UC-NRLF ^B 21b ftbD LIBRARY UNIveRSITV 0» CALlKNMtA or I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/completeconcordaOOconarich A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE TO SCIENCE AND HEALTH, WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES TOGETHEE WITH AN ESTDEX TO THE ]MARGINAL HEADmGS AND A LIST OF THE SCRIPTUEAL QU0TATI0:NS CONTAINED THEREIN" REVISED FROM THE NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT EDITION OF SCIENCE AND HEALTH AS REVISED BY ITS AUTHOR MARY BAKER EDDY SIXTEENTH THOUSAND BOSTON, U.S. A. PUBLISHED BY ALLISON V. STEWART FALMOUTH AND ST. PAUL STREETS 1909 Copyright 1903, 1908 Bt Mart Bakes G. Eddy All rights reserved UNIVERSITY PRESS • JOHN WILSON AND BON • CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. 6x (.m PREFACE For many years there have been calls for a more complete index to " Science AND Health With Key To The Scriptures," and although the index prepared by the late Rev. J. H. Wiggin about the year 1885 was quite large, neither it nor subsequent indices fully met the requirements of the students of our textbook. It finally became apparent that the only satisfactory way to meet this need was to pre- pare a complete Concordance, which should include all prominent words and phrases which, the student may desire to find. I am confident that this work will fully meet his demands. Following this is a preface prepared by the individual whom I employed as com- piler of this Concordance, in which he sets forth his plan of arrangement, with an explanation of abbreviations used in this work Mary Baker Eddy. Pleasant View, Concord, N. H., May 15, 1903 217 COMPILER'S PREFACE This Concordance contains every noun, verb, adjective, and adverb in Science and Health, together with certain pronouns, prepositions, and con- junctions, which were deemed of sufficient importance to be introduced. The numbers indicating page and line refer to the word under consideration and not necessarily to the beginning of the line quoted. The letters preceding the numbers are abbreviations of the chapters where the references are to be found. A * following a page number indicates that the reference is in the quotation in italics at the head of the chapter indicated. A special feature of the work is to be found in the fact that every noun of frequent occurrence is provided with sub-titles. These sub-titles are arranged in alphabetical order, under their respective nouns, and consist of adjectives or other qualifying words or phrases, preserving in every case the exact phraseology of Science and Health. By this method, all that the author of the Christian Science textbook has said on any given subject will be found grouped in one place. For example : the spiritual man is often referred to as the " idea of God." More than twenty references to this subject will be found in the sub-title "idea of" under the principal word " God." The sub-titles also enable those who are familiar with the text to look up passages by means of such words as God, Life, Truth, Love, Mind, matter, error, etc., without searching through several hun- dred references. A few adjectives also, such as human, material, mortal, spiritual, etc., are furnished with sub-titles. Certain words occurring in some places as nouns, are used in other places as verbs or adjectives. For example : the word " healing " is used as a noun, an adjective, and a participle. All such words appearing more than fifty times are classified and grouped under their respective parts of speech. If used less than fifty times in all, these words are not so separated. Every reference to the author of Science and Health will be found under the heading " Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker G." An index to the Marginal Headings in Science and Health will be found in Appendix A. Every Scriptural quotation is indexed under every important word in it, in the same manner as other words, and is followed by the book, chapter, and verse where it may be found in the Bible. A separate list of all the books, chapters. and verses of the Bible from which quotations have been taken for use in Science AND Health will be found in Appendix B-. In the hope that this work may be of service to the many thousand students of our beloved textbook, and an incentive to a more profound study of the life- giving Science elucidated therein, and in grateful acknowledgment of the loving wisdom of its Founder and our Leader, which has alone made this book a possibility, the following pages are committed to the public. The Compiler. PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION In this edition of the Concordance, compiled from the 1908 edition of Science and Health, the plan of the original Concordance has been retained in its entirety. In preparing the references great care has been exercised to select the context which would most successfully suggest the entire sentence in wliich the indexed word occurs, and increased facilities for the topical study of the textbook have been provided in a rearrangement of some of the sub-titles. All references not found in the current edition of Science and Health have been omitted ; and about five thousand new references have been inserted. Of these nearly sixteen hundred were needed for new words not hitherto indexed ; and more than thirty-four hundred were required to index the changes in Science and Health which have been made by its author since the first Concordance was printed. Mrs. Eddy has said : " I have revised Science and Health only to give a clearer and fuller expression of its original meaning." (S. and H., 361-21.) Some idea of the extent of her recent revisions may be gained from the above figures, which thus serve to enhance an appreciative recognition of the indefatigable labors of our Leader in the interests of humanity. Albert F. Conant, Compiler. This Concordance agrees with the edition of Science and Health printed in March, 1908. Subsequent changes in Science and Health will be indexed in an Addendum to this work. COMPILER'S PREFACE This Concordance contains every noun, verb, adjective, and adverb in Science and Health, together with certain pronouns, prepositions, and con- junctions, which were deemed of sufficient importance to be introduced. The numbers indicating page and line refer to the word under consideration and not necessarily to the beginning of the line quoted. The letters preceding the numbers are abbreviations of the chapters where the references are to be found. A * following a page number indicates that the reference is in the quotation in italics at the head of the chapter indicated. A special feature of the work is to be found in the fact that every noun of frequent occurrence is provided with sub-titles. These sub-titles are arranged in alphabetical order, under their respective nouns, and consist of adjectives or other qualifying words or phrases, preserving in every case the exact phraseology of Science and Health. By this method, all that the author of the Christian Science textbook has said on any given subject will be found grouped in one place. For example : the spiritual man is often referred to as the " idea of God." More than twenty references to this subject will be found in the sub-title "idea of" under the principal word " God." The sub-titles also enable those who are familiar with the text to look up passages by means of such words as God, Life, Truth, Love, Mind, matter, error, etc., without searching through several hun- dred references. A few adjectives also, such as human, material, mortal, spiritual, etc., are furnished with sub-titles. Certain words occurring in some places as nouns, are used in other places as verbs or adjectives. For example : the word " healing " is used as a noun, an adjective, and a participle. All such words appearing more than fifty times are classified and grouped under their respective parts of speech. If used less than fifty times in all, these words are not so separated. Every reference to the author of Science and Health will be found under the heading " Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker G." An index to the Marginal Headings in Science and Health will be found in Appendix A. Every Scriptural quotation is indexed under every important word in it, in the same manner as other words, and is followed by the book, chapter, and verse where it may be found in the Bible. A separate list of all the books, chapters, and verses of the Bible from which quotations have been taken for use in Science AND Health will be found in Appendix B-. In the hope that this work may be of service to the many thousand students of our beloved textbook, and an incentive to a more profound study of the life- giving Science elucidated therein, and in grateful acknowledgment of the loving wisdom of its Founder and our Leader, which has alone made this book a possibility, the following pages are committed to the public. The Compiler. PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION In this edition of the Concordance, compiled from the 1908 edition of Science and Health, the plan of the original Concordance has been retained in its entirety. In preparing the references great care has been exercised to select the context which would most successfully suggest the entire sentence in wliich the indexed word occurs, and increased facilities for the topical study of the textbook have been provided in a rearrangement of some of the sub-titles. All references not found in the current edition of Science and Health have been omitted ; and about five thousand new references have been inserted. Of these nearly sixteen hundred were needed for new words not hitherto indexed ; and more than thirty-four hundred were required to index the changes in Science and Health which have been made by its author since the first Concordance was printed. Mrs. Eddy has said : " I have revised Science and Health only to give a clearer and fuller expression of its original meaning." (S. and H., 361-21.) Some idea of the extent of her recent revisions may be gained from the above figures, which thus serve to enhance an appreciative recognition of the indefatigable labors of our Leader in the interests of humanity. Albert F. Conant, Comjnler. This Concordance agrees with the edition of Science and Health printed in March, 1908. Subsequent changes in Science and Health will be indexed in an Addendum to this work. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The abbreviations made use of in this Concordance are as follows : — ^ref. Preface. j9r. . . Prayer. a. . . . Atonement and Eucharist. m. . .Marriage. sp. . .Christian Science and Spirit ualism. an. . . Animal Magnetism. Chapter Titles in Science and Health. s. . . . Science, Theology, Medi- t. . cine. r. . ph. . . Physiology. k. . /.... Footsteps of Truth. ff. . ■ c. . . . Creation. ap. h.. . . Science of Being. gl. 0.... Some Objections Answered, fr. p.. . . Christian Science Practice. . Teaching Christian Science , Recapitulation. . Key to the Scriptures. . Genesis. .The Apocalypse. . Glossary. . Fruitage. The words " Christian Science " have been abbreviated in the lines to C. S. Gen Genesis. Eocod Exodus. Lev Leviticus. Deut Deuteronomy. / Kings I Kings. Job Job. Psal Psalms. Prov Proverbs. Eecl Ecclesiastes. Song Song of Solomon. Isa Isaiah. Jer Jeremiah. Lam Lamentations. Books of the Bible. Uzek Ezekiel. Dan Daniel. IIos Hosea. Hab Habakkuk. Matt Matthew. Mark Mark. Luke Luke. (Tohn John. Acts Acts. Horn Romans. / Cor I Corinthians. // Cor II Corinthians. Gal Galatians. Eph Ephesians. Phil Philippians. Col Colossians. / Thess I Thessalonians. // Thess II Thessalonians. I Tim I Timothy. // Tim II Timothy. Heh Hebrews. <7a5 James. I Pet I Peter. II Pet II Peter. I John I John. Rev Revelation. A COMPLETE CONCORDANCE TO SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES The Urim and Thummim, on A- breast We must a- pharmaceutics, and take up a- so fast as practical the material, would it not be well to a- the defence, and «• their material beliefs. Hence she is tirst to a- the belief in the Aaron's gl 595-13 abandon s 129-21 / 254-21 o 348-23 p 400-11 g 5U- 1 abandoned pre/ x-18 a- as hopeless by regular medical attendants. b 304-32 is a- to conjectures, left in the hands of p 382-30 medicines 1 had taken only a- me to abandonment p 374-31 expels it through the «• of a belief, abasbed p 439-15 turned from the a- witnesses, g 532-19 Ashamed before Truth, error shrank a- abate ph 196-24 help to a- sickness and to destroy it. p 373-25 decomposition, or deposit will a-, 406-14 Sin and sickness will a- and seem less real abatement / 219-31 but we may look for an a- of these evils ; Abel {see also Abel's) g 540-26 And A-, he also brought of the — Gen. 4 ; 4. 540-31 A- takes his offering from the firstlings 541- 7 [Jehovah] had respect unto A-, — Oen. 4; 4. 541-14 Cain rose up against A- his brother, — Oen. 4 ; 8. 641-20 Where is A- thy brother ? — Oen. 4 .- 9. definition of gl 579- 8 Abel's g 541- 4 Cain seeks A- life, instead of abetted p 439-24 You aided and a- Fear and Health-laws. abeyance p 405- 6 to hold hatred in a- with kindness, abide a 50-16 They must a- in him and he in them, 55-28 that he may a- with you forever." — John 14; 16. b 274-12 The senses of Spirit a- in Love, p 381-27 a- by the rule or perpetual harmony, t 456-19 One must a- in the morale of truth 456-23 understand and a- by the divine Principle 462-14 a- strictly by its rules, heed every statement, r 495-16 Allow nothing but His likeness to a- in your abides b 304-17 produced by its Principle, . . . and «• with it. p 384-25 tear subsides and the conviction a- that abidetb h 32&- 5 Such a one a- in Life, abiding b 289-11 To sui)po8e that sin, . . . revenge, have life a- 327- 1 there is no a pleasure in evil, p 390-21 Dismiss it witn an a- conviction that 405-24 The a- consciousness of wrong-doing tends r 495-30 a- steadfastly in wisdom. Truth, and Love. abiding'-place / 244- 9 goodness would have no a- b 282-14 straight line finds no a- in a curve, abilities s 128-15 ability God-given ph 182-26 healing: p 410-29 t 449-12 human a 52-25 infinite r 494-17 lesser sp 95-14 one's c 260-15 your ph 182- 1 sp 92-24 s 128-11 130-22 ph 187- 9 / 218-18 p 393-14 404-25 405-25 428-19 g 524-29 555-27 able a 49-23 sp 85-10 93- 1 95- 9 a 127-27 137-10 145- 3 161- 6 ph 191-31 196-11 / 217-24 235-24 249- 8 253-13 6 304- 8 323- 2 329-16 O 343- 9 345-21 345-22 352- 2 359-24 p 385- 3 387-11 423- 2 r 488- 4 493-18 g 530-11 547-12 555-31 ap 568- 4 the latent a- and possibilities of man. God-given a- to demonstrate Mind's sacred until the practitioner's healing a- is registers his healing a- and fitness to teach. speaking of human a- to reflect divine power, Jesus demonstrated . . . the infinite a- of Spirit, greater or lesser a* of a Christian Scientist distrust of one's a- . . . often hampers will diminish your «• to become a Scientist, the a- to make nothing of error will be a- to exceed their ordmaiy capacity. a- of Spirit to make the body harmonious, attributes to some material god ... an a- without faith in God's willingness and a- nothing can vitiate the a- and power increases his a- to master evil wrong-doing tends to destroy the o-to do right. We must realize the a- of mental might Could Spirit . . . give matter a- to sin and suffer? or that 'Truth confers the a- to a-, through Truth, Life, and Love, to triumph a- to read the human mind after this manner substantial and a- to control the body? a- to discern the thought of the sick Science ... is alone a- to interpret God aright. Who or what is it that is a- to do the work, caught its sweet tones, . . . without being a- to a- to nullify the action of the flames, Truth is a- to cast out the ills of the flesh. " Fear him which is a- to destroy both — Matt. 10:28. you will be a- to demonstrate this physicians should be a- to teach it. no mortal nor material power as a- to destroy, there is no cause ... a- to make you sick nor any other creature, shall be a- — Jioni. 8 ; 39. will not be a- to glean . . . without striving Until one is a- to prevent bad results, one might not be a- to say with the apostle. Anybody, who is a- to perceive the incongruity ought to be a- to discern the distinction did not sufliciently understand God to be a- " God is a- to raise you up from sickness; " a- to undergo without sinking fatigues and we are «• to rest in Truth, refreshed by and may not be a- to mend the bone, a- to banish a severe malady, the cure shows Mind must be found ... a- to destroy all ills, as a- to feed and clothe man as He doth the Agassiz was a- to see in the egg the Jesus was a- to present himself unchanged Science is a- to destroy this lie, called evil. ABLEST ABSENCE ablest ,. ^ g 553-10 One of our a- naturalists has said : ablutions ^ , V 413-12 daily a- of an infant are no more natural 431-29 I practise daily a- and perform my abnormal s 120-14 health is normal and disease is a-, p 423-27 Ossification or any a- condition abnormally p 377-13 suddenly weak or a- strong, abode , ^„ . .. 6 280- 5 light and harmony which are the a- of Spirit, 292-23 and a- not in the truth, because — John 8 .• 44. abolish m 58-30 nothing can a- the cares of marriage. / 225-19 a- the whipping-jiost and slave market; 225-23 Legally to a- unpaid servitude abolished / 224-29 the Soul-inspired motto, " Slavery is a-." 226- 1 African slavery was a- in our land. abolition / 225-24 «• of mental slavery is a more difficult task. abomination gl 588-4 " worketh a- or maketh a Me." — Rev. 21:27. abortive t 459-14 Any attempt to . . . must prove a*. abound / 202-26 Truth should " much more «• " — Rom. 5 • 20. 223-29 sin will much more «• as truth urges b 320- 4 Metaphors «• in the Bible, g 512-11 a- in the spiritual atmosphere of Mind, abounds / 202-25 Error a- where Truth should about pref xi-27 a- the year 1867. pr 9-28 Then why make long prayers a- it 13-16 before we tell Him ... a- it. a 25- 9 went daily a- his Father's business. 33-13 their Master was a- to suffer violence 41-18 «• three centuries after the crucifixion. 41-26 his apostles still went a- doing good 43-29 beliefs a- life, substance, and 52- 1 From early boyhood he was a- his an 105-26 will be millstones a- his neck, 8 121-26 revolves a- the sun once a year, 125-19 material theories a- laws of health 132-lG their materialistic beliefs a- God. 134-12 and so it came a- that human rights 137-15 the common report a* him. 153-30 loquacious tattling a- disease, 155- 2 forgets all iv the accident, ph 169- 9 it always came a- as I had foretold. 172- 3 Theorizing a- man's development 176- 7 taking no thought a* food 193-13 In a- ten minutes he opened his eyes 197-12 a- moral and spiritual law, / 201-16 we shall not hug our tatters close a* us. 202-24 Our beliefs a- a Supreme Being 222-14 Taking less thought a- what she 222-15 a* the economy of living 230-13 so as to bring a* certain evil results, 232- 5 The beliefs we commonly entertain a- 237- 3 On being questioned a- it she answered 237-17 theories or thoughts «• sickness. 237-24 to hear «■ the fallacy of matter 238-28 no time for gossip a- false law c 260-26 by conversation (v the body, 261-14 walking a- as actively as the b 305-31 The Sadducees reasoned falsely a- the 328- 6 Understanding little a- the divine 328-12 destroys human delusions a- Him o 352-32 not irrational to tell the truth a- ghosts. 357-18 false notions a- the Divine Being 357-20 wrong notions a* God must have jj 363- 6 which hung loosely a- her shoulders, 372- 6 One theory a- this mortal mind is, 374- 8 I never thought of and knew nothing a*, 389- 6 The less we know or think a- hygiene, 389-16 metaphors «■ the fount and stream, 396- 7 a discouraging remark a- recovery, 413-27 a- disease, health-laws, and death, 414-30 is not brought a- by divine Love. 416-27 If they ask a- their disease, 416-29 they think too much a- their ailments, 419-13 with which to move itself a- 424-23 while others are thinking a- your patients 425-32 Discard all notions «• lungs, t 446-30 Recalling Jefferson's words a- slavery, g 521-19 a- creation in the book of Genesis. 529- 4 It came a-, also, that instruments were 636-23 hedge a- their achievements with thorns. about g 544-17 The first statement a- evil, 553-27 ancient superstition a- the creation 555- 8 not comprehend what you say a- error." above pr 11-24 but if we desire holiness a- all else, we shall 16-20 Only as we rise a- all material sei^uousness a 18-18 could conciliate no nature a- his own, 34-25 ascend far a- their apprehension. 35-17 his spiritual and final ascension «• matter, 44-26 a method infinitely a- that of human invention. 46-21 his exaltation a- all material conditions ; 46-28 rose a- the jihysical knowledge of his disciples, 49-22 is a- the reach of human wrath, 53-12 a- and contrary to the world's religious sense, s/) 74- 8 a sprout which has risen a- the soil. 77-26 The departed would gradually rise a- ignorance 98- 3 elevation of existence a- mortal discord 98-15 a- the loosening grasp of creeds, 99-14 may possess natures a- some others s 118- 3 an inference far a- the merely ecclesiastical 123-13 Divine Science, rising a- physical theories, 147-20 lifts you high a- the perishing fossils 153-12 highest attenuation . . . rises a- matter into ph 167- 7 only as we live a- corporeal sense 174- 9 rising «• material standpoints, 189- 6 raises the human thought a- the cruder theories / 238-29 place the fact a- the falsehood, 240-10 -the Principle is a- what it reflects, 246- 8 by no means a material germ rising . . . a- his c 262-12 rise a- the testimony of the material senses, 262-13 «• the mortal to the immortal idea of God. 266-29 He is a- sin or frailty. b 269-11 Metaphysics is a- physics, 302-16 always beyond and a- the mortal illusion 307-31 A- error's awful din, blackness, and chaos, 313- 8 With the oil of gladness a- thy — Heb. 1 ; 9. 318-16 Is the sick man sinful «■ all others? p 365- 9 enable them to rise a- the supposed necessity 373-21 you must rise a- both fear and sin. 379-14 Had he known ... he would have risen a- the 385- 7 divine law, rising a- the human. 394-16 that he should not try to rise a- his 400-18 By lifting thought «• error, or disease, 405- 3 any man, who is a- the lowest type 407-14 lifting humanity a- itself 437-30 bar of Ti-uth, which ranks a- the lower Court t 448-12 C. S. rises a- the evidence of the 448-13 but if you have not risen a- sin yourself, 450-19 evil will boast itself a- good. 451-17 If . . . spiritual, they come from a*, r 471-26 interprets God as a- mortal sense. 493-13 A full answer to the a- question g 505-15 which were a- the firmament : — Gen. 1 ; 7. 511-21 and fowl that may fly a: the earth— ^en. 1 .• 20. 511-29 The fowls, which fly a- the earth 512- 2 aspirations soaring beyond and a- corporeality 520-28 immortal creating thought is from a-, 521- 1 Knowledge of this lifts man a- the sod, 521- 2 «• earth and its environments, 523-11 comes from beneath, not from a\ 531-11 rise a- all material and physical sense, ap 558-15 it has for you a light a- the sun, 569-18 not struggling to lift their heads «• the Abraham b 333-23 A-, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets 333-29 " Before A- was, I am; "— John 8 ; 58. 334- 2 and therefore antedated A- ; t 444-24 part from these opponents as did A- g 501- * appeared wUo A-, unto Isaac, and — Exod. 6 : 3. gl 579-10 definition of abroad a 29- 2 take up arms against error at home and a-. abscess / 251- 3 illustrated by an a-, which grows more painful absence of laiv p 391-18 Injustice declares the a- of law. of light / 215-17 only a mortal sense of the a- of light, of otiier proofs p 363-28 In the a* of other proofs, was her grief of pain ph 186-26 If pain is as real as the a- of pain, of solar time g 504-18 words which indicate, in the a- of solar time, of somethiue ph 186-12 It is nothing, because it is the «• of something. of soul b 311-18 sense of temporary loss or a- of soul, of truth sp 92-30 when it is merely the o* of truth, ph 186-11 a negation, because it is the a- of truth. •uppositional I / 216-20 the suppositional a- of Life, God, ABSENCE ACCIDENT ph 173-14 Spirit's contrary, the «• of Spirit, 186-13 because it presupposes the a- of God, / 207-25 errors, which presuppose the a- of Truth, b 282-29 the opposite of God or God's a-, 287- 9 We call the a- of Truth, error. 287-15 how can He be absent or suggest the a- of g 5(H-31 supposition of the a- of Spirit. 555- 2 and that health attends the a- of gl 5&4-28 the a- of substance, life, or intelligence. absent pr 14-3 " a- from the body " — // Cor. 5 ■ 8. 14-21 [because the Ego is a- from the body, sp 82- 2 We think of an a- friend as easily as 82-4 It is no more difMcult to read the a- mind s 130-32 no longer imagine evil to be . . . and good o? ph 179- 5 Science can heal the sick, who are a- from / 216-29 a- from the body, — // tor. 5 ; 8. and the mind seems to be a-, how can He be a- or suggest the absence of a- from the body, — // Cor. 5 ; 8. Death testified that he was a- from a- from the body, — // Cor. 5 ; 8. 250-21 b 287-14 p 383-10 439- 6 gl 581-25 absolute pr 1- 2 a- faith that all things are possible t9 God, 3-16 demands a- consecration of thought, a 41-21 the divine healing of a- Science. sp 72-11 (in a- Science) Soul, or God, is the only 8 107- 5 final revelation of the a- divine Principle 109- 9 and thus proved a- and divine. 109-20 1 won my way to a- conclusions 116-31 Mind in a finite form is an a- impossibility. 142-10 Truth, alone can furnish us with a- evidence. 151- 6 erring, finite, human mind has an «• need of ph 111- 5 divine Mind's healing power and a- control / 219- 4 Mind should be, and is, supreme, a-, and final. 254-16 During the sensual ages, a- C. S. may not c 262-15 the a- centre and circumference of his being. b 269-21 testimony of the material senses is neither a- 274-23 Divine Science is a-, and permits no 283-11 Principle is a-. 325-15 a- meaning of the apostolic words o 341-17 facts are so a- and numerous in support of 344- 2 it claims God as the only a- Life and Soul, p 388-22 food does not aflfect the «• Life of man, 423-26 which ultimately asserts its a- supremacy. t 448-24 pursuit of instructions opposite to a- C. S. 454-12 the doctrine of a- C. S., r 465- 4 A- C. S. pervades its statements, 465-12 They refer to one a- God. 483-21 The spirit of C. S., if not the a- letter. 484- 2 until its a- Science is reached. g 507- 2 the a- formations instituted by Mind, 520- 7 The «• ideal, man, is no more seen nor ap 573-28 This is indeed a foretaste of a- C. 8. absolutely pr 14-10 to be a- governed by divine Love, s 123- 9 the most «• weak and inharmonious creature ph 167-29 timid conservatism is a- inadmissible. 182-10 for one a- destroys the other, o 355-21 statement that the teachings . . . are " a- false, p 372-14 When man demonstrates C. S. a-, g 549-30 He a- drops from his summit, ap 565-17 will^eventually rule . . . imperatively, a*, absoluteness o 345- 7 When . . . His a- is set forth, absolution p 364-12 declaring the a- of the penitent. absorb never . . . can a- the whole meaning C. S. may a- the attention of sage and r 8 147-15 g 656-13 absorbed a 52- 7 sp 74- 7 91-16 their senses ... a- the material evidence of sin, the acorn, already a- into a sprout A- in material selfhood we discern . . . but faintly C 259- 1 Man is not a- in Deity, 261-10 turns away from the Dody with such a- interest b 309-31 never a- nor limited by its own formations. 331- 7 God would not be reflected but a-, absorption c 265-11 by no means suggests man's a- into Deity abstinence / 220-24 Finding his health failing, he gave up his a-, abstract t 459-24 To mortal sense C. S. seems a*, r 470-11 Divine Science explains the a- statement ap 558-11 To mortal sense Science seems . . . obscure, a-. absurd m 67-19 / 208-14 217- 3 The notion ... is too a- for consideration, a- to suppose that matter can both cause and notion ot such a possibility is more a- than r 485- 3 Material sense is an o* phrase, absurd r 495- 7 and it would be a- to try. g 550-29 not so hideous and a- as the supposition absurdities o 354- 3 Are the protests of C. S. . . . a-," g 551- 1 material senses must father these «•, absurdity s 163-28 humiliating view of so much a\ r 472-21 and we should have a self-evident a* abundant ph 188-25 and you have an a- or scanty crop abundantly g 511-20 Let the waters bring forth a- — Gen. 1 .• 20. 512- 6 which the waters brought forth a-, — Gen. 1 .-21. 548-25 he would have blessed the human race more a\ abuse ph 175- 9 What an a- of natural beauty to say that a rose, t 446-32 oftentimes subjects you to its a-. 455-22 renders any a- of the mission an impossibility. ap 560-22 A- of the motives and religion of St. Paul abused an 102-27 is much more likely to be a- by its possessor, s 110-22 and its ideas may be temporarily «■ and p 410-26 If mental practice is a- 430-32 was personally a- on those occasions. 432-23 protested that the prisoner had a- him, t 460-19 If Christian healing is a- by mere smatterers abyss ph 199-26 to walk the rope over Niagara's a- of waters, academic / 235-12 not so much a* education, academics ph 195-19 A- of the right sort are requisite. accelerated ap 569-23 comes back to him at last with a- force, accept pr 2-28 pouring forth more than we a- a 54-19 would not a- his meek interpretation of life sp 78-13 Then why . . . a- them as oracles? 91- 9 diflBcult for the sinner to a- divine Science, s 130- 6 and therefore they cannot a-, ph 182- 8 Which, then, are we to a- as legitimate "* f 227-24 a- the " glorious liberty of the — Rom. 8 .• 21- 231-17 Therefore we a- the conclusion that discords 249- 1 Let us a- Science, relinquish all theories 254-20 This task God demands us to a- lovingly c 266-12 Love will force you to a- what best promotes b 272-16 teachings which . . . grossness could not a-, p 420-11 if they will only «• Truth, they can r 494-26 Which of these . . . are you ready to a- ? acceptable pr 3-31 In such a case, the only a- prayer a 34- 4 " holy, a- unto GoA" — Rom. 12. 1. / 221-21 Hence semi-starvation is not «• to wisdom, b 325-22 holy, a- unto God, —Rom. 12.- 1. acceptance / 202-12 the perception and a- of Truth. b 330- 7 would meet with immediate and universal a\ o 343-23 meekness and spirituality are the conditions of its a-, 355-22 ever offered for a-," accepted a 39-18 "Now". . . "is the a- time; — // Cor. 6.2. sp 93- 8 " Behold, now is the a- time ; — // Cor. 6 .• 2. 8 131-24 not a- until the hearts of men are made ready 132-20 it has not yet been generally a\ f 248-17 Have you a- the mortal model ? b 316- 2 way of salvation to all who a- his word. o 344-20 not included in the commonly a- systems ; p 386- 2 evidence of the senses is not to be a- t 461- 5 C. S. must be a- at this period by induction, r 469-19 claimed no other Mind and a- no other, g 552- 5 was once an a- theory. accepting s 129-23 look deep into realism instead of a- only o 357- 5 not by «-, but by rejecting a lie. accepts pr 8-16 If we feel the aspiration, . . . this God a-, s 148-17 drops the true tone, and a- the discord. g 520-14 thought a- the divine infinite calculus. 536-24 Mortal mind a- the erroneous, gl 585-20 human belief before it a- sin, sickness, access 8 128-17 giving mortals a- to broader and higher realms. accident 8 156- 2 Presently the child forgets all about the a-, / 214-29 Neither age nor a- can interfere with the 252-26 says: . . . But a touch, an «•, the law of b 304-24 would lose harmony, if time or a- robbed o 342-18 If . . . truth becomes an a-, p 392-29 exercise, heredity, contagion, or a*. ACCIDENT ACCOUNT accident p 397-12 When an «• happens, you think or exclaim, 397-15 Your thought is . . . more powerful than the a- r 486- 4 Suppose one a- happens to the eye, accidents p 402-16 You say that a-, injuries, and disease kill man, 424- 5 A- are unknown to God, 424-10 Under divine Providence there can be no a-, accommodate ph 195-29 lowering the intellectual standard to a- b 280-13 to a- its finite sense of the divisibility 313-26 To a- himself to immature ideas accompanied sp 94- 8 with the demonstration which a* it, accompanies b 287-17 Neither understanding nor truth «• error, g 514-18 Tenderness a- all the might imparted by Spirit. accompaniment / 249-28 The night-dream has less matter as its a\ accompaniments sp 78-16 Spiritualism with its material a- b 310- 8 but without material a-. accompany / 223-21 Spiritual rationality and free thought a* 243-11 must always a- the letter of Science p 375- 4 belief that inflammation and pain must a- g 553- 1 and a- their descriptions with important accompanyinsT ap 573-13 A- tnis scientific consciousness was accomplish sp 77- 3 Neither do other mortals a- the 96-32 to find means by which to a- more evil ; o 352-31 To a- a good result, it is certainly not irrational p 394- 8 Knowledge that we can a- the good t 448-22 impossible for error, ... to a- the grand results accomplished pref vii-26 must declare what the pioneer has a\ a 51-13 but when his earth-mission was a-, b 322-10 in view of the immense work to be a* p 365-16 healing work will be a- at one visit, t 457- 6 than has been a- by other books. r 484- 3 When this is «•, neither pride, prejudice, accomplishes g 546-28 resides in the good this system a-, accomplishin g- pr 1- 7 GoiTs gracious means for a- ap 571- 2 evil's hidden mental ways of a* iniquity. accomplishment pr 13- 8 striving for the a- of all we ask, p 429- 7 The final demonstration takes time for its a\ accord m 63-16 marvel why usage should a- woman less rights 8 129- 9 be it in a- with your preconceptions or / 202-16 immortal man, in a- with the divine Principle b 314-31 submissive to death as being in supposed a- 337- 9 the Son must be in a- with the Father, p 408-16 Can drugs go of their own a- to the brain t 455- 1 auxiliaries to aid in bringing thought into a- g 515-23 moves in «■ with Him, 515-28 the lips of this likeness move in a- with yours. 545-15 and do not a- infinity to Deity. accordance a 27-11 in strict a- with his scientific statement : 36- 8 not in «• with God's government, sp 96-26 shaped his course in a- with divine Science ph 168-22 in a- with God's law, the law of Mind. / 20a-12 not in a- with the goodness of God's character 231-26 is in a- with divine Science. 6 276- 7 in «• with the Scriptural command: p 440-26 in a- with the divine statutes, g 557-25 in a- with the first chapter of the gl 597- 1 in a- with Pharisaical notions. accorded r 474- 4 reception o* to Truth in the early Christian era according pr 5-18 giving us strength a- to our day. 6-20 To suppose that God forgives or punishes sin a* 7-12 "a zeal . . . not a- to knowledge "—i?om. 10:2. 15-8, 9 rewards a- to motives, not a- to speech. a 22-19 and receive a- to your deserving. 27-32 a- to certain assumed material Taws. m 57-31 Marriage is unblest or blest, a- to the sp 77-17 longer or shorter duration a- to the tenacity 97- 7 A- to human belief, the lightning is fierce an 100- 2 A- to the American Cyclopaedia, 105-15 courts reasonably pass sentence, a- to the 8 108- 3 ^ • to St. Paul, it was " the gift of the — Eph. 3 .• 7. 110-28 and demonstrated a- to Christ's command, 113-23 A- to the Scripture, I find that God is true, 127-11 a- to the requirements of the context. 131-17 a- to the Scriptural saying. according s 149-31 and demonstrate truth a. to Christ. 155- 5 a- to this faith will the effect be. 157-16 («• to the narrative in Genesis) 158- 5 the first prescription, a* to the " History of 161-25 treating the case a- to his physical diagnosis, ph 168-10 When sick (a- to belief) you rush after drugs, 170- 1 and a- to belief, poisons the human system. 173-22 Phrenology makes man knavish or honest «• 175-22 was not discussed a- to Cutter 183- 8 Can the agriculturist, a- to belief, produce 183-10 awaiting its germination a- to the laws of 188-26 a- to the seedlings of fear. 189-16 it is as truly mortal mind, a- to its degree, 189-27 A' to mortal thought, the development of 199-16 a- as they influence them through mortal mind. / 208-28 harmonious or discordant a- to the images of 213-28 a* as the hand, which sweeps over it, 230-22 A- to Holy Writ, the sick are never 233-25 When numbers have been divided a- to 236-16 "a- to the pattern showed to thee — Ueb. 8 .• 5. 239- 9 let worth be judged a- to wisdom, 242-21 A- to the Bible, tlie facts of being are 245-30 decrepitude is not cv to law, 250-17 a- to the dream he entertains in sleep. c 2R6-20 " doeth a- to His will — Dan. 4 .- 35. b 284-28 ^- to C. S., the only real senses of 320-22 for a- to that error man is mortal. 327- 3 gaining an affection for good a- to Science, 334-22 a- to the testimony of the corporeal senses, 337-10 A- to divine Science, man is o 341-15 demonstrated a- to a divine given rule, 342-19 a system which works a- to the Scriptures 342-30 practising pharmacy or obstetrics «■ to the 344-16 a- to the rules which disclose its merits or 355-15 One, a- to the commands of our Master, heals 357-23 a- to the vision of St. John in the Apocalypse. p 362-12 A- to the custom of those days, 370-23 A- to both medical testimony and 404- 2 judge the case a- to C. S. 416-19 and been developed a- to it, 423-12 A- to Scripture, it searches 423-17 a- to the evidence which matter presents. 423-25 a- to the law of 3Iind, which ultimately asserts 425- 7 leading points included (a- to belief) 429-23 a- to the calculations of natural science. 436-26 a- to the law of Spirit, God. 441-12 A- to our statute. Material Law is a liar t 443-11 work out their own salvation a- to their 449-23 attracted or repelled a- to personal merit 457-16 both sides were beautiful a- to their degree; r 473-22 test its unerring Science a- to his rule, 478- 4 Even a- to the teachings of natural science, 490-16 since he is so already, a- to C. S. g 502-19 a- to the teachings of C. S. 516- 1 note how true, a- to C. S., 519-28 a- to the apprehension of divine Science. 520-11 a- to the calendar of time. 523-14 a- to the best scholars, there are clear evidences 626-29 The name Eden, «• to Cruden, means pleasitre, 528-28 a' to this narrative, surgery was first performed 833-17 A- to this belief, the rib taken from 543-22 found, a- to divine Science, to be the 545- 4 «• to the record, material man was 549-13 A- to recent lore, successive generations ap 565-19 This immaculate idea, ... a- to the Revelator, gl 584- 6 Mind measures time a- to the good that is accordingly s 152-19 and he recovered a*. p 385-29 and you are thirsty a\ accords ph 192-18 this teaching a- with Science and harmony. account all / 245- 6 became insane and lost all a- of time. continued g 521-20 but the continued a- is mortal and material. its own m 65-25 is never desirable on its own a: scientific g 523-24 spiritually scientific a- of creation, Scriptural g 623- 2 perusal of the Scriptural a- second g 526-24 second biblical a- is a picture of error 537-20 second a- in Genesis — is to depict the falsity of this g 538-26 This a* is given, not of immortal man, but your p 405-16 until you have balanced your a- with God. sp 90- 2 how then can we a- for their primal origin ? 8 123-31 but not on that a- is it less scientific. b 290- 6 on a- of that single experience, o 357-11 or makes man eapable of suffering on a- of ACCOUNT ACT account p 379-20 not dying on a- of the state of her blood, 386-H not because of the climate, but on a- of the 392- 5 broken moral law should be taken into a- 396-18 on a- of the tenacity of belief in its truth, g 553-21 theory ... to a- for human origin, gl 579- 4 On this iv this chapter is added. accounted m 69-27 But they which shall be a • worthy — Luke 20 .• 36. b 316-26 That man was «• a criminal o 343-31 is often a- a heretic. accounts a 30- 8 This a- for his struggles in Gethsemane s 139- 5 Scriptures are full of «• of the triumph of g 523-27 a- become more . . . closely intertwined accredited a 18-10 Jesus acted boldly, against the a- evidence o 358-32 than they have in their own a* . . . pastors, accretion m G8-27 C. S. presents unfoldment, not a*; accumulated p 380-23 evidence of which has a- to prove accumulates p 399- 8 No gastric gas «•,... apart from accurate sp 92-17 The portrayal is still graphically a-, c 255- 9 afforded no foundation for a- views accurately sp 84-32 we can know the truth more a- than the a 129- 3 the reasoning of an a- stated syllogism b 283-26 unless its Science be a- stated. o 349-14 conveying the teachings of divine Science a* t 447- 9 incapable of knowing or judging a* accursed a 26- 8 shed upon " the a- tree," —see Gal. 3 ; 13, b 338-20 when matter, as that which is a-, 338-27 Jehovah declared the ground was a* ; accusation a 53- 2 latter a- was true, but not in their meaning. / 203- 9 The a- of the rabbis, accu.sations a 52-29 The a- of the Pharisees were s 133-25 one of the Jewish a- against him ap 564-10 The author is convinced that the a* against accused ap 568-16 a- them before our God — Rev. 12 ; 10. accuser t 458-25 Neither is he a false a\ ap 568-16 a- of our brethren is cast down, — Rev. 12; 10. 568-29 the a- is not there, and Love sends forth accusers a 50-21 what would his a- have said ? accustomed c 261-13 noted actor was «• night after night t 452- 7 Walking in the light, we are a- to 452- 8 eyes a- to darkness are pained by the light. ache p 393-18 Have no fear that matter can a; aches / 212- 3 tooth . . , extracted sometimes a- aeain in be- lief, ^ achieved / 254-17 may not be «• prior to the change achievement m 63-25 the a- of a nobler race for legislation, ph 199-21 devotion of thought to an honest a- 199-22 makes the a- possible. t 456- 2 adverse to its highest hope and a: achievements g 536-23 and hedge about their a- with thorns. achieves t 459- 5 as mortal man a* no worldly honors except by achieving- e 260-13 Science reveals the possibility of a- aching ph 165-17 distressed stomachs and a- heads. c 261-17 eat a- in his chair till his cue was spoken, b 295- 1 The belief that a severed limb is a- acid p 401- 9 (as when an alkali is destroying an a-), 422-14 As when an a- and alkali meet and acknowledge a 20-24 Material belief is slow to a- 25- 1 Thomas was forced to a- how complete sp 94-22 but one returned ... to a- the divine Principle 8 151-29 narrow way is to see and a- this fact, ph 166-20 waiting for the hour ... in which to a- Him, 169-30 Whatever teaches man to ... a- other powers acknowledge / 228-26 to a- any other power is to dishonor God. 239-17 and whom we a- and obey as God. p 400-10 «■ the supremacy of divine Mind, 425-21 the less we a- matter or its laws, t 450-16 many are reluctant to a- that they have yielded ; 461-19 If you commit a crime, should you a- to yourself r 497- 5 We «• and adore one supreme and infinite God. 497- 6 We a- His Son, one Christ; 497- 9 We a- God's forgiveness of sin in the 497-13 We a- Jesus' atonement as the 497-16 we a* that man is saved through Christ, 497-20 We a' that the crucifixion of Jesus g 551-14 it does not a- the method of divine Mind, acknowledged pr 4-15 if not a- in audible words, a 31- 4 Jesus a- no ties of the tlesh. 54- 5 The world a- not his righteousness, / 227- 2 and the rights of man are fully known and a: 233- 9 perfection is seen and a- only by degrees. 239-23 Mortal mind is the «• seat of human motives. p 385- 1 power of Mind . . . will be a-. 402- 3 branch of its healing which will be last a'. 408- 3 not a- nor discovered to be error 427-24 Mind, governing all, must be a- as supreme r 492-17 until one is «• to be the victor. ap 572-18 seen and a* that matter must disappear. gl 587- 3 The rights of woman a- 588- 6 Divine Science understood and a\ acknowledging s 157- 9 «• that the divine Mind has all power. r 491-13 only by a- the supremacy of Spirit, fir 521-10 a- now and forever God's supremacy, acknowledgment sp 91-15 but is the a- of them. / 226- 8 asking a fuller a- of the rights of man p 372-28 a just a- of Truth and of what it has done for us acme ap 577-30 his vision is the a- of this Science Aconitum s 152-30 Jahr, from A- to Zlncum oxydatum, ' acorn sp 74- 7 the a*, already absorbed into a sprout acquaint s 107-13 thoughts a- themselves intelligently with God- b 324-12 " a- now thyself with Him, — Job 22 .- 21. p 403-24 Never . . . and then a- your patient with it. acquaintance a 24- 4 ^- with the original texts, sp 84-14 A- with the Science of being enables us acquainted j p 432- 3 a- with the plaintiff. Personal Sense, acquiescence a 48-26 Pilate was drawn into a- with the demands acquires 8 158-21 a- an educated appetite for strong drink, acquit pr 11- 9 The moral law, which has the right to a* across pref vii- 9 «• a ni^ht of error should dawn the morning sp 74-26 There is no bridge a- the gulf which divides act motive and p 376-14 more life ... in one good motive and a- natural a 44-24 On the contrary, it was a divinely natural a; not a supernatural a 44-23 but it was not a supernatural a-. of commending^ sp 92-13 represents the serpent in the a* of commending of describing sp 79- 1 The a- of describing disease — its symptoms, of doinsr spod / 202-32 in the a- of doing good, of healing; ph 182 -1 The a- of healing the sick through divine Mind of homicide p 440-13 disobedience to God, or an a- of homicide. of readine sp 83-31 o- of reading mortal mind investigates of yielding p 413- 3 The a- of yielding one's thoughts to the slain in the b 290-28 murderer, though slain in the a-, does not wicked an 104-32 human mind must move the body to a wicked a*? pr 12- 7 making it a- more powerfully on the body 8 160- 3 systems of physics a- against metaphysics, 160-24 If muscles can cease to a- and become rigid ph 176- 8 left the stomach and bowels free to a- 186-28 This is because erroneous methods a- ACT ACTION act unintelligence to a- like inielli- / 250- 4 suppose gence, c 264-11 we must \i- as possessing all power 6 283- 9 states of mortal mind which a-, react, %) 368-25 matter has no consciousness ... it cannot a- ; 384- 2 Can matter, ... a- without mind ? 394- 9 stimulates the system to a- in the direction 397-25 than when they a-, walk, see, 402-25 believe that they cannot a- voluntarily 424-17 should not «• against your influence 435- 9 an a- which should result in good to himself gl 582- 8 strength, animation, and power to a-. acted a 18-10 a- boldly, against the accredited evidence 20- 4 o- and spake as he was moved, ... by Spirit. s 148- 5 a- in direct disobedience to them. actingr a 43-25 a* under spiritual law in defiance of matter m, 67-11 a- up to his highest understanding, a 160-23 never capable of «• contrary to mental ph 172-32 a- through the five physical senses) 178-18 Mortal mind, a- from the basis of sensation J) 397- 2 a- beneficially or injuriously on the health, 417-13 all causation is Mind, a- through spiritual law. 435-23 to punish a man for a- justly. 436- 8 a- within the limits of the divine law, t 452-25 by right talking and wrong a-, 452-28 A- from sinful motives destroys your power r 496-11 life-giving power of Truth a- on human belief, action all ph 187-23 divine Mind includes all a- and volition, p 419-20 Mind produces all a-. basis of s 160- 5 forsake the material for the spiritual basis of a-, beings and its s 161-18 Fear never stopped being and its a\ belief and / 253-23 you can alter this wrong belief and a* call into ph 17S-32 call into a- less faith than Buddhism cause 8 160-15 and so cause a- ; but what does anatomy say changed the ph 185- 4 My metaphysical treatment changed the «• of classify ph 187-25 The human mind tries to classify a- as devoid of p 399-21 Without this force the body is devoid of a-, diminishes the p 420-20 It increases or diminishes the a-, discordant /■ 239-25 produces every discordant «• of the body. diseased p 428- 1 no inaction, diseased a-, overaction, divine an 104-15 which indicates the rightness of all divine a-, effect or t 463-30 Such seeming medical effect or a- is entire r 494- 2 and to govern man's entire a- ? error in / 207- 7 Error of statement leads to error in a-. error of g 550-15 Error of thought is reflected in error of or. every p 407-24 perfect, barmonioob in every a : excited p 377-23 the morbid or excited a- of any organ. feeling: and p 393-11 and govern its feeling and a*. form, and b 301- 3 mirror, repeats the color, form, and a- God rests in g 519-25 God rests in a\ harmonious b 283- 6 its perpetual and harmonious a-. p 420- 3 no metastasis, no stoppage of harmonious a-, r 480-14 Harmonious a- proceeds from Spirit, God. higher plane of c 256- 2 Advancing to a higher plane of a-, impedes ph 166- 4 Mind is all that feels, acts, or impedes a-. injurious t 451-28 It is the injurious a- of one mortal mind involuntary p 402-30 The involuntary a of the person under is erroneous r 480-15 its a- is erroneous and presupposes Is harmonious / 239-26 If ... a- is harmonious. latter ph 187-17 Anatomy allows the mental cause of the latter a-, action law of this p 422-14 explain to them the law of this a*, life or ph 187-28 body loses all appearance of life or a*, materialistic ph 187-19 the cause of all materialistic a- ? mental an 104-13 C. S. goes to the bottom of mental a-, p 401-22 effect ... is dependent upon mental a\ 404- 1 physician should be familiar with mental a* modus and / 213- 1 would reverse the immortal modus and a-, muscular 8 152-10 Anatomy describes muscular a- as produced no involuntary ph 187-22 There is no involuntary a-. normal / 212-30 The realities of being, its normal a\ and nullify the s 161- 7 able to nullify the a- of the flames, of a ■water-vfheel p 399-18 the a- of a water-wheel is but a derivative of divine Principle s 121-29 imitates the a- of divine Principle ; of error r 484-22 voluntary or involuntary a- of error of man / 207-28 The spiritual fact, repeated in the a- of man of mortal mind ph 176- 2 The a- of mortal mind on the body / 251- 2 This a- of mortal mind on the boay p 423-28 is as directly the a- of mortal mind of mortal thought p 399-10 apart from the a- of mortal thought, of Soul sp 89-23 a- of Soul confers a freedom, which explains of the divine Mind / 225-28 rooted out through the a- of the divine Mind, of the human mind pref xi- 3 a phase of the a- of the human mind, / 234-30 the a- of the human mind, unseen to the senses. of the lungs p 415-20 the «• of the lungs, of the bowels, of the mortal body a 108-31 the ors^anism and a- of the mortal body, ph 187-20 a- of the mortal body is governed by of the system p 415- 6 quickens or impedes the a- of the system, of this M:ind g 519-27 No exhaustion follows the a* of this Mind, of thought p 38^-13 Through this a- of thought and its results of Truth ph 169-27 Only the a- of Truth, Life, and Love can give 183-18 legitimate and only possible a- of Truth p 386-13 the a- of Truth on the minds of mortals, organic s 126- 1 through its supposed organic a- 160-10 the organic a- and secretion of the viscera. or stagnation a 159-27 how much pain or pleasure, a- or stagnation, physical p 420-27 power over every physical a- and condition. power of s 157-15 power of a- is proportionately increased, recuperative t 447-14 The recuperative a- of the system, represent the p 415-23 represent the a- of all the organs reverse this c 261- 1 Now reverse this a-. ripen into j^h 188- 9 hatred, revenge ripen into a-, salutary p 414- 6 it yields ... to the salutary a- of truth, scientific / 210-14 the scientific a* of the divine Mind speech and t 454-21 Strength and freedom to speech and a-. spring into gl 597- 9 crime, . . . which was ready to spring into »• thought and c 265-13 a wider sphere of thought and a-, torpid p 378- 9 no inflammatory nor torpid a- of the system. pref xi- 3 pr 3-26 an 104-17 a 136- 6 ph 167-21 199- 1 199-31 / 211-17 239-25 which a- in some unexplained way A- expresses more gratitude than speech. wrongness of the opposite so-called a-, no intelligence, a-, nor life separate can no more unite in a-. If matter were the cause of a*, before his power of putting resolve into a* and this a- shows the nature of If a- proceeds from the divine Mind, ACTION ADDRESS action p 400-26 The a- of so-called mortal mind must be 401-26 or restore will and a- to cerebrum 419-20 If the «• proceeds from Truth, r 480-10 Consciousness, as well as a-, is governed by gl 586- 8 Fan. . . . that which gives a- to thought. actions p 393- 5 ignorant of itself, of its own a-, 413-28 these a- convey mental images to active b 327-29 Reason is the most «• human faculty. p 387- 3 Because mortal mind is kept a-, must it pay 387- 8 when we realize that immortal Mind is ever a-, ap 570- 5 certain «■ yet unseen mental agencies actively c 261-14 walking about as a- as the youngest member activities ph 185-31 material mentality and its suppositional a: ap 562-15 yield to the «• of the divine Principle activity b 268- 3 With like a- have thought's swift actor c 261-12 a noted a- was accustomed p 399-15 If Mind is the only a-, how can mechanism acts pr 12-11 which a- through blind belief, s 155-22 a* more powerfully ... in proportion as 162- 6 C. S. a- as an alterative, ph 166- 4 Mind is all that feels, a-, or impedes action. 187-31 holds in belief a body, through which it a- / 206- 8 erring, human thought a- injuriously 238- 1 Motives and a- are not rightly valued 251-21 a- upon the human mind through truth, 6 273-26 His a- were the demonstration of Science, p 436-13 Such a- bear their own justification, r 473-27 his a* of higher importance than his words. g 520-30 Spirit «• through the Science of Mind, gl 595-18 limits, in which are summed up all human a-, actual pr 14- 7 but the a- demonstration and s 110- 3 contradict . . . the belief that matter can be a-. 122- 6 the «• reign of harmony on earth. ph 183-27 casts out all evils . . . with the «• spiritual law, / 254-23 which determines the outward and a-. 281-23 sin and mortality are without a- origin 297-30 has little relation to the a- or divine. p 387- 4 Who dares to say that a- Mind can 410-12 showing that Truth is the a- life of man ; r 478-24 this belief is mortal and far from a-. 491- 4 a belief without a- foundation or actuality a 52-20 the mighty a- of all-inclusive God, good. 8 130- 9 you can demonstrate the a- of Science. b 296-16 spiritual sense, and the a- of being. 321-12 In this incident was seen the «• of Science. r 481-22 then assume . . . because of their admitted «•. g 502-13 reflection of God and the spiritual a- of man, actually p 397- 6 a- injuring those whom we mean to bless. acute sp 85-23 Jew and Gentile may have had a- corporeal s 162-18 in cases of both «• and chronic disease ph 176-29 Hence decided types of a- disease / 246-32 A- and chronic beliefs reproduce their own 247- 1 The a- belief of physical life comes on at p 369-16 Jesus never asked if disease were a- or chronic, 390-28 approaching symptoms of chronic or a- disease, acuteness s 128-10 gives them a- and comprehensiveness Adam (see also Adam's) alias error r/ 528-24 A- — alias error — gives them names. and 'Eve sp 92-12 serpent . . . speaking to A- and Eve. and his progeny g 532-10 A- and his progeny were cursed, not blessed ; as In g 545-31 " As In A- [error] all die, — I Cor. 15 ; 22. called unto g 532-14 Lord God [Jehovah] called unto A-, — Gen. 3 ; 9. hypnotic state in ;; 528-16 inducing a sleep or hypnotic state in A- innocent as ph 175-29 They were as innocent as A-, before he knew it not g 532-29 the body had been naked, and A- knew it not; like / 214-11 The material senses, like A-, originate in name b 338-14 Divide the name A- into two syllables, gl 580-21 The name A- represents the false Adam or error ph 177-16 A- or error, . . . had the naming of prior to c 267- 9 must have had children prior to A-. race of o 345-25 and the sinning race of A\ -wliere art tliou ph 181-24 " A-, where art thou ? " — Gen. 3 .• 9. b 307-32 Truth still calls : " A-, where art thou ? 308- 8 demand, '' A-, where art thou ? " — Gen. 3 ; 9. / 214- 9 A-, represented in the Scriptures as formed 249-23 Mortals are the A- dreamers. * b 338-12 The word A- is from the Hebrew adamah, 338-28 from this ground, or matter, sprang A-, 338-30 it follows that A- was not the ideal man 346- 2 such criticism confounds man with A-. g 506-28 Upon A- devolved the pleasurable task 506-29 A- has not yet appeared in the narrative. 527-23 and brought them unto A- — Gen. 2 .• 19. 527-24 whatsoever A- called every living — Gen. 2 ; 19. 528- 4 That A- gave the name and nature of animals, 528-10 caused a deep sleep to fall upon A-, — Gen. 2 ; 21. 529-30 A-, the synonym for error, stands for a belief 532- 1 Did God . . . create one man unaided, — that is, A-, 533- 4 This had never been bestowed on A-. 533-14 A-, alias mortal error, charges God and woman 533-23 bone and flesh which came from A- 534-13 unfolded the remedy for A-, or error; 535-19 And unto A- He said, — Gen. 3 : 17. And A- knew Eve his wife ; — Gen. 4; 1. A- was created before Eve. 538-23 553-17 553-18 556-18 the maternal egg never brought forth A\ 'hie" the deep sleep which fell upon A- ? ap 560- 4. typical of six thousand years since A-, gl 579-15 definition of word Adam is from the Hebrew a; adamah b 338-12 adamant / 242-17 a- of error, — self-will, self-justiflcation, Adam-belief g 556-23 Even so goes on the A\ Adam-dream 6 282-29 the A-, which is neither Mind nor man, 306-32 parent of all human discord was the A-, Adamic g 525- 5 Adam's g 533-18 553-19 mankind represents the A- race. the rib taken from A- side has grown into Eve was formed from A- rib, 554-24 This he said of Judas, one of A- race. Adams j)h 176- 4 and unmanly A- attributed their own downfall adaptation %)r 13- 2 Love is impartial and universal in its a- s 116-11 correct view of C. S. and of its a- adapted m 58- 1 intercourse with those a- to elevate it, an 101-14 had been promised ... as conclusive, and as a- s 146-32 comprehensible by and a- to the thought of b 318-26 and are not a- to elevate mankind. p 403-22 and this is best a- for healing the sick. ap 574- 3 The Revelator also takes in another view, a- add s 130-19 cannot «• to the contents of a vessel already full. ph 180-15 invalid may unwittingly a- more fear to t 462- 6 and «• continually toTifs store of spiritual added a 50- 6 a- to an overwhelming sense of the magnitude 51- 5 This dread a- the drop of gall to his cup. m 56- 3 Jesus a- : " Suft'er it to be so now : — Matt. 3 ; 15. / 237- 5 with laughing eyes, she presently a-, b 295- 3 a- proof of the unreliability of o 342-11 to which command was a- the promise 344- 4 It should be «• that this is claimed p 398- 4 It is a- that " the Spirit — Mark 9 .■ 26. t 454- 1 It need not be «• that the use of tobacco gl .579- 4 On this account this chapter is a-. addingr p 375-18 a- to his patient's mental . . . power, addition pr 16-13 whether the last line is not an a- to the prayer s 128-29 The a- of two sums in mathematics b 329-18 To be discouraged, is to resemble a pupil in a; g 524-24 Is this a- to His creation real or unreal ? additional m 58-14 With a- joys, betievolence should grow address 8 160- 1 should a- himself to the work of destroying it ADDRESSES addresses p 433- 3 «• the jury of Mortal Minds. addressing- a 38-12 He was a- his disciples, yet he did not say, When we remove disease by a- the 8 ADULT p 400-20 adds sp 99- 7 g 551-11 adequate / 234-23 C 256-24 p 412-14 adhere S 112- 9 141- 5 he straightway a- : " for it is God — Phil. 2 ; 13. but be a- that' mankind has ascended «• to the right education of human thought. No form nor physical combination is a- to It is indeed a- to unclasp the hold and a- to some particular system of Few understand or a- to Jesus' divine ph 181-23 if you a- to error and are afraid to trust t 459-32 Scientist should understand and tr strictly tried to a- to it until she caught the first gleam A- to the divine Principle of C. S. and follow r 471-24 495-28 adhered a 54-22 adherence 65-28 There a* to him only a few unpretentious permanence and peace in a more spiritual a*. ph 166-23 Failing to recover health through a- to / 222-18 as was believed, only by the strictest a- to A- to hygiene was useless. Strict a- to the divine Principle and p 382-31 t 456- 5 adherents s 112- 7 r 497- 3 adheres t 448-26 462- 3 adhering p 387-19 adhesion s 124-20 b 293-15 adjective r 466- 2 adjudged p 442- 1 adjusted a 40- 8 ph 168- 4 become «• of the Socratic, the Platonic, As a- of Truth, we take the inspired Word If the student «• strictly to the teachings of any student, who a ■ to the divine rules By a* to the realities of eternal existence, A-, cohesion, and attraction are properties of whose a- and cohesion are Life, Omni is adopted from the Latin a- signifying There, Man is a- innocent of a- the balance as Jesus adjusted it. Right (V the balance sooner or later. adjusts the balance as Jesus a* it. If the scales are evenly o*, adjustment 6 282-15 a curve finds no «• to a straight line. p 401-29 a- of broken bones and dislocations adjusts a 40- 8 t 449- 8 administer s 153-20 Now a- mentally to your patient ph 174-26 why treat the .body alone and «• a dose of p 424-13 if one doctor should a- a drug to counteract administered s 153- 9 a teaspoonful of the water «• at intervals of p 416- 6 A hypodermic injection of morphine is a* administers p 399- 6 Mortal mind prescribes the drug, and a* it. admission another b 278-17 requires another rt-, —namely, that Spirit p 388-14 and there follows the necessity for another a- proportionate ph 167- 8 Our proportionate a- of the claims of sp 75-15 not by an a- that his body had died 90-24 «• to one's self that man is God's own likeness / 224-25 stands at the door of this age, knocking for a\ o 278-16 The a- that there can be material substance 308- 9 is met by the a* from the head, heart, p 394-10 The a- that any bodily condition is t 450-18 but unless this a- is made, evil will boast gl 596-18 only fit preparation for a- to the presence admissions / 220- 4 Such o" ought to open people's eyes 244-28 Such a- cast us headlong into darkness p 394-13 such a- are discouraging, admit pr 3-17 We a- theoretically that God is a 24-31 his own disciples could not a- 26-23 makes us a- its Principle to be Love. 39-32 once a- that evil confers no pleasure, an 105- 7 to contradict precedent and to «• that s 120- 2 never understand this while we a- that soul is in 130-12 since you a- that God is omnipotent ; 14»-18 You a- that mind influences the body ph 172-32 When we a- that matter (heart, blood, 182-30 To o" that sickness is a condition over which admit / 202-27 We a- that God has almighty power, 237-28 more for them than they are willing to a- 244-16 If man were dust ... we might a- the hypothesis 250-31 nor will Science a- that happiness is ever the 6 298-22 and «• no materialistic beliefs. 339-30 never to a- that sin can have intelligence o 347- 2 Who is ready to a- this? 348- 3 Medical theories virtually a* the nothingness 353-10 All must «• that Christ is 353-20 We must not continue to a- the 365-17 declines to a- that Christ's religion 357- 1 In common justice, we must a- that God p 368-27, 28 A- the existence of matter, and you a- 369- 1 is liable to a* also the reality of 376-30 To fear and «• the power of disease, 388-12 A- the common hypothesis that food is 389-13 Our dietetic theories first a- that food sustains 393- 2 we a- the intniding belief, forgetting 395- 2 They a- its reality, whereas they should deny it. t 461- 5 We a- the whole, because a part is proved 461-21 to a- that you are sick, renders your case r 466-17 the point you will most reluctantly o-, 469-22 bury the sense of infinitude, when we a* 479-27 We a- that black is not a color, because g 530-22 and saying, . . . Only a- that I am real, 555-25 We lose our standard . . . when we a- admits s 148-31 the guidance of a theology which a- ph 174-23 Anatomy (v that mind is somewhere in man, / 202-31 Common opinion a- that a man may take cold 229-12 and at the same time a- that Spirit is God. b 283-12 «• of no beliefs, but rests upon understanding. p 401-27 Until the advancing age a- the elBcacy g 561-10 Mr. Darwin a- this, but he adds that admitted {204-12 The first power is a- to be good, 270-12 it is generally a- that this intelligence is 276-17 If (Jod is a- to be the only Mind p 428-29 and the immortal facts of being are a-, r 471-13 facts of divine Science should be a-, 481-22 assume . . . because of their a- actuality. admittedly ph 187-15 the hand, a- moved by the will. admitting p 376-M you cannot check a fever after a* 392-25 A- only such conclusions as you wish realized 397-10 You cause bodily sufferings ... by a- their r 469-26 a* that God, or good, is omnipresent admonition a 25-20 Hence the force of his a*, adopt sp 99-13 individuals, who a- theosophy, spiritualism, s 112- 9 they a- and adhere to some particular 145-14 It matters not what . . . method one may a-, 154-32 method for any mother to a* / 248-23 and a- into your experience the p 441-21 recommend that Materia Medica a- C. 8. t 452-31 and then should a- C. S., adopted a?i 101-19 This report was a- by the Roval Academy s 164- 7 none can be a- as a safe guidance in practice." / 220-22 clergyman once a- a diet of bread and water 221- 1 I knew a woman who when quite a child a- p 378-19 hygienic drilling and drugging, «• to cure r 466- 2 Omni is a- from the Latin adjective g 553-20 Whatever theory may be a- by adoption 8 141-27 The a- of scientific religion and of c 255- • the a', to tvit, the redemption — Rom. 8 ; 23. adopts g 547-29 Inspired thought ... a- the spiritual and adorable pr 16-29 A- One. adoration sp 88-22 and the individual manifests profound a\ p 363- 8 Did he repel her a- ? adore a 26- 1 While we a- Jesus, and the heart overflows s 140- 9 We shall obey and a- in proportion r 497- 5 We acknowledge and «• one supreme and adored r 472- 2 that God is to be understood, a-, adorned / 235-17 though a- with gems of scholarly attainment, adornment m 60-22 passion, frivolous amusements, personal a-, adroitness g 515- 8 a wise idea, charming in its a-, adult (see also adult's) ph 178-13 Perhaps an a* has a deformity produced ADULT 9 AFFECTION adult p 371-14 The a-, in bondage to his beliefs, 371-16 the a- must be taken out of his darkness, adulterated t 457- 4 Other works, . . . have a- the Science. r 482- 3 Human thought has a- the meaning adulteratinar t 4(H-25 A- C. S., makes it void. adulteries a)i 100- * evil thoughts, murders, a-, — Matt. 15 .- 19. adulterous pr 11- 3 When forgiving the a- woman he said, sp 85-25 Jesus knew the generation to be wicked and a-, adultery m 56-19 " Thou shalt not commit a-," — Exod. 20 ; 14. an 106-21 A-, fornication, uncleanness, — Gal. 5 ; 19. / 252-19 says: . . . I can cheat, lie, commit a-, rob, b 330-30 hypocrisy, slander, hate, theft, a-, adult's s 130-20 Laboring long to shake the «• faith in matter adults / 236-25 Children are more tractable than a-, o 352-17 Children, like a-, ought to fear a reality which advance pr 10-20 But the a- guard of progress has a 41- 3 this a- beyond matter must m 61-30 must greatly improve to a- mankind. 8 158-28 Homoeopathy, a step in a- of allopathy, / 207- 3 proportionately as we a- spiritually, 239- 3 lay It upon those who are m a- of creeds. o 361-23 Spiritual ideas unfold as we a-. p 371-24 because this teaching is in a- of the age, 412- 3 to a- and destroy the human fear of 430- 8 he will a- more rapidly towards God, t 449-14 a* in proportion to your honesty and fidelity, 467-23 To pursue other vocations and a- rapidly 462-15 heed every statement, and a- from the rudiments g 542-25 to «• itself, breaks God's commandments. advanced pr 16- 2 must precede this a- spiritual understanding. a 23-18 Faith, a- to spiritual understanding, 40- 2 The a- thinker and devout Christian, 45-32 Jesus' students, not sufficiently a- sp 76-12 When a- to spiritual being and 77-24 with every a- stage of existence. 84- 7 When sufficiently a- in Science to be ph 200- 4 Moses a- a nation to the worship of God in / 230- 7 coming of Christ, the a- appearmg of Truth, o 324- 2 renders thought receptive of the a- idea. p 391- 8 the incipient or a- stages of disease, t 461- 8 taught only by those who are morally a- advancement m 56- 5 Jesus' concessions . . . were for the a- of b 326-20 nothing but wrong intention can hinder your a: p 429-10 in the fine of spiritual a\ t 459- 9 Judge not the future a- of C. S. by advances sp 95-32 Humanity a- slowly out of sinning sense advancing a 21- 9 If the disciple is a- spiritually, 55- 2 The a- century, from a deadened sense m 65-15 struggling against the a- spiritual era. s 134- 2 At everv a- step, truth is still opposed c 256- 2 A- t0 2i higher plane of action, p 401-27 Until the a- age admits the efficacy t 452-11 Your a- course may provoke envy, g 513- 6 A- spiritual steps in the teeming universe 536- 7 human concepts a- and receding, advantage a 42- 5 The universal belief in death is of no a-, sp 77-18 Of what a-, then, would it be to us, s 145-16 Scientific healing has this a- over other h 269-18 they have this a- over the objects and 279-12 and they have the «• of being eternal. ( 443- 2 as to the propriety, a-, and consistency of advantages p 369-28 of the a- of Mind and immortality ? advent a 30- 5 Bom of a woman, Jesus' a- in the flesh 43- 7 The a- of this understanding is b 333-16 The a- of Jesus of Nazareth marked adversary .s 161-32 agrees with his " a- quickly," — Matt. 5 .• 25. p 390-19 " Agree with thine a- quickly, — Matt. 5 : 25. 391-23 your a- will deliver you to the judge gl 580-28 definition of 580-28 An a- is one who opposes, denies, 581- 2 name ... in Scripture, the " a-." — / Pet. 5 ; 8. adverse p 419-16 Meet every a- circumstance as its master. t 45&- 1 to influence mankind a- to its highest adversity m 64-12 some noble woman, struggling alone with a-, 66- 3 Sweet are the uses of a-; advertisements ph 179-32 Descriptions of disease . . . and a- of quackery advertises p 439- 5 and a* largely for his employers. advice p 394-14 a- to a man who is down in the world, 424-19 either by giving antagonistic a- or advise s 149-19 a- our patients to be hopeful and cheerful advised / 220-24 and a- others never to try dietetics for t 444-13 Students are a- by the author to be advising pr 3- 3 not sufficient to warrant him in a- God. advocate s 154- 2 and certainly we should not be error's a\ advocates ph 179-12 Every medical method has its a-. advocating 8 153-31 as we would avoid a- crime. ,^on b 335-11 the Logos, the A- or Word of God, aeriform g 511-23 To mortal mind, the universe is liquid, solid, and a-. -^sculapius s 150-31 The hosts of A- are flooding the world 152- 6 endeavored to make this book the A- of mind afar g 538- 8 the sword of Truth gleams o- and indicates affairs p 430-31 the superintendence of human a\ affect pr 16-14 this does not a- the meaning of the prayer itself. a 55- 5 but this does not «• the invincible facts. s 123- 5 Ptolemaic blunder could not a- the harmony of 125-24 find that these changes cannot a- his crops. 125-32 mortal belief, wholly inadequate to a' a man p 379-23 so-called vital current does not a- the 383-13 does not a- his happiness, because 388-22 food does not a- the absolute Life of man, 395-31 brain-lobes cannot ... a- the functions of 401-25 remove paralysis, a* organization, 402-21 and in this way «• the body, 408-19 Drugs do not «• a corpse, g 553-31 you may also ask how belief can a- a result affected b 310-13 sun is not «• by the revolution of the earth. p 380-17 The body is a-only with the belief of disease affection Christly p 365-19 If the Scientist has enough Christly a* to flowers of m 57-25 may uproot the flowers of a-, and scatter thent grave of m 68- 9 Jealousy is the grave of a: higher m 65-19 human mind will at length demand a higher a: human m 57-22 Human a- is not poured forth vainly, 65- 7 If the foundations of human a- are consistent p 364-28 expressed by meekness and human a-, 366-13 physician wno ... is deficient in human a-, ineffable J) 364- 8 the higher tribute to such ineflEable a-, justice and ql 592-13 the union of justice and a\ kinilly gl 594-14 Shem . . . A corporeal mortal ; kindly a-; links of m 60- 7 welding indissolubly the links of a-. maternal m 60-11 maternal a- lives on under whatever mother's m 60- 8 A mother's a- cannot be weaned from one / 201- 4 knowing too that one a- would be supreme practical a 24-27 efficacy of the crucifixion lay in the practical a- promotes an. 103- 1 promotes a* and virtue in families pure a 54- 3 Out of the amplitude of his pure a-, 8 147-29 A pure a- takes form in goodness, gl 589-21 pure a- blessing its enemies. purity and pr 15-27 purity, and a* are constant pravers. a 36- 1 They, who know not purity ana a* AFFECTION .10 AFTER affection spiritual p 366-17 Not having this spiritual a-, the physician unrequited a 4D-12 sublime courage, and unrequited a- ? pr 8-29 learn what is the a- and purpose of the heart, 9-20 surrender of all merely material sensation, «•, s 115-26 Moral. Humanity, honesty, a-, compassion, ph 183-22 demands man's entire obeclience, a-, and b 327- 2 and also by gaining an a- for good p 363-32 the mere fact that she was showing her a- aflfections and aims c 265- 6 their a- and aims grow spiritual, centre for the m 60-18 strength to man, and a centre for the a-. famished pr 17- 5 Give us grace for to-day ; feed the famished a-; lier s 154-24 and her «• need better guidance, his a 52- 4 His a- were pure ; theirs were carnal. human m 61- 4 good in human «• must hare ascendency interests and m 59-15 hallowing the union of interests and a-, renew^al of gl 582- 9 Renewal of a- ; self -offering ; sensualist's / 241- 8 The sensualist's a- are as imaginary, transplant the c. 265-32 transplant the a' from sense to Soul, understanding: and pr 5-18 riches of His love into the understanding and a*, unselfish p 365-11 but if the unselfish a- be lacking, whole b 326-10 his whole «• on spiritual things, -worldling's t 459- 8 have nothing in common with the worldling's «•, a 18- * crucified the flesh with the a- and— Gal. 5 : 24. m 57-16 incompetent to meet the demands of the «•, 58-23 the centre, though not the boundary, of the a-, ph 182-11 must be supreme in the a-, f 239-17 we must learn where our a- are placed t 451-16 If our hopes and a- are spiritual, gl 587-23 HEART. Mortal feelings, motives, a-, 597- 4 The motives and «• of a man aflFects pr 12-16 Prayer to a corporeal God a- the sick like s 149-18 remarked ..." We know that mind a- the body ph 197- 3 a- people like a Parisian name for a / 222- 4 This woman learned that food a- the body only o 297-10 a change in either ... a- the physical p 397- 2 not seeing how mortal mind a- the body, 423- 6 oftentimes «• a sensitive patient r 483-11 Moral ignorance or sin a- your demonstration, affiliation sp 81- 9 maintain their a- with mortal flesh ; affinities ph 191-28 illusive senses may fancy a- with their affinity ph 191-30 Mind has no a- with matter, affirm s 140- 4 That God is a corporeal being, nobody can truly a-. f 219-14 When this is understood, we shall never o- c 255-15 That God is . . . material, no man should a-, b 274-19 beliefs of mortal mind, which a- that life, affirmation J) 392-11 The physical a- of disease should 429-16 mortal mind's a- is not true. affirmations •s 149-30 to understand the a- of divine Science, J) 394-20 their denials are better than their a-. affirmative 8 132- 1 an a,- reply, recounting his works J) 418-20 Truth is a\ and confers harmony. 432-19 and Governor Mortality replies m the a\ r 489-21 An a- reply would contradict the affirmed a 42- 2 whereas priest and rabbi a- God to be a r 483- 2 It may be a- that they do not heal, affirms / 215-16 but Science a- darkness to be 218- 2 that which a- weariness, made that weariness. b 307- 7 Evil still a- itself to be mind, p 429-13 Mortal mind a- that mind is subordinate t 466-10 Whoever a- that there is more than g 549-32 he virtually a- that the germ of humanity is affixed r 483-13 she a- the name " Science " to Christianity, affixes ph 184- 7 the penalties it a* last so long as the belief affiiction 711 64- 6 visit the fatherless ... . in their a-, — J^as. 1:27. p 377- 4 o- is often the source of joy, gl 586-13 a- purifying and elevating man. afflictions a 41- 5 as well as through their sorrows and a*. afflictive ap 574-29 suffering sense deems wrathful and a; affluence a 54- 4 With the a- of Truth, he vanquished error. s 140-11 but rejoicing in the a- of our God. affi>rd 2)r 8- 1 A wordy prayer mav a- a quiet sense of m 64-16 aid her sympathy and charity would a-, sp 99- 3 ethics, and superstition a- no 8 144-10 and a- faint gleams of God, or Truth. / 232- 6 beliefs ... a- no scatheless and permanent b 268-15 semi-metaphysical systems a- no . . . aid t 443-19 other systems they fancy will a- relief. r 471- 8 corporeal senses, a- no indication of the 492-21 Matter can a- you no aid. affi)rded c 2.'>5- 9 a- no foundation for accurate views 258- 5 craving for something . . . holier, than is a- by t 460-28 through the meagre channel a- by language affording r 473-19 a- the proof of Christianity's truth affi>rds sp 81-10 this fact a- no certainty of everlasting life. s 112-24 a- no foundation upon which to establish pfi 194-31 The light which «• us joy gave him a belief of / 208- 1 suppositional error, which a- no proof of God, o 356- 4 material existence a- no evidence of gl 583-14 Church is that institution, which a- proof of affrighted 2) 366-26 sinners should be «• by their sinful beliefs; aflame 2> 367- 8 legitimate C. S., «' with divine Love. aforesaid p 412-30 on the «• basis of C. S. aforethoug-ht p 437- 7 It indicates malice «•, a determination to t 451-27 malpractice arises from ignorance or malice a*. aforetime pref xi-18 coming now as was promised a*, .s 131-22 As a-, the spirit of the Christ, b 271-28 have the opportunity now, as a-, to learn afraid ph 181-23 if you adhere to error and are a- to trust b 308- 6 mortal belief will be a- as it was in the o 352-16 but you must not be a- of them " ? p 410-30 keynote of harmony, " Be not a- 1" — Mark 6. -50. t 447-30 A sinner is a- to cast the first stone. g 532-15 I was a; because I was naked ; — Gen. 3 ; 10. African / 225-32 when A- slavery was abolished in our land. 226- 5 The voice of God in behalf of the A- slave after pref xii- 2 No charters were granted ... a- 1883, pr 2-5 goes forth hungering a- righteousness 16- 8 one brief prayer, which we name a- him 16- 9 " A- this manner therefore — Matt. 6; 9. a 21-29 A- following the sun for six days, 24-32 A- the resurrection, even the unbelieving 27-11 proved by his reappearance a- the cnicinxion 41-18 lost, about three centuries «• the crucifixion. 43- 2 did understand it «• his bodily departure. 45-13 Three days a- his bodily burial 45-22 They who earliest saw Jesus a- the resurrec- tion 46- 2 until they saw him a- his crucifixion 46-14 and «• his resurrection he proved 46-20 Jesus' unchanged physical ccmdition a* 47- 6 A- gaining the true idea of their glorified m 59-23 A- marriage, it is too late to grumble 59-25 exist before this union and continue ever a*, 62-10 those parents should not, in a- years, complain «p 74- 5 a- having once left it, would be 85-11 able to read the human mind «• this manner 85-18 A- the same method, events of great moment 94-15 belief that the infinite is formed a- the pattern s 107- * preached of me is not a- vian. — Gal. 1 ; 11. 109-11 For three years a- my discovery, I sought 111-26 A- a lengthy examination of my discovery 131-15 a- the m.anner of God's appointing, 137- 4 even by them, until a* the crucifixion, AFTER 11 AGAINST 436- 3 438- 3 r 465- 2 after s 156-21 A- trying this, she informed me that 159- 2 A- the autopsy, her sister testified that the ph 168-11 you rush it- drugs, search out the 180-10 bearing fruit «• its kind, 195- 2 A- theoabbling boy had been taught to speak / 217-14 know we no man a- the flesh ! " — 7/ Cor. 5 • 16. 221-10 until three hours a- eating. 222-11 a- she had availed herself of the fact that Mind 234-22 the weary searcher a- a divine theology, 236-15 either a- a model odious to herself c 259-23 and forms its offspring a- human illusions. 261-13 was accustomed night «• night to go 265-24 aspiration «• heavenly good comes b 317-21 a- his resurrection from the grave, 333-20 both before and a- the Christian era, o 344- 8 man in His own image and a- His likeness. p 372-23 Its false supports fail one a- another. 376-29 you cannot check a fever a- admitting 427-16 Man is the same «• as before a bone is broken 429-20 exist a- the body is disintegrated. 431- 8 going to sleep immediately a- a heavy meal. 432-21 I was called for, shortly a- the report of 434^ 8 A- much debate and opposition, 435-30 to judge ... re- the law, — ^efs 23 .• 3. A- betraying him into the hands of your law, man in our image, a- our likeness ; — Gen. 1 ■■ 26. _ A- much labor and increased spiritual 469-26 a- admitting that God, or good, is 475-23 man in our image, a- our likeness ; — Gen. 1 ; 26. 483-13 A- the author's sacred discovery, 487- 6 before and a- that which is called death. g 507-13 yielding fruit a- his kind, — Gen. 1 ; 11. 508-10 herb yielding seed a- his kind, — Gen. 1 : 12. 508-11 seed was in itself, «• his kind : — Gen. 1 ; 12. 612- 6 abundantly, a- their kind, — Gen. 1 ; 21. 612- 6 every winged fowl a- his kind : — Gen. 1 • 21. 513-15 the living creature a- his kind, — Gen. 1 .-24. 513-16 and beast of the earth a- his kind : — Gen. 1 : 24. 613-22 beast of the earth a- his kind, — Gen. 1;25. 513-23 and cattle a- their kind, — Gen. 1 .- 25.* 51^24 upon the earth a- his kind : — Gen. 1 .• 25. 515-12 man in our image, a* our likeness ; — Gen. 1 .• 26. 516- 9 fashions all things, a- His own likeness. 523-29 a- which the distinction is not definitely 524- 7 constantly went a- " strange gods." — Jer. 5 ; 19. 525-13 And Crod said, Let us make man a- our mind 525-14 and God shaped man «• His mind; 525-14 a- God's mind shaped He him ; 543- 2 This error, a- reaching the climax of suffer- ing, 549- 5 supposition that life . . . must decay a- it has 555-31 present himself unchanged «• the crucifixion. ap 565-23 A- the stars sang together 570- 9 as a flood, a- the woman, — Rev. 12 ; 15. gl 584-24, 25 not «• the image and likeness of Spirit, but a- 595-20 and continues a-, what is termed death, (see also death) after-dinner ph 175-20 selfishness, coddling, and sickly a- talk. afternoon ph 193-15 afterward s 163- 2 marking Nature with his name, and a- letting afterwards pr 6-10 supposition a 42-24 ■ " s ilO-16 132-32 ph 188- 7 between three and four o'clock in the a- that a- we shall be free to A-'^e would show it to them unchanged. a- the truth of C. S. was demonstrated, yet a- he seriously questioned but a- it governs the so-called man. 190- 2 embryonic mortal mind, re- mortal men 190-16 a- to . . . return to its native nothingness. 196-29 mental state, which is a- outlined on the body. 198-13 «• to appear on the body; / 230-19 Does wisdom make blunders which must a- be p 374-27 a- it is resolved into its primitive mortal 386-30 assertion might «• be proved to you. 421- 8 re- make known to the patient your motive t 452-21 and a- we must wash them clean. g 514- 2 a- recreate persons or things upon its 528-25 A- he is supposed to become the basis 531-16 If, . . . mind was a- put into body by 632- 2 but a- require the union of the 547-21 and re- must either return to Mind or ap 562- 5 the idea . . . which Jesus a- manifested, again pr 5-12 " shall be measured to you a-," — Luke 6 .- 38. a 31- 6 A- he asked : " Who is my mother, —Matt. 12 ; 48. 31-28 A\ foreseeing the persecution which 34-24 rise re- in the spiritual realm of reality, 37- 4 it shall be measured to you a-." — Matt. 7 ; 2. 46-11 and is a- seen casting out evil and 52-17 To-day, as of old, error and evil re- 55- 9 gospel of healing is a- preached by the 55-13 although it is a- ruled out of the synagogue. ap again sp 71-14 75-16 97-29 5 110-27 132- 5 152-14 156-23 ph 167-16 185- 5 198-18 / 212- 3 232-16 b 306-15 310-12 p 425-26 436-13 t 444-21 r 480-19 489- 3 g 529- 3 556-11 ap 560-17 570-20 • against a 18-10 18-11 29- 2 47-10 48-29 52-18 m 67-17 60-17 65-15 79- 2 97-21 an 106- 3 106- 4 106-28 8 116-15 118-27 130-17 131-10 133-25 138- 1 155-15 155-18 159- 4 160- 3 160-19 ph 167-20 168- 9 177-23 182-24 200-22 / 234-10 234-11 236-13 238-11 242-19 246-19 252- 2 253-20 6 269- 2 274-22 307-23 339-14 339-15 339-16 O 347- 1 347- 1 354- 1 3.54- 5 aw-ie a58-31 p 368-10 374-18 380- 9 380-14 380-31 384-12 388-19 3^9-18 391- 2 391- 8 302- 9 394-22 395- 1 395-25 401- 2 405-10 405-12 411- 5 412-20 414-18 Close your eyes re-, and you may see that his body had died and then lived a-. Christianity is re- demonstrating the Life and must «• be spiritually discerned, " Go and show John «- — Mutt. 11 ; 4. contradicts another over and over a\ but on the third day she a- suffered, A-, an error in the premise must appear in and she never suffered a- from east winds, A-, giving another direction to faith, too til . . . extracted sometimes aches a- in belief In our age Christianity is o- demonstrating brought together re- at some uncertain when the earth has a- turned upon its axis. You will never fear re- except to offend God, Mortal Man should find it «-. Fear not that he will smite thee a* A-, God, or good, never made lobster loses its claw, the claw grows a-. not woman re- taken from man. to live re- in renewed forms, A-, without a correct sense of its nor a- sink the world into the deep waters of re- the accredited evidence of the senses, re- Pharisaical creeds and practices, re- error at home and abroad. Judas conspired a- Jesus. a- human rights and divine Love, common cause «- the exponents of truth. re- the better claims of intellect, becoming a barrier a- vice, struggling re- the advancing spiritual era. Warning people a- death is an error array the most falsities tji themselves, to work a- the free coursffSof honesty to push vainly a- the current re- such there is no law." — Gal. 5 ; 23. nor do they carry the day a- physical enemies, a kingdom necessarily divided re- itself, beliefi which war re- spiritual facts ; enmitjy re- God." — Rom. 8:7. Jewish accusations a- him who shall not prevail «- it." — Matt. 16 .- 18. belief in physics weighs a- the general belief, . . . works a- C. S. ; protested a- inhaling the ether act a- metaphvsics, and vice versa. Can muscles, bones, blood, and nerves rebel a- lusteth a- the Spirit." — Gal. 5 .- 17. belief militates re- your health, re- God, Spirit and Truth. working a- them.selves and their prayers the flesh that warreth a- Spirit. fuard re- false beliefs as watchfully as ar our doors re- the approach of either for or a- crime, who can be a- us ? " — Rom,. 8 ; 31. which wars a- spirituality so many conspiracies «- manhood divided re- itself, — Mark 3 .- 24. no opposition to right endeavors «• a house divided a- itself, the flesh wars a- Spirit, weighs re- our course Spiritward. a- the day of wrath." — Rom. 2 .- 5. He is joining in a conspiracy a* a- his own awakening to the " The flesh lusteth a- — Gal. 5 ; 17. Spirit a- the flesh." — Gal. 5 .- 17. protests of C. S. a- the notion obey the Scriptures and war a* verdict of Truth a- error, re- whom they have been warned, A- the fatal beliefs that error is as real as no argument a- the mental origin of disease. a- the control of Mind over body, will be turned re- himself, a- Himself, a- Life, health, harmony, enter his protest re- this belief divided re- itself," — Matt. 12 .- 25. kingdom divided re- itself, arrayed a- the supremacy of Spirit, rise in rebellion a- them, take antagonistic grounds re- re- whom mortals snould not contend? The sick . . . arguefor suffering, instead of o* it while you argue a- their reality, and works re- itself ; army of conspirators a- health, the arbiter or truth a- error, when he argued a- it, array your mental plea re- the lest you array the sick a- their AGAINST 12 AGO against p 417-16 When you silence the witness a- your plea, 419-31 If it is found necessary to treat a- 420-16 when they will not array themselves a- it, 424-17 should not act a- your influence 425-31 mental protest a- the opposite belief 433-11 the evioence of Personal Sense a- 434-26 foul conspiracy a- the liberty and 436- 6 a witness a- Mortal Man 438-12 bearing false witness a- Man. 438-17 a- the rights and life of man. 439-22 in his struggles a- liver-complaint 440-28 I ask that lie be forbidden to enter a- 441-14 cannot bear witness a- Mortal Man, 441-20 in favor of Man and a* Matter. t 445- 3 defend themselves a- sin, and to guard a- the 446-30 be watched and guarded a-. 449- 7 reacts most heavily a- one's self. 449-21 understood and yarded a\ 452- 1 bar the door of his thought a- this r 481-13 «• which wisdom warns man, 489-20 the medium for sinning a- God, g 531-28 since flesh wars a- Spirit 534-19 is enmity a- God ; — Horn. 8 ; 7. 541-14 rose up a- Abel — Gen. 4 ; 8. 543-14 a- which divine Science is engaged in a ap 5di-10 accusations a- Jesus of Nazareth 564-14 the dragon as warring a- innocence. 565- 3 inflamed with war a- spirituality, 566-26 fought a- the dragon ; — Ii'ev. 12 ; 7. 566-32 a- the power of sm, Satan, and 567- 9 A- Love, the dragon warreth not long, 567-11 Truth and Love prevail a- the dragon 568-31 in our warfare a- error, gl 581-18 a kingdom divided a- itself, 584-12 The flesh, warring a- Spirit; agamogenesis^ TO 68-17 one MRividual who believed in a- ; 68-25 but I discredit the belief that a- applies to Agassiz Iiouis g 547- 9 Louis A-, by his microscopic examination ati 104- 8 A-, the celebrated naturalist and author, g 547-11 A- was able to see in the egg the 648-29 v4- declares . . . " Certain animals, 549-24 In one instance a celebrated naturalist. A-, ap 561- 5 A-, through his microscope, saw age advance of the p 371-24 this teaching is in advance of the a-, advancing p 401-27 Until the advancing a- admits the eflScacy anathemas of the b 315-10 brought upon him the anathemas of the a-. and blieht / 2'^31 rather than into a- and blight. and decay / 247-30 resplendent and eternal over a- and decay. any b 325-30 When first spoken in any a-, Truth, ensnare the a7i 102-22 they ensnare the a- into indolence, every a 46-10 has spoken ... in every a- and clime. / 243- 7 can heal the sick in every a- and triumph over r 482-25 to the hungering heart in every a-. exempt from / 247-14 Immortality, exempt from a- or decay, her / 245-16 Asked to guess her o*, those unacquainted ignorant r 474- 8 To the ignorant a- in which it first appears, malice of the / 215-32 The ignorance and malice of the a- would material a 36-15 earthly price of spirituality in a material a- $p 98- 9 Christianity is misinterpreted by a material a*, o 350-17 it was difficult in a material «• to apprehend g 546-23 C. S. is dawning upon a material a-. materiality of the a 31-25 Referring to the materiality of the a; nor accident / 214-28 Neither a- nor accident can interfere with the our / 232-16 In our a- Christianity is again demonstrating pictures / 244-29 Shakespeare's poetry pictures a- as infancy, present ap 560- 5 has reference to the present a\ seems ready ph 170-24 The a- seems ready to approach this subject, •ensualismi of the m 65-15 in the materialism and sensualism of the a-. age tendency of the s 111-22 calculated to ofEset the tendency of the a- to that b 332-30 He expressed the highest type ... in that a; this pre/ xi-23 to proclaim His Gospel to this a-, an 106-15 Let this a-, which sits in judgment on / 224-24 stands at the door of this a-, knocking b 317- 6 lives most the life of Jesus in this a- p 364-17 indicated by one of the needs of this o-. 367-25 the Christ-cure has come to this a- 372-10 The Science . . . would be clearer in this a*, t 456-28 Because it is the voice of Truth to this a-, ap 570-22 In this a- the earth will help the woman ; thoug^ht of the s 147- 1 the thought of the a- in which we live. ugliness to / 246-11 warn the m 65- 9 ph 194-23 / 236-30 245-25 217- 3 O 353-13 r 473-18 ap 562-18 agencies ap 570- 5 agency s 150-22 agent pre/ X- 7 an 100-10 101-23 s 112- 1 146-17 b 338-19 p 435-16 t 444- 4 agents sp 78-27 s 164- 6 r 485-26 ages all sp 98-18 b 271- 3 bygone s 134- 1 future pre/ vii-25 sensual / 254-16 S 118-10 141- 2 ph 174-18 / 204-20 233- 9 241-17 246-17 b 303-15 p 380- 5 ap 560-26 aggravate p 401-12 This fermentation should not a- the aggravated p 422- 7 certain moral and physical symptoms seem a; (/ 540-12 when the symptoms of evil, illusion, are a-, aggravation an 105-27 The a- of error foretells its doom, s 156-14 began to fear an a- of symptoms ph 169- 3 Whenever an a- of symptoms has occurred aggregated / 209-16 a- substances composing the earth, aggression t 451- 5 They must renounce a-, oppression and aggressive an 102-17 its a- features are coming to the front. aghast ap 563- 7 why should we stand a- at nothingness ? agnosticism s 111- 1 vague hypotheses of «•, pantheism, 129-17 spiritualism, theosophy, a; 139-28 tneosophy, and a- are opposed to gl 596- 3 a- may de'fine Deity as " the great unknowable ; " robs youth and gives ugliness to o*. Divorces should warn the a- at the a- of seventeen Kaspar was stUI a While a* is halting between two opinions could not a- while believing herself young, I have seen a- regain two of the The a- has not wholly outlived the sense of In an a- of ecclesiastical despotism, lamps in the spiritual heavens of the a*, certain active yet unseen mental a* This human view infringes man's free moral a- They regard the human mind as a healing a*, susceptible to the influence of this a-, it is not a remedial a-, the most effective curative a- Science, the curative a- of God, dust was deemed the a- of Deity the a- of those laws is an outlaw, suffering is oft the divine a- in this claimed to be the a- of God's government, classification of diseases or of therapeutic a*, delineates foreign a-, called disease and sin. It is imperious throughout all a- Christ's Christianity . . . reappearing in all w, To-day the cry of bygone a- is repeated, Future a- must declare what the pioneer During the sensual a-, absolute C. S. may not A- pass, but this leaven of Truth is theological and ritualistic religion of the a- are pursuing and will overtake the a-, When will the a- understand the Ego, The a- must slowly work up to error of the a- is preaching without practice. Never record a-. All the vanity of the a- can never Truth is the rock of a-, the headstone not only obscured the light of the a-, but ago sp 46- 9 80-23 identified Jesus thus over nineteen centuries o*, French toy which years a- pleased so many AGO 13 ALIAS ago sp 82- 5 Chaucer wrote centuries a-, yet we still 87-29 may reproduce voices long a- silent. 93- 3 Jesus, who over nineteen centuries a- 8 122- 9 exposed nineteen hundred years a- 138-26 as readily as it was proved centuries w. / 224-12 Centuries a- religionists were ready to hail 232-18 as it did over nineteen hundred years a-, p 380-22 Many years a- the author r 487-12 gave . . . hearing to the deaf centuries a-, 495- 3 as surely as it dia nineteen centuries a-. agony a 26- 4 in speechless «• exploring the way 48- 6 struggling in voiceless a-, 48-10 Remembering the sweat of a- b 327-14 to be effaced by the sweat of a\ p 416- 1 At last the a- also vanishes. ff 548-13 Every «• of mortal error helps error to gl 588- 3 self-imposed a-; effects of sin ; agree s 113-12 these propositions will be found to a- b 320- 6 theologians in Europe and America a- that p 390-18 " A- with thine adversary quickly, — Afa«. 5 .-25. . 390-27 " A- to disagree " with approachiug symptoms agreeable s 128-20 An odor becomes beneficent and a' agreed p 442- 5 The Jury of Spiritual Senses a- at once agreement b 333- 1 illustrates the coincidence, or spiritual a-, agreements m 63-31 enter into business a-, hold real estate, agrees s 161-31 a- with his " adversary quickly," — Matt. 5; 25. 162- 2 the matter-physician a- with the disease, 162- 2 the metaphysician a- only with health 6 313- 9 With this a- another passage g 553-24 If consentaneous human belief a- upon agriculture r 485-29 controlled war and a- as much as agriculturist s 125-22 The a- will find that these changes ph 183- 8 Can the a-, according to belief, produce a aid divine o 354- 6 no s 132-17 r 492-21 of Dlind ph 182-23 outside sp 89- 9 ready m 64-15 receive t 444- 7 Why do they invoke the divine a- to enable received no a- nor approval from other sanitary or Matter can afford you no a*. forthwith shut out the a- of Mind Destroy her belief in outside a-, and debarred, . . . from giving the ready a- If Christian Scientists ever fail to receive a- r 483-26 if any system honors God, it ought to receive a-, without tlie sp 80-20 mind, without the a- of hands, your p 439-22 unfortunate Mortal Man who sought your a* a 19-19 22- 1 sp 86- 6 97- 2 6 268-15 307-10 p 420- 6 t 447-10 464-32 457-28 aided a 19- 6 p 394-24 406-12 439-24 aiding c 266-21 t 458-12 aids sp 91-18 ph 186-21 6 296-29 p 385- 9 t 461-23 g 533-19 548-14 ailed s 135- 1 to understand . . . and a- its efficacy; thinking with the a- of this to find mortal mind, whose touch called for a-. They will a- in the ejection of error, systems afford no substantial a- to It says : ... la- Him. caU an experienced Christian Scientist to a* heal the sick when called upon for «•, human auxiliaries to «• in bringing as if the non-intelligent could a- Mind ! Jesus a- in reconciling man to God unless it can be a- by a drug or spiritual perception, a- by Science, You a- and abetted Fear and Healtb-lawa. material sense, a- evil with evil, to think of a- the divine Principle denial of material selfhood a- the discernment a- in peremptorily punishing the evil-doer. and a- in taking the next step surpassing all other a-, to recognize your sin, a- in destroying it. a- man to make sinners more rapidly so a- the apprehension of immortal Truth. " What a- thee, O thou sea, — Psal. 114 .• 5. ailment ph 179-19 The epizootic is a humanly evolved a-, 197- 3 A new name for an a- affects people like a p 381-24 that you are quite free from some a\ 382-32 The a- was not bodily, but mental, 392- 4 To cure a bodily a-, 412-19 find the type of the a-, get its name, 423-16 He regards the a- as weakened or ailments s 140- 3 ph 174-23 / 219- 3 ails effectual in the treatment of moral a-. to cure mortal a-. My method . . . applies to all bodily a; p 398-28 faith removes bodily a- for a season, 413-31 reproduced in the very a- feared. 416-29 they think too much about their a-, 421- 3 physical a- (so-called) arise from the belief One's a-, a point beyond faith, should be Our a- must be to have them understood t 460-23 superficial and cold assertion, "Nothing a- you." aim / 241-23 g 547-23 aimed a 51-26 a- at the divine Principle, Love, aims m 61- 8 and give higher a* to ambition. 63-26 a race having higher a- and motives. sp 95- 3 His holy motives and a- were traduced / 234-31 Evil thoughts and a- reach no farther and c 265- 6 their affections and a- grow spiritual, p 405- 3 The indulgence of evil motives and a- t 459- 8 the worldling's affections, motives, and a-. air and exercise ph 166-27 less than in drugs, a-, and exercise, / 232-19 never taught that drugs, food, a-, and exercise change of / 219-27 impute their recovery to change of a- or diet, draught of p 384-16 If exposure to a draught of a- exercise and ph 174- 6 baths, diet, exercise, and a*? fowl of the {see fowl) fowls of tlie s 125-27 the fish of the sea and the fowls of the a\ f 237-13 like " the fowls of the a;" — Luke 8 .- 5. native s 128-18 It raises the thinker into his native a- of insight of £den ph 176-18 would load with disease the a- of Eden, open / 220- 1 said : "I exercise daily in the open a\ pure a 44-14 He did not depend upon food or pure a* undulations of the / 212-27 that the undulations of the a- convey sound, wind or gl 598-13 It might be translated wind or a-. sp 90-19 p 375- 3 392-28 gl 598-15 alabaster p 363- 1 alarm b 321-16 o a52-29 p 424-18 ( 446- 7 alarmed 8 130- 1 p 422-12 alarming n 395-29 albeit g 512-30 alchemy p 422-20 alcoholic p 406-28 alias ph 172-20 p 391- 2 399-10 400-14 409- 9 432- 8 432-27 g 528-24 533-15 gl 591-27 through the a- and over the ocean, painlessly as gas dissipates into the a- whether it be a-, exercise, heredity, contagion, What Jesus gave up was indeed a-, She bore an a- jar containing The illusion of Moses lost its power to w The objects of a- will then vanish such opinions as may a- or discourage, may either arise from the a- of the physician, The petty intellect is a- by ignorant that it is a favorable omen, may be a*. and it may appear in a more a- form. a* God is ignorant of the existence of C. S., by the a- of Spirit, The depraved appetite for a* drinks, obtains in mortals, a* mortal mind, the plea of mortal mind, a* matter, mortal thought, «• mortal mind, conscious thought, a- the body. Unconscious mortal mind — a- matter, from my residence in matter, a- brain, justice, a- nature's so-called law ; Adam — a- error — gives them names. Adam, a- mortal error, charg^es God suppositional material sense, a- the belief that ALIENATE 14 ALL alienate 6 303-32 alike sp 71-27 8 135-24 b 279-25 alive a 44-29 ph 200- 1 /216- 3 222-18 6 334-27 p 37a- 4 fir 545-32 alkali M 401- 9 422-14 All eternal 6 280- 3 Crod as p 397-21 Ck>d is b 339- 7 p 366-29 gr 532-24 infinite ap 576- 4 Hindis S 109- 2 {7 608- 3 pr 17-15 p 399- 2 aU pre/ pr XI- x-19 5 2-14 2-18 3- 8 3-28 4- 8 6-32 8- 9 9- 5 9-n 9-18 9-20 9-26 10-25 11-24 11-31 12-32 13- 8 13-26 16-11 16-19 16-20 17-14 17-15 18-12 20-25 20-32 23-31 24-21 25-27 26- 6 26- 8 26-29 28- 9 31-11 31-16 32-18 33- 9 33-17 33-22 33-31 34- 1 34-10 34-13 34-18 36-12 37-17 37-29 38-14 39-26 42-13 43- 4 43-29 44-11 45-23 declared that nothing could «• him from God, and structure of spiritualism are a- material and they are a- in demonstration. this belief contradicts a- revelation and «•, demonstrating within the narrow tomb through his verse the gods became a- in a Who shall say that man is a- to-day, but she had been kept «•, as was believed, only by and, behold, I am a- for evermore, — Rev. 1 • 18. and be more a- to His promises, shall all be made a" — I Cor. 15 ; 22. (as when an a- is destroying an acid), As when an acid and a- meet and not products of the infinity perfect, and eter- nal A-. coniidence in God as A-, Since God is A-, there is no room for Life is God and God is A-. God is A- and He is Mind this New Jerusalem, this infinite A-, the proposition that Mind is A- Mind is A- and reproduces all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and A\ therefore good is infinite, is A\ Few invalids will turn to God till a* physical a- other pathological methods are the fruits of for He already knows w. is not a- that is required. Shall we ask the divine Principle of a- goodness and yet return thanks to God for a- blessings, evidence of our gratitude for a- that he has seek the destruction of a- evil works full . . . of a- uncleanness." — J/a«. 23-27. The test of a- prayer lies in the answer to "love the Lord thy God with a- thy heart,— Matt. 22: 37. and with a- thy soul, and with «• thy mind" ? Mark 12:30. surrender of a- merely material sensation. Are you willing to leave a- for Christ, misapprehension of the source and means of a- but if we desire holiness above a- else, will bring us into a- Truth. a- may avail themselves of God as striving for the accomplishment of a- we ask, divine Principle, Love, the Father of a* prayer which covers a- human needs, the first lie and a- liars. Only as we rise above a- material sensuonsness For Ood is iiifinite, all-power, a- Life, Life, Truth, Love, over a\ refuted a- opponents with his healing power. The truth is the centre of a- religion, divine Principle and Science of a- healing, spiritual understanding and confides a- to God. chiefly as providing a ready pardon for a- a- the emotional love . . . will never alone a- have the cup of sorrowful effort till a- are redeemed through divine Love. It was the divine Principle of a- real being While resjjecting a- that is good in the Church He recognized Spirit, ... as the Father of «•. resurrection and the life " to a- — John 11 ; 25. saying. Drink ye a- of It." — Matt. 26; 27. Their Master had explained it a- before, and said, " Drink ye a- of it." —Matt. 2C;27. It gives a- for Christ, or Truth. Are a- who eat bread and drink wine and leave a- for the Christ-principle? If a- who ever partook of the sacrament If a* who seek his commemoration Through a- the disciples experienced, He was forsaken by a- save learn to emulate Jesus in a- his ways " Go ye into a- the world, — Mark 16 : 15. in a- time to come. divine Principle of a- that really exists followed by the desertion of a- save a few a- enabled the disciples to understand must triumph over a- material beliefs a- the claims of medicine, surgery, the final proof of a- that be bMi taught, all sp 46- 4 46-21 46-31 49- 8 49-17 50-23 51-20 51-24 52-26 53-29 54- 8 55-23 65-24 56- 4 56-16 57-20 68-14 59- 5 59- 9 64-26 64-31 67-23 69-14 70-12 71- 5 71- 6 72-10 75-22 76- 4 79-27 83-23 84-28 86-27 87- 1 87-23 8&-19 89-22 91- 7 93-22 94- 5 95- 8 96-19 96-23 97-19 97-27 98-18 an 102- 2 104-15 s 108- 8 108-22 108-31 109-17 110- 2 110- 6 113- 2 113-18 114-23 116-16 116-18 118-20 11»-12 124- 2 126- 8 126-18 130- 8 130-12 132-13 132-25 136-30 138-18 138-27 141- 9 141-10 141-20 142- 6 146-29 148-16 149-26 160-27 151-26 152- 4 155- 2 165-18 157-20 159-31 160-22 163-18 164-12 164-15 ph 166- 2 166- 3 167-14 the truthfulness of «• that he had taught. his exaltation above «• material conditions; by a- they had witnessed and suffered. Were a- conspirators save eleven ? Forsaken by a- whom he had blessed. Even what they did say, . . . that a- evidence of was for the salvation of us a-, in a- that he said and did. not for their day only but for a- time : had not conquered a- the beliefs of the fiesh A- must . . . plant themselves in Christ, divine healing is throughout a- time ; whosoever layeth his earthly a- on the altar to fulfil a- righteousness." — Matt. 3 ; 15. Infidelity ... is the social scourge of a- races, but requires a- mankind to share it. selfish exaction of « • another's time and should wait on a- the years of married life. not be required to participate in « ■ the Until it is learned that God is the Father of a-, will ultimately claim its own, — a- that really is, Grace and Truth are potent beyond «• other unfolds a- creation, confirms the Scriptures, The divine Mind maintains «• identities, • idea, of a- reality continues forever ; Principle of a-, is not in Spirit's formations. and in the place of darkness a- is light, waken . . . out of the belief that «• must die, forgets a- else and breathes aloud his rapture. Science objects to a- this, contending for Between C. S. and a- forms of A- we correctly know of Spirit comes from God, can a- be taken from pictorial thought So is it with a- material conceptions. yet these are a- there. It possesses of itself «• beauty and poetry. We are a- capable of more than we do. point of departure for «• true spiritual growth. belief that Spirit is finite . . . has darkened a- history, includes a- that is implied by the in that ratio we know a- human need a- discord will be swallowed up in spiritual until a- errors of belief yield to understanding, until divine Spirit, . . . dominates a- matter, indicates that a- matter will disappear It is imperious throughout a- ages God governs a- that is real, harmonious, indicates the Tightness of a- divine action, show the falsity of a- material things ; a- real being is in God, the divine Mind, mortal, misnamed mitul produces a- the Principle of «• harmonious Mind-action filling a- space, constituting a- Science, God's creation, in which a- that He has made one divine Principle of a- Science; God, Spirit, being «•, nothing is matter. C. S. explains a- cause and effect as mental, even to the extinction of a- belief in matter. They never . . . insist upon the fact that God is a-. In a- mortal forms of thought, to make Him responsible for a- disasters, based on Truth, the Principle of «• science. A- Science is divine. Or shall a- that is beyond the cognizance Science, which destroys a- discord, demonstrated, will destroy a- discord, divine Principle which brings out a- harmony, this salvation from a' error, physical and they did not comprehend a- tha't he said the precedent for a- Christianity, " Go ye into a- the -worhl, — Mark 16.- 15. to leave a- for Christ. A- revelation (such is the popular thought!) The Bible declares that a- believers are modem religions generally omit a- but one of It lives through a- Life, and extends Anatomy takes up man at a- points materially, divine Mind, governs a-, not partially but doctrine that man's harmony . . . o- his earthly days, A- that really exists is the divine Mind takes away a- its supposed sovereignty, the child forgets a- about the accident, belief, . . . produces «• medical results. If He creates drugs at a\ and designs belief produces disease and a- its symptoms. Unless muscles are self-acting at a" times, war, pestilence, and famine, a- combined." But a- human systems based on a- the mental microbes of sin and a- human mind is a- that can produce pain. Mind is a- that feels, acts, or impedes actioiL. divine source of a- health and perfection. ALL 15 ALL all ph 16&- 8 168-16 170-31 172-16 174-22 176-21 177- 3 177- 4 177-18 180-12 181- 1 183-26 186-18 187-19 187-19 187-23 187-28 189-18 189-21 190- 2 192- 6 192-15 193-14 194- 6 195- 6 195- 8 195-22 /201- * 201-10 202-15 204- 3 204-28 205- 5 205-12 205-12 205-13 206-16 206-28. 2!) 208-32 209- 5 209- 6 209- 7 209-21 209-26 211-17 212-25 214-21 215- 5 219- 3 220-30 222-20 222-30 223- 8 225-14 225-29 227-15 228- 1 229- 7 229-24 230-32 233-23 238-24 239-32 240- 5 240-11 240-20 241-19 241-26 241-27 242- 4 244- 7 245- 6 246-21 247-18 248-13 248-19 249- 1 252-27 253- 3 263- 5 253- 7 253- 8 C 257-22 258-15 259- 4 260- 8 261- 3 262-23 263-17 263-20 264-18 264-30 267-10 6 268- 7 269- 1 Mind, which would otherwise outweigh a- else. «• in consonance with the laws of God, from which a- ills have gone forth, fie must have passed through «• the forms belief is a- that enables a drug to cure Should fl • cases of organic disease be treated by it must relinquish «• its errors, I have demonstrated this beyond a- cavil. had the naming of a- that was material. nor take the ground that a- causation more potent than «• lower remedies. Truth casts out a- evils and materialistic falsehood should strip evil of a- pretensions. the cause of a- materialistic action ? A- voluntary, as well as miscalled involuntary, divine Mind includes a- action and material body loses «• appearance of life supposed to furnish the evidence of a- mortal The reverse is the case with a- the formations a- this while matter is a belief, ignorant of until we leave a- for Christ. o- that is selfish, wicked, dishonest, and said: . . . My suffering is «• gone." change in human belief changes a- the physical A- that he ate, except his black crust, A- that gives pleasure to our educated senses out of itself, out of «• that is mortal. the reproach of a- the nii'jhty — I'sal. 89 ; 50. false appetites, hatred, a- sensuality, yield Outside of this Science a- is mutable ; A- forms of error sui)port the false never . . . distinct from God, the «• Mind. consume with disease, — a- because of their the prolific source of a- suffering ? God created a- through Mind, and made «• perfect and eternal. whatever blesses one blesses «•, infinite Mind made «• and includes a\ banish a- thoughts of disease and sin Mind, supreme over a- its formations and governing them «•, light of a- its own vast creation ; they «• must give place to the spiritual fact a- the paraphernalia of speculative theories, nature of a- so-called material cause and effect. a- the methods of Mind are not understood, A- material knowledge, like the with «• the faculties of Mind ; My method . . . applies to «• bodily ailments, Mortal mind forms a- conditions of the and yet she continued ill «• the while. consult matter not at a-, and eat what If Spirit is «• . . . what and where is matter? a- history, illustrates the might of Mind, Men and women of a- climes and races we . . . foresee the doom of «• oppression. in defiance of n- material conditions. God made a- that was made, a* that He makes is good and will stand the exciting cause of a- suflering, this truth was our Master's mission to a- He who leaves a- for Christ forsakes the wise man said, " A- is vanity." — Eccl. 1 ; 2. a- point to Mind, the spiritual intelligence a- IS one grand concord. until a- wrong work is effaced or rectified. substance of «• devotion is the reflection corner-stone of a- spiritual building is washing the body of (i- impurities of flesh, time when "they shall «• know Me — ./<>r. 31 ; 34. to derive a- our conceptions of man from became insane and lost a- account of time. error of . . . limiting «• that is good which transcend a- material sense. We are a- sculptors, working at various forms, Do you not hear from a- mankind of the Let us accept Science, relinquish a- theories says: . . . for a- my fancied joys are fatal. perfection of being, imperishable glory, — a- are include and impart «• bliss, and give «•, for I am Mind. substance of a-, because I am that I Asi. Finite mind manifests a- sorts of errors. Mind manifests a- that exists infinite Mind, the sum of a- su'bstance. the ideal of a- that is perfect and eternal. the Principle of a- happiness, harmony, conquering a- that is unlike God. the dust we a- have trod." but one creator, who has created a\ finding a- in God, good, and needing no other a- the glories of earth and heaven and man. made a- " that was made." — John 1 ; 3. from which may be deduced a- rationality. These . . . systems are one and a- pantheistic, all b 269-26 A- other systems — systems based wholly or 269-29 theories I combat . . . that a- is matter ; 271- 3 Christianity . . . reappearing in a- ages, 271- 4 uniting a- periods in the design of God. 271-10 Truth, casting out a- inharmony. 272-29 the divine Principle of «• that represents Him 272-30 and of «• that really exists. 273-30 beliefs emit the effects of error at a- times, 274- 6 and symbolizes a- that is evil 275-12 the divine Principle of a- that really is. 275-14 A- substance, intelligence, wisdom, being, 275-23 a- power, «• presence, cr Science. 275-24 a- is in reality the manifestation of Mind. 276- 6 a- have one Spirit, God, 276-12 realization that «• inharmony is unreal 277- 2 To a- that is unlike unerring . . . Mind, 277-20 produces a- the ills of flesh, 278-11 Spirit, God, is infinite, -17 lose a- satisfaction in error and sin 302- 7 infinitude ... of a- identity is thereby 302- 9 when God is a- and eternally his. 302-12 this belief is a- that will ever be lost. 303-14 A- the vanity of the ages can never 305-22 deflections of matter . . . are a- unlike Spirit, 306-32 The parent of a- human discord was the 310- ti (I- might is divine Mind. 310- 7 seen in a- form, substance, and color, 310-10 God is His own infinite Mind, and expresses a*. 311- 5 a- that Mind, God, is, or hath made, 311- 6 and He made a-. 311-28 lose a- supposed consciousness or claim 314- 5 spiritual sense had quenched a- earthly 315-27 more spiritual than «• other earthly personal' ities. 316- 2 the way of salvation to a- who accepted 317-14 that is, not only in a- time, but in a- ivays 318- 6 Scriptures declare that God made a-, 318-10 a- that is material, untrue, selfish, or 319- 9 sustains man under a- circumstances; 320-28 in Him who healeth a- our diseases; 325- 3 He . . . loses «• sense of evil, 325-13 When . . . understood in a- its perfection, 326- 8 A- nature teaches God's lov« to man, 327- 6 a- the sinful appetites of the human mind. 329- 4 glow in «• the grandeur of universal goodness. 329- 6 proves the truth of «• that I say of it. 329-27 their real spiritual source to be a- blessedness, 330-31 with «• the etceteras that word includes. 331-15 Therefore in Spirit - 3 God combines all-power or potency, a- Anatomy a- the mental cause of the Hence tiie mistake which a- words, rather than and a- matter and material law to usurp no lesser power equals the inflnite A- ; The understanding, ... of the divine A- Almighty. A-\ infinity; omnipotence. ALL-SEEING 18 ALSO all-seeing gl S&l- 5 The great I am ; the all-knowing, a-, alludes b 333-10 a- to the spirituality which is taught, o 342- 1 a- to " doubtful disputations." —Rom. 14 • 1. alluriiig- a 21-28 The company is a- and the pleasures exciting. allusion g 510-21 There is no Scriptural a- to solar light until 510-23 and the a- to fluids . . . indicates All-wise t 455-23 The A- does not bestow all-wise ill 587- 6 all-acting, a*, all-loving, and eternal; almanacs ph 171- 9 not needing to consult a- for the probabilities alnilghtiness r 487-29 reality of Life, its a- and immortality. Almighty (see a/so Almighty's) s Hi)- 4 When we ... we disown the A-, g 501- * by the name of Ood A- ; — Exod. 6 : 3. a'p 576-10 the Lord God A- and the Lamb — liev. 21 .- 22. f/l 581- 3 definition of almighty / 202-27 admit that God has a* power, o 348-15 when we ascribe to Him a- Life and Love ? 357-27 Can Deity be a-, if another mighty Almighty God / 228-15 assert their freedom in the name of A- G\ p 438-15 I ask your arrest in the name of A- G- Almighty's / 218-20 why do you substitute drugs for the A- power, almost / 221-11 in hunger and weakness, a- in starvation, o 350- 2 They think of matter as something and a- p 376- 7 and does its work a- self-deceived. g 502- 3 Is so brief that it would a- seem, 524-10 the true idea of God seems a- lost. gl 590-17 the word kurios a- always has this lower sense, aloft p 426-27 hold the banner of Christianity a- alone pr 6-4 this divine Principle a- reforms the sinner. 11-28 nor can prayer a- give us an a 25-28 will never a- make us imitators of him. 26- 2 treading a- his loving pathway 49-15 met his earthly fate a- with God. 51-22 His purpose in healing was not a- to m 57-20 it cannot exist a-, but requires all mankind 60-13 selfishness and impurity a- are fleeting, 60-32 Higher enjoyments a- can satisfy 64-11 some noble woman, struggling «• with ap 86- 2 to be occasioned by physical contact «•, 86-23 Education a- determines the diff'erence. 90- 8 earth's motion and position are sustained by Mind «•. 92-29 instead of urging the claims of Truth a*, fi 117- 4 not one of a series, but one a- 1 17- 9 mortals a- do this. 127-10 The terms . . . C. S., or Science a-, 127-27 and is a- able to interpret God aright. 135- 9 Spiritual evolution a- is worthy or 142- 9 Truth, a- can furnish us with absolute 147-30 but Science a* reveals the divine Principle 157- 9 rests on Mind a- as the curative Principle, ph 173-28 error which the human mind a- has created. 174-25 if . . . sick, why treat the body a: 182- 2 healing the sick through divine Mind «•, 184-21 Mortalmind «• suffers, 194-31 a belief formed by education «•. 196- 9 Sin a- brings death, for sin is the only 199-10 great fact that Mind a- enlarges and / 203-32 for God a- is man's life. 212-22 (xod a- makes and clothes the lilies 219-28 not rendering to God the honor due to Him a\ 251-14 an error that Christ, Truth, «• can destroy. c 263- 6 Immortal spiritual man a- represents the b 270-26 Truth and Love a- can unmake them. 270-29 the fact that the human mind a- suffers, 270-30 the divine Mind a- heals. 271-17 " Neither pray I for these a-, — John 17 .- 20. 272-31 C. S., . . . a- reveals the natural, divine 279-28 not two bases of being, . . . but one a-, 285- 4 Science of being obtains not a- hereafter 292- 4 Divine Science «• can compass the heights 308-16 Jacob was a-, wrestling with error, 339- 8 Spirit, a- created all, and called it good. p 366-19 Love which a- confers the healing power. 382- 7 this a- would usher in the millennium. 388- 4 a victory which Science a- can explain. 391-26 Mortal mind a- sentences itself. 400-22 thought a- creates the suffering. alone p 402- 6 409-20 410-10 419- 6 424-26 435- 6 t 456- 8 462-18 r 483-24 488-23 g 510-18 518- 3 533-20 543-26 546- 3 556-15 gl 595-15 596- 1 along s 129-27 141-11 156-22 O 343-31 p 373-28 415-30 r 490-22 aloof s 109-13 aloud sp 76- 5 p 396- 9 Alpine m 61-17 already pr 2- 9 2-14 2-25 3- 6 3-23 8-26 11-15 m 69- 7 74- 7 80-20 S 108-20 112-24 130-20 131-15 137-12 147-21 161-28 163-17 ph 168-13 175- 2 180-15 198- 7 / 201-13 206-22 229- 2 233-16 C 260-14 266- 9 b 274-31 291- 8 323-14 p 402- 4 416-30 t 459-10 r 490-16 492- 7 g 510-22 521-24 528- 3 533-21 533-31 ap 572-24 also pre/ sp pr sp ix- 1 xi-23 6- 2 11- 2 14-20 23-32 34-20 40-13 42-31 52-28 60- 6 71-15 71-17 92- 6 93- 5 83- 5 cure, . . . through mental surgery a*, should be governed by God a-. " Man shall not live by bread a-,— Matt. 4 ; 4. God and His ideas a- are real to be a- with (jod and the sick when Mortal Mind, which a- is capable of sin and This «• entitles them to the high standing self-denial, sincerity, . . . and persistence a* wrestle with material observations a-. Mind a- possesses all faculties. Love a- can impart the limitless idea of himself subordinate a- to his Maker. more rapidly than he can a-. Ideas of Truth «■ are reflected in the this belief «• is mortal. but the Christian a- can fathom it. which a- can fit us for the office of That which spiritual sense a- comprehends, some of the leading illusions a- the path a- the line of scholarlv and ecclesiastical she could get «■ two days without globules; first ... to press a- the line of gospel-healing, languidly creeps «• its frozen channels, whole frame will sink from sight a- with a- with the dissolving elements of clay. kept a- from society, and devoted time forgets all else and breathes a- his rapture, avoid speaking «• the name of the disease. like tropical flowers born amid A- snows. to do more than He has a- done, for He a* knows all. anything He does not a- comprehend ? The rule is a- established, and it is our task really grateful for the good «• received ? do we not a- know more of this heart if indeed, he has not a- suffered sufficiently God's children a- created will be cognized acorn, a- absorbed into a sprout when we «• know that it is mind-power which a- within the shadow of the death-valley, a- been stated and pro veil to lie tiue, cannot add to the contents of a vessel a- full. This Science has come «-, In his rejection of the answer a- given perishing fossils of theories a- antiquated. If it were not «• determined by mortal mind. it has a- destroyed more lives than have a- brought yourself into the slough of efface the outlines of disease «■ formulated reservoir a- overflowing with that emotion. his fear, which has a- developed the disease We cannot fill vessels a- full. Is God creating anew what He has «• created ? it is «• proven that matter has not destroyed A- the shadow of His right hand rests upon to discover what God has a- done; this seeming vacuum is a- filled This suppositional partnership is a- obsolete, till mortals have a- yielded to each lesser call must put into practice what we «• know. the author has a- in her i)ossession have a- heard too much on that subject. Judge not ... by the steps a- taken, since he is so a-, according to C. S. It is a- proved that a knowledge of this, a- divided into evening and morning; presented in the verses a- considered, God has a- created man, both male and is a- found in the rapid deterioration She has a- learned tnat corporeal sense he a- saw a new heaven and a new earth. She a- began to jot down her thoughts there came a- the charge toplant and " he a- will deny us." — // Tim. 2; 12. specified a- the terms of forgiveness, works that I do shall he do «• ; — John 14 ; 12. Hebrew verb to believe means a- to be firm. His resurrection was a- their resurrection, opposite is «• true, While there's sin there's works that I do shall he do a-." — John 14; 12. works that I do shall he do a-; " — John 14; 12. The beautiful in character is a- the good, Thus you learn that these a- are images, From dreams a- you learn that o* capable of imparting these sensations, works that I do shall he do n-," — John 14 ; 12. a* said, " But the hour coraeth, — John 4 ; 23. ALSO 19 ALWAYS also an 106-25 5 112-26 117- 1 133- 5 135-11 137-29 158- 7 162-15 ph 169-19 181-29 186-24 / 221- 8 222- 7 222-13 24a- 10 253-22 C 255- * 262-26 6 268- * 271-18 276- 9 286-29 305-12 305-19 320-13 326-11 326- 5 327- 2 331-14 332- 1 332- 8 334-29 O 341- * 343-17 p 364-23 366-22 869- 1 370-26 372-25 373-17 377-23 377-28 398-25 405-17 414-11 414-24 416- 1 426-15 426-23 429-23 437- 2 439- 2 441- 5 441-32 444-18 444-20 445- 2 451-16 462-12 463- 5 r 466-13 467-16 469- 6 490-10 494-31 496- 1 497-25 ff 604-12 610-15 512- 9 614-22 615-26 617- 1 624- 6 626- 1 627-15 629- 4 535-24 537- 2 637-14 640-26 548-31 653-31 664-22 ap 561-11 562-24 563-16 666-19 668-11 670-28 674- 3 674-21 676-14 ffl 679- 6 698- 1 as I have a- told you in time past, — Gal. 5 ; 21. A-, if any so-called new school claims to be term individuality is a- open to objections, There was a- a certain centurion of whose same power which heals sin heals a- sickness. " And I say a- unto thee, — Matt. 16 ; 18. Apollo was «• regarded as the sender of a- without the false beliefs of a so-called «• declares that all disease is cured by there will your heart be a-." — Matt. 6 .• 21. If . . . evil is a- as immortal. Her physician a- recommended that she She learned «■ that mortal mind she a- had less faith in the so-called " Mind . . . which was a- in — Phil. 2:5. A, if you believe yourself diseased, not only they, but ourselves a-, — Rom. 8 .-23. there will your heart be «-." — Matt. 6; 21. a- may have fellowship with — I John 1;3. for them a- which shall believe — John 17 ; 20. which was «• in Christ Jesus." — Phil. 2 .• 5. error must a- say, " I am true." Gender a- is a quality, not of God, these a- doeth the Son likewise." — Johti 5 .■ 19. for that he «• is flesh," — Oen. 6 ; 3. then shall ye a- appear — Col. 3 ; 4. works that I do shall he do a-." — John 14 .• 12. and a- by gaining an affection for good Scriptures «• declare that God is Spirit. They «• indicate the divine Principle " For we are a- His offspring." — Acts 17 ; 28. and is a- a reference to the human sense of a- quicken your mortal bodies — Jiom. 8 ; 11. he a- scientifically demonstrates this great fact, it must be said of them a- that they The physician must a- watch, lest he and he is liable to admit «• the reality of Hygienic treatment a- loses its eflicacy. a- deny before my Father — Matt. 10 .■ 33. Scriptures o- declare, through the exalted You a- remove in this way what are termed a- a fear that Mind is helpless So a- faith, cooperating with a belief that shall he «• reap." — Gal. 6 .• 7. a- the fact that truth and love will a- that matter neither feels, suffers, nor enjoys. At last the agony «• vanishes. a- learning the necessity of working out his and a- of the fear of its sting it must «■ have an ending, a* testified that he was on intimate terms A-, be it known that False Belief, He a- decided that the plaintiff, Personal Sense, speaks of him a- as "a murderer — John 8 .■ 44. but let us a- be careful always to turn to him the other a-." — Matt. 5 .• 39. A- the teacher must thoroughly fit his students there will his heart be «•. but it will a- attract respect. Teacher and student should a- be familiar with They are a- intended to express the nature, having that Mind which was a- in Christ. it woiild a- have an ending. From this «• comes its powerlessness, It should be said of his followers a-, You will a- learn that in Science there is no that Mind to be in us which was a- in Christ This a- shows that there is no place where He made the stars a-. — Gen. 1 .- 16. rt- by holy thoughts, winged with Love. wolf a- shall dwell with the lamb, — Isa. 11 ; 6. lift a weight, your reflection does this a*. the word for man is used a- as the synonym It was a- found among the Israelites, the tree of life a-, in the midst of— Gen. 2. -9. It is plain a- that material perception. It came about, a-, that instruments were needed thorns a- and thistles shall it— Gen. 3: 18. and take a- of the tree of life. — Gen. 3 .- 22. that shall he a- reap." — Gal. 6 ; 7. And Abel, he «• brought of the— Gen. 4 .-4. a- increase their numbers naturally may a- ask how belief can affect a result a- said, " Have not I chosen — JohnO; 70. saw a- the spiritual ideal as a woman A- the spiritual idea is typified by but he a* sees the nothingness or evil we may a- offer the prayer which concludes Here, a-, the Revelator" first exhibits the They should a- know the great delusion of The Revelator a- takes in another view, brought rt- the experience which at last The word temple a- means body. which is a- their original meaning. Greek word for itrlnd, (pneuma) is used a* on the a- of divine Science, May Christ, Truth, be present at every bridal a* Love is priestess at the a- of Truth. Paul saw in Athens an a- dedicated altar a 55-24 TO 65- 4 t 454-21 gl 596- 7 alter / 253-23 you can a- this wrong belief and action b 297- 4 no circumstance can «• the situation, until p 382- 8 bathing and rubbing to a- the secretions alterative .s 162- 6 C. S. acts as an a-, neutralizing error / 224- 2 the world feels the a- effect of truth p 371-30 Truth is an a- in the entire system, 420-21 better than any drug, a', or tonic. 421-22 chemicalization, which is the a- effect 423-11 This corrective is an a-, reaching to every part altered p 408- 2 This view is not a- by the fact that alternating- b 298-16 This human belief, a- between a alternative / 221-14 informed her that death was Indeed her only a\ p 436-21 You have left Mortal Man no a-. altboug-Ii a 19-14 a- his teaching set households at variance, 19-28 a- God is good. 30- 6 a- he was endowed with the Christ, 55-13 a- it is again ruled out of the synagogue. s 112-10 A- these opinions may have occasional gleams 147-14 A- this volume contains the complete 148-32 a- our great Master demonstrated that 152- 8 a- they know not how the work is done. 158-32 a- her physicians insisted that it would be o 343- 8 a-, without this cross-bearing, one might not p 386-29 you would not have understood him, a- the 430-31 A- I have the superintendence of 431-28 a- nothing on my part has occasioned r 466-17 a- ... it is the most important to understand.. 469-22 when we admit that, a- God is infinite, 471-14 a- the evidence as to these facts 492- 2 a- the so-called dreamer is unconscious ? ff 523- 6 A- presenting the exact opposite of 546-16 a- the material senses can take no cognizance' altitudes / 215-11 not subordinate to geometric a\ altogether pr 3-14 the One " «• lovely; "— iSon<7 5;16. sp 87-32 or a- gone from physical sight y 538- 1 Love infinitely wise and a- lovely, alway b 317-14 " Lo, I am with you a-,"— Matt. 28 .• 20. t 446-22 " Lo, I am with you a-, — Matt. 28 .-20. always pr 4-12 The habitual struggle to be a- good 5-14 but not a- in this world. 7-18 If spiritual sense a- guided men, 7-26 to whom each want of man is a- known 8-21 does not a- mean a desire for it. 10-22 Experience teaches us that we do not a- receive 10-29 it is not a- best for us to receive. 11- 9 a- demands restitution before mortals can 12- 5 no power to gain more . . . than is a- at hand. m 62- 9 to be a- fed, rocked, tossed, or talked to, 66-26 If one is better than the other, as must a* sp 86-16 though we can a- feel their influence. 95- 1 The effect of his Mind was a- to heal and 98-22 For centuries — yea, a— natural science has an 104-12 Lastly, they say they have a* believed it." s 125- 5 Moral conditions will be found a- harmonious 128-30 must a- bring the same result. 134- 8 and so has come a- to mean one who 134-26 Thou hearest me a-;" — John 11 ; 42. 145-22 mystery which godliness a- presents to 145-22 mystery a- arising from ignorance of the ph 169- 8 But it rt • came about as I Yiad foretold. 170-20 a- in opposition, never in obedience, to physics. 184-27 «• breathed with great difficulty when the 189-30 keeping a- in the direct line of matter, 200- 9 Life is, a- has been, and ever will be / 22,5-12 There is «• some tumult, but there is a 225-26 a- germinating in new forms of tyranny, 243-11 must a- accompany the letter of Science 246-24 is rt- beautiful and grand. c 267-27 " let thy garments be a- white."— Eccl. 9 : 8. b 277-31 mortal phenomenon, ... a- erroneous. 282-24 «- governing itself erroneously. 284-32 intercommunication is a- from God to 302-16 is rt- beyond and above the mortal illusion 309-29 so-calIe"d life a- ends in death. 320-13 My spirit shall not a - strive— Cfen. 6 : 3. 326-25 spiritual sense, which is rt,- right. 329-23 A- right, its divine Principle never repents, 334-19 as the Christ has a- done. ALWAYS 20 ANCIENT always b 336-17 never was material, but a- spiritual p 375-26 Consumptive patients a- show great hopeful- ness 377- 5 he should rejoice a- in ever-present Love. 380- 4 Truth is a- the victor. 392-11 should a- be met with the mental negation. 402- 1 C. S. is «• the most skilful surgeon, 411-21 Disease is a • induced by a false sense 411-27 A- begin your treatment by allaying the fear 417- 4 A- support their trust in the power of Mind 425-30 be a- ready with the mental protest against 426- 6 when she has the high goal a- before her t 443-10 she a- has felt, that all are privileged to 444-18 a- to " judge righteous — John 7 : 24. 448-25 must a- hinder scientific demonstration. 458-14 Divinity is a- ready. r 482- C proper use of the word soul can a- be 492-32 would keep truth and error a- at war. 494-10 Divine Love a- has met and a- will meet ff 508-20 grammars a- recognize a neuter gender, 518-14 in return, the higher a- protects the lower. 523-20 Deity therein is a- called Jehovah, 530-17 myth represents error as a- asserting its 537-32 God, who is Love a-, 552-30 matter a- surrenders its claims when 554- 8 Error is a- error. ap 575-14 Spiritual teaching must a- be by symbols. gl 590-17 the word kurios almost a- has amalgamation / 207-17 such as the a- of Truth and error g 550-27 A- is deemed monstrous amazement c 263-25 peers from its cloister with a- ambiguities s 114-26 disentangles the Interlaced a- of being, ambiguity o 355- 2 and then the a- will vanish. ambiguous p 388-17 a- nature of all material health-theories. ambition m 68- 8 Unselfish a-, noble life-motives, and purity, 61- 8 and give higher aims to a-. 61-21 What hope of happiness, what noble a-, t 462-28 It teaches the control of mad a-. ambush ap 571-11 Who is telling mankind of the foe in a- ? ameliorate s 141-28 divine healing will a- sin, sickness, and death. t 458-22 but Science will a- mortal malice. Amen b 268- * / can do no otherwise ; so help me God .' A- .' o 343- 1 The people are taught in such cases to say, A\ amenable p 434-31 God made Man immortal and a- to Spirit America b 320- 6 theologians in Europe and A- agree that American / 245-12 Some A- travellers saw her when she was American Cyclopaedia an 100- 3 Accordmg to the A- C-, he regarded this amid a 37-14 not a- the smoke of battle is merit seen m 61-17 like tropical flowers born a- Alpine snows. • 67- 8 Can you steer safely a- the storm ? " sp 95-23 Led by a solitary star a- the darkness, / 220-12 snowbird sings and soars a- the blasts ; b 306-25 Undisturbed a- the jarring testimony of the amidst in 66-17 A- gratitude for conjugjal felicity, 66-18 A- conjugal infelicity, it is well to hope, pray, ap 663-28 subtlety, winding its way a- all evil, amiss pr 10-28 receive not, because ye ask a-, —/as. 4:3. 10-32 Then " ye ask a." —Jas. 4 .■ 3. among pref ix-13 still in circulation a- her first pupils; pr 9-26 and so be counted a- sinners? 16-12 some doubt a- Bible scholars, a 24-29 The truth had been lived «• men ; 32- 6 A- the Jews it was an ancient custom TO 56- 8 generation a- human kind. K>-22 impurity and error are left a* the lees. 65-26 which was once a fixed fact «• us, an 101- 9 a- whom were Roiix, Bouillaud, and 106- 8 a- which are self-government, reason, s 129-28 reformatory mission a- mortals. 133-16 in captivity a- foreign nations, 150-10 a permanent dispensation a- men ; 161-17 a- which are life, libertv, and ph 196-32 diseases a- the human family. among / 237-16 C. S., a- their first lessons, 238- 7 " Come out from a- them, — // Cor. 6; 17. 242-23 parted my raiment a- — John 19 ; 24. c 256-21 a- the inhabitants of the earth ; — Dan. 4 ; 35. t 453- 2 a- tlie examples on the blackboard, 460-29 her manuscript circulated a- the students. 463- 2 The material physician gropes a- g 524- 6 It was also found a- the Israelites, 535-17 into the heritage of the first born a- men ? Amorites g 524- 3 in the Moloch of the A-, amount ph 175-21 The exact «• of food the stomach could digest amounts 2)h 172- 5 a- to nothing in the right direction and p 375-31 fear so excessive that it a- to fortitude. g 551-23 question of the naturalist a- to this : ample s 163-26 so «• an exhibition of human invention amplification g 501-10 that «• of wonder and glory amplitude a 54- 3 Out of the a- of his pure affection, amputate ph 172-26 when you «• a limb; amputated / 212- 5 A limb which has been a- has continued amusement m 58-20 a wandering desire for incessant a- 62- 9 create in their babes a desire for incessant a-, ph 195-30 to meet a frivolous demand for a- amusements m 60-22 frivolous a-, personal adornment, analogous g 510-25 «• to the suppositional resolving of analogy s 110-32 No a- exists between the vague hypotheses of analyzes ■p 433- 3 He a- the offence, reviews the testimony, anathemas b 315-10 brought upon him the a- of the age. Anatomy p 430-23 Materia Medica, A-, Physiology, 437-22 Materia Medica, A-, Physiology, anatomy admits ph 174-23 A- admits that mind is somewhere in man, allow^s ph 187-16 A- allows the mental cause of the latter action. and theology s 148-13 a- and theology define man as 148-17 A- and theology reject the divine Principle declares jJh 173-17 A- declares man to be structural. describes s 152-10 A- describes muscular action as finds s 160-14 A- finds a necessity for nerves to learn from s 160-29 only to learn from a- that muscle is not mental t 462-32 Scientist, through understanding mental a-, nor tlieoloey s 148- 7 Neither a- nor theology has ever of Christian Science t 462-25 a- of C. S. teaches when and how to probe the takes up man s 148-15 A- takes up man at all points materially, treatises on ph 179-21 Treatises on a-, physiology, and health, s 160-16 160-27 ph 173- 2 173-23 t 462-20 ancestors m 61-20 ph 175-27 ancestry m 63- 6 g 551-20 anchor a 40-32 ancient a 32- 3 32- 7 41-18 43-10 what does a- say when the cords contract Whv then consult a- to learn how we fail to see how «• can distinguish «•, physiology, phrenology, do not define A-, when conceived of spiritually, is the grosser traits of their a-. empurpled the plump cheeks of our «•, The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his a: by which all peculiarities of a-, the «• of hope must be cast beyond the In «• Rome a soldier was required to Among the Jews it wiis an «• custom No a- school of philosophy, materia medica, and is now repeating its u- history. ANCIENT 21 ANNOUNCED ancient sp 84- 3 cm 105-28 s 126-26 The a- prophets gained their foresight and confirms the a- axiom: I have found nothing in a- or in modern sys- tems 139-17 manifest mistakes in the a- versions; 144-30 It is a question to-day, whether the or 146- 2 The a- Christians were healers. 146-28 It is as a- as " the Ancient of days." — Dan. 7 ; 9. / 243-12 to conflrm and repeat the a- demonstrations b 319-16 are so many «• and modern mythologies. o 349- 3 As Paul asked of the unfnithful in a- days, p 389-24 tlie «• error that tliere is fraternity between r 469-30 a- mythology and pagan idolatry. 483-19 To . . . the «• worthies, and to Christ Jesus, g 514-31 source of strength to the a- worthies. 516-31 In one of the a- languages 551-32 The a- and hypothetical question, 553-26 supersede the more «• superstition ap 567-18 Tliat false claim — that a- belief, anciently s 142- 4 A- the followers of Christ, or Truth, c 255- 7 a- classitted as the higher criticism, o 343-25 A- those apostles who were Ancient of days 8 146-28 It is as ancient as " the A- of d\" — Dan. 7 ; 9. anew pr will mould and fashion us a-, saves retracing and traversing a- the path Discerning Christ, Truth, a- 4-22 20-22 35- 6 m 66-13 S 150- 7 . ,, / 206-21 Is GoJcreating a- what He lias already p 425-26 and Spirit will form you a-, g 528- 6 cannot be true that man was ordered to create man a- angel / 224-26 Will you open or close the door upon this a- b 308-19 an a-, a message from Truth and Love, point of a diamond " arid the pen of an a-. And I saw another mighty «■ — Rev. 10 ; 1. This a- or message which comes from a- had in his hand " a little book," — Rev. 10 ; 2. saw an " a- standing in the — Rev. 19 .• 17. Love can make an a- entertained unawares. may clothe it with a- vestments, the seven a- vials full of seven plagues, g 521-17 ap 558- 3 558- 9 559- 1 561- 8 574-29 angelic sp 93-19 ap 574-18 angel's ap 559- 6 The a- left foot was upon the earth; angels confers upon b 298-30 Human conjecture confers upon a- its own His o 360-27 And His a- He chargeth with — see Job 4 .• 18. his ap 566-26 Michael and his a- fought — Rev. 12 ; 7. 566-27 the dragon fought, and his «-, — Rev. 12 .• 7. 567-17 his a- were cast out with him. — Rev. 12 ; 9. 567-26 His a-, or messages, are cast out with my b 299- 7 My a- are exalted thoughts, seven ap 574- 6 came unto me one of the seven a- — Rev. 21 .- 9. these g 512- 9 These a- of His presence, which have the ap 567- 3 These a- deliver us from the depths. TO 56- * 64-21 ph 174-11 b 298-25 298-28 299-U 299-17 p 372-17 r 482-23 482-24 g 501-11 548-16 ap 566-29 gl 581- 4 anger 6 293-25 gl 595- 4 597-29 angry p 369-32 anguish I>h 195 -6 p 386-19 angular / 248-23 as the a- of Ood in Hpaven. — Matt. 22 ; 30. but man would be as the a-. a- of His presence — the spiritual intuitions A' are not etherealized human beings, A- are pure thoughts from God, A- are (Jod's representatives. we entertain "a- unawares." — Heb. 13:2. Therefore he will be as the a- in heaven. A- announced to the Wisemen of old and a- whisper it, through faith, glory which a- could only whisper by which men may entertain a-. The Old Testament assigns to the a-, definition of " The a- of the Lord." — Deut. 29; 20. The idea of Truth; justice. Revenge; a-. Destruction; «•; mortal passions. to murmur or to be a- over sin. Every sound convulsed him with a\ You think that your a- is occasioned by your a- outline and deformity of matter models. animal magnetism {see mag^netism) a 28-32 There is too much a- courage in society 48-23 rebuking resentment or a* courage. TO. 61- 5 and the spiritual over thew, 67-18 noticm that «• natures can possibly give sp 90- 1 or if one a- can originate another, an 100- 9 A- bodies are susceptible to 100-20 no proof of tlie existence of the «• magnetic 102- 3 His power is neither a- nor liuman. 102- 4 Its basis being a belief and this belief a-, 104-20 revenge, malice, are a- propensities ph 173- 5 farther than his a- progenitors. 179-17 the wild «•, . . . sniffs the wind with delight. / 222-25 if eating a bit of a- flesh could overpower 252-20 A- in propensity, deceitful in sentiment, b 298-26 not . . . evolving o- qualities in their wings; 309-28 to suppose that tnere can be . . . organic a- or 327-25 the man who has more a- than moral courage, p 374-30 Mortal mind produces a- heat, 378-12 An «• may infuriate another by t 450-32 electricity, a- nature, and organic life, r 490- 5 Human will is an a' propensity, g 509-20 So-called mineral, vegetable, and a- substances 512-26 confers a- names and natures upon its 529-24 nothing in the a- kingdom which represents the 541-10 the homage bestowed through a gentle a- 548-24 far apart from his material sense of a* growth ap 563-31 It is the a- instinct in mortals, 564- 4 This malicious a- instinct, of which the dragon 564-26 are typified by a serpent, or a- subtlety. gl 597-20 mortal belief ; a- power. aniniality ap 569-12 masters his mortal beliefs, a-, and hate animals b 277-13 Natural history presents vegetables and a- g 511-25 A- and mortals metaphorically present 528- 5 Adam gave the name and nature of a-, 531-20 Who will say that minerals, vegetables, and a* 548-30 " Certain a-, besides the ordinary 549- 3 multiplication of certain a- takes place 550- 7 the individuality and identity of a- 554-29 It is the general belief that the lower a- 557- 8 many a- suffer no pain in multiplying; animate ph 189-26 / 243-32 p 409- 6 belief of inanimate, and then of a- matter. Perfection does not a- imperfection, its final statement, — a- error 409-19 The a- should be governed by God alone. g 541- 2 A lamb is a more a- form of existence, animated a 26-14 the godliness which a- him. an 100- 9 the celestial bodies, the earth, and a- things. t 459-19 Whether a- by malice of ignorance, g 525- 2 a mortal sinner, a- by the oreath of God ? animating gl 583-20 the a- divine Principle of all animation life, strength, a\ and Zeal. The reflected a- of Life, gl 582- 8 599- 4 annihilate an 103-25 ph 172-27 /• 252-27 t 451- 1 r 490-21 g 540-15 they «• the fables of mortal mind, and worms a- it. the law of God, may at any moment a- the errors which Truth must and wlUa* would, by fair logic, a- man that Truth may a- all sense of evil annihilated f 246- 1 Mind and its formations can never be a*. h 292-28 man would be «•, were it not 310-28 then Spirit, . . . would be a-, r 477-18 Were it otherwise, man would V)e a\ 486-27 If this were not so. man would be speedily a*. 493-19 Sickness is a belief, which must be a- g 536-16 governed by corporeality . . . man would be a*. annihilates b 330-26 delusion of material sense, which Science a-. 340-25 a- pagan and Christian idolatry, annihilation / 243-28 a law of a- to everjthing unlike themselves, b 278-26 logic which wouUI prove his a\ 310-25 If . . . the «■ of Spirit would be inevitable. gl 582-22 physical sense put out of sight anil hearing ; a-. announce s 119-13 but to «• Him as their source, p 391-25 Disease has no intelligence to . . . «• its name. announced b 298-19 When the real is attained, which is a- by p 379- 3 a- as partners in the beginning. r 482-23 Angels a- to the Wisemen of old ANNOUNCING 22 ANSWER announcin&r p 38t>-16 Dlundering despatch, mistakenly a- annoyances m 59- 9 a- and cares of domestic economy, annually b 328-20 hundreds of persons die there a- from annul ■pr 11-19 not to a- the divine sentence s 139-25 nor a- the healing by the prophets, f 229-28 should not if we coiild, a- the decrees of b 273-21 God never ordained a material law to a- p 381-29 man's moral right to a- an unjust sentence, 384-12 has only to enter his protest ... in order to a- 385-12 though it can never a- the law which 389-20 cannot a- these regulations by an :annulled TO 59-27 The nuptial vow should never be a*, o 349- 7 our Master a* material law p 382- 1 he a- supposed laws of matter, annuls b 340-28 a- the curse on man, r 491-13 Spirit, which a- the claims of matter, anodynes s 143-17 and quiets pain with a-, p 374- 2 A-, counter-irritants, and depletion anoint p 364-14 wash and a- his guest's feet, anointed a 42-22 glory which God bestowed on His a-, f 201- * Vie footsteps of Thine a-. — Paal. 89 ; 51. 6 313- 4 may be rendered " Jesus the a-," 313- 7 even thy God, hath «• thee — Heb. 1 ; 9. p 363-28 before she a- them with the oil. gl 597-10 which was ready to . . . crucify God's a-. anointeth ap 578-14 [LOVE] a- my head with oil; — see Psal. 23 .-5. anointing p 367-26 through silent utterances, and divine a- anomalous J} 375-29 This state of mind seems a- except to the anon g 513-10 a- the veil is lifted, and the scene shifts another (see also another's) pr 1- 4 Regardless of what a- may say 12- 9 This, however, is one belief casting out a-, 12-28 a- who offers the same measure of prayer? 16-19 is but a- name for the first lie a 23-25 A- kind of faith understands divine Love 36- 4 simply through translation into a- sphere. 37-10 connect one stage with a- in the history of 38-18 At a- time Jesus prayed, not for the twelve only, 40-5 ^-willsay: " Go thy way — ^cr 15-21 Such prayer is a\ in so far as we a 49- 1 The women at the cross could have a- sp 86-3 w, "The multitude throng thee." — Z,Mfce 8. -45. 86- 6 Repeating his inquiry, he was a- by / 237- 3 she a- ingenuously, "There is no sensation in b 305-16 " Then a- Jesus and said — Jolm 5 .- 19. 308-29 he straightway a- ; and then his name p 364-10 Jesus a- by rebuking self -righteousness 374- 9 The author has a- this question g 504- 7 are a- in this passage, is a-, if the egg produces the parent. 552 answers ?» 67- 9 r 465- 7 He a- bravely, but even the dauntless seaman chapter sub-title antagonism s 145-26 and thus they increase the a- of 145-29 By this a- mortal mind must continually weaken o 345-30 the main cause of the carnal mind's a-. antagronistic sj) 83- 9 Nothing is more a- to C. S. tlian s 108- 2 a conviction • refers to the personification of evil as p 383- 9 like the A- P-, is " willing rather — II for. 5 .-8. g 534-14 and the A- P- explains this warfare apostle's ap 560-23 hid from view the a- character, r.postles Christian o 349-22 the prophecy concerning the Christian a-, floral / 240- 6 The floral «• are hieroglyphs of Deity. his a 40-27 follow the example of our Master and his a- 41-26 Persecuted from city to city, his a- still b 269-23 on the teachings of Jesus, of his a-, o 358-17 illustrated by tlie prophets, by Jesus, by his a*, lesser a 40-21 lesser a- of Truth may endure human brutality those o 343-25 Anciently those a- who were Jesus' students, s 126-29 and the lives of prophets and a\ f 243-13 the ancient demonstrations of prophets and a*. apostolic sp 97-30 o- work of casting out error and healing the 325-15 The absolute meaning of the «• words is o 347-19 namely, a-, divine healing ? p 366-14 and we have the n- warrant for asking: t 443-20 may learn the value of the a- precept: 451- 3 constant pressure of the «• command apothecary s 163-10 surgeon, a-, man-midwife, chemist, apparent a 42- 6 It cannot make Life or Truth a-, f 2(yi- 2 evil becomes more a- and obnoxious 1> 324- 8 Unless the . . . are becoming more a*, o 345-15 at least none which are a- to those a'lO-lC is not a- to the material senses, p 374-11 before it is consciously a- on the body, 390- 8 which produces a- discord, 428-27 immortality will become more «■, as r 467-12 perfect in proportion as this fact becomes a*, g 505-11 the ideas of Spirit a- only as Mind, 543- 7 becomes more beautifully a- at error's demise. 552- 8 and as necessarily a- to the apparently pr 8-10 If a man, though a- fervent and prayerful, 12-21 to be o* either poisonous or sanative. s 108-19 When «• near tiie confines of mortal existence, 109-23 gradually and a- through divine power. 122-17 sky and tree-tops a- join hands, 152-14 Sir Humphry Davy once a- cured a case of b 321-17 when he discovered that what he a- saw APPARENTLY 25 APPLIED apparently ». », ^ 2} 415-27 Etherization will a- cause the body r 491-25 a* with their own separate embodiment. apparitions SB 86-14 These may appear to the ignorant to be a- ; 86-18 a- brought out in dark seances appeal a 50- 9 This despairinj: a-, if made to a human parent, 50-12 The a- of Jesus was made both to his ph 182- 5 The demands of God «■ to thought only ; b 319-10 the lower «• to the general faith in o 351-32 They might a- to Jehovah, but their prayer » 405-32 and to «• to divine sources outside ot 440-20 Mortal Man has his a- to Spirit, God, 440-30 a- to the just and equitable decisions of appealed ""■ "" He a- to his students: but matter is a- to in the other. s 136-11 p 40J-11 appeals s 130- 2 is alarmed by constant a- to Mind. appear pre/ ix-21 a 40- 2 2 but it did not a- in print until 1876, Remove error from thought, and it will not a- in and man, not of the earth earthly . . . will «■. 8p 86-13 These may a- to the ignorant to be apparitions ; 91-12 the sooner man's great reality will a- 97-12 the more its nothingness will a-, s 123- 4 The true idea and Principle of man will then a-. 164-17 If you or I should a- to die, ph 167-17 error in the premise must a- in the conclusion. 168-28 sensation would not a- if the error of belief 191- 6 man in God's likeness will a-, 198-13 afterwards to a- on the bodv; 199-31 before his power . . . could a-. / 211-11 does not a- in the spiritual understanding 211-17 Without mortal mind, the tear could not «•; 216-23 evil would ic to be the master of good, 249- 5 Let the " male and female "... a-. — Gen. 1 .• 27. c 264- 3 before the permanent facts ... a-. b 295-15 and the real sense of being, . . . will a-. 297-23 begins to a-, and Truth, the ever-present, 312-17 without Love, (Jod, immortality cannot a\ 3?5-ll " When Christ, who is our life, shall a— Coi. 3. -4. 325-12 then shall ye also a- — Col. 3 ; 4. 332-24 a- to mortals in such a form of humanity o 341- 7 a- contradictory when subjected to such usage. 347-30 The harmonious will a- real, 348- 6 making the disease a- to be — what it really is p 378- 2 and causes the two to a- conjoined, 390-12 When the first symptoms of disease «•, 395-29 it may a- in a more alarming form. 410-24 Selfishness does not a- in the 417-22 Disease should not o- real to the physician, 428-10 that the spiritual facts of being may a-, 430- 5 immortal manhood, the Christ ideal, will a-. 434-10 where C. S. is allowed to a- as counsel 434-13 now summoned to a- before the bar of Justice t 450- 6 so depraved that thev a- to be innocent. r 476-12 immortals, or the children of God, will a- 485- 8 If the unimportant and evil a-, 485-12 disease, and death a- more and more unreal 488-11 a- in our common version to approve g 502-16 Christian views of the universe a-, 506-17 and let the dry land a- : — Oen. 1 ; 9. 506-21 in order that the purpose may a\ 507-29 and must ever continue to «• 509-27 a- in man and the universe 520-12 These days will a- as mortality disappears, 537-26 the text is made to a- contradictory appeared f/ 507- 1 a'p 560- 6 .562-29 gl 597- 5 appearing Messianic s 133- 1 Adam has not yet a- in the narrative. And there a- a great wonder in — lie v. 12 ; 1. And there a- another wonder in — Ber. 12 .•3. if only he a- unto men to fast. questioned the signs of the Messianic a; 550-13 556 its eternal perfection should a- now, Then will the new heaven and new earth «•, I ap 573-30 this reality of being will surely ar sometime fr 600- * whether the tender grape a-, — Song 7 ; 12. appearance an 101-27 this a- is deceptive, since error cannot ph 168-26 before the so-called disease made its a- 187-28 body loses all a- of life or action, / 215-18 darkness loses the a- of reality. p 416-23 body is no longer the parent, "even in a-. 432-28 but my a- with a message from r 41)1-19 sometimes presentirg no a- of mind, g 553-22 sure to become the signal for the «• of appearances s 121-22 Science shows a* often to be erroneous, appeared 8 138-10 his cures, which a- miraculous to outsiders. 154-12 symptoms of this disease a-, b 308-20 a message from Truth and Love, a- to him 30!)- 7 The result of .Jacob's struggle thus n\ 324-20 When the truth first a- to him in Science, 3,34-11 Jesus a- as a bodily existence. p 374- 9 and knew nothing about, until it a* r 477- 1 the perfect man, who «• to him g 501- * Ana I a- unto Aliraham, — Exod. 6 ; 3. foretelling the second a- in the flesh Its a- is the coming anew of the gospel of but this was not the manner of truth's a*, the harbingers of truth's lull-orbed «•. the advanced a- of Truth, which «• at the door of some sepulchre, announced to the Wisemen of old this dual a-, The successive «• of God's ideas Creation is ever a.-, and must ever continue Mortal sense inverts this «• gl 589-25 spiritual understanding of God and man a\ appears m 69- 9 the real, ideal man «• in proportion as 76-31 must be overcome, . . . before immortality a\ 92-23 Until the fact concerning error . . . a-, 96-18 until their nothingness a-, s 116- 5 and man as God's image a-, ph 187-31 which «• to the human mind to live, and o- . . . to make good its claim, whatever a- to be a mortal man is a When the Science of Christianity a\ it will When one a-, the other disappears, what a- to the senses to be death is but 295-20 through which Truth a- most vividly 312- 7 sense-dream vanishes and reality a-. 320-20 (however transcendental such a thought a-), o 353-19 until perfection a- and reality is reached. 354-32 If the letter of C. S. «• inconsistent, p 415-10 Inflammation never a- in a jiart which r 474- 9 To the ignorant age in which it first «•, where sinning mortal man a- to mortals. a- to be matter and mind united; When the substance of Spirit a- To corporeal sense, the sun «• to rise and set, feeds and clothes every object, as it a- , As the reflection of yourself a- whenever and wherever it a-. mortal disappears and spiritual perfection a\ s 118- 7 1,50- 6 / 224-16 224-21 230- 7 6 299- 7 r 482-24 g 504-16 507-28 507-30 sp / 210-27 250-24 b 271-22 281- 5 289-18 477- 2 477-10 480- 1 493- 3 g 507- 4 516- 2 542- 5 gl 59.5-21 appeased a 22-28 22-32 or that divinity is a- by human suffering. Wrath which is only a- is not destroyed, appellation b ,309- 1 but this a- was withheld, appellative c 267-13 the same authority for the a- mother, appertain ph 182- 7 what are termed laws of nature, «• to matter. appetite s 158-22 acquires an educated a- for strong drink, / 218-11 and say, " I am malice, lust, a-, envy, hate." h 327- 4 neither iileasure nor pain, a- nor passion, p 398-23 A- and disease reside in mortal mind, 406-28 The depraved «• for alcoholic drinks, r 490- 9 cooperates with a- and passion. appetites a 53-5 so far removed from a- and passions s 115-21 Evil beliefs, passions and n, fear, ph 188- 8 Passion, depraved a-, dishonesty, / 201-10 false rt-, hatred, all sensuality, yield b 327- 7 all the sinful ir of the human mind. p 404- 8 there is no real pleasure in false a,-, g 526-11 The a- and passions, sin, sickness, 536-20 Passions and a • must end in pain. applause pr 7-16 may embrace too much love of «• apples ^ , ph 165- 1 Physiology is one of the «• from applicable ^ ^ ,. t 463-27 There is a law of God a- to healing, application s 126-22 its a- to the treatment of disease 126-32 If Christendom resists the author's a- of the 147- 4 the sacred rules for its present a- ph 198-17 bv the a- of caustic or croton oil, b 271-16 rtence the universal a- of his saying: o 341-13 Sneers at the a- of the word Science p 421-29 or by employing a single material a* applications 8 118- 4 and formal a- of the illustration. applied ^ , . . s 116-25 words person and jieraonnl . . . when a- to 116-28 If the term personality, as a- to God, 127-16 relates especially to Science as o- to APPLIED 26 ARGUE applied s 147- 8 and everywhere, when honestly a- 150- 2 Truth, as a- through this Christian system o 344-32 the word Spirit, is so commonly a- to Deity, t 457-30 Let this Principle be a- to the cure of disease gl 597-2(J a- to Mind or to one of God's qualities. 599- 3 You. As a- to corporeality, a mortal ; applies a 24- 1 This certainly a- to Truth and Love m (i8-26 I discredit the belief that agamogenesis a- to sp 93-24 and a- exclusively to God. / 219- 3 My method of treating fatigue a- to apply an 105-17 and no longer a- legal rulings wholly to applying: / 218-30 that passage is not perverted by a- It literally p 401-24 by a- the drug to either? appointed an 100-15 Under this order a commission was a-, 101- 8 In 1837, a committee of nine persons was a-, c 261-14 to go upon the stage and sustain bis a- task, b 332-23 He was «■ to speak God's word ap 560-17 whom God has a- to voice His Word. appointing s 131-15 has come already, after the manner of God's a-, b 326- 4 it must be in the way of God's o-. r 483-29 and it does this in the way of His a-, apportion (/ 505-ao human beliefs, which a- to themselves a task appreciable a 30-12 Jesus would not have been a- to appreciated a 37-14 not . . . seen and a- by lookers-on. appreciating- m 60-24 calls discord harmony, not a* concord. appreciation s 136-22 That a wicked king . . . should have no high a- b 300- 3 Finite sense has no true a- of apprehend a 31-18 following his demonstration so far as we a- 8 140- 9 as we a- the divine nature and love Him • ph 167- 6 We a- Life in divine Science only as 179- 8 the spiritual capacity to a- thought / 222- 2 as we better a- our spiritual existence 231-28 To fear them is impossible, when you fully a- b 280-12 belief can neither «• nor worship the infi- nite ; In order to a- more, we must 323-13 o 350-17 353-32 g 510- 2 545-25 difficult in a material age to a- spiritual Truth. " fe. nor a- the reality of Li How much more should we seek to a- could not «• the nature and operation of apprehended a 39-28 This thought is a- slowly, m 56- 9 is discerned intact, is a- and understood, sp 91-24 that the spiritual facts may be better a-. 96-29 real objects will be «• mentally 8 110-30 Its Science must be a- by as many as believe 136-29 The disciples «• their Master better than b 288-11 Wlien the . . . effects of C. S. are fully a; p 402-10 Mind and its formations will be a- g 513-13 reflections of deiflc power cannot be a- until apprehension clear t 459- 4 Paul and John had a clear a- that, deiflc «;> 576-29 not yet elevated to deiflc a* huiuan r 471-30 reduced to human a*, she has named C. S. of divine Principle .sp 90-30 through an a- of divine Principle. of divine Science g 519-28 according to the a- of divine Science. nearer than ever before to the a* of mortals, in proportion to our a- of the truth. This belief tends to becloud our a- of the of mortals p 368- 7 our sp 80- 1 93-31 quick sp 86- 7 His quick a- of this mental call rejoice in the o 354-28 I rejoice in the a- of this grand verity. rests oil the t 460- 6 Mind-healing rests on the a- of the right pro/ vii-19 only guarantee of obedience is a right «• of t 460-17 to be dealt with through right a- or scientiflc jir 16-17 This reading strengthens our scientific a- spiritual o .349-28 as thought is educated up to spiritual a-, g 606-12 calm and exalted thought or spiritual a- apprehension their a 34-26 and ascend far above their a-. g 509- 5 to their a- he rose from the grave, r 487-10 The a- of this gave sight to the blind g 548-14 and so aids the a- of immortal Truth. gl 583-16 to the a- of spiritual ideas approach 5» 95- 6 We a- God, or Life, in proportion to ph 170-25 The age seems ready to a- this subject, / 234-11 as we l)ar our doors against the a- of b 278-15 Hence, as we a- Spirit and Truth, p 374-17 Ignorance of the cause or a- of disease 406-14 seem less real as we a- the scientific period, t 450-10 open to the «• and recognition of Truth, r 483-12 hinders its a- to the standard in C. S. ap 559-24 When you a- nearer and nearer to approached p 362-12 this woman (Mary Magdalene, ... a- Jesus. approaches m 67-32 The epoch a- when the understanding 8p 97-14 The nearer a false belief a- truth p 402- 8 The time a- when mortal mind will 409- 5 and the nearer matter a- its final statement, r 496-10 Am I living the life that a- the supreme good ? ap 576-30 the word gradually a- a higher meaning. approaching a 47-16 A period was a- which would reveal / 223-22 accompany a- Science, 241-29 and are a- spiritual Life p 390-27 " Agree to disagree " with a- symptoms approbation • m 59- 5 and mutual attention and a- b 332- 7 quoted with a- from a classic poet: appropriates / 242-27 superstition a- no part of the t 459- 2 Man then a- those things which approval a 42-11 endorsed pre-eminently by the a- of God, s 132-17 received no aid nor a- from other p 382- 3 having only human a- for their sanction. approve o 348- 5 Ought we not, then, to a- any r 488-12 Scriptures often appear ... to a- and approved p 363-20 Jesus a- the answer, and so brought approves rt 22-31 Mercy cancels the debt only when justice a-. approximation sp 94-30 An a- of this discernment a priori r 467-25 a p- reasoning shows material existence to be apt p 384-21 are not a- to follow exposure; arbiter 2) 369-12 belief that matter . . . can be the a- of life 405-12 the a- of truth against error. arbitrament g s.'Mj- 4 human belief, and not the divine a-, arbiitus g 516-15 The modest a- sends her sweet breath arch a, 40-23 through the triumphal a- of Truth and Love. arches / 247-25 a- the cloud with the bow of beauty, architect m 68- 5 learn how Spirit, the great a*, architectural ,s 142-11 a- skill, making dome and spire arch priests )• 481- 5 Like the a- of yore, man is free arctic /' 240- 2 A- regions, sunny tropics, giant hills, Arctiirus c 257-21 guideth " A- with his sons." — Job 38 ; 32. arduous J) 396-16 refutation becomes a-, not because the arena sp 96-12 material world is even now becoming the a- g 538-20 Until that . . . enters into the a-, Argenfutn nitrafum 8 156- 9 prescribed the fourth attenuation of A- n- argue p 380-12 as though the defendant should a- for the 395- 1 The sick unconsciously a- for suffering. 395-26 while you a- against their reality, 412-20 A- at first menUlly, not audibly, ARGUED 27 ARTISTS argued p 411- 5 If the student . . . when he a- against it, 435- 5 False Belief has a- that the body should die, argues g 551- 9 One distinguished naturalist a- that arguiug p 376-23 by both silently and audibly a- g 539-23 a' for the Science of creation, argument mental t 454-32 the letter and mental a- are only no p 374-18 no a- against the mental origin of b 280-21 The a- of the serpent in the allegory, o 343-15 By parable and a- he explains the p 412-18 To heal by a-. And the type of 412-22 conform the a- so as to destroy the evidence 414-20 The Christian Scientist's «• rests on the 4»t-20 and opens the a- for the defence : g 539-20 lu parable and a-, this falsity is exposed arguments b 268-16 their a- are based on the o 355- 7 proofs are better than mere verbal a- p 367- 7 borrowed speeches, and the doling of a-, 411- 9 and needed the «■ of truth for reminders. 412- 5 You may vary the a- to meet the 414- 7 The a- to be used in curing insanity 418-17 if a- are used to destroy it, 418-23 By the truthful a- you employ, aright pref vii-19 whom to know a- is Life eternal. pr 15-14 In order to pray «•, we must a 18- 7 He did life's work «• not only in 28-18 Not a . . . did the material world measure a-. (53-16 The world could not interpret a- the sp 94-26 enabled him to direct those thoughts a- ; 8 127-27 and is alone able to interpret God a-, f 254-13 to begin a- and to continue the strife c 256-15 nor can He be understood a- through b 326-16 The purpose and motive to live a- can be r 466-28 Science will declare God a-, 490- 6 Hence it cannot govern man a-. arise ap 80-26 a- from the volition of human belief, 88-25 for both a- from mortal belief. 94-15 a- from the belief that the infinite is a 145-18 From this fact a- its ethical as well as its / 238-23 Attempts to conciliate society ... a- from 6 301-25 sin, disease, and death a- from the p 398-13 " Damsel, I say unto thee, a- ! " — Mark 5 .■ 41. 421- 3 a- from the belief that other portions t 446- 7 may either a- from the alai-m of the physician, g 523- 8 TJie creations of matter a- from a mist 544- 7 Birth, decay, and death a- from the ap bl^ 1 A- from your false consciousness arises pref viii-18 question a-. Is there less sickness because of a 53-20 a- from the great distance between sp 92- 7 From the illusion ... a- the decomposition of 8 120-10 Then the question inevitably a* : 154- 3 Disease «-, like other mental conditions, from ph 166-16 From it a- the inharmonious body. / 243-14 a- not so much from lack of desire as from p 433- 2 Judge Medicine a-, and with great solemnity t 451-27 a- from ignorance or malice aforethought, r 490-10 From this cooperation a- its evil. arising sp 94-20 betrayal, a- from sensuality. 8 145-23 the mystery always «• from ignorance p 426- 1 or disease a- from any circumstance, arithmetic s 129- 4 a properly computed sum in a-. ark gl 581- 8 definition of 581-13 a- indicates temptation overcome arm a 24-11 " the a- of the Ix)rd " is revealed — Tsa. 53 ; 1. 49-17 No human eye was there to pity, no a- to save. 8 160- 9 motion of the a- is no more dependent ph 198-29 Because the muscles of the blacksmith's a- 198-32 it does not follow that ... a less used a- 199-13 by reason of the blacksmith's faith . . . hia a- p 365-14 to evoke healing from the outstretched a- 379-12 warm water was trickling over his a-. armed a 52-23 which a- him with Love. b 298- 7 cannot destroy Science a- with faith, arms a 20- 1 Christians must take up a* against error m 61-15 promising children in the a- of gross parents, b 322-28 turn us like tired children to the a- or army c 256-21 in the a- of heaven, and among— Dan. 4 ; 35. p 405-10 if you would not cherish an a- of conspirators aroma ph 191-32 Mind, God, sends forth the a- of Spirit, around a 32-32 with shadows fast falling a- ; ap 92-11 a serpent coiled a- the tree of knowledge s 163-31 the fleeting vapors a- us, 164- 2 the groping of Homer's Cyclops a- his cave." b 310-16 a* which circle harmoniously all things p 363-10 Knowing what those a- him were saymg arouse p 404-22 A- the sinner to this new and true view arouses ap 559-13 It a- the " seven thunders " of evil, — Rev. 10 ; 3. arraigned ap 564-20 spiritual idea was a- before the arraigns p 440- 4 whom Truth a- before the supreme bar arrange s 163-31 as impracticable as to a* the fleeting vapors arranges ph 190-11 and a- itself into five so-called senses, arranging / 230-12 to suppose Him capable of first a- array sp 97-21 broadest facts a- the most falsities against pli 176-10 ghastly a- of diseases was not paraded / 224-14 and a- His vicegerent with pomp and splendor; c 260-28 If we a- thought in mortal vestures, p 412-19 a- your mental plea against the physical. 414-18 lest you a- the sick against their own interests 420-15 when they will not a- themselves against it, arrayed p 391- 2 a- against the supremacy of Spirit. arrest an 105-24 God will a- him. p 431-13 At the time of the a- the prisoner 436-15 Prior to the night of his a-, the prisoner 436-18 and thus save him from a-. 438-15 I ask your «• in the name of Almighty God 441-14 neither can Fear a- Mortal Man arrested p 431-10 a- Mortal Man in behalf of the state t 452- 5 The wrong thought should be a- arrive 8 120- 8 o- at the fundamental facts of being. / 233-11 before we a- at the demonstration of c 260- 1 one can no more a- at the o 359-19 when shall we a- at the goal which p 406-24 until we a- at the fulness of God's idea, r 468- 1 Thus we a- at Truth, or intelligence, g 543-12 a- at the understanding that material life, arrived p 432-26 Materia Medica, was present when I a-, arrogance / 252-17 Material sense lifts its voice with the a- of p 367-12 with the a- of rank and display of scholarship, arsenic ph 178- 2 a-, the strychnine, or whatever the drug art a 44-23 It was a method of surgery beyond material a-, g 507-26 expresses Science and a- throughout His crear tion, article .s 145-32 Our Master's first a- of faith propounded to b 320-11 and in the learned a- on Noah nrticulata g 556- 3 Vertebrata, a-, mollusca, and radiata articulations fjr 501- 4 spiritual import of the Word, in its earliest a-, artifice sp 83- 4 a- and delusion claimed that they could equal artificial r 489- 7 not with an a- limb, but with the genuine artist {see also artist's) sp 86-32 before the a- can convey them to canvas. ph 198- 9 materialistic doctor, ... is an a- who outlines b 310- 1 The a- is not in his painting, o 360- 4 The other a- replies: " You wrong my artist's b 299- 5 save in the a- own observation and 310- 2 picture is the a- thought objectified. artists o 359-30 Scientist and an opponent are like two a*. ARTS 28 ASSERTS arts p 369-24 preventive and curative) a- belong emphatically to ascend a 34-25 ph 189-24 /222- 2 and a- far above their apprehension, we constantly «• in infinite being, and a- the ladder of life. p 407-19 a- a degree in the scale of health, ascended a 46-16 was not changed until he himself a-, g 551-11 but he adds that mankind has a- ascendency m 61- 4 good in human affections must have a* 67-20 remember that through spiritual a- ascending- ph 189-30 goes on in an «• scale by evolution, c 265-27 brightens the cr path of many a heart. g 508-22 last in the «• order of creation. 509- 6 on the third day of his a- thought, ascends g 509-16 ascension 34-28 35-17 rarefaction of thought as it «• higher. which has since been called the a-. his spiritual and final a- above matter, 46-23 explained his a-, and revealed 46-26 his final demonstration, called the a-, b 292-31 In his resurrection and a-, Jesus showed 314- 2 and no less material until the a- 334-15 continued until the Master's «,-, g 509-25 periods of spiritual a- are the days ascertain 8 152-17 to a- the temperature of the patient's body ; 159-25 to a- how much harmony, or health, {239-16 To a- our progress, we must learn 337-31 you a- that this Science is demonstrably true, r 495-31 you will soon a- that error cannot destroy error. g 547- 7 and so a- if the author has given ascetic o 53- 3 Jesus was no a-. ascribe a 34- 2 why a- this inspiration to a dead rite, o 348-15 when we a- to Him almighty Life and but it a- to Him the entire glory. By-and-by, a- of his zigzag course, A- before Truth, error shrank abashed ascribes c 262- 7 ashamed a 21-32 g 532-19 Asher gl 581-15 definition of Asia Minor b 324-25 A- M-, Greece, and even in imperial Rome. aside a 20-23 " Let us lay a- every weight, — Heb. 12 • 1. 20-30 put a- material self and sense, 44- 2 before the thorns can be laid a- for a crown, 49-31 turned " «• the right of a man — Lam. 3 ; 35. 52-15 Herod and Pilate laid a- old feuds sp 83-18 belief . . . that occasionally Spirit sets «• these s 141- 8 to set a- even the most cherished beliefs ph 166-18 Instead of thrusting Him a- in times of / 237- 8 before her parents would have laid a* their drugs, b 286-12 Physical causation was put a- 304-31 thrusting a- his divine Principle 338-26 a- from their metaphysical derivation, p 409-23 to be laid a- for the pure reality. g 521-30 would set a- the omnipotence of Spirit; 555-24 and set a- the proper conception of Deity, ask pr 1- * before ye a- Him. — Matt. 6 ; 8. 2-23 God is Love. Can we «• Him to be more ? 3- 8 Shall we «• the divine Principle of all 6- 9 supposition that we have nothing to do but to a- 6-17 More than this we cannot a-, 7-31 or mean to a- forgiveness at some later day. 8-25 and «• that it may be laid bare before us, Then why . . . a- to be Christians, since you tlifi blessings we «• for in prayer, or we should certainly receive that for which we n-. 10-27 The Scriptures say : Ye a-, and — Jas. 4 ; 3. 10-27 receive not, because ye a- amiss, — Jas. 4; 3. 10-29 and for which we a-, 10-31 Do you a- wisdom to be merciful and not 10-32 Then " ye a- amiss." — ./a.s. 4 . 3. 13- 8 openly striving for the accomplishment of all we «•, we labor for what we «• ; sinners who a- for it and are willing We a- the helmsman: " Do you know your Some day the child will a- liis parent: the child may a-, " Do you teacii that 9-28 10-23 10-26 13-11 24-22 67- 7 69-20 69-23 aslc ph 177-28 does human belief, you a-, cause this death? 181- 4 one should a-, "Who art thou that 191-18 It should no longer a- of the head, / 250-22 Now I a-, Is there any more reality in o 349- 4 rabbis of the present day a- concerning 355-32 Strangely enough, we a- for material theories p 371-22 No impossible thing do I a- when urging 416-27 If they a- about their disease, 435-34 I a' that the prisoner be restored to 437-18 I a- that the bupreme Court of Spirit reverse 438-15 I a- your arrest in the name of Almighty God 440-28 I a- that he be forbidden to r 496- 9 A- yourself: Am I living the life that g 521-18 will naturally a- if there is nothing more 551-17 Naturalists «• : " What can there be, of a 553-31 may also a- how belief can affect a result asked a 31-6 Againhea-:" Whoismymother, — 3/ff«. 12.-48. sp 86- 1 Jesus once a-, " Who touched — Luke 8 ; 45. s 132-26 Jesus a-, " When the Son of man — Luke 18 ; 8. ph 195- 3 he a- to be taken back to his dungeon, / 216-26 Paul a- : What concord hath — // Cor. 6 .- 15. 245-15 A- to guess her age, those unacquainted with b 308-29 was a-, " What is thy name ? " — Gen. 32 ; 27. o 349- 3 As Paul «■ of the unfaithful p 369-16 Jesus never a- if disease were acute or chronic, 395-15 Prayers, in which God is not a- to heal 399-29 Our Master ct- : " How can one — Matt. 12 ; 29. 411-13 It is recorded that once Jesus a- g 539-24 Paul a- : " AVhat communion — // Cor. 6 • 14. asking- pr 2-31 A- God to be God is a vain repetition. 4-17 Simply a- that we may love God will never 9- 7 Do we love . . . better because of this «•? 9-14 shall never meet this great duty simply by a' s 135-19 limiting the Holy One of Israel and a-': / 222-30 " a- no question for conscience — / Cor. 10 ; 25. 226- 8 «• a fuller acknowledgment of the rights of p 366-14 we have the apostolic warrant for a- : g 527-27 and a- a prospective sinner to help asks b 281- 9 Science . . . rebukes mortal belief, and a- : p 432-16 The Judge a- if by doing good to his neighbor, asleep sp 95-28 the world is a- in the cradle of infancy, pn 193-13 the breathing became natural; he was a\ b 291-22 As man falleth a-, so shall he awake. p 416- 8 in twenty minutes the sufferer is quietly a: 442-31 neither when a- nor when awake. r 491-18 awake at one time and a- at another, aspect t 457-17 no good a-, either silvern or golden. aspersion p 437- 5 This is a foul a- on man's Makfer. aspiration pr 8-14 If we feel the a-, humility, gratitude, 16-21 reach the heaven-born «• and c 265-24 The a- after heavenly good comes even before aspirations m 60- 4 Kindred tastes, motives, and a- c 257-26 to still the desires, to satisfy the a- ? g 512- 1 correspond to a- soaring beyond and above assassin p 419-26 the mental a-, who, in attempting to slay t 445- 4 the attacks of the would-be mental a-, assassins s 164-20 or produced by mental a-, t 447-11 and save the victims of the mental a: assent r 471-11 but yield a- to astronomical propositions assert / 228-14 Mortals will some day a- their freedom 253-16 a- your prerogative to overcome the belief in p 395- 9 «• its claims over mortality and disease. asserting- sp 79-28 a- that Mind controls body and brain. p 421-30 like «• that the products of eight multiplied by five, g 530-17 myth represents error as always a- its assertion sp 80-10 the a- that spirit-communications are 81-11 A man's a- that he is immortal no more proves 81-13 than the opposite «•, that he is mortal, s 13(>-26 Hence Herod's a- : " John have I — Luke 9 ; 9. 137-21 This a- elicited from Jesus the benediction, p 383-24 Does his «• prove the use of tobacco to be 386-30 although the correctness of the a- might t 460-23 superficial and cold a-, " Nothing ails you," r 478-17 a- that there can be pain or asserts ph 166-30 but when Mind at last a- its mastery / 226-21 birthright of sole allegiance to his Maker a- ASSERTS 29 ATONEMENT asserts b 277-19 Error ... a- that Spirit produces matter p 423-26 which ultimately a- its absolute supremacy. assiduously / 233-14 the goal of goodness is a- earned assigningr .s 122- 3 a- seeming power to sin, sickness, / 244-30 instead of a- to man the everlasting grandeur assig:ns s 123- 7 reverees the order of Science and a- f 203- 4 a- sure rewards to righteousness, p 400-17 except what mortal mind a- to it. g 522- 5 The first record a- all might and government ap 5G6-29 The Old Testament a- to the angels, assimilate pr 4-20 striving to a- more of the divine character, t 462- 2 Some individuals a truth more readily r 466-13 which neither dwell together nor a-. assimilated b 272- 4 This sense is a- only as we are honest, assist p 432-26 endeavoring to a- the prisoner to escape ff 529- 5 were needed to «• the birth of mortals. assistants p 431-16 all these a- resigned to me, associates p 377-32 a- sickness with certain circumstances t 449-19 baneful effect of evil a- is less seen than association 8 154- 3 like other mental conditions, .from a-. 154- 6 this law obtains credit through a-, associations sp 87-10 leagues apart and their a- forgotten, 87-11 their a- tfoat in the general atmosphere assume sp 96-17 sin, sickness, and death, which «• new phases s 119- 7 they a- that matter is the product of Spirit. b 313-15 we may a- that the author of this o 344- 8 Is it sacrilegious to a- that God's likeness t 447-32 To «• that there are no claims of evil and yet r 481-20 Human hypotheses first a- the reality of 481-21 «• the necessity of these evils g 55.'i-ll " We have no right to a- that assumed a 27-32 according to certain a- material laws. s 145-30 continually weaken its own a- power. b 326-26 Thought a- a nobler outlook, r 470- 7 a- the loss of spiritual power, assumes p 421-28 not build it up by wishing to see the forms it a- assuming g 540-22 representing error as a- a divine character, assumption sp 75- 1 truth lays bare the mistaken a* g 546- 7 this a- of error would dethrone the 552- 9 proof requisite to sustain this a- assurance m 69-15 brings the sweet a- of no parting, ph 176-32 Trutn handles . . . contagion with perfect a\ f 223-15 the a- which comes of understanding ; assurances p 387-12 the a- of immortality, opposed to mortality. assure p 416-28 A- them that they think too much about assured a 38- 2 men are a- that this command was ap 98- 2 spiritual recompense of the persecuted is a- o 352-23 should be a- that their fears are groundless, 358-24 Sometimes it is said: " Rest a- that assuredly pr 15-30 they a- call down infinite blessings. m 65-30 will a- throw off this evil, assures r 489-32 It a- moKtals that there is assuringr ph 169- 5 «• me that danger was over, p 394-21 a- him that all misfortunes are t 447-23 A sinner is not reformed merely by a- him Assyrian an 103- 5 Sin was the A- moon-god. astonished ap 563- 3 We may well be a- at sin, astonishing s 134-19 its a- and unequalled success in the astounded m 56- 2 came to him for baptism, John was a-. s 130-29 a- at the vigoi-ous claims of evil (ip 563- 5 and still more a- at hatred, astray b 309-17 If these children should go a-, astrography s 121- 5 before he spake, a- was chaotic, astronomer Sj) 84-32 more accurately than the a- can read the stars s 125-28 The a- will no longer look up to the stars, astronomical s 121-28 As thus indicated, «• order 122-32 A- science has destroyed the false theory / 209-25 mundane formations, a- calculations, r 471-11 but yield assent to a- propositions 493- 4 but a- science contradicts this, astronomy s 119-27 As «■ reverses the human perception pk 188-31 A- gives the desired information 189- 2 willing to leave with a- the explanation 195-16 Through «•, natural history, chemistry, / 235-16 will reach higher than the heavens of «• ; r 471-11 of the earth's motions or of the science of a-, astutely 2) 378-26 nor a self-constituted . . . power, which copes a* asunder m 5(>- * let not man pvt a-. —Matt. 19 .-6. 60-14 wisdom will ultimately put a- what she hath not / 226-20 Science rends a- these tetters, asylum i)h 193-26 threatened with incarceration in an insane a* „ ums p 408-11 people who are committed to insane a- ate a 32-28 Passover, which Jesus a- with his disciples p/t 175-29 before he a- the fruit of false knowledge, 195- 7 All that he a-, except his black crust, 197-21 the simple food our forefathers a- f 221- 3 she a- only bread and vegetables, 221-24 and she «■ without suffering, atheism s 139-28 A-, pantheism, theosophy, and gl 580-27 and then disappeared in the a- of matter. atheistic s 139-31 does not follow that the profane or a- invalid Athenians "" gl 596- 8 Referring to it, he said to the A- : Athens gl 596- 7 Paul saw in A- an altar dedicated athirst aj) 570-15 weary wanderers, a- in the desert athlete pk 172-30 may present more nobility than the ... a*, atmosphere damp ])h 175-26 Damp a- and freezing snow empurpled the earth's g 547-12 was able to see in the egg the earth's a-, general s}) 87-11 float in the gfeneral «• of human mind, iuiuioral t 452-15 Never breathe an immoral a*, unless of intelligence pk 192- 1 aroma of Spirit, the a- of intelligence. of Mind g 512-11 abound in the spiritual a- of Mind, of Soul gl 587-26 Heavkn. . . . bliss; the a- of Soul. of Spirit sp 70- 6 can never enter the a- of Spirit. gl 590- 3 the a- of Spirit, where Soul is supreme. surrounding s 128-21 its escape into the surrounding a: this b 273-31 this a- . . . cannot be destructive to morals a 37-11 s 125-26 128-16 / 220-14 220-14 p 386- 9 392-21 gl 585-19 atom c 263-29 gl 583-25 atone a 19- 4 atonement in the a 19-21 24-13 cleanse and rarefy the a- of material sense mariner will have" dominion over the a- It extends the a- of thought. The a- of the earth, kinder than the a- of mortal mind, mortals declare that certain states of the «• If you decide that climate or a- is unhealthy, a- of human belief before it accepts sin, A sensual thought, like an a- of dust could not create an a- . . . the opposite of Man cannot exceed divine Love, and so a* for has little part in the a-. This is having part in the a- ; ATONEMENT 30 ATTRACTIVE atonement Jesus' a 19-19 will help us to understand Jesus' a- for sin r 497-13 "We acknowledge Jesus' a- as the of Christ a 18-13 a- of Christ reconciles man to God, requires a 23- 4 The a- requires constant self-immolation views of a 24-16 ordinary theological views of a- will a 18-1 A- is the exemplification of man's unity with 23- 8 The a- is a hard problem in theology, at-one-inent a 19-22 in the «• with God, 21- 5 This is having our part in the a- 45-20 hath elevated them to possible a- with atrocities an 105-23 to commit fresh a* as opportunity occurs attach p 385-10 penalty which our beliefs would a- to our best 440-11 to which you a- penalties; attached a 31-13 He a- no importance to dead ceremonies. attaches s 117- 7 C. S. a- no physical nature and significance to attack a 27-30 Jesus' persecutors made their strongest a- upon p 379- 1 If disease can a- and control the body 392-16 liable to an a- from that source. attacks / 236- 8 infuriated a- on individuals, who t 445- 4 to guard against the a- of the attain pr 9-27 Do you really desire to a- this point? m 57- 3 without it one cannot a* the Science of ph 181-20 till you finally a- the understanding of C. S. / 251-29 corrected before we can a- harmony. 254- 5 or a- slowly and yield not to discouragement. c 262-22 and a- the bliss of loving unselfishly, p 366- 5 and thus a- the spiritual freedom which will g 536-27 Through toil, . . . what do mortals a- 1 attainable r 487- 4 never a- through death, but gained by attained m, 60-30 and happiness would be more readily a* 8 117-12 the spiritual meaning of which is a- ph 167- 4 If . . . the Science of healing is not a*, 167-27 must be a- through the divine Mind. / 237- 9 mental height their little daughter ... a-. 297-16 Thus the reality of being is a- 298-19 When the real is a*, which is announced by o 356- 3 before the spiritual fact is a*. attaining' c 260- 9 human beliefs will be «• diviner conceptions, b 273-14 impossibility of a* perfect understanding till attainment a 39-28 interval before ifs a- is attended with doubts m 61- 6 a- of this celestial condition would / 235-17 though adorned with gems of scholarly a-, p 428-11 the great a- by means of which t 455-31 The nigher your a- in the Science of attainments pr 10-15 Spiritual a- open the door to a p 367-29 student's higher a- in this line of light. g 505-27 is not the result of scholarly a- ; attains pr 2-16 Goodness a- the demonstration of attempt any t 459-12 Any a- to heal mortals with erring every ph 186-20 Every a- of evil to destroy good mental g 517- 6 mental a- to reduce Deity to corporeality. to purify t 452-15 Never . . . unless in the a* to purify it. to trace g 533-10 an a- to trace all human errors nnwittingr / 212-11 I have seen an unwitting a- to a 61- 9 he allowed men to a- the destruction of ph 178-29 may a- to unite with it hypnotism, 182-13 If we a- it, we shall presently 187-26 and sufifers from the «•. / 230- 2 Would you a- with drugs, or without, 231- 8 What God cannot do, man need not a-. 238-16 when we a- to claim the benefits of an o 357-15 how dare we a- to destroy what p 395-22 and then to a- its cure through Mind. attempt J) 439-11 manacling ... in the a- to save him. t 447- 4 no moral right to «• to influence the attempted o 351-28 in their a- worship of the spiritual. g 513- 3 and is an a- infringement on infinity. attempting p 419-26 assassin, who, in a- to slay mankind, r 480-18 thus a- to separate Mind from God. attempts pref ix- 7 a- to convey his feeling. ix-14 but they are feeble o- t(j state the Principle / 238-22 A- to conciliate society and so gain c 263-25 and «• to pattern the infinite. b 300- 1 Human logic is awry when it a- to 318-25 a- to heal it, with matter. 329-18 a* to solve a problem of Euclid, t 445- 5 assassin, who a- to kill morally and 447- 7 ignorant a- to do good may render you attend pr 13-22 doubts and fears which a* such a belief, a 31-29 would a- the Science of Spirit, 33-29 the persecutions which «• a new and sp 98- 1 which a- a new step in Christianity; / 235- 4 doctor infected Avith smallpox tag:g:agre g 514-17 They carry the b- of stern resolve, balance a 40- 8 Divine Science adjusts the b- as ph 166-28 The b- of power is conceded to be / 239- 6 weigh not one jot in the b- of God, p 392- 7 must be cast out to readjust the b- t 449- 8 Right adjusts the b- sooner or later. balanced m 61-13 better b- minds, and sounder constitutions. p 405-16 until you have b- your account with God. bald sp 99-21 are seen to be a fo- imposition, baneful p/t 181-17 ignorant of the b- effects of magnetism, p 400-30 Scriptures plainly declare the b- influence of 408-12 b- eitects of illusion on mortal minds 418- 1 shield them from the b- effects of t 449-19 The b- effect of evil associates is g 525-21 Whatever is valueless or b-, He did not make, banish / 208-32 b- all thoughts of disease and sin o 353-25 grave does not b- the ghost of materiality. p 381-27 Let us b- sickness as an outlaw, 391- 9 It- the belief that you can possibly entertain a r 488- 4 When, . . . you are able to b- a severe malady, banished s 1.58-14 Apollo, who was b- from heaven banishes s 128-25 should not resist Truth, which b- —yea, bani.shmeut / 226- 2 the b- of a world-wide slavery, banner / 224-28 On its b- is the Soul-inspired motto, 225- 8 time bears onward freedom's b-. p 426-26 and would enable us to hold the b- of r 492-32 Victory would perch on neither b-. baptism »a a5-19 Our b- is a purification from all error. m 56- 1 When our great Teacher came to him for b-, f 241-27 The b- of Si>irit. . . . signifies that 242- 1 Through spiritual b- and regeneration, ap 558-17 It brings tne b- of the Holy Ghost, 565-20 the fiery 6- will bum up the chaff of error gl 581-23 definition of Baptist (see John the Baptist) Baptist's n 53- 4 He did not fast as did the B- disciples; baptize a 18- * for Christ sent me not to b-, but— I Cor. 1 .- 17. ap 562- 2 Messiah, who would b- with the Holy Ghost, 565-20 according to the Revelator, . . . will b- with fire ; baptized a 20-11 He knew that men can be b-, . . . and yet be 31-19 are b- with his purity ; b 333-25 which b- these seers in the divine nature, bar / 234-11 as watchfully as we b- our doors against the p 432- 5 whereas Mortal Man, the prisoner at the b-, 434-13 now summoned to appear before the b- of Justice 434-22 The prisoner at the b- has been unjustly sen- tenced. 437- 8 At the b- of Truth, in the presence of 437-24 question of expelling C. S. from the 6", 437-30 unjust usages were not allowed at the 6* of 440- 5 arraigns before the supreme b- of Spirit 440-26 standing at the 6- of Truth, and 441- 6 not permitted to enter any suits at the b- of t 452- 1 Instruct him bow to b- the door of his thought barbarism «h 173-31 more fatal to health . . . than are the idols of 6*. arisms vh 195-23 It is the tangled 6- of learning which barnarity a 43-24 Out of reach of the b- of his enemies, ap 564-16 brutal b- of his foes could emanate from barbarous p 381-16 but He is not the author of b- codes. bard ph 190-21 Hebrew b-, swayed by mortal thoughts, bare pr 8-25 and ask that it may be laid b- before us, sp 75- 1 This simple truth lays b- the mistaken p 362-14 and his b- feet away from it. t 469-15 the b- process of mental healing g 538-24 she conceived, and b- Cain, — Gen. 4 ; 1. Bar-jona, simon s 137-22 " Blessed art thou, Simon B-. — Matt. 16 ; 17. 137-27 called only by his common names, Simon B-, bark / 254-27 If you launch your b- upon the barometer 8 122-18 The b-, — that little prophet of storm and barrel the patient looked like a &-. cannot conceal the ingratitude of b- lives, pour his dear-bought bounty into b- lives. Such systems are b- of the vitality of Surely it is not enough to cleave to 6- and Error tills its own b- soil 8 156- 8 barren pr 4-2 a 36-11 8 146- 9 o 354-15 g 537-16 barrienness p 366- 8 while his own spiritual 6- debars him barrier TJi 60-17 becoming a b- against vice, a protection to barriers c 266-29 does not cross the b- of time into basal ph 189-29 lower, b- portion of the brain, base s 162-10 stir the human mind to a change of b-, p 422-16 changes the material b- of thought, 430- 6 enlarge its borders and strengthen its 6* based pref -10 b- on this book, are U8»- A few books, ful. 8 114- 7 unscientific definition of mind is b- on 124- 1 b- on Truth, the Principle of all science. 147- 3 upon which Jesus' healing was 6-, 164-12 But all human systems b- on ph 178-15 and b- on Science or the divine Mind, 191-25 Science of being reveals man . . . as /*• on 191-26 sense defines mortal man as b- on matter, / 209-27 b- on the hypothesis of material law or 249- 1 relinquish all theories b- on sense-testimony, b 268-16 their arguments are b- on the 269-26 All other systems — systems b- wholly or 273- 9 because they are not b- oh the divine law. 274-14 are b- on spiritual understanding, 302-18 This statement is b- on fact, not fable. 304- 3 6- on a material sense of thinps, 312-23 theories are b- on finite premises, o 341- 5 are generally b- on detached sentences 341-15 which is h- on divine Principle, r 484- 1 will never be b- on a divine Principle . . . until 496-18 ruleof healing, /v upon its divine Principle, g 522-27 b- on some hypothesis of error, bases 6 279-28 there are not two 6- of being, matter and mind, 340-21 divine Principle ... 6- the Science of being, p 378-21 represented by two material erroneous b-. g 551-25 so long as it b- creation on materiality. BASIC 34 BEAST basic s 164-21 the truth of its b- proposition p 405- 1 The b- error is mortal mind, r 470- 6 the 6- error of idolatry. basis and support / 22y- 3 but is their b- and support. g 553- 7 Mortal thought must obtain a better b-, boundless c 258-15 rising higher and higher from a boundless b-. change our p 370-30 change our b- from sensation to C. S., divine p 388- 7 Apostle John testitied to the divine b- of establish a b 335- 6 would . . . establish a b- for pantheism. false m 60-26 physical sense, . . . places it on a false b-. g 523- 3 Because of its false b-, the mist of higher t 453-10 and a higher b- is thus won ; impossible r 492-31 uniting on some impossible 6*. Its an 102- 4 Its b- being a belief and this belief material (see material) metaphysical " 268- ' mortal b 268- 8 slowly yielding to the idea of a metaphysical &•, p 424- 6 and we must leave the mortal b- of belief naturalist's g 553-15 Why, then, is the naturalist's b- so no sp 84-27 spiritualism has no b- upon which to build. no other / 201-19 Christian perfection is won on no other b\ no real r 480-23 evil is but an illusion, and it has no real b-. ot all health 6 339-25 b- of all health, sinlessness, and of Christian Science o 44-10 He met and mastered on the b- of C. S., p 412-30 met ... on the aforesaid b- of C. S. of evidence gl 581-19 on the b- of evidence obtained from the of health 8 120-22 Truth, which is the only b- of health ; of his spirituality o 356-10 controlled ... on the b- of his spirituality. of imaiortallty gl 585-12 Elias. . . . the b- of immortality. of matter ph 195-13 We should forsake the 6- of matter 6 316-30 resting on the b- of matter, of one God ph 183- 4 thus departing from the b- of one God, of operation p 423-19 making Mind his b- of operation of physical sense 8 124-16 but when explained on the b- of physical sense of practice t 456-21 So long as matter is the b- of practice, of Science ph 182-17 to those who heal the sick on the b- of Science. of sensation ph 178-18 Mortal mind, acting from the b- of sensation in of thoufi:ht c 259-14 as the b- of thought and demonstriition. of true healing ph 192-29 Christianity is the b- of true healing. of true religion TO 68- 1 understanding . . . will be the b- of true religion. one b 269-14 categories of metaphysics rest on one b-, same p 383-14 mind and body rest on the same b-. Bclentlflc 8p 71-22 having no scientific b- nor origin, 94-29 Our Master read mortal mind on a scientific 6", 8 138- 9 On this spiritually scientific b- Jesus p 414-20 on the Christianly scientific b- of being. spiritual (see spiritual) sure' t 460- 2 rest his demonstration on this sure 6*. this pre/viii-16 On this b- C. S. will have a fair fight. 8 143-16 On this b- it saves from starvation by 148-23 how from this b- of division and discord «p 71-27 The b- and stnicture of spiritualism are ph 170- 2 Truth is not the b- of theogony. 178-28 Ignorant of the methods and the />• 6f basis / 234-13 244- 5 c 255-17 o 360-31 r 478- 7 482-28 g 524-20 528-25 5.39-13 539-32 bathed p 363-27 bathes jj 516-13 bathing: p 382- 8 baths ph 174- 6 /220- 2 battle a 22-18 37-14 /254- 7 b 268-12 292- 2 r 483-16 battle-axe p^ 389-27 battlingr / 236-30 bay pr 5-19 bayonet / 225-11 226-12 beam / 205-28 t 455-14 beaming p 442-12 beams pref vii- 3 vii-10 g 504- 8 bear pref xii-24 a 31- 2 s 120-16 / 201- * 202- 6 254-30 b 298-10 330- 9 p 411-10 417-28 436-13 441-13 t 451-18 ap 561-31 beards g 649-26 beareth b 272- 7 beariner ph 180- 9 / 262-31 ft 299-19 p 391-31 438-12 r 494-28 g 518- 6 bears ph 197- 9 / 207-31 225- 7 ft 271- 1 o 361-29 beast any g 529-14 ap 564-32 everv g 518- 9 527-22 ferocious sp 78- 2 p 378-15 on the ft- of the Golden Rule; On their ft- Jesus demonstrated Life, cannot be made the ft- of any true idea on the very ft- of Jesus' words and worlis. What ft- is there for the theory heals the sick on the ft- of the one Mind or God. could a material organization become the ft- of he is supposed to become the ft- of the How then has man a ft- for wrong-doing? the ft- of his marvellous demonstrations. She ft*- his feet with her tears Love, . . . ft- all in beauty and light. Constant ft- and rubbing to alter the secretions to flannels, to ft-, diet, exercise, and air? said: ... I take cold ft-, m order to overcome When the smoke* of ft- clears away, not amid the smoke of ft- is merit seen not until the ft- between Spirit and flesh woman goes forth to ft- with Goliath. final trump will sound which will end the ft- Science has called the world to ft- over this issue totters to its falling before the ft- of Science. While age is ... ft- with false beliefs, flourish " like a green ft* tree ; " — Psal. 37 .■ 35. Science, heeding not the pomted ft-, marches on. not through human warfare, not with ft- and Selfishness tips the ft- of human existence " First cast out the ft- out of —Matt. 7. -5. contenance ft- with health and happiness. beholds the first faint morning ft-, should dawn the morning ft- solar ft- are not yet included in the record is joyful to ft- consolation to the sorrowing Pride and fear are unfit to ft- the standard of nor can the material senses ft- reliable ft- in my bosom the reproach — J'sal. 89 ; 50. If men would bring to ft- upon the study of Take it up and ft- it, for through it you win spiritual sense can ft- witness only to Tnith. and the letter and the spirit ft- witness, ft- witness to the truth, Explain ... as soon as they can 6- it, Such acts ft- their own justification. Material Law is a liar who cannot ft- witness they ft- as of old the fruits of the Spirit, to ft- witness of that Light." — John 1 .■ 8. and ft- the lion of materialism in its den. else it ft- not much fruit, for the the seed within itself 6- fruit Spirit, 6- opposite testimony, saith: a tree, ft- the fruits of sin, and ft- the fruits of Spirit. and ft- fal.se witness against Man. ft- Truth's signet, its lap piled high with given you every herb ft- seed, — Sen. 1 ; 29. which ft- the fruit of sin, disease, and which ft- no resemblance to spirituality, time ft- onward freedom's banner, seed of Truth springs up and ft- much fruit. That which when sown o- immortal fruit, more subtle than any ft- of the — Oen. 3 .- 1. "more subtle than any ft- of the— Gen. Z: 1. And to every ft- of the earth, — Oen. 1 .- 30. formed every ft- of the field, — Gen. 2 ; 19. the gnarled oak, the ferocious ft-, man's gaze, fastened fearlessly on a ferocious 6-, 244-24 not a ft-, a vegetable, nor a migratory mind. 327-14 Sin Is the image of the ft- BEAST 36 BECAUSE and sorrow b- in vain. beast p 378-15 often causes the b- to retreat in terror. g 513-16 b- of the earth after his kind : — Gen. 1 .- 24. 513-22 God made the b- of the earth — Gen. 1 ; 25. 542- 9 sets upon error the mark of the b-. 551- 7 the bird is not the product of a 6-. ap 567-27 b- and the false prophets are lust and beasts / 244-14 is like the b- and vegetables, g 539-18 the serpent, to grovel beneath all the 6- beat / 203-30 beatific c 266-27 he reflects the b- presence, beatified b 303-19 b- understanding of the Science of Life. beatitudes t 446-25 divine b-, reflect the spiritual light Beaumont's "Medical Experiments" ph 175-24 B- " M- E- " did not govern the digestion. beautifies g 516-19 b- the landscape, blesses the earth. beautiful a 32-25 it was natural and />•. m 60- 6 The b- in character is also the good, 61-15 often these b- children early droop and die, 63- 5 The b-, good, and pure constitute his ancestry. s» 74-17 The caterpillar, transformed into a b- insect, ph 190-15 springing from the soil with b- green blades, / 240- 8 The stars make night />■, 246-21 and limiting all that is good and b-, 246-24 is always b- and grand. 248- 5 One marvels that a friend can ever seem less than b-. 248- 9 supplying it with b- images of thought b 276-14 and presents them as b- and immortal. 277-31 mortal phenomenon, . . . sometimes b-, 280- 6 All things b- and harmless are ideas of Mind. 304-20 Harmony in man is as b- as in music, p 442-14 feet "6- upon the mountains," —/srt. 52:7. t 457-16 both sides were b- according to their degree; r 477-28 when they called a certain b- lake 485-25 its own />• images, but it effaces them g 527- 3 to make it b- or to cause it to live and grow. 527- 5 but ever b- and complete. ap 566-12 the b- description which Sir Walter Scott 575-22 " B- for situation, the joy of the — Psal. 48 .• 2. gl 593- 1 The love of the good and b-, beautifully sp 77-24 would grow b- less g 543- 7 becomes more b- apparent at error's demiee. beauty all sp 89-19 It possesses of itself all b- and poetry, and fragrance ph 175-11 The joy of its presence, its b- and fragrance, and goodness sp 76-23 possessing unlimited divine b- and goodness o 304- 4 which hide spiritual b- and goodness. g 503-22 immortal forms of b- and goodness. and holiness / 246-25 unfolds wisdom, &•, and holiness. bathes all in g 516-13 bathes all in &■ and light. bow of / 247-26 arches the cloud with the bow of b-, demonstrates the a 26-19 musician demonstrates the b- of the music goodness and s 121-13 So we have goodness and b- to gladden the grace and c 263-14 when he would outline grace and b-, grow in o 341- 7 Scriptures, which grow in b- and consistency natural ph I'.'i- 9 an abuse of natural b- to say that a rose, of holiness ,s 135-12 This is " the b- of holiness." — Psal. 29 ; 2. / 253- 2 The h- of holiness, the pert'ection of being, of this text ap 574-16 b- of this text is, that the sum total of recipe for /■ 247-31 recipe for b- is to have less illusion secret pr 15-25 sense of / 246-14 the transient sense of b- fades, tremulous with « 142-13 making dome and spire tremulous with b-, m 57-15 B\ wealth, or fame is incompetent / 247-10 B-, as well as truth, is eternal ; 247-10 but the b- of material things passes away, Christians rejoice in secret b- and bounty, beauty f 247-21 g 509-26 became a 34-18 47- 6 8 111-27 ph 193-12 200- 1 /245- 5 b 314-28 316- 1 321-26 326-27 o 351- 8 p 411-17 t 460-31 g 524-15 544- 4 ap 574-11 because pre/ viii-19 x-20 pr 5-28 9- 6 10-27 11-20 12-19 12-29 13-25 14-20 14-21 a 21- 3 21- 7 27-26 28-27 29- 9 32- 1 38- 1 39-24 41-29 42-21 43-21 53- 6 53- 9 53-12 58-27 60- 9 60-20 62-31 82-10 82-15 86-15 87-24 91-10 94-10 95-20 an 103-13 S 117- 1 117-26 118-28 119-23 129- 2 133-19 134-23 134-24 134-25 141- 6 144-23 146- 4 14&-18 149-13 149-14 1.50-.32 153-25 153-26 154-14 157- 4 ph 168-15 178- 9 181-16 184-21 184-22 185-28 186-11 186-12 186-13 198-29 199- 6 199-12 /205- 5 201- 2 210-21 210-30 212- 9 m sp B- is a thing of life, which dwells forever in in which b-, sublimity, purity, and holiness they b' more spiritual and understood better they b- better healers, leaning no longeron this fact b- evident to me, the breathing b- natural; he was asleep. the gods b- alive in a nation's belief. she b- insane and lost all account of time. the more odious he b- to sinners he b- the way of salvation to all who the inward voice b- to him the voice of God, and his life b- more s])iritual. The author b- a member of the orthodox and straightway b- whole. the teaching b- clearer, until Anally the and man b- a living soul. — Gen. 2 ; 7. In God's creation ideas b- productive. It exalted him till he b- conscious of the b- of these practitioners ? /*• there is so little faith in b- he fancies himself forgiven. Do we love our neighbor better b- of b- ye ask amiss, — Jas. 4 .■ 3. b- sin brings inevitable suffering. b- it has no intelligence. If the sick recover b- they B- of human ignorance of the b- I go unto my — John 14 ; 12. [b- the Ego is absent from the body, o- you are a better man. b- of another's goodness. They fell away from grace b- they b- it is honored by sects and societies, b- then our labor is more needed. b- they have not known — Johii 16 .■ 3. B- men are assured that unreal, b- impossible in Science. B- it demaiKted more than they B- of the wondrous glory which rose higher in demonstration b- of ?;• he was their friend; B- the divine Principle and practice wfere unknown to the world 6* />• another supplies her wants. b- the mother-love includes purity B- the education of the higher B- mortals believe in material laws b- different states of consciousness are 6" both of us are either unconscious or b- it is unusual to see thoughts, b- you do not think of it. b- Science exposes his nothingness; b- he made himself the Son of God." — John 19; 7. b' even human invention must b- Mind-science is of God b- an individual may be one of - b- of opacity to the true light, b- these detinitions portray law as b- it is opposed to the nature of Spirit, b- its logic is as haiinonious as the b- Judaism engendered the not b- this Science is supernatural nor b- it is an infraction of 6- it is the immutable law of God, B- his precepts require the B- divine Science wars with so-called B- our systems of religion are governed B- truth divests material drugs of it is /) you h.ave not demonstrated the b- you have not obeyed the rule //■ they are ignorant that the human mind We weep b- others weep, we yawn b- they yawn, we have smallpox b- otliers have it; b- no cholera patient had been in that bed. b- its one recognized Principle of healing is B- man-made systems insist that is not dangerous b- of its priority you manipulate b- you are ignorant of not b- a law of matter has been b- a law of this so-called mind has been b- erroneous methods act on and through b- it is the absence of truth. b- it is the absence of something. b- it ]iresupposes the absence of God, B- the muscles of the blacksmith's arm /?• nobody believes that mind is producing Not b- of "muscular exercise, all b- of their blindness, /?• God is Spirit, evil becomes B-, in obedience to the immutable law B- immortal sense has no error of sense, B- the memory of pain is more vivid BECAUSE 36 BECOME because / 212-25 B- all the methods of Mind are not 215- 9 b- matter and mortality do not reflect 215-27 B- he understood the superiority and 216- 1 b- of his faith in Soul and his 227-10 b- some public teachers permit 231-20 To hold yourself superior to sin, 6- 236-28 Jesus loved little children b- of their 238-20 b- we suffer severely from error. 243-28 b- they declare nothing except God. 245-21 Years had not made her old, b- 253- 8 6-1 AM THAT I AM. c 263-10 b- he has not tasted heaven. * 273- 9 6' they are not based on the divine law. 274- 8 not really natural nor scientific, 6- 278-29 We define matter as error, b- it is the 289-32 B- Life is God, Life must be eternal, 291-16 immortal, b- sin is not there 292-13 b- this so-called mind has no 292-21 Even b- ye cannot — John 8 .- 43. 292-24 b- there is no truth in — John 8 ; 44. 301-14 seems to mortal sense transcendental, 6- 302-20 b- the Soul, or Mind, of the spiritual man 302-22 b- this real man is governed by 305-27 B- man is the reflection of his 310-30 6- Mind is Spirit, which 311- 7 Soul is immortal b- it is Spirit, 312- 2 6- such so-called knowledge is reversed 314- 1 no more perfect b- of death 314-23 B- of mortals' material and sinful belief, 316-18 rose higher to human view ft* of the 317-16 no less tangible ft- it is spiritual 317-17 ft- his life is not at the mercy of 329- 7 B- you cannot walk on the water 329-19 denies the rule of the problem ft- 330-23 one Mind only, ft- there is one God. 335- 2 no evil in Spirit, ft- God is Spirit. 335-20 B- Soul is immortal, it does not o 341- * ft- / tell you the truth, — John 8 .- 45. 343-21 ft- meekness and spirituality are 344- 6 and that this claim is made'ft- 344-29 Is it ft- allopathy and homoeopathy 346-20 ft- Truth is error's antidote. 346-23 ft- matter has no sensation, 348-17 ft- 1 desire to have no faith in evil 349-17 ft- one is obliged to use material tei-ma 350-16 often refused to explain his words, ft- 351-22 B- such starting-points are neither 352- 1 ft- they did not sufficiently understand 352-27 ft- there are no such things. 355-27 ft- . . . are God's immortal keynotes, 358-21 ft- there are few who have gained a 359- 6 Is this ft- the patients have more faith 360- 1 ft- drawn from Truth, p 364-30 ft- much is forgiven them. 367-30 B- Truth is infinite, 367-31 B- Truth is omnipotent 368-24 B- matter has no consciousness 371-23 ft- this teaching is in advance 373- 7 partly ft- they were willing to 374- 6 B- mortal mind seems to be conscious, 374-24 your steps are less firm 6- of your 375-31 o- it is a stage of fear so excessive 376-18 B' the so-called material body 377-16 B- a belief originates unseen, 379-10 and died ft- of that belief, 383-13 ft- mind and body rest on the 385-27 ft- you have partaken of salt fish, 386-11 not ft- of the climate, but 387- 3 B- mortal mind is kept active, 387-13 ft- they faithfully perform the 387-16 it is not ft- they occupy the most 387-24 but grows stronger ft- of it. 388- 6 6- it Knows less of material law. 388-24 B- sin and sickness are not qualities of 390- 6 ft-, to the mortal senses, there is 390-22 ft- you know that God is no 393- 4 ft- mortal mind is ignorant of itself, 396-17 not ft- the testimony of sin . . . is true, 397-27 ft- they combine as one. 401- 1 " ft- of their unbelief " — Matt. 13 : 58. 401- 9 ft- the truth of being must 402-7J ft- their belief is not better instructed 407-31 ft- its method of madness is in 411- 8 ft- the student was not perfectly attuned 415- 7 6- thought moves nuickly or slowly, 426-30 ft- matter has no lite to surrender.' 433-19 B- he has loved his neighbor as himself, 442- 2 ft- there are no such laws. t 447-23 ft- there is no sin. 456-27 B- it is the voice of Truth 45ft-30 B- it was the first book . . . containing 457- 4 B- this book has done more for , 467-15 ft- each of them could see but one face 461- 6 ft- a part is proved and that 461-13 ft- Science reverses the evidence before because t 461-20 464-26 r 468- 4 468- 5 468- 6 469-18 471-15 472-19 472-30 475-11 479-27 479-29 481-21 483-22 485- 8 489-25 ff 501- 3 507-19 507-20 617-16 520-25 520-28 523- 3 623-17 523-19 527-20 529-28 532-16 535-19 544-11 546-19 554- 6 554-10 555-14 656-26 557-10 ap 559-27 560-27 561- 6 667-11 668-22 571- 5 673-19 beck a 21-26 beckons sp 76- 3 becloud sp 93-31 beclouds ft 315-17 become 2)r 7-28 14-12 a 22-16 m 59- 8 61-18 62-18 65-31 73-31 84- 9 89- 5 96- 8 97-10 an 105-19 8 112- 7 139-26 158-23 160-16 160-20 160-24 ph 172-16 182- 1 / 201- 9 234- 9 240-23 C 261-15 b 270-25 282-20 295-22 309-12 311-23 321- 9 323-32 336-22 O S)2-19 354-26 356- 2 p 368- 8 369- 6 380- 2 397-30 409- 7 sp ft- of the different effects " The hireling fleeth, ft- —John 10 ; 13. 6- it kills itself. 6- error is unlike Truth. B- Soul is immortal, ft- there is but one God ; ft- the evidence ... is fully sustained by Error is unreal ft- untrue. ft- they are not of God. 6- he 18 spiritual and perfect, ft- it refiects no light. ft- it has none of the divine hues. ft- of their admitted actuality. -B- the Science of Mind seems to ft- of their uselessness or their ft- matter has no sensation, ft- the spiritual import of the Word, do not yield fruit ft- of any ft- they reflect the Mind which ft- there is but one God. not ft- of seed or soil, B- Mind makes all, B- of its false basis, the mist of ft- the Supreme Being is therein called 6- Deity therein is always called Jehovah, Evil is unreal ft- it is a lie, 6- we know that they are worthless ft- I was naked ; — Gen. 3 ; 10. B- thou hast hearkened — Gen. 3 .- 17. man exists ft- God exists. ft- they cannot possibly be 6- being is immortal, like Deity, ft- it is destitute of any knowledge ft- error is neither mind nor the jB- mortal mind must waken to has its suffering ft- it is a false belief. ft- you must share the hemlock cup B- it has hid from them the true idea B- of his more spiritual vision, ft- the dragon cannot war with them. ft- he knoweth that — iJev. 12; 12. B- people like you better when -B- St. John's corporeal sense of the the worldly man is at the ft- and call of error, and the hand which ft- them, This belief tends to ft- our apprehension sin, which ft- the spiritual sense of Truth; By it we may ft- involuntary hypocrites, B- conscious for a single moment that Life go not back to error, nor ft- a sluggard in compact which might otherwise ft- unbearable. ft- parents in their turn, should ft- men and women only through marriage will ft- purer when the scum nor the finite ft- the channel of the infinite. men ft- seers and prophets the devotee may ft- unwontedly eloquent. Earth will ft- dreary and desolate, the blow of the other will ft- harmless. words of Judge Parmenter . . . will ft- ft- adherents of the Socratic, ft- " the head of the corner."— Af a tt. 21 ■42. until . . . men and women ft- loathsome sots. when the cords contract and ft- immovable? Can muscles, ... ft- cramped despite the and ft- rigid of their own preference, in order to ft- man. will diminish your ability to ft- a " all things are ft- new." — // Cor. 5; 17. ft- more familiar with good than with evil, we must ft- dissatisfied with it. multitudinous objects . . . will ft- visible. They think sickly thoughts, and so ft- sick. nor can non-intelligence ft- Soul. in order to ft- a better transparency for Truth. He was to ft- the father of those, who it will ft- the law of Life to man, When, ... he saw it ft- a serpent. Willingness to ft- as a little child lose the deific character, and ft- less than at any moment they may ft- its helpless victims; Sin should ft- unrea"l to every one. material thought must ft- spiritualized truth will ft- still clearer in that proportion does man ft- its master. ft- a fever case, which ends in a belief called ft- more manly or womanly. the more prolific it is likely to ft- in sin and BECOME 37 BEFORE become p 420-16 422- 9 428-27 431-28 432-17 t 455-32 r 467-11 g 523-27 524-16 524-20 524r-21 525- 1 528- 1 528-25 530- 2 536-31 537-31 545- 3 547-21 550- 8 550- 9 552-20 553- 9 553-22 555-26 an 573-26 gl 587-17 590-26 becomes sp 72-28 97- 7 97-11 97-16 S 123- 8 128-12 128-20 146-11 157-12 160- 7 160-12 ph 168-15 199-13 / 207- 2 251- 5 c 263-15 b 290-26 291-25 297-29 312- 6 319-18 327-12 o 342-17 p 377-12 388-23 396-16 400-15 400-25 420-28 424- 2 t 460-19 r 467-12 480- 4 g 513-13 524-10 531- 1 531- 6 64»- 6 644-31 ap 565- 2 becometh m 56- 3 becoming- m 60-16 sp 96-12 /• 239-18 b 297-24 324- 7 p 395-32 406-32 t 458-24 bed sp 90-17 s 154-11 154-15 156- 7 j9/i 193- 1 p 390-17 427-26 be/i 193-10 ready to 6- receptive to the new idea. the book will b- the physician, man's immortality will b- more apparent, testifies: — ... 1 have lost my healthy hue and 6- Judge asks if ... it is possible for man to b- the more impossible it will b- for Mankind will b- perfect in proportion as this The different accounts b- more and more closely Did the . . . infinite Principle b- a finite deity. How then could a material organization b- the How could the non-intelligent b- the medium of Does Mind, God, enter matter to b- there a Was it requisite . . . that dust should b- sentient, Afterwards he is supposed to b- the basis of increases in falsehood and his days b- shorter, the man is b- as one of us, — Gen. 3 .• 22. lest man should improve it and b- better; the man is b- as one of us." — Gen. 3 ; 22. implies that the great First Cause must 6* God cannot b- finite, and be limited Spirit cannot b- matter, nor can may b- wild with freedom or . . . harmony will never b- the standard of that theory is sure to b- the signal for of aught that can b- imperfect, we can b- conscious, here and now, of God . . . cannot b- finite and imperfect, statements of the Scriptures b- clouded The joy of intercourse b- the jest of sin, when the more impotent error ft- as a belief. The more destructive matter b-, the more the riper it b- for destruction. reverses the order of Science ... so that man b- b- more elastic, is capable of greater An odor b- beneficent and agreeable only is made the servant of Science and religion b- the drug 6- more like the human mind tlian the inanimate drug b- powerless. the heart b- as torpid as the hand. man-made systems insist that man &• his arm b- stronger. evil b- more apparent and obnoxious fever, which o- more severe before it ends. He b- a general mis-creator, who b- thus only when he reaches perfection. Mind never ft- dust. Until belief b- faith, and faith ft- ft- nothingness, as the sense-dream vanishes when it ft- fairly understood that the and it ft- his torment. then there is no . . . law, and truth 6- Through different states of mind, the body ft- and this ft- self-evident, when we learn that refutation ft- arduous, not because the This task ft- easy, if you understand the image which ft- visible to the senses. If it ft- necessary to startle mortal mind the child ft- a separate, individualized it ft- a tedious mischief-maker. perfect in proportion as this fact ft- apparent. Where the Spirit of God is, . . . evil ft- nothing, until divine Science ft- the interpreter. God ft- •' a man of war," — Exod. 15 .- 3. it supposes that . . . matter ft- living, error, . . . that non-intelligence ft- ft- . . . apparent at error's demise. It declares . . . that matter ft- spiritual. and ft- the great red dragon, it ft- us to fulfil all. —Matt. 3 ; 15. ft- a barrier against vice, even now ft- tne arena for conflicting forces. If divine Love is ft- nearer, dearer, and Truth, ... is ft- understood. Unless the harmony and immortality of man are ft- would prevent the brain from ft- diseased, ft- a fool or an object of loathing ; thus ft- a law unto himself. The looker-on sees the body in ft-, made to believe that he occupied a ft- where because no cholera patient had been in that ft*. and yet, as she lay in her ft-, the patient Mr. Clark in Lynn, who had been confined to his ft- nor laid upon a ft- of suffering in payment of Called to the ft- of death, what material remedy I went to his ft-. saying: . . . £- is his patron, casteth out devils through B-" —Luke 11 .- 15. Jesus said : " If I by li- cast out — Matt. 12 ; 27. and cast out devils through B-. Beelzebub a 28-20 53- 1 p 422- 2 ap 564- 2 Beethoven / 213-23 Xhis was even more strikingly true of B-, befoggred / 205-15 -B- in error (the error of believing that befool p 440- 6 is taught how to make sleep ft- reason before pref ix-23 pr a ft- a work on the subject could be ix-26 B- writing this work, xi-11 ft- which sin and disease lose their 1- * ft- ye ask Him.— Matt. 6 ; 8. 1-13 exalted ft- they take form in words 3- 4 Who would stand ft- a blackboard, and pray 6-23 ft- he cast it out. 8-25 that it may be laid bare ft- us, 9-15 ft- we can enjoy the fruition 11-10 demands restitution ft- mortals can 13-15 knows our need ft- we tell Him 19-30 no other gods ft- me," — Exod. 20 .• 3. 20- 8 kingdom.of God ft- you." — Matt. 21 ; 31. 20-30 race that is set ft- us ; " — //eft. 12 ; 1. 32-29 on the night ft- his crucifixion, 33- 9 Their Master had explained it all ft-, 35-12 They bow ft- Christ, Truth, 36- 5 sufficient suffering, either ft- or after 37- 8 falls only ft- the sword of Spirit. 39-28 the interval ft- its attainment 41- 2 Into which Jesus has passed ft- us; 41-23 ft- it was understood, 43- 4 his material disappearance 6- their eyes 44- 1 ft- the thorns can be laid aside 44-19 that he might employ his feet as 6-. 46-29 same body that he had ft- his crucifixion, 48-20 was silent ft- envy and hate. 49-26 priests and rabbis, ft- whom he 49-31 ft- the face of the— Lam. 3 .- 35. 50- 2 a sheep ft- her shearers — Isa. 53 ; 7. 50-20 ft- the evidence of the bodily senses, wi 59-25 understanding should exist ft- this union 64- 4 undefiled ft- God — Jas. 1 .- 27. sp 76- 1 those who have gone ft-. 76-31 must be overcome, . . . ft- immortality appear*. 82-20 ft- the change we call death, 86-32 ft- the artist can convey them to canvas. 87-31 forms rise ft- us, which are 89-16 tongue grows mute which ft- was eloquent. 96- 5 B- error is wholly destroyed, 97-27 all matter will disappear ft- the an 104-11 they say it has been discovered ft-. 104-27 leaving the case worse than ft- 106-24 I tell you ft-, — Gal. 5 .■ 21. s 110- 8 I beheld, as never ft-, 116- 6 ft- the corporeal human senses, 119-26 the evidence ft- the senses 121- 4 ft- he spake, astrography was 125-30 will find his flower ft- its seed. 129-16 torment us ft- the time ? " — Matt. 8 ; 29. 131- 7 false evidence ft- the corporeal senses 137- 5 immaculate Teacher stood ft- them, 137-26 B- this the impetuous disciple had 143-12 ft- it could be considered as medicine. 161-21 she knelt ft- a statue of Liberty, 164-14 ft- all mankind is saved ph 168-25 ft- the so-called disease made its 169- 5 ft- the patient felt the change; 174-29 holding it ft- the thought of both 175-29 as innocent as Adam, ft- he 176- 3 ft- inquisitive modern Eves took 176-11 was not paraded ft- the imagination. 180-19 even ft- they go to work to 181- 2 B- deciding that the body, matter, is 18.5- 7 B- this book was published, 187-32 a body like the one it had ft- death. 191-20 is not mute ft- non-intelligence. 196-28 and from the image brought ft* the mind; 198-15 is formed ft- one sees a doctor 198-15 ft- the doctor undertakes to 199-30 fear must have disappeared ft- his / 213-30 B- human knowledge dipped to its 214- 6 evidence ft- his material senses, 215-20 flee as phantoms of error ft- truth 219-18 ft- it can be made manifest on the body, 222-30 and eat what is set ft- you, 226-22 I saw ft- me the sick, 226-29 I saw ft- me the awful conflict, 233-11 ft- we arrive at the demonstration of 234-14 avoid casting pearls ft- those who 234-25 Sin and disease must be thought ft- they 237- 7 It might have been months or years ft- 237-13 snatche« away the good seed ft- it BEFORE 38 BEGINNING before / 238- 1 not rightly valued b- they are understood. 238-27 People with mental work b- them 246- 9 she stood daily b- the window 247-20 h- they are perceived humanly. 248-15 What is the model b- mortal mind ? 248-21 The world is holding it b- your gaze 251- 4 grows more painful b- it suppdrates 251- 5 becomes more severe b- it ends. 251-29 b- we can attain harmony. 254- 9 b- the spiritual facts of existence are • c 264- 2 ft- the permanent facts and their 264-14 which b- were invisible, 265-25 ft- we discover what belongs to ft 272- 3 ft- Truth can be understood. 272-18 your pearls ft- sv/ine." — Matt. 7.-6. 280-19 no other gods ft- me ! " —Exod. 20:3. 290- 4 are not in the least understood ft- 290- 7 as material as ft- the transition, 297-13 that disappears which ft- seemed real 303-31 ft- the material senses yielded to 314-21 presented to her, more than ever ft-, 317-13 f>- it hated you ; " — John 15 ; 18. 317-23 had loved ft- the tragedy on Calvary. 320-32 in celestial perfection ft- Elohim, 321-9 Moses fled ft- it; 322- 8 ft- harmonious and immortal man 322-10 6- this recognition of divine Science 324-17 certainly ft- we can reach the goal 333-19 ft- and alter the Christian era, 333-29 " B- Abraham was, — John 8 .• 58. 334-19 ft- the human Jesus was incarnate 340-15 no other gods ft- me." — Exod. 20 .- 3. o 350-26 6- the Science of being can be demonstrated. 356- 3 ft- the spiritual fact is attained. p 363-27 6- she anointed them with the oil. 365-18 like dew ft- the morning sunshine. 368- 5 Error is a coward ft- Truth. 368- 7 nearer than ever ft- to the apprehension 371-17 ft- he can get rid of the illusive 372-25 shall deny me ft- men, — Matt. 10 .• 33. 372-26 deny ft- my Father —J/a«. 10 .- 33. 374-11 ft- it is consciously apparent on the 384-29 the evidence ft- the senses 384-30 ft- the divine rights of intelligence, 389-26 This belief totters to its falling ft- the 396-12 ft- a crisis is passed. 397-32 You will understand . . . better than ft-. 400- 5 must be held in subjection ft- its 400-13 ft- it has taken tangible shape in 415-28 B- the thoughts are fully at rest, 417-18 The evidence ft- the corporeal senses 418-32 flee ft- the light of Truth. 426- 6 when she has the high goal always ft* her 427-11 ft- Life can be understood 427-17 the same after as ft- a bone is broken 429- 8 We look ft- our feet, and 429-19 If man did not exist ft- the 429-22 must have lived ft- birth, 434-13 to appear ft- the bar of Justice 437- 9 ft- tlie Judge of our higher tribunal, 437-10 ft- its jurors, the Spiritual Senses, 440- 5 ft- the supreme bar of Spirit 440- 7 ft- sacrilicing mortals to their false gods. 441-33 ft- the tribunal of divine Spirit. t 452- 5 ft- it has a chance to manifest itself. 453-14 ft- he can know others and 461-13 because Science reverses the evidence ft- the 464-24 ignorance, envy, fall ft- an honest heart. r 467- 4 no other gods 6- me." — Exod. 20 ; 3. 471- 7 evidence 7i- the ttve corporeal senses, 480-31 As vai)or melts ft- the sun, 480-32 would vanish ft- the reality of good. 486-15 the same immediately after death as ft-. 487- 5 both ft- and after that which is called death. 492- 3 there should be but one fact ft- the k 499- * I have set ft- thee an — Rev. 3 .- 8. g 509-24 ft- it was in the earth." — Gen. 2 .- 5. 515-28 compare man ft- the mirror to his 520-19 ft- it was in the earth, — Gen. 2 ; 5. 520-20 herb of the field ft- it — Gen. 2 ; 5. 621-29 opposite of scientific truth as ft- recorded. 626- 4 ft- It was in the earth." — Gen. 2 .• 5. 532-19 ft- Truth, error slirank abashed 535-13 other creations must go down ft- C. S. 543-17 evidence ft- the material senses. 648-12 ft- Life is spiritually learned. 549- 5 after it has grow^l to maturity, if not ft-, 553-17 Adam was created ft- Eve. 653-29 ft- they think or know aught of their 556-27 ft- it cares to solve the problem of ap 563-25 stood ft- the woman — liev. 12 ; 4. 564-21 ft- the tribunal of so-called mortal mind, 566-10 moves ft- them, a pillar of cloud 566-17 Her fathers' God ft- her moved, 668-17 ft- our God day and night. — Rev. 12 : 10. before ap 568-27 578-13 gl 579- ♦ 585-20 693- 5 595-14 595-19 than has ever ft- reached high heaven, prepareth a table ft- me — see Psal. 23 ; 5. / have set ft- tliee an — Rev. 3 .- 8. human belief ft- it accepts sin, ft- the conscious facts of spiritual Truth. when he went ft- Jehovah, Time. . . . that which begins ft-, and beforehand p 396-10 Never say ft- how much you have to begraii pref viii-28 As early as 1862 she ft- to write down and ix- 1 She also ft- to jot down her thoughts on the s 133-15 when . . . their demoralization TJ-. 156-14 ft- to fear an aggravation of symptoms ph 200- 2 Pagan worship ft- with muscularity, / 245-32 The infinite never ft- nor will it ever end. 249-15 God is the infinite, and infinity never ft-, p 429-20 before the material organization ft-, g 532-27 error ft- and will end the dream of matter. 534-26 since the Christian era ft-. 557-23 as if he ft- materially right, begets ph 169-12 faith in rules of health or in drugs ft- ij 560-26 A serpent never ft- a bird, begriu / 234-19 We must ft- with this so-called mind and 246-27 and ft- the demonstration thereof. 252- 8 they ft- to disappear. 254-13 but to ft- aright and to continue the strife c 258-32 and thus ft- to comprehend in Science 262-28 To ft- rightly is to end rightly. 262-29 Every concept which seems to ft- with the ft 275-11 you must 6- by reckoning God as the 283- 1 As mortals ft- to understand Spirit, they 322-29 Then we ft- to learn Life in divine Science. p 411-27 Always ft- your treatment by allaying the 429- 4 We must ft-, however, with the more simple and the sooner we ft- the better, we ft- with Mind, which must be understood Does Life ft- with Mind or with matter? successive generations do not ft- with the 429- 6 r 467-30 g 531-26 549-14 beginning' and end ft 282- 8 338- 5 which has both ft- and end. belief — that man . . . has ft- and end, gl 580-22 supposition that Life . . . has ft- and end ; any p 429-23 for if Life ever had any ft-, from the sp 89-31 "a murderer from the ft-." — Jo/im8.-44. ph 186-32 human mind has been an idolater from the / - ft 268- « That irhich was from the ft-, — I John 1 .- 1. 292-23 a murderer from the ft-, — John 8 .- 44. 296-31 Mortal belief is a liar from the ft-, p 409-23 ai-e counterfeits from the ft-, 441-33 "a murderer from the ft-." — John 8:44. r 476-16 They were, from the ft- of mortal history, g 539- 3 "a murderer from the ft-." — John 8 ; 44. From the ft- to the end, the serpent he nmst be a lie from the ft-, a murderer from the ft-, — Joh)i 8 ; 44. ap 564-29 567-26 580-30 in the an 103- 9 s 140-28 ph 188- 6 ft 308- 7 its As in the ft-, however, this liberation In the ft- God created man in is an unconscious error in the ft-, belief will be afraid as it was in the ft-, 2) 379- 3 announced as partners in the ft-. r 479-18 " In the ft- God created the — Gen. 1 ; 1. g 502-22 In the ft- God created the— Gen. 1 ; 1. 531-15 If, in the ft-, man's body originated in t 463-15 Its ft- will be raeek, its growth sturdy, ft 307-25 Truth has no ft-. g 502-24 The infinite has no ft-. of the Old Testament g 501- 2 starts with the ft- of the Old Testament, of the world a 129-14 not since the ft- of the world ;" — Matt. 24 ; 21. of wisdom p 373-16 Psal. fear of the Lord is the ft- of wisdom," - 111 ; 10. / 219-31 this scientific ft- is in the right direction. this" word g 502-24 This word ft- is employed to signify the only, to end s 139- 4 From ft- to end. the Scriptures are full of r 478-24 From ft- to end, whatever is mortal is com- posed ap 569-21 Read this book from ft- to end. ■with Genesis g 502- 1 A second necessity for ft* with Genesis is BEGINNING 39 BEING begrinuingr without /253- 6 b 282- 7 333-18 p 399-32 r 468-27 g 521- 5 y< 586- 6 life, without b- and without end, represents the infinite without b- or end; without 6- of years or end of days, without b' with so-called mortal mind. Life is without b- and without end. narrative of being that is without b- or end. which are likewise without b- or end. b 331- 9 falsely testifies to a b- and an end. r 469- 6 If Life ever had a b-, it would also have ff 528-19 B- creation with darkness instead of 538-28 As both mortal man and sin have a b-, 550-17 as b- and ending, and with birth, decay, gl 585-23 EvE. A b- ; mortality; 592- 4 the belief that life has a b- beginnings p 384-14 will prove to himself, by small 6*, begins m 57-29 and b- to unfold its wings for heaven. / 216-12 b- at once to destroy the errors of mortal sense c 262-30 concept which seems to begin with the brain b- falsely. b 297-23 in which spiritual evidence, . . . b- to appear, p 410-29 Christian scientific practice b- with r 476- 3 declare* that man b- in dust or as g 529-31 b- his reign over man somewhat mildly, 539- 3 Error b- by reckoning life a.s separate 544-31 Error b- with corporeality as the producer 550-11 ends, even as it b', in nameless nothingness? gl 595-19 that which b- before, . . . what is termed death, begotten c 257-19 " who hath b- the drops of dew," — Job 38 ; 28. b 282-30 for it is not b- of the Father. 325-24 But he#who is b- of the beliefs of the beguiled g 533-28 She says, " The_ serpent b- me, — Ge7i. 3 .• 13. beguiles g 533-14 first voluble lie, which b- the woman begun sp 96-22 This mental fermentation has 6-, 7> 326-18 You have b- at the numeration-table of C. S., behalf pr 12-27 Does Deity interpose in b- of one worshipper, / 226- 5 The voice of God in b- of the African slave p 364- 5 to lay down his mortal existence in b- of 389- 3 given in b- of the control of Mind over 431-11 arrested Mortal Man in b- of the state t 455-13 to use the energies of Mind in your own b', behavior p 441- 8 to give heavy bonds for good b\ beheaded s 136-27 " John have lb-: but who is this ? " — Luke 9 .• 9. beheld a 45-23 b- the final proof of all that he had taught, s 110- 8 Thus it was that I b-, as never before, c 259-16 then mortals have never 6- in man the b 326-23 Saul of Tarsus b- the way — the Christ, or 326-30 He b- for the first time the true idea of Love, r 476-32 Jesus b- in Science the perfect man, 478- 5 never b- Spirit or Soul leaving a body or ap 561- 9 The Revelator b- the spiritualidea gl 583- 8 some of the ideas of God b- as men, behest g 533- 2 Had he lost man's rich inheritance and God's b-, behests )• 495-29 and follow the b- of God, behind pr 7- 2 " Get thee b- me, Satan." — Matt. 16 : 23. » 138- 4 lay b- Peter's confession of the b 299- 1 It has b- it no more reality than o 353-24 those things which are b-." — Phil. 3 .■ 13. p 362-15 to come b- the couch g 542- 6 Though error hides b- a lie behold j)re/ vii-U The Wisemen were led to b- and to follow a 39-18 b-, 7101V is the day of salvation," — // Cor. 6:2. sp 93- 7 " B-, now is the accepted time ; — // Cor. 6 ; 2. 93- 8 b-, now is the day of salvation," — // Cor. 6 .• 2. ph 190-28 As for me, I will Ir Thy face —Psal. 17 ; 15. / 243-23 " of purer eyes than to b- evil," — Hab. 1 : 13. c 264- 5 sometimes b- in the camera of divine Mind, 264-29 we shall b- and understand God's creation, b 280-19 Ir the zeal of belief to establish the 334-27 b-, I am alive for evermore, — Rev. 1 .• 18. o :}46-18 " fraught with falsities painful to b- " ? 347-13 they would b- the signs of Christ's coming. 347-28 mortals will b- the nothingness of sickness 357- 5 " of purer eyes than to b- evil." — Hab. 1 ; 13. 360-26 B-, He putteth no trust in —see Job 4 .• 18. p 438- 5 B-,I give unto you power — Luke 10 ■ 19. behold k 499- * g 517-21 518- 5 518-25 5^5-24 b-, I have set before thee an open— Rev. 3. -8. Who shall 6- if? And God said, B-, I have given — Gen. 1 .• 29. and, b-, it was very good. — Gen. 1 ; 31. " and, b-, it was very good." — Gen. 1 ; 31. 534- 3 and to b- at the sepulchre the risen Saviour, 536-31 B-, the man is become as — Gen. 3 : 22. 545- 3 " £■, the man is become as — Gen. 3 ; 22. J) 562-30 and b- a great red dragon, — Rev. 12 .• 3. 574-22 at last lifted the seer to b- the great city, 574-26 and you will b- the soft-winged dove 575- 2 and h- the Lamb's wife, — Love wedded to gl 579- * b-, I have set be/ore thee an open — Rev. 3 ; 8. 585-11 of whatever the material senses b- ; beholding m 65-16 B' the world's lack of Christianity b 323- 9 B- the infinite tasks of truth, B- the creations of his own dream b- what the eye cannot see, g 528-22 ap 573- 4 beholds pre/ vii- 2 sp 95-26 wakeful shepherd 6- the first when he b- the light which heralds 98- 4 prophet of to-day b- in the mental horizon s 126- 5 when man b- himself God's reflection, image of mortal thought, ... is all that the eye 6'. and 6- its awful character; thoughts which he b- in mortal mind. r 479-10 ap 563-16 571-26 Being Divine pr 3-12 o 357-18 omnipresent r 466- 1 omniscient, and omnipresent B-, The Divine B- must be reflected by man, false notions about the Divine B- Supreme sp 93-23 s 117- 9 127-18 the name of the Supreme B-. the Supreme B- or His manifestation; Supreme B-, Mind, exempt from all evil. 202-24 Our beliefs about a Supreme B- contradict b 285-22 the Supreme /i-, or divine Principle, g 523-18 the Supreme B- is therein called Elohim. 524- 8 They called the Supreme B- by the 527-29 Is the Supreme B- retrograding, b 290- 1 Life is the everlasting I am, the B- being actuality of b 296-16 spiritual sense, and the actuality of b-. all s 131- 5 God, the divine Principle of all b-. f 244- 1 God is good and the fount of all b; b 302-22 God, the divine I'rinciple of all b-, p 407-23 In Science, all b- is eternal, 414-27 God, in whom all b- is painless and permanent t 460- 7 the nature and essence of all b-, g 528- 1 all b- is the reflection of the eternal Mind, ambiguities of s 114-27 disentangles the interlaced ambiguities of b-, and Deity g 554- 6 b- and Deity are inseparable. basis of p 414-21 rests on the Christianly scientific basis of b-. cannot be lost / 215- 6 b- cannot be lost while God exists. capacities of ph 200- 6 illustrated the grand human capacities of b- celestial a 26-17 b 337-18 charms of / 247-29 are poor substitutes for the charms of b-, circumference of / 204- 1 is at once the centre and circumference of b-. circumference of liis c 262-16 the absolute centre and circumference of his ft-. coexists witli /" 246-12 radiant sun of virtue and truth coexists with 6-. conception of sp 84-24 true conception of b- destroys the belief of ,s 148-12 instead of from the highest, conception of ft-. seen as the only true conception of ft-, which is the true conception of ft-. to reveal the Science of celestial ft-, and perfection is the order of celestial ft- p 2(X)-12 ft 324-29 concord of 129-26 or learn from discord the concord of ft- ? consciousness of c 261-28 you will rise to the spiritual consciousness of ft-, continuity of , . . * ^ s 123-29 the scientific order and continuity of ft-. corporeal sp 71-31 S 140- 4 a corporeal ft-, a finite form. That God is a corporeal ft-, nobody can truly affirm. 6 309- 2 for the messenger was not a corporeal ft-. ap 577- 8 God as Father-Mother, not as a corporeal ft-. BEING 40 BEING being deflection of g 502-11 This deflection of b-, rightly viewed, serves to demonstration of uian'8 6 290- 3 If the Principle, rule, and demonstration of man's b- "divine Principle of g 530- 6 sustained by God, the divine Principle of b-. economy of p 423-25 Both . . . are now at work in the economy of b- entire s 151-27 the entire b- is found harmonious eternal / 232- 8 the claims of harmonious and eternal b- g 521- 3 spiritual harmony and eternal b- fact of / 228- 5 if this great fact of b- were learned, 249-26 night-dream is sometimes nearer the fact of b- b 285- 5 the great fact of b- for time and eternity. 320-18 text declares plainly the spiritual fact of b-, facts of a 120- 9 arrive at the fundamental facts of b-. 147-22 enables you to grasp the spiritual facts of b- f 221-18 beliefs of mortals, and not the facts of b- ; 242-22 the facts of b- are commonly misconstrued, b 279-18 the immortal facts of b- are seen, 293-16 perpetuating the eternal facts of b-. 312- 3 reversed by the spiritual facts of b- 315-22 enabled him to demonstrate the facts of b-, 323- 3 not . . . glean from C. S. the facts of 6- without p 370- 4 gather the facts of b- from the divine Mind. 428-10 in order that the spiritual facts of b- may 428-28 and the immortal facts of b- are admitted. r 471- 9 afford no indication of the grand facts of b-; 491-12 cannot connect mortals with the . . . facts of b-, g 646-24 spiritual facts of b-, . . . shine in the dark- ness, ap 574-12 became conscious of the spiritual facts of b- gl 584-16 for it contradicts the spiritual facts of b-. false sense of g 545-22 translators . . . entertained a false sense of b-. functions of p 387-14 faithfully perform the natural functions of b-. genuine si> 91-13 and his genuine b- will be understood. glorified b 291-11 not . . . death will awaken them to glorified 6-. God's r 470-24 Man is the expression of God's b-. 481- 3 God's 6- is infinity, freedom, harmony, happiness of ia 60-26 not discerning the true happiness of b-, b 286- 1 relates most nearly to the hap]>iness of b-, Iiarinonious 111 ()8-32 the unbroken links of eternal, harmonious b- p 376-24 the true facts in regard to harmonious b-, 412-25 Realize . . . the fact of harmonious b-, harmony of (see harmony) hifi original up 97-20 in the likeness of Spirit, his original b\ human pr 2-20 as one pleads with a human b-, fp 82-27 as it would be between a mole and a human b-. Idea of (see also true idea of) a 55- 8 the healing Christ and spiritual idea of b\ r 477-17 the immortal idea of b-, indestructible identity of r 47.5-17 conscious identity of b- as found in Science, image of Hi8 T) 313-22 and an image of His b-." — see Heb. 1 .- 3. immortal ph 178-27 understanding of the status of immortal b\ 190-18 it never merges into immortal b-, p 420-32 harmonious facts of Soul and immortal b\ Individual p 427- 5 Man's individual 6- can no more die nor infinite ph 189-24 constantly ascend in infinite &■. is eternal 8 122-27 Life goes on unchanged and b- is eternal. is holiness r 492- 7 B- is holiness, harmony, immortality. is immortal g r>54- 6 because b' is immortal, like Deity, is Spirit a 29-26 the full recognition that b- is Spirit. is sustained / 221-22 Science, in which b- is sustained by God, keynote of / 240-14 and you lose the keynote of ft-, law of ph 186-27 and if so, harmony cannot be the law of b-. r 485-22 by fulfilling the spiritual law of b\, la-w of his m 63-11 and Life is the law of bis 6*. being Life and an 103-31 Life and b- are of God. o 355-13 the harmonious and true sense of Life and 6- material ph 172-11 this supposed chain of material b-. 172-15 If man was first a material b-, mysteries of sp 90-29 improve our time in solving the mysteries of b- narrative of g 521- 4 inspired record closes its narrative of 6- one's m 60- 2 Science inevitably lifts one's b- higher our / 208- 6 and move, and have our b-." — Acts 17 .- 28. c 264-12 in whom we have our b-. o 361-20 and move, and have our b\" — Acts 17 ; 28. p 381-19 we live, move, and have our b- in g 536-13 and move, and have our b-," — Acts 17 .- 28. perfection of / 253- 2 The beauty of holiness, the perfection of b-, perpetuates / 235-23 divine Truth which is Life and perpetuates b-, possibilities of / 203-14 brings out the possibilities of 6*, Principle of pr 6-16 we must understand the divine Principle of 6'. a 25-19 demonstrated . . . the Principle of b-. b 286-10 [the divine Principle of b-\ id . Principle of b-. gl 579-11 faith in the divine Life anc Principle of his / 202-16 in accord with the divine Principle of his b-, problem of (see problem) real a 26-29 It was the divine Principle of all real 6- s 108-22 all real b- is in God, the divine Mind, 129-22 ontology, — " the science of real b-." p 371-15 no more comprehends his real b- than r 491-22 material man as never the real b-. realism of s 144-20 and is not a factor in the realism of b-. realities of / 212-29 The realities of b\ its normal action, and 229- 6 but if sin and suffering are realities of b-, c 264-20 Spirit and its formations are the only realities oib-. reality of (see reality) reality or g 538-14 is significant of eternal reality or b-. real sense of b 295-14 the real sense of 6-, perfect and forever intact, recognition of ap 573-25 such a recognition of &• is, . . . possible Science of (see Science) scientific / 233-12 the demonstration of scientific b-, c 259-12 The Christlike understanding of scientific b- b 271- 2 chain of scientific b- reappearing in all apes, 332- 2 indicate the divine Principle of scientific 0-, r 494-24 unbroken reality of scientific b-. scientific statement of r 468- 8 What is the scientific statement of b- ? sense of a 41- 7 into the spiritual sense of b-. 55- 1 any other sense of b- and religion than theirs ? ph 172-14 only as the false sense of b- disappears. 191-13 the spiritual sense of b- c 265-10 This scientific sense of b-, foi-saking matter b 298-24 and to the spiritual sense of b-. 309- 5 gave him the spiritual sense of 6- r 490-26 ushers in the spiritual sense of b-, g 545-22 entertained a false sense of b-. 548-17 true ideas of God, the spiritual sense of b-. 550-12 The true sense of b- and its eternal perfection solution of /* 314- 8 Our Master gained the solution of b-, source of m 63-10 Spirit is his primitive and ultimate source of b-; spiritual (see spiritual) star of pref vii-10 and shine the guiding star of b: state of r 476-14 They never had a perfect state of &•, superabundance of / 201-11 superabundance of b- is on the side of God, true 8 126- 9 never projected the least portion of true b\ 129-19 are antagonistic to true ft- r 496-19 overlying, and encompassing all true 6-. true idea of b 325- 8 Jesus gave the true idea of (>•, o 353-29 true idea of ft- is spiritual and immortal, BEING 41 BELIEF lt)eingr true source of / 213-32 discard the one Mind and true source of b-, truth of (see truth) understandings of / 211-12 in the spiritual understanding of Ir ? 330- 2 understanding of Ir supersedes mere belief. r 495-22 Let C. S., . . . support your understanding of h-, universal g 519- 9 the ideas of God in universal fe- ver! ties of p 397-24 familiar with the great verities of b-. verity of p 414-26 Keep in mind the verity of b-, r 468- 7 for sin is not the eternal verity of b-. •will be recogfnized sj} 90-12 b- will be recognized as spiritual, ■will be understood / 214-16 b- will be understood and found to be your / 227-29 and defaced the tablet of your 6-. sp 76- 6 When b- is understood, Life will • 76-26 constitutes . . . man, whose b- is spiritual. 8 161-18 Fear never stopped b- and its action. / 215- 4 then b- and immortality would be lost, 228- 6 nothing inharmonious can enter b-, 244-20 If man . . . springs from matter into b-, 247-19 -6- possesses its qualities before they c 265- 7 must near the broatler interpretations of b-, b 275-10 To grasp the reality and order of b- 275-14 All substance, intelligence, wisdom, b-, 279-28 there are not two bases of b-, 292- 5 compass the heights and depths of 6- 305- 8 Man, . . . reflects the central light of b\ o 351-21 especially if we consitler Satan as a b- coequal 361-18 Father and son, are one in />■. p 416-32 Teach them that their b- is sustained by {/ 531-14 will recognize his God-given dominion and b-. beiii^ (ppr.) pr 3-1 without b- reminded of His province. a 21-25 B- in sympathy with matter, 45-12 b- reconciled, we shall be saved — Rom. 5 .■ 10. m 68- 3 for fear of b- thought ridiculous. sp 72-21 God, good, b- ever present, it follows 75-29 the moment when the link ... is b- sundered. 81-18 the likeness of God . . . cannot help b- im- mortal. 98-29 and b- practical and complete, an 102- 4 Its basis b- a belief and this belief s 113-18 God, Spirit, b- all, nothing is matter. 124- 1 b- based on Truth, the Principle of 126-17 Shall Science explain cause and effect as b- 142-28 God b- All-in-all, He made medicine; 145- 2 without b- able to explain them. 163-23 we cannot help b- disgusted with vh 168-27 Disease b- a belief, a latent illusion ■* 184- 2 The premises /*• erroneous, / 203- 7 If God were understood instead of b- merely 206-17 Spirit, not matter, h- the source of supply. 209- I >lan, b- immortal, has a perfect . . . lite. 210-25 What is termed matter, b- unintelligent, 222-22 far from b- the image and likeness of 230-31 b- the remote, predisposing, and 237- 3 On b- questioned about it 250-30 not b- at the mercy of death, 2.5^- 8 To stop eating, drinking, or b- clothed c 257-13 is very far from h- the supposed substance of b 279-12 and they have the advantage of b- eternal. 280-27 b- perpetual in His own individuality, 287-14 God b- everywhere and all-inclusive, 293-19 the great difference b- that electricity is not 295-12 but infinite Spirit b- all, 308-22 and Truth, b- thereby understood, 313-21 " Who, b- a brightness from His — see Heb. 1 .■ 3. 314-31 as b- in supposed accord with the 315-30 ft" conceived by a human mother, 316- 4 The real man h- linked by Science to 325- 4 is b- ushered into the undving realities of 334-31 Spirit b- God, there is but one Spirit, 335-16 Soul and Spirit b- one, 337-27 b- the opposite of the real or the spiritual 339- 3 B- destroyed, sin needs no other 339- 9 evil, b- contrary to good, o 341-14 cannot prevent that from b- scientific p 363-12 they were wondering why, b- a proi)het, 413-26 that mind b- laden with illusions 430-27 evidence for the prosecution ti- called for, 433- 1 testimony for the plaintiff, .../>• closed, 438- 9 Instead of b- a ruler in the Province of t 455- 7 Hence the necessity of b- right yourself r 472- 9 Sickness, sin, and death, b- inharmonious, 477- 7 Soul, b- Spirit, is seen in nothing imperfect 479-31 b- understood by the things that — Rom. 1 : 20. questions as to the divine creation b- matter, not b- the reflection of Spirit, So-called mortal mind — b- non-existent so you, b- spiritual, are the reflection the primary sense b- image, form; Mind, instead of matter, b- the producer, b- in accordance with the first chapter of the And she b- with child cried, — /fee. 12 .-2. therefore, in his pretence of b- a talker, 6- fruitful in every good work, — Col. 1 ; 10. being g 5(H- 6 506- 4 513-27 516- 3 525-10 544- 6 557-25 ap 562-22 567-25 fr 600- * beings all I 460- 4 necessary constituents and relations of all 0-" corporeal sp 70-10 supposition that corporeal b- are spirits, entities and / 2(H- 8 antagonistic entities and b-, g 513- 7 lead on to spiritual spheres and exalted b\ human b 298-25 Angels are not etherealized human b-, inhabited by sp 91- 3 inhabited by b- under the control of supreme mortal g 554- 5 nor are there properly any mortal b-, spiritual c 264-32 universe of Spirit is peopled with spiritual li-, up'ward-soarinf; b 299-12 These upward-soaring b- never lead towards Belial ph 171-24 than between B- and Christ. / 216-26 " What concord hath Christ with £• ? " — // Cor. 6 .- 15. g 539-26 what concord hath Christ with B-l " — II Cor. 6 .• 15. belied an 104- 6 and b- by wolves in sheep's clothing. belief abandonment of a p 374-31 expels it through the abandonment of a 6-, abandon the g 534- 1 Hence she is first to abandon the b- in the according to ph 168-10 When sick (according to b-) 170- 1 according to b\ .poisons the human system. 183- 8 Can the agriculturist, according to />•, p 425- 7 the leading points included (according to b-) aches again in / 212- 3 sometimes aches again in b-. acute / 247- 1 all s 116-16 o 353-22 p 418- 4 g 556- 7 ancient ap 567-18 another r 491-20 this belief culminates in another b-, arise from the sp 94-15 arise from the b- that the infinite is physical ailments . acute b- of physical life comes on at a remote even to the extinction of all b- in matter, we must yield up all b- in it and be wise, depends on mentally destroying all b- in destroys forever all b- in That false claim — that ancient b-. arise from the b- that you may also ask how b- can affect Banish the 6- that you can possibly and we must leave the mortal basis of (r p 421- 4 ask how g 553-31 banish the p 391- 9 basis of ;) 424- 6 believer and /• 487-18 The believer and b- are one and are mortal. bestows r 488-22 apart from what b- bestows upon them, better p 442-21 changes a belief of sin . . . into a better b-, blind pr 12-11 which acts through blind b-, 12-23 The common custom . . . finds help in blind 6* a 34-23 diilness and blind }r in God sp 83-10 a blind b- without understanding, s 124- 4 a law of mortal mind, a blind b-, 132-21 blind b- shuts the door upon it, blindness of r 486-18 Alas for the blindness of b-, which called death p 380- 2 fever case, which ends in a b- called death, change of ph 169- 1 change of b- from a material to a spiritual changes in pr 12-24 Changes in b- may go on indefinitely, changes its s 125- 2 as mortal mind changes its b-. change the r 491- 5 Change the b-, and the sensation changes. BELIEF 42 BELIEF belief chronic / 247- 2 is not so disastrous as the chronic b-. cliug to a 7 237-26 They . . . cling to a 6- in the life and combines in the t 450-31 all evil combines in the b- of life, ... in matter, controlled by b 304-28 Controlled by b- , instead of understanding, controlled by this s 143-21 Controlled by this b-, you continue in the corporeal gl 587-21 Ham (Noah's son). Corporeal b- ; 589-1 IssACHAR (Jacob's son). A corporeal 6- ; coupled with the p 389- 2 for the penalty is coupled with the ft*, customary / 229-17 This customary b- is misnamed material law, darkness of up 569-17 dwellers still in the deep darkness of b-. defined as a s 129-11 Pantheism may be defined as a 6- in the destroys the a 37- 1 which destroys the b- called sin sp 84-24 true conception of being destroys the b- of destroy the p 368-30 yon can destroy the b- in material condi- tions. 375-23 Destroy the b-, show mortal mind that 424-29 you must destroy the b- in these ills r 473- 7 Christ came to clestroy the b- of sin. 491- 6 Destroy the b-, and the sensation disappears. destruction of the / 219-19 the destruction of the b- will be the disease being a ph 168-27 Disease being a 6-, a latent illusion doctor's ph 198-24 moulded and formed by his doctor's b- doctrine, or a 26-28 Our Master taught no mere . . . doctrine, or b- dream or r 491-22 The dream or b- goes on, drive / 251- 8 as to drive b- into new paths. educated a 39-10 The educated b- that Soul is in the body r 489- 9 Any hypothesis which ... is an educated b\ element of the r 480- 8 Nerves are an element of the b- that embodied in the sp 93-29 this is the error embodied in the b- that erring r 472-29 seem real to human, erring 6-, erroneous ph 184-11 never honoring erroneous b- with the b 297-12 Erroneous b- is destroyed by truth. p 389- 5 every erroneous b-, or material condition. 415-16 till it can master an erroneous b-. 420-23 but erroneous /r, taken at its best, g 541-16 erroneous b- that life, substance, and 544-28 erroneous b- reverses understanding and error of (see error) error of a a 47-32 Jesus realized the utter error of a b- in g 526-12 error of a b- in intelligent matter. errors of sp 96-23 until all errors of b- yield to understanding. t 450-25 knows that they are errors of b-, evolves, in s 108-27 this false sense evolves, in b-, a experiences of b 322-20 The sharp experiences of b- in the faith and pr 12-18 borrows its power from human faith and 6-. false sp 97-14 The nearer a false b- approaches truth an 103-20 the fal.se b- that mind is in matter, ph 184-17 Whatever is governed by a false b- 194- 8 When one's false b- is corrected, / 222-32 We must destroy the false b- that 6 283-21 false b- as to what really constitutes life 297-14 seemed real to this false b-, 298- 5 false b- silences for a while the voice of 298- 6 false b- cannot destroy Science 304- 3 It is ignorance and false /*■, o 346-24 hence pain in matter is a false b-, p 370- 4 turn from the lie of false b- to Truth, 376-22 destroy the ])atient's false b- by 379-14 he would have risen above the false b-. 383-27 the illusive physical effect of a false b-, 393-30 A false b- is bo'th the tempter and the tempted, r 480-24 Evil is a false b-. g 546- 1 false b- that spirit is now submerged in 557-10 human propagation . . . is a false b\ gl 582- 7 pride; envy; fame; illusion; a falser-; belief finite b 280- 9 Finite b- can never do justice to Truth 280-10 Finite b- limits all things, 322-12 that Unite b- may be prepared to relinquish gt 585-24 a finite b- concerning life, substance, and formed by education ph 194-30 material sense ... a 6- formed by education forms of g 531- 4 in all the subsequent f onus of b\ freed from the ph ] 78-24 freed from the b- of heredity, fulfils b 297-32 A mortal b- fulfils its own conditions. general s 155- 4 it is the law of a general b-, 155-11 When the general b- endorses the inanimate 155-17 This erroneous general 6-„which g 554-29 general b- that the lower animals are less sickly give up the 6 283- 2 they give up the b- that there is p 397-28 Give up the b- that mind is, her sx> 89- 9 Destroy her b- in outside aid, 89-10 The former limits of her b- return. ^ ph 185- 4 changed the action of her b- on the lungs, / 245-23 bodily results of her b- that she was young p 379-21 from her b- that blood is destroying her life. 379-23 her b- produces the veiy results" she dreads. 389-29 In her b- the woman had chronic liver-com- plaint, his ph 197-31 his b- in its reality and fatality will harm his 199-27 His b- that he could do it gave b 325- 2 loses his b- in death. o 346-23 there is no reality in his b- of pain, p 425-21 God is more to a man than his b-, human (see human) illusion of r 490-31 Under the mesmeric illusion of b-. Improved b 296-28 An improved b- is one step out of error, p 442-19 An improved b- cannot retrograde. in a bodily soul c 257- 9 it is the b- in a bodily soul and in a diseased brain p 421- 2 insanity implies b- in a diseased brain, in a human d<»ctrine b 286- 2 To seek Truth through b- in a human doc- trine in a material basis b 268- 6 B- in a material basis, from which in a self-made b 282-10 a b- in a self-made and temporary in consumption J) 375-32 b- in consumption presents to mortal thought in death (see death) in disease p 377-31 It is latent b- in disease, as well as 414- 2 the foundations of the b- in disease 419- 3 or even create the b- in disease, r 482-31 mortal mind . . . causes the b- in disease. in error b 297-27 A belief in Truth is better than a 6- in error, in evil g 540- 7 Stirring up tlie b- in evil to its utmost, in feel>lene8S • / 219-17 for the b- in feebleness must obtain in in illusion g 555-32 not tlie b- in illusion or error. in many gods gl 591- 2 mythology, — Ir in many gods, in material life pr 6-13 until b- in material life and sin is destroyed. g 533-23 b- in material life and intelligence is in material origins / 213-31 into Ir in material origins in material suffering p 405-30 B- in material suffering causes mortals to in matter gl 581-10 understanding . . . destroying b- in matter. in " original sin " gl 5?,)-l5 a falsit}'; the b- in "original sin," in of lier gods g 535-12 A b- in other gods, other creators, in pain s 153-19 The boil simply manifests, ... a &■ in pain, 153-24 that is, its own b- in pain. In sickness pr 12- 9 casting out a If in sickness. 14-15 If suffering from a b- in sickness, {218-24 Treat a b- in sickness as you would sin, 297-10 a health-belief or a b- in sickness p 430- 9 B- in sickness and death, as certainly as BELIEF 43 BELIEF belief in sin / 219-29 Entire immunity from the b- in sin, suffering, 253-16 overcome the b- in sin, disease, or 253-28 b- in sin and death is destroyed 6 289- 3 debris of error, b- in sin, sickness, and 290-16 If the change . . . destroyed the b- in sin, p 430-10 b- in sin, tends to shut out the true sense r 497-11 But the b- in sin is punished f/l 584-18 a b- in sin, sickness, and death; In sometliini^ sp 92-26 is laid on a b- in something besides God. in the experience b 291-10 need not fancy that 6- in the experience of in tlieir reality o 352-27 If b- in their reality 18 destroyed, In tlie material origin g 549-31 coming down to a b- in the material origin of in tlie necessity / 251-18 a 0- in the necessity of sickness and death, in the plasniea s 133- 9 saved the Israelites from b- in the plagues. in the unknoTvn j>r 12- 9 a 6* in the unknown casting out a intruding^ p 393- 2 we admit the intruding b-, forgetting In Truth b 297-26 A 6- in Truth is better than a belief in error, involTes g 526- 9 B- involves theories of material hearing, is changeable sp 96-23 B- is changeable, but Jew's o 361-11 Thus he virtually unites with the Jew's b- latent p 377-31 It is latent b- in disease, as well as leads to sp 92-30 leads to b- in the superiority of error. lord of the g 518- 2 He is lord of the 6* in earth and heaven, lost in the t 455-11 If you are yourself lost in the b- and fear of man's s 159-30 Ignorant of the fact that a man's b- produces ph 175-23 A man's b- in those days was not so severe upon material (see material) matter is a ph 190- 3 all this while matter is a b-, melts p 442-21 6- melts into spiritual understanding, mere a 23-16 Faith, if it be mere b-, is as a pendulum b 330- 2 understanding of being supersedes mere b\ r 487-22 Mere b- is blindness without Principle mistalien p 377-27 a helpless, mistaken b- or g 554-19 Mindsets at naught such a mistaken b\ Mohanainedan's ph 166-12 Mohammedan's b- is a religious delusion; mortal {see mortal) mortal in r 486-22 will continue mortal in b- and subject to chance nation's j)h 200- 2 the gods became alive in a nation's />•. iie^v / 251-11 they have but passed the portals of a new b-. no a 19-31 Thou Shalt have no 6- of Life as mortal ; not pr 1.5-29 Practice not profession, understanding not b-, nourishes the pr 5-25 If prayer nourishes the b- that sin is of corporeal sense sp 77- 5 continues to be a b- of corporeal sense of dangler p 374-23 You cannot forget the b- of danger, of disease ph 178- 8 remote cause or b- of disease is not p 380-18 The body is affected only with the />• of disease 398-27 change the b- of disease to a belief of health. of grief p 386-27 under the influence of the b- of grief, of having died sp 74-14 the b- of having died and left a material body of liealth p 398-27 change the belief of disease to a b- of health. of intense pain ph 195- 1 gave him a b- of intense pain. of life sp 74-10 When here or hereafter the b- of life in matter 89-30 incident shows that the b- of life in matter was / 203-21 when evil has overtaxed the b- of life g 542- 1 The b- of life in matter sins gl 684-14 until every b- of life where Life is not belief of material mind g 529-30 Adam, . . . stands for a b- of material mind. of mortal mind / 229-29 transgression of a b- of mortal mind, p 384-10 this is but a b- of mortal mind, of pain / 247-32 to retreat from the b- of pain or pleasure o 346-23 there is no reality in his o- of pain, p 416- 3 the b- of pain will presently return, unless t 464-18 when the b- of pain was lulled, of siclcness / 229-30 which causes the b- of sickness. of sin a 38-27 To those buried in the b- of sin and self, ph 188- 4 The b- of sin, which has grown terrible in p 442-20 Christ changes a b- of sin or of sickness into r 473- 7 Christ came to destroy the b- of sin. of substance-matter b 314- 4 had relinquished the b- of substance-matter, of the disease p 377-20 when the b- of the disease had gone. of the eternity b •278-23 b- of the eternity of matter contradicts of the flesh b 310-22 It is the b- of the flesh . . . which sins. old b 281-30 The old b- must be cast out one pr 12- 8 This, however, is one 6* casting out another, p 370-16 produces through one b-, gl 583-28 one b- preying upon another. 584-13 that wliicn frets itself free from one 6- one's / 234-32 and do no more harm than one's b- permits. only in gl 591-15 feels, bears, tastes, and smells only in b: opposite / 205-11 the opposite b- is the prolific source of b 338- 4 the opposite b- — that man originates in mat- ter p 370-16 it removes through an opposite b-, 385-30 opposite b- would produce the opposite result. 425-31 protest against the opposite b- in heredity. 427- 2 can never change in Science to the opposite b- originates unseen p 377-16 Because a b- originates unseen, the palsy is a p 375-21 Palsy is a 6* that matter goyerns mortals, pantheistic b 279-24 infected with the pantheistic b- that patient's ph 198-23 A patient's b- is more or less moulded perpetuates the pr 2-20 perpetuates the b- in God as humanly phase of p 419-22 mortal mind is liable to any phase of 6". physical p 395-27 erroneous ... to feel these ills in physical b: 418-20 Include moral as well as physical b- in gl 582- 4 Benjamin ... A physical b- as to life, 586-18 Flesh. An error of physical b-; plane of sp 75-19 would have stood on the same plane of b- popular s 155-21 must mightily outweigh the power of popular b- b 316-15 and the blindness of popular b-, postulate of sp 91-25 The first erroneous postulate of b- is, potent g 553-25 this potent b- will immediately supersede primitive h 202-13 Matter is the primitive b- of mortal mind, proceeds from the sp 88-32 When eloquence proceeds from the 6- that produces the ph 184- C JS- produces the results of belief, product of r 490- 3 Will-power is but a product of 6", relinquish the o 3">7- 9 If mankind would relinquish the b- that removing tlie p 421-14 removing the 6- that this chemicalization results of 2)h 184- 6 Belief produces the results of b-, reverse the p 408-26 Reverse the b-, and the results would be sensual gl 590-11 Levi ... A corporeal and sensual 6- ; sensuous gl 582-24 C.\NAAN (the son of Ham). A sensuous b-; 592-26 Pharisee. Corporeal and sensuous &• ; separated by ap 562-13 separated by b- from man's divine origin separate from the pr 14-25 Entirely separate from the b- and dream of BELIEF 44 BELIEF belief 8ickneg8 is a r 493-19 Sickness is a 6-, which must be annihilated simply a sp 71- 3 sinful 6 314-23 simply a b-, an illusion of material sense. Because of mortals' material and sinful b-, strays into a sense b 311-15 b- strays into a sense of temporary loss sucli b 280-11 Such 6- can neither apprehend nor worship sucli a pr 13-22 doubts and fears which attend such a 6", sp 83-11 for such a b- hides Truth 8 155-14 such a b- is governed by the majority. / 245-24 manifested the influence of such a 6'. tenacity of on account of the tenacity of b- in its truth, p 396-18 that a 41-31 p 379-11 that b\ . . . has never made a disciple who and died because of that <>•, 'g 553-32 precedes the development of that b-. that all must die sp 75-21 out of the b- that all must die, that another mind sp 89- 4 in the b- that another mind is speaking that everytliing g 531- 2 the b- that everything springs from dust that existence p 427- 9 The b- that existence is contingent on matter that God / 204-30 b- that God lives in matter is pantheistic. that he dies r 486-11 The b- that he dies will not establish his that inflammation p 375- 3 the b- that inflammation and pain must that life sp 76- 8 the b- that life, or mind, was ever in o 289- 4 b- that life and sensation are in the body 318-20 error — orb- that life is in matter The b- that life can be in matter The b- that life is sentient and r 485-19 487-23 gl 587- 9 588-17 592- 1 Mythology; a b- that life, substance, even the fr ' '" that life, substance, and b- that life, substance, and intelligence are 692- 4 the b- that life has a beginning that man a 42-19 b- that man has existence or mind separate sp 91- 5 rid ourselves of the b- that man is separated 301-20 The b- that man has any other substance, 320-21 the b- that man is flesh and matter, p 427- 2 the opposite b- that man dies. gl 592- 5 b- that man is the offspring of mortals; that material bodies sp 73-19 The b- that material bodies return to dust, that matter 8 110- 3 contradict forever the b- that matter can 6 289-21 The b- that matter has life results, 294- 9 The b- that matter thinks, sees, or feels 294-10 b- that matter enjoys and suffers. p 369-11 the b- that matter is substance, 372-10 the b- that matter is the medium of man, 375-21 Palsy is a b- that matter {;overns mortals, r 491-17 The b- that matter and mind are one, g 543-28 The b- that matter supports life ap 663-11 the b- that matter has power of its own, gl 586-20 a 6- that matter has sensation. that Mind b 292- 8 that mind an 103-20 the b- that Mind, can be fettered It is the false b- that mind is in matter, b 298-15 expresses the b- that mind is in matter. 308- 1 the b- that mind is in matter, p 379-31 through the b- that mind is in matter 397-28 Give up the b- that mind is, . . . compressed gl 587- 1 a 6- that mind is outlined and limited; that one man sp 73- 8 The b- that one man, as spirit, can that pain b 303-21 The b- that pain and pleasure, . . . mingle that sensation gl 591-27 the b- that sensation is in matter, that Soul b 280-22 the b- that Soul is in body, that Spirit sp 93-21 The b- that Spirit is finite as well as infinite that spirit sp 73-22 Equally incorrect is the 6- that spirit is confined that substance ap 563- 8 the b- that substance, . . . can be material. that the body f^overned / 226-23 the b- that the body governed them, that the human race gl 585-25 b- that the human race originated materially that the universe sp 83-16 The b' that the universe, including man, belief their sp 81- 6 p 389-23 402-27 g 536-28 this sp their b- in mediumship would vanish. Their b- in material law* and in because their b- is not better instructed They give up their b- in perishable life 80-30 This b- rests on the common conviction that 83-18 this b- belittles omnipotent wisdom, 89-16 the body responds to this b-, 92-27 This b- tends to support two opposite powers, 93-30 This b- tends to becloud our apprehension of an 102- 4 Its basis being a belief and this b- animal, 103-22 This b- has not one quality of Truth. s 124- 8 this Ir mistakes efl'ect for cause 143-21 Controlled by this b-, you continue in 153-19 this b- is called a boil, c 257-10 This b- is shallow pantheism. 258- 7 The insufficiency of this b- to supply the b 279-25 this 6* contradicts alike revelation and 302-12 and this b- is all that will ever be lost. p 374-20 this b- helps rather than hinders disease. 384-12 has only to enter his protest against this 6* 389- 4 control of Mind over this b- 389-26 This b- totters to its falling before the 389-31 complication of symptoms connected with this b-. 423- 2 this b- should not be communicated to the r 469-28 This b- that there is more than one miud 478-24 this b- is mortal and far from actual. 489- 9 In infancy this b- is not equal to guiding the 489-11 as consciousness develops, this b- goes out 490- 3 this b- commits depredations on harmony. 491-20 this b- culminates in another belief, g 533-17 According to this b-, the rib taken from 546- 3 this b- alone is mortal. understanding and 6 288-12 the conflict between . . . understanding and b; understanding or b 324-11 understanding or b-. Spirit or matter. unexpressed p 423- 6 Remember that the unexpressed b- oftentimes universal a 42- 5 The universal b- in death is of no advantage. s 155-15 The universal b- in physics weighs against unreal o 353-30 the ghost, some unreal b-. until the b 297- 2 nothing can change this state, until the Ir changes. 297- 4 until the b- on this subject changes. whatever the p 418-17 Whatever the b- is, if arguments are used which breeds m 62- 1 Ab- which breeds disease. ■which unites /■ 229- 9 the b- which unites such opposites as witliout understanding r 472-18 Error is a b- without understanding. -wrong / 253-23 you can alter this wrong b- and action your ph 168- 8 Your Ir militates against your health, p 384-24 to destroy the bad effects of your b-. 38.5-24 will suffer in proportion to vour b- and fear. 386-22 your suffering was merely the result of your b-. t 461-17 you should tell your b- sometimes, zeal of b 280-20 zeal of b- to establish the opposite error m 62- 6 master the b- in so-called physical laws, 68-25 the b- that agamogenesis applies to the sp 74-11 error which has held the b- 74-12 dissolves with the ft-, 74-15 ft- of still living in an organic, material body. 78- 6 How unreasonable is the ft- that we are 97- 7 the more impotent error becomes as a ft-. 97-17 The more material the ft-, the more an 102- 4 Its basis being a ft- and this belief animal, 101-24 If he heals sickness through a ft-, 104-24 and a ft- originally caused the sickness, •s 129-12 Pantheism . ..aft- which Science overthrows. 144-11 The more material a ft-, the more obstinately 155-13 a ft- held by a minority, 164-22 mortal tho'ughts in ft-"rule the materiality ph 172-19 The ft- that there is Soul in sense or Life in 184- 7 penalties it affixes last so long as the ft- 187-30 the human mind still holds in ft- a body, 189-26 first the ft- of inanimate, and then of 192- 1 The ft- that a pulpy substance under the skull 198- 2 has in ft- more power to harm / 205-24 a ft- in many ruling minds hinders man's 212- 5 limb . . . aniputateu has continued in ft- to pain 220-26 The ft- that either fasting or fea-sting makes 6 279-16 In proportion as the ft- disappears that life 285-16 The ft- that a material body is man BELIEF 45 BELIEVE 392-17 398-25 402-31 409-11 488- 7 488-12 491- 4 495-20 belief b 286- 5 We must not . . . depend upon 6- instead of 295- 1 The b- that a severed limb is aching in the 297-20 Faith is higher and more spiritual than b-. 297-29 Until b- becomes faith, and faith becomes 31!i-ll The 6- of that mortal that he must die 321-13 Matter was shown to be a b- only. 328- 8 mortals get rid of . . . only in b\ o 346-14 the b- that we suffer from the sins of others. 358-26 a b- that in the removal of disease p 380- 3 which b- must be Anally conquered by .386- 5 b- says that you may catch cold 386-12 not because of the climate, but on account of the b-. You will call it neuralgia, but we call it a b\ faith, cooperating with a b- in the healing a b- without a real cause. The b-, that the unconscious substratum 416-13 unless the b- which occasions the pain has 418-18 the b- nmst be repudiated, 422-32 Tlie b- that he has met his master in 425-20 What if the b- is consumption? t 450- 3 b- in a mysterious, supernatural God, r 467-19 The b- that the greater can be in the lesser 487-13 You speak ot b . Who or what is it that Hebrew and (ireek words often translated 6- appear ... to approve and endorse b-, a b- without actual foundation b- in, that which Life is not. 497-12 punished so long as the b- lasts. g 526- 8 B- is less than understanding. 535- 2 The seed ... of b- and of understanding, gl 579-17 a curse; a b- in intelligent matter, 587-11 the b- that infinite Mind is in finite forms ; 592- 6 the b- that there can be more than one creator; 594- 3 the 6- in more than one God ; beliefs admits of no b 283-12 admits of no b-, but rests upon understanding. all the a 53-29 had not conquered all the b- of the flesh r 493-17 superior to all the b- of the five corporeal senses, and opinions gl 590- 5 mortality ; b- and opinions ; beg:otten of the b 325-24 begotten of the b- of the flesh e 203-11 Carnal b- defraud us. cherished s 141- 8 to set aside even the most cherished b- chronic / 246-32 Acute and chronic 6- reproduce their own types. different sp 74-22 different b-, which never blend. diseased p 404-10 all sorts of evil are diseased b-, dismal b 272-27 the dismal b- of sin, sickness, and death. doctrinal r 496-31 dying sp 76-18 erroneous c 267-20 inverted thoughts and erroneous b- evil s 115-21 Evil b-, passions and appetites, fear, 115-25 Second Degree: Kvil b- disappearing. / 206-32 There are evil b-, often called evil spirits ; c 266-25 The evil b- which originate in hate are hell. false sp 79-17 Jesus cast out evil spirits, or false b-. 99-15 others who eschew their false 6-. s 162-16 false b- of a so-called material existence. ph 171-25 so-called laws of matter are nothing but false b- 171-27 These false b- are the procuring cause / 234-10 and guard against false b- as watchfully 236-31 or battling with false b-, 237-31 they hug false b- and suffer the delusive b 274-21 These false b- and their products 278-13 one of the false b- of mortals, 327- 6 destroy the false b- of pleasure, pain, p 421- 1 the insane suffer, from false b\ g 556- 5 These false b- will disappear, fatal p 368-10 Against the fatal ?>• that error is as former t 460-30 As former b- were gradually expelled ghostly o 353-14 not wholly outlived the sense of ghostly b-. held in the p 413-32 malady, timorously held in the 6- his p 371-15 The adult, in bondage to his b-, his own p 372-12 bind himself with his own b-. if by that tenn is meant doctrinal b\ Suffering, sinning, dying b- are unreal. beliefs human (see human) inharmonious / 251-30 Inharmonious b; which rob Mind, in sickness p 391- 3 Blot out ... its 6- in sickness and sin. insidious , p 376- 9 hidden, undefined, and insidious b: manifested b 274-19 they are simply the manifested 6- man-made r 466-26 the outcome of all man-made 6*. material (see material) materialistic s 132-16 retained their materialistic 6" about God. b 298-22 and admit no materialistic b\ 316-28 spiritualizing materialistic b-, mortal (see mortal) of mortal mind sp 89- 3 Shows that the b- of mortal mind are loosed. p 425-14 this is but one of the b- of mortal mind. of the human mind ph 187-10 b- of the human mind rob and enslave it, opinions and b 273-30 conflicting mortal opinions and 6* opposite sp 75-29 when the link between their opposite b- other / 208-32 and of other b- included in matter. our / 202-24 Our b- about a Supreme Being contradict p 385-10 forestalls the penalty which our 6- would at- tach to outgrrow their sp 77-27 Spiritualists would outgrow their 6* outgrown « 28-12 we cannot hold to b- outgrown ; perilous t 450-27 Who, that has felt the perilous b- in pleasurable c 265-32 if they wrench away false pleasurable 6* present / 228-17 Dropping their present b-, they remove its p 421- 8 in order to remove its 6-, self-imposed /" 221-18 the self-imposed b- of mortals, sick j> 366-25 The sick are terrified by their sick 6% sinful a 53-32 Had he shared the sinful b- of others, / 241-32 than for sinful b- to enter the kingdom of p 366-26 sinners should be affrighted by their sinful b- ; stubborn / 237-10 more stubborn b- and theories of parents their p 396-23 explain to the sick the power which their 6* 403- 1 So the sick through their b- have their own / 226-27 I wished to save from the slavery of their own 6- these sp 79-12 C. S. removes these b- and those a 54- 1 he would have been less sensitive to those b: traditional o 352-24 ghosts are not realities, but traditional b-, unjust p 440-22 The false and unjust b- of your a 43-31 errors growing from such b-. sp 88-14 B- proceed from the so-called material senses, 99-21 until the b- of material existence are s 155-10 and the b- which are in the majority rule. / 232- 4 The b- we commonly entertain about happiness o 343-19 that sin, sickness, and death are 6- p 425-10 hemorrhage, and decomposition are 6*, gl 595-18 thoughts, ti', opinions, knowledge; believe pr 1- » hut shall b- that those things — Mark 11 .• 23. 1- * 6- that ye receive them, — Mark 11 ; 24. a 23-27 " Lord, I b- ; help thou mine — Mark 9 ; 24. 2.3-29 "/}•... and thou shalt be saved ! "— Acts 16 23-32 Hebrew verb to b- means also to be firm 24-12 He . . . will b- our report, 29-13 " The disciples of Jesus b- him the Son 88-10 signs shall follow them that b- ; — Mark 16 38-14 but them — " them that 6- " — Mark 16 ; 17. 38-19 as should />• " through their word."— ./o/in 17 ; 20, 41-30 enough for them to /r in a national Deity; 52-28 signs shall follow them that ^-.'' — AfarA: 16.17. m 62-31 Because mortals b- in material laws ap 71-26 I never could b- in spiritualism. 31. 17. BELIEVE 46 BELONGS believe sp 9S-10 If we b- otherwise, we may be s 110-30 aporehended by as many as b- on Christ 119-26 to7>- that the earth is in motion 147-15 never b- that you can absorb the 150-18 would have one b- that both matter and 154-10 A man was made to b- that he «ft 168-17 are we to fo- it? ,. , ^ . ^ ,, ' 168-18 Are we to b- an authority which denies God s 177-31 In such cases a few persons b- the potion 178- 2 b- the arsenic, the strychnine, or 186-30 Since it must b- in something besides itself, 189_ 4 we still b- that there is solar light and heat. 192-10 Spirit cannot b- in God. Spirit is God. / 203-17 We are prone to b- either in more than one 203-22 then mortals b- that the deathless Principle, 212-21 In legerdemain and credulous frenzy, mor- tals b- 215-15 We are sometimes led to b- that darkness is 218-19 If you do b- in God, why do you substitute 218-25 Resist the temptation to b- in 222- 6 to ^- that proper food supplies nutriment 253-18 If you b- in and practise wrong knowingly, 253-22 Also, if you b- yourself diseased, 253-25 Do not b- in anv supposed necessity for sin, c 263- 1 They b- themselves to be independent workers, b 271-18 for them also which shall b- — John 17 ; 20. 277-29 Nothing we can say or b- regarding 285-32 essential to underst-ind, instead of 6-, 302-30 though mortal sense would fain have us so b-. 311-20 So long as we b- that soul can sin 312-18 Mortals try to b- without understanding 312-20 Mortals b- in a finite personal God; 318- 1 For him to b- in matter was no task, . 321-27 if they will not b- thee, — Exod. 4 . 8. 321-28 will b: the voice of the latter sign."— ^a;o(?. 4:8. 328-23 signs shall follow them that b-, — Mark 16: 17. o 341- * because I tell you the truth, ye b- me not. — John 8:45. 341- * why do ye not b- me ?—John 8 : 46. 346-26 when you b- that nitrous-oxide gas has 349-32 the opponents of C. S. 6- substance to be 35i-26 should be told not to b- in ghosts, 359-27 signs shall follow them that b- ; — Mark 16 : 17. « 362- * signs shall follow them that b-: — Mark 16: 17. 368-32 Once let the mental physician b- in the 372-20 How, then, . . . can we b- in the reality and 380-28 Nothing is more disheartening than to b- that 381-23 or you will never b- that you are quite free 384-22 but if you b- in laws of matter 392-15 If you b- in inflamed and weak nerves, 395-24 to b- in the real existence of a tumor, 402-25 operator would make his subjects b- that they 425- 4 You will have humors, just so long as you 6- 425-27 you will never b- that heart . . . can destroy ^8-32 It is a sin to b- that aught can ovei-power 429-25 Do you b- this ? t 461- 2 but I do b- that the real man is immortal 461-16 If you b- that you are sick, 463-29 sick are not healed by . . . drugs, as they b- r 469-27 still b- there is another power, 474-21 Is it possible, then, to b- that the 487-16 Matter cannot 6-, and Mind understands. 487-17 The bodv cannot b-. 488- 9 the English verb Ir; 494- 5 infidelity to Ir that so great a work g 540-23 is to teach mortals never to b- a lie. believed pr 6-29 It is b- by many that a certain magistrate, a 43- 6 Heretofore they had only b- : 44-28 His disciples b- Jesus to be dead 46-26 for they b- his body to be dead. 53-13 Mortals b- in God as humanly mighty, wi 68-16 one individual who 6- in agamogenesis; «p 75-17 Had Jesus b- that Lazarus had 95-25 Is the wise man of to-day b-, an 104-12 Lastly, they say they have always 6- It." s 133-11 and straightway Ir that they were healed 136-18 some of the jjeople b- that Jesus was a 154-22 Then it is b- that exposure to the ph 199-25 Had Blondi* b- it impossible / 203- 7 understood instead of being merely h-, 222-18 had been kept alive, as was b-, only by 6 305-32 Pharisees, who b- error to be as immortal as 328-26 It were well had Christendom b- 339-27 Mind must be not merely Ir, o 348-28 would not be b- for an indefinite 359- 9 I as a Christian Scientist b- in the Holy Spirit, p 371- 9 are b- to be here without their consent 403- 9 it is b- that the misfortune is a material effect. 409-16 conscious mortal mind is b- to be superior 42.5- 2 His parents . . . have so Ir. r 492-29 The conservative theorj', long /*•, is g 545-22 They Ir in the existence of matter, gl 596-12 The'rabbins Ir that the stones in believer r 487-18 The b- and belief are one and are mortal. believers s 141-20 The Bible declares that all b- are believes a 38-12 Who 6- him? 39-31 so long as he b- in the pleasures of sm ? sp 80-29 b- that this wonder emanates from spirits 86-29 Mortal mind sees what it b- 86-30 as certainly as it b- what it sees. 89-14 If one b- that he cannot be an orator without ph 166- 8 Mohammedan b- in a pilgrimage to Mecca 166- 9 The popular doctor Ir in his prescription, 166-10 pharmacist b- in the power of his drugs 171-17 man b- himself to be combined matter and 171-18 He b- that Spirit is sifted through matter, 199- 6 nobody b- that mind is producing such a / 250-10 Spirit . . . never />•, but knows; c 263-15 mis-creator, who //• he is a semi-god. b 294-28 inebriate b- that there is pleasure in 294-29 thief /*• that he gains something by stealing, o 360-32 The Jew Ir that the Messiah or Christ 361- 1 the Christian b- that Christ is God. 361- G The Jew who b- in the First Commandment 361- 9 Christian who b- in the First Commandment » 375-10 b- that matter, not mind, has helped him. 377- 1 If your patient Ir in taking cold, 402-19 manifests only what mortal mind Ir, 422-30 he b- that something stronger than Mind 427- 7 If man b- in death now, he r 487-14 Who or what is it that b- ? g 517-15 The world b- in many persons; believetli pr 14-19 " He that b- on me, — John 14 : 12. a 22-27 Whosoever b- that wrath is righteous 42-30 " He that b- on me, — John 14 : 12. 52-27 " He that b- on me, — John 14 ; 12. sp 93- 4 " He that b- on me, — John 14 .• 12, ph 170-11 " Whosoever liveth and b- in me — John 11 : 26. b 315- 1 " Whosoever liveth and Ir in me — Jo/m 11 : 26. 324-32 »' He that b- in me — see John 11 : 26. 326- 4 " He that b- on me, — John 14 : 12. believing m 69- 6 can never . . . while b- that man is a creator. sp 89- 6 b- that somebody else possesses her tongue s 134-29 There is divine authority for ft- in the 156-11 B- then somewhat in the ordinary theories ph 187- 1 ft- in more than the one Mind. / 205- 7 When will the error of b- that there is 205-15 the error of ft- that matter can 218-14 ft- that the body can be sick independently 245- 6 £• that she was still living in the same hour 245-25 She could not age while ft- herself young, ft 290-29 no more spiritual for ft- that his body died p 385-23 Saying this and ft- it, 388- 9 Idolaters, ft* in more than one mind, 397-11 by ft- them to be real and continuous. r 487-16 this precludes the need of ft-. gl 582- 1 definition of belittle c 255-11 to ft- Deity with human conceptions. g 536-22 Their narrow limits ft- their gratifications, belittles sp 83-19 this belief ft- omnipotent wisdom, l>elly ap 559-18 it shall make thy ft- bitter, — Jiev. 10 : 9. belong s 112- 7 forfeit their claims to ft- to its school, 123-25 did not specially ft- to a dispensation now ended, 124-21 They ft- to divine Principle, and support the 124-29 they ft- wholly to divine Mind, 130-25 such as they ft- to the heavenly kingdom. ph 192-17 Moral and spiritual might ft- to Spirit, / 207-24 disease, and death ft- not to the Science of being. 6 275-15 immortality, cause, aiul effect ft- to God. 286-32 and ft- not to the divine Mind. 287- 2 but ft-, ... to the nothingness of error, p 369-24 preventive and curative) arts ft- emphatically to r 472-10 nor ft- to His government. 476-19 the facts which ft- to immortal man. belonged ft 333- 6 ft- to him in common with other Hebrew belonging sp 7;}-25 the sensations ft- to the body. g 529-11 ft- to no lesser parent. iV>l-21 all peculiarities of ancestry, ft- to either sex, belongs a 28-25 To suppose that persecution ... ft- to the past, s 144-14 Human will ft- to the so-called f 230- 1 If sickness is real, it ft- to immortality; V- 258-27 To him ft- eternal Life. 265-26 even before we discover what ft- to wisdom r 475-22 refiects spiritually all that ft- to his Maker. BELONGS 47 BETRAY belongs r 490-11 since all power b- to God, good. ap 572-10 b- not to His children, beloved a 23- 6 That God's wrath should be vented upon His b- 36-13 forsaken by all save John, the 0- disciple, b 319-32 meaning by that what the b- disciple meant ap 566-15 When Israel, of the Lord b-, 576- 9 describing this holy city, the b- Disciple writes : bench p 430-26 and Judge Medicine is on the b-. beneath o 36-14 in silent woe /<• the shadow of his cross. 55-16 gathering 0- its wings the sick and sinning. b 280-11 would compress Mind, which is infinite, b- a 281-18 supposed to exist in matter or b- a skull bone 31.3-24 He plunged b- the material surface of things, t 451-17 they come from above, not from b-, g 516-13 The grass b- our feet silently exclaims, 520-28 creating thought is from above, not from 6*. 523-11 In error everything comes from b-, 539-18 to grovel b- all the oeasts of the field. benediction a 44- 2 laid aside for a crown, the b- follow, 48-11 feu in holy b- on the grass of Gethsemane, 8 132-10 In other words, he gave his b- to 137-22 This assertion elicited from Jesus the 6', benedictions b 317-11 blessed b- rest upon Jesus' followers: benefactions pr 3-22 for a liberal outpouring of b-. benefactor t 450- 8 and they never fail to stab their b- in the back. beneficent s 128-20 An odor becomes b- and agreeable p 394-31 till they feel its b- influence. beneficial pr 12- 5 The b- effect of such prayer for the sick s 156- 3 what made them . . . b- or injurious ? p 367-27 increase the b- effects of Christianity. beneficially p 397- 2 acting 6- or injuriously on the health, benefit any lasting pr 7-10 But does it produce any lasting 6* ? any seeming an 101-31 Any seeming b- derived from it is great ap 570-27 the great b- which Mind has wrought. to man r 471-22 Are doctrines and creeds a b- to man ? pr 2- 2 or to b- those who hear us, 11-6 this may be no moral b- to the criminal, s 151-12 enlarged power it confers to b- the race ph 185-26 may seem for a time to b- the sick, / 238- 3 wait till those whom you would b- are ready p 392-12 Whatever 6- is produced on the body, 395-16 Prayers, in which ... do not b- the sick. t 447- 5 except it be to b- them. 449-10 than for you to b- yourself by injuring others. ap 567-20 either to 6- or to injure men benefited pr 2- 4 Are we &• by praying ? b 324-30 if . . . you cannot be b- by what I say. p 375-14 No person is 6- by yielding his t 443-15 and think they can be 6- by 463-32 said to the author, " The world is b- by you, benefiting op 571-10 for the sake of doing right and b- our race. benefits s 149-28 Whatever guides thought spiritually b- f 238-17 when we attempt to claini the b- of 245- 2 b- of destroying that illusion, are illustrated p 372-31 prevents the honest recognition of b- received, benevolence »n. 58-15 With additional joys, b- should grow more p 433-21 guilty of b- in the first degree, l)enighted pre/ vii- 7 would make plain to b- understanding benign p 365- 7 The b- thought of Jesus, 440-34 the Chief Justice . . . with b- and imposing Benjamin (/I 582- 4 definition of Benjamin Franklin an 100-15 B- F- was one of the commissioners. bereft p 374-27 body, when b- of mortal mind, at first cools. Berna, Monsieur an 101-14 facts which had been promised by Monsieur B- beset a 20-29 sin which doth so easily b- us, — Heb. 12 .■ 1. 22-15 If your endeavoi'S are b- by fearful odds, s 102-12 Such errors b- every material theory, besets V 426-21 destroy the great fear that b- mortal existence. beside p 414-22 none else b- Him." — Deut. 4 ; 35. 421-17 and that there is none b- Him. 435-19 Watching /r the couch of pain g 514-13 6- the still waters." — Psm. 23 . 2. ap 578- 7 b- the still waters. — Psal. 23 .• 2. besides sp 92-27 a belief in something 6- God. s 121-26 6- turning daily on its own axis. ph 181-25 unnecessary to resort to aught b- 186-31 Since it must believe in something b- itself, g 548-31 b- the ordinary process of generation, besottedness 6 322-19 cannot make the inebriate leave his b\ until besought s 158- 2 pagan priests, who b- the gods to heal the sick p 395-15 but is b- to take the patient to Himself, best pref viii-15 confers the most health and makes the b- men. pr 10-30 it is not always b- for us to receive. 11- 6 at b\ it only saves the criminal from 11-32 It is b- expressed in thought and in life, a 52-16 putting to shame and death the /;• man that 52-19 The " man of sorrows " b- understood the — Isa. 53; 3. sp 81- 7 At the very b- and on its own theories, 8 111-20 for the b- essay on Natural Science, 125- 2 What is now considered the b- condition for ph 170-15 The b- interpreter of man's needs said: 176-20 while divine Mind is its b- friend. / 201- 1 The b- sermon ever preached is c 259- 7 was b- expressed in Christ Jesus, 266-12 to accept what b- promotes your growth. b 317- 7 Whosoever . . . declares b- the power of C. S., o 360-29 the Galilean Pronhet, the b- Christian on earth, p 364- 2 rightfully regarded as the />• man that ever 383- 8 takes the b- care of his body when he 385-10 penalty which our beliefs would attach to our /r deeds. 394- 3 is b- of aU, for this understanding is 403-22 and this is b- adapted for healing the sick. 416-28 tell them only what is b- for them to know. 420-23 erroneous belief, taken at its b-, is not 439-31 We send our b- detectives to whatever g 523-15 according to the b- scholars, there are 556-16 to him who understands b- the divine Life. bestial b 293-22 wind, wave, lightning, fire, b- ferocity bestow pr 2-10 nor can the infinite do less than b- all g(K)d, a 2.5-27 and all the emotional love we can b- on him, 25-31 our Master worked and suffered to b- 36-23 as for this world to b- on the righteous their 48-15 Truth and Love b- few palms until / 202- 7 half the faith they b- upon the so-called pains t 455-23 does not b- His highest trusts upon the bestowals pr 13- 3 universal in its adaptation and b-. bestow^ed a 42-22 glory which God b- on His anointed, 55- 7 than the later centuries have b- upon ph 20O- 6 capacities of being b- by immortal Mind. p 387-28 protecting power 7r on man by 393-14 the ability and power divinely /'• on man. g 533- 3 This had never l)een Ir on Adam. 541- 9 the homage b- through a gentle animal bestows pr 6-6 God is not separate from the wisdom He b\ 11-17 Truth b- no pardon upon error, 14-19 Hence the hope of the promise Jesus b- : h 275-19 no good is, but the good God b-. r 488-22 apart from what belief b- upon them, g 5.55-26 when we admit . . . that God //■ the power to op 573- 8 that consciousness which God b-, Bethlehem preJ vii- 6 the B- babe, the human herald of betoken sp 82-27 different awakenings b- a differing conscioua- ness. betray c 2C6-13 Friends will b- and enemies will slander, g 542- 8 Truth causes sin to b- itself, and BETRAYAL 48 BEYOND betrayal tt 33- 4 47-H 47-23 sp 94-19 betrayed p 439-25 betrayer a 43-14 47-19 l>etraying p 436- 3 betrays ph 192-25 t 456-16 r 485- 6 ap 560-30 better pr 2-2 4-18 5-26 7-20 9- 6 9- 9 a 21- 4 26-16 34-19 47- 6 47-23 67-17 61-12 63- 2 66-22 66-25 91-23 94-25 8 114-18 136-29 154-25 154-31 155-32 157-32 ph 168-31 175- 5 186-29,30 194- 7 196- 6 198-12 / 210-16 220- 8 220-27 m sp anticipating the hour of their Master's 6% hatred towards that just man effected his b-. and so he plotted the b- of Jesus evoked denial, ingratitude, and b-, You b- Mortal Man, meanwhile declaring the treason and suicide of his b-, placed a gulf between Jesus and his 6-, After b- him into the hands of your law, b- its weakness and falls, never to rise, dishonesty in your theory and practice b- a which ever b- mortals into sickness, sin, and b- at once a greater ignorance Do we pray to make ourselves b- hut the longing to be b- and holier, and that man is made b- merely by a higher experience and a b- life Do we love our neighbor b- because of this prayed for something b-, though we give no can finally say, . . . because you are a b- man. Jesus presented the ideal of God b- than and understood b- what the Master had taught, they became h- healers, leaning no longer on world generally loves a lie b- than Truth; should never weigh against the b- claims of b- balanced minds, and sounder constitutions, would never think that flannel was b- for It is b- to await the logic of events If one is b- than the other, as must always that the spiritual facts may be b- apprehended, this insight b' enabled him to direct if a b- word or phrase could be suggested, it apprehended their Master b- than did others ; her affections need b- guidance. The b- and more successful method is it safe to say that the less . . . the b- ? Mankind is the ft- for this spiritual and which will be ft- understood hereafter, there will be ft- constitutions and less disease. If mortal mind knew how to be ft-, it would be ft-, and determines a case for ft- or for worse. B- the suffering which awakens It is ft- to prevent disease from forming a ft- understanding of Soul and salvation. Instinct is ft- than misguided reason, belief that either fasting or feasting makes men 6- 222- 1 as we ft- apprehend our spiritual existence 224- 5 we shall ft- understand the Science 2a5- 4 B- suffer a doctor infected with smallpox to 239- 9 and we get ft- views of humanity. c 258- 5 unsatisfied human craving for something ft-, 260-16 and to bring out ft- and higher results, 6 285-21 the ft- understanding that Science gives 286- 8 is 6- than all burnt offerings. 295-22 become a ft- transparency for Truth. 297-26 Some thoughts are ft- than others. 297-26 belief in Truth is ft- than a belief in error, 315- 5 His ft- undersUnding of God was a rebuke to 323-24 contemplation of something ft- than disease or 333-14 but Christ Jesus ft- signifies the Godlike. o 355- 6 proofs are ft- than mere verbal arguments p 367- 5 ft- than hecatombs of gushing theories, 370- 1 To be every whit whole, man must be ft- spirit- ually 375- 9 proves this when his patient says, " I am ft-," 377- 7 they come back no ft- than when they went 383-25 Does his assertion prove . . . man to be the ft- 389-11 the ft- results of Mind's opposite evidence. 394- 1 to be hopeful is still ft- ; 394-19 their denials are ft- than their affirmations. 397-31 understand yourself and your Maker ft- 401-28 it is ft- for Christian Scientists to leave 402-27 their belief is not ft- instructed by 4W-32 unless they make him ft- mentally, 405-22 ft- to be exposed to every plague on earth than 407-18 he will get the ft- of that desire, 420-21 ft- than any drug, alterative, or tonic. 425-23 Consciousness constructs a ft- body when 429-6 and the sooner we begin the ft-. 438- 1 was ft- authority than Blackstone: 442-21 changes a belief of sin or . . . into a ft- belief, t 452-15 Ji- is the frugal intellectual repast r 466-30 making mankind ft physically, morally, and 473-23 a ft- understanding of God 485-16 come naturally into Spirit through ft- health 486-17 If . . . then death is not an enemy but a ft- 489- 1 less mind there is manifested in matter the ft-. ff 537-31 lest man should improve it and become ft-; better , ^ . g 553- 7 Mortal thought must obtam a ft- basis, 554-21 Jesus defined this ... ft- than we can, 557-15 the less a mortal knows of sin, . . . the ft- ap 560-25 all who have spoken something new and ft- 571- 6 Because people like you ft- when you gl 583- 2 whose ft- originals are God's thoughts, 696- 5 makes Him ft- known as the All-in-all, pr 16- 5 distinguishes ft- Truth that is sinless and a 22-3 ft- sin and the hope of forgiveness, 23-16 swinging ft- nothing and something, 30-10 mediator, or ways/tower, ft- God and 30-23 difference ft- the offspring of Soul and 34-29 contrast ft- our Lord's last supper and 36-16 distance ft- Christianity and sensualism 47-17 distance ft- Judas and his Master. 47-19 a gulf ft- Jesus and his betrayer, 53-21 distance ft- the individual and Truth. m 57-12 The attraction ft- native qualities will 63-12 establishes very unfair differences ft- sp 73-32 ft- so-called material existence and 74-13 ft- persons in such opposite dreams 75-28 the link ft- their opposite beliefs 81- 2 ft- the so-called dead and the living, 82-23 Communion ft- them and ourselves would 82-26 ft- a mole and a human being. 83-22 B- C. S. and all forms of 83-24 impassable as that ft- Dives and Lazarus. an 100- 8 " There exists a mutual influence ft- the s 110-32 No analogy exists ft- the vague hypotheser 126-15 ft' C. S. on the one hand and 141- 1 This indicates the distance ft- the 143-14 Driven to choose ft- two difliculties, 145- 9 not ft- material methods, but ft- 145-28 the warfare ft- Spirit and the flesh ph 171-23 No more .synipatny exists ft- the flesh and 171-24 than ft- Belial and Christ. 173- 2 ft- humanity and the brute, 193-15 It was ft- three and four o'clock / 202- 3 unity which exists ft- God and man 236-30 "While age is halting ft- two opinions 240-32 how to divide ft- sense and Soul. a44- 8 is seen ft- the cradle and the grave, 246- 2 swinging ft- evil and good, 254- 7 not until the battle ft- Spirit and flesh is 6 273-12 the enmity ft- Science and the senses, 288- 3 suppositional warfare ft- truth and error the mental conflict ft- the evidence of this warfare ft- the Spirit and flesh the conflict ft- truth and error, forms no link ft- matter and Mind, 294-19 ft- immortal man, representing Spirit, and 298-16 This human belief, alternating ft- a 312-27 divides faith and understanding ft- 315-31 the mediator ft- Spirit and the flesh, 315-32 ft- Truth and error. 316-13 warfare ft- this spiritual idea and 316-14 ft- spiritual clear-sightedness and 332-16 one mediator ft- God and men, — / Tim. 2 ; 5. 333- 1 ft- God and man in His image. 338-24 would impose ft- man and his creator. o 345-21 incongruity ft- God's idea and 345-24 ft- God's man, made in His image, and 356-18 ft- error and Truth, ft- flesh and Spirit. 360-20 swinging ft- the real and the unreal, p 389-25 ft- pain and pleasure, good and evil, 403- 2 ft- voluntarj- and involuntary mesmerism t 444-26 ft- me and thee, and ft- my herdmen and 457-14 led to a quarrel ft- two knights dividing his interests ft- God and line of demarcation ft- the real and ft- the false and the true, which God erects ft- the true and false, put enmity ft- thee and — Oen. 3 .- 15. 534-10 ft- thy seed and her seed ; 534-14 Apostle I'aul exiilains this warfare ft- the 538- 8 distance ft- Truth and error, 538- 9 ft- the material and spiritual, ap 567-12 conflict ft- the flesh and Spirit. gl 586-16 ft- Truth and error, ft- Spirit and beware , ^ 8 117-29 Jesus bade his disciples ft- of the ph 196-14 The command was a warning to ft-, not of Rome, p 382-11 ft- of making clean merely the outside of beyond pr 13- 5 In public prayer we often go ft- our 13- 6 ft- the honest standpoint of fervent desire. 27- 2 was intended to prove ft- a question 41- 1 hope must be cast ft- the veil of matter 41- 3 this advance ft- matter must come 44-22 It was a method of surgerj- ft- material art, 46-24 and progressive state ft- the grave. a 50-26 was terrible ft- human concepticm. m 67-23 Grace and Truth are potent ft- all 288- 4 288- 6 288-11 293- 5 462-10 g 505-21 506- 2 523-10 534- 9 BEYOND 49 BITTERNESS beyond SI) 'J8-15 8 llt>-18 125- 7 12(>-19 127- 8 151- 6 156-29 ph 177- 4 187-10 l'J4-19 / 213-22 241-23 c 2«4- 7 6 284-25 298-18 302-16 306- 6 312-24 328-32 p 388-26 394r-10 409-30 413- 5 42(^-25 429- 9 gr 512- 1 514- 4 bias p 381- 3 Bible »re/viii-30 pr lt>-12 a 24- 8 39-13 m 58-32 sp 99- 5 an 104-10 S 110-14 126-29 131-11 140- 5 141-20 146-23 161- 7 / 241-13 242-21 C 263-17 b 319-22 319-24 320- 4 328-18 335-10 O M2- 9 344-32 » 406- 1 435-29 437-33 438- 1 441- 3 r 480-26 497- 4 g 537-22 546-22 ap 572- 4 577-31 ffl 579-5 biblical £/ 526-24 bicuspids / 247- 6 bid n86»-14 394-20 bidden S 130- 4 160-18 h 307-28 biddingr b 321-14 bids pr 5-8 a 29- 8 bigr pre/ vii- 2 bigot a 52-30 bigoted a 48- 2 p 366-21 JJ- the frail premises of human beliefs, matter is nothing h- an ima^e in mortal mind. Neither . . . nor overaction is b- God's control; h- the cognizance of the material senses there can be notliing b- illimitable divinity. has an absolute need of something b- itself the ne.xt stately step h- homcBopathy. I have demonstrated this h- all cavil. it attributes to . . . an ability b- itself. It proves b- a doubt tliat education He was a musician b- what the world knew. One's aim, a point b- faith, should be Mortals must look b- fading, finite forms, b- the cognizance of these senses, never reaches b- the boundary of the is always h- and above the mortal illusion and demonstrated this b- cavil. wliicli cannot penetrate /*• matter. reaching b- the pale of a single period it would be foolish to venture b- our admission that any bodily condition is b- the and expect to find b- the grave A single requirement, b- what is necessary would raise the standard of health . . . far b- its we look b- a single step in the line of aspirations soaring i»- and above coriioreality nothing exists 6- the range of the b- of education enforces this slavery. the B- was her sole teacher ; some doubt among B- scholars, whether the make the B- the chart of life, «*»- The B- calls death an enemy, "She that is married . . . says the B; — I Cor. 7 ; 34. is what the B- demands. First, people say it conflicts with the B-. the B- was my only textbook. The B- has been my only authority. The central fact of the B- is the The H- represents Him as saying : The B- declares that all believers are derives its sanction from the B-, nullify the action of the flames, as in the B- case of The B- teaches transformation of the According to the B-, the facts of being He might say in B- language : the original language of the B- the spiritual meaning of the B-, Metaphors abound in the B\ Our missionaries carry the B- to India, as the B- declares, without the Logos, the in the face of B- history and in defiance In the B- the word Spirit, is so commonly The B- contains the recipe for all healing. To him I might .say, in B- language, read from the supreme statute-book, the B*, remarking that the B- was better authority explained from his statute-book, the B-, The B- declares : " All things were — John 1 ; 3. we take the inspired Word of the B- as our Subsequent B- revelation is coordinate with for they contain the deep divinity of the B\ both the first and last books of the B-, the acme of this Science as the B- reveals it. the metaphysical interpretation of B- terms, This second b- account is a incisors, cuspids, b-, and one molar. the woman's immoral status and b- her depart, Will you b- a man let evils overcome him. When all men are b- to the feast, or has it b- them to l)e impotent? nor b- to obey material laws which The serpent, evil, under wisdom's b-, was Temptation ft- us repeat the offence. It 6' us work the more earnestly in times of to-day is h- with blessings. The 6-, the debauchee, the hypocrite, staves of b- ignorance smote him sorely, swallow the camels of b- pedantry. bigotry t 450- 1 whose b- and conceit twist every fact 464-23 weapons of b-, ignorance, envy, fall r iS4r- 3 neither pride, prejudice, b-, nor envy, can gl 597-13 tore from b- and superstition their coverings, Billof Rigbts s 161-14 harmony with our Constitution and B- of B-, billows / 240- 4 giant hills, winged winds, mighty b-, bind a 44-16 b- up the wounded side and lacerated feet, / 229-16 to b- mortals to sickness, sin, and death. p 366-31 we must first learn to b- up the broken-hearted. 372-12 b- himself with his own beliefs, 399-31 first b- the strong man ? " — Matt. 12 .• 29. binds sp 96- 2 unwillingness ... 6- Christendom with chains. / 225- 1 What is it that b- man with iron shackles ap 575-31 which b- human society into solemn union; biogi*ai)hical pre/viii-25 b- sketch, narrating experiences which bird s 121-11 b- and blossom were glad in God's . . . sunshine, c 261-28 even as the b- which has burst from the egg g 550-26 A serpent never begets a b-, 551- 7 the b- is not the product of a beast. 552- 1 question. Which is first, the egg or the b- ? birtb any / 206-25 Can there be any b- or death for man, as untimely senses represent b- as untimely c 265-16 before p 429-22 human ph 190-14 new t 463-17 If we must have lived before b-. Human b-, growth, maturity, and decay When this new b- takes place, fir 548-15 This is the new b- going on hourly, origin and a 30-11 Had his origin and b- been wholly apart prior to his ph 178-14 produced prior to his b- by the fright spiritual t 463-12 this idea ... in the travail of spiritual 6*. time-tables of / 246-18 Time-tables of b- and death are ph 185-13 They have their h- in mortal mind, 191-12 even to the b- of a new-old idea, / 244-13 Man undergoing b-, maturity, and decay 244-24 He has neither i- nor death. b 288-25 spiritual real man has no b-, 302-11 tne b-, sin, sickness, and death of 505-28 he is not subject to b-, growth, maturity, de- cay. t 463- 7 To attend properly the b- of the new child, 463- 9 that the b- will be natural and safe. g 529- 5 instruments . . . assist the b- of mortals. 539-31 Science of creation, so conspicuous in the b- of 544- 7 B', decay, and death arise from the 548-20 statements now current, about b- and 549-14 not begin with the b- of new individuals, 550-18 as beginning and ending, and with b-, decay, ap 562-23 travailing in b-, and — Bev. 12 .- 2. 562-27 joy that the b- goes on ; birtbrigbt ^. „ . f 226-20 man's b- of sole allegiance to hLs Maker fir 518- 1 His b- is dominion, not subjection. birtli -throes g 557- 6 Mind controls the b- in the lower realms wt ^ ,, / 222-25 if eating a 6- of animal flesh could 237- 6 " Mamma, my finger is not a b- sore." Wte g 534-27 The serpent, material sense, will b- the heel ap 563-20 that he may b- the heel of truth Wtes , ^ . . , „ / 216- 7 Error 6- the heel of truth, but cannot kUl bitter ^. . a 32-12 The cup shows forth his b- experience, b 287-13 sweet water and 6- ? " — Jos. 3 . 11. t 455-30 cannot send forth both sweet waters and o-. r 489-23 fountain sendeth not forth sweet waters and b: ap 5.59-18 and it shall make thy bellyfc;, , 559-23 murmur not . . . if you find its digestion 6-, 559-28 share the hemlock cup and eat the b- herbs; bitterness ,. ^ ^ , a 43-22 because of the cup of &• he drank. 54-21 His earthly cup or b- was drained s 139-13 wisely to stem the tide of sectarian &•, BLACK black ph 195- 7 All that he ate, except his b- crust, r 479-27 We admit that b- is not a color, blackboard pr J- 4 Who would stand before a 6-, and t 453- 2 among the examples on the Ir, blackness b 307-31 Above error's awful din, b-, and chaos, blacksmith's ph 198-29 Because the muscles of the b- arm 199-13 but by reason of the 6- faith in Blackstone p 438- 2 the Bible was better authority than B- : blade sp 70-12 from a b- of grass to a star, ph 191-21 By its own volition, not a b- of grass springs blades ph 190-15 grass . . • with beautiful green b-, blameworthy p 414-30 whereas imperfection is 6*, blanches p 433-14 His sallow face b- with fear, blandly t 450- 7 while looking you 6- in the face, blank c 26G- 7 Would existence ... be to you a &•? blanket ph 179-17 that he will take cold without his b; blasphemer sp 94-27 what would be said ... of an infidel b- blasphemes sp 88-23 Excite the opposite development, and he b\ blasphemies an 100- * thefts, false witness, b-: — Matt. 16: 19. blast t 451-32 malpractice tends to b- moral sense, blasts m 57-25 The wintry b- of earth may uproot the / 220-12 snowbird sings and soars amid the b- ; blaze t b 296-15 and they must go out under the b- of Truth, blazons / 247-26 b- the night with starry gems, bleeding pr 10- 2 even though with b- footsteps, a 41- 9 though it be with b- footprints, p 379-10 fancied himself b- to death, 379-13 Had he known his sense of b- was an 50 BLIND blend m 58- 7 59-13 sp 74-23 ffl 588-14 blending b 308-11 they should be concordant in order to 6' their sympathies should b- in sweet confi- dence different beliefs, which never b-. numbers which never b- with each other, a b' of false claims, false pleasure, 316-22 Christ illustrates that b- with God, !7 552-25 b- tints of leaf and flower show the blends c 263- 7 bless pr 9-12 When mortal man 6* his thoughts of and 6* them that curse us ; 13-17 God will 6- it, and we shall incur less a 30-29 Only in this way can we b- our enemies, 50-11 to sustain and b- so faithful a son. m 60-29 infinite resources with which to b- mankind, c 263-14 injuring those whom he would b-. p 397- 7 actually injuring those whom we mean to b-. You uncover sin, . . . in order to 6- the t 453-19 blessed pr 2- 6 32-15 36- 2 S 132- 9 137-22 b 317-11 324- 5 is b- of our Father, Jesus took bread, and b- it — Mn ft. 26:26. in the b- company of Truth and Love 40-31 nature of Christianity is peaceful and b-, 49-18 Forsaken by all whom he had b-. And b- is he, whosoever — Matt. 11 :6. " B- art thou, Simon Bar-jona: — Matt. 16: 17. b- benedictions rest upon Jesus' followers : " B- are the pure in heart: — Matt. 5 : 8. 338-29 notwithstanding God had b- the earth 338-31 not the ideal man for whom the earth was b: o 341- 9 " B- are the pure in heart : — Matt. 5 : 8. g 512-17 And God /)■ them, saying, — Gen. 1 : 22. 517-25 And God b- them, and — Gen. 1 : 28. 518-17 b- is that man who seeth his brother's need 532-10 Adam and his jirogeny were cursed, not b- ; 537-28 b- the earth and gave it to man 548-25 would have b- the human race more ap 668- • B- is he that readeth, and — Bev. 1 : 3. blesseil ap 571- 8 requires the spirit of our b- Master 573-18 but as the b- child of God. blessedness pr 2-30 the source of all existence and b-. 10-25 the source and means of all goodness and 6*, c 264-25 Spiritual living and b- are the only b 329-27 their real spiritual source to be all &•, blesses pr 8-23 the reward of Him who b- the poor. a 30-18 which b- even those that curse it. 33-23 It b- its enemies, heals the sick, sp 78-28 Spirit b- man, but man an 103- 8 6" the whole human family. / 206-16 we find that whatever b- one b- all, 234- 5 b- the human family with crumbs of comfort g 507- 6 Spirit names and b- all. 512-20 Spirit h- the multiplication of its own 516-19 beautifies the landscape, b- the earth. 517-30 Divine Love b- its own ideas, blessing pr 3-10 in order to receive His b\ a 20-17 returning h- for cursing, he taught mortals 50-17 be shorn of its mighty 6- for thehuman race. / 238- 3 wait till those ... are ready for the b-, r 488- 6 you receive the b- of Truth. g 545-20 yet this opposite, . . . impudently demands a b\ ap 570-23 Those ready for the b- you impart gl 589-21 pure affection b- its enemies. blessings all pr 3-28 yet return thanks to God for all b-, great a 25-30 else we are not improving the great &• infinite pr 15-30 and they assuredly call down infinite b-. b 325- 8 which results in infinite b- to mortals. our pr 3-32 put the finger on the lips and remember our b; spiritual a 53-17 spiritual 6- which might flow from such g 512-15 spiritual 6", thus typified, are the pref vii- 2 pr 3-24 4-14 4-14 10-23 o 343-11 r 48*16 gl 597- 7 blest m 57-31 blight / 246-31 blighted sp 77-29 78- 1 blighting / 236-22 blind pref xi-20 pr 12- 7 13-30 a 23-28 27- 4 8 124-11 132- 6 ph 167- 4 183-28 192-11 194-12 196- 2 / 210-13 223-18 226-25 b 316-31 324-21 337- 3 O 342-25 343-11 350-15 p 391- 7 398-27 439-18 t 444- 2 459-17 r 487-11 490- 8 y 536-19 gl 582- 2 599- 6 to-day is big with b-. shall avail ourselves of the b- we have, are made manifest in the //■ they bring, b- which, even if not acknowledged in we do not always receive the b- we ask for and the blind look up to C. S. with b-, channel to man of divine Ir long petitions for b- upon material methods, "Marriage is unblest or b; according to rather than into age and b-. a state resembling that of b- buds. The decaying flower, the b- bud, b- the buddings of self-government. And recovering of sight to the b-, — Luke 4 : 18 through a b- faith in God. b- to the reality of man's existence, expresses the helplessness of a b- faith ; how that the b- see, — Luke 7 : 22. In a word, human belief is a b- conclusion the b- receive their sight — Matt. 11 :5. If we rise no hij^her than b- faith, the law which gives sight to the ft-, a 6- force, the offspring of will if mortal mind says, "I am deaf and b\" It is but a b- force. gave sight to the b% hearing to the deaf, " If the b- lead the b\ — Matt. 15 : 14. The lame, the deaf, the dumb, the 6% b- to the possibilities of Spirit was made b-, and his blindness was felt; b- mortals do lose sight of si)iritual the lame to walk, and the b- to see. The sick, the halt, and the 6- look up to C. S. Unless the works are . . . the words are b\ Instead of b- and calm submission a b- faith removes bodily ailments for a season, the b- Hypnotism, and the m.Tsked these very failures may open their Ir eyes. putting a sharp knife into the hands of a b- man apprehension of this gave sight to the 6- Will — Ir, stubborn, and headlong The b- leading the b-, both would fall. not a faltering nor a b- faith, B- enthusiasm; mortal will. (see cUso belief) BLINDED 51 BODIES blinded / 223-17 blindly 6 305-32 p 377-18 blindness mortal p 374-13 pafi^an ph 187- 8 ph lW-11 /205- 5 c 263-30 6 316-15 3^1-22 t 448- 2 448-15 r 486-18 486-29 487-22 bliss aU /253- 5 attain the c 262-22 bouiidlesB ;• 481- 4 eternal ap 577-10 spiritual ffl 582-15 but more are b- by their old illusions, not so h- as the Pharisees, that it may not produce b- its bad effects. This mortal b- and its sharp consequences "With pagan b-, it attributes to not necessary to ensure deafness and b- ; all because of their b-, A sensual thought, ... is dense b- between spiritual clear-sightedness and the 6* Paul was made blind, and his b- was felt ; B- and self-righteousness cling fast to upon your b- to evil or upon the Alas for the b- of belief, which then palsy, b-, and deafness would Mere Delief is b- without Principle include and impart all b-, and attain the b- of loving unselfishly, freedom, harmony, and boundless b\ there is no impediment to eternal b*, a sense of Soul, which has spiritual 6* a 36- 2 never find b- . . . simply through translation 39-12 out of mortality into immortality and b\ ph 175-32 " Where ignorance is b-, 't is folly to be wise," f 203-25 not a stepping-stone to Life, immortality, and ^v 6 328- 1 the grandeur and b- of a spiritual sense, 337- 7 Sensualism is not b-, but bondage. ap 574-15 the spiritual outpouring of b- and glory, gl 587-26 spirituality; b- ; the atmosphere of Soul. blister ph 198-17 by a counter-irritant, — perhaps by a b-, Blondin ph 199-25 Had B- believed it impossible to walk the rope blood all the p 376-14 than in all the b-, which ever flowed through and nerves a 160-19 Can muscles, bones, b-, and nerves rebel bayonet and / 226-12 won, . . . not with bayonet and b-, brother's g 541-28 The voice of thy brother's b- — Gen. 4 ; 10. consumption of the p 376-11 with consumption of the 6*, drink his a 25-11 they truly eat his flesh and drink his b; essence of The spiritual essence of b- is sacrifice. His true flesli and b- were his Life ; flesh and b- hath not revealed it — Afatt. 16.- 17. " Flesh and b- cannot inherit the — 7 Cor. 15 ; 50. conferred not with flesh and 6*." — Gal. 1 : 16. a. 25- 3 flesh and a 25-10 s 137-23 6 321- 4 r 478-29 her p 379-15 inspecting the hue of her b- 379-21 not dying on account of the state of her b; his a 30-16 by man shall his b- be shed." — Gen. 9 ; 6. p 379-18 when not a drop of his b- was shed. human a 25- 6 than can be expressed by our sense of human b-. humor in the p 424-32 may tell you that he has a humor in the b-, man's a 30-15 " Whoso sheddeth man's b-, — Gen. 9 ; 6. material a 25- 6 The material b- of Jesus was no more eflficacious of the Lamb ap 568-18 by the b- of the Lamb, — Bev. 12 .• 11. of the martyrs a 37-5 " The b- of the martyrs is the seed of passaee of the ph 187-14 opening and closing for the passage of the b-, rushes madlv p 373-27 When the b- rushes madly through the veins shared the a 33-28 Have you shared the b- of the New Covenant, went doiwrn in / 225-20 but oppression neither went down in b-, s 143-19 but you conclude that the stomach, b-, 151-19 b-, heart, . . . have nothing to do with Life, the flight of one and the b- of the other Then, when the winds of God b-, Divine Science deals its chief b- at blood ph 172-23 Brain, heart, ic, . . . the material structure ? 172-32 (heart, b-, brain, acting through the / 220-31 controls the stomach, bones, lungs, heart, b', o 308-10 the head, heart, stomach, b-, nerves, jj 372- 8 can form b-, flesh, and bones. 376-11 should be told that b- never gave life 379-21 her belief that b- is destroying her life. 408-20 Truth does not distribute drugs through the 6-, r 475- 7 brain, b-, bones, and other material elements. bloodshed sp 94-14 Tyranny, intolerance, and b-, wherever found, s 139-10 Reforms have commonly been attended with {>• blossom m 62-23 The divine Mind, which forms the bud and 6% s 121-11 bird and b- were glad g 518-21 as the b- shines through the bud. gl 696-27 maketb the valley to bud and b- as the rose. blot p 391- 3 B- out the images of mortal thought blots p 437- 6 It b- the fair escutcheon of omnipotence. blow sp 97-10 / 201-15 g 535-10 bloweth gl 598- 3 b- where it listeth. — John 3 .- 8. blue / 220- 9 violet lifts her b- eye to greet the early spring. blunder s 123- 6 Ptolemaic b- could not affect the harmony of ;; 549- 7 a, b- which will finally give place to blundering p 386-16 A b- despatch, mistakenly announcing blunders / 230-19 Does wisdom make b- bluntly prrf x-12 6' and honestly given the text of Truth. blush sp 92-25 We should b- to call that real which Board of Health p 432-22 by the ofiicer of the B- o/H; 432-28 with a message from the B- of H- boast t 450-18 evil will b- itself above good. bodies animal an 100- 9 Animal b- are susceptible to the influence of celestial celestial b-, theearth, and animated tilings, theory as to the relations of the celestial/r, and revolutions of the celestial b-, creates no other than heavenly or celestial b-, an 100- 9 s 123- 1 / 209-20 g 509-13 material sp 73-19 minds and « 110-26 The belief that material 6" return to dust, power of C. S. to heal mortal minds and b\ f 210-15 action of the divine Mind on human minds and (>■ effects of illusion on mortal minds and 6*. decomposition of mortal b- in what is termed shall also quicken your mortal b- — Rom. 8 ; 11. p 408-13 mortal sp 92- 8 o 341- * organic sp 74- 4 must be free from organic b- ; our c 261-31 We should forget our b- in remembering good our own p 402-22 we rarely remember that we govern our own 6' spiritual _ belief that . . . rise up as spiritual b- sp 73-20 terrestrial 8 123- 3 their sp 90-21 p 396-23 409-15 the greater error as to our terrestrial br yet their Ir stay in one place, which their beliefs exercise over their b\ knowing how to govern their b-. 416-31 Turn their thouglits away from their 6* their o-wn ph 199-15 Mortals develop their own 6" / 228-16 Then they will control their own 6- these g 551-18 transmitted through these b- called eggs, nnseen p 429-17 with b- unseen by those who think that your b 325-22 " Present your b- a living — ifowi. 12; I. sp 87-10 Though b- are leagues apart 87-22 the b- which lie buried in its sands : BODILESS 62 BODY bodiless s 116-22 God is not corporeal, but incorporeal, . . . b. bodily a 43- 2 they did understand it after his b- departure. 45-13 Three days after his b- burial 50-20 before the evidence of the b- senses, sp 76-24 without a single b- pleasure or pain, 80- 5 for the support of b- endurance. s 136- 8 divine power to save men both h- and spiritually. 161-24 ordinary practitioner, examininK b- symptoms, ph 166-19 thrusting Him aside in times of 6- trouble, 172- 1 which he has through the b- senses, / 217-10 unnatural mental and b- conditions, 219- 3 applies to all b- ailments, 228-21 we shall never depend on b- conditions, 245-23 The b- results of her belief that she was young c 257- 9 belief in a b- soul and a material mind, b 302-27 not in any b- or personal likeness 334-12 Jesus appeared as a b- existence. p 368-20 That Life is not contingent on b- conditions 382-32 The ailment was not b-, but mental, 387-32 to defend himself, . . . from 6- suffering. 389- 9 Matter does not inform you of b- derangements ; 392- 4 To cure a b- ailment, every broken moral law should 392-26 conclusions as you wish realized in b- results, 394-10 The admission that any //• condition 397- 9 You cause b- sufferings and increase them 398-28 faith removes b- ailments for a season, 413-20 I insist on b- cleanliness within and without. 416- 1 as if it were a separate b- member. t 448- 5 Evil which obtains in the b- senses. Body p 432-11 I am Mortality, Governor of the Province of B-, 437- 1 Nerve, testified that he was a ruler of JB-, 438-10 Instead of being a ruler in the Province of B-, 439- 7 absent from the Province of B-, body absent from the pr 14- 4 are not " absent from the b" — // Cor. 5: 8. 14-22 [because the Ego is absent from the b-, f 216-29 to be absent from the b-,—Il Cor. 5 ; 8. p 383-10 to be absent from the b-, — II Cor. 5 .• 8. gl 581-25 to be absent from the b-, — II Cor. 5. -8. action of the / 239-25 and produces every discordant action of the b\ 8 149-18 " We know that mind affects the b- f Zi'2- 4 learned that food affects the ft- only as p 397- 2 not seeing how mortal mind affects the b', affect the p 402-21 and in this way affect the ft-, and mind ph 190- 5 producing mortals, both ft- and mind; ft 302- 3 The material ft- and mind are temporal, and Soul r 477-19 . Question. — What are ft- and Soul? apparent on the p 374-12 before it is consciously apparent on the ft-, appearance in the ph 168-26 made its appearance in the ft-. argued that the p 435- 5 False Belief has argued that the ft- should as matter / 214-31 evident that the ft- as matter has no sensation belief that the / 226-23 in the belief that the ft- governed them, believing that the / 218-15 believing that the ft- can be sick independently belonging to that sp 73-25 belief . . . sensations belonging to that ft-. better p 425-23 Consciousness constructs a better ft- when brain or p 401-24 produce any effect upon the brain or ft- brings to the s 162- 4 C. S. brings to the ft- the sunlight of Truth, bulk of a ph 190-13 and the bulk of a ft-, called man. buried the sp 75-19 plane of belief as those who buried the ft-, bury the p 429-18 unseen by those who think that they bury the 6-. called man sp 81-21 give to the worms the ft- called man, ft 313-29 Jesus called the ft-, which by cannot believe r 487-17 The ft- cannot believe. cannot be saved sp 98- 7 £■ cannot be saved except through Mind. cannot die p 426-30 Man is immortal, and the ft- cannot die, cannot suffer p 392-32 then the ft- cannot suffer from them. body cause the p 415-27 will apparently cause the ft- to disappear. clean p 383- 3 We need a clean ft- and a clean mind, coming from tlie p 385-31 coming from the ft- or from inert matter complaint from tlie J) 391-29 contradict every complaint from the ft-, concerning the / 219-15 never afiirm concerning the ft- what we condition of tlie / 217-17 conquered a diseased condition of the ft- through 2) 408-30 that condition of the ft- which we call sensation control over the p/t 166- 7 thus the conscious control over the ft- is lost. p 406-27 a loss of control over the ft-. controls the p 400- 1 mind, which directly controls the ft- control the sp 93- 2 recognize Soul as . . . able to control the &• p 379- 1 If disease can attack and control the ft- conversation about tlie c 260-26 by conversation about the ft-, corresponds witli p 412-26 until the ft- corresponds with the corrupt p 404- 9 A corrupt mind is manifested in a corrupt ft*. dead s 113- 7 the letter is but the dead ft- of Science, p 416-21 only in mortal mind, as the dead ft- proves; derangement of tlie p 423-28 abnormal condition or derangement of the ft- detach sense from the c 261-21 Detach sense from the ft-, or matter, divine ap 559-25 when you eat the divine ft- of dosing tlie ph 169-14 and by dosing the ft- in order to avoid it. effects on the o 350-25 known by its effects on the ft- p 370--2() very direct and marked effects on the ft-. 374- 5 Hatred and its effects on the ft- are removed effects upon the ph 176-10 seen in its glorious effects upon the ft-. effect upon the p 398-21 and produces a new effect upon the ft-. even in p 404-31 nor Mind can help him . . . even in ft-, unless experiences no pain c 201-10 the ft- experiences no pain. explanation of ph 200- 9 wise not to undertake the explanation of ft-. expose the p 386- 5 Expose the ft- to certain temperatures, / 248- 8 Immortal Mind feeds the ft- with fettered by the ft 292-10 belief that Mind, . . . can be fettered by the ft-, finite ft 309-25 impossible for . . . Soul to be in a finite ft- flee from p 405-31 to flee from ft- to Spirit, foe of the pfe 176-20 Mortal mind is the worst foe of the ft-, functions of the p 373-22 expressed ... in the functions of the ft-. governed by the c 257-10 belief in ... a soul governed by the ft- goveming the p 370- 8 proves that fear is governing the ft-. government of tlie ph 167-27 scientific government of the ft- must be attained 182-18 Mind's government of the ft- must supersede t 462-30 It urges the government of the ft- govems the s 111-28 Mind governs the ft-, not partially but wholly. 162-13 the fact that Mind governs the ft-, ph 180-14 Ignorant that the human mind governs the ft-, / 251-16 learn how this mortal mind governs the ft-, govern the / 251-18 should learn whether mortals govern the ft- greater than / 223-12 Soul is Spirit, and Spirit is greater than ft-. guillotined p 427-17 bone is broken or the ft- guillotined. had been naked (f 532-28 In the allegory the ft- had lieen naked, heaier of the ft 326-15 healer of mortal mind is the healer of the ft-. heal the s 146-14 even the might of Mind — to heal the ft-. p 399-32 In other words : How can I heal the ft-, without his a 45-26 for they believed his ft- to be dead. 46-15 his ft- was not changed until he BODY 63 BODY body his a 53-26 Jesus bore our sins in his b\ • sp 75-16 not by an admission that his b- had died 75-18 that Lazarus had lived or died in his b-, ph 188-16 the dreamer thinks that his b- is material / 216-17 his b- is in submission to everlasting Life b 290-29 no more spiritual for believing that his b- died 290-31 His b- is as material as his mind, and tnce versa. 314-13 Wlien Jesus spoke of i'ei)roducine his b-, 314-16 their material temple instead of his />•. 320-31 if disease and worms destroyed his b-, yet p 383- 8 takes the best care of Ills b- when he 388- 9 when dire inttictions failed to destroy his b-. 414- 1 held in the beliefs concerning his b-. 416-22 mortal lias resigned his b- to dust, r 486-14 his b- was the same immediately sifter death his own s 150-28 doctrine . . . then throat out of bis own 6* human TO 62-24 will care for the human b-, even as it s 125- 4 now considered . . . health in the human &• t 458-13 trying to sustain the human b- iinaf^ed on tlie p 379-31 the fover-picture, . . . imaged on the b- improves under p 370- 5 The b- improves under the same regimen indifference to the / 216- 2 his faith in Soul and his indifference to the b; influences the s 143-18 You admit that mind influences the b- inharmonious ph 166-16 From it arises the inharmonious b\ innocent p 437-16 the helpless innocent b- tortured, instead of / 223- 5 illusion that he lives in b- instead of in Soul, b 315- 8 He knew that the Ego was Mind instead of b' p 419-17 Observe mind instead of b-, g 536-15 governed ... by b- instead of by Soul, intact in r 492- 1 the dream leaves mortal man intact in b- is affected p 380-17 b- is affected only with the belief of disease is controlled pr 14-17 when the b- is controlled by spiritual Life, is devoid p 399-21 Without this force the b- is devoid of action, is disintegrated p 429-20 after the b- is disintegrated, is not controlled s 143-24 b- is not controlled scientifically by a negar tive is not flrst / 207-15 n- is not first and Soul last, is the substratum p 371- 2 The b- is the substratum of mortal mind, its own ph 196- 5 power of mortal mind over its own b- justice to the p 434-32 Denying justice to the &•, keeping the p 413-18 only for the purpose of keeping the b- clean. keep the p 383-19 mind must be clean to keep the b- in proper leaving a r 478- 6 has never beheld Spirit or Soul leaving a b- lies listless / 250-20 To the observer, the 6- lies listless, light of the p 393-25 " the light of the b- is the eye," — Matt. 6 .• 22. limited 6 284- 7 would seem to spring from a limited b- ; 335-18 never ... in a limited mind or a limited b-. little p 413-22 need not wash his little b- all over each day look away from the c 261- 2 Look away from the b- into Truth and Love, lost from the r 491-24 memory and consciousness are lost from the b-, makes . . . tributary s 119-31 C. S. . . . makes b- tributary to Mind, making the a 34- 4 making the 6- " holy, acceptable — liom. 12; 1. manifestation in the s 154- 8 and its consequent manifestation in the b-. manifest on the / 219-18 before it can be made manifest on the &•, r 493-22 It is fear made manifest on the b-. man's / 216-28 When you say, " Man's b- is material," g 531-15 If, in the beginning, man's b- originated in masters of the / 228-23 but we shall be masters of the b\ mastery of the p 406-30 destroyed only by Mind's mastery of the b\ body mat«rial (dee material) Mind and b 285-13 Spirit and matter, Mind and 6-, mind and s 149-29 benefits mind and b-. 151- 1 ignorant that the human mind and b- are myths. 157-27 but they leave both mind and b- worse 157-29 the entire corporeality, — namely, mind and b\ 158-12 truth which heals both mind and b-. ph 169- 1 process which mortal mind and b- undergo 177- 8 Mortal mind and b- are one. b 293- 9 This so-called mind and b- is the 316-10 manifest . . . upon the human mind and b-, p 383-13 because mind and b- rest on the same basis. 388-32 the harmonious functions of mind and b-, 405-15 will be executed upon mortal mind and b-. 406- 9 healing of mortals, both mind and b-. 409- 4 Mortal inind and b- combine as one, Mind controls sp 79-28 asserting that Mind controls b- and brain, mind or p 365-31 unchristian practitioner is not giving to mind or b- r 473- 1 inharmony of mortal mind or b- is illusion, Mind over ph 169-16 understood the control of Mind over 6-, p 380-10 against the control of Mind over b-, mortal (see mortal) mortality of the ph 191-27 infers the mortality of the 6\ move the an 104-32 human mind must move the b' to a wicked act my a 32-17 • Take, eat ; this is myb-. — Matt. 26 : 26. p 374- 9 until it appeared on my -, not in pr 13-32 not cognizant of life in Soul, not in b'. not in the r 467-17 Science reveals Spirit, Soul, as not in the 6', outlined on the ph 196-30 which is afterwards outlined on the b-. outline on the r 485-25 If thought yields ... it cannot outline on the 6- outside the g 510-17 representation of Soul outside the b-, over the ph 167-28 to gain control over the b- 194-9 Truth sends a report of health over the b-, f 217-26 learn the power of Mind over the b- 218-16 no jurisdiction over the b-. p 382-27 supporting the power of Mind over tlie b' 417-29 control which Mind holds over the b-. parted from the p 401-22 If the mind were parted from the b', pass from the p 375- 2 Heat would pass from the 6* as painlessly as patient's s 152-17 to ascertain the temperature of the patient's b", physical s 124-32 The elements and functions of the physical b- poor p 383-30 pinching and pounding the poor b-, portion of the p 425-28 or any portion of the ft- portions of the p 421- 4 belief that other portions of the b' possible for the sp 90-12 will be found to be equally possible for the b: produced on the p 392-13 Whatever benefit is produced on the &•, pnts the p 399- 7 and puts the ft- through certain motions. reach the ph 170-15 and reach the ft- through Mind, reconstruct the p 422-19 changes . . . serve to reconstruct the 6-. redemption of our c 255- * to tcit, the redemption of our b\ — Rom. 8 ; 23. relieve the .s 157-26 quiet mortal mind, and so relieve the 6- ; rendered pure p 383- 3 a ft- rendered pure by Mind responds sp 89-15 the ft- responds to this belief, results upon the p 384-13 and its results upon the ft-, same a 45-29 He presented the same ft- that be bad before says of the / 218- 5 what the human mind says of the ft-, BODY 54 body sees the sp 90-17 The looker-on sees the b- in bed, sensatiunless b 280-26 man has a sensationle3S b- ; senses and the 6 317-26 testimony of the material senses and the b-, sensibly -with the pr 14- 1 If we are sensibly with the b- sensuous / 20»-19 We imagine that Mind can be ... in a sensu- ous b\ sick c 260-20 sick b- is evolved from sick thoughts. slave to the gl 582-27 and would make mortal mind a slave to the b\ solid / 242-15 Self-love is more opaque than a solid 6-. Soul and s 114-25 It lifts the veil of mystery from Soul and b-. 119-30 reverses the seeming relation of Soul and 6- 122-30 make the same mistake regarding Soul and b- soul and 8 123- 6 as does the error relating to soul and b-, ph 196-11 able to destroy both soul and b- — Matt. 10 ; 28. b 338- 6 belief . . . that he is both soul and b-, steers the p 426- 4 divine power, which steers the b- into health, stimulus of the p 420-22 Mind is the natural stimulus of the b-, stiuiulus to the p 420-19 It imparts a healthy stimulus to the b-, superimposed upon the p 425-11 images . . . superimposed upon the b- ; sustain the p 417- 5 power of Mind to sustain the b-. teaching that the * p 396-21 all teaching that the b- suffers, temple also means ap 576-15 The word temple also means b-. temple, or p 428-13 termed the p 409-12 that sp 72- 5 establish in truth the temple, or b-, substratum of mortal mind, termed the b\ that b- would disappear to mortal sense, 90-18 but the supposed inhabitant of that b- ph 188-17 thinks . . . the suffering is in that b-. this ph 187-32 / 208-27 p 368-22 this temple a 27-12 r 494- 2 This b- is put off only as A mortal man possesses this b-, when we learn that life and man survive this b\ " Destroy this temple [b-J, — John 2 ; 19. " Destroy this temple [6], — Jolm 2 ; 19. transformation of the / 241-13 transformation of the b- by the renewal of treat the l}h 174-25 Then, if . . . sick, why treat the b- alone triumph over a 42-16 the proof of his final triumph over b- triumph over the / 242- 8 and the final triumph over the b-. Vf&sMng the / 241-27 washing the b- of all the impurities of fiesh, when bereft b-, when bereft of mortal mind, at first cools. p 374-26 when the p 391-18 'whole / 219-12 will reflect b 324- 9 When the b- is supposed to say, " I am sick," makes the whole b- " sick, — Isa. 1 . 5. the b- will reflect what governs it, will then utter pr 14-14 the b- will then utter no complaints. would respond p 411- 5 the b- would respond more quickly, your in 62-14 less thought " for your b- what ye — Afatt. 6 ; 25. sp 79-24 says: . . . Your b-^is weak, and it must be pn 165- * nor yet for your b\ what ye — Matt. 6 ; 25. / 208-30 You embrace your b- in your thought, 227-28 crippled your capacities, enfeebled your b-, p 393-11 Take possession of your b-, 393-21 Your &• would suffer no more from tension pr 12- 7 making it act more powerfully on the b- a 39-10 The educated belief that Soul is in the b- 42^24 Let men think they had killed the b- ! sp 89-29 Cain . . . concluded that if life was in the ft*, an 105-12 Can you separate the mentality from the b- a 107-16 false consciousness that life inheres in the b-, 120- 2 never . . . while we admit that soul is in b- 122-31 They insist that soul is in b- 130-22 ability of Spirit to make the b- harmonious, 151- 3 this one factor they represent to be b-, body 3 152- 7 160-12 164-23 ph 165- • 174-27 176- 2 177-10 177-13 179-14 180- 3 181- 3 187-30 187-32 189-10 189-15 194-21 198-14 / 204-31 206- 9 209- 3 211- 7 211-26 216-15 217-20 218- 3 218- 5 218- 5 218- 9 219-16 223-12 240-13 248- 1 251- 3 253-24 c 260-31 261- 9 6 280-23 288-23 289- 5 291- 3 293- 8 297- 6 302-28 308-11 313-31 314-18 318^32 323-22 325- 6 329-14 337- 3 p 375- 5 375-22 376-17 377-12 379-28 380-32 382-11 383- 7 386-14 388-10 391-12 393- 4 396-29 399-12 400-14 400-23 400-31 411-26 416-17 416-22 425-14 429-14 429-14 431-11 432- 8 435- 3 435- 7 r 476- 7 478-13 478-18 485-20 g 631-16 ap 676-20 gl 695- 7 boil 8 153-16 153-17 153-20 153-21 boiling- /243- 5 boldly a 18-10 BOLDLY yEsculapius of mind as well as of b\ When this so-called mind quits the b-, miscalled life in the b- or in matter. and the b- than raiment ? — Matt. C ; 26. Why declare that the b- is diseased. The action of mortal mind on the b- Matter, or b-, is but a false concept the b- is a sensuous, human concept. the b- then seems to require such treatment. it should be taught to do the b- no harm Before deciding that the b-, matter, the human mind still holds in belief a b-, a b- like the one it had before death. to explain the effect of mortal mind on the 6", We call the b- material; but it is as mortal mind manifests itself in the b- afterwards to appear on the Ir ; The error, which says that .Soul is in 6', both upon the b- and through it. belief which makes the h- discordant The sensations of the Ir must either be the then, when the b- is dematerialized, understanding makes the b- harmonious; When mentality gives rest to the b-, the Ir is as material as the wheel. what the human mind says of the b', the h-, like the inanimate wheel, The b- is supposed to say, " I am ill." We shall not call the 6- "weak. If Spirit were once within the b-, to be governed by matter or Soul in b', belief of pain or pleasure in the b- This action of mortal mind on the b- without hindrance from the Ir. If we look to the b- for pleasure, we find pain; If one turns away from the b- the belief that Soul is in b\ Soul is sinless, not to be found in the b- ; belief that life and sensation are in the b- that the so-called death of the b- substratum is named matter or b- ; this testimony manifests itself on the b- the Ir presents no proper likeness of divinity, looking for happiness and life in the b-, and the Ir no more perfect because of death the b-, which they laid in a sepulchre. The Ir does not include soul, removes thought from the Ir, and elevates life obtained not of the b- incapable of not tarry in the storm if the b- is freezing, as material sensation, or a soul in the b-, the separation of heat from the 6-. belief that matter . . . can paralyze the b-, If the b- is material, it cannot, . . . suffer Through different states of mind, the 6- pictures drawn on the Ir by a mortal mind. Every law of . . . the Ir, supposed to govern, no thought . . . for the /*•."— XmA-c 12; 22. influence of the divine Mind on the b- corresponding effects of Truth on the b-, thought that they could kill the b- with matter, prevent the development of pain in the Ir. The b- seems to be self-acting, only because never giving the b- life and sensation. mortal mind sends its despatches over its Ir, before it has taken tangible shape in . . . the b-, We see in the b- the images of this mind, baneful influence of sinful thought on the b\ is imaged forth on the b-. even as the Ir, which has Ir is no longer the parent, even in If the Ir is diseased, this is l)ut one of the aflSrms that mind is subordinate to the b-, afliirms . . . that the ft- is dying, in behalf of the state (namely, the ft-) my residence in matter, alias brain, to ft*. Has the Ir . . . committed a criminal deed ? The ft- committed no offence. Error will cease to claim that soul is in ft-. Who can see a soul in the ft- ? That ft- is most harmonious in which the belief that life can be in matter or soul in ft*. If . . . mind was afterwards put into ft- with " no temple [ft-] therein '' — llev. 21 .- 22. Temple. £• ; the idea of Life, substance. You say a ft* is painful ; The 6- simply manifests, ... a belief in pain, and this belief is called a ft*. and it will soon cure the ft*. which delivered men from the 6* oil, Jesus acted ft*, against the accredited evidence BONDAGE 55 BOTANIST the foundation of continued b- bondag-e continued / 227-12 ignorance human / 227- 8 law of the divine Mind must end human b-, land of ap 566-16 Out of the land of b- came, oppressive s 151-15 oppressive b- now enforced by false theories, out of ap 559-30 prefigured this perilous passage out of ft- pit 191-17 from self-irajmsed materiality and />•. / 225-30 are still in b- to material sense, 226-29 hold the children of Israel in b-. 227-22 Escape from the b- of sickness, sin, and b 337- 7 Sensualism is not bliss, but b\ p 368-13 hope of freedom from the b- of sickness 371-14 The adult, in b- to his beliefs, bonds b 284- 9 It can never be in b-, p 372-12 and then call his b- material and 434-29 not proved "worthy of death, or of 6*." — Acts 23 ; 29. 441- 8 to give heavy b- for good behavior. bone ph 193- 5 said the 6* was carious for several inches. 193- 7 the evidence of this condition of the b-. b 280-11 would compress Mind, . . . beneath a skull b\ 281-19 mind supposed to exist . . . beneath a skull 6- p 402-19 whether it be a broken 6-, disease, or sin. 423- 2 and may not be able to mend the b-, 423-32 The so-called substance of b- is formed first by 427-17 Man is the same after as before a b- is broken fir 533-22 the rapid deterioration of the b- and flesh bone-disease p 422-22 Let us suppose two parallel cases of b-, bones broken p 401-29 402- 6 carious s 162- 9 162-22 flesli and a 45-27 adjustment of broken b' and dislocations broken b-, dislocated joints, and restores carious b- to soundness, carious b- have been restored to healthy " Spirit hath not flesh and b', — Luke 24 ; 39. b 313-30 Jesus called the body, ..." flesh and &•." - Luke 24 ; 39. o 352- 7 a mortal and material belief of flesh and b-, p 372- 8 One theory about . . . blood, flesh, and b-. muscles and sp 84-21 nor upon muscles and b- for locomotion, nerves, nor / 219-11 Not muscles, nerves, nor b-, s 143-19 the stomach, blood, nerves, b-, 160-19 Can muscles, b-, blood, and nerves rebel ph 172-23 Brain, heart, blood, b-, etc., 173-19 measuring human strength by b- and sinews, / 216-16 makes the nerves, b-, brain, etc., servants, 220-31 controls the stomach, b-, lungs, heart, p 423-29 B- have only the substance of thought 424- 4 and its own thoughts of b\ made up of brain, blood, b-, and r 475- 7 Book p 441-31 book little ap 558- 6 559- 1 559-17 is recorded in our B- of books as a liar. he had in his hand a little b- open : — liev. 10 ; 2. angel had in his hand "a little 6-," — Bev. 10 .■2. " Go and take the little b-. — Bev. 10 • 8. of £ccle8iastes b 340- 4 This text in the b- of Ecclesiastes Spiritually followed, the b- of Genesis is about creation in the b- of Genesis, in the early part of the b- of Genesis. of Genesis !7 .502- 9 521-19 523-16 of Hebrew^s ap 575-12 as we read in the b- of Hebrews ; of Job b 321- 2 as may be seen by studying the 6- of Job. of Revelation ap 558- 1 in the tenth chapter of his b- of Revelation : perusal of the ( 446- 9 Perseverance in the perusal of the 6- game ap 559- 2 this pre/ x-10 xii-21 an 104- 5 8 110-18 Did this same b- contain the revelation of books, however, which are based on this b- she had never read this b- throughout it will be seen why the author of this b- contained in thisVr, S<:;ience and Health ; 110-20 This 6- may be distorted by shallow criticism 129-32 in the system taught in this b-, book this 8 138-32 147-17 152- 6 ph 185- 7 b 330- 3 p 422- 5 t 446- 7 457- 3 457- 4 ff 546-27 547- 4 ap 659-20 It is his theology in this b- never ... by a sim-ple pertisal of this b-. endeavored to make this b- the .^sculapius of Before this b- was published. Until the author ot this b- learned the If the reader of this 6- observes a great stir If patients sometimes seem worse while read- ing this b-, borrowed from this &• without giving it credit, this b- has done more for teacher and the system stated in this b- If one of the statements in this b- is true. Read this b- from beginning to end. pre/ vii-22 A b- introduces new thoughts, s 147-17 The b- needs to be studied, p 422- 8 Continue to read, and the b- will become t 456-30 Because it was the flrst b- known, booked p 382-19 A patient thoroughly b- in medical theories books pre/ X- 4 Various b- on mental healing have X- 9 A few b-, however, which are based on sp 88-30 it is said to be a gift . . . obtained from 6* pn 176-12 There were fewer b- on digestion 185- 7 other b- were in circulation, which discussed 196-20 Such b- as will rule disease out of mortal mind, p 441-31 is recorded in our Book of ft- as a liar. t 457- 6 than has been accomplished by other ft-. ap 572- 3 in both the flrst and last ft- of the Bible, borders p 430- 6 Faith should enlarge its ft* bore a 20-14 Jesus ft- our inflrmities; 50-30 The real cross, which Jesus ft- up the hill of grief, 53-25 Jesus ft- our sins in his body. p 363- 1 She ft- an alabaster jar born 30- 5 fl- of a woman, Jesus' advent in the flesh m 57-19 Happiness is spiritual, ft- of Truth and Love. 61-17 like tropical flowers ft- amid Alpine snows. s 109-26 " Unto us a child is ft-, — Isa. 9 ; 6. / 227-17 Paul said, " I was free ft-." — Acts 22 .-28. 250-10 which is never ft- and never dies, c 258-27 Never ft- and never dying, b 274-10 Ideas, on the contrary, are ft- of Spirit, 295-32 error theorizes that spirit is ft- of matter 296- 4 Progress is ft- of experience. 332- 9 Jesus was ft- of Mary. t 463-14 conceived and ft- of Truth and Love, 463-18 the C. S. infant is ft- of the Spirit, ft- of God, g 529- 3 that man should be ft- of woman, 535-17 the heritage of the flrst ft- among men 552-15 " Man that is ft- of a woman — Job 14.- 1. 557-20 lifts the curtain on man as never ft- ap 563-26 to devour her child as soon as it was h-.— Bev. 12 .- 4. every one that is 6- of the Spirit— JoAn 3; 8. gl 598- 4 borne a 33-10 s 109-24 had ft- this bread from house to house, ■When a new spiritual idea is ft- to earth, p 383-18 could not be ft- by the reflned. borrow would ft- the passport of some wiser pilgrim, a 21-32 borrowed s 112-12 c 267-21 ft- from that truly divine Science Thought is ft- from a higher source p 367- 6 better than . . . stereotyped ft- speeches, t 457- 3 ft- from this book without giving it credit, and radiates their ft- light. g 511- 2 borrows pr 12-17 ap 562- 9 bosom a 29-27 sp 87-22 ?201- • ft 321-21 334- 5 ap 569-22 Boston pre/ xi-29 Massachusetts Metaphysical College In B; an 105-19 these words of Judge Parmenter or B- Boston Herald an 102-24 an extract from the B- H- : botanic p 416-10 allopathic, homoeopathic, ft-, eclectic botanist « 155- 8 The chemist, the ft-, the druggist, ap 660-19 The ft- must know the genus ft- its power from human faith and belief, the universe ft- its reflected light, dwelt forever an idea in the ft- of God, of the tall ships that float on its ft-, liow I do bear in my ft- — Psnl. 89 ; 50. when Moses first put his hand into his 6- Christ, dwelt forever in the ft- of the Father, sin, which one has made his ft- companion. BOTH 56 m, sp both pre/ yiii- 9 physics teach that b- Spirit and matter viii-13 by healing b- disease and sin ; a 18- 5 His mission was h- individual and collective. 23-10 eventually b- sin and suffering will fall 24-26 Then we must differ from them h-. 39-24 b- are unreal, because impossible in Science. 50-12 The appeal of Jesus was made b- to 57-10 Ji- sexes should be loving, pure, tender, 59- 3 enduring obligations on b- sides. 59-32 it never would, if 6- husband and wife were 60-10 purity and constancy, b- of which are immortal. 73- 9 b- the individuality and the Science of man, 77- 7 ft- here and hereafter, 80-21 mind-power which moves ft- table and hand. 80-31 ft- visibly and invisibly, 82-15 because ft- of us are either unconscious or 85-23 B- Jew and Gentile may have had 85-30 great Teacher knew b- cause and effect, 88-25 for ft- arise from mortal belief. 91-27 erroneous postulate is, that man is ft- 91-29 erroneous postulate is, that mind is ft- 99- 8 worketh in you ft- to will and — Phil. 2 ; 13. an 103-11 a knowledge of ft- good and evil, 103-21 false belief that mmd is ... ft- evil and good; 104- 4 are ft- comprehended, as they will be 8 113-22 B- are not, cannot be, true. 114- 1 Usage classes ft- evil and good together 114- 8 and calls mind ft- human and divine. 126-18 as being ft- natural and si)iritual ? 128-31 If ft- the major and the minor propositions 136- 5 and heal ft- the sick and the sinning. 136- 8 power to save men ft- bodily and spiritually. 148-12 B- anatomy and theology define 148-13 define man as ft- i)hysical and mental, 150-19 would have one believe that ft- matter and 157-27 but they leave ft- mind and body worse 157-31 Science'ft- neutralizes error and destroys it. 158-11 truth which heals ft- mind and body. 162-18 in cases of ft- acute and chronic disease ph 167-15 If God constituted man ft- good and evil, 170-28 or as ft- material and spiritual, 174-29 the thought of ft- physician and patient? 177- 9 ft- must be destroyeci by immortal Mind. 180- 1 are ft- prolific sources of sickness. 182- 9 We cannot obey ft- physiology and Spirit, 186-26 If pain is as real as . . . ft- must be immortal; 188-15 In ft- the waking and the sleeping dream, 190- 5 producing mortals, ft- body and mind; 196-11 able to destroy ft- soul and" body — Matt. 10 ; 28. / 206- 8 ft- upon the body and through it. 208-14 absurd to sujipose that matter can ft- cause and 216-20 to suppose that man, ... is ft- matter and Spirit, 216-20 to suppose that man, ... ft- good and evil. 218-12 What renders ft- sin and sickness difficult of 223-18 ft- shall fall into the ditch." — Afatt. 15 .- 14. 229-U calls ft- the offspring of spirit, 234-15 robbing ft- themselves and others. b 270- 6 hence ft- cannot be real. 281- 7 presupposes man to be ft- mind and matter. 282- 8 the finite, which has ft- beginning and end. 283-15 They speak of ft- Truth and error as mind, 287- 6 supposes man to be ft- mental and material. 287-29 ft- good and evil. 293-11 ft- strata, mortal mind and 294- 6 If man is ft- mind and matter, 303-13 ft- spiritually and materially, 303-13 or by ft- Go(I and man, 303-15 can never make ft- these contraries true. 307-21 as ft- good and evil, 320- 7 Scriptures have ft- a spiritual and literal 320-10 must rest upon ft- the literal and moral; " 330-22 Mind is not ft- good and bad, 330-25 The notion that ft- evil and good 333-19 ft- before and after the Christian era, 338- 5 belief . . . that he is ft- soul and body, 338- 6 ft- good and evil, ft- spiritual and material O 346-30 We cannot serve ft- /i 184- 9 Boiiillaud an 101- 9 bound pr 6-24 sp 77- 4 / 227-27 r 49.5-10 495-12 ap .559-10 boundary m 58-22 sp 97-15 ft 298-18 ap 577-12 bounded sp 84-19 c 2,56-13 ft 301-32 boundinj^ / 237- 4 boundless a 22--24 c 258-15 ft 323-11 r 481- 4 bounds g 550- 8 bounty pr 15-25 a 36-11 bow a 35-12 ph 174- 5 / 214-18 247-26 g 530-21 bowed a 32-13 36-13 gl 698-11 BOWED ft- have their origin in the human mind, B- cures require the same method B- will be manacled until the last farthing is Sin and sickness are ft- healed by the same' healing of mortals, ft- mind and body. Truth overcomes ft- disease and sin are ft- forty, and that their combined sum cases of bone-disease, ft- similarly produced as ft- his foe and his remedy. B- Science and consciousness are now at work for ft- are immortal. heals them ft- by understanding Rod's power the true incentive in ft- healing and teaching. cannot send forth ft- sweet waters and bitter. you must ft- understand and abide by the we cannot scientifically ft- cure and ft- sides were beautiful ft- a mental and a material standpoint. B- sin and sickness are error, ft- in health and in sickness. hypothesis that soul is ft- an evil and a good ft- before and after that which is called death. ft- spiritual and material are mental, ft- primarily and secondarily. ft- this mortal mentality, so-called, and its Mind had made man, ft- male and female, already created man, ft- male and female ft- man and woman proceed from God error, . . . that mind and soul are ft- right and Certainly not by ft-, since The blind leading the blind, ft- would fall. As ft- mortal man and sin have a as if . . . matter can ft- give and take away, ft- for what it is and for what it does, ft- the material senses and their reports are as if man were the offspring of ft- Mind and of ft- Deity and humanity, destroys fr faith in evil and the in ft- the first and last books of the Bible, ft- within and without, belief that . . . are ft- mental and material; belief that . . . are ft- mental and material, the original word is the same in ft- cases, poured into the old ft- of the letter, does not put new wine into old ft-, C. S. goes to the ft- of mental action, probing the trouble to the ft-, among whom were Roux, B-, and Cloquet, he said that Satan had ft- her, Ts'either do other mortals ... at a single ft-. The illusion . . . has ft- you, " whom Satan hath ft-,''— Lnke 13 .- 16. opens the prison doors to such as are ft-, to the globe's remotest ft-. the centre, though not the ft-, of the affections, without passing the ft- where, never reaches beyond the ft- of the This spiritual, holy habitation has no ft- Mind is infinite, not ft- by corporeality, The everlasting I am is liot ft- nor Immortality is not ft- by mortality. B- oflE with laughing eyes, ft- freedom, and sinless sense, higher and higher from a ft- basis, until ft- thought walks enrajitured, freedom, harmony, and ft- bliss. cannot ... be limited within material ft-. Christians rejoice in secret l>eauty and ft-, pour his dear-bought ft- into barren lives. They ft- before Christ, Truth, that man should ft- down to a flesh-brush. We ft- down to matter, . . . like the pagan arches the cloud with the ft- of beauty, saying, . . . B- down to me and have another god. he ft- in holy submission to the divine decree, a few women who ft- in silent woe " He ft- his head, — John 19 ; 30. BOWELS 57 BREATHE bowels ph 176- 8 left the stomach and Ir free to act 179-28 to move the b-, or to produce sleep p 413- 7 Mind regulates the condition of the stomach, 6", 415-21 the action of the lungs, of the b-, box ph 170-30 is the Pandora b-, from which boy ph 193- 2 caused by a fall . . . when quite a b-. 196- 2 After the babbling b- had been taught to p 398- 2 as when he said to the epileptic b-, boyhood a 52- 1 From early b- he was about his ph 193-23 ever since the injury was received in b\ boys b 333- 6 in common with other Hebrew b- and men, p 379-16 think of the experiment of those Oxford b-. Brahman p 362-11 the household of a high-caste B-, brain and nerves s 122-12 sections of matter, such as b- and nerves, 6 290-11 manifested through /'■ and nerves, is false. and viscera p 415-24 including b- and viscera. body and sp 79-28 Mind controls body and b-. called ph 185-29 material stratum of the human mind, called b-, can give no idea ph 191- 1 The b- can give no idea of God's man. congestion of the p 408-23 as would congestion of the 6-, consult your ph 1C5-18 Then you consult your b- in order to diseased J) 421- 3 insanity implies belief in a diseased b', effect upon the p 401-23 could you produce any effect upon the b- or is not mind p 372- 1 Remember, b- is not mind. named b 295-26 The theoretical mind is matter, named b\ or matter c 259-24 B- or matter never formed a human concept. portions of the g 531- 8 It is well that the upper portions of the />• prevent the p 395-31 would prevent the b- from becoming diseased, proceeding from tlie sp 88-12 proceeding from the 6- or from matter, size of a ph 190-12 presently measure mind by the size of a ft- size of the ph 165- 7 To measure ... by the size of the ft- softened p 387- 4 must it pay the penalty in a softened ft- ? Bubstratum of p 408-29 thought in the corporeal substratum of ft* your sp 79-24 says : . . . Your ft- is overtaxed, s 127-20 nerves, ft-, stomach, lungs, and so forth, 151-19 The blood, heart, luugs, ft-, etc., ph 172-23 jB-, heart, blood, . . . the material structure ? 172-32 (heart, blood, ft-, acting through the 189-16 it is as truly mortal mind, ... as is the material ft- 189-29 the lower, basal portion of the ft-, 190- 7 neither ... is found in ft- or elsewhere in / 211- 1 If ft-, nerves, stomach, are intelligent, 216-16 it makes . . . bones, ft-, etc., servants, c 262-29 Every concept which seems to begin with the ft- ft 294-13 saying : . . . Nerves feel. B- thinks and sins. p 408-17 Can drugs go of their own accord to the ft- 408-25 with the mmd than is the ft-. 409- 6 animate error called nerves, 6-, mind, 409- 9 mortal mind — alias matter, ft- 414-10 impossibility that matter, ft-, can control 432- 8 for I convey messages from ... ft-, to body. r 475- 7 Man is not matter; he is not made up of ft-, 478-14 Does ft- think, and do nerves feel, ffl 587-13 theories that hold mind . . . existing in ft*, brain-lobes p 395-30 The knowledge that 6- cannot kill r 478-22 and ft- cannot think brainolosry ph 171-10 not needing to study ft* ft 295-28 B- teaches that mortals are created to suffer brake a 32-16 6- it, and gave it to the disciples, — Matt. 26 .- 26. branch p 402- 2 surgery is the ft- of its healing which t 462-24 This ft- of study is indispensable brave s 120-32 chained the limbs of the ft- old navigator, 144- 7 when dawns the sun's ft- light. bravely m 67- 9 He answers ft-, but even the dauntless brazen s 133-11 The Israelites looked upon the ft- serpent, breach s 112-30 inculcates a ft- of that divine commandment p 382-18 " more honored in the ft- than the observance," bread and vegetables / 221- 3 she ate only ft* and vegetables, breaking of a 46- 7 and by the breaking of ft*. • daily pr 17- 4 Give us this day our daily ft-; — Matt. 6 ; 11. diet of / 220-22 clergyman once adopted a diet of ft- and water Jesus toolc a 32-15 Jesus took ft-, and blessed it. — Matt. 26 ; 26. of Life / 222-10 feeds thought with the ft- of Life. our a 35-26 Our ft-, " which cometh down — Joh n 6 : 33. slice of / 221- 7 only a thin slice of ft- without water. their a 33- 6 Their ft- indeed came down from heaven. this a 31-23 " As often as ye eat this ft-, — / Cor. 11 .-26. 33-10 this ft- was feeding and sustaining them. 33-11 They had borne this ft- from house to house, use of a 32-21 lost, if . . . confined to the use of ft- and wine. a 31-19 we drink of his cup, partake of his ft-, 32-23 yet Jesus prayed and gave them ft-. 33-32 Are all who eat ft- and drink wine m 68-20 when casting my ft- upon the waters, p 410-10 " Man shall not live by ft- alone, — Matt. 4 : 4. g 535-26 sweat of thy face shalt thou eat ft-, — Gen. 3 .- 19. breadth a 520- 3 The depth, ft-, height, might, majesty, break a 39-25 To ft- this earthly spell, mortals must 41-12 cannot forever ft- the Golden Rule / 225-18 potent to ft- despotic fetters 234-29 to look with desire . . . was to ft- a moral precept. 239- 7 B- up cliques, level wealth with honesty, p 412-17 must ft- the dream of the material senses. 420-28 to ft- its dream of suffering, t 448-27 ventures not to ft- its rules, 449- 2 With . . . wrists manacled, it is hard to ft- ap 569-15 Alas for those who ft- faith with divine Science breakagre p 402-15 no ft- nor dislocation can really occur. breaketh ft 308-24 " Let me go, for the day ft-; " — Gen. 32 .-26. breakfast a 34-30 his last spiritual ft- with his disciples breaking: a 33-11 ft- (explaining) it to others, 46- 7 and by the ft- of bread. sp 96-15 The ft- up of material beliefs c 261-24 B- away from the mutations of time and sense, o 349- 5 " Through ft- the law, — Bo7n. 2 . 23. p 363- 3 B- the sealed jar, she perfumed Jesus' feet 381-11 cannot in reality suffer from ft- anything breaks / 241- 6 Sin ft- in upon them, ft 301-21 belief ... ft- the B'irst Commandment, p 396-30 It ft- the dream of disease r 489-13 it ft- all the commands of the 494-23 ft- their illusion with the unbroken reality of g 542-25 to advance itself, ft- God's commandments. breast gl 595-14 which were to be on Aaron's ft- breast-plate gl 596-12 the ft- of the high-priest breath pr 2-8 God is not moved by the ft- of praise s 120-30 When Columbus gave freer ft- to the globe, ph 175-13 and the ft- of new-mown hay 184-30 Her ft- came gently. 192-14 the devouring flame, the tempest's 6*. / 225-21 nor did the ft- of freedom come from g 516-15 sends her sweet ft- to heaven. 524-15 into his nostrils the ft- of life ; — Gen. 2 .- 7. 525- 2 animated by the ft- of God ? breathe t 452-14 Never ft- an immoral atmosphere, unless BREATHED 5S BROKEN breathed ph, 184-28 always b- with great difficulty when g 524-14 and b- into his nostrils — Gen. 2 ; 7. gl 598-14 common statement, " He 6* his last." breathes sp 76- 4 forgets all else and b- aloud his rapture. g 548- 3 and 6- through the sacred pages breathmgr ph 185- 2 her difficulty in b- had gone. 193-12 and the b- became natural ; / 225-17 6- the omnipotence of divine justice, breeds m 62- 7 master the belief . . . which b- disease. brethren a 31- 7 and who are my b-" — Matt. 12; 48. s 107- * But I certify you, b-, that — Gal. 1 .• U. 137-17 Simon replied for his b-, t 444- 8 their b- upon whom they may call, 444-27 for webe /r."— t;en.l3;8. 444-30 are discordant and ofttimes false b-. r 470- 2 the whole family of man would be b- ; ap 568-16 accuser of our b- is cast down, — Ilev. 12 ; 10. bridal m 65- 3 May Christ, Truth, be present at every b- altar / 238-13 From out the b- chamber of wisdom bride m 58-24 Said the peasant b- to her lover : g 548- 1 Spirit and the b- say, Come ! — Rev. 22 .• 17. ajp 561-12 a b- coming down from heaven, 561-13 " the b- " and " the Lamb " — see Rev. 21 ; 9. 574- 8 I will show thee the b-, — Rev. 21 .■ 9. gl 582-14 definition of bridejrrooni gl 582-17 definition of bridge sp 74-26 There is no b- across the gulf which gl 598-26 would b- over with life discerned spiritually brief pr 16- 7 taught his disciples one b- prayer, a 42-12 his b- triumphal entry into Jerusalem ph 194- 3 Reviewing this b- experience, / 206-20 for the b- space of a few years o 334- 9 Jesus, whose earthly career was b\ p 433-16 A b- consultation ensues, r 496-31 a b- exposition of the important points, g 502- 3 real prelude of the older Scriptures is so Ir 521- 7 We leave this b-, glorious history ap 565-14 had a b- history in the earthly briefly g .'547-17 B-, this is Darwin's theory, bright a 34-31 in the b- morning hours at the joyful meeting 8 121-11 earth and heaven were b-, f 246-15 dawn . . . with b- and imperishable glories. ap .558-12 but a b- promise crowns its brow. brig'hteiis c 265-27 b- the ascending path of many a heart. g 516-18 b- the flower, beautifies the landscape, brighter a 32-26 refresh his heart with b-, with spiritual views. r 496-13 b- " unto the perfect day." — Prov. 4 .• 18. brightness s 139-11 even when the end has been 6- and peace; 6 31.3-10 " the 6- of His [God's] glory, — Heb. 1 .• 3. 313-21 " Who, being a b- from His glory, — see Heb. 1 . 3. ap 565- 5 loathing the b- of divine glory." brim pr 5-16 Ingratitude and persecution filled it to iho • . bring pr 2-16 but it tends to ')• us into harmony with ic. 2-29 The unspoken desire does b- us nearer the 4-14 are made manifest in the blessings they b-, 4-25 and i)atience must />• experience. 11-21 Petitions Ir to mortals only the results of 11-30 will 6- us into all Truth. a 34-16 they will b- in the millennium, sp 97-22 they b- error from under cover. ••« 128-30 addition of two sums . . . must always b- f 202- 6 If men would b- to bear upon the 212-19 b- the rose into contact with the olfactory 230- 5 will b- us into health, holiness, and 2.30-13 so as to b- about certain evil results, c 260-16 and to h* out better and higher results, 261- 5 you will b- these into your experience b 300-10 will 6- to light the true reflection of God o 351-16 cannot b- out the practical proof . . . while p 374- 4 but the truth of being, . . . will b- relief. 386-18 same grief that the friend's real death would b-. 392- 3 Only while . . . remains can it b- forth death. 400-27 to b- out the harmony of being. 405-29 penalties you incur and the ills they b\ g 504-24 507-11 511-19 513-14 535- 8 535-24 550-27 557-18 35-23 m 57-13 / 210-14 249- 6 o 360-15 bring p 422-15 meet and b- out a third quality, 424- 9 to change the notion . . . and thus b- out har- mony. r 483-22 seems to b- into dishonor the ordinary scientific 492-12 and b- immortality to light. The rays of infinite Truth, . . , b- light Let the earth b- forth grass, — Gen. 1 .• 11. Let the waters b- forth — Gen. 1 ; 20. Let the earth b- forth— Gen. 1 .• 24. in sorrow thou shalt b- forth — Gen. 3; 16. thistles shall it b- forth to thee; — Gen. 3; 18. nor does a lion b- forth a lamb. " In sorrow thou shalt b- forth— Gen. 3.- 16. ap 570- 2 will b- the hour when the people will chain, bringeth c 257-20 b- " forth Mazzaroth in his season," — Jo^ 38 .-32. p 442-15 as of one " that b- good tidings." — Isa. 52 : 7. bringing by b- forth the fruits of Love, b- sweet seasons of renewal b- to light the scientific action of b- us into newness of life You are b- out your own ideal. p 435-12 b- joy instead of grief, t 454-32 auxiliaries to aid in b- thought into accord g 529- 1 b- forth fruit of its own kind, 540- 8 when b- it to the surface and ap 561-15 God and his Christ, b- harmony to earth. gl 589-17 and b- to light man's immortality. brings pr 11-H Broken law b- penalty ... to compel this 11-20 because sin b- inevitable suff'ering. a 37- 2 Does not Science show that sin b- suffering 37-13 Consciousness of right-doing b- its own reward; m 69-15 b- the sweet assurance of no parting, sp 72-13 Truth . . . b- to light immortality. 77- 6 Error b- its own self-destruction 8 132-13 divine Principle which b- out all harmony. 157-29 b- out the proof that Life is continuous 162- 4 C. S. b- to the body the sunlight of Truth, ph 169-24 mortal mind, not matter, which b- to the sick 196- 9 Sin alone b- death, for sin is the only / 203-13 Spiritual perception b- out the possibilities of 206-27 He destroys them, and b- to light immortality. 221-31 b- with it another lesson, 224-28 Truth b- the elements of liberty. 224-30 power of God Ir deliverance to the 248-11 which each day b- to a nearer tomb. b 272-10 spiritual sense'of the Scriptures b- out the 276-12 Ir objects and thoughts into human view 293-29 C. S. b- to light Truth and its supremacy, 305-26 destroys all error and Ir immortality to'light. 336-28 Science of being ... 6- immortality to light. 338- 2 b- to light the only living and true God o 348-23 while complaining of the suffering disease b-, p 401-18 b- sin and sickness to the surface, 404- 7 suffering which his submission to such habits />•, 404-19 cuts down even' tree that b- not forth good fruit. 407-27 b- the diVine >Iind, Life not death, 422-10 tremor which Truth often b- to error t 446-27 exercise of will b- on a hypnotic state, r 487-31 b- out the enduring and harmonious phases 496-14 what the understanding of God b- to man. g 530- 6 The earth, . . . b- forth food for man's use. 540-31 he b- a material offering to God. 555- 4 6- the physical organism under the yoke of ap 5.58-17 It b- the baptism of the Holy Ghostli gl 596- 4 but C. S. 6" God much nearer to man, brink / 235-22 To the tremblers on the b- of death, broad t 451-13 " wide is the gate, and b- is — Matt. 7 ; 13. broadcast m 65-13 b- powers of evil so conspicuous to-dav l)h 197-18 departments of knowledge now b- in tiie earth, broaden / 23,5-32 ■ their listeners will ...£>• their concepts. broadening c 258-14 developing itself, b- and rising broader s 128-17 c 265- 7 broadest sp 97-21 8 111-30 147- 8 broken pr 11-10 access to b- and higher realms. must near the b- interpretations of being, b- facts array the most falsities against submitted ... to the b- practicaltests. submitted to the b- practical test, B- law brings penalty a 38-8 fc- by the demands or divine Science. m 66- 7 a b- reed, which pierces the heart. ph 184-25 what is termed a fatally />• physical law. p 364-27 by their genuine repentance.by their b- hearts, BROKEN 59 BURIAL broken p 384-25 that you have b- no law, 385-26 not the penalty for having 6- a law of mat- ter, 392- 4 b- moral law should be taken into account 401-29 adjustment of & bones and dislocations 402- 6 b- bones, dislocated joints, and 402-19 whether it be a b- bone, disease, or sin. 427-17 the same after as before a bone is b- t 447- 1 heavenly law is 6- by trespassing upon g 522- 9 as having b- away from Deity ap 563-14 belief . . . the Ten Commandments can be b-. broken-hearted p 366-32 must flrst learn to bind up the 6-. bronchial ph 175-28 the refinement of inflamed b- tubes. brood / 234-18 b- of evils which infest it would be cleared out. brother (see also brother's) c 267-14 as for that of b- and sister. 267-16 my b\ and sister, and mother."— Matt. 12 ; 50. p 366-15 " He that loveth not his b- — I John 4 : 20. g 541-14 rose up against Abel his b-, — Gen. 4 .• 8. 541-20 Where is Abel thy h- ?— Gen. 4 ; 9. 541-26 the human duty of man towards his b-. brotherhooite the persecution this b- upon him, 148- 1 When his students b- to him a case 159- 7 The case was b- to trial. 164-27 then shall be b- to pass the saying — / Cor. 15 .-54. ph 168-13 b- yourself into the slough of disease 196-28 from the image b- before the mind ; / 240-29 until all error is finally b- into subjection 6 268- 1 In the material world, thought has b- to light 292-30 connection with his (iod, which Jesus b- to light. 303-12 spiritually conceived and b- forth; 306-15 to be b- t()gether again at some . . . time 309-20 to be b- back through great tribulation, 315-10 b- upon him the anathemas of the age. 318-14 cause the error to cease that b- sin and death 335-24 Life as immortality b- to light. o 351-32 their prayer b- down no proof that it was heard, p 363-21 and so b- home the lesson to all, 388-20 which is " b- to desolation." — Matt. 12 ; 25. 414-30 unreal, and is not b- about by divine Love. 426-28 Sin b- death, and death will disappear with 428-22 The great spiritual fact must be b- out 429- 2 this Life must be b- to light 436-18 But they b- with them Fear, r 476-17 " conceived in sin and b- forth in iniquity." 496-26 then shall be b- to pa.S8 the saying — I Cor. 15 .- 54. g 1505-28 it is the reality of all things b- to light. 508- 9 the earth b- forth grii-ss, — Gen. 1 ; 12. 512- 5 which the waters Tr forth — Gen. 1 ; 21. 627-23 and b- them unto Adam — Gen. 2 ; 19. 628-13 and b- her unto the man. — Gen. 2; 22. 532- 7 when eating its first fruits b- death? 538-21 b- into view only as the unreal 540-25 Cain b- of the fruit of the — Gen. 4 ; 3. 540-27 b- of the firstlings of his flock, — Gen. 4 : 4. 548-27 Modern discoveries have 6- to light 551-21 b- down from generation to generation ? " 553-18 the maternal egg never b- forth Adam. ap 565- 6 And she b- forth a man child, — Hev. 12 ; 5. 569-31 b- forth the man child. — Jlev. 12 . 13. 574-21 b- also the experience which at last gl 582-23 immortality b- to light. brow ph 193- 9 The dew of death was on his 6*. / 245-15 youth sat gently on cheek and b*. brow t 451- 6 ap 558-12 bruise g 534-11 534-11 5.34r-29 bruised pref xi-21 bruises /216- 8 brusque p 365- 1 brutal a 43-13 p 405- 2 ap 564-16 brutality a 40-22 brute m 63- 7 ph 173- 3 b 277-16 bud m 62-23 68-24 sp 78- 1 g 518-21 gl 596-26 //• 600- * Buddhism ph 173-32 budding p 413-28 budaingr^ / 236-22 buds sp 77-29 ph 191-22 g 549-12 buflfetingr t 460-22 build sp 84-27 s 137-31 / 201- 7 235- 3 p 421-27 t 450- 9 builder b 314-14 p 428-13 428-17 ap 575-10 builders s 139-26 building- / 241-26 builds sp 8.V11 ph 177-11 ql 581-19 built a a-)-20 s 127-31 138-15 / 226-14 226-15 // 269-28 ( 454- 8 r 484- 4 bulk ph 1!)0-12 bullet o 3.58- 2 bundle s 149- 6 buoyant s 109-16 buoys a 24- 9 burden a 50-26 burial a a5- 8 4.5-13 / 232-.'» gl 582-21 with the crown of Love upon her b\ a bright promise crowns its b\ it shall b- thy head, — Gen. 3 .• 15. and thou shalt b- his heel. — Gen. 3 ; 15. the woman, this idea, will b- the head of To set at liberty them that are b\ — Luke 4 ; 18. Truth b- the head of error and the 6- business visitor The malignity of b- persecutors, heat of hatred inflames the b- propensities. b- barbarity of his foes could emanate from lesser apostles of Truth may endure human b- His origin is not, ... in b- instinct, distinguish between humanity and the 6*, nor the man by the b-. which forms the b- and blossom, perpetuation of the floral species by b- or The decaying flower, the blighted b-, as the blossom shines through the b-. maketh the valley to b- and blossom as the rose. and the pomegranates b- forth. — Song 7 ; 12. call into action less faith than B- convey ... to children's b- thoughts, blighting the b- of self-government. a state resembling that of blighted 6-, not a spray b- within the vale, sometimes through eggs, sometimes through 6*, b- them with the cold assertion, spiritualism has no basis upon which to b-. I will b- my church ; — Matt. 16 ; 18. We cannot b- safely on false foundations. if virtue and truth* b- a strong defence. you should not b- it up by A third class of thinkers b- with solid masonry. knowing, as he did, that Mind was the b-, " whose b- and maker is God." — Heb. 11 ; 10. the eternal 6-, the everlasting Father, The b- and maker of this New Jerusalem is God, stone which the b- rejected" — Matt. 21 .-42. corner-stone of all spiritual b- is purity. hides Truth and Ir on error. so-called mind b- its own superstructure. The higher false knowledge b- Our church is b- on the divine Principle, Love. in so far as this is b- on the false hypotheses the foundation on which .Jesus tr. God has b- a higher platform of human rights, and He has />• it on diviner claims. not houses b- on the rock. path which leads to the house b- without hands for it is b- upon the rock, Christ. and the b- of a body, called man. Can a leaden b- deprive a man of Life, a b- of speculative human theories ? search was sweet, calm, and b- with hope, the Ir and healing currents of Truth The b- of that hour was terrible or the Ir of mind in matter. Three days after his bodily 6- unquestionable signs of the 6* of error definition of BURIED 60 CALLED buried a 38-26 sp 75-19 87-23 b 299- 8 p 429-15 buries a 537-16 burlesque sp 92-18 burn a 46- 6 ap 565-20 burned s 134-11 161- 3 ff 535- 4 buriiingr ap 566-24 burns s 161- 5 burnt b 286- 8 burst c 261-29 b 288-15 bursting: / 252-28 Caesar a 20- 1 r/ 540-17 Caesar's a 20- 2 g 540-18 To those b- in the belief of sin and self, same plane ... as those who b- the body, the bodies which lie b- in its sands: has b- its fondest earthly hopes, atlirms . . . that it must be o- and b- itself in the ground, a b- of God's man by the words, which made their hearts b- fiery baptism will b- up the chaff of error the followers of Christ were b-, crucified, and You say, " /have b- my finger." the one to be b-, the other to be garnered A b- and a shining light ! mortal mind, and not matter, b- it. is better than all 6- offerings. even as the bird which has ft- from the egg lightnings and thunderbolts of error may Zc Like b- lava, 1 expand but to my own despair, bursts / 261- 5 before it suppurates and ft-, bury o 355-11 » 367- 2 429-18 r 469-21 business P'ather's a 25- 9 52- 1 neighbor's m 64-13 m 63-30 s 128- 7 p 366- 1 busy ph 180- 6 buyer p 439- 3 by-and-by a 21-31 bygone s 134- 1 byways s 158-19 let the dead ft- their dead." — Matt. 8 ; 22. nor ft- the morale of C. S. unseen by those who think that they ft- the body. We ft- the sense of infinitude, when we admit C He rendered " unto €• — Matt. 22 .- 21. Science renders " unto €• — Matt. 22 ; 21. the things which are C-; — Matt. 22 .- 21. the things which are C- ; — Matt. 22 .- 21. Cain (see also Cain's) sp 89-27 C- . . . concluded that if life was in the body, g 538-24 she conceived, and bare ('-, — Gen. 4 ; 1. 540-25 (■ brought of the fruit — Gen. 4 .- 3. 540-28 C- is the type of mortal and material man, 541- 4 Jealous . . . C- seeks Abel's life, 541- 7 but unto (>, and to his offering, — Gen. 4 .- 5. 541-14 C- rose up against Abel — Gen. 4 ; 8. 541-19 the Lord [Jehovah] said unto ('-, — Gen. 4.- 9. 542-15 Therefore whosoev^'r slayeth C-, — Gen. 4 .- 15. 542-17 set a mark upon C-,— Gen. 4 .- 15. 642-27 C- went out from the presence — Gen. 4; 16. Cain's g 541- 3 more . . . than does C- fruit. 541-10 than for the worship expressed by C- fruit ? calamities Marvels, c-, and sin will much more abound these c- often drive mortals to seek and read the stars or e- an eclipse. " it is impossible to c- the mischief which To c- one 8 life-prospects from a / 223-28 r 486-32 calculate sp 85- 1 .s 162-32 ft 319- 5 calculated s 111-21 an essay c- to offset the tendency of the age calculations / 209-26 mundane formations, astronomical c-, p 429-24 even according to the c- of natural science. calculus / 209-29 swallowed up in the infinite c- of Spirit. g 520-15 and thought accepts the divine infinite c*. calendar a 20- 9 Jesus' history made a new c-, g 520-11 according to the c- of time. calendars / 246- 5 Life and its faculties are not measured by c: calf g 514-24 And the c- and the young lion, — Tsa. 11 .- 6. California a 21-16 while I am en route for C-, call last ft 291- 7 but this last c- of wisdom cannot come till lesser ft 291- 8 till mortals have . . . yielded to each lesser c- mental sp 86- 8 His quick apprehension of this mental e- midnieht p 365- 6 preparing their helpers for the " midnight c,' of error a 21-26 worldly man is at the beck and c- of error. pr 15-30 they assuredly c- down infinite blessings. call 20- 9 31- 4 40- 7 sp 82-20 87-13 92-25 98-25 S 157-14 ph 172- 9 173-27 173-32 189-15 / 219-16 ft 285- 4 287- 9 307-12 o 356-27 p 372- 4 372-12 37^28 392-16, 17 408-30 411-14 412-10 416-16 420- 6 t 444- 9 464-16 r 479-16 g 504-27 515-29 515-30 527-24 549-20 555-20 called pre/ xi-22 a 27-25 34-28 37- 1 44-20 45-25 46-26 52-31 7r>-26 80-24 81-22 84-26 86- 5 88-17 90- 6 an 101-30 s 108-24 109-27 110- 9 126-19 127-30 136-14 137-26 sp AS he went daily about his Father's ft-. he was about his " Father's ft-." — Luke 2 .- 49. never well to interfere with your neighbor's ft-. enter into ft- agreements, hold real estate, ft- men and cultured scholars the cook, and the brusque ft- visitor when he sees his would-be healers 6-, False Belief, ... is a ft- for this firm. B-, ashamed of his zigzag course. To-day tlie cry of ft- ages is repeated, the ft- of this wilderness world, which we c- the Christian era; " C- no man your father upon the earth: — MaU. 23.9. I will c- for thee." — Acts 24 .- 25. as before the change we c- death, The Scotch c- such vision " second sight ", We should blush to c- that real which multitudes consider that which they e- science the substratum . . . which we c- matter; if man passes through what we c- death and so continue to c- upon matter c- into action less faith than Buddhism We c- the body material ; but We shall not c- the body weak, not alone hereafter in what men c- Paradise, We c- the absence of Truth, error. It says : . . . jmt spirit into what I c- matter. Would any one c- it wise and good What you c - matter was originally and then c- his bonds material and When ... we c- these conditions disease. You will c- it neuralgia, but we c- it a belief, condition of the body which we c- sensation " a disease moderns would c- dementia. may c- the disease by name when you mentally The material body, which you c- me, they should early c- an experienced their brethren upon whom they may c-, the sufferer could c- a surgeon. Does that which we c- dead ever see, Did infinite Mind create matter, and c- it C- the mirror divine Science, and c- man the reflection, to see what he would c them : — Gen. 2 .- 19. including those which we c- human, and c this sham unity man, When God c the author to proclaim His Gospel " Many are c-, but few are — Matt. 22 .- 14. whichhas since been c- the a.scension. which destroys the belief <•- sin Could it be c- supernatural for the disciples at first c- him a spirit, ghost, his final demonstration, r- the ascension, c- Jesus a glutton and a wine-bibber. one possible moment, when . . those c- dead, over its lower substratum, c- matter. give to the worms the body c- man, material personalities c- spirits, mortal mind, whose touch c- for aid. and at another are r- spirits. the imaginary line r- the equator animal magnetism, recently c- hjrpnotism, the opposite of Truth, — c- error, his name shall be c- Wonderful." — Tsa. 9. 6. I beheld, . . . the awful unreality c- evil. Or shall all that ... be r- supernatural, C. S. eschews what is c- natural science, and when Truth casts out the evil c- disease, the impetuous disciple had been c- CALLED 61 CAMELS called S 139- 7 143-10 153-19 162-23 162-26 ph 168-21 185-29 190- 8 190-13 192-32 199-28 / 204-13 204-15 206-32 213- 2 245- 4 250-14 254-17 b 274- 7 274-26 281-14 285-10 290-16 293- 9 293-10 293-25 295-25 302-26 309-10 309-15 313-29 319-11 331-27 339- 8 O 343-18 « 362-12 374-13 380- 2 398- 1 398-11 409- 6 411- 4 411-24 414-14 427-26 430-27 431- 1 431-20 432- 9 432-21 436-19 437-20 t 447-10 r 469-16 477-28 478-28 482-16 483-16 485-27 487- 6 if 504- 3 504- 4 606- 8 506-22 606-23 508- 1 520-10 522-13 523-17 523-18 523-19 523-20 523-26 524- 7 524-17 527-24 532-13 534-16 535-30 536- 1 551- 5 551-18 ap 567-15 568- 5 572-24 gl 580-17 580-18 586-10 calling pr 6-7 a 31- 9 s 148-20 154- 6 ph 175-16 by what men e- miracles ; The divine Mind never c- matter medicine, and this belief is v a boil. restored what is c- the lost substance of lungs, as surely as it heals what is e- functional, in defiance of what is c- material law, material stratum of the human mind, c* brain, human belief c* mortal man and the bulk of a body, c- man. I was c- to visit Mr. Clark in Lynn, belief . . . gave his thought-forces, c- muscles, an intelligence or Mind c- God. cannot therefore be mind, though so c-. There are evil beliefs, often e- evil spirits; supposition of reality is c a deceiver, the London medical magazine c- The Lancet. and that one is c- man; prior to the change c- death. Natural science, as it is commonly c-. The conventional firm, c- matter and mind. The one Ego, the one Mind or Spirit c- God, the unlikeness c- sin, sickness, and If the change c- death destroyed the the more ethereal is c- mind. the illusion c- a mortal, The manifestations of evil, . . . are c All that is c- mortal thought infinite Principle, c- Pei"son or God. He was no longer c- Jacob, but Israel, were to be c- the children of Israel, Jesus (■•• the body, which by spiritual power material means (commonly c- nature) constitute the triune Person c- God, Spirit, alone created all, and c- it good. proving by what are wrongly <•• miracles, (Mary Magdalene, as she lias since been c) state of mortal mind, though it is c- matter. which ends in a belief c- death. Sometimes Jesus c- a disease by name, synagogue ruler's daughter, whom they c dead animate error c- nerves, brain, mind, If the student silently c- the disease by The mental state is c- a material state. whether it is c- dementia, hatred, C- to the bed of death, what material remedy The evidence for the prosecution being c- must remain silent until c- for at this trial, The next witness is c- : Another witness is c- for by the I was c- for, shortly after the result which they were c- to prevent. False Belief, c- C. S. to order heal the sick when c- upon for aid, opposite of infinite Mind — c- devil when they c- a certain beautiful lake and c- me by His grace, — Oal. 1 : 15. Jesus c- himself " the Son of man," — Matt. 9 .• 6. Science has e- the world to battle delineates foreign agents, c* disease and sin. both before and after that which is c- death. God c- the light Day, — Gen. 1 ; 5. and the darkness He c- Night. — Gen. 1 ; 5. God c- the firmament Heaven. — Ge7i. 1 .'8. God c- the dry land Earth; — Gen. 1 .• 10. the waters c- He Seas : — Gen. 1 ; 10. human or material belief, c- mortal roan. The numerals of infinity, c- seven days, c- life and int-^lligence in matter. One is t- the Elohistic, Supreme Being is therein c- Elohim. The other document is c- the Jehovistic, Deity therein is always c- Jehovah, the creator is c- Jehovah, or the Lord. c- the Supreme Being by the national name of that He should now be c Jehovah ? Adam c- every living creature, — Gen. 2 ; 19. Lord God [.Jehovah] c- unto Adam, — Oen. 3:9. material intelligence c- energy God c- the dry land Earth; — Gen. 1 .■ 10. the waters c- He Seas." — Gen. 1 : 10. cannot produce its opposite . . . c- matter. transmitted through these bodies c- eggs, that old serpent, c- the devil, — J{ev. li : 9. Science is able to destroy this lie, c- evil. stage in human experience c- death, the opposite of Love, c- hate ; usurper of Spirit's creation, c- . . . matter; the divine Principle, commonly c God. C- on Him to forgive our work no record of his c any man by the name of c- that 7)ian which is not the counterpart. c- up the fear that creates the image of disease If a random thought, c itself dyspepsia, calling- / 251-31 h 283-30 p 422- 1 491- 9 g 528-23 528-26 532-20 calls a 39-13 m 60-24 sp 73- 3 S 114- 2 114- 8 124-27 ph 170- 4 187-29 / 229-11 b 287-18 307-32 311-28 312- 4 p 399-18 g 507-30 calm sp 99-18 s 109-15 ph 198- 5 /248- 1 o 358-15 p 366-27 391- 7 393-32 415-25 421-21 r 495-18 g 506 -11 calmly a 41- 8 calomel ph 198- 1 Calvary a 30- 9 b 317-23 ap 575-31 cambric p 379-15 came pre/ vii- 5 ix-12 ix-31 xi-23 pr 5-29 6-26 a 27-29 30-19 33- 7 47-28 m 56- 1 s 108- 1 109-23 131-17 134-12 135-16 ph 169- 8 184-30 /214- 2 214-13 224-27 b 319-22 p 362- 7 364-21 389-28 398- 5 439- 7 439-23 r 473- 7 474-18 g 529- 2 529- 4 533-22 ap 566-16 572-26 574- 6 camel / 241-31 t 449- 9 camels 8 140-15 /202- 2 p 366-20 beliefs, which rob Mind, c- it matter, by c- a curve a straight line and then c- the process mathematics. the latter c- itself right. and c- them real ana God-given, ('• them 'mankind, — that is, a kind of man. the divine voice c- out to the corporeal senses. The Bible c- death an enemy. An ill-attuned ear c- discord harmony. Spiritualism e- one person, . . . material, author c sick and sinful humanity mortal mind, and c" mind both human and divine. Human knowledge c- them forces of matter; The discord which c- for material methods this so-called mind then c- itself dead; c both the offspring of spirit. Evil c- itself something, when it is nothing, tlie voice of Truth stillc- : They are only what mortal belief c- them. That which material sense c- intangible, manages it, and then c- it material, inverts this appearing and c- ideas material. The e-, strong currents of true spirituality, c*, and buoyant with hope. The patient may seem c- under it, but he is not unchanging c- and glorious freedom of It presents the c- and clear verdict of Truth c- 111 the iiresence of both sin and disease. Instead of blind and c- submission to It is well to be c- in sickness; c- and instruct mortal mind with immortal C- the excitement sometimes induced nor doubt overshadow your . . . c- trust, The c- and exalted thought or The God-inspired walk c on harm his patients even more than his c his struggles in Gethsemane and on C-, whom they had loved before the tragedy on O. Cross of O, which binds human society the hue of her blood on a c* handkerchief, yet it traversed the night, and c- where, she " lisped in numbers, for the numbers c-." she c- at length to the solution of the €• also the charge to plant and water His vine- yard. c- to " destroy the works of the — / John 3 .• 8. He c- teaching and showing men how to the essential religion he c- to establish Christ Jesus c- to rebuke rabbinical error Their bread indeed c- down from heaven, each one c- to a violent death except When our great Teacher c- to him for baptism, "Whence c- to me this heavenly conviction. The revelation ... c- to me gradually " He c unto his own, — John 1 .- 11. it c- about that human rights were " it c- to pass, when the devil was — Liike 11 .■ 14. But it always c- about as I had foretold. Her breath c- gently. they c- as sound to the primitive prophets. They go out as they c- in, as he c- of old to the patriarch at noonday The divine Science . . . c* through inspiration, A " strange woman " c* in. — I'rov. 23 ; 27. spiritual purgation which c* through the case of convulsions, . . . c- under my rent him sore and c- out of him, — Mark 9 ; 26. when a message c- from False Belief, You c- to his rescue, only to Christ c- to destroy the belief of sin. Jesus c- to destroy sin, sickness, and death; there c- a suggestion of change in the It e- about, also, that instruments were which c- from Adam to form Eve. Out of the land of bondage c. Through what sense c- this vision to St. John? c unto me one of the seven angels — Rev. 21 .• 9. "easier for a c- to go through the — Matt. 19:24. " easier for a c- to go through the — Matt. 19 ; 24. straining out gnats and swallowing c straining out gnats and swallowing c. while they swallow the c- of bigoted pedantry. CAMERA 62 CARRY camera c 264- 6 we sometimes behold in the c- of b 305- 5 A picture in the c- ... is not the original, campaign r 492-17 Discussing his c, General Grant said: Canaan ffl 582-24 definition of cancel pr 5-22 not to be used as a confessional to c- sin. cancelled pr 5-26 If prayer nourishes the belief that sin is c", cancels a 22-31 Mercy c- the debt only when justice approves, o 361- 3 c- the disagreement, and settles tne ques- tion. p 404-15 and reformation c* the crime. cancer p 390-28 whether it is c, consumption, or smallpox. 395-25 a tumor, a c; or decayed lungs, cannibal / 214-25 spread their table with c- tidbits cannon 's / 225-21 nor did . . . freedom come from the c- mouth. canon p 382-18 so-called law of matter a c " more honored canvas sn 86-32 before the artist can convey them to c-. capabilities b 312-25 A personal sense of God and of man's C" 322- 9 is obtained and his c- revealed. capable sp 89-22 We are all c- of more than we do. 92- 5 c- of experiencing pleasure and pain, 92- 6 c- of imparting these sensations. 8 128-13 is c- of greater endurance, 160-23 never c of acting contrary to ph 174- 7 Nothing save divine power is e- of 179- 2 the sudden cures of which it is c- ; c- of producing the highest human good ? Will-power is c- of all evil, to suppose Him c- of Without this ... no one is c* of impartial or for doing what He created man c of 357-11 or makes man c- of suffering p 393-13 God has made man c- of this, whereas Mortal Man, . . . is c of falsehood. Mortal Mind, which alone is c- of sin never made man c- of sin. seems to make men c of wrong-doing. 481-15 • declaring . . . good and evil to be c- of ff 532-23 Is Mind c- of error as well as of truth, capacious p 425-29 If you have sound and c- lungs capacities sp 94-31 union with the infinite <•■ of the one Mind. ph 200- 6 and illustrated the grand human c* / 202-22 the flnity of error and the infinite c- of Truth, 227-28 crippled your c-, enfeebled your body, c 258-22 The numan c- are enlarged and perfected t 445- 8 Unfold the latent energies and c capacity sp 85- 3 which demonstrates the c of Soul, 8 128-11 ability to exceed their ordinary c*. ph 165- 6 To measure intellectual c- by 179- 8 the spiritual c- to apprehend thought / 209-31 a conscious, constant c- to understand God. 223- 4 fetters of man's finite c- are forged by o 357- 8 Truth creates neither a lie, a c- to lie. nor a liar, r 475-31 nor can God, . . . engender the c or freedom to ff 519-12 Human c- is slow to discern and to grasp capitalization b 319-31 by special and proper c* captive / 224-30 power of (jod brings deliverance to the c-. p 434- 1 open wide those prison doors and set the c- free. r 495-13 sets the c* free pnysically and morally. captives pre/ xi-19 deliverance to the c* [of sense], — Luke 4 ; 18. 8 161- 8 Bible case of the three young Hebrew c-, captivity s 133-15 Even in c- among foreign nations, / 227-20 but evil and error lead into c*. cardinal a 52-22 These were the two c- points of Mind-healing, ap 577-13 but its four c- points are : care best p 383- 8 Scientist takes the best c- of his body when he God's m 66-11 Trials are proofs of God's 435-29 what jurisdiction had bis Honor, . . . in this c-? treating the 8 161-25 treating the c* according to his physical diag- nosis, your own p 384-23 if . . . you are not fit to conduct your own f m 66-26 as must always be the c-, 68-20 I have named her c- to individuals, sp 81-14 Nor is the c- improved when alleged spirits 81-23 in the c- of man as truly as 81-24 in the c- of numbers and of music, an 104-25 it is a c- of the greater error overcoming the 135-31 as must be the c- in the cycles of 8 148- 1 When his students brought to him a c 159- 7 The c- was brought to trial. ph 189-21 The reverse is the c- with all the formations of 193-30 and what his physician said of the c-, p 396-11 Never say . . . how much you have to contend with in a c*, 401-19 as is the c* with a fermenting fluid. 412-28 If the c- is that of a young child or an infant, 420-20 or diminishes ... as the c- may require, 422-13 If such be the c-, explain to them the 425- 6 If the c- to be mentally treated is consumption, 431- 2 would be allowed to testify in the c-. 433-15 The c- is given to the jury. 434-15 the c- for Mortal Man versus Personal Sense 434-24 Mortal Man has had no proper counsel in the C. 436-27 Judge Medicine sat in judgment on the c-, 438-21 the facts in the c- show that this fear is a cases all ph 176-21 Should all c- of organic disease be treated by both p 370-17 but it uses the same medicine in both c*. gl 598- 6 the original word is the same in both c-, certain wi 56- 5 Jesus' concessions (in certain c-) majority of m 60-19 This, however, in a majority of c*, r 482- 2 gives the exact meaning in a majority of e\ most 8 140-2 other r 482- 8 parallel p 422-22 suppose two paraUel c- of bone-disease, same o 359- 5 Yet Scientists will take the same c, such 8 177-31 In such c- a few persons believe the potion o 343- 1 The people are taught in such c- to say. Amen. p 394-32 faith is not the healer in such c-. 433-11 The jury must regard in such c- only the t 443-18 should give up such c-, 446-10 has generally completely healed such c\ these pref x-17 These e- for the most part have been well-authenticated pref x-16 thousands of well-authenticated c- of healing, in c- of both acute and chronic disease c- of hysteria, hypochondria, and as c- are tried in court. and be thou c- into the sea ; — Mark 1 1 .- 23. uncovered and rebuked sin before he i- it out. and c- their net on thg right side, hope must be c- beyond the veil of matter captives, c- into the Babylonian furnace; Whatever influence you c- on the side of matter, for my vesture they did c- lots." — John 19 ; 24. Such admissions c- us headlong into darkness or to c- them on the right side for Truth, neither c* ye your pearls before — Matt. 7 ; 6. When, led by wisdom to c- down his rod. Why art thou c- down, — PnaL 42 ; 11. first c- moral evils out of himself enable him to c- physical evils out of his patient; by whom do your children c- them out? " — Matt. 12 .-27. arrested Mortal Man . . . and c- him into nor can Disease c- him into prison. A sinner is afraid to c- the first stone, shadow of old errors was no longer c- upon should be said . . . they c- fear and all evil and did c- them to the earth : — Rer: 12 .• 4. The words " c- unto the earth " — ReiK 12 .- 13. accuser of our brethren is c- down, — Rev. 12; 10. saw that he was c- unto the earth, — Rev. 12 : 13. more than it is needed in most c- ; In other c, use the word sense, s 162-18 ph 176-23 p 430-17 cast pr 1- • 6-23 a 35- 5 41- 1 8 161- 8 ph 168- 6 / 242-24 244-28 b 271-26 272-17 321- 8 p 362- * 366- 4 366- 6 422- 3 431-11 441-15 t 447-30 4(i0-32 r 494-31 ap 563-24 567-23 568-16 669-30 CAST 64 CAUSE sp cast out pr 7- 5 a 34-15 41-32 49- 4 51-31 m 56-12 79-17 5 130-18 135-15 136- 4 137- 2 138-11 138-22 ph 170-20 185-22 188-27 191-31 b 281-31 322- 1 O 342-12 348-12 p 362- * 392- 6 411-16 418-27 422- 3 442-13 t 445-23 455-14 455-15 462- 5 r 494-30 ap 564- 1 567-14 567-16 567-17 567-22 567-27 570- 8 570-12 ca^teth a 52-32 ph 180-24 p 373-18 406-10 410-19 casting- pr 12- 8 12- 9 a 33- 8 34- 3 35-24 41-15 42-32 46-11 m 68-20 97-31 8 135-29 136-13 138-13 ph 182- 2 184- 9 /210- 8 234-14 6 271-10 316-28 332-15 o 347-17 p 392- 7 r 482-16 gl 583- 8 583-18 casts pr 14-28 a 25-15 33-24 $ 135-13 135-14 143- 3 ph 183-26 189- 7 /230- 8 b 275-32 282- 1 o 350-11 t 448-10 r 472- 3 473-30 482-26 495- 2 497-11 catalepsy / 217-11 sp when lie c- out devils and healed the sick heal the sick, c- out evils, c- out evils and heal the sick. healed the sick, c- out evil, c out evil, and raise the dead. the corporeal sense of creation was c* out, Jesus c- out evil spirits, or false beliefs. beliefs must be denied and c- out "When Christ c- out the devil of dumbness, a divine Principle, which would t- out error c- out evil, raise the dead; diseases were c- out neither by corporeality, easier for Christianity to c- out sickness tlian Jesus healed the sick and c- out error, Jesus c- out evil and healed the sick, must be uprooted and c- out. Truth is able to c- out the ills of the flesh. The old belief must be c- out to heal the sick, and c- out evils should c- out evils and heal the sick. delusions, were c- out and the dumb spake. In mi/ name shall they c- out devils : — Mark 16 . i7. must be e- out to readjust the balance for God. Thereupon Jesus c- out the evil, C- out all manner of evil. " If I by Beelzebub c- out devils, — Matt. 12 ; 27. Divine Love had c- out fear, hatred, and revenge are c- out by the " First c- out the beam — Matt. 7 : 5. Shalt thou see clearly to c- out — Matt. 7. -5. c- out error, heal the sick, Our Master c- out devils (evils) and healed the and c" out devils through Beelzebub. And the great dragon was c* out, — Rev. 12 ; 9. he was c- out into the earth, — Rev. 12.- 9. his angels were c- out with him. — Rev. 12 .• 9. and it is c- out by Christ, Truth, His angels, . . . are c- out with their author, c- out of his mouth water — Rev, 12; 15. the dragon c- out of his mouth. — Rev. 12 .• 16. " He c- out devils through — Ltike 11 ; 15. influence of divine Love which c- out fear. " perfect Love c out fear." — I Johni : 18. " Perfect Love c- out fear." — / John 4 .- 18. perfect Love c- out fear. — / John 4 ; 18. This, however, is one belief c- out another, a belief in the unknown c- out a healing the sick and c- out error. by c- out error and making the c- out error and healing the sick. c* out error and healing the sick, by e- out error, healing the sick, again seen c- out evil and healing the sick. when e- my bread upon the waters, apostolic work of e- out error and healing the c- out error and healing the sick, c out evils and healing the sick ? c- out the errors of mortal mind. The act ... of c- out error with Truth, finding and c- out by denial the error c- out evils, and destroying death, avoid e- pearls before those who trample them Truth, c- out all inharmony. healing the sick, c- out evils, healing the sick and c- out evils, healing the sick, and c- out evils. C- out evil and fear enables the truth c- out all error. c- out error and healing the sick; 6" out devils, or error, and healing the sick. understanding c- out error and heals the sick, c- out error, and trium])hg over death. c- out error, raises the dead from trespasses when Truth heals the sick, it c- out evils, and when Truth c- out the evil called disease, Christ c- out evils and heals the sick. Truth f out all evils and above the cruder theories . . . and r- out a fear. which c- out error and heals the sick. It c* out error and heals the sick. Truth c* out evils and heals the sick. Truth c- out error and heals the sick. and c- thee down from the pinnacle. c- out suppositional error and heals the sick. which heals the sick and c- out error. Sickness is part of the error which Truth c- out. Truth c- out error now as surely as it did spiritual understanding that c- out evil even of c- and hysteria ; cataleptic s 128-24 waking him from a c- nightmare, cataplasms s 158-16 Drugs, c-, and whiskey are cataract ph 192-13 It is the headlong c-, the devouring flame, catarrh / 220- 4 have continual colds, c-, and cough." 220-12 he has no c- from wet feet, 220-15 leaves v to the latter. 2) 386- 6 belief says that you may catch cold and have c-; 386- 9 C-, fever, rheumatism, or consumption, catch / 205-16 we can c- clear glimpses of God only as o 349-26 Mortal thought does not at once c- the higher p 386- belief says that you may c- cold 427-32 will waken ... to c- this trumpet-word catches s 145- 2 categfories 269-13 caterpillar sp 74-17 The C-, transformed into a beautiful insect, 74-18 nor does the c- return to fraternize with Catholic / 238- 9 cattle / 222-25 r 475-25 fj 513-15 513-23 natural musician c- the tones of harmony, c- of metaphysics rest on one basis. Losing her crucifix, the Roman C- girl said, 24. 25. - Rsal. 50 . ID. and over the c," — Geri. 1 .• 26. and over the c-, — Gen. 1 .• 26. C", and creeping thing, — Gen. 1 and c- after their kind, — Gen. 1 514-16 " the f upon a thousand hills."- 515-14 and over the c-, — Gen. 1 .■ 26. caught s 145- 1 or whether they c- its sweet tones, 154-13 had not c- the cholera by material contact, ph 171- 2 mankind has r their mo'ral contagion. b 304-22 If mortals <■• harmony through 333-24 c- glorious glimpses of the Messiah, or Christ, r 471-2.5 until shef the first gleam of that which 477-20 ' "■ " " " ap 565- 8 5ti5-27 causation all ph 180-12 nor take the ground that all c- is p 379- 7 recognizing all c- as vested in divine Mind. 417-13 all c- is Mind, acting through spiritual law. mental p 423- 9 Scientist, . . . commences with mental c*, physical b 286-12 Physical c- was put aside spiritual ph 170-22 Spiritual c- is the one question •170-23 spiritual c- relates to human progress. Indians c- some glimpses of the underlying c- up unto God, and to His throne. — Rev. 12 ; and to be v up unto God, / 208-25 230-12 g 552- 7 causative ph 195-12 Cause g 547-20 cause (noun) and cure /220- 6 and effect sp 83-31 8.5-30 8 114-23 126-17 161-30 / 211-18 b 275-15 p 370- 9 374-25 g 556-20 any p 419- 8 t 446-31 404-13 any other / 207-21 common a 62-18 divine b 286-24 exciting; ph 178-11 / 230-32 p 393- 7 Mind, not matter, is c-. arranging law and c- so as to material hypotheses deal with c as whether it is mortal mind . . . that is c-. evolution implies that the great First C* must to look in other directions for c- and cure. from which c- and effect are interpreted. The great Teacher knew both c- and effect, C. S. explains all <•■ and effect as mental. Shall Science exi)lain c- and effect as being looked as deeply for c- and effect into nature of all so-<;alled material c- and effect, immortalitv, e-, and effect belong to God. the law of c- and effect, or like producing like, and ignorance of mental c- and effect. In sleep, c- and effect are mere illusions. If vour patient from any c- suffers a relapse, will prevent . . . the ultimate triumph of any c-. If from an injury or from any c-, there can be no effect from any other c% error and evil again make common c they lack a divine c-. predisposing cause and the exciting c- are the exciting c- of all suffering, remote, and exciting c- of all oad effects CAUSE 65 CEASE The remote c- or belief of disease Pantheism . . . seeks c- in effect, Science shows the c of the shock cause f rou) effect to r 467-24 We reason imperfectly from effect to c-, main o 345-30 the main c- of the carnal mind's antagonism. material p 410-11 will tell you that the troublesome material c- meet the p 419- 9 meet the c- mentally and courageously, mental s 157- 2 C. S. deals wholly with the mental c- jjh 187-17 Anatomy allows the mental c- of the latter no / 253-12 you see there is no r- . . . able to )) 386-23 learn at length that there is no c- for grief, of disease p/i 174-30 should understand that the c- of disease t 445-20 is the c- of disease rather than its cure. one primal ./■ 207-20 There is but one primal c-. only / 207-23 this great and only c-. c 262-30 Divine Mind is the only c- I) 280-24 and since (iod, Spirit, is the only c, p 415- 2 Immortal Mind is the only c- ; or approach }} 374-17 Ignorance of the c- or approach of disease «)r effect //(. 67-32 from any such c- or effect. /■ 207-18 amalgamation of Truth and error in c- or effect. predisposing: ph 178-11 predisposing c- and the exciting cause are procuring pli 171-27 the procuring c- of all sin and disease. p 411-20 procuring f and foundation of all sickness real p 402-32 a belief without a real c-. t 463- 1 discerns and deals with the real c- of disease. remote ph 178- 8 seeks 279-31 shows the a 53-19 spiritual s 111-23 rather than to a final spiritual c-, h 208- 5 to the spiritual c- of those lower things 313-26 and found the spiritual c-. their p 421-24 sometimes explain the symptoms and their c to effect r 467-29 Reasoning from c- to effect universal h 331-19 divine Principle, Love, the universal c-, without p 386-28 had said, ..." Your sorrow is without c," without a ap 5&1-28 " They hated me without a c\" — John 15 : 25. s 124- 9 this belief mistakes effect for c- ph 187-19 the c- of all materialistic action? 189-10 though the c- be unseen, 195-18 thought passes naturally from effect back to c-. 198-32 If matter were the c- of action, / 230-32 the c- . . . must be obliterated through Christ c 262-31 C- does not exist in matter, b 268- 9 looking ... to Mind as the c- of every effect. 313-17 and the (■• given for the exaltation of Jesus, o 357-28 if another mighty and self-creative c- exists p 370-21 since mortal mind must be the c- of disease 377-22 and you remove the c- of all disease 377-26 The c- of all ose Mind to be 253-19 you can at once c- your course c 260-19 Mortals must c- their ideals b 281-32 which is to c- our standpoint, 297- 1 nothing can c- this state, until 297-12 C- the evidence, and that disappears which 307-11 It says: . . . Truth shall c- sides o 359-13 must e- the human concept of life, p 370-30 naturally and genuinely c- our basis 375- 7 ('• the mental state, and the 398-26 c- the belief of disease to a belief of health. 419-13 or to f itself from one form to another. 419-32 disease or its symptoms cannot e- forms, 424- 8 in order to c- the notion of chance 427- 1 this fact can never c- in Science to r 481-11 contradictions ... do not c- the unseen Truth, 491- 5 C- the belief, and the sensation changes. g 522-32 Does the unerring Principle ... c- or repent ? 544-10 Matter cannot c the eternal fact changeable sp 96-24 Belief is c-, g 537-29 and divine Love, ... is represented as c ch angeableness if 140-24 wrath, repentance, and human c. changed pre/ X- 2 she would not have them c\ a 35- 4 they e- their methods, 46-15 proved . . . that his body was not c- sp 96- 9 seedtime and harvest (though in c- forms), s 125- 8 normal and natural to c mortal thought, 125-25 and they shall be c." — Psal. 102 ; 26. 162-19 Secretions have been c-, ph 185- 1 The wind had not c-, 185- 3 My metaphysical treatment c- the action of 193-10 In a few moments his face c- ; b 291- 6 We know that all will be c- 308-30 then his name was c- to Israel, 309- 9 This c- the man. 326-26 Then the man was c-. p 373-32 when by mental means the circulation is c, 416-14 unless the belief . . . has meanwhile been c: 411-1 7 and the insane man was c* 432-29 but my appearance . . . c the purpose g 529- 6 suggestive obstetrics has c. 531-23 Has man . . . r- the method of his Maker ? 548-21 will be c- with the progress of information.'" changeless sp 96-24 spiritual understanding is c-. changes pr 12-24 C- in belief may go on indefinitely, s 118-23 c- the whole of mortal thought, 118-24 as yeast c- the chemical properties of meal. 125- 1 as mortal mind c- its beliefs. 125-12 As human thought c- from one stage to 125-21 with c- of time and tide, cold and heat 125-23 will find that these c- cannot affect his crops. 153- 3 or c- one of the symptoms of disease. 162- 7 It c- the secretions, expels humors, ph 194- 6 A change in human belief c- all the physical / 224- 6 the Science which governs these c, 238- 4 Science is working c in personal character b 297- 2 until the belief c-. 297- 5 until the belief on this subject C-, 310-32 These c are the mutations of material sense, 319-28 A misplaced word c- the sense Xi2- 3 AVhen understanding c- the standpoints p 398-29 hypnotism c- such ills into new and 422-16 c- the material base of thought, 422-18 These c- which go on in mortal mind 442-20 Christ c- a belief of sin or of sickness r 491- 5 Change the belief, and the sensation c\ g 543- 6 it is the idea of Truth and c- not, changeth 8 140-26 divine Love, which c- not and b 310-18 Soul c- not. g 516- 9 the power which c- the serpent into a staff. changing sp 78- 4 the c- deflections of mortal mind ; 79- 6 by c- the patient's thoughts regarding death, c 255- 1 Kternal Truth is c- the universe. 265- 5 c- chaos into order CHANGING 68 CHART chan^mg- b 279- 1 321-32 r 494-26 g 511-17 cliauiiel sp 73-31 t 460-28 r 489-16 gl 593-14 channels 8 108-32 / 205-26 b 276-21 p 373-28 gr 506-19 chaos c 255- 5 b 307-31 « 372- 6 r 479-23 ap 570-21 chaotic S 121- 5 Chapman, s 163-19 chapter first b 313- 6 g 502-13 505- 3 521- 8 523-22 626- 7 535-29 537-10 537-24 557-26 ap 561-29 ijl 590-21 last 5 117-11 h 272-11 previous r 493-12 same /* 313- 9 gl 598- 7 second gr 521-26 522-25 526-15 seTenth p 362- 1 tenth ap 558- 1 third ql 598- 2 this r 465- 1 gl 579- 4 twelfth ap 559-32 568- 5 twelve fir 523-28 g 523-26 gl 585-15 588-26 590-14 593- 3 694-18 694-26 chapters ap 568- 7 e cognized b 303- 5 Multiplication of God's c- comes from t 444-28 Immortals, or God's c- in divine Science, r 476-28 When speaking of God's c, bealth of p 413-11 good or bad effects on the health of c-. ber m 63-32 and own her c- free from interference. b 317-11 " wisdom is justified of her c." —Matt. 11 . 19. His ap 572-10 belongs not to His c-, His eternal g 529-11 and are His eternal c*, in knowledge TO 62-17 should be allowed to remain c- in knowledge, little s 130-24 our Master's love for little c-, f 236-28 Jesus loved little c- because of of divine l.ove g 529-22 to tempt the c- of divine Love ? of earth b 309-14 c of earth who followed his example of God / 227-25 liberty of the c- of God," — Rom. 8 ; 21. r 470-16 The c- of God have but one Mind. 476-12 immortals, or the t- of God, will appear 476-13 Mortals are not fallen c- of God. ap 572- 8 In Science we are c- of God ; of Israel / 226-29 hold the c- of Israel in bondage. o 309-16 were to be called the c- of Israel, ap 566- 1 As the c- of Israel were guided gl 583- 5 definition of of men 8 107- 9 delivering the c- of men from every ill 148- 9 men of men, or the " c- of men," — Paal. 14 .• 2. p 409-22 imperfect so-called " c- of men " — Psai. 14:2. t 444-29 but mortals, or the " c- of men " — Psal. 14 .-2. r 476-28 God's children, not the c- of men, of the wicked one r 476- 2 They are the c- of the wicked one, produced on p 371- 6 similar to that produced on c promising m 61-14 promising c in the arms of gross parents, should be allowed m 62-16 C- should be allowed to remain should be assured o 352-22 c- should be assured that should be taught / 237-15 ('• should be taught the Truth-cure, should be told o 352-26 c- should be told not to believe in ghosts, should obey / 236-21 C- should obey their parents; should teach their / 236-23 Parents should teach their c- . . . the trutba of temperature of p 413- 8 the temperature of c* and of men. their g 667- 4 learn how to develop their c properly these . b 309-17 If these c- should go astrav. tired ' 6 322-28 turn us like tired c- to the arms of divine Love. transmitted to TO 61-28 Nothing unworthy . . . should be transmitted to C-. your / 237-19 keep out of the minds of your c- p 422- 3 by whom do your c- cast — Matt. 12 ; 27. m 69-26 / 230-25 23&-26 C 267- 9 o 362-17 p 371-11 414- 2 gl 582-28 children's TO 62-11 / 211-20 o 362-20 p 413-28 " The c- of this world marry, — Luke 20 .• 34. soothing syrups to put c- to sleep, C- are more tractable than adults, forever Father must have had c- prior to Adam. O, . . . oright to fear a reality wnich can harm As frightened c- look everywhere for the and thus are c- educated into discord, definition of their c- fretfulness or frivolity, the c teeth are set on edge." — Ezek. 18 .■ 2. instead of increasing c- ftars these actions convey ... to c- budding thoughts. child's pref X- 1 the memorials of a c- growth, s 154-19 more than the t- mincTgovems itself. Chill p 378-28 to €■ harmony with a long and cold night of Chilled p 431-26 dry, hot, and c- by turns chills c 256-26 it c- the spirit of Christianity. p 366-10 mental penury c- his faith and understanding. 375- 6 C- and heat are often the form in which 375- 7 and the <•• and fever disappear. 384-17 followed by c-, dry cough, mfluenza, chiseling" / 248-14 moulding and c- thought. chloroform c 261-19 as if he had inhaled c-, choice p 409-19 except through fear or c\ choke / 237-11 often c- the good seed in the minds of p 405- 9 C- these errors in their early stages, cholera s 154-11 where a c- patient had died. 154-14 had not caught the c- by material contact, 154-14 no c- patient had been m that bed. choose a 30-30 We cannot c- for ourselves, 8 143-14 Driven to c- between two diiScultiea, r 481- 1 How important, then, to c- good chords b 304-25 To be master of c- and discords, chose a 47-13 He c- his time, when the 48-18 and c- not the world's means of defence. chosen a 27-26 ' ' Many are called, but few are c- . "—Matt. 22 .• 14. g 554-23 " Have not I c- you twelve, — John 6 ; 70. Christ (see also Christ's) all for a .33-23 It gives all for C-, or Truth. also in r 467-16 having that Mind which was also in C-. atonement of a 18-13 atonement of C- reconciles man to God, lielial and ph 171-24 than between Belial and C-. believe on s 110-31 apprehended by as many as believe on €• bow before a 35-12 They bow before C-, Truth, to receive more of came to destroy r 473- 6 C- came to destroy the belief of sin. cast out by ap 567-22 cast out by C-, Truth, the spiritual idea, cast out the devil s 135-15 When O cast out the devil of dumbness, casts out evils s 143- 3 €• casts out evils and heals the sick. coming of / 230- 7 This awakening is the forever coming of C; consecration to a 28-10 one's consecration to C- is more on the deathless a 28-13 the divine Principle of the deathless O, demon stra ted b 332-19 Jesus demonstrated C- ; demonstrate the b 285-30 how to demonstrate the C-, Truth, destroyed by pr 5-24 Sin is forgiven only as it is destroyed by ('•, discerning a 35- 6 Discerning ('■, Truth, anew on the shore of divine idea or b 334- 1 but that the divine idea or C- was so divine Principle of a 18-14 for the divine Principle of C- is God, divinity of the a 26-31 The divinity of the C- was made manifest in the doctrines of s 134-16 how can they illustrate the doctrines of C- dwelt forever a 29-26 The C- dwelt forever an idea in the endowed with the a 30- 7 although he was endowed with the C-, eternal a 38-23 The eternal O, . . . never suffered. b 334-14 the eternal O and the corporeal Jesus eternity of the b 334-29 a mystical statement of the eternity of the O, even a 19- 5 Even O cannot reconcile Truth to error. Christ 71 Christ Christ even so in , Truth, alone can destroy. and with His So7i Jesrts C-. — I John 1 ; 3. It ha-s nothing in C-. C-, Life, Truth, Love ; shall be unrighteous still, until > . C-, Truth, C-, Truth, was demonstrated through Jesus " If C- [Truth] be not risen, — / Cor. 15 • 14. O, who is our life, shall appear — Col. 3 ; 4. Christ 72 Christianity 337-18 O 3i7-U 347-24 361- 2 361- 4 361-12 p 3&4-26 428-25 430- 5 433-31 442-20 Christ 326-23 Saul of Tarsus beheld the way — the C-, 331-30 <• the spiritual idea of sonship ; 332-11 The €■ is incorporeal, spiritual, 333- 3 word O is not properly a synonym for Jesus, 333- 8 C- is not a name so much as tlie divine title of 333- 9 €• expresses God's spiritual, eternal nature. 333-20 the C-, as tbe spiritual idea, 333-26 The divine image, idea, or C- was, is, and 334- 4 t'-, dwelt forever in the bosom of the Father, 334-17 while the spiritual self, or C-, continues 334-19 taking away the sins of the world, as the C- 337-10 in conformity with C-. demonstrates Life in C-, Life's spiritual ideal. <■'•, as the spiritual or true idea of God, it is C-, Truth, who destroys these the Christian believes that C- is God. C-, as the true spiritual idea, is the ideal of Jesus C- is not God, as Jesus himself declared, do they show their regard for Truth, or ( ■, 367-10 This is what is meant oy seeking Truth, C-, 391- 5 delivered to the judgment of Truth, C-, 410- 9 the only true God, and Jesus (.'•, — John 17 .-3. sooner or later, through C- and C. S., immortal manhood, the C- ideal, will appear. Ah ! but <•■, Truth, the spirit of Life C- changes a belief of sin or of sickness 442-22 C-, Truth, gives mortals temporary food r 473-13 C-, the true idea of God, 484- 5 for it is built upon the rock, C-. 4*5-21 the mortal error which C-, or Truth, destroys 493-29 the C- could improve on a false sense. 496-16 C-, which enables you to demonstrate, 497-16 we acknowledge that man is saved through C-, g 540- 1 C- is tlie offsj)ring of Spirit, ap 568-31 by which we lay down all for Truth, or ("•, 575-18 tfie Word, C-, Christianity, and divine Science; 577-15 second, the C-, the spiritual idea of God; gl 583-10 definition of (see also Messiah, Saviour, Son) Christ-cure p 3G7-24 The infinite Truth of the C- has come t 456-17 gross ignorance of the method of the C-. Clirist-elemeiit l> 288-29 The C- in the Messiah made him the Christendom ,• the only true spirit is Godlike. 238- 9 enables one to be C-. o 353- 7 How can a C-, . . . think of the latter as real 360-29 the Galilean Prophet, the best C- on earth, 360-30 while to-day, Jew and €'• can unite in 361- 1 the r- believes that Christ is God. 361- 9 The ('• who believes in the First Command- ment but the C- alone can fathom it. o 5.56-15 Christian (adj.) apostles o 349-22 character b 291- 9 churches .s 131-13 conversion / 217- 7 demand a 37-.S2 m 66-22 the prophecy concerning the C- apostles, each lesser call in the growth of O character. Must C. S. come through the C- churches Paul's peculiar O conversion and experience. Why has this C- demand so little inspiration if there is no C- demand for it. demonstration s 141- 4 requisite for C- demonstration. duties a 31-12 First in the list of C- duties, effort a 38- 1 to stir mankind to C- effort ? encouraeement p zef- 3 C- encouragement of an invalid, era (see era) evidence r 487-19 O evidence is founded on Science Christian experience a 29- 7 C- experience teaches faith in the right explanations r 490-23 scientifically C- explanations of the healing (see healing) history b 328-15 has sadly disappeared from C- history. ap 577-17 the Christ-idea in C- history; ideas ph 170- 8 O ideas certainly present . . . the Principle idolatry b 340-26 annihilates pagan and €• idolatry, martyr a 28-22 Remember, thou O martyr, martyrs p 388- 1 Tlie C- martyrs were prophets of C. S. marvels r 474-11 C- marvels . . . will be misunderstood meaning y 506-27 the scientifically C- meaning of the text. metaphysics s 155-16 high and mighty truths of O metaphysics. Mind-healinj sp 98-16 opponents eaiing 8-16 d( emonstration of C- Mind-healing stands o 354-12 On the other hand, the O opponents of C. S. perfection / 201-18 O perfection is won on no other basis power / 233- 2 rather than professions of C- power. record g 531-30 the scientifically O record of man scientific practice p 410-29 C- scientific piactice begins with Scientist (see Scientist) Scientists (see Scientists) sentiment pr 7-16 to induce or encourage C- sentiment. sermons o 345- 8 C- sermons will heal the sick. service p 436-11 Giving a cup of cold water ... is a C- service. state p 403-21 The most C- state is one of rectitude and system s 150- 2 this C- system of healing disease. thought pre/ x-26 unbiased ('• thouglit is soonest touched views g 502-16 scientifically C- views of the universe sp 94- 6 C- and scientific statement of personality 98-32 is not ecclesiastical but C-, s 112-15 and are not scientifically C\ o 354-31 must be charitable, if they would be C\ p 365-21 then he is €• enough to i)racti8e t 458-11 It is anything but scientifically C- to 459-29 the O and scientific exi)ounder Christian Church a 41-16 in the C- C- this demonstration of Cliristianity (see also Christianity's) all s 138-18 precedent for all C-, theology, and healing. antithesis of s 133-19 Judaism was the antithesis of O, banner of p 426-27 would enable us to hold the banner of C- aloft causes men t 458-32 O causes men to turn naturally from Christ's b 271- 2 Christ's O is the chain of scientific being demonstration of / 228-31 when they saw the demonstration of C- easier for s 138-22 It is easier for C- to cast out sickness than sin, effects of p 367-27 and increase the beneficial effects of O. £1 Dorado of pr 9-21 This is the El Dorado of C\ element of s 146- 3 Why has this element of C- been lost? b 328-17 a lost element of C-. o 347-18 restoring an essential element of O, faith In s 127- 2 she will not therefore lose faith in C; gains / 238-24 forsakes popularity and gains O. history of p 387-27 The history of ('• furnishes sublime proofs ia not false / 232-13 C- is not false, Christianity 73 CHRIST'S Christianity is tUe basis ph 192-21) C- is the basis of true healing. lack of m 65-17 Beholding the world's lack of €• left out of a 55-13 curative mission, . . . cannot be left out of C-, love of / 235-32 Love of C-, rather than love of popularity, lueasured s 142- 5 measured C- by its power over sickness, sin, more r 487- 7 more O in seeing and hearing spiritually must be Science s 1:35-21 It has been said, . . . that C- must be Science, nature of a 40-31 The nature of C- is peaceful and blessed, new step in sp 98- 1 persecutions which attend a new step in C" ; not proceed from sp 88-24 These effects, however, do not proceed from C-, opponents of s 134-10 roused the hatred of the opponents of O, our ph 167-10 our health, our longevity, and our O. perceive 6 322- 6 perceive C'-, or Truth, in its divine Principle. popular m 67-26 the limited demonstration of popular C* practical / 224-22 A higher and more practical (>, o 341- 4 from a theoretical to a practical €•. practice of /• 473-19 introduced the teaching and practice of C-, preaching b 324-24 healing the sick and preaching C- primitive III 64- 9 master of ceremonies, ruling out primitive t'-. l»roof of (see proof) pure b 329- 2 healing elements of pure O will be reappearance of ttie sp 98- 5 reappearance of the C- which heals the sick robs cS 134-18 robs (.'■ of the very element, which gave Science and / 231-13 If God makes sin, . . . Science and C- are helpless ; p 371-26 Mankind will improve through Science and O. Science must be s 135-22 and Science must be C-, Science of (see Science) Science to s 127- 1 application of the word Science to C-, o 341-13 the application of the word Science to €• r 483-14 she alhxed the name " Science " to C-, soul of s 140-17 Spiritual devoutness is the soul of C\ spirit of c 256-27 it chills the spirit of C-. statement in / 207- 6 every scientific statement in C- has its proof. support of o 342- 4 are summoned to the support of C-, true o 359-18 True C- is to be honored wherever found, will demonstrate r 466-29 C- will demonstrate this declaration a 28-26 36-16 sp 97-29 98-23 « 127- 3 133-25 135-26 / 224-12 232-16 b 274-13 o 342-16 353-31 358-22 p 372-18 372-19 373- 2 t 451- 6 462-17 464-21 r 483-32 ap 575-18 577-16 and that C- to-day is at peace with the world moral distance between ('• and sensualism €• is again demonstrating the Life that is C- not excepted. nor will C- lose its hold upon her. planted C- on the foundation of Spirit, €• as Jesus taught it was not a creed, sects many but not enough C-. In our age C- is again demonstrating O and the Science which expounds it If O is not scientific, Mortal beliefs can neither demonstrate C- the great import to C- of those works C. S. and C- are one. How, then, in C- any more than in C. S., the physical exemption which C- includes, C-, with the crown of Love upon her brow, C-, and persistence alone win the prize, In founding a pathological system of O, C- will never be ba.sed on a divine . . . until the Word, Christ, ('■, and divine Science; C-, which is the outcome of the divine Prin- ciple Christianity's a 39- 3 until C- last triumph. r 473-20 the proof of C- truth and love ; Christianization pr 1- 8 the C- and health of mankind. b 272-19 It is the spiritualization of thought and O Christianly o 353- 1 C- scientific real is the sensuous unreal. 355- 3 C- scientific methods of dealing with sin p 414-20 rests on the C- scientific basis of being. 421-25 It is no more C- scientific to see disease t 448-16 A dishonest position is far from C- scientific. 458-23 The C- scientific man reflects the divine law, g 546-27 system stated in this book is C- scientific ap 572- 5 C- and scientifically reduced to its native Christian's o 361- 8 Thus the Jew unites with the C- doctrine Christians pr 9-28 Then why . . . ask to be C-, since 15-25 €• rejoice in secret beauty and bounty, a 21- 6 C- do not continue to labor . . . because of 29- 1 C- must take u)) arms against error 33-27 (>, are you drinking his cup ? 37-21 May the C- of to-day take up the 37-25 C- claim to be his foilowei-s, s 138-18 (,'• are under as direct orders now, 146- 2 The ancient C- were healers. / 242-31 and require of C- tlie proof which he gave, 326-28 wrong that he had done in persecuting O, o 354- 4 Why then do C- try to obey the Scriptures J} 373- 1 If we are C- on all moral questions, Christian Science (see Science) Cliristian Science Journal pre/ xii-12 sole editor and publisher of the C- S- J', Christian Scientist (see Scientist) Christian Scientist Association pre/ xii-9 President of the first €'■ S- A-, Christian Scientists (see Scientists) Christ-idea s 112-21 divine Principle of healing and the €• b 316-17 The (>, . . . rose higher to human view ap 570-19 to drown the C- '! 577-17 the C- in Christian history ; Christ Jesus pre/ vii- 8 the way of salvation through C- J-, a 30-19 ('■ J- came to rebuke rabbinical error ph 180-29 as taught and demonstrated by C- J-. f 235-26 O J-, the true idea of spiritual j)ower. 243-10 which was also in C- J"— Phil. 2 ; 5. 244-11 law of the Spirit of life in C- J — Horn. 8 .-2. c 2.59- 7 The divine nature was best expressed in C* J', b 270-31 The life of C- J- was not miraculous, 276- 9 which was also in C- J-."— J'hit. 2 ; 5. 313- 2 The term €■ J\ or Jesus the Christ 315-16 Ciod's spiritual idea as presented by C- J-. 332-17 one mediator . . . the man I'- J-."— I Tim. 2:5. 332-29 incarnate in the good and pure V- J-. 333-12 life of which O J- was the embodiment. 333-14 but ('■ J better signifies the (iodlike. 338-32 The ideal man was . . . known as C J\ o 350- 9 grow into that stature of rannhood in C- J' p 381-31 ('• J- overmled the error which would impose r 483-20 the ancient worthies, and to (.'■ J-, 497-15 man's unity with God through O J-, 497-2") which was also in ('• J-; Chri.stlike s 1.38-20 to be O, to possess the Christ-spirit, 146-12 and religion becomes C-. c 259-11 The C understanding of scientific being Cliristline.ss o 342-26 Who would be the first to disown the O of Christly / 242-28 restores every part of the C- garment p 30,5-19 If the Scientist has enough (,'• affection Christ-man b 316-17 the C-, rose higher to human view Clirist-power s 1.34-15 Devoid of the C-, 150-16 C- to take away the sins of the world. Christ-principle a 34- 2 and leave all for the C- ? Christ's pre/ xii-23 In the spirit of C- charity, a 18- • they that are O ha re crucified — Gal. 5 .• 24. 19- 1 «"• puri)ose to reconcile man to God, 22- 6 Waking to C- demand, mortals experience 22- 9 through (> precious love these efforts are 65-24 driuketh of C- cup now, CHRIST'S 74 CLAD Christ's sp 95-26 the light which heralds C- eternal dawn 98-19 C- revelation of Truth, of Life, and of Love, 98-27 Mystery does not enshroud C- teachings, 8 110-29 and demonstrated according to C- command, / 226-13 but through C- divine Science. 234- 6 crumbs of comfort from C- table, 236- 9 attacks on individuals, who reiterate C- teach- ings b 271- 1 C- Christianity is the chain of scientific being 316-12 hid from their sense C- sonship with God. o 347-14 they would behold the signs of ('• coming. 356-17 declines to admit that C- religion has p 410-30 C- keynote of harmony, " Be not afraid ! "— Mark 6 ; 50. 436-11 Giving a cup of cold water in C- name, t 458-29 C- way is the only one by which mortals are ap 569-12 He that touches the hem of C* robe 570-17 Give them a cup of cold water in O name, gl 583- 9 Children of Israel. . . . O offspring. Christ-spirit s 138-20 to be Christlike, to possess the C-, 141-16 the C- which governed the corporeal Jesus. chronic s 162-18 in cases of both acute and c disease ph 176-30 the less distinct type and c- form of disease. 178-16 that c- case is not diflBcult to cure. / 246-32 Acute and c- beliefs reproduce their own types. 247- 2 and is not so disastrous as the c- belief. p 369-17 Jesus never asked if disease were acute or c-, 373- 9 to lift a student out of a c- sin. 389-30 In her belief the woman had c- liver-complaint, 390-28 approaching symptoms of c or acute disease, chronicles (J 522- 8 second record c- man as mutable and mor- tal, chronological / 246-17 C- data are no part of the vast forever. chronologically s 143-28 If Mind was first c-, is first potentially, chrysalis b 297-21 It is a c- state of human thought. Church a 28- 9 While respecting all that is good in the C- 37- 6 blood of the martyrs is the seed of the C-." 41-16 in the Christian €• this demonstration of o 351- 9 a member of the orthodox Congregational O gl 583-12 definition of 583-14 The C- is that institution, which affords proof church her pref xii-20 as auxiliary to her c-. his 8 136- 1 Jesus established his c- and my £ 137-32 upon this rock . . . I will hvSXd. my c-; — Matt. 16 ; 18. our a 35-20 Our c- is built on the divine Principle, this a 35-21 We can unite with this c- only as / 224-20 opposition from c-, state laws, and the press, o 351-11 prayers of her devout parents and the c- ; Church Councils s 139-15 The decisions by vote of C- C- cliurch-tlonie y 516-17 The sunlight glints from the c, churches s 131-14 Must C. S. come through the Christian c 131-16 but the c- seem not ready to receive it, / 235- 7 and the readers in c ch urch-niembers o 358-29 Is it likely that c- have more faith in Church of Christ, Scientist pref xii- 8 pastor of the first established O of O, S- ; cicatrized s 162-21 c- joints have been made supple, circle m 68-20 amusement outside the home c- b 282- 5 a c- or sphere and a straight line. 282- 6 The c- represents the infinite 310-16 around which c- harmoniously all things circulated t 460-29 by her manuscript c- among the students. circulation pref ix-13 are still in c- among her first pupils ; ix-25 copies were, however, in friendly r-. ph 185- 8 other books were in c-, which discussed p 373-32 when by mental means the c- is changed, 415-18 It either retards the c- or quickens it, circumference / 204- 1 is at once the centre and c- of being. c 262-15 the absolute centre and c- of his bemg. circumscribe rn 61- 1 We cannot c- happiness within the circumscribed j)r 2-21 perpetuates the belief in God as humanly t-, b 284- 5 if the infinite could be c- within the finite, g 550- 1 a c- and non-intelligent egg. circumstance m 61-14 If some fortuitous c- places {250-32 nor . . . that happiness is ever the sport of c 297- 3 no c- can alter the situation, until p 377-30 any c- is of itself powerless to produce 378- 6 and meet every c- with truth. 419-16 Meet everj- adverse c- as its master. 426- 1 or disease arising from any c-, ap 574-28 <••, which your suffering sense deems circumstances pr 5- 7 we are placed under the stress of c m 66-28 patience salutarj' under such c-, s 147- 9 under c- where demonstration was b 319- 9 sustains man under all c- ; p 378- 1 which associates sickness with certain c* 412-12 liable under some c- to impress it 440-14 under stress of c, t 443- 5 under ordinary c- a resort to 448- 8 Under such <••, to say that there is no evil, g 553-12 have grown or been formed under c- which ap 571-15 under all c-, overcome evil with good. citation a 137-14 their c- of the common report about him. cited s/> 79- 5 Thousands of instances could be c* o 358-19 Why are the words . . . more frequently e- cities b 300- 6 which makes trees and c- seem to be citizen p 438-11 Nerve was an insubordinate c\ citizens /■ 227-24 C- of the world, accept the city g^reat ap 574-22 lifted the seer to behold the great c*, heavenly ap 576- 3 This heavenly c-, . . . this New Jerusalem, ■577-24 their honors within the heavenly c*. holy ap 576- 8 describing this holy c-, the beloved Disciple of Lynn s 158-31 A woman in the c- of Lynn, Massachusetts, of our Ood ap 558- * to be praised in the c- of our God, — Psal. 48 .• 1. 577-19 This c- of oui: God has no need of sixn of the Spirit aj) 575-25 It is indeed a c- of the Spirit, our ap 575-18 The four sides of our c* are sacred ap 575- 7 This sacred c-, described in the Apocalypse that a2) 577-26 and nothing can enter that c, which this ap 575-21 This c* is wholly spiritual, as its four sides a 41-26 Persecuted from r- to c, his apostles s 149-32 To-dav there is hardly a c, village, or ham let, p 367-20 A c- that is set on an hiW— Matt. 5 : 14. t 459-19 in the crowded streets of a c-. ap 574-15 the c which " lieth foursquare." — iJci'. 21 .• 16. 575-12 " a c* which hath foundations." — /fefc. II.IO. 575-17 the description of the c as foursquare 575-24 the c- of the great King." — Psal. 48 .• 2. civil 2)r 1- 1 The only r- sentence which he had for error m 63-12 C- law e'stablishes very unfair differences 6 340-27 whatever is wrong in social, c, criminal, civilization TO 57- 1 Chastity is the cement of c- 63-14 c- mitigates it in some measure. 63-17 than does either C. S. or c\ ph 173-30 idols of c- are far more fatal to health 173-32 idols of c- call into action less faith 174- 4 Is c* only a higher form of idolatry, civilized ph 174- 2 as consciously as do c- practitioners Civilly gl 587- 4 rights of woman acknowledged morally, c*, clad b 320-32 Still c- in material flesh, t 463-15 The new idea, ... is c* in white garments. CLAD 75 CLAY clad ap 561-26 The spiritual idea is c- with the radiance of 571-18 C- in the panoply of Love, Claim any t 448-30 nothing short of right-doing has any c- to audible . gl 594- 9 first audible c- that God was not omnipotent false / 233-13 false c- of error continues its delusions g 523- 4 mist of obscurity . . . deepens the false c-, 523- 8 arise from a mist or false c-, 554-14 as he grows up into another false c-, ap 564-22 the false c- of mind in matter 567-18 That false c- — that ancient belief, first gl 594- 5 the first c- that there is an opposite of Spirit, 594- 7 the first c- that sin, sickness, and death his s 131-30 established his c- to the Messiahship. Its / 210-28 and appears to itself to make good its e*. g 513- 2 this mortal mentality, so-callefl, and its c-, knowing: the ( 450-29 Knowing the c- of animal magnetism, of sin p 390-20 Suffer no c- of sin or of sickness to grow t 447-24 To put down the c- of sin, you must detect it, 461-27 must first see the c- of sin, and then destroy it. strong .s 130-26 If thought is startled at the strong c- of Science tliis o 344- 6 this c- is made because the Scriptures say unreality of the 6 285-11 The unreality of the c- that a mortal usurps g 513- 2 the c- usurps the deittc prerogatives a 37-26 Christians c- to be his followers, m 64-30 Spirit will ultimately c- its own, ph 186-23 If we . . . discord has as lasting a c- upon us / 238-16 when we attempt to c- the benefits of an h 283-16 They c- that to be life which is but the 311-29 lose all supposed consciousness or c to life 312-19 Mortals e- that death is inevitable; 315- 7 and laid no c* to any other. 329-25 maintains the (;• of Truth by quenching error, r 476- 7 Error will cease to c- that soul is in body, 478- 8 except the c- of mortal belief ? claimants s 164-11 more scientific than are false c claimed a 28- 1 Pharisees c- to know and to teach the divine will, sp 78-26 c- to be the agents of God's government. 83- 4 c- that they could equal the work of wisdom. 8 136- 5 Hec-no . . . action, nor life separate from God. o 344- 4 should be added that this is c- to represent r 469-19 and if mortals c- no other Mind claiming b 330-29 nothing c- to be something, p 436-32 C- to protect Mortal Man ap 567-19 c- that there is intelligence in matter gl 591-25 Nothing c- to be something, claims assert its p 395- 9 assert its c- over mortality and disease. l>etter m 57-17 the better c- of intellect, goodness, and virtue. confirms its sp 94-17 The progress of truth confirms its c; diviner / 226-15 He has built it on diviner c\ false pr 7- 7 deprives material sense of its false c: b 273-27 the false c- of material sense or law. 308-12 a blending of false c\ 357-23 They are false c-, which will eventually p 4.38-12 putting in false c- to office g 5.38-16 the false c- that misrepresent God, good. forfeit their s 112- 6 forfeit their c- to belong to its school, no t 448- 1 To assume that there are no c- of evil of Christian Science p 371-23 when urging the c* of C. S. ; of evil t 447-20 Expose and denounce the c of evil of God a 23-20 and establishes the c of God. of g^ood ph 167- 8 Our proportionate admission of the c of good of matter / 242- 6 Denial of the c- of matter r 491-14 which annuls the c- of matter, claims of medicine a 44-11 all the c of medicine, surgery, and hygiene. of iportality ph 182- 6 the c- of mortality, . . . appertain to matter. of mortal mind an 103- 6 The destruction of the c- of mortal mind of Truth sp 92-28 Instead of urging the c- of Truth alone. parental in 63-20 property, and parental e- of the two sexes. resisted / 223-30 as truth urges upon mortals its resisted c* ; surrenders its g 552-30 matter always surrenders its c- when these / 226-15 These c- are not made through code or creed, vigorous s 130-29 astounded at the vigorous c- of evil. your t 455-10 and support your c- by demonstration. s 112-27 if any so-called new school c- to be C. S. , 148-25 c- to rule man by material law, 151-31 mortal mind c- to govern every organ ph 171- 1 Matter, which ... c- to be a creator, is a fiction, 193-25 his physician c- to have cured him, / 227- 6 the c- of the enslaving senses must be denied 232- 7 the c- of harmonious and eternal being b 273- 1 Matter and its c- of sin, sickness, and death o 344- 1 it c- God as the only absolute Life and Soul, g 512-29 and c- God as their author; 523- 7 the lie c- to be truth. 529-28 have faith to fight all c- of evil, clairvoyance sp 85- 2 This Mind-reading is the opposite of c. 95-16 This kind of mind-reading is not c, clairvoyant sp 87-17 to read the human mind, but not as a e*. the phenomena exhibited by a reputed c. an 101-11 clamor b 327-15 clap / 220-10 Clark, Mr. ph 192-32 193- 8 class S 151- 9 rushes forth to c- with midnight and tempest. The leaves c- their hands I was called to visit Mr. €• in Lynn, Mr. O lay with his eyes fixed and sightless. philanthropy of the higher c- of physicians. 161-30 if this old c- of philanthropists looked 164- 9 the cultured c- of medical practitioners To the spiritual f, relates the Scripture: There is a large c- of thinkers whose Another c", still more unfortunate, are A third c- of thinkers build with solid masonry, at the close of a c- term, and by a certain c- of persons, b 290-14 t 450- 1 450- 5 450- 8 454-25 r 478-10 class-book r 465- 2 the author's c, copyrighted in 1870. classes s 114- 1 Usage c- both evil and g^ood together g 549-10 are supposed to have, as c, classic sp 82- 6 "What is c- study, but discernment of b 332- 7 quoted with approbation from a c- poet : classification s 124-31 so restores them to their rightful home and c\ everything entitled to a c as truth, " No systematic or theoretical c- of diseases Sin is spared from this c, only because 127- 6 164- 5 p 407-31 classified c 255- 7 r 473- 6 g 556- 4 classifies / 213- 7 g 513-17 classify an 106-1 anciently c* as the higher criticism, are to be c- as effects of error, mortal and material concepts c, and then c- it materially. Spirit diversifies, c-, and individualizes 7 c- all others as did St. Paul ph 187-24 The human mind tries to c- action r 483- 495- 8 ap 660-20 clauses o 341- 5 claw r 489- 2 489- 2 We e- disease as error, c- sickness and error as our Master did, in order to c- it correctly. generally based on detached sentences or c When the unthinking lobster loses its c-, the c- grows again. 489- 7 would be replaced as readily as the lobster's c-, clay ph 173- 7 supposition, . . . the potter is subject to the c CLAY 76 CLOTHES clay / 243-16 The c- cannot reply to the potter. b 310- 9 The potter is not in the c- ; 310- 9 else the c- would have power over the potter, r 490-23 along with the dissolving elements of c-. clean p 382-12 beware of making c* merely the outside 383- 3 We need a c- body and a c- mind, 383-19 This shows that the mind must be c- 413-18 only for the purpose of keeping the body c-, t 452-22 and afterwards we must wash them c-. cleanliness p 413-16 " C- is next to godliness," 413-20 I insist on bodily c within and without. cleanse a 25- 7 37-11 cleansed a 27- 5 S 132- 7 133-32 clear a 50-11 who could withhold a c- token of his presence 65-21 until we get at last the c- straining ot tnith, Is it not c- that the human mind must c- to those who heal the sick on the basis of we can catch c- glimpses of God only as Paul had a c- sense of the demands of Truth o 358-15 It presents the calm and c- verdict of Truth p 388-28 a c- comprehension of the living Spirit. 398- 6 c- evidence that the malady was not mate- rial. 418- 8 and a c- perception of the unchanging, 418-12 It must be c- to you that sickness t 444-31 The teacher must make f • to students Paul and John had a c- apprehension that, Let neither fear nor doubt overshadow your c sense c- evidences of two distinct documents no more efficacious to c- from sin c- and rarefy the atmosphere of material sense the lame walk, the lepers are f, — Ltike 7 : 22. the lame walk, the lepers are c-,— Matt. 11 ; 5. Creeds and rituals have not c- their hands an 104-31 ph 182-16 / 205-16 b 325-20 459- 4 r 495-17 brood of evils which infest it would be c- out. may burst and flash till the cloud is c g 523-15 cleared / 234-18 b 288-16 clearer a 55-12 in a c- light than mere words can possibly do, s 121-20 rebuked Dy c- views of the everlasting facts, / 239- 7 Take away wealth, . . . and we get t- views c 262-14 These c-, higher views ins])ire the Godlike man ' b 313-20 The passage is made even <•• in o 361-22 to give a c- and fuller expression p 368- 8 truth will become still c- 372- 9 Science of being, . . . would be c- in this age, t 460-31 the teaching became c-, until g 501- 7 whereas the New Testament narratives are c- 504-19 spiritually e- views of Him, 553- 5 This c consciousness must precede an ap 568-28 rises c- and nearer to the great heart of Christ ; clearest g 517-13 Love imparts the c- idea of Deity. clearly b 275-21 shows c- that all is Mind, * 455-15 then shalt thou see c- — Matt. 7 : 5. r 479-31 invisible things . . . are c seen, — Rom. I/ 20. ap 568-32 This rule c* interprets God as divine Principle, clearness p 380-26 this evidence will gather momentum and c-, clears a 22-18 When the smoke of battle e* away, clear-sightedness b 316-14 between spiritual c* and the blindness of cleave o 354-15 Surely it is not enough to c to barren and clergy a 20-12 partake of the Eucharist, support the c-, o 348-10 It is a pity that the medical faculty and c- clergyman / 220-22 A c- once adopted a diet of bread and water o 359- 3 Let any c- try to cure his friends by their faith clergymen / 235-28 G-, occupying the watchtowers of the world, clerical /236- 1 climate p 377-10 386-11 392-21 should stimulate c labor and progress. when their fear of c- is exterminated, not l>ecau8e of the c-, but on account of the If you decide that c- or atmosphere is unhealthy, 394-24 unless it can be aided by a drug or c" ? climates p 377- 6 Invalids flee to tropical c- 377-10 prove that they can be healthy in all c, climax b 322- 7 g 543- 2 climb b 326- 7 g 514- 8 clime a 46-10 climes / 225-29 dins' / 237-26 c 263- 9 266-11 b 283-23 328- 9 t 448- 2 r 495-14 clings S 146-15 clip pr 4-31 cliques / 239- 8 cloaked gl 597- 8 clock o 360-19 cloister C 263-25 cloistered jih 191-23 Cloquet an 101 close pr 15-15 a 32-31 sp 71-10 71-14 87-30 / 201-16 224-25 p 431-18 t 454-25 ap 564-29 closed pref xii-14 pr 15- 5 15-11 a 33- 1 46-27 ph 165- 4 171- 7 193-12 o 350-20 p 433- 2 440-33 r 491-23 g 528-11 closely m 57-27 sp 97- 5 g 523-28 closes m 69-11 s 144-26 g 521- 4 ap 577-29 closet pr 14-31 15- 3 15-15 closing ph 187-13 clothe pr 4-32 sp 93-19 g 5.30-11 clotlied /254- 9 p 442-25 ap 558- 4 558- 9 560- 7 .561-11 clothes m 62-24 8 146-19 f 212-23 g 507- 4 This must be the c* error, after reaching the c- of suffering, must not try to c- the hill of Science by In humility they c- the heights of holiness. has spoken ... in every age and c-. Men and women of all c- and races c- to a belief in the life and intelligence of c- to earth because he has not tasted heaven, even if you c- to a sense of personal joys, lo.st to all who c- to this falsity, and must therefore c- to mortals until, Blindness and self-righteousness c- fast to c- steadfastly to God and His idea. Scholasticism c- for salvation to the person, creeds c- the strong pinions of love. Break up c% level wealth with honesty, but c- the crime, latent in thought. Like a pendulum in a c-, peers from its c- with amazement not a flower starts from its c- cell. 9 among whom were Roux, Bouillaud, and C-, must c-,the lips and silence the material senses. a sad supper taken at the c- of day, C- your eyes, and you may dream that you C- your eyes again, and you may see c* the eyes, and forms rise before us, we shall not hug our tatters c- about us. Will you open or c- the door upon this getting Mortal Man into c" confinement at the c- of a class term. The serpent is ... c- upon the heel of harmony. She c- her College, October 29, 1889, €■ to error, it is o])en to Truth, the door of the erring senses must be c. . and this supper c- forever Jesus' ritualism which c- the earthly record of Jesus, <■• the eyes of mortals to man's God-given pates of Paradise vi'hich human beliefs have c, The evelids c- gently and and their eyes they have c- ; — Matt. 13; 15. testimony for the plaintifl', . . . being c\ Here the counsel for the defence c-, belief goes on, whether our eyes are c- or open. and c- up the flesh instead — Gen. 2 .• 21. serves to unite thought more c- to God, In reality, the more c- error simulates truth become more and more c- intertwined neither c- man's continuitv nor his sense of pride, or prejudice c- the door Here the inspired record c- its narrative c with St. John's Revelation enter into thy c-, — Matt. 6:6. The c- typifies the sanctuary of Spirit, to pray aright, we must enter into the c- opening and c- for the passage of the blood, and c- religion in human forms. human faith may c- it with angelic vestnirnts, as able to feed and c- man as He doth the lilies. To stop eating, drinking, or being c materially and man is c and fed spiritually. <•■ with a cloud: — Rev. 10; 1. This angel . . . c- with a cloud, prefigures a woman c- with the sun, — Rev. 12 ; 1. the spiritual ideal as a woman c in light, even as it c- the lily; truth . . . c- Spirit with supremacy. God alone makes and e- the lilies of the field. Spirit duly feeds and c- every object, CLOTHING 77 COLLECTIVE clothing an IM- 7 p 442-23 ap 567-29 cloud / 210-21 247-26 b 288-16 295-23 298- 4 ap 558- 4 558-10 566-10 clouded (jl 590-26 clouds gatliering 3 547-13 murky s 122-21 varying b 311- 1 belied by wolves in sheep's c- Truth, gives mortals temporary food and c- These wolves in sheep's c- are detected as a sunbeam penetrates the c-. arches the r- with the bow of beauty, may burst and flash till the c- is cleared like a c- melting into thin vapor. As a c- hides the sun it cannot extinguish, clothed with a c- : — Jlev. 10 ; 1. This angel . . . clothed with a c-, prefigures a pillar of c- by day and of fire by night, statements of the Scriptures become c- the gathering c-, the moon and stars, in the midst of murky c- and drenching rain. the varying c- of mortal belief, 7n 67- 4 the c- lower, the wind shrieks s 122-17 On the eye's retina, ...ine b 275-13 288- 9 p 397-28 409- 4 combined pr 1- 6 Prayer, watching, and working, c- with s 163-18 war, pestilence, and famine, all c-." ph 171-18 believes himself to be c- matter and Spirit. p 421-32 and that their c- sum is fifty, combines t 450-30 r 466- 3 Spirit, Life, Truth, Love, c" as one, Superstition and understanding can never c\ because they c- as one. Mortal miria and body c- as one. all evil c- in the belief of life, ... in matter. Hence God c- all-power or potency, combustion s 161-10 might produce spontaneous c\ come pref vii-13 The time for thinkers has c-. x-29 or discerning the truth, c- not to the light pr 1- * shall c- to pass ; — Ma rkll : 23. 8- 4 little hope for those who c only spasmodically 12-23 should c- from the enlightened understanding. 13- 4 c- ye to the waters." — Isa. 55 .■ 1. 16-30 Thy kingdom c\ — Matt. 6 .- 10. 16-31 Tliy kiru/dnm is c- ; a 18- ♦ until the kingdom of God shall c\ — Z/wAre 22 .• 18. 22-13 " Occupy till I c- ! " — Luke 19 ; 13. 24-18 change as radical as that which has c- over 27- 3 intended to prove . . . that the Christ had c : 31-24 show the Lord's death till he c-." — 7 Cor. 1 1 .• 26. 34- 5 Truth has c- to the understanding 34- 6 If Christ, Truth, has c- to us in demonstration, 38-14 in all time to c\ 40-29 has c- so generally to mean public worship 41- 3 must <•• through the joys and triumphs of the TO 56-10 and His kingdom is c- tp 80- 6 A communication purporting to e- from the 85-12 " r% see a man, which — John 4 .-29. 86-11 Opposites c- from contrary directions, 90- 5 from which loaf or fish could c- ? 90-28 recognition of Spirit must finally c, 92-32 Do you say the time has not yet c* an 100-19 we have c- to the unanimous conclusions s 112-18 with this infinitude c- spiritual rules, 125-21 The seasons will e- and go 129-16 I- hither to torment us — Matt. 8 .• 29. 130- 5 bidden to the feast, the excuses c-. 131-13 Must C. S. c- through the Christian churches 131-14 This Science has c- already, 131-31 " Art thou he that should c," — Matt. 11 ; 3. 133- 2 "Art thou he that should c- ? " — Matt. 11 : 3. 134- 8 and so has e- always to mean 141-10 revelation (such is the popular thought !) must c- 144- 2 AVhy should we . . . since no good can c- of it? ph 173-26 Human reason and religion c- slowly to the 182-27 Pleas for drugs and laws of health c- from 192- 7 They c- from the hearing of the ear, / 212- 8 Why need pain, . . . «■ to this mortal sense? 223-32 until " He c- whose right it is." — Ezek. 21 ; 27, 225-21 nor did the breath of freedom c- from the 238- 6 " C- out from among them, — II Cor. 6 ; 17. 238-14 there will c the warning. come c 266- 7 b 280- 6 283-10 285-17 291- 8 304- 7 321-10 321-27 322-11 324-30 333-21 o 361- 1 361- 8 p 362-15 367-24 368- 6 368-15 376- 8 377- 7 393- 1 398- 3 398-30 411- 1 t 451- 3 451-17 r 474-20 478-11 485-15 g 501- 7 519-18 529- 7 543-10 548- 1 556-17 556-22 ap 558- 3 567- 4 568-14 568-22 574- 8 575- 1 gl 585-13 585-18 comeliness f 247-19 'b 281-15 comes j)r 5- 8 a 42- 8 sp 75- 2 76-32 84-28 85- 5 S 112-16 113- 5 115- 3 118-32 ph 174-31 178-20 188-28 189-25 / 202-19 223-16 230- 9 238-26 239-27 247- 1 250-12 c 2G4-27 265-26 266-10 b 280-16 289- 1 290-12 291-29 303- 6 318-19 327- 1 339-24 O 347-15 a')S-25 p 382-16 387-21 434- 2 r 466-27 473-10 479- 6 483- 1 490-10 g .523-11 529-21 556-29 ap 658- 9 Then the time will c- when only reflections of good can c-. which act, react, and then c- to a stop. time has c- for a finite ... to give place last call of wisdom cannot c- till nor things present, nor things to c\—Rom. 8 .• 38. bade him c- back and handle the serpent, " It shall c- to pass, — Exod. 4 .- 8. before this recognition of divine Science can c if the idea . . . c not to your thought, has c- with some measure of i)ower and grace Jew believes that . . . Christ has not yet t-; (iod is (■• and is present now and forever. to c- behind the couch and reach his feet. Truth of the Christ-cure has c- to this age Both truth and error have c- nearer than ever When we c- to have more faith in the tmth diseases deemed dangerous sometimes c- from they e- back no better than when they went issues of pain or pleasure must c* through I charge thee, c- out of him, — Mark 9 ; 25. The Science of Mind must c* to the rescue, thing which I greatly feared i^f — Job 3 ; 25. to c- out from the material world they c- from above, not from beneath, " I am not c- to destroy, — Matt. 5 ; 17. to go into the house or to C" out of it, c- naturally into Spirit through better health and f • nearer the heart. " we all (■• in the unity of the faith, — Eph. 4 : 13. Another change will" c- as to the Thev cannot c- into His presence, The'Spirit and the bride say, C- ! — Rev. 22 ; 17. c- from the deep sleep Avhich Oblivion and dreams, not realities, c- with sleep. mighty angel c- down from heaven, — Rev. 10 ; 1. Triith and Love t- nearer in the hour of woe, Now is e- salvation, and strength, — Rev. 12 .- 10. the devil is c- down unto you, — Rev. 12 .• 12. C- hither, I will show thee — Rev. 21 ; 9. thought gently whisjiers : " C- hither ! " Elias truly shall first c- — Matt. 17 ; 11. a type of tlie glory which is to c ; C- and grace are independent of matter, supplies all form and c- and woe c- in return for what is done. c- in darkness and disappears with the light, assumption that man dies . . . butc- to life as recognition of Spirit . . . c* not suddenly All we correctly know of Spirit c- from God, This Soul-sense c- to the human mind when c- one Principle and its infinite idea, but its spirit c- only in small degrees, through which the understanding . . . c-, the natural order of heaven c- down to earth, its cure c- from the immortal divine this so-called mind, from which c- all evil, When darkness c- over the earth. From mortal mind <)• the reproduction of the when God's kingdom c- on earth; the assurance which c- of understanding ; salvation which c- through God, Justice often c- too late to secure a verdict. If it c- from erring mortal mind, acute beJief of physical life c- on at a remote a ray of light which c- from the sun, which c- from an all-absorbing spiritual love. The aspiration after heavenly good c* AVhen this hour of develoiunent c-, belief e- to have " gods many — / Cor. 8 • 5. real existence as a child of God c* to light. Hence Truth c- to destroy this error judgment-day of wisdom c- hourly c- from no power of propagation in beliefs, from which c- so much suffering, Reform r- by understanding that gives place to the infinite, . . . and God's king- dom c- Christ, . . . c- now as of old, c- through rousing within the sick the devotee . . . who c- to teach the supposition that death c- in obedience to the on tne wings of divine Love, there c a despatch : Science of Christianity c- with fan in hand that c- to heal sickness and sin On the contrary, if aught c from God, Then f the question. From this also r- its powerlessness. In error everything c- from beneath, Whence c- a talking, lying serpent but when that awakening c, message which c from God, COMES 79 COMMIT sp comes ap 569-22 gl 583-10 comet s 121-15 cometU pre/ vii- 3 a 31-26 31-31 35-26 64-18 78-29 93- 6 5 132-27 / 224-26 225- 1 b 286- 9 325-26 g 550- 3 ap 575- 4 575- 8 comfort an 101-29 ph 197- 6 /234- 6 ap 578-12 comforted a 33-12 sp 78-30 Comforter a 55-28 65-29 s 123-22 127-28 6 271-20 331-31 332-21 r 497- 7 comforts gl 582-12 coming^ i>re/ xi-18 a 52-14 sp 83- 7 an 102-17 s 132-11 150- 7 150- 8 / 215-17 230- 7 245-10 6 321-29 O 347-14 » 385-31 g 549-31 ap 561-12 561-32 574-13 command apostolic t 451- 3 Christ's s 110-29 direct o 342-10 first ft 280-18 foUo^v the / 228-20 God's g 530- 6 Scriptiiral /238- 6 6 276- 8 sing^le g 524-18 spiritual ph 168-19 this pr 9-19 a 38- 2 c- back to him at last with accelerated force, c- to the flesh to destroy incarnate error. is as the wandering c- or the desolate star ere c- the full radiance of a risen day. " The hour c-, and now is, — John 4 .-23. yea, the time c-, — John 16 ; 2. " which c- down from heaven," — John 6 .• 33. the time c- of which Jesus spake, cannot "tell whence it c-." — John 3 : 8. " But the hour c, and noiv is, — John 4 ; 23. " When the Son of man c*, — Luke 18 ; 8. who c- in the quiet of meekness. Whence c- it ? Master said, " No man c- unto — John 14 .- 6. time c- when the spiritual origin of man, If this be so, whence c- Life, or Mind, Then c- the marriage feast, and c* " down from God, — Bev. 21 .• 2. Discomfort under error is preferable to c\ costs many a man his earthly days of c-. crumbs of c from Christ's table, [love's] rod aud [love's] staif they c* me. — Psal. 23:4. and now it c- themselves. By it the sick are healed, the sorrowing are t-, " He shall give you another C-, — John 14 .- 16. This C' I understand to be Divine Science. through the teachings of the C'-, the €• which leadeth into all truth. Our Master said, " But the C—John 14 ; 26. divine Science or the Holy C-. the Holy Ghost, or (>, revealing the the Holy Ghost or divine C-; that which c, consoles, and supports. c- now as was promised aforetime, word concerning the c Prince of Peace. good and evil elements now c- to the surface. Its aggressive features are c- to the front. such effects, c- from divine Mind, Its appearing is the c- anew of the go.spel of This e-, as was promised by the Master, at the c of which darkness loses the This awakening is the forever c- of Christ, before the window watching for her lover's c\ And so it was in the c centuries, would behold the signs of Christ's c-. Any supposed information, c- from the body c- down to a belief in the material origin of the spiritual ideal . . . c- down from heaven, John the Baptist prophesied the c of the c- down from God, out of heaven," — Rev. 21 ; 2. the constant pressure of the apostolic c- demonstrated according to Christ's c-, in defiance of the direct c- of Jesus, as Jehovah's first c- of the Ten : If we follow the c- of our Master, The earth, at God's e-, brings forth food To obey the Scriptural e-, in accordance with the Scriptural c- : With a single c-. Mind had made man, spiritual c" relating to perfection, This c- includes much. Because men are assured that this c- ph 196-14 The c- was a warning to beware, / 226- 9 c- their sentinels not to let truth pass o 342-11 to which c- was added the promise p 403-14 You c- the situation if you understand r 467- 4 Therefore the c- means" this: ap 570-25 and Christ will c- the wave. oommanded a 37-27 do they follow him in the way that he c- ? m 67-22 and c- even the winds and waves g 527- 6 Ahd the Lord God [Jehovah] c-— Gen. 2: 16. commanded g 533- 7 whereof I c- tliee— Gen. 3 ; 11. 535-21 which I c- thee, saying, — Gen. 3 . 17. commaudest p 435-30 and c- ... to be smitten — Acts 23 . 3. commandingr p 439- 7 c- him to take part in the homicide. 442-11 His form was erect and c-. Commandment m 69-21 " Do you keep the First f '■ ? ft 301-22 not spiritual and breaks the First C-, 340-16 The First C- is my favorite text. 340-21 The divine Principle of the First C- o 361- 6 The Jew who believes in the First C- 3G1-10 The Christian who believes in the First O commandment a 19-29 Jesus urged the c, m 56-18 C-, " Thou shalt not commit adulterj-," — Exod. 20 .- 14. inculcates a breach of that divine c- art thou . . . keeping His c- ? " the Ten O can be broken. s 112-30 ft 308- 4 Commandments ap 563-13 belief that commandments pr 4- 5 To keep the v of our Master 4-11 " If ye love me, keep my c-." —John 14; 15. a 'i^-'Xi " If ye love me, keep my c-." — Jo/i/t 14.15. / 241-22 " If ye love me, keep my c." — John 14 ; 15. ft 340- 8 Fear God, and keep His c- : — Eccl. 12 ; 13. 340-11 love God and keep His c- : g 542-26 to advance itself, breaks God's c*. commands a 20-26 It c* sure entrance into the realm of Love. 26- 6 if we follow his c- faithfully ; 37-27 Hear these imperative c- : f Tll-'ig, contrary to His c-. o 355-16 according to the c- of our Master, p 405- 5 C. S. c- man to master the propensities, r 489-14 it breaks all the t- of the Mosaic Decalogue commemorate a 32- 9 Eucharist does not c- a Roman soldier's oath, 35-12 the morning meal which Christian Scientists t". commemorated a 33-31 can you then say that you have c- Jesus 34-11 If all . . . had really c- the sufferings of Jesus commemoration a 34- 6 no other c is requisite, 34-13 If all who seek his c- through material symbols commences ph 189-29 c in the lower, basal portion of the brain, p 423- 9 c- with mental causation, 430-20 patient feels ill, ruminates, and the trial c\ commend t 457-25 some learners c- diet and hygiene. commendation p 365-20 such c- as the Magdalen gained from Jesus, commended a 35-28 draught our Master drank and (•• to his p 434-32 that court c- man's immortal Spirit commending sp 92-14 serpent in the act of c- to comment pr 8-12 what must be the c- upon him ? 8-14 there would be no occasion for c-. a 55- 3 subjects to unchristian c- and usage g 523- 2 of the Scriptural account now under c\ CO m m erci alism ph 195-28 Literary c* is lowering the intellectual commingle ph 198-26 His thoughts and his patient's c-, f 211- 3 if . . . Truth and error, c- ft 281- 4 Spirit and matter no more c- than light and 296-24 When the evidence . . . .seems to c\ r 492-22 The notion that mind and matter c- g 539-20 false to say that Truth and error c commingling r 481-15 declaring . . . good and evil to be capable of c*. commission a 54-13 In witness of his divine c-, an 100-14 Under this order a <■• was appointed, 100-16 This e- reported to the government 104-30 as well as the c- of a crfme. p 433-22 this has led him into the c- of the commissioners an 100-15 Benjamin Franklin was one of the c-. commissions t 455-24 When He c- a messenger, commit ' m 66-18 " Thou Shalt not c- adultery," — £xod. 20; 14. COMMIT 80 COMPLAINING commit an Wo- 2 The hands, without . . . could not c- a murder. 105-10 Can matter c- a crime? 105-23 to c- fresh atrocities as opportunity occurs / 252-19 cheat, lie, c- adultery, rob, murder, o 356-25 Does divine Love c a fraud on humanity p 400-17 moral man has no fear that he will c- a murder, 432- 7 I knew the prisoner would c- it, 43(>-30 deeds which the divine law compels man to c-. t 4i;i-18 If you c- a crime, should you acknowledge commits pre/ xii-26 she c- these pages to honest seekers for Truth. r 490- 4 this belief c- depredations on harmony. committed s 161-22 "Liberty, what crimes are c- in thy name ! " p 408-11 people who are c- to insane asylums 430-18 IS charged with having (•• liver-complaint. 431- 8 At last he c- liver-complaint, 434-28 shows the alleged crime never to have been c-. 435- 4 Has the body or has Mortal Mind c- a 435- 7 The body c- no offence. 435-14 If liver-complaint was c- by trampling on committee an 101- 8 a c- of nine persons was appointed, committing p 436-17 to prevent his c- liver-complaint, t 459-14 C* the bare process of mental healing to common pr 12-22 c" custom of praying for the recovery a .V2-18 make c- cause against the exponents of truth. ap 80-30 This belief rests on the c- conviction that 92-17 for the c conception of mortal man an 101-17 nothing in e- with either physiology or 106- 2 to drop from the platform of c- manhood 8 137-14 implied in their citation of the c- report 137-27 had been called only by his c- names, 153- 5 Natrum muriatieum (c- table-salt) / 202-31 C- opinion admits that a man may take cold b 294- 2 These senses indicate the c- human belief, 333- 6 in c- with other Hebrew boys and men, o 342-30 according to the c- theories, 357- 1 In c- justice, we must admit that God p 363- 3 which is in such c- use in the East. 363-17 were released ... by their c creditor. 365-11, 12 and c- sense and c* humanity are 383-32 c- notion that health depends on inert matter 388-12 Admit the c- hypothesis 407-32 in consonance "with c- mortal belief. i 459- 7 Then he will have nothing in c- with r 488-12 Scriptures often appear in our e- version g r)23-20 or Lord God, as our r- version translates it. 540- 9 reducing it to its c- denominator, g! 598-14 the phrase is equivalent to our c- statement, commonly s llti-24 As the words . . . are c- and ignorantly em- ployed, 139- 9 Reforms have c- been attended with blood- shed ph 183-20 mortals c- recognize as law that which hides / 232- 4 The beliefs we c- entertain about happiness 242-22 the facts of being are c- misconstrued, 243-13 That those wonders are not more c- repeated b 274- 7 Natural science, as it is c* called, 284-26 by the effects c- attributed to them. 310-18 We are c- taught that there is a human soul 319-11 material means (c- called nature) 333- 4 though it is c- so used. o 344-20 are not included in the c accepted systems; 344-32 the word Spirit is so c* applied to Deity, r/l 586-10 the divine Principle, c- called God. Common Version b 313-13 " express image " in the O V-—Heb. 1 ; 3. Commonwealth pref xi-29 under the seal of the C-, commotion /) 422-11 Patients, unfamiliar with the cause of this c- commune a 35-13 and silently to c- with the divine Principle, sp 73-29 mistake to supi)ose that . . . can c together. 74-31 so-called dead and living cannot c- together, 75-26 one possible moment, when those . . . can c* 76-13 can no longer c- with matter ; 84-15 to c- more largely with the divine Mind, communed sp 73-15 If Spirit, or God, c- . . . through electricity communicable sp Tir-QlS but evil is neither c- nor scientific. 72-29 when evil and suffering are <••. 74-3 To be on c- terms with Spirit, communicate sp 78-22 How then can it c- with man through 82-14 we do not c- with the dreamer by our side communicated / 212- 2 is not c- through a nerve. 213-18 as c- through the senses of Soul p 423- 3 this belief should not be c- to the patient, communicates sp 85-31 truth c- itself but never imparts error. communicating- t 446- 2 perhaps c his own bad morals, communication sp 73-32 There is no c- between 78-12 even were c- possible 80- 6 Ac- purporting to come from communications sp 77-22 Even if c- from spirits to mortal consciousness 77-23 such (•• would grow beautifully less 78-13 C- gathered from ignorance are pernicious communicator sp 72-30 divine law is the c- of truth, 81-32 deceased person, supposed to be the c, communicators sp 72- 9 So-called spirits are but corporeal c. communing ,s^ 78- 8 belief . . . that at the same time we are c- with communion a 30- 1 Mary's self-conscious c- with God. 35-25 Our Eucharist is spiritual c- with the one God. sp 72- 7 condition precedent to c with Spirit 74-13 No correspondence nor c- can exist between 82-23 C- . . . would be prevented bv this difference. ff 539-24 "What <■• hath light with darkness? — // (or. 6 .■ 14. community an 103- 2 in families and therefore in the c-. t 446- 3 a f unprepared for self-defence. 456- 9 which most of them hold in the c, commute p 378- 5 will enable you to c- this self-sentence, compact m 59- 7 compromises will often maintain a c* companion ap 569-22 The sin, which one has made his bosom c-, companionsli ip a 21-24 and our c- may continue. m 60- 5 formation of a happy and permanent c. company a 21-28 Tlie c- is alluring and the pleasures excit- ing. 36- 2 in the blessed c- of Truth and Love m 66-27 the other pre-eminently needs good c*. c 261-15 actively as the youngest member of the c. compare g 515-28 Now c- man before the mirror comparison c 250-17 in c- with the sublime question, b 297-25 Human thoughts have their degrees of c. compass / 233-19 c- the destruction of sin and sickness b 292- 5 Divine Science alone can c- the heights compassed o 302- 1 Soul is not c- by tiniteness. compassion s 115-26 Moral. Humanity, honesty, affection, c; com pa ss ion ately 2) .363- 9 He regarded her c\ 365-22 and deal with his patients c- ; compel l)r 11-11 in order to feither can this manifestation . . . be c, until 149- 9 These states are not c, ph 167- 5 and Soul-existence, ... is not c*. b 303- 9 and are c- in and formed by Spirit, 325-31 the darkness c- it not." — John 1 ; 5. o 350-13 Unless the works are c- which his g 520- 8 is no more seen nor c- by mortals, Miiprehendin^ / 219-25 not c- the Principle of the cure, p 441- 1 c- and defining all law and evidence, g 546-25 though the darkness, c- them not, comprehends o .347-21 which the darkness c- not. p 369- 8 and c- the theology of Jesus 371-15 no more c- his real being than r 481- 8 Through spiritual sense only, man c . . . Deity. g 518-27 divine Principle, or Spirit, c- and expresses gl 596- 1 That which spiritual sense alone c*, comprehensible s 115- 6 to make them c- to any reader, 146-32 to a form c- by and adapted to comprehension p 388-28 and a clear c of the living Spirit. t 462- 1 requisite for a thorough c- or C. S. r 488-24 Mind alone possesses . . . perception, and c com prehensi veness 8 128-10 gives them acuteness and c- compress b 280-10 limits all things, and would c- Mind, compressed f 256-13 nor c- within the narrow limits of p 397-29 Give up the belief that mind is, ... c- within comprised 8 127- 7 c* in a knowledge or understanding of God, b 286-31 Sin, sickness, and death are c- in compromise t 443- 6 those, who make such a c, compromised pref x-11 The author has not c- conscience compromises m 59- 7 Mutual c- will often maintain a compact computed 8 129- 4 or of a properly c- sum in arithmetic. conceal pr 4- 1 we cannot c- the ingratitude of barren lives. t 447-13 false charity does not forever c- error; g 542-10 disposition to excuse guilt or toe- it concealed g 542- 7 error cannot forever be c-. concealment f/? 596-28 Veil. A cover; c-; hiding; hypocrisy. conceals b 326- 1 A false sense . . . c- scientific demonstra- tion. concede ph 186-22 If we c- the same reality to discord as to conceded ph 166-28 balance of power is c- to be with matter by c 267- 7 It is generally c- that God is Father, p 396-15 is not a difficult task in view of the c- falsity conceding p 394- 5 By c power to discord, conceit t 450- 2 whose bigotry and c- twist every fact up 571-27 Thus he rebukes the c- of sin, conceive b 318- 2 for him to c- of the substantiality of Spirit 331-23 to c- of such omnipresence and individuality conceived a 29-17 Virgin-mother c- this idea of God, / 211-30 be c- of as immortal. b 303-11 is spiritually c- and brought forth ; 303-12 statement that man is c- and evolved 315-30 being c- by a human mother, t 462-20 Anatomy, when c- of spiritually, is 463-14 c- and born of Truth and Love, r 476-16 "c- in sin and brought forth in iniquity." g 538-24 and she c-, and bare Cain, — Gen. 4 .- 1. 540-28 mortal and material man, c in sin 545- 6 never had been divinely c-. conceives / 213- 6 Mortal mind c- of something as conceiving g 513-19 are as eternal as the Mind c- them; gl 582-14 c- man in the idea of God ; concept corporeal gl 589-16 Jesus. The highest human corporeal c- every c 262-29 Every c- which seems to beg^n with the brain false ph 177-10 Matter, or body, is but a false c* human (,aee human) Jewish ap 576-28 The term Lord, . . . expresses the Jewish c, material b 297-17 only fact concerning any material c- is, 334-16 material c-, or Jesus, disappeared, mental sp 87-24 Do not suppose that any mental c is gone p 376-19 the so-called material body is a mental c- perfect ( 454-23 and form the perfect c-. true sp 87-25 The true c- is never lost. unreal an 102- 7 an unreal c- of the so-called mortal mind, your o M6-27 in your c, the tooth, the operation, conception common sp 92-17 the common c- of mortal man divine b 315-25 The divine c of Jesus pointed to tbia CONCEPTION 82 CONCLUSIONS conception faint a 47- 3 gave them a faint c of the Life which 6 281-20 false c- as to man and Mind. 285-16 is a false c- of man. finite c 258- 2 A mortal, corporeal, or finite c of God b 285-18 time has come for a finite c- ... to give place liiehe8t s 148-12 instead of from the highest, c- of being. b 327- 9 Evil is sometimes a man's highest c- of right, his {248-13 in order to perfect his c-. 299- 3 embodies his c- of an. unseen quality buman o 50-27 The burden . . . was terrible beyond human c\ ph 185-14 puts forth a human c- in the name of Science g 505- 7 by which human c, material sense, Jewish s 133-29 Jewish c- of God, aa Yawah, Mary's b 332-26 Mary's c* of him was spiritual, material / 213- 9 apart from this mortal and material c. gr 536-24 erroneous, material c- of life and joy, mental p 403-31 mental c- and development of disease of Ood ph 186-19 rests on the c- of God as the only Life, of mortal mind b 274- 4 c- of mortal mind, the offspring of sense, proper g 556-24 and set aside the proper c- of Deity, thy g 635- 7 thy sorrow and thy c- : — Ge7i. 3 ; 16. true sp 84-24 true c- of being destroys the belief of c 258-23 gains the true c- of man and God. 260- 2 the true c- or understanding of man, 260-12 as the only true c* of being. h 324-29 which is the true c- of being, t 456-14 separates himself from the true c- of C. S. truest s 132-29 or endow him with the truest c- of the Christ ? unconflnecl b 323-11 c- unconfined is winged to reach the divine conceptions diviner c 260-10 human beliefs will be attaining diviner c-, erroneous s 116-26 confused and erroneous c* of divinity finite (/ 545- 1 through mortal and finite c. higher / 247-17 reflecting those higher c- of loveliness human c 2.55-12 to belittle Deity with human c. 257-16 material senses and human c- would material sp 87- 1 So is it with all material e\ t 463- 9 detach mortal thought from its material c-, our pr 3-17 How empty are our c- of Deity! / 244- 7 If we were to derive all our c spiritual o 349-16 inadequate to the expression of spiritual c c 260- 7 The c- of mortal, erring thought concepts m 62-26 thrusting in the laws of erring, human c\ f 235-32 and broaden their c-. 239-24 It forms material c- and c 256-15 , nor can He be understood . . . through mortal c*. 259-30 demands spiritual thoughts, divine c-, 264- 1 the fleeting c- of the human mind. p 426-31 human c- named matter, death, disease, g 516-31 genders are human c\ 531-13 exchanging human c- for the divine 536- 7 as a symbol of tempestrtossed human c 556- 4 mortal and material c- classified, concern sp 84-16 foretell events which c the uniyersal concerned 8 121-25 so far as our solar system is c; concerning" a 47-14 people were in doubt e- Jesus' teachings. 52-14 word c- the coming Prince of Peace. sp 89-13 Scriptural word c- a man, 92-22 Until the fact r- error . . . appears, .s 133-22 c- God, man, sanitary methods, and / 205- 6 their false sense e- God and man. 219-14 never aflirm c- the body what we do not wish 220-28 c- which God said. concerning b 297-17 The only fact c- any material concept is, o 349- 4 rabbis of the present day ask c- our healing 349-22 the prophecy c- the Christian apostles, p 383-27 confirming the Scriptural conclusion c- a man, 412- 7 c- the truth which you think or speak, 413-32 held in the beliefs c- his body. t 448- 9 tell the truth c- the lie. r 481-16 (■■ this " tree of the knowledge — Gen. 2 ; 17. 494-25 Which of these two theories c- man g 524-25 or is it a lie c- man and God ? gl 585-24 a finite belief c life, substance, and concession sp 84-25 for without the c* of material personalities concessions a 33- 1 closed forever Jesus' ritualism or c- to matter. ?«, 56- 4 Jesus' c ... to material methods were ft 398- 7 the c- which Jesus was willing to make t 456-18 Science makes no c- to persons or conciliate a 18-18 Christ, . . . could c- no nature above his own, / 238-22 Attempts to c- society and so gain conclude s 143-19 but you c- that the stomach, blood, nerves, / 217- 4 than to c- that individual musical tones p 387- 6 we c- that intellectual labor r 467-24 "We reason imperfectly . . when we c- that concluded sp 89-28 Cain very naturally c- that if life / 222-26 c- that God never made a dyspeptic, p 441- 9 He c- his charge thus : concludes ap 566-19 we may also offer the prayer which c- the concluding op 573-24 This is Scriptural authority for c* conclusion any s 120-25 Any c- pro or con, deduced from supposed blind s 124-11 In a word, human belief is a blind c- fair g 555- 3 A fair c- from this might be, false g 525-27 the false c* of the material senses. no other sp 109-10 premise or s 129- 6 scientific b 279-26 A logical and scientific c- is reached Scriptural p 383-27 the Scriptural c- concerning a man, this p 425- 2 Mort-al mind, not matter, induces this C" s 128-32 c\ if properly drawn, cannot be false. ph 167-17 error in the i)remise must ajjpear in the c-. / 231-17 Therefore we accept the c- that discords b 277-28 error in the premise leads to errors in the c* 278-24 and leads to the e- that if man is 279- 6 The doom of matter establishes the c 316-16 which led to the e- that the 340- 7 " Let us hear the c- of the whole — ^cc/. 12 : 13. 340- 9 Let us hear the c- of the whole matter: o 347-10 thee- would be that there is nothing 433- 6 His c- is, that laws of nature render conclusions absolute s 109-21 and I won my way to absolute c* doctrines and g 545-14 into all human doctrines and c, s 121-22 deluded the judgment and induced false C". / 204- 3 All forms of error support the false c ' p 417-30 by certain fears and false c-, his p 403-30 truth or error which infiuences his c-. human b 298- 1 are the vague realities of human c-. logical b 270-10 are scientific and logical c- reached. my s 108-12 My c- were reached by allowing the one's c 259-32 Deducing one's c- as to man from our p 397- 5 By not perceiving ... we are misled in our C spiritual b 300- 2 it attempts to draw correct spiritual c such p 392-25 Admitting only such c* as you wish their own p 418- 2 the baneful effects of their own c*. This proof once seen, no other c- can be reached, can tolerate no error in premise or c-. CONCLUSIONS 83 CONDITIONS conclusions unanimous an 100-19 we have come to the unanimous c* sp 84- 2 nor with the c- of mortal Ijeliefs. pfi 184- 2 premises being erroneous, the c- are wrong. 6 269-13 does not enter into metaphysical premises ore-. 338-10 premises and e- of material and mortal ff 547-10 strengthens the thinker's c- as to the conclusive an 101-14 promised by Monsieur Berna . . . as c*, 101-16 are certainly not c- in favor of the doctrine s 159- 8 The evidence was found to be c-, conclusively s 108-16 proves c- that three times three 123-11 The verity of Mind shows c- f 204- 6 that mortal error is as c- mental concomitant r 484-28 Question. — Is materiality the c- concomitants ph 196-16 sin, and death are not c- of Life or Truth. concord pref viii-7 and gives sweet c- to sound. m 60-25 calls discord harmony, not appreciating c\ s 129-25 Can we. . . learn from discord the cor being? 148-23 c- and unity of Spirit and His likeness. / 216-26 " What c- hath Christ with Belial ? "— // Cor. 6.15. 240-11 In the order of Science, ... all is one grand c-. t 453- 4 when he distinguishes c- from discord. - 9 superstructure, where mortals c* for worship. Congregational Church o 351- 8 author became a member of the orthodox C- O conjectural jih 176-19 weigh down mankind with . . . c- evils. , / 229-20 law of mortal mind, c- and speculative, conjecture 6 298-30 Human c- confers upon angels its own-forms 3.30-17 knowledge of it is left either to human c or conjectured / 245-16 c- that she must be under twenty. conjectures 6 304-32 So man, ... is abandoned to c-, g 504-26 human doctrines, hypotheses, and vague c- conjoin m 57- 9 These different elements c- naturally conjoined p 378- 2 and causes the two to appear c; conjugal m 65-29 has brought c- infidelity to the surface, 66-17 Amidst gratitude for c- felicity, 66-18 Amidst c- infelicity, it is well to hope, conjure p 403-23 Never c* up some new discoverj' from connate pre/ viii-20 the response deducible from two c- facts, connect a 37- 9 human links which c- one stage with another r 491-11 Matter cannot c- mortals with the true origin connected s 145-20 Indeed, its . . . effects are indissolubly r-. p 389-31 complication of symptoms c- with this belief. 408-25 less intimately c- with the mind than CONNECTION 85 CONSECRATE connection sp 98-25 that which they call science has no proper c* with ph 178-10 c- of past mortal thoughts with present. b 292-30 real man's indissoluble c- with his God, o 350-28 that life-link forming the c- through which ap 560- 1 in c- with the nineteenth century. conquer 317-20 enables him to c- sin, disease, and 324-16 in which we must c- sin, sickness, and death, 339-31 You c- error by denying its verity. p 393- 9 and can c- sickness, sin, and death. 394-26 Is there no divine permission to c discord 405- 7 to c- lust with chastity, 419-28 you must c- your own fears conquered a 53-29 he had not c- all the beliefs of the flesh / 217-16 When you have once c- a diseased condition 231- 4 Unless an ill is rightly met . . . the ill is never c-. b 309- 8 He had c- material error with p 380- 3 must be finally c- by eternal Life. 400- 6 This error C-, we can despoil 405-27 You are c- by the moral penalties you incur 407- 7 is c- only by a mighty struggle. 425-24 when faith in matter has been c-. ap 564-16 met and c- sin in every form. conquering- / 253-14 I hope that you are c- this false sense. c 262-23 and c- all that is unlike God. conquers p 378-26 and finally c- it. conquest p 418- 2 Show them that the c- over sickness, ap 568-26 What shall we say of the mighty c- over all sin ? conscience pre/ x-11 The author has not compromised c- a 28-11 In c', we cannot hold to beliefs outgrown; an 106- 9 self-government, reason, and c-. / 222-31 " asking no question fore- sake."— / Cor. 10 .-25. p 405-23 to endure the cumulative effects of a guilty c-. conscientious pr 12-13 prayers were deep and c- protests of Truth, s 163- 8 said: " 1 declare my c- opinion, t 451-19 every c- teacher of the Science of Mind-healing, conscientiously o 343-30 Whoever is the first meekly and c conscious pr 14-12 Become c- for a single moment that sp 82-19 and were in as c- a state of existence s 125-13 of c- pain and painlessness, ph 166- 6 thus the c- control over the body is lost. / 209-31 a C-, constant capacity to understand God. 213-25 Mental melodies . . . supersede c- sound. 250- 9 which never slumbers, but is ever c- ; 6 302- 6 ('• infinitude of existence and of all identity p 374- 6 Because mortal mind seems to be c, 379-29 images, . . . frighten c- thought. 390-32 Rise in the c- strength of the spirit of Truth 400-14 before it has taken tangible shape in c- thought, 409-13 independently of this so-called c- mind, 409-16 e- mortal mind is believed to be superior 423-24 the stimulus of courage and c power. 435- 6 would console e- Mortal Mind, r 475-16 c- identity of being as found in Science, 484-14 the c* and unconscious thoughts of mortals. g 521- 2 above earth ... to c spiritual harmony ap 569- 8 when we are c- of the supremacy of Truth, 573-26 can become c-, here and now, of a cessation of 574-12 It exalted him till he became c- of the ffl 593- 5 the c- facts of spiritual Truth. consciously sp 87- 6 to be individually and c- present. ph 174- 2 as C" as do civilized practitioners by their 199-18 whether this development is produced e- or b 308-15 talked with God as c- as man talks with man. p 374-11 before it is c- apparent on the body, 403- 4 voluntary mesmerism is induced c- ap 576-24 man possesses this recognition of harmony c consciousness abiding: p 405-24 The abiding c- of wrong-doing corporeal m 67-27 Spiritual, not corporeal, c- is needed. develops r 489-10 and as c- develops, this belief goes out, differing e . sp 82-28 Different dreams . . . betoken a differing c-. disappear from o 347-29 and sickness will disappear from c. divine (f 531-13 exchanging human concepts for the divine c. gl 598-23 One moment of divine c-, eternal c 263-31 instead of a scientific ^mal c- of creation. consciousness . false s 107-15 Feeling so perpetually the false c* that life ap 575- 1 Arise from your false c- full ffl 598-28 and man would be in the full c of holier p 419-30 rise into higher and holier c-. human (see human) illusive 6 293- 4 the least material form of illusive c, immortal b 279-11 Ideas are tangible and real to immortal c, r 486- 9 in order to possess immortal c. individual sp 76-16 but he will be an individual c, is cognizant b 276-10 c is cognizant only of the things of God. man's b 336-14 man's c- and individuality are reflections ap 576-22 is within reach of man's c- here, material ph 196-14 the word so^d means . . . material c\ b 295-27 material c\ the exact opposite of real Mind, mazes of sp 82-17 different mazes of c-. memory and r 491-23 memory and c are lost from the body, mortal sp 77-22 if communications from spirits to mortal c- were b 278-14 exists only in a supposititious mortal c. 295-13 mortal c- will at last yield to the no / 206- 2 no c- of the existence of matter or error. 243-25 Truth has no c- of error. 245-11 Having no c- of time, p 368-25 Because matter has no c- or Ego, no other / 242-11 to have no other c* of life c 264-19 finding all in God, . . . needing no other c*. b 323- 5 and to possess no other c- but good. ff 536- 9 and there is no other c. of existence p 428-24 We must hold forever the c- of ej^istence, of right-doing a 37-13 C- of right-doing brings its own reward ;. of Truth / 218- 7 The c- of Truth rests us pure gl 582-17 the pure c" that God, . . . creates man Science and p 423-24 Both Science and c* are now at work scientific ap 573-13 Accompanying this scientific c* spiritual {see spiritual) stages of ap 573-11 indicates states and stages of c*. state of sp 82-21 their state of c- must be different from ours, states of sp 82-11 because different states of c are involved, 82-13 cannot exist in two different states of c- at the supposed s 120-26 matter's supposed e- of health or disease, b 311-29 all supposed c* or claim to life or existence, that ap 573- 7 that c* which God bestows, this clearer g 553- 5 This clearer c- must precede an understanding true b 302-26 Man's true c- is in the mental, p 391-30 rifee to the true c- of Life as Love, uplifts g 505-16 understanding which uplifts c vanish from sp 77-15 for this dream ... to vanish from c", p 415-29 the limbs will vanish from c-. pr 14-27 the c- of man's dominion over the whole earth. sp 74-32 for they are in separate states of existence, or c*. o 278- 4 Spirit is the only substance and c- 278-16 we lose the c- of matter. 283-32 Are mentality, immortality, c-, 307-32 ('•, where art thou ? p 407-28 brings . . . Life not death, into your c*. 409-10 cannot dictate terms to c- 422-17 giving more spirituality to c 425-23 €• constructs a better body when r 480-10 C-, as well as action, is governed by Mind, ap 573-23 involve the spiritual idea and c- ot reality. 578-17 [the C-] of [LOVE] for ever. — Psal. 23 .- 6. consecrate p 428-15 We should c- existence, ... to the eternal CONSECRATING 86 CONSTITUENT consecrating" p ;i88- 2 Turough the uplifting and c- power of consecration pr 3-16 demands absolute c- of thought, energy, and a 28-10 one's c- to Christ is more on the ground of c 262- 1 C- to good does not lessen man's dependence 26^- 3 Neither does c- diminish man's obligations p 367-14 from the summit of devout c-, gi 592-24 Oil. C- ; charity ; gentleness ; consecutively pref xii-21 she had never read this book throughout c- consent s 152- 1 and must by its own c- yield to Truth. / 221-30 without the c- of mortal mind, 229-15 By universal c-, mortal belief has p 371-10 Mortals are believed to be here without their c- 379- 2 without the c- of mortals, consentaneous g 553-23 If f human belief agrees upon an ovum consequence sp 81-30 and follows as a necessarj' c- s 158-32 was etherized and died in c*, o 352-13 and sick in c- of the fear : consequences a 48-28 ignorant of the c- of his awful decision / 237-32 they hug false beliefs and suffer the delusive c-. b 322-24 refraining from it only through fear of c- p 374-14 This mortal blindness and its sharp c- 436-22 He must obey your law, fear its c-, ap 670-18 and never fear the c-. consequent an 104-16 and the c* wrongness of the opposite 8 115- 4 the c- difficulty of so expressing 154- 7 and its e- manifestation in the body, o 355-25 a c- inability to demonstrate this Science. r 474-10 and c- maltreatment which it receives. consequently an 103-29 and c- no transference of mortal thought ph 178- 5 C-, the result is controlled by b 270-24 Mortals think wickedly ; c- they r 470-27 and c- a time when Deity was g 512-12 and c- reproduce their own characteristics. 513-28 c- not within the range of immortal exist- ence 538-29 have a beginning, they must c- have an end, conservatism ph 167-29 timid c- is absolutely inadmissible. p 364-19 through material c- and for personal homage ? t 452-20 We soil our garments with c-, conservative r 492-29 The c- theorj', long believed, consider m 68-13 C- its obligations, its responsibilities, sp 83- 1 it is wise earnestly to c- whether it is the 98-24 Even now multitudes c- that which they call .« 119- 8 and c- matter ... in and of itself, / 214-20 to fear and to obey what they e- a material body o 347-12 Critics should c- that the so-called mortal man 351-20 if we c- Satan as a being coequal in power p 382-17 c- the so-called law of matter consideration rri 67-19 The notion ... is too absurd for c, t 157- 1 Homoeopathy takes mental symptoms largely into c- t 445-32 for the petty c- of money, g 532- 9 the prediction in the story under c\ considerations m 60-21 the higher nature is neglected, and other c, considered a 38- 7 and so it will be c\ when the m 66-27 Socrates c- patience salutary under such ap 91-22 Certain erroneous postulates should be here c* 98-23 has not been c- a part of any religion, s 125- 2 What is now c- the best condition 136-17 These prophets were c dead, 139-16 what should and should not be c- Holy Writ ; 143-12 before it could be c- as medicine. 159-16 they would have c- the woman's state of ph 170-22 Spiritual causation is the one question to be c-, p 431- 9 c- criminal, inasmuch as this offence is 436-24 the penalty they c- justly due, g 521-24 presented in the verses already c-, considering- o 352- 6 evidently c it a mortal and material belief g 517-11 not as much authority for c- God masculine, 517-12 as we have for c- Him feminine, consigns sp 77-28 Spiritism c- the so-called dead to a state resem- bling g 642-24 To envy's own hell, justice c the lie consist / 233- 3 These proofs c solely in the destruction of sin, r 470- 3 brotherhood of man would c- of Love and Truth, consisted gl 597- 3 Judaic religion c- mostly of rites and consistency / 242-26 one web of c- without seam or rent. o 341- 7 grow in beauty and c- from one grand root, 354-18 C- is seen in example more than in precept. t 443- 3 as to the propriety, advantage, and c- of consistent pr 9-32 C- prayer is the desire to do riglit. m 65- 7 If the foundations of human affection are c* / 254- 2 Individuals are c- who, watching and t 458-27 honest and c- in following the leadings of g 547-16 Darwin's theory ... is more c- than most consistently pr 9-10 Dy living c- with our prayer? consisteth g 544- 9 Life c- not of the things which a man eatetb. consisting: / 221- 7 this meal c- of only a 'thin slice of bread consists s 123-19 The revelation c- of two parts: ph 184- 8 remedy c- in probing the trouble to the bottom, b 323- 3 This strife c- in the endeavor to forsake error t 462-21 and c- in the dissection of thoughts g 503- 1 c- of the unfolding of spiritual ideas consolation pref xii-25 and is joyful to bear c- to the sorrowing console p 435- 6 Reverend Theology would c- ap 574- 4 adapted to c- the weary pilgrim, consoles gl 582-12 that which comforts, c-, and supports. consolidation ph 185-30 which is but a mortal c- of consoling pr 7-29 and c- ourselves in the midst of consonance 2)h 168-16 all in c- with the laws of God, p 407-32 is in c- with common mortal belief. consonant g 501-13 is c- with ever-present Love. conspicuous m 65-13 broadcast powers of evil so c- to-day g 539-31 so c- in the birth of Jesus, conspiracies / 246-19 c- against manhood and womanhood. conspiracy 1) 339-15 He is joining in a c- against himself, p 434-26 we shall unearth this foul c- 438-16 c- against the rights and life of man. conspirators a 49- 8 Were all c- save eleven? p 405-10 if you would not cherish an army of c conspired a 47-10 Judas c- against Jesus. constancy m 60- 9 mother-love includes purity and lortal mind is r- producing on mortal body 413-25 c- directing the mind to such signs, t 453-11 with some individuals . . . symptoms c reap- pear, r 492-14 New thoughts are c- obtaining the floor. g 524- 6 c- went after " strange gods.' — Jer. 5 : 19. 548-32 increase their numbers naturally and c gl 598- 8 our Master had c to employ words of consternation p 434- 3 C- fills the prison-yard. constituent / 209-17 relation^ which c masses hold to each other, CONSTITUENTS 87 CONTESTS constituents m 58- 9 these c- of thought, mingling, t 460- 4 the necessary c- and relations of all beings," constitute a 53-26 mortal errors which c- the material body, m 58- 9 c- individually and collectively true happiness, 63- 6 The beautiful, good, and pure c- his ancestry. b 274-21 false beliefs and their products c- the flesh, 331-26 Life, Truth, and Love c- the triune p 430-24 Greed and Ingratitude, c- the jury, r 470- 5 unity of Principle and spiritual power which c 488-14 Do the Ave corporeal senses c- man ? fj 503- 9 divine Principle and idea c- spiritual harmony, 516- 5 Life, intelligence. Truth, and Love, which c constituted ph 167-15 If God c- man both good and evil, / 229-15 mortal belief has c- itself a law p 437-27 judicial proceedings of a regularly c court. r 466- 9 personalities c- of mind and matter, constitutes in 57- 4 Union of the . . . qualities c- completeness. sp 76-25 c- the onlj; veritable, indestructible man, 85- 7 Such intuitions reveal whatever c- and ph 172- 1 c" his happiness or misery. 173- 1 When we admit that matter ... 384- 9 thoughtheyexposehimtofatigue, cold, heat, c*. 392-29 whether it "be air, exercise, heredity, c-, contagious s 154- 5 that certain diseases should be regarded as -ll >Jever say . . . how much you have to c- with contending sp 79-27 c- for the rights of intelligence p 380- 8 C- for the evidence or indulging the 400-18 c- persistently for truth, you destroy error. content / 240-23 If at present c- with idleness, contentment pref vii-15 C- with the past and the cold conventionality t 452-16 Better is the frugal intellectual repast with c- contents H 130-19 cannot add to the c- of a vessel already full. contest sp 99-16 Therefore my c- is not with the individual, contests ap 567- 7 The Gabriel of His presence has no c. CONTEXT CONTRARY context s 127-12 according to the requirements of the c. o 341- 6 clauses separated from their c\ g 501- 5 seems so smothered by the immediate c* continent ap 559- 9 scientific thought reaches over c- and ocean contingrent p 368-20 Life is not c- on bodily conditions 427-10 belief that existence is c- on matter g 509-21 are no more c now on time or 552- 7 hypotheses deal with causation as c* on matter continual / 220- 3 We hear it said : . . . I have c colds, 240-14 and there is c- discord. g 650-16 c- contemplation of existence as material continually s 144-19 Will-power . . . produces evil c-, 145-29 mortal mind must c- weaken its own / 248-21 The world is holding it before your gaze c-. 248-27 and look at them c-, b 291-29 judgment-day of wisdom comes hourly and c-, 320-29 whereas this passage is c- quoted p 377-17 mental state should be c- watched 424-17 by c- expressing such opinions as may t 462- 6 add c- to his store of spiritual understanding, continuance p 397-10 by admitting their reality and c-, continuation p 399-19 c- of, the primitive mortal mind. continue o 21- 6 not c- to labor and pray, expecting because of 21-24 and our companionship may c 29- 4 c- this warfare until they have finished their m 56-13 marriage will c-, subject to 59-25 should exist before this union and c- ever after, 64-27 Until . . . marriage will c-. sp 96-10 will c- unto the end, 96-19 disturbances will c- until the end of error, 96-22 fermentation has begun, and will c- until 99-17 and shall e- to labor and to endure. s 124-19 is, and must c- to be, an enigma. 143-21 by this belief, you c- in the old routine. ph 173-27 and so c- to call upon matter to / 203-26 will c- to kill him so lone as he sins. 205- 1 else God will e- to be hidden from humanity, 227- 8 or mortals will c- unaware of man's inalien- able 254-13 but to begin aright and to c* the strife c 267- 4 They are in and of Spirit, . . . and so forever f. 6 285-24 shall c- to seek salvation o 353- 5 and they will so c-, till the testimony of 353-18 All things will c- to disappear, until 353-20 We must not c- to admit the somethingness 353-27 so long will ghosts seem to c*. p 403-18 and it will c- to do so, until 422- 8 O to read, and the book will become the physi- cian, t 449- 6 in order to c- in well doing. r 472-22 we should c- to lose the standard of 486-21 So long as . . . mortals will c- mortal in belief g 507-28 and must ever c- to appear continued sp 81- 8 have a c- existence after death 8 156-19 I (lid so, and she e- to gain. . ph 193-22 Tlie diseased condition had c- there / 212- 5 amputated has r- in belief to pain the 222-19 and yet she c- ill all the while. 227-12 ignorance . . . the foundation of c- bondage b 334-15 c- until the Master's ascension, p 438-14 Turning suddenly to Personal Sense, . . . C. S. c- : 438-18 Then C. S. c- : g 521-20 but the c* account is mortal and material. continues pr 5-27 He grows worse who c- in sin a 19-20 but if the sinner e- to pray and repent, sp 71- 5 identity, or idea, of all reality c- forever; 77- 5 Existence r- to be a belief of"corporeal sense s 118-23 This c- until the leaven of Spirit ph 173-18 Physiology c- this explanation, / 233-13 false claim of error c- its delusions b 334-17 c* to exist in the eternal order of gl 595-20 c- after, what is termed death, until continuing b 302-14 C- our definition of man, continuity m 69-11 neither closes man's c- nor his sense of s 123-29 the scientific order and c- of being. 124-25 Spirit is the life, substance, and c- of / 246-30 loveliness, freshness, and c, b 325-14 understood in all its perfection, c; and might, g 513-20 existence, and c- . . . remain in God, continuous s 157-30 proof that Life is c- and harmonious. p 397-12 by believing them to be real and c\ contract m 58-12 'Seyer c- the horizon of a worthy outlook s 160-16 when the cords c- and become immovable? contracted s 160-31 Is a stiff joint or a c- muscle contradict an 105- 7 would be to e- precedent s 110- 2 c- forever the belief that 118-29 Therefore they c- the divine decrees 122- 5 great facts of Life, . . . e- their false witnesses, 149-22 The logic is lame, and facts t- it. / 202-24 c- the practice growing out of them. 232-14 but religions wnich c- its Principle are false. b 277-22 suppositions c- even the order of material o 358- 6 If two statements directly c- each other p 389-22 Materialists <;■ their own statements. 391-29 Mentally c- every comjjlaint from the body, 407-21 If delusion says, " I have lost my memory,'* c it. r 489-21 An affirmative reply would c- the Scripture, contradicting: b 297-22 c- the testimony of material sense, 298-13 Spiritual sense, c- the material senses, gl 596-26 C. S., c- sense, maketh the valley to bud contradiction s 163-28 so much absurdity, c-, and falsehood. c 257-31 phrase infinite form involves a c" of terms. r 472-17 Error is the c- of Truth. g 504-28 and the c- of Spirit is matter, 526-23 in c- of the first creation? 545-26 Hence the seeming c- in that Scripture, contradictions s 129- 2 So in C. S. there are no discords nor c-, b 289-26 spiritual fact and the . . . arec-; 335-31 and must be c- of reality, r 481- 9 The various c- of the Science of Mind contradictory o 341- 8 appear r- when subjected to such usage. 345-14 in this volume of mine there are no c-. 358- 8 Is Science thus c- ? 358-13 C. S. is not made up of c- aphorisms r 492-15 These two c- theories g 537-27 made to appear c- in some pl.ices, 546- 9 Is C. S. f ? contradicts sp 93-18 Whatever c- the real nature of the divine Esue, s 119-25 one finds that it c- the evidence before the senses 152-13 in which one statement e- another ph 170-11 not only c- human systems, but points to 178-20 but this so-called mind, . . . <■ itself, / 213- 1 Whoever <;• this mortal mind supposition b 278-23 f the demonstration of life as Spirit, 279-25 c- alike revelation and right reasoning. 281- 8 Divine Science f the corporeal senses, 287- 7 Divine Science c- this postulate 303-14 but the statement . . . r- this 346-11 mind which c- itself neither knows itself nor 353- 8 Truth which c- the evidence of error, r 485- 5 Whatever c- this statement is the false sense, 493- 4 science c- this, and explains the solar system g 526- 7 c- the teaching of the first chapter, 529-26 and should rejoice that evil, . . . c- itself 538-20 Until that which e- the truth of being gl 584-16 for it c- the spiritual facts of being. contrad istinction s 114- 5 in c- to the divine Mind, or Truth p 418- 5 Stick to the tnith of being in c- to the error g 522- 1 it is the false history in c- to the true. 538-22 the unreal in c- to the real and eternal. contraries b 303-15 can never make both these c- true. p 372-21 and hope to succeed with c- ? r 466-11 contrasting pairs of terms represent c*, contrarieties s 163-29 To harmonize the c- of medical doctrines is contrariwise s 130-28 ought we not, o-, to be astounded at the contrary pre/ XI- 4 On the c-, C. S. rationally explains a 21-20 On the c-, if my friends pursue my course, 44-24 On the c, it was a divinely natural act, 53-13 above and c- to the world's religious sense. sp 71-31 a theory c- to C. S. 83-21 It is c- to C. S. to suppose that life 86-11 Opposites come from c- directions, s 123-32 On the c-, C. S. is pre-eminently scientific, 129-10 with your preconceptions or utterly c- to them. 150-21 and c- to the law of divine Mind. 160-23 never capable of acting c- to mental direction. CONTRARY 89 CONVICTION contrary ph 172-18 On the r-, man is the image and likeness of 17a-14 Matter is Spirit's" c-, 183- 7 however much is said to the c-. / 222-28 c- to His commands. 230-11 It would be c- to our highest ideas of God b 270- 5 One is c- to the other 273- 2 claims of sin, sickness, and death are c- to God, 274- 9 Ideas, on the c-, are born of Spirit, 275-30 c* to the one Spirit. 339- 9 evil, being c- to good, is unreal, o 349- 8 annulled material law by healing c- to it. p 431- 3 Notwithstanding my rules to the c-, 434- 4 Some exclaim, '• It is c- to law and justice." 435-31 to be smitten c- to the law ?" — ^croduced oy its Principle, is c* by it 304-28 C- by belief, instead of understanding, 318-30 as numbers are c- and proved by o 356- 9 and c- sickness, sin, and death r 485-28 heathen gods of mythology c- war ... as much as controlling m 03- 3 never think that flannel was better . . . than the c- p 379- 6 jurisdiction of the world is in Mind, c- every t 451-28 action of one mortal mind c- another ffl 583-27 so-called mortal mind c- mortal mind ; controls sp 73-11 God c- man, and God is the only Spirit. 79-28 asserting that Mind c- body and brain, s 121-24 simple rule that the greater c- the lesser. 145-17 that in it Truth c- error. / 220-31 c- the stomach, bones, lungs, heart, b 319-19 Mind c- man and man has no Mind but God. p 400- 1 mortal mind, which directly c- the body? g 557- 6 Mind c- the birth-throes in the lower convenient a 40- 6 when I have a c- season — Acts 24 .• 25. sp 72-19 Error is not a c- sieve through which convenlnsT pre/ xii-10 Christian Scientist Association, c- monthly; conventional b 274-25 The c" firm, called matter and mind, conventionality pre/ vii-16 and the cold c- of materialism conversation a 21- 2 overcoming error in your daily walk and c-, c 260-26 by c- about the body, conversing p 424-24 thinking about your patients or c with them, conversion / 217- 7 Paul's peculiar Christian c* and experience, convert" b 111- 1 how shall they preach, c-, and heal multitudes, p 365-27 c- into a den of thieves the temide converted ■ a 38-30 and be e-, and I might heal you. o 350-22 should be c-, and I should heal — Matt. 13 ; 15. convey pref ix- 7 stammeringly attempts to c his feeling. sp 86-32 before the artist can c- them to canvas, s 160-14 to c- the mandate of mind to muscle / 212-26 the lips or hands ... in order to c- thought, 212-27 we say . . . the undulations of the air c- sound, p 413-28 these actions c- mental images to 432- 7 c messages from my residence in matter, conveyed / 243-19 If this information is c\ r 488- 8 c- by the English verb believe ; conveying o 349-13 The chief difficulty in c- the teachings conveys / 214-15 c- the impressions of Mind to man, 243-19 mortal mind c- it. b 340- 4 This text . . . c- the C. S. thought, p 421- 5 c- the true definition of all human belief in ill- health, conviction abidine p 390-21 Dismiss it with an abiding c- that it common sp 80-30 common c- that mind and matter cooperate deep-lving pre^ xii-15 with a deep-lying c- that the next two years heavenlv s 108- 1 Whence came to me this heavenly c, honest p 418- 7 Plead with an honest c- of truth CONVICTION 90 CORRECT conviction solid t 460-16 is more than fancy; it is solid c-. sp 90-25 This c- shuts the door on death, s 108- 1 a c- antagonistic to the testimony of the p 377-27 c- of the necessity and power of 384-25 When the fear subsides and the c- abides 404-19 This C-, that there is no real pleasure in sin, convictions pr 13- 5 In public prayer we often go beyond our c-, one who suffers for his C-. helping . . . human sense to flee from its own c 134- 8 r 494-18 convince a 46-17 an 101-22 b 327-27 p 377- 1 377- 3 ounded by sp 84-20 Mind is infinite, not bounded by c, s 138-12 diseases were cast out neither by c-, . . . nor 140-11 warring no more over the c-, ph 192- 8 from c- instead of from Principle, 6 284-10 nor be fully manifested througrh c\ g 517- 7 mortally mental attempt to reduce Deity to c*. 544-32 Error begins with c- as the producer gl 582-21 C- and physical sense put out of sight and 593-12 Reuben (Jacob's son). C'-; sensuality; 594-22 Spirits. Mortal beliefs; c-; corporeally s 148-10 as created c- instead of spiritually corpse b 312- 8 The senses regard a c-, not as man, p 408-19 Drugs do not affect a c-, 429-11 C-, deserted by thought, is cold and decays, correct m 60-27 Science will c- the discord. CORRECT 91 COURAGE correct S 116-11 128-32 ph 167- 7 180-22 A c- view of C. S. If both . . . are c, the conclusion, if properly only as we live above corporeal sense and c- it. to c this turbulent element of mortal mind / 206-30 Mind does not make mistakes and . . . c- them. 219- 7 and then say the product is c-. 235- 9 their learning or their c- reading, c 264-13 As mortals gain more c- views of God b 284-17 c- testimony as to spiritual life, truth, and 300- 2 it attempts to draw c- spiritual conclusions o 365-27 capable of impartial or c- criticism, 361-24 must be c- in order to be Science p 408-14 supposition that we can c- insanity by 425-24 C- material belief by spiritual understand- ing, t 45»- 1 to distinguish the c- from the incorrect r 477- 3 this c- view of man healed the sick. 486-13 and one error will not c- another. 492-13 a statement proved to be good must be c-. 494-20 serves to c- the errors of corporeal sense ; gr 547- 8 given you the c- interpretation of Scripture. ap 560-18 without a c- sense of its highest visible idea, corrected pr 11-14 never pardons our sins . . . till they are c) ph 194- 8 When one's false belief is c-, / 251-29 Ignorance must be seen and c- b 298-11 until this sense is c- by C. S. correcting p 386-20 c- the mistake, heals your grief, corrective J) 423-10 This c- is an alterative, correctly sp 84-28 All we c- know of Spirit comes frotb. God, o 347-10 Had he stated his syllogism c-, t 449-17 to teach this subject properly and c- ap 560-21 in order to classify it c-. correctness a 50-23 and that all evidence of their c p 386-29 although the c- of the assertion corrects pre/ viii- 7 science of music c- false tones and gives pr 6-3 Divine Love c- and governs man. s 121-23 and c- these errors by the simple rule that / 233-22 the spiritual idea which c- ancl destroys them. c 259-28 c- error with truth and demands h 294-31 The Science of Mind c- such mistakes, correlated b 276-10 Man and his Maker are c- in divine Science, 288- 1 the c- statement, that error, ... is unreal. correlation ap 561-14 the c- of divine Principle and spiritual idea, correlative b 316-31 blind to the possibilities of Spirit and its c- truth. correspond pr 8- 6 indexes which do not c with their character. s 158-13 history of material medicine may c- with 294- 1 physical senses . . . c- with error. b 365-23 the result will c- with the spiritual intent. g 512- 1 c- to aspirations soaring beyond and above correspondence * sp 74-13 No c- nor communion can exist between b 271- 3 maintaining its obvious c- with corresponding: a 23-22 words c- thereto have these two definitions, p 386-14 and the c- effects of Truth on the body, corresponds p 412-26 until the body c- with the g 509- 1 This period c- to the resurrection, 517- 9 The ideal man c- to creation, 517-10 The ideal woman c- to Life and to Love. 552-14 Human experience . . . c- with that of Job, corroborative g 549- 1 This discovery is c- of the Science of Mind, corrupt / 204-20 Judging them by their fruits, they are c-. 241- 6 " where moth and rust doth c-." — Matt. 6; 19. p 404- 9 A c- mind is manifested in a c- body. corruptible s 164-25 " When this c- shall have — / Cor. 15 .• 54. r 496-24 " when this c- shall have — / Cor. 15 ; 54. cost ph 197- 8 But the price does not exceed the original c-. costly p 363- 2 e- and fragrant oil, — sandal oil perhaps, costs ph 197- 6 c" many a inan his earthly days of comfort. couch o 342-22 from the c- of pain the helpless invalid. p 362-13 he reclined on a c couch p 363- 1 435-19 cough /220- 4 p 384-17 coughs / 220-16 Colds, C-, and contagion are engendered Councils s 139-15 counsel {see his p 442- 9 Master's t 443-12 to come behind the c* and reach his feet. Watching beside the c- of pain continual colds, catarrh, and c-." followed by chills, dry c-, influenza, The decisions by vote of Church C- •■ also counsel's) no proper p 434-24 opposing p 437-20 profound ap 572- 8 We noticed, as he shook hands with his c-, our motto should be the Master's c-. Mortal Man has had no proper c- in the case. Here the opposing c-, False Belief, called simple and profound c- of the inspired writer. p 434-10 where C. S. is allowed to appear as c* 434-16 Mortal Man's c- regards the prisoner 439- 3 the c- for the plaintiff. Personal Sense, 440- 4 machinations of the c-. False Belief, 440-33 Here the c- for the defence closed, t 454-27 Let your loving care and c- support all their counsellor 2) 435- 4 C- False Belief has argued that counsel's p 434-17 The c- earnest, solemn eyes, counted pr 9-26 for Truth, and so be c- among sinners ? countenance p 362- * Who is the health of my c- — Psal. 42 ; 11. 442-12 his c- beaming with health and happiness. counter /■ 233-28 The c- fact relative to any disease counteract p 424-13 if one doctor should administer a drug to-c* cou n teracting- gl 581- 6 purity, and immortality, c* all evil, counteracts p 414- 7 salutary action of truth, which c- error. counterfeit s 148-21 but the C-, of God's man. b 2&5- 9 man's c-, the inverted likeness, 293-24 manifestations of evil, which c- divine justice, gl 580-16 Life's c-, which ultimates in death; counterfeits c 267-21 beliefs must be c- of Truth. b 286-26 They are but c- of the spiritual 29.3-13 so-called gases and forces are e- of 293-17 c- the true essence of spirituality 337-23 poor c- of the invisible universe and p 409-22 are c- from the beginning, r 476- 1 Mortals are the c- of immortals. gl 583- 1 c- of creation, whose better originals are coun ter-i rri tant ph 198-16 undertakes to dispel it by a C", cou n ter-irritan ts p 374- 2 Anodynes, c-, and depletion counterpart s 148-20 calling that 7nan which is not the c, counterpoise p 368- 1 Evil is but the c- of nothingness. countless g 503-17 517-18 country / 225-14 The history of our e-, like all history, counts p 426- 7 than when she c- her footsteps coupled pr 11-29 prayer, c- with a fervent habitual desire p 389- 1 for the penalty is c- with the belief. gl 590-18 unless specially c- with the name God. courage animal a 28-32 There is too much animal c- in society thus rebuking resentment or animal c reflecting Him in c- spiritual forms. God has c- ideas, and they all have 48-23 moral o 29- 1 b 327-23 327-26 p 404-24 g 514-10 gl 592-11 and not sufficient moral c\ Moral c" is requisite to meet the wrong man who has more animal than moral c, this knowledge strengthens his moral c Moral c- is " the lion of the tribe — Rev. 5 .• 6. Moses. A corporeal mortal ; moral c- ; COURAGE 92 CREATED courage more p 417- 6 Never tell the sick that they have more c- than sublime a 49-11 his divine patience, sublime c , their p 417- 8 their strength is in proportion to their c\ m 57- 7 while the feminine mind gains c- and strength sp 97-23 It requires c- to utter trutli ; p Z15-'Z1 always show great hopefulness and c-, 423-23 the stimulus of c- and conscious power. couragreously p 419- 9 meet the cause mentally and c, course advancing t 462-11 Your advancing c* may provoke envy, free an 106- 4 to work against the free c- of honesty his a 21-14 till at last he linishes his c- with joy Its my sp 96-26 he who has shaped his c- in accordance t 458-26 The Christian Scientist wisely shapes his c-, p 376-30 after admitting that it must have its c-. a 21-21 On the contrary, if my friends pursue my c-, only p 392- 8 The only c- is to take antagonistic grounds our b 307-23 and so weighs against our c- Spiritward. Bucli a t 453-27 for such a c- increases fear, their a 29- 5 until they have finished their c\ ph 174-19 rebuking in their c- all error true p 419- 4 Your true c- is to destroy the foe, your m 67- 8 " Do you know your c- ? / 253-19 you can at once change your c- zigzag a 21-32 By-and-by, ashamed of his zigzag c-, he would 436-30 437-17 437-31 s 119- 2 of c- we cannot really endow matter with t 443- 8 While a c of medical study is gl 593-15 River. ... it typifies the c- of Truth ; court til 58-26 a wife ought not to c- vulgar extravagance or p 430-18 case to be on trial, as cases are tried in c-. 434-30 the lower c- has sentenced Mortal Man to die, 434-32 Denying justice to the body, that c- commended 436-.33 that c- pronounced a sente'nce of death 437-21 called C. S. to order for contempt of c-. 437-27 proceedings of a regularly constituted c\ courtesy p 36i-15 a special sign of Oriental c*. Court of Error p 432- 9 Another witness is called for by the C- of E- 434-12 who were at the previous C- of E-, the ('• of E- construed obedience to the the terrible records of your C- of E-, bar of Truth, which ranks above the lower C- of E-. 441-18 the decrees of the ('• of E- in favor of Matter, 441-27 Your personal jurors in the C- of E- Court of Material Error p 440-29 suits to be tried at the O of M- E-. Court of Spirit p 434- 9 permission is obtained for a trial in the C- of S\ 437-10 our higher tribunal, the Supreme ('• of S-, 437-18 I a.«k that the Supreme C- of S- reverse' this deci- sion. 437-28 But Judge Justice of the Supreme C- of S- Court of Truth p 438-26 When the C- of T- summoned Furred Tongue court-room p 430-24 The c- is filled with interested spectators, courts an 104-29 r recognize evidence to prove the motive 105- 3 (■'• and juries judge and sentence mortals 105-12 the body over which c- hold jurisdiction ? 105-14 c- reasonably pass sentence, according to covenant m 56-15 Infldelitv to the marriage r- is the 64-30 ensure the stability of the marriage c-. c 255-11 Mortal man has made a c- with liis eyes cover pr 8-19 sp 97-22 (J 548-10 they " c- the multitude of sins." — / Pe<. 4.8. they bring error from under c-. when clouds c the sun's face ! gl 596-28 Vhil. Ac-; concealment; hiding; hypocrisy. covered pr 8-17 p 431-21 covereth p 448-17 coveriiiif p 413-14 t 446-30 coverings / 241-11 gl 597-14 covers pr 16-11 / 247-27 p 421-16 covetous m 64-14 coward p 3C8- 5 cowering p 378-12 cradle sp 95-29 f 244- 8 cradled pref vii- 6 craftiness an 103- 5 cramped s 160-20 cranium sp 92- 9 ph 173-23 craving c 258- 4 cravings w 60-32 s 108- 8 g 501-17 craze p 408 create m 62- 8 sp 93-15 8 151- 4 157-18 ph 177-21 /203- 6 204-24 251-32 c 263- 4 263-12 6 278- 2 279-14 279-14 287-12 o 356-21 356-24 ^ 356-28 357-31 p 419- 3 g 604-27 522-21 526-23 628- 6 528-17 532- 1 532- 3 540- 6 543-26 544-15 " there is nothing c- that shall — Matt. 10 ; 26. I am Coated Tongue. I am c- with a " He that c- his sins shall not — Prov. 28 • 13. c- it with dirt in order to make it thrive C- iniquity will prevent prosperity Stripped of its c-, what a mocking tore from bigotry and superstition their c, gave that prayer which c- all human needs. and «• earth with loveliness. great fact which c- the whole ground, debarred by a c- domestic tyrant Error is a c* before Truth. sent it c- back into the jungle. the world is asleep in the c- of infancy, is seen between the c- and the grave, in c- obscurity, lay the Bethlehem babe, defines it as dishonesty and c\ become c- despite the mental protest? Mind is not an entity within the c- according to the development of the c- ; unsatisfied human c- for something better, Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the c* immortal c-, " the price of learning love," more native to their immortal c- 8 general c- cannot, in a scientific diagnosis. If parents c- in their babes a desire for Good does not c- a mind susceptible of could not possibly c- a remedy outside of itself, If He could c- drugs intrinsically bad, then and c- the so-called laws of the flesh, shows that matter cannot . . . c- nor destroy. the notion that they can c- imprison themselves in what they c\ would not or could not c-. producing evil when he would c- good, nothing in Spirit out of which to c- matter. and one can no more c- the other than Truth can c- error, or vice versa. DidGod, Truth, c- error? No! is it possible for Him to c- man subject to Does God c- a material man out of Himself, to c- the primitive, and then punish its can Life, or God, dwell in evil and c- it? hate will perpetuate or even c- the Did infinite Mind c- matter, and call it light? represented as entering matter in order to c Did He c- this fruit-bearer of sin cannot be true that man was ordered to c and thereby c- woman ; Did God at first e- one man unaided, in order to c- the rest of the human family? " I make peace, and c- evil. — Isa. 45 ; 7. did it leave aught for matter to c- ? No mortal mind has the might or right ... to gl 679-12 the purpose of Love to c- trust in good, 583-25 could not c- an atom or an element the opposite of created m 68- 6 we shall learn how Spirit, . . . has c* men and 69- 7 God's children already c- will be cognized s 125-10 the prior states whicli human belief c- and 140-29 In the beginning God r- man in His, 148- 8 described man as c- by Spirit, 148-10 as €• corporeally instead of spiritually 161- 6 Holy inspiration has c- states of mind which ph 173-29 the 'error which the human mind alone has c\ f 205-12 God c- all through Mind, 206-22 Is God creating anew what He has already c- ? 252-12 the eternal verity, man c- by and of Spirit, c 256- 6 All things are r- "spiritually. 263-20 but one creator, who has c- all. b 279- 9 Matter is neither c- by Mind nor 294-27 God c- man. r CREATED 93 CREATION created b 295-12 immortals, c- in God's own image ; 295-29 Brainology teaches that mortals are c- to suffer 306-30 God's man, spiritually c-, is not material 307-27 Man was not c- from a material basis, 335- 7 Spirit, God, has c- all 336- 8 Spirit never e- matter. 339- 8 Spirit, alone c- all, and called it good, o 344- 7 God has c- man in His own image 357- 2 for doing what He c- man capable of doing, r 479-18 " In the beginning God c- the— Gen. 1 .• 1. g 502-22 In the beginning God c- the— Gen. 1 .• 1. 507-23 Mind and the universe c- by God. 512- 4 And God c great whales, — Gen. 1 ; 21. 514-20 Individuality c- by God is not carnivorous, 516-24 So God c- man — Gen. 1 : 27. 516-25 in the image of God c- He him ; — Gen. 1 ; 27. 516-26 male and female c- He them. — Gen. 1 .• 27. 520-17 when they were c-, — Gen. 2 ; 4. 521-14 supposition that man is c- materially, 526-16 Gocl pronounced good all that He c-, 526-17 and the Scriptures declare that He c- all. 528- 3 record declares that God has already c- man, 531-31 c- by Mind in the image and likeness of God 536-16 C- by flesh instead of by Spirit, 543-24 man, whom God c- with a word, 545-10 Man, e- by God, was given dominion 553-17 Adam was c- before Eve. gl 580-14 image and likeness of what God has not c-, 580-26 supposition . . . creator entered what He c-, 581-12 spiritual realities of all things are c- by Him 584-22 self-made or c* by a tribal god creates m 69-22 If the father replies, " God c* man through 69-24 " Do you teach that Spirit c- materially, sp 77- 8 mortal mind c- its own physical conditions. 93-13 nor c- aught that can cause evil. a 122- 2 and so c- a reign of discord, 154- 7 calling up the fear that c- the image of disease 157-20 If He c- drugs at all ph 173- 7 supposition, that Spirit is within what it c- 179-13 c- a demand for that method, 187- 6 so-called material sense c- its own forms of c 257-12 Mind c- His own likeness in ideas, b 280- 7 Mind c- and multiplies them, 286-14 divine Principle, Love, c- and governs all 295- 5 God c- and governs the universe, 316-20 man, whom Spirit c-, constitutes, and governs. 331- 7 If He dwelt within what He c-, o 357- 8 Truth c- neither a lie, a capacity to lie, nor a liar. p 400-22 we prove that thought alone c- the suffering, r 471- 3 all that He c- are perfect and eternal, 472-25 That which He c- is good, g 503-23 Mind c- no element nor symbol of discord and 503-24 God c- neither erring thought, mortal life, 505- 9 divine Mind, not matter, c- all identities, 507-24 Infinite Mind c- and governs all, 509-13 Spirit c- no other than heavenly 513-26 God c- all forms of reality. 520-23 God c- all through Mind, not through matter, 523-25 it is Elohim (God) who c-. 538-19 in which God c- the heavens, earth, and man. 540- 2 Spirit e- neither a wicked nor a mortal man, 646- 5 If mind, God, c- error, gl 582-18 c- man as His own spiritual idea, creating / 206-21 Is God e- anew what He has already created ? 231-15 c- and governing man through perpetual 249- 5 " male and female " of God's c- — tien. 1 .- 27. b 338-19 was deemed the agent of Deity in c- man, g 515- 6 serpent of God's c is neither subtle nor .520-27 the immortal r- thought is from above, 5.'?4- 5 to manifest the deathless man of God's c-. gl 591-26 mythology; error c- other errors; creation account of g 523-24 the spiritually scientific account of c-, accurate views of c 255- 9 accurate views of c- by the divine Mind. all m 69-14 unfolds all e-, confirms the Scriptures, basis of the g 528-26 supposed to become the basis of the c- of consciousness of c 263-31 scientific eternal consciousness of c-. corresponds to g 517- 9 The ideal man corresponds to c-, counterfeits of gl 583- 1 Sensual and mortal beliefs; counterfeits of c-, divine (see divine) divine Principle of g 546-10 Is the divine Principle of c- misstated? existence and gl 580-11 opposed to . . . spiritual existence and c-; creation fact of r 471-20 spirituality ... is the only fact of c. g 529-10 usher in . . . the glorious fact of c*, facts of g 539-28 power to expound the facts of c-, 544-19 The facts of c-, as previously recorded, first g 526-24 in contradiction of the first c* ? God's m 69- 6 Mortals can never understand God's c- while 69-19 not conflict with the scientific sense of God's c\ s 110- 5 the radiant reality of God's c-, 157-16 If drugs are part of God's e-, c 260-11 the immortal and perfect model of God's c 262-10 the nature and quality of God's c- 264-30 we shall behold and understand God's c% b 307-23 seems ... a part of (iod's c-, g 519-13 slow to discern and to grasp God's c- 544- 3 In God's t- ideas became productive, ap 577-11 no impediment ... to the perfectibility of God's c- gl 588-16 All the objects of God's c- reflect one Mind, 590-12 denial of the fulness of God's c- ; His / 231-29 and know that they are no part of His e-. r 472-24 All reality is in God and His c, g 502- 8 inverted images of the creator and His c. 507-27 expresses Science and art throughout His c, 516- 5 are reflected by His c- ; 623- 6 declares . . . that error can improve His c: 524-24 yet God is reflected in all His c-. 524-24 Is this addition to His c- real or unreal ? 554-20 defined this opposite of God and His c- gl 579-17 opposite of good, ^ of God and His c- ; His oivn g 522-31 Does the creator condemn His own c* ? 527-19 the tree of death to His own c* ? illustration of b 315-26 and presented an illustration of c*. line of g 557-12 as the line of c rises towards spiritual man, man, and r 489-30 wrong sense of God, man, and c- is non-sense, material ph 177-15 Scriptural allegorj' of the material c, g 522-24 declaring this material c- false. 544- 1 record of a material c- which followed the material view of g 521-25 opposite error, a material view of c, method of ap 568-10 first the true method of c is set forth Mind's g 509-26 the days and seasons of Mind's c, new c 263-21 Whatever seems to be a new C", is but not c 263-28 mortal sense of persons and things is not c. objects of c 264-14 multitudinous objects of c, which before of the w^orld r 479-31 from the c- of the world, — liom. 1 .• 20. one g 502-29 There is but one creator and one c\ order of g 508-23 in the ascending order of c*. record of g 504- 9 not yet included in the record of c-, 521-15 turn our gaze to the spiritual record of c*, 526- 3 previous and more scientific record of c reflects the b 305-14 though he reflects the c- of Mind, Science of g 509-29 Knowing the Science of c-, 537-23 Science of c- recorded in the first chapter 5;}9-23 arguing for the Science of c\ 539-30 The Science of :rand s 143-26 Mind is the grand c, infinite Mind is the c 256-32 Infinite Mind is the c; inseparable from his r 491-16 man . . . inseparable from his c\ is called g 523-26 the c- is called Jehovah, or the Lord. man and his b 338-25 would impose between man and his c*. not a c 259-26 Vibration is not intelligence; hence itis notac. h 305-14 The verity that God's image is not a c, , not the / 207- 8 God is not the c- of an evil mind. of ideas / 249-12 the c- of ideas is not the creator of illusions. creator of illusions / 249-13 the creator of ideas is not the c- of illusions. of man r 470-21 God is the c- of man, one o 356-32 Then there must have been more than one c, gl 592- 7 belief that there can be more than one c- ; prerogative of his g 530-10 presuming not on the prerogative of his c-, substance and c 257- 7 theory that Spirit is not the only substance and c- the only a 31-10 He recognized Spirit, God, as the only c*, b 331-19 the universal cause, the only c, -wisdom of the b 273-24 and impugn the wisdom of the c-. m 69- 7 never . . . while believing that man is a c*. 69-21 Do you have one God and c-, 69-22 or is man a c" ? " s 119- 9 to leave the c- out of His own universe; 119-11 and regard God as the c- of matter, 127- 4 the c- of the spiritual universe, ph 171- 1 Matter, which . . . claims to be a c, is a fiction, c 256- 7 Mind, not matter, is the c*. b 277-10 and error has no c-. 278- 1 Is Spirit the source or c- of matter ? 303-24 belief that . . . man . . . is himself a C-, 331- 5 Life is Mind, the c- reflected in ff 502- 7 inverted images of the c- and His creation. 507-22 implies a mortal mind and man a c 608- 6 substance of ... a flower is God, the c- of it. 514- 6 in which and of which God is the sole c-. 522-31 Does the c- condemn His own creation ? 531-17 If , . . . afterwards put into body by the c*, 533-12 as if He were the e- of evil. gl 579- 9 surrendering to the c- the early fruits of 580-26 supposition that . . . c- entered what He created, 583-20 definition of creators g 535-12 A belief in other gods, other c, creature any other b 304- 8 nor any other c-, — Rom. 8 : 39. every a 37-30 preach the gospel to every c- ! " — Mark 16 . 15. s 138-28 preach the gospel to every c- ! — Mark 16 ; 15. p 418-28 " Preach the gospel to every c." — Mark 16 ; 15. inharmonious s 123- 9 weak and inharmonious c- in the universe. living g 512- 5 and every living c- that moveth, — Gen. 1 ; 21. 513-15 bring forth the living c- after his — Gen. 1 .• 24. 527-25 whatsoever Adam called every living c; — Gen. 2 ; 19. moving: g 511-20 moving c- that hath life, — Gen. 1 .-20. new / 201- 8 Truth makes a new c-. b 29&-31 p 407- 4 creatures b 298-32 g 514-28 549- 9 credit pr 8-32 s 112-29 154- 6 p 417- 3 t 457- 3 creditor p 363-18 credits a 27-23 g 528-15 credulity J) ^370-27 credulous / 212-21 creed highest r 471-29 orthodox r 471-24 religious r 496-29 If man were solely a c- of the attractive to no c- except a loathsome human c with suggestive feathers ; All of God's. C-, . . . are harmless, C- of lower forms of organism do we listen . . . and c- what is said ? without giving that author proper c, this law obtains c- through association, Give sick people c- for sometimes knowing borrowed from this book without giving it c, released ... by their common c\ Tradition c- him with two or three hundred Here falsity, error, c- Truth, God, with fails at length to inspire the c- of the sick, In legerdemain and c- frenzy, her highest c- has been divine Science, The author subscribed to an orthodox c* Have Christian Scientists any religious c- ? 8 135-27 Christianity as Jesus taught it was not a c\ / 226-16 These claims are not made through code or c*, CREED 95 CROWN creed /234- 2 O 351-12 t 450- 2 458-21 creeds vr 4-31 a 18-11 SB 98-12 98-16 5 133-32 / 239- 4 r 471-22 creepeth r 475-27 g 513-24 515-15 518-10 creeping r 475-26 jr 513-15 515- 4 515-14 creeps p 373-28 cried a 39-18 » 398- 5 ap 562-22 cries wr 13- 3 f 227-22 jj 365- 6 crieth a 541-28 crime advocatine s 153-31 alleged p 434-28 cloaked the firJ 597- 8 dlminigh m 61- 8 invoke gr 542-12 looms of a 102-18 mental an 105-17 second p 433-23 this on 106-14 p 433-24 «p 97- 1 an 104-30 IWi- 4 105-10 105-14 / 236-13 p 404-15 432- 6 432-22 438-16 438-20 440- 5 440-25 t 461-19 ap 564- .7 564-23 crimes a 40-16 • 161-22 p 440-10 criminal pr 11- 6 11- 7 a 40-16 O/l 102-23 105-13 106- 1 ph 198- 4 6 316-26 340-27 p 431- 9 432-14 435- 4 437- 5 437-15 t 461-20 ap 664-12 as ritualism and c- hamper spirituality, spiritual sense of the c- was discerned llieir c- teaches belief in a ritualism and c- are summoned to give place Long prayers, superstition, and c against Pharisaical e- and practices, C-, doctrines, and human hypotheses above the loosening grasp oi c-, C- and rituals have not cleansed their those who are in advance of c-. Are doctrines and c- a benefit to man ? that c- upon the earth."— Gen. 1 ; 26. everything that f upon the earth — Gen. 1; 25. that c- upon the earth.— Gen. 1 .• 26. everything that c- upon the earth,— Gen. 1 ; 30. over every c- thing — Gen. 1 .• 26. cattle, and c- thing, — Gen. 1 : 24. c- over lofty summits, over every c- thing — Gen. 1 : 26. languidly c- along its frozen channels, " Now," c- the apostle,— // Cor. 6:2. C-, and rent him sore — Mark 9 ; 26. And she being with child c, — Rev. 12 .• 2. It is the ojyen fount which c% C. 8. raises the standard of liberty and c*: than all their c- of " Lord, Lord ! " c- unto Me from the ground. — Gen. 4 ; 10. as we would avoid advocating c. alleged c- never to have been committed. but cloaked the c-, latent in thought, would improve our progeny, diminish c-, tend to perpetuate sin, invoke c-, The looms of c-, hidden in the dark laws eventually take cognisSance of mental c led him into the commission of the second c, incurs the divine penalty due this c-. For this c- Mortal Man is sentenced will hold c- in check. motive as well as the commission of a c*. in order to restrain c-. Can matter commit a c ? and human law rightly estimates c-, strongest educator, either for or against c. as . . . reformation cancels the c-. I was witness to the e- of liver-complaint. shortly after the report of the c-. on three distinct charges of c", on the night of the c- Truth arraigns ... to answer for his c-. render obedience to these laws punishable as c\ If you commit ac-, should you acknowledge to charge the innocent with the c\ its own c- of defying immortal Mind. c- of his implacable enemies less criminal ? " Liberty, what c- are committed in thy name ! ' Good deeds are transformed into c-, this may be no moral benefit to the c\ it only saves the c- from one form of crimes of his implacable enemies less c- ? apathy on the subject which the c- desires. Mortal mind, not matter, is the c- c- misuse of human will-power, as a c- hears his death-sentence. That man was accounted a c- C-, political, and religious codes; which I considered c-, inasmuch as treated as ac- and punished with death, or has Mortal Mind committed a c- deed? He also testified that . . . Man . . . was a c-. Soul a c- though recommended to acknowledge to yourself that you are a c* ? instigated by the c- instinct cripple ph 172-29 the unfortunate c- may present more b 294-14 saying: . . . Injury can <-• and matter can kill t 460-21 it starts a petty crossfire over every c- crippled / 227-28 c your capacities, enfeebled your body, cripples t 448-10 Evasion of Truth c- integrity, crisis p 396-12 growing worse before a c- is passed. 421-11 If a c- occurs in your treatment, t 446- 8 or it may mark the c- of the disease. critic o 346- 1 as is alleged by one c*. 347- 3 It is said by one c, that to verify this criticising o 345-10 It is sometimes said, in c- C. S., criticism s 110-20 This book may be distorted by shallow c c 255- 7 anciently classified as the higher c-, o 346- 1 such c- confounds man with Adam. 355-27 capable of impartial or correct c-, criticisms o 341- 4 These c- are generally based on critics o 347-12 C- should consider that the so-called mortal man 347-31 c* will then see that en'or is indeed the crop ph 183- 9 Can the agriculturist, . . . produce a c without 188-25 you have an abundant or scanty c* crops s 125-24 these changes cannot affect his c. cross cup is the a 35-27 Our cup is the c*. foot of the a 42-14 sadly followed him to the foot of the c. g^alIo\rs and the s 134-13 hallowed by the gallows and the c-. his a at- 1 willing truly to drink his cup, take his C", 36-14 beneath the shadow of his c-. manger and the s 142-16 In vain do the manger and the c- tell their material a 50-32 Not the spear nor the material c* on the a 49-28 mocked him on the e-, saying derisively, real a 50-30 The real c, which Jesus bore up the hill of grief, scourge and the a 20-20 scourge and the c- awaited the great Teacher. take up the pr 15-19 We must resolve to take up the c, a 34-14 If all who seek . . . will take up the c, taking up the ph 179- 3 this can be done only by taking up the c- 'women at the a 49- 1 The women at the c- could have answered pr 9-15 There is a c- to be taken up / 224-16 Of old the c- was truth's central sign, 238-31 The c- is the central emblem of history. 254-30 Your good will be evil spoken of. This is the c c 266-29 He does not c- the barriers of time b 294-14 saying: . . . The stomach can make a man c-. cross-bearing: a 36-28 toil, sacrifice, c-, multiplied trials, o 343- 8 without this c, one might not ' crossflre t 460-21 it Starts a petty c- over every cripple Cross of Calvary ap 575-31 C- of C\ which binds human society cross-questioning {/ 533-26 Truth, c- man as to his croton oil ph 198-18 by the application of canstic or c- o-, crouched p 380-16 Gazing at a chained lion, c- for a spring, crowded t 459-19 turning him loose in the c- streets of a city. crown a 29- 6 they will have the c- of rejoicing. 44- 2 before the thorns can be laid aside for a c, 8 116-14 They never c- the power of Mind as the Messiah, / 254-31 for through it you win and wear the c-. t 451- 6 with the c- of Love upon her brow, ap 560- 8 upon her head a c- of twelve stars. — Rev, 12; 1. 562-16 These are the stars in the c- of rejoicing. 665-13 and deprive Herod of bis c: CROWNED 96 CURE crowned a 22- 9 45- 4 8 141-12 141-18 /243- 8 ap 562-11 crowning" s 117-22 crowns ap 558-12 562-31 crucified a 18- * 28- 6 39- 7 43-18 these efforts are c- with success. c- with the glory of a sublime success, as kings are c- trora a royal dynasty. Its only f head is immortal sovereignty. It c- the demonstrations of Jesus The spiritual idea is c- with twelve stars. his mighty, c, unparalleled, and hut a bright promise c- its brow. and seven c* upon his heads. — Rev. 12 ; 3. have c- the flesh — Gal. 5 ; 24. he would not have been c\ We need " Christ, and him c-." — / Cor. 2 .• 2. the truth which Jesus taught, and for which he was c-, burned, c-, and otherwise persecuted; a reference to the human sense of Jesus c-. said: " C- him, c- him — John 19 .-6. the cry ... is repeated, " C- him! " — John 19 ; 6. to spring into action and c* God's anointed. s 134-11 b 334-30 crucifix / 238- 9 Losing her c-, the Roman Catholic girl said, crucifixion a 24-20, Does erudite theology regard the c- of Jesus 24-27 Theefflcacy of thee- lay inthe 27-11 proved by his reappearance after the c- 32-29 on the night before his c-, 41-18 lost, about three centuries after the c-. 45-29 the same body that he had before his c-, 46- 2 until they saw him after his c- 8 137- 5 not spiritually discerned, . . . until after the c", b 316-18 rose higher to human view because of the c-, 317-29 proof that he was unchanged by the c r 497-20 the c of Jesus and his resurrection gf 555-31 able to present himself unchanged after the c: ap 564-11 author is convinced that . . . even his c* crucify sp 94-9, 10 s 134- 2 gl 597- 9 crucifying b 316-17 by c- the flesh. crude jyref viii-31 but these compositions were c, / 224- 4 As the c- footprints of the past disappear c 264- 3 The c- creations of mortal thought (f 502-14 thus the c- forms of human thought Cruden (J 526-29 The name Eden, according to C-, cruder ph 189- 6 raises the human thought above the c theories cruel b 290-30 and learning that his c- mind died not. cruelty a 51-25 pride, envy, c-, and vengeance, crumbling j}ni/ vii-16 and the cold conventionality crumbs / 234- 6 ' with c of comfort from Christ's table, crusade / 226- 7 the voice of the herald of this new c- crush an 103-17 hence the light to c- Science. p 407-10 they c- out happiness, health, and manhood. crust ph 195- 7 All that he ate, except his black c", cry a 50- 8 wrung from Jesus' lips the awful c-, 51- 1 wrung from his faithful lips the plaintive c*, s 129-15 and earth will echo the c-, 134- 1 To-day the c* of bygone ages is repeated, ph 194-29 And with no language but a e-. p 442- 7 and there resounded . . . the c-. Not guilty. ap 559-17 Then will a voice from harmony c- : crying TO. 64- 1 Want of uniform justice is a c evil ph 194-24 a mental infant, c- and chattering 194-27 An infant c- in the night, 194-28 An infant c- for the light, / 208-19 voice of one c- in the wilderness " — Matt. 3 : 3. cue c 261-17 sat aching in his chair till his c was spoken, culminate g 549-21 Here these material researches c* culminates r 491-20 this belief c- in another belief, culminating s 155- 4 law of a general belief, c- in individual faith, gl 597-10 martyrdom of Jesus was the c- sin of Pharisaism. are c- away. culmination p 380-27 reaches its c- of scientific statement and cultivated b 271-14 the result of their c- spiritual understanding cultivating ph 197-10 We should master fear, instead of c- it. cultivation g 527- 5 Man is God's reflection, needing no c-, culture m, 61-25 a more solemn charge, than the c- of your gar- den sp 95-12 Whoever reaches this point of moral c* / 235-13 spiritual c-, which lifts one higher. cultured s 128- 7 business men and c- scholars 104- 9 the c- class of medical practitioners c 255- 8 c- scholars in Rome and in Greece, cultus s 133-23 sanitary methods, and a religious c-. cumulative p 405-23 the c- effects of a guilty conscience. cup Christ's a 55-25 drinketh of Christ's c- now, drink this a 31-23 and drink this c-, — I Cor. 11 ; 26. earthly a 54-21 His earthly c- of bitterness was drained hemlock < ap 559-28 you must share the hemlock c- his pr 5-15 The followers of Christ drank his c-. 10- 9 and are willing to drink his c\ a 31-19 we drink of his c-, partake of his bread, 33-14 drain to the dregs his c- of sorrow. 33-27 Christians, are you drinking his c- ? 33-31 have commemorated Jesus in his c ? 34- 1 willing truly to drink his c-, 34-12 and drunk of his c-, 51- 5 This dread added the drop of gall to his c\ 54-27 those who followed him should drink of his c, Jesus' l)r 10- If good enough to profit by Jesus' c Master's b 317- 8 will drink of his Master's c\ my ap 578-14 my c- runneth over. — J'sal. 23 ; 5. of bitterness a 43-21 because of the c- of bitterness he drank, of coffee sp 80- 3 A c' of coffee or tea is not the equal of truth, of cold wat«r 2) 430-11 Giving a c- of cold water in Christ's name, ap 570-17 Give them a c- of cold water in Christ's name, of owr L.or«l a 32-11 nor was the wine, used . . . the c- of our Lord, of wine a 32- 8 to pass each guest a c- of wine. our a 35-27 Our c- is the cross. same a 48-13 when he drinks from the same c-. a 26- 7 32-11 32-12 32-17 53- 7 m 67- 1 cups b 322-20 curable t 461-22 curative a 55-11 8 112- 1 145-15 146-17 152-29 1.56- 1 157- 9 p 369-24 cure (noun) any o 348- 6 canse and /220- 7 effecting a t 460-21 Its ph 174-31 all have the c- of sorrowful effort to drink The c- shows forth his bitter experience, the c- which he prayed might pass from him, And he took the c-, and gave thanks, — Matt, 26 . 27. hence the c- he drank. The c- our Father hath given. Then he turns from his c*, renders your case less c", that c mission, . . . cannot be left out the most effective c- agent in medical practice. or reliance on some otner minor c-. Science, the c- agent of God, skeptical as to material c- methods. If drugs possess . . . intelligent c- qualities, rests on Mind alone as the c- Principle, (that is, the preventive and c-) arts Ought we not, then, to approve any <■•, which to look in other directions for cause and v. Instead of scientifically effecting a c; and its c* comes from the immortal divine Mind. CURE 97 DAMNED cure its ]) 395-23 and then to attempt its c- through Mind. t 445-26 and is the cause of disease rather than its c*. of disease pre/ xi- 4 results iu the c- of disease. s 147- 4 its present application to the c- of disease. 149- 3 as far outweighs drugs in the c- of disease Let this Principle be applied to the c- of disease t 457-31 of sin s 149- 4 of tlie sick s 132-22 b 285-27 as in the c- of sin. and condemns the c- of the sick and sinning if it and resort to matter . . . for the c- of the sick. Principle of the / 219-26 not comprehending the Principle of the c, radical p 398-31 come to the rescue, to work a radical c-. / 218-13 What renders . . . sickness difficult of c- is, 222-29 In seeking a c- for dyspepsia p 370-15 faith in the drug is the sole factor in the c. 402- 5 well-authenticated records of the c-, t 457-13 cannot . . . both c- and cause disease 457-27 intending thereby to initiate the c- r 488- 4 the c- shows that you understand this cure (verb) an 101-26 seems to alleviate or to c- disease, s 149-21 remarked . . . mind can never c- organic 151-22 human mind has no power to kill or to c-, 153-21 and it will soon e- the boil. 161-27 the very disease he is trying to c-, ph ni-22 belief is all that enables a drug to c- 178-17 that chronic case is not difflcuTt to c-. 180-31 dissolve a tumor, or e- organic disease, 188-24 What causes disease cannot c- it. 197-23 would not c- dyspepsia at this period. / 208-15 to suppose that matter can both cause and c 221- 2 adopted the Graham system to <- dyspepsia. 233-29 The counter fact ... is required to c- it. o 359- 3 Let any clergyman try to (■• his friends by p 366- 3 to c- his patient, the metaphysician must 373- 5 easier to c the most malignant disease than 373- 6 easier . . . than it is to c- sin. 375-25 and you c- the palsy. 377- 8 Then is the time to c- them through C. S., drilling and drugging, adopted to c- matter, To c- a Dodily ailment, can matter c- what'matter has caused? To prevent disease or to e- it, since it is demonstrable that the way to c* divine Mind can c- by opposite thoughts. To prevent or c- scrofula I 378-20 392- 4 399- 5 412 1(5 417-24 417-31 424-28 cured VI 68-19 and a Christian Scientist e- her. s 149-23 author has c- what is termed organic disease 149-24 as readily as she has c- purely functional disease, 152-15 once apparently c- a case of paralysis 153-10 c" a patient sinking in the last stage of typhoid 156-27 employing no other means, and she wast-. ph 169-19 all disease is c- by divine Mind. 181-27 if they are c-, they generally know it 184-27 A woman, whom I c- of consumption, 193-25 his physician claims to have c- him, o 355-30 and evidenced by the sick who are c- p 373-19 The fear occasioned by ignorance can be c- ; 38.3- 1 was c- when I learned my way in C. S." 389-32 I c- her in a few minutes. 398-10 Often he gave no name to the distemper he c*. 400- 4 and therefore the disease is thoroughly c\ cure.** s 109-18 o- were produced in primitive Christian healing 138-10 explained his c-, which appeared miraculous pit 179- 1 perform the sudden c- of which it is capable; which causes disease and c- it ? while C. S. c- its hundred will take the same cases, and c- will follow. f 208- 8 344-29 359- 5 daily pr 4-19 17- 4 a 21- 1 25- 9 40-30 s 121-27 ph 179- 3 / 220- 1 245- 9 b 272-20 28.3-28 3.50- 4 P 413-12 cures p 395-10 404-27 g 546-29 curing p 414 current sp 97- 9 an 106- 5 p 379-22 g 548-20 currents a 24- 9 SB 99-18 ph 185-10 curse pr 9-13 a 30-18 b 340-28 g 557-17 gl 579-17 cursed g 532-10 535-22 541-29 curses g 524-27 cursing" a 20-17 curtain a 557-20 curve b 282-14 282-15 282-22 283-30 cuspids / 247 custody p 436-25 439-13 custom pr 12-22 a 32- 7 ph 176- 7 / 247-12 p 362-13 customary / 229-17 p 363- 6 cut pref vii-24 a 27-19 s 141- 7 / 212-11 r 474- 8 cuticle p 382-10 cuts p 404-18 Cutter ph 170- 8 175-22 cutting- / 224-19 cycles s 135-31 b 319-13 Cyclops s 164- 2 The same Principle c- both sin and sickness. Both c- require the same method for it c- on a divine demonstrable Principle 8 The arguments to be used in c- insanity and the electric e- swift, push vainly against the c- running heavenward. The so-called vital c- does not affect many general statements now c-, healing v of Truth are pointed out. The caliu, strong c- of true spirituality, discussed . . . the earth's magnetic c* and bless them that c* us ; Love, which blesses even those that c- it. equalizes the sexes ; annuls the c- on man, the c- will be removed which says to woman, Adam. Error; . . . a c-; Adam and his progeny were c-, c- is the ground tor thy sake ; — Gen. 3 ; 17. And now art thou c- from theearth.— Gen.4 .-11. for God presently c the ground. returning blessing for c-, he taught mortals and lifts the c- on man as never bom finds no abiding-place in a c, a c- finds no adjustment to a straight line. Even though they seem to touch, one is still ac- hy calling a c- a straight line 6 incisors, c-, bicuspids, and one molar. compelled to let him be taken into c-. Health-officer had Mortal Man in c-, This common c- of praying for the recovery of Amon^ the Jews it was an ancient c- The primitive c- of taking no thought about C-, education, and fashion form the According to the c- of those days, This c- belief is misnamed material law, as was c- with women of her grade. and to c- the rough granite, to c- down the false doctrine of pantheism, c- off the right hand and pluck out the right a finger which had been c- off for months, worse cords than those which c- the flesh. or to remove unhealthy exhalations from the c- c- down every tree that brings not forth Did Jesus understand . . . less than Graham or C-? was not discussed according to C* modern lash is less material . . . but it is equally as c*. as must be the case in the c- of divine light, the infinite c- of eternal existence, the groping of Homer's C- around his care." D expressed in d- watchfulness and in Give us this day our d- bread ; — Matt. 6 ; 11. If Truth is overcoming error in your d- walk as he went d- about his Father's business. public worship instead of d- deeds. besides turning d- on its own axis. and following Christ in the d- life. We hear it said: " I exercise d- in the open air. she stood d- before the window watching It is the . . . Christianization of d- life. We must . . . live it in d- life; or as very far removed from d- experience. d- ablutions of an infant are no more natural daily p 413-19 without scrubbing the whole surface d\ 431- 6 the prisoner attended to his d- labors, 431-29 testifies: . . . I practise rf- ablutions g 557- 1 and repeated this operation d\ dam 6 3.38-15 it reads, a rf, or obstruction. 338-21 Here a d- is not a mere play upon words; damnation s 150-25 predestination of souls to d- or salvation. damned a 38- 6 doctrine . . . few to be saved, while the rest are d- ; DAMP 98 DATES damp ph 175-26 D- atmosphere and freezing snow damsel p 39S-12 " Z)-, I say unto thee, arise ! " — Mark 5 ; 41. Dan gl 583-26 definition of dance / 250-28 Upon this stage . . . goes on the d- of mortal mind. dangrer belief of p 374-23 You cannot forget the belief of d-, disease and p 411-29 their exemption from disease and rf*. great t 445-27 great d- in teaching Mind-healing indiscrimi- nately, hopeless p 375-28 when they are supposed to be in hopeless d\ humanity sees p 371-12 sick humanity sees d- in every direction, eeen the ap 571-14 unfaithful stewards who have seen the d- pr 7-27 The d- from prayer is that it may s 135-17 d- of repeating the offence of the Jews ph 169- 5 mental signs, assuring me that d- was over, p 381- 9 you say that there is a-. 381- 9 This fear is the d- and induces dangerous s 147-32 Jesus never spoke of disease as d- ph 178- 9 is not d- because of its priority / 228- 9 we shall have no d- inheritances, b 299-22 judge the knowledge ... to be untrue and d-, p 376- 8 diseases deemed d- sometimes come from the t 445-10 Teach the d- possibility of dwarfing the 446-17 or his demonstration is protracted, d-, 456- 4 is most d- quackery. Daniel g 514-27 £)• felt safe in the lions' den, dare o 357-14 how d- we attempt to destroy what He hath made, dares p 387- 4 Who d- to say that actual Mind can be over- worked ? r 489-19 Who d- to say that the senses of man 493-30 Who d- to doubt this consummate test g 531-21 Who d- to say either that God is in daring / 223-30 but the awful d- of sin destroys sin, dark a 35- 3 the fruitlessness of their toil in the d- 47-25 His d- i)lot fell to the ground, sp 86-18 apparitions brought out in d- seances an 102-18 hidden in the d- recesses of mortal thought, s 163-32 said : . . . JJ- and perplexed, our devious career ph 200- 1 When Homer sang . . . Olympus was d-, c 263- 9 he will no longer grope in the d- p 371- 7 telling ghost-stones m the d\ 403-24 d- forebodings regarding disease 418-31 d- images of mortal thought, 428- 4 resolves the d- visions of material sense g 502- 6 the light over the d-, ap 558-12 seems at first obscure, abstract, and d- ; 659-12 It is heard in the desert and in d- places of fear. 566- 2 d- ebbing and flowing tides of human fear, gl 596-23 Though the way is d- in mortal sense, darkened sp 93-22 belief that Spirit is finite . . . has d- all history. darkening 8 139-21 d- to some extent the inspired pages. darkest sp 96-11 " The d- hour precedes the dawn." darkness accustomed to t 452- 9 eyes accustomed to d- are pained by amid the sp 95-24 Led by a solitary star amid the d-, and chaos r 479-23 D- and chaos are the imaginary opposites and doema / 2ft-28 cast us headlong into d- and dogma. and doubt g 551-24 D- and doubt encompass thought, and light sp 74-21 />• and light, infancy and manhood, believe that / 215-15 sometimes led to believe that d- is cannot see in t 452- 8 we cannot see in rf •. comes in a 42- 8 comes in d- and disappears with the light. darkness deep up 569-17 They are dwellers still in the deep d- of belief. dismal ph 195- 5 Outside of dismal d- and cold silence fall in the t 463- 4 and so he may stumble and fall in the d\ flees b 310-11 d- flees when the earth has again turned gives place pre/ xi-13 as necessarily as d- gives place to light induces fear p 371-14 />• induces fear. liglit and ph 186-10 light and d-, cannot mingle. b 281- 5 no more commingle than light and d\ r 474-32 for light and d- cannot dwell together. light destroys sp 72-10 As light destroys d- loses the appearance / 215-18 d- loses the appearance of reality. material g 504-20 not implied by material d- and dawn, obscures light g 504-29 and d- obscures light. of error ph 191-15 chasing away the d- of error. of vacuity r 480- 6 there remains only the d- of vacuity or gloom / 248- 7 instead of lapsing into d- or gloom. saitlt to the g 503-13 saith to the d- upon the face of error, science affirms / 215-16 Science affirms d- to be only a shine in the g .546-25 like rays of light, shine in the d-, shineth in b 325-31 the light, " shineth in d-, — John 1 ; 6. shining in o 347-21 and is the light shining in d-, sleep Is g 556-19 Sleep is d-, but God's creative mandate was, tnms from t 459- 1 as the flower turns from d- to light. vralketh in m 56-16 pestilence that walketh in d, — Psal. 91 : 6. walking in p 374-22 It is like walking in d- fvas upon the face r 479-20 d- was upon the face of — Gen. 1 : 2. g 503- 7 d- was upon the face of — Gen. 1 .• 2. sp 72-10 74-24 ph 188-28 6 325-31 338-18 o 347-21 p 371-17 373- 2 r 475- 1 g 503-27 504- 4 504-29 511-10 528-19 539-25 g 546-25 gl 596-20 597-16 Darwin g 543-20 551-10 Darwin's g 547-15 547-17 dashing gl 693-16 data / 246-17 date pre/ ix-12 xii- 3 on 104- 4 dates 1776 an 100- 2 1784 an 100-12 1837 an 101- 8 and in the place of d- all is light, that d- can represent light, When d- comes over the earth, d- comprehended it not." — John 1:5. " d- . . . upon the face of — Gen. 1 ; 2. which the * be right in thinking that ape- hood Mr. /> admits this, but he D- theory of evolution Briefly, this is />• theory, muddy, foaming, and <{■, it is a type of error. Chronological d- are no part of the va«t forever. Certain essays written at that early d- up to that d-, hers was the only College of as they will be at no distant d-, first brought into notice by Mesmer . . . in 1776. In 1784, the French government ordered the In 1837, a committee of nine persons was DATES 99 DAYS dates 186S •pref viii-28 As early as 1862 she began to write down 1866 pref viii-26 experiences which led her, in the year 1866, s 107- 1 In the year 1866, 1 discovered the Christ Science 1867 pref ix-24 From 1867 until 1875, copies were, ix-29 This was during the years 1867 and 1868. xi-27 in Lynn, Massachusetts, about the year 18G7. 1868 Tpref ix-29 This was during the years 1867 and 1868. 1870 pref ix-21 Her first pamphlet on C. S. was copyrighted in 1870; r 465- 2 the author's class-book, copyrighted in 1870. 1875 ■pref ix-24 From 1867 until 1875, copies were, X- 4 SciENCK AND HEALTH was published in 1875. r 465- 4 she revised that treatise for this volume in 1875. 1876 pref ix-22 but it did not appear in print until 1876, 1880 s 161-11 In 1880, Massachusetts put her foot on a 1881 pref xi-27 In 1881, she opened the . . . Metaphysical Col- lege 1883 pref xii- 2 No charters were granted . . . after 1883, 1889, Oct. 29 - pref xii-14 She closed her College, October 29, 1889, 1891 pref xii-18 preparation of the revision ... in 1891. 1899 pref xii-10 reopened the College in 1899 1907, June lO pref xii-20 Until June 10, 1907, she had never daughter / 237- 9 mental height their little d- . . . attained. p 398-10 To the synagogue ruler's d\ daugrliters g 503- 5 highest ideas are the sons and d- of God. 515-22 family name for all ideas, — the sons and d- of dauntless TO .67-9 even the d- seaman is not sure of his safety ; David ph 200- 4 law of Sinai lifted thought into the song of D-. k 499- * He that hath the key of /J-, — Rev. 3 ; 7. gl 579- * He that hath the key of D-, — Rev. 3 ; 7. Davy, Sir Hnmpliry s 152-14 It IS related that Sir Humphry D- dawn pref vii- 9 across a night of error should d- the morning beams a 35-10 in the d- of a new light sp 95-23 Midnight foretells the d-. 95-26 the ligiit which heralds Christ's eternal d- 96-11 " The darkest hour precedes the ri-." / 246-15 should d- upon the enraptured sense b 298- 3 They d- in faith and glow full-orbed o 354-24 with the d- Truth will waken men spiritually g 504-20 not implied by material darkness and d-. 506-13 Thus the d- of ideas goes on, dawned ( 457- 7 Since the divine light of C. S. first d* dawning" g 546-23 C. S. is d- upon a material age. dawns s 144- 7 Withdraws the star, when d' the sun's brave light. ph 191-10 Principle of man d- upon human thought, b 308-25 the light of Truth and Love d- upon thee. Day a 43-10 which so illuminated the Pentecostal D- g 504- 3 And God called the light />, — Gen. 1 ; 5. day and night ap 568-17 before our God d- and nieht.—Rev. 12 .- 10. close of a 32-31 a sad supper taken at the close of rf-, each a 21-13 and gain a little each d- in the right direc- tion, / 248-11 which each d- brings to a nearer tomb. p 413-23 need not wash his little body all over each d- every sp 70- 1 Every d- is a mystery. / 233- 1 Every d- makes its oemands upon us c 261-16 he hobbled every d- to the theatre, p 413-14 taking a flsh out of water every d- fifth g 51*- 5 and the morning were the fifth d*. — Owi. 1 .■ 23. day first g 504- 5 and the morning were the first d-. — Geti. 1 ; 5. gl 584- 3 and the morning were the first d." — Gen. 1 . 5. fourth g 511-16 and the morning were the fourth d-.—Gen. 1 ; 19. future s 15(^-24 and will be to all others at some future d-, gala / 252-23 says : . . . make my short span of life one gala d- . God's gl 584- 7 This unfolding is God's d-, happy a 55-17 My weary hope tries to realize that happy d-, its sp 95-21 even human invention must have its d-, later pr 7-32 or mean to ask forgiveness at some later d\ next ph 193-18 The next d* I saw him in the yard. of salvation a 39-19 noiv is the d- of salvation," — // Cor. 6.-2. sp 93- 8 now is the d* of salvation," — // Cor. 6 : 2. of Spirit g 505- 1 No . . . planetary revolutions form the d- of Spirit. of wrath b 339-15 " wrath against the d- of wrath." — Rom .2-5 one s 156-20 she would give up her medicine for one d-, g 504-22 " one d- is with the Lord as — // Pet. 3 : 8. gl 598-21 " One d- is with the Lord as — // Pet. 3 .■ 8. orb of ph 188-31 The human eye knows not where the orb of d- is, 189-12 when the orb of d- disappears, our pr 5-18 giving us strength according to our d: perfect p 388-29 In that perfect d- of understanding, /• 496-13 brighter " unto the perfect d." — Prov. 4 .- 18. ap 562-20 shines " unto the perfect d-" — Prov. 4 .• 18. present o 349- 4 the rabbis of the present d- ask risen pref vii- 4 ere cometh the full radiance of a risen d: second g 506- 9 and the morning were the second d-. — Gen. 1 ; 8. seventh g 519-22 And on the seventh d- God ended His — Gen. 2 .• 2. 519-24 He rested on the seventh d- — Gen. 2 .2. sixth g 518-26 and the morning were the sixth d-. — Ge?i. l .• 31. some m 69-20 Some d- the child will ask his parent : / 228-14 Mortals will some d- assert their freedom suppositional g 533-25 but error has its suppositional d* that sp 95-21 we want that d- to be succeeded by C. S., 6 292- 3 " but of that d- and hour, — Matt. 24 ; 36. their a 52-26 speaking not for their d- only c 264- 2 "They have their d- before the permanent facts third s 156-23 but on the third d- she again suffered, g 508-27 and the morning were the third d-. — Gen. 1 : 13. 509- 6 he rose from the grave, — on the third d* this pr 17- 4 Give us this d- our daily bread ; — Matt. 6 .■ 11. 8 116-15 nor do they carry the d- against physical ene- mies, ph 174-13 the d- is at hand" — Rom. 13 .12. 197-10 " In the d- that thou eatest — Gen. 2 .• 17. 6 308-24 " Let me go, for the d- breaketh : " — Gen. 32 ; 26. 310-11 J> may decline and shadows fall, r 481-18 " In the d- that thou eatest — Gen. 2 ; 17. g 509-10 to divide the d- from the night; — Gen. 1 .• 14. 510-14 the greater light to rule the d-, — Gen. 1 : 16. 511- 9 and to rule over the d- — Gen. 1 ; 18. 520-17 in the d- that the Lord God — Gen. 2 .• 4. 527- 9 in the d- that thou eatest — Gen. 2 ; 17. 530-14 in the d- ye eat thereof, — Gen. 3 ; 5. 532- 8 " In the a- that thou eatest — Gen. 2 .• 17. 543-31 " In the d- that the Lord God — Gen. 2 .• 4. ap 566-10 a pillar of cloud by d- and of fire by night, 575-20 shall not be shut at all by d- : — Rev. 21 .-25. gl 584- 1 definition of day-dreams sp 88-1 In our d- we can recall Day of Pentecost a 47-9 an overwhelming power as on the D- of P: days (see also days') ancient o 349- 3 As Paul asked of the unfaithful in ancient d; DAYS 100 DEATH as ancient as " the Ancient of d." — Dan. 7 : 9. tbe d- and seasons of Mind's creation, and for d-, and years. — Gen. 1 ; 14. by physical conditions all his earthly d-, costs many a man his earthly d- of comfort. " of few d-, and full of trouble." — Job 14 ; 1. of few d-, and full of trouble." — Job 14 .• 1. As for man, his d- are as grass : — Psal. 103 ; 15. "As for man, his d- are as grass : — Psal. 103 : 15. increases in falsehood and his d- become shorter. in order to escape the error of these latter d-. yet in the latter d- he should stand demonstrated in length of d-, follow me all the d- of my life ; — Psal. 23 ; 6. We cannot spend our d- here in ignorance of lengthens our d- by strengthening our trust The numerals of infinity, called seven d-. After following the sun for six d-, lliese d- will appear as mortality disappears, the prospect of those d- in which we must say, In those d- there will be man's belief in those d- was not so severe upon According to the custom of those d-, John saw in those d- the spiritual idea in three d- 1 [Spirit] will raise it up." — John2:\9. Three d- after his Dodily burial he in three d- 1 will raise it up," — John 2 .- 19. in three d- I [Mind] -wiW— John 2 ; 19. she could get along two d- without globules ; days Ancient of s 146-29 and seasons g 509-25 and years g 509-12 earthly s 150-27 ph 197- 6 few g 536-21 552-15 bis Vh 190-24 r 476-24 17 530- 1 latter sp 83- 9 6 320-31 lenetli of b 283-25 of my life ap 578-16 our p 409-29 r 487-28 seven g 520-10 six a 21-30 these g 520-12 those a 107-18 129-13 ph 175-23 p 362-13 ap 562- 1 three a 27-13 45-13 b 314-15 r 494- 3 two S 156-22 / 202-17 The d- of our pilgrimage will multiply b 333-18 without beginning of years or end of d-. g 535-23 all the d- of thy life: — Gen. 3 .• 17. days' a 44- 7 His three d- work in the sepulchre daystar pref vii-11 follow this d- of divine Science, dead are raised a 27- 5 the deaf hear, the d- are raised, — Luke 7 : 22. s 132- 7 the deaf hear, the d- are raised — Matt. 11 • 5. L,azaru8 from the s 134-27 and he raised Lazarus from the d-, raised the m 67-22 raised the d-, and commanded even the winds b 273-26 healed the sick, and raised the d- raises the a 33-24 raises the d- from trespasses and sins, raise the a 51-32 cast out evil, and raise the d-. 8 137- 3 cast out evil, raise the d- ; b 329- 8 Because you cannot . . . raise the d-, raising the a 43- 1 healing the sick, and raising the d-, b 316-29 casting out evils, . . . and raising the d-, p 369- 9 raising the d-, and walking over the wave. 430- 3 healing the dying and raising the d-. so-called sp 74-30 so-called d- and living cannot commune to- f ether, e so-called d-, in order to reappear 75- 7 could take no cognizance of the so-called d\ 77-28 Spiritism consigns the so-called d- to a 81- 2 between the so-called d- and the living, a 23-16 "Faith without works is ri'." — Jo.*. 2.26. 31-14 He attached no importance to d- ceremonies. 34- 3 Then wh^ ascribe this inspiration to a d- rite, 44-28 His discfples believed Jesus to be d- while he 45-26 for they believed his body to be d-. m 69-29 and the resurrection from the d-, — Luke 20 ; 35. sp 75-26 those living on the earth and those called d-, 8 113- 7 Without this, the letter is but the d- body 136-17 These prophets were considered d-, 164-18 we should not be d-. ph 187-29 this so-called mind then calls itself d- ; /216- 3 Who8ballsaythatman...maybed-to-morrow? dead / 228-31 excel the influence of their d- faith and 251-10 (1) that they are not d- ; b 295-30 It further teaches that when man is d-, 312- 9 People say, " Man is d- ; " 316-29 those d- in trespasses and sins, 334-26 I am he that liveth, and was d- — Rev. 1 ; 18. o 341- * raised up Jesus from tlie d- — Rom. 8 .• 11. 341- * He that raised up Christ from, the d-—Rom.8 : 11. 355-10, 11 let the d- bury their d\" — Matt. 8 ; 22. p 369-27 Unscientific methods are finding their d- level. 398- 6 and he was as one d-," — Mark 9 . 26. 398-11 synagogue ruler's daughter, whom they called d- 398-12 " she is not d\ but sleepeth," — Luke 8 ; 52. 416-21 only in mortal mind, as the d- body proves; 427-32 its own material declaration, " I am d-," 433-25 sentenced to be tortured until he is d-. r 479-16 Does that which we call d- ever see, deadened a 55- 2 from a d- sense of the invisible God, deadly b 328-24 p 362- * t 458-20 deadness p 399-21 deaf 27- 5 the d- hear, the dead are raised, — Luke 7 : 22. 8 132- 7 the d- hear, the dead are raised un. — Matt. if they drink any d- thing. — Mark 16 ; 18. if they drink any d- thine/, — Mark 16 ; 18. Sin makes d- thrusts at the Christian Scientist this d- shows that so-called mortal life the d- hear, the dead are raised, — Luke the d- hear, the dead are raised up, - 11:5. ph 183-28 hearing to the d-, voice to the dumb, 194-12 if mortal mind says, " I am d- and blind," / 210-13 hearing to the d-, feet to the lame, 213-24 Beethoven, who was so long hopelessly d-. 226-25 The lame, the d-, the dumb, the blind, causes the d- to hear, the lame to walk, " Thou dumb and d- spirit, — Mark 9 ; 25. If . . . medical schools turn a d- ear to gave . . . hearing to the d- centuries ago. o 342-25 p 398- 2 t 444-23 r 487-11 deafness ph 194-11 not necessary to ensure d- and blindness ; deal r 486-29 then palsy, blindness, and d- would s 148-19 and d- — the one wholly, the other primarily p 365-22 and d- with his patients compassionately; (J 552- 7 hypotheses d- with causation as contingent on dealer p 438-28 dealing" o 349-18 355- 4 is not an importer or d- in fur. in d- with spiritual ideas, methods of d- with sin and disease t 446- 3 and in this way d- pitilessly with deals s 157- 2 C. S. d- wholly with the mental cause J) 423-15 The matter-physician d- with matter t 463- 1 discerns ana d- with the real cause of disease. g 535-10 Divine Science d- its chief blow at the dealt b 329- 3 will be fairly d- with ; they will be sought and t 460-17 d- with through right apprehension of dear pr 9-30 in the footsteps of our d- Master ? a 34-24 for soon their d- Master would rise / 253- 9 I hope, d- reader, I am leading you into o 360-13 !)• reader, which mind-picture or p 366- 1 priceless sense of the d- Father's loving- kindness. g 547- 6 You can prove for yourself, d- reader, ap 573-29 Take heart, d- sufferer, for this reality 574-25 Think of this, d- reader, for it will dear-boiisrlit a 36-11 that he might pour his d- bounty into 54-11 liberally pour his d- treasures dearer / 239-19 If divine Love is becoming nearer, d\ dearest m 68-21 Death p 432-21 439- 6 439- 9 Home is the d- spot on earth, death after I am D\ I was called for, D- testified that he was absent . At this request D- repaired to the spot 439-22 his struggles against liver-complaint and D: 440-10 a verdict delivering Mortal Man to D-. 24-24 only for the presentation, after d-, 35-16 his probation in the flesh after d-, 36- 6 suflicient suffering, either before or after d", sp 81-9 a continued existence after d' b 291-24 so shall he be after d-, until p 409-28 will not depend on it after d-. DEATH 101 death after p 429-21 If we live after d- and are immortal, r 486-15 body was the same immediately after d- and flniteness r 469- 5 D- and flniteness are unknown to Life. and matter r 486-19 conditional upon d- and matter, and mortality b 295-31 resurrected from d- and mortality. and the grave a 39-14 Jesus overcame d- and the grave 45- 7 in his victory over d- and the grave. 49-24 over sin, sickness, d-, and the grave. 8 137- 6 sickness, sin, disease, d; and the grave. an enemy a 39-13 The Bible calls d- an enemy, announcing the p 386-17 mistakenly announcing the d- of a friend, b 314- 1 no more perfect because of d- bed of p 427-26 Called to the bed of d-, what material ph 187-32 a body like the one it had before d\ helief called p 380- 3 which ends in a belief called d-, belief in a 42- 5 The universal belief in d- is of no advantage. b 289-22 law of mortal mind, in a belief in d\ 325- 2 he who perceives . . . loses his belief in d\ p 42fr-ll If the belief in d- were obliterated, 430- 8 When man gives up his belief in d-, birth and / 246-18 Time-tables of birth and d- are so many birth nor / 244-24 He has neither birth nor d-. birth or / 206-26 Can there be any birth or d- for man, bleeding to p 379-10 fancied himself bleeding to d-, bring fortli p 392- 3 Only while ... sin remains can it bring forth d-. brinlc of / 235-22 To the tremblers on the brink of d-, brought p 426-28 Sin brought d-, and death will disappear with ff 532- 7 when eatmg its first fruits brought «• ? called / 254-17 prior to the change called d-, b 290-16 If the change called d- destroyed the belief r 487- 6 both before and after that which is called d-. ap 572-24 stage in human experience called d-, can never sp 76-29 D- can never hasten this state of caused the p 379-17 Oxford boys, who caused the d- of a man, cessation of ap 573-27 conscious, here and now, of a cessation of d-, decay, and g 544- 7 decreed the ap 565-10 deny s 113-19 Life, God, omnipotent good, deny d-, despair and p 433-15 a look of despair and d- settles upon it. destroyed by his a 50-24 and that all evidence . . . was destroyed by his d- destroying / 210- 8 casting out evils, and destroying d-, dCTF of ph 193- 9 The dew of d- was on his brow, discord and s 124-10 and holding fast to discord and d\ f 224-10 life and peace instead of discord and d*. disease and {see disease) disease, nor s 140-27 causeth no evil, disease, nor d-. p 368-22 disease, nor d- can be spiritual, disease, sin, and *p 78- 3 like the discords of disease, sin, and d*, such as matter, disease, sin, and d-, and to destroy disease, sin, and d\ Birth, decay, and d- arise from the Herod decreed the d- of every male child b 275-29 p 412-15 dream of p 427-29 429-17 end in b 331- 5 ends in b 307-16 309-29 error and a 44- 1 g 539-10 dream of d- must be mastered by Mind Mortals waken from the dream of d- subject to their limitations and would end in d\ false sense of an existence which ends in d-. such so-called life always ends in d-. must seal the victory over error and d-, such as evil, matter, error, and d- ? DEATH death evidence of gl 584-15 Any material evidence of d- is false, experience of b 291-10 belief in the experience of d- faith in p 426-23 The relinquishment of all faith in d- fear of gl 596-26 destroy . . . the fear of d-, foundations of ph 171-16 destroying the foundations of d'. frighten into sp 79- 4 error that tends to frighten into d* has no dominion o 347- 7 all is Life, and d- has no dominion. \ hastening to sp 78- 7 belief that we are . . . hastening to d*, health-Iaivs, and p 413-27 illusions about disease, health-laws, and d', ignominy and an 106-27 down to the depths of ignominy and d-. illusion of / 251- 9 In the illusion of d\ mortals wake to the r 493-29 awakened Lazarus from the dream, illusion,! of d-, instantaneous p 377-16 has caused what is termed instantaneous d\ which possess us at the instant of d- which is the law of Life instead of d-, and life instead of d-. instant of b 290-24 instead of / 253-30 p 435-14 interval of gl 598-27 would bridge over . . . the interval of d*, is not the result r 486-12 D- is not the result of Truth is S'wallo'wed up « 164-28 B- is swallowed up in victory "— / Cor. 15 .■ 54. r 496-27 D- is swallowed up in victory." — / Cor. 15 . 54.. is the illusion p 428- 3 Life is real, and d- is the illusion. Jesus' a 'iA-'2:i Does spiritualism find Jesus' d- necessary Jesus overcame a 39-14 Jesus overcame d* and the grave life and (see life) liife destroys b 339- 2 Divine Life destroys d-, liife over p 406-23 Life over d-, and good over evil, master of b 316-19 proved that Truth was the master of d-. matter and b 289-29 Matter and d* are mortal illusions. must be overcome sp 76-30 for d* must be overcome, not submitted to, never see sp 70- * / 217-13 p 428- 8 429-32 438- 7 no he shall never see d\ — Johti 8 .• 61. he shall never see d* ! " — John 8 .-51. he shall never see d\"—John 8 .- 51. he shall never see d-." — John 8 .- 51. he shall never see d-. — John 8 ; 51. b 288-26 no birth, no material life, and no d-. 331-16 all is Life, and there is no d-. p 387- 2 and know that there is no d-. 426-13 understanding obtained that there is no d-, 428- 1 " There is no d% no inaction, 429- 3 by the understanding that there is no d", no partnership 'with / 243-27 Life has no partnership with d: no reality in p 427- 9 learning that there is no reality in d*, not r 485-18 Not d-, but the understanding of Life, not subject to sp 74- 2 spiritual life which is not subject to d; b 288-25 that Life is not subject to d-; not the b 271-24 the eternal life, not the d- of Jesus, of these errors b 290-26 but endure until the d- of these errors. overcome p 427-18 If man is never to overcome d*, why do the overcomes b 289-15 Truth, overcame and still overcomes d* 315-24 heals sickness, and overcomes d\ persecuted unto s 134- 6 were so often persecuted unto d*, physical an 101-26 lead to moral and to physical d\ power of r 473-15 and destroying the power of d: power over a 26-25 and of his demonstration of power over d: DEATH 102 DEATHLESS '\ death punishable with p 431-10 this offence is deemed punishable with d\ punished with J) 432-15 treated as a criminal and punished with d-. reg^arding sj9 79- 6 changing the patient's thoughts regarding d\ resort to b 306- 4 and then resort to d- to reproduce resulted in the o 342-32 if their treatment resulted in the d- of a patient. resulting: in gl 591-10 Matter. . . . life resulting in d-, second sp 77-12 " the second d- hath no power." — Rev. 20 .• 6. 1) 290-14 the second d- hath no power."— Rev. 20 .■ 6. seemed to be a 46-21 unchanged . . . after what seemed to be d- [seeming:] a 45-11 by the [seeming] d- of His Son, — /Jom. 5 .• 10. sentence of p 433-19 the solemn sentence of d- upon the prisoner. 436- 3 for whicli Mortal Man is under sentence of d-. 436-33 pronounced a sentence of d- for doing right. shadow of ap 578-11 valley of the shadow of d-, — Psal. 23 .• 4. gl 596-22 valley of the shadow of d-, — Psal. 23 .• 4 shall not see b 325- 1 "He . . . shall not see d-." — see Johii 11 .-26. shame and a 52-16 putting to shame and d- the best man that shuts the door on sp 90-26 This conviction shuts the door on d-, sicltness and (see sickness) siclcness, sin, and {see sickness) sickness, sin, nor p 381-18 In . . . Love there is no sickness, sin, nor d-, sickness, sin, or t 463-23 manifested in forms of sickness, sin, or d- sin and {see sin) sin, disease, and {see sin) sin, disease, or / 253-17 overcome the belief in sin, disease, or d-. 253-26 Do not believe in . . . sin, disease, or d\ sin or 8 125-19 cannot be controlled by sin or d-, sin, sickness, and (see sin) sin, sickness, nor ap 567- 8 there is no error, no sin, sickness, nor d-. sin, sickness, or r 472-27 the only reality of sin, sickness, or d- is gl 585-21 before it accepts sin, sickness, or d- ; so-called 6 291- 3 suppositions . . . that the so-called d- of the body spiritual b 310-24 and spiritual d- is oblivion. sting: of r 496-20 " The sting of d- is sin ; — / Cor. 15 •• 56. stung: to ap 569-26 The dragon is at last stung to d- submissive to h 314-31 submissive to d- as being in supposed accord suffering:, and / 219-30 from the belief in sin, suffering, and d' supposed gl 598-11 In the record of Jesus' supposed d-, we read : supposition that p 387-21 supposition that d- comes in ol)edience to termed sp 92- 8 decomposition of mortal bodies in what is termed d-. b 290- 4 before what is termed d- overtakes mortals, gl 596-20 continues after, what is termed d-, until this ph 177-28 does human belief, you ask, cause this d- ? b 312- 9 but this d- is the departure of a mortal's mind, tree of g 527-18 the tree of d" to His own creation ? triumphing: over / 232-19 healing the sick and triumphing over d\ triamph over a 54-16 and triumph over d- through Mind, triumphs over a 25-16 casts out error, and triumphs over d-. 31-22 the divine Principle which triumphs over d-. ultlmates in gl 580-17 Life's counterfeit, which ultimates in d- ; ' until m 68-12 "until d- do us part." unto the ap 568-19 loved not their lives unto the d-. — Rev. 12 ; 11. ) death vanish in g 555-30 which seemed to vanish in d-. victory over a 35-15 They celebrate their Lord's victory over d-, 45- 7 in his victory over d- and the grave. p 427-21 shall obtain the victory over a- in proportion violent a 47-29 each one came to a violent d- except warning: people ag:ainst sp 79- 3 Warnmg people against d- is an error was occasioned s 159- 9 d- was occasioned, not by the ether, we call S7> 82-20 as before the change we call d-, ph 172- 9 if man passes through what we call d' we find c 260-32 If we look to the body ... for Life, we find d-; will be found a 42- 6 D- will be fouiid at length to be a will be obsolete sp 90-13 and (/■ will be obsolete, will disappear p 426-28 d- will disappear with the disappearance of sin. w^ill occur sp 77- 9 Z>- will occur on the next plane of existence a 31-24 39-11 39-15 47-29 sp 73-23 90-14 s 108-25 113-20 115-24 119-20 151-17 ph 172-10 186-25 196- 9 / 202-20 203-24 206-21 216-25 219- 1 221-13 239-28 • 244-19 250-31 251-24 C 265-16 b 289-18 291-23 292-10 296-10 296-11 304- 6 304-14 306- 3 306- 5 312-13 312-19 O 360-28 p 386-18 407-27 409-31 426-18 426-31 427- 7 427-13 427-19 433-30 434-29 r 481-14 486-15 486-17 487- 4 g 522-30 gl 584- 9 588- 2 591-11 592-10 595- 6 deathless a 28-13 44- 9 m 69-16 sp 72- 6 / 203-22 c 266-28 b 336-32 p 427- 9 M the Lord's d- till he come." — I Cor. 11 ; 26. causes mortals to regard d- as a friend, To him, therefore, a- was not tlie threshold except St. John, of whose d- we have no record belief that spirit ... is freed by d-, some insist that d- is the necessary prelude to called error, sin, sickness, disease, d-, sin, evil, d-, deny good, omnipotent God, hatred, revenge, sm, sickness, disease, d-. or prostrates in d- the child at prayer. Mortal belief says that d- has and d- is the Rubicon of spirituality ? If d- is as real as Life, immortality "is a myth. Sin alone brings d-, for sin is the only true way leads to Life instead of to a-, !)■ is not a stepping-stone to Life, and then taking it away by d- ? while health would seem the exception, d- the sorrow, sin, d-, will be unknown, informed her that d- was indeed her only it is discordant and ends in sin, sickness, d*. If man flickers out in d- reveals Life as not being at the mercy of d-, the healer of sin, disease, d-. , The senses represent ... d- as irresistible, what appears to the senses to be d- is but As d- flndeth mortal man, so shall he be . . . until belief that . . . Life be controlled by d-. The d- of a false material sense and of sin, not the d- of organic matter, " Neither rf-, nor life, — Rom. 8 ; 38. can never produce mind nor life result in d-. They would first make life result in d-, taught them how d- was to be overcome you say that matter has caused his d-. Mortals claim that d- is inevitable ; the Jews put to d- the Galilean Prophet, same grief that the friend's real d- would bring, and brings . . . Life not d-, into 1 D- will not make us harmonious and immortal / are not saved from sin or sickness by d-, human concepts named matter, d-, disease. If man believes in d- now, he must disbelieve in it I D- is but another pliase of the dream j that shall be destroyed is d- " — / Cor. 16.-26. I to prepare the frightened sense . . . for d-. I not proved " worthy of d-, or of bonds." — Acta \ 26.31. declaring existence to l)e at the mercy of d", If d- restores sight, sound, and strength If . . . then d- IS not an enemy never attainable through d-, but gained by Does Life, Truth, and Love produce d-, definition of revenge; sin; sickness; d-; Matter. Mythology j ... d- in life; Mortal Mind. . . . sm; sickness; d-. Tares. . . . sin; sickness; disease; d*. the divine Principle of the d- Christ, He proved Life to be d- and of man d- and perfect would disappear to mortal sense, would be d*. that the d- Principle, or Soul, Man is d-, spiritual. The Ego is d- and limitless, since the truth of being is d-. > I DEATHLESS 103 DECLARE deathless r 487- 3 Life is d-. Life is the origin and 487-28 tru8t in the d- reality of Life, g 509- 3 the d- Life, or Mind, 534- 5 to manifest the d- man of God's creating. death-pallor 2)h 193-11 its d- gave place to a natural hue. death-process l> 289-20 to . . . the real universe there is no d\ death-sentence ph 198- 4 as a criminal hears his d-. death-valley s 108-20 within the shadow of the d-, debari'ed m &1-14 A wife is sometimes d- p 362- 7 Heedless of the fact that she was d- debars p 366- 8 d- him from giving drink to the thirsty debased / 235-16 while the d- and unscrupulous mind, b 318-10 all that is material, untrue, selfish, or d\ debate p 434- 8 After much d- and opposition, debauclied s 136-21 That a wicked king and d- husband debauchee a 52-30 The bigot, the d-, the hypocrite, debility p *12-10 all sallowness and d- had disappeared. debris b 289- 2 can never rise from the temporal d- . . . until debt 2jr 4- 7 our proper d- to him and the only worthy evi- dence a 22-31 Mercy cancels the d- only when justice 23- 4 One sacrifice, ... is insufficient to pay the d- p 363-24 Why did he thus summarize her d- debtors 2)r 17-6 as we forgive our d-. — Matt. 6 .■ 12. p 363-16 He descrioed two d-, one for a large sum debts pr 11- 2 " Forgive us our d-" — Matt. 6 • 12. 17-6 And forgive us our d-, — Matt. 6 ; 12. decadence / 244-30 pictures age as . . . helplessness and d*, Decalogue s 112-31 commandment in the Hebrew !)•, r 489-14 it breaks all the commands of the Mosaic D- decapitates c 266- 3 sword of Science, with which Truth d- error, decay age and / 247-30 shining resplendent and eternal over age and d\ agre or / 247-14 Immortality, exempt from age or d-, and death fif 544- 7 Birth, d-, and death arise from the and dissolution d 550-18 d-, and dissolution as its component stages discord and b 280- 2 Symbols and elements of discord and d- r 468-18 eternal and incapable of discord and - of Independ- ence. s 161-16 that immortal sentiment of the /)•, declaration o 361-13 This d- of Jesus, understood, conflicts not p 363-22 that remarkable d- to the woman, 427-31 Thought will waken from its own material d; r 466-29 Christianity will demonstrate this d- 478- 9 What would be thought of the d- that a g 520-23 Here is the emphatic d- that God creates all 526- 6 This opposite a-, . . . contradicts the 538-30 Eve's d-, " I have gotten a man— Gen. 4 .- 1. ap 573-14 even the d- from heaven, supreme harmony, declare pre/ vii-25 Future ages must d- what the pioneer has a 50- 3 " Who shall d- his generation ? " — Isa. 53 .8. m 69-24 or do you d- that Spirit is infinite. 8 163- 8 said: " I d- my conscientious opinion, ph 174-26 Why d- that the body is diseased, 181-14 It is foolish to d- that you {243-29 because they d- nothing except God. 268- • d- ive unto yon, — / John 1 .- 3. 286-17 The Scriptures d- all that He made to be good, 287-21 Scriptures d- that man was made in God's 307- 9 It says: ...Id- that God makes evil minds 31^ 6 Scriptures d- that God made all, DECLARE 104 DEEDS declare b 320-30 as if Job intended to d- 330-19 God is what the Scriptures d- Him to be, 331-14 Scriptures also d- that God is Spirit. p 373-17 Scriptures also d-, through the exalted thought 376-10 invalid, whom you d- to be wasting away 381-18 Scriptures d- that we live, move, and 386- 8 So long as mortals d- that certain states of the 391-25 Disease has no intelligence to d- itself 397-17 D- that you are not hurt and understand . . . why, 397-22 which the Scriptures d- Him to be. 400-30 Scriptures plainly d- the baneful influence of 439-27 Our higher statutes d- you all, r 466-28 Science will d- God aright, g 519-17 How shall we d- Him, till, 52.5-25 The corporeal senses d- otherwise ; 526-17 the Scriptures d- that He created all. 539-16 Scriptures d- that God condemned this lie 546-11 Has God no Science to d- Mind, ap 569-24 Scriptures d- that evil is temporal, gl 596- 9 Him d- 1 unto you." — Acts 17 ; 23. declared in 64-19 when he d- that in the resurrection « 133- 6 centurion of whose faith Jesus himself d-, 137-19 The Messiah is what thou hast d-, 162-32 He d- that " it is impossible to calculate the 163- 5 d- himself " sick of learned quackery." ph 165- 2 Evil d- that eating this fruit would / 234-28 Jesus d- that to look with desire on b 280-17 Moses d- as Jehovah's first command 303-32 d- that nothing could alienate him from God, 320- 3 Christ plainly d-, " I am the way, — John 14.- 6. 338-27 JehovaJi d- the ground was accursed; o 352- 5 Our Master d- that his material body 361-13 Jesus Christ is not God, as Jesus himself d-, p 437-25 They d- that C. S. was overthrowing g 522-16 this state of things is d- to be temporary 525-17 In the Gospel of John, it is d- that declares « 124-28 d- that they belong wholly to divine Mind, 141-20 The Bible d- that all believers are 151-26 must be put off, as St. Paul d-. ph 169-19 d- that all disease is cured by divine Mind. 173-17 Anatomy d- man to be structural. {220- 9 Instinct is better ... as even nature d-. 307- 7 d- that there is more than one intelligence 317- 7 Whosoever . . . d- best the power of C. S., 320-17 Here the original text d- plainly the 335-10 for, as the Bible d-, without the Logos, o 347- 4 C. S. d- that whatever is mortal or discordant p 391-17 Injustice d- the absence of law. 393-25 When Jesus d- that " the light of — Matt. 6 .• 22. 414-21 rf", " The Lord He is God —Lteut. 4 ; 35. 414-23 C. S. d- that Mind is substance, 429-12 Science d- that man is subject to Mind. r 475- 1 Scripture d- that there is "no night — /Jcv. 22 .-5. 476- 3 which d- that man begins in dust or 477-12 d- the corporeal senses to be . . . illusions. 480-26 Bible d- : " All things were made by — Jofm 1 ; 3. 48,5- 4 d- that Mind, not matter, sees, hears, feels, g .507-23 The scientific divine creation d- 522-29 Scripture . . . d- God's work to be finished. 523- 4 and finally d- that God knows error 526- 4 more scientific record of creation d- 528- 2 the record d- that God has already created man, 544-29 It d- mind to be in and of matter, 548-29 Agassiz d- . . . " Certain animals, 551-29 error d- that the material seed must declarin&T a 19-12 d- precisely what would destroy sickness, ph 180-18 by d- disease to be a fixed fact, / 206-23 d- that His work wab finistied, 229-13 d- Him good in one instance and evil in another, o 352-20 increasing children's fears by d- ghosts to be p 364-11 and d- the absolution of the penitent. 439-26 meanwhile d- Disease to be God's servant t 447-28 by d- there is no sickness, r 481-14 d- existence to be at the mercy of death, g 522-24 d this material creation false. 528-21 and d- what great things error has done. decline b 310-11 Day may d- and shadows fall, declines o 355-17 popular religion, d- to admit that declining / 246-13 Manhood is its eternal noon, undimmed by a d- sun. decomposed p 429-15 affirms . . . that it must be buried and d- decomposition sp 92- 7 the d- of mortal bodies in what is termed death. p 373-24 The inflammation, d-, or deposit will abate. decomposi tion p 425-10 tubercles, hemorrhage, and d- are beliefs, r 488-26 not at the mercy of organization and d-, decree a 32-14 he bowed in holy submission to the divine d-. p 440-20 You cannot trample upon the d- of the decreed / 221-19 She learned . . . that God never d- disease, ap 565-10 Herod d- the death of every male child decrees s 118-30 they contradict the divine d- f 229-28 should not if we could, annul the d- of wis- dom. p 381- 3 Ignorant of . . . we submit to unjust d*, 435-11 The law of our Supreme Court d- that 441-18 the d- of the Court of Error in favor of Matter, decrepitude / 245-30 plain that d- is not according to law, decries o 342- 8 He that d- this Science dedicated gl 596- 7 d- " to the unknown God." — Acts 17 ; 23. deduced 8 120-25 Any conclusion pro or con, d- from b 268- 7 from which may be d- all rationality, 274- 8 d- from the evidence of the material senses. deducible pre/ viii-20 the response d- from two connate facts, deducing c 259-32 D- one's conclusions as to man deductions b 273- 7 />• from material hypotheses are not scientific. g 553-16 why are his d- generally material ? deed any p 440-15 what greater justification can any d- have, criminal p 435- 4 Has the body . . . committed a criminal d- ? good p 435-15 trampling onLawsof Health, this wasa good d*, 436-12 Laying down his life for a good d-, Jesus' a 45- 8 Jesus' d- was for the enlightenment of men my o 343- 3 and for proving my word by my d- thought and a 19-18 every good thought and rf-, will help us gl 595-15 holiness and purification of thought and d; word or rn 59-21 how slight a word or d- may renew the / 205-19 some word or d- which indicates the true idea, a 31-17 to all who follow him in d\ / 203-16 man the image of his Maker in d- and in truth. deeds best p 385-11 penalty which our beliefs would attach to our best d\ daily a 40-30 public worship instead of daily d\ gooA pr 4- 5 patience, meekness, love, and good d\ a 41-27 his apostles still went about doing good d-, p 435-12 but good d- are immortal, bringing joy 436- 2 he was an eye-witness to the good d- 440-10 Good d- are transformed into crimes, his a 26-26 proved by his d- that C. S. destroys sickness, c 262- 8 putting "off the old man with his d-," — Col. 3:9. 6 296- 9 The old man with his d- must be put ofif. o 3.50-12 His words were the ofl'spring of his d-, of kindness p 384- 8 for honest labor, or for d- of kindness, of violence an 105- 4 to prevent d- of violence or to punish them. our o 354-21 If our words fail to express our d; these p 369-10 All these d- manifested Jesus' control the very p 436-29 the very d- which the divine law compels -wicked b 314-12 material views were the parents of their wicked d\ without o 364-19 Inconsistency is shown by words without d', pr 1-14 before they take form in words and in d-. o 3.54-10 find their immortality in d-, p 430- 4 must put off itself with its d-. DEEM 105 DEGREE deem b 283-19 p 441-10 deemed s 158-10 b 338-19 p 376- 8 431-10 g 525-28 550-27 deems up 574-29 deep pr 12-13 a 125-27 129-22 p/i 184-30 b 307- 1 338-18 ?• 479-20 S- 503- 7 528-10 546-21 556-18 ap 569-17 570-21 deepen sp 99-20 deepens g 523- 4 deeper b 329-29 deeply pr 7-10 s 161-30 t 453-28 deep-lying pre/ xii-15 defaced / 227-28 defeat s 122- 5 / 239-13 o 357-32 p 390-31 422-32 « 446-18 defeats a 39-29 defence a 48-18 /235- 3 o 348-23 p 434-21 440-33 defend p 377-29 387-31 < 445- 2 451-22 defendant p 380-12 380-13 430-21 defending^ o 348-21 defiance a 43-25 pfe 168-21 /228- 1 o 342- 9 deficiency ^ 388-16 deficient p 366-13 defies an 105- 9 defile an 100- * defileth ap 577-26 define sp 81-26 8 148-13 p/i 173-24 6 278-29 318- 5 r 485- 1 g;596- 3 and (I- this the manifestation of the one Life, plea of False Belief we d- unworthy of This was d- progress in medicine ; dust was d- the agent of Deity diseases d- dangerous sometimes come from this offence is a- punishable with death. death must be d- as devoid of reality Amalgamation is d- monstrous which your suffering sense d- wrathful d- and conscientious protests of Truth, dominion over the atmosphere and the great d-, We must look d- into realism The inspirations were d- and natural. the Adam-dream, the d- sleep, upon the face of the ;ter in d- of what is called material law, and in d- of all mat«rial conditions, and in d- of the direct command of Jesus, a d- or an excess, a quality or a quantity. is d- in human affection, d- justice and is recommended to mercy. the things which d- a man.— Matt. 15 ; 20. " d-, . . . or maketh a lie."— iJev. 21 ; 27. so-called laws of matter, which d- man as mor- tal, anatomy and theology d- man as physiology, phrenology, do not (/• the We d- matter as erroi-, because it is the Corporeal senses d- diseases as realities ; If error is necessary to rf- or to reveal Paganism and agnosticism may d- Deity as defined a 54- 3 s 117-30 129-11 p 408-12 t 460- 3 g 507- 7 517- 6 Out of . . . his pure affection, he d- Love, which he d- as human doctrines. Pantheism may be d- as a belief in the distinctly d- instances of the baneful Ontology is d- as " the science- of Without natures particularly d-, may be d- as a mortally mental attempt 554-20 Jesus d- this opposite of God and His creation defines an 103- 4 d- it as dishonesty and craftiness. ph 191-25 Physicalsensedmortalmanasbasedonmattcr, / 208- 2 Material sense d- all things materially, p 410- 5 d- everlasting life as a present knowledge of r 488-17 d- these so-called senses as mortal beliefs, defining- p 441- 1 comprehending and d- all law and evidence, definite pref ix- 8 the tongue voices the more d- thought, s 147-26 but he left no d- rule for / 206-22 The Scriptures are d- on this point, p 410-20 Here is a d- and inspired proclamation of C. S. definitely g 523-29 after which the distinction is not d- traceable. definition 8 114- 6 spiritually unscientific d- of mind c 267- 3 tnenall is Mind; and this d- is scientific. b 270-20 establish the d- of omnipotence, 302-14 Continuing our d- of m,an, 338-25 The dissection and d- of words, p 421- 6 the true d- of all human belief in ill-health, g 517- 2 This d- has been weakened by anthropomor- phism, gl 579- 2 material d- of a Scriptural word definitions a 23-22 two d-, trustfulness and trustworthiness, s 118-26 The d- of material law, as given 118-28 these d- portray law as physical, defiection g 502-11 This d- of being, rightly viewed, deflections sp 78-4 changing ff- of mortal mind; b 305-20 the d- of matter as opposed to the Science of deformed If muscles can cease to act ... be d- or tubercles, inflammation, pain, d- joints. s 160-25 p 418-30 deformity ph 178-13 /244- 2 244- 2 248-24 Perhaps an adult has a d- He does not produce moral or physical d- ; therefore such d- is not real, the angular outline and d- of matter models. c 263-13 forming d- when he would outline grace defraud c 263-11 Carnal beliefs d- us. defrauds r 489-13 Corporeal sense d- and lies ; defying- ap 564-23 uncover its own crime of d- immortal degenerating g 545- 5 material man was fast d- degrade / 235-18 will d- the characters it should inform degree first S 115-20 p 433-17 433-21 highest s 163-16 ap 5&t-18 limited ft 313-28 second .s 115-25 Second D- small r 492- 8 knowledge of this, even in small d-, some a 37-24 It is possible, ... to follow in some d- subtle t 451-26 especially any subtle d- of evil, sufficient t 454-14 He, who understands in a suflScient d- their t 467-16 both sides were beautiful according to their d-, third s 116- 1 Third I> : Understanding. 116- 4 In the third d- mortal mind disappears, s 153- 1 frequently attenuated to such a d- that ph 189-16 it is as truly mortal mind, according to its d; b 337-10 man is in a d- as perfect as First D-: Depravity. " Guilty of liver-complaint in the first d-." guilty of benevolence in the first d-, are in the highest d- uncertain; the highest «• of human depravity. was possessed only in a limited d- Evil beliefs disappearing. DEGREE 106 DELUSIVE degree p 407-19 and ascend a d- in the scale of health, t 454- 6 The understanding, even in a d-, degrees pref ix-30 d- by which she came at length to the solution s 113- 5 but its spirit comes only in small d- /233- 9 b 297-25 327-31 p 407-30 deific b 334-24 336-22 r 482- 7 g 513- 2 513-12 514- 1 is seen and acknowledged only by d-. Human thoughts have their a- of comparison, by d- he will learn the nothingness of the All sin is insanity in different d-. but undying in the d- Mind. else Goa would . . . lose the d- character, where the d- meaning is required. for the claim usurps the d- prerogatives the motions and reflections of d- power _ could not by simulating rf- power ap 576-29 not yet elevated to d- apprenension deify / 251-31 and d- their own notions, deities g t/iA- 5 and in a thousand other so-called d-. Deity aline 88 of c 267- 5 The allness of D- is His oneness. a national o 41-31 enough for them to believe in a national 1> \ and humanity g 555-22 of both />• and humanity. applied to 8 116-26 person and personal . . . when applied to D-, o 345- 1 word Spirit is so commonly applied to D-, authority of o 357-14 the creativeness and authority of D-, bein^ and g 554- 7 being and D- are inseparable. conception of g 555-24 and set aside the proper conception of Z)-, conceptions of pr 3-17 How empty are our conceptions of /)•! constitute g 516- 5 Truth, and Love, which constitute />•, define gl 596- 3 Paganism and agnosticism may define Z>- as explains g .545- 1 Error . . . explains D' through mortal and faith in s 146- 7 faith in drugs the fashion, rather than faith in D: hieroglyphs of / 240- 7 The floral apostles are hieroglyphs of D-. humanization of g 517- 3 anthropomorphism, or a humanization of />•. human sense of ap 576-31 human sense of 2> yields to the divine sense, idea of b 339-21 has yielded to a more spiritual idea of D-, g 517-14 for Love imparts the clearest idea of D-. loves r 481- 9 Through . . . man comprehends and loves />•. misconceptions of sp 94-13 the misconceptions of D- there prevalent. name for b 332- 4 Father-Mother is the name for D-, perfection of g 546- 8 error would dethrone the perfection of /)•. seal of g 511-11 divine Science, which is the seal of Z)* sigrnifies r 466-20 Soul or Spirit signifles D- and nothing else. Spirit, or gl 588-23 if used with reference to Spirit, or />•. spiritual sense of ap 578- 3 the incorporeal or spiritual sense of D- : was satisfied g 519- 3 D- was satisfied with His work. wholeness of r 465-14 the nature, essence, and wholeness of />•. pr 12-27 Does D- interpose in behalf of one worshipper, s 111-15 physical hypotheses as to D-, c 255-12 to belittle />• with human conceptions. 259- 1 Man is not absorbed in 7>, 263- 3 originators of something which D- would not 26.5-11 by no means suggests man's absorption into />• b 284-15 Can D- be known through the material senses? 338-19 matter or dust was deemed the agent of £)• o 351-21 if we consider Satan . . . coequal in power with />, 357-27 Can I)- be almighty, if another mighty and r 470-27 and consequently a time when />• was 475-20 has not a smgle quality underived from D- ; g 517- 7 attempt to reduce />• to corporeality. 522- 9 as having broken away from Z>' Deity g 523-19 because D- therein is always called Jehovah, 531- 3 springs from dust instead of from />• 545-15 and do not accord infinity to JJ-. 550-24 An egg is an impossible enclosure for D-. because being is immortal, like !)■, D-, which outlines but is not outlined. 554- 6 gl 591-19 deity ph 186-31 g 524-17 delay p 407- 9 it enthrones matter as d-. Did the . . . infinite Principle become a finite d\, Every hour of d- makes the struggle more severe. 434- 2 " Jj- the execution; the prisoner is not guilty." delicious A d- perfume will seem intolerable. the wild animal, The name Eden, sniffs the wind with d\ means pleasure, d-. r 491- 2 delight p/t 179-18 g 526-30 delineate / 208-30 should d- upon it thoughts of health, delineates b 310- 3 fancies that it d- thought on matter, r 485-26 d- foreign agents, called disease and sin. delineations ph 198-11 and then fills in his d- with deliver pr 16-15 In the phrase, " />• us from evil," — Matt. 6 .• 13. 16-16 " /)• us from the evil one." 17- 8 but d- us from evil ; — Matt. 6 ; 13. a 22-20 Love is not hasty to d- us from temptation, s 151-14 Even this . . . would ultimately d- mankind p .391-23 your adversary will d- you to the judge 404-32 and so d- him from his destroyers. 405-11 They will d- you to the judge, 405-13 The judge will d- you to justice," ap 567- 3 These angels d- us from the depths. deliverance pre/ xi-19 d- to the captives [of sense], — Luke 4 ; 18. a 22-23 Final d- from error, whereby we / 224-30 power of God brings d- to tlie captive. delivered ■m 67-28 Man d- from sin, disease, and death ph 165- * d- them from their destructiotis.— Psal.Vn :W. / 243- 5 which a- men from the boiling oil, p 391- 4 Then, when thou art d- to the judgment up 562-23 and pained to be d •. — Rev. 12 .- 2. 562-25 waitmg to be d- of her sweet promise, 563-26 which was ready to be d, — Rev 12 ; 4. deliverer / 22G-32 trusting Truth, the strong d-, b 308-32 Then Jacob questioned his d', delivereth pr 17-10 but d- us from sin, disease, and death, delivering s 107- 9 p 440- 9 deluded 8 121-21 d- the judgment and induced false conclusions. delusion artifice and sp 83- 4 artifice and d- claimed that they could equal first gl 594- 7 the first d- that error exists as fact ; give up the ph 191- 4 As mortals give up the d- that g^reat ap 570-28 should also know the great d- of mortal mind, of uiaterial sense b 330-26 a d- of material sense, of suffering ph 184-24 by destroying the d- of suffering pure rtp 567-21 That false claim . . . is pure d-, the red dragon; religioas ph 166-13 Mohammedan's belief is a religious d- ; d- the children of men from every ill a verdict d- Mortal Man to Death. b 301-24 307- 1 31»- 1 323-26 o 348- 9 p 407-21 gl 593-12 delusions / 204-10 233-14 b 328-12 o 348-12 delusive sp 70- 3 2>, sin, disease, and death arise from d- that life and intelligence proceeded from The d- that there is life in matter the d- that there are other minds, one disease can be just as much a d- as another. If d- says, " I have lost my memory," d-; mortality; error. carries out the d- of sin, sickness, and death. error continues its d- until the Science, which destroys human d- d-, were cast out and the dumb spake. cannot inform us what is real and what is d-. DELUSIVE 107 DEMONSTRATED delusive / 237-32 249-11 demand awful b 308- 8 Christian a 37-32 m 66-22 Christ's a 22- 6 diviue / 253-32 b 329-23 eternal ffl 595-11 flrst r 467- 3 frivolous ph 195-30 its ph 199-11 moral »p 92-23 no p 435-22 perpetual c 255- 4 spiritual p 385- 8 hug false beliefs and suffer the d- consequences. Any other theory ... is d* and mythological. This awful d-. is met by the admission Why has this Christian d- so little inspiration if there is no Christian d- for it. Waking to Christ's d-, mortals experience divine d-, "Be ye therefore perfect," — AfaK. 5:48. Science is a divine d-, not a human. the eternal d- of divine Science. The first d- of this Science is, to meet a frivolous d- for amusement by reason of its d- for and supply of power. Until . . . the moral d- will not be met, no d-, human or divine, renders it just to the perpetual d- of Truth and Love, spiritual d-, . . . supplies energy and endurance a 22-11 the d- of Life and Love, m 65-18 human mind will at length d- a higher affec- tion. 8 152-32 signs, which d- different remedies; ph 179-13 creates a d- for that method, 183- 3 d- obedience to materialistic codes, b 308- 7 hide from the d-, "Where art thou?"— Ge«. 3. -9. p 386- 7 no such result occurs without mind to d- it ff 524-30 and eventually ejected at the d- of matter? demanded a 41-29 d- more than they were willing to practise. p 390-18 the last penalty «• by error. demanding- / 226- 9 d- that the fetters of sin, sickness, and demands acquiescence ivlth the a 48-27 acquiescence with the d- of Jesus' enemies. different m 59-12 the different d- of their united spheres, eternal ph 184-13 the only legitimate and eternal d- on man, he uttered the 6 314-27 he uttered the d- of its divine Principle, its / 233- 1 Every day makes its d- upon us its own r 489-14 to meet its own d\ meet the m 57-16 fame is incompetent to meet the d- of the c 257-25 to meet the d- of human want and woe, of Christian Science b 327-17 the Strict d- of C. S. seem peremptory; of corporeal sense p 380- 8 indulging the d- of corporeal sense, of divine Science a 38- 8 is broken by the d- of divine Science. / 241- 2 the d- of divine Science of God s 129-32 the d- of God must be met. ph 182- 5 The d- of God appeal to thought only; of Truth ph 170-14 The d- of Truth are spiritual, b 325-20 Paul had a clear sense of the d of Truth t 450-13 They do not . . . whine over the d- of Truth, spiritual r 483-10 not be ignorant of the moral and spiritual d- pr 3-15 d-absoluteconsecrationof thought, energy, and 11- 9 The moral law, . . . always d- restitution a 23-30 d- self-reliant trustworthmess, 40-25 d- that all men should follow the example sp 99- 5 to escape from sin, is what the Bible d-. 8 139-32 d- the remedy of Truth ph 183-21 rightly d- man's entire obedience, / 233- 6 d- of us only what we can certainly fulfil. 254-20 This task God d- us to accept lovingly c 256-19 Who is it that d- our obedience? 259-29 d- spiritual thoughts, divine concepts, 261-32 Good d- of man every hour, 343-23 Christendom generally d- so much less. r 467- 1 What are the d- of the Science of g 532-30 but now error d- that mind shall d-, insanity, inanity, devil, a disease which moderns would call d-. d-, hatred, or any other discord. as directly the action of mortal mind as is d- demands g 545-20 impudently d- a blessing. £// 592-15 justice d- penalties under the law. demarcation b 294-19 The lines of d- between g 505-21 Understanding is the line of d- ffl 586-16 line of d- between Truth and error, dematerialization / 211-29 only through d- and spiritual ization dematerialized / 211-27 then, when the body is d-, these faculties dementia b 330-31 p 411-14 414-14 423-29 demerit t 449-23 according to personal merit or d-, demerits o 344-16 rules which disclose its merits ord-, demigrods sp 84-10 controlled not by demons, spirits, or d-, demise g 543- 7 more beautifully apparent at error's d-. demon p 411-15 d-, or evil, replied that his name was Legion. demons • sp 84-10 controlled not by d-, spirits, or demigods, demonstrable sp 99- 3 ethics, and superstition afford no d- an 106-16 sanction only such methods as are d' 8 108- 6 unfolding to me the d- fact that 111- 2 and the d- truths of C. S. ; 112- 4 C. S. is d-. Mind's control over the universe, ... is d- Truth is d- when understood, the opponents of a d- Science it is d- that the way to cure the patient V 487-20 is founded on Science or d- Truth, g 546-29 it cures on a divine d- Principle demonstrably 8 134-21 The true Logos is d- C. S., b 337-31 you ascertain that this Science is d- true, demonstrate 19-24 Those who cannot d-, at least in part, that they might d- this power as he did and could d- the Science of Love to d- his divine Principle, much less can they d- it. its rules d- its Science, when you can d- the actuality of Science. 141-23 they cannot d- God's healing power. 147- 2 This system enables the learner to d 149-31 dismiss superstition, and d- truth 150-14 these signs are only to d- its divine origin, 162-28 to d- the higher rule. ph 182-26 ability to d- Mind's sacred power. / 217-24 you will be able to d- this control. 254-18 not the power to d- what we do not b 274-12 and they d- Truth and Life. 283-29 unless we so do, we can no more d- 285-30 will seek to learn, . . . how to d- the Christ, 315-22 enabled him to d- the facts of being, o 352- 2 to d- His power to heal, .S53-31 Mortal beliefs can neither d- Christianity nor 355-25 a consequent inability to d- this Science, and do not d- the facts it involves, to know it, he must d- his statement. Such a practice does not d- the Science or he cannot d- the divine Principle, is the one most difficult to understand and d; _-_ _ any student, . . . can d- C. S., 462-13 Whoever would d- the healing of C. S. r 466-29 Christianity will d- this declaration 482-22 enabled Jesus to d- his control over matter. 493-15 enables the healer to d- . . . the Principle 496-17 enables you to d-, with scientific certainty, g 539-28 more than human power to ... d* the one Mind demonstrated pre/ ix-23 this Science must be d- by healing, o 18- 3 taught and d- man's oneness with the Father, 24-28 affection and goodness it d- for mankind. 25-18 he d- more spiritually than all others 30-22 d- throughout the whole earthly career of Jesus, 41-20 or d- the divine healing of absolute Science. 44- 4 and the supremacy of Spirit be d-. 45- 6 Our Master fully and finally d- divine Science 54- 2 he d- the divine Life. sp 77-11 Then, and not until then, will it be d- 93- 3 Jesus, who . . . d- the power of Spirit 8 109- 8 its divine Principle is d- by healing the sick 110-17 afterwards the truth of C. S. was a-. ph 171-13 b 323-15 o 344-12 p 417-23 25-25 30- 3 51-22 98-14 8 111-13 130- 8 sp p 429-26 t 447-32 452-26 466-20 460-12 462- 5 DEMONSTRATED 108 DEMONSTRATION demonstrated 8 110-24 will forever remain to be discerned and d-. 110-25 Jesus d- the power of C. S. 110-28 spiritually discerned, taught, and d- 115- 7 any reader, who has not personally d- C. S. 126-24 I have d- through Mind the effects of Truth 130-11 if Science, when understood and (/•, will 146-24 the divine origin of Science is d- 147- 6 I d- the divine rules of C. S. 149- 1 our great Master d- that Truth could save 149-13 because you have not d- the life of Christ, 150- 4 the healing power of Truth is widely d- ph 177- 4 I have d- this beyond all cavil. 180-29 as taught and d- by Christ Jesus. 184-23 I have d- this as a rule of divine Science 193-32 It has been d- to me that Life is God / 201- 2 d- by the destruction of sin, sickness, and 230-10 the divine Principle, Love, as d- by Jesus. 244- 5 On their basis Jesus d- Life, b 271-15 the divine Science, which their Master d* 272-31 C. S., as d- by Jesus, 274-16 Jesus d- this great verity. 283-25 practically d- in length of days, 289- 1 Truth d- is eternal life. 306- 6 and d- this beyond cavil. 316- 8 Christ, Truth, was d- through Jesus 321-19 It was scientifically d- that leprosy 321-30 the Science of being was d- by Jesus, 323-16 good is not understood until a-. 325-29 the divine Science . . . will be understood and d\ • 330-10 infallibility of divine metaphysics will be d: 332-19 Jesus d- Christ; 833-12 d- in the life of which Christ Jesus was o 341-15 d- according to a divine given rule, 346-11 its nothingness is not saved, but must be d- 350-26 before the Science of being can be d-. 360-30 for the truth he spoke and d-, p 369- 9 d- in healing the sick, raising the dead, 406- 8 the power of God is understood and d- 430- 2 Jesus d- this, healing the dying r 472- 3 God is to be understood, adored, and d- ; 494-11 to imagine that Jesus d- . . . only for a 494-16 Jesus «• the inability of corporeality, 495- 5 hence its healing power is not fully d\ 497-17 as d- by the Galflean Prophet g 547- 2 A simple statement of C. S., if d- by heal- ing, ap 559-15 Then is the power of Truth d-, 564-19 Until the majestj^ of Truth should be d- 572-13 this divine Principle, understood and d-, gl 593-21 understood and d- as supreme over all ; demonstrates a 26-19 musician d- the beauty of the music 42-25 This d- that in C. S. the true man vp 85- 3 which d- the capacity of Soul, an 103-14 is of God and d- the divine Principle, 8 147-31 divine Principle of goodness and d- its rules. b 294-31 Truth d- the falsity of error. 306- 7 Life d- Life. 337-14 C. S. d- that none but the pure in heart 337-18 d- Life in Christ, Life's spiritual ideal. 339-12 Science d- the unreality of evil, 340-17 my favorite text. It d- C. S. 340-22 by which man d- health, holiness, and life o 343-17 he also scientifically d- this great fact, 351- 4 divine Principle which d- C. S., p 372-14 When man d- C. S. absolutely, 375-11 d- that divine Mind heals, 405-20 d- the government of God, g 505-23 and d- the divine sense, demonstratiu g* pr 5-2 keeps him from d- his power over error. a 25-22 Though d* his control over sin and disease, 29-23 d- God as the Father of men. 43-23 but he was d- divine Science. 44-29 d- within the narrow tomb the power of Spirit tp 97-29 Christianity is again d- the Life that 8 117-17 and d- Life and Truth in himself 137- 1 teaching and d- the truth of being. 147-27 but he left no definite rule for d- this / 224-22 d- justice and meeting the needs of mortals 232-16 Christianity is again a- the power of 254-14 to begin aright and to continue the strife of d* 6 314- 8 d- the existence of but one Mind 315-32 Explaining and d- the way of divine Science, o 351-25 d* the all-inclusiveness of harmonious Truth. t 456-12 Principle and method of d- C. S. 456-32 it gave the first rules for d- this Science, r 492-28 d- harmony and immortality. 496-11 d- the healing power of Truth and Love ? g 519-14 d- its spiritual origin. demonstrati on actual pr 14- 7 the actual d- and understanding of Life demonstration alike in s 135-25 and they are alike in d-. and spiritual understanding: o 355-27 d- and spiritual understanding are . . . keynotes, ansivered by pref viii-13 question, What is Truth, is answered by d-, begin the / 246-28 We Should find this out, and begin the d- Christian s 141- 4 More than profession is requisite for Chris- tian d-. earlier s 150-11 now, as in the time of its earlier d-, fatal to its s 129-19 and fatal to its d- ; final a 43-17 final d- of the truth which Jesus taught, 46-26 his final d-, called the ascension, 48-30 hastening the final d- of what life is 53-30 nor had he risen to his final d- p 429- 6 The final d- takes time for its accomplish- ment. ground of a 28-11 is more on the ground of d- than higher in a 43-21 Jesus rose higher in d- because of highest a 50-15 Had . . . Love forsaken him in his highest d- ? his a 26-25 his d- of power over death. 31-18 following his d- so far as we apprehend it, b 309-13 followed his d- of the power of Spirit 312-31 and his d- of divine Principle 314-25 The higher his d- of divine Science t 446-16 or his a- is protracted, dangerous, and 460- 1 and rest his d- on this sure oasis. instead of b 286- 5 and so depend upon belief instead of d; its s 111-27 and its d- in healing the sick, / 241-30 approaching spiritual Life and its d*. r 483-17 to battle over this issue and its d-, ap 561-18 divinity embracing humanity in Life and its d; judgment and t 455-19 may be mistaken in judgment and d-, lesser s 108-14 and the lesser d- to prove the greater, limited m 67-25 the limited d- of popular Christianity mar the s 139-24 could neither . . . mar the d- of Jesus, nor my s 109- 1 led up to my d- of the proposition of Christian healing / 238-32 lodestar in the d- of Christian healing, of Christianity / 228-30 when they saw the d- of Christianity of Christian Science t 445- 7 to hinder the d- of C. S. of divine Love 8 135-28 but it was the d* of divine Love of divine power a 27- 7 Tell John what the d- of divine power is, of divine Principle b 312-31 and his d- of divine Principle of divine Science b 314-25 The higher his d- of divine Science gl 583-17 and the d- of divine Science, of eternal Life b 279-20 d- of eternal Life and Truth and Love. of healing a 41-17 this d- of healing was early lost, of life a 45-19 through the revelation and d- of life in God, / 214- 7 nor been guided into the d- of life eternal. b 278-24 the d- of life as Spirit, of po'wer pr 10-11 the unction of Spirit in d- of power a 26-25 and of his d- of power over death. of Science b 273-27 His acts were the d- of Science, of scientific being / 233-11 the d- of scientific being, of Spirit pr 14- 5 in the d- of Spirit. of the divine nature pr 4-23 through d- of the divine nature; of the facts p 428- 3 A d- of the facts of Soul in Jesus' way of thlH Science t 457-23 and advance rapidly in the d- of this Science, of Truth pr 2-17 Goodness attains the d- of Truth. a 37-24 the d- of Truth and Life, of health and holinesa t 445-12 spiritual understanding and d- of Truth DEMONSTRATION 109 DEPART demonstration possible t 456-15 separates himself . . . from its possible (/•. present s 123-24 The proof, by present d-, that the proof and o 342- 2 The hour has struck when proof and d-, reason, and s 109-21 through divine revelation, reason, and «-. reflection and / 241-20 the reflection and d- of divine Love, rules for the s 113- 2 rules for the d- of this divine Principle. Science and / 243- 2 the Science and d- of spiritual good scientiflc sp 99-23 the scientific d- of divine Spirit s 142-21 The strong cords of scientific d\, b 326- 2 A false sense . . . conceals scientific d\ p 376-32 to paralyze mental and scientific d-. t 448-25 must always hinder scientific d-. Scientist's t 457-29 The Scientist's d- rests on one Piinciple, subject to o 361-25 must be correct . . . and subject to d-. teaching and b 270-18 nature of the teaching and d- of God, their a 26- 8 in proportion to their d- of his love, s 112-18 spiritual rules, laws, and their d-, this pref viii-14 this d- shows that Christian healing o 346-17 How then can this d- be thought and c 259-14 the basis of thought and d-. t 456-24 and abide by the divine Principle of your d-. r 483-11 Moral ignorance or sin affects your a-, zenith of , . ^ j ap 565-26 impelled the idea to rise to the zenith of a-, pr 16- 3 The highest prayer ... is d-. a 25-13 Jesus taught the way of Life by d-, 34- 6 If Christ, Truth, has come to us in d-, 34- 7 for d- is Iminaiuiel, or God with us , sp 94- 8 with the d- which accompanied it, 98-16 d- of Christian Mind-healing stands s 135-30 not merely in the name of Christ, . . . but in d- 147- 9 under circumstances where d- was 147-18 the d- of the rules of scientific healing / 226-16 in d- of " on earth peace, — Luke 2 : 14. 239- 1 the d- by which sin and sickness are destroyed. b 270-19 the d- which was to destroy sin, 274-25 establishing it by d\ 290- 3 If the Principle, rule, and d- of man's being 329-13 We must prove our faith by d-. t 455-10 and support your claims by d-. r 473-26 Jesus established what he said by d-, gl 592-12 a type of moral law and the d- thereof; demonstrations ancient / 243-12 the ancient d- of prophets and apostles, liis c 266-23 his d-, which dominate the flesh. Jesus' / 210- 6 are set forth in Jesus' d-, b 269- 5 Jesus' d- sift the chaff from the wheat, marvellous g 540- 1 and was the basis of his marvellous d: natural 8 131-28 natural d- of the divine power, of Jesus s 122- 9 practically exposed ... by the d- of Jesus; / 243- 8 It crowned the d- of Jesus with simple p 429- 5 We must begin, . . . with the more simple d- a 47- 2 discernment of Jesus' teachings and d-, 8 126-28 the teachings and d- of our great Master 131-28 d- which were not understood. ;; 549- 8 give place to higher theories and d-. demonstratively o 358-10 sustains logically and d- every point demonstrator a '42-15 The resurrection of the great d- 48-19 great d- of Truth and Love was silent 49-14 The meek d- of good, b 329-10 Be thankful that Jesus, who was the true d- of demoralization s 133-15 when they departed from . . . their d- began. demoralized p 407-26 the perfect model . . . instead of its d- opposite. demoralizes g 533-14 beguiles the woman and d- the man. den p 365-28 convert into a d- of thieves g 514-27 Daniel felt safe in the lions' d-, 549-26 and beards the lion of materialism in its d\ denial evoked sp 94-19 His healing-power evoked (?■, ingratitude, of Truth p 372-27 In C. S., a d- of Truth is fatal, g 542-11 The avoidance of j ustice and the d- of truth tend sp 91-17 d- of material selfhood aids the discernment s 134-17 />• of the possibility of Christian healing ph 184- 9 casting out by d- the error of belief / 205-29 B- of the oneness of Mind " Z>- of the claims of matter is a great step d- of the fulness of God's creation; 242- 5 gl 590-12 denials s 113-22 p 394-19 denied S 130-18 / 227- Which of the d- in proposition four is true? their cf • are better than their aflirmations. these material beliefs must be d- and cast out claims of the enslaving senses must be d- o 342-18 Shall it be d- that a system which r 479-28 So evil should be d- identity or power, denies 8 120-23 and thus Science d- all disease, ph 168-18 Are we to believe an authority which d' b 318-22 The Science of Mind d- the error of 329-19 and d- the rule of the problem r 492-25 Science of Mind, which d- this notion. gl 580-28 An adversary is one who opposes, d-, disputes, denominated pre/ viii-27 the discovery of the system that she d- C. S. denomination o 360-31 can unite in doctrine and d' denominator 7 540- 9 reducing it to its common d-, nothingness. Expose and d- the claims of evil and disease /232 b 270 denounce t 447-20 dense c 263-30 A sensual thought, ... is d- blindness denunciation o 341-18 misrepresentation and d- cannot overthrow it. denunciations o 342-31 no d- would follow them, even if g 522-22 God's glowing d- of man when not found in deny pr 6- 2 The Scriptures say, that if we d- Christ, 6- 2 " he also will d- us." — 11 Tim. 2 ; 12. 15-18 we must d- sin and plead God's allnesR. a 54-32 Would they not d- him even the rights of hu- manity, s 111-10 some may d- its right to the name of Science. 113-19 Life, God, omnipotent good, d- death, evil, 113-20 Disease, sin, evil, death, d- good, 132-11 any one who should not d- that ph 189- 8 mortals should no more d- the power of C. S. 189-11 than they should d- the existence of the sunlight 232-11 i)revalent theories practically d- this, 270-10 Few d- the hypothesis that 309-22 led to d- material sense, or mind in matter, o 348-16 I d- His cooperation with evil, 354- 8 Whv do they use this phraseology, and yet d* C.'S., 357-15 to d- that God made man evil p 368-29 />• the existence of matter, and 371-25 we should not d- our need of its spiritual 3?2-25 " Whosoever shall d- me — Matt. 10 .• 33. 372-26 him will I also d- before my — Afatt. 10 ; 33. 380-10 and d- the power of Mind to heal. 390- 4 We cannot d- that Life is self-sustained, 390- 5 never d- the everlasting harmony of Soul, 395- 2 They admit . . . whereas they should d- it. 412-11 call the disease by name when you mentally d- it; t 450-32 who will d- that these are the errors which 453- 1 You do not d- the mathematician's right g 546-26 though the darkness, . . . may d- their reality. denying a 53-23 weep over the warning, instead of d- the truth s 122-19 d- the testimony of the senses, by . . . d- man's God-given ability to You conquer error by d- its verity. the sad effects on the sick of d- Truth. divine authority for d- that necessity D- justice to the body, ph 182-25 b 339-32 o 342- 7 p 390-25 434-32 depart a 41- 6 8 112- 5 we must d- from material sense Those who d- from this method o 352-28 terror of ghosts will d- and health be restored. DEPART 110 DERIVED depart p 363-14 detect the woman's immoral status and bid her d', r 475-29 The real man cannot d- from holiness, departed sp 72-25 may flow from the d- to mortals ; 77-19 Of what advantage, ... to us, or to the d-, 77-25 The (/• would gradually rise above ignorance 77-30 chances of the d- for improvement 78- 9 If the (/■ are in rapport with mortality, 82- 9 If spiritual life has been won by the «•, 82-18 even if our d- friends were near us 88-31 said to be . . . received from . . . d- spirits. 88-32 the belief that a d- spirit is speaking, s 133-14 but when they d- from the true idea, b 321-11 handle the serpent, and then Moses' fear d*. p 419-27 has d- from the divine Principle of departingr sp 75-32 the d- may hear the glad welcome of 76- 1 The ones a- may whisper this vision, 8 111- 8 though d- from the realm of the physical, ph 183- 3 thus d- from the basis of one God, t 457-24 £)■ from C. S., some learners commend diet and department t 462-19 as they usually do in every d- of life. departments ph 197-17 d- of knowledge now broadcast in the earth, departs 8 112-23 Any theory of C. S., which d- from 142-30 d- from the nature and character of Mind, g 547- 5 not one d- from the stated system and rule. departure a 43- 2 they did understand it after his bodily d-. sp 91- 7 great point of d- for all true spiritual growth. / 213-11 Every step towards goodness is a d- from o 312-10 death is the d- of a mortal's mind, 312-12 belief of that mortal . . . occasioned his d- ; depend a 44-14 He did not d- upon food or pure air ph 168-12 and d- upon them to heal you, 181-18 not sufficiently spiritual to d- on Spirit. f 228-21 we shall never d- on bodily conditions, 286- 5 and so d- upon belief instead of demonstra- tion, p 409-28 will not d- on it after death. 422-17 causing it to d- less on material evidence. ap 569-27 periods of torture . . . must d- upon sin's obdu- racy. dependence s 152-23 Every material d- had failed her ph 168-14 through just this false method and d-. c 262- 2 Consecration to good does not lessen man's d- dependency b 335- 5 would reduce God to d- on matter, dependent sp 84-20 not d- u|M)n the ear and eye for sound or sight 89-18 Mind is not necessarily d- upon s 160- 9 motion of the arm is no more d- upon ph 170-29 but in either case d- upon his 6 292-17 so-called life of mortals is d- on matter. 311- 3 rf" on matter for manifestation, p 401-21 medicine is d- upon mental action. r 489-17 How can man, ... be d- on material means ff 509- 3 d- upon no material organization. depending b 314-29 those who, d- on doctrines and material laws depends sp 81-28 man's immortality d- upon that of God, 95-15 d- upon his genuine spirituality. ph 192-22 Your influence for good d- upon 6 296-20 d- upon the tenacity of error. p 383-32 notion that health d- on inert matter 393-26 certainly means that light d- upon Mind, no right to say that life (/• on matter d- on mentally destroying all belief in 409-27 418- 3 depict c 260- 4 or the painter can d- the form and face of Jesus, g 537-20 this second account ... is to d- the falsity of ap 568- 8 The following chapters d- the fatal effects of depicts 6 319- 3 Science d- disease as error, ap 571-25 In signiflcant figures he d- the thoughts depleted p 416-25 the mental process by which they are d-, depletion 1) 374- 2 Anodynes, counter-irritants, and d- deplorably .s 143- 8 The sick are more d- lost than the sinning, if deplore ph 195-24 barbarisms of learning which we d-. deport w 67-13 ph 180-11 deposed p 436- 2 d- that he was an eye-witness deposit m 63-31 p 373-25 depraved s 115-22 d- will, self-justiflcation, pride, envy, ph 188- 8 Passion, d- appetites, dishonesty, p 406-28 The d- appetite for alcoholic drinks, so d- that they appear to be innocent. Thus should we d- ourselves on the Physicians should not d- themselves as if allowed to . . . hold real estate, d- funds, decomposition, or d- will abate. t 450- 5 depraving- / 226- 4 depravity s 115-20 ph 195-27 up 564-18 under more subtle and d- forms. First Degree: D\ impossible ideals, and specimens of d', the highest degree of human d-. depredations r 490- 4 this belief commits d- on harmony. depress p 394- 6 majority of doctors d- mental energy, / depressed p 420-18 The fact . . . reassures d- hope. depressing s 109-16 The search was sweet, . . . not selfish nor d: p 384- 3 relieve our minds from the d- thought depression gi 596-20 Valley. D-; meekness; darkness. deprivations ph 172-31 teaching us by his very d-. Constant toil, d-, exposures, and p 385-15 deprive o 358- 2 ap 565-12 deprived sp 98-29 / 215-13 6 304-10 p 403-19 Can a leaden bullet d- a man of Life, and d- Herod of his crown. r 490-13 deprives pr 7- 6 8 143-22 depth b 304- 7 g 520- 3 depths an 105-27 / 213-30 are not d- of their essential vitality, is never for an instant d- of the light and Love cannot be d- of its manifestation, d- of its imaginary powers by Truth, 435-35 liberty of which he has been unjustly d-. 440-32 the rights of which he has been d-. mortals are more or less d- of Truth. d- material sense of its false claims. d- you of the available superiority of divine Mind. nor height, nor d-, — Bom. 8 .• 39. The d, breadth, height, might, majesty. down to the d- of ignominy and death. Before human knowledge dipped to its d' h 292- 5 compass the heights ana d- of being ap 567- 3 These angels deliver us from the d\ De Quincey s 113-14 De Q- says mathematics has not a derange p 414-10 impossibility that matter, brain, can . mind, deranged p 421- 4 belief that other portions . . . are d-. derangement p Si- 4 />•,... is a word which conveys the 423-27 abnormal condition or d- of the body deran gements p 389- 9 Matter does not inform you of bodily d* ; ilereiiction g 533-16 charges God and woman with his own d-. mocked him on the cross, saying d-, derisively a 49-29 - this temple [body], — John 2 ; 19. 53-27 and could d- those errors ; S2} 73-30 This error Science will d\ 78-17 would d- the supremacy of Spirit. 81-27 cannot d- the divine Principle of Science. 85-12 and discern the error you would d-. 89- 9 JJ- her belief in outside aid, an 104-23 hypnotizer employs one error to d- another. 105-29 " Whom the gods would d-, they first make mad." s 118-11 It must d- the entire mass of error, 123- 2 will surely (/• the greater error 130-12 and demonstrated, will d- all discord. 139- 3 theology which the impious sought to d-. 146- 8 By trusting matter to a- its own discord, ph 181-12 You weaken or d- your power 186-19 The only power of evil is to d- itself. 186-20 It can never d- one iota of good. 186-21 Every attempt of evil to d- good is a failure, 196-11 able to d- both soul and body — Matt. 10 • 28. 196-24 help to abate sickness and to d- it. / 203- 6 shows that matter cannot . . . create nor d\ 216-13 begins at once to d- the errors 217-27 and so d- this illusion, 222-32 We must d- the false belief that 230- 3 Would you attempt ... to rf- a quality 231-19 beliefs which divine Truth and Love d-. 232-20 or that they could • this temple [body], — ^oAm 2.19. If sickness is true . . . you cannot d- can d- any painful sense of, or belief in, will soon ascertain that error cannot d- error, will d- the dream of existence, will struggle to d- the spiritual idea of Love; Let Truth uncover and d- error No mortal mind has the might ... to d*. so improve material belief ... as to d' helps error to d- error. Science is able to d- this lie, called evil, this revelation will d- forever the comes to the flesh to d- incarnate error. d- the unrest of mortal thought, Sin is forgiven only as it is d- by Christ, belief in material fife and sin is d-. Wrath which is only appeased is not d-. The I ... is not in "matter to be d-. We must have trials . . . until all error is d: was d- by his death. If . . . omnipresent Spirit would be d: and the belief . . . will be d\ this latter evidence is d- by Mind-science. Before error is wholly d-, having been d- by divine Love, Astronomical science has d- the false theory When once d- by divine Science, except, indeed, that it has already d- if the error of belief was met and d- both must be d- by immortal Mind. overtaxed the belief . . . and d- it, last enemy that shall be d," — / Cor. 15:26. proved that matter has not d- them, not d- in the mind of mortals, but seem by the power of Spirit, as Jesus d- them. by which sin and sickness are d\ The belief in sin and death is d- by the Every object in material thought will be rf-, DESTROYED 113 DETAIL destroyed b '274-29 formed only to be d- in a manner . . . unknown. 290-16 If the change called death d- the belief 292- 1 When the last mortal fault is d-, 294-17 d- by Truth through spiritual sense 297-12 Erroneous belief is d- by truth. 311-13 Evil is d- by the sense of good. 320-31 if disease and worms d- his body, 321-14 serpent, . . . was d- through understanding 328- 9 These errors are not thus really d-, 338- 8 error which must be d- by Truth. 339- 3 Being rf*, sin needs no other form of forgiveness. 340-29 leaves nothing that can ... be punished or d-. o 352-28 If belief in their reality is d-, p 369-21 man has not two lives, one to be d- 379-32 is d- through Science, 381-13 The so-called laws of mortal belief are d- by 389-11 pseudo-mental testimony can be d- only by 400- 2 When disease is once d- in 400-27 must be d- bv the divine Mind 406-29 d- only by Mind's mastery of the body. 411-19 caused the evil to be self-seen and so d-. 411-22 false sense mentally entertained, not d-. 418-16 one disease would be as readily d- as another. 421-20 and when the fear is (/•, 426-32 The human concepts . . . are all that can be d-. 427-19 last enemy that shall be d- — / Cor. 16 : 26. t 452-32 the wrong power would be d-. 461-30 you will not feel it, and it is d: r 488-30 but they cannot be disturbed nor d-, ffl 593-22 sin, sickness, and death d-. destroyer a 48-14 exalting ordeal of sin's revenge on its d-? p 435-16 a d- of Mortal Man's liberty destroyers J) 4(H-32 and so deliver him from his d-. destroying pr 6-12 is the means of d- sin. 10-13 overcoming . . . and thus d- all error. a 40-12 God's method of d- sin. 8 157- 3 mental cause in judging and d- disease. 160- 1 should address himself to the work of d- it ph 171-16 and d- the foundations of death. 184-24 by d- the delusion of suffering / 210- 8 casting out evils, and d- death, 241-21 healing sickness and d- sin. 245- 2 the benefits of d- that illusion, 248-10 and d- the woes of sense b 316-11 healing sickness and d- sin. 332-15 d- sin, disease, and death. 339- 5 Does not God's pardon, d- any one Sin, p 368-19 liealing the sick and d- error. 369- 2 and this hinders his d- them. 379-22 her belief that blood is d- her life. 401- 8 which you impart mentally while d' error, 401- 9 (as when an alkali is d- an acid), 401-17 d- erroneous mortal belief. 404-11 d- the wicked motives which produce them. 418- 3 d- all belief in material pleasure or pain. 422-10 which Truth often brings to error when d- it. t 446-14 d- his own power to heal and his own health. 461-23 to recognize your sin, aids in d- it. 463-23 is the first step towards d- error. r 473-14 and d' the power of death. ap 565-26 d- sin, sickness, and death, gl 581-10 understanding of Spirit, d- belief in matter. 589-17 d- error and bringing to light man's destroys pr 1.5-13 divine Principle, Love, which d- all error. a 23-10 an error of sinful sense which Truth d-, 26-26 He proved by his deeds that C. S. d- sickness, 36-32 the law of righteousness which d- the sp 72-10 As light d- darkness 72-12 Truth d- mortality, and brings 84-24 f^ the belief of spiritualism at its very 91-19 d- the erroneous knowledge gained from 98- 6 Christianity which heals the sick and d- error, 8 128-25 d' with the higher testimony of Spirit 130- 8 divine Science, which d- all'discord, 143- 1 Truth d- only what is untrue. 157-31 Science both neutralizes error and d- it. ph 171-29 The opposite truth, . . . d- sin, sickness, 172-26 If . . . the surgeon d- manhood, 182-10 for one absolutely d- the other, 186- 5 C. S. d- material beliefs / 203-14 d- reliance on aught but God, 206-27 d- them, and brings to light immortality. 216- 8 Truth . . . d- error. 223-30 but the awful daring of sin d- sin, 231- 4 If God d- not sin, sickness, and death, they 233-22 the spiritual idea which corrects and rf* them. 243-31 They are inharmonies which Truth d-. 252-10 understanding of Truth which rf- error, 6 275-27 It d- the false evidence that misleads destroys b 276-26 The latter d- the former. 286-30 But by this saying error, the lie, d- itself. 288-31 d- what mortals seem to have learned 289-16 a mortal belief, or error, which Truth d- 292- 8 only as it d- all error and 293- 6 material mindlessness, . . . d- itself. 299-24 Truth never d- (iod's idea. 305-26 d- all error and brings immortality to light. 315-23 spiritual Truth d- material error, 323-27 The true idea of God ...(/• mortality. 328-11 d- human delusions about Him 339- 2 Divine Life d- death. Truth d- error, 339- 3 and Love d- hate. o 346-15 Disbelief in error d- error, 347-24 Christ, Truth, who d- these evils, 350-30 Soul rebukes sense, and Truth d- error. 358- 1 axe, which d- a tree's so-called life, p 395-12 faith in God d- all faith in sin 420- 1 nor go from one part to another, for Truth d- 422-20 Thus C. S d- sin and death. t 4.52-14 withhold not the . . . explanation which d- error 462-28 Acting from sinful motives d- your power 454- 6 d- fear, and plants the feet in the true path, r 472-11 His law, rightly understood, d- them. 474-31 Truth d- falsity and error, 483-18 heals the sick, d- error, and 485-22 error which Christ, or Truth, d- ff 556- 7 d- forever all belief in intelligent matter. ap 561- 3 d- both faith in evil and the destructible o 360- 7 renders these ideals imperfect and d-; destruction attempt the a 61-9 to attempt the d- of the mortal body element of ph 196-10 sin is the only element of d\ error's o 357-12 and error's d- ensured; final b 339- 6 and involve the final d- of all sin? of all evil works pr 5-31 seek the d- of all evil works, of error sp 91-13 The d- of error is by no means the o 272-26 triumphs of C. S. are recorded in the d- of error 329-26 pardon of divine mercy is the d- of error, r 474-24 hallowing influence of'Truth in the d- of error, ap 559-16 made manifest in the d- of error. of evil a 63-24 sacrifice which goodness makes for the d- of evil. of sin pr 5-20 the d- of sin through suffering. / 201- 2 the d- of sin, sickness, and death. 233- 3 proofs . . . in the rf- of sin, sickness, and 233-19 compass the d- of sin and sickness b 291- 4 aught but the d- of sin, a39- 1 d- of sin is the divine method of pardon, r 497-10 God's forgiveness of sin in the d- of sin pangs of 296-20 how long they will suffer the pangs of d-, ripe for ap 565- 4 against spirituality, and ripe for d: that wasteth m 56-17 d- that wasteth at noonday." — Paal. 91 ; 6. sp 91-14 is by no means the d- of Truth or Life, 97-17 the riper it becomes for d-. an 103- 6 The d- of the claims of mortal mind ph 173-16 For positive Spirit to . . . would be Spirit's d: 194-10 D- of the auditory nerve / 219-19 d- of the belief will be the removal of its effects. t 451-13 the way, that leadeth to d-, — Matt. 7; 13. gl 586-13 remorse; lust; hatred; d-; 597-29 2>-; anger; mortal passions. destructions ph 165- * delivered them from their d-. — Psal. 107 .• 20. destructive sp 93-17 /)• electricity is not the offspring of 97-11 The more d- matter becomes, / 210-32 it is without a d- element. b 273-31 atmosphere of mortal mind cannot be d- t 445-25 The human will ... is d- to health, a 545-17 false view, d- to existence and happiness. desultory o 354-15 to cleave to barren and d- dogmas, detach c 261-21 /)• sense from the body, or matter, t 463- 8 you should so d- mortal thought from its detached o 341- 5 criticisms are generally baaed on d- senteDces detail pre/ x-14 or treat in full d- so infinite a theme. DETAILS 114 DEW details ph 196-23 forcible descriptions and medical d-, detect , , . ^ » 363-13 d- the woman's . . . status and bid her depart, 363-26 did his insight d- this unspoken moral uprising ? t 447-25 To put down the claim of sin, you must d- it, d etected c 267-19 more than is d- upon the surface, ap 567-29 d- and killed by innocence, the Lamb of Love. detection / 252-20 elude d- by smooth-tongued villainy. detective t 449-24 a good d- of individual character. detectives p 439-31 We send our best d- to whatever locality deter t 443- 6 tends to d- those, who make such a deterioration ff 533-22 the rapid d- of the bone and flesh determination a 28- 6 d- to hold Spirit in the grasp of matter p 437- 7 It indicates ... a d- to condemn Man determine ph 173- 3 or d- when man is really man determined s 161-28 even if it were not already d- by mortal mind. determines sp 86-23 Education alone d- the difference. ph 167- 8 d- the harmony of our existence, 186- 7 the thoroughness of this work d- health. 194- 7 and d- a case for better or for worse. / 254-22 the spiritual which d- the outward and actual. p 403-27 The human mind d- the nature of a case, g 508-13 God d- the gender of His own ideas. dethrone p 378-23 to dispute the empire of Mind or to d* g 546- 7 would d- the perfection of Deity. dethrones 8 148-25 Physiology exalts matter, d- Mind, and detracts h 283-22 so d- from God's character and nature, detrimental t 446-28 d- to health and integrity of thought. develop pre/ viii- 4 To d- the full might of this Science, ph 199-15 Mortals d- their own bodies g 557- 4 learn how to d- their children properly developed a 29-29 though at first faintly d-. an li>5-22 "Whoever uses his d- mental powers like an ph 198- 7 which has already d- the disease 198-30 muscles of the blacksmith's arm are strongly d-, p 416-19 and been d- according to it, g 550- 9 nor can Spirit be d- through its opposite. developing c 258-13 forever d- itself, broadening and p 381- 5 or that some disease is d- in the system, development explanation and an 102-26 not . . . an easy explanation and d*. greater sp 82-32 hastening to a greater d- of power, hour of c 266-10 When this hour of d* comes, man's ph 172- 3 Theorizing about man's d- from of disease p 400-15 and you prevent the d- of disease. opposite sp 88-22 Excite the opposite d-, and he blasphemes. precedes the g 553-32 which precedes the d- of that belief. prevent the p 391-12 you can prevent the d* of pain in the body. spiritual Tw. 60-11 Spiritual d- germinates not from g 547-27 not in material history but in spiritual d-. this ph 199-17 whether this d- is produced consciously or g 530- 2 In this d\ the immortal, spiritual law ph 173-23 189-28 / 244-31 p 392-19 403-31 419-17 gl 588- 7 develops 8 128-15 according to the d- of the cranium ; the d- of embryonic mortal mind everlasting {rranrteur and immortality of d*, liable to the d- of that thought mental conception and d- of disease lest aught unfit for d- enter thought, the d- of eternal Life, Truth, and Love. d- the latent abilities of man. develops / 202-21 earthly experience d- the flnity of error r 489-11 as consciousness d-, this belief goes out, deviations g 502- 7 mortal d- and inverted images devil cast out the s 135-15 When Christ cast out the d- of dumbness, flesh, and the o 354- 5 " the world, the flesh, and the d- " hast a sp 70-* Now we k7iow that thou hast ad- . — Johnii:^^. is come down ap 568-21 the d is come down unto you, — Uev, 12 .- 12. knoweth ap 569-23 for the d- knoweth his time is short. or evil r 469-16 d- or evil — is not Mind, personal o 351-19 a personal d- and an anthropomorphic God Tvorks of the pr 5-30 " destroy the ivorks of the d-." — / Jo/in 3 ; 8. r 474-31 " destroy the works of the d\" — I John 3 ; 8. s 135-16 when the d- was gone out, — Lvke 11 ; 14. 6 292-22 Ye are of your f atlier, the d- — John 8 ; 44. 330-31 dementia, insanity, inanity, d-, t 450- 4 belief ... in a natural, all-powerful d-. g 539- 2 In the words of Jesus, it (evil, d-) is 554-23 and one of you is a d-." — John 6 .• 70. 554-25 Jesus never intimated that God made a d*, 554-26 " Ye are of your father, the d-." — John 8 ; 44, ap 563-19 serpent, whose name is d- or evil, 567-15 that old serpent, called the d-, — Rev. 12 ; 9. 567-19 that old serpent whose name is d- (evil), gl 580-30 Jesus said of the d-, " He was— ^o/i/i 8 ; 44. 584-17 definition of devils • pr 7- 5 he cast out d- and healed the sick and sinning. a 49- 5 " Even the d- are subject unto us — Lxtke 10 ; 17. 52-32 "He casteth out d- through Beelzebub," — Luke 11 ; 15. o 348-12 when d-, delusions, were cast out p 362- * InmynameshaUtheycastoutd-: — MarkKStVJ. 422- 3 " If I by Beelzebub cast out d-, — Matt. 12 .• 27. r 494-30 Our Master cast out d- (evils) and healed the ap 564- 1 and cast out d- through Beelzebub. gl 583-18 casting out d-, or error, and healing the sick. devious s 164- 1 said : . . . our d- career resembles devised s 142- 2 the old systems, d- for subduing them, ph 183-14 nor d- a taw to perpetuate error. devoid s 134-15 D- of the Christ-power, p 399-21 Without this force the body is d- of action, r 480- 9 whereas matter is d- of sensation. g 525-29 as d- of reality as they are of good, 549-22 false systems, ... ared- of metaphysics. devolved g 506-28 Upon Adam d- the pleasurable task devote / 237-25 They d- themselves a little longer to their devoted s 109-14 d* time and energies to discovering a gl 582- 6 so-called mortal mind, d- to matter; devotee sp 89- 5 the d" may become unwontedly eloquent. p 382-15 than is the d- of supposed hygienic law, devotion a 49- 2 They knew what had inspired their d*, ph 199-21 d- of thought to an honest achievement / 241-19 The substance of all d- is devour ap 563-26 for to d- her child as soon 2i,s—Rev. 12 .-4. 564- 1 which would impej,them to d- each other devouring ph 192-14 It is the headlong cataract, the d- flame, b 329-15 nor should he remain in the d- flames. devout pr 4-29 silent prayer, watchfulness, and d- obedience 7-21 with more d- self-abnegation and purity. 40- 3 The advanced thinker and d- Christian, o 351-11 as did the prayers of her d- parents p 367-14 from the summit of d- consecration, devoutness s 140-17 Spiritual d- is the soul of Christianity. dew ph 193- 9 The d- of death was on his brow, c 257-20 hath begotten the drops of d," — Job 38 .- 28. p 365-18 like d- before the morning sunshine. DIAGNOSIS 115 DIFFERENT diagnosis . ^ ^ ,. s 157- 1 Homoeopathy ... in its d- of disease. 161-26 treating tlie case according to his physical d-, p 370-20 A physical d- of disease 408- 9 this general craze cannot, in a scientific d-, t 463- 3 under influences not embraced in his d-, diametrically o 352- 8 the Jews took a d- opposite view. diamond g 521-16 the point of a d- " and the pen of an angel. diapason ap 559-14 to utter the full d- of secret tones. diathesis p 424-32 a humor in the blood, a scrofulous d-. dictate / 22&-23 we shall be masters of the body, d- its terms, p 409-10 matter, . . . cannot d- terms to consciousness dictated 8 158- 4 supposed to have d- the first prescription, Dictionary, smith's ntbie b 320- 8 In Smith's Bible D- it is said : dictum t 444- 6 is the d- of Scripture. did a 18- 6 He d- life's work aright 25-26 demonstrate this power as he d- 26- 2 gratitude for what he d- lor mortals, 30-16 Not so d- Jesus, the new executor 51-20 only through doing the works which he d- 51-24 in all that he said and d-. 53- 3 as d- the Baptist's disciples ; 55- 6 Perhaps the early Christian era d' sp 79-19 Jesus d- his own work 83- 3 What the prophets of Jehovah d\ 85-13 all things that ever I d- -.—John 4 .-29. 86- 4 Jesus knew, as others d- not, an 106-18 classify all others as d- St. Paul s 136-30 apprehended their Master better than d- others ; 136-31 d- not comprehend all that he said and d-, 139- 7 so d- Joshua, Elijah, and Elisha. 141-21 outsiders d- not then, and do not now, 152-16 This he d- merely to ascertain the 156-18 I d- so, and she continued to gain. ph 168-20 He d- the will of the Father. 193-18 and take supper with his family. He d- so. 193-29 but what I saw and d- for that man, / 232-17 demonstrating ... as it ri- over nineteen hundred b 314-13 knowing, as he d-, that Mind was the builder, 328-19 explain it practically, as Jesus d-, 329-11 Be thankful that Jesus, . . . d- these things, o 351-10 as d- the prayers of her devout parents 359-10 while they, the patients, d- not. p 400-32 in certain localities he d- not many t 444-24 part from these opponents as d- Abraham r 494- 3 and he d- this for tired humanity's reassurance. 495- 3 as surely as it d- nineteen centuries ago. 495- 8 classify sickness and error as our Master d-, die m 61-16 often these beautifulchildrenearlydroopandrt", sp 75-22 waken . . . out of the belief that all must d-, 94-10 by our law he ought to d-, — John 19 : 7. 8 164-17 If you or I should appear to d-, 164-19 human beliefs that man must d\ ph 170-11 believeth in me shall never d-, " — John 11 .-26. 197-10 thou Shalt surely d-. " — Oen. 2.17. / 206-31 does not cause man to sin, to be sick, or to d-. 210-26 cannot say, " 1 suffer, I d-, 1 am sick, 221-12 and finally made up her mind to d-, b 277- 3 " Thou slialt surely d-; " — Gen. 2 : 17. 289-23 So man, tree, and flower are supposed to d- ; 295-29 teaches that mortals are created to . . . d-, 310-23 If Soul sinned, Soul would d-. 312-12 The belief of that mortal that he must d- 315- 2 believeth in me shall never d-." — John 11 .■ 26. 328-20 d- there annually from serpent-bites p 375- 1 mortal mind, not matter, which says, " I d-." 381-15 types of disease, with which mortals d-. 387-13 Our thinkers do not d- early because they 406-25 no more fear that we shall be sick and d-. 426-20 It will master either a desire to d- or a dread 426-30 Man is immortal, and the body cannot d-, 427- 6 Man's individual being can no more d- nor 432-30 he decided at once that the prisoner should d-. 434-31 lower court has sentenced Mortal Man to d*, 435- 5 argued that the body should d-, 435-12 whosoever sinneth shall d- ; 435-18 Laws of Health should be sentenced to d\ 436-29 His Honor sentenced Mortal Man to d- r 481-19 thou shalt surely d." — Gen. 2 ; 17. 486- 6 To d-, that he may regain these senses ? g 527-10 thou Shalt surely d-. — Gen. 2 .• 17. 529-20 neither shall ye touch it, lest ye d\ — Oen. 3 ; 3. die g 530-14 Ye shall not surely d- : — Gen. 3 ; 4. 532- 9 thou shalt surely d-," — Gen. 2 ; 17. 545-31 " As in Adam [error] all d-, — I Cor. 15 . 22. gl 580-20 saith, " Thou shalt surely d." — Gen. 2 ; 17. died a 46- 3 until they . . . learned that he had not d-. sp 73- 4 but another, who has d- to-day 74-15 belief of having d- and left a material body 75-15 the understanding that Lazarus had never d', 75-16 not by an admission that his body had d- 75-17 Had Jesus believed that Lazarus had . . . d* 75-24 those who have thought they d-, 8 154-11 a bed where a cholera patient had d-. 154-13 the symptoms . . . appeared, and the man d\ 158-32 was etherized and d- in consequence, 159-20 sequel proved that this Lynn woman d- from 6 290-29 believing that his body d- 290-30 learning that his cruel mind d- not. p 379-10 fancied himself bleeding to death, and d* 382-26 wrote to me : "I should have d-, but for the dies sp 75- 2 mistaken assumption that man d- as matter ph 168-16 becomes sick and useless, suffers and d-, 177-26 swallowed through mistake, and the patient d* / 202-17 God, neither sins, sufters, nor d-. 204- 2 It is evil that d- ; good d- not. 250-11 which is never born and never d\ b 275- 1 Matter has no life to lose, and Spirit never d\ 285- 8 materialpersonality which suffers, sins, and d-? 288-16 the tumult d- away in the distance. o 349-11 neither Life nor man d-, and that God is not the p 374-29 Nothing that lives ever d-, and vice versa. 427- 2 the opposite belief that man d-. r 486-11 In reality man never d-. 486-11 The belief that he d- will not establish his 491-21 another belief, that man d-. ' g 543- 5 not the real man, who d-. 556-11 d- to live again in renewed forms, diet ph 174- 6 to baths, d; exercise, and air ? 197-23 Their d- would not cure dyspepsia at this / 219-28 and impute their recovery to ... d-, 220-22 once adopted a d- of bread and water 221- 5 decided that her d- should be more rigid, t 457-25 some learners commend d- and hygiene. ' dietetic I p 389-13 d- theories first admit that food sustains ; dietetics / 220-25 never to try d- for growth in grace. diflfer a 24-26 Then we must d- from them both. b 273- 8 They d- from real Science because they t 461-20 Your responses should d- because r 488- 8 words often translated belief d- somewhat diflference a 30-23 showing the d- between the offspring sp 82-24 would be prevented by this d-. 86-23 Education alone determines the d\ b 293-19 d- being that electricity is not p 403- 2 d- between voluntary and involuntary 421- 2 The only d- is, that insanity implies diflferences m 63-12 Civil law establishes very unfair d- different a ?1-18 separate time-tables to consult, d- routes m 57- 9 These d- elements conjoin naturally 58- 6 Tones of the human mind may be a-, 59-12 d- demands of their united spheres, sp 74-22 d- beliefs, which never blend. 82-10 d- states of consciousness are involved, 82-12 cannot exist in two d- st^es of consciousness 82-16 through d- mazes of consciousness. 82-21 their state of consciousness must be d- 82-27 ])• dreams and d- awakenings 8 139-18 the thirty thousand d- readings in the 149- 8 the d- mental states of the patient. 152-32 symptoms, . . . which demand d- remedies; 161-32 upon d- terms than does the metai>hysician ; 163-24 hypotheses obtruded upon us at d- times. b 293- 7 are but d- strata of human belief. p 377-12 Through d- states of mind, 407-30 All sin is insanity in d- degrees. 408-27 and the results would be perceptibly d*. t 461-21 because of the d- effects they produce. r 493- 5 the solar system as working on a d- plan. g 523-27 The d- accounts become more and 525- 8 the term man in d- languages. 546-31 a thousand d- examples of one rule, 549-10 three d- methods of reproduction 552-27 The intermixture of d- species, ap 566-30 assigns to the angels, . . . d- offices. gl 598- 6 yet it has received d- translations. DIFFERING 116 DIRT betoken a d- consciousness. towards d- forms of religion and medicine, those who bold these d- opinions. C. S. d- from material science, differing sp 82-28 t 444-14 444-15 differs S 123-30 difficult sp 82- 3 It is no more d- to read the absent mind 86-22 why is it more d- to see a thought than 91- 9 d- for the sinner to accept divine Science, 8 147-32 Jesus never spoke of disease as ... d- to heal. ph 178-17 that chronic case is not d- to cure. / 218-13 renders both sin and sickness d- of cure 22.5-25 abolition oi mental slavery is a more d- task. b 318- 4 but for him to conceive of . . . was more d-. o 350-17 d- in a material age to apprehend spiritual p 382-20 more d- to heal through Mind than one who ia not. 396-15 not a d- task in view of the conceded falsity 398-29 changes such ills into new and more d- forma 410-15 The more d- seems the material condition 424-22 d- to make yourself heard mentally while 426- 6 finds the path less d- when she t 448-32 Fettered by sin yourself, it is d- to 449-18 than it does to heal the most d- case. 452- 2 a task not d-, when one understands 460-11 the one most d- to understand and 462-16 There is nothing d- nor toilsome in this task, difficulties m 60-11 maternal affection lives on under whatever d\ 63-22 without encouraging d- of greater magnitude, 8 143-14 Driven to choose between two d-, 149-21 remarked . . . mind can never cure organic d-." p 377-25 organic diseases as readily as functional d\ 394-16 that he should not try to rise above his d-. difficulty 8 115- 5 and the consequent d- of so expressing 115- 9 The great d- is to give the right impression, ph 184-28 breathed with great d- when the wind was 185- 1 so her d- in breathing had gone. 185- 3 The wind had not produced the d-. O 348- 8 Here is the d- : it is not generally 349-13 chief d in conveying the teachings of p 403- 8 the d- is a mental illusion, 427-22 great d- lies in ignorance of what God is. diffusive m 68-16 benevolence should grow more d\ dig 8p 79-10 d- up every seed of error's sowing. digest ph 175-21 The exact amount of food the stomach could d- digested 8p 84-31 p 390- 2 digestible ph 197-25 and the most d- food in the stomach, digestion ph 175-25 176-12 ap 569-23 dignilied 8 118-21 In all mortal forms of thought, dust is d- as dignify s 149-27 predicting disease does not d- therai)€utic8. dignity a 158-17 stupid substitutes for the d- and potency / 236- 7 emolument rather than the d- of God's laws, g 527-30 and is man giving up his d- ? dilemma 8 119- 8 To seize the first horn of this d- 119-11 while to grasp the other horn of the d- diligence g 514-15 d-, promptness, and perseverance dim s 147-23 hitherto unattained and seemingly d-. g 513- 8 To material sense, this divine universe is d- diminish wj. 61- 8 d- crime, and give higher aims to ambition. ph 181-32 will d- your ability to become a Scientist, / 202-18 The days . . . will multiply instead of d\ 248-31 sin, disease, and death will d- c 262- 3 Neither does consecration d- man's obligations p 410-28 will d-, until the practitioner's diminished 8 155-29 homoeopathy, and . . . have d- dragging; diminishes sp 96-28 As material knowledge d- and 8 155-25 Homoeopathy d- the drug, / 224- 1 and the power of sin d-, p 416-20 thought increases or d- the secretions, If . . . thoroughly learned and properly d-, she said, " My food is all d-, " Medical Experiments " did not govern the d\ There were fewer books on d- if you find its d- bitter. towards which human faith or endeavor is d- if such a power could be divinely d-, Reason, rightly d-, serves to correct diminishes p 420-20 It increases or d- the action, as the case may 423- 4 this fear greatly d- the tendency towards a dimly 8 117-26 human reason d- reflects and din b 307-31 Above error's awful d-, blackness, and chaos, dipped / 213-30 Before human knowledge d- to its depths dire ph 196- 4 can save him from the d- effects of knowledge. p 388- 8 d- inflictions failed to destroy his body. direct 8p 94-25 enabled him to d- those thoughts aright; an 105- 1 The hands, without mortal mind to a- them, 8 138-19 under as d- orders now, as they were then, 148- 5 but acted in d- disobedience to them. ph 189-31 keeping always in the d- line of matter, / 228- 1 by healing in d- opposition to them 235- 8 selected with as d- reference to their morals 249-31 He is the d- opposite of material sensation, b 273-26 in d- opposition to material laws. 284-17 which receive no d- evidence of Spirit, o 342- 9 in defiance of the d- command of Jesus, p 370-19 produce very d- and marked effects on t 457-20 no excellence without labor in a d- line. directed ph 169-23 p 378-30 r 494-19 directing p 413-26 constantly d- the mind to such signs, direction another ph 198-19 Again, giving another d- to faith, any ph 177-23 in any d- against God, b 280- 9 can never do justice to Truth in any d-. t 445-17 or limit in any d- of thought the omnipresence 457- 9 this newly discovered power in any d- p 371-13 sick humanity sees danger in every d-, 406-21 to avail ourselves in everj' d- t 458-18 sword of Truth must turn in every d' mental 8 160-24 never capable of acting contrary to mental d: of mortal mind 8 160-10 no more dependent upon the d- of mortal mind, opposite ph 195-10 those very senses, trained in an opposite d: p 388-14 another admission in the opposite d\ right a 21-13 gain a little each day in the right d\ 21-31 imagine himself drifting in the right d\ ph 172- 6 amounts to nothing in the right d- f 219-32 this scientific beginning is in the right d-. 248-26 we must first turn our gaze in the right d', p 401- 3 it does nothing in the right d- and this p 419- 4 Errors of all sorts tend in this d-. unerring: p 424- 9 whichever p 392-23 Your decisions . the proper sense of God's unerring d- . whichever d- they take. m 61- 3 p 394- 9 t 451-15 directions sp 86-11 /220- 6 b 329- 9 directly ph 177-29 187-15 192-31 / 220-32 b 311-19 o 358- 6 p 397-11 400- 1 423-28 g 533-11 directs 8 160-26 / 254-11 dirt p 383-14 41»-14 413-21 gl 695-24 in the d- taught bj; the Apostle James, to act in the d- which Mind points out. walks in the d- towards which he loolu, Opposites come from contrary d*, to look in other d- for cause and cure, great might of divine Science in these A-. as d- as if the poison had been as d- as does the hand, receives d* the divine power. as d- as the volition or will moves the hand. d- opposite to the immortal reality of being. If two statements d- contradict each other as d- as you enhance your joys by mortal mind, which d* controls the body as d* the action of mortal mind as is dementia to trace all human errors d- or indirectly as they please or as disease d-, seek Truth righteously. He d- our path. To the mind equally gross, d* gives no un- easiness. and covering it with d- in order to I am not patient with a speck of d- ; Uncleanliness. Impure thoughts; error; sin; d'. DISABLE 117 DISCERNMENT disable p 378-27 never endowed matter with power to d- Life disabled S 373-25 the d- organ will resume its healthy functions. use s 130-15 would d- the human mind of material belief 8 disagree p 390-27 " Agree to d- " with approaching symptoms disagrreeiiient o 361- 3 cancels the d-, and settles the question. disappear pref xi-12 and d- as naturally and as a 34-27 he would d- to material sense sp 72- 6 that body would d- to mortal sense, 97-27 will d- before the supremacy of Spirit. / 203-29 should d- on the shore of time ; 211-21 Sympathy with error should d-. 224- 4 As the crude footprints of the past d- 228-10 and fleshly ills will d-. 248-32 will diminish until they finally d-. 252- 8 human beliefs . . . begin to a-. 6 295-14 mortal consciousness will at last . . . «?•, 319-18 Mystery, miracle, sin, and death will d- 324- 3 and joy to see them d-, o 347-29 and sickness will d- from consciousness. 353-18 All things will continue to d-, until 357-23 are false claims, which will eventually d', p 375- 8 and the chills and fever d-. 395-14 sin, disease, and death will d\ 415-27 will apparently cause the body to d\ 425-13 Then these ills will d\ 426-28 death will d- with the disappearance of sin. 427- 6 can no more die nor d- in unconsciousness 442-22 and sin, disease, and death d-. r 476-11 Mortals will d-, and immortals, . . . will appear 476-18 Sin, sickness, and death must d- 480-30 understood as nothingness, they would d-. 485- 8 soon to d- because of their uselessness g 509-28 appear in man and the universe never to d-. 556- 6 These false beliefs will d-, when the ap 561-21 material and corporeal selfhood d-, 572-18 seen and acknowledged that matter must d: gl 584- 4 The objects of time and sense d- disappearance a 43- 3 his material d- before their eyes p 426-29 death will disappear with the d- of sin. gl 593- 4 d- of material sense disappeared ph 199-30 His fear must have d- before his 6 328-15 has sadly d- from Christian history. 334-16 material concept, or Jesus, d-, p 436- 5 the Health-agent d-, 438-27 he d- and was never heard of more. 442-10 all sallowness and debility had d-. gl 580-27 and then d- in the atheism of matter. disappearing- an 102-16 mild forms of animal magnetism are d", a 115-25 Second Degree: Evil beliefs d-. gl 589-24 material belief progressing and d- ; 590-24 is d- from the recorder's thought, disappears a 42- 8 comes in darkness and d- with the light. m 69-10 as the false and material d-. sp 89-10 Destroy her belief . . . and her eloquence d-. 97-13 its mortal zenith in illusion and forever d-. 8 116- 4 In the third degree mortal mind d-, 131- 7 false evidence before the corporeal senses d-, 155-27 the potency . . . increases as the drug d-. 156-30 matter d- from the remedy entirely, ph 172-14 only as the false sense of being d\ 189-12 existence of the sunlight when the orb of day d-, 190-18 This mortal seeming . . . finally d-, / 207- 4 until it d- from our lives. 222- 1 this phantasm of mortal mind d- 230-27 We think that we are healed when a disease d-, 251-26 improves mortal mind until error d-, 252-11 until the entire mortal, material error finally d-, c 264-21 Matter d- under the microscope of Spirit. 267-24 in which all error d- in celestial Truth. b 274-32 matter, ... in the light of divine metaphysics, fi-. 279-16 In proportion as the belief d- that life 281- 5 When one appears, the other d\ 293- 1 mortality d- in presence of the reality. 297-13 that d- which before seemed real p 368-23 material belief in them d- 368-31 When fear rf-, the foundation of disease is gone. 406-13 Then error d-. Sin and sickness will abate 406-16 all that is unlike the true likeness d-. 417-17 you destrsy the evidence, for the disease d-. 442-24 material, transformed with the ideal, d-, r 491- 6 Destroy the belief, and the sensation d\ g 520-12 These days will appear as mortality d-, 520-14 in which all sense of error forever d* disappears gl 595-21 mortal d- and spiritual perfection appears. 597-18 in which a material sense of things d-, disappoint / 234-22 The present codes of human systems d- disappointed / 245- 5 U- in love in her early years, t 452-25 and you will be d-. disappointments m 57-31 d- it involves or the hopes it fulfils. b 322-27 as well as our d* and ceaseless woes, disarm ph 178-25 and we d- sin of its imaginary power disarmed b 290-31 until evil is d* by good. disarms p 394-11 d- man, prevents him from helping himself, disarrang:ement p 421- 5 d-, is a word which conveys the true definition disasters s 119-12 to make Him responsible for all d*, disastrous / 247- 2 is not so d- as the chronic belief. disbelief a 29- 7 faith in the right and d- in the wrong. o 346-15 D- in error destroys error, p 397-20 in exact proportion to your d- in physics, disbelieve p 427- 8 If man believes in death now, he must d- in it t 453- 3 You do not . . . d- the musician when he disbelieving a 50-27 The distrust of mortal minds, d- the purpose discard / 213-32 which d- the one Mind and true source of p 425-32 D- all notions about lungs, tubercles, discern a 22-18 yoii will d- the good you have done, sp 84-23 by which we d- man's nature and existence. 85-11 and d- the error you would destroy. 85-21 ye can d- the face of the sky ; — Matt. 16 ; 3. 85-22 not d- the signs of the times ? " — Matt. 16 ; 3. 91-16 Absorbed in material selfhood we d- . . . f aintljr 95- 9 able to d- the thought of the sick 95-14 to d- thought scientifically, depends upon 97- 1 those who d- C. S. will hold crime in check. ph 194- 3 I cannot fail to d- the coincidence of / 233-17 Ye who can d- the face of the sky, 233-19 how much more should ye d- the sign c 258-31 you can d- the heart of divinity, b 310-30 which material sense cannot d-. 315-13 They could not d- his spiritual existence, o 345-23 ought to be able to d- the distinction t 455-27 if he is taught of God to d- it. g 509-31 can d- the face of the sky ; — MaU. 16 ; 3. 510- 1 not d- the signs of the times ? " — Malt. 16 ; 3. 510- 4 To d- the rhythm of Spirit and to be holy, 519-12 Human capacity is slow to d- and to grasp 534- 2 and to d- spiritual creation. discerned m 56- 9 Until the spiritual creation is d- intact, 65- 6 spiritual and eternal existence may be d-. 68-32 the unbroken links . . . will be spiritually d- ; sp 85-17 In like manner he d- disease 87- 9 to be d-, described, and transmitted. 98-12 which can only be spiritually d-. s 110-23 forever remain to be d- and demonstrated. 110-27 and must again be spiritually d-, 137- 4 not spiritually d-, even by them, until ph 168-24 I have d- disease in the human mind, / 210- 5 Principle and proof of Christianity are d- by b 275-31 Truth, spiritually d-, is scientifically 302- 7 thereby d- and remains unchanged. 330-15 nor . . . can be rf- by the material senses, o 351-12 spiritual sense of the creed was d- t 461-10 nor is it d- from the standpoint of g 509- 2 Spirit is d- to be the Life of all, 512-24 d* only through the spiritual senses. gl 585-10 with which can be d- the spiritual fact 598-27 bridge over with life d- spiritually discernible sp 76-27 a perfection d- only by those who discerning^ pref x-28 or d- the truth, come not to the light « 35- 6 !)• Christ, Truth, anew on the shore m 60-25 not d- the true happiness of being, s 143-22 never d- how this deprives you / 227-14 !)■ the rights of man, we cannot discernment a 47- 1 d- of Jesus' teachings and sp 82- 6 d- of the minds of Homer and Virgil, 91-18 aids the d- of man's spiritual and DISCEKNMENT 118 DISCORD disceriiiuent sp 94-30 ph 171- 4 O 346-16 g 505-20 ap 561- 4 g-i 586- 3 discerns t 462-32 •discharg-e pA 193-20 r 478-19 Disciple op 676- 9 disciple beloved a 36-13 6 319-32 doubting b 317-30 impetuous s 137-26 migrbtiest a 48-12 Simon tlie p 362- 4 tirilling pre/ LX-17 An approximation of this d- Through d- of the spiritual opposite and leads to the d- of Truth. Spiritual sense is the d- of spiritual good. leads to the d- of the divine idea. Eyes. Spiritual d-, d- and deals with the real cause of disease. The d- from the sore stopped, d- of the natural functions is least noticeable. the beloved />• writes : the beloved d-, and a few women what the beloved d- meant in one of his To this dull and doubting d- Jesus remained a Before this the impetuous d- had shall the humblest or mightiest d- murmur though he was quite unlike Simon the d\ a willing d- at the heavenly gate, a 21- 9 If the d- is advancing spiritually, 28-29 encountered by propnet, d-, and apostle, 41-32 belief, . . . never made a d- who could cast out s 141- 6 Because his precepts require the d- to 6 271-11 In Latin the word rendered d- signifies 324-19 Paul was not at first a d- of Jesus disciples (see also disciples') Baptist's a 53- 4 He did not fast as did the Baptist's d- ; his pr 16- 7 Our Master taught his d- one brief prayer, a 32-28 The Passover, which Jesus ate with his d- 34-30 his last spiritual breakfast with his d- 38-13 He was addressing his d-, yet he did not say, 42-28 Jesus had taught his d- the Science of 44-28 His d- believed Jesus to be dead while he 46-14 after his bodily burial he talked with his d-. 46-24 Even his d- at first called him a spirit, 46-28 above the physical knowledge of his d-, 52-26 prophetically said to his d-, sp 86-3 his d- answered, "The multitude — Luke 8. -45. g 117-29 Jesus bade his d- beware of the leaven of 132-31 once pointed his d- to Jesus as b 271- 7 Jesus instructed his d- whereby to heal the sick 313-28 only in a limited degree even by his d-, 317-21 presented himself to his d- after his p 367-18 of which Jesus spoke to his d-, 388-21 If food was prepared by Jesus for his d*, his immediate 6 328-29 Had it been given only to his immediate d-, his own a 24-31 Its o 349-20 of Jesus a 29-13 other a 27-24 seventy O 342-13 his own d- could not admit such an this sense must be gained by its d- " The d- of Jesus believe him the Son of God." credits him with two or three hundred other d- He bade the seventy d-, as well as brake it, and gave it to the d-. The d- had eaten, yet Jesus prayed and Through all the d- experienced, all enabled the d- to understand and caused the d- to say to their Master: more spiritual susceptibility than the d-. what the d- did not fully understand? The d- apprehended their Master better a 32-16 32-21 34-18 43- 5 49- 4 sp 86-10 S 136-24 136-29 disciples* a 35- 1 and his d- grief into repentance, 47-27 The d* desertion of their Master sp 86- 8 The d- misconception of it uncovered discipline m 66-28 Xantippe a d- for his philosophy. disciplined / 202-10 until d- by the prison and the scaffold; disclose o 344-16 rules which d- its merits or demerits, t 447-13 evil will in time d* and punish itself. discolored p 386-21 d", painful, swollen, and inflamed. discomfiture ph 169- 7 to his d-, when he was incredulous. discomfort a 53-16 The world could not interpret aright the d- 53-18 which might flow from such d*. an 101-28 D- under error is preferable to comfort. discontented b 305- 2 A d', discordant mortal is no more a tnan than ap 559-27 do not be surprised nor d- because you must discord accepts tlie 8 148-17 drops the true tone, and accepts the d-. all sp 96-20 all d- will be swallowed up in spiritual Truth. s 130- 8 divine Science, which destroys all d-, 130-12 Science, . . . will destroy all d-, r 481-23 human verdicts are the procurers of all d-. and death s 124-10 limiting Life and holding fast to d- and death. / 224-10 life and peace instead of d- and death. and decay 6 280- 2 Symbols and elements of d- and decay r 468-18 eternal and incapable of d- and decay. g 503-24 no element nor symbol of d* and decay. and dismay sp 96-13 On one side there will be d- and dismay; and illusion / 211-23 would serve only to prolong d- and illusion. and mortality b 338- 7 terminates in d- and mortality, any other p 414-14 dementia, hatred, or any other d-. apparent p 390- 8 ignorance . . . which produces apparent d*, calls m 60-24 An ill-attuned ear calls d- harmony, can never establish o 356- 7 Z>* can never establish the facts of harmony. conceding pow^er to p 394- 5 By conceding power to d-, continual / 240-14 and there is continual d'. division and 8 148-23 how from this basis of division and d- educated into p 414- 3 and thus are children educated into d-. error and p 423-21 superior to error and d-, fearful m 65-11 The union of the sexes suffers fearful d\ forsake p 400-10 only as they forsake d-, human b 306-32 parent of all human d- was the Adam-dream, instead of / 253-30 law of . . . harmony instead of d-, is the nothingness b 276-26 D- is the nothingness named error. Is unnatural b 304-21 and d- is unnatural, unreal. is unreal b 276-15 D- is unreal and mortal. p 414-23 harmony is universal, and d* is unreal, its own s 146- 8 By trusting matter to destroy its own d-, learn from or learn from d- the concord of being ? s 129-25 marvel at ap 563- 1 mortal sp 98- 3 c 262-27 night of p 378-28 no b 331-16 no rule of / 219-20 Human sense may well marvel at d-, the elevation of existence above mortal d' foundation of mortal d* is a false sense chill harmony with a long and cold night of d-. in Spirit there can be no d- Science includes no rule of d; of every kind p 394-26 conquer d- of every kind with harmony, of every name o 355-11 Let d- of every name and nature opposite / 207-30 the opposite d-, . . . is not real, or harmony / 213-28 discoursing either d- or harmony overcomes 8 134-22 natural law of harmony which overcomes d', physical sense of r 493-23 takes away this physical sense of d-, produce m 58- 5 Ill-arranged notes prctfluce d\ reign of s 122- 2 and .so creates a reign of d-, seeming p 390- 7 to the mortal senses, there is seeming d-. DISCORD 119 DISEASE discord silence r 495-23 and silence d- with harmony. the unreal ap 563- 2 harmony is the real and d- the unreal. the unreality o 352- 3 to make . . . d- the unreality. will correct the m 60-27 Science will correct the d-, ph 170- 4 The d- which calls for material methods 186-23 If we concede the same reality to d- as to 186-23 If ... d- has as lasting a claim / 228-18 and d- as the material unreality. c 255- 5 and d- into the music of the spheres. b 305- 2 subjected to material sense which is d-. 305- 3 mortal is no more a man than d- is music. o 351-2-1 proves the nothingness of error, d-, p 368-12 beliefs . . . that a- is as normal as harmony, 379-32 belief that . . . d- is as real as harmony, 400-28 Without divine control there is d-, t 453- 4 when he distinguishes concord from d-. discordant ph 184-18 Whatever is governed by a false belief is d- f 208-28 and he makes it harmonious or d- 209- 3 mortal belief which makes the body d- 213-15 towards the finite, temporary, and d\ 239-25 produces every d- action of the body. 239-27 It is d- and ends in sin, sickness, death. b 305- 3 d- mortal is no more a man than 318-17 80 far as he is d-, he is not the image ot God. 337-13 while error is mortal and d\ o 347- 5 whatever is mortal or d- has no origin, p 369- 2 to admit also the reality of all d- conditions, 387-26 which causes all things d-. t 444-30 mortals, . . . are d- and ofttimes discords pref viii- 5 d- of corporeal sense must yield to sp 78- 2 like the a- of disease, sin, and death, s 129- 2 So in C. S. there are no d- 1.55-22 to offset the d- of matter and the ills of flesh, ph 183- 5 d- have no support from nature or divine law, /" 231-16 God is not the author of mortal d-. 231-17 d- have only a fabulous existence, h 304-25 To be master of chords and d-, discount pr 5-10 there is no d- in the law of justice discourag'e p 424-18 such opinions as may alarm or d*, discouraged s 130- 2 d- over its slight spiritual prospects. b 329-17 To be d-, is to resemble a discoiirag'enieDt / 254- 6 or attain slowly and yield not to d-. discouraging: p 394-13 such admissions are d\ 396- 7 Never startle with a d- remark t 447-18 without frightening or d- the patient discoursing' / 213-27 d- either discord or harmony discover s 129- 7 d- it by reversing the material fable, c 260-14 at work to d- what God has already done ; 265-25 we d- what belongs to wisdom and Love. p 369-15 in order to d- some means of healing it. 370-32 to d- the condition of matter, t 462-22 to d- their quality, quantity, and origin. g 548- 5 we d- man in the image and likeness of God. discoverable sp 87- 4 lost to . . . the mind in which they are d-. discovered pref viii-31 the first steps of a child in the newly d- an 104-11 Next, they say it has been d- before, s 107- 1 In the year 1866, I d- the Christ Science 126-23 jiist as I have d- them. 147-28 This rule remained to be d- in C. S. b .321-17 when he d- that what he apparently saw p 408- 4 nor fi- to be error by many who are sick. t 457- 8 this newly d- power in any direction discoverer of Cliristian Science {see Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker G.) discoveries s 112-28 and yet uses another author's d- fj 548-27 Modern d- have brought to light important discovering s 109-14 devoted . . . energies to d- a positive rule. discovers g 549-24 d- the pathway leading to divine Science, discovery author's pref vii-27 Since the author's d- of the might of discovery his s 121- 2 if his d- had undermined the my s 107- 3 and named my d- C. S. 108-30 My d-, that erring, mortal, misnamed mind 109-11 For three years after my rf-, 111-26 After a lengthy examination of my d- 115- 8 as brought forth in my d-. new p 403-23 Never conjure up some new d- of tlie system pref viii-26 d- of the system that she denominated C. 8. sacred r 483-13 After the author's sacred d-, spiritual p 380-22 Many years ago the author made a spiritual d-, this s 153-13 This d- leads to more light. g 549- 1 This d- is corroborative of the Science 549- 2 this d- shows that the multiplication of s 12:i-20 d- of this divine Science of Mind-healing, c 263-21 the d- of some distant idea of Truth ; J) 41 1- 3 My first d- in the student's practice discredit m 68-25 I d- the belief that agamogenesis applies to the discrimination m, 63-19 d- as to the person, property, and discuss 2) 389-14 then d- the certainty that food can kill man. discussed p/t 175-22 was not d- according to Cutter 185- 8 which d- " mental medicine " and " mind-cure," discussing / 237-16 kept from d- or entertaining theories or r 492-17 ])• his campaign, General Grant said : disdain / 224-19 Cold d-, stubborn resistance, Disease p 439-26 meanwhile declaring I)- to be God's servant 4.H9-32 reported to be haunted by />•, 439-33 they learn that D- was never there, 441-15 nor can /)• cast him into prison. disease acute X>h 170-29 Hence decided types of acute d- p 390-28 approaching symptoms of chronic or acute d; advanced stages of p 391- 8 the incipient or advanced stages of d-, afflrination of 2i 392-11 physical affirmation of d- should always ag^rees with the s 162- 2 the matter-physician agrees with the d-, all .s 120-23 and thus Science denies all d-, heals the sick, ph 169-18 not only reveals the origin of all d- 169-19 declares that all d- is cured by divine Mind. 176-25 All d- is the result of education, / 218-32 all d-, pain, weakness, weariness, p 377-22 you remove the cause of all d- 377-26 The cause of all '/• is mental, 392- 6 Fear, which is an element of all d-, alleviating: an 100- 6 as a means of alleviating d-. and death s 116-17 belief in matter, evil, d , and death, ph 176-15 d- and death, will lose their foothold. / 207-23 d-, and death belong not to the Science of 21.5-19 So sin and sorrow, a- and death, c 260-21 f^, and death proceed from fear. p 401- 6 but it engenders d- and death. 414- 2 foundations of the belief in d- and death, t 450-20 enlisted to lessen evil, d-, and death; r 474- 3 destroy all error, evil, d-, and death. g 547-32 lifts humanity out of d- and death and its cause p 393-32 the sin and the sinner, the d- and its cause. and mortality g 557-15 the less a mortal knows of sin, d-, and mortality, and shi pref viii-13 by healing both d- and sin ; / 208-32 banish allthoughts of d- and sin p 420-17 Truth overcomes both d- and sin r 485-27 and delineates foreign agents, called d- and sin. antidote to .s 155-30 if drugs are an antidote to d-, why lessen the any / 233-29 The counter fact relative to any d- any other ]} 384-27 rheumatism, consumption, nor any other d- appetite and p 398-23 Appetite and d- reside in mortal mind, DISEASE 120 DISEASE disease approach of p 374-17 Ignorance of the cause or approach of d- arises s 154- 3 D- arises, like other mental conditions, being a belief ph 168-26 D- being a belief, a latent illusion belief in 8 145-13 Christ, Truth, subdues the human belief in d-. p 377-32 It is latent belief in (/•, 419- 3 or even create the belief in d-. r 482-31 mortal mind . . . causes the belief in d-. belief of ph 178-9 The remote cause or belief of d- is not p 380-18 The body is affected only with the belief of d- 398-27 and change the belief of d- to a belief of health. belief of tlie p 377-20 when the belief of the d- had gone. belief produces s 159-30 belief produces d- and all its symptoms, breeds w 62- 7 master the belief . . . which breeds d\ called a p 398- 1 Sometimes Jesus called a d- by name, called the p 411- 4 student silently called the d- by name, call the p 412-10 call the d- by name when you mentally deny it ; case of s 155-21 in order to heal a single case of d-. ph 196-25 Many a hopeless case of d- is induced by cause a p 374- 7 the sick say : " How can my mind cause a d- cause of ph 174-30 cause of d- obtains in the mortal human mind, / 230-32 cause of d- must be obliterated p 370-21 mortal mind must be the cause of d- t 445-26 and is the cause of d- rather than its cure. 463- 1 discerns and deals with the real cause of d-. causes ph 188-24 What causes d- cannot cure it. / 208- 7 What then is this . . . which causes d- 318- 8 senses are saying that matter causes d- o 344-12 understood . . . that error causes d-, p 399- 4 but if the material body causes d-, chains p 380-19 mind ignorant of the truth which chains d\ challenges s IgZ- 3 agrees only with health and challenges d-. chambers of p 365-26 finds its way into the chambers of d- chronic s 162-18 in cases of both acute and chronic d- chronic form of ph 176-31 less distinct type and chronic form of d-. classify r 483- 5 We classify d- as error, consume with / 205- 4 drop with drunkenness, consume with d-, consumption, or p 426- 1 notions about . . . consumption, or d- crisis of the t 446- 8 or it may mark the crisis of the d\ crop of ph 188-25 an abundant or scanty crop of d-, cure an 101-26 seems to alleviate or to cure d-, f 208-15 absurd to suppose that matter can . . . cure d-, cure of pre/ xi- 4 results in the cure of d-. 8 147- 5 its present application to the cure of d-. 149- 3 Mind as far outweighs drugs in the cure of d- t 457-31 Let this Principle be applied to the cure of d- declaring ph 180-18 by declaring d- to be a fixed fact, depicts b 319- 3 Science depicts d- as error, describing sp 79- 1 The act of describing d- ... is not scientific. descriptions of ph 179-32 Descriptions of d- given by physicians destroy p 412-15 and to destroy d-, sin, and death. t 447-20 truth and . . . which destroy d*. destroying s 157- 3 in judging and destroying d\ destroys p 420- 1 nor go from one part to another, for Truth de- stroys d-. developed the ph 198- 7 his fear, which has already developed the d- development of p 400-15 you prevent the development of d\ 403-31 mental conception and development of d- disease diagnosis of s 157- 1 Homoeopathy ... in its diagnosis of d-. p 370-20 A physical diagnosis of d- . . . tends to disappears / 230-27 We think that we are healed when a d- disap- pears, p 417-17 you destroy the evidence, for the d- disappears. discords of sp 78- 2 like the discords of d\ sin, and death, disquisitions on p 371- 5 Disquisitions on d- have a mental effect dread b 321-23 white as snow with the dread d-, dream of p 396-30 It breaks the dream of d- eradicate the pli 180-20 even before they go to work to eradicate the d- error and pr 5-32 all evil works, error and d- included. error, or p 400-18 By lifting thought above error, ord-, and every p 400-16 if you understand that every d- is an error, 411-32 it alleviates the symptoms of every d\ evidence of p 412-23 so as to destroy tlie evidence of d-. evil and t 447-21 Expose . . . the claims of evil and d- evil called s 135-14 and when Truth casts out the evil called d', exemption from p 411-29 their exemption from d- and danger, expels the s 153- 3 it is not the drug which expels the d- explanation of p 374-10 The author ... in her explanation of d' fastens p 395-28 fastens d- on the patient, fear of ph 169-13 by exciting fear of d-, 188-27 sin and the fear of d- must be uprooted 197-31 should suppress his fear of d-, p 373-14 The fear of d- and the love of sin are .377-32 fear of d\ which associates sickness with 400- 3 the fear of d- is gone, and therefore t 455-11 lost in the beliei and fear of d- or sin, fear of the ph 196-28 but from the fear of the d- feelings or p 396- 6 inquiries relative to feelings or d'. fetters of t 449- 1 to free another from the fetters of d-. forms of p 398-29 more difficult forms of d-. fosters ph 169-12 faith ... in drugs begets and fosters d- foundation of p 368-31 When fear disappears, the foundation of d* is gone. t 453-27 increases fear, the foundation of d*, functional s 149-24 as readily as she has cured purely functional d*, God never decreed / 221-19 that God never decreed d-, has no intelligence p 378- 3 D- has no intelligence. 391-24 D- has no intelligence to declare itself 419-12 D- has no intelligence with which to move heal pre/ x-21 His disposition and power to heal d*. / 202-29 and yet we rely on a drug to heal d-, as if heated sp 79-22 He never described . . . but he healed d-. p 386-13 healed d- through the action of Truth. healing 8 150- 3 through this Christian system of healing d\ heals t 445-24 cast out by the divine Mind which heals d\ health or s 120-27 matter's supposed consciousness of health or d-, he discerned sp 85-17 In like manner he discerned d* hinders p 374-21 this belief helps rather than hinders d-. holds p 395-27 Mental practice, which holds d- as a Illusions about p 413-27 illusions about d-, health-laws, and death, image of 8 154- 7 the fear that creates the image of d- p 400-12 Eradicate the image of d- from the Images of ph 175- 1 We should prevent the images of d- from 197- 2 which mirror images of d- distinctly in thought. DISEASE 121 DISEASE physical diagnosis . . . tends to induce d- Show them how mortal mind seems to induce rf- disease imbecility or ph 197-15 removed from imbecility or d-. incipient stages of p 390-30 Meet the incipient stages of d- with s 159-32 is liable to increase d- with his own mind, induce p 370-92 417-30 induces p 392-28 the condition . . . which you say induces d-, injuries, and p 402-17 You say that accidents, injuries, and d- kill insist that p 409- 3 insist that d- is formed by mortal mind is abnormal s 120-14 health is normal and d- is abnormal. is an experience r 493-20 Z>* is an experience of so-called mortal mind. is an image p 411-23 D- is an image of thought externalized. is expressed p 373-21 n- is expressed not so much by the lips as in la less tlian mind p 378- 7 !)• is less than mind, and Mind can control it. is mental b 270-28 d- is mental, not material. is not a cause p 415- 2 therefore d- is not a cause nor an effect. • is unrenl f 229-32 the truth that d- is unreal. itself p 419-11 Neither d- itself, sin, nor fear has the power to leads to 8 120-29 confirms that testimony . . . and so leads to d-. ph 175- 6 there will be better constitutions and less d\ g 554-32 This would indicate that there is less d- less for the p 421-12 treat the patient less for the d- and load witli ph 176-17 Human fear of miasma would load with d* malignant p 373- 6 It is easier to cure the most malignant d- than method of treating o 344-26 to investigate this method of treating d- ? methods of treating o 344-19 There are various methods of treating d\ minutely described ph 197- 5 A minutely described d- costs many mortality and p 395-10 its claims over mortality and d-. name of a p 411-13 once Jesus asked the name of a d-, name of the p 396-10 avoid speaking aloud the name of the d-. never described »p 79-21 He never described d\ never spoke of s 147-32 Jesus never spoke of d- as dangerous no hereditary p 412-32 knows that there can be no hereditary d*, nor death s 140-27 causeth no evil, d-, nor death. p 368-22 Neither evil, d-, nor death can be not aggravate the p 401-12 This fermentation should not aggravate the d-, one ph 176-24 One d- is no more real than another. o 348- 9 one d- can be just as much a delusion as another. p 418-15 one d- would be as readily destroyed as another. r 483- 4 exchanging one d- for another. organic a 149-23 The author has cured what is termed organic d- 162-25 C. S. heals organic d- as surely ph 176-21 Should all ca.ses of organic d- be treated by 177- 1 Human mind produces what is termed organic d- 180-32 dissolve a tumor, or cure organic d-, p 428-30 The author has healed hopeless organic d-, origin of p 374-18 no argument against the mental origin of d-. origin of all f)h 169-18 reveals the origin of all d- as mental, ts symptoms 419-32 d- or its symptoms cannot change forms. p 4 or sin 6 323-24 p 402-19 t 455-11 outlines of ph 175- 2 pain or p 421-15 contemplation of something better than d- or sin. whether it be a broken bone, d-, or sin. the belief and fear of d- or sin, we should efface the outlines of d- belief that . . . produces pain or d\ disease physical s 150-14 the metaphysical healing of physical d- ; picture this ph 174-27 Why . . . picture this d- to the mind, power of p 376-31 To fear and admit the power of d-, predicting s 149-27 predicting d- does not dignify therajieutics. prevent ph 170-18 If there are material laws which prevent d\ 198-12 It is better to prevent d- from forming in p 412-16 To prevent d- or to cure it, preventiiig s 147-28 this Principle of healing and preventing d\ produce p 399- 4 You say . . . material combinations produce d- ; produces / 208-15 absurd to suppose that . . . Spirit produces d- pulmonary w 63- 2 for warding off pulmonary d- / 203- 1 that this cold may produce fatal pulmonary d- ; p 392-20 in the form of what is termed pulmonary d-, question of p 406-18 he should be as fearless on the question of d-. regarding p 403-24 Never conjure up . . . forebodings regard- ing d- relative to ph 198-10 who outlines his thought relative to d-, removal of o 358-27 in the removal of d- remove p 400-20 When we remove d- by addressing the render p 433- 6 that laws of nature render d- reports p 409-13 belief, that . . . body, suffers and reports d- resist p 420-11 they can resist d- and ward it off, says to s 144-22 says to d-, " Peace, be still." — Mark 4 ; 39. sender of s 158- 8 Apollo was also regarded as the sender of d', sense of b 270-27 If a sense of d- produces suffering p 421-27 If you would destroy the sense of d-, should not implant ph 180-17 Doctors should not implant d- in the thoughts sickness and ph 179-23 the promoters of sickness and d-. sin and (see sin) sin, and death sp 78-2 like the discords of d, sin, and death, ft 275-29 so-called j>ower8, such as ... d-, sin, and death, p 412-15 and to destroy d*, sin, and death, sin, . . . and death (see sin) sin or p 396-17 not because the testimony of sin or d- te true, sin, ... or death / 253-16 overcome the belief in sin, d-, or death. 253-25 supposed necessity for sin, d-, or death, slough of ph 168-13 already brought yourself into the slough of d* •o-called ph 168-26 before the so-called d- made its appearance soil of ph 188-24 The soil of d- is mortal mind, some p 381- 6 or that some d- is developing speak to p 395- 7 speak to d- as one having authority over it, statute regarding p 432-13 says: . . . there is a statute regarding d-, subject to s 150-19 believe that both . . . are subject tod-, suffering and / 221-17 She learned that suffering and d- were supposed p 418-19 the negation must extend to the supposed d* supposed rights of o 348-22 defending the supposed rights of d-, symptoms of s 153- 4 or changes one of the symptoms of d-. p 390-12 When the first symptoms of d- appear, 398-18 are known to relieve the symptoms of d- system of treating s 11 1-30 my metaphysical system of treating d- tattling about s 153-31 we shall avoid loquacious tattling about d-, their p 416-27 If they ask about their d-, the very s 161-27 would naturally induce the very d- DISEASE 122 DISINTEGRATED disease this ^ s 154-12 Immediately the symptoms of this a- appeared, p 425- 8 leading points included ... in this d-. tboug^ht of ph 198-15 The thought of d- is formed before p 396- 2 never hold in mind the thought of d-, thoughts of ph 19G-21 so efface the images and thoughts of d; f 203-32 banish all thoughts of d- and sin p 421-25 It is no more Christianly scientific to see d- transmission of / 228- 3 The transmission of d- or of certain treatment of pre/ yiii- 1 in the treatment of d- as well as of sin, 8 126-23 its application to the treatment of d- 157-22 and recommend them for the treatment of d- ? p 369- 4 is unfitted for the successful treatment of d-. treats b 318-24 Medical science treats d- as though t 459-30 treats d- with more certain results types of p 381-15 cannot legislate the times, . . . and types of d-, 396- 3 all forms and types of d; unreal p 417-24 the way to cure ... Is to make d- unreal unreality of p 417-26 understand the unreality of d- in Science. t 461-29 to prove . . . the error or unreality of of-, unsee the f 461-29 you must mentally unsee the d- ; iveariness and ph 183-16 supposed laws which result in weariness and d- what is ternaed ph 188- 3 What is termed d- does not exist. -wlien treating p 424-27 well to be alone with . . . when treating d-. will vanish J) 365-17 d- will vanish into its native nothingness yoke of g 555- 5 physical organism under the yoke of d-. you overcome p 392- 2 it is through divine Mind that you overcome d\ s 108-25 called error, sin, sickness, d-, death, 113-20 omnipotent good, deny death, evil, sin, d-. 113-20 D-, sin, evil, death, deny good, omnipotent God, 115-23 hatred, revenge, sin, sickness, d-, death. 137- 6 the victor over sickness, sin, d-, death, 159-21 and not from the d- or the operation. 160-26 If muscles can cease to act ... as f/- directs, 162-24 I have restored . . . where d- was organic. ph 168-24 I have discerned d- in the human mind, 169-10 d- has a mental, mortal origin, 176-26 d- can carry its ill-effects no farther than 196-20 Such books as will rule d- out of mortal mind, / 230-18 no more . . . than . . . and health occasion d-. 251-24 the healer of sin, • yourself of the thought that o 339-29 to d- sin of any supposed mind or reality, p 428- 8 To d- thought of false trusts divested b 291-30 by which mortal man is d- of all material error. divests s 146-18 d- material drugs of their imaginary power, divide / 240-32 how to d- between sense and Soul. 250- 1 run into error when we d- Soul into souls, b 280-14 seeks to d- the one Spirit into persons and 338-14 /)■ the name Adam into two syllables, g 505- 5 and let it d- the waters from — Gen. 1 ■ 6. 509-10 to d- the day from the night; — Gen. 1 .- 14. 511- 9 d- the light from the darkness : — Gen. 1 : 18. when the latter is d- and thwarted divided s 118-27 / 233-25 252- 2 b 269- 2 294-24 O 354-27 p 388-19 389-17 g 503-27 505-13 610-22 gl 581-17 divides sp 74-26 b 312-27 dividing t 462-10 Divine Being: pr 3-12 o 357-18 Liove p 439-29 Science a 56-29 s 127- 9 a kingdom necessarily d- against itself. When numbers have been (7- according to " If a kingdom be d- against — Mark 3 . 24 Pandemonium, a house d- against itself, represented as d- into intelligent gods. It is in itself inconsistent, a d- kingdom, "kingdom d- against itself," — Matt. 12.-25. and the kingdom d- against itself. d- the light from the darkness. — Gen. 1 .-4. d- the waters which were under — Ge7i. 1 .- 7. already d into evening and morning; kingdom d- against itself, which cannot stand; There is no bridge across the gulf which ti- lt d- faith and understanding d- his interests between God and mammon The Z)- Being must be reflected by man, false notions about the Z»- Being sentence which .../>• Love will pronounce. This Comforter I understand to be Z>- Science. The terms Z>- Science, Spiritual Science, / 205-32 When we fully understand our relation to the I>, divine action an 104-15 indicates the rightness of all d- action, ag^ent t 444- 4 suffering is oft the d- agent in this elevation. aid o 354- 6 Why do they invoke the d- aid to enable them to All-power t 454- 6 The understanding, ... of the d- All-power anointint; p 367-26 through silent utterances and d- anointing arbitrament g 555- 4 human belief, and not the d- arbitrament, authority sp 76-21 man is immortal and lives by d- authority. s 134-29 There is d- authority for believing in the 6 270-23 Meekness and charity have d- authority, o 354-28 Its supposed realism has no d- authority, p 381-30 a sentence never inflicted by d- authority. 382- 2 lacking d- authority and having only 390-25 have d- authority for denying tnat necessity basis p 388- 7 Apostle John testified to the d- basis of C. S., beatitudes t 446-25 Not human platitudes, but d- beatitudes, beauty sp 76-23 possessing unlimited d- beauty and goodness blessinjKS r 489-16 channel to man of d- blessings body ap 559-25 when you eat the d- body of this Principle, cause h 286-24 they lack a d- cause. character pr 4-21 to assimilate more of the d- character, g 540-23 error as assuming a d- character, coincidence ap 561-16 John saw the human and d- coincidence. Comforter r 497- 7 the Holy Ghost or d- Comforter; commandment s 112-30 inculcates a breach of that d- commandment commission a 64-13 In witness of his d- commission, conception b 315-25 The d- conception of Jesus pointed to concepts c 259-29 demands spiritual thoughts, d- concepts, consciousness g 531-13 human concepts for the d- consciousness. gl 598-23 One moment of d- consciousness, or the control pr 9-23 recognizes only the d- control of Spirit, p 400-28 Without d- control there is discord, creation g 504- 6 All questions as to the d- creation 507-22 The scientific d- creation declares 514- 2 could not . . . invert the d- creation, .521-23 The Science and truth of the d- creation 525- 6 a human, not a d-, creation. decree a 32-14 bowed in holy submission to the d- decree, decrees s 118-30 they contradict the d- decrees DIVINE 125 DIVINE divine demand / 253-32 f) 329-23 displeasure (J 542- 2 ear pr 7-23 economy /* 32/-21 Ego I) 336- 6 energies ph 186- 4 energy /249- " d- demand, " Be ye therefore perfect," — Matt. 5:48. Science is a d- demand, not a human. incurs d- displeasure, and it would kill Jesus The " d- ear '' is not an auditory nerve. place nor power in the human or the d- economy. The d- Ego, or individuality, is reflected filling it with the d- energies of Truth. is winged to reach the d- glory, loathing the brightness old- glory. d- good, does not kill a man in order to unfolds new views of d- goodness and love. Let us feel the d- energy of Spirit, 't 445-21 the unlabored motion of the d- energy Esse sp 93-19 contradicts the real nature of the d- Esse, Exemplar pr 5-31 We should follow our d- Exemplar, force s 134-19 the very element, which gave it d- force glory b 323-12 ap 565- 5 good / 203-31 goodness m 66-15 government / 225- 3 is opposed to the d- government. healing a 41-20 the d- healing of absolute Science. 55-22 The time for the reappearing of the d- healing s 123-17 the .scientific system of d- healing. 141-27 The adoption of . . . rf- healing will c 259-12 understanding of ... d- healmg includes o 347-19 namely, apostolic, d- healing ? heights b 325-26 the d- heights of our Lord. ap 566-11 Science . . . leading to d- heights. help p 393- 3 through d- help we can forbid this entrance. t 453-17 Dishonesty . . . which forfeits d- help. hues r 479-29 because it has none of the d- hues. idea sp 88-18 To love one's neighbor as one's self, is a d- idea ; b 332-20 Christ is the d- idea of God 334- 1 the d- idea or Christ was so t 463- 7 birth of the new child, or d- idea, r 470-22 the d- idea or reflection, man, 473-16 Jesus is the human man, and Christ is the d- idea; 482-21 the d- idea of God outside the flesh. g 506-25 Here the human concept and d- idea seem 507-31 misinterpreted, the d- idea seems to fall ap 560-29 ignorant of the d- idea he taught. 560-30 Ignorance of the d- idea betrays at once 561- 4 leads to the discernment of the d- idea. 561-25 as the divine Principle and d- idea. ffl 589-17 Jesus. . . . corporeal concept of the d- idea, ideal s 119-20 is not the d- ideal of omnipresent Love. Image / 205-19 perceive the d- image in some word or deed c 258-17 man a.** the true d- image and likeness, b 301-17 man is the d- image and likeness, 332-12 yea, the d- image and likeness, 333-26 The d- image, idea, or Christ individuality b 303- 8 reflect the one d- individuality Influence pre/ xi-16 a d- influence ever present in / 236-16 or through d- influence, Intelligence ph 184-16 Controlled by the d- intelligence, Justice p 437- 9 in the presence of d- Justice, justice an 105-24 D- justice will manacle him. / 225-18 breathing the omnipotence of d- justice, 6 293-25 manifestations of evil, which counterfeit d- justice, law , d 30-17 Not 80 did Jesus, . . . present the d- law of Love, sp 72-30 d- law is the communicator of truth, s 108- 5 It was the d- law of Life and Love, 134-25 nor because it is an infraction of d- law, ph 170-19 Not d- law, for Jesus healed the sick 183- 6 discords have no support from nature or d- law, / 205-22 the d- law of loving our neighbor as ourselves 227-27 The illusion of material sense, not d- law, b 273- 9 because they are not based on the d- law. divine law p 372-13 and then . . . name them d- law. 385- 7 the d- law, rising above the human. 436- 9 acting within the limits of the d- law, 436-29 deeds which the d- law compels man to commit. 440-19 in obedience to (Maw ? t 445-15 You render the d- law of healing obscure 458-24 Christianly scientific man reflects the d- law, 459-29 (that is, the student . . . oi the d- law) g 522-32 Does the unerring Principle of d- law change 540- 7 the prophet referred to d- law laws s 107- 2 the Christ Science or d- laws of Life, Life jyr 10-16 a higher understanding of the d- Life. 14-26 Life d-, revealing spiritual understanding a 25-11 and they . . . who partake of that d- Life. 54- 2 he demonstrated the (/• Life. s 138- 6 It was now evident to Peter that d- Life, 6 331- 1 God is (/■ Life, and Life is 339- 2 D- Life destroys death, g 538-12 a figure of d- Life and Love, 556-16 to him wlio understands best the d- Life. gl 579-10 Abraham. Fidelity; faith in the d- Life 596-23 d- Life and Love illumine it, light s 135-32 as must be the case in the cycles of d- light. t 457- 7 Since the d- light of C. S. first dawned likeness 6 300-22 and of man as reflecting the d- likeness, o 356-23 man who is made in the d- likeness r 491-16 establislies man forever in the d- likeness, logic sj) 72-21 it follows in d- logic that evil, 93-10 U- logic and revelation coincide. Love jir 6- 3 Z>- Love corrects and governs man. 14-11 to be absolutely governed by d- Love, a 19-4 Man cannot exceed Love blesses its own ideas, 529-22 serpent to tempt the children of d- Love? 537-27 d- Love, which blessed the earth ap 560-12 great miracle, to human sense, is d- Love, 574-10 this message from d- Love, carried John 578- 5 [/.)• LOVE] is my shepherd; — Psal. 23 .• 1. manifestation gl 583-10 Christ. The d- manifestation of God, DIVINE 126 DIVINE divine mercy b 329-26 The pardon of d- mercy is the destruction of ff 542-12 jeopardize self-control, and mock d- mercy. message b 332-10 the d- message from God to men messages ap 566-29 assigns to the angels, God's d- messages, metaphysics s 111-11 The Principle of d- metaphysics is God; 111-12 the practice of d- metaphysics is the 111-14 />• metaphysics reverses perverted and 112-32 God is the Principle of d- metaphysics. 113- 9 fundamental propositions of d- metaphysics 113-26 d- metaphysics of C. S., like the method in 146-31 />»• metaphysics is now reduced to a system, ph 192-29 in the understanding of d- metaphysics. / 217-21 the problem of being in d- metaphysics; b 274-32 in the light of d- metaphysics, 275-20 D- metaphysics, as revealed to 278- 3 D- metaphysics explains away matter. 330- 9 the infallibility of d- metaphysics will be p 374-14 Show our need of d- metaphysics. 397-20 your fidelity to d- metaphysics, t 459-32 rules of d- metaphysics as laid down g 549- 6 shown by d- metaphysics to be a mistake, method / 240-29 The d- method of paying sin's wages b 339- 1 The destruction of sin is the d- method ap 568- 6 typifies the d- method of warfare in Science, Mind pr sp 1-10 are not unknown to the d- Mind. 2-19 The mere habit of pleading with the d- Mind, 36-20 d- Mind is the immortal law of justice 62-22 The d- Mind, which forms the bud 68-29 an impartation of the (/• Mind to man 70-12 The d- Mind maintains all identities, 83- 1 whether it is the human mind or the d- Mind 84-11 prerogative of the ever-present, d- Mind, 84-15 to commune more largely with the d- Mind, 85- 6 when the latter yields to the d- Mind. 88-11 Ideas are emanations from the d- Mind. 88-28 It shows the possibilities derived from d- Mind, an 102-11 or the attraction of God, (/■ Mind. 104-15 as the emanation of d- Mind, 104-19 The medicine of Science is d- Mind; 8 108-10 for the d- Mind cannot suffer. 108-22 all real being is in God, the d- Mind, 109- 5 the only realities are the d- Mind and idea. Ill- 5 the human mind, to be opposed to the d- Mind 114- 5 in contradistinction to the d- Mind, 124-29 they belong wholly to d- Mind, 127-24 all truth proceeds from the d- Mind. 127-27 Science is an emanation of d- Mind, 128- 2 the might of d- Mind. 132-11 such effects, coming from d- Mind, prove 140- 8 we know Him as d- Mind, as Life, 143-10 The d- Mind never called matter medicine, 143-23 the available superiority of d- Mind. 149-25 with no power but the d- Mind. 149-26 Since God, d- Mind, governs all, 150-21 contrary to the law of d- Mind. 151-21 the real man is governed by the d- Mind. 151-23 The d- Mind that made man maintains His 151-26 All that really exists is the d- Mind and its 152- 3 The immortal d- Mind takes away all its 153-14 the d- Mind is the healer 157-10 acknowledging that the d- Mind has all power. 158-17 the dignity and potency of d- Mind 160- 2 through the power of tne d- Mind. 162-11 may yield to the harmony of the d- Mind. ph 166-26 invalid's faith in the d- Slind is less than in 167-27 must be attained through the d- Mind. 169-20 all disease is cured by d- Mind. 169-30 other powers than the d- Mind, is anti-Christian. 174-32 and its cure comes from the immortal d- Mind. 176-14 human mind gives place to the rf- Mind, 176-20 while d- Mind' is its best friend. 178-15 based on Science or the d- Mind, 178-22 yield to the eternal Truth, or the d- Mind, 180-29 found in the Science of d- Mind as taught 182- 2 healing the sick through d- Mind alone, 182-22 Mortals entreat the d- Mind to heal 183-21 J)- Mind rightly demands man's entire 187-22 The d- Mind includes all action and volition, 189-22 all the formations of the immortal d- Mind. 194- 4 the spiritual idea of man with the d- Mind. / 204-26 the image or reflection of d- Mind ; 209- 8 and man is tributary to d- Mind. 210-15 scientific action of the d- Mind on human 216-17 governed by the law of (/• Mind, 218-16 believing . . . that the d- Mind has no 219-13 whereas d- Mind heals. 225-28 rooted out through the action of the d- Mind. 227- 7 law of the d- Mind must end human bondage, 229-30 not of a law of matter nor of d- Mind, divine Mind / 236-10 239-26 251-21 251-23 c 255-10 259-28 262-30 264- 6 267- 4 b 269-14 270-18 270-30 284-29 286-32 293-14 307-25 310- 6 318- 8 319-19 327- 5 331-13 p 366-17 370- 5 372- 9 375-12 379- 8 380-24 383- 7 392- 1 392- 2 393-16 396-32 400-10 400-27 403-13 407-27 417-31 424-21 430-14 441-26 t 445-23 452-27 458-13 458-27 459-13 460- 7 r 469- 4 470-29 471-29 484-16 493-20 493-31 ff 503-20 505- 9 508- 2 508-15 511- 5 519-26 546- 6 551-14 ap 570-31 577-21 name r 483-30 nature pr 4-24 a 26-13 sp 83-14 s 140-10 ph 179-11 c 259- 7 b 333-25 g 509-27 524-31 order a 20-21 sp 73-17 an 106-12 r 471- 2 g 531-17 origin S 146-22 146-24 150-15 b 272-24 298-23 g 539-27 649-28 ap 562-13 pardon a 40-11 patience a 49-11 d- Mind heals sickness as well as sin If action proceeds from the d- Mind, understanding that the d- Mind makes perfect, find the d- Mind to be the only Mind, views of creation by the d- Mind. are transmitted by the d- Mind y> Mind is the only cause or Principle sometimes behold in the camera of d- Mind, They are in and of Spirit, d- Mind, rest on one basis, the d- Mind. demonstration of God, d- Mind, the d- Mind alone heals. are spiritual, emanating from d- Mind. belong not to the d- Mind. counterfeits of the spiritual forces of d- Mind, The d- Mind is the Soul of man, but all might is d- Mind. saying that . . . the d- Mind cannot or will not understood that the d- Mind controls man d- Mind can and does destroy the false beliefs except the (/• Mind and His ideas, lacks faith in the d- Mind. father the facts of being from the d- Mind, cience of being, in which all is d- Mind, Scientist demonstrates that d- Mind heals, all causation as vested in d- Mind, the d- Mind produces in man health, exalting influence of the d- Mind on the body you master fear and sin through d- Mind; through (/• Mind that you overcome disease, firm in your understanding that the d- Mind not by matter nor by the d- Mind, acknowledge the supremacy of d- Mind, must be destroyed by the d"- Mind and can be healed only by the d- Mind, brings the d- Mind, Life not death, and how d- Mind can cure by opposite thoughts, the d- Mind can remove any obstacle, allegory illustrative of the law of d- Mind no law outside of d- Mind can punish hatred, and revenge are cast out by thed- Mind the Science by which d- Mind heals the sick. the d- Mind is ready to take the case, consistent in following the leadings of d- Mind. resting on the omnipotence of the d- Mind, on the d- Mind and Love's essential qualities. Life is d- Mind. his perfect Principle, the d- Mind, import, . . . of all that proceedsf rom the rf* Mind. Drugs . . . oppose the supremacy of the d- Mind, belief, which must be annihilated by the d- iMind. willingness of d- Mind to hold maniorever intact Immortal and d- Mind presents the idea of (Jod: The d- Mind, . . . creates all identities, only as the d- Mind is All and reproduces all the'pure thought emanating from d- Mind. The d- Mind supports the sublimity, can never impoverish, the d- Mind. If . . . error must exist in the d- Mind, does not acknowledge the method of d,- Mind, the power of good resident in d- Mind, and d- Mind is its own interpreter. through the d- name and nature. through demonstration of the d- nature ; his d- nature, the godliness which manifestation of power is from the d- nature as we apprehend the d- nature but reflecting the d- nature. d- nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, the (/• nature, the essence of Love, puritv, and holiness — j'ea. the d- nature lose therein the d- nature and omnipotence? well knowing that to obey the d- order the d- order and the Science of when the d- order is interfered with, but holds the d- order or s))iritual law, If, . . . why is not this d- order still main U.ined practically prove its d- origin and efHcacy. d- origin of Science is demonstrated through these signs are only to demonstrate its d- origin, d- origin and operation of C. S. Spiritual ideas lead up to their d- origin. The d- origin of Jesus gave him more than forsakes Spirit as the a- origin of separated by belief from man's d- origin This is my sense of d- pardon, privations, sacrifices, his d' patience, DIVINE 127 pr divine peualty an 106-13 perfection r 470-25 permission » 378-29 3M-25 possibilities b 326- 1 pwwer a 27- 7 49-28 52-25 5 109-23 131-28 132- 3 135-10 136- 7 144-21 ph 169-26 170-32 174- 6 192-31 / 227-11 b 309-19 316-27 320-26 p 426- 3 r 494-12 gr 519-13 534-15 541-23 pollers /249- 9 precepts 8 141- 5 6 276- 4 presence pr 12- 4 Principle »rp/Tiii- 4 x-22 xi-10 3- 8 6- 4 6-16 11-12 12-20 13-25 15-12 18-14 19- 8 19-25 20-31 25-14 25-26 26-29 28-13 29-27 30- 3 31-21 35-14 35-20 39-26 45-21 47- 7 50-13 51-23 51-26 53- 9 71- 6 72- 3 79-14 81-22 81-27 83-28 84-28 90-30 91- 6 94-22 99- 3 an 103-14 8 107- 6 109- 8 112-21 113- 1 113- 3 115-13 117-20 120-20 121-29 123-27 124-15 124-21 127-18 sp incurs the d- penalty due this crime. did not express the d- perfection, Such a power, without the d- permission, is Is there no d- permission to conquer discord A false sense . . . hides the d- possibilities. Tell John what the demonstration of d- power had given the highest proofs of d- power, human ability to reflect d- power, gradually and apparently through d- power. natural demonstrations of the d- power, exhibition of the d- power to heal alone is worthy of the exercise of d- power. he used his d- power to save men Truth, ... is the d- power which says to disease, except by means of the d- power. which takes d- power into its own hands Nothing save d- power is capable of receives directly the d- power. an ignorance of d- power, thus losing the d- power which heals the sick could prove God's d- power by healing gives a profound idea of the d- power to heal 5- power, which steers the body into health. Jesus demonstrated the d- power to heal grasp God's creation and the d- power the idea of d- power, which Jesus presented, At first it usurps d- power. subject to the d- " powers that be." — Rom. 13 .• 1. Few understand or adhere to Jesus' d- precepts When the d- precepts are understood, no power to gain more of the d- presence than live in obedience to its d- Principle. The d- Principle of healing is proved d- Principle, before which sin and disease Shall we ask the d- Principle d- Principle alone reforms the sinner. we must understand the d- Principle of being. d- Principle never pardons our sins . . . till not d- Principle or Love, which causes a human ignorance of the d- Principle, d- Principle, Love, which destroys all error. d- Principle of Christ is God, Love, the d- Principle of Jesus' teachings, d- Principle of the teachings and practice seek the d- Principle and Science understand how this d- Principle heals understand its d- Principle. It was the d- Principle of all real being by understanding more of the d- Principle d- Principle of the man Jesus, demonstrate the Science ... or d- Principle. d- Principle which triumphs over death. commune with the d- Principle, Love. Our church is built on the d- Principle, Love. d- Principle of all that really exists at-one-ment with . . . his d- Principle, leaning ... on the d- Principle of their work. appeal . . . was made both to his d- Principle, but to demonstrate his d- Principle. aimed at the d- Principle, Love, the d- Principle and practice of Jesus d- Principle of all. is not in Spirit's The d- Principle of man speaks through resting on d- Principle, ... in its revelation of producing, governing, d- Principle lives on," cannot destroy the d Principle of Science. gains the d- Principle and explanation of All . . . comes from God, d- Principle, through an apprehension of d- Principle. obey only the d- Principle, Life and Love. acknowledge the d- Principle which had healed afford no demonstrable d- Principle by which is of God and demonstrates the d- Principle, revelation of the absolute d- Principle until its d- Principle is demonstrated the d- Principle of healing and the Christ-idea can be but one d- Principle of all .Science ; rules for the demonstration of this d- Principle. God: D- Principle, Life, Truth, Love, Soul, inadequate to interpret the d- Principle the d- Principle of Science, reversing the imitates the action of d: Principle, illustrated an ever-operative d- Principle. interpreted by Science from its d- Principle, They belong to d: Principle, and support the C. S. reveals God, . . . as d- Principle, divine Principle S 130-10 131- 5 132-12 133-16 136- 3 141-15 141-25 146-16 147- 2 147-25 147-30 148-18 162-27 ph 167- 3 171-14 191- 9 19.5-14 / 202-16 207-14 230- 9 232-17 c 256- 7 b 270-13 272-28 272-29 272-32 273- 6 275- 9 275-11 275-17 281-12 283-24 283-27 285-22 285-30 286-10 286-14 299-14 302-21 303- 1 303-30 304-17 304-31 305-10 305-25 306-27 312-31 314-27 316-22 317- 3 318-29 319- 8 322- 7 322-12 328- 6 329-24 330-20 330-20 331-18 331-27 332- 1 332-21 333-27 336-25 336-25 340-20 O 341-15 345-18 351- 4 355-24 p 390- 8 406- 4 419-27 t 445-25 456- 5 456-20 456-24 458-12 464-22 r 466-30 468-26 470-21 470-32 473-23 475- 3 476- 5 481-28 484- 1 490-17 495-28 496-18 g 503- 9 507-16 DIVINE in perfect harmony with God, d- Principle, in harmony with God, the d- Principle d- Principle which brings out all harmony. d- Principle wrought wonders for the people his religion had a d- Principle, followed the understanding of the d- Principle until its d- Principle is scientifically to the person, instead of to the d- Principle, to demonstrate the d- Principle, taught the generalities of its d- Principle Science alone reveals the d- Principle Anatomy and theology reject the (f Principle a fuller understanding of the d- Princii)le should we understand the . . . d- Principle Jesus illustrated the d- Principle d- Principle of man dawns upon human thought, metajihysical Science and its d- Principle, in accord with the d- Principle of his being, perfect Father, or the d- Principle of man. the d- Principle, Love, as demonstrated by demonstrating the power of d- Principle, Love, thed- Principle, is the Father and is the eternal Mind or d- Principle, The d- Principle of the universe must God is the d- Principle of all reveals the natural, d- Principle of Science, without the d- Principle of divine Science. God is Love, and therefore He is d- Principle, the d- Principle of all that really is. the infinite a- Principle, Love, perfect Mind, Spirit, d- Principle. The d- Principle, or Life, cannot be We must receive the d- Principle the Supreme Being, or d- Principle, seek to learn, . . . from the d- Principle, God, [the d- Principle of being] He knew that the d- Principle, Love, creates guide to the d- Principle of all good, God, the d- Principle of all being, the creative power of the d- Principle nor separated from its d- Principle. D- Principle is the Life of man. Soman, . . . thrusting aside his d- Principle his d- Principle, not in a mortal body. Love, the d- Principle that obtains in the immutable, harmonious, d- Principle, and his demonstration of d- Principle uttered the demands of its d- Principle, blending with God. his d- Principle, the throne of the creative d- Principle, In Science man is governed by God, d- Prin- ciple, Having faith in the d- Principle of health perceive Christianity, ... in its d- Principle, turn our thoughts towards d* Principle, Understanding little about the d- Principle its d- Principle never repents. Spirit is d- Principle, d- Principle is Love, He is d- Principle, Love, the universal that is, the triply d- Principle, Love, indicate the d- Principle of scientific being, revealing the d- Principle, Ixjve, inseparable from the d- Principle, God. Mind is the d- Principle, Love, God, the d- Principle of man. The d- Principle of the First Commandment that . . . which is based on d- Principle, can heal the sick on the d- Principle of the d- Principle which demonstrates C. S., the d- Principle and practice of C. S. ignorance of God, the d- Principle, tree is typical of man's d- Principle, has departed from the d- Principle hiding the d- Principle of harmony. Strict adherence to the d- Principle and or he cannot demonstrate the d- Principle, the d- Principle of your demonstration, to think of aiding the d- Principle of healing has labored to expound d- Principle, this declaration and its d- Principle, Life is d- Principle, Mind, Soul. Spirit, the d- Principle of man remaining perfect. The relations of ... d- Principle and idea, God as d- Principle, Love, all is Spirit, d- Principle and its idea, inseparable as d- Principle and idea. Soul is the d- Principle of man ba.«ed on a d- Principle and so found to be reduce to practice the real man's d- Principle, Adhere to the d- Principle of C. S. based upon its d- Principle, Love, The d- Principle and idea constitute the creative power of the d- Principle, DIVINE 128 DIVINE divine Principle g 507-25 This d- Principle of all expresses Science 512- 3 incorporeal and d- Principle, Love. 515-29 Now compare man . . . tonis d- Principle, God. 518-27 The d- Principle, or Spirit, comprehends 518-29 be as perfect as the d- Principle is perfect. 524-11 the d- Principle to be lived and loved. 530- 5 sustained by God, the d- Principle of being. 536-15 by corporeality instead of d- Principle, 544-32 Error begins with . . . instead of a- Principle, 546- 9 Is the d- Principle of creation misstated? ap 559-24 When you approach . . . this d- Principle, 560-19 without ... we can never understand the d- Principle. 560-31 a greater ignorance of the d- Principle 561-14 d- Principle and spiritual idea, 561-24 as the d- Principle and divine idea. 562-15 yield to the activities of the d- Principle 565-27 be found in its d- Principle. 567-10 he is killed by the d- Principle. 569- 1 This rule clearly interprets God as d- Principle, 572-13 this d- Principle, understood and demonstrated, 573-15 the d- Principle of harmony, is ever with men, 577-16 which is the outcome of the d- Principle gl 582-18 God, the d- Principle, creates man 583-13 _rests upon and proceeds from d- Principle. 583-21 'd- Principle of all that is real and good; 586- 9 the d- l^rinciple, commonly called God. 587-26 Heaven. . . . government by d- Principle ; 588-9 I, or Ego. />• Principle; Spirit; 588-11 There is but one I, or Us, but one d- Principle, 588-20 incorporeal and eternal Mind ; d- Principle ; 589- 9 God is the d- Principle of all existence, 591-16 the only Spirit, Soul, d- Principle, 591-18 not that which is in man, but the d- Principle, 694-19 Divine substance ; Mind ; d- Principle ; 595-25 Ungodliness. Opposition to the a- Principle proof / 215-22 With its d- proof. Science reverses the Providence p 424-10 Under d- Providence there can be no accidents, purpose sp 83-27 The latter is a revelation of d- purpose reality sp 95-22 to be succeeded by C. S., by d- reality. record s 139-21 material sense stole into the d- record, reflection c 259-18 true likeness cannot be lost in d- reflection. remedy b 326- 7 and find the d- remedy for every ill, revelation d- revelation, reason, and demonstration. In d- revelation, . . . the spiritual idea is s 109-21 ap 561-20 right / 227-26 be free! This is your d- right. rights / 253-10 p 384-31 rock b 297-28 no mortal testimony is founded on the d- rock. rules s 147- 6 t 462- 3 Science (see Science) sense g 505-24 the d- sense, giving the spiritual proof ap 576-31 human sense of Deity yields to the d- sense, sentence not to annul the d- sentence into the understanding of your d- rights, quail before the d- rights of intelligence, the d- rules of C. S. any student, who adheres to the d- rules It is sad that the phrase d- service has and to recognize the d- sonship. pr 11-19 service a 40-28 sonship b 316- 7 Soul ph 200-24 must yield to infinite Spirit, the d- Soul source ph 167-14 the d- source of all health and perfection. 189-23 They proceed from the d- source ; sources p 405-32 appeal to d- sources outside of themselves. sovereign g 523-31 the d- sovereign of the Hebrew people, Spirit a 29-24 The Holy Ghost, or d- Spirit, overshadowed the 30- 7 endowed with the Christ, the d- Spirit, 46- 7 The d- Spirit, which identified Jesus thus sp 76-17 characterized by the d- Spirit as idea, 97-18 until d- Spirit, supreme in its domain, 99-23 the scientific demonstration of d- Spirit 8 125-18 When subordinate to the d- Spirit, 138-13 nor by hygiene, but by the d- Spirit, 148-28 it- ignores the d- Spirit as unable p 412-17 power of ... d- Spirit, must break the dream divine Spirit p 440-30 the just and equitable decisions of d- Spirit 442- 1 before the tribunal of d- Spirit. g 516-29 God made man ... to reflect the d- Spirit. 522-15 opposed to the supremacy of d- Spirit ; 532-U this indicates that the d- Spirit, or Father, state b 291-14 a d- state of Mind in which all statutes ph 184-14 enforcing obedience through d- statutes. p 440-26 in accordance with the d- statutes, strength p 406-31 normal control is gained through d* strength student s 117-16 As a d- student he unfolded God to man, substance b 300-28 reflects and expresses the d- substance r 468-24 reflecting the d- substance of Spirit. gl 594-19 Spirit. D- substance ; Mind ; theology / 234-22 the weary searcher after a d- theology, r 469-29 as pernicious to d- theology as thought s 118-14 means of d- thought, which include g 514-15 figurative transmission from the d- thought title b 333- 8 not a name so much as the d- title of Truth pr 4- 1 While the heart is far from d- Truth a 18- 2 whereby man reflects d- Truth, Life, and Love. 26-14 I> Truth, Life, and Love gave Jesus authority an 106-11 governed by his Maker, d- Truth and Love. ph 180-32 I have found d- Truth more potent than / 231-18 mortal beliefs which d- Truth and Love destroy. 235-23 d- Truth which is Life and perpetuates being, o 350-24 !)• Truth must be known by its effects p 388- 3 uplifting and consecrating power of d- Truth, t 453-29 the d- Truth that makes man free. 4.59-27 Guided by d- Truth and not guesswork, r 472- 3 d- Truth casts out suppositional error and heals understanding g 536- 8 Tbe d- understanding reigns, is all, universe To material sense, this d- universe is dim g 513- 8 utterance s 127-28 vesture /• 242-27 voice g 532-20 vray c 266-18 will a 28- 1 It is a d- utterance, — the Comforter appropriates no part of the d- vesture, error shrank abashed from the d- voice Universal Love is the d- way in C. S. Pharisees claimed to know and to teach the d" will, real or the offspring of the d- will ? r 474-22 wisdom m 66-20 jj 386-24 d- wisdom will then be understood. Word r 480-27 were made by Him [the d- Word] ; — John 1 .• 3. wait patiently on d- wisdom to point out pr sp 12-12 the d- healing Principle as manifested in 33-19 human element in him struggled with the d-, 43-27 The d- must overcome the human at every point. 51- 8 identity in the likeness of the d-\ 53-14 as humanly mighty, rather than as d', 98-32 not human but d-,"not physical but 's 109- 9 and thus proved absolute "and d-. 114- 9 and calls mind both human and d\ 126- 8 All Science is d-. 142-17 causes the left to let go its grasp on the d*. 147-11 Truth had lost none of its a- and healing ph 177- 5 The evidence of d- Mind's healing power 200-20 suppositional antipode of d- infinite Spirit, / 213-29 hand, which sweeps over it, is human or d\ b 269-22 testimonv of . . . neither absolute nor d-. 275-19 no life is "Life but the d- ; 277-25 the opposite of the real is not d-, 287-10 In Science, Truth is d-, 297-31 has little relation to the actual or d\ 301-12 He reflects the d-, 302-25 He is therefore the d-, infinite 305-30 mortal dreams are of human origin, not d". 312-29 the intelligent and d- healing Principle 335-18 Spirit is eternal, d-. 335-28 immutable, immortal, d-, eternal, o 341-16 according to a d- given rule, X> 396-23 Give them d- and wholesome understanding, 435-22 no demand, human or d-, renders it just 442- 3 our Government is d-. t 445-17 when you weigh the .human in the scale with the d-, 462-23 Are thoughts d- or human ? r 465- 9 God is incorporeal, d\ DIVINE divine r 473-31 Jesus proved the Principle, 129 DO to be d-. 483- 6 and this Mind must be (/•, not human. 492-27 the Principle of this Science is d-, 497-14 the evidence of d-, efficacious Love, g 520-14 accepts the d- infinite calculus. 524-16 Did the d- and infinite Principle become a 542-21 let human justice pattern the d\ 546-29 for it cures on a • is always ready. Existence, separate from d-, . . . impossible. in the man Jesus, as d- embracing humanity finite sense of the d- of Soul from this basis of d- and discord But there is, there can be, no such d-, mortal thought, the d- of which is the solar year. but the frequency of d- shows and then are separated as by a law of d- have not yet d- the drug from the general faith, man, d- from Spirit, would lose his entity. D' should warn the age of some do not inform us that they are d*, I> we pray to make ourselves better to d- more than He has already done, nor can the infinite d- less than We can d- more for ourselves by He who is immutably right will d- right do pr 3-8 Shall we ask the divine Principle . . . to rf- His 4-27 Audible prayer can never d- the works of 6- 9 supposition that we have nothing to d- but 8- 6 which d- not correspond with their character. 8-32 D- we not rather give thanks that 9- 6 I)- we love our neighbor better because of this 9- 7 D- we pursue the old selfishness, 9-26 D- you really desire to attain this point? 9-32 Consistent prayer is the desire to a- right. 10-22 we d- not always receive the blessings we ask for 10-31 />• you ask wisdom to be merciful 11-25 We must be willing to d- this, 11-30 desire to know and rf- the will of God, 13-13 D- we gain the omnipotent ear sooner by 14-20 works that I d- shall he d- also; —John 14 ; 12. a 18- 8 to show them how to d- theirs, 18- 8 but not to (/• it for them 19-24 enables man to d- the will of wisdom. 21- 6 Christians d- not continue to 25-29 We must go and d- likewise, 27-28 Why d- those who profess to follow Christ 31- 8 they who d- the will of his Father. 32- 1 these things will they d- unto you, — John 16 : 3. 42-31 works that I d- shall he d- Also." — John 14 .• 12. 48-31 what the true knowledge of God can d- 51-21 which he did and taught others to d-. 52-27 works that I d- shall he d- also ; " — John 14 .- 12. 55-12 clearer light than mere words can possibly d-, m. 59- 1 and this is the pleasantest thing to d-. 62-15 will d- much more for the health of sp 82- 2 as we d- of one present. 83- 3 the worshippers of Baal failed to d-; 85- 8 enabling one to d- good, 89-22 We are all capable of more than we d-. 93- 5 works that I d- shall he d- also," — John 14; 12. 95-13 cannot injure others, and must d- them good. 99- 8 both to will and to d- of His — Phil. 2 ; 13. an 103-32 In C. S., man can d- no harm, 106-25 they which d- such things — Gal. 5 ; 21. s 109-29 If any man will d- His will, — John 7 ; 17. 117- 9 mortals alone d- this. 119- 2 that is, when we d- so in our theories, 135-20 What cannot God d- ? 137-10 what is it that is able to d- the work, 141-22 did riot then, and d- not now, understand 141-29 Let our pulpits d- justice to C. S. 144- 2 Why should we wish to make them d- so, 151-20 brain, etc., have nothing to d- with Life, 161-15 they will d- less violence to that immortal ph 166-21 He can d- all things for us in sickness 169-32 The good that a poisonous drug seems to d- 174- 2 as consciously as d- civilized practitioners 174- 8 doing so much for man as he can d- for himself. 180- 3 should be taught to d- the body no harm 180-18 as they so frequently d-, by declaring 192-23 The good you d- anil embody gives you 198-14 but to d- tnis requires attention. 199-27 His belief that he could d- it gave / 214-21 more than they d- a spiritual God. 231- 8 What God cannot d-, man need not attempt. 234-31 d- no more harm than one's belief permits. 237-27 and expect this error to d- more for them 237-29 the only living and true God can d-. 241-15 can d- no more for mortals than 249-19 nothing to d- with Life. 253-19 change your course and d- right, c 263-18 " The good that I would, I d- not : — Bom. 7 .• 19. 263-19 evil which I would not, that I d-." — Bom. 7 ; 19. 267-15 whosoever shall (/• the will of — Matt. 12 ; 50. 6 268-* Here I stand. I cand- no otheneise ; 280- 9 Finite belief can never d justice to 283-28 unless we so f/-, we can no more demonstrate 292-23 lusts of your father ye will d-. — Joh n 8 .• 44. 305-17 Son can d- nothing of himself, — Joh n 5 .• 19. 305-18 what he seeth the Father (/• : — John 5 ; 19. 322-23 A man who likes to d- wrong 326- 5 works that I d- shall he d- also." — John 14 .- 12. o 346-32 what frail mortals are trying to d- ? 349-27 can d- so only as thought is educated 357- 4 and knew from the outset that man would d". 359-32 When others see them as I d\ p 364-14 his rich entertainer had neglected to d; 365- 4 this knowledge would d- much more 370-25 and d- no more for the patient. 371-28 father to the fact that Mind can d- it ; 379- 2 If disease can attack ... sin can d- the same, 383- 6 To d- this, the pure and exalting influence 385-17 Whatever it is your duty to d-, 386-18 you can d- without harm to yourself. 389-10 It is supposed to d- so. 402-26 handle themselves as they should d\ 403-18 and it will continue to d- so, until 405-25 tends to destroy the ability to d- right. 414- 6 yields more readily than d- most diseases 417-25 To d- this, the physician must DO 130 DOING do J) 420- 7 If they are unwilling to d- this 435-21 that tney should rf- unto you," 442- 4 " ShaU not the Judge ...d right? "—Gen. 18 .-25. t 447- 8 ignorant attempts to d- good may render you 448-16 the good you know and a- not. 448-29 It is C. S. to d- right, 454-26 feeling that you have no more to d- for them. 456-26 and so d- allhis students and patients. 460-27 to d- this orally through the meagre channel 462-18 as they usually d- in every 464- 9 not take her place, even if willing so to d\ r 497-26 to d- unto others as we would have them d- g 530-20 saying, ... I can d- what God has not done 539-14 the propensity or power to d- evil ? 540- 6 I the Lord d- all these things ; " — Isa. 45 .• 7. doctor (see also doctor's) another p 424-14 a remedy prescribed by another d-. faith of the p 398-19 It is the faith of the d- materialistic ph 198- 9 The materialistic d-, though humane, one p 424-13 if one d- should administer a drug to popular ph 166- 9 popular d- believes in his prescription, s 155- 9 ph 193- 8 197-31 198-15 198-16 198-24 /235- 4 p 364-32 doctored O 347- 8 347-11 doctoring- p 365-10 doctor's ph 166-13 197-30 198- 4 198-24 doctors jwe/viii-17 ph 180-17 198-27 / 221-12 p 394- 6 417- 4 doctrinal a 37-20 5 132-23 O 361- 3 r 496-31 doctrine Christian's 361- 8 erroneous 9 526-20. false a 27-20 forms of a 20- 3 his 8 132- 2 haman 6 286- 2 my 8 109-28 old a 38- 5 one a 2»-12 rejected s 150-25 a 26-28 an 101-16 s 109-30 150-26 150-29 b 279-22 304- 9 O 360-31 t 443-22 454-12 458- 3 doctrines and creeds r 471-22 the d-, and the nurse equip the medicine with The d- went out. The d- should suppress his fear is formed before one sees a d- before the d- undertakes to dispel it even though the d- says nothing to support Better suffer a d- infected with smallpox Did the careless d-, the nurse, the cook, infers that if anything needs to be d-, there is nothing left to be d-. physical thought-taking and d- ; the d- and pharmacist's is a medical The d- mind reaches that of his patient. A patient hears the d- verdict moulded and formed by his d- belief by d- using material remedies ; L>- should not implant disease in the importance that d- be Christian Scientists, having exhausted the skill of the d-, majority of d- depress mental energy, sometimes knowing more than their d\ into a mutilated d- platform, on any but a material and a d- theory. C. S. intervenes, explains these d- points, if by that term is meant d- beliefs. Thus the Jew unites with the Christian's d- erroneous d- that the knowledge of evil to cut down the false d- of pantheism, He at last paid no homage to forms of d- his works instead of referring to his d-, •To seek Truth through belief in a human d- " My d- is not mine, but His — John 7 : 16. than the old d- of foreordination, " He that taketh one d\ firm in faith, rejected d- of the predestination of Our Master taught no mere theory, d-, not conclusive in favor of the d- he shall know of the d-, — John 7: 17. The d- that man's harmony is governed by d- of the superiority of matter Everv system of human philosophy, d-, This is the d- of C. S. : Jew and Christian can unite in d- all longsufEerine and d\" — // Tim. 4; 2. is the d- of absolute C. S., The chief plank in this platform is the d- Are d- and creeds a benefit to man ? doctrines human s 117-31 g 504-25 545-14 man-made a 38- 8 s 134-14 medical s 163-30 of Christ s 134-16 of John s 132-28 of men 8 131-24 of physics s 132-18 old o 360-12 such o 358- 5 varied b 319-15 which he defined as human d-. a thousand years of human d-, errors send falsity into all human d- lethargy of mortals, produced by man-made d- Man-made d- are waning. To harmonize the contrarieties of medical d- how can they illustrate the d- of Christ Did the d- of John the Baptist confer taketh away the ceremonies and d- of men, from d- of physics or of divinity; my old d- or human opinions." Such d- are " confusion worse confounded." varied d- and theories which presuppose Truth, independent of d- . . . knocks at the Creeds, d-, and human hypotheses to those who, depending on d- human theories, d-, hypotheses ; pre/ vii-14 sp 98-12 b 314-29 gl 590- 6 document g 523-19 The other d- is called the Jehovistic, documents g 523-16 evidences of two distinct d- does pr 9-4 12-18 a 26-17 m 63-17 s 123- 6 162- 1 ph 187-15 196-32 / 212-23 218- 1 6 335-20 o 342- 8 356-30 p 366-28 371-16 373-11 376- 7 379-22 387-19 401- 3 413- 9 t 449- 4 449-17 456-22 458-24 r 483-28 g 515-26 541- 3 542-22 550-27 551-13 gl 585-23 doest c 256-23 doeth a 31-32 C 256-20 b 305-18 305-19 dogrma ph 195-24 / 244-28 o 342- 3 dogrmas o 354-16 dogs b 272-17 doing a 22-U 36-29 41-27 51-20 55-21 sp 79-30 79-30 8 155-12 158-28 ph 165- 4 174- 7 the falsehood which d- no one any good. The drug d- nothing, because it has no to prove what God is and what He d- for man. than d- either C. S. or civilization. as d- the error relating to soul and but upon different terms than d- the as directly as d- the hand, It d- this by giving names to diseases and this He d- by means of Mind, Mortal mind d- the false talking. Soul . . . d- not exist in mortality. decries this Science d- it presumptuously, follow its antecedent? It d-. knowing, as he d-, that Life is God no more comprehends . . . than d- the child; than d- the sinner from his sin. and d- its work almost self-deceived. The so-called vital current d- not affect That man . . . who d- the most good. it d- nothing in the right direction Mind regulates . . . and matter d- not. A grain of C. S. d- wonders for mortals, than it d- to heal the most difficult case. Truth d- the work. He d- violence to no man. it d- this in the way of His appointing, lift a weight, your reflection a- this aJso. more nearly resembles . . . than d- Cain's penalty, both for what it is and for what it d-. nor d- a lion bring forth a lamb. but it d- not acknowledge the method that which d- not last forever; What d- Thou ? " — Dan. 4 ; 35. think that he d- God service ; — John 16 .• 2. " d' according to His will — Dan. 4 ; 35. what things soever He d-, — John 5: 19. these also d- the Son likewise." — John 6 ; 19. the mere d-, the speculative theory, cast us headlong into darkness ana d-. demonstration, instead of opinion and d', to cleave to barren and desultory d-, not that which is holy unto the d-, — Matt. 7 ; 6. and " be not weary in well d-."— II These. 3 ; 13. in return for our efforts at well d-. apostles still went about d- good deeds, only through d- the works wliich he did what it has done and is d- for mankind, need " not be weary in well r/.-." — Gal. 6 ; 9. It dissipates fatigue in d- good, inanimate drug as d- this or that. Homoeopathy, ... is d- this. Instead of so d-, it closed the eyes of mortals Nothing save divine power is capable of d- DOING 131 DORMANT doing: pK 181-26 that you are d- something for them, / 202-32 in the act of (/■ good, 203- 2 and check the reward for d- good. 230-15 for d- what they could not avoid d-. 254-15 demonstrating the great problem ... is d- much, c 266-19 sinner makes liis own hell by d- evil, 266-20 and the saint his own heaven by d- right. o 348-24 by so d- our own condition can be improved 357-2, 3 for d- what He created man capable of d-, p 384- 7 God never punishes man for d- right, 387-22 supposition . . . that God punishes man for d- good, 410-27 to promote right thinking and d\ 432-16 The Judge asks if by d- good to his neighbor, 435-20 d- " unto others as ye would that they should 436-34 pronounced a sentence of death for a- right. t 448-31 d- one's self the most liarm. 449- 6 in order to continue in well d-. r 483-29 by d- many wonderful works g 527-27 but d- so materially, not spiritually, ap 563-28 but d- this in the name of good. 571- 9 d- right and benefiting our race. doleful / 203-28 and of fearful and d- dying doling p 367- 7 and the d- of arguments, dolorous g 552-12 no member of this d- and fatal triad. domain sp 80-17 d- of reason into the realm of mysticism. 97-18 until divine Spirit, supreme in its d-, dome 8 142-12 making d- and spire tremulous with beauty, domestic m 59-10 annoyances and cares of d- economy, 64-14 debarred by a covetous d- tyrant dominant an 559- 4 d- power of which was upon the sea, dominate c 266-24 his demonstrations, which d- the flesh. t 446-16 Good must d- in the thoughts of the healer, dominates sp 97-19 until divine Spirit, . . . d- all matter, dominion and power ' s 143-30 give to Mind the glory, honor, d-, and power Crod-glven ph 165- 5 man's God-given d- over the earth. / 228-13 God-given a- over the material senses. p 381-21 will sooner grasp man's God-given d-. g 531-14 recognize his God-given d- and being. ita r 485-24 If thought yields its d- to other powers, over all the earth an 102-14 has d- over all the earth / 202-22 God gives man d- over all the earth. b 316-23 gives man d- over all the earth. g 516-20 reflects God's d- over all the earth. 531-32 and having rt- over all the earth. 533- 2 God's behest, d- over all the earth? over all things b 307-26 gives man d- over all things. over error p 380-21 and prove man's d- over error. over the atmosphere 8 125-26 mariner will have d- over the atmosphere over the flsh / 222-23 " d- over the fish of the sea, — Gen. 1 .• 26. r 475-24 d- over the fish of the sea, — Gen. 1 : 26. g 515-12 d- over the fish of the sea, — Gen. 1 ; 26. 51 7-27 d- over the flsh of the sea, — Gen. 1 .• 28. over the whole earth pr 14-27 manJs d- over the whole earth. g 545-11 was given - thou " love the Lord thy God — Matt. 22 .• 37. This d- term is not used in the first chapter This makes it d- unfair to impugn and shall not d- in his heart, — Mark 11 ; 23. some d- among Bible scholars, whether were in d- concerning Jesus' teachings. I entertain no d- of the humanity of whose personal existence we may be in d-? unwise to d- if reality is in perfect harmony astounded at the vigorous claims of evil and d- or d- that the sun will reappear. It proves beyond a d- that education To fear sin is ... to rf- His government This is why you d- the statement No hypothesis . . . should interi)ose a d- or Who dares to d- this consummate test Let neither fear nor d- overshadow No one can reasonably d- that the purpose Darkness and d- encompass thought, so long as Wilderness. Loneliness; d-; darkness. But even Herod d- if Jesus was controlled by alludes to " d- disputations." — Rom. 14 ; 1. To this dull and d- disciple a faltering and d- trust in Truth d- and fears which attend such a belief, d- and defeats as well as triumphs. If thought is startled at the . . . and d- the d- as to the ultimate outcome of the injury. and you will behold the soft-winged d- definition of As early as 1862 she began to write d- She also began to jot «• her thoughts " [It] is hewn (/•."— Matt. 3.10. they assuredly call d- infinite blessings, cut d- the false doctrine of pantheism, we shall rest, sit d- with him, Their bread indeed came d- from heaven. " which Cometh d- from heaven," — John 6 ; 33. sat d- at the right hand of the Father, power to lay d- a human sense of life Truth's immortal idea is sweeping d- the d- to the depths of ignominy and death, natural order of heaven comes d- to earth, idolatry, that man should bow d- to a. weigh a- mankind with superimposed for It is set d- as a poison by We bow d- to matter, . . . like the pagan Spiritual rationality . . . cannot be put d'. oppression neither went d- in blood, nor Thus'He tAches mortals to lay d- their inverted . . . with everything turned upside d*. who only wrote d- what an inspired led by wisdom to cast d- his rod, brought d- no proof that it was heard, Why art thou cast d-, O my soul — Psal. 42 ; 11. to lay d- his mortal existence in behalf advice to a man who is d- in the world, cuts d- every tree that brings not forth Laying d- his life for a good deed. To put d- the claim of sin, you must and casts thee d- from the pinnacle, metaphysics as laid d- in this work, and advance from the rudiments laid d-. Has God taken d- His own standard, leopard shall lie d- with the kid ; — Isa. 11 .• 6. saying, through the material senses : . . . Bow a- to me A belief in other gods, . . . must god- or go d- into dust and nothingness, coming d- to a belief in the material origin brought d- from generation to generation ? " angel come d- from heaven, — Rev. 10; 1. a bride coming d- from heaven, accuser of our brethren is cast d% — Rev. 12 ; 10. the devil is come d- unto you, — Rev. 12 .• 12. by which we lay d- all for Truth, " New Jerusalem, coming d- from — Rev. 21 ; 2. " d- from God, out of heaven," — Rev. 21 ; 2. will lay d- their honors within the to lie d- in green pastures : — Psal. 23 ; 2. unmanly Adams attributed their own d- more certain is the d- of its structure. Truth and Love prevail against the d- the d- cannot war with them. the d- cast out of his mouth. — Rev. 12 ; 16. down ap 568-31 574-13 575- 8 577-23 578- 6 downfall ph 176- 5 gl 681-21 dow^nw^ard b 272-22 in contrast with the d- tendencies and Dragon, Red gl 593- 7 definition of dragon against the ap 567-11 cannot war ap 567-11 cast out ap 570-12 fought ap 566-27 d- fought, and his angels, — Rev. 12 ; 7. fought against the ap 566-26 his angels fought against the d-;—Rev. 12 ; 7. great ap 567-14 the great d- was cast out, — Rev. 12 .- 9. horns of the ap 563-11 The ten horns of the d- tjpify the belief old ap 570-18 What if the old d- should send forth red ap 562-30 and behold a great red d-, — Rev. 12 ; 3. 563- 8 The great red d- symbolizes a lie, 565- 2 and becomes the great red d-, 567-21 false claim ... is pure delusion, the red d-; show the ap 567-24 show the d- to be nothingness, stood before the ap 563-25 and the d- stood before the woman this ap 563-10 This d- stands for the sum total of human error. warreth not long ap 567- 9 Against Love, the d- warreth not long, ap 564- 5 animal instinct, of which the d* is the tj^pe, 564-14 the d- as warring against innocence. 569-25 The d- is at last stung to death by his own 569-29 And when the d- saw that he was — Rev. 12 .- 13. drain a 33-14 and d- to the dregs his cup of sorrow. drained a 54-21 cup of bitterness was d- to the dregs. drank pr 5-15 The followers of Christ d- his cup. a 35-28 draught our Master d- and commended because of the cup of bitterness he d-. His senses d- in the spiritual evidence hence the cuj) he d-. d- nothing but water. A child drinks . . . and rejoices in the d\ d- our Master drank and commended If exposure to a d* of air while in a 43-22 52- 5 53- 7 /221- 3 draught pre/ ix- 4 a 35-28 p 384-16 draughts /2.34- 1 Spiritual d- heal, draw b 300- 2 it attempts to d- correct spiritual concla- sions p 396- 8 nor d* attention to certain symptoms as drawn a 48-26 Pilate was d- into acquiescence with the s 117-24 Evidence d- from the five physical senses 129- 1 conclusion, if properly d-, cannot be false. / 247-16 models of spiritual sense, d- by perfect Mind b 274-11 not mere inferences d* from material premises. o 360- 1 real and eternal because d- from Trutn, p 379-27 pictures d- on the body by a 379-30 the fever-picture, d- by millions of mortals draws sp 96-25 As this consummation d- nearer, dread a 51- 5 This d- added the drop of gall to his cup. b 321-22 white as snow with the d- disease, p 426-20 master either a desire to die or a d* of the grave, dread>s p 379-24 her belief produces the very results she d-. 415- 9 looks upon some object which he d-. dream according to the / 250-17 according to the d* he entertains in sleep. another sp 75-30 we pass from one dream to another d\ DREAM 133 DRIVEN dream ceases o 346-20 If a d- ceases, it is self-destroyed, dreamer and g 630-28 therefore the dreamer and ye all of it." — 3/a«. 26.-27. 33-17 " n- ye all of it." —Matt. 26; 27. 33-32 Are all who eat bread and d- wine in memory 34- 1 Are all . . . willing truly to d- his cup, 54-27 those who followed him should d- of his cup, m 62-14 or whatyeshall d-"; — 3/att. 6.-26. 67- 2 shall we not d* it and learn the lessons s 158-22 acquires an educated appetite for strong d-, ph 165- * or ivhat ye shall (I- .—Matt. 6; 25. 170-17 or what ye shall d-." — Matt. 6; 25. / 222-15 less thought about what she should eat or d-, b 317- 8 will d- of his Master's cup. 328-24 and if they d- any deadly thing, —3/arfc 16 .• 18. p 362- * and if they d- any deadly thing, — Mark 16 . 18. 366- 8 debars him from giving d- to the thirsty 398-22 and the desire for strong d- is gone. 431- 5 the prisoner give him d-. g 530- 9 or what ye shall d-," — Matt. 6. -25. ap 570-16 waiting and watching for rest and d\ drinketh a .55-24 d- of Christ's cup now, drinking a 33-27 Christians, are you d- his cup? / 254- 8 To stop eating, d\ or being clothed drinks pref ix- 3 child d- in the outward world through the eyes a 48-12 when he d- from the same cup, p 406-28 The depraved appetite for alcoholic d-, t 464- 2 the use of tobacco or intoxicating d* is not drive / 251- 8 to d- belief into new paths, o 357-31 Can matter d* Life, Spirit, hence, and so defeat r 487- 1 these calamities often d- mortals to seek g 538- 3 d- error out of all selfhood. driven 8 136- 3 Jordan, that thou wast d- back? — Paal. 114 .- S. DRIVEN 134 DRUGS driven s 143-14 D- to choose between two difficulties, 152-26 mortals are divinely d- to a spiritual source droop m 61-16 often these beautiful children early d- and die, droopingr m 58- 3 or else joy's d- wings trail in dust. drop a 51- 5 This dread added the d- of gall to his cup. an 106- 2 to d- from the platform of common manhood 8 153- 8 and yet, with one (/• of that attenuation / 205- 4 stumble with lameness, d- with drunkenness, c 255- 2 d- o£E their mental swaddling-clothes, 262-21 They will then d- the false estimate of life o 361-16 As a d- of water is one with the ocean, p 379-17 when not a d- of his blood was shed. dropped / 222-20 Now she d- drugs and material hygiene, b 296- 5 the mortal is d- for the immortal. dropping / 228-17 D' their present beliefs, they will recognize drops s 148-16 d- the true tone, and accepts the discord. ph 166-24 the despairing invalid often d- them, c 257-20 " who hath begotten the d- of dew," — Job 38 ; 28. g 520-27 Mortal thought d- into the ground, 549-31 He absolutely d- from his summit, dropsy s 156- 5 A case of d, . . . fell into my hands. dross m 66-32 furnace separates the gold from the d- drove g 537- 5 So He d- out the man : — Gen. 3 ; 24. drovrn ap 570-19 a new flood to d- the Christ-Idea? 570-20 He can neither d- your voice with its roar, drowning a 22-7 This causes them, even as d- men, ap 569-19 to lift their heads above the d- wave. drug {see also drug's) administer a p 424-13 if one doctor should administer a d- to any p 420-21 better than any d-, alterative, or tonic. applying tlie p 401-24 by applying the d- to either ? causes a pr 12-21 which causes a d* to be apparently certain p 370-11 might be produced by a certain d-, confidence in the s 155- 7 take away the individual confidence in the d-, diminishes the s 155-26 Homoeopathy diminishes the d-, disappears s 155-27 the potency . . . increases as the d- disappears. divorced the a 155- 7 you have not yet divorced the d- from does nothing pr 12-18 The d- does nothing, because it has no enables a ph 174-22 belief is all that enables a d* to exterminates the 8 157- 8 C. S. exterminates the d-, faith in the p 370-14 faith in the d- is the sole factor in the cure. inanimate a 155-12 When the general belief endorses the inani- mate d- 160- 7 the inanimate d- becomes powerless. 6 312-30 and so turns ... to the inanimate d-. like a pr 12-17 affects the sick like a d-, may eventually lose p 370-24 a d- may eventually lose its supposed power mental izes a s 157-11 Homoeopathy mentalizes a d- no efficacy in a a 153-15 learned . . . that there is no eflftcacy in a d-. poisonous ph 169-32 good that a poisonous d- seems to do is evil, prescribes the p 399- 6 Mortal mind prescribes the d-, and Tely on a / 202-28 and yet we rely on a d- to heal disease, as if same p 370-12 are removed by using the same d- •whatever the ph 178- 3 the strychnine, or whatever the d- used, a 152-32 but the d- is f reauently attenuated 153- 2 it is not the d- which expels the disease drug s 157-12 d- becomes more like the human mind 157-24 the power which the d- seems to possess. 158-30 of a higher attenuation than the d-, 163-11 man-midwife, chemist, druggist, or d- ph 169-22 however much we trust a d- p 394-24 unless it can be aided by a d- 401-25 Would the d- remove paralysis, drugging s 155-29 homoeopathy, and . . . have diminished d- ; p 378-19 hygienic drilling and d-, adopted to druggist s 155- 9 The chemist, the botanist, the d-, 163-11 chemist, d-, or drug on the face of the earth, drug's s 157-14 and the d- power of action is drugs and hygiene ph 167-12 D- and hygiene cannot successfully usurp r 484-15 D- and hygiene oppose the supremacy of the and inert matter r 484-17 !)• and inert matter are unconscious, mindless. does not distribute p 408-20 Truth does not distribute d- through the blood, does not employ s 143- 5 God does not employ d- or hygiene, do not affect p 408-19 IJ- do not affect a corpse, faitti in s 145-14 whether faith in d-, trust in hygiene, 146- 7 have rendered faith in d- the fashion, ph 181-30 If you have more faith in d- than in Truth, giving p 413-24 Giving d- to infants, noticing every symptom hygiene and / 222-19 the strictest adherence to hygiene and d% inanimate an 106- 1 from the use of inanimate d- to the lose their 8 160- 5 d- lose their healing force, for they have no material s 146-18 truth divests material d- of their matter or t 463-29 are not healed by inanimate matter or d-, Mind and s 143-32 may try to make Mind and d- coalesce, mineral s 158- 9 from image-gods to vegetable and mineral d- never gave p 369-18 never gave d-, never prayed to know if never tauglit that / 232-19 Jesus never taught that d-, food, air, outweighs s 149- 3 Mind as far outweighs d- in the cure of physician prescribes ph 198-19 the physician prescribes d-, until the pleas for ph 182-27 Pleas for d- and laws of health come from prescribed no s 148- 4 prescribed no d-, urged no obedience to rush after ph 168-11 When sick (according to belief) yon rush after d-, substitute / 218-20 why do you substitute d- for the substitutes 8 146-13 Material medicine substitutes d- for the their / 237- 8 before her parents would have laid aaide their d; through o 345- 6 and work through d- to heal the sick? took no a 44-13 He took no d- to allay inflammation. use of ap 79- 8 more sanitary than the use otd-, a 155- 3 When the sick recover by the use of d', with / 230- 2 Would you attempt with d-, or without, without ph 185-23 not only without d-, but without h^'pnotism, a 155-29 but if d- are an antidote to disease, 155-30 -If d- are good things, is it safe to 155-32 If d- possess intrinsic virtues or 156- 2 Who named d-, and what made them good 157-16 If d- are part of God's creation, 157-18 then d- cannot be poisonous. 157-19 If He could create d- intrinsically bad, 157-20 If He creates d- at all . . . why did Jesus not 158-16 />-, cataplasms, and whiskey are ph 166-11 believes in the power of his d- 166-27 less than in d-, air, and exercise, 169-11 faith in rules of health or in d- begets 169-25 whatever good they may seem to receive from d\ / 222-20 she dropped d- and material hygiene, DRUGS drugrs / 230-23 never really healed by d-, hygiene, 251-16 faith in hygiene, in rf-, or in will-power. p 408-lG Can d- go'of their own accord to the brain t 4(53-26 nor did he use d-. r 483- 1 Then comes the question, how do d-, 484-18 results, supposed to proceed from d-, drug-systems s 158-25 JJ- are quitting their hold on matter drunk a 34-11 p 406-32 drunkard h 322-17 The d- thinks he enjoys drunkenness, drunkenness an 106-23 d; revellincs and such like : — Gal. 5 / 205- 4 drop with a-, consume with disease, b 322-18 The drunkard thinks he enjoys d-, 135 DWELL If all who ever partook of . . . and d- of his cup, There is no enjoyment in getting d-, ■21. dry p 379-26 coated tongue, febrile heat, d- skin, 384-17 followed by chills, d- cough, influenza, 431-26 I am Sallow Skin. I have been d-, hot, r 491- 1 swimming when he is on d- land. g 506-16 and let the d- land appear : — Gen. 1 ; 9. 506-22 And God called the d- land Earth ; — Gen. 1 .• 10. 507- 1 In metaphor, the d- land illustrates 535-30 And God called the d- land Earth ; — Gen. 1 .• 10. 557- 4 develop their children properly on d- land. dual b 334-12 This d- personality of the unseen and the seen, r 482-24 Angels announced . . . this d- appearing, duality r 473-16 hence the d- of Jesus the Christ. due pr 6-1 We cannot escape the penalty d- for sin. a 36- 7 To remit the penalty a- for sin, would be 41-13 he cannot forever . . . escape the penalty d-. m 68-10 mistrust, where confidence is d-, sp 88-27 It is d- to inspiration rather than to an 101- 2 are d- to manipulations, 106-14 incurs the divine penalty d- this crime. 8 143-30 everlastingly d- its holy name. 151- 8 Great respect is d- the motives and 162-29 With d- respect for the faculty, ph 184-32 She looked and saw that it pointed d- east. / 219-28 not rendering to God the honor d- to Him b 338-32 The ideal man was revealed in d- time, o 341-12 Proof is essential to a rf • estimate of this subject. 355-23 wholly d- to a misapprehension p 385-14 from all penalties but those d- for wrong-doing. 396-19 d- to the force of education 435-25 decides what penalty is d- for the sin, 436-24 from the penalty they considered justly d-, dull b 272-14 not to impart to d- ears and gross hearts the 317-29 To this d- and doubting disciple o 350-19 and their ears are d- of hearing, — Afatt. 13 ; 15. dulness a 34-22 raise themselves and others from spiritual d' b 272-15 which rf- and grossness could not accept duly g 507- 3 Spirit d- feeds and clothes every object, dumb a 50- 2 s 135-17 ph 183-29 Z' 226-25 o 342-23 348-13 p 398- 2 dumbness s 135-16 When Christ cast out the devil of d-, dungeon ph 194-22 Incarcerated in a cf-, where neither sight nor 195- 3 he asked to be taken back to his d-, duodecillions s 108-17 three times three d- must be nine d-. sheep before her shearers is d-, — Isa. 53 ; 7. " it came to pass, . . . the d- spake. " — Luke 11 ; 14. voice to the d-, feet to the lame. The lame, the deaf, the d-, the blind, It speaks to the d- the words of Truth, when devils, . . . were cast out and the d- spake. " Thou d- and deaf spirit, — Mark 9 ; 25. duplicity gl 589- 4 duration sp 77-17 during pre/ ix-28 xii- 6 pr 9- 2 a 47-31 sp 96-31 an 101-10 8 107- 4 / 254-16 Jacob. A corporeal mortal embracing d-, will be of longer or shorter d- This was d- the years 1867 and 1868. />• seven years over four thousand students />• many years the author has been most grate- ful />• his night of gloom and glory />• this final conflict, wicked minds will which tested d- several sessions God ha- the sensual ages, absolute C. S. during b 306- 9 d- that moment there would be no p 431- 5 D- all this time the prisoner attended to dust aud nothingness g 547-22 or go down into d- and nothingness. atom of c 263-29 like an atom of d- thrown into the decay and pli 200-13 and not subject to decay and d-. decomposed into p 429-16 buried aud decomposed into d- ; dust to s 126- 3 The problem of nothingness, or " dust to d-," ap 567-25 show the dragon to be nothingness, dust to d-; ijl 580- 1 " dust to d- ; " red sandstone; nothingness; epliemeral c 267- 3 fall into an 103-28 start not from matter or ephemeral d\ singe their own wings and fall into d-. formed from / 214-10 represented in the Scrii)tures as formed fromd-, b 281-26 through a man formed from d-. ground and g 537-17 since ground and d- stand for nothingness. injected into g 524-30 Is Spirit, God, injected into d-, matter or ph 172-18 If ... he is a jiortion of matter, or d\ b 338-19 matter or rf- was deemed the agent of Deity non-intelligent g 531-16 If , . . . body originated in non-intelligent d-, primarily g 543-20 who shall say that he is not primarily d- ? remands liim to g 532-12 condemns material man and remands him to d: returning to g 522-17 this man to be mortal, — d- returning to d-. returns to b 277- 4 g 543- 3 return to sp 73-19 / 214-12 b 278-26 287- 5 g 536-29 the Scripture says that d- returns to d-. error, . . . yields to Truth and returns to d- ; The belief that material bodies return to d-, originate in matter aud return to d-, originated in matter and must return to d; but creations of matter must return to d-. the mortal and material return to d-, rising from the ph 172-8 grades the human species as rising from the d trail iu tn 58- 4 or else joy's drooping wings trail in d-. trail in the g 550-20 causes our standard to trail in the d-. turns hope to c 263-16 His " touch turns hope to d-, 8 118-20 / 244-15 C 263-16 6 291-25 296- 1 338-13 p 416-22 r 476- 3 485-20 g 524-14 524-31 528- 1 531- 3 535-27 545-29 545-29 552-24 553-27 gl 584-28 585-27 duties a 31-12 duty pr 9-14 a 37-22 m 67-12 b 340- 6 340- 9 p 385-17 433- 7 r 496- 6 g 541-25 dwarfing t 445-11 dwell ap 82-23 b 284-14 O 341- • In all mortal forms of thought, d- is If man were d- in his earliest stage the d- we all have trod." Mind never becomes d\ error . . . man has a resurrection from d", red color of the ground, d-, 7iothingne88. has resigned his body to d-, declares that man begins in d- belief . . . that man springs from d- formed man of the d- or the ground, — Gen. 2 ; 7. Does Spirit enter d-, and lose therein the Was it requisite . . . that d- should become the belief that everything springs from d- d- thou art, and unto d- — Gen. 3 .• 19. " />• [nothingness] thou art, — Gen. 3 ; 19. unto d- [nothingness] shalt thou — Gen. 3: 19. is not in egg nor in a-. superstition about the creation from d- definition of belief . . . that man started first from d-, First in the list of Christian rf-, he taught we shall never meet this great d- simply by it is the d- and privilege of every firm at the i>ost of d-, tlie mariner works on especially when the word d-, which is not in the for this is the whole d- of man."— Eccl. 12; 13. Whatever it is your d- to do, you can do In compliance with a stern rf-, his Honor, in C. S. the first d- is to obey God, Now it repudiates even the human d- of man d- the spiritual understanding nor are they in the mental realm in which wed*. Can the infinite d- in the finite But if the spirit . . . d- in you, -—Bom. 8: 11. DWELL 136 EARNEST dwell o 357-30 if so, can Life, or God, d- in evil r 466-12 which neither d- together nor 474-32 light and darkness cannot d- together. 478-21 How can intelligence d- in matter g 510- 3 more . . . than to d- on the objects of sense ! 514-22 wolf also shall d- with the lamb, — Isa. 11 .- 6. 5;M-22 that the spirit of God d- in you."— Rom.S:9. 543-11 must d- in dream-land, until mortals 550-31 originate the impure . . . and d- in it. ap .568-20 heavens, and ye that d- in them. — Bev. 12 ; 12. 578-17 and I will d- in the house — Psal. 23 .- 6. dweller b 301-31 an unsubstantial d- in material forms, dwellers an 569-16 d- still in the deep darkness of belief. dwelleth o 341- • by His spirit that d- in you. — Rom. 8.11. dwelling a 23-13 has the Holy Ghost d- in him." sp 78-31 the invisible good d- in eternal Science. b 308- 1 Art thou d- in the belief that mind is 311-14 false estimates of soul as d- in sense 311-15 and of mind as d- in matter, o 349-24 while d- on a material plane, g 503-28 God, Spirit, d- in infinite light and d wellingr-places s 142-24 meet d- for the Most High. dwells / 247-22 which d- forever in the eternal Mind b 284- 2 It is not rational to say that Mind ... d* in p 514- 6 Mind, joyousinstrength,rf-intherealmof Mind. gl 580-24 supposition . . . Soul d- in material sense; dwelt a 29-26 The Christ d- forever an idea b 331- 6 If He d' within what He creates, 334- 4 Christ, d- forever in the bosom of the Father, g 542-28 and d- in the land of Nod. — Gen. 4 . 16. dying a 42-20 sp 76-18 78-11 ph 193- 4 /• 203-28 c 258-28 259-11 b 279- 1 292-11 p 368-17 373- 7 379-20 428-31 429-15 430- 2 441-16 r 494-27 g 556-13 557-21 dynasties ap 577-23 dynasty s 141-13 141-17 dyspepsia ph 175- 7 175-16 197-23 /221- 2 221- 4 222-29 tic 22 222-27 existence . . . separate from God is a d- error. Suffering, sinning, d- beliefs are unreal. mortal, isinning, suffering, and d-. physician, who said that the patient was d\ and of fearful and doleful d- Never born and never d-, presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and d-. the erring, changing, and d-, A sinful, sick, and «■ mortal is not more faith in living than in d-. The author has raised up the d-, not d- on account of the state of her blood, and raised the d- to life and health Mortal mind affirms . . . that the body is d-, healing the (/• and raising the dead. refuses to recognize Man as sick or d-, mortal testimony, changing, d-, unreal. is not to be gained by d-. man as never bom and as never d; Mighty potentates and d' will lay down as kin^s are crowned from a royal d\ For this Principle there is no d-, In old times who ever heard of d-, If a random thought, calling itself d; Their diet would not cure d- at this period, adopted the Graham system to cure d-. Her d- increasing, she decided that her diet In seeking a cure for d- She learned that a d- was verj- far from She finally concluded that God never made ad", dyspeptics ph 197-26 With rules of health. . . there would still bed-. dyspe^ E each pr 7-25 to whom €• want of man is always known a 21-13 gain a little e- day in the right direction, 32- 8 to pass e- g^est a cup of wine. 47-28 e- one came to a violent death except St. John, m 59- 4 most tender solicitude for e- other's happiness, 59-13 e- partner sustaining the other, 66-14 E- successive stage of experience unfolds new sp 88-10 By learning the origin of e-. ph 195-11 The point for e- one to decide is, / 246-25 E- succeeding year unfolds wisdom, 248-10 which e- day brings to a nearer tomb. b 291- 8 e- les.ser call in the growth of Christian charac- ter. o 356-14 not contributing in any wav to e- other's p 413-22 need not wash his little body all over e- day t 457-15 e- of them could see but one face of it, g 502-18 e- text is followed by its spiritual 506-13 forming e- successive stage of progress. each other a 21-20 little opportunity to help e- other. m 57- 9 conjoin naturally with e- other, / 209-18 which constituent masses hold to e- other, b 278-21 warring forever with e- other; o 358- 7 If two statements directly contradict e- other ap 564- 1 which would impel them to devour e- other yl 588-14 numbers which never blend with e- other, ear and eye sp 84-20 not dependent upon the e- and eye deaf t 444-23 a deaf e- to the teachings of C. S., divine pr 7-24 The " divine c " is not an auditory nerve. gain the pr 15-29 gain the e- and right hand of omnipotence hath not heard s 117-14 E- hath not heard, nor hath lip spoken, the . heard c 255-18 Eye hath not seen Spirit, nor hath e* heard His voice. t 459- 3 "eye hath not seen nor e- heard." — / Cor. 2:9. hearing of the ph lft2- 8 They come from the hearing of the e*, c 262-18 by the hearing of the e- : — Job 42 ; 6. ill-attuned m 60-24 An ill-attuned e- calls discord harmony, need the p 424-22 you need the e* of your auditor. ontnipotent pr 13-13 Do we gain the omnipotent e- sooner by words ear throuKh the 6 284-23 through the eye nor hear it through the c*, trieth ^ords s 115- 8 " The e- trieth words, — Job 34 : 3. whispered into the p 374- 4 whispered into the e- of mortal mind, pr 14- 2 / 213-17 r 486- 5 earlier 8 150-11 earliest a 45-22 / 236-24 244-15 g 501- 4 early pre/ viii-28 ix-12 a 41-17 52- 1 65- 6 TO 61-16 / 220-10 237-22 245- 5 O 351- 9 359-21 p 387-13 405- 9 420- 6 r 471-24 474- 4 g 523-16 gl 579- 9 fr 600- * earn pr 10-19 earned / 233-15 earnest pr 15-17 a 21-12 b 299-16 309-13 317-27 p 434-17 material person, whose e- we would gain. The e- does not really hear, accident hai)pens 'to the eye, another to the C-, as in the time of its e- demonstration, They who e- saw Jesus after the resurrection should teach their children at the e- If man were dust in his e- stage the Word, in its e- articulations, As e- as 1862 she began to write down Certain essays written at that e- date this demonstration of healing was e- lost. From e- boyhood he was about his Perhaps the e- Christian era often these beautiful children e- droop lifts her blue eye to greet the e- spring. This makes C. S. e- available. Disappointed in love in her e- years, became a member . . . in «• years. e- received her religious education. Our thinkers do not die e- l)ecause they Choke these errors in their e- stages, they should e- call an exiierienced subscribed to an orthodox creed in e- youth, accorded to Truth in the e- Christian era in the e- part of the book of Genesis, surrendering to the creator the e- fruits Let us get up e- to the vineyards : — Song 7 : 12. and stop at the doors to e- a penny goal of goodness is assiduously e- In the quiet sanctuary of e- longings. If honest, he will be in e- from the start. By giving e- heed to these spiritual guides those, who through e- striving followed to Soul, for an e- of immortality, €', solemn eyes, kindling with hope EARNESTLY 137 EARTH earnestly a 29-8 It bids us work the more e- in times of sp 82-32 it is wise e- to consider whether it is the r 476-21 Learn this, O mortal, and €• seek the ears a 38-29 and having e- ye hear not; f 211-26 the eyes to see and the e- to hear, h 272-14 not to impart to dull e- and gross hearts o 350-19 and their e- are dull of hearing, — Matt. 13 .- 15, 360-21 and hear with their e-, — Matt. 13 ; 15. definition of " Having e-, hear ye not ? " — Mark 8 .• 18. And God called the dry land E- ; — Oen. 1 ; 10. " And God called the dry land E- ; — Gen. 1 ; 10. ffl 585- 1 585- 4 £arth g 506-22 535-30 earth (see also earth's) above g 521- 2 above the sod, above e- and its environments, above the g 511-21 fowl that may fly above the e- — Gen. 1 .- 20. 511-29 fowls, which fly above the e- in the open all the an 102-14 has dominion over all the e- and its hosts. / 202-23 gives man dominion over all the e-. 6 316-23 which gives man dominion over all the e-. p 442- 4 Judge of all the e- do right ? " — Gen. 18 .- 25. r 475-26 the cattle, and over all .the e, — Gen. 1 .• 26. g 515-14 the cattle, and over all the e-, — Gen. 1 ; 26. 616-21 and reflects God's dominion over all the e*. 518- 7 upon the face of all the e-, — Gen. 1 .■ 29. 631-32 and having dominion over all the e\ 533- 3 Had he lost . . . dominion over all the e* ? and heaven s 121-10 e- and heaven were bright, c 264-30 all the glories of e- and heaven and g 518- 2 lord of the belief in e- and heaven, and hamanity sp 72-31 communicator of truth, ... to e- and human- ity. and man g 538-19 God creates the heavens, c-, and man. and the heavens g 520-18 made the e- and the heavens, — Geti. 2 ; 4. 543-31 made the e- and the heavens," — Gen. 2 : 4. at God's command g 530- 6 The e-, at God's command, brings forth food atmosphere of the / 220-14 The atmosphere of the c-, kinder than away from p 305- 3 the heavenly homesick looking away from e-, g 513-16 beast of the e- after his kind: — Gen. 1 .-24. 513-22 beast of the e- after his kind, — Gen. 1 ; 25. 518- 9 And to every beast of the e-, — Gen. 1 .• 30. blasts of m 57-25 The wintry blasts of e- may uproot the blessed the b 338-29 notwithstanding God had blessed the e- ff 537-28 which blessed the e- and gave it to man blesses the g 516-19 beautifies the landscape, blesses the e\ borne to 8 109-24 When a new spiritual idea is borne to e-, broadcast in the 2)h 197-18 knowledge now broadcast in the e-, brought forth f/ 508- 9 And the e- brought forth grass, — Gen. 1 .• 12. cast unto the ap 567-24 The words " cast unto the e- " — Rev. 12 ; 13. 569-30 saw that he was cast unto the c-, — Rev. 12 ; 13. children of b 309-15 the children of e- who followed his example cling to c 203-10 cling to e- because he has not tasted heaven. composing the / 209-17 aggregated substances composing the e-, covers / 247-27 and covers e- with loveliness. deare^it spot on ni 58-22 Home is the dearest spot on c, dominion over the ph 165- 5 man's God-g^ven dominion over the e*. down to 8 118-32 natural order of heaven comes down to c. every plague on p 405-22 better to be exposed to every plague on c* face of the 8 163-11 druggist, or drug on the face of the e-, faith on the shall he find faith on the c- ? " — Luke 18 ; 8. 8 132-27 first g 536- 3 ap 572-21 from a 48- 8 the first heaven and the first e- — Rev. 21 ; 1. the first heaven and the first e- — Rev. 21 ; 1. turned forever away from e- to heaven. earth from the g 521-21 went up a mist from the c-, — Gen. 2 ; 6. 541-29 now art thou cursed from the e-. — Gen. 4 ; 11. 546-13 went up a mist from the «•." — Gen. 2 ; 6. glories of c 264-30 all the glories of e- and heaven and man. harmony on s 122- 7 the actual reign of harmony on e-. harmony to ap 561-15 God and His Christ, bringing harmony to c-. has no repayment sp 97-32 E- has no repayment for the persecutions heaven and (see heaven) heaven and the r 479-19 created the heaven and the c-. — Gen. 1 ; 1. g 502-23 created the heaven and the e-. — Gen. 1 ; 1. heaven on 8 110-12 establishment of the kingdom of heaven on e: ph 174-20 proclaiming the kingdom of heaven on e-. heavens and ap 573- 7 heavens and e- to one human consciousness, 573-20 John's corporeal sense of the heavens and e- heavens and the <7 519- 7 heavens and the e- were finished, — Gen. 2.1. helped the woman ap 570-10 And the e- helped the woman, — ifcv. 12 .16. inhabitant of the b 317-31 the Master remained an inhabitant of the e-. inhabitants of the c 256-22 the inhabitants of the c- ; — ^an. 4 : 35. inhabiters of the ap 568-21 inhabiters of the e- and of the sea! — Rev. 12 : 12. inherit the g 516-15 " The meek shall inherit the e\" — Psal. 37 : 11. instead of the s 121-19 instead df the e- from west to east. in the g 509-24 before it was in the e\" — Gen. 2; 6. 520-19 before it was in the e-, — Gen. 2. -6. 526- 5 before it was in the e-."—Gen. 2:6. launched the 8 124-23 which launched the c* in its orbit let the g 507-11 Let the e* bring forth grass, — Gen. 1 .- 11. 513-14 Let the e- bring forth the living — Gen. 1 .• 24. material c 264- 1 the mortal body and material e; are the melted sp 97-26 uttered His voice, the e- melted." — Psa/. 46 .-6. multiply in the g 512-19 let fowl multiply in the e-. — Gen. 1 .■ 22. new sp 91-2 «' a new heaven and anew c*." — Rev. 21:1. g 536- 2 a new heaven and a new e- : — Rev. 21 : 1. 556- 8 Then will the new heaven and new e- appear, ap 572-20 a new heaven and a new e- : — Rev. 21 .• 1. 572-25 he already saw a new heaven and a new e-. 572-29 Were this new heaven and new e- terrestrial 573-22 he could see the new heaven and new e-, opened her mouth ap 570-11 and the e- opened her mouth, — iJcv. 12; 16. our g 509-14 stellar universe is no more celestial than our e\ 548- 9 How little light or heat reach our e- when over the ph 188-28 When darkness comes over the e-, 189- 3 explanation of the sun's influence over the e\ pilgrim on / 254-31 Pilgrim on e-, thy home is heaven ; received the harmony a 54- 6 e- received the harmony his glorified exam- ple refresh the b 288-18 Then the raindrops of divinity refresh the e\ replenish the g 511- 5 " multiply and replenish the e-." — Gen. 1 .•28. 517-26 multiply, and replenish the e-, — Gen. 1 ; 28. return t« a 24-25 as a proof that spirits can return to e- ? sp 73- 5 and supposedly will return to e- to-morrow, revolution of the b 310-13 not affected by the revolution of the e: revolves s 121-26 the e- revolves about the sun once a year, salt of the p 367-19 " Ye are the salt of the e\" — Matt. 6 .• 13. suffering on p 386-25 Error, . . . produces all the suffering on e*. sufferings upon s 1.58-15 and endured great sufferings upon e-. taint of m 66-14 joys of Spirit, which have no taint of r. thou < 135- 5 Tremble, thou e-, at the — Psal. 114 ; 7. EARTH 138 EATEST earth to believe that the s 119-26 to believe that the e- is in motion Truth on b 281- 3 enter into the kingdom of Truth on e- upon the a 31- 5 no man your father upon the e- : — Matt. 23 .- 9. r 475-27 that creepeth upon the e-." — Gen. 1 .-26. g 507-13 seed is in itself, upon the e- : — Geti. 1 : 11. 510- 7 to give light upon the e- : — Gen. 1: 15. 511- 8 to give light upon the c-, — Gen. 1 ; 17. 513-24 that creepeth upon the e- — Gen. 1 .• 25. 515-15 that creepeth ui»ou the e-. — Gen. 1 ; 26. that nioveth upon the e-. — Gen. 1 .-28. that creepeth upon the e-, — Gen. 1 ; 30. not caused it to rain upon the e-, — Gen. 2. -5. The angel's left foot was upon the e- ; 517-29 518-10 520-21 aj) 559- 7 wag blessed b 338-31 not the ideal man for whom the e- was blessed. iiras 'without form r 479-19 the e- was without form, — Gen. 1 .■ 2. fj 503- 6 the e- was without form, — Gen. 1.-2. whole pr 14-28 man's dominion over the whole e-. ph 191-14 Thus the whole e- will be transformed by g 545-11 was given dominion over the whole e\ a'p 575-23 the joy of the whole e-, — Psal. 48 .• 2. will become dreary sp 90- 7 E- will become dreary and desolate, will echo s 129-15 and e- will echo the cry, will help the -woman ap 570-22 In this age the e- will help the woman ; pr 17- 1 Thy will be done in e-, — Matt. 6 .- 10. 17- 2 as in heaven, so on e-, a 54-30 glorified man were physically on e- to-day,' m 69- 1 and man, not of the e- earthly sp 72-28 nor the medium through which truth passes to e\ 75-26 those living on the e- an 100- 9 celestial bodies, the e-, and animated things. s 150- 7 " on e- peace, good-will toward — Luke 2 .- 14. / 202-19 when God's kmgdom comes on «• ; 226-17 " on e- peace, good-will toward — Lnke 2 .• 14. 310-12 when the e- has again turned upon its axis. 339-a5 " in e; as it is in heaven." — Matt. 6 .- 10. o 360-29 the Galilean Prophet, the best Christian on e-, 361-27 is the higher hope on e-, r 493- 3 and the e- to stand still ; g 520-17 generations of the heavens and of the e- —Gen. 2; 4. 522-20 as the life-giving principle of tlie e-. 538-11 The sun, giving Tight and heat to the e-, 548-12 E- has little light or joy for mortals before That the e- was hatched from the and his left foot on the c-. — Rev. 10 : 2. and did cast them to the e- : — Rev. 12 ; 4. he was cast out into the e-, — Rev. 12 ; 9. definition of To material sense, e- is matter ; 552-4 ap 558- 8 663-24 567-16 gl 685- 5 585- 7 eartlily pr 10- 7 65-23 69- 1 72-26 to profit by Jesus' cup of e- sorrows, 30- 6 partook partly of Mary's e- condition, 30-23 throughout the whole e- career of Jesus, 36-12 What was his e- reward ? 36-14 e- price of spirituality in a material age 39-25 To break this e- spell, 41-16 completed hise- mission ; 46-27 which closed the e- record of Jesus, 47-28 in his last e- struggle 49-15 met his e- fate alone with God. 52-24 The highest e- representative of God, 54-21 His p- cup of bitterness was drained to the whosoever layeth his e- all on the altar and man, not of the earth e- 8p 72-26 A sinning, e- mortal is not the reality of 8 150-27 The doctrine that ... all his e- days, ph 197- 6 costs many a man his e- days of comfort. / 202-20 e- experience develops the flnity of error c 265-27 The loM of e- hopes and pleasures 6 299- 9 buried its fondest e- hopes. 314- 6 spiritual sense had quenched all e- yearnings. 315-28 more spiritual than all other e- personalities. 334- 8 fleshly Jesus, whose e- career was brief. p 387-15 If . . . authors have the shortest span of e* ap 565-14 a brief history in the e- life of our Master ; earth-mission a 51-13 but when his e- was accomplished, earthquake b 293-22 expressed in e-, wind, wave, earth's a 37-10 They are e* luminaries, which serve to 8p 75-31 from e* sleep to the grand verities of Life, 90- 6 The e- orbit and the unaginary line called earth's sp 90- 7 ,s 121-17 ph 185-10 r 471-10 486- 9 g 510-20 547-12 earthward b 272-23 ease m 58-27 / 220-13 b 270-28 easier s 138-22 / 241-31 b 322-31 p 373- 5 373-12 t 449- 9 easiest j)r 5- 4 easily a 20-29 sp 82- 2 94-24 £ast p 303- 3 east a 21-30 s 121-18 121-19 ph 184-29 184-32 185- 5 g 537- 5 eastern sp 94-12 eastward ap 575-27 easy sp 82- 1 an 102-25 / 236-31 p 362-15 400-15 eat a 25-10 31-22 32-17 33-32 m 58-24 58-25 62-13 ph ia5- « 170-16 / 220-29 222-15 222-30 » 388-30 390- 3 g 527- 8 527- 9 629-16 529-17 529-19 630- 9 530-15 533- 7 533- 9 533-29 535-22 635-23 535-25 535-26 537- 2 ap 559-17 559-25 559-28 eaten a 32-22 / 211-20 g 533- 6 535-21 eaters sp 90-20 eatest ph 197-10 r 481-19 g 527-10 532- 8 e- motion and position are sustained by Mind The e- diurnal rotation is invisible the e- magnetic currents the e- motions or of the science of astronomy, E- preparatory school must be improved Geology has never explained the e- formations; able to see in the egg the e- atmosphere, e- gravitation of sensualism and impurity, a wife ought not to court . . . stupid c-, procures a summer residence with more e- than and a sense of e- antidotes suffering, ('■ for Christianity to cast out sickness than " e- for a camel to go through — Matt. 19 ; 24. It is e- to desire Truth than to It is e- to cure the most malignant disease than Healing is e- than teaching, " e- for a camel to go through — Matt. 19 ; 24. Sorrow for wrong-doing is . . . the very e- step. the sin which doth so e- beset us, — Ueb. 12 : 1. We think of an absent friend as e- as Our Master e- read the thoughts of mankind, which is in such common use in the E-. he turns e- on the seventh, satisfied if the sun seems to move from c- to west, instead of the earth from west to e- when the wind was from the e\ She looked and saw that it pointed due e\ she never suffered again from e- winds. He placed at the e- of the garden — Gen. 3 .• 24. The e- empires and nations owe their C-, to the star seen by the Wisemen as e- to read distant thoughts as near. not lending itself to an e- explanation youth makes e- and rapid strides towards Truth. It was therefore e- for the Magdalen This task becomes e-, if you understand they truly e- his flesh and drink his blood, " As often as ye e- this bread, — I Cor. 11 ; 26. Take, e- ; this is my body. — Matt. 26 ; 26. Are all whoe- bread and drink wine in memory " Two e- no more together than they e- separately." what ye shall e\ or what ye shall — 3/a«. 6:25. what ye shall e-, or vhat ye shall — Matt. 6:28. what ye shall e-, or what ye shall — jtfatt. 6.-25. " Thou Shalt not e- of it.' — Gen. 2 ; 17. less thought about what she should e- or drink, and e- what is set before you, we shall neither e- to live nor live to c and I should like something more to c." thou mayest freely e-. — Gen. 2:16. thou Shalt not e- of it: — Gen. 2 ; 17. Ye shall not e- of everj- tree — Gen. 3 .- 1. We mav e- of the fruit of — Gen. 3 ; 2. Ye shall not e- of it, — Gen. 3 .-3. what ye shall e-, or what ye shall — Afa«. 6:25. in the day ye e- thereof, — Gen. 3 ; 5. that thou s"houldst not e- ? — Gen. 3 : 11. she gave me of the tree, and I did e-.— Gen. 3 : 12. beguiled me, and 1 did e- ; " — Gen. 3: 13. Thou Shalt not e- of it : — Gen. 3 : 17. in sorrow shalt thou e- of it — Gen. 3 : 17. and thou shalt e- the herb— Gen. 3 : 18. Shalt thou e- bread, — Gen. 3 : 19. and e-, and live forever; — Gen. 3:22. Take it, and e- it up; — Rev. 10:9. when you e- the divine body share the hemlock cup and e- the bitter herbs; The disciples had e\ " the fathers have e- sour grapes,— Ezek. 18 : 2. Hast thou e- of the tree, — Geti. 3 : 11. and hast e- of the tree — Gen. 3 : 17. Opium and hashish e- mentally trarel far " In the day that thon e- thereof — Gen.2 : 17. " In the day that thou e- thereof — Gen. 2 : 17. in the day that thou e- thereof — Gen. 2 : 17. " In the day that thou e- thereof — Oen. 2 : 17. EATETH 139 Eddy eateth g 544-10 consisteth not of the things which a man e-. eating o 32-15 " As they were e-, Jesus took bread, — Matt. 26 .■ 26. ph 165- 2 Evil declared that e- this fruit / 221-10 until three hours after e-. 222-25 if e- a bit of animal flesh could overpower her. 254- 8 To stop e*, drinking, or being clothed p 383-21 e- or smoking poison for half a century, 388-27 foolish to stop e- until we gain perfection g 532- 7 when e- its first fruits brought death ? ebbing ap 566- 2 dark e- and flowing tides of human fear. Ecclesiastes b 291-20 So we read in E\ 340- 4 This text in the book of E- ecclesiastical sp 98-32 The way ... is not e- but Christian, s 118- 4 far above the merely e- 141-11 along the line of scholarly and e- descent, 141-17 For this Principle there is . . . no e- monopoly. t 444-22 If e- sects or medical schools turn r 473-18 In an age of e- despotism, gl 590-13 Levi (Jacob's son). . . . e* despotism. echo 8 126-11 and interpreted in its own way the e- of Spirit, 129-15 and earth will e- the cry, c 262-18 Moruls will e- Job's thought, echoing ' / 226- 6 voice of God . . . was still c* in our land, eclectic p 416-10 allopathic, homoeopathic, botanic, e* eclipse ap 85- 1 read the stars or calculate an e-. economy m 59-10 the annoyances and cares of domestic e-, 59-11 nor ... be expected to understand political e-. ph 170- 7 Did Jesus understand the e- of man less / 222-16 consulting the stomach less about the e- of 'Hii-'Hi bodily conditions, structure, or e-, b 327-21 in the human or the divine e-. * p 423-25 now at work in the e- of being ecstasies ft 312-14 People go into e- over the sense of a ecstasy pr 7-17 sensation, not Soul, produces material c- 14- 7 is to have, not mere emotional c- or faith, ecstatic pr 7-19 there would grow out of e- moments Eddy, Mrs. Mary Kaker G. pref xii-27 MARY BAKER G. EDDY, author pref ix-10 So was it with the a-. x-11 The a- has not compromised conscience xi-22 When God called the a- to xi-26 first school of C. S. . . . was started by the a- xii- 7 four thousand students were taught by the a- pr 9-2 During manyyears the a* has been most grateful 074 104- 5 will be seen why the a- of this book has s 112-29 without giving that «• proper credit, 114- 2 a- calls sick and sinful humanity mortal mind, 114-31 what is termed by the a- 7nortalmind. 123-17 The term C. S. was introduced by the a- 130-23 a* has often remembered our Master's love 149-22 a- has cured what is termed organic disease 150-23 it is as evidently erroneous to the a% 152- 5 The a- has endeavored to make this book the 153- 5 The a- has attenuated Natrimi muriaticum 162-17 a- has restored health in cases of ft 330- 3 Until the a- . . . learned the vastness of C. S., o 351- 8 The a- became a member of the orthodox p 373- 6 The a- has raised up the dying, 374- 9 The a- has answered this question 377-19 a- never knew a patient who did not 380-22 years ago the «-• made a spiritual discovery, 386-12 The a- has in too many instances 394-17 Experience has proved to the «• the fallacy 402- 4 it is but just to say that the a- has already 428-30 The a- has healed hopeless organic disease, t 444-13 Students are advised by the a- to be 445-31 the a- trembles whenever she sees a 446-11 Whoever practises the Science the a- teaches, 453- 5 «• understands what she is .saying. 457- 8 Since the divine light . . . dawned upon the a\ 468-16 a- desires to keep it out of C. S. 460-25 When the Science . . . was a fresh revelation to the a-, 463-32 It has been said to the a-, 464- 4 Could her friends know how little time the a- has had, 464-22 the a- has labored to expound Eddy author r 471-23 a- subscribed to an orthodox creed in early youth, g 546-21 To the a-, thev are transparent, 547- 7 so ascertain if the a- has given you the correct ap 564-10 The a- is convinced that the accusations author's pref vii-27 viii-24 Since the a- discovery of the In the a- work, Retbospectiok and Lntko- SPECTION, an 101-21 The a- own observations of the workings of s 112-28 and yet uses another «• discoveries 126-32 If Christendom resists the a- application 129-30 a- small estimate of the pleasures of the table. 152-21 The a- medical researches and experiments t 446- 5 thorough perusal of the a- publications 452-24 simply by repeating the a- words, r 465- 1 from the flrst edition of the o- class-book, 483-13 After the a- sacred discovery, g 556-28 hence the a- experience ; discoverer of Christian Science o 359-20 the d- of C. S. early received p 426- 5 The d- of C. S. finds the path less difficult t 443- 1 When the d- of C. S. is consulted by g 555- 6 An inquirer once said to the d- of C. S. : her pref viii- 1 h- system has been fully tested viii-26 experiences which led h-, in the year 1866, to viii-29 the results of h- Scriptural study, viii-30 the Bible was /i- sole teacher; ix- 1 She also began to jot down h- thoughts ix-13 still in circulation among h- first pupils; ix-20 H- first pamphlet on C. S^ was copyrighted ix-29 h- ignorance of the great subject up to that time, x-16 she and h- students have proved x-17 proved the worth of h- teachings. x-27 Only those quarrel with h- metnod who x-28 do not understand h- meaning, xi-31 enabled h- to get this institution chartered xii-11 publisher of h- own works; xii-14 She closed h- College, October 29, 1889, xii-16 conviction that the next two years of Iv life xii-18 She retained h- charter, xii-20 as auxiliary to h- church. xii-22 in order to elucidate h- idealism. an 101-22 convince h- that it is not a remedial agent, 8 127- 1 or questions h- use of the word Science, 127- 4 nor will Christianity lose its hold upon h\ 152-22 prepared h- thought for the metaphysics of 152-24 material dependence had failed h- in h- search 152-28 H- experiments in homoeopathy 152-28 had made h- skeptical as to o 351-10 h- own prayers failed to heal h' 351-11 as did the prayers of h- devout parents 359-21 early received h- religious education. 359-23 falling from the lips of h- saintly mother, p 374-10 The author ... in h- explanation of disease 402- 4 the author has already in h- possession 402- 5 records of the cure, by herself and h- students 426- 6 when she has the high goal always before h' 426- 7 than when she counts h- footsteps t 443- 2 consulted by h- followers as to the 467-10 H- prime object, since entering this field 460-26 impart, . . . from h- own spiritual condition, 460-29 by n- manuscript circulated among the students. 460-30 beliefs were gradually expelled from h- thought, 464- 3 Could h- friends know how little time 464- 5 except through h- laborious publications, 464- 9 Others could not take h- place, 464-10 She therefore remains unseen at h- post, r 471-29 Since then h- highest creed has been hers pref xii- 3 h- was the only College of this character herself pref ix-17 she still finds h- a willing disciple p 402- 5 records of the cure, by h- and her students 464- 5 in which to make h- outwardly known I am leading: / 253- 9 I hope, dear reader, / am leading you I am not patient with p 413-21 / am not patient with a speck of dirt; I as a Christian Scientist o 359- 8 7 as a Christian Scientist believed in the / 250-22 Now / ask. Is there any more reality in the p 371-22 No impossible thing do I ask I began s 156-13 Believing them somewhat in ... / began to I beheld s 110- 8 Thus it was that / beheld, as never before, I cannot attest ph 193-28 / cannot attest the truth of that report, I cannot coincide sp 80-13 but / cannot coincide with their views. Eddy 140 Eddy Eddy I cannot fail to ph 194- 3 1 cannot fail to discern the coincidence I combat b 269-29 The theories /combat are these : I cured ph 184-27 A woman, whom /cured of consumption, p 389-31 / cured her in a few minutes. I demonstrated 8 147- 6 / demonstrated the divine rules of C. S. I deny o 348-16 / deny His cooperation with evil, I desire o 348-17 / desire to have no faith in evil I did so 8 156-18 / did so, and she continued to gain. I discovered 8 107- 1 In the year 1866, /discovered the Christ Science I discredit m 68-25 / discredit the belief that agamogenesis ap- plies to I do aver o 348-29 / do aver, that, as a result of teaching C. S., I do believe t 461- 2 but / do believe that the real man is immortal I do not uaalntain t 461- 1 /do not maintain that anyone can I entertain no sp 80-12 / entertain no doubt of the humanity I find 8 111- 3 / find the will, . . . opposed to the divine Mind 113-24 / find that God is true, I had foretold ph 169- 9 But it always came about as / had foretold. I have been informed ph 193-24 Since his recovery / have been informed that I have demonstrated 8 126-24 / have demonstrated . . . the effects of Truth ph 177- 4 / have demonstrated this beyond all cavil. 184-23 / have demonstrated this as a rule I have discerned ph 168-24 / have discerned disease in the human mind, I have discovered 8 126-23 just as /have discovered them. I have found 8 126-26 / have found nothing in ancient or in mod- em ph 180-32 / have found divine Truth more potent I have had 8 126-30 / have had no other guide I have healed o 359- 7 / have healed infidels I have made / 233-27 tests / have made of the effects of truth I have named m 68-19 / have named her ca^e to individuals, I have narrated ph 193-30 occurred just as / have narrated. I have never supposed o 348-26 / have never supposed the world would I have never witnessed t 453-11 / have never witnessed so decided effects from I have not seen ph 193-19 Since then /have not seen him, I have restored s 162-22 / have restored what is called the I have revised o 361-21 / have revised Science and Health only to I have said ph 169- 6 and / have said to the patient, I have seen ph 169- 4 / have seen the mental signs, / 212-10 / have seen an unwitting attempt 247- 3 / have seen age regain two of the elements I have set forth 8 126-22 / have set forth C. S. I here present p 430-13 / here present to my readers an allegory I hope / 253- 9 / hope, dear reader, I am leading you into 253-14 / hope that you are conquering this false I insist p 413-20 / insist ou bodily cleanliness I keep p 371-21 nor would / keep the suckling a I kindly quote 8 162-29 / kindly quote from Dr. Benjamin Rush, I knew 8 109-16 / knew the Principle of all harmonious / 221- 1 / knew a woman who when quite a child 247- 4 A woman of eighty-flve, whom / knew, I learned s 108-21 / learned these truths in divine Science : ph 194-14 (as / learned in metaphysics) I long to see p 367-27 / long to see the consummation of my hope, Eddy I love sp 99-16 / love mankind, and shall continue I mean ph 168-32 By chemicalization / mean the process I met ph 193- 3 On entering the house / met his physician, I must know s 109-19 but / must know the Science of I name ph 169-10 / name these facts to show that / 210-23 / name it mortal. I never could sp 71-25 / never could believe in spiritualism. I never knevp m 68-16 / never knew more than one individual who I prescribed s 156- 8 / prescribed the fourth attenuation of I pressed on / 226-31 but / pressed on through faith in God, I regret o 346- 1 / regret that such criticism confounds I rejoice o 354-28 / rejoice in the apprehension of this grand I rescued p 382-24 One whom / rescued from seeming . . . oblivion, I sat ph 184-29 I sat silently by her side a few moments. I saw ph 193-18 The next day / saw him in the yard. 193-29 what / saw and did for that man, / 226-22 I saw before me the sick, 226-29 / saw before me the awful conflict, 227- 3 / saw that the law of mortal belief I say 6 329- 7 proves the truth of all that / say of it I say with Paul / 216-28 / say with Paul : Be " willing — // Cor. 6 : 8. I should appear s 164-17 If you or / should appear to die, I sought 8 109-11 / sought the solution of this problem I speak ^ pr 1- 5 / speak from experience. I submitted 5 111-29 / submitted my metaphysical system I term p 401-16 What / term chemicalization is the upheaval I then o 343- 1 Shall / then be smitten for healing I then requested ph 184-31 / then requested her to look at the I therefore b 269-22 / therefore plant myself unreservedly on the I told ph 193-17 / told him to rise, dress himself, I understand pr 16-24 let me give what / understand to be the a 40-11 which /understand to mean God's method 55-29 This Comforter / understand to be Divine Science. ph 192-32 / was called to visit Mr. Clark I went ph 193- 9 / went to his bedside. I vrished / 226-26 / wished to save from the slavery of I Tvon my way s 109-20 / won my way to absolute conclusions I would not transform p 371-20 / would not transform the infant at once into me pr 16-24 let m- give what I understand to be the 8 107- 4 God had been graciously fitting m- 108- 1 "Whence came to m- this heavenly conviction, 108- 5 unfolding to nv the demonstrable fact that 109-23 revelation of Truth . . . came to w gradually 110-18 No human pen nor tongue taught m- the Science 111-28 this fact became evident to vv, 113-10 in the four following, to m-, self-evident 156-17 It then occurred to m- to give her 156-21 After trying this, she informed w thrft 156-26 and rece"iving occasional visits from m-, ph 169- 5 assuring m- that danger was over, 177- 6 is to m- as certain as the 193-32 It has been demonstrated to m- / 226-22 I saw before m- the sick, 226-30 I saw before m- the awful conflict, 226-32 to guide iiv into the land of C. S., p 382-25 One whom 1 rescued . . . wrote to m- : messenger t 455-24 When He commissions a m', it is one who mine o 345-14 but in this volume of m- there are no my a 40-10 This is m- sense of divine pardon. Eddy 141 EFFECT Eddy my sp 55-16 68-20 99-15 » 108-12 108-30 108-32 109- 1 109-11 109-20 110-14 111-26 111-29 115- 8 126-27 126-25) 156- 6 ph 177- 6 185- 3 / 219- 2 237- 1 b 299- 7 340-16 o 343- 3 p 367-28 370-14 389-29 411- 3 t 456-25 myself b 269-22 one t 455-21 455-25 she pre/ viii-27 vili-28 ix- 1 ix-ll ix-17 ix-22 lx-26 ix-31 lx-32 X- 2 x-13 x-16 xi-28 xii- 8 xii-13 xii-18 xii-20 xii-26 8 127- 2 127-10 149-23 162-24 153-10 b 330- 5 O 351- 9 359-22 359-2'-> 359-26 p 373- 8 426- 6 426- 7 t 443- 4 443- 9 445-32 453- 5 457- 8 457- 9 460-25 464- 8 464-10 r 465- 3 471-24 471-31 483-13 writer's ap 577-28 you p 382-26 t 464- 1 464- 2 464- 2 {/ 565- 8 your t 464- 1 ff 555- 7 yourself t 464- 2 M- weary hope tries to realize when casting m- bread upon the waters, m,' contest is not with the individual, Af- conclusions were reached by M- discovery, that erring, mortal . . . mind set m- thoughts to work m new channels, and led up to 7n- demonstration of the For three years after m- discovery, I won jn- way to absolute conclusions the Bible was »«• only textbook. After a lengthy examination of nv discovery I submitted ?»• metaphysical system C. S. as brought forth in w discovery. nothing ... on which to found m- own, except The Bible has been m- only authority. A case of dropsy, . . . fell into m- hands. as certain as the evidence of m- own existence. Af- metaphysi(!al treatment changed the Af- method of treating fatigue aiiplies little girl, . . . listened to m- explanations, Af- angels are exalted thoughts, The First Commandment is w favorite text and for proving m- word by w deed I long to see the consummation of m- hope. This conttrms hi- theory that faith in the drug case of convulsions, . . . under wi- observation. Af- first discovery in the student's practice requires m- work Science and Health I therefore plant m- unreservedly on the o- who has grown into such a fitness for it When He commissions a messenger, it is o- who the system that s- denominated C. S. As early aa 18t>2 «• began to write a- also began to jot down her thoughts on the s- "lisped in numbers, for the nunibers came." s- still finds herself a willing disciple s- had learned that this Science must s- made copious notes of Scriptural exposition, 8- came at length to the solution of the s- values them as a parent may treasure the and .s- would not have them changed. S- has made no effort to embellish, s- and her students have proved In 1881, s- opened the . . . College Meanwhile .s- was pastor of the .S- closed her College, October 29, 1889, S- retaineil her charter, s- had never read this book throughout s- commits these pages to honest seekers '.s* will not therefore lose faith in The terms . . . s- employs interchangeably, as readily as s- has cured purely functional and s- can now understand why, s- has cured a patient sinking in the last stage s- cherished sanguine hopes s- learned that her own prayers In childhood, s- often listened with joy .s- pondered the meaning of that Scripture that Scripture s- so often quotes : while s- has struggled long, and when s- has the high goal always before her than when s- counts her footsteps s- tries to show them that s- feels, as s- always has felt, that all are the author trembles whenever s- sees a author understands what s- is saying. s- has never used this newly discovered power in never used ... in anydirection which .s- s- had to impart, while teaching its grand facts, would understand why s- is so secluded. .S- therefore remains unseen at her post, s- revised that treatise for this volume until s- caught the first gleam of which, . . . s- has named C. S. s- affixed the name " Science " to Christianity, The w present feeble sense of C. S. but for the glorious Principle y teach, " The world is benefited by y, it feels your inttuence witfiout seeing y. Why do !/• not make yourself more widely known ? " I do not comprehend what y say about error." it feels y influence without seeing you. " I like y explanations of truth, Why do you not make y more widely known ? " Eden m 68-11 mistrust, . . . withers the flowers of E- ph 176-18 would load with disease the air of E-, ff 626-27 put him into the garden of E-, — Gen. 2; 15. 526-29 name E-, according to Cruden, means pleasure, 526-30 In this text E- stands for the mortal, . . . body. 537- 4 forth from the garden of E-, — Gen. 3 ■ 23. 537- 6 at the east of the garden of E- — Gen. 3 ; 24. edge / 2U-21 the children's teeth are set on e\" — Ezek. 18 ; 2. p 374-22 walking in darkness on the e- of a precipice. Ediuburg:li / 208-17 John Young of E- writes : edition pre/ X- 3 The first e- of Science and Health was r 465- 1 This chapter is from the first e- of editor pref xii-r2 sole e- and publisher of the C. S. Journal, educate 7» 69-17 If Christian Scientists e- their own offspring 69-18 they can e- others spiritually ph 179-15 You can even e- a healthy horse so far o 345-31 not . . . to " c- the idea of God, educated a 39-10 e- belief that Soul is in the body s 158-22 acquires an e- appetite for strong drink, ph 195- 8 All that gives pleasure to our e- senses Selfishness and sensualism are e- in as thought is e- un to spiritual apprehension, and thus are chiUiren e- into discord, false human consciousness is e- to feel, hypothesis which supposes ... is an e- belief . c 260-24 o 349-27 p 414- 2 r 484-20 489- 9 education academic / 235-12 bias of p 381- 3 entire m 62- 4 force of p 396-19 due to the force of e- formed by ph li)4-31 a belief formed by e- alone, religious o 359-22 early received her religious e\ richt / 234-23 adequate to the right e- of human thought. this c 260-27 this e- is at the expense of spiritual growth. it is not so much academic e-, the bias of e- enforces this slavery. The entire e- of children should be 60-20 86-23 the e- of the higher nature is neglected, E- alone determines the difference. ph 176-26 All disease is the result of e-, 194-19 e- constitutes this so-called mind, / 247-12 e-, and fashion form the transient standards of educational sp 89-18 not necessarily dependent upon e- processes. / 226-27 the e- systems of the Pharaohs, educator /■ 236-12 A mother is the strongest e-, efface we should e- the outlines of disease e- the images and thoughts of disease, to know that nothing can e- Mind would e- the pure sense of omnipotence. e- from thought all forms and types of e- the images of sickness from mortal mind. 2}h 175- 2 196-21 6 318- 3 318-15 « 396- 2 396-25 eflfaced / 240-20 until all wrong work is e- or rectified. h 327-14 to be e- by the sweat of agony. (/ 543- 5 The image of Spirit cannot be e-, effaces r 485-26 e- them and delineates foreign agents, effect / 224- 2 the world feels the alterative e- of truth p 421-22 alterative e- produced by Truth upon error, any p 401-23 If . . . could you produce any e- upon the bram appear In a 40- 2 and it will not appear in e-. baneful t 449-19 The baneful c- of evil associates is pr 12- 5 The beneficial e- of such prayer for the sick cause and (nee cause) cause or m 67-32 from any such cause or e-. f 207-18 amalgamation of Truth and error in cause or e- cau!«e to r 467-29 Reasoning from cause to f in the Science EFFECT 142 EFFICACY effect certain p 418- 9 unerring, and certain e- of divine Science. every b 268- 9 Mind as the cause of every e-. p 379- 7 controlling every e- and recognizing all healine s lil-14 the healing e- followed the understanding 152- 9 Truth has a healing c, even when its p 404- 1 familiar with mental action and its e- material p 403- 9 believed that the misfortune is a material e\ medical t 463-30 Such seeming medical e- or action is mental p 371- 5 Disquisitions on disease have a mental e- mistakes s 124- 8 this belief mistakes e- for cause ne-w p 398-20 and produces a new e- upon the body. no / 207-21 there can be no e- from any other cause, none / 232-23 never tried to make of none e- the sentence of illusion an 101-31 In no instance . . . other than the e- of illu- sion. of mortal mind ph 189-10 explain the e- of mortal mind on the body, c 261- 8 The e- of mortal mind on health and happiness of this Science s 162- 9 The e- of this Science is to stir the only p 401-21 The only e- produced by medicine is physical p 383-26 prove the illusive physical e- of a false belief, produce the / 211-15 produce the e- seen in the lachrymal gland? Bame t 458- 9 will finally have the same e- as seeks cause in 6 279-31 Pantheism, . . . seeks cause in c-, supposed p 408-21 derive a supposed e- on intelligence whatever o 358-25 it is said : " Rest assured that whatever «• sp 95- 1 The e- of his Mind was always to heal ati 101-29 In no instance is the e- of animal magnetism, s IS.")- 5 according to this faith will the e- be. ph 179-30 may erelong reap the e- of this mistake. 195-18 passes naturally from e- back to cause. b 291-24 until probation and growth shall e- the p 370-15 The e-, which mortal mind produces through 408-29 unconscious thought . . . produces no e-, 415- 3 disease is not a cause nor an e\ r 467-24 We reason imperfectly from e- to cause, 467-25 when we conclude that matter is the e- of Spirit ; 480-17 would make matter the cause as well as the e- efTectecl a 47-11 hatred towards that just man f his betrayal. o 348- 6 any cure, which is e- by making the p 413-18 e- without scrubbing the whole surface daily. eflTectingr t 460-.20 Instead of scientifically e- a cure, eflfective s 112- 1 most e- curative agent in medical practice. effects bad p 377-18 that it may not produce blindlv its bad e\ 384-24 or to destroy the bad e- of your belief. 393- 7 remote, and exciting cause of all bad e- 413-10 good or bad e- on the health of children. baneful ph 181-17 ignorant of the baneful e- of magnetism, p 408-12 baneful e- of illusion on mortal minds 418- 1 the baneful e- of their own conclusions. beneficial p 367-27 increase the beneficial e- of Christianity. cumulative p 405-23 the cumulative e- of a guilty conscience. decided * 453-12 I have never witnessed so decided e- from different t 461-21 because of the different e- they produce. dire pti 196- 4 save him from the dire c- of knowledge. elevating; s 146-21 elevating e- practically prove its divine origin fatal p 384-22 if you believe in laws of matter and their fatal e- ap 568- 8 the fatal e- of trying to meet error with error. Clorious ph 176-10 in its glorious e- upon the body. effects good p 397-19 good e* to be in exact proportion to your healing p 398-26 belief in the healing e- of time and medica- • tion, its an 101-23 its e- upon those who practise it, / 219-20 will be the removal of its c-. b 283- 8 Matter and its e- — sin, sickness, and 290-13 and its e-, — sickness, sin, and death. 316-10 manifest by its e- upon the human mind and o 350-25 known by its e- on the body p 374- 5 Hatred and its e- on the body 378-10 Remove the error, and you destroy its e-. 404-13 while its e- still remain on the individual, (/ 540-15 uncovers so-called sin and its e-, material sp 78-22 communicate with man through . . . material e- ? of Christian Science b 288-10 When the . . . e- of C. S. are fully apprehended, 323-28 e- of C. S. are not so much seen as felt. of error an 101-28 error cannot remove the e- of error. I) 273-30 beliefs emit the e- of error at all times, r 473- 6 are to be classified as e- of error. g 537-21 the falsity of error and the e- of error. of fear p 373-20 to remove the e- of fear produced by sin, of medicine s 163-15 Professor in London, said: " The e- of medicine of sin f/l 588- 3 Hell. . . . self-imposed agony; e- of sin; of Truth s 126-24 the e- of Truth on the health, longevity, p 386-14 the corresponding e- of Truth on the of truth / 233-27 scientific tests I have made of the e- of truth only p 379- 5 Christian Scientist finds only e-, where the on the body p 370-19 produce very direct and marked e- on the body. 374- 5 Hatred and its e- on the body are removed physical (see. physical) qualities and ph 177-21 qualities and e- of what is termed matter, sad o 342- 7 the sad e- on the sick of denying Truth. such s 132-11 any one who should not deny that sucta c, suffers from the ph 184-19 We say man suffers from the e- of cold, their / 217-16 are superior to others, is seen by their e\ p 409- 1 errors it includes and of their e*. these m 68-23 salutary causes sometimes incur these e\ sp 88-23 These e-, however, do not proceed from those p 386-10 those €• will follow, — not because of the cli- nutte, violent an 101- 1 that the violent e-, which are observed sp 78-31 These are the e- of one universal God, s 156-21 give up her medicine for one day, and risk the e; 159-21 died from e- produced by mortal mind, ph 181-22 satisfied with good words instead of c, b 284-26 the e- commonly attributed to them. eflFectual pr 11-18 but wipes it out in the most e- manner. s 108- 4 e- working of His power." — Eph. 3 : 7. 140- 2 e- in the treatment of moral ailments. p 372-29 acknowledgment of Truth ... is an e- help. effeminate ph 197-26 Many of the e- constitutions of our time eflScacious a 2.'>- 7 The material blood of Jesus was no more e* r 497-14 the evidence of divine, e- Love, eflacacioiisly t 456-21 e- treated by the metaphysical process. efficacy admits the p 401-27 Until the advancing age admits the e- aid its a 19-20 understand Jesus' atonement for sin and aid its e-; healing s 147-11 had lost none of its divine and healing e-, loses its p 370-26 Hygienic treatment also loses its c-. no pr 12-17 has no e- of its own but borrows 8 163-15 and that there is no e- in a drug. EFFICACY 143 EJECTED a 24-27 25- 3 s 158-17 efficient / 233-31 p 376-21 eflfort pre/ x-13 a 19-17 22-27 26- 7 38- 1 ph 166- 5 c 262-25 b 329-20 ff 554-17 eflforts our a 36-29 c 262-11 their ph 180- 6 t 450-10 these pre/ ix-29 a 22- 9 vigor auH a 22- 8 your P 418-26 efficacy origin and s 146-22 practically prove its divine origin and e-. tost its o 344-15 until the enemies of C. S. test its e- The e- of the cruciflxion lay in the The e- of Jesus' s^)iritual offering is divine Mind and its e- to heal. Why should truth not be e- in sickness. Therefore the e- remedy is to destroy the She has made no c* to embellish, every e- for reform, every good thought pinning one's faith . . . to another's vicarious ev all have the cup of sorrowful e- to drink to stir mankind to Christian e- '! the healing e- is made on the wrong side, even as light emits light without e- ; because he fails in his first e*. The first e- of error has been and is to in return for our e* at well doing, reverse our feeble flutterings — our e- to faith in their e- is somewhat heljjful reputation experimentally justified by their e-. These e- show . . . the degrees by which these e- are crowned with success. to make vigorous e- to save themselves ; in your e- to destroy error. / 223-20 The e- of error to answer this question effulgrence sp 95-27 he beholds the light . . . and describes its e* g 504-26 vague conjectures emit no such e-. 511-17 The changing glow and full e- of egg maternal g 553-18 the maternal e* never brought forth Adam. non-intelligent g 550- 2 a circumscribed and non-intelligent c. nor in dust g 552-24 for the redeeming power, ... is not in e* nor in dust. nucleus, or ^ g 549-16 with the formation of the nucleus, or e-, of night g 552- 5 That the earth was hatched from the " e- of night " parent of the g 552- 4 Who or what produces the parent of the e- ? c 261-29 -r 485-20 Sf 543-19 543-25 547-12 550-23 55^- 1 552- 1 552-14 ap 561- 6 gl 585-28 eggs g 549- 4 549-12 551-10 551-18 Ego but one / 249-32 divine b 336- 6 eternal b 314- 6 is deathless b 335-32 is Mind / 216-11 one b 281-14 understand / 204-21 even as the bird which has burst from the e- belief . . . man springs from dust or from an e-. If man is material and originates in an e-, Did man, whom God created . . . originate in an C-? able to see in the e- the earth's atmosphere. An e- is an impossible enclosure for Deity. Which is first, the e- or the bird ? is answered, if the e- produces the parent, mortal life, which starts from an «-, Agassiz, . . . saw the sun in an e- second from a rib, and third from an e*. The supposition that life germinates in e- sometimes through e-, sometimes through buds, naturalist argues that mortals spring from e- transmitted through these bodies called e-, and there is but one E-. The divine E-, or individuality, is reflected Thus he found the eternal E-, and proved that The E- is deathless and limitless. The understanding that the E- is Mind, The one £•, the one Mind or Spirit called God, the When will the ages understand the E-, pr 14-21 [because the E- is absent from the body, sp 70- 9 the E- and the Father are inseparable. / 250- 7 Spirit is the E- which never dreams. Ego / 250-11 b 281- 9 306-11 315- 7 p 368-25 gl 588- 9 588-21 Ego-God b 281-11 Ego-nian b 281-11 281-21 egotism t 452-17 egotists c 263- 1 egregious o 355-22 Egypt s 133- 8 ph 185-16 / 221-27 eight p 421-31 eighty-five / 247- 4 either pr Spiritual man is the likeness of this E\ What is the E-, whence its origin The E- would be unexpressed. He knew that the E- was Mind instead of Because matter has no consciousness or E-, definition of I Am. . . . divine Principle ; the only E-. Ego-man is the reflection of the E- ; E- is the reflection of the Ego-God ; E- is the image and likeness of than the luxury of learning with c- and vice. Mortals are e-. the most e- fallacies ever offered In E-, it was Mind which saved the Israelites the necromancers of E- strove to emulate she thought of the fleshpots of E-, asserting that the products of e- multiplied by A woman of e-, whom I knew, had a return of sight. 12-21 drug to be apparently e- poisonous or sanative a 36- 5 suffering, e- before or after death, 7/1 61-22 propensities that must e- be overcome or 63-17 less rights than does e- C. S. or civilization. sp 73- 1 In e- case, one does not support the other. 77-20 the illusion e- of a soul inert or of a 82-15 because both of us aree-.unconscious or 83-22 to suppose that life is e- material or 86-19 e- involve feats by tricksters, or 93-11 e- our logic is at fault or an 101-18 nothing in common with e- physiology or 103-23 It is e- Ignorant or malicious. 8 119- 6 They e- presuppose the self-evolution 153-14 From it may be learned that e- 159-17 They would e- have allayed her fear or ph 168- 5 removal of a single weight from e- scale 170-29 but in e- case dependent upon his 171- 9 e- of his life or of the weather, 181-18 In e- case you must improve your / 203-17 We are prone to believe e- in more than one 211- 7 The sensations of the body must e- be 213- 6 conceives of something as e- liquid or solid, 213-28 discoursing e- discord or harmony 220-26 The belief that e- fasting or feasting makes 232- 7 no scatheless and permanent evidence of c. 236-12 strongest educator, e- for or against crime. 236-15 e- after a model odious to herself or 237-20 keep out . . . €• sinful or diseased thoughts. 240-24 sooner or later, e- by suffering or by Science, 249-13 E- there is no omnipotence, or omniiiotence is c 258-21 so-called senses have no cognizance of e- b 291-27 for the grave has no power over e-. 296- 6 E- here or hereafter, suffering or Science must 297-10 a change in e- a health-belief or a 323-30 We are e- turning away from this utterance, or 324-16 conquer sin. sickness, "and death, e here or 330-17 linowledge of it is left e- to human conjecture or 353- 9 €• in the form of sickness or of sin? 360-16 This ideal is e- temporal or eternal. 360-17 E- Spirit or matter is your model. p 384- 2 Can matter, . . . e- feel or act without 385-32 coming from . . . as if p- were intelligent, 388-32 e- the food or this thought must be 390-24 no law of His to supjjort the necessity e- of sin or 401-24 by applying the drug to €■ ? 415-17 e- retards the circulation or quickens it, 423- 3 not to be communicated to the patient, e- ver- bally or 424-18 e- by giving antagonistic advice or 426-20 master e- a desire to die or a dread of the grave, t 446- 7 may e- arise from the alarmof the physician, or 451- 9 will-e- make shipwreck of their faith or 451-29 e- with a mistaken or a wicked purpose. 457-18 there is no good aspect, e- silvern or golden, r 488-19 cannot be true e- of man or of his 490-29 Sleep shows material sense as e- oblivion, g 5a8-18 does not necessarily refer p- to masculinity or 531-21 Who dares to say e- that God is in matter or 547-21 must e- return to Mind or ."iSl- 3 E- Mind produces, or it is produced. 551-21 peculiarities of ancestry, belonging to e- sex, ap 567-20 claiming that there is intelligence in matter r- ejected. g 524-30 and eventually e- at the demand of matter ? EJECTION 144 ELOQUENCE ejection sp 97- 2 They will aid in the e- of error. ph 171-20 exposed to e- by the operation of elaborate pref x-14 She has made no effort to embellish, e-, elaborated s 141-14 Jesus e- the fact that the healing effect elastic s 128-13 becomes more c-, is capable of greater 161- 1 supple and e- condition of the healthy limb, elasticity ph 198-20 until the e- of mortal thought haply causes a elders a 41-28 The truth taught by Jesus, the e- scoffed at. o 354-16 derived from the traditions of the e- El Dorado pr 9-21 This is the E- D- of Christianity. ap 559-30 into the E- D- of faith and hope. elect c 266-22 material sense, . . . would deceive the very &. election a 38- 5 old doctrine of . . . the e- of a few to be saved, elective VI 63-20 If the e- franchise for women will remedy electric sp 78-22 through e-, material effects ? 97- 9 and the e- current swift, p 393-23 or the e- wire which you stretch, electricity destructive sp 93-17 Destructive e- is not the offspring of hypnotism and sp 78-26 hypnotism and e- are claimed to be spirits and , sp 80-29 believes that . . . emanates from spirits and e-. trust in ph 181- 9 When you manipulate patients, you trust in e- •wires nor sp 78-19 Spirit needs no wires nor e- in order to sp 73-16 through e- or any other form of matter, ph 178-30 may attempt to unite with it hypnotism, . . . e- ; b 293- 3 E- IS not a vital fluid, 293-17 E- is the sharp surplus of materiality 293-19 e- is not intelligent, t 450-32 e-, animal nature, and organic life, element destructive / 210-32 it is without a destructive e-. essential o 347-18 restoring an essential c* of Christianity, fleslily 6 332-31 Into the real and ideal man the fleshly e- can- not grossest ap 565- 9 Led on by the grossest e- of mortal mind, human a 33-18 When the human e* in him struggled with lost b 328-17 has been dormant, a lost e- of Christianity. mental s 157- 5 whole force of the mental e* is employed native p 383-15 It is the native e- of such a mind, no b 311- 7 it is Spirit, which has no e- of self-destruction. g 503-23 no c- nor symbol of discord and decay. no niat«rial ph 191- 7 will include in that likeness no material e-. of error t 463-12 has not a single e- of error, of evil g 539-11 God could never impart an e* of evil, of proKTess / 233- 5 This is an e- of progress, only ph 196- 9 for sin is the only e- of destruction. swinish b 111- 8 the swinish e- in human nature uproots it. the very s 134-19 robs Christianity of the very e-, which s 146- 3 Why has this e- of Christianity been lost ? turbulent ph 180-23 they should try to correct this turbulent e* h 310-24 Sin is the e- of self-destruction, p 392- 6 Fear, which is an e- of all disease, 413-16 more vigorously in its own e-. r 480- 8 Nerves are an e- of the belief gl 583-25 not create an atom or an e- the opposite of elementary p 372- 5 error in solution, e- mortal mind, ap 559- 5 upon the sea, — upon e- , latent error, elements certain m 57- 6 through certain e- of the feminine, different m 57- 9 These different e- conjoin naturally dissolving r 490-22 along with the dissolving e- of clay. evil sp 83- 7 evil e- now coming to the surface. healing b 329- 2 the healing e- of pure Christianity will be infinite g 512-21 From the infinite e- of the one Mind material b 284-25 Even the more subtile and misnamed material e* r 475- 7 blood, bones, and other material e-. g 551-20 composed of the simplest material e-, mortal p 374-29 is resolved into its primitive mortal e-. primal ap 559-26 partaking of the nature, or primal e-, of Truth symbols and b 280- 2 Symbols and e- of discord 8 124-32 The e- and functions of the physical body / 224-28 Truth brings the e- of liberty. 247- 3 two of the e- it had lost, sight and teeth. b 309-18 not in e- which are not spiritual, r 479-25 and they are the e- of nothingness. 481-24 Sin has the e- of self-destruction. g 507- 3 while water symbolizes the e- of Mind. elevate m, 58- 2 intercourse with those adapted to e- it, / 235-18 will degrade the characters it should . . . c-. b 318-26 and are not adapted to e- mankind. r 492-11 will purify and e- character. elevated a 45-20 hath e- them to possible at-one-ment ap 576-28 Jewish concept, not yet e- to deific apprehension elevates b 323-22 e- even mortal mind to the contemplation elevating- tn 57-24 enlarging, purifying, and p- it. s 146-21 e- effects practically prove its divine origin o 341- 3 e- them from a theoretical to a practical gl 583-15 and is found e- the race, 586-14 Fire. . . . affliction purifj'ing and c- man. elevation pr 7- 9 it gives momentary solemnity and c- to thought. in 63-24 the e- of society in general sp 98- 2 the e- of existence above mortal discord p 426-25 health and morals far beyond its present c-, t 444- 4 suffering is oft the divine agent in this c-. eleven a 27-23 but only e- left a desirable historic record. 49- 8 Were all conspirators save e- ? Elias s 136-15 some, E- ; and others, Jeremias, — Matt. 16 ; 14. i;}6-19 controlled by the spirit of John or of E-. ap 562- 3 As E- presented the idea of the fatherhood gl 585- 9 definition of 585-13 " E- truly shall first come and — Matt. 17 11. elicited s 137-21 This assertion e- from Jesus the benediction, Elijah s 139- 7 so did Joshua, E-, and Elisha. eliminate o 348-18 Is It not well to e- from so-called mortal mind eliminated b 273-15 till the errors of sense are e: Elisha 8 139- 8 so did Joshua, Elijah, and E\ Elohim h 320-32 stand in celestial perfection before E; g 515-16 The eternal E- includes the 515-17 The name E- is in the plural, 523-18 the Supreme Being is therein called E\ 523-25 it is E- (God) who creates. gl 591- 4 one Spirit, or intelligence, named E-, or God. Elohistic g 523-17 One is called the E-, because 5.38-18 no record in the E- introduction of Genesis, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani a 51-1 the plaintive cry, "£•, £-,i-s-? "—3/dr* 15 .-34. elongated « 162-21 shortened limbs have been e; eloquence sp 88-26 E- re-echoes the strains vf Truth and Love. ELOQUENCE 145 EMPLOY eloquence sp 88-31 When e- proceeds from the belief that a 89- 9 Destroy her belief in . . . and her e- disappears. eloquent sp 89- 5 the devotee may become unwontedly e-. 89-17 the tongue grows mute which before was c-. else pr 3-12 reflected by man, — e- man is not the image 11-24 if we desire holiness above all e-, a 25-29 e- we are not improving the great blessings m 58- 3 or e- joy's drooping wings trail in dust. sp 76- 4 forgets all e- and breathes aloud his rapture. 89- 7 believing that somebody e- possesses her tongue s 109-13 searched the Scriptures and read little e-, 119- 7 or e- they assume that matter is the product of 135-22 e- one or the other is false and useless ; 143- 6 e- Jesus would have recommended and ph 168- 8 which would otherwise outweigh all e-. 182-28 or e- from ignorance of C. S. and its 197-31 e- his belief in its reality and fatality will / 205- 1 e- God will continue to be hidden from 206- 5 e- it will misguide the judgment 208-18 " God is the father of mind, and of nothing e\" 220-19 and then charges them to something e-, c 263-22 e- it is a new nmltiplication or self-division b 272- 7 e- it beareth not much fruit, 289- 9 He is little e- than the expression of error. 310- 9 e- the clay would have power over the potter. 331-22 reflected by . . . and by nothing e-. 335-20 for Spirit is more than all e-. 336-21 e- God would be manifestly finite, p 414-22 there is none e- beside Him." — JJeut. 4 .-35. 435-26 For naught e- can he be punished, r 466-20 Soul or Spirit signifies Deity and nothing e\ 478-26 of material human beliefs and of nothing e\ 481- 3 tributary to God, Si)irit, and to nothing e-. g 551-28 All must be Mind, or e- all must be matter. elsewhere ph 190- 7 neither ... is found in brain or e- in matter 195- 4 said that he should never be happy e\ b 277- 3 and e- the Scripture says that gl 598- 7 and e- in the New Testament. elucidate pre/ xii-21 in order to e- her idealism. r 465- 5 to e- scientific metaphysics. elucidates gl 579- 3 often e- the meaning of the inspired elucidation o 349-18 Th^ €• of C. S. lies in its spiritual sense, elude / 252-19 and says: . . . I e- detection by smooth-tongued p 440- 1 he could not possibly e* their search. emanate / 229- 7 whence did they e- ? 236- 2 Truth should e- from the pulpit, b 273- 2 contrary to God, and cannot e- from Him. g 512-22 From . . . Mind e- all form, color, a'p .564-17 barbarity of his foes could e- from emanates sp 80-29 believes that this wonder e* from spirits g 5(H- 1 from which e- the true idea, emanating s 118-15 e- from the invisible and infinite power c 257- 1 infinite image or idea e- from this Mind. b 284-29 spiritual, e- from divine Mind. g 508-15 the pure thought e- from divine Mind. emanation a»i 104-15 as the e- of divine Mind, s 127-26 Science is an e- of divine Mind, g 519- 5 the e*, of His infinite self-containment emanations sp 88-11 Ideas are e- from the divine Mind. 336-16 They are the e- of Him who is Life, emancipate / 223-23 They will e- humanity, and supplant emancipated 7 54()- 2 at some future time to be e- from it, ema.seulation b 271- 5 Neither e-, illusion, nor insubordination embellish pre/ x-14 She has made no effort to e-, embellishments / 247-28 e- of the person are poor substitutes emblem / 2.38-31 The cross is the central e- of history. embodied sp 93-29 this is the error e- in the belief that p 372-11 belief . . . that man can enter his own e- emhodies 6 299- 3 which e- his conception of an unseen quality emhodiment / 225-16 proportionate to its e- of right thinking. b 333-13 the life of which Christ Jesus was the e-. o 350-27 Hence its e- in the incarnate Jesus, r 491-25 apparently with their own separate e-. ap 563-15 lifts the veil from this e- of all evil, embody £li 192-23 good you do and e- gives you the only power race pr 7-15 may e- too much love of applause / 208-29 You e- your body in your thought, f 258- 2 finite conception of God cannot e- the embraced t 463- 3 under influences not e- in his diagnosis, g 503- 2 which are e- in the infinite Mind embi'acing: sp 77-14 €• its so-called pleasures and pains, / 208-10 e- sin, sickness, and death ap 561-17 in the man Jesus, as divinity e- humanity gl 589- 4 A corporeal mortal e- duplicity, embryo / 236-13 Her thoughts form the e- of another r 476- 4 declares that man begins . . . as a material c. gl 583- 2 God's thoughts, not in e-, but in maturity; embryolog-y g 550-25 E- supplies no instance of one species 553- 1 in the various forms of e-, embryonic ph 188- 6 an e- thought without motive ; 189-28 the development of e- mortal mind 190- 1 formation of so-called e- mortal mind, 190- 8 This e- and materialistic human belief g 547-14 the germinating speck of so-called e- life 548-29 facts in regard to so-called e- life. 550-22 If Life is God, . . . then Life is not e-, ap 561- 6 at a point of so-called e- life. emeralds sp 87-19 The mine knows naught of the e- within emerge r 485-14 £• gently from matter into Spirit. g 549-17 one or more individualities subsequently e- ; 552-16 Mortals must e- from this notion emergence g 553-26 as the point of e- for the human race, emergency p 406- 5 which is equal to every e-, emerging s 148-11 as e- from the lowest, instead of from emigrant p 383t12 a hint may be taken from the e-, emit b 273-30 beliefs e- the effects of error at all times, g 504-26 vague conjectures e- no such effulgence. emits c 262-25 even as light e- light without effort; £mmaus a 46- 5 In the walk to £•, Jesus was known emolument / 236- 6 e- . . . which many leaders seek? emotion pr 7-18 produces material ecstasy and e\ ph 180-16 reservoir already overflowing with that e-. emotional pr 14-7 is to have, not mere e- ecstasy or faith, a 25-27 all the e* love we can bestow on him, will never emphasize g 516-27 To e* this momentous thought, emphasizes s 116-20 C. S. Strongly e- the thought that emphatic g 520-23 Here is the e- declaration that God emphatically y 369-24 preventive and curative) arts belong e- to C. S., empire » 378-22 not an intelligence to dispute the e- of Mind empires pre/ vii-20 Though e- fall, " the Lord shall — Exod. 15 .• 18. sp 94-12 The eastern e- and nations owe their s 121- 8 the fate of e- and the fortunes of men. employ a 44-18 that he might e- his feet as before. 8 143- 5 God does not e- drugs or hygiene, 157-21 why did Jesus not e- them ph 181-11 and for that reason, you e- matter / 218-21 and e- means which lead only into 235-19 Physicians, whom the sick e- in their p 390-31 as a legislator would e- to defeat the passage of 418-23 By the truthful arguments you e-, gl 598- 9 to e- words of material significance EMPLOYED 146 ENDEAVOR employed an 102-28 abused by its possessor, than otherwise e; s 112- 1 proved itself, whenever scientifically c, 116-25 are commonly and iguorantly e-, 143- 7 else Jesus would have . . . e- them 156- 7 Tapping had been e*, and yet, 157- 5 whole force of the mental element is e* ph 186- 8 under whatever name . . . they are e- ; o 349-25 material terms must be generally e-. p 403-10 The human mind is €• to remove the illusion 422-24 A surgeon is e- in one case, vfOTdhe{f inning is e- to signify the only, this term is sometimes e- as a title, e- no other means, and she was cured, or by e- a single material application g 502-25 gl 590-15 employers p 439- 5 advertises largely for his e; employing s 156-26 p 421-29 employs an 104-23 The hypnotizer e- one error to destroy s 127-10 The terms . . . C. S., or Science alone, she e- empowers ph 199-10 and e- man through its mandate, emptied / 201-14 They must first be e-. emptiness gl 599- 7 E-; unfaithfulness; desolation. empty pr 3-17 How e- are our conceptions of Deity! a 54-11 e- or sin-filled human storehouses, / 234-20 and e- it of sin and sickness, emptying ' "" " his thought of the false stimulus the plump cheeks of our ancestors, ph 186- 2 empurpled ph 175-26 ( empyrean s 121-10 was to them displayed upon the e-, emulate a 37-16 learn to e- him in all his ways ph 185-17 strove to c- the wonders wrought by Moses. (/ 515- 2 enables its possessor to e- the example of emulations an 106-22 hatred, variance, e-, wrath,— Gal. 5.- 20. enable pr 4-29 watchfulness, and devout obedience e- us to 17- 2 £■ us to know, — as in heaven, so on earth, a 42-29 He was here to e- them to test his o 354- 6 to e- them to leave all for Christ, p 365- 9 e- them to rise above the supposed necessity 366- 5 e- him to cast physical evils out of his patient; e- you to commute this self-sentence, would e- us to hold the banner of Christianity 378- 5 426-26 enabled pre/ xi-30 a 24-30 28-14 30- 9 35- 7 43- 4 51-30 54-24 8p 94-25 e- her to get this institution chartered e- their Master to triumph over the grave, e- to heal the sick and to triumph over sin. this e- him to be the mediator, e- to rise somewhat from mortal sensuousness, e- the disciples to understand what Jesus which e- Jesus to heal the sick, it e- them to understand the Nazarene e- him to direct those thoughts aright; b 315-21 e- him to demonstrate the facts of oeing, 324-23 e- him to follow the example and teachings r 482-22 e- Jesus to demonstrate his control over mat- ter. g 534- 3 This hereafter e- woman to be the 534- 5 This e- woman to be first to interpret enables pr 3-11 e- us to work out our own salvation. 10-14 It is striving that e- us to enter. a 19-23 and e- man to do the will of wisdom. sp 84-14 Acquaintance with the Science of being e* 87-15 Science e- one to read the human mind, 87-17 It e- one to heal through Mind, s 147- 1 This system e- the learner to demonstrate 147-21 and e- you to grasp the spiritual facts ph 174-22 belief is all that e- a drug to cure / 238- 8 c- one to be Christian. b 317-19 and e- him to conquer sin, o 350- 9 e- them to interpret his spiritual meaning. p 392- 8 e- truth to outweigh error, r 493-14 e- the healer to demonstrate . . . the Principle 496-16 e- you to demonstrate, with scientific certainty, g 515- 1 e- Its possessor to emulate the example of Jesus. enabling sp 85-8 e- one to do good, but not evil. enact p 440-23 beliefs . . . compel them to c* wicked laws of enactment p 384-11 belief of mortal mind, not an e- of wisdom. enactments p 381-20 Think less of the e- of mortal mind, enamoured / 245-20 coaxed the e- lightning from the clouds. enchantment / 209-15 Nearness, not distance, lends e- to this view. enclosure g 550-23 An egg is an impossible e- for Deity. encompass g 551-25 Darkness and doubt e- thought, so long as encompassing r 496-19 overlying, and e- all true being. gl 585-16 Divine Science e- the universe and man ; 597-29 God's spiritual government, c- all things. encounter / 254-28 If you launch your bark . . . you will e- storms. encountered a 28-29 The trials e- by prophet, disciple, and encourage pr 7-16 to induce or e- Christian sentiment. p 396-11 nor e- in the patient's thought the encouragement b 339-11 sinner can receive no e- from the p 363-31 there was e- in the mere fact that 367- 4 tender word and Christian e- of an invalid, encourages 6 320-28 and e- mortals to hope in Him encouraging m 63-22 without e- diflBculties of greater end (noun) beginning and b 282- 8 the finite, which has both beginning and e\ 338- 5 belief — that man . . . has beginning and e*, gl 580-22 supposition that Life . . . has beginnnigande-; beginning or 6 282- 7 represents the infinite without beginning ore"; g 521- 5 narrative of being that is without beginning or e-. gl 585- 6 which are likewise without beginning or e-. beginning to s 139- 4 From beginning to e-, the Scriptures r 478-25 From beginning to e-, whatever is mortal ap 659-21 Read this book from beginning to e-. no ap 565-15 there shall be no e-," — Luke 1 .• 33. of error sp 95-19 We welcome . . . the e- of error, 96-19 disturbances will continue until the e- of error, their pr this pr 5-20 the Psalmist could see their e-. 5- 6 22-12 until the g 533-25 unto the sp 96-10 t 446-23 fvithout /253- 6 To this e- we are placed under the for to this e- God worketh with you. and multiplies until the e- thereof. will continue unto the c-, even unto the e- of the world." — Matt. 28 ; 20. life, without beginning and without e*. r 468-27 Life is without beginning and without e: sp 96-27 he . . . will endure to the e\ s 139-10 even when the e- has been brightness / 212-11 attempt to scratch the c- of a finger which c 259-30 to the c- that they may produce harmonious 6 331-10 testifies to a beginning and an e-. 3.33-18 without beginning of years or e- of days. p 401-11 to the e- of producing a higher r 484-26 thus putting an e- to the hypotheses g 501-14 which subserve the e- of natural good, 523-28 intertwined to the e- of chapter twelve, 538-29 they must consequently have an e-, ap 564-30 From the beginning to the e-, the serpent 569-20 What must the e- be ? gl 592- 5 a beginning and therefore an e- ; end (verb) / 214-27 when a wound on the retina may e- the 227- 8 law of the divine Mind must e- human bondage* 245-32 infinite never began nor will it ever e\ 249-15 infinity never began, will never e-, c 262-28 To begin rightly is to e- rightly. b 292- 2 will e- the battle of Truth with error 331- 5 subject to theirlimitations and would c- in death. p 376-27 Destrov fear, and you e- fever. 427-15 Nothing can . . . e- the existence of man r 491-12 facts or being, in which all must e-. g 532-27 error began and will e- the dream of matter. 536-20 Passions and appetites must e- in pain. endeavor sp ph 96-31 wicked minds will e- to find means 169-23 towards which human faith or e- is directed. ENDEAVOR 147 England endeavor b 323- 4 This strife consists in the e- to forsake error p 368-14 has little inspiration to nerve e-. endeavored a 27-31 e- to hold him at the mercy of matter s 152- 6 author has e- to make this book the ^sculapius of endeavorinj? / 246- 7 and e* to reach Spirit p 426- 8 in e- to reach it. 432-26 e- to assist the prisoner to escape endeavors a 22-15 If your e- are beset by fearful odds, / 253-20 right e- against sin or sickness, p 426-14 Man should renew his energies and e-, ended s 123-26 not specially belong to a dispensation now e-, g 519-22 God e- His work which — Gen. 2 ; 2. endeth ap 567-12 Thus e- the conflict between the flesh and ending- p 429-23 it must also have an e-, r 469- 6 it would also have ane-. g 550-17 as beginning and e-, and with birth, decay, and endless a 18- 6 and for this we owe him e- homage. endorse r 488-12 appear . . . to approve and e* belief, endorsed a 42-11 e* pre-eminently by the approval of God, endorses s 155-11 When the general belief e- the endow^ s 119- 1 "When we e- matter with vague spiritual power, 119- 3 of course we cannot really e- matter with 132-29 or e- him with the truest conception of the o 357-13 but if we theoretically e- mortals with endowed a 30- 6 e- with the Christ, the divine Spirit, an 106- 7 God has e- man with inalienable rights, s 161-16 " Man is e- by his Maker with b 312-32 Jesus' spiritual origin . . . richly e- him p 378-27 God never e- matter with power to disable Life t 461- 9 morally advanced and spiritually e-, g 548-26 Natural history is richly e- by the labors endowment sp 88-29 said to be a gift whose e- is obtained from eudow^nients . r 488-25 mental e- are not at the mercy of endows p 380-30 to believe . . . that God e- this opposing power g 522- 6 e* man out of God's perfection and power. ends / 239-28 discordant and e- in sin, sickness, death. 251- 6 becomes more severe before it e-. c 261-26 the solid objects and e- of life 307-16 false sense of an existence which e- in death. 309-29 so-called life always e- in death. 340-24 constitutes the brotherhood of man; e- wars; p 380- 2 which e- in a belief called death, g 550-11 which e-, even as it begins, ap 561- 2 which works out the e- of eternal good endued a .55-25 e- with the spirit ... of Christian healing. t 445-10 possibilities of man e- with divine Science. endues g 547-18 Darwin's theory, — that Mind . . . c- matter with endurance sp 80- 5 or for the support of bodily e\ s 128- 8 C. S. enhances their e- and mental powers, 128-13 more elastic, is capable of greater e-, p 385- 8 supplies energy and e- surpassing all other 387- 6 When we reach our limits of mental e*, endure a 39- 3 indignities as he received, his followers will e- 40-21 e- human brutality without murmuring, sp 96-27 he . . . will e- to the end. 99-17 and shall continue to labor and to c*. h 290-24 but e- until the death of these errors. p 385- 5 which ordinary people could not e*. 405-23 than to e- the cumulative effects of a endured a 36-10 Jesuse- the shame, that he might s 158-14 Apollo, . . . e- great sufl;erings upon earth. b 239- 2 e- the lash of their predecessors, endureth pre/ xii-24 " hopeth all things, e* all things,"— / Cor. 13 7. enduring w 5!)- 2 a full recognition of its e- obligations enduring m 66- 8 they will be strong and e-. c 259-27 Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and e*, 261- 4 Hold thought steadfastly to the e-, r 488- 1 e- and harmonious phases of tbingis. enemies (see also enemies') blessing; its gl 589-22 pure affection blessing its e*. bless our a 30-29 Only in this way can we bless our e-, his a 43-24 Out of reach of the barbarity of his e*, 51- 6 Jesuscouldhave withdrawn nimself from his 6'. implacable a 40-16 the crimes of his implacable e* Jesus' a 48-27 acquiescence with the demands of Jesus' e\ love our / 234-12 We Should love our e- mine ap 578-14 in the presence of mine «• : — Psal. 23 ; 5. of Christian Science o 344-15 until the e- of C. S. test its eflBcacy physical s 116-16 nor do they carry the day against physical e*. Thine / 201- * where^vith Thine e- have reproached, — Psal. 89 .• 51. a 33-23 It blesses its «•, heals the sick, 45-11 " For if, when we were e-, — Pom. 5: 10. 48-21 Peter would have smitten the e- of c 266-13 Friends will betray and e- will slander, ( 449-26 They are e- without the preliminary offence. enemies' a 51-13 could give his temporal life into his e- hands ; enemy a 39-13 The Bible calls death an e-, / 210- 9 last e- that shall be destroyed," — / Cor. 15 .• 26.. p 401- 2 Any human error is its own e-, 427-19 last e- that shall be destroyed — / Cor. 15 .• 26. 438- 6 over all the power of the e- : — Luke 10 .• 19. r 486-17 If . . . then death is not an e* energies divine ph 186- 4 filling it with the divine e- of Truth. his p 426-14 Man should renew his c and endeavors, latent t 445- 8 Unfold the latent e- and recuperative / 252- 5 and of the recuperative e- of Truth spiritiial p 387- 9 spiritual e- can neither wear out nor wasted a 44-15 to resuscitate wasted e: devoted time and e- to discovering and if , . . . you fail to use the e- of Mind absolute consecration of thought, e-, and Let us feel the divine e- of Spirit, The spiritual demand, . . . supplies e* majority of doctors depress mental e-, the unlabored motion of the divine e- Though gathering new e-, this idea cannot material intelligence called e- s 109-14 t 455-12 energy pr 3-16 /249- 6 p 385- 8 394- 6 t 44,5-21 463-10 g 534-16 enfeebled / 227-28 crippled your capacities, e- your body, enforce to e- the necessity of understanding. r 488-13 enforced ,s 151-15 enforces p 381- 3 enforcing' ph 184-14 engaged p 385- 2 bondage now e- by false theories, the bias of education e- this slavery. e- obedience through divine statutes. ^ philanthropists €• in humane labors g 543-14 against which divine Science is e- in a engender r 475-30 nor can God, . . . e- the capacity or freedom to sin. engendered s 133-20 e- the limited form of a national / 220-16 are e- solely by human theories. engenders t 401- 6 not a healer, but it e- disease and death. England 8 111-20 offered in Oxford University, E-, 163- 7 William IV, King of E; EXGUSH 148 ENTERED « IS IB H«ta««. QtMk. Lute, ia4 ff-^AMk »mi aft IK- 1 *'inM*igMnafMtkMta»..,«nstiMf>BOM, of Ml jtMMB iBvkk* AescttMstodrlitM, enbanee enliaaiOM « Oi- • C & e ifc>lr — (Ommk* und a>eaaJ pw f M»-M twHooMM *UM> «C Mind-{H>w ^ I9C-M toMW Mte< .... feampoawl «o feei. a«gcr,r. m-T Ifamr, iifciA CMi atittw saffer aor f, /SB-1 W«SMUtier«r«-ia> 2M-M beli«f tbat matter t- aad soffersL 39-17 draakaid thinks be r- drankennesss a '04-9 matter aettber f e«i^ saffer», nor e-. fl sn-M has sfriittaal bliss and f bat cannot soffn^. rrnnrrrt ahl«-3 mlaMtoaMagfctt p4em-€ FriftitoaM?itt iraoMe- Itoaan I ia iwHHaiMi «( tto «> paaar I capadtiMi ai« «- aad perCe^ed t oClkath aad Lav* are «■. SV-B to* waffm apea maa e- tadtTidaallty. ySn-U toaai d a «• a iwJemtiadta g aad iatribgeace; enlarsres s 138- 9 r- ttoir peroeptioB of (dauracter. pk I99-M Xiad alone r aad Mnpoa«rs maa m 57-^ lATC ouicbes the natare, «-, mligrhten pr 2- S Do we pray . . . to «■ tta 1 9 Sl«- S Trath aad Lore e- tto i pr n-M tolp stoaM e om » fMaa tto r understandiac. W-SI Tlaiwaiii Ibiimia la a» ftwadation of f faitL fSm-tl raadsaMaialactteaaHcrse. enligfateaa a e a t a 4R- S Mmaf Aead was for tbe ^ of aten t 4eai conflaed to tto enoug-h jw !•- C If good f to profit by Jesns' rap m M-» Itiac-trttoaaitfioaadwiittyMairioaMtto ItaaarlarttottelnlianiaaaatiQaal Patty; euou&rh /:ftM-U sects many tot aot e- CiiristiaBity. • aiB-16 aeUe- top— a ja d f t a tapoattom. as«-15 Sarelyitlsaot«-to, we aak for material p 385-19 IftbfaSdnB«i8tbas«>Chr^tlyalIttetk>nto S»^l CbristiaartopiacttMsclentiflciaiy 9 88»-8>Ttoti8rI • MS-S9 e- tto eaiaal mind and is tto mala oaaaa «inu»tared ? M8-15 sbiHiId d»vim uiH>n tbe <■ sense • 38^11 until boondle^ tboagbt walks «*, ttUiCn 4|» 1»-33 neitber does wltbtoMlac r OS. m 8iF-88 lAve e- tbe nature, enlaiving, imrif^og, • S81-M f mankind only when it t$ understood. «8»r*tife a 31-15 to Europe, while I am e r- for California, easliroud 9 88-^ Mysterv does Botr Christ's taa^iass, aft 187-11 beliefs of tto human mind rob and r it, «ttsIaT«Daent / 888-11 Tto e- of man is not legitimate. p SI3-15 are the sources of ntan s f. 807- 6 Man^$ t~ to tto most relentless masters aislaves / *S5- 2 WhateTer r man is opposed to tto MislATing / 227- 6 claims of tto f senses must be denied OHBnare «M lOi-a they r tto age into indolence. m 85-40 There will r a feraientation over this A brief consultation r. and tto jury confusion r, and tto more certain is tto you will find tto «- good effects to to e- tto stability of tto marrii^?e covenant, are not necessary to e- deafness necessary to t- the avoidance of tto evil aad error's destruction e- ; aad r failore at tto outset. bound ytm, e- your free limbs. It is stziTing that enables us to «-. €• into thy doeet.— JTatt. 6. 6. To «- into tiie heart of prayer, we must r- into tto closet and shut tto door. he is striving to e- in. rejoicing to r into fellowship with him tat in order to e- into tto kingdom, collect her own wages, e- into business a g r ee ments. Through great tribulation we r- tto Ungdotn. can never e- tbe atmosphere of Spirit, Xone may pick the look nor f by some ottor aothteg laaaiaMaioas can e- being, to«* aidawfally lato tbe labors of others. ttom for slafal bidief s to e- tbe kin^om of matter does not r- into metaphTsioal premises by which we e- into tto kingdom of Truth Into the . . . ideal man tbe fleshly element cannot e-. A portion of God could not e- man : buief . . . that man can e- its own embodied shall ia ao wise f- ttorein." — Luke 18.- 17. aadama has only to r- his protest and «* ao more into him." — Mark 9.-85. •• How can one e- into a — Jtfatt. 13.- 89. lest aueht unfit for develofaaeat e- tiMaght. forbidden to <~ against Mortal Maa not permitted to e- any suits at tto bar of Soul, strive, to e- tto narrow path of Life, free •• to r into tto toliest," — Heb. 10 .- 19. I>oes Spirit e- dust, and lose therein Does Mind. God. e- matter to e- man's nostrils so that aothiag can e- that city, which Matr1m the metaphor only a.s evil. Seeowl, it supposes that'mind e- matter, Until that . . . e- into the arena, that the infinite e- the r 47*- 6 {/ 522-20 enters / 228-12 fc 277-28 336- 2 .336-4 j> 36&- 7 442-16 529-22 530-31 53&-20 gl 580-23 supposition entertain »p 80-12 I e- no doulit of the hnmanitv and / 214-18 We bow down to matter, anfl e- finite thoughts 232- 5 beliefs we commonly «• about happiness b 299-17 and we e- " angels unawares." — Helj. 13 .• 2. J) 391-10 Banub the l>elief that you can possibly e- a 418-24 spirit of Tnith and Love which you er, g .548-16 by which men may «• angels, ajt 5tXH6 or e- a false estimate of anyone whom entertained a 54-32 if he c- any other sense of being J) 411-22 always induf^ed by a false sense mentally c-, j7 545-22 The translators . . . e- a false sense of being. ap 574-30 an angel e- unawares. entertainer p 364-13 had done what bis rich e- bad neglected to do, entertaining: / 237-17 kept from discussing or er theories The only excuse for e- human opinions entity eternal b 301-13 constitutes the only real and eternal e-. lose hi* r 477-31 man, divorced from Spirit, would lose bis e*. man's o 3o6- 6 sickness, and death do not prove man's e- no real / 250- 7 mortal existence has no real e-, g 506- 4 Therefore matter, . . . has no real e*. nor power g 55&-13 C. S. attributes to error neitfao' e not power, real ph 186-17 It says: " I am a real er, wftbont r 470-28 If . . . Deity was unexpressed — that is, inO^ out«-. b 280-31 entertains / 250-17 p 422-27 enthroned / 252-25 and says : . . . I am e- in the gorgeotisness of c 266-25 infinite .Uind e- is heaven. b 306-26 Science, still e-, is unfolding to mortals t 464-10 hate has ... no kingdom. Love is e-. , enthrones ph 186-31 p 394-12 t 446-21 ap 5n-32 enthusiasm gl 599- 5 Zeal. entire w 62- 4 « 118-11 151-27 157-28 ph 183-21 / 219-29 244-21 252-11 C 262- 7 according to the dream he e- in sleep, fears and doubts as to the ultimate it e- matter as deity. and e- matter through error. To understand God . . . e- faith in Tmtb, He e- pure and nndefiled religion. Blind «■; mortal will. The e- education of children should be It must destroy the «• mass of error, e- being is found harmonious C. S. impresses the e- corporeality, man's «• obedience, affection, and strength. E- immunity from the belief in sin. If . . . God is without His e- manifestation, e- mortal, material error finally disappears, ascribes to Him the e- glory. b 277-17 throughout the «■ round ol'^nature. p 371-31 Truth is an alterative in the e- system, 384-32 over the e- functions and organs of the 408- 7 throughout the «- round of the material senses, t 443- 7 er confidence in omnipotent Mind 461- 7 illustrates and proves the e- Principle, r 494- 1 and to govern man's «• action? 496- 5 and governs the f universe. g 502- 4 preponderance of unreality in the c- 537-12 represented as spiritual, e*, and good. entirely pr 14-25 E- separate from the belief and dream of 8 1.56-30 matter disappears from the remedy c, o 35.3- 6 testimony of the physical senses yields e* g 545-16 material theory, which is e- a false view, entireness b 293-30 the e- of God, good, and the nothingness of evil. entities / 2f>4- 8 antagonistic e- and beings, entitled a 42-10 Though c- to the homage of the world s 127- 6 e- to a classification as truth, ph 183-31 the one Mind only is e- to honor. b 312-32 richly endowed him and c- him to r 493-12 in a previous chapter e- C. S. Practice. entitles t 456- 8 This alone e- them to the high standing entity all p 369- 5 loses to human sense all e* as man, tp 91- 9 Mind » not an e- within the cranium o 359-12 to man's existence or e-, p 399-25 This misnamed mind is not an e-. entrance a 20-26 It commands sure e- into the realm of Lore. p 393- 3 through divine help we can forbid this e-. entreat ph 182-22 Mortals er the divine >Iind to heal the sick, entry a ^-12 his brief triumphal e- into Jerusalem enumerates » 152-30 Jahr, . . . e- the general symptoms, enunciator g 524-22 How could . . . error be tbe e- ofTmtb? environment »p 87- 8 their mental e- remains en vironmen ts c 258-10 which must escape from its c g 521- 2 lifts man above the sod, above earth and its f. Envy p 430-23 Hypnotism, E-, Greed and Ingratitude, envy [»ee also envy's) and hate o 4S-21 was silent before er and hate. t AiB2r-'2:7 selfishness, malice, e-, and hate. blg^otry, nor r 484- 4 neither pride, prejudice, bigotry, nor e- or Jeatoaiy fn 64- 8 Pride, er, or jealotisy seems on most occasions a 47-20 51-25 » 115-22 ph 188- 9 / 218-11 241- 3 241- 9 b 289-10 330-30 p 404-29 407- 7 419- 2 t 445-22 462-12 464-24 ap 564-25 gl 582- 6 580- 2 589-14 envylngrs an 106-23 envy's J? 542-24 ephemeral c 267- 3 r 485- 9 epileptic p 396- 2 epistle an 106-18 » 112-22 b 313-16 321- 3 g 534-18 epistles b 319-32 epizodtic ph 179-18 epoch this spiritual distance inflamed Judas' e-. motives of his persecutors were pride, «-, pride, e-, deceit, hatred, revenge, dishonesty, «•, hatred, revenge malice, mst, appetite, e-, hate." incurs the hostility of e- ; Falsehood, e-, hypocrisy, malice, hate, To suppose that sin, lust, hatred, «-, dishonesty, selfishness, e-, hypocrisy, er, dishonesty, fear make a man sicK, passion, selfishness, e-, hatred. Lurking error, lust, «-, revenge, malice, or Self-seeking, e-, passion, pride, hatred. Your advancing course may provoke e-, weapons of bigotry, ignorance, e-, fall death, c*, hatred, and revenge, — all evil, pride; c-; fame; illusion; e-; hatred; selfishness; self-will; lust. sensoality; e-; oppression; tyranny. er, murders, drunkenness, — Gal. 5 .- 21. To c- own hell, justice consigns the ofTspring of God start not from matter or er dnst. e- views of error ought to be obliterated as when he said to the c boy, in his great e- to the Galatians, characterized in the e- to the Hebrews, the author of this remarkable e- Paul says, in his ftr 277-26 Matter is an e- of statement. of the ages / 241-17 e- of the ages is preaching without practice. of thought g 550-15 E- of thought is reflected in error of action, one a7i 104-23 hypnotizer employs one e- to destroy another. s 143-13 the human mind uses one e- to r 486-13 one e- will not correct another. only gl 585-21 the only e* of which is limitation ; oppose s 145-25 Other methods undertake to oppose e- with opposing sp 93-16 evil is the opposing e- and not the truth opposite b 280-20 the opposite e- of many minds. g 621-25 now the opposite e-, . . . is to be set forth. or unreality t 461-26 the e- or unreality of sin, 461-28 the e- or unreality of disease, out of 6 296-28 An improved belief is one step out of e-, outweigh p ^- 8 enables truth to outweigh c*. overcoming a 21- 1 If Truth is overcoming e* in your daily walk overruled the p 381-31 Christ Jesus overruled the e- which would pantheistic b 307- 3 This pantheistic e-, or so-called serpent, partakes of its own b 307-19 Thus e- partakes of its own nature part of the r 482-26 Sickness is part of the c- which Truth casts out. part with p 430- 4 Mortal mind must part with «•, phantoms of / 215-20 and flee as phantoms of e- before truth picture of g 526-25 second biblical account is a picture of e- pierces the / 210-20 Truth pierces the e- of mortality policy of ( 452-23 take no risks in the policy of e-. power over pr 5- 2 from demonstrating his power over e-. t 452- 4 Incorrect reasoning leads to practical e-. proves that •6 338- 9 proves that e- has been ingrafted into the quenching b 329-25 maintains the claim of Truth by quenching e*. rabbinical a 30-20 Christ Jesus came to rebuke rabbinical e- reap the ( 462-12 he will inevitably reap the e- he sows. rejection of a 20-15 [the rejection of e] b 277-19 E- relies upon a reversal of this order, ERROR 154 ERROR error relinquish its b 322-13 belief may be prepared to relinquish its e-. relinquishment of pr 7- 6 relinquisbment of e* deprives material sense remedy for s 143- 1 Truth is God's remedy for e- of every kind, remove a 40- 1 Remove e- from thought, remove the ph 173-28 to remove the e- which the human mind p 378-10 Remove the e-, and you destroy its effects. 415-25 To remove the e- producing disorder, repeats a 28-28 E- repeats itself. replies g 554-16 E- replies, " God made you." representing g 540-22 representing e* as assuming a divine character, representing the b 294-20 representing the e- that life and intelligence represents g 530-17 myth represents e- as always asserting its 546-13 represents e- as starting from an idea of good reversed b 319- 4 e- reversed as subserving the facts reverse of p 442-18 but the reverse of e- is true. run into / 250- 1 We run into e- when we divide Soul into souls, says p 478-23 E- says, " I am man ; " sea of ap 569-18 They are in the surging sea of e*, seed of g 536- 2 The seed of Truth and the seed of e; sel f -d e stroy i ng gl 581-17 Babel. Self- destroying e- ; self-destruction of b 293-27 they show the self-destruction of e- self-evident b 309-27 It is a self-evident e- to suppose that there sense of g 520-14 in which all sense of e* forever disappears serpents of gl 587-15 the serpents of e-, which say, seven seals of ap 572-15 open the seven seals of e- with Truth, should not seem s 131- 1 e- should not seem so real as truth. shrank abashed g 532-19 Ashamed before Truth, e* shrank abashed sickness and r 495- 8 classify sickness and e* as our Master did, side of / 205-29 Selfishness tips the beam . . . towards the side of e-, signet of gl 593-23 Seal. The signet of e- revealed by Truth. simulates truth sp 97- 5 the more closely e- simulates truth sin and b 290-23 sin and e- which possess us at the instant of sin, or ph 183-11 Scriptures inform us that sin, or c, soweth the wind / 210-24 E- soweth the wind standpoint of g 545-24 From that standpoint of e-, they could not state of b 311-17 This state of e- is the mortal dream of life stat«s of gl 592- 7 idolatry; the subjective states of c: still the / 214-13 Still the e-, not the truth of being. stronger an 104-28 before it was grasped by the stronger «•. submission to ph 183-24 Submission to c- superinduces loss of power, such an • pr 5-23 Such an e- would impede true religion, suffering is an a 23- 9 suffering is an e* of sinful sense suffer severely from / 238-21 because we suffer severely from e*. supplant r 495-22 understanding will supplant e- with Truth, suppose / 250- 2 and suppose e- to be mind, supposed reality of gl 596-25 and the supposed reality of c. supposes man b 287- 6 E- supposes man to be both mental and material. suppositional / 208- 1 obtained from suppositional e-, r 472- 4 casts out suppositional e- and heals error supposition of g 503-11 No supposition of e- enters there. surface of / 264-24 If you venture upon the quiet surface of e- sympathy with / 211-21 Sympathy with e- should disappear. '25^'2& and are in sympathy with e-, synonym for g 529-30 Adam, the synonym for e-, stands for a tenacity of sp 77-18 according to the tenacity of e\ b 296-21 depends upon the tenacity of e-. termed gl 580-16 the opposer of Truth, termed e- ; term for an 103-19 hypnotism is the specific term for e; testimony of r 481-14 forbidden fruit ... is the testimony of C", that b 320-22 according to that e- man is mortal. g 546- 6 that e- must exist in the their b 320-16 [or, inT:heir e- they are] p 405-31 causes mortals to retreat from their e*, theorizes 6 295-31 e* theorizes that spirit is born of matter this o 42-20 This e- Jesus met with divine Science ap 73-29 This e- Science will destroy. / 237-27 and expect this e- to do more for them than b 280-16 Through this e-, human belief comes to have 290-12 Hence Truth comes to destroy this e- 295-11 to escape from the mortality of this e\ 307-14 This e- has proved itself to be error. p 400- 6 This e- conquered, we can despoil r 470- 7 This e- assumed the loss of 490- 2 grand truths of C. S. dispute this e\ g 526-12 sickness.anddeath.followin thetrainof thise* 543- 2 This «-,... yields to Truth this is the sp 93-29 and this is the e- embodied in the belief thunderbolts of b 288-15 lightnings and thunderbolts of e- may Imrst treated t 463-24 Our Master treated e- through Mind, treated as p 425-12 they should be treated as e* treatment of t 463-21 as to the proper treatment of e- Truth against o 358-16 calm and clear verdict of Truth against e-, truth against p 40.5-12 the arbiter of truth against e\ Truth and (see Truth) truth and (see truth) Truth controls s 145-17 in it Truth controls «•. Truth decapitates c 266- 3 sword .... with which Truth decapitates c, Truth destroys b 339- 3 Truth destroys e-, and Love destroys hate, o 350-30 Soul rebukes sense, and Truth destroys e\ Truth or / 211- 5 say whether Truth or e- is the greater ? b 324-10 whether it be Truth or e-, truth or p 403-30 in proportion to the truth or e- which Truth over 8 111-13 the power of Truth over e-; p 378-17 represents the power of Truth over e*, 406-22 the supremacy of Truth over e-, r 484-25 Science . . . over material sense, and Truth over e-, truth regarding ( 461-25 The truth regarding e- is, that Truth upon p 421-23 alterative effect produced by Truth upon c, trying to meet ap 568- 8 fatal effects of trying to meet e- with error. type of gl 593-17 foaming, and dashing, it is a type of e-. unconscious ph 188- 6 is an unconscious e- in the beginning, uncover sp 92-21 Uncover e-, and it turns the lie upon you. unnatural as 8 131- 1 Truth should not seem so . . . unnatural as e*, unveils g 642- 8 Truth, through her eternal laws, unveils e-. utter a 47-32 Jesus realized the utter e- of a belief in any victory over a 44- 1 Truth and Life must seal the victory over e- ERROR 155 ERROR'S error views of T 485-10 ephemeral views of e- ought to be obliterated visible ay 559- 8 exercised upon visible e- and audible sin. voluntary r 491- 8 made up of involuntary ^nd voluntary e-, warfare against ap 568-32 in our warfare against e-, ^vars w^ith s 144-24 even as Truth wars with e\ •waves of t 455- 9 in order to walk over the waves of e* ■way of g 536-10 The way of e- is awful to contemplate. ■way to extract / 201-17 The way to extract e- from mortal mind we find c 260-32 If we look to the body ... for Tnith, we find e- ; ■we treat o 346-19 We treats- through the understanding of Truth, wbat is r 472-13 Qwestion. — What is e- ? ■which impedes ■pr 2-21 an e* which impedes spiritual growth. ■which prevents p 409-14 the e- which prevents mortals from knowing ■wilful p 369-30 No man is physically healed in wilful e- ■will cease r 476- 7 E- will cease to claim that soul is in body, will never save a 24- 2 Firmness in e- will never save from sin, •will not expel r 482-27 E- will not expel e-. VForld of pr 13-30 world of e- is ignorant of the world of Truth, ■would establish ap 568- 2 ever since e- would establish material belief, ■would simulate b 281-25 out of which e- would simulate creation w^restled ■with gl 583- 7 who, having wrestled with e-, sin, and wrestling: w^ith 6 308-16 Jacob was alone, wrestling with e-, yields b 329-31 till e- yields to Truth. pr 7- 1 The only civil sentence which he had for e- 11-17 Truth bestows no pardon upon e-, a 19- 5 cannot reconcile Truth to e-, 30-25 between the offspring ... of Truth and of e-. 36- 7 would be for Truth to pardon e-. 52-12 foresight of the reception e- would give him. sp 72-19 E- is not a convenient sieve 74-11 the e- which has held the belief dissolves 77- 6 E- brings its own self-destruction 79- 3 Warning people against death is an e- that 92-29 The mistake of thinking that e- can be real, 92-31 leads to belief in the superiority of e-. 96- 5 Before e- is wholly destroyed, there will be 97- 7 the more impotent e- becomes as a belief. 97-22 they bring e- from under cover. 97-24 the louder will e- scream, s 123- 6 the e- relating to soul and body, 126- 2 E- will be no longer used in stating truth. 132-25 salvation from all e-, physical and mental, 145-25 Other methods . . . oppose error with e-, 154- 1 Neither . . . should CA^er tempt us to cherish e- ph 183-15 nor devised a law to perpetuate e\ 188-23 E- rehearses e\ 191-30 Truth never mingles with e-. 197-29 belief loses some portion of its e*. / 201-14 Let us disrobe e-. 204-31 The e-, which savs that Soul is in body, 231-13 If . . . truth results in e-, then 239-12 success in e- is defeat in Truth. 245- 1 The e- of thinking that we are growing old, 251- 1 E- seems to be more imperative as it 251-13 Sickness, as well as sin, is an e- b 269-10 The first is e- ; the latter is truth. 281- 7 E- presupposes man to be both mind and 282-26 E- is the so-called intelligence of mortal mind. 286-29 e- must also say, " I am true." 286-30 e\ the lie, destroys itself. 287- 9 We call the absence of Truth, e-. 287-18 nor is e- the offshoot of Mind. 287-25 The supposition that . . . is an e-. 288- 2 e-, Truth's nnlikeness, is unreal. 291-31 As for spiritual e- there is none. 294-11 This mortal belief, misnamed man, is e*, 299-26 Corporeal sense, or e-, may seem to hide Truth, 307- 5 that is, I will make e- as 307-14 This error has proved itself to be e*. 318-14 We must cause the e- to cease 318-20 as the «• . . . yields to the reality of error b 322-32 329-29 338- 8 338-22 O 343-14 347-17 347-31 351-17 353-22 p 367-30 367-32 368-16 369-32 391-13 392- 5 394-12 398- 5 401-11 402-22 406-19 408- 1 408- 4 418- 6 t 447-13 450-13 452-12 454-13 454-15 458- 9 461-24 463-22 r 467-20 469-17 472-16 472-17 472-18 472-20 473- 5 474-25 476- 6 483-14 4a5- 1 486-13 496- 1 g 523- 5 523- 5 523-11 524-22 528-15 528-22 531- 5 532-27 533-24 537-16 542- 6 542- 9 545-15 545-31 548- 3 551-29 555- 8 555-11 655-14 ap 568- 8 gl 579-15 582- 7 582-25 583-27 584-17 585-15 585-25 586-11 588- 1 591-26 593- 6 593- 8 593-13 595- 5 595-19 595-24 598-17 Error's p 438-24 error's sp 79-10 S 1.54- 1 / 254-26 b 307-31 o 346-20 a57-12 g 543- 7 ap 559- 5 564- 3 than to rid one's self of e-. e- into which mortal mind is plunged, the e- which must be destroyed by Truth, it stands for obstruction, e-, Jesus strips all disguise from e% Is it e- which is restoring an These critics will then see that e- is while e* seems as potent and real When we learn that e- is not real, e- should be known as nothing, e-, Truth's opposite, has no might, more faith in the truth of being than ... in e-, It is e- even to murmur It is e- to suffer for aught but your o^wn sins, taken into account and the e- be rebuked, enthrones matter through e-. spirit [e-] cried, and rent him — Mark 9: 26. truth of being must transfoim the e- The e-, mesmerism — or hypnotism. Resist evil — e- of every sort — and it will Every sort of sickness is e-, nor discovered to be e- in contradistinction to the e- that life, false charity does not forever conceal e-; They do not incline longingly to e-, When e- confronts you, withhold not the rebuke truth which strips all disguise from c-. points out to his student e- as well as truth. Another plank in the platform is this, that c Both sin and sickness are e-, whether e- is manifested in forms of belief that the greater can be in the lesser is an e* evil — is not Mind, is not Truth, but e-, E- is neither Mind nor one of Mind's faculties. E- is the contradiction of Truth. E- is a belief without understanding. If e- were true, its truth would be c-. Truth, God. is not the father of e-. must e- still be immortal ? E-, urged to its final limits, is affixed . . . the name " e- " to corporeal sense, If e- is necessary to define or to reveal Death is not the result of Truth but of e*, soon ascertain that e- cannot destroy e\ and finally declares that God knows e- and that e- can improve His creation. In e- everything comes from l>eneath, How could ... e- be the enunciator of Truth? Here falsity, e-, credits Truth, God, with and declaring what great things e- has done. e*, — that mortal man starts materially. Thus e- began and will end the dream of mat- ter, but e- has its suppositional day E- tills its own barren soil e* cannot forever be concealed. sets upon e- the mark of the beast. E- tills the whole ground " As in Adam [e] all die, — / Cor. 15 •• 22. C. S. separates e- from truth, e- declares that the material seed must not comprehend what you say about e-." E- would have itself received as mind, e- is neither mind nor the outcome of Mind. fatal effects of trying to meet error with e: Adam. E- ; a falsity ; e- masquerading as the possessor of life, the e- which would make man mortal e-, working out the designs of error; Devil. Evil; a lie; e*; definition of e- ; the belief that the human race ignorance; e- ; desire; caution. Mortal belief ; e- ; lust; remorse; hatred; e- creating other errors ; PuKSE. Laying up treasures in matter; e: subtlety; e- ; animal magnetism, sensuality; delusion; mortality; e: Tabes. Mortality; e-; sin; sickness; beliefs, opinions, knowledge; matter; e-; Impure thoughts ; e- ; sin ; dirt. E-; fornication; temptation; passion. and smuggles E- goods into market dig up every seed of e- sowing. we should not be e* advocate. What is there to strip off e- disguise ? Above e- awful din, blackness, and chaos, because Truth is e- antidote. and e- destruction ensured; more beautifully apparent at e- demise. the source of all e- ■visible forms e- own nature and methods. ERRORS 156 ESTABLISH errors all its ph 177- 3 it must relinquish all its c-, all sorts of c 257-22 Finite mind manifests all sorts of e-, both are p 379- 3 both are e-, announced as partners casting: out the s 138-13 casting out the e- of mortal mind. correct the r 494-20 serves to correct the e- of corporeal sense ; destroy the / 216-13 begins at once to destroy the e- of mortal sense destroy those a 53-27 He knew . . . and could destroy those c- ; fevers are p 379-25 Fevers are e- of various types. fundamental g 545-13 Such fundamental e- send falsity into all history of the an 101- 5 in the history of the e- of the human mind, human g 533-10 Here there is an attempt to trace all human e- ig^norant of the p 408-32 ignorant of the e- it includes Illusive o 343-19 illusive e- — which he could and did destroy. leads to 6 277-27 This error in the premise leads to e- In mortal a 53-26 mortal e- which constitute the material body, multitudinous a 43-30 and the multitudinous e- growing from of all sorts p 419- 3 E- of all sorts tend in this direction. of belief sp 96-23 until all e- of belief yield to t 450-26 Icnows that they are e- of belief, offending p 392-31 Exclude from mortal mind the offending e-; of sense / 240-27 In trying to undo the e/ of sense b 273-14 till the e- of sense are eliminated. p 40&-11 The Science of being unveils the e- of sense, old t 460-32 finally the shadow of old e- was no longer cast other gl 591-27 mythology ; error creating other e- ; such s 152-11 Such c- beset every material theory, these s 121-23 and corrects these e- by the simple rule that / 232-21 nor did he illustrate these e- by his practice. 6 290-25 but endure until the death of these e-. 328- 8 These e- are not thus really destroyed, o 356-21 as He is of experiencing these e-. p 404- 5 meet and destroy these e- with the truth 405- 9 Choke these e- in their early stages, triad of s 122- 5 facts of Life, . . . defeat this triad of e-, o 356-22 subject to this triad of e-, a 30-26 / 207-25 C 267-23 b 2W-17 t 451- 1 gl 594-24 errs t 456-12 erudite a 24-20 erudition sp 88-27 escape pr 6-1 a 36- 7 41-12 48-13 83- 8 99- 4 99- 5 an 103- 7 s 128-21 151-16 / 227-22 c 258-10 b 295-10 316- 3 327-12 p 432-26 ap 571-12 escaped an 105-22 sp If we have triumphed sufficiently over the e- They are the e-, which presuppose by reversal, e- serve as waymarks to the even the e- that are destroyed by Truth the e- which Truth must and will annihilate the opposites of God ; e- ; hallucinations. greatly e-, ignorantly or intentionally. Does e- theology regard the crucifixion It is due to inspiration rather than to e\ We cannot e- the penalty due for sin. a:- from punishment is not in accordance with cannot forever break the Golden Rule and c- the or even wish, to e- the exalting ordeal to c- the error of these latter (fays. divine Principle by which mortals can p- to e* from sin, is what the Bible demands. by which man can e- from sin its e- into the surrounding atmosphere. from which multitudes would gladly e-. E- from the bondage of sickness, sin, and which must c- from its environments in order to e- from the mortality mortals may learn how to e- from evil. way to e- the misery of sin is to cease sinning. endeavoring to assist the prisoner to e- E- from evil, and designate those as unfaithful escapes s 128-13 e- . . . from itself, and requires less repose. / 203-23 then mortals believe that . . . Soul, e- from eschew sp 99-15 some others who e- their false beliefs. eschewed s 137-13 Jesus completely e- the narrow opinion eschews s 112-13 divine Science which c man-made systems, 127-30 C. S. e- what is called natural science, escutcheon p 437- 6 It blots the fair e- of omnipotence. esoteric an 101-32 proportional to one's faith in c- magic. Esoteric Mag-ic p 441-22 Hypnotism, Oriental Witchcraft, and E- M- especially s 117-21 miracles (marvels) wrought by Jesus and c 127-15 term C. S. relates e- to ph 170-31 all ills have gone forth, e- despair. b 340- 5 conveys the C. S. thought, e- when the o 348-24 e- when by so doing our own condition 351-20 e- if we consider Satan as a p 362- 8 e- under the stern rules of rabbinical law, 363-11 those around him . . . e- his host, 414- 4 treatment of insanity is e- interesting. 418-23 e- by the spirit of Truth and Love t 444-32 the Science of healing, c- its ethics, 451-25 e- any subtle degree of evil, g 554-31 e- those of the human form. Esquimaux sp 82-29 do we look for help to the E- ph 174- 1 E- restore health by incantations essay s 111-20 for the best e- on Natural Science, 111-21 an e- calculated to offset the tendency 163-21 Dr. Chapman, . . . in a published e- said : essays pre/ ix-12 Certain e- written at that early date Esse sp 93-19 the real nature of the divine E-, essence nature and s 107-12 inspired with a diviner nature and e- ; b 270- 6 in its very nature and e-; t 460- 7 the nature and e- of all being, of divinity g 537- 9 was never the e- of divinity of Love b 333-25 in the divine nature, the e- of Love, of this Science b 271-23 Sermon on the Mount is the e- of this Science, real b 292-32 mortal man is not the real e- of manhood, resembles its sp 97- 6 resembles its c-, mortal mind, same in b 331-29 same in e-, though multiform in oflBce: spiritual a 25- 3 The spiritual e- of blood is sacrifice, true b 293-18 counterfeits the true c- of spirituality or Whoever uses his powers like an e- felon r 465-13 essential a 27-29 sp 98-30 s 117-10 b 285-32 331-32 341-12 347-18 349-10 p 374- 1 t 460- 8 g r>5a-13 establish a 27-29 s 108- 9 112-25 ph 189- 9 196-18 ^203- 8 b 270-20 280-20 .•«5- 5 356- 7 p 373-22 414-11 428-13 e 464- 7 the nature, e-, and wholeness of Deity. the e- religion he came to establish they are not deprived of their c- vitality. God's e- language is spoken of It is e- to understand, instead of believe, the threefold, e- nature of the infinite. Proof is e- to a due estimate of this subject. restoring an c- element of Christianity, Two c- points of C. S. are, mortal mind has decided upon as e- for health. the divine Mind and Love's e- qualities. e- to their maintenance and reproduction, the essential religion he came to e* e- the truism that the only sufferer is affords no foundation upon which to e- a the power of C. S. to e- harmony no relation to God wherewith to c- this understanding would e- health. e- the definition of omnipotence. But behold the zeal of belief to e- would . . . e- a basis for pantheism. Discord can never e- the facts of harmony. E- the scientific sense of health, fact that truth and love will e- a healthy state. Thus we may e- in truth the temple, or body, to e- the stately operations of C. S., ESTABLISH 157 ETERNAL establish r 486-11 The belief that he dies will not e- his ap 568- 3 ever since error would e- material belief, established pref xii- 4 which had been e- in the United States, xii- 8 pastor of the first e- Church of Christ, Scientist; pr 3-6 The rule is already e-, and it is our task a 20-10 but he e- no ritualistic worship. 24- 5 (e- by hierarchies, and instigated 8 131-30 c- his claim to the Messiahship. 136- 1 Jesus e- his church and maintained 138-17 Jesus e- in the Christian era the 162-24 healthy organizations have been e- c 255- * Thy throne is e: of old : — Psal. 93 ; 2. o 348-11 Jesus e- this foundational fact, p 384-28 In Science this is an e- fact r 467-13 true brotherhood of man will be e-. 473-26 Jesus e- what he said by demonstration, establishes a 23-19 and e- the claims of God. m 63-12 Civil law e- very unfair differences 6 279- 6 The doom of matter e- the conclusion r 491-15 e- man forever in the divine likeness, establisiiing s 135- 8 e- the Science of God's unchangeable law. b 274-24 e- it by demonstration. establishment 8 llO-U the e- of the kingdom of heaven on earth. 150- 9 for its e- as a permanent dispensation estate c 258-30 impossible ... to fall from his high e-. g 514-21 the millennial e- pictured by Isaiah : 548- 7 man has never lost his spiritual e- esteemed a 49-32 e- Jesus as " stricken, smitten — Isa. 53 .•4. estimate s 129-31 small e- of the pleasures of the table, c 262-21 will then drop the false e- of life and o 341-12 Proof is essential to a due e- of this subject. 360- 3 all is won, by a right e- of what is real." ap 560-16 or entertain a false e- of anyone whom estimates an 105-14 and human law rightly e- crime, b 311-14 false e- of soul as dwelling in sense estimation a 47-24 in order to raise himself in popular e-. etceteras b 330-32 with all the e- that word includes. eternal and harmonious b 320-18 man's 6- and harmonious existence aa image, and real b 300-13 temporal and unreal never touch the e- and real, r 494-27 The other is the e- and real evidence, as God g .554- 3 universe, inclusive of man, is as e- as God, as the Mind g 513-18 as e- as the Mind conceiving them; beiue / 232- 8 the claims of harmonious and e- being g 521- 3 conscious spiritual harmony and e- being. . belnK is *" a 122-27 Life goes on unchanged and being is «•. p 407-23 In Science, all being is e*, spiritual, bUss ap 577-10 no impediment to e- bliss, builder p 428-16 the e- builder, the everlasting Father, causes 6 278-20 it would follow that there are two e- causes, chain ph 172-12 divine Science reveals the e- chain children g 529-11 His e- children, belonging to Christ a 38-23 The e- Christ, . . . never suffered. b 334-14 the e- Christ and the corjwreal Jesus coexistent and g 516-22 Man ... as coexistent and e- with God 520-10 Principle and . . . are coexistent and e-. gl 581-11 God and man coexistent and e- ; consciousness c 263-30 a scientific e- consciousness of creation. ' copartnership o 356-17 neither a present nor an e- copartnership dawn sp 95-26 the light which heralds Christ's c- dawn demand rjl 595-11 the e- demand of divine Science. demands ph 184-13 the only legitimate and e- demands distinct and 8p 70-13 maintains all identities, . . . as distinct and e-. eternal Ego b 314- 6 Thus he found the e- Ego, £loIiim g 515-16 The e- Elohim includes the entity b 301-13 constitutes the only real and e- entity. ever preseut and 6 306-29 Life and the universe, ever present and e\ existence 7« 65- 6 spiritual and e- existence may be discerned. b 319-13 the infinite cycles of e- existence, p 387-20 adhering to the realities of e- existence, fact g 544-10 Matter cannot change the e* fact facts b 293-16 Life, perpetuating the e- facts Father-Motlier b 335-26 nothing unlike the e- Father-Mother, God. God p 415- 4 Mind in every case is the c- God, good / 213-14 attraction towards infinite and c- good b 340-19 have no other spirit or mind but God, e- good, ap 561- 2 which works out the ends of e good good and b 269-20 this advantage . . . they are good and e-. harmonious and sp 88-14 Ideas are spiritual, harmonious, and e\ an 102- 2 all that is real, harmonious, and c-, s 114-29 man, is spiritual, harmonious, and e\ 151-28 is found harmonious and e-. ph 184-17 man is harmonious and e\ / 209-24 the universe will be found harmonious and e*. 232- 8 the claims of harmonious and e- being b 336-26 are inseparable, harmonious, and e\ r 472- 8 that which is harmonious and e\ 472-25 All reality is . . . harmonious and e: harmony (see Iiarmony) history r 471- 5 unchanged in its e- history, honors a 39- 4 He won e- honors. indestructible and a 51-14 his spiritual life, indestructible and €•, p 402-13 Man is indestructible and e-. r 477-17 immortal idea of being, indestructible and e-. individuality sp 91-19 man's spiritual and e- individuality, b 282- 9 self-existent and e- individuality or Mind; interpretation t 461-14 the e- interpretation of God and man. In the heavens ( 454- 9 " €■ in the heavens." — // Cor. 5 .• 1. law p 385-11 Let us remember that the e- law of right, laws g 542- 7 Truth, through her e- laws, unveils error. Life (see Life) life (see life) Life is Life is e-. We should find this out, are the e- likeness of their Maker, immortality and e- likeness to God. Spirit is Iiarmonious and man e-. the e- man will include in that likeness the spiritual, e- man is not touched by / 246-27 lilceness /246- 5 p 395-5 Love a 19- 1 derived from the e- Love man a 29-32 ph 191- 6 b 311-31 mandate g 520-26 growth is the e- mandate of Mind, manifestations b 275-16 the e- manifestations of the infinite divine man is g 538-30 the sinless, real man is e\ means t 444-10 right tise of temporary and e- means. Mind (see Mind) nature ... ^ b 333- 9 Christ expresses God's spiritual, «• nature, noon / 246-12 Manhood is its e- noon, not b 279- 9 and is therefore not e: ap 569-25 Scriptures declare that evil is temporal, not r. order b 334-18 exist in the e- order of divine Science, perfect and m 69-16 and of man . . . perfect and c. / 205-13 and made all perfect and e: ETERNAL 158 Europe eternal perfect and C 260- 8 b 280- 3 286-21 292-12 r 471- 4 gl 583-22 perfection g 550-13 Principle b 599-32 the ideal of all that is perfect and e-. not products of the . . . perfect, and e- AH. God s thoughts are perfect and c-, not the likeness of God, the perfect and e*. all that He creates are perfect and e-, that which is perfect and e- ; The true sense of being and its e- perfection If ... he would have no e* Principle 312-20 man's e- Principle is ever-present Life. gl 579-11 faith in the divine Life and in the e- Principle 592-16 Mother. God; divine and e- Principle; pure and r 467-15 man is the likeness of God, pure and e-, quality r 469- 9 It is the primal and e- quality of real and (see real) real is o 353-16 All the real is e-. r 474-29 while all that is real is c. realities sp 78- 5 they are not the e- realities of Mind, reality g 538-14 significant of e- reality or being. reflection b 296- 3 man is the spiritual, e- reflection of God. resplendent and / 247-29 shining resplendent and e- over age and decay Science $p 78-32 the invisible good dwelling in e- Science. 8 150- 5 demonstrated as an immanent, e- Science, c 258-29 under the government of God in e- Science, scientific nor ft 297-18 it is neither scientific nor e\ self -existent and b 278-19 self-creative, self-existent, and c-. 282- 9 self-existent and e- individuality or Mind; g 555-18 God, the self -existent and e-. sinless and b 304-15 The perfect man ... is sinless and e-. spiritual and ph 190-19 immortal man, spiritual and e-, is found to be c 264- 7 mental picture is spiritual and e-. 6 286-26 but counterfeits of the spiritual and e\ 302- 4 the real man is spiritual and e\ 335-14 Things spiritual and e- are substantial. 336-18 Immortal man is . . . always spiritual and c*. the opposite of the real or the spiritual and e-. heed to C. S., which is spiritual and e-, e* substance, which cannot destroy the and reflects the e- substance, or Spirit, 337-28 p 410- 2 substance b 299-25 301-11 temporal or o 360-17 This ideal is either temporal or e-. thines b 337-24 E- things (verities) are God's thoughts Truth {see Trutli) truth b 30^14 statement . . . contradicts this e- truth. truths o 356- 1 in support of spiritual and e- truths, unchangeable and a 120- 4 Spirit, is God, unchangeable and e-; nnfallen and r 476-32 man in God's image is unf alien and e-. unfolding b 335-23 we gain the e- unfolding of Life verities 8 110- 4 These e- verities reveal primeval existence r 476-13 the only and e- verities of man. ▼erity / 252-12 the e- verity, man created by 296- 2 whereas Science unfolds the e- verity, r 468- 7 sin is not the e- verity of being. 480-28 This is the e- verity of divine Science. g 602-25 e- verity and unity of God and man, wonder g 503-15 Hence the e- wonder, pr 13-29 m 68-31 8 115-16 140-25 145-23 ph 173-20 / 247-10 c 267- 1 267- 7 6 275- 5 278-32 Ignorant ... of man's e- incorporeal exist- ence, the unbroken links of e-, harmonious being spiritual idea, individual, perfect, e-. C. S. God is universal, e-, divine Love, ignorance of the laws of e- and unerring Mind. Man is spiritual, individual, ande*; Beauty, as well as truth, is e- ; the spiritual idea, ... is e\ God IS Father, e-, self-created, infinite. This shows that matter ... is not e\ Spirit is substantial and e-. eternal ft 279-12 and they have the advantage of being c-. 287- 5 All creations of Spirit are e- ; 290- 1 Because Life is God, Life must be e-, 334- 1 not that the human Jesus was e-, but 335-18 Spirit is e-, divine. 335-28 immutable, immortal, divine, e-. 335-29 Nothing unspiritual can be real, ... or c. 336- 5 never . . . the e- into the temporal, 336-30 God and man coexist and are e-. r 468-17 Answer.— Substance is that which is e- 475-18 the reflection of God, . . and therefore is e* ; 486-24 spiritual senses of man, are e-. gl 580-22 false supposition that Life is not c, 587- 6 all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and e* ; 590- 2 the realm of unerring, e-, and eternality s 123-28 indicates the e- of the scientific order eternally s 118-11 c- glorified in man's spiritual freedom. 143-29 If Mind was . . . and must be first e-, / 240-17 revolutions of the universe of Mind go on e*. ft 302- 9 when God is all and e- his. r 495-19 life harmonious — as Life e- is eternity all g 519- 2 from all e- knoweth His own ideaa. belief of the ft 278-23 The belief of the e- of matter foretaste of gl 598-24 spiritual understanding ... a foretaste of c glory of g 502-17 illuminating time with the glory of e\ heaven and g 503-10 spiritual harmony, —heaven and e\ no part of r 468-29 and time is no part of e-. seal of a 44-8 His three days' work ... set the seal of e- on time. statement of the ft 334-29 statement of the e- of the Christ, time and ft 285- 6 the great fact of being for time and e*. type of gl 585- 5 a type of e- and immortality, ■will reveal g 520-13 and they will reveal e-, newness of Life, work of pr 3-15 to understand God is the work of c-, o 353-15 Time has not yet reached c-, r 468-28 E-, . . expresses the thought of Life, 469- 1 e- is forever infinite. g 517-22 Even e- can never reveal the whole of God, gl 599- 1 E- is God's measurement of ether 8 159- 2 a needed surgical operation without the e*. 159- 4 protested against inhaling the e- 159- 9 occasioned, not by the e-, but by fear 159-19 would have performed the operation without e\ ethereal / 249-30 makes its mundane flights quite e\ ft 293- 9 the more e- is called mind. etherealized ft 298-25 Angels are not e- human beings, gl 598-15 was indeed air, an e- form of matter, etherization p 415-27 E- will apparently cause the body to etherized s 158-32 A woman in the city of Lynn, . . . was c- ethical s 145-18 From this fact arise its e- as well as its 145-19 its e- and physical efEects are ph 185-24 the reverse of e- and pathological Truth-power. p 429-30 not understood generally by our e- instructors. ethics sp 99- 2 «•, and superstition afford no demonstrable o 348-30 c- and temperance have received an impulse, t 444-32 the Science of healing, especially its c-, 464-29 a scientific system of e-. Eucharist a 20-11 partake of the E-, support the clergy, 32- 9 But the E- does not commemorate a 35-25 Our E- is spiritual communion with Euclid ft 329-18 who attempts to solve a problem of E-, Euphrates gl 585-16 definition of Europe a 21-15 If my friends are going to E\ sp 74-25 that we are in £• when we are in Europe 159 Europe sp 90-16 In dreams we fly to E- and meet a b 320- 6 distinguished theologians in E- and America evade / 230-24 These merely e- the question. evang-el b 308-24 Then said the spiritual e- : ap 559-20 Mortals, obey the heavenly e\ Evangrelist's / 231-31 planted on the E- statement that evaneelized / 254-19 But the human self must be e\ evaporates p 375- 3 as painlessly as gas . . . when it e- g 557-16 When the mist of mortal mind e*, evasion t 448-10 E- of Truth cripples integrity, Eve (see also Eve's) sp 92-12 serpent . . . speaking to Adam and E\ g 533-23 which came from Adam to form E-. 538-23 And Adam knew E- his wife ; — Gen. 4:1. 553-17 Adam was created before E\ 553-19 E- was formed from Adam's rib, gl 585-23 definition of even pref viii- 6 «• as the science of music pr 4-14 blessings which, e- if not acknowledged in 9-19 e- the surrender of all merely material 10- 2 e- though with bleeding footsteps, 13-14 E- if prayer is sincere, a 19- 5 E- Christ cannot reconcile Truth to error, 20- 1 there is one Life, — e- God, good. 20-18 e- the nature of God ; 22- 7 causes them, e- as drowning men, 24-32 After the resurrection, e- . . . Thomas 28- 3 E- many of his students stood in his way. 28-18 E- his righteousness and purity 30-18 which blesses e- those that curse it. 37-28 e- as your Father which is in — Matt. 5 ; 48. 38- 4 e- more pernicious than the old doctrine of 43- 1 e- as they did understand it 45-24 E- his disciples at first called -him a spirit, 46-16 or, in other words, rose e* higher 47- 1 e- to the spiritual interpretation and 48-13 or e- wish, to escape the exalting ordeal 49- 5 " E- the devils are subject — lAike 10 ; 17. 50-21 E- what they did say, — that Jesus' teachings 54-32 "Would they not deny him e- the m 57-22 e- though it meet no return. 62-24 e- as it clothes the lily ; 65-23 fermentation e- of fluids is not pleasant. 67- 9 but e- the dauntless seaman 67-22 commanded e- the winds and waves sp 77-22 E- if communications from spirits to • 78-12 e* were communication possible 80-22 E- planchette — the French toy 82-18 e- if our departed friends were near us 87- 3 e- when they are lost to the memory of 88- 6 The mind may e- be cognizant of a 95-20 e- human invention must have its day, 96-12 This material world is e* now becoming 97-16 it ceases to be e- an illusion, 98-24 E- now multitudes consider that which they call f 111-15 e- as the explanation of optics rejects 113-11 E- if reversed, these propositions will 116-16 e- to the extinction of all belief in matter, 126- 6 e- as man sees his reflection in a glass. 131-21 e- so. Father, for so it seemed — lAike 10 ; 21. 133-15 E- in captivity among foreign nations, 136-25 But e- Herod doubtecl if Jesus 137- 4 not spiritually discerned, e- by them, 139-10 e- when the end has been brig'htness 141- 8 to set aside e- the most cherished beliefs 144- 4 e- if these so-called powers are real. 144-24 e- as Truth wars with error, 146-14 e- the might of Mind 146-21 c- when its elevating effects 147-11 e- though centuries nad passed away 150-29 e- the doctrine of the superiority of matter 151-13 E- this one reform in medicine 152- 9 e- when not fully understood. 155- 6 Bwhenyoutakeawaythe individual confidence 161-28 e- if it were not already determined ph 171- 5 e* the way through Christ, Truth, 177-26 e- though physician and patient are 177-28 E- so, and as directly as if 179-15 You can .e- educate a healthy horse so far 180-19 c- before they go to work to eradicate 185-16 e* as the necromancers of Egypt 187- 3 mortals do not comprehend e- mortal existence, 191-12 e- to the birth of a new-old idea, 193- 6 He e- showed me the probe, 197-32 will harm his patients e- more than even ph 198-24 / 213-23 215-29 216-32 217-11 220- 8 227- 4 233-12 234- 2 244-29 25»- 7 c 255- * 259-20 261-28 262-25 263- 2 265-25 266-10 267-26 b 276-20 277-22 278- 7 282-21 284-24 291-30 292-21 294-17 301- 1 302-20 302-31 309-23 311-23 313- 7 313-20 313-28 318- 6 320-18 320-30 323-23 324-25 6 334-19 336-10 338-22 O 341- 6 342-31 348- 4 349-29 357-15 359-11 361-17 p 364-12 368-12 369-32 375-27 377-26 378- 2 397-29 398-27 400-24 400-31 404-31 407-15 414-22 416-17 416-23 419- 3 427- 3 429-23 440-13 t 446-22 454- 6 467-26 464- 9 r 470- 1 471- 9 478- 4 478-12 485-23 486- 7 491-29 492- 8 494-21 496-22 497-22 g 502-14 506-20 509-18 517-22 520- 1 541-12 541-25 542- 9 644-17 EVEN e- though the doctor says nothing e- more strikingly true of Beethoven, E- the faith of his philosophy spurned and have but one Mind, c- God; e- of catalepsy and hysteria ; Instinct is better ... as e- nature declares. e- as oppressive laws are disputed not e- " the Son but the Father ;"—A/arA: 13 .-32. e- as ritualism and creed hamper E- Shakespeare's poetry pictures age as When false human beliels learn e- a little e- ive ourselves groan — liom. 8 .- 23. e as your Father which is in — Ma«. 5 ; 48. e- as the bird which has burst from the egg e- as light emits light without effort; and e- privileged originators e- before we discover what belongs to wisdom e- if you cling to a sense of personal joys, E- in this world, therefore, e- as our Father in heaven is perfect, contradict e- the order of material so-called e- as in Truth there is no error, E- though they seem to touch, E- the more subtile and misnamed e- the judgment by which mortal man E- becaiise ye cannot hear my word. — John 8;43. e- the errors that are destroyed by e- as the human likeness e- as the Father is perfect, E- in C. S., reproduction e- as the gospel teaches, e- the higher law of Soul, e- thy God, hath anointed thee — Heb. 1 ■ 9. e- clearer in the translation of the only in a limited degree e- by his disciples, e* while the corporeal senses are saying e- man's eternal and harmonious existence e- if disease and worms destroyed his body, and elevates e- mortal mind to the Asia Minor, Greece, and e- in imperial Rome. e- before the human Jesus was incarnate 6- the infinite expression of infinite Mind, e- the supposed separation of E- the Scriptures, . . . appear contradictory when e- if their treatment resulted in the e- while treating them as disease ; all learning, e- that which is wholly material, or e- to deny that God made E- though you aver that the e- so God and man, Father and son. He e- said that this poor woman e- the hope of freedom from the It is error e- to murmur e- when they are supposed to be in hopeless e- a mortal fear, €• as poetry and music are reproduced belief that mind is, e- temporarily, E- a blind faith removes e- as in optics we see painted on the retina E- our Master felt this. e- in body,unless they make him better mentally, e* into spiritual power and good-will to man. E- so, harmony is universal, e- as the body, ... is material, no longer the parent, e- in appearance, hate will perpetuate or c- create the e- the law of the spirit of Truth, e- according to the calculations of E- penal law holds homicide, ... to be e- unto the end of the world." — Matt. 28 ; 20. The understanding, e- in a degree. They e- practise these, intending could not take her place, e* if willing so to do. With one Father, e- God, e- as these so-called senses receive no E- according to the teachings of natural science, nor were they e- visible through the windows ? in which man is perfect, e- as the E- then he must gain spiritual understanding e* though he does not understand C. S., a knowledge of this, e- in small degree, (e- as the experiences of the sleeping dream e- with the spiritual law which says e- the allness of Soul, Spirit, E- thus the crude forms of human thought e- as He opens the petals of a e- as nebulae indicate the immensity of E- eternity can never reveal the whole of God, sweetest rest, e- from a human standpoint, e- the human concept of Love Now it repudiates e- the human duty E- the disposition to excuse guilt under the control of the one Mind, e- God. EVEN 160 EVERY even g 545-31 e- so in Christ — / Cor. 15 • 22. 549-27 e- this great observer mistakes nature, 550-11 ends, e- as it begins, in nameless nothingness? 550-13 should appear now, e- as.it will hereafter. 552- 8 e- where the proof requisite to sustain this 654- 2 e- the cause of all that exists, 556-22 E- so goes on the Adam-belief, ap 564- 6 to kill . . . e- their fellow-mortals, 564-11 and e- his crucifixion 565-22 purifying e- the gold of human character. 573-14 e- the declaration from heaven, 577- 1 e- as the material sense of personality gl 588-13 e- as numbers which never blend 588-17 e- the belief that life, substance, and eveningr and morning g 510-22 already divided into c- and morning; and the morning: g 504- 4 e- and the morning were the first — Gen. 1 .• 5. 506- 9 e- and the morning were the second — Gen. 1 ; 8. 508-26 e- and the morning were the third — Gen. 1 .• 13. 511-15 e- and the morning were the fourth — Gen. 1 . 19. 513- 4 e- and the morning were the fifth — Gen. 1 ; 23. 518-25 e- and the morning were the sixth — Gen. 1 .• 31. gl 584- 3 e- and the morning were the first — Gen. 1 .- 5. definition of taking place on so many e- and mornings. If the scales are e- adjusted, could not admit such an e- to be possible, misconstrued that e-. From the logic of e- we learn that It is better to await the logic of e- to foresee and foretell e- which concern the c- of great moment were foretold by the e- both sin and suffering will fall at the feet of When our laws e- take cognizance of hj-pothesis that he returns e- to his will e- destroy this illusion false claims, which will e- disappear, a drug may e- lo.se its supposed power must e- submit to the Science of Mind, and e- ejected at the demand of matter? will e- rule all nations and peoples must e- expiate their sin through suffering. e- present in human consciousness So it will e- be, till we learn that If all who e- partook of the sacrament No ancient school . . . e- taught or the best man that e- trod the globe. before this union and continue e* after, presupposes Spirit, which is e- infinite, God, good, bemg e- present, it follows belief that life, . . . was e- in a finite form, told me all things that e- I did : — John 4 ; 29. Have you e- pictured this heaven and this leaven of Truth is e- at work. Truth is e- truthful. Neither anatomy nor theology has e* described Neither sympathy nor society should e- tempt e- yet promulgated, is true. In old times who e- heard of dyspepsia, e- since the injury was received m boyhood. Life is, . . . and e- will be independent of the real man was, is, and e- shall be perfect, The best sermon e- preached is " The wish," ..." is e- father to the thought." infinite never began nor will it e- end. One marvels that a friend can e- seem less which never slumbers, but is e- conscious; nor . . . e- the sport of circumstance. by the thoughts e- recurring to one's self, but matter is e- non-intelligent the realization of God as p- present this belief is all that will «• be lost. Life and the universe, (;• present Jesus . . . was the most scientific man that e- trod the globe, presented to her, more than e- before, and e- will be inseparable from the senses and Science h.-ive e- been antagonistic, e- offered for acceptance," the best man that e- trod this planet, truth and error have come nearer than e- Nothing that lives e- dies, than in all the blood, which e- flowed neither . . . will e- result from exposure to the gl 586- 1 eveuiiig'8 g 504-17 evenly ph 168- 4 event a 24-31 45-24 events m 60-12 66-23 sp 84-16 85-18 eventuallv a 23-10- an 105-16 / 244-17 6 303-18 357-23 p 370-24 r 492-2.1 g 524-30 ap 565-16 569-20 ever pref xi-17 pr 5-9 a 34-10 41-20 52-16 m 59-25 ap 71-30 72-21 76- 9 85-13 91- 2 8 118-10 129- 5 148- 7 153-32 164- 6 ph 175- 7 193-22 200-10 200-17 / 201- 1 219-21 245-32 248- 4 250- 9 2.50-32 c 260-25 b 277- 1 300-21 302-13 306-28 313-24 314-21 333-27 O 353- 4 355-22 p 364- 2 368- 7 374-29 .376-14 384-27 464-28 r 469- 6 470- 9 470-24 470-30 531- 9 534-26 ap 568- 1 568- 2 508-27 sp 8 121-20 121-31 / 216-18 244-31 c 255- * 256-13 b 286-27 290- 1 ever p 387- 8 immortal Mind is e- active, 429-22 for if Life e- had any beginning, t 444- 7 If Christian Scientists e- fail to receive Neither dishonesty nor ignorance e- founded, If Life e- had a beginning, the loss of Love as e- present and If there e- was a moment when If man e- existed without this 471-18 God is infinite, therefore e- present, 478-10 when no such persons were e- seen to go into 479-16 Does that which we call dead e- see, hear, 485- 6 which c- betrays mortals into sickness, sin, and g 507-28 Creation is e- appearing, 507-28 and must c- continue to appear 527- 5 but e- beautiful and complete. as if hope were e- i)rophesying thus : than there has e- been since the E- since the foundation of the world, e- since error would establish material belief, A louder song, sweeter than has e- before 572-14 can e- furnish tlie vision of the Apocalypse, 573-16 the divine Principle of harmony, is e- with men, 578-18 in the house . . . of [love] for e-. — /'sa/. 23.-6. ever-agitated / 254-27 the e- but healthful waters of truth, everlasting a 23-11 will fall at the feet of e- Love. 33-15 With the great glorj- of an c- victory 45- 4 sublime success, an e- victory. 81-11 this fact affords no certainty of e- life. 99-22 sin, disease, and death give e- place to clearer views of the e- facts, the e- government of the universe, in submission to e- Life and Truth and Love. e- grandeur and immortality of development. Thou art from e-. — Psai. 93 ; 2. The e- 1 AM is not bounded nor are the antipodes of e- Truth, the e- I AM, the Being who was and is p 390- 5 should never deny the e- harmony of Soul, 410- 5 defines e- life as a present knowledge of 428-17 the eternal builder, the e- Father, r 489-12 yields to the reality of e- Life. g 556-12 life e- is not to be gained by dying. up 568-30 Love sends forth her primal and e- strain. gl 594-20 God; that only which is perfect, e*, everlastingly s 143-30 power e- due its holy name. evermore b 334-27 and, behold, I am alive for e-, — Rev. 1 ; 18. ever-operative •s 123-27 they illustrated an e- divine Principle. ever-presence s 107- 8 €•, delivering the children of men ap 567- 2 the e- of ministering Love. * ever-present pr 16-31 Thy kingdom, is com,e ; Thou art e-. a 52- 9 the e- rebuke of his perfection and purity. sp 84-U prerogative of the e-, divine Mind, a 108-23 Truth, and Love are all-powerful and c- ; 130-32 no longer imagine evil to be e- ph 180-25 the e- Mind who understands all things, / 218-23 divine Love, who is an e- help c 256-11 rather than the one e- I am. b 297-24 and Truth, the e-, is becoming understood. 312-20 man's eternal Principle is e- Life. p 377- 5 he should rejoice always in e- Love. r 496- 4 this e- omnipotent Mind is reflected g 501-13 is consonant with e- Love. 503-14 liglit of e- Love illumines the universe. 504-14 fin immensity and are e-. ap 567- 7 To infinite, e- Love, all is Love, every pr 6-12 E- supposed pleasure in sin 13- 4 " Ho, e- one that thirsteth, — Isa. 55 : 1. a 19-17 E- pang of repentance and suffering, 19-17 c- effort for reform, 19-18 e- good thought and deed, 20-28 " Let us lay aside e- weight, — /fefc. 12 ; 1. 23-19 Spirit, which rebukes sin of e- kind 28-31 await, in some form, e- pioneer of truth. 30-28 loathe sin and rebuke it under e- mask. 37-23 privilege of e- child, man, and woman, 37-30 preach the gospel to e- creature ! " — Ma rk 16 ; 15. 43-27 divine must overcome the human at e- point. 45- 2 but Jesus vanquished e- material obstacle, 45- 2 overcame e- law of matter, 46-10 spoken ... in e- age and clime. m, 61- 9 E- valley of sin must be exalted, 61- 9 and e- mountain of selfishness be brought low, 65- 3 May Christ, Truth, be present at e- bridal altar sp 70- 1 £• day is a mystery. EVERY 161 EVIDENCE every sp 77-24 79-10 98-20 an 102-19 104- 9 105-13 s 107-10 113-24 122-22 134- 2 138-27 138-28 143- 1 144-28 148-14 149- 5 151-20 151-31 152-12 152-23 158-26 162-13 ph 179-12 186-15 186-20 188-13 194-13 195- 6 197- 4 /207- 5 208- 9 213-11 215-23 224- 2 224- 7 233- 1 236-20 239-24 242-28 243- 7 C 261-16 261-32 262-28 266-32 b 268- 9 277-28 279-22 280-22 299-14 307-21 323- 4 326- 7 O 354-26 355-U 358-11 p 370- 1 371-13 371-32 378- 6 379- 7 380-32 389- 4 391-29 392- 4 394-26 400-16 404- IS 405-22 406- 5 406-19 406-21 407- 8 407-24 408- 1 410-10 410-14 411-31 413-U 413-24 415- 3 418-28 418-29 419-16 420-26 423-11 431- 4 t 448-19 450- 2 451-19 451-25 458-18 460-21 402-14 less with e- advanced stage of existence. and dig up e- seed of error's sowing. for e- man to understand and to practise. e- hour weaving webs more complicated " A'- great scientific truth ^oes through three Mortal mind, . . . is the criminal in e- case; delivering the children of men from e- ill "but e- [mortal] man a liar." — /fom. 3.- 4. instances . . . which e- thinker can recall At e- advancing step, Our Master said to e- follower : preach the gospel to e- creature! — Mark 16 ; 16. Truth is God 's remedy for error of e- kind, e- man will be his own physician, e- function, formation, and manifestation. more excellent way is divine Science in e- case. E- function of the real man is governed by the mortal mind claims to govern e- organ Such errors beset e- material theory, E- material dependence had failed her Evidences of progress . . . greet us on e- hand. not in one instance, but in e- instance. E- medical method has its advocates. E- mortal must learn that there is neither E- attempt of evil to destroy good e- one recognizes his condition to be E- theory opposed to this fact E- sound convulsed him with anguish. E- one hastens to get it. e- scientific statement in Christianity has a law of mortal mind, wrong in e- sense, E- step towards gwidness is a departure from E- quality and condition of mortality feels the . . . effect of truth through e- pore. E- sensuous pleasure or pain is self-destroyed E- day makes its demands upon us availability of good as the remedy for e- woe. produces e- discordant action of the body. while inspiration restores e- part of the can heal the sick in e- age he hobbled e- day to the theatre, Good demands of man e- hour, E- concept which seems to begin with the brain E- object in material thought will be Mind as the cause of e- effect. e- statement into which it enters. E- system of human philosophy, urges through e- avenue the belief e- real individuality, image, or e- sin or supposed material pain the endeavor to forsake error of e- kind and find the divine remedy for e- ill, Sin should become unreal to e- one. Let discord of e- name and nature and sustains . . . «• point it presents. To be e- whit whole, sick humanity sees danger in e- direction, and can make it " e- whit whole." — John 1: 23. and meet e- circumstance with truth. Mind, controlling e- effect E- law of matter or the body, e- erroneous belief, or material condition. Mentally contradict e- complaint e- broken moral law should be taken into ac- count conquer discord of e- kind with harmony, understand that e- disease is an error, e- tree that brings not forth good fruit, better to be exposed to e- plague on earth equal to e- emergency, Resist evil — error oi e- sort to avail ourselves in e- direction E- hour of delay makes the perfect, harmonious in c action. E- sort of sickness is error, e- word that proceedeth out of — Afatt. 4 ; 4. E- trial of our faith in God makes us alleviates the symptoms of e- disease. taking a fish out of water e- day noticing e- symptom of flatulency. Mind in e- case is the eternal God, "Preach the gospel to e- creature." — Mark 16 .15. Speak the truth to e- form-of error. Meet e- adverse circumstance as its master. C physical action and condition. reaching to e- part of the human system. prisoner watched with the sick e- night Try to leave on c- student's mind twist e- f.act to suit themselves. E- Christian Scientist, e- conscientious teacher nature and methods of error of e- sort, sword of Truth must turn in e- direction starts a petty crossfire over e- cripple abide strictly by its rules, heed e- statement. every t 462-18 as they . . . do in <>• department of life. 463- 2 phenomena, which fluctuate e- instant r 471-21 but e- [material] man a liar." — Rom. 3 .■ 4. 475-26 and over e- creeping thing 482-25 to the hungering heart in e- age. 486- 6 until e- corporeal sense is quenched. 494-10 and always will meet e- human need. 494-14 in e- hour, divine Love supplies all good. g 507- 4 Spirit duly feeds and clothes e- object, 512- 4 e- living creature that moveth, — Gen. 1 ; 21. 512- 6 e- winged fowl after his kind: — Gen. 1 .-21. 515-14 and over e- creeping thing— Gen. 1 .-26. 617-28 and over e- living thing — Gen. 1 ; 28. 618- 6 e- herb bearing seed, — Gen. 1 .• 29. 618- 7 and e- tree, in the which is — Gen. 1 ; 29. 618- 8 And to e- beast of the earth, — Gen. 1 .-30. 618- 9 and to e- fowl of the air, — Gen. 1 .- 30. 618-11 I have given e- green herb — Gen. 1 ; 30. 620-19 and e- plant of the field — Gen. 2 .• 5. 620-19 and e- herb of the field — Gen. 2 ; 5. 526-31 e- tree that is pleasant to the — Gen. 2 .- 9. 626- 4 " e- plant of the field — Gen. 2 : 6. 527- 7 Of e- tree of the garden — Gen. 2 ; 16. 527-20 Evil is . . . false in e- statement. 527-22 formed e- beast of the field, — Gen. 2: 19. 527-22 and e- fowl of the air ; — Gen. 2 .• 19. 627-24 Adam called e- living creature, — Gen. 2: 19. 529-16 Ye shall not eat of e- tree— Ge/t. 3.1. 533-24 belief ... is growing worse at e- step, 537- 7 sword which turned e- way, — 6'e/i. 3.- 24. 542- 1 The belief of life in matter sins at e- step. 547- 4 e- one must be true, for not one departs from 548-13 E- agony of mortal error helps error to ap 564-16 met and conquered sin in e- form. 565-10 decreed the death of e- male child 569- 3 E- mortal at some period, ffl 584-14 e- belief of life where Life is not yields to 598- 4 So is e- one that is born of the — John 3 .• 8. fr 600- * beiuff fruitful in e- good work, — Col. 1 ; 10. everything belief that g 531- 2 the belief that e- springs from dust God saw (/ 518-24 And God saw e- that He had made, — Gen. 1 ; 31. good in ph 176-13 " sermons in stones, and good in e:" He saw g 525-23 He saw e- which He had made, opposition to .s 114-32 the usual opposition to e- new, relating to God s 127-13 stand for e- relating to God, sacri fice . pr 11-25 we shall sacrifice e- for it. that creepeth g 513-23 and e- that creepeth upon — Gen. 1 ; 25. 518-10 and to e- that creepeth — Gen. 1 ; 30. s 127- 5 c- entitled to a classification as truth, / 243-28 annihilation to e- unlike themselves, b 269-32 The first theory, that matter is e-. 270- 3 (1) that e- is matter; (2) that e- is Mind. 301-28 with c- turned upside down. 331-16 E- in God's universe expresses Him. g 523-11 In error e- comes from beneath, 525-20 E- good or worthy, God made. everywliere s 147- 8 e\ when honestlv applied f 223- 8 If Spirit is all and is e-, b 287-14 God being e- and all-inclusive, o 361- 5 now and foiever, here and e-. p 371-11 As frightened children look e- for the r 473- 8 Godi8e-,andnothingaparti'romHimispresent g 516- 8 shall see this true likeness and reflection c-. Eve's g 538-30 Eves ph 176- 3 evidence absolute 8 142-10 Truth, alone can furnish us with absolute e-. according to the p 423-17 according to the e- which matter presents. a 18-10 against the accredited e- of the senses, affords no « . . o 356- 4 material existence affords no e- of spiritual all a 50-23 and that all e- of their correctness all the p 384-28 all the e- before the senses can never oyerrule. basis of . . , , , gl 681-19 on the basis of e- obtained from the E- declaration, " I have gotten — Gen. 4; 1. modem E- took up the study of medical woi ks EVIDENCE 162 EVIL evidence chang^e the b 297-13 Change the e-, and that disappears Cbristian r 487-19 Christian e- is founded on Science p 398- 6 clear c- that the malady was not material. contradictg the s 119-26 contradicts the e- before the senses destroy the p 412-22 conform the argument so as to destroy the e- 417-17 you destroy the e-, for the disease disappears. false s 120-r24 heals the sick, overthrows false e-, 131- 6 false e- before the corporeal senses disap- pears. / 252-15 The false e- of material sense contrasts b 275-27 It destroys the false e- that misleads 287-29 false e- will finally yield to Truth, p 420-31 Turn his gaze from the false e- of the senses feasible o 345-20 the only feasible e- that one does understand full a 42-17 and gave full e- of divine Science, furnish the ph 189-17 is supposed to furnish the e- of immediate ph 188-29 physical senses have no immediate e- of Immortal a 29-31 immortal e- that Spirit is harmonious latter sp 81- 4 this latter e- is destroyed by Mind-science. lavr and p 441- 1 comprehending and defining all law and e-, material a 52- 7 the material e- of sin, sickness, and death. p 422-18 causing it to depend less on material e-. gl 584-15 Any material e- of death is false, no pr 9-9 though we give no e- of the sincerity of no direct b 284-17 which receive no direct e- of Spirit, not so much sp 81- 1 There is not so much e* to prove of error o 353- 8 which contradicts the e- of error, of matter s 128-26 the so-called e- of matter. of Personal Sense p 433-11 e- of Personal Sense against Mortal Man. of Spirit 6 296-23 When the e- of Spirit and matter, of the material senses b 274- 9 deduced from the e- of the material senses. of the physical senses 8 114- T based on the e- of the physical senses, 122- 1 e- of the physical senses often reverses of the senses o 18-10 against the accredited e- of the senses, p 386- 2 the e- of the senses is not to be accepted 420-31 Turn his gaze from the false e- of the senses of the spiritual senses b 288- 4 the e- of the spiritual senses of things r 468-21 the e- of things not seen." — Heb. 11 .- 1. of this condition ph 193- 7 e- of this condition of the bone. of this revelation s 108-12 allowing the e- of this revelation to multiply only / 207-32 The only e- of this inversion is permanent / 232- 6 no scatheless and permanent e- of either. real r 494-27 The other is the eternal and real e*, recognize an 104-29 Our courts recognize e- to prove the reverses the s 115- 5 Science so reverses the e- before the / 215-22 reverses the e- of material sense. t 461-13 because Science reverses the e- before the rises above the t 448-12 rises above the e- of the corporeal senses ; scientiflc p 380-23 scientific e- of which has accumulated sensible s 109- 7 not, . . . seen to be supported by sensible c, spiritual a 52- G drank in the spiritual e- of health, b 297-22 spiritual e-, contradicting the testimony of gl 585- 9 spiritual e* opposed to material sense; stronger pr 7- 2 stronger e- that Jesus' reproof was pointed o 353- 7 having the stronger e- of Truth rafflcient p 363-29 was her grief sufficient c to warrant evidence this p 380-26 this e- will gather momentum to the senses p 370-10 furnishes the e- to the senses, worthy pr 4-8 the only worthy e* of our gratitude a 23-18 Faith, ... is the e- gained from Spirit, 42-18 e- so important to mortals. 50-20 before the e- of the bodily senses, 8 117-24 E- drawn from the five pnysical senses 159- 7 The e* was found to be conclusive, 164-21 rather does it e- the truth of ph 177- 5 The e- of divine Mind's healing jrower 177- 6 as certain as the e- of my own existence. / 214- 5 e- before his material senses, 6 303-30 When the e- before the material senses yielded o 359-14 The e- of the existence of Spirit, p 380- 8 Contending for the e- or indulging the 389-12 better results of Mind's opposite e-. 417-18 The e- before the corporeal senses 428-26 The e- of man's immortality will become 430-27 e- for the prosecution being called for, r 471- 7 e- before the five corporeal senses, 471-14 the e- as to these facts is not supported by 471-16 the e- that God and man coexist 478- 3 What e- of Soul or of immortality 493- 6 All the e- of physical sense 497-13 the e- of divine, efficacious Love, g 543-17 All error proceeds from the e- before the gl 590- 4 £■ obtained from the five corporeal senses ; evidenced o 355-29 and e- by the sick who are cured evidences s 158-24 E- of progress and of spiritualization c 264-25 the only e-, by which we can recognize b 289-17 destroys with the spiritual e- of Life ; p 395- 8 master the false e- of the corporeal senses 428- 9 false trusts and material e- g 523-15 clear e- of two distinct documents evident m 68-25 perpetuation of the floral species by bud . . . is e-, sp 82- 1 must have known the deceased ... is c*, s 111-27 became e- to me, — that Mind governs 138- 6 It was now e- to Peter that divme Life, / 214-30 e- that the body as matter has no sensation o 345- 4 As it is c- that the likeness of Spirit cannot evidently s 150-23 and it is as e* erroneous to the author, / 204-18 Such theories are e- erroneous. o 352- 6 e- considering it a mortal and material belief evil (see also evil's) all s 127-19 Supreme Being, Mind, exempt from all e-. ph 178-20 this so-called mind, from which comes all e*, / 206-10 Will-power is capable of all e-. t 450-30 claim of animal magnetism, that all e- r 473- 4 The Science of Mind disposes of all e\ 494-32 they cast fear and all e- out of themselves ap 563-16 lifts the veil from this embodiment of all c, 563-28 winding its way amidst all e-, 564-25 hatred, and revenge, — all e-, — are tj'pifled gl 581- 6 counteracting all e-, sensuality, and all manner of p 418-27 Cast out all manner of e-. all sorts of p 404-10 Lust, malice, and all sorts of e- and error / 227-19 but e- and error lead into captivity. and fear p 392- 7 Casting out c- and fear enables and good sp 91-29 postulate is, that mind is both c* and good ; an 103-21 belief that mind is . . . both e- and good; s 114- 1 Usage classes both e- and good togetner / 246- 2 not a pendulum, swinging between e- and good, b 330-25 The notion that both e- and good are real and hate t 448-22 impossible for error, e-, and hate to accomplish and materiality b 277-11 e- and materiality are unreal and matter b 277- 9 e- and matter, are mortal error, and suffering sp 72-29 when e- and suffering are communicable. ascendency over the m 61- 5 must have ascendency over the e- attempt of ph 186-20 Every attempt of e- to destroy good is a f ailurej avoidance of the ap 671- 6 necessary to ensure the avoidance of the e- EVIL 163 EVIL evil becomes more apparent / 207- 2 e- becomes more apparent and obnoxious becomes nothing- r 480- 4 e* becomes nothing, — the opposite of behold / 243-23 " of purer eyes than to behold e-," — Hab. 1 ; 13. o 357- 5 " of purer eyes than to behold e-." — Hab. 1 • 13. belief in g 540- 7 stirring up the belief in e- to its utmost, blindness to t 448-15 upon your blindness to «• calls itself b 287-18 E- calls itself something, when it is nothing. cannot be sj> 91-30 whereas the real Mind cannot be e- can only seem r 470-14 e- can only seem to be real by giving reality to castlni; out a 46-11 again seen casting out e- and healing the sick. . cast out a 49- 4 healed the sick, cast out e-, 51-31 enabled Jesus to heal the sick, cast out e-, 8 137- 2 heal the sick, cast out c-, raise the dead ; ph 185-22 Jesus cast out e- and healed the sick, cast out the p 411-16 Thereupon Jesus cast out the e-, casts out r 497-11 understanding that casts out e- as unreal, casts out the .s 135-14 when Truth casts out the e- called disease, causing »p 93-16 not create a mind susceptible of causing e*, cease to manifest o 346-14 only as we cease to manifest e* claims of s 130-30 astounded at the vigorous claims of e* t 447-21 Expose and denounce the claims of e- 448- 1 To assume that there are no claims of e* and yet g 529-28 faith to fight all claims of e-, coincide witit iph 167-22 no more . . . than good can coincide with e*. confers no pleasure a 40- 1 once admit that e- confers no pleasure, constitutes g 527-17 constitutes e- and mortal knowledge. create g 540- 5 "I make peace, and create e-. — Isa. 45 ; 7. crying m 64r- 1 Want of uniform justice is a crying c* declared ■ph 165- 2 E- declared that eating this fruit would open degree of t 451-26 subtle degree of e-, deceived and deceiving. deliver us from pr 16-15 " Deliver us from «•," — Matt. 6 ; 13. 17- 9 but deliver us from e- ; — Matt. 6 ; 13. demon, or p 411-15 demon, or e-, replied that his name was Legion, destruction of a 53-24 sacrifice . . . for the destruction of e-. devil or r 469-16 devil or e- — is not Mind, is not Truth, ap 563-19 that old serpent, whose name is devil or e-, element of g 539-11 God could never impart an element of e*, error and a 52-17 error and e- again make common cause b 272-26 recorded in the destruction of error and c-, escape from b 316- 3 may learn how to escape from e-. ap 571-12 Escape from e-, and designate those as flesh, and pr 10-13 overcoming the world, the flesh, and c-, foreshadoiving sp 84- 5 not by foreshadowing e- and mistaking fact foundatioit of sp 92-26 The foundation of e- is laid on a belief in from good to sp 11- 2 said: " I cannot turn at once from good to e-." good and {see good) • good or ph 172- 1 and that the cognizance of good or c*, / 205-16 believing that matter can be . . . good or c), 240-18 Mortals move onward towards good or e- b 340- 1 their imaginary power for gooa or e-, good over p 406-23 Life over death, and good over e-, has no history g 538-21 e- has no history, has no power p 398-32 E- has no power, no intelligence, has no reality .sp 71- 2 E- has no reality. evil has tried ap 568- 3 e- has tried to slay the Lamb; inventions of ap 563- 7 showing its horns in the many inventions of e-. is a negation ph 186-11 E- is a negation, because it is the absence of is but an illusion r 480-23 Hence, e- is but an illusion, is destroyed b 311-13 E- is destroyed by the sense of good, is nothing b 330-27 E- is nothing, no thing, mind, nor power, is not Mind / 207- 8 Indeed, e- is not Mind, is not mind p 398-32 fact remains that c* is not mind, is not power an 102-30 Mankind must learn that e- is not power. ph 192-24 E- is not power. is not supreme / 207-10 E- is not supreme ; good is not helpless ; is self-assertive ph 186-17 E- is self-assertive. is sometimes b 327- 9 E- is sometimes a man's highest conception is temporal ap 569-25 e- is temporal, not eternal, is unreal t 447-31 He may say, as a subterfuge, that e- is unreal, g 527-19 E- is unreal because it is a lie, its r 490-10 From this cooperation arises its e\ knowledge of g 526-21 erroneous doctrine that the knowledge of e- is 527-14 a knowledge of e- would make man mortal. 537- 9 knowledge of e- was never the essence of lapse into r 470-17 How can good lapse into e-, lessen t 450-20 has enlisted to lessen «•, lie, called ap 568- 5 Science is able to destroy this lie, called c. loses all sense of b 325- 3 He . . . loses all sense of e-, manifestations of b 293-24 manifestations of e*, which counterfeit divine justice, master p 404-25 increases his ability to master «■ matter and gl 583-23 CREATOR. . . . the opposite of matter and e*, matter, or sp 92-16 knowledge gained from matter, or e-, gl 594- 6 claim that there is . . . matter, or e- ; medium of sp 91-31 Mind cannot be evil nor the medium of 6',, mention of g 526-14 first mention of e- is in the legendary named r 469-28 believe there is another power, named e*. gl 594-10 claim . . . there was another power, named e-, never causes sp 93-13 Good never causes e-, never enters into 6 336- 4 Good never enters into e-, never produce b 304-13 good can never produce e- ; no s 140-27 Love, . . . causeth no p-, disease, nor / 207- 1 for there is no e in Spirit. 210-30 immortal sense includes no e- nor pestilence. 6 278- 8 in Truth there is no error, and in good no e-. 33.5- 2 There is no c- in Spirit, because God is Spirit. t 448- 8 Under such circumstances, to say that there is no e-, 453-22 thanks God that there is no e-, yet serves evil ap 578-11 I will fear no e- : — Psnl. 23; 4. gl 596-22 I will fear no e-. " — Psal. 23 ; 4. no longer imagine s 130-32 no longer imagine e- to be ever-present nothingness of 6 269- 8 the unreality, the nothingness, of e-. 293-31 entireness of God, good, and the nothingness of e-. ap 563-17 but he also sees the nothingness of «• not supported by r 471-15 evidence ... is not supported by e-, one pr 16-19 one e-, is but another name for r 476- 2 children of the wicked ona, or the one e\ only ph 186- 8 Erring human mind-forces can work only e- only as g 529-23 enters into the metaphor only as c. EVIL 164 EVIL evil or matter t 454-11 e- or matter has neither intelligence nor power, overcome ap 571-16 under all circumstances, overcome e- with parent of r 480-25 The supposititious parent of e- is a lie. personification of an 103- 3 Paul refers to the personification of e- as personified o 357- 7 Jesus said of personified e-, that it was point out the ap 571- 1 they are not so willing to point out the e- produces s 144-19 It produces e- continually, producing^ c 263-12 producing e- when he would create good, o 343-16 impossibility of good producing e-; prolific of t 457-17 mental malpractice, prolific of e-, remedy the m 63-21 If . . . franchise for women will remedy the e- repetition of sp 73-14 known by its fruit, — repetition of e-. represents b 282-10 the straight line represents e-, resist p 406-19 Resist e- — error of every sort resisting t 446-24 Resisting e-, you overcome it sense of g 540-15 that Truth may annihilate all sense of e- serves t 453-22 yet serves e- in the name of good. Shalt not know a 19-32 thou Shalt not know e-, for there is one Life, sin, and b 315- 8 matter, sin, and e- were not Mind; source of r 489-24 The corporeal senses are the only source of e* statement about ;/ .544-17 The first statement about e; still charges ap 564- 3 e- still charges the spiritual idea with suppositional an, 103-17 met by the maximum of suppositional e-, symptoms of g 540-12 when the symptoms of e-, illusion, are aggra- vated, tempted with (J 527-13 " God cannot be tempted with e-, — Jas. 1 .• 13. this m 65-31 will assuredly throw off this e-, ap 565- 2 nearing its doom, this e- increases to accomplish more sp 96-32 wicked minds will endeavor ... to accomplish more e- ; nnimportant and r 485- 8 If the unimportant and e- appear, unreality called s 110- 9 the awful unreality called e-. unreality of / 205-21 the nothingness and unreality of e-. b 339-12 Science demonstrates the unreality of e-, 339-19 Only those, . . . understand the unreality of e: victory over ap 571-18 the occasion for a victory over e\ -will boast t 450-18 unless . . . e* will boast itself above good. wonld appear / 216-22 e- would appear to be the master of good, would vanish r 480-31 e- would vanish before the reality of good. pr 5-27 If prayer nourishes the . . . prayer is an e-. a 42-27 governed by God — by good, not e- — and is m 65-13 powers of e- so cons))lcuous to-day 68-22 and the e- to hatch their silly innuendoes sp 72-22 C-, the suppositional opposite of good. 72-25 c- is neither coninuinicable nor scientific. 76-10 belief ... in a finite form, or good in c-, 93-14 nor creates aught that can cause e*. 93-16 €• is the opposinj; error and not the truth an 102-32 C. S. despoils the kingdom of e-, 103-21 false belief . . . that e- is as real as good 104-17 e-, occultism, necromancy, mesmerism, 105- 9 C-, which is the real outlaw, s 113-19 deny death, e-, sin, disease. 113-20 e-, death, deny good, omnipotent God, Life. 114- 5 human mind and e- in contradistinction to 116-17 extinction of all l>elief in matter, e-, 119-22 e- should he regarded as unnatural, ph 167- 8 admission of the claims of good or of c 169-'32 good that a poisonous drug seems to do is e-, 186-16 there is neither power nor reality in e-. 186-18 should strip e- of all pretensions. evil ph 186-19 186-24 / 203- 1 203-20 204- 1 204-13 204-32 The only power of e- is to destroy itself. If e- is as real as good, e- is also as as though e- could overbear the law of Love, when c- has overtaxed the belief of life It is e- that dies; good dies not. e-, is the unlikeness of good. The error, which says . . . good is in e-. 207- 9 e- is the awful deception and unreality 207-15 nor is e- mightier than good. 229-13 declaring Him good in one instance and e* in 230-18 no more . . . than goodness can cause e- 231-12 If God makes sin, if good produces e-, 234-10 more familiar with good than with e-, 236-22 insubordination is an e-, 244-27 He does not pass . . . from e- to good, 244-27 He does not pass . . . from good to e-. c 263-18 thee- which I would not, that J do."— Horn. 7 : 19. 266-19 sinner makes his own hell by doing e-, 266-21 material sense, aiding e- with e-, b 277- 7 Good cannot result in e-. 277-21 asserts . . . that good is the origin of e-, 285- 2 cannot be cognizant of good or of e-, 288-22 that Life is God, good, and not e-; 290-31 no purer until e- is disarmed by good. 292-15 To mortal mind, ... e- is real. 292-22 of your father, the devil [e], — John 8 ; 44. 307- 7 E- still affirms itself to be mind, 307-10 It says : . . . God makes e- minds and e- spirits, 308- 2 Artthoudwellinginthebelief. ..that c-is mind, 311- 6 Hence e- is not made and is not real. 321-13 The serpent, e-, under wisdom's bidding, was 327- 2 there is no abiding pleasure in e-, 327-20 e- has in reality neither place nor power 339- 9 e-, being contrary to good, is unreal, o 348-16 I deny His cooperation with e-, 348-17 I desire to have no faith in e- 356-25 Does e- proceed from good ? 357-16 deny that God made man e- and made c good a57-30 p 367-32 368-11 368-22 404-12 411-19 t 447-13 448- 5 448- 7 448- 8 452- 3 r 469-22 469-23 470-13 474- 3 474-26 479-28 480-21 480-23 g 501-18 the history of perpetual e-. 626-22 Was e- instituted through God, Love? 527-19 Has e- the reality of good ? 529-26 should rejoice that e-, . . . contradicts itself 532-23 Is Mind capable ... of e- as well as of good, as if He were the creator of e-. e- has no local habitation nor c- is brought into view only as the unreal In the words of Jesus, it (e-, devil) is such as e-, matter, error, and death may think . . . the Lord hath wrought an e- can Life, or God, dwell in e- E- is but the counterpoise of nothingness. beliefs . . . that e- is equal in power to good Neither e-, disease, nor death can be If the «• is over in the repentant mortal mind, Jesus caused the e- to be self-seen e- will in time disclose and punish itself. E- which obtains in the bodily senses, if e- is uncondeinned, it is undenied Under such circumstances, to say ... ia an 6' e- has in reality no power. when we admit that, . . . e- has a place «• can have no place, where e-, the unlikeness of God, is unreal. destroy all error, e-, disease, and death. If e- is real, Truth must make it so; e- should be denied identity or power, the opposite of good E- is a false belief. that is, e* 533-12 537-10 538-21 539- 2 539- 9 540-13 ,5.55-20 error would seek to unite . . . good with e-, ap 559-13 the " seven thunders " of e-, — Rev. 10 ; 3. 561- 3 destroys both faith in e- and 561-4 and the practice of e-, 567-19 serpent whose name is devil {e-\ gl 579-16 e- ; the opposite of good, — of God 584-17 Devil. E-; a lie; error; evil (adj., adv.) pr 4-2.5 goodness will "bee* spoken of," — ifom. 14 .16. 5-32 seek the destruction of all e- works, ap 70-11 that there are good and e- spirits, is a mistake. 79-17 Jesus cast out e- spirits, or false beliefs. 83- 6 incredible good and e- elements 85- 9 enabling one to do good, but not e-. an lOO- * out of the heart proceed e- thoughts, — Matt. 15 .-lO. 8 115-21 E- beliefs, passions and appetites, fear, 115-25 Second Degree : E- beliefs disappearing. / 206-32 There are e- beliefs, often called e- spirits; 207- 8 God is not the creator of an e- mind. 229-24 If . . . its opposite, health, must be e-, 230-13 so as to bring about certain e- results, 234-26 You must control e- thoughts in the 234-31 E- thoughts and aims reach no farther and 234-32 E- thoughts, lusts, and malicious purposes 254-29 Your good will be e- spoken of. i EVIL 165 EXAMPLE evil c 266-25 6 274- 6 p 401- 5 405- 2 413- 1 t 449-19 449-20 458- 4 r 482- 4 496- 2 g 533-18 539-14 ap 563-13 gl 594-22 evil-doer pft 186-22 evil one pr 16-16 16-18 evil's ap 671- 2 evils all ph 183-26 brood of / 234-18 castiiiK out a 136-14 / 210- 8 b 316-28 332-15 o 347-17 cast out a 34-15 41-32 b 322- 1 o 342-12 casts out s 135-13 143- 3 b 282- 1 conjectural ph 176-19 moral p 366- 4 physical p 366- 6 these / 207- 1 219-31 o 347-25 r 481-21 p 394-20 r 474-21 494-30 evince o 355- 7 evoke p 365-13 evoked sp 94-19 evolution a 135- 9 w/i 189-30 g 547-16 547-20 551-12 evolve sp 86-13 b 335-19 Sr 524-28 evolved m 69- 3 sp 8( pA 17J c 260-20 b 303-13 r 475-30 gr 523- 3 532-17 544-22 545-13 evolves sp 71-16 8 108-27 c 260-22 b 295- 7 r 468- 1 evolving" b 298-25 86-20 ph 179-19 The e- beliefs which originate in hate are hell. symbolizes all that is e- and perishable. cherishing e- passions and malicious purposes, The indulgence of e- motives and aims and cannot transmit good or e- intelligence The baneful effect of e- associates The inoculation of e- human thoughts one good and tlie other e-, hypothesis that soul is both an c- and a good there is no transfer of e- suggestions the rib . . . has grown into an e- mind, the propensity or power to do c- ? and that by means of an e- mind in matter Mortal beliefs; corporeality; e- minds; aids in peremptorily punishing the e\ " Deliver us from the e- o-." C. S. teaches us that " the e- o-," expose e- hidden mental ways of Truth casts out all e- and the brood of e- which infest it casting oute- and healing the sick casting out e-, and destroying death, healing the sick, casting out e-, ' healing the sick and casting out e-, healing the sick, and casting out e-. cast out e-, and preach Christ, or Truth, cast out e- and heal the sick. to heal the sick and cast out e- students should cast out e- and heal the sick. when Truth heals the sick, it casts out e-, Christ casts out e- and heals the sick. Truth casts out e- and heals the sick. superimposed and conjectural e\ must first cast moral e- out of himself cast physical e- out of his patient ; but these e- are not Spirit, may look for an abatement of these e- ; it is Christ, Truth, who destroys these «•, hypotheses . . . assume the necessity of these e- Will you bid a man let e- overcome him, Is it possible, then, to believe that the e- Our Master cast out devils (e-) prayers which e- no spiritual power to heal. with which to e* healing from the His healing-power e- denial, ingratitude. Spiritual e- alone is worthy of e-, keeping always in the cfirect line of matter, Darwin's theory of e- from a material basis Material e- implies that the g^eat First Cause E- describes the gradations of human belief. Mortals e* images of thought. Nothing but Si)irit, Soul, can e- Life, Could Spirit e- its opposite, matter, man and the univei"se are e- from Spirit, e- involuntarily by mortal mind. The epizootic is a humanly e- ailment, A sick body is e- from sick thoughts, statement that man is conceived and c* nor can God, by whom man is e-, the mist of obscurity e- by error e- through material sense, these gods must be e- from materiality the theory of man as e- from Mind. images, which mortal mind holds and e- e-, in belief, a subjective state e- bad physical and moral conditions, filled with spiritual ideas, which He e-, intelligence, which e- its own unerring idea e* animal qualities in their wings ; exact s 113-13 showing mathematically their e- relation 161- 4 an e- statement, more e- than you suppose ; ph 175-20 The c amount of food the stomach could digest b 295-27 The theoretical mind is . . . the e- opposite p 397-19 in e- proportion to your disbelief in physics, r 482- 1 gives the e- meaning in a majority of cases. g 521-28 which is the e- opposite of scientific truth 523- 6 Although presenting the e- opposite of Truth, exaction ni 58-13 the selfish e* of all another's time exactly o 350- 5 C. S. takes e- the opposite view. exaggerated ph 195-26 Novels, remarkable only for their e- pictures, exalt c 266-14 until the lesson is sufficient to e- you; t 464-23 not to e- personality. exaltation a 46-21 was followed by his e- above all 46-22 and this e- explained his ascension, b 313-17 the cause given for the e- of Jesus, 314- 2 (his further spiritual e-), gl 581-14 temptation overcome and followed by e; exalted pr 1-13 that they may be moulded and e- a 38-16 righthandof the Lord is e-." — Psa;. 118.16. m 61- 9 Every valley of sin must be e-, / 203-12 This thought incites to a more e- worship b 299- 7 My angels are e- thoughts, p 363-13 wondering why, being a prophet, the e- guest 373-17 through the e- thought of John, g 506-11 e- thought or spiritual apprehension 513- 7 lead on to spiritual spheres and e- beings. ap 574-11 It e- him till he became conscious of the gl 598-25 This e- view, obtained and retained exalting a 48-13 e- ordeal of sin's revenge on its destroyer p 383- 6 the pure and c- influence of the divine Mind exalts s 148-25 Physiology e- matter, dethrones Mind, examination 8 111-26 After a lengthy e- of my discovery ph 196-26 induced by a single /)os^ mortem e-, p 438-26 summoned Furred Tongue for e-, g 547- 9 microscopic e- of a vulture's ovum, examine pr 8-28 We should e- ourselves and a 46-18 caused him to e- the nail-prints and the s 159-24 They e- the lungs, tongue, and pulse p 370-32 Physicians e- the pulse, tongue, lung^, examined c 267-18 e- in the light of divine Science, 6 274-31 c- in the light of divine metaphysics, examining 8 161-24 ordinary practitioner, e* bodily symptoms, example consummate a 51-19 His consummate e- was for the emulate the g 515- 2 to emulate the e- of Jesus. followed his b 309-15 the children of earth who followed his 45-23 They believed in the e- of matter, 556-29 e- will be on a new standpoint. existent s 120-22 reveals man as harmoniously e- in Truth, b 302-18 illusion of any life, ... as e- in matter. 308-18 a mortal sense of life, ... as e- in matter existent b 311-18 mortal dream of life ... as «■ in matter, r 472-15 sui)position that pleasure and pain, . . . are e- in existing: gl 587-13 theories that hold mind to be ... c- in brain, exists a 39-26 divine Principle of all that really e- tn 64-29 a worse state of society than now e-. an 100- 8 propositions . . . "There e- a nmtual influence s 110-32 No analogy e- between the vague hypothe»-es 151-26 All that really e- is thedivine Mind ph 171-23 No more sympathy e- between the flesh and 177- 8 Neither e- without the other, 188-31 knows not where the orb of day is, nor if it c / 202- 3 The scientific unity which e- between 215- 6 being cannot be lost while God c*. 253-28 for no such law e-. c 258-15 Mind manifests all that e- b 271- 6 Neither . . . «• in divine Science. 272-30 the divine Principle ... of all that really e\ 278-13 e- only in a supposititious . . . consciousness. 311-10 Sin e- . . . only so long as the 340-13 all that really e- is in and of God, o 357-28 if another mighty and self-creative cause c* g 514- 4 nothing e- beyond the range of . . . infinity, 620- 7 canrepeatonly an infinitesimal part of what e-. 531-22 Who dares to say . . . that matter e- without 544-11 fact that man e- because God e-. 554- 2 even the cause of all that e-, gl 592- 8 that which neither e- in Science nor 594- 7 the first delusion that error e- as fact ; exit s 117-22 and triumphant e- from the flesh. expand / 252-28 and says : . . . Like bursting lava, I c c 264-17 this understanding will e- into expands c 265- 3 thought e- into expression. expansive ph 195-20 Study, and original thought are e- c 265-14 confers upon man ... a more e* love, expect pr 2-26 Do we e- to change perfection ? ph 107-23 or to €• to work equally with Spirit and matter, / 219-10 and then e- that the result will be harmony. 237-27 and e- this error to do more for them than p 409-30 cannot ... c- to find beyond the grave a t 452-23 E- to heal simply by . . . and you will be disap- pointed. expectation c 260-26 and bv the e- of perpetual pleasure or pain p 363-30 sufficient evidence to warrant the e- 396-12 nor encourage . . . the e- of growing worse 426- 9 e- speeds our progress. expected m 59-10 nor should woman be e- to understand political expecting- a 21- 6 not ... to labor and pray, p- because of ph 177-27 though physician and patient are c- favorable expedients t 443-22 If the sick find these material e- unsatisfactory, expel r 482-27 Error will not e- error. expelled o 346-29 Material beliefs must be e- t 460-30 As former beliefs were gradually c* expelling p 437-24 rose to the question of e- C. S. from the bar, expels s 153- 3 it is not the drug which e- the disease 162- 7 It changes the secretions, e- humors. p 374-31 then e- it through the abandonment of a belief, expense e 260-28 this education is at the e- of spiritual growth. experience author's g 656-28 hence the author's e-; hitter a 32-12 The cup shows forth his bitter e; brief ph 194- 3 Reviewing this brief e-, Christian a 29- 7 Christian e- teaches faith in the right daily o 350- 4 or as very far removed from daily c- eartlily / 202-21 earthly c- develops the flnity of error fruits of gl 579- 9 surrendering to the creator the early fruits of e: higher pr 7-20 a higher c- and a better life EXPERIENCE 169 EXPOSE experience human sp 99-20 self-immolation, must deepen human e-, ff 552-13 Human e- in mortal life, ap 572-24 transitional stage in human e- called death, individual a 26- 5 yet Jesus spares us not one individual e-, p 370-24 medical testimony and individual e-, in practice t 461-32 student's spiritual growth and e- in practice my o 360- 4 other artist replies : " You wrong my e-. of death 6 291-10 belief in the e- of death of error / 237-18 To prevent the e- of error and its sufferings, personal pre/ x-23 in the personal e- of any sincere seeker single b 290- 7 on account of that single €•, speak from pr 1-5 1 speak from e\ stage of 1(1 66-15 Each successive stage of c- unfolds new views teaches us pr 10-22 £• teaches us that we do not always your / 248-23 and adopt into your e- the angular pr 4-26 and patience must bring e\ a 22- 7 Waking to Christ's demand, mortals e* suffer- ing. 36- 2 They, who know not purity and affection by e-, 39-22 now is the time in which to e- that salvation m 65- 1 E- should be the school of virtue, s 122-21 K- is full of Instances of similar illusions, / 217- 8 Paul's peculiar Christian conversion and e-, 238-17 an e- we have not made our own, 240-31 learning from e- through pangs unspeakable c 261- 6 and you will bring these mio your e- b 296- 4 Progress is born of e-. p 394-17 E- has proved to the author the 421-26 than it is to e- it. t 443-14 If patients fail to e- the r 493-20 Disease is an e- of so-called mortal mind. ap 574-21 brought also the e- which experienced a 34-18 Through all the disciples c-, 38-21 Jesus e- few of the pleasures / 213-20 Mozart e- more than he expressed. p 385-16 can be e- without suffering. 420- 6 should early call an e- Christian Scientist experiences pre/viii-26 e* which led her, in the year 1866, s 108- 7 humane- show the falsity of all material things; c 261-11 If one turns away from . . . the body e- no pain. b 322-26 The sharp e- of belief in the r 494-21 as the e- of the sleeping dream seem real) experiencing sj) 92- 5 is not only capable of c- / 250-18 e* none of these dream-sensations. o 356-20 as He is of e- these errors. experiment an 101- 6 an important e- upon the power of p 379-16 think of the e- of those Oxford boys, experimental / 230-16 cannot be, the author of e- sins. experimentally t 456- 9 reputation e- justified by their efforts. experimented p 379- 9 A felon, on whom certain English students e\ Experiments, Beaumont's Medical ph 175-24 Beaumont's " Medical E- " did not govern the experiments 8 152-21 The author's medical researches and c* 152-28 Her e- in homoeopathy had made her skeptical 162-12 E- have favored the fact that Mind governs expert ]} 375-29 seems anomalous except to the e- in C. S. expiate op 569-20 eventually e- their sin through suffering. explain a 27-17 Jesus' parables e- Life as never mingling with sp 83- 6 Science only can e- the incredible good s 126-17 Shall Science c- cause and effect 145- 3 sweet tones, . . . without being able to e- them. 148-22 Then theology tries to «• how to make ph 189- 9 to e- the effect of mortal mind 200- 8 Whoever is incompetent to e- Soul b 328-19 can it be said that they c- it practically, o 350-16 The Master often refused to e- his words, p 388- 4 a victory which Science alone can e-. explain p 396-22 At the right time e- to the sick the 414-15 e- C. S. to them, but not too soon, 417-27 E- audibly to your patients, 421-23 sometimes e- the symptoms and their cause 422-13 e- to them the law of this action. 438-29 we have heard Materia Medica e- how r 487-22 without Principle from which to e- the 490-28 Sleep and mesmerism e- the mythical nature 493- 9 QueMon. — Will you e- sickness g 510-20 it cannot e- them. explained a 33- 9 Their Master had e- it all before, 46-22 and this exaltation e- his ascension, s 124-16 but when e- on the basis of physical sense 131-26 e- the so-called miracles of olden time 138-10 On this spiritually scientific basis Jesus e- h 334-28 [Science lias e- me]." o 350-14 Unless the works . . . which his words e-, 350-31 the Word was materially e*, p 420-14 This fact of C. S. should V)e e- to invalids when 441- 2 e- from his statute-book, the Bible, g 501-15 e- by that Love for whose rest the 510-20 Geology has never e- the earth's formations; explaining a 33-11 breaking (e-) it to others, b 292-19 E- the origin of material man 315-32 E- and demonstrating the way explains pre/ xi- 5 C. S. rationally e- that all otlier sp 80-16 and e- extraortlinary phenomena; 89-23 e- the phenomena of improvisation s 114-23 C. S. e- all cause and effect as mental, 148- 8 The former e- the man of men, b 278- 3 Divine metaphysics e- away matter. o 343-15 €• the impossibility of good producing evil ; 361- 2 Here C. S. intervenes, e- these p 433- 5 e- the law relating to liver-complaint, r 470-11 Divine Science c- the abstract statement 493- 5 science contradicts this, and e- the g 511- 3 and so e- the Scripture phrase, 52*2-11 Science e- as impossible. 534-14 and the Apostle Paul e- this warfare 545- 1 Error . . . e- Deity through mortal and finite explanation easy an 102-26 not lending itself to an easy e- her p 374-10 in her e- of disease as originating in of body ph 200- 9 would be wise not to undertake the e- of body. of optics •s 111-15 even as the e- of optics rejects the Principle and sp 83-28 gains the divine Principle and e- of all things. a 23- 9 but its scientific e- is, that this ph 173-18 Physiology continues this c, b 302- 6 not lost, but found through this e- ; ■without „ ^ s 149-10 they are left without e- except in C. S. your / 237-29 Impatient at your e; ph 189- 2 the f • of the sun's influence over the earth. p 385- 5 e- lies in the support which they derived from 414-17 until your patients are prepared for the e-, t 452-13 withhold not the rebuke or the e- which destroys 453- 9 chemicalization follows the e- of Truth, g 504-21 Here we have the e- of another passage explanations / 237- 1 had occa.'sionally listened to my e\ r 482-13 Is it important to understand these e- 490-23 The scientifically Christian e- of the g 555- 7 said ..." 1 like your e- of truth, explication sp 83-16 since Science is an e- of nature. g 501- 6 often seems so smothered ... as to require e-, exploiting t 457-31 without e- other means. explored s 121- 6 the heavenly fields were incorrectly e-. exploring a 26-4 in speechless agony e- the way for us, exponent ^ ^ ,^ .,„ a 49^ 9 Had they forgotten the great e- of God ? exponents a 52-18 common cause against the e- of truth. expose ,. ,. . p 384- 8 though they e- him to fatigue, cold, heat, 386- 5 E- the body to certain temperatures, and EXPOSE 170 EXTRAORDINARY E- and denounce the claims of evil e- evil's hidden mental ways of e- nineteen hundred years ago If a child is e- to contagion or infection, e- to ejection by the operation of better to be e- to every plague on earth this falsity is e- by our Master expose t 447-20 ap 571- 2 exposed s 122- 8 154-16 ph 171-19 p 405-22 ff 539-21 exposes sp 91-10 because Science e- his nothingness; exposition pre/ ix-27 she made copious notes of Scriptural e-, r 496-31 The following is a brief e- of expositions pre/ ix-16 not complete nor satisfactory e- of Truth. exposure s 154-22 Then it is believed that e- to the contagion p 384-16 If e- to a draught of air while in a 384-21 such symptoms are not apt to follow e- ; 384-27 nor any other disease will ever result from e- ap 571- 4 Why this backwardness, since e- is necessary exposures p 385- 4 385-15 expound t 464-22 g 539-28 expounder t 459-29 the Christian and scientific e- expounds b 274-14 Christianity and the Science which e- it express pr 4-10 is not of itself sufficient to e- loyal and 8-15 gratitude, and love which our words e*, sp 81-20 Erase the figures which e- number, 98-13 human hypotheses do not e- C. S. ; / 223- 7 flatter does not e- Spirit. b 313-11 and the e- [expressed] ima^ge — Hdb. 1 .• 3. 313-12 the phrase " e- image " — tteb. 1 ; 3. 331-32 e- in divine Science the threefold, 332-30 highest type . . . which a fleshly form could e- 336-24 and nothing less can e- God. o 354-21 If our words fail to e- our deeds, r 465-13 also intended to e- the nature, essence, 470-25 If there ever was a moment when man did not e- 470-26 then there was a moment when man did not e* expressed pr have been able to undergo . . . fatigues and e- Constant toil, deprivations, e-, has labored to e* divine Principle, gave him more than human power to e- 4- 4 e- in patience, meekness, love, and 4-19 e- in daily watchfulness and in striving 11-32 It is best e- in thought and in life. a 25- 5 infinitely greater than can be e- by our sp 72-17 Perfection is not e- through imperfection. 88- 2 for which the poet Tennyson e- s 111- 5 as e- through divine Science. 119-18 spiritual and is not e- in matter. ph 178-22 divine Mind, e- in Science. / 210- 1 Its ideas are e- only in 213-20 Mozart experienced more than he e*. c 259- 7 divine nature was best e- iji Christ Jesus, b '293-21 fury of mortal mind — e* in earthquake, 304-30 music is, must be, imperfectly e*. 313-11 and the express [e-] image — Hth. 1 ; 3, 332- 6 As the apostle e- it in words which 332-29 He e- the highest type of divinity, p 364-27 e- by meekness and human affection, 373-21 Disease is e- not so much by the lips as in 392-13 must be e- mentally, 423- 7 more strongly than the e- thought, r 471-28 the spiritual import, e- through Science, g 508-10 The feminine gender is not yet e- 519-10 are complete and forever e-, 520- 3 Unfathomable Mind is e-. 541-10 the worship e- by Cain's fruit ? expresses pr 3-26 Action e* more gratitude than speech. a 23-28 e- the helplessness of a blind faith; 38-16 It e- spiritual power; / 208-26 A material body only e- a material and c 258-13 God e- in man the infinite idea b 298-15 Material sense c the belief that 300-28 reflects and c- the divine substance 310-10 God is His own infinite Mind, and e- all. 331-17 Kverything in God's universe e- Him. 333- 9 Christ e- (iod's spiritual, eternal nature. p 376-21 only what that so-called mind e-. r 467-31 unaerstood through the idea which e- it 468-28 Eternity, not time, c- the thought of Life, 477-30 Separated from man, who c- Soul, Spirit would 484-13 The physical universe e- the conscious q 507-26 This divine Principle of all e- Science expresses g 518-27 ap 576-27 expressing- sp 89-20 s 114-19 115- 5 p 424-17 g 507- 5 expression audible pr 11-32 fervency o£ pr 8-21 fuller o 361-22 iuflnite b 336-10 of Soul /• 477-26 of Spirit r 484-30 perfect gl 591-19 public pr 13-12 verbal pr 3-25 Spirit, comprehends and e- all. The term Lord, . . . e- the Jewish concept, beauty and poetry, and the power of e- them, in e- the new tongue we must ditticulty of so e- metaphysical ideas e- such opinions as may alarm tenderly e- the fatherhood and Such a desire has little need of audible e*. with whatever fervency of e- to give a clearer and fuller e- even the infinite e- of infinite Mind, Man is the e- of Soul. the understanding and e- of Spirit ? of whom man is the full and perfect e* ; Can the mere public e- of our desires Gratitude is much more than a verbal e- of sp 86-26 peculiarities of e-, recollected sentences, / 210-19 The e- mortal mind is really a solecism, 247-23 reflects the charms of His goodness in e*, c 255- 3 thought expands into e-. b 289- 9 He is little else than the e- of error. o 349-16 English is inadequate to the e- of r 470-23 Man is the e- of God's being. expressions g 518-22 All the varied e- of God expressive b 320- 5 extend p 418-18 names are often e- of spiritual ideas. the "negation must e- to the supposed dis- ease extended a 43-20 perpetuated and e- it. extends s 128-16 It e- the atmosphere of thought, 146-29 and e* throughout all space. b 328-31 purpose of his great life-work e- through time extent 8 139-22 darkening to some e- the inspired pages. 163-25 Nowhere is . . . displayed to a greater e-j o 349-28 To a certain e- this is equally exterminated s 164-16 diseased thought-germs are e: p 377-11 when their fear of climate is e*. exterminates s 157- 8 C. S. e- the drug, and rests on Mind extermination g 543-15 is engaged in a warfare of e-. exterminator r 409-13 The e- of error is the great truth externalized o 360-13 which mind-picture or e- thought an image of thought e-. e-, yet subjective, states of faith and gives the history of error in its c- forms, p 411-23 g 512-15 522-13 externals P extinct 8- 8 such e- are spoken of by Jesus as When . . . the belief of life in matter ia e*, Life is never for a moment e-. sp 74-11 b 309-30 extinction s 110-16 even to the e- of all belief in matter, extingruisli b 298- 5 As a cloud hides the sun it cannot e-, extinguished a 61-18 no more . . . than God could be e-. extinguishes r 474-32 Light e- the darkness. extract an 102-24 / 201-17 extracted / 212- 3 tooth extracts p 437-33 ane- from the Boston Herald: The way to e- error from mortal mind is to e- sometimes aches again in belief. certain e- on the Rights of Man, extraordinary sp 80-16 dispels mystery and explains e- phenomena; EXTRAVAGANCE 171 FACE extra vagrance m 58-26 a wife ought not to court vulgar e- extreme ap 570- 6 shocked into another e- mortal mood, 570- 7 for one e- follows another. extremity ph 166-25 in his e- and only as a last resort, c 266-14 " man's e- is God's opportunity." eye (see also eye's) beholds r 479-10 An image ... is all that the e- beholds. blue / 220- 9 The violet lifts her blue e- to greet the brother's t 455-16 mote out of thy brother's e-." — Matt. 7 ; 5. ear aud sp 84-20 not dependent upon the ear and e- for guided by the p 429- 8 When walking, we are guided by the e-. hath not seen ph 179- 7 Immortal Mind heals what e- hath not seen ; c 255-18 £• hath not seen Spirit, nor hath ear heard His voice, "e- hath not seen nor ear heard." —/ Cor. 2 ; 9. reveals what " e- hath not seen," —7 Cor. 2 : 9. No human e- was there to pity, no arm to save. ph 188-30 The human e- knows not where the orb of day is, inlue c 262-18 but now mine e- seeth Thee." — Job 42 -5. / 241-31 to go through the e- of a needle," — Matt. 19 .• 24. t 449-10 togothroughthe e-of aueedle,"— il/att.l9;24. physical s 121-18 is invisible to the physical e-, right s 141- 7 cut off the right hand and pluck out the right e-, testimony of the s 121-21 false testimony of the e- deluded the thine own t 455-15 the beam out of thine own e- ; — Matt. 7 : 6. through the b 2Sir-72 They can neither see Spirit through the e- nor twinkling of an b 291- 6 " in the twinkling of an e-,"—l Cor. 15 ; 52. t 459- 2 g 554- 1 human a 49-16 a 30-15 " An c- for an e," — Matt. 5 ; 38. b 330-13 £■ hath neither seen God nor His image p 378-11 By looking a tiger fearlessly in the e-, 378-13 may infuriate another by looking it in the e-, 393-26 " the light of the body is the e-,'^— Matt. 6 ; 22. r 486- 4 Suppose one accident happens to the e-, ap 573- 4 while yet beholding what the e- cannot see, eyelids ph 193-11 The e- closed gently and the breathing be- came eye's s 122-16 On the e- retina, sky and tree-tops Bounding off with laughing e-, she presently declared . . . this fruit would open man's e- Jesus was incarnate to mortal e-. " of purer e- than to behold evil," — Hab. 1 ; 1^ " of purer e- than to behold evil." — Hab. 1 .- 13. eyes before their a 43- 4 his material disappearance before their e- blind t 444- 2 these very failures may open their blind e-. causes the / 211-25 If . . . material organism causes the e- to see close the sp 87-30 We have but to close the e-, and forms rise close your sp 71-10 Close your e-, and you may dream that you 71-14 Close your e- again, and you may having a 38-28 Having e- ye see not, gl 586- 6 " Having e-, see ye not ? " — Mark 8 ; 18. her / 221-23 These truths, opening her e- his ph 193- 8 Mr. Clark lay with his e- fixed and sightless. 193-13 In about ten minutes he opened his e- 195- 1 His e- were inflamed by the light. laughing / 237- 5 man's ph 165- 3 mortal b 334-20 of purer / 243-22 o 357- 4 opened the a 49- 3 opened the e- of their understanding, open the t 451-24 obligated to open the e- of his students aj) 570-30 willing to open the e- of the people to the our b 268- * which we have seen with our e-, — I John 1 .■ 1. people's / 220- 5 Such admissions ought to open people's e- solemn p 434-18 earnest, solemn e-, kindling with hope their o 350-19 and their e- they have closed; — Matt. 13 ; 15. 350-21 they should see with their e\ — Matt. 13 ; 15. through the pref ix- 4 drinks in the outward world through the e* your g 530-15 then your e- shall be opened; — Gen. 3 .• 5. 530-20 and saying, ..." I can open your e-. ap 574-26 it will lift the sackcloth from your c-, sn 76- 3 at Niagara, with e- open only to that wonder, ph 165- 4 it closed the e- of mortals 189- 3 If the e- see no sun for a week, we still c 255-11 Mortal man has made a covenant with his e- t 452- 8 e- accustomed to darkness are pained by r 491-22 goes on, whether our e- are closed or open. g 530-23 saying, . . . more pleasant to the e- gl 586- 3 definition of eye-witness p 436- 2 he was an e- to the good deeds F fable s 129- 8 by reversing the material/-, 129- 9 be the/- pro or con, b 302-19 This statement is based on fact, not/*. p 408- 7 a universal insanity . . . mistakes/ for fact g 544-18 suggestion of more than the one Mind, — is in the/ gl 586- 7 Fan. Separator of/ from fact; fables an 103-26 they annihilate the/ of mortal mind, fabulous / 231-18 discords have only a/ existence, face before the a 49-31 before the/ of the Most High," — Zam. 3; 35. her s 154-29 little one, who thinks she has hurt her / his ph 193-10 In a few moments his/ changed; ap 558- 5 and his/ was as it were the sun, — Rev. 10 .• 1. My s 140- 6 " Thou canst not see My/ ; — Exdd. 33 .• 20. name the sp 76- 2 name the/ that smiles on them of tJesua c 260- 5 or thepaintercandepicttheformand/of Jesus, of the sky sp 85-21 can discern the/ of the skv ; — Matt. 16 ; 3. / 233-17 Ye who can discern the f- of the sky, g 509-31 can discern the / of the sky ; — Matt. 16 .• 3. face one t 457-15 each of them could see but one/ of it, pallid p 415-17 Note how thought makes the/ pallid, sallow p 433-14 His sallow/ blanches with fear, sun's £7 548-10 when clouds cover the sun's/! Thy ■ As for me, I will behold Thy/ — Psal. 17 .- 15. jih 190-28 thy gr 535-25 •whole g 521-22 in the sweat of thy/ shalt thou —Gen. 3 .• 19. watered the whole / of the ground. — Gen, 2; 6. pr 8- 5 /• to/ with their wickedness s 121- 1 and starvation stared him in the/; 163-11 druggist, or drug on the/- of the earth, / 245-14 She had no care-lined/, c 263-29 thrown into the/ of spiritual immensity, b 305- 5 a/- refiected in the mirror is not the original, 338-18 upon the/ of the deep," — Gen. 1 ; 2. o 342- 9 presumptuously, in the/- of Bible history t 450- 7 while looking you blandly in the/, r 479-20 upon the/ ol the deep." — Gen. 1 • 2. g 503- 7 upon the/- of tlie deep. — Gen. 1 .- 2. 503- 8 moved upon the/ of the waters. — Gen. 1 .- 2. 603-13 saith to the darkness upon the/ of error, FACE 172 FACTS face g 518- 6 upon the/- of all the earth, — Gen. 1 ; 29. ap 558-14 When you look it fairly in the/-, faces p 439-16 in the perturbed/- of these worthies, gl 59C-29 The Jewish women wore veils over their/* facilitate p 421-10 showing him that it was to/- recovery. fac-similes sp 86-25 Portraits, landscape-paintings,/- of fact awful r 472-28 the awful/- that unrealities seem real based on b 302-18 This statement is based on/-, not fable. s 131-10 The central/- of the Bible is the concerning^ error sp 92-22 Until the/- concerning error — namely, counter / 233-28 The counter/- relative to any disease demonstrable s 108- 6 unfolding to me the demonstrable /- that elaborated the s 141-14 Jesus elaborated the/- that the healing effect established p 384-28 In Science this is an established/- eternal g 544-10 Matter cannot change the eternal /- every t 450- 2 twist every/- to suit themselves. figure or in b 282-13 Mind and . . . never unite in figure or in/-. fixed m 65-26 Matrimony, which was once a fixed/- among us, ph 180-19 by declaring disease to be a fixed /-, foundational o 348-12 Jesus established this foundational/-, g^loriouH g 529- 9 usher in Science and the glorious/- of creation, S^reat 8 109- 6 This great/- is not, however, seen to be 137-17 and his reply set forth a great /- : ph 199- 9 Hence the great/- that Afind alone / 228- 4 impossible if this great/- of being were learned, o 285- 5 it IS the great /- of being for time and eter- nity. 339-26 the great/- that God is the only Mind ; o 343-18 scientifically demonstrates this great /-, p 398-32 The great/- remains that 412- 1 The great/- that God lovingly governs all, 421-16 great /- which covers the whole ground, 430-12 When will mankind wake to this great /- harmony is the p 412-23 Mentally insist that harmony is the/-, heedless of the p 362- 7 Heedless of the/- that she was debarred Ignorant of the s 1.59-30 Ignorant of the /- that a man's belief produces illustrates the p 402-24 mesmerism . . . illustrates the/- just stated. Immortal b 327- 4 Science, which reveals the immortal /- in metaphysics s 154- 9 This/- in metaphysics is illustrated by in Science ap 573- 6 This testimony . . . sustains the /- in Science, knowledge of the ph 199-19 of less importance than a knowledge of the/-. matter of r 486-32 as a matter of/-, these calamities often mere p 363-32 there was encouragement in the mere/- mistaking sp 84- 5 not by foreshadowing evil and mistaking/- of being / 228- 4 if this great/- of being were learned, 249-26 is sometimes nearer the/- of being than b 285- 5 the great/- of being for time and eternity. 320-18 declares plainly the spiritual/- of being, one r 492- 3 should be but one/- before the thought, one more an 101- 5 one more/- to be recorded in the history of only b 297-17 The only/- concerning any material concept is, r 471-20 spirituality of the universe is the only/- remains s 164-23 the forever/- remains paramount b 289-23 the/- remains, that God's universe is scientific TO 69- 2 The scientific/- that man and the universe / 207-27 The spiritual reality is the scientific/- o 295-13 will at last yield to the scientific/- fact spiritual (see spiritual) such a 8 152-19 Such a/- illustrates our theories. this sp 81-10 this/- affords no certainty of s 111-27 thi.s/- became evident to me, 134-32 This/- at present seems more mysterious than 145-17 From this/- arise its ethical as well as 151-29 acknowledge this/-, yield to this power, ph 194-14 Every theory opposed to this/- . . . would make / 207- 5 This/- proves our position, 320-21 avers that this /- is not forever to he humbled p 420-13 This /- of C. S. should be explained to invalids 427- 1 If it is true that man lives, this/- can never r 467-11 in proportion as this/- becomes apparent, vrhereas the j>rc/viii-10 whereas the /- is that Spirit is good and real, / 211-28 whereas the/- is that only through sp 73- 6 The/- is that neither the one nor the other s 116-17 They never . . . insist upon the /- that God is all, 127-20 It teaches that matter is the falsity, not the /-, 143- 2 Hence the/- that, to-day, as yesterday, Christ 153-22 The /- that pain cannot exist where there is no 154-13 /- was, that he had not caught the cholera by 162-12 Experiments have favored the/- that Mind / 222-12 availed herself of the/- that Mind governs 238-29 To reconstruct timid iustice and place the/- b 270-29 Hence the f- that the hiunan mind 289-14 The/- that the Christ, or Truth, overcame 339-11 can receive no encouragement from the/- p 368- 3 confidence inspired by Science lies in the/- 368-29 has a foundation in/-. 371- 1 when in /'• all is Mind. 371-28 father to the/- that Mind can do it; 374-12 is in/- the objective state of mortal mind, 388-22 The/- is, food does not affect the absolute 408- 2 This view is not altered by the/- that 408- 7 mistakes fable for/- throughout the entire 412-25 Realize the presence of health and the/- 414-11 the/- that truth and love will establish a 420-17 /- that Truth overcomes both disease and r 486- 1 matter is without foundation in/-, Fan. Separator of fable from/-; the first delusion that error exists as/- ; gl 586- 7 594- 7 factor pref X- 8 S 109- 2 144-20 151- 2 this mind is not a/- in the Principle of C. S. as the leading/- in Mind-science, is not a/- in tlie realism of being, as if there was but one/- in the case; 151- 3 but this one/- they represent to be body, 159-14 as if matter were the only/- to be consulted ph 185-21 excludes the human mind as a spiritual/- p 370-14 faith in the drug is the sole/- in the cure. factors r 492-30 theory, ... is that there are two/-, facts broadest sp 97-21 The broadest/- array the most falsities connate pref viii-21 the response deducible from two connate/-, conscious gi 593- 5 the conscious/- of spiritual Truth. demonstrate the p 429-27 and do not demonstrate the/- it involves, eternal b 293-16 perpetuating the eternal/- everlasting s 121-20 rebuked by clearer views of the everlasting/-, expound the g 539-28 more than human power to expound the/- fundamental 8 120- 9 arrive at the fundamental/- of being. grrand / 244- 4 Divine Science reveals these grand/-. t 460-26 she had to impart, while teaching its grand/, r 471- 9 afford no indication of the grand/- of being; great ,s 122- 4 the great/- of Life, rightly understood, gl 597-19 spiritual sense unfolds the great/- of harmonious p 420-31 the harmonious/- of Soul and immortal being. immortal b 279-17 p 428-28 important g 548-28 important /- in regard to so-called embryonic invincible a 55- 5 but this does not affect the invincible/-, maintain the p 417-11 Maintain the/- of C. S., — that Spirit is God, the immortal f- of being are seen, the immortal/- of being are admitted. FACTS 173 FAITH facts of being (see being) of creation g 544-19 The/- of creation, as previously recorded, of divine Science r 471-13 /• of divine Science should be admitted, of existence sp 95-30 Material sense does not unfold the/- of exist- ence; of barmony o 356- 7 Discord can never establish the/- of harmony. of Mind ^268-18 as well as on the/- of Mind. of Science (/ 516- 7 subordinate ... to the/- of Science, of Soul p 428- 4 demonstration of the/- of Soul in Jesus' way of Spirit / 215-10 matter and mortality do not reflect the /• of Spirit. h 281-30 as we grasp the /■ of Spirit. only r 479-22 the only /• are Spirit and its innumerable permanent c 264- 2 before the permanent /• . . . appear. primal sp 87-15 for it presents primal /- to mortal mind. scientific i 100-13 s 156- 5 162-29 b 327-29 o 348-10 p 407-22 r 490- 5 £7 528-31 fade sp 81-19 fades / 246-14 fading s 150-30 / 247-11 c 263-32 264- 7 o 357-22 fail s 149-12 ph 173- 1 194- 3 / 227-14 o 354-21 p 372-22 t 443-14 444- 7 448-28 450- 8 455-12 ap 669-15 " The /• which had been promised by The logic is lame, and /• contradict it. Some invalids are unwilling to know the /• They are not /- of Mind. The /- are so absolute and numerous unfair to impugn and misrepresent the /-, He enters into a diviner sense of the /-, the /• in the case show that this fur the /• which belong to immortal man. belief, at war with the /- of immortal Life. The indestructible /• of Spirit exist without then, when the body is dematerialized, these /- these /- be conceived of as immortal. there is no oblivion for Soul and its /. with all the /- of Mind; I^ife and its /• are ncjt measured by Error is neither Mind nor one of Mind's /-. Mind alone possesses all /-, ordered the medical /- of Paris to A case of dropsy, given up by the /-, With due respect for the /-, Reason is the most active human /-. It is a pity that the medical /- and clergy No /- of Mind is lost. Human will is . . . not a /- of Soul. this may be a useful hint to the medical /-. grass seemeth to wither and the flower to /-, the transient sense of beauty/, the doctrine of ... is/- out. /- and fleeting as mortal belief. The/- forms of matter. Mortals must look beyond /-, flnite forms, wrong notions , . . are/- out. If you/- to succeed in any case, it is because we/- to see how anatomy can I cannot /• to discern the coincidence cannot/- to foresee the doom of all oppression. If our words/- to express our deeds, Its false supports/'- one after another. If patients/ to experience the If Christian Scientists ever/ to receive he cannot/ of success in healing. never/- to stab their benefactor in the back. and if, knowing the remedy, you/- to use the and/- to strangle the serpent of sin failed pre/ x-20 till all physical supports have/-, a 45-14 persecutors had/ to hide immortal Truth sp 83- 3 the worshijjpers of Baal/- to do; s 143- 2 brought to him a case they had/- to heal, 15-2-24 Every material dependence had/- her o 351-10 learned that her own prayers/- to heal her p 388- 8 when dire inflictions/- to destroy his body. 427-27 when all such remedies have/- t 464-15 and the Scientists had/ to relieve him, failing ph 166-23 F- to recover health through adherence to / 220-23 Finding his health/-, he gave up his t 459-10 lest you yourself be condemned for/- to fails s 148-27 When physiology/- to give health or life 149- 8 succeeds in one instance/ in another, 157- 3 It succeeds where homoeopathy/, b 329-19 because he/ in his flrst effort. p 370-27 Quackery likewise/ at length to failure ph 180-21 Every attempt of evil to destroy good is a/-, 199-23 /• is occasioned by a too feeble faith. c 260-17 distrust . . . ensures/- at the outset. failures / 240-19 t 444- 2 fain b 302-29 faint pt-ef vii- 3 47- 3 past /• will be repeated until all wrong work is these very /- may open their blind eyes. mortal sense would /- have us so believe. beholds the flrst / morning beams, a /• conception of the Life which is God. 8 144-10 and afford /- gleams of God, or Truth. / 218-29 they shall walk, and not /-."—Isa. 40; 31. 219-12 " sick, and the whole heart / ; " — Isa. 1 ; 5. 254^ 4 walk, and not /-," — Isa. 40 .-31. faintly a 29-29 though at flrst / developed. sp 91-17 and reflect but / the substance of Life or ap 577-32 one word shows, though /, the light which C. S. fair pre/ viii-16 On this basis C. S. will have a / fight. s 122-20 barometer, . . . points to /- weather in 141-30 Let it have /- representation by the jiress. ph 167-32 /'• seeming for straightforward character, 191-22 "not a leaf unfolds its /• outlines, p 437- 6 It blots the /■ escutcheon of omnipotence. r 490-21 would, by /• logic, annihilate man g 5.55- 3 A /• conclusion from this might be, ap 575-25 a city of the Spirit, /, royal, and square. fairly / 231- 3 240-28 b 319-19 Unless an ill is rightly met and /- overcome one must pay fully and / the when it becomes /- understood that the divine 329- 2 elements of pure Christianity will be / t 457-10 never . . . fears to have /■ understood. ap 558-14 When you look it /- in the face, fairness / 248- 9 feeds the body with supernal freshness and /-, faith absolute pr 1- 2 absolute /- that all things are possible to God, all p 426-23 The relinquishment of all /• in death and belief pr 12-18 borrows its power from human /• and belief. and piety sp 98-26 no proper connection with / and piety. and understanding 8 107-13 fresh pinions are given to/- and understanding, b 312-27 It divides f- and understanding between p 366-10 mental penury chills his/- and understanding. 387-30 gives man/- and understanding whereby to armed with b 293- 7 Science armed with/-, hope, and fruition. article of s 145-32 Our Master's flrst article of/- propounded to blacksmith's ph 199-13 but by reason of the blacksmith's/- in blind pr 12- 8 through a blind/ in God. a 23-23 expresses the helple8.sness of a blind/; ph 167- 4 If we rise no higher than blind/, p 398-28 blind f- removes bodily ailments for a season, gl 582- 2 not a faltering nor a blind/, but the ap 569-15 Alas for those who break/- with divine Science dawn In , , b 298- 3 They dawn in/ and glow full-orbed dead / 228-32 influence of their dead/- and ceremonies. b 279- 4 New Testament writer plainly describes/-, FAITH 174 FAITH faith 8 155-12 individual dissent or/-, unless it rests on ecstasy or pr 14- 7 is to have, not mere emotional ecstasy or/-, Bl Dorado of ap 559-30 out of bondage into the El Dorado off- and enlig^litened pr 15-31 the foundation of enlightened/-. exercised their 7n 64- 3 Our forefathers exercised their/- ph 199-24 failure is occasioned by a too feeble/-. / 226-19 fetter/- and spiritual understanding. firm in a 23-13 said: " He that taketh one doctrine, firm in/-, general a 155- 8 not yet divorced the drug from the general/-. 6 319-10 lower appeal to the general /- ipreat 8 133- 7 "I have not found so great/-, — Matt. 8 .- 10. half the / 202- 7 half the/- they bestow upon the his s 146- 1 he proved his /• by his works. ph 180- 6 his/- in their efforts is somewhat helpful / 216- 1 his/- in Soul and his indifference to the body. hope and pr 9-16 enjoy the fruition of our hope and/-. a 45-18 from the door of human hope and/-, gl 581-15 AsHEB (Jacob's son). Hope and/- ; 584-27 Dove. . . . purity and peace; hope and/-. human {see liuman) implicit a 25-26 Implicit/- in the Teacher and all the in a carnal mind p 395-11 Science overcomes/- in a carnal mind, in Deity s 146- 7 faith in drugs the fashion, rather than /- in Deity. individual 8 155- 4 general belief, culminating in individual/-, in drugs s 145-14 whether/- in drugs, tnist in hygiene, 146- 7 have rendered/- in drugs the fashion, in God (see God) in hygiene / 251-16 whether through/- in hygiene, in matter pre/ xi- 7 the fruits of human /- in matter, s 130-21 Laboring long to shake the adult's /- in mat- ter 146- 6 The first idolatry was /- in matter. ph 170- 6 /- in matter instead of in Spirit. p 425-24 when/- in matter has been conquered. in sin p 395-12 destroys all/- in sin and in inspires g 547-32 which lifts humanity . . . and inspires/-. In tlie divine Principle b 319- 7 Having/- in the divine Principle in the drug p 370-14 /- in the drug is the sole factor in the cure. in tiie riglit a 29- 7 Christian experience teaches/- in the right in the truth p 401- 7 If /- in the truth of being, which you impart in Truth b 286- 7 gives full/- in Truth, t 446-21 strengthens hope, enthrones/ in Truth, invalid's ph 166-26 The invalid's/- in the divine Mind in words / 210- 1 superiority of faith by works over /• in words. is higher b 297-20 F- is higher and more spiritual than belief. John's s 133- 3 Was John's/- greater than that of the keep the a 29-5 If they keep the/-, they will have the kept tlie a 21- 3 I have kept the/-, " — II Tim. 4 .- 7. lacks p 366-17 physician lacks/- in the divine Mind less ph 173-32 call into action less/ than Buddhism / 222-13 she also had less/- in the so-called pleasures little pre/ x-21 because there is so little/- in His p 394-30 the sick usually have little/- in it till they living b 308- 3 art thou in the living/- that there is faith lose s 127- 2 she will not therefore lose/- in Christianity, o 351- 3 When we lose/- in God's power to heal, material ph 180-21 through the material/- which they inspire. more sp 89- 6 Having more/- in others than in herself, ph 181-30 If you nave more/- in drugs than in Truth, o 358-29 Is It likely that church-members have more/- in 359- 6 Is this because the patients have more/- in 2) 368-15 When we come to have more /• in the truth 368-16 more/- in Spirit than in matter, 368-16 more/- in living than in dying, 368-17 more/- in God tlian in man, 373- 3 we must have more/- in God on this subject must prove our b 329-13 We must prove our/- by demonstration. my ■ o 343- 5 show thee my/- by my works." — Jas. 2 ; 18. r 487-26 show thee my/- by my works." — Jas. 2: 18. ne^v s 134- 9 The new/- in the Christ, Truth, no ph 169-17 we should put no/- in material means. o 348-17 I desire to nave no /- in evil or r 486- 2 you can have no/- in falsehood when one kind of a 23-24 One kind of /- trusts one's welfare to others. one's a 22-26 nor by pinning one's/- without works an 101-32 proportional to one's/- in esoteric magic. our 6 340- 2 until we lose our/- in them p 410-14 Every trial of our/- in God makes us Stronger. 410-17 the stronger should be our /- point beyond / 241-23 One's aim, a point beyond/-, should be prayer of pr 12-1 " The prayer of/- shall save — Jas. 5 : 15. religious sp 88-21 Excite the organ of veneration or religious/-, s 139-12 reform in religious/- will teach men resort to t 443- 5 a resort to/- in corporeal means shall he And $ 132-27 shall he find/- on the earth ? "—Ltike 18 .- 8. significance of r 488-10 they have more the significance of /•, steppin^stone to prpf vn-18 no longer the stepping-stone to /-. strong ap 567- 5 Strong/- or spiritual strength wrestles superiority of / 209-32 It shows the superiority of /- by works that o 359- 4 Will that /- heal them? their a 49- 3 inspired their devotion, winged their /•, s 155-10 equip the medicine with their /-, o 359- 4 try to cure his friends by their /- in him. t 451-10 will either make shipwreck of their /• or this s 155- 5 according to this /• will the effect be. ph 181-30 this /• will incline you to the side of r 487-30 This /- relies upon an understood Principle. thy o 343- 4 " Show me thy /- without thy — Jas. 2 .- 18. r 487-25 ' ' Show me thy /• without thy — Jas. 2 .- 18. to uplift r 497-21 served to uplift /- to unflinching p 426-27 with unflinching /• in God, unity of the g 519-19 come in the unity of the /-, — Eph. 4 ; 13, uplifting s 109-19 Christian healing by holy, uplifting /• ; without -works o 23-15 " F- without works is dead." — Jas. 2 .- 26. ref xi- 7 pr 11-22 16- 3 a 23-16 23-17 23-21 23-25 sp 86- 7 an 106-28 s 115-27 125-14 133- 6 ICO- 7 ph 169-11 169-14 170- 5 /• in the workings, not of Spirit, but only the results of mortals' own /-. The highest prayer is not one of /■ merely; /■"-, if It be nierebelief, is as a pendulum F-, advanced to spiritual understanding, /- and the words corresponding thereto Another kind of /- understands divine Love he was answered by the /• of a sick woman, gentleness, goodness, /-, — Gal. 5 .- 22. compassion, hope, /-, meekness, temperance, changes . . . from /- to understanding, also a certain centurion of whose /- Unsupported by the /- reposed in it, f- in rules of health or in drugs begets The /- reposed in these things should find the exercise of /• in material modes. FAITH 175 FALSE faith ph 198-19 giving another direction to /■, the physician / 206-12 hope, /■, love — is the prayer of the righteous. 215-29 Even the /■ of his philosophy spurned 218-18 if you are without /• in God'^s willingness 6 288- 7 settle all questions through /• in 297-29 Until belief becomes /•, and /• becomes 298-14 involves intuition, hope, /•, understanding, 312-26 limits /• and hinders spiritual p 382-14 more receptive of spiritual power and of /• 394-32 shows that /• is not the healer in such cases. 395-20 punctual, patient, full of /■, 398-19 It is the /• of the doctor and the 398-25 So also/-, cooperating with a belief in 424-30 /• in the possibility of their transmission. 429-27 We must have /• in all the sayings of our Master, 430- 6 F- should enlarge its borders r 482-25 angels whisper it, through/-, to the hungering 484-19 are really caused by the/- in them g 512-16 externalized, yet subjective, states of /• 529-28 /• to fight all claims of evil, ap 561- 3 destroys both/- in evil and the practice gl 579-10 /• in the divine Life and in the eternal Principle faithful a 44- 3 49-18 50-12 50-32 b 314-20 323-17 t 444-16 ap 569- 6 faithfully a 26- 6 p 373-12 387-13 " Well done, good and/- servant,"— Matt. 25 ; 23. this/- sentinel of God at the highest post to sustain and bless so/- a son. wrung from his/- lips the plaintive cry, but the/- Mary saw him, "/- over a few things," — Matt. 25 ; 21. Let us be/- in pointing the way " Thou hast been/- over a few — Matt. 25 ; 23. if we follow his commands/- ; if the teaching is/- done. do not die early because they/- perform the faithfulness a 34-26 As the reward for his/-, he would disappear to / 225- 6 the fewness and/- of its followers. faithless s 148- 2 " Of- generation," — Mark 9 . 19. fall pref vii-20" Though empires /-, "the Lord shall— £xo(i. 15.18. a 23-11 will/- at the feet of everlasting Love. an 103-28 singe their own wings and/- into dust. ph 193- 2 caused by a / upon a wooden spike / 223-18 both shall f- into the ditch." — Matt. 15 .■ 14. 227- 1 into the land of C. S., where fetters/- 238-12 To/- away from Truth in times of persecution, c 258-29 it were impossible for man, . . . to/- from his b 282-28 Whatever indicates the/- of man 310-11 Day may decline and shadows/-, p 380- 4 SicKness and sin f- by their own weight. 380- 6 on whomsoever it shall/-, — Matt. 21 .■ 44. 441-11 now and forever,/- into' oblivion, t 463- 4 he may stumble and/- in the darkness. 464-24 weapons of bigotry, . . . /- before an g 507-31 misinterpreted, the divine idea seems to/- 528-10 a deep sleep to f- uiion Adam, — Gen. 2 ; 21. 536-19 The blind leading the blind, both would/-. fallacies o 355-22 and the most egregious /- ever offered fallacy / 237-24 the/- of matter and its supposed laws. p 394-17 the/- of material svstems in general, r 466-24 have perpetuated the/- that intelligence, fallen c 259^10 thoughts which presented man as/-, r 470-20 Has God taken down His . . . and has man/-? Mortals are not/- children of God. 476-13 falleth b 291-19 291-22 falling- 32-32 " In the place where the tree/-, — Eccl. 11 .- 3. As man/- asleep, so shall he awake. with shadows fast/' around ; 8 154-29 thinks she has hurt her face by/- o 359-23 /- from the lips of her saintly mother, p 389-26 Tliis belief totters to its /• t 449-12 Man's moral mercury, rising or/-, falls a 37- 8 error/- only before the sword of Spirit. ph 192-26 lietrays its weakness and/-, never to rise. It /- short of the skies, but.makes its " As the tree /-, so it must lie." /• back upon itself. /- 249-29 b 291-22 g 543- 1 false 2>re/viii- 7 a 27-20 60-23 as the science of music corrects/- tones to cut d 564- 6 incites mortals to kill . . . even their/-. Fellow of tbe Royal College of Physicians 8 164- 3 F- of the R- C- of P-, London, fellows b 313- 8 oil of gladness above thy/-. — Heb. 1 .-9. fellowship pr 8-7 They hold secret/- with sin, a 40-23 rejoicing to enter into/- with him b 268- * may have /'- with us : — / Joh n 1 .- 3. 268- * ourf- is with the Father, — / Joh7i 1 .- 3. 276- 5 unfold the foundation of/-, felon Uke an escaped/- to commit fresh atrocities A/-, on whom certain English students an 105-23 p 379-9 felon's a 40-21 felt If a career so great . fate, . could not avert a /- 20-19 and when error .f* the power of Truth, 52- 9 Their imperfections and impurity/- the 53-28 but at the time when Jesus/- our'inflrmitios, sp 88-19 can never be seen,./'-, nor understood through ph 169- 6 before the patient./'- the change; c 265-23 Who that has./- the loss of human peace b 323-29 The effects of C. S. are not so much seen as/-. 324-22 was made blind, and his blindness was/- ; p 395-22 to hold it as something seen and/- 400-31 Even our Master/- this. 404-17 The temperance reform,/- all over our land, t 443-10 she always has/-, that all are privileged to 449-20 baneful effect ... is less seen than/-. 450-27 Who, that has/- the perilous beliefs in g 514-27 Daniel/- safe in the lions' den, female /249-5 "male and/-" of God's creating — Gen. 1 : 27. g 508-21 a neuter gender, neither male nor/-. 508-22 Mind . . . names the/- gender last 508-24 The . . . individual idea, be it male or.f-, 516-25 male and./- created He them. — Gen. 1 .-27. 524-19 Mind had made man, both male and/^. 525-16 and He shaped them male and/-. 528- 4 has already created man, both male suid/- ap 577- 5 presents the unity of male and/- feminine m 57-4 Union of the masculine and./- qualities 57- 7 through certain elements of the./-, 57- 7 the/- mind gains courage and strength 64-24 masculine wi.sdom and/- love, g 508-16 /- gender is not yet expressed in the text. 511-28 taking form in masculine,/-, or neuter gender 516-30 Ma.sculine,/-, and neuter genders 517-13 as we have for considering Him/-, femininitv g 508-19 does not necessarily refer to either . . . or/-. FERMENT 181 FIGURE feniieut t 449- 3 A little leaven causes the whole mass to/-. fernientatiou m 65-20 There will ensue a/- over this 65-23 The/- even of fluids is not pleasant. sp 96-22 This mental/- has begun, p 401-12 This/- should not aggravate the disease, 421-13 more for the mental disturbance or/-, fermentinj? p 401-20 as is the case with a/- fluid. ferocious sp 78- 2 the blighted bud, the gnarled oak, the/- beast, p 378-15 fastened fearlessly on a/- beast, ferocity b 293-22 lightning, fire, bestial /- fervency pr 8-21 Praying for humility with whatever/- fervent pr 2-12 We can do more for ourselves by humble /- 4- 3 the prayer of f- desire for growth iu grace, 7-22 A self-satisfied ventilation of/- sentiments 8-10 If a man, though apparently/- and prayerful, 11-29 prayer, coupled with a/ habitual desire 13- 6 beyond the hone.st standpoint of/- desire. ap 565-21 with the/- heat of Truth and Love, fervor sp 89-24 and the/- of untutored lips. festive /■ 240- 4 /- flowers, and glorious heavens, festivity p 362- 6 as if to interrupt the scene of Oriental/-. fetter / 226-19 material medicine and hygiene,/ faith fettered so 77-21 a so-called mind/- to matter. b 292- 9 belief that Mind, . . . can be/- by the body, t 448-32 F- by sin yourself, it is difficult to gl 584-13 free from one belief only to be/- by another, fetterless sp 84-17 yea, to reach the range of/- Mind. fetters / 223- 4 the/- of man's finite capacity are forged by 225-19 potent to break despotic /- 226-10 demanding that the/- of sin, sickness, 226-20 Science rends asunder these/-, 227- 1 to guide me into the land of C. S., where/- fall 249-29 It throws off some material/-. t 449- 1 to free another from the/- of disease. ap 570- 2 the people will chain, with/- of some sort, feutts a 52-15 Herod and Pilate laid aside old/- in order to fever chills and p 375- 8 Change the . . . and the chills and/- disappear. fear or ph 175-12 and dissuade any sense of fear or/-. typhoid s 153-11 patient sinking in the last stage of typhoid/-. you end p 376-27 Destroy fear, and you end/-. / 251- 5 illustrated ... by a/-, which becomes more p 375- 6 often the form in which/- manifests itself. 376-18 cannot, for that very reason, suffer with a/*. 376-28 when it will be safe to check a/-. 376-29 in Science you cannot check a/- after admitting 380- 2 a/- case, which ends in a belief called 386-10 catarrh,/-, rheumatism, or consumption, fever-picture p 379-30 the/', drawn by millions of mortals fevers p 379-25 F- are errors of various types. few pref ix- 6 He finds a/- words, and with these be X- 9 A/- books, however, which are based on this x-19 F- invalids will turn to God till all a 27-26 " Many are called, but/- are — Matt. 22 .- 14. 36-13 He was forsaken by all save . . . a/- women 38- 6 old doctrine . . . the election of a/- to be saved, 38-21 Jesus experienced/- of the pleasures of the 42-13 the desertion of all save a/ friends, 48-15 Truth and Love bestow/- palms until 54-22 adhered to him only a/- unpretentious friends, 8 141- 4 F- understand or adhere to Jesus' divine ph 177-31 In such cases a/- persons believe the potion 184-29 1 sat silently by her side a/- moments. 193-10 In a/- moments his face changed; 195- 3 babbling bov . . . taught to speak a/- words, / 206-20 for the brief space of a/- years 225-17 A/- immortal sentences, "breathing the omni- potence of few b 270-10 F- deny the hj-pothesis that 301- 5 F- persons comprehend what C. S. means by 323-17 If " faithful over a/- things," — Mutt. 25.- 21. o 358-21 /• who have gained a true Knowledge of p 389-32 I cured her in a/- minutes. t 450-15 F- yield without a struggle, r 473-31 F-, however, except hLs students understood 536-21 " of/- days, and lull of trouble." —JobU : 1. 552-15 of/- days, and full of trouble." — Job 14.- 1. 556-32 plungea his infant babe, only a/- hours old, ap 569- 6 faithful over a/- things, — Matt. 25 ; 23. fewer ph 175- 4 When there are/- prescriptions, 176-12 There were/- books on digestion fewness / 225- 5 the/- and faithfulness of its followers. fibres r 488-23 Nerves have no more sensation, . . . than the/- fiction sp 84- 5 foreshadowing evil and mistaking fact for/-, ph 171- 1 Matter, which . . . claims to be a creator, is a/-, 195-25 the speculative theory, the nauseous/-. fidelity a 49-13 gratify his last . . . yearning with one sign of/- ? sp 95- 7 our/- to Truth and Love ; p 397-20 and your/- to divine metaphysics, 418-10 if your/- is half equal to the truth of t 449-15 in proportion to your honesty and /-, gl 579-10 Abraham. F- ; faith in the divine Life field beast of the g 527-22 formed every beast of the/-, — Gen. 2 .- 19. 529-14 more subtle than any beast of the /- — Geti. 3 .- 1. ap 565- 1 " more subtle than any beast of the /-."—Gen. 3.-1. g 539-19 to grovel beneath all the beasts of the/-. flower of the ph 190-24 As a flower of the/-, so he — Psal. 103 .- 15. »• 476-25 as a flower of the/-, so he — Psal. 103 .- 15. herb of the g 520-20 herb of the/- before it grew: — Gen. 2 .- 5. 535-25 thou shalt eat the herb of the/- : — Gen. 3 .- 18, leave the p 419- 5 leave the/- to God, Life, Truth, and Love, lilies of the / 212-23 makes and clothes the lilies of the/-, open g 514-13 Undisturbed it lies in the open/-, or rests in plant of the g 509-24 the " plant of the/- before it — Gen. 2 .- 5. 520-19 every plant of the /• before it — Gen . 2 .- 5. 526- 4 " every plant of the /'• before it — Geji. 2: 5. this t 457-11 since entering this/- of labor, fields s 121- 5 the heavenly/- were incorrectly explored. fierce sp 97- 8 According to human belief, the lightning is/- fiery s 133-17 in the/- furnace and in kings' palaces. / 243- 6 from the/- furnace, from the jaws of the lion, ap 565-20 /- baptism will burn up the chaff of error fifth sp 92- 3 /- erroneous postulate is. that matter holds g 513- 5 and the morning were the/- day. — Ge7i. 1.-23. fifty p 422- 1 and that their combined sum is/-, fight »rc/ viii-16 On this basis C. S. will have a fair/-. a 21- 3 "1 have fought a good/-— // Tim. 4 .- 7. ail 103-17 hence the/- to crush Science. / 225- 8 The powers of this world will/-, and 6 309-12 a soldier of God, who had fought a good/'. p 378-14 and both will /- for nothing. r 492-18 " I propose to/- it out on tliis line, 492-20 You must f- it out on this line. g 529-28 faith to/- all claims of evil, fighting / 216-10 On which side are we/-? flgrhts ^ ^ ^ ^. , ap 567- 1 He leads the hosts . . . and/- the holy wars. figs b 276-^1 grapes from thorns nor/- from thistles. figurative ,. , .^ g 514-14 In the/- transmission from the divine thought figuratively b 299-18 is/- represented in Scripture as a tree, figure b 282-13 never unite in/- or in fact. FIGURE 182 FINISHED hgure g 529-26 538-11 ap 562- 6 figui'ed b 282- 4 figures sp 81-20 ap 571-25 fill ph 195-27 / 201-13 g 504-13 512-18 520- 4 filled pre/ X- 6 ijr 5-16 c 266- 9 6 295- 6 315-15 p 430-25 r 469-24 fillingr s 110- 2 ph 186- 3 fills »/t 190- 9 198-11 b 331-22 p 434- 3 filth p 383-12 final a 22-23 35-17 42-16 43-17 45-23 46-26 48-30 53-30 «» 76-28 96-10 96-31 S 107- 5 111-23 128- 1 ph 188-10 / 219- 5 242- 7 t 268-10 268-14 288-10 291-28 292- 1 339- 6 p 409- 5 429- 6 r 476- 6 g 506- 7 finally a 21-2 45-6 «p 90-28 96- 4 6 125-31 156-19 M 178-21 181-19 190-18 / 221-11 222-26 240-28 248-32 252-11 C 260-11 26i- 4 b 287-29 310- 6 p 371- 3 378-26 380- 3 405-18 t 458- 9 460-31 r 476-17 492-11 y 623- 4 549- 7 ap 565-17 670- 6 evil, by whatever/- presented, The sun, ... is a/- of divine Life and Love, completed this/- with woman, typifying the are/- by two geometrical symbols, Erase the/- which express number, In significant/- he depicts the thoughts which /- our young readers with wrong tastes and We cannot/- vessels already full. Truth, Life, and Love/- immensity and/- the waters in the seas ; — Gen. 1 ; 22. majesty, and glory of infinite Love/- all space. /• with plagiarisms from Science and Health. Ingratitucie and persecution/- it to the brim; but this seeming vacuum is already /- The universe is/- with spiritual ideas. Their thoughts "were/- with mortal error, court-room is/- with interested spectators, where all space is /- with God. Spirit possessing all power,/- all space, /• it with the divine energies of Truth. /- Itself with thoughts of pain and pleasure, /- in his delineations with sketches from He/- all space, and it is impossible to Consternation /- the prison-yard. whose/- does not affect his happiness, F- deliverance from error, whereby we spiritual and/- ascension above niatter, proof of his/- triumph over body and /- demonstration of the truth which Jesus /- proof of all that he had taught. In his/- d.emonstration, called the hastening the/- demonstration of what life is nor had he risen to his/'- demonstration those who have the/- understanding of Christ until the/- spirituaiization of all thmgs. During this/- conflict, wicked minds for the reception of.this/- revelation of the rather than to a/- spiritual cause, material conditions, and that these are/- from shame and woe to their/- punishment. Mind should be, and is, supreme, . . . and /-. and the/- triumph over the body. challenge metaphysics to meet in/- combat. In this/- struggle for supremacy, When the/- pnysical and moral effects of C. S. No/- judgment awaits mortals, then the/- trump will sound and involve the/- destruction of all sin? the nearer matter approaches its/- statement. The/- demonstration takes time for its Error, urged to its/- limits, is and makes Truth/-. you can /• say, "I have fought a — // Tim. 4.-7. Our Master fully and/- demonstrated recognition of Spirit must/'- come. Love will/- mark the hour of harmony, will/- be proved nothing more than F- she said that she would give up her must/- yield to the eternal Truth, till you/- attain the understanding of C. S. This mortal seeming . . . /- disappears, and/- made up her mind to die, /• concluded that God never made a dyspeptic, error is/- brought into subjection will diminish until they/- aisappear. entire mortal, material error/- disappears, God's creation will/- be seen as the must/- give place to the glorious forms which false evidence will/- yield Thought will/- be understood and seen this so-called mind must/- yield to the and/- conquers it. death, which belief must be/- conquered by The good man can/- overcohie his fear of that error will/- have the same effect as /- the shadow of old errors was no longer cast Mortality is/- swallowed up in immortality. Thus progress will/- destroy all error, and/- declares that God knows error a blunder which will/- give place to imperatively, absolutely, /- will/- be shocked into another extreme find pr 7-11 Looking deeply into these things, we/- that 14-16 you will/- yourself suddenly well. a 22-2 thinking with the aid of this to/- and follow the 24-23 Does spiritualism /- Jesus' death necessary 36- 2 can never >'- bliss in the blessed company of m 65-27 /• permanence and peace in a more spiritual sp 83- 7 Mortals must/- refuge in Truth 96-32 wicked minds will endeavor to/- means a 111- 3 I/- the will, or sensuous reason of the 113-24 According to the Scripture, I/- that God is 124- 9 seeks to /- life and intelligence in matter, 125-23 agriculturist will/- that these changes cannot 125-30 florist will /'- his flower before its seed. 132-27 shall he/- faith on the earth ? " — iMke 18 ; 8. ph 169-15 should/- stronger supports and a higher home. 171- 8 and will/- himself unf alien, upright, pure, / 206-15 we/- that whatever blesses one blesses all, 232-29 we/- unquestionable signs of the burial of error 241-23 One's aim, . . . should be to /• the footsteps of 246-27 Life is eternal. We should f- this out, 251-23 to/- the divine Mind to be the only Mind, c 260-31 If we look to the body for pleasure, we/- pain; 260-32 for Life, we/- death ; for Truth, we/- error; 261- 1 for Spirit, we/- its opposite, matter. 262-11 efforts to f- life and truth in matter b 316- 6 lose sight of mortal selfhood to/- Christ, 322-31 " Canst thou by searching /- out — Job 11 ; 7. 326- 6 and/- the divine remedy for every ill, o 354- 9 words of divine Science"/- their immortality in 360- 2 they will/- that nothing is lost, p 378-31 less wisdom than we usually /- displayed in 397-18 and you will /- the ensuing good effects to be 409-30 cannot . . . expect to /'- beyond the grave a 411-31 will /• that it alleviates the symptoms 412-18 /• the type of the ailment, get its name, 416-13 will /'- himself in the same pain, unless 417- 1 and that they /• health, peace, and 426- 2 will /'- that mortal mind, when instructed 436- 7 Your Supreme Court must /- the prisoner 436-13 Mortal Man should /- it again. 436-28 charged the jury, . . . to /- the prisoner guilty. t 443-22 If the sick /- these material expedients 444-11 Step by step will those who trust Him /- r 487- 1 /- a higher sense of happiness and existence. 491-15 /- the jndissoluble spiritual link which 495-10 and /- a sovereign antidote for error g 551-27 " Canst thou by searching /- out—Job 11 ; 7. ap 559-23 murmur not ... if you /-its digestion bitter. findetli b 291-23 As death /- mortal man, so shall he be after finding a 36-17 from /• favor with the worldly-minded. ph 184- 9 in /• and casting out by denial the error / 220-23 F- "his health failing, he gave up his 235- 2 cannot go forth, . . . /- unsuspected lodgment, c 264-18 /■ all in God, good, aiid needing no other 6 308-11 /- only an illusion, a blending of false claims, 322-23 likes to do wrong—/- pleasure in it 327- 8 malice, /• jileasure in revenge! J) 365- 7 /- utterance in such words as 369-27 Unscientific methods are /'- their g 506-28 task of /- names for all material things, 542-17 lest any /- him should kill him. — Gen. 4 ; 15. finds pre/ ix- 6 He /• a few words, and with these he ix-17 she still /• herself a willing disciple at pr 12-23 The common custom . . . /• help in blind belief, m 59-15 in which the heart /- peace ana home. 69- 8 only as man /- the truth of being, s 119-25 viewing the sunrise, one /■ that it contradicts 160-14 Anatomy /• a necessity for nerves / 250-18 /• himself experiencing none of these b 282-14 straight line/- no abiding-iilace in a curve, 282-15 a curve/- no adjustment to a straight line. 3-22-14 Man's wisdom/- no satisfaction in sin, p 365-25 If . . . inhumanity, or vice/- its way into the 379- 4 The Christian Scientist/- only effects, where 426- 5 The discoverer of C. S./- the path less g 633-27 /- woman the first to confess her fault. finger pr 3-31 put the/- on the lips and remember our 8 161- 3 You say, " I have burned my/-." / 212-11 attempt to scratch the end of a/- which 237- 2 A little girl, . . . badly wounded her/-. 237- 6 " Mamma, my/- is not a bit sore." b 294- 6 the loss of one/- would take away finger-posts / 242-30 The/- of divine Science show the way fingers b 299- 9 With white/- they point upward to a {I 401-30 to the/- of a surgeon, led a 29- 4 until they have/- their course. FINISHED 183 FIRST declaring that His work was/, the heavens and the earth were/-, — Gen. 2 ; 1. the Scripture . . . declares God's work to be/. 9*-28 93-30 S 133-21 151- 5 257-22 257-24 257-32 258- 2 fiiiished / 206-23 g 519- 8 522-29 finishes a 21-14 till at last he/ his course with joy. finite sp 71-29 limited and/ in character and quality. 73-22 belief that spirit is confined in a/, 73-31 nor can the/ become the channel of the infinite. 76- 7 as neither material nor/, but as infinite, 93-21 belief that Spirit is/ as well as infinite F- spirit would be mortal, belief that the infinite can be ... in the/. It was a/'- and material system, erring,/, human mind has an absolute need of / 213-15 towards the/, temporary, and discordant. 214-18 and entertain f- thoughts of God 2-23- 4 the fetters of man's/ capacity are forged by 223-13 If . . . Spirit would be/, c 256- 1 The f- must yield to the infinite. 256-25 A /" and material sense of God leads to 256-31 originating from a /• or material source 256-32 must be limited and/. F- mind manifests all sorts of errors. Who hath found/- life or love sufficient F- man cannot be the image and likeness of A mortal, corporeal, or / conception of God 264- 8 Mortals must look beyond fading,/ forms, b 280- 9 F- belief can never do justice to Truth 280-10 F- belief limits all things, 280-24 and that infinite Spirit, and Life, is in/ forms. 281-28 does not put . . . the infinite into the/'-. 282- 8 the/, which has both beginning and end. 284- 5 if the infinite could be circumscribed within the /-, 284-14 Can the infinite dwell in the/ 285-18 The time has come for a/ ... to give place 286- 4 through the/, mutable, and mortal, 290-10 That Life or Mind is/ and physical ... is false. 309-25 impossible for . . . Soul to be in a / body 312-21 Mortals believe in a/ personal God ; 312-23 theories are based on/ premises, 312-28 matter and Spirit, the/ and the infinite, 322-12 that /- belief may be prepared to relinquish 335-22 for Spirit is not/. 336- 2 Mind never enters the./'-. 336-22 else God would be manifestly /-, 339-22 until the/- gives place to the infinite, o 343- 6 Is not./'- luiud ignorant of God's method ? r 466-21 There is no/ soul nor spirit. 468-30 Time is./'-; eternity is forever infinite. g 505-30 mortal, erring, and./'- are human beliefs, 524-16 Did the divine . . . become a / deity, 545- 1 through mortal and/ conceptions. 550- 8 God cannot become/, and be limited 553-23 appearanc^e of its method in/ forms gl 580- 7 a so-called./"- mind, producing other minds, 580-23 supposition . . . that the infinite enters the /, af- belief concerning life, substance, and GirosT. ... a supposition that spirit is/, belief that infinite Mind is in / forms; and cannot become./'- and imperfect, a physical sense of God as/ and corporeal. 585-24 587- 2 587-12 587-18 591- 1 (see also form, sense) finiteness C 255-16 256-29 b 284- 2 302- 1 physical /"-, cannot be made the basis of F< cannot present the idea or the vastness of not rational to say that Mind . . . dwells in /, Soul is not compassed by./'-. r 469- 5 Death and/ are unknown to Life. gl 580- 1 a belief in intelligent matter,/, and mortality ; finity / 202-21 earthlv experience develops the/ of error 229- 8 Mind signifies God, — infinity, not/. gl 585-22 / ; the opposite of infinity. 594- 5 the first lie of limitation ; /■ ; 599- 3 As applied to corporeality, a mortal; /. fire sp 72-52 As readily can you mingle./'- and frost as / 252-30 with the resplendency of consuming/. b 203-22 wind, wave, lightning,/, bestial ferocity t 4.57-21 One cannot scatter his/, and ap 558- 6 and his feet as piflars of./'- : — Jiev. 10; 1. .558-16 Its feet are pillars of/, foundations of 565-20 This immaculate idea, . . . will baptize with/; 566-10 a pillar of cloud by day and of/ by night, gl 586-13 definition of firm a 23-13 "He that taketh one doctrine,/ in faith, 23-32 Hebrew verb to believe means also to be/- m 67-12 / at the post of duty, the mariner works on 8 138- 8 a./'- foundation in the realm of harmony. b 274-25 The conventional/, called matter and mind. firm p 374-24 your steps are less/ because of your fear, 393-16 Be/ in your understanding that the 438-81 the/ of Personal Sense, Error, & Co., 439- 4 Personal Sense, is a buyer for this/. firmament above the g 505-15 waters which were above the/ : — Gen. 1- 7. God called the g 506- 8 God called the/ Heaven. — Gen. 1 .- 8. God made the g 505-13 And God made the/, — Gen. 1 .■ 7. of the heaven g 509-10 lights in the/ of the heaven, — Gen. 1 ; 14. lights in the/ of the heaven, — Gen. 1 ; 15. set them in the/ of the heaven, — Gen. 1; 17. 510 511- 7 open g 511-21 511-29 in the open/ of heaven. — Gen. 1 .- 20. fly above the earth in the open/ or understanding: g 523- 9 and not from the/, or understanding, under the g 505-14 waters which were under the/ — Gen. 1 • 7. pr sp gr 505- 4 505- 8 gl 586-15 firmer / 224- 7 firmly s 147-19 t 454-28 firmness a 24- 2 r 488-11 gl 582- 1 first pre/ vii- 3 viih-31 ix-13 ix-20 X- 3 xi-25 xii- 5 xii- 8 xii- 9 xii-13 16-19 29-29 31-12 40- 9 45-25 62-32 87-14 91-25 92-14 an lOO- 1 104-10 105-29 5 115-20 116- 8 116-12 119-8 lW-20 142- 9 142-26 142-27 142-28 143-28 143-29 145-32 146-5 158- 5 163- 1 ph 166-28 172-15 177-13 183-11 189-26 / 201-13 2(M-12 204-16 207-15 225- 5 230-12 234-26 237-16 248-25 6 269-3 269-10 269-32 280-18 286-12 God said, Let there be a/ — Gen. 1 .- 6. Spiritual understanding, ... is the/, definition of and shall plant our feet on/ ground. demonstration of the rules . . . will plant you/ until your students tread/- in the straight and F- in error will never save from sin, disease, understanding, trust, constancy,/. Believikg. /•'- and constancy ; beholds the/ faint morning beams, / steps of a child in the newly discovered still in circulation among her/- pupils; Hevf- pamphlet on C. S. was The /- edition of Soiexce and Health was The./- school of C. S. Jlind-healing the United States, where C. S. was/ introduced- the,/'- established Church of Christ, Scientist; the/ Christian Scientist Association, the./'- periodical issued by Christian Scientists. is but another name for the/ lie though at./'- faintly developed. F- in the list of Christian duties, he taught ./'- removing the sin which incurs the penalty. Even his disciples at/ called him a spirit, this does not make materiality ./"- when really it is,/'- sight instead of The /■- erroneous i)ostulate of belief is, commending to our./'- parents the knowledge of Mesmerism . . . was/ brought into notice by F-, people say it conflicts with the Bible. " Whom the "gods would destroy, they/ /'- Degree : Depravity. " Thelast shall be /-, and the / last," — Matt. 20 ; 16. includes vastly more than is at/ seen. To seize the/ horn of this dilemma its astonishing . . . success in the./"- century, the whole Christ, as our./'- proof of Christianity, AVhich was/, Mind or medicine ? If Mind was/ and self-existent. Mind, . . . must have been the/ medicine, was/ chronologically, is/ potentially, and must be/ eternally, Our Master's./'- article of faith propounded to The/ idolatry was faith in matter. He was supposed to have dictated the/ / marking Nature with his name, or he would have resorted to Mind/. If man was/ a material lieing, from/ to last, the body is a sin, or error, p caused the condemnation of f- the belief of inanimate, and then of "Thev must/ be emptied. The/ power is admitted to be good, a supposed mixture of the/ and second Body is not/- and Soul last. You may know when / Truth leads by to suppose Him capable of/ arranging control evil thoughts in the/ instance, taught . . . C. S., among their/ lessons, must/ turn our gaze in the right direction. From./"- to last the supi)osed coexistence of Tlie /'-is error; the latter is truth. The/ theory, that matter is everj-thing, Jehovah's./'- command of the Ten : Physical causation was put aside from/ to FIRST 184 FIXITY first 329-19 333-17 334-26 O 342-26 » 366- 4 366-31 374-27 389-13 b 306- 3 They would/- make life result in death, 321- 3 Paul says, in his/- epistle to the 321-21 when Moses/* put his hand into his bosom 321-28 to the voice of the/ sign, — Exod. 4; 8. 324^19 Paul was not at/- a disciple of Jesus 324-21 When the truth/- appeared to him in Science, 3-25-30 When f- spoken in any age, Truth, 326-31 He beheld for the/- time the true idea of Love, because he fails in his/- effort. the/- century of the Christian era, " I am the/- and the last : — Rev. 1 : 17. Who would be the /• to disown the Christli- 343-30 /- . . . to press along the line of gospel-healing, 355-18 any . . . healing power since the/- century, must ;■- cast moral evils out of himself we miist /• learn to bind up the broken-hearted, body, when bereft of mortal mind, at/- cools. Our dietetic theories/- admit that food sustains 390-12 When the/ symptoms of disease a])pear, 399-30 except he/- bind the strong man?" —Matt. 12 ; 29. 403- 7 In the/- instance it is understood 411- 3 My/- discovery in the student's practice 412-20 Argue at/- mentally, not audibly, 423-32 so-called substance of bone is formed/- by 427-28 but it should have been his/- and only resort. 433-17 " Guilty of liver-complaint in the/'- degree." 433-21 guilty of benevolence in the/- degree, t 447-30 A sinner is afraid to cast the/- stone. 449-22 The/- impression, made on a mind which 455-14 " F- cast out the beam out of — Matt. 7 .- 5. 456-27 F- : Because it is the voice of Tnith 456-30 Second : Because it was the/- book 456-32 Hence it gave the/- rules for 457- 7 Since the divine light of C. S./- dawned 459-11 condemned for failing to take the/- step. 461-27 you must/- see the claim of sin, 463-23 the/- step towards destroying error. r 465- 1 This chapter is from the/- edition of 466-17 although/- and last it is the most 467- 3 The /- demand of this Science is, 471-25 until she caught the/- gleam of that which 474- 8 To the ignorant age in which it/'- ajipears, 481-20 Human liypotheses f- assume tlie reality of 496- 6 in C. S. the/ duty is to obey God, g 503-21 /-, in light; second, in reflection; 504- 5 and the morning were the/- day. — Gen. 1 ; 5. 622- 3 The Science of the/- record proves the 622- 5 The /- record assigns all mignt and 626-14 /- mention of evil is in the legendary 626-24 in contradiction of the/- creation? 628-18 This is the/- record of magnetism. 628-28 surgery was/- performed mentally 629- 5 The/- system of suggestive obstetrics has 630-29 F-, this narrative supposes that 632- 1 Did God at/- create one man unaided, 632- 7 when eating its/- fruits brought death? 632-26 Fear was the/- manifestation of the error of 632-31 The/- impression material man had of himself 633-13 the snake-talker utters the/- voluble lie, 633-27 finds woman the/- to confess her fault. 634- 1 Hence she is/- to abandon the belief 634- 6 enabled woman to be/- to interpret the 635-17 the heritage of the f- bom among men 636- 3 the/- heaven and the/- earth — Bev. 21 .- 1. 641-22 At/- it usurps divine power. 641-24 It is supposed to say in the/- instance, 644-17 The/- statement about evil, 644-17 the/- suggestion of more than the one Mind, 651- 4 If Mind is/-, it cannot produce its opposite 651- 5 If matter is f-, it cannot produce Mind. 651-32 Which is/-, the egg or the bird ? 663-14 or important to their origin and/- 554-17 /• effort of error has been and is ap 558-11 To mortal sense Science seems at/- obscure, 559-22 It will be indeed sweet at its/- taste, 565-18 represented /• by man and, . . . last by wo- man, 568-10 /- the true method of creation is set forth 668-11 the Revelator/'- exhibits the true warfare 572- 3 in both the /'• and last books of the Bible, 672-20, 21 the f- heaven and the f- earth — Hfi: 21 ; 1. 577-13 /-, the Word of Life, truth, and Love; gl 580- 2 nothingness; the/- god of mythology; 584- 3 and the morning were the /'- "dav. " — (len. 1 .- 5. 585-13 " Elias truly shall/- come and — Mutt. 17 .- 11. 585-27 /- from dust, second from a rib, 594- 3 the/- statement of mythology and idolatry; 594- 4 animal magnetism; the/- lie" of limitation; 594- 5 /• claim that there is an opposite of Spirit, 594- 6 /- delusion that error exists as fact ; 694- 7 /- claim that sin. sickness, and death are 594- 8 /- audible claim that God was not omnipotent (see also chapter) First Cause g 547-20 evolution implies that the great F- €• First Commandiiieut m 69-20 " Do you keep the F- C-"? is not spiritual and breaks the F- C-, The F- (> is my favorite text. The divine Principle of the F- C- The Jew who believes in the F- C- The Christian who believes in the F- C* b 301-22 340-16 340-21 o 361- 6 361-10 firstfruits c 255- * xvhich have the/- of the Spirit, — Horn. 8 ; 23. firstling's g 540-27 541- 1 fish of the sea s 125-27 /• of the sea and the fowls of the air. / 222-24 " dominion over the/- of the sea, — Gen. 1 ; 26. r 475-24 dominion over the/- of the sea, — Gen. 1 .-26. g 515-13 dominion over the/- of the sea, — Gen. 1 .- 26. 517-27 dominion over the/- of the sea, — Gen. 1 .- 28. salt p 385-28 because you have partaken of salt/-, Abel, he also brought of the/- — Gen. 4 .- 4. Abel takes his offering from the/- of the sp 90- 5 p 413-13 g 557- 3 fishes sw 90- 3 /■ 206-17 p 367-11 fists ph 192-18 fit p 384-23 420-15 t 445- 2 gl 595-15 596-17 fitness pr 15-32 t 449-12 455-22 fitted pr 3-24 fitting: s 107- 4 five 8 117-24 ph 173- 1 190-11 200-22 b 274- 4 274-17 287-27 293-32 p 421-31 r 471- 7 477- 9 486-28 488-14 493-18 ff 623-26 626-10 532- 6 532-31 543- 9 gl 581-20 689-13 690- 4 fix p 414-15 fixed m 65-26 69- 3 sp 8;}-24 8 113- 2 128-27 163-32 ph 180-19 193- 8 / 233-25 p 377-27 fixedness h 330- 4 fixing: c 261-27 fixity a 23-17 from which loaf or/- could come? taking a/- out of water every day moving and playing without harm, like a/-. How were the loaves and/- multiplied as Jesus showed with the'loaves and the/-, not " for the loaves and /-," — see John 6.- 26. who holds the " wind in His/- ; " — Prov. 30 ; 4. if . . . you are not /- to conduct your own case when they are in a/- mood to receive it, teacher must thoroughly/- his students alone can /- us for the office of spiritual teach- ing, the only/- preparation for admission to the Without a/- for holiness, we cannot receive registers his healing ability and/- to teach, one who has grown into such a/- for it as and thus be/- to receive more. God had been graciously/- me Evidence drawn from the/- physical senses brain, acting through the /• physical senses) and arranges itself into/- so-called senses, in other words the/- senses, knowledge gained from the/- senses what we erroneously term the/- physical senses /- material senses testify to truth and error The/- physical senses are the avenues and asserting that the products of eight multiplied by/', the evidence before the/- corporeal senses. To the/- corporeal senses, man appears to be If the/- corporeal senses were the medium Do the/ corporeal senses constitute man? all the beliefs of the/ corjioreal senses, fourth verse of chapter two to chapter/-, involves theories of . . . termed the/- senses, gained from the/ corporeal senses, through matter, the/- senses. /- corporeal senses cannot take cognizance of obtained from the/- corporeal senses, obtained from the/- corporeal senses ; obtained from the/- corporeal senses; To/- truth steadfastly in your Matrimony, which was once a/ fact as/- in divine Science as is the proof that great gulf is/-, as impassable as that between there must be/- rules for the demonstration of It rests on/- Principle or to reconcile the/- and repulsive antipathies by declaring dise.nse to be a./'- fact, Mr. Clark l:)y with his eyes/'- and sightless. divided accoVding to a/ rule, helpless, mistaken belief or/- conviction the/- of mortal illusions.. F- your gaze on the realities supernal, between nothing and something, having no/*. FLAME 185 FLESH flame Ijh 192-U It is the headlon{j cataract, the devouring/-, ap 506-18 An awful guide, in smoke and/-, flames s ICl- 7 able to nullify the action of the/-, b 32»-15 nor should he remain in the devouring/-. g 504-10 not from the sun nor from volcanic/-, ap 558-18 /- of Truth were prophetically described flaming: g 537- 6 a/- sword which turned every way, — Gen. 3 ; 24. flannel m 63- 2 You would never think that/- was flannels ph 174- 5 to/-, to baths, diet, exercise, and air? flash b 288-15 burst and/- till the cloud is cleared flasliiiigr p 439-16 his words/- as lightning flatteries / 238- 8 this frown, more than/-, flatulency p 413-25 noticing every symptom of/-, flavor sp 88- 6 mind may even be cognizant of a present/* fled b 321- 9 When, . . . he saw it become a serpent, Moses/- ap 565-29 woman/- into the wilderness, — Rev. 12 .- 6. fleddest s 135- 2 O thou sea, that thou/- ? — Psal. 114 .- 5. flee / 215-20 /- as phantoms of error before truth and p 377- 6 Invalids/- to tropical climates 405-31 causes mortals . . . to./'- from body to 406-19 Resist evil . . . and it will/ from you. 418-32 dark images . . . which^- before the light of r 494-18 thus helping erring human sense to/- from flees b 310-11 darkness/- when the earth has again fleeth t 464-26 " The hireling/-, because he is an — John 10 .- 13. fleeting m 60-13 selfishness and impurity alone are/-, 66-18 it is well to remember how/- are human joys. 68- 7 We ought to weary of the/- and false s 163-31 as to arrange the/- vapors around us, / 241- 7 Sin . . . carries off their/- joys. 247-11 fading and/ as mortal belief. c 264- 1 /• concepts of the human mind. flesh advent in the a 30- 5 Born of a woman, Jesus' advent in the/* and all error a 39-5 He overcame the world, the/*, and all error, and blood a 25-10 His true f- and blood were his Life ; s 137-23 /- and blood hath not revealed it — Matt. 16; 17. b 321- 4 " F- and blood cannot inherit the — / Cor. 15 : 50. r 478-29 conferred not with/* and blood." — Gal. 1; 16. and bonen a 45-27 " Spirit hath not/* and bones, — Luke 24 .- 39. b 313-30 Jesus called the body, . . . "/- and bones." — Lnke 24 . 39. o 352- 7 mortal and material belief of/- and bones, p 372- 8 can form blood, /-, and bones. and evil pr 10-13 overcoming the world, the/*, and evil, and matter b 320-22 the belief that man is/- and matter, and Spirit ph 167-20 The/* and Spirit can no more unite 171-23 No more . . . between the/"- and Spirit o 356-12 he spoke of /* and Spirit as the two oppo- sites, 356-18 between error and Truth, between /- and Spirit. ap 567-12 cndeth the conflict between the/- and Spirit. and the devil o 354- 5 " the world, the/-, and the devil " animal / 222-25 if eating a bit of animal/- could overpower belief nf the b 310-22 It is the belief of the/* and of beliefs of the a 53-29 he had not conquered all the beliefs of the/- b 325-25 Hut he, who is begotten of the belieft of the/- bone and g 533-22 rapid deterioration of the bone and/- which comes to the gl 583-11 comes to the/- to destroy incarnate error. constitute the b 274-21 beliefs and their products constitute the/, flesh crucified the a 18- * crucified thef- with the affections and — Gal. 5 .• 24. crucifying the b 316-17 conclusion that ... by crucifying the/*. cut the r 474- 8 worse cords than those which cut the/*. dominate the c 266-24 his demonstrations, which dominate the /*. exit from the s 117-23 and triumphant exit from the/-. ills of s 155-23 the discords of matter and the ills of/*, b 277-21 produces all the ills of/-, ills of the ph 191-32 able to cast out the ills of the f-. b 320-27 divine power to heal the ills oi the/-, gl 581-16 the ills of the/- rebuked. impurities of / 241-28 washing the body of all the impurities of/-, in my b 320-25 " In my/- shall I see GoA," — Job 19 ; 26. let not the a 33-20 Let not the/-, but the Spirit, be represented lust of the / 223- 3 shall not fulfil the lust of the/-." — Gal. 5 ; 16. gri 584-20 hypnotism; the lust of the/*, manifest in b 334-15 the corporeal Jesus manifest in/*, 6 321- 1 still clad in material/*, matter, or the a 35-17 final ascension above matter, or the/*, mortal sp 81-10 their affiliation with mortal/*; not in the g 534-22 But ye are not in the/*, — Rom. 8 .* 9. not the offspring of b 289-31 Man is not the offspring of/*, but of Spirit, offspring of tlie gl 594-17 The son of man, the offspring of the/*. opposed to s 114- 4 meaning . . . the/* opposed to Spirit, outside the r 482-22 the divine idea of God outside the/-. overcome the b 289- 7 Then Spirit will have overcome the/-. piece of the / 212-16 this so-called mind instead of a piece of the/-, pierced his a 50-30 sharper than the thorns which pierced his/*. probation in the a 35-15 his probation in the/- after death. Spirit against the o 347- 2 and the Spirit against the/-. "—Gal. 5 ; 17. Spirit and / 254- 7 until the battle between Spirit and/- is fought b 288- 7 and this warfare between the Spirit and/* g 530-25 Tlius Spirit and/ war. Spirit and the s 145-28 warfare between Spirit and the/- goes on. b 315-31 the mediator between Spirit and the/-. Spirit over tlie b 316- 9 to prove the power of Spirit over the/, strength and / 222-17 she recovered strength and/* rapidly, warfare with tlie b 324-15 It is a warfare with the/-, Word was made o 350-24 " The Word was made/." — John 1 ; 14. works of the an 106-20 the works of the/* are manifest,— Gal. 5.- 19. wound the p 385-19 If you sprain the muscles or wound the/-. a 25-11 31- 4 s 107-10 118- 7 ph 167-20 177-22 200-22 / 217-14 235-25 244-10 253-31 b 274-22 310-21 311-10 316-30 320-13 320-17 o ^7- 1 356-15 p 385-21 they truly eat his/- . . . who partake of Jesus acknowledged no ties of the/-. from every ill " that/- is heir to." second appearing in the f- of the Christ, The "/■ lusteth against the Spirit."— GaJ. 5 .• 17. create the so-called laws of the/-, the f- that warreth against Spirit. know we no man after the/- '." — 11 Cor. 5.-16. when the soul is willing and the/- weak, the worms would rob him of the/-; of Spirit instead of the/-. and the/- wars against Spirit. If Soul could sin. Spirit, Soul, would be/- All sin is of the/*. satisfied with the/*, resting on the basis with man, for that he also is/*," — Gen. 6 ; 3. they are [or, in their error thev are] but/-." " The/- Insteth agajpst the Spfrit, — Gal. 5 : 17. the/- profiteth nothing." — John 6 .- 63. Mind decides whether or not the/- shall FLESH 186 FOLLOW flesh t 461- 1 g 528-11 531-27 534-21 53e)-16 gl 584-12 58G-18 flesh-brush ph 174- 5 that man should bow down to a/-, fleshliness c 206-16 teaches mortals to lay down their/- fleshly pref xi- 8 m 57-27 8 155-24 ph 196- 7 /222- 9 228- 9 314- 3 317-30 332-30 332-31 334- 8 flesh pots /" 221-26 flexibility ph 199-28 flickers / 244-19 If man/- out in death or flight sp 97-10 c 261-30 flights / 249-30 but makes its mundane/- quite ethereal. flimsy an 103-26 whose/- and gaudy pretensions, float sp 87-11 /• in the general atmosphere of 87-22 of the tau ships that/- on its bosom, flock p 442-27 " Fear not, little/- ; — Luke 12 .- 32. g 540-27 brought of the firstlings of his/-, — Gen. 4; 4, not . . . exist in the/- without food closed up the/- instead thereof; — Gen. 2 .- 21. since/- wars against Spirit they that are in the/- cannot — Rom. 8.- 8. Created by/ instead of by Spirit, The J'-, warring against Spirit; definition of not of Spirit, but of the/- mind severance of/- ties serves to unite thought less weight into the material or/ scale awakens mortal mind from its/- dream, whereas Truth regenerates this/- mind and/ ills will disappear. waited until the mortal or/- sense remained a/- reality, so long as highest type . . . which a/ form could express Into the . . . ideal man the/- element cannot infinitely greater, than the/- Jesus, she thought of the/- of Egypt, gave his . . . muscles, their/- yet in C. S. the/- of one and the blow of the and preens its wings for a skyward/-. flocks m 61-26 flood pref viii-23 ap 570- 9 570-10 570-12 570-19 offermg from the firstlings of the/-, stock to increase your/- and herds? increased violence of diseases since the/-, cast out of his mouth water as a/-, — Rev. 12 ; 15. to be carried away of the/. — Rev. 12 ; 15. swallowed up the/- which tlte — Rev. 12; 16. What if the old dragon should send forth a new/- flooding s 150-31 flood -tides / 201-18 floor r 492-14 New thoughts are constantly obtaining the /-. floral m 68-24 /240- 6 florist s 125-30 the/- will find his flower before its seed. flour sp 90- 1 and wheat to produce/-, flourish pr 5-19 /• " like a green bay tree ; " — Psal. 37 .• 35. /;- 600- * let us see if the vine/-, — Song 7 ; 12. flourisheth 2)h 190-24 a flower of the field, so he f . — Psal. 103 ; 15. a flower of the field, so he/-. — Psal. 103 •• 15. hosts of .iEsculapius are/- the world pour in truth through/- of Love. The perpetuation of the /• species by bud or The/ apostles are hieroglyphs of Deitj\ r 476-25 flow a 5.3-18 sp 72-24 flowed s 133-9 p 376-15 flower brightens the g 516-19 brightens the/-, beautifies the landscape, spiritual blessings which might/- from individual good . . . may/- from the departed In the wilderness, streams/- from the rock, than in all the blood, which ever/- through decaying sp 78- 1 his s 125-30 leaf and g 5,32-25 new-blo-wn p 413-23 The decaying/-, the blighted bud, the florist will find his/- before its seed. The blending tints of leaf and/- in order to keep it sweet as the new-blown/-. flower tree, and 6 289-23 So man, tree, and/- are supposed to die ; you may dream that you see a/-, you learn that the/- is a product of mind, seemeth to wither and the/- to fade, As a/ of the field, so he — Psal. 103; 15. not a/ starts from its cloistered cell. or a/ withered by the sun as the/- turns from darkness to light. as a/- of the field, — Psal. 103 ; 15. substance of a thought, a seed, or a/ sp 71-11 71-12 81-19 ph 190-24 191-23 C 265-18 t 459- 1 r 476-25 g 508- 6 flowers a 22-25 m 57-25 61-17 68-10 / 212-22 240- 4 flowery a 41-11 flowing- r 487-20 ap 566- 2 gl 589- 8 flows s 139-13 g 552-22 fluctuate t 463- 2 fluid an 101- 1 b 293- 3 338-16 p 401-13 401-20 fluids m &'>-23 g 510-23 510-24 flushed p 415-19 flutterings c 262-11 fly sp 90-16 g 511-21 511-29 flying 298-27 foam / 203-27 foaming gl 593-16 focal /; 301-27 focus s 122-15 g 504-24 foe 2)h 176-19 p 419- 5 423-15 ap 571-11 571-12 foes a 44- 6 ap 564-17 foetal a 553-20 554-13 foetus V) 62- 2 follow pre/ vii-11 pr 4-6 4-30 5-31 9-30 a 22- 2 26- 6 27-28 31-16 37-23 37-26 38-10 38-13 40-26 is not reached through paths of /• may uproot the/ of aflfection, like tropical/ bom amid Alpine snows. mistrust, . . . withei-s they- of Eden credulous frenzy, . . . spirits produce the^. festive/-, and glorious heavens. hypocrite may have a/- pathway here, but than when it was/- in his veins Truth,/- from immortal Mind, the dark ebbing and/- tides of human fear, spiritual peace,/- from the understanding sectarian bitterness, whenever it/ inward. From a material source/- no remedy for among phenomena, which y- every instant no proof ... of the animal magnetic/-; Electricity is not a vital/-, This suggests the thought of something/-, should be as painless to man as to a/-, as is the case with a fermenting/-. The fermentation even of/- is not pleasant. and the allusion to/- by the resolving of/- into solids, causing a pale or/- cheek. We must reverse our feeble/- In dreams we/- to Europe fowl that may/- above the earth — Ge7i. 1 : 20. The fowls, which/- above the earth /- on spiritual, not material, pinions. The/- and fury of illegitimate living /, and dashing, it is a type of error. supi)osed standpoint outside the/ distance The optical/ is another proof of the when gathered into the/ of ideas, Mortal mind is the worst/- of the body. Your true course is to destroy tlie /-, as both his f- and his remedy. Who is telling mankind of the/- in ambush? ■ Is the informer one who sees the/- ? the tomb gave Jesus a refuge from his/-. The bi-utal barbarity of his /- from Adam's rib, not from a/- ovum, unconscious of his/- and infantile existence ; The/- must be kept mentally pure The Wisemen were led to behold and to/- and/- his example, is our i)roper debt to him enable us to/- Jesus' example. We ihould/ our divine Exemplar, If unwilling to/- his example, to find and /- tlie right road. if we/- his commands faithfully; Why do those who profess to/- Christ to all who/'- him in deed. It is possible, . . . to/- in some degree do thev f- him in the wav that he commanded? " These signs shall/ them that — Afark 16: 17. he did not say, " These signs shall/- you," should/- the example of our Master FOLLOW 187 FOOLISH sp foUow a 44- 2 52-28 54- 8 54-20 82-18 96- 5 5 138-21 139-30 151-30 161-13 ph 198-30 f 227-22 228-20 248-22 • c 266-23 b 278-20 324-23 326-3 328-22 O 342-31 343-29 345- 5 349- 8 355-10 356-30 359- 5 359-26 p 362- * 384-21 386-11 4M- 6 r 495-29 Cf 526-12 ap 578-16 ffl 591- 2 594-12 followed a 42-13 42-14 46-21 54-26 8 141-15 6 309-13 309-15 p 384-17 ^ 502- 9 502-18 524- 1 544- 1 ap 575-28 gl 581-14 follower s 138-27 followers her t 443- 2 his its 31-12 33- 3 35-29 37-26 39- 2 S 136- 3 o 350- 8 r 494-31 /225- 6 Jesus' b 317-12 • 324-20 of Christ pr 5-15 s 134-10 142- 4 persecuted « 33- 6 professed a 37-16 O 38- 3 following- pr 10-11 a 21-29 31-17 an 102-23 a 110-13 110-29 113-10 117-13 154- 9 ph 179- 3 192-27 b 270- 2 laid aside for a crown, the benediction/-, •'These signs shall f- them that— 3/a /A; 16.17. Who is ready to/- his teaching and example ? would not accept . . . nor/ his example. In like manner it would/-, even if our spiritualization will/-, for Love is Spirit. to/- the Christ-example, and to heal the sick it does not/- that the profane or atheistic yield to this power, and/- the leadings of If her sister States/- this example does not/- that exercise has produced this and cries: " F- me ! If we/- the command of our Master, are liable to/- those lower patterns. Mortals must/ Jesus' sayings and From this it would/- that there are spiritual light soon enabled him to/- the If we wish to f- Christ, Ti-uth, it must be " These signs shall /- them thut — Mark 16 .17. no denunciations would/ them, even if mistake which allows words, . . . to/- such does it not/- that God cannot be in His We propose to/- the Master's example. " F- me ; and let the dead bury — Matt. 8 .- 22. Does subsequent/- its antecedent ? will take the same cases, and cures will/. •'And tliese signs shall/ them — Mark 16.-17. And tliese si(/ns shall /■ them — Mark 16 ; 17. such symptoms are not apt to/- exposure; effects will/\ ... on account of the belief. law of Christ supersedes our laws; let \isf- and/- the behests of God, sickness, and death,/- in the train of this error foodness and mercy shall /• me — Psal. 23.-6. rom this/- idolatry and mythology, Sheep. . . . those who/-' their leader. was/- by the desertion of all save a few who sadly/- him to the foot of the cross, was/- by his exaltation above all He said that those who/- him should /- the understanding of the divine Principle those, who through earnest striving/- his the children of earth who/'- his example /• by chills, dry cough, influenza. Spiritually/-, the book of Genesis is the /- by its spiritual interpretation The idolatry which/- this material record of material creation which/ the who/- it to the manger of Jesus ; temptation overcome and/- by exaltation. Our Master said to every/- : consulted by her /- as to the he taught his/- the healing power of His/-, sorrowful and silent, draught our blaster . . . commended to his/-. Christians claim to be his/-. Such indignities . . . his/- will endure until He taught his /- that his religion his/- must grow into that stature It should be said of his /■ also, by the fewness and faithfulness of its/. benedictions rest upon Jesus'/-: but a persecutor of Jesus'/-. TJie/- of Christ drank his cup. the/- of Christ were burned, crucified, and Anciently the/- of Christ, or Truth, the persecuted/- of Truth. When will Jesus' professed /• learn to a select number of /-. and "with signs/-." —Mark 16.-20. After/- the sun for six days, /• his demonstration so far as we The/- is an extract from the Boston Herald: In/- these leadings of scientific with " signs/-." — Mark 16 .- 20. are summarized in the four/'-, attained through " signs/'-.*' — Mark 16 .- 20. fact in metaphysics is illustrated by the/- /• Christ in the daily life. /• the examj)le of our Master One only of the/ statements can be true : following b 288-21 are to be found in the/- postulates: 329- 1 of a single period or of a limited/. 330- 8 When the /- platform is understood p 363-21 /- It with that remarkable declaration t 458-27 honest and consistent in/- the leadings of r 470-12 the/- self-evident proposition: 496-31 The/- is a brief exposition of g 502-18 In they- exegesis, each text is 525- 7 The/- are some of the equivalents of 525-12 /- translation is from the Icelandic : 554- 9 /- from a misconception of life, ap 568- 7 /• chapters depict the fatal effects of In the /• Psalm one word shows, introduced in the second and /• chapters, •32 gl 590-23 follows sp 72-21 80- 7 God, good, being ever present, it / communication purporting to . . . reads aa/: 81-29 and /■ as a necessary consequence an 100- 7 His propositions were as /• : 100-17 reported to the government as /• : 101-12 Their report stated the results as /• : 106-19 when he wrote as /- : s 128- 6 From this it /'- that business men 130-13 for from this premise it /- that b 320-14 quoted as /-, from the original Hebrew : 331-12 From this it /- that nothing possesses 338-30 From this it /- that Adam was not the from this it /'- that whatever is laid off is there / the necessity for another admission and unless this result /-, the teacher is chemicalization /- theexplanation of Truth, It /- that man is a generic term. No exhaustion /- the action of this Mind, Another question /- : Who or what narrative /• the order used in Genesis, for one extreme /- another. o 353-29 p 388-13 t 449-31 4.53- 8 g 516-29 519-27 552- 3 ap 568- 9 570- 7 foUy ph 175-32 p 426-15 " Where ignorance is bliss, 't is /• to be wise," and see the /- of hypocrisy. fondest 6 299- 9 has buried its /- earthly hopes. food amount of 2)h 175-21 exact amount of /- the stomach could digest and clothing 2) 442-23 Truth, gives mortals temporary /- and clothing and raiment t 461- 2 without / and raiment; brings forth g 530- 7 earth, at God's command, brings forth /- digestible ph 197-25 and the most digestible /- in the stomach, good for g 526- 1 pleasant to the sight, and good for /• ; my p 390- 2 she said, " My /- is all digested, and partaking of J) 431- 6 partaking of / at irregular intervals, proper / 222- 6 one of which is to believe that proper /• simple ph 197-21 told that the simple /- our forefathers ate a 44-14 He did not depend upon/- or pure air ph nCy- 8 custom of taking no thought about/- 19.5-16 furnishes/ fortliought. / 221-25 but she never enjoyed her/- as she 221-29 understanding, that neither/- nor 2-22- 4 This woman learned that/^ 222-11 F- had less power to help or to hurt 2.32-19 Jesus never taught that drugs,/-, p 388-12 Admit the common hypothesis that/- 388-15 another admission . ." . that/- has power 388-20 If r'- was i)repared by Jesus for his 388-22 The fact is, /- does riot affect the absolute 388-31 If mortals think that./'- disturbs 38.8-32 either the /"- or this thought must be 389- 8 mortal mind, which reports/- as undigested. 389-13 theories first admit that/- sustains 389-14 theories . . . discuss the certainty that/- can 389-19 If God has, . . . instituted laws that/- 389-21 cannot annul . . . by an opposite law that/- 413- 8 regulates the condition of the . . . bowels, and/-, fool p 407- 1 becoming a/- or an object of loathing; foolish a 3-2-23 This would have been/- in a literal sense; ph 181-14 It is/- to declare that you / 202- 1 /- as straining out gnats and swallowing camels. 238-25 Society is a f- juror, listening only to one side p 388-26 but it would be/- to venture l>eyfnid our 388-27 /- to stoj) eating until we gain perfection t 448-31 To talk the right and live the wrong is/ deceit, FOOT 188 FOREVER foot a 42-14 s 113-14 161-11 / 229-22 2*4-15 ap 558- 7 558- 7 559- 4 559- 6 footliokl ph 176-16 b 282-18 (J 535- 1 footing VI 65-26 footprints^ rt 41- 9 /224- 4 footsteps bleeding pr 10- 3 her p 426- 7 Unman /254- 1 of thought ph 17i- 9 of Truth ph 192-27 / 241-24 tread in the pr 9-29 who sadly followed him to the./'- of the cross, not a/' to stand upon which is not purely put her/- on a proposed tyrannical law, should be trampled under/-, tliose who trample them under/-, his riglit/- upon the sea, — Rev. 10; 2. and his left/* on the earth. — Rev. 10.-!?. " right/- " or dominant power — Rev. i0.-2. The angel's left/- was upon the earth; disease and death, will lose their/-. and error has no/- in Truth. has given the understandiilg a/- in C. S. must lose its present slippery/-, walk calmlv on though it be with bleeding/-. As the crude/- of the past disappear even though with bleeding/-, than when she counts her/- the human/- leading to perfection The/- of thought, rising above We walk in the/- of Truth and Love should be to find the/- of Truth, since you do not care to tread in the/- / 201- ♦ thef- of Thine anointed. — PsnI. 89 .■ 51. t 454-28 care and counsel support all their feeble /-, forbade a 48-22 Jesus/- him, thus rebuking resentment forbearance t 444-21 Fear not that he will smite thee again for thy/-. Forbes, sir John s 164- 3 Sir John F-, M.D., F.R.S., forbid V 393- 3 forgetting that ... we can/- thisen trance. forbidrten / 234-28 to look with desire on p objects p 440-28 I ask that he be /- to enter r 481-12 /- fruit of knowledge, ... is the testimony of g 528-31 when the/- fruit was bringing forth forbore a 19-12 The Master/- not to speak the whole truth, force accelerated ap 569-23 comes back to him at last with accelerated/-, blind ph 192-11 Erring power is a material belief, a blind/-, 196- 2 It is but a blind/- divine s 134-19 the very element, which gave it divine/- healing 8 160- 5 drugs lose their healing/-, physical r 484-15 Physical/- and mortal mind are one. vrhole 8 157- 5 the whole/- of the mental element is without this p 399-20 Without this/- the body is devoid of action. a 25-20 m 67-18 sp 80-15 an 100- 4 C 266-12 b 317- 4 p 396-19 g 555- 1 forced a 2">- 1 s 159- 6 forceps o 346-28 forces sp 96-13 B 124-26 121-28 h 293-13 293-14 an .559-14 forcible pr 7- 5 ph 196-22 Hence the/- of his admonition, notion that animal natures . . . give /• to char- acter It is mysticism which gives spiritualism its/-. he regarded this so-called/-, which he said Love will/- you to accept what best promotes insisted oh tiie might of matter, the/- of falsity, due to the/- of education in proportion as the /- of mortal mind is less unbelieving Tliomas was f- to acknowledge Her hands were held, and she was/- into the operation, and the/- are unchanged. becoming the arena for conflicting/-. We tread on /-. Human knowledge calls them /- of matter; The material-so-called gases ahd/- counterfeits of the spiritual/- of divine Mind, stirs their latent/- to utter the showing the necessity for such /- utterance, /- descriptions and medical details. forcing- 2) 401-19 /- impurities to pass away, forebodings p 403-24 Never conjure up some new discovery from, dark /- forefathers m 64- 2 Our/- exercised their faith ph 175-17 had tried to tyrannize over our/-, 197-17 It was the ignorance of our/- 197-21 We are told that the simple food our/- ate foregoing / 245-28 One instance like the/- proves forehead g 555-10 The mark of ignorance is on its/-, foreign s 133-16 Even in captivity among/- nations, p 438-22 show that this fur is a/- substance, r 485-26 and delineates/- agents, called disease and sin. foreknowledge a 41-23 but this/- hindered him not. foremost s 144- 3 If Mind is/- and superior, let us rely foreordination a 38- 5 more pernicious than the old doctrine of/-, foresaw a 41-22 Jesus f- the reception C. S. would have ■1 139-25 /- that " the stone which the — J»/a«. 21 .-42. foresee sp 84-15 to/- and foretell events which / 227-14 we cannot fail to/- the doom of all oppression. foreseeing a 31-28 /- the persecution which would attend the foreshadowed b 288-13 /- by the prophets and inaugurated by Jesus, 322-16 necromancy of yesterday/- the mesmerism foreshadow^ing sp 84- 4 not by/- evil and mistaking fact for foreshadows / 223-31 and/- the triumph of truth. ap 571-27 rebiikes the conceit of sin, and/- its doom. foresight a 52-12 prophet's/- of the reception error would give sp 84- 3 ancient prophets gained their/- from b 270-15 hence their/- of the new dispensation forest g 514-12 Free and fearless it roams in the/-. forestalls p 385- 9 /- the penalty which our beliefs would attach to foretaste ap 573-28 This is indeed a/- of absolute C. S. gl 598-24 understanding of Life and Love, is a/- of foretell sp 84-16 /- events which concern the universal welfare, foretelling s 118- 7 /- the second appearing in the flesh of foretells sp 95-23 Midnight/- the dawn. an 105-28 The aggravation of error/- its doom, foretold sp 85-19 events of great moment were f- by the 95-24 the Magi of old/- the Messiahship of Truth. ph 169- 9 But it always came about as I had/-. forever at peace / 215- 1 Spirit's senses . . . are/- at peace. / 219- 2 and the mortal dream will/- cease. Christ dwelt a 29-26 The Christ dwelt/- an idea in the bosom closed rt 33- 1 continue c 267- 4 continues sp 71- 5 contradict s 110- 3 contradict/- the belief that destroys s 128-25 / destroys with the higher testimony of Spirit g 5.">6- 7 destroys/- all belief in intelligent matter. disappears sp 97-13 its mortal zenith in illusion and/- disappears. g 520-14 in which all sense of error/- disappears / 247-22 Beauty . . . dwells/- in the eternal Mind dwelt h 334- 4 Christ, dwelt/- in the bosom of the Father, exist gl 581-13 are created by Him and exist/-. and this supper closed/- Jesus' ritualism They are in and of Spirit, . . . and so/- continue, identity, or idea, of all reality continues/- ; FOREVER 189 FORM forever expressed g 51»-10 ideas of God . . . are complete and/- expressed, intact b 295-15 the real sense of being, perfect and/- intact, r 481-12 Truth, which remains/- intact. 493-31 /- intact in his perfect state, lost b 331- 8 and the Science of being would be/- lost man has existed b 302-15 harmonious and immortal man has existed/-, near gl 596- 6 better known as the All-in-all, /• near. not b 320-15 said. My spirit shall not/- rule 320-21 this fact is not/- to be humbled by now and sp 92-10 not an entity . . . sinning now and/-, o 361- 5 the ideal of God now and/-, 361- 9 God is come and is present now and/-, p 441-11 Let what False Belief utters, now and/-, g 521-10 joyfully acknowledging now and/- opposed g 530- 4 /- opposed to mortal, material sense. permanent b 290-18 happiness would be won . . . and be/- perma- nent; g 503- 3 in the infinite Mind and/- reflected. remain s 110-23 the Science and truth therein will/- remain silenced sTp 97-25 inarticulate sound is/- silenced in oblivion. silences s 124-13 which immortal Spirit silences/-. the same a 51-15 his spiritual life, . . . was found/- the same. to-day and (see to-day) unchanged gl 588-13 unchanged/- in their individual characters, unlimited b 288-28 /- unlimited by the mortal senses. vast / 246-18 Chronological data are no part of the vast/-. c 266-30 into the vast/- of Life, r 479-21 In the vast/-, in the Science and truth of warring b 278-20 warring/- with each other; will destroy ap 575- 5 will destroy/- the physical plagues will stand / 229-25 all that He makes is good and will stand/-. vref vii-21 pr 17-13 a 41-12 48- 8 55-28 m 58-17 64-32 s 164-23 / 208-24 210-11 230- 6 C 258-13 267- 8 b 284-19 336-12 o 343-12 « 428-24 441-16 t 447-12 r 469- 1 471-17 491-16 g 515-16 516-22 537- 2 542- 6 556-12 gl 585-24 forfeit s 112- 6 forfeits t 453-17 forgave p 363-20 forged /223- 4 forget c 261-10 261-31 b 309-17 " the Lord shall reign/-." — Exod. 15 .- 18. the power, and the glory,/-. — Matt. 6 : 13. cannot/- break the Golden Rule and escape the turned/- away from earth to heaven. that he may abide with you/-." — John 14/ 16. which would confine . . . /- within four walls, the voices of physical sense will be/- hushed. the/- fact remains paramount which cannot be lost nor remain/- unseen. Soul and its attributes were/- manifested This awakening is the/- coming of Christ, the infinite idea/- developing itself, If this is so, the/- Father must have The answer to all these questions must/- be He has been/- in the eternal Mind, Truth will not be/- hidden by We must hold/- the consciousness of /• in the image and likeness of his Maker. subtlety, or false charity does not/- conceal Time is finite; eternity is/- infinite. Man is, and/- has been, God's reflection. establishes man/- in the divine likeness, eternal Elohim includes the/- universe. Man and woman . . . /• reflect, and eat, and live/- ; — Oen. 3 ; 22. error cannot/- be concealed. only to g;o oiit at last/- ; that which does not last/- ; /■ their claims to belong to its school. Dishonesty is human weakness, which/ " He to whom he/- most. " — lAike 7 .- 43. the fetters of man's finite capacity are/- by with such absorbed interest as to/- it, We should/- our bodies in remembering good and/- that Life is God, good, forget p 374-23 You cannot/- the belief of danger, t 447- 6 In mental practice you must not/ that forgets sp 76- 4 /• all else and breathes aloud his rapture, s 155- 1 Presently the child/- all about the accident, forgetting s;j 89- 3 F- her ignorance in the belief that ph 165-19 your remedv lies in f- the whole thing; o 353-23 "/■ those things which — Phil. 3 .- 13. |> 393- 2 /- that through divine help we can forbid forgive pr 6- 7 Calling on Him to/- our work badly done 11- 2 Jesus' prayer, " F- us our debts," — Matt. 6 : 12. 17- 6 /• us our debts, as we/- our— Matt. 6.- 12. forgiven pr 5-23 Sin is/- only as it is destroyed 5-28 because he fancies himself/-. a 24-22 and are willing to be/? / 202- 1 sui)posing that sin can be/- when p 363-23 " Thy sins are/-." — Luke 7 .- 48. 364-31 because much is/- them. forgiveness pr 7-31 or mean to ask/- at some later day. 11-3 specified also the terms of/-. a 22- 4 vibrating . . . between sin and the hope of/-, b 339- 4 Being destroyed, sin needs no other form of /-. r 497- 9 We acknowledge God's/- of sin in the forgives pr 6-19 To suppose that God/- or punishes sin according forgiving pr 11- 3 When/- the adulterous woman he said, forgotten a 49- 8 Had they/- the great exponent of God? sp 87-10 leagues apart and their associations/-, form (noun) alarming p 395-29 may appear in a more alarming/-. all b 281-15 supplies all/- and comeliness 310- 7 seen in all/-, substance, and color, g 512-22 all/-, color, quality, and quantity, and action b 301- 3 repeats the color,/-, and action and face c 260- 4 or the painter can depict the/- and face of Jesus, animate g 541- 2 A lamb is a more animate/- of existence, another s 159-28 allowing another/- of matter. any s 154- 1 to cherish error in any/-, / 244- never fearing nor obeying error in any/-. p 369-13 or the constructor of any/ of existence. any other sp 73-16 electricity or any other/ of matter, chronic ph 176-31 less distinct type and chronic/ of disease. etherealized gl 598-15 was indeed air, an etherealized/ of matter, every p 418-29 Speak the truth to every/ of error. ap 564-16 Jesus . . . met and conquered sin in every/, finite sp 71-8 infinite Principle outside of finite/, 71-31 a corporeal being, a finite/, 76- 9 belief that life, or mind, was ever in a finite/, s 116-30 An infinite Mind in a finite/ is an c 2.57-27 Infinite Mind cannot be limited to a finite/, g 527- 2 God could not put . . . Spirit into tinite/ fleshly b 332-30 highest type of divinity, which a fieshly / could higher ph 174- 4 Is civilization only a higher/ of idolatry, his p 442-11 His / was erect and commanding, human c 255-16 The human/, or physical flniteness, cannot 6 315-29 Wearing in part a human/ {/ 554-31 especially those of the human/. infinite c 257-30 It would require an infinite/ to contain 257-31 phrase infinite f- involves a contradiction limited s 133-20 limited/ of a national or tribal religion. malicious an 103-24 malicious/ of hypnotism ultimates in man and g 517- 6 two Greek words, signifying man and/, material c 258- 9 Man is more than a material / with a mind in- side, b 280-26 instead of possessing a sentient material/, 293- 4 least material/ of iUnsive consciousness, FORM 190 FORMS form mirrored b 305- 9 As there is no corporeality in the mirrored/-, new sp 74- 9 has a new/- and state of existence. no a 26-31 His proof of Christianity was no /- or system c 256-24 No/- nor physical combination is adequate no other b 339- 4 sin needs no other/- of forgiveness. of matter {see matter) one pr 11- 7 it only saves the criminal from one /- of 8 145-26 they increase the antagonism of one/- 159-28 how much . . . one/- of matter is p 419-14 or to change itself from one/- to another. precise c 256-16 precise/* of God must be of small importance serpentine ap 563-27 The serpentine/- stands for subtlety, some a 28-31 -await, in some/-, every pioneer of truth. taking ph 175- 1 prevent the images of disease from taking /- g 511-28 taking/- in masculine, feminine, or neuter -wittiout s 126- 5 mortal mind will be without/- and void, r 479-19 And the earth was without/-, — Gen. 1 ; 2. g 503- 6 And the earth was without/-, — Gen. 1 ; 2. pr 1-13 exalted before they take/ in words 8 119-15 in the/- and under the name of natural law. 146-32 to a /-comprehensible by and adapted to 147-29 A pure affection takes/- in goodness, / 247-23 in expression,/-, outline, and color, c 261-22 which is only a./"- of human belief, 6 332-25 appear to mortals in such a/'- o 353- 9 either in the/- of sickness or of sin ? p 367- 1 under the napkin of its/-, 375- 6 often the/- in which fever manifests itself. 392-19 in the/- oif what is termed pulmonary disease, g 525-10 the primary sense being image, /-,- form (verb) m 62- 5 such as to/- habits of obedience ph 170- 3 Modes of matter/- neither a moral nor a 172-10 Spirit can/ no real link in this supposed / 218-10 The reports of sickness may f- a coalition with 228-23 and/- and control it with Truth. 236-13 /- the embryo of another mortal mind, 247-13 /• the transient standards of mortals. 248-26 We must/- perfect models in thought p 372- 7 can/- blood, flesh, and bones. 425-25 and Spirit will/- you anew. t 454-23 and/- the perfect concept. g 505- 1 No solar rays • • . /' the day of Spirit. 533-23 bone and flesh which came from Adam to /- formal s 118- 4 above the merely ecclesiastical and/- formalism c 256-26 material sense of God leads to/- formation w 60- 5 /• of a happy and permanent companionship. 61-29 /- of mortals must greatly improve sp 71-12 a/- of thought rather than of matter. s 148-15 for every function,/-, and ipanifestation. ph 190- 1 the/- of so-called embryonic mortal mind, g 510-23 indicates a supposed/- of matter 527-30 Was it requisite for the/- of man 549-15 with the/- of the nucleus, or egg, formations all its / 209- 5 Mind, supreme over all its f- all tlie ph 189-22 The reverse is the case with all the/- of eartli's g 510-20 Geology has never explained the earth's/-; harmonious ph 198-22 a picture of healthy and harmonious/-. its / 246- 1 Mind and its/- can never be annihilated. c 264-20 Spirit and its/- are the only realities p 402-10 its/- will be apprehended in Science, g t&l-'Si proclaims the Science of Mind and its/- its own b 309-32 never absorbed nor limited by its own/-. mundane / 209-25 Material substances or mundane/ , not in Spirit's sp 71- 7 divine Principle of all, is not in Spirit's/-. g 607- 2 the absolute/- instituted by Mind, formed sp 70-16 Does life or soul exist in the thing/- ? formed sp 86-31 Pictures are mentally/- before the artist can 94-15 belief that the infinite is/- after the pattern ph 194-30 a belief/- by education alone. 198-15 thought of disease is/- before 198-23 moulded and/- by his doctor's belief 200-12 man is the idea of God, not/- materially / 214- 9 represented in the Scriptures as/- from c 259-25 Brain . . . never/- a human concept. b 274-26 firm, called matter and mind, God never/-. 274-29 /- only to be destroyed 281-25 "through a man/- from dust. 303- 9 /'• by Spirit, not by material sensation. 303-17 illusion that life, or mind, is/- by p 396-31 understand that sickness is /- "by the human mind, 409- 3 why do you insist that disease is/- by 423-32 so-called substance of bone is/- first by the g 524-13 /- man of the dust of the ground, — Gen. 2 .- 7. 527-22 /- every beast of the field, — Gen. 2 ; 19. 553-12 /• under circumstances which 553-19 Eve was/- from Adam's rib, 553-29 You may say that mortals are/- before they former sp 89-10 The/- limits of her belief return. s 148- 8 The/- explains the men of men, 156-13 her/'- physician had prescribed these remedies, ph 187-17 of the latter action, but not of the/-. / 237-21 excluded on the same principle as the/-. b 276-26 The latter destroys the/-. t 460-29 As/- beliefs were gradually expelled g 556- 8 for the/- things will have passed away. ap 573- 1 They could not be the/-, formidable b 317-19 more real, more/- in truth, forming ph 1S«-13 to prevent disease from/- in mortal mind c 263-13 /- deformity when he would outline grace o 350-28 Jesus, — that life-link/- the connection g 506-13 /- each successive stage of progress. forms (noun) all sp 83-23 Between C. S. and all/- of superstition / 204- 3 All /- of error support the false conclusions p 396- 3 efface from thought all/- and types of disease, g 513-26 God creates all/- of reality. cannot chanee p 419-32 disease or its symptoms cannot change/-, changed sp 96- 9 seedtime and harvest (though in changed/-), crude g 502-14 Even thus the crude/- of human thought depraving / 226- 4 under more subtle and depraving/-. differing t 444-14 not only towards differing/- of religion difficult p 398-29 changes such ills into new and mOre difficult /• g 522-13 history of error in its externalized/*, finite c 264- 8 Mortals must look beyond fading, finite/-, 6 280-24 and that infinite Spirit, and Life, is in finite/*. g 553-23 appearance of its method in finite /- gl 587-12 belief that infinite Mind is in finite/*; glorious c 264- 5 must finally give place to the glorious/* hideous / 248-19 vicious sculptors and hideous/-. human pr 4-32 and clothe religion in human/*. Immortal g 503-22 immortal /- of beauty and goodness. in all their t 447-21 evil and disease In all their/*, individual g 512-13 Their individual /• we know not, Its r 484-23 action of error in all its /- ; loTver g 549- 9 Creatures of lower /- of organism are material b 301-31 presupposes soul ... in material /-, mild an 102-16 The mild /■ of animal magnetism are modes and p 406- 8 in place of modes and /*, multifarious r 477-21 in multifarious /- of the living Principle, myriad b 306-21 The myriad /* of mortal thought, p 404- 4 servant of any one of the myriad /- of sin, new / 225-27 always germinating in new /- of tyranny, g tAX-ll Here the serpentine lie invents new /-. FORMS 191 FOUGHT He at last paid no homage to /• of doctrine All /• of error support the false conclusions who proved them to be /• of error. forms of doctrine a 20- 3 of error / 204- 3 c 264-24 of matter s 145-27 towards other /• of matter or error, ph 172-16 must have passed through all the /• of matter c 263-32 fading /• of matter, the mortal body of Mind b 303- 3 reflection, . . . of the multitudinous /• of Mind g 505-10 they are /• of Mind, the ideas of Spirit 607-17 reproduces the multitudinous /• of Mind of sickness t 463-22 whether error is manifested in /■ of sickness, of sin o 348-20 will show itself in /• of sin, sickness, and J) 404- 4 servant of any one of the myriad /• of sin, of thouglit s 118-20 In all mortal /■ of thought, dust is ph 187- 7 material sense creates its own /• of thought, b 298-31 confers upon angels its own /• of thought, of worship pr 10-17 One of the /• of worship in Thibet physical c 262-32 Cause does not exist ... in physical /•. qualities, and ph 177-19 indicated matter's properties, qualities, and /•. renewed g 556-11 dies to live again in renewed /•, severest s 162-19 chronic disease in their severest /•• Soul-created b 306-23 than are the Soul-created /• to spiritual sense, spiritual fit 503-17 reflecting Him in countless spiritual /•. subsequent g 531- 4 maintained in all the subsequent /• of belief. various / 248-14 We are all sculptors, working at various /•, g 553- 1 in the various /• of embryology, visible ap 559- 6 the source of all error's visible /• ? sp 71- 9 outside of finite form, which /• only reflect. 87-30 close the eyes, and/- rise before us, h 331- 2 Life is no more confined to the /• which re- flect p 421-28 should not build it up by wishing to see the/' forms (verb) m 62-22 divine Mind, which f- the bud and blossom, / 216-32 this Mind/- its own likeness. 220-30 /■ all conditions of the mortal body, 239-24 It/- material concepts and c 259-22 /• its offspring after human illusions. b 293- 5 /- no link between matter and Mind, 337-11 as perfect as the Mind that/- him. p 422-26 holding that matter/- its own conditions 423-30 the substance of thought which/- them. g 509-16 God/- and peoples the universe. 511- 1 This Mind/- ideas, its own images, 515- 9 subject to "the Mind which/- them, 550- 5 God is the Life, or intelligence, which /- and formulated s 144- 8 mortal beliefs/- in human philosophy, ph 175- 2 efface the outlines of disease already /• fornication an 106-21 Adultery,/-, uncleanness, — 2G Michael and liis angels/- — Bev. 12 ; 7. 566-27 the dragon/-, and his angels, — /^ei;. 12.- 7. foul p 431-21 covered with a/- fur, 434-26 we shall unearth this/- conspiracy against the 437- 5 This is a/- aspersion on man's Maker. 438-20 a garment of/- fur was spread over him found jjref viii- 2 fully tested and has not been/- wanting; viii-25 inay be/- a biographical sketch, narrating pr 7- 3 is/- in his own words, a 28-23 if thou art/ worthy to unloose the sandals 30-32 In meekness and might, he was/ preaching 42- 7 Death will be/- at length to be a mortal dream, 51-15 his spiritual life, . . . was/- forever the same, m 66-31 It never leaves us where itf us. sp 71-22 spiritualism will be/* mainly erroneous, 90-11 will be/- to be equally possible for the body. 94-14 intolerance, and bloodshed, wherever/-, 97-19 and man is/- in the likeness of Spirit, 8 113-12 these propositions will be/- to agree in 12.5- 4 may no longer be/- indispensable to health. 125- 5 Moral conditions will be/- always harmonious 125- 8 man will be/- normal and natural 126-26 I have/- nothing in ancient or in modern 1-26-27 nothing ... on which to f- my own, except 128- 7 have/- that C. S. enhances their 133- 6 "I have not/- so great faith, — Matt. 8 .- 10. 150- 1 hardly a . . . hamlet, in which are not to be/- 151-27 the entire being is/- harmonious 159- 8 The evidence was/- to be conclusive, ph 166-31 /- to be harmonious and immortal. 179-10 as man is/-, . . . reflecting the divine nature. 180-28 The only way to this living Truth, . . . is/- in 180-32 I have/ divine Truth more potent than 188- 2 and man is/- in His image. 190- 7 and yet neither . . . is/- in brain 190-19 immortal man, . . . is/- to be the real man. 191- 8 theoretical life-basis is/- to be a 195- 5 Outside of dismal darkness . . . he/- no peace. 196- 3 but he has not yet/- it true that / 209-24 man and the universe will be/'- harmonious 214-16 will be understood and/- to be harmonious. 226- 3 a world-wide slavery,/- on higher planes 232- 8 Security . . . is f- only in divine Science. c 257-24 Who hath/ finite life or love sufficient fc 276- 4 "I have /• a ransom." — Joh 33 ; 24. 288-21 are to be/- in the following postulates : 288-23 Soul is sinless, not to be/ m the body; 291-17 man is/- having no righteousness of his own, 297-16 and man/"- to be immortal. 302- 2 Principle is not to be/- in fragmentary ideas. 30-2- 5 The identity of the real man is not lost, but/- 307-14 Its life is/- to be not Life, but only a transient, 312- 5 is/- to be substance. 313-25 He . . . /• the spiritual cause. 314- 5 Thus he/ the eternal Ego, 325-14 then shall man be/- in God's image. 325-16 Then shall man be/, in His likeness, o 344- 9 God's likeness is not/- in matter, 359-18 Christianity is to be honored wherever/-, p 419-31 If it is/- necessary to treat against relapse, 432-14 he upon whose person disease is/"- shall be r 475-17 conscious identity of being as/- in Science, 481-31 /- that it is the sense of sin wliich is lost, 484- 1 and so/- to be unerring, 489- 4 it would be/- that the senses of Mind are 493-17 Mind must be/- superior to all the beliefs g 522-22 denunciations of man when not/- in His image, 524- 6 It was also/; among the Israelites, 533-21 /- in the rapid deterioration of the 543-22 Minerals and vegetables are/-, ap 565-27 be f- in its divine Principle. 5Gt>-2S neither was their place/- any more — Jiev. 12 ; 8. tjl 580-12 are/- to be the antipode of God, 58;j-15 The Church . . . is/- elevating the race, foundation cause and p 411-20 procuring cause and/- of all sickness Arm s 138- 8 a firm/- in the realm of harmony. its r 484- 4 nor envy can wash away its/-, no s 112-25 affords no f- upon which to establish c 2.i5- 9 they afforded no/- for t 448- 6 Evil . . . which the heart condemns, has no/-; 404-26 Falsity has no/-. no scientific an 102- 1 Animal magnetism has no scientific/-, of disease p 368-31 "When fear disappears, the/- of disease is gone. t 453-27 such a course increases fear, the/- of disease, foundation of evil sp 92-26 The/- of evil is laid on a belief of Spirit s 133-26 planted Christianity on the/- of Spirit, spiritual s 136- 2 a spiritual f- of Christ-healing. f/l 593-18 Rock. Sinritual/; Truth. 59'J- 6 Ziox. Spiritual/- and superstructure; without sp 93-20 Whatever contradicts the ... is without/-. r 486- 1 is without/- in fact, wltliout actual r 491- 4 shows it to be a belief without actual /• pr 15-31 s 138-14 the/- of enlightened faith, the/- on which Jesus built. / 227-12 the/ of continued bondage c 262-27 The/ of mortal discord is a false sense b 276- 5 they unfold the/- of fellowship, 287-23 without spiritual identity or/-, 317- 2 " secret from the /■ of the — Matt. 13 .- 35. 326-12 forsake the/- of material systems, 334-21 slain from the/ of the world," — Jtev. 13 .- 8, 2J 368-29 has a /'- in fact. ap 568- 2 Ever since the/ of the world, foundational o 348-12 Jesus established this/ fact, foundations false We cannot build safely on false/-. It revealed the false/ and fatal mistakes are undermining its/-. When . . . its /- are gone. r 201- 7 ;'/l 597-12 its wi 59-31 s 124- 6 material 273-11 thus tears away the/- of error. o 357-12 the/ of error would be sapped of Truth ap 558-16 Its feet are pillars of fire, /• of Truth and Love, otlier b 269-25 Other/- there are none. m 65- 7 If the/- of human affection b 296-25 /- wliich time is wearing away. p 414- 1 the/- of the belief in disease and death, (/ 539- 5 thus sapping the/ of immortality, a}) 575-12 " a city which hath/-." — Neb. 11 ; 10. founded >« 127-32 hypotheses . . . that law is/- on material 163- 8 /• on long observation and reflection, b 297-27 no mortal testimony is/- on the divine rock. t 464-28 Neither dishonesty nor ignorance ever/-, r 487-19 Christian evidence is/ on Science founding s 138- 2 Jesus purposed/- his society, t 464-21 In/- a pathological system of Christianity, fount pr 2-27 Shall we plead for more at the open/-, 13- 3 It is the oi)en/- which cries, / 239-29 opposite sources never mingle in/- or stream. 244- 1 God is good and the/- of all being, p 389-16 the metaphors about the/- and stream, fountain a 18-17 The/- can rise no higher than its source. 2)h 190-30 For with Thee is the f- of life ; — I'sal. 36 ; 9. 1) 287-12 " Doth a /"• send forth — Jas. 3 : 11. p 391-32 Fear is the/- of sickness, t 455-29 the same/ cannot send forth both r 489-22 same/- sendeth not forth sweet waters and four pref xii- During seven years over/- thousand students m 58-17 which would confine . . . forever within/ walls, s 113-10 /- following, to ine, self-evident propositions. 11.3-22 Which of tne denials in proposition/ is true? ph 193-15 between three and/- o'clock in the afternoon aj) 574-23 city, the/'- equal sides of which were 575-18 The/- sides of our city are 575-21 wholly spiritual, as its/ sides indicate. 577-13 its/- cardinal points are : foursquare ap 574-16 city which " lieth /-." — i?cv. 21 ; 16. 575- 8 as one that " lieth/- " — Rev. 21 .- 16. 575-17 description of the city as/- has a profonnd fourth sp 91-32 The/- erroneous postulate is, s 156- 9 the/- attenuation of Argetitum nifratum FOURTH 193 FRIEND fourth g 511-16 and the morning were the /• day. — Gen. 1 ; 19. 523-25 From the/- verse of chapter two ap 577-17 /■, C. S., which to-day and forever interprets Fourth Gospel ap 561-30 In the first chapter of the F- G- it is written, fowl of the air / 22^-24 and over the/- of the air, — Gen. 1 ■ 26. r 475-25 and over the/- of the air, — Gen. 1 .- 26. g 515-13 and over the /- of the air, — Gen. 1 • 26. 517-28 and over the/- of the air, — Gen. 1 • 28. 518- 9 and to every /- of the air, — Gen. 1 • 30. 527-22 and every/- of the air ; — Gen. 2 .- 19. winged g 512- 6 every winged/ after his Ifind : — Gen. 1 .- 21. g 511-20 /- that may fly above the earth — Gen. 1 .- 20. 512-19 let/- multiply in the earth. — Gen. 1 .-22. fowls s 125-27 over the flsh of the sea and the/- of the air. / 237-13 " the/- of the air," — Luke 8 ; 5. g 511-29 The/-, which fly above the earth fraction s 103-18 not a/- more, not a unit less. fragrmentary sp 98-28 they are not theoretical and/', ft 302- 2 Principle is not to be found in /- ideas. fragrance ph 175-11 The joy of its presence, its beauty and/-, fragrant o 363- 2 jar containing costly and/- oil, frail sp 98-15 Beyond the/- premises of human beliefs, o 346-32 is not this what /• mortals are trying to do ? t 459-15 /- mortals, untaught and unrestrained by C. S., frailty ph 194-18 the/- and inadequacy of mortal mind. c 266-29 He is above sin or/-. o 360-27 His angels He chargeth with/-. — see Job 4 ; 18. frame p 415-30 the whole/- will sink from sight franchise m 63-20 If the elective/- for women will remedy Franklin / 24.5-19 useful hint, upon which a F- might work Franklin, Benjamin an 100-15 Benjamin F- was one of the commissioners. fraternity p 389-24 error that there is/- between pain and pleasure, fraternize sp 74-19 nor does the caterpillar return to/- with or fratricidal g 539- 2 This false sense of existence is/-. fraud o 356-26 Does divine Love commit a/- on humanity fraudulent / 252-22 deceitful in sentiment, /• in purpose, fraught 6 346-17 How then can this ... be "/- with falsities free pr 6-10 supposition that ... we shall be/- to repeat 11-14 leaves the offender/- to repeat the offence, m 63-32 and own her children/- from interference. sp 74- 4 Tobe . . . persons must be/- from organic 90-25 sets one/- to master the infinite Idea. a?i 106- 3 to work against the/- course of honesty s 114-27 and sets/- the imprisoned thought. 150-22 human view infringes man's/- moral agency; ph 171- 8 find himself unf alien, upright, pure, and/-, 176- 8 left the stomach and bowels/- to act 191-16 The human thought must/- itself from / 206- 6 else it will misguide the judgment and/- the 223-21 Spiritual rationality and/- thought accompany 22.5- 4 Truth makes man/. 227-16 God made man f-. 227-17 Paul said, " I was/- horn." — Acts 22.- 28. 227-18 All men should be f-. 227-19 Love and Truth m.^ke/-, 227-25 Citizens of the world, accept the . . . and be/- ! 227-27 has bound you, entangled your/- limbs, 244-12 hath made me /- from the la w of — Jiom. 8 : 2. p 381-24 quite/- from some ailment. 434- 1 can . . . set the captive/-. 442- 8 prisoner rose up regenerated, strong,/-. t 443-18 leave invalids f- to resort to whatever 448-32 to/- another from the fetters of disease. 453-30 the divine Truth that makes man/-, r 481- 6 /- " to enter into the holiest," — Heb. 10 .- 19. 495-13 sets the captive/- physically and morally. free g 514-11 F- and fearless it roams in the forest. gl 584-13 that which frets itself/- from one belief freed sp 73-23 belief that spirit ... is/ by death, 73-24 belief . . . that, when it is/- from the ph 178-24 we are/- from the belief of heredity, freedom (see also freedom's) assert their / 228-14 Mortals will some day assert their/- boundless a 22-24 boundless/-, and sinless sense, breath of / 2-25-21 nor did the breath of/- come from the cannon's capacity or r 475-31 nor . . . engender the capacity or/- to sin. confers a sp 89-23 influence or action of Soul confers a/-, glorious / 248- 1 and glorious/- of spiritual harmony. heritage of / 228-12 when man enters into his heritage of/-, hope of p 368-13 even the hope of/- from the bondage human / 242- 7 towards the joys of Spirit, towards human/* moral m 58-12 There is moral/- in Soul. right to / 227- 5 and mortals are taught their right to/-. spiritual s 118-12 eternally glorified in man's spiritual/-. p 366- 5 and thus attain the spiritual/- strength and t 454-20 strength and/- to speech and action. universal / 226- 8 sounded the keynote of universal/-, ■wild with g 552-21 may become wild with/- / 225-31 ignorant how to obtain their/-. 226-11 and that its/- be won, 236-28 because of their/- from wrong r 481- 3 God's being is infinity,/-, harmony, freedom's / '225- 7 time bears onward/- banner. freely sp 89- 8 ff 527- 8 548- 2 freer s 120-30 When Columbus gave/- breath to the globe, frees b 291- 3 suppositions . . . death of the body/- from sin, freezing ph 175-26 Damp atmosjihere and/- snow b 329-14 should not tarry in the storm if the body is/-, r 490-32 will think that he is/- when he is warm, French sp 80-22 Even planchette — the F- toy which an 100-12 In 1784, the F- government ordered frenzy / 212-21 In legerdemain and credulous/-, frequency m 59-28 the /• of divorce shows that the frequent ajj 566-22 In shade and storm the/- night, frequently s 153- 1 /• attenuated to such a degree that ph 180-18 Doctors should not ... as they so/- do, o 358-19 more/- cited for our instruction fresh an 105-23 to commit/- atrocities as opportunity occurs s 107-12 /- pinions are given to faith and understanding, t 460-24 Science of Mind was a/- revelation freshness / 246-23 Still maintain his vigor,/ , and promise. 246-30 into loveliness,/-, and continuity, 248- 9 Mind feeds the body with supernal /- fretful ness m 02-11 their children's/- or frivolity, frets gl .584-13 that which/- itself free from one belief only to friend absent sp 82- 2 We think of an absent/- as easily as ph 176-20 while divine Mind is its best/-. r 486-17 If . . . then death is not an enemy but a bet- ter /- believing that . . . she talks/-. thou mayest/ eat : — Geti. 2 .- 16. take the water of life/-." — Bev. 22 .- 17. FRIEND 194 FRUITS friend far-off sp 90-16 In dreams we fly to Europe and meet a f ar-ofE/*. of man o 49-15 the highest instructor and/- of man, of Mortal Man p 433-32 Truth, the spirit of Life and the/- of Mortal Man, of publicans a 53- 1 and is the "/• of publicans and — lAike 7 / 34. our sp 75-12 " Our/- Lazarus sleepeth ; — John 11 ; 11. p 430-30 when the prisoner, . . . watched with a sick/-. their a 53-7 He rebuked sinners . . . because he was their/- ; pr 8-31 If a/- informs us of a fault, a 28-20 a glutton and a/- of the impure, 34-8 if a/- be with us, 34- 9 why need we memorials of that/- ? 39-11 causes mortals to regard death as a/-, / 248- 4 One marvels that a/- can ever seem less than p 386-17 mistakenly announcing the death of a/-, friendly pre/ ix-25 copies were, however, in/- circulation. p 438-31 to be on/- terms with the firm of friend's p 386-17 grief that the/- real death would bring. friends departed sp 82-19 even if our departed/- were near us a 42-13 the desertion of all save a few/-, give to pre/ viii-29 give to/- the results of her Scriptural study, her t 464- 3 Could her/- know how little time his a 46- 5 Jesus was known to his/- by the words, which o 359- 3 Let any clergyman try to cure his/- by p 436-23 His/- struggled hard to rescue the g 552-10 Mortal theories make/- of sin, my a 21-15 If my/- are going to Europe, 21-21 On tne contrary, if my/ pursue my course, onr p 386-31 So, when our/- pass from our sight personal c 266- 6 Would existence without personal/- be prisoner's p 432-25 One of the prisoner's/-. Materia Medica, professed p 436-16 professed/-. Materia Medica and Physiology, unpretentious a 54-23 only a few unpretentious/-, c 266-13 F- will betray and enemies will slander, friendship sp 87-26 by/- or by any intense feeling fright s 151-18 belief says that death has been occasioned by/-. ph 178-14 by the/- of his mother. / 251- 7 F- is so great at certain stages of frighten sp 79- 3 is an error that tends to/- p 379-29 The images, held . . . /- conscious thought. frightened s 154-17 the mother is/- and says, o 352-12 child, who is/- at imaginary ghosts p 371-11 As/- children look everywhere for 433-28 to prepare the/- sense . . . for death, t 460-15 to the/-, false sense of the patient. frightening p 439-10 /• away Materia Medica, t 447-18 without/- or discouraging the patient frivolity m 62-11 their children's fretfulness or/-, frivolous m 60-22 /• amusements, personal adornment, ph 195-30 to meet a/- demand for amusement front an 102-17 its aggressive features are coming to the/-. b 301- 3 form, and action of the person in/- of the frost sp 72-32 As readily can you mingle fire and/' frosts c 265-19 and nipped by untimely/-; frown / 238- 8 To obey ... is to incur society's/-; 238- 8 but this/-, more than flatteries, frozen p 373-28 languidly creeps along its/ channels, frugal t 452-16 Better is the/- intellectual repast fruit bearing ph 180-10 seed within itself bearing/- after its kind, bears the ph 197- 9 bears the/- of sin, disease, and death, bringing forth g 529- 1 bringing forth/- of its own kind, Cain's g 541- 3 more nearly resembles . . . than does Cain's/-. 541-11 than for the worship expressed by Cain's/- ? forbidden r 481-12 The forbidden/- of knowledge, g 529- 1 when the forbidden/- was bringing forth good p 404-19 every tree that brings not forth good/-. 1 459-27 The tree must be good, which produces good /•. immortal o 361-29 That which when sown bears immortal/-, known by his b 299-23 tree is known by his/- " — Matt. 12 ; 33. known by its sp 73-13 belief, which ought to be known by its/-, known by their an 106-17 demonstrable in Truth and known by their/-, much b 271- 1 seed of Truth springs up and bears much/-. not much b 272- 7 else it beareth not much/-, of false knowledge ph 175-30 Adam, before he ate the/- of false knowledge, of the ground g 540-25 brought of the/- of the ground — Gen. 4 .- 3. of the Spirit an 106-27 the/- of the Spirit is love, — Gal.5 ; 22. of the tree g 529-18 but of the/- of the tree which — Gen. 3 .- 3. of the trees g 529-17 We may eat of the/- of the trees — Gen. 3 .- 2. of the vine a 18- * Iwillnotdrinkofthef-o/thevine,— Luke2S:16. this ph 165- 2 Evil declared that eating this/- would open yield g 507-19 tree and herb do not yield/- because of yielding g 507-13 yielding/- after his kind, — Gen. 1 .- 11. 508-11 and the tree yielding/-, — Gen. 1 : 12. p 389-17 the fount and stream, the tree and its/-, g 507-12 the/- tree yielding fruit — Gen. 1 •• 11. 518- 7 the/- of a tree yielding seed ; — Gen. 1 ; 29. fruitage o 348-27 the full/- of C. S., fruit-bearer g 526-23 Did He create this/- of sin fruitful g 512-17 Be/-, and multiply, — Gen. 1 ; 22. 517-26 Be/-, and multiply, —Gen. 1 : 28. 550-28 Amalgamation ... is seldom/-, fr 600- * being /- in every good work, — Col. 1 .- 10. fruition pr 9-15 before we can enjoy the/- of our hope b 298- 7 Science armed with faith, hope, and/-. 298-14 faith, understanding,/-, reality. fruitless pr 6-28 He said of the/- tree, p 375-17 should be understood and so rendered/'. fruitlessness a 35- 3 Convinced of the/- of their toil fruits early gl 579- 9 surrendering to the creator the early/- of first g 5.32- 7 when eating its first/- brought death immediate g 532-18 produced the immediate/- of fear and shame. immortal r 494-29 its lap piled high with immortal/-. its p 426-14 this would be . . . known by its/-. of human faith pre/ xi- 6 the/- of human faith in matter, of liove a 35-24 by bringing forth the/- of Lore, of sin b 299-19 bearing the/- of sin, sickness, and death. of Spirit p 391-32 and bearing the/' of Spirit. FRUITS 195 FURNISH fruits of the Spirit t 451-18 they bear as of old the/- of the Spirit, present o 349- 1 If such are the present/-, what will the their / 204-19 Judging them by their/-, they are corrupt. o 342-28 " By their/- ye shall know them " — Matt. 7 .- 20. fr 600- * by their f- ye shall know them. — Matt. 7 .- 20. yoTir r 496-13 Your/- will prove what the pr a a 38-22 / 220-27 243-30 fulfil m 56- 4 / 2-23- 3 233- 7 r 474-20 483-30 fulfilled a 41-24 55-21 5 109-25 p 404-15 t 463-20 g 534-12 «p 569- 7 fulfilling m 59-11 p 435-20 r 485-22 ftllfilS m 57-32 8 134-31 b 276- 2 297-32 340-24 ap 672-12 pref vii- 3 viii- 4 x-14 &-12 5-14 8- 9 29-25 31-20 36-22 36-24 37- 5 39- 6 42-17 50-19 m 59- 2 an 105-31 8 122-21 130-20 139- 4 ph 182-20 / 201-13 244-21 247- 8 c 261-19 6 286- 7 313- 2 O 348-27 p 395-19 406- 6 t 456-28 r 493-13 Sr 507- 8 611-17 536-21 542-21 552-16 ap 559-14 565- 4 674- 7 574-18 674-18 ^« 591- 6 591-19 598-28 - fuller s 162-27 /226- 8 O 361-22 J full-orbed / 224-21 6 298- 3 the f of other people's sins, not of his own. The belief that ... is one of the/- sin, and death are not the/- of Life. to/- all righteousness." — Matt. 3 .- 15. not/- the lust of the flesh." — Gal. 5 ; 16. demands of us only what we can certainly/-, not come to destroy, but to /•."—Matt. 5: 17. One must/- one's mission without timidity He/- his God-mission, and then The promises will be/-. Scripture of Isaiah is renewedly/- : can remove this disorder as God s law is/- Truth is here and has/- its perfect worli. This prophecy has been/-. literally/-, when we are conscious of F- the different demands of their united " is the/- of the law,"— ifom. 13; 10. by/- the spiritual law of being, disappointments it involves or the hopes It/-. A miracle/- Grod's law, but does not violate and/- these sayings of Scripture, A mortal belief/- its own conditions, ends wars ; /- the Scripture, Love/- the law of C. S., ere cometh the/ radiance of a risen day. To develop the/- might of this Science, or treat in /- detail so infinite a theme. /- " and running over." — Luke 6 ; 38. Saints and sinners get their/- award, /• . . . of all uncleanness." — 3/«tt. 23.-27. with the/- recognition that being is Spirit, a/- understanding of the divine Principle /- punishment this side of the grave bestow on the righteous their/- reward. History is/- of records of suffering, a/- salvation from sin, sickness, and death, and gave/- evidence of divine Science, If his/- recognition of eternal Life had a/- recognition of its enduring obligations /- many a league in the line of light ; Experience is/- of instances of similar cannot add to the contents of a vessel already/-, the Scriptures are/- of accounts of the Obedience to material law prevents /- We cannot iill vessels already/-, when there is no/- reflection of the his/- set of upper and lower teeth he was in the/- possession of his gives/- faith in Truth, the/- and proper translation of the Greek), the/- fruitage of C. S., The nurse should be cheerful, . . . f- of faith, /- salvation from sin, sickness, and death, contains the/- statement of C. S., A/- answer to the above question creation would be/- of nameless offspring. The changing glow and f- effulgence of few days, and/ of trouble."— Jo6 14 .1. Sin will receive its/- penalty, few days, and/- of trouble.''— Jo6 14; 1. to utter the/- diapason of secret tones. It is/- of lust and hate, loathing the /- of the seven last plagues, — Rev. 21 ; 9. the seven angelic vials/ of seven plagues, has/- compensation in the law of Love. Man. . . . the/- representation of Mind, of whom man is the /• and perfect expres- sion; man would be in the/- consciousness of it requires onlv a/- understanding of the a/- acknowledgment of the rights of man to give a clearer and/- expression the harbingers of truth's /• appearing, and glow/- in spiritual understanding. fully pref viii- 2 her system has been /- tested a 42-32 must understand more/- his Life-principle 45- 6 Our Master/- and finally demonstrated 45-.32 not sufficiently advanced/ to understand s 1.32- 3 to heal would/- answer the question. 136-24 what the disciples did not/- understand? 152- 9 a healing effect, even when not/ understood. / 205-32 When we /- understand our relation to the Divine, 227- 2 fetters fall and the rights of man are /- known 231-28 impossible, when you/- apprehend God 240-27 one must pay/- and fairly the b 284-10 nor be/- manifested through corporeality. 288-11 When the . . . effects of C. S. are/- apprehended, 326-14 Not partially, but/-, the great healer of 339-18 Only those, . . . can/- understand the unreality or evil. o 343-15 when his teachings are/- understood. 344-11 Were it more/- understood that Truth heals p 415-28 Before the thoughts are/- at rest, r 471-16 evidence . . . is/- sustained by spiritual sense. 495- 5 hence its healing power is not/- demonstrated. ff 556-16 It is made known most/- to him who fulness 6 336-20 neither could God's / be reflected by a single p 406-24 until we arrive at the/- of God's idea, g 519-20 the stature of the/ of Christ " — Eph. 4 ; 13. gl 590-12 denial of the/* of God's creation ; funies p 407- 3 Puffing the obnoxious/- of tobacco, function s 148-15 every/-, formation, and manifestation. 151-20 Every/- of the real man is governed by the functional s 125- 3 considered the best condition for . . . /• health 149-24 as readily as she has cured purely/- disease, 162-26 as surely as it heals what is called/-, p 377-25 organic diseases as readily as/- difficulties. functions disordered p 408-18 inflammation of disordered/-, elements and s 124-32 elements and/- of the physical body entire p 384-32 entire/- and organs of the human system harmonious p 388-32 the harmonious/- of mind and body, healthy p 373-26 disabled organ will resume its healthy/-. my p 431-30 and perform my/- as usual, natural p 387-14 perform the natural/ of being. r 478-20 the discharge of the natural/- is least noticeable. of Mind r 478-23 Matter cannot perform the/- of Mind. of mind p 395-31 cannot kill a man nor affect the/- of mind of the body p 373-22 Disease is expressed ... in the/- of the body. vital p 387-17 and perform the most vital/- in society. fundamental m 65- 9 some/- error in the marriage state, s 113- 9 /- propositions of divine metaphysics 120- 8 arrive at the/- facts of being. ph 167-29 On this/ point, timid conservatism is 171-31 /• error lies in the supposition that t 460-10 Yet this most/- part of metaphysics g 546-13 Such/- errors send falsity into funds m 63-31 deposit/-, and own her children free from fungus s 160-30 Is man a material /- without Mind fur covered with afoul/-, said that ... a garment of foul/* this/- is a foreign substance, is not an importer or dealer in/-, explain how this/- is manufactured, p 431-21 438-20 438-22 438-28 438-29 furnace m 66-.31 /- separates the gold from the dross s 133-17 in the fiery/- and in kings' palaces. 161- 8 captives, cast into the Babylonian/-; / 243- 6 from the fiery/, from the jaws of the lion, furnish pr 6-13 will/- more than its equivalent of pain, a 51-10 that he might /- the proof of immortal life, s 135-19 " Can God/- a table in the — Psal. 78 ; 19. 142-10 Truth, alone can/- us with absolute evidence. ph 189-17 is supposed to f- the evidence of ap 572-14 /• the vision of the Apocalypse, k FURNISHED 196 GASES furnished sp 99-9 Truth has/- the key to the kingdom, b 317-28 to him Jesus/- the proof r 472-11 Jesus/- proofs of these statements. furnishes m 03-13 C. S./- no precedent for such injustice, ph 195-15 Whatever/- the semblance of an idea 195-16 /• food for thought. / 245-18 This instance of youth preserved f- b 336-27 The Science of being/- the rule of p 370-10 Homceopathy/- the evidence to the 387-27 The history of Christianity/- sublime t 461-14 /- the eternal interpretation of God and ap 571-23 /- the mirror in which mortals may see furnishing pli 180-21 Instead of/- thought with fear, they should p 439- 4 keeps a/- store, and advertises Furred Tongue p 438-26 summoned F- T- for examination. sp further an 103- 4 / 226- 2 b 295-29 314- 2 338-17 Gabriel ap 567- 1 567- 6 Gad gl 586-21 gain pr 11-23 12- 4 13-13 14- 3 15-29 21-13 TO 65-11 69-4 72- 7 's 156-19 ph 167-28 / 238-22 254- 4 C 260-15 264-8 264-13 265- 7 266-16 6 32-2- 5 326-13 328-10 335-23 o 355- 1 p 388-28 t 459- 6 r 486- 7 g 501-10 ap 560-13 gained a 23-18 sp 84- 3 91-20 92-15 s 111-32 / 254-10 c 265-23 6 269-27 272- 3 274- 3 290-19 299-18 314- 8 326-16 O 349-20 358-21 p 365-21 406-30 t 449- 6 r 474-15 482- 7 487- 4 490-20 g 532- 6 536-25 547-25 548-22 556-13 gaining a 47- 5 and/- defines it as dishonesty /- steps towards the banishment of It/- teaches that when man is (his/- spiritual exaltation), It/- suggests the thought of that further p 441-20 We/- recommend that Materia Medica ap 576- 8 /- describing this holy city, 576-18 What/- indication need we of the furthermore m 64-17 F-, the time cometh of which fury / 203-27 b 293-21 fustian S 142-16 future pref vii-25 a 24-19 sp 84- 6 The foam and/- of illegitimate living There is no vapid/- of mortal mind tell their story to pride and/-. F- ages must declare what the pioneer has in regard to predestination and/- punishment, predicting the/- from a groundwork of 84-13 to know the past, the present, and the/-. s 150-24 and will be to all others at some/- day, 158-12 The/- history of material medicine 6 306-15 at some uncertain/- time and in a manner p 374-19 You confess to ignorance of the/- t 459- 9 Judge not the/- advancement of C. S. by the g 546- 2 at some/- time to be emancipated future-world a 39-20 not that now men must prepare for a/- G G- has the more quiet task The G- of His presence has no contests. definition of a desire for holiness is requisite in order to g- mere request . . . has no power to g- Do we g- the omnipotent ear sooner by words whose ear we would g-, g- the ear and right hand of omnipotence r/- a little each day in the right direction. To ()• C. S. and its harmony, g- the sense of health only as is the g- of spiritual life. I did so, ancT she continued to g\ impossible to g' control over the body in Attempts to . . . f/- dominion over mankind, g- good rapidly and hold their position, distrust of one's ability to g- the goodness if they would g- the true sense of things. As mortals g- more correct views of God g- some proper sense of the infinite, lay down their fleshliness in order to g- we shall g- the reality of Life, if we would 78- r the g- oak, the ferocious beast, gnats s 140-14 straining out g- and swallowing camels. / 202- 2 straining out g- and swallowing camels. p 366-20 Such so-called Scientists will strain out g., go pr 6-18 farther we cannot g-. 11- 4 " G-, and sin no vaore." — John i : 11. 11-10 before mortals can "5-U attributes of G- are justice, mercy, wisdom, avail themselves of . , „ pr 13- 1 all may avail themselves of G- belief . . . something apart from G-. There is no power apart from G-. belief . . . true existence apart from 0\ becomes g 524-10 before 7/1 64- 5 before our ap 5G8-1" G- becomes " a man of war," — Exod. 15 ; S. before G- and the Father, —^as. 1 .• 27. before our G- day and night. — Bev. 12 .■ 10. God 202 God God behests of r 495-29 and follow the behests of G-, belief in pr 2-20 belief in G- as humanly circumscribed, a 34-22 from spiritual dulness and blind belief in G- beliefs about s 132-16 retained their materialistic beliefs about G-. belief tliat / 204-30 belief that G- lives in matter is pantheistic. o 357-10 relinquish the belief that G- makes sickness, believed in a 53-14 Mortals believed in G- as humanly mighty, believe in / 218-19 If you do believe in G-, belongs to r 490-11 since all power belongs to G-, good. belong to b 275-15 cause, and effect belong to G\ bestowed a 42-22 glory which G- bestowed on His anointed, bestows b 275-19 no good is, but the good G- bestows. g 555-26 when we admit . . . that . 1 :9. understanding G\ sustains man Mind controls man and man has no Mind but G\ " In my flesh shall I see G-," — Job 19 .-26. G- had lessened Moses' fear by this proof in by searching find out (?• ? " — Joh 11 .• 7. for they shall see 0-." — Matt. 5 ; 8. " hid with Christ in G," — Col. 3 ; 3. Eye hath neither seen G- nor His Neither G- nor the perfect man can G- is what the Scriptures declare Him to be, \i . . . G- would not be reflected but absorbed, inseparable from the divine Principle, G-. dwelt forever in the bosom of the Father, G-, Spirit, which is G\ Spirit being G-, there is but one Spirit, Spirit, G-, haa created all in and of Himself. can produce nothing unlike the eternal . . . G\ He has been forever in the eternal Mind, G- ; A portion of G- could not enter man ; else G- would be manifestly finite, and nothing less can express G-. G-, the divine Principle of man, G- is the parent Mind, and man is none but the pure in heart can see G-, the supposed separation of man from G-, G\ Spirit, alone created all, Therefore evil, . . . cannot be the product of G-. all that really exists is in and of G-, man shall have no other spirit or mind but G-, for they shall see G- " —Matt. 5 .• 8. If . . . Science is not of G-, then there is no G- cannot be in His unlikeness Nothing really has Life but Ian has his appeal to Spirit, G-, " hid with Christ in G-," — Col. 3.- 3. beliefs in . . . intelligence separated from (?•, and this one is G\ omnipotent, omniscient, Science will declare G- aright, G- as not in man but as reflected by man. the great truth that G\ good, is the only Mind, G-, tlie Mind of man, never sins Has G- taken down His own standard, G- and all that He creates are perfect "Let G- be true, but every — Aom. 3.-4. until G- strips off their disguise. not true, because they are not of G-. Truth, G-, is not the father of error. and attributes all power to G-. It ... G- nmst be their author. that which has no separate mind from G- ; nor can G-, by whom man is evolved. No, not if G- is true and mortal man a liar. " But when it pleased G-, — Gal. 1 .■ 15. and there is no place where G- is not, Conscioui^ness, as well as action, ... is in 0\ Harmonious action proceeds from Spirit, 0\ thus attempting to separate Mind from G\ G- is not its autlior. never helps mortals to understand Spirit, 0-. If sin is supported, G- must uphold it, gained by substituting the word G\ the medium for sinning against G-, G-, who needed no help from Jesus' example bi/ the name of G- Almighty ; — Exod. 6 .• 3. The creative Principle ... is G-. G-, Spirit, dwelling in infinite light and G-, unites understanding to eternal harmony. Spirit, G-, gathers unformed thoughts The only intelligence or substance ... is 0-, And G- set them in the firmament — Gen. 1 ; 17. albeit G- is ignorant of the existence of both of which G- is the sole creator. Now compare man before the mirror to . . . G-. Truth in truthfulness, G- in goodness, not as much . . . for considering G- masculine, if G- is personal, there is but one person, assigns all might and government to G-, and finally declares that G- knows error it is Elohim (G-) who creates. for G- presently curses the ground. Is Spirit, G-, injected into dust, Does Mind, G-, enter matter to become there a animated by the breath of G- ? as devoid of reality as they are of good, 6\ Was evil instituted through G-, Love ? G- could not put Mind into matter nor But is it true that G-, good, made G- has already created man, cannot be . . . in partnership with G-; error, credits Truth, G-, with inducing for G- doth know that in the day — Gen. 3 .- 5. saying, ... I can do what G- has not done who dares to say either that G- is in matter or Did G- at first create one man unaided. The illusion of sin is without hope or G-. starting from matter instead of from G-, G- could never impart an element of evil, Had G- more respect for the homage Spirit, G-, never germinates, but is if Mind, G-, creates error, that error must Has G- no Science to declare Mind, by searching find out G-?" — Job 11 .-7. Error replies, " G- made you." Jesus never intimated that G- made a devil, Knowing that G- was the Life of man, when G-, Mind, spake and it was done. .something new and better of G- G-, the divine Principle of harmony, builder and maker of this New Jerusalem is O; image and likeness of what G' has not created, pure consciousness that G-, . . . creates man G- is the only creative power. G\ who made all that was made definition of Good. G-; Spirit; omnipotence; I Am. G-; incorporeal and eternal Mind; unless specially coupled with the name 0\ God 210 GOD'S God gl 591- 4 Spirit, or intelligence, named Elohim, or G\ 591-18 the divine Principle, or G-, 592-16 Mother. G-; divine and eternal Principle ; 594-20 O- ; that only which is perfect, {see also All, All-in-all, All-loving:, All-power, All-wise, Almighty, Being, Cause, Comforter, creator. Deity, Ego, Ego-God, Elohim, Esse, Father, Father-Mother, First Cause, Giver, Godhead, God-power, God-principle, He, Him, Himself, His, Holy Ghost, Holy One, Holy Spirit, I, I AM, Immanuel, Incorporeal Being, Justice, King, Life, L.ife-priuciple, Light, liOgos, liord. Love, Maker, Me, Mind, Most High, Mother, My, One, Person, Principle, Providence, Kuler, Soul, Spirit, Sun of Right- eousness, Supreme Being, Supreme Lawgiver, Supreme Kuler, Thee, Thou, Thy, Truth, Us, Wisdom, Wonderful, Word) god a 103- 3 " the g- of this world,"— // Cor. 4 ; 4. s 140-31 What is the g- of a mortal, but 158- 3 designated Apollo as " the g- of medicine." 158- 8 also regarded as ... " the g- of pestilence." 158-13 may correspond with that of its material g-, ph 165- 3 would open man's eyes and make him as a g-. 187- 9 attributes to some material g- or medicine g 524- 3 in the Moabitish g- Chemosh, 524-11 " a man of war," a tribal g- — Exod. 15 .- 3. 530-21 saying, . . . and have another g-. ■ 544-26 man, in this allegory, is neither a lesser g- nor gl 580- 2 the first g- of mythology; 584-22 saith: "lam . . . created by a tribal gr* God-bestowed g 526-21 doctrine . . . evil is as real, hence as G-, as God-created g 555-12 as if it were as real and G- as God-crowTied b 313- 4 Jesus the G- or the divinely royal man, God-given ph 165- 4 man's O- dominion over the earth. 182-25 denying man's G- ability to / 228-13 his G- dominion over the material senses. p 378-24 Sickness is not a G-, . . . material power, 381- 2 Ignorant of our G- rights, 381-21 will sooner grasp man's G- dominion. 387-10 nor . . . trespass upon G- powers 393-10 Exercise this G- authority, r 489-15 can this sense be the G- cnannel to g 528-24 calling them real and G-, 531-14 man will recognize his G- dominion Godhead c 255-17 true idea of the infinite G\ God-inspired a 41- 8 The G- walk calmly on Godlike a 54-29 If that G- and glorified man were ph 200-19 man is . . . upright and G-. f 203-12 the only true spirit is G-. c 262-14 higher views inspire the G- man to reach b 269-10 C. S. makes man G-. 333-15 but Christ Jesus better signifies the G-. godliness a 26-14 the g- which animated him. s 145-21 the mystery which g- always presents to p 413-16 " Cleanliness is next to g-, God-niission a 41-24 He fulfilled his G-, and then God-power s 138- 3 the etemal / 213-14 attraction towards infinite and eternal g- b 340-19 have no other spirit or mind but God, eternal g-, up 561- 3 which works out the ends of eternal g' evil and (see evil) gain / 254- 4 who gain g- rapidly and hold their position, God is (see 6od) Ood, or c 261-23 you may learn the meaning of God, or g-, p 380-29 opposite to God, or g-, t 450-22 understanding . . ."the allness of God, or g\ good God, or r 469-26 admitting that God, or g-, is omnipresent 470- 2 with one Mind and that God, or g-, 470-13 If God, or g-, is real, then evil, ... is unreal. 480-20 God, or g-, never made man capable of sin. g 533-11 directly or indirectly to God, or g-, gl 592- 4 and therefore the opposite of God, or g- ; grasp on o 327-10 until his grasp on g- grows stronger. heavenly c 265-25 The aspiration after heavenly g- comes highest human j)h 182- 9 capable of producing the highest human g- idea of b 325- 3 He who has the true idea of g- g 546-14 represents error as starting from an idea of f/- immortality of sp 81-30 consequence of the immortality of g-. f 215-28 the superiority and immortality of g-, incredible sp 83- 6 the incredible g- and evil elements individual sp 72-23 In Science, individual g- derived from God, infinite sp 93-18 not the offspring of infinite g-. in Principle b 286-18 like Himself, — g- in Principle and in idea, in the name of t 453-23 yet serves evil in the name of g-. ap 563-28 but doing this in the name of g-. invisible sp 78-31 the invisible g- dwelling in eternal Science. is infinite p 399- 2 and therefore g- is infinite, is Mind s 113-17 God is good. G- is Mind. is natural s 119-21 God is natural g-, and is represented only by 128- 2 G- is natural and primitive. is self-existent / 213- 9 God, g-, is self-existent and self-expressed, is the term b 286-16 In the Saxon ... j;- is the term for God. knowledge of g 526-22 as the knowledge of g-. maximum of an 103-16 The maximum ofg-, however, is met by the must dominate t 446-15 G- must dominate in the thoughts of the healer, natural g 501-16 which subserve the end of natural g-, no s 113-32 no matter in good, and no g- in matter. 144- 2 since no g- can come of it ? b 275-19 no g- is, but the good God bestows. no matter in s 113-32 no matter in g-, and no good in matter. of one's neighbor p 440-16 than that it is for the g- of one's neighbor? omnipotent s 113-19 Life, God, omnipotent g-, deny death, opposite of sp 72-22 evil, the suppositional opposite of j7-, r 480-21 It is the opposite of g- — tnat is, evil gl 579-16 evil; the opposite of y, or evil ph 171-32 the cognizance of g- or evil, / 205-16 error . . . matter can be intelligent for g- or evil), 240-18 Mortals move onward towards g- or evil b 340- 1 their imaginary power for g- or evil, over evil p 406-23 the supremacy of ... g- over evil, poiver of sp 570-31 the power of g- resident in divine Mind, purposes of an 103-15 working out the purposes of g- only, reality of / 205-21 the supremacy and reality of g-, b 269- 7 unfold the unity and the reality of g-, r 480-32 evil would vanish before the reality of g-. g 527-19 Has evil the reality of g- ? reflections of b 280- 6 From Love . . . only reflections of g- can come, represents b 282- 9 The sphere represents g; resides in tite g 546-28 resides in the g- this system accomplishes, result in p 435- 9 an act which should result in g- to himself sense of b 311-13 Evil is destroyed by the sense of g\ spiritual m 56- 6 for the advancement of spiritual g\ f 243- 3 and demonstration of spiritual g- g 505-21 Spiritualsenseisthediscernmentofspiritualj/-. GOOD 213 GOOD sp 20- 1 42-27 52-21 60- 7 61- 4 68-21 72-21 76-9 good standard of g 539- 8 What can be the standard of g-, of Spirit, 8ab!>tance of 301-19 man ... in reality has, only the substance otg; supremacy of s 130-28 and doubts the supremacy of g-, Bupreme r 496-10 living the life that approaches the supreme g- ? true idea of b 327-26 the man . . . who has not the true idea of g- ? Truth and 8 114- 6 the divine Mind, or Truth and g-. g 529-27 has neither origin nor support in Truth and g-. universal sp 76- 8 will be recognized ... as God, universal g- ; unlike p 393-13 to resist all that is unlike g-. unlikeness of / 204-14 evil, is the unlikeness of g-. voicing b 332-10 Christ is the true idea voicing g-, your / 254-29 Your g- will be evil spoken of. your influence for ph 192-22 Your influence for g- depends upon the for there is one Life, — even God, g-. true man is governed by God — by ^ b 328- 4 suppose that they can live without g-, pr 4-24 g- will " be evil spoken of,"— Rom. 14 .• 16. a 53-24 the lifelong sacrifice which g- makes for an 106-28 longsuffering, gentleness, g-, — Gal. 5 ; 22. goodness s 147-29 A pure affection takes form in g-, ph 196-19 Sin makes its own hell, and g- its own heaven. / 230-17 no more . . . than g- can cause evil 248-29 Let unselfishness, g-, mercy, c 260-15 distrust of one's ability to gain the g- r 465-15 justice, mercy, wisdom, g-, g 516-11 Life is reflected in existence, . . . God in g-, goods p 399-30 and spoil his g-, — Matt. 12 .• 29. 400- 7 of his g-, — namely, of sin and disease. 438-24 and smuggles Error's g- into market 439- 1 introducmg their g- into the market. good-will 8 150- 8 " on earth peace, g- toward men."— Luke 2.- 14. / 226-17 " on earth peace, g- toward men." — Luke 2; 14. p 407-16 even into spiritual power and g- to man. gorgeousness / 252-25 and says : . . . I am enthroned in the g- of mat- ter. Gospel John's gl 598- 2 in John's G\ the third chapter, Luke's p 362- 1 in the seventh chapter of Luke's G- s 117-11 in the last chapter of Mark's G- b 272-12 referred to in the last chapter of Mark's 0: pref xi-22 called the author to proclaim His G- g 525-17 In the G- of John, it is declared that ap 561-30 In the first chapter of the Fourth G- gospel is preached a 27- 6 to the poor the g- is preached." — Luke 7 .• 22. law and p 441-30 a verdict contrary to law and g\ of healing a 55- 9 the g- of healing is again preached of Love ap 577- 4 His universal family, held in the g- of Love. preaches the a 33-25 and preaches the g- to the poor, preaching the a 31- 1 he was found preaching the g- to the poor. o 347-16 preaching the g- to the poor, preach the a 18- * Imt to preach the g-. — I Cor. 1 .• 17. 37-30 preach the g- to every — Mark 16 .• 15. s 138-28 preach the g- to every — Mark 16 .• 15. o 342-11 and preach the gr-," — Mark 16 ; 15. p 418-28 " Preach the g- to every — Mark 16.- 15. s 107- * the g- which was preached of me — Gal. 1 .• 11. 132- 8 the poor have the g- preached — Matt. 11 .• 5. 150- 7 the coming anew of the g- of ph 176- 9 gave the g- a chance to be seen b 309-23 and led to deny . . . even as the g- teaches. 337-15 can see God, as the g- teaches, o 349- 6 We have the g-, however, gl 592-13 Moses. . . . the proof that, without the g; gospel-healing o 343-31 to press along the line of g-, Gospels sp 79-21 so far as can be learned from the G; gossamer p 403-20 the g- web of mortal illusion. gossip / 238-28 no time for g- about false law or testimony. gotten r 479- 5 "I have g- a man from the Lord " — Gen. 4.- 1. g 538-24 I have g'a, man from the Lord — Gen. 4 .- 1. 538-30 " I have g- a man from the Lord," — Gen. 4.- 1. govern s 151-31 mortal mind claims to g- every organ 154-18 and her own fears g- her child more than ph 175-25 Beaumont's . . . did not g- the digestion. / 206- 7 It is the province of spiritual sense to g- man. 209- 4 fear, and human will g- mortals. 227-30 If God had instituted material laws to g- man, 251-18 learn whether mortals g- the body through a 251-20 or g- it from the higher understanding p 380-32 Every law of matter . . . supposed to g- man, 393-11 and g- its feeling and action. 402-22 we rarely remember that we g- our own bodies. 409-15 prevents . . . knowing how to g- their bodies. 414-12 guide and g- mortal mind r 490- 6 Hence it cannot g- man aright. 494- 1 and to g- man's entire action ? governed pr 14-10 to be absolutely g- by divine Love, a 42-26 in C. S. the true man is g- by God TO 62-27 The higher nature of man is not g- by the lower ; GOVERNED 215 GRAFTING eroverned sp 83-17 an 106-10 8 125-15 131- 4 belief that . . . man, is (/■ in general by ff- by his Maker, divine Truth and Love. (f by Soul, not by material sense. _ bur lives must be (/■ by reality 141-16 the Christ-spirit which g- the corporeal Jesus. 146- 4 our systems of religion are 9- 4 as well as by other g- of Spirit. gracious 2)r 1- 7 God's g- means for accomplishing graciously s 107- 4 God had been g- fitting me gradation g 511-26 metaphorically present the g- of gradations g 551-13 Evolution describes the g- of human belief, grade p 363- 7 as was customary with women of her g-. grades ph 172- 7 Materialism g- the human species as g 551-12 through all the lower g- of existence. gradually s}) 77-25 The departed would g- rise above ignorance 8 109-23 The revelation of Truth . . . came to me g- 111-31 this system has g- gained ground, p 380-25 G- this evidence will gather momentum t 460-30 As former beliefs were g- expelled ap 576-30 Yet the word g- approaches a higher mean- ing. Sr^J^l -20 G- holiness upon unholiness. Graham 216 GREAT Graham ph 170- 8 Did Jesus understand . . . less than G- or Cutter ? / 221- 2 adopted the G- system to cure dyspepsia. grain s 130-21 and to inculcate a g- of faith in God, t 449- 3 A gr- of C. S. does wonders for mortals, graniniars g 508-20 gr- always recognize a neuter gender, grand sp 75-31 from earth's sleep to the g- verities of Life, s 116-13 Works on metaphysics leave the g- point 143-26 Mind is the g- creator, and there can be 164-10 generally . . . are g- men and women, ph 200- 6 illustrated the g- human capacities of being / 240- 7 Suns and planets teach g- lessons. 240-11 In the order of Science, ... all is one g- concord. 244- 4 Divine Science reveals these (/• facts. 246-25 Man, ... is always beautiful and g-. 248-28 carve them out in g- and noble lives. b 328-12 reveals the g- realities of His allness. o 341- 7 grow in beauty . . . from one g- root, 354-29 I rejoice in the apprehension of this g- verity. p 384-15 prove to himself, . . . the g- verities of C. S. t 448-23 accomplish the g- results of Truth and Love. 460-25 she had to impart, while teaching its g- facts, r 471- 8 senses, afford no indication of the g- facts 490- 1 the g- truths of C. S. dispute this error. g 511-25 mountains stand for solid and g- ideas. 514-30 A realization of this g- verity was a source of 518-16 The rich in spirit help the poor in one fl- ap 560-13 the g- necessity of existence is to gain the 575-32 g- realization of the Golden Shore of Love grandest a 49-19 charged with the g- trust of heaven, / 213-21 rapture of his g- symphonies was never heard. grandeur a 39- 2 met the mockery of his unrecognized g\ f 244-31 g- and immortality of development, b 328- 1 the g- and bliss of a spiritual sense, 329- 4 glow in all the e.s / 211-20 " the fathers have eaten sour g\ — Ezek. 18 .■ 2. b 276-30 Divine Science does not gather g- from thorns g 539-24 " Do men gather g- of thorns ? " — Matt. 7 ; 16. graphic a 52-14 Isaiah's g- word concerning the coming graphically sp 92-17 The portrayal is still g- accurate, grapple a 29- 2 They must g- with sin in themselves and in / 235-31 love to g- with a new, right idea ap 569- 4 Every mortal . . . must g- with and overcome grasp pr 13-23 and so we cannot <;• the wonders wrought a 28- 7 determination to hold Spirit in the g- of mat- ter sp 98-16 above the loosening g- of creeds, s 119-10 to g- the other horn of the dilemma 142-17 anil causes the left to let go its g- on the 147-22 enables you to g- the spiritual facts ph 192- 5 only as we . . .' g- the true. / 209-11 intelligence which holds the winds in its g'. 254-12 mortals fir- the ultimate . . . slowly; b 275-10 To g- the realitv and order of being 281-29 as we g- the facts of Spirit. 327-10 until his g- on good grows stronger. o 349-20 in order to g- the meaning of this Science. p 381-21 will sooner gr- man's God-given dominion. g 519-12 is slow to discern and to g- (iod's creation ap 573- 2 is unable to g- such a view. graspetl an 104-27 leaving the case worse than before it was g- by grass blade of .sp 70-13 from a blade of g- to a star, ph 191-21 By its own volition, not a blade of g- springs up, grass days are as ph 190-23 As for man. his days are as gr- : — Psal. 103 .• 15. r 476-24 " As for man, his days are as c- : — Psal. 103 .■ 15. of Crethseinaiie a 48-11 fell in holy benediction on the g- of Gethsemane, sp 81-18 the g- seemeth to wither and the flower to ph 190-15 are "as the g- springing from the soil g 507-12 Let the eaith bring forth g-, — Gen. 1.11. 508- 9 the earth brought forth g-, — Gen. 1; 12. 516-13 The g- beneath our feet silently exclaims, grateful pr 3-22 Are we really g- for the good 9- 2 the author has been most g- for gratification a 38-27 living only for pleasure or the g- of the senses, gratifications g 536-22 Their narrow limits belittle their g-, gratify a, 49-12 O, why did they not g- his last human yearning s 163-26 exhibition of human invention might g- gratitude pr 3-25 G- is much more than a verbal expression of 3-26 Action exi)resse8 more g- than speech. 4- 8 worthy evidence of ourV/' for all that he has 4-10 to express loyal and heartfelt g-, 8-15 If we feel the aspiration, humility, g\ , a 26- 2 heart overflows with g- for what ne did m 66-17 Amidst g- for conjugal felicity, it is well to p 367-15 oil of gladness and the perfume of g-, gl 695-22 TiTHE. Contribution; tenth part; homage; j^-. grave beyond the a 46-24 and progressive state beyond the g-. p 409-30 cannot . . . expect to find beyond the g- a death and the a 39-14 Jesus overcame death and the g' 45- 7 in his victory over death and the g\ 49-25 triumph over sin, sickness, death, and the g-. s 137- 7 victor over sickness, sin, . . . death, and the g-. from the b 291-26 No resurrection from the g- awaits Mind 313-30 which by spiritual i)ower he raised from the g-, 317-22 after his resurrection from the g-, g 509- 6 to their apprehension he rose from the g-, has no power b 291-26 for the g- has no power over either. of affection TO 68- 9 Jealousy is the g- of affection. robs the 6 275-27 It robs the g- of victory. 323-26 The true idea . . . robs the g- of victory, this side of the a 36-23 punishment this side of the g a 24-30 enabled their Master to triumph over the g-, sp 73-26 g- mistake to suppose that matter is s 138- 1 [hades, the itnder-irorld, or the;;-] / 244- 8 seen between the cradle and the* g-, b 291- 5 the.se are g- mistakes, o 353-25 The g- does not banish the ghost of p 426-20 either a desire to die or a dread of the g', r 496-23 the spiritual law which says to the g-, grave-clothes p 367- 2 nor bury the morale of C. S. in the g- of its graven m 67- 1 may be g- with the image of God. gravitate c 265- 5 Mortals must g- Godward, gravitates 323-21 g- towards Soul and away from gravitation h 272-23 earthward g- of sensualism and impurity, g 536-12 If man's spiritual g- and attraction to gravity s 149-18 A physician . . . remarked with great g- : gray / 24.'>-14 no care-lined face, no wrinkles nor g- hair, g 513- 9 g- in the sombre hues of twilight; great pi-ef ix-30 ignorance of the g- subject up to that time, pr 5- 4 The next and g- step required by wisdom 9-13 we shall never meet this g- duty simply by 16- 1 A g- sacrifice of material things must precede a 20-20 scourge and the cross awaited the f/- Teacher. 23- 3 One sacrifice, however g-, is insufficient to 24-17 views of atonement will undergo a g- change, 25- 1 complete was the g- proof of Truth and Love. 25-23 - 2 566- 4 567-14 568-22 668-28 It was the (/■ truth of spiritual being, With the (/■ glory of an everlasting victory our g- Teacher said : " Not my will, — Luke 22 ; 42. fr moral distance between Christianity and If a career so p- and good as that of Jesus The resurrection of the ij- demonstrator place in which to solve the r/- problem of being. a,ff- stone must be rolled from the cave's mouth ; He knew that the (/■ goodness of that Master (/■ demonstrator of Truth and Love was silent Had they forgotten the g- exponent of God ? g- distance between the individual and Truth. "When our g- Teacher came to him for baptism, immortal Shakespeare, g- jwet of humanity: Through g- tribulation we enter the shall learn how Spirit, the g- architect. Between C. S. and . . . superstition a g- gulf events of g- moment were foretold by the The g- Teaclier knew both cause and effect. Here is tlie g- point of departure for all true the sooner man's g- reality will appear " Every g- scientific truth goes through three in his g- epistle to the Galatians, The tliree g- verities of Spirit, which, like the g- Giver, the one g- obstacle to the reception of g- difficulty is to give the right impression, the g- facts of Life, rightly understood, dominion over the atmosphere and the g- deep, demonstrations of our g- Master there will be " g- tribulation — Matt. 24 ; 21. " I have not found so g- faith, — Mutt. 8: 10. and the g- work of the Master, our g- Master demonstrated that Truth could A physician . . . remarked with g- gravity : (;• respect is due the motives and and endured g- sufferings upon earth. always breathed with ;/• difficulty when the The ;/• truth in the Science of being, does not proceed from this g- and only cause. The g- mistake of mortals is to suppose tliat laid g- stress on the action of the human mind, Denial of the claims of matter is a g- step Fright is so g- at certain stages of demonstrating the g- problem of being, The g- I AM made all brought to light with g- rapidity Jesus demonstrated this g- verity. g- difference being that electricity is not to be brought bacK through g- tribulation, the fif healer of mortal mind is the healer of his g- life-work extends through time the g- might of divine Science g- import to Christianity of those works g- hopefulness and courage, even when Like the g- Exemplar, the healer should familiar with the g- verities of being. The g- difference between voluntary and If you make the sick realize this g- truism, If the reader of this book observes a g- stir destroy the g- fear that besets mortal existence. The g- difficulty lies in ignorance of this is the g- attainment by means of which The g- spiritual fact must be brought out with (/• solemnity addresses the jury Our g- Teacher o'f mental jurisprudence Teach the g- possibilities of man g- danger in teaching . . . indiscriminately, went out to the g- heart of Love, g- truth which .strips all disguise from error. the g- truth that God, good, is the only Mind, so g- a work as the Messiah's And God made two g- lights; — Geyi. 1 .• 16. And God created g- whales, — Gen. 1 .• 21. The g- rock gives shadow and shelter. declaring what g- things error has done. The g- verities of existence are never excluded g- spiritual facts of being, like rays of light, evolution implies that the g- First Cause endowed by the labors and genius of q- men. even this g- observer mistakes nature, If . . . then the i/- I am is a myth. Our g- example, Jesus, could restore (?• is the Lord, and greatly to lie — Psnl. 48 • 1. And there appeared a g- wonder — Her. 12 • 1. The g- miracle, to human sense, is divine Love, which made him equal to his g- mission. g- is the idea, and the travail portentous. and behold a g re(l dragon, — /lev. 12 .-3. The g- red dragon symbolizes a lie, and becomes the g- red dragon, swollen with sin. walking wearily through tne g- desert And the g- dragon was cast out, — liev. 12; 9. having g- wrath, because he — Hev. 12.- 12. clearer and nearer to the g- heart of Christ; great ap 570-27 570-28 574-22 575-24 577-19 should know the g- benefit which Mind has wrought, also know the g- delusion of mortal mind, lifted the seer to behold the g- city, the city of the cr King." — Paul. fy:2. interprets this g- example and the g- Exemplar. 577-30 as recorded by the g- apostle, gl 580-10 an unreality as opposed to the g- reality God. The f/- I am; the all-knowing, ali-secing, may define Deity as " the g- unknowable ; " The g- Nazarene, as meek as he was mighty, spiritual sense unfolds the g- facts of existence. 587- 596- 4 597- 6 597-19 (see also fact) greater a 25- 4 infinitely g- than can be expressed by m 61-24 a g- responsibility, a more solemn charge, 63-22 difficulties of g- magnitude, sp 82-32 hastening to a (/■ development of power, 95-14 g- or lesser ability of a Christian Scientist an 104-25 case of the g- error overcoming the lesser. 104-20 g- error thereafter occupies the ground, s 108-15 the lesser demonstration to prove the g-, 121-24 rule that the g- controls the lesser. 123- 2 will surely destroy the g- error 128-13 is capable of g- endurance, 133- 3 Was John's faith g- than that of the 143-16 takes the less to relieve the g\ 103-2,'> Nowhere is . . . displayed to a f/- extent; / 211- 6 who shall sav whether Truth or error is the g- ? 22.'J-10 Remember that truth is g- than error, 223-11 and we cannot put the g- into the less. 223-11 Soul is Spirit, and Spirit is g- than body. b 333-30 " My Father is g- than I." — John 14 .• 28. 334- 7 not that the Father was g- than Sjiirit, 334-7.8 but g-, infinitely g-, than the fleshly Jesus, p 440-15 what g- justification can any deed have, r 467-18 The g- cannot be in the lesser. 467-20 belief that the g- can be in the lesser g ,508-24 rising from the lesser to the g-, 510-14 the g- light to rule the day, — Gen. 1 .• 16. 518-14 lesser idea of Himself for a link to the g-, 534-24 will be g- mental ojjposition to the ap 560-31 a g- ignorance of the divine Principle greatest / 242- 5 p 368- 1 376- 6 greatly m 61-29 p 411- 1 423- 4 the least of them unto the g." — Jer. 31 .• 34. The g- wrong is but a sup])'osititiou8 opposite Just so is it with the g- sin. formation of mortals must g- improve " The thing which I g- feared — Job 3.- 26. for this fear g- diminishes the t 456-12 g- errs, ignor'antly or intentionally, g 535- 6 I will g- multiply thy sorrow— Gen. 3; 16. ap 5.58- * and (f- to be praised'— Psal. 48; 1. Great Spirit r 477-29 " the smile of the G- S\" Grecian ph 199-32 When Homer sang of the G- gods, Greece c 255- 8 cultured scholars in Rome and in G\ b 324-25 Asia Minor, G-, and even in imperial Rome. Greed p 430-24 G- and Ingratitude, constitute the jury. greed a 47-21 g- for gold strengthened his ingratitude, Greek In Hebrew, G-, Latin, and English, The word martyr, from the G-, [the meaning ot the G- word petrns, or stone] the full and i)roper translation of the G-), is, in the G- Testament, character. proper name of our Master in the G- was marvel is the simple meaning of the G- word The Hebrew and (;• words derived from two G- words, signifying seen ... in the G- Aphrodite, In the G-, the word knrios almost always has (ophis, in G-; nacash, in Hebrew). The G- word for wind {pneuma) is used also 23-21 8 134- 4 137-31 b 313- 3 313-13 333-14 r 474-12 488- 7 g 517- 5 524- 4 gl ,590-17 594- 1 598- I green pr 5-19 flourish " like a g- bay tree ; " — Psal. 37 . ph 190-15 the grass . . . with beautiful g- blades, g 514-13 or rests in "f/- pastures, — J'sal. 23; 2. I have given every g- herb — Gen. 1 ; 30. to lie down in g- pastures : — Psal. 23 ; 2. 35. 18-11 ap 578- 6 greet s 1,58-24 / 220- 9 grew / 245-11 O 349-21 g 520-20 Evidences of progress . . . <;• us on every hand, violet lifts her blue eye to g- the early spring. she literally g' no older. Out of this" condition g- the prophecy herb of the field before it fir: — Gen. 2 ; 5. GRIEF 218 GROWTH grief a 35- 1 and his disciples' g- into repentance, 50-31 real cross, which Jesus bore up the hill of g-, p 363-29 was her (/• sufficient evidence to warrant the 377- 3 If {/■ causes suffering, convince the 377-15 sudden joy or g- has caused what is termed 386-17 occasions the same g- that the friend's 386-20 correcting: the mistake, heals your g-, 386-24 learn at length that there is no cause for g-, 386-27 under the influence of the belief of g', 435-13 bringing joy instead of g-, grind p 380- 7 it will g- him to powder." —Matt. 21 .- 44. grinding pr 10-19 to earn a penny by g- out a prayer. groan c 255- * g- ivithin cmrselves, waiting for — Rom. 8.- 23. groanetli c 255- * we know that the whole creatio7ig- — Horn. S: 22. grope c 263- 9 he will no longer g- in the dark gropes t 463- 2 The material physician g- among phenomena, groping s 164- 1 resembles the g- of Homer's Cyclops gross m 61-15 promising children in the arms of g- parents, sp 75- 9 g- materialism is scientiflcally impossible, o 272-14 not to impart to dull ears and g- hearts the o 350-18 " This people's heart is waxed g-, — Matt. 13 .• 15. p 383-14 To the mind equally ting h- of Soul, or health 8 159-26 to ascertain how much h-, or health, harmouy origin of / 217- 5 notion . . . tones are lost in the origin of h-. peace, and p 417- 2 find health, peace, and /r in God, perfect s 130-10 reality is in perfect h- with God, g 511- 1 governing the universe, ... in perfect h\ perpetual p 381-28 abide by the rule of perpetual h-, perpetuates sp 85- 8 whatever constitutes and perpetuates h-, primeval ap 565-23 stars sang together and all was primeval h-, produce r 486-20 yet supposes Mind unable to produce h- ! production of ph 183-18 action of Truth is the production of h-. proof of b 340- 2 make life its own proof of h- and God. realm of s 138- 9 a firm foundation in the realm of h\ received the a 54^ 6 but earth received the h- recognition of ap 576-24 man possesses this recognition of A* recognize / 228-17 will recognize h- as the spiritual reality reign of sp 93-32 the reign ot h- in the Science of being. s 122- 7 the actual reign* of h- on earth. gl 590- 1 The reign of h- in divine Science ; 592-20 the kingdom of heaven, or reign of h-. represents ap 560-10 Heaven represents h-, restores p 390- 9 the right understanding of Him restores h-. reverse of t 447-17 When sin or sickness — the reverse of h- Science and ph 192-19 this teaching accords with Science and h-. scientific r 486-12 will not establish his scientific /»•. spiritual / 248- 2 and glorious freedom of spiritual h-. b 288-14 conflict . . . will cease, and spiritual h- reign. g 503- 9 constitute spiritual h\ ~ heaven and eternity. 521- 3 to conscious spiritual h- and eternal being. supreme ap 573-15 even the declaration from heaven, supreme h-, tones of s 145- 2 natural musician catches the tones of h', true m 57-10 their true /f is in spiritual oneness. ultimate b 324- 4 helps to precipitate the ultimate h\ universal / 208-23 the reign and rule of universal h-, b 293-29 C. S. brings to light . . . universal h-, r 483-19 and reveals the universal h-. voice from ap 559-16 Then will a voice from h- cry: with God s 131- 4 in order to be in h' with God, with the truth sp 84-8 to be in h- with the truth of being, vrorking out the a 2ft-32 working out the h- of Life and Love. would lose b 304-23 they would lose h-, if time or accident yield to the pref viii- 6 must yield to the h- of spiritual sense, 8 162-11 it may yield to the h- of the divine Mind. pr 2-16 but it tends to bring us into h- with it. m 60-24 An ill-attuned ear calls discord h-, 65-12 To gain C. S. audits /r, s 161-13 in h- with our Constitution and Bill of Rights, ph 169-28 Truth, Life, and Love can give h-. 186-23 If we concede the same reality to discord as to h\ 186-24 as lasting a claim ... as has h-. 186-27 and if so, h- cannot be the law of being. / 219-10 and then expect that the result will be h-. 242- 9 There is but one way to heaven, h-, 253-30 law of Life instead of death, of h- instead of b 304-16 //• is produced by its P»rinciple, 304-23 If mortals caught h- through material sense, o 352- 3 able ... to make /*• the reality p 379-32 belief that . . . di.scord is as real as h-, 380-31 against Life, health, h-. 394-26 conquer discord of every kind with /f, 419-21 from immortal Mind, there is h- ; t 454- 3 use of tobacco or ... is not in h- with C. S. r 471- 2 knows no lapse from nor return to A", 481- 3 freedom, h-, and boundless bliss. HARMONY 223 HAVE barniony r 486-19 belief, which makes h- conditional upon death 492- 7 Bein^ is holiness, h-, immortality. 495-24 and silence discord with h-. g 537-17 Error excludes itself from h\ 553- 8 or ... h- will never become the standard of 557-11 C. S. reveals h- as proportionately increasing ap 564-29 serpent is perpetually close upon'the heel of h\ gl a&l-'i5 Heaven, /f- ; the reign of Spirit; 592-19 spiritual facts and 1v of the universe; harp / 213-27 Mortal mind is the h- of many strings, Harvard University s 163- 4 Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, Professor in H- U', harvest sp 96- 9 summer and winter, seedtime and h- / 207-19 separates the tares and wheat in time of h\ 238-18 to reap the h- we have not sown, b 300-19 grow side by side until the h- ; o 349- 1 what will the Iv be, when this hashish sp 90-20 Opium and h' eaters mentally travel far hast pr 14t-32 when thou h- shut thy door, — Matt. 6 ; 6. a 50- 8 why h- Thou forsaken meV " —Matt. 27 .■ 46. sp 70- * Now we know that thou h- a devil. — John 8 .• 52. haste m 68-12 Be not in h- to take the vow gl 586-22 GAD (Jacob's son). ... A- towards harmony. hasten sp 76-29 Death can never h- this state of hastening a 48-30 h- the final demonstration of what life is sp 78- 7 belief that we are . . . h- to death, 82-31 h- to a greater development of power, 6 327-18 mortals are h- to learn that Life is God, p 405-27 h- on to physical and moral doom. hastens ph 197- 5 Every one h- to get it. / 251- 1 as it A' towards self-destruction. hasty a 22-20 Love is not h' to deliver us from temptation, hatch m 68-22 and the evil to h- their silly innuendoes hatched g 552- 4 That the earth was h- from the " egg of night " hate animality, and ap 569-13 masters his mortal beliefs, animality, and ft- called gl 580-17 the opposite of Love, called h- ; envy and a 48-21 was silent before envy and h-. t 462-27 wounds of selfishness, malice, envy, and h-. evil, and t 448-22 Impossible for error, evil, and h- to human t 454- 9 Human h- has no legitimate mandate liOve destroys b 339- 3 Truth destroys error, and Love destroys h-. lust and ap 565- 4 full of lust and h', loathing the brightness of malice, or p 419- 2 error, lust, envy,. revenge, malice, or ft- master of a 44-10 He proved . . . Love to be the master of ft-. triumph over a 43-32 Love must triumph over ft-. a 51-30 caused the selfish materialist to ft- him ; / 218-12 malice, lust, appetite, envy, ft-." 241-10 malice, ft-, revenge, steal away the treasures c 266-26 evil beliefs which originate in ft- b 317-12 " If the world ft- you, — John 15 ; 18. 330-30 hypocrisy, slander, ft-, theft, adultery, p 420- 4 Love not ft-. Spirit not matter, governs man. ap 560-16 never reached while we ft- our neighbor hated b 313-19 "loved righteousness and ft- iniquity."— //e6. 1:9. 317-13 it ft- me before it ft- you ; "— John 15 .- 18. ap 564-28 " They ft- me without a cause. " — John 15 . 25. hates a 42- 3 priest and rabbi affirmed God . . . loves and ft-. hatred and revenge p 407- 7 selfishness, envy, ft-, and revenge t 445-22 ft-, and revenge are cast out by the divine Mind ap 564-25 envy, ft-, and revenge, — all evil, and torment ap 574-21 which poured forth ft- and torment. hatred astounded at ap 563- 5 and still more astounded at ft-, error, and g 522-30 Does Life, . . . produce death, error, and ft-? heat of p 405- 1 heat of ft- inflames the brutal propensities. human b 330- 5 and the human ft- of Truth, ap 571-19 Clad iu the panoply of Love, human ft- cannot incur the b 317-10 he will incur the ft- of sinners, till ingratitude and a 47-11 The world's ingratitude and ft- towards no sense of / 243-26 Love has no sense of ft-. pursues with ap 564-30 pursues with ft- the spiritual idea. roused the s VMr- 9 roused the ft- of the opponents of Christianitj-, ■world's a 50-31 the world's ft- of Truth and Love. 52-11 the world's ft- of the just and perfect Jesus, an 106-22 ft-, variance, emulations, — Gal. 5 ; 20. 8 115-23 pride, envy, deceit, ft-, revenge, ph 188- 9 ft-, revenge ripen into action, only to / 201-10 ft-, all sensuality, yield to spirituality, b 289-10 To suppose that sin, lust, ft-, envy, hypocrisy, p 374- 5 H- and its effects on the body 404-29 H-, envy, dishonesty, fear 405- 6 to hold ft- in abeyance with kindness, 414-14 dementia, ft-, or any other discord. gl 586-13 Fire. Fear; remorse; lust; ft-; 588- 1 Mortal belief ; error; lust; remorse; ft-; 589- 2 envy; ft-; selfishness; self-will; lust. haunt b 317- 9 Resistance to Truth will ft* his steps, haunted sp 86-17 H- houses, ghostly voices, unusual noises, / 248-18 Then you are ft- in your work p 439-32 reported to be A by Disease, Hauser, Kaspar ph 194-17 The authentic history of Kaspar H- is a have pref -viii-ie On this basis C. S. will ft- a fair fight. pr 1- * he shall ft- whatsoever he saith. — Mark 11 .- 23. 1- * and ye shall ft- them. — Mark 11 .- 24. 1- * what things ye ft- need of, — Matt. 6 .- 8. 3- 9 we ft- only to avail ourselves of 3-24 avail ourselves of the blessings we ft-, 6- 9 supposition that we ft- nothing to do but 8-27 than we are willing to ft- our neighbor see ? 9-24 and material sense and human will ft- no place. 14- 6 to ft-, not mere emotional ecstasy or 15-12 that man may ft- audience with Spirit, a 19-26 Those who cannot ... ft- no part in God. 19-29 " Thou Shalt ft- no other gods — Exod. 20 .- 3. 19-31 Thou Shalt ft- no belief of Life as mortal; 21-17 We ft- separate time-tables to consult, 21-19 and we ft- little opportunity to help each other. 21-21 we ft- the same railroad guides, 23-22 faith and the words corresponding thereto A* 26- 7 ft- the cup of sorrowful effort to drink 29- 5 If they keep the faith, they will ft- the crown 31- 9 ft- no record of his calling any man by the name 39- 8 We must ft- trials and self-denials, 40- 6 when I ft- a convenient season 41-11 hypocrite may ft- a flowery pathway here, but 41-22 Jesus foresaw the reception C. S. would ft- 45-27 flesh and bones, as ye see me ft." — Lvke 24 .- 39. 47-29 St. John, of whose death we ft- no record. m 61- 4 must ft- ascendency over the evil 62- 3 ft- the sanctity of virginity. 66-14 higher joys of Spirit, which ft- no taint of earth. 69-21 Do you ft- one God and creator, sp 70- • them that ft- familiar spirits, — Isa. 8 .- 19. 75- 5 to ft- a material investiture, 76-19 they will ft- no power over man, 76-28 those who ft- the final understanding of Christ 79-18 bade men ft- the Mind that was in the Christ. 79-25 says: . . . You A- nervous prostration, 80- 1 We A- strength in proportion to our 81- 8 A- a continued existence after death 87-30 We A- but to close the eyes, 95-20 even human invention must A- its day, an 101-17 and A- nothing in common with either 102-12 planets A- no more power over "man than 105- 5 To say that these tribunals A- no s 107-19 " I ft- no pleasure in them." — Eccl. 12 .- 1. 112-U these opinions may A- occasional gleams of 121-13 So we ft- goodness and beauty to gladden the 125-26 The mariner will ft- dominion over the 127-21 ft- — as matter— no intelligence, life, nor 130-14 good and its sweet concordis A- all-power. HAVE 224 Lave s 136-21 That a wicked king . . . should h- no 141-30 Let it /^• fair representation by the press. 150-18 science (so-called) of physics would If 151-19 brain, etc., h- nothing to do with Life, 151-32 we h- overwhelming proof. 153-26 and we h- smallpox because others fr it; 155-32 is it safe to say that the less in quantity you h- 160- 6 for they /r no innate jtower. ph 167-17 To h- one God and avail yourself of the 169-29 Whatever teaches man to h- other laws 179-20 ailment, which a wild hor.se might never /r. 181-30 If you /f more faith in drugs 183- 6 discords h- no support from nature 185-13 They h- their birth in mortal mind, 185-18 Such theories h- no relationship to C. S., 188-13 is like the dream we li- in sleep, 188-25 and you h- an abundant or scanty crop 188-29 physical .senses h- no immediate evidence of 190- 1 Next we If the formation of so-called 192-20 you can h- no power ojjposed to God, 196-17 They /r no relation to God 200-14 " Tliou madest him to Ir dominion — Psal. 8 .• 6. / 206- 1 we can Ir no other Mind but His, 208- 6 and move, and h- our being." — Acts 17 : 28. 211-24 If it is true that nerves h- sensation, 212-16 and the nerves h- no sensation. 212-17 Mortals Ir a modus of their own, 216-32 and h- but one Mind, even God; 219-15 what we do not wish to Ir manifested. 219-16 if we would h- it strong ; 220- 3 h- continual colds, catarrh, and cough." 228- 9 we shall Iv no dangerous inheritances, 228-29 supposition that sm, . . . and death li- power. 231-17 discords li- only a fabulous existence, 238-10 said, " I Ir nothing left but Christ." 238-27 h- no time for gossip about false law or 242-11 to Ir no other consciousness of life 244- 9 goodness would h- no abiding-place 247-;U recipe for beauty is to Ir less illusion 249- 3 and so let us fr one God, one Mind, 249-19 Organization anil time Ir nothing to do with 2.54-13 for we li- not the power to C 2,55- * Ir the firnffruits of the Spirit, — Horn. 8 .• 23. 258-21 so-called senses Ir no cognizance of either 258-25 Mortals Ir a very imperfect sense 264- 2 They Ir their day before the permanent facts 264-12 froih Him in whom we Ir our being. 267-13 they Ir the same authority for the b 268- * mail Ir feJloirslup with— I John 1.-3. 269-18 and they Ir this advantage over the 270-23 Meekness and charity Ir divine authority. 271-27 Ir the opportunity now, as aforetime, 276- 6 but all /t- one Spirit, God, 278-11 Spirit can Ir no opposite. 279-12 they Ir the advantage of being eternal. 280-16 Through this error, human belief comes to Ir 280-18 " Thou Shalt Ir no other gods — Exod. 20 .• 3. 281-22 Ir neither Principle nor permanency, 284- 8 Mind c^n h- no starting-point, 287- 1 They Ir neither Principle nor permanence, 287-11 the infinite God can Ir no unlikeness. 289-10 To suppose th.at sin, lust, . . . Ir life 297-25 Human thoughts Ir their degrees of 299-32 he would Ir no eternal Principle 300-24 If . . . God would Ir no representative, 301-22 Thou Shalt Ir one God, one Mind. 302-29 mortal sense would fain Ir us so believe. 307-13 and matter shall seem to Ir life 309-26 impossible ... to Ir an intelligence separate 310- 9 else the clay would h- power over the potter. 311-26 Ir not the reality of suDstance. 320- 7 the Scriptures Ir both a .spiritual and 323-20 to realize their need of what they Ir not, 329- 8 you Ir no right to question the great might 339-30 never to admit that sin can Ir intelligence 340-15 " Thou Shalt Ir no other gods — E.rod. 20 .• 3. 340-19 man shall Ir no other spirit or mind but God, 340-20 all men shall Ir one Mind. o 348-17 I desire to Ir no faith in evil or 349- We h- the gospel, however, 358-25 effect Christian Scientists may fr on the sick, 358-28 belief that . . . these healers Ir wonderful 358-29 Is it likely that church-members h- 358-32 than they Ir in their own accredited and 359- 6 because the patientif /*• more faith in 3.59-30 says: "I Ir spiritual ideals. 360- 5 replies : . . . I /)• no mind-ideals except 360-11 replies: ... I Ir no notion of losing my 360-15 Both you cannot Ir. 360-18 If you try to Ir two models, 360-18 then you practically h- none. 361-19 and move, and Ir our being." — Arts 17 .■ 28. p 366-13 we fr the apostolic waiTant for asking: 368-15 When we come to fr more faith in the truth 3C8-15 than we fr in error, have p 369-28 371-5 373- 3 375-24 376-30 381-19 386- 6 387-15 388-25 390-23 390-25 393-18 393-20 394-30 396-10 396-21 403-12 409-27 413-31 415- 5 417- 6 423-29 425- 1 425- 3 425-29 429-23 429-27 430-31 433-25 438- 4 440-16 441-33 f 447- 2 448-18 454-24 464-26 457- 9 458- 9 459- 7 r 466- 6 467- 4 467- 6 467- 9 469- 6 469-20 469-23 470- 4 470-16 472-21 475-24 478-3 479- 2 482- 9 486- 2 488- 9 488-22 489-31 491-27 496- 7 496-28 496-30 497-26 g 504-21 505- 3 512-10 515-12 615-21 617-11 517-12 517-19 517-27 529-23 529-28 530-21 531-20 536-13 538-17 5.38-28 538-29 549-10 553-10 .'),5,5-ll fll 583-23 having pr 8-24 14-30 21- 4 23-17 24-13 38-28 38-29 63-26 a HAVING what fr they of the advantages of Mind Disquisitions on disease Ir a mental effect then we nmst Ir more faitli in God muscles Ir no power to be lost, after admitting that it must Ir its course. we live, move, and Ir our being in the infinite says that you may catch cold and Ir catarrh; If printers and authors Ir the shortest span we Ir hoi)e in immortality; You Ir no law of His to sui)port the you Ir divine authority for denying //• no fear that matter can ache, swell, self-evident that matter can Ir no pain the sick usually Ir little faith in it till they Never say . . . how much you fr to contend with as if matter could Ir sensation, both /(• their origin in the human mind, We /(• no right to say that life A cliild may Ir worms, if you say so» disease, and death h- no foundations in Never tell the sick that they Ir more courage than Bones Ir only the substance of thought which His parents, . . . /c so believed. You will Ir humors, just so long as If you Ir sound and capacious lungs it must also Ir an ending, /(• faith in all the sayings of our Master, Although I /r the superintendence of " May (iod fr mercy on your soul," and let them fr dominion. — Gen. 1 .• 26. what greater justiflcation can any deed fr, We // • no trials for sickness before the We Ir no authority in C. S. . . . to attempt to forsaketh them shall ft- mercy."— I'rov. 28.- 13. must " // • her perfect work." — Jas. 1 .• 4. feeling that you fr no more to do for them, never . . . fears to /i- fairly understood, that error will finally Ir the he will fr nothing in common with the manifestations of C. S. . . . fr one I'rinciple. " Thou Shalt /( • no other gods — Erod. 20 .• 3. Shalt /i- no intelligence, . . . but that which all men //• one Mind, one God and Father, it would also h • an ending. We can h- but one Mind, if that one is infinite, for evil can Ir no place, where all /(■ unity of Principle and spiritual power The children of God Ir but one Mind, and we should Ir a self-evident absurdity Ir dominion over the fish — (ien. 1 .• 26. What evidence of Soul . . . Ir you within the child must Ir a material, not a you will /(• the scientific signification, and you can fr no faith in falsehood they Ir more the significance of Nerves Ir no more sensation, . . . than the Mortal belief would Ir the material senses may Ir an attractive personality, to /(• one .Mind, and to love another as H- Christian Scientists any religious creed? They Ir not. if by that term is meant as we would Ir them do unto us; Here we Ir the explanation of another sin, disease, and death Ir no record in the angels of His presence, which Ir the holiest /(• dominion over the fish — Oen. 1 ; 26. " Let them Ir dominion." — Gen. 1.-20. we Ir not as much authority for considering as we/r for considering Him feminine, thev all Ir one Principle and parentage, and /(• dominion over the fish — Gen. 1 ; 28. We /(■ nothing in the animal kingdom which we should h- faith to fight all claims of saying, . . . Bow down to me and Ir another Who will say that . . . animals Ir a move, and //• our being," — Actsi 17 ; 28. Sin, sickness, and death h- no record in the mortal man and sin Ir a beginning, they must consequently fr an end, Creatures of lower forms . . . are supposed to h', Ir no right to assume that individuals Error would Ir itself received as mind, matter and evil, which Ir no Principle; We confess to h- a very wicked heart speak " as one Ir authority." — Matt. 7 : 29. This is fr our part in the at-one-ment as a pen9ulum swinging . . . h- no fixity. This is Ir part in the atonement ; H- eyes ye see not, and 7c ears ye hear not; a race h- higher aims and motives. HAVING 225 bavingr sp 71-22 89- 5 S 12t- 7 ph 187- 1 / 21:>-30 218-26 221-12 222-23 231-30 245-11 b 276- 1 291-17 319- 7 o '.ioli- 7 p 36C-16 382- 3 395- 7 t 458-15 r 467-13 467-15 486-31 g 518-16 522- 8 531-32 536- 8 543- 1 ap 562-30 568-22 ffl 585- 3 586- 5 hay /i- no scientific basis nor origin, If- more faith in otliers than in herself, H- neither moral might, spiritual basis, nor h' other gods and believing in more than //• sought man's spiritual state, temptation to believe in matter as ... h- h- exliausted the skill of the doctors, h- " dominion over the fish — Gen. 1 ; 26. governed by his Maker, /<,• no otlier Mind, H- no consciousness of time, she literally H- one God, one Mind, unfolds tlie man is found h- no righteousness of his own, H- faith in the divine Principle of h- the stronger evidence of Truth Not h- this spiritual affection, /f only human approval for their sanction. speak to disease as one h- authority H- seen so much suffering from quackery, H- no otlier gods, turning to no other but h- that Mind which was also in Christ. " h- no hope, and without God — Eph. 2: 12. all h- the same Principle, or Father; as h- broken away from Deity h- dominion over all the earth. the sea, ... is represented as h- passed away. h- no truth to support it, h- seven heads and ten liorns, — liev. 12 .• 3. /i- great wrath, because he — Rev. 12.- 12. " N- ears, hear ye not? " — Mark 8 .• 18. " JI- eyes, see ye not ? " — Mark 8 .• 18. hay He ph. 175-14 -fever ph 175- 8 to fancy that new-mown h- can cause pr sp 2-9 2-10 2-14 2-25 3- 1 6- 6 6- 6 15- 8 26-17 67- 3 97-26 '8 110- 6 142-29 157-17 157-18 157-20 ph IRj- * 166-21 / 200-21 206-27 208-13 212-23 223-^2 226-15 229-24 241- 1 244- 1 254-11 C 256-15 256-19 266-15 b 275- 8 286-17 286-20 287-14 295- 6 303-26 305-18 311- 5 331- 6 331-20 331-22 O 341- * 354-22 3,56-20 357- 2 357-15 360-26 360-27 p 381-16 389-20 390-23 414-21 t 455-24 r 471- 3 472-25 472-26 k 499- * 499-* cerebro-spinal meningitis, h-, and rose-cold? more than //• has already done, since H- is unclianging wisdom and Love, for //• already knows all. of anything H- does not already H- wlio is immutably right will do right is not separate from the wisdom H- bestows. Tlie talents H- gives we must improve. H- knows all thmgs and rewards according to prove what God is and wliat H- does for man. learn the lessons ff- teaclies ? " H- uttered His voice, the earth — Pso?. 46.- 6. in which all that //• has made is pronounced God being All-in-all, B- made medicine; If drugs are partofGod'screation, which. . . li- lt II- could create drugs intrinsically bad. If H- creates drugs at all and designs them H- sent Nis word, aiul healed— I'sal. 107; 20. H- can do all things for us in sickness as Is God creating anew what //• lias already H- destroys them, and brings to light not . . . that H- should make man sick, this H- does by means of Mind, " H- come whose right it is." — Ezek. 21 ; 27. and H- has built it on diviner claims, all that H- makes is good and will stand " Whom the Lord loveth H- — Heb. 12 .-6. H- does not produce moral . . . deformity; When we wait patiently on God . . . H- directs nor can H- be understood aright through H- who, in the language of Scripture, Thus //• teaches mortals to lay down their and therefore H- is divine Principle. Scriptures declare all that H- made to be good, is good, and reflects God as H- is. how can H- be absent or suggest the absence of filled with spiritual idea.s, which H- evolves, H- would be without a witness what things soever H- doeth, — John 5 .• 19. and H- made all. If H- dwelt within what H- creates, H- is all-inclusive, and is reflected by //• fills all space, H- that raised tip Christ — Rom. 8.- 11. out of the mouth of babes B- will perfect praise, as incapable of producing sin, ... as /r is of will not punish man for doing what H- how dare we attemjjt to destroy what B- hath B- putteth no trust in His — see Job 4 .• 18. His angels B- chargeth with — see Job 4 .- 18. //• is not the author of barbarous codes. B- cannot annul these regulations by an no more the author of sickness than B- is of sin. " Tlie Lord B- is God — Dent. 4 .• 35. When //• commLssions a messenger, it is one who all that //■ creates are perfect and eternal, That which B- creates is good, and B- makes all that is made. B- that is holy, B- that is tnie, — Rev. 3 .- 7. H- that hath the key of David, — Rev. 3 .■ 7. He HEAL k 499- * B- that openeth, and no man — Rev. 3 .• 7. g 504- 4 and the darkness B- called Night. — Gen. 1 ; 5. 506-20 even as B- opens the petals of a the waters called //• Seas : — Gen. 1 v 10. B- made the stars also. — Gen. 1 ; 16. , in the image of tli my ap 578-14 anointeth my h- with oil; —see Psal. 23; 5. bowed his gl 598-1 1 " He bowed his h-, and — John 19 ; 30. bruises the / 216- 8 Truth bruises the h- of error bruise the g 534-29 woman, this idea, will bruise the h- of lust. bruise thy g 534-11 it shall bruise thy h,— Gen. 3 ; 15. crowned s 141-18 Its only crowned h- is immortal sovereignty. his m 66- 5 Wears yet a precious jewel in his h-. hydra ap 563- 6 hatred, which lifts its hydra h-, of the corner s 139-27 become "the h- of the comer." — 3/a«. 21 .-42. upon her ap 560- 8 and upon her h- a crown — Rev. 12; I. upon hi.s aj) 558- 4 and a rainbow was upon his A*, — Rev. 10 ;1. 579- ♦ 579- * 580-26 s 140-13 ph 191-18 197-24 f 243-16 ft 308- 9 ■p 362-14 headlong 2)h 192-13 / 244-28 r 490- 8 heads «A lf>5-17 ap 562-30 5(B-31 569-18 headstone p 380- 5 heal pref x-21 a 38-30 44-10 sp 87-17 95- 1 8 110-26 of the heart and not of the h-. should no longer ask of the h-, heart, or With rules ol health in the h- and The h-, heart, lungs, and limbs do not the h-, heart, stomach, blood, nerves, with his A- towards the table It is the h- cataract, the devouring flame. Such admissions cast us h - into darkness and Will — blind, stubborn, and h- distressed stomachs and aching h-. having seven h- and ten liorns, — /fer. 12; 3. and seven crowns upon his ft-. — Rev. 12; 3. not struggling to lift their ft- above the Truth is the rock of ages, the ft- of the comer, so little faith in His . . . power to ft- disease. converted, and I might ft- you. did not require the skill of a surgeon to ft- the It enables one to ft- through Mind, effect of his Mind was always to ft* the power of C. S. to ft- mortal minds and HEAL 226 HEALING heal 8 132- 3 this exhibition of the divine power to h- 136- 4 and fv both the sick and the sinning. 146-14 the power of God ... to /i- the body. 148- 1 never spoke of disease . . . as difficult to /f. 148- 2 a case they had failed to h-, 148- 4 requisite power to h- was in Mind. 152- 7 that it may give hope to the sick and fi- them, 152-19 supposed this ceremony was intended to Iv him, 155-21 in order to fr a single case of disease. 158-18 divine Mind and its efficacy to Ir. ph 168-12 and depend upon them to h- you, 179- 9 and to h- by the Truth-power, / 202-29 and yet we rely on a drug to h- disease, as if 203- 6 shows that matter cannot h- nor make sick, 208-14 not . . . leave man to h- himself ; 218-18 without faith in God's . . . ability to Iv 234- 1 Spiritual draughts h-, b 272- 1 how shall they . . . /i- multitudes, except 318- 9 saying that . . . Mind cannot or will not h- it. 318-25 heals it, or attempts to h- it, with matter. 320-27 the divine power to ft- the ills of tlie flesh, , 350-23 and I should h- them." — AUttt. 13 ; 15. 351- 3 When we lose faith in God's power to h-, 351- 6 Neither can we h- through the help of Spirit, if 351-10 learned that her own prayers failed to h- her 352- 3 able to demonstrate His power to Iv, 355- 8 which evince no spiritual power to /t*. 359- 4 Will that faith h- them ? p 365- 8 benign thought of Jesus, . . . would h- the sick, 366- 7 but h- he cannot, while his own . . . barrenness 366-32 If we would h- by the Spirit, we must 380^11 and deny the power of Mind to Ir. 382-20 is more difficult to h- through IVIind than 395-15 Prayers, in which God is not asked to Ir 399-32 How can I h- the body, 410-27 the power to h- mentally will 412-18 To h- by argument, tind the type of 420- 5 If students do not readily h- themselves, t 446-16 destroying his own power to h- and his own 449-17 than it does to h- the most difficult case. 452-24 Expect to h- simply by 459-12 Any attempt to fi- mortals with erring r 473-10 Truth, that comes to h- sickness and sin 482-29 It can h- in no other way, since the 483- 2 how do drugs, hygiene, and animal magnet- ism h- ? 483- 3 It may be affirmed that they do not h-, 483- 6 which nothing but Truth or Mind can h', 483- 8 In order to h- by Science, you must 494-12 Jesus demonstrated the divine power to h' ap 558-14 When you look it fairly in the face, you can h- (see also sick) healed a 20-16 " with his stripes . . . we are /i-. "—7sa. 53:5. sp 78-29 By it the sick are h-, 79-22 never described . . . but he h- disease, 94-21 Of the ten lepers whom Jesus Ir, 94-23 to acknowledge the divine Principle which had Ir s 133-12 h- of the poisonous stings of vipers. 139-31 does not follow that the i)rof ane . . . cannot be fr ph 166- * He sent His word, and Ir them, — Psal. 107 ; 20. 168-21 He h- sickness in defiance of what is called 169- 7 said to the patient, " You are Ir," 169-26 sick are never really Ir except by 185-32 is fr only by removing the influence 193-21 discharge . . . stopped, and the sore was h-. 193-28 God and that woman who /*• him." / 210-17 Jesus h- sickness and sin by 219-24 Those who are Ir through metaphysical 230-23 the sick are never really Ir bv drugs, 230-27 We think that we are h- when a disease disap- pears, 230-29 never thoroughly h- until the liability to be 231- 9 If God heals not the sick, they are not h-, o 346- 8 teaches how this ... is to be saved and fr. 359- 7 I have h- infidels whose only objection to this p 369-30 No man is physically Ir in wilful error 386-12 h- disease through the action of Truth 403-13 can be Ir only by the divine Mind. 406- 3 Sin and sickness are both Ir by the same 412- 1 in wholly removing the fear, your patient is Ir. 416-27 metaphysical method bv which they can be Ir. 428-30 The author has h- hopeless organic'disease, t 446-10 has generally completely Ir such cases. 447-27 The sick are not h- merelv bv declaring 463-28 The sick are not Ir by inanimate matter r 493-10 Will you . . . show how it is to be Ir ? (see also sick) healer and patient t 457- 5 for teacher and student, for Ir and patient. Christian Science p 417-20 To the C. S. h; sickness is a dream healer mental p 401-31 while the mental h- confines himself chiefly of mortal mind b 326-15 Ir of mortal mind is the healer of the body. of sin s 148-32 admits God to be the h- of sin but not of / 251-24 the Ir of sin, disease, death. of the body b 326-15 healer of mortal mind is the fr of the body. of tlie sick s 138- 7 Life, Truth, and Love, . . . was the li- of the sick thoughts of the t 446-16 Good must dominate in the thoughts of the A*, would-be p 365-27 through the would-be Ir, s 153-15 human faith or the divine Mind is the 7i- p 394-32 faith is not the fr in such cases. 395- 6 the Ir should speak to disease as one 401- 5 it is not a fi-, but it engenders disease t 459-31 more certain results than any other Ir r 482-31 human, mortal mind so-callecl is not a Ir, 493-15 enables the fi- to demonstrate and prove healers a 47- 6 became better Ir, leaning no longer on matter s 144-31 whether the ancient inspired Ir understood the 146- 2 The ancient Christians were Ir. ph 179- 6 can heal the sick, who are absent from their h-, 180- 6 when he sees his would-be Ir busv, o 358-27 belief that . . . these h- have wonderful power, healeth b 276- 3 the Lord that h- thee," — Exod. 15 . 26. 320-28 encourages mortals to hope in Him who h- healing (noun) adaptation to s 116-12 view of C. S. and of its adaptation to A- and teaching o 349- 4 ask concerning our Ir and teaching, t 454-18 the true incentive in both h- and teaching. 455-32 the Science of mental h- and teaching, 458-28 through living as well as h- and teaching, applicable to t 463-27 There is a law of God applicable to h-, branch of its p 402- 2 surgery is the branch of its Ir which will be by the prophets s 139-25 nor annul the h- by the prophets, cases of pre/ x-16 By thousands of well-authenticated cases of h', Christian pre/ viii-14 shows that Christian h- confers the ix-15 the Principle and practice of Christian h-, a 40- 4 tendency of Christian A* and its Science, 55-4 the idea of Christian A- enjoined by Jesus; 55-26 the spirit and power of Christian A*. s 109=19 cures were produced in primitive Christian A* 134-18 Denial of the possibility of Christian A- robs 144-31 understood the Science of Christian A-, 145-21 If there is any mysterj- in Christian A-, it is the 147-24 Our Master . . . practised Christian A*, / 238-32 in the demonstration of Christian A-, b 271-29 to learn and to practise Christian A-. o 351-24 the Spirit-rule of Christian A-, which 356-15 conflicting theories regarding Christian A- ? t 460-18 If Christian A- is abusetl by mere g 515- 1 It supports Christian A-, and enables Christian Science t 456-14 the true conception of C. S. A- demonstrated by pre/ ix-23 this Science must be demonstrated by A-, g 547- 2 statement of C. S., if demonstrated by A", demonstrate the t 462-13 Whoever would demonstrate the A- of C. S. demonstration of a 41-17 this demonstration of A- was early lost, divine (see divine) divine law of t 445-16 You render the divine law of A- obscure and divine Principle of pre/ x-22 Tlie divine Principle of A- is proved 8 112-21 thus are the divine Principle of A- and t 458-12 to think of aiding the divme Principle of h' evoke p 365-13 with which to evoke A* from the gospel of a 55- 9 the gospel of A* is again preached In his s 14S- 7 would have . . . employed them in his A*, is easier p 373-12 H- is easier than teaching, is instantaneous p 411-12 and the A- is instantaneous. HEALING 227 HEALTH healing' Jesus' s 147- 3 Principle, upon which Jesus' h- was based, light and ( 446-12 through which Mind pours light and h- living and Jesus' divine precepts for living and h\ 141 mental pre/ X- 4 s 107- 6 Various books on mental h- have since divine Principle of scientific mental h', t 459-15 Committing the bare process of mental h- to metaphysical s 150-13 in the metaphysical h- of physical disease: ph 178-29 Ignorant of the . . . basis of metaphysical h-, 178-31 none . . . mingled with metaphysical h\ p 404-18 results from metaphysical h-, which t 455-18 knowledge of C. S., or metaphysical h-, r 484- 7 Does C. »., or metaphysical li-, include 493-16 rule of C. S. or metaphysical h-. methods of s 143-31 Inferior and unspiritual methods of h- may p 395-13 destroys all faith in . . . material methods of ft-, no ph 169-20 There can be no h- except by this Mind, physical pre/ xi- 1 the phenomena of physical h' in C. S. xi- 9 The physical h- of C. S. results now, as in s 150-12 is not primarily one of physical h-. t 460-10 spiritual, though used for physical h\ power of h 271-12 the word indicates that the power of h- was not t 462-29 destroys your power of h' from the Principle of s 157- 4 its one recognized Principle of h- is Mind, o 343- 3 for teaching Truth as the Principle of h; proof of ap 569-13 He . . . rejoices in the proof of h-, purpose in a 51-21 His purpose in h- was not alone to restore recipe for all p 406- 1 The Bible contains the recipe for all h-. redemption and s 151- 7 need of something . . . for its redemption and h'. requisite for t 448-21 spiritual qualifications requisite for h; rule of r 496-17 enables you to demonstrate, . . . the rule of h; Science of (see Science) Science of all a 20-32 seek the divine Principle and Science of all h\ scientific 8 145-16 Scientific h- has this advantage over other 147-18 demonstration of the rules of scientific h- spiritual "~~ ' we must not hide the talent of spiritual h- but it is important to success in h-, he cannot fail of success in h-. p 367- 1 snccesB in sp 95-17 t 448-28 system of s 132-17 Jesus' system of ft* received no aid theology, and s 138-18 for all Christianity, theology, and ft-. true ph 192-29 Christianity is the basis of true ft-. pre/ xii-25 consolation to the sorrowing and ft- to the sick, a 38-17 otherwise the h- could not have been done spiritually. an 105-32 but to go in ft- from the use of 8 109-20 but I must know the Science of this ft-, 146- 1 first article of faith . . . was ft-, 158- 9 to vegetable and mineral drugs for ft-. / 232-11 theories . . . make ft- possible only through t 445-13 by recourse to material means for ft-, r 483- 8 will ultimately supersede all other means in ft-. healing (adj.) pref X- 7 They regard the human mind as a ft- agent, pr 12- 2 What is this ft- prayer ? 12-12 the divine ft- Principle as manifested in Jesus, a 24- 9 ft- currents of Truth are pointed out. 55- 8 the ft- Christ and spiritual idea of being. sp 98-10 it is the ft- influence of Spirit (not spirits) s 141-14 ft- effect followed the understanding of the 147-11 lost none of its divine and ft- efficacy, 152- 9 Truth has a ft- effect, even when not fully 160- 5 drugs lose their ft- force, ph 166- 5 the ft,- effort is made on the wrong side, 185-21 as a spiritual factor in the ft- work. / 217- 6 may inform us that the ft- work of C. S. h 285-31 Truth, as the ft- and saving power. 312-29 the intelligent and divine 7i- Principle 329- 2 the ft- elements of pure Christianity p 365-16 the ft- work will be accomplished at one visit, 398-25 a belief in the ft- effects of time and 410-28 until the practitioner's ft- ability is healing- t 445-15 there will be no desire for other ft- methods. 449^12 registers his ft- ability and fitness to teach. (see also po-wer) healing; (ppr.) pre/ viii-13 by ft- both disease and sin ; sp 95-10 for the purpose of ft- them. s 147-27 demonstrating this Principle of ft- 150- 3 this Christian system of ft- disease. / 227-32 by ft- in direct opposition to them o 343- 2 Shall I then be smitten for ft- 349- 7 annulled material law by ft- contrary to it. p 369-15 in order to discover some means of ft- it. 406- 2 for the ft- of the nations." ' — Jiev. 22 ; 2. 406- 9 demonstrated in the ft- of mortals, 419-28 To succeed in ft-, you must conquer your 430- 2 Jesus demonstrated this, ft- the dying and (see also sick, sickness) healingr-power sp 94-18 His ft- evoked denial, heals 8 135-H same power which ft- sin ft- also sickness. 137-21 Truth, Life, and Love, which ft- mentally. 155- 5 law of a general belief, . . . which ft- ; 158-11 truth which ft- both mind and body. 162-25 C. S. ft- organic disease as surely as it 162- 26 as surely as it ft- what is called functional, ph 167- 3 the infinite divine Principle which ft- 179- 7 Immortal Mind ft- what eye hath not seen; / 219-13 whereas divine Mind ft-. 231- 8 If God ft- not the sick, they are not healed, b 270-30 and that the divine Mind alone ft-. 318-23 The Science of Mind ... ft- with Truth. 318-25 and ft- it, or attempts to heal it, with matter. 328- 7 the divine Principle which saves and ft-, o 344-11 more fully understood that Truth ft- p 375-12 demonstrates that divine Mind 7i-, 386-20 despatch, correcting the mistake, ft- your grief, t 445-23 cast out by the divine Mind which ft- 450-23 he ft- them both by understanding God's power ap 559-22 sweet at its first taste, when it ft- you ; (see also sick, sickness) health agrees only with s 162- 3 the metaphysician agrees only with ft- and happiness s 152-27 a spiritual source for ft- and happiness. c 261- 8 The effect of mortal mind on ft- and happiness p 442-12 his countenance beaming with ft- and happiness. and harmony sp 72-31 the communicator of truth, ft-, and harmony 8 146- 8 ft- and harmony have been sacrificed. p 412-26 normal conditions of ft- and harmony. and holiness a 37-25 by the demonstration of . . . ft- and holiness. / 236-24 the truths of ft- and holiness. 241-24 the way to ft- and holiness. b 337-30 the rule of ft- and holiness in C. S., and immortality / 248- 7 ought to ripen into ft- and immortality, and manhood p 407-11 they crush out happiness, ft-, and manhood. and morals p 400- 5 before its influence upon ft- and morals can 426-24 would raise the standard of ft- and morals r 485-16 through better ft- and morals and perfection ph 167-14 the divine source of all ft- and perfection. and the human life t 451-32 tends to blast moral sense, ft- , and the human life. and the morals t 449-29 improves the ft- and the morals of his student basis of 8 120-22 Truth, which is the only basis of ft- ; basis of all b 339-25 The basis of all ft-, sinlessness, and belief of , ,. , ,^ p 398-27 and change the belief of disease to a belief of ft-. be restored . , . , ^ j o 352-28 terror of ghosts will depart and ft- be restored. Christianization and pr 1- 9 the Christianization and ft- of mankind. constitutes , ,^ ^ ^ b 297- 9 the understanding of what constitutes ft- ; destructive to . . t 445-26 The human will ... is destructive to ft-, determines , , , . ^ ^ i pft 186- 7 thoroughness of this work determines h\ detrimental to , . . , , ^^ t 446-28 detrimental to ft- and integrity of thought. divine Principle of „ . , , b 319- 8 faith in the divine Principle of ft- p 374- 2 has decided upon as essential for ft-,. HEALTH 228 HEAR liealtli establisli / 203- 8 this understanding would establish h-. evidence of a 52- 6 spiritual evidence of h-, holiness, and life ; facts of p 370-18 The moral and spiritual facts of h-, fatal to ph 173-30 idols of civilization are far more fatal to h- functional s 125- 3 for organic and functional h- £ood s 120-11 if the . . . indicate that he is in good h- ? guides to / 235-21 wise spiritual guides to h- and hope. harmony of p 400- 9 Mortals obtain the harmony of h-, only as barmony, or s 15^26 to ascertain how much harmony, or /r, has been restored o 348-31 h- has been restored, and longevity increased. his p 383-23 tells you that the weed preserves his h-, his own t 446-15 destroying his own power to heal and his own h-. Invalid's p 379-23 does not affect the invalid's h-, is normal s 120-14 in which h- is normal and disease is abnormal. laws of {see laws) Lilfe and p 430-11 to shut out the true sense of Life and h-. life and ph 185-11 to regulate life and h-. p 428-31 and raised the dying to life and h' morals and b 273-32 cannot be destructive to morals and h- when most pref viii-15 Christian healing confers the most h- notion that p 383-32 notion that If depends on inert matter of children p 413-11 good or bad effects on the /*■ of children. of my countenance p 362- * Who is the h- of my countenance — Psal. 42 .• 11. on the side of ph 168-10 it ought to be enlisted on the side of h-. or disease s 120-27 supposed consciousness of h- or disease, or happiness p 420-23 is not promotive of h- or happiness. or life 8 148-27 When physiology fails to give h- or life by onr ph 167- 9 our h-, our longevity, and our Christianity. perfect / 221-15 and she is now in perfect h- permanent sp 79- 9 such a mental method produces permanent h-. physiology, and ph 179-21 Treatises on anatomy, physiology, and h-, presence of 1) 412-25 Realize the presence of h- and the fact of produces in man p 380-25 the divine Mind produces in man /r, prolijQc in ap 563-21 prolific in /c, holiness, and immortality. relatins to p 381-23 human theories relating to A-, report of ph 194- 9 Truth sends a report of h- over the body. restore a 51-22 His purpose . . . was not alone to restore /r, ph 174- 2 The Esquimaux restore h- by incantations restored sp 79- 5 h- restored by changing the patient's thoughts s 162-18 the author has restored /i- in cases of restored to lie h 185- 5 and she . . . was restored to h\ rules of ph 169-11 faith in rules of h- or in drugs begets and 197-24 With rules of h- in the head scale of p 407-19 ascend a degree in the scale of h-, sense of m 69- 5 gain the sense of h- only as sickness and sp 74-22 infancy and manhood, sickness and h-, f 211- 4 produce sickness and /<•, good and evil, 229-10 sickness and h-, holiness and unholiness, 246- 3 sickness and h-, life and death. sickness to b 339-23 sickness to ft-, sin to holiness, subject of s 120-17 testimony on the subject of ft-. health thoughts of / 208-31 should delineate upon it thoughts of ft-, your ph 168- 9 Your belief militates against your ft-, m 59-19 salutary in prolonging her ft- and smiles 62-15 will do much more for the ft- of the sp 99-19 the manifestations of which are ft-, purity, s 116- 3 spiritual power, love, ft-, holiness. 120-15 H- is not a condition of matter, but of 125- 5 no longer be found indispensable to ft-. 126-25 the effects of Truth on the ft-, longevity, 131- 3 Sickness should not seem so real as ft-. ph 166-22 can do all things for us in sickness as in ft-. 166-23 Failing to recover ft- through adherence to / 216-24 while ft- would seem the excei)tion, 220-23 Finding his ft- failing, he gave up his 221-20 never ordained . . . fasting should be a means of ft-. 224-24 the needs of mortals in sickness and in ft-, 229-24 If God causes man to be sick, . . . ft-, must be evil, 230- 5 bring us into ft-, holiness, and immortality. 230-18 no more . . . than . . . and ft- occasion disease. 248-30 justice, ft-, holiness, love b 299-27 error, may seem to hide Truth, ft-, 319- 5 as subserving the facts of ft-. 340-22 by which man demonstrates ft-, holiness, and p 370- 7 and if ft- is not made manifest 371-30 strength instead of weakness, and ft- instead of 373-23 Establish the scientific sense of ft-, 380-31 against Himself, against Life, ft-, harmony. 392-10 opposed to the ft-, holiness, and harmony of 397- 3 acting beneficially or injuriously on the ft-, 405-11 against ft-j happiness, and success. 408- 6 universal insanity of so-called ft-, 417- 1 find ft-, peace, and harmony in God, 426- 4 divine power, which steers the body into ft-. t 462-31 both in ft- and in sickness. g 518-22 expressions of God reflect ft-, 553- 8 or ft- will never be universal, 555- 2 and that ft- attends the absence of Health-agent p 436- i After betraying him . . . the H- disappeared, health-belief b 297-10 either a ft- or a belief in sickness healthful / 254-28 o 344- 5 the ever-agitated but ft- waters of truth, normal, ft-, and sinless condition of man health-grivine s 125- 6 wul be found always harmonious and ft-. health-illusion b 297- 7 It is as necessary for a ft-, as for an Health-laws p 430-29 testifies thus: — I represent N-. 431-17 these assistants resigned to me, N-, 436- 1 principal witness (the officer of the ff-) 439-25 You aided and abetted Fear and H-. 441-21 If-, Mesmerism, Hypnotism, health-laws p 413-27 illusions about disease, ft-, and death, Health-officer p 439-13 the a- had Mortal Man in custody, health-theories p 388-18 ambiguous nature of all material ft-. healthy m 62-22 s 161- 1 162-22 162-24 ph 179-16 if we would be wise and ft-, supple and elastic condition of the ft- limb, bones have been restored to ft- conditions, and ft- organizations have been established You can even educate a ft- horse so far 197-22 helped to make them ft-, 198-22 a picture of ft- and harmonious formations. {232-20 never taught that drugs, . . . make a man ft-, 276-21 is turned into new and ft- channels, p 373-26 disabled organ will resume its ft- functions. 376-24 representing man as ft- instead of diseased, 377-10 prove that they can be ft- in all climates, 404-15 The ft- sinner is the hardened sinner. 414-12 truth and love will establish a ft- state, 420-18 It imparts a ft • .stimulus to the body, 431-28 testifies : . . . I have lost my ft- hue heap b 339-14 ft- up " wrath against the day oi — Rom. 2.-6. hear pr 2-2 Do we pray ... to benefit those who ft- us, a 27- 5 lepers are cleansed, the deaf h-, — L tike 7 .- 22. 37-27 U- these imperative commands : 38-29 and having ears ye ft- not ; m 59-20 Husbands, ft- this and remember sp 75-32 the departing may ft- the glad welcome of s 132- 5 things which ye do ft- and see : — Afatt. 11 .- 4. HEAR 229 HEARTFELT hear s 132- 7 / 211-26 213-17 219-23 220- 1 237-24 248-19 c 256-12 b 271-31 272- 2 284-22 292-21 340- 7 340- 9 o 342-25 350-21 354-24 360-22 p 397-26 r 479-11 479-16 ap 558- * gl 585- 4 heard pr a- 3 a 27-4 sp 89-21 s 117-14 ph 175- 7 / 213-21 C 255-18 262-17 b 268-* 268-* 308-14 O 352- 1 355-12 p 416-30 424-23 438-27 438-29 t 459- 3 g 532-15 ap 559-12 568-13 hearers a 54-17 / 235-30 hearest s 134-26 hearing' and tiight r 489-27 dull of o 350-19 material fir 526- 9 medium of / 214- 3 of tiie ear ph 192- 7 c 2G2-17 Bight and (/I 582-22 to the deaf ph 183-28 / 210-13 r 487-11 the deaf ft", the dead are raised — Matt. 11 .• 5. If . . . causes the eyes to see and the ears to h-, The ear does not really /r. We may h- a sweet melody, and yet We h- it said : " I exercise daily or to h- about the fallacy of matter Do you not h- from all mankind of the imperfect " H-, O Israel : the Lord our God — fJetit. 6: 4. " How shall they h- without a. — Horn. 10; 14. how shall they preach, . . . except the people /*• ? nor h- it through the ear, because ye cannot h- my word. — John 8 .• 43. " Let us 'h- the conclusion of — Eccl. 12 ; 13. Let us h- the conclusion of the whole matter : It causes the deaf to h-, the lame to walk, h- with their ears, and shouUl — Matt. 13.- 15. spiritually to h- and to speak the new tongue. H- the wisdom of Job, as given in the when they act, walk, see, h-, enjoy, Matter cannot see, feel, h-, Does that which we call dead ever see, h-, they that h- the words of this— Rev. 1 .• 3. " Having ears, h- ye not ? " — Mark 8 .- 18. to enlighten the infinite or to be h- of men ? things ye have sefen and h- ; — Luke 7: 22. God, is h- when the senses are silent. Ear hath not h-, nor hath lip spoken. In old times who ever h- of dyspepsia, rapture of his grandest symphonies was never ft-. Eye hath not seen Spirit, nor hath ear ft* His " 1 have ft- of Thee by the — Job 42 .• 5. v:hich we have ft-, which we — / John 1 .■ 1. That which we have seen and ft- — I John 1 .- 3. Soul-inspired patriarchs ft- the voice of Truth, brought down no proof that it was ft-, discord of every name and nature be ft- no more, have already ft- too much on that subject, to make yourself ft- mentally while he disappeared and was never ft- of more, we have ft- Materia Medica explain how "eye hath not seen nor ear ft-." — / Cor. 2 .- 9. I ft- Thy voice in the garden, — Gen. 3 .- 10. ft- in the desert and in dark places of fear. And I ft* a loud voice saying — Bev. 12 : 10. His ft- understood neither his words nor They should so raise their ft- spiritually, " I knew that Thou ft- me— John 11 .- 42. no organic construction can give it ft* and sight their ears are dull of ft-, — Matt. 13 ; 15. Belief involves theories of material ft-, If the medium of ft- is wholly spiritual, They come from thg ft- of the ear, by the ft- of the ear : — Job 42 ; 5. physical sense put out of sight and A*; sight to the blind, ft- to the deaf, gave sight to the blind, ft- to the deaf, gave . . . ft- to the deaf centuries ago, p 437-15 Spirit not allowed a ft- ; 441-10 pfea of False Belief we deem unworthy of a ft*. r 486-23 Sight, ft-, all the spiritual senses of man, 487- 7 more Christianity in seeing and ft- spiritually 489-18 material means for knowing, ft-, seemg? hearken b 321-28 neither ft- to the voice of the— Exod. 4 • 8. hearkened g 535-20 thou hast ft- unto the — Gen. 3 • 17. hears sp 86-30 It feels, ft-, and sees its own thoughts. ph 198- 3 A patient ft- the doctor's verdict as a 198- 4 as a criminal ft- his death-sentence. r 467-28 Matter neither sees, ft-, nor feels. 4&5- 5 Science declares that Mind, . . . sees, ft-, feels, gl 591-15 that which mortal mind sees, feels, ft-, heart (see also heart's) all thy pr 9-18 with all thy ft-, and with all thy — Matt. 22 .- 37. and soul 8 113- 6 the ft* and soul of C. S., is Love, condemns t 448- 6 Evil . . . which the ft- condemns, has no lieart flnds peace m 59-15 in which the ft.* finds peace and home, gladden the s 121-13 goodness and beauty to gladden the ft* ; good b 272- 6 " honest and good ft-" — Lvkc S : 15. head and / 213-26 Music is the rhythm of head and ft-, his pr 1- * and shall not doubt in his ft-, — Mark 11 .- 23, sp 89-13 " As he thinketh in his ft, — P/-01-. 23;7. / 213- 4 " As he thinketh in his ft-, — J'rov. 23.- 7. p 383-28 " As he thinketh in his ft-, — J'rov. 23 ; 7. t 451-16 where his treasure is, there will his ft- be also. honest pr 8-3 We never need to despair of an honest h- ; t 464-24 fall before an honest ft-. human ph 190-27 When hope rose higher in the human ft-, hungering r 482-25 to the hungering ft- in every age. many a c 265-28 brightens the ascending path of many a ft*. meek in a 33-26 preaches the gospel to the poor, the meek in ft*. nearer the g 501- 7 are clearer and come nearer the ft-. of Christ op 568-28 and nearer to the great ft* of Christ; of divinity c 258-31 you can discern the ft- of divinity, of Liove t 448- 4 went out to the great ft- of Love, of prayer pr 15-10 To enter into the ft* of prayer, or lungs ph 191-18 no longer ask of the head, ft*, or lungs: overflows a 26- 1 and the ft* overflows with gratitude pierces the m 66- 7 a broken reed, which pierces the ft*, pure in / 241-28 the pure in ft- see God b 324- 6 " Blessed are the pure in ft* : — Matt. 5 .- 8. 337-15 none but the pure in ft can see God, o 341- 9 " Blessed are the pure in ft* : — Matt. 5 .- 8. purpose of the pr 8-29 learn what is the affection and purpose of the ft-, receptive a 46-11 It is revealed to the receptive ft*, reforms the a 19-23 the practical repentance, which reforms the ft* refresh his a 32-26 to refresh his ft* with brighter, . . . views. rejoicing the c 266- 2 are good, " rejoicing the ft*." — PscU. 19.- 8. struggling m 57-28 for Love supports the struggling ft* suffering p 365-32 poor suffering ft- needs its rightful nutriment, take ap 573-29 Take ft-, dear sufferer, for this reality of this pr 8-26 do we not already know more of this ft* this people's o 350-18 " This people's ft- is waxed gross,— Matt. 13 .- 15. valves of the ph 187-13 valves of the ft*, . . . obey the mandate of while the pr 3-32 While the ft* is far from divine Truth -whole / 219-12 " sick, and the whole ft* faint ; " — Isa. 1 .- 5. Tvickccl pr 8-24 We confess to having a very wicked ft* an 100- • out of the ft- proceed evil — Matt. 15 .- 19. s 140-12 Religion will then be of the ft- 151-19 The blood, ft-, lungs, brain, etc., 160-12 so-called mind quits the body, the ft- becomes pft 172-23 What is man? Brain, ft-, blood, 172-32 When we atlniit that matter (ft-, blood, brain, 181-29 there will your ft- be also." — Matt. 6 .- 21. / 220-31 controls tlie stomach, bones, lungs, ft-, 243-16 The head, ft-, lungs, and limbs do not inform us c 262-26 there will your ft- be also." — Matt. 6 .- 21. b 308- 9 the admission from the head, ft-, stomach. o 150-22 should understand with their ft-, — Matt. 13 .- 15. p 41.5-21 action ... of the bowels, and of the ft*. 425-27 will never believe that ft* . . . can destroy you. t 444-25 and say in thy ft* : g T>2\-\6 engraved on the understanding and ft* gl 587-23 definition of heartfelt pr 4-10 not . . . sufficient to express loyal and ft* HEART'S 230 HEAVENLY heart's sp 88- 3 the poet Tennyson expressed the h- desire, hearts broken p 364-27 by their broken h-, expressed by chastened a 35-2 h- chastened and pride rebulced. gross b 272-14 not to impart to dull ears and gross h' honest p7- 15-19 go forth with honest fv to work and watch love in their b 312-16 with scarcely a spark of love in their h- ; of men s 131-25 until the h- of men are made ready for it. our s 116- 7 make this Scriptural testimony true in our h-, struggling a 45-16 and peace to the struggling h- ! their a 46- 6 words, which made their fi- burn within them, p 363-11 those around him were saying in their h-, union of m 64-17 Marriage should signify a union of h-. / 233-24 heat and cold p 374-26 animal p 374-30 chills and p 375- 6 cold and s 125-22 febrile p 379-26 fervent ap 565-21 light and ph 189- 5 g 538-11 light or g 548- 9 of hatred p 405- 1 pain or p 376-26 trould pass p 375- 1 including the fi- which rejected him. H- and cold are products of mortal mind. Mortal mind produces animal h-. Chills and h- are often the form in which cold and h-, latitude and longitude. quickened pulse, coated tongue, febrile ft-, with the fervent ft- of Truth and Love, we still believe that there is solar light and ft-. The sun, giving light and ft- to the earth. How little light or ft- reach our earth when ft- of hatred inflames the brutal propensities. impossible for matter to suffer, to feel pain or ft-, H- would pass from the body as ph 184-19 We say man suffers from the effects of cold, ft-, p 375- 5 the separation of ft- from the body. 384- 9 though they expose him to fatigue, cold, ft-, gl 586-11 Feab. JI- ; inflammation ; anxiety ; heathen pr 13- 9 prayers . . . such as the ft- use. r 466-23 IT- mythology and Jewish theology have 485-28 ft- gods of mythology controlled war g 552- 5 H- philosophy, modem geology. Heaven g 506- 8 God called the firmament H-. — Gen. 1 .• 8. heaven and earth sp 91- 2 Have you ever pictured this ft- and earth, 8 131-19 O Father, Lord of ft- and earth, — Luke 10 ; 21. b 334- 6 it illumines ft- and earth ; g 536- 5 ft- and earth stand for spiritual ideas, ap 576-20 John saw ft- and earth and eternity g 503-10 constitute spiritual harmony, — ft- and eternity. army of c 256-21 in the army of ft-, and among the — Dan. 4; 35. banished from s 158-14 Apollo, who was banished from ft- created the r 479-18 created the ft- and the earth. — Oen. 1.1. g 502-22 created the ft- and the earth. — Gen. 1 .- 1. declaration from ap 573-14 even the declaration from ft-, supreme harmony, down from a 33- 7 Their bread indeed came down from ft-. 35-26 " which cometh down from ft-," — John 6 ; 33. ap 558- 3 mighty angel come down from ft-, — Rev. 10 ; 1. 561-12 a bride coming down from ft-, wedded to the earth and s 121-10 earth and ft- were bright, c 264-30 all the glories of earth and h- and man. g 518- 3 lord of the belief in earth and ft-, earth to a 48- 8 turned forever away from earth to ft-, firmament of g 511-22 in the open firmament of ft-. — Gen. 1 .- 20. 512- 1 above the earth in the open firmament of ft-, heaven firmament of the g 509-10 lights in the firmament of the ft-, — Gen. 1 .- 14. 510- 7 lights in the firmament of the ft-, — Gen. 1 .- 16. 511- 8 in the firmament of the ft-, — Gen. 1 .- 17. first g 536- 3 the first ft- and the first earth — Rev. 21 ; 1. ap 572-21 the first ft- and the first earth— iJev. 21 ; 1. good man's a 35-32 good man's A- would be a hell to the sinner, high aj} 568-27 sweeter than has ever before reached high ft-, his own c 266-20 and the saint his own ft- hosts of ap 566-32 He leads the hosts of ft- against the power of impress of g 511-12 the seal of Deity and has the impress of ft-, kingdom of {see kingdom) new sp 91- 1 "a new ft- and a new earth." — Hev. 21 .• 1. g 536- 2 a new h- and a new earth : — Bev. 21 .- 1. 556- 8 Then will the new ft- and new earth appear, ap 572-20 a new ft- and a new earth : — liev. 21 .■ 1. 572-25 but he already saw a new ft- and a new earth. 572-29 Were this new ft- and new earth terrestrial 573-22 by which he could see the new ft- and new earth, of Soul g 535-16 the open gate of C. S. into the ft- of Soul, order of s 118-32 the natural order of ft- comes down to earth. our Father in b 276-20 even as our Father in ft- is perfect, out of ap 574-14 coming down from God, out of ft-," — Rev. 21 .• 2. 575- 9 " down from God, out of ft-," — Rev. 21 .• 2. represents ap 560-10 H- represents harmony, and divine Science revealed from m 56-13 its spiritual sense was revealed from ft-, stars of ap 563-24 third part of the stars of h-, — Rev. 12 ; 4. thy home is / tMr-Sfi Pilgrim on earth, thy home is ft- ; to reach pr 6-15 To reach ft-, the harmony of being, •war in ap 566-25 And there was war in ft- : — Rev. 12 .- 7. which is in a 31- 6 your Father, which is in h\" —Matt. 23.- 9. 37-29 even as your Father which is in ft- — Matt. 5 .• 48. s 137-24 my Father which is in h-;"—Matt. 16.- 17. c 259-20 even as your Father which is in ft- — Matt. 5 .- 48. 267-16 will of my Father which is in ft-, — Matt. 12 .• 50. p 372-26 before my Father which is in ft-." — Matt. 10.- 33. r 485-23 even as the " Father which is in ft- — Matt. 5 .• 48. ■wonder in ap 560- 7 appeared a great wonder in ft- ; — Rev. 12 .- 1. 562-30 appeared another wonder in ft- ; —Rev. 12; 3. pr 16-26 Our Father which art in ft- , — Matt. 6 .- 9. 17- 1 done in earth, as it is in ft-. — Matt. 6: 10. 17- 2 Unable iis to know, — as in ft-, so on earth, a 36-26 suddenly pardoned and pushed into ft-, 49-20 charged with the grandest trust of ft-, m 56- * but are as the angels of God inh'.- Matt. 22 .• .30. 57-30 and begins to unfold its wings for ft-. ph 196-19 Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own ft-. / 242- 9 There is but one way to ft-, harmony, c 263-10 cling to earth because he has not tasted ft-. 266-25 infinite Mind enthroned is ft-. b 291-13 jff- is not a locality, but a divine state 339-25 " in earth, as it is in ft-." — Matt. 6: 10. p 372-17 Therefore he will be as the angels in ft-. g 506-16 Let the waters under the ft- be — Gen. 1 .- 9. 516-16 arbutus sends her sweet breath to ft-. ap 566-28 neither was . . . found any more in h-.-Rev. 12 .8. 568-14 a loud voice saying in ft-, — Rev. 12 .- 10. gl 587-25 definition of 589-15 Jerusalem. . . . Home, ft*. h ea ven -hesto wed / 253-10 divine rights, your ft- harmony, ap 574-23 the four equal sides of which were ft- heaven-bestowingr ap 574-24 the four equal sides of which were ... ft-. heaven-horn pr 16-21 the ft- aspiration and spiritual heavenly pre/ ix-18 at the ft- gate, waiting for the Mind of Christ. a 33- 4 partook of the ft- manna, 40-25 Our ft- Father, divine Love, demands s 108- 1 Whence came to me this ft- conviction, 121- 5 the ft- fields were incorrectly explored. 130-25 such as they belong to the ft- kingdom. HEAVENLY 231 HELP heavenly c 205-25 » 365- 2 387-29 435- 1 t 447- 1 aspiration after h- good comes pillow of the sick and the h- homesick bestowed on man by his h- Father, court commended ... to h- mercy, h- law is broken by trespassing upon 459- 6 gain li- riches by forsaking all worldliness. r 480- 7 and not a trace of h- tints. g 509-13 Spirit creates no other than h- . . . bodies, 535- 5 the other to be garnered into h- places. ap 559-19 Mortals, obey the If evangel. 560-U interprets the Principle of h- harmony. 57t>- 3 This Iv city, lighted by the Sun of 577-24 their honors within the h- city. gl 592-24 gentleness; prayer; h- inspiration. heavenly-minded m 61-12 The offspring of /t- parents heavens and earth ap 573- 6 h- and earth to one human consciousness, 573-19 corporeal sense of the /*• and earth and the earth