A GUIDL TO THE Current Periodicals and Serials OF THK UNITED STATES AND CANADA 1907 COMPILED BY HLNRY ORMAL 5LVLRANCL Librarian, University of Missouri ANN AKHOK, MICH. GEORGE WAHR, Pcblishkk 1907 OEI^EBAL Copyright, 1906, b)' GEORGE WAHR PRLFACL This Guide has heen compiled to facilitate the work of the librarian in his selection, purchase and care of periodicals ; to assist the bookseller and the subscription agent by placing before them in convenient form the cur- rent periodical literature of the United States and Canada ; to guide the private citizen in his choice of magazines for his home, his office, or his club. The business man wants to know what magazines cover the field in which he is especially interested and the prices at which they are published ; the subscription agent is interested to know the names of periodicals and serials, publishers' addresses, and subscription prices ; the librarian must have the whole information concerning periodical literature classified, in- dexed, and conveniently accessible. Every librarian and subscription agent must be aware of the meagre information that we possess concerning our periodical literature. The English have "Willing's Press Guide", the French their "Annuaires des Journaux". the German their "Journal-Katalog", but there is nothing published in this country which corresponds exactly to these foreign lists. Our newspaper annuals fill the place for which they are designed, and give information which up to the present time can not be found elsewhere ; but they are not sufficiently comprehensive and their con- tents are not conveniently arranged for ready reference. The material in this Guide is arranged first alphabetically by titles and secondly by subject matter. In the alphabetical arrangement the titles of periodicals and serials antl the names of societies are arranged in one list b\- the first word of the title, not an article, or the name of the society, liulletins, journals, proceedings, reports, and transactions of societies are entered under the names of the societies. The aim has been to give the name of the publication, date of first issue, frequency of publication, the publisher's name and address and the subscri])tion price. In the second part of the Guide, the material so far as possible has been arranged by subjects, but not having been able to examine all the periodicals personally the com- piler craves indulgence for errors and omissions. It is hoped to make the Guide an annual publication, corrected each year, and kept up to date. Xo one better understands the incompleteness of the present edition than the compiler himself and he consents to its pub- lication in the hope of being able to make future editions more nearly com- plete. The aim has been to include all periodicals and serials published in the United States and Canada with the exception of local and political news- ])apers, administrative reports, state and government publications. Inform- ation regarding these publications is accessible in other forms. In the j)reparation nf this work the compiler has drawn on various sources for his material. The publishers of the periodicals have responded with jiromptness and courtesy to requests for information, and frequent use has been made of X. W. Ayer and Son's American .Vewspaper Annual, of the Catalogue of Copyright b'ntries. Part _> : Periodicals ; of the List of Serials 4 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS in Public Libraries of Chicago and Evanston, and of the second edition of the supplement to the list issued by the John Crerar Library. Any suggestions, corrections or information intended to make the Guide more nearly accurate and complete, and therefore more serviceable, will be gratefully received. The compiler respectfully suggests that notice of any change in title, frequency of publication, subscription price, publisher, and publisher's address, of the publications listed on the following pages, and new publica- tions or notices of them, may be sent to him for inclusion in the next edition. The compiler is especially indebted to Mr. Theodore W. Koch, Librarian, University of Michigan, and to Mr. Byron A. Finney, assistant, for their valuable suggestions and advice, and to the latter for assistance in reading and revising the proof. This work was nearly completed when the compiler was appointed Librarian of the University of Missouri ; the work, however, was practically all done at the University of Michigan. Henry Ormal Severance. General Library University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. January, 1907. PART I ALPHABETICAL LIST GUIDL TO PLRIODICAL5 Part I— Alphabetical List ABBRf-VIATIONS a = annual. s-m = semi-monthly, b-m = bi-monthly. s-w = semi- weekly, b-w = bi-weekly. w = weekly. d = daily. f = fortnightly. 6 d = daily, six days in the week. irreg. = irregular, m = monthly. The date refers to the time the periodical or serial was founded. The price is the publisher's subscription price. ABC Pathfinder and dial express list, (| S .50 Xew I'.ni^land railway ])u\). en., I'.oston. Ma.^^s. ABC Pathfinder and dial once a week, w 3 . 50 W'w I'.ncland raihva\- ]nil). cc. P)Ostnn. Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial postal guide, q 50 New Kngland railway pul). co.. P>(»sti>n, Mass. ABC Pathfinder and dial shippers' guide, q 1 . 00 Xew F.nj^land railwa\ j)ul). CO., Boston, Mass. ABC Pathfinder railway guide, 1849, "i .^oo Xi'w l\n,i;land rail\\a\- imh. co.. Boston. Mass. ABC Pathfinder shipping and mailing guide, a 3-50 Xew I-jiL^land railway pub. co.. i'Dslon. Mass. A. L. A. Booklist, 1905. m 50 American library association. 34 Xcwl)crr\- .. A. M. E. church review, 1884. q 1 .00 11. C. Kcalinq-. 631 Pine st.. i'hila.. Pa. A. O. H. Record, 1878". m 50 lohn D. Cmniingham. .Xew Haven. Coim. A. O. U. W. Bulletin, 1807, 'n H. C Sessions. Sioux Falls. S. D. A. O. U. W. Emblem, m ;o Grand lod-e of Wash.. Seattle. Wash. A. O. U. W. Guide, i8c)^. m :^o 11. 1.. Cross. Bentonvillc. .\rk. A. O. U. W. Guide. 1883. w 50 David Ranialev. St. Paul. Mum. 8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS A. O. U. W. Messenger, 1892, m 5° |. H. Thompson. Nashville, Tenn. A. O. "U. W. Record, 1887, m 5° Pierce ])u1). cc, Denver, Colo. A. O. U. W. Reporter, 1890, m Frank Davey. Portland. Ore. A. O. U. W. wolverine workman, m 5° Perry F. Powers, Lansing, Mich. Abendschule, 1853. b-w 2.00 Louis Lang-e pub. co., 3600 Texas ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ability, 1905. m i • 00 Geo. W. Calderwood. 5 Beekman st., N. Y., N. Y. Abogado, Christiano, 1880, m i -OO Rev. T. Harwood. Albuquerque, N. M. Acacia, m i . 00 L. D. Woodruff, Lincoln, Neb. Academia de ciencia, Anales, m 2.25 J. LeRoy, Havana. Cuba. Academian, 1904. b-w i -OO Students of Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Academic herald, 1905, tri-w 50 College of the city of N. Y.. N. Y., N. Y. Academy notes, 1905, m 2 . 00 Buffalo, N. Y. Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1841, 3 nos., per vol 6.25 Journal, 1817, irreg., per vol 12 . 50 Logan square, Phila.. Pa. Academy of Science of St. Louis, membership per year 6.00 Proceedings, 1841 Transactions, 1867 St. Louis, Mo. Acadia athenaeum, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Acadia athenaeum soc, Wolfville, N. S. Acadiensis, 1809, Q ^ • 5^ David Russell Jack, St. Johns, N. 15. Accident insurance manual, a 2 .00 Spectator co., N. Y., N. Y. Acetylene journal, 1899, m 50 Acetylene journal pub. co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Achievement, 1900, m i . 00 Young people's magazine pub. co., 17 Quincy st., Chicago, 111. Acker und gartenzeitung, 1870, w i .00 Herold co., Milwaukee, Wis. Acologist, m 1 . 00 R. S. J. Perry, Farmington, Minn. Acta Victoriana, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Union lit. soc. of \'ictoria university, Toronto. Canada Actuarial society of america Transactions 1S89, irreg.. per no 75 N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PKRIODICALS 9 Ad, 1899. m 50 Pionccrine:' advcrtisiiif^ co.. Honolulu. Hawaii. Ad sense, m i . 00 Ad sense co., 204 Dearborn st., Chicaj^u, 111. Ad-writer, 1897, m i . 00 Ad-writer co., Pozzoni bldj^., St. Louis. Mo. Adams's magazine, 1905, m 10 Adams's nia<:2^azine co., 131 W. 24tli St.. X. "S'., X. V. Adelbert, 1890. m dur. coll. yr i .cx) Students of Adelbert college, Cleveland. ( ). Adjuster, 1890. m 3.00 J. A. Carey. 303 California St., San I'rancisco. Cal. Adler's suggester Da\id Adler and sons clotbin^" co., Milwaukee, Wis. Adult class, 1906, q 10 Am. bapt. jnib. soc, 1630 Cbestnut st., I'bila.. Pa. Advance, 1904. m Advance pub. co., Birmingham, .\la. Advance, 1867, w 2 . 00 Advance pub. co., 225 Dearborn st., Chicago. Advance advocate, m i . 00 Internat. brotherhood of maintenance of way employees, Benoist bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Advanced quarterly, 1879, Q 10 Am. Ixipt. pub. soc, 1630 Chestnut st.. Pliila., Pa. Advanced quarterly, 1887, q 08 ilapt. Sunday school board, Xashville. Tenn. Advance reports supplemental to the legal intelligencer, w. . . . Robert McAfee, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Advanced scholars' lesson leaf Ref. church Sunday school lioard, 1308 Arch st., Phila.. Pa. Advanced scholars' quarterly, 1882, q 10 Ref. church Sunday school board, 1308 Arch st., Phila.. Pa. Advanced therapeutics, 1889, m 3.00 A. L. Chatterton & co.. 259 William St., X. Y., X. Y. Advent review and Sabbath herald, 1850. w i . 50 Review and herald pub. ass'n, 222 X. Capitol st., Wash- ington, D. C. Advertising agent, 1906, m S. W. Merrill. X. Y. Advertiser and publisher, w i . 00 .Advertiser and pub. Co., 108 LaSallc St.. Chica.^o. 111. Advertiser-quarterly, <| Publislurs' commercial union, Chicago, 111. Advertisers news. 1906, m 1 .00 Charles E. Handy, X. Y.. X. Y. Advertising, m i . 00 Arthur L. Swett. Royal insurance bld.^., Chicago. 111. Advertising suggestions, 1005. w 10 350 Broadway, X. Y., X. Y. Advertising world, 1896, m 35 Charles S. .\nderson. Cleveland. O. lO GUIDE 'lO FKRIODICAT.S Advocate, 1902. \v 1 • oo r>armann & Wliitc. Hammond, liul. Advocate, iSc)^. w i-oo l-red W! r.can. I'tica, N. Y. Advocate and family guardian, 183 > s-m i .00 936 Woo(1.\- crest. N. Y.. N. Y. Advocate of peace, 1834, m t . 00 Am. peace soc, 31 Beacon st., IJoston. !vlass. African methodist, 1898, w i .00 African Methodist pnb. cc, New Orleans. La. Africo- American presbyterian, 1879, w i .00 Afnco-Anierican presbyterian pub. co.. Charlotte. N. C. Aftenloesning, 1895, w 5a T. ("luldbrandsen pub. co., Journal bldg'.. ]\Iinneap()lis, Minn. Agricultural advertising, 189.1, "^ -50 I,ono;-Critchfield corporation, Powers bldg., Chicago. 111. Agricultural college bulletin, q ■Mich, agricultural college. Agricultural college. Mich. Agricultural college extension bulletin, 1905. ni Ohio state luiiversity. Cohunbus. ( ). Agricultural experiments, 1901, m 50 T. T. liacellcr. Boston block. ]\Iinnea])olis. ^linn. Agricultural epitomist, 1882. m 50 Epitomist pub. co.. Spencer, Ind. Agricultural herald, 1895, "^ 50 B. O. Bristow. Darlington, S. C. Agricultural student magazine, 1894. m. dur. coll. yr 50 Agric. student pub. co.. Columbus. ( ). Agriculturalist, 1904. m 50 Agriculturalist pub. co.. Grand Island. Xelj. Ainslee's, 1898. m i . 80 Ainslee magazine co.. 156 fifth ave.. X. Y., X. Y. •Alabama. Department of archives and history • Bulletin, 1904 Thos. M. Owen, director, Montgomer}-, Ala. Alabama baptist, 1874, w 2 . 00 Rev. F. W. Barnett. Birmingham. Ala. Alabama christian advocate, t88i, w 1 . ^o Birmingham. Ala. Alabama elk, 1902. m i . 00 H. W. English, Birmingham, Ala. Alabama farmer, 1905, m 25, Alabama farmer co.. Montgomerv. Ala. Alabama historical society I'ublications. miscellaneous collections. 1901 Transactions. 185 1 Tuscaloosa, Ala. Alabama industrial and scientific society University, Ala. Alabama knight, 1897, '11 i .oo Jacob Pcpperman, Montgomerw .\la. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Alabama medical journal, 1X86, m 2.ix> |.. Denver, Colo. American catholic historical society of Phila. Records. 1884. (| j < x) .\ni. catholic historical soc.. IMiila., Pa. American catholic historical researches, 1884, q j.oo Martin 1. I. C.riftin. 2009 X. 12th St.. Phila.. Pa. American catholic quarterly review, 1876. (| 4.00 Patrick J. Ryan. Phila.. Pa. American ceramic society Transactions. i8()(). a 6. 00 Columbus. ( ). American checker review, 1888. m i . 50 Denvir hros.. 137 Blue Island ave.. Chicafj^o. III. American cheesemaker, 1886. m 30 Tradesman eo.. (irand Rapids. Mich. American chemical journal, 1879, m 5.00 Johns Hopkins press. P.altimore, Md. American chemical society Journal. 1808. m 6.00 Chemical pub. Co.. Maston, Pa. American chess world. 1 < )0 1 , m i . 00 J. T. Me Peak. 2(^2 iC. 122(1 St.. X. Y.. X. Y. American church almanac and year book, a :^; l-:. S. Gorham. 285 l-ourih ave.. X. Y.. X. Y. American church and Sunday school magazine, m 1.2; (;eo. W. Jacobs .S; eo.. Phila.. Pa. American church missionary society ReiH)rts. i8(>i . a Free 281 Fourth ave.. X. V.. X. V. American civic association lUiUetin, 1904 Clippinjj^ sheet, i(X)4 Department sheet. 1905 Department pamphlet. \y)0^ Clinton Ko-ers Woodruft". X. .\. bldg-., Phila.. Pa. American climatological association — Transactions. 1884. a 2.00 Dr. Ciuy Hinsdale, .secy, Hot Springs. \ a. American cloak album \Vm. P..\hnelt. X. Y.. X. ^■. American clothier, 1 8(>8. m i . 00 l-rank P. P.ennett ^l- co.. (.1 K. «)th .st.. X. Y.. X. \ i6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American college and public school directory, a 5.00 Buschart bros., 1522 Locust st , St. Louis, Mo. American commerce and industries, 1900, m i .00 Nat. com'l and industrial league, 1 1 Broadway, N. Y. American conference of pharmaceutical faculties Proceedings, 1906, a 2 . 00 T. O. Schlotterbeck, secy, Ann Arbor, Mich. American contractor, 1879, w 5.00 Am. contractor pub. co.. 40 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American co-operative journal, 1905, m i .00 Co-operative pub. co., Chicago, 111. American corporation legal manual, 1893, a 5.00 Corporation legal manual co., Plainfield, N. J. American cotton manufacturer, 1904, w 3 -OO Am. cotton mfr. pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. American cricketer, 1877, ""i 3- 00 Associated cricket clubs of Phila., 632 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. American criminal reports, 1878, a 5. 00 Callaghan & co., Chicago, 111. American cultivator, 1839, w 2 .00 Am. cultivator pub. co., 220 Wash, st., Boston, Mass. American dental journal, 1902, m i.oo Frink and Young, 607 Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111. American dentist at home and abroad, m 50 Am. dental pub. co., Bradford, Pa. American dermatological association Transactions, 1877, a i.oo Grafton press, Buffalo, N. Y. American digest annotated, a 6.00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. American directory of the knitting trade in the U. S. and Canada, 1883, a i .00 Lord & Nagle, Boston, Mass. American dressmaker, 1901, m i .00 Dry goods pub. co., 172 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American druggist, 1871, s-m 1.50 Am. druggist pub. co., 62 W. Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American economic association Publications, 1886, q 4. GO Am. economic ass'n, Ithaca, N. Y. American economist, 1887, w 2.00 Am. protective tariff league, 339 Broadway, N. Y., N. Y. American education, 1897, 10 nos i .00 N. Y. education co., Albany, N. Y. American educational catalogue, 1870, a 50 Publisber's weekly, N. Y., N. Y. American educational review, m i.oo Am. educational co., 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American electro-chemical society Transactions, 1902, a 4.00 Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO I'KKIODICALS i; American electro-therapeutic association 'rr.'insaclidns, a \ .C)f\ C"hioa-o. 111. American elevator and grain trade, 1882, 111 i .00 MilclK-11 hros., Manhattan hklq-.. Chicaf^u. 111. American engineer and railroad journal, 18 v. "i -i(50 k. .\l. \ aiiArs.lak-. 140 .\assan st.. \\ V.. X. ^'. American ethnological society Traiisai'tioiis, 1867. a 4.00 Phila.. i\a. American exchange and review, 1862. m S-'X) Review pill). iS; print, co.. Kourtli & Walnut st.*^., IMiila.. Pa. American export journal, 1905. ni 50 T. F. Xii^luin^^alf co.. 683 .\tlantic avc. P.oston. Mass. American exporter, i > .. '.. Am. Ilorist co.. 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. American food journal, i<;(V) H. I^ Meyers. Chicat^o. 111. American forest congress Proceedings. iik)5. a 1.25 .\m. forestry ass'n. 1311 C.. st. X. W.. Washinj::ton. D. C. American forester, m i .00 Thos. II. .\ndre\\. Seattle. Wash. American forester review, m i .00 J. Label, ijo ( )h".irrell road\vay, N. Y., N. Y. American gas Hght journal, 1859. w 3 00 A. ^L Callender & co., 42 Pine st., X. Y., N. Y. American gastro-enterological association -Transactions, 1897, a. Charles D. Aaron, secy, Detroit, Mich. American gentleman \\^illiam P. Ahnelt, N. Y., N. Y. American glance ahead, 1906 Johns & Nathan. Phila., Pa. American grange bulletin and scientific farmer, 1874. w i .00 Grange bulletin co., Cincinnati, O. American graphic, 1879, m i . 50 Am. graphic press, 92 Auditorium bldg., Chicago, 111. American grocer, 1869, w 3 -oo Grocer trade pub. co., 90 \V. Broadway, X. Y., X. Y. American gymnasia and athletic record, 1905, m i . 50 19 Myrtle st., Boston, Mass. American gynecological society Transactions, 1876, a 5- 00 J. R. Gofife, secy, 29 W. 46th st., N. Y., N. Y. American hairdresser, 1877, m i .00 H. R. Hamell, 645 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y. American hatter, 1872, m 2 . 00 Gallison & Hobron co., 13 Astor place, X^ Y., X^ Y. American hay, flour and feed journal, 1901, m 50 Leonard Gi1)son, Produce exchange, N. Y., X^. Y. American Hebrew, 1 879, w 3 • 00 Philip Cohen, 489 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American herald, 1890, m 2 . 50 Democrat ])ub. co., 14 Barclay st., N. Y., X Y. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book, 1885 Am. Hereford cattle l)reeders' ass'n., Columbia, Mo. American high school, h)04, m 50 Am. high school pub. co., Indianapolis, Ind. American historical association, membershi]) 3.00 Report, 1884, a to non-members varies Smithsonian Institution, Washington, I). C. American historical magazine, 1906, m Publishing soc. of X. Y., N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 19 American historical review, 189s. q 4.00 Tlie Macmillan c... 66 Fifth avc. X. V.. X. V. American home, k^oj. in 10 (7. F. Forr\ , W'aterville, Me. American home journal, i()02. in i .00 SoulheTn ymniL^ people Co., Dallas. Te.x. American home magazine, 1891. m .10 Cranier-Krasscli co.. Milwaukee. W'i.s. American home magazine, i()o6 Am. liouK' magazine co., JK) Walnut St.. Phila.. Pa. American home-maker, 1898, ni 50 Am. home-maker co.. Syracuse. X. Y. American home monthly, U)os. ui llenn Rid-ler, X. V.. X\ Y. American homes and gardens, 19(35, m 3- 00 Muun vS: co., V'l I'-ruadway, .\. Y.. X. Y. American homestead, 1883. \v 1 .00 Homestead puh. co., Omaha, .\el). American homoeopathic, ophthalmological. otological and laryn- gological society Transactions, a 5- 00 D. \V. Wells, secy, lloston, Mass. American horse breeder, 1882, \v 2.00 Am. lior>e lueeder pub. co., 161 liiqli st.. lloston. Mass. American horse owner, 1884, m i .00 Jefferson Jackson, 358 Dearborn st., C'bica.uo. HI. American household, 1904, m 2> Anderson pub. co.. 32 I'nion square, X. \'.. X. ^'. American housekeeper, 1886. m i .00 R. 1). Uonitace co., Clifton I'ark. X. J. American humane association ■ Report. 1877, a . lil\ "t Chica.^o press. ChicaiiO. 111. American institute of mining engineers. Membership 10.00 15i-nionthly bulletin, 1906, b-m Transactions. 1871. a R. II. Raymond, secy. 99 John St., N. Y., N. Y. American insurance journal, m 50 Am. pub. CO., Columbus, O. American inventor, 1 898. s-m i . 50 Tlensey & Goush. 114 Liberty St.. N. Y.. N. Y. American-Irish historical society Publications, irreg.. a 5 -OO Boston, Mass. American iron and steel association Bulletin, 1866, s-m 4.00 Report. 1872, a 3 . 00 Phila.. Pa. American Israelite. 1 854, w 2 . 50 Leo. Wise & co., Cincin., O. American Israelite, 1854, w 2 . 50 Leo \\'ise & co., Cincinnati. O. American issue, 1893, w i . 00 Anti-saloon pub. co.. Columbus. O. American jeweler, 1882, m i .00 Hazlitt & Walker, 373 Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. American Jewess, 1895, m i .00 Am. Jewess pub. co.. 96 Fifth ave.. N. Y., N. Y. American Jewish historical society Publications, 1893, ^ 5'00 Baltimore, Md. American Jewish year book, 1893, a 75 Jewish pub. soc. Phila., Pa. American journal of archaeology, 1885, q 5- 00 Macmillan co.. 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. American journal of clinical medicine, m i .00 Clinic pub. co., 1416 E. Ravenswood park, Chicago, 111. American journal of conchology, 1865, P^^ ^''^^ ^'^o Academy of natural sciences, Logan square. Phila., Pa. American journal of dermatology and genito-urinary diseases 1 8(;7, b-m i . 00 Am. journal of dermatology, Fidelity bldg-., St. Louis. Mo. American journal of education, 1867, m i .00 Gillan & co.. Milwaukee. Wis. American journal of improvements in the useful arts, 1828, q. . \\'. Greer. \\'ashington, D. C. American journal of insanity, 1844, q 5 00 Johns Hoj^kins press, I'altimore, Md. American journal of mathematics, 1878, q 5 .00 Johns Hopkins j^ress. P.altimore, Md. American journal of numismatics, 1866, q 2.00 W. T. R. ^larvin. jt, Federal st., Boston. Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 21 American journal of nursing, 1900, ni 2.00 J. i;. f.ippincotl c^- o... Phila.. Pa. American journal of obstetrics, 1868, in 5.00 Will. W'un.I X- o... 51 1-iith avc. X. v.. X. V. American journal of ophthalmology, 1884. m 3-50 Adolf All. St. Lcuis. M... American journal of orthopedic surgery, 1903. (| :;.oo .\iii. ()rlli()])c'(lic ass'ii. Iloston, Mas.s. American journal of pharmacy, 1825, in 3.00 IMiila. c<)llc,<.^v of phaniiacv. Phila.. Pa. American journal of philology, 1S80, q 3.00 joliiis Ilopkins prcs.s. I lalliinorc, Md. American journal of physiology, 1898. 111 5- 00 i'.ostoii, Mass. American journal of progressive therapeutics, i8()7. m i .CXD .\ni. X-Kay ]ml). cd.. Masonic 'reniplo. Chicago, ill American journal of psychology, 1887. ^1 5 00 Louis .X. Wilson. Worcester, Mass. American journal of public hygiene and journal of the Massa- chusetts Association of boards of health, i8()j. q i .ou jy) I'.oylstou .^t.. lioston. Mass. American journal of real estate, i<;o.|. in i .00 .\ni. journal of real estate ])ul). cc. Kansas City. Mo. American journal of religious psychology and education, i(;04, 3 ii'>^- ; 3-50 l nos 20.00 John I. Mitchell CO.. 122 Fifth ave.. X. Y.. X. Y. American laryngological association Transactions. 1871). a 2.50 J. H. XcwccMiil). secy. 118 W. (j<^th st.. X. V.. X. V. 22 guidb: to periodicals American laryngological, rhinological and otological society membership lo.oo Transactions. 1895, a St. Louis. Mo. American laundry journal, 1882, m. .^ i .00 T.ouis n. Dickerman. Troy, N. Y. American law directory, a I5-50 J. P.. ^lartindalc, 142 LaSalle st.. Chicago. 111. American law register, 1852, m 2.00 Students of law dept., University of Pa., Phila., Pa. American law review, 1866, b-m 5 .00 Review pub. co., 14 S Broadwa.y, St. Louis. ]\Io. American law times, 1905, b-m i -oo 21 Murray St.. N. Y., N. Y. American lawyer, 1893, ni 2 . 00 Stumpf & Steurer, 20 Nassau st., N. Y., N. Y. American lawyers quarterly, q Am. lawyers co., Cleveland, O. American legal news, 1889, m ". . i .00 Sprague pub. co., ^Majestic bldg., Detroit, ^Nlich. American legion of honor, journal, 1879, m 50 J. A. Cumniings print, co., Boston, Mass. American library association. Membership 2.00 Handbook, 1901. a Papers and proceedings, 1879, a., to non-members i.oo 34 Newbury st., Boston, Alass. American literary exchange bulletin, 1899, irreg 10 Am. lit. exchange. Hudson Heights, N. ]. American live stock and poultry raiser, 1884. m 50 Am. farmer co., 400 Century bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. American lumberman, 1899, w 4.00 Am. lumberman, 315 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. American machinist, 1877, w 4.00 Hill pub. CO.. World bldg., N. Y., N. Y. American made goods Am. made goods export co., N. Y., N. Y. American magazine, 1876, m i.oo Phillips pub. CO., 141 Fifth ave., N. Y.,, N. Y. American magazine of mining and investment, 1902, m i .00 Advisor pub. co., Cleveland, O. American magazine section New York american and journal American-journal-examiner, N. Y.. N. Y. American manufacturer and iron world, 1866. w 3- 00 Nat. iron & siccl ]mlx CO., Pittsburg, Pa. American marine engineer, 1906. m Chicago. 111. American mathematical monthly, m 2.00 B. F. Finkel. S])ringfield. Mo. American mathematical society Bulletin, 1891, 10 nos 5 -OO Transactions, 1900. q 5- 00 Macmillan co.. 66 Fifth ave., N. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 23 American meat trade and retail butchers' journal, \v 2.00 Will, fl. Ilornidj^w 147 C'lianihers st.. \. Y.. X. V. American mechanics' advocate, 1869. m 50 C'lias. j. Dittcss .^- o... 122 N. 6th st.. IMiila., Pa American medical association Council on medical education. Conference, 1905,3... Am. med. association. Chica.iio Til. American medical association ; Journal. 1XS3. w 5. GO Am. ukmI. ass'n. 103 Dcarljorn avc, Cliicaj^o. 111. American medical compend, 1884. ni i .00 W. W. (u-ube, Toledo. O. American medical journal, 1873. '" -OO .M. M. 1 lanilin. St. i.ouis. ]\lo. American medical jotirnalist, m 50 \ni. nicijical journalist co.. 220 r.roadway, X. N'.. X. ^'. American medical monthly, 1882. ni 1 .00 Ilcnry Cliandlco. Haltimore. Md. American medical temperance association lUilk'tin. 1893, (| 1 .00 r.attle Creek. Mich. American medicine, 1901. m i .00 .\ni. medicine pvh. co.. 1321 W^ilnut st.. I'hila.. Pa. American medico-psychological association Proceedings. 1894, ^ i -OO Chas. W. Pilqrini, secy, Poug^hkeepsie, X. ^'. American merchant, 1901 , \v i 00 Am. merchant pub. co.. 312 \'ine st., St. Louis. Mo. American messenger, 1889. m 50 Frederic Drake, 155 Washington St.. Chicago. 111. American messenger, 1843. "^ 50 Am. tract soc. 150 X'assau. X'. Y., X'. V. American metal market and iron and steel report, 1883. 5d. . . . i .00 Am. metal market co.. 81 Fulton st.. X. V.. X. Y. American microscopical society Transactions, 1878, a 2.00 Buffalo. X. Y. American miller, 1 87 ^. m 2 . 00 Mitcliell bro... \\Ianhatten bldg.. Chicago, 111. American mining congress Papers and addresses, 1898. a Denver. Colo. American missionary, 1857, to nos 50 Am. missionary ass'n. Fourth avc. and 22(\ st.. X. ^^. X. \'. American missionary association Rei>orts. 1847, ^ 4tli ave. and 22tl St.. X. Y.. X. ^■. American modiste I'a-e II. (^.regg. Cbicago. 111. American monthly magazine, i8()2, m i .00 Daugbters of .\m. revolution. 902 F St., Washington. D. C. 24 GUIDE iO PERIODICALS American monthly review of reviews, 1890, m 3.00 Review of reviews co., 13 Aster place. X. Y.. X. Y. American motherhood, 1895. m i .00 Crist. Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, X. Y. American museum of natural history American museum journal, Kjor. q i .00 Bulletin. 1881. a. ." 4.00-6.00 Memoirs. 1893. irreg- Report, 1870. a Free 77th St. and Central park w., X'. Y. American music journal, 1900, m 50 Am. music journal co., Cleveland. O. American musical directory, a 2 . 50 Louis Blumenberg. St. James bldg^.. X. Y.. X". Y. American musician, 1897. m 50 Am. musician co., Cincinnati. O. American musician and art journal Musical courier co.. X. Y., X'. Y. American naturalist, 1867, ""i 4 . 00 Ginn & co.. 29 Beacon st., Boston. i\Iass. American naturalist, 1904, b-ni 50 Chas. D. Pendell. Binghamton, X'. Y. American negligence report, current series, 1897, per vol 6 . 50 Remick. Schilling & co.. 149 Church St., X. Y.. X. Y. American negro academy Occasional papers, irreg A'aries Am. negro academy. ^Vashing■ton. D. C. American newspaper annual, 1880. a 10.00 X. \\'. Aver & Son, Phila.. Pa. American newspaper directory, 1869, ^ 10.00 Rowell & CO.. X. Y., X. Y. American oddfellow, 1889, "^ i -oo H. A. Thompson. Williamston, ]\Iich. American ophthalmological society Transactions, 1865. ^ i • 5° Dr. S. B. St. John. secy. Hartford. Conn. American ornithology, igoi. m i .00 Chas. K. Reed. Worcester. Mass. American osteopathic association Journal. 1902, m 5 -OO Am. osteopath, association. Chattanooga, Tenn. American otological association : Transactions, 1868. Fred L. Jack, secy. Boston, Alass. American packer, 1898, w 2 . 00 Am. packer pub. co.. Baltimore, Md. American pediatric society Transactions, 1889, a Free to med. institutions and journals Dr. S. S. Adams, secy, \Vashington. D. C. American perfumer, 1906 Cngerer .K: co.. X. Y., X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 2 American perfumer and essential oil review, i<^o6. ni Prrfuincr pub. co., X. ^'. American pharmaceutical association Pn)cccilin.. American queen, 1895, "^ 3^ Am. ([ueen corjxiration, 125 E. 23d st.. X. ^ .. .\ . ^ . American railway engineering and maintenance of way ass'n. Bulletin, i89<). ni O.oo Procecdinjis, i()oo, a 2.50 I. C. Fritsdi. .>^ecy. Monadnock bid-.. Chicago. 111. 26 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American railway master mechanics' association Report of ])r()cccdings, i868, a i ■ 50 Rookery l)Ul.i;-., Chicago, 111. American Ramabai association Report. 1889, a Free Boston. ]\[ass. American red man, 1893, w i . 00 M L. Marshall. Louisville. Ky. American referee, 1902. w 2 .00 Exchani^e news & piih. co., 115 Nassau St., N. Y., N. Y. American review of shoes and leather, 1903, m i .00 Sam"l D. Gilpin. 44 4th St., Phila., Pa. American saddle-horse register, 1891, hiennial 2.00 Am. saddle-horse l)reeders' ass'n. Tvonisvillc. Ky. American school board journal, 1890, ni t .00 W'm. Geo. Bruce. Alihvaukee. Wis. American school of correspondence at Armour institute Bulletin. 1904, q Free Armour institute, Chicago, 111. Am.erican sheep breeder and wool-grower, 1883. ni i .00 Am. sheep breeder co., 182 Ontario st., Chicago. Til. American shepherd's bulletin, m t .00 Frank P. Bennett, 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. American Shetland club stud book, 1893, ^ Am. Shetland pony club, Columbia, Mo. American shipbuilder, 1889, w 2 ,00 G. Foster Howell, 7 Coenties slip, N. Y., N. Y. American shoemaking, 1901, w 2.00 Deming & Rogers. 683 Atlantic ave., Boston. Mass. American silk journal, 1882, m 2.00 Am. silk journal co., 19 Union square, N. Y. American skirt album Wm. P. Ahnelt. N. Y.. N. Y. American soap journal and manufacturing chemist, m 2.00 Dr. Henr\- Gathmann. Milwaukee, AA'is. American society for testing materials Proceedings, 1898, a . 4 . 00 ^ Phila., Pa. American society for the extension of university teaching Svllabi, 1891, irreg Varies Phila.. Pa. American society of civil engineers ^Transactions, 1873, ^-m to. 00 Proceedings, 1877, 10 nos 6 00 220 W. 57th St., X. Y.. N. Y. American society of heating and ventilating engineers I'roceedings. 180^;. a X. v.. X. Y. American society of mechanical engineers Transactions, 1880, a - 00 X. Y., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American society of naturalists •Records. 1884. a W. E. Castk'. 10 Ash st. pi.. Canibridfrc. Mass. American society of naval engineers Journal. 1 889. (| 5 .00 Xavv (iept.. Washinoton. D. C. American spectator, 1903, \v 4.00 H. M. Sutcr pub. cc. Washinp^ton. D. C. American sportsman, 1 890. \v 2 . 00 Am. sportsman C(X. Cleveland, O. American state reports, 1887. a, per vol 5.00 r.ancroft-Wliitney co., San Francisco. Calif. American stationer. 1873. w 2.00 I.i^okwond tratlc journal c<\. 150 Nassau St.. X. Y.. X. ^'. American statistical association PuhlicatiMiis. 1888. q -'.n St.. r.Mston. Mass. American stock farm and advance farmer, 1880. m 50 Stock farm pub., co.. Winona. Minn. American stock-keeper, 1888, w i 00 Am. stock-keeper pub. co.. 30 Broad St.. Iloston, Mass. American stockman, iqoi . ni 1 . (X) -Am. sti^ckman pub. co.. Sta. A.. Kansas City. Mo. American suburbs Am. suburbs co.. X. Y.. X. Y. American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette, 1899, s-m ... 2.50 Beet sug:ar gazette. 145 LaSalle St., Chicago. 111. American Sunday school quarterly, q 20 .\m. Sunday .sc1i(h>1 union. IT22 Chestnut St.. Phila.. Ba. American Sunday school union Report of the jdhn Crerar Fund, 1894. 'i Chicasjo. 111. American surgical association Transactitms. 18S3. a D. P. Allen, secy, Cleveland, C). American swineherd, 1885. m 50 las. Ba\ nes & son. ^2;^ Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. American syren and shipping, w 5 00 I i() Broduce bldij:.. X. Y.. X. Y. American tailor and cutter, 1880. m 3.00 j. J. Mitchell CO., IJ2 Fifth ave.. \. V.. X. Y. American telephone journal, w i . 00 Am. telephone journal co., ick^ \\ illiam st., X. V. American therapist, !8c)2, m i .00 F. \V. Koch, j^ Fulton st.. X. ^■.. X. ^^ American therapeutic society Transactions. u>o^. a X. Y. American thresherman, 1898, m 50 Am. thresherman, Madison, Wis. American tribune, 1880, \v 1 .00 .\m. tribune co.. Tribune bldy^.. Indianapolis. Ind. 28 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS American truck farmer, 1903. m 50 Am. truck farmer pub. co., Railway exchange bklg., St. Louis, ]Mo. American undertaker, i qoo. w i . 00 Geo. W. Dorntee, t8 Elm st.. Boston. :\lass. American underwriter, m 2 . 00 Thrift pub. co.. ui Broadway. X. Y.. X. Y. American university courier, 1892. q 25 T419 F St.. X. \\'.. ^^'ashington. D. C. American vehicle, 1888. m i .00 Charles B. Sherron. 25 N. 7th. Phila.. Pa. American veterinary review, 1877, m 3 -OO A. Liantard. 509 W. I52d St.. X. Y.. X. Y. American waist album \Vm. P. Ahnelt. X. Y., X. Y. American waterworks association Proceedings. 1881, a 3-00 J. ]\I. Diven. secy, 14 George st.. Charleston. S. C. American weekly, 1884, w i . 50 Christian century pub. co.. 358 Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. American wire rope news, 1906. irreg Free Am. steel & wire co., The Rookery. Chicago, 111. American wine press and mineral water news, 1897, m 2.00 L. J. \'ance. 245 Broadway, X"^. Y., X. Y. American woman, m 15 Vickery & Flill pub. co., Augusta. ^le. American woman's educational association Report. 18^^. a X. Y. American woman's home journal W. R. Hearst. X. Y.. X. Y. American woman's review, 1889, m '. 25 Chaperone magazine pub. co.. Chaperone bldg.. St. Louis. ^lo. American woodman, 1899, m 50 Richard 'M. H. \Miarton. Harrisburg, Pa. American wool and cotton reporter, 1887. ^^' 3 00 Frank P. Bennett & son, 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, ]Mass. American workman, 1888, w i .00 \\"arren C. Browne. 102 Fulton St.. X. Y.. X. Y. American year-book of medicine and surgery, s-a, per vol 3.00 \V. B. Saunders & co.. Phila., Pa. Amerikaner, 1904, w i . 50 Der Amerikaner pub. co., 165 E. liroadway. X. Y.. X. Y. Amerikanischer botschafter, 1847, ™ -5 Am. tract soc, 150 X'^assau st., X. Y., X. Y. Amerikanski slovence, 1891, w i .00 Slovence Amer. print, co., Jolict, 111. Amerikansky Russky viestick, 1892, w 2.00 I'aul J. Zsatkovich. 522 H. Fifth St.. X. V.. X. Y. Anchor, 1887. m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Anchor association. Holland, Mich. GIIIJK TO I^KRIOIJICALS 29 Anchor and shield, i^j(). 111 60 Anchor and sliicld puh. Co.. IVkin. 111. Anchor ai)d shield, i8<)5. w ;^o Anchor and shield pub. co.. v^t. Paul, Minn. Ancient forester, 1882. in 25 \Vm. Ui.LTijs, Toronto, Canada Ancient forester, 1903. m ^o J. 15. Sanford. I'kiah. ("alif. Angelus, 1 884, w j - .Vn^clus ])ub. CO.. ()2 C.riswold .st., Detroit. Mich. Angelus magazine, i8()5. ni 1 .00 An<.;clus magazine croad\vay, N. Y. Archives de la policHnica, m i ak) E. Salaflriuas. Havana, Cuba Arena, 1898, m ^ 2 . 50 Albert Brandt, Trenton, N. J., and Boston, "Mass. Argosy, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 luirbctorian soc. of Mt. Allison university, Sackvilk-. X. 1*. Argosy, 1882. lu i . 25 Frank .\. Munsey co., 1 1 1 Fifth avc, X. Y.. .\. ^■. Argus, 1 870. ni 3 . 00 Rollins pub. CO., Ro\al insurance bldm'.. CbieaL^u. 111. Arizona cattleman, 1903, \v 2.00 Cattleman pub. eo., I'hoenix. Arizona Arizona magazine, 1905. m i.oo .\rizona maj^azinc co., IMioeni.x. .\rizona Arizona-New Mexico workman, 1899, m 50 Geo. W. Brown. I'hocni.x, Arizona Arizona Pythian record, 1903, ni i .00 A. M. Foster, Yuma, Arizona Arkansas baptist, 1906, \v 1 . 50 Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas homestead, 1900, m 50 S. L. l\a\-. Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas medical society Monthly bulletin, m .Ark. meil. soc, Little Rock, Arkansas Arkansas methodist, 1882, \v i . 50 Revs. J. A. .\nderson and .\. C. Millar, Little Rock, Ark. Arkansas school journal, iSt/). m 1 .ol) W. J. Mollwain. Little Rock, .\rkansas Arkansas Thomas cat, w 2 .00 L Davis C)ren. Hot Springs, .\rkansa.s Arkansaw traveler, 1882, ni 50 Arkansaw traveler co., 242 S. Water St.. Chicag^o, 111. Armenia, 1905, m :;o I'. O. Box 2285, r.oston, Mass. Arminia, 1 88 1 , m i . 00 Freidenker pub. co., Milwaukee. Wis. Army and navy critic, 1900, m i .oc) .\rmy and navy critic ]nih. co., 203 Broadway. X. ^'.. X. Y. Army and navy journal, 186^, w 6.00 W. C. & F. 1'. Cluireh, ()3 Xas.sau st., X. Y.. X. Y. Army and navy life and the united service, m 2 . 50 .\rmy and navy ])ress, X. Y., .X. Y. Army and navy magazine, 18(13, ni 3 00 Herbert Cecil Lewis, 606 l"" St.. X. W., Washington. D. C. Army and navy register, 1878. \v 3.0O .\rmy and navy pub. Co., l'>onil bldi;.. Washing^ton, D. C. Around the world, 1901 25 Woman's bapt. for. miss, soc, Foril bldg., P>oston. Mass. I 32 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Art and story magazine, 1905, m i .00 Mid-West i)ub. co., Des Moines, la. Art bulletin, igoo. w 2 .00 Am. art annual. 20 \V. 34th St., N. Y., N. Y. Art de la mode, 1882. m 3 . 50 Morse- Irlrou.^hton, co., 3 E. 19th st.. N. Y.. N. Y. Art in photography, 1904, b-m i .00 Photo Era puh. co.. 170 Summit st.. L>oston, Mas". Art review, m i • 00 Arthur .\. Kocian. 617 Locust st.. St. Louis, Mo. Art student, 1894, q 50 Ernest Knauiift. 427 Fourth ave., N. Y., N. Y. Artisan, 1899, w ^ -oo Artisan pub. and print, co., Cleveland. O. Artist engraver, q 8 . 00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Artists' year book, a 3 -O*^ .Vrt league pub. ass'n.. Fine Arts bldg.. Chicago, 111. Asociacion medico-farmaceutica de Cuba, Rivista, m 5.00 Havana. Cuba. Aspirations calendar, a i -OO Paul Elder & co., San Francisco. Calif. Assembly herald, 1899, m 50 General assembly, Presby. church, 1328 Chestnut st.. Phila., Pa. Assiniboia church advocate, 1904, m 25 Rev. E. T. HoUing, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Associate presbyterian magazine, i8s8, m i -25 S. H. McNeel, Chesley, Out. Associated charities and the citizens' relief ass'n, 1882. a 811 G St., \V.. Washington, D. C. Associated charities of Boston Report, 1880. a Boston, ]\Iass. Associated charities of Worcester Report. 1 891, a Worcester, Mass. Associated physicians of Long Island Transactions, a James Cole Hancock, sec, Brooklyn, N. Y. Association boys, m i . 00 Internat. comm. of Y. M. C. A. ass'ns. 3 W. 29th st.. N. Y. Association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities Year book, i8<)6. irreg. Free to members Richmond, Va. Association jeweler, 1902. m 50 Am. retail jewelers' ass'n. // Mich. ave.. Detroit. Mich. Associaton men, 1875. m i .00 Inlernat. comnnttcc. ^^ M. C. A.. 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. Association of american anatomists Proceedings. 1888, a (Printed as supplement to Am. J. of Anat.) GUIDE 10 I'KRIODICALS ^^ Association of American medical colleges Mimitcs of annual mcftin.ys, 1898, a !'*aston. I'a. Association of American physicians Transactions. 1886 Dr. S. S. Cohen. 1525 Walnut St.. Phila.. I'a. Association of American railway accounting officers C. G. Phillips, sec. 79 Dearborn St.. Chicap). 111. Rcpori. iSS(;, a Association of American universities Journal oi procccdini^'^s and addresses. IQOO. a. I'niversity of Chicatro ])ress. Chicaj::;^o. 111. Association of civil engineers, Cornell university, i8o,v ^ ' •<)<> Association of civil enijineers. Ithaca, X. ^^ Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland Proceed in,i:s. 1887. a Free to members Prof. Arthur II. Quinn. sec.. Univ. of Penn.. Phila.. Pa. Association of collegiate alumnae Publications. 1881. a 7; W'illiamstown. Mass. Association of engineering societies Journal. 1881. m 3.00 31 Milk St.. Boston, Mass. Association of hospital superintendents Reports. 18(^9. a The association, foot of E. 2()th >t.. .\. ^' Association of military surgeons of the U. S. Journal. 1891. ni 3.00 The assix'iation. Carlisle. Pa. Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America Proceedinijs. 1883, '^ \X. P. .\. Johnson, sec, Topeka. Kan. Association of Ontario land surveyors Report and jinKeedings. 1886. a 50 The association, Toronto, Canada Association of the bar of the city of New York Reports, a 42 X. 44th St.. X. V Association review, b-m "^'. ^L C. .\.. Honolulu. Hawaii Assurance, ni 2 . 50 llooper and Cnderwood. 87 Xassau St.. X. \'. Astronomical journal, i84<). s-ni S-OO S. C. Chandler. Cand)ridj;e. Mass. Astronomical society of the Pacific Publications. i88<). per vol 5.00 San Francisco. Calif. Astrophysical journal, 1895. '"• except Feb. and Aug 4.00 L'niversitv of Chicago press, Chicago. 111. 24 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS At home magazine, 1905, m .••••, ^ °^' At home magazine co.. Louisville, Kv. At the market, 1906, m, to clients Free Bartlett, Frazier & Carrington. Western Union bldg.. Chicago, 111. Athenaeum, t888, \v. dnr. coll. yr i .25 Students of West \'a. university. Morgantown. West Va. Athletic club journal, 1892. m i -oo F. j\r. Crossett. Central park south. X. Y. Atlanta journal-record of medicine, m i .00 M. B. Hutchins. Atlanta. Ga. Atlantic messenger, 1900, m 25 M. P. Davis, New-Bern. X. C. Atlantic monthly, 1857. m 4- 00 Houghton, ^lifflin & co., Boston, ^Nlass. Atlantic reporter, 1885, w 5 ■ 00 \\"est pub. CO.. St. Paul, ]\Iinn. Atlantic slope naturalist, 1903. b-m 50 W. E. Ratzell, Nabberth, Pa. Atom, 1906. m I • 00 1027 Gates ave.. Brooklyn, X. Y. Auburn seminary record, 1905. b-m i.oo Auburn tbeological seminary. Auburn. X. \. Augsburg Sunday school teacher, 1875, m 55 Lutheran pul). society, 1424 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Augustana, 1855, \v i . 75 Augustana book concern, Rock Island, 111. Augustana journal, 1894, s-m /^ Augustana book concern. Rock Island, 111. Auk, 1884. q 3-00 Am. ornithologists" union, 2 F.. 34th St., X. Y. Aurora and Christliche woche, 1851, w i . 5c Germ. Roman Catholic orphan asvlum, ^64 Dodge st.. Buffalo, X. Y. Aurore, 1866, w i .00 L'Aurore pub. co., Montreal, Canada Aurum, m. dur. coll. yr i . 00 Students ass'n state school of mines. Rapid City, S. D. Auto-crat, 1906, m Free Daimler manufacturing co.. Long Island City. X. Y. Auto-life, 1904, m i . 00 Auto-life pub. co., Drexel bldg., Phila., Pa. Auto review, 1905, m i • 50 Auto review pub. co., 210 ( )livc st.. St. Louis. Mo. Automobile, 1899, w 2 .00 Class journal co., Flatiron bldg., X. Y. Automobile calendar, a 2 . so Aloffat, Yard & co., 289 Fourtht ave., X. Y. Automobile dealer and repairer, 1906 Motor vcbicle pub. co., N. Y. city. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 35 Automobile magazine, 1899. m 2.00 Autoinohilc press, 136 Liberty st.. X. V. Automobile topics, Kpo. \v j . 00 Au<()ni()l)ile topics. 1440 Uroadw ay. X. Y. Autumn leaves, 188S. ni i .00 I lerald pub. bouse, [.anioni. la. Auxiliar, el, i<)<)4- fortni^btly 50 I'bro. Trbano Mamas. Mauali. I'orio Ricu. Ave Maria, i8()5. w 2.00 !\e\ . 1). 1\. Hudson. Xotre Dame. Ind. Awakener, 1 8* )3. m 25 State Sunday school ass'n of Indiana. Law bld.!^.. Indianapolis. Tnd. B. Y. P. U. quarterly, i(;oi , c| 40 S. S. hoard of southern hapt. convention. Xashville. Tenn. Baby, i()04. m 1 .00 r.ahy pul). CO.. Louis\-ille. Ky. Baby pathfinder railway guide, 1885. m i .00 .Xew I'jijuland railway ])u]). co.. Uoston. Mass. Babyhood, 1884. m i .00 r>al)\hoo(l pub. CO.. 140 Xassau St., X. \. Bachelor magazine, mjos. m 3-00 II IJroadway. X. V. Bad debt exterminator and business adviser, m I'eople's ])uh. co.. Indianapolis. Ind. Badger, i8<)8. m 25 ISadt^cr i)u]:). co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Badger workman, i8»;(;. m 30 (". I\;ilienslein. Xeillsville. Wis. Bailey, Banks & Biddle co. I'hila'.. La. Baker and candy maker, np^. m i .00 Allied trades press Co.. 423 l^ont St., San Francisco. CaWi. Bakers' helper, 1887, m 2.00 II. K. Clissokl. 315 Dearhorn st.. Chica-... 111. Bakers' journal and deutsch amerikanische baecker zeitung 1883. w I .60 r.akers" international union. 2(^i< Xnrth ave.. Chicago. 111. Baker's review, i8<<8. m i .cxd W'm. R. (irciitiry co.. Produce e.xchanj^e bids;-.. X. ^'. Balance, i5. "i 50 I. Fioward Cashmere. Denver. Colo. Band of hope review, w 20 I pper Canada tract society. Toronto. C"anada. Ba neret, u>o i . w i . 00 iioi Washington ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Bank man, kki''. ni i .(X) Chica,i.;() chajier of .\m. inst. of bank clerks: Press and I)ulletin committee. Mount Morris. 111. Bank notes, n^c^. b-m 30 Levey bros. & co.. Indianapolis. Ind. 36 GUIDE '|-0 PERIODICALS Banker, i8c)8. w 5-00 llarrv Wilkinson. Monadnock bldo-.. Chicao^o, 111. Banker. i8rS(). b-m i.oo r.ankcr jnih. co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Banker and investigator, s-m 2 .00 \ 7,2 IVarl St., Boston, Mass. Banker and stockholder, 1881, 6 d 10.00 Anthony v^tumpf pnb. co.. 22 Pine St.. X. Y. Banker and tradesman, 1 ^yz, w 5 . 00 Iveview and record co.. 146 Franklin square. Hoston. Mass. Bankers' magazine, 1846. m 5 • 00 I'.radford Rhodes & co.. 87 Maiden Lane. N. Y. Banking and mercantile world, b-m 5 . 00 IJankinQ- and mercantile world co.. 59 Clark st.. Chicago, 111. Banking law journal, 1889, ni 4 00 Thos. B. Paton. 2/ Thames st.. N. Y. Banner, 1897, "i 5^ Wm.'G. Dustin. Dwight, 111. Banner and herald, 1884. m t . 00 A. L. Warden, 1725 S. 13th st.. Phila., Pa. Banner of gold, 1892. m 50 Banner of gold pub. co.. 269 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Banner of light, 1857, \v 2 . 00 Banner of light pub. co.. 204 Dartmouth st., Boston, Mass. Baptist, 1892. w I 00 G. S." Anderson. Abilene. Texas Baptist, 1898. w 2 .00 Miss, baptist pub. co.. Jackson, Miss. Baptist advance, 1902. \v 2.00 Advance pub. co.. Little Rock. Ark. Baptist and reflector, 1836. w 2 . 00 Folk and Holt, Nashville, Tenn. Baptist argus, 1897, w 2 . 00 Baptist argus, Louisville, Ky. Baptist banner, 1903, \v i .00 A. Nunnery, Martin, Tenn. Baptist banner, 1889, w i 00 Banner printing co., Huntington. W^est \^a. Baptist boys and girls, 1904, m. in wkly parts ^2 S. S. board of southern bapt. convention, Nashville, Tenn. Baptist bulletin, 1885, m 50 A. M. Brinckle. 136 N. 13th st., Phila., Pa. Baptist chronicle, 1886. w 2 . 00 Chronicle pub. co., Alexandria, La. Baptist commonwealth, 1895, w i . 50 Harper & bro.. 1330 S. .\lden st., Phila.. Pa. Baptist courier, 1869. w 2 .00 W. W. Keys & .\. J. S. Thomas, Greenville, S. C. - Baptist herald, 1901 , w i . 50 Rev. B. R. Bell, ^lemphis. Tenn. Baptist herald, 1902. m 50 Harvev T. Ellis, .\lliance. Neb. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 3^ Baptist home mission monthly, icS-S. in 50 Am. baptist home missiim society. 312 Fourth ave.. X. V. Baptist messenger, 1883, m 7:; Rev. A. Rrown. Baltimore. Md. Baptist messenger, 1902. \v 1 . 00 Rev. W. TT. McLean. Cambride^e. Mass. Baptist missionary magazine, 1803. m i .00 .\ni. baptist missionary union, Tremont tein|)le. Hostoii. Mass. Baptist observer, k/oj. u i .on A. n. r.erry &- C. M. Tbilbps. Greenslnn-o. In.l. Baptist reaper, k )0 1 . w 50 .A. H. ShalTer. T.exin.i^ton. Kv. Baptist record, w i .00 Sadler bros. & co.. Pella. la. Baptist recorder, 1902. \v i .00 W. L. Dou.ijlas. Chattanooga, Tenn. Baptist review, 187^ s-m r.oo Rev. n. W. Xash. Ooidsboro. N. C. Baptist review and expositor, i(X)4. q 2.00 Faculty southern baptist theological seminary. Louisville. I\y. Baptist sentinel, 1898. w i . O) Sentinel pub. co.. Raleigh, X. C. Baptist standard, 1888. \v 2 00 Laptist standard pul). co., Dallas. Tex. Baptist superintendent, 1884, m .25 .\m. bapt. pub. society. 1630 Chestnut St.. Phila.. Pa. Baptist sword and shield, 1895. ^\' ' •O'-' Southern iirinting co.. Tyler. Tex. Baptist teacher, iSfx). m 50 An:, bapi. pub. society. ir)30 Chestnut st.. Phila.. Pa. Baptist trumpet, 1891.. w 1 .00 J. G. Webb. Tioga. Tex. Baptist truth, w 1 .00 n. F. Douglass. Macon. C.a. Baptist truth, 1895. ^^' ' 00 C. C. Wilson. Cairo. 111. Baptist union, 1888, m 2^ E. R. Waddill. Danville. \'a. Baptist vanguard, 1882. \v i .00 R. M. Caver & S. M. Wesley. Little Rock. .\rk. Bar, 1 804. m i . 00 West \ a. bar ass'n.. Morgantown. W. \'a. Bar and barber, 1905. m 1 .00 r>ar and barber magazine co.. \C^J Dearborn st.. Cliicago. JH. Barbers' journal, t<)02. m 1 .00 P.arbers" journal Co.. 1133 llroaduay. X. ^'. Barnard bulletin, uk^i . w . 1 . 50 Students iA Barnard college. X. V. Barnens Tidning, w 50 Am. bai)t. pub. society. i()30 Chestnut St.. Phila.. Pa. Barnum's midland farmer. i8<)8. s-m 5'^ r.arnuni"s midland farmer co.. .\llen bldg.. St. Lf»uis. M.' 38 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Barnyard talk, \<)0^. m Minnea])olis. Minn. Barrel and box, m i . 50 K. II. nefebauoh, LouLsville. Ky. Barrels and bottles, ni 1 .00 Barrels and bottles pub. co., Indianapolis, Jnd. Bates bulletin, 1903, q 50 Bates college, Lewiston, Maine. Bates student, 1873, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Junior class of Bates collecje, Lewiston, Maine Batten's wedge, m Free George Batten co., 1 1 E. 24th st., N. Y. Bay view magazine, 1893, 8 nos i .00 John M. Hall. 165 Rost. Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. Baylor university bulletin, q Free Waco. Texas Baylor university college of medicine Bulletin, 1903 Dallas. Texas Beacon, 1 884. w i . 00 Beacon pub. co., 3 State st., Boston, Mass. Beacon light, ni i . 00 E. C. Hatfield, Little Rock, Ark. Beautiful woman, 1904, m i .00 Julia Mays pub. co., 240 Fifth ave., N. Y. Bee hive, 1881, m 50 Riverside print, co., 240 Fifth ave., N. Y. Bee-keepers' review, 1888, m i .00 \V. Z. Hutchinson, Flint, ISIich. Beginners' teacher, q 30 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Bellman, 1906, w 4 . 00 Bellman co., Minneapolis, Minn. Beloit college bulletin, 1902 Free Beloit, Wis. Bench and bar, 1905, m 3 • 50 31 Xassau st., N. Y. Bender hygienic laboratory studies, 1904, a. Albany, N. Y. Benton's monthly cotton (-coffee) quotation record C. Mont. Benton, N. Y. Benton's monthly grain-provision quotation record, 1904, ni. . . . C. Mont. Benton, N. Y. Benton's monthly quotation record C. Mont. Benton, N. Y. Benziger's magazine, 1899, "^ 2 .00 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay st., N. Y. Berea college bulletins, 1902 Berea, Ky. Berkshire hills monthly, 1900, m 2 .00 Col. W. H. Phillips, Pittsfield, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 39 Bernardsville hills, 1005. s-m i .00 I'.crnardsville news ])ress. licrnanlsville. X. j. Beta theta pi, 187,:^. m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 I'Vaternity society, 363 W. 20th St.. X. \. Bethany collegian, ii 1 1 j^ Lit. >< nit ties of P.etliany collej^a-. I'.ctliany. W. \'a. Better times, n;o^. 111 Free W. II. I'.ntlcr. .\nn .Vrhor. Midi. Between us. 1900, ni Scliwal) clothinj; co.. St. Louis. Mo. Beverages, irjoo. w i .00 Li(|U<)r trades .i,^azette co.. 41 I'.eavcr st.. X. ^^ Beverly calendar, a VOO Dodd. Mead & co.. X. Y. Bibelot, reprint of ixjctry and prose for liook lovers. ^S^)•,. m 30 Portland. Maine Bible advocate and herald of the coming kingdom. iHiY). w . . . . 2.00 C'luircli of Cod pub. liouse. Stanbury. Mo. Bible class quarterly, i»)02. c| 16 S. S. 1)oard of southern ba]-)t. convention. Xashville. Tenn. Bible lesson pictures, (j 3 . 00 Am. hai)t. pub. societ}-. 1630 Chestnut st., Pliila.. Pa. Bible review, 1887. m i . 30 Ksoteric fraternity. Applef^ate. Calif. Bible society record, 1843. 'ii 30 Am. liilile society. I.il)le house. X. V. Bible student, 1886, q 40 Christian pub. co.. 2712 Pine St.. St. Louis. Mo. Bible student, 1 S07. in 2 . 00 R. L. P>ryan co.. Columbia. S. C. Bible student and teacher, m i . ix) The .\mer. Pible lea.i^ue. Bible house. X. Y. Bible teacher, 1870. m ( o L'nited preslnterian l)oard of pub.. Pittsburij. Pa. Biblical recorder, 1835, w i . 50 P.il)lical recorder co., Raleigh, X. C. Biblical world, 1893. m 2.00 I'niversity of Chicai^o press, Chicag^o, ill. Bibliographical society of America, membership 3.00 PrMceeiHn>;s and papers. H)0^, biennial W. ]). Johnston, sec, Library of Congress, \\ashington, D. C. Bibliotheca sacra, 1844. q 3.00 P.ihliinheca sacra co.. ( )licrlin. (Ihio Biblioteka polska, i8c)8. m ^ 00 .\. .\. Paryski, Toledo. O. Bicycling world, 1877. \v j.c»o ('.oo(hnan co.. 154 Xassau St.. X. Y. Biene. w '. - .00 Aui.1^. Lehmann. Holyoke. Mass. Bikuben, 1 876. w '. i . ;o ''.iku1)en puh. co.. Salt Lake Citv, L'tah. 40 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Biles' semi-monthly pocket edition whiskey price list, s-m J. W. Riles CO., Cincinnati, O. Billboard, w 400 I'illboard pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Billposter and distributor, 1897, m i .00 Billposter and distributing co.. 1133 Broadway. X. Y. Biltmore botanical studies, 1900. irreg varies Biltmeaver St., X. \'. Bon ton, 185 1 , m .^ • 50 S. T. Taylor co.. 930 Broadway St.. X. ^'. Book and news-dealer, 1890. m i .00 Consolidated retail booksellers, 30 1{. 21st si.. X. ^'. Bookbuyer, 1867, m i . 50 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave.. .\. \'. Book crier, 1905, m 50 84 Adams St.. Chicago. 111. Book-keepers bulletin, m 5 > P.ullciin ])ub. CO.. Chicago. 111. Book-keeper's bulletin, m 50 P.iilU'tin pul). Co., 70"^ Pine St.. St. Louis, Mo. 42 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Bookman, 1895. m 2 . 00 Dodd. :\Iea(l & co.. 372 5th ave.. X. Y. Book news, 1882, m 50 John \\'anamaker, 13th & [Market sts.. Phila., Pa. Book notes, 1883, Fortntly 50 Sidney S. Rider, Providence, R. I. Book of the royal blue, 1897, m 50 J'). & O. railroad, Baltimore. Aid. Book review digest, 1906. m 5 . 00 !1. W. Wilson CO.. Minneapolis. Minn. Bookseller, 189O. m 1 .00 C. \. Hnling-. 91 Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. Bookseller and latest literature, m i .00 89 \\'ashing-ton st.. Chicago. 111. Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer, 1893. ^-m i .00 E. ( ). Chapman. 156 Fifth ave.. X. Y. Bookseller and stationer, 1884. m i .00 MacLean co.. Toronto. Canada Book wants, 1904. m i . 50 515 W. T73d St.. X. Y. Boot and shoe recorder, 1882. w 2 . 50 \\\ L. Terhune. 11 Columbia St.. Boston, ]Mass. Boston advocate, 1905. \v 2 . 00 h ISeacon st., Boston. ]\Iass. Boston Alaskan, 1906, m i .00 2y State st.. Boston, ]\Iass. Boston city hospital ■ ^Medical and surgical report, a Boston, Alass. Boston cooking school magazine, 1896. 10 nos i .00 372 Boylston St., Boston, Alass. Boston journal of commerce and textile industries, 1870, w. . . . 3.00 Boston journal of commerce pub. co.. Boston, Alass. Boston medical and surgical journal, 1828. w 5.00 D. C. Heath & co.. Boston, Alass. ' Boston pocket manual, 1 897. m i . 00 Pocket manual co.. 79 Alilk St., J_)Oston, Alass. Boston press, 1905, m i .00 2()2 Washington St.. Boston. Alass. Boston provident association Reiiort. 1 852, a Boston. Alass. Boston public library monthly bulletin, 1896. m 2^ Trustees of Boston public library. Boston, Alass. Boston society of natural history Bulletin Alemoirs, 1863, irreg varies Proceedings, 1841. irreg varies Occasional papers. 1869, ii'i'eg varies Boston, Alass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 43 Bostonian society Collections. 18X7 Proceedings. 1881 Old State house. Boston, Mass. Botanical gazette, 1875. ni 5.00 I'niversit}' of Chica}.;() ])ress. Chicago. 111. Bote der neuen kirche, 1854. ni 2.00 r. A. Xiissbauni. i<;ii .\. I2tli st.. St. Louis. .Mo. Bothsides, i3. n\. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 llar\anl uni\-. dehatinj^- coiuicil. Tliaxcr hall. C'anihridii^e, Mass. Both sides, 1 8< )5. ',\ j . 00 lioth sides puli. Co., 424 Meallet avc. .Minneapolis. Minn. Bowdoin college association of alumni ( )hituarv record of .graduates. 1904. q P.runsw ick. Me Bowdoin college bulletin, 1904. (] 40 r.owdoin college, llrunswick. Me. Bowdoin college library llil)]irass worUl i)uh. co.. 2U) lohn st.. Bridgeport. Conn. Brauer-zeitung, 1 88( >. w 2 . 00 Xational union C B. W.. Cincinnati. ( ). 44 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Breeder and sportsman, 1882, \v 3- 00 F. W. Kellcy, 36 Cicary St., San Francisco, Calif. Breeder's gazette ,1881. w 2.00 J. H. Sanders puli. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Brethren evangelist, 1879, w i . 50 Brethren pub. board, Ashland, O. Brewer and maltster, 1882. m 5 • 00 Eugene A. Sittig & son. Lake & Clark sts., Chicago, 111. Brewer's journal, 1876, m 5- 00 Rrewer's journal co., 24 Park place, N. Y. Brick, 1894, m i . 00 Windsor & Kenfield pub. co., Chicago, 111. Brickbuilder, 1892, ni 5 • 00 Rogers & Manson, 85 Water st., Boston, Mass. Bricklayer and mason, m 75 Bricklayers' and masons' international union of America. 2;^ Duane st., X. Y. British-American, 1887, \v i . 00 British-American pub. co., 6th and Chestnut sts., Phila.. Pa. British-Californian, 1897, m i .00 British-California pub. co., 927 Market st., San Francisco, Calif. British Columbia mining exchange and investors' guide, 1899, 1^1 i -oo G. Sheldon-Williams, A'ancouver, B. C. British Columbia mining record, 1895, m 2.00 British Columbia record, Mctoria, B. C. British Columbia pharmaceutical record, 1905, m i .00 John H. Emery, A'ictoria, B. C. British workman, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. British world, 1898, m i .00 Magnus Flaws & co., 83 Fifth ave., Chicago. 111. Bridge, 1906, m Louis J. Bruck, N. Y. Broadway magazine, 1898, m i .00 C. H. Young, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Broadway weekly, 1903, w -^^ 4.00 Broadway weekly co., ly E. 21st st., X. Y. Brockton public library — Quarterly bulletin. 1899, ^1 Free Brockton, Mass. Brookline historical society Proceedings, 1901, a 25 Special papers, irreg., each 25 Brookline, Alass. Brookline public library, Imlletin. 1894 Free Brookline, ]\Iass. Brooklyn daily eagle almanac, a 25 Bn.oklvn dailv ca-ie, r'.nMldvn. X. Y. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 45 Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences \'ear l)ook. 1889 Science bulletin, 1901 Museum, memoirs of arts and archaeology-, 1902 Memoirs of natural sciences, i<;04 Museum news. upS P.rooklyn. X. Y. Brooklyn life, i8()o, w .Voo i'.rooklvn life pul). co.. Ha<;le bldg.. Brooklyn, X. V. Brooklyn medical journal, 1888. m 2.00 Med. society countv of Kini,^'^. 1313 Bedford ave.. Brooklyn. X. Y. Brooklyn public library lUdletin. n^oi, in l*'ree Brooklyn. X. Y. Broom maker, m 2-^ Internal, broom iS: whisk makers union, .Xnisterdani. .\. \'. Brooms, brushes, and handles, m 1 .00 PackajT^es pul). co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Brotherhood, w i .00 \\. .\. Williams. Cincinnati, < ). Brotherhood of electric railway motormen's magazine. mk\^ m 1 .00 J^orain. ( ). Brotherhood of locomotive engineers bnirnal. 1867. m i .00 Cleveland, C). Brotherhood star, 1890, m 50 J. 1). Lono^ & J. G. Hammer. Jr.. 23 Gold St.. X. Y. Brown alumni monthly, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 llrown alumni mag^. co.. Providence, R. I. Brown and white, 1894. s-w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 .students of Lehigh university. South Bethlehem. Pa. Brown daily herald, 1891, 6d. dur. coll. yr 3 -50 Stmlents of I'.rown university. Providence. R. 1. Brown university bulletin, 1904, b-m I'.rown unixiTsity. i'rovidence. R. 1. Browning's industrial magazine, H)02, m i .00 Browning press. Collinwood, ( )hio Browning's magazine, 1890, m 2S Browning. King & co., 16 Cooper sq.. X. Y. Brown's directory of American gas companies, a ^.00 Progressi\e age pub. co.. 2i^() liroadway. .\. \'. Brueder botschafter, 18N.), w i . 50 Rev. Karl A. Mueller. W'atertown. Wis. Brunonian, 1S21). ni. dm-, coll. yr 2.50 Stmlents of i'.rown university. Providence, R. 1. Bryn Mawr college monographs Monograph series, 1901, irreg varies Reprint series. 1901 , irreg varies Bryn Mawr college. Bryn .Slawr. Pa. Bryologist, t8q8. b-m 1 .00 .Mrs. .\nnie M. Smith. 78 (Grange st.. I'.rooklvn. N. \, 46 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Buchtelite, 1888. Fortntly dur. coll. yr i .00 StiKk'iits of lUichtel college. Akron, O. Buckeye funeral director, 1904, ni i .00 Ivlward K. Fisher, Columbus, (). Buckeye trail, ni ^o H. N. Clemens, Cleveland, O. Bucknell mirror, 1882, m. dur. coll. \r i .00 Students of lUicknell university, Lewisburg, Pa. Bucknell university bulletin, 1901, q Bucknell universit\ , Lewisburg, Pa. Bud og hilsen, 1900, m 50 S. Tunheim & Ed. j\I}rsven, Crookston, Mich. Budget, m The vSadler-Rowe co., Baltimore. Aid. Budget, 1879. w 2 . 50 Budget CO., 220 Wash, st., Boston, Mass. Budget, 1903, m i .00 Stanford-DeBaun, 65 Fourth ave., N. Y. Buff and blue, 1892. m i . 00 Students of Gallaudet college. Washington, D. C. Buffalo historical society Publications, 1879, a 4.00 Buftalo, N. Y. Buffalo medical journal, 1845, "^ 2.00 Wm. W. Potter, 284 Franklin st., Buifalo, N. Y. Buffalo society of natural sciences — Bulletin. 1873, 4 parts to vol 4.00 Buffalo, X. Y. ' Builder, m 3 .00 F. W. Choisel. Odd Fellows bldg., St. Louis, Uo. Builder, m 2 .00 T. M. Walker. Pittsburg, Pa. Builder and contractor, 1893. w 2 . 50 Harry lies, Los Angeles, Calif. Builders' gazette, 1886. \v 5 .00 Thos. F. Hodges. Pittsburg, Pa. Builders' news, 1904, w 2 . 00 The .\lbert W. Lewis co.. Baltimore, Md. Building management, 1906, m 2.00 315 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Building news, i()02. m 1 .00 Speed pub. co.. I'.vansville. Ind. Building trades employers' association Bulletin, 1900, m i .00 Frederick M. Crossett, 1123 Broadway. X. Y. Buildings, 1905. m 1 .00 Buildings pub. co., Cleveland, ( ). Bulletin, 1893. '" ' -oo Bulletin pnb. co.. Toronto, Canada Bulletin, 1904, m T38 Federal St.. l>oston, Mass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 47 Bulletin, iS«)i. w i .oc) Bulletin CO.. Toledo, O. Bulletin, 1876, w 2.00 John W. iJlack's executors, I'ittshur^', Pa. Bulletin, m 99 Concatenated order of hoo-hoo. Xashville, Tenn. Bulletin, 1894, 6 d 6.00 Pn,q;et Sound ])u1). co., Seattle, Wash. Bulletin of bibliography, 1897. M- to libraries .Free r.oston book CO., 83 Francis St.. Fenway, lioston. Mass. Bulletin of commerce, 1874, w 5- 00 i;ri,u-s X- CO.. iiS X. 3rd St., St. Louis. Mo. Bulletin of eclectic shorthand, i89hy. J2 Canal st.. Chica.^o. 111. Burr Mcintosh monthly, 1903. m 3 00 Purr pub. Co.. 4 \\'. 22(1 St.. X. ^'. Business, i8<)5, ni i .ex:) j. S. Robertson co., Toronto, Canada Business, I'to^, ni i.oo Trade journal pub. co., Louisville. Ky. Business and finance, 1903. ni i .00 P.usiness and finance i)ub. co.. Ihul^on bldq.. X. ^^ Business educator, 10 nos i .00 Zaner and P.loser. Columbus, ( ). Business magazine, i8()T. m i .00 P.usiness nia.L;azine Co., Kno.wille. Tenn. Business man's magazine and the book-keeper. 1888. ni i .00 P.ook-keeper pub. co., Detroit. Midi. Business monthly magazine, i « jo ^. m 50 11. 1-:. kea.l. Peoria. 111. Business opportunities, m P.usiness opportunity Co.. X. ^'. Business philosopher. H)05. m I,(X) Science press, the Republic. Chicajj^o. 111. Business woman's magazine. i<)03, m [ .. Los .\n.ancisc(». C"alif. California elks, i»;oi .111 i .00 A. P. Muri;atten, San jose. Calif. California fruit grower, 1888. \v 2.00 1 '.state of r.rainard X. Rowlev. 320 Sansoni St.. San Francisco, Calif. California historic-genealogical society Publications, i()0() San iM-ancisco. Calif. California independent, i8(/). w i . :^o Independent i)ub. co., 2CX) S. P>road\\ay, Los Angeles, Calif. California journal of technology, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Students of university of California. l'erkele\, (."alif. California knight, 1902, m 30 P. J. Ryan. ( )aklan(l, CnVii. California medical and surgical reporter, i(;()4, m i .00 Calif, med. and sur£;:ical reporter co., Los .\noard of ])ul)lication, Toronto, Canada Canadian boards of trade journal, 1899. m 2.00 Canadian coinmcrcial pub. co., Toronto. Canada Canadian bookseller and library journal, 1888. ni i .00 Canadian bookseller, Toronto. Canada Canadian churchman, 1 87 1 , w 2 . 00 I'rank WOottni, Toronto. l"anada. Canadian cigar and tobacco journal, i8c)5. ni i .00 II. ('la^nier. Toronto, Canaila Canadian congregationalist, 1854, w i .00 W. li. Mortons, Toronto. Canaila Canadian co-operator, 1882, m 40 R. j. Doylo. ( )\\i:n Somul. ( )ntario Canadian craftsman and masonic record, i8<)7. ni i .00 Canadian craftsman pub. Co., Toronto. Canada Canadian druggist, 1889. m i .00 W'm. J. Dyas. Toronto^ Canada Canadian eagle, i(X)4. ni i .00 Frank E. KoRoy. X'ictoria. 1'.. C". Canadian electrical news and engineering journal, i8«)i. m i .00 C. II. .Mortimer co.. 'l\)ronto. Canada Canadian engineer, 1893, ni i .00 l'>i,!;,L:ar-Saniuol. Toronto, Canada Canadian entomologist, 1868. m i .00 b'.ntonioloiiical society of Ontario. Caielpb. Canada Canadian Epworth era. 1 8i>«;, ni 50 I\o\ . W'm. I'.riggs. Toronto, Canada Canadian farm implements, 1005. in 50 Canada farm implements. Winnipoi^. .Manitob.t ^2 GL'IDE 'I'O I'KKIODICALS Canadian farmer, w 5^ Ividcaii press, Ottawa, Canada Canadian florist, 1903, s-ni r 00 I). C. \ixon & CO., Toronto, Canada Canadian forester, 1880, m 50 II. C.umnicr. Guelph. Canada Canadian forestry journal, 1905, q . ^ Canadian forestry association, Ottawa, Canada Canadian freeman, 1885, w i .00 Tatrick j. Daley, Kingston, Ontario Canadian good housekeeping, m i .00 Dominion Phelps, Toronto. Canada Canadian grocer, 1886, w 2 .00 MacLean ]nib. co., Toronto, Canada Canadian harness and carriage journal, i()00, m t .00 W'm. J. Dyas, Toronto, Canada Canadian home, i()04. m i .00 Joseph Phillips, Toronto, Canada Canadian horticulturist, 1878, m i .00 ( )ntario fruit orowers' ass'n., Toronto. Canada Canadian implement and vehicle trade, 1900, m i .00 Trade pul). co., Toronto. Canada Canadian institute Proceedings. 1879 Transactions. 1889 Toronto. Canada Canadian journal of commerce, 1875, w 3 00 M. S. Foley. Montreal, Canada Canadian journal of fabrics, 1883, m i .00 Piggar-Sanmel, Toronto, Canada Canadian journal of medicine and surgery, 1897. m i .00 Toronto. Canada. Canadian kennel gazette, 1889. ni i .00 11. P). Donovan. Toronto, Canada Canadian laundryman, 1897, m i .00 l'*(lgar .\. Willis, Toronto, Canada Canadian law review, 1901, m 5- 00 Canadian law review co., Toronto. Canada Canadian law review, 1906. w i .00 Canadian law review co.. Toronto, Canada Canadian law times, 1881. m 5.00 Carswell co.. Toronto. Canada Canadian machinery and manufacturing news, m i .00 MacPean ])u]). co.. Montreal, Canada Canadian machine shop, 1905. m i .00 Toronto. Canada Canadian magazine, 1893. m 2 . 50 ( )ntario pub. co., Toronto. Canada Canadian manufacturer, 1880, s-m i . 50 Canadian manufacturer pub. co.. TcM'onto. Canada Canadian military gazette, 1885. s-m 2.00 MacLcan ])ub. co.. Toronto. C'anada GL'IDE TO I'KRIODICALS 53 Canadian mining review, 1XX2. in 3- 00 Rt'\ic\v pub. CO.. Montreal. Canada Canadian motor, i()05. 111 i .00 'iMie \ chick'. Toronto. C'anada Canadian music and trades journal, 1900. ni i.oo 1). (.'. Xixon (Jv CO.. l\)ronto. Canada Canadian pacific courier, 1895. m 50 Acton r.urrows Co.. Toronto, Canada Canadian pharmaceutical journal, 1868. ni i .00 IMiarn;. pul). co. of Toronto, Toronto. Canada Canadian pigeon fancier, 1903, ni 50 Kcducll puli. CO.. London, Ontario Canadian pointer and decorator, 1904. ni i .00 James .\cton pnh. Co.. 'i'oronto. Canada Canadian poultry news, i8(;8. ni 35 l\ol)i. I\. Canuron, Owen Sound. ( )ntario. Canadian poultry review, 1877. m 50 II. 1'). l)ono\an. Toronto. Canada Canadian practitioner and review, i87(). ni 2.00 .\. II. W'rij^ht. Toronto, Canada Canadian printer and publisher, 1892. m 2.00 Mad. can pul). co.. Toronto. Canada Canadian record of science, 1885. (| i . 5c Xatin-al history society. .Montreal. Canada Canadian royal templar, iHSj;, m ^J T. J. Shanks. 1 laniilton. ( )ntario Canadian shoe and leather journal, 1888. m i .00 James .\cton pnh. co.. Toronto. Canaj(k m i . 00 .Mrs. T. .\. Xirdlin.i^er. Rochester, N. Y. Casket, 1 i<^2. w i . 00 (."askct print. & pub. co., Antifjonish, X. S. Casa grande doings, 1905, \v i .00 Mrs. Henry J. Johnson. Pasadena, Cal. Cassells little folks. (See Little folks). Cassell's magazine (Am. ed.), 1874, m i .50 Cassell & CO., 43 E. 19th St.. N. Y. Cassier's magazine, 1891 . m 3 .00 Cassicr's ma.s^azinc co.. 3 \\ . 29th St., X. Y. Castelle's magazine, 1904. m . ' 50 Castclle & ]3e la Torre P>ueno. 1 1 1 Fifth ave., X. Y. Cat journal, 1901, s-m i .00 (,". H. Jones. Palmyra. X'. Y. Cat review, 1903. s-m i .00 Dayton, 6. Caterer, 1 893, m 2 . 00 Caterer pub. co., 23 Park Row. X. Y. Catholic, 1900. w i . 50 Denver catholic pub. co., Denver. Colo. Catholic, 1844. w i . 50 C atholic pub. co.. Pittsburg-. Pa. Catholic advance, ii. nv 2.00 Catholic advance \n\h. co., \\'ichita. Kan. Catholic citizen, 1 870. w 2 . 00 liti/ens co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic Columbian, 1 875. w 2 . 00 L'olumbian jirint. co., Columbus, O. Catholic columbian-record, 1883. w 2.00 John A. Kuster. Columbus. O.. and Indianapolis. Ind. Catholic courier, 1 889. w i . 00 0.c:densburi^ courier co., ( )o(lensburi;. X. Y. Catholic directory, almanac and clergy list, a i .75 Witzius cS: CO.. Milwaukee. \\'is. Catholic educational association Report of proceeding's, a , The association. Columbus. O. ^5 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Catholic forester, in Pbilil) J. McKeiina. Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic home annual, a 2 . 50 Benziger l)ros., 36 Barclay St., N. Y. Catholic home companion, ni 50 Companion cc, Zanesville. O. Catholic journal, 1889. w i -OO Catholic i(^urnal pub. cc, Rochester, N. Y. Catholic journal of the south, 1882, w i .00 John J. Shea, ^Memphis, Tenn. Catholic knights of America journal, 1885. ni 25 Jos. Berning, Cincinnati, O. Catholic light, 1890, w i . 5° - Wm. F. Shean, Scranton, Pa. Catholic messenger, ni 50 Catholic messenger pub. cc. Elizabeth, N. J. Catholic mirror, 1850, \\ 2 .00 Catholic mirror co., Baltimore, Md. Catholic monthly, 1897, m 50 Catholic monthly co., Baltimore, Md. Catholic news, 1886, w i .00 Catholic news pub. co., 5 Barclay st., N. Y. Catholic pilot, 1874, w i . 5° M. J. Cahill, 171 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Catholic record, 1878, w 2 .00 Thos. Cofifey, London, Ontario. Catholic record, 1905, m 25 Jost & Bahne, Quincy, 111. Catholic register, 1899, w i .00 Catholic register co., Kansas City, Mo. Catholic register, 1893, w i . 50 Catholic register pub. cc, Toronto, Canada Catholic school journal, 1901 , m i .00 Catholic school journal pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic sentinel, 1889, w i . 50 Catholic sentinel pub. co., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Catholic sentinel, 1 869, w i . 50 Sentinel pub. co., Portland, Ore. Catholic standard and times, 1866, w 2.00 Catholic standard & times pub. co., 211 S. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Catholic sun, 1892. w 2 .00 Syracuse print. & pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Catholic telegram, 1 83 1 . w 2 . 00 Catholic telegraph co.. Cincin., O. Catholic tidings, ni 50 Tidings pub. co., Haltimore, }\[d. Catholic transcript, 1 876, w i . 50 Conn, catholic pub. co., Hartford, Conn. Catholic tribune, 1899, w 2 .00 Catholic print, co., Dubuque, la. I GUIDE TO PERIODICALS .■>/ Catholic tribune. 1X79. w 2.00 M. Lawlor, St. Joseph, Mo. Catholic union, 1 89 1 . w i • 50 Catliolic union pub. CO., New Bedford, Mass. Catholic union and times, 1872. \v 2.00 r.iittalo rath. .lie pul). co.. .St. Stephen.^ Hall. P.uffalo. X. Y. Catholic universe, 1 S74, w 2 . 00 ('atlii)lic uni\crsc ])ul). co.. C'k'\t.'la'i(l. ( ). Catholic university of America. lUillctin. i8()5 Why lH...k. a ('atholio university. Washiufiiton. 1). C. Catholic visitor, 1H75. w i • 50 Juan .\. Pizzini. Richmond. \'a. Catholic witness, 19(^1 . ni i 00 Catholic witness pub. co.. San hrancisco. Cal. Catholic world, 1865. ni 3 00 Paulist fathers. 120 W. 60th St.. X. Y. Caughnawaga gazette, 1905 i 00 Quebec, Canada Cavalier, 1905, s-m i .00 l-\:)rtress Monroe, \'a. Cement, b-m i • 00 l'rog:ress i)ub. co., 13 Park Row, X. \'. Cement age, 1904, ni i 00 r.ruce and John.son, 42 Broadway. X. Y. Cement and engineering news, 1896. m 2 .00 W'ni. Scafcrt. 162 La Salle st., Chicaj^o. Til. Cement and slate, 1 (po. ni 2 . 00 l-:. I-'. ( )chs and brother, .Mlentown. Pa. Cement era, 1 904, ni .25 C. P.. Parst>ns. 8<2 (iriswold st., Detroit, Mich. Cent per cent Cent per cent pid:). co., X. Y. Centinela de la Verdad, kjo^. ni 50 B. E. Connerly. Maya^uez. Porto Rico. Central baptist, 1865. w . .' 2.00 Central bajUist ])ub. co.. 91 1 Locust St.. St. Louis. Mo. Central California woodman, u>o2. ni 50 Ck'.p. a. .\ndrews, hreshno, Cal. Central Christian advocate, 185^1, w i .60 K'nniii^s and (irahain. i 123 Mc( ice St.. Kansas City, Mo. Central Christian advocate, 18^7, w 2.00 St. Louis. M.). Central collegian, 1872, ni. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Central collep^e, l-"ayelte. Mo. Central farmer, ux>5. ni i .00 1". I). Lasjer. Lincoln. Xeb. Central law journal, 1 874, w 5 . 00 Central law journal CO.. «)i() (^live St., St. Louis. Mo. Central New Yorker. \i)0('\ in i .00 Central Xew >'orker CO.. Seneca Falls. X. Y. 5« GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Central news, 1897. w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of central university, Danville, Ky. Central presbyterian, 1837, w 2.00 Rev. Jas. P. Smith, Richmond, \a. Central ray, 1876, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students Central university, Pella, la. Central states eagle, 1905, m 50 Frank Charlson, Evansville, 111. Central states guide, 1886. m i • 5° Guide pub. co., Norwalk, O. Central states medical monitor, ni i .00 Monitor co., Indianapolis, Ind. Central station, m H. C. Gushing. Jr., N. Y. Central station list and buyer's manual, s-a 4.00 Gentral station list, 114 Liberty st, N. Y. Central university of Kentucky record, T905, q Danville, Ky. Centre college cento, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Gentre college, Danville, Ky. Century, 1881, m 4.00 Gentury co., 33 E. 17th st., N. Y. Chacamas valley chronicle, 1905 Ghacamas plantation co., 1009 Trude bldg., Ghicago, 111. Chamber of commerce bulletin, 1902, m i .00 David N. Alosessohn, Portland. Ore. Champion of fair play, 1878, w 2 .00 R. J. Halle. 307 Schiller theater bldg., Ghicago, 111. Champlain educator^ 1891, q 2.00 Mosher pub. co., 39 E. 43d st.. N. Y. Chaparral, 1900, s-m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Leland Stanford Junior university, Stanford University. Gal. Character builder, 1900, m i .00 Pfuman culture co.. Salt Lake Gity, LTtah. Charities and the commons, 1897. w 2 . 00 Gharity organization society, 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. Charity organization society of the city of New York Gommittee on social researcli. Publications, irreg. . . . 105 E. 22d St., N. Y. Charlotte medical journal, 1892, m 2 . 50 E. G. Register. Gharlotte. N. G. Chase's magazine, m i .00 G. (i. Ghase co.. Terre Haute. Ind. Chat, m 60 Manliattan re])orting co. 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Chautauqua quarterly, 1901. q Ghautauqua press, Ghautauqua, N. Y. Chautauquan, 1 880, m 2 . 00 Ghautauqua press, Ghautauqua. N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 59 Chautauquan weekly, w i 00 ( hautaiuiuan press. Cliautau<|ua. X. Y. Cheerful moments. 1 i<(j2, m 25 ( a... W . W illis pub. CO., 154 K. 23d St.. X. Y. Cheese and dairy journal, 1903. m i 00 ( luc>c and review ])ub. CO.. 136 S. 4th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Cherokee messenger, 1895. m 25 Fletcher Smith, Rome. Ga. Chic. K>05. m i 00 132 deary st.. San l->ancisco. Cal. Chicago academy of sciences I'.ulletin of the gcol. and nat. hist, survey, 1896, irreg". . Special publications. 1902. irreg Chicago. 111. Chicago amateur baseball annual, a 10 .\ni. sportsman i)ub. co. 15 W'arren St.. X. Y. Chicago apparel gazette I'airchild co.. Chicago. 111. Chicago apparel gazette, i8-iii 2.00 !"air.-lnl(l o.. Chioag... ill. Chicago citizens' association. Report, 1874. a I'.ulletin. i)()}, Xashville, 'I'enn. Children's visitor, 1S54, w 60 .■sinitli and Lamar. Xasluille. 'i'enn. Child's calendar beautiful, a i .00 I'.nrt-'lerrN -Wilson co., Lafayette. Ind. Child's companion, w 30 l'l)l)er (anada tract society. Toronto. Canada. Child's own magazine, w 20 I'pper Canada tract s, ni i . oo Mrs. H. L. llastintjs, 47 C'ornbill. I'x^ston. Mass. Christian, 1 883. m 50 I'.arnes ^: co.. St. b)lin. X. 1'.. Christian advocate. 1850. \v 2.00 John W . L.aswell. Xew ( Jrleans. La. Christian advocate, 1 850. w 2.00 '>{. Louis christian advocate co.. 1414 Locust St.. .^t. Louis. Mo. Christian advocate, 1850. \v i .00 Advocate co.. 457 Washington St.. lUiffalo. X. ^^ Christian advocate, 1 i<2(^. \v ~ 5^ I'.alon Ov- Mains. 1^0 I'iftb ave. X. ^■. 62 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Christian advocate, 1855, \v Raleigh advocate cc Raleigh, N. C. Christian advocate, 1833, w W. L. Dixon, Pittsburg. Pa. 1902. enn. w Nashville. A\' Richmond, \'a. ;8, w X. Y. Christian advocate Manila. P. I. Christian advocate, 1832, Smith and Lamar Christian advocate, 1832. Advocate pub. co. Christian and missionary alHance, 188I A. B. Simpson, 692 Eighth ave Christian banner, 1888, w Banner pub. co., 1842 Lombard st.. Philadelphia, Pa. Christian calendar, a United brethren pub. house, Dayton, O. Christian city, m N. Y. city church extension and missionary society. 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Christian companion. 1867, w Guide print. & pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Christian conservator, 1885, w Rev. W. H. Clay, Huntington, Ind. Christian courier, 1888, w G. A. Paris, Dallas, Tex. Christian cynosure, 1868, m National christian assn., 221 W. JNIadison. Chicago, 111. Christian educator, 1889, b-m Western niethodist pub. co., Cincinnati, O. Christian endeavor world, 1875, ^'*'' Golden rule co., Tremont temple, Boston. Mass. Christian-evangelist, 1840, \v Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine St.. St. Louis, ]vIo. Christian guardian, 1829, w Rev. \\\ Briggs. Toronto, Can. Christian harvester, 1873, m Thos. K. Doty, Cleveland, O. Christian herald, 1903, w W. B. Cochran, Aurora, Mo. Christian herald, 1878, w , Louis Klopsch, Bible house, N. Y. Christian hope, 1893, w , M. D. Duncan, Birmingham, Ala. Christian idea, 1 904, q[ Baltimore, Md. Christian index, 182 1 , w Bell & (iraham, Atlanta, Ga. Christian index, 1 867. \v C. H. Phillips, Jackson, Tenn. Christian instructor and united presbyterian witness, 1844. ^^ . Collins & CO.. 715 S.-msom st.. Philadelphia, Pa. 1.50 1 .00 1 .00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1 .00 •25 1 .00 50 50 50 00 50 00 50 GO 40 00 50 25 2.00 1 .00 1.50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 63 Christian intelligencer, 1829, w ^65 Christian intelligencer assn., 4 Warren ave., N. \. Christian leader and the way, 188O, w 1 • 5° James S. Uell, Cincinnati, O. Christian life, 1896, n\ 5° \\ ihner Turner, Reading, Pa. Christian messenger, lyoo, w i 00 Christian home and foreign missionary society, New Bedford, Mass. Christian messenger, s-m i 00 R. Dutchart, Toronto, Can. Christian missionary, m 50 Alva M. Kerr, Dayton. O. Christian monthly, 1900. m 50 Christian monthly co., Richmond. \ a. Christian mother Joseph Schaefer. X. Y. Christian nation, 1S84. w 2 .00 Christian nation pub. cc. Tribune bldg., X. V. Christian news, 1894. u i 00 H. E. Wethercll. Bethany. Neb. Christian observer, 1813, w 2.50 Converse & co.. Louisville. K\-. Christian plea, 1902, s-m 50 Rev. G. W. Williams, Shaw. Miss. Christian recorder, 1852, w i 00 J. H. Collett, 631 Pine st.. Phila.. I'a. Christian register. 1821. w '3.00 (hristian register ass'n. 2J2 Congress St.. lioston. Mass. Christian safeguard. i8(y\ m i .00 Mrs. 11. L. Hastings. 47 Cornhill. Boston. Mass. Christian science journal, 1883. m 2.00 Christian science pub. society. 250 Huntington ave.. Boston. Mass. Christian science quarterly. ([ 50 ( hristian >cience pul). societv. 2^0 Huntington ave.. r.oston. .Mass. Christian science sentinel. 1847, w (hristian science \)uh. societv. 2^o Huntington ave.. B.iston. Mass. Christian standard. 1 867, \v i . 50 L'liristian standard co.. ( iainesville. T-"la. Christian standard, 1 866, w 1 . 50 Standard pub. CO.. Cincin.. O. Christian student, 1900 X. V. Christian union. \v i -OO Atlanta, da. Christian union, i8t>5. w i .00 Christian union pub. co.. I )es Moines. la. 64 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Christian union herald, 1880. \v 80 United prcshytcrian 1)'(1. i)f pub., rittsburg. Fa. Christian union messenger, w 1 . 00 Rev. 1). L. Naiidanieiit. Roachdale, hid. Christian witness and advocate of Bible holiness, 1 870, w i . 50 Christian witness co., 151 \\'asliins;ton St.. Cliicago, 111. Christian work and evangelist, i86fx vv 3 .00 Rev. J. N. Hallock, 86 T.ible house, N. Y. Christian worker, 1892, w 1 . 50 Christian worker pnl). en.. Toronto, Canada Christian worker. 1 887. i\\ 50 Christian worker pul). co., Des Moines, la. Christian worker, 1 897, w t . 00 Christian worker co.. Pittsl)ur<;-, I'a. Christian world, 1848. w i . 50 Christian world co.. Cleveland, ( ). Christian world, 1848, w i . 50 Christian world co., Dayton, O. Christian youth, s-m i . 00 Rev. E. J. Homme & son, Wittenberg, Wis. Christianity in earnest, 1889, q 50 B'd. of chr, extension M. E. church. 1026 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa. Christliche apologete, 1839, w 2 . 00 Jennings & Graham. Cincin.. O. Christliche botschafter, 1836, w 2 .00 J. H. Lamb. Cleveland, O. Christlicher hausfreund, 1879. w i .00 Seventh day adventist pub. co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Christy calendar, a ,V 00 Moffat, Yard & co.. 289 Fourth ave.. K. Y. Chronicle, m 50 Lemcke bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. Chronicle, 1866, w 3 . 00 Chronicle co., 11 Broadway. N. Y. Chronicle, 1891. w 50 Frank L. Rist, Cincin.. O. Chronicler, 1906, w i . 50 117 Nassau St.. N. Y. Church advocate, 1835. ^^^ 20*^ B'd. of pub. of churches of God. Harrisburg. Pa. Church building quarterly, 1882. q 30 Cong"] church building society. 4th ave. and 22d St.. N. Y. Church chronicle, 1 880. m 50 Rev. Geo. H. Edwards. Cincin.. O. Church eclectic. 1 873, m 2 . 00 Edwin S. (iorham, 285 Fourth ave.. N. Y. Church economist, 1896. m t .00 Church economist ])ul). co.. 31 L^nion sq.. N. Y. Church helper of western Michigan, 1880. m 50 Board of missions, Hastings, Mich. (iriDK K) PERIODICALS ^5 Church in Georgia, i S(;2. s-ni 50 Church in (ia. co., I^>runs\vick, (ja. Church life, 1 887, ni 75 Rev. A. A. Abbott, Cleveland. O. Church messenger and Rhode Island Christian endeavorer, I ><()2. m 50 Cora A. Wells. Providence. R. I. Church militant, 1896. ni 1 .00 J019 X. St. X. \\'.. \\ ashinj^^ton. D. C. Church music, 1905, (i 2 .(X) Dolpliin press, 1305 Arch St., Phila.'. Pa. Church news, 1 870, ni i . 00 Shultz print, co., 1017 Morgan St., St. Louis. Mo. Church news, 1 885, m 50 Lewis block. Pittsburg-. Pa. Church news and American churchman, 1882, ni i .00 Rev. Walter C. Whitaker. Jackson. Miss. Church progress and catholic world, ] 878. w i . 50 Catholic ])ub. co.. I'ullertoii bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Church record, 1 876. in 50 Rev. C. Herbert Shutt, St. Paul. Minn. Church review, 1892, m 50 Review pub. co., Hartford. Conn. Church standard, 1 830. w 2 . 50 Church standard c(X, 133 S 12th St.. Phila., I'h. Church times, 1 890. in i . 00 Rev. C. 1'.. r,. Wright, Milwaukee. Wis. Church woman's magazine, 1899, in i .CX) Church woman's mag. ]nil). co., Des Moines, la. Church work, in 50 Commercial print, co.. Halifax. X. S. Churchman, 1895, "i 50 Church woman's mag. pub. co., Des Mtjines. la. Churchman, 1 844, w .V 50 Churchman co.. 47 Lafayette pi., X. ^■. Churchman, 1888. in 50 Rev. H. H. Govven, Seattle. Wash. Churchman, 1901 . m i^o W. S. (iilbert, Spokane. Wash. Cigar and tobacco journal, 1896. in i .00 C. S. P.artram. I'.oston block. Minneapolis. Minn. Cigar makers' official journal, in i .00 Cigar makers' inteniat. union of .\in.. Chicago. 111. Cincinnati price current, 1 S44, w 5 . ck^ Charles P.. Murray, Cincin.. ('). Cincinnati public library v^pecial reading list, irreg Public library, Cincin., O. Cincinnati museum association Report, 1882, a L'incinnati. ( ). 66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cincinnati public library Annual list of books added, a Free Cincin. pub. library, Cincin., O. Cincinnati society of natural history Journal. 1878 Cincin.. O. Cincinnati. University Bulletin, 1900 University studies, ser. 2, 1905, b-m University record, 1904, b-m Cincin., O. Cincinnati. University observatory Publications, irreg Varies Cincin.. O. Cincinnatian, 1889, w i . 00 1890, m 25 Foster pub. co., Cincin., O. Circle, 1907, m i . 50 Funk & Wagnalls co., 44-60 E. 23d St., X. Y. Citator, Mich., la., 111., Kan., Minn., Mo. and Wis. eds. 1897, q. 3.00 Reed, Adams & co.. Lapeer, Mich. Citizen, 1891, w 50 United trades and labor council, Cleveland, O. Citoyen, Franco-Americain, 1887. w i .00 Gustave ]vlichaud, Springfield, Mass. City college quarterly, 1905, q i .00 City college quarterly ass'n, 17 Lexington ave.. N. Y. Civic news, 1905. w i .00 Civic news co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Clarion-advocate, 1892, w i .00 Clarion pub. co., Denver. Colo. Clark college record, 1906, q Clark university. Worcester. Mass. Clark university library Publications. 1903, irreg Clark university press, Worcester, Mass. Classic, 1906, m i . 00 Pittsburg, Pa. Classical journal, 1905, 8 nos i . 50 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Classical philology, 1906, q 2 . 50 University of Chicago press, Chicago, Til. Classical quarterly, 1906, q 3-50 Ginn & co., 29 Beacon st., Boston. ]\[ass. Classical review, m., 9 nos 2 . 00 Ginn & co., 29 Beacon st.. Boston, Mass. Classmate, w 50 Eaton & Mains. 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Clay record, 1892, s-ni 1 . 00 Clay pub. co., 303 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. GUIDE I'U PKRlOniCALS 67 Clay-worker, 1884. in 2.00 T. A. Kaiulall & co., 227 E. Ohio st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Clearing house quarterly, 1895, q 5.00 AU(Miu'\ s national clearing'- house co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Clemson agricultural college extension work, 1905. b-ni Free Clcni.son (.-ollci^c, S. L'. Clerk, 1904, ni 50 Clerk pub. co.. Wabash, ind. Cleveland chamber of commerce annual, a Free Cleveland. ( ). Cleveland medical journal, i«;o2. ni i .00 Cleveland medical jonrnal co.. Cleveland. O. Clifton monthly, 1 S(;(;, ni 20 Clifton pnl). CO.. W alerville, Me. Climax, 1887. ni 1 .00 Phillips & Co.. 144 La Salle St.. Chicago, 111. Clinic and pure water journal, ni 1 .00 Geo. Thomas Palmer, 521 Dearborn St., Chicaj^o. 111. Clinical excerpts, 1895. m Continental color & chemical co.. 128 Duanc St., N. V. Clinical reporter. 1888, m i .00 W. \V. Gilbert. St. Lonis, Mo. Clinical review, 1892. m 2 . 50 Chicago, 111. Clinique, 1880. m 2.00 70 State St., Chica.t,'-o. 111. Clinique, m 2 . 00 llalsey bros. C(j.. LansinjH'. Mich. Clipper, upT. \v 2.00 K. 11. 'McLaughlin, Cleveland, ( ). Clipper. 1853. w 4 00 1 ranVcjueen pub. co.. 47 W. 28th st.. X. Y. Cloaks and furs, 1 872. m 2 . 00 Gallison (.*<: Ilabron co.. 13 .Astor pi., X. V. Cloche du dimanche, 1900, w • i .00 Tribune pub. c(X. Woonsocket. R. I. Clothier and furnisher, 1872. m i .00 Geo. X. Li)\\r(.'\ co.. 13 Astor pi.. X. Y. Clothier and haberdasher, m i .00 II. (ia.i;nier. Toronto, (."anatla Club and hotel quarterly, <| 2 .00 Club and hotel pub. co., Louisville. Ky. Club-fellow, I Si)S>. \v 4 . 00 Club-fellow pub. co., Tdatiron bldj^.. X. ^'. Club woman, 1 81)7, m i . 00 Club woman co.. 500 Tifth ave.. X. ^^ Coal. 1(^05, w 2.00 C. \\'. Smith CO.. Pittsbur^;. Pa. Coal and coke, s-m 2 . 00 Coal and o.ke co.. Paltimore. Md. 68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Coal trade bulletin, 1 898, s-m 2 .00 Coal trade co., Pittsburg, Pa. Coal trade journal, 1 869. \v 5 . 00 Frederick E. Saward, 41 Park Row, N. Y. Coast, 1900, m I 00 Coast pub. CO., Seattle, Wash. Coast review, 1 87 1 , m 3 . 00 Coast review co., San Francisco, Cal. Coast seamen's journal, 1887, w 2.00 Sailors' union of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal. Cockrill's magazine, 1901, m i .00 H. B. Cockrill, Louisville, Ky. Coe college cosmus, 1890, s-m dur. coll. yr i .00 Editorial board of Coe college, Cedar Rapids. la. Coe college courier, 1899, m 25 Coe college press. Cedar Rapids, la. Colby college bulletin, q Colby college, Waterville, Me. Colby echo, 1876, w dur. coll. yr 1-5^ Students of Colby university, Waterville, Me. Cold storage and ice trade journal, 1899, m 2 .00 Food trade pub. co.. Produce exchange, N. Y. Colman's rural world, 1848, w i . 00 Norman J. Colman, 211 N 7th st., St. Louis, Mo. Collector, 1905, irreg i . 00 I E. 31st St., N. Y. Collector and art critic, w 2. 00 Collector and art critic co., 489 Fifth ave.. N. Y. College forum, b -m 50 J. W. Beach. 680 Main St., Buffalo, X. Y. College independent, 1902. m dur. coll. yr 50 Students of the People's university, Olympia. W^ash. College index, 1 870, m i . 00 Students of Kalamazoo college, Kalamazoo, Mich. College mercury, 1879, ^ f^"^- coll. yr i .00 Mercury ass'n of Coll. of city of N. Y., 23d and Lexington ave., N. Y. College news, 1901, w dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass. College of physicians of Philadelphia Transactions, 1 793. a College of physicians, Phila., Pa. College olio, 1872. m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Marietta college. Marietta, O. College rambler, 1878, s-m dur. coll. yr i .00 College rambler joint stock co., Jacksonville, 111. College review, 1879, ""^ *^lur. coll. yr i .00 College review joint stock co.. Upper Alton, 111. College review, m dur. college yr 50 Students of Milton college. Milton, Wis. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 69 College signal, 1 890, f i . 00 Students of Mass. aj^ri. c(jlle^e. Amherst. Mass. College student, 1881. m dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of Lancaster and Marshall coUecce. Lancaster, Pa. College times, 1857. 3 times a yr i .CXD Students of L'pper Canada coUej^e, 'I'oronto, Canada College topics, 1881). s-w dur. coll. yr 2.00 -Vthletic ass'n of L'niversity of \'a., C"harlottesville. \'a. College world, 1885. s-ni dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of .Adrian college, .\drian. Mich. Collegian, 1 8(>3. m 50 Mark I-'enwick, St. Jolms. X. \-. Collegian, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of Cuilftjrd coll.. ( iuilford colletje. X. C. Collegian, 1 888. ( | 50 I'aculty of ( )xford college. Oxford, O. Collier's self-indexing annual, a 5 . 00 Collier \- son. 521 W. i.:;th St.. X. Y. Collier's weekly, 1 877, w 3 . 20 V. V. Collier i*v- .son, 416 W. 13th St.. X. V. Colonial dames of the state of New York. Annual register, 1893. a Mrs. Theo. W. Scarhorouoh, secy., 33 1'.. 50th St.. X. A . Colorado bar association Annual nieetin;^. i8()8. a Lucius W. llovt. Denver. Colo. Colorado college publications, 1890. every 6 w dur. coll. yr 50 ('oliirado college. Colorado Sprinsjs. Colo. Colorado college studies, 1890 Coli>rado collcije scientific society. Colorado Springs. Colo. Colorado council brand, 1901 . ni ( >. S. ( ".alLr.iith. nurans;o. Colo. Colorado medical journal, 1894. m 2.00 W'ni. X. I'coqs. Denver. Colo. Colorado medicine, i<;o5. m 2.00 Colorado state med. society. Denver. Colo. Colorado oddfellow, 1 895. s-m i . 50 I. M. Xorman. Denver. Colo. Colorado school journal, 1885. 10 nos i .00 II. M. I'.an-ett. Denver. Colo. Colorado scientific society Proceediui^s. 1883, irrci^- X'aries Denver. C'ohi. Colorado university Investiijations in the department of psychology and education, \i)02. irre.^: X'aries -Studies, i()02, irresr X'aries Boulder, Colo. Colored American magazine, \*}00, m i .50 Colored coi^perative pub. co., 5 Park sc].. l'.o>t<>n, Mass. yo GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Colored Cumberland presbyterian, 1884, \v 1 .00 j. ^i. W. Deshono-. I'ayettevillc. Tenn. Columbia, 1 872. w 2 . 00 Columbia pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Columbia jester, s-m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. Columbia law review, 1901, 8 nos 2.00 ]\Iacniillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y . Columbia monthly, 1893, m dur. coll. yr i • 50 Students of Columbia college, N. Y. Columbia river and Oregon timberman, 1899, m i .00 Geo. M. Cornwall, Portland, Ore. Columbia spectator, 1877, ^ ^ clur. coll. yr i .00 Columbia students' pub. co., ii6th st. and Amsterdam ave., N. Y. Columbia university Bulletin of information 25 Columbia university press. Columbia university publications — — — Biochemical researches, 1899, irreg., per vol 5- 00 ^Biological series, 1894, irreg Varies Contributions from the department of botany, 1886, irreg., per vol 3 ■ 00 Contributions from the department of electrical engi- neering, 1889, irreg Contributions from the department of geology, irreg. Contributions from the department of mineralogy, 1892, irreg Contributions from the Havemeyer laboratories, 1898, a Contributions from the herbarium Contributions from the observatory, 1892, irreg Contributions to philosophy, psychology and educa- tion, 1894, irreg Varies Germanic studies, 1899, irreg Varies Indo-Iranian series, 1900, irreg V^aries Memoirs of the department of botany, 1895. irreg., per vol 6 . 00 Oriental studies, 1902, irreg Varies Studies from the department of pathology, 1890, irreg., per vol ." . . . '^, . 1 . 00 Studies in comparative literature, 1899, irreg. .'. Varies Studies in classical philology, 1902, irreg Varies Studies in English, 1900, irreg Varies Studies in hist., economics and pub. law, 1891, irreg. Varies Studies on romance philology and literature, 1900, irreg Varies Columbia university, N. Y. Columbia university quarterly, 1890. q i .00 Columbia unixersit}' ])ress, N. Y. Columbiad, ni i . 00 Columbiad pub. co.. 18 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. GL'IDE TO PERIODICALS 73 Columbian, 1893. in 25 I.. X. Cusliiiiaii, jiji Congress st.. Boston. Mass. Columbian, a 1 . 50 StudcMits of Columbia university. X. Y. Columbus horticultural society Journal. 1885. (| 50 (■<".lunil)u<. ( ). ' Columbus medical journal. 187O. in i .00 (.oluinlMis incd. ])ub. C(j., Columbus. ( ). Combination street directory and map, 1906, m. per copy 10 Wluaton. Sweet i!t Co.. Providtnce. R. I. Comercio, 1875. in 3.00 J. Shepherd Clark co.. 126 Liberty St.. X. Y. Commerce of Pittsburg, 1 898. m ' . 50 Coinnieree eo., Pittsburg^. Pa. Comfort, 1888. m 15 W. II. (iannett. .\u,e:usta. Me. Commercial, 1 882. \v 2 . 00 Hugh C. MacLean co.. Winnipeg^. Manitoba Commercial, 1 884. w 2 . 00 Charles T. Dukelow. 22 Exchangee pi.. P.oston. Mass. Commercial, 1 795, 6 d 6 . 00 Coininercial newspaper co.. 8 Spruce st.. X. Y. Commercial America, 1 905. in 2 . 00 Phila. commercial nniseuin. Pliila.. Pa. Commercial and financial chronicle, 1865. w 10.00 ^^■m. p.. Dana, P. D. box 958. X. Y. Commercial and financial world, 1898. w 5 .00 Com. (S: tniancial world pub. co.. 36 Gold st.. X. Y. Commercial broker, 1 899. m 50 Thomas l^astburn. 29 S. Water St.. Phila.. Pa. Commercial bulletin, 1859. w 4 00 Curtis. Cuild & co.. 77 Kilby st.. Boston. Mass. Commercial bulletin and daily record, 1885, 6 d 10.00 Commercial bulletin co., Cleveland. O. Commercial bulletin and northwest trade, 1882. w 2.00 CiMinnercial bulletin co.. P.oston blk.. Minneapolis. Minn. Commercial education, 1904. m i .00 (^eo. Walker. Indianapolis. Tnd. Commercial enquirer, 1881. w 3 00 I lucas pub. Co.. 395 Broadway. X. Y. Commercial gazette, 1886. w i .00 T. Lovell \\'isenian. Montreal. Canada Commercial gazette, i8<;3. w i .00 Leo Pottlitzer. Lafayette. Ind. Commercial herald and market review, 1852. w 5.00 (."oin. lurald d^ market rev. pub. co.. San Francisco. Cal. Commercial lawyer, c] 3 . 00 (."oninurcial Lawy. pub. co.. Chemical bldpf.. St. Louis. Mo. Commercial list and price current, 1826, w 4.00 Commercial list pub. co.. 241 Dock St.. Phila.. Pa. 72 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Commercial news, 1899, 111 i • 50 E. J. ]\rannix, Sioux Falls, S. D. Commercial poultry, 1890, m 50 Commercial poultry co., Marseilles. 111. Commercial record, 1882, w 3-00 Record pub. co., New Haven, Conn. Commercial reporter, 1884, w i .00 Clucas pub. CO., 395 Broadway, N. Y. Commercial review, 1895, w 00 Brigo-s & CO., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial review, 1889, w 3- 00 Leo Peterson, Portland, Ore. Commercial stamp trade journal, 1892. m i .00 Commercial stamp trade journal co., 132 Market St., Chicago, 111. Commercial traveler, 1903, m i .00 Fisher & Evans, Winnipeg', Manitoba Commercial travellers' bulletin Percy Eldred Dowe, Black River. N. Y. Commercial tribune, 1883, w i .00 Commercial pub. co., Denver. Colo. Commercial vehicle, 1906, m i .00 Flatiron bldg.. N. Y. Commercial west, 1901, w 3.00 Commercial west co.. Guaranty bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Common sense, 1901 , m i . 00 Common sense pub. co., 90 Wabash ave., Chicago. 111. Commoner and glass worker, 1882, w 2.00 Commoner pub. co., Pittsburg-, Pa. Commonwealth, 1894, m i .00 Commonwealth co., 28 Lafayette pi., N. Y. Companion, 1865, m 75 Secret society pub. co.. Columbus. O. Comprehensive teachers' quarterly, q 20 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin. 111. Compressed air, 1896, m i . 00 W. L. Saunders. 26 Cortlandt st.. N. Y. Comrade, 1900, m i .00 Comrade pub. co., 11 Cooper sq., N. Y. Concerning municipal ownership, 1906. m 25 The ]\I. C). pub. bureau, 349 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Concordiensis, 1877. w dur. coll. yr 2. 00 Union college students, Schenectady. N. Y. Concrete, 1 903, m i . 00 Concrete ])ub. co.. Home bank bldg., Detroit. ]\Iich. Concrete age, m i . 00 Concrete i)ul). co.. Atlanta, Ga. Conemaugh valley monthly, 1906, m i .00 Conemaugii valley pub. co., Johnstown, Pa. Confectioner and baker, 1877, m i .00 Thompson pub. co., 85 Washington st.. Chicago, 111. GUIDE lO PERIODICALS 73 Confectioners' and bakers' gazette, 1881, ni 2.00 II. li. Willi..!). 125 Worth St., X. Y. Confectioners' journal, 1874, in 2.00 Cunfi'(.tit)iurs" journal i)ul). co.. 20() S. 6tli .•>t.. I'hila.. Pa. Confectioners' review, 1902, ni i .00 Confectioners' review pub. co.. Lincin.. O. Confederate veteran, 1893, ni 1 .00 S. .\. Cunningham, Xashville. Tenn. Conference herald, 1891 , m 25 C". I'.. Ketlew, Harrisburji;-. I'a. Confidential banker, 1905, ni 25 Charles K. Walters. Council Bluffs. Ta. Congo news letter, 1906 Ccju^o reform ass'n. 710 'Fremont teni|)le. Boston. Congregational Iowa, 1 883. m 25 la. coul;'] lionie miss, society. ( )skaloosa. la. Congregational Michigan, 1905. ci 10 Mich, home missionary societw Lansing-. Mich. Congregational news, 1887. m y^ Conj^rci^ational news co., 140 Normal st.. Chica<:j"o, ill. Congregational work, 1890. 10 nos 25 Congregational S. S. & pub. society. 4th ave. & 22d st.. X. Y. Congregationalist & Christian world, 1816. w 3.CXD Pili^rim press. 10 Beacon st.. Boston. Mass. Congress of American physicians and surgeons Transactions. 1888. tri-ennial W. H. Carmalt, secy., X'^ew Haven, Conn. Congressional record, 1873, ^o".2^ term, 6d 8.00 short term, 6 d 4.00 The L'. S. congressional record, Washington. D. C. Conjurers' monthly magazine, u>o6 Harry Houdini. X. ^'. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences Transactions. i8('/). irrcij \'aries X^ew Haven, Conn. Connecticut farmer, 1879, w 1 .00 Farmer pub. 74 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Connoisseur, i886. q Baily. Banks and Riddle, Phila., Pa. Connoisseur and society journal, 1904, w 2.00 Connoisseur press, Columbus, O. Consecrated life, 1835, m i .00 Pepper pub. & print, cc, Gainesville, Fla. Consecrated life, 1835, m i .00 The consecrated life cc, Phila.. Pa. Conservator, 1 890, m i . 00 Horace Traubel, 1624 Walnut st.. Phila., Pa. Conservatory, 1904, b-ni 50 68 W. 83d St., N. Y. Construction, 1 905, w 5 • 00 PMttsburg, Pa. Construction news, 1895, w 5 00 Construction news co.. Security bldg-.. Chicago. 111. Consumers' league of the city of New York Report, a N. Y. Consummation, 1906, m i .00 Temple court bldg., Denver, Colo. Contemporary review (Am. ed. ) , 1866, m 4 • 50 Leonard Scott pub. co.. 7 Warren ave., N. Y. Continuous scripture studies Advanced pupils' ed.. 1905, q ' Advanced teachers' ed.. 1905. q Intermediate pupils' ed., 1905, q Intermediate teachers' ed., 1905, q Junior pupils' ed., 1906, q Junior teachers' ed.. 1906, q Primary teachers' ed.. 1906, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Contractor, 1898, s-m i .00 E. H. Baumgartner. 8to Security bldg.. Chicago, 111. Contribution to Indiana palaeontology, 1898, irreg., per part. . .25 Ewing & Zeller, New Albany. Ind. Contributions to rhetorical theory, irreg A'aries Prof. F. N. Scott, Ann Arbor, Midi. Contributor, 1 872. m i . 00 Jas. H. Earle & co., 178 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Convention teacher, m 48 S. S. board of southern baptist convention. Nashville, Tenn. Converted catholic, T883, "^ i • 00 Rev. Jas. O'Connor. 142 W. 21st st.. N. Y. Conveying and transmission, 1906, m i .00 Stephens Adanison mfg. co., Aurora. 111. Cook's American traveller's gazette Thos. Cook & son, N. Y. Cooking club, 1 895. m 50 Club pub. CO., Goshen, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 75 Cooper union, i(j()5. in i .00 C"o()i)c'r iniif)!!. X. Y. Coopers' international journal, in i 00 Jas. A. (•al)lc, Kansas City. Kan. Copper Handbook, 1 900. a 5 . 00 11. j. Stevens, noui^liton. Mich. Corbett's herald, 1879. w i .00 C\irbctt"s lu-raUl cc Providence. R. T. Cordage trade journal, 1888. s-tn 2.00 130 \\'atcr St., X. Y. Cornelia, 1 879. s-m 1.25 J. L. Harr. Cleveland. O. Cornell alumni news, 1899. m dur. coll. yr 2.00 .Mninni news pub. CO.. Ithaca. X. Y. Cornell college bulletin, q Mt. Wrnon. la. Cornell countryman, 1903, in i .00 Cornell ccnintryman. Tthaca. X. Y. Cornell daily sun, 1880. 6 d dur. coll. yr 3 00 Students of Cornell university. Ithaca. X. Y. Cornell era, 1868. m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Cornell university. Ithaca. X. Y. Cornell university — Bulletin. 1888 Bulletin of science. 1874 Cornell studies in classical philology. 1887 \'aries The university. Tthaca. X. Y. Cornell university electrical society Proceedings, a rVof. Henry II. Xorris. Curnell unixersity. Ithaca. X. Y. Cornell university studies in philosophy, irreg.. per no 75 Macinillan co.. (V^ l^fth ave.. X. ^■. Cornellian, 187^. b-\v. dur. coll. yr i .25 Students iif Cornell college. Mount X'enion. la. Cornucopia. 1 885. in 50 Cornucopia pub. co.. X'orfolk. \'a. Corporation bulletin Cnited Stales corporation co.. X. ^ . Correct clothes monthly, 1906. m Alfred Benjaniin & co.. X. Y. Correct English — how to use it, in i .00 Correct Knglish pub. co.. Kvanston. 111. Correspondent. 1887. "^ 5° J. W. Ciunnels. Toledo. O. Cosmopolitan, 1886. ni i .00 International magazine co., N. Y. Costume royal, 1895. "i i-^^ Royal ])attern co.. 174 I'ifth a\e.. X. ^'. Cottager and artisan, w 30 Cp]Hr Canada tract societw Toronto. Canada. 76 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cotton, 1 899. Ill 2 . 00 Cotton pub. CO.. Atlanta, Ga. Cotton and cotton oil news, 1900, w 3 -OO Ginner & Aliller pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Cotton bale, 1903, m .50 H. R. Greer. Shreveport, La. Cotton quotation record. 1901. m 2 .00 C. Mont. Benton co.. 526 W. 28th St.. X. Y. Cotton seed oil magazine, ni i .00 Cotton seed oil mag. pub. co.. Atlanta. Ga. Councilor, 1902. m 50 V. M. Wilcox, Fredericksl)urg-. Ya. Country gentleman, 1831. w i . 50 Luther Tucker & son, Albany, N. Y. Country life in America and country calendar, 1901. m 3 .00 Doubleday. Page & co.. 133 E. i6th st.. N. Y. Country merchant, 1899, w i .00 J. P. Israel, Lincoln, Neb. Country visitor, 1902, s-m 50 Glidden & Prater. Paw Paw. Mich. Country world, 1898. ni 50 Country world pub. co., Jamestown. N. Y. Coupon and dividend register, 1904, a Moody pub. co., 35 Nassau st., N. Y. Courant, 1898, m i . 00 Courant pub. and print, co.. St. Paul. ^Nlinn. Courier, 1901. w i .00 Commercial print, and pub. co.. Newport news. \ a. Courier of medicine, 1 879. m 2 . 00 Courier of medicine co.. 318 N. Garrison ave., St. Louis. Mo. Courier de Montmagny, 1891, w 50 Alphonse Caron. ]\lontmagny. Quebec. Court index, 6 d 1 5 • 00 Vinton R. Shepard, Cincin.. O. Craftsman, 1 90 1 . m 3 • 00 Gu.stave Stickley. 29 \V. 34th st.. N. Y. Cranberry grower, 1903. m i .00 Cranberry grower pub. co.. Cranmoor. Wis. Cream of the law, 1905, q 4.00 Crawfordsville, Ind. Creamery journal, 1890. m i .00 Fred L. Kimball estate, A\"aterloo. la. Crerand's cloak journal, 1891. m i .00 Wm. \'\ Crerand & co.. /t,2 Broadway. N. ^". Cresset, m i . 00 Students of X. \'. med. coll. and hosp. for women. 19 W. 101 St., X. Y. Crimson-white, 1894. ^'^^ i • 5^ Students of Cniversitv of Alabama. I'niversitv. Ala. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 77 Criterion, 1888, 111 i .00 Criterion pub. co., 156 I-'ifth ave., X. Y. Critic, 10 nos i .00 S. C. Lewis CO., Minneapolis, Minn. Critic, 1 889, w 2 . 00 .\. D. I'assett. Toledo, O. Critic and guide, ni i . 00 Critic i^'^nide co., i 19 K. i28tli St.. \. ^^ Crockery and glass journal, 1874, w 2.00 Wliittcniore iK: |a()n co., .Minneapolis. Minn. Cumulative index-digest South 1 )akota ed.. ni Illinois ed., lu Wisconsin ed.. ni b'iskc & CO.. Spring^field. 111. Cupid, 1 885. m H. iV Welbnan. 304 W. 27th si., X. Y. Current anecdotes. 18(^4, ni Current anecdotes co., Caxton bUlo-., Cleveland. C). Current law Keefe- Davidson co., St. Paul, Minn. Current literature, 1888, ni 3 .(X) Current lit. pub. co.. 34 W. 2r.th St.. X. Y. ^8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Cycle and automobile trade journal, 1896, m 1 .00 Trade advertising and pub. co., 1213 Filbert St., Phila, Pa. Cycling, 1 890, s-ni i • 00 Miln & Bingham, Toronto, Canada. Cycling and auto-car news, ni i .00 R. H. Aliln & CO., Toronto, Canada. Cyfaill, 1837, m i .00 T. S. Griffiths, Utica, X. Y. Daheim, 1884, w i -OO Wm. F. \\'ebber, Fond du lac. Wis. Daily Bible, 1901, m 50 World's morning watch, 541 Lexington ave., X. Y. Daily mining record, 1899, d. except Sunday 5 -OO Reinert bros. pub. co., Denver, Colo. Daily racing form, 1894, d. except Monday First-class mail 17.00 Second-class mail 12.00 Frank H. Brunei!. 124 Fifth ave.. Chicago, 111. Dairy and produce review, w i . 00 Review pub. co.. San Francisco, Cal. Dairy produce, 1894. w i . 50 Louis J. Bachand-A^ertefeuille, New Era bldg.. Chicago, 111. Dairy record, 1900, w 50 Minn, state butter & cheese makers' assn.. St. Paul. Minn. Dairy report, 1891. w i.oo Elgin dairy report, Elgin, 111. Dairy world, 1 884, m i . 00 Thompson pub. co.. 85 W^ashington St.. Chicago. 111. Dakota elk, 1902, m i . 00 J. T. Cogan & J. H. Keenan, Sioux Falls. S. D. Dakota farmer, 1881, s-m 60 W. F. T. Bushnell co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dakotan, 1 898. m i . 00 South Dakotan co., Aberdeen, S. D. Dalhousie gazette, 1867. m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Dalhousie university, Halifax, X. S. Dante society report, 1882, a 75 Ginn & Co., Boston, Mass. Dartmouth, 1867, w. dur. coll. yr 2 . 50 Undergraduates of Dartmouth college, Hanover, X'. H. Dartmouth bi-monthly, 1905, b-m i .00 Alumni assn. of Dartmouth college, Hanover, X. H. Dartmouth college. Obituary record, a Dartmouth college, Hanover, X. H. Dartmouth magazine, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Dartmouth college. Hanover, X". H. Daughters of the American revolution. Lineage book, 1890. . . 1 .00 X^at. society I), of A. R., Washington, D. C. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS "9 Davenport academy of sciences Proccediiij^s. 187O, irrcj;-.. per vol 3-00 Davenport, la. Dawn of day, w 25 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto. Canada. Day's work, 1905 University bldg., N. Y. Deaconess advocate, ni 50 J. S. Meyer, 57 Washington St., Chicago, 111. Deaf mutes' journal, 1 87 1 , \v 1 . 00 E. A. Hodj;son, Dri^adway and i'^3d St.. X. \ . Deaf mutes' register, 1884, w i .00 Deaf mutes' register. Koine, X. ^'. Defender, w VVm. P. 1'. I'er^uson, X. Y. Degree of honor review, in 75 Mrs. L. K. Webster, P.eldin,ufifalo. X. Y. De Pauw palladium, 1895. f. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students" pub. co., Greencastle, Ind. De Pauw university bulletin, 1903, cj Depauw university, Greencastle, Ind. Depew's real life, 1905. s-m i .00 431 Diamond St.. Pittsburg. Pa. Deseret evening news, 1850. 6d 9.00 w 2 . 00 Deseret semi-weekly news, 1850. s-w 2.00 The Deseret news. Salt Lake city. Utah. Desert farmer, 1904. m i . 00 Desert farmer pub. co.. Provo city, Utah. Designer, 1 894, m ^o Standard fashion co.. 12 A'andam St.. X. Y. Desmos, q r . 00 Supreme chapter D. S. M. fraternity, Indianapolis. Ind. Detroit legal news, 1 894. w 4 . 00 1895, d 6.00 Detroit legal news co.. Detroit. Mich. GLIDE lO PERIUIJICALS 8l Detroit medical journal, Kpi . ili i .00 hflroil nu'dical journal co.. Detroit, Mich. Detroit museum of art. Bulletin. 1904, q Detroit niiisfuiu of art. Detroit, Mich. Detroit observatory. Transactions, 1904, irrej; Detroit ob.servatory, Ann Arbor. Midi. Deutsch amerikanische buchdrucker zeitung, \>^/i, s-u\ i .00 llii-h .Miller. Indianapoli.s liul. Deutsch amer. apotheker zeitung, uSSo. m i .00 104 John St.. X. Y. Deutsch-amerikanische geschichtsblaetter, lyoi. m 3 00 (km; Schiller bid,-;', ("hiea-o. 111. Deutsch-amerikanischer farmer, w i o, . rre.s,"^ ])ul). CO., Lincoln. Xeb. Deutsch amerikanischer jugend freund, iS«jtj. ni 5,1 I'.den pub. house. 1716 L'houteau ave. St. Louis. Mo. Deutsch amerikanische zeitschrift fur theologie und kirche, iSjc;. b-ni 1 .00 John C. Martino-. I'.erea, O. Deutsch-texanische monatshefte, 1896. m. . . ! i .50 Lafrentz cK; I'enni^er. i->edericksburg, Te.x. Deutsche eiche, 1 8i)j. m i .00 Z. Zellerniayer, 850 I'.roadway. L.rooklyn. X. ^'. Deutscher volksfreund, 187 1, \v 2.00 :\m. tract society, 150 Nassau St., X. ^^ Devotional meeting topics Roy S. Marsh, IVedonia, X. Y. Dial, 1880, s-ni 2.00 Dial CO.. Vine .\rts bld^., rhicaijo. 111. Dial. ui. dur. coll. \r 1 .00 .Students of St. Mary's college, St. ^L1ry's. Kan. Dial of progress, 1 8(;o, w 1 . 00 W . R. Cole cS: I. \. Mcl'ash. Des Moines, la. Dialect notes, i8tK>. ;t i .00 .\nier. dialect society, Xorwood, ^L'^ss. Diamond, i8()2, \v i .00 DiauKMid pub. co., r>rockton, Mass. Dickerman's U. S. treasury counterfeit detector, 1884, ni 3-00 lohn Haller, 1:; ^.roa(l\\a^. X. "S". 82 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Dickinson literary monthly, 1872. m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Belles lettres and Union philosoph. societies of Dickin- son college, Carlisle, Pa. Dickinson union, 1877, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Literary societies of Dickinson seminary, W'illiamsport, Pa. Dickinsonian, 1896, w. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Carlisle, Pa. Dietetic and hygienic gazette, 1884, m i .00 Gazette pub. co., ^^ W\ 42d st., N. Y. Diocesan magazine, in 50 St. Johns, N. F. Dirt mover, s-m i . 00 W. A. Marsh, Columbus, O. Dirva, q 2 . 00 Rev. A. M. Milukas, Shenandoah, Pa. Dispatch, 1894, w 2.00 C. W\ \Voodman, San Antonio, Tex. Diversified farmer, 1905 15 Anniston, Ala. Dixie, T885. m i .00 Southern states pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Dixie game fowl, 1894, m i . 00 T. E. Lipscomb, Columbia, Tenn. Dixie home, m 50 Rountree pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Dixie manufacturer, 1896, s-m 2 .00 Rountree pub. co., Birmingham, Ala. Dixie miller, 1 894, m i . 00 Dixie miller co., Nashville, Tenn. Dixie woodworker, 1885, m i .00 Southern states pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Dixieland, 1904, m i .00 Dixieland pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Doane owl, 1878, m i . 25 Students of Doane college, Crete, Neb. bog fancier, 1891 . m 50 Eugen Glass, Battle Creek, Mich. Dogdom, 1900, m i . 00 Dogdom pub. co., Battle Creek, Mich. Dodge county farmer, 1899. m 25 E. E. Parker, Beaver Dam, A\'is. Dolphin, 1902, m 4.00 American ecclesiastical review, 825 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Domestic engineering, 1889, w i .00 Domestic engr. co., 58 \\'. Jefferson st.. Chicago, 111. Dominant, 1893. m i . 00 Gazette pub. co., 33 W. 42d st., N. Y. Dominicana, 1 900, m 1 .00 Dominican fathers, San Francisco. Cal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 83 Dominion dental journal, 1889. m 1 .00 X(.sl)itt i»iil). CO., i'uronto. Canada Dominion medical monthly, 1893, m i .00 Xcsbiti pill). CO.. Toronto, Canada Dominion presbyterian, w i .00 C. li. Ivobiu.-^on. ()tta\va, Canada Donahoe's magazine, 1878, in 2.00 I )oiiali()c"s nia^a/inc co.. 18 i'.oylston St., Boston. Mass. Dorchester beacon, 1873. \v i .25 rhonia> Leavitt, 584 Coluinhia road, Dorchester, Mass. Dos Americas, njoi), 111 i .00 I'^dward l-'.wer. MoiUclair, X. J. Dosimetric medical review, in i .00 W. J. .Morrix.n. 43 I'.road St., X. ^■. Dover. Public library bulletin, k^oo. (| Free l'ul)lic library. Dover. X. II. Draftsman, 1902. 111 i .00 ISrownino- press, Cle\ eland, (). Drake, 1003. m dur. coll. yr 50 Drake pub. co., Des Moines, la. Drake delphic. 1884, s-ni. dur. coll. yr i .50 Delphic pub. co., Des Moines, la. Drake university bulletin, b-m I )es Moines, la. Dramatic journal, 1903, \v i .00 Dramatic journal pub. co.. St. Paul, Minn. Dramatic mirror (See Xew \'ork dramatic mirror) Dramatic news, 1 88 1 , w 4 . 00 l-'.dwin S. Uettelheim. 1441 I'.roadway. X. Y. Dramatic review, 1893, \v i .00 Review co., 48 \\'inler si.. I'oston, Mass. Dramatic review and music and drama, 1882, w 3.00 I-"arrell eX Lombard, San h'rancisco, Cal. Dramatic times, 1891. w 4.00 lulwin S. r.ettelheim. ii^y Dearborn si.. Chieas^o. 111. Drawing and manual training journal, i<>o2, 10 nos i.oo Teresa .\1. lojinson and l^li/.abetli M. Catz, Charleston. S. C. Dress, 1 906, m 5 . 00 Mce'ready-i'.eals co.. 24 h!. 2 1 st >t., X. Y. Dressmaking at home, 1905. m 50 Dressmaking- at liome pub. co.. 30^) Masonic Temijle. Chicaoo. 111. Drexel institute bulletin, 11^4. m dur. coll. yr 50 l-'aciilty of Drexel institute, IMiila., Fa. Drift of the market, 1902, ni i . 50 Mass. inib. co., Everett station. Boston, Mass. Drovers' journal, 187:;, b-w 2.00 Chica-o. 111. 84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Drovers' journal-stockman, 1886. 6 d 4.00 Journal-stockman, South Omaha, Neb. Drovers' telegram, 1882, 6 d 4.00 Drovers' telegram co., 1710 w i6th st., Kansas City, Mo. Druggists' circular, 1857, m i • 50 Wm. O. Allison, 100 Williams St., N. Y. Drugs, oils and paints, 1885, m 2.00 G. B. Heckel, the Bourse, Phila., Pa. Drury college bulletin, q Springfield, Mo. Drury mirror, 1886, s-m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Drury college, Springfield, Mo. Dry goods, iqot, m 5-00 Dry goods pub. CO., 172 5th ave., N. Y. Dry goods economist, 1846, w 5 00 Textile pub. co., 200 Greene St., X. Y. Dry goods guide, 1898, m i .00 Black pub. co., 415 Broadway. N. Y. Dry goods journal and buyers' guide Home pattern co., N. Y. Dry goods record, 1904, m i . 00 Canadian trade journals, Montreal, Canada Dry goods reporter, 1871, w 3.00 Dry goods reporter co., 233 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111. Dry goods review, 1890, m 2 .00 MacLean pub. co., Toronto, Canada Drygoodsman and general merchant, 1898, w 2.00 Tradesmen's pub. co., 112 X. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. Duch casu, 1877, w 2.00 Aug. Geringer, 150 W. 12th st., Chicago, 111. Dun's reviev^^, 1893, ^'^' ^ -^^ R. G. Dun & CO., 290 Broadw^ay, X. Y. Dutton's monthly reader's guide, 1905, m Free E. P. Dutton & CO., 31 W. 23d st., N. Y. Dyers' bulletin, 1 898, m 2 . 00 Foremen dyers' pub. co., 502 X. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Dye's government counterfeit detector, 1850, m 3-00 F. A. Lester, Corcoran bldg., Washington, D. C. Dynamo, 1889, 9 nos i . 00 Students of Mt. Union college, Alliance, Ohio. ' Dzienswiety, 1892, w i . 00 W. Smulski, 565 Xoble St., Chicago, 111. Eagle. 1 904, m i . 00 F'rank Le Roy, A^ictoria. B. C. Eagle's aerie, 1904, m i . 00 John W. Stailey, Los Angeles, Cal. Early settlers ass'n of Cuyahoga co. Annals, 1879 Cleveland, O. Earnest christian and golden rule, i860, m i 10 Rev. B. H. Roberts, Xorth Chili, X. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 85 Earnest worker, 1S71. 111 60 Committee of i)ublication, Ricliniond. \'a. Earth, 1 904. m 25 1 1 18 Railway I\\clian^e bld^.. Chicai^o. 111. East side house settlement Report. l(Si;j, ;i P'oot /()\.h St., X. Y. Eastern churchman, 1 H<)4, in 50 Drewin^toii hros., Salisbury. Md. Eastern drug market, ni Eastern drut,'" co.. I'oston. Mass. Eastern law reporter 30 .Vdelaide st., 'i'oronto, Canada Eastern poultryman, 1899. m 25 (leo. ]'. Coffin, I'reeport. Me. Eastern star. 1 888, m i . 00 Mrs. Xettie Ransford. the Windsor, Indianapolis. Ind. Eastern star signet, m i .00 6035 Jeerson ave.. Chicago. 111. Ecclesiastical art review, 1905, q Chicago. 111. Ecclesiastical review, 1 889. ni 3 . 50 Dolphin press, 1305 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa. Echo, 1 883, m 1 . 00 Echo music eo.. 358 Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. Echo, 1888. f. dur. coll. yr i xo Students of Olivet college. Olivet, Mich. Echo, 1861. m 25 I'^ive points mission. ^)3 Park st.. X. Y. Eclectic magazine, 1 844. m 3 . 00 Lixing age eo.. 13' j P)romtield St.. Boston. Mass. Eclectic medical gleaner, i88(). m i .00 Lloyd library, Cinein., O. Eclectic medical journal, 1836. m 2.00 Scudder hros., Cinein.. O. Eclectic review, in i .00 F.clectic med. c(^llege. 40 E. 41st St.. N. ^^ Economic geology, 1905, s-ci 3 00 Economic geolog\- pub. co.. Lancaster. Pa. Economist, 1 888. w 5 • 00 Economist pub. co.. 189 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. Economist, 1 897, m 2 . 00 Lconomist print. & pub. eo.. Ttironto. Canada Economista, w 10.00 L. \'. De -Vbod. Havana. Cuba Economista internacional, 1900. m 2.00 Internat. economist co., 42 Barclay St.. X. Y. Edinburgh review ( .\m. ed ). 1802. (| 4.00 Leonard Scott pub. co.. 7 ^\■an■en St.. X. ^^ Editor, 1895. m i .00 Editor \n\h. co.. 150 Xassau St.. X. Y. 86 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Editor and publisher, 1 90 1 . \v i . 00 Editor and i)ublisher co.. 17 Park Row. X. Y. Education, 1880. 10 nos 3.00 Palmer co., 50 Promfield st.. ISoston. ]\Ias.s. Education bi-monthly, 1906, b-m PTniver.sity of Chicago pres.s, Chicago, 111. Education in business, 1903. m 50 H. E. Read, Peoria, 111. Educational, 1 896, m i . 00 Zach ]McGhee, Columbia, S. C. Educational exchange, 1885, m i.oo Dewberry & sons, Birmingham, Ala. Educational foundations, 1889, m i ■ 25 A. S. Barnes & co.. X. Y. Educational gazette, 1885, 10 nos i.oo Educational gazette pub. co., Syracuse, N. Y. Educational monthly of Canada, 1879, 10 nos i .00 University co., Toronto, Can. Educational outlook, 1903, q 50 Wm. A. Wheatley, Chester, N. Y. Educational record, t88i , m i .00 Canada stamp co., Quebec, Can. Educational review, 1 887, m i . 00 George l\ Hay, St. John, N. B. Educational review, 1891, m 3.00 Educational review pub. co., Columbia university, N. Y. Educational science, 1903, 10 nos i .CK> Cincinnati university press, Cincinnati, O. Educational sun, m 75 Frank Marsh, Bellefontaine, O. Educator, 1889. 10 nos i .00 W. Hazleton Smith, 102 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. Educator-journal, 1856, m i . 00 Educator-journal co.. Commercial club bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. * Egg reporter,. 1 895, m i . 00 Fred. L. Kimball estate, Waterloo. la. Eight hour miller, 1903, m Eight hour miller pub. co., 406 Corn exchange, ^linneapolis, Minn. Electric journal, 1904, m i • 50 Electric club, Pittsburg, Pa. Electric railway directory and buyers' manual, q McGraw pub. co., N. Y. Electric railway guide and central New York red book, 1901, m Guide pub. co., Ctica. N. Y. Electric storage battery co. Bulletin, irreg Free Alleghany ave. and 19th st., Phila., Pa. Electrical age, 1 883, m 2 . 50 Louis Gassier, 3 W. 29th St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 87 Electrical era, 1 898. ni 25 A. 1\. Rivft. Clicniical h\(\^., St. Louis. Mo. Electrical record, 1 892. 111 2 . 00 I'.UNcrs" reference co., 123 Liberty st.. X. Y. Electrical review, 1882. w 3. 00 l-'lectrical review pub. co., 13 I'ark Row. X. Y. Electrical worker, ni 1 00 Iiiurnai. brotherhood of electrical workers. Lorcoran bidi;.. Washington. 1). C. Electrical worker, ni 1 .00 I r. Kelly. •;<)4 ( )live st.. St. Louis. Mo. Electrical world, 1 874. w 3 . 00 Mc W. 23rd St.. X. Y. Elk news, 1 904. ni i . 00 45 W. Congress st.. Detroit. Mich. Elks-antler, 1895.n1 i .cx) Arthur C. Moreland. i 158 Broadway. X. Y. Elks family magazine, 1903. m 1 .00 Elks family magazine pub. co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Elm Park chimes. 190(1, m i OQ ("leorge C. Peck. Elm Park. Scranton. Pa. Emanuel, 1895. w 2.00 .\. W. N'oorsanger. 50*; Montgomery St.. San I'rancisco. Cal. Embalmers' monthly, 1 89 1 . m i . 00 Trade i)eriodical co.. 248 Wabash ave.. Chicago. 111. Emerald, 1 894. w 50 M. I. Dillon. Manchester. X. H. 88 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Emerson college magazine, 1892, 7 nos i .00 Emerson college of oratory, Boston, Mass. Emerson monthly, 1904, m Free Emerson electric mfg". co., St. Louis, Mo. Emory college phoenix, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Members of college societies. Oxford. Ga. Empire builders' magazine Central agency, Los Angeles, Cal. Empire of finance and trade, 1893, w 8.00 N. Y. financial pub. co., 5 Dey St., N. Y. Empire state workman, 1897. m 50 G. M. Hansauer & son, Bufifalo, N. Y. Endeavor banner, 1891, m 5q David Allan, Montreal, Canada. Endeavorer of Alabama, 1896, m 25 E. A. Smith, Birmingham, Ala. Engineer, 1 862, s-m i . 00 Engineering pub. co., 355 Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. Engineer and builder, 1906, w 4.00 Engineer and builder pub. co., Collins-Guerry bldg., Washington, D. C. Engineering & mining journal, 1866, w 5 -OO Monthly ed., m 2.00 Engineering & mining journal. 261 Broadway, N. Y. Engineering-contracting, w Myron C. Clark pub. co., N. Y. Engineering index, 1892, m : 3 .00 John R. Dunlap, 140 Nassau st.. N. Y. Engineering journal of Canada, 1905, m i .00 Toronto, Canada. Engineering magazine, 1891, m * 3 00 John R. Dunlap, 140 Nassau st., N. Y. Engineering news, 1874. m 5 00 Engineering news pub. co., 220 Broadway St.. N. Y. Engineering record, 1877, w 3 . 00 McGraw pub. co., 114 Liberty st., N. Y. Engineering review, 1891, m i .00 Engineering review co., 1123 Broadway, N. Y. Engineering world, 1905, m i .00 Engineering world pub. co., Manhattan bldg.. Chicago, 111. Engineers' club of Philadelphia. Proceedings, 1879, Q 2.00 Engineers' club, 1 122 Girard st., Philadelphia, Pa. Engineers' list, 1889, m : 50 Engineers' list pub. co.. 8 E. 42d st., N. Y. Engineers' review, m 50 Engineers' review co., Cleveland, (_). Engineers' society of western Pa. Proceedings, 1880, m 5 00 803 Fulton bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. English gentleman William P. Ahnelt. N. Y. Gl'TDE TO PERIODICALS 89 English graduate record, 1 905 i .(K) Stiuk-nts i)f Columbia university, N. Y. English leaflet, 1906, m i .00 1570 l'"ult()ii St., I'.rooklyn. X. Y. Engraver and electrotyper, i8<;7. ni 2.00 Wni. Ilu.ulu-s, ()S54 Wcntworih avc. ChicajL,^o. 111. Enoch Pratt free library. Bulletin, iS(;5 I'.alliniore. Md. Enseignement primaire, 1879. ni i .25 C. J. Masj^uan. Ouebcc, Canada. Entomological news, i8(p. ni i .00 I'jiloniDlo^ical .section of Academy of nat. sci. of Phil.. Entomological society of Washington proceedings, 1884 \\'ashin.i;t<>n. 1). C. Ephemeris of materia medica. pharmacy, therapeutics, and col- lateral information, 1882. ire^- Free E. R. Squibb & son. 78 I^jcekman St.. X. ^'. Ep worth era, i8<^4, w i 00 Smith and Lamar. Nashville. Tenn. Epworth herald, 1885. s-m i 00 Jennings & Graham, 57 Washinfj^ton st.. Chica.^o. 111. Episcopal recorder, 1822. w 2.00 Episcopal recorder. 718 Sansom st.. riiiladeljihia. Pa. Epworth klockan, 1894, s-m 50 Swedish M. E. book concern. 152 Oak st.. Chicaj^o. 111. Erholungsstunden, 1879. w i 00 ' ierniania i:)ub. co.. I-'ifth ave. and Madison St.. Chicai^o. Til. Esculent Woods. Pollard & co.. Boston. Mass. Espejo de la moda, m Rutterick pub. co., N. Y. Essex agricultural society. Transactions, 181 8 Peabody. Mass. Essex antiquarian, 1897. q i 00 Perley ^l- Dow. Salem. Mass. Essex institute historical collections, i85(). a 2.00 r.ullelin, i8fK). (| ' I . 50 Salem. Mass. Estrella de antipolo, 1 8()8 rMiilii)pine pub. co.. Manila. P. T. Ethical addresses and ethical record, 1895, '" ^^- J"^^" "^^^ -^".s: •• • ' 00 Internal, imirnal of ethics. 141 5 Locust St.. Phila.. Pa. Etude, 1882. m.' .' 1.50 Theodore Presser. 1712 Chestnut st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Etudiante, u)03. m i 00 P. C. Timothee. San Juan. Porto Rico. Eureka college bulletin, i\ luH-eka colle-e. Eureka. 111. Evangel. i8t)i . m 1 00 E.\;in!4el pub. co.. Scranton. Pa. 90 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Evangelical, 1 888. w 2 . oo S. L. W'iest, Harrisburg, Pa. Evangelical Bible quarterly, i8<)o, q 12 S. L. ^^'iest. Harrisburg", Pa. Evangelical Bible teacher, 1890, m 50 S. L. Wiest. Harrisburg, Pa. Evangelical episcopalian, 1889, m i .00 T. S. AVeddle, 6623 Perry ave., Chicago, 111. Evangelical herald, 1895, s-ni 50 J. H. Lamb, Cleveland. O. Evangelical messenger, 1848. w 2.00 J. H. Lamb. Cleveland. O. Evangelical S. S. quarterly, 1878. q J. H. Lamb, Cleveland. O. Evangelical S. S. teacher, 1876. m SO J. H. Lamb. Cleveland, O. Evangelical visitor, 1887, s-m i .00 George Detwiler, Harrisburg. Pa. Evangeliets sendebud, 1872. w 1.25 International, pub. association, College View, Neb. Evangelisch-Lutherisches schulblatt, 1865, m i .00 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Evangelische magazine, 1867, m i . 25 J. H. Lamb, Cleveland. O. Evangelische zeitschrift, 1 888, w i • 50 S. L. ^^'iest. Harrisburg, Pa. Evangelischer missionsbote, m 25 J. H. Lamb. Cleveland. O. Evangelisk Lutersk kirketidende, 1855, w i .00 Lutheran pub. house, Decorah, la. Evangelisten, 1 890, w i . 00 Evangolisten pub. soc, 45 Warren ave., Chicago, 111. Evangeliums bote, 1887, m 50 S. R. Knechtel, Berlin, Ontario. Every other Sunday, 1885, ^ 4° Unitarian S. S. society, 25 Beacon st.. Boston, Mass. Everybody's magazine, 1903, ni i . 50 The Ridgway co.. 21 17th st., X. Y. Everyday life, m to C. S. magazine co., Buffalo. X. Y. Everyone's magazine, 1905, m i .00 ?\Iagazine pub. co.. Pine IMuff. Ark. Everything, 1902. s-m 2.00 Al Fairbrother. (ireensboro. X. C. Everywhere, 1894, m 50 Everywhere pub. co.. 1079 Bedford ave., Brooklyn, X^. Y. Everywoman, 1 905. w 1 . 00 Mary b'airbrother, 1238 Steine^- st., San Francisco, Cal. Examiner, 1890. w 2 . 00 Jas. M. Loniery, Denver, Colo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 91 Examiner, iS_\^. w 2.00 llxaniiiHT CO.. ,v^ I 'ark Row. \. Y. Excelsior. 1883. w 2.00 Excelsior ]n\h. co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Excelsior, 1871. \v 2.00 Clement Chase, Omaha, Neb. Exchange, m Standard paint co., N. Y. Expansion, 1903. ni 50 Sheldon press. lUirlini^ton, \ t. Experience, i8(>(;. ni 50 I'-xperience ])iil). co.. .^l. i.ouis. Mo. Exponent, 1 «;o4. m 1 ■ 00 Citizens industrial ass'u. Chemical bids.:;;.. St. i,ouis. Mo. Exponent, i8():;. w 50 Williaui.s. Xichols & .\eely. Sa^^inaw. Mich. Export implement age Ware bros. co.. riiiladelpliia. Pa. Exporters and importers journal, 1892. m 5 .00 Henry W. Peabody c^ co.. 17 State St.. X. Y. Expositor Expositor CO.. Newark, N. j. Expositor and current anecdotes, 1898. ni i . 50 !•. M. P.arton. Cleveland. U. Expositor of the Christ life, 1881. (| i .00 Christian association, Toronto. Canada. Express gazette, 1873. m i .00 Express i^^azette pub. co.. Cincinnati. O. Expression, q School of expression. Copley s(|.. P)Oston, Mass. Eye and eyestrain, ni I'eter Scholler. Hancock. Mich. Fabrics, fancy goods and notions, 1875. ni 2.00 II. C. Nathan co.. 407 llroadwaN . N. ^ . Fair play, 1905. 10 nos 50 ^'ankee pul). co.. 501 I'ifth a\e.. N. ^'. Fairfield county historical society Reports and i)apers. i88(). a 50 I'rid.ijeport. Conn. Fairhope courier, 1894. w i .00 I'airhoi^e sin.s^le tax corporation. I'airhope, Ala. Faith and works, 1875. ni 50 Women's Christian association, l^hila.. Pa. Faithful witness, 1 ^^j, \v i . 00 \\ illiam Henderson. Toronto. Canada. Fakers. ii;o4 1 .00 Little Silver. N. j. Fame. 1 892. m i . tK) .\rtemas Ward. Lincoln bld.u.. Union sq.. N. Y. Famiglia, 190s. ni 178 Park Row. N. Y. 92 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Familien blatter, 1 90 1 , w i . 50 John A. Henzel. Ouincy, 111. Family, 1902, m 80 Family pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Family herald and star and practical agriculturist, 1869, \v. . . . i .00 Montreal star pub. co., Montreal, Canada.' Family story paper, 1873, w 3-00 Norman L. Munro, 24 Vandewater st., N. Y. Fanciers' gazette, m 50 Fanciers' gazette co., 829 E. Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind. Fanciers' world, 1900, m 50 F. M. Simmonds, Jr., 2731 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago. 111. Fancy fowls, 1897, m 25 Fancy fowls co., Hopkinsville. Ky. Far east, 1 904, m 3 . 00 Far east pub. co., 99 Nassau st., N. Y. Far eastern review, 1904, m 25 Manila, P. I. and Shanghai, China. Farm, 1899, s-m 50 T. M. Buna & son, Jacksonville, 111. Farm and fireside, 1877, s-m 25 Crowell pub. co., Springfield. O. Farm and floral world, 1904. w i .00 Farm and floral world pub. co., ?kIobile, Ala. Farm and home, m 50 Farm home co., Springfield, 111. Farm and home, 1880 Eastern ed., s-m 50 — Western ed.. s-m 50 Phelps pub. CO., Springfield, Mass. Farm and home sentinel, 1822, s-m 50 Indianapolis sentinel co., Indianapolis, Ind. Farm and home and poultry journal, 1901, m 25 C. S. Eastwood, Heron Lake, Minn. Farm and irrigation age, m i . 00 Age pub. CO., San Francisco, Cal. Farm and poultry world, 1904, m 25 Woolstencroft & Hansell, Heron Lake, Minn. Farm and ranch, 1883. w i .00 Texas farm and ranch pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Farm and stock, 1906, m i .00 302 S /th St., St. Joseph, Mo. Farm, field and fireside, 1898, w i .00 Howard co., 500 Masonic temple, Chicago, 111. Farm folks, 1904, w 50 1. \\\ Dunn pub. co., Kansas city. Mo. Farm-garden and poultry, [901 . m 50 Farm-garden and poultry pul-). co., Hammonton, N. Y. GLIDE 10 PERIODICALS 93 Farm gazette, H)'04. in 50 I'arm t^azcttc pub. co., Dcs Moines. la. Farm implement news, 1882, \v 2.00 I'anu iiiipknicnt news co.. Masonic Icniplc. Chicajjo. 111. Farm implements, 1887. m i .00 larni ini])lenient pub. co., Minneapoli.s. Minn. Farm journal, 1877, ni 50 Wilnicr Atkinson co.. 1024 Race St.. IMiiladclphia. Pa. Farm life, lyo^ m 50 Rand MVXally & c... Cliica^o. 111. Farm loans and city bonds, in i .00 l-arni loans and city bonds co.. 153 La Salle St.. Chicafjo. 111. Farm machinery, 1 886, w 2 . 00 Midland pub. co.. 506 Olive St.. St. Louis. Mo. Farm magazine, 1904. m 50 I'arni nia. Farm news, 1882. ni 50 John X. ( larxer. .*>prinijfield. O. Farm patriot, ni 1 . 00 .\lbert Watkins. Jr.. Lincoln. Xeb. Farm poultry, 1 889. s-m 50 I'arni poultry pub. co.. 2t:,2 Summit St.. Boston. Mass. Farm progress, 1904. ni 10 (iL'o. Knapp 8c co.. Seventh and Olive sts.. St. Louis. Mo. Farm star, 1903. w 1 . 00 Indianapolis star co.. Monument pi., Indianapolis. Ind. Farm stock and home, 1884. s-m 50 I'arni stock and lionie co.. S<2J Lumber exchant^e. Minneapolis. Minn. Farm stock journal, 1859. \v i .00 Post express ])rint. co., Rochester. X. V. Farm students' review, 1896. m 40 I'niversity press. Minneapolis. Minn. Farmer. 1882. s-m 50 Webb pub. co.. St. Paul. Minn. Farmer and breeder, i89<>. w i .00 John C". Kelly. Sioux city. la. Farmer and homeseeker, 1904. ni 50 \ . P.. ( lentrw (Juincy. 111. Farmer and mechanic, 1877. \v i .00 Xews and observer pub. co.. Raleigh. X. C. Farmer and stockman, 1873. \v i .00 I'anner and stockman jnib. co.. Century bld^.. Kansas city. Mo. Farmer herold, h>04. w i .00 Farmer herold pub. co.. St. Cloud. Minn. Farmers' advocate, 1889. \v i .00 .\dvocatc pub. co.. Topeka. Kan. 94 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Farmers advocate and home magazine, 1866, w i . 50 Wni. Wild CO., Winnipeg-, Manitoba, and London, Ont. Farmers' and merchants' review, k)02, s-ni i .00 James l'\ Lavin, Dubuque, la. Farmers' and planters' guide, 1864. tn 25 Geo. O. (iover, Baltimore, Md. Farmer's call, 1880, w 50 John M. Stahl, Quincy, 111. Farmers' family journal, 1904, ni 25 Gillies pub. co., Topeka, Kan. Farmers' friend, 1901, ni 25 [''armers' friend pub. co., Allegan, Mich. Farmers' friend, 1 904, m 25 H. S. Belden Crowe, Quaker st.. N. Y. Farmers' friend and grange trade bulletin, 1874, w i .00 Thomas printing hcjuse, Mechanicsburg-, Pa. Farmer's guide, 1889, w 60 Guide pub. co., Huntington, Ind. Farmers' home journal, 1865, w i .00 Farmers' home journal co., Louisville, Ky. Farmers' institute bulletin, 1896, m 50 Monlins pub. co., Fayetteville, N. Y. Farmers' magazine, 1905, m 50 The Callahan co., 59 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Farmers' magazine, 1904, m 50 h'arniers' magazine co., Oklahoma cit}', ( )kla. Farmers' monthly, 1902, m 30 Farmers' monthly co.. Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Farmers' realm, 1 905, m 25 Joseph S. Carrick, Raltimore, Md. Farmers' record, 1904, w 75 H. Towell, Milwaukee, Wis. Farmer's review, 1 877, w i . 00 Hannibal H. Chandler & co., Chicago. 111. Farmers' sentinel, 1 837, w 52 Sentinel co., ^^lilwaukee. Wis. Farmer's tribune, 1878, \v 1 . 00 l*"armer's tribune pulx co., Sioux city, la. Farmers' tribune, 1866, w 1 .00 ^V. J. Murphy, Minneapolis, Minn. Farmers' union magazine, 1906, m t .00 Dallas, Tex. Farmers' voice and rural outlook, 1862, w .60 h'armers' voice pub. co., 45 Plymouth ])1., Chicago, 111. Farmer's wife, 1900, m 25 Curryer-Johnson corporation, St. Paul, Minn. Farming, 1906, m i . 00 Doubleday, Page & co., N. Y. Farming world and Canadian farm and home, 1883, s-m 60 Dominion Phelps, Toronto, Canada. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ^5 Fashion world, i o5. w. i .00 2^C) W . \'aii I'uren st.. (liicauo. 111. 96 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Filipino, 1906, b-iii i -00 Filipino co.. 1032 Seventeenth St.. N. W., Washington. D. C. Filson club publications, 1884, irreg-., per vol 3. 00 The Morton co.. Lonisville. Ky. Finance, 1897, m 1 . 00 Financial pub. co.. i N. 1 '.roadway, St. Louis. Mo. Finance, 1899, w 5 ■ 00 Finance pub. co.. Cleveland, C). Finance and commerce, 1892. ni 5 .00 Securities co., The Bourse. Philadelphia, Pa. Financial age, \v 5 . 00 F. Howard Hooke. 53 Park Row, N. Y. Financial and commercial review, 1905, vv 5 -OO Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, I'a. Financial brieflet, w 3 . 00 Lidell Baker. Portland. Ore. Financial bulletin, 6 d 3 • 00 Financial bulletin. 142 S. 4th st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Financial inquirer, w 2 . 00 P.. G. Smith, 115 Nassau st.. N. Y. Financial news, 6 d 6 . 00 35 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Financial news, 1 870, 6 d 8 . 00 Alex. C. Lassen, 44 Trinity pi.. N. Y. Financial record and investors' manual, 1890. w 3 .00 44 Trinity pi.. N. Y. Financial-reporter, 1895, 6 d 5 -OO Reporter pub. co.. Fitzgerald bldg.. Lidianapolis, Tnd. Financial review, 1892, s-m i . 00 Am. security & trust co.. T405 d st.. N. W.. Washington, D. C. Financial review, 1888, m 2 . 00 Credit co.. Pontiac bldg., Chicago. 111. Financial review, 1882. w 5 00 Charles G. Rives. 132 Church St.. N. Y. Financial review, a 2 . 00 Commercial and financial review, N. Y. Financial review, 1905, w 5 . 00 Wellborn print, co., 28 E. 3d St.. Cincinnati. O. Financier, 1863, w 10.00 Financier co., 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. Fine arts journal, ni 2 . 00 T. J. Campbell. Record-Herald bldg., Chicago, 111. Fire and water engineering, 1877, vv 3 .00 Shepperd & Burnham. Bennett bldg., N. Y. Fireman's herald, t88 i , w 2 . 00 C. M. Palmer, 253 Broadway, N. Y. Firemen's standard, 1879, s-m i .00 James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. GLIDK TO PERIODICALS 97 Fireproof magazine, 1902. in i .00 I'ircprodf jjub. co., L hica^o. 111. Fireside companion, 1867, w 3 00 (Jeo. Alunro's sons. 17 N'andcwater St., N. Y. Firm foundation, 1 884, w 1 . 00 l-irni fonnclation pnb. co., Anstin, 'i'cx. First aid, 1905, ni 1 .00 \in. white cross first aid society, 934 I'ine arts bldg., C'hicai,n.. 111. First studies in the Bible, 1906, q Teachers' ed 16 Scholars' ed 08 Am. bai:)tist pnb. society, 16^0 L'heslnnt >>t rhiladelphia. Pa. Fishing gazette, 1884. w 1 .00 ("i. 1^. Jennings. 203 Rroadvyay. N. N . Fisk herald, 1883. ni 50 Literary societies and clnbs of bisk uni\ersity. Nashyille. Tenn. Fitchburg historical society. Publications, 1892. irrei.;;.. per vol. 2.00 Fitchbur--. Mass. Fitchburg public library. Bulletin, 1892 Library. I'itcbnrr;;', Mass. Flaming sword, 1 S89, w i . 00 < Inidini;- star i)ul). lionse, Estero, Fla. Fletcher free library. Bulletin, 1906. irreg- P.nrlinjj^ton. Vt. Floral life, 1903, ni i .00 IHoral life j)ub. co.. 812 \\'alnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Florida agriculturist, 1872. \v 2 .00 Painter ])ul). co.. Jacksonyille. Fla. Florida Christian advocate, \v 1 . 50 J. C. Trice, Tallahassee, l-'la. Florida Christian recorder, w 1 50 IHc^rida Christian recorder pnb. co.. < )rlando. l-'la. Florida fraternal record, 1898. ni i .00 T. W. White, jacksonyille. Fla. Florida fruit grower and investor, 1904. ni i .00 -Mian R. Pari.sh. Miami, l-la. Florida medical association. Transactions I. n. I'ernaiidez. sec. Jacksonville. Vh\. Florida Pythian, 1 895. ni 50 (irand lodqe K. of P. of I'lorida. I'learwater FLarbor. I'la. Florida school exponent, i8()3. 10 nos . ki I'lorida v^Iku.] ixponent pnb. co.. ( iainesville, Fla. Florida state horticultural society. Proceedings. 1892, a ki Jacksonville. I"la. Florida strawberry journal, ni jq ("has. \'. Smith. Lakeland. Ida Florists' exchange, 1888. w i .00 I)e La More jirint. pnb. co.. J Dnane si.. X. Y. 98 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Florists' review, 1 897, w Florists' pub. co., Caxton bldg-., Chicago, 111. Flour and feed, 1900, m Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Flour trade news, hay, grain and feed, 1902, m Win. R. Gregory co.. Produce exchange, N. Y. Folke-vennen, 1879, w Folke-vennen pub. co., 332 Grand ave.. Chicago, 111. Food and drink, 1899, "^ Food and drink pub. co., 1408 Dean St., Brooklyn. X. Y Food topics, 1903, m Food topics, Milwaukee, Wis. Foolish almanack, a J. W. Luce & CO., 209 Washington st.. Boston, ^lass. Foolish book, 1902, m Arkell co., 35 W. 21st st., N. Y. For California, m Cal. promotion committee, 25 New Montgomery st.. San Francisco, Cal. Force, 1903, m Force pub. co., 312 Vine st., St. Louis, Alo. Fordham monthly, 1882, m. dur. coll. yr Students of St. John's college, N. Y. Ford's Christian repository and home circle, 1852, m S. H. Ford, 4th and Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. Fore 'n' aft, 1905, m 524 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Foreign banker's almanac Franklin Dickey, N. Y. Foreign buyer^ four editions each m Foreign buyer pub. co., 130 Pearl st., N. Y. Foreign mission journal, 1846, m Foreign mission bd. of southern baptist convention. RichmouG, Va. Foreign missionary tidings, m Toronto, Canada. Forest and stream, 1871 , w Forest and stream pub. co., 346 Broadw^ay, N. Y. Forest echoes, 1 898, m John W. Haigh, Seattle, Wash. Forest leaves, 1886, b-m Penn. forestry association, 1012 AVahnit st. Philadelphia, Pa. Forester, 1880, m Hunter, Rose & co., Toronto, Canada. Forester gazette, m Forester gazette co., 5019 Calumet ave., Chicago, 111. Foresters' magazine, 1891, m Roht. A. Sil)l)ald. Park Ridge. N. I. 1 .00 1 .00 2.00 2.00 2.00 •35 •15 4.00 •50 1 .00 1. 00 •50 •50 I J I GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 99 Foresters' Review, 1901,111 50 Foresters' review pub. co.. 331 Adams St., Brooklyn, X. Y. Forestry and irrigation, 1895 i .00 131 1 G St. X. W., Washington, D. C. Forestry quarterly, 1903, q 2 .00 Ithaca, X. Y. Fortnightly review (Am. ed. ), 1865, f 4-50 Leonard Scott ])ub. co.. 7 Warren St., X. Y. Fort Wayne medical journal-magazine, iH(;2. m i .00 Journal magazine co., I'ort \\ ayne. Ind. Forum, 1 886, q 2 . 00 Forum pub. co.. 45 F. 42d St., X. Y. Forum, 1904. \v i . 00 Forum printing co., Austin, Tex. Fosterlandet, 1884, \v i .00 J. E. Xorling, 59 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Forward, 1882, \v 75 Presbyterian bd. of publication, 13 19 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Foundry, 1892. ni i .00 Penton pub. co., Cleveland, O. 400, 1893, '" I 00 H. R. Persinger and E. C. Sullivan, 130 Sherman St.. Chicago, 111. 400 magazine, 1904, m i .00 S. W. Merrill., 9 Murray St.. X. Y. Fourth estate, 1 894. w 2 . 00 Frnot I". Piirmingliani, ii> Park Row, X. "S". Franklin and Marshall college. Obituary record. 1807. a 10 Lancaster. Pa. Franklin institute. Journal. 1826. m 5.00 Franklin institute. 15 S. 7th st.. Philadelphia, Pa. Fraternal index, 1 888, m 50 Order of star of Bethlehem. 39 W. Elizabeth st., Detroit. Mich. Fraternal journal, 1904, ni i .00 R. I'.. Wilson, Paxton block, (^maha. Xeb. Fraternal ledger, w i .00 I\c\ . K. I'.. r.ro(^ks. Jacksonville, I'la. Fraternal medical examiner, 1901 Ira W. Porter, Omaha. Xel). Fraternal monitor, 1890. m ;o Fraternal monitor co., Rochester, X. Y. Fraternal news. i8c)o, m . -o I-'raternal news pub. co.. Hartford. Conn. Fraternal news, 1904. w 1 -q L. Anloff, Portland. Ore. Fraternal sif tings, 1904. m i .00 S. H. Loeb. Denver, Colo. lOo GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Fraternal traveler, 1900. m 50 Fraternal pub. co., 447 S. Main. Los Angeles, Cal. Fraternities review, 1893, m i . 00 Pythian period, co., Nashville, Tenn. Fraternity, 1905. m i .00 H. A. Kibbe, 149 Church St., N. Y. Free baptist visitor, 1902, m 50 J. E. T. Clark, Coalgate, Incl. Ter. Free citizen, 1900, w i . 00 X'nion printing co., Danville, 111. Free lance, 1887, m diir. coll. yr Students Penn. state college. State college. Pa. Free light, 1904, m Free 32S AX'arren ave., Chicago, 111. Free mason, 1881 , m 50 Cowan & Co., Toronto, Canada Free mason and western mason, 1896, m i .00 Henry J. Lloyd. Stowell block. Los Angeles, Cal. Free methodist, 1868, w i . 50 S. K. J. Chesbro, 14 X. ^lay st., Chicago, 111. Free press, w i . 00 E. L. A\'eber, Louisville, Ky. Free trade broadside, 1905, q 25 Am. free trade league, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Free trader bulletin, 1902 Am. free trade league, 6 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Freeman's journal and catholic register, 1839, w 2.50 P^reeman's journal. 46 Park place. N. Y. Freewill baptist, 1881 , w i . 00 Freewill baptist pub. co.. Ayden. X. C. Freight, 1903, m 5 .00 Freight pub. co., 116 Xassau st.. X. Y. Freischiitz, 1866, w 2 . 50 AW A^. Weber, 130 E. Houston st., X^ Y. Friedenstaube, 1886. m 50 Rev. Philipp A'ollmer, 1315 S. Cleveland ave., Phila.. Pa. Freyja, 1898, m i . 00 Mrs. M. J. Benedictsson, Winnipeg, Manitoba James M. Gould, Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Friend, 1842, m i . 50 Hawaiian evangelical ass'n, Honolulu, Hawaii Friend, 1 827, w 2 . 00 Edwin P. Sellew. 207 Walnut place. Phila.. Pa. Friendly visitor, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Friends' Bible school quarterly, 1883, q 2 .00 I^ub. ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Friends' intelligencer, 1844. w 2 .00 Friends' intelligencer ass'n, 15th and Cherry st., Phila., Pa. Friends' missionary advocate, 1885, m 50 Mrs. Eliza C. Armstrong, Plainfield, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS loi Friendship banner, n^o^ w i .00 Rev. -M. P. Hall,' Rock Hill. S. C. Froliche botschafter, 1 S46, w 1.35 Rev. W. R. Prank, Dayton, O. Fruit growers' association of Ontario Report, i.Sfx;. a Toronto, Canada Fruit growers' journal, 188^. ni 50 A. M. Dui'.oi.s Cobdeii. Cliica.o.). 111. Fruit produce news, w i .cxd P. .*<: 1). pub. CO.. 8 Jay St.. X. Y. Fruit trade journal and produce record, 1888. w . 3.00 l'"ruit trade jounial co.. 76 I'ark pi.. X. ^'. Fruitman and garden guest, m 50 M. I-',. Ilinkley. Mount X'ernon. la. Fruitman's guide, i8()0. w 3 00 James C. Harvey. 8 joy st.. X. ^'. Fiihrer, 1872. w '. 2 . 30 Machauer & Sclinietterliiiii. 344 l'>o\very. X. Y. Fuel, H)02. w 3.00 Fuel pub. CO.. 2(;3 Dearborn St.. Chica.y:o. 111. Funeral director and bulletin, up^. ni 7^ I'. W. Wallace. Sussex. X. B. Fur, fin, and feather, 1 8f )8. Ivni 50 C'liarles .Snydani. 1 14 Warren St.. X. ^^ Fur trade review, 187 ^. m 2 .00 I-. StallkneclU. 32 Waveiiey pi.. X. Y. Furniture and upholstery journal and undertakers' gazette, i8(;4. Ill 1 .00 James Acton pub. co.. Toronto. Canada Furniture index, Kpo. m 50 I'urniture index co.. Jamestown. X. Y. Furniture industry, kjoi . m 1 .00 I'urnilure industry pub. co.. Evansville. Ind. Furniture journal, 1888. s-m 2.00 IVade periodical co.. 353 Dearborn St.. Chicasjo. 111. Furniture news, 1 88(). m i . (X) I'"urniture ij^azette pub. co.. lUirlin^ton bldq;.. St. Louis. Mo. Furniture record, i()oo. m i .00 Ciraiul Ra])ids furniture record co.. (irand Rapids. Mich. Furniture trade review and interior decorator, 1880. m i .00 Review pub. co.. 31 Cnioii sc].. X. ^'. Furniture worker. 1883. s-m 2.00 I'uniiture worker jiub. co.. tincin.. ( ). Furniture world, w 2 . 00 Towse pub. CO.. 150 I'iftli .\\e.. X. ^'. Gaceta agricola, H)04. m 40 Havana. Cuba Gaelic American, w 2 00 Ciaelic .\merican pub. co.. 12 Dutch St.. X. Y. I02 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gage, 1901, q to customers only Free Gage brotliers & co., Chicago. 111. Gaillard's southern medicine, i866, ni 2.00 Gaillard's southern medicine. Savannah, Ga. Game bird, 1 892. m 25 Alex. ^^' .Cummings, Derby, Ind. Game fanciers' journal, 1879, "^ 5^ Geo. S. Barnes, Battle Creek, Mich. Game fowl monthly, 1885, m i .00 C. L. Francisco, Sayre, Pa. Garden magazine, 1904. m i . 00 Doubleday, Page & co.," 133 E. i6th st., N. Y. Gardeners' chronicle of America, 1905. m 50 Jersey City. N. J. Gardeners' directory, a 500 Am. florist co.. 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Gardening, 1892. s-m 2 .00 Gardening co., Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. Gardiner's magazine, 1901 , m , , i . 00 Gardiner's pub. co., 320 Broadway, N. Y. Garment buyer and manufacturer, m 2 . 00 Garment trade pub. co., 200 Greene St., N. Y. Garment dyers' guide, 1901, m i .00 L. M. Carriat, 502 N. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Gas engine, 1898, m i .00 Gas engine pub. co., Cincin., O. Gas logic, 1906. m Robert E. Livingston, N. Y. Gas power, 1904 • St. Joseph, Mich. Gateway, 1903, m 50 128 Shelby St., Detroit. Mich. Gathered sheaves, 1905, m i .00 Guthrie, Okla. ^ Gazeta katolicka, 1871, w 2.00 J. F. Smulski, 565 Noble st., Chicago, 111. Gazeta Wisconsinska, 1892, w i .00 M. Kruszka, Milwaukee, Wis. Gazette, 1 896, w i . 00 Walter S. Bush, Peoria, 111. Gazette and guide, '1902, m i .00 Monthlv gazette and guide mag. co., 133X Swan st., Buffalo, N. Y. Gazette des campagnes, 1861, w i .00 Hector A. Proulx, Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere. Quebec. Gefliigel-ziichter, 1 888, m 7. 50 Getliigel-zuchter pub. co., Hamburg, Wis. Gegenwart, ] 888, m i . 50 Th. G. Stcinke, 336 N. Ashland ave., Chicago, 111. Gem state rural, 1895. w i .00 Gem state rural pub. co., Caldwell, Idaho GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 103 Genealogical magazine, 1890. q 3. 00 Rotarcli jnib. co., I Somerset St., Boston. Mass. Genealogical society of Penn. rublications. 1895. irreg 2. 00 1300 Locust St., Phila., Pa. General baptist, 1903. \v i 00 (icneral baptist jjrint. co.. Everton. Mo. General electric co. Bulletin, irreg Free General electric co.. Schenectady. N. V. General manager, 1888. ni i 00 Lanward pub. co., 315 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. General society of mechanics and tradesmen of the city of N. Y. Reports. 1 j^-,. a The st)cicty. Mechanics institute, X. Y. Geneva cabinet, 1878. ni. dur. coll. yr i .00 Geneva cabinet joint stock co.. Beaver Falls, Pa. Gentlewoman, 1887, m 12 Tlie gentlewoman, 22 X. A\'illiam St.. X. Y. Geographic society of Chicago Bulletin, 1899, irrt-.G: Varies Rand Macnally & co". Chicago. 111. Geographical society of Philadelphia Bulletin. 189s. q 2. so Phila.. Pa. Geographical society of the Pacific l^>ullotin. a 50 San l-'ranoisco, Cal. Geological society of America Bulletin. 1889. irreg 5.00 Rochester, X. Y. Georges creek press, 1 8f;8. w i . 00 C. T. Clayton, Lanaconing. Md. Georgetown college journal, 1872. m dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of ("leorgetown university. Wash.. D. C. Georgetown university publications, 1904. q Free \\ ashington. 1 ). C. George Washington university lUilletins. 1902, q Washington. D. C. Georgia baptist, 1 880. w 1 . 50 ("leorgia baptist print, co.. Augusta. Ga. Georgia bar association Reports. 1885. a Cartcrsvillc, Ga. Georgia eclectic medical journal, 1879, "^ ^ 00 Atlanta. Ga. Georgia geological survey r.ulletin. i8v4 .Atlanta, Ga. I04 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Georgia historical society Collections, 1840, irreg Savannah. Ga. Georgia medical association Transactions, 1849 L. H. Jones, sec, Atlanta, Ga. Georgia planter, 1895, m 50 Planter pub. co., Macon, Ga. Georgia practician, 1905, m 2 .00 J. S. Hawkins, Savannah, Ga. Georgia state horticultural society Publications, 1876, a Rome, Ga. Georgia tech, 1894, s-ni dur. coll. yr 75 Blosser print, co., Atlanta, Ga. German-American annals, 1897, m 3 -OO German-American historical society, Phila., Pa. Gettysburgian, 1897, w dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Gettysburg- college, Gettysburg. Pa. Geyer's stationer, 1877, w 2 . 00 Andrew Geyer, 318 Broadway, N. Y. Gibson's directory Jos. W. Gibson, N. Y. Gids, 1 894, m 25 John Smith, De Pere, Wis. Ginner and Miller, 1900, m i .00 Ginner and Aliller pub. co., Memphis, Tenn. Girls' companion, 1902, w 50 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Girls' friendly kalendar, a 50 Thomas Whittaker. Bible House, N. Y. Glass & pottery world, 1 893, m i .00 Porter, Taylor & co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Gleaner, m 25 G. H. Slocum, Caro, Mich. Gleaner, 1903, m 50 Gleaner pub. co., Toledo, O. Gleanings, 1893, m 50 Hopkins & Billings, North Manchester, Ind. Gleanings in bee culture, 1873, s-m i .00 A. I. Root CO., Median, O. Globe quarterly review, 1889, q 2 .00 Wm. H. Thorne, 1727 Aberdeen st.. Phila., Pa. Glocke, 1 882. w 2 . 00 Wm. Kuhlmann, Lemcke bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Glovers' journal, 1881, m i 00 O. H. Bame & Co., Gloversville, N. Y. Glovers' review, 1901, m i .00 T. J. Ouaile, Gloversville, N. Y. Golden age, 1906, m i 00 48 W. 27th St., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 105 Golden cross journal, 1886. m 5" l-".(l\\. Ilartshoni. 71 I'.lackstone St.. Boston. Mass. Golden days for boys and girls, 1880. w 3 00 janics I'Jvcrson, i;tli ami Spruce St.. riiila., I'a. Golden eagle, 1903. m .50 |. Monroe I)Oycr. 4075 Ilaxcrford avc. I'liila.. I'a. Golden elk, 1904. ni i 00 James H. (iriffes. Los .Ant^clcs. C'al. Golden hours, 1 888. m 25 Xorman L. Munro, 24 X'andewater st.. X. ^'. Golden moments, ni 10 Lane's list. Augusta. Me. Goldsmith and silversmith, m 2.00 Xew Haven, Conn. Golf. 1 894. m 2 .00 .\. L. ['ottow. 213 E. 24th St.. X. V. Golfers' magazine, 1902. m i .00 Crafts W. Higgins. Monadnock l)l(lg.. Chicago. 111. Good business, 1905. m William H. Hoskins co.. 904 Chestnut st.. Phila.. Pa. Good cheer calendar, a 60 IMlgrim ])ress. 14 Beacon St.. Boston, Mass. Good government, 1882. m i .00 Xal'l civil service reform league, ji) Wall st.. X'. V. Good health, \S()6 i.oo Cood health pub. co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Good health clinic, 1898, m 50 I-'.. R. Keeler. Syracuse. X. Y. Good housekeeping, 1885. m i .00 Lhel])s pub. co.. Springfield. Mass. Good literature. 1 892. m 35 1\ M. Lupton. 23 City Hall place. N. Y. Good reading, m 25 A. I). Porter co.. ^2 Dnane st.. N. Y. Good reading, 1905. m 25 Monongahela. Pa. Good roads, i()o6, m M. llogan. Cirand Rapids. Mich. Good roads magazine. 1882. ni i .00 !•",. L. Powers co.. 150 Nassau st.. X. Y. Good stories, m 15 X'ickery ^: 11 ill jnib. co.. .\ugusta. Me. Good work. 1 8(^4, m 2^ .\m. baptist pub. society. K^^o Ihestnut St.. Phila.. Pa. Goodall's farmers and drovers journal. 1873, \v 50 E. !•'. (iooilall. Cnion >U)ck yards. Chicago. 111. Goodsell observatory. Publications, i8<>o Carleton college. Northfield. Minn. Gospel advocate. i8r/). w i . 50 McQuiddy print, co.. Xashville. Tenn. io6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gospel advanced quarterly, q 50 McQuiddy print, co., Nashville, Tenn. Gospel banner, 1878, \v i . 25 H. S. Hallman, Berlin, Ontario Gospel intermediate quarterly, q 25 McQuiddy print, co.. Nashville. Tenn. Gospel light, 1902, w i . 00 H. A. Todd. Rushville. Ind. Gospel messenger, 1883, w i . 50 Brethren pub. co., Elgin, 111. Gospel messenger, 1876, m 50 Syracuse, N. Y. Gospel messenger, 1878, m i .00 S. Plassell. AVilliamston. N. C. Gospel news, 1897. m i . 25 J. ^I. Perkins. May field, Ky. Gospel trumpet, w i . 00 Gospel trumpet co., Moundsville, West Va. Gospel worker, 1903, w i . 00 Harris print, co., Richmond, Va. Gourick's Washington digest, b-m D. A. Gourick, AVashington, D. C. Government publications, 1900, m 50 Mary C. Greathouse. 510 Twelfth st. N. W., Wash., D. C. Grail, 1905, m i . 00 2034 Seventh ave., N. Y. Grain dealers' journal, 1898, s-m i .00 Grain dealers' co., 255 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Grain man's guide, 1905, m i .00 Grain man's guide co., Decatur, 111. Gran logia, f 2 . 50 Aurelio Miranda, Havana, Cuba. Grain quotation record, 1902, m 2 .00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 W. 28th St., N. Y. Grand army advocate and W. R. C. magazine, 1882, s-m i .00 J. F. Bishop, Des Moines, la. Graduate magazine of the Univ. of Kansas, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr. i .00 Alumni ass'n of U. of K., Lawrence. Kan. Grand Rapids furniture record, m i .00 Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids public library Bulletin, 1905, m 25 Grand union herald Grand union tea co., Brooklyn N. Y. Granite, 1 891 , m i . 00 A. M. Hunt & CO., 131 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Granite cutters' journal, 1877, m i .00 Granite cutters' national tinion. Wash., D. C. Granite state magazine, 1906. m i . 50 Granite state pub. co., Manchester, N. H. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 107 Grant Parish's referee, 1888, ni SO Cirant Parish. Station I'.. Wash.. D. C. Grape Belt and Chautauqua farmer, 1892, s-w i .00 Dunkirk print, en.. Dunkirk, X. Y. Graphic arts and crafts. Year book, 1(^6. a 5 00 Hamilton. O. Graphite, ni Free Joseph Dixon crucible co.. Jersey C ity, X. J. Gray goose, 1896, ni 50 James Knapp Reeve. Deposit. N. Y. Great southwest magazine, 1906, ni 50 Xew soutluvest pub. co., Denver. Colo. Great west C. C. Tennant Clary, ( )maha, Xeb. Greater light, m I'dward liiddle Latch, Marion. Pa. Green bag, 1 889, m 4 . 00 P)OSton book co., 83 I'ranccs St.. I^>nway. Boston, Mass. Green's fruit grower and home companion, 1881. m 50 Chas. A. Green. Rochester. X. Y. Gregg writer, m 50 Cretjp: P"b. CO., Chicaj^o, 111. Grinnell review, 1905, m i .00 Grinnell, la. Grit and steel, 1899, m 50 Ed. IT. De Camp, Gaffney. S. C. Grocer and country merchant and tobacconist, 1874. w 2.50 j. J. Menzies. lOi; California ave.. San Francisco, Cal. Grocers' criterion, 1 873, w 5 . 00 Grocers' criterion co.. 358 Dearborn St., Chicag^o. 111. Grocer's journal, 1879. f 2.00 ("lucas ])ub. CO., 395 liroadway, X. ^'. Grocer's magazine, m i .00 ( Irocer's magazine co., 11 India place. l'ost«~>n. Mass. Grocers' monthly review, m i .00 « Irocers" review pub. co., 46 X. Moore st.. X. \'. Grocers' review, m 50 Retail f^^rocers' association. 202 S. i^th st.. Phila.. Pa. Grocery world, 1 887. m 2 . 00 ( Irocery worlil pub. co., 927 .\rch st.. I'hila., Pa. Guaranteed attorney's quarterly, q John R. Bland, Catonsville, Md. Guardian, 1 902. m 50 lloni^^sche & Co.. Baltimore. Md. Guardian angel, 1 867, \v i . 00 Daniel F. Gillin. 6424 Woodland a\e.. Phila.. Pa. Guidon, i S98. m i . 00 Guidon pub. co.. Manchester, X. II. Gulf coast line magazine, k)05 Corpus Christi. Tex. io8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Gulf coast record, w 4.00 W. J. Kildufif. Mobile. Ala. Gulf states poultry journal, 1905, in 50 Gulf states poultry journal pub. co., Mobile, Ala. Gunnels' monthly, 1887, m 50 J. \\'. (Junnels, Toledo, O. Gunter's magazine, 1905, m i .00 Home pub. co., 3 E. 14th St., N. Y. Habana medica, m 3 • 00 Ymprenta niilitar, Havana, Cuba Haberdasher, 1 88 1 , m 3 . 00 Haberdasher co., 19 Union sq. W, N. Y. Haberdasher's correct dress chart Haberdasher Co., N. Y. Hacienda, 1905, m 2 . 50 La Hacienda Co., box 974, Buffalo, X. Y. Hahneman medical college and hospital. Bulletin, 1904, q. . . . John R. Bland. Catonsville, :\Id. Hahneman medical college and hospital bulletin, 1904, q Phila.. Pa. Hahnemannian advocate, 1873, m 2 . 50 Hahnemaimian pub. co., 6704 Lafayette ave., Chicago, 111. Hahnemannian monthly, 1 865, m 3 • 00 The Hahnemannian monthly, 1437 Spruce St.. Phila.. Pa. Hamilton life, 1898. w dur. coll. yr i . 75 Students of Hamilton college. Clinton, N. Y. Hamilton literary magazine, 1866. m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Hamilton college. Clinton. N. Y. Hamiltonian, 1900, m i . 00 Hamilton club, Chicago, 111. Hammond herald, 1905. m 50 N. Y. Handbook for mining investors, m Reinert pub. co.. Denver. Colo. Handels-zeitung, 1 85 1 , w 10.00 Meyer Auerbach, 13 Cedar st., N. Y. Handy mailing list Railway equipment and pub. co., N. Y. Hansdoktor, 1890, m i .00 104 John St., N. Y. Hapgoods opportunities, 1093, m 5 .00 Hapgoods, N. Y. Happy days, 1894, w 2 . 50 Frank Tousey, 24 L^nion sq.. N. Y. Happy hours, m 15 Vickery & Hill list. Augusta. Me. Happy home, 1903, m 50 Dubuque archdiocesan total abstinence union, Dubuque, la. Harbinger, 1902, w i .00 Raleigh. X. C. CA'\\)E TO PERIODICALS 109 Hardware, 1 (S(;o. s-m i . 00 llardwart' pub. co., t^cx) Uroadway, X. Y. Hardware and metal & Canadian machinist, i88(;, w 2.00 MacLcaii puh. en., 'roruiito. Canada Hardware dealers' magazine, 1893, m 1 .00 Daniel T. MalKll. J53 liroadway, X. \. Hardware monthly of Canada, 1904. \v i .00 Canadian trade jonrnals, Montreal. Canada Hardware record, 1S95. s-in i .00 C. \'. Kimball. 134 .\b)nr()f si.. Chicaj^o, Til. Hardware trade, 1 890. f 1 . 00 Commercial bnllctin co.. Uoston block. Minneapolis. Minn. Hardwood record, 181J5. s-m 1 .00 C. \'. Kind-jall. 134 .Monrcje st., Chicaj^o, 111. Hardy messenger, \<)o('>. irrc"- I'. A. Hardy co.. 131 Wabash ave., Chicatro. Harlequin, 1 899. w 2 . 00 I. M. Levefjuc. Xew ( )rleans. La. Harmsworth self-educator magazine, i90(>. f 3 00 International i)ublications. limited. Toronto. C"anada Harness, 1 887. m i . 00 Trade news pub. co., 24 Murray st.. X". ^'. Harness gazette, i i^S2. m i . 00 llarness ti^azette co.. Rome. X. Y. Harness herald, 1 904. m i . 00 Jackson ])ub. co.. 709 Pine st.. St. Louis. Mo. Harness world, 1S8S. m 1 .00 llarness world co.. C'incin.. ( ). Harper hospital bulletin, b-m 1 .00 !)rs. liickey and Walker. ^2 .\dams ave., Detroit. Mich. Harper's bazar, 1868. m i .00 Monthly ma.u:a/ine. 1850. m 4.00 Weekly, 1856, w 4 .00 Harper d- bros.. IVanklin S(|.. X. \'. Harrison Fisher Calendar, a 3 .00 .'^cribner ^X sons. X. \'. Hartford monthly, i<;(y». m i .00 Hartford montbly i)ub. co.. Hartforfl, ("onn. Hartford public library. Bulletin, 1S7S Hartford. Conn. Hartford seminary record, 1890. c| 1 .00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford. Conn. Hartwick seminary monthly and eastern Lutheran, 1 880. m . . . 50 Rev. James Titclier. Hartwick ^eminary. X. ^'. Harvard advocate, wS^Y). f dur. coll. yr 2.50 ."^tudents of Harvard university, Cambridq^e. Mass. Harvard bulletin, 1898. w dur. coll. yr i .00 Atbletic ass'n of Harvard ij^raduatcs, Cambridge. Mass. Harvard crimson, 1882. 6 d dur. coll. yr 3- 00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridq^e, Mass. Harvard economic studies, u^oTi. irrejLj Harvard nni\ersity. 2 Cnixersitv hall. Cambridj^e, aMss. no GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Harvard graduates' magazine, 1892. q 2.00 Harvard graduates' mag-, ass'n, Exchange bldg., Boston, Mass. Harvard historical studies, 1896, irreg Harvard university, 2 University hall. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard illustrated magazine, 1899, m dur. coll. yr 2.00 Undergraduates of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard lampoon, 1876, f dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Harvard university. Cambridge, ^lass. Harvard law review, 1887, 8 nos 2 . 50 Harvard law review pub. co., Cambridge, ^lass. Harvard medical alumni ass'n. Bulletin, 1891 Boston, Mass. Harvard monthly, 1885. 10 nos 2.00 Students of Harvard university, Cambridge, Mass. Harvard oriental series, irreg Varies Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cambridge, ]\Iass. Harvard studies in classical philology, irreg Varies Harvard university, 2 University hall. Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge, ^Nlass. Harvard university Contributions from the cryptogramic laboratory, irreg. Contributions from the Gray herbarium, irreg Contributions from Jefiferson physical laboratory. tory, 1903, a Studies and notes in philology and literature, 1892, irreg, a Harvard university, 2 University hall, Cand3ridge. Mass. Harvard university. Astronomical observatory Annals, 1852, irreg Report of director, a ~ — - Report of H. Draper memorial, a Harvard university. Library Bibliographical contributions, 1878, irreg Varies Cambridge, ]Mass. Harvard university. Museum of comparative zoology Bulletin, 1863, irreg Varies ^Memoirs, 1865, irreg Varies Harvard university official register, 1905, s-m Hat review, 1873, m i . 00 F. Stallknecht, t,2 Waverley place, X. 'S*. Hatman, m Crofut & Knapp co., N. Y. Haverford college bulletin, 1902, q • i .00 Haverford college, Haverford, Pa. Haverfordian, T879. 9 nos i .00 Students of Haverford college. Ha\erford, Pa. Haus und bauernfreund, 1873, w i .00 Germania i)ub. co.. Milwaukee, ^^'is. Haus und herd, 1872, ni t . 50 Jennings and Graham, Cincin., O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 1 1 Hawaiian almanac and annual, 1875. a 75 Thos. O. Thrum. Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian forester and agriculturist, 1904. ni i .00 Hawaiian <;azcttc co., Honolulu. Hawaii. Hawaiian historical society Rcj)orts, 1892. a 25 Papers, 1892, s-a 25 Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian planters' monthly, 1 882, ni 2 . 50 Hawaiian <;a/Atti' ro., Honolulu. Hawaii. Hawaii's young people, 10 nos Dc-pt. of |)ul). instruction, Lahaina. Hawaii. Hay and grain reporter, u i .00 Hay and i;rain reporter co.. Rialt(j bld^.. Cliicaf!:o, 111. Hay trade journal, 1 892, w i . 00 Hay trade journal pub. co., Canajoharie, X. Y. Hayes' bulletin, 1906 P. Harold I layes, Buffalo, X. Y. Hay worth's aphorisms, 1906, m 50 512 Ki^hth St.. X. W.. Washin.e^ton. D. C. Hazell's annual, a i 50 Scribner's sons, X. Y. Health, 1850, ni i .00 Health pub. co., 1562 Broadway, X. Y. Health and recreation, 1904, ni i .00 1947 1*> road way, X. Y. Health-culture, 1894, ni i .00 Health culture co.. 151 W. 27,(\ st.. X. "S". Healthy home, 1 800, m ;o W. II. P.rock & CO.. Athol. Mass. Hearth and home, ni 15 \ickery & Hill list. Au^^usta. Me. Hearthstone, ni 2^ A. I). Porter co., 52 Duane St.. X. Y. Hebrew, 1863, w 5.00 Pliilo Jacoby, 612 Commercial st., San l-"rancisco, Cal. Hebrew leader, 1 848, w 2 . 00 Hebrew leader ass'n, 23 Duane st.. X. ^'. Hebrew standard, i SK2. w 2 . 00 Win. J. .S..l.)uion. Sj Xassau st.. X. Y. Heidelberg home department quarterly, 1900. q 16 S. S. bd. of reformed church, i ^08 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Heidelberg teacher, 1873, '" 60 S. S. bd. of reformed church. 1308 .\rch St.. riiiladelphia. Pa. Helena public library. Bulletin, s-a Free Helena, !Mont. Hello Bill! i89(,. m i.oo Tohn C. W'eckert. Richmond, \'a. 112 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Helper, 1905, ni i .00 Sunday conipaiiioii i)ub. co.. 10 Barclay st.. N. Y. Helping hand, 1 902, in 2 . 00 A. J. Stover, p. o. box 667, Cliica.^u, 111. Helping hand, 1 843, ni 25 Women's baptist foreign miss, society. I*'ord bids;-.. Boston, Mass. Henry Phipps institute for the study, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis Report. 1 904, a Henry Phipps institute, Phila . I'a. Herald, 1888, ni 50 Bucher & Reed, Oelwein, la. Herald, 1903, w i . 00 Geo. A. Jones, Monaca, Pa. Herald and presbyter, 1839, w 2 . 50 Monfort & co., Cincinnati, O. Herald of gospel liberty, 1805. w i . 50 Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. Herald of life, 1863, w 2 . 00 Life and advent union, Springfield, Mass. Herald of salvation, m 25 E. & A. Mahew, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Herald of truth, 1864, w i . 00 Alennonite pub. co., Elkhart, Ind. Hermandad, 1 889, m 50 Alex. M. & Annie G. Darley, Pueblo, Colo. Hermanns-sohn, 1903, s-m 50 St. Paul, Minn. Hermanns-sohn in Montana, m 50 Waldemar Stein, Helena, Mont. Herold, 1 884, w 2 . 00 Steichman & Dreyer, 149 Monroe St., Detroit, Mich. Herold der christian science, 1903, ni 1 .00 Christian science pub. co., 250 Huntington ave., Boston. Mass. Herold des glaubens, 1850, w 2.00 German print, and pub. ass'n. Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hesperian, q 50 A. N. De Menil, 7th and Pine st., St. Louis. Mo. Hibernian, 1 893, s-m i . 00 Geo. Sheehan, 7 Water st., Boston, Mass. Hide and leather, 1890, w 3 .qq Jacobsen pub. co.. 154 Lake St., Chicago, 111. High school aegis, m 50 Students (jf Bloomington high school, Bloomington. 111. High school English leaflet, 1906, 10 nos 75 The English leaflet co., 1570 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. High school life, 10 nos 40 Fine Arts bldg., Chicago. 111. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 113 High school magazine, m 50 Callahan co.. 59 W ashiiij^^loii si.. Cliic-a<,fo. 111. High school meet, n^os, 111 i .00 l-:ftin,<,^haiii. ill. Higher science of the motion of matter, m 1 .fXD [•"rank II. Heald, Los An^a-lcs. Cal. Higiene, 1895. every 10 d 50 Ivamon Ramirez, Havana. Cuba. Hills family genealogical and historical ass'n. Report, 1H95. a r...stMn. Mass. Hillsdale college bulletin, 1 (>o6, q Free Hillsdale. Mich. Himmel's manna, 1876. m 25 John (',. Slauffer, Quakertctw n. Pa. Hints, i8()(^. 10 nos 1 fX) 1 lints ])iib. CO., 53 Bible house, X. Y. Hiram college advocate, 1887, s-ni 1 .00 Literary xicielies of Jiirani collei;e. Hiram, O. Historic magazine and notes and queries, 1905, ni i .00 Manchester, X. 1 1. Historical bulletin, 1 (J03, m 75 Xewton L. Callamer. 1006 F St., Washino^ton, D. C". Historical New England, 1899, m i .00 Kuniford print, co.. Concord, X'^. H. Historical society of Montana Transactions, 1876, irre.c: 2.50 Helena, Montana. Historical society of Montgomery co.. Pa. Sketches, 18(^5. irre,.. 103 Kandol])h >t.. Chicago, 111. Home study, 1900, m i .00 llook-keeper i)ub. co., Detroit, Midi. Home study magazine, 1904, 10 nos 1 .00 W. S. .\thearn and C. R. Scrogoie, Des Moines, la Home study quarterly, (| .20 I\i\ . R. I )onglass l">aser, Toronto. Canada. Home visitor. 1S59. m .60 Home tor the friendless. 505*) N'incennes ave.. Chicago. 111. Home visitor, 1 89O. m .50 1-red .^chwartx. 1813 X. ir.th st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Ii6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Homefolks, 1 894. m 25 Currier-Boyce pub. co., 63 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Homemaker, 1903, ni 5° Currier-Boyce pub. co., 63 \\'ashington st.. Chicago, 111. Homemaker, 1897, m 5° Homemaker co., Des Moines, la. Home-maker, m 50 Home-maker co., Beverly, Mass. Homestead, 1855, w ' i 00 Homestead co., Des Moines, la. Homiletic monthly and catechist, 1900, m 3 00 Joseph F. Wagner, 9 Barclay St., N. Y. Homiletic review, 1876, m 3 • 00 Funk and AVagnall, 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. Homing exchange, 1885, m i 00 Charles V. Hoser, Vineland, X. J. Homoeopathic eye, ear and throat journal, 1895, m 2.00 J. B. Garrison, 115 E. 71st st., N. Y. Homoeopathic magazine, 1892, m i .00 Magazine pub. co.. Medical blk., ?\Iinneapolis, Minn. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York Transactions, 1863 Dr. H. W. Paige, sec, 256 W\ 57th st., N. Y. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of Pennsylvania Transactions, 1866. a Dr. Edward M. Gramm, sec, 1833 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. Homoeopathic recorder, 1886, m i .00 Boericke & Tafel, Lancaster, Pa. Hooper service, 1899, m Will P. Hooper, 59 Fifth avc, X. Y. Hoosier A. O. U. W. watchman, 1890, m 50 Walter A. Legeman, Evansville, Ind. Hoosier monthly, 1902, m 10 Hoosier pub. co., Montpelier, Ind. Hope, 1866, w 2 .00 J. R. Ranters, Holland, Mich. Horse gazette, 1890, w r . 00 L. S. Beeman, 26 Casey st., Buffalo, N. Y. Horse review, 1889, w 2 . 00 John C. Bauer, Masonic temple, Chicago, Til. Horse show monthly, 1895, m i . 00 Horse show monthly pub. co.. Commonwealth bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Horse world, 1889, w^ 2 . 00 Horse world co., 668 Ellicott sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Horseless age, 1895, w 2 .00 E. P. Ingersoll, 9 Murray St., N. Y. Horseman, 188 1, w 3.00 Chicago horseman newspaper co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 117 Horseshoers' journal, 1875, 111 i .00 M.'istcr lic^rseshocrs' iial. protective ass'n. Detroit. Midi. Horticulture, 1904. \v i -OO Horticulture pub. co.. ilaniilloii pi.. Boston. Mass. Hospital bulletin, ni i 00 Hospital bulletin co.. lialtiniore, Md. Hospoda, i8t)i. t i .00 National print, co., Omaha, Neb. Hospodarske listy, 1898, w i -OO Hoheniian Benedictine press, 464 W. 18th St.. L"hica.G:o. 111. Hot Springs medical journal, 1892, m i .00 Dr. Win. 1". i'.erniast. Hot Sprinjj^s. .\rk. Hotel and wine gazette, ni 2 . 00 Hotel and wine "azette pub. co.. Oakland. Cal. Hotel bulletin. i8<;o, d. ex. Sun 5.00 Hotel bulletin pub. co., Denver. Colo. Hotel gazette, 1888, w 2.00 (lazette pub. co., 103 E. 2d St.. Los Anijeles. Cal. Hotel gazette, 1876, w 2.00 I lun<;erf(^rd tS: Martin. 1123 I'.roadway, X. Y. Hotel guide and liquor dealers' advocate, 1884, s-ni 2.00 Hotel fi^uide i)ub. co., Pittsburc:. Pa. Hotel life, 1888, s-m ." 2 .00 if)^ Woodland ave.. Cleveland. O. Hotel monthly, 1893, '" ' -^^ John Willy, 325 Dearbtirn st.. Chicago, 111. Hotel register, 1884, w 4 • 00 Hotel re.ijister co. of N. Y., St. Paul bldg.. X. Y. Hotel register and caterer, i(p4, ni i .00 Wiu. .\. llollin.usworth. Denver, Colo. Hotel reporter, ni i .00 lianibrick cK: De Meurisse, 34 S. 7th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Hotel reporter, 1 874, 6 d 8 . 00 Daily hotel reporter co.. Chemical bldi;.. St. Louis. Mo. Hotel reporter, 1893, ^^ f' 5 00 I. .\. Medlar co.. Omaha, Neb. Hotel reporter, 1877. 6 d 18.00 Charles l-". Larzelere, 76 Elm st., N. ^'. Hotel reporter, 1903. 6 d 7.00 lM)rt Pitt jnib. co., Pittsburo;, Pa. Hotel world, 1875, w 3 .00 II. j. Bohn ^: bro., 324 Dearborn st.. Ihicaso. 111. House and garden, i ()o 1 . m 3 . 00 John C. W inston co.. loih .\rcli St.. Philadelphia. Pa. House and home, 1883, m i .00 I'.ell pub. CO., 234 S. 4th St.. Philadeliihia, Pa. House beautiful, 1 8(K), m 2 . 00 ilerbcrt .'^. .^tone. 11 Eldridije ct.. Chica.fjo, 111. House furnishing review. i8()2. m i .00 I. B. Scott. 50 Park pi.. N. Y. ii8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Household, 1902, m 25 Arthur Capper. Topeka. Kan. Household animals, 1904, m 1 .00 E. C. \'ick. 744 Broadway. X. Y. Household companion, 1879. "^ i .00 Budget CO.. 220 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Household guest, 1891. m 25 Household guest co., 334 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Household journal, 1887, m i .00 Household journal pub. co., 1813 N. i6th st. Philadelphia, Pa. Household realm, 1886, m 50 Household realm co.. 356 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Household words and grape leaf, 1891, m 50 Household words and grape leaf co., 165 Broadway, N. Y. Housekeeper, 1877, m 60 Housekeeper corporation, 801 S. 4th st. Minneapolis, Minn. Housewife, 1882, m 25 A. D. Porter co., 52 Duane St., N. Y. Houstonian, 1904. w 2 . 00 Cargill CO., Houston, Tex. How, 1 904, m 15 Baltimore, Md. How to know the books, 1903, m 50 George S. Goodwin, 602 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. How to live, 1900, m i . 00 G. F. Butler pub. co., 1410 E. Ravenswood park, Chicago, 111. Howard collegian, 1897, m i .00 East Lake. Ala. Howard-Payne exponent, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Lit. societies of Howard-Payne college, Fayette. Mo. Hub, 1858. m 2.00 Trade news pub. co.. 24 Murray St.. N. Y. Huebsch's year book, a Varies perpetual year book, a Varies B. AY. Huebsch, 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Huguenot society of America. Proceedings, 1883, ^ T05 E. 22d.st., N. Y. Huisvriend, m 50 H. H. D. Langereis. Grand Rapids. Mich. Human culture, m i . 00 Mrs. L. A. Vaught. 130 Dearborn st.. Chicago, 111. Human life, 1905, m 50 Human life pub. co., 18 Binford St., Boston, Mass. Humane journal, 1872, m i .00 Martha S. Landon, 134 \'an Buren St., Chicago, 111. Humane review, q i . 20 Macmillan co., 66 I'ifth ave., N. Y. GL'IDE TO PERIODICALS 119 Humanity, 1906, m 1 00 Portland liotel bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Humanity, 111 • 00 R. W. A. Simmons, Pittsburp:, Pa. Humorist, 1870. w 2.00 llcnrv ITermann.^. 206 S. 4th .>^t., St. Louis. Mo. Hunter-trader-trapper. 1900. m i 00 A. R. Harding-. Columbus, O. Hustler, i88(;, w . dur. coll. yr 2.00 \anderbilt athletic ass'n. Xashvillc. Tciin. Hustlers' magazine, io6. m i • 00 .\don A. Yoder, Lynchburg-. Ya. Ideal catolico, 1 899, w 2 . 00 Miguel Pon, Ponce, Porto Rico. Ideal home magazine, 1904, m 25 ideal home magazine pub. co.. Pontiac bldg.. Chicago, 111. Ideal house, ii;o5, m 1 .00 T. A. Cawthra & co.. 2/ E. 21st St., N. Y. Ideal masonico, m San Juan. Porto Rico. Ideas, 1 892. \v i . 00 Idea pub. co.. 2/ Beach St.. Boston, Mass. Ideas, 1 903, m SO F. \V. Smith, Alliance, O. Idler, 1904. m 50 Stanford de l)aun, 65 4th ave.. X. ^'. mini, 1 87 1 . ^ d 2 . 00 Students of universitv of Illinois. Crbana. 111. ( UN I20 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Illinois agriculturist, 1 8y2, 9 nos 50 Agricultural club, college of agriculture, L'rbana, 111. Illinois college of law weekly, 1905, w Free 301 E. Erie st., Chicago, 111. Illinois free baptist, 1900, s-ni 35 Geo. A. Gordon, Campbell Hill, 111. Illinois freemason, 1885, m i .00 D. D. Darrah, Bloomiugton, 111. Illinois law review, 1906, m., 9 nos 3- 00 Kortlnvestern university law pub. ass'n, Chicago, 111. Illinois medical bulletin, m i . 00 Illinois nied. college, 103 State St., Chicago, 111. Illinois medical journal, 1899, "^ 3 00 Illinois state med. society, Springfield. 111. Illinois oddfellow, 1894, ni i . 00 W. R. Humphrey, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Illinois red man, 1902, m 50 Geo. M. Adams, Bloomiugton, 111. Illinois society of engineers and surveyors. Proceedings, 1886, a . 50 E. E. R. Tratmann, sec, Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Illinois state bar association. Proceedings, 1878, a James H. Matheny, sec. Springfield, 111. Illinois state dental society. Transactions, 1865 A. H. Peck, sec, 92 State st., Chicago. Illinois state geological survey. Bulletin, 1906, irreg University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Illinois state historical library. Bulletin, 1905, irreg Springfield, 111. Illinois state historical library. Publications, irreg Illinois state historical library, Springfield, 111. Illinois state historical society. Transactions Published as a number of the Illinois state historical library publication. Illinois state laboratory of natural history Bulletin, 1876 Report, b-a Springfield, 111. Illinois state museum of nat. history Bulletin, 1882, irreg Springfield, 111. Illinois tradesman, 1897, w i .00 R. E. Woodmansee, Springfield, 111. Illinois university Astronomical observatory bulletin, 1898 Board of trustees' report, 1867 Bulletin, m. dur. coll yr Free Chem. survey of waters of Illinois, report, 1897 Press bulletin, 1900 University studies, 1900 University studies. 1900 Urbana, 111. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 121 Illinois (73d) volunteer survivors association Minutes of |)r()ccc(lini,^s. 1887, a 2() W. 11. Xcwlin, Springfield. 111. Illuminating engineer, H)()(), lu i .Cxi llluniiiiatin^- cMijuinecrinj.,^ pub. co.. 2^-2J IJroad .st.. N. Y. Illuminating world, i<)(V). ni i 00 llluniinaliii,i4- world pub. co.. Cincinnati. < ». Illustrated berean lesson quarterly, (| 12 luiton c^ Mains. 150 JMfth ave. X. \'. Illustrated companion, 1880, ni 5^ !•. 1;. Warner & co.. 77 Readc st.. X. V. Illustrated events, i(;o3. ni i • 5^ James K. Jones. Kilbourn. Wis. Illustrated family herald, ni 10 Lane's list. Aut;usta. Me. Illustrated foot wear fashion, 1899, s-m Oran McCorniick. 143 Summer St.. lioston. Mass. Illustrated home journal, 1894, m i .00 Louis Lantie pub. co., 3600 Texas a\e.. St. Louis, Mo. Illustrated London news (Am. ed.). w 6.00 International news co.. 83 Duane St., X. Y. Illustrated milliner, upo. m 3-^' Calcuit & Macond)er pub. co.. 31 E. ijtli St.. X. ^■. Illustrated news, w 2 .00 .X. Y. illustrated news co.. 234 Broadway. X. Y. Illustrated outdoor news, 1903. m 3 00 lUus. sporting" news pub. co., 4 \\ . 22d st.. X. \ . Illustrated police news. 1866, w 4.00 r.. 11. Henton, 321 Washini^ton st., Boston, Mass. Illustrated studies, teachers quarterly, q 18 1). (". Cook pub. CO., Kliiin. 111. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly, i8-(>. q 16 W. .\. Wilde CO.. 1 10 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Illustrated weekly, 1890, w i .00 Illustrated weekly co., Oenver, Colo. Illustrated world. i88c),'m i .00 Illustrated world pub. co., 1016 Wyandotte st.. Kansas I'ity. Mo. Illustrator and process review, 189^). m i .00 Illustrator ])ul). co., Beekman bldj:::-.. ^^• Y. Illustreret famiUe journal, 1880. \v 1 .50 C. Rasmussen pub. co., 720 Fourth st. S.. Minneapolis. Minn. Implement age. i8()2. f i .00 Ware bros. C(^.. 1336 Cherry st.. Philadelphia. Pa. Implement and vehicle journal, m i .00 Implement and vehicle journal co.. Dallas. Te\. Implement and vehicle news, kxx), m i .00 S]iokesman pub. co.. Cincinrati. O. Implement and vehicle record, hx>4. hi i .00 r. \1. Shearman. San I'rancisco, Cal. 122 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Implement dealer, ni i . oo E. E. Loomis, Council lUuffs, la. Implement trade journal, 1886, w i .00 Implement trade journal co., 1309 W. iith St., Kansas City, Mo. Impressions calendar, a i . CXD Paul. Elder & co., San Francisco, Cal. Impressions quarterly, 1902, q 50 Paul, Elder & co., San Francisco, Cal. Improvement bulletin, 1892. w 5 -oo Chapin pub. co., 912 Lumber exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. In familien kreise, 1877, f i .25 Plerold CO., Milwaukee, Wis. In his steps, 1898, m 60 Christian literature co., 4^9 Washing-ton st. Bufifalo, N. Y. Income values and quotation record Stocks, 1903, w 5-00 Bonds, 1906, w 5- 00 French ed., 1906, w S-OO Francis E. Fitch. 47 BroadAvay, N. Y. Independent, 1900, w i .00 Independent print, co., Vancouver, B. C. Independent, 1899, w i . 00 Independent pub. co., Boone, la. Independent, 1 848, w 2 . 00 Clarence W. Bowen, 130 Fulton St.. N. Y. Independent, 1901, w i .00 Independent pub. co., Janesville, Wis. Independent druggist and advertising economist, 1904, m i .00 Trade advertising co., 377 \\\ Lake St., Chicago, 111. Independent forester of America, 1895, m 25 Joseph P. Young, \''alparaiso, Ind. Independent odd fellow, 1898, m i . 00 W. S. Johnston, Toronto, Canada. Index, \v 2 . 00 Index CO., Pittsburg, Pa. Index medicus, 2d ser., 1903, m 5 00 Carnegie institution, Washington. D. C. India rubber review, 1902, m i .00 J. E. Smith. Jr., Akron, O. India rubber world, 1 889, m 3 • 00 India rubber pub. co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Indian leader Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan. Indian rights association. Report. 1883, ^ Indian rights, ass'n, 1305 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Indiana academy of sciences. Proceedings, 1891, a i .00 Indianapolis, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 123 Indiana bulletin of charities and corrections, 1890, q 20 F)Oar(l of state charities. Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana farmer, 1 845. w 60 Indiana farmer co.. X. Delaware St.. Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana horticultural society. Transactions, 1861. a. membership i .00 \V. 15. I-lick. sec. lndianap(.li>. Ind. Indiana med. journal, 1 882. m i . 00 Indiana med. journal pub. co.. 224 X. Meridian st.. fndianai)olis, Ind. Indiana quarterly magazine of history, 1905. (| i 00 (.ieo. .">. L'attman. 1 ndiana]:)olis, Ind. Indiana state bar association. Report, a Merrill Moores. l!l()omin<^ton. Ind. Indiana state library. Monthly bulletin, 1905. m Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana state medical association. Transactions F. C. Heath, sec. Indianapolis. Ind. Indiana university bulletin. 1903 Bloominfjton. Ind. Indiana university contributions from the geol. lab., 1891. irreg. C. II. Er^emnann. lUoominyton. Ind. Indianapolis public library. Bulletin, 1904. m Indianapolis. Ind. Indian's friend, 1 888. m 50 National Indian association. 156 I'ifth ave.. X'. Y. Indicator, 1 880. w i . 00 Indicator co.. Chicago. 111. Indicator, 1 882. s-m 3 • 00 F. H. Leavenworth pub. co.. Mcdraw bldg.. Detroit, Mich. Indoors and out, 1905. m 3.00 Rogers and \\'ise co.. 85 Water st.. T.oston. Mass. Industrial advocate, 1884. m i .00 Industrial jnib. CO.. Halifax. X. S. Industrial advocate. U)Oi. w i .00 ( entral labor uni()n. Pittsl^urg. Pa. Industrial advocate, 1880, w i .00 M. L. Robinson. Alexandria, \'a. Industrial age, 1899, s-m i .00 1'^. \\'. lirinker, Adams Express bldg.. Chicago. 111. Industrial banner, 1892. w i .00 Trades (5v: labor council, Lontlon. Canada. Industrial Canada, icpo. m 1 .00 (anadian manufacturers ass'n. Toronto. Canada. Industrial herald and citizen, 1902. w i .00 Industrial herald pub. co., r.a\ Citv, Mich. Industrial journal, 1880, m 1 .CX) Journal pub. co.. Bangor. Me. Industrial journal, 1901. w i .00 Frank E. Cline. Charlotte, X. ( . 124 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Industrial missions magazine 105 E. 22d St., X. Y. Industrial quotation record, 1899. m 2.00 C. Mont. Benton co., 526 W. 28th st.. X. Y. Industrial record, 1900, \v 3 .00 Industrial record co.. Jacksot\A'ille. Fla. Industrial review, 1901. s-m i .00 Superior print, co., Fort William, Canada. Industrial school advocate, 1865, ni 65 Industrial school association, Rochester, X. Y. Industrial times and mining record, ni i . 00 Industrial times pub. co., 253 Broadway, X\ Y. Industrial weekly, 1905, w i .00 Gafney & Sleeker, Syracuse, N. Y. Industries, 1902. w 3 • 00 Mahoning and Shenango valleys pub. co., Youngstown, O. Infants' magazine, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Information, 1904, m 50 Homefolks pub. co., 63 A\"ashington St., Chicago. 111. Information, m i . 00 Wm. G. Beecraft, ^ladison, \\'is. Ingot, 1904, b-m 50 Connersville, Pa. Inklings, 1905, m Boston, ]\Iass. Inland, 1892, m 50 Alden pub. co., 821 Chestnut st., St. Louis, ]\Io. Inland architect, 1 884, m 10. 00 Inland pub. co., 358 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Inland farmer. 1 902, w i . 00 Inland farmer pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Inland farmer, 1904, m i .00 Inland pub. co.. Spokane, AA'ash. Inland grocer, 1901, w 2.00 Inland grocer pub. co., Cleveland, O. Inland investor and midland magazine, m i .00 Investor pub. co., Topeka, Kan. Inland operator, 1903, m i .00 Inland operator, Cincinnati, O. Inland poultry journal, 1896, m 50 Inland poultry journal co., Greenfield, Ind. Inland printer, ] 883, m 3 . 00 Inland printer co., 120 Sherman st., Chicago, 111. Inland review, m 50 H. M. Daniels, Akron, O. Inland teacher, 1903. m i .00 Edward M. Rutledge. Dallas, Tex. Inlander, 1891, b-w 50 Students of l^niv. of ^lichigan. .\nn Arbor. Mich. (iUlDE TO PERIODICALS 125 Inquirer, w 2 . 50 Lfaiulcr Kioliaidson, io<; W. 42(1 st.. X. Y. Inside information, i(;()4, m 50 Inside iiifonuation puh. cd., 40 Mciropolilaii l)l(K-k. Chicag^o, 111. Insignia, 1893. 111 1 .00 Clias. V. I'lirjumaii. San l-raiicisco. C'al. Institute, 1904. 111 1 . 50 Students of Mass. institute i)f leclinoloLiy, P)()St()n. Mass. Institute, KJ05. ni i .00 .\nna ( iroff- P.r\ ant. I'ine .\rts bldi;.. Cliicaji:o. 111. Instruccion primaria, f Dr. I'", l-reyre 04. in 1 .50 Charles i'. Diclil. Salt Lake City, Ltah. Inter-nation, 1904. ni i .00 Inter-iiatioii co., Board of trade bldg., Doston. Mass. International, 1896, 111 i .00 A. T. II. ['.rower, 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. International auctioneer, 1898, ni i .CX) M. Cuniings, Monon bldg., Chicaj^^o, 111. International bookbinder, 1900, m i .00 J. L. luieney, 423 G st. X. W., Washini^ton. D. C. International brotherhood of stationary firemen's journal, ni . . . .50 C. L. Shanip, Kansas Cit}', Kan. International bureau of the American republics Monthly bnllelin, 1893, ni 2. 00 Rei)ort. 1891, a Free Chief clerk of the Bureau, Washington, I). C . International buyer, 1890, s-in Trade news jnib. C(j.. 24 Murray St., X. "S'. International clinics, 1891, q 9.00 J. P. Lii)pincoU co., Philadelphia, Pa. International confectioner, 1892, m i .00 T. I-". Harvey, 150 Xassau St., X. ^'. International dental journal, 1879, tn 2. 50 International dental pub. co., \\'ashiniiton sq., Philadelphia, Pa. International economist, 1903. ni i .00 International economist co.. 42 Barclay st., X. Y. International good templar, ni i .00 I'Acninu;' \\ is. co., Milwaukee. Wis. International horseshoers' magazine, u>oo. ni 50 Road\' Kenehan, l)cne\er. Colo. International journal of ethics, 1890, q 2. 50 1305 Arch -t. Philadelphia, Pa. International journal of surgery, 1888, in i .00 Internal, journal of surgery ci^., UX) William St.. X. Y. International marine engineering. i8()7. m 2.00 30) 1 '.roadway. X. ^'. International medical annual, a ^.00 I-:. I'.. Treat, 241 W. 23d St., X. Y. International messenger, 1893. ni 50 !•. M. P.arton. Rose bldg., Cleveland, O. International mining news, 1903, m i .00 International inining news pub. co., Los .\ngeles. Cal. International musician, iipi , in 50 (^wen Miller. 20 .Mien bldg., St. Louis, Mo. International printer, in 2 . 00 International printer co., 210 Lippincott bld.q;.. Philadelphia. Pa. International railway and steam navigation guide, 1866. ni. . . . I.CXD International railwax pub. ctv. Montreal, Canada. 128 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS International railway journal, m i .00 Tiiternational transportation co., Pliiladelphia, Pa. International socialist review, i<;oo. ni i .00 Charles H. Kerr & co., 56 Viith ave., Cliicao;o, 111. International steam engineer, m 1 .00 Stationary engineer pub. co.. 108 I'^nlton st., N. Y. International studio, i8^)/. m 5 .00 John Lane, 67 Fifth ave.. X. Y. International Sunday school evangel, 1 890, ni 50 Evang-el pnb. co.. Chemical bldg., St. Louis, Mo. International sunshine society, Sunshine bulletin, ni Cyntliia A\>stover Alden, N. Y. International trade index, 1905, m 15 ^^'hitehall st., N. Y. International veterinary review, 1902. in i .00 Internationa] pub. co., Grand Rapids, Mich. International wood worker, 1890, m 50 Thomas L Kidd, Garden city block, Chicago, 111. Inter-state cotton seed crushers' association Bulletin, 1906, m Free L. A. Ransom, Atlanta. Ga. Interstate elk, 1903, s-m 2 . 00 Nathan L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Interstate farmer, 1903, m 50 Interstate pub. co., Davis City, la. Interstate grocer, 1889, w i . 00 Grocers' journal co., Temple bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Interstate journal, 1900, m 50 Charles R. Cummings, White River Junction, AT. Interstate medical journal, 1893, m. . . .• 2.00 Interstate med. journal, St. Louis, Mo. Interstate school review, 1891, w i .00 111. print. CO.. Danville, 111. Interstate trade bulletin, 1904, m i .00 Geo. V. Richards, Denver, Colo. Interview, 1893, m i .00 Interview pub. co., 106 Fulton st., N. Y. Inventive age and patent index, 1889, m i .00 Inventive age pub. co., 918 F St., N. \\'., A\'ash., D. C. Inventor, 1906, m 58 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Investigator, 1874. w 3 -oo Herbert W. Bloomington, 177 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Investing for profit, 1905, m i .00 78 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Investor, \v 50 Investor pub. co.. Security bldg"., St. Louis, Mo. Investors' review, 1895, w 5 -OO S. K. Booth, 73 Broad st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 29 Iowa academy of sciences I'rucccdiiigs. 1887. a 1 .00 l)es Moines, la. Iowa agriculturist, 1901, 10 inos 50 Aqri. olul) of lovva state college, Ames, la. Iowa alumnus, 1(^03, b-m dur. coll. yr i .00 (iraduates of State university of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa catholic messenger, 1882, ni 2.00 l-rcd 1'). Sharon. Davenport, la. Iowa Christian endeavor, 1898, ni 25 I. W. look. Uskaloosa. la. Iowa churchman, 1877, m 50 I\cv. John K. Sap^e, Dubuque, la. Iowa college circulars, 1901. b-ni I^'ree Iowa colle<:jc, (irinnell, la. Iowa engineer, 1901 .\nies. la. Iowa engineering society ■ -i'rocccdinos. 1888. a 50 Glenwood. la. Iowa health bulletin, m l">ee Des Moines, la. Iowa journal of history and politics, 1903. q 2.00 State hist, society of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Iowa library commission. Quarterly, 1901, q Des Moines, la. Iowa masonic library. Quarterly bulletin, 1898, q 50 I'edar Kajiids. la. Iowa medical journal, 1 8()5. ni 2 .00 E. E. Dorr. Des Moines. la. Iowa methodist, 1882. ni 75 II. II. I'airall. Iowa City. Ta. Iowa missionary, 1901. q 2^ E. r> .Stevenson, Cedar Rapifls, la. Iowa naturalist, i()05, (] r. J. h'itx.patrieU, Iowa City. la. Iowa normal monthly, 1877. '" ' • 50 Xornial monthly pub. eo., Didniqne, la. Iowa odd fellow, 1 89 1 , s-in i . 00 I.. R. Shepherd pub. 00.. Maxwell. la. Iowa presbyterian, 1901. ni 2^ 1. W". Cook. Oskaloosa. la. Iowa state bar association. Report Sam S. Wriohi, secy.. 'ript(»n, la. Iowa state college of agriculture Contributions from the botanical department, 1896, irret:: Eree .\mes. la. Iowa state horticultural society. Report. 1866. a i .00 Des Moines. la. I30 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Iowa state medical society Transactions, 1865, a 1. 00 V. L. Treynor, secy., Council Bluffs, la. Iowa state normal school Bulletin, 1900, q Cedar Falls, la. Iowa. University Bulletin, every 6 vv dur. coll. }'r Iowa natural history bulletin, 1888 Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history, irreg- . Studies in psychology, 1897, irreg Iowa City, la. Iowa Sunday school helper, 1893, m 25 Iowa sabbath school ass'n, Oskaloosa, la. Iowa teacher, 1885, 10 nos 75 Teacher print, co., Charles City, la. Iowa trade journal, 1903, m i .00 W. J. Pilkington, Des Moines, la. Iowa unionist, 1899, ^ i . 00 Des Moines, la. Iowa woodman, 1901, ni 50 D. H. Murphy, Calumet, la. Iowa year book of agriculture, a Des Moines, la. lowan, 1901, d dur. coll. yr 2 .00 lowan pub. co., Iowa City, la. Ipswich historical society Publications, 1887, irreg Varies Salem press co., Salem, Mass. Irish- American advocate, w i . 50 Irish-American co., 15 Vandewater st., X. Y. Irish- American review, 1898, w 2.00 P. J. McManus, 1527 S. 20th st., Phila., Pa. Irish world, 1 870, w 2 . 50 Patrick Ford, 21 Barclay st., N. Y. Iron age, 1855, weekly ed., w 5.00 Semi-monthly ed., s-m 2.00 Monthly ed., m i .00 Iron age directory, 1897, a David Williams, 232 William st., N. Y. Iron and machinery world, 1857, w 3 ■ 00 305 Dearl)orn st., Chicago, 111. Iron moulders' journal, m 50 Iron mouUlers' iniion of X. A.. Cincin., O. Iron trade review, 1 867, w 3 .00 Iron & steel press co.. Rose bldg., Cleveland, O. Iron trail, 1905, m i . 00 Minneapolis, Minn. Irrigation, m , i . 00 Irrigation pub. CO., Club bldg., Denver, Colo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 131 Irrigation age, 1885. in i .00 I). 11. Harrison pub. co.. 112 Dearborn st., Chicag^o, 111. Island farmer, 1 887, w 1.25 rioneer pub. co., Sunimersidc. !'. E. I. Israelite, 1854. \v 2 . 50 Leo Wise & co.. 324 Dearborn st.. Cliicatjo, 111. Items of Interest, 1879, ni i .00 Consolidated dental nifi?. co.. 1 15 W. 42d st.. X. V. J. Herman Bosler memorial library Tiidletin. i<)0^. (| 25 Carlisle. Pa. James Sprunt historical monographs I'nixersity of Xorth Carolina. Cliai)el Hill. X. C. Jamestown bulletin, 1905. ni 25 Woman's Jamestown ass'n. Xorfolk. \'a. Japan and America, 1901, m i .00 llajime Haslii. 203 Broadway. N. Y. Japanese floral calendar, a 50 Open court pub. co., Chicago. 111. Jednota, 1 89 1 . w i . 50 Slovak catholic union of America. Cleveland. T). Jefferson county historical society. Transactions. 1 SIS7 Watertown, X. Y. Jefferson med. college hospital rublications frcMU laboratories. i<)04 Phila.. I'a. Jeffersonian, 1877. m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of Washington and Jefferson colleije. Washington. Pa. Jeffersonian, 1897, m.. Oct. -May i .00 Jefferson med. coll.. Phifa.. Pa. Jersey advocate and dairyman, upi . w i .00 Jersey advocate co.. 24 X'andewater St.. X. Y. Jersey bulletin, 1883. w i .00 1). II. Jenkins. 124 S. Illinois St.. 1 ndianapoli>. Ind. Jersey hustler, 1897. 111 50 Jersey hustler co.. Lebanon. O. Jersey junior, 1897, "i 5° Jersey junior pub. co.. Trentoji, X. J. Jersey knight, 1 884. m 50 .Somerville pub. co.. Somerville. X. J. Jersey yachtsman, 1 904. m i . 00 \\'m. II. 1-ischer. Toms Ri\er. X. J. Jeweler and optician. iC)Oi, m i .cx) \\ . S. .Smyth. Temple bhx-k. Kansas City. Mo. Jeweler's circular-weekly, i8..n W . I'rcssly. Witherspoon bklfT- Phila.. Pa. Journal of pedagogy, 1 8^/, q i . 50 W. II. Mctzk-r. .^yracnsc. X. V. Journal of philosophy, psychology and scientific methods, 1904. f ; 3-00 The Science press. X. Y. Journal of physical chemistry, 1896. 9 nos 4.00 Cornell uni\er^ity. Ithaca, X". Y. Journal of physical therapy, i. r>etz. ilaniinond. Ind. Journal of political economy, 1892. m. ex. .\ug-. and Sept 3 00 University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Journal of practice, i886. m i .00 J. I-'. A\'inn. Richmond. \a. Journal of prison discipline and philanthropy, 1845. a Penn. prison society. Phila., Pa. Journal of psycho-asthenics, (] 1 .00 Ass"n ined. officers .\ni. inst. of feeble-minded. l-"aribanlt, Minn. Journal of scientific adjustment, iqo5, b-ni 25 Coldwaier. Mich. Journal of social science. i86<) .\m. social sci. ass'n. P.oston. Mass. Journal of surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics, 1879. b-m 4.00 .A. L. Chatterton ^'v co.. 259 \\illiani st., X. A'. Journal of surgical technology, 1900. ni i .00 Techniqne pnb. co.. 404 E. 14th St., X. Y. Journal of the knights of labor, 1880. w 50 r.oard o\ trustees. 43 I' St.. X. W'.. Washington. 1). C. Journal of the military service institution, 1880. b-m 3.00 Exec, conncil of military insti.. Ciovernors' Island, X. Y. Journal of the outdoor life, 1904. m 1 .00 lonrnal o\ the outdoor life pub. co., Trudeau (Saranac Lake). X. Y. Journal of the outdoor life, i8<^7, m i .00 Outdoor life inib. co.. Dt^jiver. Colo. 136 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Journal of the telegraph, 1867, 111 i .00 Western union telegraph co., 195 Broadway, N. Y. Journal of the United States artillery, 1892, b-m 2. 50 Pub. by authority of the staff of the artillery school, Fortress Monroe, Va. Journal of treatment, 1903, q 6.00 E. R. Pelton, 19 E. 16th st., N. Y. Journal of zoophily, m i . 00 Am. anti-vivisection society, 36 S. i8th St., Phila., Pa. Journal-record of medicine, 1899, m i .00 M. B. Hutchins, Atlanta, Ga. Journalist, 1884, ni 2.00 Allan Forman, 41 Liberty St., N. Y. Judge, 1881, w 5.00 Judge's library, 1889, m i .00 Judge's quarterly, 1890, q i.oo Judge CO., Parker bldg., N. Y. Judicious advertising and advertising experience, 1894, m i .00 D. L. Taylor, Trade bldg., Chicago, Til. Jugend freund, 1847, ^^t 25 Miss Sarah L. Brobst, Allentown, Pa. Jugend-herold, 1889, m 75 German baptist pub. society, Cleveland, O. Jugend pilger, 1870, s-m 25 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Jung-Amerika, 1901, 10 nos 50 Gustav Muehler, Cincin., O. Junior, 1902, m 25 E. T. Parker, Bethlehem, Pa. Junior Bible quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Junior Christian endeavor world, 1893, m 35 Golden rule co.. Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Junior quarterly, q 10 Am. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Junior quarterly, 1879, Q 12 Cumb. presby. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Junior republic citizen, 1898, m 50 George junior republic, Freeville, N. Y. Junior scholars' quarterly, 1900, q 15 S. S. bd. of reformed church, 1308 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Junior Sunday school quarterly, 1879 A\'. A. ^^'ilde co., no Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Junior teacher's quarterly, q 16 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Junior toilettes, 1902, m i .00 Toilettes fashion co., 172 Fifth ave., N. Y. Just fun, 1902, m 1 .00 Arkell co., 35 W. 21st st., N. Y. Justice, 1903, w 1 .00 Justice printing co., Waco, Tex. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 137 Juvenile advocate, 1 905. m 50 Jiuoiiik- iniprovenient ass'ii. Denver, Colo. Juvenile court record, m \ CX) X'isitation and aid society. 79 nearborii st.. Chicago, 111. Juvenile instructor, 1866, s-m 2 .00 DcscTct .S. S. union. Salt Lake City. Utah. K. L. C. E. journal, it;o2. in 50 United evan.g-elical cluireli. 1 larrisbnrg-. Pa. K. Lamity's harpoon, 1904. ni i .00 J. S. Bonner. Austin, Tex. Kalends, ( > no.s i . 00 .^^tudents woman's college. Baltimore. Md. Kansas academy of sciences. Transactions, 1872. a i .00 Topeka. Kan. Kansas churchman, 1 872. ni 50 Rev. F. X. Atkin. Leavenworth. Kan. Kansas City academy of sciences. Transactions, iSoS Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City jeweler and optician, 1901 . in i .00 M. E. Smyth. Kansas City. Mo. Kansas City medical index-lancet, 1879. ni i .00 John Punton, .Mtman bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Kansas City medical record, 1884. in 2.00 .\. L. Fulton. Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City. Public library quarterly, 1901, q Kansas City. Mo. Kansas educator, 1903. m i .00 T. G. Armour, Hutchinson. Kan. Kansas farmer, 1 863, w i . 00 Kansas farmer co., Topeka. Kan. Kansas medical society. Journal, m 2.00 C. S. Huffman. Columbus. Kan. Kansas star. 1 875. w 50 Deaf and dumb institution, Olathe, Kan. Kansas state historical society Reports, biennial. 1878 Transactions. 1881 Topeka. Kan. Kansas state horticultural society. Reports, 1871. a Win. H. Parnes, sec Topeka. Kan. Kansas university Bulletin, 1900, q Bulletin of mineral resources, a University geological survey, irreg Lawrence, Kan. Kansas university science bulletin, i8;)2. (| 3 00 riii\ersity ..f Kansas. Lawrence. Kan. Kansas university weekly. \v. dur. coll. yr 50 Kan. nni\ersity weekly pub. co.. I.awrence. Kan. Kansas workman. 1 SS2. m 50 A. P. Riddle, Minneapolis, Kan. 138 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Kappa alpha theta, 1886. q i . 25 Kappa alpha theta fraternity. Ithaca, X. Y. Katalikas, w i . 50 J. [Nl. Tananevicz. 3222 Auburn ave.. Chicaeo. 111. Kathoiische rundschau, 1898. \v i . 50 Catholic pub. co.. San Antonio. Tex. Kathoiische volks zeitung, i860, w 2 . 50 Kreuzer bros.. Baltimore. Md. Katholischer glaubensbote, 1866. w i . 00 Glaubensbote pub. co.. Louis\-ille. Ky. Katholischer jugenfreund ( Eng. and Germ.) 1876, m i .00 August Benz. Evanston. 111. Katholischer western, 1S75. ^^" 2 00 Cailio'.ic print, co.. Dubuque. la. Katholisches sonntagsblatt, 1891. w. 2.00 \Vm. Kuhlmani:. 211 Cleveland ave.. Chicago, 111. Katholisches wochenblatt, 1859. w 2 .00 Franz X Brandecker, 648 Sedgwick St., Chicago. 111. Keith's magazine. 1899. m i . 00 M. L. Keith. 102 Lumber exchange. Minneapolis. Mi:.n. Kelly's directory of merchants, manufacturers and shippers of the world, a 12 . 50 Kelly pub. co.. X. Y. Kentuckian, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Ky. state college, Lexington, Ky. Kentucky elk, 1901. m i.oo Chas. J. Cruise. Louisville. Ky. Kentucky Irish American, 1898. w i .00 \\'m. 'SI. Higgins. Louisville, Ky. Kentucky knight, 1893, w i . 00 Kentuclc\- pub. co.. Louisville. Ky. Kentucky law reporter, 1880. s-m 5 . 00 Geo. A. Lewis. Frankfort. Ky. Kentucky medical jotimal, 1903. m 2. 00 Kentucky- state medical ass'n. Louisville. Ky. Kentucky state historical society. Register, 1903. q i.oo Frankfort. Ky. Kentucky state medical association. Bulletin, 1903. m 2.00 205 W". Broadway. Louisville. Ky. Kentucky stock farm, 1884. w 2.00 Kentucky stock farm pub. co.. Lexington. Ky. Kentucky Sunday school reporter, 1892. m 25 State executive committee. Louisville. Ky. Kentucky workman, 1889. "i 50 John A. Lyne. Henderson. Ky. Kenyon collegian. 1S55. m. dur. coll. yr -50 Students of Kenyon college. Gambier. O. Keokuk medical college bulletin, 5 nos Keokuk medical college. Keokuk. la. Keramic studio, m 3 . 50 Keramic studio pub. co.. Syracuse. X. Y. GLIUK TO PERIODICALS »39 Kern county union labor journal, iiyO-|. w 2 . I'oppenlieini. Charleston. S. C. Keystone, 1 883. in 1 . 00 Foreis;n ed.. 1903, in I .OO Spanish ed.. 1903. m i .00 Keystone piib. co.. Phila.. Pa. Keystone farmer, in .50 Keystone farmer co.. Harrisburg-. I'a. Keystone review, \S*)^. ni 50 Keystone \ iew co.. Meadville, Pa. Kimball's dairy farmer, 1903. s-m i .00 IVed L. Kimball estate. Waterloo. la. Kind words, in. in \v. i)arts 50 S. S. bd. of southern baptist convention. Xashvillc. Tenn. Kinder post. 1 883, \v 50 Herold CO.. Milwaukee, Wis. Kindergarten magazine, 1888. 10 nos 2.00 Kiiideri^arien mag. CO.. Fine Arts bldg.. Chicago, Til. Kindergarten review, 1891. 10 nos i .00 Mihon I'.radley co.. Springfield. Mass Kingdom, i8«;7, in .50 Re\. II. .\. I'isk. San I'rancisco. Cal. Kings and queens of the range, 1887, in 50 Mr>. ]i>\\\\ ]■' . ( iPcgory. Ridge bldg.. Kansas C'ity. Mo. Kings college record, i87«;, in. ilur. coll. yr i .00 rndergr.idnates of Kings college, Windsor. X. S. King's highway, 1890, s-m i .00 Rev. H. C. Archer. Woodstock, X. B. King's own. u .40 1\(. \ R. Douglass I'raser. Toronto. Canada Kirchenzeitung, iSi^fh w 2.00 Central pnb. house, Cleveland. ( > Kitchen craft and cuisine, 1906, m i .00 Kitchen craft and cuisine pub. co.. W aukegan. 111. Knight, 1 87 1 . m -^ Secret society |nib. CO., Colundnis. O. Knights of fidelity news, 1902. w 2.00 las. P.. \\ ilsoii, 2/ \'irginia ave.. Indianapolis, liul. Knights of the globe, 1 89 1 . m 50 \\ in. W . Krai>c. Freeport. 111. 140 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Knights' review, 1895. m i .00 The supreme senate, Cincin., O. Knox student, 1894, w. dur. coll. yr 25 Knox joint stock co., Galesburg, 111. Kreidler's current citations of New York decisions, 1902, q 4.00 Charles K. Kreidler, Dansville, X. Y. Krestansky posel, 1890, w i .00 134 \V. i9tli St.. Chicago, 111. Kristelige talsmand, 1869, w i . 50 Norwegian and Danish pub. society. 2^2 Grand ave., Chicago. 111. Kunkel's musical review, 1878, m 2 .00 Kunkel bros., 612 Olive St.. St. Louis. !Mo. Kvindens magasin, 1905, m 50 Scandinavian-American pub. ass'n. ^Minneapolis, ]Minn. Labor advocate, 1903, w 2 .00 White and French, Albuquerque. N. M. Labor advocate, 1903, w i .00 Advocate pub. co., Youngstov.n. O. Labor advocate, 1900, w i . 00 John H. Root, Reading, Pa. Labor advocate, 1902, w i . 00 Labor advocate pub. co., Nashville. Tenn. Labor champion, 1902, w i . 00 Chas. F. Ceilley, Topeka. Kan. Labor clarion, 1902, \v i . 00 San Francisco labor council, San Francisco, Cal. Labor herald, w 50 510 Shipley St., Wilmington, Del. Labor herald, 1902, w i .00 W\ S. Harris & Co., Savannah, Ga. Labor herald, 1903, w i . 00 W. E. Corson. Danville, 111. Labor herald, 1904, w i .00 Herald pub. co., Kewanee, 111. Labor herald, 1902. w i .00 Elvins print, co., Elvins, AIo. Labor journal, 1896, w 50 Beckley & sons, Zanesville, O. Labor journal, 1897, \v i . 00 R. D. Runyan, Rochester, N. Y. Labor journal, 1898, w i . 00 Max Andrew, Houston, Tex. Labor journal, 1891, w i .00 Journal pub. co.. Everett. Va. Labor leader, 1902, w 50 Labor leader pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Labor monitor, 1903. w i .00 ^Monitor pub. co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. Labor news, 1 902, w i . 00 A. J. E. Hubbard, Colorado Springs. Colo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 141 Labor news, 1 81^5. w 1 'XD S. W. Sinalley, ( iak•shur,t,^ 111. Labor news, 1 894, w 1 00 \V. H. Hoffman. Oiiincy. 111. Labor news, 1 902. w 1 . 00 II. S. Reavis, Beaumont. 'J\'x. Labor press, 1000, w . . . 1 . 50 Portland labor press i)ul). c-o.. j'ortlancl. ( )re. Labor record, 1 894. \v 1 . 00 (ico. W. Knapp. Ka:isas lily. Kan. Labor review, 1902. \v 50 R. \'. r)'Connor, Lca\tmvortli. Kan. Labor signal and commercial reporter, w i .00 J. T. llii,rhloy, Oklahoma City, Okla. Labor world, 1 897, 6 d 3 • 00 I'ifth ave and Washinii^ton St., Chicago, 111. Labor world, 1900, w i .00 Labor world pub. CO., Decatur, 111. Labor world, 1 895, w i . 00 W. E. McEwen, IJuluth. Minn. Labor world, 1904, w 50 (iodfrev and Creason, Shawnee. Okla. Labor world, \v i . 50 Labor world pub. co.. Pittsburg-, Pa. Laborer, i<>04, w i .00 Laborer pub. co.. Dallas. Tex. Laborer's journal, 1903. m 50 InUrnat. laborer's union, Dayton, O. Lace maker, 1 902, m i . 00 !). .^. I'.cnnet. 34 W. 22d St.. X. Y. Laconia public library lUilletin. i<>03. q 20 Laconia, X. II. La Crosse county news, h)02, w 50 11. R. Wheaton. La Crosse. A\is. Ladies' favorite magazine, m 50 Ladies" favorite mag. pub. co.. Des Moines, la. Ladies home journal, 1883. ni i . 50 (urlis pub. CO., 421 Arch St.. FMiila.. Pa. Ladies home journal style book, in 1 loinc pattern co.. X. ^'. Ladies home magazine, 1 004. ui 20 X. ^■. Ladies home topics, 1 8()5. m 35 Mascot pub. CO.. 47 \\'arren St.. N. V. Ladies' magazine, hjo^. ui 10 Ladies" magazine co.. Providence. R. 1. Ladies review, 1895. ni 50 W . M. Shirley, Port Huron. Mich. Ladies tailoring and dress, 1899, m 15.00 William I )erry pub. co.. 156 l-'ifth ave.. X. V. 142 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Ladies' world, 1879. '" 5° S. H. ^loore & co., 22, City Hall pi,, N. Y. Lady Maccabee, 1892, ni 10 Riverside printing- co., Port Huron, ]\Iich. Lafayette, 1875, ^'^- dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Lafayette college, Easton. Pa. Lake Forest college. College bulletin, b-ni . , Lake Forest, III. Lake Mohonk conference of friends of the Indian Proceedings, 1883, a Free Lake Mohonk, N. Y. Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration Reports, 1895, a Free Lake Mohonk, N. Y. Lake Superior mining institute. Proceedings, 1893, a, paper. ... 2.00 cloth 2 . 50 The Institute, Ishpeming-, ]\Iich. Lakeside annual guide of Chicago, 1905, a City directory co., Chicago, 111. Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago, 1874, a 10.00 City directory co., Chicago, 111. Lamp-oon Sterling electrical mfg. co., Warren, O. Lancaster county historical society Historical papers and addresses, 1896 Lancaster, Pa. Land and water, 1897, m i . 00 Land and water pub. co., Ouincy, Mass. Landmann, 1902, w i . 00 Excelsior pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Landmark baptist, 1881 , w i . 50 Arkansas baptist pub. co., Little Rock, Ark. Lands and mines, 1892, w i . 00 Geo. J. Blakeley, Alining' exchange bldg., Denver, Colo. Lancet clinic, 1842. w 3 • 00 Lancet-clinic co., Cincin., O. Lantern, 1879, ■^^'- d'^^^'- *^'^^^- X^' ^ -^5 Ohio state university, Columbus, O. Lantern, 1904, m 50 Lantern co., Dallas, Tex. Lariat, 1901, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Baylor university. \\'aco. Tex. Larkin idea, 1906 Larkin co., Buffalo, N. Y. Laryngoscope, 1896. m 3 • 00 M. A. Goldstein. 3858 Westminster \)\.. St. Louis, Mo. Lasker's chess magazine, 1904, m 3 .00 116 Nassau st., X. Y. Latin and high school review, i886, m. dur. coll. yv y^ Undergraduates of Cambridge Latin and liigli schools, Cambridge, ]\Iass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 143 Latin school register, 1880. 111. dur. sell, yr 50 Latin school register co.. Warren ave., Ijoston. Mass. Laurentian, 1888, 10 nos i 00 Laurentian pub. CO., Canton, N. Y. Law, w 4 • 00 The Law pub. co., Missouri Trust bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Law bulletin, 6 d 12.00 I\e\ic\v print, and pub. co., 180 Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Law journal, vv 3 00 Detroit law journal co., 33 Hodges bldg., Detroit. Mich. Law journal, 1888, 6 d .^ 700 .\. ^'. Law pub. CO., 319 Hroadwa\ . X. ^'. Law notes, 1 897, m i . 00 Jul ward Thompson co., Xortlipcjrt, X. ^ . Law of rights, 1905, q . .35 Little Ivalls, Minn. Law register, w 2 . 00 Law pub. CO., 94 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Law reporter, 1 874, w 3 . 00 Law reporter co., 518 {-"ifth st.. X. \\'., Washington, D. C. Law student's helper, 1893, m i .00 Sprague pub. co.. Majestic bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Lawgiver, ni i • 00 Associated lawyers pub. co., Rattle Creek, Mich. Lawrence university bulletin, ([ Appleton, W'is. Lawrentian, 1884, s-m, ni. dur. coll. yr i .00 Lawrentian association, .Appleton. Wis. Laws observatory. University of Missouri. Bulletin, H)02. irreg. Columbia.' Mo. Lawyers' reports, annotated, 18SS. 1) in 24.00 Lawyers' co-operatixe pub. co.. Rochester. X'. Y. Lead and zinc news, f i .00 Lead and zinc news cti.. Century bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Leader, 1 ^jo. m i . 00 I'aulist fathers, 120 \\'. f)Oth st.. X. \'. Leader bulletin, it>o5, ni The Mauer mfg. co.. Mount \'ernon. X. Y. Leadership, i(;o6. m i .00 Personal help pub. co.. Des Moines, la. League leaflets, ni Aposlleship of ]>rayer. j; W. 16th St.. X. Y. League of American municipalities lUiUetin. i8()(), m I.OO John MacX'icar. Des Moines, la. League prayer meeting topics T\oy S. Marsh, b'redonia. X. Y. Leaks, \^)o6. m \meriean sales book co.. Elniira. X. Y. Leander McCormick observatory of the University of Va. Publications 144 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Leather manufacturer, 1 883, ni 3 .00 Demintj and Rogers, 683 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Leather workers journal, 1898. m 50 Internat. united brotherhood of leather workers, Gibraltar bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Leaves of light, 1872, w 35 S. S. bd. reformed church, 308 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Ledge, 1893, w 2.o(, R. T. Lowery, New Denver. B. C. Ledger, 1872, w i .00 W. D. Boyce co., 112 Dcarl)orn st.. Chicago, 111. Legal adviser, 1861, m i .00 Legal adviser pub. co., 92 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Legal bibliography, 1881, q Free Boston book co., 83 Francis st.. Fenway, Boston, Mass. Legal intelligencer, 1843, w 3. 00 H. W. Page, Phila., Pa. Legal journal, 1853, w 3 . 20 John S. Murray, Pittsburg, Pa. Legal news, 1895, 6 d 6.00 1 894, W 3 . GO Detroit legal news co., Detroit, Mich. Legislative news, 1903, w 2 .00 T. M. O'Hanlon, Troy, N. Y. Lehre und wehre, 1855, m 2 .00 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis, Mo. Leland Stanford Jr. university Publications; contributions to biology from the Hop- kins seaside laboratory, 1895, irreg Varies ^Trustees' series. 1897, irreg Stanford university, Cal. Lend a hand record, m i . 00 R. H. Blodgett & co., i Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Lens, q Free Emil H. Arnold, Ann Arbor, Mich. Leonard's illustrated medical journal, 1879, ^ 5° Illus. med. journal co., 18 John R. st.. Detroit, Mich. Leonard's railway news, w 2 . 00 John H. Leonard, 74 Cortland St., N. Y. Lesbian herald, 1897, m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of woman's college, Frederick, Md. Leslie's weekly, 1855, w 500 Judge CO., Parker bldg., N. Y. Lesson quarterly, q 12 Committee of publication, Richmond, Va. Letters H. M. Van Holsen co., Chicago, 111. Leucocyte, 1 895, m i . 00 Alumni and students of Detroit college of medicine, Detroit, Mich. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 145 Lewis institute llulk-liii, 1903 Lewis Institute, Chicaj^o. 111. Liberal review, 1904. in i .00 Liberal review co., 140 Dearborn St.. Cliicas:o, 111. Liberator, 1 ^ijj, m i . 00 I'rank K. l-'oster, 1 16 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. Libertas, d 12.00 .Manuel Rava.u... Manila, 1'. J. Library company of Phila. Bulletin. i,S()S, ni Phila.. Pa. Library index to periodicals and current events, 1905. m 3.00 R. I\. Bowker, J98 liroadway. X. Y. Library journal, 1 S70. ni 4 . 00 1\. 1\. Bowker. 298 Broadway. X. Y. Library leaflet, m l'ul>lic lil)rary, Cincin.. O. Library news, 1890 l-ree public library. X'ewark. X. J. Library notes and news, 1904 Minn, state library commission, Minneapolis. Minn. Library occurrent, 1906, irreg- l'id)lic library commission of Indiana, Indianapolis. Ind. Library record, 1 892 Jersey city free public library. Jersey Citv. X. J. Library work, i<)o6, irre.s: ••>ee to libraries The 11. W. Wilson co., Minneapolis. Minn. Lick observatory. University of California See L'nixersity i)f California publications: astronomv. Lietuva, 1893, w 2.00 A. Olszewski. 924 Thirty-third St.. Chicatro. ill. Life, 1894. m '. i.oo .\. P. Ilarton. ^^^2 Troost ave.. Kansas Citv. Mo. Life. 1883. w ;;; : 5.00 Life pub. CO.. 17 \\ . 31st St.. X. Y. Life and health, 1885. m 50 l\e\ lew and herald jnib. ass'u. \\asliintj;ton. I). C Life and light for woman, m 60 Woman's bd. of missions. con,y;rej:::ational house. r>oston. Mass. Life boat, 1 8()7. m :^o Workin.G:inen's home and life boat mission. Hinsdale, 111. Life insurance courant, i8cj5. m 2 00 .\. J. I-litcraft. Oak Park. 111. Life insurance educator, 1904. m 2.00 Insurance educator co.. Louisville. Ky. Life insurance independent, 1889. in 2.00 X. II. Weed. i(T^> I'ulton St.. X. Y. Liga agraria, 1 886. m Carlos Theve v Lhoste. Havana. Cuba. 146 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Light, m ' I . oo Light pub. CO., 265 Broadway, N. Y. Light house, 1902, m 50 H. W. Tahnage, McKeesport, Pa. Light of truth, 1 887, w 50 Light of truth pub. co., Ellsworth bldg., Chicago, 111. Lincoln magazine, 1905, m i .00 67 W. 125th St., N. Y. Linksma walanda, 1899, m 50 D. T. Boczkowski, Mahanoy Cit}-, Pa. Linnean, 1905, m i .00 Linnean pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Lippincott's monthly magazine, 1868, m 2 . 50 Lippincott co., 22"] S. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Liqueurs et tabacs, 1902, m i . 00 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Liquor dealer's journal, 1904, w i . 50 Journal pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. List of architects Buyers' reference co., N. Y. List of buyers Buyers' reference co., N. Y. Literary collector, 1 900, m i . 50 i^iterary collector press, Greenwich, Conn. Literary digest, 1 890, w 3 • 00 Funk and Wagnalls co., 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. Literary gems, 1897, m i . 00 Monitor co., Cincin., O. Literary life, 1 884, m 50 Abbey press, T14 Fifth ave., N. Y. Literary monthly, 1887, m. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. Little Christian, s-m 30 Mrs. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Little chronicle, 1900, w i . 50 Little cnronicle pub. co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Little folks, 1897, m i .00 S. E. Cassino, Salem, Mass. Little folks, m i . 50 Cassell & CO., 43 19th st., N. Y. Little folk's annual, a 10 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay st., N. Y. Little journeys, m 3 . 00 Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora, N. Y. Little Rock sketch book, 1906 Mrs. Bernie Babcock, Little Rock, Ark. Little visitor, b-m 25 Sanitol chcni. lab. co., St. Louis. Mo. Little wanderer's advocate, 1865, q i .00 N. E. home for little wanderers, 202 W. Newton st., r.oston, Mass. x>* ** or THf UNIVERSITY or Sai /rcRW^hr GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 147 Live stock and dairy journal, 1903. ni i.oo Live stock and dairy journal pub. cc. San i-'rancisco, Cal. Live stock inspector, 1895. s-ni i -OO \V. E. r.olton, Woodward. Okla. Live stock journal, 1 868. \v i . 00 'r. A. r.uttcrworth, 394 Fifty-fifth St., Chicago, 111. Live stock journal. 1889. 6d 4-00 lndiaiiai)()lis live stock jour, aiul pt-^-. en.. I'nioii stock yards, Indianapolis. Ind. Live stock journal, 1896, b-ni i 00 Sam S. English. Louisville. Ky. Live stock journal, 6 d 4 • 00 Market review pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Live stock record, 1901, 6d 400 Ixecord \)\\h. CO.. Sioux City. la. Live stock record, 1 902, 6 d Record pub. co.. East Buffalo. N. Y. Live stock report, 1 89 1 , w 50 John Clay, Jr.. L'nion stock yards, Chicago, 111. Live stock reporter, 1896, 6 d 4 00 Reporter pub. co., Fort Worth, Tex. Live stock reporter, 1 888. w i . 50 C. C. Watson. [Midland, Tex. Live stock review, 1875, w i .00 C. 1>. Murray, Cincin., O. Live stock tribune, i S<)^. m 50 Kruckeberg press, 123 Los .\ngeles St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Living age, 1 S44, w 6 . 00 Li\ingage co., 13'.' Broiuheld st.. Lxiston. Mas>. Living church, i ^jS. w - • 5° \'oung churchman co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Living epistle, \S&^, w i .00 J. II. Lamb. Cleveland. O. Living truths, 1902. m i .00 Living truths co., 38 W. i8th st.. X. Y. Living water, 1 8*> i , w i • 00 Pentecostal mission pub. co.. Nashville, Tenn. Locomotive, 1880. (i 5^ Hartford steam boiler insi)ection and insurance co.. Hartford, Conn. Locomotive firemen's magazine, 1876. m i 50 John 1'. .McXaniee. Indianapolis, Ind. Lodge, club and ass'n record, i Si. u i . 50 Lutheran world co.. Cireenxille. Pa. Lutheraner, 1 844. f i . 00 Concordia pub. house. St. Louis. Mo. Lutheraneren, 181)5. w i .(X) .\us;sbury pub. house, Minneapolis, Minn, Lutherische herold, 1856, w i . 50 I*".\ani;\'l. Lutheran ministeriun of X. V., X. ^'. Lutherische kirchenzeitung, i S=,i). \v 1.25 Lutheran book concern. Columbus. ( ). Lutherisches kirchenblatt, 1883. \v 2.00 I'astors of the general coinicil. Reading, Pa. Luxemburger gazette. 1 87 1 , w 2 . 00 t'atholic print, co.. I)ubu([ue. la. Lyceumite, 1 ( }()2. in 1 . 00 I-.dwin L. Parker, Steinway Hall, Chica.s^o. 111. Lying-in hospital of the city of New York Pullelin. I(j04. c; I .00 Lyiui^-in hospital press. 2i\ ave. and 17th st.. X. Y. Lyre, m 50 Wright ^v- Campbell. Traverse Citv. Mich. I50 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS M. A. C. record, 1896. w. dur. coll. yr 50 Alich. ag^ricultural college. Agricultural college. Mich. M. S. U. independent, 1 894, w i . 00 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia. ]Mo. M. S. U. savitar, 1895. a i . 50 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Macaroni and noodle manufacturers' journal, 1903, ni 2.00 Macaroni journal co., Cleveland, O. Maccabaean, 1901, m i .00 Maccabaean pub. co., 320 Broadway, N. Y. McCall bazaar of fashions, m The McCall co., 236 W. 37th st., N. Y. McCall's magazine, 1873, m 50 McCall CO.. 236 W. 37th St., N. Y. McClure's magazine, 1893. m i .00 S. S. McClure co.. 44 E. 23d St., N. Y. McClurg & co's monthly bulletin of new books, m A. C. AlcClurg & CO.. 215 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. McGill college and university Papers from the department of applied science, 1896. . Papers from the department of botany, 1896 Papers from the dept. of chem. and mineralogy, 1896. Papers from the department of classics, 1903 Papers from the department of engineering, 1896 Papers from the department of geology, 1896 Papers from the department of opthalmology, 1902. . . Papers from the department of pathology, 1896 _. Papers from the department of philosophy, 1896 Papers from the department of physics, 1896 • Papers from the department of physiology, 1896 Papers from the department of zoology, 1901 Montreal, Canada. McGill outlook, 1898, w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of ■\lcGill university. Montreal. Canada. Machine tool pocket-list, 1905. q i .00 42 Broadway, N. Y. Machinery, 1894 Shop ed.. m i .00 Engineering ed., m 2.00 Foreign ed., m 3 • 00 Industrial press. 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. Machinist's monthly journal, 1889. m i .00 D. Douglas Wilson. ^IcGill bldg.. Washington. D. C. Mack & co's home news, irreg Free ?vtack & CO., Ann Arbor. Mich. McMaster university monthly, m. dur. coll. yr Students of ]\IcMaster university. McMaster's commercial cases, 1906 McMaster co.. N. Y. McMaster's commercial decisions Commercial book co., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 151 McMicken review, 1879. 'i^- ^^^^''- ^^^^- y ' -^^ McMickeii pub. co., University of Cincin., Cincin., O. Madame, 1 c;o3. m i . 00 I'ord pub. CO.. Indiana])olis. Ind. Madisonensis, 1 867. f 1.75 Students of Col.g^ate university. lianiilton, X. Y. Magazine, 1 900. ui 50 Cle\eland niai^aziue C(j.. Clcxeland, ( ). Magazine of Christian art, m 5 00 Jolm C. Winston co.. 1016 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Magazine of history, 1905, ni 5.00 William .Xbbatt. 141 E. 25th st.. X. Y. Magazine of mysteries, 1901, m i .00 Thompson »S: co.. 22 X. William St.. X. Y. Magic city hoof and horn, 1887. w i .00 Mastic city ])rint. and pub. co.. South Omaha, Xeb. Magnet, 1 903. m 10 MajT^net pub. co.. West Derry. X. H. Magyarok vasarnapja, 1901. \v 2.00 Maijyarok \asarnapja j)ub. co.. Cleveland, O. Mahatoma, 1895. m 1 .00 T. Francis Fritz, 805 Halsey st.. Brooklyn. X'. Y. Mail and breeze, i S/2, \\ i . 00 Arthur copper. Topeka, Kan. Mail and herald, 1898. w i .00 Mrs. Cora P). Xa.e^el. Seattle. Wash. Mail order journal, 1898. ni i .00 Mail order jour. pub. co., 109 Randolph st.. Chicaijo. 111. Mail order monthly, 1 898, ni 50 J. L. Lovcrino-. St. Paul. Minn. Mail trade ideas, 1 »p i . m i . 00 Graves-Shaffer. 34 Merchant Row. Boston. Mass. Maine bar association. Report, 1 892, a -Xu.yusta. Me. Maine farmer, 1 833. w 1 . 00 Maine farmer ]-)ub. co.. .\u.i;usta. Me. Maine medical association. Transactions, i8;4. a W. E. Tobie. sec. Portland. Me. Maine ornithological society. Journal, \Sn<.), q 50 W. 11. r.ronson. Portland. Me. Maine sportsman, 1893, ni 1 .00 Herbert \\'. Rowe, Ban.c:or. Me. Maine temperance record, 1 S78. m 50 r.rackett ^: co.. P.elfast. Me. Maine. University Bulletin, irreg' Free Studies, irrerj. 1900 Orono. Me. Maine woods. 1877. w i .00 J. W. Brackett co., Phillips. Me. 152 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Major magazine, 1901, ni i .00 A. H. Major co., 412 N. 9th st., St. Louis, Mo. Maiden public library Bulletin, 1899 Children's room bulletin, 1900 Maiden. Mass. Manitoba college journal, 1885, "i- '^l"''- ^'o''- y ^ -OO Students of Alanitoba college, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manitou messenger, 1886. m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of St. Olaf college, Xorthfield, Minn. Manna, 1 878. m 25 John G. Stauffer, Quakertown, Pa. Manning's monthly science, m U. G. Manning, South Bend. Ind. Man's best friend, s-m i .00 Chas. H. Mason, 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Manual of conchology, 1879, i^'i'^g-, per part, colored 5 00 Academy of nat. sciences, conchological section. Phila.; Pa. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand-book, 1879. ^ 5-00 Manual of statistics co., 25 W. Broadway, N. Y. Manual of the coupon ticket points Chas. J. Stromberg, Chicago. 111. Manual training magazine, 1899, ^1 i .00 Peoria. 111. Manufacturer, 1905. m Manufacturer pub. co., Buffalo. N. Y. Manufacturer, 1888, s-m 3 00 Manufacturers' club. 608 Chestnut st.. Phila.. Pa. Manufacturer and merchant, 1898. m 20 Manufacturer pub. co.. Hall bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Manufacturers' journal, 1894. m 2 .00 Geo. V. Saward, 204 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Manufacturers' record, 1882, w 4.00 Manufacturers' record pub. co., Baltimore. Md. Manufacturing jeweler, 1884. w i .00 Walter B. Frost & co.. Providence, R. I. Maple leaf, 190S- m i.oo York. Pa^ Marietta college bulletin, 1^04, b-m Marietta, Ohio. Marine biological laboratory, biological lectures, 1890 W^ood's Hole, Mass. Marine journal, 1 878. w 3 • 00 ^larine journal co.. 17 State st.. N. Y. Marine review, 1 878. w 3 • 00 l^enton pub. co., Cleveland. O. Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman, i8()5. s-m i .00 R. 1). Robinson. Sussex. X. !'>. Maritime journal, 1885, w 3 00 Samuel B. MacDonnell, 133 Bank ave.. Phila., Pa. (iL IDK lO PERIODICALS 153 Maritime medical news, 1881), 111 1 .c» Janu> l<<.>s. Halifax. X. S. Maritime merchant, 1892. f i .00 Imperial pub. co., Halifax. X. S. Maritime register, i8rx>. \v 35-00 World's maritime news co.. <)i William st.. X. V. Maroon, i8<;2. 5 d. dur. coll. yr 3.00 Maroon, 1902, ni. dur. coll. yr i .73 Students of the university of C"hicajj:o. Press hldc^.. Chica.i^-o. 111. Martin's magazine, 1 896. w 50 \(l\i)catc pub. CO.. Roanoke. \'a. Maryland agricultural college quarterly, (| Free riu-mical dept.. Md. a.^rricultural colle,!.,a'. Collei,^' Park. Md. Maryland baptist, igo2. s-m 1 .00 M. j. Webb. P.altimore. Md. Maryland bar association. Reports, a Conway W. Sams, sec, lialtimore. Md. Maryland churchman, 1 885, m i . 00 Tushino- cm., j^.altimore. Md. Maryland educational journal, 1905. m 50 ( ilol)e pub. and |)rint. co.. Baltimore. Md. Maryland historical magazine, 1906. q 3 .00 Maryland liist. society. I'altimore. Md. Maryland historical society .\rcliives. 1883 Fund publications. 1867 Baltimore. Md. Maryland medical journal, 1877. m 2.00 Med. journal co.. 608 Professional bldtx-. Baltimore. Md. Maryland. University. Hospital bulletin, 1005. m i .cxD H(^s])ital bulletin co.. Baltimore. Md. Masonic advocate, i8r>7. ni i .00 Martin 11. Rice. Masonic teiuple. Indianapolis. Ind. Masonic chronicle, 1 88 1 . m 75 Secret society pul). co.. Colund)us. O. Masonic chronicler, 1 (>oo. w i . 00 .\bb()tt iv- Sclunidt, 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Masonic constellation, l88(^ m i .00 .Masonic pub. co.. Security bldu;^.. St. Louis. Mo. Masonic forum, 1903, w i .00 Masonic forum pub. co.. Jackson\ille. Fla. Masonic herald, i8()5, m i .00 Max Meyerliardt. Roiue. da. Masonic home journal, 1883. s-m i .00 Masonic widows and orphans home. 1 ,i>uis\ille. Ky. Masonic journal, 1887. m 50 Smith c'v: Sale. Portland. Me. Masonic news, ni 7^ C\ S. Oedraff. Peoria. 111. 154 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Masonic observer, 1900, w 50 J. C. Townsend, Minneapolis, Minn. Masonic review, 1892, m . i . 00 Henrietta D. Cotes, Taconia, Wash. Masonic standard, 1898, w 2 .00 C. C. Hunt. 53 W. 24th St., N. Y. Masonic sun, 1897, s-m i . 00 Masonic pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Masonic tidings, 1885, ni i .00 Herbert N. Laflin, Milwaukee, Wis. Masonic token, 1867, q 12 Stephen Berry, Portland, Me. Masonic trestle board, 1904, w 2 .00 Edward P. Critcher, 190 Fifth ave., Chicago. 111. Masonic trowel, 1887, m i .00 Geo. Thornburgh, Little Rock, Ark. Masonic voice-review, 1845, "^ i • 50 ]\Iasonic voice-review co., ]\Iasonic temple, Chicago, 111. Massachusetts charitable mechanic association — Proceedings. 1792, a Boston, Mass. Massachusetts general hospital. Publications, 1906 Journal of nied. research, Boston, Mass. Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, 1791, a 3 00 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts horticultural society. Transactions, a Boston, ]Mass. Massachusetts institute of technology. Research laboratory of physical chemistry. Contributions, 1903 Boston, Mass. Massachusetts labor bulletin, 1897. b-ni Boston. Mass. Massachusetts medical journal, 1881, m i .00 l')ay state pub. co., 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts ploughman, 1841, w 2.00 ^lass. ploughman pub. co., 3 State st., Boston, Alass. Master car-builders association. Reports and proceedings, Joseph H. Taylor, 667 Rookery, Chicago, 111. Master mason, 1905, m i .00 Xathan L. Baker, Kansas City, Mo. Master painter, 1896, m i .00 A. Aslimun Kelley, Malvern, Pa. Master printer, 1904, m i .00 }^Iaster printer association. 929 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Masters in art, 1900, m ^50 Bates & Guild, 42 Chauncy st., Boston, Mass. Mauser mfg. co. Leader bulletin, 1906 Mt. Vernon, X. Y. Maxwell's talisman, 1901, m 25 Geo. H. Maxwell, Fisher bldg., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 155 Mayflower, w 30 rilL^'rini ])rcss. 14 lU'ason st.. Boston. Mass. Mayflower, 1885, ni 50 Maytlowcr ]n\h. co., Floral Park, N. Y. Mayflower descendant, q 2 . 00 Mass. socicly of MayHower ck'scfiidaiits. Boston, Mass. Mazama, 1 896. a 2 . 00 The Mazanias, Portland. Ore. Mechanic, 1905. ni i 00 123 Liberty st., X. V. Medical annals See .Mbany medical annals. Medford historical register, 1898. q i 00 Medford historical .society. Medford, Mass. Medical, 1904, 6 d i • 00 ^ledical pub. co. of Am., 442 Pearl st.. X. Y. Medical advance, 1 873, m 2 . 00 Jas. E. I'orrest, Batavia. 111. Medical advocate, m i 00 ("1. j. Rittenhouse, 140 W. 42d St.. X. Y. Medical and chirurgical faculty of Maryland John Riihrali. sec. I'.altimore, Md. Medical and drug advertiser, 1902, m i .00 l.illard (!\: co., 108 Inilton St.. X'. Y. Medical and surgical journal, 1902. m 2.00 Journal co.. Mobile, Ala. Medical and surgical journal, 1844, m 2.00 .\e\v Orleans. T.a. Medical and surgical reporter, m i .00 Cleveland liom. med. collejTe, Cleveland, O. Medical and surgical reporter, 1885, m i .00 Toledo med. and sury-. reported co., Toledo. O. Medical arena. i8()2, m 1 .00 W. L. Roy. 1214 Main st.. Kansas City. Mo. Medical brief, 1873, m 1 00 J. J. Lawrence, St. Louis, Mo. Medical bulletin, 1879. m 1 .00 !•". A. Davis co.. 1914 Cherry st.. Phila.. Pa. Medical century, 1893, "^ 2.00 Medical century co., 92 42d st.. X. "S". Medical college of Virginia. Bulletin, U)04. q Medical collet^^e of \'iri;inia. Richiuond. \'a. Medical council, 1 895. m i . 00 J. J. Taylor. 4105 ^Yalnut St., Phila.. Pa. Medical counselor, m 1 .00 Medical counselor co.. iS Willis ave., Detroit. Mich. Medical critic, ic^oi. m i .00 Medical critic pub. co.. 154 I'. 72(1 st.. X. Y. Medical educator, m 50 P. A. .Mandabach, Cohmil>us. ( ). 156 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Medical era, 1883, m i .00 Era pub. co.. 100 State st., Chica^^o, 111. Medical examiner and practitioner, 1891 , ni 2.00 00 William st.. N. Y. Medical fortnightly, 1892, f 2.00 Fortnightly press. Century bldg".. St. Louis. Mo. Medical free press, 1883, "^ i 00 R. C. Kelsey. 105 E. Ohio st., Indianapolis. Ind. Medical harbinger, q i . 00 Medical harbinger co., 910 Lami, St. Louis, Mo. Medical herald, 1882, ni i .00 New Albany nied. co.. New Albany, Ind. Medical herald, 1882, m 2 .00 Medical herald co., St. Joseph, Mo. Medical journal, 1903, m i .00 Chas. B. Nichols, Los Angeles, Cal. Medical library and historical journal, 1903, q 2.00 Association of medical librarians. 1313 Bedford ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Medical mirror, 1890, m i .00 Medical mirror pub. co., St. Louis. Mo. Medical missionary, m 50 Good health pub. co.. Battle Creek, Mich. Medical notes and queries, 1905, m i .00 Medical notes and queries co., Lancaster, Pa. Medical owl, ci i . 00 Owl pub. CO., Water Valley, Ark. Medical progress, 1886, m i .00 ]\Iedical progress co., Louisville, Ky. Medical quarterly, 1896, q Kingston, Out. Medical record, 1 866, w 5 . 00 Wm. Wood & CO., 51 Fifth ave., N. Y. Medical recorder, m i . 00 Medical recorder co., Shreveport, La. Medical review, 1881, w i . 00 St. Louis medical review ass'n, St. Louis, Mo. Medical review of reviews, 1895, m i .00 Review of reviews co., 252 Madison ave., N. Y. Medical sentinel, 1 893, m 2 . 00 Medical sentinel co., Portland, Ore. Medical society of the District of Columbia. Transactions, a . . Thos. C. Smith, sec, 1 133 Twelfth st., N. A\'.. W^ashington, D. C. Medical society of New Jersey journal, m 2.00 Newark, N. J. Medical society of the state of New York. Transactions, 1807. a i .50 W. R. Townsend. sec, 64 ^ladison a\-e., N. Y. Medical society of the state of N. Carolina. Transactions, 1849, a 2 .00 Dr. J. H. Way, sec, Waynesville, N. C. Gl'IDK lO PhKiolJlLALb 157 Medical society of Virginia. Transactions, i8(/) L 11. lulwartls, >>cc., Kichniond, \ a. Medical standard, 18S7, in i . 50 (i. I'. I'-uj^a-lhard co.. 358 Dcarbcjrn si.. Chicago, 111. Medical student, 1889, 111. from Xov.-June 1 .00 Students of Boston univ. school of nied.. Boston, Mass. Medical summary, 1 iiJ^J, ni 1 . 00 R. H. Andrews. 2321. I'ark ave, I'hila.. Pa. Medical talk for the home, 1900, ni 50 Medical talk pub. co.. Columbus, O. Medical times, 1 882. m 2 . 00 Thos. H. Hawkins, Denver. Colo. Medical topics, m 1 . 25 I'rairie press, Masonic temple, Chicago. 111. Medical tribune, 1 886. m 2 . 00 Medical tribune co.. 124 W. 47tli St., N. Y. Medical world, 1883, m 1 .cxd C. I". Taylor, 1520 Chestnut St., I'hila., Pa. Medicinische monatschrift, 1889. m 2 .00 150 W. i3()th St., X. Y. Medico-legal journal, 1883. q 3 .00 Medico-le.gal journal. 39 Broadway. X'. \'. Medico-pharmacentical journal, m 1 . 50 Medic(i-])harni. jour, ass'n. 27 Penn ave.. Brooklyn. X. Y. Medico-pharmaceutical journal, m 1 . 50 Henry B. Craskey <^ co., 3325 Powelton ave.. Phila.. I^a. Megaphone, 1 902. m i . 00 Megaphone jiress co., 330 I'ulton St., Brooklyn. X. "\'. Memphis medical monthly, 1881 , m i 00 Memphis medical monthly pul). co.. Memi)his. 'I'enn. Men and matters, 1894. m 1 .00 Miss M. Rvans, Xew Orleans. La. Men and women, 1902. m 1 .00 Martin Maloney. Cincin.. C). Mennonite, 1884, w 50 Mennonite book concern, lierne. Ind. Menorah, 1 886. m 3 00 Philip Cowen. 489 l-'ifth ave.. X. Y. Men's magazine, 1901, m 50 Men's magazine, ^o^j liroadway. X. \ . Men's outfitter, 1 878. m 3 . 00 Men's DUtfitter. 395 Broadway. X. Y. Men's wear, 1876, s-m 2.00 l-airchild co.. 621 liroadway. X. \'. Mercantile adjuster, 1886. m 5 .00 Mercaniile adjuster pub. ct).. 1 20 P.roadway. X. Y. Mercantile and financial times, 1873. w 5.00 I'rancis !^wigert. (^y Murray st.. X. Y. Mercantile library. Bulletin, 1905, m Cincin., O. 158 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mercer university. Quarterly journal, 1905, q Trustees of Mercer university, Macon, Ga. Mercerian, ni. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of ]\Iercer university, Macon. Ga. Merchant and decorator, 1905. ni 2.00 120 Liberty St., X. Y. Merchant and general storekeeper, 1885. i" ^ • 5° ^Merchant pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Merchant and manufacturer, 1868, w 2 .00 T. J. Smith & CO., Cincin., O. Merchant and manufacturer, 1892, m 50 Robert L Burch, Nashville, Tenn. Merchant sentinel, 1877, \v i .00 Razall & CO., Cincin., O. Merchants and manufacturers journal, 1904. m i .00 Merchants and mnfrs. pub. co., Baltimore. Md. Merchants' association review, 1897, m., not sold ]Merchants' ass'n of San Francisco., San Francisco, Cal. Merchants' guide, 1879, ^'^' i • 00 Merchants' guide co.. 13th and Market sts., Phila., Pa. Merchants' journal, 1889, w i • 50 ]Merchants' journal co., Topeka, Kan. Merchants' record and show window, 1897, m 2.00 Merchants' record co., 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Merchants' review, 1880, w 2 . 00 Wm. E. W^ilkins, 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. Merck's archives, 1899, m i .00 Merck & co., 13 University pi., N. Y\ Merck's report, 1891, m 2.00 Merck & co., 13 University pi., N. Y. Mercury, 1893, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students Penn. college, Gettysburg, Pa. Meriden scientific association. Transactions, 1886, irreg Y^aries Meriden, Conn. Merry idea, 1906 — ' — ^lerry optical co., Kansas City, Mo. Mes medico, 1904, m 3- 00 Dr. Nicolas G. De Rosas, Havana, Cuba. Messenger, 1886, w i • 00 Jas. P. Cox, Owensville, Ind. Messenger, 1900, f i • 00 Louisiana miss. ,bapt. state convention. New Orleans, La. Messenger, 189 1, m 50 Messenger pub. co., Stoughton, ]\Iass. Messenger, 1 887, w i . 50 Messenger print, and pul). co., AN'orcester, Mass. Messenger, 1885. m 50 Y. ^I. C. A., Newark. N. J. Messenger, 1865, m 2.00 Apostleship (^f prayer, 2y \\ . 16th st., N. Y. Gl'IDE TO TERIODICALS «59 Messenger and visitor, 1836, \v i . 50 Maritinu- l)a])tist pub. co., St. Jolin, X. B. Messenger of peace, 1 874. s-m i . 50 Walter ("ash. Marccline. Mo. Messenger of the sacred heart, i8f)6, ni 50 Apostlcship of i)rayer, 27 W. i6th St., N. V. Messiah's advocate, 1 882, \v i . 50 Pacific advent cliristian ])iil). and miss, society, Oakland. Cal. Metal industry, 1894, ni i .00 Metal industry pub. co.. 61 L5eeknian st., X. V. Metal miner, 1 90 1 , 111 i . 00 1'.. luiti^ar Griswold. .Minnea])olis, Minn. Metal worker, 1 874. w 2 . 00 David Williams co.. 232 William st.. X. Y. Metaphysical inagazine, 1895, (| i .00 Metaphysical pub. co., 121 \\ . 42(1 st., X. Y. Methodist, 1 879, \v i . 50 Baltimore methodist co., Baltimore. Md. Methodist, 1876. w i . 50 Rev. S. W. Thomas. 1018 .Arch st.. IMiila.. Fa. Methodist, hjcx). w 1 .00 R. H. Piciue . X. I\ Methodist protestant, 1 8 ^ 1 . \v i . 50 T. R. Woodford. i'.altim.M-e. Md. Methodist protestant telephone, s-m i .00 J. T. Howell. l"ort Deposit. .\la. Methodist record, m 50 R. L. Selle. Dallas. Tex. Methodist recorder, 1839. \v i . 50 1". W. Rierpont. Pittsburq-. Pa. Methodist review, 1 8 1 9. b-ni 2 . 50 Katon & Mains. 150 l-'ifth ave.. X. Y. Methodist year book, a 25 Methodist bot)k concern. 150 I'iflh a\e.. X. Y. Metronome, 1884. m i .00 Tarl l-'ischer. 6 Fourth ave.. X. Y. Metropolitan and rural home, 1871. m 25 Metroj^olitan and rural home. 20 X. William St.. X. "S". Metropolitan magazine, 1886. m i . :;o Metropolitan ma^azirc- eo.. 3 W. 2t)th St.. X. ^^ Metropolitan museum of art. Bulletin, 11x55. ni i .00 ("entral park. X. ^'. i6o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Meyer brothers' druggist, 1880. in i . 00 C. F. G. Meyer. 222 S. I'.rtj; dway, St. Louis, Mo. Miami bulletin, 1902, m Miami university, Oxford, Ohio. Miami student, 1868. m i .00 Students of Miami university, Oxford, O. Michigan A. O. U. W. herald, 1878, m 25 Oscar F. & L. K. Webster, Belding, Mich. Michigan academy of science, membership i .og Report. 1 894, a Bulletin. 1904, q Sale and distribution made by t^eneral library, university of Michio;an, An.n Arbor. Alicli. Michigan agriculturist, 1906, m 10 C. C. Whitney, Hudson, Mich. Michigan alumnus, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr t .00 Alumni ass'n, university of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich. Michigan artisan, 1880, s-m 1 . 50 Michigan artisan co.. Grand Rapids. Mich. Michigan bulletin, 1894, m 50 B. J- Lowrey, Howard City, Mich. Michigan catholic, 1872, w 2 . 00 \\va. H. Hughes, 64 State St., Detroit. Mich. Michigan Christian advocate, 1875, w r . 50 Methodist pub. co., 21 Adams ave., E., Detroit. Mich. Michigan Christian herald, 1842, w i . 50 Christian herald co., 45 W. Congress St., Detroit, Mich. Michigan daily, 1890. 6 d dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of university of Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich. Michigan engineer, 1879, a i . 00 Michigan engineering society. Climax, Mich. Michigan farmer, 1843, w 60 Lawrence pub. co., 39 Congress st.. W., Detroit. Mich. Michigan investor, 1903, w 5 • 00 ^lichigan investor co.. Majestic bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Michigan knighthood, 1897. m i .00 H. H. Curtis co., Vermontville, Mich. Michigan law review, 1902, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Law faculty, university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan medical news, m i .00 Michigan medical news co.. Grand Rapids, Mich. Michigan miner, 1898, m i .00 Thos. W. Davis and John W. Clark, Saginaw, Mich. Michigan monthly bulletin of vital statistics, 1897, m State board of health. Lansing. Mich. Michigan ornithological club. Bulletin, q 50 Frederick C. Hubel, Detroit. Mich. Michigan patron, 1902, s-m 35 Patron pub. co., Adrian, Mich. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS i6i Michigan pioneer and historical society — — — 1 lislorical cullccli( nis, i.S-j. a i .00 State library, Lansinjif, Mich. Michigan poHtical science association. PubUcations, 1893. irreg. Varies Sale and di.'^lribuliun made by :L,''cncral library. I'liivcrsity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Michigan poultry breeder, 1885, ni 50 G. S. Barnes. Battle Creek, Mich. Michigan poultryman, 1901, ni 50 Michigan ponliryman pub. co., Ithaca, Mich. Michigan presbyterian, 1894. w i .00 Mich. pre.^l)\ . pub. co., W'etlierbee bldg., Detroit. Mich. Michigan serial digest, 1903, q 3 .00 Colin P. (anipbcll, (irand Rapids, Mich. Michigan state conference of charities and corrections Proceedings. 1882. a I.ansino-. Mich. Michigan state gazetteer and business directory. 1872. a 7.00 R. L. Polk .ancisco. Cal. Mining and scientific press, i860, w 3 00 J. I', llallc^ran. San Francisco. Cal. Mining gazette. i8(.)<;. f) d 6.00 Mining gazette co.. Houghton. Mich. Mining investor, 1894. w 4.00 Cdlo. Springs ga/.ctte pub. co.. Colorado Springs. Colo. Mining record, 1 8<)<). w 2 . 00 Reinert i)ub. co., Denver. L'olo. Mining reporter, 187^ w ^.oo W'. C. R. Mills. Club bldg.. Denver. Colo. Mining review, 1 897. w j . (X) .\. Richardson. X. Main st.. Los Angeles. Cal Mining review, 1 Sqq, s-ni -' 50 Mining re\ icw pub. c«i.. Salt Lake City. Ctah. 1 64 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mining review and metallurgist, 1878, m i .00 Edward A. Taft, 356 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Mining topics, 1906, s-m i . GO 64 Fulton St., N. Y. Mining world, 1896, w 50 World printing co., Denver, Colo. Mining world, 1894, w 3 • 00 Western mining world co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Minneapolis society of fine arts. Bulletin, 1905 Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota academy of natural sciences Bulletins, 1873 Occasional papers, 1894 Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota alumni weekly, 1901, w. dur. coll. yr i .25 E. B. Johnson, ^Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota and western states woodman, 1898, m 25 De Lestry pub. co.. St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota daily, 1900, 5 d. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Minnesota daily co.. [Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota geological and natural history survey Bulletin. 1887, irreg St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota historical society ' Report, 1881, biennial — — Collections, 1850, irreg Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota horticulturist, m i . 00 Minn, state horticultural society, Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota issue, 1897, m 50 Minnesota anti-saloon league, Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota magazine, 1895, m. d. coll. yr i .00 Senior class, university of Minn., Minneapolis. Minn. Minnesota school journal, 1900, m 60 School journal co., Minneapolis, Minn. Minnesota state medical association. Journal, s-m 2.00 Thos. McDavitt, St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota union advocate, 1897, w i .00 Cornelius Guiney, St. Paul, Minn. Minnesota. University Bulletin, b-m Free ]vIinneapolis, Alinn. Minnesota white ribbon, 1890, m 25 Mrs. Julia B. Nelson, Red Wing, Minn. Mirror, 1900, w i . 00 John Allen Mette, Augusta, Ga. Mirror, 1891, w 2.00 Wm. Marion Reedy, loth and Pine sts., St. Louis, Mo. Mirror and farmer, 185 1, w 50 John B. Clarke co., [Manchester, N. H. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 165 Mrs. Devereux's tips. 1893, w 2.00 lips pill). CO.. Cincin., O. on field. 1 HHj, m 50 Mi.s.sion Ijoards of rcfornu-d cliurcli. 25 E. 22(1 St., X. V. on gleaner, 1 883. b-ni 25 Women's b'ds of foreign miss, of the ref<^rmed church. 25 E. 22d St.. N. Y. on studies, 1883. in 50 Women's l)d. of missions of the interior. 40 l)earl)t)rn St.. Ciiicago, 111. onary, 1 8V)8. m 50 l'.\ccuti\c com. of forciii^n missions. Xaslixillc. Tcnn. onary helper, 1 878. m 50 I'rcc hajjtist woman's miss, society, 457 Shawmut ave.. Iloston, Mass. onary herald, 1 804. m y^ Amer. bd. of commissioners of for. miss.. 14 Beacon St.. Boston, Mass. onary intelligencer, 1887. m 50 I'oreiinn Christian miss, society, Cincin.. O. onary messenger, 1886. m 2^ Mattill \- Land). Cleveland, O. onary monthly, 1 897. m 50 Board of missions. 1 Inntiniiton, hid. onary outlook, 1880, m 40 Ke\ . .\. Sutherland, Toronto. Canada. onary record, 1 875. m 35 C\miberland presby. bd. of miss.. Holland annex bids:., St. Louis, \fo. onary review of the world, 1S88, m 2.00 I'unk cS: Wa.t^nalls co., 44 E. 2T,d st.. X. Y. onary search-light, s-m 50 Mrs. Sara j. Duncan. .*~^elma, Ala. onary tidings, 1 S83. m . .50 Christian woman's bd. of missions, 152 E. Market St.. lndiana])olis. ind. onary tidings, i ^<.)2. m 2 ; Mrs. II. II. Smith, llarrisbur-. I'a. onary worker, 1 8c) i . s-m 50 J. B. (iambrell. Dallas, Tex. onary world, 1887, m 50 \\ orld's faith missionary ass'n, Shenandoah, la. ssippi baptist, 1 890. \v 1 . 00 Tracy (iallas])y. Xewton. Miss. ssippi historical society. Publications, 1898. a 5.00 Territorial archives. i<)o(i. a 5.00 Oxford. .Miss. Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss: Miss Miss Miss Miss ssippi odd fellow, ui 1 .00 W. \\. Champlin. C.ulf])ort. Miss. ssippi school journal, m 1 .00 Mississippi school journal pub. co.. Jackson. Miss. 1 66 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mississippi sea shore methodist, igo4, \v 50 l*iloxi print, co., Biloxi. Miss. Mississippi state medical association. Journal, i8(;7, m i .00 .S. T. Fox. Water A'alley. Miss. Mississippi teacher. 1S97. 1 1 nos i .00 Mississippi teacher pub. co., Jackson, Miss. Mississippi valley lumberman, 1876 Lumberman pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Mississippi valley merchant and manufacturer, 1901, m 50 ^liss. valley niercliant and mfg. pub. co.. Rock Island, 111. Missouri and Arkansas farmer and fruit man, 1888, m 50 J'armer and fruit man pub. co.. Tenth and Central sts., Kansas City, ]Mo. Missouri and Kansas farmer, 1884, m 25 Farmer co.. University bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Missouri bar association. Report, a C. F. Gallenkamp. sec. Union, j\lo. Missouri botanical garden. Report, i8qo, a i.oo St. Louis, AIo. Missouri Endeavor, 1903, m 50 Missouri endeavorer pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Missouri freemason, 1897, m 50 T*,owman & Reed, 715 Locust st., St. Louis. Mo. Missouri historical review, 1906, q i .00 ^Missouri state historical society, Columbia, Mo. Missouri pharmaceutical association. Proceedings, 1879, a. . . . i.oo H. M. Whelpley, St. Louis. :Mo. Missouri school journal, 1883, "i i 25 H. A. Ciass, Jefferson City, Mo. Missouri state board of agriculture. Monthly bulletin, m Free Report, 1866 Free Jefferson City, ]Mo. Missouri state fruit experiment station. Bulletin Free [Mountain Grove, Mo. Missouri state horticultural society. Reports, 1859, a Columbia. Mo. Missouri state medical association. Journal, m 2 .00 The association, 534 X. \'andeventer ave., St. Louis, Mo. Missouri. University Bulletin, 1902, m Studies, science series, 1905, irreg social science series. 1905, irreg Columbia, Mo. Missouri Valley college quarterly bulletin, 1901, q [Missouri \'alley college, }ilarshall. Mo. Missouri valley farmer, 1 893, m 50 Arthur Copper, Topeka, Kan. Missouri woodman, m i .00 A. L. Preston, Nevada, [Mo. Mitarbeiter, 1 890. m 50 Rev. A. ]■". Bever, German \'allev. 111. GUIDI' lO IM'UIODICAI.S 167 Mixed stocks, 1888. m i .fXD CO-opcratiiiiL;; nicrchaiits en.. 2^j I'ifth avc, Cliica^tco- HI- Mixer and server, in 50 Rocssler brothers. Cincin.. O. Mizpah, 1 ^'.)j. 111 I . GO l-:ila A. r.i-elow. Marlboro. Mass. Mobile medical and surgical journal, m 2.00 Joiuinial CO.. Mobile. Ala. Mode, 1 904. s-iii [ . 50 Montreal. Canada. Mode magazine, 1905. (| 2.00 .'^. Kronlieini. 124 Royal St.. Xow Orlean>. Model magazine, ni Maryland hlclo-., Washinj^non. I). C. Moderator-topics, 1880. 10 nos i .00 Ileiiry R. Patteni^'ill. Lan.sing'. Mich. Modern business methods, 1904. m i .00 Modern business jinb. co.. Seattle. \\ ash. Modern construction, 1905. ni 2.00 Construction pub. co.. 18 S. Jtli St.. Pliila., Pa. Modern eclecticism, ni i .00 .'^. V. West. Atlanta. Ga. Modern farm monthly, 1905. 111 25 llalliwcll iv r.auni co.. Chicago. 111. Modern farmer and busy bee, 1890. m 50 E. T. Abbott. St. Joseph. Mo. Modern grocer, 1 898. w 2 . 00 Modern grocer pub. co., 40 i^earborn st.. Chicago. 111. Modern home, 1 903. ni i . 20 Stanford-Oebaun. 65 Fourth ave.. X. ^'. Modern home builder, 1901. m i .00 Modern home i)ub. co.. Racine. Wis. Modern housekeeping, 1894. "i i 00 Clark ])ul). co.. 79 Milk St.. I'oston. Mass. Modern language ass'n of America. Publications. 1884. q 3 00 'idle association. 107 Walker st.. Cambridge. Mass. Modern language notes, 1886. 8 nos i . 50 Johns Ho])kins jiress. P>altimore. Md. Modern Maccabee, 1887. m 10 I\i\erside print, co.. Port Huron. Mich. Modern machinery, i8t)6, ni i .00 Modern machinery pub. co.. Chicago. 111. Modern magazine, it>o6. m 50 ^/^ Powen ave., Chicago, ill. Modern medical science, 1886. ni i .00 Win. edwpcr Conant. 466 W. 15th St.. X. V. Modern medicine, 1 89 1 . in i . 00 Modern medicine pub. co.. I^iattle Creek. Mich. Modern methods, 1904. m 50 Richmond iS: Packus co.. Detroit. Mich. i68 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Modern Mexico, 1893, ni i .00 Paul Hiulson, 116 Nassau St.. N. Y. Modern miller, 1878, w 2 .00 Modern miller cc, 3rd and Pine sts., St. Louis, Mo. Modern miracles, 1906, m Alodern science pub. co.. N. Y. Modern philology, 1903, q 3-00 L^niversity of Chicago press, Chicago. 111. Modern Priscilla, 1887, m 50 Priscilla pub. co., 120 Boylston St.. Boston, Mass. Modern sanitation Standard sanitary mfg. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Modern stories, 1892. m 25 Modern stories pub. co.. 64 Fulton st., N. Y. Modern women, 1901 . m 50 Geo. L. Richards, 109 Broad St., Boston. Mass. Modern wood craft, 1901, m 25 A. Hughes, Mexico, Mo. Modern woodman, 1884. m i .00 State journal co., Lincoln, Neb. Modern writing master, 1906. b-m. dur. sch. yr i .00 100 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Modernes journal fur deutsche frauen, 1905. m 50 German pub. co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Modes, 1 896. m 50 Modes, fashions and pattern co.. 48 W. 22d St., N. Y. Modes and fabrics, 1890, m i .00 .\. P. Gardiner pub. co.. 320 Broadway, N. Y. Mogy's magazine, 1 904. m 25 Omaha. Neb. Monaghan's cumulative annual digest of Penn. decisions, m . . . James ]\Ionaghan, Phila., Pa. Monday morning news, 1903, w i .00 News pub. CO., Vicksburg, Miss. Monetary record, 1904, m 3 .00 Monetary record co.. St. Louis. Mo. Monetary times, trade review, and insurance chronicle, 1867. w. 2.00 Monetary times print, co. of Canada, Toronto, Canada. Money, 1 897, m i . 00 Money pub. co.. 21 Park Row. N. Y. Money, 1902, w 5 . 00 Finance co. in Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Pa. Money and risks, 1 894, m 2 . 00 Money and risks print, and pub. co.. Toronto. Canada. Money maker, 1902. m Free W. M. Ostrander, N. A. bldg.. Phila.. Pa. Money maker magazine, 1903, m i .00 Money maker co., Kaken bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Monist, 1890. q i . 00 Open court pub. co., 320 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 169 Moniteur du commerce, 1880. \v 2.ou V. 1). Sliallow & CO., Montreal. Canada. Monitor, 1 858. w ; • ■ • •. ^ • 5^ Monitor i)ul). 10., 738 Mis.^^ion St.. San l-'rancisco, Cal. Monitor, 1 899. \v i • 00 Monitor pub. co.. St. John. X. I'.. Monitor, \v i .00 Fraternal pub. co., Pittsbur;:^. I'a. Monitor magazine, 1889, m i 00 ?\l()iiili)r niaf^azine co., Cincin.. C). Monroe's magazine, 1903, ni , i .00 Monroe \: Monroe. 25 Broad .St., X. V. Montana churchman, 1883, ni 50 Rev. John 15. (iibbfe, P.ntte, Mont. Montana eagle, 1 904, m 2 . 00 Ea^le i)ub. co., Helena, Mont. Montana historical society. Contributions with trans.. 18^)5. a. 2.50 Helena, Mont Montana stockman and farmer, 1894, s-ni i .00 John W. Pace and Charles H. Reiternath, Helena, Mont. Montana. University Bulletin, biological series, 1901, irres? Bulletin, .geolos^ical series. 1903. irreg- Missoula. Mont. Montana workman, 1 89 1 , m i • 00 Independent pub. co., Townsend, Mont. Montgomery county law reporter, w i . 00 !■. (i. Hobson, Xorristown, Pa. Month, 1 865, m John Murphy ^v: co., Baltimore, Md. Monthly book list, 1905, ni Free Connecticut pub. library committee, Hartford, Conn. Monthly bulletin, 1899, ni Free Public library, Pasadena, Cal. Monthly Cincinnatian, 1 890. m 20 I'oster pub. co.. 15 F. 7th St.. Cincin.. O. Monthly credit rating book, 1905. m 6.00 James 11. Waldron. Sprinirfield. O. Monthly current rating book, i()o6. ni James 11. Waldron. Springfield. ( ). Monthly cyclopaedia of practical medicine, 1887. m 2.00 I". .\. Davis CO.. i()i4 Cherry st.. Pliila., Pa. Monthly fire bulletin, m Knight ^^- Thomas, I'oston, Mass. Monthly journal of insurance economics, m 3 00 Henry II. Putnam, .\nnuity l)ldg., Bostt)n, Mass. Monthly magazine of fashion, 11)05, m Free Xe\vcond)-l".ndicott co., Detroit. Mich. Monthly record of scientific literature, m Free \'an Xostraiul co.. _m Murrav st., X. Y. I70 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Monthly story blue book, 1905, ni i .OO' Story press corporation, 160 State St., Chicago, 111. Montreal medical journal, 1 860, ni 3 . 00 Gazette printing co., Montreal, Canada. Monumental news, 1888, m i . 00 R. J. Haight, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Moody's magazine and American investments, [905, m 3 00 The Moody corporation, 35 Nassan St., X. Y. Moody's manual of industrial and miscel. securities, 1900, a. . . . 10.00 Moody pub. co.. 35 Nassan st., N. Y. Moore's monthly messenger^ 1905. m 10 John C. Moore corporation, Rochester, N. Y. Moorhead's quarterly record, ]c)04, q Moorhead pnb. co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Moravian, 1 856, w i . 50 H. A. Jacobson, Bethlehem, Pa. Morning star, 1 868, w 2 . 00 Morning star pub. co.. New Orleans, La. Morning star, 1 826, \v 2 . 00 A. L. Freeman, 457 Shawmut ave., Boston, Mass. Morning star, 1903, s-m 60 Morning star pnb. co., Columbus, Miss. Morse and Rogers money saver Morse and Rogers, N. Y^. Mortarboard, 1 897, a i . 00 Students of Columbia university, N. Y. Mother earth, 1906, m i . 00 210 E. 13th St., N. Y. Mother goose calendar, a 2 . 50 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Mother's journal, 1893, m 1 . 00 Jas. R. Bolton & co.. New Haven, Conn. Mother's magazine, 1905, m 50 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Elgin, 111. Motor, J 903, m 3 • 00 Trade ed., 1906 New publication co., 1879 Broadway, N. Y. Motor age, 1 899, w 2 . 00 Trade press co., 1303 Michigan ave., Chicago, 111. Motor boat, 1904, s-m 2 . 00 "Motor boat pub. co., 1 133 Broadway, N. Y. Motor car, 1 904, m i . 00 AW G. Pierson pub. co., 108 P\dton st.. N. Y. Motor cycle magazine, 1903, m i .00 154 Nassau st.. N. Y. Motor field, 1 892, m i . 00 G. A. A\'ahlgreen, Barclay bldg., Denver, Colo. Motor news, 1904. ni i . 00 Motor news pub. co.. 90 Griswold st., Detroit, ]\Iich. Motor print, ^ 906. m t . 00 Motor print co., 418 Sansom st., Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 171 Motor talk, 11J05. in 50 Walter (7. Mcjrley. Detroit, Mich. Motor traffic, 1006. m i .00 ■{'inu-s l)l(lo-.. X. Y. Motor way, \v _' . 00 45 riyniouth ct.. C'liicajL^o. Motor world, 1900, \v 2.00 ( ioodnian co.. 154 Nassau St.. X. Y. Motoring and boating, 1 904, \v ^. 2.00 John II. (ierric. 125 W. ^^tli St.. X. ^^ Motorist, 1 906 2 . 00 Motorist pub. en., Xewark. X. j. Motorman and conductor, 1 8(;s. ni 50 W. 1). Malion. Dctroit.'Mich. Mount Morris college. Bulletin, kjo^. (| Mount Morris. 111. Mount Tom, i(;()5. ni i .00 Xorthanipton, Mass. Mount Union college. Quarterly bulletin, (\ Alliance. O. Mountain educator, 1903. ni 50 Harrison. Cloyil and Yuden. Lexington. Iw. Mountain state gavel, i8(;3. ni 75 I-",. 1). LapiK'rt. Xew Martins\illc, W. \'a. Mountain state odd fellow, 1900. ni =0 I-loyd J. Triplett. Elkins. W". \'a. Muck rake, 1906. m 50 W. (). Saunders. Norfolk. \'a. Muhlenbergis, 1900. m i .00 .\. .\. TIeller. Los ( latos. L"a1. Muirson & Wright monthly desk blotter, m .Muirson ^: Wright. San jcise. Cal. Municipal art society Leatlels. irrej.;- Miscellaneous, irrej:^ ^ Publications. IluUetin. i(;04. irrci^ Leaflets, irret:^ Miscellaneous, irrej^; 1 1 art ford, t'onn. Municipal engineering, iStjo. ni 2.00 .\hinici]ial cn^ineerini;- co.. Indianai)olis. Ind. Municipal journal and engineer, 1895, ni 2.00 Municipal journal pub. co., 2^^ Broadway. X. Y. Municipal world, i8<)i. ni 1 .00 Municipal world. St. Thomas. ( )ntario. Municipality, i8()i). ni 1 .00 S. I-:. S])arlino-. Madison. \\i>. Munsey's magazine, 1 88< j. ni i . 00 I-"rank .\. Munsey co., iii I'iftli a\e.. X. Y. Museum of fine arts bulletin, h-ni Copley s(|.. Iioston. Mass. 172 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS • Music lovers calendar, a 50 Wa-Wan press, Xewton Center, Mass. Music lover's calendar, 1905, a 50 East Aurora. N. Y. Music teacher and home magazine, 1885, b-m 50 A. J. Showalter & co., Dalton, Ga. Music trades, 1890, w 2 . 00 Music trades co., 135 Fifth ave., N. Y. Musical age, 1 89 1 , w 4 . 00 32 East 23d St., N. Y. Musical and educational directory of Detroit and eastern Mich. Frank A. Barrett, 140 Joy st., Detroit. ^Nlich. Musical America, 1905, w i .00 The musical America co.. 135 Fifth ave., N. Y. Musical courier, 1880, w 5.00 Musical courier co., St. James bldg., N. Y. Musical courier extra, 1897, w 4.00 Musical courier co.. St. James bldg., N. Y. Musical directory of greater Cincinnati and visitors' guide, 1905. a Lawriston press, Cincin., O. Musical echo, 1894, in i .00 N. Y. musical echo co.. Savannah, Ga. Musical enterprise, 1888, m 50 W. M. Kain, Camden, N. J. Musical era, 1890. b-m i .00 C. E. Dobson, 686 Sixth ave., N. Y. Musical harp, 1880. m i .00 Harp pub. co.. Berea, O. Musical leader and concert goer, 1895, w 2.50 C. & F. French. 250 Wabash ave.. Chicago. 111. Musical million, 1870. m 25 Ruebush-KielTer co., Dayton, Ya. Musical news. 1890. m 75 J. S. Unger. Reading, Pa. Musical record and review, 1878, m i .00 Oliver Ditson, 150 Tremont st., Boston, ]\Iass. Musical review, m ^ . . . . i . 00 429 Front St., San Francisco, Cal. Musical tempo, 1897, b-m 50 Edward A. Meyer, 823 Arch st., Phila.. Pa. Musical times, 1881, w 3-00 Chicago musical times co.. 207 Michigan boul.. Chicago, 111. Musical trade review, 1879, w 2.00 Edward L. Bill, 1 Madison ave., N. Y. Musician, 1897, m i . 50 Oliver Ditson co.. 150 Fremont St.. Boston. Mass. Mutual investor, 1 896. m 50 Investor print, and pub. co., Lemcke bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. GLIDE l"0 PERIODICALS 173 Mutual underwriter and savings and loan review, 1881. m i .CXD Mutual uiulcrwriter co.. RcK-hester. N. Y. My business friend, 1885. ni i .00 \\. X. Miner, 337 llroachva}', X. Y. Mycological bulletin, kjoj, ni 25 W. .\. KelkTnian, Coluuilnis. ()lii. Xasliville. 'I'cnn. Nashville. University. Bulletin, i«p2. ^m Xashvillc. Tenn. Nassau literary magazine, 1 842. 9 nos 2 . 50 .^cnior class of Princeton university, Princeton, \. J. Nassau monthly, 1906. m 1 .00 Xassau pub. co., X. Y. Nation, 1865, w 3.00 W. I. i'attison, 206 I'roadway, X. ^'. National academy of sciences ■ — •Bioj.^raphical memoirs, 1877. irrej;- Memoirs, 1 866. irreg Report, 1863. a Xational academy of sciences, Smithsonian institution, W'ashin.qton, D. C. National advertiser, 1 878. \v 2 . 00 Consolidated press co.. 6 E. 14th St., X. Y. National advocate, 1866, m i .00 \at"l temp, society and pub. house, 3 K. 14th St.. X. Y. National association for study of epilepsy. Transactions, rt)oi. a Dr. W. V. Spratlin;.;'. (."raim' colony for e])ileptics. Sonyea. X. ^^ National association of cotton mnfrs. Transactions, 1854. s-a.. 2 V I o. GO International trust bldij.. Boston, Mass. National association of credit men rUdletin. ni ehas. !■:. Meek. X. Y. National association of manufacturers of the U. S. Proceedinj^'. i8()(). a Phila.. Pa. 174 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National association of state universities in the U. S. A. Transactions and proceedings, 1903, a E. A. Birge. sec, Madison, A\'is. National ass'n of the officials of bureaus of labor statistics Proceedings, 1 883, a ' Hartford, Conn. National association of wool manufacturers. Bulletin, 1869, q. 2.00 683 Atlantic ave., IJoston, Mass. National auctioneer, 1898, ni 1 .00 M. Cunmiings, 1414 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. National baker, 1896. ni i .00 National baker |)ub. co., 41 1 Walnut st., Phila., Pa. National banker, 1892, ni i .00 J. H. Francis & co., 84 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. National baptist flag, 1896, w i .00 Baptist pub. co., (Oklahoma City, Okla. National baptist magazine, 1893, m i .25 445 Fourth St., X. E., Washington, D. C. National baptist teacher, q National baptist pub. co., 1404 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. National baptist union, w i . 00 National baptist convention boards, Nashville, Tenn. National barber and druggists' gazette, 1890, ni i .00 E. T. Tyn.dall, 2216 Gerniantown ave., IMiila., Pa. National board of fire underwriters Reports, 1904, irreg S. H. Lockett, sec, 135 William St., N. Y. National bottlers' gazette, 1882, m 3- 00 AV. B. Keller, 99 Nassau st., N. Y. National builder, 1885, m 2.00 Porter Ta}lor & co., 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. National bulletin of charities and correction, q Joseph P. Byers, Jeffersonville, Ind. National civic federation review, 1903, b-m i .00 National civic federation, 281 Fourth ave., N. Y. National civil service reform league Proceedings, a 79 Wall St., N. Y. National commercial teachers' federation. Proceedings^ 1896, a. J. C. Walker, sec, Detroit, Mich. National conference of charities and corrections Proceedings, 1 874. a i . 50 Boston, Mass. National consumers' league. Report, 1 89(;, a 1 . 00 105 E. 22d St., X. V. National congress of mothers report, 1897, ^^ 5° The congress, 3308 .Vrch st., Phila., Ta. National coopers' journal, 1885, ni 2.00 John A. McCan.n, I'hila.. T'a. National corporation reporter, 1 890, w 3 • 00 LI. S. cor])orati()n bureau. The Tcnq)le, Chicago. 111. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 175 National council of congregational churches in the U. S. Addresses, etc., triennial 75 614 Conf,^rei4ati()nal honse, Uoston, Mass. National dental association. Transactions, 1897 Josephine D. I'heifer. Masonic temple, Chicago, ill. National dental critic, 1906. ni i .00 1202 11 St.. Washington, I). I'. National druggist, 1882, in i .00 Henry 1\. Stron.q-. Century bldi^.. St. L(juis. Mo. National educational association, nienibershij) 2.00 Journal of proceetlinj^s, 1865. a Dept. of superintendence. I'roceetlinj^s. 1879. a Irwin Shepard, sec, Winona. Minn. National educator, i8f)0. m 50 '['. K. Home, AUentown, I'a. National electric light association. Proceedings, 1SS5. a 2.50 136 Liberty St., X. Y. National electrical contractor, 1902, ni 50 W. 11. M.^rton. L'tica, X. Y. National elks' horn, 1 899. m i . 50 l':iks pub. CO.. Holland bldg., St. Louis, Mo. National engineer, m 1 00 Xatidual eni.;ineer, 315 Dearborn st.. Chica.yo. 111. National farm and stock grower, 1898. ni 50 Hale pub. CO.. St. Louis. Mo. National farm journal, 1902. ni 50 barniers" monthly co.. Laclede bid;.;-., St. Louis. Mo. National farmer, 1 902. f 50 Joseph Leicht. Winona. Minn. National farmer and home magazine, m 10 Lane's li.^t. \ui;usta. Me. National farmer and stock grower, i8j8. m 50 Hale pub. CO.. ^^^o X'ista ave.. St. Louis. Mo. National flag-union war journal, 1850. m 60 (has. lul.Liar Rice, Ossining". X. Y. National fruit grower, 1896. m 50 i'ruit L^rowers pub. co., St. Joseph, Mich. National geographic magazine, m 2 . 50 .\ational .i;eo,L;rapliic society. Hubbard memorial liall. Washin.i^ton, D. C. National glass budget, 1884, ^^ ' 00 ( i. r.. Kimes, I'ittsburs;. I'a. National guardsman, 181/). m i .00 I'ickham (.S: IWirber. 134 \'an I'.uren .->t.. L'liica!.;o, 111. National guardsman, u>03. m i .00 Kramer priming" co.. Xashvillc, Tenn. National harness review, 1871;, m i .00 JetYersou Jackson. 358 Dearborn st.. C'hicat;;o. 111. National hibernian, k^oi . in i .00 r. 1. Haltio-an. (.18 I' st.. Washiui^aon. D. (". 176 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS National home and music journal, 1893, m 1 .00 Chicago book and news cc, 266 \\'abash ave.. Chicago, 111. National hospital record, 1897, ni i .00 D. T. Sutton, Buhl blk.. Detroit. Mich. National hotel reporter, 187 1 , 6 d 5 . 00 F. W. Rice, Auditorium, Chicago, 111. National humane educator, 1893. m i .00 Cincin.. O. National illustrated magazine-rural topics, 1885, m 50 Geo. E. Howard, 714 Twelfth st., N. W., Washington, D. C. National investor, 1900, ni '. i .00 N. C. Westerfield, North American bldg., Phila., Pa. National labor standard, 1 876, w i . 00 National labor standard pub. co., I'atterson, N. J. National labor tribune, 1873, w 2.00 Joseph Telford, Pittsburg, Pa. National laundry journal, 1878, s-m i .00 Donist bros. co., 9 S. Ann St., Chicago, 111. National leaflet, m National casualty co., Detroit, Mich. National live stock reporter, 1890. 6 d 4.00 t-w ■. 2 . GO w 1 . 00 Reporter pub. co.. National stock yards, 111. National magazine, 1894, m i .00 Chappie pub. co., 944 Dorchester ave., Boston, Mass. National magazine of Cuba, 1906, m 50 Cuban pub. co., 75 Monroe st., Chicago. 111. National metal trades association. Bulletin, m i .00 L^nion trust bldg.. Cincin.. O. Naf'onal monthly of Canada, 1902. m i .cx) Joseph Phillips. Toronto, Canada. National municipal league — — Proceedings, 1895, a i . 50 National municipal league. Phila.. Pa. National nurseryman, 1893, m i .00 National nurseryman pub. co.. Rochester, N. Y. National police gazette, 1 846, w 4 . 00 Richard K. Fox., Franklin sq.. N. Y. National printer-journalist, 1884. m 2 .00 National printer-journalist co.. 1317 ^^^ Ravenswood Park. Chicago." 111. National prison association of the U. S. Proceedings, 1873, a. . i . 50 A. W. Butler, sec, Indianapolis. Ind. National progress, 1903, m 3 .00 National progress co., 95 Washington St.. Chicago. 111. National provisioner, 1891, w 3.00 Food trade pub. co.. Produce exchange, N. Y. GLIDK \() PERIODICALS ,77 National rebekah, iH'M. "i ' 00 Mr>. I'linicc Melville, Minneapolis. Min;i. National reporter system, 1S79. w This CM\ ers the L'nited States in 10 (li\isit)n> at a total subscription of .52.00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. National review, 1890, w i 00 I'.ean l)r()S. & Long-, San IVaneisco. Cal. National rice and cotton journal, 1904. m 5.00 National rice and cotton journal. Houston, Tex. National rip-saw, IM04. ni . . i .00 I'hilip W ai;ner, 305 Olive St.. St. Louis. MCm.). w i .00 .\. C. (iraw. Camden. N. J. New Jersey historical society Archives. 1 888. irres.;- Collections. 1846, irreq- Proceedinijs. 1845 Newark. N. J. New Jersey junior American mechanic. 18(17. m :25 New Jerse\- junior .\nierican pub. co.. Burlint^lon. N. J. New Jersey methodist Epworth advocate, i8<)0. w i .oc X. J. methodisl pub. co.. Camden. N. J. New Jersey patriot, i8t)4. s-m 60 Charles .\. (iischel. Phillipsbur.-:. N. J. New Jersey state horticultural society Proceedings. 1870. a i . o, > 'I'renton. X. 1. New Jersey trade review. 1887. s-m 1 .00 Mrrchant and manufacturer inib. co.. Newark. X. I. New knowledge, 11)05. ^^ i .00 i'.ible house. X. Y. New light, i»)(\^. w 7S Rev. M.A. Sturks. Gainesville. Fla. 1 82 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New London county historical society Records and papers, 1890, irreg.. per ikj 50 New London, Conn. New Mexico bar association. Minutes, 1886, a Edward L. Bartlett, Santa Fe, N. M. New Mexico collegian, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Mesillo Park, N. U. New Mexico medical association Journal. 1905, q i.oo Albuquerque, N. M. New Mexico. University Bulletins. Biological series, irreg; Varies Geological series, irreg Varies New music review and church music review, m H. W. Gray co., N. Y. New Occident, 1900, m i .00 New Occident pub. co., 608 Mission st., San Francisco, Cal. New Orleans medical and surgical journal, m 2.00 Tulane ave.. New Orleans, La. New review, 1896, m 50 R. G. Badger, 194 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. New San Francisco magazine San Francisco, Cal. New Shakespeareana, 1901 , q 2 . 50 Shakespeare press, Westfield, N. J. New southwest, 1904, m 50 Mo. pacific immigration bureau, St. Louis, Mo. New story magazine, 1905, m i.oo North American bldg., Chicago, 111. New styles, 1900, m 50 L. N. Cushman, 291 Congress St., Boston, Mass. New way, 1905, m i . 00 1 107 E St., N. W., Washington, D. C. New world, 1 892, w 2 . 00 Catholic press co., 256 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. New York academy of medicine. Transactions, 1847, iiicg- • • • 12 W. 43d St., N.-Y. New York academy of sciences. Annals, 1877, irreg 3.00 R. W. Tower, Librarian, care Am. mus. of nat. hist. New York athletic club journal, m i .00 Central Park, N. Y. New York botanical garden. Bulletin, 1896 3 00 Contributions, 1899, irreg 5-00 Journal, 1900, m i . 00 Memoirs, 1900, irreg 2.00 N. Y. botanical garden, Bronx Park, N. Y. New York city visiting committee of the state charities aid ass'n Reports, 1 904, a 105 E. 22d St., >s\ Y. New York civil service reform association. Report, 1881, a. .. . The association, N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS I S3 New York clipper, 1853, w 4.0-3 I'rank Ouccn pub. co., ltd., 47 W. 28th st.. X. Y. New York dramatic mirror, 1879, ^^' 4 00 Dramatic Mirror co.. 121 W. 42d St., X. Y. New York Edison co. Bulletin, ni Xew Y..rk I-.disoii c.i.. X. Y. New York entomological society. Journal, i8<;3. ([ 2.00 77th St and Stli avc, X. \'. New York eye and ear infirmary. Reports, irrc.^ Putnam & sou, 2ij W . j^d st.. X. \'. New York farmer, 1 88 1 , w 1 . 00 Tri-state pub. co.. Port Jervis. X. Y. New York fashions, m Xatioual cloak and suit co.. X. Y. New York historic and picturesque : a calendar, a i . 50 A. W'esscks ctK. 43-45 F.. lotli st.. X. Y. New York institute of stomatology, Am. acad. of dental science. Harvard odontol. society, and the Metropolitan dis- trict. Journal, lyoO. q -. 2.00 Committee of pub., 63 W. 48th St., N. Y. New York labor bulletin, 1899, q Free State dej^t. of labor. Albany, X. Y. New York Latin leaflet, \v. dur. coll. yr ' 50 X. V. Latin chib. 35 Myrtle ave.. Brooklyn, X'. Y. New York lumber trade journal, m ■ Xew York lumber trade journal. X. Y. New York Maccabee, i(;o2. m 50 Arthur Mac.Vrthur. Troy. X. Y. New York magazine of mysteries, 1900. m i 00 ^\'m. J. Uousman. 22 X. William St.. X. Y. New York medical journal, 1865, m 5.00 A. R. Flliott pub. CO.. 66 W. Broadway. X. Y. New York medical times, 1870. m i .00 Medical times co., 669 I'ifth ave.. N. Y. New York medicinische monatsschrift, 1889. m 2.00 A. Kii)permr. ()4 Madison ave.. X. Y. New York observer, 1 823, w 3 • 00 Xew York observer co., 156 k'ifth a\e.. X. Y. New York pathological society. Proceedings, 1881, m i .50 James T. Dougherty, joi W. 55th St.. X^ Y. New York public library. Bulletin. 1897, m Xew York public library. X. "\'. New York review, 1905. b-m 3 . 00 Yonkers. X. Y. New York state charities and association. Reports, 1873. a. . . . Free 105 E. 22d St.. X. Y. New York state conference of charities and corrections Proceedings. Kpo. a Albanv. X. Y. 1 84 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS New York state educational department. Bulletin, 1906. irreg. Free Convocation proceedings. 1863, a Associated academic principals, 1886, a Albany, N. Y. New York state historical association, membership 2.00 Proceedings, 1900, a Tlie association, 32 Broadway, X. Y. New York state journal of medicine, 1901, m 2.00 Medical society, state of N. Y. 1313 Bedford ave., N. Y. New York state lawyers' diary, 1903, a i . 50 Banks & CO., Albany, N. Y! New York state medical ass'n. Transactions, 1884, a 2.00 64 Madison ave., N. Y. New York state pharm. association. Proceedings, 1898, a Free S. \'. B. Swan, sec, N. Y. New York state science teachers ass'n. Proceedings, 1898, a. . Free State education department. Albany, N. Y. New York supplement, 1888, w 5 -oo West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. New York teachers' monographs, 1898, q i .00 Teachers college, N. Y. New York templar, 1 880. m 40 Grand lodge. 1. O. of G. T., Delhi. N. Y. New York tribune farmer, w Tribune association. N. Y. New York tribune index, a i.oo Tribune association. N. Y. New York university. Bi-weekly bulletin, 1901. b-w AYashington sq.. N. Y. New York university bulletin of the medical sciences, q i .00 Macmillan co.. 66 Fifth ave.. N. Y. New York. University of the state of New York Free Annual report, a College dept. Annual report. i8c;8, a Bulletin. 1899 Home education dept. Annual report, 1893, a Bulletin, 1891 Public libraries Xew York state museum. Annual report, 1848 Bulletin ( in annual report ) Memoirs, 1889, irreg State library. Bulletin. Bibliography, 1895 History, 1898 Legislation. 1891 Library school, 1891 Traveling libraries, 1900 Trustees' annual report, a Regents' bulletin (in annual report). 1890 Albany, N. Y. New Yorker, 1 90 1 , w 4 • 00 New Yorker co., 65 Trinity pi., X. Y. r.L'IDI-: TO Pf'.KlODICAL- 185 Newport natural history society. Proceedings, 188 j;. a Xc\vi)»>rt. I\. I. News, 1898, w 2.00 St. Louis news co.. Si. Louis. Mo. News letter, m i -OO < )livcr C". Sabin. i32o Xorden pub. ct).. Racine. \\ is. Normal, iipi, m. dur. sch. yr 1 .00 Stale normal school. SjH'artisli. S. 1). Normal advance, m.. Oct. -June 75 Indiana state normal school. Terre Ilante. Ind. Normal college news. w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Xornial colleL;e. ^'])silanti, Mich. Normal index, 1885. w 5^ .Xj^ricullural and mechanical collei;e. X'ormal. .\la. Normal instructor and teachers' world, i8<)i. 10 nos .7^ !•. .\. Owen i)ub. co.. Pansville. X. Y. North American, i<)(^;. in Si. Loui<. Nb." North American checker-board. i8;>(). m j.oo Lvinan M. Slearns. West Uerbv. X. II. 1 86 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS North American farmer, 1901 . s-m 50 Columbus. O. North American flora, irreg., per part i -SO New York botanical garden, Bronx Park. N. Y. North American horticulturist, 1895, m 50 N. A. H. pub. CO.. ]Monroe, Alich. North American journal of homoeopathy, 1852. m 3 00 Journal pub. co., 181 W. 83d St., N. Y. North American review, 181 5, s-m 5 .00 North American review pub. co., Franklin sq., N. Y. North American weekly, s-m 5 • 00 North American weekly pub. co., 43 E. 8th St., N. Y. North Carolina baptist, 1891, w i .00 North Carolina baptist pub. co., Fayetteville, N. C. North Carolina booklet, 1901, q i .00 Mary Hilliard Hinton. Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina Christian advocate, 1855, w i .50 Greensboro, N. C. North Carolina department of agriculture. Bulletin, m N. C. state bd. of agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina geological survey. Bulletin, 1893, irreg Economic papers Reports, 1892, biennial Chapel Hill. N. C. North Carolina Sunday school beacon, m 25 North Carolina S. S. association, Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina university magazine, 1844, 6 times d. coll. yr. . 1.50 Chapel Hill. N. C. North central association of colleges and secondary schools Proceedings, 1896, a 25 J. E. Armstrong, Englewood high school, Chicago, 111. North Dakota magazine, 1906, m 60 Bismarck, N. D. North Dakota. State university and school of mines University bulletin, 1904. a University. N. D. North Dakota university bulletin, q North Dakota university. N. D. North Dakota workman, 1895. m Brown and Gage, Fargo, N. D. North Dakotan, 1903, m 50 North Dakota pub. co., Fargo, N. D. North east, 1872. m i .00 Portland. :\Ie. North Pacific rural spirit, 1869, w i • 50 Portland, Ore. Northeastern reporter, 1885, w 5 -OO West pub. CO.. St. Paul, Minn. Northern, 1905, m 50 Portsmouth, N. H. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 187 Northern Christian advocate, 1841, w i .50 l\at()!i »!v Mains. Syracuse, X. Y. Northern messenger, 1866. w 30 Joliii l)«iu<;all & son. Montreal. Canada. Northland weekly, 1903, \v i .00 rnudoiiniiens ven pub. co.. r^Iinneapolis. Minn. Northwest, 1903. m Lindsey pub. co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Northwest baptist, 1885. ni 50 r.ai)tist convention, Winnipejc^. Manit(jba. Northwest farm and home, \v 2 . 00 Washington farnur pub. co.. Xorth Yakima. Wash. North west guide, m W. M. I'atUTson. Seattle. Wash. Northwest homeseeker and investor, m 1 .00 Ilutchinsdii iv r)r()nson. Spokane. \\'ash. Northwest horticulturist, 1887. m 50 Tacoma. ^\■ash. Northwest implement trade, 1903. m i .00 Xorthwest inijilenient trade CO., I'argo, X. D. Northwest journal of education. 1889. 10 nos i .00 P.. \\'. P.rintnall. Seattle. Wash. Northwest magazine Blaine Phillips, Boise. Idaho. Northwest medicine, ni 2 . 50 \\'asliinc:ton medical library ass'n. Seattle. \\'ash. Northwest pacific farmer, 1871, w i .00 l\'u-ific farmer co., Portland. Ore. Northwest poultry journal, ni 50 Xorthwest poultry journal pub. co.. Salem. Ore. Northwest review, \v 2 . 00 Moore i)rint. co.. W'iniiipeii'. Manitoba. Northwest review, 1902. ni 25 Xorthwest review pub. co.. S]iokane. Wash. Northwestern, 1871, 3 times per w. dur. coll. yr 2.25 Students of Xorthwestern university, Evanston. 111. Northwestern agriculturist, 1 886. m 50 i'. \". Collins pub. CO.. Minneapolis. Minn. Northwestern banker, 1895. m 2.00 .Xorthwestern banker pub. co.. Des Moines, la. Northwestern Christian advocate, 1852. w i .60 Jennings tS: (iraliani, ^j V.. Washini^ton St.. Chicago, 111. Northwestern chronicle, i8^6. w 2.00 Xorthwestern chronicle co.. St. Paul. Minn. Northwestern clerk and window dresser, 1887. ni 50 Xorthwestern clerk pub. co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Northwestern coal dealer, icx)4. m I. (.". Cuvellier. Lumber exchange. Minneapolis. Mimi. Northwestern college chronicle, i86t;. m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of Xorthwestern colleije, Xaperville. 111. 1 88 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Northwestern dental journal, q 50 Alumni ass'ii, Xortlnvestern dental school, Chicago, 111. Northwestern druggist, 1899, m i .00 Chapin pub. co., Minneapolis, Alinn. Northwestern horseman and stockman, 1890, m i .00 Northwestern horseman and stockman co., Minneapolis, Minn. Northwestern miller, 1870, \v 3 • 00 ^liller pub. co., Alinneajjolis. Minn. Northwestern miner, manufacturer and metallurgist, 1899, s-m. i.oo Seattle, A\'ash. Northwestern photographic recorder, m 50 Zimmerman bros., St. Paul. ]\Iinn. Northwestern churchman, 1871, m 50 C. L. Parker, Portland, Ore. Northwestern reporter, 1879, w 5 • 00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, ]Minn. Northwestern shoe and leather journal, 1896, m i .00 Northwestern shoe journal co., St. Paul, IMinn. Northwestern sportsman, 1901, m i .00 Sportsman pub. co., Milwaukee, A\'is. Northwestern templar, 1902. m 25 C. L. Thompson, Clinton, la. Northwestern university. Bulletin, cj Northwestern university bldg., Chicago, 111. Northwestern university. Medical school. Quarterly bulletin, q. 2431 Dearborn st., Chicago. 111. Norton's monthly, 1 89 1 , m 25 S. F. Norton, 544 Dgden ave., Chicago, 111. Notes and queries, historical and genealogical, relating to inte- rior Pennsylvania, 1894 Harrisburg, Pa. Notes for Bible study, 1881, m 36 William Henderson, Toronto, Canada. Notes on books, m Free Longmans. Green & co., 91 Fifth are., N. Y. Notes on new remedies, q 50 Lehn & Fink, 120 AMlliam st., N. Y. Notes to statutes of Indiana National annotating co., Crawfordsville, Ind. Nova Scotian institute of science Proceedings and transactions, 1868. irreg A^aries Novellen-Schutz, 1 857, f 2 . 50 S. Zickel, 129 Duane st., N. Y. Nugents' bulletin, 1882. m i .00 The Allen-Nugent co., [3 Astor pi.. N. Y. Nugget, 1905, 9 nos 50 Nugget pub. CO., Lead, S. D. Numismatist, 1 888, m i . 00 George P. Heath, Monroe, Mich. GL'IDIl to I'KRIOIJICALS ,.Sy Nurses' journal of the pacific coast, 1904. (| 1 .00 California staU' nurses" ass'n. 140 I-"ern a\f.. San iMancisco. Cal. Nya wecko posten, 1 S78. w 1 50 Rev. !•:. Win^rrtMi, 383 Wells st.. Cliicaj^o, 111. O. A. C. review, 1 S89, 8 nos 50 Students of ( )ntario at^ri. collef^e. (iuelpli. r)nt. Oaff's farm and poultry review, k/x^, in lo Oafif's farm and poultry re\ie\v pub. co., 281 1 Locust St.. St. Louis, Mo. Oberlin college bulletin, (| Lahoratorv bulletin. 1889 Oberlin, (). ' Obermayer bulletin of information for foundry men, free lo fomi(lr_\nien, >-ni 50 riie .'-^. ( )berinayer co.. Cincin.. ( ). Obispo plantation news, 1905. ni 2() iiroadvvay. X. "S". Obrero, 1 902. \v i . 00 Julio Aybor, Maya^ue/-, I'orto Rico. Observatio Meteorologico, Boletin mensuel, ni Cliniatolo^ical data for Manila Observacioncs xerificados Manila. P. L Observer, 1 899. w 1 . 50 Iharles J. Jac.y:le. Rittsburs.;. Pa. Obzor hospodarsky, s-ni ' >o I'. I'abian. Ilallettsville. Te.\. Occident, 1881. w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Occident pub. co.. Rerkeley. Cal. Occident, 1 872, \v .^00 ( )ccidcnt ])ub. co.. 55 E. 12th St., Cliica.q'o. ill. Octographic review, 1856. w i . 50 Rittle tS: Soninier. lndiana])olis, linl. Odalmannen, 1904, s-ni 50 Minneapolis. Minn. Odd fellow, in spirit and truth, k^oi , w i .00 .Martin and Ritcher. Memphis, 'Tenn. Odd fellow reporter. i(;o2. m i .00 I'^. T. l)uckert, \e\v ( )rleans. La. Odd fellow review, 1884. m i .00 Winn Rowers. St. Paul. Minn. Odd fellow weekly. 1904. \v i .00 \\ ill Smith and R.rame Dalton, West Point. Miss. Odd fellow world, i8t)4. m 1 .00 James M. Patton. Sioux h'alls. S. D. Odd fellows' friend, 1885. m 75 Richard 1 Lie. Milwaukee. Wis. Odd fellows' herald. 1876. s-m j:; Mary R. Miller and John Sikes. Sprin.i^field. 111. I90 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Odd fellows journal, 1904. in 50 J. \V. Roberts, Huntsville, Ala. Odd fellows' journal, 1897, w i .25 J. C. Asbury. 1132 Lombard st.. Phila.. Pa. Odd fellows' siftings, 1874, m 50 C. A. Ulrich, 13 19 Buttomvood st.. Phila.. Pa. Odd fellows' talisman, 1868. m i . 50 F. Foster Reynolds. Indianapolis, Ind. Odontoblast, m. dur. coll. yr Students of Detroit dental college, Detroit. ]Mich. Office and field, 1905, w 2.Q0 W. B. Campbell, Toronto, Canada. Office appliance journal, m i . 00 ]\Iarquette bldg., Chicago, 111. Office appliances, 1904, m i .00 Patterson & Thurman. Republic bldg., Chicago. 111. Office blotter, 1903, m i . 00 W. D. Whiteman, Minneapolis, ]\Iinn. Office economics, 1904, q F. S. Webster co., 211 Madison st., Chicago, 111. Official electric railway guide and central New York red book, 1906 Benjamin Steger, Utica, N. Y. Official guide of the railways and steam navigation lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Cuba. 1868, m 8 . 00 National railway pub. co., 24 Park pi., N. Y. Official guide of St, Louis, 1896, m 2 .00 Mississippi valley advertising co., St. Louis, Mo. Official guide of Toledo ■ Daniel F. Dreher and Chas. B. [Miller, Toledo, O. Official hotel red book and directory, a 3 • 00 Official hotel red book and directory co.. Grand imion hotel, N. Y. Official journal A. M. C. & B. W. of N. A., 1901 , m H. D. Call, Syracuse, N. Y. Official railroad and marine gazette, 1894, ni i .50 John Bennett, Seattle, Wash. Official railway equipment register, 1884, m 5 -OO Railway equipment and pub. co.. 24 Park pi., N. Y. Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, 1887, q 3.00 Ohio state archaeological and historical society, Columbus, O. Ohio architect and builder, ni i .00 Ohio architect and builder co., Cleveland, O. Ohio bulletin of charities and corrections, q 20 Ohio bd. of state charities, Columbus, O, Ohio educational monthly, 1852, m i.oo O. T. Corson, Columbus, O. Ohio endeavorer, 1898, m 25 S. J. Clark, Toledo, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 191 Ohio engineering society. Proceedings, 1879. a 50 E. (i. LJradbnry, sec, 85 E. Ili^h st., Columbus, O. Ohio farmer, 1848, w 60 Lawrence pub. cc, Cleveland. O. Ohio geological survey. Bulletins, irrej^ Varies C'uluinbus, ( >. Ohio homoeopathic medical society. Transactions, 18^35.3.... Clunibus. O. Ohio law bulletin, 1 876, \v 4-50 LaniiiL: co.. Norwalk, O. Ohio magazine, 1906, in 2.00 ( >hi<) nia,q;azine pub. cc, Columbus, ( ). Ohio naturalist, 1900, 8 nos i .cxd liioloi;ical club of Ohio state university, Columbus. C). Ohio poultry journal, 1884, m 50 J. C. Ely. Dayton. O. Ohio school journal, 1904, m "j^ Ohio school journal co., Columbus, O. Ohio state academy of sciences. Report, 1891, a Special papers, 1899, irreg- Columbus, O. Ohio state medical journal, 1905, m i .00 Ohio stale nu'dical association. Columbus. O. Ohio state university. Bulletin, m Botanical series Contribu. from dept. of zoolo;.i\- and cntoniolocry i8 WykcofF st.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest, 1891. s-m 50 Rural northwest. Portland. Ore. Oregon historical society. Quarterly, 1900. ([ 2.00 Portland, (^re. Oregon reporter, 1887, m j^ J. II. Zane. Portland. Ore. Oregon state conference of charities and corrections ■ — Report. i()02, a Pcirtland. r)re. Oregon teachers' monthly. 10 nos i .00 Teachers' pub. co.. .Salem. ( >re. 194 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Oregon. University. Bulletin, n. s., 1903, b-m Eugene, Ore. Oregon woodman, 1896, m 50 V. P. Fiske, Dallas, Ore. Ores and metals, 1892, s-m 2 .00 Ores and metals pub. co., Denver. Colo. Orff's farm and poultry review, 1900, m 10 Farmer Orff pub. co.. 281 1 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. Organ, 1890, b-m i . 00 Geo. Molineux, 150 Fifth aave., N. Y. Organist, b-m i . 50 Lorenz pub. co., Daytou. O. Organized charities association of the city of New Haven Report, 1879, a New Haven, Conn. Organized labor, 1900, w i . 50 Organized labor pub. co., San Francisco, Cal. Orphans' friend and masonic journal, 1876. w i .00 Oxford orphan asylum, Oxford, N. C. Orpington poultry journal, 1902, m 60 Wm. Cook & sons, Scotch Plains, X. J. Orr's advertising service, 1905, m 3 • 50 Laclede bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Osprey, 1896, m i . 00 Osprey co., 321 414 st., N. W.. Washington, D. C. Osteopathic advocate, 1905, m 1 135 Broadway, N. Y. Osteopathic health, 1901 , m 50 Osteopathic pub. co.. 171 \\''ashington st., Chicago, 111. Osteopathic physician, 1902, m .50 Osteopathic pub. co., 171 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Osteopathic truth, 1905 Elgin, 111. Osteopathic truths, 1906 • — — Osteopathic truths pub. co., N. Y. Osteopathic world, 1896, m i .00 Wm. R. Dobbyn & sons, Minneapolis. Minn. Otis weekly, 1905. w 50 Geo. Otis, 153 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Otsego farmer, 1885, w i . 50 Crist. Scott & Parshall, Cooperstown, N. Y. Ottawa Chautauqua assembly herald, 1892, m 25 C. S. Musbaum, Ottawa, Kan. Otterbein aegis, 1890, m. dur. coll. yr 50 Philophronean ]3ub. co.. Westerville, O. Our baby, 1905, m i .00 Flatiron bldg., N. Y. Our Bible lesson quarterly, 1878, ([ 20 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. Our Bible teacher, 1 873, m 60 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 195 Our boys, 1902. in 1. 00 Our boys pub. co., Pittsburg, I'a. Our church life, 1 894, ni 25 Wisconsin lionie missionary society, Madison, Wis. Our church record, 1894, \v i .00 J. V. McCuUocli. (Jrccnsboro, .\. C Our commonwealth, 1897, \v 1 .00 Thonias I'.awilen, 157 Park st.. iJctroit, Midi. Our commonwealth magazine, 1906. b-ni 20 < )iis .\. McKclvic. Los Angeles, Cal. Our day, 1888, ni 2.00 l-rcdcrick L. (.hapnian, 110 Pa Salic st.. Chicago, ill. Our drummer, ni r.utlcr br05, m i .00 Rochester, X. V. Our magazine, Birmingham press ( )ur magazine, X. Y. Our mascot Mrs. Jennie P.. Mott. San .\iUi>nio, Tex. Our monthly, 18(17, m . i .00 'riiornwcll orphanage. Clinton. S. C. Our morning guide. 1862, w .50 1\ W. Pierpont. Pittsburg. Pa. Our productions. \v American pub. and eng. co.. X. \'. 196 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Our race news-leaflet, 1893, ni i .00 Our race pub. co., New Haven, Conn. Our record, 1769, m 65 Commercial pub. co., 39 Plymouth ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Our salesmen's journal, 1905, m Chicago, 111. Our second century, 1876, m : 5 00 Mrs. C. F. Diehm, 509 W. 185th St., N. Y. Our standard, 1892, s-m i . 00 Dr. J. F. Collen, Franklin bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Our state army and navy, 1897, m i . 50 Charles J. Hendler, 1103 Betz bldg., Phila., Pa. Our story quarterly, q 04 .\m. baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Our times, 1890. m 50 A. S. Barnes & Co., N. Y. Our young folks, 1876, w 75 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Our young men, w 30 Upper Canada tract society, Toronto, Canada. Our young people, 1892, m i .00 Young people co., Milwaukee, AMs. Our youth's friend, 1888, w 50 Publishing ass'n of friends, Plainfield, Ind. Out west, 1 894, m . 2 . 00 Out west CO., IT5 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Outdoor news See Illustrated outdoor news. Outdoors, 1894, m i . 50 Field and stream. 35 W. 21st St., N. Y. Outing, N. Y., 1882, m 3 .00 Outing pub. CO., 239 Fifth ave., N. Y. Outlines for the study of art, 1902 Bureau of university travel, Boston, Mass. Outlook, w 25 Outlook CO., Camden, N. J. Outlook, 1869, w ; 3 . 00 Outlook CO., 287 Fourth ave.. N. Y. Outlook, 1886, m 25 R. I. woman's Christian temperance union. Providence, R. I. Oven, 1905, m 75 Students of university of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Overland monthly, 1868, m i . 50 Overland mo. co., San Francisco, Cal. Overseer, 1879, '"" 50 Overseer pub. co., St. Louis, Mo. Owl, 1899, q 1 .00 Geo. D. Wing, Kewaunee. Wis. Oxford college bulletin, 1888, q 50 Facultv of Oxford college. Oxford, O. - GUIDE TO PERIODICALS i^j Oyler's magazine, 1 905 i . 00 Minneapolis, Minn. P. E, topics, 1906, HI 1 .00 P. E. pub. CO., Los Angeles. Cal. Pacific, 1852, w 2.00 Pub. CO. of the Pacific. Y. M. l". .\. bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. Pacific automobiling, 1 897, m 50 C. P. Gates, 120 N. Main st., Los .\ngeles, Cal. Pacific baptist, 1877, w 2 .00 Pacific baptist pub. co., Portland. ( )rc. Pacific Christian, w 2 . 00 Pacfic Christian pub. co.. San hVancisco. Cal. Pacific Christian advocate, 1853. \v i . 50 Jcnnin_q;s (Jv- (irahani, Portland, Ore. Pacific churchman, 1866, s-m 2.00 Diocese of California, 721 Cal. St.. San 1-Vancisco, Cal. Pacific coast advertising, ni i .00 L. TL Mertz. Los .Angeles, Cal. Pacific coast fanciers' monthly, 1885. m 75 Charles 1\. Ilarker, San Jose, Cal. Pacific coast implement and vehicle record, 1904. ni i .00 T. M. Shearman, ^27, Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast journal of homoeopathy, 1882, m 2.00 Journal pub. co., San hVancisco. Cal. Pacific coast liquor dealers' journal, 1894. ni 2.00 Pacific coast ])ub. co., ^t,() Cal. St.. San Francisco, Cal. Pacific coast merchant, 1899, s-ni i .00 Pacific coast i)ul). co., 83 Xew Montgomery st., San I'rancisco. Cal. Pacific coast wood and iron, 1884, '" i • 50 S. L. Fverett, San h'rancisco, Cal. Pacific dental gazette, in i . 50 Jas. \\ . l-'o2. m i 00 Investor i)iil). co.. San l-'rancisco. Cal. Pacific underwriter, 1 887. s-m 2 . 00 l\(jbt. W . Xeal. 320 California St.. San I->ancisco. Cal. Pacific unitarian, 1893. ni ' 00 Pacific unitarian conference, 318 Post st.. San I'rancisco, Cal. Pacific wine and spirit review, 1880, ni 2.00 Treasury register co., f)2S Montgomery st., San Trancisco, Cal. Pacific woodman, 1S90. \v 5° i'liilil)s & .Snivtli, San I'Vancisco, Cal. Packages, 1S98. ni . .' • i 00 Packages pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Packer, 1 899. \v i • 00 r.arrick pub. co., 2 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Packer, 1893, w i 00 r.arrick pub. co.. Packer bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Packer, 1 90 1 , w ' • 00 llarrick pub. co.. Pack \)\.. X. Y. Packer, 1 900, \v ^ ■'^ Rarrick pub. co., Cincin.. O. Pageant, 1905, m 5° Blue sky press. Chicago, 111. Paint, oil and drug review, 1883. w 2 .00 \1. \"an Xess Person. 84 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Painter and wood finisher, ux>2, m 1 00 Painter and wood finisher pub. co., Columbus, O. Painters' magazine, 1874. m 5° Win. (). Allison, lOO William St., N. Y. Painters' official journal, m • ' 00 P.rotherhood of painters and decorators of America, Lafayette. Ind. Painter's paint, 1905, m Chicago, 111. Palladium, 1883. m ^ 00 1). L. Martin, Nashville, Tenu. Palo Alto, 1892, 6 d ••••• 3 00 Students of Lcland Stanford university, Stanford, Cal. Pan American banker, u)0^, m 2.00 Land Title bldg.. Phila.. Pa. Panama mail, 1905. m ' 00 1 1 P> roadway, N. Y. Pandex of the press, \*^)0^. m \ .^o Calkin's newspaper syndicate, 320 Sansoni St.. San I'Vancisco, Cal. 200 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Panhandle bulletin, 1903, w i .00 Bennett Hatcher. Aniarillo, Tex. Paper box maker and American book binder, 1892, m 2.00 L. D. Post, Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper buyer, 1905, m Harper paper co., 10 E. 13th st.. N. Y. Paper mill and wood pulp news, 1876. w 3 00 L. D. Post. Park Row bldg., N. Y. Paper trade, 1874, w 3. 00 J. Fred Waggoner. 155 Washington st., Chicago, 111. Paper trade journal, 1872, w 4.00 Lockwood trade journal co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Papyrus, m 50 Parliament prudential patricians of Pompeii, Saginaw, Mich. Paragon monthly, 1898, m 25 Paragon pub. co., 22 N. William st., N. Y. Parish visitor, 1852, m 50 T. Whittaker, Bible house, N. Y. Parisiennes William P. Ahnelt, N. Y. Park and cemetery and landscape gardening, 1891, m i .00 R. J. Haight, 324 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Park review, 1899, q i.oo Review pub. co., Parkville, Mo. Parker-Finn book, 1906, q ; Parker and Finn, N. Y. Parliamentarian, 1906, b-m 50 Strickland institute of parliamentary law^, Rockford, 111. Parthenon, 1905, w 300 Sakellarios & Pappageorgion, 17 Hallis st., Boston, Mass. Pasadena. Public library. Monthly bulletin, 1899, ^ Free University press, Sewanee, Tennessee. Passe temps, 1895, f i . 50 J. E. Beloir, Montreal, Canada. Patent record, 1 898, m i . 00 Patent record co., 618 F st., N. \\'., Washington, D. C. Patent and trade mark review, 1902, m 2.00 Richards & co., 309 Broadway, N. Y. Pathfinder, 1901, m 50 Red men's pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Pathfinder, 1906, m 50 University press, Sewanee, Tennessee. Patriot, 1894, w i . 50 J. G. Deponal, Harper bldg., A^^ashington. D. C. Patriot, 1894, w i .00 Jas. T. Parks, Orangeburg. S. C. Patriot, 1888, w 2 .00 Excelsior pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Gl'IDK'K) PERIODICALS 201 Pattern makers' journal monthly, 1891, m 50 Pattern makers' league of X. A., 25 Third a\e.. X. Y. Patterson's college and school directory of the United States and Canada, a 5 • 00 Am. edmational co.. 315 Dearlx.ni St.. C'hicat^o. Paul Quinn weekly, 1886. w 50 Toul (juinu college aid asxieiatinn. AX'aco. 'I"e\. Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology of Harvard university Arcliaeol(),<.,ncal and ethnolotiu-al ])apers. 1888 Memoirs, 1 896 Reports. 1868 Caml)rid,G:c, Mass. Peacemaker and court of arbitration, 1882. m 1 .00 rnixersal peace union. 1305 Areh St.. IMiila.. I'a. Peach grower and fruit culturist, U)07,. m i .CX) Peach grower pub. co., Sa\'annali. (la. Peach growers' journal and apple trade review, i8(>g. m i .00 W. T. Hinchey. ^fiddleport. X. Y. Pearls for little ones, w 15 Committee of pub.. Richmond, \'a. Pearsons' magazine, 1898, m i . 50 Pearson pub. co.. 2 Aster pi.. N. V. Pedagogical seminary, 1891. q 5.(X) Louis X. Wilson. Worcester. Mass. Pediatrics, 1 896. m 2 . 00 I". M. Crossett co.. N. Y. "Peerless" envoy, i<)05. ni Free R. E. Thibaut. 50 E. 13th st.. X. Y. Peerless fashion guide, m 12 Independent-peerless pattern co., 107 W. 25th st.. X. Y. Pelican, 1903. 5 nos 40 Students of University of Calif<~>rnia. P.erkeley. Cal. Pell's notes, m 75 Robert Hardimq; co., Richmond. \'a. Peninsula methodist, 1875. w i .00 L. r.ates Russell. Cliestertown. Md. Penman-artist and business educator, 10 nos i .oc Zaner and j'dciser. Columbus. O. Penman's art journal, 1877. "^ ' 00 X'ational penmanship press. 203 Broadway. X. \'. Penn chronicle, 1886, m. dur. coll. yr Students of j'enn college, (^skaioosa. Ta. Pennsylvania bar association. Report, i8<)5. a i .00 Win. 11. Stoake. i'ranklin bld^^.. Phila.. Pa. Pennsylvania county court reports, 1885, w 5.00 T. & J. W. Johnson & co.. IMiila.. Pa. Pennsylvania dental journal, 1897. b-ni. dur. coll. yr 50 L nderyraduaies of dcpt. of dentistry. University of Pennsvlvania. Phila.. Pa. 202 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pennsylvania. Dept. of agriculture. Monthly bulletin of zoology, 1 903. Ill Freq Pennsylvania elk, 1904, m i .00 Farmers' bank bldg-.. Pittsburg-. Pa. Pennsylvania farmer, 1882, w i 00 E. P. & R. X. Brown, Meadville, Pa. Pennsylvania-German, 1900. m i .00 W. H. Kiiebel and H. A. Schuler, East Greenville, Pa. Pennsylvania grange news, 1904, m 25 Patrons of husbandry. Chambersburg. Pa. Pennsylvania grit, w " 2 .00 AX'illianiport, Pa. Pennsylvania herald, 1894, ni 25 Pennsylvania state Sabbath school ass'n 1414 S. Penn sq., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania lumberman, 1903. m i . SO B. F. Landig, Scranton. Pa. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, 1877, q 3.00 Pennsylvania historical society, i^th and Locust sts Phila.. Pa. Pennsylvania medical journal, 1897. m 2.00 Cyrus Lee Stevens, Athens, Pa. Pennsylvania methodist, 1876, w i .00 ]\Iethodist book room, Harrisburg, Pa. Pennsylvania museum and school of industrial art Bulletin, 1903 Report, 1875, a Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania Pythian, m 25 John B. Minton, 200 S. loth st., Phila.. Pa. Pennsylvania school journal, 1852. m i .60 J. P. jNIcCaskey, Lancaster, Pa. Pennsylvania. University. Publications Series in astronomy, irreg Varies Series in botany, irreg Varies -^ Series in hygiene, irreg A'aries Series in mathematics, 1897, irreg Varies Series in zoology, irreg Varies Series in history, irreg Varies Series in philology and literature, irreg Varies Series in philosophy, 1890 Varies Series in political economy and pub. law, irreg Varies Contributions from the John Harrison laboratory of chemistry, irreg Varies Botanical laboratory, irreg \'aries Botanical laboratory, irreg Varies Department of mathematics, irreg Varies Laboratory of hygiene, irreg Varies Zoology laboratory, irreg Varies Laboratory of neuropathology, irreg Varies Phila., Pa. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 203 Pennnsylvanian, 1884. d. dur. coll. yr 3 00 Stuik'nts I'liiversitv of rV'iins\l\ania, ,^4^1 Woodland avc. Phila.. Pa. ' Pennsylvania monthly. 1896. m 10 Penny monthly. i8(/), ni 10 Penny monthly co., "\'oun^''.*^to\vn. ( ). Penrose's pictorial annual, a 2 . 50 Ttnnant iv Ward. 2^J I-\)urth avc. X. ^'. Pentecostal herald, 1889. \v i .00 Pcntc'co.stal pub. co.. Louisville. Ky. People, 1896, m 25 F. L. Marriott. St. Johns. N. F. People, 1 90 1.6(1 3 . 50 1 89 1 . w 50 Xational exec. com. socialist labor party. 2 New Reade St., N. Y. People, 1902. w 1 .00 J. L. Cooper. Akron. O. People, 1902. \v 2.00 Drexel P.iddle. 415 Locu.st St.. Phila.. Pa. People's companion, 1898. ni 25 People's companion co.. 40 Dearborn St.. Chicag^o. 111. People's druggist. 1904. m 50 102 I->anklin st.. Phila.. Pa. People's friend, 1902. s-m 60 Rev. Charles Zollicoffer. Sunlij:;:ht. N. C. People's health journal of Chicago, 1885. m i .00 i'eoplc's healtli jnurnal co.. 441 Dearborn avc.. Chica.<;o. 111. People's home journal, 188:^. m 3S V. M. Lnpton, 23 City Hall ])].. X. V. People's institute bulletin, kjo:;, w 52 ;,is F 15th St.. X. ^^ People's literary companion, m Lane's list, .\uj.justa. Me. People's literary companion, m 10 Lane's list. .\n_i;usta. Me. People's magazine, 19(^1. m i .00 ."^tnet ^: ."^mith. jth ave and 15th st.. X. V. People's magazine and home university, m i .00 Ilome uni\(.r>ity ass'n. ( )ak Park. 111. People's popular monthly, 1896. ni 50 T*eopk"'s monthly co.. Des Moines. la. People's railway guide, m I. L. Pea.^^e. .Vlbatiy, N. Y. Pepper's musical times and band journal. 1877. m i .00 J. W. Pei^per. 8th and Locust sts.. Phila.. Pa. Pernin's monthly stenographer, 1889. m i .00 II. M. Pirnin. J13 Woodward ave.. Detroit. Mich. Perry magazine. iS«)8. n) nos i .00 Perrv nifij. co.. Maiden. Mass. 204 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Personal helper, w Personal help pub. co., Des Moines. la. Pessimist, 1905, irreg Piermont, N. Y. Pet stock news, 1901 , m i . 00 Charles H. Card, 162 Colorado ave.. Chicag-o, 111. Petroleum gazette, 1897, m i.oo Murray bros., Pittsburg, Pa. Phagocyte, ni 75 Ohio medical university, Columbus, O. Pharmaceutical era, 1887, w 3 .00 D. O. Haynes & co., 90 William St., N. Y. Pharmaceutical journal, 1890, m i .00 Henry ]Miles, Montreal, Canada. Pharmaceutical review, 1882, m 2 . 00 Pharmaceutical review pub. co.. [Milwaukee. A\"is. Pharos, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the Wesleyan university of \\'. Va.. Buckhannon, W. Ysl. Phi alpha gamma quarterly, 1902. q i .00 9 N. Queen st., Lancaster, Pa. Phials A special annual number of University homoeopathic observer. Philadelphia advocate of osteopathy, 1906, q 25 Phila.. Pa. Philadelphia commercial museum, scientific department Bulletin, 1899 Phila., Pa. Philanthropic index and review, m 25 C. T. Wilbur, Kalamazoo, Mich. Philatelic star, 1901, m 25 Judson X. Burton, ^ladison. N. Y. Philippine gossip, w 4.00 H. B. Mulford. Manila, P. I. Philippine Islands. Mining bureau Bulletin. 1902, irreg Free Manila, P. I. Philippine journal of science, 1906, 10 nos 5 .00 Bureau of science of the gov't of the Philippine islands. Manila. P. I. Philippine museum Bulletin. 1903 Manila. P. 1. Philippine teacher, 1905, ni 2.00 AlcCullough bldg.. Manila. P. T Philistine, m i .00 Elbert Hubbard, East Aurora. N. Y. Phillips academy. Department of archaeology Bulletin, 1904, irreg Varies CLIDK 10 PERIODICALS J05 Phillips Exeter academy -Ihillclin. h;()t. tj I'ree Exeter. X. II. Phillips Exeter academy [julletin, 1905. (| I""ree Exeter, N. H. Philosopher, 1896, m i .cx) \an \echten & Ellis. Wausau, \\is. Philosophical journal, 1865, w i .00 riiilosophical i)ul). eo.. sta. B.. .San Francisco, Cal. Philosophical review, 1892. b-ni 3 00 Macniillan co.. dO l-'illh ave., X. V. Philosophical society of Washington, membership 3 00 Bulletin, 1874. irreg Proceedings Washington. D. C. Phoenix, 1881. ni. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Swarthmore college, Swarthmore. Pa. Phono-meter, i ioston. Mass. Photo miniature, 1 899. m 2 . 50 Tennant i\: Ward. 287 I'ourth ave.. X. Y. Photographer, 1 1^04. \v 2 . 00 Photographer pub. co.. 24 E. 21st st.. X. Y. Photographic poster, 1 904. m 50 ( ). IT. Peck CO.. Minneapolis. Minn. Photographic student, 1905, m 50 Cal. college of photography. Palo Alto. Cal. Photographic times, 1 870. m i . 00 Photographic times pub. ass'n, 122 I'iftli ave.. X. Y. Phreno-cosmian, 1889. m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of .South Dakota university. Mitchell. S. D. Phrenological journal, 1838. m 1 .00 lM)\vler & Wells co.. 24 E. 22d St.. X. Y. Physical culture, i8c;8. m .50 Physical culture co.. Spotswood. X. J. Physical review, 1893. m 5 .00 Macniillan co..\)6 l-'ifth ave.. X. Y. Physician and surgeon, 1879. m 3 00 John Win. Keating. .\nn .\rbor. Mich. 2o6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Physio-medical record, m i . 50 Drs. Hoggard & Duthrie, Indianapolis, ind. Physique culture for boys and girls, 1905, m 50 Physical cnlture co., Spotswood, N. J. Piano and organ workers' official journal, ni i .00 857 N. Irving ave., Chicago, 111. Piano trade, 1903, m 25 Geo. B.. Armstrong, Steinway hall, Chicago, 111. Picket guard, 1888. ni " 50 H. D. C)'Ljrien, 421 Chestnut St., St. Louis. Mo. Pickings from Puck, ni i . 00 Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston st.. N. Y. Pictorial American, 1902, m i .00 Pictorial American pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Pictorial review, 1899, "^ i -oo Pictorial review co., 853 Broadway, N. Y. Picture and art trade, 1880, m i .00 J. Sawtelle Ford. Monadnock bldg., Chicago. 111. Pigeon flying, m i . 00 Chas. H. Jones, 10 S. Broad St., Phila., Pa. Pigeon news, 1894, s-m i .00 C. E. Twombly, 32 Hawley st., Boston, Mass. Pilgrim, 1899, m i . 00 Pilgrim pub. co., Detroit, Mich. Pilgrim of our Lady of Martyrs Apostles of prayer, N. Y. Pilgrim teacher, 1885, m 50 Pilgrim press, 14 Beacon st., Boston, Mass. Pilot, m 1 .00 John H. Harris, 168 Hamlin ave.. Chicago, 111. Pilot, 1836, w 2 . 50 Pilot pub. CO., 211 Tremont temple, Boston. Mass. Pilot Old Dominion steamship co., N. Y. Pine tree magazine, m Sale pub. co., Portland, Ore. Pioneer, 1902, w i .00 Toronto, Canada. Pit and post Knight, Donnelley & co.. The Rookerw Chicago, 111. Pitman's journal, 1904, q 25 Isaac Pitman & sons, 31 L'nion sq., N. Y. Pittsburg legal journal, 1853, w 3 . 20 John S. Murray, Pittsburg. Pa. Plant world, 1897, m i . 00 Francis E. Lloyd, 604 W. 115th st. Planters' journal, w 50 Bedford and Rowe, Memphis, Tenn. Platform and pulpit, 1904, m 2 .00 F. S. Mickev. Lincoln. Neb. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 207 Playthings, 1906, m 50 The Henry C. Xalhaii co.. 409 llroadway. X. V. Pleasant hours, 1880, w 30 Rev. W. Brings. Toronto. Canada. 11. C. Waddle, cor. Coiif^ress and Honore, Chicago. 111. Plexus. 1895, m 1 .00 Culver and Sig^nfoos, South ( )niaha. Xeb. Plow share, i()04. in 1 . 00 L'ulver and Si^nfoos, South ( )iuaha. Xeb. Pluck, ni 50 IMnck CO., Loi^ansport, ind. Pluck and luck, 1 898. w 2 . 50 I'raidx Tou.sey. X. \ . Plumber, 1903, ni 50 Plumber i)ub. cu., (."(jlunibus, ( ). Plumbers' trade journal, steam and hot water fitters' review, 1881. .s-ni 1 .00 IMiuiibers' trade journal pub. co., 61 Ueekinan st., X. V. Plymouth weekly, 1883, w i .00 W. C. Conover. 10 Cleland bld.q-., Detroit. Mich. Pocket list of railroad officials Railway ec|uipnu'nl and pub. co.. X. \'. Poet-lore. 1889. (| 3.00 Poet-lore co., 194 15o)Lsion si., Tioston, Mass. Pointer, 1 884, m 1 . 00 113 Adams st., Chicaj^o. 111. Police and fire dispatch, 1899. \v 2.00 jas. W. llio.oins, 196 S. Clark st.. Chica-o. H! Political science quarterly, 1886. (| 3.00 Ciimi &; CO., I'.oston, Mass. Polk & co's students' directory of the U. of M., a . . 2. so R. L. Polk & CO.. Detroit. Mich.. Polk's dental register and directory of the United States and Canada, irreu: 10.00 R. L. I '.ilk .^ CO. Detroit. Mich. Polk's medical register and directory of North America, irrej:;:. • 10.00 R. L. I'olk .ub. en.. 50 P.romtield St., P.oston, Mas-. Popular fashions, i88(), m 50 I'opidar fashions co., J()i Coui^ress. Pioston, Mass. 2o8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Popular magazine, 1903, ni i . 20 Street & Smith, 238 William St.. N. Y. Popular mechanics, iy02, m i .00 Popular mechanics co.. Journal bldg.. Chicago, 111. Popular odd fellow, 1893, m 50 John W. Bourlet, Concern, N. H. Popular science monthly, 1872, m 3.00 Science press sub-station 84, N. Y. Portage Lake mining gazette, 1859, w 2.00 Mining gazette co., Houghton, Mich. Portland society of natural history Proceedings, 1862, irreg Varies Portland, Me. Portland transcript, 1837, m i .oc Westbrook pub. co., Westbrook, Me. Porto Rico magazine, 1906, m 5c 25 Broad st., N. Y. Porvenir, 1904, m i ■ 00 Porvenir pub. co., Kittredge bldg., Denver, Colo. Posse gymnasium journal, 1892. 11 nos i .00 Posse gymnasium club, 206 Massachusetts ave, Boston, Mass. Post, 1901, m 50 Monthly post co., Utica, N. Y. Post card dealer, 1906, m Kelsey Burr Gould, N. Y. Post card world, 1906, m 50 4280 Evans ave., St. Louis, Mo. Post-graduate, 1885, m i .00 2d ave. and 20th St., N. Y. Post-graduate bulletin, 1905, q i .00 Post-graduate bulletin pub. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Postal card exchange, 1906, m i -oo 207 E. 24th St., N. Y. Postal clerk, 1901 , m 20 United national association P. O. clerks, 915 W. 56th St., Chicago, 111. Postal record, 1889, m i 00 National association of letter carriers, 945 Penn ave., Washington, D. C. Postelsia, 1901, irreg Varies Joseph E. Tilden, Minneapolis, Minn. Postmaster-carrier, 1904, m 25 Postmaster-carrier pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Postmaster everywhere, 1903. m i .00 H. A. Hopkins, St. Clair, Mich. Postmasters' advocate, 1895, m 50 J. W. McKinley. May bldg., Washington, D. C. Poultry, 1904, m 5^ Poultry pub. co., Peotone, 111. GUIDE TO I'F.RIODICALS 209 Poultry advertising, Hjos, 111 63 W'ashing^tou st., Cliica.!L;(j. 111. Poultry advocate, 189S. m 50 Kcdwcll & CO., London. Canada. Poultry and berries, 1903, ni 50 .\. j. Mosclcy, St/jo.scph. Mo. Poultry culture, 1 897, m 50 I'onltry culture ctx. Life hldjj:.. Kansas City. Mo. Poultry gazette, i8(>8, ni 35 (iiljics pub. CO., Topcka. Kan. Poultry gem, 1 9(X), m 25 William bros., Stutt.^art. .\rk. Poultry herald, 1 888, ni 50 Wil.b pub. CO.. St. Paul. Minn. Poultry husbandry, 1906, in 25 Hawkins pub. co.. Waterville, X. Y. Poultry item, 1 899, in 25 Item pub. CO., Fricks, Pa. Poultry journal, 1 895. w i 50 iM-ank M. Snow. Petalnma. Cal. Poultry keeper, 1884. m 50 Poultry kee])er pub. co., Ouincy, Til. Poultry life in America, 1 89 1 , w 52 i'oultry life pub. co., Belton, Tex. Poultry news, 1903, m 2S Williams & Metlar, New Brunswick. X. J. Poultry review, 1904, m 50 Jolm 1'. Lisenbower. Bustleton. Pa. Poultry standard, 1899. m Poultry standard pub. co.. Stamford, (.'(mn. Poultry success, 1889, m 50 Poultry success co., Sprin.f^field. ( ). Poultry topics, 1 89 1 . m 25 J. C. Seacrest, Lincoln, Xeb. Poultry tribune, 1895, m 50 R. R. I'isher, I'Veeport. 111. Power, 1 884. m 2 . 00 Hill pub. CO., World bldcr.. X. V. Power and lighting economist, k^oi. q 1 .00 [•!conomi>i c^).. Troy, X. "S". Power and transmission, 1885, b-m 50 Power and transmission pub. co., Misbawaka. I ml. Power boat news, 1 1)05, w 2 . 00 Rudder pub. c«).. n Murray st.. X. V. Practical age, 1 89 1 . m ^O j. W . Warr. Moline. 111. Practical carpenter, i(>o3. m 25 hulustrial pub. C(... lO 'rhomas .st.. X. \". Practical cutter and tailor, m :5 .00 (.has. I. Stone. i.;4 La Salle st.. Cliica.tro. 111. 2IO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Practical druggist, 1897, m i .00 Lillard & co., 108 Fulton St., N. Y. Practical engineer, 1897, m 50 _ L. L. Rice, 46 N. 12th st., Phila., Pa. Practical farmer, 1855, w i.oo Farmer co., Market and i8th st., Phila., Pa. Practical fruit grower, 1894, s-m 75 Spring-field, Mo. Practical ideals, m i .00 Starr pub. co.. 30 Hunting ave., Boston. [Mass. Practical machinist, 1905, m 50 Machinist pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Practical photographer, 1904, m 2 . 50 Photo era pub. co., 170 Summer st., Boston, Mass. Practical psychology, 1900, q 35 Wm. A. Barnes, 505 Massachusetts ave.. Boston, Mass. Practitioner's visiting list, a 1.25 Lea bros. & co., 706 Sansom st., Phila., Pa. Prairie farmer, 1841, w i .00 Rand, McNally & co., Chicago, 111. Pratt institute free library. Monthly bulletin, m. ex. Aug.-Sept. Free Brooklyn, N. Y. Preacher safeguard, 1893, w i .00 Rev. C. A. Buchanan, West Point, Miss. Preacher's assistant, 1889, m i • 50 Frank J. Boyer, Reading, Pa. Preachers' helper, 1894, m i .00 Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. Presbyterian, 1884, w i . 50 Westminster co., Toronto, Canada Presbyterian, 1885, w 2 .00 Atlanta presbyterian pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Presbyterian, 1889. m 50 The synod, Kingston, Jamaica. Presbyterian, 1 83 1 , w 2 . 50 Presbyterian pub. co., T014 A\'itherspoon bldg., Phila., Pa. Presbyterian banner, 1814, w 2 . 00 Presbyterian pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Presbyterian college journal, 1881, m i .00 Presbyterian college, Montreal, Canada. Presbyterian historical society Journal, 1901, irreg 2.00 Phila., Pa. Presbyterian quarterly, 1887. q 2.00 Whittet & Shepperson, Richmond, A'a. Presbyterian record, 1 876, m 50 Presbvterian church in Canada, [Montreal, Canada. Presbyterian review, 1 8g8, m 25 Rev. Fred A\'. Hawley. Oklahoma City, Okla. Presbyterian standard, 1 858, \v 2 .00 Presbvterian pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. GL'IDE TO PERIODICALS 211 Presbyterian witness, 1848, w i . 50 rresbyterian witness co., Halifax, X. S. Presbyterianer, 1867. w i . 50 Coiivciitioii of German presbyterian ministers and elders of the west, Dubuque, la. Press and printer, 1887, f i -OO Press and printer co., 68 Devonshire. Boston. Mass. Press monthly, 1900, m 25 East Avon press, East Avon, X. \'. Presto, 1884, m 2.00 Presto pub. co., Monon bldjj;'., Chicaj^o, 111. Price current, 1889, '^^^ ' -^ Price current pub. co., Wichita. Kan. Primary education, 1892, 10 nos 1 .00 lulucaiional pub. co., 50 Rromfield st., Boston, Mass. Primary plans, 1903. 10 nos i .00 I'. A. Owen pub. co.. Dansville, X. Y. Primary quarterly, cj 20 Rev. R. Douglass Fraser, Toronto, Canada. Primary quarterly, q 10 American baptist pub. society, 1630 Chestnut st.. Phila.. Pa. Primary quarterly, i S8j. q 08 Baptist S. S. board. Xashville. Tenn. Primary quarterly, q 12 Committee of |niblication, Richmond, \'a. Primary Sunday school teacher, q 50 D. C. Cook pub. CO., Eloin. 111. Primary teacher, q 50 D. C. Cook pub. CO.. El.yiu. 111. Primitive baptist, 1886, w i .00 Cayces & Turner, Martin, Tenn. Primitive missionary, w i • 00 J. O. Raines, Manchester, 111. Primitive monitor and church advocate. i88(), m i .00 Elder R. W. Thompson. ( Ireentield. Ind. Primitive occult journal. loo; i 00 Helena, Mont. Prince Edward Island agriculturist. 18S3. w i .50 Summerside, 1 '. 1*'. 1. Prince Edward Island magazine, 1890, m o^ .\rchibaltl Irwin. Charlotttetown. P. E. I. Prince society. Publications. 1858. irretr \aries Boston. Mass. Princeton magazine. 1005, m 1 .00 Princeton. X. J. Princeton theological review, iSoo, q 3.00 MacCalla & co.. 21,7 Dock st.. Phila.. Pa. Princeton tiger, 1 882. m 2 . 00 Students n\ Princeton universitv. Princeton. X. I 212 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Princeton university Contribution to psychology. 1895, irreg Varies Contribution to philosophy, 1898, irreg Varies University press, Princeton, N. J. Princetonian, 1876, 6 d. dur. coll. yr 4.00 Students of Princeton university, Princeton, N. J. Printers' ink, 1888, w 2 . 00 Printers' ink pub. co., 10 Spruce St.. N. Y. Printing art, 1903, m 5. 00 University press, Cambridge, Mass. Prix courant, 1887, w i • 50 Trades pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Produce review and American creamery, 1895, w i .00 Urner-Barry co., 173 Chambers St., N. Y. Producers' review, 1904, m 50 Texas producers' revievv^ co., Dallas, Tex. Professional and amateur photographer, 1896, m i .00 Professional photographer pub. co.. 220 Washington st.. Buffalo, N. Y. Professional barber, 1898, m i .00 Professional barber pub. co., De Soto bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Profit, 1903, m 1 . 00 Spatula pub. co., Sudbury bldg., Boston, Mass. Profit and loss, 1904, m 50 Newton and Cunningham, Denver, Colo. Profitable advertising, 1891, m 2 .00 Kate E. Griswold, 140 Bo3dston st., Boston, Mass. Profits, 1883, w 1 . 00 Theodore B. Creamer, 521 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Progress, 1902, m 1 . 00 Progress pub. co., 1839 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Progress, 1906, q Wilshire pub. co., 200 \ATlliam st., N. Y. Progress magazine, 1906. m i .00 Progress magazine co., Cincin., O. Progress of the west, 1904, m i .00 Killam & Manning, Denver, Colo. Progressive age, 1875, ^ i -oo \\''m. R. Dobbyn & sons, Minneapolis, Minn. Progressive age, 1883, s-m 3 -OO E. C. Brown, 280 Broadway, N. Y. Progressive American, 1 894, m i . 00 Progressive American pub. co., 1404 S. Pennsylvania sq., Phila., Pa. Progressive bee-keeper, 1891, m 50 Leahy mfg. co., Higginsville, Mo. Progressive country life, 1902, w 60 Lambert and Batman, Rockville, Ind. Progressive farmer, 1886, w "i .00 Agricultural pub. co., Raleigh, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 213 Progressive farmer, 1901 . ni 50 East Ryeg:atc, \'t. Progressive medicine, iSfji). (|. cUjth 9.00 paper 6 . oo Sea bros. & co., Phila., Pa. Progressive poultry journal, kjo^, 111 50 Pro.u^ressive poultry journal pub. co., Mitchell. S. D. Progressive printer, i. m I .GO \\ . P.. Atkinson. 1400 Pine St.. Phila.. Pa. 214 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Public health journal, 1886, ni i .00 Internat. bd. of health journal co., 18 E. 70th st.. X. Y. Public health, Michigan, 1906, q Free State department of health, Lansing, INIich. Public libraries, 1896, m, 10 nos i .00 Library bureau, 156 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. Public poHcy, w 2 . 00 Public policy pub. co., 132 Market St., Chicago, 111. Public school journal, 10 nos i . 00 Public school journal co, Cincin., O. Publicite-publicity, 1905, m 2. 00 L. J. Francois, Montreal, Canada. Public's companion, 1899, "1 10 Public's companion pub. co., Anderson, Ind. Publisher and advertiser, 1905, m i .00 112 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Publisher and retailer, 1904, m i .00 W. E. Price, 24 E. 21st St., N. Y. Publishers' guide, 1893, m 2 . 00 Publishers' guide co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Publishers' trade list annual, 1875, ^ 2.00 R. R. Bowker, 298 Broadway, N. Y. Publishers' weekly, 1872, w 4 . 00 R. R. Bowker. 298 Broadway, N. Y. Puck, 1877, w 5.00 Keppler & Schwarzmann. 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Puck's monthly magazine and almanac, 1887, m i.oo Keppler &: Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Puck's quarterly, q Keppler & Schwarzmann, 39 E. Houston, N. Y. Pulp and paper magazine, 1903, m i .00 Biggar-Samuel, Toronto, Canada. Pulpit, 1889, m 1 .00 Rev. G. Holzapfel, Cleona, Pa. Pulpit and pew, 1903, s-m 75 Rev. J. S. McLeod. Way Cross, Ga. Pulpit monthly magazine, 1904, m i .00 Jas. E. Bergen & co., 120 E. Market st., Indianapolis, Ind. Punch bowl, m. dur. coll. yr 75 Students of L^niversity of Pennsylvania. Phila., Pa. Purdue engineering review, 1905, a 50 Engineering society of Purdue univ., Lafayette, Ind. Purdue university Bulletin, 1901, q LaFayette, Ind. Purdue university library. Publications, i(jo6, irreg Lafayette. Ind. Pure words, 1877, w Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Purple and gold, 1883, q i . 50 Chi psi fraternity, Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Purple and gold, 1900, m. dur. coll. yr Students and faculty of Ashland college, Ashland, Wis. Purpose monthly, 1906, m Sunlij^lit specialty co.. Columbus, O. Push, m Robert Hardinj:;^ co.. Richmond. \'a. Putnam's monthly and the critic, 1906. m Putnam's sons, X. ^'. Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth Pyth an, m l'\ R. Laramie, Whiting, Ind. an advocate, 1884, m I'Vcd ]*-. Wlieaton. Minneapolis, Minn, an age, 1 889, m Pytliian age pub. co., Madison, Wis. an banner, 1891, m John M. Stanley, Piedmont. W. \^a. an chronicle, 1901, m Calkins' newspaper syndicate, ^^20 Sansam St., San Francisco, Cal. an gleaner, 1 895. m 11. C. Allen & CO.. 113 Dudley St., Boston, Mass. an guest, 1 889. m I). I\ Harrison, Union City. Ind. an herald, 1904, w L. D. Jones. Fort Smith. Ark. an herald, 1 89 1 . m Dockery & Sullivan. 933 I'roadway. Kansas City. Mo. an herald gazette, 1889. m S. Sanderson, Little Rock, Ark. an journal, 1874, m A. M. Preston & co.. Century bldg., Indianapolis. Ind. an journal, 1898, m Pythian pub. co., Centreville, Miss. an knight, 1894. m Henry Rosenthal, Evansville, Ind. an knight, 1886, m W. II. St. John, Rochester, X. Y. an leader, 1903. \v Frank A. Hoy. 84 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. an lodge secret. 1890. m II. Cronlieim, Atlanta. Ga. an monitor, 1902. m Pytliian pub. CO., Cincin.. O. an news, 1 897. w Pythian news co.. Cincin.. O. an record, 1 888. m Pythian record pub. CO.. 79 Fifth ave.. Chicago. 111. an review, ni F. .Allison Powers. Montreal. Canada. an shield, m Tames Xichols. Madison. Xeb. 215 .50 ■50 3 00 • ^o 1 .00 1 .00 •50 1 .00 I .CX) 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 .50 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 .50 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 •50 2i6 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Pythian sunbeam, 1 903, m 50 Pytliian sunbeam co.. Lincoln, Neb. Pythian times, 1903, m i .00 J. E. Shanafelt, Perry, Okla. Pythian tribune, 1895, "^ i 00 W. D. Kennedy, 6023 Princeton ave., Chicago, 111. Pythias and Calanthe, 1 897, m 50 Wni. (^randison. Cambridge, Mass. Quaker city year book, 1906, a i .00 Lippincott co.. Phila., Pa. Quarry workers' journal, 1904, m 50 P. F. McCarthy, Barre, Vt. Quarterly bulletin, 1906 George H. Hosmer, Everett, Mass. Quarterly bulletin of new music, q Free Oliver Ditson co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly journal of economics, 1887, q 3-00 Geo. H. Ellis co., Boston, Mass. Quarterly journal of inebriety, 1877, Q 2.00 Hartford, Conn. Quarterly review (Am. ed.), 1809. q 4.00 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st., N. Y. Quarterly supplement to the rating index, q Thrift pub. CO., N. Y. Queen's medical quarterly, q i.oo W. T. Connell. Kingston, Ontario. Queen's quarterly, 1893, q i .00 Professors and alumni of Queen's university, Kingston, Ontario. Queen's university journal, 1873. s-m i .00 Alma mater society Queen's univ., Kingston, Ontario. Quincy. Free public library Bulletin, 1905, irreg Quincy, 111. Quiver, 1866, m ; i . 50 Cassell & CO., 43 E. 19th st., N. Y. R. F. D. news, 1903, m 50 H. H. Windsor, Journal bldg., Chicago, 111. Racing calendar, w 5 . 00 H. A. Buck, Windsor arcade, N. Y. Racing form, 1895, 6 d 14.00 Daily racing form pub. co.. 126 Fifth ave., Chicago, 111. Radcliffe college monographs, 1888, irreg Varies Gim & CO., Boston, Mass. Radium, 1906, q 10 Heber Roberts, 310 Chemical bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. Railroad conductor, 1879, m i .00 Order of railway conductors, Cedar Rapids, la. Railroad echo, 1904. w i . 00 Miss Ferdie Trichel, Houston. Tex. GUIDK It) PERIODICALS 217 Railroad employee. 1 89 1 . in 5() 1;, 11. Cliapiii. Xewark, X. J. Railroad gazette, 1856. \v 4 . 20 Railroad gazette, 83 I-'ultun St.. X. Y. Railroad herald, ni i . 00 I-:. C". Laird. Atlanta. (Ja. Railroad man's magazine, n^). ni IVank A. Muiisc\ co.. 175 i"iftli ave. X. ^'. Railroad men, 1886, ni i .00 Railroad Y. M. C. A.. 361 Madison avc.. X. Y. Railroad quotation record. 1896. ni 2.00 C". Moni. I'.ciiton CO., 526 W. 28th St.. X. Y. Railroad record and common carrier, 1900. m i .00 1-rank W'eltlon, Atlanta. Ga. Railroad reporter, U)o(). ni 'i'honias Kristic. X. Y. Railroad telegrapher, 1885, in i .00 Order of railroad telegraphers, i-'nllerton bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. Railroad trainmen's journal, 1883. ni i .00 Brotherhood of railroad trainmen, Cleveland. O. Railway age, 1 876. \v 4 . 00 Railway age co.. Monadnock bldg.. Chicago. 111. Railway and engineering review, 1868. \v 4.00 'riic railwax rc\ic\v. 1305 Manhattan ave.. Chicago. 111. Railway and hotel news, 1882, 6d 5. 00 Railway and hotel news co.. St. Paul, Minn. Railway and marine news, 1904. s-in 2.00 Railway and marine news pub. co.. Seattle. W ash. Railway and shipping world, i8<>o, ni i 00 Acton lUirrows co., Toronto. Canada. Railway clerk, 1902. m 50 Order of railway clerks of .\inerica. Kansas City Life bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Railway conductor, 1884. ni i .00 Order of railway conductors. Cedar Rapid<. Tn. Railway critic, 1902. m i .00 143 Liberty St.. X. Y. Railway employees' journal. i8(M . m ;o K. H. Call. Scranton, Pa. Railway engineering and maintenance of way, 1Q05. in t .00 Bruce \'. Crandall co.. .'^ocnrity bldg.. Chiracro. Til. Railway epicurean. 1905 Thomas P.urdine. Chicago. Til. Railway gazette. 1885, m i .00 Gazette pub. co.. Denver, Cc)lo. Railway hand book Railway hand book pub. co.. San Francisco, Calif. Railway journal, 1898, m t .00 "Railway journal pub. co.. Wain right bldg.. St. Louis. Mo. 2i8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Railway line clearances and car dimensions, irreg Railway equipment and publication co., N. Y. Railway machinery, 1883, m i • 50 Industrial press, 66 W. Broadway, N. Y. Railway mail, 1880, s-m i . 50 Winrott & Rogers, Caxton bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway master mechanic, 1875, "^ i .00 Bruce V. Crandall co., Chicago, 111. Railway news and commercial traveler, f i .00 Railway news pub. co., St. Thomas. Ontario. Railway record, 1904, w i .00 Clarence Spooner. St. John, N. B. Railway recorder, 1901, m i .00 Recorder co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Railway surgeon, 1 894, m 3 • 00 Railway age co., Monadnock bldg., Chicago, 111. Railway surgical journal, m 5 00 E. H. Baumgarten, Security bldg.. Chicago, 111. Railway world, 1 856, w 4 . 00 Railway world pub. co., 137 S. Fifth st., Phila., Pa. Rainbow, 1892. m 50 H. Gummer, Guelph, Ontario. Rainbow of Delta tau delta, 1877, q i .00 Delta tau delta fraternity. Toronto, Canada. Raja yoga messenger, 1904. m 50 Katherine Tingley, Point Loma, Cal. Rambler magazine, 1904, m 50 Kenosha, \\'is. Ram's horn, 1890, w i • 50 Ram's horn co., no La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Ranch, 1895, s-m i .00 Ranch co.. Seattle. Wash. Ranch and range, 1900, m i .00 H. S. Groves, Annex bldg., Denver, Colo. Rand McNally bankers' monthly, 1884, m 2 .00 Rand McNally & co., t68 Adams st., Chicago, 111. Randolph-Macon monthly, 1879, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Lit. societies of Randolph-Macon college, Ashland. Va. Rarasek, m i . 00 Rovianek & co.. Pittsburg, Pa. Rassegna Nord- Americana, w^ 2 .00 Italian- American pub. co.. 151 W. 4th st., N. Y. Rawlins drug news, m Edward S. Mayo, N. Y. Razoo, 1902, q 50 Corning advertising agency, St. Paul, Minn. Reader, 1902, m 3 -OO' Bobbs-Merrill co., Indianapolis, Ind. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 219 Reader's guide to periodical literature, 1896. m 6.00 H. W. W ilj-on CO.. Minneapolis. Minn. Real estate exchange bulletin, 1905 I'altiniorc. Md. Real estate news, 1906. ni Kial (.'State news co.. C'hicaq-o. 111. Real estate record and builders' guide, 18^)8. \v 6.00 Real estate record associaliftn. i(>\ \'esey st., N. Y. Real estate record and builders' guide, 1886. w 5.00 John X. ( ;alla<.,'lier. 46 X. nth St.. Phila.. Pa. Real estate record of Westchester county, w \\\>tchester record co.. White Plains. X. Y. Real estate register and rental guide, 1888. w i .00 P). S. Lake & co.. Providence, R. I. Real estate report, 1906. m Luther W. Lee, Boston. Mass. Real estate salesman, 190^. m 1 00 Pliila., Pa. Reason, ni SO Austin pub. co.. Rochester. N. Y. Record, 1888. 6 d 15. 00 Ernest K. Smith. Kansas City. Mo. Record, 1898. m 50 R. T- Finley. Macon. Mo. Record, 6 d 900 Daily record co.. Railway exchange bld.c:.. St. Louis. Mo. Record, t 876, m 3 ■ 00 Chas. J. Smith. Nassau and Liberty sts.. X. Y. Record, 1904. w i . 00 Record print, and pub. co.. Cincin.. O. Record, 1 889. w 5 00 Record pub. co.. Pittsburs:. Pa. Record, 1 894, w i • 00 T. S. Heskett. Spokane. \A'ash. Record and guide quarterly, 1899. q 20.00 Record and -uide. 14 \'esey St.. X. ^'. Record of Christian work. 1881. m i .00 W'ni. R. M<...(ly. Last Xorthfield. Mass. Record of Five points house of industry, 1857. m 1 .00 Wni. v. P.arnard. 155 Worth st.. X. V. Record-stockman, 1880. h d .^oo w 1 . 00 Record stockman pub. co.. Denver, Colo. Recorder, 1900, d. except Sun 12.00 Recorder pub. co., 422 Mont.s;omery St.. San Francisco, Cal. Recorder, d. except Sun 12.00 Dailv recorder co.. St. Paul. Mimi. 220 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Records of the past, 1902, m 2.00 Records of the past exploration co.. 215 Third st.. S. E., \\'ashington, D. C. Recreation, 1894. m i .00 G. O. Shields, 23 W. 24th st,, X. Y. Red and blue, 1889, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of University of Pennsylvania, Phila.. Pa. Red book magazine, 1903, m i .00 Red book corporation. North American bldg., Chicago, 111. Red cross notes, 1897, irreg i .00 Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, N. J. Red hammer, m Free American printing co., Detroit, Mich. Red river valley farm journal, 1877. ^'^^ i -OO Croakston journal print, co.. Croakston, !\Iinn. Redwood, 1903. m. dur. coll. yr i .50 Students of Santa Clara college. Santa Clara, Cal. Reed's isonomy, 1883, m i .00 J. Guy Reed, San Antonio, Tex. Referendum news, 1905, m 50 People's sovereignty league of America, Bliss bldg.. A\'ashington. D. C. Reform advocate, 1891. w 2.00 Bloch & Newman, 204 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Reformed church herald, 1895, ^'^' 50 S. C. Hoover. Lisbon, la. Reformed church messenger, 1827, w i . 25 Reformed church bd., 1306 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa. Reformed church record, 1888. w i .25 Daniel Miller. Reading. Pa. Reformed church review, 1849. 1 2 .00 Reformed church pub. bd., 1306 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Reformed presbyterian advocate, s-m i .00 Reformed presbyterian co.. ^Minneapolis. ]\Iinn. Register, 1900, w i . 00 Register pub. co.. 46 Park pi.. N. Y. Regular baptist, 1875. ^ 1-25 Regular baptist pub. co., Alexico, i\Io. Regular medical visitor, 1900, m i .00 Geo. H. Thompson, 904 Olive St., St. Louis, ^lo. Reliable poultry journal, 1894, m 50 Reliable poultry journal pub. co., Ouincy. 111. Relief corps messenger. 1901. m 50 Olive G. \\illiams. Troy. O. Religious education, 1906, b-m i . 50 Religious education ass'n. 133 La Salle st.. Chicago. 111. Religious education association. Official bulletin, 1903 Proceedings. 1903. a 2.00 Association bldg.. Chicago. 111. GLIDE rO PERIODICALS 221 Religious forum, 1 y()2, \v 1 . 00 H. R. Bernard, Atlanta. Ga. Religious herald, 1828. w 2.00 l\(.li,!4ious herald eu.. Kichniond. \'a. Religious telescope, 1 834, w 2 . 00 Rev. W . R. Inink. Uayton. O. Remarques, w ' • 00 Win. Mayer & bru.. Pittshurj;, I'a. Reo echo, 1906, irreg- iTee Reo motor co., Lan.sin,L,^ Mieli. Repairer, ni 35 I\e\-. \i. E. Slielhanier. Atlanta, (ia. Repertorio medico-farmaceutico, 1898. ni i .00 lose (iu/.nian. ]la\ana, Cnba. Reporter ( marble and .granite ). 1868, m 2. GO Xichols & CO., 204 Washini^ton bonl.. Chicago. III. Reporter, 1891. 6 d 400 Reporter co.. South St. Paul. Minn. Reporter, 1881. w 1 00 Chester news pub. co.. Chester. Pa. Reporter, 1890. 6 d 4-5 Daily reporter co.. Salt Lake City. I'tali. Reporter, 6 d., morning- ed 1 2 . 00 6 d.. evening ed 3 00 Daily reporter co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Reports of the national banks Xew York evening post co.. X. \'. Reserve weekly, 1890. w. dur. coU. yr 1 .00 Students of .\delbert college. Cleveland, O. Resources of southern California, 1902. m 1 .00 Joseph 1). Lynch. 311 Xew High St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Results. 1904. irreg Mills l>ldg.. San l-"rancisco. Cal. Retail butchers' and grocers' guide, i<;(\^. w 1 .50 Salt Lake City. Ltah. Retail butchers' journal, m 1 .00 Charles Young. 147 Chambers st.. X'. \'. Retail coalman, m i 00 Ivetail coalman co.. Monadnock bldg.. L'hicago. 111. Retail confectioner and baker, 1903. m 1 .00 Clarence P.. Hart. 140 Xassau St.. X. Y. Retail druggist, 1894, m i . 50 Retail druggist pub. co.. Hodges bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Retail grocer, w 2 . 00 Retail grocer i)ub. cti.. J14 California St.. San I'Vancisco. Cal. Retail grocers' advocate, 1896. w 2 .00 .Advocate pub. co.. 207 Batter}' St.. San h'rancisco. Ca.l Retail grocers' advocate, 1877. w 2.00 Retail grocers* pub. co.. 147 Chand)ers st.. X. ^'. 222 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Retail hardware dealer, 1903, s-ni 50 W. L. Agnew, St. Paul, Minn. Retail lumberman, m 50 Charles E. Bennett and Frank B. Faries, Minneapolis, Minn. Retail merchant, 1901, m i .00 Retail merchant co., Dallas, Tex. Retail merchants' journal, 1905, s-m 50 N. Y. life bldg., Omaha, Neb. Retail merchants' review, 1899, w i 00 Retail merchants' pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Retailer and advertiser, 1892, w 5 .00 James Knapp Reeve, Deposit, N. Y. Retailers' journal, m 50 Retailers' journal, 36 La Salle st., Chicago. 111. Retrospect of medicine and pharmacy, 1895, '^i i .00 Retrospect co., 306 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Retort, m i . 00 Milwaukee medical college, Milwaukee, \\"is. Reveille, i860, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of Norwich university, Northfield, \'t. Review, 1899, m 40 Western book and pub. co., Newton, Kan. Review, 1874, w. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Union library association, Oberlin, O. Review, 1902, w i . 00 Review pub. co., Huntington, W. Va. Review and bulletin of the Southern university, 1884, q i .00 Southern university, Greensboro, Ala. Review and record and banker and tradesman, 1872, w 5 00 Review and record co., 146 Franklin St.. Boston. ]\Iass. Review of American chemical research Published as a supplement to Am. chem. society. Journal. Review of catholic pedagogy, 1903, 10 nos 2. 50 637 S. Harding ave., Chicago, 111. Review of education, 1895, 10 nos i .00 A. W. jMumford, 203 Michigan ave., Chicago. 111. Review of historical publications relating to Canada, 1896, a. . . i . 5c University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. Review of reviews See American monthly review of reviews. Review of trade and price current, w S. E. DeRackin, Manila, P. I. Revista catolica, 1875, w 3 -oo Jesuit fathers, Los A^egas, N. M. Revista de medicina tropical, 1900, m 2 . 00 Dr. Emilio Martinez. Flavana, Cuba. Revista de medicina y cirurgia, s-m Dr. J. A. Presno y Bastony, Havana, Cuba. Revista del foro, 1891, m Dr. Antonio L. ^^^lverde, Havana, Cuba. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 223 Revista medica Cubana, in 2 . 50 riiarU-s E. Kahly, Havana, Cuba. Revista popular, 1888. ni i .00 J. IJcniquez, 40 Vesey St., X. Y. Revival, 1 8t;9, ni i . 00 Montrcat pub. co., Montrcat. X. C. Revolution, 1906, irreg., each 01 Boston, Mass. Revue Canadienne, 1863, ni 3 .00 l\(.\iK' (, anadienne pub. co., Montreal, Canada. Revue de jurisprudence ( French and English i. i8<)5. ni 5 .00 C. Thoorcl. Montreal, Canada. Revue legale, ( l-rcnch and English), 1867. ni 5.00 I'. I'hooret, Montreal, Canada. Rhode Island historical society Collections, irreg \'aries Providence, R. I. Rhode Island historical tracts, 1877. irreg Varies S. S. Rider, Providence, R. 1. Rhode Island medical society Transactions, 1859, a Stephen .\. Welch, Providence, R. I. Rhodora, 1 899, ni 1 . 00 New England botanical club, 300 Massachusetts ave., Boston, Mass. Rice industry, 1900, ni i .00 Rice industry pub. CO., Houston. Te.x. Rice journal and gulf coast farmer, ui 50 Signal pub. co., Crowley, La. Richmond journal of practice, ni i .00 j. \'\ Winn. Richmond, \'a. Rider and driver and outdoor sport. 1891 , \v 5 00 Rider and driver. and outdoor sport pub. co., 1 123 Broadway, N. Y. Ridgepole, 1905, m J. .\. & \V. Bird c^- CO.. Boston, Mass. Ridgway 's. 1 906, w 5 • 00 Kidgway co.. Union sq., X'. ^'. Right way, ni Right way pub. co., X. Y. Ringler's magazine, i()05 02d St. and 3d ave.. X. Y. Rivista evangelica, w i .00 I\ev. I'iloteo Taglialatela. i W. 115th St., X. ^^ Road and track, 1901. w j.oo Sanuiel P. Town. 1020 .\rch st.. Phila., Pa. Roadmaster and foreman, 1886. ni i .00 Roadniaster and foreman pub. co.. Railwav exchange bhlg., Chicago. 111. Roanoke collegian. 1874. m. dur. coll. yr . . i .00 Students of Roanoke college. Saleni. \'.i 224 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Rob Roy's weekly, 1 904. w 2 . 00 B. H. Benton. 321 Washington st., P.oston, Mass. Robotnik, 1 896 i . 50 Polish socialist aUiance. 621 Milwaukee ave., Chicago. 111. Rochester academy of science Proceedings, 1890. irreg Agarics Rochester, N. Y. Rock products, 1902. m i . 00 Francis pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Rockefeller institute of medical research. Studies (reprints). 1904, a N. Y. Rockford public library Bulletin. 1905. m Rockford. 111. Rocky mountain baptist, 1894, s-m i .00 Asa AMiitten. Boulder, Colo. Rocky mountain druggist, 1888. m 50 Rocky mountain druggist pub. co.. Denver. Colo. Rocky mountain elk, 1902, m i . 00 Gilmore & Roesch, Colorado Springs. Colo. Rocky mountain endeavor, 1901. m 50 H. R. Chapman. Colorado Springs, Colo. Rocky mountain farming, 1906, m 50 Agricultural college of Utah. Logan, Utah. Rocky mountain herald, i860, \v i .00 Bird Johnson, Denver. Colo. Rocky mountain husbandman, 1875. '^'^^ 2 . 50 Rocky mountain husbandman co.. Great Falls, Mont. Rocky mountain illustrated and commercial psychologist, 1905, m 50 Rocky mountain illustrated pub. co.. Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain magazine, 1903, m 10 1634 Tremont St., Denver. Colo. Rocky mountain miner, 1893, w i 00 Miner printing and pub. co.. Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain official railroad guide, 1892, m 50 Rocky mountain official guide co.. Denver. Colo. Rocky mountain pioneer, 1898, m i .00 Iris pub. CO., Colorado City, Colo. Rocky mountain presbyterian, 1903. m 50 Robert ]\I. Donaldson. Bozeman, ]Mont. Rocky mountain sentinel, 1887. w i .00 Sentinel pub. co., Denver, Colo. Rocky mountain workman, 1892. m 50 T. C. Crawford. Salt Lake city. Utah. Salt Lake city. Utah. Rod and gun in Canada, 1899, m i .00 Rod and gun pub. co., Montreal, Canada. GUIDE \0 PERIODICALS -25 Rodina, 1883, \v \ 20 Krai & Stehlik. Kacinc. W is. Rogerana, 1883, m. dur. cdll. yr 25 Roj^craiia pub. co.. Xasln illc. rciiii. Roller mill, 1 882. 111 50 \\. L. lUirdick co., Marine nali(jnal l)ank hid-.. i'.ufifalo. N. Y. Roller monthly, 1885, ni 50 Ivollcr prinliiis;- and pajicr co., Canton, O. Rollingpin, 1 870, ni 1 00 Ivollin.upin pub. CO., 212 X. 3d St.. St. Louis, Mo. Rosa Pearle's paper, 1894, w 1 . 30 kosa 1 'carle, Sedalia, Mo. Rosary magazine, 1891, m 2.00 kcjsary press, Somerset, O. Rose-jar, 1 904, q 2 . 00 W. E. Price, 24 E. 2Tst St., X. Y. Rose polytechnic, 1892. ni 1 .00 Rose polytechnic institute, Terre Haute, Ind. Rough notes, 1 878. w 2 . 00 Rouj^h notes co., 920 Law bld.^., Indianapolis, Ind. Round table, 1854, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 .\rcliaean union of Ileloit college, Beloit, Wis. Rover, 1 898, ni i . 00 E. &' M. Hutchison. 107 Dearborn St.. l"hicaf,^o. 111. Royal arcanum bulletin, 111 30 W. ( ). K.il)s<.n, 407 Shawniut ave.. Uoston. Mass. Royal arcanum messenger, 1897, in 50 l>aternal i)ub. co., 253 Broadway. X. ^■. Royal craftsman, 1887, ni 1 00 Soiuervillc i)ub. co., Soniervillc, X. L Royal gazette, 1791 , w 1 50 R. r. Murray, Halifax. N. S. Royal gazette, 1 791 , w 25 I (din Coombs, Charlottetown, P. K. I. Royal neighbor, i8t)3. m i .00 State journal co., Lincoln, .Xeb. Royal society of Canada I'roceediujL^s and transactions. 1882. a Ottawa, Canada. Royal templar, 1 870. lu 50 McCerald jnd). co., 43 Xiaij^ara St.. lUiffalo, X. Y. Royal woodman, 1 897. ni 1 . 00 R. C. Dozier. Omaha. Xeb. Rudder, 1 890. m 2 . 00 Rudder pub. co.. 9 Murray St., X. ^'. Ruperts' magazine, 1898, m :;o Win. I". Rupert. 114 l-'ifth ave.. X. ^■. Rural advocate. i»)C)3, m 2j; Rural advocate pub. co., Battle Creek. Mich. 226 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Rural beekeeper, 1904, m 50 W. H. Putnam, River Falls, Wis. Rural Californian, 1877, m i .00 M. G. Heintz, Temple blk., Los Angeles, Cal. Rural farmer, 1880, w 50 Rural farmer pub. co., 153 S. Front St., Phila., Pa. Rural life, 1901, w i .00 Rural life pub. co., Sterling, 111. Rural magazine, 1906, m i . 00 The Rural co., Detroit, Mich. Rural New Yorker, 1849, w i . 00 John J. Dillon, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Rural rooter, 1903, m i . 00 Omar D. Gray, Sturgeon, Mo. Rural young people and sunny hours, m 25 Rural young people pub. co., Milton. Pa. Ruralist, w i .00 Sedalia print, co., vSt. Louis, Mo. Russell's railway guide, 1890, m 2 .00 Chas. A. Laurance & co., Cedar Rapids, la. Rutgers targum, 1869, w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Rutgers college, New Brunswick, X. J. Ryerson's monthly journal, 1900, m i .00 Joseph T. Ryerson & son, Chicago, 111. S. S. Stewarts' banjo, mandolin and guitar journal, b-ni 50 Charles Morris, 42 N. 51st st., Phila., Pa. S. W. P. Sherwin-Williams co., Cleveland, O. Sabbath, q 40 American Sabbath union, 203 Broadway, N. Y. Sabbath reading, 1876, w ; 50 Witness and Sabbath reading co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. Sabbath recorder, 1845, ''V 2 . 00 American Sabbath tract society, Plainfield. N. Y. Sabbath school worker, 1886, m .35 Review and herald pub. ass'n, Washington, D. C. Sacred heart review, 1885, w 2.00 Review pub. co., 294 AVashington St., Boston, Mass. Sandebudet, 1861, w i . 50 Swedish M. E. book concern, 152 Oak St., Chicago, 111. Safeguard and armory, 1896, q 25 Safeguard pub. co.. Westbrook, Me. Sagamore, 1900, m 50 T. J. Bell, Tacoma, Wash. Sail and sweep, 1902, m i . 00 Sail and sweep pub. co., 58 Congress st., \\'., Detroit, Mich. Sailor's magazine and seamen's friend, 1828, m i .00 American seamen's friend society, 76 \\^all St.. N. Y. St. Andrew's cross, 1886 i .00 Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 88 Broad st., Boston, ^lass. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 227 St. George journal, 1876, f i .00 I'". Dodd, 149 X. (>tli St., Phila.. Pa. St. John's university record, 1888, m i .00 Stiuk-nls .)f .Si. John's colk-^c. Colleseville. Minn. St. Louis and Canadian photographer, 1877, m 3.00 Mrs. l"itzi;il)l)()ii-Clark, 3210 Lucas ave., St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis blue book, a . 'Die Sinmionds cc, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis clinique, ni i .00 301 S. ilroadway. St. Louis, M(j. St. Louis courier of medicine, m 2 .00 Courier of medicine cc, St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis lumberman, 1888, s-m 2.00 Journal ot' commerce co.. I-'uUerton bldg., St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis medical and surgical journal, 1843, '" ' ckj .A. II. .Mimann-Dumesnil, ."^t. Louis, Mo. St. Louis medical review, w 1 .00 St. Louis medical review association. St. Louis. Mo. Saint Luke's hospital. Medical and surgical reports, a 1427 Michigan ave., Chicago. 111. St. Nicholas, 1 863, m 3 . 00 Century co., 33 E. 12th St.. N. Y. St. Paul medical journal, 1899, m 2 . 50 Ramsey co. medical society, St. Paul. Minn. St. Louis. Public library Monthly bulletin, n. s.. 1903. m St. Louis. Mo. St. Louis university P.ullctin, lc;()5, (| St. Louis uni\-ersity, St. Louis. Mo. St. Olaf college bulletin. ii>o5. q Free Xorthficld. Minn. St. Vincent de Paul quarterly, (| 50 Society of .^i. \'incent de Paul, ^^j^ Lafayette st.. X. ^'. Saints' herald, 1 860, w i . 50 Herald pub. house, Lamoni, Ta. Sales agent, 1900, ni 50 Park and Russell sts., Coliuiibus, O. Sales' aid. i()o6. ni.. to agencies Free domestic sewing machine co.. Xewark, X. J. Salesmanship, m i . 00 Salesmanship co., Ellsworth bldg., X. Y. Sam Loyd's puzzle magazine, i<)o^. m 00 X. Y. Samedi, 1 889, w 2 .^o Poirier. Hessette & co., Montreal, Canada. Sameiningin, 1885, m i .00 Icelander Lutheran synod. W'inipeg. Manitoba. Sample case, 1891 , m i .00 Rilev X. Hull, Columbus. O. 228 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS San Francisco and Oakland combination time-table and theatre guide H. H. Dubois, Oakland, Cal. San Francisco news letter, 1856, w 4.00 I'". Marriott, San I-'raiicisco, Cal. San Joaquin valley farmer, 1899, s-m t .00 W. R. Mcintosh and A. E. Fay, Freshno, Cal. Sanitive medicine, 1 89 1 , m i . 00 Lyle print co., Salem, O. Sanitation, 1904, m i . 00 Wilmer R. Bott, 147 N. 10th st., Phila., Pa. Santa Barbara, 1906, m 50 Chamber of commerce of Santa Barbara co., Santa Barbara, Cal. Santa Barbara society of natural history Bulletin, 1878, irreg- \^aries Santa Barbara, Cal. Saratoga society review, m Fred Oppenlieimer, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Sartorial art journal, 1874, m 8 .00 John J. Mitchell co., 122 Fifth ave., N. Y. Saturday chronicle, 1902, w 2 . 00 Connecticut press corporation. New Haven, Conn. Saturday evening post, 1728, w 2.00 Curtis pub. CO., 421 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Saturday night, 1887, w 2 . 00 Sheppard pub. co., Toronto, Canada. Saturday record, 1882, m 2 .00 Record printing co.. Cedar Rapids, la. Saturday review, ] 876, w i . 00 T. J.-Went\vorth, Baltimore, Md. Saturday union record, w 2 . 00 F. E. Marlow, 722 S. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Savings, 1905, m G. B. Gaiennie, Chicago, 111. Savings and loan review, m i • 00 Colonial pub co., 2^^ Broadway, N. Y. Savings and trust review, m 3 • 00 Savings and trust pub. co., 149 Congress, Boston, Mass. Sawyer trio, m Sawyer pub. co., Waterville, Me. Saxby's traveler's magazine, m i ■ 00 Cincin., O. Scarlet and black, 1894, b-w. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Students of Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Scattered seeds, 1869, m 50 Ferris & Leach, 29 N. 7th .st., Phila., Pa. Scholars' quarterly, q 30 Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st.. St. Louis, Mo. GllDK li) PERIODICALS 229 Scholastic, 1867, u . dur. coW. yr i .50 Students of the Inivcrsity of Xotrc Dame, Xotre Dame, hid. School, 1 88(j, \v 2 .00 School news co., 154 I'iftli ave., X. V. School and fireside, H)<)2, m 50 A. L. I'.ari^tr \- ro.. P.altimore. Md. School and home education, 1879, 10 nos i .25 I'uldic school pub. co.. Blooniin^ton. 111. School arts book, m.. 10 nos i .00 Davis pres-s, Worcester, Mass. School herald, 1892, m i .00 jasper Sipes. ( )klahoma City. ( )kla. School bulletin and New York state educational journal, 1874, ni 1 .00 C . W. Hardeen, Syracuse. X. Y. School education, 1881. lo nos i .00 School education co.. Minneapolis. Minn. School gazette, 188^). m i .00 John S. Arnold, Harrisbur^-, Pa. School journal, 1 870, w 2 . 50 I'nited lulucational co.. 61 E. 9th St.. X. "\'. School monthly, 1903. m 50 W. P.. Watt. 40 E. Randolph st.. Chicatjo. 111. School music monthly. 1 900, m 50 1'. ('. liayden, Keokuk, la. School news and practical educator, 1887, m., 11 nos i .25 ( . .M. I'arker. Taylorville, 111. School of mines quarterly, i87(). (| 2.00 Columbia uni\ersity. X. \'. School of practical science Papers read before the Ent^ineerini,'^ societ\ . 1887 Toronto, Canada. School physiology journal, i8t>3. in U^ Mary II. Hunt. 23 Trull St.. Boston. Mass. School register, 1896. in i .00 School reg^ister co.. Worcester. Mass. School review, 1893, ni. except July and .Aufj i .50 Tniversity of Chicajjo press, Chicafjo. 111. School science, 1901, ni., 9 nos 2.00 2583 Ilermita,u:e a\e.. Chicago. 111. School visitor, m 1 .00 John S. Koyer & sons, Columbus. (). School weekly, 1898. m., lo nos 1 .o(i School \o. 70, Manhattan. X. Y. School world, 1 882. m 35 D II. Knowlton ..K: co.. b"arminirtoii. Mt 230 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Schoolmaster, 1906, m.. 10 nos i .00 The schoolmaster, Saginaw, Mich. Schoolmasters' association of New York and vicinity Report, 1893, a O. G. CartAvriglit, Horace Mann school, N. Y. Science, 1883, w 5 . 00 Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scientific American, 1 845, w 3 . 00 Export ed., 1878, m 3- 00 Supplement, 1876, w 5 .00 ]\Iunn & CO., 361 Broadway, N. Y. Scientific society of San Antonio -Bulletin, 1905. irreg San Antonio. Tex. Scottish Canadian, 1896, m i .00 Scottish Canadian co., Toronto, Canada. Scrap book, 1906, m i .00 Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scribner's magazine, 1887. m 3 00 Scribner's sons, 153 Fifth ave., N. Y. Scrip, 1905, m i . 50 Moffat, Yard & co., 289 Fourth ave., N. Y. Scroll of Phi delta theta, 1875, b-m i .00 John H. De Witt, Nashville, Tenn. Search-light, 1898, w i .00 Search-light pub. co.. Little Rock, Ark. Searchlight, 1899, "^ 5^ Rev. E. S. Chapman, Oakland, Col. Searchlight, 1899, m 15 J. A. Laycock. Litchfield, 111. Search light, 1895, m 50 I'nited brethren pub. house, Dayton, O. Seattle public library Bulletin, 1896, m Free Seattle, Wash. Secolo nuovo, 1894. w 2 .00 Secolo nuovo pub. co., 402 McAlister st., San Francisco, Cal. Secular thought, 1885, f 2.00 C. ^I. Ellis, Toronto, Canada. Seed-time and harvest, 1880, m 25 Seed-time and harvest pub. co., Scranton, Pa. Seen and heard, 1901, w 2.00 Louis N. Megargee, 806 Walnut St., Phila.. Pa. Segnogram, 1903, m 50 Segnogram pub. co., Los Angeles, Cal. Select knight, 1 899, m 50 Ben D. Lillard, Ottawa, Kan. Select knight journal, 1894, q 40 Geo. K. Staples, y2'/ Ellicott sq.. Buffalo, N. Y. GL'IDJi TO PERIODICALS 231 Self mastery, i<;o5 1 .00 Corry, Pa. Selling juice, 1906 C. W. Lee cc. Newark. X. J. Selling magazine, 1906. ni i .00 EiiKTvon P. Harris. Postal telegraph bldfr., X. Y. Semaine commerciale, 1894, \v 2.00 L. E. Tliompsoii, Quebec. Canada. Semi-annual review of the American silk trade, s-a Silk association of Anuricaii Silk exchange bldg.. X'. Y. Seminary record, 1 890, q 1 . 00 Hartford seminary press, Hartford. Conn. Seminary review, 1897. ni. dur. sem. yr i .00 Students of theolog. seminary of Auburn. Auburn. X. Y. Senator, 1 896. m i .00 jas. H. McKibbcn. Portland. Ore. Sendbote, 1 874. ni 2 . 00 Franciscan fathers. Cincin.. C). Sendbote, 1866. \v 2.00 C.ernian baptist pub. society. Cleveland, O. Senior Berean lesson quarterly, 1882, m 2.00 Katon iv: Maines. 154 Fifth ave.. X*. Y. Senior class-book Privately printed by the senior class of Columbia college. X. Y. Senior home department quarterly, q ro -American baptist pub. society. 1630 ChestJiut St.. Phila.. Pa. Senior quarterly, i SS;^. q 20 .\nierican baptist pub. society. 16^0 Chestnut st.. Phila.. Pa. Senior quarterly, 1879. ^1 20 Cumberland presbyterian pub. house. Xashviilc. Tenn. Senior quarterly, q 25 Smith and Lamar. Xashville. Tenn. Sentinel, 1882. m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of St. Mary's college. St. Mary's. Ky. Sentinel and orange and protestant advocate, 1874. \v i .00 Sentinel print, co.. Toronto. Canada. Sequoia, 1891. b-ni. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Leland Stanford university. Stanford L'niversity, Cal. Service, 1891. m i .00 Baptist young people of America. 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Seventh regiment gazette. 1886. m i . 50 !•'. M. Crossett. 150 Fifth ave.. X. Y. Sewanee literary magazine, m. dur. coll. yr i . 50 Literary .societies of University of the South, Sewanee. Tenn. 232 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sewanee purple, 1891 , w. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. Sewanee review, 1892, q 2. 00 Longmans, Green & co., 93 Fifth ave.. N. Y. Sewing machine advance, 1879, ni 50 Walter Scates. 4109 Indiana ave., Chicago, 111. Sewing machine times, 1882, s-m i .00 E. H. Craio-e. 63 Beach st., N. Y. Shakespeare monthly and literary companion, 1906. m 50 The Shakespeare monthly, 16 Thomas st., N. Y. Shareholder, w 4 00 68 Wall St., N. Y. Shareholder and insurance gazette, 1879, av 2.00 S. B. Foote & CO., Montreal, Canada. Sharp & Alleman co.'s lawyers' and bankers' directory, a 5.00 Sharp & Alleman, 900 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sheaf. Mainly about people and books, [905, m Free S. S. McClure co., 44 E. 23d st., N. Y. Shears, 1 892, m i . 00 Geo. E. Jenks, 198 S. Clark st., Chicago, 111. Sheldon bulletin, 1906. Sheldon school, Chicago, 111. Shepherd's criterion, 1891 , m 50 A. Stone, 358 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Sherman's guide and price current, 1906 L. Sherman, Cincin., O. 1 Shield and diamond, 1891, 5 nos 2.00 Pi kappa alpha fraternity, Charleston, S. C. Shield of Theta delta chi., 1884. q i .00 J. B. Smith, Jr., 299 Alexander ave., N. Y. Shields' magazine, 1905, m i .00 G. O. Shields. 1269 Broadway. N. Y. Shipping illustrated, 1902, w 5.00 n6 Produce exchange, N. Y. Shoe and leather facts, 1889, m 2 .00 Haag & Haris, 406 Race st., Phila., Pa. Shoe and leather gazette, 1884. w i .00 Tradesmen's pub. co., 412 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. Shoe and leather reporter, 1857, w 4.00 Shoe and leather reporter. 183 Essex st.. Boston. Mass. Shoe and leather world, 1904, w i .00 Shoe and leather Avorld co.. Cincin., O. Shoe retailer and boots and shoes weekly, 1898, w 2.00 Shoe retailer co., 183 Essex St., Boston, Mass. Shoe trade journal, 1 893, w i .00 Jacobsen pub. co., 154 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Shoe workers' journal, 1900, m 50 C. L. Baine. 432 Albany bldg.. Boston, Mass. Shooting and fishing, 1885, w 3 • 50 Shooting and fishing ])ub. co., 150 Nassau st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 233 Shoppell's modern houses, 1S77. q 4. 00 L"()-()l)c-rati\ L- huildinj;- plan ass'n, 203 Hroadway, X. V. Shopper. i(p4, w 02 712 Twelfth St.. X. W.. Washin^noii. I). (". Short stories, 1 8(>o. 111 2 . 50 Current lit. i)ul). co.. 34 W. jCitli St.. X. V. Show, u;o5, ni 10 Lyric theatre bldti., X. ^'. Sibley journal of engineering, 1S87. ni. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Students of Sil)ley colle^^e. Cor:u'll university. Ithaca. X. V. Sibyl. 1871. 5 nos i .00 .Senior class of Khnira colleg^e, Elniira. X. Y. Sidepaths, i i^)^. ni 5° Side])atlis pub. co.. Rochester. X. ^'. Sigma chi quarterly, 1882, q 2.00 Ralph 1-. Potter, .\lbion. Mich. Signet, ni 50 1. J. Bender. Decatur. 111. Signs of the times, 1 874. w i . 30 Pacific press pub. co.. Mt. \'ie\v. Cal. Signs of the times, 1901. s-m i 00 Rev. R. I). Phillips. Wellborn. Fla. Silk, jcp3. ni I . m Silk pub. CO.. Tallulah Lod^e, Ga. Silk association of America, membership 50.00 Report, a Silk exchanq;e bldj;.. X. Y. Silver and gold, i8c)2. w. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the University of Colorado. Boulder. Colo. Silver cross, 1889. m i .00 Silver cross pub. co.. 156 I'ifth ave.. X. Y. Silver leaf, 1 889. w 5^ Cico. Robinson. Elg-in. Til. Simple life calendar, a i .00 A. W'essels & co.. 43 E. igth st.. X. Y. Simpsonian, 1870, m. dur. coll. yr i 00 Students of Sintpson collep^e. Tndianola. la. Single tax review, q i 00 josepli 1). Miller. 11 ['rankford St.. X. Y. Sions v.lktare, 1 874. w i ■ 50 International pub. association. Collejje \'iew. Xeb. Sioux stock journal, 1 88<). \v i - 5° J.^hn Hayes, 1-ort Pierre. S. H. Sis Hopkins' own book, m jud-e CO.. X. Y. Sister republics, m 50 I'rank P.rady. 1 )enver. Colo. Skandinavisk farmer journal, 1882. w 30 C. Rasmussen pub. co.. Minneapolis. Minn. 234 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sketch book, 1906, q i . 00 Mrs. Bernice Babcock, Little Rock, Ark. Sketch book, m 2 . 00 Sketch book pub. co., Fine arts bld,^-.. Chicai^o, Ilk Skiagraphic atlas, 1905, ni 5 00 Commercial photographic designing- co., N. Y. Skordemannen, 1 888, s-m 75 Skordemannen pub. co., Minneapolis, Minn. Slebodni oral, w i . 00 k>ee eagle pub. co., 522 Sixth st., N. Y. Sloan's K. P. weekly, 1900, w i . 00 Major W. H. Sloan, Nashville, Tenn. Small farmer, T902, m 50 Calcutt & Macomber pub. co., 31 E. 17th st.. N. Y. Smart set, 1 900, m 2 . 50 Ess Ess pub. CO., 452 Fifth ave., N. Y. Smith Gray' ways, 1902, b-w Free Smith, Gray & co., Brooklyn. N. Y. Smith's magazine, 1905, m i .00 Smith pub. house, yy Seventh ave., N. Y. Smoker's magazine, 1899, ^^ i . 00 Smoker's magazine co., 41 Park Row, N. Y. Snap shots, 1905, m 45 A\'est high school. Green Bay, Wis. Soap gazette and perfumer, 1899, m 2 .00 C. S. Berriman. 108 Fulton st., N. Y. Soapmaw journal, 1906. m 50 Lewis Barney Fretz, A^Ionticello, Ind. Social progress, 1904, a i . 00 Baker & Taylor co., N. Y. Social recorder, 1906, w 2 . 00 509 5th ave., N. Y. Social service, 1899, q i .00 Am. inst. social service, 287 Fourth ave.. N. Y. Social visitor popular monthly magazine, 1872, m 25 L. N. Cushman, 291 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Society for ethical culture News-letter, 1903 Year book, 1904 Society for ethical culture, N. Y. Society for the promotion of engineering education Proceedings, 1893, a Engineering news pub. co.. N. Y. Society journal, w 2 .00 L. C. Riemer, 15 Yandewater st., N. Y. Society of naval architects and marine engineers Transactions. 1893. a 10.00 N. Y. Society times, f i . 00 Society times pub. co., 41 Union sq., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 235 Soda fountain, i ipJ. 111 i . 00 r)isj)cnst.r pul). co.. Hy Washington St.. Chicago, ill. Sokol. i8g7. Ill 1 .00 S. I'.arszc/Awski. 102 W. Division st.. Chicajjo. 111. Sokol Americky, 1 879, ni 75 Xational print, and pub. co.. 566 \\'. i8th st.. Chica>l)orii (X W ilson. Columl)ia. S. C'. South Dakota anti-saloon issue. 11)03. m 50 Anti-s.iloon league ^^i South Dakota. Mitchell. S. D. South Dakota educator, 1888. 10 n«js i .00 I'^diuator supply co.. Mitchell, S. I). South Dakota farmer. 1877, w 1 .00 Datson .S: P.ower. Siou.x Falls. S. D. South Dakota geological survey Bulletin. k>oo, irre.sf \'aries State university, Vermillion, S. D. South Dakota knight, 1 8c)4, m y^ i-rank L. Mease, Madison. S. D. South Dakota state journal of education, i8()«), s-m. ilur. sch. vr. i .00 Madis(.n. S. I). South Dakota workman, \S<)i. m :;o Charles v.. P.aldwin. .Aberdeen. S. D. Southeastern baptist, 1899. w i .00 Southeastern baptist pub. co.. Dermott. Ark. 236 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southeastern reporter, 1887, w 5 .00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. Southeastern underwriter, 1 890, m 3 • 00 Southeastern underwriter eo., Atlanta. Ga. Southern advance, 1902, m i .00 H. R. Bernard, Athens, Ga. Southern advertiser, 1904, m i .00 G. C. Earl, Birming'ham, Ala. Southern agriculturist, ni 2 . 00 Southern agriculturist co.. New Orleans, La. Southern agriculturist and home, 1869, s-ni ■ Southern agri. and home co., Nashville. Tenn. Southern and western textile excelsior, 1893, w 2.00 Cuthbertson & co.. Charlotte. N. C. Southern architect and building news, 1889, w 5 .00 Industrial press pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern banker, 1904, m 2 .00 Southern banking pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern baptist, 1904. m 50 R. F. Stokes, San Antonio, Tex. Southern baptist witness, 1 884, w i . 50 Pub. by a board of trustees, Orlando, Fla. Southern buck, m i . 00 Aubrey Murray, New Orleans, La. Southern building news, 1905, m 2 .00 Building news pub. co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Southern California academy of sciences Bulletin. 1902 Proceedings, 1896 Los Angeles, Cal. Southern California elk, 1904, m i .00 C Franklin Hayes, Wilson blk., Los Angeles, Cal. Southern California woodman, 1903, m 50 C. A. Seay, Downey, Cal. Southern California practitioner, 1886, m i 00 Dr. \Valter Lindley. 1414 S Hope St.. Los Angeles. Cal. Southern carbonator and bottler, 1905. m i .00 Donald A Loyless, Atlanta, Ga. Southern Christian advocate, 1837, w 2.00 G. H. Waddell, Spartanburg. S. C. Southern Christian recorder, w i .00 Rev. E. Taylor. Atlanta. Ga. Southern churchman, 1836. w 2 .00 Southern churchman co.. Richmond. \'a. Southern clinic, 1878. m i .00 C. A. Bryce, Richmond, Va. Southern cultivator and Dixie farmer, 1843, s-ni i .00 Cultivator pub. co.. Atlanta, Ga. Southern dental journal and luminary, 1881, q i .00 \\'. R. Holmes, Macon, Ga. GUIDE 1"0 PERIODICALS 237 Southern drug and paint review, 1885, in i .00 Soutlurn (\ru<^ and paint review co., Savannah. TJa. Southern drug journal, i(p2. ni i 00 Southtrn drui; journal co.. Atlanta, (ia. Southern druggist, ni 1 00 Louis lMiillii)s, Atlanta, (la. Southern educational ass'n. Journal of proceedings. 1890. a. . . . 2.00 Know ille. Tcnn. Southern educational journal, 1893. ni 1 .00 Mrs. (i. .\. .\kxan(lcr. Atlanta. Ga. Southern engineer, 1904. ni 50 Soullu-rn ciiijinccr pub. co.. Atlanta, (ia. Southern evangelist, 1897. vv i 00 .Mfrc-d !■". Scddon. Atlanta, Ga. Southern fancier, 1 S87. ni 50 ( ico. M. Down.s. Atlanta, (ia. Southern farm gazette. 1 8^5. s-ni 50 (iazcttr pul). CO.. Starkville. Miss. Southern farm magazine, 1893. ni , i 00 Manufacturers' record pub. co.. Baltimore, Md. Southern farmer, 1 886. m 50 J. J. &; R. P. McDavid, Birmingham. Ala. Southern field and fireside, 1900, m 25 W. Henry Griffin. Ashwood, Ga. Southern field and home, 1897, ni 25 Soutliern field and home pub. '-o.. I3e Land. Fla. Southern freemason, 1903, m i .00 Carl (■ Lavery. Atlanta, Ga. Southern fruit grower, 1896. m 50 Southern fruit fjrower pub. co., Chattanooga. Tcnn. Southern furniture journal, m 1 .00 ."Southern furniture journal co.. Hi^jh Point. X. (.'. Southern grocer, m i .00 Southern .t,'rocer jiub. co.. .\tlanta. (^la. Southern historical society. Papers. i8rK;. a 3 00 Richmond. \'a. Southern history association i'ul)lication.<. i8t<7. b-ni ■^.OO Washin-ton. 1). C". Southern home, 1 8tj<;. m 2^ .Southern liome co.. Loui.^ville. Ky. Southern industrial and lumber review, 181)3. ni i .00 Charles .\ Xewnint;", Houston. Tex. Southern industrial review, s-m 2 .00 Southern industrial review co.. Memphis. Tenn. Southern journal of osteopathy, 1898. m 25 \\". S. McClain. IVanklin. Ky. Southern liquor dealer, 1904. m i .00 ;Hi Xatcluv --t . Xew Orleans. La. Southern liquor journal, 1904, m - 50 Soutlurn licpior journal co.. Memphis, Tenn. 23S GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Southern lumberman, i88t. s-m 2.00 Baird-Roberts pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern manufacturer, 1902, s-m i .00 Southern nianufacturer pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern market reporter and wholesaler, 1899, 1^1 5° Southern market pub. co., Atlanta. Ga. Southern medicine and surgery, 1904, m i .00 Southern medicine pub. co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Southern merchant, 1901, s-m 2 00 Southern merchant pub. co., Atlanta, Ga. Southern merchant, 1897, m i .00 Southern merchant pub. co., Baltimore, Md. Southern mercury, 1882, w i .00 Southern mercury pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Southern messenger, 1890, w i . 50 Southern messenoer pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Southern methodist, 1904. w i .00 Southern methodist pub. co., Baltimore. Md. Southern mills, 1903, s-m i . 50 Southern mills pub. co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern odd fellow, 1898, s-m i .00 Jacob Pepperman, Montgomery, Ala. Southern photographer, 1902, m 50 Badgley-Graham co., Louisville, Ky. Southern pit games, 1894, m i .00 Jeff Fleming, Blakely, Ga. Southern planter, 1840, m 50 Southern planter pub. co., Richmond, Va. Southern poultry courier, 1899, m 5° Mrs. Electa M. Craig, Waycross, Ga. Southern poultry journal, 1894, m 50 McReynolds & Hopper, Dallas, Tex. Southern practitioner, 1879, m i . 00 Deering J. Roberts, Nashville, Tenn. Southern presbyterian, 1847, w 2 .00 Rev. Thomas E. Converse, Atlanta, Ga. Southern printer, 1905 425 Eleventh st., N. W., Washington, D. C. Southern publisher, 1896, m 50 Southern publishing co., Charlotte, N. C. Southern Pythian, 1905, w i ■ 00 Pythian periodical pub. co., Nashville, Tenn. Southern reporter, 1887, w 5 . 00 West pub. CO., St. Paul, Minn. Southern ruralist, T895, m 5<^ Southern ruralist co., Atlanta. Ga. Southern school journal, 1889. m i .00 Standard i)ub. co., Lexington. Ky. Southern sentinel, 1904, m 1 00 C. T. Allen, Mexico, Mo. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 239 Southern shippers' guide, w i CX) Tlico. (i. Thomas, Houston. Tex. Southern sports, 1906, w i . 50 Candler bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Southern student, 1 900, " b-m 35 W. A. Little and A. A. Kuhl. Abbeville, (la. Southern surgical and gynecological association Transactions, ietts ave.. lioston, Mass. Sphinx, 1899, f. dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Students of University of Wisconsin, Madison. Wis. Spice, 1906 Box 969, N. Y. Spice mill, 1878, ni 1 00 .^picc mill pub. co., 521 Washinj:jton St., N. Y. Spirit of Kansas, 1870, \v 1 .00 Kimball print co , Topeka, Kas. Spirit of missions, 1 836, m i . 00 [Joard of missions, 4tli ave. and 22d St.. X. ^'. Spirit of '76, 1 8(;4. m i . 00 I.ouis 11. Cornish, 15 X'andewater st., N. Y. Spirit of the west, 1890. w i .00 Iowa turf pub. co., I)es Moines, la. Spirit of the Word, 1 885. m i . 00 A. r. .\dams. P)everly, Mass. Spiritual reformer and humanitarian, 1902, m i .00 A. .\. Finck & co., (jalveston, Tex. Sp'ig og alvor, 1 8(jg. m 65 J. Leachman & son, Minneapolis, Minn. Spogefuglen, 1893, s-ni i .00 Axel Krinc^elbach, Minneapolis, Minn. Spokesman of the carriage and associate trade, 1884. m 1 .00 Spokesman pub. co., Cincin., O. Sport, 1905, m 50 332 .Seventh ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Sporting boiler, 1903, w j .00 Sporlino- boiler pub. co., 134 S. 3d St., Phila., Pa. Sporting goods, 1904, m i .00 llerman W. Grannis, 112 W. 18th St., N. Y. Sporting goods dealer, 1900, m 50 Sportint; .<.,n)()ds co., 810 Olive St., St. Louis. Mo. Sporting goods gazette, 1888. m i .00 L'. II. Mowry. Syracuse. X. Y. Sporting life, 1 SS^. w 2 .00 Sportinjj life pub. co., 34 S. rd St.. Phila.. Pa. Sporting mirror. 1902, m i .00 Millis 6v: I'^ord. Houston, Tex. Sporting news. ic;o2, w i .00 John T. Powers. 167 Washins:::ton St.. Chicajjo. 111. Sporting news, 1 886. w 2 . 00 (."has. C Spink. 810 ( )live st.. Si. I.ouis. Mo. Sports afield. 1 887. m i . 50 Sp()rts afuld pub. co.. 358 Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. Sports and pastimes, m i .00 Henditch iS: Kopper. 22f^ S. 4tli st.. Phila.. Pa. 242 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sports of the times, 1902. w 4 00 Sports of the times pub. co., 62 Trinity pi., N. Y. Sportsman, 1901, w 2.00 Sportsman pub. co., 711 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Sportsman, 1901, m i -oo Sportsman co., 53 Park Row, N. Y. Sportsmen's review, 1890, w 2 . 00 Sportsmen's review pub. co., Cincin., O. Sportsmen's year book, a 125 Scribner's sons, N. Y. Sprig of myrtle, 1886. m 50 A. P. Riddle, Minneapolis. Kan. Squab bulletin, 1905, m 25 Informer pub. co., St. Paul, Minn. Square and compass, 1892, m i .00 Lawrence M. Greenleaf, Masonic temple. Denver, Colo. Square and compass, 1892, m i .00 A. Steeg, New Orleans, La. Square deal, 1905, m 50 Citizens industrial ass'n of America, 113^ Broadwav, N. Y. Squibb's materia medica, a E. R. Squibbs & son. 78 Beekman st.. N. Y. Stage, 1904, w 4 • 00 Stage pub. co., 1269 Broadway, N. Y. Standard, 1853, w 2 . 00 Goodman & Dickerson, Chicago, 111. Standard, 1895, w i .00 G. Walter Barr, Keokuk, la. Standard, 1865, w 3 -OO Standard pub. co., 73 Federal st.. Boston, ISIass. Standard and vanity fair, w 4 • 00 American standard pub. co., 125 W. 37th St., N. Y. Standard Bible commentary, 1905, q i .00 Cincin., O. Standard Bible lessons quarterly, 1875, q 20 Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard choir monthly, 1905, m i .00 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. Standard farmer, 1899, m 5° Standard co., Temple blk., Kansas City., Mo. Standard fashions, m vStandard fashion co., 12 Vandam st., N. Y. Standard intermediate quarterly, q Standard pub. co., Cincin., O. Standard Poland-China record, 1887 Standard Poland-China record ass'n, Marysville. Mo. Standard primary teachers' quarterly, q Standard ])ub. co., Cincin., O. Standard teachers' quarterly, q Standard pub. co.. Cincin., O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 243 Stanford alumnus, in. dur. coll. yr i .00 Stanford university alunmi ass'n. Stanford Univ., Cal. Star, 1 90 1, m ' 25 Maine state S. S. Association, Yarmouth. Me. Star monthly, 1 894. m 50 Hunter pub. co., Oak Park. 111. Star of the east, 1905, m i .00 Seattle, Wash. Star of zion, 1876, \v i . 00 John F. Moreland, Charlotte. N. C. Star quarterly, 1 880, q 15 A. L. 1-Veenian, 457 Shawniut ave.. Boston, Mass. Starchroom laundry journal, 1893. m 1 .00 Starchrooin pul). co.. Cincin.. O. State, irre^r ,5 State executive committee Y. M. C. A. of Michigan. Y. M. C. A. hid.?.. Detroit. Mich. State board journal of America, 1905. m i .00 921 Colorado bldi;.. Wa.shini^ton, D. C. State historical society of Wisconsin See Wisconsin. State historical society. State medical association of Texas See Texas. Slate medical association. State medical society of Wisconsin Sec Wisconsin. State medical society. Statement, ni .Mutual life insurance co., N. Y. Staten Island association of arts and sciences : Proceedings, irrei,''., i)er vn\ 2.00 New Brighton, X. ^■. Statesman, 1902. \v .25 Statesman co., Williainsi)ort. Pa. Statesman's yearbook, 1863. a 3 .00 Macniillan co.. 66 Fifth ave.. X. \'. Statesmen, 1902. in 2.00 Statesmen pub. co.. 55 Lil)erty St.. X. ^' Stationers' ready reckoner. i()o6 William Cay \\..od. X. Y. Stenographe Canadien, 1889. m i .00 J. C. La Rochelle. Montreal. Canaila. Stenographer, i8(;o. in i .00 Thomas MacTaggart. 1413 I-ilbert St.. Phila.. l\. Stentor, 1887. \v. dur. coll. yr 2.00 Stcntor CO.. Lake Forest. 111. Stevens institute indicator. 1884. (| 1 . 50 Alumni and undergraduates n{ Stevens insiiiutc of technology. Hoboken. X. 1. Still college journal of osteopathy, 1906. m .50 Des Moines. la. Stilwell S. S. calendar, a 3.00 Scribner's sons, X. Y. 244 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Stimme der wahrheit, 1880, w 2 00 E. Andries, Cleveland, O. Stock growers' journal, 1884. w 2 . 50 Journal pub. co., Miles City, Mont. Stock yards journal, 6 d 4 • 00 St. Joseph journal pub. co., South St. Joseph, Mo. Stockholder, 1881. 6 d 8.00 E. ^lartin Black, 176 Broadway, N. Y. Stockholder, 1862, w 5 00 B. W. Dinsmore, 44 Broad St., N. Y. Stockholder, 1890, 6 d 6 . 00 Stockholder pub. co., 402 Sansom St., Phila., Pa. Stockman, 1901. m 50 Stockman pub. co., De Funiah Springs, Ma. Stockman's brand, 1902, s-m t . 00 Brand pub. co., South Omaha, Neb. Stoddard's northern monthly, 1906, m i 00 J. R. Stoddard, Glen Falls, N. Y. Stokes' children's annual, a 1 . 50 F. A. Stokes, 333 Fourth ave., N. Y. Stomatologist, m., Oct. to May 50 Alumni of Phila. dental college, Phila., Pa. Stone cutters' journal, 1887, m i . 00 Tourneyman stone cutters' ass'n of North America, 803 Fifth St., N. W., Washington. D. C. Stories from many lands, 1906, m 50 Benziger bros., 36 Barclay St., N. Y. Storms and signs, 1895, m i . 00 C. Coles, Kingston, Pa. Story magazine, 1905, m i . 00 Story press corporation, N. A. bldg., Chicago, 111. Stove mounters' journal, m 60 Stove mounters' international union of North America, 166 Concord ave., Detroit, Mich. Stoves and hardware reporter, 1878, w i .00 Stoves and hardware pub. co., 708 St. Charles St., St. Louis, Mo. Strand magazine, 1895, m i . 20 International news co., 83 Duane St., N. Y. Strawberry, 1906 i .00 Three Rivers, Mich. Stray shots, w Success CO., University bldg., N. Y^. Straz, 1894, w 1 . 50 S. A. Dougal, Scranton, Pa. Street railway bulletin, 1901 , m 2 . 00 N. E. Street railway club, 12 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. Street railway journal, 1 885, w 3. 00 McGraw pub. co., 114 Liberty st., N. Y. Street railway news, \v 60 Street railway employers' print, co., Cleveland, O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS ?45 Street railway review, 1 89 1 , m 3 • 0(J Windsor ;, m 3 00 Writers press ass'n. 23 Park Row. X. Y. Successful farming, 1 ooj. m 50 Successful farming ytuh. co.. Des Moines. la. Successful poultry journal, m 50 Successful poultry journal puh co.. 333 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. 246 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sugar beet, 1 880, q 5 • 00 Sugar beet co.. 608 Chestnut st., Phila.. Pa. Sugar beet culturist and dairy advocate, 1899. w 1 .00 Sugar beet pub. co., Bay City, Mich. Sugar beet news and northwestern farmer, 1903, m 50 Menominee, Mich. Sugar planters' journal, 1890. w 2 .00 Sugar planters' journal co.. New Orleans, La. Suggestions, 1898, m i . 00 Suggestion pub. co., 4020 Drexel Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Sun, 1 892, w 1 . 00 Sun printing co., Toronto, Canada. Sun, 189s, m 50 C.^W. Congdon, 2257 N. Van Pelt st., Phila.. Pa. Sunbeam, m 25 Mayes pub. co., Louisville, Ky. Sunbeam, 1885, w 20 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday companion, 1900. w 50 D. H. McBride & co., N. Y. Sunday school advocate, 1841 , w 30 Eaton & Mains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday school banner, 1867, m 60 Rev. A\'. Briggs, Toronto, Canada. Sunday school gem, 1867, m and s-m 25 W. A. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday school helper, 1 870, m i . 00 L^niversalist pub. house, Boston, Mass. Sunday school herald, w 50 Christian pub. co., Dayton, O. Sunday school journal and Bible students' magazine, 1869, m. . .60 Eaton & ^Nlains, 150 Fifth ave , N. Y. Sunday school lesson helps, q 20 Mennonite pub. co., Elkhart. Ind. Sunday school lesson illustrated, m 60 F. H. Revell co., Harrisburg, Pa. Sunday school magazine, 1 871 , m 50 Smith & Lamar, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday school quarterly, 1874, q 12 Rev. P. Anstadt & sons, York, Pa. Sunday school times, 1859, w i .00 Sunday school times. 1031 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. Sunday school work, 1900, w 75 Cumb. presb. pub. house, Nashville, Tenn. Sunday school world, 1861. m 60 Am. S. S. union. 1122 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Sunday tradesman, 1901 , w i . 00 S. B. Bevill, Springfield. Mo. Sunday union, 1873, w 2.00 Jas. W. O'Brien, 310 Broadway, N. Y. ni'IDE TO PERIODICALS 247 Sunday watchman, 1 887. \v 2 . 00 Rev. D. S. IMielan, 8th & Chestnut sts.. St. Louis, Mo. Sunflower undertaker, 1901, m 1 00 Rohy & Knox. Topcka. Kan. Sunlight, ni 25 E. W. Buehl, Memphis. Tenn. Sunny south, 1874. \v 50 Sunny south pub. co.. Atlanta, Ca. Sunny south, in Sunny south pub. co.. S])rinn:tield. Mo. Sunnyside, 1 87 1 , m 1 . 00 Frank II. Chase, 51 \\'. 13th st.. N. Y. Sunnyside magazine, 1903, m i . 00 Sunnyside pub. co., Ronneterre. Mo. Sunset, 1898. m i 00 Sunset niat^azine co., 4 MontjEjomerv st., San Francisco, Cal. Sunshine, m 10 Lane's list, Aufjusta. Me. Sunshine, 1883. w 15 S. S. bd. of reformed church. 1308 Arch St., Phila.. Pa. Sunshine bulletin, 1902, m 50 Mrs. C. \V. Alden, 99 V'lith avc., N. Y. Sunshine for youth, m Lane's list, .Augusta, Me. Sunshine magazine, 1890, m 50 Fdinboro pub. co., Edinboro. Pa. Superintendent & foreman, 1896, w 2.00 Josci^li \'an Ness pub. co.. 143 Federal St., Boston. Mass. Superintendent's quarterly, 1905. q 40 S. S. bd. <^i soston. Mass. Tech. 1901, m. dur. coll. yr , 50 .Students of Toledo ]iolytcchnic school. Toledo. O. Technical world, 1904, ni 2.00 Technical world co., 3321 Armour ave.. Chicago. 111. Technograph, 1885. a ■ 50 I'niversity of 111.. I'rijana. 111. Technologist, m i . 00 Nat. ass'n of Ciernian-Americaii teclinolotrists. 2t)o P.roadway. X. ^'. Te*chnology quarterly and proceedings of the society of arts. ' 1887. q 3 . 00 Mass institute of technology. Boston. Mass. Technology review, q i .00 Mass. inst. of technology. Boston. Mass. Telegram, 1 862, w i . 00 James Young, Baltimore. Mil. Telegraph age, 1883. .s-m i . 50 J. r.. l^dtavall. 2^2 P.roadway. X. ^■. Telephone world, 1906. m 50 Sterling electric co.. Lafayette. Ind. Telephony, 11)03. m i .00 Telephony pub. eo., Manhattaii bldg.. Chicago. 111. 250 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Temperance cause, 1 878, ni 25 Mass. total abstinence society, 36 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. _ Temperance quarterly, 1885, q .25 Church temperance society, 281 P^ourth ave., N. Y. 10 story book, 1 90 1 . m i . 00 Daily story pub. co., 320 Dearborn st., Chica^^o, 111. Tennessee mason, 1 893, m t . 00 \\\ H. Bumpas, Nashville, Tenn. Tennessee odd fellow, 1899, "^ 5^^ Tennessee odd fellow pub. co., Clarksville. Tenn. Tennessee state medical ass'n Transactions, a A. L. Daniel, sec. Lobelville, Tenn. Tennessee university magazine, 1887, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, 1890, q. . . . 2.50 Johns Hopkins press, Baltimore, Md. Territory farmer, 1 903, m 50 Mertel cS; Crayton, Coalgate, Ind. Ter. Texas baptist-herald, 1855, w 2.00 Texas baptist-herald pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas Christian advocate, 1846. w 2 00 Blaylock pub. co., Dallas, Tex. Texas courier-record of medicine, 1880, m i .00 Texas med. pub. co.. Fort Worth, Tex. Texas dental journal, 1883, q i 00 A. P. Cary co., Dallas, Texas. Texas farm journal, 1880, s-m 50 Stock and farm journal co., Dallas, Tex. Texas farmer, 1 878. w i . 00 Texas farmer pub. co., Dallas. Tex. Texas field and sportsman, 1898, m i .00 San Antonio. Tex. Texas freemason, 1 894, m i . 00 Texas freemason pub. co., San Antonio, Tex. Texas holiness advocate, w i .00 Keith & ^NlcConnell, Greenville, Tex. Texas insurance, 1903, s-m i .00 Texas insurance pub. co.. Houston, Tex. Texas junior, m 25 \\'. F. Luff man, Dallas, Tex. Texas liquor dealer, 1895, m i .00 ( 'harles E. Hill, San Antonio, Tex. Texas medical journal, 1885, m 1 .00 V. E. Daniel. Austin, Tex. Texas medical news, 1891, m i .00 i'exas medical news pub. co., Austin, Tex. Texas odd fellow, 1 895, m i . 00 Gibson & ^^'alker, Dallas, Tex. OF THF "^ X UNIVERSITY 1 OF / GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 251 Texas presbyterian, 1 894, in 50 W. M. Waiiic-k. Dallas, Tex. Texas printer, in 1 00 k. W . W lutlrr. Dallas, Tex. Texas producers' review, 1904, m 1 .00 Texas ])r()(lucers' rex'iew co., Dallas. Tex. Texas protestant, 1 895. w 1 . 00 Kew judsoii S. Terry. Tehuacana. 'i"ex. Texas Pythian banner-knight, i<>03. m 1 .00 ( iroliani ])rinlinj.i' co.. Temple. Tex. Texas school journal. 188^, in. 10 nos i .co Dallas. Tex. Texas school magazine, m 75 C. .\. r.ryaiU. Dallas. Tex. Texas state historical association. Quarterly, (\ 2.00 .\nstin. Tex. Texas state journal of medicine, i Lafayette pi.. N. ^'. Tuftonian, 1874, m. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Tufts college pub. ass'n. Tufts college, Mas>. Tufts college studies, i8g2, irreg X'aries Tufts college, Mass. Tufts weekly, 1805, w. dur. coll. yr . . . . i . 50 Tufts college pub. ass'n. Tufts college, Mass. Turf, farm and home, 1889, \v i . 50 Turf pub. CO., W'aterville. Me. Twentieth century, 1887, w 2 .00 Twentieth century jiub. co., 500 l-"ifth ave.. N. Y. Twentieth century boys and girls, 1903. ni 2-, \'. ]•.. M.ison, 7 Warren ave.. N. ^'. Twentieth century farmer, hkx3. w 1 .00 Bee pub. co.. ( )niaha. Neb. 258 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Twentieth century review, 1901 , m i . 00 Twentieth century review pub. co., 1 1 Spruce St., Detroit, Mich. Twenty-third street men, 1905. w 25 Y. M. C. A.. 23d St., X. Y. Twenty years in the stock market, 1905, a i .00 Massachusetts pub. co., Everett station. Boston, Mass. TwiUght hours, 1904, m 10 TwiHght hours pub. co., Florence, Colo. Two step, 1894, 10 nos 2.00 Two step pub. CO.. 649 Main st.. Buffalo. X. Y. Tyler-keystone, b-ni 2 . 00 Tyler pub. co., Ann Arbor, Mich. Type founder, irreg,, free to printers i .00 Barnhart bros. & Spindler, Chicago. 111. Typewriter and phonographic world See My business friend. Typewriter topics, 1905. m i . 00 309 Broadway, N. Y. Typographical journal, 1889, m i . 00 J. \\ . Brannvood. De Soto bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. Underwood's U. S. counterfeit reporter, 1878. b-m 2.00 Stumpf & Steuer. 20 Xassau St., X. Y. Underwriter, 1865. s-m 3 .00 Jas. H. McClellan. Baltimore. Md. Underwriter, 1 859. w 5 . 00 Underwriter print, and pub. co., 58 William St., X. Y. Underwriters' review, 1893, s-m 2 . 00 Underwriters' review co., Des ^Nloines, la. Ungdommens ven, 1890, s-m i .00 Ungdommens ven pub. co., 3*Iinncapolis, Miiui. Ungdomsvannen, 1895, m i .00 Augustana book concern. Rock Island. 111. Union, 1885. m 5° Union pub. co.. Canon, Ga. Union, 1888. w i ■ 00 Edwin V. Could. \ t,2 X. Penn. st.. Indianapolis, Ind. Union, 1886, w '. i 00 Union pub. co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Union, w i • 00 Central labor council. St. Joseph. Mo. Union advocate, 1895, w i -oo W^m. H. Bastian. Sioux City. la. Union advocate, 1900, w . . i .00 E. E. Sprague. Jamestown, X. Y. Union banner, 1898. w i . 00 C. W. 'Woodman. Fort \\'()rth. Tex. Union gazette, 1903. w 1 .00 Union gazette pub. co., Allentown. Pa. Union gospel news, 1888. w 50 Gospel news co.. Cleveland. O. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 259 Union index, 1 902, \v i . 00 Miles A. Simpson. San Jose, Cal. Union label, 1903. vv i 00 R. L. Telfcr, San Jose. Cal. Union label, 1902, \v i 00 r. W. Carr, Tampa. l"la. Union label, 1901, vv i 00 John B. Stovvers. Evansville. Iiul. Union label, 1 898, m i • 00 I'liion label pub. co.. Sudbury bldj^.. Boston. Mass. Union labor advocate, 1904. \v 1 .00 Wilber lii)i)pin. 15urlin^ton. la. Union labor news, 1 90 1 . \v i 00 I'nion labor news co.. (>24 S. liroaduax , Los Angeles, Cal. Union leader, 1902, vv 1 .tK» I'nion leader co., 88 La Salle st.. Chicai^o. 111. Union magazine, 1905. m 25 43(j W. 35th St."; X. V. Union medicale du Canada, 1872. m 2.00 Montreal, Canada. Union obrera, 1902, w 1 .20 [•rancisco Torres. I'once, Porto Rico. Union of American Hebrew congregations Rei)ort. 1873. a Cincin.. O. I'nion record, i()Oo. w i .00 rnion printinj:,^ co., Seattle, Wash. Union seminary magazine, 1889. b-m dur. coll. yr i .00 IVot'essors and students of I'nion sem.. Richmond. \ a. Union signal, 1 874. vv 1 . 00 W. C. T. C. ICvanston. ill. Union university quarterly, i(j04. (| Schenectady. X. ^ . Union worker, m 50 Mamie W. Clatlin. Cniversity pi.. Xeb. Unionist, 1902, \v 1.00 (leo. Horstield, Murphysboro, 111. Unionist, 1903, m i .00 W'm. Chint Tullis. Musko.c^ee. Ind. Ter. Unionist, 1902, vv 50 Jas. Burton. I-'ort Scott. Kan. Unionist, i()oo. vv i .00 l/nionist pub. ct).. Xorfolk. \'a. Unique monthly, 1896, m 2^ L'nicpie co., 64 Fulton st.. X. ^'. Unit, 1890. m dur. coll. yr 1 .25 Students of Iowa college, (irinnell, la. Unitarian (formcrlv Xew unitarian). u>o6. m 1 .00 r. 1-ortson Pruett. Sidney. X. Y. Unitarian word and work, m .\m. unitarian association, i'oston. Mass. 26o GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Unitarian year-book, a Am. unitarian ass'n, Boston, Mass. United brethren review, b-m i . 50 Rev. W. R. Funk, Dayton, O. United Canada, 1888, w i . 50 J. D. Grace, Ottawa, Canada. United forester, ni i . 00 Hathaway bldg'., Milwaukee, Wis. United Hebrew charities of the city of N. Y. Report, 1875, a 356 Second ave., N. Y. United labor journal, 1897, w i . 00 r^leming and I'^onvergne, New Orleans, La. United labor journal, 1889, w i .00 Trades and labor council, Memphis, Tenn. United mine workers journal, 1891 , w 1 . 00 State Life bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. United presbyterian, 1842, w i . 50 Murdock, Kerr & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. United States. Library of congress Catalogue of copyright entries, w 5 -oo Part 2 periodicals, m i . 00 Washington, D. C. United States army and navy journal, 1863, w 6.00 N. Y. United States cavalry ass'n Journal, 1887, q 2.00 U. S. cavalry ass'n. Fort Leavenworth, Kas. United States farmer, m 50 United States farmer co., 115 State st., Detroit, Mich. United States financial and mercantile examiner, 1895, w 5- 00 W^ H. Carter, 76 Park pi., N. Y. United States gov't advertiser & municipal contractor, 1882, w. 5.00 Ridenour & jenks, Post bldg., AA'ashington, D. C. United States infantry association Journal, 1904, q 3- 00 United States investor, 1891, w 5 .00 Frank P. Bennett & co., 530 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. United States mining journal, m i . 00 United States mining journal co., 150 Nassau St., N. Y. United States naval institute Proceedings, 1873, q 3 • 50 U. S. naval institute, Annapolis, Md. United States naval observatory Publications, 2d ser.. 1900, irreg Washington, D. C. United States navy and marine corps directory, 1885, m 5.00 Army and navy pub. co., Washington. D. C. United States official postal guide, 1874, m 2 .00 Albany, N. Y. United States paper maker, 1884, s-m 2.00 Walden pub. co., 182 William st., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 261 United States patent office Official !v- Snytler. .\da. Ohio. University homeopathic observer, q 50 Uni\ . liom. observer co.. Lancaster. Pa. University law review, 1891. 9 nos j .00 I". M. Croxas, Austin. Tex. University of Texas record, 1898, q i . 00 Faculty of University of Texas, Austin, Tex. University of the world, 1905, per no 25 C. A. Bowsher, Coxton bldg., Cleveland, O. University of Virginia. Alumni bulletin, 1894, ci i .00 J. P. Bell CO., Lynchburg, Yr. University of Virginia magazine, 1839, ""■ ^^^'^^'- ^'^^^- y ^75 Lit. societies of University of Virginia, Charlottesville, \"a. University settlement review, 1906, q L^niversity settlement ass'n, Cincin., O. University weekly, 1895, w dur. coll. yr i . 50 Syracuse university, Syracuse, N. Y. University weekly news, 1879, ^^' i .00 Students of L'niversitv of Cincin., Cincin.. O. Upholsterer, 1888, m .' 2 00 Clififord & Lawton, 19 L^nion Square. N. Y. Upholstery dealer and decorative furnisher, 1901. m 1 . ^o T. A. Cawthra & Co.. 27 E. 21st st., N. Y. Up-to-date, m 50 J. \\'. Rittcnhouse, Scranton. Pa. Up-to-date distributor, m 2 . 00 Will A. Molton, Cleveland, O. Up-to-date farming, 1898. s-m 50 J. .A. Everitt, 22'/ W . ^^'ashington St., Indianapolis. Tnd. r.lIDE TO PERIODICALS 263 Urban and rural American, 1901, m 50 M. lM-,u()tt. Quincy. 111. Uric acid monthly, 1906, 111 \'a>.s (.iKiiiical CO.. Danbury. Conn. Ursinus bulletin, b-m I'rsinus coUci^c. Colle^eville. Pa. Ursinus weekly, 1902, \v dur. coll. yr i .00 SliKknts of Irsinus college, Collegeville. Ta. Utah commercial advertiser, 1905. \v 5- 00 Salt Lake City. L'tah. Utah engineer, 1902, ni i -OO Mn^iiKiring soc. State school torical sociely. Richmond. \ a. Virginia medical semi-monthly, 1894, s-m 2.00 London 15. Ldwards. Richmond. \'a. Virginia odd fellow, 1893. •" 5° Ware tS: 1 )uke. Richmond. Va. Virginia Pythian, 1901 , m 50 I'Vank .\. Owen. Petersburg. \'a. Virginia school journal, 1892. m i .00 ]. A. Mc(iil\ray. Richmond. \'a. Virginia. University Bulletin, k^oi. q Free Charlottesville, \'a. Visitor, 1875. w 2.00 \isitor printing co.. Providence. R. 1. Vitrinornator, 1906, m i .00 j. H. Borders. Kansas City, Mo. Vogue. 1 892, w 3 . 00 \'ogue CO.. 364 Fifth ave., K. Y. Voice, 1 894. \v 1 . 00 \'oice pub. CO.. \\ inni])eg, Manitoba. Voice. 1 88 1 . w 1.25 ."Students of WOoster uni\ersity. W'ooster. C). Voice of fashion Diamond garment cutter co.. Chicago. Til. Voice of Israel and signs of the times, 1902. q 50 IMiillip Sidersky, Passyunk Station. Phila.. Pa. Voice of missions, i8c>2. m sO .Miss. dept. of A. ^L L. church. 61 Bible house. X. V. Voice of the negro, 1 904, m i . 00 ilertel jeid Students of (irand Island college. (Irand Island. Xeb. Volante, 1 887. w i . 00 Students' ass'n of the I'niversitv of S. IX. \'ermilion. S. O. 266 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Volksfreund, 1886. w i .00 \"olksfreund pub. ass'n. Cleveland, O. Volksfreund, 1889, w i .00 J. S. (ilick, Pittsburg, Pa. Volunteers' gazette, 1897. w 2 . 00 X'olunteers of /vmerica, 38 Cooper sq., N. Y. Voter, 1903, m i .00 X'oter CO., 315 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Vox Wesleyana, 1898, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of \\'esley college, Winnipeg, Man. Voz del obrero, 1 903, w Joaquim A. Becerril, San Juan. Porto, Rico. Wa-wan press, 1 901 , q 6 . 00 (Wa-wan. series of Am. composition), Arthur Farwell, Newton Centre, Mass. Wabash, 1874, m dur. coll. yr i .00 Senior class of Wabash college, Crawfordsville, Tnd. Wabash college record, q 25 Wabash college. Crawfordsville, Tnd. Wachter. 1867, w i . 50 H. Holkeboer. Holland, Mich. Wageworker, 1 904, w i . 00 \\'ageworker pub. co., Lincoln, Xeb. Wahrheit's freund, 1837, w 2 . 50 Benziger bros., Cincin., O. Walker magazine, 1876. q 50 \\'. & H. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa. Walkover shoe prints, 1906, m Geo. E. Keith co., Campello, Mass. Wall paper news and interior decorator, 1892, m t .00 Clifford & Lawton, 19 Union sq., N. Y. Wall street daily news, 1876, 6 d 5 .00 E. :\Iartin P.lack, 52 New St., N. Y. Wall street journal, 1882, 2 eds. per day ex. Sun 12.00 Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad St.. N. Y. Wall street press, 1 849, w 2 . 00 A\'all Street pub. co., 1 1 Broadway, N. Y. Wall street summary, 1893, 6 d 6.00 N. Y. news bureau ass'n. 51 Broad st., N. Y. Wallace's farmer, 1878, w t .00 Wallace pub. co.. Des Moines, la. Wanderer, 1 867. w 2 . 00 \\'an(lerer print, co., St. Paul. Minn. War cry, 1 884. w t . 00 Salvation army print, house, Toronto, Canada. War cry, 1 884, w 2 . 00 120 W. 14th St., N. Y. Warbler, 1 903, b-m i . 00 Mayflower pub. co.. Floral Park. N. Y. Washburn college bulletins, 1901 . q Topcka. Kan. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 267 Washburn weekly review, 1885. w dur. coll. yr 1 . 50 Stiukiits of W aslihurn college. Topeka. Kan. Washington academy of sciences, ni'^nihershi]). non-resident.. . 5.00 Proceedings. 1899. a W'ashinjT^ton. D. C. Washington law reporter, 1874. w 3 .00 Law reporter print, co.. W'asliini^ton. I). C. Washington life, i(>03. w 2.00 510 Twelfih St.. W'ashini^ton. D. C. Washington liquor dealer, i«)(52. ni 2.00 Seatlle. W asliin03. q St. Louis. Mo. Washington university association Bulletin, a ^o St. Louis. Mo. Washington university record, i^o;. m dur. coll. vr St. Louis. Mo. Waste trade journal, 1905 loO l-"ulton St.. X. Y. Watch tower, 1872. w i .00 Standard pub. co.. Cincin.. O. Watchman. 18 k;. w 2.50 \\ atoliuian pub. 00.. Tremout Teiujile. Boston. Mass. Watchman and the reflector, 1 < ;03 50 P>altiniore. Md. Watchword, i8<>3. \v 1 .00 Re\ . W. R. iMink, Dayton. (). Watchword and truth, 1878. m 1 00 Robert Cameron. 31 State St.. Boston. .Mass. Water and frost, 1 90 1 . q 50 California water and frost ass'n. San I'rancisco. C"al. Water and gas review, 1 8()o, ni 2 . 00 W ater and tjas re\ie\v pub. co.. 35 W arren st.. X. Y. Watson's illuminator, 1877. m 50 Will 11. Watson. Biddeford. Me. Watts' official railway guide and hotel directory of the south. i88(). m _' (X) W atts pub. CO.. .\tlanta. (la. Wave. 1 S><)4. m Huntinjj. W. \'a. West Virginia state medical association Transactions, a Wni. W. Golden, sec. Klkins. W. \'a. West Virginia methodist advocate, 1896. w 1 .00 John A. Grose. Sutton, W. Va. West Virginia methodist protestant, 1898, \v 1 .00 joe W illianis. St. Mary's. W. \'a. West Virginia school journal, 1872. m i .00 Thos. C. .Miller, Morgantown. W. \'a. West Virginia workman, 1897, m 50 Ghas. ( ). Roenier. Benvvood. W. \'a. Western advertiser, in 1 . 00 Gharles 1). Thompson, ( )maha, Xeb. Western American scientist. 1884, ni i .00 G. R. ( )rcutt, San Die.i^o. Gal. Western architect, njo\. m 5 . 00 Western architect pub. co.. Minneajiolis, Minn. Western architect and builder, 1887, w 4.00 Powell iS: White, lincin., ( ). Western baptist, njoo. m :^o P.. G. baptist convention. X'ictoria. V>. G. Western baptist, i^ot,. \v 1 . :^o W estern baptist pub. ct).. South Mc.Mester. hid. Ter. Western bowlers' journal, 1 8()8. w 2 . 00 J"hn (k llanitncr, 175 Monroe St.. Ghicai^o. 111. Western breeders' journal. i8<)8. m 25 journal i>ub. co., Clay center. Kan. Western brewer, 1876, m 15.00 II. S. Rich & CO.. 177 La Salle st.. Ghica.i^o. 111. 270 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Western British American, 1888, w 2 .go British-American co., 358 Dearhorn st., Chicag;o, 111. Western builder, 1902, 111 i .00 Western liuilder puh. co., Milwaukee, Wis. Western camera notes, 1899, m i .00 Western camera puh. co., ivlinneapolis, Minn. Western Canada contractor and builders' gazette, 1904, m i .oo C. H. Mortimer puh. co., Winnipeg;-, Manitoba. Western catholic, 1867, w 2 .00 Western catholic pub. co., 206 La Salle st., Chicago, 111. Western catholic, 1897, w i .00 John F. Ridder, Quincy, 111. Western Christian advocate, w i . 50 Derrick and Eaglebarger, Ardmore, Ind. Ter. Western Christian advocate, 1834, w i .60 Jennino's & (Iraham, Cincin., O. Western Christian recorder, m i .00 J. Frank McDonald, Macon, Mo. Western Christian union, 1890, m 50 Rev. E. W. Pfaffenberger, Boonville, Mo. Western chronicle Free Burrows bros. co., Cleveland, O. Western churchman, 1897, s-m i . 00 Western churchman co., Denver, Colo. Western churchman, 1896, m i .00 Rev. Robert C. Johnstone, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Western college magazine, 1879, m i .00 American educational co., 315 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Western conference news letter, m. ex. July-Aug 25 W^estern unitarian conference, 175 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Western contractor, 1902, w 2 .00 Ernest E. Smith, 214 E. Missouri ave., Kansas City, Mo. Western dental journal, 1887, "^ 2 .00 Hettinger bros. mfg. co., Kansas City, Mo. Western druggist, 1 879, m 1.25 G. P. Engelhard & co., Chicago, 111. Western dry goods, 1 885, w 2 . 00 Western dry goods co., St. Joseph, Mo. Western economist, 1895, m t .00 Western economist pub. co.. Des Moines, la. Western electrician, 1 887, w 3-00 Electrician pub. co., Marcpiette bldg., Chicago, 111. Western elk, 1 899, m t . 00 Anderson & Treichler. Sacramento, Cal. Western empire, 1 898, m 25 Fruit world ])ub. co., Times l>ldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Western fancier, 1 904, m — Los Angeles. Cal. Western farm journal, 1 872, m 25 W^estern farm journal co., Des Moines, la. GL'IDE TO PERIODICALS 271 Western farmer, 1902. in 50 Charles Hillebrandt, Osborne. Kan. Western fashion journal, 1905. q i .00 Minneapolis, Minn. Western field, 1902. ni i .00 Western field co., 4 Sntter st.. San i-'rancisco. Cal. Western fireman and journal of public works, 1880, \v 2.00 H. W. I'.looinin.i^ston. 177 La Salle st.. Chicap^o. 111. Western fruit grower, 1897. in 30 I'ruit grower co.. St. Joseph. Mo. Western grocer, butcher and clerk, in i .(X) W. S. Keller. Denver. Col. Western home journal, i8(;r). in 30 I'hil L. Axlin-. Seattle. Wash. Western home monthly, 1900. in 30 Home i)nl). CO.. \\'innipe_s^. Manitoba. Western horseman, 1878. w 2.00 Western horseman co.. I'itz,2;era!(l bldy.. Indianapolis. Ind. Western insurance review, 1867. in 3 00 Carlelon hldj;-.. St. Louis. Mo. Western investors' review, ni i .00 Queen city printint^ and ])ub. co.. Deiuer. C(j1. Western jobber, i<)03. s-in i .00 Western jobber ])ub. co.. Denver. Col. Western journal of education, ni i . 30 Wliitaker c*v Ray co.. 71 i Mission st.. San I'rancisco. Cal. Western journal of education, 1906. ni i .cxd Mich, state normal collejje. Ypsilanti. Mich. Western junior, ux)2, \v i .00 Western junior jnib. co.. Security bldj;-.. St. Louis. Mo. Western knight, in i .00 M. A. Willnnisen. Salt Lake City. I'tah. Western laborer, 1 8<) 1 . w i . 00 Frank A. Kennedy. Omaha. Xeb. Western lady, 1 1)04. m 50 J. l->ank Lee. Portland. Ore. Western law reporter. 1(^03. s-in 6.00 Toronto. Canada. Western magazine, 1906. ni Western pub. co.. San Die£2:o. Cal. Western Maryland college monthly, 1887. '"• ^l"r. coll. vr i .00 Students i)t W e.>^tenl Maryland coll.. Westminster. Md Western medical journal, 1 8(p. m i o. Western medical journal co.. I-'ort Scott. Kan. Western medical review. i8t)6. in j.oo W estern niet recorder print, and pub. co.. X'ictoria. P.. C. Western methodist times, 1(^03. m 50 Leonard Xorinan. W inni])eL:. Manitoba. 272 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Western milliner, varies, ni. and s-m 2.00 Western milliner, 2t,7, Viith ave., Chicaemont Arford. 128 E. \'aii lUircn St.. (hica.iiu. 111. Western turf, 1904, w 2 . 00 C. Hacking, \\ iniiipct^, Manitoba. Western undertaker, 1879, m 1 .00 Herbert .'~^. l""assett. 263 Wasliinglon \u>u\.. tliicatro. 111. Western underwriter, 1897, \v 2.00 Western underwriter co., t liicagu. 111. Western veteran, 1884, ni 1 .00 W estern \eteran pub. co., Tojjeka. Kan. Western veterinarian, 1904, q 50 San l-'rancisco, Cal. Western watchman, 1898, ni 50 11. (i. .\lt..n, Winnipej;-. Manitoba. Western watchman, 1 865, \v 2 . 00 Kev. 1). .^. I'helan, 8th and Chestnut sts., St. Louis, Mo. Western woodman, w 50 P. J. Mclntyrc, Denver, Colo. Western work, ni 50 Western work i)ub. co., Oskaloosa. la. Western world, 1902, w 2 .00 John Conally, Des Moines, la. Westerner, 1904, m 2=, Edgar L. Hampton, Seattle, Wash. Westland educator, 1899, ^o nos 1 .00 W. G. Crocker, Lisbon, X. C. Westminster, 1 896, m 1 50 Westminster co., Torcinto, Canada. Westminster, 1875. w 2.00 Holmes press. 214 S. 5th St.. I'hila.. Pa. Westminster college news letter, \no4. b-ni Fulton. Mo. Westminster review (Am. ed.). 1824. ni 4.50 Leonard Scott pub. co., 7 Warren st.. X. ^'. Westminster teacher, 1 873. m 60 I'resbvterian bd. of publications, 1^19 Walnut St., Phiia., Pa. Wetmore's weekly, 1904, w 50 Pan .\nierican press pub. co., Columbia bldg., St. Louis. Mo. Whalemen's shipping list. 184^. w :^ i - Geo. R. Phillips. Xew P.edford. Mas>. ' ' ' What to eat, 1896, m 1 .00 Pierce pub. co.. Washington st. and l"ittli ave.. Chicago. 111. What's in the magazines, 190O, m :;o The Oial cc. Chicago. 111. Wheelmen's gazette. 1883, m :^o Wheelmen's co.. 241 \'irginia ave.. Indianapolis. Ind. Whist, I ()0i»irit news co.. C'(jlumbus. ( ). Winona review, i<)03. (| i .cx) Winona i)ul). co.. W inona Lake. Ind. Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, membership. . 2.00 Transactions, 1870, b-a Madis(jn. Wis. Wisconsin agriculturist, 1877, \v 60 .Xndrew .^imonson. Racine, Wis. Wisconsin archaeologist, 1901. q i .00 1 2 14 Chestnut St., Milwaukee. Wis. Wisconsin Christian advocate, i8(;^, m 50 ( )shkosh. Wis. Wisconsin engineer, 1896. cj 1 .ckj Students (»f the University of Wisconsin. Madison. Wis. Wisconsin farmer, 1881, w 75 Wisconsin farmer co., Madison, Wis. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey r.ulletin. irreij: X'aries Library Cni\ersity of Wisconsin. Madison, Wi>. Wisconsin good templar, 1 89 1 , w 50 Cieo. A. ^: Ada R. Markham, Independence, \\ i- Wisconsin homestead, 1904, m .50 j. L. R..hr. Milwaukee. Wis. Wisconsin jobber and retailer, w i . 50 W iscon>in jobber and retailer jnd). co.. Milwaukee. Wis. Wisconsin journal of education, 1871 . m i .00 Madison. Wi<. Wisconsin library bulletin, 1905. b-m .25 \\ iscon>in free library commission. Madiscju. W i>. Wisconsin literary magazine, 1903, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of University of Wisconsin. Madison. Wis. Wisconsin medical journal, i'>03. m 2.00 Wisconsin niedical journal co., Milwaukee. Wis. Wisconsin medical recorder, m 1 .00 j. P. 'I'horne. Janesville. Wis. Wisconsin natural history society Bulletin. 1900. q 2.00 Occasional papers, 1892. irreg:., per no 75 Milwaukee. Wis. 276 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wisconsin state historical society Bulletin of information, 1896, irreg- Collections, 1854, irreg Proceedings, 1855, a — - — Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state horticultural society Report, a Madison, Wis. Wisconsin state medical society Transactions, 1841 — A. T. Holbrook, sec, Milwaukee, Wis. Wisconsin sugar beet, 1901, m i . 50 C. W. Fraser, Menomonee Falls, Wis. Wisconsin. University Bulletin, 1894, Ivm. to res. of Wis Free to non-res Varies Series in economics and political science Series in history Philosophy and literature Science Engineering Madison, Wis. Witness, 1871, w i .00 Witness & Sabbath reading co.. 150 Nassau st., N. Y. Wittenberger, 1875, w. dur. coll. yr 1 .00 Students of ^^'ittenberg■ college, Springfield, O. Woman, 1906, m i . 00 Frank A. Munsey co., 175 Fifth ave., N. Y. Woman beautiful, 1906, m 3 .00 Franklin pub. corporation, Boston. Mass. Woman's club calendar, 1901, m i .00 Adelaide F. Chase, Tremont temple, Boston, Mass. Woman's college of Baltimore Bulletin, 1905, m. dur. coll. yr Baltimore, Md. Woman's column, 1888, f 25 Amer. woman suffrage ass'n, 3 Park St., Boston, ]Mass. Woman's evangel, 1881 Mrs. L. K. Miller, Dayton, O. * Woman's exponent, 1882, s-m 2 . 00 Emmeline B. Wells, Salt Lake City, Utah. Woman's farm journal, 1891 , m 10 Lewis pub. co., Magazine bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Woman's gazette, 1905, m 10 Jordan pub. co., Pittsburg, Pa. Woman's home companion, 1873. m i .00 Crowell pub. co., Springfield, O. Woman's home journal, 1869, w i . 50 L. N. Cushman, 291 Congress St., Boston, Mass. Woman's home missions, 1884, m 35, W. H. M. society of M. F. church, 150 Fifth ave., N. Y. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 277 Woman's home monthly, 1 886, 111 10 II. M. r.rockslcdl. 404 X. I '.roadway. St. Loui.s. Mo. Woman's ideal magazine, 1905, in 50 XVonian's ideal majj^azine cc, Pittsburfj, Pa. Woman's journal, 1 905, m 25 700 Journal bldg'.. Cliicaj:^o. 111. Woman's journal, 1 8r)c). w 2 . 50 H. r.. ^: .Mice Stone I'dackwell. 3 Park st.. P>oston, Mass. Woman's journal, 1 89 1 , ni 50 Rev. 11. 1-:. Kilmer, Alliance, O. Woman's kingdom, 1893, m 25 Woman's kinu:dom cc. Niaj^^ara I'alls. X. Y. Woman's label league journal, 1902. in 50 E. 1"^. Si)rai;ue, Jamestown. X. Y. Woman's magazine, 1899, m 10 Lewis pub. co.. Magazine bldt^.. St. Louis. Mo. Woman's medical journal, 1893, m 2.00 Ilackedorn pub. co.. Toledo, O. Woman's missionary advocate, 1880. in 50 Smith ami Lamar. Xasliville. Tenn. Woman's missionary friend, \SCn), in 50 Pauline J. W'alden, 36 P.roinheld St.. P>oston. Mass. Woman's missionary record, 1885. ni 50 J. V. McCulloch. (ireensboro, N. C. Woman's national daily Lewis i)ub. co.. Maj^azine bldg-., St. Louis. Mo. Woman's realm, i(>(34. m 10 \\'oinan's realm pub. co., (ireenville. Pa. Woman's temperance work, 1883, in 2^ Mrs. Xellie H. Hutchinson, OweRo. X. V. Woman's tribune, 1883, f i .00 Clara P.. Colby,' Portland, Ore. Woman's ways magazine, 1905, m 25 _'io Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Woman's work, 1887. m 50 v. L. Mitchell. Athens. Ga. Woman's work for woman, i SS^^ W . ]■. M. societies of presbvterian church, 1 ^6 Fifth ave.. X. Y. Woman's world, 1885, m 25 W. n. P.oyce CO.. P)oyce bldo., ChicatiO, 111. Woman's world. 1900. m i .00 World pub. CO., Fort Worth. Tex. Women's and infants' furnisher, 1895, m 2.00 Win. I", Crerand iv co., ^■1,2 P>roadway, X. Y. Women's missionary magazine, 1887. ni 60 Marshall and Ucueridtic pub. cc Xenia. O. Wood craft, m i . 00 Ciardner pub. co.. Cleveland. O. Wood-Harmon magazine, b-ui Wood, llarinou .*<: co.. X. Y. 278 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Wood lawn times, 1 893. w i . 00 t^nivcrsity printing- co.. 313 E. ()T,d st., Chicaoo, 111. Wood worker, 1 882, ni 1 . 00 S. H. Sniitli, Commercial club bldg.. Indianapolis. Ind. Wooden and willow-ware trade review, s-m 1 .00 Charles H. Delano & son, 81 T^ilton st.. X. Y. Woodland and roadside, 1902, q 25 Massachusetts forestry ass'n. 1118 Tremont bldg., Boston, Mass. Woodman, 1899, w 75 Woodman print, co., Decatur, Til. Woodman, 1903, m 50 W^oodman pub. co., W'ainright bldg-., St. Louis, Mo. Woodman journal, 1902, m 50 ^^^oodman journal pub. co., iJallas, Tex. Woodmen chips, m 50 Woodmen chips pub. co., Oakland. Cal. Woodmen's herald, 1906, m 50 1872 Lexington ave., N. Y. Woods and waters, 1898, q 35 Harry A^ Radford. 212 E. 105th st.. N. Y. Wood's official railway guide, m i .00 John R. AA'ood, 115 Griswold st., Detroit, Mich. Wool markets and sheep, 1891, m 50 A. Stone, 258 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. Wooster quarterly, 1886, q i .00 Professors of Wooster university, Wooster, O. Worcester polytechnic institute. Journal, b-m i .00 Students of \\'orcester poh'technic institute. Worcester. Alass. Worcester society of antiquity. Collections, 1875. irreg 5.00 Worcester, ]\lass. Word, 1904, m 2 . 00 Theosophical pub. co., 244 Lenox ave.. N. Y. Word and way, 1 896, w i . 00 \\'ord and way pub. co., Hall bldg., Kansas City. Md. Word and work, 1879, "^ 5° Christian workers union, Springfield, Mass. Word and works, 1 888, m i . 00 Word and works pub. co., 2201 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo. Words from a free pulpit, 1898, m 1 . 00 Woman's alliance of unitarian church, Detroit, Mich. Words of faith, 1874, m 50 Geo. W. McCalla, 18th st. and Ridge ave., Phila.. Pa. Work at home, 1875, ^""^ 1 • 00 Albany, N. Y. Work with boys, q i . 00 Thomas Chew, treas., Eall River, Mass. Worker, 1890, w 50 15 Spruce St., N. Y. GUIDE lO PERIODICALS 279 Workers, 1905. b-ni 5^ SIkiw university, Kalei^h, X. C. Workers' advocate, 1906. m i • 00 Workers' advocate pub. en., jij Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Working boy, 1884. m -25 Working boys' home. 38 Bennet St.. Boston. Mass. Workman, 1899. w 1 00 Louisville. Ky. Workman, 1 898. \v 5^ Nashville workman pub. Co.. Xasluille. Tenn. Workman, 1 904. m 25 Z. M. Duckworth. Dallas. Te.x. World almanac and encyclopedia, ;i 25 X. Y. world. X. Y. World evangel and Christian, 1894. m 50 V. M. r.arton. 713 Ca.xton bldg.. Cleveland. ( ). World today, 1901, m 1 . 50 World today co., 67 Wabash ave.. Chicago. 111. World wide, 1901. w i .00 John Dougall & son. Montreal. Canada. World wide friend, 1 905. m 25 (n-anite blk.. St. Louis. Mo. World wide missions, 1 888. 1 1 nos 25 Mission society of M. E. chuhcli. 150 l-'ifth ave.. X. Y. World's advance thought and universal republic, 1886. m. . . . i.oo Lucy .A. Mallory. Portland. Ore. World's crisis, 1854. w i . 50 Advent Christian pub. society. \(K) Warren ave.. Boston. Mass. World's events magazine, 1900. m 50 World's events ])ul). co.. 1 )ans\ille. X. \ . World's work, n;oo. m 3 00 Doubleday. Page & co.. 133 E. lOth st.. X. Y. Wright magazine, i«>04. m i .00 .\ssociation bldg.. Chicago. 111. Writer. 1 887. m i 00 W riter i)ub. co., 146 Franklin St.. Boston. Mass. Wunset magazine, 1903. m 01 Si Xew St.. X. Y. Wyoming historical and geological society. iS;8. a. 3.00 to. . . . 5.00 Wilkesbarre. Pa. Wyoming industrial journal, iS^/j. m i .00 (.'entral west jnib. co.. Laramie. W yo. Wyoming Pythian, UX34. ni i .00 W yt^iming P\thian co.. Sheridan. Wyoming. X Y Z railway and steamboat guide, 1878. m 2. 50 X \' Z railwav ;uid >teamhoat guide co.. M2 Xassau St.. X. Y. ■ Xavier, m. dur. coll. yr i .00 Students of (.'ollege of St. l-'rancis Xavier. ^o W. 16th St., X. Y. 2 So GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Y. M, H. A, magazine, 1903, s-m i .00 Pub. by a committee, New Orleans, La. Yale alumni weekly, 1891, w. Oct.-June ; m. June-Sept 3-00 Lewis S. Welch, New Haven. Conn. Yale clinic, 1904, a Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, New Haven, Conn. Yale courant, 1865, ^ 2 . 00 Students of Yale college. New Haven, Conn. Yale daily news, 1878, 6 d 4 . 00 Students of Yale university. New Haven. Conn. Yale law journal, 1891, m 2 . 50 Frank Kenna, New Haven, Conn. Yale literary magazine, 1836, m. dur. coll. yr 3.00 Students of Yale college, New Haven, Conn. Yale medical journal, 1894, m 2 .00 Students of Yale medical school. New Haven, Conn. Yale monthly magazine, 1906, m . -. W. B. Roulston, New Haven, Conn. Yale psychological studies, 1893 Pub. as monograph supplements of the Psychological review. Yale record, 1871, f. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Students of Yale college, New Haven, Conn. Yale review, 1892, q 3 00 Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor co., New Haven, Conn. Yale scientific monthly, 1894, m. dur. coll. yr 2.50 Seniors of Sheffield scientific school. New Haven, Conn. Yale studies in English, 1898, irreg Varies Macmillan co., 66 Fifth ave., N. Y. Yale university Bulletin, 1904, m., 8 nos Contributions from Kent chemical lab., irreg Sheffield lab., irreg New Haven, Conn. Yale university. Astronomical observatory Report, a Transactions, 1887 New Haven, Conn. Yankee blade, 1841 , m 50 W. M. Ladd pub. co., Waterville. ^le. Ye quaint magazine, m 50 Quaint pub. co., 7 St. Paul st., Boston, Mass. Year book of legislation of the N. Y. state library, a i .00 X. "S'. state educational dcpt., Albany, N. Y. Yellow handbook, 1906, m i .00 Flandbook pub. co., Denver, Colo. Yellow ribbon, 1906, m Mrs. Katherine Reed Balentine. San Francisco, Calif. Yeoman, m 50 Yeoman pub. co., Aurora, 111. GUIDE 'lO PERIODICALS 2S1 Yerkes observatory Publications, irrej? \aries University of Chicago press, Cliicajio. 111. Young American, HJ04. ni i -OO St. Louis. Mo. Young Americans, 1902, m 5^ Success league. Albany, X. V. Young catholic messenger, 1885. s-ni 5° ( ;. .\. IMlauin. I )a\ ton, O. Young Christian soldier, 1853, \v. and ni V,(\. of missions. 4th ave. and 22d St., X. Y. Young churchman, 1 870. w 80 Young churchman co., Milwaukee, Wis. Young citizen, iQOi. 10 nos i 00 Charlotte W. I^astman, Cedar 7\ai)ids, Ta. Young folks catholic weekly, 1889, w i 00 II. L. Kilmer .S: 00., 824 Arch st., Phila.. Pa. Young folks music monthly, 1879, "^ ' -^^ Music pub. CO.. Strongsville. O. Young idea, 1 887. m 5^ Allen CO.. 4 Ashburton pi.. P.oston. ?^lass. Young Lutheran, 1883, m 5° ^'oung Lutheran co., Greenville. Pa. Young Lutherans' magazine, 1902, m 25 Concordia pub. house, St. Louis. Mo. Young men's Christian association of North America "S'ear bo(-)k. a 3 W. 29th St., X. Y. Young people, i S80. w 60 .American baptist jiub. societv, 1630 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Young people's lesson quarterly, 1894, H -5 .Augustus ^'oung, Akron, O. Young people's magazine, 1 wos, m 50 501 I'ifth ave.. X. Y. Young people's paper, 1894. m JS Mennonite pub. co., Elkhart. Tnd. Young people's weekly, 1886. w 75 1). C. Cook pub. CO.. Elgin. 111. Young pilgrim, 1862. \v 35 .Advent Chr'n pub. society. \(')0 Warren st.. P.oston. Mass. Young reaper, m 06 s-m 12 .American baptist pub. societv. 16^0 Chestnut St.. Phila.. Pa. Young woman's journal. iSSo. ni i .00 (ieneral bd. A'. L. \. M. I. A.. Salt Lake City. I'tah. Young's magazine, i8«)7, m i .00 Couitland 11. A'oung. 203 P.roadway. X. A'. Your magazine. 1906. m i .00 A'our magazine co.. Danville. At. 282 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Yours truly, 1905, q i .oc Fine arts bldg., Chicago, 111. Youth, 1902, m 1 . 00 Penn Pub. CO., 923 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Youth's banner, 1897, s-m 25 S. 'M. Hallam. Berlin, Ontario. Youth's companion, 1827, w i • 75 Perry Mason co., Boston. ^Nlass. Youth's guardian friend, 1902, ni 50- J. ]\I. Thompson, Greenfield. Tnd. Youth's instructor, 1852, w 75 Review and herald pub. ass'n, 222 N. Capitol st., A\'^ashington, D. C. Youth's quarterly, 1886, q " 20' Christian pub. co., 2712 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo. Youth's realm, 1896, m 35 A. Bullard & co., 446 Tremont st.. Boston. Mass. Youth's temperance banner, 1866, m. and s-m 25 & .40 National temperance society and pub. house. 3 W. i8th St.. N. Y. ' ■ Youth's world, m 30 Am. bapt. pub. society. 1630 Chestnut st., Phila., Pa. Zion banner, T901, w i .00 Rev. John Alex. DoAvie. Zion City, 111. Zion's advocate, 1828, w 2 . 50 Henry S. Burrage, Portland. Me. Zion's advocate, 1854. m i .00 John R. Daily, Luray, Va. Zion's ensign, 1890, w i . 00 Pnsign pub. house. Independence. Mo. Zion's herald, 1823, w 2 . 50 Ceo. E. Whitaker, 36 Bromfield st., Boston. Mass. Zion's hope, 1869. w 50 Herald pub. house. Lamoni. la. Zion's landmark, 1867, s-m i . 50 P. D. Gold pub. CO., Wilson. N. C. Zion's watch tower, 1879. s-m i .00 \\'atch tower Bible & tract society. Allegheny. Pa. Zion's watchman, 1879. w i . 25 Walter H. Lemley. Albany. X. Y. Zodiac, 1904. m. dur. sch. yr Lansing high school. Lansing. Mich. Zoological society bulletin, 1 896. q 50 X. Y. zoological societv. iS^d st. and Southern boul., X. Y. Zukunft, 1902. m i . 00 Zukunft press federation. 50 Suffolk st.. X. Y. PART 11 CLA55IFILD LIST CLA551FILD LI5T Insviraiuo. society of America. Acetylene. AcetyleiK' journal Actuaries. Sec also Actuarial Adventist. Sec also Keliglon and theology. Advent review and Sabbatn herald Christ licher hausfreund. Kvangeliets sendebud. Herald of life. Our hope and life in Christ. Sabbath school worker. Sions vaktare. • World's crisis. Advertising. I'idiicer advertising co. Ad sense. Ad-writer. Advertiser and publisher. Advertiser-quarterly. Advertising. Advertising agent. Advertising suggestions. .\dvertising world. .\dvertlsers news. .Vgricultural advertising. Itat ten's wedge. Killposter and distributor. Hrains for the retailer and advertiser. Business. Common-sense. Klectric railway gu.de and central New York red book. Fame. Independent druggist and advertising econ- omist. Inklings. Inside inforniiition. Jist. .ludicious advertising and miIv, ri isiug expe- rience. Mall order journal. Mall trade Ideas. Messiah's advocate. Moore's monthly messenger. Mulrson vS: Wright monthly desk blotter. National advertiser. otllciai guide of St. Louis. Orr's advertising service. Our salesmen's journal. raclflc coast advertising. Poultry advertising. Printers' ink. Profllable advertising. Publlcite-publlclty. Razoo. Results. Retailer and advertiser. Southern advertiser. Sotith western advertiser. Up-to-date distributer. I'tah commercial advertiser. Western advertiser. Western monthly. White's sayings. White's class advertising African methods. See .M.-iliodisi. Agents. Sun. Agriculture. See also, I'loriculture : Forestry ; Fruit ; Horticulture: Live stock: Poultry. Ackerund gartenzeitung. Agricultural college extension bulletin. Agricultural epitomist. Agricultural cxporiments. Agricultural herald. Agricultural student magazine. Agriculturist. Alabama farmer. Albright's farm and ranch. .\merican agriculturist. .\merican cultivator. American farm and orchard. American farmer. American farming. American grange bulletin and scientific far- mer. .\merlcan truck farmer. I'.ariuim's midland farmer. California agricultural journal, vl^'alifornia cultivator. Canadian farmer. Carolina fruit and truck grower's Journal. Central farmer. Clemson agricultural college extension work. Col man's rural world. Connecticut farmer. Cornell co\iiif ryman. Cornucopia. Country gentleman. Country visitor. Country world. Crop reporter. Dakota farmer. Deseit farmer. Deutsch-Amerikanischer farmer. Diversilied farmer. Pixie home. Dodge county farmer. Kssex agricultural society. Farm. Farm and fireside. I'arm and floral world. I'arm and home. Springfield. III. I'arm and home. Springfield. Mass. Farm and home and poultry journal. I'arm and home sentinel. Farm and poultry world. I'arm and ranch. I'arm. field and fireside. Farm-garden and poultry. Farm gazette. I'arm journal. Farm life. Farm magazine. Farm news. Farm patriot. Farm progress. Farm star. Farm stock and home. Farm students' review Farmer. 286 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Farmer and breeder. Farmer and homeseeker. Farmer and mechanic. Farmer and stockman. Farmer herald. Farmers" advocate. Farmers' advocate and home magazine. Farmer's and merchant's review. Farmers and planters guide. Farmer's call. Farmers' family journal. Farmers' friend. Allegan. Farmers' friend. New York. Farmer's guide. Farmers' home journal. Farmers' institute bulletin. Farmers' magazine. Chicago. Farmers' magazine. Oklahoma City. Farmers' monthly. Farmers' realm. Farmers' record. Farmer's review. Farmers' sentinel. Farmers' tribune. Minneapolis. Farmer's tribune. Sioux City. Farmers' union magazine. Farmers' voice and rural outlook. Farmer's wife. Farming. Farming world and Canadian tarm and home. I'eld und flur. Field and farm. Florida agriculturist, tiaceta agricola. Oazeta Wisconsinska. (Jazette des campagnes. Georgia planter. Gleaner. Gleanings. Ilaus und bauernfreund. Hawaiian planters' monthly. lldiiic and farm, lluiiirsceker. llolii,. stead. Hoosier monthly. Ilospoda. llospodarske listy. Illinois agriculturist. Indiana farmer. Inland farmer. Louisville. Inland farmer. Spokane. Interstate farmer. Iowa agriculturist. Iowa year book of agriculture. Island farmer. .Tournal d'agriculture and d'horticulture. Journal of agricultural science. Journal of agriculture. Journal of agriculture and horticulture. Kansas farmer. Keystone farmer. Laiulniann. liiga agrarla. Mail and breeze. Maine farmer. .Maritime farmer and co-operative dairyman. Maryland agricultural college. Massachusetts ploughman. .Metropolitan and rural home. Michigan agriculturist. .Ml(liii;an fanner. Mirror and farmer. .Missouri and Arkansas farmer and fruit man. Missouri and Kansas farmer. Missouri state board of agriculture. .Missouri Valley farmer. Modern farm monthly. .Modern farmei- and l)usy l)ee. .National farm journal. National farmer. National farmer and Imnic magazine. National farmer and stock grower. National Illustrated magazine-rural topics. Nebraska dairyman and up-to-date farmer. Nebraska farmer. Nebraska farm journal. Nebraskan. New England homestead. New England farmer. New York farmer. New York tribune farmer. Nor'-west farmer. North American farmer. North Carolina department of agriculture. North pacific rural spirit. Northwest. Northwest farm and home. Northwest pacific farmer. Nortliwest review. Northwestern agriculturist. (Jdalmauwen. Ohio farmer. Okanogan farm journal. Oklahoma farm journal. Oklahoma farmer. Orchard and farm. Orchard and garden monthly. Oregon agriculturist and rural northwest. Orff's farm and poultry review. Otsego farmer. Pacific homestead. Pacific rural press. Pennsylvania farmer. Planters' journal. Practical farmer. Prairie farmer. Prince Edward Island agriculturist. Progressive country life. Progressive farmer. Raleigh. Progressive farmer. East Ryegate. Red river valley farm journal. Rocky mountain farming. Rocky mountain husbandman. , Rural advocate. 'Rural Californian. Rural farmer. Rural life. Rural magazine. Rural New Yorker. Ruralist. San Joaquin valley farmer. Seed-time and harvest. Skandinavisk farmer journal, Skodemannen. South Dakota farmer. Small farmer. Successful agriculture. Southern agriculturisi . Southern agriculturist and home. Southern cultivator and dixie farnnn- Southern farm gazette. Southern farm magazine. Southern farmer. Southern field & home. Southern planter. Soul hern ruralist. Southern tobacconist and modern farmer. Southwestern farmer and breeder. Spirit of Kansas. Spirit of the west. Standard farmer. Successful farming. Sun. Sunday tradesman. Sunny south. Suenska farm-journal. Territory farmer. Texas farm journal. Texas farmer. Thresher world and farmers magazine. Town and country journal. Tri-state farmer and gardener. Tribune farmer. Trol wood's monthly. t GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 287 'I'luck I'aruiiT. 'I'lirf, ftirni imil Ih^iuiv Twciitiftli ten I II IV tiUMici-. riiilcd Siati's rariiiiT. . I'p lodalf faiiniii};. Irlmn and rural AiinTicaii. Wallace's farnu'r. Wayne farmer. West VirKinla farm review. Western farm journal. Western farmer. Western fruil Kniwer. Wisconsin aKriciilI iirist. Wisconsin farmer. Wisconsin liomesicad. Almanacs. American chiir
  • rd. .Vnhltectural reprint. .Architectural review. •Vrchitects" and builders' journal. Architects' and builders' magazine. Architecture. .New York. Architecture. New Orleans. Association for the pre.servatlon of Virginia antiquities. Hrlckbullder. liullder. Pittsburgh. Hullder. St. Louis. ISuilder and contractor. Itiillders' gazette. Ifullders' news. Kuildlng management. Itulldlng news. Buildings. <'anadian architect and builder Construction. <'onstructlon news. Contractor. Empire builders' magazine 288 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS House aud gardeu. Improvement bulletin. Inland architect. Jewell's American homes. Keith's magazine. Modern construction. Modern home builder. National builder. Ohio architect and builder. I'acific record. Kecord. Shippell's modern houses. Southern architect and building news. Topical architecture. United States advertiser and municipal con- tractor. Western architect. Western architect and builder. Wertern builder. Western Canada contractor and builder's gazette. Western contractor. Arkansas. Arkansas homestead. Armenia. Armenia. Army and navy. Army and navy critic. Army and navy journal. Army and navy life and the united service. Army and navy magazine. Army and navy i-egister. Journal of the United States artillery. Our state army and navy. United States army and navy journal. United States infantry association. United States navy and marine corps direc- tory. Art. See also Photography. American art annual. American art journal. American art news. Art bulletin. Art review. Art student. Artist engraver. Artists' year book. Burr Mcintosh monthly. Collector and art critic. Craftsman. Detroit museum of art. Ecclesiastical art review. Fine arts journal. Graphic arts and crafts. House beautiful. International studio. Keramlc studio. Magazine of Christian art. Masters in art. Metropolitan museum of art. Minneapolis society of fine arts. Museum of fine arts. Outlines for the study of art. Pennsylvania museum school of industrial art. Perry magazine. Picture and art trade. Truth. Artillery. See Army and navy. Asphalt. American asphalt journal. Astrology. Sphinx. Astronomy. See also Meteorology. Astronomical journal. Astronomical society of the pacific. Astrophysical journal. California university. rincinnati. University observatorv. Columbia university. Detroit observatory. Goodsell observatory. Harvard university. Astronomical observa- tory. Illinois. University. Astronomical observa- tory. Laws observatory. University of Missouri. Leander McCormick observatory of the Uni- versity of Virginia. Lick observatory. University of California. See University of California. Lowell observatory. Pennsylvania university. Popular astronomy. Vassar college observatory. Yale university. Astron. observatory. Yerkes observatory. United States naval observatory. Athletics. See also Physical culture. American gymnasium and athletic record- New York athletic club journal. Sokol Americky. Vim. Auctioneers. International auctioneer. Automobiles. See Motoring. Babies. See also Children : Family. Baby. Babyhood. Our baby. Bakers. Baker and candy maker. Bakers' helper. Bakers' journal and Deutsch-Amerikanische baker zeitung. Baker's review. Canadian baker, confectioner and restaur- ateur. Confectioner's and baker's gazette. Confectioner and baker. National baker. Retail confectioner and baker. Banking. See also Investment ; Money. American bank reporter. American banker. American bankers' association. Bank man. Bank notes. Banker. Chicago. Banker. Pittsburg. Banker and investigator. Banker and stockholder. Banker and tradesman. Bankers' magazine. Banking and mercantile world. Banking law journal. New York. Banking law journal. Confidential banker. Financier. Foreign banker's almanac. National banker. Pan American banker. Hand MciNally Bankers" monthly. Reports of the national banks. Savings and trust i-eview. Southern banker. Southwestern banker. Baptist. See also Religion and theology ; Sunday schools. Alabama baptist. American baptist. American baptist flag. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 289 American baptist missionary union. American baptist year book. Arkansas baptist. Atlantic messenger. B. Y. I*. V. quarteriy. Haneret. Haptist. Haptlst. Abilene. Baptist. Jackson. Baptist advance. Baptist and rcll<'ri..r. Baptist arjj:u,s. Baptist banner. Iliintingiim. Baptist banner. .Martin. Baptist boys and girls. Baptist bulletin. Baptist clironicle. Baptist commonwealth. Baptist courier. Baptist herald. Alliance. Baptist herald. .Memphis. Baptist home mission monthly. Baptist messenger. Baltimore. Baptist messenger. Cambridge Baptist missionary inag.i/.ine. Baptist observer. Baptist reaper. IJaptist record. Baptist recorder. Baptist review. Baptist review and e.xposiior. Baptist sentinel. Baptist superintendent. Baptist standard. Baptist sword and shield. Baptist teacher. Baptist trumpet. Baptist trutli. Mjkoii. Baptist truth. Cairo. Baptist union. Baptist vanguard. Biblical recorder. Canadian liaptisi. Central baptist. Christian bannt-r. Christian hope. Christian lnde.x. Convention teacher. Examiner. Ford's Christian repository aim liome circle. Free baptist visitor. Freewill baptist. General baptist. (Georgia baptist. Good work. Gospel hand. Gospel light. Gospel messenger. tJospel news. Gospel worker. Home companion. Illinois free baptist. Journal and messenger. Kings highway. Landmark baptist. Louisiana baptist. Maryland baptist. Messenger. .New Grleans. Messenger. Owensville. Messenger and visitor. Messenger of peace. Michigan Christian herald. Michigan helper. Mlss.onary worker. Mississippi baptist. Morning star. .National baptist flag National baptist magazine. National baptist teacher. National baptist union. New Jersey baptist bulletin. North Carolina baptist. Northwest baptist. Xya wecko fiostcii. Our Juniors. Pacific baptist. Panhandle bulletin. Treacher saft-guard. I'rimitive baptist. Primitive monitor and .linrch advocate. Pulpit and pew. Kegular baptist. Religious forum. Uellgious herald. Rocky mountain baptist Sabbath recorder. Sendbote. Service. South Carolina baptist. South Carolina standiird. Soutli Eastern liaptisi Southern advance. Southern baptist. Southern baptist iviin.-ss Standard. Texas baptist-herald. Vindicator. Virginia baptist. Watchman. Western baptist, \ictoria. Western baptist. South Mc.viester. Western recorder. Word and way. Young people. Zion's advocate. Zion's advocate. Zion's landmark. Barbers. Bar and barber. I'.arliers' journal. National barber and druggists' gazette. Professional barber. Sartorial art journal. Baseball. See also Sports and sporting. Chicago amateur baseball annual. Spalding's Buffalo amateur baseball year book. Spalding's Denver annitfur baseball year book. Spalding's Minneapolis amateur baseball year book. Spalding's St. F-ouls amateur baseball year book. Spalding's Washington amateur ba.seball year book. Bee keeping. .\merican bee journal. American bee-keeper. Bee-keepers' review. Gleanings in bee culture. I'aclflc states bee journal. Progressive bee-keeper. Itural bee-keeper. Southland (jueen. Benevolences. See Charities. Beta theta pi. Beta theta pi. Bible and Bible study. See also Sunday schools. American Institute of sacred literature. Bible society record. Bible student. Itiblia. Biblical world. Journal of Biblical literature Standard Bible commentory. Bibliography. See also B.>oks and book trade: Libraries. A. L. A. booklist. American educational catalogue. Annual American catalogue. 290 GUIDE 'lO PERIODICALS Annual library index. Bibelot, rciniut of potnr.v and prose for book lovers. Bibliographical society of America. Book review digest. Bulletin of Bibliograpby. Cincinnati public library. Annual list of books added. Cumulative book index. Cumulative index-digest. Engineering index. Good reading. Harvard university. Library. How to know the books. Index medicus. Legal bibliography. Library index to periodicals and current events. Literary collector. New York tribune index. Reader's guide to periodical literature. Review of historical publications relating to Canada. United States. Library of Congress. Wliat's in tlie magazines. BICYCLING. See Motoring. BIOGRAPHIES. See also History. Biographical annals of Ohio. Bowdoin college. Assoc, of alumni. Dartmouth college. Obituary record. Franklin and Marshall college. Obituary record. Successful American. Who"s who in America. ^Vho■s who in New York. Biology. See also Botany ; Zoology. Biological society of Washington. Biological bulletin of the marine biological laboratory. Columbia university. Leland Stanford Jr. university. Marine biological laboratory. Montana university. Birds. American bird magazine. American ornithology. Auk. Bird-lore. Nebraska ornithologists' union. Birds and Nature. Maine ornithological society. Michigan ornithological club. Osprey. Warbler. Wilson bulletin. Blacksmithing. American Blacksmith. Blacksmith and wheelright. Boating. See also Sports and sporting. Boating. Canoeing. Bookkeeping. See also Business. Bookkeepers' bulleiin. Chicago. Bookkeepers' bulletin. St. Louis. Home study. Books and book trade. American literary exchange. American book prices. American bookseller. Book and news-dealer. Book crier. Book news. Book notes. Book wants. B.ookman. Bookseller. Bookseller and latest literature. Bookseller and stationer. Bookseller, newsdealer and stationer. Canadian bookseller and library journal. Button's monthly readers' guide. Government publications. .Tottings. liibrary leaflet. McClurg & co.'s monthly Monthly book list. Monthly record of scientitic. literature. North Carolina booklet. Notes on books. Publisher and advertiser. I'ublisher and retailer. Publishers' guide. Publishers' trade list annual. Publishers' weekly. Sheaf. Mainly about people and books. Western chronicle. Bookbinding. Deutsch Amerikanische buchdrucker^zeitung. Boots and shoes. American review of shoes and leather. American shoemaking. Boot and shoe recorder. Canadian shoe and leather journal. Illustrated footwear-fashion. Northwestern shoe and leather journal. Shoe and leather facts. Shoe and leather gazette. Shoe and leather i-eporter. Shoe and leather world. Shoe retailer and boots and shoes weekly. Shoe trade journal. Walk-over shoe prints. Western shoe retailer. Botany. See also Floriculture ; horticulture. American botanist. American breeders' ass'n. American florist. American florist co. Biltmore botanical studies. Botanical gazette. Bryologist. California university. Chicago university. Columbia university. Fern bulletin. Harvard university. Cryptogramic labora- tory. Harvard university. Gray herbarium. Iowa state college of agriculture. .Tournal of mycology. JNIcGill college and university. Michigan viniversity. Missouri botanical "garden. Muhlenbergia. Mycological bulletin. Mycological notes. New York botanical garden. North American flora. Oiiio state university. Pennsylvania university. Plant world. Rhodora. Torrey botanical clu . Torreya. Bottling. American bottler. National bottlers' gazette. Southern carbonator and boiuer. Box making. Barrel and box. Box maker. Box trade journal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 291 Bowling. See also Sports and sporting. Howlers' magazine. Wastern bowlers' journal. Boys. See Juvenile ; youtli. Brewing. American brewer. American brewers' review. Brewer and maltster. Hrewers' journal. Western brewer. Bricks. See also I'otterv. Itrick. Bridge. Uriilpe. British- American. lUitisli-American. Hritish world. St. George journal. Western Kritlsb-American. Brooms. Iti-ooms, brushes, and handles. Building. Si>e .Vrcbitectiire and building. Business. lUisiuess. Business magazine. Business man's magazine and the book- keeper. Business monthly magazine. Business opportunities. Business philosopher. Business woman's magazine. Business world. Busy man's magazine. (lood business. I. (". S. messenger. Leaks. Modern business nieiliods. Modern methods. Otlice ai)pliances. Office economics. rrotit. Salesmanship. System. Butchers. American meat trade and retail butdiei journal. .\merican packer. Butcher and grocery clerks' journal. Butchers' advocate and market journal Butchers' and packers' gazette. Butchers' and stock growerss journal. Ofhcial journal A. M. C. & B. W. of N .\ Ketail butchers' and grocers' guide. Uelail butchers' journal. Western grocer, butctier and clerk. C. K. & L. of A. t'. K. and I,, of .\. jonriuil. Chicago. ('. K. and I,, of .V. journal. Memphis. C. 0. C. F. Kn iiiliow. Cabinet. See I'urniture, Calendars. .Vspiratlons lalendar. .Vutomoblle calendar Beverly calendar. Calendar of gallant living Children's leaflet calendar. Child's calendar benutiful. Christian Calendar. Christy calendar. (Jirls" friendly calendar. Cood cheer calendar. Harrison Kisher ciileudar Ilutt. H.. calendar. Impressions calendar. .Fapanese floral calendar. Mother goose calendar. .Music lovers' calendar. .Niiiure calendar. Sirii|>le life calendar. Willi llowers (calendar!. California. l'(.r California. ItcM.urces of soul hern California. Canada. < 'anada. Canadian. Candy. See also Bakers. Baker and candy jnaker. Confectioner and baker. Confectkmers' and Itakers' gazette. Confectioners' journal. Confectioners' review. International confectioner. Uetail confectioner and baker. Canoeing. See Boating. Caricature. S.'i' ,ils() Humor. Cai-i<;inire. Carpentiy. See Woodwork. Carpets. See also I'pholsiery. -Vmerican carpet and upnolstery journal. Carpet and upholstery trade review. Carpets, wall paper .I'lid L B. A. journal. California volksfreund. Canadian freeman. Casket. 292 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Catholic, rittsbiirg. Catholic. Denver. Catholic advance. Catholic citizen. Catholic Columbian. Catholic Columbia n-record. Catholic courier. Catholic directory. Catholic educational association. Catholic home annual. Catholic home companion. Catholic journal. Catholic journal of the south. Catholic knights of America journal. Catholic light. Catholic messenger. C^'atholic mirror. Catholic monthly. t'atholic news. Catholic pilot. Catholic record. London. Ontnrio. Catholic record. Quincy. Catholic register. Toronto. Catholic register. Kansas City. Catholic school journal. Catholic sentinel. Chippewa I'^alls. Catholic sentinel. Portland. Catholic standard and rimes. Catholic sun. Catholic telegram. Catholic tidings. Catholic transcript. Catholic tribune. Dubuque. Catholic tribune. St. Joseph. Catholic union. Catholic union and times. Catholic universe. Catholic visitor. Catholic witness. Catholic world. Chimes. Church progress and catholir world. Cloche du dimanche. Columlpia. Dolphin. Dominicana. Donahue's magazine. Dzienswiety. Ecclesiastical review. Estrella de antipolo. Excelsior. Father Mathew herald. Freeman's journal and catholic register. Gazeta katoliclja. Glocke. Happy home. Herold des glaubens. Hlas. Holy family. Home journal and news. Homiletic monthly and catechist. Ideal catolico. Intermountain catholic. Iowa catholic messenger. Irish world. Jednota. Katalikas. Katholische rundschau. Katholische volks zeitung. Katholischer glaubensbote. Kat hoi i seller jugenfreund. Katliolischer western. Katholisehes sonntagsblatt. Katholisches waohenblat t. Leader. Libertas. Luxemburger gazette. Magazine. Magyarak vasarnapja. Men and women. Messenger. New York. Messenger. Worcester. Messenger of the sacred heart. Michigan catholic Monitor, St. John. X. B. Monitor. San I'rancisco. Month. Morning star. New century. New freeman. New world. Niedziela. Nord Amerika. Northwest review. Northwestern chronicle. Observer. Patriot. Pilot. Rosary magazine. Register. Revista catolica. Sacred heart review. Sendbote. Slebodni orel. Southern messenger. Stimme der warheit. Sunday union. Sunday watchman. Tablet. Tidings. True voice. Tribune. True witness and catholic chroni<'le. Truth. I'nited Canada. Vatican and catholic star. Visitor. Wahrheit's freund. Wanderer. Western catholic. Chicago. Western catholic. Quincy. Western watchman. Western w^orld. Wielkopolanin. Catholic order of foresters. Catholic forester. Cattle. See also Live stock. American galloway herd book. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book. Arizona cattleman. Cavalry. See also Army and navy. ITnited States cavalry ass'n. Cement. Cement. Cement age. Cement and engineering news. Cement and slate. Cement era. Ceramics. See Pottery. Charities. Altruist. .Vltruistic interchange. Associated charities and the citizens' relief ass'n. Associated charities of Boston. Associated charities of Worcester. Charities and the commons. Charity organization society of the city of New York. Home record. Home visitor. Humanity. Indiana bulletin of charities and correc- tions. International sunshine society. Sunshine bulletin. Lend a hand record. Life boat. Massachusetts charitable mechanic ass'n. I GLIDE TO PERIODICALb 293 Michigaa state conference of cluiritics and corrections. National bulletin of charities and correc- tion. National conference of charities and correc- tions. National consumers' league. New York city visiting coniniiltee of the state charities and association. New York state charities and ass'n. New York state conference of charities and corrections. Ohio bulletin of charities and correottery review. Christian. See Ueligion. Christian Endeavor. Christian endeavor world. Cburch messenger and Flhode Island chris- tian endeavorer. Kndeavor banner. Kndeavorer of .Mabama. Iowa Christian endeavor. Junior Christian endeavor world. K. L. C. K. journal. Lookout. Missouri endeavorer. Kocky Mountain endeavorer. Christian science. Christian scien<-e journal. ciiiisilan science quarterly. t hrisiian science sentinel. Il.r..ld der Christian science. Church of Christ. Christian worker. linn foundation. I >ctographlc review. Church of England. Church wtjrk. \\'esieni churchman. Church of God. I luncli advocate. Cigars. Se,. Tobac.o Civil engineering. Sec Engineering. Civil service. ciiief. Civic news. Cood government. National civil service reform league. New York civil service reform ass'n. Public policy. Civics. American civic association. Chicago citizens' association. National civic federation review. Square deal. Clay. See Pottery. Climatology. See also Meteorology. -Vmerican c'imatological a.ss.iiiatioii. Clothing. See lashlon. Coal. See also Minerals ; Mines and mining. P.lack diamond. Coal. Coal and coke. Coal trade bulletin. Coal trade journal. Miner and operator. Northwestern coal dealer. Uetaii coalman. Cold storage. See he. Coke. See Cual. Colleges and schools. .\i nilemic herald. College of the city of New York. Academian. Nortliwestern universltv. Acadia athena?um. Wolfville. Acta Ylctorlana. Victoria university. Adelbert. .\lbion college pleiad. .\lfred university monthly. Allegheny literary monthly. .\lumni quarterly. University of Missouri. .\lumni register. University of Penna. .\lumni weekly. Princeton. .Vmerican brewing academy. Chicago. .\merican university courier. Anchor. Holland. Antiochian. .Vntioch college. Argosy. Mt. .Vlblon university. Association of .\mer.can universities Uni- versity of Chicago. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and .Mary- land. University of Penna. 294 GUIDE 10 PERIODICALS Association of collegiate alumnae. Wil- liamstown. AtheniEum. West Va. university. Allium. School of Mines. Rapid City. Barnard bulletin. Barnard college. Bates student. Bethany collegian. Black and gold. Honolulu high school. hiackburnian. Carlinville. Bowdoin orient. Bowdoin quill. Brown alumni monthly. Brown and white. Lehigh university. Brown daily herald. Brunonian. Brown university. Buchtelite. Buchnell mirror. Buff and blue. Gallendet college. Butler collegian. Californian. Berkeley. Camps. Ottawa university. Campus. University of Maine. Campus. I'niversity of Rochester. Campus. Allegheny coUesre. Cap and gown. University of Chicago. Cardinal. University of Wisconsin. Carolinian. Carletonia. Catholic university of America. Central collegian. Central news. Central ray. Centre college cento. Chaparral. Leland Stanford university. Chicago seminary cjuarterly. City college quarterly. Coe college cosmus. Coe college courier. Colby echo. College independent. People's university. College index. Kalamazoo college. College mercury. College of city of X. Y. College news. Wellesley college. College olio. Marietta college. College rambler. JacKsonville. College review. TTpper Alton. College review. Milton college. College signal. Mas. agri. college. College student. Franki.n Marshall college. College times. Upper Canada college. College topics. T'niversity of Va. College world. Adrian college. Collegian. Guilford college. Collegian. Oxford college. Columbia jester. Columbia spectator. Columbian. Concordiensis. T'uion college. Cornell alumni news. Cornell daily sun. Cornellian. Crimson-white. University oi Alabama. Dalhousie gazette. Dartmouth. Dartmouth bi-monthly. Dartmouth magazine. Delaware college review. Delphic. Des Moine, la. Denisonian. DePauw palladium. Dial. St. Mary's college. Dickinson liteiary monthly. Carlisle. Dickinson union. Williamsport. Dickinsonian. Carlisle. Doane owl. Drake delphic. Drury mirror. Dynamo. Mt. T^nion college. Echo. Olivet college. Emory college phoenix. English graduate record. Columbia univer- sity. Fiske herald. Fordham monthly. St. John's college. Free lance. Penn. state col.ege. Geneva cabinet. Beaver Falls. (ieorge AVashington university. Georgetown college journal. Georgia tech. Atlanta. (Jettysburgian. Gettysburg college. (iraduate magazine. University of J.ansas. (Jrinnell review. Guidon. Manchester. Hamilton life. Hamilton literary magazine. Hartford seminary record. Harvard advocate. Harvard bulletin. Harvard crimson. Harvard illustrated magazine. Harvard lampoon. Harvard monthly. Haverforuian. High school Aegis. Bloomington high school. Higli school life. Chicago. High school meet. Effingham. Hiram college advocate. Hobart herald. Flolcad. Westminster college. Howard collegian. Howard-Payne exponent. Hustler. Vanderbilt university. I. S. C. student. Ames. Hlini. University of Hlinois. Inlander. University of Michigan. Institute. Mass. institute of technology, Intercollegian. New York. Intercollegiate. Now York. Interlude. South Bend. Iowa alumnus. State university of Iowa Iowa alumnus, lowan. .Teft'ersonian. Philadelphia. Jeffersonian. Washington. Kalends. Baltimore. Kansas university weekly. Kentuckian. Kenyon collegian. Gambler. Kings college record. Windsor. Knox student. Galesburg. Lafayette. Easton. Lantern. Columbus. Lariat. Waco. Latin and high school review. Cambridge. Latin school register. Boston. Laurentian. Canton. I>awrentian. Appleton. Lesbian herald. Frederick. Literary monthly. Amherst. Lombard review. Galesburg. M. A. C. Agricultural college Mich. M. S. I^ independent. Columbia. M. S. U. savitar. Columbia. McGill outlook. Montreal. Mc^Master university monthly. :McMi(ken review. Cincinnati. Madisonensis. Hamilton. Manitoba college journal. Manitou messenger. Xorthfield. Maroon. Chicago. Mercerian. Macon. Mercury. Gettysburg. Miami student. Oxford. Michigan alumnus. Michigan daily. Michiganensian. Minnesota alumni weekly. Minnesota daily. Minnesota magazine. Mortarboard. New York. Nassau literary magazine. Princeton. National association of state universities in the U. S. A.. Nebraskan. New collegian. Hillsdale. GLIDE TO PERIODICALS J95 New ICiiKlaiKl ass...iaii..ii ..f (■.)I1hk..s and preparatory si-liools. New Ilampsliiie collepe mmulily. New Mexico collegian. Niagara index. Normal. Spearti.sli, .Normal advame. ferre Haute. Normal college news. Vpsilanti. North Carolina univer.sily magazine North central association «f colleg's and preparatory schools. Northwestern. Kvanston. Northwestern college clironUle .Nap-rville. »t. A. <". (Juelph. Occident. Herkeley. Ohio university luilletin. t)hio Wesleyan transcript. Old IVnn. Philadelphia. Olive and blue. New Orleans. Oracle. Ilamline. oracle. .Monmouth. Orange. Syracuse. Orange and blue. Lewisliurg. Orange and white. Knoxville. otterbein aegis. Westerville. Oven. Columbia. I'alo Alto. Stanford. I'anl Quinn weekly. Waco. Pelican. Rerkeley. I'enn chronicle. Oskaloosa. I'ennsylvanian. I'haros. IJuckhannon. I'hoenix. Swarthmore. rhreno-cosniian. Mitchell. Polytechnic. Brooklyn. Polytechnic. Troy. I'rinceton tiger. Princetonian. Pnncli l)owl. Philadelphia. Purple and gold. Ashland. (.Queen's quarterly. Kingston. gueen's university journal. Kingston. Itandolph-Macon monthly. Ashland. Ued and blue. Philadelphia. Kedwood. Santa Clara. Reserve weekly. Cleveland. Ueveille. Northfield. Hevlew. Oberlin. Review and bulletin of the Southern univ. Roanoke collegian. Rogerana. Nashville. Round table. Meloit. Rutgers targum. New Urunswick. St. John s university record. Scarlet and black, (trinnell. Scholastii-. Notre Dame. Seminary review. Auburn. Senior class-book. New York. Sentinel. St. Marys. Seqtioia. Stanford. Sewanee purple. Sewanee. Sheldon bulletin. Chicago. Sibyl. Klmlra. Silver and gold. Poulder. Simpsonian. Indianola. Southwestern presbyterian universitv jour- nal. Spectator. Lake Forest. Sphinx. Madison. Stanford alumnus. Stentor. Lake Forest Student. RIoomington. Student. Amherst. Student. N. I). Student. Wake Forest. Student life. St. I.ouis. Students' herald. Manhattan. Susquehanna. Selling (Jrove. Tar heel. Chapel Hill. Teachers college bulletin. New York. Tech. Rostou. Tech. Toledo. Tennessee university magazine. Tiger. Colorado Springs. Touchstone. Easton. Tran.sylvanian. Lexington. Triangle. New York. Trinity archive. Durham. Trinity tablet. Hartford. Trinity tripod. Hartford. Trinity university review. Toronto. Tuftonlan. Tufts college studies. Tufts weekly. Inion university quarterly. I nit. Orinnell. Iniversity beason. Itoston. Iniversity bulletin. Denver. University chronicle. Rerkeley. University chronicle. Salt Lake City. University courier. Washington. University cynic. Burlington. University herald. Syracuse. University melange. Laramie. University monthly. Fredericion. University of Arizona m opt'i-ativc .joiiiiiiil. Cooperage. National coopers' journal. Corporation. Corporation bulletin. National corporation reporter. Cotton. See also Textile fabrics. .\nierican wool and cotton reporter. Henton's monthly cotton (piotalion record. Cotton. Cotton and cotton oil news. i'otton bale. Cotton (jiiotation record. Cotton seed oil magazine. Interstate cotton seed crusliers' asso-.-iation. Hulletin. National ass'n of cotton manufacturers. American cotton manufacturer. National rice and cotton journal. Cranberries. < 'riiuberry grower. Crockery. Crockery and glass journal. Cruelty to animals. .Vinerican iuiinane association. Report. Humane journal. .lournnl of zoiiphlly. National humane educator. Our dumb animals. Crusaders. Herald of salvation. D. 0. of H. Deiilsdie eidie. Dairying. American cheesemaker. Chee.se and dairy journal. Creamery journal. Dairy and produce review. Dairy produce. Dairy record. Dairy report. Dairy world. Hoards dairyman. Jersey advocate and dairyii.aii. Jersey bulletin. Kimliall's dairy farmer. Live stock and dairy journal. I'roduce review and .Vmericiety of the dauiihters of tlie American revolution. Report. Progress of the west. Dante. Dante society. Report. Deaf and dumb. .Vmerlcan annals of the deaf. Deaf myites' journal. Deaf-mutes' register. Debating. des. Decoration. Inli-iior decoialiou. .\Ienhant and decorator. Wall paper news and interior d;cortlor. Delti Chi. Delta chi quarterly. Delta kappa epsilon. r>elta kappa epsilon q\ianerly Delta sigma nu. Helta sigma nu. Delta tau. Rainbow of delta tau. Delta upsilon. Delta upsilon quarterly Delta upsilon quarterly. Dentistry. American dental journal. .-Vmerlcan dentist at home and abroad. Bur. College forum. Desmos. Dominion dental journal. Dental brief. Dental clippings. Dental cosmos. Dental digest. Dental era. Dental headlight. Dental hints. Dental journal. Dental news. Dental office ami I.1I...1 MI..1 \ Dental register Dental review. Dental summary Dental world. Dialects. Dialect notes. Directories. American directory of the knitting trade in the I'nited States and Canada. Combination street directory and map. Gibson's directory. rolk & co's students' directory of the U. of M. Sharp and .\lieman Co's lawyers' and bank- ers' directory. Disciples. Christian. Christian courier. Christian leader ami the way Christian messenger. Pacific Christian. Watch tower. Dogs. American kennel gazette Canadian kennel gazette Dog fancier. Dogdom. Man's best friend. Domestic economy. .\merican household American housekeeper. Canadian good housekeeping. Budget. Good housekeeping. Home art. Homemaker. House furnishing review. Modern housekeeping Drama. See also .Mtislc. Amateur Thespian. Billlward. Critic. Dramatic Journal. New York dramatic mirror. Dramatic news. Dramatic review. 298 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS nramatic I'pview and music and drama. Dramatic times. Iconoclast. New York clipper. New York dramatic mirror. Show. Stage. Standard and vanity fair. Theatre. Town topics. Dressmaking. American dressmaker. Dressmaking at home. Drugs. See Pharmacy. Dry goods. Dry goods. Dry goods economist. Dry goods guide. Dry goods journal and Ituyers" guide. Dry goods record. Dry goods reporter. Dry goods review. Drygoodsman and general merchant. Trade review. Western dry goods. Dyeing. Chemical trade review and dyers' journal. Dyers" bulletin. Garment dyers' guide. Ear and eye. American journal of ophthalmology. American ophthalmological society." American otological association. Annals of ophthalmology. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngol- ogy. Archives of ophthalmology. Archives of 6tology. Eye and eyestrain. Journal of eye. ear and throat diseases. McGill college and university. New York eye and ear inrirmary. Ophthalmic record. Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmology. Optical journal. Eastern star. Eastern star. Eastern star signet. Mizpah. Our eastern star. Signet. Education. See also Colleges: Kindergarten: I'enman- ship. Ambition. American annals of the deaf. American college and public school direc- tory. American education. American educational review. American farm library. American Illustrator and home education. American institute of instruction. American journal of education. American negro academy. American primary teacher. American school "board journal. American society for the extension of uni- versity teaching. American woman's educational association. Arbor and bird day annual. -■Arkansas school journal. Ass'n of colleges 'and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Association of collegiate alumnae. Boyhood. Business educator. California education. California teachers' association. California university. Canadian churchman. Canada educational monthly. Canadian teacher. •Catholic educational association. Catholic school journal. Chautauqua quarterly. Chautauqnan weekly. Chicago teachers' federation, bulletin.- Collegian. Colorado school journal. Columbia university. Connecticut schooldocument. Drawing and manual training journal, Drexel institute bulletin. Education. Education in business. Educational. Educational bi-monthly. Educational exchange. l-^lucal idUiil foundations. i:(lu(:itiiinal gazette. lOducationnI monthly of Canada. Educational outlook. Educational record. Educational review. New York. Educational review. St. John. Educational science. Educational sun. Educator. Educator-journal. Elementarv school teacher. English leaflet. Enseignement primaire. Etudinnfp. I'cr^ns ronnty free high school. I'loridn school exponent. Ilarmsworth self-educator magazine. Home and school journal. Home study magazine. Industrial school advocate. Inland teacher. Instruccion primaria. International educator. Interstate school review. Iowa normal monthly. Iowa teacher. Journal of education. Journal of pedagogy. Kansas educator. Kansas star. Louisiana school review. Maryland educational journal. Midland schools. Mind and body. ^Minnesota school journal. Mississippi school journal. Mississijjpi teacher. Missouri school journal. Moderator-topics. Mountain educator. National association of state universities in the U. S. A. National commercial teachers' federation. National educational association. National educator. National society for the scientific study of education, year book. Nature study review. Nebraska teacher. New education. New England ass'n of colleges and prepara- tory schools. New Jersey ass'n for the study of children and youths. New lork state education department. New Y'ork state science teachers' ass'n. New York teachers' monographs. New York university. Normal index. Normal instructor and teachers' world. North central association of colleges and secondare schools. t GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 299 .Noriliwest .ioiirnal of ••ducaiimi. Ohio pdiicational monthly. < »hio school journal. Ohio teaihfT. Oklahoma school herald. Oregon teachers" monthly. Ottawa chautaiK|ua assembly herald. Our times. I'attersons collepc and school directory of the T'nited States and Canada. I'edaKOglcal seminary. Pennsylvania school journal. Platform and pulpit. Popular educator. Philippine teaiher. Practical age. Primary education. Primary plans. ProRressive teacher. I'ublic school journal. Religious education. Keligious education association. Review of catholic pedagogy. Review of education. School. School and fireside. School and home education. Scnooi arts hook. School bulletin and .New York state educa- tional journal. School education. School gazette. School herald. School journal. School monthly. School news and practical ed\icaior. School physiology Journal. School register. School review. School science. School vislti»r. School weekly. School world. School world. Fifth ave.. New York. School world. 79 Manhattan. New York School world. Karmington. Schoolmaster. Schoolmasters' association of New Ymk and vicinity. Society for the promotion of engineering education. Somerset idea. South Dakota educator. South Dakota state journal of education. Southern educational association. Southern educational journal. Southern school journal. Southern student. Spare-time study. Sunshine magazine. Teacher. ( hicago. Teacher. Phila. Teachers and students' friend. Teachers' bulletin. Teachers' college record. Teachers every day plans. Teachers' gazette. Teachers' Institute. Teacher's journal. Teachers' magazine. Teachers' world. Texas school journal. Texas school magazine. Tniversity herald. Virginia school journal. Welch's journal. Western journal of education. West Virginia school Journal. Western Jottrnal of education. Western school Journal. Western teacher. Westland educator. Wisconsin journal of education. Wooster quarterly. Young citizen. Young idea. Eggs. Kgg rniMirtcr. Electric light. Sec Klectriciiy. Electricity. See also Kngineering. American institute of electrical engineers. Canadian electrical news and engineering Jouri.nl. Chicago, the electric city. Cornell university electrical society. Central station. Klectrlc journal. Klectric storage battery co. Klectrical age. Klectrlcal era. Klectrical record. Klectrlcal review, Klectrical worker. Klectrical world. Klectrician and mechanic. Klcctricity. Electrochemical and metallurgical inUiistry. Klectrocraft. Kmerson monthly. General electric co. Journal of electricity, power, and gas Lampoon. Monroe's magazine. National electrical contractor. National electric light association. New York Kdison co. Western electrician. Elks. Alabama elk. California elks. Dakota elk. Klk news. Klks-antler. Klks family magazine. 'Jolden elk. Hello Hill : Interstate elk. .lolly elk. Kentucky elk. National elks horn. Pennsylvania elk. Rocky mountain elk. Roiky mountain herald. Southern buck. Southern California elk. Tristate elk. Wesi.-rn elk.- Elocution. Expression. Engineering. See also Klectricity: Heating and ventilat- ing : Marine : Mines and mining : Munic- ipal. Naval: Surveying: Water. .American engineer and railroad journal. .\merican marine engineer. American society for testing materi.tls. .\merican society of civil engineers. .\merican society of mechanical engineers. .Vmerlcan waterworks association. .\ssociation of civil engineers. .Vs.sociation of engineering societies. Itutter prints from the homestead. Canadian engineer. Cassier's magazine. Cement and engineering news. Chemical engineer. Columbia university. Compressed air. Domestic engine«>ring. 1S.S9. Domestic engineering. 1RS>3. Engineer. Engineer and builder. 300 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Engineering and mining joiirnnl. Engineering-contracting. Engineering index. Engineering journal of Canada. Engineering magazine. Engineering news. Engineering record. Engineering review. Engineering world. Engineers' club of Pliiladelpliia. Engineers' list. Engineers' review. Engineers' society of western I'ennsylvania. Far eastern review. I'^ire and water engineering. Illinois society of engineers and surveyors. Illuminating engineer. Insurance engineering. International marine engineering. International steam engineer. Iowa engineer. Iowa engineering society. Hoisting engineer. Journal of engineering. McGill college and university. Mechanic. Michigan engineer. Michigan technic. National engineer. Ohio engineering society. Power. Power and lighting economist. Practical engineer. Purdue engineering review. Railroad gazette. Railway and locomotive engineering. School of practical science. Siblev journal of engineering. Society for the promotion of ena-ineering education. Southern engineer. Stevens institute indicator. Sturtevant engineering seriv'S. Transit. Utah engineer. Western society of engineers. Wisconsin engineer. Wisconsin. University bulletin. English language. Sop also Philology. I'diitriljutions to rhetorical theory. Correct English — how to use it. High school English leaflet. Engraving. See also Arts. lOnjiraver and electrotyper. Entertainments. Hints. Talent. Entomology. American entomological society. Canadian entomologist. Entomological news. Entomological society of Washington. New York entomological society. Ohio state university. I'syche. Episcopal church. See I'rotestant episcDpal church. Epworth league. See also Methodist. Canadian Epworth era. Ethics. Industrial journal of ethics. Society for ethical culture. World's advance thought and universal re- public. Ethnology. See Anthropology ; Archaeology. Milwaukeo. Phila Evangelical. See Religions. Express. Express gazette. Eye. See Ear and eye. F. 0. E. Canadian eagle. Eagle. Eagle's aerie. Fraternal siftings. Montana eagle. Family and home. See also Domestic economy. Acker und gartenzeitung. American family journal. American home. American home journal. American home magazine. American home magazine. American home maker. American home monthly. American homestead. American motherhood. American queen. American referee. Argosy. Bulletin. Centiuela de la verdad. Character builder. Cneerful moments. Columbian. Comfort. Cornelia. Deutsche hausfrau. Dorchester beacon. Famiglia. Familien blaetter. Family. Faniilv lierald and star and practical agri- culturist. Faniilv story paper. Farm 'folks.' Good literature. Hearthstone. Home advocate. Home advocate. Home and family. Home and state. Home budget. Home chimes. Home friend. New York. Home friend. Kansas City. Home instructor. Home life. Chicago. Home life. White Plains. Home light. Home magazine. Home monthly. Home queen. Home world. Homemaker. Denver. Homemaker. Des Moines. House and home. Household companion. Household guest. Household journal. Household realm. Household words and grape leaf Housekeeper. Housewife. Illustrated family herald. Illustrated companion. Illustrated weekly. Illustreret familie journal. Journal and news. Eadies home .journal. I^adies home journal style book. Ladies home magazine. Ladies home topics. Ladies magazine. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 301 l-adies' world I^odKor Mnil order nionilily Midluud review. Midwest. .Modern home. Modern rrisiilla. Modern .stories. Modernes journal fur deiitclie I'rauen. Mother's nuiKazine. Motlier's Journal. Myerson's American family magazine. New Jersey gazette. N'ortn American weekly Opera glass. (Mir second century. Outlook. Penny monthly. People's companion. People's popular monilily. Philippines gossip. Pictorial review. Rocky mountain sentinel. Hupert's magazine. Saturday niglit. Saturday record. Sonntags hiatt. Sonntagsgast. Southern field and lircsidf. Star monthly. Sunlight. Svenska family journal. Svenskn roman-hlaum. American clothier. American furrier. American gentleman. American modiste. American skirt alluiui. .Vmerlcan waist .illuim .\pparel gazette. .\pparel retailer. Art de la mode. Honton. Uetween us. Butterick fashions. Biitterlcks moden-revue. Chicago apparel gazette. Chicago household guest. Cloaks and furs. Clothier and furnisher. Clothier and haberdasher. Correct clothes monthly. Costume royal. Crerand's cloak journal. r>ellneafor. Peslgner. r>ress. Kllte styles. Knglish gentleman. Kspejo de la moda. Farm loans ami city bonds. Fashion world. Fashionable waists. Fashions. <;ardiners magazine. • ient lewoman. Haberdasher's correct dress chart .lunior toilettes. Ladies tailoring and dress. MoCairs bazaar of fashions McCalls magazine. Mack & Co's home news. Men's magazine. .Mode. .Mode magazine. -Modes. Modes and fabrics. Mont 111 V magazine of fashion. .New styles. New York fashions Parisieiines. Peerless fashion guide Popular fashions. Standard fashions. Style. Toilettes. Voice of fashion. Vogue. Women's and infants' furnisher. Western fashion journal. Fertilizers. .\iueric:in fert ilizer. Financial. P.ad debt exterminator and business adviser. lianker and stockholder. Bonds and mortgages. Bond buyer. Bond news. Bulletin. Business and finance. Capitalist. . Commercial and financial world. Coupon and dividend register. Dickermans C. S. treasury lounterfeit de- tector. Dun's review. Fmpire of finance and trade. Far eastern review. Finance. I'lnaiue and commerce. Financial age. I'inancial and commercial review I'inanciai lirleflet. Financial bulletin. l'liianational geographic magazine. Geology. California university. Columbia university. Economic geology. (Jeological society of America. Georgia geological survey. Illinois state geological survey. .TournnI of peology. Kansas, rniversity geological survey. McGill colicge and university. Montana university. Mother earth. North Carolina geological survey. Ohio geological survey. South Dakota geological s\irvey. West Virginia geological survey. Georgia. Southland. Ginseng. Special crops. Glass. China, glass, and pottery review. Commoner and glass worker. Glass and potterv world. National glass budget. Gloves. Glovers" journal. Glovers' review. Goats. .\meri<-an slockiuan. Golf. Golf. Golfers' magazine. Good roads. Good roads. (Jood roads magazine. Grain. See also I'lour. American elevator anrican historical association. American historical magazine. American historical review. American-Irish historical societv. American Jewish historical society. American monthly magazine. Annals of Iowa. Berkshire hills monthly. Brookline historical society. Buffalo historical society. Chicago historical society. Columbia university. Connecticut historical society. Connecticut magazine. Connecticut valley historical society. Delaware historical society. Deutsch-Amerikanische geschiclitsblatter. Deutsche historische gesellschaft fiir den District Columbia. Early settlers ass'n of Cuyahoga county. Kssex institute. l''airliel(l county historical society. Filson club. Fitchburg historical society. Georgia historical society. German-American annals. Hawaiian historical society. Historic magazine and notes and queries. Historical bulletin. Historical New England. Historical society of Montana. Historical society of iiontgomery co.. Pa. Historical society of southern California. Howard historical studies. Howard oriental series. Hyde park historical record. Illinois state historical library. Illinois state historical society. Indiana quarterly magazine of history. Iowa journal of history and politics. Ipswich historical society. James Sprunt historical monographs. Jefferson county historical society. John P. Branch historical papers of Kan- dolph-Macon college. Johns Hopkins university. Kansas state historical society. Kentucky state historical society. Lancaster county historical society. Little journeys. Lundy's Lane historical society. Magazine of history. Maryland historical magazine. Maryland historical society. Massachusetts historical society. Medford historical register. Michigan pioneer and historical society. Military historical society of Massachusetts. Minnesota historical society. Mississippi historical s'ociety. Missouri historical review. Montana historical society. National flag-union war journal. Nebraska state historical society. New Hampshire historical society. New Haven colony historical society. New Jersey historical society. New London co. historical society. New York state historical association. New Y^ork university. Old Maryland. Ontario historical society. Oregon historical society. Pennsylvania-German. Pennsylvania magazine of history and biog- raphy. Pennsylvania university. Presbyterian historical society. Prince society. Records of the past. Rhode Island historical society. Rhode Island historical tracts. South atlantic quarterly. South Carolina historical society. Southern historical society. Southern history association. Spanish war journal. Spirit of '76. Studies in history, economics and public law Texas state historical association. Topsfield historical society. Transallegheny historical magazine. Vermont antiquarian. Vermonter. Virginia magazine of history and biography. William and Mary college quarterly. Wisconsin state historicai society. Wisconsin university. Worcester society of antiquity. Wyoming historical and geological society. I GUIDE TO PERIODICALS .^05 Hogs. Amoi-ican swinehord. Staiulanl roland-i'hinn record. Swino tirpedcrs" Joiirniil West (Mil swine hrceder. Holiness. Cliristinii wiiiicss and advnralc nf I'.iMc hol- iness. Expositor of I lie riirist life. Cospel tiiimpel. 'I'exas holiness arii'<)pathic medical society of tlie state of Pennsylvania. Homoeopathic re<-ordei'. Hospital leaflet. .lovirnal of surgery. ol)steiridd fellows' talisman Illinois odd fellow. iid truth. Huntsville. Phila. Iowa odd fellow. Oklahoma and Indian Ter. odd fellow. Loyal odd fellow. National rebekah. New age. Nor-Ohio I. O. O. F. bulletin. Mississippi odd fellow. Mountain state odd fellow. I'acific odd fellow. Popular odd fellow. Southern odd fellow. Sovereign odd fellow. Speaking leaf. Tennessee odd fellow. Texas odd fellow. Tri-state odd-fellow. Triple link. Utah odd fellow. Virginia odd lellow. AVashington odd fellow. Western odd fellow. AYestern rebekah. India. American Ramabai association. India rubber. India rubber world. India rubber review. Indians. American anthropologist. Indian rights association. Indian's friend. Industry. See also the names of various industries. American Asiatic. Browning's industrial magazine. Dixie. Canadian manufacturer. Chicago, the great central market. Expansion. Industrial advocate. Industrial age. Industrial Canada. Industrial journal. Industrial record. Industries. Miner and manufacturer. Pacific progress. Southern industrial review. Streets' weekly. Texas trade review and industrial record. Wyoming industrial journal. Inebriation. (Quarterly journal of inebriety. Insanity. See Nervous system. Insurance. Accident insurance manual. Actuarial society of America. Adjuster. American exchange and review. American insurance journal. American underwriter. Argus. Assurance. Bulletin. Chronicle. Coast review. Deutsches versicherungs-journal von Amer- ika. Economist. Indicator. Insurance. Insurance advocate. Insurance age. Insurance agent. Insurance and comercial magazine. Insurance and commercial review. Insurance and finance chronicle. Insurance cases for the month. Insurance critic. Insurance engineering. GL'IDE TO PERIOD! (ALS 307 Insurance field. Insurance index. Insurance journal. Insurance Journal. Insurance law journal. Insurance leader. Insurance maBazine. Insurance monitor. Insurance news. Insurance observer. Insurance post. Insurance press. Insurance register. Insurance report. Insurance sun. Insurance times. Insurance topics. Insurance world. Intellijipncer. Interview. Investigator. Journal of insurance economics. Life insurance courant. I-lfe insurance educator. I-ife insurance independent. :Monthly fire bulletin. Monthly journal of insurance economics. Mutual underwriter and savings and loan review. Mutual investigator. National board of lire underwriters. National leaflet. Natioiuil underwriter. Office and field. Pacific underwriter. Record. Rough notes.. Royal templar. Shareliokler and insurance gazette. Southeastern underwriter. Spectator. Standard. Statement. Surveyor. Texas insurance. Thrift. I'nderwriter. Baltimore. I'liderwriter. New York. I'nderwriters' review. Inited States review. Views. Vigilant. Vindicator. Western economist. Western insurance review. Western underwriter. Inventions. American Inventor. Inventive age and patent index. inventor. Investments. See also Hanks .iiul banking: Commercial. American magazine of mining and Invest ment. Commercial and financial chronicle. financial record and investors manual. llnndbook for mining investors. InlaiKl Investor anil mid and magazine. Investing for profit. Investor. Investors review. Money maker magazine National investor. New southwest. Northwest homeseekiT ann investor. Pacific states investor I'liited States Investor. Western investors review. Irish. .\merir el-OSS. Knights of Columbus. ColunibiiMl Knights of the globe. Knights of the glolie. Knights of the golden cross. Golden cross journal. Knights of the golden eagle. Central states eagle. Golden eagle. New Jersey crusader Knights of Pythias. Alabama knight. Arizona I'ythiau record. Blade. California knight. Carolina Pythian. Florida Pythian. Fraternities review. Jersey knight. Kentucky knight. Knight. Lone star Pythian. Michigan knighthood. Pacific Pythian. Pennsylvania Pythian Pythian. Pythian advocate. Pythian age. Pythias and calanthe. Pythian banner. Pythian chronicle. Pythian gleaner. Pythian herald. Forth Smith. Pythian herald. Kansas City. Pythian herald gazette. Pythian journal.' Indianapolis. Pythian journal. Centreville. Pythian knight. Evansville. lud. I'vtliinn kniulu. Rochester. Pythian lea.ler. Pythian lodge secret. Pythian monitor. Pythian news. Pythian record. Pythian review. Pythian shield. Pythian sunbeam. Pythian times. Pythian tribune. Senator. Sloan's K. P. weekly. South Dakota knight. Southern I'ythian. Sprig of myrtle. Texas Pythian banner-knight. Tiger and crescent. True Pythian. Virginia Pythian. Western knight. Wyoming Pythian. Knights of the maccabees. Bee hive. Modern Maccabee. New Y'ork ;\Iaccabee. Labor. Advocate. Hammond. Advocate. Ftica. .\llied printing trades journal. Amalgamated journal. American federationalist. Arbeiter-zeitung. .\rtisan. Association of officials of bureaus o statistics of America. P>iene. Blacksmith's journal. Boiler makers' and iron ship builders Brauer-zeitung. Bricklayer and mason. Broom maker. Brotherhood of electric railway niole magazine. Brotherhood of locomotive engineers GLIDE TO PERIODICALS 309 HuiUlinu trades oinployeis' assiKiniion. «'alifornia ptMroleiim uiIiums' associatinn. Carpenter. Cbroniele. Cigar maker's otlicial journal. (,'ltizen. Clarion-advocate. Coast seamen's journal. Cooper's international journal Courier. Diamond. Dispatcli. Eiuht hour miller. Kleclrieal worker. lOxponent. St. I.ouis. Kxponent. Saginaw. Federation news. I'ederationist. Korum. Free citizen. Gazette. Georges creek press. Granite cutters' journal. Harliinger. Herald. Herold. Illas lidu. Idaho unionist. Illinois tradesman. Independent. Boone. Independent. .lanesviile. Independent. \'ancouver. Industrial advocate. Industrial banner. Industrial herald and citizen. Industrial journal. Industrial weekly. International bookbinder. International brotherhood of stationary fire- men's journal. International horseshoers' magazine. International wood worker. Iowa unionist. Iron moulder's journal. Journal. Journal of labor. Journal of labor. Journal of the knights of labor. Justice. Kern county union labor journal. Labor advocate. Labor advocate. Nashville. Labor advocate. Reading. Labor advocate. Youngstown. T-abor champioti. Labor clarion. Danville. Klvins. Kewanee. Savannah. \Vllmingtirnal Tageblatt. Tailor. Toliacco worker. Toiler. Eau Claire. Toiler. Glen Falls. Toller. Terre Haute. Toiler. Toronto. Toilers' defense. Trade union journal. Trade unionist. Trades and labor gazette. Trades journal. Trades record. Trades union advocate. Trades union gazette. Tri-cltv labor voice. Tri-city unionist. Tribune. Cedar Rapids. Tribunal. Sacramento. I'nion. Indianapolis. I'nion. Minneapolis. Inlon. St. Joseph. I'nion advocate. Jamestown. Union advocate. Sioux L ity. I'nion banner. I'nion gazette. I'nion index. I'nion label. Iloston. I'nion label. Kvaiisville. Inion label. San Jose. Inlon label. Tampa. I'nion labor, nurllngton. Iiiion labor. Los Angeles. I'nion leader. I'nion obrera. I'nion record. I'nitinist. Fort Siott. Inionist. Murphy.sboro. I'nionist. Muskogee. Inionist. Norfolk. Inited labor journal. Memphis. Inlted labor journal New Orleans. I'nited mine workers' journal. 3IO GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Voice. Voice of the people. Volljsfreund. Voz dee obrero. Wageworlier. Western laborer. Woman's label league journal. Workman. Lace. Lace maker. Ladies of the maccabees. Ladies review. Lady Maccabee. Lamps. China, glass and lamps. Laundiy. American laundry journal. Canadian laundryman. National laundry journal. Starchroom laundry journal. Law. Advance reports supplemental to the legal intelligencer. Albany law journal. All opinions of the United States supreme court. American and English corporation cases. American and English decisions in equity. American and English railroad cases. American bankruptcy reports. American bar association. American corporation legal manual. American criminal reports. American digest. American law directory. American law register. American law review. American law times. American lawyer. American lawyers quarterly. American legal news. . American negligence report. American state reports. Association of the bar of the city of New York. Atlantic reporter. Bar. Bench and bar. Canada law journal. Canadian law review. Canadian law times. Case and comment. Central law journal. Chicago law journal. Chicago law directory. Chicago legal news. Citator. Colorado bar association. Columbia law review. Commercial lawyer. Court index. Cream of the law. Current law. Detroit legal news. Eastern law reporter. Examiner. Federal reporter. New York. Federal reporter. St. Paul. Georgia bar association. Gourick's Washington digest. Green boy. Guaranteed attoi'neys' quarterly. Howard law review. Illinois college of law weekly. Illinois law review. Illinois state bar association. Indiana state bar association. Iowa state bar association. Kentucky law reporter. Law. Law bulletin. Law journal. Detroit. T>aw journal. New York. Law notes. Law reporter. Law students' helper. Law of rights. Law register. Law-giver. Lawyers' reports. Legal adviser. Legal bibliography. Legal intelligencer. Legal journal. Legal news. McMaster's commercial decisions. Maine bar association. Maryland bar association. Mercantile adjuster. Michigan law review. Michigan serial digest. Missouri bar association. Monaghon's cumulative annual digest of Pennsylvania decisions. Montgomery co. law reporter. National reporter system. Nebraska legal news. New Mexico bar association. New York state lawyers' aiary. New York supplement. Northwestern reporter. St. Paul. Northwestern reporter. St. Paul. Notes to statutes of Indiana. Ohio law bulletin. Oklahoma law journal. Pacific reporter. Pennsylvania bar association. Pennsylvania county court reports. Pittsburgh legal journal. Record. Kansas City. Record. St. Louis. Reporter. Revista del foro. Revue de jurisprudence. Revue legale. Royal gazette. Halifax. Royal gazette. Charlottetown. Southeastern reporter. Southern reporter. Southwestern reporter. Supreme court reporter. Virginia justice and citizen. Virginia law register. United States supreme court reports. University law review. Washington law reporter. Western law reporter. Western reserve law journal. Yale law journal. League of honor. Herald. Leather. Canadian shoe and leather journal. Hide and leather. Leather manufacturer. Shoe and leather gazette. Snoe and leather reporter. Shoe and leather world. Trunks, leather goods and umbrellas. Legislation. Legislative news. New York university. Year book of legislation of the N. Y. state library. Libraries. See also Bibliography : Books. Boston public library monthly bulletin. Bowdoin college library. Brockton library. Brookline public library. Brooklyn public library. California state library. Extension dept. Carnegie library of Atlanta. Carnegie library of I'ittsburgh. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 311 Carthage pulilic lilirary lnilleiin. Ciark university library. Dover. Public library. Indiana state Imrary. Kno<-h I'rait free library. Kitfhlmrj: public lilirary. I'letrher free liltrary. <;rnnd lEnpids p\ililic librarv. Hartford. I'ublic library. Helena. Tublie library. Indianapolis public librar'-. Iowa library commission. Iowa masonic library. J. Ilermon P.osler memorial library. Joliet public library. Kansas City. Public library. I.aconia public library. Library company of Phi. a. Library journal. Library news. Library notes and news. Library occurrcnt. Library record. Library work. Maiden. Public library. Mercantile library. Michigan state library commission. Millicent library bulletin. Monthly bulletin. Nebraska library btilletin. Nebraska public library commission. New Hedford free pul)iic library. New York pulilic liurary. New York university. Open shelf. Public libraries. Purdue university library. Passepnn Nord- Americana. Quincv. I'l'co ]iublic librarv. Ro.kfiird public librarv. St. Louis. Public library. Seattle public library. Vermont library commission. Wilmington institute free librarv. Wisrn montlilv. Story magazine. Strand magazine. Suburban life. Success. Sunbeam. Suunyside magazine. Sunny soutli. Sunset. Svava. Svojan. Tales. 10 story book. Thrift. Time and tlie lioiir. Times Saturday review Tom Watsons magazine. Town and country. Transatlantic tales. Travel. True flag. True republic. Truth. Twentieth century review, rngdommens ven. Ingdomsvannen. Valkyrlan. Valley magazine. Vlckery and Hill list. Vickery's fireside visitor. \'oice of the negro. Wavside tales. Wave. Waverlev magazine. Weekly. West coast magazine. West end magazine. Western magazine. Westerner. AVestmlnster review. Wetmore's weekly. Wilshlre's magazine. Wide world magazine. World wide. World today. Worlds events magazine. World's work. Writer. Yankee blade. Ye l»t magazine. Zukunft. Live stock. See also Agriciillnre : ("aiile; Slieci) : etc. American breeder and feeder. American live stock and poultry raiser. American stock farm and advance farmer. Blooded stock. Breeder and sportsman. Breeders gazette. (Mtlcago live stock world. Drovers' Journal. Drovers' journal-stockman. Drovers' telegram. Farm and stock. Farm stock journal. (ioodalls fiirmers and drovers journal. Holsteln-I'rleslan register. Jersey hustler. lilve stock and dairy journal. Live stock Inspector. Live stock Journal. Live stock journal. Live stock journal. Iulletin. Hot Springs medical journal. Hlinois medical bulletin. Illinois medical Journal. Indiana inedi• / Methodist review. Motliodist year-l)0l)udet. SiKiis of the times. South Carolina methodlst. Southern Christian advocate. Southern Christian recorder. Southern methodist. Southwestern Christian advoiale. Star of zion. Te.xas Christian advocate. Te.xas itrotestant. N'eslra s.iiKlehudet. Vidnesbyrdet. Wesley an. Wesleyan Christian advocate. Wesieyan herald. Wpsleyan methodist. West Virginia methodist advocate. West \iririnia methodist protestant. Western Christian advocate. Ardnion-. Western Cliristiaii julvocate. Cinciii. Western (liristian r.'.order. Western .Melhodisi r.'corder. Western methodist times. Wisconsin Christian advocate. Woman's missionary record. Zion's herald. Mexico. Chacanias valley chroniclp. Modern Mexico. Microscopy. .\iiierican microscopici. society. .\iiieriian moptlily microscopical ioiirnal Military. See also .\riny and navy. Canadian military gazette. lIliiiDis ("I'd! volunteer survivors assn. .Journal of the military service institutiou. -Military service instruction of the T'nited States journal. National jjuardsman Ticket Kuaid. Milk. See also Dairvinj;. Milk news. Milk reporter. Millinery. Milliner. Millinerv trade review. Milling. .\merican miller, rtixie miller. Illustrated milliner. Mill and shop news Mill news. Mill owners. Millers' review. Modern miller. Northwestern miller. Operative miller Holler mill. Southern mills. Western milliner. Mineral water. .American wine pres lineral wax Mines and mining. See also Coal; lion and Sleel : Metals. .\merican Institute of mining euglneerH. American magazine of mlnlujr and Invest- ment. American mining congress. niack hills mining review. British Columbia iii.ning exc.iange and in- vestor's guide. Uritlsli Columbia iiiin iig record. California moderna. Canadian mining revii-w. Columbia university Copper handbook. Itaily mining record lOngineering and mining journal Handbook for mining investors. Industrial times and mining record. International mining news. Kansas university. l-ands and mines. I.ake Superior mining institute .Michigan miner. Miner. Mineral collector. .Mining indiislrv. Mines. Mines and minerals Mines and mining. Mining. Mining and engineering review, electrician and western oil exponent. Mining ami scientilic press. Mining gazette. Mining investor. Mining record. Mining reporter. Mining review. Los .\iigeles. .Mining review. Salt I.ake city. .Mining review and metallurgist. .Mining topics. Mining world. Denver. Mining world. Chicago. Northwestern miner, maiiufaiiurer and met- allurgist. Ores and niPtals. I'acilic miner. I'ortage lake mining gazette Uocky mountain miner School of mines ngregatlonal work. Foreign mission Journal. roreign missionary tidings. Home mission echoes. Home mission monthly. Home missionary. Industrial missions magazine. Life and light for woman Mission field. Mission gleaner. Mission studies. Missionary. Missionary herald. Missionary intelligencer. Missionary messenger Missionary monthly. Missionary outlook. 3i8 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Missionary record. Missionary review of the world. Missionary search-liglit. Missionary tidings. Missionary tidings. Missionary world. Primitive missionary. Search light. Spirit of missions. Tidings. Voice of missions. Woman's home missions. Woman's missionary advocate. Woman's missionary friend. Woman's work for woman. Women's missionary magazine. World wide missions. Young Christian soldier. Modern woodmen of America. American woodman. Iowa woodman. Minnesota and western states woodman. Missouri woodman. Modern wood craft. Modern woodman. Royal woodman. Silver leaf. Woodman. Money. See also Banks and banking. Monetary record. Money. Pittsburg. Money. New York. Money and risks. Mormons. Autumn leaves. Bikuben. Children's friend. Deseret evening news. Juvenile instructor. Saints' herald. Young woman's journal. Zion's ensign. Zion's hope. Moravian. Rriider botschofter. Moravian. Motoring. Auto-life. Auto-review. Automobile. Automobile dealer and repairer. Automobile magazine. Automobile topics. P.icycling world. Canadian motor. Canadian wheelman. Cycle and automobile trade journal Cycling. Cycling and auto-car news. Horseless age. Motor. Motor age. Motor boat. Motor car. Motor cycle magazine. Motor field. Motor news. Motor print. Motor talk. Motor traflfic. Motor way. Motor world. ^Motoring and boating. Motorist. Pacific automobiling. Pacific motoring. Power boat news. Reo echo. Sidepaths. AA'heelmen's gazette. Mountaineering. See also Geography. Appalaehia. Mazama. Municipal affairs. See also Civics. Concerning municipal ownership League of American municipalities Midland municipalities. Municipal art society. Municipal engineering. Municipal journal and engineer. Municipal world. Municipality. National municipal league. Pacific municipalities. Railway news and commercial traveler. Museums. See Natural history. MUSiC/\ y^, L^ , , ;■ , y, -AHiMsal musical directory. American music journal. American musician. American musician and art journal. Brainard's musical. Caecilia. Cadenza. Canadian music and trades journal. Choir herald. Choir journal. Choir leader. Church music. \ Conservatory. Cuua musical. Dominant. Echo. Etude. Festal days. Indicator. International musician. Key note. Belding. Keynote. New I'ork. Kunkel's musical review. Loomis" musical and masonic journal. Metronome. Music lover's calendar. New York. Music lover's calendar. Newton Center. Music teacher and uome magazine. Music trades. Musical age. Musical America. Musical and educational directory of De- troit and eastern Michigan. Musical directory of greater Cincinnati and visitors' guide. Musical corner. Musical courier. Musical echo. Musical enterprise. Musical era. Musical harp. Musical leader and concert goer. Musical million. Musical news. Musical record and review. Musical review. Musical tempo. Musical times. Musical trade review. Musician. National home and music journal. New England conservatory magazine. New music review and church music review. Organ. Organist. Passe temps. Pepper's musical times and band journal. T'resto. (.Quarterly bulletin of new music. S. S. Stewart's banjo, mandolin and guitar journal. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 319 Scbool imisi.' m. .111 lily. Standard choir moiiililv. Violin world. Universal song. Wa-wan press. YoiiiiK folks iniisic iiioiiililv. National sons of the golden west. Cilifinnia revk'w. National guards. .Naiiiiiial K'lardsman. It.'voillf. Sfvciilh regiment guzelte. Natural history. Academy of natural sciences. American museum of natural history. American naturalist. American society of naturalists. Hoston society of naniral history. HulTalo society of natural sciences. Cariieglo museum. Cincinnati museum. rincinnati society of natural history. IMeld museum of natural history. Illinois state laboratory of natural history. Illinois state museum of natural history. Iowa naturalist. Iowa state university. Linnean. Minnesota academy of natural sciences. Minnesota geological and natural history survey. Natural history society of New Brunswick. Naturaliste t'anadien. Nautilus. Newport natural history sociciy. New York university. <1hio naturalist. riiilippine museum. Tort land society of natural history. Santa liarhara society of natural history. Wisconsin geological and natural history survey. Wisconsin natural history society. Nature study. .Mlautic slope naturalist. r.u\s ami girls. Naval architecture and engineering. See also lOngineering ; Army and iiavv. .Vmericaii society of naval engineers jniir. Cruiser. International marine engineer. Naval stores review. Society of naval architects and marine en- gineers. riiiied Slates naval iustiiute. Needle work. Iloiiie needle work nuigazine. Negro. Southern workman. Voice of the people. Nervous system. See also Medicine. .Mienist and neurologist. American journal of insanity. Journal of comparative neurology Journal of mental pathology. Journal of nervous and mental diseases National association for study of epiplepsy. New thought. Metaphvslcal magazine. Nautilus. Newsboys. (lur l.oys. N.'wslioys magazine. Newspapers. .Vutericau newspaper annual. .Vmerican newspaper directory. North Dakota. Norih Dakotan. Numismatics. -Vmerican journal of nniiiismai ics. Canadian autiquarian and numismatic jour Nutnismatist. Nursing. American journal of nursing. rirst aid. Nurses' journal of the pacific coast. Trained nurse and hospital review. Obstetrics. See Gynecology and obstetrics. Odd fellows. See Independent order of .,dd fellows Oil. See also Pharmacy. Cotton seed oil magazine. Oil. paint and drug review. Pacific oil reporter. Paiin. oil and drug reporter. Pi-iiol.iiin gazette. Ophthalmology. See Kar and eye. Optics. See also IJght. Kenestrum. Hardy messenger. I.ens. Merry idea. Optical instrument monllilv Oratory. See also Elocution. I'.meison college magazine. Speaker. Orange societies. New: :an. Iter. Orgi See .Music. Ornithology. See Pinls. Osteopathy. American osteopathic association Journal of osteopathv Osteopathic advocate" Osteopathic health Osteopathic physician. ••steopathic truth. Klgin Osteopathic truths. New York Osteopathic world. Southern journal. still college journal of osteMi.nthv Otology. ' See Kar and eye. P. 0. S. of A. -New .ler.sey patriot. < amp life. Paediatrics. See Children's disea.ses. Paint and painting. See also Pharmacv. I-.xchange. Master painter. Paint.-r and wood finisher a inters magazine. I aimers paint. S. W. p. Spectrum. Western painter. Palaeography. 'Julletins „f American i>aleontologv < ouinhution to Indiana palaeontologv Paper. Paper trade. Pulp and paper niiignzine I'npe? buyer"'"" "'"' ■"""''•"" '»^'^»' ^'"d*"- 320 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Paper mill and wood pulp news. Paper trade .iournal. United Stales paper-maker. Parks. American assii of park siii)erintendents. Parliamentary practice. Patents. See also Inventions : Trade marks. Patent and trade mark review. Patent record. United States patent office. Pathology. See also Medicine. ralifornia university. Chicago pathological society. Columbia university. McGill college and university. Alichigan university. New York pathological society. Patrons of htisbandiy. Pennsylvania grange news. Farmers' friend and grange trade bulletin. Patrons of industry. Canadian co-operator. Peace. See also Arbitration. Advocate of peace. Peacemaker and court of arbitration. Peaches. See also Fruit. Peach growers' journal and apple trade rev. Pedagogics. See Education. Penmanship. Modern writing master. Penmau-ariist and business educator. Penman's art journal. Western penman. Perfumes. See also Pharmacy. American perfumei-. Pet stock. See also names of domestic animals. Household animals. Pet stock news. Western fancier. Pharmacy. See also Medicine. American conference of pharmaceutical fac- ulties. American druggist. American journal of pharmacy. American perfumer "and essential oil review. American pharmaceutical association. Apothecary and New England druggist. British Columbia pharmaceutical record. Rulletin of pharmacy. Canadian druggist. Canadian pharmaceutical journal. Clinical excerpts. Deutsch Amer. apotheker zeitung. Drugs, oils and paints. Druggists circular. Eastern drug market. I'^phemeris of materia medica. pharmacy, iherapeutics. and collateral information. liidcinMHleut druggist and advertising econ- Medical and drug advertiser. Mercks' report. Meyer brothers druggist. Michigan state pharmaceutical ass'n. Midland druggist. Missouri pharmaceutical association. National druggist. Nebraska state pharmaceutical ass'n. New England alkaloidisi . New idea. New York si ale pliarmaceutical ass"n. .North western diniggist. Notes on new remedies. Oil paint and drug reporter. Pacific drug review. Pacific druggist. Paint, oil and drug reporter. Paint, oil and drug review. People's druggist. Pharmaeeul ical era. I'liarniaeeul ical journal. I'liarmaceut ical review. Practical druggist. Itawlius drug news. Retail druggist. Rocky mountain druggist. Southern drug journal. Southern drug and paint review. Southern druggist. Spatula. Squibb's materia medica. State board journal of America. Western druggist. Phi alpha gamma. Phi alpha gamma quarterly. Phi kappa alpha. Shield and diamond. Phi delta theta. Scroll of Phi delta theta. Philanthropy. See (.'harily. Philippines. Filipino. Philology. American journal of philolop-v. American journal of Semitic languages and literature. American philological association. California university. Chicago university. Classical journal. Classical philology. Classical quarterly. Classical review. Columbia university. Cornell university. Harvard studies in classical philology. Howard university. .Journal of English and Germanic philology. Michigan university. Modern language ass'n of America. Modern language notes. Modern philology. New England modern language ass'n. New York liatin leaflet. Pennsylvania university. Wisconsin university. Yale studies in English. Philosophy. See also Psychology. Archives of philosophy, psychology and sci- entific methods. California university. Chicago university, Columbia university. Cornell university studies in philosophy. Journal of philosophy, psychology and sci- entific methods. Monist. Occult truths. Open court. Pennsylvania university. I'liibisophieal review. Philosophical society of Washington. Practical ideals. Princeton university. Unity. Phonography. GUIDE 10 PERIODICALS 321 laplier. -trrnpl.. Photography. American ain;ii Mnd ^iv\>. Posse gvmnasiuin jinirnal. Vim. Physics. See also Chemistry; lOlectricity. Howard university. >[c(;ill college and university. Physical review. Physiology. Sec also .Medicine. .\merican journal of physiology. .Vrfhives of physiological therapy California university. .Journal of physiological therapy. McCJill college and university. Physlo-medlcal record. Piano. S.c also Music. I Ma no trade. Pigeons. .\merican pigeon keeper Canadiaii pigeon fan<'ier. Homing exchange. Pigeon flying. Pii;c<.n news. Siiiiah liulletin. Plumbing. Plumber. Phimhers" trade journal : steam and hot water fitters' review. Valve world. Police. National police gazette. Police and fire despatch. Political economy. See also Itanklng : «'omiiierce : I'inance: I.ahor : Socialism; Sociology: Statistics. .Vinerlcan ccimomic assoclatinn". .\m<>rlcan economist. • 'hicago university. Columhia university. Commercial and financial chronicle. Kconomlst. Kconomlstn. >mi( reform ; I'inance ; .Municipal arTairs; Harvard economic studies. Iowa state university, .lournal of economlcB. .lournal of political economy. Pennsylvania university. Protectionist. Quarterly journal of v Wisconsin university. Workers' advocate. V.ile review. Political science. See also Civil servi< Law : Legislation Statistics. American academy of political and social science. American political science association. Iowa state university. .Johns Hopkins university. Michigan political .science association. Political science quarterly. Pul.lic. Statesman. Pittsburg. Commerce of Plttsliurg. Pomology. See I'rult : Horticulture. Porto Rico. Polio IJico magazine. Post office. Pacific postal journal. Postal clerk. Postal record. Postmaster and carrier Postmaster everywhere, I 'ost masters' advficate. U. I". J>. news. I'liited States ollicial postal guide. Postage stamps. Commercial stamp tPiule journal. Pliilaielic star. Postal cards. .Vmerlcan post card exchange bulletin. Post card dealer. Postal card exchange. Post card world. Potteiy. American ceramic society. American potters' journal. .Vmerlcan pottery gazette. Cliina. glass and pottery review. Clay record. Clay-worker. Glass and pottery world. Poultry. See also Game fowl : I'et stock. .\merlcan fancier. .Vmerlcan fancier. .Vmerlcan fancier and breeder. -Vmerlcan fur and feather. American live stock and potiltry raiser. .Vmerlcan poultry advocate. .Vmerlcan poultry journal. .Vmerlcan poultry raiser and live stock jour. .Vmerlcan stock-keeper. .V 111 ma I life. Canadian poultry news. <'aiuidlan poultry review. Commercial poultry. I'^astern poult rymen. Fanciers' gazette. Fancier's world. I'ancy fowls. I-"arm potiltry. Feather. (Jefliigel ziichter. (Julf states p«uiltry journal. Inland i>oultry Journal. Michigan poultry breeder Micliigan poultrynian. 322 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Mid-west fancier. Xorthwest poultry journal. New England poultry journal. Oliio poultry journal. I'acific poultryman. Poultry. I'ouitry advocate. I'oultry and berries. ToultrV culture. I'oultry husbandry. Poultry gazette. I'oultry gem. I'oultry herald. I'oultry item. I'oultry journal. I'oultry keeper. I'oultry life in America. I'oultry news. I'oultry review. Poultry standard. Poultry topics. Poultry tribune. Progressive poultry journal. Record. Reliable poultry journal. Southern fancier. Southern poultry journal. Successful poultry journal. Tar heel poultryman. Western poultry journal. Western poultry world. Power. See Engineering. Presbyterian. Africo- American presbyterian. Assembly herald. Associate presbyterian magazine. I'.ible teacher. Central presbyterian. Christian instructor and united presbyte- rian witness. Christian observer. Christian union herald. Colored cumljerland presbyterian. Cumberland presbyterian. Cyfaill. Deutscher evangelist. Dominion presbyterian. Earnest worker. Herald and prespyter. Interior. Iowa presbyterian. Michigan presbyterian. Our monthly. Presbyterian. Toronto. Presbyterian. Phila. Presbyterian. Atlanta. I'resltyterian. Kingston. Presbyterian banner. Presbyterian college journal. Presbyterian quarterly. I'resbyterian record. Presbyterian review. I'resliyterian standard. Prcsl)yterian witness. I'resbyterianer. , Kcfdi-inefl prcsl)ytefi:iu .ulvocate. Kdcky luountain presbyterian. Southern ijresliytefian. Southwestern ijresbylerian. Texas presbyterian. Pnited presbyterian. Western presbyterian. Westminster. Phila. Westminster. Toronto. Westminster teacher. Printing. .American pressman. American printer. Canadian printer and decorator. Canadian printer and publisher. Inland printer. International printer. Master printer. National printer-journalist. I'ress and printer. Printing art. Progressive printer. Red hammer. Southern printer. Texas printer. Type founder. Typographical journal. Prisons. Journal of prison discipline and philan- thropy. National prison association of the V. S. Protestant episcopal church. See also Religion : Sunday school. Algoiua missionary news. American churcli and Sunday scliool mag. Anglican church chronicle. Brotherhood star. Church chronicle. Church eclectic. Church helper of western Michigan. Church in Georgia. Church life. Church militant. Church news. St. Louis. Church news. Pittsburg. Church news and American churchman. Church record. Church standard. Church times. Churchman. Detroit. Churchman. New York. Churchman. Seattle. Churchman. Spokane. Diocesan magazine. Kastoii eluircliinau. lOpiscopal recorder. Evangelical episcopalian. Gospel messenger. Iowa churchman. Kansas churchman. Living church. Maryland churchman. ^lontana churchman. New era. North east. Northwestern churcnman. Ontario churchman, I'acific churchman.' Parish visitor. I'rotestant episcopal church in tlie I'liited States. Western Michigan diocese. St. Andrews cross. Sontiiern churchman. Protestant episcopal review. Western churchman. Provisions. See Food. Psychology. See also Philosophy. American journal of psychology. Archives of philosophy, psychology and sci- entific methods. Colorado university. Iowa state university. .Tonrnal of abnormal psycboloi;> .Tournal of psycho-asthenics. Mind. Mind and body. News letter. Practical psychology. I'rinceton university. I'sychological index. Psychological year book. Rocky mountain illustrated and commercial psychologist. Yale psychological studies. GUIDE TO PERIODICALS 323 Racing. Sim- also Sports and names. lUiK' ril)l)oii uiagazlue. Uaily lacing form. Kacing calendar. Radium. KadiiilU. Railroads. See al.so Guides: Siri'i-i railroad^:. .Advance advocate. American engineer ami railroad journal. American railway i-nginiM-ring and inainiaii ance of way associat ion. American railway master nu'clianics" assi Association of American railw.iy accountin officers, liook of the royal l)liie. Central states guide. Ct'neral manager. International railway journal. Leonard's railway nnws. Locomotive lirenien's niagaziiu'. Otliclal railway e(iuii)nn'nt rcijisicr. I'oors manual of railroads. Itailroad conductor. Uailroad echo. Kailroad eniployee. Itailroad gazette. Uailroad lierald. Uailroad man's magazine. Uailroad (inotation record. Uailroad record and common (iirricr. Uailroad reporter. Uailroad trainmen's journal. Uailway age. Uailway and engineering review. Uailway and locomotivt' Hngiiie.'iiii^. Uailway and marine news. Uailway and shipping world. Uailway clerk. Uailway critic Uailway employees' journal. Uailway engiiMM-iing and maintenance way. Uailway epicurean. Uailway gazette. Uailway hand hooU. Uailway journal. Uailway line clearances and n .•nut ii-al esia review. Inlted States real estate journal. Reciprocity. Inter nation. Referendum. Ueferellduni news. Reformed church. See also Ueligion and theology : Sunday school. Christian intelligencer. Christian world. Dayton. Christian world, t'levelaud. Hope. Kircheuzeltuug. Leaves of light. Mltarhelter. our day. Ueformed church herald. Hefoiined clnirch messenger. Ueformed church record. Ueformed church review. Searchlight. \'anguard. Vestelheimell. W.unans j.iuinal. Religion and theology. .Advocate and family guardian. .\lpha and omega. .\merlcan journal of theology. .Vmerican messenger. American weekly. Amerikanscher hotschafter. Auhurn seminary record. nible advocate and herald. r.ihle review. Itihle student. I'.lhle student and teacher. Itihlical world. I'.ibliotheca sacra. r.ladel. I'.ud og hilsen. California independent. Christian. t'hristian and missionary alliance. t'hristian companion. Christ ian-evaugelist. Christian harvester. Christian herald, .\uiora. Christian herald. .New York. Christian idea. Christian life. Christian messenger. Christian monthly. Christian mother. Christian nation. Christian news. Christian plea. Christian safeguard. Christian standard. Cincin. Christian standanl. t iainesville. Christian union. l>es .Moines Christian union. .Vtlanta. • 'hrlstlan union. Uoachdale Chrlstlan work and evnngelisi. Christian worker. Toronto Christian worker. I'lttsbnrg Christ llche hotschafter. Church review. Church woman's magazine. Cockrlll's magazine. Consecrated life. I'hila. Conse. lieutsch-.Vmerikanlsche /.i-lixliriii fur iheo- logic und kirche. I >euts1 markets .uul sheep. Shetland ponies. .Viiicrlcan Shetland cluli stud hook. Shipbuilding. Sc.. also Naval anliiied nre .\nierican shiphuilder. Shipping. SiM' also Commerce. .\iiierlcan syren and shipping. lUue hook of .\merlcaii shipping. Itullinger's monitor gnhh*. IJulilnger's postal and shipping guide. Freight. Marine journal. Maritime journal. Maritime register. Shipping lllust rated. Wiialemen's shipping li.-.i Shoes. See Moots and shoes: Leailu'r. Shorthand. .\merican phonographer. nulletin of edectli' r^horlhand Greigg writer. My huslness friend. I'ernln's monthly stouogrnplier. I'nonographlc magazine. I'itmans jo\irnal. Stenographe C.-niiidien. Sigma chi. Sigma chi i|uarierly. f the American Silk. .Vnierican silk journal Si'ini-annual review trade. Silk. Silk association of .\miMiia. Single tax. I'airhope courier. .National single taxer. I Mir commonwealth Single tax review. Skin diseases. See also Medicine. American journal of dermato iio-urlnary diseasns. .lournal of cutaneous diseases State. See Cement. Soap. .VniiM-ican soap chemist. S.iapman journal. Soap gazette and perfumer. Social settlements. Kasf side house settlement. Iniverslty settlement revi«'w. Socialism. Chicago socialist. Commonwealth. Comrade. Uohotnik. Society. See also I'ashion ; Family : I,lt( .\merican graphi< . Cluh-fellow. Connoisseur and society journal. I'.xcelslor. Klite. Klite topics. 4t>0. 41)1) magazine. Iloustonlan. Home and ahroad. New Yorker. People. liosa I'earles paper. Saratoga society review. Society journal. Society times. Town talk. Town topics. West side and liarlem news. Wa.shlngton life. Wood lawn times. Youngs magazine. I lid gen- lid manufaituring Sociology. Charltlt I'o.ttlcal economy Prisons : Social settlements: Socialism Statistics ; Woman. .\merlcan journal of sooli>logy. International socialist revi-u Iowa state university, .lournal of social sclen< • .Missouri university. Record of five points i\..m-.- ..i in.iuNtry. Social progre.ss. Social recorder. Social service. Work with hoys. Somerset schools. SoiiHTset idea. Sons of America. Camp news. Sons of Colorado. Sons of Colorado. -^26 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Sons of Hermann. Ilermanns-sohn. llormanns-sohn in Montana. Neliraska Hermanns snhn. Sons of the revolution. National tion. ietv of the sous of the revolu- Sons of veterans. I'anner. Spices. Spice mill. Spiritualism. Hanner of light. Light of truth. Magazine of mysteries. I'hilosophical journal. Progressive thinker. Reason. Spiritual reformer and luimanitariaii. Sports and games. American cricketer. American field. American sportsman. Amatetir sportsman. Canadian sportsman and live stock .iournal. Carleton's state of Maine sportsman's jour. Dixie game fowl. Field and fancy. Field and stream. Field sports. Forest and stream. Fur, fin. and feather. Grant Parish's referee. Illustrated news. Illustrated outdoor news. Illustrated police news. Journal of the outdoor life. Trudean. Journal of the outdoor i.fe. Denver. Land and water. Maine sportsman. Maine woods. Megapnone. National sportsman. Northwestern sportsman. Outdoors. Pacific sportsman. Racing form. Recreation. Rob Roy's weekly. Rod and gun in Canada. Shield magazine. Shooting and fishing. Southern pit games. Southern sports Sport. Sporting goods. Sporting goods dealer. Sporting goods gazette. Sporting life. Sporting mirror. Sporting news. Chicago. Sporting news. St. Louis Sporting afield. Sports and pastures. Sports of the times. Sportsman. St. Louis. Sporting. New York. Sportmen's review. Sportsmen's year book. Texas field and sportsman. Western field. Western sports. Western sportsman and recreation poini'Ts. Woods and waters. Stammering. I'hono-nietei-. Star of Bethlehem. Stationery. American stationer. Bookseller and stationer. (Jeyer's stationer. Stationers* ready reckoner. Statistics. .Vuierican statistical association. Canadian year book. llazell's annual. Manual of statistics stock exchange hand- book. Nebraska state bureau of statistics. New England statist. Statesman's yearbook. Texas statistical reporter. Steel. See Iron and steel. Stenography. See Shorthand. Stocks. See Bonds ; Commerce : I'inance : Invest- ments. Stoves. Stoves and hardware reporter. Stra'wberry. Florida strawberry journal. Strawberry. Street railroads. See also Electricity : Railroads. Street railway bulletin. Street railway journal. Street railway news. Street railwav review. Third rail. Sugar. American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette. Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer. Sugar beet. Sugar beet culturist and dairy advocate. Sugar beet news and northwestern farmer. Sugar planters' journal. AVisconsin stigar beet. Sunday school journals. See also Religion. Adult class. Advanced quarterly. Phila. Advanced quarterly. Nashville. Advanced scholars' lesson leaf. Advanced scholars' quarterly. American hunday school union. American Sunday school union quarterly. Augsburg Sunday school teacher. Awakener. Beginners teacher. Bible class quarterly. Bible lesson pictures. Boy's teacher. British workman. Children's friend. Dayton. Children's friend. Toronto. Children's friend. Richmond. Children's visitor. Child's companion. Child's own magazine. Comprehensive teacher's quarterly. Continuous scripture studies. Cottager and artisan. Dawn of day. Evangelical S. S. quarterly. Evangelical S. S. teacher. First studies in the Bible. Friendly visitor. Gospel intermediate quarterly. Heidelberg home department quarterly. Heidelberg teacher. Helper. Himmel's manna. Home department (]u;irferly. Itidiinond. GUIDE TO PFKIOUICALS 327 lliiiiic (iHiiariiueii iiuaitfily. Nashville. llitino stiuly •luaitorly. Illnstratt'd ln'ieaii lesson quarierly. Illustrated studies. Illustrated Sunday school quarterly Infants' niapazine. Internu'diate iiuaiteiiy. Phila. Intermediate (|uaiterly. Nashville. Intermediate (juarterly. Nashville. lulermcdlaie (|uarierly. Nashville. Inteiiiii'diiiii' s.lidhiis ([uarterly. Iiiterinedinie SiiiHlay school (luarterly. Iniermediaie Sunday school evanjiel. Iowa Sunday school helper. Junior Itilile (luarterly. Junior (|uarterly. .Nashville. Junior (luarterly. I'liila. Junior scholars ([uarierly. Junior Sunday schocd (luarterly. Jutiior teacher's quarterly. Kentucky Sunday school reporter. King's own. I.es.son le lesson (|uarterlv. (iiir Uililc teacher. (»nr home department. Our little dots. Our morning guide. Our story quarterly. I'earls for little ones. IVll's notes. I'eiiiisylvania herald. I'rimary quarterly. Uichmond. I'rinuiry (|uarterly. I'hila. Primary quarterly. Toronto. Primary quarterly. Nashville. I'rimary Sunday school teacher. Primary teacher. Pure words. I'ush. Scholars quarterly. Senior Merean lesson quarterly. Senior home department quarterly. Senior quarterly. Nashville. Senior quarterly. Nashville. Senior quarterly. Phila. Standard Hihle lessons quarterly. Standard intermediate quarterly. Standard primary teachers' quarterly. Standard teachers' quarterly. Star. Star quarterly. Sunbeam. Sunday companion. Sunday school advoi-ate. Sunday school banner. Sunday sclx^ol gem. Sunday school helper. Sunday school herald. Sunday school journal and P.il>l»> students' magazine. Sunday school lesson helps. Sunday school lesson illustrator. Sunday school magazine. Sunday school quarterly. Sunday school times. Sunday school work. Sunday school world. Sunshine. Superintendent's quarterly. Teachers' assistant. Teachers' journal. Teachers' monthly. Timely suggestion. World evangel and Christian. Young people's lesson i|uarterly. Youth's quarterly. Young reaper. Surgery. See also Medicine. American journal of orthopedic surgery. .\merican j<»urnal of surgery. American surgical association. Annals of surgery. Association of military surgeons <>i the United States. International clinics. International journal of surgery. Journal of orificlal surgery. Journal of surgery, gynecology and obstet- rics. Journal of surgical teclinology. Uailway surgeon. Railway surgical journal. Southern surgical and gynecological ass'n. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics. Surveying. See also i:nglneering. .\sso-?9 Umbrellas. 'rriiiiks. loiUliiT j:ood.s and umbrellas. Undertakers. Anu>ri<-im undertnker. Ituckf.vo funeral din>iior ( 'askot . l".n)l)almors' monthly. SunllowiT undortaktT. Sunnyside. Western undertaker. Unitarian. Christian register. ("hurch economist. racific unitarian. Initarian. Initarian word and work. Initarian yearbook. Western conference news letter. Words from a free pulpi,. United brethren. Allegheny herald. brethren ovauKelist. Christian conservator. Conference herald. lOvangelical visitor. I'ri)hllche botschafter. UeliRious telescope. 1 nited brethren review. Wat ell word. \\'niii!in's evanfiel. United order of American mechanics. American meclianics' adv.iciitc United order of foresters. Tnited forester. Universalist. Myrtle. 1 niversalist hera.... Tniver.saiist leader. Upholstery. .Vmerlcan cabinet maker and upholsterer. .Vmerican carpet and upholstery Journal. Carpet and upholstery trade review. Cpliolsterer. Iphoistery dealer and decorative furnisher. Uric acid. Iric acid montlily. .lonrnal of urology. Ventilation. See Heating and ventilating. Veterinary medicine. American veterinar- review. International veterinary review. Western veterinarian. Victor talking machine. Voice of tlie victor. Volunteers of America. Volunteers' gazette. Wall paper. Carpets, wall |)aper and curtains. Wall paper, news, and interior decorator. Washington. Wasliingiiiii niaga/ine. Water supply. See also Kngineering : Irrigation. American waterworks association. New Kngland waterworks association. Water and gas review. Whiskey. See I.i(iuors. Whist. See also Sports and games. Whist. Window trimming. Merdiants' record and show window. Woman. .See also I'amily l.i..i.ii> .i...iriiai.-.. Business woman's iiiagaziue. California woman's magazine. Couranl. i.veryw'oman. Home craft and national club woman's rev Madame. National congress of mothers. .New idea woman's magazin ■. Woman. Woman beautiful. Woman's farm journal. Woman's gazetH'. Woman's home monthly. Woman's Ideal magazine. Woman's journal. Chicago. Woman's journal. .\llian«-e. Woman's kingdom. Woman's magazine. Woman's national daily. Woman's realm Woman's trilniue. Wonmn's ways magazine. Woman's work. Woman's world. Fort Worth. Woman's world. Chicago. Woman's Christian temperance union. Canadian wliit.' ribbon tiding-. .Minnesota white riliboii. <»utlook. Tacilic ensign. White ril>bon l>anner. Woman's temperatice work. Woman's relief corps. IJeliet' (diiis messenger. Woman suffrage. I'reyja. Woman's exponent. Woman's column. Woman's home journal. Woman's journal. Boston. Yellow ribbon. Women's clubs. California club woman. Clid> woman. Federation btilletin. Keystone. New Hampshire magazine. Southern woman. WiMuan's club calendar. Wood work. .Vmerican carjienter and builder. Carpentry and building. Practical carpenter. Woo.l eraft. Wood worker. Woodmen of the world. Camp and cir<"le. Canadian woodman Central California woodman. Forest echoes. Oregon woodman. I'aclHc woodman Southern California woodman. Southern woodman. .lasper. Southern woodman I.ou.sville. Sovereign visitor. Stump. Texas woodman. Western woodman. Woodman. Woodmen chips. Wool. .Vmerican wool and cotton reporter. X-ray. Se.> riiotograpliy. 330 GUIDE TO PERIODICALS Yachts. Jersey vaclitsmnii. Rudder. Sail and sweep. Young men's Christian association. Association boys. Association men. Association notes. Association review. Messenger. Ohio endeavorer. Railroad men. State. Twenty-tuird street men. Yoimk men's (Mirlstian ass'n of \. A. Young women's Christian association. International messenger. Youth. See also Juvenile. Bowery boy. Evangelical herald. Fair play. Forward. Golden moments. Happy days. Jugend-herold. New boy. Might and main librarv. Northland weekly. Our young men." Pluck. Pluck and luck. Rover. Rural young pc(>])le and sunny hour Sunshine for youth. Tip top weekly. Young American. Young Americans. Young folks catholic weekly. Young people's magazine. Young people's paper. Young people's weekly. Young pilgrim. Youth. Youth's companion. Youth's guardian friend. Youth's instructor. Zionist. 7Aon l)auner. Zionist. Zoology. California university. Howard university. Indiana university. Journal of experimental zoology. McGill college and university. Michigan university. Nebraska university. Ohio state university. Pennsylvania, dept. of agriculture. Pennsylvania university. Texas university. _ Zoological society. t i J5he Magazine of History \XITH NOTES AND QUERIES WILLIAM ABBATT, Publisher 14 1 East 25.h Street NEW YORK The only monthly (levott;'''ii<; prijvcs most s.it- isfactory . Its genrral appearance reminds me of the old Magazine 0/ AmeriaiH History, whose files arc a great treasure-house of val- uable historical information. 1 find the contetits of this equal in interest to those of the earlier magazine. — Grbnville M. In- GALSBE, First V. I'res't N. Y. State Historical .Ass'n, Sandy Hill, N. V. SiT- LIBRARIANS The Boston Book Company ha.-> a laryer -stock of iiiaga/inc back, files aiul sets than all the other dealers in this countrx CDiiibined. Twenty years experience in makint; ii|j i.ets of periodicals is at the disposal of our library customers. We collate and guarantee what we supply. (Quotations cheerfully given on any sets or partial sets, American, English or Foreign. Our customers find The Boston Hook Company's Cbtck List of Periodicals invaluable. Rekkrenchs: .\nv i.\K(;( mukakv. \\ ( will send our BULLETIN OF BIBLIOGRAPHY THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 87 FRANCIS STREET. FENWAY. BOSTON SWISHER'S PENCIL DATER Slips on any Pencil. Light an J Convenient. Tspecially useful for Card InJexes, Library Cards. I K. Price CcmrJele vith dates Ko<.d for 10 years. Either of the three styles shown, 50c. (mrpUATJUC/HULirAMjmAf/IAMiaailHAl^ m^MLmjmt.eteoereoerxoetaoer Specimen of Dates, !:\;Kt >i/L. 804- C 305 C 10-31 -'09 OCT 31 190'J The R. D. SWISHER MFG. CO. 232-234 S. Clinton St.. CHICAGO SEND FOfl CATALOGUE or OTHER RUBBER STAMPS earner lean ^rt ^annual Vol V. t:ioth, Svo. Illustrated, *- This is the recognized and only authoritative reference book of our national art. Besides its usual directories; list of sales, and exhibitions this volume contains several special features. 3trt C^ullctm Published weekly from November to M«y. 10 cents i copy, $2.00 a year A bright, reliable, up-to-date weekly giving ad- vance information of each week's artistic activi- ties, with useful and accurate comment and criti- cism. ^ ^ '^ ^€ ^ ^€ F- RrscE N I.Fvv. F-f;- - PUBLISHED HI 3Cmcrican %xt Xnnual ( iN< OKrst .^4fh Sirwf, NE^X' YORK WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY The One Great Standard Authority Can it be truly be said of any other book than WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTION- ARY that it is:— The Standard of the Federal and State Courts ? The Standard of the Government Printing Ofhce? The Basis of nearly all the School books in the country? Indorsed by every State School Superintendent? Universally recommended by College Presidents and Educators? Adhered to as Standard by over 99% of the News- papers? Reliable, Indispensable, Complete, Scientific, Practical. Popular, The Safe Guide for a Professional Man, Business Man, Teacher and Student? Should You Not Own Such a Book? Editor in Chief, W. T. Harris, Ph. D., LL. D., United States Commissioner of Edu- cation. Highest Awards at the St. Louis and Portland Expositions. 25,000 NEW WORDS. 2380 PAGES. 5000 ILLUSTRATIONS. ALWAYS UP TO DATE IN EVERY RESPECT WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY— The largest of our abridgments. Regular edition, >i/c 7 X 10 -x 2?s in. Thin Paper Edition, size sH ^ ^fs " I'A in-, printed from same plates, on hible paper. Unsurpassed fcf elegance and convenience. 1116 pages and 1400 illustrations. Write for ** The Story of a Book," — Free G. 5c C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. GET THE BEST = THE NEW WEBSTERS Imperial Dictionary 2173 PAGES Newly Ifdited and newly type set, and priced at $5,00 per copy to Libraries is something that should attract you. v rr« Tliis l)uok is not publisheil by that self-satisli.-.l concern in Spiint;lielv (Jeori,'e W . ( >;.ilvic. Cimau.i, 111., who lia> doiR- a \v..ik wmili while. WHEN ACCURACY DEPENDS, as ilolUn does, on the meaning of a single word, can you afford to lean upon such works as Webster's Inter- national, an obsolescent, if not wholly obsoh-i. dictionary for information ? Think of relying < ; dictionary in which is such a detinition as 'i' handed on both sides" — a physical impossibility, m course - but nevertheless it is to be found on pai^c 46 of Webster's International Dictionary— dehniiii: the word "ambilevous," and that is oM/y one of the liniidrtda 0/ errors Webster s Interiiatioiutl Dietionary contains. What does W. T. Harris, I'h.D., I.L.D., about "l.eft-handed on both sides?" We (p from a letter from him, now in our possession, follows: "Regarding the use of the phrase, ' I.cft-hanit me to say that the exprcs>i is proper only in the /tumorous literature as a son "" Irish Buir — a very facetious invention if .so takt 1 , hut would not do for a serious description." (Signed 1 W. T. Harris. This letter of W. T. Harris takes Webster's International l)iLtionan work, and places it /// the joke l>ook class. W. V . Harris certainly ought his name appears on its title page as "Editor-in-Chief." Send for descriptive circular or. better still, order a copy NOW. .\ book so worthy that competi- tors fight, lie and steal, in their attempt to prevent its publication is worth a place on the shelves of everv library and in every school in the land. "For many years the Webster's Dictionary, published bv G. and C. Merriam, of Springtield. Mass., was acceptetl as the standard and given preference over other dictionaries. \o attempt has been made for more than ten \ears to revise the .Meiriam edition and bring it down to date; the oidv evidence of inipiovenieiit wa.- the .iddition of a .•supplement which was a confeSMon tiial the body of the work wa.v behind the times and in sad need of revision. For the first time the old Webster's dictionary has a competitor that not only commands respect but causes genuine alarm in the ranks of the great dictionary monopoly. The Webster's Dictionary, published by George W. Ogilvie, has all the good features of earlier dictionaries with all possible improvements and additions. It i> >troiiv;u ami attraetivclv bound, contain- i.\-\ page,- with a marginal nule\. The book is thoroughly up tO date. Mr. Ogilvie has produced a work of rare merit and worthv a place in ever\ .-chool and private libraiv." Ihe St.ilc, lb.,,. |ol,i, (•,,--e!l. IMitoi. Mad,.ki)i:k i-K( ».m GEORGE W. OGILVIE. Publisher. Chicago. III. IF ITS NOT ALL WE CLAIM MONEY BACK WITHOUT ANY QUESTION ut of the reliable reference know where it belongs, as AUTOMOBILE TOPICS Handsome illustrated weekly for automobile users^ and all interested in the automobile. Free Touring Map and Route in every issue. Every Saturday. Sample copy free. $2 per year. AUTOMOBILE TOPICS, Times BIdg. TIMES SQ., NEW YORK CITY MOTOR TRAFFIC Illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the commercial motor vehicle. Shows the busi- ness man how to save money by giving up horse drawn vehicles for business use. All about the utility motor vehicle. Sample free. $2 per year. MOTOR TRAFFIC, Times Bldg. TIMES SQ., NEW YORK CITY The United States Catalog A lecoril of i)ooks in print January i, 1902. Entries under llie autlior, ^ul)ject, title and series in one alphaliet witli particulars of l)indin}j, price, date and publisher. Kdited l>y Marion E. Potter. There are over 100,000 hooks listed in this catalog under more than 2J5.0O0 entries. 21 >o panes. ilouMe coj unm nonpareil, 8vo., half niorf)cco. Si 5-00, net. The United States Catalog, Supplement, 1902-1905 A record of books puldislied in the L'niteil States from Januars i. 1902, to December ^l, 1905. Entrie- under author, subject, title and series in one alphabet, with particulars of binding, price, date and pub lisher. Edited by Marion E. t'otter. This is a cumulation of the monthly Cumulative Book Inde.x, with corrections to date of publication, for four years in one alphai)et. Gives Library of Congre.ss Card Catalog' numbers and contains complete dircctorx of publishers, .\bout l.Soo panes. Svo., half morricc". Si 5.00. net. The Cumulative Book A record of books of the year. Each monthly number from February to August includes, in one alpha- bet, books of the year to date of issue. Each number from September to December includes all l)ook> of the fall season and the Januarv number records in one alphabet, books of the previous year. Book> are recorded under author, title, and subject entries and the author entry is a complete transcript of tlic title page of the book indexed. Subscription S4.00. Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, Vol. 1, 1900-1904 Being a consolidation of the Cumulative Index to a Selected l.i.-l of I'eriodical.-- and the I\eader.-' cccnd>er contain in one alphabet a complete index !■■ magazines for the year to dale of issue. The seventy-three magazines indexed are especially adapte ; to reference work and are those usually subscribeil for in the small ami medium sized libraries. Sub >cri|.ti.'n. inrludini,' .innii.il riiMiuIatii^n, S6.00. Special [.rice f"i int|. i.hioti. .11. Library Work .\ iii|.i|..;;i.i|,nv .mil (lii;i.-.-l Ml miiciil llbr,ii\ iileialuic. .N.-lc- ..n uMi...« 1 .1. -. l-- .oju ii<.-[ii-..i .men.- 1 to librarians are also included. Published every little while. Single numbers 25c. Sul>scription. SJ.Oo. Current imml>ers free to librarians on refjuest. when this advertisement is mentioned. Book Review Digest Published monthl> with frc<|uent cumulation.-. Supplio librarians and book dealers with an up-to-date and reliable means of securing an evaluation of books as they are published, .\uthor entry only. Reliable descriptive note is given, followed by reference to all reviews appearing in forty-five i>f the leading periodicals together with extracts which reflect the opinion of reviewers and give the reader- the gist of criticism and descriptions. 'Ihe general trend of the review, whether favorable or unfav..; able and to what degree is indicated bv the sign -r (plus) ami — (minu«.». Snbscripti..n. S; n. .\nnuai for 100;. ;05 pages. Sv.. . 5;.;o. ! • • ! ! " ■ • .duce the most important original sources of current thought. DEPARTMENTS Rnnl' nint^CtC a diges^t of ihe greatest thought stir- DUUK Uiytjblb ring and thought provoking current book of international significance. Not an ordinary ten-line or half-page review furnished by the pub- lisher: but an exhaustive digest containing ten or fifteen pages of the hook, given in the author's own words. Not an ordinary review no- tice or half-column digest, but an exhaustive reproduc- tion of the world's greatest periodical article for the current month, given in the author's own words. Onon Pniirt ^^* ^^'''^ select and reproduce through lipCII VUUI I the co-operation of our international staff of university specialists, the really great orthodox and radical criticisms and discussions provoked liy the appearance of the work previously digested. Great Documents of the Past J.::^L'n; we digest and reproduce some great religious, philosophical, scientific or sociological document of the past. Some original document which has in a marked way contributed to civilized life. Magazine Digests Research News J' ging together the worlil's eat periodical articles (next in importance to those reproduced ur digest departments) we arrange them under Religion, osophy, Sociology, .Art and Science. In epigrainatic of three to eight lines we then reproduce the author's own argument generalization or original idea. 'I'hus one can turn to Sociology, or any other department, and get a resume of the current thought production in that particular field of action. ./ Magazine of the regular size, ./S fiages solid readi>!g tuatier, printed on velvety, all rag deekle-edge paper made espeeially for this pnhlieation . $:; per yeai (f ten nio)/tlis. (Cut this out, pin a dollar bill to it and MAIL IT TODAY) TRY IT AT OUR RISK Dige .And n Building, Chicago. Gentlemen: —I enclose one dollar for five months tri nay have the privilege of exchanging mv magazines for th< Llionofthc fiven.onths. subscription to tlic University Digest, it being understr>oi iollar in case 1 am not satisfied with mv investment at the TO-MORROW The Day of Hope and Promise ''To-morrow'' Magazine FOR PLOPLti WHO HAVL LELARNLD TO THINK - IS — The Herald ol the New Day, the Prophet of the New Civih'zation, the Harbinger of Brotherhood, Equality of Opportunity, and Freedom from Doi^^ma, Creed, and Despotism. "TO-MORROW i> freest — is not cuiitrollefl l)y, nor attempts U> coiilml, any j>art\, program, or tla>,- intcrot. "TO-MORROW" leads- all alone— far ahead of all other pui)licati<>ns. Wliy is there such excel- lence in "To-morrow"? Hecause contributors and editors work for the love of their work. Read it and >eel "TO-MORROW" reaches int.. the future, and foretells what is to l.e-and HOW it is to become thus "TO-MORROW" shows the hyprocracy, misery, prostitutiijn, and criminality of to-dav, and the way to simplicity, true democracy, and purity of living. "TO-MORROW" philosophy is progressive, cheerful, intelligent — imt bitter nor destructive. "TO-MORROW" MARKS you think— Truth is .startlinj; to those accustomed to falsity. Unless vou ilu Nnui ,,wii thiiikinv,', 1m- .aivfiil iliout looking int.. "T. .ni. .i ..,u • s,.n,l I.,. . Inl.l...,,. •>.„! .'.r,.. mium lisl. WHAT THLY 5AY OF "TO-MORROW" "Vours is llie only honest uttitiidc for a '1"hink p.Tpcr." " ''ro-morrow' is essentially a magazine for ttiinkers." "Your Ntivcmlier front page is Goil in action." " 'To-morrow' is radical, but that is what \»c nccil In awakoii the human rate from its childish supcrstitution about cligion, economics, aiu'i sex." ADVLRTI5LR5 "To-morrow" has c» cass of readers all its ow — THINKE.RS. Vou ced lo reach fhem. Se d for rates. " To-niorrow" Publishino^ Co. JJ^S Calumet .\\c., CiiRAco, lu . lOc the C()|)\. 51.00 the W-cir. \>sk for it c»t xoiir ncwMkv.kT. LIPPINCOTT'S FOR ONE YEAR WILL BRING TO YOU 12 24 50 COMPLETE NOVELS ONE IN EACH ISSUE CLEVER PAPERS ON TIMELY SUBJECTS POEMS OF QUALITY AND STRONG APPEAL nr SHORT STORIES BY 200 200 BRILLIANT WRITERS PAGES OF NEW AMERICAN HUMOR MORE PAGES ADDED FOR 1907 SPECIAL! GEN. CHAS. KING'S BEST NOVELS " A Soldier's Secret " '* An Army Portia " " Sergeant Croesus " " Captain Close " "Two Soldiers" •' Dunraven Ranch " " An Initial Experience," etc. Bound in Four Handsome Cloth Volumes. Send $2.50 for a year of Lippincott' s, add 50 cents for shipping ami packing— 53.00 in all— and we will ship >ou these four volumes, prepaid anywhere in the United States. Each book is 5x8 inches, and never sold for less than $1.00 per volume. All For $3.00 Big Bargain Offers THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OF LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE IS $2. so YEARLY LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE $2.50 with Cosmopolitan or Success or American Magazine or Good Housekeeping or World To-Day or Woman's Home Companion i.oo OUR Price $2.50 for the two LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE $2.50 ^ OUR Price with Pearson's or Etude (^ -.TV5 ,..7^ ORDERS TO Bookseller and Publisher, Aon Arbor, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT GEORGE WAHR, General Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mich. ONE OF OUR PATRONS LIBRARY Orders for Books and Magazines Every year sees our Library Business increase tremendously. The reason is obvious. This store has been established for over half a century and our reputation and standing with publishers all over the United States is of the best. Our immense stock (two stores, representing together the largest book stock in Michigan, without exception) enables us not only to fill orders on short notice but at the Lowest Existing Prices. We have among our customers for both books and magazines all the prominent schools and colleges of Michigan and scores of public libraries all over the United States. The business of these libraries we secure by direct competition with other Book Concerns and Subscription Agencies. LET US PREPARE AN ESTIMATE ON YOUR NEXT LIST Our experience in handling Library Business insures prompt execution of orders. GEORGE WAHR BOOKSELLER, PUBLISHER AND IMPORTER 105-105 N. Main St. ANN ARBOR. MICH. 5 1 6 S. State St. PUBLISHED ANNUALLY "A GUIDE TO THE CURRENT PERIODICALS AND SERIALS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA" By H. O. SEVERANCE Contains 330 pages, listing every periodical or serial published in America. Presents complete information, giving ( 1 ) Name of Periodical or Serial. (2) Publisher's name and Address. (5) Frequency ol Issue, (4) Publisher's Price. Also contains Complete Classification. A NECESSITY FOR EVERY LIBRARIAN Price $1.00 Postpaid 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. 1 lM^'^^^^ 1 ^"* RHC'D i:d MAy2i^19G, 5^APR'52DH f^EC'D LC ) AP.^2?19£ ) f^'EMf^ ^ SEP 10*65 -1PM .lAMnQlQQn 4 1 MlflfllSC OCT 191989 \Ei\i:!or^^!^'' Uai^^J|n/|^?&nia ^:- U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CQ22bD8T7a