i/ot/S 11 |iM Illii^i^ to iliilliiiifi iilH^^^^^^^^^^^^ .1 1^ i^i 'ilniliiilillPjl I'll!" \\\\ 'li'j'.ii i^P^ iliiiiiiiliiiB^^^^^^ iliiil iiiiiii'iiiii!iiiliip|iiiiii8^^ iiiir it! 11 I 1 iiilii m Peceiva] 'Ho'MaucriAtakn- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UNITY FESTIVALS Freedom, Fellowship and Character in Religion.' m^'-^2l^.V::7i Abraham Lincoln Centre Edition CHICAGO 1 90s PREFACE. ORUilN AND ITRPOSE. These P'estivai Services have not been made all at once but have grown duriiij: seeral years, called forth by the increasing observance of these four Festivals in cur cliurches. Some of the Services have been used many times, and revised as experience has dictated. Very far indeed they are from })erfect. Expressions of worship grow very slowly to their noblest form. But these have come from so much and so reverent trial that we hope they will help awhile to make our Easter, Summer. Harvest and Christmas Festivals not only occasions, but the recurring occasions which bring with them every year the same thoughts and observance, associated with the same words and songs of worship. The influence of association is what we seek mainly, which is gained by using the same service year after year; it is our experience that with every repetition the Service grows dearer, more toucliing, more helpful. By degrees, tender and sacred memories will gather around them, which will make their recurrence truly sacramental. The element of variety is provided in the carols and hymns, and in the places left in the Services for each minister to select Scripture readings for himself. It is hoped and believed that the value of these Festival Days will become very great, both for the thoughts enshrined in them and for their joyful character; and that they will deepen and elevate the worship part of our church-life To "these four it is hoped that each church will add a fifth, in its own way, namely, a Covenant or Fellowship Day, which may become for each its own most tender and beautiful observance : we have tried to supply some help toward this object. MANNER OF USING. 1. All the music of the Services is meant for singing by the Con- gregation. It is well to have a choir, provided it be in sympathy with the people and with the worship ; but let it be merely helper and leader. A choir which supplants the singing of the congregation, or interferes with it, is nothing but an injury. 2. By the congregation we mean old and young togetlier. These Festival Days should be especially marked by the participation of all the children in the service. 3. The music should he thoroughly learned beforehand. We know by actual trial that there is no music in these services which children cannot master. Once having learned it thoroughly, they love it and remember it from year to year. Thus we have found it possible, after one or two repetitions, to go into church, when the day returns the next year, without any preperation, as freely and naturally as to any usual service; and this adds to the occasion great sincerity, beauty and enjoyment. 4. The Christmas Carols, though not specially divided by head" ings, are grouped as much as })osible in three divisions, namely, Religious Thoughts and Associations, the Christmas Story and Carols for the Tree. 5. It will be grateful and helpful to take up a collection for some noble charity at the Harvest Service; a good place for it is after the responses which follow the Sermon. Copyrighted, 1S84, by Western Unitarian Sunday School Society, INDEX. SERVICES. Ftf*. Easter, 1 Flower Service, 9 Harvest, 17 ( "firist mas, 29 National Service, 41 Christening, 49 Covenant Service, 53 CAROLS AND HYMNS. EASTi:i{ ('AI{<)I,S. Clear in memory's silent readies. 62 Come ye faithful, raise the strain 59 Come sinu with holy ;;;lailness 58 Father omnipotent, joyliil and thankful, 00 It singeth low in e\ ery lieart OS One thoutflit I have, a >inii)If ereeii (18 Over the hillt:, across the plain 57 Standing on the shore at morn ins; 57 The dead arc like the stars by dav 01 Sl'MMER S0XG8. Hark! The lilies whisper 67 Lovely silver flower, 68 The Summer days are come again 09 The Sunday is here 6,T The world of God how fair 00 Thou art the true and loving God, t)8 "Tis Summer, glorious Summer, GO HARVEST SONGS. Now ing we a song for the harvest 71 Once more the liberal year laughs out 72 We plow the fertile meadows 70 CHRISTMAS CAROLS. As I kept watch beside my sheep, 84 Christ is horn, oh I happy day, 8.'{ Come with carol, Christmas carol, 95 From the merry ('hristmas time 99 Glory to God in the hight'st S2 Mail I tliou lovely beaming night 78 Hark I a burst of heavenly music, 85 Hark ! the glad sound, tlu^ Helper comes 70 Hark I the herald angels sing, 73 I heard the bells on Christmas day 7.3 In numbers and but these few, 89 It comes upon the midnight clear, 75 JeBUB, by thy simple beauty, 70 Joy and peace the angels .sang, M .loyftilly. Joyfully, Carol Clirlstina^ l".!',*- 92 I-oii^'. long niro, in lunngcr low 71 Now conic, your ii.'itKcnis Viringing 05 () now ilcp.itt from ovory heart 7'.' Out. of ovciy clime and people 7V lUnix ont lilt, bells for Chriistmas 87 Silent night. Holy night 88 Simple caroKers are we 85 Sing the hrigiit incaisiire, '.13 Sweetest of nioasures 97 The first Xowe. that the angels did say 90 There's a wonderful tree 91 Thongh angry rjar Outside the door 98 We three kings jf Orient are 88 What shall we s'.n- lliis Merry Christmas 8(1 When lirightly d .wniiiir hrcalcs the light 81 Wintry weatlier. let it gather l)j With wondering a ve the w i^^c men saw, 81 N.VTIOXAL SONCJS. Around I see tlic | ^wer.- that be 113 l)wth Messed reward to those who \v'>i~hip him. I'rai-c him who i> i,ifc i'tci'nal and Being Everlasting, tlie Iledei-mer and Savior. ftop/e; Praise Wiiat nigh is and wiiat distant, it cometli all from God : The stalk of straw, tlie starlight, the .s])arrow, and the sea. Every good and ])erfect gift, etc. Iksponscs. From him is the tree and its leaves ; the corn and fruit from him. The gentle winds of S]iring, and the snow and tiie uproar of the storm. He bestows on us countless jovs and makes us fresh and ruddy with health: He gives to the beasts their i)asturage, and bread to the children of men. He comes unseen into the house, And wat(!hes over it, And tlKj.se who i)ray lieartily he teuches, even in sleep and by night. All AUi'^iw;, (Music ,is hffdrc.) Tliercfore we sing unto him and evermore praise h'm, The good and mighty (iivor, who is the f-ord most liigh. Kvery g(jod and perfect gift, etc. 4 Unity Festivals. Mmortalittj. ct us tliink with hope, faitli, joy, of tlio iininortiil life. ^hirveiloiis, precious and beautiful are the creatures of God. There is a beauty of their Spirit which i.s imperishable. Their life is great and glorious, Joyful with health and strength, with love and with knowledge. How can death be evil, being a portion of this beautiful life? Every where, at all times, men have believed that in death they die not; That when hearts are dust, heart's loves remain. Let us listen to some of the brave scriptures of this hope and trust: lka^inc!l from Scrifiturcs, Saints anb Sages. cUarol. lil)C Suirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. For which (;ause we faint not; but though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Responses. ^S tl)e inUlLl (ills the body, so God lills the Universe: (!(>me, O Mind, which tillest the body, and praise God who fills the I'niver.-e. As tiie mind supporrs tiie Ixidy, so ( Jod uj)holds the Universe : Come, OMind, which supportest the body, and praise God wluj uphijlils the Universe. As the mind is One in the l>ody, so Vi(,)d is One in the Universe : Come, O ]\Iind, which art one in the body, and praise (iod who is One in the Universe. As the mind sees and yet is not seen, .su (rod sees but is invisible : Come, ]Mind, which seest, being un.seen, and praise God who sees but is invisible. As the mind is pure in the body, so (Jod is holy in the Universe. Come, O Mind, pure in the body, and praise God who is holy in the Universe. As the mind sleeps not in the body, .so neither does God sleep. Come, then, Mind, which sleepest not in the body and praise God who does not sleep. ^ntipljon. The iiooj'lc \vL! staud, ^\]C StraUl upraise of i)iaise uiid joy ; Lcl thr joyful people sing and 'i>ri ng praises. The Easter Service. All sin^in^. 3: Joy - the :S--*H^:5?=:< r'-o- earth ! Joy and praise for - ev The beaming pUmets, The shining consteUation;!; join and say : Joy in the P^arth ! Joy and praise forever ! Ve onward-sweeping clonds, ye winds on light pinions, Ye deep-echoing thunders, ye bright lighten ings, In sweet consent unite : Joy in the Earth ! Joy and praise forever I Ye tloods and ocean billows, ye storms and winter snow, Ye days of cloudless beauty, hoar frost and glow of summer. Ye Spring-clad groves, and glorious forests, sing : Joy in the Earth I Joy and praise forever I First let the birds, with painted plumage, Mxalt their Maker's praise, and say : Joy in the Earth I Joy and praise forever ! Tlien let the beasts of Earth, with many voices, Join in Creation's hymn, and cry again : Joy in the Earth I Joy and j)raise forever! Here let the mountains tliunder forth. There let \A\v valleys sing in gentler chorus : Joy in the Earth ! Joy and praise forever! TIkju jubilant abyss of ocean, cry aloud. Ye tracts of Earth and continents, reply : Joy in the Eartii ! Joy and praise forever! And we will >iiig, lieart and voice awaking. Ami chililrens" voices will answer: Joy in the Earth I Joy and praise forever! Let tlie young sing, and let the old rejtly ! Ye strong in mi /r\ ' 1 _H , --fs N- --v jc K N- k. fk. ^ -, _J ^ d d gj __^_ -<- -S CJ _ -j-i-s-*- "V^-^ Praise him ! Praise him ! Man - i - fold are his great works, all y o .ir 's^ xr~-o-'* 5^ 5 00^ 1 fields how they grow: ] Yet 1 say un - to yoi do ti ey .sjiin. ) -# TJ '-- 1 ' '- - i iin^i f these. .L, . q ^ >^ L^ ,_ _. L_ 31 '4 Unity Festivals. llUjCUCfoVC, if - i-y I :5z:3rzzi:r -__ , , s of the Sunday School, or by lill of e:icli clas-< if desired. Kach olfiM-iiit,' should contain some appropriate verse or sentence written on i)!iper. which slioud be taken out and ri'ad by the minister as he recidves the olTerint;: tlien the o(Terint;s should be placed one after the other on the jiulpil or on ;i tabb> placed f3Uimuer. arvcst Service. (L'rOlUU '. .'/id opcnmic choral it' coagre^atioa is accustomed to oae. Till- Minister. jJl'ClCC '*-' on this house! All MtliJ Ilg. P:^-:g:=.g_-=Ljir~-zz5=:^-ii7=:|-33 A - men, A - men, Hal-le - lu - jah ! T" fitter into these <;ate8 with thanksgiving And into these courts with praise! All siu%-ing. :5 - :}: ^-=Emmmm^m^ "yk -^ ,- ^=3=E=a A - men, Hal - le - lu - jali ^^lipi^iii;il (Ijohl aii.l jiiyfnl is the festival of the Harvest ; 'I'lu! showers have come down in their season: there have hoen sliow ci-s of !)lessings. TIm' tree liatli yielded its fruit, and the earth its increase; And we have l)e<'n safe in the land. l.ft us thinlv of the infinite One who inhabits eternity. If w(! search, we cannot find him out ; but even if we search not, we cannot lose him. In the heavens, in the earth, in the uttermost jtarts of the sea, in the trrave, His hand leads us and his right Inmd holds ns. He is Life, he is Death, he is Kternity, he is Time, he is Righteous- ness and Mori'v : he is Holiness and I.o\e: In wiiotn w' live and movr ;uid !ia\c our licin;:. i8 Unily Festivals, llCllU'lllbcr "iir iiuiiihorlfss l)lcst;iii}j;s, Om- purl ill tlic hcuuty and liglit and i\\o infinite heaven of stars; Our jtart in the day and the niixhl and tht rolUng seasons; Our Jtart in the past ami in all that the years have wrouglit ; Onr ])art in our country's power and peace ; The safety in whieh onr feet have walked ; Tiie health of our wonderful bodies; The blessedness of our homes ; Tliejoys of fathers and mothers and children ; Think, if we can, of the numberless blessings Amid whicli we live and move and have our being. uCt US acknowledge the goodness which (Ills the earth with food: Food for the body, and food for the souls of God's creatures, The glory of knowledge, the Hgiit of religi(jn, The strength that comes in time (f need, The faith and peace that follow sorrow. O let us be filled with joyful thanksgiving, And all that is within us bless his holy name, In whom we live and move and have our being. Wheretbre, with one accord, let us raise a voice of joy to God, Coming betbre his presence with rejoicing. And singing jiraises from the heart. AH .s-/flg7/i;'. -4 ^ -i r >--^^ ^_._i=,_, ^ SiuiT to thi> Lord with thanks-rriv-in"-: Siiu t^-44 ^z^^ ^ 4 Lord with thanks j I s> j -1- f 0- r t r- iv-iiig: JSiiig prai>e with a Y~r r-V I J hfiiven witii -g>--. juds 4-J J- 0-0 '- 1 - W Lo pre par - etli raui for the ^^ .j_ d^^ ^ _ 1: c f: ^--.^ The Hdi\c3t Sot /ICC. iiml: I 1 _ 1 H*^ J-n-i- 9: c;ii-tli, Whi) luak-i'tli <>rni>s t ^ -^^ -0- -0- T \- :ro\v on till' 111 )llll ^- --9 tains. L~(-#~ * p- =L i^:z-z: p '= j pzi::- -=r ^^1 C)E llil'lfti) t') thi_' I>L-aht his foud, And to tiie yniiiiir ravens whieh cry. He niaketh peare in our borders And filleth them with the fine.>t of the wheat. All sinsios- ^4- #-_.- I'rai.-e wi; __s_ "* th(_ .ord. Ha 111 - ,)an, I iai> thr Lord, Hal - le - ju - j h. Hal - le - In - I'ah, lu - j h. Hal - le - In - jah, ! , I I l5^^^=i'= :-1:: L* e 1 !___. , 'J-^-. " Hal - ie - lu - jail. Hal - le - lu - jali. .\ "- men. I 1: tr 1 c tz lu - jail. A - men. .!^ fie OpCllctl) I'i'^ hand and we are filled with good. A I! snii^in;^. i_J 1 1 ! 10 0_ L^ I >-| f -#-->v-! y . ^ ^ \ y -B* - . lu - jah, Hal-le-lu -__j_ p ->< ^- jah, Hal - le ^E^=; 111 -(2- 4-t: P^ jah, Hal-le- _^ :b=:1: 9i6k=te:_ lu - jah, Hal-le - lu I =l=!=^^'_^ jah, Hal-le-lu ^^3^ Jpraijcr. All singing Tlie peoplo ideated. iijmcii^iSiilzzicqrr-it: /TV ::|; Heav'nly Father, show us thy ways; teach us thy paths: lead us ill thy truth : sh AS- us thy law. A - uien. t=cTi <*-*'-* rs r^ 1 1 1 1 =N^ 1 n The Harvest Service. -3 The People standing;. JiitSSttf iirt tliou, Lord ; blessed is thy glorious and holy name, And to be praised and exalted above all forever. -^?lr'==^^"^~ Praise and ex - alt him, Pra'se and ex - alt him, "'hit -4 - T ffrt S -* h-. -r4=N ^ c*_i_^-_ P-i^* 0A-sii e -H Praiseand ex - alt him a - hove all for - ev - er! Blessed art thou in the firmament of heaven, And to be praiM'il and exalted above all forever. all ye works of the Lord, Ye heavens, ye snn and moon, ye stars of heaven, () e\ery sii(j\vt.'r and dew, all ye winds. 'N'e lire and heat, ye winter and summer, "^'e. (lews and storms of snow, Yi' ii-e and mid, bless ye the Lord. Praise and exalt him above all fore\er. Praise and ex - alt^ him! r . - 1- -c t-rl:. I 11 Ye li<:htiiin>j> and cloud-, ye idghl and days, Vf li'_dit and darkness, 24- Unity Festivals. All singing. l'niisean Praise and ex - alt him! Both young men an -2~s^ 1 r \V hence com -eth 1 1 ^-' ^p ^^^^ ^- '^tr i - dom. And where is the place of un-der- -""1 -^ JL M. ^ ^ JL ^ 4t. gyte^=tS=;5zzgii='=Ljz==^=r5z:z)i=^z:iqi=:t=^ t:|^:zc'5'--r-4 fryr^ # \- i^ J-* * # h * r I r " stand - injr? r- The depth saitli, it f=='i=rC=:zt=p: Zi-0 y LP LIZ y not :: in :it:--=:t: ;^ 5-S=t:: me, and the sea saith, it is not in me, God MM M -^ -^ 1 i^ y know-eththe way to it; He is its dwell-insr place. its dwell-insr place. The people seated. i^oln and joyful is the Christmas Festival, Wherein we call to mind Jesus of Nazareth, To rejoice in his birth, to give thanks for his goodness. Hespoiiises. We hallow in our hearts his law of Religion, That we love God with ail our hearts and minds and strength: And his law of Justice, That we love our neighbors as ourselves ; Anl 'lis law of Love, That we love our enemies, bless them that curse us, and do gooQ to them that hate us. The Christmas Service. ! il\]t (!ll)ilii au^ tl)c iiong. lt1[)Cn ii holy prophet aj)pears on tlio earth, And hath wrought righteousness, And renews the hope and faith of men. Teaching the truth which maketh free. Then the people adore him with songs of gladness, They glorify iiis birth, deeds and life With wonders and signs and with heavenly songs, Which are like the golden clouds of morning on a hill. With simplicity they utter their soul's devotion, Saying: It is God who giveth wisdom, W'he teachet4i his law to his saints. Who ruleth over all with the glory of a Father. [Id place of the foUowins; readimfi of the Christmas Story, the minister mi:y easily read from the Gospels, if preferred ] jjt is tUVittcU that Josei)h and Mary went together to Bethlehem, Where it came to pass that the days of the birth-time were fullilled. But there was no room for them in the inn. And tliey sought shelter in the stable. And there Mary trought forth her first-born son, And wrapped him in swaddling ciothes, And laid him in a manger. Ic. II. 17. All singing. How love - Iv, how love - ly thy ta- ber-na-cles. Lord! How love - ly, how love - ly thy courts Lord ot Hosts \-m *- d. diz^ii^ S^-^ - =^ n ^ py are they who dwell in tliy teni - pie, Hi^^^z X 32 Unity Festivals. 1=-: a:i=: And are tor - ov - or prais - iiifj tlic-c, Thfy gofromstroii<,'th to w *--* i ' -*i f-*^ ti*-H I * -^ H from strengtli to ptronfrtli.Till bo-fbrg ' I * # 1 ' r God thevcomein Zi - on, How love - Iv, how love - ly thy I ta - ber - na - ties, I - # r I * nz: Lord! a' How love -_ ly, how I' '- ~ -1- -J -_ I ~ r I r i -T- love - ly thy courts, Lord of Hosts! How love T" ___ ,_j, -111?) --5i, r - T c t:::! 1 love - ly thycourt>^.0 Lord of Hosts! Lord of Host! " -**- _r-:rL-?-_ c-'_# #_^^L-Tr ,-5-5- 1 J 1 >i/ The Christmas Service. 33 ^nb on the birth-night of Jesus, There were shepherds in the field in the same country, Keeping watch by night over their flock. And suddenly an angel stood by them, And a great light shone round them ; And the angel told them Jesus was born And was lying in a manger near by, Who should be a king and a prophet and a Savior. Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, Singing, Glory to God in the highest, On earth peace, good will to men ! Lc. 11. 8-14. in the high 4-4-r-i ^;-M -j Glo JS. ry to God --s- -jziiis. m est! On earth peace, good I ' ^ r-t 1 will, good will to men! Hal-le-lu-jah!hal-]e-lu - jah! ^\\[} Ull)Ell tli angels liad gone awny, The shcplierds said, Lot us now go And see this thing which is cfime to ))ass, U'liich the Lord hath made known unto us. And they hastened, and found Mary and Joseph, And the babe lying in the manger. And tlioy told how the angels had ajipeared to them, And the song of praise which tlie heavenly hosts had sung. And every one wondered ; but the mother pondered these things in her heart. Lc. II. 15-20. All sinirin^. (Music as before) (ilory to (iod in the highest, On earth j)eace, good will to men ! ^U^ tul)EU jesus was born appean-d a bright star in the east : And when some wise men saw it tlicy knew A great j)rr)jjhct and king was boni. And tiiey followed tiie wtar, whicii went before them, 34 Unity Festivals. And led tbotii to Rethlpht'in, until it stood Ptill Over the plaee where the young child was. And when they entered and saw the child and his mother, They fell down before him, adoring him : And tliey opened their treasures, and offered him gifts, Gold, frankincense and myrrh. And they went away again into their own country. Ml. II. i-12. All sin^in^. {Music as before.) Glory to God in the highest, On earth peace, good will to menl yll)est i0UC\3 eaketh at the door, and entereth to abide with us forever. The dwelling of the Lord is with his peoj)le ; The tabernacles of the Lord are with men. God maketh our liomes and tilleth them with love. And the heritage of children is his. With ereri/ precious child comes the glory of God, And the parents thereof are the blessed of the I^ord. All sinsing. {Harmony as before.) How love - ly, how lovt' - ly, thy ta - ber-na-clcs, Lord! Hov g-- -jg ^ tEg^333 EEEgiZi!_CEE3 love - ly, how love - ly thy courts, Lord of Hosts! ^tSl^iE^iliL^l^i^i^E^ Tiiy dwell-ing, Lord, is with tliy peo-ple, Thy ta-ber- na - cles, are with men, Tiiou buildestour homes with might,Thou l=?EEE'3EgE^S^=Et^e&:H=?S fillst them with love and strength; Thine is the heritage of chil-dren, How The Christmas Service. 35 love-ly, how love-ly, thy ta ber- na-cles, Lord ! How love-ly, how love-ly thy courts, Lord of Hosts! Lord of Hosts, how hap-py is the ruan who trusts in thee, who trusts iu tliccl Ifsus tl)e propl)ct. Uesponscs. ^OU) beautiful upon the mountains Are tlie feet of him that brinji^eth good tidings, Tliat })iiblislieth peace, that proelainietli salvation, Tliat saitii to the people, Your God reigneth. Jesus was anointed to preach glad tidings to the poor; To heal the broken-hearted ; To comfort those that mourn, To proclaim freedom for the oppressed. He came not to be ministered unto, But to minister. He said, For tnis cause came I into the world. That I should bear witness to the truth and work the works of him that sent me. And if any one desires to come after me. Let him deny himself and take up his cross ; For I came not t(j do mine own will, But the will of the Father that<^ent me. Jesus was whipped, mocked, crowned with thorns, And put to death upon the cro.ss. But he was faithful to tlie end and vn-torious over death, liearing all things, hoping all things, rejoicing in the truth. Thanks be to (iod fer his holy saints: thanks be to him wlio givi'th wisdiim, Wliich in all ages entering into holy souls makelh them friends of ( Jdil and prophets. (Havols. ?6 Unity Festivals. Jesus' (icacl)iugs. Ucsponscs. lRlcSSC^ nvo tlio poor in spirit. For thi'ii-s is the kingdom of heaven. IMessed arc they that niourn, For tliev shall bo eoinforted. r.iessed are the meek, For tliey shall inherit the earth. lUessed are they that liunger and thirst after rigliteousness, For they shall be filled. JUessed are the luercifnl, F'or tliey shall obtain mercy. ]'.le.ssed are the pnre in heart, F"or they shall see (iod. r>lessed are the jieacemakers, For they sliall l)e called sons of (lod. He taught that religion is not in words or forms or names, bnt in the thought of the heart : His trust was in Ciod and in the unseen Ihing.s which are eternal He taught us to say : .4// iwidiii:^ to^f.lhcr. Our Father who art iu lieaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, Forgive us our trespasses, even as we also have forgiven tho.se that trespass against US. Bring us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory, Forever, Allien. Thanks be to Gcd for his holy saints: thanks be to him who giveth wisdom, Which in all ages entering into holy souls, maketh them friends of Ciod and prophets. jpianer. Carols, SennOU. !0r otter exercise.) vlftcr Sermon. (JIurolS. (Or piece by Choir if prrfervrl.i The Christmas Service. 37 :^ll Sainis. ^C!5U0 i-^ one of the great company of jiropheta, Of the noble army of martyrs, Of the holy fellowship of saints, Of angels of tlie invisible presence of God. For the eternal One, the Father, Hath not left himself without witnesses. But luith si)oken by the mouth of holy prophets, Which have been since the world began. The dwelling of the Lord is with his people. The tabernacles of the Lord are with men. All sinsinz. 4- \-o-. ^ # i -g*-. * - Y*0 * * *' ta - ber - na -%--^:\~X^=.1\- -\ Lon How love-lv. how love - ly thy courts, Lord of Hosts! I . =f^ -h-lr-n:g:i:: (llje Cortt Almighty leigneth: nallelujuli ! All sinTin" -I -J-^ How lovo - L how love ly thy C'luits, Lor.l of U, -ci'.0- Hnst.! ^^^ -St-. lO 9 1= ^^ a * ig '0~3 S:. , -j. _# Lord of Hosts :SL.-^qrg::z:g-f:M '-(S-i. -_i 1_|^_,^ 38 Unitv K-bllval.^. (irvpcitiition ant) tiliankir.ciininq. Ufiiponscs. 3ll JCSIUT and tli(> s. lints, our friends and hrotlicrs, W'f M>e till' glory of liuruanity, And behold the hope of the nations, Preserved in the patienee of the counsels of (xod. I'or the time of the kingdom of Crod shall come, Wiien men shall teach no more one to the other (Saving, know ye the l^ord, For they shall all know him, Fron) the least to the greatest of them. Break forth into joy, O eartli. Put on your beautiful garments, ye nations ! Ye shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise, And the earth shall ))e full of the knowledge of t!ie Lord, As the waters cover the sea. Thanks be to God for his holy Saints: thanks be to him who giveth wisdom ; Which in all ages entering into holy souls maketli them friends of God and prophets. And thanks be to him who will pour out his si)irit on all men, Who hath i)ut his law in our own souls. And on our own hearts hath written it All siagiBg. {Harmony as before.) How love - ly, how love - ly thy ta - ber - na-cles, Lord ! How love - ly, how love - ly thy courts, Lord of Hosts! How love- EiiiH^^llJI ly, . . how lovody thy courtSjO Lord of Hosts ! Lord of Hosts ! !3tnciiiction. PcUCC '-"-' with you, And with thy Sjjirit. It is our holy day; we have taken sweet counsel together. Heart and voice give thanks unto the Lord. Peace to young and old that enter here: Peace to cverv soul herein. The Christmas Service. 39 The Lord dot h bless us ami keep us; the Uird maketh his face to shine upon us. All nngrng. ss^ All rv Ije to God most hi'di, :1 =: the iiiiii^i^ei :& -f= *t,^=z: Ill- high and ho - ly Fn th.T. As it 18 no-w. Shall ev - er be And was in the be - gin - ning-. I vi rr\ The Lord lifteth the light of his countenance upon us and giveth us i)eace. All singing. A - ni(>n. aHonaf Service. rillin. (Anthem, ; I' desired.) 13t\ll'C l' on this lionse. Thf Feriplv will stand. IJCllCC and joy tu every soul herein. All sin^riii". J^ , -^g a ^-' A - men. A - men, Hal-le - hi - jaii! -i 1 r- (TljE cart!) i;^ the Lord's and all that i.s therein, The world and all who inhabit it. Of one hath he made every nation of men To dwell on all the face of the earth, (iivinf; life and breath to all : In ri(.'hteonsnes.s doth he judge the world And govern the nations with his truth. _5 (S- E=5=fe=E; i All pingin": -=1 men. Hal - 1. :q=::J Sl^i jah: 9!tea^^=i-=^=^3^ r :1- WM P>eautiful is the dawn, ushering in the new-l)orn day, lienewing the face of the earth, (juickening all things to life: J'jiit fairer than the morning's light is the light of noble memcjries. Renewing within men the springs of holy feeling and thought, Speaking of Country and Home, and binding the generations in one Put on thy beautiful garments, O T>and, < iird thee with gladness, sing aloud for joy ! (iather thy people, gather them all unto thee. That tiiev may kei'ji thy Festival, the dav thou lovest to r(>memt>ei\ 42 Unity Festivals. Vvoiu thy hill-si(l(>s aixl valloys, From thy well-tillod liolds and (liy busy marls. From tlio workshoj) and the mill, the forgo and the loom, F'rom the halls of conncil, and learning's (juiet retreats, (Jather thy jteople, gather them all unto thee : The sons and daugliters wliom thou hast borne, The ehildren of thine adoi)tion and care. They shall all be one in thee this day, In thee, our Country, the land of our loyalty and love. All singing. Our por-tion hath fall -en to us in pleas-ant |ila-ces; N N I ,K S N N '^ yea,wehavea good-ly lier-it-age. pray for the peace > r r ^ * r y^ > ^' iP^liliiili^^SplipS^ of our country: Mayallthey prosperthatloveher. May peace be in all her homes, and pros-per-i-ty in all her bor - ders. - -0- 0- -^ 0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0- ^-^ I /^ qy=F^=!?g^ =f8:=F -f-|H-^-L-'- =ff^=Frd^^=^B The pnoplc seated. The National Service. 43 Ucsponscs. Renewed this day be all noble memories, All high and holy traditions of the past. Remembered be the labors of those who wrought mightily, Shaping to larger ends our national life : Leaders of the people by their judgment, giving counsel by theij" understanding; Wise and just in their example, and by their knowledge meet for the people ; Considering the cau.se of the poor, and such as had none to help them; Friends of liberty and just laws, at all times steadfast and foith- ful found. Remembered be those who have died for Country, defending her righteous cau.se. Matching their high faith by heroic deed. Remembered be ail such as have taught the way of liolier life. Poets and seers, prophets to the people and revealers of sj)iritual things. Remembered be those who have wrought out useful inventions, Enriching by their skill and labor the re-sources of our life. Remembered be the toil and ])atient endurance of unnamed men and women. Who stood faithful in their day and generation, strengthening the cause of virtue. Remembered be all they who have died in falHi, not liaving received the promises but seeing them afar ; (iod having provided .some better thing for us, that they apart from us shonlv words: Ble.ss the Lord, j O my j .-fj--^ ^-0^0 I _r:j 1 r . ~1 rii:zzz:izz:q U ' <) l)t,-loved lit-tle ehil - dren, bles.sings up-on you fall: 50 Unity Festivals. JTMi '-S- 'J-91 luMV-eu-ly jttMce and Ijlo^sin ath - t>r oil voiir way. li^r^: f \~0 f-#-T 1 -k H >,-^ 1 - , ->-?-i Yt' are a 1 wvak ami iK'lplc-s; Imt tin' yooil Father LTuanls, ^.-^ # # r i'0- ' 0-' r' # 1*5 , 0^^^0 , > > > watc'b.e^ and shields you always, witli mereitul love and care. Si - N V s s 1 1^ __u_ 00 ^:?_^_ * 1^-1^2 1'3_ , r ^^ 1 1 O beloved little ehildren, Rlessiii<: and li<:ht deseenteniiig. j;i actual use by different Minister-, a^e given as suggestions ; I christen you in the thouglit of God, our Father, from whose hand you come; in witness of the joy, gratitude and consecration of your j)arents ; and in testimony of tlie love, care and fellowship of tliis church. Henceforth you shall be called the name your mother [or father, or j^arents,] gives you now. ^hiy the name be very blessed to you and honored among men. And may Ood, our Father and our Mother, be dear to you as you are dear to (Tod. Then in your behalf I 2)ul)licly consecrate to virtue, to truth, to love, ti) duty, to the service of God and humanity, these your dear children [or this your dear child] ]\hiy their lives [or his or lier life] l^e ])ure, noble, wholly conse- crated 111 what is l>eautifnl and good. ]May the love and the prayers of this assemlily be for y(ju and for them : and may the blessing of (iud, our Father, rest ever ujiun you ! Amen. In the Name that is above every name, the Name in whicii all the families of the earth are one, we receive these little ilii> form sa\> : |s:iy'\ve' (instead of llie more l)ri\ ate I.' ' liican-c u illi llie few iin-liminary rrniarks 1 maki-. I try to lui\'e ail I the ehiirili I fn] ttial they individually and uiiilcdly filter into this art. - its validity df])f iidiuL' ujion t!ic -^I'li-c of r<'-ponsil)iliiy we all feid toward tlie young lifi! we ii'iu rcic'iv I- aniouL' u-, and ron-i-iralc" ^c fiovcnant Service. AVe otter in this book no complete Service of Covenant or P'ellow- t^liip, because this is a service so specially related to each church, and >() connected with the covenant of the church and influenced by it, that it seems best, and even necessary, to leave it to be shaped by each congregation for itself. Yet we feel that it may become in some con- gregations the tenderest and most solemn of all our Festivals. The value of a service as a Bond of Fellowship for all, and as a Bond of Con.secration for all, too, but especially for the children as they near young manhood and young womanhood, is manifestly great; and yet its value depends wholly on the serious and loving spirit in which it is entered into. The Service should not be lightly introduced into any church, or lightly pro]>osed by any new minister. The thought of it should grow by (juiet conference among the pcoi)le into a want for it ; and when hearts have been drawn together warmly, and the Church-IIome feeling is already strong, even then its introduction -hould be waived until nearly all with one mind approach the thought with joy. It i>'recommended tliat the Seivice be held on appointed Sun- days of the year whet her one or more and only on these, to the end that it lie looked forward to with siiccial interest and feeling. If uiily one Sunday be aiipointed, the New Year's Sunday seems the nio.st titling day. As the children of the church approach the age of sixteen years, it is to be lioj)cdthat they will wish to receive the wel- cMiiic and jign the ( 'liiitch Bool; llu'U conj" forward' and being :i --eiiibled befoi'e the pnlpit,llie minister may read .sen- tence-, staling the I 'n vena nt Service In be an \r\ of Faith, an .\ct o|' 54 Unity Festivals. ( 'onsi'rration, an Ai't of BrotluM-hood or FcUowshii), the people or signiiijj: of the ('IuhtIi Book. ">. The Kight Hand of Fellowship from the ininit. Statement by the minifter of the spirit and law of the church, love and si>rvire, to which those asking felknvsliip respond, accepting the spirit and law. 4. The new memljers then read aloud their acceptance of the siTvii'e as an act of faith, of consecration and of brotherhood. -"). The ( ongregation reads a welcome to the new members. (>. Signing of Church Book, and Right Hand of Fellowship. 7. Reading together of the Church Covenant. We add .some examples of Church Covenants: (1) The CiruRcH at Ann AiinoR, Miciiig.vn. "lUlicving ill that Kuligioii of Nature and the Human Soul which existed be- fiirr all Bibles, which has uttered itself with greater or less clearness through the icligious teachers of all lands and ages, but which was ta\iglit and impressed upon the world with uuequaled power by Jesus of Nazareth, the great prophet of (iod. from wh(i>e words and life came Christianity, we. the undersigned, do hereby as- Mniate oui'selves togi'tber as a Cliristian Church, for tlie iiurjiose of promoting that religion in ourselves and in society around us. by maintaining regular meetings for uniter wlio lulifvc in I.'i'liirion : As thii-r wiici bvliiM- in FruiMioiii. l-'rlluw-liip and (.'haraclfr in Kfliirioii: A:, tli(i.-c will) In'licvc that Urli^ioii--- Life ni.au- tin- tliaukful. trustful, loyul (lud liL-lpful lifi': .\uil a.< tho-r will) b''lir\c that a CliuiTh !- a luDthrrliood of lu'lpcrs. wherein it is made ea>ii'r to lead ^uch a life, - We join ()Ur-el\es toL'ether. name, hand anil heart, as ?ileiiit)er> of rnily l.liiirch."^ 'ro si-n till- liond of Fellow -liij) i- a -oleinn act of faith, of hiotherhood. and of coji-eeratioii. (if f:i it ii it\ certain high ideals of life, which we revere as more iiu- I'ortaiit than any intellectual belief< whatever. (Jf lirotbei'hijod to the men and \>onieii w ho here join tliciuselves toi.'(-ther. name, hand and heart. Of consecration , llecau^e one caiiuot take a pledtre like this, of reliLfious faith and fellow.ship, save in a ri-\erenl. eanu'st and unseltish siiirit. To join our Churcli. then, is to enter into a < !) eiiaut of Lo\ e and .s^cin ice and Ki'_'lit KiuU-avor with each otlu'r; and to do this ihoUL'htfulIy and re\ crently. a~ before ( )ne w lu-m most of n> rejoice to think of as Our Father ." All who in this re\erenl and eanie-t ^piri^ heliexe that out Church-Home i> truly tlieir Church-Home, and who fee] that that uliieh our Church stands for in rcliLTion is what they mean their li\es to stand for. all such. pro\ ided none show- good reason for objection, are welcomed heartily w ilhin our Fellowship. ' I. Adopted IST'J. ) 'I'm: ( 'iiri;! !i .vi- ilvisi \, Ii.i.iNoi;- The CuVcnunl : We believe That Kki.ii.ioS i- .\at|-u.\i. and NKiCDrfl. to l!ie human son! : That the MAN\' tliiiej-- of the r;ii\ er-e have t lieir b-iiiL'' in Om; Life. Power. M.ije-ty. l;iL'hleiin-iie--. Mercy and l,i)\e: That llie ["MNKn.-K i-. lieaulifnl and ISem !iei nl Okdkil. in which 'is no \ai iableness, neillier -liadow of liirnini.' :" That .\i.i. iiiiM,- ui)i:k 'loi.!: rJi.Ki; foi;i,ooi> ; thai the Inlinile Life in \vh;cli We ha\ e our bi iiiL; i- I'o\\ er in the world lo de-lroy the v.roiiL.'. In e^labl;.-h the iIl'IiI : that no go )d thiiiL' i~ failure and no evil tliiiiL' is >ui(ess : That we ouitht to re\ ereiice all iioi.v .SAi.\T>, sKKUs and I'Koi'iiK rs who ha\ t- wrought rigliteoiisne^-i," and bles> them for the light of their \\i~doin and goodness: 'That We iiiii.'ht to woKK to make the would hktti;!;: 'Ml il I ll.Mi.vcTEi; is the supreme matter not the beliefs we hold, but wii.tl we Hi'c in ti]f- heart : That in the search for truth we ought to holdfast to kukkdom for o;;rselves am! for all men : ''I'liatwe ought to welcome to our fki.i.ow sim- all who are of earnest ;nid sincere .--pirit and humble lovers of the truth ; that we should set the l)ond of IICM.W I'.itOTilKltilooi) high aboxe that of creed or ihiircli: andlliatwe ouu'lil not to hold theolo-ic.'il beliefs a- conditions of our nienibi'r-^liiii." In the~e princii)le-', and that we may he I;.', comfort and i lieer each oilier, w e join our hearts and hand- in thi- cbnrch. and hereto -et our names." {Adojiivd bss;;. I 50 Unity Festivals. J'liK riuKrii AT l,.\roi:TK, Indiana. \\\', \\lu)-v ii.iiius !irf litTLMinto fiibrrilK'd, ii.-.socialf oursclvcfi togollior as", /ti'liijious Society for tho ijuipcise of moral and spirituiil improvciiu'iit and of pro luotiiis: truth ami rightooiitiiU'ss in Iho worlil thro" the study, practico and diffusio. >f rational roli.urion " I.ovi- to (Jcul and to man." Ht'coi^nizing tlu; rij^jht of i)rivalt' jndjrincnt and tlic .>iacTrdni's-i of individual conviction, wc require no ast, but welcome all who desire to co- operate with us in ach ancing the cause of IJationa! Thought, Social Culture a'ul Kight Living. A sixi(;KSTi:i) Tovenant. -We b,lie\e - 'I'hat llie many tliiuL^s of the rniverse, tlie seen tilings and the unseen, ha'c llieir lieing in One Life. Power. Highteousness and Love; That the I'niverse is Beautiful Order in whicli is no xariableness. neither shadow at turning: That all tilings work logetlier for good : that llie Inlinile Life is Power in thr world to destroy the wrong, to establish tlie right ; that no good thing ia failure, and no evil thing success. 'That the Life is the Light of men:" That, if a man is a.t heart just, in so far is lie (Jod, the safely of God, the im- mortality of (iod. tlie majesty of God, do enter into liim with justice; That he who does a mean deed is by the action itself contracted : that h,- who lioes a good deed is instantly ennobled; That no evil can befall a good man. whether i.,; he alive or dead. That propliets, saints and multitudes of liumble men Inive li\ed and died obedient to the Light, making it from age to age more beautiful to be alive; Tliat we. in our turn on the earth to-day ought joyfully to work to make I le best things better and the worst good, and deem uotliiii:.! trood for us that is not part o/" the common good ; That in the search foi' 'I'rutli we ought to trust tree thouglit. and only fear Ihouglit bound : Tliat t'ilAii.\CTKK is sujjreme. not the beliefs we lio^d. but what we are in the l:eart : That all who forget tlieniselves for otlieis and foi- the Iiiglit are tlieieby in the fellowship of true Heligion. whiidi no man can confer. Ill these our faiths, and to the end that their best meanings may opei; 'u onv tiinds, and their glory till our lives, we join our hands and lie;:rls within this Ch-ircb Easter Carols and Hymns, I. German . 1. Standiiiy on the shore at moming, I beheld the shining sea, / Saw the wreathing vapors mounting Into heaven. si - lent - ly ; ^ 2. Standing on the hill at evening,Clouds stooped gently over iiie, ( Soft - ly from the West ascending. And the rain fell si-lent-ly; ) 3. So, 1 cried, my Spir-ifs incense Sure re-turn-eth unto me; / Upward breathing, falls in blessing From our Father, silently ; f 4. So ray life up-striving, soaring, Wherenoreyenortho'tcan see; } Comes again descending on me, Filled with im-mor-tal-ity. ) 5. And the bliss of hope awakens; Earth and sky I clearer see; / And I car - ol, in my glad-ness, Easter hymn and mel-o-dv. f ?-r.-9-r\ ^ i_J J_J_|_J r 0^0-t :x.0*, 0-s- \ 0-'-0- 0- vSilently, silently, Silently, silently, Silently, silently, Silently, silently. Joyfulness, hopefulness. --- *---H-- * i*-*- Inst. Silently, silently, from the sea. Silently, silently, o - ver me. Silently, silently, un - to me. Silently, silently, un - to me. Hopefulness.jovfulness filleth me. t-t 1 ** \ !n 1 .til itp^ -3=*- ^-?-- ^^ ^ L^ JJ II. SSI r* -0- . ' . . I . 1. - ver the hills, a-cross the plain. 1 - o, I - o, I - o; How 2. Flow-ersarefill-ingtheprai-riesod With fa- ces bright, l-o; 'J'heir 3. Si-lent-lv ev - er ialls the lifrbt, Gent-ly the dew, I-o liut -teE':^::^j==i3|v= -0~-~(S-. #- nier- n - ly singoth A - pril rain, I-o. I-o, I-o, I- look. like a song as-cends to (lod.who causeth the grass to grow, I- who can sum-mon grass to sight. Or who be-holds it grow? I- Unity Festivals. 0, I - 0, I - o. A-lonir the tu'lil.along the road.The seed that the hurrying 0. 1 - o, I - 0. HotVocly sends the gentle rain That touches the trees and they (V I - o. I - 0. 0,6od!thegood!Insunandshow'rsHespeaksandtheearthitre- .1-^- windhathsowed.They hear the song and awake, awake, I - o, bud a-gain. And glorifies ev'ry hill and plain: I - o, I plies in flow'rs.The grass it greens thro' the summer hours,! - o, I I ^ *-*;*- b *- ^ < r-? .- Fa 5T-- ^ * - Fi . ? Sz:z* F f -z=?!iEiiz==f x-iijgiT- Jl 0. .., And laughing out of the dark they break, I - o, I - o, I - o. o. . ..And glor-i-fies ev -"ry hill and plain. I - o, I - o, I - o. 0. . .T he g rass it greens thro' the summer hours, I - o. I - o, I - o. rsr;- -ii -a is 't' 1 -' [1.0-0-0 -'^, . *-r^ . M-0 * ii^-i n By permission from "The Pariah Choir," bv Kev. Chs. L. Hutchins, Medford, Mass. Words alteredby \V C. G. III. Lirchl. -^^^ \ 1 i ^ - 1 <> <^- __^^^4 ^-14 vm7 -5" ^ -z^ ^ 11 > 1 ] Come ::. The 3. Now sing time let 1 1 with ho of rcf! tlie heav'ris J^ 1 ^ 1 ly - ur be i T J f giad rec joy nesg, - ' tion ! - - ful, 1 * ^ -v '!? 2LE> _._^ I I llish a Ft ^ g^ ^ ^1- ^-T^ -^-f -^ '-z*-^^'" 1^ I lu - ias sing; Lift up your hearts and Earth sings it ail a - broad : The Pass - o - ver of The Seas their bright waves swell, Let the round world keep A A J__.i__, ' _;^ J-.J J ^ I , 1 . r^- ^-^- tip isH ^ Easter Carols and Hymns. 59 m m tiiat I wak - ened Spring- ver of God ! there - in dwell ! -9- Z-J2Z ^m J 'X.7Ci'. r i I I I Sing, youths and gen The Sign of life Now let the Seen tie e - and maid ter un J ens, nal seen 7:1 I Your h\-mn of Is writ on In one glad ^3 n ^" n x: mm praise to - daj', earth and sky, an - them blend With old The Hope Let all men for our and with ev - er hearts be I chil ver ris drea nal, en 1 g :t?=z=i=: "5iZ in Of To ^ sweet Life life the that cord - lug VIC - to hath no lay. ry. end. t^ m:r^^=S. i IV. 1. Come, ye faiiii 1. TiH the Spring of 3. Now the BOW - er raise the strain Ot tri-umtihant souls to - day ; Hope, for-ev - er go - eth forth Seed of life to i9 glad ver scat ness ; - nal. - ter, 6o Unity Festivals. ^mm _l ^ ^._Lg5___^ ^- = -- "-^w z>s>a- God hath brought his earth a - gam In - to joy from sadness. From the frost of fear and doubt,Springs in life e - ter-nah But the seed to spring to life Must its wrappings shat-ter. ^ .^. U J , a. 9,- -SI. a. #^. "^ .. ifzuzizi Loosed from win-ter's -^11 the win - ler Ye wiio bear- ing sy-===i-:==zi :^:=T=s:=l 1 - cy yoke Flow the leap ing of our gnefsjiong and dark, be precious seed Go forih toil - ing, , .^. .^. :;?: -^ ^1 ^. ,^ J , ^, ^ i ^ , ,_ Zr- walers ; fly- ing. weeping, m =:=:z:d:=;^i=d:=:l {-^ ^^ ^_, T~T ^~^o Let your hearts flow forth in j)raise. All earth's sons and daughter.' In His light who gives to us Hope and faith un-dy - ing- Know that He who with you works Hath all in his keep -mg ^i! -ff- A V m ^- -^j-^-r ^- fl V. Russian Hymn. 1. Fa - ther om-ni-po-tent, joy-ful and thankful Bring we the Hopefulness, joyfulness, in thy great mer - cy Fill our waked 2. - pen to faith-ful-ness, o - pen to sor - row, - pen to Death! wherethyvic-to-ry! where thy great anguish! Hope com-eth '3. Glo - ry and ma -..jes - ty break forth up - on us, Like un - to Light be- a -tif-ic - al! life ev - er- last- ing! With thy great Easter Carols and Hyrnns. r? prais - es to thee be-lon<^: spir - its with sounding: soii<; vis - ion of saint and seer, mijrht - ty. out - cast - inji' fear splend-ors of mom - ing' skies, glo - ry on us a - rise; Hallowed this fes-ti-val ! hope vie - to - ri - ous ! Light-en our heav-i-ness, iv- . \ 77 -ZL '-S, * -- when life im-mortal Shines thro' o - pen por - tal on us descending. Karth and hoav - en blend - ing! shine on our sor-row, Life's e - tern - al mor - row. fr =1 : H--^ ~ srii gUilHi^l fill eas N. B. The harmony here driven i* iiitoiided to support children or young ^ "inging the melody. If parts are dcsirtul for mixed voices, they can he pro ly by any chorister. voices ipared VI. -t^ =?=Eg 1 . The dead are like the stars by day .Withdrawn from mortal eye, Yet 2. Though deatli iiis sacred spal hath set On briirht anti by gone h ours : Still ,. .-^ r-T^ T^- _rf^ p^__ .r^ ^ ^^!^r^ :?' K T S-hi ^ H * -^ FT ^'ft* V-\ -H-? hold-ing unperceivcd theirway thro' the un-cloud-edsky. I5y they we love are with us yet, Are more thanev - er ou rs: Ours, 62 Unity Festivals. th(Mn,thn)' lio - ly liopo and lovo.Wefocl in hours so-rcno. by tli('plo(l ^ --N-J^- How from her grateful bo-som The herb and flow'r spring forth, Father! what may we of- fer? Thy chos - en flow'r is love. All Nature's fountains sparkle Shall ours have less-rr light? A thous-and liv-ing voic-es, A-wak-ing har-mo-ny, How from her grateful bo-som, The herb and flow'r spring forth. Fa-ther! whatmay we of-ler? Thy chos -en flow'r is love. All Nature's fountains Sjiarkle Shall ours have less-er light? A thous-and liv-ing voices, A - wak-ing har-mo-ny. m^^- _#_#_--*_^'f'_-# * ,-* -I I r-H I ^ir2=zt:=Et:zzt-t:=^t:=b-'*=:^i:f=i4!z=!?=f=i=Ei^^ III. ;1# HV ^ N-i I f- ->< \-m -^ # jr \-0 r*-* I * \-" . .o_^_L^ *.4r~^ 4- * *~* *'-*- -' 9-T 1. The world of Godhow fair! There countlessjoys a-bound for 2 It is no vale of tears; For it the God of mer - cy 3. The blooming field of flowers, The mild and warming light of 4 The sprint; where coolness flows, The field that yields us sweet-est fei^a Summer Songs. 67 all; Man and beast, Here they fast;The world ofGod how fair! made, Love-lymade, Use-fnl made: Itis no vale of tears, sun, He hath made, For us niade-\Yho rules this world of ours, bread, B lush of life. Joy in lit>. On us the Lord bestows. :~ct:: 0~ iT^ tt: n-drb -A-^- fm\ 5. Our parents orives He us, To lead us true, in goodness' Father's care, Mother's prayer: How good is God to us! way. 6. He guards us from the skies. If rain descends or sunlight glows. Cheerful he; _ Good is He. New joy shall ever rise. IV. Andantino. German. 1. Hark! the "In our 2. And if Think up lil - ies whis - per grace and hoau - ty, toil or troub - le on the lil - ies. Ten-der-ly and lowi vSce how fair we grow.' Be our lot be - low. See how fair they grow. Hark! the ro - ses speak - ing. Telling all a - Flowers of fifld and gar - den All their voices broad meet; Their sweet wondrous sto - And their i\laker"s prais - es, jf M: Of tlie love To our souls __i -^\ \ -^0-^-^.- of (iod. re - peat. ^1 mMMAimMsmm 68 Unity Festivals. Gemikn 1. Lovo-ly sil - vor flow - er, 2. He that makes thee bean-ti-ful, 3. Face of pur - est good - ness, 4. that I were sjiot - less, ^:4 ^ ^ My sweet frarden's grace, So that all who see, P^iee of spot-less light. Pure and clear like thee ; =fc^ ;i=pz=:.*=i=ziizr:|=:i=:|zr;^ Show-est thou God's goodness Joy in thy clear shin-ing, See I in thy flow-er, Free from ev - 'ry bur - den. Light-ing ev - 'ry place. Must all goodness be. Cleam-ing snow - y white. Bless - ed should 1 be. Andantino. J. V. 13. trans. VI. *Liederkranz.' *l I \j \ J -0- -* -M- . -^ 1 . Thou art the true and loving God I Thus speaks w hate'er I see, 2 The birds both late and ear-ly sing,"0 Man ! lie lov- oth thee!'' .". The great sun in his splen-did gold. With blessings rich dothshine 4. Andmore. still more the no-ble man,ln allthings he nniv do; '*'' M -0- m -^ . . m m m S *- o .F- ^F- 4 .#- m^ m -^-p-^-0' 0Y* t* * r y F==b=# 1 JfZpZ ~2 ll^'CZl"' 131 >ii^ riie Morning Star.tlie Eveiiiiigrod,The grass up-on the On HI - yand on roso-lcafsweetTIiy handoflove I On good ami e - vil,day and night Thy im-age. Love di His shin-ing work we see,andcry Re-joic-ing, "God is rt=E-,i-=? .-F.' -1 i-Fr F ' Efztz? lea. see. - vine ! true." Iz2-t3i>^rE?=^EFS ::E'=i=Er3E*=EF?:-r^;]l Summer Songs. VII. 69 LLOYD. Fine. feifcul #-i dz? a-- ^ 3^- rr -- TJ 1. The summer days are come again; Once more the glad earth yields ) Herg >ltl - enwealthofrip'n-inggrain, Andbreathof'clo-ver-fiekls; J And winging tho'ts, and Inip-py words Of love and joy and prayer. -^ g-r* #'- #-n-g-: n ^ m . -^ ^ ^ ^ --- 1 -4 -1-- D.C. D. c. And deep'ning shade of summer woods, And glow of sum-nierair, -.--- ^^^^d^^^^S^^^^m The summec. days are come again, The birds are on the wing; God's praises, in their loving strain, Unconsciously they sing: We know who giveth all the good That doth our cup o'crbrim: For summer joy in field and wood We lift our song to him. From Unity Hymns and Chorals. Harvest Songs. I. 1. Weplouy:hthefer- tilemea-dows, We sow the fur-row'd land. But 2. He on - ly is the Mak er Of allthingsnearandfar, He 3 All praise to thee, our Fa-ther.Thou g-iv-er of all good; Up- all the growth and in - crease Are in God "s mighty hand; He forins the earth and o - cean,He kin-dies ev - ery star. His on whose care de - pf n deth Our life andhealth and food; We r r r t-=^M ^ r T r r r'^'^ 1_ .^_j_,,_, 7 -H- n-si H r* 2 i IT- ^=f=z:fzi:t===:*iairiz:i:i:=bt==S = gives the show'r and s-an -shine To swellthe quick'ninggrain, The love ordains the sea - sons, By him are all tilings fed: He nring our glad th;mk?giv - ing. Our gifts of love and praise; Be m^ ^^^ ^ '^=B -6-* --i- P=^^- spring-ing corn He bless - es, He clothes tlie gold-fn plain: for the spar-row car - eth, He gives our dai - ly bread. tliine ourgrate-ful ser - vice, The har - vest of our days. ,_j(_^_J_-J_ _ J ,-J- ^ ZIzEz 1 1 H 1 P I [- ' Harvest Songs. V ' y bounteous bless -iug His I'aith - fullove be-stows; Then .W..---XZ nia, From whom all ffood-ness flow: .b=t MwrnMEmmMmi] II. J. w. c. H.M{\'r> \oW sillijr For 'ng-ath-ered and o fruits f)f the gar-den and tii''. 'I'hiy ri - pen onmountaiiisaf Anil some a,s with hpart's-blooci are Our hearts are ior-ev - er re- Unity Festivals. friv - or prair - ie jratli - or cVmd -l.ind; Dn - ty mil - dv, peat - inj? o - Ilath To And Wo Are The Thanks Kiv - del - on hind reaped har en to glad - ver and lins - ly ourliearts can t-n it in slipavesfiom the bv thelirave "-"^ +'^' vests of S den onr days ! band-man yield! on - fold! _ he sea. and the free. rait row and or and praise, # r-2 From Unity Hymns and Chorals. III. J. G. WhittiiT. WARD. L. M. 1.Q -=l:p^iri=i:.-cg7|: 1. Once more th ' lib - 'ral year laujrhs out O'er rich - er 2. fa-vorsev - ery year made new! bless -ingrs o. We shut our eyes, the floworgblo m on; We mur-nnir, 4. Now letth.i ftp PP F^- =:EEz=^:t^=tp=^z==f|=Bpz=tpzr: -- 5- 4-0 o-J-o o ^i^ +q sil--fa s t-si st- 'I - I Joy - ful all ye na-tions rise; Join the tri-umphof the skies: ^ TL U 4:^ ^ :g:=2:i[:g--: illEr#lgEiie:^^irii^igi^ 74 Unity Festivafs. ' (2- Witlitiran-fje-lic host inct-claini, Christ is boiii! we h:\il his iiiinio! ^ J^^^ -it fi. -^ ^ ^ ^ tt ^ ^ ju. tii^i^ P Hark! the heralil an-p-ols Rinp:,Glo ry to the ncw-boin Ki]i< f_-:=p=?~cc=i:cz=f:t:- :fc^= 111. OLD HUNDHEU AND THIRTY-TWO. --i: -J.,-=^ _gy_J_^ a --J-^ 4^ ^- 1. Long. long a - go, in man-ger low Was cradled from a-bove 2. Whene'ortheP'a-ther'sClirisimas giftsSeemon-ly frost and snow, 3. Fortroub-le.coldand drear-y care Are an - gels in dis-guis-e, -O 12 1 - pC u- 1 (2 Sipi^^ t:=f:z=^^:=t:: tsin-i 2 si-^H9 1 1 '-'^ '^-'J iJ--'- ^ ^^^^ '-J-' A lit -tie child. in whom God smil d His Christ-mas gifts of love. Andanxiousstressandlone -li -ness,And pov-er- ty and woe, And,greet-ed fair with trust and prayer, As Peace and I ove they rise : -J -]- J ]- 1- JZ - J-| ^2 :] - J-e S- g__E- J- j3 _J_^_^J 0,heartswei-ebit-ter and un-just.And cru- el hands were strong! Be-hold the manger, rude and8traDge,In which a Christ-child lies! Straightway pro- vide a wel-come wide, Nor won-der why they came; Christmas Carols. 75 Z -|;j:^ & i,_-^.X3._5,_.s_'5_.,.4j s o c :!____ Jd The noise he hushe i wi'th hope and trust. And Peace be - <:i\n her sonj,'. welcome truest. thy era- dle-nest Is al-waysGod"s surprise! Tiicystand outside our hearts and bide,Knockingin Je - sus'name. From Uuity Hymns and Chorals. ^l^- ^'h' -1X2 IV. Chferfal. 1. It comes up-on the nudniirhtclear. 'J'he; > p * f * g F * 1 Is tiie ev - cr - l;i^t dni.^ ^us - pel, Good and j^'ad for ave the same, Had of Li.'htthi'dcaililc-s triu;i:ph,Suu; of lovetlie iov-ful song, ^ JL M. ^ ^ M. JL JL" JL a. M. 'm1 JL JL L^|-;-:#=pi #='r_:#=pz:i:-::i=: fe^i=:i--z:ii=i:=p*- u? - tt: S S S N-| I- TO < # P# #- P g i g p^ So we, in our ha])-py Ciiristmas.Bn'atliptl'.e n - ni -ver-sal creed, '(ilo-rv 1) to God the 1 Iii;he>t! I'cace onearth tioodWUltonien! " ^ s ^ ^ -- . ^vi-z:'=p{ =:f^^z:p5-;*-r:-:f=ip?=:!?=:?zii#=p*=rr3 :t~-^^r:?^'-I^ s ; I g ; . p^ 1 r> j^_ _ - p* 1 Glas])injr}ianils with di^-tant a - SonL;sof Ijrrjtlicih'M'd and wor-.-liip Let tlie woi ldrr-.j)iind a '):; In a Lmihcihood ill-deed. ,'ain. I *- 0- - 1- \ * ^v - ->" '.^ V i^ V 78 Unity Festivals. Ktfrain. --^-'^-^'^ -N M ixtjiain. S K A broth er-hoo(l A biotli-er-liooii of lov-in.^, A biotl)-er-ho()d of ser-, nig. of lov-in_E;, A bioth-cr-hood ots'i--ving. f y 9 V- ^'V^ ^ If' L T A hroth-er - hooci Aljroth-er - hood 1^ > offaiih and hope, A bioth-er-hood indeed' offaith and hope :Goo(] willand peace to nien 5IiErif.EEEEE=S-3^S^==533E=---'v=f^Ef^-jJ Till. ^^"^i^E=^=E ^ r ^dtlEr^ZzEii^EE^EiEt! 1. 2. s^* liMl^^^H^] -r ho - ]y li^ht Hail tliou love-ly be;-nuiig rliJ^ht^^ litn from lieav'n a G!o-iy be to God on liigli, Peace on earth, good will to men d. ^ "^ ^ "tt ^ jC:^. . j2t:.(a^^^42 :Qrz:;^npr^ -n rr'i=.trps:-j g:|f--^^j^E-E ia=| -^ 4-r S G^-\-<5>-' E F-" r jr -- F^' ''^ F:::; -^ r.^ -- Z 1 1 1 1__! rgj I L ^^_L^ sj "-s Prais-es sing, Prais-es sing Broke up-on the mother's soul Prais-es sing, Prais-es sing Thanks and bless-ing uj'-ward fly: (2 h-^:!^' fEEf^e ^"%l?^--f|j^: 9-i With the child nam'dWon-der-ful Lift our song of joy a -gain, ji-IS g^5*^Eg;:=E^^seE:=: Prais-es sing, Prais-es sing, les &- Piais-es sing! Prais-es singl Christmas Carols 4 79 4-^ , Ic^ '.us Son of man we sing! Songs of praise and glo - ry bring! IX. J. Y B. ,, Allegretto. MentU --#-# -. -* ^^^3^ V" 1. now 2. And Jo - de sns' part, word .3 we will 9 sing-: From ev Shall yet Our voic I'.V be li<-urt, AUthondi heard, And ov - rini,' "With note tof sof =ii care and sor - row-frd thrill with ho - li -est Kweet-t'tt nifr - ri - est fi'ar! Tlic in^a- - rv love! On lull and sontr! The poor and _J___| J ^^ --.-# ^ -; # iinie ilain ^ad :gs 9^^^ - -_ '^ . - _ _ -#--# -- 1^ Of Christ-mas tin)e, Rhall rinof in ev-'rv lieartwithfjladd'aing He talk'd with men. And glad "frood news" hetold from heai'n a- 'i'o-day are f,'l id, For .)e-sns(buh to all tlieworldbe- _,S ^S_ I' ' ' V ^ _ \ ^ - ^ I --? Unity Festivals. _j* ___^ . -# -#--#^ -jr-*-.-*"-* *-- cheer. Wo sing the ble.ss- ed day, The blcss-ed day, When bove. Ho was a man of grief, A man of f^x\o^. Ho long. And deep with-in the heart, With -in tlie heart, We'll .^ l!!!t-^ ^i^r- \^A-Js ^^^h-^ ^;^ -* -i- :J ^ ^iSt"^:^ -^ :; -^^ ^ 2* :$:.:? ^ ,1o -snscame, achild of (ilod; llocauie the world to bless. The had not where tolay his head. But tho' a - lone and poor, A- cher-i^h all hiswordsof truth, That we theworldmay oless.The #.** =-;-:^s1: z=5ziiJ=n:jz:E5:ii=3:i world to bless, Andspreadthe light of love a - broad, lone and poor, Pure rich - es o - vcr earth he spread. Avorldniay bless, Andcrown with no - ble age our youth. --*- ^ D. C. lu I) . al'lcrcach vurso, use the words of tin; first verse as a Cliorus. J. V. B. _ Slowly. X. J. V. B. Fine. [i;it shall we sing this nier-ry Caristraas, This glad aiidhal-low'dday ? 1. wm ^-... - -. ,_-._ What but a car-olbriglitaud joy-ful, A sweet and gladsome lay, 2. Pour out the car-ol withilsglad-ness.Up-on the win - ter air, That glows with joy as if the summer, With harvest sun were there. 3. Here let the mor-ry chil-dren gather. To sing the love-ly child ; And here let vouthandmaid to-getli-er,Pi,e-vere the i^ro^phet mild, zi^tyzzEz=rf*=fz:fcfc=tt_- __u ^^_,__ D. c. So shall wesingthemer-ryClirist -raas.Thisgladandho - ly day. D. c. Pouroutthe Car-ol with its gladness Up -on the ho - ly air. D. c. Withjov-ful car-olswewillgatli-er To sing the ho - ly child. Christmas Carols. rt< IMind-tul ot th'^ >-to-ry old-en, And the won - der-ful ar-raj'. We will sing the precious sto-ry. Je - sus, Prince of Peace and light; And iflifeconieonrc-veal-ing', Toil and por - rows with the years, tzy" *. - *^"F* " * *-Jpi'^Ig_ pg m~-if~ZgZZLj2 3 -H^-.^- N- ^ 1^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ ' " ^ 1 East-em sage and trcas iiri'St^nli-eD.Uhore the bahe in nian-ger lay. Peaceon earth in heiiv-englo-ry ISreak refill - gent on the sight! See! theSon ot* Manun - Tcil-in^ Faith tri-nniph-ant o- ver fears! ^l^;?-#-^- f* * *=Pp^ |i ~4 -' y t^ i;^ JJ^r S ^q ^'^ > k' /""^ I" XI. .T. V. r,. ,T. V, B. Fine. V. '. ') .111'' uith siniridL-. (.'ar - ol iiii;: Oiir praij'Ci' brinu'iiiL'. Car - o\ - iiiu'. :(= --*: 1. Whon )iri'_'htlv(l,-nviiiiij;,BreakH tlu'lii'ht ofChi-istiiniH iiiorniiij; Forth irom iiiflil, 2. Wclov.' thesto - ry Of tliy birtli, Dear Child of ulo - ry. On th(M'arth. o The poor iitul \vc:i rv Isow are uav: W ith voices cheer-v Bh'sn the day. Wh.:i, -oft Oreal !_'oo=fe Orcai, jxood iieuK. L'ooil news tell - iiiLr, I'a.-s''(l O tiear the. hear tlic sin^' - iiit,'! Car .-J life; By chiiiK' ^\ ith t g - S5r:=Z^ I* ^^.^3 * S: : :f : : I ^^'-'' ^ F*"^*"^- ^-T 82 Unity Festivals. D. C. ilililliill2iifliiii?^=ife3=a .loy kind joy I'tid - iiii:, qiK'U - iiiL,' riiii' - inir. Crowns All Hail the the dny. BtrilV. time. ]--M.::jz9^-zi:^:mt^:zizjhizzzt^-^zz=.:zzz0Zz:. C^o^vu^" An iliiil the the day. strife, time. jov - fill, joy ~- fill cud - ins kind - noss. kind - ncsw tiuell - in; joy - fill, joy - fill rini; ini; r 1- -J- XII. G!o - ry to Ood in the hliih ^ -' m ^ mm JT* est. C 4- - Fil=^^^=^ -m m =r- *^ 1. Christ i.^ boru ! O 2. Bii - by j:l() - ry :5. He is boiu l<> -_-- . _^p ^- . ^_ hap - py day! in the place set us I'roel Wreathe the hoi - ly, twine the bay, Star-look in the mother b face! He the j.iy of earth shall be! 1- -i \ w h , ^::;m'-m~i~:^ mm CiiuisTis NATU8 iio - i)c-E; The IJahe. tlu^ So!!, tlic Holy Une of >ia - ry. CiiKlsTi rt N ATLS IIO- Dl - ?; ; I he s weel , t he mi 1(1. t hc Io-ly Child of Ma - ry. CiimsTi M NATrt* no - di -?;; The ijood. the true the One Heloved for- ev er. Chorus. lsu:ht of sad uess, morn of plad-ness. ev - tr-niore! i;v - er! Ev - cr! m^m i > r I* r rqv:: .\ft - er nia-iiy troubh's sore Morn of ;;ladness ev - crinore, and ev - ermore. i^^iii-IiiiHsil^i?iiSi5ifiEi=iii r 'r^ Mid-ni;;ht sc.'ircclv p.issed and ov - er, Draw-int; to this ho - Iv morn ^ m ' ' : ^ -- -*- - m- (: m -ff- '^e ==^"^^i^i:E^ z=- /TN - 9-f : i ".-f ,=iif*=S -|_j_^.| ._.- .^ ^_j_ er - y ear-ly, Ver-y early, Christ was t)oru,Siu^out with bliss, his iiameis this, ,_g-g^*.-* f-g: e_ff_, 5!^Z*E^:Egti~:^-^^*=E- > , r^ [ ^-r-T S=ZESifi^^*:LB -- O worlil re joif-r with lieartttnd voice, Ini man -u - el! - * *- - -m- -* p- -- J "^'Cli )::/. I //im'i II iifl in ti Hi'brew wordmadc up of three words, /m, with, ;<(/, ub and t'/, tiod, Boeauiu;: OO'I wUh us W^^ Im-maii - u - c 84 Unity Festivals. XIV. *^:''Ji('n,-di(\uiiU'< domino. Let us blesa the T-ord. *' 1 \K 1 ki'pt Winch bc-siUiMiiv sheep. An iiii-gel broiiLrht me news to keep. " lie 'saia thei-e-hallbebonithisiiiKht A lit - lie clnld ol love and li ''lit. :! lie said the ehild lies in a i-tall. lUit lie shall l)less thewide world all. 1' I ^^a\v the stall and ho - Iv child 1 conld not leave that presence mild. .> The child \ipon me tunied'his eve. Aud in his hand my heart laid I. ti When i went honuMlie child witii me Went, and would never part ed be. V O ho-lv child. I hal - low thee, And joy-tul is my heart in me. I r* !.!*>, fc-GEJ "r- \v! I)e - iu'-(li('.-a - inns Do - mi - no! n ^- ^ :".I~S= tP P <*- liii A. F. B. XV. atff^ -- -p N N f N ^ F^" 7 7- jT-F-i 7-H ^ ' -w -9- ir -* -^ -^ It * -^ -^ - -g- 1. With ffoti'l'ringan'o, The wise iiion saw Tlic star in lieav-ensprinpincr, 2. By lijjcht. ofstar.Tliey triiv'lcd fur I'o seok the low-ly nian-ger; ;i. .And still isfoimd/rhewo,i(l a-roiiiKl.Tho old and hal low'd sto-ry; 4. Tho hcav'n ly stiir Its rav a - far On ev- 'ry land is throw-ing, IP . ^ ^^ >/- And witli do-light, Tnpeace-fulnigiif.They liearJ the an -pels suig-ing-, A hum-blobed Wherein washi:dThiswondrotislit-t!e strang-er. And still issun'^- In ev-'ry tongueTheaa-gerssongof plo-ry. And shall notceaso Till ho-Iy peace, In all the earth is glow-ing. " \a * s~>zzr:r:-^-iz.-^::i.z':^zc. ri wzl-\ -y -y y- Christmas Carols. XVI. 85 1. Piin pie 0. The- till' >,. U - vcr S z^-: C-ir star - o - o'er 13 Hers are we. Bieth-reu in com 'thlehem"e jilaiu. Sai; es watch no laiul ;uid sea Speeds the (ios - pel inuii - ion: loiij; er: sto - rv ; I " ^ ^2^Z: :S i): "^ Let the birth of Je - Kus be A sweet bond of iin - ion. \\ liih' the suit't years wax and wane, Ilu - man love grows Htron;:c-er; Let the Christ-ehikis birth-dav be Time of praise and glo - rv. :=^~-qs- Care or sor row heed we not, Thinking of the man - gcr g^i -j -J, 1 j i^ - '^ 1 y ^' - ^-^ ?.Tr>. Meiijs . Schillincf. 1. Iliiik! It '\.-\Y>\ of lic;\v'ii-ly ]uu-s;r.f'roni al)an(l ofscr-iiphshnV'ht, 2. -Vii'l t'.i ' )ov-fal Cliri^tmus morninglJroiikiiigo'crthe world be-low, l:.^H_-z=z;; =:y=E(:-^-[: =:b=-=:S-5z:Et: 5=t:=i3 -# -i-;:;*^ #feSz* ^~* ^- -#- -^ ^Fj-;Tzdz=:d f * I #--# p Sii'l(l"ii-ly to iirtli (]<'i't'iiil-iii^-. Til tliocalmaiitl si- lent night: Tell.i a - ^'uiii tii(.' \v.-t(j-iy Siiop-h-rJs heard .so long a - go. L^'-f * * <* zz* ~s* Ji * '- ''*\ * ""? *i:r#zz:# _a_.' Z3 66 Unity Festivals ^533=3 i^Tp: 9 - '-* * 0- *^| ^ * -^ *~t^: To thesliepiicrdsof Jii-ilo - a, Wiitch-ing' in the eur-lieptdawn, AV ho shall stillour tiino-ful voic-os, Who the tide of praise slmll stem, #^ ^^-1 >-,-^4 ^~4 fs-i-s ^--1 fs-p-i^-ls-i Lo, they bear the joy - fnl tid-ing-s, Je-sus,Priiiceof Peace, is bom ! Vrhich thebless-ed an-gerstan^dit us In the fields of Betli-le-hem? iili:t_Lz:5 fed: !?=f=tz:zfcit=r|;i-t=vz:EW=piiizE;: -N-1 A^-,* m m a-'-M-m h* ' i^-r* ' 1 * -I I m-i ^ ' 'mt '-*r -i ; Fi i^oj g-Fg *-$-:- Sweetuiul cleai' those an-frelvoic-es,Echoingf thro'tlie stai-ry sky, Hark! we hear a - c-ainthechorus,Ring-ingthro'thestar-ry sky; ^_ _^_f-J_ "^ 1 M P ^ i 1 |.-L_ S 1 I ^ , lzzi*z:*==i_E'zLfz3zzdJ Astheychanttiieheuv'nlychoviis,"Glo-ry be to God on high!" And we join the ln'av'iily au-thoiu, "Glo-ry be to Godonhigh!" ^^^ -' # 5 * 1# i 0\- 0-\-\ i~^ 1| -^: XVIII. ==:]5=:j:rj=r:j=:^5!^ q 1. Joy and peace the an-gels sang. Far the hap-py ech os r 2. "Peace on earth, toniengood-will!"Hark!wehearthecho-rus 3. Lot us sing thean-gels' song, And thejoy-fulsoundpro- 4. Songsof peace our hearts shall fill. "Peaceon earth, toniengood- 1 ang, still, ong, will, "SM :-JlzIJ=^^:^~ i=:^^-t: I F(2- -* i 0T 0-0 f :;zz:E-:zza:;r-^-Edz.:t:z; Christmas Carols. 87 Of thean-gel'ssing-ina-, sini?-inf>', On the Christ-mas mornino-. XIX. _r . I__J I I T 1. Rinjr outtliebelLsfor Cluistiuas,'J'hehap-py, hap-py day; In 2. On Beth-le-heiu'squiethill-sicle, In a- greslonggroneby, In '). When-e"erHiriSwcetliunbso-atli-or.With-intlii3c<'n tie fold, The J J ^A. ^-^-^^- r \- *0 i -l-- fg 0m t*--* -^- +^ p i win- tor wild, tho ho - ly child with-in an - gt'l notesthe glo-ry floats, "Glo-ry Christ is tlieriMvithlov-iiig- care, As in rrr2:z:1:=D;::?= ^ - - - -p 0- -4 ~c the era- die lay, to God on hi<>h, the davs of old. "Yet In ^E: 11^^^ .A p 003^^^ won-der-lal! that Je - sus Is wakes the sun as joy - ous As each younf^ heart you see him. In in the man-ger lone. His when the Christ was born, And ev - 'ry guile-le-s face, You , 1 1 ,_L_=.v, .V . H__| y ^0 .0 Y^- , 1 \-ri -00 -Y-^rj-- I y^ sta - bl.\ you pal-a'''' I- a still h.M-'.iw-sto ^rr.>:t see the h'j - ly Jt; - __ \ ^ J I i'-t,-^-? * * '-^- -* - ---^ # '(-* And M;i-ry"s anus his throne. On I'V-'ry (.'hrist-nias morn. Who f/T-'wiu strcntrlh and urace. 88 Unity Festivals. XX -^_H_ 10 - lyni^l ^'~*7~i Oh! star of woa-der, star ot'miyht.Starwith roy-albeauty bright, ii ?-! r-' -<-* J^, ,- r-* -,---, ,- 1 cj:* ^_p -p* i=L #^p p .-p* a p# *-f*-irg t'l *'T~I ^^1 ^ri ^( I '-ri ^T~i 11 West-ward Icad-ing-. still procee. And by the lijjht of that sams starTiireo wise men came 4. The wise men did know thon.as-sured - ly, Tlie Kingrwhom they 5. Be -tween the stalls of an ox and ass, This child there shep-herds in fields as they lay, East, be-yondtheni a - far, from a coun - try a - far, sour^htin the house mast be; .^ tru - Iv born he was; --1 And To So For fields where they lay, which to the earth did seek for a King it one en-ter'din, the want of bed-cloth - ing I ' [_ 1-6, el-Lp 1 1___^ L| i_jji. keeping their sheep, On a cold win-ter'sni 1 ~r~ J * rf * ~H J * * 1. There's a won der - ful tree, 2. 'Tis all a - lislit with its 3. And a voice is telliuir, its * R: ri7-fr-| I p 1 r ^^--8-- won-cler- till tree. Thii tap ers' r T r / r / _] -.^ al - ways Is al - wajs Ijlooming at Christmas tide, hail it We hail it with joy at the ('hri>tnias tide, her - aid To her - aM tir; ear - li - est Ciiristmas tide. 0-i. # ^_i ^ #-,.# # ff ^___#'^^#-i_#.i,,, p:pb=isi^zz:===*=Et:z==r=!;*lfz='z^=z=*=Et:=tii:H igz=:t:=|:=p-Epi:z=;z:;^.z=!^-_ ^ _L ^^:Lsfrl H 92 Unity Festivals. XXV. 1. Siiifi: the brifjlit nn'as lire, sing but ot'ploas-nrc, Jlring fir and 2. lliirktlic bells ring - ing, join with our siiig-ing. Earth is re- -^._,_,T._Tr_T ^ ^^A- ? p ' r I ho - ly for Christ mas hall, joio - ing, 'tis Christ-mas night. Happi - ly, merri - ]y, Happi - ly, etc. !i|5==i=i=t?=iz:Et=S=J-E*iJi^Ep^.'^^'^Ej-^:3d joyful- ly, cheeri-ly, sing-ingour car-ols 'round Christ-mas tree. Allegretto. Eugene Thayer. 3 1. Joy-ful-ly, 2..Joy-ful-ly, 3. Jov-ful-ly, joy-ful-ly, joy-ful-ly, joy-ful-ly. U y 1^ Carol Christma- bells. Carol Christmas bells. Carol Christmas bells. Mer-ri - ly Mer-ri-ly Mer-ri- ly -K K ^-K-r--fS- r-| |~~?~i;^ri>;ii;3rr:ipzzr:q:r: (^ y y mer-ri-ly Car- ol Christmas bells. Jesusnames this holy day; mer-ri - ly Car-ol Christmas bells. Here,aroundtheChri8traasti-ee, mer-ri - ly Car-ol Christmasbells. For we all remember here, rr#- N- =): I'dt -0 hf ?-H-7 tf- # * -J * :tzi^5Lz::^ Christmas Carols. 93 Pa Let us all be ^'lailancl say, ^\ ' w,ll love liini ami o - hey. All our hearts are triad and tVee. Wliilc we car - ol lov - iuy - ly. Je-sus.t'riendai:d teacher dear. And \v .'^iii'^- with voic -es clear. - 0- L/5 1 L^ 1 -G-5 - -^ -^ >, ,_ 1 S 1 1 1 iif I ^ i :J=i i- ^ ^ N-l-y V-l I 1 Joy -i'ul - ly ,.y - fid -ly - N - / > > Car - ol Christmas bells, N # - -? * 1 s L jIT -G- ^ :ir5=::^_=d: ;Mer - ri - ly, :i=a: B?iE,-EE5"=3: UK-r - ri - ly ::^5: mm^\ / / Car - ol I'iiristiuas bells. N 1 .- I ::]-_-=z: - I - .1. V. B. t^=3: trt^^ XXVII. --> 1^ S-m |3=iy: 1. Tlio' an-L'ry roar, Out-side the door, The Ijlasts of win-try weatli 2. Tho' field and wood, That lately Btood In all their i-uiunier glo In - side the light. Is warm and briglit. The while we sing to - geth - er. Are dead and drear, W(! hold it dear, I'hiB time of sa-cred nto - ry. -0- llo-san - na! ho - sau - na! On earth t,n)od will to men. ^ g ^^ f *~ -i I =^- re-ZEfEi ;ia 94 3. On meadow brown The enow comcB down, In wintry drifts and sballowB; I?ut ftll the more We bless the store Of mirth that Christmas hallows Unity Festivals, 6. The eoujis they Bing, The hymns they bring, Of Klnddess, where they gather.. From childhood's mouth Come like the South Warm wind In winter weather. 4. The garden dead. Lies in its bed; But cliildren are the flowers Of garden room Within the home, That blooms in Christmas hours. XXVIII J. V. B. 6. With carols come I No voice be dumb I Loud rise the acclamations: "Tis Jesus' birth, And round the earth. Roll birth-songs of the natioas. 1. Win-try weath-er, 2. Car - ols ringing, 3. Win-try weath-er, Let it Glee-ful tsiiij^-iuj^, rill wim tspiirKiiu;^ joy lue lime, Let it gath - er, Starli and cold and chill with-oat. gath - er, Stark and cold and chill with-out, singing. Fill with sparkling joy the time. 'r "^' f" " u ^ While po mer-rv, Blithe and checrv, Rings our Christmas car - ol out. Bells are pealing, Soft - ly stealing. O'er the heart their ho - ly chime. While so mer - rv, Blithe and cheery, Rings our Christmas car - ol out. Hark! the voic - es! Children's voic-esi How they gleam and glow with, joy! Lol the fac - es 1 Sei^ the graces Of their ec - sta - cy of glee! Trees are bend-ing, (iifts de - pend-iug. Bright arrayed the eV - er-green: Hoar the eound-ing And re-bound-ing Thankful sing we. Thankful bring we Ta - pers glow-ing, Garlands flow-ing.~ tongues employ, grate - ful - ly. fill the scene. Christmas Carols. XXIX. .1. V. B. =^^m^ 1. Xow corae.yoiir anthems bringing-, Dear chil-tlren round till' fire: 2. For still the love - ly sto-ry Is dear to old and young; 3. O brighttiie fair - y dan-ces Of fiie-light on the wall; 4. So while to heav -en ascending Our joy - ful car-ols ring, P__ ._ I , _ 1 I - ^ ^r^-#--#- ' ^ .f^ Yoursweet-estcar - ols sing-ing, As sang the an - gel choir. And still theChild of glo - ry By chil -dren shall be sung. Andsweettheten - der fan -ciesWherehorae-love fills the hall. Oh, in ourheartsare blend-ing The joy and love we sing. -#- -^ MT^ ^ XXX. J. V. n rr-9 a ; ^ I J ^ h * 1. Come with car - ol. Christ mas car -ol, '1. Mer - ry, mer-ry, Clu'ery, chivry, Peal-ing, pcal-iiig, Stealing, stealing I'rec-iojssi'a -son! (), with rea-son. 4. Sweetthomfi'tirig.l)fartl:egri'cting.Hii; --:i: 'I'is a haliowM Let the song ring In - to ev - 'ry I .loy-oiis-ly \vr it with s ouj.'-i in' time, out: leart, sing! lijilay: iE^ii c)6 Unity Festivals. , s , s , s , N , ^ ,K :r _fi __> |S__ '!> :^# * ^ P* * f^ h-f * * * i H 1-1 9^ ,1.1. I . .w. r Cop.io with siiig-in^' .Toy-lul sii)<>-iii, 5 Is k= > * 1 ^ 2-v - -#-h* .* ^-[ Fp * 1-* * p 3 .-^-v-J :Eg~ fS-- Christmas Carols. 97 P ,^^-zzzzJ: Hi^ Car Car-ol, Car-ol. Car - ol, Car-_ol^ Tis a hallow'd time. Car - ol Cliristmaschime. f -* * F-g~* g +S * Fg ^-t4 I > i I I I is=: =i^HI feil^ I I III 1 I II r "-^^ m XXXI. J. V. B. J. V. B 1. S^veetf.st of meas - ures, 2. Mer - ri - ly siiiy in<^, ). Cratof'iil - ly ev - er, (!av Chi'f Sor m - ost of pleas - urCrJ r-ri - ly briiij^ - iii','- Vow-ful ncv - er. Hail tiio ho - ly tiiuf Wit'ii their cliimo; C;ir-olsar(>souniline-, Note oi'swrctc-tsoiif,'' Full and strong; Sweet is thocho-rns (Jar-olssweet iiiid rare 'I'luo' the air Kv -er as-eend-iiiu. ^!=^ - 2 *-.-#-, --. -. 0-. -' 98 Unity Festivals. A N __ -+, |-=-i d r-^'Zr-0 .- - - J-r r-l ^i n r 1- m- ' -. 5 5--#-T *! i ! -I ^- 1 5 ^00 #- ; ^-i-i J_'ZZp_j- 1 -T-^^ 1 Z J H-_^ ^ L # H #-. *-i f^ *--5 l-S J Ech-ocs re - bound - iii^-^-.^^^ 0-0-0-0' la la la la la la la hi la la la la la la la la la la la la. :iE3^E=3=FE^E^S3^E3=S5^r=3=33 ) a- *^Fg-? ;-T+-T 0-.-y-+*-T ^-' HI i- -0- ( T*-. -># ' Christmas Carols. XXXII. 99 1. From tho mer-ry Christ-mas timo, Faint-lyech-oes nowtho chime; , c. Notes from harpstrings newly strung-, Tones am I EU'cents fresh and youny. 2. Steal-ing otf at t\vi-lightgrray,Flies theoldswiftyear a- way; c. Turn we now from her a - way. Turn wo where, with car-ols pay, 0. Thro' the jrold -en o-ate of day, Comes she p-ai - ly on her way, c. Ring, ye beils,yoursff-et-cstchime;Cro\vn withjoy the mer ry time; - P-8-* F ^ ^00-{ --\ - * ; :^-i y- ^ - *]-' ^ 1 m\-m 1 1 * H n 1 '--\ Soft- ly sing the love- ly hiys. Of our glad-some lio Tell me. what is tliis I hear?Thehap-py, hap-py glad Withiier weightof weal< r woe. Let her thio" night8's])or- Briglit-ly shin-ing draw-eth near. The hap-py. hap-py glad See how bright each i - cy gem, Spar-kles in her di - For ad vaiic-ing now draws near, The hap-py, hap-py glad 4^- 9- n: 9- i-d New tal, New ays. Year! -go. Year! lem! -Year! -a-* -#-* -S- --I h * .-a-^ ' ' -0- ' I '* * ^-^ I Kowthro' crys-talskies I hear, Round-ingBwcet ly, sound-ing clear, As slie hast-ensori-ward,cry I'art-ingyearleoodljve I g-ood hye! Sing, oh pines, old o-ceau chant, Monn-tain winds bio wju - hi -hint; gi^^H^^^:^^^^ -.zV=w==z=i= -A - --^-A I), c. Whis-p'ring 'neath t lies 1;ir\ L. IL Sp T^i F# # i ^ -4 bd- ^ * tz; WEBB. -* h^ ^ ^ ! hsi -iiri 1. O beau- ti-ful!our conn -try! Be thine a no-blcr cure, 2. For thee our fa-thers si]f-fer'd,For thee they toil'darnlpray'd; ;!. beau- ti-l'ul!our coun-try ! Roundtheoin love we draw; 1 I 1/ 1 i 1 Than Ihine is 11 thy wealth of com-merce,Thy har-vest.s wav-ing-fair: )n thy lio - ly al - tar, Tlieir will-inglives they laid, the grace of Free-dom, The nia - jes - ty of Law! iiEii y -. 90 ^-Tg * F j * ^ T^-7-^ ' . . 'I Be it thy pride to lift up Tlie man-hood of the poor; Thou hast no common birth-ripht, Grand memoricson thee shine; Beright-eous-nessthy seep - ter, Jus - tice thy di - a - dem; ! J 2: *^J -0-0-r- ^ ft 3=^33-- mm - '-F ^ 0-'-^- to all the op-press-cd. Fair Freedom'so - pen door. ]til-gruii na-tion.s.Com-niin-gledHows in thine, shin-ing fore-head. Be Peace the crown-ing gem. ^srr-i ' * i-^ - - r- #-n-!2 ,, National Songs. fOl .T. V. B. tranr' THE HEROIC DEAD. ._,_,-4 _i_h'_,-| ;^ 4 fzs:z-&i ^ -?-- i |-H 1 1 I ^ ^ -I 1 , ourthankswe of - fer. Ye he-roes trje and bruve, and uii-kiiownmead-ows, In many aniin-namedgrave, with light re - joic-inirs,With mirth and fes-tal lay, I I - I I I II J -"-i d ' '-ri * ^ ._^_,_^__ Yoar-sflves with pure de - vo - tion, To he - ro-deathwhoprave: Yourest.wheremenwulk - ver, And think not ot tiie brave. And n'lt with gild -ed eni-bleras, We gfive our thanks this day: 1 ^t:^_[-_,=^_ ^^_,_,_t:,. - -i :\'. :^- ^^--^.-1 I I To ho - ro-(lt^ath for ylo For free-doni.sflf-for - jrot 'Tis on - ly he - ly fer -I J ,__J_,4_.^4-?_,^ ,_4 ^ ij--^ p- . -# -#i-#-*: - ry, Forhoine, forti - ten. Vou p r-ish"(l - vor, FortruthandF -1 -I- , I nth and in your a - ther J. m lif?ht, ranks; -land, L_, _ J, !)-,-_ I 1 1 _-J_ _ 1- J \0f--J r-m * I_u >,-4- ,- ,--1- For wife andchililandhou - or, For chil-(h-en\sc!;il-(iren'8 riji^ht. ]5ut ho- li.'.^ttliaiik.s wyivt; you. AVliodied nor tho't of thanks. And on - ly ti'ar-dronssa - crod, Can thank vn;i. he - ro - band. *.*,.. I , I n I n h nl ^ -*## ^-0 00 #-#-J 1 ^-' II. \V. I,(.n<'f.'llo\v. Unity Festivals. KNTKKKI) INTO liEi>T. (For Docoration Day.) 1. S'.t'op. cnmradcs. sleep ami vest, On thisFieldoftlie Grounded Anns, 2. Rest, eoi.. nules.rest and .sleep! The thoughts of men, sliallbe ^gi&rr-^=E=zEi=::t:=3it:z=t:i=^=5zz|:--l:iiIgilz: f^= Where foes no more mol- est, Nor sen-try's shot al-hirnis! As sen-ti-nels to keep Your rest from dan-ger free, *-*- Hg=g=pj~j j= J-f%=:j=p^=^==:J=::pq=:;==-:3 i 1^* # * ^-* -*1 "-I 1 *_3:gi:_3 All IS re-poseand peace, Un-tramp-led lies the sod; -| , .-5,- is re-poseand peace, Un-tramp-led lies the sod; Your si - huttt'nts of groon. We d?ck withfra-grantflow'rs, JL ^ *" --- m # #_4t" 1?*# i-J^TV'F r^ "^ te 1-^-- n T" ;^^=!_z*=:g=:iir:=J=^jz=i5EJi=;=^=:: The snouts of liat-tle cease. It is tlieTruceof God. Yours has the suti'-'rinu- l)eeii, 'J he mem-'ry shall be ours. + F I P =1-(2-*^ s=FF ! - - - -^l?-r E[: E=E=g 1 r- li Collins SOLDIERS OF FREEDOM. (For Ducoration Day.) 1. IIow sleepthebravewhosink to 2. By fair - y hands tiicirknel! is rest, rung: -fa Ry all their By forms im- P^^ts p a-q:g:i_o:-q:#zf-.f -3 jfs: : _ U-qzq National Songs. lO: coun-try's \visli-(s blest! When spring, with dew-yfin - geis cokl, Rc- seeii their iliiL'-e is sunnr; Tliere Hoii-or comes, a pil-grim pray,To #J^.^__ ^' ^ f-__^__, ::1=]i j - 4 :j >-,-l ,- L 1 --^ jg- :q=: tunis to i-h'ck tht'ir hal -h^wd niMiiM, Shpth not liis own: 2 mar-tvr tit'(iod"s will on earth. As it is (l(iii>> a - lio\f! ?E^3E='EEHEEEEE:E^=*ErP3=E:ZpS=EJ All ini-pnU'- trcjiii tin' Uiiiln'st stirn-i]. lie y-.ivi' tin- lijts a - lone. 'I'hy ciwt- iswit-nt's- to tin- worth Ot Jus - tic^ and of Love. I ! -0- I -0- -0- #-- -^ i- I04- Unity Festivals. Ilpf^lliii&;il|feiilfip We rest in pt'actwvliprohis sad eyes Siiw ]M'r - il. strifennd ])aiii; Thy namoliall stand and ti's-ti-ty 'I'o com - in ^^^^eM^^^^^^i^:^^. g:qt- GLOKY, (iLORY, HALLELUJAH! :d2 9-^, -^h-P K i-^ K ^ S-#-^* ^ > F^ #-T-^H zz:=rtz I * F #-^ * ^- i :N-i^ ^ H is; :-t:==t:: --N-:^ N- -N K K-f-- t #--7- -p ' izu==z^tzzi=z:t_ziz=t=izz:r^=: t--^i-_^^^ National Songs. CllORL'S. 105 -J j- ii^^: -i * ' Glo - ry, glo - ly, lial - le - -I - ._ m #_ ^-1 r > / i? 5 "" "&", f 5 1 1 atb " :?^:l ^-i &L.^ ?-- ^- =jT J-J sjs lu - jah, Gio - ry, fi'lo - ry, lial - I3 - ' c c ? p ^ ill - jah, ^--^- ^ -L /- '^ ^ > > -S ^'^ *z;_iz;^_^ _,zi:s* _ --^t, _zi]_j ^ jJ #--5--#-* , ' ' -0- (ilo - ry, jilo-ry, lial-li' - iu - jah. I _- _* ,-a ^_ . 1 1^ , ,-, 1^ ^ -^-^ -0-0 --rq=6> # =Er r ^^ t -Az^M p ^^ / I r r THK HKiHT GOES ^I ARCHING ON. \V. (". (Jannktt. (For Kmancipation, or Decoration, Day.) One moment on the scatrold, and he left it Holy Ground! Three hundred thou.sand heroes now lie guarding it around. But reverent heart.s are pilgrim still to many a sacred mound, And the Ri:lorv of ilu- cdmiajj; (jf ihe J.nrd ; Ho is traiiiiiling out the vint:i;(' where tlie grapes of wratli are stored : He liath loosed the fateful liglitniu^'s of his terrible swift sword ; His truth is inarehiug on. I liave seen liini in the wateh-fires of a hundred circling camps : They have huilded liini an altar in the evening dews and damps ; I can read his righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamj)s; His day is marching on. I have read a tiery gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel : " As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal: ]>et the Hero, born of woman, crush the seri)ent with his heel. Since God is marching on." He has sounded f(^rth the trumpet that shall never call retreat : He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment seat ; (), be swift, my soul, to answer him 1 be jubilant, my feet! Our God is marching on. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea. With a glory in his bosom that transfigures y(ju and me ; As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, While God is marching on. J. W. C. LAND OF THE HEROES. 1. Land of Which of 2. Hail to Pledt^ed thee 3. Dark "was That which the ::1^z=:1z=:i: the all the to the he - roes who won us lands that the sun look fa - therswho found thee faith - f^ll-nt^s. hclp-ful a her - it-ige, eth down up -on a wil - der-ness, ness, broth - er-hood, shad - ow tliat slow - ly spread o - ver us, fa - th'rs hud promised so stead - fast-lv, - # h#- :>'^t: -4 - 1 .H 1 .r-J- * r #' ' 0--0 b* * |- g izzz r -0 : I i3roadas the con - ti-nent, free as the air! ) How can we Can with thy glo - ry and beao-ty com-pare? j" Plant-t'd thee thick with the Church and the School, | p ., Free-domthy safe-guard. and jus-tice thy rule! ( i^^seuieu en- Dark -er and ev - er more dread -ful it grew;) t -f , , Sons of their chil-dren were read-y to do, f i-ii ana its *-_ ^^ *- - 0- _a z L:i__, :: ._4r>__ 107 National Songs. j6ri9m*-r-*^* ~:zz;~Lg:zi:^yiz::j: ^Z2 t'l i j -_: siiifif thee; Wluitcanwe briiij,'tliee. Half the dear love which we deiiv - or, Hon-orM for - ev - er! Sa-cred tiieii-iianiesfor the treas - ureThiiie without nir'as-ure! Rose, as one man, a great ^ -^ -0- - -0- -^ -^ \ Mi| t-T r r . J-r4 m^^mpMmM^ii bear th'e toshow y [.ovetliatshall ev - ermoreju- hil-aiit grow. sor-:-o\vihey bore.Huild-iiig- a Ikhiso on the wil - der iiessshore. l)eH-|)le in nii=d 1. My (joun-try, 'tis '2. My iia-tive conn .'!. l/'t mu - sic swell 4. (,>iir ia-ther's God of thee, Sweetland of lib - er-ty, try, thee, Land of the no - ble free, the brci'/.e. Andriugfroni all tlie trees to thee, Author of lib - er-ty, ^ i?4t^ * F*' -^ * * \-\ -*^^"^ p -' ^ r - "-1 . -; 3 I F*^-* *- Of th'''' I i-inir: Landwhi-remy fa-thersdied. Land of the Thynaiiif'l lovf : 1 love thy rocks and nils, Thy W(ndsand Swi't'tfi'-'-dom'ssDiig! Li't mor-tal tongues a-wake; Let all that To tleewi; siiiy-: Longmayoar land 'ne bright ^Vith fr e-dum*8 1 ; - - rl p#-^ -->- pp X- m^ loS Unity Festivals. ?z=:^v^=J=El=^::^:^#iE#j:izr===EsTf-rzzJz::fez:3J U-t pil-jrriins' prule,Fromev - 'lyiuoiin-tiiinsido Let froo-doni ring. toin-pl(\ll)ills;My luartwithrap-turetlirills Lilcethafc a - bove. breathe par-tako; Lctrnckstlifirsi-lencelircak. The sound jiro-long. ho- ly light; Pru-tect us by thy might,GreatGud,ourKing. OUR COrXTHY. (tocI bless our native hind ! Firm may slie eviT stand 'l"hr()U<:h storm and nijzht I WluMi tlie wild temjiests rave, Kuler of wind and wave, .)( tiiou our country save. By thy great might ! For her our prayers shall he. Our fathers' (iod, to thee : On thee we wait I Be her walls, Holiness; Her rulers, Righteousness ; Her ofiicers be Peace ; God save the State ! From Hymns of the Spirit. OUR NATION. Gone are the great and good, Who here in peril stood And raised their hymn. Peace to the reverend dead! The light that on their head The passing years have shed Shall ne'er grow dim. We now, our fatliers' God, Stand where our fathers trod, Where sleeps their dust : Their high tidelity. Their love of liberty, The faith that made them free, Our sacred trust I And on, from sire to son, O High and Holv One, That faith descend .' While life shall ebb and flow, New centuries come and go. Still may our children know Our country's Friend I From Unity Ilynm.s and Chorals. LOVE OF COUNTRY. iPil 3=3=: :5-::2? Z-^A^=i'^i :j=dzi2. 1. We pray for our 2. Who blcos her are == Coun-try; May bless - ed! Be she ev - er bo peace in her walls, Hi, -I , t- National Songs. 109 and the hap - py, The o-lo - ri - ous - ly free! ail her p;r!a rf'>, H'v 'Ot - ta - ;?es and hall?! I I 1 r The ho - ly and the hap - py, The glo - ri - oiis - ly free! And joy in all her pala - ces, Her cot - ta - ges and halls! DWELLINGS OF THE FREE. L Dwell-incrs ot the free Haydn. intrs or the tree are sounuinjj- Wrli a sontf ot 2. Thou didsthear, Righteous Ru-ier, The sad sigh-iag 3. Speed thy work, O Lord of Na-tions; Lo! the ty -rant's -S-^^-.^ =: ^ .--J- vie - to - ry; (Jmuit-less hearts with joy are bouniliiig And in of the.-i;iv(', Tlioudidststretchthinearm of power, Thoiididst chain is riv'n. And from hill and plain are ris - ing Anthems i-a* -rt- -#;#-5 ' , r r freedom tjli'>s-ing thee. Brave-ly fouglitour sires for freedom, free him. thou didst save: Now the workman toi s with hon-or, (if tlie trcf to heav'n. With tri-umphaiit song webli'ss thee, ZZ. jU. f-^^ ^ -^ wmM:3imMmmm^^^ ilO Unity Festivals. . g Vf^ 4-|2 P g> p F=P- 1 ^ (2.'0. (loin we will live; and liaiul are fire; est wars to cease. Brave - ly Thanks we j\l ay thy ^ * -C- G> a r r- diedthey give thee! right-eous I :F; I III coun-try, And to her our pow - er; Praise! the ble'Bs-mg free-dom Lead the land to A :=V lives we give, is of thee, end - less peace! mMmMi^n^M^w^mm^i DEAR FATHERLAND. J. V. B. UXION. Bavarian. l=mi 1. To thee, 2. And thou, o. Free as our J-S 1 '-0 S o- Fa-ther-land. Bond of" our iieart and hand, God of Kiulit.The Lord,who.-earm of might, riv - ers flciw, Pure as our breez - e.s blow, 2-T-S- ^.T^ * * pp ''f- ^ 'Qi=^:g=i'g:=^z?=i5zi:p=:: ^^KE^EE|^E^EEfcfc?Ejjd Fiom love deep pure and stront^ In storm and bat - tie- roar. Strong as our niountaiiisstand, Rolls Our Be our high song. Fa - thers bore our broad land I M .f"__,_fSLL _ National Songs. May all thy pathways be High-ways of Lib - er - ty, Thou mad'st their children strong To break the chains of wrong, Brighthomeof Lib-er-tv, Hiyli hope of all the free I ^ r '"^r ^-f- '^-.'^ ' [- T ; r 4 n-I -J. And Jus -tice.thronedin thee. Till rang the Freeman's f^ong Our love thy watch-tower bo, - * , M i I - *^=^p ' -^- i - Rei<,ni a - pes long! From shore to slmre. Dear Fa- ther-land! m From Unity Hymn;< iind Chorals. THE PILGRIM-FATHEPvS. Mis. Ileinan.". n^ ^ -1 ^S-4 ^^-1 J^:-- ^^ d-3 ^^ le breakingwaTesdashedhigh, On astern aiulrock-bouudcoast And the Not as the coii-qiierur comes. They, the truehearted, came; Not A midst t he fitorm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea I And the Wliatsoushtthev thnsaiar ? Uriglitjew - els of the mine? The ^ s r; ^ > ll^i!^=3i-^l=pp=^EE=^g^ 0-Tg ^7 ^ * . ^ * r woods a-gain^t a storm - y sky Their gi - antbranches with the rolloftlie stir- rngdrmns, And the trumpet tliatsingsof soundingaislesof the dim woods rang To the an-th<'niof the wealth of s<'as. the spoils of war? Thf-y sought afaith'spure Unity Festivals. tO'St'd ; And thcliOiivv nisrlitliun;;; dark The liillsand waters o'er, When- fame; Not ;i> the liy-iiiL;- (Miin'.ln si-ltMice and in fear; Tie; free. Til,' oceaiieafilt'S are.l Ki-um his nest I'V the white wate'sfoam.Andi sin-iii"! Aw call iL he-iy frri'iiatl.Tht; soil wUre first they trod! They ;in'; -> -9 When a Tley hs ha'9 ^1^^ gi-y:^ - ^P^izn-^ J y S ^S |_ , txJ=3 hand of ex - iiesnioor'dt'aeir hark On tlie wihl New Eiiirhuid shore. sb.>okthe dejUhsof the (h's - ert "looni With their hvmus of lof - ty cheer. roclv-inir {tine:^ of the forest roared This was their welcome home! left unstained what there tliev found Free-dom towor-sliip (iod. M. M. FRKEDOM. -^n :zr== ^ i 3':z:zzE-zi:=::f-=:|=:3zzi: 1. of 2. There :;. Then f. Hrr Pi oh I in en eyes d(,' - sire tliehei^'-hts, The re - joicp, Self and field To tlie truth, The :Eizz:=J=*=j!=a I 0^ ^ t--T- *T7:" tlinn-der? breaking at herfeet: A - bove hers-hookthe <:at;h - eredin her prop - het-mind. But fnio--mentsof her niin - glowith the struircrinigrace And part by part to wis - doni of a tliMi-sand years Is years m :-- tiie!n:may per- r- National Song$ :^=:,._-,_J=Z5=bzi=::j_zzq -::l--g :3=j^ -^ * "J ;* I ---* -^^ -o^ ^ ry lii; his tsiie heard the roar - iiig tor - ents meet. on the wind. of lier face. ligriit from tears. 19:^- star migh - ty voice Came roll - inj,' down np men reveaUd 'Jh- g'o-rious ful - nes.s pot - ual youth Keep dry their ho - 1 '*' 1 1 J * # - -l 1' 1 'C c 1 ^ # m t ~ vTo *. uue r uusic. 1 FKK i:dom 'S S ACRIFIC}-:^ ^ 1-5 i-:r:l::j; rz. ^^ m Aroiuid I see the powers that be, I staml by J']in])ire's primal sprint^s, And jirimes meet in every street. And liear t!ic tread if uncrowned kin^s. 'i'iie shadow ix'nd and o'er ns liend, () niart\rs, with your ci'owns and palms ; Breathe thrDiigh these throngs your liattie son^ Your scatlbld prayers and dungeon psalms I To j)arty claims and i)rivate aims Reveal that august fare of Truth, Whereto are given the age of heaven, I'lie lieautv of immortal youth. Whiitirr. TH !: STA R-SPA NTiLFd) HA N N K!;. H J +# - -'* A 1. <) siiylcaii ynu see by the du's ii 's ear - !y lightWhatso 2. On th'' -'ci;-.^(';iu;-,y s"('n thro' the ni -t of tlie deep. Where tho ''. ( ti:-!-i b^' it rv - erw'n'nii- nion.-hall t-tand Be- ^_^., I _;_,_ t^^'-rt ^^-,(2 ' I -^ g - (2 # :*-id.^:^=z*=f=(:i::rf=S:t=:f !=a -I j>i'>iid - ly W'.- liad'd f)>''s h;iiigh-ty host tween th>'ir iovi'd ii<.nie.s m I at th.' twi - light's hist in dri'ad si - Icnce re- ani-l w.irs des - o 4- * . "^ Unity Festivals. ' 4 1 ( Lq 0^0 ^ 1- . fjleam-iug? Whose broadstnpesaiulbrightstars, tluo' the per- il pos - es Wiiatis that which the bn'czc, o'er the tow - er - lation; Biess'd with v'", - t"ry ami peace, may the heav'n-res- *--. #_# ous in J,' cued 4=: i ^z:fci:tt=zr*= ;i^ --] iiiE fight, Oertho ram-parts wo watch'dwereso gal - lant - ly st<^ep, As it fit - ful - ly blows, halfcon-ceals. half dis- laml Praise the pow'rthat hath made and pie-serv"d us a - _ -fS. A. # . . ^ _|,q-^. p - a -&- T m I - \-* h rP W -0_l ^-t?-'=r p r ^f- ? ^-T x>-t^ eam-intr; And the rocket's red gUire, the bombs bur.st-in{? in the gleam of the morn-ing"s first for our cause it is I -0- '^ ^ clos na e.s? Now it tion, Tlien catch-es con-querwe must, ^ -f r *-*-^ --- 5* P*- air, beam, just, I :z:: i-^-^-r-- - *-C# l-S w J -h;- J i j Te Gave proof thio" the night that our flag was still there, In full glo - ry re - fleeted now j;hines o'er the stream; And this be our motto "In God is our trust!" -> >-h -- -^-.4 -a 1 i-r-l=v -J , ban - ncr long may tri - nmph g^l^ National Songs, "5 ^ ,-4-- '~5 > P^^ . r I, ., r < ,, , O'er the land O'er the hxnd O'er thehmd N of of of the free the frti-e the f'-ee and and and the home the home the home th.! brave? the lirave! tiie l.rave! ,^*E_^p: ^^m HAIL COLUMBIA. ^- ^,-4-^0^9 S 9 "=-; c t ir ^^ 1. Hail,Co-him-l)ia. hap-py land! Hall, ye he-roes. hear'n-born band, 2. Immortal patriots, ri.se onee more. Defend your rights. (Icti nd yciirshore ! y. Sound,sound the trump of Fame ; Let Wasliinfj-ton's yreat name I N - *- w 1 N ^ H- y , 1 > I- t -* 1 kf #- --*'- \ Whofought and hied in frc-dom's cause. Who fought and lili d in Let no rude foo with im - pious hand. Let no rudi; i'm' with Ring thro' the world with loud ap - plause.Ring tluo' the wurld will; _ , __ o # -i_#_ _ t^i-^-i ~ 0---0 - | Y I Y\ f * 1 ^^^ ?-^ # p p F o y ^ ^~ *" f r- r r r- .;^^-in_^_t* ._jj_^=T-:fct: t ^ --i freedom s cause, And when th" stDrm ot war wag goue, Kn- im-pious hand. In - vale the >hriue when,' sa- cri'd lii's, Of loud ap - plause. Li-t ov - 'ry clime to free-dom dear List- ii6 Unity Festivals. -,-#-: 0- .lovcd the |vnue your va- lor won, Let lii - (le-jien-dence toil aiul blood the well earn "d prize. While offer- iiiir peace sin- 011 with a joy - ful ear. With e - qua! is with ease The happiei- times of honest peace. -_. ,-i_,_ -tT r * r*-i r , =:gz:Ez=:gEE3 J 1* ^Fg-^-*-F E-E* -p p^d ^ 0^00 1 h^-#-=l-^-# \-Y00-'00 1 P*- --!=- 0\ I Firm, u-nit-ed, let us be, Ral - ly-ing round our lib - er - ty : I I 2-^ tM H- F o-- ^LB b-f- -iT F o- P ^ grr ^-pp :p_e- ' -j:^-^ ^^" ^s a band of brolhersjoined, Peace and safety we shall find. National Songs. THE MAl;S.\li.LA!<]:. "7 0- 1 1 1 _ _* U^i . 1. "i e fri'-nds ot t ri't'-doni,wake to 2. I'rpo Broth-er-hnod, who can re ^ -Iff > y._ t,v! Hark! bar thue.Oiice hav -0 - \. th(3 # - ^-5 > -,-, (!- tv uith or l)ars coil- iia - t oiis bid you rise, 'J'oclotlie your lib ft'lt tliy g-enerous Haino? Did ev - or boHs . Ljl y ,^a_ J.^, 0--. 0- J beau-ty ; fine tlit'e Bc-liold the poor andhear their cries. ( )r .scornthvno - bh' spir-it tann'? Be-hohl the Or?i,orn tliv .il- , ^ '^ ^ / ^ I . poor and hear their cries. Shall liurt-liil er - r^rs, mis - chict no - Ide spir - it tame? 'I'oo lonj,' tlie voiid ha.s V'pt, bf- #- ^ P:itit:=r-v;:'E==i"irfj^rr: p#=f:=i-*i=iz:j ff> ^ '-^ ir-'^iij-r' 7"* * .*~T* * 1* *~~1 breed-ing \vnil-in^ By eelf-ish hearts and {rrasp-inpr hands, Af- The nef'd of fm; - dom-kin - d!e N yr-i N ^- ^ ^^-1 Z 0-- 0. J-.j> !-#-- J fright and nivai,^e FreodourslaiuIsjWhilebrotb-or-liuoJ and love lie be our ban ni'rlVoin a - bovc! A - gainst itwronpris un - a- n . m . . *-i2-^ ^ *- -^ y.fufL*^! ti ^ ^ _:_#_:J;_,& ?-*- 1 P ' a * ^ s J ^f:-^ Nr-i' i:^= #3 35:i|3l':^^*:Ep3^^^=3=^^^ bleed-inor? A - rouse, a-rousc, ye brave, 'J'liecoiuiuerintiftrutlHle- vail-iny! A - rouse, a-rouse, ye brave, The conqueringtruthdO' J, 1*5 -i*^-#-. u. -.v- ^^*"'f' 4i->'4-'' * ^ ^^-.- 1 "!~" #.4 #-r"h" f ,-| ^'A ' 0- F*= hSi * I ^-^-^- = 1 I V-^ t-Gt ' 1 1 a-l HF-' F- - #- . ~( flare, Marclion, inarch on, alUands to save, And peaceandloTe pre- clare, March on, march on, alUandsto save, And peace and loie pre- * 4_ J.* ? ^=" , ^.^-- ^l^iiieiip^^iBil -- ^ 'V pare, March on, march on.allland.s to save. And peaceand love pre-pare. pare, March on, march on. all lands to save. And peace and lovepre-pare. n._^ pd It tt j pxp f:.rpii^_.5_v-viL^ 33 -^ iJ M(;S^]jDATE : DUE Ei73 J-, -, ItU ; aa, C^YLOHD PRINTEOISO S A UCLA - Music Library M 2131 U5U5 1905 IJ III I III I III Mill llll L 007 025 597 1 LianAn I 3 I i I j\p^ 000 099 641 3 liiiliiiil! I