INTRODUCTION TO AN ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY INTRODUCTION TO AN ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE: DAVID BOOTH. II seroit a desirer qu'on ne considerat ies premieres editions des livres, que comme des essais informes que ceux qui en sont auteurs proposent aux personnes de lettres, pour en apprendre leurs sentiments. L'ART DC PfiNSER. EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY W. & J. DEAS, EDINBURGH ; J. JOHNSON, AND VERNOR & HOOD, LONDON. 1806. G. CAW, Printer* L'tbberton Wynt, i in PEl51i ADVERTISEMENT. IN the month of December last, the Author published a " Prospectus of an Analytical " Dictionary of the English Language." Iu announcing his plan, it was proposed to arrange the vocables into classes: be- ginning with the explanation of the Root, and proceeding with its compounds. The composition of English words presents a considerable degree of regularity. The signification of a Primitive is varied, by the addidon of an extensive list of Prefixes and Terminations ; such as ad 9 con, sub} ary 9 at ion 9 ment 9 &c. These are words as susceptible of accurate definition as any other ; but their explanation, or how they modify the original idea, if given wherever they occur, would serve only to swell the \vork by useless tautology; and it was therefore 088 ADVERTISEMENT. therefore proposed to comprehend their definitions, with a grammatical sketch of the language, in an INTRODUCTION. Cir- cumstances having hitherto retarded the publication of the Dictionary, and rendered the period of its appearance uncertain, the Introduction is, now, offered to the public. Having a separate title, it may be consi- dered, either as an independent work, or as an advanced part of that of which it is the harbinger. NEWBURGH, NOVEMBER 1, 1805. ERRATA. PAGE 29, to the first marginal Note, add, of Verbs. 33, line 3, for circumlocutary read circumlocutory. 47, 5, for Fiere read Fieri. _ 71, 9, for a kin read akin. 88, 27, for that read " that." 89, Catchword, for sings, read signs. - 104, line last, for &c. active, read active, &c. 108, 22, for groupe read group. 116, 2, for abase read a base. 1 !21> 5, for analogous read analogous. -r - 138, 16 ; after, probably, insert, the. INTRODUCTION TO AN ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. THOUGH it is exceedingly probable that the art Probable of communicating ideas, by articulated sounds, has Grammar, existed among mankind, in their earliest stages of society, yet it is not till a considerable progress is made in civilization, that the examination of those sounds, which form the language of a people, is raised to the rank of a Science. The oral trans- mission of thought must have been too fleeting to command minute attention ; and written signs of ideas must have been invented, before the combin- ation of words and sentences could have attracted sufficient notice, to become the subject of gram- matical investigation. Indeed, the art of writing must have been much advanced, before that of grammar could have commenced ; and those sages, who first formed the breathing page, were, proba- bly, unacquainted with the formidable phalanx of Nouns and Verbs, which now stand, in dread array, to guard the avenues to the groves of academus. B The 10 INTRODUCTION TO AN its nature. The science of words differs, in kind, from those which relate to the objects of nature. He who utters a sound to express a thought, or writes a word which may recall the idea, (in the same manner as the painting on the canvas renews the impression of the scene which it represents,) must completely comprehend the articulations of his voice, or of his pen,. No classification, or philological disquisi- tion, can change, or render more accurate, the meaning of the words which formed the dialect of our untutored ancestors. The Naturalist, from patience of research, becomes more intimately ac- quainted with the properties of the plant, or mineral, to which his attention is directed, and this addition to his knowledge is a discovery in the science ; but the study of grammar, like that of the Anti- quarian, is rather productive of information than invention. It is less the creation of what is new than the search for those things which are for- gotten. Difference Language, being used for the communication Languages, of thought, must necessarily be the same among the different members of the same society ; and, it will be cultivated, in proportion as the society is extended in numbers, or in its relations with others. We find nations separated from each other by seas and rivers, by customs and by laws ; and we find the same diversity in their tongues as in their situa- tion, or their manners. With the origin of this dirision of nations and of languages, we are but imperfectly ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 11 imperfectly acquainted. Both have been subjects of much disquisition, but much yet remains to be explained. It is sufficient for our present purpose, to mark those facts which are indubitable : That, of some countries, the modes of speech are so simi- lar as to bear evidence of their inhabitants having, originally, been the same ; whereas, of others, the utmost ingenuity would, in vain, attempt to find a single trait of resemblance. From the revolutions of nations, either in man- Causes of , the com- ners or in situation, have arisen the changes and piexhy of corruptions of their languages. Originally simple and uniform in their structure, the influx of fo- reign customs and dialects are incorporated with the early tongues, and generate a complication of phraseology, which the half-instructed rustic can, with difficulty, comprehend. Such, at present, are most of the languages of Europe, and we, partially, enter into the region of conjecture, when we en- deavour to ascertain what they have been. We may, however, form some opinion from general analogy ; and, should what we gather from thence prove useful, in our etymological researches, the stability of its foundation may be the less regarded. Ideas are the reflected images of nature. Words are the pictures of ideas. Simplicity of thought Word*, will produce simplicity of expression ; and hence the individual impulses of the mind will be marked by monosyllabic sounds. Two or more simple im- pressions form what is termed a complex idea, B 2 which 12 INTRODUCTION TO AN which is expressed by as many primitive words, If this complex idea be of general recurrence, the syllables by which it is denoted will, by habit of pronunciation, be joined together, so as to form a compound word with different articulations. All this is hypothesis, but we find it confirmed by an analysis of the languages with which we are ac- quainted. Resting, therefore, upon this theory, all words of one syllable are to be considered as primitives, unless, from a complexity of signification and pro- bable etymology, any of them shall appear to have been originally polysyllables corrupted by time. On the other hand, every word of more than one syllable will be considered as a compound, formed by the conjunction of two or more simple words : Thus, Gold and Smith are primitives, forming to- gether the complex term Goldsmith, the significa- tion of -which maybe easily deduced from the parts of its composition. While we confine our attention to those poly- syllables, which are made up of words in general use, their composition appears evident ; but living tongues are in a state of perpetual fluctuation j foreign words are gradually adopted, while many of the natives are suffered to slide into oblivion, and hence, the compounds remain, though their formatives may be no more. Another fruitful source of such words may be traced to the ima- gined necessity of literary men. They become en* amoured ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 13 amoured of languages that have been acquired by difficulty; and what they suppose too vulgar or antiquated in their mother tongue, is supplanted by another, known only in writings which have sur- vived the wreck of ages. During some centuries immediately previous to the invention of printing, immured in the gloom of a monastery, Science seemed an alien in the land of her residence. She appeared in a garb which concealed her from the knowledge of the vulgar \ or, if she deigned to assume the dress of her country, it was so disfi- gured by the trappings of antiquity, as to be known only to a few. It is when a language has arrived at this state of complicacy and commixture, that men of genius begin to turn their attention to the intricacies of its composition, and the anomalies of its structure. These arise from the conjunction of words indivi T dually unknown, some of which are observed re- gularly to recur ; and certain syllables termed 5 from their situation, prepositions and terminations , are found to vary the signification of the radical word, in a determinate manner. For the junction of these syllables, in some cases, rules are laid down, while the marks themselves, which thus alter the original idea of a word, are generally treated as unmeaning, or, at least, as incapable of de- finition. Verbs, (or words expressive of action,) are, in many languages, subjected to a multiplied variety of forms. In English they receive few $ 3 changes 14 INTRODUCTION TO AN changes, their different moods and tenses being expressed by dther words, termed auxiliaries, which are known and separately used, excepting two or three affixes, afterwards to be explained. In the Greek, Latin, French, ^&c. the auxiliaries and agents, necessary to the change of situation, or idea, are joined to the principal part of the verb, and incorporated, or contracted, in such a manner as to render it almost impossible to trace them to their origin. Perhaps some future Grammarian may explore those mazes of perplexity; and Philology, guided by a more certain and steady light, shall no longer wander among the inextri- cable wilds of declensions and conjugations. Thelr In treating of subjects that contain a multiplicity grammati- o f particulars, the memory is apt to be bewil- cal arrange- J went. dered, in a chaos of similar objects, where none has a claim to pre-eminence. To avoid this con- fusion, a certain arrangement is necessary. The Botanist must have his classes and orders- The Chemist his bodies simple and compounded. In the dawnings of knowledge, the mode of classifica- tion must partake of the darkness of general infor- mation ; and succeeding writers might have beeu sensible of the faults of the systems of their prede- cessors, without possessing the daring, or the abi- lity, to propose, or to establish, an improvement. It was reserved for a Linnaeus, a Lavoisier, and a Tooke, to build anew the temple of Science, and to replace the Gothic arches and gloomy vaults, by the ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 15 the elegant and cheerful structures of modern taste. It is sometime, however, before the rising fane can attract the worship of the crowd. The spirit of prejudice, like the ghosts of the departed, loves to linger near to mouldering walls, under the covert of the night. In our observations on language, therefore, while we mark what appears to be the most natural divi- sion of the subject, we shall attend, particularly, to that order and enunciation which have, hitherto^ most generally obtained j and, that we may not trifle with the reader, we shall suppose him ac- quainted with the common English Grammars of the Schools. Much useless discussion has .appeared concern- ing the different kinds of words. They correspond with the nature of our ideas, and must follow the course of their operations. An investigation, into the composition of language, is resolvable into an inquiry, concerning the abstractions and classificaf tions of the human mind, A loose collection of materials is viewed with emotions of aversion. We love to rear the ruined fabric ; to generalize and to arrange the objects of our knowledge. The first natural division of Words is NAMES, or what are termed SUBSTANTIVES or NOUNS. The sound, or syllable, which brings directly to our recollection any object in nature, is its name : such as Man 9 Bird, Beast L , Tree, which are general, as being each applicable to a class of which there may 16 INTRODUCTION TO AN may be many individuals, as John, a Lark, an Oak. Nouns of two or more syllables, are compound words, formed from some relation, real or ima- ginary, observed between them and the primitives, first denominated, as, Woman, Eagle, Tyger, Cypress, Others have their syllabic additions still unincor- porated, as, Black-Smith, Wheel-Wright, Apple- Tree, and, generally, all those whose divisions form simple words, still used in the language. Nouns, or Names, comprehend every thing that exists, and, in a certain sense, include every other division of words. of ADJEC- Things that we perceive to exist, must possess some qualities, which render their existence known to the human mind. Something must act upon the senses before objects can be perceptible, if wq allow the operations of a material universe, which, here, cannot be denied ; for, on the basis of this belief, the who|e structure of language is erected. Qualities, as a division of words, have been, in ge- neral, known by tjie name of ADJECTIVES, though part of them have been included under other deno- minations. Objects are distinguished by their ex- tension, figure, colour, &c, and, hence, big, round, white, &c. are Adjectives. It is evident that these words do not express things, but modes. They apply not to the principle, but to the marks, or energies, of existence -, and, for aught that language denotes to the contrary, the ideal relations which they ex- press may exist, either in the mind that perceives, pr ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 17 er in the substance that originates the perception. All Adjectives, however, may, in a certain respect, be considered as Nouns. We may view a quality as a thing of itself, independent on the substance to which it is joined. Good may be considered as varying in degree, and White may be clear or muddy. Such cases may be explained by sup- posing a Noun to be understood, not expressed, in the sentence ; or, the words may be treated as Nouns. This applies to all the kinds of Adjec- tives to be afterwards considered. We have Per- pendicular, Opponent, Learning, &c. all originally Adjectives, but now, also used with the signification of Nouns* We are well aware that, philosophically consi- dered, the separation of quality from substance in- volves a contradiction. Yet, after all, it is with qualities alone that we are acquainted ; and we know nothing of the essence or substratum of a Be- ing,different from the collection of appearances which it is known to possess. To speak of a quality, then, unconnected with a substance, is merely to view that substance under one of its relations. The Mathematician reasons on the properties of Num- bers; but these must be joined with other relations ; they must be applied to things with which the senses are otherwise conversant, before they can be useful, in the progress of life. Hitherto we have only considered the Names and Qualities of Things, but these things perform certain 18 INTRODUCTION TO AN certain functions in the world. Words, that ex- press the state or action of things, are usually deno- minated VERBS ; and this designation (though im- proper etymologically considered,) has been so ge-? nerally in use among writers on grammar, that it might be inconvenient to substitute another. It is evident that words expressing the relations of ae* tion,if neither the agent nor the patient be mentioned, must be, simply, the names of such actions; and, therefore, Love, Hatred, Joy, and Grief, belong to the class of Nouns. To specify that these passions are put into play, the idea of action is joined, either by a separate word, by a prefix, or, by a ter- mination. Thus we have To Love, To Hate, T& Enjoy, To Grieve, which are originally the same with Do Love, Do Hate, Do Enjoy ^ Do Grieve ; or, Act Love, Act Hate, Act Joy, Act Grief, as will be more fully explained in an after part of this Introduction, and, under the different articles, ACT and Do, in the Dictionary. In other cases the mark of action is affixed to the Verbal Noun, as, / Loved, He Loves, or Loveth ; the terminations ed, es, and eth, performing the same part as the separate par- ticles did, does, and doth : but of this we shall treat more fully hereafter. Sometimes, for the sake of supposed elegance, the to and do are suppressed, as, / Love, in place of / Do Love ; and this mode of writing, now, prevails, in many cases, where authors of only half a century ago employed the auxiliary. " He bade them to open their bundles," is a sen- tence ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 19 tence written by Dr Smollet, though the to would, at this time, be regarded as redundant. In every expression of action there are an agent and a patient. The action is to be endured as well as exerted, and, therefore, the passive state, 7 Am, I Exist, I Sleep, &c, as well as the phrases, / am Loved, I am Hated, &c. are included under the head of Verbs ; though, in the latter examples, the word am alone is a Verb, loved and hated being Adjectives. The fact is, that as an Adjective is nothing else but the name of a quality, so a Verb is only the name of an action, or state of being ; and vide BE its apparent variations of form are occasioned, solely, by its connexion with other words which denote that the action of the Verb is exerted. All the moods and tenses, of the Greek and Latin, have arisen from the difficulty of analysing the multiplied com- binations of words, which are contained in the clas- sic writers of antiquity; and the modern tongues, whose involved and twisted chains might more easily be unravelled, have had their Grammars formed by minds, enthusiastically attached to the systems of the ancient schools. As things have various qualities, and produce that class of words termed Adjectives, so there must be different modes or manners of action, producing a division of words that have been called ADVERBS. These are generally Adjectives, with the addition of ly or like, to shew their correspondence with the Verb. Thus, 7 love WISELY, or WISE-LIKE, or like 2O INTRODUCTION TO AN X like a WISE man. It is evident that this is no new . class of words, but a comparison of qualities , where one of the Substantives, or Nouns, is understood. Adjectives and Adverbs are, therefore, the same kind of words ; and, where it is unnecessary to mark the comparison, the Adjective is used without t any inflection, as, I loved him MUCH ; / did it WELL. of PARTI* PARTICIPLES are compound words, expressing the quality of being the agent or the object of an action ; and must, also, be considered as Adjectives which owe their verbal signification to their affixes ; as, loving and drowned are formed by the active ad- ditions of ing and ed. Were we to adhere to the classification of simple words alone, these, as a kind of phrases, or junction of ideas, should be dis- carded. of Pup- When speaking of Adjectives, we should have noticed a particular genus, respecting which, Gram- marians have been at a loss to guess, whether they were Nouns, or to wha,t other class they belonged. They have therefore, as is the general practice in : such cases of difficulty, assigned to them a sepa- rate department, under the denomination of PRO- NOUNS ; because they are used in the place of Nouns. They are in fact, nothing but Adjectives, or qualities, though now often used without the Substantive, which is understood; and, in that case, by an easy transition, are raised to the rank of imaginary personages, and treated as if they were Substantives KOUKS. CLES. ANALYTIC ALJDICT10NARY. 21 Substantives themselves. This, however, was not formerly so common ; and in legal instruments, where language of three centuries old is employed, their Substantives are generally conjoined. Instead of the ordinary phrase, " He struck him" they say, " He, the said A B, struck him, the said C D," marking the persons to whom the Pronouns refer. This, or that, as particularly specify an object, -as its colour, or its form ; and, / and you, as distinctly discriminate between the speaker and the hearer. The words a (or an^) and the, though they of ATI have been considered as a part of speech, distinct from every other, under the name of ARTICLES, are of the species last mentioned. The first is the numeral one ; and it is surprising, that the latter should ever have been separated from the class of Pronouns. In all languages, when speaking of things, there is a necessity for limitation. A, or an, expresses that we speak of one such thing as the Noun describes ; while the is almost equivalent to that, and denotes the person, or thing, of which, from other circumstances, we have some acquaint- ance. Those tongues which are supposed to want Articles will, on examination, be found to possess these definitives, either separately, in their prefixes, or in their terminations *. From * " The Latin quit is evidently > o$ ; and the Latin ter- minations us, a, itm, no other than the Greek article ?, u, y.' ? DlTERSIONS OF PuRLEY. 22 INTRODUCTION TO of PREPO- From fifty to sixty other words, which could not and CON. easily be brought within the limits of any of the JUNCTIONS ' . . . ; preceding divisions, have been formed into two separate classes, termed PREPOSITIONS and CON- JUNCTIONS, as is said, from their being used before Nouns, and for conjoining words, or sentences. All these have been examined, by Mr Home Tooke^ in his Diversions of Purley, and shewn to be merely Verbs, or Nouns, whose other parts, or compounds, are, in general, not to be found in the language; for which reason the task of fixing their accurate signification becomes the more laborious. Whether or not he has, in all cases, been equally successful, it is not now our business to inquire. An etymological discussion of these words would, here, be out of place, since the opportunity will again occur, under their different heads in the Dic- tionary. It is sufficient, for our present purpose, that and, but, yet ;from, to, with, and the like, have a signification, of their own, independent on their connection in the sentence where they are found ; and this, Mr Tooke has clearly demon- strated. If, then, each has a meaning, and is capa- ble of raising an idea in the mind, that idea must have its prototype in nature. It must either denote an exertion, and is, therefore, a Verb / or a quality ? and is, in that case, an Adjective ; or, it must ex- press an assemblage of qualities, such as is observed to belong to some Individual object, and is, on this supposition, the name of such object, or a Noun. The ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 23 The only class of words which remains to be considered is INTERJECTIONS, and these must al- ways belong to some of the divisions already men- tioned. When the mind is overpowered by passion, (or violence of feeling,) unconnected words and broken sentences are uttered: But every such word, or sentence, is an Interjection, and has its meaning by completing the sentence, with those words which are unexpressed. In English, a few sounds, as Oh ! fa ! alas ! &c. which will be defined in their order, are particularly used for the expression of exclamation, arising from the impulse of astonish- ment, aversion, pain, or other emotions. But, be- side these, any other word, or phrase, such as, " Wonderful!" " How wretched!" &c. may become an Interjection, and, in this, it does not change its nature, but, merely, from its disjointed and inter- jected situation in the page, marks the powerful in- fluence of some overwhelming passion, in the speaker's mind. We have, thus, given an account of the different divisions of words, and have found that the whole may be classed under the three heads of Names, Qualities, and Actions; or, Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs. We might now proceed to the prosecution of the plan of the Dictionary, which is to attempt to explain the simple words ; (or those of a single syllable, expressive of an individual thought,) and, along with every such explanation, to note its va- rious compounds, and mark the addition to the original 24 INTRODUCTION itf AN original idea which every PREFIX or TERMINA* TION exhibits. Previously, however, in observing these compounds, a system of regularity presents itself, which, if properly attended to, may, in a material degree, shorten our future labours. The particles, which alter the form of the primitive word, are not added to one root alone, but to many ; and, if we can fix their meaning as appli- cable to a single case, the explanation will be the same in whatever combinations they may be found. Should we discover that a particular Termination, or Prefix, has a certain definitive signification; and, if it be found attached to a variety of simple words, that signification, once determined, may be referred to in every case where it shall occur, and will save the trouble of unnecessary repetition. We shall, therefore, examine the different compositions .of words, with each of the affixes, as far as they pos- sess sufficient uniformity to render the examina- tion useful to our design : And if, in our pro- gress, we deviate from the proper direction, let it be remembered that we have to wander over a pathless plain, on which preceding travellers have, seldom, reared a single stone, or planted a solitary shrub, to mark where they have been, of the piu- The most general addition, to the form and sig- "' nification of a Noun, is the mark of the Plural, which is usually formed by, the affix j, formerly spek es 9 or is. The, power of this termination is obvious, but its origin, being coeval with the lan- guage, ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 25 guage, renders it impossible to trace, with certainty, where, or when, it has been used in its uncon- nected state. It is probably much corrupted ; and, indeed, this may be the case in many compositions of syllables : so much so, that, were one of our ancestors, who existed in the earlier ages of our tongue, to review the grammatical investigations of our time, he might smile at the labours of the Etymologist. If, however, the meanings of the several adjuncts can be distinctly ascertained so as to apply universally wherever they may be found, the end of utility will be gained. If the pro- blem can be solved, we may be pardoned the inac- curacy of its demonstration, TIME, or the measure of the duration of exist- ence, was, originally, in most nations, calculated by the flux and reflux of the ocean. This, which with us is termed the tide, was formerly synony- mous with time. The Saxon word tide signified time only, and several of our compounds, expres- sive of stated periods, have the affix tide : such as Whitsuntide, Martinmastide, Noontide, &c. From the same cause the Romans expressed by the word Tempestas, either time, a sea-storm, or destruction. The regular recurrence and similarity of the tides, may have suggested the idea of using the word as indicative of multitude of the same kind, and a word denoting these changes of the sea may have ori- ginated the plural terminations. The particle ce, anciently spelt es, forms a termination in several C words. 26 INTRODUCTION TO AN words, and has this signification of time : Thus once, twice, and thrice, are equivalent to one time, two times, and three times ; and, when these numerals are extended, we use the word times, as, four times, foe limes, &c. The Germans express once, twice, &c. by einmal, zweimal, &c. the word mal in their language having the power of the French fois and our IURN, or time, applied to the repetition of an* event. The varied spelling of ce and es is of no moment, for, as we formerly had ones, twies, and thries, marking the addition of es to one, twie, and thrie, so we now have some of our plurals, as dice, mice, and pence, ending in ce. It is, therefore, not improbable that ce, or es, is synonymous with time, in its numeral signification ; and, as added to one, two, or three, it expresses how many of these things, or actions, are exhibited, so, if employed in simple connection with the name of a thing, it may de* note a number of such things, leaving the extent indefinite. Another regular mark of plurality is en, as in oxen, brethren, children, &c. This termination was formerly much more common than now, as housen . for houses ; eyen for eyes; f oxen for foxes, &c. The affix en, in the ordinary acceptation of time , is also found in several words, For example : when and then are evidently from the Saxon hwa. and theo, joined to the syllable en, and signify what time and that time. Besides, the French en, equivalent to aur in, implies time, as will be explained when treating ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 27 treating of in as a preposition. Thus the plural affixes, es and en, are apparently derived from a si- milar source ; but, whatever be their origin, their meaning, in both cases, is the same, that is, Number without any particular limitation. There are some anomalies in English plurals. Plural affir- es different A few are literally adopted frpm other languages, from the and preserve their original form, such as, errata p and phenomena, from erratum and phenomenon, while others form their plural in the middle of the word, -adding a separate termination to both numbers, as man and men ; tooth and teeth; foot and feet ; but all these will be better explained as they occur in the Dictionary, In the mean time, we may observe of es+ that the e is now left out wherever the word Variation * f will admit of contracting the syllable. Thus we have skins, bells, and chairs, as the plurals of skin, bell, and chair ; but when the Nouns end in the sound of /, or so as an s cannot easily be incorpo- rated with its concluding syllable, the es is added, and therefore box, kiss, sash, and church, become boxes, kisses, sashes, and churches. The syllable en has other applications than that other uses above-mentioned,, It likewise expresses action, and has the signification of make, or made, as in golden , or silken, which specifies that a thing is made of gold, or of silL In this sense it is often applied to form past participles, as proven, arisen, given, &c. signifying that the action is finished or made, as is also expressed by the termination ed. Ed is used, C 2 mdiscri* 28 INTRODUCTION TO AN Distinction indiscriminately to declare that the action was doing or done ; but en has the latter sense only, and forms the termination of done as compounded from do. En or an terminates the infinitive of almost all the Saxon and Teutonic Verbs, indicating action in the same manner as our to. With us it is occa- sionally prefixed, as, to encrease, to make bigger; to encourage*) to make courageous ; and, notwith stand* ing of its Verbal power, we have added the to and other signs of exertion, in conformity with the ge- neral analogy of our language. In adopting words from another tongue such a redundancy is common. To the connective syllable, contained in the Vo- cable which we have chosen, we often join a simi- lar particle of our own. This is in some degree necessary, otherwise our Syntax would become a patch-work, and we should multiply our idioms, already too numerous. As examples of this adapt- ation of foreign words, we might instance most of the Latin derivatives that contain a preposition. Thus, to abstain and to connect mean to hold from and to join together , their former syllables abs and con being equal to our from and with. ; yet, in composition, we say to abstain FROM and to connect WITH, which, critically examined, are apparent pleonasms. It is hence that the inseparable prepo- sitions have been,in some cases, supposed to encrease the signification of Verbs, while, in others, they have been regarded as expletives. The latter opi- nion is general with regard to the prefix of which we a termination ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY, 29 have been treating. It will always, however, be found to signify make ; and to enjoy, to encoun- ter, to endeavour, &c. will thus have evident meanings. Many also of our Verbs have en post-fixed, as of e i to lengthen, to make longer, to shorten, to make shorter, to soften, to make soft, &c. and, in general, those Verbs whose roots are Adjectives require this mode of formation. When the word to which en is affixed terminates with an r, it is usual to ne- gleet the middle e, in consequence of the coa- lescence of the liquids r and n. Thus leatheren becomes leathern, southeren, southern, and to waren, to make aware, becomes to warn. In a similar manner wintery, fostering, wandering, &c. have been barbarously mutilated by the poets. After all, en as a plural termination, with our Connexion definition of its being synonymous with time, does f er ent uses not appear to differ materially from its meaning of of ** make or made, do or done. TIME as an abstract being is a non-entity ; and, when we apply the word in language, it must, like an Adjective, be joined to something else, before it can convey an image to the mind. Before the word can have any meaning, we must connect it with other circum- stances, and say what passed at the period to which we allude. " The French Revolution happened " in the time" - In the time of what ? " In the " time of George the third," or, when he was King of Great Britain. The occurrence of one C 3 thing 36 INTRODUCTION TO AN thing is the only mark by which we can fix the period of the existence of another. One event must always be before, in, or after, that portion of ' duration in which a different one was happening, or had happened ; and all Participles, since they denote that an action is doing, or done, may, in conse- quence, express the relations of time. fa and en as prefixes are often confounded. The Greek and French preposition en corresponds with our in, but in English the words ought to be distinguished, which can be done with accuracy and ease. In signifies situation, and originally must have meant the particular spot where a thing was situated. In this sense it may always be explained by the word place, which, without injury to the meaning of the sentence, may be substituted in its stead. For instance, " I was in the house," and m , or ir, according to the various f%r M. initials of the words to which the prefix is joined ; and these irregularities depend on the supposed ease in pronunciation, from a more pleasing coa- lescence of sounds : Thus, embattle, ignoble, illegal, improper, and irresolute, are used for enbattle, innc- ble, inlegal, &c. When ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. S3 When we wish to express that one person or thing belongs to another, it may be done, either by or ' stating the fact, in a circumlocutary manner, or by adding is (or s as a contraction,) to the name of the owner: Thus, Alexander's house signi- fies the house of, or belonging to Alexander ; and God's grace, anciently Godis grace, is the grace cf God. This termination has been the subject of much discussion, and, on that account, deserves particular attention. A Noun or thing may be in different states or situations. It may be the agent or the patient ; the possessor or the receiver. In the Greek, Latin, Saxon, and German tongues, some of these situa- tions are termed CASES, and are expressed by addi- tions to the Noun instead of by separate words and phrases. Of these the English Noun has only the mark of possession above-mentioned, which is, there- fore, called the POSSESSIVE CASE, and sometimes the GENITIVE, because of its resemblance to that case in the Greek and Latin declensions. There is, however, in modern English, a distinction in ex- tent, if not in kind. The Latin Genitive marks the connection, in general, of one Noun with ano- ther. It denotes that the one is the origin, or Ge- nitive of the other, from whatever circumstance it may arise. Thus timor Dei, the fear of God, is a fear originating from God. It is to God that we are to look for its source, but the person who is subject to the feeling is left to be discovered from the 34 INTRODUCTION TO AN the other parts of the sentence ; and it is only on the ground of the attributes ascribed to the Divi- nity that we recognize the impossibility of its being applicable to Him. When we say " The fear of " Caesar was great," we obviously assert that Cassar was much under the influence of fear. When we add, " among his enemies," we render the patient doubtful, it being uncertain whether his enemies or himself were subjected to the impression of dread. But, when we say, " ThefearofCasar " was so great that his enemies became an easy " conquest," the passion is transferred, without ambiguity, to the hearts of his opposers. of and off. The signification of the particle 0f may elucidate this account of the Genitive. It is the same with the Adverb off, and denotes that what we speak of is taken from, or is a part separated from something else. It is the Saxon af, and does not differ from the Latin ab. Its primary use is behind opposite to before, and hence our after, as well as the phrase fore and aft. By a figurative manner of speech, vide for common to all languages, fore and after are em- and/or/. ployed to denote cause and consequence ; origin and offspring. Thus from or f rum, (derived from fore,) in the Saxon, signifies beginning, author, or source, and, in this sense, is used by us as a preposition ; while the Gothic afar expresses after, and also posterity. Of, therefore, is sprung, risen, or made FROM, and is easily assumed as synonymous with belonging to or concerning.. Though ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 35 Though two words may have different and even opposite significations, yet they may, in certain si- tuations, be taken indiscriminately for one another. Thus, " I received money of him/' and " I re- " ceivedr money from him," have the same mean- ing. In the former case the money is asserted to come from the giver ; in the latter he is mentioned as the origin of the gift. In the same manner, the place of the genitive terminations may be supplied by the word of, though this preposition may differ in its literal meaning from such affixes. Genitives, then, are compound words having the nature of Adjectives, and express that a thing is connected in some manner or other with the Noun to which the termination is joined. The origin of the different signs, though various, may nevertheless be expres- sive of the same idea, and many of our Adjectives are, evidently, the Genitives of an earlier structure of our tongue. Those who wish to trace from pro- bability, where certainty is denied, may compare the is or 's with the syllable ous, to be explained in a succeeding part of this Introduction. It will be found that " righteous men/' " men of right," and " right's men," do not materially differ ; and a similar contraction of s from ous may be observed in the Adverbs afterwards, backwards, forwards, &c. The Saxon genitives were, for the most part, terminated by es or an, and the latter is still added to words to form Nouns and Adjectives of a pos- sessive 36 INTRODUCTION TO Afc sessive signification : as partizan, belonging to ft party ; human, belonging to man ; Alexandrian^ belonging to Alexander ; Egyptian, belonging to Egypt, &c- The French use en separately to ex- press the same idea, always Englished by of (it, him, her, or them,) and denoting that one thing is of or belonging to another. In this sense it assimi- lates with the affix en in golden , silken, &c. already explained ; and on the whole, it appears that this Genitive affix was the same with the active syllable which constituted the Gothic Verbs ; and, when connecting Nouns, it specified that the one proceed- ed, or was formed, or made from the other. Words in or int, in in or ine, as Matin, Alexandrine, and Serpentine, and those fashionables in ana, as Johnsoniana, &c. may be traced to a similar source. The latter is the Adjective Johnsonian with a, the Latin plural, affixed, and signifies Johnsonian things, or anecdotes concerning, or belonging to Johnson. Ana is princi- pally used in the titles of books that record the memorable sayings of persons of wit and learning, and is similar to what we term Table-talk. junction In the English language the juxtaposition of of jun" n Nouns is, of itself, a sufficient indication of the Ge- nitive, or that one is connected with the other ; and this has given rise to a variety of compounds. A Shoemaker is a maker of shoes, and a C,ach?naker, cf Coaches. A Shipmaster is the master of*. Ship, and a Schoolmaster is the master of a School. Such words have been united by degrees, and were formerly ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 37 formerly connected with a hyphen, thus Shoe-maker, Coach-maker, Ship-master, and School-master. A great many words, however, are employed in the same manner, without any mark of connection, as, Morning Song, London Review, Edinburgh Maga- zine, &c. which may all be resolved on the princi- ples which we have adopted. The number of such compositions is every day encreasing* and ap- pear to be limited only by the pleasure or conve- niency of the writer. Every Verb or action must have its Nominative or of the AC. agent. It must also have an object on which the action falls. Thus, in " John hit the mark/' the Noun John is the agent ; hit the Verb ; and mark the object of the action. In Verbs of which the agent and the object are the same, as, " He for year. General There is, therefore, a sort of transmigration of Connection of Lan. the sounds which constitute the languages of man* kind. For a little time, and in a contracted circle, each has its peculiar utterance and tone. As they are gradually transferred to the other quarters of the world, the mode of their appearance is changed. Their identity is continued, but the Linguist, like the Pythagorean, may often toil himself in vain to discover what they have been. Occasionally, howv ever, we may recognize an old acquaintance, whose information shall partially repay our otherwise fruitless search. By persevering industry and phi* losophical investigation, a comparison of languages might be instituted, and a kind of polyglot Lexicon inight possibly be formed; in which could be traced, through many tongues, the identity or consangui- nity of the; corresponding words. But such a work would require an union of talents that fall to the lot of few ; and, after all, would be particularly exposed to that species of ridicule which, so often, attaches to the labours of Etymology. Though it i s npt, then, for us to attempt so difficult an under- taking, yet, by keeping the principle in view, much advantage may be gained. Though we cannot trace ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 67 Jtrace the spirit through the varied forms which it may assume, we may catch a glimpse of the flitting shade before it vanish from our view. We have already remarked that to, preceding the r / / tionof name or an action, represents its accomplishment, in Verb* the same manner that the, before the Name of a substance, denotes its existence : that the definitive Article, the demonstrative Pronoun, and the Verbal addition, are synonymous. These Particles, how- ever, are not universally connected with the Verb, or Noun. Both may be generally expressed, and ex- erion, or existence, understood. We say, *' Man is " born to trouble," without alluding to any indivi- dual; and we say, " You love," supposing the impli- cation to be evident, that the Noun love is a feeling of the mind of him whom we address. The variation introduced by custom, in this respect, has produced some irregularities in the English Verb. There is another cause for the irregular ortho* graphy of Verbs- In several languages they have a different termination, as the actor is in the first, second, or third person ; and this mode of writing partially prevails in the English tongue. In such cases the Pronouns corresponding with /, thou, he, &c. bear a particular sway, and, in the progress of time, become incorporated with the Verb. Among some Nations, the connection may be general, while, in others, it may be adopted, or retained, only in those parts where it is useful, for the sake of preventing * ambiguity. The persons of English Verbs * 68 INTRODUCTION TO AN Verbs have only two changes of termination. The Pronoun thou requires est, (contractedly j/,) to be added to the Verb. In the present tense we say, Thou buildest," or " Thou lovest," and in the past, Thoubuildedst," or " Thou lovedst." The third person singular, (/6^, she, or /V,) is followed by a Verb having the termination es or s, as " He " builds/' or " He loves ;" but this is only ap T " plicable to the present tense, for, in the past, we say He builded, or built,'* and He loved.' 5 These phrases may also be expressed by the auxi- liary do, to which the est and es are added, and the name of the Verb left unchanged ; as, " Thou " dost love," " Thou didst love/' " He does " love," &c. The es was formerly eth 9 as " He buildeth," " He loveth," &c. but this spelling has gradually grown i#to disuse, of Tenses. When airy action is said to be performed, it is a natural question, at what time it is done ; whether before, or at the moment the account is given, or whether the performance is merely announced, as to happen at a future period. The learned lan- guages have occasioned much abstruse discussion relative to the tenses^ or times pf Verbs. Happily ours is free from this embarrassment. When the action is finished, or supposed to be so, from its be- ing in execution previous to the time in which it is mentioned, the mark of its existence is affixed by vide EN. the terminations edor en. I love is present ; / loved is past, and may be finished or not as the other parts of ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 69 of the sentence express. In either case, the Verb is rather indicative of the actions being doing, or done, than the time when, but indeed the ideas are undistinguishable. When doing it must be present, when done it must be past , respecting some period alluded to ; and hence time is, by implication, in- cluded in the signification of the Verb. En and ed are not to be distinguished, except, perhaps, in the degree of modification in which they are ap- plied. The past tense and the past Participle are the same word, only in the former we attend to the action, and in the latter to its effects upon the ob- ject. In the first case it is most common to em- ploy ed 9 and in the second en. Ed is applicable to both, but en seldom appears except in the Parti- ciple. We say, " He proved the fact," and u the " fact was proved," or, u was proven" They are perfect synonymes of to or do They mark the end or completion of the action. Ed is sometimes corrupted into/, as mixt for mixed, spilt for spilled, &c. in which case it is usually applied to denote the Participle, and the regular formation ed marks the Preterite : " I mixed the ingredients," " The " ingredients were mixt" The termination ed, in the Participle, appears to JWandw lose its active meaning, and designates a quality, or Adjective, of the nature of the Verb. It expresses * something that has been subjected to exertion, and is the result of its power. A wounded man is he who has suffered an wound. A proven fact is one which 7O INTRODUCTION TO A3* which has been determined by proof. It is a fact: of a particular kind ; one that has been demon- strated, Adjectives are formed in this manner from Nouns not generally considered as Verbal ; as, diseased from disease. In this case id is often written for ed, as in putrid, morbid, and fervid. These are usually denominated Adjectives, but there is no distinction between them and the other Participles. The classes of words run into one an- other, and change their appearance as we shift our station. Termina- A number of Verbs have their Preterite and past tion vbt. Participle terminated in ght. To bring, to buy, to think , to teach, &c. have brought, bought, thought, taught, &c. when the action is finished, or when a quality is derived from it. Such words are all of Saxon origin, and were written brohte, bohte, thohte, &c. having a gutteral sound like the an- cient pronunciation of ght. We may here refer to our account of ought and nought, when treating of the Pronouns. The comparison between hit and ft/ will be obvious. Many of our Nouns forming monosyllables in ght are from the same source : For instance, thought is a Verb in the Preter tense, as well as a Noun expressive of the principle of thinking. Of Moods. In the Latin, and some other languages, there is also a variation in the Verb, as the modes of action differ ; as the speaker commands or entreats ; as it is asserted with certainty or with l\esitaticn Moods in ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 7 I m English are indistinctly marked, and must, in many cases, be gathered from the studied meaning of the sentence. We already noticed a difference of arrangement in the Interrogative, but other moods, (as the Imperative) have a similar phraseo- logy. In vocal discourse the tone and gesture are sufficient indications, but, in writing, the reader is often much indebted to punctuation. There is, indeed, one form of orthography which is a kin to the Subjunctive mood of the Latin tongue. This consists in cutting off the est and es from the second and third person whenever the action is conditional. Thus we say tbou loves t, but in expressing a doubt- ful case we say, if be love; and instead of he loves , we write if he love. The first, or undoubted, mode of expression, has been termed the Indicative, and the other the Subjunctive, or Conditional Mood. This Subjunctive has created considerable difficulty to teachers of English Grammar, while the practice has been neglected and confounded with the Indi- cative, by the greater part of our best writers. The words to have, to be^ to will, &c. which are used to express the modifications of other Verbs, have an irregularity of structure and usage, in this respect as well as in others, which preclude them from the general rules of formation. These, along with what are defective or anomalous, will be exhibited, in their various states, in the order of their expla- nation. For such as are regularly formed, (having the termination ed to distinguish the past from the present,} 72 INTRODUCf ION TO present,) the following Rule is universal : In expression which positively asserts an acti:n to be do* ing, or done, without any supposition or reserve, and, in all questions of an action's being so performed, EST (when the pronoun THOU Is used,) is added to the second person, both past and present, and ES, or ETH^ to the third, of the present tense, in the singular of the Verb. In every other mood the Name of the Verb is written without the slightest alteration. Source of Adjectives express the quality of substances, but atio^of 1 " 1 * these qualities must be denoted by terms of simili- Adjectives. tU( j e Qr a g reemen t, The names of these qualities are Nouns j and it is only when we apply them to other Nouns^ so as to modify or determine their kind, that they are properly termed Adjectives. The Noun whose quality we mention, is then stat- ed, in some way or other, to belong to, to be like, or to be of the nature of something else from which the Adjective is derived. In their formation different modes have been followed. Names have been conjoined, leaving the connection to be implied, as in Goldsmith and Shipmaster ; or, the one has ac- quired an affix expressive of power, or origin, as exemplified in our remarks on the Genitive. One may be the result of the action of another, like the past (or the agent like the present,') Participle of Verbs ; or, by the addition of an Article, or Pro- noun, one thing may be stated to be the same, the it, or, the like of that with which it is connected. From what we have already remarked upon the structure ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 78 structure of words, we shall more seldom have oo casion, in our further account of the terminations, to trace them minutely to their source. The origin of many will be evident from the slightest observa- tion. In several languages Adjectives have regular de- Comparison clensions, and agree with their Substantives in Adjectives. Gender, in Number, and in Case. In English they have only that change which is denominated Comparison^ The word er, among the Saxons, like our ere, signified before. From the respect paid to precedency, it was also used to denote su- perior in quality as well as prior in time ; and for that purpose was added to words of quality, to mark a superiority to what the word previously expressed : Thus, wiser is a greater degree of WISDOMi When three objects are compared together, with respect to any quality possessed in common, the lowest is specified by the name of the quality, and is said to be in the Positive degree ; the next is termed the Comparative degree, denoted by the addition of er, as above-mentioned ; and the high- est, or most eminent in quality, is termed the Su- perlative, which is marked by the syllable est : As, Tom is tall, Bob is taller, and Will is tallest. The Saxon Erst or Erest, which is still used in English, signified the highest degree of priority. Like ab- stract Nouns, it is probably formed from ere, by the addition of a definitive. This is the French F mode 74 INTRODUCTION TO AN mode of comparison. Plus is more, and le plus, the more, or greatest, which are placed before other Adjectives, in the same manner as our more and most. More and m&st are the Comparative and Superlative of the Saxon ma, mo, or mowe, a heap. Much is a large quantity, like a heap, as will ap- pear from our account of the termination ch. When Adjectives have more than one syllable they are better compared by more and most ; more proper and most proper, rather than proper -er and proper -est. Termma- Most is sometimes a Superlative termination, as tion most, . , . topmvst, uppermost, southmost, &c. Adjectives are often irregular in their comparison, as good, better, best ; bad, worse, worst, &c. This may be on ac- count of a synonymous word occupying the place , of the Adjective in one of its degrees, and from the elision of letters produced by contraction. We shall notice these deviations as they occur in the course of explanation. The comparison of Saxon Adjectives presents a curious specimen of the un- settled state of the orthography of former times. The Comparative degree was formed by ar, - ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 77 Words in ent are often used to denominate the agent as well as the quality of the action Opponent, originally an Adjective, is now a Substantive, as was formerly mentioned. Latin words in monla are Englished by mony, of the same signification as ment. Thus we have alimony, equivalent to ali- ment, or nutriment ; and sanctimony might be equally well expressed by the word sanctiment, de- noting holiness, or the state of being holy. It may be objected, that the explanations which we give, in many cases, run into one another ; and that, in several instance^ the distinctions are not sufficiently apparent. The truth is, that, though' the terminations were originally different in their meaning, yet, like objects seen from a distance, they would often appear to be similar. Words otherwise distinct, from a particular point of view, seem to be synonymous. To free and to redeem may in general be used indiscriminately ; because, when speaking of the deliverance, it will not be al- ways necessary to advert to the price of the free- dom. But, often, the affixes differ only in appear- ance. They are words (generally Articles,) with a varied orthography ; or, they have the same power, but originate from a different stem. What follows ^ will sufficiently illustrate these observa- tions : The Latin termination His originates our He, of &,*/, which, added to a Noun, or Verb, forms an Adjec- asd * ; ' tive expressive of the quality, or disposition, de- noted 78 INTRODUCTION TO AN noted by the word to which it is joined. Thus> we have servile and docile ', the former descriptive of a slavish, and the latter of a teachable disposition, from the Latin ser-vus, a servant, or slave, and do- ceo, I teach ; and from hostes, an enemy, we have hostile, possessing the disposition of a foe. Indeed 2 most of the words of this termination are Adjectives derived from the Latin, with little or no varia- tion. Some of them have discarded the /, as noble i from nobilis, and probable from probabilis. The Latin alls and His seem to be merely different forms of orthography, but with us al is more gene- rally affixed to Nouns, and is almost equivalent to the Possessive case. Tfyus royal, from the French roy, is belonging to a king. Regal is a synonyme from the Latin rex. Martial, from Mars, is belonging to war, and moral is from the Latin mores, manners. When a Noun ends in /, the addition al would form a disagreeable mono- tony, and is accordingly changed into ar, as parti- cular, regular, similar, &c. This is also sometimes the case v/hen ending with other letters, as lunar, polar, &c. When al terminates a Verb it has ex- actly the same meaning with ing or ion, and, at some past period, may have been a regular mark of the Participle. Dismissal is the same with dismiss- ing, or dismission, and retiisal is the action of review, of*;/,, or From the termination His, and habere, to have, ibis. is formed the Latin habilis and our habile, which signify ^-^ . 6 J ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 79 signify having, or possessing any quality which may be requisite. This, by contraction, has ori- ginated the Adjective able, having the power, or quality, necessary for any specific purpose. In the same sense of power, or ability, it is used as a ter- mination. Sufferable, is having the quality of en- during or of being endured, itnd durable expresses the power of continuing to exist. It is sometimes spelt ible, as, risible, perfectible, &c. In treating of Pronouns we noticed the gradation of their changes among different Nations, as the St &. Latin ille, the French /'/, and the German . The soft sound of this termination forms our ish and ichy as, in Scottish, or Scotch, Irish, Welch, boorish, &c. The ch is compounded with who and so in the Pronouns which and such, which signify who kind and so kind ; who it, and so it. So great, is that great / such greatness, is that kind of great- u ess. Which is who, or what, of the class, or tribe. * FOWNAL. ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 81 Jtribe, and was anciently *$ and the Latin genus. The German klein, little, ,or small, and the Saxon hl#ne 9 or Jane, lean, or slen- der, allude to the sjate of a child. Ling as a ter- mination is either a dimjnutive, as /////?, or descrip- tive of family, as kind. Hence we have darling, or dearling, frstling, foundling, gos'ing, &c, Some of these have a caressive signification, by recalling to our minds the simplicity of childhood. If, howe- ver, we look at this state from another point of view, it will present an object with no will of its own, but completely under the power of another. The affix ling is, therefore, often expressive of con- tempt, as applied to slavish dispositions and situa- tions, such as worldling, hireling, &c. This allur sicn is common to every language, and worldling is ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. g.5 not a more peculiar idiom than " children of the ** and same signification, and both were formerly written s alike, sum. The meaning is quantity in opposition to none, from the Article so 9 as quantity is from the Latin. Sum is the amount of things added toge- ther ; some is a quantity without adverting to any specific number. Some is used as an affix, to de- note that what is expressed by the conjoined word exists in a certain degree, or to a certain extent : Thus, wearisome implies a degree of weariness, in opposition to unwearying; and burthensome is a quantity of weight. That sum, or some, literally signifies quantity, may be illustrated from a mode of writing once very common. " He went some " twenty miles." " He gave him some twelve " pounds," &c. If, in these phrases, the word quantity be substituted for some, or even if the spelling be altered to sum, the meaning of either will be apparent* When some is applied to magni- tude, SS INTRODUCTION TO tude, it may be great or small ; when applied t& number, it may be one or many. Nothing and something are directly the reverse of fcne another, and existence of any kind is sufficient to mark the contrast. Like to this is the Latin Verb sum, I am, or I exist, that is, I have a substance or standing. Summum was the amount or quantity of existence ; and, figuratively, the top, or height, of any thing, like our word summit. Full) the past Participle of the Verb to fill, signi- fies that state of a vessel when it can contain no more ; and it is figuratively applied to the mind, or any mode of existence, to state that it is saturated, or completely^Zfo/ with what we mention. When affixed to Nouns it forms Adjectives, denoting/?//- ness of what the Noun specifies ; and, in this use, it is now spelt with only one /, though it formerly . had two. Thus bountiful, is full of bounty, merciful is full of mercy, and so of others. Lett. From the Anglo-Saxon lesan, to dismiss, comes our to lessen, to make less or diminish. Less is an Adjective signifying that a part is dismissed, or put away, from the original mass. Instead of com- paring it with what it was in its original state, it is sometimes appreciated with respect to things of a similar kind. Thus we say, " This is /ess than " that, figuratively asserting, that this must have been lessened so as to prevent its being equal to that. Less is therefore the same with want. It has been applied to Nouns to form Adjectives expressing ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. expressing the want or dismissal of what the Noun signifies. Motionless is the want of motion, and deathless is the dismissal, or the quality of not being subject to death* When speaking of an action's being performed, in a general sense, whoever may be the agent, dif- termination ferent nations have different phraseologies. The English say " a person, or a man, may do this or " that/' or " somebody has done it." The Ger- mans use the word man, as the general agent, andt the French on, which is a different spelling of un, one. Of late we have adopted the Gallic idiom, and instead of a person, or a man, we say " one "may do so;" " one cannot help being angry " when one is used ill," &c. One is here in place of a Substantive, and may be resolved by supply- ing the word man, or person, which is understood. It is this substitution or suppression of the Noun, that has led some French Etymologists to derive on from rhomme, a man ; and it has cost them no little pains to trace the progress of the supposed corrup- tion. In old French rhomme was written where the Pronoun, or numeral, on is now used. On is also a termination, as in the words matron^ from the Latin mater, a mother ; patron from pater, a father, &c. It is here a Pronoun, or Article, and is similar to er and an, in lover, partizan, &c. as already explained. Those definitive terminations which mark the of a S e as Adjective when quality is attended to, are the G sings 9O INTRODUCTION 1-0 AN signs of Verbs when we allude to action. From the Latin agere to act, we have formed the termin- ation age, as marriage, from the French man, a husband, is the act of marrying ; carnage is the act of carrying, &c. Our Verbs terminating in ish, as, publish, punish, and others, are from the same /source, ish being the softened pronunciation of age. The signification of these affixes is, by metaphor, extended to the collected effect^ or 'result, as well as to the act itself. Verbage is the mass of words ; foliage is the collection of leaves ; atid rubbish is tile consequence of trituration. a ' Ate, from expressing action, has also come to period of , 5 ' time. denominate the space of time daring which any ac- tion is performed. Thus, we say, " the -age of " man," " the age of the world/' "the iron age, 9 '' &c. to deriote certain periods of existence. " He " is thirty years of age," states that he has lived, existed, or acted through the course of -thirty years. Act sind age are of like origin, -and are compared by Shakespeare, in his " seven ages of human life,** with singular propriety. In this sense we have age, as a termination, in nonage, pupilage, &c. %ignify. Labour is generally mercenary, and, on that ac- 'cdiint, the affix 'age (money, price, or some equiva- lent word being understood,) expresses the value, dr 'sum paid for the work. Thus we have pontage, the toll on a bridge ; wharfage, wharf money, or wharfage money ; porterage, porter's fees ; postage, t'he price of post letters, &c. It is thus also that many ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 91 many words in age have twofold significations. Cooperage is either the work or the value ; and car- nage is both the removal of the goods and the pay- ment of the carrier. Many of our monosyllables in ch, ge> k, and ke 9 Se *' are varied and contracted from age. Thus to * stretch is to act or make strait; breach is breakage; to catch is to seize as a cat ; to match is to mate together ; and range is rank, or rankage. German , Participles, of the past tense, begin with ge 9 where ours end with ed 9 as lehreti, to teach, and gelehrt 9 taught ; while the Saxon ge was prefixed to all the parts of Verbs with the power of con, together, or the figurative meaning of witb 9 signifying be 9 as af- terwards to be noticed. We had formerly the pre- fix y in place of the German and Saxon ge 9 and a few of its compounds have been retained, such as ycleped from the old word clepe 9 to call, and yclad, a form of the past Participle of the Verb to clothe. Some of our double Consonants, as gl 9 gn, kn, &c. are from this source. The elision of the Vowel is natural, and the comparison of such words with their primitives would illustrate the assertion. Knot and nut are of similar import ; and know is akin to the Latin nosco 9 which was anciently gnosce. The g 9 y 9 and w 9 being interchangeable in the northern tongues, we have the termination ow where the Germans, Danes, &c. have ig or ige. r Jhese languages have morgen 9 for morrow ; sorg, or sorg 9 for sorr&iv ; talg for tallow, &c. Their termina- G 2 tion, INTRODUCTION TO AN tion ig, marking Adjectives of kind, is transformed in English into ic, y, or ow. The Danish guld, is gold, and guul, is yellow or gold-like ; hellig is holy, and the Verb hellige, to hallow, or make holy \ ploug is a plough ; nage to gnaw, &c. of lie, or Verbs are also constituted by the termination ise ize, ism, zst, and He. or ize, as, to methodize, to put into method, or re- gular form y to recognize, to know again, or ac- knowledge ; to subsidize, to engage by a subsidy; to tyrannize, to play the tyrant, &c. where either ise or ize is written at pleasure. These Verbs, like those in age, are supposed to produce collections of effects, or to form classes of action, which are expressed by ism ; as, methodism and mechanism, which denote the sect, and the production, of the jnethodist, and the mechanist, or mechanic. The af- fix ism is analogous to y, as applied to the names of the arts and sciences. Botany would be perfectly signified by the word botanism. The Verb and agent are botanize and botanist. The addition ite is synonymous with ist. Both denote one belong- ing to the class or collection which the word desig- nates. Favorite is one of the favoured ; and Ja- cobite was a name formerly given to the adherents of James the seventh, or of the Stewart family in general. The original and common use of ite was to denominate a person of a particular tribe or na- tion, many examples of which may be found in the historical part of the translation of the Bible : as, the Gibeonltes, the Hittites, the Jebmites, &c. Though ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 93 Though ive, like the Latin ivus, is a termination of w and ef an active nature, it is only used to form Adjec- tives. These express the quality of producing what the word implies, and may always be ex- plained by the words causing or producing. Thus, plaintive is producing plaints, or causing to be mournful ; incentive, is a stimulus, or cause of ac- tion ; destructive, is causing destruction, and so of others. On the same principle are formed our Substantives in iff, as plaintiff, he who causes, or originates the .complaint. The affix ate is a variation of act, and is com- of ate, at e j, pounded with several other terminations, forming H^atery"' ated, acted $ at ing, acting; ation, action; ator, actor; and atory, actory. The meaning of these additions is obvious : Multiplication, is the action of multiplying ; insinuator, is he who acts in an insi- nuating manner, and so of others. The Latin atio, the synonyme of our ation, is sometimes Eng- lished by ace ; and from thence we have solace, &c. From the reciprocal transmutation of / and r, el of */, or /?. or le, is expressive of the agent of an action, and also forms a verbal termination, in the same manner as er which we formerly explained. Its most ge- neral use is to denote an instrument; an inanimate, or secondary, agent. The arm, being the part of the human frame by which any work is generally performed, has, in many languages, been figura- tively used to denote the instrument by which any thing is done. Thus we speak of the arm of G 3 power, 94f INTRODUCTION TO AN power, and of the secular arm. El, in the Gothic dialects, had most probably been once synonymous with arm : We have preserved it in ell, a measure of an arm's length , and in elbow , the bow of the arm. This affix, as marking the instrument, is very common, as in shovel, from to shove ; chissel, from to chase, or enchase ; and needle , from the Dutch naad, a seam. Many of our monosyllables, as flail, nail, &c. will be found of similar forma- tion. In comparing Nouns in er with those in el, or the agent with the instrument, a striking resem- blance is observed. Thus, poker is either the per- son, or the thing which pokes. In the former case it is an agent, and in the latter an instrument. It is from our practice of personification that this par- tial confusion arises. We are, perpetually, raising qualities to the rank of substances, and instruments to -that of agents, while they are qualities alone, and not substances, with which we are conversant ; and, while we are uncertain that an agent, in its literal sense, as distinguished from an instrument, exists in the world. Words in el are, occasionally, changed into */, y er jj 8j ^ ut ^jg transposition, as we have elsewhere observed, is common to all Nouns : for, the Verb is merely to act what the Noun describes. This termination, however, is itself indicative of action, and, therefore, Verbs so formed have often a fre- quentative signification. Thus to prate is to talk , lightly and uselessly like a child ; and to prattle, is fc ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 9J to fratc much, as if we should say, to continue prat- ing. To beat may be a single stroke -, to batter and to battle, each suppose a succession of exertions, The idea of continued, or successive action, resides in the force of the Verb, rather than in the termin- ation. All words with affixes of an active kind have this frequentative meaning, when used as Verbs, and when their nature admits of such a Supposition. Thus to jactitate, is to toss about ; and to agitate, is not only to put into motion, but to do so often, or in a great degree* The Latin amplificative osus, anciently usus, may, in like man- Q S e, ner, be considered as a duplicate of the terminating Article, and expresses the Adjective in a great de- gree. It is the origin of the English ose, as in operate, exceedingly laborious. The Saxon ad, or ade, signifies a mass, or heap, of <*/,* and hence our add, to increase by putting to the a heap. The French ade and the Spanish ado are terminations of similar import. Many words with these affixes are adopted in our language, and ex press a collection, or quantity, of what the word de- notes. Thus arcade, is a range of arches ; and colonnade, a collection of columns. When these terminations are joined to Verbs, they, evidently y cannot signify number, except by metaphor ; in supposing a continuation, or successive renewal, of action. Cannonade is the repeated firing of cannon; bastinado is a repetition of basting or beating with a stick } 6 INTRODUCTION TO AN stick ; and blockade, is a continuation of blocking? or shutting up, a city or port. Words of this kind which have been long in use have dropped the final e and o, and end in ad, as, myriad and triad. In some cases we have adopted only the foreign com- pounds, as, from the French a?nbassade, an em- bassy, is formed ambassadeur, and our ambas- sador. of dde and From the Latin cadere, to kill, we have the ter- mination cide which is added to a few words de- rived from that language ; such as homicide, from homo, a man, denoting manslaughter ; and fratri- cide, fromfrater, a brother, the killing of brethren. The Adjective is formed by adding al, as in homi- cidal, parricidal, &c. " Ward is from the Saxon wardian, to look at, " or to direct the view, and is the same word as " the French garder, which, in a figurative or se- " condary sense only, means to protect, to keep, to " watch, to ward, or to guard. It is the same in " Latin : Tutus, guarded, looked after, safe, is the " past Participle of Tueor, Tuitus, Tutus. So " Tutor, he who looks after. So we say either, " Guard him well, or, Look well after him. In " different places in England, the same agent is very " properly called either a Looker, a Warden, a " Warder, an Overseer, a Keeper, a Guard, or a *' Guardian. Accordingly this word ward may " with equal propriety be joined to the name of any ^ person. ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 97 ' :c person, place, or thing, to or from which our " view or sight may be directed *." It is hence that we have such compounds as backward, home- ward, and heavenward, which signify in the direc- tion of, or looking towards the back, home, and The German art signifies species, kind, or man- of ar& ncr ; and the Dutch aar d is used, both singly and in composition, for nature, temperament, or disposi- tion. The former have arten, and the latter aar den, to resemble, particularly applied to disposition or temper of mind. From this source we have com- pound Nouns with the termination ard, all signify- ing of the nature or kind, expressed by the word to which it is joined. We have drunkard, an habitual drinker ; sluggard, one of a slow, or lazy nature ; and coward, a person of a timid disposition. The heart has been generally understood to be Hearted and the seat of the passions and dispositions of mankind, while the head has been left in possession of the reasoning powers. Hence we say " a clear head," and " a feeling heart;" and it is thus that entete in French, and wrong/beaded in English, are expres- sive of obstinate prepossession and folly. Hearted, like ard, is used to form compounds denoting tem- per, or disposition of mind, as fainthearted, hard- hearted, lighthearted, &c. ; and it has been assert- ed, with some show of probability, that the words were * DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY. 98 INTRODUCTION TO AN were originally the same. Headed forms a sort of counterpart, as lightheaded, wrongheaded, &c. * n tracm g tne origin of words we often arrive # sources very distant from what might have been expected. Speech is almost entirely composed of figure and metaphor. There are but few objects, or relations, in nature with which iflarikipd are ac- quainted ; and yet it must be solely from these fey? that our ideas can be formed. Abstract thoughts are the shadows of reality ; but shadows cannot e?:ist without the substances on which they depend The structure of language, however aerial it may appear, is not a palace of enchantment. The ma- terials of which it is built are taken from the pal- pable objects around us. They are rude and com- mon in their appearance, while the beauty and fairy elegance of die fabric is owing to the illusions of imagination. Things and actions, the most or- dinary and obvious, are, in the most eminent de- gree, stretched in their signification ; and we conv pare the primary and consequent inearu'ngs ,pf the term, with a portion of incredulity, when we are told that the distinction has been produced solely by custom and usage. Examples may be easily adduced : To sit and to stand are common actions of the human body, but their figurative significa- tions are uncommonly extensive. A seat is that pa which we sit, but it also denotes a 'villa, or country r&idence. Situation is literally the action of sitting, but it expresses our manner of existence, whether in body ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 99 body or mind. The Latin status, like our state state, and the French estat, or etat, in its first sense, is merely a standing, or the particular posture of the body which to stand recalls to our mind. These words, however, signify condition of whatever kind ; as, also, a government, and the country so governed. When we adopt the French spelling estate, it is used for a quantity of land in the possession of a proprietor. The word stand is, likewise, subject to a similar figure, and we say of an advocate, who has had long and extensive practice, that he is of considerable standing at the bar. Station is the place where any thing stands ; it is, also, the rank held in society. The Anglo-Saxon stede, and the English steady are akin to state, and signify place. " In their stead," is in their place. In composi- tion, stead is both a preposition and a termination, as .steady, steadfast ; instead, bedstead, roadstead, &c. The inseparable Preposition step in stepfather, stepmother, &c. is a corruption of stead or stcd. Sted, in Danish, is place ^ or stead ; and siedfader, stedmoder, stedbroder, equivalent to our stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, signify, in the place of, or instead of a father, a mother, &c. Similar to the word state is the termination dom. D. It denotes condition of existence, and, also, whatever is under the dominion, or government, of another. Thus kingdom, is a country under the government of a king, zndfreedom, is the state, or condition, of be- ing free. The termination in both cases is the same, 100 INTRODUCTION TO AN same, and the distinction arises from the words to which it is joined : The state of being free does not imply a figure very different from the original meaning of the term ; but that of a king suggests a separate idea ; it is necessarily connected with grandeur and with power. From the Greek demo\ I build, was formed domes, the Latin domus, and our dome, a house. Dominus, among the Romans, was its master ; and, by an easy transition, the name of the habitation of a family came to signify that of a nation* Donius was a state, or country, and dominus, its lord. From the same root is do- mineer, tame, &c. ; but to dwell longer on this sub- ject would be to anticipate our future explanations, of head, or Among all nations the head has been considered as the principal, or directing, part of the human body. It is hence that head is used for a leader, or governor ; and hence, also, it denotes the chief feature in any thought or expression. Thus, we say, " the head of the government," and, " the " head of an army," referring to the monarch and the general. The heads of a discourse, are the principal, or leading, ideas from which it is formed. In composition it is sometimes literal and at other times figurative. As a prefix we have heady, head- iness, headach, &c. As a termination it is generally j^pelt hood, and forms abstract Nouns. It denotes the principle from which the Noun derives its ex- istence. It is that which constitutes its essence ; and is a general name for the state which the word describes. ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 101 describes. It is thus that we shall have to explain, brotherhood^ childhood, knighthood, manhood, &c. There are other terminations of the same signifi- cation with head, which are likewise expressive of general qualities. Chief, from the French chef, the head, denotes a leader. 'As an Adjective it signi- fies principal, or that which is first, and conse- quently of most importance ; and as an affix it has exactly the same meaning. Mischief, is very great, or chief, or head, wrong. Kerchief, is a cover for the head. We have before observed, in the comparison of languages, that there is a regular gradation from k to sh 9 and from this variation of orthography we have several words, which are, respectively, of sy- nonymous origin, and differ only in the circum- stances in which they are now applied. It is thus that we have shake and quake ; shiver and quiver ; short and curt ; shrink and cringe ; shy and coy, &c. The Latin caput, the German kopf, the French chef, the German termination schaft, the Dutch schap, the Danish skab, the Saxon scipe, and our ship, all signify head. In landskip or landscape, it is used with the harder sound ; and in Scotland this mode of pronunciation is general, as, master- skip for mastership, heirskip for heirship, &c. Ness is said to come from the Latin nasus, the nose, which is the most prominent part of the face, as the head is of the body. This derivation is not improbable ; for the ludicrous idea which it some- times 102 INTRODUCTION TO AN times conveys, in modern English, is merely an idiom of the language. But, however this may be, the word is now used by itself solely to signify a promontory ', or headland ; and, as an affix is equi- valent to head, or chief. Brotherliness is used in place of brotherlihood ; and mischief \ when further compounded, becomes remissness. pfr,*y, The Romans marked their Nouns of generality tty, t ude, and '* by tia> tas, or tudo. The first of these is formed, in English, by ce 9 or ty, as, abundantia, becomes abun- dance ^ and dementia^ clemency ', both expressing the abstract state, or principle, which might otherwise be exactly noted by abundingness *xA justness. T&s and tudo, like the 'French iete (another name for the head,) is Englished by //, or tiy 9 and fade. Ho~ nestay, in Latin, and bonnet etc in French, are both translated by the word honesty, which might be well enough ex-pressed by, hvnesthead) or honestncss. Ty is a substitute for tith, y and th being interchange- able, as before-mentioned ; and many words in ty -were formerly terminated with tith. Povrtitf} is still used in Scotland for poverty ; and in old law writings, -widuifie signified widowhood. Vrrginity and maidenhead are synonymous. Titb and tude have an evident fraternity, and consequently words in tude. are of the same class with those above-men- tioned. They generally come immediately from the Latin ludo ; as, ampltiudo^ amplitude, ample- ness 'or greatness ; and muhltudo* multitude, or manyness. Occ'i^ionally the d in tude is sup- pressed, ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 103 pressed, as in virtue, from vir, Latin, a mm, ori- ginally signifying manhood, and figuratively cou- rage, whkh was the first of virtues among the Ro- mans. Tith, abbreviated into th, forms the con- cluding letters of many of our monosyllables ; and adds the principle of abstraction to the words to which it is joined. Hence we have sloth, slowness ; mirth, merriness ; length, longness, or longitude, with many others : all of which may be explained in the same manner as words in tude, ty, head, ship, or ness. Words in t'h were formerly in many cases terminated l m >the, and those in ch in che. Birth, death ; such and which, were spelt blrthe, defhe ; socbe and whiche : and on our principles this orthography must have been more consonant with etymology. The final e was once exceedingly general, though now nearly discarded from the lan- guage. It had originally been vocal ; and, in a certain stage of our literature, the Poets seem to have either suppressed its sound, or formed it into an additional syllable, as best suited their ideas of the harmony of verse. " Chaucer preserves or " sinks the sound of his syllables arbitrarily, to " suit his own convenience ; the reader is fre- " quently unable at a glance to discover his scheme " of harmony, and it is extremely difficult to ,.-,,. , r 11* tions which feft, fit, ficient, &c. but these form the basis* or f6rm ^ principal part, of the compounds in which they are found, and, therefore, the proper place for their ex- amination will be the Dictionary. The same ob- servation may be made with regard to many other affixes, as ply, pie, or ble, a fold, in the words sim- ple, double, comply, reply, -&c. ; tract, from the Latin t rah ere, to draw, in contract, extract, retract, &c. ; pose, sent, sign, spire, tain, tend, and many others, which will be noticed as they occur. Pre- suming, therefore, that we have sufficiently dis- cussed all that are necessary for our present pur- pose, we shall proceed to the investigation of those syllables that are used as Prefixes or Prepositions. A few of these have been already noticed, having naturally presented themselves when treating of the terminal affixes. Every sentence, containing an agent and an ac- tion, is complete ; but there are, always, accessory circumstances which may or may not be attended to : The result, or effect, may be specified, which is either a Noun, or a Pronoun in the Accusative H case 106 INTRODUCTION TO AN case ; the manner of the performance may be stat- ed, by an Adverb ; and the qualities of the Nouns may be marked, by Adjectives. Besides, every exertion, or ffang, must stand at a certain point, and occupy a particular portion, of space, which can only be defined by referring to the place occupied by objects already known. Words that express the situation of one Noun with respect to another have been termed Prepositions ; and, though used to denote general relations, must originally have been the names of objects or of actions. The ex- pression of situation is their distinguishing charac- teristic ; and, as this is only observable from the conjunction, or from the degree of the separation of things, it is on comparison alone that their being depends. We say that one thing is in or out ; be- fore or after ; on or off ;. to or from; on this side or on that, of another ; and such words and phrases are what Grammarians have called Prepositions, Their name suggests no idea of their nature. The Latin derivation from pra, before-, and positus, set or placed, might, in our language, be equally well applied to Adjectives ; for they, too, are placed be~ fore Nouns. The order of arrangement is differ- ent among different nations. The Adjectives in French, and the Prepositions in Turkish and Hun- garian, seldom precede, but generally follow, the Substantives with \vhich they are connected in construction. Ii* ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 10? In the Greek, Latin, and other languages which have declensions from their Nouns, Prepositions p rep osi- are said to govern, respectively, one or other of the cases ; and, in English, when followed by a Pro- noun, it is usually in the objective state. This go- vernment which one word exercises over another is not real but figurative ; and the misapprehensions of certain Etymologists, in a similar case, is well (though rather forcibly) illustrated by Mr Tooke. " These Gentlemen," says he, " seem to think " that translation is explanation. Nor have they " ever yet ventured to ask themselves, what they " mean ; when they say that any word comes from, " is derived from, produced from, originates from, " or gives birth to, any other word. Their igno- u ranee and idleness make them contented with " this vague and misapplied metaphorical lan- guage." They do not " consider that words have no loco-motive faculty, that they do not flow like rivers, nor vegetate like plants, nor speculate like salts, nor are generated like animals ;" and yet, until they can get rid of these metaphors " from their minds, they will not themselves be fit " for etymology > nor furnish any etymology fit for " reasonable men *." The Case of a Noun does not depend upon the preceding Verb or Preposi- . tion. The governing and the governed are collateral and corresponding effects x)f the same cause the II 2 state * DIVERSIONS OF PURLEY, tions, " " 108 INTRODUCTION TO AH state of the different objects in the mind of the tvriter. When a Substantive is the agent of an ac- tion, it is announced by its name, or Nominative. In every other state it must be attended by words that express its situation. These when separate are termed Prepositions, and when added to the Noun they form Declensions. When we say, " John- " went after him," it is not because it follows the word after that the Pronoun is in the Accusative, but because the person represented by the word him is not considered as an actor in the sentence ; otherwise we should say, cc John went after he " went," making two assertions in place of one. Verbs and Prepositions are the pictures, but not the energies themselves ; and whatever authority they may be supposed to acquire over the modifications of Nouns, must be derived, by delegation, from their prototypes in Nature. Words impressed upon the page are like figures on the canvas. We see mountains and plains, seas and rivers, woods and lawns, diversified at the pleasure of the painter ; but the individuals of the groupe exist independent on one another. The waving foliage of the tree may be reflected from the stream, but it contains no dryad to hang, at will, its branches over the brink ; it is passive in the hands of a superior power. It is repeated concurrence that leads to the com- e e8f bination of the elementary syllables of words, and constitutes in one vocable what had originally .been two. ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 109 two. Prepositions are so generally attendant on Nouns that the separation is gradually disregarded ; and, accordingly, they form the far greater part of the Prefixes of the English tongue. It is hence that we have income, ourgoings, EEfo^Ementioned, AFTERmentioned, &c. besides a numerous class adopted from the Prepositions of other nations. To exhibit the force and effect of these various Pre- fixes is our present object : Motion proceeds by beginning at one point and ending at another. " A stone falls," but there is a place where it began to fall, and there is another where it will stop. These places are denominated by Nouns, but some qualification must necessarily be adjected to denote the use to which they are ap- plied : " the stone falls, beginning at the window 46 and ending at the ground." Words synonymous with beginning and end, when speaking of the place, or time, of action, must therefore be frequently employed. They point out certain relations, or si- tuations, of the agent, and consequently they come under the class of Prepositions. In Eng\ish,fro?u and to are, in the sense we have mentioned, equi- valent to -beginning and end. " The stone falls from " the window to the ground." The origin of these Particles has already been investigated. FROM is beginning, author, or source. To is the cnJ 9 or completion, of an action. From and to may be used where there has been no progression, as, " the " lamp hangs FROM the cieiing," and " the grease H 3 sticks HO INTRODUCTION TO AN " sticks TO the floor." In the former case, the deling is the place where the attachment com- mences ; and, in the latter, the floor is the place on which the grease has fallen, and to which it adheres. From is, in some cases, synonymous with cause, as, " he loved from habit." This is merely a different view of the word, as denoting origin, or source. His love arose or began at habit, habit was the source, or cause, of his love. , at>, Alpha, the name of the first letter of the Greek and abs. A Alphabet, and answering to our A, was figuratively used to express first or beginning. From hence, most probably, is the Greek apo, forming the con- tracted aspirate aph* and the Latin a, ah, or abs ; all, whether single or in composition, exactly cor- responding with our from. Compounds from these Prepositions have, with slight variation, been trans- ferred to the English language : Apostle, front apo and the Greek steJlo, I send, signifies a messen* ger, or one sent from another ; apocalypse, from \/ kalypto, I hide, is hidden from ; and apostate is one who stands away/r^^, or has left, a particular sect, or opinion. A, ab, or abs, vary with the initials of the words to which they are joined. Ab is written before a vowel, abs before c or t, and a before every other consonant. To abstain is to hold from; to abstract is to draw from; to avert is to turn from; and to absolve is to free from : compounded from the Latin Verbs tenere, to hold ; trahere, to draw ; vertere, to turn ; and sofoere, to free, or loosen. It ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. Ill It is evident that what have been termed insepa- A, rable Prepositions modify the words to which they are joined, only by a reference to other words in the sentence. To abstract, to draw from, must point by its Preposition to some object from whence the thing drawn had its origin. If this source, or FROM, be not expressed, the compound is left inde- finite, and denotes the action in general. A, ab, or abs, is usually prefixed to Verbs or their deriva- tives, and in such situations will naturally suggest the idea of separation, or distance, which the Pre- position alone does by no means represent. In this view it is, in some cases, united to Nouns and qua- lities, marking the thing which proceeds, or is taken away from something else. The Greek a had this privative power. B^, bythos, signifies a bottojn. The Ionic dialect changed the th into ss, and hence, with a privative, was formed A/s^s-a,-, Abyssos, want- ing a bottom, the origin of our Abyss. The Latin synonyme is profundum, fromfundus, a bottom, or foundation, and fro, before, metaphorically away from, or distant. To avoid the hiatus the Greeks interposed an n between succeeding vowels, and it is therefore that a become.s an in anarchy, &c. The Latin ad is allied to to as ab is to from. The words are opposed to one another. Ab, and from, are the origin or beginning. Ad, (at,} and to, are the effect, result, or end. In composition the d in ad is often exchanged for a duplicate of the follow- ing letter, and the prefix becomes ac, of, ag, al, an, 112 INTRODUCTION TO AN an, apt ar, as, or at, as in accord? affront, aggres- sion, &c. The explanation of words in ad will be obvious from attending to our account of ab ; for the remarks on the composition of the latter are, in some degree, applicable to all the other Preposi- tions. To adjoin is to join to ; to adhere is to stick to; to adduce is to bring to, &c. The Latin Preposition de is synonymous with our ^already mentioned. Ab is beginning. De is separation ; a part taken from a whole, making that off, or separate, which was formerly on, or one with the whole mass. On is complete junction, forming a union between the primary substance and that which is brought to it. Upon is a species of on. It is on. the upper side. Ab and de, from and of, may be often substituted respectively for one another. " I lifted the stone from the ground/* and " I lifted the stone off the ground," are equally expressive of the action 5 but from states where the stone was when I began to lift it, and ^'directs us to the substance from which it was separated. " I " lifted the stone fro?n the ground into }he wag- " gon" " I lifted it off the ground on which it was " laid." The Latins had " toilers de terra," or, " t oiler e a terra" to raise off or from, the ground, as the different views directed. De is in every case synonymous with off. By figure it signifies about, concerning, after, &c. and in French it is the sign of the genitive of something belonging to, or sprung from, another. It is in composition only that de appears ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 113 appears in English, having been transferred with its compounds from the Latin. From what we have already said, its meaning will be obvious. It ex- presses being off 9 or awayfrom 9 something to which the word refers, or from what the word itself simply denotes. The latter has been termed its privative power ; and, as we illustrated in the cases of In and un, it must sometimes undo what has been done : To debar is to bar from^ or to separate ; to decamp is to change one's camp or residence ; to decompose (the opposite of compose) is to resolve into its consti- tuent parts ; to decrease (the reverse of growth) is to . uixgrow, or to grow less \- to despair , from spero 9 I hope, is to want hope, and so of others. The inseparable Preposition dls (di before certain consonants) was probably derived by the Romans from the Greek dis 9 twice. It denotes that a thing once whole, or compounded^ is now divided^ or sepa~ rated ; and, in as far as its usage is extended, it is equivalent to de 9 with which, perhaps, it has a com- mon origin. The Etymologies of on from one and of dis from two are completely analogous. Dis 9 or di' 9 is a very general Englisji Prefix. To divide is to separate so as the parts may be observed, from the Latin videre^ to see ; to disconcert is to separate those who had concerted together ; and to dismantle is to take off' the mantle with which a thing is co- vered. Dls sometimes drops the s and assumes the initial consonant of the word to which it is joined: as, different., literally set asunder, from the 114 INTRODUCTION TO AN the Latin fero, I carry; and to diffuse, to spread abroad, fromfustts, poured out. The Latin prefix se may be accurately Englished by the words off] away from , aside, or apart. From the Latin cedere, to yield, or give place to, we have to secede, to depart, to go aside or away from any thing with which we were formerly connected; to seduce is to lead astray, from ducere, to lead ; and to select, from legere, to gather, is to chuse out from a number. Compoundiug se with mi (the root of the Greek mesos, the Latin medius, the French mi, and our middle, all of the same signification) the La- tins formed semi, the half; literally, one of the di- visions of any thing divided in the middle. Semi was much used in composition, and from thence we have such words as semicircle, half of a circle, and semi-metal, a half metal, that is ? imperfect, hav- ing but half the qualities of a metal, Half is also used in the latter sense ; and, when a thing is not well or completely performed, we say it is done by halves, or only half done. De and se being similar, we have demi, equivalent to semi, a half. Hence we have demigod, half huinan, half divine, with some others. We have also a few words in hemi, a Greek inseparable Preposition of the same force as semi and demi. Hemisphere is half of a sphere, and hemistich the half of a verse, Numerals Numerals irom their general occurrence, often m*rjc of become prefixes, and compounds from the Greek quantity. an( J ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. 115 and Latin languages are adopted with the original expression of quantity. We shall notice the most common, with an instance of the application of each. Some of these are seldom used ; but they may be deemed worthy of attention, because scien- tific writers have assumed the liberty of encreasing their compounds at pleasure : Mono and uni are from the Greek pw and the Latin unus, one : Monotony is sameness of tone, and uniform is of one form. Bi, or bis, is from the La* tin bis, twice ; as biped, one who has two feet. Tre, or tri, is from the Greek rgi/$ and the Latin tres, three ; as in triangle, a figure with three angles. Tetra is the Greek Tsrteg*, four. Tetrachord is a musical instrument with four strings. Quadri, or quadru, is from the Latin quatuor, four ; as in qua- druple, fourfold. Pent is the Greek **&, five : Pentagon, from yw, gonla, an angle, denotes a figure having five angles. Quinque and quintu are the Latin qulnque, five, and quintus, the fifth. Quinquennial is consisting of five years, and quintuple is fivefold. Hex is the Greek f ef, six, as in hexameter, the denomination for a verse of six feet ; and sex is Latin for six, as in sextant, containing a sixth part of a whole, as of a circle, &c. Hepl and sept are from the Greek V7* and the Latin septem, seven : Heptarchy is a name for the seven Saxon Governments of England, and September was the seventh month of the Roman year. Octa or Octo, is from the Greek **> and the Latin 116 INTRODUCTION TO AN Latin octo, eight ; and hence we have octahedron, (compounded from c s^*, abase or seat,) a solid hav- ing eight sides. Deca and decem are from the Greek &x* and the Latin decem, ten : Decade is a collection of ten, as ten days, ten weeks, &c. and to decimate is to take "the tenth part. Cent, from the Latin centum, a hundred, forms centennial, belonging to a hundred years ; and millennium comes from mille, a thousand. Pan, from the Greek *, and omni from the Latin omnis, all, or every, appear in pan- demonium, the palace of all the demons, and omni- potent, all-powerful. Poly is from the Greek AV? and multi from the Latin mult us, many. Polygamy, from y/"6, gameo, I marry, is many marriages, and multiform is having many shapes or forms. Holo is from '*<>;, whole, as in holocaust, (from *<, I burn,) a sacrifice in which every part of the victim was consumed. Soli is from the Latin solus, alone ; and hence soliloquy (from loquor, I speak,) is a dis- course which a person utters when alone. Magna in Latin is great, and the Greek micro. (^<*g0 is small. Magnanimous is haying a great mind, and micrometer is a measurer of small spaces. On the supposition of the motion of a body its course may be marked by describing the medium, or substance, through which it passes. Words expressing this relation must state that one body divides, cuts, or separates another ; or that it passes through an opening already made. Through, thro', or thorough, is the Saxon thruh and tburuh, the same ANALYTICAL DICTIONARY. II? same with thure, thura^ or durd 9 at door ; or passage. The Dutch use door equally for the Noun and the Preposition. The Greek dia (probably from dis) signifies passage from one end of a space or period to the other. Words formed with this prefix are directly from that language, and are generally con- fined to scientific terms. Thus diameter is the mea- sure across or through any thing : The diameter of a circle is the measure of its breadth. The Latin per is from the Greek $, peiro, to perforate or pass through, the equivalent and origin of our Verb to piene. As a prefix it marks, literally, passage through any medium, and, figuratively, through what means any action is accomplished. In the latter sense it answers to our by. Per, being from one end to the other, also denotes the completion of an action, and to say that a thing is perfected is the same as if we should say that it is thoroughly made. This use is very general in composition From the Latin suadere, to advise, we have to persuade, to advise with effect, or to convince ; and in its primi- tive sense we have to perish, from the Latin perire ($er, through, and ire 9 to go) to go through or to disappear, and figuratively to die. In the Preposition trans the Latins attended only