UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO miooammmmat^^ BSBSm cr Litok A, SA #^r/^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO 3 1822 00203 3538 c5- Social Sciences 4 Humanities Librarv ^his Item ,s subject to recall. Date Due C/ 39 (5/97) UCSD Lib. A TRUBNEE'S ORIENTAL SERIES. BEHAR PROVERBS CLASSIFIED AND ARRANGED ACCOEDING TO THEIR SUBJECT-MATTER, AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH WITH NOTES, ILLUSTRATING THE SOCIAL CUSTOM, POPULAR SUPERSTITION, AND EVEEY-DAY LIFE OF THE PEOPLE, AND GIVING THE TALES AND FOLK-LORE ON WHICH THEY ARE FOUNDED APPEl^DIX AND TWO INDEXES GIVING THE SUBJECT OF EACH PROVERB IN ENGLISH AND THE IMPORTANT WORDS IN HINDI JOHN CHRISTIAN. "Proverbs are the genius, wit, and spirit of a nation." — Bacon LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TEENCH, TRUBNER & Co., Limited 57 AND 59 LUDGATE HILL 1891 HERTFORD : PRINTED BY STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS. DEDICATED TO G. A. GRIERSON, ESQ, B.A. B.C.S., M.A.S.B., M.R.A.S. IN GIlATEFrL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF EVER FRIENDLY ENCOURAGEMENT AND KINDLY HELP BY THE AUTHOR. INTRODUCTION. 1. Frorerbs in General. It Is no less a true than a terse Arabic saying, " That a Proverb is to speech what salt is to food." It aptly describes the office of proverbs, and puts in a practical though homely form the part played by them in a language. It is quite possible to derive nourishment and sustenance from food without salt ; but if we want to enjoy our meals, we must have salt in them. Just so with Proverbs. Language would be tolerable without spicy, epigrammatic sayings, and life could no doubt be carried on by means of plain language wholly bereft of ornament. But if we wish to relish language, if we wish to give it point and piquancy, and if we want to drive home a truth, to whip up the flagging attention of our listener, to point a moral or adorn a tale, we must flavour our speech with proverbs. There is no language in the world, however poor, that has not its proverbs, its pithy and pointed sayings, and its witty epigrams, " the wisdom of many and the wit of one" — some one who has treasured up and kept ready for use in a concentrated and palatable form the essence of practical wisdom, by availing ourselves b Vlll INTRODUCTION. of which we become possessed of a clear sight and take a ready view of intricate matters, to unravel which for ourselves would require a disproportionate expenditure of time and mental labour. " Proverbs," says Archbishop "Whately, " are somewhat analogous to those medical formulas which, being in frequent use, are kept ready made up, in the chemist's shop, and which often save the framing of a distinct prescription." 2. Proverbs of a people are the index of their lives. Every nation has its peculiar form of expressing its ideas, its special shades of thought. The idea may be the same, but different people will employ diflPerent figures of speech and modes of expression to convey it. These may seem quaint, perhaps crude, and even grotesque to others ; but they are the appropriate vehicles of thought of the people, and suited to their circumstances in life. " Proverbs, however quaintly expressed, contain the essence of some moral truth or practical lesson ; they are drawn from real life, and are generally the fruit of philosophy grafted on the stem of experience." Carlyle says, " That a man's religion is the chief fact with regard to him : a man's or a nation of men's." If the proverbs of a people are not the chief facts with regard to them, they are at any rate a safe index of their lives, their mode of living, their current thoughts, their intellectual and social status, their surroundings, and in fact everything else that goes to make up social life. INTRODUCTION. IX 3. Use of Prorerbs : thoij help us to see the jjeople as theij are, and understand them better. To know a people thoroughly we must accompany them in their homes, find them in their daily occupations and amusements, see them as they are, — not with behaviours and manners assumed for the occasion, but in their natural and every-day habit, just as they appear to their own friends and families. In this unsophisticated state we see them in the natural utterances that form the proverbs and sayings of the people. In them they give vent to their genuine thoughts freely and without constraint. We see them as they are seen in their own. circles, in their domestic relations (when, human nature unbends itself), in their jovial moods, and in the various phases of social life. It is impossible to under- stand a people when they are acting a part, when they are playing an artificial role as it were ; and this is what most natives do when they appear in the presence of a European. It is therefore no exaggeration to say that an illiterate native seldom appears to a European in his true light. The role he unfortunately assumes is the one least calculated to produce a favourable impression. He speaks in hyperboles, as language more comprehensible to a European ; he agrees to everything the Sahib advances ; he cringes ; he does not even mind stretching a point ; if questioned about anything which in his opinion would act prejudicially towards his interest, he at once avows ignoi'ance, thinking that the safest way out of the difficulty ; he makes desperate attempts to speak a gibberish made up of Hindi, Urdu, and his own Gauwdri, INTRODUCTION. — all this, as he imagines, to acquit himself well and to be in the European's good books. This counterfeit form he always dons when he appears before a foreigner, not because this is his usual manner with his own people, or that he is habitually given to exaggeration or being imaginative, but because he thinks this is the behaviour best calculated to please a European. Thus, with the best of intentions, and with no little trouble to himself, he manages to convey a wrong impression about himself. And the consequence is, that he appears blacker than he really is. This is no doubt an error of judgment based on an inordinate desire to please at any cost : the foundation of this frame of mind probably going down deeper, and resting on a moral nature diflFerently constituted. This view will not be disputed if it is remembered that natives who have long been in contact with Europeans usually behave more straightforwardly, as they know from experience that this is the safest course to pursue to gain the desired end. Another unfortunate fact against the Bihari peasant is that his European critic does not always approach him prepared to make the largest possible allowance for his failings, drawbacks, and surrounding circumstances. He is too ready to judge him by his own standard of merit and demerit ; and as he falls so lamentably short of it, to give him up as past redemption. And this he does, not from any uncharitableness, but solely from want of a thorough acquaintance with his real character. The proverbs, therefore, as helping us to pierce through this assumed veil, and enabling us to see the people in their genuine state, and thus helping us to understand thera better, are a useful study. If we knew that the people INTRODUCTION. XI had some good points, and were not so wholly bad or corrupt, that when moving in their own circle their chief characteristics and prominent features were not exactly those by which they are known to outsiders, we would perhaps be more inclined to view them leniently and give them a helping hand to ameliorate their condition. The writer made it a point, when either his work or excursions into the country brought him into contact with the peasants, never to be overbearing or in a hurry, but always to listen attentively and sympathetically to them, and then, surely as they went on, they gradually " doffed " this mannerism and assumed their natural style. Thus by exercising a little patience he was enabled to see the " real " Bihiiri peasant ; and would recommend this plan to every one who would care to hear him talk not artificially but naturally. He will find them more truthful, and certainly far more interesting. 4. BUiCw Proverbs : their language. By " Bihar Proverbs " is meant those sayings in use among the people of Bihilr. They include not only epigrams and pithy utterances containing practical truths, wholesome rebukes or salutary advice, but also nursery rhymes, proverbial figures of speech, short fables and lampoons (some transgressing the conventional brevity of proverbs), which are current among the people and are often quoted by them. "They walk upon men's tongues, dance in their fancies, are carried about in their memories, and are reserved for graces of their discourses, when they desire to appear in their festival habits and holiday behaviour," These are principally of Hindi origin, XU INTRODUCTION. and in one of the several vernacular dialects in use in the province. A proverb couched in the Shiihabad dialect, for example, would be readily understood by a native of Champiiran, but he would in using' it liimself employ the patois of his district. It is difficult for a foreigner, unless thoroughly conversant with all the provincial shades of speech, to detect the nice geographical distinctions of dialect. It would require long familiarity to do this readily. But, nevertheless, these fine shades of distinction exist, and Mr. Grierson, in his admirable work on the Bihar Peasants, has pointed them out to a nicety. Many of the proverbs in vogue are thus local, and variations occur frequently. The same ideas are repeated in different forms. No collection of proverbs therefore can be comprehensive enough to include all the variations prevalent in different parts of a province that is larger than England. The following proverb shows that variety of speech may sometimes lead to unpleasantness. AVhat is the usual and polite language of one part may be regarded as vulgar and even rude in another : — Maggah des kanchna puri Des hhala pai hhdhha hnri, Rahluh Maggah liahluh re, Tekra la ka mdrhe re ? i.e. " Maggah is a rich (golden) country ; the place is good, but the language vile. I lived there, and said in consequence re. Will you therefore beat me ? " Where one who has lived in Maggah, and has acquired the habit of using re, is thus taken to task. It will be noted that though a quarrel has been picked up with him for using re, yet he cannot desist from the habit of using it. This INTRODUCTION. XIU is, of course, aimed at the people of Maggah, who in- variably use the interrogative terminal re in addressing people — a term considered especially vulgar in polite language. Many Hindi and Sanskrit words are corrupted (either in pronunciation or etymology) beyond recogni- tion, or have come to acquire meanings altogether different from their originals, and in no way traceable, at least immediately, to the primary ones. In such cases the word is written as pronounced in Bihar, and translated in the accepted sense which prevails among the people. Such corruptions are unavoidable in an uncultivated and unwritten language. A purist may object to this style as perpetuating errors. But there can be no doubt that the right way to transliterate words used by the peasants is to write them exactly as they are pronounced in ordinary familiar talk. This may not be etymological ly correct, but it is so colloquially, and the only form in which they would be recognized by the mass. Surely the so-called " right " method would be pedantic without any purpose or good being served in a work like this, A few Urdu proverbs that have gained currency, and are freely used by the people of Bihar, have been included in this collection. These have been naturalized and are familiar to the people in their Hindi form. But Arabic, Persian, and Urdu words are treated with scant courtesy in the mouths of the Biharis ; they give them " their own intonation." As Mr. Grierson says, " All the dots in the world will not make a Bihiiri pronounce a ^ as other than J, or a Sad as other than /S'." But his liking for these foreign words, and his tendency to use them in season and out of season, is none the less very pronounced. Every one XIV INTRODUCTION. acquainted with the Bihuri rustic has noticed that shortly after he comes into town, or into better society, he attempts a refinement of speech by interlarding it with Urdu phrases and words. He does this perhaps as much with the object of making himself intelligible (as he thinks) to the townsfolk, as to air his familiarity with polite parlance. His ludicrous failure is pathetic at times, and provokes the good-natured laugh of the citizen. The writer was once very much puzzled by the frequent use a respectable villager made of two words which he, for the life of him, could not make out. They were '' hama," ''soma'* {sic). At last, after much patience (for interruption and questioning would have hopelessly lost the words), he discovered that they were .f*.^ and U-ij (Persian "I" and "you"),^ which he irrelevantly and persistently kept on thrusting between his sentences, quite to his own satisfaction. 5. Some peculiarities of these Proverbs. They chiefly bear the country stai»p. It would be perhaps just as well to note briefly here a few of the characteristic features of the Bihar Proverbs — some peculiarities that distinguish them. Begarded generally, the proverbs in common use among the people are of a rural and agricultural nature ; that is, the images they call to mind are connected with husbandry, and the associations they awaken are chiefly such as surround country domestic life, A little reflection will show that this is but natural ; our ideas and thoughts naturally run in the grooves of our occupations and daily lives ; and we 1 An idiomatic Persian expression meaning " Such as you and I." INTRODUCTION. XV readily draw our illustrations, comparisons, and similes, from images familiar to us, and ever present in our thoughts. Hence it is that people whose chief concern in life is with the soil and the country, draw on rustic objects, agricultural implements, and domestic animals to illustrate, emphasize, and explain their thoughts. Thus, when a Bihiir rustic wishes to express his sense of the unfitness of things, the unseasonableness of a remark, or the inappropriateness of an act, he puts into requisition the implements of agriculture with which he is familiar, and conveys his sense of incongruity by the proverb : Ilcuisuica ke hiydh khurpa he git (Proverb 202), " In the wedding of the sickle, the song of the hoe ! " that is, in the wedding of the sickle, the song should of course be about the sickle. It is therefore singularly Out of place to sing on such an occasion in praise of the hoe. This is not merely a figure of speech, but is literally true, however quaint and far- fetched it may appear to us, and points to a time when it was really the custom to hold marriage ceremonies of these agricultural implements. This custom of wedding inanimate objects is still extant in regard to groves, tanks, wells, etc., which are formally married on being opened,^ Even now artisans and peasants worship their tools and implements with deep feelings of veneration, and the Kiiyath (the writer class) has his ink-pot festival [dmcdt piija), when he washes his reed pen and ink-bottle clean, and worships them with offerings, and nothing will induce him to write on that day. Similarly, ^ No doubt the underlying idea in these marriages, for instance of a kudur (spade) to an untilled field, of a sickle to a field of corn, etc., was the fertility and productiveness supposed to result from the unions. XVI INTRODUCTION. when a rustic wants to express to you his feeling of ijncertaint}^ the evanescence of anything, or the fleeting nature of an advantage, and desires to warn jou against phicing too much reliance on an ephemeral object, what better simile can he call to his aid than " the shadow of the palm tree," which he has so often watched ! The comparison is picturesque in its simplicity, and quite familiar to him. Changing almost every minute as the sun moves along his orbit, the shadow of the toddy palm cannot be relied on to shelter you for any length of time. If you, therefore, put too much trust on wealth or rely on your post, which you may hold to-day and lose to-morrow, the peasant tells you : "Dau/at far guc/ih he clihdya " or ''Nauh'i tar gdchli l-e chhdyaJ' "Wealth or post is uncertain and transitory like the shadow of a palm tree." Then again if he wants to express his surprise at the unexpected impudence or pugnacity of any one who suddenly assumes the role of a bully, but who is naturally expected to be humble and meek, he quotes the following hyperbole : Jollia he either marhhdh ! " The goat of a weaver, and given to viciousness ! " {lit. butting). The quiet, humble, forbearing weaver, the butt of all, and the typical fool of Indian society, is the most inoffensive of human beings; therefore, from a parity of reasoning (helped by imagination), his goat, of all creatures in the world, ought to be the most inoflensive ! Then, goats are not usually vicious, and much less the goat of a weaver. It is therefore singularly inconsistent with its nature if it takes to pugnacious ways, and wonder is expressed at this unexpected transformation. If, again, one of his fellow-villagers, after a short absence, returns home and decks himself out in gay colours INTRODUCTION. XYll and costumes, not usually seen among the homely-dressed peasants, and otherwise gives himself airs (a very common weakness), he laughs at him in the proverb : Chare din ke gaile murga mor Jioke aile ! " The cock went away for four days only from his home, and returned a peacock !" which is analogous to the story of the jackdaw who arrayed himself in the plumes of a peacock, and suffered an ignominious humiliation at the hands of his former indignant companions. Thus dozens of proverbs may be quoted to show that they are essentially rustic in their nature. The similes and metaphors are drawn from rustic objects, familiar to the every-day life of the Bihiir peasant, and an odour of homely village life pervades them. 6. The morale of the Proverbs : their tone more practical than moral. But it is necessary to examine these proverbs from a higher standpoint of view, to see if they are anything more than a collection of railleries, banters, and jokes, now treating in a spirit of pleasantry certain personal failings, foibles, and vices, and now deriding and taunting in a severe, perhaps cynical, tone the misfortunes and weaknesses of our fellow-mortals. As a very com- prehensive division these proverbs, for our purpose, may be classed under two broad heads : those of a practical or worlcUy nature, and those of a moral and didactic nature. The former would lay down rules useful to be observed in our worldly dealings ; the latter would embody principles of conduct (whether the result of experience or deduced from religious belief) which are XVlll INTRODUCTION. generally accepted as right in our relations to our fellow- mortals, and to a future world. Regarded from this point of view, the proverbs in most common use among the people are decidedly of a very practical nature. They relate more to worldly wisdom than to high principles of rectitude ; they tell us oftener what is expedient and useful than what is right and what ought to be our unswerving line of conduct ; their teachings would help us rather to meet and combat the acuteness and cunning which pass for wisdom in the world than to shun them as low artifices unworthy of us; they are more selfish and less self-denying. There is a general absence in them of an elevating tone, a want of high ideal, such as one would expect to find in the sayings of wisdom left by the sages of old. There is no ethical principle or choice moral maxim conveyed in them ; they rather incline to selfishness and cynicism. Self- interest is their key-note and worldliness their one tune. Perhaps this is the natural outcome of a religion dissevered from morality and ages of grovelling sub- jection. 7. Ridicule and Derision their chief aim. Ridicule is their chief aim, and persiflage their usual style. Their tone is sometimes bitterly sarcastic and a light vein of satire runs through them all. Ridicule, sarcasm, and derision are the chief weapons in the armoury of these proverbs, and they are often wielded with merciless severity. They are rather the cuts of a blunt, heavy sword than the sharp, clean thrusts of a rapier ; very often the jokes are coarse to a degree, and are levelled almost ruthlessly regardless of INTRODUCTIO>\ XIX the feelings of the person aimed at. It is no wonder then that these heavy weapons often leave a deep wound behind. For we all know, if from nothing else, from the fable of the stone-throwing boys and the frogs, that a missile hurled in fun may leave an eflPect the reverse of funny. One of the commonest methods of ridicule in these proverbs is to put the satire into the mouth of the person to be ridiculed, and to make it appear as if it comes from the person himself. This is no doubt a most effective way of caricaturing, as the extravagant utterances sound much more ludicrous in the mouth of the "subject" (who is thus unconsciously developing his oddities) than in that of the "operator." For example, in Proverb 391, " The misfortunes of a husband who has a shrew at home," the scold is pitilessly held up to laughter, when she is represented uttering the lampoon in which she is so mercilessly satirized. The barber's wife, again, who is represented as lamenting the death of her beloved husband (Proverb 107), because " Who is there now left to shave the town ? " is caricaturing in her own person one who is so self- opinionated as to think fondly either herself, or some one dear to her indispensable. In the same way the witch who is represented (in Proverb 11) as making a grim boast of her infant- devouring powers, is only caricaturing in herself those who take a delight in boasting of their evil deeds. She says : " Lnrika khdit khCiit biir/ii hhelln ; Jocj kahe hak- ddin,'" " I have grown old in the habit of feasting on infants ; yet people have the impertinence to say I am only a novice in the practice " (literally " only half a witch "), which is only meant as a heavy thrust at those XX INTRODUCTION. perverse natures we occasionally meet who are for ever making a boast of what they ought really to be ashamed of. Similarly, the proverb (No. 112) in which the jackal pup who, being born only in August, has the impudence to speak of a flood that took place in the following month as " such a heavy one that he never saw the like of it in his life," is pleasant irony with humour, and takes off beautifully the presumption of the raw youth who talks as one ripe in experience and knowing everything. Another very common mode of ridiculing adopted in these proverbs is by exaggeration. This puts in the most ludicrous form the object to be ridiculed and provokes the laugh of the hearers, which, in most cases, is all that is aimed at. It is, besides, a form that commends itseK most to the taste and calibre of the rustic. 8. Humour. Speaking of humour, it would perhaps be useful here to point out that these proverbs are not wholly destitute of it, at least, as understood by the Bihilri rustic. The peasant has his style of humour, as he has his style of talk. It may be rough and ready, but it is genuine. Like the coarse salt he uses, it lacks refinement, but it helps to flavour his language. We can only afibrd space for a few examples chosen at random. There is no doubt genuine humour when a despicable effort made to effect a gigantic purpose is likened to the presumption of the seagull in the fable who slept with her tiny feet held upwards, lest the sky should fall (Proverb 108). Again, the man who is foolish enough to confide in a notorious swindler, and to trust him with his money, INTRODUCTION. XXI is aptly compared to the stupid creature who entrusted a jackal with a piece of meat to be kept for him till he wanted it! (Proverb 161). The occasional visit of an acquaintance is welcome ; but if he should take to the habit of coming frequently, and " sponging " on you for long periods, his visits become anything but pleasant. Such a behaviour is satirized in the follow- ing humorous simile (perhaps too grotesque in its grim humour of treating so lightly such a serious subject as death) : Burh ke marie na demln jam ke parikle derdln ; i.e. "The occasional incursion of the 'angel of death' {jam) to seize an old victim is not by any means to be feared (for that is to be expected), but his getting accustomed to making frequent raids!" (Proverb 314). Few who have had experience of camping life in Bihar will fail to recall a village quarrel into whicb the women enter with so much gusto as an indispensable part of their daily business. The termagants ranged on opposite sides, brawling, gesticulating, and screaming with all their might like so many cockatoos, the men going about their business as usual and quite unconcernedly as if this periodical outburst was a necessary part of the day's proceedings, the children and the village pariahs adding their chorus. On such an occasion we can imag-ine a wag, who has been watching the fun with the relish of a by-stander who is not mixed up in it, turning away from it, just when the quarrel is raging at its highest, and the warmed combatants are becoming a bit unmindful of modesty in their language and gestures, with the humorous advice thrown in, more in jest than in earnest, " Lar parosin did rakh," " Yes, go at it, you neighbours ! but please preserve a little sbame in your modest eyes " XXll INTRODUCTION. (Proverb 389). Of course, the word " neighbours " is not used without a toucli of irony. Those who are quarrelling now so vehemently (in such unneighbourly fashion) will not long after be the best of friends, as neighbours ought to be. It is only a daily " con- stitutional." Akin to humour is drollery and burlesque. In essence they are a coarse form of humour, where effect is sought by sportive tricks, buffoonery, ludicrous or unnatural representation and exaggerated parody. These predominate in the proverbs that are descriptive of the peculiar traits characteristic of certain castes and classes, where the prominent failings are laid hold of and are mercilessly gibbeted and parodied in a fashion which, to those unused to this style, would almost seem inhuman. The oddities, for example, of the JoU/a (the Mussalman weaver, the proverbial fool of Indian society) are travestied in a melodramatic style in the sarcastic lines describing his encounter with the frog, where, after being defeated by that mighty creature, he recounts his adventure (not without a tone of vaunting) to his admiring wife, and winds up with the bathos, "Now, whatever happens, whether I live or die, I am off to the battle of the frogs !" — intended not only to excite his wife's wonder at his prowess, but her commiseration (Proverb 313). The Kanmijia Brahmin, than whom there is not a greater stickler in regard to caste rules, is similarly ridiculed in the over-drawn picture of " three Brahmins and thirteen separate cooking places " (Proverb 259). And the "poor" Myath is with great art ludicrously represented as "picking" up the bits that drop when two laddm (sweetmeat balls meant figuratively for "rich INTRODUCTION. XXlll fools") fight: Laddii lare jhilli jltare hdijath hechdre ha pet hhare, " "When laddus fight bits drop out ; the poor kayath gets his living" (Proverb 280). But though somewhat exaggerated, a better portrait could not be given than in the description of him when taking anything on " tick " and when paying cash. Nagad kdijath hhict udJidr kayath deota, " A kdyath when paying cash is the very devil (in exacting a bargain) ; but when taking a loan he is as meek as an angel ! " "When a perverse nature, that cannot under any circumstances behave straight- forwardly, is satirized in the saying, " If he is very straight, he is like a sickle " (Proverb 230), or when one, whose acrid nature is increased in acerbity by outward circumstances, is likened to " the bitter karela creeper climbing the still more bitter nlm,'" the images called forth are eminently calculated to provoke a laugh by their extravagance (Proverb 143). 9. Nature of some of the Proverbs : simile half expressed. In these proverbs as it will be readily noticed the simile is usually only half expressed. The incident or object to be compared is not mentioned, but only the image is quoted to illustrate it. The former is always taken for granted as being present ; the latter only is brought into prominence. The particle or word indicating comparison is seldom expressed ; but the things are placed side by side and the hearer is left to draw his inference. In fact, the primary meaning of the Arabic word mashl^ is likeness, and probablj'- the office of proverbs 1 " The title of the 'Book of Proverbs' in Hebrew is Mishle-Mashal, rendered in the Arabic version 'by-word,' 'parable,' 'proverb.' It is derived from a root mashal 'to be like,' and the primary idea involved in it is that of likeness, comparison. Probably all proverbial sayings XXIV INTRODUCTION. was originally, as has been conjectured, to furnish comparisons only. 10. Oftener concrete than abstract in their form. And this brings us to the consideration of one marked feature of these proverbs, being as they are the rude primitive utterances of illiterate minds. They are oftener concrete than abstract in the forms in which they appear. For, as is well known, abstraction and generalization are habits acquired after long civilization and training. The form of expression which readily commends itself to the uncultivated mind is the concrete form. A truth or a fact is expressed by the uncivilized in a tangible shape, associated with images familiar to him. The same idea is made of general application by the trained mind in an abstract expression. The notion is the same, but the form different. Many instances of this will readily occur to all who have had experience of the illiterate Bihiir peasant. The images, illustrations, and expressions they employ are almost always material. For example, the idea expressed by us in the abstract and generalized form, " He laughs best who laughs last," is comically illustrated in the story of the potter and the greengrocer, who jointly hired a camel to convey their respective articles of trade. The potter filled his side of the pack with earthen pots and chatties, and the green- grocer did likewise with greens and vegetables. As they proceeded on their journey, the camel frequently helped himself to the greens from the greengrocer's bag. This were at first of the nature of similes. From this stage of its application it passed to that of sententious maxims generally, many of which, however still involve comparison." — Dr. Chambers. INTRODUCTION. XXV excited the potter's laugh, who thought he had the best of the bargain, and quizzed his friend on his bad luck. To this he retorted by saying, " We shall see, ray friend, on what side the camel sits." Presently they had occasion to stop on the road, and the camel was made to sit. He naturally sat on the heavier side of the potter's package, and also, probably, with an eye to having occasional mouthfuls from the green- grocer's bag. This caused all the pots to smash, and then of course the greengrocer had the laugh all on, his side. Hence the saying: ^' Kanna kare to iint baithela," "Let's see on what side the camel sits" (Proverb 194). " Ingratitude " is illustrated by the common story of the young cuckoo remaining after all a cuckoo, and causing disappointment and shame to its foster-mother, the crow, who, under a delusion, was led to hatch the eggs of a cuckoo (Proverb 50). "Inattention" is cari- catured in the person Avho, having sat through the whole epic of the Rdmdyan, inquires innocentl}' at the end, "Whose wife is Sita?" (Proverb 65). "Presumption" is similarly illustrated in the story of the donkey who attempted to ford a stream in which huge animals, like the camel, were drowned, and paid with his life for his audacity (Proverb 98). Extreme feminine vanity is similarly travestied in the " blind woman " keeping three collyrium boxes to beautify her eyelashes (Proverb 84), and so on. 11. Some Proverbs convey their meaning hij suggestion rather than expression. Some proverbs convey their meaning, more by sugges- tion than expression ; they refer to some folklore or to XXVI INTRODUCTION. an analogous case which brings out the point to be illustrated, or the absurdity of the situation prominently. It is vain to endeavour to find, in them a parallel idea corresponding to every word, used : the result would be nonsense. You have to infer the comparison as a whole from the parallel instance put forward. The implied metaphor, from its very incompleteness as it were, strikes you forcibly. The parallel is not complete, but ends half-way, and suggests the corresponding idea and simile, more by implication than expression. In- stances of this occur in every language, e.g. " Money makes the mare to go," " Blood is thicker than water," etc. Of this nature are proverbs, Gdi gdi ha holihah hdiir, BJiUsa kutale niksi chdur ? (Proverb 160). Said when one is advised not to waste his breath in trying to convince a man who will not be convinced. The process is similar to extracting rice by pounding husk : E, giir khdyen, kdii chhcddyen (Proverb 159). Said when one is bound to do a thing nolens volens, how- ever much he may object to it at first. This proverb refers to the practice of giving a piece of sugar (jaggery) to a child, whose ears are to be bored ; while she is thus engaged her ears, or rather the cartilages of her ears, are pierced, etc. 12. Rhyming Pvorerbs. Often a telling effect is obtained b\^ a casual rhyme of words of widely different import, e.g. Chor jaUne hlra ke, icaime klilni ke, "A thief is a thief whether INTRODUCTION. XXVU he steals a diamond or a cucumber;" or Jekra hath mm doi, tela-a hath men sab hoi, " He who holds the hcliiing spoon commands everybody" (Proverb 175) ; or Kdm iri- yara chcwi nahi piydra, " Handsome is that handsome does" {tit. "Work is loveable, not the skin"). But oftener the rhyme is there, but not the reason. 13. Feminine Proverbs. There are some proverbs and expressions especially in use among the women ; they are peculiar to females, and applicable to them only. They are seldom used by men, unless by those despicable creatures called Maiigrds, or a class of effeminate men who affect the ways of women. They talk and behave like them, assume a feminine gait and tone, clothe themselves like women, and pretend in all respects to have feminine tastes. They prefer women's company to men's, sing feminine songs in feigned voices, and are looked upon as buffoons. It is strange to notice the freedom with which they are allowed to mix with women — a liberty not usually permitted to men in native society. The writer can only afford space to direct the atten- tion of the reader to a i&w of the Proverbs (out of a great many) that are used in reference to the w^omen only : they are for instance Proverbs 82, 87, 103, 104, 318, 368, 401, etc. It will be noticed that the feminine gender is denoted by the terminal "o," and that a wife never speaks of her husband by his name, but simply by the personal pronoun " he," and its cases. Among other curious domestic customs, in connection with the wife, may be XXVUl INTRODUCTION. noticed the extreme reserve which she is supposed to exercise towards her husband's father and elder brother, at all times. Iler person is sacred to them, it is there- fore considered a pollution to be touched by them. She will never speak to them, or if she can help it, be seen by them. She will hide herself on their approach, or if she is obliged to serve them she will draw her sari cloth over her head. The following warning thrown in by the wife, who was serving out dinner to her father- in-law, in the form of a riddle, is interesting as illustrating that direct speech on the part of the daughter-in-law, under any circumstances, is considered highly indecent. AVhile she was engaged one day in helping her father- in-law to his meal, a drop of milk from her, breast fell in his food. Unable to warn him directly, she repeated the following lines which conveyed to him the necessary hint and stopped him in time from making himself " the son of his daughter-in-law : Kdhat mora laj lage, simat par gari, Sds 1x6 patoh Idgim, sasur he mahidri ? " I am ashamed to say so, and those who hear me will take it as an abuse : I am the daughter-in-law of my mother-in-law and (am I to become) the mother of my father-in-law?" These restrictions are not so strictl}'' observed among the lower classes in Bihar, who, owing to their circumstances, are often thrown together ; but there is, notwithstanding, always a reserve between the futher-in-law, the elder brother-in-law, and the wife. While on the other hand she is allowed the utmost liberty to joke with her husband's younger brother, who iji a legitimate object of her practical jokes. INTRODUCTION. SXIX Speaking of conmidruras and riddles, the writer will just notice in passing that some very witty ones exist in the mouths of the people. They are chiefly characterized by a play of fancy and. humour, and by the very good use made of familiar domestic objects to amplify and clothe the metaphors and give a quaint turn to common expressions so as to conceal the real meaning- They are replete with "quips and cranks" and happy twists, which sometimes recoil on the head of the solver of these riddles himself. A spirit of hilarity breathes through them and a "double entente^' is often used with telling effect. 14. Sources of tJiese Proverbs. It is impossible now to trace the history of most of the proverbs, to say who were their authors, or how they originated and became current among the people. A few are no doubt of classical origin, and are traceable to well-known Hindi works, such as the great Epics, the Ramayan, the Mahabharata, etc. Others are the remarkable sayings of local poets, seers, and astrologers. For example, a great many of the clever sayings regard- ing agriculture, seasons, and pastoral subjects in general, are attributed to the two brothers Ghjig Rae and Bhiig Rae, who, it is said, were natives of Bhojpur. To Bhaddar,^ also supposed to be a native of the Shiihabad district, are ascribed, on the other hand, many of the remarkable utterances relating to the science of jotkh or astrology, by which an undertaking is ascertained to be auspicious or inauspicious. These are formuke and dicta 1 See a note on Bbaddar under Proverb 437. XXX INTROUUCTIOX. based on astrology, and are quoted to recommend or dissuade any one from taking an impending step, such as starting on a journey, building a house, undertaking a heavy responsibility, etc., and have the greatest hold on the imagination and belief of the people. Others, again, are no doubt the sayings of clever villagers, being the outcome of experience or of popular superstition. The Proverbs relating to agriculture, seasons, and pur- chase of cattle, are especially useful as rules of guidance for all agriculturists and farmers, who want to keep on the right track, and profit by the experience of others. 15. Classification and Arrangement of the Proverbs; their Transliteration and Translation. In concluding this rambling and discursive notice of the Proverbs the writer would wish to make a few re- marks on their classification and arrangement. That this is a difficult task will be readily acknowledged by all who have taken the subject into their consideration ; but the peculiar difiiculties besetting one who attempts to translate proverbs into a foreign language, and then to reduce them into certain order, are perhaps greater. Perhaps, no attempt to classify the proverbs and group them under definite heads can be perfect and give uni- versal satisfaction. The same proverbs may be viewed from difierent standpoints by different individuals, and each would naturally class it under the head which appeared to him the fittest. It is, therefore, almost a trite saying that there are as many ways of looking at a proverb as there are dispositions and temperaments. The following will show that proverbs may reasonably INTRODUCTION. XXXI be classed under any out of the several general heads adopted in this compilation. For instance (Proverb 49G) : KdnlJi gaiija he ahje hathdn, "A blind cow requires a separate house" (cattle yard), (a) Can be taken as referring to cattle and put under class vi. (b) Can be considered as aimed at a foible (a crotchet or queer whim, which is really the object of the proverb) and classed under class i. (c) Can be taken as a saying of worldly wisdom and put under class ii. (d) May be taken as a social proverb and classed under class iv. Similarly proverb 325. JSfanado he nanad hola, " A sister-in-law has a sister-in-law too " (to tyrannise over her). May be taken either as a piece of consoling advice to those who are tyrannised over (class ii.) ; or may be classified according to the particular foible aimed at, i.e. home oppression (class i.); or may be regarded as a scene out of native domestic life in which the sisters-in-law figure (class iv.). It will thus be noticed that the classification in each case would be right, according to the point of view from which the proverb was regarded. Another difficulty of reducing the proverbs under general heads is the variety of subjects they treat of. A generic head does not take in the various shades of difierence, and is thus to some extent deceptive. This difficulty increases considerably when the attempt is made to arrange them under sub-heads. XXXU INTRODUCTION. In the early history of this compilation, shortly after the work was undertaken, the writer in submitting a few specimen sheets to Mr. G. A. Grierson, C.S., for his opinion, had applied to him for his suggestions as to the lines on which it would be advisable to classify and group the proverbs. He was kind enough to give them freely. Indeed, without his kind encouragement and advice, given from time to time, and given so gracefully, the work would never have been persevered with. He was then good enough to direct the compiler's attention to the following methods. (As these are clearly and concisely laid down by him in his letter the compiler will give Mr. Grierson's own words) : — " There are many principles to choose from. The simplest and easiest is that of Fallon in his 'Dictionary of Proverbs.' He arranges them alphabetically according to the first word of each. But as the same proverb varies greatly in different people's mouths it is not a good arrangement. It is better to arrange them either according to subjects or according to objects. In the first method you group all proverbs about, say, birds, then all those about plants, and so on. In the second method you arrange them according to the particular vices or foibles aimed at, e.g. those aimed at gluttony, then those at parsimony. Both these methods are difficult to carry out. The best way I think is to class them, as far as possible, according to subjects and to add a complete index giving every important word which occurs. No collection of proverbs can be satisfactory without such an index, for such a collection is a work of reference, and unless proverbs can be found easily, they may just as well remain in INTRODUCTIOX. XXXIU the brains of the natives as in a printed labyrinth without a clue." ]^o\v, each of these methods has its advantages and its disadvantages, its recommendations and its drawbacks. The alphabetical system, besides the important reason given by Mr. Grierson, could not be adopted, as it was unsuited to the original plan of this work, which is not a dictionary of proverbs, but a compilation with notes on the context, in which it was essential to follow some principle of grouping the proverbs under certain " heads." Moreover, if a dictionary of proverbs were needed, there is Dr. Fallon's excellent work, which perhaps some may think renders this compilation unnecessarj^ To such I would say in the words of George Elliot (slightly altered), " One could not carry on life comfortably, without a little blindness to the fact, that everything has been done better than we could do it ourselves." But, as a matter of fact, this compilation is altogether different from Dr. Fallon's important work, as will be seen at a glance. The next method of grouping them according to the subject, i.e. the images employed to illustrate, exemplify, or emphasize the idea, would be certainly easier and perhaps complete, and less open to questioning. But notwithstanding these recommendations, the principle can hardly be pronounced to be satisfactory. The simile or metaphor employed, is, after all, the mere husk, the outward form and accidental. Birds, plants, animals, various rustic tools, implements, etc., are put into requi- sition simply to act as illustrations to the prominent idea involved. Thus the tusk of an elephant is in one proverb (Proverb 246) made to symbolise straightforwardness and in another (Proverb 3) exactly the opposite qualit}'. XXXIV INTRODUCTION. When the paras tree is spoken of as having but three leaves, this incidental natural fact is seized to emphasize the main idea of the extent of one's power — "thus far thou shalt go and no further." Again : when the delicate huJhul is made use of in keen irony to ridicule a rough coarse woman, who pretends to be fine, the prominent idea of the proverb is not the bird, but "affectation." Similarly, when a vain man makes a boast of his short-lived power and is giddy with his slight elevation, he is likened to a " cricket on a bundle of clothes ; " the harmless insect is the least part of the proverb, and is simply a casual metaphor employed to laugh at the common human failing, because its chirping, when seated on a slight eminence, is not unlike that of the upstart. And so on, the images are merely the outward integument to enclose and hold the germ of idea involved in the proverb. It would be as reasonable in a classifica- tion of English proverbs to class the proverb, " Casting pearls before swine," under the head of "animals" or " precious stones " as to put the last Hindi proverb under the generic head of insects. The classification, to say the least of it, vs^ould be misleading. The third method, no doubt, has the least to be said against it ; it is classifj'ing the proverbs according to their subject-matter. This would include the " object " {i.e. the particular vices or foibles aimed at) w^hich would, in the case of these proverbs, form their true subject- matter. For example, the proverbs relating to " human failings, foibles, and vices " (class i. in this collection) would be grouped, according to their " objects," i.e. the particular vices aimed at, such as " hypocrisy," " parsimony," " gluttony," etc., while proverbs relating INTRODUCTION. XXXV to " peculiarities, traits," etc. (class iii.), or those relating to "agriculture" (class v.), would be grouped according to the subject-matter treated of. But this principle of classification has its drawback also. In a few instances, especially in proverbs coming under classes i, ii. and iv., the grouping of the proverbs under the general heads has to be somewhat " forced " — perhaps a distinction has to be made without much of a difference. This is unavoidable from the nature of the cognate subjects treated of in the proverbs, which, viewed from different standpoints, might come just as easily under one head as under another. The proverbs coming under class ii. cannot easily be comprised under definite sub-heads. The variety of subjects are too numerous and diversified to admit of classification. Even cognate ideas are often expressed in a variety of shades that require separate grouping. Thus the sub-heads have a tendency to become as numerous as the proverb heads. In classifying the proverbs the compiler has followed the last method. He has been principally guided by their subject-matter, their application and use ; their object rather than their subject or form. This system might not be the best, but it seemed to him to be the one which had most reason on its side. It is natural, and has the advantage of easy reference. Of course some of these groupings may appear arbitrary, but this is also unavoidable, so long as a proverb can be viewed from different standpoints. In the index the object has been to give the subject-matter (substance) of the proverbs in their own words, expressed as concisely as possible. This, it was thought, would have the advantage of directing attention to the proverb when it was heard or a reference XXXVl INTRODUCTION, was made to it, and would also avoid the use of hackneyed phrases. In order, therefore, to have a correct idea, we must turn to the proverbs themselves, as very often the brief index-heads will fail to convey an adequate idea of the proverb. They are expressed so quaintly and in a form so foreign to our notions and ideas of things, though the subject-matter may be familiar enough. The general heads will also be a guide where to look for proverbs of a certain kind. The system of transliteration adopted is the same as that of the Bihar Peasant Life by Mr. Grierson. It may be briefly described as the Jonesian system, with every possible diacritical mark omitted. In pursuance of this the cerebral letters are given no dots, and, as nearly every final vowel is long, the long mark has been omitted from final vowels. As Mr. Grierson has described this system clearly in the Introduction to his Bihar Peasant Life, I give his own words : "Every native word is written twice over — once with accuracy in the native character for those who are able to read it, and once in the English character for those who are not acquainted with the Indian vernaculars. This transliteration does not pretend to be scientifically accurate. Such a transliteration with its diacritical dots and dashes would only puzzle those for whom it is intended, viz. those who are ignorant of the language. All that has been attempted for them is to give them a general idea of the correct pronunciation of the words, without professing to tell them the exact pro- nunciation, which they hardly require, and which would be difficult to do. For these persons all that is necessary is, that they should pronounce the vowels as in Italian, and the consonants as in English, and they will then IXTRODUCTIOX. XXXVll approacli sufl5ciently near to the way in which the natives themselves pronounce the words. For those who are ac- quainted with the vernacular languages, no instructions for pronouncing the words in their vernacular dress are necessary." Dark passages the writer has not shunned to the best of his knowledge and light in translating. But he has been careful to avoid holding " a farthing rushlight to the sun." To those familiar with the vernacular of the peasantry nothing would be dark, and to those not so conversant, every expression would need a commentary. Thus to adopt a middle course was by no means such plain sailing as might be imagined at first sight. Then the peculiar difficulty of translating idiomatic, terse, and colloquial expressions, which chiefly make up the language of the proverbs, from one tongue into another, is known to all. To translate these by their literal meanings would, in most cases, be to make great nonsense in another language. Of course the only safe method in such cases is to translate the idiom of one language into the corresponding idiom of the other. But this proposi- tion, which is so easy to state, is most diflBcult to carry out. Besides requiring a perfect familiarity with the idiom of both languages on which the translator is at work, there are seldom exactly corresponding idiomatic expressions to be found in two languages — expressions which convey exactly the same ideas and no more and no less, and with equal force and terseness. It is truly said, that " metaphor, which is the strength of language, is invariably the stumbling-block of the translator," and a "pun," according to Addison, "can be no more engraven than it can be translated." XXXVUl INTllODUCTION. My sincere and grateful acknowledgments are due to my friend Mr. H, F. Drummond, of the Opium Depart- ment, for his friendly help and kind advice (alwaj^s freely given, whenever I was in doubt or difficulty) throughout the compilation of this work. To his nice literary judgment and extensive reading I owe many valuable suggestions. John Christian. Hajipue, Tiehut, Eehar, December, 1890. XXXIX CLASS I. Peoyeebs eelating to Humak Failings, Foibles, and Vices. Sub- Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Affectation, Pretence, Shamming, Dissembling, Hypocrisy, etc. Avarice, Parsi- mony, Cove- tousness, Greed, etc. Aping. Bullying, Oppressing, Venting rage, etc. 1. Cutting off the head and pretending to preserve the hair. 2. Father a drunkard, and the son pretending to play the role of a religious man. 3. Like the tusk and teeth of an elephant, one set for show and another for use. 4. Pretending to turn over a new leaf. 5. Pretending the end of the cucumber is bitter. 6. Sinner turned a saint. 7. Shamming to shirk. 8. She knows nine, but not six. 9. She calls herself a sayad, but stoops to steal a nose ornament. 10. She calls herself a lulhul, but swallows a gfdar. 1 1 . Old in sin yet a novice. 12. A life's hoarding lost at a stroke. 13. Almighty dollar. 14. The miser's loss is sudden. 15. The miser and his wife. 16. To take one and give two. 17. When gaining he is discontented, when losing contented. 18. Apiug — a losing game. 19. Aping often causes discomfort. 20. Paying dearly for a])ing. 21. The weak bullying the weaker. 22. The cunning bullying the weak. 23. The anvil bears the missing stroke. 24. The fallen are trampled. 25. Entirely at your mercy. 26. Venting one's rage on the innocent. d xl HUMAN FAILINGS, ETC. Sub -Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Bad writing. Elabbins;. " Counting the chickens be- fore they arc hatched," Anticipating, etc. Conceit. Extravagance. Exaggeration. Gluttony. Ingratitude. Ignorance. Improvidence. Inability to ap- preciate worth, merit, etc. 27. Bad hand-writing. 28. A blabber dying to blab. 29. The tell-tale causes the downfall of a kingdom. 30. The son is born before the father. 31. The father is still unborn, but the son attends a wedding (safilowcr). 32. Proclaiming before the son is born. 33. Crying before he is hurt. 34. Anticipating evil. 35. Conceit about one's wisdom. 36. Can't afford rice-gruel, but drinks toddy. 37. Expenditure on a thing more than it is worth. 38. Cost of the wood is 9 pice, but he spends 90 on it. 39. Useless appendage. 40. Servant to a servant. 41. Critics say more than the poet. 42. Making a mountain of a mole-hill. 43. A lakh is on the lips of a brag. 44. A greedy daughter-in-law. 45. Pretended fasting before her husband. 46. Ambition dying for name : greed for belly. 47. The greedy advised to eat with eyes closed before children. 48. Hunger to be appeased before devotion (a " full bellv, then a devout heart"). 49. "Enemy to food." 50. The young of a cuckoo will after all be a cuckoo. 51. A snake bites its charmer. 52. A viper is never grateful. 53. Like a horse that grumblingly neighs when given ghi. 54. Poor attainments taunted. 55. An improvident man overtaken by the flood. 56. Can a low caste appreciate hard (a kind of sweetmeat) ? 57. Can a monkey appreciate ginger? 58. The hubble-bubble in the hands of a monkey. HUMAN FAILIXGS, ETC. xli Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Inattention. Love of false dis- play, empty boast, fop- pishness, etc. 59. Music hath, no charms for a buffalo. 60. Useless to adorn before a blind husband. 61. To the blind day and night are the same. 62. Worth unappreciated. 63. Merit not recognized (illustrated by an allegory). 64. Making no distinction. 65. Enquiring who is the hero after the whole tale is finished. 66. Affecting high-sounding names. 67. Foppishness in dress. 68. One who asks for alms should not enquire after the rent-roll of a village. 69. Dying to eat jt?«?^. 70. A vain woman's love for display. 71. False outward display. 72. Fashionable father and son, with frogs for kettle-drum. 73. One who cannot afford it keeping up a dance at his gate for display. 74. Falsely calling himself a " Benares man." 75. The cock after four days' absence returns home a peacock. 76. Display in borrowed plumes. 77. A vain woman thinks of adorning herself only. 78. Himself a beggar and a beggar at his door. 79. Love of worthless finery. 80. When out he wears long dhotis ; at home he eats masur bread. 81. Tall talk when out and kodo rice at home. 82. Eoasting of three-seer anklets. 83. Demanding a torch at another's house. 84. A blind woman owning three collyrium boxes. 85. The needy keeping company with the great. 86. Rags to wear and carpets to spread. 87. Proud of her Chundri Suri. 88. A poor fop. 89. The poor man at the prow of the boat. 90. Vain boast of learning. xli HUMAN FAILINGS, ETC. Sub -Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. "Pot calling the kettle black," Alike faulty or defective. Presumption, Audacity, Cheeli, Arro- gance, Over- confidence, Imprudence, etc. Eecklessness. Selfishness, Heartlessness, 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110, 111, 112, 113 114 115 116, 117 118 119, 120, An upstart affecting gentility. Affecting familiarity with the great (a snob). The sieve blaming the sup. Equally miserable and poor. Both alike defective. Blind to one's own fault. Where giants have failed, the pigmy has come to try his strength. Where camels are drowned, the donkey ventures to ford. Falsely claiming kinship. While the superior spirits are crying from hunger, Mua has the cheek to ask for cakes. Breeze of the fan pitted against the hurri- cane. The goat of a jolhu (weaver) and addicted to butting ! Cheek in a young girl. Can the dance get on without gango ? Cricket on a bundle. Making free with another's property. The barber's wife lamenting the death of her husband. Can the sea-gull support the falling skies with its tiny feet ? He does not know the charm for scorpions, yet ventures to put his hand in a snake's hole. Self-praise is no praise. Arrogating superiority over one's teacher. Presumption of the inexperienced. The young crow wiser than its mother. Born but yesterday and to-day a giant. An old goat quizzing the wolf. Recklessness of those who have nothing to lose. One who has nothing to lose can be reck- less to any extent. Beckless waste of other's property. What is play to one is death to another. Dying man asked to sing. HUMAN FAILINGS, ETC. xlii Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Obstinacy, Self- willed, having one's own way, etc. Yain or impo- tent desire. Vain expecta- tion. Useless labour, etc. 121. A self-willed man. 122. Requiring full weight when the hanyd does not come to terms. 123. The goat has paid with its life, yet its meat is not tasty. 124. The poor dog is dying, but the Raja thinks of his sport only. 125. The Rani has thoughts of the Raja only. 126. Vain desire of the handless woman to dance. 127. "Wife vainly waiting for the collyrium to put in her eyes. 128. Fruitless labour in spinning. 129. The earless woman wishing for earrings. 130. An old cow's desire to take part in the Sohrui festival. CLASS II. Pkoveebs eelating to Worldly "Wisdom and Maxims, Ex- pediency AND Cunning, and "Warnings and Advice. A new broom. 131. A circuitous route. 132. Absurd sight or situation. 133. A new washerwoman applies soap to rags even. The barber's wife with a wooden nail- cutter. A chip of the old block. All that glitters is not gold. A good man needs speaking once. All in the same plight. 139. An old parrot never gets tame. 140. After meals wait awhile. A dog is brave at his own door. Grinding corn on the dead. The Karaila climbing on the Nim. A bear, and he with a spade on his shoulders. 145. Insulting the dead. 146. A demon and a torch in his hand. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 141 142 143 144 div WORLDLY WISDOM, ETC. Sub- Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 147. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 148. A barking dog seldom bites. 149. A black goat has no heart. 150. A ludicrous attempt to frighten. 151. A rat's skin is not sufficient to cover a kettle-drum. 152. " A prophet is with honour save in his own country." 153. Among butchers a devout man can never be happy. 154. Annoying an old man. 155. Whatever is in the vessel will come out of the spout. 156. Beneath notice is Bhak Bhaun Puri. 157. Bamboos make the clump. 158. Beating is pleasant, but the consequences ! 159. Bound to do it, nolens volens. 160. Constant repetition not conducive to con- viction. 161. Can meat be kept on trust with a jackal ? 162. Drowning the miller. 163. "Diamond cut diamond." 164. Dear at his native place, and cheap at the market. 165. " Do as they do in Eome." 166. Do what he may he is still a beggar. 167. Dictum for preserving health. 168. The Paras (tree) has but three leaves. 169. However strong the grain, it cannot break the cooking pot. 170. Follows the rich and " spunges " on the poor. 171. Fate and self-help equally shape our destiny. 172. Can a dead horse eat grass? 173. Can a frog catch cold ? 174. Can a goat eat nine maunds of flour? 175. He who holds the spoon commands every- body. 176. He who has suffered can sympathize with those in pain. 177. He thatches his roof whose house leaks. WORLDLY WISDOM, ETC. xlv Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 178. How money may be got rid of. 179. " Happy medium." 180. Indifference to loss. 181. "Ifs" and " ands." 182. "Ifs" and "ands." 183. In the friendship of the ass look out for kicks ! 184. In a treeless country the castor-oil plant is a big tree. 185. If a woman of ill-fame gets angry with you, so much the better. 186. It is a Sarkari dog : do not oppose it : let it do as it likes. 187. If benighted go where the dog barks and not where the light is seen. 188. Kill the snake as well as save the stick. 189. Like to like. As the curry, so the vegetables. 190. As the animal, so the grass. 191. Little things are great to little men. 192. Laddus in both hands. 193. Leading an unhappy life. 194. Let's see on what side the camel sits. 195. The strong can strike in the most vulner- able part. 196. The strong not only strikes, but prevents you from complaining. 197. The strong, even if he should be in the wrong, strikes you. 198. Right or wrong the mighty bully. 199. Necessity has no law. 200. No good to be got out of him. 201. Not the sugar that flies will take to. 202. The wedding of a sickle and the song of the hoe ! 203. Same thing right or wrong according to situation. 204. Jfunj stitches on velvet ! 205. Pestle has nothing to do with curd. 206. A cummin seed in the mouth of a camel. ^ I 207. Can the bark of one tree fit another ? xlvi WORLDLY WISDOM, ETC. Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 208. Will the bald head again go under the hel tree ? 209. " A scalded cat dreads cold water." 210. A dog once struck with a firebrand di'eads even the sight of lightning. 211. On the horns of a dilemma (the snake and the musk rat). 212. One man's meat is another man's poison. 213. One never reveals his defeat and the beating he has I'eceived from his wife. 214. A full belly gives a heavy head. 215. Out of all reckoning. 216. One with a wax nose is easily led. 217. One good turn deserves another. 218. Plain speakers not general favourites. 219. Truth at times parts the best of friends. 220. Pain preferable to remedy in some cases. 221. Purchasing troubles. 222. Right question, wrong answer. 223. Riches often count for virtue. 224. Requiring constant service without adequate return. 225. Splendour but short-lived. 226. Straightforwardness not always expedient. 227. Some amenable to kicks only. 228. Give him. pcin and he won't offer you sattu even ; but give him kicks and he will offer you sweets. 229. Call him "father" and he will not give you oil even ; but abuse him and he will offer you c/hi. 230. " Straight as a sickle " (a perverse nature). 231. Sing his praise who gives you food. 232. Slay your enemy without scruple. 233. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 234. The blusterer lords it over all. 235. The weevil gets crushed with the wheat. 236. The grass suffers in the fight of the tiger and buffalo. 237. The sweet ones he swallows, the bitter he rejects. 238. Toncue — source of honour and shame. -WORLDLY WISDOM, ETC. xlvii Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 239. A needy troupe of dancers use their own oil. 240. The meanest can injure. 241. The less the grain to be parched the more noise it makes. 242. Things to be avoided as leading to danger. 243. Things we ought to pray to be saved from. 244. Taking a pleasant view of everything. 245. The staves of ten men make the load of one. 246. The word of a man is like the tusk of an elephant : it cannot be withdrawn. 247. If the hel fruit is ripe, it matters little to the crow. 248. If she disappoints, the bed will remain empty. 249. "Without restraint. 250. "What is in a name ? 251. The cunning of the dwarf, the squint-eyed, and the one-eyed compared. 252. Beware of grey eyes. 253. "Warning against men with certain peculi- arities. 254. "Where there is a will there is a way (mind compared to a blacksmith). 255. "What houses are on the certain road to ruin (according to Ghagh the soothsayer). CLASS III. Pbovebbs eelating to Peculiarities and Traits Characteristic OF Certain Castes and Classes. Ahirs or Goalas (milkmen). Brahmans. 256. An Ahir knows only how to sing his Lorik ballad. 257. Rent receipt given by the cunning Kaeth to the burly Ahlr. 258. The young barber practises on the Alilr's head. 259. Hair splitting about difference of castes. "When three Kanaujiya Brahmans meet, adieu to cooking. xlviii PECULIARITIES AND TRAITS. Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Barber. Baniya. Babhan. Barhai (carpenter). Chamars (cobblers and shoemakers). Darji (tailor). Dhobi (washerman). Kayath. 260. 2G1. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. The Paiire does not practise what he preaches. A Kaeth wants payment, a Brahmin fcedinp;, and paddy and betel watering, but the low caste only kicks to make them do their work. A barber's wedding. The owed baniya gives further tick. A Babhan, a dog, and a bhat are always at variance with their own caste. A Babhan never to be believed. One Bhuifihar is equal to seven Chamars. A pretentious barhai or carpenter. When shoemakers quarrel, the king's saddle suffers. 269. A shoemaker's daughter with an aristo- cratic name ! 270. Sticking to his last. 271. The Dhobi and his ass. 272. Washermen wash best under competition. 273. The washerman never tears his father's clothes. 274. The Dhobi, the tailor, and the barber are always careless. 275. A Dhobi is likely to starve ia the village of the nude. 276. A Kayath essentially a man of figures. 277. Sinning in good company is no sin (story of the Kayaths who ate donkey's meat). 278. A Kayath helpless without pen and paper. 279. Kayaths, crows, and sweepings gather their own kinds. 280. A Kayath when paying cash is the very devil. 281. A Kayath gains when fools quarrel. 282. Wherever three Kayaths gather together, a thunderbolt will fall. 283. Comparison of castes. 284. The three people who dance in others'houses. Kurmi. 285. A Kurmi always untrustwoi'thy. Kumhar(potter) 286 A Kumhar sleeps secure. PECULIARITIES AND TRAITS. xlix Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Musalman. Mlyaiiji (or family tutor). Noniya. Rajput. Suthra fakirs. Sonar (goldsmith). Teli (oilman). Jolha (weaver), 287. A Musalman, a parrot, and a hare are never grateful. 288. To a Musalman give toddy, to a bullock kheiisari. 289. When the Mlyanji is at the door, it is a bad look out for the dog. 290. The Miyanji loses his beard in praise. 291. A Mlyanji's run is up to the mosque only. 292. A Noniya's daughter is born to labour. 293. Thick-headed. 294. Selfishness in Suthra fakirs. 295. Hundred strokes of the goldsmith will not equal one of the blacksmith. 296. A Teli, though possessed of lakhs, cannot equal Raja Bhoj. 297. The weaver bearing the sins of others. 298. The weaver as a cultivator. 299. The weaver penny wise and pound foolish. 300. A whip does not make an equestrian. 301. A weaver's daughter aping her betters. 302. A weaver becomes proud as a king when he has a ^agra-iull of rice. 303. The avaricious weaver. 304. The weaver asks to be let off fasting, but gets saddled with prayers. 305. The weaver suffers on leaving his loom. 306. Id without weavers. 307. A weaver makes a sad hash when required to reap a field. 308. The weaver going to cut grass at sunset. 309. The weaver tries to swim in a linseed field. 310. The weaver's wife. 311. "Weavers' and shoemakers' promises never to be relied on. 312. A weaver as an impressed labourer. 313. A fight between a frog and a weaver. CLASS IV. Pkoveebs relating to Social and Moeal Subjects, Religious Customs and Popular Superstitions. Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Brother and Sister-in-law. Bride and Bridegroom. Blind and Deaf. Daughter. Dependent. Dancina. 314. Angel of death to be feared. 315. As the Debi, so the offering. 316. A weak Debi and a strong he-goat for sacrifice. 317. A saddening reflection. 318. A fast woman of course blames others when she elopes. 319. A meddlesome woman. 320. A disgraced cat is as humble as a wife of the rat. 321. A forward woman. 322. Born to labour. 323. Bad lineage. 324. A weak elder brother-in-law is not re- spected. 325. A sister-in-law has a sister-in-law to annoy her. 326. The bride gets rice gruel only, and others sweets ! 327. A foolish bride gets no presents. 328. The " face-money " to the bride. 329. Crocodile tears of a bride. 330. Blind master and deaf pupil. 331. Backbiter. 332. Charity (sharing the last crust). 333. Dying in Benares is going to heaven. 334. Beware of overpraising your daughter. 335. A bad daughter ruins a son-in-law. 336. A daughter has three names in succession during her lifetime. 337. A dependent knows no happiness. 338. Making absurd conditions for dancing. 339. False modesty in dancers. SOCIAL AKD MORAL SUBJECTS, ETC. li Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Especial haunts or resorts. Fools. Guests and hosts. Habit second nature and unchangeable (the leopard cannot change his spots). Heart's dearest "wish. Husband and wife. 340. The blind man's lodging is at the turner's. 341. A loose horse is sure to stand near the chaff-house. 342. Paith makes god of a stone. 343. A fool's property the prey of all. 344. A fool's property the prey of all. 345. A fool thinks of his belly only. 346. A fool worries himself with others' concern. 347. A fool went to fish, but lost his fishing basket. 348. A fool's wife the jest of all. 349. A fool unable to distinguish the trunk from the tail of an elephant. 350. A simpleton is " cheeked " by a dog even. 351. Who are fools according to Ghagh the poet. 352. The three greatest fools in this world. 353. Unwelcome guests. 354. Guests but in name. 355. Presuming to play the part of the hostess. 356. Assuming a leading part in a marriage ceremony. 357. The host, and he to get broken bits of cake. 358. Grandfather's funeral ceremony. 359. Notwithstanding all charms and incanta- tions the boy does not change his habit. 360. The rope burns, but not the twist. 361. A dog's tail can never be straightened. 362. Half dead, he still shakes his head. 363. Can the crow become white by eating camphor ? 364. What does a blind man want but his two eyes ? 365. The husband claiming unmerited service from the wife. 366. The diffidence of the husband in making presents to his wife in his father's house. 367. When the cat is away the mice will play. 368. Husband unsuited to the wife. 369. A greedy wife. 370. A would-be paragon of a wife gives a pommelling to her husband. 371. Hard won prize. Ki SOCIAL AND MORAL SUBJECTS, ETC. Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. Helplessness. Jewels. Mischief makers Mother and sister-in-law. One blamed for another's fault, made a scape- goat. Quarrelsome women, fire- brands, etc. Quarrels and jokes. Sisters. Sympathy and want of it. 372. He only "joins" bread who cannot make them. 373. If every one takes to becoming pilgrims, who is to do the worldly work ? 374. Ignorant villagers are easily duped. 375. Ignorant villager mulcted on going to complain. 376. Ornaments as well as means of livelihood. 377. Job's comforter. 378. Love defies law. 379. Quarrels between relatives are made up ; mischief-makers only return home dis- appointed. 380. He tells the thief to steal and the wealthy to keep awake. 381. The happiness of one who has neither mother-in-law nor sister-in-law. 382. Music is charming at a distance. 383. Chamru enjoys, while Deyal gets whipped for it. 384. For the sake of one all are disliked. 385. The man with a moustache is blamed for the thieving of the moustacheless. 386. She in tatters is blamed forher in ornaments. 387. Priest and musician in one. 388. Physician prescribing according to the patient's wish. 389. Quarrelsome women recommended to quarrel with decency. 390. A tire-brand, wherever she goes, she sets society by the ear. 391. The misfortune of a husband who has a scold of a wife. 392. A shrew strikes terror into a demon even. 393. The root of quarrels is practical jokes, as the root of disease is cough. 394. Envious tears of an elder sister. 395. Pains of a chapped foot. 396. Does a barren woman know the pain of childbirth ? 397. To cry before a blind man is to waste tears. 398. Single-handed. SOCIAL AND MORAL SUBJECTS, ETC. liii Sub-Class. •No. Subject of Proverbs. Son. Singing. Troubles increased. Tobacco. Thieves. Widow. "Weddinf Worshipping. 399. An unworthy son. 400. Who avoids the beaten track. 401. Good singers are apt to be bored. 402. Social aspirant snubbed. 403. She went to ask for a son, but lost her husband. 404. He prayed that his troubles may be lessened, but they were doubled. 405. The dead boy had fine eyes. 406. The man who offers you tobacco and lime unasked is sure to go to heaven. 407. Tobacco is necessary for life. 408. The devil even flees from a thrashing. 409. The thief on the contrary mulcting the police. 410. Thick as thieves. 411. A thief's heart is in the hahri field. 412. With a thief he is a thief, to a watchman he is a servant only. 413. A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. 414. A thief will not stick at a borrowed plate. 415. An impudent thief : he warns when he steals. 416. A thief with a face bright as the moon. 417. Taking tick sine die. 418. The idler (indolent). 419. Uncle and nephew at loggerheads (paying off" old scores). 420. Vicissitudes of life. 421. Waiting for the auspicious time may bring ruin. 422. Waverer's repentance. 423. A spinster weeping with a widow. 424. Handful of bangles or a widow. 425. Wedding of a noseless woman and nine hundred obstacles. 426. Wedding headdress made of mango leaves even. 427. The song ought to be for her whose wedding it is. 428. Easy worship of the pTpal-tree. 429. Making a virtue of necessity in wor- shipping. liv CLASS Y. PeO VERBS RELATING TO AgKICULTUKE AND SEASONS. Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 430. Distant farming ruinous. 431. The closer the field, the easier its culture. 432. Selling bullocks for seed. 433. A farmer is known when at his field. 434. Anxieties of agriculture unknown to the lazy lubber. 435. If goats and sheep answer for ploughing, why purchase bullocks ? 436. Impertinent request to lend a bullock for ploughing. 437. The meaning of a speckled cloud and a widow applying scented oil. 438. The meaning of its beginning to rain on Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday respectively. 439. The meaning of the rainbow at the begin- ning and end of rain. 440. The meaning of the halo round the moon on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday respectively. 441. The rain in the beginning of Aradra and the end of Hathiya. 442. The asterisms of Maggha, Swati and Hathiya. 443. The efiects of the sevei'al rains on the diiferent crops. 444. The effect of rain in Baisakh (April-May) on paddy ; the yield is doubled. 445. If there is rain in Krittika (middle of May), there will be no rain for the six following asterisms. 446. When to sow C'kma. 447. AVhen rice will be plentiful. 448. The rain of Aradra (middle of June) does away with distress. AGRICULTURE AND SEASONS. Iv Sub-Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 449. If it does not rain at the commencement of Aradra and end of Hathiya, the culti- vator gets ruined. 450. If it rains at the commencement of Aradra and end of Hathiya, the cultivator can stand any increase to his rent. 451. The rain of Aradra injures jawas only. 452. AVhen to prepare the field and when to sow paddy. 453. The effect of paddy heing sown in Aradra, Punarbas or Pukh. 454. The meaning of a cloudy sunrise on the seventh day of the bright half in Sawan. 455. The meaning of a clear sunrise on the same day. 456. The meaning of a cloudless morning on the same day. 457. The meaning of a dark night on the same date. 458. The meaning of thunder at midnight on the same date. 459. The effect of rain in Sawan (July-August) and thunder in Bhadoii (August-Scpt.). 460. The meaning of west wind iu Sawan and east in Bhadoii. 461. The effect of east wind in Sawan. 462. The effect of west wind ia Sawan. 463. The effect of west and east wind in Sawan and Bhadoii. 464. Heaviest rain in Asres and Maggha. 465. Loss to cultivator if he does not finish transplanting rice before Purwa. 466. The effect of east wind in Purwa. 467. The effect of west wind in Purwa. 468. The meaning of clouds flitting like the wings of a partridge. 469. The meaning of a cloudy sky on Priday and Saturday. 470. The effect of east wind in Saon and west wind in Bhadoii. 471. When to cease planting paddy. 472. JSiot to transplant in Utra Phaguni. hi AGRICULTURE AND SEASONS. Sub -Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. 473. The racaninj^ of a crow speaking by night and jackal by day. 474. The meaning of wind blowing from all four quarters. 475. Hathiya rain produces three things and destroys three things. 476. Eainless Aradra destroys three crops only, but a rainless Hathiya destroys every- thing. 477. The effect of rain in Hathiya and clouds only in Chitra. 478. The effect of rain in Chitra. 479. "What to sow in Chitra. 480. The effect of a shower in Swati. 481. Instructions about harvesting rice. 482. Clear nights indicate breaking of the rains. 483. A cloudless night and a cloudy day show that the rains are at an end. 484. The barking of the fox and the flowering of the kas grass signs of the end of the rains. 485. Appearance of the star Canopus indicates the end of the rains. 486. The meaning of the flowering of the kas and kus grass. 487. Respective effect of rain in Aghan, Pus, Magh and Phagun. 488. The effect of rain in Aghan. 489. The effect of rain in Pus. 490. Signs of drought. 491. The meanings of west wind respectively in Chait (March-April) and Bhadoii (August-September). h CLASS VI. PeO VERBS BELATING TO CaTTLE AND AnIMALS IN GeNEEAL. Sub- Class. No. Subject of Proverbs. AwearybuUock. 492. A calf takes after its mother and a foal after its father. 493. Can an ass be lean in the month of Sawan ? 494. To a weary bullock his girth even is heavy. 495. To a weary bullock his empty panniers are even heavy. 496. A separate house for a blind cow. 497. Driving away a grazing cow a sin. 498. God takes care of a blind cow. 499. In the prancing of the pack-bullock his master is visible. 500. The calf leaps, presuming on the strength of the tethering peg. 501. Eules for selecting cattle. 502. The bullock toils, but the bay horse is pampered. 503. The camel is blamed in the whole army. 504. You can endure kicks from a milch cow. 505. You can endure kicks from a milch cow. 506. Points of a milch cow. APPENDIX. POPULAE SuPEESTITIONS AND EeEOES. PAGE Introductory Notes . . . . . . .231 Names of certain individuals and animals not to be taken . 233 Jatra or journey. The superstitions connected with a journey. How augured to be auspicious or not . 234 Marriages of Tanks and Wells ..... 235 Divination, and charms, incantations and amulets to cure maladies and keep off or exorcise evil spirits, etc. . 236 Superstitious ceremonies and observances connected with birth and death 238 Planting trees ........ 240 Manner of detecting thieves ...... 240 Charms, spells, and incantations gone through . .241 BIHAR PROVERBS. CLASS I. Proverbs relating to Human Failings, Foibles, and Vices. Affectation, Dissembling, Hypocriai/, Pretence, Shamming, etc. 1. Cutting off the head and pretending to preserve the hair. Miinr kdtin hdl he rachchha. You make a show of preserving the hair, while you are really cutting off the head {lit. cutting off the head and preserving his hair). It would be applied to one who, while he was secretly trying to do you a serious injury, was all the time pre- tending to be your friend ; one who simulates friendship, but who really is your greatest enemy. E.E. " A wolf in sheep's clothing." 2. Father a drunkard and the son pretending to play the rule of a religious man. Bd^) ke gale lahnl, put he gale udrdchli. The father has a ^^^ luhni tied to his neck (his constant companion), while the son wears a necklace of ^^^TST " udnij'' ! (or ^^I^ll^ udrdchh). 1 Z BIHAR PROVERBS. " Lahu^^ is a longish earthen pot used for collecting palm juice or "todd3\" Smaller ones are also used for drinking. " UdmcJih " is the necklace made out of the seeds of the rudrjichh (Elcocarpus ganitrus) and worn commonly by devotees or Bharjats who eschew worldly ways. Hence the father is a debauchee while the son proclaims himself a religious man, and aifects the ways and outward signs of a devotee. Said in sarcasm of a man who ostentatiously parades his horror of vice generally, when it exists in his own family. (There is no reason why one whose father is a confirmed drunkard should not be a virtuous man and lead the pious life of a hermit or an ascetic ; but the usual style of sarcasm is to ridicule one by pointing out the failings of his ancestors. The point of sarcasm, it will be noticed, is levelled at the parade the son makes of his virtuous and pure life, knowing his father's failing.) 3. One for show and another for use. Hat hi lie ddnt ; klidy ke dosar, dekhdice ke dosar. Like the tusk and teeth of an elephant ; one set for show and another for use {Hi. to eat with). Said of a hypocrite ; one who plays a double part ; one whose outward behaviour is the reverse of his real character. A dissembler, (In proverb 246 this simile is made use of to illustrate exactly the opposite virtue, namely, of keeping to one's word.) 4. Pretending to turn over a new leaf. Nao sai cliuha kha ke hllU cJuiIi haj ko. BIHAR PROVERBS. 6 After eating nine hundred rats the cat is noAV going on a pilgrimage. Said of a wicked man who pretends to turn over a new leaf and become virtuous after countless acts of sin. (It is an Urdu proverb. The Hindi form of it from Sur Dm is ffq ^f?:% Wt '^^ fW%^T ^t(T "ff T ^T^ ^ Tcq) karibe ko ehali hilaiya sattar chuha khdy ke.) 5. Pretending the end of the cucumber is bitter. Sagre khlra kha ke hheti tit. After eating the whole of the cucumber he says the end of it is bitter ! 5?^ " Bheti" is the end or part of a fruit attached to the stalk. E.E. " Swallowing a camel and straining at a gnat." It is also called %~xj^ " dJiehpi" 6. Sinner turned a saint. Kab ki blbi bdmhni. Since when has the Blbi turned a Bdmhni {i.e. an upright woman) ? " Blbi " is the usual title of a Musalman lady, here used for a woman with indifferent reputation, in opposition to a Bdmhni, who, being the wife of a Hindu priest, is supposed to be strictly virtuous. Said when one of indifferent reputation suddenly affects a respectable role. The following story is told in illustration of the above saying. A sarai (or inn) was kept by some Musalman Bhatfidrins. They found that they were not patronized by Hindus, so to attract Hindu customers they set up one woman among them as a Briihmani ; and in consequence of this subterfuge they soon had a Brahman visitor, and 4 BIHAR PROVERBS. the newlj'-macle " Bdmhni " was told off to attend him. In course of talk the " Bdni/nn" asked the newly-arrived guest how long ago it was that he had become a Brahman, "Since when have you become a Bdmhni?" asked the suspecting Brahman. " Only last week," was the reply. The Brahman did not stay long in the sarai after this information. 7. Shamming to shirk. ^ ^'\'I ^T ^"K f T f^ ^^ 'T ^IJT ^ ^t ^% t^ ^ ^ffV ^^'T M^ ? Sing j hare aur Mur ghise pith na hojha le Aise bur he bail ko bdndhi kawan bhus de ? Who is going to feed such an old (useless) bullock that shakes its horns, rubs its hoofs on the ground, and refuses any weight on its back? These are the signs of a lazy {korhi) bullock that refuses to work ; there is no use in feeding such a useless animal. Said of a worthless man who will not work from laziness. 8. She knows nine but not six. Nao jdneli chao na jdnas. Knows nine but not six ! Said of one who shams ignorance — pretends not to know simple things, but really knows a great deal. Applied usually to women. 9. Sinking low indeed ! KaJidwe le saiijad chordu-e le chhuchchhi. She styles herself a saiyad, but she can be low enough BIHAR PROVERBS. to steal even a nose stud. Said sarcastically when one who is commonly accepted as a respectable person de- scends to do a low act. ^^^ " Saii/ad" is the most respectable sect (the priest-class) among the Mohamedans. Another proverb of similar application is efi^j^ % ^^ '^'^■^T^ ^ ^7T^^ Kalulice ke hlhi cJtonlwe he chammhh, i.e. calls herself a lady, but can stoop to steal the leather of the spinning axle. ^^T!^ " Chamralih " is the leather on which the sjDinning axle rests in passing the upright. 10, Pretended delicacy. Kahdwe ke hulbul, hie ke giilar. She calls herself a hulbul, but swallows a gular ! "^m^ " Bulbtil" is a nightingale, and is used to repre- sent a delicate creature. A bulbul is too small to be able to swallow a gular {i.e. a wild fig). Cast at those who pretend to be delicate and small, but are really the opposite. 11. Old in sin and yet a novice. Larika kJtdit khdit hurhi hhelln ; log kahe, bakddin. I have grown old in exjjerieuce {lit. in eating children), still people call me a novice {lit. a semi-witch ; not a " full " witch). ^^-T Ddin is " a witch." Her favourite occupation would seem to be to kill (metaphorically " to eat") children. A ^^Tgj^vi "bakddin'' is not a full ddin ; something wanting to make one a full ddin. One who prides herself on possessing a life-long ex- perience in anything (chiefly in evil practices), but finds her experience questioned, is supposed to express her b BIHAR PROVERBS. indignation in tliis ghastly metaphor. It is of course uttered by a third party, as if coming from the person to be ridiculed. The point of the sarcasm lies in the person being represented as boasting of her misdeeds (which slie really does not). Avarice, Parsimony, Covetousness, Greed, etc. 12. A life's boarding lost at a stroke. «)^ W[W ^zYt ^Wt ^^^'\ TTT ^ZtT ^^^ Sclhii hatore kauri kauri, Ram hatore kuppa. The sdlm (or shopkeeper) collects {glii or oil) little by little (a kauri's weight) at a time, but Riim (the god) sweeps away a whole kuppa. ^^ o^^ "Kauri kauri" means a very small weight at a time : the weight of a kauri, or a shell, which is the lowest current coin. ■gjxCTT " KujJpa " is a leather vessel used for keeping oil or ghi in large quantities ; and contains about a maund. Said in derision of the sdhii or haniya who laboriously gathers kauri by kauri, while misfortune with one stroke sweeps away the whole of his hoard. 13. " Almighty dollar." Guru na gurhhaiya Sab ten hara rupaiya. Neither the spiritual guide nor the fellow disciple are of any account ; greater than they all is the rupee. ^T*T^ Gurhhaiya. The son of the religious teacher is regarded in native society with the same respect and affection as one's own brother. BIHAR PROVERBS. / 14. The misei^'s loss is sudden. Kauri kauri kail hator Rupya hhail ta le gail chor. He gathered a shell at a time, and when he had gathered enough to make a rupee a thief stole it. Said to laugh at a miser when he loses what he has toiled and pinched himself to gather. 15. The miser and his wife. %T[ %ff ir?: ^f%^ m'W ^^^ wt^r SHniin puch/ie sum se, kclhe hadan malin Ka gdnthi ka gir jxira, ka kdhu ko dm Na gdnthi ka gir para, na kdhu kachhu din Dei let par dekldya, ta ten hadan malin. The miser's wife asked her husband, " Why are you looking so sad ? Has anything dropt out of your pocket, or have you given away anything to anybody ? " " No," was the reply, "nothing has dropt out of my pocket, nor have I given away anything to anybody. I saw another parting with his money, and that has made me sad ! " i.e. A miser feels unhappy at seeing others generous. ■^^«T '^ Badan'^ face; some people say '' deh,'^ body, instead of " hadan." 16. Take one and give two. Lena ek, na dena du. 8 BIHAR PROVERBS. To take one and give two ; i.e. not to hold any inter- course, not to have any transaction, " I will not take one and give two." The following story is told in illustration of the above proverb : — Once upon a time a peacock and a tortoise became great friends. The peacock lived on a tree on the banks of the stream in which the tortoise had his home ; and daily the peacock after he had a drink of water danced near the stream and displayed his gay plumage for the amusement of his friend. One unfortunate day a bird- catcher who was on the prowl caught the peacock and was about taking him away to the market. The unhappy bird begged of his captor to allow him to bid his friend the tortoise good-bye, as it would be the last time he would see him. The bird-catcher allowed him his prayer and took him to the tortoise, who was greatly moved to see his friend a captive. The tortoise asked the bird-catcher to let the peacock go; but he laughed at the request, saying that was his means of livelihood. The tortoise then said, " If I make you a handsome present, will you let my friend go ? " " Certainly," answered the bird-catcher, " that is all I want." Whereupon the tortoise dived into the water and in a few seconds came up with a handsome pearl, which, to the great astonishment of the bird-catcher, he handed to him. This was beyond his expectations, and he let the peacock go immediately. A short time after the avaricious man came back and told the tortoise that he thought he had not paid him enough for the release of his friend, and threatened that unless a match to that pearl was obtained for him, he would again catch the peacock. The tortoise, who had already advised his friend to betake himself to a distant jungle on being set free, was greatly BIHAR PROVERBS. 9 enraged at the greed of this man. " Well," said the tor- toise, "if you insist on having another pearl like it, give it to me and I will fish you out an exact match for it." The cupidity of the bird-catcher prevented his reasoning that " one in hand was equal to two in the bed of the stream," and he speedily gave the pearl to the wily tor- toise, who swam out with it, saying, " I am no fool to take one and give two ! " and forthwith disappeared, leaving the bird-catcher to be sorry ever after for his covetousness. 17. When gaining he is discontented, when losing contented. Awat Jid]ii,jdt sai/tokh. When it is coming in {i.e. he is gaining), he is discon- tented ; when it is going out {i.e. he is losing), he becomes contented — i.e. the more an avaricious man gets, the more he is anxious for, and is consequently discontented. But he learns to be contented when he begins losing. Then he would be content with what is left, if he should only lose no more. jipinff. 18. Aj)ing a losing game. ^^ ^T7T ^T^ 'Nt^ Kamca gela hans he chdl slk/ie, Aila apan cJidl fjanivdij. The crow went to learn the ways (" walk ") of the goose, but lost its own ! ^T^ " Chdl," Jit. " walk," hence " ways," " habit." The waddling gait of the goose is much admired. 10 BIHAR PROVERBS. One who abandons liis natural ways to ape those of others is very apt to lose his individuality and make him- self ridiculous. 19. Aping 3^our betters causes discomfort. Bina ban tilah lihlr cliarcharui/. Whoever applies a tilali, being unaccustomed to it, will find his forehead skin-chapped. Said to ridicule one who apes the habits of his betters and finds that he is not made comfortable thereby. (fTT^cfi " Tilak'^ is the sandal-wood mark that a Brahman applies to his forehead. When it dries, the skin shrinks with it. The sandal paste is made by rubbing sandal-wood.) Another proverb of similar application is % ^T'T % ^T^T ^J^ ^ft^T ^c ^^'^^ ^"^ Marika bans barobar, " To one not in the habit of using a tooth- pick, it is like a bamboo ! " i.e. he feels when using it as uncomfortable as if he were forcing a bamboo between his teeth. Said to ridicule those who take to a habit in imitation of others and find that it makes them very uncomfortable. 20. Pajnng dearly for aping. ^0 ^^cR^ t?^-^ ^?i % -wq-wi ^tiTT ^Tf Anhar scndur dckh he dpan lja hJiaimi pdijiildwe) . (He) plays the flute before the buffalo, but the buffalo sits (unconcernedly) and ruminates ! Perfectly indifferent to the charms of music (expresses want of appreciation). Pdgurdy chews the cud. ^•T ''Ben" — the correct word is ^lir '' Benu,'" which means bamboo ; hence all musical instruments made out of it, such as ^TO"?^ hdnsuri, etc., derive their names. 60. Useless to adorn before a blind husband. Ka par karon siugdr, piinilih mor dndhar. What is the use of adorning myself, my husband is blind ? ^T ^T '' Ka par,'^ lit. " on what." This is a peculiar idiom among the common people, meaning " on what strength or hope," " relying on what strength." 61. To the blind day and night are the same. %'^ («=!) ^?rfVT ^T %% ^^ TTrf ^"fr^ (1) AndJtar ka lekhe clin rdt barobar. (2) Je dlye na dckJii se d'uja le kd deklii. (1) To a blind man day and night are alike. (2) The other proverb is a play on the words ^^ diije, " even the BIHAR PROVKRBS. 25 light," and ^i^ dehhi, " to see." lie who cannot see the light itself, what can he see with the light ? The well-known Urdu proverb ^qj 'TT ^^T dii/a na diya is a play on the word dii/a, and has two meanings : (1) You have not given me a light. (2) Your giving is the same as not giving, i.e. you have given under such conditions (perhaps so late), that it amounts to not giving; the gift has no value. Also said when anything is given nominally, with the object of being taken away. 62. Worth unappreciated. JahCih hujh na bardi taJiun se b/idg chal re bJidi. Brother ! let us flee from a place where there is no appreciation of worth. ^^ •TT ^tI^ -Z?w//^ na bardi, lit. neither understanding nor honour or respect (paid to the worthy). 63. Merit not recognized (illustrated by an allegory). ^^ ^VT^T ^^T^ ^^^ TTWr Andherpiir nagari kubuddhi raja Take ser blidji take ser khdja. The country is one of unreason ; the ruler is Folly. Both »TT^ bhdji and T§T^T khdja are sold at the same price {lit. at a "2^^ taka a seer). ^VT^T " Andherpur " is an allegorical name (from "^^X foidker, unjust, unreasonable, senseless, and 'q'^ pur, city) for a country where there is no sense of justice ; and g?^^ " kubuddhi " (from ^ ku, bad, and ^^ buddhi, sense) for one wanting in sense. »^T^ Bhdji or sdg is a very common herb used for 26 BIHAR PROVERBS. pottage and found often growing wild, and of little or no value: whereas ^T^ khdja is an expensive sweetmeat made of flour, ghi, milk and sugar. The meaning is that in such a country as the above no distinction is made between the good and the bad, tlfe deserving and the undeserving, the worthy and the un- worthy. Another proverb of similar import is No. 64. 64. Making no distinction. Sah dJtdn hdise paseri. To him every kind of paddy is the same {lit. worth 22 paseries per rupee). There are of course different classes of ^TT'T dhdn or paddy, and like most things the price varies with the quality. When this is not recognized and all are treated alike, no distinction being made according to merit, this saying is used. Inattention. 65. Enquiring who is the hero after the whole tale is finished. Sara Rdmdyan kali gaye, Sifa kis kijoy ? After the whole Ramayan has been repeated, (he en- quires) whose wife is Sita ? TJ^ " Ram," the husband of ^cTT " Sita," is the principal character in the "^^TTRpf " Ramayan." " The whole plot of this great Epic poem, the ' Ramayan,' rests on a rash promise given hy Dasaratha, king of Ayodhya, to his second wife, Kaikeyi, that he would grant her two boons. In order to secure the succession to her own son, BIHAR PROVERBS. 27 she asks that Rilraa, the eldest son of the king's other wife, should be banished for fourteen years. Much as the king repents his promise, Rama, his eldest son, would on no account let his father break his word, and he leaves his kingdom to wander in the forest with his wife Sita and his brother Lakshmana. After the father's death, the son of the second wife declines the throne, and comes to Rama to persuade him to accept the kingdom of his father. But all in vain. Riima will keep his exile for fourteen years, and never disown his father's promise." (Professor Max Muller.) A man who had sat through the play of Hamlet, and at the end of it asked, ""Who was Hamlet?" would be a parallel instance. Used towards one who discovers a joke long after it is made. Love of False Display ^ Empty Boast, Foppishness, etc. 66. Affecting high-sounding names. %% ^q 1 -nTT ^^ -qTcI ^fT ^ ^T^ i^ftTT ^T Bap ke nam sag pat put he nam parora khan. The father's name is " Sag ])dt" ; the son (assumes) the name of *' Ghendhdn Das'' or ^^ Parora Ram" or '^ Parora Khan." ^T inat is porridge made of kodo, a millet {Paapahim fninientaceum). It makes a coarse kind of porridge which is only used by the poor as food. 82. Boasting of tbree-seer anklets. Bdhar pudicdi tin ser ke neura, gliare mp na daura. Outside she boasts of possessing three-seer anklets : at home she has not even the very necessary articles for cleaning and keeping rice. "V^^ " Pudicai" is to boast, to talk big (Feminine colloquialism in Siiran and Shahabad). ^^■^T "Neura" are beavy anklets worn as oi'naments by the lower classes. They are sold by the weight and serve as ornaments as well as provision for a rainy day. As in the proverb : Suk/ii ke singdr hhukhe ke adhdr. i.e. Ornaments to those in easy circumstances and means of food to those who are hungrv. BIHAR PROVERBS. 35 ^TT " Baura" is a basket for holding grain. ^H " Sup " is a basket for sifting grain. Every bouse has a sup and a daura ; she must be poor indeed who does not possess these necessary domestic articles. An exaggerated way of expressing poverty. 83. Demanding a torch at another's house. ^^ '^^^^ "^x ^^^^f[ tt ^'t^t ^^ ^^t: %^^ ^Tige pua. The superior ghosts are crying (weeping) under the kadam (tree), Mua (has the "cheek") to ask ior piia. The W^^ "I:adam" tree, and the •ft?? " nvii" tree, etc., are the favourite resorts of evil spirits, as the t^t?^ "jf/pal" ; the %^ " bel" and the ^^ " bar " are of the good. ^W "Miia." Among the host of evil spirits and deities worshipped by the people some are of very inferior rank, and almost incapable of doing any harm. Mua is one of them ; low down in the scale, and invoked only to frighten children (chiefly in South Bihar). TJ^ Piia is wheat and rice flour and molasses mixed and cooked in ghi or oil. It is considered a delicacy, and is used in piijas or other festive occasions. (Used as a satire on presumption in asking for anything which his betters would not dare to.) 42 BIHAR PROVERBS. 101. Breeze of the fan pitted against the hurricane. Andhi ke age hena he hatas. Before a gale the breeze from a fan has no effect ! i.e. when a weak man presumes to oppose an immensely powerful one, the light breeze from the fan may meta- phorically be contrasted with the hurricane to mark the disproportionateness of the opposing force put forth. 102. The goat of a.jola]ta, and addicted to butting ! Jolaha ke chher markhdhi. The goat of 2i jolaha, and addicted to viciousness ! In the first place a goat is harmless and is not usually addicted to butting ; and then the goat of a WtsWT "Bhusas" (woollen sheets), etc. A story is told of a former Tikiiri Raja, illustrating that blankets are considered as fit covering for the poor only. One day the Maharaj was belated in his evening walk, and had to take " a short cut " through a village of Ahirs, who are proverbially thick-headed. He wore a highly valuable black shawl, which, to those who had never seen a shawl, seemed like a black blanket. He had scarcely passed the village when an old Ahir ran up to him and. 58 BIHAR PKOVEllBS. with tears in his eyes, supplicated the chief to accept all he had, namely, the few rupees he had gathered together. Still weejoing, he added that he could not bear to see the old Maharaj in a common blanket ; that he had heard a great deal about his being in debt and his income having been much reduced of late, but until now he had no idea that the Maharaj had come down to such straits as to cover a blanket. Saying this, he earnestly besought the Maharaj to accept his offering, and suggested that he should make immediate use of it, in making for himself a few red le/idfs and doJinrs, and not cause pain to his loyal subjects by going about in that style. The Maharaj very gracefully accepted the gift, and asked the Ahir to accompany him to his palace. It is pleasing to know (so the story says) that the Maharaj rewarded the Ahir's loyalty by granting him the village in which he had his home, and his descendants are now said to be well-to-do zemindars in those parts. 139. An old parrot never gets tame. BurJi suga pos nuaie/a ? Can an old bird (parrot) ever get tame ? Said when one advanced in years is ungrateful. 140. After meals wait awhile. li/ia kepamnfi mar ke sasarln. Stretch yourself after your meal, but disappear ("slope") after beating (any one). i.e. Rest after your food, but do not tarry after you have thrashed anybody lest he may return it. It is a piece of cunninj? advice. KIHAR PROVERBS. 59 tj^"5^^ " Pa.sarab " is to spread, to stretch out. ^^■5(;^ " Sasarah " is to slope, to disappear, to clear out, to remove. 141. A dog is brave at his own door. ApauCui dudri kukuro hariydr. A dog is brave at his own door. An equivalent saying in Urdu is ^T^ ^ ^tTT ^T " Ghar ha hitta sher,^' "A dog is brave as a lion at his own door ! " E.E. "A cock on his own dunghill." Adding insult to injarij. 142. Grinding corn on the dead. Muala par kodo dare aile. He has come to grind corn [kodo) over the dead. i.e. over the corpse. i.e. to add insult to injury. 143. The Karaila climbing on the nlni. <^8? H^ ^"t ^t^T ^^% ^^t l^T "^^^ "^T Ek to karaila apane kariii, dusare charhali nlm. The karaila is itself bitter enough, but it becomes worse when it climbs the nlm, cRx;^X ''Karaila" {Moniordica cliarantia), a very bitter kind of vegetable of the gourd family. It is a creeping plant. >^TT " Nlm " (Azaderachta indica), a common tree with very acrid fruit and juice. The idea is that the karaila, which is itself bitter, adds to its bitterness by climbing the nlm. GO BIHAR PROVERBS. Said of anything that aggravates an injury. E.E. "Adding insult to injury." A similar idea is expressed in the sayings: (1) 11^ ffr ^^t ^-^ ^'t'fTt {m ^q^ tI) ^^ ^TT^ ^TT £/i to ))uj/iui khud baurCihe (or, apne raJie) domre Iihdln hltdng. The jf^^ mlydh is really mad, and adds to it by drinking *ITT hhCing. (2) ir^ fft ^-^T^T f{'^ ^T ^% ^^^ ^TT Ek to naijana mad hliare, duje anjan sdr Ai hauri koi det hai matwdre hathiydv. Your eyes are full of intoxicating wine. You increase their jDower by applying antimony. Stupid ! does any one ever place a weapon in the hands of a drunkard ? To say that a fair one's eyes are full of wine is a figurative way of expressing that they possess the power of intoxicating or captivating others. 144. A bear, and he with a spade on his shoulders. «i88 IJ^ Mm ^^T ^^ f^T Ek hJidl dusare kdndh kuddr. The bear and he to shoulder a spade ! i.e. Makes him ten times more dangerous. Said when one who is already inclined to be a bully gets power. 145. Insulting the dead. Mare par sau durra. On the dead (or after he is dead) he lays a hundred stripes with the whip. BIHAR rilOVERHS. 61 i.e. ITeaping injury on the helpless; on one who cannot return. " Durrn," it is said, was a lash made of a long narrow bag stuffed with pice, rupees, or gold mohaj's, according to the social jjosition of the man who was to be chastised. 146. A demon and a torch in his hand. Eke rdkas dusare hath men liikwan. A demon and. with a burning torch in his hand ! XJcJ}^ " Rdhas " is a demon who is supposed to emit fire from his mouth. Said when any one viciously inclined is placed in a position which enhances his power of doing mischief. 147. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. \ \ Ndche (or cJiale) najdnm angamcen terh. , One who cannot dance blames the floor. A variation of it is, One who cannot walk straight says the compound is crooked. E.E. A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 148. A barking dog seldom bites. «18^ ^fT^TT ^Ti^TTTW^l"': ^T^^l% ^t Kariawa hddar garaje he dher barase ke haiye iiuh. Black clouds thunder a great deal, but rain little. E.E. A barking dog seldom bites. A thundering cloud gives little rain. 149. A black goat has no heart. <=i8e ^ft"^! ^^ ^T ^T^ ^ Kariya khad ha kdrcje ndti. 62 BIHAR PROVERBS. A black goat has no heart. Said of one who has no courage : who cannot be trusted or is not equal to an occasion. A black goat is supposed to possess mysterious virtue. It is a favourite offering to the gods (especially ^"'^ Bhairo, and to the goddess ^T^ Kc'ili, etc.), and its bile is believed to possess healing properties, e.g. those who suffer from night blindness are strongly recommended to apply its bile to the eyes and to eat its liver. This proverb is ascribed to the following tale : Once a tiger, who had grown sick and feeble from age, and was unable to hunt owing to failing strength, was strongly recommended by his physician to try the liver of a black goat. Thereupon the monarch of the forest ordered his vazir, the jackal, to get him a black goat. The wily " Jack " by many false promises managed to inveigle a black goat within reach of his infirm master, who took no time in killing it. The cunning jackal, who was himself eager to eat the liver, having heard of its marvellous powers, suggested to his master a preparatory bath before taking the remedy. The tiger approving of the suggestion went to have a bath. In the meantime "Jack" devoured the liver of the black goat. When the tiger came back, he was surprised to find that the goat had no liver. Turning to the jackal the tiger asked what was the meaning of this. " Sire," exclaimed the " Jack," " I thought your majesty was aware that black goats had no liver : otherwise how could your servant have deceived a black goat into your presence ?" 150. A ludicrous attempt to frighten, ciMO Tfr^ t^T^ 'I^^ % t^"^Ttf Poa deli/idi, garur he dencdin. BIHAR PROVERBS. 63 By showing a young snake to the adjutant will you (ever) frighten him ? T^T " Gariir^' is a large species of crane {LeptopUlos argala) ; its exceedingly voracious habits render it valuable as a scavenger. It swallows up large snakes. 'rY^ P^a is a young snake. It is absurd therefore to think of frightening it with a young snake. Said when an absurd attempt is made to intimidate any one. Another saying of the same import is t ^T ^^ ^T ^^^^^^ ^T^t Jehara pith par agardJiat ke nagdra hdje ; Se, ka, sup ka hharbharaute hhdge ? " Will one on whose back is played a kettledrum, made of several metals, be frightened at the noise made with a winnowins' basket?'' As the camel is said to have re- marked to the old woman who was trying to frighten him away from grazing her field by using her winnowing basket. ^^■^\:iff " Agardhrd " is said by natives to be a cor- ruption of ^S\JTrf " (tshtdhdiu,'" i.e. or eight metals. A drum made of an alloy of many metals makes a great noise. 1 ol. A rat skin is not sufficient to cover a kettledrum. MiiJis ka chain se dnmdma cJtJtaicdIa. Is it possible to cover a kettledrum with the skin of a mouse ? The following couplet in Theth Hindi makes use of the same proverb to illustrate the impossibility of getting men of inferior ability (men of low caste) to fill honourable places. 64 inilAR PROVERBS. fjf{ ^^W{ ^Trl ^# €T 'iff ^ 'TR Kaise chhote naran se sarai haran ko ham Marho damdmajdt kahiih sau chuhon ko chdm ! How can the low do the work of the high, can the kettledrum ever be covered with the skin of 100 mice even? i.e. even 100 low-caste men can't fulfil the duties of one high-caste man : just as impossible it is to cover the kettledrum if the skins of 100 mice were pieced together. 152. A prophet is with honour save in his own country. Gdoen ke koreya, log kahe indarjao. This is the (common) koreija of the village, and people style it the "Indarjao /" i.e. It is the common produce that grows in every village, commonly called " koreya " by the people, but medically it is known by the high-sounding name of '' Indar jao." Xy^ ^R " Indar jao," literally, "barley fit for Indar," King of the Fairies. Applied when something common is dignified with a sonorous or euphemistic name. A short time ago a medicine was advertised as a recent discovery and very much lauded (as all new patent medicines are) as a specific for asthma. It was called "Kalikarpa." A respectable Jlindu gentleman who was suffering from this chest malady was advised to send for a box of it. He did so. It was not bigger than half the size of an ordinary tin of sardines. On his opening the box and examining this high-priced specific, great was his surprise to find that it was the rind of the common BIHAR PROVJiRBS. 65 dhatum plant {S(ramo)iiuin), which he knew very well before. On this occasion he made use of this proverb. 153. Among butchers a devout man can never be happy. «iM^ ^^f Hl"^ lt^ ^^Tt cTff U:^ TT^ ^T^ ^ ^T ^^it Jahdn mgare gcioJi kasdi Talian ek Ram Das ke ka basdL Where the whole village consists of butchers, how can one devout man find it pleasant to live ? TTT ^T^ Bcon Bus is the declared servant of Rama, the god ; he who leads a devout life and never touches animal food. 154. Annojang an old man. Cliala larlke, ddda ke bira din. Come along, children ! let us go and mock at grandpapa ! Said when people join together to annoy another. 155. Whatever is in the vessel will come out of the spout. Je kanca tnen rake, se tonfi se bake. Whatever is in the pot flows out of the spout ! eji'?;^T " Karwa " is a pot with a spout. E.E. " Out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh." 156. Beneath notice is Bhak Bhaun Pun. Kaun (jane Bhak Bhaun pari ke. Who counts (poor) Bhak Bhaun Pari 1 M"^ ^«T 'T'O ^' Bhak Bhaun Puri" is the supposed name of one of the sects of ^^T^ Sani/dsi. The San//dsi 66 BIHAR PR0VER15S. faqlrs are divided into several sects. The following are the titles of some of these sects or clans : ''Avniia" ■^T^ ''Ban," X(,\m{ " Farbaf," etc., etc. Applied when any one owing to his insignificance is of no consequence. Installation of a Mohant : The following is a short account of the ceremony of in- stalling a Mohant or abbot as head of the J{'Z math or abbey. The ceremony is called '^^T ^TT'5.'^ " Chaddar UrCieh," lit. "to cover with the sheet." The Mohant of a math, who is vowed to celibacy, has usually some ^^ chelas or disciples attached to him. They are adopted in the following ways : they are either made over to hira when young by their parents to become his chelas, or come of their own accord and enlist as his disciples, or are some- times purchased by him (as in the case of the Boklahar Mohant in Champaran). On being received as disciples, their heads are shaved. This forms the initiatory step, and is commonly called ^^ ^^T'lT " MuJir Murdna," which therefore is equivalent to becoming a disciple. When the Mohant wants to appoint a successor, he chooses from among his disciples the one whom he thinks capable of conducting the duties appertaining to the mat. The most senior disciple (usually the son of a Brahman or any other respectable caste), if capable and otherwise qualified, is chosen ; but the Mohant is not bound to appoint him unless he thinks him fit for the post. He has power to choose anp one among his disciples. This is done by inviting on a fixed day the neighbouring well-to-do men, and the principal tenants in the estates attached to the monastery. After worshipping the gods in the math or monastery the BIHAR PROVERHS. 67 chosen disciple is made to sit on a TTO«T^ masnad (carpet) with a ^^^ halsi (earthen chatty) of water in front of him. At the appointed hour and before the assenihk'd guests the Mohant wraps a '^'Vc^ pagri or head dress round the disciple's head. After this ceremony is over he pro- ceeds to apply a fcT^cjj tilak or forehead mark, and then salutes him as the new Mohant. This being done, as a final ceremony he covers him with a shawl and takes his seat alongside of him. Then the guests offer presents and also cover him with shawls or sheets. This com- pletes the ceremony, and the disciple is henceforth the Mohant elect and the recognized heir to the old Mohant, and succeeds him in due course in the gaddi or manage- ment seat of the monastery and the property attached to the math. 157. Bamboos make the clump. Bam giine bansaur Chaiiidr gune ndhaur. The (value of the) bamboo clump depends on the quality of the bamboos, just as the quality of the hide depends on the (skill of the) tanner. 158. Beating is pleasant, all but the consequences. HaJisi hami mdrln kukur Roi roi pherikln guh. All smiles when killing the dog, but all tears when having to throw out the dirt ! The idea is taken from killing a dog or a cat, which usually makes a mess on being chevied, and so the dirt 68 BIHAR PROVEllBS. has to be cleaned or removed afterwards. It means, so long as you are winning or enjoying it is all very pleasant, but the time comes when the consequences are far from pleasant and make you weep. Said as a warning to those who oppress; that a time may come when the tables may be turned upon them. 159. Bound to do it. E, gur hhdyen, kdn chheddyen. You must eat this sugar, and must have your ears bored I Refers to the practice of giving a little sugar to a child whose ears are to be bored : while she is eating it the operation is performed. Said when one has under any circumstance to perform a thing, nolens volens, when there is no possibility of escape and he must do it. IGO. Constant repetition not conducive to conviction. S^O ^T^ ^T ^T ft^W WT^T Gdi gdl ha hol ^^^ ^^ ^Tf ^ t^ ^^T^^ Wt^ Kha ke muti, suti bdon, KCihe ke Laid basdicah gdoti ? If after eating you (make it a practice to) pass water and always sleep on your left side, there is no use of having a physician in your village {lit. getting a physician to settle in your village), i.e. you will not fall ill (if you take to this habit) and need the service of a physician. Extent of one^s power. 168. The Paras (tree) has but three leaves. Pards men tine put. The Pards tree has but three leaves to each branch. '^\J^ " Pards " [Butea frondosa) is trifoliate. rz HIHAR PROVERBS. Said derisively of one the extent of whose powers is limited. " He can go to this extent and no further ! " 169. However strong the grain, it cannot break the cooking-pot. Ket)ion buiii hariydr hoi, hlinmdr ndFi p//dri,^ However hard the grain may l?e, it cannot burst the parching house. i.e. The utmost strength one can exert may fall far short of another's ordinary power. HT^TT " Bhansdr^' is the fireplace in the parching house where grain is parched. There is usually one general fireplace where all the village women bring their grain to be parched. The parching is usually done by the " Kdnclu" women, who receive their w^ages in grain. It is strange that while the Hindu is so scrupulous about the cooking of his food, and will not eat what has not been cooked by his own or higher castes, he does not object to his grain being parched by a Kandu or a Kahiir, and in the earthen pot in which the grain of all the castes of the village is parched. The excuse of course is that water, which is the contaminating medium, is absent from parching. 170. Follows the rich and feeds on the poor. Dliani ke hdt sioil/i, ganb kc hlidt Ixhdln. He hears the rich {i.e. he acts according to their wish), but feeds on the poor. Cast at him who fawns and flatters the wealthy, but has to rely on the poor and insignificant (whom he despises) for his support. A sycophant, a parasite. BIHAR PROVERBS. 73 171. Fate and self-help equally shape our destiii}'. Karam bausdo ddhe dclh. Fate and self-exertion are half-and-half in power. i.e. AVe must not solely depend on fortune for our success, because all our actions owe half their success to self-help. In other words self-help and confidence in our good fortune must go hand in hand. The meaning is, that they are both equally powerful in shaping our destiny. HighJij Improbable. 172. Can a dead horse eat grass ? Mualo ghora gJidhs khdla ? Does a dead horse ever eat grass ? Said when one tries to do an impossibility. 173. Can a frog catch cold ? Menrhak ko bhi zokdm ? ( Yd) Bengo ke sardi ? A frog with a cold or cough {i.e. Is it possible for a frog to catch cold or get a cough ?) A derisive way of expressing " unlikelihood " or " im- probability " : when any one who is used to anything pretends that he cannot stand it. 174. Can a goat eat nine maunds of flour? S^B ^T ^# ^-^ ^^T T m^ '^^ f{^ ^ZT ^£liun " a kind of cake made of flour, ghi, and sugar. To give pan is to treat one with civility and kindness. ^TrT " Sc'itu" is parched grain reduced to meal. It is a common food of the poor. Said of the low caste people who will not give you any- thing good unless they are beaten. It points to the prevalent idea among the people of the treatment the lower class ought to be subjected to in order to get any- thing good out of them. 229. Call him "father," and he will not give you oil even ; but abuse him and he will offer you clarified butter. ^'^e mm ^?% ^ ^f ^^T ^w% ^^ Baha kaJile tel ndri, sasur kah/e ghlu. Call him " father," he will not give you oil (even) ; but call him "father-in-law" {i.e. abuse him), and he will offer you (jhi (clarified butter). To call one "father-in-law" is a serious abuse. Same remark applies to this Proverb as to No. 228. 230. Straight as a sickle ! Bar sojli ta /tafrsKa nlar. If he is very straight, he is still like the sickle ! i.e. Even when he is in his best behaviour he is still " crooked." Said in sarcasm of a man who is by nature BIHAR PROVERBS. 93 "crooked" in liis dealings; one who cannot possibly be straightforward ; evilly disposed. The shape of a |^^T hanma is a curve. The metaphors, it will be noted, are invariably drawn from agricultural implements by a people whose chief avocation is tending the soil. 231. Sing his praise who gives you food. ^^^ ^^T ^rt"^ ^^T ITt" Jchar khdin tekar gam. Sing his praise who gives you to eat ! i.e. It ought to be your policy to side him or speak in his favour who gives you to eat. 232. Slay your enemy without scruple. Hane ho hnniye, dokli imp na ganiye. Spare him not {lit. kill or slay him) who tries to harm you, and do not feel any scruple that you are committing a sinful act. Lex taUonis is regarded as perfectly justifiable. 233. Too many cooks spoil the broth. R^^ ^TTW ^T ^Tf 'nt % ^^T^ t^l ^f ^Tt Bdrah dom terah ndl ; se hajdije sing sahndi. Even twelve donni and thirteen barbers : can these play on the sing or sahndi? i.e. Twelve doms and thirteen barbers may attempt it, but can they possibly play on the sing or sahndi ? f^^ "Sing" and ^f^nt^ "sahndi" are musical pipes; a kind of flute. The doma and barbers are never employed to play on instruments in marriage processions, but chamdrs and sweepers; therefore the meaning seems to be that although 94 BIHAR PROVERBS. SO many as twelve donia and thirteen barbers xnay be as- sembled to play on these musical instruments, yet they, whose occupation it is not, will only produce discord. When men attempt to do anything that is not their busi- ness, the result is always a failure, be they ever so many who engage in it. 234. The blusterer lords it over all. NCmclie, kiide, tilre tan, tckar duniydn rdkhe wan. The blustering man is always thought a great deal of in this world. Lit. The man who dances, jumps, and makes a noise is respected much. rT^ fn«T " Tiire tan,'" lit. is to bring the note to a close or fall in right time. (It is a musical term.) 235. The weevil gets crushed with the wheat. Jau he sdthe ghuno plsdle. Along with the wheat the weevil is also ground down, i.e. Along with the great (people from whom they derive their support, the patrons) their hangers on are crushed although they may be innocent. 236. The grass suffers in the fight of the tiger and buffalo. Bdgh bhaisa he /ardi men ; nal khagra ke viaut. In the fight between the tiger and the buffalo the long grass and weeds perish (by being crushed). i.e. When two great men quarrel and fight, the " small fry " about them suffer. BIHAR PROVERBS. 95 237. The sweet ones he swallows, the bitter he rejects. ^^^ ^z^ *ftTr ^^ ^^m ^^^r ^ Mltha mitha gab, karua karua thu. All the sweet ones he swallows ; the bitter ones he spits out. Said when one selfishly picks out the good things and rejects all the bad ones, i.e. does not take his share of bad things. 238. Tongue — source of honour and shame. R^c WIT ^1 qi'I ffft ^1 q^fT Jehi muhen pan, telii mulieh panhi. The very same tongue brings us honour {pan) or shame [Ut. gets us a " shoe beating"). A variation is hhdt "rice," and Idt "kicks," instead of "pan" and "shoe beating." tTTT "Pan" is betel leaf ; to give pan is to honour one. It is offered only to equals and superiors. It is therefore a special mark of regard shown to guests and friends. tl«!fV " Panhi" shoes ; " to give one a shoe beating " is to disgrace him. The meaning is that if one is guarded and careful in his speech and says the right thing in the right place, he will meet with success and favour ; if, on the other hand, he does not control his tongue, " that restless thing of shame and mischief fatal spring," he is sure to meet with disgrace. Another saying, illustrating that one may either get an elephant as a reward, or meet with his death, owing to his tongue, is the following play on the word q^ paiyCin, "you will get," or qf^joao/?, "feet." 96 BIHAR PROVERBS. Bdten hdthi pdiydn, hdten hdthi pdon. i.e. "Words will secure you an elephant, and words will also bring you to the feet of an elephant. The meaning is that you will be trampled to death by an elephant. One of the many cruel ways of torturing a guilty irian to death under the Mahomedan Government was to tie him to the leg of an elephant and thus get him trampled. There are many proverbs in English recommending due control of the tongue. 1. "Confine your tongue, lest it confine you." 2. " Keep your purse string and tongue close." 3. "Better to slip with the foot than the tongue." 239. A needy troupe of dancers. Garju kirtaniijdn apne tele ndnche. The needy dancing people use their own oil. f^'^fff'f^lf ^^ Kirtaniijuh,''^ are a troupe of dancers who usually perform by torchlight, the oil for which is sup- plied by those who engage them to dance ; therefore the meaning is, that one who is in need will go out of his way to get his object. 240. The meanest can harm. ThUxvio se {jf/ani p//ufe/a. The ghara can be cracked by a small piece of potsherd even ; i.e. the meanest thing can sometimes do you harm. ^TST " Ghara," is an earthen vessel used for holding water. BIHAR PROVERBS. 97 241. The less the grain to be parched the more noise it makes. Tho)' bJiiuiJii/d, haliut hharhlmrhat. The less the quantity of grain to be parched the more noise it makes in parching. ^f^I^T " Blnuijiija " is parched grain. It is usually parched with an admixture of sand to equalise the heat and roasting. The sand is then separated by winnowing or in a sifting basket. When grain is parched without sand it is called ^^TIl^ " TJlaeh." '^'^vc^•^ " Bliar- hhnrhnt" is the crackling noise the grain makes in being parched. E.E. Empty vessels make the most sound. 242. Things to be always guarded against. ^*rT ^T^ ^T^ TFT Ooenra ke kheti, sir/ran he sdup Maihha kdran bddi hap. The field nearest the village, the snake at the head of the bed, and the father who is against you on account of a step-mother (are all to be feared or guarded against as leading to danger). if^^T ^ %fft '^ Goenm he hlieti" is the belt of land near the homestead, which is better manured, more care- fully cultivated and adapted for a superior kind of crop. — (Grierson). It is the most frequent source of contention among villagers. Being nearest the village any stray cattle or goat easily finds its way into it, and sows the seed of a quarrel, which often ends in litigation and riot. 7 98 BIHAR PROVERBS. f^'^^f % ^xq " Sine an he sd^ip." By "the snake where your head rests," is meant, figurativel}'^, your close relative or one on whom you repose confidence, but who is really your enemy ; a secret foe, a pretended friend, a wolf in sheep's clothing. flHT "Maibha" is a step- mother. A father, who marries a second time, usually takes the part of his new wife, and ill uses the children by his former marriage. 243. Things we ought to pray to be saved from. C/tait Ice Jar ; rclr ke boll. Bikham kahdr ; chhotke cloli. BdmesJuvar asin ke gJidm I mati kahhuTi, mhdicah rdm. O Ram ! Never make me suffer (says Rameshwar) from the heat of the month of A>iin (September-October), from the cold of the month of Chait (March- April), from the hard words (reviling) of the low caste, from an uneven set of palki bearers {i.e. of unequal lieight), and from a small doli (litter) {i.e. in which I can't fit). 244. Taking a pleasant view of everything. Sdon ke dhdhar ka, hariyare siijliela. The man who becomes blind in the month of Sawan (July-August), fancies that he sees everything fresh and green. Said of one who always takes a pleasant and one-sided BIHAR PROVERBS. 99 view of things ; who is so biassed that it is a foregone conclusion he will take a particular view of a question. Also said of one who has a tendency to take a rosy view of everything. The allusion is to the popular idea that one who becomes blind when nature is green always fancies that he sees everything fresh and green, 245. The staves of ten men make the load of one. Das ha lathi ek ka bojh. The staves of ten are equal to the weight of one man ! i.e. Equal distribution of work or labour is not felt as a burden. 246. The word of a man, like the tusk of an elephant, can never be withdrawn. Hard ke hat hathi ke ddnt ; je niklal, se nik/al. The word of a man, like the tusk of an elephant, when once out, it is always so, i.e. he does not " eat it." The tusk of an elephant in Proverb No. 3 has been made use of to illustrate the opposite character, namely, of dis- sembling or hypocrisy. Unconcern or Indifference . 247. If the hel fruit is ripe, it matters little to the crow. Bel pakal kaua ke hap la ka. What is it to the crow {lit. to the crow's father) if the bel (fruit) is ripe ? The crow, which usually pecks at all (ripe) fruits, finds 100 BIHAR PROVERBS. the hel (wood-apple), with its hard shell, too tough for its beak ; therefore it is of very little concern, interest, or profit to the crow whether the hel is ripe or not. ^tj "Bap" is the "intensive" form with the common people, as you are naturally supposed to look after the interest of your father, who is taken for granted to be greater than the son — the inference being that if anything does not concern the father, it ought not the more to con- cern the son. Said when one can afford to regard anything with perfect indifference. 248. If she disappoints, the bed only will remain empty. Ai to di, nahln to khdli chdrpdi. If she comes (well and good), otherwise the bed will remain unoccupied. Expressing indifference or unconcern at one's coming or not coming. (Said usually in reference to a female.) 249. "Without restraint. Aya ndth na pdchJia pagha Jaise dhur men lote gadha. Neither has he the nose string nor the heel rope (tether- ing rope) : like an ass that rolls about in the dust {i.e. without any check or restraint, uncared for like an ass). ■^^^T " Pngha " is the rope generally used for tether- ing cattle. The ^J^ ndth and pagha are used for the better class of cattle : never for the ass, who is usually hobbled. BIHAR PROVERBS. 101 250. What is in a name ? (zao/l nikatitja, mahton jlijan Jyouji/on uJdln, tyoii tyon turn. The village is called sikatiya and its mahton fiyan, but the more you rake up the more you come by pleasant things {lit. savoury curry), i.e. which repays search. fil^fZ^T " Sikatiya" lit. means a bit of potsherd, stands for a mean name (there is a village of this name in Champaran). ^^*T '^ Jiyan" is a very common name among natives of the lower class : it is used hei'e to denote an insignifi- cant name. Said when any one discovers good things where he least expected them. (Both the village and its MaJitou, or headman, have unpretending names, still the village has some good things in it.) Compare also the following saying : phuchti, i.e. the village has twenty hamlets, but its name is ^' Phuchti \" (a common meaningless name of a village in the Hajipur subdivision). Hidiculing an unpretend- ing name, esj)ecially when it belongs to one who is of substance. Warnings against Naturally Defective and Certain other Classes of Men. 251. The cunning of the dwarf, the squint-eyed, and the one-eyed compared. 102 BIHAR PROVERBS. 5^4 «^ ^T^ ^e ^ZT % ^^ ^W> ^>H ^^^'T Sdth kos nata ke daur, assi kos hahukdn Wa ke ant na paiye, jo ek dnkh ke kdn. Sixty kos is the depth {lit. run = tether) of the dwarf and eighty of the squint-eyed ; but one who is blind of one eye can never be fathomed. "Ant," end, bottom. The kos or distance is simply used by way of comparison. It is the common measure of distance in India — usually taken to be two miles, but it varies immensely in different parts of India. For example in Chutia Nagpur it is the distance a branch could be carried green. A traveller, when starting on a foot journey, broke a branch from the nearest tree and reckoned the number of koses he went by renewing the branch when it withered. A " Gdu kos " (so called in the north of Bihar) is the distance at which the lowing of a cow can be heard. It means " a small kos." In the above proverb the palm for deep cunning is given to one blind of one eye, who would seem to be especially obnoxious. Another proverb says of him : f^T;% ^T Wl ^"5T TT'T^ Birle kdn hhae hital mdnukJi, i.e. Rarely do you meet with a one-eyed man who is a gentle- man (a good man). Compare also the following Urdu saying on the same subject, where a foi'ced pun is made on the Arabic word ^l^ = "is." Kdne ki hadzdtiydn hain mere c/il men yaqln, Aya hai Quran meri, kdn, min alkdfrln. BIHAR PROVERBS. 103 "Of the wickedness of the one-eyed I am thoroughly convinced, because even in the Koriin it is said that ' the one-eyed is among the unbelievers ! ' " Also compare the following warning against a bastard : Sat hath gliora se dariye, eJiaudah hath inatudl Hath anganit wa se dariye, jekar jdt phetwdl. i.e. Keep seven cubits away from a horse and fourteen from a drunkard, but ever so far (literally, " innumerable hands ") from a bastard (literally, " a mixture ") ! The following story is related of the acuteness of a one- eyed man : He laid a wager with a man who had both his eyes, that he, with his one eye, could see more than his friend with two eyes, and proved it thus : he, with his one eye, saw his friend's tico eyes, whereas his friend with his two eyes could only see his one ! This specious reasoning is a good illustration of what the logicians call the fallacy of division. The fallacy turns on the word " more.'^ 252. Beware of grey eyes. San men pliuli, sahasr men kdiidn Saica /dkh men aineha tdndn, Aihvlia tdndh kaJie imkdr, Kauma se rahiyo hoshidr. The man with a cataract in his eye is one in a hundred 104 BIHAR PROVERBS. (for rascality), the one-eyed is one in a thousand, the squint-eyed is one in a lakh and twenty-five thousand ; but the squint-eyed man proclaims to all the world, " beware of the grey-eyed man." (Meaning that there is one even more wicked than himself.) 253. Warnings against men with certain peculiarities. Kotah gardan, kalla dardj, uakhundn nalti kahutar-hdj, Kariya Brahman gor chamdr, hdnar kdn ut/f hltuinhdr, I)ika sang na ufrln par, b/iore bisre gota mdr. J^ever go on a journey with any of the following {lit. never cross a I'iver, meant figuratively for never associate or travel in company of the following) : — One with a short neck, one with a wide mouth (or one who has a long tongue), one who has a cataract in his eye, a pigeon fancier, a black Brdhnum, a fair Chamdr, a monkey, a one-eyed man, a camel, and aJBhainZ/dr Bdhhan : otherwise you will be duped before you are aware and come to grief (lit. any slip, mistake, or forgetfulness on your part will be taken advantage of by them and you will find yourself floundering (diving) in water). A black Brdhman and a fair Chamdr are proverbially untrustworthy. There is a story about a camel and a monkey crossing in a boat. The monkey frightened the camel by attempt- ing to get on to his neck and in moving about in his fright he sank the boat. BIHAR PROVERBS. 105 254, When there is a will there is a way (mind com- pared to a blacksmith). ^'TTf ^ITT ^> ^^ T^ ^T MaincCin lolidr jo jiian he dhare, Dhedhar pit he chokha knre, Mann an lohdr jo man man kare, Chokho men kucJth dhokha kare. If the blacksmith called "Mind" makes up his mind, he can hammer very inferior iron and improve it; but the same blacksmith, if unwilling-, will spoil the best of iron. E.E. Where there is a will there is a way. This is a play on the word TI»T "Man," mind or will. "^"^X and '^i^T " Bkcdhar and C/iokha" are inferior and superior iron respectively. The former is unmalleable : the latter malleable. Tf«T ^-T ^^ "Man man kare" is to hesitate, to be un- willing, to falter, to be lukewarm and half-hearted over a matter. The metaphor is taken from the oil lamp, which, when the oil is nearly burnt, flickers with a murmuring' sound before going' out, "uncertain whether it should burn on or go out." 255. What houses are on the certain road to ruin (ac- cording to GJidgh the poet). f ^^ ^fT ^rr^ ^ff ^'^ ^^ ^^ xii^ ^\ %^ 106 BIHAR provp:rbs. Bamyak data tliahiirah Jnn, B aid all a put hi/ddli nahin clilnh, Bhdtak cliup chup hemvak mail Kalini GJidijIi pfuieJio ghar (jail. A generous haniija, a mean landlord, a son of a phy- sician ignorant of the diagnosis of disease, a silent hlidt, and an unclean courtezan, are all live, according to Ghagh, on the road to ruin [i.e. not up to their calling) ! ^ "/iT" marks the possessive case, e.g. (lit.) the generosity of a haniya, the meanness of a landlord, etc. '^tl ^ '^ Chup chup" means speaking in a hesitating manner, not outspoken, ^Vt "Ilin" is here little, the opposite of generous as all landlords ought to be. i.e. It does not do for the niggardly haniya, whose sole object in life is to hoard money by disgraceful self-denials, to be generous. If a landlord, who, on the contrary, ought to be generous and noble-minded, takes to petty ways, he undoubtedly disgraces his position, or in other words a haniya cannot save money and at the same time be generous, nor can a landlord be niggardly and keep up his reputation of being generous. A son of a physician, if anything, ought to be able to recognize diseases. A hhdt or extempore bard lives by his wit and ready tongue; if he is therefore hesitating and not ready of speech, he is sure to fail in obtaining a livelihood. The courtezan, if unclean, will not be sought after. 107 CLASS III. Proverbs Relating to Peculiarities and Traits, Characteristic of Certain Castes and Classes. Ahlrs or Godlds (inilkttien). 256. An A/ilr knows only how to sing his Lorik ballad. Ketnon ahira hohm seydna, Lorik chhdri nn gdicahindna. An Ahlr (milkman), however clever, will sing nothing else but his Lorik. ^"^ Lori is a deified Ahlr hero, in whose praise the Ahirs always sing. It is their one tribal song. When an Ahlr is asked to sing, he invariably sings nothing else but the Lorik ballad. Lorik, according to a legend told by Mr. J. C. Nesfield in a recent number of the Calcutta Review (quoted in the Pioneer of the 13th March, 1888), was an Ahir hero or prince, who held the fort of Gaura, his native city. It was the stronghold of the Ahlrs. His adventures and his fight with the Cheru warrior King Makara, who had his fort in Pipri, are related at length by Mr. Nesfield. Lorik was subsequently killed by Beoni, one of the surviving sons of Makara, and the founder of the Musahar tribe, also called after him, Deosiya or children of Deosi. There 108 inilAR PROVERBS. is, therefore, a traditional enmity between the Ahirs and the Doosiyas or Musahars, as shown by the following proverb still current among both tribes : " Jah tali jiwe Deosii/a Alilr na chJulje gdi." i.o. " As long as a Deosiya is alive the Alrit' will get no good out of his cows." The story of Lorik is also given at length in vol. viii. of the Reports of the Arcligeological Survey of India. 257. Receipt given by the cunning Kdeth to the burly Ahir. Kachahrl he laid ban he asul, Lathi ka hdthe rant hehdk. "What was due to the office (of the Zemindar) was recovered in the wood. Tlie Rdut, who is armed with a club, is granted this receipt in full. This was the ambiguous receipt given by the clever Kdeth (or man of the caste of scribes), who w^as Avaylaid by a burlj^ Tf^fT lldtd or Godia in the jungle, and threatened with a thrashing if he did not grant him a receipt in full at once on the spot for any rent due from him, under the impression that he was thus over-reaching the wily Fat/rdri (accountant). But the Kdeth proved more cunning tlian the Rdut, and gave him the above receipt, which could be read between the lines. The Rdut, satisfied that he had got what he wanted, let the Kdeth go. The next day, to his great surprise, he found he had to pay in court more tlian all his due. Rdut is the social title of a milkman. BIHAR PROVERBS, 109 KacJia}'i:=co\xrt. It is the office of the landlord of a village where rent is paid in. by the tenants and receipt granted by the Pafirdri. Said when one has to give up under compulsion. 258. The young barber practises on the A/nr's head. Kate alilr ka Hikhe beta nam ka. The barber's son learns to shave on the A/ilr's head, which he cuts freely (/IL the A/ilr's head is, but the barber's son learns !). When the barber wants to teach his son his art he usually chooses the foolish milkman to practise on. Said to exemplify the stupidity of the A/nr, who is usually credited with little sense, also when one profits at the expense of another. Brdlimans. 259. Hair splitting about difference of castes. Tin Kanaujiija terah clnilha. Three Kanaajii/as (a tribe of Briihraans) and thirteen cooking places [i.e. for separate cooking) ! The ^«T^f5l^T Kanaujiya Briihmans are the proverbial sticklers about caste differences : with them a hundred obstacles have to be overcome and shades of restrictino' gofra rules have to be examined before two Kanaiijii/as can eat from the same pot. It is therefore an exaggerated way of putting the differences which very often split up a small community. Another way of saying the same proverb in an accentuated form is Tin Kanaujiya teurCik chiilha, i.e. when three Kanaujiyas come together, adieu 110 BIHAR PROVERBS. to all eating {Jit. "thou cooking place shalt be set aside, because there will be so much altercation about caste differences that there will be no cooking "). 260. The Pdnre does not practise what he preaches. An he 2)dui'e sihJncnn dcs^ dp dhunilii/a k}id>i. The Pdnre (teacher) would teach others ; but he him- self stumbles {lit. staggers and falls, trips). nf^ " PdJire" is a sect of BnThmans : here for one who sets himself up as a teacher. fsfTfW"^ DhimiUya or dhammunyan khds is staggers and falls, reels, stumbles. The meaning is that he pretends to instruct and show the road, while he himself is stumbling. Cast at one who does not practise what he preaches. 261. A Kdeth wants payment, a Brahman feeding, and paddy and betel watering, but low castes only kicks to make them do their work. R^S ^IJ^ f^f %W^ t^^ ^TTf ^'I fW^W VT^ m^ xrf^^W ^T TT^ ^TffT ^fTI^W Kdeth kichhu Men delen, Bardhman klnauJen, Dhdn 2)dn paniaulen, aur rdr jdti latiauleti. A Kdeth does what you want on payment, a Biiihraan on being fed, paddy and betel on being watered, but a low caste man on being kicked. T;T^ ^f^ " Rdr jdti" are the low caste. — (Grierson.) A variation of this is (in Shahiibad) : w:^^ % ^^ i% ^% ^^l^ % f^^^% -^oi^ % ^>^ ^^y3^ ^T'I ^ff!'?i^% Kdyath he huchU lele dele, bdinJian ke khilaole, Rajput ke bodh bddh, ndiih latiaole. BIHAR PROVERBS. Ill Barber. 262. A barber's weddinf^. Nana ke bari//df, sab thkure tJtdkur. In the marriage procession of a barber every one is a thdkur ; i.e. the raarriage procession of a barber consists of people who style themselves " lords and masters " only. ^TcRT " Thdliur," — In common parlance a barber is styled thdkur, which literally means "a lord," "a master." Said In joke when each one in a company thinks him- self the leading spirit or master. Barbers and boat- men are credited with being more helpful to their fellow caste men than the high caste people, who are only good for empty talk ; they never help one another. ^m "^^Z =^'f WTfT ^^T ^>T i f%^^ ^TrT Nauwa kenicat chlnhe jdt, harka log ke chikkan bdt. The barber and boatmen are the only people who recognize their caste fellows [i.e. who help them). The high caste are only good at fine talk ! In the polite language of the people each profession has its civil style of address, e.g. a barber and also a blacksmith are styled thdkur, a washerman is baretha ; a carpenter is mistri (perhaps a corruption of ' m agister,^ through the Portuguese) ; a tailor is khalifa ; a sweeper is mihtar and alsojamaddr, etc. (The word thdkur in the proverb Is used with a certain amount of sneer.) Baniya (shopman). 263. The owed baniya gives further tick. \%^ ^Z^T ^f^^T €r^T ^T Antka baniydn sauda kare. 112 BIHAR PROVERBS. The owed haniya deals \villin/afh gains when fools quarrel. RC<^ ^|- ^t fu^ IJT ^T^^ %^ ^ ^^ ^T Laddu lare jhiUijJiare kCiyath hechdre kn pet hhare. When Laddun come in contact (fight), bits drop out ; the poor Kdyath thus gets his living. ^^ '■^ Laddu " is a sweetmeat made of sugar and cream . ^^ in the shape of a ball, which is a conglomeration of the f^^ jJdIU, or drops of cream and sugar, which united together form the laddu. Figuratively said of a "fool" or " simj)leton." The Kdyath, like a lawyer, finds his living when two rich men fight. Their loss is his gain. A Kdyath' s pickings are proverbial. E.E. " When rogues full out, honest men come by their own." 282. Wherever three Kdyaths gather together, a thunderbolt will fall. Bajar pare hahtcdn tin lxdyathjahicd7i. AVherever three Kdyath^ gather together, a thunderbolt is sure to fall, i.e. some mischief is sure to result. The Kdyaths are notoriously people who instigate quarrels, especially lawsuits. 283. Comparison of castes. Kdyath se dhohi bhala, thag se bhala soiidr, Deota se kutta hhala, pandit se bhala siydr. BIHAU PROVERBS. 123 A DJiohi is better than a Kdyath, a goldsmitli better than a clieat, a dog better thaa a deity, and a jackal better than a Pandit. Because a Dhohi can keep a reckoning of the clothes he has brought to wash in his head, and from memory can recognize the clothes of each when returning them ; whereas a Kdyath cannot do anything without writing, i.e. without his pen, ink, and paper (see Proverb No. 278). A goldsmith is better than a cheat, because he cheats you more cleverly under the cover of his art, and is not known as a cheat at all. A dog is contented with what- ever you give him and is always faithful ; whereas a god always expects you to oflPer him of the best you have, and any remissness in your devotion brings down on you his wrath. A Pandit cannot foretell, unless he has his books and holy writs by him to consult, but a jackal (if you know how to interpret the omens) always foretells with certainty whether an undertaking will be successful or not. Another proverb speaks of his {Kdyath^s) sharp prac- tices, and ranks him, for shrewdness, just below an " adulterer," who must be sharp to elude detection. ^^ ^ itTT m^if Tfrt ^i^m % ^g^ ^T^^ Khatri se gora pdndu rogi, Kdyath se chatur parbhogi. An Albino only is fairer than a Khatri ; and an adulterer only is sharper than a Kdyath. T^"^ "Khafris" are usually very fair. (It is com- monly said that this caste originated in a liaison between a Brdhnan woman and a Kdyath.) Parbhogi is lit. one who eats or enjoys another's property. 284. The three people who dance in other's houses. Par ghar ndchen tin jane Kdyath, baid, daldl. 124 BIHAR PROVERBS. The throe people who dance in other's houses are the Kui/ath, the Physician, and the Broker. i.e. The three classes of men who profit by the mis- fortune of others (in other words who "loot" them) are the Kdijath, the Physician, and the Broker. " To dance in another's house " is, figuratively, " to live on their earnings," " to enjoy at their expense." Kurmi. 285. A Kurmi always untrustworthy. Pathal par jo jd)ne glnirmi, Tabnhun nan djyan hokhe kurmi. It is sooner possible for the tender creeper ghurmi to take root on a rock than for the Kurmi to be your own, i.e. to be one whom you can trust. The ^"^ift " Kurmis " (a caste supposed to be allied to the Kahdrs, but ethnologically, perhaps, quite different. Some say the Kurmis are an aboriginal race) are pro- verbially untrustworthy and selfish. It is commonly sup- posed that no amount of favour shown to a Kurmi will ever make him a reliable friend or grateful to you. Re- garding their deep-rooted litigiousness and obstinacy, an experienced Indigo Planter in Tirhut told the writer that he would rather have any other caste than the Kurmi to fight against in a lawsuit ; for a Kurmi was so obstinate that he would fight to the last pice he possessed. He had, in his varied experience of the difierent Bihar districts, known instances where Kurmis had maintained an unequal lawsuit until reduced to beggary ; and even then they would not rest quiet, but instigated others to BIHAR PR0VERI5S. 125 fight. They are very spiteful. They are spread all over Bihiir, but are found in great numbers in Patna, where they follow all manner of professions. They are great sticklers about caste, and pretend to be very strict Hindus. But they are looked down on by the higher castes and treated by them as a menial class. KiimJidr {Potter). 286. A Kumlidr sleeps secure. Nichint sute kumhra matiya na lejdye cJior. The potter sleeps secure, for no one will steal clay. He who has nothing to lose does not fear thieves. — (Grierson.) A variation of this proverb is, Gofj (name of a man who had no one in this world) sleeps secure, as he has no children or family to cause him anxiety. Musalmdn. 287. A Mnsahndn, a parrot, and a hare are never grateful. R^^ g^^ -cTtfTT '^ '^T'frH Tunik tota au khargos, I tinon ndn nidne pos. A Musalmdn, a parrot, and a hare, these three are never grateful. A Mohamedan is still called a Turuk by the Hindus, no doubt from the fact of the early Mohamedans being Turks, just as the Europeans are still called Ferangis by the Indians from the early French (Franks). 126 BIHAR PROVERBS. 288. To a JFurnhnan give toddy, to a bullock hhcmari. v=--^ ^^^ m"<\ t^ %^T^ Turuk tdri, hail kJiemdri. To a Miisalmdn (give) toddy, and to an ox Khemdri, i.e. each, to his taste. The following is quoted from Mr. Grierson's book on " Bihar Peasant Life." ^^^■O " K/ienmri" {Lathynts satira), a kind of pea. It is unwholesome for human beings, but bullocks eat it greedily, e.g. in the saying : Turuk tdri hail khemdri Bdman dm Kdyath kdm. Toddy is necessary for a Musalman's happiness, kheh- sari for a bullock's, mangoes for a Brahman's, and employ- ment for a Kd//aih's. The Mlijdnji (or Family Tutor). 289. When the Mlydhji is at the door, it is a bad look out for the dog. Jekra cludr par mlydri ji, Tekra ghare kukur ke juth phenkal jdy. Is there ever any food thrown to the dogs in the house of one at whose door sits the family tutor ? / e. the family tutor eats up all the leavings, and there is nothing left for the poor dog. ^■^jt ^ " Miydfi Ji" is a typical character in the Bihilr family circle. He is usually a poor Musalman struggling for existence. Having acquired a smattering of Persian, he considers himself above manual labour ; while on the other BIHAR PROVERBS. 127 hand he is not sufficiently educated for any respectable intellectual employment. He therefore finds work as a teacher of children with some well-to-do family on a mere pittance and board. His place is at the door, where he instructs the children of the family in the rudiments. He is but tolerated and treated with scant courtesy. His share of food (for which he has often to wait very long) is doled out daily from the Zanana ; and he is not above accepting any remnants of food that may be added to his scanty meals. He is usually blessed with a good appetite, and no edibles need be thrown away when a Mlydnji is at the door. It is therefore a bad look out for the dogs of the house if they happen to have such a voracious rival as a Mlydnji. This proverb is used sarcastically when anything need not be wasted owing to there being some one, who would, probably from poverty, be glad to accept it. 290. The Mlydnji loses his beard in praise. Mlydn ke ddrhi udh wdhe men gail. The beard of the Mlydnji disappears in praising it ! i.e. each student who wanted to pay him off laid hold of his beard and said, " What a fine beard, sir! " and gave it a tug, and thus every hair in the beard of the poor Mlydnji was plucked ! JSaid when anything disappears in simply tasting samples of it and praising it, or when anything is wasted. The following story is told of a Mlydnji, who was simi- larly served by one of his puj)ils whom he had left in charge of his dinner. A fowl had been cooked, but the pupil, in- stead of guarding the dish, went out to play, when a cat 128 BIHAR PROVERBS. walked off with a leg of the fowl. The MlijdTiji, on missing the piece, was greatly enraged, but the pupil maintained that the fowl had only one leg. Notwithstanding this, he got a severe whipping for stealing. Next day, while the MiijCmJi was comfortably taking his midday siesta, he was rudely awakened by his aggrieved pupil, who came rush- ing to inform him that he could prove that some fowls had one leg only as he had said. The already enraged tutor soon proved to his pupil, by throwing a stone at the cock, which was resting on one of its legs (as fowls are wont to do), that it had both. Upon which the poor pupil got another sound beating. He remembered the circumstance. Another day the same kind of accident hap- pened, and the pupil discovered, before his master sat to his meal, that a leg of the fowl cooked had again disappeared. But this time he had got the secret of producing the lost leg of a fowl. When his master turned angrily that evening to him to demand what had become of the leg again, the pupil, who had provided himself with a brick- bat, threw it violently at the dish, saying, " There is the other leg," expecting that the lost leg would be at once forthcoming in the same way as the cock had produced his under the stone of the MiijCuiJi. But the stone broke the dishes and stunned the Mujdnji, and taught him to respect the opinions of his pupils. 291. A Mlydnji\^ run is up to the mosque only. Mlijdu kc daur maltjid le. The Mli/diiji's run is as far as the mosque only, that is the length he can go and no further ; the extent of one's reach ; a Mlydnji is a tutor, who, when not engaged BIHAR PROVERBS. 129 in his work, is usually to be found in the TT^rf^f^ Mas/id. lie has no other place to go to. A Mu/atiji is always at the door : if he goes out at all, it is to the mosque. Said to mock one's effort: as much as saying, "That is all he can do ! " Nonii/a. 292. A Noniija^s daughter is born to labour. Noniydn ke heti ka na naijihare sukh na sasure sukJi. The daughter of a Noniya has neither ease in her father's house nor in her father-in-law's house. •ffHT^n "Noniya." The Noniyas are a labouring class who find employment chiefly by extracting saltpetre, hence their name. " They are a poor and hardy race, and are the best labourers, and especially sought after for digging " (Hunter). The daughter of a Noniya would thus be " born to labour." Their name is connected with non salt. One usually enjoys more comfort in a father-in- law's house than at home, so the expression " to be at one's father-in-law's " means to be idle, to take things easy and do no work. Hence if one is lazily inclined, he is asked, " Do you fancy you are at your father- in-law's?" Rajput. 293. Thick-headed. Sate RajpUt uthe ajgiit. When asleep, he is a Rajput ; when awake, he is a fool (literally, as if in wonderland), i.e. his senses are wool- 9 130 BIHAR PROVERBS. gathering, even when awake. Said of Rajputs, who are proverbially thick-headed. Suthrd faldrs. 294. Selfishness in Suthrd fakhs. ^Q8 %¥ w[i w wtn ^^TT ^^ ^cn^T ^T?: KeJm mue kehujle Suthra gJior batdsa pie. Any one may live or die, the Suthra sdhi fakir must have his drink of batdsa and water. The ^^IJ ^^ Suthra sdhis are a sect of fakirs, the followers of ^^"^T Suthra, who, it is said, was a disciple of •TT'l'^ in^ Ndnak Shah. They sing and play on wooden batons and are very persistent in begging. Whatever may happen, they insist on their drink of ll^r[ sharhat before allowing the dead to be taken out of the house. Said when any one selfishly insists on his object being served, regardless of circumstances. The following story is told of Suthra. He was a favourite disciple of Nanak Shah, and very popular with his fellow- disciples. He was always witty and si^irited, and often indulged in practical jokes. On one occasion he paid dearly for his pranks by being ordered out of the monastery by his spiritual guide. After roaming about for some time, he appeared one evening before the monastery gate in the guise of a pedlar, with a pack- bullock, feigning he had come from a great distance with articles for sale, as well as offerings to the great Nanak. The gate-keeper was somewhat reluctant to announce him at that late hour, but was prevailed on by being promised half of what he would receive. On entering the presence of his patron, instead of saluting him, he thrice went BIHAR PROVERBS. 131 round his bullock and made a low obeisance to it, and opened tlie panniers, when out fell a lot of bricks and debris with which he had filled them. Then, turning round to Nanak Shiih, he saluted him, and said it was to these bricks that he owed the honour of coming again into the presence of his revered patron ; therefore his first salutation was due to them. Enraged at this fresh insult, Niinak ordered him a hundred stripes. Upon which the cunning disciple said, "Half of it goes to the gate-keeper according to my promise." His clever trick 80 amused Nanak, that he pardoned Suthra and reinstated him in his former favour. Sonar (Goldsmith). 295. Hundred (strokes) of the goldsmith will not equal one of the blacksmith. Sua sonar ke na ek lohar ke. A hundred (strokes) of the goldsmith are not equal to one of the blacksmith's. The goldsmith uses a tiny hammer : a hundred strokes from which would hardly equal one stroke from the ponderous sledge hammer that the blacksmith wields. i.e. One bold strong effort is better than a hundred feeble ones ! Said to laugh at a feeble effort ; or when one gains success at the first trial where another's repeated efforts have failed. Teli (Oilman). 296. A Teli, though possessed of lakhs, cannot equal Raja Bhoj (in magnanimity or nobleness). 132 BIHAR PROVERBS. ^e^ ^ff TT^ ^^ ^IT ^^W "^^ Kalian Rclja Bhoj kaJuui Laldma teli. An oilman, however rich, can never be compared to E-aja Bhoj. TTWT *ft^ ''Raja Bhoj" was a king of Bhojpur, from whom it has taken its name. ^^^ ^^ "■ Laliliua TcJi" was a rich oilman, who amassed a large fortune, said to be several liikhs. i.e. There can be no comparison between Rjija Bhoj and a Teli (who is a low-caste man and proverbially mean), tliough he may be possessed of liikhs. One is after all a nobleman, and the other a shopkeeper. Jolha (Wearer). 297. The weaver bearing the sins of others. ^Q^ %fT ^T^ I^IT f^\^ 5|T^ Wt^lT Khet Tihay gadha mar al jay jolha. The ass eats the crop, but the weaver is beaten for it. The Wt^^T ./oZ/ca " weaver" is the proverbial scapegoat of Indian society. A veritable " lodging-house cat " ! 298. The weaver as a cultivator. Pdwa har ka humna hheti harha ah. I have found the rear peg of a plough, now I will at once take to farming. ^^•!T " Iluinna " " is the peg which passes through the shaft at the end of the plough" (Grierson). Meant for the smallest part of a plough. This saying is ascribed to a Mohamedan weaver (^^i|T jolha) who by accident found a " hunuia." He is the jjroverbial fool of Indian stories. BIHAR PROVERBS. 133 299. The weaver penny wise and pound foolisli. Sarbas hdron gaj hluir na p/idrofi. I will lose all, but still I shall not tear out a yard of cloth (or rather lose all than tear a yard of cloth). He is supposed here to be haggling for a yard of cloth which the customer wants, but which he under no circumstances will give. This is another of the many proverbs aimed at the obstinacy of the Mohamedan weaver. E.E. " Penny wise and pound foolish." 300. A whip does not make an equestrian. ^00 TTf T mm ^fit^T ^T^ TIT ^^ ^^ ^TTfl ^"t^T Peon iMija kora, bdki raha thora, jln lagdm ghora. I have come by a whip accidentally : the rest is easy (to find), namely, a saddle, bridle, and a horse ! Similar proverb to No. 298. Applied to those who having just made a beginning, or having got the least bit of anything, are so confident as to make light of the trouble required in attaining the rest. 301. A weaver's daughter aping her betters. Joldhin he heti ka buhu ke sddh. The daughter of a weaver has a longing to call her sister " bubu " (in imitation of her betters). ^^^ " Bubu" is the familiar term by which elder sisters are called in respectable Mohamedan families. Said when one tries to ape the ways of higher people. 134 BIHAR PROVERBS. 302. A weaver proud as a king with a gagra full of rice only. Gagrlii anaj hhail jolhan raj hhnil. As soon as a weaver gathers a vessel full of grain, he becomes as proud as a king, i.e. a weaver has only to get a vessel full of grain, when he feels as proud as a king. Also cast at those who show pride on possessing very little. 303. The avaricious weaver. Jolha hatore nari nari khoda miyan les eke heri. The Jolha (weaver) gathers laboriously very small quan- tities at a time, but God sweeps away all (his gatherings) at once. (Compare Proverb No. 12.) •T^l" "JVari" is the small tube inside the shuttle with the thread wound round it. Aimed at those who take great pains to collect money, but lose it all at once. Mohamedan weavers are proverbially misers as well as everything nasty. By " God " is meant Fate rather than God, Said sarcastically, but with an air of earnestness. A variation of this proverb is : Wt^lT ^TT^^ •T''C^ •!"^ " Jolha chomicas nari nari." ^^ ^TT'^^ ^^ " Khoda chordicas imla." i.e. the Jolha steals little cotton at a time, but God takes away bales. 30-i. The weaver asks to be let off fasting, but gets saddled with prayers. BIHAR PROVERBS. 135 Jolha gaile roja bakadwe nimdj paral gave. The weaver went to have his fasting pardoned, but became burdened with prayers {lit. prayers fell on his neck). The jolha went to his spiritual guide to beg that he may be let off keeping fast, but, on the contrary, he was saddled with prayers, i.e. he was directed, in addition to fasting, to pray five times a day according to the Mohamedan religion. Said when one prays to be let off, but in answer gets burdened with additional penalty or trouble. 305. The weaver suffers on leaving his loom. Karigah chhor tamdshajdy, ndnhak chotjoldha k/idi/. The weaver leaves his loom to see the fun, and for no reason gets hurt. Alludes to the story of a Jolha who got a thrashing on his going to see a ram fight, i.e. he is such a stupid that he never can step out of his house without getting into trouble. The "Jolha " feels nowhere at home except at his loom. 306. Id without weavers ! Bindn Joldhe Id. Id without weavers ! i.e. can there be t;^^ Id without ^'^^ Jolhas (weavers)? Thejolhas and other low Mohamedans take the occasion of the Id to indulge in uproarious merriment by drinking toddy. The Id is a solemn festival in which good 136 BIHAR PROVERBS. Mohamedans never drink. Said when any one is indis- pensable on a festive occasion. Same application as Proverb 104. ^ ifift % ^TT -S^ GaTtgo he jlmmar. 307. A weaver makes a sad hash when required to reap a field. Jolha jdnathi jao kdte. Does a weaver know how to cut barley ? " Refers to a story that a weaver unable to pay his debt was set to cut barley by his creditor, who thought to repay himself in this way. But instead of reaping, the stupid fellow kept trying to untwist the tangled barley stems " (Grierson). Another story told of the weaver as an agriculturist is that he, jointly with another man, sowed sugar-cane. When the crop was ripe, on being asked whether he would have the top or the stem, said, " Of course the top." When reproached by his wife for his stupidity, he said he would never again make such a mistake. The next crop they sowed was Indian corn. When the time for gathering came round, he told his friend that he was not to be made a fool of this time, and would have the lower part. His friend gave him what he wanted. 308. The weaver going to cut grass at sunset. Kauwa chalal bds he jolha chalal ghas he. The weaver went to cut grass (at sunset), when even the crows were going home (Grierson). BIHAR PROVERBS. 137 309. The weaver tries to swim in a linseed field. Jolha hhutiaile tlsi khet. The weaver lost his way in a linseed field. The allusion is to the following comical exploit of certain joUias (weavers). Once seven of them started on a moon- light journey. They had not gone very far from their home when they lost the road. After trying to find their way, they came to a linseed field, which they took to be a river as the field was in flower, and they fancied the blue colour of the flower to be that of water. They stripped themselves and began swimming. After hard labour they got across. To make certain that no one was drowned, they took the precaution of counting themselves before resuming their journey, but they discovered that one of them was missing as each counter forgot to count himself. Grieved at the loss of one of their company, they had not the heart to pursue their journey, but returned home ! The following quotation from C. Kingsley's "The Roman and the Teuton" (1864), p. 184, shows how these stories travel over the world : " A madness from God came over the Herules (the Heruli were a tribe of Huns), and when they came to a field of flax, they took the blue flowers for water and spread out their arms to swim through, and were all slaughtered defencelessly." 310. The weaver's wife. Bahsali jolhini hdpak darlii noche. The wilful weaver's wife will pull her own father's beard. 138 BIHAR PROVERBS. To pull the beard is to offer the greatest insult to a Mohamedan (Grierson). 311. Weavers' and shoemakers' promises never to be relied on. JoUm ke di jxli chamrCi lic bihdn. When a weaver says the cloth will be soon ready, as he is now brushing it, don't believe him, any more than you believe a shoemaker who says the boots will be ready to-morrow. "W^ ^tI^ " Ai pdi" means the brushing and the other preparations to which the weaver subjects the thread with which he is going to weave the cloth (Grierson). 312. A weaver as an impressed labourer. ^=1^ t^w^ rr: zfif ^ff ct: ^^ ^ft^ iT^f^T ftUrT Tanghah ta tdngah nah'ni ta natt narlk harkati Jwet. If you must load me, load me quickly, otherwise the time of nine shuttles will be wasted. " A weaver estimates his work by the number of nari shuttle-spools which he uses up, as in this proverb, in which he is supposed to address a man who has seized him to carry a load" (Grierson). 313. A fight between a frog and a weaver. xiff^ f{\x %^ ^»r^ 35frr tit ^rn ^Ir^? ^^t HHW'n im ^^%^-^\m\ ^^TTT % ^f|^ ifrfw '^'i^ 'htt f!T^T rn: 'TTt % ^TTT "^Wt ^If? '^^^^^ ^T'lT BIHAR PROVERBS. 139 ^5^'Y ZWKt ^^W{ TtT fTT ^ 'HT ^XT"^ ^ ^T ^^ mX. ^^ ^fT>i!T ^^t ^ft W['^ ^^ fit ^^^" W^i ^t^ ^^ t1 ht ^t^ JoIhajCit ndon lie dlilra, raste cJialat heng se bhira. Pahil mar beJig thengak thenga, tar bhae jolali upar bhae beuga Tab jolhen darbdr pukdra, ai, sdheb molii betigan mdra. Tana tar nari le bhdga, ulte mohi dabdban Idga Roi rol puchhe jolah hi joe, kaisa manus bengaicha hoe Lambi tangri bakula thor, tar ke mare upar kejor Suno hhdi suno bhatljay suno meri may Ab to challlh beng laraiya,jlu rahe bhajdij. Now I am going to the battle of the frogs : it is to be seen Avhether I am alive or dead ! This saying is ascribed to the following melodramatic lines, where the jolha (weaver), the usual butt, is repre- sented as waging an unsuccessful combat with a frog, and then recounting his sad experience to his wondering wife. The serio-comic description is of course intended to ridicule the weavers, in the style so common in native literature. " The jolha class are brave (steady) only in name. Once being on a journey, he met a frog on the road. The first to strike was the frog with repeated blows. The jolha fell below and the frog was on top of him (i.e. the frog won the fight). Thus defeated, he appeared in court and cried, ' 0, Sir ! the frog has beaten me. He broke my weaving frame and ran away with my shuttle, and in addition gave me a thrashing.' The wife of the weaver, with tears in her eyes, began to inquire, * What 140 BIHAR PROVERBS. kind of a being is a froggy ? ' ' He has long legs, my dear, and a beak like that of a crane : he hits from above as well as below ' [lit. he hits from above and presses from below), said the weaver, and added: 'Now hear brother, hear my nephew, and hear my mother dear, I am now off to do battle with the frogs, whether I live or die ! ' " 141 CLASS lY. Proverbs relating to Social and Moral Subjects, Religious Customs and Popular Superstitions. 314. Angel of death to be feared. Biirh he marie na derdln, jam he parikle derdlri. The death of the old is not to be feared, but lest the Angel of Death should get used {i.e. habituated to making constant attacks). gUT " Jam " is the Angel of Death. The idea is that the old are fit victims of the Angel of Death ; but when he gets once used to making incursions and seizing the old, he may also begin to prey on the young ; therefore his getting habituated to dealing out death is more to be dreaded than the occasional death of an old person, (Applied to deprecate the growth of a pernicious habit.) 315. As the Dehi, so the offering. ^=m t€^ ^TTt t^ ^^ ^^ ^ "^W^ Jaisan hdri dehi waimn liodo he achchJiat. As the Goddess, so the offering of Kodo ! ■^"^fT ''AcJichhat " is an offering made of rice to the deity. ^^ Kodo, which is a very inferior millet, is never used 142 BIHAR PROVERBS. for this purpose. Said disparagingly when one has to be treated according to his deserts ; i.e. who, though in a superior position, is not deserving of the consideration befitting his position. But it is also a fact that each deity has its peculiar manner of being worshipped, e.rj. a she-demon ( TJchchhist ChandCilni) is worshipped with ofi'er- ings of refuse and leavings of food. 316. A weak Behi and a strong he-goat for sacrifice. Ahhar dehi, Jahhar hahra. A weak goddess and a strong he-goat (as victim or offering). ^^ " Dehi " is a goddess to whom he-goats are sacri- ficed as offerings. Said when one who ought to be weaker in the regular order of things is really stronger than another, e.g. when a strong subordinate really rules his weak superior. 317. A saddening reflection. Ndnch hachli aUe moriva, gonca deJxJiijhawcdy. The peacock having danced (in all its pride) becomes crest-fallen on seeing its ugly legs ! The popular idea ascribes to the peacock great conceit, but it is said that in its ostentatious dance it comes to a dead stop, and becomes crest-fallen on seeing its ugly legs. Applied to one who, though outwardly jolly, has some secret cause of unbappiness that acts on him as a drag. ''A skeleton in the cupboard." BIHAR PROVERBS. 143 318. A fast woman blames otliers when she elopes. ^<\^ ^tiTT ^T^ ^^^X ^^^ ^1 ^ Tf^ Apna karte urhar, lagaili log he dos. She was eloped with on account of her own viciousness, but the people are blamed. ^^■^^ " Urharab" (lit.) is to cause one to fly or elope (transitive form). '^^"^^ " JJrhdrah " is to fly or elope (intransitive form) ; from this is derived ■'a^T^ " Urhri," a kept woman, a concubine, lit. one w^ho has been made to fly or elope. Thrown sarcastically at a woman who has made a false step, but blames others for it. As if one would say in irony, "Of course she is not to blame, but some one else." 319. A meddlesome woman. Tell ke bail la, kumhaini satti. For the sake of the oilman's ox, the potter's wife has become suttee, i.e. she interests herself in other people's afiairs (Grierson). The meaning of this proverb is not quite clear. Perhaps it means " To the oilman's ox the potter's wife is as good as a suttee {i.e. perfection)," because she does not harass him, as the oilman's wife does. 320. A disgraced cat is as humble as a wife of the rat. Kanauri hilli cliuJton kijoy. The disgraced cat is (as humble) as a wife of the rat, ^•fl^ " Jyanauri.'' This word seems to have two meanings. In Shahabad it means " disgraced, ashamed," 144 BIHAR PROVERBS. and applied to one who has made a false step. In Maggah it seems to have the meaning of " obligated," and is applied to one who has receiv^ a favour from another, and is therefore under an obligation to him. The same idea is expressed in the proverb '^'^^ f^^Ttr 'T^ ^T^T " Pcchdh bildri miise haiir," i.e. the trampled eat {Jit. one in a fix or " pressed ") is maddened by rats even, i.e. she is so weak and heartless that even the rats drive her mad, or is considered stupid by rats even. The meaning is that a disgraced superior is not respected. 321. A forward woman. ^^=1 ^T^t ^it TT^ ^Tt ^f¥ % ^T %t% LCijo Idje maras, dliltJw licihnsje dare deraile. The modest woman is dying from shame, but the impudent saj^s she is frightened ! The forward or over-confident laughed at. Said when any one puts a wrong construction on an act. (The final "o" in "/fl;o" and " dintho" marks the feminine gender.) 322. Born to labour. Nailiarja, hlia msur jd, jcuigra cliala ke liatliun khd. Whether you go to your father's or your father-in-law's house, you must labour in order to get your living. ^i[TJ " Jctngra" means thighs. ^^■^T ^^ ^ " Jangra cliala /.-e" is I'd. to use one's thighs, i.e. to go about and labour. Cast at one who can- not afford to sit at ease, but is born to work for her living wherever she is. BIHAR PROVERBS. 145 323. Bad lineage. CJnndn ha bans men sapid jcunle mdrha. In the house of Clilndh if an excellent son is born, it is only Marha. '^•TT Chmdn [Panicmn frumentosum) is one of the smaller millets ; when boiled and parched, it is called My%\ mdrha. The meaning is that the best of a bad family will after all turn out only a very second-rate fellow. Just as the best thing that can be got from chlndn is mdrha, which after all makes a very indifferent kind of food. Chindti is despised as a poor man's food. E.E. Little things are great to little men. Brother and Shter-in-law. 324. A weak elder brother-in-law is not respected. ^^8 ^^^ H%T t^T ^TT^T Latal hhainsur deirar hardhar. A weak elder brother-in-law is like a younger brother- in-law (with whom you may take liberties). Cast at a weak man who cannot command respect or assert his dignity. ^%X! " BJudnsur " (in relation to the wife) is the elder brother of the husband; ^^X^ ^Uleicar" is the younger brother. A wife is always supposed to pay great respect to her husband's elder brother, whom she must never look full in the face or speak to if possible. If such a necessity sliould arise, she must sjDeak to him with downcast eyes and in the most abject tone. On the other hand, the elder brother- 10 146 BIHAR PROVERBS. in-law is enjoined by custom never "to cast eyes " on the wife of his younger brother. The younger brother, on the contrary, is allowed by social etiquette to joke with the wife of his elder brother to any extent. 325. A sister-in-law has a sister-in-law to annoy her. Nanndo he nanad liola. A sister-in-law has a sister-in-law too ! (to tyrannize over her). This speech is supposed to be made by the wife, between whom and her sister-in-law (husband's sister) a constant jealousy exists. They can never agree, and are always having " hits at each other," hence the phrase •H^ ^^ " nanad ddh,^^ which means the spite or envy peculiar to the sister-in-law. Here the wife is saying in a sort of self-consoling way, "If she is ill-treating me now, she will also in her turn be ill-treated by her sister-in-law ; for she too must have one." Said by one who is ill-treated, with some satisfaction that his oppressor has also some one to annoy him. E.E. " Little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite 'em. And these again have smaller ones, and so ad infinitum." Bride and Bridegroom. 326. The bride cannot get rice gruel even, and others get sweets. Kaneydh he mdnr nan, loMin ke hundiya. The bride cannot get rice gruel even, while her servant- maid gets hundiya. BIHAR PROVERBS. 147 ^f^^ " Biuidiya is a small round sweetmeat made of gram (%^«T hesan) fried in ghi or oil and covered with sugar " (Grierson). It is dropt into the oil ; hence its name, which literally means ** drops," or "small drops." Said when favour is shown to the undeserving, while the deserving are left out in the cold. 327. A foolish bride gets no presents. Burbak kaneydn ke nao dndn khoinchha. It is a foolish bride, that only gets nine annas in her pocket (for wedding presents) (Grierson). ^K^T " Klwinchha " is the pocket formed in front by loosening the part of the cloth tied round the waist (Grierson). Sometimes villages are given away as wedding presents by X[T5IT rdjas and rich landed proprietors ; and then these villages are known as T§t^^T ^ TT^ khoinchha ke gdon. The way that this is usually done is, the title- deeds transferring the property are put into the front pocket of the bride (khoinchha). 328. The face money to the bride. Mitnh niyar munh na, riipaia munh dekhauni. She is nothing to look at, yet " face money " has to be given on seeing her ! {lit. she has not a face worth looking at). ^^ ^'^l^ " Mnlih dekhauni" is the money usually given on seeing for the first time the face of the daughter- in-law or of a child. " A bridal present." Said when one undeserving wants you to do him a favour. 148 BIHAR PROVERBS. 329. Crocodile tears of a bride. Dhlija sdsurjdli, ki mane mane gajeli. Is the daughter going to her father-in-law's, or is she rejoicing ? {lit. laughing inwardly). A daughter-in-law is expected to weep when going to her father-in-law's house, at least in appearance, if not in reality. That is the native etiquette. That she does not always do it in earnest is shown by the proverb. If one outwardly shows a reluctance or pretends to be sorry, while in reality he or she inwardly rejoices, this saying is used. (Also cast at one whose behaviour is unsuited to the occasion.) Blind and Deaf. 330. Blind master, deaf pupil. Andhar guru hahir chela, matige harre dela hhcla {ba/'iera). A blind master and a deaf pupil : he asks for harre and is handed hahera. ^"^ " Harre " is black myrobalans. ^f"?^! ^' Baltera " is belleric myrobalans. This describes in a comic way the laugh caused by the mistakes made by the deaf and the blind. Said when two persons misunderstand each other with a ludicrous result. The following story told of a deaf man illustrates this proverb : A deaf Brahman was once engaged in his homestead garden in breaking brinjals. Some passers-by asked him, "How are you, TTITTT^ Mahdrdj?" "I am breaking brinjals " answered the Brahman. " How are your children ? " "I am going to make hharta of them BIHAR PROVERBS. 149 all ! " (that is, make a masb. of tliem, meaning the brinjals of course). 331. Backbiter. Miinh par toke gdji, pith plchlie ke pdji. He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward. Pdji is a low, mean fellow ; a sneak. ^TT^ Gdji, brave, bold. 332. Charity (sharing the last crust). ^^'l ^^ W H^^ ^ 'fi gahiven, lit. means in a desolate village, 170 BIHAR PROVERBS. in a village whicli has been forsaken by all the better class of people. Hence a village inhabited by low castes only, who are usually ignorant and easy dupes. Said in ridicule of the ignorance of the low-class villagers, who are always read}' to worship any strange sight. 375. Ignorant villager mulcted on going to complain. ^^^ ^¥t W^ Wi^ t^ ^T t^ ^^ ^T ^^ Ldl bald men nikldyon, teli khalli khi/dis kyoh, Khdis k/ialli Jma sdnrk, hail ka hail ddnr ka ddiir. It is thus recorded in the red book (of laws and regula- tions) : " Why did the oilman feed his bullock on oilcakes ? as a consequence the bullock became as unmanageable as a Brahmini bull" (and ceased to work from being over- fed). (The order) " He loses his bullock as well as pays a fine!" This proverb illustrates beautifully the fleecing to which an ignorant villager is subjected when he goes to complain. Whatever the nature of his complaint, the tables are turned upon him, and on one plea or another he has to pay. Here a rude ignorant rustic is represented as relating his sad experience to his brother villagers on his return from a more than bootless complaint, probably to the police daroga. He quotes, as he thinks, the chaste Urdu language of the court, quite unmindful that in his attempt he is doing real violence to the language. The story is that a village Teli, or oilman, who has lost his bullock, goes to com- plain to the police, fondly hoping that he will be helped to find it. The "Red Book" (on which he looks as the source of all justice) is brought out. The daroga gravely turns leaf after leaf, and then pronounces judgment in the BIHAR PROVERBS. 171 following words: "Hear you Tell, it is thus found in the Red Book : You are really in fault, why did you feed your bullock on oilcakes ? Of course as a consequence he became unmanageable and ran away. You are therefore clearly to blame, and you have to pay a fine." He has lost his bullock, and, far from getting any help, he has to pay a fine. It is a case of " the wolf and the lamb " ! This proverb illustrates the language a rustic {gaonicdr) uses when he attempts to speak Urdu. Jewels. 376. Ornaments as well as means of livelihood. ^ O % ^^ cT % fWT ^^ff % ^f TT Sampat ke singdr biped ke ahdr. In easy circumstances jewels are ornaments, in adversity they are a means of livelihood, i.e. when in good circum- stances, they act as ornaments, but when want overtakes the wearer, they can be turned into money. The heavy ornaments worn as anklets and armlets by the poorer classes are therefore prized more on account of their weight than on account of their appearance. 377. Job's comforter. Bhal hliel miydii ke hdijheh dhail ki bcgdri se bachlan. It is just as well that (my) husband has been carried away by a tiger ; for he is saved from much " forced " labour. This would be said by a third party (as if coming from the aggrieved) in mock-congratulation for a gain totally inadequate to the loss incurred, or said sarcastically to one 172 BIHAR PROVERBS. who foolishly makes a heavy sacrifice and gains a trifling advantage. 378. Love defies law. • ^ oc ^T^ ^'tY tt^ ^t ^^ iT^ ^1 wr^ Marda maugi rdji, ka kare gCion ke kdJL (When both) man and woman are willing (satisfied consenting parties), what is the village Kuzi to do ? Even the conservative mind of the primitive villagers could see the unreasonableness of parting asunder two hearts that naturally drew towards each other : in such a case, what real power had the village magistrate ? None at all. Mischief-makers. 379. Quarrels between relatives are always made up : mischief-makers return home disappointed. Sds putohii/a eke hoihen bJidbha kutan ghar chal jaihen. The mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law will after all make up their quarrels {lit will be one), the respective (opposite) mischief-makers will have to return home (dis- comfited). The proverbial quarrels and disagreements of the mother- in-law and the daughter-in-law are not confined to Bihar only. Those who interfere are certain not to be thanked for their pains in the end. WTT ^Z^T " Bhdbha kutan " are the mischief-makers of the opposite sides. WZ^ '^ Kutan ^' or g5Z«fY "kutni" is a mischief-maker, one who seduces a woman, a procuress, " a go-between." Bhdbha means of the opposite side, respective. BIHAR PROVERBS. 173 380. He tells the tliief to steal and the wealthy to keep awake. C/ior ke kahe c/iori karah, sdhii ke kahejdgal rahah. He tells the thief to steal and the wealthy to keep awake, i e. causes mischief by carrying tales to the opposite sides ; in other words, by informing each rival side the intentions of the other. A mischief-maker. The allusion here to 'TT'^^ T'^ " Narad Muni,'" a sage (ris/ii) who took a strange delight in communicating secrets to the opposite sides and bringing about a quarrel. But his object was, they say, to humiliate those who were proud of their strength and certain of success. E.E. " Runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds." Mother-iu-laiv and Sister-in-Jaw. 381. The happiness of one who has neither mother-in- law nor sister-in-law. Sds na nanand, ghar apne anand. Having neither mother-in-law nor sister-in-law (to tyrannize over her), she is happy in her own house. The mother-in-law and sister-in-law (husband's sister) are thorns in the side of the wife, who has scarcely any voice in household matters so long as these, her opposers, are present. She cannot assert her authority, and is, in fact, a nonentity during the lifetime of the husband's mother. Therefore a wife who has not these causes of unhappiness by her side may be said to be contented and happy. 174 BIHAR PROVERBS. 382. Music is charming at a distance. Dtir he dhol sohmcan. Distant music is pleasant. ^^ "Bur" is distance. ^^T^»T " Sohdnrni" is pleasant, agreeable. A native's idea of music is usually banging a drum (d/iol). One blamed for another's fault, made a scapegoat. 383. CJiamru enjoys, while DeyCiI gets whipped for it. ^^^ ^^ V^ '^'^^ "^^^ ^^T ^:r^ ^^^ Sulxh pun haratli Chaniru kora TihCith Deyal. Chamru enjoys ease and comfort (reaps the advantage), while Deyal gets whipjDed, i.e. is made a scapegoat of. Said when one suflFers for the fault of another or is blamed though innocent. Usually said when one has illicit con- nection with another's wife while another man gets blamed for it. Hence it is commonly said, "I am a 'Deyal,' " meaning I am a mere tool, or merely the screen. 384. For the sake of one all are disliked. Ek ke tlte tine tit. Owing to one being bitter all three are bitter, i.e. disliked. For the sake of one of a company, the others, who are in any way connected, get to be disliked and shunned. E.E. 1. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." 2. " One black sheep affects the whole flock." BIHAR PROVERBS. 175 385, The man with a moustache is blamed for the thieving of the moustacheless. Chori hare niinochhiija, lag jay mochbgarha he. The stealing is done by the moustacheless, but the man with a moustache is blamed for it. Said when one is blamed for the fault of another. The idea is, that the moustache tells a tale when the thieving has been done in the eating line. The same idea is expressed in the following proverb common in the Shahabad district : Sidhrii/a chdl pare, hhotlava ha hapdre hlte. "The small fish do the skipping, but it comes down on the head of the big fish," that is to say, the small fry by jumping about afford a sign where the net ought to be cast ; and thus the big fish are caught while the little ones escape through the meshes. The meaning is that when the time of reckoning comes the " small " men, who have really done the mischief, escape, while the " big " are caught and sufier. 386. She in tatters is blamed for the one who wears ornaments. Kdni hare nathicdli lag jdg chirhutaJil he. The mischief is done by the woman wearing the nose- ring, but she in tatters is blamed for it, i.e. the poor woman is blamed for the fault of the well-to-do. 176 BIHAR PROVERBS, 387. Piiest and musician in one. Guru ke guru hajaniydh ke bajaniyan. A lioly father as well as a fiddler. Said when one man unites in him two opposite functions. In the east of Gaya a class of Bruhmans who actually combine the two functions are satirized here. They play on the drum while performing the religious ceremony; and it is said that to ridicule this absurd practice this saying is used. 388. Physician prescribing according to the patient's wish. ^cr: % -frfT^ ^T m^ %ft t^ ^iT'n^ Je rogiya ka hhdve, sehi baida jjhurmdwe. "Whatever the patient likes the doctor prescribes, tbat is, a sick man does not usually get what he wants to eat, the doctor prescribes a regimen which is distasteful : so when one finds that things are taking place after his heart, exactly as he wishes, this saying Is used. Quarrelsome Women, Firehrands, etc. 389. Quarrelsome women recommended to quarrel with decency. Lar 2)arosin did rakh. Quarrel you (women) neighbours, but be not unmindful of shame. Those who have any experience of Indian villages will readily and vividly recall the common sight of an altercation between two viragoes, gesticulating and screaming with all their might regardless of shame, and BIHAR PROVERHS. 177 bent on pouring out on eacli other without delay the full vials of their wrath. On such an occasion a ready by- stander would, half in derision, half in earnest, recommend them " to keep some breath to cool their porridge." ^^ ''Did," literally "eye"— hence shame. Fight, but please preserve a little shame in your eyes. 390. A fire-brand, wherever she goes she sets people by the ears. ^0.0 ^% 5t^ %ft TT'Tt ^ % ^i^ ^T ^^^ Jene geli khero rani, h le geli dcj pani. "Wherever went Queen Grass, she took witb her fire and water. Applied usually to "a fire-brand," "a mischief-maker." A woman with mischief-making propensities strongly developed would take with her wherever she went her unhappy facility of setting by the ears all her neighbours : she would thus carry with her fire and water — the two elements at war with each other. %t; '' Kher" is coarse grass, and easily takes fire when dry. 391. The misfortunes of a husband who has a scold of a wife. Sat ser ke sat pakauluu, chaudah ser ke eke, Tun dahyaru sdto khailah, main kulwanti eke. I made (cooked) seven cakes of a seer each, and one of fourteen seers : You " burnt beard ! " ate ujd all the seven, wbile I of high lineage ate the one only ! This is cast at a wife who is a scold, but who professes to be innocent 12 178 BIHAR PROVERBS. and content with little, wliile in reality she greedily eats up even her husband's share. It is supposed to be innocently spoken by the wife, while in fact she is be- tra^'ing her own failings in the speech. ^ff^''^ "■Bahijaru " is a contraction of ^f^ WTTT " darld jam" i.e. one whose beard has been burnt, a terra of feminine abuse. To burn a man's beard or moustache is to disgrace him by casting a slur on his manhood. This is one of the many quaint abuses peculiar to the women of the low class in Bihiir. They are far from being held in such abject subjection (in domestic matters) as is commonly supposed, and often make it uncommonly "hot" for their husbands with their sharp tongue (if not with their fists), whenever they happen to incur their displeasure. Their slang vocabulary is very copious indeed. Here are a few: — TTf^T^T " Muhjara," one with a burnt face; ^jyf^ ^'Of T " Pagyi jarauna," one with a burnt head- dress ; ^■^•T ^IT " Juan dhaha" one whose youth is on the decline, or, rather may your youth or manhood fail you ; f^f^^T " JS^igora,'' one so unfortunate as not to possess a son [lit. one without legs) ; i^^TTfT " EliaJi- mulian" one whose face is smeared with ashes, hence one disgraced, or one who ought to be ashamed of himself, etc. This proverb is a verse (the 2nd) out of the following bitter lampoon styled " The misfortunes of a husband who has a shrew at home." In this lamjDoon is adopted the style so common in Indian sarcasm and pasquinades of putting the ridiculing speech in the mouth of the object to be ridiculed, and thus by irony making him or her appear self-convicted. Here this speech, which really ridicules her, is made to appear as though uttered by the wife, although it is evident that nobody in her BIHAR PROVERBS. 179 senses would make such a confession. The implied meaning is that this is how a scold is supposed to treat her husband. Some guests having casually dropt in, she, instead of taking it in good part, at once turns round and accuses her husband of having invited them, which is not a fact, because their coming was quite accidental, and foretold by the crows (an omen always relied on). Having falsely accused him of being greedy and of inviting these guests, she next taunts him with his poverty ; and in her endeavours to show what a good housewife she is in trying to make both ends meet, she betrays her own niggardliness by the confession that she has poured a lot of water into the rice to increase its quantity. She further adds to her guilt and makes her case very much worse by confessing that she (being really a witch at heart) has caused the death of [lit. has eaten up) her friends and relatives both at her father's and father-in-law's houses, and is now going to supplicate the gods in the most solemn manner for the death of her husband. It shows that the saying, " Every man can tame a shrew, but he that hath her," is universally true. W^^ TT^ ^ ^m t^TJT XiT^^ %% fft'iT ^^ff^^ xTT¥^ t^^: ^TTT '^m '^^^ ^^ 180 BIHAR PROVERBS. Tdhi re punilh he ahhdrj, harham jCihi re ghare. Chhappar xtar je kaua haisal, pCihun aile tin Tioi, daJnjaru, pdhun icldah, (jointJui Ido ndJiln bin Sat ser ke sdt prrkauluJi, chaudah ser he ek. Twi, dahijaru, sdto khailak, maih kulwnnti ek. Khudi cJwnm ke bhdt ptakaulun, adahan delun hahut. Bliar kathauta mdnr pasaulwi pla na dahijaru ke put Naihar khailuTi sdsur khailun, hJtailfin hul pariicdr Qanga pain he duchar binicon, hab muiheh bhutdr. The misfortunes of. a husband who has a shrew at home. . Although the sitting of the crow upon the roof foretold the coming of the three guests (still the quarrelsome wife reproaches her husband thus :) " It is you ' burnt-beard ! ' who have detained these guests : why don't you go and pick up goihtha?'' {i.e. cowdung fuel, to prepare food for them). (Then comes the above proverb, 2nd verse, in the above lampoon.) "I cooked rice out of hhudi chuni and put plenty of water in it. I have poured it out in the wooden platter : go and have your * fill,' you son of a burnt-beard ! " I have eaten {ie. caused the death of) those at my father's house and those at my father-in-law's, and all my relations, and now I will get into the Gauges and pray for the death of my husband. ^T"^T ^'EI^ Kaua baiml, "Augury by crows" {" Augu- rium ex avibus "), is a common mode of ascertaining about the coming of friends and good news. If, on being questioned, it should fly away cawing, it is a certain sign that guests will come, or good news reach the person who asks. In the text it means that the arrival or visit of the guests was signified by a crow alighting on the roof, i.e. BIHAR PROVERBS. 181 the husband had nothing to do with inviting them. A crow is supposed to know where anybody is because its cry is thum, thdm, " place, place." Different auguries are drawn from the crow alighting on the edge, the middle, or the ridge of a roof of a thatched house, as in a Sanskrit verse of which the following is a translation : if on the edge and it utter a caw and fly away, it means the approach of mis- fortune ; if on the middle of the roof, it signifies the advent of good news, or a meeting with a dear friend; if on the ridge, it forebodes a death in the family, loss of property, or a difference between friends. The following minute instructions are given for inter- preting the cawing of a crow. " As soon as you hear a crow, pick up a long straw or grass and measure its shadow by finger-lengths. Add 13 to it. Divide the total by six. The remainder will tell you the news the crow brings. If one, then be sure of gain ; if twOy expect guests ; if three, an immediate quarrel in the house; if /o«r, a death ; lifice, a theft. If there is no remainder, then the crow is simply calling out to its mate" {i.e. the cawing has no meaning). '^'€\ ^•ft " Khudi chuni " are grains of rice broken in husking, and used by the poorer class of people : here meant to indicate their poverty and inability to entertain guests. ^^^•T ^^ Adahan,''^ is hot water in which rice is boiled. A large quantity of water is put to increase the ntuur or gruel, which is drained off and drunk by the poor. ■^f^"^ f^»f^^ " Ai/char biiuvah " means to hold the hem of the sheet to the sun in the act of praying for any wish. To get into the Ganges and supplicate in this 182 BIHAR PROVERBS. manner is the most solemn way of jiraying for any wish to be granted. 392. A shrew strikes terror into a demon even. ^e^ ^ W^^V^IT ^^TTW TT^^ e^t^^ ^^T Je jagdlimi nagar njdral, rdkm chhoral plpar. Se jagdipn uicat hdri, hdthe le le mumr. That Jagdipa, who desolated the town (and on whose account) the demon even left his habitation of the Pipal, is now coming with a pestle in her hand. ^I^m " Jfigdlpa " was a village termagant, who by her constant brawling made it so mipleasant for her fellow- villagers that they finally quitted the village. When there was no one left to quarrel with, she, it is said, used to vent her rage on a jnpal tree. Every morning armed with her broom she would attack the tree and vociferate. A demon, who dwelt on this tree, unable any longer to stand this daily invasion, also left his abode and sought refuge elsewhere. This saying is used as an invocation to exorcise evil spirits. Her name is sufficient to make any demon flee. Also said in joke when one noted for her temper is coming to a place. Quarrels and Jo];es. 393. The root of quarrels is practical jokes, as the root of disease is cough. Jhagra lie jar Jidnsi, rog kej'ar hhdmi. The root of quarrels is practical jokes, just as the root of all sickness is couuh. BIHAR PROVERBS. 183 i.e. Practical jokes invariably lead to quarrels, just as cough, if not taken care of in proper time, leads to other diseases. Sinters. 394. Envious tears of an elder sister. CliJiotki he hoy yaicanivdh barki haithal rowe angamcdn. The younger sister is being married, the elder sits weeping at home. It is seldom that an elder sister is not married before the younger. If this happens, it is probably due to some defect in her, and therefore a cause of grief, Ti^wloff " Gawanwdn," is the ceremony of going to the bride and bringing her home to her husband's house for the consummation of the marriage" (Grierson). Si/Dnxithij and ivant of it. 395. Pains of a chapped foot. ^dM ^^TT 'frt ^^z t^r^ % ^% ^T^ ^TT^ Jclira (jore i^hdte beicdy se jdne darad pardy. A variation is : Jdkepdon na phate beicdi, so ka jdne plr pardi. One who has suffered from a chapped foot knows the pain of another (suffering similarly). 396. Does a barren woman know the pain of childbirth ? Bdnjh ki jdne parscmt ki plra. How can a barren woman know the pain of childbirth ? ^flj " Banjli " is a barren woman. 184 BIHAR PROVERBS. "RT^^^ " Parsmiti " is a woman after chlldbirtli. T?'?;^ff " Parsut " is the pain attending childbirth. E,E. He jests at scars who never felt a wound. (To express want of sympathy or feeling.) 397. To cry before a blind man is to waste tears. ^e^ ^'ti"?:! % ^5t frtr ^T?^ '^^^ ^iT AndJira he age roln, dpan dlda kJwln. To cry before a blind man is to injure (lose) your own sight, (because he can't see and feel) ; useless supplication before one who cannot feel and appreciate. Cast at oue who does not feel. 398. Single-handed. ^^c x[% T^i ^^ ^T^TT % t^^^ ^^ft ^ ^f TT Eke pfita dar darhdr, se haithhn chulhi ke dehdr. An only son, he has to attend court as well as to sit before the fire-place, i.e. single-handed he has to perform both domestic and outdoor work. Said of one who has nobody to help him. Son. 399. An unworthy son. Biiral bans kablr kejab j'conle put kamdi. The house (race) of Kcdnr will be extinct now that (a son called) " Perfection " is born. ^■^■^ " Kablr, '^ name of a faqlr, great senior. ^^T^ '' KamdV (Persian), is a name meaning "Per- fection." The meaning is, that a faqlr is always humble, never assuming. If therefore a son is born to him who prides BIHAR PROVERRS. 185 himself on being perfect, who fancies that he excels in worldly matters, then surely the venerable family of the faqlr will no longer continue to be venerated. " Kamdl " in common parlance also means " an acute fellow," " a sharper," "a fop." Kamiil was the son of the famous Kablr, and spent his time inventing proverbs in refutation of those invented by his father. Hence the proverb has two meanings: "Even if your son is named Kamdl (per- fection), if he is a bad son, your race is ruined." 400. The brave, the sati, and the enterprizing son avoid the beaten track. Llk Ilk gdri chale like chale kaput Tin Ilk par na chale surma, sati, saput. The unenterprizing (bad) son travels on the beaten road just as a cart moves on the wheel track. But three do not move on the wonted lines, the bold, the safi, and the enterprizing (good) son. The meaning is, that those who are not enterprizing follow the same old course (profession) as their forefathers did, just like cart wheels which must move on the wheel- mark. It is only those who are bold, arduous, and enter- prizing, that depart from the beaten track and mark out a course for themselves. These are the ^??T surma " the hero" (or "picked man"), who, leaving the calling of his ancestors, becomes a brave warrior ; the IJtf^ sati, who is so devoted to her husband that at his death she elects to burn on his funeral pyre ; and the iEI'"TrT sapid, the good or worthy son who likes to distinguish himself. The words Kapiit and Sapid are not to be taken too 186 BIHAR PROVERBS. literally to mean " bad " and good sons, but rather one who is too " goody, goody," and one who is independent enough to chalk out a new course for himself. Singing. 401, Good singers are apt to be bored. NdFi mniaii gitii/a gdib, nan manrwa dhail jdib. Neither shall I sing pretty songs, nor will they compel me to sing at the wedding feast, lit. take me by force to the wedding house to sing. Those who sing well are usvially asked to entertain the guests at the marriage house (^^^T manrwa). Therefore any one who is bored on account of displaying her talents in this way may make a resolution never to give indication of it, so as to avoid being asked in future to perform. Would be said by one who felt bored on being repeatedly asked, to lend her services gratuitously in con- sequence of her excelling in anything. " Rather keep my light under a bushel, than be asked frequently to lend it gratuitously ! " or it may be cast ironically at a bad singer. 402. Social aspirant snubbed. Chauhe gaile Cliliahe hokhe, Diiheji j)don Idglle. The Chauhe Brahman went to become Clthabe {i.e. to get promoted to a higher status) ; but on the road was saluted as Dube {i.e. a lower Brahman). ^^ Diibe and Chauhe are sects of Briihmans who take their names from being followers of two or four Yeds. This is simply a play on the words Buhe and Chauhe. BIHAR PROVERBS, 187 Chhahe is a fictitious title. It uniformly with Chauhe and Duhe means one learned in the six Vedas, which is an impossibility, as there are only four. Really a Chauhe is not a higher Brahman than a Duhe, but occasion is taken of the numeral prefixes two and./o«r to make a joke. Used in ridiculing one who seeks to be socially raised, but meets with a rebuff. Troubles increased. 403. She went to ask for a son, but lost her husband. Put mduge gaili, bhatdr dele aili. She went to ask for a son, but lost her husband. When in the attempt to obtain anything one sacrifices something better, the above saying is quoted. It is a common practice for a childless woman to go and sup- plicate certain gods with votive offerings for a son. 404. lie prayed that his troubles may be lessened, but they were doubled. Deokur gcle duua dukh. He went to the gods (to sue that his affliction may be lessened), but got his troubles doubled. ^^ofiT " Deokur " is the place w^here a deity is invoked. The meaning is, that he went to supplicate the gods that his sufferings might be lessened, but, on the contrary, became burdened with additional troubles. Said when one endeavours to get any weight removed, but is burdened with more. There is a town of this name too. Deokur, or Deokund, is the name of a town in Gaya on a bank of a now-deserted bed of the river 188 BIHAR PROVERBS. Son. It was here that pilgrims crossed the Son on their way from the north-west provinces to Rajglr. It is a holy place. Deolaind means " well of the gods." 405. The dead boy had fine eyes. Mmla put ke bar bar Coiklt. The boy when dead is always said to have had fine (big) eyes, i.e. the dead child is always praised for its beauty by the mother. " Big eyes " are considered an especial feature of beauty. Said when one praises anything that does not exist any longer. Tobacco. 406. The man who ofiers you tobacco and lime unasked is sure to go to heaven. HT^T ^TXT^ ^^^T fft^ ^^ ^T % Chun tarndku sdn ke, bin mange je de Surpur, Nat'pur, Ndgpur, tiniih bus kar le. The man who mixes tobacco with lime (for chewing) and offers it without being asked, conquers (by his virtuous action) heaven, earth, and the lower regions (Grierson). A common way of praising one who generously offers another tobacco. 407. Tobacco is necessary for life. BJtor bhae vumus sabh juge, huka, chilam bdjan ICige. At daj' break the people awoke and immediately the hukkas began to gurgle. BIHAR PROVERBS. 189 "Tobacco is the subject of many proverbs," saj's Mr. Grierson. "A folk-tale about tobacco runs that a villager who went to a distant village to visit his friends found them smoking in the morning before they had said prayers, whereupon he said the above lines. To which one of the smoking party replied : Khaini khde, na inyani piije, se nar batdivah hmej'nje. 'Show me the man who can live without either chewing or smoking tobacco.' This verse has passed into a proverb. "Tobacco is often compared to the River Ganges, which has three streams, one of which flows to heaven, another to hell, and the third to the world of mortals. So also tobacco has three branches, viz. snufF, which by being smelt goes upwards ; smoking tobacco, which by being smoked goes downwards ; and chewing tobacco which goes neither up nor down." 408, The devil even flees from a thrashing. Mar he dare hhut hliage. Even the devil flees from a thrashing ! i.e. every one is afraid of a beating, even the devil. Hence it is often assumed that what nothing will effect a beating will. This is literally believed by the people, though they may not so frequently now resort to this means of exor- cising the evil spirit that may have taken possession of an individual. On one occasion a servant boy, who had unwittingly committed a nuisance under a venerated Pipal tree, was, as a punishment for the desecration, said to have been seized by the insulted deity who presided over the 100 BIHAR PROVERBS. tree ; because shortly after it he was taken ill with fever and ague. He was unmercifully thrashed by his master with the utmost f<(ing froid, in the firm conviction that it was the surest way of frightening the devil out of hira and saving the boy's life. The boy recovered slowly, and the cure was ascribed to the whipping the poor boy had received. This is a story known to the writer. Thieves. 409. The thief on the contrary mulcting the police. Ulta chor koticdle dande. The thief, on the contrary, exacts a penalty from the watchman ! Used when the right order of things is reversed. 410. Thick as thieves. Chor chor maimaut bliCti, sdnjhe hamuwa dhail pajdi. Both are thieves : they are like two maternal cousins who keep the sickle ready sharpened in the evening (for operating at night). *^f%'^T^fT ^it^ " Maiisidiit hhdi " are maternal cousins (sons of two sisters), who are said to be more attached to one another than other cousins, probably because they have no property to share, whereas sons of two brothers usually have. Said of two who are accomplices and help each other in any prearranged wicked act, although outwardly they do not show it. E.E. " Like two peas in a pod," or " Thick as thieves! " BIHAR PROVERBS. 191 411. A thief's heart is in the hahri field. Clioi'wa lie man bane kakrl Ice lihet men. The thief's heart is set on the gourd field, i.e. a thief sets his heart wherever he can get to steal. 412. With a thief he is a thief, to a watchman he is a servant only. C/iomk sang chor pahvak sang k/iau-ds. With other thieves he is a thief, but in the presence of the watchman he is simply a servant, i.e. who runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds. T§^T^ " Khaicds," slave, a male house servant (Grierson). 413. A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. Cliorjaisne Iilra ke, icaisne k/nra Ice. A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. Cucumber is one of the cheapest vegetables. 414. A thief will not stick at a borrowed plate. C/iorjdne mangni Ice hdmn. It does not matter to a thief if it is a borrowed plate, i.e. A thief will not hesitate to steal because the plate does not belong to you. It is all the same to him. 415. An impudent thief he warns when he steals. 8^M ^f^^TT 'ftT%"^ ^ lit Barij/dr chor sendhi nie gdice. 192 BIHAR PROVERBS. A fearless robber : he sings in the breach even ! "^^ " Sendhi " is the breach or hole made in the wall by thieves. If a thief sings in the act of stealing, he must indeed be impudent. Said of one who commits a fault and fearlessly proclaims it, or laughs over it ; one who does anything wrong and is shameless enough not to keep quiet over it, but makes it a point to boast over his misdeeds. 416. A thief: and with a face bright as the moon. Chor lie munli cliand niar. The face of a thief and beaming like the moon ! i.e. a thief ought to hide his face and be ashamed of showing it, and not " beam " like the moon. If any one commits a fault, and is ready to defend his conduct in a bare- faced manner, this proverb is used. 417. Taking tick sine die. Le king udhdrl baisdkh ke ek rCiri. Taking assafcetida on tick promising to pay in Baisiikh! Dealers and pedlars in Bihar go round selling their articles of trade, postponing the settlement to Baisiikh (April-May) when the rabbi (or spring) crop has been harvested. Assafoetida is one of the articles commonly sold in this way. It is used by the Biharis in their food, especially in their dall. iSaid when one takes tick, thoughtlessly promising to pay, without much prospect of being able to do so. BIHAR PROVERBS. 193 418. The idler (indolent). a^^ Wl^ ^ >^^T ^^Tt "ft^ ^'^T Kd)ii na dhandha, arhdi roti handha. Certain of his income (literally of 2 J loaves of bread) he neither works, nor has thoughts. Aimed at those who have a small fixed income and are idle and thoughtless in consequence. 419. Uncle and nephew always at loggerheads (paying off old scores) . Chachcha clior hhatlja hdji chachcha ke sir par panhi baji. The uncle is the thief and the nephew the magistrate, (it is a foregone conclusion that) the former will receive a shoe-beating on his head. Among the natives it is a common idea that there is always ill-feeling between the uncle and nephew, owing, perhaps, to the former always chiding the latter to mind his studies or duties, so that, when the nephew gets a chance, he is only too ready to pay off old scores. Said when any result is a foregone conclusion : when any one is sure to come to grief in an encounter. 420. Vicissitudes of life. In nainon ki eld hisekh, wait, hhi dekha u-ali bin dekh. It is the peculiarity of these eyes : they have witnessed these, now let them witness those. t^%i§ ^^ Bisekh," speciality, characteristic, peculiarity. Said in self- consolation when a complete and un- expected change takes place. It is the peculiarity of the eye to witness all vicissitudes of life. 13 194 BIHAR PROVERBS. 421. Waiting for the auspicious time may bring ruin. 8^^ wO W ^n: 5!^ 1^ ^ft ^^T Ghari men ghar jare, nau ghari bhadra. The house is burnt down in an hour: while the unlucky period (during which no attempt must be made to save it) lasts for nine hours. So long as the *T^T hhadra (inauspicious period) lasts, nothing that is to be a success ought to be undertaken. If therefore any one idly waits for the inauspicious hour to pass away, instead of taking time by the forelock, he may fitly be compared to the man who makes no attempt to save his burning house because the inauspicious hour has not yet run out. Said sarcastically when any one idly waits for an oppor- tunity while it is slipping away. V^^ ^^ Bhadra ^^ the inauspicious period, comes round every month and on eight certain days (30 dands, or 12 hours, on each day). They are the 3rd, 7th, 10th and 14th of the first or dark haK ; and the 4th, 8th, 11th, and 15th of the second or light half of each lunar month. During these periods nothing important is undertaken. Besides these there are the "R^T^T "■ pachlxha,^'' or five unlucky days in each month when nothing connected with woodwork is undertaken, e.g. houses {i.e. thatched houses) are not begun to be built on those days, bamboos are not cut, wells are not constructed, etc. The paclikha lasts for about two or three hours on each of the five days. 422. "Waverer's repentance. Ghar rahe na hdJiar gnyc, miinr munra ke phajihat hhaye. BIHAR PROVERBS. 195 He is neither a useful domestic man nor a proper faqlr ; by having his head shaved he has disgraced himself, that is to sa};-, he is neither fit for attending to domestic duties, nor to worldly business : by shaving his head he has rendered himself (deservedly) an object of ridicule. This would be said perhaps in self-reproach by one who had placed himself in a fix by his indecision. "One between two stools." The expression ghar rahe na hdhar (jaye means "fit for nothing," "of neither side," lit. " neither of the house nor of outside." ^% ^j^TTl^ ^' Miinr munrdeb," to shave one's head as a first step towards becoming an ascetic (corresponds to taking the veil by nuns). A man who has taken this step, but has not had the moral courage to leave his home and worldliness, might be said to have disgraced himself. Widow. 423. A spinster weeping with a widow. Rcinr rdnr ehicdti rowas, sang Idgal kiindro roivas. A widow weeps because she is a widow, and perhaps a woman with a husband living (has also cause to weep) ; but in their company a spinster also weeps ! ■ ■5(J^ "Hftnr" is a widow, and TJfTRfV *' ehwafi" a married woman whose husband is alive ; ^"^HTt " Icnhdro " is a spinster, an unmarried girl. It is the right thing for a widow to weep at all times for lier departed husband. Sometimes w^omen whose husbands are alive also join in the wailing. The meaning is, that it can be understood that a widow wee]3s because she has lost her husband; and perhaps a 19G BIHAR PROVERBS. woman who has her husband alive also has cause to weep when in company of widows (perhaps she is bewailing her husband's faults) ; but the marvel is that an unmarried woman also in their company weeps just the same as they do. Aimed at those who do anything (grieve for example) in imitation of others or who pretend to grieve with others while they have really no cause. 424. Handful of bangles or a widow. HR^ HT ^1 fft (Tifl %%T) ^ ^fT t TTf Bhar bdnh churi (mdng sendur) hi pat de rdnr. Either have a handful of bangles or at once be a widow, i.e. have no ornaments. Variation is, " Either have a head full of vermilion or at once be {i.e. behave like) a widow." Widows seldom, or never, adorn themselves: all ornaments and decorations are forbidden. A woman who becomes a widow has to break her lac bangles at once. The idea is perhaps that as suddenly and surely as a woman becomes a widow {i.e. from having a handful of ornaments she sinks to one who must henceforth avoid all kinds of ornaments) so should you arrive at a conclusion. It is a quaint way of urging one to choose one of two courses, and not to vacillate ; to come to the point at once ; to decide one way or the other. Wedding. 425. TVedding of the noseless woman and nine hundred obstacles. Naktike hiydh nao sai hhdkath. BIHAR PROVERBS. 197 It is the wedding of the nose-cHpt (woman) but there are nine hundred obstacles. A noseless woman is devoid of beauty, and certainly not likely to be sought after. No objections are likely to be made from her side on the score of the amount to be paid by the bridegroom (as is usually the case about wedding presents). Her marriage therefore ought to be the easiest thing in the world. Hence in the accomplishment of any ordinary duty, if a hundred obstacles are met with, this saying is used. Making too much fuss about a little matter. E.E. " Much ado about nothing." " Tempest in a teapot." 426. Wedding headdress made of mango leaves even. ' Maur na mile tah dm lie palive sahi. If the (proper) wedding headdress cannot be had, then mango leaves will answer. ?ft"^ "Maur" is the headdress worn by Hindu bride- grooms during the marriage ceremony. It is made of talipot leaves, and in some places of date leaves. Said sarcastically when something else is made to answer for the proper thing in an hour of need. 427. The song ought to be for her whose wedding it is, 8^1^ ^^T 'n^ ^^T 'TtfT JeJiar mdnro tekar git. The song should be for her whose wedding it is. (This proverb is the reverse of Proverb No. 202). The meaning is that we should act in a manner befitting the occasion. ^^ '^ Mdnro, the day before the expected arrival of 198 BIHAR PROVERBS. the marriage procession, the family sets up a bamboo shed in the courtyard over the fireplace. This shed is called Marhwa, Manrwa, or Manro. It is the hut in which a marriage ceremony is conducted" (Grierson). Worshij)ping. 428. Easy worship of i\\Q plpal tree. Goetiva he pipar dahinaulejdh. The j)qm^ ^^^^ i^ i^ ^^^ adjoining (homestead) field ; it does not cost anything to keep it to your right in passing it ! (and thus do an act of " cheap " worship !) ^ff •ft% " Dahinaule." In worshipping, the devotee goes usually five times round the object to be worshipped, keeping it to his right. If the ifY^^ pzpal-tree (which is worshipped in Bihar) is situated right at your door, it is no trouble to keep it to your right in going into your house. You thus, without any efibrt, do an act of obeisance as it were, or make a pretence of it. As a matter of fact, a superstitious Hindu, if he can help it, will always keep a piped tree to his right in passing it. Said in ridicule of one who tries to get credit without using much exertion, endeavours to satisfy himself that he has done a religious act without going into the trouble and expense of following all the ceremonies and rites. Also cast in joke at those who make a pretence of observing some religious ceremony. " Winning cheap the high renown." 429. Making a virtue of necessity in worshipping. Ural mill pit ran ke paith. BIHAR PROVERBS. 199 May the sattu wafted by the breeze go to my dead ancestors, i.e. a little quantity of the meal he has been carrying in his hand is blown off by the wind and scattered, and this he piously gives as an oifering to the souls of his ancestors, saying, " May this be accepted as an offering from me by the ghosts of my ancestors ! " Said to laugh at one who makes a virtue of necessity. 200 CLASS Y. Proverbs relating to Agriculture and Seasons. 430. Distant farming ruinous, Banda hail helaunja pdhi, ekjan marlan awe jahi. (A. possessor of) a useless (tailless) bullock who culti- vates in Belaunja {i.e. a distant village) is killed simply in going and coming, i.e. with an inferior bullock it is simply death for a single man to have a distant culti- vation, because he wastes his time in going to and fro. ^T^T " Banda " is without a tail or with a docked tail. A bullock without a tail is proverbially weak, and there- fore useless. (The word is also pronounced hdnrCi or hcinr.) '^^'^ " PCihi " is a non-resident cultivator. A raiyat who lives in one village and cultivates in another is a " piihi " (or " foreign ") cultivator of the latter village. To be a " pjihi," one must necessarily possess the means. W^n%T " Belaunja " is a pargana in Paliimau. Stands here for a remote villaffe. A man who without sufficient means at his command ventures to cultivate in a distant village is sure to suffer for his imprudence ; for one single man with an indifferent bullock would simply waste his and his bullock's life in the journey to and fro, and really be able to do no cultivation. Usually said to laugh at a distant pdhi Jot or remote cultivation. BIHAR PROVERBS, 201 431. The closer the field, the easier the culture. Ariya ke gariya hhala pdht ke na dub. A field that is contiguous but inferior is to be preferred to one distant and superior (literally one under water, but in another village). ^fW ^ if^^T " Aril/a ke gariya." ^f?:^ " gariya " is a field in which, a little rain causes puddle : it is un- productive, and ariya is adjoining your boundary. The expression therefore means a " gariya " field that is adjoining your boundary, i.e. near your cultivation. These soils (gariya) are difficult to cultivate. In showery weather they cannot be ploughed because the action of the plough and the treading of the plough cattle work the soil into a puddle ; while in dry weather these soils become so hard and compact that no ordinary plough will penetrate them. ^^ Dub or ^T^ B/ulb is land that is for a part of the year under water, and for a part of it dry ; it is very productive. The meaning is, that it is better to possess an inferior field adjoining your boundary (because it can be easily looked after) than a superior one in a distant village where it cannot be attended to so easily. 432. Selling bullocks for seed. 8^^ %can and Bhddon. 8^^ ^^^^^ ^t^ TfW HT ^T^^ ^T^T ^7^^ Wk Sdon pachea malii hhare, bhddon puriva paWial sare. If the west wind blow in Sdican, the land will be flooded ; and if the east wind blow in Bhddon, (it will rain so that) the very stones will melt. 464. Heaviest rain in Asres and Ifaggha. Je na bhare Asresa Maggha, pher bhare Asresa Maggha. That which is not filled up with water in Asres and Maggha has no chance of being filled up till they come again next year. 465 to 474. To Bhddon (August-September) the following apply :— 465. Loss to cultivator if he does not finish transplant- ing rice before Purtva. 8^M 5T^T Tt'q ^T f^^^ ^^T 'sl^T^ ^T^T ^T'l Furica rojje p)ur kisdn, ddha khakhri ddha dhdn. 216 BIHAR PROVERBS. If a cultivator does not finish transplanting before Purica {i.e. Furba Phdguni), half his crop will be paddy and half chaff. 466. The effect of east wind in Purica. JauJi Purwa puricaiya dive, sukh/e nacliya ndo chalaive. If the east wind blows in the asterism of Piirim (i.e. Pnrha Phdguni), there will be so much rain that ships will float in the dried-up beds of rivers. Closely connected with this is the following : — 467. The effect of west wind in Puriva. Purica par jaini pachhn-a hcthai, bihami ranr bat karai, Eh clonon ke ihai bichdr u barsai i karai bhatdr. If the west wind blows during Purwa, and if a widow chats and smiles, from these facts you may judge that in the first case it will rain, and in the second case she is going to marry a second time. 468. The meaning of clouds flitting like the wings of a partridge. 8^^ tf^f^T tJW ^^ ^i ^ f^^TT ^^Tl TUir pakh megha ure, o bidhtca musnkde. Kahe Ddk sunn Ddkini, u barse Ijde. " When the clouds fly like the wings of the partridge and when a widow smiles," saith Ddk, " hear, Ddkni, the one is going to rain and the other to marry." (Com- pare Proverb 379.) BIHAR PROVERBS. 217 469. The meaning of a cloudy sky on Friday and Saturday. ti^'T ^% »i|Tt f^^ ^Tt ^iTwr^ Suk hare hadri sanlchar rahe chhdy, Aisan bole Bhaddari bin bcirse nahmjay. " A cloudy sky on Friday and Saturday," says Bhaddari, " is a sure precursor of rain," 470. The eflfect of east wind in Sdon and west wind in Bhddon. 8^0 -wr^^ ^ ^TT ^^ ^^-rn ^T Saon ke purwa, Bhddon pachhimajor, Bardha benchah Sdmi, chalah des ka or. My husband let us sell our bullocks and leave the country if there is east wind in Sdon, and a strong west one in Bhddon. 471. When to cease planting paddy. ITusi amdicas chauthi chdn, ah ki rophah dhdn klsdn. After the Kiisi Amdwas (the festival of the 15th Bhddon, on which Brahmans dig kiis grass), and the Chauk Chanda (the moon of the 19th of Bhddon), cultivator ! You need not plant out paddy. 472. Not to transplant in Utra Phaguni. 8^^ ^rfTT W" ^t% Tt^^ ^^T ^T viTT frir ^^^ W Utra men jani ropahu bhaiya, tin dhdn hoe terah paiya. 218 BIHAR PROVERBS. Do not transplant in Utra Pliagiini (about the latter half of September) ; for you will only get three grains to thirteen empty husks. 473. The meaning of a crow speaking by night and a jackal by day. 80^ TTcI^ ^T^n ^^ f^^T ^ Utr ^T^T ^ ^^f!TT Rdtak kdga dinak sii/dr, kijhari hddar ki iiptdr. If the crow speak by night and the jackal by day, there will be either a rain-storm or an inundation. 474. The meaning of wind blowing from four quarters. 8^B ^^^ ^1"^ ^1 ^f!T¥ H^ fr^T ^"?:'§T % ^^ Ana baua bahe botds, tab ho/a barkha ke ds. When the wind blows from all four quarters, there is hope of rain. 475-479. To Asin (September-October) the following apply :— 475. Hathiya rain produces three things and destroys three things. Hathiya barse tin hot-ba, sakkar, sdli, nids, Hathiya barse tlnjat-ica, til, kodo, kajms. Rain in Hathiya produces three things, sugar-cane, rice, and pulse ; and destro3^s three things, sesamum, kodo, and cotton. "With this may be compared the following. BIHAR PROVERBS. 219 476. Rainless Aradra destroys three crops only, but a rainless Hathiya destroys everything. ff^^ 5i^ ¥H '^^ ^fn^ tiTfg?^ '^^ Adra gel tlnon gel, san, sdthi, kapds, Hathiya gel sahh gel, dgil, pdchhil clids. Want of rain in Aradra destroys three crops, hemp, sixty-day rice, and cotton. But by want of rain in Hathiya everything is ruined, both what has been sown and what will be sown. 477. The eflfect of rain in Hathiya and clouds only in Chitra. Hathiya barise, chitra menrrdy, Ghar haise dhanha ririydy (or agrdy). If Hathiya rains and (the clouds of) Chitra hover about, the paddy cultivator sits at home and utters cries of joy. 478. The effect of rain in Chitra. 8^^ t^fiTT ^Tt ^nrt ^T ''n'f HTT 'i^t ^ ^ Chitra barse mati mare age bhdi gerui ke kdre. Rain in Chitra (in October) destroys the fertility of the soil and is likely to produce blight. 479. What to sow in Chitra. 8^e ^T^T f^f!TT Tit ^TTt ^TVT f^cTTT ^^ ^Tlt Adha chitra rdi murdi, ddha chitra jao kerdi. In one half of Chitra sow mustard and radishes, and in the other half barley and peas. 220 BIHAR PROVERBS, 480-481. To Katik (October-November) the following apply :— 480. The effect of a shower in Sicuti. H^o xr^ xrr^> ^t wt% ^t^ ^xT^^ ^f^ ^^ ^^ Eko pani jo barse sicdti kunnin 2^ahire sona jmfi. If a single shower come in Sicuti, it enriches people so much that even Kurmi women get golden earrings to wear. 481. Instructions about harvesting rice. 8^=1 ^^ f^f^fl ^T f^% ^T^ fW^T ^^ ^ff tfit ^^ ^'^ ^^TTcft ^^ ^^^ rT^t WTf ^T« ^TT'T Bed bidit na Jiokhe an, bina Tula nahin phide dhan, Sukh siikhrdti deb iithdn, takrai barhai karah nemdn, Takrai barhai khet kharihdn, takrai barhai kothie dhdn. What has been written in the Vedas cannot happen otherwise, and paddy cannot ripen before the balance {i.e. Libra, Kdtikj October-November). From the festival of the Siikhrdti {i.e. the Diivdli) to the Deb TJthdn (11th of the light half of Kdtik) there will be happiness. On the 12th day after that, hold the festival of eating the new grain ; on the 12th after that, heap up the corn on the field and threshing-floor ; and on the 12th after that, put the grain in the store-house. 482-486, Th.e following are the signs of the stoppage of the rains : — 482. Clear nights indicate breaking of the rains. ^■?T ^^ |f^i: €1TT ^TfR^ '3^ tl{T^ Chhap ke ugai to kya bJiaye nirmal raini karant, Kly jal dekhihah sagra, kdmin kiip bharant. BIHAR PROVERBS. 221 It matters little if the sun rises obscured by clouds, because when the nights are clear (the rain will stop). You will only find water in the sea, and women will have to go to the wells for water. 483. A cloudless night and a cloudy day show that the rains are at an end. Hat nibaddar (or rdtuk chahmik) din ken chhdya, Kahen Ghdghje harkha gay a. If you see a cloudless night and a cloudy day, be sure, says Ghdgh, that the rains are at an end. 484. The barking of the fox and the flowering of the kds grass are signs of the end of the rains. 8^8 ^^ f^"^ ^% ^T^ ^^ 'TTlf ^T'^ % ^TO Boli lukhri, ijliiile kds, ah ndhln harkha ke ds. The barking of the fox and the flowering of the kds grass are signs of the end of the rains. 485. Appearance of the star Canopus indicates the end of the rains. 8^M ^5} ^^^ ^^ T|% qiTO ^^ ^TfT ^T^T i ^TH Uge agast ban phide kds, ah ndhln harkha ke ds. The appearance of the star Canopus and the flowering of the kds grass in the forests are signs of the end of the rains. 486. The meaning of the flowering of the kds and kits grass. B^^ ^T€t ^'ft ^^^ i "m^ ^^ ^T ft^^ ^T^ t^^T^f Kdsi kusi chauth ke chdn, ah ka ropha dhdn kisdn. 222 BIHAR fROVERBS. If the /.-fl.s grass and the litis grass flower on the 4th of the light half of Bhadoh, why do you plant out, culti- vator (for the rains are stopped) ? 487-491. The following refer to the dry seasons : — 487. Respective effects of rain in Aghan, Pics, Mdgh, and Phdgun. Aghan dohar, Pits dyaurha, Mdgh saicdi, Phdgun harse gharhun kejdi. If it rains in Aghan (November-December), you will get double an average crop ; if in Piis (December- January), one and a half ; if in Mdgh (January-February), one and a quarter ; but if in Phdgun (February-March), then even (the seedlings which you brought from) your house will be lost. 488. The effect of rain in Aghan. jjm= ^iif ?i "W % ^Tt ^ ^'T ^ TI^T VT ^ ^^ Aghan menje harse megh dhan o rdja dhan o des. Happy are the king and people when it rains in Aghan. 489. The effect of rain in Piis. ^jnq^ ^1i^ ^\^ ^\ja ^ ^\^T 'if ^^T ^ Pdni harse ddha Pus, ddlia gehun ddha hhus. Rain in the middle of the month of Pus, i.e. early in January, will give you half wheat and half chaff. BIHAR PROVERBS. 223 490. Siofns of drought. wr^ ^1 ^ fr^ ^'Ft ^^t wi m^ ^XM ^^ Mdgh he garmi, Jeth kejdr, pahila pdni hhar gail tar, Ghdgh hake ham hohmm jogi, kudn ka pdni dhoihen dhohi. Heat in Mdgh (January-February), cold in Jeth (May- June), and the tanks filled with the first fall of rain (are signs of a drought). I'll become a beggar, says Ghdgh, and the washerman will wash with well water. 491. The meaning of west wind respectively in Chait (March- April) and BhddoJi (August-September). Chait he jKichheya, BhadoJi kejalla, Bhddori ke pachheya, Mdgh ke pdlla. The west wind in Chait (March-April) means rain in Bhddon (August-September), and the west wind in Bhddon means frost in Mdgh (January-February). 224 CLASS VI. Proverbs Relating to Cattle and Animals in General. 492. A calf takes after its mother, and a foal after its father. Man gun hachh pita gun ghor, Ndlilh kuchh to thoro thor. A calf takes after its mother, and a foal after its sire : if not in all points, still in a few {i.e. to some extent). 493. Can an ass be lean in the month of Smcan ? 8^? l^fT ^^T ^T^^ ^^ Gadha duhar Smcan mdiis. Is it possible for the ass to be thin in the month of Smcan ? i.e. when there is abundance of grazing to be had. Said when any one complains or pretends to be in want in the midst of plenty. A xceary Bullock. 494. To a weary bullock its girth even is heavy. 8Q.B ^^^ ^^ % ^T *JTft Thdkal harad ke petdr hJtdn. To a weary bullock even his girths are heavy. ^37"^ ^'Petdr" is the girth of a pack-bullock. It is usually made of ^^TT neicdr, with a piece of bamboo catch tied to one end of it, and is passed round the bullock. BIHAR PROVERBS. 225 495. To a weary bullock his empty panniers are even heavy. Thdke bail gon hJtai bhdri, Tab ah ka lade baipdri. To the weary bullock even his empty pack is heavy (to carry) : then, why are you going to load more on him, Pedlar ? "Gon" also " gond," and " gund," are grain bags for pack bullocks. ^tfT'O " Bfi^pdri" is a pettj^ trader who deals in grain, and conveys it from market to market on pack bullocks, buying and selling. E.E. Last straw breaks the camel's back. 496. A separate house for a blind cow. Kdnln gaiija he alge bathdn. A blind cow requires a separate cattle-yard. ^■^TT " Bathan " is a cattle-yard or inclosure where the cattle rest. i.e. One with a peculiarity, idiosyncracy or crotchet, one who wants everything his own way, i.e. is not satisfied with what answers for everybody else. 497. Driving away a grazing cow a sin. iJQ^ ^^T ^cft %^T 1T^ ^T^^ ftXt ^ff ^ ^H Eekar kheti kekar gdi, pdpi lioe jelidh kejde. It is neither your field nor your cow ; you only make yourself a sinner if you drive it away. A safe but selfish dictum to prevent any harm coming 15 226 BIHAR PROVERBS. from interfering in what does not actually concern you. "It does not concern you if another's field is being grazed by somebody else's cow ; if you drive it away, you only incur the sin of keeping a cow hungry." This idea underlies and explains the apathetic attitude and total want of public spirit in the mass of the people towards any reform or public measure, because " it is safer not to interfere in what does not concern them." Mill ascribes this feeling in a people to the previous bad Government under which they have suffered, and which has taught them to regard the law as made for other ends than their good, and its administrators as worse enemies than those who openly violate it. He goes on to say, that while this feeling exists, " a people so disposed cannot be governed with as little power exercised over them as a people whose sympathies are on the side of the law, and who are willing to give active assistance in its enforcement." The death of a cow, no matter how it occurs, is held a sin, and has to be expiated by feeding Briihraans and other acts of piety. If a cow dies with a halter round its neck, the person who tied the cow last has to expiate its death. For this reason a cow about to die is unloosed from its halter. If a man kills a cow by accident, he has to undergo severe penalties in the way of feasting Brah- mans and doing other expiatory acts. The man (or woman) through whose fault the cow dies, if poor, goes a-begging with a piece of the cow's tether-rope ; and with the alms he thus obtains he feeds Brahmans. Until this is done the sin is not expiated, and the person remains an outcaste. During this interval the sinning person is not supposed to speak. A good Hindu will BIHAR PROVERBS. 227 never sell his bullock or cow to a butcher ; but this rule is hardly adhered to now-a-days. 498. God takes care of a blind cow. Andhri gdi dharam rakhwdr. God provides for a helpless (blind) cow. A blind cow is supposed to be treated kindly from religious feelings, i.e. God takes care of the helpless. E.E. " The wind is tempered to the shorn lamb." 499. In the prancing of the pack bullock his master is visible. 8^Q t^ ^ ^^ ^t 'Tt^ t rT^TT^T ^^ ^^T Bail na kude ktide (jon, I tamdsha dekhe kaiin. (or hail na kUde kude tangi.) A bullock does not leap, but his load does : who ever saw such a sight? (Grierson). ^hYt Gon, Grain bags and panniers for loaded cattle, here by metonymy for the possessor of the gon. It is not really the bullock that leaps, but his master or supporter {gon), i.e. his master causes him to jump and prance. Said when one is a mere puppet in the hands of another, at whose instance he is acting — when one is outwardly the actor or doer, but is really put up by another who pulls the wire. 500. The calf leaps presuming on the strength of the tethering peg. MOO ^ZT ^ ^% ^W^ ^?^T Khimta ka hale hachhico kudeJa. The young bull jumps according to the strength of the 228 BIHAR PROVERBS. post or peg to whicli it is tied. That is to say, relying on the strength of its supporter. One is strong or weak (or exerts his strength) in accordance with the support he gets. Said when one presumes on another's support or pro- tection. 501. Rules for selecting cattle. ^% |f^f ^1^7 ^K ^^T ^Tfr ^f ^^T^T ^>I xnT m^ ^f%l t'TT Tift x^TT % ^'^f t'H jBail besdhe chalalah kant, hail hesahiha du dii dant, Kdchh kasauti sdwar ban, i chlidri kiniha mail an, Jabai dekhiha riipa dhaur, taka chdri d'lha iqiraur, Oh pdrjab dekhiha maina, ehi par se dlha haina. Jab dekhiha bairiya got, nth baith ke kariha mol, Jab dekhiha kariyawa kant, kail gola dekhahjanu dant, Say((y patdli hhauhdh ter, apan khde parosiye her, Kaila kdbar gol tikdr, Iho harihen ddm tohdr. (1). My dear, you have started to buy a bullock: be sure and buy one with only two teeth. Do not buy any which is not some shade of grey ; but if you see a jDure white one, you may advance your price four rupees. If you see one with loose horns, give handsel without crossing the road (to look at it more carefully, i.e. it is sure to be a good one). If you see one with a red head and a light red body, don't buy till you have had a good look at it. BIHAR PROVERBS. 229 But, my dear, if you see a black or a yellow grey or a red one, don't take the trouble to look at its teeth. (2). The following is a warning against two kinds of bullocks : — A bullock with horns pointing up and down, or one with crooked ej^ebrows, injures its master and the neighbours as well. — (Grierson). (3). A yellow grey, or a speckled, or a red one, or one with a spot on its forehead, will make you lose the price you pay for them. 502. The bullock toils, but the bay horse is pampered. H0\ xft^ WZ ^T t^T tcf^ Wr^ ^3. ^cjl^ jhafiway, 317. f?J]i^jhilli,281. flj^;nTJhiIanga, 199. ^i; jhCimar, 104, 126, 306. 2-18 HINDI VERBAL INDEX. II Z t II Z^ft takahi, 79. ^qrr taka, 37. 2^ ^T t"ke ser, 63. Z^-?J tahra, 3J3. ZIZ^ tfiti, 76. Zm tap, 347. fZ^l^ titalii, 108. ^"I^T^ tikar, 501. ^g;-^ Z^X tiikiir tukur, 18G. ^^Ij; tetar, 96, ^•fT toua, 359. II 3 th II "371 thag, 283. ■3:'37 tlmtha, 115. ^T^T thakiir, 262. ■^T^ tharh, 30. •3J^ thaoil, 203, 275. •JXt thuthi, 126. %Tfl thefiga, 313. ^^ thes, 26. ^F'TT theliuna, 205. "StT tlior, 313. II ^ (1 II Tg»';5 ^T tlanda dor, 32. ^^ dak, 447, 449, 468. ^if^^l dakiui, 468. ^T^ darlii, 310. ^f^ dahi, 29. 1^^ deurlii, 73. %^^t^T dyaurha, 487. ^^ doi, 175. ^JT dom, 233. ^"t^ doli, 243. II ^ II ^^^f[«I bakdain, 11. ^cfiffT bakata, 179. ^^■^ bakaii, 174. ^cfi^ bakucba, 105. ^f%€n bakliiya, 204. ^^fil^ bajaiiiyail, 387. ^gj-^ bajar, 282. ^^'i!^ barai, 62. ^ffT^ batas, 294. ^^fY badari, 469. ^^T banda, 430. ^f^rlTbaiiita, 441. ^r«I^f baniyafi, 122. W^"^T babua, 359. ■^^^ babui, 336. cITi^T barkha, 455, 474, 483, 484. ^T;^ baradha, 436. ^f^Tf! bariyat, 262. ^fT"^TT; bariyar, 195, 196. ^ff T; babir, 330. cf^cfjj«l babukan, 251. ^¥f^^T bahuriya, 44, 70, 127, 334, 336. ^^TT babera, 330. cfT^-^ baur, 160. ^^ hag, 34. m^ bagh, 377. ^15 bachh, 492. ^^ banjb, 398. m"^ bati, 83. mirf"^ bandar, 57, 58. ^^f -T bainban, 264. ^^T^^«T^ bamhni, 6. ^■?^T bara, 56. ^^ bas, 308. ^T¥t basi, 44. f^"Z^'*^m bitlyawa, 336. f^\f^T bidhwa, 468. f^TI bipra, 178. f^^T^ birane, 346. t^^ biUi, 4, 320. 252 HINDI VERBAL INDEX. f^^^ bisani, 67, 72. ^^ bibi, 6. ^^ biya, 432. ^:g^^ burbak, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348. ^■:g% burle, 276. \» • ^f^^T bundiya, 326, ^fX:^^ buribak, 327. W^W^ bulbul, 37. ^IJ bujb, 62. ^^5^ bural, 399. ^^ l)urh, 139, 314. ^^ bubu, 301. ^^ befig, 7'2, 173. 5f^^ bengal cha (note), 313. ^^ beta, 32, 76, 356. ^^ beti, 178, 356. ^^ bed, 481. ^•T ben, 59. %TfT bena, 101. ^^T^ beway, 395. ^^ bel, 208, 247. ^^ft^T belaunja, 430. ^^1 besalie, 501. ^^T besya, 185. ^Jt»f baigan, 189. "ecS baid, 255. ^•n baina, 501. ^tr^T 'ft^ bairiya gol, 501. '^^^^T baisakkha, 444. ^15 bojb, 245. ^'I^Tf baiirab, 143. ^11 bans, 323. II ^ bh II ^cfi ^^^ nf^ bbak bliaun piiri, 156. *I7I^T bhagwa, 28. MIT; bhaddar, 437, 459. ^mT. bhat5r, 403, 467. H^^ bhatija, 419. V\-^ bhadra, 421. ^^■^trr bharta, 370. *[T?; bhai, 410. m'^'S bhakath, 425. ^^m\ bhaji, 63. *fTfT bhat, 81, 170, 199, 205, 354, 355, 447, 459. *rr^ bhado, 460. ^T^ bban, 454. "Wim ^f^*! bliabba kutan, 379. ^^ bhal, 144. fif^-^ bhillaii, 449. ^^ bhikb, 08, 332. ^^¥^ bbusabul, 92, 341. ^T§ bbukh, 199. ©>> ^^ bhusa, 7, 160. Vlil bhefit, 33. 5lf^^T bbediya, 29. ^^T bhaiya, 74, 366. ^% bhains, 59, 343. HINDI VERBAL INDEX. 253 *^T •>^'''»iiisui'> 324. ?lt'T l)liondu, 345. *f|^T^ bhaujai, 348. II ^ m II IT^5|V makkhi, 201. TfT^TT^ inakhniHl, 204. ?fl^7 maggha, 442, 452. ^T mattha, 209. Jf^ mad, 106. ?T«T^ manus, 313. ^^Tf markhah, 102. ^■^^T 'ft^ niarda maugi, 378. ^^Y«T malin, 15. ff^^tT masiyar, 457. IT^"^ masuri, 80. iT^IT malianga, 164. 7T^^^ mahjid, 291. ^^ mahi, 463. Tf^^ maliua, 106. ^e|"^ machhar, 347. JfJ^ maiir, 38, 326, ?n^l malh, 128. f{J^ mans, 161, 354. f'TTt'r^TT mirgisia, 447. ?T^fTT mukuta, 382. «?I'5^T muilgra, 24. T?"^T1[ miirai, 479. TT'^n mua, 100. T^ Wl^ niuheii chhae, 50. ^^ mus, 151. fJWl mGsa, 27, 320, 370. JJ^T milsar, 3i)2. ^^ megh, 454, 468, 488. ^S^ merhak, 173. ^^Xt mehari, 213, 351. *l»n" niaena, 50. ?ft^ mochi, 268. ^rt^T"^^ mocliligaraha, 385. if^TT niom, 216. iftT "lo^' 75. ^ftfT^ Wrf^^ mohamad fazil, 90. ^aft maugi, 369. ^ftr'^n^fl mausiyaut, 410. TT^l^ manrai, 39. Tf^JT^ mangro, 355, 356. Tf^"^«f maiigaran, 34. II T r H •^cfi(T\ rakati, 371. ■^^^■^ lakhwar, 498. ■^■^^ rachchlia, 1. T?5I''^f«f'4| I raj ran iy ail, 269. "r^^ rasulla, 94. ■^tI; rai, 479. TT^ff laut, 257 (rau TTT^* 444). TCJ^^ rakas, 114, 146, 392. JJ^ raja, 124, 268, 367, 488. ■5[J^ rar, 56. ■?ff^ raiir, 423, 467. 254 HINDI VERBAL INDEX. Xl"^ raniri, 367. fXfK^'^ ririyay, 477- ^^5TT rukhan, 207. ^T7T rupa, 501. ■^^I^^ rusal, 185. ^^ renr, 184. ^•T lain, 482. Tt?: ftT roi roi, 158. "^^ rog, 393. XtU'm rogiya, 388. ■^^ rohu, 196. ■^f •! rohan, 445, 447. II ^ 1 II ^T^f^ lakari, 38. ^^T^T lagam, 300. ^TJ^ latal, 324. ^f^^ larika, 11, 47, 276. ^^ laddu, 192, 281. ^^TT labar, 43. ^^■^"f lainera, 40. ^fTf^"^ lamaicliar, 40. g^ Iambi, 80, 81, 313. ^tr^R'T larikan, 119, 154. ^T^ lakh, 43. ^TW laje, 321. ^TTt latbi, 195, 257, 448. ^TfT lat, 183, 227. ^T^^^ lal bahi, 375. f^TJTTT I'l'^r, 19, 79. #^ lik, 400. ^^3 liirah, 210. ^leftcJI"^ liikwari, 146. ^f^l^ lukhari, 484. ^;n"'0" lugari, 136. %% lekhe, 276. Tjft^ lok, 332. ^^f^T lokdin, 326. ^71 log, 318. ^fi:^ lorik, 256. ^^•?; lahar, 254, 295. ^^T lauka, 210. ^^ laur, 33, 186, 188. '^mi lanka, 29. ^TZTlangta, 116. II ^ s II ^ITT sagara, 482. ^^■^ sagare, 153. €lJ^fT sanjhwat, 83. ^cfY sati, 400. ^PtT sattu, 351, 429. ^ff('«T sataiin, 45. ^•fft^ santokb, 17, 277. ^•T^niT^'3 sansanahat, 183. ■^^T sansar, 182. ^{^^^ satiicliar, 469. 5fltrfl saput, 323. ^^*H^ saptmi, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458. ^^^M sapaberi, 51. ^^f^«T saindhiu, 103. HINDI VERBAL INDEX. 255 ¥T^f^ saikari, 186. ^TJl ^fTI^ sarag patali, 501. HTTf ^ sarahal, 334. ^^T! sawai, 487. ^Trft swati, 442, 443, 480. ^^TT sasta, 164. ^■?^ sasur, 229, 292. ^{^•?;TT sasurar, 329, 351. ^^W saliua, 106. ^^^tI; sahanai, 233. ^T'T sag, 233. ^T1 mri sag pat, 85, 166. ^TU saiijh, 410. Wl^ {^TR\) sami shwami, 470. ^T; sar, 457. ^^ sali, 475. ^^if sawan, 112, 244, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 460, 493. ^X^'^^7«f safiwarban, 501. ^TO sas, 379, 381. ^T^^ sasur, 322, 329, 366, 391. t^^frm sikatiya, 350. f^^rn: (t^^T) sikar (shikar), 124. t^^X; singar, 376. f^T singha, 233. TwmX siySr, 42, 112, 283, 473. ftlT^ siraki, 55. f^^^^ silwat, 26. W^1S\ sukthi, 189. ^C^ sukh, 337. \* ^^ '^^ sukh pun, 383. ^^TT^ sukhratri, 481. ^■q sup, 82. ^^T sum, 15. ^t^T^T sumin, 15. %3 seth, 103. ^'^•^ sendur, 20, 424. %'^ sendhi, 415. ^^TIT seyana, 256. %1U saiySn, 366, 377. Ir^T^ saiyad, 9. ^cji^ ^wf sokan ban, 501. ^^ sojh, 230, 350, ^-TTT sonSr, 295. ^ITT^ sohalk, 163. ^^7^«f sohawan, 382. ^^^TIC solJi'ai, 130. 11^ II ^c|pQ shakar, 475. ^m shani, 438. II f h II f of haj, 4. f f^"m haiiriya, 369, 373. If^nn hanthiya, 475, 476, 477. f ^-^ hansua, 202, 410. f -^ bar, 298, 435. ^1^ harre, 330. 256 HINDI VERBAL INDEX. ^tX;^^ haiibans, 205. ^f?:^^ hariyare, 244. ^^^t^ haluai, 358. ^f^ hakim, 197. fTZ l>at, 164. ^T|\ hanri, 71. fT^ l»athi, 3, 246, 349. ^TX;^ liaral, 213. f Tft liahi, 17. ffl hifig, 417. fVrr tira, 413. ^^^ hukal, 23. i^^"^ hunrar, 130. ;^?T«fT huinna, 298. ^T^f huron, 198. ^^"^ hansi, 158. STEPHEN AUSTIN AND SONS, PRINTERS, HERTFORD. \X5 i/2^