•j; ';" i i :; i 1 EXCHANGE ^' ■"'■"■' ^>^,^ :sr. CATALOGUE OF COINS, ROMAN AND ENGLISH SERIES. IN THE MUSEUM Camftrftffe antiquanait ^ocirtp. 1847. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. M.DCCC.XLVII. t, ^K t 'V t**' y^^ t***' INTRODUCTION The form in which this Catalogue is drawn up may perhaps need a few words of explanation. The object aimed at is simply usefulness ; full detailed description is therefore not attempted. With this Catalogue in their hands, the Members of the Society, especially those who are engaged in numismatic study, or interested in such line of observation, will be aware of what resources they possess at command in the Society's Museum. The Cata- logue will also shew the deficiencies in the Collection ; and thus indicate where a disposition to advance numismatic study by the help derived from a public collection may have the means of giving effectual aid. It has been considered rather a special object to add to the Collection coins found within the district, as pos- sessing in addition a local interest ; and in this view par- ticularly the Society has from time to time made some purchases. Discovery of coins, Roman and English, in the district, has been very frequent : and had this Society with its museum existed long since, no doubt there would have been at this time an extensive collection in the hands (d the University, possessing both local and general interest, and great value. The writer cannot forbear expressing here a hope, as he has done elsewhere, that, when the FitzwiUiam building is 1—2 MT « tnk. IV completed, the several Colleges will deposit in that museum of art, in trust, the collections of coins which they possess. By that course, those collections will be well preserved ; and serve a highly useful end, instead of lying, as now they do, uncared for, unknown, and wholly profitless. This Catalogue also may be adapted to serve as a register for the contents of other collections ; and there- fore will possess usefulness beyond that of a simple record. It may be well here to mention, that the University possesses a very good series of Roman Medals, in the bequest of Roger Gale. There are also collections in St John's College, Emmanuel, Caius, (a catalogue of which has been printed, at least as far as the Roman silver, Greek, and English); and a few in St Peter's College. There is appended a key to the abbreviations made use of ; and a hst of donors is inserted, to whose liberality the Society is indebted for by much the largest portion of this department of its possessions, I. I. S. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofcoinsOOcambrich CORRECTIONS. PAOB KOS. 6 1 and 2 for Julius read Agrippa. /or scorpion reac? crocodile. 5 for temple front read altar. 6 dele CLAVDIVS. 4. 8 9 HADRIAN,/or 2ENAEK AXON, read L. ENAEKATON— struck at Alexandria. 10 16, 19, 20 ANTONINVS should be M. AVRELIVS. 11 GETA, /or in the palus read having on the paludamentura. 12 1, 3, 4 MAXIM IN VS, are coins of Maximinus Dara. 13 1 OTACILIA, misplaced, see p. 27. 14 1 TREE. GALLVS, properly r. ROMAE AETERNAE AVG. 2 VALERIA NVS, is of Saloninus Valerianus. 15 . AELIANVS, probably LAELIANVS. 19 2, 4, 5 for MAXIMINIANVS^reat^ MAXIMIANVS. 7 for BL. read FL. 1, R. LICINIVS. for NOMINI read OMINI. 22 VALENTINIANVS should follow JVLIANVS, and this latter CONSTANTIVS. 27 VRBS ROMA, — or rather to have been struck in the time of Constantinus Max. LEON, for GRAECO read EN GEO. ROMAN IMPERIAL MEDALS AND COINS, AVGVSTVS. XX. 4—5. 1. Julius and Augustus. Heads dos a dos : above IMP., ben. A.U.C. Colonial Coin of Nemansus. R. Scorpion.... Nl A. 2 B. 2. Antony and Augustus. Colonial Coin of Nemansus. o. Heads dos a dos : above IMP., ben. DIVI F. 2 B. R. Scorpion. 3. Augustus and Tiberius. On either side a head. 2 B. 4. 0. ...CAESAR AVG. R. A fig. r. arm raised; 1. arm holding a buckler. 2 B. 5. o. DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER. R. A temple front bet. S. C. Exerg. PROVIDENT. 2 B. Ja. P. ANTONIA. o. ANTONIA AVGVSTA. R. M. CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. P. M. TR. P. IMP. Fig. standing, bet. S. C. 2 B. 24. Smyth, xxviii. (p. 23). C. B. 1843. TIBEEIVS. 1. R. Caduceus bet. S. C. PONTIF. MAXIM. TRIBVN. POTEST. XXXIX. 2 B. xx. 17, found at Sheffbrd. 2. R. Altar, ben. ROM. ET AVGVST. 2 B. do. OERMANIOVS. 1. o. GERMANICVS CAES. AVGVST. R, ...POT. C. CAESRI. AVG. GERMANIC... : in the field S. C. 2 B. XX. 23. J. P. 1845. CAIVS (Caligula). 1. 0. C. CAESAR DIVI AVG. II. Seated fig., bet. S. C. 2 B. xx. 25. Shefford. CLAVDIVS. 1. R. CERES AVGVSTA. Fig. sitting in a chair. Exergue S. C. 1 B. Ja. P. 2. R. Bet. S. C. a mil. fig. with shield in r. h. : 1. h. uplifted. 2 B. C. C. B. 1847. n. o. CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. PM. TR. ... R. Legend erased. Naked fig. with buckler in 1. h.: bet. S. C. 2 B. Ja. P. 4 o CN. CLAVDIVS AVG. n. APOLLINI COM. AVG. Centaur fig. 3 B. Ja. P. NERO. 1 . o. Head of Nero. R. Port of Ostia: exerg. S. POR. OST. C, above AVGVS.... 1 B. xix. 1. Shefford. 2. o. NERO CLAVD. CAESAR AVG. GER. P.M. TR. P. IMP. P.P. R. ANNONA AVGVSTI CERES. On the exergue S. C. Smyth, No. xlvi. 1 B. J. P. 1845. 3. R. Altar bet. S. C. : beneath ARA PACIS. 2 B. Shefford. 4. R. Winged fig. holding in 1. h. a buckler ? bet. S. C. 2 B. J. P. VITELLIVS. o. A. VITELLIVS GERM. IMP. AVG. TR. P. Head laureate. R. CONCORDIA P. R. Fig. sitting : in r. h. a patera, in 1. h. cornucopise. Denarius, xix. 10. VESPASIANVS. 1. o. IMP. CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG. R. TR. POT. X. COS. Villi. Fig. seated, in 1. h. a comu- copiae : r. h. extended. Denarius. C. B. 1847. 2. R. FELICITAS PVBLICA. 2 hands joined. 2 B. xix. 13. Shefford, a o. IMP. CAESAR VESPASIAN. AVG. COS. IIII. R. Fig. standing at an altar, r. h. holding a wreath over it ; La caduceus : bet. S. C. 2 B. Found at the Castle Hill, 1846. 4. o. VESP. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS. VIII. R. Female fig. : bet. S. C. 2 B. TITVS. 1. R. Fig. of Spes bet. S. C. 2 B. xix. 26. Shefford. DOMITIANVS. 1. o. IMP. CAESAR DOMIT. AVG. GERM. P.M. TR. P. XIII. R. IMP. XXII. COS. XV. CENS. P.P.F. Denarius. C. B. 1847. 2. o. CAESAR AVG. F. DOMITIANVS COS. VI. R. PRINCEPS IVVENTVT. A fig. standmg, leaning on a column : in r. h. a serpent : in 1. a wreath. Denarius. Richborough Castle. Ja. P. a o. IMP. CAES. DOMIT. AVG. GERM. COS. XII. CENS. R. Emperor standing, holding the parazonium. 2 B. xviii. 3. Sh^ord. 4. R. FORTVNAE AVGVSTI. A female fig.: in r. h. a plough- beam : bet. S. C. (COS. XIIL). 2 B. 6. The same. Shefford. NERVA. o. IMP. NERVA CAES. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS. III. P.P. R. FORTVNA AVGVSTI. In the field S. C. Smyth, cxi. 1 B. xviii. 15. J. P. TRAIANVS. 1. o. IMP. TRAIANO AVG. GER. DAC. P.M. TR. P. COS. V. P. P. R. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Fern. fig. seated: in r. h. a plough-beam : in 1. h. comucopiae. Denarius. Ja. P. 1845. 2. R. Minerva seated. Denarius. Much worn. Richborough. Ja. P. -8 3. R. Emperor on horseback overthrowing an enemy. 1 B. xvii. 4. Sheffoi'd. o. IMP. CAES. NERVAE TRAIANO AVG. GERM. DAC. P. M. TR. P. COS. Laureate head. 4. R. Fern. fig. standing : bet. S. C. 1 B. Ja. P. 5. R. Emperor standing, bet. S. C. 1 B. S. B. 1845. 6. R. S. P. Q. R. OPTIMO PRINCIPI. Dacia seated on a heap of arms : in front a trophy : beneath S. C. 1 B. Ches- terford, C. S. 1845. 7. R. TR...COS. IIII. P.P. A fig. sitting: 1. hand resting on the seat. 2 B. 8. R. PONT. MAX. TR. POT. COS. A fig. standing : bet. S. C. 2 B. J. J. S. 1845, HADRIANVS. 1. R. Fig. of Plenty ; legend effaced. 1 B. xvii. 6. Shefford. 2. R. Rome seated on arms ; legend effaced. 1 B. do. a o. IMP. CAES. TRAIANVS HADRIAN. R. Emperor sitting bet. S. C. PONT. MAX. TR. POT. exerg. FORT. RED. 1 B. do. 4. R Fem. fig. reclining : r. h. extended ; 1. arm on a shield ? IB. Ja. P. 6. R. Emperor on horseback. 2 B. xvii. 8. do. 6. R. COS. A fem. fig. sitting : r. h. extended : 1. resting on the chair: bet. S. C. 2 B. 7. R. Fem. fig. standing, head turned away : in r. h. a buckler. 2B. a R. COS. A fig. standmg : bet. S. C. 2 B. 9. R. Bull butting : 2ENAEKAT0N. Colon. Greek. 2 B. Shef- ford. SABINA. 1. o. SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI. R. Female fig. seated: legend effaced. Exerg. S. C. 2 B. xvii. 18. Sheffm-d. ■2. R. Do. 2 B. do. FA VSTINA, MATER. 1. R. AVGVSTA. A fern. fig. standing; in r. h. a globe. Dena- rius, xvi. 1. Over, given by the Vice-Chancellor, Nov. 1846. 2. o. DIVA FA VSTINA. R. AETERNITAS. A fern. fig. standing, holding a star in r. h. bet. S. C. 1 B. xvi. 2. 3. Do. Shefford. 4. R. Do. Smyth, cclviii. 2 B. J. P. 1845. 5. R. FELIX. A fig. standing bet. S. C. ANTONINVS PIVS. xvi. 21—28. 1. R. COS. nil. A fig. standing with plough-beam in r. h. : in 1. trident. Denarius. 2. o. .. INVS AVG. PIVS P. Head of A. R. COS. II. Pontifical implements. Denarius. 3. o. ANTONINVS AVG. PP. TRP. COS. III. R. Fig. standing at an altar. DES...On the field S. C. 1 B. J. P. 1845. 4. R. Annona with her attributes. ANNONA AVG. bet. S. C. IB. Shefford. 5. R. 1 B. J. B. 1845. 6. R. COS. III. Moneta holding a balance in r. h. : in 1. a cor- nucopise. 7. Do. 1 B. Shefford. 8. R. A fem. fig. r. h. staff; in 1. h. a cornucopiae ; bet. PR2 and Ay ; beneath S. C, 1 B. C. C. B. 1846. 9. R. . . .LVS A. COS. III. A fig. sitting : 1. elbow on the chair: r. holding a serpent over an altar. 1 B. 10. R. LIBERTAS COS. IIII. A fig. standing : r. h. holding a pileus : 1. extended : bet. S, C. 1 B. 11. R. A fem. fig. holding a branch in r. h. : in 1. a wreath: bet. S. C. 1 B. 12. R. Rome seated on arms, COS. III. bet. S. C. 2 B. Shefford. 13. R. Liberty holding the pileus bet. S. C. LIBERTAS COS. IIII. 2B. Shefford. 10 14. R. Hercules, COS. Illl. bet. S. C. 2 B. do. 15. R. An eagle upon a cippus bet. S. C. 2 B. 16. o. DIVVS M. ANTONINVS PIVS. R. Eagle on a funeral pile. 2 B. Shejford. 17. R. TR. POT. XXIII. COS. nil. A fern. fig. in long robe standing with head turned back : in r. h. a branch : in 1. a globe : bet. S. C. 2 B. 1 8. R. Wolf with Romulus and Remus. 2 B. do. 19. R. VIC. GERM. Victory holding a shield. 2 B. do. 20. o. M. ANTONINVS AVG. Head crowned with laurel. R. ...TRIM... DEC. within a wreath. 2 B. C. C. B. M. AVRELIVS. o. ...CAES. AVG. PH. R. TR. POT. bet. S. C. 2 B. xvi. 11. FAVSTINA (filia). xvi. 15—16. 1. o. FAVSTINA AVG. ANTONINI AVG. PII FIL. R. Six figs, sacrificing before a temple with 4 columns. 1 B. 2. R. Female fig. standing. 1 B. Shefford. 3. R. Female fig. holding a comucopise, and branch of myrtle : bet. S. C. IB. do. 4. R. VENVS. Venus seated holding a victory, bet. S. C. 1 B. Chesterford, C. S. 1846. 5. o. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. R. IVNO. Fig. of Juno and the peacock. 1 B. Ja. P. 6. R. Crescent and seven stars : beneath S. C. 2 B. Shefford. 7. R. Fern. fig. standing. 2 B. do. 8. R. VENVS. Venus sittmg with globe in r. h. bet. S. C. 2 B. 9. o. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA. R. LAETITIA. Fern. fig. standing bet. S. C. 2 B. 10. R. Fem. fig. standing with globe in r. h. bet. S. C. 2 B. 11. o. FAVSTINAE AVG. FIL. AVG. R. HILARITAS S. C. in the field. A fern. fig. standing. 2 B. Ja. P. 11 LVOIVS VERVS. o. IMP. CAES. L. AVREL. VEIIVS AVG. R. CONCORDIA AVGVSTORVM TR. P. On the exergue COS. II. Smyth, cclxxiv. 2 B. xvi. 23. J. P. 1845. LVCILLA. 1. o. LVCILLA AVGVSTA. R. VENVS VICTRIX. Venus : r. h. extended, holding a vic- toriola: 1. holding a shield? on the ground. Denarius, xvi. 26, found at Owsden. C. B. 1846. 2. o. LVCILLAE AVG. ANTON... .AVG. R. VE... Venus, globe in 1. h. bet. S. C. ^Smjy^A, cclxxx. 1 B. xvi. 26. COMMODVS. 1. o. ...MODVS... R. Fern. fig. with cornucopiae. 2 B. xvi. 325. SEVERVS. o. SEVERVS PIVS AVG. n. PART. MAX. P. M. TR. P. Villi. Trophy with two captives. Denarius, xv. 17. PLAVTILLA. o. PLAVTILLA AVGVSTA. R. PIETAS AVG. Fern. fig. holding an infant: bet. S. C. 3 B. xiv. 4. Shefford. SEPTIMIVS GETA. 1. o. P. SEPT. GETA. CAES. PONT. Head without crown. R. PRINC. IVVENTVTIS. The emperor standing in the palus: in r. h. a branch : in 1. a spear with trophy behind. Denarius, xiv. 5. 2. R. SECVRIT. IMPERII. A fig. standing : in r. h. a globe : L upon the chair. Denarius, xiv. 5. 3. R. VICT. AETERN. Victory in march, holding a fascia; at her feet a shield. Denarius. 12 ALEXANDER SEVERVS. 1. o. IMP. CM. AVR. SEV. ALEXAND. AVG. R. P. M. TR. P. COS. P. P. Salus feeding a serpent. Denarius, xiv. 25. 1844, from Burwell Fen. 2. o. IMP. ALEXANDER PIVS AVG. Head laureate. 1 B. xiv. 11. Lidgate. C. B. 1845. R. SPES PVBLICA. On the field S. C. Smyth, p. 232. IVLIA MAMMAEA. 1. o. IVLIA MAMMAEA. R. Rome seated. R. IX. 1 B. xiv. 24. Shefford. 2. R. Fortune. FORTVNA AVGVSTAE. 2B. xiv. 24. Shef- ford. MAXIMINVS. 1. o. CAI. VAL. MAXIMINVS NOB. C. R. CENIO POPVLI ROMANI. A fig. with r. h. extended, holding a wreath : in 1. a comucopije ben. PTR. bet. S. F. 2 B. xiv. 28. 2. R. Fig. of Spes bet. S. C. SPES AVGVST. 1 B. xiv. 28. Shefford. a R. GEN....ESARIS. Fig. r. h. extended, holding a wreath: 1. a comucopiae. 2 B. xiv. 28. 4. o. IMP. MAXIMINVS P.F. AVG. R. lOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG. NN. Exerg. SIS. In the field B. Jupiter : in 1. h. a spear : in r. h. a thunder- bolt ; at his feet a bird. 3 B. J. P. GORDIANVS. xiii. 1— 3. 1. R. VICTORIA AETERNI A fig. standing. Denarius. Ja. P. 2. R. Legend erased. Fem. fig. holding in r. h. a wreath. Dena- rius. Ja. P. 3. R. ORIENS. Fig. standing, naked: head radiate: r. h. up- lifted. Denarius. J. P. 13 4. o. IMP. GORDIANVS PIVS FEL. AVG. R. LAETITIA AVG. A fig. standing: in r. h. a wreath: in 1. a staff: bet. S. C. 1 B. 5. R. PM. TR. PO...COS. II. PP. In the field S. C. A fig. standing, looking to 1. : in r. h. a spear held behind him : in 1. a globe. 1 B. G. R. FIDES MILITVM. A fig. holding a standard in r. h. : bet S. C. 1 B. 7. R. LAETITIA AVG. Victory with wreath and palm. 2 B. Shefford. PHILIPPVS. 1. o. IMP. PHILIPPVS AVG. R. LIBERALITAS AVGG. III. Two emperors sitting: r. h. extended. Denarius, xiii. 9. C. B. 1846. 2. o. IMP. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS AVG. R. LAETIT. FVNDAT. Fem. fig.: in r. h. a wreath: in 1. a plough-beam. Denarius. Ja. P. 3. o. IMP. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS AVG. R. PAX AETERNA. A soldier in march, holding in r. h. an . olive branch: in 1. a spear turned back: bet. S. C. 2 B. xiii. 9. OTAOILLA. 1. o. OTACIL. SEVERA AVG. R. PIETAS AVGVSTAE. A fig. in the stola, with r. h. ex- tended. Denarius, xiii. 10. 2 o MARCIA OTACIL. SEVERA AVG. R. PVDICITIA AVG. Fem. fig. seated. 2 B. xiii. 10. Found at the Castle Hill, 1846. 3. o. MARCIA OTACIL. SEVER. AVGG. R. PIETAS AVG. A fem. fig. standing, bet. S. C. 2 B. Ja. P. 4. o. VRBS ROMA. R. The wolf suckling two children. Exerg. A. CONS. Above a spade between two stars. 4 B. Ja. P. 14 TRAIANVS DECIVS. o. A. K. M. K. TRAIANOC AEKIOCE. R. Victory. Coin of Alexandria. B. xiii. 14. Shefford. ETRVSCILLA. o. HER. ETRVSCILLA AVG. R. PVDICITIA AVG. Fig. sitting in the peplus, veiled ; in 1. h. a spear. Denarius, xiii. 15. TREBONIANVS GALLVS. 1. o. IMP. C. C. VIB. TREB. GALLVS PP. AVG. R. ROMANAE ...AE AVG. Rome sitting on arms : in r. h. a victory : 1. a spear. Denarius, xiii. 17. 2. o. .. VS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG. R. SALVS AVGVSTI. Female fig. standing bet. S. C. 1 B. xiii. 17- Sheffvrd. VOLVSIANVS. o. IMP. CAE. C. VIB. VOLVSIANO AVG. R. PAX A VGG. Pax with branch in r. h. : in 1. a spear across, with a star behind. Denarius, xiii. 18. VALERIANVS. 1. o. IMP. C. P. Lie. VALERIANVS AVG. R. GLORIA AVG. Fig. in the stola, with wreath in r. h. : in 1. palm-branch. Denarius, xiii. 25. 2. o. DIVO CAES. VALERIANO. R. CONSECRATIO. An eagle with extended wings, r? B. xiii. 25. GALLIENVS. xii. 2. 1. o. IMP. C.P. Lie. GALLIENVS P.F. AVG. R. VIRTVS AVGG. Denarius. 2. o. GALLIENVS P.F. AVG. R. VIGT. GERMANICA. Victory marcliing with palm in 1. h. : r. h. upon a captive. Denarius. 15 3. o. R. Legend erased. A fig. with balance in r. h. : in 1. a sword. Denarius. 4. 0. IMP. GALLIENVS P.F. AVG. R. PAX Two figs, standing. 4 B. Ja. P. 5. R. Legend erased. A soldier : in 1. h. a standard. Denariua. Ja. P. R. VIRTVS AVG. Fig.: in r. h. a wreath: in 1. a corniic. Denarius. Ja. P. G. R. VIRTVS AVGG. Armed fig. standing, in 1. h, a spear : in r. a shield on the ground. 1 B. Sheffbrd. 7. R. VICTORIA GERM. 3 B. 8. R. A stag, head turned back. 3 B. 9. R. The wolf suckling two infants. 4 B. C. C. B., M.A. 1845. 10. R. A fig. standing : in r. h. a branch. 4 B. 11. R. AVGG. A fig. in helmet: in 1. h. an inverted spear. 4 B. 12. R. The same. 18. o. GALLIENVS AVG. R A stag running. 4 B. Ja. P. SALONINA. xii. 4. 1. o. SALONINA AVG. R. PIETAS AVGG. Fem. fig. sitting, two children standing before her. Denarius. At Owsden. C. B. 184G. 2. o. COR. SALONINA AVG. R. ...MICO M.S. AVG. A stag. Exerg. L? 3 B. Ja P. 3. R. PVDICITIA. Fem. fig. standing : in r. h. a bow behind Q ? 4 B. Ja. P. AELIANVS. 1. o AELIANVS P.F. AVG R. VICTORI Fem. fig.: in r. h. extended a wreath. 8 B. Ja. P. POSTVMVS. xii. 9. 1. IMP. C. POSTVMVS P.F. AVG. R. ...MILITVM. Fig. bet. two standards. Denarius 16 2. B. HERC. PACIFERO. Fig. of Hercules. Denarius. Ja. P. 3. R. lOVI VICTORI. A fig. in helmet advancing. 3 B. C.,B. 1845. 4. o. IMP. C. POSTVMVS P.P. AVG. R. DIANAE LVCIFERAE. Diana standing. 3 B. 5. R. lOVI VICTORI? Jupiter: in r. h. spear: in 1. thunder- bolt. 4 B. Ja. P. 6. R COS. III. P.P Mil. fig. with spear in 1. h. 3 B. Ja. P. TETRICVS. xii. 11. 1. o. C. PIVES V. TETRIC. R. SPES POP. A fig. standing. 4 B. ' 2. R. A VGV. A fig. standing : in r. h. a spear : in 1. a comucopiae. 4B. 3. o. IMP. C. TETRIC VS P.F. AVG. R. SOLVS... A female fig. holding a garland. 4 B. C. B. 1845. 4. R. PRINCIP. A fig. marching : in 1. h. a staff. 3 B. 5. R. Fig. standing. 4 B. 6. 7- R. Salus holding a patera to a serpent. 3 B, 8. R. Of barbarous execution. TETRIC VS Jt. xiL 12. 1. R. 3 B. 2. R. The emperor standing, holding a branch of olive. 3 B. 3. R. PRINC. IVVENT. 4 B. VICTORINVS. xii. 10. 1. R. SALVS AVG. A fig.: in r. h. a garland; 1. a staff: before an altar. 4 B. 2, 3. The same. 4. R. VIRTVS AVG. Military fig. 4 B. 5. R. Of barbarous work. G. o. IMP. C. VICTORINVS. R. PIETAS. Fem. fig. before*an altar. 4 B. J. P. 17 CLAVDIVS 11. xii. 13. 1. o. IMP. C. CLAVDIVS AVG. R. LIBERTAS. Fig. of liberty. 3 B. Ja. P. 2. R. Erased. 3 B. Ja. P. 8. o. IMP. CLAVDIVS AVG. R. SALVS AVG. Fig. of a man standing: in 1. h. a cornii- copise ; r. a wreath over an altar. 4 B. C. C. E. 1846. 4. R. A fig. standing with spear in 1. h. : in r. a caduceus. 4 B. 5. R. A female fig., in 1. h. a cornucop. 4 B. 6. R. SALVS? AVG. A soldier, spear in r. h. AVRELIANVS. xii. 30. 1. o. IMP. AVRELIANVS AVG. C. C. B. 1846. R. SOLI INVICTO. A fig., in 1. a globe, with r. foot tramp- ling a captive: another behind him: below S. X..,.T. 2 B. C. C. B. 1846. 2. o. IMP. C. AVRELIANVS AVG. R. CONCORDIA MILITVM. Two soldiers with r. hands united. Exerg. ...XT... 3 B. Ja. P. 3. R. ORIENS AVG. A fig. holding in 1. h. a globe: r. h. ex- tended over a captive at his feet. 4 B. Ja. P. TACITVS. xii. 31. 1. o. IMP. CM. CL. TACITVS AVG. R. CLEMENTIA TEMP. A man in helmet: in r.h. an olive- branch: in 1. a spear and bow: ben. XXI Z. 3 B. C. C. B. 1846. 2. R. LAETITIA FVND. Fem. fig. : in r. h. a wreath : 1. an anchor. 3 B. 3. o. IMP. CM. CL. TACITVS AVG. R. AEQVITAS AVG. Justice. 3 B. Ja. P. 4. R. SPES PVBLICA. 3 B. 2 18 PROBVS. xi. 1. 1. o. IMP.CM.AVR. PROBVS P.F. AVG. Head radiate. SB. B. CLEMENTIA TEMPORVM. Two fem. fig. whose r. h. hold a victoriola : hen. S. (or E.) : 1. a spear. Exergue XX. 2. R. SECVRITAS ORBI. A female fig., in r. h. a spear. 8 B. C. C. B. 1846. 3. R. MARTI PACIFERO. Mars. 3 B. C. C. B. 1846. 4. o. IMP. CM. AVR. PROBVS AVG. R. TEMPORVM FELICITAS. Fem. fig-.: in r. h. a staff, caduceus-headed : in 1. h. a cornuc. 3 B. J. P. 5. R. VIRTVS PROBI AVG. A horseman stahbing an enemy. Exerg. KNr. 3 B. J P. 6. R. CLEMENTIA TEMP. Two fip-s. holding in r. h. joined a victoriola. 3 B. J. P. 7. R. CONCORDIA MILIT. A fem. fig. holding in each hand a standard, bet. F. and a star. Exerg. XXI. 4 B. J a. P. DIOCLETIANVS. xi. 3. 1. o. IMP. DIOCLETIANVS P. AVG. R. GENIO POPULI ROMANI. A fig. standing : r. h. ex- tended holding a wreath : in 1. a comucopifie, ben. TR., bet. A. and a star. 3 B. C. B. 1846. 2. The same. 3. o. IMP. DIOCLETIANVS P.F. AVG. R. FELIX ADVENT. AVGG. NN. In the field, fig. (em- peror) with the labarum in r. h. : in 1 at his feet an animal crouching. Exerg. D. N. P. 2 B. Ja. P. 4. R. CONCORDIA MILITVM. Two figs, holding a victory : exerg. B. 4 B. Ja. P. OARAVSIVS. xi. 4. 1. o. IMP. C. CARAVSIVS P.F. AVG. R. SALVS PVBLICA. A fig. in long robe bet. B. E. : in ex- ergue MLXXl. 3 B. C. B. ]845. 19 2. R. PAX AVG. A fell), fig., in r. li. a branch: in 1. a staff: bet. S. F. 3 B. C. B. 1846. 3 The same. C. S. 1845. 4 o. IMP. CARAVSIVS. R. P Fig. standing, spear across. Exerg. ML. 3 B. Ja. P. MAXIMIANVS. xi. 5. 1. o. IMP. MAXIMINIANVS P. F. AVG. R. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. Genius holding wreath in r. h. : in 1. a cornucopise. 2 B. Shefford. 2. o. IMP. MAXIMINIANVS NOBIL. C. R. The same as (1). Fig. bet. S. F. Exergue I T R. 2 B. 3. R. HERCVLI PACIFERO. Hercules bet. B. S. Exergue PML. 2 B. 4. o. IMP. C. MAXIMINIANVS AVG. R. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI. In the field B. Mercury, in r. h. a wreath : in 1. a cornuc. Exerg. L. P. 2 B. Ja. P. 5 o. IMP. C. VAL. MAXIMINIANVS AVG. R. PAX AVG. Fem. fig., in r. h. olive-branch : in 1. a staff: bet. S. P. Exerg. ML. 3 B. C. C. B. 1846. 6. R. PAX AVG. A fem. fig., in r. h. a victoriola : in 1. a speur turned back. Exerg. S. C. C. B. 7. o. BL. VAL. MAXIMIANVS NOB. CAES. R. CONCORDIA MILITVM. Two figs.: one holding a vic- tory in r. h. : in 1. a spear. Exerg. ANT. above a star over r- 3 B. Ja. P. 8. o. IMP. C. MAXIMIANVS R. VOT. XX \y\{\\m a wreath. LIOINIVS. xi. 8. 1. o. IMP. LICINIVS AVG. R. NOMINI N. LICIN. AVG. In the field VOT. XX. within a wreath : exerg. H ? ilS. 4 B. C. B. 1845. 2. R. GENIO POP. ROM. The emperor bet H. S. Exergue P. T. H. 3. R. Do. in the field S. E. Exergue P. L. N. 2 2 20 4. o. IMP. LICINIVS P.F.AVG. R. GENIO POP. ROM. A soldier, r. h. a wreath: 1. a spear inverse: bet. S. F.: below PLV. 4 B. C. C. B. 5. o IMP. LICINIVS P.F. AVG. R. GENIO POP. ROM. In the field T. R. Mercury, with wreath in r. h. : in 1. comuc. Exerg. Q. T. R. 4 B Ja. P. (>. R. lOVI CONSERVATORI AVG. A fig. holding in r. h. a victory : in 1. a staff: at its feet a bird having a wreath in its mouth. CONSTANTINVS. xi. 12. 1. o. IMP. CONSTANTINVS AVG. R. DN, CONSTANTINVS AVG. Within a wreath VOT. XX. : beneath P. R. 4 B. 2. R. SOLI INVICTO COMITI. A fig. bet. S. E. Exergue S. L. N. 3 B. S. B. 8. R. SOLI INVICTO. Standing fig. naked : head irradiate. Exergue D. L. N.: bet. T. I. 3 B. Shefford. 4. R. Do. in the field T. F. Exergue P. T. R. 8 B. 5. R. Do. Exergue N. T. 3 B. (l. 0. CONSTANTINVS AVG. R. MARTI CONSERVATORI. Helmeted head. 7. R. PRINCIPI IV...ENTV.... In the field S. A. A soldier: in r. h. a sword, point on the ground. 3 B. Ja. P. 8. o. CONSTANTINVS FIL. AVGG. R. GENIO AVGVSTI. Mercury: in r. h. a wreath: in 1. a cornuc. In the field T. Exerg. SIS. 3 B. Ja. P. 9. R. ...MILITVM. Altar; on its front VOTIS XX. bet. C. P. Exergue P. L. C. 4 B. K). R. SARMATIA DEVICTA. Victory with a trophy in r. h. and palm-branch in 1., trampling on a captive seated before her. 3 B. 11. o. CONSTANTINVS NOB. CAES. R. Two soldiers, each holding with one h. a shield between them, the other a spear : beneath T. R. S. 4 B. 21 12. o. FL. VAL. CONSTANTINVS NOB. R. GENIO POP. ROM. Exerg. P. L. N. 8 B. 13. R. CONCORDIA MILITVM. A fig. in long robe between two standards. Exerg. P. L. N. C. B. 1845. 14. R. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two soldiers, two standards planted between them. Exerg. TR. P. 4 B. J. P. 1845. 15. The same. Exerg. P. L. S. 16. R. GLORIA IN EXERCI. 3 B. 17. The saipe : one standard. 18. R. ...TVS. A soldier on either side of two standards ; between these last a thunderbolt. In exerg. P. CONST, i. e. Pecu- nia Constantini. 19. The same : except a wreath between the standards. 20. R. GENIVS ROM. Fig. of Mercury, bet. S. P. C. S. 1846. 21. o. I... CONSTANTINVS AVG. R. PROVIDENTIA D.... In the field the Praetorian gate; a star above it. 4 B. 22. The same. 23. 0. FL. R. 24. o. IMP. CONSTANTINVS AVG. R. A fig. standing between S, F. : beneath P. L. N. 25. R. SOLI INVICTO COMITI. Sol standing with r.h. ex- tended : in the field S. P. Exerg. M. S. L. 4 B. 26. R. PROVIDENTIAE. Sol between two. 3 B. 27. R. VICTORIAE LAETAE PRIN. PERP. Two figs. ben. D.M.N. 4B. 28. o. CONSTANTINVS. Head helmeted. R. Winged fig. advancing, in 1. h. a shield : r. a spear. Exerg. T. R. P. And four others like it. 29. R. MARTI PATRI PROPVG. A soldier charging with spear. Exerg. P. L. N. 3 B. C. S. 30. R. SOLI INVICTO COMITI. In the field T. F. Fig. of Sol. Exerg. P. L. C. 3 B. Ja. P. Do. (bis.) 22 31. R. BEATA TRANQVILLITAS. An altar bearing on front VOTIS XX. Exerg. P. T. H. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 32. B. Id. Exerg. E. SIS. 33. R. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two standards bet. two soldiers. Exerg. T. R. S. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 34. R. SARMATIA DEVICTA. Victory trampling on a captive. Exerg. P. T. R. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 35. B. PROVIDENTIA AVG. A triumph, arch : above it a star. Exerg. S. O. N. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. ' 36. B. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two standards between two sol- diers. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 37. B. Do. One do. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 38. B. Do. Do. bearing N. 4B, Richb. Ja. P. 39. B. GLORIA ROJMANORVM. Two iigs. holding wreaths. Exerg. R. P. 4 B. Richb. Ja. P. 40. o. CONSTANTINVS MAX. AVG. B. GLORIA EXERCITVS. Two standards, on either side a soldier, spear in r. h. ; in 1. h. a sword. Exerg. R. P. 3 B. E. L. 1847. 41. o. CONSTANTINVS the younger. B. The arch, over it a star. 4 B. C. B. 1847. 42. o. IMP. CONSTANTINVS MAX. AVG. B. VICTORIAE L. A. PRINCIP. P. P. 4 B. Chesterford, C. S. 1847. 43. o. CONST ANTINOPOLI. Head of Constantine. B. Winged fig. with spear in r. h. ; in 1. h. shield. Exerg. T. R. P. VALENTINIANVS. o. DN. VALENTINIANVS AVG. R. GLORIA ROMANORVM. In the field F.R. A fig.: in ]. h. the labarum; in r. h Exerg. SIS. CP. 4 B. Ja P. 23 OmSPVS. X. 14. 1. o. DN. CRISPO NOB. CAES. Head helmeted. R. VJ EXERCITVS. A standard, bearing on it VOT. XX. between two sitting figures : in the field N. S. Ex- ergue N. B. S.(?) 2. o. PL. IVL. CRISPVS NOB. CAES. R. PROVIDENTIA Triumphal arch: a star over it. Exerg. S. AANT. 4 B. Ja. P. OONSTANS. xi*. 14. 1. o. DN. CONS TANS P. F. AVG. R. A dove with a branch in its mouth, upon a globe : beneath H. P. 4 B. C. B. 1845. ' 2. o. DN. CONST ANS P. F. AVG. R PARATIO. An eagle on a pile, holding a branch in its bill: ben. PLC >}< 4 B. R. VLTOR Bet. two soldiers bearing standards. SB. n. o. FL. IVL. CONSTANS. R EXEKCITVS. Bet. two soldiers, bearing in r.h. a spear: ben 4B. 4. R. VICTORIAE DD. AVGG. QM. N. Two soldiers, each bearing in r. h. a wreath : in 1. a standard, upon two ser- pents: ben. T. R. P. S. (3). 4B. .5. R. VICTORIAE DD. NN. AVGG. CONST. Two victories. Exerg. T. R. P. Another, double stnick. MAGNENTIVS. xi. 15. 1. R Christian symbol, bet. A. 12. 2 B. Ja. P. 2. o. DN. MAGNENTIVS P. F. AVG. R. SALVS DD. NN. AVG. ET CAES. Monogram of Christ, bet. A. and G. 3 B. 3. R. The same. 3 B. 4. R. VICTORIA Two winged figs, supporting a shield bet. f VOT. j them: ^^^ iMjuvf T f ' ""^®^* *^^® shield a column: be- ( x:^ 1 hind the head of the emperor A. Exerg. T. R. P. 3 B. 24 5. o. DN. MAGNENTIVS P. F. AVG. Behind the head A. H. VICTORIA 8B. 6. R. VICTORIAE DD. NN. AVG. ET CAES Two victories f VOT. ] supporting a shield, inscribed with < Tyry t t r ^P^^ ^ I X. 1 column. (3). 3 B. 7. B. A winged fig. holding a shield, on which VOT. V. MVLT. X. 4B. 8. o. Behind the head A. R. VICTORIA POP Two winged figures holding a shield, on which VOT. V. MVLT. 3 B. 9. o. DN. MAGNENTIVS P.F. AVG. R. GLORIA ROMA NORVM. A horseman spearing an enemy.' Exerg. R.S. LON. 3 B. Ja. P. CONSTANTIVS. xi. 16. 1. o. DN. CONSTANTIVS P.F. AVG. D. B. A soldier striking a captive with his spear. Exei-g. R. P. 4B. 2. R RIA EXERCITVS. Two soldiers, in 1. h. spear in- verted : r. h. standard. 3. R. Two soldiers : bet. the labarum inscribed with the monogram of Christ. 4 B. 4. R. GLORIA EXERCITVS. A standard between two soldiers. Exerg. SN. 4 B. Ja. P. 5. o IVL. CONSTANTIVS NOB. C. B. PROVIDENTIE CAESS. The arch : above it a star. Exerg. S. T. R. 4 B. Chesterford. C. B. 1847. 6. o. DN CONSTANTIVS P. F. AVG. R. CONCORDIA AVGG. In the field O. A fern. fig. seated. Exerg. ANTB. 4 B. Ja. P. 7. R. VICTORIA Two fem. figs, holding bet. them a shield, on which VOT. MVLT. X. 4 B. Ja. P. 8. o. DN. CONSTANTIVS AVG. R. FEL. TEMP. REPARATIS. A fem. fig. leading a boy from a — shadowed by a branch. Exerg. A. SIS. M. 3 B. Ja. P. 25 VALENS. xi 19. 1. o. DN. VALENS P.F. AVG. R, SECVRITAS RKIPVBLICAE. A fig. in r. h. a wreath; in 1. a corauc. Exerg. N.AO ? 4 B. Ja. P. 2. Iterum. 3. R. GLORIA ROMANORVM. A soldier with r. h. on the head of a captive. 4 B. Ja. P. 4. R. SECVRITAS REI PUBLICAE. Victory. Exerg. P. CONST. 4 B. Shefford. 5. R. Do. do. do. beneath CO. 4 B. G. R. GLORIA ROMANORVM. A soldier trampHng on a cap- tive : in r. h. a standard. Beneath S.M. V. R. B. (2). 4B. . 7. R. SECVRITAS REI PVBLICAE. Victory. Between D.F. and III. Beneath CONST. 8. R. Do. between ^ and F. do. Beneath II. SIS. CV? 4 B. beneath GRAC. 4 B. beneath TRS. 4 B. E. V. 1845. VALENTINIANVS. xi. 18. 1. o. DN. VALENTINIANVS AVG. R. VICTORIA AVGG. Two figs, with r. h. holding a globe ; above a winged fig. Exerg. COM. Aureus, 1845. In the turf near Wisbeach. 2. R XERCITVS. A soldier: in r. h. a globe ; in 1. a spear with r. foot trampling on a captive : ben. O.N.S.B. : on the r. of the field ^ . 3 B. C. C. B. 1846. 3. R ROMANORVM. A soldier with r. h. on a captive ; bet. R. N. and III. Exerg. P. CON. 4 B. C. C. B. 1846. 4. R ROMANORVM. In the field DF. II. 4 B. C. B. 1845. 9. R. Do. do. do. 10. R. Do. do. do. 26 5. R. GLORIA ROMANORVM. In the field a star. Exeig r>. o. DN. VALENTINIANVS. R. GLORIA EX A soldier : in 1. h. a spear : r. h. on head of a captive. 4 B. Chesterford. C. B. 1847. IVLIANVS. xi. 17. o. DN. CL. IVLIANVS AVG. R. VOTISV. MVLTIS X. hen. T. CON. Denarius. GEATIANVS. xi. 21. 1. o. DN. GRATIANVS AVGG. AVG. Head banded. R. GLORIA ROMAE SOLI. A soldier holding in r. h. a standard : in 1. a shield resting on the ground. Beneath T. CON. 4 B. C. B. 1845. 2. R. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE. A fig. marching : r. h. : in 1. h. a shield. Exerg. CON. 4 B. C.I. 1844. R. Do. Victory. In the field ON. 4 B. .3. o. DN. GRATIANVS AVGG. AVG. R. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE. Fig. : in a wreath in 1. an olive-branch. Exerg. NC. P ? In the field OF. I. Ja. P. THEODOSIVS. o. DN. THEODOSIVS P.F. AVG. R. VICTORIA AVGG. Two figs, sitting : r. and 1. hands joined, and supporting a globe : above which a wdnged figure half-length: ben. TROBS. Aureus. 1845, at Leamington. AKOADIVS. X. 27. 1. R. VICTORIA AVGGG. A Avinged fig. marching: beneath L.V.C. P. 4B. C.B.I 847. 27 2. R. VICTORIA AVGGG. Victory with wieath. 4 B. 3. R. VICT. Victory. 1. R. VRBS ROMA. Head helmeted. Supposed of the Gothic kingdom in Italy, xi. 32. In the aisle vaulting of S. Sep. Ch. E. L. 1844 The wolf suckling two infants : above two stars. 3 B. 3 others. 1. o. LEON BASILEVS ROM. R. LEON GRECO BASILEVS ROMEOR. In 4 lines, xi. 32. ENGLISH COINS. ANCIENT BRITISH, &c. 1. o. Head in imitation of that of Hercules, covered with lion's skin, on the silver of Alexander of Macedon. R. Horse galloping : underneath T. A. 2. A small gold coin. British? Found at Haddenham. x. 80. S. B. 1845. 3. Silver. OfFa Rex. o. OFFA REX. HeadofOffa. R. LLA. A double circle, the inner enclosing a cross, x. 26. W. P. 1845. 4. Twenty Coins from the Cuerdale find. 1840. o. A cross croslet CR. TEN+V or CNVT REX. R. CVN NET TI. Supposed to be the place of mintage, x. 31—32. Granted by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, July, 1844, with twelve silver bars found at the same time and place. See the Numismatical Journal, Lindsay on Coins, 4to. p. 132, 80. 6. Five counterfeit Saxon small coins, x. 27. E. L. 1847. 6. Two Stycas. 7. Penny of Edward Confessor ? 8. Penny of ET H ELRA ED. ( Sole monarch ). o. His profile to the left, before him a sceptre. R. CRVX. Within the arms of a cross J^LFNOD.M-O.LVN4-. Found in Fo-ee School Lane. x. 26. C. C. B. O.Penny, o. ALEXANDER D.G.R +. Head crowned, and sceptre. R. REX SCOTOR +. Four stars in the arms of a simple cross. 10. R VILLA EDIN Do 11. Sterling of John, Duke of Brabant, ix. 32. 29 HENRY I. 1. Penny. HENRY II. Penny, r. Four crosses between the arms of a cross. HENRY III. Penny. 1. o. HENRICVS R. EX. R. +AVISA+HR. EC ON IC. Four pellets joined by lines between the amis of a double cross. C S. 1847. 2. o. HENRICVS REX III. R. OM. VID....1E OLE. 3. o. Do. ! R. RIC. NDE ...EN? 4. o. Do. R. RIC. ARD ONL INE ? 5. o. HENRICVS REX III. 6. o. Do. R. WIL LEM ...ORIZ. EDWARD I. jl. +EDWAR R ANGL. ET DNVS. HYB. Quarter Kiall. j^. STABILITVR IN GLORIA. A rose. Found at Shelf ord^ 1845. Half-Groat. 1. 3. J. S. 2. o. EDW. R. ANGL. HYB. R. CIVITAS LONDON. S. B. 3. o. EDVVAR. ANGLIC. HYB. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. S. B. 4. R. Do. 30 Penny. 1. o. +EDW. R. | ANGL. D. | NVS HYB u. CIVITAS DVBLINIE. Head in a triangle. Found on the New Bot. Gard. ground, 1846. 2. R. CIVITAS CESTRIE. From the Dove. SB. 3. R. CIVITAS LINCOLN. Do. 4. R. ALOTER MONETA. 5—6. Two others. 7. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. 2. 8. R. CIVITAS LONDON. 5. (1)C.B.1846. 9. o. +EDWA R. ANGLIE DN. HYB. R. CIVITAS LONDON. Halt-penny. r. CIVITAS LONDON. EDWARD II. Penny. 1. r. VILLA BRISTOLIE. 2. 2. R. CIVITAS LONDON. 8. (1) C. C. B. 3. R. CIVITAS DURESME. 4. R. CIVITAS EBORACI. 5, 6. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. C. C. B. o. EDW. R. ANGL. DNS. HYB. 7. R. CIVITAS LONDON. Ja. P. Half-penny. See pi. iv. 13, Ffolkes. A pellet on each side of tlie head. New. Bot. Gard. J. J. S. 1847. EDWARD III. Groat. 1. o. EDWARD DI GRA. REX ANGL. et FRANC. Mint-mark, a cross croslet. R. POSVI, &c. Mark, a star of 8 points, in the inner circle CIVITAS LONDON. C.B.1847. 2. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. Ai Lidgate, Csmh.C.B. 3. o. +EDWARVS REX ANTOLIE. SB. H. CIVITAS LONDON in inner c•il•ck^ 31 Half-groat. J. Cotteriham Feu. J. F. 2. o. +EDWARDVS REX ANGLI. B. CIVITAS LONDON. The pellets on reverse are united by an amulet. Ruding, Plate III. No. 17. E. V. 1846. Penny. b. Civitas London. CIVITAS CANTOR. HENRY IV. o. HENRIC DI. GRA. REX ANGL. DN. HYB. R. POSVI,&c. in outer circle: in the inner CIVITAS CANTOR. RICHARD Penny. 11. Half penny. HENRY IV. Groat. 1 (). RICARD. K. CIVITAS CIVITAS 1>. G. LONDON. LONDON. + HENRIC. D. GRA. REX ANGL. R. On outer ring POSVI DEV ADIVTOR MEV. On inner ring CIVITAS LONDON. At Hud- denham. S. B. Half-penny. 1. r. CIVITAS LONDON. 2. Do. EDWARD Groat. IV. CIVITAS LONDON in inner circle. POSVI DEVM ADIVTORE MEVM in outer circle. Half-groat. 1. r. In inner circle CIVITAS CANTOR. In outer POSVI DEVM ADIVTORE MEVM. Lid gate. C. B. 1846. 2. Do. See Ruding, Fig 12, PL V. Half-penny. HENRY VII. 1 Groat. 1. R. CIVITAS LONDON. 2. R. VILLA CALISIE. Half-groat. 1. o. Arched crown, full face. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. 32 2. o. HENRIC. + VII + DI + GRA + REX + AGL+. R. POSVI + DEV+ADIVTORE + MEV. Mint mark, a rose on both sides. Penny. 1. The King seated on a throne. B. Under the shield two keys. Half-penny. o. Arched crown, full face. R. LONDON. HENRY VIII. Groat. 1. R. BRISTOLIE CIVITAS. Full face. 2—4. Two side faced: two having on b. a shield between T. W. for Thomas Wolsey : one, between T. E. for Thomas Eboracensis. S. B. J. J. S. Groat. o. HENRIC. VIII. D.G. R.A Side face. R. CIVITAS CANTOR. Shield bet. T. E. Half-groat. 1—4. Two with side face : one 1561, other n. d : on the sides of shield severally, T. C. and W A. Penny, 1. o. Fig. seated. R. Shield between T. W. EDWARD VI. Shilling, o. Full-faced head bet. a rose on r. h., and xii. Testoon. o. Side-face. R. Shield bet. E. R. INDUAM INIMICOS EJUS CUM CONFUSIONE. ELISABETH. Sixpence. 1. B 2. 3. 4. Mint-mark, a dove : n. d. POSVI &c. Do. cross-croslet : w^. 1573. rose behind the head. 1574. same. 33 Shilling 1. Mint-mark, cross crosskt. S. B. 1846. 2. Rose behind the head, 1574. From New Bot. Gard. ground, 1846. 3. Mint-mark, a hand. 4. Base. Sixpence. 1—8. Dates, 1561, 1562, 1565, 1567, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1591. 9. 1602. At Fulbourn. 10. 1570. Rose behind the head : mint-mark, a crown. S. B. 11. Do. mint-mark, a plume. S. B. 12, 13. Hammered and milled. Fourpence. 5. Dates, 1554, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1572, 161^— Rose behind the head. New Bot. Gard. 1847. Threepence. 1. 1571. 2. Base. Twopence. 1—5. o. E. D. G. ROSA SINE SPINA. R. CIVITAS LONDON. 6. Behind the head two pellets. R. CIVITAS LONDON. Three-halfpenny. 1561. Penny. 1. o. ROSA SINE SPINA. E.D.G. Head of Elis. R. CIVITAS LONDON. The mint-mark, a crescent. 2. Do. two pellets behind the head. MARY Q. OF SOOTS. MARIA D. SCOTORVM. Between M. R. a thistle crowned. OPPIDVM ED..BVRGI. A St Andrew's cross: on either side a star. 34 JAMES I. Shilling. 1—2. Sixpence. 1 — 5. Twopence. 1. Copper. Farthing. Irish. 1623. (S. B. 1845.) o. D. G. ROSA SINE SPINA. R. THRONVM FIRMAT IVS. o. Do. R. TVEATVR VNITA DEVS. o. lACO. D.G. MAG. BRI. Crown and sceptre. R. Harp crowned. FRA. ET HIB. REX. dr. V. ss. 7. CHARLES I. Crown-piece. 1. Half-crown. Shilling. Sixpence. o. Charles on horseback. R. CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO. J.J.S. o. Charles on horseback. R. RELIG. PROT. LEG. ANG. LIBER. PAR. Between three fleurs de lis above and 1642 below. J. J. S. Base money. R. EXVRGAT DOxMINVS &c. R. CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO. Mint- mark, a hell ? XII. behind head. S. B. 5. Do. o. CAROLVS D. GRAT. BR. FR. ET HI. REX. Behind the head VL R. CHRISTO AVSPICE REGNO. 35 Twopence. 1. Scotch piece. Behind the head XX. 2. o. ..RO... R. . . . CIVITAS . . . DOV. From New BoU Gard. ground, 1846. Penny. 1. o. ITA DEVS IVVAT EVM. R. D.G. ROSA SINE SPINA. 2. o. Head. CAROLVS. B. F. ET H. REX. R. IVSTITIA THRONVS. Mite. 1. o. CAROLVS D. G. MA. BRIT. R. FRANC. HI. REX. 2. o. Crown and crossed sceptres. Mint-mark, crescent. R. Crown surmounting the rose. New Bot. Gard. J. J. S. 1847. 3. Do. 4. R. Harp^ crowned. Larger and thinner. Irish token. r. Crown surmounting the harp. New Bot. Gard. J. J. S. 1847. Medal, silver, o. CH. MAG. ET HEN. MAX. BRIT. REX & REG. Heads of Charles and Henrietta. Marriage-medalet. r. FVNDIT AMOR LILIA MIXTA ROSIS, 1625. Boy holding in 1. h. three lilieSj in r. h. roses. Cx)pper. Half-penny. Scotch. OLIVER CROMWELL. Half-crown. 1632. (IL VI. over the united shields.) J.J.S. ShiUing. 1657- Twopence. 1. J. J. S. 2. II. over the two shields. S. B. Penny. o. Shield with S. George's cross bet. palm and olive branch. R. Shields united bearing S. Andrew's cross and harp. 36 Half-penny. A Medal. Shield bearing harp on one side, do. bearing cross on the other. E. L. 1847. CHAELES II. Gold. Two-guinea piece. C. W. G. 1846, Silver. Crown. 1. 1662. J. J. S. 2. 1673. Half-crown. 1. 1672. A forgery. J. J. S. Shilling. 1—3. 1668, 1668, J. J. S. 1679, S. B. Sixpence. 1674. J.J. S. Fourpence. 1—3. 1672, 1679, do. Threepence. 1—7. 1672, do., do., do., 1674, do.. 1679, do. Twopence. 1—5. 1659, do., S. B. 1670, 1673, 1679. 1679. R. Crown surmounting two linked Cs. C. B. 1847. Penny. 1—2. 1670, 1675. 3. B. CHRISTO. REGNO. Copper. Half-penny. 1680, Scotch. 1683, Irish. Farthing. 1—6. 1671, do., 1672, 1674, 1675. 1677, Scotch. JAMES TI. Crown-piece. 1687 1 J. J. S. ShiUing. 1685. J. J. S. Sixpence. 1685, 1687. Fourpence. 1687, do. Threepence. 1686, 1687. J. J. S. Twopence. 1687. J.J. S. Penny, 1685, 1687. J. J. S. Gun-money. Crown 1690, struck on a half-crown Brass-money, xxx. 1690, 1689; xii. 1689; do. 1690. Do xxx. Gun-money. ShiUing, 1689. 37 WILLIAM III. AND Crown-piece. 1. 2. 3. Half-crown. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2—5. 6. Copper. Half-penny. 1. 2—3. 4. Farthing. 1 — 3. 4—8. 9. 10. Medal. Shilling. Sixpence. Fourpence. Threepence. Twopenny. Penny. 1691. 1695. 1696. 1689. 1692. 1698. 1693. 1695. 1693. 1696. 1697. 1689. 1701. 1692. 1701. 1690. 1694. 1690. 1691. 1701. MARY. William & Mary. J. J. S. 1845. William. J.J. S. Guilielmus III. C. W. G. 1846. William & Mary. C. C. B. William & Mary. J. J. S. William III. William & Mary. J. J. S. William. J. J. S. William & Mary. J. J. S. William. J.J. S. William. I. B. William & Mary. J. J. S. William. J.J. S. William & Mary. J. J. S. William. J. J. S. William. William & Mary. WiUiam & Maiy. J. J. S. William & Mary. WUliam. J. J. S. William & Mary. 1692, 1694, 1697- William & Mary. Irish. 1693, 1694. WUHam. 1600, 1695, do., 1699, 1700. 1692, 1694, do. William & Mary. 1694, 1696, 1697, do., 1700. William. 1699. From New Bot. Gard. 1700. Gulielmus Tertius D. G. Maria II. DEI GRA. Large mortuary, 1694. 38 ANNE. Gold. Half-guinea. Silver. Crown-piece. Half-Crown. Shilling. Sixpence. Fourpence. Threepence. Twopence. Trial-piece. Copper. Farthing. 1712. From Haddenham. 1708. J. J. S. 1846. 1707. J. J. S. 1707, 1711. J. J. S. 1846. 1711. J. J. S. 1708, 1710. J. J. S. 1707. J. J. S. 1710. J. J. S. o. A. DEI GRAT. J. P. R. Two figures. GEORGE I. Gold. Guinea. 1719. Silver. Crown-piece. 1726. J. J. S. Half-crown. 1720. J. J. S. ShUling. 1705. J. J. S. Sixpence. 1720. J. J. S. Threepence.1— 2. 1713, 1717. J. J. S. Twopence. 1—2. 1717, 1721. J. J. S. Penny. 1742. J. J. S. Copper. Half-penny. Farthing. 1—6. 1712, 1717, 1720, 1723, 1724, 1728. 1—8. 1710, do., 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1719- New Bot. Gard. 1846. 9. Irish. 39 GEORGE II. Crowai-piece. 1741. J. J. S. Half-crown. 1741. J. J. S. Shilling. 1—2. 1739, C. C. B. 1741, J. J. S. Fourpence. 1739. J. J. S. Threepence. 1740. Twopence. 1—2. 1732, 1746. J. J. S. Penny. 1—2. 1746, 1750. J. J. S. Copper. Half-penny. 1—8. 1733, 1736, 1739, 1746, do., 1750, 1751, 1767. 9—10. Hibernia. 1741, 1742. 11. Manx. 1733, 1758. Farthing. 1—3. 1737, 1738, 1754. 4. 1736. Forged. GEORGE III. Dollar. Bank of England. 1804. C. C. B. Shilling. 1. 1787. 2. Birmingham. 1811. 3. March. o. GEORGIVS III. DEI GRATIA. R. BANK TOKEN. FIVEPENCE. IRISH. JUNE 5. C. B. 1847. Sixpence. 1787. Fourpence. 1818. J. J. S. Threepence. 1—5. 1762, do., 1763, do. S. B. 1818. Penny. 1—3. 1781, 1800, 1818. J. J. S. * Copper. Twopenny-piece. 1. S. B. 2. J. P. Penny. 1—6. 1798, 1806, 1807, 1811, 1813. 6. Manx. 1797- 40 Half-penny. 1—15. 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1791, do., do., 1792, 1793, do., do., 1799, 1805, 1806. 16. 1781. North Britain. 17—18. 1798, 1813, Manx. 19. 1805. HIBERNIA. Farthing. 1—4. 1773, do., 1780, 1799. 5. 1806. Hibei-nia. COLONIAL. Silver. Twopenny-piece. East India X Cash. 1 808. Copper. Penny. 1. Barbadoes. 1798. 1 Cent. 2. Sierra Leone. 1791. 2 Quarts. 3. Gibraltar. 1802. LOCAL*. Half-penny. Birmingham. 1793, 1794. Bury. Coventry. 1795. Dublin. 1813. Exeter. 1792. Hull. 1791. Inverness. 1793. Leeds. 1793. Liverpool. 1792. London. 1795. London and Brighton. 1795. Norwich. 1792, 1811. Norwich Barracks. 1793. Ossory. 1793. Poole. 1797. Portsea. 1795. Rochdale. 1792. * See C. Pye's Engraved Collection, Birmingham, 8vo. 179.' 41 Sherburn. 1793. Southampton. 1 791 . Spalding. 1794. Sudbury. 1793. Yorkshire. 1793. Medal. 1790, 1811, 1814, do. 1777. Gustavus Vasa. Counterfeit Shillmgs. 1777, 1783. GEORGE IV. Crown-piece. 1822. J. J. S. Peimy. 1823. Copper. Penny. ^ Nova Scotia. 1824, Farthing. 1—5. 1821, 1822, 1823, 1826, 1828. COLONIAL AND LOCAL. Silver. o. The royal arms, with a small shield crowned in centre. R. COLONIAR. BRITAN. MONET. 1822. Crown over the anchor : on either side XVI. Copper. Half-penny. Birmingham. 1795. Brunswick. 1795, do. Frederick D. of York. 1795. S. Helena. 1821. Irish. 8—9. 1775, 1823. 7. Nova Scotia. 1823. 4 42 WILLIAM IV. Silver. Three-halfpenny. 1834. Copper. 1834. 8 Doubles. Guernsey. 1880. 4 Doubles. do. 1830. 1 Double, do. do. VICTORIA. Half-penny. Gibraltar. Two Quarts. 1842. Half-farthing. 1844. APPENDIX. ROM. CONSULAR. 1. Family PAPIA. C. W. K. 1844 2—3. CALPURNIA. Do. 4. JULIA. Do. 6. o Elephant: below CAESAR. B. Implements pontifical. 6. o. III. VIR. Head. GETA. B. Dog attacking a wild beast pierced with a dart. C. B. 1847. Note. Additions to the Collection since April 1847, will appear in a subsequent catalogue. ABBREVIATIONS. DONORS. C B. C. Bennet, M.A., Vicar of Owsden, Cambridgeshire. C. C. B. C. C. Babington, M.A., S. John's College. S. B. Rev. S. Banks, P. Curate of Haddenham. C. W. G. C. W. Goodwin, M.A., Fellow of S. Catharine's Hall. C. W. K. C. W. King, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College. C. I. C. Ivatt, B.A., Sidney Sussex College. E. L. Mr E. Litchfield, Cambridge. J. P. J. Pearson, M.A., Caius College. W. P. W. Palmer, M.A., Rector of Eynesbury, Hunts. J. Pa. J. Packe, Esq., Vice-Provost of King's College. C. S. C. Sparkes, M.A., Chesterford. J. J. S. J.J.Smith,M.A.,Fellow and Tutor of Gonville and Caius College. E. V. Rev. E. Ventris, Queens' College. C. W. C. Warren, M.A., Vicar of Over, Cambridgeshire. Note. 1 B, 2B, &c. mean Brass of the first Sec. magnitude. The reference to Smyth is to his Catalogue of medals, privately printed, 4to. Bedford, 1834. This work is an excellent model of a Catalogue. O. stands for obverse. R reverse. The Roman numeral at the end of each description gives the drawer of the Cabinet ; the common numeral following it the compart- ment in that drawer. Richb. attached to the description of a coin, signifies that it belongs to a collection of coins found at Richborough and Reculver in Kent, presented by the Vice-Provost of King's College. The Museum also contains a large number of tokens and foreign coins ; a catalogue of these may ere long be printed. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 5454^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY