LIBRARY University of California. Class \ QUATERNIONS AS THE RESULT OF ALGEBHAIC OPERATIONS BY ARTHUR LATHAM BAKER, Ph.D. Head of Department of Mathematics, Manual Training High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STREETS 1911 T53 Copyright, 1911 BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY THE SCIENTIFIC PRESS ROBERT DRUMMOND AND COMPANY BROOKLYN, N. Y. PREFACE Beginners in the subject of Quaternions are generally bewildered by the arbitrary manner in which the subject is developed. They are forcibly introduced into a new domain where the familiar rules of combination of symbols are not valid. New magnitudes are arbitrarily assumed, subject to arbitrary laws. The reader finds the logic con- sistent and the results concordant with those of his previous courses, but he hardly knows why. He finds himself in a new country, but thoroughly and bewilderingly uncertain as to how he got there. It is in the attempt to avoid this uncertain journey, to lead the student from the known to the unknown by familiar steps, by steps which require no arbitrary limita- tions of former laws, but merely their adaptation to new circumstances, that these class notes have grown into their present shape. The backbone of the method of presentation is the use of a one-to-one correspondence between the mathematical concept and what I have ventured to call its idiographic symbol, that is, a symbol wh^e spatial properties are the same as the mathematical properties of the concept it symbolizes. From this similarity of properties there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the results of spatial operations upon the symbols and the corresponding mathe- matical operations upon the concept. iii 236365 iv PREFACE These idiographic symbols are strokes, spherical shells, and vectors, corresponding respectively to magnitudes having size, and correlated sense of opposition, scalars, and magnitudes having size, sense, and direction. Spatial operations upon these symbols are used as sug- gestions for a one-tc-one corresponding interpretation for for the mathematical concept. These spatial operations are rational and logical and require no " standing loose for a time to logical accuracy." * As they are rational and logical, so their interpretations are rational and logical, and the reader does not lose his sense of logical sequence. There is no " removal of barriers, of limitations, of conditions." * Multiplication is the same from beginning to end, whether applied to scalars, vectors, or quaternions. Commutivity of factors may be permissible in some cases and not in others, but this is a mere incident and not an essential element of the operation. The reader is not mystified by arbitrarily defining multi- plication of one vector into another as the turning through a right angle, etc., and left to wonder how one line can do anything to another. In fact, the operations are not defined a priori at all, but taking the properties of discrete quantities as symbols of operations which the reader is to perform, we find six possible operations, addition, subtrac- tion, multiplication, division, reversion, and mean reversion. These operations are defined accordingly a posteriori as results of causes, not arbitrarily as assumptions. The performance of these operations upon scalars leads to or evolves successively vectors and quaternions. Thus qua- ternions are evolved from discrete magnitudes, not arbitra- rily, but of necessity, and along certain fixed and preordained * Kelland and Tait, and others. PREFACE V lines, by rules which the properties of discrete magnitudes necessitate, and which cannot be altered or varied, and with which the reader is already familiar. The reader is not disturbed by the thought. Suppose we had made some other assumption, what then? No assumptions are made. He simply follows the road suggested by the properties of discrete magnitudes, and can arrive at but one result. We make no laws, lay down no rules, make no modifica- tions or limitations. The only way in which we exercise any choice is in the rational application of the laws we discover to the proper operands and in a proper and logical manner. The '' interpretation of our results " is not made to " depend upon the definition " as a foundation. The foun- dation is the properties of discrete magnitudes, and the definitions are merely rational statements of the results of these properties being used as suggestions for operations to be performed by the reader. Considerable stress has been laid upon the avoidance of the sole use of mere typographical symbols and upon the auxiliary use of idiographic symbols upon which spatial operations can be performed; as in the use of strokes for merely reversible magnitudes, a spherical shell for scalar magnitudes, arc strokes for quaternion multiplication, two vector factors for the corresponding quaternion, etc., thus making the treatment concrete and avoiding the difficulties of abstractness. The original features of the book are those specified above, coupled with the general heuristic method by which the student hews out his own concepts as he goes along. The results, the examples, the applications, and the terms used are those found in every treatise on the subject, of which I have made free use and to whom should be accredited vi PREFACE these features: particularly Hamilton, Kelland and Tait, Tait, Laisant, Molenbrock, Hathaway. As these notes are only intended as an introduction, not an overabundance of examples or formula? has been pro- vided, nor have any applications been made to problems in Geometry and Physics. These will be found in the works cited. Nor has the subject of differentiation been touched upon. The author's own experience with this method of presenta- tion of the subject to beginners has been encouraging. It is hoped others will have the same experience. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Mathematical Operations upon Discrete Magnitudes 1 Discrete magnitudes, 1; Addition, 4; reversion, 5; sub- traction, 6; multiplication, 7; division, 8; mean reversion, 9. CHAPTER II Idiographs 6 Strokes, 11; Argand diagram, 13; addition of strokes, 15; algebraic operations, 17; scalars, 18. CHAPTER III Space Idiographs 10 Space idiographs, 19; mean reversion, 20; vector, 22; reversal, 26; addition and subtraction of vectors, 27; decomposition of vectors, 29; notation, 30; exercises in combination, 31; examples, 37. CHAPTER IV Multiplication of Unit Vectors 17 Parallel vectors, 40; perpendicular vectors, 41; inclined vectors, 42; exercises in i, j, k, 44. vii vm CONTENTS CHAPTER V PAGE Quaternions 21 Quaternion, 45; meaning of — , 47; examples, 48; commu- tivity of vectors, 49; types of quaternions, 50; notation, 53; exercises, 54; geometric meaning of TVafi and Sa^, 58; meaning of Sa^Y, 59; sum of scalar and vector, 61; definitions of algebra, etc., 63. CHAPTER VT Kinds of Quaternions 32 Reciprocal of a quaternion, 64; opposite quaternions, 65; conjugate quaternions, 66; table of quaternions, 69; equality of quaternions, 71; diplanar quaternions, 72. CHAPTER VII Quaternion Operators 37 Quaternion as a multiplier, 73; angle of a quaternion, 76; arc strokes, 77; multiplication and division by arc strokes, 80; table showing /g, 82; arc stroke of a vector, 84; table, 85; square root by strokes, 86; examples, 88. CHAPTER VIII Products of Quaternions 45 Productsin general, 90; conjugateof a product, 91; coplanar quaternions, 92; examples, 93. CHAPTER IX Versors 48 Versors, 94; multiplication of versors, 97; examples, 99; conversion of qr into rq, 101; meaning of qrq~~^, 102; examples, 103. CONTENTS ix CHAPTER X PAGE Interpretation of Vector Equations 54 a^y = H, 107; exercises and formulae, 111; applications, 114; reference formulae, 122. CHAPTER XI Quaternion Equation of the First Degree 62 General form, 127; linear scalar equation, 129; decomposi- tion of vector part, 130; linear vector function, 131; properties of 0, 132; conjugate strain function, 135; application of

, and 6 i/T IDIOGRAPHS 7 of course its reversal by < , how can we convert > into ^ ? Obviously, only in one way, so long as we retain its stroke characteristics, namely, by swinging it through an angle of 180° in the surface of the paper. To attempt to swing it out of the surface of the paper is to lose its stroke characteristics, to give it absolute direction in space and render it no longer an idiograph. The revolution of 180° can be broken into two equal steps of 90° each. Hence | or | must be the idiographic equivalent of \/~- Combining these into one diagram and i/^ assuming the normal revolution as counter- _j clockwise, we get the idiographic diagram with the corresponding typographical sym- bols. 13. This is the well-known Argand diagram, affording a simple method of representing relatively directed quantities, or as they are generally called, complex quantities, the general type of which is x+a/^^?/, where x represents the normal o'r the reversed portion and ^y — ly the mean reversed portion. It is generally written x-\-iy, i standing for \/^^. The rectangular co-ordinates x and iij determine a point, whose distance from the origin, r, is called the mod- ulus, and whose angular distance from the axis of x, the angle (j), is called the amplitude of the point or complex quantity x+iy. 14. The idiographic symbol for a magnitude, >, show- ing its size and sense, we have already designated as a stroke, a stroke forward or a stroke backward. Two forward strokes need not be represented by the same 8 QUATERNIONS symbol on the paper. The forwardness is in reference to its own backwardness, and has no reference to the forward- ness or backwardness of other strokes. A stroke is a straight Kne in a plane, symbolizing a given magnitude in size and in relation to its sense of normalcy or of reversion, or a condition betw^een these. Two strokes are equal when they have the same lengths and the same direction in a plane as regards a standard normal direction in the plane. 15. If several strokes be taken in succession the sum (result) of them is the same as the stroke from the beginning of the first, to the end of the last, when they are arranged end to end so as to be successive. Thus Strokes will for the present be represented typographically by lower- carse Greek letters, as above. The reader must notice carefully that it is not the lengths of the stroke which are added, but the results of the strokes, including both length and direction on the paper. It is easily seen that the order of the strokes is immaterial, and that any number of consecutive strokes can be replaced by their sum. The addition of strokes is a commutative and associative operation, that is, the order and mode of grouping has no effect on the result. A stroke is subtracted by reversing its direction and adding. 16. If we attempt to break up the operation of rever- sal into three or more equal and similar operations, for example, three, a^ shown in the diagram, we find IDIOGRAPHS 9 1 -^/q" that ^' — 1=— -f-t; , that is, the first of the three equal operations is expressible in terms of the operation of mean reversion, and of course the second operation likewise. Similarly for a greater number of steps. Hence mean reversion is evi- ' ^— ^ dently the unique operation, a multiple of which is rever- sion, all the other partial equal operations whose con- tinued application results in reversion being expressible in this one. 17. Hence there are six unique and fundamental opera- tions which can be performed upon a discrete magnitude: addition, subtraction, reversal, multiplication, division, and mean reversion, and no others. By fundamental operations is meant operations based upon the properties of discrete magnitudes, size, and sense of correlated opposition. 18. Mere discrete magnitudes, considering size only, are scalars, that is, they can be scaled off on a scale either in a normal or in a reversed direction. CHAPTER III SPACE IDIOGRAPHS 19. Space idiographs. In space we cannot idiograph- ically represent a scalar by a line, for that would be assign- ing to the symbol a characteristic direction, which the magnitude it represents does not possess. If we are to represent a scalar magnitude in space by any idiographic symbol, the only one which seems available as possessing perfect symmetry and therefore devoid of direction is a spherical shell. Just as we can assume our + unit of heat, pressure, etc., anywhere on the scale, so we can posit our + spherical shell anywhere in space. Likewise as the — unit of heat, etc., would naturally adjoin the + unit, along the scale, so naturally we should expect the — unit shell to adjoin the + unit shell in some position determined by previous assignment of direction. According to this previously determined direction we shall have units of a direction, of /? direction, etc., where a and /? denote direction, not magnitudes, unless we say unit magnitude, just as previously we had units of heat sense, credit sense, etc. 20. How can we break up the operation of transforming the + shell into the — shell into two similar and equal operations. The + shell can be changed into the — shell by the repetition of two different operations: 10 SPACE IDIOGRAPHS 11 A. By revolving the — shell about its point of contact with the + shell through an angle of 90° twice; B. By moving the elements of the — shell perpendicularly to the common line of centers in the proportion sin 6 (where ^=cos~^ harmonic displacement* of the shell element) and moving the resulting configuration, a directed line, one-half its dimensions toward the correlatively reversed position of the original operand, i.e., toward the position of the + shell. A repetition of this operation would produce the + shell. 21. Operation A is excluded by reason of its lack of definiteness, leaving operation B as the operation producing the mean reversed state. Since we are dealing with iodiographs these spatial operations must have a one-to-one correspondence with mathematical operations performed upon the things they symbolize. 22. Hence a mean reversed scalar is represented in all its properties by a directed magnitude in space, a vector, as it is called, which is definitely directed as soon as the -|- and — shells are posited. 23. A vector is any magnitude having direction of exten- sion in space, a directed line, plane, etc., such as velocity, impulse, force, etc. Vectors are equal when they possess the same quantitative * If P represents an element of the shell, OA, the projection of the radius on a given diameter is its harmonic displacement, = cos~^ OA. 12 QUATERNIONS and qualitative properties, viz., magnitude, sense, and direction of extension. Direction of extension is that property which prevents the vectors from coinciding (in whole or in part) when brought together. Parallel vectors of the same length are equal. Vectors can be made coinitial without altering their properties. 24. It is customary to indicate the unit vector in a given direction by Greek letters a, p, y, . . . Generally three unit vectors at right angles to each other are assumed as reference units. These are designated by i, /, k. 25. So far we have recognized two kinds of magnitudes, scalars and vectors, and six operations, addition, subtrac- tion, reversion, multiplication, division, and mean reversion. Applying these operations to scalars we find that they all produce scalars again, except in the case of mean rever- sion, and that produces a vector. This gave us the second kind of magnitude, to which we will now proceed to apply the six fundamental operations. 26. Reversal is merely the turning of the vector into the opposite direction, as the word implies. The result is some- times called a revector. 27. Addition and subtraction of vectors. Subtraction of vectors is merely addition with the minuend reverted. Vectors are of the nature of strokes, with the property of absolute direction added. The laws governing the addition of strokes evidently hold here also. Thus, vector ad- dition is commutative and associative, and this whether the vectors are coplanar or not. Thus = /-'' +«"+/?'', etc., SPACE IDIOGRAPHS 13 where a, /?, y are the three edges of a parallelepiped. The same reasoning would apply to additional vectors. 28. The following equations are self evident : a -\-a +« ... to m terms =ma, — « + ( — «)+... to m terms=m( — a) = —ma, 29. If a, /?, ;- be three coinitial vectors, then any fourth coinitial vector, ^, can be expressed as ^ being the diagonal of the parallelepiped whose edges are xa, yP, and zy. 30. If a is a unit vector, and ma=A, then m indicated generally by the symbol TA, which expresses the length of the vector A, is called the tensor {tendere, to stretch) of the vector A. a, denoted by UA is called the unit vector of A. Therefore A^TA'UA. Vectors will be denoted by capital Greek letters when the tensor and unit part are to be emphasized; by lower-case Greek letters when the question of length is not important; and by the corresponding lower-case English and Greek letters when speaking of the tensor and unit part sepa- rately. Thus the same vector may be indicated hy A, aa, a. The tensor is signless, just as any length, the height of a steeple, for instance, is signless; or the height of a man. A man cannot be —5 feet tall. 14 QUATERNIONS Exercises in Vector Combinations 31. If Za:+m/3=0, then 1=0, m=0, for in no other way can two strokes in different directions cancel each other so as to leave the pen at the point of beginning, unless a =x^, i.e., unless a is parallel to /?. 32. If Za+m/?=Zi^.+mi^, that is, (Z — Zi)a: + (m — mi)/3=0, then, l=h, m=Wi. 33. If loL-^m^-{-nj=0, and Z, m, n are not zero, then a, /?, and ;- are coplanar, for la and m/? determine a plane which contains the ends of iiy, and therefore ny itself. 34. If Za+m/?+n;'=0, and Z, m, n are not zero but Z+m+7i=0, then (Z+m+n)a:=0, and subtracting the first equation, we get m{a—p) -\-n{a — Y) =0, whence «— /? and a — y are parallel (§31). But a — y con- nects the ends of a and ;', and a—p the ends of a and /?, hence i/ Z+m+n =0, «, ^, anc? y terminate in the same line. 35. Conversely, if a, /?, and y terminate collinearly and la +m/3 -\-ny =0, ^/ien Z +m +n =0. For by condition , a—p=x{a — y), or {l — x)a—^-\-xy = 0, in which 1— a;— l+a;=0. q.e.d. SPACE IDIOGRAPHS 15 36. If aa+h^-\-cy-\- . . . =dd, then evidently a-\-h-\-c + . . ,>d,oT TA+TB + TC-\- . . . >TD, or, Sum of the tensors > tensor of the sum, 21 T > Til , or the distance a man travels > his distance from home. Ti the vectors are parallel, I1T = T^. 37. The diagonals of a parallelogram mutually bisect each other. a=d+yy = j'-\-xd. .-. §31, d=xdj T=yTy Q.E.D. 7- and d being parts of the diagonals to the point of inter- section, and yy and xd the remaining portions respectively. 38. The lines joining the middle points of the opposite sides of any quadrilateral, whether plane or gauche, mutually bisect each other. " — ^ . 1 1 One bisector is a=—X-\-ii +-^v. The other is /?=| + i^+'^. Find the vectors from any assumed point to the middle points of these bisectors and compare the results. Thus the vector from the beginning of X to the middle point of a is „ ; « >^\n,^ ^v\ 3.1 ^1 16 QUATERNIONS The vector from the same point to the middle point of ^-^+f+§ ^+f4(f+'^+f) .3 ^1 1 k + fi + v 3., 1 ,1 .*. '^i = s2, and the middle points coincide. q.e.d. 39. If the ends of two parallel vectors be connected by straight lines, the join (connecting line) of the middle points of the straight lines is half the sum or difference of -ma met the tensors of the parallel vectors: i.e., the median line of a trapezoid is half the algebraic sum of the bases. 8=-^±a—^, taken ^long a ; ma±a P T = — — + ma H-^, taken along ma. Whence by addition, b = 2 „ ^ , ma±a :. §36, d = ~-^, Q.E.D. CHAPTER IV MULTIPLICATION OF UNIT VECTORS 40. Parallel vectors. Remembering that multiplication is. the performing by the reader on the multiplicand of an operation which is symbolized by the multiplier, viz., the operation which produced the multiplier from unity, we must in the product ii * ask what operation is the first i the symbol of. The answer is, of course, of one of two equal operations whose successive applications shall produce reversal. Now i can be reversed by the repetition of each of two methods. The one we have designated as operation A (§ 20). The other we have designated as operation B. Since the multiplier is exactly the same as the multiplicand in all its properties, we must if possible use exactly the same operation not only in kind, but also in detail, that produced the multiplier, that is, operation B (§ 20). This amounts to the repetition upon the multiplicand i of the same operation which produced it from unity, and of course results in —1, see § 20. That is, ii = — \. Hence, Multiplication {'performance of an operation sym- bolized by the multiplier) of one unit vector into another parallel to it produces reversion. * i=some directed v — l^some directed mean reversed scalar. 17 18 QUATERNIONS 41. Perpendicular vectors. Since the multiplier is now perpendicular to the multiplicand, we must take it as the symbol of an operation to be performed on the multipli- cand, the same in kind but as far removed in detail from that which would have been used had the multiplier been parallel to the multiplicand as perpendicularity is removed from parallelism. This we must do in order to take into account the per- pendicularity of direction as opposed to parallelism. The operation of mean reversion which produced the multiplier was operation B (§ 20). There- fore we must use operation A. Let i and / be operator and ope- rand respectively. The only position into which / can be re- volved such that the reversal of the signs of the two factors will give the same result is kj one of perpendicularity to both factors. Thus ij=k and ■j = k, since —i bears exactly the same relation to — / that i does to k, and must therefore have the same effect. Any other position than k for the product of ij would not do this. Hence, The multiplication {'performance of an operation symbolized by the multiplier) of one unit vector into another perpendicular to it residts in the turning of the multiplicand through a. right angle in (to) a plane perpendicular to the operator. '42. Inclined vectors. Naturally the result will be a com- bination of those of §§40, 41, that is partly scalar and partly vector, or ap=— cos ^ + £ sin 0, MULTIPLICATION OF UNIT VECTORS 19 where a and /? are the two unit vectors incKned at an angle d, and e. a unit vector perpendicular to a and /?, since this formula satisfies both the limiting cases (§§ 40, 41). Hence, The multiplication {performance of an operation symbolized by the operator) of one unit vector into another inclined to it at an angle 0, thus produci7ig the mean reversed state induced by the operator symbol, turns the operand through a right angle into a plane perpendicular to the multiplier, makes its length sin and adds a sccdar, — cos 0. 43. We can get the same result as follows: i^, the mean reversed state of /?, must be as to direction some vector perpendicular to the plane of i and ^, since — !•— /? must produce the same result as i^. Hence, tentatively, ip=sk, where s is some scalar. Operating again with i to see if the second application produces reversal, we get i'i^=i-sk^S'ik=s- —j, which is not reversal, but which would be, except as to 20 QUATERNIONS length, perhaps, by the addition of —ci, where c is some scalar. But this would require ifi=—c+sk, since i-ip=—ic-\-i-sk = —ic — sj. Now if — ic — s/=— /?, then c = cos^, s=sin^^ and we have as before i^ = — cos d -\-k sin d. 44. Exercises in unit reference vectors. ij = k, but ji = —k ; jk =i, but kj =—i. Hence the factors are not commutative, i-jk=i'i = — l, ij'k=k'k = — l. Hence i-jk=ij-kj or the factors are associative. ki=j, i-jk=ii=i^ = — l, ji = —k, j-ki ^jj = — 1, i- —j =—k, ijk =jki =kij = — 1, jjlii =jH^ =i, k'ji=k- —k = —k^ = l. ii-k=kk=k^ = — l. CHAPTER V QUATERNIONS 45. Having ascertained that the product of two vectors a, /? is ap=— cos ^ -f- £ sin /9, we can, § 29, express £ sin in terms of i, j, k, viz.: e^m d=xi-\-yj+zk, or a^^—co& 6 -{-xi-\-yj-\-zky which, being composed of four terms, a scalar and three vectors, is called a quaternion, and will be symbolized by 5. A quaternion is evidently composed of a scalar plus a vector. Later (§ 61) we shall find that, conversely, a scalar plus a vector is a quaternion. 46. The plane of the factors (multiplier and multipli- cand) of a quaternion is called the plane of the quaternion. The plane of a vector is the plane perpendicular to it. £ is called the axis of a/?. The most convenient rnethod of defining it seems to be: The unit vector toward the north pole when the multiplicand is to the east of the multiplier, the equator being the plane of the quaternion; toward the south pole when the multiplicand is to the west. 47. Meaning of — . By the rule for division we must first 21 22 QUATERNIONS ascertain what must be done to a to produce 1. Return- ing to our idoigraphic shell; to convert a into +1, we must, repeating the operation which produced it, apply operation B (§ 20), and then direct it one-half its dimen- *j sions towards its correlatively reversed position. Performing these operations on the numerator we get by application of B, and then by directing it, whence — This is verified by the fact that a- —a = —a^ = — • — 1 =1, hence — = —a, since a— = 1, being a functional* operation a a ' followed by the inverse operation and therefore resulting in the original operand. Hence, the reciprocal of a unit vector is the unit vector reversed. 48. Meaning off 4-, ^, etc. In a similar manner -^=k, * See Appendix. / 1 1 .a/?lll t — means ? • — and not — • / . Thus we can write — — = a—/?— = a— i i I P r ^ r r =— . But we cannot write —• —=—, for ^— «— = /?( — 7-) a ( — .5) does r r ^ r r ^ not allow the 5's to cancel each other, the vector factors not being commutative, § 44. QUATERNIONS 23 a and ■3-=cos ^— £ sin ^, since this satisfies both the limiting cases — = 1 and -^ = +k, being the angle from a to /?. % 1 Examples for Practice — k_. ik _ j k k' — =k. —i--~j = k -i ^=i. v^pk;^ = -m'- Yj = -^'-^ = --J-j^l -7=1. ~]==l. ■k y k . .i . 1 1 j k ■I- —1=1^ ikj = kji == jik = —i'^ = ~p = l. 49. Since aa — =a- —a=l= — aa = —a-a, aa aa * ^ therefore a vector is commutative with its reciprocal. 60. Since ^= — /?, we can write 1 _/?=-^./? = l. ^=aj = a(-^) Hence, § 42, = -cos {n^6) +£sin {jz^O) = cos ^— £ sin d, where, as before, is the angle from a to ^, ■H 24 QUATERNIONS Similarly, pa = —cos { — 0) +£ sin { — 0) = —cos — £ sin ^, —a = — cos (tt — ^) + £ sin {n — 0)= cos 6^ + £ sin ^. Hence -^a r'^(?=4)' —^ = — cos (tt + /9) + £ sin (tt + ^) = cos ^ — £ sin ^^ — = — cos (jz — d) +£ sin (n—O) =cos 6^ +£ sin ^. a 61. Introducing the tensors of a and /?, and collecting the results, we have, a/?=a6( — cos 6 + £ sin ^), ■^=^(cos — e sin ^), Ba=ab ( — cos 6^ — £ sin ^), — =— (cos 6' + £ sin ^). ^ ' a a 52. Distrihutivity of the vector multiplier. Let a, /?, ;- be three unit vectors, making with each other the angles (j), 0, 2a, as shown; (^ is not a unit vector. £ is the axis of a/?, -q oi ay^ X^ oi ad', coplanar, since the the planes of the three quaternions have the common edge a. P + r=^, 1^1 =2 cos a. [|^l means length of d. cos a=^ diag. of the parallelogram on /?, r-] a/? = — cos d + £ sin 0, ay = — cos + >? sin 0- .*. a^ +«;-=- cos ^ — cos ^+£ sin ^ + )^ sin j>. QUATERNIONS 25 But by trigonometry, since the angle between the axes is the same as the angle between the planes of the quaternions, and since a=a' makes the sines of these angles propor- tional to the sines of the adjacent sides, that is, sin 0, sin ^, therefore £ sin ^ + >? sin will lie along the ^ axis and (1) «/? + «;- = — cos ^ — cos (l)-\-xX^, where x is some unknown tensor. (2) But «(/? + /-) =a^ =2 cos a( — cos + 1^ sin 0), and we now have to show that this agrees with a^-^ay. By trigonometry, cos = cos (j) =cos i[} cos a +sin ^ sin a cos cos ^ = cos ^ cos a— sin ^ sin a cos cos sin 6 cos A. .-. z^=sm^ ^+sin2 0+2(cos 2a — cos cj) cos 0) = sin^ ^ + sin^ ^ + 2 (cos^ a — sin^ a — cos (f) cos 6^) = 1 — cos^ ^4-1 — cos^ (j)+2 cos^ a — 2+2 cos^ a — 2 cos <^ cos d =4 cos^ a — cos^ — 2 cos ^ cos

1 ^1 indicates the angle from the multiplier to the multi- plicand, and not the angle between a and /?. From this table it is evident that if ^=0, KS=S, i.e.. The conjugate of a scalar is the scalar itself. If (f)=—,KV = — V, The conjugate of a vector is its opposite. 70. RRq = (-) =q, The reciprocal of the ^ ^ reciprocal — ( — q)=q, The opposite of the opposite KKq =g. The conjugate of the conjugate 71. Equality of quaternions. If a, /?,;-, ) CSS (27r-f/.) cesO C£SD 1 r CSS (tz— (p) C£S(-0) cesO cesD a C£S {tZ-\- 4>) C£S ces(-O) cesD 42 QUATERNIONS 84. Since a vector is the special case of a quaternion, one whose angle is — , we can represent a vector by an arc stroke of — on its equator. As an example take the case -^y. a arc -A=c, arc y=a, :/'=a+c =6 =arc «o Ui (0 !? 1 + 1 <3i 1 <& 1 H l(N Q s ti t; 1 1 /— N <& <3S 1 <5i C3 ■55 <^ <^ <3i> .5 'm c fl c ^ • S •1-1 *> *M 'm m n *m K?^ 4- 1 Ui U) u> x> «« — / o « « « 02 o ^ ■Si 1 CO g)° = cos = 1, thus illustrating for the quaternion number the familiar fact of algebra. CHAPTER VIII PRODUCTS OF QUATERNIONS 90. Having three quaternions, let the first two be reduced, § 72, to a common denominator and numerator respect- ively, viz., q=-n, ^=— ; and the latter two also, viz., r=— , s =— , where, evidently, since they represent the same quater- nion, r ^' The product of the three quaternions is ■qr8. At ^}p Associating the first two factors, we have, a Q V a V 11 ?r p r p r p Associating the second two, we have a I ti v\ a a 1 1 /?\y p) P p r P But if ^=^ then ^=A 45 46 QUATERNIONS Multiplying this by - and into //, we have 1 1 Whence =-t,-— or qr-s^q-rs, r P ? P or quaternions are associative in multiplication. 91. Since, § 67, Kq = -^ = Tq{-cos O-esin 0) =Tq(-cos(-0) +£sin(-^)), the arc representing Kq will be the reverse of that repre- senting q, or arc Kq = — arc q. ar Inspection of the figures shows that — arc gr = +arc KrKq. Hence K(qr) =KrKq, or The conjugate of the product of two quaternions is the 'product of their conjugates in a reverse order. K{aP) = -p- -a=da. Conf. § 67. 92. Coplanar quaternions. Using arc strokes for q and r show that qr=rq. Conf. § 80. PRODUCTS OF QUATERNIONS 47 Therefore, since a quaternion and its reciprocal, opposite, conjugate, and any power are coplanar, qKq=Kq-q. q~'^ • —q = —q-q~'^. Kq-q'^^q^Kq. 93. Using q=Sq + Vq, r=Sr + Vr, show that qr is a quaternion, the sum cf a scalar and a vector. Show that Sqr =SqSr +8- VqVr. V • VqVr = -V- VrVq. Vqr=SqVr-\-SrVq-\-V'VqVr. qr^^rq. unless coplanar. Srq =SrSq +S ■ VrVq. T-qr^ TqTr. Vrq^Sr^q +SqSr + V • VrVq. V-qr = VqVr. Srq = Sqr. S-qrj^ SqSr^ unless S'VqVr^O, i.e., unless the planes of the two qua- ternions are perpendicular. Vqr 7^ Vrq, unless V • VqVr^O, i.e., unless the quaternions are coplanar. Since (p +^) ir +s) =V^ +?^ +ps +5^ =P^ +ps +9^ +?^ =etc., therefore the distributive and associative law applies to quaternions, verified by resolving the quaternions into their vector factors and applying the results of § 52. CHAPTER IX VERSORS 94. i[/a/? = — cos ^+£ sin ^=cos D+£ sin D, turns any quaternion to which it is applied as a multiplier, horizontally through the angle D. li D=— then Ua^=£^ turns the multiplicand quaternion through the angle — . Applied again it turns it through Zi another right angle, or in all through the angle n. That is £ turns the multiplicand through one rt. Z , £^ turns it through two rt. Z 's, and so on.* Hence, by the law of mathematical continuity, e^ should be the symbol of turning 2 through J rt. Z , etc. If ^ is expressed in radians, z "^ turns through the angle 0. If £ is perpendicular to its operand, we recognize the familiar equations, ij =kj i^j = — /, i^j = —k, etc. According to this notation then, 2 UaS = cos 7) + £ sin 7) = £ 'f . ♦Remember that e^ does not mean here e multiplied by itself, but e applied twice to some operand. See Appendix. 48 VERSORS 49 .2-D 96. Since e and —e are opposed, £ "" , which turns clock- wise from the upper side of the plane, must have the same effect as ( — £) '^ , which turns counterclockwise from the lower side of the plane. Hence r"^'' = (-£)^'', or e-^ = (-£)^. If D =-Jr, then £~^ = — £, or to put it in the more familiar form, i~^ = —i. 96. Again, § 85, 8 -e U- = c,os d-\-£ sin d^e"" , a ' and C/|=cos (-0) +£ sin (-0) =£ therefore, £~^=-t. From these £- ^=cos ( — 6^) +£sin (- -d)=(-s)^, — (s^) = — cos d — £ sin d. Hence in general. {-e)' = e-<>^-U'), unless ^ = 1, in which case, as before, e ^ = — e. 97. The unit portion of a quaternion (considered as the symbol of an operation to be performed by the reader) results in the turning of the operand, and is therefore aptly termed a versor. 60 QUATERNIONS It must not be forgotten that all vectors (considered as symbols of an operation to be performed by the reader) are versors, as indeed all vectors are special cases of qua- ternions. The evanescence of the scalar part does not affect its versorial character. i, j, and k are called quadrantal versors. 98. The method of expressing the unit part of a quater- nion as the power of a vector gives a convenient method of indicating multiplication and division of coplanar quater- nions. Uq- = COS(j) +i ■sm(j)=£'' . Uq' = = COS (p+£ sin (/f = 1^ £"" . •*• UqUq' = = (cos ^+£ sin (j))(cos 'P+ £ sm ([>) =£^ = cos {(f) +(p) +£ sin (9^+^) 2 Similarly, e.e-~'^=^ = £- .4, t id (£«^)m=^m^^ Hence, The algebraic law of indices holds good for versors. Hence, The angle of the product of two coplanar quaternions is the sum of the angles of the two factors. 99. According to this notation, a^=4:{- cos 30° +£ sin 30°) =4(cos 150° +s sin 150°) =4A a/? =2 (cos 60° - £ sin 60°) =2(cos (-60°) +£ sin (-60°)) =2£-* VERSORS 51 4i Show that (f = \ Tqicos 9S +£ sin 0) {2 = Tq)^e ^ = (Tq)^ (cos 2(l>+e sin 2cl>). q"' = i Tq) " (cos n p'=p-. 100. In the diagram to § 57, 2A 2B 2C 2(A + B + C) ,\ £ "^ = — 1 or A+B+C =7r. 101. What will convert rq into qrf Assume for the moment that the tensors are unity. Let the strokes of q and r be as shown. Then the strokes of qr and rq will take the positions shown. From the table of § 83, we find 9 = qr r^-^n and the problem becomes: To con- vert —. into — . Now a y a a ^ a y' a' _a r' /? ^ a' a §71. §71. Or substituting for these their equivalents, § 69, qr=q{rq)q-^. 52 QUATERNIONS 102. Meaning of q(r)q~'^. Indicate q and r by their arc strokes, as shown in the diagram. The other strokes will have the values indicated. The two triangles have two sides and the included angle respectively equal, and, as shown in the figure, by the angle 6, qrq~^ is r revolved in the plane of q through 2 /_q. This amounts to re- volving the axis of r conic- ally around the axis of q through 2 Z g. Hence qrq~'^ differs from r only in being rotated through a certain angle. Hence q{ )q~^ may be aptly called a rotator, since it rotates any quaternion inserted in the parenthesis. This is a special case of a more general function, called a nonion, which we shall meet with farther on. 103. If r is some multiple of q, say q^q, then q{q'q)q-^=qq'qq-^=qq\ Hence qq' is q'q rotated through the angle 2 Z ? in the plane of q. Compare this with the figure of § 80, and see how they agree. Similarly, q~hq rotates r negatively through 2 /_q. Since, Tq-T-^l, therefore, T-qrq-^ Tr, so that in the discussion above only the unit or versor parts needed to be considered. 104. qk-'=^', revolves the plane of /?, or /?, conically around the axis of q through 2 Zq- VERSORS 53 106. apa-^=p\ revolves /? conically around a through the angle 2;r, that is, turns /? in the plane of a/? to a corresponding position on the other side of a. 106. Exercises. If oiy=q, show that aqa~^ ^Kq. If a , ^, 7- are coplanar, show that o: • /?;- • a: "^ == a '^^ya = K^y. rqBq~h~^=rq-B'{rq)~^. CHAPTER X INTERPRETATION OF VECTOR EQUATIONS 107. a:/?;'=a/?2/?-Y a, /?, ;- coplanar, i.e., Sa^-jr=0. U - —-X acting on /? turns it through an angle into —a. Acting on ;- it turns it through the same angle into d. li a, p, Y represent in direction the successive sides a. of a polygon (which is always possible) then U- —-^ must turn ;- into a direction coinciding with the fourth side of a polygon inscribed in a circle drawn through the intersection of a, /?, and y. The diagram shows this. Hence d is in direction the fourth side of the inscribed polygon of which a, /?, and ;- are the other three. If the circle passes through three intersections, that circumscribes a /?, ^ as a triangle, then d becomes tangent to this circle. 108. Locus of ^ in [^=a$. ^=a-^l^=Sa-'^^ + Va-^l^. Sa-'^^=0, e = Fa-i/?, and ^ is a constant vector perpendicular to a and to ^3, and therefore locates a point. 54 INTERPRETATION OF VECTOR EQUATIONS 55 109. Locus of e in 7ae=/?. /?±a. a^ =Sa^ + Va$ =x +/?. .*. ^=a~^x-\-a~^^=za-\-j'. [since a _L/?, and the locus of l^ is a vector through the point determined by ;'(_L«, _L/?), and parallel to a. Notice the difference in the reading and interpretation of the equations of this and the previous section. In one /? is the whole of a^, in the other only the vector part. 110. Locus of e in Sa$=0, Sal^=0, Sj^^^-c. Sa^=0 limits $ to the plane of a. Sal^=0 puts /? in the same plane. S^^ = —c or 6a;cos^=c, where b and x are the tensors of /?, $ respectively, makes the c projection of I" on /? a constant, viz., x cos 0=-r. Therefore the locus of ^ is a line J_ to /? in the plane of a and through c the point of ^ distant from the origin -r- 111. From the table of § 85, we find a/? = cos ^ +£ sin (f). (a +^) (a +/?) = (a +/?)2 /?« =cos — £ sin ^. =a^+a^+^a+^^. a^-^a =2Vap = -2F/?a. 112. By §§ 53, 54, the last equation of § 111 becomes the well-known formula for triangle, c2=a2 4-62-2a6cos^. 56 QUATERNIONS 113. As in § 111, (a:-/?)2=a2_2^Q;^+^2^ =a2_2Fa/?-/?2. a^.pa = {Sap + 7a:/?) (Sa/S - 7a:/?) = (>S'a/?)2-(7a/?)2 =a262 cos2 D - £2 sin2 D • a262 =a262(cos2 7)+sin2 2)) = {Tap)^. ap'^a^aP'^a by the associative law. ==a:2/?2 since /?2 is a scalar. 7^(a/?)2. Conf. § 88, (5). ap-ap = {aP)^ a:^-a:/?=cos2 Z) +£ 2sin D cos i)-sin2 Z) = (*S + 7)2. =cos 2/) +£ sin 22). Conf. § 98. 114. Applications. // the diagonals of a parallelegram are perpendicular to each other, the parallelogram is a rhombus. By hypoth., '^"^^ ^(a: +/?)(/?- a) =0 §56. =,Q^-a^. § 113. .-. {TpY = (TaY. Q.E.D. 115. The joins * of the mid-points of the sides of a rhombus are at right angles. = }(27a:/?+/?2-o:2). § 113. .*. Sr^=\{p^-a^) =0. [since Ta=Tp. • *. T-L^- Q.E.D. * Join = the line joining. INTERPRETATION OF VECTOR EQUATIONS 57 116. In any plane triangle to find a side in terms of the other two sides and the opposite angles. Multiplying by (or into) a, (or any vector, in order to get a quaternion) Taking the scalar parts, we have -a^+Sal^=Sar. -a^-ab cos (180°- C) =-ac cos B. .'. a=b cosC + c cos B. (Conf. Trigonom.) q.e.i. 117. Had we taken the vector parts in § 116, we would have found Va^ = Vay. ab sin C •£=ac sin B- e, or 6 sin C =c sin B. (Conf. Trigonom.) 118. In § 116, had we divided by some vector in order to get a quaternion, say y, then we would have had the same result, c=a cos B-\-b cos A. 119. Had we divided by a or /?, say a, then if the triangle were right-angled at C, since *S— =0, we would get l=S—=— cos B, or cosB=—. a a c 120. Had we taken the vector parts in § 118, we should have had a sin B^b sin A. (Law of Sines, Trig.) Had we taken vector parts in § 119, then since sin C = l, sin 5=-^. c 121. V T is representable by a prolate spheroidal shell with its major axis i and its two minor axes ^j and ^k. 58 QUATERNIONS Repetitions of this process tend toward the unit shell and i° = l. In the same way \/^=\/a\^T is represent able by a prolate shell whose major axis is i and whose other axes a-re ij, ik, leading similarly to (a/?)° = l. From § 113, since, \/(a/?)2 = \/cos 2D+£ sin 2D =cos D+e sin D. '.'. (a/?)°=cosO° = l, the same as above, and agreeing with § 89. 122. Formulae for reference and practice. = angle from a to ^. i)= angle of the quaternion. [§ 76. p, q, r . . . = quaternions. 1. q = Tq(- cos d + e sin 0) =a^. 2. =Tq{cosD + esinD). 2 3. = Tq-Uq^Tqe-^. 4:. q=Sq + Vq. 2 5. Kq=Sq-Vq = Tq(cos D-e sin D) =Tq£~^^. 6. Sq = Tq cos D = Tq(- cos 0). 7. TVq = Tq sin d ^Tq sin D. 8. Vq - TVq- UVq = Tq sin D • s. 9. £^+^'. 10. Sq=i(q+Kq). 11. Vq=i(q-Kq). 12. {Tq)^=qKq=Kq'q = {SqY-{VqY. 13. (rg)2 = (^g)2 + (r7g)2. 20. ra2 = _a2. »«--<^v 21. 5q:=0. 22. 7a=a:. 15. KKq=q, 23. KaP=^a. lG.Kx=^x. 24. Sal^=Sda. 17. Rq=q-^. 25. 7a/? = -7/3a:. IS, K(-q)==-Kq. 26. ap+^a=2Sa^. 19. Xa = -aa:. 27. ap-pa=2Vap, INTERPRETATION OF VECTOR EQUATIONS 5^ 28. (a±/?)2=a2_t25a:/?+/?2. 29. Tipqr...)=Tp'Tq-Tr.., 30. U(pqr . . .) =Up-Uq-Ur , . . 31. S{pqr . . . ) =S{qr . . . p) =S(r . . . pg) =. . . 32. Kipqr ...)=... Kr-Kq-Kp. 33. ;S(a:p+2/g + . . . )'' = xSp+ySq+. . . 34. V{xp-{-yq-\-. . . )*=a:y7)+2/Fg + . . . 35. AS(g+r+s + . . . ) ^Sq+Sr-\-Ss^. . . 36. V{q^-r+s + . . . ) =Vq-\-Vr + Vs+. . . 37. 7g'g=>S5'7g4-^gFg' + 7(F5'7^). 38. S{a'^r) =Sa{Spr-^ypr) =SaVpr' 39. SaVM^=SaMI^, [M=m-\-pL. 40. =ASfa: (m +yO/? =mSa^ ^S-aii^. 41. =mS^a-SP/ia. [§ 51. 42. =Spma-Sp}ia=S'pKMa. [§122(5). 43. ^(a4-«)(6+/?)=.Sf(6+/?)(a+a:). 44. Spq=Sqp. 45. Kal^r=^^i^l^-r) =Kr-Kap==-r-Pa. 46. aP-r-y-^a=2Sa^r = -2Srpa. 47. Sa^r=^ioL^-r) S(P''d) =Siq'P). 48. =AS(;'a5) =>S;'«/? =aS/?7'«. 49. ^(«./?.r)=^(>Sa:/? + Fa/?)r. 50. =>S.;'7a^ = ->S.r7/?a. 61. =-,S-r(7/9a:+iS/?a). 52. =-SrPa. 53. ==-S.3ar. 54. iS(a:ia2. • . a)n = (- l)«*S:(a'„ . . . «2ai). 55. Sal3r=SaVl3r. 56. =>S-aF/?;'=^./?Fra:=ASfrFa/?. 57. a/?;' + ;'/?a=27a:/?;-=27;'^a. 58. 2VaPr =aPr -\-{ar^- arp-rap + raP) +rl^a. [57. * See Appendix. 60 QUATERNIONS 59. 2Vai^r=(^(l^r+rl^)-(^r+r(^)l^+r(^^-^M- 60. =2(aSpr-I^S(^r+rS(^l^)' [26. 61. Vai^r-(^^^r=Va[^r-V'^^Pr' 62. =Va(^r-^M- 63. =V'aVpy. 64. =-pSra^-rSap. [60. 65. =-F.7(/?r)«. [62,25. 66. .-. 7-7(/?r)«=/5>Sf;'«-r>S^«/?. [64. 67. 7.(7a/?)7r^ = -r^^7a:/?+^>S.(7a,/?)r. [63,64. 68. = - r^apd +dSa^r- [^6, 24. 69. V'(Val^)Vrd=+aS-I^Vrd-l^S-{Vrd)a, [66. 70. =aSl^r^-^Sard. [56. 71. dSa^r =(^S^r^ +^Srad + rSa^^. [68, 70. 72. 7-7a:/?7/?;' = ;'>S-(7a:^)/?-^>S:.r^«^. [67. 73. =r^pVa^-pSra^. [24,56. 74. =^Spar. [^/?7a:^=0, 60. 75. a^a:/?;' = 7-7/?a7Q:r. [74. 76. ^Sapr=y-yrpyp^- [48, 75. 77. rSa^r=vvarVr[^. 78. (5 = - (tiSi^ +/>Sy^ +A;aS/c^). [71. 123. In (63), (64), VaV^y is perpendicular to a and coplanar with /?, ;-. That it is perpendicular to a can be shown by multiplying by a and taking scalars thus, SaiV-aVpr) =SarSa^-Sa^Sar=0. [63, 64. It is in the plane of /?;- since v-aV^r=r^<^?-^^(^r- [63, 64. 124. In (58), (60) Va^y is of the form xa +yl^-\-zy and is therefore the intermediate diagonal of the parallelepiped of which the edges are aSl^y, —^Say, ySa^. INTERPRETATION OF VECTOR EQUATIONS 61 125. In (67), since S-rSal^=S'dSa[^=0, and it is evident that V- Vaj^Vyd is coplanar with d and y. Moreover, since y • Va^Vyd =^V'VdrVap =l^Sdra-aSpdr, [25, 52, 67. it is also coplanar with a and /?, and therefore must be along the intersection of the planes of a, /? and y, d. 126. In (71), dSapy is the intermediate diagonal of the parallelepiped of which the three edges are aS^yd, j^Syad, rSapd. CHAPTER XI QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE 127. An equation of the first degree with respect to an unknown quaternion X, is that which contains the quater- nion to the first power together with known quaternions, either isolated or under the symbols S or V. The general equation will then have the form i:axb+i^csaxb+i.D'VaxB'E=^f, The third term assumes the form of the first two if we replace VAXB by AXB — SAXB, so that the general equation reduces to the form i:axb+^csaxb=f. 128. To resolve this equation we decompose the quater- nions into their scalar and vector parts. Thus, putting A=a+a, B=h-\-^, etc., we have 2(a+a)(:r + e)(6+/?)+S(c + ;')*S.(a+a)(a:+0(^+/?)=^ + ^. The sum of the scalar parts of this will be found to be embraced in the general term Sa^, therefore the scalar part of the equation is /Sa^=c?. 129. Solution of the linear scalar equation Sa^=(i. This may be written, § 122, (33), Sa{^-da-^)=0, [ada "i = d 62 QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE 63 where, § 56, (2), evidently {$—da~^) is some vector /?, JLa, or p = VaY, where ;- is an arbi- trary vector. Therefore, The geometrical interpreta- tion of this is shown in the diagram, where since y is arbi- trary, the locus of the extremity "^ of ^ must be the plane _L a and through the point da~^. 130. The vector part of the second term in § 128, is, neglecting the S, Multiplying out the first term we find the vector part to be axp-\-aM -\-a^p-\-hxa -\-xa^-\-ha^ +a^^. Of these forms =Sa^l3+aS^l3-^Sap+^Sae. [§ 122, (61), (64). Of the final forms, abx-y, aS^^-y, xSa^-y, h-Sa^-y, Sa$l^-r, ohxy, ax^, hxa, aS$^, xVad, bSa^* aS$^, ^Sa^, are comprehended under the general form, ah^, $Sa^ are comprehended under the general form, Vm$ = V(ab+Sa^ + . ..); * Or neglected as purely scalar. 64 QUATERNIONS aF^/?, bVa^ are comprehended under the form, Hence the vector part of the general equation becomes or 2a,S/?e + y(m + //)e=^. [§ 122, (34). or I,aS^e-\-V'Me=d. [§61. This is generally abbreviated under the functional sign, 131. Hamilton called this a linear vector function of the vector ^. Considered as an operator its application to ^ has many interesting results, some of which will be investi- gated in the following pages. We will consider first the properties of (j) itself, and then the result of its application to the vector $. For reasons given later this function is called a strain function. 132. Properties of ^. Since § 122 (35), and § 122, (36), V'M($ + ri+...)=V'Me + V-Mr)+.,. ; /. I,l3Sa(e + 7)+. . . ) +V-M($ + 7)+. . . ) = (i:^Sa$ + V-M$) +(^pSa7) + V'M7)) -f . . . , or (t>(^ + r)+. . .)=^e+^>?+. .., that is, is distributive over a sum. QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE 65 133. li $ = r}=, , , to n terms, then (fm^ =n(f)^ , that is, (j) is commutative with a scalar factor. 134. If we define (j)~^ by the equation, ^"^0=1,* then and from § 132, or e + >? + ... =(?^-i(0^+0^ + . ..)• But ^=d, etc., and (l)~^d = $, etc., and therefore, Hence S-7?, we get = ^S$l^Sarj+Srj(m + pL)^ = ^S^l^Sa7)+S$im + n)r) [§ 122, (24), (38). = j:S$^Sa7)+S$(m-fi)7j [§ 122 (52). =S${^l3Sar) + VKMt)) [§ 122 (39) , (5) . 4> and (j)' are called conjugate strain functions. They evidently differ in the interchange of the known vector a, |9, and of the quaternion M and its conjugate KM. * See Appendix. 66 QUATERNIONS 136. When (j>=(j)\ that is, the function conjugates into itself, the functions are called self-conjugate strain func- tions, in which case St)^^ =S^(j)r). 137. Types of self-conjugate functions. Since and writing * (cj) +^0^ for (l)^-\-^^^, which shows that the operator 4- 9^' is always self con- jugate. 138. Furthermore, S^^^ =Se(l>'^, whence /Se(^-^0^=O, and therefore the vector (^ — (j)') ^ is perpendicular to I" or (cl>-cj)0^==Ve$, where e is some unknown vector. Consequently, ^^ = i (^ + ^0 ^ + i (9^ - 00 ^ which shows that a linear vector function of ^ differs from a self-conjugate function only by a term of the form Vs^. If it is already self conjugate the vector £=0. 139. Since S'^cl>cl>^r)=S$ct>{ct>'7)) S-^cj>cj>'ri=S'-q(^'^) [§ 135. =S'CJ>'T]ci>'^ [§135. =S7i4>cj>'^, =S-'^4>'ri\ [§122(24). therefore ^^' is a self-conjugate strain function. * This is allowable because the functional symbol <^ has the same properties as an algebraic factor (distributive over a sum and commu- tative with scalar factors) and can be treated like one. See Appendix. QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE 67 140. If by ((p-^g)^ we understand ^f +g6, where g is a scalar, ^ +g is also a linear vector function, since it has all the properties of as the reader can easily demonstrate for himself. Hence S'^(cf>+g)r)=S-$(7)-{-grj) =S-^cl>7j-\-S'$g7), =S-i^ct>'^+9S'r)^ -S'rj(ct>^+g)e, or ' -\-g is a conjugate function to cj) +g. 141. Application of <;6 to a vector $, If an elastic soHd, that is, the vector connecting the several elements, be subjected to the operation ^, then all its particles, for instance, those / \pa determined by the vectors a, p, y, are displaced to positions determined by / J^ the vectors (j)a, 0/?, 0;'. In general, any particle whose vector is ^ occupies ^ after the operation the position whose vector is ^^. Also any vector a is displaced to the position ^a, for since ^a =(j)Y — is called a strain and the property that parallel lengths are strained into parallel lengths and stretched proportionally is the physical definition of linear homogeneous strain. Portions of the body originally equal, 68 QUATERNIONS similar and similarly placed remain after the strain equal, similar and similarly placed. 142. If in the general equation of the first degree with respect to an unknown quaternion, § 127, instead of sepa- rating the scalar and vector parts, we had merely indicated the vector part, thus I,VQXR = VF, this operator VQ( )R must of course be the undeveloped form of ^. If R=Q~^, we have the rotator of § 102 as a special case of 0. If Q and R degrade into scalars, we have SFmX=nX, or dilatation merely. A combination of rotation and dilatation makes the strain just defined. 143. Properties of ^. To get a slightly different view, let us suppose «, /?, 7- to be unit vectors at right angles to each other. Hence, § 122 (78), By the definition of homogeneous strain this is changed into where a\ /?', f are three vectors upon which the same proportional distances Sa$, S^^, Sy^ are laid off. This is necessary in order to preserve the similarity required by homogeneous strain. By substituting a, p, f for ^, we find «'=0«, /?'=#, r'=#. QUATERNION EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST DEGREE 69 But ^a =«' = - {aSaa' +^S^a' +rSra') =aA „ -\-l^Ba + rCa, ^^ =^' = - {aSap' +/?^/?/?' + r^rP') =aA ^ -V^Bp + yC ^, ^r = f = - (<^Saf +l^S^f+ySrf) =aAr +^B, -{-jCr, which equations contain nine arbitrary constants, Saa\ S^a', etc., since a', /?', f are entirely independent of a, .8, r- Operating on (f)^ with S-t) we have 5. ,^e = - (Sa'fjSa^ +Sl^'7)S^^ -}-SfrjSr^) = -S-^(aSa'rj+^dSl^'r)+rSfr)), [§122(24). where the expression in the parenthesis is a linear vector function of tj, which will be shown (§ 144) to depend upon the same nine scalars il«, B^, etc., as those in , and which we may therefore appropriately designate by ^', thus whence obviously S-i^^$ =*S- <^^')^, as before. 144. Substituting «, /?, ;- for tj in the expression for (^'t^, we find 4>'r=^-{aSa^r'rps?'r-\-rSrr), or using the notation of § 143, <^'a: = a A„ +/?^ p + T-^r i 70 QUATERNIONS which shows that ^' depends upon the same nine scalars as (^. 145. If a, /?, Y are given non-coplanar vectors, then § 29, whence (j)^ =X(j)a +y[^ +z(l>]r. The vector <^6 is known when the three vectors (jya, ^/?, (py, are known. Each of these vectors involves three scalar constants as in the case of $, multiples of the reference vectors a, /?, y. Therefore the value of depends upon nine scalar constants. It has therefore been called a nonion. CHAPTER XII APPLICATIONS OF ^ 146. Changes of volume due to <^. p, c/S^, cfy^p are, in general, not in one plane, and hence, § 29, ^p S'pcj>pct>^p ""^ ^^^ This ratio of dilatation m due to ^, the ratio between the volumes after and before the strain, is called the modulus of the strain P(j)y is confined to those terms in which all three of the vectors a, p, y appear, that is, taking S-a^y = l, '^~ s-apr ^CMpBr-ArB^). In the same way from § 144, =m. Hence, Conjugate strains produce equal changes of volume. 148. Special values of m. If m = 1 there is no change of volume caused by the strain. If m=0, there results a zero volume due to the solid becoming strained into a plane, a line, or a point, and in this case cf) is called a null function, singly, doubly, or triply null according as the strain results in a plane, a line or a point. The plane, line, or point into which the solid is strained is called the strain plane of (j), strain line, etc. When m=0, then S(j)a(j)p^y , § 147, becomes zero and, § 60, (j)a, . In this case ^ is singly null, unless (f>a, (j)^, (j)Y becomes collinear. APPLICATIONS OF cj) 73 149. If there is only one vector, say a, whose strain is zero, i.e., (fta =0, then and therefore m=0, and ^/? cannot be parallel to (fyy (i.e., ^^f^xcjyy), for otherwise (j)(^ — xf) would be equal to zero and there would be a second vector, ^ — xy, with a strain of zero, which is contrary to the hypothesis. Hence, if there is only one null vector and p=xa •\-yp-\-Z'f, then l^-{-zl^ =0, then (j)p=Z(f>y, which confines f If p is unchanged by the strain, then (jyp ^S'iO, (j)2p^g2p^ cj^^p: =9\ and the equation of § 146 becomes (.7^- -m2g^-\-mig-'i m)p=\ [), . . . (1) which must have one real root gi and may have three. In other words, the curious fact that however a body may be homogeneously strained, there is always at least one vector whose direction remains unchanged. Hence and S- /i(j)p — giS/xp =0, [/i=any vector, and S-p{cl>'ii-g,/i)=0=S'p{cl>'-g)/L [§ 135. Hence, § 56 (2), (^' — gfi)/z is perpendicular to ^o. From this it appears that the operator {(j)' — g) applied to any vector /z throws it into a plane perpendicular to p, or, in other words, cuts off the component of the strained fx which is parallel to p. Also, p\\y-{'-Qi)P-^^'-gi)^, [/I, V any vectors, or multiplying out ^||7(^V(/)'y-^i(r/>>.i; + /i0^) +sriV) 154. Properties of i^' — g). Like 0, this operator pro- duces a homogeneous strain, as can be shown in a manner similar to that in the case of (j). It has the same general properties and has a modulus nig. Omitting the primes, APPLICATIONS OF ^ 75 which will not affect the discussion, we have, after expand- ing, 155. In § 153 we found the expression, V-{ct>^-gi)fx{cl>'-gi)v, the vector part of the product of two strained vectors. To investigate this we return to the last equation of § 146, which can be written, _ s-4,a4,p4>r s-{4>?Ma _ 8a^r) . . ,„, or since a is any vector whatever, ^'7(#(jSr) =m7/?r, (1) or since, § 147, cj) and ^' have the same modulus, v(Wr) =mv^r, Using (, we have (4.-g)V(4>' -g)p{^' -g)r=m„v^r ={'^4>'r -9(4''^ ■ r +P- g)[v'^4,'r-g{v'^ ■ r + vp'r) +g^vpr\ ^{ci>-g)[m4>-^v^r-9(.v'^-r+v^'t>'r) +9^vpr] [d) =={m-in'ig+m'2f-g^)VPr- 76 QUATERNIONS 156. In this equation and the last expression of § 153, we have the four vectors Vj^y, V-^'P-y, V-^y. But § 122 (53), y = -l,z = -l,and X =—^^n^ ^L-^ 1^:^^!. =.rn'2. [§ 154. 157. Hence, § 156, or substituting in the equation of § 155 and using $ for VPr, we get or expanding, {m+gcj)^+m'2g+g^(t>-g'Jn^~'^+g^m'2-g^-g^)^ = {m-m\g+m'2g^-g^)^, or {ct>'^-m'2(j>-m^-^)^^-m\^, . . . (1) or {(j)^ — m'2(l>^+rn'i^ — m)$=0, where ^ is any vector whatever. APPLICATIONS OF ^ 77 158. Comparing this with Eq. (1), § 146, we have The expression of § 153 now becomes, by §§ 155, 157, and the equation above, ^||(m0-i-gfi(m2-^)+gfi2)e [dividing by gi and operating with ^ or, multiplying and dividing by ((f> — gi) and then substituting the value of 9i from (1) of § 153, p\\ ^^ 6. [6 = any vector. 159. Since (1) of § 153 is true for all vectors, and since is commutative with scalars, it can be written, and, §158, ^||(^_^2)(<5^-^3)e, that is, the operator (^— S'2)(^ — S^s) when applied to any vector whatever results in a vector parallel to p, where {cj>-g{)p==0, or p=g\p, p being unchanged in direction by the strain (j>. 78 QUATERNIONS 160. We can fortify this by another line of attack. As before, § 153, under the condition, ^^ =g^, we have Supposing for the moment that the three roots are real, the solution of the problem will be given by one of the directions a, p, y which satisfies the conditions, {cj>-g{)a=0, (0-^2)/?=O, (0-^3)/9=O. . (1) Now ^=aa-{-hp-\-cj. Operating with {(j) — gi), we get (ct^-gi)^=b{ct>-gi)^-\-c(cf>-g,)r = {b(j)-hgi+bg2-b(t))^-\-{ccl)-cgi-\-cgs-ccf))f [subtracting h{^ — g2)^=0 and c{(j) — gs)}'=0 =Hg2-gi)P +c(g3-gi)r' 161. Thus we see that the operator {4>—g\) cuts off from the general vector ^ the component parallel to a. Operating again, with (^— §^2), this becomes ^-gi){4>-g2)^ =c{g3-gi){g3-gi)r' In the same way, ((t>-gi)((l>-g3)^=b(g2-gi)(g2-g3)P, ((l>-g2)i(l>-g3)^=aigi-g2)(gi-g3)a. That is, the operator, ((l>-g2){(j>-g3), APPLICATIONS OF (f> 7^ operating on a, since $ is any vector, leaves its direction unchanged, and «ll(<5^-9'2)(^-g'3)^. If the three roots gi,g2, 93 are unequal the three unchanged directions are given by the operators above. 162. Those lines that are unchanged in direction by the strain have been suggestively called latent lines of ^, and evidently from the relation {(t> — gi)p=^, the latent lines of are the null directions of ( in the ratios g2gz, g^gi, gm- For if x^ +2/7' be a vector in the plane /?;-, then cj> {xp +yr)= a:# +y(j>r'- ^g2P + ygz r, and evidently the strained vector remains in the plane, though its direction has been changed. q.e.d. Also for the two vectors in the plane /?, ;', T7^(x/3 +yr) (xip +yir) = TV{xg2^ +ygsr) (xm^+yigsr) =g2g3TV(xp +yr)(xip +yir.) q.e.d. Conf. § 58.] 80 QUATERNIONS 164. If 92=93, and we operate upon upon ^ (§ 160) with (j> — 92, remembering that {^ — 92)P = {^ — 92)T'^^} we get {4>-92)^=a{gi-g2)a, and the latent direction is given by Operating upon ^ by {(j>—gi) we get {-9i)^ = i92-9i){hP+cr), Since (96-9^2) W+cr) =(#-^2/?) +c(^-^2)r, =0 [(^-9r2)/?=0, {cjy-92)r=0. therefore every line of the plane (^ly is unchanged in direc- tion, as well as kept in the plane. 165. gi =02 =93- Operating on ^=aa +6/?+cgr with 4^ — 91 we obtain (0-Sri)e=O, that is, when the latent roots are all equal, all the vectors are latent vectors. 166. There cannot be two latent directions for the same root 9i. For if ((j)—9i)d=0 as well as {(f) — gi)a=0, we should get by the method of § 161, {(l>-92){-93)^=d(gi-g2){gi-g3)^, or a{gi-g2) (gi -93)0^ =d{9i -92) {91-93)0, which cannot be unless 9^1 =92, 9i =93r that is, unless the roots are all equal. APPLtCATlONS OF ^ 81 167. Since the latent planes are strained in different ratios (the latent roots being unequal) they cannot coincide and their intersections, the latent vectors, a, /?, 7-, cannot be coplanar. ^ — g\ strains all vectors into the plane ^, y, that is, into the plane determined by the other latent vectors. For if ^ =xa+y^+zy = general vector, then {^-g\)^=x{'-g^)$, [§135. and evidently (t>' — gi strains all vectors into a plane per- pendicular to a, i.e., (f>' —gi is a null function and gi is a latent root of ^' (§ 162). 169. The latent plane of one strain is perpendicular to the corresponding latent line of the conjugate strain. The strain plane of (j>^ — gi is the latent plane of ^', § 167, and therefore the latent plane of 0' is perpendicular to a, the latent line of i =ai, etc. S^(l>$ = - aSrjiSi$ - bSrjjSj^ - cSfjkSk^; APPLICATIONS OF (fy 83 7) = — (iSi7)-\-]'Sjrji-kSk7j); ^T} = — aiSiTj — bjSJT) — ckSkr) ; S$(l)7) = - aSi^SiT} - bSj^Sjrj - cSk^Skrj and (j) is self conjugate. q.e.d. 172. When the strain is self conjugate (0=^') and the latent roots equal, the strain is non-rotational and is called pure. Since the strain is self conjugate, § 168, the latent lines are i, /, k, and $ = -iSi^-jSj^-kSk^, (f)^ = — aiSi^ — ajSj^ — akSk$ =a(-iSi^-jSj^-kSk^) ==a$, [a = latent root. and ^ is not rotated. That is, all vectors are latent lines. q.e.d. When ^ is self conjugate ((j) — (j)'), by reference to §§ 143, 144, if the strain is given by (j)i=xi-{-yj+zk; (j)j=x'i-\-y'j-\-z'k', (j>k=x"i^-y''i+z''k\ then when the strain is pure, x'=y, x"=z, y"=z', and a pure strain depends upon six instead of upon nine scalar constants. 84 QUATERNIONS 173. // the drain is self conjugate (=', or <}> is self conjugate. Where is the error? Ans. (j)'a7^aa. 176. Examples. Solve Vae^ = r = ^ for e. By § 146 (2), O • A/IV APPLICATIONS OF 85 where X, n^ v are any three non-coplanar vectors. Putting for these a, ^, y, if they are not coplanar, we get [VarP =aSrP-rSa^ +^Sar. [§ 122 (64). By § 158, m2 = — Sa^. By § 157(1), we get [§ 122 (64). whence ^ V = "^= — ' SB APPENDIX FUNCTIONAL SYMBOLS As every discrete magnitude is of necessity derived from unity by some algebraic operation, so the symbol repre- senting a discrete magnitude can be considered as the symbol of some operation whose operand is unity. Symbolizing the operation of converting unity into the magnitude x by the symbol x-1, we have the functional equation {x operating upon 1), X'l =x. A second application gives x{x-l) =x'^-\=x'^, where the 2 of x'^-l shows the number of operations, and the 2 of x^ the result. The inverse of the operation must be symbolized by X In the expression x-1 occur two concepts, the operation^ X'l and the effect of the operation, x. 87 88 QUATERNIONS The inverse of the operation is x~^-l= — 1, the inverse of the effect is (x)~^=— , and in this case the two results coincide. If we take a different operand, say y, then x~^-y and {^y)~^i the inverse of the operation and the inverse of the effect are not the same. Every algebraic expression can be considered as a func- tional operation. Thus adding 1 to x can be considered as an operation symbolized thus, /(a;)=x + l. The inverse operation would be whatever operation is necessary to change back from x + 1 to a; to original operand. Thus Here again /"^t^t, where, of course, f~^ symbolizes the inverse of the operation and (f)~^ ^j, the inverse of the effect. Similarly, log~i x ^ (log x) ~i, sin~i X7^(sin x)"^. Examples. If/(x)=x + l, f{x)^x-\, p{x)=x^-2. If /(x)4+., /-Kx)=--=^, /.(.)=-^+i±^. APPENDIX 89 If f(x) =x2 +2a; +6, /"i {x)=-l± V^T, P(x) = (x2 +2x +6)2 +2(a;2 +2x +6) +6. In these examples, omitting the operand, show that In the same way prove sin sin~i x =x^ log log~^ x =x, log~^ log x=x, sin~i sin2a; =sin x. If fix) =x^+3, F{x) =2-V^, then fF(x)=(2-\ x)^+'S, F'f{x)=2-Vx^-^S. 2x—\ The algebraic symbol is distributive over and commuta- tive with its operand, that is, xy+xz + . . .=x{y+z+, , . ), xy=yx. Other symbols of operation which like these are dis- tributive over and commutative with the operand will be subject to the same algebraic laws. Hence we can treat these symbols of operation just as we treat algebraic symbols of operation. Hence we can write § 122 (33), (34), § 132, § 135, Sp + Vp = (S + V)p; ct>^-cj>'^ = {^-cf>')^, 90 QUATERNIONS We recall the similar results in Calculus, where, omitting the operand, we have (D2-a2)=(Z)+a)(Z)-a) [0=^ dx (D2-D-2)=(D + l)(D-2) xW2 =x^D-D= x^D- [xD = 0. X = 0.0-6 = 6(0-1), where is commutative with constants but not with either X or D. INDEX Addition, 3 Algebra, 31 Amplitude, 7 Angle of a quaternion, 39 Argand diagram, 7 Arithmetic, 30 Axis of quaternion, 21 Calculi, 2 Complex functions, 31 Complex quantity, 7 Conjugate of a quaternion, 33 Conjugate-strain function, 65 Continuum, 1 Coplanar quaternion, 46 Diplanar quaternions, 36 Discreta, 1 Division, 4 Euler*s Theorem, 28 Evolution, 5 Functional symbols, 87 Harmonic displacement, 11 Idiograph, 6 Idiograph, space, 10 Involution, 4 Latent lines, 79 Latent planes, 79 Linear homogeneous strain, 67 Linear scalar equation, 62 Mean reversion, 5 Modulus, 7, 71 Multiplication, 4 * * of vectors, 17 Nonion, 70 Null direction, 72 Null function, 72 Operation A, B, 11 Opposite quaternions, 33 Parallel vectors, 17 Plane of quaternion, 21 Plane of a vector, 21 Quadrantal versors, 50 Quaternion, 21, 31 " , angle of, 39 '* , axis of, 21 ** , plane of, 21 ** , reciprocal of, 32 Quaftemions, equality of, 35 " , diplanar, 36 Revector, 12 Reversion, 3 Rotator, 52, 68 Scalar, 9 " part, 27 * * of the unit part, 27 Self-conjugate strain function, 66 Singly null, 72 Space idiograph, 10 Stroke, 6 91 92 INDEX Strain, 67 Strain, linear homogeneous, 67 Strain function, 64 " " conjugate, 65 Strain plane, 72 Subtraction, 4 Tensor, 13, 27 ** of the vector part, 27 Unit part, 27 " vector, 13 " " of the vector part, 27 Vector, U " , addition, etc., 12 unit, 13 ' * , inclined, 18 " , parallel, 17 ' ' , perpendicular, 18 " part, 27 ' ' part of the unit part, 27 " , plane of, 21 Versors, 48, 49 " , quadrantal, 50 D. 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