speaking, may be considered as the greatest elevation of the highest ridges of mountains in these parts. The maimer in which we were received b}^ the Tjenu had more of stateliness, but also more of savage manners, than that in which we were received at Embomma. A silken hanging served to cover one side of the hut, in which the Tjenu was discovered ; he was dressed in a red Ss 314 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. cloak, with a cap on his head resembling that of a grena- dier, and adorned with feathers. His two ministers were on each side of him, and seemed to be eunuchs. A little palm-wine was the only refreshment he offered to us. The conversation was short. The Captain only Avished to have some guides. A smile was the only answer. The ministers ran several times to the fence and back aeain, crving out some words expressive of the king's understanding us. Tatti, a good-looking njan, the father of Simons, invited and entertained us. The temperature of a spring down in a small plain we found to be 73°. Following a rugged path I walked down the valley and passed over another rivulet. August 11. The interesting scenes that now surround us demanding a more close examination, I proceeded, in company with Tudor and Lockhart, to the lower end of the A'alley, over patches planted with cassava, following the course of the rivulet. In our way we met with thickets com- posed of shrubs and trees, of which many were entirely new to us. The women screamed out on seeing us, but the taste of our brandy had soon made them less shy. Yesterday we were constantly followed by a number of people, chiefly boys. They said they had never seen white men before. We ascended some of the high rocks, but were unable to climb up the highest of them, Avhich is of a conical form. They are all of the same formation. We rested ourselves at the source of the rivulet. Its temperature was 71°. Its coldness is probably to be attributed to the evaporation. I missed Lockhart, who came doAvn a long while after me. August 12. The forenoon was spent in laying in plants. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 315 The Captain bought a slave of the Mandingo tribe, that is said to hve high up inland. Their language is some- what different from that of the Cono;o lan^uao-e. In the afternoon I followed the Captain up the hills towards the point, in order to observe the winding course of the river, which is now contracted within a narrower channel, by projecting points. The conical mountain of Yallalla was just before us. A projecting bank of rocks is seen on both sides the river, which is not passable even by canoes. The country appears equally barren higher up, and not hkely to enable us to procure sufficient provisions on a journey by land, which must now be resolved upon, nor are any here to be bought. The population is scanty, only a iew scat- tered small villages, situated on the hills, are discovered amidst some groups of trees. The natives are not willing to part with their commodities, except at extravagant pri- ces. They crowd daily around the vessels Avith commodi- ties for sale, but all we have been able to get are only a few fowls, some eggs, and a single sheep. Their know- ledge of the country is very limited. They are pretty uni- form in asserting that the cataract of Yallalla is a consider, able one, and that above it the river is divided. August 13. ^Ve remained in order to make some obser- vations with the barometer, the oscillations of which nearly correspond with those observed at the Canaries. Last night an uncommonly strong breeze set in. In the morning we made a short excursion on shore. The Captain went in a boat towards the conical hill of Yallalla, but he found the river here to be impassable. A journey by land of four days 1! 316 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. to Yallalla was therefore resolved upon, in order that, after having examined this cataract, we might take such further measures as should appear to be advisable. August 14. We set out to the number of about thirty, and passed across the river to a small sandy beach, termi- nated by sand hills, on which the hippopotami commonly dwell when on shore. A steep ascent led to a village. Having gained the platform, we found the declivity on the other side precipitous, but no trace of mica slate in the formation. -------- The mountains here consist of compact feldspar, and resemble those atNokki. On reaching the high land, the country assumed its usual appearance, which resembles very much that of old or- chards, composed of stunted A nnonas, and three other sorts of trees. Having soon after reached the hill on which the banza stands, and passed through tiie lofty palms and Adansoniae in which the village is buried, a view of the river opened all at once upon us, and we discovered the cele- brated fall of Yallalla, at a distance of about a mile and a half. But how much were we disappointed in our expec- tations on seeing a pond of water only, with a small fall of a few hundred yards ! We descended the steep barren hill, and arrived at the fall. The rocks on both sides of the river were precipitous. The mica slate is slightly un- dulating, and abounds with veins of quartz and compact feldspar. This formation of the rocks may possibly have very much weakened the force of the waters of the river. The inclination is half an angle (qu. 45°) in the same direc- tion as the course of the water and the declivities are oppo- PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 317 site to it. I descended some of these declivities to the depth where they are washed by the water of the the river in the rain}'- season, and found a great number of rounded exca- vations. In the middle of the fall is an islet at the distance of about a short stone-throw from the shore. The river above Yallalla winds between two projecting points in a northerly direction. On both sides the river, rocky hills, intersected by ravines, are visible to the distance of two miles. They are all lower than the high platform of the hills on both sides ; that on the west continues quite Hat as far as the horizon. Yallalla may in fact be considered as placed in the line of the greatest elevation of the mountains. Towards the east the country is more broken, and in some places may be called mountainous, but the mountains are scarcely any where so high as at Nokki. The summit con- sists throughout of a hardened clay. In the evening we made a visit to the Tjenu, who is a plain good-natured man, who expressed his satisfaction on seeing a few gallons of brandy, for which in return he pre- sented us with some fowls. Scarcely any information can be drawn from the natives of the state of the country higher up the river. A slave merchant affirmed that he made a journe}' of a month on the eastern bank, and found the river, as he proceeded, expanding as wide as it is at Shark^s Point. The eastern side of it, he told us, was more popu- lous and civilized, than the western side, which they pre- tend they do not venture to visit, for fear of the savage disposition of the bush-men on that side. Some even as- serted that the people on that side are canibals. Our tent 318 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. was pitched in the evening at the end of the village, from which we have a view of Yallalla. Below is a valley covered with wood, in which runs a small stream of water, supply- ing the inhabitants with that article. We made a circuitous route over the elevated plain, in order to come upon the river higher up. We passed Gongola, which is the residence of another TJenu ; but both are subject to the Suxum Congo, the province to the northward on the north-west side of the river. The south-side is called Kukulu Congo. Gongola (Concobella of the charts ?) is said to be the last regularvillageinthedominionsof Congo. After a long march on the summit we directed our course towards the river, following the common path down to its banks, where two small canoes, which are the only ones close above Yallalla, are used as a ferry for crossing the river. Notwithstanding the repeated remonstrances the Captain made to the guides that they should conduct us straight forwards up the river, we found that we had advanced a few miles only above the fall of Yallalla. At noon we halted. AVe made an ex- cursion on the hills near the river, the banks of which now consisted of a white sand. The river above the cataract is full of rocks. We returned toAvards a village, where, out of humour Avith our guides, we took a more direct way through the grass. In the evening we were obliged to halt on a hill covered with grass. A small valley, with a rivu- let winding its course through it, was seen below. The rivulet is said to be visited every morning by buffaloes and antelopes, of which some had been seen at noon. When near the villages we were constantly followed by a crowd PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 319 of negroes, particular!}^ women, who came out to enjoy the sight of white men, which was perfectly new to them. Though more shy, they appeared to us to be more good- natured than those we had seen before. August 16. We went across the valley and the hills on the other side, (which were last night illuminated by fires,) and arrived at the village Monzi. Having here procured guides Avho were better acquainted with the country, we proceeded on our journey over the hills. Between them are small plains with a luxuriant vegetation of trees. To- wards the north, the country (which is already called Mayamba country), is more level and more woody. Ele- phants are reported to be plentiful here. A wild boar rushed forth in a valley, and though it broke through the whole line, the sailors, from their hurry and want of skill, all fired amiss. Unfortunately I happened to be some- what behind, aud consequently had not the pleasure of seeing it. We continued our route over the steep hills, following the course of the river, which is here bent into the form of the arc of a segment of a circle. At a short distance above the bend, and on this side of the river is situated the village Jonga (Inga), which is the first village inhabited by bush-men. From the hills we had a distinct view of the river running again northwards to a considerable distance. I went down to the steep banks of the river. Thickets of shrubs and rocks of slate that are scattered about in the water, give to the line of the river a beauti- ful appearance. A young alligator was basking himself in the sun. 1 fired at him with small shot without success. 320 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. The river here is full of rapids and rocks. It is however navigable, though not without great difficulty, and no canoes are to be had ; and as it would take too much time to carry canoes over land by the way of Kullu, the plan of the Captain to make double-boats of them must there- fore be given up. A journey by land over Jonga was resolved upon. We may reach it, we are informed, in a day, by proceeding from Kullu over the high plain. We returned in the evening by the shortest way to Kullu, where we did not arrive until late. Mr. Tudor and several men, who were already quite exhausted b}^ fatigue, were sent back. Next morning Tudor was attacked by a violent fever. Unfortunately the greatest number appear to be men quite unfit for a long march. The few marines we have are of the veteran battahon.* August 17. The sick were sent before our departure early in the morning. We made a visit to the Tjenu, who promised to send at noon twenty men to carry their baggage back again by the shortest way down the river. * There is no such battalion ; the oldest marine was not -10, and all were stout healthy volunteers. Ed. [ 321 ] SECTION IV. From Cooloo to the Extremity of the Journey. August 20. The boat uhich had been stationed at Nokki went down to the Congo sloop. We accompanied the Captain. Two days before he had dispatched Hawkey and Tudor, with most of the people and part of the baggage carried by black men, who now met us on their return in order to fetch the remainder. Our whole number was about thirty, but of whom there were but few fit for a long journey. After having reached the summits of the hills along the river side, and passed by a village, Tudor, in company with Lockhart, turned somewhat to the left through a small beautiful vallev, where I found at last a Myrianthus in flower, and a new dried fruit. Passing by Areba, and descending a steep hill, we reached KuUoo at four o'clock. In the evening we paid a visit to the Chenoo. Here we received some farther information about the country ; but the men who are to carry our baggage are so expensive, that they will soon have exhausted our Avhole stock. A depot is to be left here in Kulloo. The views of the country are very hmited. August 21. In the mornins; I went to the other end of Yallala. The rocks here present a new structure, being Tt 322 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. mixed with quartz, and bearing some resemblance to sienite. A shrub with black fruit, which I had seen a long time before, was found to belong to FeiUandria tri- gi/fiia ; and a tree, the fruit of which was sweetish and of a blackish colour, T discovered to be of Hexandria mono- gynia. Observations on the barometer were made during the day. In the evening I v/ent down into a small valley on the other side, where I found a lofty tree of an uncertain genus, which I had seen before in the swamps. A was seen at the village, with brilliant flowers and an Apocy- num f Nkennycwu/nhaJ . On the 20th, the thermometer in the morning at nine o'clock was at 75° ; at two o'clock it had risen to 83°, and at five P. M. it Avas 73°. On the 21st at nine A. M. it was 71°, at two P. M. 81°, and at five P.M. 78°. A young Adan- sonia thirty feet high, and half a foot thick, was found by its annual circles, as well as by its branches, to be thirteen years of age ; which would seem to prove the opinion, grounded on its very great size, of its long life, to be erroneous ; and indeed this might already have been inferred from its spongy and succulent texture. August 22d. After having, with much difficulty got some men to carry the baggage, we set out for Inga, leaving Fitzmaurice and Hawkey behind, and proceeded almost by the same way as on our former journey over Gongala to Mansi, across a valley covered with wood and well watered. Sangala woo is a kind of reed (perhaps an Amomiim) which is always kept fresh in the house. In time of war it is rolled between the hands in invokino- the war fetish. PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 323 They chew it and spit it out on their enemies. Mazenga are fetishes used for the discovery of robberies. They are covered with We proceeded over rugged hills and small ravines thickly covered with wood in a direction somewhat more to the north than on our former journey. We had been told that we would not find anv water until we reached Inra. We found ourselves all at once in a deep ravine about 1'20 feet in breadth, the bottom of which was level with holes ; and consisted of sand and mica-slate. We found plenty of water. A dark thicket of trees, Avhich, as usual in ravines, grow upright to an extraordinary height, gave to this spot a picturesque appearance. As the day Avas declining the Captain was prevailed on to pitch his tent there. A number of plants were foimd, among Avhich a Hillea hexandra, tuho coroll. longiss. deflexo, and three species of ferns. The monkeys were seen coming down the hills, and we heard the noise of buffaloes, mingled with some singular cries of birds issuino; from among the dark thickets. August 2 '3d. We continued our route, passing over high and more woody hills and ravines, round the bend of the river, Mdiere it again winded its course towards the east. We had a view of a fall that was nearly opposite to Inga, and appeared to be higher than that of Yallalla. We made our entry into the banza of Inga about noon. It is situated on a high plain, and, as usual, surrounded with palms and Adansoniic. It was with dithcully we could procure a cuide, b}'^ alternately using menaces and entreaties. The Chenoo had given his permission, but the Macages seemed 824 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. to interfere, and appeared to be jealous of our intercourse with the neighbouring nations, whom they were anxious to describe to us as being exceedingly evil disposed. We were obliged to remain here all day, and meanwhile made a tour round the village. The tree Safu* grew here in abundance, 3-cal.3-petaL 6-andr. c. gland, d-altern.-monogyn. The fruit, which was not yet ripe, is valued very highly. August 24th. A stranger had undertaken to serve as puide. The greatest part of the baggage was left behind. We proceeded eastwards parallel with the river, and into a long valley called Vimba Macongo, which we found tolerably even in traversing. We then passed by the conical mountain Sansa Madungu Mongo, which had long been within our view. Though the composition of the rock is very mixed, it is, however, probably nothing else but mica-slate. We arrived at the villages of Condoalla and Kincaya. The horns of a large antelope were seen. I fired at a small species of this genus. We proceeded further through a valley covered with ant-hills, bearing a resemblance to a fungus. After a march of eight or ten miles we were again in the vicinity of the river, whose waters here moved gently along. We observed on the opposite side a large canoe at no sjreat distance We encamped on an agreeable spot near die river, sur- rounded by green banks and trees. Several new plants occvured. A Chenoo, who appeared nmch more polite than the * In a detached note in pencil : Safu. fruct. edul. nigre tingens. (Kullu- M'galo Galo ) PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. '325 people of Inga, paid us a visit, and was presented by the Captain with an umbrella and some other articles. Several others came afterwards, particularly on the following morn- ing ; but our want of the all-powerful malava (presents) gave great dissatisfaction. They promised, however, to assist the Captain in purchasing canoes. August 25th. The great number of traces observed all along the river induced me to go very early on an excur- sion to a sandy beach of the river, situated somewhat higher up at the end of a level ravine. Recent traces of butl'aloes, antelopes, and turtles were seen, but no living animals, except two large wild ducks. AVe were much in- commoded b}' numbers of people from the opposite shore and from Kullu. Some of them, however, informed us that the river higher up forms a great sandy island, and that it divides into several branches across low swampy lands. From this place set out on our journey back again over Kincaya and Condoallo to Inga, where we arrived in the afternoon. In the mean time I visited a ravine, and got a magnificent view of no less than four rapids, of Avhich Sanga Jalala (Sangalla), situated above the others, and not far from our last encampiuent, appeared to be the most considerable of the whole of the falls, the number of which probably amounts to six. August 26th. Hawkey was dispatched with fourteen negroes and some of our men to Kullu to fetch the bag- gage. We accompanied the Captain through the valley of Dimba to Kincaya with a view of buying canoes, but did not find the owners at home. The inhabitants appeared 326 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. to be of a benevolent disposition. At noon we arrived at Condoalla, majestically situated in a lofty wood, and surrounded by plantations of Pisang. The tree foliis terminal, pennat. grew here in abundance. Its fruit was not yet ripe. I observed flower-buds of the shrub Echinophoro, which we saw in the district of Kullu. In returning, I ascended the top of the high Madungo ^longo. The rock in the valley consists chiefly of mica-slate, stretchino- as usual towards N. E. and inclining under an angle of fortj^-five degrees towards N. W. Undermost in the valley, the slate is thickly mixed vvith a granular feldspar and hornblende. The top part consists of a very loose mica. The mountain here inclined gently in a long-ex- tended slope. Its opposite side was covered with wood, which was now on fire. I had a full view of the whole valley, which from my station appeared very flat. The river was seen behind in its whole course, forming several larger islands in the line of Inga and my station. The country behind rises into a platform of uniform elevaticm with the plain on Avhich Inga is situated. The summits of the hills are somewhat higher in the back-ground. Farther still, at the extremity of the view, the river runs round an eminence, but afterwards probably turns somewhat more to the northward, where the country is considerably lower. No eminence appeared more elevated than the summits of the hills bounded by the horizon. The general direction of the valleys and the plains is nearly N. and S. I climbed up a lofty tree bearing fruit, some of which I had previously brought down with my musket. I shot PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 327 some pigeons; and being induced to pursue a flock of large crested toucans, I did not reach Inga till it was quite dark, where they had been in some uneasiness about me. Last night, wlien encamping in the open air near the river, we had the first shower of rain since our arrival in Africa. The negroes on seeing the new moon expressed great joy, because during the next moon there would be abundant showers of rain, and the time would then be ar- rived for planting their grain. The river would then also begin to swell, and in two months the rainy season, proper- ly so called, Avould be set in. Lockhart had made a tour to the river, where "he had found another Epidendron, and an Euphorbia ten feet high. Caudice 3-a7ig. spmis mai'gina- lib. binis, ovalibiis crassis, petalis oblongo-peltutis. August 27- Hawkey returned from his journey already before noon, having proceeded beyond Mansaea, where he had found the fruit of a singular water-plant, calcare longo. Accompanied by Galwey I descended into a deep ravine, situated N. E. from the village. The plants grew here thicker than we had observed in any place before, but the greater numberofthem bore only leaves. We now ascended a hill, which afforded us a view of four of the falls. That part of the river, Avhere they occur, is contracted between rocky hills, forming nearly a continued line of rapids. Sanga Jalalais the uppermost fall but one, and the highest. The lowest is under the village of Inga, a little before the river turns towards the south, and the fall of Yellala begins at the last turning of the river towards the general direc- tion, or south-east. The length of the rapids is perhaps 328 PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. twenty miles. In the evening I went in company with Lockhart to the ravine situated northward, where I found the superb tree Musanga in flower. August 28. Captain Tuckey and Galwey proceeded through the valley to Sangala, the uppermost rapid, in order to ascertain whether canoes might pass over it. Ac- companied by Lockhart, I descended the hill, in order to cut down the Musanga-tree, round the top of which seve- ral climbers, Dioscorea, and a singular species of Aggregata were twisted. The flowers were withered. A man died in the village. Gangam Kissy was busy all day in order to discover the cause of his death, and found out at last that he had been poisoned by three men, among whom was the Macaya Macasso is a nut chewed by great people only. It is rather bitter, and perhaps is the Cola nut. Casa is a purgative legumen. Jandu, a Dioscorea growing wild. Its root is used for food, but it has a bitter taste, even after having been boiled a whole day. August 29. Captain Tuckey returned in the evening after a long and fatio-uino- tour. Above Sangala occurs another fall, but beyond this the river is said to run quietly, and that canoes with two pair of double oars are to be found there. A number of antelopes had made their ap- pearance. A village had been deserted from fear of ven- geance for a crime committed in a neighbouring territory. August 30. Hawkey was ordered to go to Walla to hire canoes, by means of which it was intended to endeavour to convey the baggage up Sangala. I accompanied him on PROFESSOR SMITH'S JOURNAL. 329 this journey. We followed the usual way through the valley of Dimba and its villages. From the eminence over-look- ing the valley we observed a herd of antelopes. On our arrival at Wallu we were informed that there was but one single canoe at the ferry, and that it was used chiefly on market days. August 31. Before day-break Hawkey and I set out for the small sandy creek. Here we again fired at some of the large wild ducks, and observed recent traces of hippo- potami. On ascending some hills we saw several flocks of Guinea-fowls, of which we shot one, and when engaged in the pursuit of these birds, we came in sight of four ante- lopes, tw(^ of which were of a blackish colour on the back, the rest of the body brown, with large spiral horns. We met with but few new plants. Sept. 1st. Lockhart this day discovered the female tree of Musanga. Another tree which h9 80 76 76 13 70 76 77 76 29 70 78 74 75 14 73 78 76 77 30 70 76 76 76 15 72 78 76 77 31 71 76 74 76 l6 72 77 75 76 Aug. 1 <)9 73 75 76 17 70 76 76 76 2 71 73 76 76 18 71 76 77 78 3 71 74 76 76 19 71 78 77 77 4 69 7 b 76 76 20 69 78 75 76 It is remarked in a meteorological journal, imperfectly kept by Captain Tuckey, in proceeding up the river, that from the mouth to Embomma, the temperature of the river was almost invariably at 76°. The alimentary plants are very various, and for the most valuable of them, the natives are indebted to the Portu- guese. The staple products of the vegetable world consist 356 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. of manioc or cassava, j^aius, and maize or Indian corn ; to whicli may be added sweet potatoes, pumpkins, millet of two or three species, and calavanses : they have besides cabbages, spinach, pepper, capsicum, the sugar-cane, and tobacco. Of fruits they have the plaintain or banana, papaw, oranges, limes, and pine-apples. 'J'he latter fruit Avas met with b}^ Captain Tuckey growing on the open plains near the extreme point of his journey, and far be- yond where any Europeans had advanced. This fruit, therefore, as well as the bananas, the one being from the West, the other from the East Indies, (or both perhaps from the West), must have been carried up into the interior by the natives. The only beverage used by the inhabitants, except Avhen they can get European spirits, is the juice of the palm tree, of which there are three distinct species. It is usually known by the name of palm Avine, and was considered by the whole party as a very pleasant and wholesome liquor, having a taste, when fresh from the tree, not unlike that of sweetish cyder; is very excellent for quenching tlie thirst, and for keeping the body gently open. When tapped near the top, the juice runs copiously out during the night, but very little is said to exude in the day time. One of the spe- cies yields a juice sweeter than the rest, and this being suf- fered to ferment, is said to produce a liquor of a very intoxi- cating quality. The trees are remarkably tall, and are ascended by means of a flexible hoop which encloses, at the same time, the body of the person intending to mount and the stem of the tree, against the latter of which the feet are pressed, while the back rests against the hoop. At each GENERAL OBSERVATIOXS. 357 step the hoop is moved upward with the hand, and in this way they ascend and descend the highest trees with great expedition : should the hoop give way, the consequence must be fatal. They have no want of domestic animals to serve them a^ food, though very litde care appears to be bestowed on them. They consist chiefly of goats, hogs, fowls, the com- mon and Muscovy duck, and pigeons; a few sheep, gene- rally black and white, Avith hair instead of wool. The Chenoo of Embomma had obtained from the Portuguese a few horned cattle, but no pains whatever were taken to increase the breed. They have no beasts of burden of any description. Of wild animals the country produces great variety, but the natives are too indolent and inex- pert to convert them to any useful purpose. They have elephant's, leopards, lions, buffaloes, large monkeys with black faces, and numerous species of antelopes, with which Africa every where abounds; wild hogs, porcupines, hares, and a great variet}^ of other ({uadrupeds, from which an active people would derive important advantages. Guinea fowl and red legged partridges are also abundant, large, and fine ; and wild pigeons, of three or four species, very plentiful. The country appears to be remarkably free from teazing and noxious insects, excepting bugs and fleas in the huts, and the black ants, which erect those singular mushroom- shaped habitations, some of which have two or three domes, and sometimes occur in whole villages. The party suffered no annoyance from scorpions, scolopeudras, musquitoes, 358 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. which are almost universally swarming in warm climates. From the abundance of bees, and the hills being well clothed with grass, Congo might be made a land " flowing with milk and honey." The lower part of the river abounds with excellent fish, which would appearto be an important article of subsistence to those who inhabit the woody banks occupied by the mangrove. Bream, mullet and cat-fish are the most abun- dant. A species of Sparus, of excellent flavour, was caught by the party in large quantities, each of them Aveighing generally from thirty to forty pounds, and some of them even sixty. Mr. Fitijmaurice observes that, near Draper's islands, he fell in with three or four hundred canoes, in which the people were busily employed in dragging up a species of shell-fish, which he compares to what is usually in England called the clam, and Avhich is stated by Captain Tucke}' to be a species of Mya. Most of these fishermen, it was thought, had no other abode than the shelter which the woods afforded them ; that they form a kind of hut by bending and entwining the living branches, in the same manner as is sometimes practised by the roving Caffres bordering on the colony of the Cape of Good Hope ; others make the caverns in the rocks the abodes of themselves and families during the fishing season ; for it would seem that these huts and retreats were but temporary, as the shells of these fish were opened, the animal taken out, and dried in the sun. In the upper parts of the river, women Avere frequently seen fishing with scoop nets, made Irom the fi- bres of some creeping plants ; and in one village, a Avoman GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 359 was obsei'ved spinning cotton for nets ; the herbaceous cot- ton plant growing every where wild. In some places the fish were caught in pots ; in others they took them by means of a poisonous plant. A fish resembling the Silurus electricus was brought on board the Congo from Embomma, which, by the account of the natives, when alive and touched, communicates a severe shock to the hand and arm, or to use their own ex- pression '• it shoot through all the arm." It is thus descri- bed by Mr. M'Kerrow: length tliree-feet six inches ; head large, broad and compressed ; mouth furnished with six long cirrhi, four on the under and two on the upper jaw; mandibles dentated ; tongue short, and eyes small ; body without scales ; pectoral fins near the branchial openings, the ventrals near the anus ; dorsal fin soft, and placed near the tail ; upper parts of the body thickly spotted black, and the under of a yellowish white ; skin exceedingly thick. The Zaire swarms with those huge monsters the hippo- potamus and the alligator, or rather crocodile, (for it appears to be of the same species as the animal of the Nile,) and particularly abov^e the narrows. Both these animals seem to be gregarious, the former being generally met with in groups of ten or twelve together ; the latter in two or three, sometimes five or six. The flesh of the hippopotamus is excellent food, not unlike pork ; but it does not appear that the negroes are particularly fond of it, as the only one killed by the present party was suffered to putrify on the margin of the river ; though it is stated that the flesh is sometimes sold in the market. One crocodile only was killed, whose length was 360 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. nine feet three inches, and girt across the shoulders three- feet seven inches. Food, Lodging, Utensils and Clothing. — Tiie sta- ple articles of subsistence, at least in the dry season, appear to be manioc, ground-nuts, and palm wine ; lo Avhich may probably be added Indian corn and yams, the latter of which are stated to be remarkably fine ; and of Indian corn they have regularly two crops in the year. Animal food is not in general use, though sold in the daily market held at Embomma, Avhich is at a village distinct from the banza, or residence of the Chenoo, and at which from a hundred to three hundred persons ai'e said to assemble ; in this market, the party observed a supply of goats, fowls, eggs, besides vegetables, fish, and salt. It must be recollected, however, that this place is the grand mart for conducting the slave trade of the Zaire, and these supplies may be chiefly intended for the crews of the European ships. The negroes of Congo are exceedingly foul feeders^ and particularly filthy in their preparation and their eating of animal food ; they broil fowls with the feathers on, and pieces of goat Avithout being at the trouble of removing the skin, or even the hair ; and the}'' devour them when scarcely warmed, tearing the flesh in pieces with their teeth in the most disgusting manner. Mr. Fitzmaurice relates that one da}' , as their butcher had taken off the skin of a sheep, the Mandingo slave purchased by Captain Tuckey, had slily conveyed away the skin, Avhich, with the wool (or rather the hair) he had thrown over a smokey fire, and when GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 361 discovered, he had nearly eaten the whole skin in a state scarcely warm. There do not appear, however, to bathe slightest grounds for supposing that they ever eat human flesh, not even that of their enemies, but that all the accu- sations of this nature are totally false. None of the banzas or villages seen by tlie party were of great extent ; the largest probably not exceeding one hun- dred huts. Embomma, Cooloo, and Inga, are each the residence of a Chenoo ; the first was supposed to consist of about sixty huts, exclusive of the Chenoo's inclosure, and about five hundred inhabitants; the second, one hundred huts, and from five to six hundred inhabitants ; and the third, being the last in the line of the river within the kingdom of Congo, of seventy huts, and three hundred in- habitants. The party stationed at this banza understood, that the Chenoo could command about two hundred fiojht- ingmen, one hundred of whom he can arm with musquets; and with this force he conceives hiuiself to be the dread and terror of his enemies. These banzas are usually placed amidst groves of palms and adansonias. The huts in general consist of six pieces, closely woven or matted together, from a reedy grass, or the fibres of some plant ; the two sides exactly corresponding, the two ends the same, excepting that in one is the door way, an opening just large enough to creep in at, and the two slop- ing sides of the roof also correspond. The sides and ends are made fast to upright posts stuck in the ground ; and the two pieces of the roof are bound to the sides, and also 3 A 362 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. to each oilier ; and as each piece is very hght, a house can, at any time, be removed from one situation to another with great ease; sometimes the roofs are semi-circular. The value of one of these moveable houses is stated to be not more than the price of five or six fowls, and in five minutes may be put together. Permanent houses, however, such as those of the Chenoo, are made of the palm leaves with considerable skill, having several posts along the sides and ends, and covered externally with the blades or back rib of the palm leaf, bound together with a creeping plant in regular zig-zag figures. They are also generally inclosed within a fence of reeds matted together. Their household utensils are very few, and as simple as the houses themselves. Baskets made of the fibres of the palm tree ; bowls and bottles of gourds or calabashes, or of the shell of the monkey bread-fruit (Adansonia) to hold their provisions and water, earthen vessels of their own mak- ing to boil their victuals, and wooden spoons to eat them ; a mat of grass thrown on a raised platform of palm-leaves, their only bedding. The articles of dress are equally sparing and simple, the common people being satisfied with a small apron tied round their loins, of a piece of baft, if they can get it, or of native grass-matting, made by the men ; of the same grass they make caps, whose surface is raised and figured in a very beautiful manner, and the tex- ture so close that they will hold water. Rings of brass or iron are welded on the arms and ankles, and sometimes bracelets of lion's teeth ; and the women generally contrive GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 363 to have strings of beads round their necks and arms and legs, and in default of these, strings of the cowrie shell, or of the round seeds of various plants. Their canoes are generally hollowed out of the trunk of the bombax or cotton tree, or of a species of ficus, the common size being about twenty-four feet in length, and from eighteen to twenty inches in Avidth ; and they are all pushed forwards with long paddles, the men standing up- right; they use neither sails, nor any substitute for them. A rude hoe of iron, stuck into a wooden handle, is the implement used for agricultural purposes ; but the climate is so fine, that, by merely scratching the surface of the ground, they succeed in raising good crops. The great scarcity of provisions, experienced by the party who pro- ceeded up the river, was occasioned entirely by the long drought, and that want of precaution in laying up a stock against such a contingency, which, it would seem, is here rather the effect of indolence and thoughtlessness, than any distrust in the right and security of property ; which indeed is so well understood, that almost all the disputes among the natives arise from their tenacity in the division of property, whether in land or stock. This participation is frequently so minute, that, as Captain Tuckey observes, a fowl or a pig may sometimes have three or four proprietors. POPULATJOX AND CONDITION OF THE PeOPLE. Though the population evidently increased, the farther the party proceeded into the interior, the banks of the river were but thinly inhabited in the very best and 364 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. most productive parts ; and nothing appeared that could give the least colour to those exaggerated statements of the Catholic missionaries, who speak of such masses of men collected together as are not to be met with in the most populous parts of Europe. Carli, for instance, states the " Grand Duke's" army to amount to 160,000 men ; and he accounts for the vast population of Congo from the indulgence of every man being allowed to take as many wives as he pleases, and the absence of all those religious institutions and societies which, in Europe, consign their members to a state of celibacy. Nay, we are told, that the king, Don Antonio, could muster an army of 900,000 men, and that he actually brought 80,000 against the Portuguese, who with 400 Europeans and 2000 negroes, with the help of the Virgin Mary, easily put to route this great force, dethroned the king, and set up a new one of their own. Whether such a population ever existed, or if so, what became of it; whether wars, pestilence, or famine, swept those vast multitudes away, or whether their pro- geny were sent off to other lands, the Portuguese, who best could tell, have been silent on the subject ; it is quite clear, however, that no such population exists at the pre- sent day. Leaving out the paramount sovereign of Congo, whose existence seems to be rather doubtful, the component parts of a tribe or society, would appear to consist of — 1. the Chenoo ; 2. the members of his family ; 3. the Mafooks; 4. Foomos; 5. fishermen, coolies and labouring people; 6. domestic slaves. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 365 The title and authority of the Chenoo are hereditary, through the female line, as a precaution to make certain of the blood royal in the succession ; for although the number of the Chenoo's wives is unlimited, none but the offspring of her who is descended from royal blood, can inherit ; and in default of issue from any such, the offspring of any other princess married to a private person, lays claim to the chief- ship, and the consequences are such as might be expect- ed; feuds and civil broils arise, which terminate only in the destruction of the weaker party. A Chenoo's daughter has the privilege of chusingher own husband, and the per- son she fixes upon is not at liberty to refuse ; but it is a perilous distinction which is thus conferred upon him, as she has also the privilege of disposing of him into slavery, in the event of his not answering her expectations. Aware of his ticklish situation, he is sometimes induced to get the start of her, and by the help of some poisonous mixture, with the efficacy of which the people of Congo are well acquainted, rids himself of his wife and his fears at the same time. When a Chenoo appears abroad, one of his great officers carries before him his scepter or staff of authority, which is a small baton of black wood about a foot in length, in- laid with lead or copper, like the worm of a screw, and crossed with a second screw, so as to form the figures of rhomboids. What their native dresses may be beyond the sphere of communication with European slave-dealers, is not exactly known, but little more probably than an apron of some skin-cloth, or grass-matting ; the lion's skin to sit 366 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. upon, was said to be sacred to the Chenoo, the touching^ of which by the foot of a common person is death or sla- very. From the cataract downwards, the ridiculous cast- oflf dresses of French and Portuguese generals, form no part of the native costume of Congo, which, with the ex- ception of an apron, anklets, bracelets, and necklaces, may be presumed to be neither more nor less than sheer nakedness. The members of the Chenoo's family are his councillors, by whose advice he acts in all matters of importance ; and it is remarkable, that their consultations are generally held under the boughs of the Jiciis religiosa. In case of war, the elders remain behind to take care of the village, while the brothers, sons, or nearest relations of the Chenoo are usually selected to conduct, under him, their warlike expeditions. The Mafooks are the collectors of the revenues, which are chiefly derived from trade; towards the lower part of the river, they begin by acting as linguists or interpreters between the slave dealers of the interior, and the EiUropean purchasers; buthaving made a fortune, which was frequently the case in this once lucrative employment, they purchase the rank of Mafook, and from that moment are said to be dumb, and utterly unable any longer to interpret. The Foomos are composed of that class of the society who have houses and lands of their own, two or three wives, and perhaps a slave or two to work for them ; they are in fact the yeomanry of the country. The fishermen, coolies and labouring people appear to. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 3G7 consist of those who have no fixed property of their own, but act as the labourers and peasantry of the country, and are very much at the disposal of the Chenoo or chief, though not slaves. Domestic slaves do not appear to be numerous, and are not considered as common transferable property, and only sold for some great offence, and by order of the council, when proved guilty. Saleable slaves are those unhappy victims who have been taken prisoners in war, or kidnap- ped in the interior by the slave catchers, for the sake of making a profit of them; or such as have had a sentence of death commuted into that of foreign slavery. The Slave Trade. — The banks of the Zaire are not the part of Africa where the slave trade, at present, is car- ried on with the greatest activity, though there were three Portuguese schooners and four pinnaces at Embomma, ou the arrival of the expedition. The two great vents are the Gulf of Guinea to the northward, and Loango and Ben- guela to the southward of this river. The chiefs and their Mafooks were, however, all prepared to trade on the ap- pearance of the ships, and much disappointed on learning that the object of the expedition was of a very different nature. They had heard at Embomma, overland from the coast, some vague rumours concerning the nature of the expedition, which they did not well comprehend ; and when the ]\lafook of the Chenoo first came on board, he was very inquisitive to know, Avhether the ships came to make trade, or make war ; and when he was distinctly told that 368 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. the object was neither the one nor the other, he asked, " what then come for; only to take walk and make book 1" As it would appear, that the state of slavery is a condi- tion inherent in the principles on which the society of every negro tribe is founded, the gradation from domestic to foreign slavery is so easy, that as long as a single door re- mains open for disposing of human beings, it is to be feared, that very little progress has actually been made towards the abolition of this disgraceful and inhuman traffic. It is of little use to dam up the mouths of the Senegal and the Gam- bia, and turn the current into the channels of Lagos, For- mosa, Calabar and Camaroons ; or to stop up these vents, while the Zaire, the Coanza, and the Guberoro remain open. The prolonged march of the kafilas over land may somewhat increase the prices to the purchaser, and prolong the misery of the slave, but the trade itself will not be much diminished on that account ; while there is but too much reason to fear, that the passage across the Atlantic will be attended Avith circumstances of aggravated cruelty and in- humanity. Indeed nothing short of a total and unqualified prohibition of the traffic by every power in Europe and America, can afford the least hope for a total abolition of the foreign trade ; and even then, there is but too much reason to believe, that the Mahomedan powers of Egypt and northern Africa will extend their traffic to the cen- tral regions of Soudan, which in fact, since the nominal abolition, has very considerably encreased in those quarters. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 369 State of Society. — The state of society among the negro nations seems to be pretty nearly the same, and their moral character not very different ; the people of Congo Would appear, however, to be among the lowest of the ne- gro tribes. The African black is by nature of a kindly, cheer- ful, and humane disposition, entirely free from that quick, vengeful and ferocious temper which distinguishes the sava- ges of the Pacific and South Sea islands, particularly those of New Guinea, which most resemble the negroes in ex- ternal appearance. Contented with very humble fare, his happiness seems to consist in a total relaxation from all bo- dily exertion ; excepting when animated by the sound of his rude native music calling him to the dance, in which he is alwaj^s ready to join Avith the greatest alacrity. But in- dolence is the negroe's bane ; and until some strong motive for shaking it off shall take possession of his mind, and convince him of the utility of industrious pursuits, by bet- tering his condition, little hope can be entertained of the civilization of Africa, even should a total and radical aboli- tion of the slave trade be effected. The vast shoals of Catho- lic missionaries poured into Congo and the neighbouring parts of Southern Africa, from Italy, Spain, and Portugal, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, appear not to have advanced the natives one single step in civilization ; and the rude mixture of Catholic with Pagan superstitions, which were found among the Sognio people on the left bank of the Zaire, close to the sea coast, was all that could be discovered of any trace of Christianity, after the labours of these pious men for three hundred years. Some of these people came 3B 370 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. off to the vessels, and they are represented as being the very Avorst in every respect of all the tribes that were met with on the banks of the river, being dirty, filthy, and over-run with vermin. One of them was a priest, who had been ordained by the Capuchin monks of Loando, and carried with him his diploma, or letters of ordination ; he could just write his name, and that of St. Antonio, and read the Romish litany ; but so little was he of a Catholic, that his losary, his relics, and his crosses were mixed with his domestic fetiches ; and so indifferent a Christian, that this " bare -footed black apostle," as Dr. Smith calls hin), boasted of his having no fewer than five wives. Captain Tuckey seems to think that the plan of sending a few negroes to be educated in Europe, for the purpose of returning to instruct their countrymen, is as little likely to succeed, as that of sending missionaries among them; and that colonization holds out the only prospect of mehorating their civil and moral condition. How far this might suc- ceed with the negroes, remains to be tried; in all other countries, inhabited by a savage or half-civilized people, extirpation has followed close on the heels of colonization. The unconquerable avidity for spirituous liquors on the part of the savages, and the same propensity for their possessions on that of the colonists, have produced conten- tions, encroachments and spoliation, which terminate inva- riably to the detriment of the natives, and too frequently to their utter extermination. It might at the same time be well worth the experiment, of prevailing on a few of the GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 371 Moravian missionaries to settle themselves in a negro village, to instruct the natives in the useful arts of aoriculture, ma- nufactures and trade ; to make them feel the comforts and advantages of acquiring a surplus property ; to instil into their minds sound moral precepts : and to divert their at- tention from their gross and senseless superstitions to the mild and rational principles and precepts of the Christian religion. The worst feature in the negro character, which is a very common one among all savage tribes, is the little estimation in which the female sex is held ; or, rather their esteeming them in no other way than as contributing to their plea- sures, and to their sloth. Yet, if this was the extent to which female degradation was subject, some palliation might perhaps be found in the pecuUar circumstances of the state of the society- ; but the open and barefaced manner in which both wives and daughters were offered f(n" hire, from the Chenoo or chief, to the private gentleman, to any and all of the persons belonging to the expedition, was too disgust- ing to admit of any excuse. Some of the Chenoos had no less than fifty wives or women, and the Matboks from ten to twenty, any of which they seemed ready to dispose of, for the time, to their white visitors ; and the women most com- monly, as may well be supposed, were equally I'eady to offer themselves, and greatly offended when their offer was not accepted. It would seem, however, that whether they are lent out by their tyrants, or on their own accord, the object is solely that of obtaining the wages of prostitution ; the heart and the passions had no share in the transac- tion. It is just possible, that this facility in transferring 372 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Avomen to the embraces of strangers, is confined to those parts of the country where they have had communication with Europeans, Avho have encouraged such connections; though it must be admitted that, on the present occasion, very httle difference, in this respect, appears to have been observed on the part of the women, in places beyond where slave dealers are in the habit of visiting. Captain Tuckey, however, says, that in no one instance, beyond Embomma, did they find the men allant en avant in their offer of the women ; but the Embomma men said, falsely it is to be hoped, that it Avas only their ignorance, and the little in- tercourse they had with white men, that prevented it ; and that any of them would think themselves honoured by giving up his wife or daughter to a white maTi. No such licentious conduct it would seem is sanctioned among themselves ; where natives are the only parties concerned, an intrigue with another man's wife entails slavery on both the offenders ; and if the Avife of a Chenoo should go astray, he inflicts what punishment he may think fit on the lady, but the paramour must suffer death. IVIr. Fitzmaurice states, that an instance of this kind occurred while he was stationed at Embomma. The man was first carried to Sherwood, the mate of a slave ship then trading in the river, and offered to him for sale ; but on being rejected, those who had charge of him bound his hands and feet, and, without further ceremony, threw him into the river. Moral and Physical Character. — It is a stranoe inconsistency of human feeling that, in all uncultivated GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 373 societies, the weaker sex should be doomed to perform the most laborious drudgery. In Congo, the cultivation of the land, and the search after food in the woods and on the plains, frequently the catching of fish, devolve wholly on the women ; while the men either saunter about, or idle away the time in laying at full length on the ground, or in stringing beads, or sleeping in their huts: if employed at all, it is in weaving their little mats or caps, a kind of light work more appropriate to the other sex, or in strumming on some musical instrument. Their indolent disposition, however, does not prevent them from indulging an immoderate fondness for dancing, more especially on moon-light nights. No feats of activity are displayed in this species of amusement, which consists chiefl}^ in various motions of the arms and gesticulations of the body, not altogether the most decent. The pleasure it affords is announced b}^ hearty peals of laughter. They are also fond of singing, but it is only a monotonous drawl- ing of the voice, not very well calculated to dehght the ears of the auditors. Their musical instruments are, a sort of guitar or lyre of the rudest kind, horns, shells and drums ; and sometimes calabashes filled with small stones to make a rattling noise. They have songs on love, war, hunting, palm wine, and a variety of subjects, some of which have been attempted to be written down and translated by Cap- tain Tuckey, but in so imperfect a manner and so much defaced, as not to admit of being made out. In all the memoranda of the gentlemen employed on the expedition, the natives of Congo are represented as a live- ly and good-humoured race of men, extremely hospitable 374 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. to strangers, and always ready to share their pittance, sometimes scanty enough, with the passing visitor. In one of the notes only, they are characterized as shrewd, cunning, and thievish. Men living in a state of society like theirs, have occasion for all their shrewdness and cunning ; but with re- spect to their thievish propensity, though common to almost all savage and half-civihzed tribes, the testimony of Captain Tuckey is rather in favour of their honesty. It is true, that when returning down the river in a sickly and helpless condi- tion, and in great haste and anxiet3^to reach the vessels, some trilling advantage was taken to pilfer part of their baggage ; but it is in favour of these people that, considering all the circumstances of the distressed situation of the party, the}^ were able to bring away with them any part of their scat- tered property. The stature of the men of Congo is that of the middle size, and their features, though nearest to those of the negro tribe, are neither so strongly marked, nor so black as the Africans are in general. They are not anly represented as being more pleasing, but also as wearing the appearance of great simplicity and innocence. Captain Tuckej- could not discover among the people any national physiognomy; but few mulatloes ; and many had the features of south- ern Europeans. The discovery, by the party, of burnt bones, and of human sculls hanging from trees, might have led to the injurious idea of their being addicted to the eating of human flesh, had no further enquiries been made concernino- them : accounts of cannibahsm have been inferred by travellers on appearances no better founded than these : and it is probable, that the many idle GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 375 stones repeated by the Capuchin and other missionaries to Congo, of the Giagas and Anzicas, their immediate neighs hours, dehghting in human flesh, may have had no other foundation than their fears worked upon by the stories of the neighbouring tribes, who always take care to repre- sent one another in a bad hght, and usually fix upon cannibalism as the worst. SuPEUSTiTioxs. — Ignorance has always been accoun- ted the prolific mother of superstition. Those of the negroes of Congo would be mere subjects of ridicule, if they were harmless to society ; Avhich however is not the case. Every man has his fetiche, and some at least a dozen, being so many tutelary deities, against Q\eYy ima- ginable evil that may befal them. The word is Portu- guese, _/e/i/co, and signifies a charm, witchcraft, magic, &c.; and what is remarkable enough, it is in universal use among all the negro tribes of the Western Coast. There is nothing so vile in nature, that does not serve for a negro's fetiche ; the horn, the hoof, the hair, the teeth, and the bones of all manner of quadrupeds ; the feathers, beaks, claws, skulls and bones of birds ; the heads and skins of snakes; the shells and fins of fishes; pieces of old iron, copper, wood, seeds of plants, and sometimes a mix- ture of all, or most of them, strung together. In the choice of a fetiche, they consult certain persons Avhom they call I'etiche-men, who may be considered to form a kind of priesthood, the members of which preside at the altar of superstition. As a specimen of these senseless appendages 376 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. ges to the dress, and the dwelling of every negro, the fol- lowing represents one which the wearer considered as an in- fallible charm against poison ; the materials are, an Euro- pean padlock, in the iron of which they have contrived to bury a cowrie shell and various other matters, the bill of a bird, and the head of a snake ; these are suspended from a rosary consisting of the beans of a species of do- lichosy strung alternately with the seeds of some other plant. Others, with some little variation, are considered as protec- tions against the effects of thunder and lightning, against the attacks of the alligator, the hippopotamus, snakes, hons, tigers, &c. &c. And if it should so happen, as it some- times does, that in spite of his guardian genius, the wearer should perish by the very means against which he had adopted it as a precaution, no blame is ascribed to any negligence or want of virtue on the part of the fetiche, but to some otJence given to it, by the possessor, for which it GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 377 has permitted the punishment. On this account, when a man is about to commit a crime, or do that which his conscience tells him he ought not to do, he lajs aside his fetiche, and covers up his deity, that he may not be privy to the deed. Some of the persons of the expedition shewed to one of the chief men a magnet, which he said was very bad fetiche for black man ; he was too lively and had too much savey. This would be all well enough, if an opinion of their virtues in warding off evil affected only themselves ; and they might even be useful when considered as a guard upon their actions ; but their influence does not stop here ; they are considered in one sense as a kind of deity, to whom praj'ers are addressed for their assistance, and if afforded, thanksgivings are returned ; for the honour of the fetiche also, abstinence is performed, and penalties inflicted ; but if unsuccessful in any enterprize on Avhich the fetiche has been consulted, the owner immediately parts Avith him, and purchases another from the priest. These cunning men have gone a step further, and have succeeded in per- suading the silly people, that by their means, any part of a man's property may be fetiched or made sacred, in the same manner, or nearly so, as the iabhoo, which is so uni- versally practised in all the Pacific and South Sea islands ; and their mode of detecting a thief, bears a very remark- able resemblance to that which Campbell describes to be used among the people of the Sandwich islands. But the evil does not end here. Mr. Fitzmaurice, while he stopped at Banza Cooloo, was witness to a trans- 3C 378 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. action, which will best explain the ill effects of these sense- less superstitions. A woman had been robbed of some manioc and ground nuts ; she applied to a gangam or priest for a fetiche, which would compel the robber to restore the property ; and the manner of doing it is as fol- lows. The fetiche being exposed in some public place, the people of the village dance round it, and with the most hideous howhngs invoke it to produce the thief, or to direct that within a certain time, and at a certain place, he shall deposit the stolen goods, in failure of which, that this newly created divinity will be pleased to destroy both him and his relations. If at the expiration of the time, which is usually two days, the property is not restored, the fetiche is removed, and the first person of the village who dies, is considered to be the thief. It usually happens, that the goods are restored, but this was not the case in the present instance. The morning after the removal of the fetiche, the most dismal howlings were heard in the village, and, on sending the interpreter to enquire into the cause, he returned and reported, that the fetiche had killed the thief, and that the noise proceeded from the relations mourning over the body. " The deceased," says Mr. Fitzmaurice, " had been one of my coolies, and was a fine strong young man, apparently about twenty-four years of age. I had seen him the preceding evening walking about in good health, which, together with the circum- stance of his having died in convulsions, leads me to sus- pect that, rather than suffer the efficacy of the fetiche to be questioned, the priest had selected this poor fellow as GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 379 the victim to his imposture, and had contrived to send him out of the world by poison ; an opinion in which I am the more confirmed, from the relations of the deceased having found it necessary to present the priest with a larger quantity of manioc and nuts than what had been stolen, a necessary precaution, as my interpreter assures me, to preserve their own lives." The following circumstance, which passed between Mr. Fitzmaurice and his friend the Chenoo of the village, is a curious trait of simplicity or cunning in the manners of these people. This Chenoo had boasted of a war fetiche, which if any one attempted to shoot at, the flint would fall out, and the person so attempting would fall down dead. On Mr. Fitzmaurice and Mr. Hodder expressing a wish to have a shot at this redoubtable deity, he observed, that he loved them too much to let them try ; on telling him however that if, on firing, they missed it, or if they sus- tained any harm, they wou^d give him a whole piece of baft and two bottles of brandy, his fears for their safety immediately vanished before the prospect of gain, and he consented ; six yards was the distance measured off. The fetiche was the figure of a man rudely carved in wood and covered with rags, about two feet high, and one foot broad, and the time appointed was the following morning. In the course of the evening, the interpreter, who had a great regard for the strangers, appeared extremely sad and pen- sive, and being asked the cause, replied, that he very much feared his good masters were going to die, and intreated in the most urgent manner, that they would give the baft and 380 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. brandy, and let the fetiche alone. Being absent for some time, he said, on his return, that he had been at the vil- lage ; that the King and his nobles were holding a pala- ver, whether the}' should venture the fetiche or not, and that they had asked him, whether he thought white men would dare fire at it, and on hisanswering in the affirmative, they exclaimed, " mindeele zaambie ra'poonga," white men are gods." The Chenoo made his appearance the fol- lowing morning, but without the fetiche, and was very de- sirous to see the fowling piece fired, in which he was gra- tified, and on perceiving the ball strike the mark fired at, he seemed very much astonished, and went away without saying a w^ord. In the evening he returned, with nearly the whole of the inhabitants ; begged they would not think of firing at his fetiche, for if they should hit it, and this was known to the neighbouring Chenoos, they would all make war upon him immediately ; an intreaty which was uttered with so much real axiety in his countenance as to leave no doubt of his being in earnest. Besides the individual fetiches which are selected by a priest, or by the caprice of the wearer, various striking objects of nature are held in general estimation. The Taddi Enzazzi, or lightning stone, and the fetisch rock, are objects of this kind. The latter is considered as the peculiar residence of Seembi, the spirit which presides over the river.. On the side of some rocks inhabited by fishermen, round the point of Soonda, are a number of raised figures, formed apparently with sand and ashes and laid on wet, which, when indurated, appear like stone sculp-^ 2f From a. sketcl) "t^ Lien' Hawkey. r eAlPTAHW TTTUClSIElf'S V®1rA©Tl IM AIFmE©A. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 881 tured in low relief. The annexed plates are fac-similes of those figures copied by Lieutenant Hawkey, respecting which, lie observes, that he could not learn, from any in- quiries he was able to make, whether they had any con- nection with the religious notions of the people, though they went by the name of fetiches. They were said to be the work of a learned priest of Nokki, who taught the art to all those who chose to pay him. The names of the ob- jects, corresponding with the numbers on the plates, are mentioned by Lieutenant Hawkey, as under. 20. A gentleman in his hammock. 21. A snake. 22. Unknown. 23. A man shooting a bird. 24. An old man and a young one killing an alligator. 25. Unknown. 2t»- A hunter and hippota- mus. 27. An elephant. 28. Unknown. 29- A hunter, a deer, and an alligator. 30. Tattooing figures. 31. A man and snake. 32. A gentleman in his hammock, 33. A ship. 1. A gentleman in his ham- mock and guard, 2. A gentleman borne by his slave. 3.1 4. I Unknown. 5. J 6". A lizard. 7. An alligator. ■ I Unknown. 10. A hippopotamus. 11. Unknown. A buffalo. A chasseur. A buffalo. A bird. 16. Unknown. 17. An alligator. 18. A hunter killing a deer. 19. A bird. 12 13 14 15 382 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. In several other places, figures of a similar kind were met with, cut into the face of the slat}^ rock, or into wood, or on the surface of the gourds or pumpkins, most of which had something of the fetiche or sacred character attached to them. They have some vague notion of a future paradise, in which they shall all be happ^^ ; they also entertain some idea of a good and an evil principle ; the former is distin- guished by the name of Zamba M'Poonga ; the latter by that of Cad dee MTeemba ; but they seem to pa}' more veneration to, and to feel a greater dread of, their sub- s'tantial fetiches, than these imaginary personages. The most inoffensive part of their superstitions is the re- spect which they show to the dead ; and absurd as it may appear, a veneration for deceased friends and relations is always a favourable trait in the character of a people. Those who can aflFord, and they omit no endeavours to obtain it, cover the dead bodies of their relations with many folds of clothing, and keep them above ground, till, from the quantity of wrappers added from time to time, they have arrived at an immense bulk ; in this state they are then deposited in a hut ; they mourn their loss at stated times of the day with bowlings and lamentations ; and at length they bury them in graves of vast depth, with the view pro- bably of preventing the possibility of their being scratched up by beasts of prey ; they plant trees and shrubs round the graves, and like the Welsh and the Chinese, decorate them with flowers or place fetiches upon them. An ele- phant's tusk placed at the head and another at the foot, mark the grave as belonging to a person of some distinction. Ectch "by l-ie'j.* Hay.^ey- jl ''jlffliwiir^ (JjllllllW C^^ TuiUjhed hy John Murra-y^ldemarU Str&et lotuionj\/ov GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 388 Crimes ajjd Punishments. — Tlie only capital crimes are stated to be those of poisoning and adultery, the latter of which is singular enough, considering in what little estima- tion women are held. Murder and theft are punished by re- taliation and restitution, or selling the criminal into slavery. The Gangam and his Kissey are the grand jury who find the bill, but the accused undergoes a trial by ordeal before the elders of the community. He is made to chew a cer- tain poisonous bark ; if guilty, he keeps it in his stomach and it occasions his death ; if innocent, he throws it up again and he is acquitted of the charge ; and thus the guilt or innocence of a man is made to depend on the strength of his stomach. The practice of poisoning is so common, that the master of a slave always makes him taste his cooked victuals before he ventures to eat of them himself. Diseases and Remedies. — The natives in general ap- peared to be healthy ; the diseases under which they mostly laboured, were of the cutaneous kind, few being free from the itch, and scrofula ; leprosy, and elephantiasis were ob- served, and some few cases of fever and duxes occurred. They appeared to be subject also to indolent tumors, and most of them were observed to have large navels. Among the people of the neighbouring towns who came down to Inoa to see the Avhite men that were stationed there, a Mafook brought with him his daughter, a girl of about twelve 3'ears of age, whose skin was perfectly white, but of a pale sickly colour, though the father said she was 884 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. quite stout and healthy ; she had curly hair and negro features. The only medicines used by them, and those but spar- ingly, are infusions and decoctions of native plants ; and among others the root of a species of dioscorea, of a very strong bitter taste, is very much chewed by them as a pre- ventive of fluxes ; but the Gangam Kissey and various fetiches are mosily resorted to for the cure of diseases ; and when the Gangam, who acts in the threefold capacity of priest, public accuser, and physician, sees the case to be desperate, he gives the patient over to Zamba M'Poonga. It is not easy to conceive for what purpose the shoals of missionaries were sent among the Congo negroes, nor in what manner they passed their time in the country. Their accounts are filled with the multitudes they baptized, and they baptized all who offered themselves ; but it is a very extraordinary fact that they should not have instructed some of them to read and write. No trace of any such in- struction appeared along the banks of tiie Zaire, except in the instance before mentioned ; nor did it appear that they had any mode of registering time or events, except by the moon, and in this way only for a very few years. Language The language of the Congo and the neigh- bouring states, differs very materially from all the known languages of the negroes oC northern Africa ; but from the copious vocabiilaries obtained by Captain Tuckey, there would seem to be a radical afhnily between all the lan- guages on the western coast of Southern Africa, and that GENERAL OBSERVATIONS, 38o these languages have pervaded the greater part of that portion of the Continent, and extended even to the eastern coast. 'J'he letter of Mr. Marsden, referred to in Captain Tuckey's instructions, contains some curious information on this subject ; as well as some remarks on the language in general, which may be useful to future travellers ; the following is an extract from it. " Knowing so little, as we do, of the countries on the " banks of the Zaire (which I observe is also called by " D'Anville, the Barbela river), few particular instructions " can be given, regarding the language spoken in that " quarter; and it will depend upon Captain Tuckey to avail " himself of the information that circumstances may place " within his reach. In most cases the opportunity will be " little more than that of collecting a few of the most com- " mon words, which may, however, be sufficient to shew " whether the people speaking them, have or have not an " original connection with others geographically and poli- " tically separated from them ; and comparisons of this " kind M'ill be much facilitated by having uniform lists " which not only suggest the proper words at the momen " of enquiry, but place them mechanically beside each " other. Where a longer residence admits of freer inter- " course, and the means of acquiring a more perfect know- " ledge of the language, it will be desirable, besides at- " tempting to lill up the larger vocabulary,* that pains " should be taken to examine its grammatical structure, * A printed selection of English words. 3D 886 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. *' and to ascertain, for instance, how the nominative and " subjunctive words in a sentence are placed with respect " to the verb ; how the adjective with regard to the sub- " stantive ; how plurals and degrees of comparison are " formed ; whetlier there is any kind of inflexion or varia- " tion of syllables of the same Avord according to its posi- " tion in the sentence and connection with other words ; " whether the pronouns personal vary according to the " rank or sex of the person addressing or person addressed ; " and whether they are incorporated with the verb ; and to " observe any other peculiarities of idiom, that the lan- " guage may present ; noting the degree of softness, harsh- " ness, indistinctness, intonation, guttural sounds, and the " prevalence or deficiency of any particular letters of the " alphabet, as we should term them, such as R and F. " The extent of country, over which a language is under- " stood to prevail, should also be a subject of investigation ; " and, by what others it is bounded at every side. Also, " whether there may not be a correct language of com- " munication between nations, whose proper languages are " distinct. " I observe that the name o^ Congo belongs to the coun- " tr}'^ on the southern side of the Zaire; and that Loango, " Kokongo, N'Goio, Tomba, and N'Teka, are the names " of kingdoms or districts on the northern side. The spe- " cimens I have of the language of Loango (apparently the " most considerable of these) shews it to be radically the " same with that of Congo, although, as dialects, they vary " a great deal. It will probably be found, that this is the GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 387 *' case with regard to the others also ; and I am the more " inchned to beheve the language very general in that " part of Africa from the foUoAving circumstance : I had " formerly a negro servant from Mosambique, who came " by the way of Bombay to Bencoolen, and having taken " down from his mouth the words of his native tongue, I " was afterwards much surprized to find them correspond, " in many instances, not only with the language of the " Cafters, as given by Sparrman, but more especially with " that of Congo, as will be seen on comparing a few of the " words of the latter, as given by Benjamin (the Congo " black) with those taken from my servant. Ka^er. Sanu. English. Congo. Mosambique. Three. . Tatoo. Atatoo. Ten. Coomy. Kumir. Four. Me-sana. Man. Momtoo. Mimtu. Woman. Makaintu. Muke. Foot. Cooloo. Mo'guru Day. Booboo. Riubu. Dead. Cufoy. Kufoa. Water. Maza. Madje. Ma azi. " But it was not my intention to have gone into this de- " tail; the fact, however, is very curious, the distance being " so considerable." It is sufficiently remarkable, however, that while this agree- ment is found between the languages of tribes so very distant from each other, so great a difference should prevail in diffe- rent parts of the same district, and at so short a distance, as 388 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. appears by the Vocabulary (Appendix, No. I.) collected and filled up by Captain Tuckey ; the first column of which are the words of the Malemba languaf^e, on the coast and near the mouth of the river, the second those of Embom- ma ; and it is stated that the language beyond Inga differed very considerably from that of Embomma. Mr. Marsden, who obligingly furnished the list of Eng- lish words in a printed form, and Avhose extensive know- ledge of languages? stamps a value on any opinion he may give on that subject, has communicated the following observations on Captain Tuckey 's vocabulary. " The very copious and apparently accurate vocabulary " of the Congo language, collected by Captain Tuckey, " has furnished the means of comparison with the other " languages and dialects prevailing in the southern por- " tion of Africa, and has thereby served to establish the " fact of an intimate connexion between the races of peo- " pie inhabiting the western and the eastern coasts of the " peninsula ; although in that parallel, its breadth is little " less than thirty degrees of longitude. " Upon selecting some of the most familiar terms, and " comparing them with the specimens we possess, it will " be seen, in the first place, that the words as written down " by Captain Tuckey, from the mouths of the natives " of Co»^o, agree generally with those given by Brusciotto, " Oldendorp, and Hervas; allowance being made for the " differences of European orthography. They also cor- " respond with those of the neighbouring countries of " Loango and Angola, with some variety of labial pro- GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 389 a a a nunciation ; and less perfectly with the languages of the Mandongo (not to be confounded with the Mandinga of Northern Africa) and the Camha people ; both of the same western coast. It is highly probable, that all these mutually understand each other in conversation. Between the Congo language and that of the tribes on the eastern side, the affinity, although radical is much less striking, and the people themselves must consider them as quite distinct ; but the following instances of resemblance, in words expressing the simplest ideas, may be thought sufficient to warrant the belief, that the nations by whom they are employed, must, at a remote period, have been more intimately connected." is is. d 4.1 C u o « ca a, 6 5 C = o « O Z3 .a > Si Three Tatoo Tattu Sitaltu Ba-tatu A-talu Four M'na Ya Sija Me-sana Moonaw Saiiu Five Tanoo Tanu Sit-tan — Tlianou — Ten Coomy Icumi Si-kunii Kumi Kouniaw Sumi Eye Mieso — — Meso Tfosho — Tooih Mcno ^"^ — Me no Me 11 ho — Dead Foi Affua Ku -foa Ufile Water Maza Mase Rlasa Madji Matee .Mae>i Hog Gorolooboo — Engulo Guru ay Giilloway — Sun I'aiigua N'Tazi Tangu — — Langga Moon Mooezy — — Moyse Moomo — Salt Moonqua — — — -Mun-you — i There does not seem to be the least truth in the com- plicated mechanism of the Congo language, which some fanciful author thought he had discovered, and which has been repeated by succeeding writers ; none of" those idioms 390 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. of which the syntax and grammatical forms, ingeniously combined with art, indicate, in the opinion of Malte-Brun, •' a meditative genius, foreign to the habitual condition of these people." These few observations contain a summary of the know- ledge of the moral circumstances and condition of the people, and their means of subistence, as obtained by the expedition to the point of the ri\^er where its researches terminated. The physical information acquired is, on account of its scientific form, kept separate, and follows in the Appendix [391] v^ APPENDIX, No. I. A Vocabulary of the Malemba and Embomma Languages. English. Malemba. Embomma. English. Malemba. Embomma Above, Tanda Teleema, Aunt, Cacandee Menkaze Absent, leli leli-kouka Avoid, Souama Accuse, N'Doke Awake, Catoumauca cotouka Admire, Equaila Axe, M'Peebe tawly Advice, Wenapee Adultery, Wavuca, Ng- Sougam casan- Back, Nema booza Cazganie gana Back again, Vantauca Afraid, Wonga Boema Bad, Mabee, Moontoa mambee Afront, I'. -N'Sone nganzey N'zambico, bad After, Quonema man Afternoon, Masseca maseaka Bag. Ecouba Kouba Again, Quaudee Bake, Zampaimbe, Bolo Agree, loca Chivueede Zampaimbe, Air, E'Zoola zeelo bake bread Alike, Deddy Deddy Bald, V'andou vandou Alive, N'Chenia monio Bargain, Saomba soomba All, ionsou. M'Venu- Yo Bark (rind) Taunda babosy lonsou, I give Barren Seeta all Barter, v. Taubeengana- Vinja Alone, Caca ; Meno caca. quetau I am alone Basket, M'Bangou Always, Loumbau E'on- Tangibana Bathe, N'Younga Sookoola sou, all times Battle, Nouana N'ousna Amuse, Queenibela Bawl, V. Beconoa Anchor, Boam-pouiou boam-poutou Bay, Londo N'zeela And, Isha Beads, M'Sanga, or p'sanga Angry N'Zalla, Lengula, Sanga sulky Beard, N'Deva Devoe Another Lequa, Lequa chanca, ano- Beat, V. Yalta, beco-yaita, don't strike Bolo ther thing. Bed, M'Foulou Cheea Answer, v. Tamboudede bouleno-beembo Before, Ovetide quande Any, lequa, ehouso-le- Beg, M'panou M'cootoO qua, any thing Begin, Davove Tona Approach, r. Queaniena or Isa Behind, Oquinema quanima \^^esadea Believe, Eande Arm, Coco Belly, ^'oumou Voomoo Army, Cacomunta Below, Quonsee quoonsee Arrive, N'Chemosouca Bend, Voumbama beenza Ashamed, N'Sone sony-zakaleka Betray, Moueve Ashore, V'anase, vanasse \ananze Between, Fouloumose Ask, Couvaula uvroola Beyond, Valla Asleep, Leca Icle Big. Ounene tolo Assist, Cousadesa Bind, Cangama At M'pou Bird, Noone Noonee 3D2 APPENDIX. No. I. English. Malemba. Emboroma. English. Malemba. Embomma, Bite, V. La vat a tibila Cold, Chazee cheosey Bitter, Cazau nooly Comb, V. Sanoo Sanoo Black, M'fiote M'fiot Come, AAVesa ouise Blind, Mesouinafoa mafoi Conquer, cheena waate boogazy Blood, Menga Menga Cook, V. Lambe lamba Blue, Chandonibe Chinoinba Copper, Sango Songo Boat N'Zaza N'zaza Corner, Fouma Body, Solango Avia Country, Seame N'zee Boil, 0. Lamba (meno laamb Cow, Gombe pacheza lainba, 1 boil) Cry, I.. Dela leela Bold, Oumolo, or qu- Cure, I'. Sambouca belola angolo Curse, V. Lakelaca lokala Bone, Vissee, or Vese vezze Cut, Veengoana Yango Bottom, Coonansee Coonansee Box, n. Lookata Dance, v. Keena keena Boy, N'Tanude leeze, toadi Dark, Tombe ; Night M'boi Brave, Quangolo or Ou- pande time molo Dausrhter, Chincoomba Coomba Bread, Bolo Bolo Day," Laumbau Moinee Break, v. Baudede bourica Dead, Fauede foi Breast?, N'Toulou Maeiiii maboi Deaf, Matoo, Mafou (the same) Bridge, Saaoka Subooka (ear blind) Bring, Twala Deceive, Maueve M'poonizea Broad, Tamamasc Deep, M'peenda Vinda Brother, Pangame Depart, Wenda quakoo Yenda quakoo Build, Taunganza Devil, CaddeM'l'emba Coolani pambo Burn, V. E. Veede Monovia Dew, Desa or Deza Lizee Busy, Salansalanga Die, r. IM'foa foca foi Buy. Soumbaquacou Soomba Dig. Sema. Seraa au- loo, dig grave sicuni Cable, Seenga Seenga Diligent, kebba-bene Call, V. BokeJa Lundoo Discourse, yako. Palaver zoco Calm, Bacanam-pemba- bauano pemo Dispute, JS'ganzy ganzy quano, no wind Divide, chakeky chakeky Careful, Kbea bongo leeko Dog, M'Boa M'boi Carry, Nata Nata Door, Kaveloo, door- Vitoo Cat, Boude boode place, E'Vltoo. Catch, V. Bacca Seemba Down, ad. Coonasse. Wenda Charge, A'eenga. veenqua aviengeza conasse.go down lequa (change Dream, v. N'Uazee,dosentou lota something) Drink, v. Noa noi Cheeks, Matamnia Matamma Drop, V. Bauede soonoquezy Chew, Dade Casu Drown, Seendede fomo Chief, n. s. Menta Drunk, Calelau, or Coloa Coloi Child, Mauana moana Malavou, drunk Chin, Bevau bevo from wine Choose, Zona Circle, Zounga(Zoonga) zegoomaneena Ear, Cooto-Matoo Matoo City, Banza M'banza Earth (soil) N'tato toto Clean, Soucoula, (means Neaveze Earth (globe) sionso sionso also wash) East, akoo Cloth, chindele blele Eat, Dea lia Cloud, E'Sanche tooty Edge, Maino tova Coarse, Catyauwataco voonga Egg. Makee makee masoosoo APPENDIX, No. I. 395 Malemba. Embomma. English. E'Nana N'ana Fond, Nana longcanima lonvois champabala bacana leevco Seena Seena Food, Giahelady Fool, Fouaing Foiny Foot, Cota Forbid, cheena teena Forget, cabely liezo Forgive, Mesau Fork, N'daou davu Forty, Four, loosi loozie Fourteen, Eouede booide Fowl, Voona or Ovoo- boisey Free, nene cunda Fresh, N'Seke tanzy Friend, cadedeco, sto- Fruit, mach empty Full, Tola tolezy tata taut a Wonga (cheeuico cheonico do not run Fur, away.) Girl, dela quooniosee mocu becza Give, N'Salla caia niuza Glad,' Go, V. Goat, Seembede seembele Kentoo chemta Twala voola God, Yaila, sick Ecaume tanoo macooma tanoo Gold, Macaumatanoo Sambanoo Good, Nooana noana rirpnt Zonga. Zonga Ouazia \T1 Cdl, Green, Maza, fill water Grow Tomba tomba Guard, v. M. blembo loozala Bazao bazoo Hair, Bishe or Bizhy M'foo Half, Tanoo toanoo Hand, Vavawoote bassa Handsoine, Gojnbai M'psoonia Hang, E'folo. E'folode Happy, Ma'; a, float on Hard, the water Head, Mazely. Maza Hear, niazely. water flood. Foundee foondia Heart, Lavooka catooka Heaven, Seeda-quonenaa, londa Heavy, I follow you. Hen, Malemba. Embomma. N'Zona. N'Zons I n'zoolozy Kentou, fonc of woman belia Laoo booba Tambee tambee Zoueneco seembeedi Zeembakeene zimbancoonie Mangene vanica Soma soma Macoomaya macoomana Yaea Quea or kea m'na Ecoameaeya coom m'na Soosoo soo soo Foomoo, free man foomongana Enasoodeca (no stink) Dequame Coondiamy Cooia Ezaily (Glossa zala Ezaily Maza, glass full of water) Meca meeka caintoo vana vama Tondele tondiza VVenda ouenda combo Zanibe M' Poun- yarabee goo Ola voola Maboote tibooty mavoote Foonioo-a- Moote keenani Chambeo kankoososo E'lMenene coola lunglula N'Sooke M'sootchy Cachanseea teeny Candase coco Maraoote quenevezey Keteca, zuDgalaquoi oobooeli Golozeenge bala N'Too M'too Weloo(Oweloowe oneloo do you hear that) N'Cheema nionio Ezooloo coozolo Zeeta zeeta Soosoo N 'kentoo woman fowl 3E 396 APPENDIX, No. I. English. Malemba. Embomma. English. Malemba Embomma. Herb, Foundee teel, Lake, Eanga Cooly Here, Wesa-ba (come Lame, Tolooca toloca here) Land, Zela n'se Hide, V. Soo-aimy souka Last, Quenema lequampe dee: y High, M'Saiky nankoo Laugh, V. Saiba seva Hill, M'Zanza veniongo Law, Yoco, and Palavei m'cusa Hire, ». Salla Eeofeeta, Lead, n. chooinboo choomboo work and I'll Learn, v. Longua or Cou- longua pay you, Ooeza camba poota, come Leg, Veende, maloo and I'll pay you Lie (down) v. Daile. bleka Hit, r. Oungetele Lie (falsity) Vouna m'voonoo Hog, N'Gooloo gooloobo Lift, Nata naogoova Hold, V. Seeuiba seemba Light (not heavy) Bacana Zitaco zelaco Hole, Nooa cooloo Light (not dark) Mouene mooini Hollow, n. a. Lequa champa- voovooloo Lightning, N'Zaza lu^iemo bala, empty Lips, Bevau bleelee Home, Coonipootoo Little, Chakai chepehow Honest, Mooutoo N'Zam- be moonta Live, V. Ena-\^'a-wautee, I live Horn, M'Poca and iM'Poonge m'poka Long, Look, V. Chella Talla chicolezy Horse, Ca^alo cavallo (Portug.) Love, V. Laou zolozy Hot, Alooene bazoo Low, Vousee toola House, MZo in"zo * Hundred, changcamma m'cama Mad, E'Laou or Ai- laooka Hungry, N'Zalla zala leooa Hurt", V. N'Gansey coontanty Make, v. Saneca vanga Husband, Etoco nooniani Male, Man (homo) Moontou, Moontau boocala I, Meno meenoo Many, Enjecaca benga Idle, Casasalaco Market, E'Zandou, zando Jealous, Fontavouke cas- chimpala Mat, Teba teva same Meet, V. Baulasenna boolanjana If, Onso-Onso Zo- vo Melt, V. Manze quabooka nene.if you like Mend, Londa londo Industrious, Salla woete Middle, Counzee cawty Innocent, raandico Milk, Chimvooraa chialy Interpret, N'Camba sencamba Mine, -pr. Wamee or chamy .Toin, Ecca or Yeca E'Chanie Journey, Diata tanzey Money, Bango bongo Iron, Island, Loocaneba Zoonga saangua zoonga Month, Moon, N'Gondai N'Gondai \ gonde Jump, V. Zotooka More, Lequa boola Justice, coticounda Morning, Mother, Kensouca Mamma menamena mama Keep, Loonda saonou Mountain, M'Zanza m'zanza Kick, V. ^Vaita tockensy Mouth, Noua m'no i Kill, M'foa, or M'foua bonda Much, Panega ye.izy King, Nemboma or m'cheeno Mud, Folo ra'teachy fooma, theeno Musick, Sambe yeoola Knife. IM'Baily belee Knot, Acolo or E'colo coIo Nails, (ongles) Sonso n'yula Know, Ounzoi N'zabizy Name, Zena zena APPENDIX, No. I. 397 Malemlia. Embomma. English. Malemba. Emborama. Voucoufe cheechow Price, E'faunda bongoqua Calavou chevolagaya Priest. VVecheche gonga E'Laca m'singoo Private, Sauama Voumosetweena boleamba Profit, Keta Mounguanza jula Promise, v. Sompeea getu coovana N'Zalo condy Proud, ^'enda wawoote Bacana Vanaco ooenoquako Pull, (anoar) Vouela. Chacheva cliamona voula bene, Masseca fookoo pull well voulla E'Vaua nana Eoumose, puU Louvoua Long- lunaua toget her camma Quarrel, N'Dokee zouza Nana bucanaco Quarter part. N'Dambouka Bouba yoko-beke yoke, Queen, Camma-Foumou foo moonchainto don't make Question, Balnunge dede noise Quick, Sampouea yong'nana Gonguame chunuvalaututo Quiet, Molo Molo velo Rain, Voula vola Mazaumau yoono Rat, N'Coumbe pooloo Waau booboo Raw, Yangtounzau yancoonzo Read, Soneca chimboiky Manze mazey Ready, Panga seemba Rebel, n. N'Couta Base mosey Receive, Tamboude (Lequa chemasi, Red, Yampaimbe no more than Rejoice, Veca Monacoo one) Return, v.n. Avotoquede voo taloo Zibaula zaboquely Reward, n. Ounzetou Lava btissykissey Rich. Sena vovama boncooa Ride, Sambela cundama Ring, n. Loangai^ longa Malau taiita yela Ripe, soowondoo Cousandeemba vela Rise, V. Katomaca talama Papalla papela (Port.) River. Moela moela Feta fitezy Road, Mozeila enzala Ele-Nauana noinidecau Roast, Coka or Coca roka Peendouame bantoo Rob. Mowee lovenda yeba (Zeka Aulou Rope, Seenga singa make Hole) Rotten, Chawola kabowle Acoutanta jougana Rough, Meca Voulelamene or Round. Chenzaongolo soolaina Vouyanzala Row, V. Zongoloca vooila Choboubo sacoona Run, Zoucooloca zuola Tondela tooendacoit lugee yengabeeni Safe Chinavona Daukee goolioongo Sail, n. Voola Toola Maclianzambe beezycunda Salt. Mongua moongua Doundedcca Sand, Yengasee neengy Sea cheenzo Savage Ganze Acuemeta mavoomocavo Say. Vova Ta vana Sea, Embou or M'Bou boo N'Sallaco Seat, Voanda chansoo Ounseembede Secure, Yeco-baca 398 APPENDIX, No. I. Bngliih. Malemba. Einbomma. English. Malemba. Bmbomma. See, Tala mona Strong, Golo golo Seek, Tomba tomba Sun, Mouene tangua Sell, Zeca loombeeca Swear, Gozee deffy Send, Toraa tooma Sweet, Chinzsilla Servant, Toudeamme nioonaleze Swim, Yonga coivela Seven, Sarabouady Sambody Sword", Tan zee soma Seventy, Lousambouady loosambody Shade, Pozee Tail, M'Kela keela Shake, Necona nicocka Take. Bonga Shame, Somee sonee Tear, v. Masanga baka Share, n. Auncoeya cayana Tell, Camba Sharp, Looca etooide Ten, Ecau-me coomy Shell, Chimpenga encaissoi There, Chinna ouvana Short, Cofee cooffey They, Thief, Ana doo Shut, Zeca zeca Moevee moivy Sick. Yela ; yela yela. Thigh, Ebooboo boodou d'acoulou very sick 1 Thin, Enka lovilo Side, Louvate mona ! Thirsty, Po-ailla pooina Silent, Beca yoca, be si- canganikoota Thirteen, Coomee e tato u macoomatatoo lent Thirty, Macoum a tatou macoomasambe« Silver, Plata parata (Port.) noo Sing, Wimbela quimbela This, eki Sink. Cheseendede seendissa Throat, Gongolo elaka Sister, Panga M'Kentau pangankainto Throw, Looza lasa Sit, Voenda ovanda Thunder, Mandazee moindozy Six, Sambanou sambanoo Three, Tatau latoo Sixty, Macouma Sam- Tie, Kanga cavaga banou To Oula o Sky, Sleep, V. Slow, E'Zooloo Laika or Laica Conka zooloo leeka neke To-mon'o\v, Tongue, Tooth, Baze mene Loodeemee INIanoo Bazimeney loodimee menoo Smell, n. Noucouna soody Touch, V. Vepatacanna touta Smoke, Moiscee moisy Town, Banza Banza Smooth, Lelamma vendoomona Tree, N'Chee chee Soft, Son, Labella Moene bootaboota moonayakala True, Turn, Chillica Votola kelica viloka Soon, Kainga oo bezy keady Twelve, Ecoume Eole coomy emioly Sore, Sorry, Tanta Cardee Twenty, Two, Macoumolee Cole macoouioly meoly voota Sour, Gangomona ■gongoomona Village, Viririn, Deemba Sow, (grain) Coona zeka moonge Toubola Speak, Ovova (short) vova • i» ^i»». Spit, V. n. Split, Square, Stab, Chaca taoulamete Tongona Shanana babo conzoia Under, Understand, Cama Ocuvauga cooianda outooway Chonda coonzoka Unhappy, ■ Eango MLmamby oboo Stand, V. Talama telema edico Stir, Beta botele Unjust, Zemba Canee Steal, Qucya moocey Stink, V. n. Soode soody Voice, Deenga Stone, Tadee etudy Storm, Voolazambe teemboi Up, Twoinda Stranger, Zen zee zainza Upon, Tandoo Strike, Boola ynndi weeta APPENDIX, No. I. 399 English. Malernba. Erobomraa. English. Malemba, Enibomma Wake, i;. Catomoko Catoomoka Wind, n. M'Paibe or pemo Walk, Diata deuta M'Paima War, Veta zingoo Wing. Evee eveve Warm, Quamoiia cafoota Wise, Lookee quandooka Wash, V. Soucoula Yonga Woman. Kentou quinto Watcii, V. Wingala lanjedilla Wood, (lignum) Bala coony Water, Maza maza Wood, (sylva) Lebala chencootoo Weak. Goloco Wool, Meza maka Weary, Deembalou nectoo coongely Word, Dinga diambo Weep, Yenza beela Work. V. Salla salo Well, n. a. Sambocadee quamy 1 Wrong, Zimbacainna diambo deady When, Chalombo oongatoo Year. m'oo White, Pamba pembei Yes, Enga eenga Who, Nanee ounanie Yesterday, E. Zono zono biokelly Wicked, Mabe (bad) uutoonga You, Gaia (plural. gaiyay Wife. Cazammee casamy Yeno) WUd, Sittau booloo This Vocabulary I do not consider to be free from mistakes, which I cannot now find time to discover : all the objects of the senses are, however, correct. — J. TUCKEY.'' [ 400 ] APPENDIX, No. II. Observations on the Genus Ocythoe of Rafinesque, with a Descrip- tion of a new Species. 5j/ William Elford Leach, M. D. F. R. S. From the Philosophical Transactions. Flint, Aldrovandus, Lister, Rumphius, d'Argenville, Bruguiere, Bosc, Cuvier, and Shaw, have described a spe- cies of this genus, that is often found in the Argonauta argo (common paper-nautilus), and which they have regarded as its animal, since no other inhabitant has been observed in it. Sir Joseph Banks, and some other naturalists, have always entertained a contrary opinion, believing it to be no more than a parasitical inhabitant of the argonaut's shell, and Rafi- nesque, (whose situation on the shores of the Mediterranean, has afforded him ample opportunities of studying this animal, and of observing its habits) has regarded it as a peculiar ge- nus, allied to the Polypus* of Aristotle, residing parasitically in the above mentioned shell. Dr. Blainville, ten months since, when speaking of the Argonauta, said, " animal unknown," and he has lately informed me, that he has written a long dissertation to prove, that the Ocythoe of Rafinesque, does not belong to the shell in which it is found. The observations made by the late Mr. John Cranch, zoo- logist to the unfortunate Congo expedition, have cleared from my mind any doubts on the subject. In the gulf of Guinea, * Sepia octopodia Linne'. Fifiti "/' iytififfsottia htyxiearne Fnmf or' PM'llosonu? la^'eomt^ PhnUo^ofnn eonunam. F/u/llij.s' ( •nm tUti i u-oi 'tiA ^Ifi/na fiVfi/ihfi . C/ ^ V , >- Zoe/i r/e/i lifti . APPENDIX, No. II. 401 and afterwards on the voyage, he took by means of a small net, (which was always suspended over the side of the vessel) several specimens of a new species of Ocythot, which were swimming in a small argonauta, on the surface of the sea. On the 13th of June he placed two living specimens in a vessel of sea water; the animals very soon protrufled their arms and swam on and below the surface, having all the actions of the common polypus of our seas ; by means of their suckers, they adhered firmly to any substance with whicli they came in contact, and when sticking to the sides of the basin, the shell might easily be withdrawn from the animals. They had the power of completely withdrawing within the shell, and of leaving it entirely. One individual quitted its shell, and lived several hours, swimming about, and showing no inclination to return into it; and others left the shells, as he was taking them up in the net. They changed colour, like other animals of the class cephalopoda : when at rest the colour was pale flesh-couloured, more or less speckled with purplish; the under parts of the arms were bluish grey; the suckers whitish. The Ocytho'e differs generically from tlie polypus, in having shorter arms, with pedunculated instead of simple suckers ; the superior arms too are dilated into, or furnished with, a wing- like process on their interior extremities. All the internal organs are essentially the same as in the poly- pus, although they are somewhat modified in their proportion ; but as these diflTerences may be the result of the contraction caused by the spirits, in which they are preserved, it may be more prudent not to dwell on them. Two characters, however, Avhich I could not discover in the polypus, may be mentioned, namely, four oblong s])ots on the inside of the tube, resembling surfaces for the secretion of mucus ; two inferior and lateral, and two superior, larger, and meeting anteriorly. On the rim 402 APPENDIX, No. II. of the sac, iiamediately above the branchiae, on each side, is a small, short, fleshy tubercle, which fits into an excavation on the opposite side of the sac. This character, which, with slight modifications, is common to this genus, to loligo and sepia, does not exist in the, polypus* Although the superior arms are stated to perform such diife- rent functions from those of the polypus, yet they are supplied in the same manner, and from the same source with nerves. The muscles of these parts were in too contracted a state^ to enable me to ascertain if they were in any degree different from those in the same parts of its kindred genus. The general form of the body of this species of ocythoe is the same as that of the common polypus, and it is covered by the same integuments, without any surface adapted either to adhere to, or to secrete, the shell in which it is found. The sexes dif- fer as in the polypus. OCYTHOF. CraNCHII. O. corpore purpureo-punctato, brachiis subtus cerulescente- griseis ; superioribus membranA spongeosa pallida maculata. The superior arms are generally attached to the side of the membranes (fig. 5. PI. XII.); but in one specimen the mem- branes adhere only by their base, below the apex of the arm, fig^ 6. The membrane is subject to great variation in size and form, and is often different on the arms of the same individual. One male only M^as sent home, all the others were females, which had placed their eggs in the spiral part of the shell. One female, that had deposited all her eggs, withdrew com- pletely within the shell, as in fig. 3; her body on one side had • The rudiment of the bone, which occurs in the pohjpus, (as has been observed by Cpvier) is not to be found in the Ocythoe. APPENDIX. No. II. 401 all the impressions of the shell, and the suckers on all the arms were diminished in size, as if from pressure. Explanation of Plate XII. Fig. 1. Ocythoe Cranchii sitting within the shell. Fiff. 2. The animal without the shell. Fig. 3. One completely retracted within the shell. Fig. 4. Ditto taken out of the shell showing the impressions of the shell on the body. Fig. 5. Left superior arm (common appearance) magnified. Fig. 6. Right superior arm (variety) magnified. 3 F [ 402 ] APPENDIX. No. III. The dlstmguishing characters between the Ova of the Sepia, and those of the Vermes Testa cea, that live in water explained. By Sir EvERAUD Home, Bart. V. P. R. S. [From the Philosophical Transaclionstl Linnaeus was led into an error respecting the animal that forms the shell argonauta, by the circumstance of a species of sepia having been often found in this shell. This erroneous opinion has been adopted by many naturalists upon the Continent, even those conversant in comparative anatomy. Whether the argonauta is really an internal shell, which I have asserted it to be, may possibly never be determined by di- rect proofs, as the animal belonging to it has not been met with. The present observations are confined to the question of the probability of its being formed by the species of sepia frequent- ly found in it; and the materials of the present Paper, which are furnished from the specimens of natural history collected in the late expedition to the Congo, enable me to prove, in con- tradiction to such an opinion, that the ova of this particular species of sepia are not those of an animal of the order vermes testacea, that live in water. The young of all oviparous animals, while contained in the ovum, must have their blood aerated through its coats, but in the vermes testacea, if the shell were formed in the ovum, the process of aerating the blood must be very materially interfe- red with ; for this reason, the covering or shell of the egg first drops off, and the young is ha^. led before the shell of the ani- mal is formed ; this I have seen taken place in the eggs of the na^s. /nMj.MDcccwn./'/.in./*. t^e. ^A^.-. o. L J'fO . --1 J-f(/ . O. J':'d,K.,W m APPENDIX. No. III. 403 garden snail, but in the testacea that live in water, the young requires some defence in the period, between the egg being hatched, and the young acquiring its shell, which is not neces- sary in thuse that live on land ; for this purpose, the ova are enclosed in chambers of a particular kind. This camerated nidus in the larger animals of this tribe, must be familiar to all naturalists, since specimens in a dried state, containing the young shells completely formed, are to be met with in collections of natural history; but I am not aware that all the purposes for which such a nidus is supplied by nature, have ever been explained. I have been informed by a friend, who while in the East In- dies saw the chank (a shell belonging to the same genus with the valuta pj/riim of Linnasus,) shed its eggs, that the animal discharged a mass of mucus, adapted to the form of the lip of the shell, and several inches in length ; this rope of eggs, en- closed in mucus, at the end which is last disengaged, was of so adhesive a nature, that it became attached to the rock, or stone on which the animal deposited it. As soon as the mucus came in contact with the salt water, it coagulated into a firm mem- branous structure, so that the eggs became enclosed in mem- branous chambers, and the nidus having one end fixed and the the other loose, was moved by the waves, and the young in the eggs, had their blood aerated ; when the young were hatched, they remained defended from the violence of the waves, till their shells had acquired strength. What passes under the sea, few naturalists can be so fortunate as to have an opportunity of observing, and although what I have stated was communicated to me by an eye witness, it re- quired confirmation, as well as an opportunity of examining the nidus, before I could give it my assent. Since that time, I 404 APPENDIX. No. III. have procured from my friend Mr. Lee, the Botanist, of Ham- mersmith, a portion of a camerated nidus brought from South Carohna, containing shells of an univalve not very different from the chanks of the East Indies. This nidus is represented in the annexed drawing. (Plate XIII. fig. J.) I have also, which is still more satisfactory, seen the camera- ted nidus of the helix janthina. This animal not living at the bottom of the sea, like the vermes testacea in general, depo- sits its ova upon its own shell, if nothing else comes in its way; one of the specimens of the shell of the janthina caught in the voyage to the Congo, fortunately has the ova so deposited, as will be seen in the annexed drawings, made by Mr. Bauer, who was so pleased with the appearance the parts put on in the field of the microscope, that he was desirous of making a representa- tation of them. (PI. XIII. fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.) In this instance, the ova are single, but in other tribes, seve- ral ova are contained in one chamber. In the land snail, the eggs have no such nidus. The following observations respect- ing them were made in the year 1773, the first year that I was initiated in comparative anatomy, under Mr. Hunter. He kept snails to ascertain their mode of breeding, and the notes that were made at the time in my own hand writing, I now copy. August 5, 1773. A snail laid its eggs, and covered them over with earth ; Mr. Hunter took one out and examined it; the egg was round, its covering strong, and of a white colour, with a degree of transparency ; it had no yelk ; a small speck was observable with a magnifying glass in the transparent contents. On the 9th no apparent change had taken place. On the 1 1th the speck had enlarged, but was too transparent to admit Fhihs.7hifur. MDCCCXVH ««« rSSLpsoo. V I 0\ ^- Ky^.^\ /wi^..^7^c^^ <2^<:'. ./?r#«;, APPENDIX. No. III. 405 of its form being distinguished ; upon moving the speck it fell out of its place. On the iSth the embryo was indistinctly seen. On the 1,5th the embryo filled ^ part of the egg, but the dif- ferent parts were still indistinct. On the 18th the body of the embryo had become larger, and the covering thicker. On the 19th, the coverings or shells of all the eggs were more or less dissolved, so much so that Mr. Hunter thought all the eggs were rotting, and the whole brood of young would be lost. On the 20th, the young were hatched, and the shells com- pletely formed. On the 23d, when the young snails were put in water, their bodies came out of the shell as in full grown snails. On the 24th, they all deserted their nests. The specimens of the sepia found in the argonaut shell, which, was caught by Mr. Cranch, in this expedition to the Congo, had deposited some of its eggs in the involuted part of the shell, and the animal being fortunately caught in the shell iden- tified the eggs to belong to it; (PI. XIV.) they are united to- gether by pedicles, like the eggs of the sepia octopus, and in all other respects resemble them ; they differ from those of the helix janthina and the other vermes testacea, that live in water, in having no camerated nidus, and in having a very large yelk to supply the young with nourishment, after they are hatched. Upon these grounds, this animal must be resolved into a spe- cies of sepia, an animal which has no external shell, and only uses the shell of the argonaut, when it occasionally gets pos- session of one. Some naturalists, unacquainted with comparative anatomy, have asserted that in these eggs they saw the argonaut shell 406 APPENDIX. No. III. partly formed ; they must have mistaken the yelk, M'hich will be seen in the drawing to be unusually large, for the new shell. ExPLANATIOX OF THE PlATES. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. The shell of the helix janthina, with the ova in its camerated nidus, attached to it; magnified twice in diameter. Fig. 2. A portion of the nidus magnified 12 times in dia- meter. Fig. A string of the same nidus magnified 25 times in dia- meter. Fig. 4. Two of the same ova and one empty chamber, magni- fied 50 times in diameter. Fig. 5. One of the same ova, and Fig. 6. The same slightly bruised, both magnified 50 times in diameter. Fig. 7. A portion of the camerated nidus, in a dried state, belonging to the ova of a univalve from south Carolina, of the natural size. Plate XIV. Fig. 1. The shell of the argonauta, with the ova of the octo- pus deposited in it, magnified twice in diameter. Fig. 2. A cluster of the same ova, as they are seen when im- mersed in water, magnified 12 times in diameter. Fig. 3. One of the same ova with its pellicle, magnified 25 times in diameter. Fig. 4. The yelk of the egg. Fig. 5. A transversal section of the same. Fig. 6. A longitudinal section of the same. The three pre- ceding figures are magnified 50 times in diameter. Fig. 7. A collapsed egg, as seen when taken out of the v/a- ter, magnified 25 times in diameter. r/d7fisJransl/iDO3:SmJ'i:n^.p.30o. i^ttfii..^a»€i (/(-/. J::y3.uHi< .n [407] APPENDIX. No. IV. A fftfieral Notice of the Animals taJccn by Mr. John Ckanch, dur'mg the Expedition to explore the Source of the River Zaire. Mammalia. Calitrix sabcea (Audebert, iv. it. f. 4.) one of the various species of moriki£3 that are generally denominated green, was found in great plenty at Tall Trees. Three very young lions (probably of the Senegal sort) were brought to Mr. Granch by the natives, who called tliem boulaces. They were kept alive three days and fed on soaked brgad, which doubtless caused their death. Birds. Aquilcc melancetos,* (Savigni/s Oiseaux d^Egypt. pi. ii.J^. 2.) lerax musicus. Singing hawk, (Le Vail. Ois. d'A/'r. i. pi. 27. J Circus , (L'Acoli, Le Vail.) Elanus melanopterus, (Sav. Ois. d!Eg. pi. ii.f. 2.) In great plenty. Milvus cetotius, {Sav. Ois. dEg. pi. iv.f. I.) Polophilus , {Sav. Ois. dEg. pi. iv.f. 1.) Corvus scapularis, {Le Vail. Ois. dAf. ii. pi. 53.) Coracias a/ra, African roller. Passer, {Savig. Ois. v.f. 7.) Hirundo Savignii, {Sav. Ois. d'Eg. pi. iv.f. 4.) Hirundo Smithii. (New species.) Black colour glossed with steel-blue, whitish beneath the tail, and wing-quills black ; the former with a white band, the upper part of the head chestnut, the outermost tail feathers very long. A single specimen was killed off Chisalla island. Alauda, {Le Vail. Ois. d' 196.) Sylvia, {Savig. Ois. v.f. 3.) Sylvia, {Le Vail. Ois. dAfr. 121.) Certhia cincta, {Ois. Bur. 10.) • Plin. lib. X. cap. 3. sec. 3. el seq. 408 APPENDIX. No. IV. Certhia chalyhca, (Ois. Dor. ii. pi. 13 et 14.) Merops erythropterus, (PI- enl.318.) Upupa Epops, Common Hoopoe, not varying in the slightest degree from that of Europe. Alcedo maxima var.? With the breast ferruginous, the belly varied with black and white, the throat white. Tn other respects it agrees exactly with tl»e common varieties from Senegal. Alcedo Senegalensis, (PI, enl. .594.) ' .Alcedo , {PI. enl. 556) probably a variety oi Senegalensis, or the other sex. Alcedo rudis, (PI. enl. 62.) Buceros , (Le Vail. Ois. d'Afr. pi. 233.) Perdix Cranchii, (new species.) Cinereous-brown beneath, whitish, freckled with dark-brown ; the spots on the belly elongate and indining to ferru- ginous ; throat naked. Columha , (Savig. Ois. 5.f. 9) common. Vanellus , (Savig. Ois d'Eg. pi. &-f- 3.) Scopus umbrctta. Tufted Umber ; not uncommon. Ardea , (Savig. Ois. d'Eg. pi. S,J'. 1.) Ardea Senegalensis, (PI. enl. 315.) Parra Africana, (Lath. Syn. tab. 87.) Recurvirostra Very much destroyed, but from the parts remaining, not to be distinguished from our European species, R. Avosetta, the common Avoset. Phalacrocorax , (Savig. Ois. d'Eg. pi. 8. J". 2.) Plotus Congensis, (new species.) Black ; head and neck brownish chestnut; back and wing coverts streaked with white. One only was killed. Anas , (Savig. Ois. d'Eg. pi. lO.yi 1.) Sterna senex, (new species.) Cinereous-black, top of the head gray, belly with a very faint and obsolete teint of chestnut. Rhynchops ntger, (PI. enl. 357.) Reptiles. Trionyx Egyptiacus, (Geoff. St. Hill. Rept. d'Eg. pi. I .) The head only of this extraordinary animal was sent home, in spirits. Coluber Palmarum, (new species.) Reddish ; beneath whitish, the scales of the APPENDIX. No. IV. 409 sides and back very long-ovate and carinated. Found in palna trees at Embomma. Coluber Smythii, (new species.) Brown-gray beneath whitish, the sides, espe- cially anteriorly, with triangular whitish spots, bordered \vith sooty-black ; the scales of the sides and back hexagonal, ratlier narrower at their extremi- ties. This species was found in great plenty near Embomma on the ground. The back is very faintly marked ^vith some transverse narrow whitish bands, spotted with black. Fishes. About eighty species of this class were taken during the voyage; but as I have not yet studied the marine fishes, I can say but little about them. Two species of a genus (which appears to be new) allied to Leptocephalus were taken off the Afi-ican ooast. Their head is smaller and more pointed than that of Leptocephalus ; their bodies are even more compressed, but are marked m the same manner by transverse zigzag lines, and their teeth are similar. Rudiments only of the dorsal and anal fins exist towards the extremity of their bodies, and no pectoral fins can be discovered. In the river itself three new species were discovered, namely : Sp. I. Silurus Congensis. With the upper nostrils the angles of the mouth and each side of the chin furnished with a filament, the first ray of the dorsal and pectoral fins serrated towards the point, which is unconnected with the second ray ; the second ray very much elongated and attenuated, the lacinia; of the tale acute. Obs. The first ray of the dorsal fin is only serrated towards its point, the unconnected apex itself being destitute of teeth. The first ray of the pectoral fins, is serrated above the unattached pai-t, and the teeth are con- tinued downwards to near its middle. It is akin to Silurus mystus {Geoff. Poiss. de Nile.) but may very easily be distinguished from it by the characters of the pectoral fins, and by the presence of the filaments on the chin. The filaments of the chin and nostrils ai-e nearly of equal length ; those of the angles of the mouth are very long. Sp. 2. Pimelodus Cranchii. Chin on each side nostrils and angles of the mouth furnished with a filament, pectoral fins with the first ray shorter than the second, very strong and sulcated ; behind very strongly serrated, anterior 3G 410 APPENDIX. No. IV. dorsal fin, with the first ray thick striated without teeth, caudal fin witli lanceolate laciniae. Obs. The front of the head is obtuse and rounded ; the upper part is irregularly sulcated, and the vertex is striated : the stria; being disposed in rays; the mouth is large; the filaments of the nostrils are very short, and those of the angles of the mouth are a third longer than those of the chin. The hinder dorsal fin is short and not very fleshy. Sp. 3. Onyrhynchus deliciosus. The scales concentrically sculptured, the dorsal ones rounded ; those of the sides and belly very broad, the teeth hnear acuminated behind and before. Obs. This animal is doubtless referable to the genus Oxyrhynclius of Athenaeus.* It differs from its congener Momyrus anguilloidcs (Geoff. Poiss. de Nil. pi. vii.) in the form of its scales, (wliich in that species are of tlie same size and form on all parts of the body) and in the shape of the dorsal fin, which in O. deliciosus is more acute in its hinder upper edge. This fish is very common in the river, and its flesh is of a most exquisite flavour. CEPHALOPODA.-f- Of this class one new genus, and six new species were discovered ; four of wliich are figured in the annexed plate. Genus I. Octthoe. Sp. 1. Ocythoe Cranchii, of which a description is given in Appendix, No. III. Genus II. Cranchia.+ Body oval, sack-shaped: fins approximating, their extremities free : neck with a frenum behind, connecting it with the sack, and with two other frena connecting it with the sack before. sp. I . Cranclda scdbra. Sack rough, with hard rough tubercles. Sp. 2. Cranchia maculata. Sack smooth, beautifully mottled with distant ovate spots. • Drfpnos, lib. iii. 116; viii. 356; vii. 312. + For a synopsis of the genera of this class see Zoological Miscellany, vol. iii. t The localities of the two species sent home were unfortunately lost. APPENDIX. No. IV. 411 Genus III. Loligo. The characters presented by three new species, are very different from those observed in the LoUgines of the European seas. The distal Suckers of the larger or supplementary arms, are produced into hooked processes, and in two of them all the suckers of the shorter arms are formed in the same manner.* Sp. 1. Loligo Banksii. Shorter ai-ms with globose simple suckers, the fins forming, by their union, a rhomboidal figure. Obs. The colour of this, when alive, is pale flesh. The body is ycUowish behind, sprinkled irregularly with blackish spots teinted with purple. The external aspect of the arms is freckled witli purplish. The under parts of the fins without spots. One specimen was taken in the Gulph of Guinea. Sp- 2. Loligo Icptura. Shorter arms with hooks on their suckers, longer arms with free hooks on the distal suckers, tail abrupt and slender. Obs. Tlic body and external aspects of the arms are smooth, with a few tubercles arranged into longitudinal lines. Two were taken in 1, 8, N. lat. 7, 26, 30 E. long. Sp. 3. Loligo Smithii- Shorter arras with hooks on their suckers, larger arms ^vith the hooks of the distal suckers furnished anteriorly wiili a membrane, tail gradually attenuated. Obs. Body and arms externally tuberculated ; the tubercles purple with white Ups, and arranged into longitudinal lines. PXEROPODA.f Of this division of the molluscous tribe of animals, two species of Peron's genus Cleodora were taken in south lat. 2, 14, E. long. 9, 55, 15, and S. * Id the museum of the College of Surgeons is preserved part of the arm of a large and unknown animal of this class, in which the suckers are all furnished with distinct strong and free hooks. + Of the genns Firola (whose sitnation has not yet been satisfactorily ascertained, hut which, with Cuvier, I ara disposed to consider as more nearly allied to the Gastk- ROPOOA, than to any other class) a new species was found iu S. lat. 3, 15, 0, £. long. 9, 38, 0, viz. Firola arcuata. Dorsal fin simple, vermiform appendage none, tail arched above, without any vermiform appendage. Two other species were sketched by Lieut. Hawkey, but were not received. 412 APPENDIX. No. IV. kt. 2, 41, 0, E. long. 9, 16, 0, both having a spinous process on each side of their shell, near its opening. One species is beautifully sulcated transversely, and the other but sUghtly so. Hyalcea tridentata (vulgarly called the chariot Anoraia) was also taken in abundance in the Gulph of Guinea. Gasteeopoda. Jantlmiajragilis was the only species of this class that was brought home ; all the rest, as well as the collection of the species of the following class, ACEPHALA, were lost. ClEElPEDES. Nine new species of Barnacles were discovered, all of which are very inte- resting; since they augment especially the genus Cineras, of which but two species only were known, and also two divisions of Hill's genus Pentalasmis, of which hkevvise very few have been described. Sp. 1. Cineras ChelonopMlus. Body lanceolate, peduncle abrupt, upper scales small and acuminated behind, the hinder scale straight and linear. Obs. The pm-plish stiipes of this species are very faint, and the scales beneath the legs ai-e covered by a thin membrane, which renders them very opaque. The space between the superior and posterior scales is very great. A large quantity occurred adhering to the legs, neck, and shell of some turtles that were taken in 36, 15, N. lat. 16, 32,0 W. long. See page 'J. Sp. 2. Cineras Cranchii. Body obUquely truncated above; the peduncle rather abrupt, upper scales hnear with obtuse extremities, hinder scale with a subgibbose apex. Obs. The vittae are three on each side, very strong ; the two anterior ones are often interrupted. Sp. 3. Cineras Oljersn. Body above acuminated, upper scales with both extre- mities (especially the hinder one) acuminated, hinder scale at its middle subgenictdated. Found on Fucus natans (Linn.) APPENDIX. No. IV. 413 Pentalasmis.* Divisions of the genus. * Hhider scale simply arcuated. Lateral scales smooth. ** Hinder scale simply arcuated. Lateral scales costated. *** Hinder scale abruptly bent below the middle. Sp. 1 . Pentalasmis (*) Chclonia. Superior scales broad, rounded at their points, hinder scale convex. Found on turtles in N. lat. 36, 15, W. long. 16, .S2, 0. Page 9. Sp. 2. Pentalasmis (*) Hillii. Superior scales narrow, anteriorly obliquely-trun- cated ; (hence as if produced behind), hinder scale carinated below. Sp. 3. Pentalasmis (**) Spirula\ Ratln^r convex, upper scales Tvith their points anteriorly produced. /3 Witli the ribs spined. Fo\ind in great abundance adhering to the floating shells of Spirul.e. (to which in several specimens part of the animal still adhered) 2, 0, (» N. lat. 10, 17, W. long. Sp. 4. Pentalasmis (**) dilatata. Larger scales anteriorly dilated, hinder scale with granulated striae (often behind with two or four teeth.) 0, 14, 0, N. lat. 6, 18, r>.', E. long, adhering to Janthina J'ragilis. Sp. 5. Pentalasmis (***) Donovani. Hinder scale, with a longitudinal elevated little line ; angle rectangular ; bend obtuse with a transverse elevated little line. Taken in 0, <8, S. lat. 7, .50, E. long Sp. 6. Pentalasmis (•**) Spirulicola. Hinder scale naiTOw carinated from the apex to the angle ; angle rectangular, geniculated, prominent. Found on shells of Spirula, 22, 0, N. lat. 1 !», 17, W. long. Crustacea. Portunus, (a new species,) without spines on the front aspect of its arms, was taken in the Gulph of Guinea. Lupa ; of this genus three new species were discovered, aU of which belong to that section in which the hinder lateral spine of the shell is very much elongated. Machcerus ; a new genus allied to Gonoplax, but differing in having short * The peduncle of those of the first division is very long, or moderately so ; of the two other divisions extremely short. 414 APPENDIX. No. IV. peduncles to its eyes, which are inserted into the same part of the shell as in that genus. Ptlumnus, (a new species.) Gulph of Guinea. Grapsus minidus, and a new i5pecies. Gulph of Guinea. Dorippe. Species not determined. Sp. 1. Megalopa* Cranchii (new species) with a broad, entire, porrected rostrum, having its point terminating in one spine, and each side armed with a tooth, hinder coxae armed with a straight spine. Gulph of Guinea. This species belongs to the same division of the genus vnth those of our seas. Sp. 2. Megalopa maculata. (new species) Shell smooth, and spotted with black, rostrum narrow and abrubtly deflexed. Sp. 3. Megalopa sculpta. (new species) Shell sculptured (like that of Cancer floridus Herbst) and very hairy, rostrum narrow and abruptly deflexed. Obs. These two species were hkewise taken in the Gulph of Guinea; they form a new division of the genus characterised by the deflexed rostra. Scyllarus. Of this genus, a common species was taken during the voyage, and having been pi-eserved in spirits, allowed me to ascertain by dissection, that its nervous system is in all respects similar to that of the other macrourous Crustacea. Its lamelliform broad antennas send their nerves to the same gangUon. The optic ners'es are more curved in their course. Of the large group of macrura comprehending the shrimps and prawns there are eleven new species, and seven new genera. A new genus allied to Nebalia. Zoea. The type of this genus was discovered in the Atlantic by Bosc, who believed it to hold an intermediate situation between the Crustacea with pedun- culated, and those mth sessile eyes. By Latreille it was referred to the Entomastraca. In N. lat. 1, 36, E. long. 8, 46, 37, Mr. Cranch took a new species of this interesting genus, by which I have been enabled to verify the opinion published in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, (vol. i. p. 423) where I have referred it to the Crustacea with pedunculated eyes. * The last segment of the abdomen on each side is furnished with two moveable plates, which I formerly overlooked. APPENDIX. No. IV. 415 Zoea clavata. The eyes of this species, like that of its congener, are large, Mrith very short peduncles. The sheU is somewhat triangular ; the front being terminated by a long spiniform rostrum.* The middle of the back and the sides are armed with a long clavate spine. Obs. It differs from Bosc's Zoea pelagica in having clubbed instead of acute spines. Its situation is certainly in the same group with Nehalia. Two new genera of the same natural family with Squilla, have esta- blished the situation of that genus. They have in common with it sixteen locomotive legs : the anterior pair is elongate and slender ; the second pair much elongated and raptorious ; the three foDowing pairs are short, with their last joint compressed, and terminated by a move- able claw ; the three hinder pairs are short, and remote from the rest, the last joint but one being furnished with a moveable appendice at its base.f Mouth with two mandibles and four maxillae. Upper antennae with three articulated set*. Under antennae with an elongate lamella at tlieir base. Abdomen with two moveable fohaceous ap- pendages arising from a common peduncle, attached to each side of the belly : the peduncle of those of the iiist joint is produced into a spine; tlie exterior lamella composed of two joints. The second pair of legs of tlie following new genera, Smerdis and Alitna, have none of those denticulations w-hich afford so striking a character in those of Squilla. Gen. I. Smerdis. Sides of tlie shell apjiroximate beneath. Mouth anterior. Sp. 1. Smerdis vulgaris. Shell with a very short spine on the hinder part of its bac1< . This animal was found in great plenty every day from the latter end of April to the beginning of June. .S^. 2. Smerdis armata. Shell with a very long spine on the liinder part of its back. A few specimens of this species were taken between the latter end of * Which is broken ia the only tolerable specimen that was sent home. + All the legs of these genera, as well as of Sqiil'/a, have each a foliaceous appendage at their base, which are certainly the organs of respiration. In Squilla, the outer foliaceous appendages beneath the abdomen, have filamentous processes, which the French naturalists have considered to he the respiratory organs. The two new genera want these filaments, but have those appendages (common to all the malacostraca with pedunculated eyes) at the bases of their legs. 416 APPENDIX. No. IV. April and twentietli of May, and were not seen afterwards, although the preceeding sort were still abundant. Gen. II. Alimax Thorax elongate vnXh the sides not approximating. Mouth placed towards the hinder part of the thorax. Sp. 1 . AUma hyalina. Occurred abundantly at Porto Praya, and in 7j 37, N. lat. 17, 34, 15 W. long. PnyLLOSoMA,* the most curious genus of Crustacea that has yet been dis- covered, and of which there are at least four very distinct species, occurred in the greatest profusion from the 10th AprU to the 30th May. The shell of this genus is membranaceous and as thin as a leaf; the part containing the mouth, and from whence the legs arise, is drawn backwards and pro- jects beyond the hinder part of the shell. The front of the shell bears the eyes and antennas : the eyes have the first joint of their peduncles very much elongated ; the second joint is short, and the eyes themselves are abruptly larger than their peduncles. The superior aiitemia; are (as in all the other inalacostraca with pedunculated eyes) bifid. The infenor antennfp are vari- able in their projection, and form, affording chai'acters which, for the present, I shall only venture to use for the purpose of specific distinctions. The abdomen has the usual appendages beneath, and those of the last joint are converted into swimming or rather steering lamellfe. The mouth, when first viewed, appears to be trilobate ; this arises from a clypeus similar to that covering the mouth of Squ'dla, and the prominence of the exterior sides of the mandibles, which are much curved and dilated towards their middle ; their points are bifid, and one lacinia is unidentate within. Two pairs of maxiUae are very distinctly to be seen ; the outer ones are terminated by three spines. I have not had time to ascertain the modification of the interior ones, nor to ascertain the existence and insertion of the palpi. The front pair of legs is extremely short and dilated at its base, with all the joints (the first excepted .') confluent. The second pair is short ; the third joint at its base has a flagrum which is articulated towards its point ; the last joint is terminated by long spines and a claw ynih unequal spines. Ihe five foUomng pairs of legs are very long, and the hinder ones gradually * The third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventli pairs of legs, in the numerous speci- mens sent home, were for the most part broken off at their third joint, the fiagrum only remaining. See the plate. APPENDIX. No. IV. 417 encrease in length : at the base of the second joint, each is furnished with a bipartite flagriim, the second division of which is articulated and ciliated : tlie third pair is terminated by a simple ciliated joint ; the three next pair by claws, which in some of the species are ciliated with spines, and meet little spines on the Interior side of the apex of the joints to which they are attached : the last pair is abruptly shorter than the preceding legs, and varies in the number of its joints, from two to five. The organs, termed ears hy the French naturalists, are very large and prominent. I have not examined the nervous system. 1. Phyllosoma brevicome. Inferior antenna^ shorter than the superior ones, with the second division slightly dilated externally ; the two last divisions setaceous ; hinder pair of legs two-jointed ; the second joint simple. 2. Phyllosoma laticorne. Inferior antennae a little longer than the superior ones, the second joint very mucli dilated externally, and produced at its external apex, the last division lanceolate, hinder pair of legs five-jointed, the last joint with a simple slightly curved claw. Two specimens only were taken, and their locality was not set do\vn. .S. Phyllosoma commune. Inferior antennas filiform rather more than twice the length of the superior ones, hinder pair of legs four-jointed ; the last joint terminated by a straight simple claw. Taken at Porto Praya and during the voyage until 2, 58, S. lat. P, 21, 22 E. long, in the greatest profusion. 4. Phyllosoma davicorne. Inferior antennas filiform, half as long again as the thorax, with the extremity of the last division clavate, hinder pair of legs foui--jointed ; the last joint terminated by a simple and very slightly curved claw. Occasionally taken with the preceding species. From the above very general obser\ations, it will be very evident to entomologists, that Phyllosoma constitutes a family of crustacea ma- croura, to which no other discovered genus can lie referred. Amongst the sessile-eyed crustacea, with compressed bodies, there are four new species which constitute the types of as many genera, and of those with depressed bodies, there are ; of 6ph.«koma, a new species. Cymothoa, a new species. And a new species of an unnamed genus, intermediate betwixt the genera JEga and Eurydke. 3 H 418 APPENDIX. No. IV. Entomostkaca. Two new species of the genus Caligus of Miiller were found on fishes. Myeiapoda. luLUS, two species, one of which is new. ScoLOPEXDRA, one nondescript species. Ixsecta. Thirty-six species only reached England in a tolerable state, the rest wera entirely destroyed by insects and damp. Amongst them is a new genus of the family Scardbccidea, and probably there are five or six new species, wliich I liave not yet found time to examine. Anneleides. A new species o( Nereis was taken in a bit of floating wood 0, 21, N. lat. 5, 49, 37 E. long, together with a genus not known to me. Entozoa. One species of this parasitical class, was taken out of tlie intestinal canal of an albicore. ACALEPH^; PonpiTA. Disc cartilaginous, round, composed of rays. Stomach central and round. Mouth shghtly prominent and capable of very great distention. Whole imderside covered by tentacula, those of the middle terminated by suckers, tliose next the margin larger (and simjile or at least terminated by indistinct suckers.*) Of this genus, to which the above characters are now given, a new species, was found in S, 12, N. lat. 18, \i, f W. long, viz, Porpita gTanulata. The rays of the upper part of the disc granulated by pairs. The stomach of one specimen was filled ^nth the debris of a fish. * In specimens of very soft animals preserved in spirits of wine, where the organs are much contracted, it is generally impossible to ascertain all the characters of each part. Naturalists should therefore lake every opportunity to describe them whilst alive, since all arc not gifted with the extraordinary powers of a Savigny. APPENDIX. No. IV. 419 Velella. To this genus likewise some additional characters may be added. The disc is oval and cartUaginous, having an oblique crest on its upper side. The disc itself is composed of t\ro tliin oval plates joined together by sevei'al concentric septa. The whole of tlie cartilaginous part is covered by a dense membrane, and its inferior surface is covered by ten taenia, which surround its stomach ; those towards the centre are terminated by suckers, those towards tlie margin are longest, and appear to be simple. The stomach is oblong, and the mouth very prominent. The membrane in passing from the upper part of the disc, to the lower, is produced beyond its margin, and the produced pai-t is consequently composed of two membranes, which are united towards the marjrin of the disc* 1. Veleila scaphidea. Crest set on the disc from left to right ; its apex abruptly produced. Veleila scaphidea Peron et Le Seuer. Atlas, pi. xxx. 2. Yeldla pyramiial'is. Crest set on the disc from right to left; its apex gradually produced, pyramidal. Taken in plenty in 26, 34, N. lat. IS, 28, W. long. From the MS. observations made by Mr. Cranch, it is evident that a box containing specimens of marine animals, preserved in spirits, and a very large portion of the birds, have been lost. I have before remarked, that of the birds received, those enumerated, were the only specimens in a state fit for examination ; the greater part being totally desU-oyed by insects. * This produced membrane is to be observed in all the species, and therefore cannot be taken as a specific character, as has been done by Lamarck, for our European species. [420 ] APPENDIX. No. V. Observations, Systematical and Geographical, on Professor Christian Smith's Collection of Plants from the Vicinity of the River Congo, by Robert Brown, F. R. S. The Herbarium formed by the late Professor Smith and his assistant Mr. David Loci to 65° there is a considerable proportion of good meadow land, yet in the more northern parts, " the inhabitants cannot gather grass " enough to put in their shoes, to keep their feet warm, but are obliged to buy it fron* " the southern parts." (English Translation, p. 44, and 47.) t Flinders' fot/age, 8. p. 539. APPENDIX. No. V. 425 II. The NATURAL ORDERS of which die hcrbaiium Irom Conn-o consists, are 87 in number; besides a very few genera not referable to any families yet established. IVIore than half the species, however, belong to nine orders, namely, to Filkes, Graminecv, Cyperaceae, Convolvulacea;, Rubiacecv, Composltw, Malvacecc, Leguminosac, and Euphorbiacccc ; all of which have their greatest number of species in the lower latitudes, and several within the tropics. I now proceed to make some observations on the orders above enumerated, and on such of the other families, included in tlie collection, as present any thing remarkable, either in their geographical distribution, or in their struc- ture ; more especially where the latter establishes or suggests new affinities ; and I shall take them neai'lv in the same order, as tiiat followed in the botanical appendix to Captain Flinders's Voyage. ANONACE./E. Only three species of this family are contained in the col- lection. One of these is Anona senegalensis, of which the genus has been considered doubtful even by M. Dunal in his late valuable Monograph of the order.* That it really belongs to Anona, however, appears from the specimen with ripe fruit preserved in the collection. It is remarkable therefore as the only species of this genus yet known which is not a native of equinoctial America : for Anona asiatica, of which Liimanis had no specimen in his her- barium, when he first proposed it under this name, according to the original S)Tionyms, is nothing more than Anona muricata: and A. obtusiflora, supposed by M. Tussac-j- to have been introduced into the American Islands from Asia, does not appear to differ from A. mucosa of Jacquin, which is known to be a native of Martinica. The second plant of this order in the collection is very nearly related to Piper JEtliiopicum of the shops, the Unona aethiopica, and perhaps also Unona aromatica of Dunal ■.\ these with several other plants already published, form a genus, which, like Anona, is common to America and Africa, but of which no species has yet been observed in Asia. Of MALPIGHIACEJ5, an order chiefly belonging to equinoctial America, there are also three species from Congo. * Monogr. delafamitle des ^nonacies, p. 76. t Flore des Jnlilles, i.p. 193. * Jnimac. p. l\3 el 112. 3 I 42G APPENDIX. No. V. One of tliese is Banisteria Leona, first described, from Smeathman's speci- mens, by Cavanilles,* who has added the fruit of a very different plant to his fialanus Icaco of America, and is probably a very common plant on the west coast of Africa : Icaco being mentioned by Isert •}- as a native of Guinea, and by Adanson:j: in his account of Senegal. Of Parinarium, there is only one species from Congo, which agrees, in the number and disposition of stamina, with the character given of the genus. In these respects M. de Jussieu § has observed a difference in the two species found by Adanson at Senegal, and has moreover remarked that their ovarium coheres with the tube of the calyx. In that species most common at Sierra Leone, and which is probably one of those examined by M. de Jussieu, the ovarium itself is certainly free, its pedicellus, however, as in the greater part of the genera of this order and sevei-al of CaesalpineEe, fiiTnly cohering with the calyx, may account for the statement referred to. I am not, indeed, acquainted with any instance among Dicotyledonous plants of cohesion between a simple ovarium, which I consider that of CiirysobalancEC to be, and the tube of the calyx. The complete septum between the two ovula of Parinarium, existing before fecundation, is a peculiar structure in a simple ovarium; though in some degree analogous to the moveable dessepiment of Banksia and Dryandra, and to the complete, but less regular, division of the cavity that takes place after fecundation in some species of Persoonia.|l MELASTOMACE.E. Four plants only of this order occur in the collection. Tile first is a species of Trisfemma, very nearly related to T. hirtum of M. de Beauvois.^ * Juss. Gen. 342. Parinari, Jublet Guian. 514. Petrocarya, Schreb. Gen. 629. + Rehc Tiarh Guinea, p. 54. + f^oyage an Senegal, 175. ^ Gen. Plant. 342. U Linn. Soc. Transact. 10, p. 35. H Flore d'Oware, },p. 94, /. 57. APPENDIX. No. V. 435 The second is perhaps not distinct from Melastoma decumbens, of tlie same author.* The third and fourtli are new species referable to Rhexia, as characterised by Ventenatjf though not to that genus as estabhshed by Linneus ; and in some respects differing from the species tliat have been since added to it, all of which are natives of America. In the original species of Tristeinma\ there are, in the upper part of the tube of the calyx, two circular ciliated membranous processes, from which the name of the genus is derived ; the limb of the calyx itself being considered as constituting the third circle. The two circular membranes are also represented as complete in T. hirtum. But in the species from Congo, which may be named T. incompletum, only one circular membrane exists, with the unilateral rudiment of the second. The rudiment of the inferior membrane in this species, points out the rela- tion between the apparently anomalous appendage of the calyx in Tristemma, and the cUiated scales irregularly scatteretl over its whole surface in Osbeckia ; the analogy being estabhshed by the intermediate structure of an unpublished plant of this order from Sierra Ltxjne, in Sir Joseph Banks's herbaiium, in wliich the neai'ly similar squam£e, though distinct, are disposed in a single complete circle ; and by Melastoma octandra of Linneus, in wliich they are only four in number, and alternate with the proper divisions of the calyx. The two species here referred, though improperly, to Rhexia, agree with a considerable part of the species published in the monograph of that genus by "M. Bonpland, and with some other genera of the order, in the jjeculiar manner in which the ovarium is connected with the tube of the calyx. This cohesion, instead of extending uniformly over the whole surface, is Umited to ten longi- tudinal equidistant lines or membranous processes, apparently originating from ihe surface of the ovarium ; the interstices, which are tubular, and gradually i:arrowing towards the base, being entirely free. The function of these tubular interstices is as remarkable as their existence. In Melastomaceae, before the expansion of the coroEa, the tops of the fila- ments are inflected, and the antherae are pendulous and parallel to the lower or erect portion of the filament ; their tips reaching, either to the line of com- plete cohesion between the calyx and ovarium, where that exists ; or, where * Op. cilat. l,p.69,l.49. ^ Mem. ^ S. lat. there is a remarkable uniformity in the vegetation, not only as to the principal natural orders and genera, but even to a considerable extent in the species of which it consists. Upwards of one third part of the plants in the collection from Congo had been previously observed on other parts of the coast, though of these the greater part are yet unpublished. * Loc- cit. APPENDIX. No. V. 467 Many of the Trees, tlie Palms, and several other remarkable plants, whicli cliaracterise the landscape, as Adamonia, Bombax pentandrum, Anthoclelsta, Musanga of the natives (the genus related to Cecropia,) Elceis guineensis, Raphia vinifera, and Pandanus Candelabrum, appear to be very general along the whole extent of coast. Sterculia acuminata* the seed of whicli is the Cola, mentioned in the earliest accounts of Congo, exists, and is equally valued, in Guinea and Sierra Leone, and what is remarkable, has the same name in every part of the west coast. The Ordeal Tree noticed in Professor Smith's journal under the name of Cassa; and in Captain Tuckey's narrative erroneously called a species of Cassia, if not absolutely the same plant as the Red Water Tree of Sierra Leone,f and as it is said also of the Gold Coast, belongs at least to the same genus. A species of the Cream Fruit, mentioned by Professor Afzelius,| remarkable in affording a wholesome and pleasant saccharine fluid, used by the natives of Sierra Leone even to quench their tliirst, though the plant belongs to Apoci- neae, a family so generally deleterious, was also met with. The Sarcocephalus of the same author,§ which is probably what he has noticed under the name of the country-fig of Sierra Leone,|| was found, and seems to be not uncommon, on the banks of the Congo. Anona Senegalensis, whose fruit, though smaller than that of the cultivated species of the genus, has, according to Mr. Lockhart, a flavom- superior to any of them, was every where observed, especially above Embomma, and appears to be a very general plant along the whole extent of coast : And Chrysobalanus Icaco, or a species very nearly related to it, which is equally common from Senegal to Congo, was found abundantly near the mouth of the river. The remarks I have to make on Esculent Plants, my knowledge of which is chiefly derived from" the journals of Captain Tuckey and Professor Smith, * De Beauvois. Flore d'Oware 1, p. 41, /. 24. + Winterbotlom's Sierra Leone I, p. 129. + Sierra Leone Report for \19i, p. 173, n. 4T. ^ In Herb. Banks. \ Op. ell. p. 171, n. 32. 468 APPENDIX. No. V. and the communications of Mr. Lockhart, may be here introduced; the cultivated as well as the indigenous species being very similar along the whole of the west coast. On the banks of the Congo, as far as the expedition proceeded, the principal articles of vegetable food were found to be Indian Corn or Maize (Zra Mays) Cassava, both sweet and bitter, {latropJia ManiJiot L.) ; two kinds of Pulse, extensively cultivated, one of which is Cytisus Cajan of Linneus, the other not determined, but beheved to be a species of Phaseolus ; and Ground Nuts (Arachis hypogcsa L.) The most valuable fruits seen were Plantains (Musa sapientum;) the Papaw {Carica papaya) Pumpkins (Cuciirbitu Pepo ;) Limes and Oranges (Citrus med'ica et aurantium ;) Pine Apples {Bromelia Ananas ,-) the common Tamarind {Tamarindus indica ;) and Safu, a fruit the size of a small plum, which was not seen ripe. One of the most important plants not only of Congo, but of the whole extent of coast, is Elms guineensis or the Oil Palm, from wliich also the best kind of Palm Wine is procured. AVine is likewise obtained from two other species of Palms, which are probably Raphia vm'ifera, and the supposed Corypha, considered as an Hyphsene by Professor Smith. Among the other Alimentary Plants which are either of less importance or imperfectly known, may be mentioned the " Shrubby Holcus,^ noticed by Captain Tuckey (p. 138) ; tlie common Yam, which Mr. Lockhart informs me he saw only near Cooloo ; and another species of Dioscorea found wild only, and very inferior to the Yam, requiring, according to the narrative, " four days lx)iling to free it from its pernicious qualities." On the same authority, " Sugar Canes of two kinds " were seen at Embomma, and Cabbages at Banza Noki : a kind of Capsicum or Bird Pepper, and Tobacco, were both observed to be generally cultivated: and I find in the herbarium, a specimen of the Malaguetta Pepper, or one of the species of Araomum, confounded under the name of A. Granum Paradisi. Mr. Lockhart believes there was also a second kind of Ground Nut or Pea, which may be that mentioned by Merolla, under the name of Incumba,* and the second sort perhaps noticed in Proyart's account of Loango,-(- which is * Piccardo Rclaz. del f'iag. net Reg. di Congo, p. 119. + P. 18. APPENDIX. No. V. 469 probably Glycine subterranea of Linneus, the Voandzeia oC IVI. du Petit Thouars,* or Voandzou of Madagascar, where it is generally cultivated.f Of the indigenous fruits, Anona senegalensis, Sarcocephalus, a species of Cream fruit, and Chrysobalaniis Icaco, have been already mentioned, as trees common to the whole line of coast. A species of Ximenia was also found by Professor Smith, wlio was inchned to consider it as not different from X. amerkana : its fruit, which, according to his account, is yellow, the size of a plum and of an acid, but not disagree- able taste, is in the higher parts of the river called Gangi, it may therefore probably be the Ogheghe of Lopez,| by whom it is compared to a yellow plum, and the tree producing it said to be very generally planted. An Antidesma, probably like that mentioned by Afzelius, as having a fruit in size and taste resembling the currant, is also in tlie herbarium. It is particularly deserving of attention, that the greater part of the plants now envuuerated, as cultivated on the banks of the Congo, and among them nearly the whole of the most important species, have probably been introduced from other parts of the world, and do not originally belong even to the continent of Africa. Thus it may be stated with confidence that the Maize, the Manioc or Cassava, and the Pine Apple, have been brought from America, and proba- bly the Papaw, the Capsicum, and Tobacco; while the Banana or Plantain, the Lime, the Orange, the Tamarind, and the Sugar Cane, may be considered as of Asiatic origin. In a former part of this essay, I have suggested that a careful investigation of the geographical distribution of genera might in some cases lead to the determination of the native country of plants at present generally dispersed. The value of the assistance to be derived from the source referred to, would amount to this ; that in doubtful cases, where other arguments were equal, it would appear more probable that the plant in question should belong to that country in which all the other species of the same genus were founcl decidedly indigenous, than to that where it was the only species of the genus known to exist. It seems to me that this reasoning may be applied with advantage • J^'ov. Gen. Madagasc. n. 7T. + Flaccurt Madagasc. pp. lU el 118. + Pignfelta, Bartweirs Translal. p. l\5. 470 APPENDIX. No. V. towai-ds determining the original country of several of the plants here enum&- rated, especially of the Banana, the Papaw, tlie Capsicum, and Tobacco. The Banana is generally considered to be of Indian origin : Baron Hum- boldt, however, has lately suggested * that several species of Musa may pos- sibly be confounded under the names of Plantain and Banana ; and that part of these species may be supposed to be indigenous to America. Hovr far the general tradition said to obtain both in Mexico, and Terra Firma, as well as the assertion of GarcUasso de la Vega respecting Peru, may establish the fact of the Musa having been cultivated in the new continent before the arrival of the Spaniards, t I do not mean at present to enquire. But in opposition to the conjecture referred to, it may be advanced that there is no circumstance in the structure of any of the states of the Banana or Plantain cultivated in India, or the islands of equinoctial Asia, to prevent their being all considered as merely varieties of one and the same species, namely Musa sapientum ; that their reduction to a single species is even confinned by the multitude of varieties that exist ;| by nearly the whole of these varieties being destitute of seeds; and by the existence of a plant indigenous to the continent of India,§ pro- ducing perfect seeds; from wliicb, therefore, all of them may be supposed to have sprung. To these objections to the hypothesis of the plurality of species of the Banana, may be added the argument referred to as contributing to establish its Asiatic origin ; for we are already acquamtcd with at least five distinct species of Musa in equinoctial Asia, while no other species has been found in America ; nor does it appear that the varieties of Banana, cultivated in that continent, may not equally be reduced to Musa sapientum as those of India : and lastly, it is not even asserted that the types of any of those supposed species of American Banana, gi-owing without cultivation, and producing perfect seeds, have any where been found. || * Nouv. Espag. vol. 2, p. 360. + Op. cit. p. 361. It may be observed, however, that this is not the opinion in every part of the continent of South America, for with respect to Brazil, Marcgraf and Piso assert that both the Banana and Plantain are considered as introduced plants, and the latter apparently from Congo. {Marcg. p. 137, el Piso Hist. Nat. Bras. p. 154.) \ Musa sapientum, Rox. Coram, lab. 275. § M. Desvaux, in a dissertation on the genus Musa [in Journ. de Bolanique appl. vol. 4, APPENDIX. Xo. V. 471 That the Bananas now cuhivated in equinoctial Africa, come originally from India, appears to me equally probable, though it may be allowed that the Ensete of Bruce * is perhaps a distinct species of this genus, and indige- nous only to Africa. The Papaxv (Carica papaya), from analogous reasoning, may be regarded as of American origin ; there being several other decidedly distinct species natives of that continent, while no species except the cultivated Papaw, nor any plant nearly related to this singular genus, is known to exist either in Asia or Africa But in tiie present case, the assistance derived from the argument adduced, may perhaps be considered as unnecessary ; for the circumstance of there being no Sanscrit name for so remarkable a plant as the Papaw,t is nearly decisive of its not being Indigenous to India. And in the Malay Islands, the opinion of the inhabitants, according to Rumphius, | is that it was there introduced by the Portuguese. The same argument may be extended to Capsicum, of which all the known species probably belong to the new continent ; for the only important exception stated to this genus being wholly of American origin, namely C.Jrutescens, p. 1), has corae to the same conclusion respecting the original country of the cultivated Banana, and also that its numerous varieties are reducible to one species. In this disser- tation he takes a view of the floral envelope of Musa peculiar to himself. The periau- thium in this geuus is generally described as consisting of two unequal divisions or lips. Of these, one is divided at top into live, or more rarely into three segments, and envelopes the other, ivhich is entire, of a different form and more petal-like texture. The enveloping division M. Desvaux regards as the calyx, the inner as the corolla. It seems very evident to me, however, that the deviation in Musa from the regular form of a Monocotyledonous flower, consists in the confluence of the three divisions of the outer series of the perianthiura, and in the cohesion, more or less intiniate, with these of the two lateral divisions of the inner series; the third division of this series, analogous to the labellum in the Orchidea;, being the inner lip of the flower. This view seems to be established by the several modifications observable in the different species of Musa itself, especially in M. suiierba of Roxburgh, {Plants of Coromand. 3, tab. 223) and in the flower of Musa figured by Plumier, {Nov. gen. t. 34.), but still more by the irregularity confined to the inner series in Strelitzia, and by the near approach to regularity, even in this series, in Ravenala (or Urania), both of x^hich belong to the same natural order. * Travels, vol. 5, p. 36. + Fleming in Asial. Reseer. ii. />. 161. t Herb. Amboin. i. p. 117. 472 APPENDIX. No. V. seems to be set aside merely by the appellations of Tchilli and Ladu TchilU, as o-iven to it in the Malay Islands ; Chilli, either simply, or in composition, beino- the Mexican name for all the species and varieties of this genus.* All the species of Nicotiana appear to be American, except N. AuMrala- siw (the N. undulata of Ventenat and Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. but not of Flora Peruviana,) which is certainly a native of New Holland. The exception here, however, does not materially invalidate the reasoning, A'^. Australasia; differing so much from the other species as to form a separate section of the genus. The same argument might perhaps be applied to other plants of doubtful oriffin, as to Canna indica, which it would derive from America. It is certainly not meant, however, to employ this reasoning in every case, and in opposition to all other evidence ; and instances may be found, even among the alimentary plants, where it is very far from being satisfactory. Thus the Cocoa Nut, though it will probably be considered as indigenous to the shores and islands of equinoctial Asia, is yet the only species of its genus tJiat does not belong exclusively to America. Cytisus Cqjan, may be supposed to have been introduced from India. This plant, which is very generally cultivated in the vicinity of the Congo, I conclude is the Voando, mentioned by Captain Tuckey as being ripe in October ; and as Mr. Lockhart understood from the natives, that Cytisus Cajan continues to bear for three yeai-s, it is probably Merolla's Owando, of which he gives a similar account.-f- Whether Jrachis liypogasa be indigenous^or introduced, cannot now perhaps be satisfactorily determined. This remarkable plant, whose singular structure and economy were first correctly described by M. Poiteau,:j: and which was e\ery where seen in abundance, as far as the river was examined, appears to form an important article of cultivation along the whole of the west coast of Africa, and probably also on the east coast, on several parts of which it was found by Loureiro.§ According to the same author, it is also universally cultivated in China and Cochinchina. * Hernandez, Rer. Medic. Nov. Hispan. Thesaur. p. 134, et Nieremb. Hist. Nat. p. 363. T Piccardo Relaz. p. 120. ^ Mint, de rlnstil. Sc. Phj/s. Sav. Etrang. I, p. 455. ^ Flor. Cochin. 430. APPENDIX. No. y. 473 From China it has probably been introduced into the continent of India, Ceylon, and the Malayan Archipelago, where, though now generally cultivated, there is reason to believe, particularly from the names given to it, that it is not indigenous. I think it not very improbable that it may have been carried from 'Africa to various parts of equinoctial America, though it is noticed in some of the early accounts of that continent, especially of Peru and Brazil. According to Professor Sprengel,* it is mentioned by Theophrastus as cultivated in Egypt : but it is by no means evident that Arachis is the plant intended in the passage of Theophrastus refeiTed to ; and it is probable that had it been formerly cultivated in Egypt, it would still be found in that country ; it is not, however, included either in Forskars Catalogue, or in the more extensive Flora Egyptiaca of M. Delile. There is nothing very improbable in the supposition of Arachis hypogaea being indigenous to Asia, Africa, and even America ; but if it be considered as originally belonging to one of those continents only, it is more likely to have been brought from China through India to Africa, than to have been carried in the opposite direction. Glycine subterranea, however, which is extensively cultivated in Africa, Madagascar, and several parts of equinoctial America, is proljably of African origin ; it is stated, at least both by Marcgrai^and Piso, to have been introduced into Brazil fi-om Angola or Congo.t The Holcus noticed by Captain Tuckey, of which the specimens in the herbarium do not enable me to determine whether it be a distinct species, or a variety only of H. sorghum or saccharatus, may be considered as indigenous, or at least as belonging to Africa. According to Mr. Locldiart, it is very generally found wild, and it is only once mentioned as cultivated : it may, however, have been formerl}- cultivated, along with other species of Millet, to a much greater extent; its place being now supphed by the Maize, which oives probably both a more productive and a more certain crop. The Dioscorea or bitter Yam, which was observed only in a wild state, may be presumed to be a native species ; and if ever it has been cultivated, it may * Hisl. Rei Herb. \,p. 9S. + Mandubi d'Angola Marrg. Hist. Nat. Brasll. 4S. Mandobi, Piso, Hist. Kal. Brasil. p. £56. 3P 474 APPENDIX. No. V. in like manner be supposed to have been superseded by the Manioc or Cassava. The Sqfu,* which Mr. Lockhart understood from the natives was one of their most esteemed fruits, he observed to be very generally planted round the villages, especially from Euibomma upwards, and to be carefully preserved from birds : its importance is perhaps increased from its ripening in October, a season when the general supply of vegetable food may be supposed to be scanty. There seems no reason to doubt that this tree, whose probable place in the system I have "stated in my remarks on Amyrideae, belongs originally to the west coast of Africa, Elms guineensis, of which the oil is distinctly described in the beginning of the sixteenth century hy Da Ca da Mosto, in his account of Senegal,-f- is wltlwiit doubt indigenous to the whole extent of this coast ; as is Raphia vinifera, of which the remarkable fruit also very early attracted attention ;| and the supposed species of Corypha. Of Alimentary Plants, whether cultivated or indigenous, that are known or supposed to belong to the west coast of equinoctial Africa, but which were not seen on the banks of the Congo, a few of the more important may be mentioned. Among these are the Cocoa Nut and Rice, the former, according to the natives, not being found in the osuntry. The absence of these two valuable plants is the more remarkable, as the Cocoa Nut is said to exist in the neigh- bouring kingdom of Loango ; and according to Captain Tuckey, a certain por- tion of land was seen on the banks of the river well adapted to the production of Rice, which is mentioned as cultivated in some of the earlier accounts of Congo. The Sweet Potatoc {Convolvulus Batatas), also noticed by the Portuguese Missionai'ies, was not met with. The Butter and Tallow Tree of Afzelius, which forms a new genus belonging to Guttifera; ; the Velvet-Tamarind of Sierra Leone (Codarium acutifolium ;§) and the Monkey Pepper, or Piper ^thiopicum of the shops (Uncna cethiopica of Dunal), which is common on manj' parts of the coast, were not observed- • Probably the Zaffo of some of the earlier accounts of Congo, vide Malle-Brun Prens de laGeogr. 5, p. 9. + Ramusio \,p. 104. Cryn. Sor. Orb. 28. + Palma-Pinu«, Label, advert, p. 450. \ Afzel.Gen Plant. Guineen. par. prim. p. iS. Codariura nitidum /'aA/.enK;n, I,p. 302. APPENDIX. Xo. V. 475 Two remarkable plants, the Akee* and the Jamaica or American Nutmeg,-\- now cultivated in the West India colonies; and the former undoubtedly, the latter probably, introduced from Africa by the Negroes, were neither met vnxh on the banks of the Congo, nor have they been yet traced to any part of the west coast. The relation which the vegetation of the Eastern shores of equinoctial Africa has to that of the west coast, we have at present no means of determin- ing; for the few plants, chiefly from the neighbourhood of Mozambique, included in Loureiro's Flora Cochinchinensis, and a very small number collected by Mr. Salt on the same part of tiie coast, do not afford materials for comparison The character of the collections of Abyssinian Plants made by Mr. Salt in his two journeys, forming part of Sir Joseph Banks's herbarium, and amounting to about 260 species, is somewhat extratropical, and has but little affinity to that of the vegetation of the west coast of Africa. To the Flora of Egypt, that of Congo has still less relation, either in the number or proportions of its natural famlHes : the herbarium, however, * Blighia sapida, Konig in Annuls of Bot. 2, p.blX. Hart. Kew. ed. Srfa. vof. 2, p. 350. Al the iiKiment that this sheet was about to have been sent to the press, Sir Joseph Banks received a small colleclion of specimeus and figures of plants, observed in the late Mission to Cummazee, the capital of Ashantee ; and among thcra a drawing of the fruit and leaf of a plant, there called AHueuh or Alluah, which is no doubt the Akee, whose native country is therefore now ascertained. + Monodora myristica, Dunal Annonac. p. 80. Decand. Syst. Nat. Reg. Figet. 1, p. in. Anona myristica, Gcert. Sem. 2, p. \9i, t- 125, p. I. Lunan Hort. Jamaic. 2, p. 10. This remarkable plant is very properly separated from Anona, and considered as a distinct genus by M. Dunal in his monograph of Anonaces. The character given of this new genus, however, is not allogelher satisfactory, M- de Candolle's description, from which it is derived, having probably been taken from specimens which he had it not in his power to examine completely. Both these authors have added to this genus Annona raicrocarpa of Jacquin (Fragm. Bot. p. 40. 1. 44,/. 7), established by that author from the fruit of my Cargil/ia auslralis(Prodr. Flor. Nor. Holl. 1, p. SST) which belongs to the very different family of Ebenaces. Long, in his History of Jamaica (vol. 3, p. 135.) has given the earliest account of Monodora Myristica, under the name of the American Nutmeg, and considers it to have been probably introduced from South America: according to other accounts, it comes from the Mosquito shore ; but there is more reason to suppose that it has been brought by the Negroes from some part of the west coast of Africa. 476 APPENDIX. No. V. includes several species which also belong to Egypt, as Nymphaea Lotiii^, Cyperus Papyrus and articulatus, Splienoclea zeylanica, Glinus lotoides, Ethulia conyzoides, and Graiigea maderaspatana. Of the piwny remarkable genera and orders characterising the vegetation of South Africa, no traces are to be found in the herbarium from Congo. This fact is the more worthy of notice, because even in Abyssinia a few remains, if I may so speak, of these chai-acteristic tribes, have been met with ; as the Protea abyssinka,* observed by Bruce, and Pelargonium abyssinicum and Geisorrhiza abyss'mica t found by Mr. Salt. Between tlie plants collected by Professor Smith in the island oi St. Jago and those of the Congo herbarium, there is very little affinity ; great part of the ordM-s and genera being different, and not more than three species, of which Cassia occidentalis is one, being common to both. To judge from this collection of St. Jago, it would seem that the vegetation of the Cape Verd Islands is of a character intermediate between that of tlie adjoining continent and of the Canai'y Islands, of which the Flora has, of course, still less connection witli that of Congo. It might perhaps have been expected that the examination of the vicinity of the Congo would have thrown some light on the origin, if I may so ex^jress myself, of the Flora of St. Helena. This, however, has not proved to be the case ; for neither has a single indigenous species, nor have any of the principal genera, characterising the vegetation of that Island, been found either on the banks of the Congo, or on any other part of this coast of Africa. There appears to be some affinity between the vegetation of tiie banks of the Congo and that of Madagascar and the Ides of France and Bourbon. This affinity, however, consists more in a certain degree of resemblance in several natural families and extensive or remarkable genera, than in identity of species, of which there seems to be very few in common. The Flora of Congo may be compared with those of equinoctial countries still more remote. With that of India, it agrees not only in the proportions of many of its principal families, or in what may be termed tlie equinoctial relation, but also, to a certain degree, in the more extensive genera of which several of these * Gaguedi Brucc's Travels 5, p. 52. f Salt's Travels in Abyssinia, append, p. Ixiii. and Ixv. APPENDIX. No. V. 477 families consist: and there aie even about forty species common to these distant regions. To the vegetation of Equinoctial America it has certainly much less affinity. Several genera, however, which have not yet been observed in India or New Holland, are common to this part of Africa and America:* and there are upwards of thirty species in the Congo herbarium, which are also natives of the opposite coasts of Brazil and Guiana, As the identity of species, especially of the Dicotyledonous division, common to equinoctial America and other intratropical countries, has often been questioned, I have subjoined two hsts of plants included in the Congo herbarium, of which the first consists of such species as are common to Ame- rica and India : and the second, of such as are found in America only. I have given also a thii'd list, of species common to Congo and India, or its Islands, but which liave not been observed in America : And a fourth is added, consisting of doubtful plants, to which I have, in the mean time, apphed the names of those species they most nearly resemble, and to which they may really belong, without, however, considering their identity as determined I. List of Plants common to Equinoctial Africa, America, and Asia. Gleichenia Hennanni Prodr. Flor. i Boevhaaviamutabilis Prorfr. Flor.Nov. Nov. Holl \ Holl. Mertensia dichotoma Wtlld. J Ipomcea pes caprae Nob. Agrostis Virginica L. Convolvoulus pes caprae L. t . '^ ,'perus articulatus L. ■) t ■■>■ • -r ( ... ,, , , \ead.sp. niloticus Vanl, J Cyperus articulatus L. t brasiliensis L. i Ipomoea pentaphylla Jacqu Ijpocarpha argentea Nob. t Scoparia dulcis L. Hyp^lyptum argenteum Valil. J Heliotropium indicum L. Eleocharis capitata Prod-Fl.Nov.Holl. Sphenoclea zeylanica Gcert. Fuirena umbellata L.Jil. Ageratum conyzoides L. Pistia Stratiotes L. * Namely, EIeeis Jacqu. Rivina Z. Telanlhera Nob. (Alternanthera; pentandrse.) Alchornea Sw. Blechum Prrnir. Flor. Aov. Holl. (Blechi sp. Juss.) Schwenckia L. Hyplis Jacqu. Vandellia L. Annona L. Banisteria JVob. (BanisteriiE sp. L.) Paullini.i Juss. (Paullinias sp. L.) Visraia Ruiz, el Puv, Conocarpus L. Legnotis Sw. (Caseipourea Attbl.) Chailletia Dtcand. 478 APPENDIX. No. V AValtheria indica L. americana L. Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Sida periplocifolia L. Cassia occidentalis L. ; ead. sp. Guilandina Bonduc L. -j Bonducella L. 3 ' "' Abrus precatorius L. Hedysaium triflorum L. II. Plants common to Equinoctial Africa and America : but not found in India. Octoblepharum albidum Hedu. Acrostichum aureum L . Eragrostis ciliaris. -j Poa ciliaris L. S Cj'perus ligularis L. Schwenckia americana L. Hj-ptis obtusifolia Nob. Sida juncea Banks, ct Soland. Mss. Brasil. Urena americana L. -i . \ead. sp. reticulata Cavan. J Malachra radiata L. Jussiaea erecta L. Crotalaria axillaris Hart. Kew. ^- Willd Struchium (americanum) Br. jam. .S12.Pterocarpus lunatus L. III. Plants common to Equinoctial Africa and India: but not Jinrnd in America. Roccella fuciformis Achar. Lichenog. 440. Perotis latifolia Soland. in Hort. Kew. Centotheca lappacea Beauv. Eleusine indica Gcert. Flagellaria indica L. Gloriosa superba li. Celosia argentea L. "j — margaritacea L. igad. sp. — albida ? Willd J Dcsmochaeta lappacea Decand. Grangea (raaderaspatana) Adans. Lavenia erecta Sw. Oxystelma esculentum Nob. Periploca esculenta Roxb Nymphaea Lotus L. pubescens Willd. Hibiscus surattensis L. Leea sambucina L. Hedysarum pictum L. Indigofera lateritia Willd. Glinus lotoides L. } [ ead. sp. IV. List of Species which have not been satisfactorily ascertained. Acrostichum alcicorne Sw. 1 Panicum crus-galli L. stemaria Beauv. J Typha angustitblia L. Imperata cylindrica Prodr. Flor. Nov. Giseckia pharnaceoides L. Hall. APPENDIX. No. V. 479 Cassytha pubescens Prodr. Flor. Nov. Hydrocotyle asiatica L. Holl. Hedysarum adscendens Sw. Celtis orientalis L. . Hedysarum vaginale L. Cardiospennum grandiflorum Su: Pterocarpus Ecastopliyllum L. Paullinia pinnata L. On these lists it is necessary to make some observations. 1st. The number of species in the three first hsts taken together is equal to at least one-twelfth of the whole collection. The proportion, indeed, which these species bear to the entire mass of vegetation on the banks of the Conoi) is probably considerably smaller, for there is no reason to believe that any of tliem are very abundant except Cyperus Papyrus and Bombax pentandrum, and most of them appear to have been seen only on the lower part of the river. 2nd. The relative numbers of the species belonging to the primary divisions in the lists, is analogous to, and not very materiall)' different from, those of the whole herbarium ; Dicotyledones being to Monocotyledones nearly as 3 to 1 ; and Acotyledones being to both these divisions united as hardly 1 to 16": hence the Phfenogamous plants of the lists alone form about one-thirteenth of the entire collection. The proportions now stated are very different from those existing in the cata- logue I have given of plants common to New Holland and Europe;* in which the Acotyledones form one-twentieth, and the Phaenogamous plants only one- sixtieth part of the extra-tropical portion of the Flora ; while the Monoco- tyledones are to the Dicotyledones as 2 to 1. The great proportion of Dicotyledonous plants in the lists now given, and especially in the two first, which are altogether composed of American species, is singularly at variance with an opinion very generally received, that no well estabhshed instance can be produced of a Dicotyledonous plant, common to the equinoctial regions of the old and new continent. 3d. The far greater part of the species in the hsts are strictly equinoctial; a few, however, have also been observed in the temperate zones, namely Agi'ostis virginica, belonging, as its name imphes, to Virginia, and found also on the shores of Van Diemen's Island, in a still higher latitude ; Cyperus Papyrus, and articulatus, Nymphaea Lotus, and Pistia Stratiotes, which arc * Flinders' toy. 2. p. 593. 480 APPENDIX. No. V. natives of Egj-pt ; Glinus lotoides of Egypt and Barbary ; and Flagellai-ia in- dica, existing on the east coast of New Holland, in as high a latitude as 32°. S. 4th. It may perhaps be suggested with respect to tliese lists, that they contain or even chiefly consist of plants that during the constant intercourse which has now subsisted for upwards of three centuries between Africa, America, and India, may have, either from design or accidentally, been carried from one of these regions to another, and therefore are to be regarded as truly natives of tliat continent only from which they originally proceeded. It appeai-s to me, however, that there is no plant included in any of the lists which can well be supposed to have been purposely carried from one continent to another, unless perhaps Chrysobalanus Icaco, and Cassia occidentalis ; both of which may possibly have been introduced into America by the Negroes, from the west coast of Africa ; the former as an eatable fruit, the latter a (compass) 8 or 9 mUes; had 2i 492 APPENDIX. No VII. fatlioms coarse brown sand ; we nowstood in shore, the wind having drawn round to the S S W. a pretty brisk sea bi-eeze ; at 4 we had 17 fathoms^ fine gray sand. Cape Mayiimba N b. E 9 or ten miles. At (>, having run S E b. S (compass) .5 miles since 4 o'clock, we had 1 3 fathoms, small gravel and shells ; tlie land from N N E to S S E ; at S calm, came to in 1 fathoms, dark soft sandy ouse, and no current. Remark. We have hitherto i-emarked that as soon as it becomes calm in the evening, a very thick haze arises, and the dew falls much less than be-' tween this and sun set ; the surf, though not heard by day, then becomes very noisy. The calm generally takes place between 8 and 10 P. M. The latitude and longitude of Cape Mayumba from this day's observation is S''34' S, 11° 13' 36" E, by chronometer. With respect to the longitude, there appears so great a difference between that given by our chronometers and those assitrned in the ibllowino; charts, that it must remain for future navigators to decide. Laurie and Whittle's chart places it in 10.. 16". E, and Arrowsmith in U)°23'E. ]May 2.")th. At daylight calm and hazy, a heavy surf rolling on the shore, from which we were about 3 miles distant. At 9 a light air from the south- ward ; weighed and made sail on the western tack : at noon observed in lat. 3* ID'S. lono-. 11°5'E. had If) fathoms, fine brown sand with black specks, ex- tremes of the land from S 34° E to N S W; at 2 P. M. had 1 7 fathoms ; at 4 the same depth about 7 or S miles off shore ; at fi had 1 1 fathoms, then tacked, standing off W b. N 4 miles till half past 7, when we had 13 fathoms, stiff black mud, and anchored. Variation (azimuth) 25° 30' W. May 26th. At 2 a light breeze sprung up at E N E : weighed and made sail to the southward ; soon after the wind chopped round N W, and conti- nued gradually drawing round to S W, where it continued till 9, when some small rain fell ; it was very cloudy, and the wind suddenly veered round to SE. After weighing we ran on a S W b. S course 4 miles, and had 20 fathoms ; 8 miles further 29 fathoms ; then S | E. 4 miles, 35 fathoms ; all black mud and broken shells. At noon observed in lat. 4° S' S, long. 11° 15' 22' E, and had 48 fathoms, same bottom ; we also found that a current had set us since weigh- ing 10 miles north. About 2 the wind drew round to S S W, wore to die S E, at 4 running on a S E course 3 knots an hour, we had 49 fathoms, at 5, 48., at 6, 47 fathoms, all muddy bottom, at 8, 40 fathoms, coarse sand, at 9, 35, and APPENDIX. No. VII. 493 dt 10, S3 fathoms, same bottom ; at 10.. 30 it fell calm. Came to ii> 33 fathoms, black mud. Found per log a current running N N W, | knot an hour. Va- riation of the compass by amp. 25° 33' W, by azimuth 25° 30'- M-iy 2rtli. At ;), a light breeze sprung up at S S W; weighed, and stood S E 3 miles, and had 28 fathoms, S E b. E, 2 miles 24 fathoms, and S E 1 mile 21 fathoms, all black mud and shells ; here we observed in lat. 4° 9 S. Ion. 1 !• 38' 37" E. Banda point E b. N 8 or 9 miles, extremes of the land from E b. SfS. to Nb.W.- About 6" P. M. the wind drew round toWb.S, a fresh breeze; from noon wc i-an on a S E b. S course, shoaling gradually, with scarcely any variation in the bottom (chiefly ouse.) In running along shore the land is beau- tiful, appearing as if laid out in parks and pleasure grounds ; it is noted in tlie charts as being high ; which is certainly an error, as there has not been any part of it yet seen by us liigher than the Lizard on our own coast. The latitude of Banda point by tliis day's observation is about 4° 4' S, Ion. 1 1° 4(>' 2" E. Arrowsmith in liis chart of this part of the coast, places it in lat. 4. .3 S. Ion. 10..52..0, and Laurie and Whittle in 3° 53' S. and 10° 30' E. May 2Sth. The breeze of last night continued at W S W till about 6 this morning, when it fell calm, and we came to in 15 fathoms, ouse ; found the current per log N b. W 1^: mile an hour. At 8 a light breeze from the S E, with which we weighed, but falling calm almost immediately, came to again in 14 fathoms, ouse ; just before noon weighed again with a light breeze, but finding we lost ground came to du-cctly in 12 fathoms, ouse, where we observed, in lat. 4° 2-1' S, Ion. 12° 1 1' E, extremes of the land from S S E to N b. E cur- rent N b. W 1 1 mile an hour. About 2 P. M. the sea breeze came in mode- rate at W S W; weighed and made sail, but the ship in a most unaccountable manner, w ith all sail set and a good breeze on tlie quarter, refused to come higher than E S E, and lay like a log on the water, while the Congo, whose tow- rope we had cast off, was lying up south about 3 knots ; at 2..30 finding we were driftin< fathoms, and thenshoaled again to2,i fathoms, ouse, when we anchored athalf jast i>, being quite calm. During these last 24 hours the water has had a deep tinge, like blood and water mixed. APPENDIX. No. VII. 495 Kemark. For some days past we have invariably had a hght breeze from S S W to S S E, which springs up about 5 o'clock in the moming, and generally ends about 10, though sometimes so late as 11 ; it is tlien calm till one or two in the afternoon, when the sea breeze sets in at S W, or S W b. W, light, and about an hour after it has commenced it generally carries us 3 or 3i knots, gradually gathering strength and drawingroundtoW,and sometimes to WNW ; again hauling round to W S W an hour or more before it falls calm. The time ol' its falling calm appears to depend on the time of the sea breeze setting this breeze generally lasts about !) or 10 hours, but in one or two instances we had it 12 or 14. May 30th. At daylight calm, dark, and cloudy ; saw the land, but could not distinguish any particular or known point: current running N N E li knot an hour. At noon still calm ; observed in lat. 5" 2' S. Ion. 12' 15' E extremes •of the land from S EfE to N E | N, about 11 or 12 miles, current the same as at day hght. There can be no doubt of the point before described being Indian point, as we are this day to the southward of its situation in every chart ; and have not seen the least appearance of such a bay as that of Loango, between the land we are now abreast of and tiic above point. Horsburgh, in his chart, places Indian point in lat. 5" 0' S, which makes it 2'> miles, Arrowsmith 1 8, and Laurie and Whittle 10 miles all too far to the southward, supposing 4° 35' to be the lati- tude, which I am certain is very near the truth. At 3 P. M. the sea breeze came in at W b. S, with which we weighed and made sail, at half past 10 falling httle wind, came to in 11 fathoms, muddy bot- tom, scarcely any current. June 1st. At daylight observed we were abreast of a river with a very fine entrance ; a light breeze springing up, we shifted a little off sliore, but fallmg calm, anchored again at !) ; about 1 0, two canoes came along side with S natives in them, one of whom spoke tolerably good English, and said he came to in- form us the Mafouk or governor of Malemba was coming on board ; from the information of these people it appears this river is called Louango Louiza, and not Louiza Louango as in the charts; and on enquiring after the river Ka- congo, they knew nothing of it, declaring there is no other river between Lo- ango Bay and Malemba, than Louango Louiza : when we enquired what river the town of Kinghele was situated on, they called it Chimbele, and said it stood 694 APPENDIX. No YII. on the bank of a little river called Bele, whidi is situated to the southward of Cabenda. If their account is correct, which there is no reason to doubt, a river is laid down in the charts that does not exist, a corroborative proof of which is, that in our run between Loango bay and where we now are, not the least ap- pearance of one was seen : and tlie natives assure us there is not another till you come to the southward of Cabenda. At noon observed in 5° 17' S. Ion. 12»]0' 15" E, south point of the river Louango Loiiiza E b. N f N, 7 or 8 miles, which makes this point in 5" 1 2' S, 12" 15' 33 "E, current running N b. Wj mile an hour. About 2 the sea breeze set in at W b. S, witii which we weighed, and at 1 0. 30 falUng little wind, came to in 1 1 fathoms, current running N N W| mile an hour : in running along shore the natives pointed out to us the point of Malemba ; it is a bluff cliff not easily distinguislied, being considerably lower than the land at the back of it, which is but moderately high, and may be easily kno^vn, by its being fuU of red cliffs, like chalk pits. June 2nd. At daylight, light airs from the southward wth light rain and haze ; at 8, went in-sliore with two boats tofindout a bank, which Grandpre states to lie between Malemba and Cabenda, close on the north side of Cabenda bay ; two of the natives, wlio said they knew the bank, ^^•ent with me ; one of whom said he was on board Maxwell's ship when she grounded on it ; I went into 5^- fathoms, which was about 24 or 3 miles from Cabenda point, which depth was sufficient to disprove Grandpre's assertion that " After you liave 7 fathoms, you will be on shore before you get another cast." I found the water to shoal gradually, and 7 fathoms was at least one mile outside of me. After weighing we stood Wb. N 2 miles, then S b. E 3 miles, when we had 14 fathoms, from this we ranSb. W 3 miles, and had 13 fathoms, 3 miles further on the same course 12 fathoms, 2^ miles further 10 fathoms, and 2 miles farther 7 fathoms, where, at 5. .40, we anchored, with Red point south !» or 10 miles, Cabenda hook N E b. E i E, about 3 miles off shore current running N b. W 1 1 mile an hour. I now went in the gig to sound, and found the water to shoal gra- dually all the way to the shore, at about i mile distant from wliich had 3 fa- thoms: by the time I got in shore, had no other light than that af}i)rded by the moon (which had just completed the first quarter), which enabled me to see some heavy breakers to the southward, I accordingly rowed towards them, and found a dangerous reef running off shore to the westward, about | of a mile APPENDIX. No. VII. 497 \nth 5 fathoms, close to the western edge ; it lies about half way between Cabenda hook and Red point ; about 8, I returned to the ship : the soundings regular as before. June 3d. At noon observed in lat, 5° 37' S, the high land of Cabenda, E b. N, and Red point S S E|E. For the last two days we have not been able to get sights for longitude. At 2wore ship, and stood to the southward with a moderate sea breeze at W b. S ; we continued sounding every hour, and had constantly 23 fathoms, until 1 1 o'clock, when it fell little wind, which obhged us to anchor in the above depth, sandy clay of a greenish hue. June 4th. At daylight saw the land about Cabenda 5 or 6 leagues distant : during the whole of this day, the breezes were extremely light, and the weather dark and hazy, had no observation, current running N b.W, 1| mile an hour. June 5lh. The whole of this day was calm, dark, and cloudy ; and we re- mained at anchor, current N N W, 1 1 mile an hour. June Gth. The whole of this forenoon was calm, dark, and cloudy ; at noon obsei-ved in 5° 40' S, at 2.. 30, the sea breeze came in at W b. S, when we weighed and made all possible sail to the southward : at 4 the haze cleared off a a httle, saw the land, the southern extreme of which bore S S E, sounded in 15 fathoms; from this time to 6 o'clock, we ran on a Sb.W course, gradually shoal- ing to 13 fathoms ; from 6 we kapt on a S and S b.W. course going 3| knots an hour till !), keeping all the time the same depth of water : and then gradually deepening to 1 7 fathoms ; shortly after getting this latter depth, we had no bot- tom with" 160, fathoms ; in about an hour after the wind headed us, and we ob- served an extremely great ripple all round the ship, making a noise hke a mill sluice (apparently a very rapid current) ; we soon got out of this, and on trying for soundings without the hope of getting anv, had 24 fathoms, muddy bottom ; w-e immediately anchored at about half an hour after midnight, and found scarce- ly any current, what little there was ran to the southward ; had it not been for this circumstance, should have concluded we had been drifted back again to the northward, which was Captain Tuckey's opinion ; but considering we had always found a strong northerly current, when to the northward of the deep water channel, that now we must have crossed it, on finding it run to the southward, which proved to be the case. From the above it will appear that the deep water is much narrower than is 498 APPENDIX. No. VII. generally supposed, it is probably not more tban 3 miles across ; we sounded every hour, and at 10, we had 16j fathoms, at II, no bottom, at 11. .3^0 the Avind headed, and we fell off to S E, going only 2 knots, and at half past mid- nio-ht we had 24 fathoms. June 7th. At daylight saw the land from S SE to N E, the Zaire appa- rently open abreast of us ; I went in-shore to examine the coast and ascertain wliether the opening we saw was really it ; about 1 1 o'clock I obsen'cd the sliips were under way, by which time I was sufficiently near to be satisfied of our being at the entrance of the river, and accordingly after taking a ^^ew of the coast returned on board to inform Captain Tuckey, which together with the observation they had taken on board, being 6° 5' S, proved it beyond a doubt, we accordingly bore up and made sail ; and at lialf past 3, came to under Shark's point in 4 J fathoms, the point bearing E S E about i mile from the nearest shore. London : Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. 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