4fi'^ , ^^\^ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF .n......vi.. S..kcJ5? .ijL. Class .CLO^. AUTHOR LIST OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY, JUNE I, 1902 VOLUME 1. A TO L-. MANCHESTER, N. H. : PRINTED BY THE JOHN B. CLARKE COMPANY. 1904. \> C,X V ^ -i- EXPLANATION. This list is published for use by the public libraries of .the state in borrowing books from the state library. It has been made solely with that object in view. It therefore makes no claim to bibliographic perfection 2.nd examination will show that several of the bibliographic rules have been intentionally disregarded. This list includes all books in the miscellaneous department of the library on June i, 1902. Supplements are to be issued bienni- ally, the first one, covering additions to June i, 1904, appearing in the early fall of the present year. It is hoped that the pul)lication of this list will lead to a more general use of the books in the state libr,' ry by the citizens of the state under the system of loaniig books through the public libra- ries, already established. 167560 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/authorlistofnewhOOnewhrich ^TJmiOI?/ LIST OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. A. Modes of instruction in common schools, particularly adapted to summer schools, ed, by L. W. Leonard. Keene, 1844. A., C. L. Sketch of the life of Edward St. Loe Livermore. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 74-9I-) ABC pathfinder railway guide, monthly. Sept., 1874-Feb., 1901. no. 417, 543, 633, 691, 703, 705, 707-21, 723-30, 732-34- Bost., 1874- 190 1. ABC pathfinder, shipping and mailing guide for 1897-8. Bost, 1897-8. A. I. C. P. notes, pub. bi-monthly by the New York association for improving the condition of the poor. v. i, no. i, 3-5. N. Y., 1895-6. Note : no. 4-S are the 54th Annual report of the Assoc. 361.2. N536. v. 64. A. L. A. See American library association. A. P. A. See American protective association. Abbadie, James, D. D. Deity of Jesus Christ essential to the Chris- tian religion. Charlestown, 1817. Abbatt, William. Crisis of the Revolution, being the story of Ar- nold and Andre. N. Y., 1899. Abbe, Cleveland. Address; a plea for terrestrial physics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 39; p. 65-80.) Mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. Wash., 1893. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1893. v. 34.) Abbot, Abiel, D. D. Discourse delivered before the members of the Portsmouth female asylum, 1807. Ports., 1807. Eulogy on the illustrious life and character of George Wash- ington. Haverhill, 1800. History of Andover from its settlement to 1829. Andover, 1829. Letters written in the interior of Cuba in 1828. Bost., 1829. Abbot, Daniel. Oration delivered at Nashua village, Dunstable, N. H., July, 1803. Amherst, 1803. Abbot, Ethelred. Reading list on history of latter half of 15th century. (In N. Y. (state): Library. Bulletin; bibliography. 1898. no. 9-1 1, p. 273-305.) Abbot, Ezra, D. D. Statement respecting the new catalogues of the college library. (In Harv. univ.: Library. Report 1863. p. 35-68.) Ed. Orme, Rev. William, anon. Memoir of the controversy respecting the three heavenly witnesses. 1866. Ed. Walker, John. Key to the classical pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture proper names. (In. Worcester, J. E. Dictionary, 1868. p. 1699-1750.) 1 2 AUTHOR LIST. Abbot, Francis EUingwood. Boston tea party. (In Sons of the Revolution in Mass. Register. 1899. p. 65-78.) Abbot, George Maurice. Contributions towards a bibliography of the Civil war in the United States, pt. i. Phil., 1886. Abbot, Brig.-Gen. Henry Larcom. Course of lectures upon the de- fence of the seacoast of the United States. N. Y., 1888. Report upon experiments to develop a system of submarine mines for defending the harbors of the United States. Wash., 188 1. Report upon explorations for a railroad route from the Sacra- mento valley to the Columbia river. Wash., 1855. (In U. S.: War, Dept. of. Explorations and surveys, 1853-6. v. 6, 10.) and Humphreys, Brig.-Gen. Andrew Atkinson. Physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi, a reply to criticisms made by Dr. Hagen. 1878. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. 1861. 1867. 1876. Abbot, Rev. Jacob. Sermon delivered Oct., 1810, at the ordination of Rev. J. Crosby. Walpole, 1811. Abbot, Theodore T. To the citizens of Manchester, n. p. 1857. Abbot, Theophilus Capen, D. D. Michigan state agricultural col- lege. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 6; p. 115-36.) Abbot academy, Andover (Mass.). Announcement, n. p. n. d. Circular and catalogue, 1892. Andover, 1892. Abbot public library, Marhlehead (Mass.). Annual report of the trustees, 1898-1901. v. 21-3. Marblehead, 1898-1901. Abbott, Abial R. Negro in the war of the Rebellion. (In Loyal Legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 373-84-) Abbott, Alson M. Freshman history; or, The first act of the great comedy-drama " '99 in Dartmouth college." Bristol, 1896. Abbott, Arthur Vaughan. Evolution of a switchboard. (In Wise. : Univ. Bulletin; engin. ser. 1896. v. i; p. 68-100.) Abbott, Charles Conrad. Address; evidences of the antiquity of man in eastern North America. (In Amer. Assoc, for the ad- vance of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. 37; p. 293-316.) Abbott, Edward, D. D. Sermon preached in memory of Rev. G. S. Converse, March, 1896. Bost, 1896. Abbott, Evelyn, ed. See Heroes of the nation series. Abbott, Frank Frost. Use of repetition in Latin to secure empha- sis, intensity, and distinctness of impression, n. p. n. d. Abbott, H. C. De S. Chemical study of yucca augustifolia. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1890. v. 16; p. 254-84.) Abbott, Herman, M. D. History of Belfast, Me., to 1825; with notes by Joseph Williamson. Belf., 1900. Abbott, Lieut. Horace R. My escape from Belle Isle. Detroit, 1889. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i. no. 12.) Abbott, Jacob, ed. Abercrombie, John, M. D., 1781-1844. In- quiries concerning the intellectual powers. 1846. Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. History of Maine from the earliest discovery by the Northmen until the present time. Bost., 1875. Ed. '2. Augusta, 1892. Abbott, Josiah Gardner. Argument on the petition of the Boston and Lowell railroad for a union with certain railroads. Bost, 1864. Abbott, Katherine M. South Shore trolley trips, n. p. 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. S Abbott, Katherine M. Trolley trips on a Bay State triangle for 60 sunny days. n. p. 1897. Trolley trips; the historic N. E. coast, Long Island shore, Connecticut valley, n. p. 1899. Abbott, Lyman, D. D. Armenian question. N. Y., 1896. • Ed. Hints for home reading. N. Y., 1883. Abbott, Samuel L., M. D., ed. Boston medical and surgical jour- nal. V. 64-75. 1861-7. Abbott, Samuel W. Past and present conditions of public hygiene and state medicine in the U. S. Bost., 1900. (Monographs on Amer. soc. economics, no. 19.) Abbott, Rev. Stephen Gano. First regiment of New Hampshire volunteers in the great Rebellion. Keene, 1890. Abbott, W. C, M. D., ed. Alkaloidal clinic, v. 3. 1896. Abbott, W. H. Heraldry illustrated. N. Y., 1897- Abbott et. al. v. Bridge et al. Circular concerning the Congrega- tional church property in Dublin, N. H. n. p. n. d. Abeel, David. Journal of a residence in China and the neighbor- ing countries. N. Y., 1836. Abel, Mary Hinman. Sugar as food. Wash., 1899. (/n U. S.: Agric, Dept. of. Farmer's bulletin. 1899. no. 93.) Abercrombie, Elizabeth. Fuller genealogy. Bost., 1897. Abercrombie, John, M. D., 1781-1844. Inquiries concerning the in- tellectual powers. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1832. Hartford, 1833. N. Y., 1833. with additions by Jacob Abbott. Bost., 1846. Pathological and practical researches on disease of the stom- ach. Phil., 1830. 2d Amer. fr. 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 1834. Philosophy of the moral feelings. N. Y., 1833. Abercrombie, John J. Fragment from the Army of the Potomac. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. V. 3; p. 141-53) Abercrombie, Capt. W. R. Alaska, 1899; Copper river exploring expedition. Wash., 1900. and Glenn, Capt. Edwin F. Reports of explorations in the ter- ritory of Alaska, 1898. 1899. Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, ist Baron. Inaugural address. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 384-94.) Aberdeen, Isabel Maria Marjoribanks, Countess of. Address. (In Nat'l council of women of the U. S. Addresses. 1898. p. 1-14.) Aberdeen (Scotland) Public library. Catalogue of the lending de- partment. Aberdeen, 1898. Abernethy, John, 1680-1740. Discourses concerning the being and natural perfections of God. Ed. 4. 2v. Aberdeen, 1778. Abernethy, John, 1764-1831. Surgical and physiological works; fr. the 6th Lond. ed. 2v. Hartf., 1825. Surgical observations. Lond., 1804. Surgical observations on the constitutional origin and treat- ment of local diseases. Phil., 181 1, (In Mass. med. soc. Library of practical med. 1832. V. 2; p. 123-263.) Surgical observations on injuries of the head. Phil., 181 1. Abert, Lieut. James William. Journal from Bent's fort to St. Louis in 1845. n. p. n. d. • Report of his examination of New Mexico in 1846-7. n. p. n. d. Abington, (Mass.) Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of Abington. Bost., 1862. About, Edmond Frangois Velentin. Roman question; tr. by H. C. Coape. N. Y., 1859. 4 AUTHOR LIST. Abram, W. Alexander, ed. Rolls of burgesses at the guilds mer- chant of the borough of Preston, 1397-1682. Lond., 1884. (In Record soc. Pub. v. 9.) Academian; pub. monthly by the students of Pembroke academy. V. 1-6; V. 7, no. 2-3; V. 8, no. 2-3; v. 9-21; v. 23-28; v. 29, no. 2-6; V. 30; V. 31, no. I, 3; V. 32-4; V. 27, no. i. Pembroke, 1881-99. Note: v. 21, 24, and 29 have 6 nos. each. Academical and theological institution, New Hampton (AT. H.). See New Hampton literary institution and commercial college. Academical institution at New London (N. H.). See Colby acad- emy. New London (N. H.). Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique. See Brussels, Acade- mic royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. Act of incorpora- tion and by-laws, and catalogue of the library. Phil., 1836. Annual reports, 1875, '77, '89, '95. '97-8. Phil., 1875-98. Academy of science of St. Louis. Constitution, list of members, etc. n. p. 1890. Transactions, 1863, '68-93, '98-1901. v. 2, no. i; v. 3-5; v. 6, no. 1-7; V. 8-9; V. 10, no. i-ii; V. II, no. 1-3. St. L., 1863-1901. ed. Washington univ. of St. Louis eclipse party. Total eclipse of the sun, Jan., 1889. 1891. Acadia college. Inaugural address by the president, June, 1851. Halifax, 1851. Acheson, Rev. Stuart. Scotch-Irish in Canada. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1891. v. 3; p. 195-212.) Acker, Finley. Eminent respectability. Phil., 1897. Pen sketches. Phil., 1899. Ackerman, William K. Early Illinois railroads. Chic, 1884. Acland, Sir Henry W. Medical missions in their relation to Ox- ford. Oxf., 1898. Acrelius, Rev. Israel. Founding of New Sweiden. (In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 96.) History of New Sweden; tr. fr. the Swedish by W. M. Rey- nolds. Phil., 1874. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1874. v. 11.) tr. fr. the Swedish by N. Collin. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 401-48.) Acton, William. Complete practical treatise on venereal diseases. Lond., 1841. Acworth (A''. H.). Annual report, 1879-1901. Bradford, 1879-1901. : School district. By-laws, adopted March 28, 1896. Clare- mont, 1896. Adadourian, Rev. Haig. "Dying, and, behold, we live"; obituaries of some Manomet [Plymouth, Mass.] people. Plymouth, 1899. If Jesus came to Manomet. Plymouth, 1898. comp. Manometiana no. 4; a collection of epitaphs of the old Burial Hill, Plymouth. Plymouth, 1899. Proceedings of the i6oth anniversary celebration of the 2d Congregational church in Plymouth, Mass., 1898. Plymouth, 1899. Adae, Capt. Carl A. G. Our military future. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 314-28.) Adam, Alexander. Rudiments of Latin and English grammar; ist Amer. fr. the 5th Eng. ed. Bost., 1799. 4th Amer. fr. the 5th Eng. ed. Bost., 1812. Adam, John J. Early history of Lenawee . county. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 357-98.) Adams, Mrs. Abigail (Smith). Letters, with an introductory mem- oir by her grandson, C. F. Adams. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1840. Adams, Andrew N. Comp. Descendants of James and William Adams of Londonderry, now Derry, N. H. Rutland, 1894. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 6 Adams, Andrew N., comp. and ed. Genealogical history of Henry- Adams of Braintree, and his descendants, also John Adams of Cambridge, Mass., 1632-1897. Rutland, 1898. History of the town of Fairhaven. Vt. Fair Haven, 1870. Adams, Mrs. Ann. Early days at Red River settlement and Fort Snelling. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 6; p. 75-115.) Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Herald, Franklin Ernest. About Dartmouth. Brattleboro, 1896. Adams, Brooks. Plutocratic revolution. Bost., 1892. Adams, Chancey, M. D. Insanity in its relation to crime. Cone, 1899- Adams, Rev. Charles. Evangelism in the middle of the 19th cen- tury. Bost, 1851. Funeral discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. A, Med- calf. Cone, 1837. Adams, Charles Baker. Catalogue of the genera and species of recent shells in his collection. Middlebury, 1847. Mollusca, fresh water and land shells of Vermont, n. p. n. d. and Gray, Alonzo. Elements of geology. 1853. Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-86. Address delivered at Amherst before the members of the Social union. Camb., 1875. John Quincy Adams. (In N. E. Hist. gen. soc. Memorial biographies. 1880. v. i; p. 102-35.) Memoir of John Quincy Adams. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1880, V. 2; p. 395-410.) ed. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to 1848. I2v. Phil., 1874-7. Old planters about Boston harbor. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1879. V. 16; p. 194-206.) Struggle for neutrality in America. N. Y., 1871. Tribute to William H. Seward. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1873. V. 12; p. 296-308.) ed. Adams, Mrs. Abigail (Smith). Letters. 1840. ed. Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Works. 1856. Adams, Charles Francis, T835. Address. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1899. V. 32; p. 55-72.) Address. (In Weymouth (Mass.). Proceedings on the 250th anniversary. 1874. p. 5-69.) Address on the life of Crane. (In Thomas Crane memorial hall, Quincy (Mass.). Address of Adams and proceedings. 1883. P- 3-25.) Antinomianism in the colony of Mass. Bay, 1636-38. Bost.. 1894. (Prince soc. Pub. 1894.) Battle of Bunker Hill from a strategic point of view. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1895. p. 387-98.) Centennial milestone; an address in commemoration of the looth anniversary of the incorporation of Quincy, Mass. Camb., 1892. Charles Francis Adams, by his son. Bost., 1900. (Amer. statesmen.) Church discipline in New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1891. V. 26; p. 477-516.) College fetich; address delivered before the Harvard chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, June, 1883. Bost, 1883. Ed. 3, with supplementary matter. Bost, 1884. Double anniversary, '76 and '63; a Fourth of July address at Quincy. Bost, 1869. Genesis of the Massachusetts town. Camb., 1892. (^« Mass. hist soc. Proceed. 1892. v. 27; p. 172-214, 411-49.) Historians and historical societies. Camb., 1899. b AUTHOR LIST. Adams, Charles Francis. "Imperialism" and "The tracks of our fore-fathers." Bost., 1899. Journeyman's retrospective; speech at the Harvard alumni dinner, June, 1895. Camb., 1895. Laird, rams. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 33; p. 177-97.) Memoir of Hon. Charles Francis Adams. (In Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 33; p. 198-207.) New departure in the common schools of Quincy. Bost., 1879, Printing of old manuscripts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 174-85, 205-9.) Record of the exercises in honor of Rev. Edmund Dowse,. D. D. Sherborn, 1898. Remarks on the membership of the society. (In Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 315-29.) Remarks in announcing the death of E. R. Hoar. (In Mass, hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 29; p. 301-14.) ^ Sifted grain and the grain sifters; an address at the dedica- tion of the building of the State hist. soc. of Wise, Oct., 1900. n. p. 1900. Sir Christopher Gardiner. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 60-88.) Sir Edward Pakenham and the battle of New Orleans. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 33; p. 412-24.) State school supervision. Bost., 1881. ed. Adams, John Quincy, Pres. of U. S. Letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 374-92.) ed. Marshall, John. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. V. 21; p. 148-64.) ■ ed. Morton, Thomas. New English Canaan. 1883. Adams, Charles Kendall. Manual of historical literature. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1889.. Recent historical work in the colleges and universities of Europe and America. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1890. V. i; p. 19-41.) Relations of higher education to national prosperity. Bur- lington, 1876. Some recent discoveries concerning Columbus. (In Amer, hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 87-99.) University ideals. (In 111.: Univ. Proceed, and addresses. 1895. p. 61-93.) Adams, Charles S., ed. Jacksonville (Fla.) auxiliary sanitary asso- ciation. Report. 1889. Adams, D. S., M. D. Differential diagnosis of mammary tumors, Conc, 1879. Essay on carcinoma. Cone, 1878. Adams, Daniel, M. D. Arithmetic. Keene, 1828. Keene, 1831. Keene, 1835- Keene, 1835. Keene, 1837. Keene, 1838. Keene, 1839. Keene, 1841. Keene, 1848. Book-keeping; ed. by J. H. French. Keene, 1849. Geography. Ed. 3. Bost., 1818. Monitorial reader. Keene, 1839. Scholar's arithmetic. Ed. 4. Keene, 1807. Ed. 6. Keene, 1810. Ed. 8. Keene, 1813. NEW hampshihe state library. 7 Adams, Daniel, M. D. Rev. ed. Keene, 1817. Rev. ed. Keene, 1822. Rev. ed. Keene, 1824. Rev. ed. Keene, 1825. Rev. ed. Keene, 1827. Rev. ed. Keene, 1829. Adams, E. A. and Co. Adams cable codex. Ed. 7. Bost., 1894. Adams, E. G., ed. Adams, Rev. John. Life of "Reformation" John Adams. 1853. Adams, Ebenezer, ed. Pike, Nicholas. New and complete system of arithmetic. 1797- Adams, Edward F. Modern farmer in his business relations. San Fran., 1899. Adams, Rev. Ezra. Eastman. Temple and the throne. Phil., 1861. Symbols of thought. Phil, 1862. Adams, Francis, M. D., ed. and tr. Aretaeus, Cappadox. 'Aretaiou Kappadokou ta sozomena. 1856. tr. Hippocrates. Genuine works. 1849. tr. Paulus, jEgineta. Seven books of Paulus. ^gineta. 1844-7. Adams, Lieut. Francis A. Transgressors, a story of a great sin. Phil., 1900. Who rules America? N. Y., 1899. Adams, Frank D. Ueber das Norian oder ober-Laurentian von Canada. Stuttg., 1893. Adams, Frederick A. Arithmetic. Lowell, 1848. Adams, George, pub. Manchester directory. 1856. cd. Massachusetts register and year-book, 1852-7. puh. New England business directory. 1856. Adams, George Burton. Influence of the American revolution on England's government of her colonies. (/« Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 373-89) Origin and results of the imperial federation movement in England. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 46; p. 93-116.) Adams, George C, D. D. Opportunity for the Holy Spirit. Bost., 1899. {In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Adams, George E. Development of national character. Chic, 1899. {In Bradley poly. inst. Convocation address. 1899.) McKinley and Bryan and their paramount issues, n. p. 1900. McKinley and Bryan, principles and men. n. p. 1900. Twentieth century American. Champ., 1899. {In 111.: Univ. Commencement address, 1899.) Adams, George H. Trusts and the civil code. N. Y., 1888. Adams, Rev. George M. Historical discourse at the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the North church, Portsmouth, N. H., July, 1871. Ports., 1871. Adams, Hannah. Abridgment of the History of New England. Ed. 2. Bost., 1807. Summary history of New England. Dedham, 1799. Adams, Henry. Albert Gallatin. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memo- rial biographies. 1880. v. i; p. 203-12.) Historical essays. N. Y., 1891. History of the United States. 9v. N. Y., 1889-91. John Randolph. Ed. 10. Bost., 1887. (Amer. statesmen.) Adams, Henry Carter. Economics and jurisprudence. {In Eco- nomic studies. 1897. V. 2; p. 7-48.) Interpretation of the social movements of our time. Camb., 1895. {In Church social union. Pub. Ser. B. no. 2.) Relation of the state to industrial action. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1886. V. i; no. 6, 85p.) 8 AUTHOR LIST. Adams, Henry Carter. Report on transportation business in the United States; pt. i, Transportation by land. Wash., 1895. (U. S. : Census, nth, 1890. Report.) Some recent results in railway statistics in the U. S. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3. no. 24, p. 501-12.) Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. Bait., 1884. (/« Johns Hopkins univ. studies, v. 2. no. 5-6.) Adams, Henry K. Centennial history of St. Albans, Vt. St. Alb., 1889. Adams, Henry W. Geographical assistant. Middletown, 1840. Adams, Rev. Henry W. Christ's kingdom; a sermon delivered at the dedication of the M. E. church at Great Falls, N. H., Sept. 14, 1845. Wore, 1845. Endless future punishment. Newbury, 1843. Adams, Herbert Baxter. Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1891. p. 274-90.) Chautauqua, a social and educational study. (In U. S. : Educa- tion, Bureau of. Report for 1894-5. v. i, 1896. p. 977-1077.) Church and popular education. Bait., 1900. (In Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies, v. 18. no. 8-9.) College of William and Mary. Wash., 1887. (In U. S.: Edu- cation, Bureau of. Circular of information, no. i.) Encouragement of higher education. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Notes. 1889. no. 3. 22p.) Germanic origin of New England towns. Bait, 1883. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1883. v. i. no. 2.) Higher education of the people. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. v. 38; p. 68-96.) Is history past politics? (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1895. V. 13; p. 67-81.) Jared Sparks and Alexis de Tocqueville. Bait, 1898. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 16, no. 12.) Maryland's influence in founding a national commonwealth. Bait, 1877. (In Md. hist soc. Pub. 1877. no. 11.) Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the U. S. Bait, 1885. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 3. no. i.) ed., anon. Memorial of Nathaniel Holmes Morison. Bait, 1892. Methods of historical study. Bait, 1884. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 2. no. 1-2.) Norman constables in America. Bait, 1883. (In Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies, v. i. no. 8.) Notes on the literature of charities. Bait, 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 5. no. 8.) Public educational work in Baltimore. Bait, 1899. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 17. no. 12.) Saxon tithing-men in America. Bait, 1883. (In Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies, v. i. no. 4.) Seminary libraries and university extension. Bait, 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 5. no. 11.) Sketch of Haym Salomon. (In Amer. Jewish hist soc. Pub. 1893. V. 2; p. 5-19.) Study and teaching of history. Richmond, 1898. Study of history in American colleges and universities. Wash., 1887. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Circular of information. 1887. no. 2.) Summer schools and university extension. (In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. v. 2; p. 821-64.) Teaching of history. (In Amer. hist assoc. Annual report 1897. V. 8; pt. i; p. 243-63.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 9 Adams, Herbert Baxter. Thomas Jefferson and the University of Virginia. Wash., 1888. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Cir- cular of information. 1888; no. i.) Tithingmen. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 398- 420.) Village communities of Cape Ann and Salem. Bait, 1883. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. i. no. 9-10) Work among workingmen in Baltimore. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Notes. 1889. no. 6. up.) ed. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science. 1883-1900. , Vincent, John Martin, and Scaife, Walter Bell. Seminary notes on recent historical literature. Bait., 1890. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 8. no. 11-12.) afid Wood, Henry. Columbus and his discovery of America. Bait.. 1892. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 10. no. 10- II.) Adams, J., M. D., ed. Medical and physical journal, v. 20-2. 1808-9. Adams, J. G., D. D. Universalist church. Bost., 1877. Adams, J. S. Florida, its climate, soil, and productions. Jackson- ville, 1869. Adams, James M. Pioneering in Cuba. Cone, 1901. Adams, James O., ed. Dearborn, John J., comp. History of Salis- bury, N. H. 1890. puh. Directory for the city of Manchester. 1846. Adams, James O., Secy. See New Hampshire: Agriculture, Board of. Adams, Rev. Jasper. On the relation subsisting between the board of trustees and faculty of a university. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1838. p. 141-58.) Adams, John. Herbartian psychology applied to education. Bost., 1898. Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Autobiography. (In his Works. 1856. V. 2; p. 503-42. V. 3; p. 1-93) Boston massacre, ist day's speech in defence of the British soldiers accused of murdering Attucks, Gray, and others in the Boston riot of 1770. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. i; p. 45-63.) Correspondence originally published in the Boston patriot. 2v. Bost., 1809. Note : Wanting v. 2. Defence of- the constitutions of government of the United States of America. 3v. Lond., 1787. Ed. 3. 3v. Phil., 1797. Diaries. (In his Works. 1856. v. 2; 442p. v. 3; p. 94-424.) Discourses on Davila. Bost., 1805. 1856. Letters addressed to the inhabitants of the colony of Massa chusetts Bay from Jan. 23 to Apr. 17, 1775. (In Novanglus and Massachusettensis. 1819. p. 9-139.) Letters to William Tudor and others. (In Novanglus and Massachusettensis. 1819. p. 229-312.) Works, with a life of the author by his grandson, C. F. Adams. lov. Bost., 1856. and Adams, Samuel. Four letters. (In Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Works: 1856. V. 6; p. 405-42.) and Brattle, William. Independence of the judiciary. (In Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Works. 1856. v. 3.) and Cunningham, William. Correspondence. Bost, 1823. and Warren, Mrs. Mercy (Otis). Correspondence relating to her history of the American Revolution. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1878. V. 44; P- 31S-91.) 10 AUTHOR LIST. Adams, John, and Winthrop, John, 1714-79. Correspondence. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1878. v. 44; p. 287-313.) Adams, Rev. John. Life of "Reformation" John Adams; ed. by E. G. Adams. 2v. Bost., 1853. Note: Wanting v. 2. Adams, John G. Memoir of John Moore. Bost., 1856. Adams, Capt. John G. B. Sunshine and shadows of army life. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. V. 2; p. 447-63.) Adams, John Quincy. Pres. of U. S. Address to his constituents, Sept., 1842. Bost., 1842. Appeal to the mechanics and laboring men of N. E, Bost., 1870. Defence of Gen. Jackson's conduct in the Seminole war. n. p; n. d. — — Duplicate letters; the fisheries and the Mississippi. Wash., 1822. Jubilee of the constitution. N. Y., 1839. Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. 2v. Camb., 1810. Letter to H. G. Otis in reply to Timothy Pickering. N, Y., 1808. n. p. 1808. Letters; ed. by C. F. Adams. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. y. 30; p. 374-92.) Oration at Plymouth in commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrims. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. V. i; p. 65-79.) Oration on the life and character of Lafayette. Wash., 1835. Wash., 1835. and others. Correspondence between Adams and several citi- zens of Mass. concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union said to have existed in that state. Ed. 2. Bost., 1829. Adams, Rev. John W. Centennarj'- of organized Methodism. Exe- ter, 1885. In memory of D. A. Mack. Newport, 1884. In memory of Chaplain D. A. Mack. Newport, 1884. (Bound with N. H. orphans' home. Annual report. 1875-94.) Lessons drawn from the present temperance revival. Exeter, 1886. Memorial address on J. A. Garfield. Newport, 1881. National thanksgiving sermon preached Dec. 7, 1865. Manch.,. 1866. Adams, Rev. Moses N. Sioux outbreak in the year 1862. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. V. 9; p. 431-52.) Adams, Myron W. and Kimball, Edward L. Class report of the secretaries, class of '81, Dartmouth college; 1883-7, '91-7. v. p. 1883-97. Ten years' record of the class of 1881; 1881-1891. Atlanta, 1891. Adams, Nathaniel. Annals of Portsmouth. Portsmouth, 1825. Adams, Nehemiah, D. D. Power of Christian gratitude. Bost.,. 1855. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Reasonableness of future endless punishment. Bost., 1858. Sermon occasioned by the death of W. J. Armstrong. Bost.,^ 1846. Sermon on Daniel Webster. Bost, 1852, (In eulogies of Webster, no. 31.) Ed. 2. Bost., 1852. (In eulogies of Webster, no. 4.) Adams, Reformation John, see Adams, Rev. John. Adams, Robert N., D. D. Battle and capture of Atlanta. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 144-63.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 11 Adams, Robert N., D. D. Campaign for Atlanta. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 176-87.) Adams, Samuel. American independence. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. , World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 94-109.) and Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Four letters. 1856. Adams, Capt. Samuel. Communication relative to the exploration of the Colorado river and its tributaries. Wash., 1867 (?) Adams, Seymour Webster, D. D. Memoirs of Rev. Nathaniel Ken- drick and Silas N. Kendrick. Phil., i860. Adams, William, D. D. 1807-80. Christianity and civil govern- ment N. Y., 1851. Christianity designed for the world and the world designed for Christianity. Bost, 1841. {In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Adams, William, M. D. 1820- Subcutaneous surgery. Wash., 1877. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 15.) Adams, William Henry Davenport. England at war. 2v. Lond., 1886. Adams, William Taylor. Spelling-book for advanced classes. Bost, 1863. Adams, Z. Boylston. In the wilderness. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. v. 2; p. 373-99) Adams, Rev. Zabdial. Duty and necessity of people's praying for their ministers. Bost., 1788. Sermon preached before John Hancock, the council and sen- ate of Mass., May, 1782. Bost, 1782. Adams, Sampson & Co., pub. Boston directory. 1859-65. pub. Manchester directory. 1858-64. ed. Massachusetts register. 1858-62. pub. New England business directory. 1860-65. Adams (Mass.). First records of the town. Worcester, 1892. (New England town series, no. 2.) Adams academy, Quincy {Mass.). Catalogue. 1896-97. Bost., 1897. Adams female academy, Derry {N. H.). Catalogue, 1824-6, 'z^, '35-7. '42, '53, '^3, '64- V. p. 1824-64. Order of the annual examination of the classes, Oct. 23, 1837, n. p. 1837. Adams nervine asylum. Adams nervine asylum, 1895. "• P- n. d. Annual report of the managers, 1882-83, '85-1901. v. 5, 6, 8-24. Bost, 1883-1901. Addeman, Capt. Joshua M. Reminiscences of two years with the colored troops. Prov., 1880. {In R. L soldiers and sailors hist soc. Personal narratives. 1880. v. 2.) Addey, Markinfield. "Stonewall Jackson." N. Y., 1863. Addis, Wellford. Bibliography of legal education. {In U. S.: Ed- ucation, Bureau of. Report for 1890-1. v. i. 1894. p. 565-78.) Colleges endowed by Congress for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts. {In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Re- port for 1895-6. V. 2. 1897. p. 1243-97.) Comparative diagrams illustrating the statistics of profes- sional education during the decade, 1880-90. {In U. S.: Educa- tion, Bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. 2. 1893. p. 837-73.) Curricula of professional schools. {In U. S.: Education, Bu- reau of. Report for 1889-90. v. 2. 1893. p. 875-1020.) Curriculum of the land-grant colleges. {In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. i. 1898. p. 427-56,) Federal and state aid to establish higher education. {In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. 2. 1898. p. 1137- 64.) 12 AUTHOR LIST. Addis, Wellford. Inception and progress of the American normal school curriculum to 1880. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1888-89. v. i. 1891. p. 275-318.) Learned professions and social control. (In U. S. : Education, Bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. 2. 1898. p. 1187-1239.) * Legal rights of children. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. i. 1898. p. 615-69.) Methods employed in the reformation of juvenile offenders. (In U. S. : Education, Bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. 2. 1893- P- 1063-72.) Professional work in the normal schools. (In U. S. : Educa- tion, Bureau of. Report for 1888-9. v, i. 1891. p. 347-68.) Social unit in the public school systems of the U. S. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1894-5. v. 2. 1896. p. 1457-67.) Some recent contributions of biology, sociology, and metal- lurgy to the curriculum of colleges endowed by the federal gov- ernment for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. i. 1898. p. 923-1080.) Teaching force of New England from 1866 to 1888. (In U. S. : Education, Bureau of. Report for 1888-9. v. i. 1891. p. 319-46.) Technological instruction in the land-grant colleges. (In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1894-5. v. 2. 1896. p. 1189-1210.) Addison, Joseph. Works, collected by Mr. Tickell. 6v. Lond., 1804. and others. Anon. Spectator. Ed. 11. 8v. Lond., 1733. Addison, Thomas, M. D. Collection of the published writings; ed. by Dr. Wilks and Dr. Daldy. Lond., 1868. Adelbert college of Western reserve university. Catalogue, 1895-6. Cleveland, 1895. Adirondack company. Position, property, and resources. N. Y., 1864. Adler, Cyrus. Shofar, its use and origin. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1894. v. 16; p. 287-301.) Trial of Jorge de Almeida by the inquisition in Mexico. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 4; p. 29-79.) ed. Fergusson, David, tr. Trial of Gabriel de Granada by the inquisition in Mexico, 1642-45. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1899. V. 7. I34P.) Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. N. Y., 1895. (Inter- national education ser. no. 21.) Adorna, Catharine (Fieschi). See Catharine of Genoa, saint. Adrain, Robert. Investigation of the figure of the earth. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1818. New ser. v. i; p. 119-35.) Research concerning the mean diameter of the earth. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1818. New ser. v. i; p. 353-65.) Adrian (Mich.) : Education, Board of. Annual report. 1885. Adrian, 1885. Advent review and Sabbath herald; issued weekly, v. 18, no. 26; V. 19, no. 10; V. 21, no. 18; v. 23, no. 3, 7, 10, 16-18, 21, 25-26; v. 24, no. 9, 12; V. 25, no. 3; V. 26, no. 16-17; v. 27, no. 14; v. 28, no. 15, 24; V. 29, no. 2, 8-10, 12-13, 18, 22-24, 26; V. 30, no. 2, 8-9, 13-16, 19, 23-24; V. 31, no. 4, 10, 14-17, 21; V. 32, no. 2, 4, 9, 11; v. 33, no. 5-6, 10-12, 14-18, 21, 26; V. 34, no. I, 5, 11-12, 15, 17, 20, 24-25; V. 35, no. I, 4-5, 8-9, II, 14, 16, 18-19, 22-23, 26; V. 2)(>, no. 2-4, 24-25; V. 48, no. 11-12, 14-23, 25; V. 49, no. 9, 11-16, 18-21, 23; v. 50, no. 3, 5-16, 18; V. 51, no. 4, 8-14, 20; V. 53, no. 3, 5-19, 21; v. 54, no. 10, 12-23, 26; v. 55, no. 1-23, 25-26; V. 56, no. 3-14, 16-20, 25-26; NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 13 Advent review and Sabbath herald, v. 57, no. 4; v. 58, no. i, 4, 7- 8, 10; V. 60, no. 8, 10-16, 18-34, 36, 38-42, 44, 46, 48; v. 61, no. 3, 6, 12-19, 21-22, 24-32, 34; V. 62-64; V. 65, no. 42, 44; V. 66, no. Z7^ 39- 40, 42-50, 52; V. 67-77. Battle Creek, 1861-99. Advance club, Manchester (N. H.). Outline of work for 1896-7. n. p. 1896. Advocate of peace, monthly, v. 14, no. 12; v. 15, no. 9-1 1; v. 16, no. 4, 10, 12; V. 17, no. 1-3, 11-12; V. 18, no. 1-3, 5, 8-12; v. 19, no. i, 2,-6, 9-10; V. 20, no. 1-2, 9-12; V. 21; V. 22, no. 1-8, 11-12; v. 23, no. 1-6, 9-10; V. 51-52; V. 53, no. 1-2, 4-7; V. 54-62. Bost, 1852-9. Advocate press. Claremont hand book and pocket reference. Claremont, 1896. .ffigineta, Paulus, see Paulus, jEgineta. .£gis, pub. by the junior class, Dartmouth college, annual, v. 1-40, 43. V. p. 1858-99- Note : v. 1, no. 1-2, called Dartmouth ^gis. v. 1-8 has 3 nos. each. Vols, for 1871-72 and 73-74 are each called v. 16. v. 35 and 39, o. h. O. .^tna, a quarterly journal devoted to the interests of life and acci- dent insurance, v. 12, no. 3, 4; v. 13-27; v. 28, no. 2; v. 29. Hartford, 1880- Affeld, F. O. "Ounce of prevention," an address before the 28th annual convention of chiefs of fire departments, n. p. 1900. Africa, J. Simpson. Annual address delivered at the annual grand communication of the Grand lodge of Penn. Phil., 1892. African education society. Report of the proceedings at the for- mation, Dec. 28, 1829. Wash., 1830. African repository and colonial journal; pub. monthly by the Amer. colonization soc. v. i, no. i, 3, 5-7, 9, 11-12; v. 2, no. 3, 7-12; V. 3, no. i-io; v. 4-9; v. 10, no. 1-3, 5-9; v. 11, no. 1-8, 10-12; v. 12; V. 13, no. I, 3-9, 11-12; V. 14; V. 15, no. i, 4-6, 8, 11, 13-15, 18; V. 16, no. 1-2, 4-23; V. 17, no. 1-2, 4-21; v. 18-37; v. 38, no. i, 3-12; V. 39-47; V. 48, no. i-io, 12; V. 49-56; V. 57, no. 1-7; v. 58-68. Wash., 1825-91. Note : Pub. semi-monthly, March, 1839, to March, 1842. Quarterly, 1875, to July, 1880. Monthly, July, 1880, to July, 1881. Agapida, Antonio. Chronicle of the conquest of Granada. 2v. Phil., 1829. Agassiz, Alexander. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 389-414.) Coral reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. (/« Harv. univ. : Muse- um of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1889. v. 17; p. 121-70.) Echinodermata. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1882. v. 10; p. 109-34.) General sketch of the expedition of the Albatross, 1891. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1892. v. 23; p. 1-89.) Islands and coral reefs of Fiji. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1899. v. 23-) Letter on the dredging operations of the U. S. coast survey steamer Blake. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zool- ogy. Bulletin. 1878. v. 5; p. 1-9, p. 289-302. v. 6; p. 147-54.) List of the echinoderms sent to different institutions in ex- change for other specimens, (/n Harv. univ.: Museum of com- parative zoology. Bulletin, n. d. v. i; p. 17-28.) Paleontological and embryological development. Camb., 1880. Preliminary report on the echini. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1898. v. 32; p. 71-86.) Reconnoissance of the Bahamas and of the elevated reefs of Cuba in the steam yacht Wild Duck, 1893. Camb., 1894. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1894. V. 26.) 14 AUTHOR LIST. Agassiz, Alexander. Three letters on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos. (In Harv. univ. : Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1891. v. 21; p. 185-200.) and Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough. On dactylometra. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1898. V. 31; p. T-II.) and Woodworth, William McMichael. Some variations in the genus eucope. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zool- ogy. Bulletin. 1896. v. 30; p. 121-50.) Agassiz, Mrs. Elizabeth (Carey) and Agassiz, Louis. Journey in Brazil. 1868. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe. See Agassiz, Louis. Agassiz, Louis. Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt. Bost., 1869. Classification of insects. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1851. v. 2; art. 6.) Lettre a M. Marcou sur la geologic de la vallee de TAmazone. Paris, n. d. (In Marcou, Jules. Writings, v. d.) Methods of study in natural history. Bost., 1863. Report upon the deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf stream during the 3d cruise of the U. S. steamer Bibb. (In Harv. univ.: Muse- um of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1869. v. i; p. 363-86.) Twelve lectures on comparative embryology, delivered before the Lowell institute, 1848-49. Bost., 1849. — — and Agassiz, Mrs. Elizabeth (Gary). Journey in Brazil. Ed. 4. Bost., 1868. and Gould, Augustus Addison. Principles of zoology. Bost., ■ 1854. Agassiz association. Circular of information, n. p. 1897. ed. Swiss cross, a monthly magazine. 1887-89. Agassiz association. See also Wilson Ornithological chapter. Agassiz association: Massachusetts state assembly. Journal of proceedings, v. 3. Hyde Park, 1890. Agassiz association: Nathaniel S. French chapter. List of 100 selected books about animals. Bost., 1899. Agg, John, anon. History of Congress. 1789-1793. Phil., 1843. Agnew, David Hayes, M. D. Principles and practice of surgery. 2v. Phil., 1878. Agricultural and mechanical college of Alabama. See Alabama: Agricultural experiment station. Agricultural and trades association of Okanagan Mission valley. Short history of Kelowna and its surroundings in the province of British Columbia. Victoria, 1898. Agricultural bulletin, monthly, pub. in the interest of the agric. organization of the state, v. i, no. 1-4, 7-1 1, 13-14, 18. Cone, 1872-74. Agricultural club. University of Illinois, pub. Illinois agricul- turist. V. 2-4. n. p. 1898-1900. Agricultural education, a quarterly magazine, v. 1-2. Durham, 1 898- 1 900. Agricultural review and industrial monthly, v. 4, no. 1-3, 5. N. Y., 1884. Note : Being a continuation of the Agricultural review and journal of the Amer. agric. assoc. Agricultural review and journal of the American agricultural asso- ciation, monthly, v. i, no. i; v. 2, no. 2-4; v. 3; v. 4, no. 1-3, 5. N. Y., 1881-84. Note: Title of v. 1— was Journal of the Amer. agric. assoc. v. 4 became the Agricultural review and industrial monthly by the union of the Agricultural re- Tiew with the Southern industries and the De Bow's review, v. 1-2, pub. quarterly. Aguesseau, Henri Fransois d' CEuvres. 13V. Par. 1759. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 16 Aguilera y Ezequiel Ordonez, Jose G. Dates para la geologia de Mexico. Tacubaya, 1893. Aguilera y Ezequiel Ordonez, Jose G. Expedicion cientifica al Popocatepetl. Mexico, 1895. Aguinaldo, Emilio. Authentic review of the Philippine revolution; tr. by E. Winslow. Spring., 1900. Ahmednuggur mission, India. Report for 1856. Bombay, 1857. Ahn, Friedrich, ed. Koernbach, Paul. Cours pratique et theo- rique pour apprendre facilement et en peu de temps al langue Italienne. 1851. Aiken, Charles Augustus, D. D. Dartmouth, its educational type, work, and products, n. p. 1886. Inaugural address. {In Union univ. Exercises. 1870. p. 13-32.) Aiken, Frederick A. Defense of Mrs. Mary E. Surratt. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 120-46.) Aiken, Henry O. Quinquennial '87, Dartmouth college. Potts- town, 1892. Report of the class of '87, Dartmouth college, v. 3. n. p. 1890. Aiken, Herrick, anon. Telegraph. Bost., 1852. Aiken, Jonas B. and Savage, Charles A. Collation of correspond- ence. Franklin, 1877. Aiken, Rev. Solomon. Rise and progress of the political dissen- sion in the U. S. Haverhill, 1811. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Ebenezer Flint and Levi Pilsbury. Exeter, 1801. Aiken, John, M. D., ed. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. 1809. Aiken, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of king Charles the First. 2v. Phil., 1833. Aime, Henri Marie Adolphe, M. D. Ktude clinique sur le dyna- ^ misme nerveux psychique dans les maladies. Nancy, 1897. Ainge, Thomas S. Quarter-century of public health literature in _ Mich., from. 1873 to 1898. n. p. n. d. Ainsworth, Robert. Abridgment of dictionary, English and Latin; ed. by T. Morell. Phil., 1834. Aitken, William, M. D. Science and practice of medicine. Ed. 3, rev. 2v. Lond., 1864. ed. by M. Clymer; fr. the 4th Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1866. Note: Wanting t. 2. 2d Amer. fr. the 5th Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1868. 3d Amer. fr. the 6th Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1872. Akerly, Samuel, M. D., ed. Hooper, Robert, M. D. Lexicon medi- cum. 1845. 1847. 1854. Akerman, Amos T. Sketch of the military career of Enoch Poor. Manch., 1878. Akerman, John Yonge. Numismatic manual. Lond., 1840. Akers, B. St. John. Historical notes on the education of the deaf. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 163-72.) Akibah, Rabbi. Letters; or, The Jewish primer as it was used in the public schools 2,000 years ago; tr. by N. H. Imber. {In U. S.: Education, Bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. i. 1897. p. 701-19.) Akin, T. B. First council of Nova Scotia. {In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. V. 2; p. 17-30.) Alabama: Adjutant-general. Military laws of Ala. Montgomery. 1888. Montgomery, 1889. 16 AUTHOR LIST. Alabama: Agricultural experiment station. Annual report for 1888- 97. V. I, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10. Montgomery, 1889-98. : Agricultural experiment station. Bulletins, v. i, no. 4 of 1887; V. 2; V. 3, no. 22-24, 26-47, 49-58; V. 4-6; V. 7, no. 101-6, 108- 114, 116. Birmingham, 1887-1901. : Agriculture, Board of. Alabama's resources and future pros- pects, 1897. Birmingham, 1897. : Auditor. Annual insurance report, 1895-6. Montgomery, 1895-6. Note : After 1896 reports made by Insurance Commissioner. : Canebrake agricultural experiment station. Annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1896. v. 11. Montgomery, 1897. Bulletins, no. 1-18. Montgomery, 1888-95. : Education, Supt. of. Public school laws of the state. Mont- gomery, 1889. Montgomery, 1895. Report for 1871, '7Z, '78-90, '94, '96-1900. Montgomery, 1871- 1900. Note : Early reports were issued by Supt. of public instruction. : Geological survey. Bulletin, no. 1-6. Montgomery, 1886- 1900. Bulletin, v. 5, no. i. Granville, 1887. Geological chart and map of Ala. N. Y., 1894. Note : Scale 10 miles to 1 inch. Report of progress for 1874-62. Montgomery, 1875-83. Report on the geology of the coastal plain of Ala. Mont- gomery, 1894. : Sketch of the mineral resources of Ala. n. p. n. d. ed. Gibson, A. M. Report on the coal measures of Blount mountain. 1893. ed. Gibson, A. M. Report on the geological structure of Murphree's valley. 1893. ed. Gibson, A. M. Report upon the Coosa coal field. 1895. ed. McCalley, Henry. Report on the coal measures of the plateau region of Ala. 1891. ed. McCalley, Henry. Report on the Warrior coal basin. 1900. : Geologist. Biennial report, v. 1-2. Tuskaloosa, 1850-58. List of the ores and minerals of industrial importance in Ala. Montgomery, 1884. : Health, Board of. Duties of the county boards of health. Montgomery, n. d. (Circular, no. 5.) Report for the . year 1883-84, '87-88, '92, '94. Montgomery, 1885-95. See also Medical association of the state of Alabama. : Insurance commissioner. Annual report, 1897-99. Montgom- ery, 1 898- 1 900. Note : Previous to 1897 reports were made by Ala. Auditor. : Railroad commissioners. Annual report, 1881, '90-1900. v. i, 10-20. Montgomery, 188 1 -1900. : University. Catalogue of the officers and students for 1848, '98-99. Montgomery, 1848-99. Laws and regulations, 1889. Birmingham, 1889. Report on a proposition to modify the plan of instruction. N. Y., 1855. : University: Law dept. Announcement, 1899-1900. Montgom- ery, 1899. : Weather service. Report, monthly. Feb., 1885-Apr., 1885; June, 1885-May, 1897. v. p. 1885-97. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAIIY. 17 Alabama and Florida railroad company: Engineer, Chief. Report. Monlgomery, 1854. Alabama educational association. Proceedings and papers of the annual session, 1891. v. 10. Birmingham, 1891. Alabama industrial and scientific society. Proceedings, 1891-99. V. 7-8; V. 9, pt. r-2. Atlanta, 1891-99. Alabama state bar association. Proceedings, v. 4-5, 7, 10, 12-23. Montgomery, 1882-1900. Alabam.a state medical association. See Medical association of the state of Alabama. Albany (N. H.). Annual report, 1873, '83, '94-1901. v. p. 1873-1901. : School board. Report, 1892, '93. N. Conway, 1892-93. Albany (N. Y.) : Public instruction, Board of. Annual report, 1883- '84, '89-92, '97. V. 17-18, 23-26, 31. Alb., 1883-97- Albany academy, Albany (N. ¥.). Celebration of the semi-centen- nial anniversary. Alb., 1863. Albany Argus. Outlines of the life and character of Gen. Lewis Cass. Alb., 1848. Albany county (N. Y.) : Penitentiary. Annual report, 1872. v. 24. Alb, 1872. Albany institute. Henry Augustus Homes. (In its Trans. 1893. V. 12; p. 1-13.) Proceedings, Oct., 1874-Dec. 30, 1877. v. 2. Alb., 1878. Note: proceedings of 1824-7 are found in v. i of Trans, pt. 2. 506 A326 v. i. Those of 1858— June, 1863 in same, v. 4; p. 243-316. Dec, 1863-Feb., 1865, v. 6: p. 25!)- 98. Transactions, v. i, 4, 6-12. Alb., 1830-93. Albany law school. Circular and catalogue for 1872-3, '74-7, '96-7. Alb., 1872-97. Albany medical annals, monthly, v. 9, no. 6-12; v. 10, no. 2, 4-12; V. ir, no. 1-8, 11-12; V. 12; V. 13, no. 1-2, 4-10, 12; v. 14, no. 1-7. 9- 12; V. 19-21. Alb., 1888-99. Albany medical college. Annual circular, 1874-5, '75- Alb., 1875. Catalogue, 1847, '62, '64, '66, '68-9, '75, '76, '76-7, '77-8, '78-9, 79- 80, '83-1900. V. 17, 32-33, 35, 37, 45, 46, 46', 47, 47', 47', 48, 49*, 5-'- 69. Alb., 1847-1901. Albany medical college. See also Alumni association of the Albany medical college. Albee, John. Henry Dexter, sculptor. Camb., 1898. New Castle, historic and picturesque. Bost., 1885. Review of the early records of New Castle, N. H. (/n N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1874. v. i; p. 413-34.) Albee, Louise Rankin. List of books on angling, fishes, and fish culture. Camb., 1896. (/« Harv. univ.: Library. Bib. contrib. 1896. no. 51.) Albert Edward. See Edward 7, king of Great Britain. Albion college. Year book for 1895-6, '99-1900. Albion, 1896-1900. Albright, Samuel J. First organized government of Dakota. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 129-47.) Albright memorial building. See Scranton (Penn.) : Public library. Albro, Rev. John A. Blessedness of those who die in the Lord; a sermon occasioned by the death of Washington Allston. Bost., 1843- Alcott, Louisa May. Little women. 2v. Bost., 1870. Note : v. 2 wanting. 3v. Bost., 1890. , • . Note: printed for the blind in the Howe type. 18 AUTHOR LIST. Alcott, William Alexander, M. D. Vegetable diet. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1849. . , . Young wife; or, Duties of woman in the marriage relation. Bost., 1848. Alden, Edmund Kimball. Dismemberment of the Turkish empire. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 499-511.) Mountains and history. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual re- port. 1895. V. 6; p. 519-29) Sermon preached on the 250th anniversary of the Congrega- tional church at Edgartown, Mass. Edgartown, 1892. World's representative assemblies of today. Bait., 1893. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1893. v. 11; no. 2.) Alden, Edward, ed. Mitchell, Nahugi. Mitchell's history of Bridgewater, Mass. 1897. Alden, George Henry. New governments west of the Alleghanies before 1780. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin, Hist. ser. 1897. v. 2; p. I -74-) Alden, Henry Mills, and Guernsey, Alfred H. Harper's pictorial history of the Civil war. 1866-8. Alden, Rev. Timothy. Account of the captivity of Hugh Gibson among the Delaware Indians. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. V. 26; p. 141-53.) Account of the several religious societies in Portsmouth, N. H. Bost., 1808. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1809. v. 10; p. 37-72.) Discourse delivered before the members of the Portsmouth female asylum, 1804. Ports., 1804. Glory of America; a century sermon. Portsmouth, 1801. Valedictory discourse delivered at the South church in Ports- mouth, N. H., Aug. II, 1805. {In French, Rev. J. Discourse. 1805. i6p.) Aldenderfer, Ellis A. History of "Old Salem" Presbyterian church, Hempfield, Penn. Greenville, 1900. Alder, Robert, D. D Wesleyan missions. Lond., 1842. Alderman, Edwin Anderson. Inaugural address. {In Univ. record. Inauguration of President E. A. Alderman. 1897. p. 22-41.) Aldrich, Edgar. Argument before the railroad committee of the House of representatives, July 5, 1887. Cone, 1887. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Our northern boundary. {In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. V. 2; p. 366-400.) Aldrich, George. Walpole as it was and as it is. Claremont, 1880. Aldrich, George I. Arithmetic, what and how. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 67-82.) Some new educational problems. {In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1896. p. 153-68.) Ungraded schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 49-63-) Aldrich, Rev. Jeremiah K. Dedication of town hall in Rye, N. H., Nov. 19, 1873. n. p. n. d. Aldrich, Lewis Cass, ed. History of Franklin and Grand Isle counties, Vt. Syracuse, 1891. and Holmes, Frank R., ed. History of Windsor county, Vt. Syracuse, 1891. Aldrich, Morton A. American federation of labor. {In Econ. studies. 1898. V. 3, no. 4, p. 213-66.) Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth. Against free wool. Bost., 1896. Industrial ascendency of the U. S. {In Amer. acad. of pol. and social sci. Corporations. 1900. p. 153-68.) Aldrich, P. Emory. Christian religion and the common law. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1889. p. 18-37.) NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 1$ Aldrich, P. Emory. Legal and constitutional powers of civil gov- ernment in relation to education. Bost., 1878. (In Amer. inst of instruction. Lectures. 1877. p. 59- 85.) Lemuel Shaw. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog- raphies. 1885. V. 4; p. 230-47.) Massachusetts and Maine, their union and separation. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1878. p. 43-64-) Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. From Ponkapog to Pesth. Bost, 1897. Marjorie Daw and other stories. Bost, 1897. Old town by the sea. Bost, 1893. (In his From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1897. p. I75-273-) Poems. 2v. Bost., 1897. comp. Anon. Poets' tributes to Garfield. Camb., 1882. Prudence Palfrey, and A Rivermouth romance. Bost, 1897. Queen of Sheba, and My cousin the colonel. Bost, 1897. Stillwater tragedy. Bost, 1897. Story of a bad boy, The little violinist, and other sketches. Bost, 1897. and Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Second son. 1888. Aldrich, Truman H. Preliminary report upon the tertiary fossils of Ala. and Miss. (In Ala.: Geological survey. Bulletin. 1886. no. I, p. 15-60.) Aledo, Edward J. Catholicity in Southeastern Iowa. (In Amer. Cath. hist. soc. Records. 1889. v. 2; p. 128-42.) Alexander, A. C, M. D., and Webber, Frank O., M. D. Alexander treatment Bost., 1900. Alexander, Archibald, D. D. Address before the alumni associ- ation of Washington college, June 29, 1843. (In Washington and Lee univ. Hist, papers. 1890. no. 2; p. 113-37.) Bi6graphical sketches of the founder and principal alumni of the Log college. Princeton, 1845. Alexander, Benjamin, M. D., tr. Morgagni, John Baptist. Seats and causes of diseases investigated by anatomy. 1769. Alexander, Caleb. Grammatical system of the English language. Ed. 8. Bost, 1805. fr. the loth ed. Keene, 1814. Young gentlemen and ladies' instructor, n. p. n. d. Alexander, De Alva Stanwood, comp. Alexanders of Maine. N. Y., 1898. Alexander, Edward Porter. Railway practice. N. Y., 1887. (Ques- tions of the day.) Alexander, Gross, D. D. History of the Methodist Episcopal church. South. N. Y., 1894. (Amer. church hist ser. v. 11.) Alexander, James W., D. D. Character of Jesus Christ. (In Lec- tures on the evidences of Christianity. 1853. p. 193-21 1.) Alexander, John Henry. Report on the standards of weight and measure for Maryland. Bait, 1845. and Ducatel, J. P. Report on the projected survey of the state of Maryland. 1834. Alexander, Mrs. Sally (Kennedy). Sketch of the life of Maj. An- drew Ellicott. (In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. 2; p. 157- 202.) Alexander, Stephen. Address at the laying of the corner stone of the astronomical observatory of the College of New Jersey, June, 1866. Newark, 1867. Statement and exposition of certain harmonies of the solar system. Wash., 1875. (/« Smithsonian inst Contrib. to knowledge. 1876. v. 21.) 20 AUTHOR LIST. Alexander, W. T., M. D., tr. Lewin, Lewis, M. D. Incidental effects of drugs. 1882. Alexander, William, ist earl of Stirling, 1567 (?)-i640, see Stirling, William Alexander, ist earl of. Alexander, Maj.-Gen. William, styled earl of Stirling. Selections from his correspondence. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1851. V. 5; p. 177-96. V. 6; p. 56-64, 93-6. V. 7; p. 38-48, 111-16, 136- 48.) Alexander, William Dewitt. Brief history of the Hawaiian people. N. Y., 1891. Proceedings of the Russians on Kauai, 1814-16. Honolulu, 1894. {In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers, v. i, no. 6.) Relations between the Hawaiian Islands and Spanish America in early times. Honolulu, 1892. {In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers. 1892. V. I, no. I.) Uncompleted treaty of annexation of 1854. Honolulu, 1897. {In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers, v. i, no. 9.) Alexander, William L., Adjutant-general. See Iowa: Adjutant-general. Alexandria (N. H.). Annual reports, 1876, '80-85, '87-1900. Bris- tol 1876-1900. Alfaro, Anastasio. Mamiferos de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1897. Alfred, pseud. Remarks and criticisms on J. Q. Adams's Letter to H. G. Otis. Bost., 1808. {Bound with Adams, J. Q. Letter. 1808.) Alfred university. Annual for 1895-99. Alfred, 1896-98. Alfriend, Frank H. Life of Jefferson Davis. Cine, 1868. Alger, A. L., tr. Martin, Bon Louis Henri. Popular history of France. 1877. Alger, Arthur M. Biographical sketch of Samuel White. {In Old col. hist. soc. Coll. 1879. v. i; p. 13-22.) Alger, Rev. William Rounseville. Genius and posture of America. Ed. 2. Bost, 1857. ed., Martineau, James, D. D. Studies of Christianity. 1891. Algonquin, semi-monthly, v. 1-2. n. p. 1899-1900. Note : issued only during camping season. Alienist and neurologist, a quarterly journal; ed. by C. H. Hughes. V. 5, no. 1-3; V. 6, no. 2, 4; v. 7, no. 4; v. 8; v. 9, no. 3; v. 10, no. 2-4; v. II, no. 1-3; v. 12, no. 3; v. 13, no. 2-4; v. 17-19; v. 20, no. 1-2. St. Louis, 1883-99. Alison, Rev. Archibald. Sermons; 3d Amer. ed. Georgetown, 1815. Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe from the commence- ment of the French revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. Ed. 2-6. lov. Edin., 1843-4. Alkaloidal clinic, a monthly journal devoted to accuracy in thera- peutics. V. I, no. 1-2, 12; V. 2, no. 4-12; v. 3; v. 4, no. i, 4, 6-12; V. 5-7. Chic, 1894-1900. All Saints' hospital, Kansas City {Mo.). Annual report, v. 2. Kan- sas City, 1887. Allan, Maj.-Gen. A. Stewart. Historical notices of the family of Margaret of Logy, second queen of David, the second king of Scots. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 330-61.) Allan, Robert. Treatise on the operation of lithotomy. Edin., 1808. Allan, William. Life and work of John McDonogh. Bait., n. d. AUbutt, T. Clifford, M. D. On visceral neuroses. Phil., 1884. Allegheny City (Penn.): Controllers, board of. Annual report, 1883. V. 29. Pittsburgh, 1883. Allegheny county bar association. Officers, members, n. p. 1890. Alleine, Rev. Joseph. Alarm to unconverted sinners. Lond., 1763. Hanover, 1816. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 21 Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D. Anniversary of Melanch- thon's birth. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 257-67.) Life and letters of Phillips Brooks. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Allen, Alfred H. Commercial organic analysis. Ed. 2-3. v. 1-4. Phil., 1892-1900. Note : v. 1-2 ed. by Henry Leffman. Allen, Andrew Hussey. Historical archives of the U. S. depart- ment of state. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. V. 6; p. 281-98.) Allen, Catherine. Biographical sketch of Daniel Fraser of the Shaker community of Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. Alb., 1890. Allen, Charles. Argument in behalf of the petition of J. S. Cabot and others for an independent railroad between Salem and Lowell. Bost., 1848. Speech, Nov. 5, 1853. n. p. 1853. Allen, Rev. Charles Adames. Lessons in religion. Bost., 1893. Allen, Charles E. Rev. Jacob Bailey, his character and works, n. p. 1895- Rev. Jacob Bailey; missionary of Church of England on the Kennebec river, 1760-79. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 225-54) Some Huguenot and other early settlers in the present town of Dresden. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; p. 351-79.) Allen, Charles F., D. D. William Allen. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 189 1. V. 12; p. 377-90.) Allen, Maj. Charles J. Some account of operations against Mo- bile. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887. V. i; p. 60-88.) Allen, D. H., D. D. July 4th, 1761; an historical discourse in com- memoration of the looth anniversary of the charter of Lebanon, N. H. Bost, 1862. Allen, E., pub. Illustrated hand book of Charnwood forest. Not- tingham, 1857. Allen, Edward A., ed. Brewer, David Josiah, ed. World's best orations. 1899. Allen, Edward Ellis. Department for the blind in free libraries. Phil., 1899. (In Penn. lib. club. Occasional papers, no. 9.) Education of defectives. (In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. V. 2; p. 769-819.) Allen, Edwin West. Feeding of farm animals. Wash., 1895. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, 1895. no. 22.) Leguminous plants for green manuring and for feeding. Wash., 1894. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1894. no. 16.) Allen, Col. Ethan. Ethan Allen's narrative of the capture of Ticon- deroga. Ed. 5. Burlington, 1849. Narrative of Col. Ethan Allen's captivity. Walpole, 1807. Allen, Ethan, D. D. Maryland toleration. Bait., 1855. Who were the early settlers of Maryland? Bait., 1866. Allen, Francis Olcott. History of Enfield, Conn. v. 1-2. Lan- caster, 1900. Allen, Rev. Fred Hovey. Bowdoin collection of art. Brunswick, 1886. Allen, Frederic. Early lawyers of Lincoln and Kennebec coun- ties. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. v. 6; p. 39-81.) Allen, Frederic D. Greek versifications in inscriptions. (In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 35- 204.) Allen, Rev. Frederick B. Prison reform in Massachusetts. Host., 1898. (Church social union. Pub. no. 45.) 22 AUTHOR LIST. Allen, Frederick James. Poems. Franklin Falls, 1898. Topical outline of English history. Bost, 1897. Allen, Rev. George. Reminiscences; with notes by F. P. Rice. Wore, 1883. Allen, George H., comp. Map of Massabesic lake and surrounding territory. Manch., 1885. Note : Scale 1500 feet to 1 inch. Allen, Harrison, M. D. Analysis of the life-form in art. (/« Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1881. v. 15, p. 279-351.) Clinical study of the skull. Wash., 1890. (/» Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1893. v. 34.) Introduction to a monograph of the North American bats. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1894. v. 16; p. 1-28.) Monograph of the bats of North America. Wash., 1864. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. v. 7.) Wash., 1893. {In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. no. 43.) On a revision of the ethmoid bone in the mammalia. Camb., 1882. {In Harv. univ. : Museum of comparative zoology. Bul- letin. V. 10. no. 3.) Allen, Lieut. Henry T. Report of an expedition to the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk rivers in Alaska in 1885. Wash., 1887. Allen, Ira. Natural and political history of Vermont. Lond., 1798. {In Vt. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. i; p. 319-499.) . Allen, J. Adams, M. D. Medical examinations for life insurance. Chic, 1867. Allen, J. Weston. Society of descendants of Walter Allen. Bost, 1897. . Allen, Lieut. James. Map of the route passed over by an expe- dition in 1832 to the source of the Mississippi, n. p. n. d. Note : Scale 5.75 miles to 1 inch. Allen, Jeremiah C, comp. United States: Adjutant-general. Sub- ject index of the general orders of the war department. 1886. Allen, Joel Asaph. American bisons. Camb., 1876. {In Ky. : Geological survey. Memoirs. 1876. v. i.) History of North America pinnipeds. Wash., 1880. {In U. S.: Geo), and geog. sur. of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 12.) List of mammals and birds found in the exploration of Lake Titicaca. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin, v. 3; p. 349-59) Notes of an ornithological reconnoissance of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. {In Harv. univ.: Mu- seum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1872. v. 3; p. 113-83.) Notes on birds observed in western Iowa. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. 1866-9. v. i; p. 488-526.) and Coues, Elliott, M. D. Monographs of North American rodentia. {In U. S.: Geol. and geog. sur. of the territories. Re- port. 1877. V. II.) Allen, John, tr. Calvin, Jean. Institutes of the Christian religion. 1838. Allen, John K., and Salter, Edwin. Genealogical sketches of Roger Ailing of New Haven; Gilbert Allen of Morristown; and Thomas Bancroft of Dedham. Lansing, 1883. {Bound with Allen, William. Genealogy of the Allen family. 1882.) Allen, Jolley. Narrative of Jolley Allen. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1879. v. 16; p. 69-99.) Allen, Jonathan Adams, M. D. Synopsis of pharmacology. Mid- dlebury, 1823. Allen, Rev. Joseph. Day of small things; a centennial discourse in Northborough, June, 1846, in commemoration of the organ- ization of the first Congregational church. Bost., 1846. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 28 Allen, Rcz-. Joseph. Worcester association and its antecedents. Bost., 1868. , , ^ Allen, Joseph Henry, D. D. Account rendered; sermon preached at Jamaica Plain, 1847. Bost, 1847. Contact of American Unitarianism and German thought, (/n Amer. Unitarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 97-115.) Early Christian doctrine. (In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Uni- tarianism. 1895. P- 1-25) Ecclesiastical situation in New England prior to the Revolu- tion. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 67-77.) History of the Unitarians in the United States. N. Y., 1894- (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 10.) and Greenough, James Bradstreet. Latin grammar. Ed. 3. Bost., 1873. Allen, Joshua, ed. Allen, William, 1780-1873, comp. Genealogy of the Allen family. Allen, Katherine. Treatment of nature in the poetry of the Ro- man republic. Madison, 1898. (In Wis.: Univ. Bulletin; phil. and lit. series. 1899. v. i; no. 2.) Allen, Lewis F. Founding of the city of Ararat on Grand Island. N. Y., by Mordecai M. Noah. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1879- V. i; p. 305-28.) ed. Allen, Richard L. New American farm book. 1869. Allen, Rev. Morill. Sermon delivered in Pembroke, April, 1866, on his 90th birthday, n. p., 1866. Allen, Myron O., M. D. History of Wenham, 1639 to i860. Bost, t86o. Allen, Nathan, M. D. Address at the dedication of the Goodnow memorial building and Bagg hall, Sept., 1887, in Princeton, Mass. Lowell, 1887. Changes in New England population. Lowell, 1877. (Amer. social sci. assoc. Addresses.) Education of girls as connected with their growth and physi- cal development. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879- P- 12-43.) Physical culture in Amherst college. Lowell, 1869. n. p. 1886 Population: its law of increase. Lowell, 1870. (Western social sci. assoc. Addresses.) Prevention of insanity. Bost, 1883. State medicine in its relations to insanity. Bost., 1875. Treatment of the insane. Alb., 1876. Allen, Nathaniel T. Public education in Germany. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1873. P- 39-68.) Allen, Orrin Peer. Descendants of John Fairman of Enfield, Conn. Palmer, 1898. Allen, Paul, ed. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Brig.-Gen. William. History of the expedition to the sources of the Mis- souri. 1847. Allen, Richard L. New American farm book; rev. by L. F. Allen. N. Y., 1869. Allen, S. J., M. D. New method of the reduction of dislocation of the hip. Cone, 1877. Simple and successful method of treating fracture of the clav- icle, n. p. n. d. Allen, Stephen, D. D., and Pilsbury, Rev. W. H. History of Meth- odism in Maine, 1 793-1886. Augusta, 1887. Allen, Stephen M. Slavery and freedom; past and present crises. Bost, 1888. Allen, Rev. Stephen T. Address delivered in Merrimack, April, 1846, at the celebration of the incorporation of the town. Bost, 1846. 24 AUTHOK LIST. Allen, Rev. Thomas, 1743-1810. Historical sketch of the county of Berkshire and the town of Pittsfield. Bost, t8o8. Allen, Thomas, 1813-82. Account of a portion of the Allen fam- ily. {In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1895. p. $1-77-) Allen, Thomas, and Waldron, Richard. Trial of Allen v. Waldron. {In N. H.: State historian. Provincial and state papers. 1868. V. 2; p. 514-62.) Allen, W. Annual message to the 6ist general assembly. Colum- bus, 1874. Annual message to the 62d general assembly. Columbus, 1876. Allen, W. F., comp. and ed. Travelers' official railway guide. 1888. Allen, Walter. Governor Chamberlain's administration in S. C. N. Y., 1888. Allen, Rev. Wilkes. History of Chelmsford from 1653 to 1820. Haverhill, 1820. Allen, William, 1780-1873, comp. Account of Arnold's expedition. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. v. i; p. 499-532.) ■ Bingham land. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; p. 351- 60.) Brunswick convention of 1816. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. V. 12; p. 129-42.) Genealogy of the Allen family; rev. by Joshua Allen. Farm- ington, 1882. History of Norridgewock. Norridgewock, 1849. Now and then. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; p. 267- • 87.) Sandy river settlements. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. v. 4; p. 29-40.) Allen, William, D. D., 1784-1868. American biographical and his- torical dictionary. Ed. 2. Bost., 1832. Decade of addresses delivered from 1820 to 1829 to the senior classes at Bowdoin college. Cone, 1830. Sermon preached before the Governor, Council, and Legis- lature of the state of New Hampshire, June 4, 1818, being the anniversary election. Cone, 1818. (In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61. 43p.) Allen, William Francis. Place of the Northwest in general his- tory. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 3; no. 2; p. 85-104.) and Spencer, David Ellsworth. Higher education in Wiscon- sin. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1889. no. I.) Allen, William H. Address before the Cuvierian society at Wes- leyan university, July 31st, 1838. N. Y., 1838. Allen, Lieut. William P. Three frontier battles. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 478- 93-) Allen, Zachariah. Memorial of Roger Williams, n. p. n. d. Conditions of life, habits, and customs of the natives of America. (In R. L hist. soc. Proceed. 1879-80. p. 97-151.) Allen University. Catalogue, 1896-7. Columbia, 1897. Allenstown (N. H.). Annual reports, 1874-1901. v. p. 1875-1901. Allenstown (N. H.): Public library. Report, 1897. n. p. n. d. Library catalogue, n. p. n. d. n. p. 1896 (?) n. p. n. d. AUerton, Walter Scott. History of the Allerton family in the United States; rev. by H. T. Currier. Chic, 1900. Alliance of English speaking people, see International alliance of English speaking people. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 25 Allibone, Samuel Austin. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors. 3v. Phil., 1870-71. Supplement to Allibone's Critical dictionary by J. F. Kirk. 2v. Phil., 1891. Allin, Norra, and MacBride, T. H. Saprophytic fungi of eastern Iowa. (In la.: Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 33-66.) Allingham, William. Fistula, haemorrhoids, and other diseases of the rectum. Lond., 1871. Ed. 2. Phil., 1873. Allinson, Edward P., and Penrose, Boies. City government of Philadelphia. Bait., 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. V. 5, no. 1-2.) Allinson, Samuel. Fragmentary history of the New Jersey In- dians. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1877. v. 14; p. 31-S0.) Allis, Rev. Samuel. Forty years among the Indians and on the eastern borders of Nebraska. (In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1887. y. 2; p. 133-66.) Allison, D. Notes on A general return of the several townships in the province of Nova Scotia for the ist day of Jan., 1767. (In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 7; p. 45-71.) Allison, Henry E., M. D. On motives which govern the criminal acts of the insane, n. p. n. d. Provision for the criminal insane, n. p. n. d. Allison, William Boyd. Biographical and historical address. (In Loyal legion of the U. S: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. V. i; p. 260-78.) Allston, Robert Francis Withers. Message no. i, to the senate and house of representatives at the session of 1857. Columbia, 1857. Alma college. Catalogue for the year 1897-8. Alma, 1898. Almon, John, anon. Anecdotes of William Pitt, earl of Chatham. Ed. 3. 3v. Lond., 1793. Alms, Fred H. With the signal corps. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept.: Fred C. Jones post no. 40T. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 284-92.) Almy, Frank C, alias. See Abbott, George C. Alpha Delta Phi fraternity. Catalogue. Utica, 1848. Camb., 1851. Bost., 1853. N. H.. t86o. Circular of the New England graduate association. Bost, 1876. Alsop, George. Character of the province of Maryland; ed. by J. G. Shea. New ed. N. Y., 1869. (In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1869. no. 15.) Alstead (N. H.). Annual reports, 1876, '79-1901. v. p. 1876-190T. Altgeld, John Peter. Biennial message to the 40th general assem- bly. Springf., 1897. Althaus, John, M. D. Treatise on medical electricity. Ed. 3. Phil., 1873. Alton (N. H.). Annual report, 1884-5, '87-9, '91-1901. v. p. 1884- 1901. Alton (N. H.) Congregational church. Year-book, 1895-6. v. p. 1895-6. Aluminum world and brass and bronze industries, monthly, v. 5. N. Y., 1898-9. Alumni annual, pub. by the Alumni association of St. Paul's school. Concord, N. H. no. 1-7. Cone, 1882-93. Alumni association of Amherst college. Exercises at the semi- centennial of Amherst college, July 12, 1871. Springf., 1S71. 26 AUTHOR LIST. Alumni association of Andover theological seminary. A. 62-98.) Appleton, A. I., comp. American catalogue, 1876-84. 1885. 1884-90. 189T. Appleton, D., and company, pub. Appleton's illustrated hand-book of American winter resorts for tourists and invalids. N. Y., 1888. Appleton's library manual. N. Y., 1847. New York illustrated. N. Y., 1885. Appleton, Jesse, D. D. Sublime nature of Christianity proved by the extraordinary manner in which it was communicated to the world; sermon at the ordination of Rev. J. A. Neal. Ports., 1805. Works. 2v. Andover, 1837. Note : portrait wanting. Appleton, John, ed. "Journal de Castorland." (In Mass. hist, soc Proceed. 1864. v. 7; p. 326-38.) Appleton, John, M. D., anon. Monumental memorials of the Apple- ton family. Bost., 1867. Appleton, Nathan. JFourth bale theory, which misled the South before the war and is being worked among the farmers today. Bost., 1894. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 55 Appleton, Nathan. Memoir of Abbott Lawrence. (In Mass. hist, soc. Coll. 1856. V. 34; P- 495-507) (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1859. v. 3; p. 68-82.) Appleton, Sarah E. History of her mediumistic development. Maiich., T871. Manch., 1872. Manch., 1875. Appleton, William Sumner. Index to testators in Water's genea- logical gleanings in England, and in New England and genea- logical register, v. 37-52. Bost., 1898. Medals and coins relating to America. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1871. v. 11; p. 293-305.) Record of the descendants of William Sumner of Dorchester, Mass., 1636. Bost, 1879. additions and corrections, n. p. 1881-97. Appleton academy, Mont Vernon (N. H.). Catalogue, 1852, '53, '57. V. p. 1852-7. See also Appleton academy, Nezv Ipswich (N. H.). Appleton academy. New Ipswich (N. H.). Catalogue, 1850-1, '55-6, ^60-2, '65-6, '68-9. V. p. 1851-69. Oration, poem, and chronicles delivered before, the alumni, Sept. 18, 1861. N. Y., 1861. Programme of the examination and exhibition exercises, Nov., 1862. n. p. 1862. See also Appleton academy, Mont Vernon (N. H.). Appleton's annual cyclopaedia and register of important events of the year 1861-98. v. 1-39. N. Y., 1864-1900. Note: title of v. 1-14, American annual cycloptedia ; ser. 2, v. 16-35; ser. 3, r. 86-9. Index, 1876-95 in v. 33-5. Index to 1876-87. N. Y., 1888. Appleton's companion handbook of travel; ed. by T. A. Richards. N. Y., 1864. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. Wilson, Col. James Grant, and Fiske, John, cd. Appleton's cyclopaedia of drawing. Worthen, W. E., ed. Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. 2v. N. Y., 1852. Appleton's illustrated hand-book of American summer resorts, v. 20. -N. Y., 1895- Appleton's illustrated handbook of American travel. Richards, T. A. Appleton's journal; a monthly miscellany of popular literature. V. 16, no. i; V. 17, no. 2; v. 18, no. i, 3, 5; v. 19, no. i; v. 20, no. 5-12; V. 21-6. N. Y., 1876-81. Note: title of v. 21-6 is Appleton's journal, a magazine of general literature. Ser. 1, V. 1-15, weekly. Ser. 2, v. 16-26. Appleton's popular science monthly. See Popular science monthly. Appleton's railway and steam guide for the U. S. and Canada; semi-monthly; ed. by G. F. Thomas. Oct., 1858, Sept., 1869, June, 1876. N. Y., 1858-76. Appleton's school physics. Quackenbos, J. D., M. D., and others. Apprentices' library. New York. See General society of mechanics and tradesmen. Apprentices' library company of Philadelphia. Annual report, v. 71-4, yj, 81. Phil., 1891-190T. Finding list. Phil., 1892. ed. Bulletin of the Apprentices' library. 1893. Apthorp, Henry. "Trusts" and their relation to industrial prog- ress. Cleveland, 1899. Aquae homo, pseud. See Waterman, Jotham. Aran, F. A. Practical manual of the diseases of the heart and great vessels. Phil., 1843. 56 AUTHOB LIST. Arber, Edward, ed. Ascham, Roger. School-master; first edition, 1570. 1888. Archaeological institute of America. Annual report, 1879-90, '91- 2, '93-9. V. i-ii, 13, 15-20. Camb., 1880-99. NoTE^ V. ia-20, pub. at Boston, v. 18-20, in the Amer. jour, of archaeology, ser 3, V, 1-3. Bulletin, no. i. Bost, 1883. Index to publications, 1879-1889, by W. S. Merrill. Camb., 189T. Publications of the Institute. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897. V. I, appx. p. 105-12.) Regulations, officers, and list of members. Bost., 1883. ed. American journal of archaeology. 1897-9. ed. American school of classical studies at Athens. Annual report of the managing committee, 1881-4, '86-99. 1886-1900. ' ed. American school of classical studies at Athens. Papers. 1885-8. : Wisconsin society. Report of annual meeting, 1890. v. i. Madison, 1890. Archer, Gabriel. Relation of Captain Gosnold's voyage to the north part of Virginia. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1843. v. 28; p. 72-^1.) Archibald, Sir Adams G. Address. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll, 1879. V. i; p. 18-34.) Expulsion of the Acadians. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll. 1S87. V. 5; p. 11-95) Government house at Halifax. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll. 1SS3. V. 3; p. 197-208.) Archibald, Sir Adams G. Province building. (In Nova Scotia hist, soc. Coll. 1885. V. 4; p. 247-58.) Sir Alexander Croke. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll. 1881. V. 2; p. 110-28.) Story of deportation of negroes from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 7; p. 129-54.) Architecture and building, devoted to art, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and decoration, weekly, 1890-1900. v. 13, no. 14, 18, 22, 24, 26; V. 14, no. 1-2; V. 22, no. 22-3; v. 23, no. 2-3, 5-10, 13, 15- 20, 23-6; V. 24, no. 4-6, 10-18, 22-6; V. 25, no. i-io, 13-15, 18-20, 22-3, 25-6; V. 26, no. 1-2; V. 27, no. 25-6; v. 28, no. 2-23, 25-6; V. 29; V. 30, no. 14-21; V. 32. N. Y., 1890-1900. Note-: m October, 1899. united with Builders' magazine, forming Architects' siaud Builders' magazine, and became monthly, v. 32, is v. l of new ser. Archives of clinical sure^ery. v. i, 3; v. 4, no. 6, 7, 15; v. 5, no, i, 3, 5, S; V. 6. N. Y., 1877-9. Note: titles were v. l— v. 2 no. 5, Archives of clinical surgery, v. 2, no. 6 to v* i5, no. 9, Hospital gazette and archives of clinical surgery, v. 6, Hospital gazette. V. 7-10, Medical gazette, v. 11, no. 1-5, yEsculapian. Discontinued after v. 11, no. 5. Archives of medicine, a bi-monthly journal. I2v. N. Y., 1879-85. Note: no more pub. Archives of ophthalmology and otology; ed. by H. Knapp and S. Moos. V. 1-4. N. Y., 1869-74. Note: v. 1-3, issued in 2 nos. each. v. 4-7, issued in 4 nos. each. Discontinued after v, 7. Archives of pediatrics, a monthly journal devoted to the diseases of infants and young children, 1884-1900. v. i; v. 6, no. 5; v. 7, no. 2, 4-7, II, 12; V. 8-9; V. 10, no. 3-12; v-ii, no. 1-7, 9, 12; v. 12; v. 13, no. 3, 4, 8, 10, 11; V. 14, no. 1-3, 5-9, 11-12; v. 15, no. i, 3-9; v. 16, no. 7; V. 17, no. 6. Phil., 1884-1900. Archives of science and transactions of the Orleans county society of natural sciences; quarterly, v. i. Newport, 1870-4. Note: issued irregularly. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 67 Arena, ed. by B. P. Flower, monthly, v. i, no. i, 2, 5, 6; v. 2, no. i; V. 3-15; V. 16, no. 1-5; V. 17-25. Bost, 1889-1901. Note : v. 18-25 ed. by J. C. Kidpath. Aretaeus, Cappadox. 'Aretaiou Kappadokou ta sozomena; his ex- tant works ed. and tr. by Francis Adams. Lond., 1856. On the causes and signs of acute disease. Phil., 1841. Arey, Henry W. Girard college and its founder. Phil., 1856. Argentine republic: President. Message on the opening of con- gress, 1894. Buenos Ayres, 1894. : Relaciones exteriores, ministerio dc. Limites cntre las republicas Argentina y del Brasil; por E. S. Zeballos. Buenos Ayres, 1892. Argonaut, Simonds free high school annual, v. i, no. i. Warner, 1887. Argus almanac, 1892. Albany, 1892. Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of. Primeval man. N. Y., 1874- Aristides, pseud. See Hanson, Alexander Contee. Aristomene. Marmontel, Jean Frangois. {In his CEuvres. 1787. V. is; p. 93-176.) Aristoteles. Ethics and politics; tr. fr. the Greek by John Gillies. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond., 1813. Opera; Greek and Latin, v. 3 (?) n. p. 1529 (?) Arizona: Agricultural experiment station. Annual report, 1891, '95-7* '99, 1900. V. 2, 6-8, 10, II. Tucson, 1892-1900. Note: v. &-8 in Bulletins no. 19, 24, 25. Bulletins, no. i, 3, 5-7, 9-35, 38, 39. Tucson, 1890-1901. : Auditor. Biennial report to the governor. 1899-1900. Phoenix, 1900. : Capitol commission. Biennial report, 1899-1900. Phoenix, 1901. : Capitol grounds and building commission. Report, 1899. Phoenix, 1899- : Control, hoard of. Biennial report for the territorial prison and insane asylum, 1897-1900. Phoenix, 1899-1900. : Fish and game commissioners. Biennial report to the governor for the years 1897-8. Phoenix, 1899. : Live stock sanitary hoard. Biennial report for the years 1897- 1900. Phoenix, 1898-1900. : Loan commission. Biennial report for the years 1897-8. Phoe- nix, 1899. : Normal school. Biennial report to the governor for the years 1897-8. Phoenix, 1899. : Public insfruction, supt. of. Biennial report for the years 1897- 1900. Phoenix, 1899-1900. School laws of Arizona, n. p. 1887. Prescott, 1891. : School of mines. Report of the operations of the Arizona school of mines for 1896. Phoenix, 1897. : University. Annual register; 1892, '94-8, 1900. v. i, 3-8, 10. Tucson, 1892-1901. — — See also Arizona: School of mines. Arizona medical association. Constitution and by-laws. Tucson, 1892. Transactions, v. 2-6. Phoenix, 1893-7. Arkansas: Agricultural experiment station. Annual report, 1889, '97. V. 2, 10. Little Rock, 1890-8. Bulletins, no. 4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 18-20, 23-32, 35-50, 66. Little Rock, 1888- 1901. : Constitutional convention, 1868. Debates and proceedings. Lit- tle Rock, 1868. : Deaf mute institute. Biennial report of the board of directors and officers, 1879-82, '99-1900. v. 6, 7, 16. Little Rock, 1880-1900. 68 ' AUTHOE LIST. Arkansas: Geological survey. Annual report, 1888, v. 1-4; 1889, v. 2; 1890, V. 1-4, atlas. Little Rock, 1888-93. Note : 1889, v. 1 never pub. : Geologist. Report, 1857-60. v. 1-2. Little Rock, 1858-60. : Governor. Message to the General assembly, January, 1883,. 1901. Little Rock, 1883-1901. : Health, board of. Report for April, i88i-Dec., 1882. v. i. Little Rock, 1883. : Industrial university. See Arkansas: Agricultural experiment station. : Mines, manufactures, and agriculture,^ bureau of. Biennial report. 1889-90, '95-6, '99-1900. V. I, 4, 6. Little Rock, 1891-1901. : Public instruction, supt. of. Biennial report for 1871-2, June,. '75-July, '76, July, '79-1900. Little Rock, 1872-1900. Digest of laws relating to free schools in Arkansas. Lit- tle Rock, 1889. Morrilton, 1893. Little Rock, 1895. Little Rock, 1897. Manual for work for county normals. Little Rock, 1897. Arkansas: School for the education of the blind. Biennial report for 1868, '78-82, '99-1900. V. 5, lo-ii, 20. Little Rock, 1871-1900. : State, secy. of. Digest of the election laws. Little Rock,. 1891. — ^- : State lands, commissioner of. Biennial report to the governor. 1881-2, '99-1900. Little Rock, 1882-1901. Arkansas industrial university. Report, 1873, '89. Little Rock,. 1873-89. : Medical department. Annual announcement, session 1896-7. V. 18. Little Rock, 1896. Arkansas state bar association. Proceedings, 1882-3, '85-9, 1900. Little Rock, 1882- 1900. Note : proceedings for 1890-9 not pnb. Arkansas state medical society. 5^^ State medical society of Ar- kansas, and State medical association of Arkansas. Arlington mills. Historical and descriptive sketch with some ac- count of the worsted dress-goods manufacture in the U. S. Bost., 1891. Arlington street chapel. Second Advent church, Manchester (N. H.),. Covenant and regulations. Manchester, 1882. Armand, Charles Trefin, Marq. de la Rouerie. Se-s Rouerie, Charles Trefin Armand, Marq. de la. Armenian relief association. Bulletin, 1895, Oct. i. N. Y., 1895. How to save alive the orphan children of martyrs in Armenia.. n. p. n. d. Wards of Christendom, n. p. n. d. Armitage, Thomas, D. D. History of the Baptists. N. Y., 1887. Armor, Maj. William Crawford. Scotch-Irish bibliography of Pennsylvania. Nashville, 1896. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1896- V. 8; p. 253-89.) . . , , . , Armour institute and Armour mission. Circular of information. Chic, 1895. Armour institute of technology. Year book for 1895-1901. Chic.^ 1896-1900. Arms academy, Shelburne Falls {Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1895-6. V. 16. Greenfield, 1896. Armsby, Henry P. Manual of cattle-feeding. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1898. On the nitrogen of the soil. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1875. v. 2Z', p. 80-90.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 59 Armstrong, Edward. History and location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware. (In N. J. Hist. soc. Proceed. 1853. v. 6; p. 185- 207.) ed. Penn, William, and Logan, James. Correspondence. 1870-2. Armstrong, John, M. D. d. 1779. Art of preserving health; a poem. Ed. 4. Lond., 1757. Armstrong, John, M. D., d. 1829. Chronic diseases and sulphurous waters. Phil., 1826. (Bound with his Facts. 1826.) Facts and observations relative to the fever commonly called puerperal. (In Meigs, C. D., M. D. History of puerperal fever. 1842. p. 166-220.) Facts, observations, and practical illustrations relative to- puerperal fever, scarlet fever, pulmonary consumption, and measles; 2d Amer. fr. 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 1826. Practical illustrations of the scarlet fever, pulmonary con- sumption, and measles. Phil., 1826. (Bound with his Facts. 1826.) Practical illustrations of typhus fever, of the common contin- ued fever, and of inflammatory diseases; fr. the last Lond. ed. N. Y., 1824. fr. the last Lond. ed. Bost., 1829. Armstrong, Brig.-Gen. John. Life of Anthony Wayne. (In Sparks,. Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1839. ser. i, v. 4; p. 1-84.) Life of Richard Montgomery. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1839. ser. i, v. i; p. 181-226.) Notices of the war of 1812. 2v. N. Y., 1836. Note : v. 2 wanting. Armstrong, Joseph. Mother church. Bost., 1897. Ed. 3. Bost., 1897. Armstrong, Mrs. M. F. Haunted house. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 5.) Our jewels. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 10.) Preventable diseases. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 3.) Armstrong, Samuel Chapman. Indian education in the east. Hampton, 1880. Report of a trip made in behalf of the Indian rights associ- ation to some Indian reservations of the Southwest. Phil., 1884. Armstrong league of Hampton workers. Memories of old Hamp- ton. Hampton, 1894. Army and navy club of the city of New York. Officers, members,^ constitution, and rules. N. Y., 1898. Army and navy journal, weekly gazette of the regular and volun- teer forces. V. ZZ-7- N. Y., 1895-1900. Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey to Flaetz. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. (In Carlyle, Thomas. German romance. 1898. r. 2; p. 131-92.) Army of the Cumberland. See Society of the army of the Cum- berland. Army of the James. See Society of the army of the James. Army of the Potomac. See Society of the army of the Potomac. Army of the Tennessee. See Society of the army of the Tennessee. Army register. See United States: Adjutant-General Official army register. Armjrtage, George John, hart., ed. Harleian society. Publications. V. I, 3, 2Z-6, 30, 31, Z3, 34, 44-6, 49. 1860-1900. ed. Harleian society. Publications; registers, v. 8, 15, 22, 23. 1883-97. ^0 AUTHOB LIST. Arndt, Maj. A. F. R. Reminiscences of an artillery officer. (M Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. V. i; no. 13. i5p.) Arneman, J., M. D., ed. Medical and physical journal, v. 14. 1805. Arnold, B. W. Virginia women and the Civil war. (In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 2; p. 256-71.) Arnold, Maj.-Gen. Benedict. Letters. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. V. i; p. 467-98.) Arnold, Benjamin William. History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860-1894. Bait., 1897. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1897. V. 15; no. 1-2.) Arnold, Edward S. History of the Christian endeavor societies of Caledonia county, Vt. St. Johnsbury, 1892. Arnold, Sir Edwin. Light of Asia. N. Y., 1880. Arnold, F. S. Do the interests of humanity require experiments on living animals? Lond., 1892. {Bound with Anti-vivisection question, n. d.) Arnold, Howard P. John Collins Warren. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biographies. 1883. v. 3; p. 28-69.) Arnold, Isaac Newton. Abraham Lincoln. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1882. v. 10; p. 312-43.) William B. Ogden, and early days in Chicago. Chic, 1881. Arnold, Rev. J. M. Sketch of the history of Methodism in De- troit. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; p. 225-43.) Arnold, James N., comp. Vital record of Rehoboth, Mass. 1642- 1896. Prov., 1897. comp. Vital record of Rhode Island, 1636-1850. v. i-ii. Prov., 1891-1900. ed. Narragansett. Records of the proprietors. 1894. ed. Narragansett historical register. 1886-91. Arnold, Matthew. Letters of Matthew Arnold, 1848-1888, col- lected and arranged by G. W. E. Russell. 2v. Lond., 1896. ed. Byron, George Gordon Noel, haron. Poetry. 1884. Arnold, Rev. Samuel. Astonishing afifair, the Rev. Samuel Arnold cast and tried; by Philandros. Cone, 1830. ' Discourse on proper subjects of Christian baptism. Bost., 1829. Arnold, Samuel Greene. Greene, Staples, Parsons; an address de- livered before the R. 1. hist, soc, June i, 1869. Prov., 1869. History of the state of Rhode Island and Providence planta- tions. E)d. 4. 2v. Prov., 1894. Arnold, Sarah L. Unification in primary school work. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1894. p. 214-30.) Arnold, Rev. Seth S. Sermon preached in Alstead, January, 1826; with historical sketches of the town. Alstead, 1826. Arnold, Thomas, D. D. History of the later Roman common- wealth. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1846. Arnold, Rev. Thomas Kerchever. Practical introduction to Greek prose composition; fr. the 5th Lond. ed. N. Y., 1867. Arnold, Mrs. William, tr. Brentano, Ludwig- Joseph. Hours and wages in relation to production. 1894. Arnott, Neil, M. D. Elements of physics; ist and 2d Amer. fr. the 1st and 4th Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1831. Arnould, Sir Joseph, continued. Campbell, John Campbell, haron. Lives of the chief justices of England, v. 5-6. 1874. Arr, E. H., pseud, of Rollins, Mrs. Ellen Chapman (Hobbs). Arthur, Joseph Charles. Development of vegetable physiology. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 163-84.) Arthur, Joseph Charles, and Holway, E. W. D. Descriptions of American uredineie. {In la.: Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 377-402.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 61 Arthur, Timothy Shay. Strong drink. Phil., 1877. Words for the wise. Phil., 1853. and Carpenter, William Henry. History of Georgia. Phil.,. 1869. History of New Jersev. 1853. History of Ohio. 1865. History of Pennsylvania. 1857. History of Vermont. 1854. 1858. History of Virginia. Phil., 1852. Artman, William, and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind. Roch., 1869. Arul, pseud. Silent city and other poems. Manch., 1885. As to Kearsarge mountain and the corvette named for it. Cone.,. 1879. Ascham, Roger. Schoolmaster; ed. by Edward Arber, first ed.,. 1570. Bost., 1888. (English reprints.) Ascot gold and mining company. Prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Ashburner, Charles A. New Method for estimating the contents of highly plicated coal beds. n. p. n. d. Ashburner, Samuel. Report upon a railroad over Hoosac moun- tain, n. p. 1866. Report upon a route for the Cocheco railroad from Dover to the line of the B., C. & M. railroad in Meredith. Bost, 1847. Ashburton, Alexander Baring, ist baron of, and Webster, DanieL Correspondence. {In Webster, Daniel. Works. 1881. v. 6; p. 292-328.) (In Webster, Daniel. Diplomatic and official papers. 1848. p. 83-119) Correspondence on McLeod's case, on the Creole case, on the subject of impressment, n. d. Ashburton coal company. Prospectus and reports. N. Y., 1864. Ashby, N. B. Riddle of the sphinx; a discussion of the economic questions relating to agriculture, land, transportation, money,. taxation, and cost of interchange. Des Moines, 1890. Ashe, Lieut. E. D. Notes of a journey across the Andes in Peru. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1862. p. 3-35.) Asher and Adams. New commercial and statistical gazetteer of the U. S. and Canada. N. Y., 1893. New statistical and topographical atlas of the U. S., Canada, Europe, and the world. N. Y., 1873. Ashhurst, John. Applied use of photography to the purposes of free libraries. Phil., 1899. (^» Penn. lib. club. Occasional papers, no. 5.) Children's rooms in free libraries. Phil., 1899. (In Penn, lib. club. Occasional papers, no. 8.) Ashhurst, John, M. D., ed. International encyclopedia of surgery. 6v. N. Y., 1881. Principles and practice of surgery. Phil., 1871. ed. Erichesen, John Eric. Science and the art of surgery. 1869. International medical congress of Philadelphia, 1876. Trans- actions. 1877. Ashland (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '79-1901. Ashland. 1876- 1901. Ashland grange, no. 17, Patrons of husbandry. By-laws. Manch., 1874- Ashley, Evelyn. Life and correspondence of H. J. Temple, vis- count Palmerston. 2v. Lond, 1879. Ashley, George Hall. Neocene of the Santa Cruz mountains. Palo Alto, 1895. 62 AUTHOR LIST. Ashley, Margaret, tr. Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Origin of property in land. 1892. Ashley, Ossian D. Stock market and the railway problem. N. Y. n. d. Ashley, William E. Immigration and the material development of the Southern states, n. p. 1893. Ashley, William James. Early history of the English woolen in- dustry. (In Amer. econ. Assoc. Pub. 1887. v. 2; no. 4, 85p.) Railroad strike of 1894. Camb., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. B. no. i.) Ashmead, William Harris. Description of new braconidae. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 611-71.) • Descriptions of new cynipidous galls and gall-wasps. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 113-36.) ■ Descriptions of new ichneumonidse. (In U. S. : National mu- seum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 387-451.) Monograph of the North American proctotrypidas. Wash., 1893. (hi U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1893. no. 45.) On the genera of the chalcid flies belonging to the sub-family encyrtinrc. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1900. v. 22; p. 323-412.) and Howard, Leland Ossian. On some reared parasitic hy- menopterous insects from Celon. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 633-48.) Ashmun, George, Bradley, Joseph P., and Hubbell, William Wheeler. Considerations upon the question whether Congress should authorize a new railroad between Washington and New York. 1863. Ashmun, Lieut. George C. Recollections of a private service. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 277-92.) Ashmun institute. See Lmcom university. Ashton, Rev. Robert. Memoir of John Robinson. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1852. V. 31; p. 1 1 1-64.) Ashton, Thomas John. On the diseases, injuries, and malforma- tions of the rectum and anus; fr. the 3d and enl. Eng. ed. Phil., i860. Ashwell, Samuel, M. D. Practical treatise on the diseases peculiar to women. Bost., 1843. (In Mass. med. soc. Library of prac- tical medicine. 1843. v. 13.) — ed by P. B. Goddard; ist Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. Phil., 1845. Asiatic society of Japan. Transactions, from Oct., 1872-96, 1900. V. T-24, 28. Yokohama, 1882-1900. General index, v. 1-24. Yokohama, 1895. Aspinwall, Col. Thomas. Narragansett Patent. (In Mass. hist, soc. ^ Proceed. 1863. v. 6; p. 41-77.) Assalini, P., M. D. Observations on the disease called the plague, on the dysentery, the ophthalmy of Egypt, and yellow fever of Cadiz. N. Y., 1806. (An) Assistant, pseud. Few facts regarding the geological survey of Pennsylvania, exposing the erroneous statements and claims of J. P. Lesley. Phil., 1859. Associate alumni of the general theological seminary of the Prot- estant Episcopal church in the U. S. Special report of the board of trustees, April 16, 1898. n. p. 1898. Associate alumni of the University of Vermont. University of Vermont obituary record, no. i. Burl., 1895. Associated academic principals. Proceedings of the annual con- ference. V. 6-13. Alb., 1891-8. (In N. Y. (state): Univ. Re- gents' bulletin, no. 7, 12, 14, 30, 31, 37, 40, 44.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 63 Associated alumnae of trained nurses of the United States, ed. American journal of nursing. 1900. Associated alumni of Middlebury college. Necrological report for 1868. Middlebury, 1868. Associated charities of Boston. Annual report, November 1881-92, '94-0. V. 2-13, 15-20. Best., 1881-99. Directory of the charitable and beneficent organizations of Boston. Ed. 4. Bost., 1899. Savings. Bost., 1892. What is a friendly visitor? Bost., 1900. Associated charities of Denver. Annual report, 1890. v. 3. Den- ver, 1890. Associated charities of Worcester. Annual report to October, 1891-1901. v. i-ii. Wore, 1891-1900. Associated facrt)ry mutual fire insurance companies, ed. Norton, Charles L. Report upon diffusion of light. 1900. Associated mechanics and manufacturers of the state of N. H. Constitution. Ports., 1869. Associated physicians of Long Island. Transactions, 1898-9. v. i. Rahway, 1900. Association for promoting the interests of church schools, colleges, and seminaries. Report of proceedings at the annual meeting, 1900. N. Y., 1901. Association for the exhibition of the industry of all nations, New York, 1853. Official catalogue. N. Y., 1853. ^ — - 1st rev. ed. N. Y., 1853. Association for the increase and extension of American commerce. Report on the commerce of the U. S. and its most urgent neces- sities. N. Y., 1861. Association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities. Notes on a journey to Jamestown, n. p. n. d. Association Frangaise pour Tavancement des sciences, ed. Fuchs, Edmond. Note sur la constitution des gites de phosphate dc chaux. 1887. Association men. See Men. Association monthly, pub. by the Y. M. C. A., Washington, D. C V. 23; no. 6. Wash., 1898. Association news, pub. weekly by the central branch, Y. M. C. A., Philadelphia, v. 17-21. Phil., 1896-1900. Association notes, pub. by the Y. M. C A., Keene. v. 2, no. 21; V. 5, no. 3. Keene, 1897-9. Association of acting assistant surgeons, U. S. army. Constitu- tion, n. p. 1893. Association of alumni of Colby college. Obituary record of Graduates of Colby university from 1822-70, '70-3, '73-7, '77-84. V. p. 1870-84. Note : no more pub. Association of alumni of Dartmouth college. Circular. Hanover, T891. Circulars, etc. n. p. n. d. Dartmouth college necrology, 1874-1901. Hanover, 1874-1901. List of addresses of the members of the association of alumni of Dartmouth college. Bost., 1892. Proceedings at the Dartmouth Webster centennial dinner, Jan. 25, 1882. Bost., 1882. Report concerning the improvement of the gymnasium and the securing of an athletic field. Camb., 1892. • Twenty-second annual banquet of alumni in Boston and vicinity, n. p. 1887. Association of alumni of Denison university. General catalogue, 1831-78, '8t, '85, '88, '93. Granville, 1878-93. M AUTHOR LIST. Association of alumni of Harvard university. Alumni hall, an appeal to the alumni and friends of Harvard college. Camb., 1866. Final reports of the building committee and of the treasurer of the Harvard memorial fund. Camb., 1878. Necrology of Harvard college, 1869-1872. Camb., 1872. Report of the committee appointed to take into consideration the state of the college library. Camb., 1858. Association of alumni of Yale university. Obituary record of graduates of Yale college from 1859-1900. v. 1-59. N. H., 1870- 1900. Association of alumni. See also Alumni association, and Associa-^ tion of the alumni. Association of American agricultural colleges and experiment sta-^ tions. Constitution, n. p. n. d. (In U. S. : Experiment stations,, oflice of. Circular, no. 36.) Proceedings of the annual convention, 1889-90. v. 2-4. Wash.,. 1889-90. (In U. S. : Experiment stations, office of. Misc. bulle- tin, no. 1-3.) 1891-9. v. S-14. Wash., 1892-1901. (In U. S.: Experi- ment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 7, 16, 20, 24, 30, 41, 49,. 65, 76, 99.) . „. Association of American anatomists. History, constitution, mem- bership, and the titles and abstracts of papers for the years 1888-90. Wash., 1891. Proceedings of the annual session, 1891-1901. v. 4-14. Wash.^ 1892-1901. Association of American geologists and naturalists. Report of the meetings, v. 1-3, 6. Bost., 1843-5. Association of American medical colleges. Bulletin, no. i. St. Paul, 1892. Association of Bowdoin college students. Songs of Bowdain. Bost, 1875. Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the middle states and Maryland. Proceedings of the annual convention,. 1898-1900. V. 12-14. Alb., 1899-1901. (In N. Y. (state): Univ. Regent's bulletin, no. 47, 50, 53.) Association of colleges and preparatory schools of the southern states. Proceedings, 1895-1901. v. 1-7. n. p. 1895-1901. Association of collegiate alumnae. Contributions towards a bibli- ography of the higher education of women. Bost., 1897. Association of economic entomologists. Proceedings of the an- nual meeting, no. 7-13. Wash;, 1895-1902. (In U. S.: Agric.,. dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, new ser. no. 2, 6,. 9, 17, 20, 26, 31.) Association of engineers of Virginia. Transactions, 189 1-3. v. 1-2. Roanoke, 1891-3. Note: later proceedings pub. in Journal of the Assoc, of engineering societies. The Assoc, disbanded about 1898. comp. Roanoke (Va.). Ordinance to provide regulations gov- erning the erection of buildings. 1894. Association of executive health officers of Ontario. Report of the annual meeting, 1887, '89-99. v. 2, 4-14. Toronto, 1887-99. Association of experiment station veterans. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1898. v. 2. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin. 1898. no. 22.) Association of medical officers of American institutions for idiotic and feeble-minded persons. Proceedings, 1876-95. v. 1-19. v. p. 1877-95. Note : superseded by the Journal of psycho-asthenics. Association of military surgeons of the national guard of U. S. Transactions, 1891, '92, '94, '96, '97, '99-1901. v. i, 2, 4, 6-9; v. 10^ no. 1-2. St. L., 1891-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 66 Association of ministers on Piscataqua river. Prayer book for the use of families. Ports., 1802. Ed. 3. Ports., 1807. Association of official agricultural chemists. Methods of analysis adopted November, 1898. Wash., 1899. {U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 46.) Methods of analysis of commercial fertilizers, cattle foods, dairy products, sugar, and fermented liquors, adopted, 1888. Wash., 1888. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 19.) Proceedings, 1886, '88-1900. v. 3, 5-i7- Wash., 1886-1901. (U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 12, 19, 24, 28, 31, 35, 38, 43, 47, 49, 5i, 56, 57, 62 ) Association of railway superintendents of bridges and buildings. Best method of constructing and maintaining highways and farm crossings, n. p. n. d, Constitution and by-laws. Cone, 1893. Cone, 1896. Association of survivors of 73d 111. vol. infantry. Minutes of pro- ceedings. V. 7, 9-13. V. p. 1893-9. Association of the alumni of Bowdoin college. Obituary record of the graduates of Bowdoin college and the Medical school of Maine for the decade ending June i, 1899. Ser. 2, no. i-io; Ser. 3, no. 1-2. Brunswick, 1890-1901. Note : ser. 1 is incorporated in Packard's History of Bowdoin college. Association of the alumni at Rutgers college. Charter and by-laws. New Brunswick, 1887. Association of the bar of the city of New York. Annual report of the special committee to urge the rejection of the proposed civil code. 1881-85, '89. N. Y., 1881-89. Annual reports, 1870, '82-1901. N. Y., 1870-1901. Catalogue of the library. N. Y., 1892. Charges against George G. Barnard and Albert Cardozo. 3v. and index. N. Y., 1872. Chief-justice Waite; memorial before the Association. N. Y., 1890. Constitution and address. N. Y., 1870. Constitution. N. Y., 1871. Constitution and by-laws. N. Y., 1876. N. Y., 1879. Corporations under the proposed civil code. N. Y. n. d. Federal judicial system. N. Y., 1890. Minority report of committee on land transfer reform. N. Y., 1887. Proceedings in relation to charges made through the press against Charles O'Conor. N. Y., 1876. Proceedings on a publication in the N. Y. Times of Mar. 26, 1876, censuring the counsel for the plaintiff in the Forrest di- vorce case. N: Y., 1876. Proposed amendments to the code of procedure. N. Y., 1871. Report, committee on federal courts on bill increasing number of circuit judges and establishing general terms in each circuit. N. Y., 1882. Report of committee on amendment of the law, March 19, 1889. Report of committee on litigated business. N. Y., 1875. Report of committee on transfer of title to land. N. Y., 1882. Report of committee respecting the jurisdiction of the United States courts. N. Y., 1888. Report of special committee upon delays and uncertainty in judicial administration in the city of New York. N. Y., 1886. 5 66 AUTHOR LIST. Association of the bar of the city of New York. Report of the committee in relation to the bill pending before the legislature, entitled An act to establish a code of evidence. N, Y., 1889. Report of the committee on admission to the bar. N. Y., 1876. Report of the committee on amendment of the law. n. p. n. d. Report of the committee on extortions, N. Y., 1872. • Report of the committee on law reporting, no. 1-2. N. Y., 1873. Report of the committee on the amendment of the law, Feb. 12, 1878. Report of the committee on the amendment of the law in re- spect to proposed reform in land transfers. N. Y., 1886. Report of the committee on the amendment of the law upon the proposed civil code. N. Y., 1881. Report of the library committee. N. Y., 1873. Report of the special committee on nominations for judicial offices. N. Y., 1881. Report of the special committee on the first 13 chapters of the new revision of the statutes, n. p. 1876. Report on a plan for improving the methods of legislation of this state. N. Y., 1885. Reports on penal code. N. Y., 1883. ed. Adams, George H. Trusts and the civil code. 1888. ed. Rives, George L. Torts under the code. 1885. ed. Sedgwick, Arthur George. Damages in the code. 1885. Association of the Ohio colleges. See Ohio college association. Asten, Friedrich Emil von. Neue hulfstafeln zur reduction der in der liistoire celeste Frangaise. Lpz., 1868. Astor library. Annual report of the trustees; 1849-94. v. 1-46. Alb., 1850-95. • Catalogue. 4v. N. Y., 1857-61. Astronomical diary; or. An almanack for 1791. Bost., 1791. Astrophysical journal, monthly, v. i, no. i, 2, 4, 5; v. 2-13. Chic, 1895-1901. Astrophysical observatory of the Smithsonian institution. See Smithsonian institution. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad company. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders, 1883-8, '91-2, '96-1900. Bost., 1884- 1 900. • Report of receivers. N. Y., 1896. Athens club. Constitution and by-laws with list of members. Manch., 1877. Manch., 1879. Athens lunatic asylum. See Athens state hospital. Athens state hospital. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers, for the year ending Nov. 15, 1872, '76-85, '95, '98-9, Columbus, 1873-1900. Note : name was formerly Athens lunatic asylum ; changed in 187 ? to Athens hospital for the insane, and later to Athens state hospital. Atherton, Charles Gordon. Oration delivered on the 14th anni- versary of the battle of New Orleans, at Goflfstown, January 8, 1829. Cone, 1829. Atherton, Charles Humphrey. Address before the N. H. Histori- cal society, June 8, 1831. Cone, 1831. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. 3; p. I53-79-) Address to the Hillsborough agricultural society. Amherst, 1820. Eulogy on Washington, Amherst, Feb. 22, 1800. (In Selec- tion of orations and eulogies. 1800. p. 83-99.) anon. Memoir of Joshua Atherton. Bost, 1852. Memoir of Samuel Abbot. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. v. 6; p. 205-11.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBBARY. 67 Atherton, Charles Humphrey. Memoir of the life of Samuel Dana. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. 3; p. 9-23) Memoir of Wyseman Clagett. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. V. 3; p. 24-39.) Oration pronounced at Amherst, N. H., July 4, 1798. Am- herst, 1798. Atherton, Henry Brydge. Topography and surface geology. Nashua, 1895. Athol (Mass.). Record of Athol, Mass., in suppressing the Great Rebellion. Bost., 1866. Atkins, Dudley, M. D., ed. Reports of hospital physicians and other documents in relation to the epidemic cholera of 1832. N. Y., 1832. Atkins, Smith D. With Sherman's cavalry. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 383-98.) Atkins, T. Astley. Manor of Philipsburgh; a paper read before the N. Y. hist, soc, June 5, 1894. n. p. 1894. Atkins, T. B. History of Halifax city. Halifax, 1895. (In Nova Scotia hist. soc. Coll. v. 8.) Atkins, William Giles. History of the town of Hawley, Mass., with family records and biographical sketches. W. Cumming- ton, 1887. Atkinson, Alatau T., ed. Hawaiian islands, their resources, agri- cultural, commercial, and financial. Honolulu, 1896. Atkinson, Charles Follen, and Loring, Francis William. Cotton culture and the South. 1869. Atkinson, Edmund, tr. Ganot, Adolphe. Elementary treatise on physics. 1868. Atkinson, Edward. Addresses upon the labor question. Best., 1886. Application of science to the production and consumption of food, (/n Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1886. V. 34; p. 425-96.) Cost of a national crime; hell of war and its penalties. Ed. 9. n. p. 1899. Ed. 10. n. p. n. d. Criminal aggression; by whom committed? Ed. 4. n. p. 1899. Ed. 5. n. p. n. d. Distribution of products. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1892. Forecast of the future commercial union of the English-speak- ing people. (/« Amer. assoc. for the Advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1895. V. 43; p. 407-18.) Industrial exhibitions; their true function in connection with industrial education. Bost., 1882. Industrial progress of the nation; consumption limited, pro- duction unlimited. N. Y., 1890. Ed. 2. N. Y. n. d. Rejoinder to Mr. Chamberlin. (In Atkinson, Edward. Mar- gin of profits. 1887. p. 81-107.) Right application of heat to the conversion of food material. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 39; p. 413-29.) ;- School instruction and the labor question. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 202-37.) Taxation and work, a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency. N. Y., 1892. What is a bank? What service does a bank perform? Best, 1880. N. Y., 1881. (Econ. tracts, ser. of 1880-81. no. i.) and others. Science of nutrition. Bost., 1896. ed. Anti-imperialist. 1899. 68 AUTHOR LIST. Atkinson, Fred W. Study of American normal schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1896. p. 29-44.) Atkinson, George E. Game birds of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1898. (In Hist, and sci. soc. of Manitoba. Trans, no. 51.) Manitoba birds of prey. Winnipeg, 1899. (In hist, and sci. soc. of Manitoba. Trans. 1899. no. 53.) Atkinson, George Francis. Experimental morphology. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 249-67.) Preliminary report on the life history and metamorphoses of a root-gall nematode. Auburn, 1889. (Ala.: Agric. experi. sta. Bulletin, no. 9, new ser.) ■ Some diseases of cotton. Montgomery, 1892. (Ala.: Agric. expcr. sta. Bulletin, no. 41.) Some leaf blights of cotton. Montgomery, 1892. (Ala.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 36.) Atkinson, Lt.-Col. John. Story of Lookout Mountain and Mission- ary Ridge. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 277-96.) Atkinson, Theodore, and Tomlinson, Capt. John. Correspondence. (In N. H.: State historian. Provincial and state papers. 1870. V. 4; p. 833-65; V. 5; p. 886-96.) Atkinson, Thomas, D. D. Ecclesiastical development. (In Lec- tures on the evidences of Christianity. 1855. p. 175-85.) Atkinson, William B., M. D. Hints on the obstetric procedure. Phil., 1874. ed. Physicians and surgeons of the United States. Phil., 1878. ed. Therapeutics of gynecology and obstetrics. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Phil., 1881. comp. American medical association. Transactions, index, v. 1-33. 1883. Atkinson, William Parsons. Classical and scientific studies and the great schools of England. Camb., 1865. Dynamic and mechanic teaching. (In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1866. p. 208-60.) Atkinson (N. H.). Annual reports, 1860-1901. Haverhill, 1860- 1901. Atkinson academy, Atkinson (N. H.). Catalogue, 185 1-5, '58-60, '70-1, '73-4- V. p. 1852-74- Courses of study, 1891-2. n. p. 1891. Atlanta (Ga.): Health, hoard of. Annual report, v. 22. Atlanta^ 1900. Atlanta, Cotton states and international exposition. See Cotton states and international exposition, Atlanta, 1895. Atlanta medical college. Annual announcement; session 1895-6. V. 38. Atlanta, 1895. Atlanta university. Catalogue, 1869-77, '78-97, '98-1900. Atlanta, 1 870- 1 900. Note . first two reports were by the Normal and preparatory depts. Publications, no. 1-3. Atlanta, 1896-8. Atlantic and St. Lawrence railroad company. Charter and by-laws, lease to the Grand Trunk railway company of Canada. Portl., 1855. Deed modifying the lease to the Grand Trunk railway com- pany, Mar. 31, 1863. Portl., 1863. Report of the president and directors to the stockholders, 1848-94. Portl., 1848-94. Note : last pub. in 1894. ed. Beckett, S. B. Guide book of the Atlantic and St. Law- rence, St. Lawrence and Atlantic railroads, with a description of the White Mountains. 1853. See also Portland, White Mountain and Montreal R. R. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRAE Y. 69 Atlantic City (N. J.), international homoeopathic congress. See International homoeopathic congress. Atlantic coast line. Short sketch of Charleston, S. C. Ed. 3. n. p. 1900. Atlantic journal and friend of knowledge, v. i, no. 1-2. Phil., 1832. Atlantic medical weekly, v. 3-10. Prov. 1895-8. Note: being a continuation of the Rhode Island medical weekly. Atlantic monthly, a magazine of literature, art, and politics, v. i; V. 2, no. I, 4-7; V. 3-47; V. 48, no. 2-6; v. 49-54; v. 55, no. i, 5, 6; V. 56-66, 68-80, 85. Bost., 1857-1900. Atlantic mutual fire insurance company. Report i860. Exeter, i860. Atlee, Walter F., M. D., ed. Nelaton, Auguste. Clinical lectures on surgery. 1855. Atterbury, William Wallace, D. D. Elias Boudinot; reminiscences of the American revolution. (In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Pro- ceed. 1888-91. V. 2; p. 261-98.) Sonntagsgesetze und Sonntagsfreiheit. N. Y. n. d. Sunday laws and Sunday liberty. N. Y. n. d. Sunday observance in the United States. N. Y. n. d. Attleboro agricultural association. Reports for 1892-5. n. p. 1893-6. Atwater, Caleb. History of the state of Ohio. Cine, 1838. Atwater, Rev. E. R. Origin of the Disciples of Christ. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1892. v. 3; p. 56-79) Atwater, Edward E., comp., anon. Genealogical register of the descendants in the male line of David Atwater. New Haven, 1873. • History of the colony of New Haven to its absorption into Connecticut. New Haven, 1881. Atwater, Francis. History of Kent, Conn. Meriden, 1897. Atwater, Helen W. Bread and the principles of bread making. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1900. no. 1X2.) Atwater, Wilbur Olin. Food and diet. Wash., 1895. Foods, nutritive value and cost. Wash., 1894. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1894. no. 23.) and Rosa, Edward Bennett. Descriptions of new respiration calorimeter. Wash., 1899. (^w U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Experi- ment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 63.) director. See United States: Experiment stations, oMce of. Atwill, Rev. Edward R. Sermon delivered in St. Paul's church, Burlington, Vt., at a service celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the parish. Burlington, 1881. Atwood, David. Gov. Louis P. Harvey. (In Wise state hist, soc. Coll. 1868. V. 5; p. 48-63.) Life and services of Benjamin F. Hopkins. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. V. 6; p. 71-86.) and Tenney, Henry A. Memorial record of the fathers of Wisconsin. 1880. and others. In memoriam, Cadwallader C. Washburn. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1882. v. 9; p. 327-65.) • Memorial sketches of O. M. Conover. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 10: p. 451-73.) Atwood, Edward S. Memorial of John Betham. Salem, 1884. Atwood, William. Case of William Atwood, with a true account of the government and people of New York. Lond., 1703. (In N. Y. hist. soc. CoH. 1881. v. 21; p. 237-319.) Aubert, A. B. Organic and inorganic preparations. Bangor n. d. Auburn (N. H.). Annual reports, 1849-65, '67-70, '72, '74-7, '79-85, '88-1901. Manch., 1849-1901. 70 AUTHOR LIST. Auburn (N. Y.): Education, board of. Annual report, 1883. Auburn^ 1884. Auburn, Bedford, Chester, Dunbarton, and New Boston citizens' directory, 1889-90. v. i. Haverhill n. d. Auburn theological seminary. Annual catalogue, 1883-4, '85-6, '89- 93, '94-8, '99-1900. V. 64, 66, 70-3, 75-8, 80. Auburn, 1884-1900. Auchincloss, William Stuart. Waters within the earth and laws of rainflow. Phil., 1897. Auckland university college, New Zealand. Report. Wellington, 1894. Audubon society of the state of Connecticut. Leaflet, no. 2. n. p. n. d. Aufrere, Anthony. Cannibals' progress; or, The dreadful horrors of French invasion exercised towards Germany. Ports., 1798. Auger, Athanase, ed. Lysias. Opera omnia. 1783. Aughey, Samuel. Ideas and the men that created the University of Nebraska. Lincoln, 1881. Sketches of the physical geography and geology of Nebraska. Omaha, 1880. Augsburg seminary. Catalogue, 1898-9. Minneapolis n. d. Augusta (Ga.): Health, board of. Annual report for the year 1899. V. 22. Augusta, 1899. Augustana business college. Annual prospectus. Rock Island, 1890. Augustana college and theological seminary. Announcement for 1890-91. Rock Island, 1890. Note : issued as the 2d ed. of the Catalogue for 1890-1. Catalogue, 1873-95. v. p. 1874-95. Note: catalogues for 1873-6 in Swedish. Constitution. Rock Island n. d. Courses of study. Rock Island, 1895. Description and sketches of faculty. Rock Island n. d. Post-graduate courses, 1891. Rock Island, 1891. See also Alumni association of Augustana college and theologi- cal seminary. Augustana conservatory of music. Catalogue, 1886-7, '93> '96- Rock Island, 1887-96. Augustana theological seminary. Catalogue, 1886-92. Rock Island^ 1887-92. Augustus Evangelisch-Lutherische congregation, Trappe (Penn.). Kirchenmatricul: der evangelisch Lutherischen gemeinde in Neu Providenz; tr., collated, and arranged by J. F. Sachse. (/» Penn.-German soc. Proceed. 1896-7. v. 6; p. 159-248; v. 7; p. 477-533.) Aupaumut, Hendrick. Narrative of an embassy to the western Indians; from the original mss. {In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1827. V. 2; p. 61-131.) Austen, Philip H., M. D., ed. Harris, Chapin Aaron, M. D. Princi- ples and practice of dentistry. 1871. Austin, Amory. Rice; its cultivation, production, and distribution in the United States and foreign countries. Wash., 1893. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Statistics, div. of. Reports; misc. ser. no. 6.) Austin, Arthur. Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Cone, 1843. Austin, Arthur W. Address at dedication of the town-house at Jamaica Plain, West Roxbury. Bost., 1868. Austin, C. H. Impending crisis. Utica, 1865. Austin, Daniel, jr. Oration pronounced July 4, 1814, at the request of the Republican citizens of Portsmouth. Ports., 1814. Austin, George Lowell. History of Massachusetts. Bost, 1876. Austin, Capt. Horace. Frontier of southwestern Minnesota in 1857. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. V. 4; P- 124-43) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 71 Austin, Ivers J., anon. William Williams Mather. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 339-55) Austin, James Trecothick. Address before the Mass. charitable mechanic association, at the celebration of their nth triennial festival, Oct. 3, 1839. Bost., 1839. Life of Elbridge Gerry. Bost., 1828. Austin, John Osborne, com(>. Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island. Alb., 1887. comp. One hundred and sixty allied families. Salem, 1893. Austin, Jonathan Williams. Oration delivered at Boston, March 5, 1778. {In Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of Boston. 1807. p. 97-113.) Austin, Mrs. Josephine, anon. Historical sketch of the Woman's Christian temperance union, 1881-1896. Littleton, 1897. Austin, O. P., chief of Bureau of statistics. See United States: Statis- tics, bureau of. Austin, Samuel, D. D. Gospel minister commissioned by Christ; ordination of Rev. J. M. Whiton. Amherst, 1809. Religion the glory of a community; a sermon preached on the day of general election, Oct. 10, 1816, before the honorable legislature of Vt. Montpelier, 1816. {In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58. no. 4.) Austin, Stephen F. "Prison journal." {In Texas state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1899. v. 2; p. 183-210.) Austin (Tex.) Citizens* executive committee. Report of the cere- monies of laying the corner-stone of the new capitol of Texas. Austin, 1885. Australasian association for the advancement of science. Report. V. 7. Sydney, 1898. Australasian federal convention, 1897. Official record of the de- bates, session 2, Sept. 2-24, 1897. Sydney, 1897. Proceedings. Sydney, 1897. Australasian quarantine conference of Melbourne, 1896. Proceed- ings. Melbourne n. d. Australasian sanitary conference of Sydney, 1884. Report, minutes of proceedings, and appex. Sydney, 1884. Australia: Constitutional convention, 1891. Draft bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia, ed. by G. B. Barton. Sydney, 1891. Australian museum. See New South Wales: Australian museum. Austria: Handelsministerium: Arbeitsstatistischen amt. Mittheilungen. V. I. Wein., 1900. ed. Sociale rundschau. 1901. Auvigny, Jean Castre d', and Despontaines, Pierre Frangois Guyot, anon. Histoire de la ville de Paras. 1735. Auxiliary foreign missionary society of Hillsborough, south, in N. H. Annual report, 1826. v. 2. Cone, 1826. ♦ Aveling, Edward. Students' Marx; an introduction to the study of Karl Marx' "Capital." Lond., 1897. (Social science series, no. 43.) and Aveling, Mrs. Eleanor (Marx). Working class movement m America. Ed. 2, enl. Lond., 1891. (Social science series, no. 23.) Jr. Engels, Friedrich. Socialism, Utopian and scientific. 1892. Aveling, Mrs. Eleanor (Marx), and Aveling, Edward. Working class movement in America. 1891. tr. Bernstein, Edward. Ferdinand Lassalle as a social re- former. 1893. Averill, Charles. Short treatise on operative surgery: ist Amer ed. by John Bell. Phil., 1823. Averill, Elizabeth, and Whitten, Mary E. Books recommended for high school pupils. Cone, 1899. 72 AUTHOR LIST. Averill, James P. Andersonville prison park; report of its pur- chase and improvement. Atlanta, iSgpC?) Avery, Elroy M. Elements of natural philosophy. N. Y., 1878. Avery, Giles B. Sketches of "Shakers and Shakerism." Alb., 1883. Alb., 1884. Avery, Isaac W. History of the state of Georgia. N. Y., 1881. Scotch-Irish settlers and statesmen of Georgia. (In Scotch- Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1892. v. 4; p. 204-19.) Avery, Rev. John. Some reminiscences of the monthly meeting of the Congregational ministers of New London county. (In N. L. Co. hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 2, pt. i; p. 23-68.) Avery, Rachel Foster, ed. National council of women of the United States. Transactions. 1891. Avery, Capt. William B. Gun-boat service on the James river. Prov., 1884. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist, s )c. Personal narratives, v. 3.) ■ Marine artillery with the Burnside expedition and the battle of Camden, N. C. Prov., 1880. (In R. I. soldiers and sailors hist. soc. Personal narratives, v. 2.) Avery notes and queries, a quarterly magazine devoted to the his- tory of the Groton Averys. v. i, no. i. Groton, 1898. Avezac-Macaya, Marie Armand Pascal d*. Letter on the voyages of John and Sebastian Cabot. (In Me. hist. soc. Doc. hist 1869. v. i; p. 499-514) Avity, Pierre d'. Description generale de I'Europe. v. 3. Par., 1643- Ayer, Franklin Deming, D. D. Ministers' and widows' charitable fund. Cone, 1900. • Service of song in the worship of God. Cone, 1870. Ayer, J. C, and Company, pub. Ayer's American almanac. 1889. Ayer, James Bourne, anon. James Ayer, in memoriam. Bost., 1892. Ayer, Rev. Joseph CuUen. Development of the appellate jurisdic- tion of the Roman See. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. V. 8; p. 197-227.) Ayer, N. W., and son, ed. American newspaper annual, 1884-1900. Ayers, Edward, M. D., ed. Obstetrics. 1899. Ayers, Howard. Morphology of the carotids. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1889. v. 17; p. 191- 223.) Ayers, Walter H. Eulogy on Edward Payson Sherman of Thet- ford, Vt., May 22, 1868. Hanover, 1868. Ayers, William O. Claims of natural history as a branch of com- mon school education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1850. p. 119-47.) Ayling, Augustus Davis. See New Hampshire: Adjutant-general. Ayme, Louis H. Notes on Mitla. (In Amer. Antiq. soc. Proceed. 1882. p. 82-100.) Ayres, Douglas, M. D. President's address, a resume of medicine and surgical progress, 1898. Cone, 1898. Ayres, Capt. James C, and Morrison, Capt. Charles C. Course of instruction for artillery gunners. (In U. S.: Adjutant-general. Artillery circulars. 1895. I.) Azyr, Vicq. d'. Essay on the danger of interments in cities. N. Y., 1824. B. B., A. Account of the late revolutions in New England, by A. B. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 189- 200.) B., B. Coast survey, reply to the defence of its cost, abuses, and power, n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 73 B., I., ed. In memory of John Lamson Flagg. n. p. n. d. B., M. E., and B., H. G., pseud. See Brown, Mary Elizabeth, and Brown, Helen Oilman. B., S. O. Historia de la revolucion de los Estados Unidos de Amer- ica. N. Y., 1854- B., W., pseud. Private letter on the silver question. Toledo, 1890. B. and L. See Boston and Lowell railroad company. B. M. C. Durfee high school. Fall River (Mass.). Description of the high school building. Fall River, 1889. Babbage, Charles. Observations on the temple of Serapis. n. p. 1847. Babbitt, Rev. Dean Richmond. Mistakes, not failures, in missions. Tacoma n. d. Babbitt, Edwin Dwight. Principles of light and color. N. Y., 1878. Babbitt, Frank Cole. Theatre at Corinth. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897. v. i; p. 481-94.) Babcock, E. J. Clays of economic value in North Dakota. Bis- marck, 1892. Babcock, J. M. L. Right of the ballot, a reply to Francis Park- man and others. Bost., 1879. Babcock, Louis M., ed. Our American resorts, for health, pleas- ure, and recreation. Wash., 1883. Babelon, Ernest. Revue de la numismatique Grecque et Romaine. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1885. v. i; p. 387-400. v. 3; p. 75-86.) Baber, Edward Colborne. Travels and researches in western China. Lond., 1882. (In Royal geog. soc. of Lond. Sup. papers, v. i, pt. i.) Babies' hospital of the city of New York. Annual report, 1894- 1900. V. 6-12. N. Y., 1894-1900. Babington, B. G., M. D., ed. Feuchtersleben, Ernst, Frciherr von. Principles of medical psychology. 1847. tr. Hecker, Justus Friedrich Karl, M. D. Epidemics of the Middle ages. 1844. Babington, George G., ed. Hunter, John. Treatise on the venereal disease. 1839. Babson, John J. History of the town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including the town of Rockport. Glouc, i860. Notes and additions to the history of Gloucester. 2v. in i. Glouc., 1876. Baby pathfinder; railway guide, monthly, v. i, no. i, 5; v. 8, no. 7; V. 10, no. 6, 9; v. 12, no. 9-12; v. 13, no. i, 5-12; v. 14, no. 1-2; v. 16, no. 5. Bost., 1886-1901. Bache, Alexander Dallas. Additional notes of a discussion of tidal observations at Cat Island, La. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; p. 94-109.) Address on retiring from the duties of president. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; pref., p. 41-60.) Approximate cotidal lines of diurnal and semi-diurnal tides of the coast of the United States on the Gulf of Mexico. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. v. 10; p. 153-65.) Discussion of the magnetic and meteorological observation.!. 12 pts. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1859-65. V. II, pt. i; V. 13, pt. 2-6; V. 14, pt. 7-12.) Lecture on the Gulf stream. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; pref., p. 1-72.) Notes and diagrams illustrative of the directions of the forces acting at and near the surface of the earth, in different parts of the Brunswick tornado of June 19, 1835. (^« Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1837. v. 5; p. 407-17.) 74 AUTHOR LIST. Bache, Alexander Dallas. Notes of a discussion of tidal observa- tions made in connection with the coast survey, at Cat Island, in the Gulf of Mexico. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 4; p. 281-92.) Notes on the use of the zenith telescope in determining lat- itudes in the coast survey by Talcott's method. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 5; p. 151- 68.) Observations of the magnetic intensity at twenty-one sta- tions in Europe. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1841. V. 7-, p. 75-100.) — — On the distribution of temperature in and near the Gulf stream. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. V. 8; p. 134-43) On the diurnal variation of the horizontal needle. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1837. v. 5; p. 1-21.) On the progress of the survey of the coast of the United States. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed. 1850. V. 2; p. 162-78.) On the tidal currents of New York bay near Sandy Hook. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1859. v. 12; p. 80-92.) On the tides at Key West, Florida. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 32-41.) Preliminary determination of co-tidal lines on the Atlantic coast of the U. S. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. v. 8; p. 107-16.) Records and results of a magnetic survey of Pennsylvania, 1840-62. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1863. V. 13) Bache, Franklin, M. D., and Wood, George B., M. D. Dispensatory of the United States of America. 1834. 1836. 1839. 1843. 1847. 1849. 1865. 1867. ed. Turner, Edward, M. D. Elements of chemistry. 1832. 1835. 1840. Bache, Richard Meade. Life of Gen. G. G. Meade. Phil., 1897. Bachelder, John. Map of Claremont, N. H., 1857. N. Y., 1857. Bachelder, John B. Popular resorts. Bost., 1875. Bachelder, Nahum Josiah. Relation of Boards of trade to the summer resort interests. Cone, 1894. ed. National grange quarterly bulletin. 1900. secy. See New Hampshire: Agriculture, board of. Bachman, John, D. D. Observations on the changes of colour in birds and quadrupeds. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1839. V. 6; p. 197-239) Backus, Isaac. Abridgment of the church history of New Eng- land from 1602 to 1804. Bost., 1804. History of New England with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists; ed. by David Wes- ton. Ed. 2. 2v. Newton, 1871. Backus, IJeut.^ Samuel W. Californians in the field, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 4.) Bacon, Alice M. Negro and the Atlanta exposition. Bait., 1896. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occa- sional papers. 1896. no. 7.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 7& Bacon, Rev. Edward W. New London and the War of 1812. {In N. L. Co. hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i, pt. i; p. 94-109.) Bacon, Edwin M. King's dictionary of Boston. Camb., 1883. ed., Herndon, Richard, comp. Boston of today. 1892. Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans. 'Essays, moral, economical, and political; ist Amer. ed. Bost., 1807. New Atlantis. (In Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Social contract. 1901. p. 233-72.) On the proficience and advancement of learning, divine and human. Lond., 1828. See also Shakspere, William. Bacon, George F. Central New Hampshire and its leading busi- ness men. Bost, 1890. Concord and its points of interest. Cone, 1890. ■ Keene and vicinity. Newark, 1891. Leading business men of Concord and vicinity. Bost, 1890. Leading business men of Nashua and vicinity. Bost, 1890. Northern New Hampshire and its leading business men. Bost., 1890. Bost., 1890. Bacon, Henry D. Catalogue of the library presented by him to the University of California. Sacramento, 1882. (In Univ. of Cal. Library bulletin, no. 3.) Bacon, Leonard, D. D. American church; discourse in behalf of the American home missionary society. N. Y., 1852. Civil government in the New Haven colony. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1865. v. i; p. 11-27.) Historical discourse delivered at Worcester in the Old South meeting house, Sept. 22, 1863, the looth anniversary of its erec- tion. Wore, 1863. Old way, a commemorative discourse for the 50th anniver- sary of the American home missionary soc. N. Y., 1876. Oration before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1845. Relation of faith to missions. Bost., 1852. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Thirteen historical discourses on the completion of 200 years. N. H., 1839. Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, D. D. Discourse in memory of H. L. Goodwin. Hartf., 1899. History of American Christianity. N. Y., 1897. (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 13.) Bacon, Oliver N. History of Natick. Bost., 1856. Bacon, Lieut. Thomas. First impressions and studies from nature in Hindostan. 2v. Lond., 1837. Bacon, Thomas Rutherford. Lessons from a city's life. (In New Haven (Conn.). Hundredth anniversary of the city of New Haven. 1885. p. 25-48.) Bacon, William J. Continental congress; some of its actors and their doings. (In Oneida hist soc. Trans. 1881. p. 7-30.) Bacon, William Thompson. Poems. Ed. 3. Bost., 1840. Bacon art gallery. Catalogue. Sacramento, 1892. (In Univ. of Cal. Library bulletin. 1892. no. 4.) Baconian facts, an epilogue to the farce. Bacon v. Shakespeare. Wore, 1890. Bacon's and Ingram's rebellion. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 11; p. 27-80.) — (-^w Mass. hist soc. Proceed. 1867. v. 9; p. 299-342.) Bacot, John. Treatise on syphilis. Lond., 1829. Bacteriological world. See Modern medicine and bacteriological 76 AUTHOR LIST. Badeau, Adam. Grant in peace; from Appomattox to Mount Mc- Gregor. Hartf., 1887. Military history of U. S. Grant, from April, 1861, to April, 1865. 3v. N. Y., 1881. Bader-Almanach mittheilungen der Bader, Luftkurorte und Heil- anstalten in Deutschland. Ber. n. d. . Ed. 7. Ber., i898(?) Badger, Henry C. Mathematical theses of junior and senior classes, 1782-1839. Camb., 1888. (In Harv. univ.: Lib. contrib. 1888. no. 32.) Badger, Paine D. Brief manual of medical botany, n. p. 1842. Badger, Rev. Stephen. Historical and characteristic traits of the American Indians in general and those of Natick in particular. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 5; p. 32-45) Badger, William. Governor's message to both branches of the legislature, June 6, 1834. Cone, 1834. • Letter to the public; affidavits and certificates, n. p. 1818. ■ Message to both branches of the legislature, June session, 1835- Cone, 1835. Badger and Porter, pub. Stage register; bi-monthly. 1827. Badlam, William H. First cruise of the Kearsarge. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. V. i; p. 11-24.) Baeumler, C, M. D., tr. Niemeyer, Felix von, M. D. Clinical lec- tures on pulmonary consumption. 1870. Bagehot, Walter. English constitution. New ed. rev. Bost, 1873. Wash., 1901. (Bound zvith Hamilton, Alexander, Madi- son, James, Pres. of U. S., and Jay, John, 1745-1829. Federalist. 1901. V. 2.) Postulates on English political economy. N. Y., 1885. Bagg, J. N. Account of the centennial celebration of the town of West Springfield, Mass., March 25, 1874. 'Springf., 1874. Bagg, M. M. Earliest factories of Oneida, and their projectors. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1881. p. 112-24.) Bailey, Mrs. Abigail. Memoirs written by herself, ed. by Ethan Smith. Bost., 1815. Bailey, Arthur Low. Bibliography of biography of musicians. (In N. Y. (state): Library. Bulletin; bibliography. 1898. no. 15-17- P- 493-576.) Bailey, Benjamin F., M. D. Eight cases of albuminuria of preg- nancy. Minneapolis, 1894. Induction of abortion and premature labor, n. p. n. d. ' Our responsibility as homoeopathists and physicians toward infants. Minneapolis, 1894. and Clokey, Allison, M. D. Present status of pediatrics. Lin- coln, 1896. Bailey, Ebenezer. First lessons in algebra. Bost., 1835. Ed. 23. Bost., 1844. Young ladies' class book; a selection of lessons for reading in prose and verse. Bost., 1832. Bost, 1834. ; Ed. 21. Bost, 1839. ed. Bakewell, Frederick C. Philosophical conversations. 1833. Bailey, Rev. Frederic W., ed. Early Connecticut marriages as found on ancient church records prior to 1800. v. 1-5. N. H., 1 896- 1 902. ed. Early Massachusetts marriages prior to 1800, as found on the official records, v. 1-2. N. H., 1897-1900. Bailey, Rev. George H. Address on the looth anniversary of Mary Lyon's birth, Feb. 28, 1897. n. p. 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 77 Bailey, H. H., and Company, pub. Bird's eye view of Concord, N. H, 1875- n. p. 1875- Bailey, Mrs. Hannah J. Shall we make a soldier of the Indian? n. p. 1891. Temperance work for Indians, n. p., 1900. Bailey, Henry T. Illustrative sketching. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1894. p. 231-42.) Bailey, Hollis Russell, ed. Bailey genealogy. Somerville, 1899. Bailey, Rev. Jacob. Letter in 1775, describing the destruction of Falmouth, Me. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. 5; p. 437-50.) Bailey, Jacob Whitman, M. D. Microscopical examination of soundings made off the Atlantic coast. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1851. v. 2; art. 3.) Microscopical observations made in S. C, Ga., and Fla. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1851. v. 2; art. 8.) Notes on new species and localities of microscopical organ- isms. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1855. V. 7-) Bailey, James Montgomery. History of Danbury, Conn., 1684- 1896, ed. by S. B. Hill. N. Y., 1896. Bailey, Keyes A. Practical exposition of phonography. N. Y. 1848. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Agricultural status, n. p. n. d. Annals of horticulture in North America for the year 1889-91. N. Y., 1890-92. Farmers' institutes. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept of: Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin no. 79.) Farmers' reading courses. Wash., 1899. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin no. 72.) Field notes on apple culture. N. Y., 1898. Forcing-book, a manual of the cultivation of vegetables in glass houses. N. Y., 1897. (Garden-craft series.) Horticulturist's rule-book. N. Y., 1898. (Garden-craft series.) Nursery-book, a complete guide to the multiplication of plants. N. Y., 1898. ((jarden-craft series.) Plant-breeding, being five lectures upon the amelioration of domestic plants. N. Y., 1897. (Garden-craft series.) Principles of agriculture. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1900. (Rural sci- ence series.) Principles of fruit-growing. N. Y., 1898. (Rural science series.) Survival of the unlike. N. Y., 1896. and Miller, William, comp. Cyclopedia of American horticul- ture. 4v. N. Y., 1900-2. Bailey, Liberty Hyde, ed. Rural science series. Bailey, Loring Woart. Observations on the geology of southern New Brunswick. Fredericton, 1865. and Matthew, George F. Remarks on the age and relations of the metamorphic rocks of New Brunswick and Maine. 1870. Bailey, Rev. Melville K. Historical sketch of the Protestant Epis- copal church in Branford, Conn. Branford, 1887. Bailey, Nathan. English and Latin exercises. Ed. 14. Lond., 1762. Bailey, Rev. Phineas. Phonography; containing a complete sys- tem of short hand writing. Ed. 6. St. Albans, 1852. Bailey, Sarah Loring. Historical sketches of Andover. Bost, 1880. Bailey, Steele, M. D. Case of compound comminuted fracture of the tibia. Stanford, 1891. Bailey, Thomas P. Child-study in the Tompkins school. Oakland, 1896. (In Tompkins school. Monographs. 1896. no. 2.) 78 AUTHOR LIST. Bailey, Vernon. Pocket gophers of the United States. Wash., 1895. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Biological survey, div. of. Bulletin. 1895. no. 5.) Prairie ground squirrels. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Biological survey, div. of. Bulletin, 1893. no. 4.) Bailey, William H., M. D. Anniversary address before the Medi- cal society of the state of N. Y. at its 75th annual meeting. Syracuse, 1881. Bailey-Bayley family association. Account of the annual gather- ing held 1894-1900. V. 2-8. Bradford, 1894-1900. Baillie, Joanna. Complete works; ist Amer. ed. Phil., 1832. Baillie, Matthew, M. D. Morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body; 3d Amer. fr. the 5th Lond. ed. Phil., 1820. Baily, and others, ed. Maison rustique du I9e siecle. Ed. 1-3. 5v. Paris, 1849. Note : v. 5, ed. 3. Baily, John, tr. Juarros, Domingo. Statistical and commercial history of the kingdom of Guatemala in Spanish Amercia. 1823. Bain, Alexander, 181 1-77. Electricity. {In Reid, David Boswell. Elements of chemistry. 1849. p. 225-411.) Bain, Alexander, 1818- Education as a science. N. Y., 1896. Bainbridge-Hoff, William. See Hoff, William Bainbridge- Baird, Charles Washington, D. D. History of the Huguenot emi- gration to America. N. Y., 1885. Baird, Mrs. Elizabeth Therese (Fisher). Reminiscences of early days on Mackinac Island. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 14; p. 17-64.) Reminiscences of life in territorial Wisconsin. {In Wise. state hist. soc. Coll. 1900. v. 15; p. 205-63.) Baird, Henry Martyn, D. D. History of the rise of the Huguenots of France. 2v. N. Y., 1865. Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2v. N. Y., 1886. Huguenots and the revocation of the edict of Nantes. 2v. N. Y., 1895. Huguenots of the "Desert." {In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Proceed. 1888-91. v. 2; p. 8-26.) Baird, Henry S. Early history and condition of Wisconsin. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1855. v. i; p. 72-97.) Recollections of the early history of northern Wisconsin. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1859. v. 4; p. 197-221.) Baird, Mrs. Henry S. Indian customs and early recollections. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1882. v. 9; p. 2>03-2^) Baird, Robert, D. D. Progress and prospects of Christianity in the United States of America. Lond., 1851. ed. Langstrath, Rev. Lorenzo Lorraine. Practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee. 1871. Baird, Spencer Fullerton. Catalogue of North American birds chiefly in the museum of the Smithsonian institution. Wash., 1859. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting speci- mens of natural history. Ed. 2. Wash., 1854. Ed. 3. Wash., 1859. {In Smithsonian inst Misc. coll. 1862. V. 2.) General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific rail- road routes. Wash., 1857-8. {In U. S. : War, dept. of Explora- tions and surveys. 1853-6. v. 8-10.) Herpetology. Phil., 1858. {In U. S. : Exploring expedition. Narrative. 1858. v. 20.) '. Review of American birds. Wash., 1864-72. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1874. v. 12.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 79 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, and Girard, Charles, M. D. Catalogue of North American reptiles. Wash., 1853- (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) _ ,' ^ , Baird, William. Dismemberment of Virginia. (In Southern hist. assoc. Pub. 1898. V. 2; p. 34-50.) Bakeman, Francis W., D. D. Commemorative discourse on the life of C. E. Hamlin. Portl., 1887. Baker, Albert Rufus, M. D. Some facts every practitioner ought to know about squint, n. p. n. d. Baker, C. F. More about the San Jose scale. Montg., 1897. (/« Ala.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 86.) Baker, Charles M. Pioneer history of Walworth county. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. v. 6; p. 436-78.) Baker, Charles R. Practical and scientific fruit culture. Best., 1866. Baker, Charlotte Alice. Christine Otis. (In her True stories. 1897. P 5-34) , , , . Difficulties and dangers in the settlement of a frontier town, 1670. (In her True stories. 1897. p. 89-127.) Ensign John Sheldon. (In Pocuratuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. v. i; p. 405-31.) (In her True stories. 1897. p. 155-92.) Eunice Williams. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. V. i; p. 18-37) (In her True stories. 1897. p. 128-54.) Historical paper delivered, 1872. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. v. i; p. 72-102.) Historical sketch of Christina Otis. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. as'^oc. Hist. 1890. v. i; p. 445-67.) Ministers and meeting houses of ye olden time. (In Pocum- tuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. v. i; p. 356-88.) My hunt for the captives. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. V. 2; p. 342-66.) (In her True stories. 1897. p. 193-222.) True stories of New England captives. Camb., 1897. Two captives, a romance of real life. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 411-31.) (In her True stories. 1897. p. 223-49.) Baker, DeW. C, comp. Texas scrap-book; made up of the history, biography, and miscellany of Texas and its people. N. Y., 1875. Baker, Florence Elizabeth. Bibliographical history of the two Wisconsin constitutional conventions. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 45; p. 123-59.) Brief history of the elective franchise in Wisconsin. (In Wise. state hist. soc. Proceed. 1893. v. 41; p. 113-30.) Baker, Frank. Address; the ascent of man. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 39; p. 351-74.) Baker, Frank Collins. Catalogue and synonomy of the recent spe- cies of the family of muricidae. (Jn Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. i; p. 'I53-72.) Descriptions of new species of muricidae. (In Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. i; p. 129-37.) Mollusca of the Chicago area. Chic, 1900. (In Chic. acad. of sci. Bulletin of the geol. and nat. hist, survey, no. 3, pt. i.) Molluscan fauna of western New York. (In acad. of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1898. v. 8; p. 71-94.) Notes on a collection of shells from Mauritius. (In Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 2; p. 19-40.) Baker, Frank, tr. Livius Patavinus, Titus. History of Rome. 1823. Baker, George A. St. Joseph-Kankakee portage. South Bend, 1899. (In Northern Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1899. no. i.) 80 AUTHOR LIST. Baker, George E., ed. Seward, William Henry. Works. 1884. Baker, Henry B., M. D. Climate and health in Michigan, n. p. 1885. Baker, Henry M. Accounting in the treasury department, speech in the House of representatives, May 2, 1894. Wash., 1894. Does civil service reform? Wash., 1897. ' Election laws. Wash., 1893 (?) How to use silver. Wash., 1895. , Necessity for adequate coast defenses. Wash., 1896. Pilgrim Puritans. Wash., 1890. Protection not hostile to exportations. Wash., 1894. Tariff. Wash., 1894. Baker, Henry S. Relation of fatigue to social and educational progress. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1895. p. 33-52.) Baker, James H. Baccalaureate address, n. p. 1898. Recent growth of the University of Colorado. Boulder, 1898. ed. State university from the standpoint of high schools. n. p. 1895. University ideals, n. p. n. d. Baker, Brig.-Gen. James H. General Gra,nt, his military character and position in history. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, com- mandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 379-400. History of transportation in Minnesota. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 1-34.) In memoriam; H. H. Sibley. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn. commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 509-19.) Lake Superior, its history. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1880. V. 3; p. 333-55-) Sources of the Mississippi. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 6; p. 5-28.) Baker, John C. Sketches of an excursion through Vermont and among the White Mountains of N. H. in 1864 and 1865. Mon- treal, 1869. Baker, John F. Federal constitution, an essay. N. Y., 1887. Baker, John R. Old and new style fixed dates, calendars and the principles and results of emandations. Phil., 1881. (Numis- matic and antiq. soc. of Phil.) Valuable and extraordinary collection of books from the library of Gen. George Washington, n. p. i89i(?) Baker, Brig.-Gen., Lafayette C. History of the United States secret service. Phil., 1868. Baker, Lucius W., M. D. Cottage hospitals. West Gardner, 1882. Baker, M. N., ed. Manual of American water-works. N. Y., 1889. Baker, Marcus. Boundary monuments of the District of Colum- bia. (In Col. hist. soc. Records, v. i; p. 215-24.) Relief maps. (In Philosophical soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1894. V. 12; p. 349-68.) comp. Directory of scientific societies of Washington. 1892-3. Baker, Nathaniel Bradley. Address to the senate and house of representatives. Cone, 1854. Baker, Osmon C, D. D. Guide-book in the administration of the discipline of the M. E. church. N. Y., 1855. Baker, Samuel. Election to life eternal. Millbury, 1833. Baker, Thomas Barwick Lloyd. "War with crime," being a selec- tion of reprinted papers, ed. by H. Philips and E. Verney. Lond., 1889. Baker, Maj.-Gen., William Adolphus. Bible Chronology. St. Leonards-on-sea., 1900. Personality of antichrist. St. Leonards-on-sea, 1899. Baker and Taylor company. Standard library catalogue of 2,50a approved books. N. Y., 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 81 Baker university. Roster of the officers and students for the year ending March, 1899-1900. v. 41-42. Baldwin, 1899-1900. Bakersville union Sabbath school, Manchester, (N. //.). Catalogue. Manch., 1878. Manch., 1882. Bakewell, Frederick C. Philosophical conversations; with notes by E. Bailey. Bost, 1833. Bakewell, Robert. Introduction to geology; 3d Amer. fr. the 5th Lond. ed., ed. by B. Silliman. N. H., 1839. Balch, Emily Greene. Public assistance of the poor in France. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 8, no. 4-5. I79P-) Balch, Thomas. French in America durinsc the War of Independ- ence of the U. S., 1777-1783; tr. by T. W. Balch. Phil, 1891. International courts of arbitration. Phil., 1896. ed., anon. Letters and papers relating chiefly to the provin- cial history of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1855. Balch, Thomas Willing. Alabama arbitration. Phil., 1900. Emeric Cruce. Phil., 1900. tr., Balch, Thomas. French in America. 1891. Balch, William S. Dangers of our Republic, an oration delivered in Chester, Vt., July 4, 1857. N. Y., 1857. Balck, Capt. Supply and expenditure of ammunition; tr. fr. the Ger. by Lieut. O. Gurovits. {In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Selected pro- fessional papers. 1898. p. 215-89.) Balcom, George L. Catalogue of library. 3v. n. p. n. d. Note : manuscript copy. Catalogue of his valuable private library. Bost, 1901. Baldwin, Charles Candee. Early Indian migrations in Ohio. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1888. v. 2, no. 47; p. 81- 95.) Early maps of Ohio and the west. Cleveland, 1875. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1888. v. i, no. 25.) Geographical history of Ohio. n. p. n. d. Cleveland, 1880. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. V. 2, no. 63.) History of man in Ohio. Cleveland n. d. {In Western re- serve hist. soc. Tracts. 1892. v. 3; no. 80.) Iroquois in Ohio. Cleveland n. d. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts, n. d. v. 2, no. 40.) Memorial of Col. Charles Whittlesey. Cleveland, 1887. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1888. v. 2, no. 68.) Baldwin, Christopher Columbus. Diary 1829-1835. Wore, 1901. Baldwin, Edwin Chauncey. Character books of the 17th century in relation to the development of the novel, {In Western re- serve univ. Bulletin. 1900. v. 6, no. 4; p. 120-43.) Baldwin, Rev. Elijah C. Branford annals, 1700-1800. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882-3. v. 3; p. 249-70. v. 4; p. 299- 329.) Baldwin, Henry. Orchids of New England. N. Y., 1884. Baldwin, Joseph. Psychology applied to the art of teaching. N. Y., 1898. (International educational series, no. 19.) School management and school methods. N. Y., 1897. (In- ternational education series, no. 40.) Baldwin, Col. Loammi. Letter respecting the Hampshire and Hampden canal. {In Clinton, DeWitt. Letters. 1828. p. 9-22.) Sewall's Falls locks and canal. Cone, 1839. and others. Letters on the Union canal of Penn. Bost, 1821. Baldwin, Simeon E. Authorship of the "Quatre lettres d'un bour- geois de New Heaven sur Tunite de la legislation." {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1900. v. 6; p. 263-81.) 82 AUTHOR LIST. Baldwin, Simeon E. Boundary line between Connecticut and New York. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 271- I'i 'aptives of the Amistad. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1888. V. 4; p. 331-70.) Constitutional questions incident to the acquisition and gov- ernment by the U. S. of island territories. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 3I3-43-) Early history of the ballot in Connecticut. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Papers. 1890. v. 4; p. 407-22.) Ecclesiastical constitution of Yale college. (In N. H. col- ony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 405-42.) Historic policy of the U. S. as to annexation. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 367-90.) Historical address at the celebration of the looth anniversary of the organization of the Chamber of commerce of New Haven, n. p. 1896. New Haven convention of 1778. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 33-^2.) Past and future of this society. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 397-403-) Philip Marett. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. V. 5; p. 73-88.) Three constitutions of Connecticut. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 179-245.) ■ • Visitorial statutes of Andover seminary. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 223-41.) Baldwin, Thomas, ed., and Thomas, Joseph, M. D., ed. Lippincott's pronouncing gazeteer. 1871. Baldwin, Rev. Thomas. Sermon delivered before Caleb Strong, the council, senate, and house of representatives, 1802. Bost., 1802. Baldwin, William H. Interest of labor in the economies of rail- road consolidation. (In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Corpo- rations. 1900. p. 137-51-) Baldwin university. Catalogue, 1898. v. 43. Berea, 1899. Bale, W. M. Catalogue of the Australian hydroid zoophytes. Syd- ney, 1884. Balestier, Joseph N., ed. Revere, Joseph Warren. Tour of duty in California. 1849. Balfour, Arthur James. International bimetallism. Lond. n. d. Balfour, Walter. Inquiry into the Scriptural import of the words Sheol, Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna. Ed. 3. Bost, 1832. Balfour, Sir William. Cheriton fight, March 29, 1644. Edin., 1882. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Ball, B. L., M. D. Three days on the White Mountains. Bost., 1856. Bost, 1877. Ball, Carleton R. Notes on some western willows. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1899. v. 9; p. 69-90.) Ball, J. Dyer. Things Chinese. Ed. 3. Lond., 1900. Ball, Jonathan. New-Year's address, n, p. n. d. New Year's wish. n. p. n. d. Spiritual experience, n. p. n. d. Ball, Phinehas. Report upon a system of sewerage for the city of Keene, N. H. (In Keene (N. H.): Appraisal of the real estate. 1876. p. 67-118.) Ball, T. H. Homes of Lake, written for the Old Settlers' assoc. of Lake county, Ind. Crown Point, 1885. Lake county, Ind., 1884. Crown Point, 1884. Lake county, Ind., 1890. n. p. 1890. Note : scale 3 mi. to 1 inch. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 83 Ball, T. H. Origin of the nations, an ethnological study of the loth chapter of Genesis. Crown Point, 1897. Ballagh, James Curtis. Introduction to Southern economic his- tory; the land system. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. V. 9; p. 102-29.) Southern economic history, tariff, and public lands. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 221-63.) White servitude in the colony of Virginia. Bait., 1895. (^« Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 13, no. 6-7.) Ballantine, Rev. E. Sermon occasioned by the death of ex-Presi- dent Polk. Wash., 1849. Ballantine, George Alexander. Catalogue of an architectural library. N. Y., 1898. Ballantine, William G., D. D. Association sermon; the principles of Congregationalism. (In O. church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. V. 7; P- 1-14) Ballard, Edward, D. D. Character of the Penacooks. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 8; p. 428-45-) Early history of the Protestant Episcopal church. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. V. 6; p. 171-202.) Indian mode of applying names. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 8; p. 446-52.) Memorial volume of the Popham celebration, August 29, 1862, commemorative of the planting of the Popham colony on the peninsula of Sabino, 1607. Portl., 1863. Poole, William Frederick, and Kidder, Frederic. Popham colony, 1866. Ballard, Edward, D. D., ed. Lincoln, Enoch. Remarks on the In- dian languages. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. v. i; p. 412-27.) Ballard, Harlan H. Amos Eaton. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1897. p. 183-234.) History, methods and purposes of the Berkshire athenaeum. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1892. v. i; p. 291-306.) Three kingdoms, a hand-book of the Agassiz association. N. Y., 1888. Ed. 4. ^ St. L., 1897. Ballard, Rev. Josiah. Farewell discourses delivered in the Central meeting house in Nelson, 1840. Cone, 1840. Ballard, Sarah Frances, comp. Gems reset, n. p. n. d. Ballart, F. G., and Comstock, F. M. Drinking-water and some of its impurities. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. v. 9; p. 114-26.) Balliet, Thomas M. Feelings and their culture. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 64-71.) Ballou, Rev. Adin. History of the town of Milford, Mass. Bost, 1882. Ballou, Rev. Hosea, 1771-1852. Collection of valuables, consisting of pieces on doctrinal, practical, and experimental subjects; com.p. by John E. Palmer. Montp., 1836. • Notes on the parables of the New Testament. Ed. 2. Ports., 1812. ■ Sermon dejivered at Langdon (N. H.), at the ordination of Rev. Abner Kneeland. Randolph, 1806. Sermon delivered at Portsmouth, N. H., on the 20th of August, 1812. Ports, n. d. Sermons on important doctrinal subjects. Bost., 1832. Buckminster, Joseph, D. D., and Walton, Rev. Joseph. Series of letters. 1811. Ballou, Hosea Starr. Hosea Ballou, 2d, D. D., his origin, life, and letters. Bost., 1896. Ballou, Ira. Read again, before you decide. Manch. n. d. Ballou, John, ed. Oahspe; a new Bible. 1891. 84 AUTHOR LIST. Ballou, Matiirin Murray. Biography of Rev. Hosea Ballou. Bost., 1852. New Eldorado; a summer journey to Alaska. Bost, 1889. Balmforth, Ramsden. New Reformation and its relation to moral and social problems. Lond., 1893. (Social science series, no. 62.) Baltimore: Electrical commission. Report to the mayor and city council on a general subway system to be owned by the city. Bait., 1896. : Health, dept. of. Annual report for the fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1881, '83-9; '95, '99-1900. Bait., 1882-1901. Weekly return of deaths and interments, 1885. n. p. 1885. : Mayor. Messages to the council, 1800-30. Bait. v. d. ■ : Public schools, hoard of commissioners of. Annual report for 1889, '92. V. 61, 64. Bait., 1891-92. : Sewerage commission. Report, v. 1-2. Bait., 1897-9. Baltimore board of trade. Report of the president and directors, 1887, 90-1900. Bait., 1888- 1900. Baltimore chamber of commerce. Annual report for 1896-1900. v. 42-46. Bait., 1897-1901. Note: earlier name of the association was Baltimore corn and flour exchange. Baltimore college of dental surgery. Annual catalogue for 1884-5. V. 45. Bait., 1884. I Baltimore corn and flour exchange. Annual report for 1880-96. V. 26-41. Bait, 1881-96. Note: v. 42-46, name Is Baltimore chamber of commerce. Baltimore medical college. Annual announcement and catalogue; session 1889-90, '92-3; '94-5, '96-1901. v. 9, 12, 14, 16-20. Bait., 1 889- 1900. Baltimore new mercantile library association. Annual report, v. 2. Bait., 1889. Baltimore university: School of medicine. Annual announcement, 1888-9, '91-3, '95-8, '99-1900. Bait., 1888-99. Baly, William, M. D., tr. Muller, Johannes, M. D., 1801-58. Ele- ments of physiology. 1843. Bancroft, A. L. & Company. Official guide map of the city and county of San Francisco. San Fran., 1877. Note : scale 8 miles to 1 inch. Bancroft, Aaron, D. D. Benefits resulting to the family of man from the mediation of Jesus Christ. Wore, 1821. Comparative advantages of the ministerial profession. Ports., 1808. Essay on the life of George Washington. Wore, 1807. Life of George Washington. 2v. in i. Bost., 1859. Bancroft, Cecil Franklin Patch. Service rendered by the second- ary school. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 58-74-) Bancroft, Charles Parker, M. D. Automatic muscular movements among the insane, n. p. n. d. comp. anon. Extracts from newspapers and i)eriodicals in re- lation to the condition of the insane in New Hampshire previous to the erection of the N. H. asylum for the insane, n. p. 1890. Inquiry into the causes of insanity. Manch., 1884. Legal and medical ilisanity. Richmond, 1900. Physical basis of sin. n. p. 1894. Subconscious homicide and suicide, n. p. n. d. Note: read before the American medico-psychological assoc. at St. Louis^ May, 1898. Bancroft, Col. Ebenezer. Bunker Hill battle. (In Spaulding, E. H., comp. Bi-centennial of old Dunstable. 1878. p. 57-66.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAEY. 85 Bancroft, Frank W. Ovogenesis in distaplia occidentalis fitter. (In Harv. univ. Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1899. v. 35; p. 59-112.) Bancroft, Frederic. Life of William H. Seward. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Bancroft, George. General index to History of the U. S. Boat., 1875. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States. 2v. N. Y., 1882. ■ History of the United States. Ed. 1-14. lov. Bost., 1837-74. XoTE : V. 2, 4-6, 10, ed. 1 ; v. 1, ed. 2 ; v. 9, ed. 3 ; v. 8, ed. 9 ; v. 7, ed. 11 ; v. 3, ed. 14, ■ lov. Bost., 1834-52. Note : v. 2, 4, 6-10, wanting. The author's last revision. 6v. N. Y., 1888. Martin Van Buren to the end of his public career. N. Y., 1889. Memorial address on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln. Wash., 1866. Mr. Bancroft's letter on the exchange of prisoners during the American v/ar of independence. N. Y., 1862. ■ Necessity, the reality and the promise of the progress of the human race. N. Y., 1854. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Semi-centennial. 1854- P- 5-37-) ' ... ed. Virginia. Proceedings of the first assembly of Virginia, 1619. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Collections. 1857. v. 8; p. 329-59.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Book of the fair. 2v. Chic, 1893. California inter pocula. San Fran., 1888. California pastoral; 1769-1848. San Fran., 1888. Essays and miscellany. San Fran., 1890. History of Alaska; 1730-1885. San Fran., 1886. History of Arizona and New Mexico; 1530-1888. San Fran., 1889. History of British Columbia; 1792-1887. San Fran., 1887. History of California; 1542-1890. 7v. San Fran., 1885-90. History of Central America. 3v. San Fran., 1886. History of Mexico. 6v. San Fran., 1883-8. History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming; 1540-1888. San Fran., 1890. History of Oregon; 1834-1888. 2v. San Fran., 1886-8. History of the northern Mexican states and Texas. 2v. San Fran., 1886-9. History of the northwest coast;. 1543-1846. 2v. San Frari., 1884-6. History of Utah; 1540-1886. San Fran., 1889. History of Washington, Idaho, and Montana; 1845-89. San Fran., 1890. Literary industries. San Fran., 1890. New Pacific. N. Y., 1900. Popular tribunals. 2v. San Fran., 1887. Native races. 5v. San Fran., 1882-6. Bancroft, James H. Merrifield fire of 1854, in Worcester. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. v. 17; p. 142-61.) Bancroft, Jesse Parker, M. D. Bearing of hospital adjustments upon the efficiency of remedial and meliorating treatment in mental diseases, n. p. n. d. anon. Medical history of the New Hampshire asylum for the insane. (In Walker, J. B., anon. Historical sketch. 1886. p. 22-34.) Memorial of John Eugene Tyler. Cone, 1879. Separate provision for the recent, the curable, and the appre- ciative insane, n. p. 1889. 86 AUTHOB LIST. Bancroft, Mrs. Lucretia (Chandler). Letter to her daughter, Mrs. Gherardi. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. Oct., 1900. p. 125- 59) Bancroft, William L. History of the military reservation at Fort Gratiot. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 11; p. 249-61.) Memoir of Capt. Samuel Ward. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 21; p. 336-67.) Bancroft-Whitney company. Catalogue of law books. San Fran., 1890. Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse. Final report of the investi- gations among the Indians of the southwestern U. S. 2 pts. in IV. Camb., 1890-2. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Amer. ser. no, 3, 4.) Notes on the bibliography of Yucatan and Central America. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1880. p. 82-118.) On the sources for aboriginal history of Spanish America. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1879. v. 27; p. 315-37.) . , . . . Report of an archaeological tour in Mexico in i88r. Bost., 1884. Bang, Theodore, pseud. (?) Mysteries of Papermill Village. Paper- mill Village, 1845. Bangor (Me.). Centennial celebration of the settlement of Ban- gor, Sept. 30, 1869. Bangor, 1870. : Public library. Annual reports, 1890-1900. Bangor, 1891-1901. By-laws and rules. Bangor, 1888. Catalogue. Bangor, 1886. : Superintending school committee. Report for the municipal year 1882-3. Bangor, 1883. Bangor and Aroostook railroad. Guide to Maine and Aroostook county, n. p. 1895. Bangor and Brewer directory of the inhabitants, etc.; pub. by W. A. Greenough & co. v. 12-13. Bost., 1887-90. Bangor historical magazine; monthly, ed. by J. W. Porter, v. 1-9. Bangor, 1885-95. Bangor theological seminary. Catalogue, 1868, '68-9, '81-2, '85-1900, 1901-2. Bangor, 1868-1900. General catalogue, 1820-95. Bangor, 1895. Statement. Bangor, 1880. Bangs, John Kendrick, ed. Literature. 1899. Bangs, Nathan, D. D. Address delivered at the opening of the new missionary rooms, Jan. 12, 1848. N. Y., 1848. Banister, Rev. S. W. Two sermons preached at Carlisle, Mass., in commemoration of Mrs. E. E. H. Banister. Barre, 1851. Bankers' almanac and register, ed. by Benjamin Homans, annu- ally, T878, pt. 1-2; 1881, '92-4. V. 27, pt. 1-2, 31, 42-4. N. Y., 1867-94. Note : continuation of Merchants' and Bankers' almanac. Bankers' directory and collection guide; comp. and pub. by Brad- ford Rhodes & co., semi-annually, 1897-1901. N. Y., 1897-1901. Bankers' encyclopedia; a compilation of banks and bankers in the U. S., comp. by C. R. Williams, semi-annually, 1895-7. v. 2-5. Chic, 1895-7. Bankers' magazine and statistical register; ed. by J. S. Homans, monthly, v. 5, 8-24, 28-33, 36-9, 41, 45, 52-61. Bost., 1850-1901. Note : 1896, name chanp;ed to Bankers' magazine ; Rhodes' journal of banking and Bankers' magazine, consolidated. Bankers' magazine; Rhodes' journal of banking and the Bankers' magazine, monthly, 1896-1900. v. 52-61. N. Y., 1896-1901. Note : continuation of Bankers' magazine and statistical register. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 8T Banks, Anthony Bleecker, comp. Albany bi-centennial. Alb., 1888. Banks, Charles Edward, M. D. Cholera infantum. Prov., 1879. (In Wiggin, O. C, M. D. Artificial feeding, 1879) Destruction of Falmouth in 1775 and the responsibility there- for. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 15; p. 408-21.) Edward Godfrey. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 295-384) William Mitchell Sargent. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; p. 113-26.) ed. Gardiner, Henry. New England's vindication. 1884. Banks, Henry. Vindication of John Banks, of Virginia; also the vindication of General Henry Lee, of Virginia. Frankfort, 1826. Banks, Nathan. List of works on North American entomology. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 24.) comp. United States: Agriculture, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bibliography to the more important contributions to American economic entomology. 1901. Banks, Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel Prentiss. Address to the council of the commonwealth. Bost., 1859, Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass. Bost, 1859. Banks and Brothers. Catalogue of law books. N. Y., 1872. N. Y., 1889. Bannan, Benjamin, and Daddow, Samuel Harries. Coal, iron, and oil. 1866. Banneker, Benjamin. Letter of Benjamin Bannekar to Thomas Jefferson and Jefferson's reply, n. p. n. d. Bannerman, W. Bruce, ed. Visitations of the county of Surrey, 1530, 1572, and 1623. Lond., 1899. (Harleian soc. Pub. no. 43.) Banning, E. P., M. D. Human spine, an analysis of the comparative merits of the gypsum jacket and compound supports. Bost., 1881. Banquet in honor of Major-General J. A. Dix, given by the Amer- icans of Paris. Paris, 1869. Banta, Theodore M., comp. Frisian family, the Banta genealogy. N. Y., 1893. Banvard, John. Description of Banvard's panorama of the Missis- sippi river painted on three miles of canvas. Bost., 1847. Bost., 1847. Banvard, Rev. Joseph. American statesman; or, Illustrations of the life of Daniel Webster. Bost., 1853. Note: same as Daniel Webster, his life and public services, by same author. — — Daniel Webster, his life and public services. Chic, 1875. Baptist board of foreign missions for the United States. Annual report, v. 2. Phil., 1816. (In Mass. Baptist missionary mag. 1814. V. 4.) Baptist church. Short summary and declaration of faith, to which is added the church covenant. Cone, 1848. Baptist congress. Annual session for the discussion of current questions, 1885-96. v. 4-14. N. Y., 1886-96. Baptist female charitable society. Concord (N. H.). See Ladies' char- itable society. Baptist general tract society: New Hampshire branch. Annual re- port, 1835. V. I. Cone, 1835. Baptist home mission monthly, v. 1-13; v. 14, no. 2-11; v 15; v 16, no. 1-3, 5-6, 8-10, 12; V. 17-22. N. Y., 1878-1900. Baptist young people's union of Massachusetts. Anniversary, v. 4. Bost., 1896. ^ \ V- ^-4- Bost., 1893-6. (In Mass. Baptist convention. An- nual report. 1893-6. v. 91-94.) 88 AUTHOR LIST. Bar association of San Francisco. Constitution and by-laws. San Fran., 1890. Bar association of Tennessee. Proceedings of the annual meeting. V. 14-17. Nashv., 1895-98. Bar association of the city of Boston. Addresses delivered at the unveiling of the statue of Rufus Choate in the court house in Boston, October 15, 1898. Bost, 1899. Constitution and by-laws. Bost., 1877. Bost, 1879. Bost., 1885. Bost, 1888. Bost, 1892. Bost., 1894. Bost, 1895. Bost., 1896. Bost., 1897. Bost., 1898. Bost., 1900. Bar association of the city of New York. 5"^^ Association of the bar of the city of New York. Bar association of the state of Kansas. Annual meeting, v. 3-18. Topeka, 1886-1901. Bar association of the state of New Hampshire. Constitution, n. p. n. d. Proceedings at its annual meeting, 1900-1. v. i, no. 1-2. Cone, 1900-1. Signatures, n. p. 1899. Bar of the court of claims, IVashington, D. C. William Adams Rich- ardson. Wash., 1897. Barber, Rev. A. D. Vermont as a leader in educational progress. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896.) Barber, Edward W. Life and labors of Col. Michael Shoemaker. (In Mich, pioneer and hist soc. Coll. 1897. v. 27; p. 209-34.) Passing of the pioneers. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Hist. coll. 1900. V. 28; p. 425-37.) Barber, Edwin Atlee. Genealogical record of the Atlee family. Phil, 1884. Barber, Rev. Henry Hervey. Sunday-school and congregation. Bost., n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 40.) Barber, John Warner. Connecticut historical collections. Ed. 2. N. H., 1836. Historical collections of Massachusetts. Wore, 1841. comp. History and antiquities of New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Hartf., 1842. and Howe, Henry. Historical collections of the state of New Jersey. Newark, 1844. Historical collections of the state of New York. N. Y., 1845. and Punderson, Lemuel S. History and antiquities of New Haven, Conn. Ed. 3, rev. N. H., 1870. Barbie du Bocage, Jean Denis. Maps, plans, views, and coins, illustrative of the travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece. Lond., 1791. Barbour, Alexander Hugh Freeland, M. D., and Hart, David Berry, M. D. Manual of gynecology. 1883. 1883. Barbour, Erwin Hinckley. Additional notes on the new fossil dae- monelix. n. p. 1894. (Univ. studies, v. 2, no. i, July, 1894.) Ancient inhabitants of the Connecticut valley, n. p. 1889. Note: from the Conn, almanac, 1889. History of the discovery and report of progress in the study of dccmonelix. n. p. 1897. (Univ. studies, v. 2, no. 2, Jan., 1897.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 89 Barbour, Erwin Hinckley. Is daemonelix a burrow? n. p. 1895. Note : reprinted from the Amer. naturalist. June 1, 1895 . and Torrey, Joseph. Notes on the microscopic structure of ooHte. n. p. 1890. Note: from the American jour, of sci. v. 50, Sept., 1890. Barbour, James. Address to the alumni association of Centre col- lege, June 17, 1874. Cine, 1874. Barbour, V. G. Highways. Rutland, 1890. Barbour, William M., D. D. "Thy neighbor as thyself." Bost., 1883. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Barclay, Andrew Whyte, M. D. Manual of medical diagnosis. Phil., 1858. 2d Amer. fr. the 2d. rev. Lond. ed. Phil., 1862. 3d Amer. fr. 2d. rev. Lond. ed. Phil., 1864. Barclay, Robert. Apology for the true Christian divinity, being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers. Phil. n. d. Catechism and confession of faith. Phil. n. d. Barcroft, E., and Browne, E. Map of the state of Missouri and Illinois, and territory of Arkansas. 1825. Bard, Samuel, M. D. Compendium of the theory and practice of midwifery. Ed. 5, enl. N. Y., 1819. Experimental inquiry into the function of the spleen, gall bladder, and pancreas. N. Y., 1816. Bard, Simeon Ingersoll, M. D. Oration pronounced at Frances- town, N. H., July 4, 1820. Amherst, 1820. Bardsley, Charles Wareing. English surnames, Ed. 6. Lond., 1898. Baretti, Giuseppe, and Neuman, George. Pocket dictionary of the Spanish and English languages. 1840. Baring, Alexander, ist baron of Ashbitrton. See Ashburton, Alexander Baring, ist baron of. Baring-Gould, Sabine. See Gould, Sabine Baring- Barkan, Louis, M. D. How to preserve health. N. Y., 1890. Barker, Arthur Edward James, ir. Frey, Heinrich. Histology and histro-chemistry of man. 1875. Barker, David. Address in commemoration of the independence of the United States. Dover, 1828. Barker, F. C. Irrigation in Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. Wash., 1898. (U. S. : Geol. sur. Water supply and Irrig. papers, no. 10.) Barker, Fordyce, M. D. Biographical tribute to E. R. Peaslee. N. Y., 1878. • Inaugural address before the N. Y. acad. of med. N. Y., 1879. (Bound with Purple, S. S., M. D. Valedictory address. 1879.) Puerperal diseases, clinical lectures. N. Y., 1874. Second inaugural address. N. Y., 1881. Barker, George Frederic, M. D. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1877, v. 25; p. 85-108.) • Forces of nature. Alb., 1863. On secondary batteries. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 207-17.) Some modern aspects of the life-question. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 1-30.) Barker, J. M. Early settlements in Cheshire, Mass. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1892. v. i; p. 61-108.) Barker, Noah. Essay on the cardinal points. Bangor, 1864- Rejoinder to G. W. M. Pitman's Reply to "Barker's essay on the cardinal points." n. p. 1865. (Bound withjiis Essay on the cardinal points. 1864.) Barlow, G. Hilard, ed. Bright, Richard, M. D. Clinical memoirs on abdominal tumors, i860. 1861. 90 AUTHOR LIST. Barlow, J. History of England from the year 1765 to the year 1795; being a continuation of the histories of Hume and Smollett. 4V. Lond., 1795-96. Note: v. 18-22 of Hume's history of England. Barlow, Joel. Conspiracy of kings, a poem addressed to the inhab- itants of Europe. Newburyport, 1794. Hasty-pudding. Exeter, 1826. Oration delivered at Washington, July 4, 1809. Wash., 1809. Political writings. New ed. N. Y., 1796. Vision of Columbus. Rev. ed. Bait., 1814. Barlowe, Arthur. First voyage to Roanoke. (In Old South leaf- lets 1898. V. 4; no. 92.) and Amadas, Philip. First voyage to America under the charge and direction of Sir Walter Raleigh; 1584. (In Tarbox, I. N., D. D., ed. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1884. p. 107-27.) Barnard, Edward Emerson. Development of photography in as- tronomy, (hi Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. V. 47; P- 19-51) Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, D. D. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 57-102.) Metric system of weights and measures. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1872. Ed. 3. Bost., 1879. • On the pendulum. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1859. v. 12; p. 17-32.) chairman. Report of the committee on weights, measures, and coinage. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1877. V. 25; p. 17-29.) Report on the history and progress of the American coast survey. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. i860. V. 13; p. 27-150.) and Guyot, Arnold, ed. Johnson's universal cyclopedia. 8v. N. Y., 1888. Barnard, Henry. Nathaniel Goodwin. (N. E. hist. gen. soc. Me- morial biog. 1881. V. 2; p. 358-67.) School architecture. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1849. Tribute to Gallaudet. Hartf., 1852. comr. See United States: Education, bureau of. Barnard, Rev. John. Autobiography. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1836. V. 25; p. 177-243) Christian churches formed and furnished by Christ; a sermon at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Timothy Walker to the pas- toral office at the new plantation called Pennicook, Nov. 18, 1730. Bost, 1731. Barnard, Maj.-Gen. John Gross. Biographical notice of Joseph Gil- bert Totten. (In National acad. of sci. Annual. 1866. v. 2; p. 49-130.) On an alleged error in Laplace's theory of the tides. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1878. v. 26; p. 73^84.) On the internal structure .of the earth. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1881. v. 23.) Peninsula campaign and its antecedents as developed by the report of McClellan. Wash., 1864. Problems of rotary motion. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1874. v. 19.) Report on the fabrication of iron for defensive purposes. Wash., 1872. Report on the North Sea canal of Holland. Wash., 1872. (U. S. : Engineers, office of the chief of. Professional papers, no. 22.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 91 Barnard, Maj.-Gen. John Gross. Some remarks on the use and in- terpretation of particular integrals which "satisfy" general dif- ferential equations expressive of dynamic problems. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1877. v. 25; p. 49-59-) Barnard, Rev. Thomas. Christian salvation, sermon at the ordina- tion of Rev. Josiah Bayley. Ports., 1757. Barnard, William Stebbins. Observations on the membra! mascu- lation of the symia satyrus. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1876. v. 24, pt. 2; p. 112-44.) Barnard college. Announcement, 1895-1900. v. 1-4. N. Y., 1895-9. Annual report of the dean, 1895-9. v. 1-5. N. Y., 1895-9. Description, n. p. n. d. See also Columbia university. Barnes, A. S., & co., puh. Popular history of the United States; by the author of Barnes' Brief history of the U. S. N. Y., 1876. Barnes, Rev. Albert. Christianity as applied to the mind of a child in the Sunday school. Phil., 1850. Church and slavery. Phil., 1857. Home missions. N. Y., 1849. ed. Bible: New Testament: Gospels. Notes, explanatory and practical. 1852. ed. Bible: New Testament: Acts of the Apostles. Notes. 1852. ed. Bible: New Testament: Romans. Notes. 1838. 1852. ed. Bible: New Testament: Corinthians. Notes. 1847. ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Notes on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the Epistle to the Gallatians. 1851. ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Notes on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Collossians. 1852. ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Notes on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and to Phil- emon. 1851. ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Notes on the general Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude. 1850. ed. Bible: New Testament: Hebrews. Notes. 185 1. ed. Bible: New Testament: Revelation. Notes. 1852. Barnes, Almont. Report on the agriculture of South America. Wash., 1892. (U. S.: Agric, dept of: Statistics, div. of. Re- ports, misc. ser. no. 2.) Barnes, Charles Reid. Analytic keys to the genera and species of North America mosses. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin, sci. ser. 1896. V. I, no. 5; p. 157-368.) Barnes, Mrs. Emily Ripley. Narratives, traditions and personal reminiscences of the Bellows family. Bost., 1888. Barnes, Francis, ed. Spaulding, Rev. Royal Crafts. Autobiograph- ical sketch and extracts from letters. 1891. Barnes, Isaac O. Address delivered at Bedford, N. H., on the looth anniversary of the town, May 19, 1850. Bost., 1850. Barnes, James. David G. Farragut. Bost., 1899. (Beacon biog- raphies.) and Robinson, William. Asparagus culture. N. Y. n. d. Barnes, Joseph K., surgeon-general. See United States: Surgeon-Gen- eral's office. Barnes, Phineas. Present technical condition of the steel industry of the U. S. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins, no. 25.) Barnes, Robert, M. D. Clinical history of the medical and surgical diseases of vvomen. Phil., 1874. Obstetric operations, with additions by B. F. Dawson, M. D. N. Y., 1870. 92 AUTHOR LIST. Barnes, Susan Burr. Hygiene of the home. Chic, 1887. Barnes, Thurlow Weed. Memoir of Thurlow Weed. Bost., 1884. (In Weed, Thurlow. Autobiography. 1884. v. 2.) Barnes, William A. Psychology, hypnotism, personal magnetism, and clairvoyance. Bost., 1898. Ed. 4. Bost, 1898. Barnes, William Henry Linow. "Grant," a study, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 19.) Barnes, Rev. William S. Life of Count Rumford. Woburn, 1873. Barnet (Vt.) Congregational church. Manual, 1878. Woods v., 1878. Barnett, Percy Arthur, ed. Teaching and organization with special reference to secondary schools. Lond., 1897. Barney, C. Henry. Country boy's first three months in the army. Prov., 1880. (In R. L, soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1880. v. 2.) Barnstable county agricultural society. Transactions for the year 1888-91, '94-6, '98-1900. Yarmouth Port, 1888-1900. Barnstead (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '82, '86, '87, '89, '91-1900. V. p. 1876- 190 1. Barnstead (N. H.) Congregational church at Barnstead Parade. Centennial exercises of the building of the Congregational meet- ing house. Cone, 1897. Manual, 1896. Cone, 1896. Barnstead (N. H.) First Congregational church of North Barn- stead. Manual, 1897. Bristol, 1897. Barnum, E. M. Gold and silver fields of Oregon and Idaho, n. p. n. d. Barnum, H. L. Farmer's own book. New ed. Bost., 1832. Barnwell, Joseph W. Address delivered before the South Caro- lina historical society. (In S. C. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 5; pref. p. 1-20.) Barnwell, Robert Gibbes. Sketch of the life and times of John De Witt. N. Y., 1856. Baron De Hirsch agricultural and industrial school. Woodbine, N. /. Catalogue. N. Y., 1898. Barr, Robert. LTnchanging East. 2v. Bost., 1900. Barrande, Joachim. Documents anciens et nouveaux sur la faune primordiale et le systeme Taconique en Amerique. Par. n. d. Note : extrait du Bulletin de la Soci^te geologique de France, ser. 2, v. 18. (In his Writings, v. d. v. i.) On the primordial fauna and the Taconic system, with addi- tional notes by Jules Marcou. Bost, i860. (In Marcou, Jules. Writings, v. d.) Note: from the proceedings of the Bost. soc. of nat. hist. v. 7, Dec, 1860. Parallele entre les depots Siluriens de Boheme et de Scandi- navie. Prague, 1856. • Writings. 3v. v. p. v. d. Barrantes, Francisco Montero. Compendio de historia de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1894. Elementos de historia re Costa Rica. 2v. San Jose, 1892-4. Geografia de Costa Rica. Barcelona, 1892. Barratt, Norris S., ed. Sons of Delaware of Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania. Year book. 1895-7. Barre, W. L. Life and public services of Millard Fillmore. Buf- falo, 1856. Barre (Mass.). Memorial of the looth anniversary of the incorpo- ration of the town, June 17, 1874. Camb., 1875. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 93 Barre and Worcester railroad company. Report of a committee of the directors showing the estimated cost of the contemplated road, its sources of business, and advantages to the stockholders and public generally. Barre, 1847. Barreme, Francois. (L)'arithmetique, ed. by N. Barreme. New ed. Par., 1740. Barreme, N., ed. Barreme, Frangois. (L)'arithmetique. 1740. Barrett, Benjamin Fisk. Lectures on the doctrines of the New Christian church, called the New Jerusalem. Cine, 1852. cd. Madeley, Rev. Edward. Science of correspondencies eluci- dated. 1883. Barrett, James. Memorial address on the life of Charles Marsh; read before the Vt. hist. soc. Oct. 11, 1870. Montp., 1871. ' (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1870. p. 1-54.) Memorial address on the life of Jacob Collamer. Rutl., 1868. Barrett, Jay Amos. Poncas. (In Neb. hist. soc. Proceed. 1898. V. 7; p. 11-25.) Barrett, Rev. L. G. Essay read before the Salisbury association. Cone, 1882. Barrett, Samuel, D. D. Apostle Peter a Unitarian. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 55.) anon. Excuses for the neglect of the communion considered. Bost., 1829. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 22.) Ed. 3. Bost, 1832. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. I, no. 22.) One hundred Scriptural arguments for the Unitarian faith. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 2.) Ed. 4. Bost., 1827. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. ser. I, no. 2.) Sermon delivered at the ordination of Rev. M. G. Thomas, 2d Congregational church. Concord, N. H. Bost., 1829. Two discourses preached in the 12th Congregational church, Feb. 10, 1850, on the completion of the 25th year of his minis- try. Bost., 1850. Barrett, Walter. Old merchants of New York city. "^v. N. Y., 1885-9. Barrier, Gustave, and Goubaux, Armand. Exterior of the horse. 1892. Barrington, Boyd C. Magna Charta and other great charters of England. Phil., 1900. Barrington, Daines. Possibility of approaching the North pole asserted; new ed. with appendix by Col. Beaufoy. N. Y., 1818. Barrington (N. H.). Annual report, 1891-1901. v. p. 1891-1901. Barrow, Isaac, D. D. Twenty -two sermons on various subjects. 2v. Oxf., 1798. Barrow, John. Excursions in the north of Europe in the years 1830 and 1833. Lond. n. d. Barrow, John D. Elliott in Skaneateles; a paper read before the Onondaga hist. soc. Feb. 8, 1897. Syracuse, 1897. Barrow, Rev. William. Eight sermons preached before the Uni- versity of Oxford in 1799. Lond., 1799. Barrows, C. Edwin, D. D. History of the First Baptist church in Newport, R. I. Newport, 1876. ed. Comer, John. Diary. 1893. Barrows, Mrs. Elizabeth A. (Gate). Memorial of Bradford acad- emy. Bost., 1870. Barrows, Mrs. Isabel C. Conference on manual training. Bost., 1891. Barrows, John Henry, D. D. Spiritual forces in American history. N. Y., 1899. Ten years' pastorate in Chicago, n. p. n. d. 94 AUTHOR LIST. Barrows, Rev. John O. Memorial of Rev. Jesse Page. Newbury- port, 1883. Barrows, Rev. L. D. Distinctive features of Methodism. N. Y., 185T. ■ Funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Rev. Alexander R. Tebbetts. Lawrence, 1847. Substance of an anti-slavery address. Nashua, 1844. Barrows, Rev. Samuel June. Baptist meeting-house. Bost, 1890. Doom of the majority of mankind. Bost, 1891. Light out of darkness. Bost, 1879. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and pen- alties. Wash., 1900. Note : in law alcove. Prison reform. Bost., ^894. Barrows, Walter B. English sparrow in North America. Wash., 1889. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Biological survey, div. of. Bulletin. 1889. no. i.) and Schwartz, E. A. Common crow in the United States. Wash., 1895. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Biological survey, div. of. Bulletin. 1895. no- 6.) Barrows, William, D. D. Honor to the brave, discourse in Old South church, Reading, Mass., on return of company D, 50th regt Mass. vols. 1863. Bost., 1863. Oregon, the struggle for possession. Ed. 4. Bost, 1886. (Amer. commonwealths.) War and slavery. Bost., 1863. Barrus, George H. Report of tests of a compound locomotive, S. M. Vauclain's patent, built by Baldwin locomotive works. Phil., 1891. Barrus, Hiram. History of the town of Goshen, Mass. Bost, 1881. Barry, Alfred, D. D. Do the interests of mankind require experi- ments on living animals? Lond., 1895. {Bound with Anti-vivisec- tion question, n. d.) Barry, John Stetson. Historical sketch of the town of Hanover, Mass. Bost, 1853. History of Massachusetts. Ed. 4. 3v. Bost, 1856-7, Barry, Patrick. Barry's fruit garden. New ed. N. Y., 1899. ed. Horticulturist. 1853-5. v. 8-10. Barry, Rev. William. History of Framingham, Mass. Bost., 1847. Barstow, Benjamin. Letter to James Buchanan. Cone, 1857. • Speech on the abolition propensities of Caleb Cushing. Bost, 1853. Barstow, George. History of New Hampshire from 1614 to 1819. Cone, 1842. Ed. 2. Bost, 1853. Barstow, John L. Message to the general assembly, Oct session, 1882. Montpelier, 1882. • Message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont Oct. session, 1884. Burlington, 1884. Barstow, Josiah Whitney, M. D., anon. Catalogue of the class of 1846 in Dartmouth college. Cone, 1863. In memoriam, a tribute to the memory of A. B. Crosby, n. p. n. d. ed. anon. Semi-centennial reunion of the class of 1846, Dart- mouth college, 1896. Cone, 1897. Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, D. D. Ministers of Christ should not be afraid, sermon at the installation of Rev. Salmon Bennet Cone, 1833. Ministers of Christ should not miss their aim, a sermon preached at the installation of Rev. M. G. Grosvenor. Bost., 1829. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 95 Barstow, Zedekiah Smith, D. D. Preaching Jesus Christ the Lord, sermon at the ordination of Rev. Charles Greenwood. Keene, 1858. "Remember the days of old;" a semi-centennial discourse preached in the First Congregational church, Keene, N. H., July I, 1868. N. Y., 1873. Sermon at the installation of Rev. J. M. Putnam. Cone, 1830. Barth, Justus. Norrnaskaller; crania antiqua in parte orientali Norvegise meridionalis inventa. Christiania, 1896. Barthelemy, Jean Jacques, I'abbe. Travels of Anacharsis the younger in Greece, during the middle of the 4th century before the Christian era. 7v. Lond., 1791. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece. 7v. Par., 1824. Barthelemy, P., tr. Report on the cholera in Paris, 1832. N. Y., 1849- Barthez, E., and Rilliet, Frederic. Treatise on the pneumonia of children. 1841. Bartholinus, Caspar. Anatomia. Hagse-Comitis. 1663. Bartholinus, Thomas., ed. Bartholinus, Caspar. Anatomia. 1663. Bartholomew, Andrew J. Address. {In Nichols academy. Memo- rial. 1878. p. 1-24.) Bartholomew, John. Descriptive hand atlas of the world. Phil., 1875. Bartholow, Roberts, M. D. Bromides, their physiological effects and therapeutical uses. Prov., 1871. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Manual of hypodermic medication. Phil., 1869. Manual of instructions for enlisting and discharging soldiers. Phil., 1863. Practical treatise on materia medica and therapeutics. N. Y., 1876. N. Y. 1877- Treatise on the practise of medicine. N. Y., 1880. Bartlet, James Vernon. Apostolic age; its life, doctrine, worship, and polity. N. Y., 1899. (Ten epochs of church history, v. i.) Bartlet, William Stoodley, D. D. Frontier missionary; a memoir of the life of the Rev. Jacob Bailey. N. Y., 1853. {In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1852-3.) Bartlett, Alfred, ed. Class of '94, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1894- Bartlett, Capt. Asa W. History of the 12th regt. N. H. vols, in the war of the Rebellion. Cone, 1897. Bartlett, Charles. Proceedings at the Peace jubilee at Peter- borough, N. H., Sept. 30, 1898. Manch., 1898. Bartlett, Charles H. Hon. William Little, a memorial address at Berlin, N. H., Jan. 26, 1894. Woodsville n. d. Memorial day address before Frederick Smyth post, no. 10, G. A. R., at Newport, N. H., 1889. Manch. n. d. Oration. {In Manchester (N. H.). Dedication of Stark Park. 1893. p. 12-25.) Oration at the dedication of the Soldiers' monument at Am- herst, N. H., June 19, 1890. Manch., 1890. Oration on Gen. Gilman Marston before the posts of the G. A. R. at Manchester, N. H., May 30, 1891. Manch., 1891. ed. Manchester (N. H.) Post office. Compliments of our letter carriers, Jan. i, 1871. 1871. Bartlett, D. W. Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce. Auburn, 1852. Bartlett, Edwin J., M. D. Adulteration of food. Cone, 1882. Bartlett, Elisha, M. D. History, diagnosis, and treatment of the fevers of the United States. Ed. 2. Phil., 1847. rev. by A. Clark. Ed. 4. Phil., 1856. History, diagnosis, and treatment of typhoid and of typhus fever. Phil., 1842. 96 AUTHOR LIST. Bartlett, Elisha, M. D. Oration delivered before the municipal authorities and citizens of Lowell, July 4, 1848. Lowell, 1848. Bartlett, F. L. Minerals of New England. Portl, 1877. Bartlett, G. W. W. Atkinson illustrated; L. C. S. A. Lynn, 1895. Bartlett, George B. ed. Concord guide book. Bost., 1880. Bartlett, H. Critchett. Digestion and assimilation of fat in the human body. Lond., 1877. Bartlett, Ichabod. Speech at a meeting of citizens opposed to the re-election of Andrew Jackson, at Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 15, 1832. Ports, n. d. Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. Bost., 1896. comp. Shakespeare phrase book. Bost., 1881. Bartlett, John B., Haynes, Henry, and Stewart, J. L. Reports in relation to the celebrated "Alexander tract" of oil, coal, and mineral land. 1865. Bartlett, John Henry, and Gifford, John Pearl. Dartmouth athletics. Cone, 1893. Bartlett, John Russell. Bibliography of Rhode Island. Prov., 1864. Memoirs of Rhode Island officers who were engaged in the service of their country during the Great Rebellion of the South. Prov., 1867. Personal narrative of explorations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora, and Chihuahua, connected with the U. S. and Mexican boundary commission. 2v. N. Y., 1854. Progress of ethnology. (In Amer. ethnological soc. Trans. 1842. V. 2; p. 1-151.) Reminiscences of Albert Gallatin. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1849. p. 281-98.) Soldiers' national cemetery at Gettysburg. Prov., 1874. ed. Williams, Roger. Letters. (In Narragansett club. Pub. 1874. V. 6.) Secy, of State. See Rhode Island: State, secy. of. Bartlett, John Steven, M. D. Physician's pocket synopsis. Bost, 1822. Bartlett, Joseph. Aphorisms on man, manners, principles, and things. Ports., 1810. Music as an auxiliary to religion. Bost., 1841. Bartlett, Josiah, M. D., 1759-1820. Historical sketch of Charles- town. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1814. v. 12; p. 163-84.) read to an assembly of citizens at the opening of Wash- ington Hall, Nov. 16, 1813. Bost., 1814. Historical sketch of the progress of medical science in the commonwealth of Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 11; p. 105-39.) Masonic discourse and W. Walter's charge. Charlestown, 1793- Bartlett, Josiah, M. D., 1768-1838. Speech at the republican con- vention at Kingston Plains, Sept., 1812. Ports., 1812. Bartlett, Josiah, M. D., 1796-1878. Memoir of Josiah Bartlett of Stratham, N. H. Gilmanton, 1839. Bartlett, Richard, ed. Remarks and documents relating to the preservation and keeping of the public archives. Cone, 1837. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. v. 5; P- 1-76.) Bartlett, Rev. Robert. Discourse delivered before the Universalist society in Warner, N. H., Sept. 3, 1822. Woodstock, 1822. Sermon delivered on the day of general election, Oct. 13, 1825, before the legislature of Vermont. Montp., 1825. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58. no. 13.) Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, D. D. Address before the Manchester Y. M. C. A., May 28, 1854. Manch., 1854- Address on the life and character of H. E. Parker, Nov. 9, 1896. Camb., 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 97 Bartlett, Samuel Colcord, D. D. Anniversary addresses. Bost., 1894. Centennial oration, Bennington, Vt., Aug. 16, 1877. Rutl., 1879. Characteristics and duties of the times; baccalaureate sermon preached at Dartmouth college, June 25, 1882. Hanover, 1882. Christian relations of the East and the West; sermon in behalf of the Amer. home missionary soc. N. Y., 1871. Christianity in the college; a baccalaureate sermon preached at Dartmouth college, June 20, 1886. Hanover, 1886. Dartmouth college, as it has been, is, should be, and can be. Hanover, 1881. Divine forces of the Gospel; a sermon before the A. B. C. F. M. Camb., 1872. Dr. John Wheelock, (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. V. 2; p. 408-26.) Duties of educated men; an address before the alumni asso- ciation of Dartmouth college, July 20, 1864. Bost., 1865. Edmund Randolph Peaslee. N, Y. n. d. From Egypt to Palestine. N. Y., 1879. Guaranties of a noble life; a baccalaureate sermon. Cone, 1888. Historical sketch of the missions of the American board in Africa. Bost., 1876. Historical sketch of the missions of the American board in India and Ceylon. Bost., 1886. Historical sketch of the missions of the American board in Turkey. Bost., 1886. Inaugural address. (In Dartmouth college. Exercises at the inauguration of Bartlett. 1877. p. 13-41.) New Hampshire in the American Revolution. Cone, 1898. Oration at the dedication of the statue of Daniel Webster at Concord, N. H., June 17, 1886. Manch., 1887. Note : also found in New Hampshire : Governor and council. OflBcial proceed- ings. 1886. p. 3(M4.) Positive faith; baccalaureate sermon at Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1883. Sources of history in the Pentateuch. N. Y., 1883. Spontaneous element in scholarship. (In Phillips Exeter academy. Lectures. 1887. p. 79-99.) To the alumni and friends of Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1879. Veracity of the Hexateuch; a defence of the historic char- acter of the first six books of the Bible. Chic, 1897. What Dartmouth college has done for New Hampshire. n. p. 1878. Bartlett, William Alfred, D. D. Ober Ammergau and other places. Lowell, 1900. Senior history of the class of '82. Lebanon, 1882. Bartlett, William Holms Chambers. Account of the observatory and instruments of the U. S. military academy at West Point; with observations of the comet of 1843. (^w Amer. Phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1846. v. 9; p. 191-203.) Elements of analytical mechanics. N. Y., 1853. Bartlett (N. H.) Annual report, 1880-2, '84-6, '91-5, '97-1901. N. Conway, 1880-1901. Bartley, Thomas W. Address delivered before the Athenian liter- ary society of Norwalk academy. Norwalk, 1842. Bartol, Cyrus Augustus, D. D. Christ the way; sermon at the ordination of Rev. G. M. Bartol. Lancaster, 1847. Discourse on the life and character of Samuel Putnam. Bost., 1853. 98 AUTHOR LIST. Bartol, Cyrus Augustus, D. D. Hand of God in the great man; a sermon occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster. Ed. 2. Bost., 1852. {Bound with Eulogies of Webster, no. 35.) Nation's hour; a tribute to Maj. Sidney Willar'd. Bost, 1862. • Purchase by blood; a tribute to Brig.-Gen. C. R. Lowell. Bost, 1864. Bartol, Rev. George M. Inheritance to children's children; a dis- course occasioned by the death of Mrs. Sarah Thayer. Bost., 1857. Bartoli, J., M. D., tr. Brera, Valerian Lewis. Treatise on verminous diseases. 1817. Barton, Benjamin Smith, M. D., ed. Philadelphia medical and phys- ical journal, v. 1-3. 1804-9. Barton, Clara, anon. History of the Red Cross; the treaty of Geneva and its adoption by the U. S.; American association of the Red Cross, 1883. Wash., 1883. Red Cross; a history of this remarkable international move- ment in the interest of humanity. Wash., 1898. Barton, Clarence M., ed. Barton's legislative hand-book and manual. 1893. Barton, Cyrus. Address before the Republicans of Newport and vicinity, July 4, 1828. Newport, 1828. • Defence against the attacks of Isaac Hill. Cone, 1840. Barton, G. B., ed. Australia: Constitutional convention. 1891. Draft bill to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia. 1891. Barton, Michael H., ed. Something new, to be published weekly. 1830. Barton, Thomas H., M. D. Autobiography, including a history of the 4th regt. W. Va. vol. infantry. Charleston, 1890. Barton, Rev. Titus T. Fast sermon preached at Fitchburg, July 23, 1812. Leominster, 1812. Barton, William Eleazer, D. D. Early ecclesiastical history of the Western Reserve. (In O. church hist. soc. Papers. 1890. v. i; . p. 14-42.) History of the First Congregational church of Wellington, O. (In O. church hist soc. Papers. 1892. v. 3; p. 21-55.) Barton's legislative hand-book and manual, 1893-4. Olympia, 1893. Barus, Carl. Compressibility of liquids. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 92.) High temperature work in igneous fusion and ebullition. Wash., 1893. (In U. S:: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. 103.) Long range temperature and pressure variables in physics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 65-92.) Mechanism of solid viscosity. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 94.) On the thermo-electric measurement of high temperatures. Wash., 1899. (/n U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1889. no. 54.) Report on the condensation of atmospheric moisture. Wash., 1895. (/n U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1895. no. 12.) Subsidence of fine solid particles in liquids. Wash., 1886. (/» U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1886. no. 36.) Viscosity of solids. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 73.) Volume thermodynamics of liquids. Wash., 1892. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 96.) and Strouhal, Vincent. Electrical and magnetic properties of the iron-carburets. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bul- letins. 1885. no. 14). — Physical properties of the iron-carburets. Wash., 1886. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1886. no. 35-) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 99 Bascom, Florence. Ancient volcanic rocks of South Mountain, Penn. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 136.) Bascom, Henry Ridleman, bp. and others vs. Lane, George, and others. Methodist church property case; ed. by R. Sutton. N. Y., 1851. Bascom, John. Albert Hopkins. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1892. v. i; p. 37-52.) Growth of nationality in the United States. N. Y., 1900. Jonathan Edwards. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Berk- shire book. 1894. V. 2; p. 1-25.) Means and manner of popular education. (In Amer. inst of instruction. Lectures. 1869. p. 157-78.) Bashford, James Whitford. Can state schools teach Christian ethics? (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1891. v. 22; p. 4I-5I-) Study of civil government. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1892. v. 23; p. 3-20.) Bass & Co.'s Dover, Somersworth, Rochester, and Strafford county directory. 1898. v. i. Bost, 1897. Bass, Jeremiah. History of the church at Burlington, N. J. (In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 67-86.) Bass, W. L. Force of circumstances. Sv. Brooklyn, 1897. Bassett, John Spencer. Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina. Bait., 1898. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1898. v. 16; no. 6.) Constitutional beginnings of North Carolina. (1663-1729.) Bait., 1894. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1894. v. 12. no. 3.) Regulators of North Carolina, 1765-1771. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 141-212.) Slavery and servitude in the colony of North Carolina. Bait, 1896. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1896. v. 14. no. 4-5.) Slavery in the state of North Carolina. Bait., 1899. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 17.) Suffrage in the state of N. C., 1776-1861. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report, 1896. v. '7; p. 269-85.) Bassett, William. History of the town of Richmond, Cheshire county, N. H. Bost., 1884. Bassett family association. Report of reunion of the Bassett family association, v. 1-2. N, H., 1897-8. Bastian, Henry Charlton, M. D. Beginnings of life; being some account of the nature of lower organisms. 2v. N. Y., 1872. On paralysis from brain disease. N. Y,, 1875. Batchelder, Rev. Calvin R. History of the Eastern diocese. Clare., 1875. V. I. Clare., 1876. Batchelder, H. M., and Osgood, Charles S. Historical sketch of Salem, 1626-1879. 1879. Batchelder, J. P., M. D. Cholera. N. Y., 1849. • Inaugural address before the N. Y. acad. of med., Feb. 3, 1858. N. Y., 1858. Batchelder, James H., pub. Picturesque Exeter. Gardner, n. d. Batchelder, Samuel, anon. Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States. Bost., 1863. Batchelder, William. Discourse delivered in 1816 on a baptismal occasion. Ed. 2. Exeter, 1823. Batcheller, Com. Oliver A. Battle of Mobile Bay, Aug., 1864. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 58-72.) 100 AUTHOR LIST. Batchellor, Albert Stillman. Brief view of the influences that moved in the adoption of the federal constitution by the state of New Hampshire. Cone, 1900. Historical address at Lebanon, N. H., on the occasion of the celebration of the centennial of Franklin lodge, no. 6, F. and A. M., May 13, 1896. n. p. n. d. Hon. Edward Dean Rand. Haverhill n. d. List of documents in the Public record office in London, Eng., relating to the province of N. H. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. V. 10.) Provincial papers, suggestions for their treatment. Cone, 1901. Public library as a barrier against useless and vicious litera- ture. Cone, 1898. Relations of the town and state, an historical address delir- ered at the centennial celebration of the incorporation of Little- ton, July 4, 1884. 3v. V. p. 1884-8. Report of the class of 1868 of the N. H. conference seminary and female college, n. p. 1885. Report of the 5th Masonic district of New Hampshire, n. p. 1886. Rev. Stephen Gano Abbott, chaplain of the ist regt. of N. H. vols, in the War for the Union, n. p. 1900. ed. New Hampshire: State papers, editor of. Provincial and state papers, documents, and records relating to the prov- ince and state of New Hampshire, v. 19-29. 1891-6. Batchelor, Rev. George. Law of righteousness. {In Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 312-28.) Unitarianism; religion with liberty. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 10.) Batchelor, George, ed. Christian register. 1898-1900. Batchelor, Lieut. Joseph B. Infantry fire; its use in battle. Leaven- worth, 1892. Batchewanung land and iron company. Reports and surveys. Bost, 1865. Bate, Mrs. Amelia W., anon. Biographical sketch of Increase Allen Lapham and other distinguished citizens of Wisconsin. Mil- waukee, 1891. Bateman, A. E. Comparability of trade statistics of various coun- tries. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3, no. 24; p. 533-50.) Bateman, John Frederic La Trobe. History and description of the Manchester waterworks. Manch., 1884. Bateman, Lord. See Hanbury, William Bateman Bateman-, Baron Bateman. Bateman, Newton. School laws and common school decisions of the state of Illinois; ed. by W. L. Pillsbury. Springf., 1887. Bates, Albert C. Connecticut gore land company. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 139-62.) ed. Simsbury (Conn.). Births, marriages, and deaths. 1898. ed. Simsbury (Conn.J, First church of Christ. Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, his church record, 1697-1710. 1894. ed. Viets, Rev. Roger. Records of Viets, rector of St. An- drew's, Simsbury, Conn., 1763-1800. 1893. Bates, Arlo. Poem; the torch-bearers. (In Bowdoin college. Bowdoin college; 1794-1894. 1894. P- 61-86.) Bates, Daniel M. Memorial address on the life and character of Willard Hall. Wilmington, 1879. (Del. hist. soc. Papers. no. I.) Bates, Edward Craig. Later history . of Westborough. (In DeForest, Rev. H. P. History. 1891. p. 245-427.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 101 Bates, Elias B., comp. Inscriptions on tombstones in Guilford, Conn. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 405- 51. V. 6; p. 375-419) Bates, Frank Greene. Rhode Island and the impost of 1781. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 351-9.) Bates, George C. By-gones of Detroit. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 22; p. 305-404.) Bates, Henry Walter, ed. Hellwald, Friedrich von. Central America, the West Indies, and South America. 1885. Bates, Rev. J. H. Christian faith the safeguard of freedom; a thanksgiving sermon preached Nov. 29, 1855. N. Y., 1856. Righteousness taught by divine judgments; a sermon preached Nov. 27, 1862. Manch., 1863. Bates, Joseph, M. D., ed. Journal of materia medica. v. 9-17 1870-8. Bates, Joshua, D. D. Anniversary discourse delivered at Dudley, Mass. Bost., 1853. Brief account of the happy death of Mary Ann Clap. Ed. 2. Dedham, 18 [6. On moral education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1838. p. Si-69) Sermon preached at Durham at the ordination of Rev. F. Burt, June, 1817. Dover, 1817. Sermon preached on the day of general election, Oct. 11, 1821, before the honorable legislature of Vermont. Montp., 1821. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58. no. 9.) Bates, Brig.-Gen. Joshua H. Ohio's preparation for the war. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 128-41.) Bates, Lieut. Marcus W. From Michigan to Chattanooga in 1862. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. V. 4; p. 2x5-26.) Bates, Onward. Superintendent of bridges and buildings. Madi- son, 1898. (In Wise: Univ. Bulletin; engineering ser. v. 2; no. 3.) Bates, Paulina. Divine book of holy and eternal wisdom, reveal- ing the word of God. 2v. in i. Canterbury, 1849. Bates, Samuel Austin. Ancient iron works at Braintree, Mass., the first in America. S. Braintree, 1898. Genealogy of the descendants of Edward Bates of Weymouth, Mass. S. Braintree, n. d. Records of the town of Braintree, Mass., 1640-1793. Ran- dolph, 1886. Soldiers who have served in the Revolution from the town of Braintree. S. Braintree, 1898. Bates, Rev. Samuel L. "Days of old;" a historical sermon preached Sept. 29, 1889, the 125th anniversary of the Con- gregational church in Newbury, Vt. Montp., 1890. Bates, Samuel Penniman. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-5. sv. Harrisburg, 1869-71. Bates, Samuel W. Argument in relation to the Lee & New Haven railroad company. Bost., 1873. Bates, William G. Address delivered in the new court house, in Springfield, Mass., at its dedication, April 28, 1874. Springf., 1874. Historical address. (In Westfield (Mass.): Bi-centennial committee Westfield jubilee. 1870. p. 34-83.) Bates college. Catalogue; 1884-5, '88-90, '96-1902. Lewiston, 1884- 1901. See also Cobb divinity school. Bateson, Mary. Origin and early history of double monasteries. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1899. v. 23; p. 137-98.) 102 AUTHOR LIST. Bath (N. H.). Annual report, 1876-8, '86, '90, '91, '94-1902, v. p. 1876-1902. : Free public library. Catalogue. Littleton. 1896. Littleton, 1900. Bath academy, Bath (N. H.). Catalogue, 1847-8. Newbury, 1848. Bath corporation, pub. Bath as a health resort, n. p. n. d. Bath iron mining and manufacturing company. Statement of the property. Bost, 1864. Batres, Luis. (La.) cuestion de union Centro-Americana. San Jose, 1881. Batten, Edmund Chisholm. Historical notices and charters of the priory of Beauly. (/« Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1876. v. 4; p. 1-74-) Battersby, W. J., ed. Battersby's registry for the Catholic world. 1853. Batterson, James G., and Bulkeley, Morgan G. Debate on consti- tutional amendments, in Connecticut. 1901. n. p. n. d. Battle, Kemp Plummer. Legislation of the convention of 1861. {In N. C. : Univ. Pub.; James Sprunt monographs. 1900. no. i; p. 98-144-) Battle, Richard H. Address at the unveiling of the statue of Z. B. Vance at Raleigh, N. C. n. p. 1900. Battle, William James, ed. Dialectic society. Catalogue of the members. 1890. Battle Creek college. Annual calendar; 1875-6, '77-8, '79-80, '83-5, '93-7- V. 2, 4-5, 8-9, 18-22. Battle Creek, 1875-97. Batty, R., M. D., ed. Medical and physical journal, v. 3-19. 1800-8. Baudelocque, Cesar Auguste, M. D. Abridgment of Heath's trans- lation of Baudelocque's midwifery; with notes by W. P. Dewes. Ed. 3. Phil., 1823. Treatise on puerperal peritonitis; tr. fr. the French by G. S. Bedford. N. Y., 1831. Bauduy, Jerome K., M. D. Lectures on diseases of the nervous system. Phil., 1876. Bauer, Edouard. Ueber die leucocytose erregende wirkung sub- cutaner terpentinoelinjectionen und der dadurch entstehenden abscesse bei kaninchen. Neuchatel, 1898. Bauschinger, J., comp. Resolutions of the conventions held at Munich, Dresden, Berlin, and Vienna, for the purpose of adopt- ing uniform methods for testing construction materials with regard to their mechanical properties; tr. by O. M. Carter and E. A. Gieseler. Wash., 1896. Bax, Ernest Belfort. Ethics of socialism. Lond., 1893. (Social science series, no. 6.) Outlooks from the new standpoint. Lond., 1891. (Social science series, no. 36.) Religion of socialism. Ed. 4. Lond., 1896. (Social sci. series, no. 5.) Story of the French Revolution. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. and Morris, William. Socialism. 1893. tr. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Wisdom of life. 1901. (Uni- versal classics library.) Baxter, E. Buchanan, M. D., tr. Rindfleisch, Eduard, M. D. Man- ual of pathological histology. 1872. Baxter, James Phinney. Abnakis and their ethnic relations. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; p. 13-39) ed. Baxter manuscripts. 3v. Portl., 1889-1900. (In Me. hist. soc. Documentary hist. 1889-1900. v. 4-6.) Beginnings of Maine. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 12; p. 273-300.) Campaigns against the Pequakets. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 11; p. 353-71) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 103 Baxter, James Phinney. Christopher Levett. (/« Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. V. 14; p. 169-85, 301-20.) Christopher Levett, of York, the pioneer colonist in Casco Bay. Portl., 1893. (Gorges soc. Pub. no. 5.) Early voyages to America. (In Old Col. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. V. 4; p. 5-49) Early voyages to America, a paper read before the R. I. historical society. Prov., 1889. George Cleeve of Casco Bay, 1630-1667, with collateral docu- ments. Portl., 1885. (Gorges soc. Pub. no. 2.) John Cabot and his discoveries. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897- V. 18; p. 339-53-) Lost manuscript. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 12; p. 345-75-) Pioneers of New France in New England. Alb., 1894. Reminiscences of a great enterprise. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; P- 247-63.) _ ed. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his province of Maine. 3v. Bost, 1890. ed. Trelawny, Robert, and others. Trelawny papers. (In Me. hist. soc. Documentary hist. 1884. v. 3.) Baxter, Jedediah Hyde, M. D. Statistics, medical and anthropo- logical, of the Provost-marshal-sreneral's bureau. 2v. Wash., 1875- Baxter, Rev. Joseph. Journal of several visits to the Indians on the Kennebec river, with notes by Rev. Elias Nason. Bost., 1867. Baxter, Rev. Richard. Dying thoughts. N. Y. n. d. Plain scriptural directions to sinners; abridged by N. Bouton. Ports., 1830. Saints' everlasting rest; abridged. Exeter, 1835. Baxter, Sidney S. Notes on the history of Washington academy and college from 1799 to 1829. (In Wash, and Lee univ. Hist. papers. 1892. no. 3; p. 45-63) Bay, J. Christian. Materials for a monograph on inuline. (In Acad, of sci. of St. L. Trans. 1893. v. 6; p. 151-9) Bay, W. V. N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri. St. L., 1878. Bay state monthly, a Massachusetts magazine of literature, history, biography and state progress, v. 1-2. Bost., 1884-6. Note : title of v. 2 is Massachusetts magazine, v. 2, p. 141-352 is in part a re- print witli clianges of tlie Granite state montlily, v. 8, no. 6-v. 9, July, 1885-Dec. 1886, inclusive. Bay state monthly, a Massachusetts magazine of literature, history, biography and state progress, v. 1-27. Bost., 1884-99. Note : v. 4-27, continued as the New England magazine and illustrated monthly. 1st ser., V. 1-6. New ser., v. 7-27. Bayard, James Asheton, 1767-1815. Federal judiciary. (In Brewer, J. D., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 249-61.) Bayard, Thomas Francis. Address. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book. 1892-3. p. 168-83.) Individual freedom; the germ of national progress and per- manence. Bost., 1896. Oration pronounced on Webster commemoration day, June 28, 1882, at Dartmouth. Cone, 1882. Plea for conciliation in 1876. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 265-92.) Bayles, James. American Venice; some account of the rivers, canals and bridges of Lowell, Mass. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 182-91.) Bayles, James C. House drainage and water service in cities, villages, and rural neighborhoods. N. Y., 1878. 104 AUTHOR LIST. Bayley, Jacob, Payne, Elisha, and Woodward, Bezaleel. Public defence of the right of the New Hampshire grants (so-called) on both sides of Connecticut river, to associate together and form themselves into an independent state. Dresden, 1779. Bayley, Rev. Kiah. Bible its own interpreter, essay on the scrip- tural mode of baptism. Windsor, 1854. Bayley, William Shirley. Eruptive and sedimentary rocks on Pigeon Point, Minn. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. 109.) and Van Hise, Charles Richard. Marquette iron-bearing dis- trict of Michigan. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Monographs. 1897. v. 28.) and King, F. P., comp. Colby college: Geological depart- ment. Catalogue of the Maine collection. 1890. Baylies, Francis. Historical memoir of the colony of New Ply- mouth from 1608 to 1692; ed. by S. G. Drake. 2v. Bost., 1866. Bayliss, Nicholas. Eleazer Wheelock Ripley of the war of 1812. Des M., 1890. Baynes, John. Journal. (In Franklin, Benjamin. Complete works. 1888. V. 8; p. 410-25.) Bayside summer school for boys. Circular, 1897. n. p. 1897. Bazire, Pierre Victor, M. D., tr. Trousseau, Armand. Lectures on clinical medicine. 1867. B e, A n, pseud. See Drake, Samuel Gardner. Beach, Mrs. Amy Marcy (Cheney). Festival jubilate composed for the dedication of the woman's building at the World's Colum- bian exposition. Bost, 1892, Song album; a cyclus of 14 selected songs. Bost, 1891. Beach, Henry Harris Aubrey, M. D., ed. Boston medical and sur- gical journal, v. 82-4. 1870-1. Beach, Rev. Seth Curtis. Brief history of the last three pastorates over the First parish in Dedham. Dedham, 1888. Unitarianism and the reformation. (In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 48-75.) Beach, Wooster, M. D. American practice of medicine. Ed. 2. v. 3. N. Y., 1836. Beach, William W., ed. Indian miscellany. Alb., 1877. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of. Against democracy for England. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. V. i; p. 296-309.) Curiosities of literature and the literary character illustrated. Ed. 10. Lond., 1838. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah. Phil., 1870. Undeveloped West. Phil., 1873. Beal, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles. Blue jay and its food. Wash., 1896. Crow blackbirds and their food. Wash., 1895. Food of cuckoos, (hi U. S. : Agric, dept of: Biological sur- vey, div. of. Bulletin. 1898. no. 9; p. 7-14.) Food of the bobolink, blackbirds, and grackles. Wash., 1900. Food of woodpeckers. W^ash., 1895. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Biological survej^ div. of. Bulletin. 1895. no. 7.) Meadow lark and Baltimore oriole. Wash., 1895. Some common birds in their relation to agriculture. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept of. Farmers' bulletins. 1897. no. 54.) Beal, John V. Randolph's centennial celebration. Randolph, 1897. Beal, William Henry. Barnyard manure. Wash., 1894. (In U. S. Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletins. 1894. no. 21.) Beal, William James. Agriculture; its needs and opportunities. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. v. 32; p. 279-92.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 105 Beal, William James. Grasses of North America for farmers and students, v. i. Lansing, 1887. Beale, Lionel Smith, M. D. How to work with the microscope. Ed. 4- Lond., 1868. Kidney diseases, urinary deposits, and calcuhis disorders. Ed. 3, enl. Phil., 1869. Microscope in its application to practical medicine. Ed. 2. Lond, 1858. Ed. 3. Lond., 1867. New materialism; dictatorial scientific utterances and the decline of thought. Lond. n. d. On slight ailments. Phil., 1880. Urinary and renal derangements and calculus disorders. Phil., 1885. Beall, Mary S. Military and private secretaries of George Wash- ington. (In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. i; p. 89-118.) Beaman, Charles Cotesworth. 1840. National and private "Ala- bama claims." Wash., 1871. ed. Association of the bar of the city of New York. Chief- justice Waite. 1890. Beaman, Rev. H. H. History of the Baptist churches of Seabrook and Hampton Falls. Ports., 1876. Beamont, William, ed. Homage roll of the manor of Warrington, county of Lancaster, 1491 to 1517. Lond., 1885. (In Record soc. Pub. 1885. V. 12; p. 1-41.) Bean, Barton A. Fishes collected by William P. Seal in Chesa- peake Bay, Va., 1890. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1892. V. 14; p. 83-94.) and Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 237-51.) Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 381-92.) Bean, Mrs. Helen Mar, anon. Widow Wyse, a novel. Bost., 1885. Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D. Check-list of duplicates of North American fishes. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1881. V. 3; P- 75-116.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; p. 7S-II6.) Descriptions of new fishes from Alaska and Siberia. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 144-60.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 144-60.) List of European fishes in the collection of the U. S. national museum. (Iti U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 10-44) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 10-44.) Notes on a collection of fishes made by H. E. Nichols in British Columbia and southern Alaska. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 463-74.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 463-74.) Notes on birds collected during the summer of 1880 in Alaska and Siberia. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 144-73- ) Preliminary catalogue of the fishes of Alaskan and adjacent waters. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 239-72.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 239-72.) 106 AUTHOR LIST. Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D., and Bean, Barton A. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 237-51.) Notes on fishes collected in Kamchatka and Japan. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 381-92.) and Dresel, H. G. Catalogue of fishes received from the public museum of the Institute of Jamaica. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 151-70.) and Goode, George Brown. Catalogue of a collection of fishes obtained in the Gulf of Mexico. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 333-45-) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 333-45-) Catalogue of a collection of fishes sent from Pensacola, Fla. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 121-56.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 121-56.) Descriptions of new fishes obtained from deep water off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. {In U. S. : National museum. Pro- ceed. 1886. V. 8; p. 589-605.) Descriptions of twenty-five new species of fish from the southern U. S. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1883. V. 5; p. 412-37) Oceanic ichtheology. 1895. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1895. V. 30-1.) On the American fishes in the Linnaean collection. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. v. 8; p. 193-208.) Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1895- V. 17; p. 455-70.) Beane, Samuel Collins, D. D. Address at the Collins family gather- ing, n. p. 1892. Henry Whitney Bellows; a memorial discourse in the Uni- tarian church, Concord, N. H., Feb. 19, 1882. n. p. n. d. Religion of man-culture. Cone, 1882. Spirit greater than the temple; the annual sermon before the Mass. convention of Congregational ministers. Bost., 1894. Beard, Augustus Field, D. D. Development of missionary methods. N. Y. n. d. Problem of the residuum. N. Y. n. d. Providence of God in the historical development of the Negro. n. p. n. d. Sketches from the South. N. Y. n. d. Beard, George Miller, M. D., and Rockwell, Alphonso David, M. D. Clinical researches in electro-surgery. 1873. Medical use of electricity. N. Y., 1867. Practical treatise on the medical and surgical uses of elec- tricity. N. Y., 1871. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1875. tr. and ed. Tobold, Adelbert. Chronic diseases of the larynx. 1868. Beard, James M. G., ed. New England calendar, n. d. comp. Wilson's union almanac. 1861. Beard, Rev. William H. Manual of the Congregational church in South Killingly, Conn. Danielsonville, 1888. Beardmore, Nathaniel. Manual of hydrology. Lond., 1862. Beardslee, Clark Smith, and Plimpton, George Arthur. Popular guide to the public buildings and museum of Amherst college. Amh., 1875. Beardsley, Ambrose, M. D., and Orcutt, Rev. Samuel. History of the old town of Derby, Conn., 1642- 1880. 1880. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 107 Beardsley, Eben Edwards, D. D History of the Episcopal church in Connecticut. Ed. 2. 2v. N. Y., 1869. Parsonage of the "Blue meeting house," New Haven, Conn. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1865. v. i; p. 105-19.) Beasley, Henry. Book of prescriptions, containing more than 3,000 prescriptions. Ed. 4. Phil., 1872. Beatty, Alice Walton, anon. Death of J. P. Walton, a typical pioneer. Muscatine, 1899. Beatty, Brig.-Gen. John. Regiment in search of a battle. (/« Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 422-52.) Beatty-Kingston, William, tr. Busch, Moritz, Our chancellor. 1884. Beauchamp, Rev. William Martin. Aboriginal chipped stone im- plements of New York. Alb., 1897. {In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 16.) Aboriginal occupation of New York. Alb., 1900. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin. 1900. v. 7, no. 32.) Aborigines; traces of people long since departed. {In Jeffer- son CO. hist. soc. Trans. 1887. v. i; p. 105-31.) Earthenware of the New York aborigines. Alb., 1898. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 5; no. 22.) Iroquois and the colony of New York. {In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1889-92. p. 40-59.) Origin and early life of the New York Iroquois. {In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1887-89. p. 119-42.) Permanence of early Iroquois clans and sachemships. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1886. v. 34; p. 381-92.) Polished stone articles used by the New York aborigines. Alb., 1897. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 4, no. 18.) Beaufort, Raphael Ledos de, tr., ed. Broglie, Achille Leonce Victor Charles, due de. Personal recollections. 1887. tr. Tallerand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, Prince de Bene- vent. Memoirs. 1891-92. Beaulieu, Paul Leroy. Modern state in relation to society and the individual. Lond., 1891. (Social science series, no. 40.) Beaumetz, Georges Dujardin. See Dujardin-Beaumetz, Georges. Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis, Elie de. See Elie de Beau- mont, Jean Baptiste Armand Louis Leonce. Beaumont, William, M. D. Experiments and observations on the gastric juice, and the physiology of digestion. Plattsb., 1833. Physiology of digestion, corrected by Samuel Beaumont. Ed. 2. Burlington, 1847. Beauregard, Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant. Commentary on the campaign of Manassas of July, 1861. N. Y., 1891. Beaver, James Addams. Message to- the general assembly of Pennsylvania, Jan. i, 1889. Harrisb., 1889. Message to the general assembly of Pennsylvania, Jan. 6, 1891. Harrisb., 1891. Beaver meadow golf club, Concord {N. H.). General rules for play, n. p. 1899. List of members. Cone, 1899. Cone, 1900. Beazley, C. Raymond. Colonial empire of the Portuguese to the death of Albuquerque. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 109-27.) Early Christian geography. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1896. V. 20; p. 85-109.) Explorations under Elizabeth, 1558-1603. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans, v. 19; p. 119-65.) 108 AUTHOR LIST. Beazley, C. Raymond. Oldest monument of Russian travel. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans, v. 24; p. 175-85.) Beche, Sir Henry Thomas de la. See De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. Bechstein Germanic library. See Pennsylvania: University: Library. Beck, Charles J., M. D. On the application of the ligature to arteries. (Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838. p. 309-44) Beck, James M. Bethlehem and its military hospital; address June 19, 1897. n. p. n. d. • Stephen Girard, "merchant and mariner"; an oration delivered at the unveiling of a statue to Girard, Philadelphia. Phil., 1897. Beck, John Brodhead, M. D. Essays on infant therapeutics. N. Y., 1849- Lectures on materia medica and therapeutics, prepared by C. R. Gilman. N. Y., 1851. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1861. Researches in medicine and medical jurisprudence. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1835. ed. Murray, John, M. D. 1788-1820. System of materia medica and pharmacy. 1824. 1828. ed. New York medical and physical journal, v. 1-7. 1822-8. Beck, Lewis Caleb, M. D. Account of the salt springs at Salina. N. Y., 1826. Botany of the United States north of Virginia. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1848. Examination of the question, whether the climate of the valley of the Mississippi, under similar parallels of latitude, is warmer than that of the Atlantic coast. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1830. V. i; p. 34-54) Geographical botany of the United States, n. p. 1828. Manual of chemistry. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1838. Mineralogy of New York. Alb., 1842. (N. Y. (state). Nat- ural hist, of N. Y.) On the geographical botany of the United States. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1830. v. i; p. 10-21.) Beck, Theodoric Romeyn, M. D. Statistical notices of some of the lunatic asylums in the United States. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1830. V. i; p. 60-83.) Becker, George Ferdinand. Constants of nature, part 4, atomic weight determinations. Wash., 1880. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. V. 27.) Note: part 1-3 by F. W. Clarke. Geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district. Wash., 1882. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1882. V. 3) Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. Wash., 1888. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1888. V. 13) Notes on the stratigraphy of California. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 19.) • and Emmons, Samuel Franklin. Geological sketches of the precious metal deposits of the western United States. ' 1885. Beckett, J. L., comp. Exeter, New Market, and South New Mar- ket directory and history. 1872. Beckett, S. B. Guide book of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence and Atlantic railroads, with a description of the White Mountains. Portl., 1853. Beckford, Frank M. Speech in the constitutional convention, January 10, 1889, the convention having under consideration constitutional prohibition, n. p. i889(?) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 109 Beckham, Charles Wickliffe. List of the birds of Nelson county, Ky. Frankfort, 1884. (In Linney, W. M. Report on the geol- ogy of Spencer county. 1884.) Observations on the birds of southwestern Texas. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1888. v. 10; p. 633-96.) Beckley, Rev. Rosea. History of Vermont. Brattleboro, 1846. Beckmann, John. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins; tr. fr. the German by W. Johnston, rev. by W. Francis and J. W. Griffith. Ed. 4- 2v. Lond., 1846. Ed. 4. 2v. Lond., 1883-4. Beckwith, Lieut. Edward G. Report of explorations for a route for the Pacific railroad near the 38th and 39th parallels. Wash., 1854-5. (In U. S. : War, dept. of. Explorations and surveys. 1853-6. 1854-5, V. 2, 10.) Report of explorations for a route for the Pacific railroad, on the line of the 41st parallel of north latitude. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Report. 1855. v. 2, ii4p.) Beckwith, Leonard F. Report on beton-coignet, its fabrications and use. Wash., 1868. Beckwith, Walter P. Departmental instruction. (In Amer. inst of instruction. Lectures. 1895. p. 206-22.) Beclard, Pierre Augustin. Elements of general anatomy; tr. fr. the French by Joseph Togno. Phil., 1830. — — ed. Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier. Additions to the General anatomy. 1823. Beddard, Frank Evers, ed. Science series. Beddoes, Thomas, M. D., ed. Brown, John, M. D. 1735-88. Ele- ments of medicine. 1803. Bedell, Rev. Gregory Thurston. Internal evidences of Christianity. (In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1855. p. 387- 408.) Bedford, Gunning S., M. D. Clinical lectures on the diseases of women and children. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1856. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1857. Ed. 8, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1864. Ed. 8, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1868. Principles and practice of obstetrics. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1862. tr. Beaudelocque, Cesar Auguste, M. D. Treatise on puer- peral peritonitis. 1831. tr. Boisseau, Francois Gabriel. Treatise on cholera morbus. 1832. /r. and ed. Chailly-Honore, Nicholas Charles. Practical trea- tise on midwifery. 1844. Bedford, Rev. R. C. i6th anniversary exercises of the Tuskegee normal and industrial institute. Tuskegee, 1897. Bedford (N. H.). Annual report, 1848, '50, 'Si, '54, '55, '59-85, '88- 1901. Manch., 1848-1901. History of Bedford, N. H., being statistics compiled on the looth anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Bost, 1851. Bedford (N. H.) Presbyterian church. Record, organization, and membership. Manch., 1875. Bedford and Goffstown (N. H.) Universalist church. Confession of faith and constitution. Cone, 1834. Bedington, James. Compendium of medical practice, with notes by S. W. Williams; ist Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. Greenf., 1823. Bee-keepers* association of the province of Ontario. Annual re- port, 1899-1900. Toronto, 1900- 1. .Beebe, Levi. Sketch of the Samuel Phillips family. (In Berk- shire hist, and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1892. v. i; p. 213-30.) 110 AUTHOR LIST. Beeche, Octavio. Estudios peniteiiciarios, informe presentado al gobierno de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1890. Beecher, Catherine Esther. Evils suffered by American women and American children. N. Y., 1847. Beecher, Rev. Charles. Review of the spiritual manifestations. N. Y., 1853. Beecher, Charles Emerson, and Clarke, John Mason. Development of some Silurian brachiopoda. Alb., 1889. (New York (state): Museum. Memoirs, no. i.) Beecher, Edward, D. D. Conflict of ages; or, The great debate on the moral relations of God and man. Ed. 5. Bost, 1854. Question at issue. Bost, 1850. Ed. 2. Bost, 1851. Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward. Eulogy on General Grant, Oct., 1885. N. Y. n. d. God of comfort. N. Y., 1868. Hindrances to Christian development. N. Y., 1869. Life thoughts, gathered from extemporaneous discourses. Bost, 1859. Man and his institutions. N. Y., 1856. Raising the flag over Fort Sumter. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 347-64-) Woman's influence in politics. Bost., i860. Beecher, Lyman, D. D. Address of the charitable society for the education of indigent pious young men for the ministry of the Gospel. Cone, 1820. Memory of our fathers, sermon delivered at Plymouth. Best, 1828. Resources of the adversary and means of their destruction; a sermon preached before the American board of missions. Bost, 1827. anon. Rights of the Congregational churches of Massachu- setts. Ed. 2. Bost, 1827. Beecher, Rev. Thomas Kinnicut. Lecture on the Episcopal church, Jan. 9, 1870. N. Y., 1870. Mr. Beecher's prayers and blessings for a week. Elmira, 1900. Beecher, William C, and Scoville, Rev. Samuel. Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. N. Y., 1888. Beecher, Willis J., D. D. Geographical names as monuments of history. (In Oneida hist soc. Trans. 1889-92. p. 9-23.) Beede, Rev. Thomas. Allegory of the olive tree; or, The Abra- hamic covenant not disannulled. Amh., 1817. Oration delivered at Wilton, N. H., July 4, 1809. Cone, 1809. Sermon preached before the Governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hampshire, June 8, 181 1. Cone, 181 1. (In N. H. election sermons. 1800-15.) Value of emblems and ceremonies, a discourse delivered before the Grand lodge of N. H., June 15, 1820. Amh., 1820. Beehler, Lieut. William H. Cruise of the Brooklyn; a journal of a three years' cruise in the south Atlantic station. Phil., 1885. Beekman, J. P., ed. Cultivator, a monthly, v. i. 1838. Beekman, James W. Early European colonies on the Delaware. (In N. Y. hist soc. Proceed. 1847. p. 86-108.) History of religious missions. (In N. Y. hist soc. Proceed. 1849- p. 255-69.) Beer, George Louis. Commercial policy of England toward the American colonies. (In Columbia Univ.: Faculty of political sci. Studies. 1893. v. 3, no. 2; T67p.) Beer, William A. John Read, the colonial lawyer. (In Fairfield CO. hist soc. Reports. 1886. p. 7-19.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. Ill Beers, Henry A., cd. Wheeler, William A. Explanatory and pro- nouncing dictionary of the names of noted fictitious persons and places. (In Webster, Noah. International dictionary of the Eng. lang. 1895. p. 1685-1716.) Beers, J. B., & Co., pub. Plan of Middlesex county, Mass. N. Y., 1881. Note : scale 2.5 miles to 1 inch. Beers, Thomas, comp. Beer's almanac and ephemeris for 1795. Hartf., 1795. Beers, Nicholaas, D. D. Life and character of J. H. Van der Palm, D. D.\ tr. fr. the Dutch by J. P. Westervelt. N. Y., 1865. Begbie, J. Warburton, M. D., Bristowe, John Syer, M. D., and others. Diseases of the intestines and peritoneum. 1879. Begg, Alexander. History of British Columbia from its earliest discovery to the present time. Toronto, 1894. History of the North- West. 3v. Toronto, 1894-5. Begin, L. J. French practice of medicine, being a translation of his treatise on therapeutics by Xavier Tessier. 2v. N. Y., 1829. Note : v. 2 wanting. Beguyer de Chancourtois, A. E. See Chancourtois, A. E. Be- guyer de. Behr, Hans C. Mine drainage, pumps, etc. Sacramento, 1896. (Cal. : Mining bureau. Bulletin, no. 9.) Behrends, Adolphus Julius Frederick, D. D. Counting the cost, a sermon before the A. B. C. F. M., Oct., 1881. Bost., 1881. (in A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Pauline doctrine of the sword; a sermon on the Brooklyn strike. N. Y., 1895. Review of ten years; preached March 5, 1893. n. p. n. d. What place, if any, is religion entitled to in our system of public education? (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 286-313) Beigel, Herman, M. D. Atlas der Frauen-krankheiten. Stuttgart, 1876. Beitler, Abraham M. Road laws in Pennsylvania. Phil., 1891. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan. Belcher papers. 2v. Bost., 1893-4. (^w Mass hist. soc. Coll. 1893-4. v. 56-57.) Correspondence with Secretary Richard Waldron. (In N. H.: State papers, editor of. Provincial and state papers. 1870. V. 4; p. 866-80.) vs. New Hampshire: House of representatives. Complainant's case. 1739. Respondent the Governor's case. n. p. 1739. (Bound with N. H.: House of rep. vs. Belcher, Jonathan. Complainant's case.) Belcher, Rev. Thomas Waugh. Reformatories for drunkards. Dublin, 1862. Belcourt, G. A. Department of Hudson's Bay. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1872. V. i; p. 206-44.) Belding, L. Catalogue of a collection of birds made near the southern extremity of Lower California; ed. by R. Ridgway. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceeds. 1883. v. 5; p. 532-50.) Partial list of the birds of central California; ed. by R. Ridg- way. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i: p. 388-449.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 388-449.) Second catalogue of a collection of birds made near the southern extremity of Lower California; ed. by R. Ridgway. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 344-52.) Belfast (Ire.): Free public library. Annual report of the committee. 1888-1900. V. 1-13. Belfast, 1889-1902. 112 AUTHOR LIST. Belfast (Me.): Free Library. General catalogue, prepared by E. M. Pond. Belfast, 1896. Belfast (Me.) First Congregational church. Celebration of the looth anniversary of the organization. Belfast, 1897. Belfast naturalists* field club. Annual report, 1870. v. 7. Bel- fast, 1870. Belfield, Henry H. My sixty days ip hades. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 447-64.) Belgium: UAcademie royale d'archeologie. See Brussels, Acadamie royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Belgium: Industrie et du travail, ministere de V. Rapports annuels, 1896, '98. Bruxelles, 1897-9. Travail du dimanche. v. 2. Bruxelles, 1897. ed. Revue de travail. 1899-1901. Belhaven, Lord. Plea for the national life of Scotland. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. i; p. 371- 82.) Belknap, Capt. Charles E. History of the Michigan organizations at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and Missionary Ridge, 1863. Ed. 2. Lansing, 1899. Belknap, Rear admr. George Eugene. Sketch of the life of Capt G. H. Perkins. {In Perkins, Capt. G. H. Letters. 1886. p. 209-57.) Some aspects of naval administration in war with its attendant belongings of peace. Wash., 1897. Belknap, Jeremy, D. D. American biography. 2v. Bost., 1794-8. with additions and notes by F. M. Hubbard. 3v. N. Y., 1841. Belknap papers. 3v. Bost, 1877-91. {In Mass. hist soc. Coll. 1877-91- V. 42-3, 54.) Discourse intended to commemorate the discovery of Amer- ica by Christopher Columbus. Bost, 1792. Dr. Belknap's tour to Oneida, 1796. {In Mass. hist soc Proceed. 1882. v. 19; p. 393-423) Election sermon preached before the general court of New Hampshire, June 2, 1785. {In N. H. election sermons, 1784-99. 48p.) Foresters, an American tale. Bost, 1792. Ed. 2, enl. Bost., 1796. History of New Hampshire. 3v. Phil., 1784-92, V. I. Bost, 1792. 3v. Bost, 1812-13. ed. by John Farmer, v. i. Dover, 1831. V. I. Dover, 1831. — Journal of a tour from Boston to Oneida, June, 1796, ed. by George Dexter. Camb., 1882. — Journal of tour to the White Mountains in July, 1784. Bost, 1876. — Life and extraordinary adventures of Capt. John Smith. Lond. n. d. — Rev. Dr. Belknap's biographies of the early discoverers of America. N. Y. n. d. Note : a reprint of the first ed. of 1798. — comp. Sacred poetry, consisting of psalms and hymns. Ed. 2. Bost, 1797. New ed. Bost., 1817. — Sermon delivered on the 9th of May, 1798, the day of the national fast Bost, 1798. — Two sermons delivered April 27^ 1788, on the institution and observation of the Sabbath. Bost., 1801. \ NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 113 Belknap, Jeremy, D. D., and Tucker, Saint George. Queries respect- ing the slavery and emancipation of Negroes in Massachusetts. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 4; p. 191-211.) ed. Scots society for propagating Christian knowledge. Re- port of a committee who visited the Oneida and Mohekunuh Indians in 1796. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 5; p. 12- 32.) Belknap, Brig.-Gcn. William Worth. Obedience and courage of the private soldier. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. v. i; p. 156-71-) Belknap agricultural society. Premium list for the annual fair, 1884. V. 8. Laconia, 1884. Belknap Church, Dover {N. H.). Manual, 1861. no. i. Dover, 1861. Belknap county (N. H.). Report, 1873-99. Laconia, 1873-1900. Report on the expenses of supporting county paupers, i860, '64-5. Laconia, 1860-5. Note : for later reports see Belknap county (N. H.) report. Bell, A. N., M. D., ed. Sanitarian, a mortthly magaine. 1877-91. Bell, Alexander Graham. Address upon the condition of articula- tion teaching in American schools for the deaf. Bost., 1893. Evidence presented to the Royal commission of the United kingdom on the condition of the blind and the deaf and dumb. {In Gordon, J. C, ed. Education of deaf children. 1892, pt. 2; 203P.) comp. Facts and opinions relating to the deaf from America. Lond., 1888. Methods of instructing the deaf in the United States. Wash., 1898. On the production and reproduction of sound by light. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 115-36.) Upon the electrical experiments to determine the location of the bullet in the body of the late President Garfield. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 151-206.) Bell, Alexander Melville. Phonetic syllabication, the cure for ora- torical and other defects of speech. Wash., 1896. Bell, Benjamin, M. D. Treatise on gonorrhoea, virulenta, and lues venera. 2v. Phil., 1795. Treatise on the theory and management of ulcers. Host., 1791. Bell, Rev. Benjamin. Folly of sinners in excusing themselves from blame. Windsor n. d. Nature and importance of a pure peace. Windsor, 1791. Bell, Charles, M. D. Anatomy of the brain explained in a series of engravings. Lond., 1802. : Facts relating to the early history of Chester, N. H. Cone, 1863. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1863. v. 7; p. 341-413.) ed. New Hampshire journal of medicine, v. 5. 1855. Bell, Sir Charles. 1775-1842. Engravings of the arteries, illus- trating the 2d vol. of the Anatomy of the human body. Ed. 2. Lond., 1806. Institutes of surgery. Phil., 1840. Nervous system of the human body. Wash., 1833. System of dissections explaining the anatomy of the human body; ist Amer. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. 2v. Bait, 1814. ■ System of operative surgery; 1st Amer. ed. 2v. Hartf, 1812. ■ and Bell, John. Anatomy and physiology of the human body. 1822. , Bell, Charles Henry. Address in memory of Ira Perley. Cone, 1881. 114 AUTHOR LIST. Bell, Charles Henry. Bench and bar of New Hampshire. Bost.^ 1894. Catalogue of his library to be sold by auction by C. F. Libbie & Co. Bost, 1895. Daniel Webster. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog- raphies. 1880. V. i; p. 430-47) Discourse on the future of American history. Bost., 1871. anon. Exeter in 1776. Exeter, 1876. Exeter quarter-millennial. Exeter, 1888. History of the town of Exeter, N. H. Exeter, 1888. Ira Perley. (In Memorials of judges recently deceased. 1881. p. 70-83.) John Taylor Oilman, Portland, Me. Exeter, 1885. ed. John Wheelwright, his writings. Bost, 1876. (Prince soc. Pub.) Memoir of Daniel Webster. Camb., 1881. anon. Men and things of Exeter. Exeter, 1871. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June, 1881. Manch., 1881. New Hampshire at Bunker Hill. Camb., 1891. (In Bunker Hill monument assoc. Proceed. 1891. v, 69; p. 33-58.) ■ Phillips Exeter academy, a historical sketch. Exeter, 1883. -. Worship of success; an oration at- the anniversary of the N. H. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa society at Dartmouth college, Hanover, 1881. Bell, Clara, tr. Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernhard, Graf von. Franco-German war of 1870-1. 1892. tr. Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernhard, Graf von. Letters. 1892. Bell, Clark. Supreme court of the states and provinces of North America, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1892-5. Bell, F. Dillon, and Young, Frederick. Reasons for promoting the cultivation of the New Zealand flax. Lond., 1842. Bell, Henry Glassford. Life of Mary, queen of Scots. 2v. N. Y.^ 1831. Bell, Rev. James M. In memoriam; an address on the life of W. H. Cummings. Woodsville, 1891. Bell, John, 1762-1820. Discourses on the nature and cure of wounds; ist Amer. ed. 2v. in i. Walpole, 1807. and Bell, Sir Charles. Anatomy and physiology of the human body; 4th Amer. fr. the 4th Eng. ed. 3v. N. Y., 1822. Bell, John, 1765-1836. Message to both branches of the legislature of New Hampshire, June, 1828. Cone, 1828. Message to both houses of the legislature, November, 1828. Cone, 1828. Bell, John, M. D., 1796-1872. On baths and mineral waters. Phil.,. 183 1. On the effects of the use of alcoholic liquors in tubercular disease. Phil., 1859. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize disser- tation.) Practical dictionary of materia medica. Phil., 1841. ■ Report on the importance and economy of sanitary measures- to cities. N. Y., i860. • and Stokes, William, M. D. Lectures on the theory and prac- tice of physic. 1842, Ed. 3, enl. 2v. Phil., 1845. 1848. Bell, John, M. D., 1796-1872, ed. Averill, Charles. Short treatise on operative surgery. 1823. ed. Eclectic journal of medicine. 1838-46. ed. duller, Joannes, M. D., 1801-58. Elements of physiology. 1843. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 116 Bell, John, M. D., ed. Rayer, Pierre Frangois Olive, M. D. Theo- retical and practical treatise of the diseases of the skin. 1845. ed. Stokes, William, M. D. Lectures on the theory and prac- tice of physic. 1840. Bell, John James. Address, 1893. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed, 1895. V. 2; p. 321-30.) Annual address. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 2,'. p. 182-97.) Oration delivered at the quarter millennial celebration of the town of Hampton. Exeter, 1888. Note : Exeter News-letter, Aug. 17, 1888. Railroad question; speech in the House of representatives in favor of the Hazen bill, Sept. 21, 1887. Cone, 1887. (/n N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2. Bell, Louis. Sophomoric scrapes. Hanover, 1882. Bell, Luther V., M. D. Attempt to investigate some obscure and undecided doctrines in relation to smallpox, varioloid, and vac- cination. Bost., 1836. Dissertation. (In Mass. med. soc. Library. 1836. v. 7; p. 9-80.) Medical opinion in the Parish will case. N. Y., 1857. Practical methods of ventilating buildings. Bost., 1848. Bell, Mrs. Nancy R. E. (Meugens), tr. Nadaillac, Jean Fransois Albert du Pouget, marq. de. Pre-historic America. 1890. tr. Verne, Jules. Fur country. 1874. Bell, Robert, M. D. Geology of Ontario with special reference to economic minerals. Toronto, 1889. Bell, Samuel. Answer to the petition of Eli Brown complaining of misconduct of the directors and agents of the Hillsborough bank. Amh., 1810. Governor's message, 1819. Cone, 1819. Governor's message, June, 1820. Cone, 1820. Governor's message, 1822. Cone, 1822. Message to both branches of the legislature, November, 1820. Cone, 1820. Bell, Samuel D. Brief notices of some of the early councilors of N. H. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1866. v. 8; p. 305-95.) Unsettled state of the province. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1866. V. 8; p. 396-402.) Bell, Thomas. Anatomy, physiology, and diseases of the teeth. Phil., 1830. ed. Hunter, John. Treatise on the natural history and dis- eases of the human teeth. 1839. Bell, Maj. W. H. Ante bellum. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 54-76.) Bellamy, Joseph, D. D. Works. 3v. N. Y., 1811. Bellas, Capt. Henry Hobart. History of the Delaware state soci- ety of the Cincinnati. Wilmington, 1895. ed. Anderson, Capt. Enoch. Personal recollections. (Del. hist. soc. Papers. 1896. no. 16.) Bellevue hospital medical college of the city of New York. Annual announcement, session of 1862-3, '64-7, '68-9, '83-98. v. 2, 4-6, 8, 23-38. N. Y., 1862-98. Note: continued as the N. Y. Univ.: Medical college. Bellows, Henry Whitney, D. D. Appeal in behalf of the further endowment of the Divinity school of Harvard university. Camb., 1879. Essential goodness the reality of religion; a memorial sermon on H. A. Bellows. Cone, 1873. Finished life; an address at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Bellows. Camb., 1870. 116 AUTHOR LIST. Bellows, Henry Whitney, D. D. Historical sketch of Col. Benja- min Bellows, founder of Walpole, N. H. N. Y., 1866. anon. Nicholas Dean. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biographies. 1881. v. 2; p. 484-94.) Old world in its new face, impressions of Europe in 1867-68, 2v. N. Y., 1868-9. Orthodoxy and liberal Christianity. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. ser. 4, no. 14.) Patriotism and piety; a thanksgiving sermon, n. p. 1880. Sermon on the nature and claims of Jesus Christ, given at the ordination of Rev. J. M. W. Pratt to the ministry of the First Unitarian church in Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, 1878. Sermon preached at the installation of Adams Ayer as asso- ciate pastor in Charlestown, N. H. Brattleboro, 1855. Testimony of ninety years; in memory of J. N. Knapp. Camb., 1868. Bellows, John. On the past in the present in Asia. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1894. p. 204-24.) Bellows Falls (Vt.) First Congregational church. Confession of faith. Bellows Falls, 1875. Manual, 1892. Bellows Falls, 1892. Belmont, August, anon. Few letters and speeches of the late Civil war. N. Y., 1870. Belmont (N. H.). Annual report, 1881-5, '87-1901. Belmont, 1881- 190T. : Public library. Catalogue. Laconia, 1893. Belmont school, Belmont (Mass.). Catalogue, 1896-7. n. p. 1896. Beloe, Rev. William, tr. Herodotus. History. 1791. 1839. Beloit college. Annual report of the trustees, 1849, v. i. Beloit, 1849- Catalogue of the officers and students for 1854-6, '57-70, '71- 1901. Beloit, 1854-1900. Proceedings at the presentation of the Fisher collection of antique Greek sculpture. Chic, 1894. Semi-centennial anniversary. Beloit, 1897. : Class of 1891. Homerus. Telemachus at Sparta. 1887. : Class of 1901. Sophocles. Antigone. 1899. Belsham, William. History of Great Britain, from the Revolution, 1688, to the conclusion of the treaty of Amiens, 1802. I2v. Lond., 1805. Memoirs of the reign of George 3 to the session of Parlia- ment ending A. D. 1793. Ed. 5. 2v. Lond., 1801. Belton, John Devoe, comp. Literary manual of foreign quotations. N. Y., 1891. Belville, John Henry. Manual of the barometer. Lond., 1849. Beman, C. C. Historical address delivered in Scituate, R. I. Phenix, 1877. Beman, Wooster Woodruff. Chapter in the history of mathe- matics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. V. 46; p. 33-50.) Bemis, Charles A. History of the town of Marlborough, N. H. Bost., i88r. Bemis, Edward Webster. Co-operation in New England. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1886. v. i, no. 5, I36p.) Bait., 1888. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 6, no. 1-2.) Co-operation in the Middle States. Bait, 1888. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 6, no. 3.) Local government in Michigan and the Northwest. Bait, 1883. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1883. v. i, no. 5.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. IIT Bemis, Edward Webster. Local government in the South and Southwest. Bait, 1893. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1893. V. II, no. 11-12.) Mine labor in the Hocking valley. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1888. V. 3, no. 3; p. 27-42.) Municipal ownership of gas in the U. S. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1891. V. 6, no. 4-5. i85p.) Paper. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1898. p. 231-48.) Bemiss, Samuel Merrifield, M. D. Report upon yellow fever in Louisiana in 1878. N. O., 1883. ed. New Orleans journal of medicine. 1869. Bendire, Capt. Charles. Directions for collecting, preparing, and preserving birds' eggs and nests. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Bulletin, no. 39d.) Life histories of North American birds. 2v. Wash., 1892-5. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1892-5. v. 28, 32.) Benedict, David. General history of the Baptist denomination in America and other parts of the world. N. Y., 1848. N. Y., 1850. Benedict, Lieut. George Grenville. Army life in Virginia; letters from the 12th Vt. regt. in the War for the Union, 1862-3. Bur- lington, 1895. Beautiful Burlington, n. p. n. d. (In Fowler, N. C. Practi- cal Burlington, n. d.) Service of the Vermont troops. Montp., 1882. Vermont at Gettysburg. Burlington, 1870. Vermont in the Civil war, 1861-65. 2v. Burlington, 1886-8. Benedict, James E. Preliminary descriptions of thirty-seven new species of hermit crabs of the genus eupagurus. (In U. S. : Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1893. v. 15; p. 1-26.) and Rathbun, Mary Jane. Genus panopeus. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1892. v. i^i; p. 355-85.) Benedict, Rev. William A., and Tracy, Rev. Hiram A., comp. History of the town of Sutton, Mass. Wore, 1878. Benevolent and protective order of Elks: Manchester lodge, no. 146. Annual benefit, v. 1-3. Manch., n. d. By-laws and rules of order. Manch., 1890. Benevolent fraternity of churches. Annual report of the executive committee, v. 2-4, 6, 10, 12-30, 32, 55-7, 59-63, 66. Bost., 1836- 1900. Ministry at large; the Benevolent fraternity of churches in the city of Boston, description of its work. Bost., 1899. Report on a union of churches for benevolent purposes. Bost, 1834. Benigni, Umberto, ed. America in the Consistorial congregation's "Acta." (In Amer. Cath. hist. soc. Records. 1898. v. 9; p. 385-98. V. 10; p. 10-16, 129-37, 335-44, 448-56.) Benjamm, Marcus, ed. District of Columbia society of the Sons of the American revolution. Report of the historian for the years 1895-6. 1897. Benjamin, Mary E. Who built the forts? n. p. n. d. Benjamin, Park. Age of electricity. N. Y., 1888. History of electricity. N. Y., 1898. ^^rf. Hall, Samuel Carter. Book of British ballads. 1844. Benjamin, Samuel Greene Wheeler. Persia and the Persians. Lond., 1887. -- — Story of Persia. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) Bennet, H. P., and others. First territorial legislature of Nebraska. (In Neb. hist. soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 7; p. 88-161.) 118 AUTHOR LIST. Bennet, James Henry, M. D. On the treatment of pulmonary con- sumption by hygiene, climate, and medicine. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1872. Practical treatise on inflammation of the uterus and its ap- pendages; 2d Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 1850. 4th Amer. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. Phil., 1853. ed. London lancet, v. 5-15. 1845-50. Bennett, A. H. Address delivered at the dedication of the new schoolhouse in East Jaffrey, N. H. Peterborough, 1854. Bennett, A. J. Story of the ist Massachusetts light battery at- tached to the 6th army corps. Bost., 1886. Bennett, D. S. Speech at the Grant and Colfax ratification meet- ing, June II, 1868. Buffalo, i868(?) Bennett, Edgar B. First Connecticut heavy artillery; historical sketch and present address of the members. Hartf. n. d. Bennett, Edmund H. Farm law, a lecture on some of the legal rights and liabilities of farmers. Bost, 1879. Bennett, George C. Paupers, pauperism, and relief-giving in the United States. N. Y., 1896. Bennett, John Hughes, M. D. Clinical lectures on the principles and practice of medicine. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1858. fr. the last Edin. ed. N. Y., i860. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1859. Pathology and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Phil., 1854. Bennett, Joseph. Boston in 1740. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1862. V. 5; p. 108-26.) ♦Bennett, Stephen Beers, anon. Bennett, Bentley, and Beers fam- ilies, n. p. 1899. Bennett, T. Bennett's handbook for Norway for 1865. n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. wanting. Bennington (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '81-5, '89, '91-1901. An- trim, 1876-1901. : Town library. Catalogue. Antrim, 1891. Bennington historical society. Bennington battle monument and centennial celebration. Milford, 1877. Benoit, Capt. C. Materiel of the Spanish field and mountain artil- lery; tr. by H. A. Reed. {In U. S.: Adj. -Gen. Selected profes- sional papers. 1898. p. 5-47.) Benson, Andrew M. My capture, prison life, and escape. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. V. i; p. 109-38.) Benson, Egbert. Memoir read before the Hist. soc. of the state of N. Y. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. v. 7; p. 77-148.) Benson, Rev. Joseph, ed. Bible. Holy Bible, with critical notes. 1839. Bent, Allen Herbert. Bent family in America. Bost., 1900. Lewis Allen of Watertown Farms (Weston), Mass., 1665, and his descendants. Bost., 1900. Walter Allen of Newbury, Mass., 1640, and some of his descendants. Bost., 1896. Bent, Samuel Arthur. Catalogue of the collections of the Bos- tonian soc. in the memorial halls of the old state house, Feb. I, 1893. Bost, 1893. Proceedings of the Bostonian society; eulogy on S. M. Quincy. Bost, 1887. Wayside Inn; its history and literature. Bost, 1897. ' Why was Louisburg twice besieged? (In Soc. of colonial wars in the Commonwealth of Mass. Proceed. 1895. v. 2. ipp.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 119 Bentham, George, ed. Bentham, Jeremy. Essai sur la nomencla- ture et la classification des principales branches d'art-et-science. 1823. Bentham, Jeremy. Chresotomathia; being a collection of papers, explanatory of the design of an institution for the extension of the new system of instruction. 2v. Lond., 1815-17. , 2v in I. Lond., 1816-17. Defence of usury. Phil., 1796. N- Y-, 1837. . ^ , . ^. . , Draught of a new plan for the organization of the judicial establishment in France, n. p. 1790. Essai sur la nomenclature et la classification des principales branches d'art-et-science; ouvrage extrait du Chrestomathia. Paris, 1823. Essay on political tactics containing six of the principal rules proper to be observed by a political assembly. Lond., 1791. Fragment on government. Ed. 2, enl. Lond., 1823. Indications respecting Lord Eldon, including history of the pending judges'-salary-raising measure. Lond., 1825. ' King against Edmonds and others; set down for trial at War- wick on the 29th of March, 1820. Lond., 1820. Leading principles of a constitutional code for any state. Lond., 1823. Letters to count Toreno on the proposed penal code, delivered in by the legislation committee of the Spanish Cortes. Lond., 1820. National convention of France; emancipate your colonies. n. p. n. d. Observations on Sir Robert Peel's House of commons speech, introducing his police magistrates' salary raising bill. Lend., 1825. Panopticon; postscript containing further particulars and alterations relative to the plan of construction originally pro- posed, principally adapted to the purpose of a Panopticon pen- itentiary-house. 2v. Lond., 1791. Pauper management improved; particularly by means of an application of the Panopticon principle of construction. Lend., 1812. Plan of parliamentary reform. Lond., 1817. Lond., 1818. Radical reform bill. Lond., 1819. Scotch reform; considered with reference to the plan for the regulation of the courts and the administration of justice in Scotland. Lond., 1808. Summary view of the plan of a judicatory under the name of the Court of lords delegates. Westminster, 1808. Bentley, Arthur Fisher. Condition of the western farmer, as illus- trated by the economic history of a Nebraska township. Bait, 1893. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1893. v. 11, no. 7-8.) Bentley, H. L. Cattle ranges of the Southwest. Wash., 1898. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1898. no. 72.) Report upon the grasses and forage plants of Central Texas. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Agrostology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 10.) Bentley, William, D. D. Address to the members of the Amer- ican antiquarian society, October 23, 1816. Wore, n. d. ^^Description and history of Salem. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1800. V. 6; p. 212-77.) Record of the parish list of deaths; 1785-1819; ed. by I. J. Patch. Salem, 1882. 120 AUTHOR LIST. Benton, Charles E., assignee, vs. AUin, Horatio N., and others. Pleadings and evidence. Ports., 1878. Benton, Elbert Jay. Taxation in Kansas. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies. 1900. v. 18; p. 1 15-176.) Benton, Everett Chamberlain. History of Guildhall, Vt. Waverley, 1886. Benton, Frank. Bee keeping. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 59.) Honey bee, manual of instruction in apiculture. Rev. ed. Wash., 1896. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, new ser. no. i.) Benton, Capt. James Gilchrist. Course of instruction in ordnance and gunnery, for the use of the cadets of the U. S. military acad- emy. N. Y., 1861. Benton, Joel, cd. Greeley, Horace. Greeley on Lincoln. 1893; Benton, Josiah Henry. 1843-. Address at the dedication of the Bradford public library building, 1895. Bost., 1896. Andrew Benton, 1620-83; a sketch. Bost., 1900. Argument before the joint special committee of the Massa- chusetts legislature respecting the Metropolitan water board investigation. Bost., 1900. Argument for legislation to limit the height of buildings on and near Copley square, Boston. Bost., 18^. Facts and figures with reference to U. S. railroads. Bost, 1894. Influence of the bar in our state and federal government. Bost., 1894. Points in Vermont history. Bost., 1891. Public libraries as a means of education; extracts from ad- dresses at the dedication of the Bradford public library build- ing, July 4, 1895. Bost., 1896. Remarks on the British post-oflfice. Bost., 1891. Samuel Slade Benton, his ancestors and descendants. Bost, 1901. Taxation in Massachusetts, n. p. n. d. Veto power in the United States, n. p. n. d. What is government by injunction? Cone, 1898. What women did for the war, and what the war did for women, a Memorial Day address before the soldiers' club at Wellesley, Mass., 1894. Bost., 1894. Benton, L.-Col. Reuben C. From Yorktown to Williamsburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. i80o. V. 2; p. 204-22.) Personal recollections of the St. Albans raid. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 404-21.) Shall this country build more battleships? (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 188- 214.) Vermont settlers and the New York land speculators. Min- neap., 1894. Benton, Thomas Hart. Nebraska and Kansas, speech. Wash.^ 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 20.) Political career of Andrew Jackson. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 411-25.) anon. Thirty years' view. 2v. N. Y., 1854-56. Benton (N. H.). Annual report, 1892-1901. Warren Summit, 189JS- 1901. Berard, Auguste. Maladies de la glande parotide et de la region parotidienne. Par., 1841. Berdoe, Edward. Futility of experiments with drugs on animals. Lond., 1889. (Bound with Anti-vivisection question, h. d.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 121 Berea college. Catalogue, 1893-5, '96-9. Berea, 1893-99. Berea college, synopsis of President's report, n. p. 1895. Berea college, Kentucky; an interesting history. 87p. D. Cine, 1883. Berea quarterly, v. i, no. i, 3, 4; v. 2, no. 2-4; v. 3, no. i; v. 4-5. Berea, 1895-9. Berenger, Jean Pierre. Histoire de geneve depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. 6v. n. p. 1772-3- Berenson, Bernhard. Altar-piece by Girolamo da Cremona. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. v. 3; p. 161-76.) Beresford, Rear admr. Lord Charles William de la Peer. Break-up of China. N. Y., 1899- Bergen, Frank. Other side of the Declaration of Independence. Elizabeth, 1898. Bergen, Teunis G. Register of the early settlers of Kings county. Long Island, N. Y., from its first settlement by Europeans to 1700. N. Y., 1881. Bergen oil and coal company. Report of the committee appointed to examine the property. N. Y., 1864. Berger, C. L. & Sons. Handbook and illustrated catalogue of the engineers' and surveyors' instruments of precision. Bost, 1900. Berger, D., D. D. History of the church of the United Brethren in Christ. N. Y., 1894- {With Tyler, B. B., D. D. History of the Disciples. 1894.) Bergey, David Hendricks, M. D. Biological relation between bac- teria and the more highly organized flora of running streams. (Penn.: Univ. Contrib. 1898. no. 1-2; p. 1-19.) Comparative studies upon the pseud-diphtheria, or Hoffman bacillus. (In Penn.: Univ. Contrib. 1898. no. 1-2; p. 19-54) Investigation on the influence upon the vital resistance of animals to the micro-organisms of disease brought about by prolonged sojourn in an impure atmosphere. Wash., 1898. (/» Smithsonian Inst. Misc. coll. 1898. v. 39) Methods for the determination of organic matter in air. Wash., 1896. (In Smithsonian Inst. Misc. coll. 1896. v. 39.) Billings, John Shaw, M. D., and Mitchell, Silas Weir, M. D. Composition of expired air and its effect upon animal life. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1895. v. 29.) Bcrgh, Rudolph. (Die) opisthonranchien. (In Harv. univ.: Mu- seum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1894. v. 25; p. 125-233.) Berick, F. H. Investigation of the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days as given by Daniel and John. Cone. n. d. Berkeley divinity school. Biennial catalogue. 1878-9, '91-2, '97-9. Middletown, 1878-99. Circular, 1900-1. n. p. 1900. Berkshire agricultural society. Annual report for 1888-1900. Pittsfield, 1888-1901. Berkshire historical and scientific society. Berkshire book, 1892- 1900. V. I. Pittsf., 1892-1900. Berkshire jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., 1844. Alb., 1845. Berkshire medical college. Annual announcement, 1848, '66-7. Pittsf., 1848-66. Berkshire medical journal, monthly, ed. by W. H. Thayer and R. C. Stiles. IV. Pittsfield, 1861. Note : no more pub. Berlin (N. H.). Annual report, 1882-4, '90-1901. Berl., 1882-1901. : Public library. Annual report for the fiscal year ending Feb. 15, 1901-2. Berl., 1901-2. Finding list. n. p. 1896. : School board. Annual report for the year ending March i, 1886-7, '91-3, 1900-2. V. I, 5-7, IS, 16. Berl., 1887-1902. ^ OF THE ^ lIKIIV/CDGiTV V» 122 AUTHOR LIST. Berlin, International fisheries exhibition. 5"^^ International fisher- ies exhibition, Berlin, 1880. Berlin silver commission, 1894. Proposals submitted and debate on the proposals; report of the proceedings, and report of the international bimetallic conference at London May, 1894. Wash., 1895. Bermingham, Edward J., M. D., ed. Archives of clinical surgery. 1877-9- Bermuda pocket almanack, guide, and directory for the year 1886, 'gi. Hamilton, 1886-91. Bernadou, Lieut. John B., tr. Makaroff, Vice-admr. S. J. Discus- sion of questions in naval tactics. 1898. Bernaldez, Andres. Extract from the history of the Catholic sov- ereigns, Ferdinand and Isabella. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1843. V. 28; p. 5-68.) Bernard, Claude. Introduction a I'etude la medicine experi- mentale. Par., 1865. Bernard, Matilda, tr. Korschelt, E., and Heider, Karl. Text-book of the embryology of invertebrates. 1899. Bernard, Mountague. Historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American civil war. Lond., 1870. Bernhard, Karl, Duke of S axe-Weimar. See Saxe- Weimar, Karl Bernhard, Duke of. Bernice Pauahi Bishop museum of Polynesian ethnology and nat- ural history. Occasional papers, v. i, no. i. Honolulu, 1898. Bernstein, Edward. Ferdinand Lassalle, as a social reformer; tr. by E. M. Aveling. Lond., 1893. (Social sci. ser. no. 64.) Bernutz, Gustave, and Goupil, Ernest. Clinical memoirs on the diseases of women; tr, and ed. by Alfred Meadows, M. D. 2v. Lond., 1867. Berrian, William. Catalogue of books, early newspapers, and pamphlets on Mormonism. N. Y., i898(?) Berrien, John McPherson, and others. By the whig members of congress. Wash., 1841. Berriman, Capt. M. W. Militiaman's manual and sword-play with- out a master. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1864. Berry, John C, M. D. Statement showing the urgent necessity of establishing a Christian medical school, hospital, and train- ing school for nurses in Japan. Phil., 1884. Berry, John J., M. D. Auto-infection. Cone, 1888. How can the mortality of consumption be reduced? Manch., 1887. ■ Physical basis of crime. Danbury, 1895. Berry, John M. Proportional representation, the Gove system. Wore, 1892. Berry, Lucien W., D. D. Obligations of young men to redeem their time, discourse to the graduating class of Indiana Asbury university, July, 1852. Indianapolis, 1852. Berry, Nathaniel Springer. Closing message to the legislature of N. H., June, 1863. Cone, 1863. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June, 1861. Cone, 1861. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June, 1862. Cone, 1862. Berryman, John R., comp. Wisconsin: Library. Subject-index to the law books. 1892. Bertillon, Classification of occupations in the census. {In Amer. statis. assoe Pub. 1893. v. 3, no. 23; p. 379-415) Bertin, G. Babylonian chronology and history. {In Royal hist. • soc. Trans. 1891. v. 15; p. 1-52.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 123 "Bertin, R. J. Treatise on the diseases of the heart and great ves- sels; ed. by J. Bouillaud, tr. fr. the French by C. W. Chauncy. Phil., 1833- Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine Fransois. Annals of the French revolution; tr. by R. C. Dallas, gv. Lond., 1800-2. Bessey, Charles Edwin. Address; evolution and classification. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 237-52.) Beswick, Samuel. Egyptian chronology. (In Amer. jour, of arch- aeology. 1893. V. 8; p. 171-83-) Beta Theta Pi; pub. in six regular and two special numbers throughout the college year. v. 21-25. Harrisburg, 1893-8. Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Catalogue in the 43d year of the fra- ternity. Cleve. n. d. List of the members of the fraternity in N. E., or district no. I. Bost, 1893. Betche, Ernest, and Moore, Charles, botanist. Handbook of the flora of New South Wales. 1893. Bethel (Me.): Centennial committee. Report of the centennial cele- bration, 1874. Portl., 1874. Bethlehem (N. H.>. Annual report, 1876, '82-1901. Littleton, 1876-1901. Bethune, Alexander Neil, Bp. Christ our refuge; a sermon preached on occasion of the death of Margaret Achsah Birdsall. Coburg, 1850. Bethune, George Washington, D. D. Paul, the missionary, a ser- mon before the A. B. C. F. M. Oct., 1856. Bost., 1856. {In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Betton, George E., anon. Matthew Thornton's family and descend- ants, n. p. n. d. Betton, Thomas Forrest, M. D., tr. Moreau, Frangois Joseph. Practical treatise on midwifery. 1844. ed. Ricord, Philippe, M. D. Illustrations of syphilitic dis- ease. 1852. Betts, William. Introductory address at the inauguration of the newly appointed professors of Columbia college. {In Colum- bia Univ. Addresses. 1858. p. 1-27.) Beust, Friedrich Ferdinand, Graf von. Memoirs, ed. by Henry de Worms. Ed. 2. 2v. Lond., 1887. Bevan, Wilson Lloyd. Sir William Petty; a study in English economic literature. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1894. v. 9, no. 4. I02p.) Bcveridge, John L. First gun at Gettysburg. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 79-98.) Message to the 29th general assembly, Jan., 1875. Springf., 1875. Message to the 30th general assembly, Jan., 1877. Springf., 1877. Beverley, William. Some letters, ed. by W. C. Ford. {In Wil- liam and Mary college, quarterly, 1894. v. 3; p. 223-39.) Bevier, Isabel, and Frissell, HoUis Burke, D. D. Dietary studies of Negroes in eastern Virginia in 1897 and 1898. {In U. S.: Exper. sta., office of. Bulletin, no. 71.) Bevier, Louis. Olympieion at Athens. {In Amer. school of class. studies at Athens. Papers. 1885. v. i; p. 181-212.) Beythien, Hermann Karl Christian Friedrich. Eina neue bestim- mung des pols der landhalbkugel. Kiel, 1898. Biard, Pierre. Extracts from his letters; tr. by F. M. Warren. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 12; p. 411-27.) Bibb county (Ga.): Public education and orphanage, board of. Annual report, 1883. v. 11. Macon, 1883. 124 AUTHOR LIST. Bible. Biblia Sacra, n. p. 1514. Note: t. p. wanting. Biblia Sacra, Vulgate editionis, Sixti V. Pont. max. Jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita; distincta versi- culis, indiceque epistolarum, et evangeliorum aucta. Lugduni, 1675- Biblia Sacra, Vulgate editionis; Sixti V. Pont. max. jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita; edito nova versi- culis distincta. Lugduni, 1676. Comprehensive commentary on the Holy Bible; ed. by W. Jenks, D. D. v. 2-6. Brattleboro, 1836. Cottage Bible, and family expositor; containing the Old and New Testaments with notes by Thomas Williams; ed. by Rev. William Patton. Hartf., 1841. — — English Bible; extracts from the important English versions from Wiclif's to the King James version. {In Old South leaf- lets. 1897. V. 3; no. 57.) English version of the Polyglot Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, and Brown's concordance; with chronological index, etc.; pub. by Luther Roby. Cone, 1850. English version of the Polyglot Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments with the marginal readings, together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illus- trative passages exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted; pub. by G. & C. Merriam. Springf., 1838. — — English version of the Polyglot Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with marginal readings; together with a selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages; pub. by Peabody, Daniel & Kimball. Franklin, 1843. Holy Bible, n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. wanting. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, together with the Apocrypha; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with Canne's marginal notes and references, etc.; pub. by M. M. Teprell. Bost., 1824. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated from the original tongues and with the former translations compared and revised with Canne's marginal notes and refer- ences; pub. by C. Alexander & co. Phil., 1834. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; trans- lated out of the original tongues and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised. Clare., 1837. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; trans- lated out of the original tongues, and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; American Bible society. N. Y.. 1868. — — Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated out of the original tongues, and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised, by the special command of King James I of England; pub. by Anson Whipple. Wal- pole, 1815. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; trans- lated out of the original tongues and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; in which all the proper names are pronounced and a selection of references and mar- ginal readings are given; pub. by Carlton & Porter. N. Y., i860. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; trans- lated out of the original tongues, and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; printed for Lincoln and Edmands. Bost., 1817. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 126 Bible. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; trans- lated out of the original tongues and with former translations diligently compared and revised; pub. by Charles Lane. San- bornton, 1836. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated out of the original tongues; and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; pub. by J. Emory and B. Waugh. N. Y., 1831. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated out of the original tongues, and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; pub. by J. Towar and D. M. Hogan, Phila. Phil., 1830. Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated out of the original tongues, and with the former transla- tions diligently compared and revised, with marginal notes and references; together with the Apocrypha; pub. by Edrnund Gushing. Lunenburg, 1830. Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New; translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; pub. by Charles Hoag. Cone, 1836. Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New; translated out of the original tongues and with former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; pub. by White, Gallaher & White. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1827. Holy Bible, with critical notes by Joseph Benson. 5v. N. Y., 1839. Parallel Bible; the Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the original tongues; being the authorized version arranged in parallel columns with the re- vised version; printed for the universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge. Oxford, 1886. : Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica secundum editiones los, Athise, loannis Leusden, lo. Simonis aliorumque imprimus Ever- ardi van der Hooght; addidi Augustus Hahn. Lipsiae, 1839. Old Testament arranged in historical and chronological order, in such a manner that the books, chapters. Psalms, prophejcies, etc., may be read as one connected history, in the words of the authorized translation; with notes by the Rev. George Town- send; rev. by Rev. T. W. Coit, D. D. Bost, 1844. Palaia diatheke kata tons ebdomekouta; seu Vetus Testa- mentum Grjecum juxta septuaginta interpretes; quoad textum accuratissime et ad amussim recusum cura et studio Leandri van Ess. Lipsiae, 1835. : Old Testament: Poetical books. New translation of Job, Ec- clesiastes, and the Canticles, with introductions and notes by George R. Noyes. Ed. 6. Bost., 1890. : Old Testament: Psalms. Book of Psalms. Ed. 3. Best., 1897. Note : printed for the blind In tlie Howe type. New translation of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs, with introductions, and. notes by G. R. Noyes. Ed. 8. Best., 1890. New translation of the book of Psalms, with an introduction by G. R. Noyes. Bost, 1831. Psalms in Hebrew and Latin with notes, n. p. n. d. NoTK : t. p. wanting. : Old Testament: Proverbs. New translation of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs, with introductions and notes by G. R. Noyes. Ed. 8. Bost., 1890. : New translation of the Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canti- cles, with introductions and notes by G. R. Noyes. Bost, 1846. 126 AUTHOR LIST. Bible : Old Testament: Prophets. New translation of the Hebrew- prophets by G. R. Noyes. 3v. Bost., 1833. New translation of the Hebrew prophets with an introduction and notes by G. R. Noyes. Ed. 7. 2v. Bost, 1890. : New Testament. New Testament. Cone, 181 5. New Testament arranged in historical and chronological order; with notes on the principal subjects in theology by the Rev. George Townsend; rev. by Rev. T. W. Coit, D. D. Bost, 1844- New Testament in an improved version; upon the basis of Archbishop Newcombe's new translation with a corrected text and notes; pub. by a society for promoting Christian knowledge and the practice of virtue by the distribution of books; fr. the Lond. ed. Bost., 1809. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the common English version corrected by the final committee of the American Bible union; 2d revision. N. Y., 1896. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; trans- lated out of the Greek; being the version set forth A. D. 1611,. compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A. D. 1881; printed for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Oxf., 1881. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, trans- lated out of the original Greek and with former translations dili- gently compared and revised; American Bible society. N. Y., 1857. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ;. translated out of the original Greek and with former transla- tions diligently compared and revised; pub. by H. Hill & Co, Cone. n. d. Cone, 1828. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, trans- lated out of the original Greek and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; pub. by Isaac Long, jr. Hop- kinton, 1819. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, trans- lated out of the original Greek and with former translations dili- gently compared and revised; pub. by J. M. Putnam. Conc.^ 1827. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, trans- lated out of the original Greek and with former translation* diligently compared and revised; pub. by Luther Roby. Cone, 1823. Cone, 1828. Cone, 1846. New Testament, translated from the Greek text of Tischen- dorf by G. R. Noyes. Bost., 1891. Translation of the New Testament by George Wakefield fr. the 2d Lond. ed. Camb., 1820. Twentieth century New Testament; a translation into modern English made from the original Greek. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Note: v. 1 is ed. 5. Nouveau Testament de notre seigneur Jesus Christ, imprime sur I'edition de Paris de I'annee, 1805. Lond., 1808. Das neue Testament, n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. wanting. Kaina diatheke; Novum Testamentum ad exemplar milli- anum, cum emendationibus et lectionibus Griesbachi; studio et labore Gulielmi Greenfield; hanc editionem primam Americanum^. Josephus P. Engles. Phil., 1846. Kaina diatheke; Novum Testamentum juxta exemplar Joan-^ nis millii accuratissime impressum. Lond., 1794. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 127 Bible: New Testament. Kaina diatheke. Novum Testamentum juxta exemplar Joannis millii accuratissime impressum; ist Amer. ed. Wigorni?e, 1800. New Testament: Gospels. Commentary on the Gospels, in- tended for popular use; by D. D. Whedon, D. D. 2v. N. Y., i860. ' Commentary on the New Testament by L. R. Paige. 2v. Bost., 1845. Note : gospels with text. Four Gospels translated from the Greek with preliminary dissertations and notes critical and explanatory by George Campbell, D. D. Phil., 1799. Four Gospels, with a commentary by A. A. Livermore. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1842. New ed. 2v. Bost, 1881. Harmony of the four Gospels in Greek according to the text of Hahn; newly arranged with explanatory notes by Edward Robinson, D. D. Bost, 1851. Notes, explanatory and practical on the Gospels by Albert Barnes. 2v. N. Y., 1852. Notes, illustrative and explanatory, on the Holy Gospels, by Joseph Longking. 4v. N. Y., 1852. : New Testament: Matthew. Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and of some other detached parts of Holy Scripture; by the Rev. Richard Watson. N. Y., 1840. : Nezv Te.stament: Mark. Exposition of the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, and some other detached parts of Holy Scripture; by the Rev. Richard Watson. N. Y., 1840. : New Testament: Acts of the Apostles. Acts of the Apostles, with a commentary by A. A. Livermore. New ed. Bost, 1881. Acts of the Apostles, with notes, chiefly explanatory by H. J. Ripley. Bost., 1843. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Acts of the Apostles; By Albert Barnes. Ed. 10. N. Y., 1852. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles, designed for Sunday schools; by Rev. B. K. Peirce, ed. by D. P. Kidder. N. Y., 1848. : New Testament: Epistles. Epistles of Paul; with a commen- tary by A. A. Livermore. 2v. Bost., 1881. Exposition of the several Epistles contained in the New Testament; b}*- Matthew Henry, v. i. Lond., 1721. New literal translation, from the original Greek, of all the apostolic Epistles; by James MacKnight, D. D. New ed. Phil., 1841. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistles of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians; by Albert Barnes. N. Y., 1852. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, to Timothy, to Titus, and to Philemon; by Albert Barnes. N. Y., 1851. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the general Epistles of James, Peter, John, and Jude; by Albert Barnes. N. Y., 1850. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and the Epistle to the Gallatians; by Albert Barnes. N. Y., 1851. ; New Testament: Romans. Epistle of Paul to the Romans; with a commentary and revised translation by A. A. Liver- more. Bost., t8s4. Ed. 4. Bost., 1881. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle to the Romans, by Albert Barnes. Ed. 8. N. Y., 1838. Ed. 9. N. Y., 1852. 128 AUTHOR LIST. Bible. New Testament: Corinthians. Notes, explanatory and practi- cal, on the first Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians; by Albert Barnes. Ed. 3- N. Y., 1847. : New Testament: Hebrews. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the Epistle to the Hebrews; by Albert Barnes. N. Y., 1851. : New Testament: Revelation. Notes, explanatory and practical, on the book of Revelation; by Albert Barnes. Bost., 1852. : Apocrypha. Apocryphal New Testament, being all the Gos- pels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his apostles and their companions, and not included in the New Testament by its compilers; ed. by William Howe. Ed. 2. Lond., 1821. Bible normal college. Announcement for 1900-1. Springf., 1900. Catalogue for 1886-8, '91-5, '96-8. v. 2-3, 7-10, 12-13. Holyoke, 1886-98. Statement, 1885, '88-90. v. 2, 4-5. Springf., 1885-90. Bible readings for the home circle. Battle Creek, 1888. Bible society, Philadelphia. Address to the public; to which is sub- joined the constitution of said society and the names of the man- agers. Phil., 1809. Bible society record, pub. by the American Bible society, v. 5, no. 7; V. 9, no. 5, 6, 8; v. 10, no. 4, 12; v. 11, no. 5; v. 12, no. 3, 9, 11- 12; V. 14, no. i; V. 15, no. 5-7; v. 16, no. 1-9, 12; v. 18, no. 1-6, 9; V. 19, no. 6, 8-12; V. 21, no. 7-8, 12; v. 22, no. i, 3-4, 7; v. 23, no. 5, 11; V. 32-45. N. Y., 1860-1900. Biblical repository and quarterly observer.- v. 5, 7. N. Y. and Bost, 1835-6. Note : new ser. of the Biblical repository. Biblical repository, quarterly, v. 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, no. i. N. Y. and Bost, 1835-8. Note: ser. 1, v. 1-12. Ser. 2, v. 13-24. Ser. 3, v. 25-30. After v. 30, merged in Bibliotheca Sacra. Titles, v. 5-8, Biblical repository and quarterly observer, v. 9-11 (?) American Biblical repository, v. 26-30, Biblical repository and classical review. Biblical world, monthly, continuing the Old and New Testament student; ed. by W. R. Harper, v. 2, no. 1-3, 6; v. 3, no. i, 3-6, ^ V. 4-14. Chic, 1893-9. Bibliography of municipal government and reform. {In Natl, mu- nicipal league. Proceed. 1894. p. 341-81.) Bibliography of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Note : from the Granite monthly, April, 1881. Bibliotheca Sacra, quarterly, v. 1-35; v. 2)^, no. i, 3, 4; v. 37-9, 41- 3; V. 44, no. 1-3; V. 45; v. 46, no. i, 4; v. 47-57. Bost and Ober- lin, 1851-1900. Note : biblical repository merged in v. 8. Christian review merged in v. 20. Titles, v. 1-7, Bibliotheca Sacra and theological review, v. 8-14, Bibliotheca Sacra and Amer. Biblical repository, v. 15-20, Bibliotheca Sacra and Biblical repository. Bi-centennial history of Suffolk county, comprising the addresses delivered at the celebration, Nov. 15, 1883. Babylon, 1885. Bi-centennial of Nashua, formerly Dunstable. Nashua, 1873 (?) Note : mounted newspaper clippings. Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier. Additions to the General anatomy, by P. A. Beclard, tr. from the French by George Hayward. Bost., 1823. Anatomic generale, appliquee a la physiologic et a la medi- cine. 4v. Par., 1801. General anatomy applied to physiology and medicine, tr. from the French by George Hayward. 3v. Bost., 1822. Physiological researches upon life and death; tr. fr. the French by Tobias Watkins; ist Amer. fr. the 2d Paris ed. Phil., 1809. Recherches physiologiques sur la vie et la mort Ed. 5. Par. 1829. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 129 Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier. Treatise on the membranes; a new ed. by M. Husson, tr. by J. G. Coffin. Bost, 1813. ed. Desault, Pierre Joseph. Treatise on fractures, luxations, and other affections of the bones. 1817. 1805. Bickersteth, Rev. Edward Henry. Rock of ages ; or, Scripture testi- mony to the one eternal Godhead of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. N. Y., 1871. Bicknell, Alfred, anon. Annals of the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association, 1795-1892. Bost, 1892. Bicknell, George A., jr. Commentary on the bankrupt law of 1841. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1842. Bicknell, Rev. George W. History of the 5th regt. Me. volunteers. Portl., 1871. Bicknell, Thomas Williams. Barrington soldiers in the war of the Revolution, the Dorr war and in the war of the Rebellion. Prov., 1898. Brief outline of the history of the institute, (/n Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879. p. 3-18.) — '■ — Civil-service reform as applied to teaching. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures, 1886. p. 80-1 11.) Bicknell, Thomas Williams, ed. Historical address and poem delivered at the centennial celebration of the town of Barring- ton, June 17, 1870. Prov., 1870. History of Barrington, R. L Prov., 1898. School supervision. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1877. p. 3-38.) State normal college, the next step in normal work. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1890. p. 85-109.) Biddle, Clement, M. D., ed. Biddle, John B., M. D. Materia medica and therapeutics for physicians and students. 1886. Biddle, George W. Constitutional development in the U. S., as influenced by Chief-justice Taney. (In Rogers, H. W. Consti- tutional hist, of the U. S. 1889. p. 121-99.) Sketch of the professional and judicial character of the late George Sharswood. Phil., 1883. Biddle, Horace P. Notes on John B. Dillon. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. V. 2; p. 57-62.) Biddle, James W. Recollections of Green Bay in 1816-17. (In ^ Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1855. v. i; p. 49-63.) Biddle, John B., M. D. Materia medica and therapeutics for physi- cians and students; rev, and enl. by Clement Biddle, M. D., and Henry Morris, M. D. Ed. 10. Phil., 1886. Review of materia medica. Phil., 1852. Biddle, Nicholas, ed., anon. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Brig.-gen. William. History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri. 1847. Bidwell, Walter Hilliard, ed. Eclectic magazine. 1846-75. Biedma, Luis Hernandez. Translation of a newly discovered man- uscript journal of the expedition of Hernando de Soto into Florida, (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1850. v. 2; p. 97- 220.) Biennial retrospect of medicine, surgery, and their allied sciences, 1865-6, '69-70. Lond., 1865-70. Note : v. for 1865^ pub. in Philadelphia. Bierstadt, Oscar A., tr. Blok, Petrus Johannes. History of the _ people of the Netherlands. 1898-9. Big Eagle, Indian chief. Sioux story of the war. (In Minn. hist. ^ soc. Coll. 1894. V. 6; p. 382-400.) Big Four. See Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis rail- road company. 130 AUTHOR LIST. Bigelow, Rev. Andrew. Christians called unto liberty, sermon preached 1832. Bost., 1832. God's charge unto Israel, a sermon before the governor at the annual election, 1836. Bost., 1836. Bigelow, E. B., anon. Internal taxation simplified. Wash., 1862, Bigelow, Rev. E. Victor. Narrative history of the town of Cohas- set, Mass. Bost., 1898. Bigelow, Erastus Brigham. Tariff policy of England and of the United States contrasted. Ed. 2. Bost, 1877. Bigelow, Frank H. Abstract of a report on solar and terrestrial magnetism in their relations to meteorology. Wash., 1898. {In U. S. : Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1898. no. 21.) Notes on a new method for the discussion of magnetic obser- vations. Wash., 1892. {In U. S. : Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1892. no. 2.) Storms, storm tracks, and weather forecasting. Wash., 1897. {In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1897. no. 20.) Bigelow, George Frederick, and Hill, Hamilton Andrews. 1669- 1882; an historical catalogue of the Old South church (third church) Boston. 1883. Bigelow, H. W. Pure-food laws of European countries affecting American exports. Wash., 1901. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 61.) Bigelow, Henry Jacob, M. D. Extract from "Medical education in America," being the annual address before the Mass. med. soc, June 7, 1871. n. p. i87i(?) Mechanism of dislocations and fracture of the hip. Phil., 1869. Bost., 1900. Orthopedic surgery and other medical papers. Bost., 1900. • Science and success; a valedictory address to the medical graduates of Harvard University. Bost., 1859. — ; — Surgical anaesthesia, addresses and other papers. Bost., 1900. Bigelow, Jacob, M. D. Address on the limits of education. Bost, 1865. American medical botany. 3v. Bost., 1817-20. Brief expositions of rational medicine. Bost., 1858. Elements of technology. Bost., 1829. Ed. 2. Bost, 1831. Florula Bostoniensis; a collection of plants of Boston and its environs. Bost., 1844. Nature in disease, illustrated in various discourses and essays. Bost., 1854. Remarks on classical and utilitarian studies, read before the Amer. acad. of arts and sci., Dec. 20, 1866. Bost, 1867. Treatise on the materia medica, intended as a sequel to the Pharmacopoeia of the United States. Bost., 1822. ed. Hall, Marshall, M. D. Principles of the theory and prac- tice of medicine. 1839. Bigelow, John. (Les) Etats-Unis d'Amerique en 1863. Par., 1863. • Jamaica in 1850; or, The effects of sixteen years of freedom on a slave colonv. N. Y., 1851. Life of Samuel J. Tilden. 2v. N. Y., 1895. Memoir of the life and public services of J. C. Fremont. N. Y., 1856. ed. Franklin, Benjamin. Complete works. 1887-8. cd. Tilden, Samuel Jones. Writings and speeches. 1885. Bigelow, John M., M. D., and Engelmann, George, M. D. Descrip- tion of the cactaceae. 1856. Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar. N. Y., 1867. Bigelow, Poultney. White man's Africa. N. Y., 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 431! Bigelow, R. R. Judge's opinion on free coinage. Bost., 1896. Bigelow, Robert Payne. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S. : Nat. mu- seum. Proceed. 1895. v. 17; p. 489-550.) Bigelow, Samuel F. Biographical sketch of Moses Bigelow. New- ark, 1890. Bigelow, Samuel Lee, M. D. Recherches sur les calculs de la vessie et sur leur analyse micro-chimique. Par., 1852. Bigelow, Rev. Silas. Diary of Bigelow, the first minister of Paxton, Mass. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. v. 17; p. 258-68.) Bigelow, Timothy. Oration delivered before the municipal author- ities of the city of Boston. Bost., 1853. Reply to Francis Brinley on the claims of Hon. John P. Bige- low as founder of Boston public library. Bost., 1880. Bigelow, William Sturgis, anon. Memoir of Henry Jacob Bigelow. Bost., 1900. Bigland, John. Geographical and historical view of the world; with notes by Jedidiah Morse, D. D. Ed. 2. 5v. Bost., 1812. Bigelow, William. History of the town of Natick, from the days of the apostolic Eliot, 1650, to the present time, 1830. Bost, 1830. New Latin primer. Bost., 1801. Bigelow and Main, pub. Gospel hymns, consolidated; words only. N. Y., 1883. Bijlert, A. van. Onderzoek van deli-tabak. Batavia, 1899. ('S lands plantentuin. Mededeelingen.) Bill, Buffalo, pseud. See Cody, William Frederick. Billard, Charles Mitchell. Treatise on the diseases of infants; with notes by Dr. Ollivier; tr. fr. the 3d Fr. ed. by James Stew- art, M. D. N. Y., 1839. Billerica (Mass.), Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the incorporation. May 29, 1855. Lowell, 1855. Billings, Rev. Charles T. Learning to pray. n. p. n. d. Billings, Elkanah. Catalogues of the Silurian fossils of the island of Anticosti. Montreal, 1866. On some new or little known species of lower Silurian fossils from the Potsdam group. Montreal, 1861. On the Devonian fossils of Canada West. n. p. n. d. Palaeozoic fossils, v. 2, pt. i. Montreal, 1874. Billings, Frank S. Southern cattle plague. Texas fever of the U. S. Lincoln, 1888. Billings, John D. History of the loth Mass. battery, light artil- lery, 1862-65. Bost, 1881. Billings, John Shaw, M. D. Principles of ventilation and heating and their practical application. N. Y., 1884. Public health and municipal government. Phil., 1891. (In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Annals. 1890. v. i; Supp. Feb., 1891.) Report on insane, feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind in the U. S. Wash., 1895. (U. S.: Census, nth. 1890. Report) Report on social statistics of cities. Wash., 1895. (U. S.; Census, nth, 1890. Report.) Report on vital and social statistics of the United States. 4V. Wash., 1894-6. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report) Scientific men and their duties. Wash., 1886. Vital statistics of Boston and Philadelphia, covering a period of six years ending May 31, 1890. Wash., 1895. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report.) • Vital statistics of New York city and Brooklyn, covering a period of six years ending May 31, 1890. Wash., 1894. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report.) 132 AUTHOB LIST. Billings, John Shaw, M. D. Vital statistics of the District of Co- lumbia and Baltimore, covering a period of six years ending May 31, 1890. Wash., 1893. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report.) and Hurd, Henry M., M. D. Hospitals, dispensaries, and nurs- ing. Bait., T894. Mitchell, Silas Weir, M. D., and Bergey, David Hendricks, M. D. Composition of expired air and its effects upon animal life. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1895. v. 29.) ed. United States: Surgeon General's office. Report on the hygiene of the United States army. 1875, Billroth, Christian Albert Theodor, M. D. General surgical pathol- ogy and therapeutics; tr. fr. the 4th Ger. ed. by C. E. Hackley. N. Y., 1871. tr. fr. the 4th Ger. ed. and rev. fr. the 6th ed. by C. E. Hackley. N. Y., 1875. N. Y., 1877. ed. 8 rev. N. Y., 1879. and Pitha, Franciscus J. von. Handbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen chirurgie. 1867-75. Bingham, Caleb. American preceptor; being a new selection of lessons for reading and speaking. Ed. 3. Walpole, 1805. Ed. 5- Walpole, 1808. Ed. 10. N. Y., 1817. — Ed. 66. Rochester, 1816. Bingham, George W., ed. Services in memory of Eben S. Coe. ^ Derry, 190T. Bingham, Harry. Address on the life and democracy of J. H. George. Manch., 1888. Annexation of Hawaii, a right and a duty. Cone, 1898. Centennial address delivered July 4, 1876. Manch., 1880. Closing argument before the railroad committee of the New Hampshire legislature in favor of the "Atherton bill" and in opposition to the "Hazen bill." Cone, 1887. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v.- 2.) Consistent adherence to democratic principles, n. p. 1896. Great black republican bear fight in New Hampshire; a dem- onstration of the falsity of the charges against John G. Sinclair in the Fogg-Chandler controversy of 1868-9. Bost., 1894. Hon. William Spencer Ladd; a memorial address. Woods- ville i892(?) Influence of religion upon human progress. Cone, 1900. New education of women. Cone, 1898. Opening address delivered before the Grafton and Coos bar association Jan. 26, 1894. W^oodsville, 1894. Rights and responsibilities of the U. S. in respect to the international relations of the lesser republics of America and the great powers of Europe. Cone, 1895. Bingham, Rev. Hiram. 1789- 1869. Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands. Hartf., 1848. Bingham, Rev. Hiram. 1831. Story of the Morning stars, the children's missionary vessels. Bost., 1886. Bingham, John A. Reply of the judge advocate to the defence of the accused before a general court martial for the trial of W. A. Hammond, M. D. Wash., 1864. Bingham, Kinsley S. Governor's message to the Michigan legis- ^ lature, 1859. n. p. n. d. Bingham, S. D., anon. Early history of Michigan, with biographies of state officers, members of Congress, etc. Lansing, 1888. Bingham, Col. Theodore A., comt>. Genealogy of the Bingham fam- ily in the United States. Harrisburg, 1898. Binney, Charles J. C. Genealogy of the Binney family in the United States. Alb., 1886. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 133 Binney, Horace. Eulogy on John Marshall, delivered at Phila- delphia, Sept. 24, 1835- Chic, 1900. anon. Privilege of the writ of habeas corpus under the con- stitution. Phil., 1862. Binney, William Greene, comp. Bibliography of North American conchology previous to the year i860. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1864. V. 5, no. 142. 650P. v. 9, no. 174. 3o6p.) Catalogue of the terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of North America. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulle- tin, n. d. V. 3; p. 191-220.) Land and fresh water shells of North America. Wash., 1865. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. v. 7.) Note : part l is by Binney and Bland and is found in r. 8. Ft 4 by Tyron is in T. 16. Manual of American land shells. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1885. no. 28.) Supplement to the 5th volume of the Terrestrial air-breath- ing mollusks of the United States. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. 1883. v. 11; p. 135-66.) . and Bland, T. Land and fresh water shells of North America. W'ash., 1869. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1869. v. 8.) Note : pts. 2-3 are by Binney and are found in v. 7. Ft. 4 by Tyron is in v. 16. Lea, Isaac, and others. Check-list of the shells of North Amer- ica. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Biographical encyclopaedia of Connecticut and Rhode Island of the 19th century. N. Y. 1881. Biographical review publishing company. Biographical review; biographical sketches of leading citizens of Rockingham county, N. H. Bost., T896. Biographical review; containing life sketches of leading citi- zens of Hillsboro and Cheshire counties, N. H. Bost., 1897. Biographical review; containing life sketches of leading citi- zens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Bost, 1897. Biographical review; containing life sketches of leading citi- zens of Strafford and Belknap counties, N. H. Bost., 1897. Book of biographies; biographical sketches of leading citi- zens of Grafton county, N. H. Buffalo, 1897. Biographical sketch of Dr. Charles A. Fernald. n. p. n. d. Biographical sketch of Gen. Charles W. Darling, Utica, N. Y. n. p. ^ 1892. Biographical sketch of Sarah H. Furber. n. p. n. d. Biographical sketch of the life of Lafayette. Exeter, 1824. Biographical sketch of the life of William B. Ide. n. p. 1880. Biographical sketches of eminent American lawyers; monthly, ed. by John Livingston, pt. 4. N. Y., 1852. Biographies of Marshall Pinckney Wilder, n. p. n. d. Biography of the life and tragic death of Caleb M. Dyer. Manch., 1863. Bioletti, Frederick T., tr. Grazzi-Soncini, G. Wine. 1892. Biolley, Paul. Costa Rica and her future tr. from the French by Cecil Charles. Wash., 1889. Costa Rica und seine Zukunst; aus dem Franzosischen iiber- setzt von H. Polakowsky. Berl., 1890. Elementos de historia natural botanica. San Jose, 1887. (Costa Rica: Instruccion publica, ministro de.) — ; — and Pittier, H. Invertebrados de Costa Rica. 1897. Biological society of Washington. Proceedings. Wash., 1882. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. v. 25.) Proceedings, v. 8, p. 97-108; v. 9, p. 89-97. Wash. n. d. Birch, Thomas, D. D., anon. Court and times of Charles the First; ed. by R. F. Williams. 2v. Lond., 1848. • Court and times of James the First. 2v. Lond., 1849. 134 AUTHOR LIST. Bird, F. W., anon. Facts in relation to the history and manage- ment of the Walpole and Norfolk county railroads. Bost., 1847. lioosac tunnel, its conditions and prospects. Bost., 1865. Bird, Golding, M. D. Urinary deposits, their diagnosis, pathology, and therapeutical indications. Lond., 1844. New Amer. fr. the 4th rev. and enl. Lond. ed. Phil., 1854. ed. by E. L. Birkett, M. D.; new Amer. fr. the 5th Lond. ed. Phil., 1859- new Amer. fr. last Lond. ed. Phil., 1863. Bird, Rev. Isaac, ed. Memoir of Asaad Esh Shidiak. Bost., 1834. (A. B. C. F. M. Missionary paper, no. 8.) Ed. 3. Bost. n. d. (A. B. C. F. M. Missionary paper, no. 7.) Bird, William A. Reminiscences of the boundary survey between the U. S. and British provinces. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. V. 4; p. T-14.) Bird's-eye view of the White Mountains, N. H. Phil., 1880. Birdwood, George C. M., M. D. Paris universal exhibition of 1878; handbook to the British Indian section. Lond., 1878. (Bound with Gt. Britain: Paris univ. intern, ex., 1878, comnr. of. Offi- cial catalogue. 1878.) Birbeck, George. Lecture on the preservation of timber by Kyan's patent for preventing dry rot. Lond., 1834. Birkett, Edmund Lloyd, M. D., ed. Bird, Golding, M. D. Urinary deposits. 1859. 1863. Birkhaeuser, Rev. J. A. History of the church. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1897- Birney, James Gillespie, anon. American churches the bulwarks of American slavery, 2d Amer. ed. Newburyport, 1842. 3d Amer. ed. Cone, 1885. Debate on "Modern abolitionism" in the general conference of the M. E. church. Cincinnati, May, 1836. Cine, 1836. Birney, William. James G. Birney and his times; the genesis of the republican party, with some account of abolition movements in the South before 1828. N. Y., 1890. Birtwell, Charles Wesley, and Spencer, Rev. Anna Garlin, ed. Care of dependent, neglected, and wayward children. 1894. Bisbee, A. W., Bryant, Capt. Charles, and Everett, Rev. Noble War- ren, anon Rochester's official bi-centennial record. 1879. Bisbee, Rev. Marvin Davis, ed. Bibliography of Dartmouth college and Hanover, N. H. Cone, 1894. Close of the centennial year, sermon preached in the Congre- gational church, Fisherville, 1876. Cone, 1877. Place of the library in Dartmouth college, n. p. n. d. Bischof, Karl Gustav.' Physical, chemical, and geological re- searches on the internal heat of the globe. 2v. Lond., 1841. Note : v. 2 wanting. Biscoe, Walter Stanley, and Montague, William Lewis. Biograph- ical record of the Alumni of Amherst college during the ist half century, 1821-1871. 1883. Bishop, Brig.-gen. Albert W. Oration delivered m Fayetteville, Ark., July 4, 1865. N. Y., 1865. Bishop, Cortlandt F. History of elections m the American colo- nies. (In Columbia Univ.: Faculty of pol. sci. Studies. 1893. v. 3, no. I. 297p.) Bishop, Rev. Edwin Whitney. Making God real, a statement of belief. Cone, 1900. r , t j Bishop, George. New England judged by the spirit of the Lord; also an answer to Cotton Mather's abuses by John Whiting. Lond., 1703. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 135 Bishop, Col. J. W. Mill Spring campaign. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v. 2; p. 52-79.) Bishop, Richard M. Annual message to the 64th general assem- bly at the regular session commencing Jan. 5, 1880. Columbus, 1880. Inaugural address to the general assembly Jan. 14, 1878. Co- lumbus, 1878. Bishop, Robert R. Senate of Massachusetts, an historical sketch. Bost., 1882. Bishop, Samuel G. Eulogium on the death of George Washington. Roxbury, 1866. Bishop, Sereno E. Equatorial smoke-stream from Krakatoa. n. p. n. d. Bishop Hopkins Hall, Burlington (Vt.). Prospectus and circular, 1888. Burlington, 1888. Bishop White prayer book society. Annual report, i860, '61, '93, '97-9. V. 27, 28, 60, 64-6. Phil., 1860-99. Bismarck-Schcenhausen, Karl Otto Eduard Leopold, Fuerst von. Bismarck; the man and the statesman; tr. by A. J. Butler. 2v. N. Y., 1899- Plea for imperial armament. (In Brewster, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 456-69.) Bissell, Edwin Cone, D. D. Illogical methods in Biblical criticism. (In McCormick theological seminary. Inaugural addresses. ^ 1893. P- 7-26.) Bissell, Rev. H. N. Early settlement of Mt. Clemens and vicinity. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 5; p. 450-69.) Bissell, William H. Message to the 21st general assembly, Jan. 3, 1859- Springf., 1859- Bissett, Robert. History of the reign of George 3. New ed. 3v. ^ Phil., 1828. Bittinger, Rev. John Quincy. Centennial discourse; a history of the 1st Congregational church, Haverhill, N. H., 1876. Clare. n. d. Eulogy on the life and character of E. J. Hardy. Hanover, 1857. History of Haverhill, N. H. Haverhill, 1888. Plea for the Sabbath and for man, with discussion of social problems. Bost., 1892. Sermon on the life and character of Dea. Elias Bates of ^ Hartland, Vt. Clare., 1872. Bittner, A. Geologisches aus dem pielachtale nebst bemerkungen iiber die gliederung der alpinen trias. Wien., 1896. Bixby, George F. First battle of Lake Champlain. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12, p. 122-36.) Bixby, Rev. James T. Our beliefs and some of the reasons for them. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unit, assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 116.) Bixby, Samuel. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1876. v. ^ 14; p. 285-98.) Bixio, Jacques Alexandre, Bailly, and others. Maison rustique du I9e siecle. 1849. Bjorkman, C. G. Svensk-Englisk ordbok. Stockholm, 1889. Blachette, L. J., and Zoega, Frederic. Manual of the art of making and refining sugar from beets; tr. fr. the French with additions by J. de Fontenelle. Bost., 1836. Black, Adam and Charles, pub. Black's picturesque tourist of Scot- land. Ed. II. Edin., 1854. Black, Charles, ancn. Black's guide through Edinburgh. Ed. 8. Edin., 1851. Black, Chauncey Forwood, ed. Black, Jeremiah Sullivan. Essays and speeches. 1885. 136 AUTHOR LIST. Black, -George Ashton. History of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan island. (In Columbia univ.: Faculty of political sci. Studies. 1891-2. V. i, no. 3, 83p.) Black, James William. Dawn of western discovery. (In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1897. V. 18; p. 354-97.) References on the history of labor and some contemporary labor problems. Oberlin, 1893. (In Library bulletin of Oberlin college. 1893. V. I, no. 2.) Black, Jeremiah Sullivan. Corporations under eminent domain. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 471- 80.) Essays and speeches; ed. by C. F. Black. N. Y., 1885. Black, John, tr. Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Freiherr von. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. 1811. tr. Schlegel, August Wilhelm von. Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature. Lond., 1846. Black, John C. Our boys in the war. (In Loyal legion of the U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 443- 56.) Black, Lieut. John D. Reminiscences of the Bloody angle. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. V. 4; p. 420-36.) Black, John Sutherland, and Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, D. D., ed. Encyclopaedia Biblica; a critical dictionary of the literary, po- litical, and religious history of the Bible, v. i. N. Y., 1899. Black, John William. Maryland's attitude in the struggle for Canada. Bait, 1892. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1892. V. TO, no. 7.) Black, Robert, tr. Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France, n. d. Black heath coal company. By-laws with a description of its coal lands. N. Y., 1864. Blackall, C. H. Tremont temple. (In Tremont temple sketch book. 1896. n. p.) Blackman, George C, M. D., ed. Velpeau, Alfred Armand Louis Marie. New elements of operative surgery. 1856. Blackmar, Frank Wilson. Annals of an historic town. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 479-99.) Chapter in the life of Charles Robinson, the first governor of Kansas. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 213-26.) Charles Robinson. (In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. V. 6; p. 187-202.) Higher education in Kansas. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Edu- cation, bureau of. Circular of information. 1900. no. 2.) History of federal and state aid to higher education in the U. S. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of informa- tion. 1890. no. I.) Spanish colonization in the Southwest. Bait, 1890. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 8, no. 4.) Blackstone valley agricultural society. Annual fair, 1895, '96. v. 12, 13. Uxbridge, 1895-6. Transactions for the year 1888-99, 1900. v. 5-16, 18. Uxbridge, 1889-1901. Blackwell, Thomas. Forma Sacra; or, A sacred platform of nat- ural and revealed religion. Bost., 1774. Blackwell, Thomas Evans. On the hydrology of the basin of the river St. Lawrence. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 249-304.) ^^ ^^. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, monthly, v. 1-168. Edm., 1817- 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 137 Bladen, F. M., ed. New South Wales. Historical records. 1893-6. Bladen, Lt.-col. Martin, tr. Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries. n. d. Blagg, Thomas M., ed. Farndon (Eng.). Parish registers. 1899. ed. Shelton (Eng.). Parish registers. 1900. Blaine, James Gillespie. Condensed history of American tariff acts. Bost., 1896. James A. Garfield, memorial address. Wash., 1882. Memorial address on the life and character of James Abram Garfield. Wash., 1882. Oration on Garfield. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 482-503.) • Twenty years of Congress; from Lincoln to Garfield. 2v. Norwich, 1884-6. Blair, David. Easy grammar of natural and experimental phil- osophy. Ed. 4. Phil., i8t8. Blair, Mrs. Eliza Nelson. Lisbeth Wilson. Bost., 1895. Blair, Francis Preston. On the 15th amendment. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 516-29.) Blair, Henry William. Address delivered at the American feder- ation of labor convention, 1892. N. Y. n. d. " Common-school bill. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures, 1889. p. 201-29.) Ex-senator Blair's open letter to the legislature, n. p. 1901. Future of the temperance reform. N. Y., 1895. In memoriam; remarks on the life of Leland Stanford of California, and R. L. Gibson of Louisiana. Wash., 1894. Temperance movement. Bost., 1888. Blair, Hugh, D. D. Abridgment of Lectures on rhetoric. Bost., 1803. Exeter, 1822. ed. by J. L. Blake. Ed. 4. Cone, 1823. Cone, 1827. Cone, 1830. Blair, John. Diary. (In William and Mary college quarterly. 1899. V. 7; p. 133-53.) Blair, Montgomery. Letter to Col. Fitz-John Porter, n. p. 1874. Blair, Rev. Robert. 1699-1747. Grave, a poem with the life of the author. Cone, 1809. Blair, T. H. Amateur guide in photography. Rev. ed. Bost, 1888. Blair county bar association. Constitution and by-laws. n. p, 1879. Blaisdell, Albert F., M. D. Child's book of health in easy lessons for schools; rev. ed. Bost., 1893. Blaisdell, Frank, M. D. Treatment of retroversion and procidentia uteri. Prov., 1897. Blaisdell, H. G., comp. First annual music festival of the Concord choral union, April 25-29, 1892. n. p. n. d. Blaisdell, James J., D. D. American prisons in their relation to the reformation of criminals, n. p. 1889. Blake, Alexander V., ed. American booksellers* complete refer- ence trade list and alphabetical catalogue of books published in this country. 1847. Blake, Charles Morris. Memoir of Maj.-gen. John Blake of Brewer. (In Bangor hist. mag. 1887. v. 2; p. 1-17.) Blake, Clarence J., M. D. Late contributions to aural surgery. (In Mass. rned. soe Pub. 1869. v. 3; p. 99-124.) ■ ed. Archives of ophthalmology and otology. 1874. v. 4. Blake, Edward. Over-taxation of Ireland. Dublin, 1897. Blake, Francis E., comp. History of the South Baptist church of Boston. Bost., 1899. Incidents of the first and second settlements of Worcester. Wore, 1884. 138 AUTHOB LIST. Blake, Francis E-, comp. Increase Blake of Boston, his ancestors and descendants. Bost., 1898. Some Worcester matters, 1689-1743. Wore, 1885. Worcester county, Mass., warnings, 1737-88. Wore, 1899. (Systematic history fund.) Blake, G. Carter, ed. Broca, Paul. On the phenomena of hybrid- ity in the genus homo. 1864. Blake, George F., and Tenney, Benjamin. Annual report of the secretaries of the class of '83, Dartmouth college, v. 7, 10, Bost., 1890-3. Blake, Henry N. Historical address; historical sketch of Madison county, Mont. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 76-87.) Blake, Henry T. Chronicles of New Haven Green from 1638 to 1862. N. H., 1898. Oration. (In New Haven, Conn. Proceed. 1888. p. 23-59.) Wyoming; or, Connecticut's East India company. (In tair- field CO. hist. soc. Reports. 1896-7. p. 1-76.) Blake, Hiram, anon. Historical sketch of Keene, N. H. p. 41-8. n. p. n. d. and Mason, Andrew R., pub. Keene city directory for the years 1877-96. lov. Keene, 1877-96. Blake, Jeremiah. Carroll family. Pittsfield, 1885. Note : clippings from the Suncook Valley Times. Blake, John H. Report upon the property of the Hampton min- ing and smelting co. Bost., 1863. Blake, John Lauris, D. D. American universal geography. Bost., 1833- Biblical reader. Bost., 1826. First book in astronomy. Bost., 1835. General biographical dictionary. Ed. 3. Phil., 1840. Ed. 8. Bost, 1848. Historical reader. Cone, 1823. Ed. 2. Cone, 1824. Cone, 1825. Note: Imperfect. Cone, 1825. Cone, 1825. Cone, 1827. Cone, 1828. Cone, 1831. Juvenile companion, being an introduction to the Historical reader. Bost., 1827. Oration before the Grand lodge in New Hampshire, June 12, 1823. Cone, 1823. Questions for the examination of scholars in "Conversations on chemistry." Bost., 1824. • Questions for the examination of scholars in "Conversations on natural philosophy." Ed. 5. Cone, 1824. Text-book in geography and chronology. Prov., 1814. ed. Blair, Hugh, D. D. Abridgment of Lectures on rhetoric. Ed. 4. Cone, 1823. Cone, 1827. Cone, 1830. ed. Marcet, Mrs. Jane, anon. Conversations on chemistry; 13th Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. 1831. ed. Marcet, Mrs. Jane, anon. Conversations on natural phil- osophy. 1831. 1836. ed. Marcet, Mrs. Jatie, anon. Conversations on vegetable physiology. 1830. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 139 Blake, John Lauris, 1831-. John Lauris Blake. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 182-92.) Blake, Jonathan. History of the town of Warwick, Mass. Bost., 1853- Blake, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (McGrath). Coming reform, the ab- surdities of old-fashioned militarism at home and abroad in the closing years of the 19th century. Bost. n. d. and Sullivan, Mrs. Margaret Frances (Buchanan). Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive. Bost., 1888. Blake, Mortimer, D. D. Centurial history of the Mendon associ- ation of Congregational ministers. Bost., 1853. History of the town of Franklin, Mass. Franklin, 1879. Taunton north purchase. (In Old col. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. y. 3, p. 31-53) Blake, Percy M. Report to the water commissioners of the city of Concord. Cone, 1891. Blake, S. H. Address delivered before the Association of teachers at Exeter, Dec. 28, 1836. Bangor, 1837. Blake, Silas Leroy, D. D., anon. Annals of a beautiful life; memo- rial of Isabel L. Blake. Cone, 1879. Early history of the ist church of Christ, New London, Conn. N. L., 1897. Forty years for Christ; an historical sermon preached Feb. 4, 1877. Cone, 1877. Gurdon Saltonstall, Scholar, preacher, statesman. (In N. L, county hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i; pt. 5; p. 1-28.) Home; a fast day sermon preached April 4, 1872. Cone, 1872. Later historj' of the first church of Christ, New London, Conn. N. L., 1900. Tarrying in Jericho; a fast day sermon preached April 6, 1871. Cone, 1871. Three of the public evils of the day; a fast day sermon, April 8, 1869. Cone, 1869. Ed. 2. Cone, 1869. 250th anniversary of the settlement of New London. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 2; p. 187-328.) Woman's rights; a fast day sermon, April 7, 1870. Cone, 1870. Blake, William P., ed. History of the town of Hamden, Conn., with an account of the centennial celebration June 15, 1886. N. H., 1888. Sketch of the life of Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cot- ton gin. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 109-31) Blake, William Phipps. Bibliography of the Paris universal expo- sition of 1867. (In U. S.: Paris univ. ex. Reports. 1870. v. i; p. 1-39) Geological report. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Reports of ex- plorations, 1853-6. 1856. V. 5; p. 1-310.) Observations on the orthography of the Western portion of the U. S. (In Amer. assoe for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857- V. 10, pt. 2; p. 119-33) Production of the precious metals. N. Y., 1869. Report on the geology of the route. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Reports of the explorations, 1853-6. 1856. v. 4, i75p.) Report on the geology of the route near the 32d parallel. Wash., 1856. (In U. S. : War, dept. of. Reports of explorations, 1853-6. 1856. V. 2.) Blakeley, Capt. Russell. History of the discovery of the Missis- sippi river, and the advent of commerce in Minn. (In Minn, hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 303-418.) Opening of the Red River of the North to commerce and civilization. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 45-66.) 140 AUTHOE LIST. Blakely, Lieut. George. Comparative examination of the war bud- gets of France and Germany for 1897. (In U. S. : Adj. -gen. Se- lected professional papers. 1898. p. 291-303.) Blakely, Rev. Quincy. Historical discourse delivered at the cen- tennial celebration of the Congregational church in Campton, N. H., Oct. 20, 1874. Bost, 1876. Blakeman, A. Noel, ed. Loyal legion of U. S.: New York com- mandery. Personal recollections. 1897. v. 2. Blanc, Jean Joseph Louis. History of ten years, 1830-40; or, France under Louis Philippe; tr. by W. K. Kelly. 2v. Phil., 1848. Blanchan, Neltje, pseud. See Doubleday, Mrs. Frank Nelson. Blanchard, Amos, D. D. Christian courtesy. Ed. 2. Cone, 1858. Sermon in reference to the state of the times, 1837. Cone, 1838. Blanchard, Charles Elton. Report of Uncle Sam's homilies on finance. Cleveland, 1895. Blanchard, Joshua Pollard. Future life, an examination of its conditions from the New Testament. Bost., 1858. Blanchard, Porter, and co., anon. Essay on butter and butter mak- ing. Cone, 185-. Blanchard, Rufus. Abraham Lincoln, the type of American genius; an historical romance. Wheaton, 1882. Columbian memorial songs, historical geography and maps. Chic, 1892. Discovery and conquests of the Northwest, including the early history of Chicago, Detroit, Vincennes, etc. Chic, 1880. Discovery and conquest of the Northwest, with the history of Chicago. 2v. Chic, 1898. Note : v. 2 wanting. History of Illinois, to accompany an historical map of the state. Chic, 1883. Paragon bicycle map of Chicago and six surrounding counties. Chic. n. d. Note : scale 3 miles to 1 inch. Blanchard, Stephen. Letter addressed to Ethan Smith occasioned by his sermon entitled "Episcopacy examined." Cone, 1817. Blanchard academy, Pembroke (AT. H.). See Pembroke Academy, Pembroke, (N. H.). Blanche river pulp and paper company and Canada: Crown lands, commissioner of. Agreement. 1900. Bland, Richard Parks. Parting of the ways. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 530-40.) Bland, T., and Binney, Thomas Greene. Land and fresh water shells of North America. (/» Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1869. V. 8.) Bland, T. A., M. D. Life of B. F. Butler. Bost, 1879. Blandin, E. J. Uniform organization for cities in Ohio. {In Na- tional municipal league. Proceedings. 1895. p. 454-63.) Blandin, Philippe Frederic. Plates of anatomy, n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. wanting. Autiiorship uncertain. Treatise on topographical anatomy of the regions of the human body; tr. by A. S. Doane, M. D. N. Y., 1834. Blanding, Edward Mitchell, comp. City of Bangor; the industries, resources, attractions, and business life of Bangor and its en- virons. Bangor, 1899. Blane, Gilbert, bart. Elements of medical logic illustrated by prac- tical proofs; 1st Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. ed. with additions and corrections. Hartf., 1822. Blanford, Henry I., ed. Sheerer, Theodor. Introduction to the use of the mouth-blowpipe. 1856. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 141 Blanford, W. T. Address at the anniversary meeting of the geo- logical society of London, Feb., 1890. Lond., 1890. Blanqui, Jerome Adolphe. History of political economy in Eu- rope; tr. fr. the 4th French ed. by Emily J. Leonard. N. Y., 1880. Blasdale, Walter Charles. Description of some Chinese vegetable food materials and their nutritive and economic value. Wash., 1899. (^w U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 68.) Blaydes, Frederic Augustus, ed. Harleian society. Visitations of Bedfordshire, 1566, 1582, and 1643. 1884. Blencowe, Robert Willis, ed. Romney, Henry Sidney, ist earl of. Diary of the times of Charles the Second. 1843. Blinn, Henry C. Advent of the Christ in man and woman. E. Canterbury, 1896. anon. Life and gospel experience of mother Ann Lee. Can- terbury, 1883. Manifestation of spiritualism among the Shakers, 1837-47. E. Canterbury, 1899. Bliss, pseud. Quarter history of the class of '80, Chandler scien- tific department, Dartmouth college. Manch., 1878. Bliss, A. N. Federal land grants for internal improvements in the state of Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 7; P- 52-68.) Bliss, Charles R. New Mexico. Bost., 1879. Bliss, Rev. Charles R. Wakefield Congregational church. Wakef., 1877. Bliss, Eugene F., ed. Saugrain de Vigni, Antoine Frangois. Dr. Saugrain's relation. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 369-80.) Bliss, George. Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Wash., 1854. {Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 24.) ed. Annual of scientific discovery, yearly, v. 1-2. 1850-1. Bliss, Capt. George N. Cavalry service with Gen. Sheridan and life m Libby prison. Prov., 1884. (In R. L soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1884. v. 3.) Prison life of James M. Fales. Prov., 1882. {In R. L sol- diers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1882. v. 2.) Reminiscences of service in the R. L cavalry. Prov., 1878. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1878. V. I.) Bliss, H. L. Plutocracy's statistics, statistical lies, liars official and unofficial. Chic, 1900. Bliss, Henry, anon. Consideration of the claims and conduct of the U. S., respecting their northeastern boundary, and of the value of the British colonies in America. Lond., 1826. Bliss, Col. John H. Reminiscences of Fort Snelling. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 6; p. 335-53) Bliss, Leonard. History of Rehoboth, Bristol county, Mass. Bost, .1836. Bliss, lAeut. Tasker H., ed. Morrison, Charles C, and Ayres, Capt. James C. Course of instruction for artillery gunners. 1895. ir. Pashkievitsch, Col. Interior ballistics. 1892. {In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Artillery circulars. 1892. B.) tr. Pashkievitsch, Col. Resistance of guns to tangential rupture. 1899. {In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Artillery circulars.^ 1899. Bliss, Rev. William Dwight Porter. American trade unions. Bost, 1896. (Church social union. Pub. Ser. B, no. 10.) Arbitration and conciliation in industrial disputes. Bost., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. Ser. B. no. 3.) Handbook of socialism. Lond., 1895. (Social sci. ser., no. 6.) Bliss, William J. A., and Ames, Joseph S. Manual of experiments in physics. 1898. 142 AUTHOR LIST. Bliss, William Root. Colonial times on Buzzard's bay. Bost, 1889. Blissard, William. Ethics of usury and interest; a study in inor- ganic socialism. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser., no. 58.) Bloch, S. S. Science and art of reading. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1882. p. 157-73.) Blodget, Lorin. On the southeast monsoon of Texas. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 109-19.) Blodget, Samuel, anon. Economica; a statistical manual for the United States. Wash., 1806. Blodgett, Edward A. Army of the southwest and the battle of Pea ridge. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 289-312.) Blodgett, James H. "Free burghs" in the U. S. {In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 297-317.) Obstacles to accurate statistics. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1898. V. 6, no. 41. 29p.) Parochial schools. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5. V. 2. 1896. p. 1617-71.) Report on education in the U. S. Wash., 1893. (U. S.: Cen- sus, nth, 1890. Report.) Sunday schools. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for . 1896-7. V. I. 1898. p. 349-425.) Blodgett, Col. Wells H. Address on the occasion of the dedication of the monument to Maj.-gen. John McNeil. St. L., 1894.) Blodgett paper company. Report of the directors, 1855. Manch., 1855. Blodgette, George B., comp. Early settlers of Rowley, Mass. Salem, 1887. ed. Rowley (Mass.). Early records of the town. 1894. Blok, Petrus Johannes. History of the people of the Netherlands; tr. by O. A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam, v. 1-2. N. Y., 1898-9. Bloomfield, Samuel Thomas, D. D. Recensio synoptica annotationis Sacrse; being a critical digest and synoptical arrangement of the most important annotations on the New Testament. 8v. Lond., 1826-8. Bloomington (111.): City schools, supt. of. Annual report for the year ending June, 1882. Bloomington, 1882. Bloss, John M. Drainage. Corvallis, 1893. (In Ore.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 26.) Bloss, Capt. John M. Antietam and the lost dispatch, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers.) Blossoms of anecdote and wit. Lond., 1823. Blount college. See Tennessee: University. Blow, Susan E. Kindergarten education. (In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. v. i; p. 33-76.) Bloxam, Charles Loudon. Laboratory teaching. Ed. 2. Lond., 1871. Ed. 3. Lond., 1874. Blue, Archibald. Colonel Mahlon Burwell, land surveyor, n. p. n. d. Historic methods in economics. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 47; p. 493-518.) Blue anchor society. Annual report, 1899-1900. v. 19-20. N. Y., 1899- T 900. Blue Hill meteorological observatory. Bulletin. 1898, no. 2; 1899, no. 1-3; 1900, no. I. n. p. 1898-1900. Blue mountain forest game club. Fish and -game laws of the state of New Hampshire, with special enactments with reference to Blue Mountain forest, n. p. n. d. Blundell, James, M. D. Principles and practice of obstetricy; ed. by Thomas Castle. Wash., 1834. Blunden, G. H. Local taxation and finance. Lond., 1895. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 143 Blunt, Joseph. Speeches, reviews, reports, etc. N-. Y., 1843. Blunt, Capt. Stanhope English. Firing regulations for small arms for the United States army. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1891. Instructions in rifle and carbine firing for the United States army. New ed. N. Y., 1886. Blyden, Edward Wilmot. Aims and methods of a liberal educa- tion for Africans. Canib., 1882. Philip and the eunuch; or, the instruments and methods of Africa's evangelization. Camb., 1883. Bnai Zion educational society. Members' hand book; 1897-8. Cone, 1897. Board of missions for freedmen and Lincoln university. Negoti- ations and corresportdence. n. p. n. d. Board of trade for New Hampshire. See Great Britain: public record office. Board of trade journal, monthly, v. i, no. 1-6, 8-12, v. 2. Wilming- ton, 1898-1902. Board of trade journal, pub. monthly under the auspices of the Portland board of trade, v. 12, no. 10-12. Portl., 1900. Board of trade journal, quarterly, v. 1-4; v. 5, no. 1-3; v. 6. Manch., 1891-7. Note : v. 6, title is Queen City Journal. Boardman, Andrew, ed. Combe, George. Lectures on phrenology. 1839. Boardman, Rev. Benjamin. Diary. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 400-13.) Boardman, H. W., and Somes, F. C. Brief for respondents. Laconia, 1894. Boardman, Harvey. Complete guide to the White Mountains. Bost, 1859. Map of the White Mountains, N. H., from original surveys. Griswold, 1858. Note : scale 1.75 miles to 1 inch. Boardman, Henry Augustus, D. D. Discourse on the life and char- acter of Daniel Webster. Ed. 2. Phil., 1853. {In Eulogies of Webster, no. 25.) Boardman, J. H. Lifted veil; very important facts about mesmer- ism and mental communication. Manch., 1870. Boardman, Rev. Joseph. Address. {In Putnam free school. Ex- ercises. 1899. p. 32-48.) Boardman, Oliver. Journal, 1777, Burgoyne's surrender. {In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 7; p. 221-37.) Boardman, Samuel L. Agricultural bibliography of Maine. Au- gusta, 1893. Climate, soil, physical resources, and agricultural capabilities of the state of Maine. Wash., 1884. (U. S.: Agric, dept of. Special reports; misc. ser. no. 4.) Handbook of the turf, a treasury of information for horse- men. N. Y., 1895. Boardman, Samuel W., D. D. Thomas Scott Pearson. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 126-35.) ed. Boardman, Timothy. Log-book of the privateer Oliver Cromwell. 1885. Boardman, Timothy. Log-book kept on board the privateer Oliver Cromwell during a cruise from New London, Conn., to Charles- ton, S. C, and return in 1778. Alb., 1885. Boas, Franz. Address: human faculty as determined by race. {In A.mer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 301-28.) Anthropometrical observations on the Mission Indians of Southern Cal. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. 1896. V. 44; p. 261-9.) 144 AUTHOR LIST. Boaz, Franz. Chinook texts. Wash., 1894. Facial paintings of the Indians of northern British Columbia. n. p. 1898. (In Amer. museum of natural hist., N. Y. Memoirs. 1898. V. 2, pt. I.) Growth of Toronto children. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. 2.^ 1898. p. 1541-99.) Houses of the Kwakiutl Indians, B. C. (In U. S. : Nat. mu- seum. Proceed. 18S9. v. 11; p. 197-213.) Bocock, Kemper. Land and individualism, a plea for area tax- ation. Phil., 1887. Bodenhamer, William, M. D. Practical observations on some of the diseases of the rectum, anus, and contiguous textures. Cine, 1847. Bodge, Rev. George Madison. Great Narragansett fight of Dec. I9> 1675. (^^ Soc. of colonial wars in the commonwealth of Mass. Proceed. 189/]. y. i; p. 14-31.) Soldiers in King Philip's war, with a concise history of the Indian wars of New England from 1620-1677. Leominster, 1896. Bodine, James Morrison, M. D. "What am I?" a valedictory ad- dress. Louisville, 1878. Bodleian library. Annual report of the curators, 1889, '91-4, '96- 1901. Oxf., 1889-1901. Catalogue of periodicals contained in the library, pt. i, 3. Oxf., 1878-80. Report from the librarian, pub. by permission of the curators. Oxf., t888. Boehmer, George H. Norsk naval architecture. (In U. S. : Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 443-59.) Boerhaave, Hermannus. Aphorisms concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases; tr. fr. the last Latin ed. Ed. 3. Lond., 1755. Boese, Thomas. Public education in the city of New York; its his- tory, condition, and statistics. N. Y,, 1869. Bogart, Ernest Ludlow. Housing of the working people in Yonk- ers. (In Economic studies. 1898. v. 3, no. 5; p. 267-348.) Bogoushevsky, Nicholas Casimir, Baron de. English in Muscovy during the i6th century. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 58-129.) Bohemian, pseud., pub. Proceedings and addresses of the alumni jubilee and the semi-centennial commencement of Hanover col- lege. Madison, 1883. Boies, Andrew J. Record of the 33d Mass. volunteer infantry from Aug., 1862, to Aug., 1865. Fitchb., 1880. Boies, Horace. Biennial message to the 24th general assembly^ Jan., 1892. Des M., 1892. Inaugural address at his inauguration, Jan. 20, 1892, Des M., 1892. Boigne, Charle de. Cheval en France. Par., 1843. Boileau, Charles, abbe. Pansees choisies. Par., 1707. Boileau D., tr. Ganilh, Charles. Inquiry into the various systems of political economy. 1812. Boise, James Robinson, D. D., ed. Xenophon. Anabasis. 1871. Boisseau, Frangois Gabriel. Treatise on cholera morbus; tr. by G. S. Bedford. N. Y., 1832. Bokum, Hermann. Testimony of a refugee from East Tennessee. Phil., 1863. Boletin de agricultura, mineria e industrias, publicado por la secret- aria de fomento, colonizacion e industria de la Republica Mex- icana. v. 1-3; v. 4, no. 1-5, 7, 8, 10, 12; v. 5-9. Mexico, 1891-1900. Boletin del consejo superior de salubridad, publicacion mensual. ser. 3, V. I, no. 8, 10-12; v. 2, no. i-io; v. 3, no. 4-12; v. 4, no. 2-12; v. 5, no. 1-8. Mexico, 1896-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 146 Boletin del Institute geologico de Mexico, no. 1-14. Mexico, 1895- 1900. Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, viscount. Letters on the study and use of history. New ed. Par., 1808. Bolles, Albert Sidney. Financial history of the United States from 1789 to i860. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1885. Financial history of the United States, 1861-1885. N. Y., 1886. Industrial history of the U. S. Norw., 1881. Pennsylvania, province and state; a history from 1609 to 1790. 2v. Phil., 1899. Bolles, Frank. At the north of Bearcamp water, chronicles of a stroller in New England from July to December. Bost, 1893. Chocorua's tenants. Bost., 1895. From Blomidon to Smoky and other papers. Ed. 2. Bost, 1895. Harvard university, a brief statement of what Harvard uni- versity is, how it may be entered, and how its degrees may be obtained; 1892-3. Camb., 1892-3. Land of the lingering snow. Ed. 3. Bost., 1893. Bellman, Charles Harvey. Description of fourteen new species of North American myriapods. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Pro- ceed. 1888. V. 10; p. 617-27.) Myriapoda of North America; ed. by L. M. Underwood. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Bulletin. 1893. no. 46.) Notes on the North American lithobiidae and scutigeridae. (In U. S. Nat. museum. Proceed. 1888. v. 10; p. 254-66.) and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Scientific results of explora- tions by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 149-83.) Bolmar, Anthony. Collection of colloquial phrases. Phil., 1833. Theoretical and practical grammar of the French language. Phil., 1834- ed. Perrin, John. Selection of 100 fables accompanied with a key. 1835. Bologna royale academie des sciences. . Expose des raisons appuy- ant la transaction proposee par I'academie des sciences au sujet du meridien initial et de I'heure universelle. Rome, 1890. Bolt, Ben, pseud. See Welch, Lyman S. Bolton, Charles E. Few civic problems of greater Cleveland. Cleve., 1896. Bolton, Charles Knowles. Brookline, the history of a favored town. Brook., 1897. Some works relating to Brookline, Mass. (In Brookline hist. pub. soc. Pub. 1900. no. 19-20.) and Lane, William Coolidge. Notes on special collections in American libraries. 1892. and Potter, Alfred Claghorn. Libraries of Harvard college, 1667-T877. 1897. Bolton, Ethel Stanwood. History of the Stanwood family in Amer- ica. Bost., 1899. Bolton, Henry Carrington. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 229-56.) comp. Bibliography of chemistry for the year 1887. Wash., 1888. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1893. v. 34.) comp. Catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals. Wash., 1885. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1885. v. 29.) Ed. 2. Wash., 1897. U^ Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1898. V. 40.) comp. Select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897. (In Smith- sonian inst. Misc. coll. 1893. v. 36; 1899, v. 39, 489P. 1901, v. 41, 534P.) ■ ^ Bolton, Nathaniel. Early history of Indianapolis and central In- diana. Indianapolis, 1897. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i.) 10 146 AUTHOR LIST. Bolton, Robert. History of the Protestant Episcopal church in the county of Westchester, from its foundation, 1693 to 1853. N. Y., 1855.. Boltwood, Lucius M., comp., anon. Genealogies of Hadley families, embracing the early settlers of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby. Northampton, 1862. {In Judd, Sylvester. History of Hadley. 1863. p. 443- 608.) comp. History and genealogy of the family of Thomas Noble of Westfield, Mass. Hartf., 1878. Bommer, Georg. Neue methode welche lehrt, wie in fiinfzehn bis dreiszig tagen pflanzen-diinger durch eine gahrung zu bereiten ist. Phil., 1845- Bonaparte, Charles J. Civil service reform under President Har- rison. Indianapolis, 1889. Scope and difficulties of civil service reform. Bait., 1890. Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonar, Rev. Andrew H., and M'Cheyne, Rev. Robert Murray, anon. Narrative of a mission of inquiry to the Jews from the church of Scotland. Edin., 1842. Bond, George Phillips. Account of Donati's comet of 1858. Camb., 1858. On the new form of the achromatic object-glass introduced by Steinheil. Camb., 1863. Bond, John J. Christian era. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1875. V. i; p. 78-87.) Bond, Phineas. Letters to the Foreign office of Great Britain, 1787-94. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897-8. v. 8, pt. i; p. 513-659; V. 9; p. 454-.568.) Bond, Thomas E., M. D. Practical treatise on dental medicine. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Phil., 1852. Bond street homoeopathic dispensary. Annual report of the dis- pensary and of its branch, by Otto Fiillgraff, 1863. v. 9. N. Y., 1864. Bondy, William. Separation of governmental powers. {In Co- lumbia Univ.: Faculty of political sci. Studies. 1896. v. 5, no. 2. i86p.) Bongartz, J. Harry. Check-list of Rhode Island laws. Prov. 1893. Bonham, John M. Railway secrecy and trusts. N. Y., 1890. (Questions of the day.) Bonner, T. D., comp. Mountain minstrel, containing a collection of temperance songs. Cone, 1847. Bonner, William G. Mao of the state of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1847. Note : scale 6 miles to 1 inch. Map of the state of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1854. Note : scale 6 miles to 1 inch. Bonney, Gallic L., comp. Webster, Daniel. Wisdom and eloquence of Daniel Webster. 1886. Bonney, Charles Carroll. Address. {In Natl, council of women of the U. S. Addresses. 1898. p. i-io.) Executive power and the enforcement of the laws. Pittsb., 1890. Bonney, Percival. William Barrows-John Tripp. {In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1892. V. 13; p. 149-86.) Bonnycastle, Charles. On a new principle in regard to the power of fluids in motion to produce rupture of the vessels which con- tain them. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1841. v. 7; p. 113-23) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 147 Bonnycastle, Charles. On the insufficiency of Taylor's theorem as commonly investigated. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser, 1841. V. '7; P- 217-50.) Bonnycastle, John. Introduction to algebra; rev. by James Ryan, with a large collection of problems by John F. Jenkins. N. Y., 1846. Scholar's guide to arithmetic. Ed. 10. Lond., 1813. Bonsai, Stephen. Fight for Santiago. N. Y., 1899. Boogher, William F., comp. Miscellaneous Americana; a collec- tion of history, biography, and genealogy. Phil., 1883-95. Book buyer, a summary of American and foreign literature, monthly, v. 7, no. 11; v. 11, no. 11; v. 12, 14. N. Y., 1890-97. Book for New Hampshire children, in familiar letters from a father. Exeter, 1823. • Ed. 3. Exeter, 1829. Ed. 5. Exeter, 1839. Book-leaf, literary department, pub. monthly, v. 7, no. 1-3. Den- ver, 1897. Book of private devotion; rev. and enl. ed. Hartf., 1849. Book reviews, a monthly journal devoted to new and current liter- ature. V. 1-8. N. Y., 1893-1900. Bookman, an illustrated literary journal, monthly, v. 1-12. N. Y., 1895-1901. Bookseller, devoted to the book and news trade, monthly, 1900-2. V. 5, 6; V. 7, no. 1-3. Chic, 1900-2. Bookwalter, John W. Siberia and Central Asia. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1899. Boone, Mrs. Anna (Boyle). Increase of crime and its cause. Bost, 1872. Boone, Richard Gause. Education in the United States. N. Y., 1899. (International education ser. no. 11.) Boorn, Amos, anon. Account of a late conversation with the dead. Bost. n. d. Boorsma, W. G. Nadere resultaten van het door verrichte onder- zoek naar de plantenstoffen van Nederlandsch-Indie. Batavia, 1899. Boot and shoe recorder, weekly trade journal, v. 36-7. Bost, 1899- T 900. Boot and shoe workers' international union: Union no. i. By-lawrs, Dover, 1890. Booth, Rev. Abraham, ed. Abbadie, James, D. D. Deity of Jesus Christ essential to the Christian religion. 1817. Booth, David, comp. Analytical dictionary of the English language. ' md., 1836. booth, Frank W., ed. Association review, bi-monthly. 1899-1900. Booth, James C. Memoir of the geological survey. Dover, 1841. and Morfit, Campbell. On recent improvements in the chemi- cal arts. Wash., 1852. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Booth, Mary L., tr. Martin, Bon Louis Henri. Popular history of France. 1877. Booth, Robert Russell, D. D. History of the Rutgers Riverside church. N. Y., 1898. Booth Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour. See Tucker, Frederick St. George de Lautour Booth. Boothby F. E. How can the summer resort interest of Maine be promoted, n. p. n. d. Boots and shoes, weekly, devoted to the interests of the retail trade, v. 36, no. 22, v. 37, 38. N. Y., 1900-1. Bordeaux, Academie imperiale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. Receuil des actes. v. 20. Par., 1858. 148 AUTHOR LIST. Borden, Mrs. Hattie L. (Borden), comp. Historical and genealogi- cal record of the descendants, as far as known, of Richard and Joan Borden. Los Ang., 1899. Borden, Simeon. Account of a trigonometrical survey of Massa- chusetts, with a comparison of its results with those obtained from astronomical observations by Robert Treat Paine. (lit Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1846. v. 9; p. 33-91.) Topographical map of Massachusetts. Bost., 1844. Note : scale 2.5 miles to 1 inch. Topographical map of the state of Massachusetts. N. Y., 1861. Note : scale 2.5 miles to 1 inch. Bordwine, Joseph. Memoir of a proposed new system of perma- nent fortification. Lond., 1834. Bore, Henry. Story of the invention of steel pens. N. Y., 1890. Borgeaud, Charles. Adoption and amendment of constitutions in Europe and America; tr. by C. D. Hazen. N. Y., 1895. Rise of modern democracy in Old and New England, tr. by Mrs. Birbeck Hill. Lond., 1894. (Social sci. ser., no. 71.) Bergen, Vilhelm. Catalogue of a most valuable collection of rare atlases and separate maps carefully described. Copenhagen,. 1899. Borland, J. Nelson, M. D., ed. Boston (Mass.): City hospital. Medical and surgical report. 1870. Borrow, George. Bible in Spairi; or, The journeys, adventures,^ and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula. Ed. 9. Phil., 1843. Zincali; or. An account of the gypsies of Spain, with an origi- nal collection of their songs and poetry. Phil., 1843. Bosanquet, Bernard. Essays and addresses. Ed. 2. Lond., 1891. (Social sci. ser., no. 15.) "In darkest England." n. p. n. d. (7n Loch, C. S. Criticisms on "Gen." Booth's social scheme. 1891, pt. 2.) tr. Schaffle, Albert Eberhard Friedrich. Quintessence of socialism. 1894. Boscawen (N. H.). Annual report, 1858, '60, 'jz, '75. '7^, '78, '80- 1902. Cone, 1858-1902. Boscawen academy, Boscawen (AT, H.). Catalogue, 1857. v. i. Cone, 1857. Boscawen Ladies' benevolent society. Souvenir, n. p. n d. Boscawen (N. H.) Second Congregational church. Confession of faith. Cone, 1838. Bosch, Eduard Christian. Uber osteotomie. Bonn., 1898. Bosquet, John le. See Lebosquet, John. Boss, Lewis. Modern star places, with suggestions relative to future co-operation among meridian observers. {In Amer assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 106-22.) Remarks on the Dudley observatory observations of the tran- sit of Mercury, May 6, 1878. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. v. 9; p. 181-201.) Bosson, Charles P. Observations on the potato and a remedy for the potato plague. Bost., 1846. Bossuet, Jacques Benigne. Funeral oration over the Prince of Conde. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 557-79) Bossut, Charles, Vahhe. Explanatory and pronouncing French word-book. Bost., 1829. Bostock, John, M. D. Elementary system of physiology. 3v. Bost., 1825. Boston, Rev. Thomas. Human nature in its fourfold state; ist Amer. ed. Exeter, 1796. Edin., 1829. NEW HAMPSHIRB STATE LIBRAEY. 149 Boston, Mass. Legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhab- itants of the town of Boston, holden on the 14th day of Jan., 1822. Bost., 1822. : Assessors. List of persons, copartnerships, and corporations who were taxed on $10,000 and upwards in the year 1859. Bost, i860. : Boston Port Bill, committee for receiving donations for the relief of sufferers from. Correspondence in 1774 and 1775. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1858. V. 34: p. 1-278.) : City council. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Bost, 1885. Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement. Sept 17, 1880. Bost, t88o. Complimentary banquet to Rear.-admr. Lessoffsky and the officers of the Russian fleet, June 7, 1864. Bost., 1864. Exercises at the dedication of the monument to Col. R, G. Shaw. Bost., 1897. March 17, 1876; celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston by the British army. Bost., 1876. Memorial of Anson Burlingame. Bost., 1870. Memorial of Charles Sumner. Bost., 1874. Memorial of Edward Everett. Bost., 1865. Memorial of Frederick Douglass. Bost., 1896. Memorial of J. A. Garfield. Bost., 1881. Memorial of J. G. Blaine. Bost., 1893. Memorial of Joshua Bates. Bost., 1865. ■ Memorial of P. H. Sheridan. Bost, 1889. Memorial of the American patriots who fell at the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Bost., 1889. Ed. 4. Bost., 1896. Memorial of U. S. Grant Bost, 1885. Memorial of Wendell Phillips. Bost., 1884. Proceedings April 17, 1865, on occasion of the death of Abra- ham Lincoln. Bost., 1865. Proceedings in relation to the death of Joshua Bates. Bost, 1864. Proceedings on the occasion of the death of Josiah Quincy. Bost, 1864. Railroad jubilee, an account of the celebration commemorative of the opening of railroad communication between Boston and Canada, Sept. 17-19, 1851. Bost., 1852. Rededication of the old State house, Boston, July 11, 1882. Ed. 5. Bost, 1889. Report of the joint special committee on the burial of Massa- chusetts dead at Gettysburg, with the oration of Edward Everett at the consecration of the National cemetery. Bost., 1863. Report upon the bronze tablets in memory of the soldiers who were killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Bost., 1889. Tabular representation of the present condition of Boston. Bost, 1851. and Webster, Daniel. Correspondence; Faneuil Hall. Bost, 1851. City hospital Medical and surgical report v. 1-12. Bost, 1870-1901. Report of the trustees, 1881-1901. v. 18-37. Bost., 1882-1901. Report of the trustees on the advisability of establishing cot- tage or branch hospitals in the several wards of the city. Bost, 1893. Rules, with rules of the trustees, the act authorizing the cit^ to establish the hospital, the act of incorporation and the ordi- nance of the city relating to the city hospital. Bost. 1890. 160 AUTHOR LIST. Boston, Mass.: Fire commission. Report of the great fire in Boston, Jan. 27, 1873. Bost, 1873. • : Harbor and railroad commissioners, joint commission of. Reports on the subject of the terminal facilities of the railroads on the northerly side of Boston. Bost., 1870. : Health, hoard of. Annual report, 1875-1900. v. 2-29. Bost, 1874-1901. Digest of statutes and ordinances relating to the public health, 1873. New ed. Bost, 1873. Manual of the statutes and ordinances relating to public health. Bost., t8qo. : Insane hospital. Annual report of the trustees for the year ending Jan. 1898-1991. v. 1-4. Bost., 1898-1901. : Institutions commissioner. See Boston: Public institutions, hoard of directors for. : Internal health, committee of. Report on the Asiatic cholera together with a report of the city physician on the cholera hos- pital. Bost., 1849. : Lincoln grammar school. See Lincoln grammar school, Bostottf Mass. : Mayor. Inaugural addresses, 1822-67, '98. v. 1-2, and 1898. Bost., 1894-8. : Medical commission. Sanitary condition of Boston. Bost, 1875. : Metropolitan sewerage commissioners. Annual report for the year ending Sept., 1899. v. 11. Bost., 1900. : Parks, dept. of. Annual report, 1891-1900. v. 17-26. Bost, 1892-1901. : Poor, overseers of. Annual report for the year 1871, '73-96, '98-1900. V. 7, 9-32, 34-6. Bost, 1871-1900. Report on "Out-door relief." Bost, 1888. Report on the David Sears charity. Bost, 1875. : Public institutions, hoard of directors for. Annual report, v. 1-3, S-6, 8-10, 12-13, 15-19, 21-2, 25-32, 34-9. Bost, 1857-96. Note : 1889-95 name of office was Com'rs of public institutions. 1895-6 name Is Institutions commissioner. : Public institutions, special committee to inspect. Final report, 1892. Bost., 1892. : Public Latin school. Catalogue, 1896, 1900. Bost., 1896-1900. : Public library. Annual list of new and important books added, 1896-1900. Bost, 1898-1901. Branch finding list. no. 3. Bost, 1900. Catalogue of books in the classes of history, biography, geog- raphy, and travel. Bost., 1892. Ed. 2. Bost., 1873. Catalogue of English prose fiction and books for the young. Ed. 8. Bost, 1893. Catalogue of the Barton collection. Bost, 1888. Catalogue of the books relating to architecture, construction, and decoration. Bost, 1894. Finding list of genealogies, and town and local histories con- taining family records. Bost., 1900. Hand-book for readers, n. p. i883(?) Ed. 9. Bost, 1890. Handbook for readers with regulations, July, 1873. Ed. 2. Bost, 1873. Index to the pictures and plans of library buildings; by J. L. Whitney. Ed. 2. Bost, 1899. List of periodicals, newspapers, transactions, and other serial publications currently received in the principal libraries of Bos- ton and vicinity. Bost, 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 161 Boston, Mass. Prince library, catalogue of the collection of books and manuscripts which formerly belonged to Rev. Thomas Prince, and was bequeathed to the Old South church and now deposited in the Public library. Bost, 1870. Proceedings on the occasion of laying the corner-stone. Sept. 17, 1855. Bost, 1855. Proceedings on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the new library building, Nov. 28, 1888. Bost., 1889. Report. V. i, 3-6, 8-10, 12-23, 25-6, 28-49. Bost., 1852-1901. Rules and regulations. Bost., 1859. Supplement to the 37th annual report, 1889. Bost., X889. Titles of books added, v. i, no. i. Bost., 1893. Works of fiction in the French language, together with trans- lations from the French in the Bates Hall. Best, 1892. ed. Bulletin of the Boston public library. 1868-96. ed. Monthly bulletin of books added. 1896-1900. : Record commissioners. Report, v. 1-29. Bost., 1876-1900. : Registry department. Annual report for the year 1899. Bost., 1900. : School committee. Annual report for 1855-60, '62-5, '68-1901. Bost, 1855-1901. Documents of the committee for 1878, '91, pts. 9-10; 1893, pt. 2-3; 1900, pt 10-12; 1901, pt 1-2, 4, 6-9; 1902, no. I. Bost, 1879- 1902. Manual of the public schools, 1864. Bost, 1864. : Sewerage commission. Sewerage of Boston; a report. Bost, 1876. : Statistics department. Annual report for the year 1897-9. v. 1-3. Bost., 1898-1900. Monthly bulletin, v. 1-2; v. 3, no. i-ii. Bost., 1899-1901. : Transit commission. Annual report for the year ending Aug. IS. 1895-1901. v. 1-7. Bost., 1895-1901. Subway, what the commission has done. Bost., 1895. Boston almanac and business directory for the year 1836-67, '69- 72, '75-9, '83, '85, '87. V. 1-32, 34-7, 40-4, 48, 50, 52. Bost., 1836-87. NoTK: V. 1-14, pub. by S. N. Dickinson, v. 15, by Coolidge & Wiley, v. lG-26, by Damrell & Moore and G. Coolidge. v. 27-36, by (i. Coolidge. v. 37-50, by Sampson, Davenport & co. v. 52- by Sampson, Murdock & co. Boston and Albany railroad company. Annual report of the di- rectors to the stockholders, v. 33. Bost., 1900. Boston and Bangor steamship company. History, 1823-82. Bost., 1882. Boston and Lowell railroad corporation. Annual report of the directors for 1837, '44, '49-53, '62, '65, '66, '68-86. Bost, 1837-86. Charter and report of the directors to the legislature. Bost, 1849. Remonstrance of the corporation in the matter of petitions for leave to construct railroads between Lowell and x\ndover. n. p. 1845. Summer saunterings by the Boston and Lowell, v. 1-2. Bost., 1885-6. and Boston and Maine railroad company. Lease of the B. & L. R. R. to the B. & M. R. R. (/n N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. V. I.) vs. Lowell (Mass.): Mayor and aldermen. Hearing before the Mass. board of railroad commissioners respecting express ac- commodations. 1869. vs. Merrill & Co.'s express. Case argued at Boston, Feb. 2, 1884. 1884. Boston and Maine courier, monthly, 1895-8. v. i, no. 2-6, 10-12; V. 2-3; V. 4, no. 2, 4-6. Bost, 1895-8. 152 AUTHOE LIST. Boston and Maine railroad company. All along the shore. Bost., 1896. (Bound with its Seashore. 1897.) Best., 1899. Among the mountains. Bost., 1897. Bost., 1897. (Bound with its Seashore. 1897.) Bost., 1898. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders, 1836, '47- 1900. Bost., 1836-1900. Central Massachusetts. Bost., 1897. Connecticut river valley. Bost., 1896. (Bound with its Sea- shore. 1897.) Facts relating to the Milford and Manchester railroad. Cone, 1897. Hunting and fishing. Bost, 1897. (Bound with its Seashore. 1897..) Lake Memphremagog. Bost., 1898. Lake Sunapee. Bost., 1897. Lakes and streams. Bost., 1896. (Bound with its Seashore. 1897.) Bost, 1897. • List of engineers who struck on February 26, 1877. Bost, 1877. Map of Boston and Maine railroad and connections. Bost. n. d. Map of Lake Sunapee and vicinity. Bost, 1897. Map of the B. & M. R. R., showing its relative position and connection with other roads. Bost., 1849. Note : scale 2.5 miles to 1 inch. Memorial to the senate and house of representatives of Massa- chusetts, n. p. n. d. Merrimack valley. Bost, 1897. Bost, 1898. Monadnock region. Bost, 1898. Mountains of New England. Bost n. d, New England lakes. Bost. n. d. Northern Vermont Bost, 1896. (Bound with its Seashore. 1897.) Railroad controversy; containing a copy of the contract be- tween the Boston & Maine, and Boston and Lowell, and Nashua and Lowell railroads. Cone, 1859. Relations between the B. & M. R. R. and the Danvers railroad. Bost., 1857. ^ . . . . . ^ ^ Report of the committee of mvestigation appomted by the stockholders. Bost, 1849. Report of the investigating committee to the stockholders. Bost, 1855. Rivers of New England. Bost n. d. Rules for running trains, no. 63. Bost., 1858-69. Seashore, lakes, and mountains of New England. Bost, 1897. South-East New Hampshire. Bost, 1897. South-West New Hampshire. Bost, 1897. Statement showing the result of its management for the last ten years. Bost., 1866. Summer excursions to the White Mountams, Mount Desert, Montreal, rnd Quebec, 1890-1, '95-7, '99- Bost, 1890-9. To the stockholders. Bost, 1845- Valley of the Connecticut and Northern Vermont. Bost., 1899. and Boston and Lowell railroad corporation. Lease of the B. & L. R. R. to the B. & M. R. R. (In N. H. railroad contro- versy, n. d. V. T.) NEW HAMPSHIKB STATE LIBRAKY. 153 Boston and Maine railroad company vs. Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad. Testimony taken on behalf of the plaintiff in the action-at-law. 3v. Cone, 1888. Note: v. 1 wanting. ed. Sweetser, M. F. Southwestern New Hampshire. 1891. Boston and Maine railroad men, pub. monthly by the railroad de- partment, Y. M. C. A., Concord, N. H. v. 1-4. Cone, 1896-1900. Boston and Massachusetts public safety association. Facts for the people, prohibitory laws a failure, license law a necessity. Bost. n. d. Boston and Oswego railroad company. Proceedings. Oswego, 1871. Boston and Providence railroad company. Report of the directors, 1849. Bost., 1849. Boston and Worcester railroad corporation. Annual report of the directors for 1842-50, '52, '53, '57. v. 11-21, 23-4, 28. Bost., 1842- 58. Annual report of the directors to the legislature, v. 14, Bost, 1846. Proceedings of the stockholders at their adjourned meeting, January 12, 1846. Bost., 1846. Report of the committee of the Boston and Worcester and Western railroad corporations, on the subject of uniting the two roads. Bost., 1846. Boston associated banks, board of commissioners of. Condition of the associated banks in Boston at the close of business on Jan. 6, 1838. Boston, 1838. Boston associated board of trade. Annual report of committee on taxation for 1893-4. Bost., 1894-5. Report of committee on customs. Bost, 1891. Report of committee on roads and highways for 1893-4. Bost, 1894-5. Report of the transportation committee on rapid transit for the city of Boston. Bost, 1893. Boston asylum and farm school for indigent boys. Annual report of the board of managers, 1852, '89, '91, '92, '94-8, 1900-I. Bost, 1852-190T. ed. Thompson's island beacon, monthly, pub. by the boys of the Boston farm school. 1897-1900. Boston athenaeum. Additions to the library, 1877-96. Bost., 1887- 96. Note : no more pub. Catalogue of the library, 1807-71. 5v. Bost., 1874-82. Catalogue of the Washington collection; comp. by A. P. C. Griffin, Bost, 1897. Index; by F. O. Poole. Bost, 1900. Report for the year 1894-1900. Bost, 1895-1901. Note : none pub. before 1893. Boston athletic association. Officers, heads of departments and list of members. Bost., 1889. Boston board of trade. Annual report for 1858-71. v. 4-17. Bost, 1858-71. Internal tax bill, draft of an act to provide internal revenue, to support the government, and pay interest on the public debt Wash., 1862. Report on internal taxation. Bost., 1862. Report on the Northern Pacific railroad. Bost., 1866. Boston book company. Check-list of American and English peri- odicals. Bost., 1892. ed. Bulletin of bibliography. 1897-1900. Boston business and copartnership directory, comp. and pub. by Dean Dudley, 1863. Bost., 1863-4. 164 AUTHOR LIST. Boston business-street directory, 1867. Bost., 1867. Boston chamber of commerce. Annual report of 1890-1900. v. 5-15. Bost., 1891-1901. Ceremonies connected with the opening of the building, Jan. 20-21, 1892. Bost, 1892. Boston Children's aid scoiety. Addresses at the Meionaon, March. 24, 1890. Bost., 1890. Report of the executive committee for 1885, '87-9, '91, '96-1900. V. 21, 23-S, 27, 32-6. V. p. 1885-1900. Boston chronicle, weekly for the year 1768. v. i. Bost., 1768. Boston citizens. Address of the committee appointed at a public meeting in Boston, Dec. 19, 1823, for the relief of the Greeks. n. p.. n. d. Proceedings of the constitutional meeting at Faneuil Hall,. Nov. 26, 1850. Bost, 1850. Remonstrances against elevated railroad. Bost, 1881. Bost, 1882. Boston, citizens, committee of. Public rights in Boston common. Bost, 1877. Boston city missionary society. Annual report for the year 1841-2,. '58, '61, '63. Bost., 1842-64. Boston college: Class of '84. Class-day exercises. Bost, 1884. Boston, Committee of 100. Inauguration of the statue of Web- ster. Bost., 1859. Boston, Concord and Montreal railroad company. Guide to the lakes and mountains of New Hampshire. Cone, 1852. Memorial to the senate and house of representatives of New Hampshire, n. p. 1852. Miscellaneous and annual reports, 1845-85. v. p. 1845-85. Report of the committee of investigation to the stockholders. Cone, 1857. vs. Boston and Lowell railroad corporation. Pleadings and evidence. Cone, 1887. vs. Boston and Maine railroad company. Testimony taken on behalf of the plaintiff in the action-at-law. 3v. Cone, 1888. Note: v. 1 wanting. Boston, Concord, Montreal and White Mountains railroad. White and Franconia mountains, v. 7, no. i. Bost., 1884. Boston co-operative building company. Annual report, v. 29. Bost., 1900. Boston cultivator, a family newspaper, weekly, ed. by Otis Brewer. V. TO, 12, 13. Bost., 1848-51. Boston dental college. Annual announcement; 1897-8, '99-1900, 1901-2. V. 30, 32, 34. Bost., 1897-1901. Boston directory, embracing the city record, a general directory of the citizens and business directory for the year 1859, '62, '65-6, '68-71, '73-9, '81-1900. V. 55, 58, 61-2, 64-7, 69-75, 77-96. Bost., 1859-1900. Note: v. 55-61, pub. by Adams, Sampson & co. v. 62-80, by Sampson, Daven- port & CO. V. 81-96 by Sampson, Murdock & co. Boston dispensary. Annual report, v. 103. Bost., 1899. Boston elevated railroad company. Annual report, 1898. v. i. Bost., 1898. Boston evening post, March 15, 1773. Biographical sketch of Mrs. Christina (Otis) Baker. (In N. H. hist soe Coll. 1866. v. 8; p. 405-27-) Boston executive business association. Report of special com- mittee on taxation. Bost, 1889. Boston, First church. Commemoration of the completion of two hundred and fiftv vears since its foundation. Bost., 1881. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 156 Boston floating hospital. Annual report, 1896- 1900. Best.,- 1896- 1901. Boston flower market and New England florist. See New Eng- land florist. Boston globe. "Poems written for the Boston globe on the death of Garfield." (In Aldrich, T. B., comp., anon. Poets' tributes to Garfield, p. 28-47.) Boston, Hartford and Erie railroad company. Mortgage. Bost, 1867. Report to the stockholders. Hartf., 1865. Boston Herald. Sketch of A. S. Batchellor. Bost. n. d. Note: newspaper clipping from tlie Boston herald. Boston, Hoosac tunnel and western railroad company. Report of the corporators. Bost., 1875 Boston illustrated. Bost, 1878. Boston journal of chemistry, monthly, v. i; v. 2, no. i, 3-12; v. 3-23; V. 24, no. 1-3, 5-6, 8-T2. Bost., 1866-90. Note: v. 1, issued bi-monthly, v. 1, title reads Boston journal of chemistry: v. 16, Boston journal of chemistry and Popular science news: v. 17-24, Popular science news and Boston journal of chemistry. Boston journal of chemistry and pharmacy. See Boston journal of chemistry. Boston journal of natural history. See Boston society of natural history. Boston lying-:in hospital. Annual report for the year 1894, '97, 1900. V. 62, 65, 67. Bost., 1895-1900. Boston map store. Catalogue of road maps, city maps, and atlases. Bost. n. d. Boston marine society. Manual of the constitution and by-laws. 1891, '96. Bost., 1891-6. Boston medical and surgical journal; weekly; ed. by J. V. C. Smith. V. 1-5, 7-143- Bost, 1829-1901. Note : formed by union of New England journal of medicine and surgery with Boston medical intelligencer, v. 78-87, were called new ser. t. p. and index wanting in V. 12-13, 62, 64, 69, 77, 81, 82, 89, 92. Boston medical library association. Dedication of the new build- ing and hall. Camb., 1881. Special meeting, n. p. 1901. Treasurer's report, 1898- 1900. Bost., 1899-1900. Boston medical police. Bost., 1808. Boston mercantile library association. Annual report, v. 24, 25, 27, 28. Bost., 1844-8. Boston merchants' association. Addresses delivered at the annual banquet, 1889-92, '95-6, 1900. v. 9-1 1, 14-16, 19. Bost, 1890-1900. Annual reports and by-laws, 1901. Bost., 1901. Boston milling and manufacturing company. Improved machinery for working silver ores. Bost., 1865. Boston museum of fine arts. See Museum of fine arts, Boston (Mass.) Boston news-letter and city record, weekly, ed. by J. V. C. Smith. V. I. Bost., 1826. Boston normal school of gymnastics. Annual catalogue of the in- structors, students, and graduates, 1891-2. v. i. Bost., 1892. Boston north end mission. Annual report, 1897-9. Bost., 1897-9. Boston Old South church. See Old South church, Boston (Mass.). Boston pearl and literary gazette, weekly; ed. by I. C. Pray. v. 4. Bost., 1834-5. Note: title of v. 4, no. 1-8, was Hartford pearl and literary gazette. Boston port and seamen's aid society. Annual report of the man- agers, 1874, '93-6, 1901. V. 7, 26-9, 34. Best., 1874-1901. Boston prison discipline society. See Prison discipline society. 166 AUTHOR LIST. Boston protective department. Annual report, 1882-1900. v 0-26 Bost., 1883-1902. Boston provident association. Annual report, 1855-7, '59-6o, '63- 74, '76, '78-1901. V. 4-6, 8-9, 12-23, 25, 27-50. Bost., 1855-1901. Directory, 1860-1, '64-6, '69-70, '73-7, '78-9. Bost., 1860-78. Manual adopted 1853. Bost, 1859. 1890. Bost., 1890. Boston, Second church. Florence Adams Sawyer; a memorial ser- vice; dedication of organ presented to the church by her parents. Bost.. 1890. Historical and other records, n. p. i888(?) Second church in Boston, commemorative services held on the completion of 250 years since its foundation, 1649-1899. Bost., 1900. Boston society for medical improvement. Extracts from the rec- ords. V. 8. Bost, 1883. Boston society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. See Amer- ican library of useful knowledge. Boston society for the prevention of pauperism. See Industrial aid society for the prevention of pauperism. Boston society of civil engineers. Committee's report and discus- sion on weights and measures. Bost., 1887. Metric system of weights and measures. Bost., 1876. Report of standing committee on the metric system of weights and measures. Bost., 1876. Boston society of natural history. Anniversary memoirs, 1830- 1880. Bost, 1880. Annual, 1868-9. Bost, 1868. Boston journal of natural history, containing papers and com- munications. V. 1-7. Bost., 1837-63. Note: discontinued in 1863, in 1866 continued as Boston society of natural his- tory. Memoirs. Condition and doings as exhibited by the annual reports of the custodian, treasurer, librarian, and curators, 1865-8, '71-4. Bost, 1865-74. Letter to the Park commissioners. Bost., 1889. Memoirs read before the society, being a new series of the Boston journal of natural history. 1866-90. v. 1-3; v. 4, pt 1-9. Bost, 1866-90. Occasional papers, v. 3. Bost., 1880. Proceedings, 1841-1901. v. 1-29; v. 30, no. 1-2. Bost., 1841- 1901. Proposed by-laws. n. p. n. d. See also Teachers' school of science. Boston subway. Bost., 1895. Boston theological seminary. Annual report, 1869. Camb., 1869. Boston transcript. World's peace jubilee and international musical festival. Bost., 1872. Note: jubilee sheet of the Boston transcript, June 17, 1872. Boston transcript company. By Broomstick train; little journeys about Boston's suburbs on the electric cars. Bost, 1895. Boston transit commission. Ferry, the Charles river bridge and the Charlestown bridge. Bost, 1899. Boston university. Annual report of the president, 1874, '76-97, '99- 1900. V. I, 4-21, 23-4. Bost., 1874-1900. Professional and post-graduate departments. Bost., 1891. : College of liberal arts. Catalogue and circular for 1891-2. Bost., 1891. : Council. Year book. v. i-ii, 13-27. Bost., 1874-1900. Note : ser. 1, v. 1-10. ser. 2, v. 11-20. ser. 3, v. 21-7. NEW HAMPSHIRK STATE LIBRARY. 157 Boston University: School of law. Catalogue and circular for 1875-6, '77-8, '86-7, '95-8. Best., 1876-97. : School of medicine. Annual announcement and catalogue, 1873-1901. V. 1-29. Bost., 1873-1901. Boston veteran firemen*s association. Fourth grand concert and ball in aid of the association, Dec. 14, 1898. n. p. n. d. History and by-laws from 1833 to 1898. n. p. n. d. Boston weekly messenger, a journal of politics, agriculture, and miscellaneous intelligence, v. 5-9. Bost., 1816-20. Note : title of volume 1-3 was Weekly messenger. Boston young men's Christian association. Annual report, 1863, '96, '98, '99. V. 12, 45, 48, 49. Bost., 1863-1900. , Constitution and by-laws. Bost, 1852. Boston young men's Christian union. Annual report of the com- mittee on "country week." v. 23-26. Bost., 1898-1901. Report for the year ending April, 1889-98. Bost, 1889-98. Bostoniem society. Collections, v. i, no. 1-3. Bost., 1886. Proceedings at the annual meeting, 1884-1901. v. 3-20. Bost» 1884-1901. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson and the journal of his tour to the Hebrides, illustrated by Sir Joshua Reynolds, ed. by Henry Morley. 5v. Lond., 1891. Including a journal of a tour to the Hebrides, ed. by J. W. Croker. New ed. 2v. N. Y., 1835. Bosworth, Mrs. L. A. M. Stormy epoch, 1825-1850. (In Ohio church hist soc. Papers. 1895. v. 6; p. 1-22.) Botanical gazette, monthly, v. 24-31; v. 32, no. 1-2. Chic, 1897- 1901. Botany of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Note: manuscript. Bott, Arthur. Prince Bismarck and his policy. (In Alb. inst Trans. 1879. v. 9; p. 74-II3-) Prussia and the German system of education. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 1-66.) Botta, Carlo Guiseppe Gugliemo. History of the War of Independ- ence of the U, S. of America: tr. fr. the Italian by G. A. Otis. 3v. Phil., 1820. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1826. Ed. 8, rev. 2v. N. H., 1838. Italy during the consulate and empire of Napoleon Bouna- parte; tr. fr. the Italian. 2v. in i. Phil., 1829. Bottlers' and manufacturers' association. Annual reports, 1896. v. 7- N. Y., 1896. Bottomley, John T., M. D. Consideration of the 28 cases of tuber- culous peritonitis at the Boston city hospital. (In Bost.: City hospital. Medical and surgical reports. 1900. v. 11; p. 118-42.) Bouchette, Joseph. Extracts from Bouchette's Canada. (In Darby, William. Tour from the city of N. Y. to Detroit. 1819. apx. p. 1-26.) Bouchette, R. S. M. Justinian pandects; their origin, progress, and completion. (In Lit and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1876-7. p. 81-T01.) Weights and measures. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1863. P- i-33) Boudinot, Elias. Journal; or, Historical recollections of American events during the Revolutionary war. Phil., 1894. Boue, Ami. Memoires geologiques et paleontologiques. v. i. Par., 1832. Boughton, James. Bouton-Boughton family; descendants of John Bouton who embarked from Gravesend, Eng., and landed at Boston in 1635, and settled at Norwalk, Ct. Alb., 1890. 158 AUTHOR LIST. Bouillaud, J., ed. Bertin, R. J. Treatise on the diseases of the heai't and great vessels. 1833. Bouix, Marcel, ed. Lessuis, Leonard. (Les) noms divins. 1882. Boulainvilliers, Henri, comfe de. Memoires presentes a monseign- eur le due d'Orleans, contenant les moyens de rendre ce royaume tres puissant et d'augmenter les revenus du roy et du peuple. La Haye, 1727. Bouley, H. Discours prononce a la distribution des prix de I'ecole royale veterinaire d'Alfort. Par., 1845. Boulger, Demetrius Charles. Central Asian questions. Lond., 1883. History of China. New. ed rev. 2v. Lond., 1898. Boullenois, Frederic de. Conseils aux nouveaux educateurs de vers a soie. Par., 1842. Boulton, William. History of Alpena county. (/» Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 6; p. 170-21 1.) Bourbourg, Charles Stephen Brasseur de. See Brasseur de Bour- bourg, Charles Etienne, ahhe. Baoudaloue, Louis. Passion of Christ. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 590-602.) Bourdeau, Augustin J. Hypnotism, what is it? Battle Creek n. d. Bourdon, Pierre Louis Marie. Elements of algebra, rev. by Charles Davies. Phil., 1838. Phil., 1843. Bourgery, Jean Marc, and Jacob, N. H. Elementary anatomy; tr. fr. the French by J. C. Comstock. N. Y., 1850. Bourinot, John George. Canada and the U. S.: an historical retro- spect. Un Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 275-333.) Federal government in Canada. Bait., 1889. (^w Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies. 1889. v. 7; no. 10-12.) Local government in Canada. Bait, 1887. (/n Johns Hopkins nniv. Studies, v. 5, no. 5-6.) Parliamentary government in Canada. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 309-407.) Bourke, Capt. John G. Compilation of notes and memoranda bear- ing upon the use of human ordure and human urine in rites of a religious or semi-religious character among various nations. Wash., 1888. Bourne, A., and Hough, B., comp. Map of the state of Ohio. 1815. 1815. Bourne, Edward Emerson. Garrison houses, York county. {In Me. hist soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; p. 107-20.) History of Wells and Kennebunk. Portl., 1875. Bourne, Edward Gaylord. Degree of doctor of philosophy. {In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1894. v. 25-26; p. 9-19.) History of line of demarcation between Spanish and Portu- guese fields of discovery, {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. V. 3; p. 101-30.) History of the surplus revenue of 1837. N. Y., 1885. Leopold von Ranke. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897- V. 13, pt. i; p. 65-81.) Proposed absorption of Mexico in 1847-8. {In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. 11, pt. i; p. 155-69.) Use of history made by the framers of the constitution. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p 221-30.) Bourne, Henry E. Lessons from the recent history of European dependencies. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. V. 10; p. 301-12.) Organization of the first committee of public safety. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 247-72.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 159 Bourne, James M. Jameson family. (In William and Mary coH. quarterly. 1894. v. 3; p. 199-201; v. 5, p. 90-4.) Bourne, John. Catechism of the steam engine. New ed. N. Y., 1850. Bourne, Thomas, tr. Anacreon. Odes. 1837. Bourne, William Oland. History of the public school society of the city of New York. N. Y., 1870. Bournonville, Anthony, M. D. Address delivered in grand lodge, 1852. Phil, 1853. Bourns, Frank S., M. D., and Worcester, Dean C. Contributions to Philippine ornithology. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1898. V. 20; p. 549-625.) Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage scientific expedition to the Philippine islands. Minne- apolis, 1894. Bours, Allen L., comp. Proceedings at the laying of the corner- stone of the new capitol of Michigan. Lansing., 1873. Boussingault, J. B. Rural economy in its relations with chemistry, physics, and meteorology; tr. by George Law. N. Y., 1845. Boutell, Rev. Charles. Monumental brasses and slabs of the mid- dle ages. Lond., 1847. Monumental brasses of England. Lond., 1849. Boutell, Lewis Henry. Roger Sherman in the federal constitution. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 229-47.) Boutelle, Rev. Thomas. Geographical description of the town of Bath. (In Sutherland, Rev. David. Address delivered to the in- habitants of Bath. 1855. p. 39-135.) Boutillier, T. Report of the progress of settlement in the town- ships of Lower Canada during the year 1855. Toronto, 1856. Bouton, Col. Edward. Battle of "Shiloh." n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n, d. no. 16.) Boutpn, John Bell. Memoir of Louis Bell, who fell at the assault on Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865. N. Y., 1865. ed. Bouton, Nathaniel, D. D. Autobiography. 1879. Bouton, Nathaniel, D. D. Account of the N. H. hist, society. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. v. 6; p. 1-32.) Autobiography, also tributes to his memory, by J. B. Bell. N. Y., 1879- : Bible in English. Cone, 1835. Christian patriotism; an address delivered at Concord, July 4, ■ 1825. Cone, 1825. Commemorative discourse delivered on occasion of the 59th anniversary of the N. H. general association, Aug. 25, 1859. Cone, 1859. Constitutional conventions. (In N. H.: State papers, ed. of. 1875. V. 9, p. 833-52.) Days of adversity; or. Admonitions against disunion. Cone, 1861. Death's lessons; a memorial discourse on the death of Mr. and Mrs. George Hutchins. Cone, 1869. Discourse commemorative of a forty years' ministry. Cone, 1865. Discourse delivered before the N. H. hist. soc. June 12, 1833. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. v. 4; p. 5-38.) Discourse on the death of President Harrison, delivered April 15, 1841. Cone, 1841. Fathers of the New Hampshire ministry. Cone, 1848. Fear of God in youth; a discourse on occasion of the death of Luther Moulton. Cone, 1857. God the chosen portion of the young. Cone, 1835. Good land in which we live; discourse preached in Concord, on the day of Thanksgiving, 1850. Cone, 1850. 160 AUTHOR LIST. Bouton, Nathaniel, D. D. "Good-will of my Saviour"; a discourse preached in memory of Rev. Aaron Foster. Cone, 1870. Historical discourse in commemoration of the 200th anni- versary of the settlement of Norvvalk, Conn., in 1651. N. Y., 1851. History of Concord from its first grant in 1725 to the organ- ization of the city government in 1853. Cone, 1856. History of education in New Hampshire. Cone, 1833. History of the origin and organization of the American home missionary society. N. Y., 1860. History of the temperance reform in Concord. Cone, 1843. Memoir of Mrs. Elizabeth McFarland. Cone, 1839. Ed. 2. Cone, 1839. Memorial discourse on the 50th anniversary of the Concord female charitable society. Cone, 1862. Memorial of aflfection and veneration for Jonathan Ward. Cone, i860. Office and influence of evangelical pastors, sermon at the in- stallation of Rev. John Smith. Cone, 1829. 1725, 3d semi-centennial of Concord, 1875. Cone, 1875. Permanence amid changes; a discourse on the 25th anniversary of his settlem.ent over the First Congregational church in Con- cord, N. H. Cone, 1850. Private prayer, social prayer. N. Y., 1833. Note: from the American national preacher, v. 8, no. 5, Oct., 1833. Responsibilities of rulers; a sermon delivered June 5, 1828, before the constituted authorities of the state of New Hamp- shire. Cone, 1828. {In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61.) Review and prospect; a sermon at the funeral of Rev. Enoch Corser. Cone, 1869. Rills from the hills; a semi-centennial discourse on the Soth anniversary of the formation of the Merrimack county confer- ence of churches. Cone, 1877. Seed-sowing; a sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. Asa P. Tenney. Cone, 1867. Sermon preached at Concord, N. H., on the day of public Thanksgiving, 1826. Cone, 1826. Services at the funeral of Rev. D. O. Morton. Cone, 1852. Temporal prosperity; address before the Concord temperance society. Cone, 1837. True ornaments of female character; a discourse at the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Buxton. Cone, 1843. Two sermons preached Nov. 21, 1830, in commemoration of the organizing of the First church in Concord and the settle- ment of the first minister, Nov. 18. 1730. Cone, 1831. ed. Baxter, Richard. Plain scriptural directions to sinners. 1830. comp. and ed. New Hampshire: State papers, editor of. Pro- vincial and state papers, documents, and records relating to the province and state of N. H. v. i-io. 1867-77. cd. New Hampshire historical society. Collections, v. 7-8. 1863-6. ed. Symmes, Rev. Thomas. Original account of Capt. John Lovewell's "Great fight" with the Indians. t86i. Boutwell, Francis Marion. Old highways and landmarks of Gro- ton, Mass. Groton, 1884. Old homesteads of Groton, Mass. Groton, 1883. People and their homes in Groton, Mass., in olden time. Groton, 1890. Boutwell, George Sewall. Accumulated wealth and taxation. Bost, 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 161 Boutwell, George Sewall. Address before the Hillsborough agri- ' cultural and mechanical society. Bost., 1853. • Address delivered at the anti-imperialist meeting, Tremont Temple, April 4, 1899. Bost., 1899. Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1851. Bost., 1851. Constitution of the United States at the end of the ist cen- tury. Bost., 1895. Gold standard, the revenues and the navy. Ayer, 1897. Manual of the direct and excise tax system of the United States. Bost, 1863. President Johnson's "High crimes and misdemeanors." (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 604-14.) President's policy; war and conquest abroad, degradation of labor at home. Chic, 1900. Speech on the mint bill of 1873. Bost, 1896. Venezuelan question and Monroe doctrine. Wash., 1896. Boutwell, Rev. W. T. Schoolcraft's exploring tour of 1832. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1872. v. i; p. 153-76.) Bouve, Maj. Edward T. Battle at High Bridge. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. v. 2; p. 403-12.) Bouve, Thomas T. Geology of Hingham. n. p. n. d. Bouvier de la Mothe Guy on, Mme. Jeanne. See Guy on, Mme. Jeanne Bouvier de la Mothe. Bovaird and Seyfang manufacturing company. Catalogue, 1901. Pittsb., 1901. Bow (N. H.). Annual report, 1861, '63, '65, '67-1902. v. p. 1861- 1902. Bowditch, Charles Pickering. Account of the trust administered by the trustees of the charity of Edward Hopkins, n. p. 1889. and EUery, Harrison. Pickering family. 1897. Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, M. D. Intemperance in the light of cosmic laws. N. Y., 1888. Public hygiene in America, with a digest of American sani- tary law by H. G. Pickering. Bost., 1877. Venesection, its abuse formerly, its neglect at the present day. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1869. v. 3; p. 221^51.) tr. Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, M. D. Anatomical re- searches upon gastro-enterite. 1836. ed. Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, M. D. Pathological re- searches on phthisis. 1836. Bowditch, Henry P., M. D. Address; what is nerve force? (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. v. 35; p. 237-46.) — — Annual discourse, the advancement of medicine by research. Bost., 1896. Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll, ed. Bowditch, Nathaniel. New American practical navigator. 1841. Bowditch, Nathaniel. American practical navigator. Wash., 1885. ed. by J. I. Bowditch. Ed. 12. N. Y., 1841. New method of working a lunar observation. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1800. v. 2; p. i-ii.) Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingersoll. Gleaner, a series of articles pub- lished in the Boston daily transcript in 1855. (In Boston: Rec- ord comrs. Report. 1880. v. 5.) History of the Massachusetts general hospital. Bost., 1851. Memoir of Nathaniel Bowditch, by his son. Ed. 2. Bost., 1840. Suffolk surnames. Ed. 3. Lond., i86t. 11 162 AUTHOR LIST. Bowdoin, James. Observations on light, and the waste of matter in the sun and fixed stars. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1785. v. i; p. 195-208.) Observations tending to prove, by phenomena and Scripture, the existence of an orb which surrounds the whole visible mate- rial system. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1785. V. i; p. 28-34.) Philosophical discourse publicly addressed to the American academy of arts and sciences, Nov. 8, 1780, when the president was inducted into office. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Mem- oirs. 1785. p. 1-20.) and Pownall, Thomas. Letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1862. V. 5; p. 237-48.) Bowdoin, James, d. 1833. Manuscript journals of the Long, Lit- tle, etc., parliaments. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1830. v. 22; p. 323-64) Bowdoin and Temple papers. Bost., 1897. U^ Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. V. 59) Bowdoin college. Addresses at the inauguration of the Rev. Wil- liam DeWitt Hyde as president of Bowdoin college. Brunsw., 1886. Bowdoin college, 1794-1894; addresses and poem on the looth anniversary of the incorporation of Bowdoin college. Brunsw., 1894. Catalogue of the officers and students of Bowdoin college and the Medical school of Maine; 1822-5, '29-31; '22, '37-8, '39-56, '58-1902. Brunsw., 1822-190T. Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt in collegio Bowdoinensi; 1825-81. Brunsvici, 1825-81. I^ote: wanting 1810, '13, '16, '19, '22. None Issued in 1876, '79. Last issued in 1881. Charter of Bowdoin college. Brunsw., 1876. General catalogue; 1794-1889. Brunsw., 1889. General catalogue of Bowdoin college and the Medical school of Maine; 1794- 1894. Brunsw., 1894. ■ Laws. Brunsw., 1873. Regulations, n. p. 1887. Report of the conference of the President and faculty with the principals and assistants of the secondary schools of Maine concerning entrance examinations. Brunsw., 1900. Report of the President for 1891-1900. Brunsw., 1892-1900. : Library. Annual report of the librarian for the year ending June I, 1898-1901. V. 14-16, 18. n. p. 1898-1901. Note : for other reports see 14th report, p. 1 ; 1898. Bulletin, no. i-io. Brunsw., 1895-1900. Note: title for no. 5-9 is Bibliographical contributions. Catalogue to which is added an index of subjects. Brunsw., 1863. : Medical school. See Medical school of Maine. • : Psi upsilon society. See Psi Upsilon fraternity: Kappa chapter. See also Association of the alumni of Bowdoin college, and Medical school of Maine. Bowen, Clarence Winthrop. Boundary disputes of Connecticut. Bost, 1882. ed. History of the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washington. N. Y., 1892. Bowen, Edward Augustus. Lineage of the Bowens of Woodstock, Conn. Camb., 1897. Bowen, Emanuel, anon. Complete system of geography. Lond., 1747- NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 163 Bowen, Francis. American political economy. N. Y., 1889. Life of Baron Steuben. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1838. ser. i, v. 9; p. 1-88.) Life of Benjamin Lincoln. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1847. ser. 2. v. 13; p. 205-434.) Life of James Otis. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1846. ser. 2. v. 2; p. 1-199) Life of Sir William Phips. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1837. ser. i. v. 7; p. 1-102.) Bowen, Herbert Courthope. Froebel and education through self- activity. N. Y., 1897. (Great educators series.) Bowen, Horace, M. D. Overshadowing power of God. Vineland, 1883. Bowen, James L. History of the 37th regt. Mass. vols. 1861-65. Holyoke, 1884. Massachusetts in the war, 1861-65. Springf., 1889. Bowen, Rev. T. J. Grammar and dictionary of the Yoruba lan- guage. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1858. v. 10.) Bowen, William H., D. D. Memoir of G. T. Day. Dover, 1876. Bower, Alexander. Life of Luther, embracing an account of the early progress of the Reformation. Phil., 1824. Bowers, Edward A. Present condition of the forests on the public lands. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1891. v. 6; no. 3; p. 55-74.) Bowes, James L. Handbook of the Bowes museum of Japanese art work, Liverpool. Liverpool, 1890. Liverpool, 1894. Notes on shippo, a sequel to Japanese enamels. Lond., 1895. Vindication of the decorated pottery of Japan. Liverpool, 1891. Bowie, Oden. Message to the general assembly of Maryland, Jan., 1870. Annapolis, 1870. Bowker, Richard Rogers. State publications; a provisional list of the official publications of the several states of the U. S. from their organization, pt. i. N. Y., 1899. and lies, George. Reader's guide in economic, social, and po- litical science. N.^Y., 1891. ed. American catalogue, 1876- 1900. 1885-1900. ed. Annual literary index. 1893-1900. Bowles, Rev. Benjamin Franklin. Remarks made at the funeral of Mrs. J. B. McCrillis, Sept. 10, 1884. n. p. n. d. Sermon delivered at the funeral of Helen Hanchett. Natick, 1857. Bowles, Francis Tiffany. Ships of war, specially written for John- son's universal cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1885. Bowley, Arthur L. Short account of England's f-^reien trade in the 19th century. Lond., 1893. (Social sci. ser.) Bowley, Lieut. Freeman S. Petersburg mine. n. p. n. d. (7« Loyal legion of U. S. : Gal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 3.) Seven months in Confederate military prisons, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Cal. commandery. War papers, n, d. no. 6.) Bowman, Amos. Maps of the principal auriferous creeks in the Caribou mining district, B. C. Ottawa, 1895. (Canada: Geol. and natural hist, sur.) Bowman, Francis C, and Dana, Charles Anderson, comp. House- hold book of songs. N. Y., 1872. Bowman, George Ernest, ed. Mayflower descendant. 1899. Bowman, John E. Practical handbook of medical chemistry; 2d Amer. fr. the 3d rev. Lond. ed. Phil., 1855. 164 AUTHOR LIST. Bowman, Col. Samuel M., and Irwin, Lt.-Col. Richard Bache. Sher- man and his campaign. N. Y., 1865. Bowman, William, and Todd, Robert Bentley, M. D. Physiological anatomy and physiology of man. n. d. Bowring, John. Observations on the oriental plague and on quar- antines as a means of arresting its progress. Edin., 1838. Bowring, Sir John. Borrowings of modern from ancient poets. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 158-98.) Boyce, James P., D. D. Life and death of the Christian's portion; a discourse occasioned by the funeral services of the Rev. Basil Manly at Greenville, S. C N. Y., 1869. Boyd, C. R. Report on Buena Vista, Saltville, Va., its plaster and other interests. Wytheville, 1889. Resources of Southwest Virginia, showing the mineral depos- its of iron, coal, zinc, copper, and lead. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1881. Boyd, Carl. Growth of the cities in the U. S. during the decade "" 1880-90. (/m Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3; no. 23; p. 416-25.) Boyd, Charles H. Eulogy on W. H. Hilliard pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth college, April 6, 1858. Hanover, 1858. Boyd, David. Irrigation near Greeley, Col. Wash., 1897. (U. S.: Geol. sur. Water supply and irrig. papers, no. 9.) Boyd, George. Papers. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 12; p. 266-98.) Boyd, John, comp. Annals and family records of Winchester, Conn. Hartf., 1873. Boyd, W. Andrew, comp. Boyd's directory of the District of Co- lumbia. 1897. Boyd, Mrs. William. New profession for women. Chic. n. d. Boyd, William H., puh. Boyd's directory of the District of Co- lumbia. 1897-8. Boyd's railroad directory and gazeteer of cities and villages in N. E. and N. Y. 1874. Syracuse, 1874. Boyden, Albert G. History and alumni record of the state normal school, Bridgewater, Mass. Bost, 1876. Boye, Martin E., M. D. On the composition of the Schuylkill water. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1849. V. i; p. 12Z-Z2.) Boyer, Alexis, baron. Lectures upon diseases of the bones, ar- ranged into a systematic treatise by A. Richerand; tr. by R. Farrell; ist Amer. ed. with notes and additional plates by Joseph Hartshorne. Phil., 1805. Treatise on surgical diseases and the operations suited to them; tr. fr. the French with notes by A. H. Stevens. 2v. N. Y.,, 1816. Boyer, Emanuel Roth. Mesoderm in teleosts. {In Harv. univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1892. v. 23; p. 91-133.) Boyesen, Hjalmar H. Story of Norway. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the nations.) Boykin, James C. Cotton states and international expositions held in Atlanta, Ga., 1895. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1894-5. V. 2. 1896. p. 1735-56.) ■ Laws relating to city school boards. {In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. i. 1897. p. 3-78.) Physical training. {In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for 1891-2. V. I. 1894. p. 45T-594.) Tennessee centennial and international exposition held in Nashville, Tenn., 1897. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1896-7. V. I, 1898. p. 1081-1109.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 165 Boykin, James C. Typical institutions ofifering manual or indus- trial training. (In- U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. V. 2. 1897. P- 1001-1152.) Boyle, Cornelius Breckenridge, comp. Catalogue and bibliography of North American mesozoic invertebrata. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. 102.) Boyle, David. Archaeological report. 1898. Toronto, 1898. Boylston, Edward D. Amherst in the great Civil conflict of 1861- 65. Amh., 1893. Fragrant memories; or. The dead of a hundred years, 1760- 1860, a recall of the dead of the ist century of the town of Am- herst, N. H. Amh., 1881. comp. Historical sketch of the Hillsborough county con- gresses held at Amherst, N. H., 1774 and 1775. Amh., 1884. Boylston (Mass.). 1786-1886; centennial celebration of its incorpo- ration, August 18, 1886. Wore, 1887. Boynton, Eben Moody. Money of the future. N. Y. n. d. Boynton, Capt. Edward C. History of West Point, and its mili- tary importance during the American revolution; and the origin and progress of the U. S. military academy. N. Y., 1863. Boynton, Henry Van Ness. Sherman's historical raid; the memoirs in the light of the record. Cine, 1875. comp. United States: Congress: Chickamauga and Chattanooga national park, joint committee on the dedication of. Dedication of the park, Sept. 18-20, 1895. 1896. Boynton, Nehemiah, D. D. Commission of a recovered life. Bost., 1897. (/» A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Boynton, Rev. Richard. Divine meaning of life. Bost., 1900. Boynton, W. Eaton. Medical instructor. Cone, 1854. Treatise on the human eye, and the mode of preserving the eyesight. Manch., 1852. Boynton, W. W. Early history of Lorain county; hist, address. Cleve. n. d. {In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1892. v. 3; no. 83.) Bozman, John Leeds. History of Maryland, from its first settle- ment in 1633 to the Restoration in 1660. 2v. Bait., 1837. Brace, Charles Loring. Hungary in 185 1, with an experience of the Austrian police. N. Y., 1853. Brace, F. R., D. D. Historical review of the First Presbyterian church of Blackwood, N. J. Camden, 1898. Brace, Jonathan, D. D. Half century discourse; history of the church in Newington. Hartf., 1855. Brackenridge, Henry M. History of the late war between the U. S. and Great Britain. Ed. 4, rev. Bait., 1818. Phil., 1845. Brackenridge, William D. Botany, cryptogamia, Alices, etc. Phil., 1854. (^" U. S. : Exploring expedition. Narrative. 1854. v. 16.) Brackett, Adino N. Address delivered before the Coos agricul- tural society. Cone, 1821. Brackett, Alpheus L. Descendants of Anthony Brapkett of Ports- mouth, N. H. n. p. 1897. Brackett, Anna Callender, tr. Rosenkranz, Johann Karl Friedrich. Philosophy of education. 1899. Brackett, Cyrus F. Address; the electromotive force of the voltaic cell. {In Amer. assoe for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. V. 35; p. 87-103.) and others. Electricity in daily life. N. Y., 1890. Brackett, Gustavus B. Apple and how to grow it. Wash., 1900. {In U. S.: Agrie, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1900. no. 113.) Brackett, James. Oration pronounced in the chapel, Dartmouth college, on the Fourth of July, 1805. Hanover, 1805. 166 AUTHOR LIST. Brackett, James S. Historical sketch of Lancaster, N. H. n. p. i876(?) Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson. Notes on the progress of the col- ored people of Maryland since the war. Bait., 1890. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, 1890. v. 8, no. 7-9.) Status of the slave, 1775-1789. (in Jameson, J. F. Essays. 1889. p. 263-311.) Bradbury, Charles. History of Kennebunk Port. Kennebunk, 1837. Bradbury, James Ware. Memoir of Nathan Clifford. Portl., 1887. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 235-57.) Railroad reminiscences. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 379-90.) Bradbury, William F. Eaton's elementary algebra. Bost., 1868. (Eaton's mathematical series.) Bradford, Alden. Biography of the Hon. Caleb Strong, several years governor of the state of Massachusetts. Bost, 1820. Complete and authentic history of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Bost, 1825. History of Massachusetts. (In Collections, topographical, 1823. V. 2; p. 124-43.) History of Massachusetts for 200 years from the year 1620 to 1820. Bost., 1835. History of Massachusetts from 1764 to 1820. 3v. Bost., 1822-9. Memoir of the life and writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, pastor of the West church and society in Boston, 1747-1766. Bost., 1838. New England chronology from the discovery of the country by Cabot in 1497 to 1820. Bost, 1843. Notes on Duxbury in the county of Plymouth. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1823. v. 20; p. 57-71.) Particular account of the battle of Bunker, or Breed's, Hill on the 17th of June, 1775, by a citizen of Boston. Bost., 1825. Remarks on state rights by a citizen of Massachusetts. Bost., 1824. ed. Speeches of the governors of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1775, and the answers of the House of Representatives. Bost., 1818. Bradford, Rev. Ephraim P. Discourse delivered in commemoration of the character and usefulness of Rev. Moses Bradford. Cone, 1838. Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. Walter Harris. Cone, 1844. Sermon preached before the governor, council, and legisla- ture of New Hampshire, June 7, 1821. Cone, 1821. (In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61.) Bradford, G.* Financial administration. Camb., 1874. Bradford, Gamaliel, tr. Sybel, Heinrich von. Founding of the German empire, tr. by M. L. Perrin. 1890-1. Bradford, Rev. James. Address delivered at Rowley, Mass., Sept. 5, 1839, at the celebration of the 2d centennial anniversary of the settlement of the town. (In Gage, Thomas. History of Rowley. 1840. p. 1-54.) Review of the past, sermon delivered at Sheffield, Jan., 1839. Pittsf., 1839. Bradford, Laurence. Historic Duxbury in Plymouth county, Mass. Bost., 1900. Bradford, Rev. Moses. Sermon delivered before the governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of New Hamp- shire, June, 1812. Cone, 1812. (In N. H. election sermons. 1800-15.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 167 Bradford, Thomas Gamaliel. Comprehensive atlas, geographical, historical, and commercial. Bost., 1835. ed. Encyclopaedia Americana, v, 5-13. 1831-3. Bradford, Thomas Lindsley, M. D. History of the Homoeopathic medical college and hospital of Philadelphia. Phil., 1898. Bradford, William. Plan of the city of New York from an actual survey made by James Lyne. n. p. n. d. Note : scale 270 ft. to 1 inch. Bradford, Gov. William. Bradford's history "of Plimoth Planta- tion" from the original manuscript. Bost., 1898. Bradford's memoir of Elder Brewster. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. V. 2, no. 48.) Dialogue. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles. 1841. p. 409-58.) • Governor Bradford's dialogue. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1871. v. 11; p. 407-64.) Governor Bradford's first dialogue. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2, no. 49.) Governor Bradford's history of Plymouth colony. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles. 1841. p. 1-108.) • History of Plymouth plantation. Bost., 1856. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. V. 3>z) Containing an account of the voyage of the Mayflower, with an introduction by J. A. Doyle. Lond., 1896. • Letter book. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1818. v. 3; p. 27-84.) Memoir of Elder William Brewster. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles. 1841. p. 459-70.) Verses. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1871. v. 11; p. 465-82.) and Winslow, Gov. Edward. Journal. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles. 1841. p. 109-254.) Bradford (Mass.). Celebration of the looth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1876. Haverhill, 1877. Bradford (N. H.). Annual report, 1869, '73-6, '78-86, '88, '90-1902. Bradf., 1869-1902. Proceedings of the centennial celebration. Sept. 27, 1887. Bradf., 1887. : Free library. Catalogue. Bradf., 1894. • Supplement to catalogue, n. p. 1895. Bradford academy, Bradford {Mass.). By-laws. Lawrence, 1885. Catalogue, 1830, '63-4, '77-8, '79-83, '88-97, '98-1900. v. p. 1830- 1900. Circular of information, 1884, '86, '92, '95-6. n. p. 1884-95. Memorials of Rufus Anderson, Mrs. Harriet Newell, and Mrs. A. H. Judson. Haverhill, 1884. Public exercises at the presentation of the portraits of Rufus Anderson, Mrs. Harriet Newell, and Mrs. A. H. Judson. Haver- hill, 1884. Reminiscences; two papers read at the annual meeting of the alumni, Oct., 1891. Haverhill, 1892. Bradford (Mass.) First church of Christ. Memorial services at the 25th anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. J. D. Kingsbury, Jan. IT. 1891. Haverhill, 1891. Bradlee, Caleb Davis, D. D. Might of faith; a sermon preached in Boston, Mass., Sept., 1883, the first Sunday after the funerals of Mrs. Mary C. Bispham and Francis J. Humphrey. Bost., 1883. Sermons for all sects. Bost., 1888. Bradlee, John E., pub. Bradlee's pocket guide for the use of trav- elers to the White Mountains and Lake Winnipiseogee. Bost., 1857- 168 AUTHOR LIST. Bradlee, John E., pub. Bradlee's pocket guide for the use of trav- elers to the White mountains and Lake Winnipiseogee. Bost, 1861. Bost, 1862. Bradley, Cornelius Beach, and Gayley, Charles Mills. Suggestions to teachers on English in the secondary schools. Berkeley, 1894 Bradley, Cyrus P., anon. Biography of Isaac Hill of N. H. Cone, 1835. Bradley, Frank Howe. Geographical chart of the United States and Canada. N. H., 1875. - — — Geology of Vermillion county, n. p. n. d. Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths from the earlie'^t times to the end of the Gothic dominion in Spain. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) and Murray, James Augustus Henry, ed. New English dic- tionary. V. 3, 1897. Bradley, Isaac S., comp. Available material for the study of the institutional history of the old Northwest. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 44; p. 114-42.) Bradley, Lieut. James H. Account of the attempts to build a town at the mouth of the Musselshell river. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 304-13.) Journal; the Sioux campaign of 1876 under the command of General John Gibbon. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. V. 2; p. 140-228.) Bradley, Joseph P. American Union and the evils to which it has been exposed. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1851. v. 5; p. 103-29.) Memorial of the life and character of W. L. Dayton. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1877. v. 14; p. 69-118.) and others. Considerations upon the question whether con- gress should authorize a new railroad between Washington and New York. Wash., 1863. Bradley, Joshua. Accounts of religious revivals in many parts of the U. S. from 1815 to 1818. Alb., 1819. Bradley, L. Apparatus for electric measurements. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1873. v. 21; p. 35-58.) ■ Aurora borealis. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1871. v. 19, p. 82-97.) • Cosmogony. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1871. v. 19, p. 47-58.) Bradley, Stephen R. Vermont's appeal; containing a fair stating of the claims of Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and New York; the right the state of Vermont has to independence. Hartf., I779(?) Bradley, Thomas, M. D., ed. Medical and physical journal, v. i- 23. 1799-1810. Bradley, William Harrison. Olive culture in the Alpes Maritimes. (In U. S. : Consuls. Special consular reports. 1891. v. 2; p. 333-91) Bradley, William O. Message communicated to the general assem- bly of Ky. session, 1896. Louisv., 1896. Bradley polytechnic institute. Convocation address, 1899. Chic, 1899. Bradshaw*s monthly continental railway, steam transit and general guide for travelers through Europe, v. 193, 268. Lond., 1863-9. Bradstreet, Lieut. Dudley. Diary; ed. by Dr. S. A. Green. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 417-46.) ■ Diary kept during the siege of Louisburg, April, 1745-January, 1746. (In Green, S. A. Three military diaries. 1901. p. 1-39.) with notes by S. A. Green. Camb., 1897. Bradstreet, Mrs. Martha. Memorial praying for the impeachment of Alfred Conkling. N. Y., 1829. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 169 Eradstreet, Rev. Nathan. Discourse delivered before the legisla- ture of New Hampshire, at the annual election, June, 1807. Amh., 1807. (In N. H. election sermons. 1800-15.) Bradstreet's weekly; a journal of trade, finance, and economy, t. 24-28. N. Y., 1896-1900. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Commodore Paul Jones. N. Y., 1900. Brady, Henry Bowman, and Jones, T. Rupert, and others. Mono- graph on the foraminifera of the crag. {In Paleontographical society. Monographs. 1865-6.) Brady, James Jay. Life of Denman Thompson, Joshua Whitcomb. N. Y., 1888. Bragdon, Joseph H. Seaboard towns; or, Traveller's guide book from Boston to Portland. Newburyport, 1857. Bragg, Brig.-gen. Edward Stuyvesant. Report relative to investiga- tion of the property and rights of the United States in connec- tion with the improvement of Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Wash., 1898. Bragg, Samuel, jr., pub. United States and New Hampshire regis- ter. 1797. Brainard, Cephas. Observations in favor of the distribution of the Geneva award to owners of ships destroyed by the Nashville, Tallahassee, Georgia, and the Shenandoah before she reached Melbourne. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1876. Brainard, Ezra, D. D. Geological features of the marble belt. {In Middlebury hist. soc. Papers and proceed. 1885. v. i, pt. 2; p. 9-21.) Brainerd, Jehu. Origin of the quartz pebbles of the sandstone conglomerate. Cleve., 1854. Braintree (Mass.). Centennial celebration at Braintree, Mass., July 4, 1876. Bost., 1877. Instructions of the town of Braintree to their representative, 1765. {In Adams, John. Works. 1856. v. 3; p. 465-510.) Braintree (Mass.) First Congregational church. Church manual with brief historical notices and its pastors. Bost., i860. Braithwaite, James, M. D., ed. Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery, v. 42-85. 1860-82. Braithwaite, William, M. D., ed. Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery, v. 1-90. 1840-84. Braman, Rev. Milton P. Discourse delivered before the governor on the annual election, Jan. i, 1845. Bost., 1845. Branch, Oliver E. Railroad question; speech in the house of rep- resentatives in favor of the Hazen bill, Sept. 13, 1887. Cone, 1887. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) State of New Hampshire hearing on the petition for the re- moval of the police commissioner of Manchester. Manch., 1896. Branch, Thomas P. What is money? Augusta, 1892. Brand, James, D. D. History of the Congregational association of Ohio. {In O. church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 56-75.) Brande, William Thomas. Manual of chemistry; ed. by W. J. Mac- neven; ist Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. ed. 3v. in i. N. Y., 1821. and Taylor, Alfred Swaine, M. D. Chemistry. Ed. 2. Phil., 1867. Brandes, Georg. Impressions of Russia, tr. by S. C. Eastman. N. Y., 1889. Brandreth, Benjamin, M. D. Purgation; or. The Brandrethian method of treating diseases and curing them. N. Y., 1840. Brands, Orestes M. Lessons of the human body. N. Y., 1883. Branner, John Casper, comp. Bibliography of clays and the ceramic arts. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 143.) Cotton in the empire of Brazil. Wash., 1885. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Special reports, misc. ser. no. 8.) ITO AUTHOR LIST. Branner, John Casper, comp. Cretaceous and tertiary geology of the Sergipe-Alagoas basin of Brazil. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1890. v. 16; p. 369-434.) Bransford, Clifton Wood. Jacob Ammonet of Virginia, and a part of his descendants. (In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. v. 3; P- 35-40.) Bransford, J. F., M. D. Archceological researches in Nicaragua. Wash., 1881. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1885. v. 25.) Branson, Levi, D. D., ed. Branson magazine of genealogies. 1898-9. Branson magazine of genealogies; ed. by L. Branson, v. i, no. 1-2. Raleigh, 1898-9. Brant and Fuller, puh. History of the upper Ohio valley, v. i. Madison, 1890. Brantly, William T. English in Maryland, 1632-1691. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 517-62.) Brattle, Thomas. Copy of an ms. letter giving a full and candid account of the delusion called witchcraft, which prevailed in New England; and of the judicial trials and executions at Salem for that pretended crime in 1692. (/w Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835- V. 5; p. 61-79.) Brattle, William, and Adams, John, Pres. of U. S. Independence of the judiciary. (In Adams, John, Works. 1856. v. 3; p. 511- 74.) Bray, Thomas, D. D. Memorial representing the present state of religion in the several provinces on the continent of North America. (In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 99-107.) Bray, William, ed. Evelyn, John. Diary; ed. from the original mss. 1901. Braybrooke, Richard Griffin, baron of. Life of Samuel Pepys. (In Pepys, Samuel. Diary. 1854. v. i. pref. p. 9-40.) Brayley, Arthur Wellington. Complete history of the Boston fire department from 1630 to 1888. Bost., 1889. Brayton, Alembert Winthrop, M. D., and Jordan, David Starr. Con- tributions to North American ichthyology. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 23.) — (In U. S. : National museum, bulletin. 1878. no. 12.) ed. Indiana medical journal, v. 1-18. 1893-1900. Brayton, George A. Defence of Samuel Gorton and the settlers of Shawomet. Prov., 1883. (R- I- hist, tracts, no. 17.) Brayton, John S. Brown university alumni of Fall River, Mass. n. p. 1888. Brayton, Mary Clark. General history. (In Our acre and its har- vest. 1869. p. 14-268.) anon. Our acre and its harvest; historical sketch of the Sol- diers' aid society of Northern Ohio. Cleve., 1869. Brazer, John, D. D. Discourse preached Aug. 20, 1843, the Sun- day succeeding the death of Benjamin Pickman. Salem, 1843. Power of Unitarianism over the affections. Bost., 1829. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 27.) Brazier, John. Catalogue of the marine shells of Australia and Tasmania. 3v. Sydney, 1892. (New South Wales. Australian museum.) Brazilian lawyers' institute. American congress of lawyers; the 4th centenary of the discovery of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 1899. Breakey, William F., M. D., Recollections and incidents of medical military service. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 120-52.) Brearley, William H., comp. Leading events of the American Rev- olution. N. Y., 1895. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 171 Breck, Charles, D. D. Samuel Breck. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 101-14.) Breck, Joseph, ed. Horticultural register and gardener's magazine. 1836. Breck, Robert L. Claims of the English tongue upon the educated men of our country. Cine, 1863. Breckenridge, Roeliff Morton. Canadian banking system, 1817- 1890. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1895. v. 10, no. 1-3. 476p.) Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, D. D. General internal evidence of Christianity. {In Lectures on the evidence of Christianity. 1853- p. 323-64) Great deliverance and the new career. Phil., 1865. Breckinridge, William Campbell Preston. Address before the alumni association of Centre college, June, 1885. n. p. 1885. Breckons, Joseph A., and Johnston, Clarence T. Water-right prob- lems of Bear river. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Exper. stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 70.) Breda de Haan, J. van. Levensgeschiedenis en bestrijding van het tabaksaaltje in Deli. Batavia, 1899. (Medeelingen uit 'S lands plantentuin, no. 35.) Regenval en reboisatie in Deli. 'S Grevenhage, 1898. (Medee- lingen uit 'S lands plantentuin, no. 22,) Brcde et de Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, haron de la. See Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de. Bree, Robert, M. D. Practical inquiry into disordered respiration. Ed. 3, enl. Lond., 1803. Breen, Matthew P. Thirty years of New York's politics. N. Y., 1899. Brehm, Alfred Edmund. Ornithology; or. The science of birds; il. by Theodore Jasper. Columbus, 1878. Brehmer Brothers, pub. Beautiful Rutland. Rutl., 1899. Churches of Rutland, with illustrations and historical sketches. Rutl., 1900. Bremner, Robert. Excursions in the interior of Russia. 2v. Lond., 1839. Note: v. l wanting, Bremon, L. de, M. D. Phthisis pulmonalis and its treatment with hypo-phosphates. N. Y., 1880. Brennan, Alice M., and Mason, Harriet L. Discrimination of syn- onyms called for by Genung's "Outlines of rhetoric." 1899. Brennan, Edward, Stein, William, and Roderick, Edward. Report of the disaster which occurred at the twin shaft colliery, Pitts- ton, Penn., June 28, 1896. 1897. Brennan, James F. Irish pioneers and founders of Peterborough, N. H. n. p. i889(?) Peterborough town library; the pioneer public library, n. p. n. d. Brent, Rev. C. H. Spirit and work of the early Christian social- ists. Bost., 1896. (Church social union. Pub. ser. A, no. 11.) Brent, John Carroll. Letters on the National institute, Smithsonian legacy. Wash., 1844. Brentano, Ludwig Joseph. Hours and wages in relation to pro- duction; tr. by Mrs. William Arnold. Lond., 1894. (Social sci. ser. no. 70.) Relation of labor to the law of today, tr. by Porter Sherman. N. Y., 1891. Brentwood (N. H.). Annual reports, 1868, '76, '81-5, '88, '90-1901. Exeter, 1868-1901. : School committee. Report presented March, 1862. Exeter, 1862. 172 AUTHOR LIST. Brera, Valerian Lewis. Treatise on verminous diseases; tr. fr. the Italian by J. Bartoli, and Calvert; tr. fr. the French by f G Coffin. Bost, 1817. ■ Brereton, Capt. J. J., ed. Marin, Capt. New German gun. (In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Selected professional papers. 1898. p. 195- 213) Brereton, John. Brief and true relation of the discovery of the north part of Virginia. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1843 v 28' p. 83-123.) Brevarium Romanum, ex decreto Sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutuni. Parisiis, 1739. Brevoort, James Carson. History and its sources. Brooklyn, 1868. Brewer, David Josiah. Protection to private property from public attack. N. H., 1891. ed. World's best orations from the earliest period to the pres- ent time. lov. St. L., 1899. Note : paged continuously. Brewer, Rev. Ebenezer Cobham. Dictionary of miracles, imita- tive, realistic, and dogmatic. Phil., 1889. ■ comp. Dictionary of phase and fable. Ed. 21, rev. Lond. n. d. Historic note-book, with an appendix of battles. Phil., 1891. comp. Reader's handbook. Phil, 1889. Brewer, F. B. Eulogy on George W. Patterson. Fredonia, 1879. Brewer, F. C. Drama and music in New South Wales. Sydney, 1892. Brewer, John S., ed. Goodman, Godfrey, bp. Court of King James the First. 1839. Brewer, Otis, ed. Boston cultivator. 1848-51. Brewer, S. S. Expository treatise on various parts of the book of Revelation. Manch., 1886. Fallen star; Apollyon, the destroyer; Angel of the bottom- less pit, and The locusts from the abyss. Manch., 1887. Brewer, Thomas Mayo, M. D. Instructions in reference to collect- ing nests and eggs of North American birds. Wash. n. d. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) North American oology. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. i8S9- V. II.) Brewer, Rev. W. A. "In the beginning." San. Fran., 1899. Brewer, William Henry. Address; the mutual relations of science and stock breeding. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 335-45) Brighter side of New England agriculture. Manch., 1890. Brewer, William M. Preliminary report on the upper gold belt of Alabama. (In Ala.: Geol. survey. Bulletin. 1896, no. 5; p. 1-105.) Brewer and maltster, monthly, v. 18, no. i, 11, 12; v. 19. Chic, 1900- 1. Brewster, Lieut. Charles. Captured by Mosby's guerrillas. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. v. i; p. 74-107.) Brewster, Charles Warren, anon. Portsmouth jubilee; the recep- tion of the sons of Portsmouth resident abroad, July 4, 1853. Ports., 1853. Brewster, Sir David, ed. Euler, Leonard. Letters on different sub- jects in natural philosophy. 1833. Brewster, F. Carroll. Supreme court of Pennsylvania. (In Bell, Clark. Supreme court. 1895. v. i ; p. 239-306.) Brewster, Henry B. Appeal to the Christian public in defence of reason and rational Christianity. Cone, 1833. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 173 Brewster, Henry Webb. Sensation and intellection. Minn., 1893. Brewster, John, ed. Euler, Leonard. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy. 1833. Brewster, Rev. Jonathan McDuffee. Fidelity and usefulness; life of William Burr. Dover, 1871. Brewster free academy, Wolfeborough (N. H.). Catalogue, 1888-9, '91-7, '99-1901. Wolfeb., 1888-1901. Brewster review, issued monthly by the students of the Brewster free academy, v. 1-2. Wolfeb., 1896-7. Briante, John Goodale. Old root and herb doctor. Clare., 1870. Bricheteau, Isadore, M. D. Medical clinics of the hospital Necker. Phil., 1837. (Amer. med. library.) Brick church, New York. Brick church memorial. N. Y., 1861. Brick church, Rochester (N. Y.). 50th anniversary of the organiza- tion of the brick church, Nov. 28, 1875. Roch., 1876. Brickett, George. Cobden pellets, aids to digestion of tariff truths. Bost, 1891. Incidental echoes, n. p. 1894. — - Tariff chestnuts, n. p. 1888. Bridge, Rev. J. D. Character of war. Wore, 1849. Bridge, Norman, M. D., ed. Chicago medical register and directory. 1872. Bridge, William F. Account of the descendants of John Bridge, Cambridge, Mass., 1632. Bost., 1884. Bridgeman, Rev. G. T. O. Loans, contributions, subsidies, and ship money paid by the clergy of the diocese of Chester in 1620, 1622, 1624, 1634-6, and 1639. Lond., 1885. {In Record soc. Pub. 1885. v. 12; p. 43-129.) Bridgeman, Laura. See Bridgman, Laura. Bridgeport savings bank. Fifty years of the Bridgeport savings bank, 1842-92. N. H. n. d. Bridges, Robert, M. D., ed. Fownes, George. Manual of elemen- tary chemistry. 1862. — ; 1876. Bridgewater (Mass.). Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Bost., 1856. Records of John Cary, the first town clerk, from 1656 to 1681. Brockton, 1889. Bridgewater (N. H.). Official reports, 1880-5, '88-1902. Bristol, 1 880- 1 902. Bridgewater state normal school. Circular, 1900-1. Bost., 1901. Bridgman, Raymond L. Weather studies at Blue Hill. Bost., 1895. Bridgman, Thomas, comp. Inscription on the gravestones in the graveyards of Northampton and of other towns in the valley of the Connecticut; with brief annals of Northampton. Northamp- ton, 1850. Memorials of the dead in Boston; containing inscriptions, epitaphs, and records on the monuments and tombstones in Copp's hill burying ground. Bost., 1852. Memorials of the dead in Boston; containing inscriptions on the monuments in the King's Chapel burial ground. Bost., 1853. Bridgton academy, Bridgton {Me.). Proceedings at the reunion at North Bridgton, Me., July 12, 1882. Bridgton, 1883. Brief account concerning several of the agents of New England. {In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 271- 98.) Brief account of the establishment of the colony of Georgia under Gen. James Oglethorpe, Feb. i, 1733- "• P- "• d- U^ Amer. colonial tracts, 1897-8. No. 2.) Wash., 1835. {In Force, Peter. Tracts and other papers. 1836. V. I.) 174 AUTHOR LIST. Brief description of the Riverside press, Cambridge. Camb., 1899. Brief history of the New England historical and genealogical regis- ter. Bost., 1876. (Bound with Dean, J. W. Brief hist. n. d.) Brief investigation of the causes which created the late contro- versy on the election of mayor. N. Y., 1830. Brief memoir of George Walker, who died of hydrophobia, June 26, 1826. Bait, 1857. Brief narrative of that part of New England called Nanhiganset country. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1846. v. 21; p. 209-28.) Brief of facts submitted by the paper manufacturers, n. p. n. d. Brief view of the present relations between the government and people of the United States and the Indians within our national limits, n. p. n. d. Briefe answer to a certaine declaration that none should be re- ceived to inhabite within this jurisdiction but such as should be allowed by some of the magistrates. (In Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Coll. 1769 p. 71-83.) Briggs, George Nixon. Address to the two branches of the legis- lature of Mass., Jan., 1844. Bost., 1844. — — Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1845. Bost, 1845. - — - Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1846. Bost., 1846. Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1848. Bost., 1848. Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1849. Bost., 1849. Address to the two branches of the legislature of Mass., Jan., 1850. Bost., 1850. Briggs, George Ware, D. D. Channing, (In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 178-95.) Memoir of Daniel Appleton White. Salem, 1864. Briggs, J[ames F. Railroad question; speech before the railroad committee of the house of representatives. Cone, 1887. (In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Briggs, jfohn C. Map of Grafton and Coos counties. Cone, 1852. Briggs, Katherine Robinson. Brookline in the Civil war. (In Brookline hist. pub. soc. Pub. 1896. no. 10; p. 143-58.) Briggs, Lloyd Vernon. Genealogies of the different families bear- ing the name of Kent in the U. S., with their possible English ancestry, 1295-1898. Bost., 1898. History and records of the First Congregational church, Han- over, Mass. 1727-1865. V. I. Bost., 1895. History of shipbuilding on North river, Plymouth county, Mass., 1640 to 1872. Bost., 1889. Briggs, Samuel. Origin and development of the almanack. Cleve., 1887. (In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1888-. v. 2; no. 69.) Briggs, Warren R. Suburban schoolhouses. Cone, 1882. Briggs and company, pub. New Hampshire business directory. 1868-89. Brigham, A. A., comp. Hancock school memories by Hancock school graduates. Bost., 1898. Brigham, Rev. Albert Perry. Chapter in glacial history with illus- trated notes from central N. Y. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1889-92. p. 72-84.) Geology of Oneida county. (In Oneida hist soc. Trans. 1887-9. P- 102-18.) Brigham, Charles B. Quelques observations chirurgicales. Par., 1872. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 175 Brigham, Rev. Charles Henry. Description of the manuscript dic- tionary of the Bible in the Indian language. {In Old col. hist, soc. Coll. 1885. V. 3; p. 105-12.) Historical sketch of Taunton, England. {In Old col. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 3; p. 55-72.) Unitarian principles and doctrines. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 17.) Brigham, Clarence S. Memorial of Amos Perry. Bost., 1900. Brigham, W. I. Tyler, ed. Tyler family reunion. Official report. 1898. Brigham, William. Colony of New Plymouth and its relations to Massachusetts. {In Mass. hist. soc. Lectures. 1869. p. 163-89.) Brigham, William Tufts. Catalogue of works published at, or re- lating to, the Hawaiian Islands. {In Hawaiian club. Papers. 1868. p. 63-115) Eruption of the Hawaiian volcanoes, 1868. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. v. i ; p. 564-87.) Notes on the volcanic phenomena of the Hawaiian islands. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. v. i; p. 341-472.) Volcanic manifestations in N. E. from 1638 to 1869. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1871-8. v. 2; p. 1-28.) Brigham academy. Baker -sfield {Vt.). Exercises and addresses at the opening, Aug. 14, 1879. Andover, 1880. Bright, John. Speeches on the American question. Bost., 1865. Will the United States subjugate Canada? {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 620-37.) Bright, Jonathan B. Henry Bond. {In N. E, hist. gen. soc. Me- morial biog. 1833. V. 3; p. 369-80.) Bright, Richard, M. D. Cases, illustrated, of renal disease. {Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838.) ^ Clinical memoirs on abdominal tumors and intumescence, ed. by G. H. Barlow. Lond., 1861. Lond., i860. Brill, Francis. Farm-gardening and seed-growing. New ed. N. Y., 1897- Brinkerhoff, Richard, conip., anon. Family of Joris Dircksen Brinck- erhoflf. N. Y., 1887. Brinkerhoff, Roeliff. Bently family, n. p. 1897. Brinkley, Capt. F., ed. Japan described and illustrated by the Japan- ese. 3v. Bost., 1897. Brinley, George. Catalogue of his American library. 5v. Hartf., 1878-93. 5v. Hartf., 1878-97- Brinton, Daniel Garrison, M. D. Address; a review of the date for the studying of the prehistoric chronology of America. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1888. v. 36; p. 283-302.) Aims of anthropology. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 1-17.) Arawack language of Guiana in its linguistic and ethnologi- cal relations. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1871. v. 14; p. 427-44) ed. Half-yearly compendium of medical science. 1868-89. ed. Medical and surgical reporter, v. 16-56. 1866-87. ed. Thomas, Cyrus. Study of the manuscript Troano. {In U. S.: Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Contrib. 1882. v. 5.) Brinton, John H., M. D., ed. Erichsen, John Eric. Science and art of surgery.^ 1854. Brinton, William, M. D. Lectures on the diseases of the stomach; fr. the 2d Eng. ed. Phil., 1865. 176 AUTHOR LIST. Brinton, William, M. D. On the medical selection of lives for assurance. N. Y., 1863. Brisac, Edmund Dreyfus-. See Dreyfus-Brisac, Edmund. Brisbin, Col. James S. Trees and tree-planting. N. Y., 1888. Brisbois, B. W. Traditions and recollections of Prairie du Chien (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1882. v. 9; p. 282-302.) Briscoe, John Potter. History of the Trent bridges at Nottingham. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 212-21.) Bristed, John. Resources of the U. S. N. Y., i8t8. Bristol, Mrs. Augusta Millie (Cooper). Discours sur la science comme base de morale. Par., 1880. Poems. Best., 1868. Present phase of woman's advancement. N. Y , 1880 Web of life. Buffalo, 1895. Bristol (Eng.): City reference library. Early printed books and manuscripts; by Norris Mathews. Bristol, 1899. Bristol (N. H.). Annual reports, 1876, '80-5, '87-1902. Bristol, 1 876- 1 902. — — : Union school district no 2. Course of study, n. p. n. d. Bristol (R. I.). Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the set- tlement of the town; comp. by W. J. Miller. Prov., 1880. Bristol agricultural association fair. Premium lists, rules, and officers. Bristol, 1899. Bristol (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1884. Bristol. 1884. Bristol county agricultural society. Report for the year 1887-8, '90-5, '97-1900. Fall River, 1887-1900. Bristol creamery company. By-laws. Bristol, 1897. Bristol enterprise, Oct. 21, 1897. Betsey Sleeper, biographical notes. Bristol, 1897. Bristol (Conn.) First Congregational church. Programme and ad- dresses delivered at the 150th anniversary, 1897. n. p. 1897. Bristol medico-chirurgical journal, quarterly, v. 14, no. 2-4; v, 15; V. 16, no. 3. Bristol, 1896-8. Bristow, Henry William, ed. Figuier, Guillaume Louis. World before the deluge. 1869. Bristowe, John Syer, M. D. Clinical lectures and essays on diseases of the nervous system. Lond., 1888. Treatise on the theory and practice of medicine; ed. by J. H. Hutchinson. Phil., 1876. and others. Diseases of the intestines and peritoneum. N. Y., 1879. Brite, Rev. J. W. Eternity, a sermon. Almont., 1891. British and foreign medical review, v. i, 11, 13-16, 27-36, 38-56, 58-80, 83-6. Eond., 1836-77- Note: in Jan., 1848, consolidated with the Medico-chirurgical review, forming the British and foreign medico-chirurgical review. British and foreign medico-chirurgical review, v. i-io, 12-30, 32-54, 57-60. Lond., 1848-77. Noi'E: Jan., 1848, formed hythe consolidation of the British and foreign med- ical review with the Medico-chirurgical review, v. 27-36, 38-40, 43-55, Amer. reprint. British association for the advancement of science. Addresses to the different sections at the annual meeting, 1884. Lond., 1884. Sixty-seventh annual meeting at Toronto, programme of local arrangements. Toronto, 1897. ed. McAndrew, Robert, anon. List of the British marine in- vertebrate fauna, i860. British Bostonian, pseud. Watchman's alarm to Lord N h; or, The British parliamentary Boston port-bill unwrapped. Salem, 1774. British Canadian, pseud. Tour of PL R. H. the Prince of Wales through British America and the United States. Montr., i860. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 177 British Columbia: Agriculture, dept. of. Report, 1893-6, 1900. v. 3-6. Vict., 1894-1901. : Education, supt. of. Annual report, 1873, '75-1900. v. 2, 4-29. Vict, 1873-1901. ■ : Farmers' institutes. Report of the superintendent, 1897-9. v. 1-2. Vict., 1898-1900. : Fruit pests, inspector of. Report, 1898-9. Vict., 1901. : Health, board of. Report for the year, 1895-6. v. 1-2. Vict., 1895-6. : Horticulture, board of. Insect pests and plant diseases. Vict., 1897. : Lands and works, commissioner of. Map of the province of British Columbia. Vict., 1895. Note : scale 20 miles to 1 inch. Mining recording divisions, map of the vvrest division of Koote- nay district and a portion of Lillooet, Yale, and East Kootenay. Vict, 1897. Note : scale J of an inch to 1 mile. Report for the year 1897. Vict, 1898. : Legislative library. Report, 1897. Vict., 1897. : Mines, dept. of. Annual report for the year 1896-1900. Vict., 1897- 1 90 1. Sketch map of the province of British Columbia, showing min- ing divisions. Vict., 1900. : Public works, minister of. Report, 1872. Ottawa, 1872. British Columbia board of trade. Annual report with list of mem- bers, 1881-2, '83-4, '85-6, '89-91, '94-1901. V. 3, 5, 7, II, 12, 15-22. Vict., 1882-1901. British Columbia central farmers* institute. Report of the annual meeting, v. 1-2. Vict, 1899-1900. British Columbia dairymen's association. See Dairymen's associa- tion of British Columbia. British Columbia fruit growers' and horticultural society. Report 1895-97. V. 7. Vict., 1897. British Columbia, its present resources and future possibilities. Vict., 1893- British Columbia natural history society. See Natural history soci- ety of British Columbia. British Guiana. Blue book, 1895-1901. Georgetown, 1896-1901. British Honduras. Blue book, 1893-1900. Belize, 1893-1901. British institute of preventive medicine. Transactions. 1897. Lond., 1897. British instructor; or, The first book for children. Lond., 1763. British medical association. Notes for American guests and Cana- dian members. Montreal, 1897. British medical journal. Some comments on "An experimental study of lesions arising from severe concussions," by B. A. Watson. Phil., i89i(?) British medical journal, weekly, the journal of the British medical association, 1879, v. 2, no. 983, 991; 1880, v. i, no. 992-5, 999, 1000, 1002, 1005-8, loio, 1012-17; V. 2; 1881, V. 1-2; 1882, V. 2, no. II 14, 1117-18, 1120, 1125, 1 130, 1133-40, 1 143-4, 1 146-7; 1883, V. I, no. 1149-55; 1891, V. 2; 1893, V. 2, no. 1718; 1894, V. I, no. 1723-45, 1747- 8; V. 2; 1895, V. I, 1775-85, 1787-1800; V. 2; 1896, V. I, no. 1828, 1830-52; V. 2, no. 1853-73, 1876-8; 1897-1900. Lond., 1879-1900. British museum. Guide to the exhibition rooms of the departments of natural history and antiquities, n. p. 1865. List of the specimens of Crustacea in the collection. Lond., 1847. Lond., 1855. 12 178 AUTHOR LIST. British school at Athens. Report of the managing committee for the session, 1891-2. n. p. n. d. Brittan, Frederick, tr. Malgaigne, Joseph Frangois. Operative surgery. 1851. 3ritton, Nathaniel Lord. Botanical gardens; origin and develop- ment. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1897. V. 45; p. 171-84.) and Brown, Addison. Illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada, and the British possessions, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1896-7. Britton, Wiley. Civil war on the border. N. Y., 1890. Broadfoot, Lieut. James Sutherland. Reports on parts of the Ghilzi country; ed. by Maj. William Broadfoot. (In Royal geog. see. of Lond. Sup. papers, v. i; p. 339-400.) Broadhead, G. C. Carboniferous rocks of eastern Kansas. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 481-92.) Missouri geological surveys. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 611-24.) On the well at the insane asylum, St. Louis county. (In Acad. of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1878. v. 3; p. 216-23.) Broadhead, Col. James O. Early events of the war in Mo. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. V. i; p. 1-28.) "The Louisiana purchase, extent of territory acquired by Dias purchase." St. L., 1897. (In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. no. 13.) Broadus, John A., D. D. Funeral sermon of George W. Riggan. Louisville, 1885. Broca, Benjamin Auguste, ed. Revue mensuelle des maladies de I'enfrance. Broca, Paul. On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus homo; ed. by G. C. Blake. Lond., 1864. Brock, Robert A. John Tyler. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1885. V. 4; p. 414-38.) Virginia, 1606-1689. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 127-68.) Brock, William W. Booklet on osteopathy. Montp., 1899. Brockett, Hattie Nourse, comp. Daughters of the American Revo- lution. Directory, 1898. 1898. Brockett, L. P., M. D. Silk industry in America. Brooklyn, 1876. • ed. Stiles, Henry R., M. D., and others, ed. Civil history of the county of Kings. 1884. Brockton (Mass.): Public library. Report, 1896. Bost., 1897. Brockway, Beaman. Early Watertown. (/w Jefferson co. hist, soc. Trans. 1895. v. 3; p. 55-69-) Brockway, J. Resolution adopted by the state temperance conven- tion at Northfield, Vt., 1858. Northf., 1858. Brod, Michael. Zur differentialdiagnose der hiiftgelenkserkran- kungen. Wiirzburg, 1897. Brodhead, John Romeyn. Address delivered before the N. Y. hist. soc. at its 40th anniversary, Nov. 20, 1844. N. Y., 1844. (Bound with N. Y. hist. soc. Proceed. 1845.) Governm.ent of Sir Edmund Andros over New England in 1688 and 1689. Morrisania, 1867. History of the state of New York. 2v. N. Y., 1853. Note : v. 2 wanting. •' Memoir on the early colonization of New Netherland. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. v. 7, p. 355-66.) ed. New York (state). Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York, procured in Holland, England, and France. Ed. by E. B. O'Calighan. 1856-87. , NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 179 Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, M. D. Lectures, illustrated, of cer- tain local nervous affections. Phil., 1838. (Amer. med. library.) Mind and matter. N. Y., 1857. ■ Pathological and surgical observations on the diseases of the joints. Bost., 1842. {In Mass. med. soc. Lib. of practical medi- cine. 1842. V. 12.) Pathological and surgical observations relating to injuries of the spinal cord. {In Amer. med. lib. 1838. v. 5; p. 451-74.) Select surgical works. Phil., 1847. Brodie, William, M. D., ed. New preparations, v. 2-8. 1878-84. Broglie, Achille Leonce Victor Charles, due de. Personal recollec- tions. 1785-1820; tr. and ed. by R. L. de Beaufort. 2v. Lond., 1887. ed. Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de. Prince de, Beni- vent. Memoirs. 1891-2. Bromley, Walter. Appeal to the virtue and good sense of the in- habitants of Great Britain in behalf of the Indians of North America. Halifax, 1820. , Brongniart, Alexandre, and Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Ar- mand Louis Leonce. Voyages en Scandinavie, en Laponie au Spitzberg et aux Feroe. Par. n. d. Bronner, Edward, M. D., tr. Kussmaul, Adolph, M. D., and Tenner, Adolf, M. D. On the nature and origin of epileptiform convul- sions caused by profuse bleeding, and those of true epilepsy. {In New Sydenham soc. Selected Monographs. 1859. vj. 5; p. 1-109.) Bronson, Benjamin F., and others, ed. First half century of Madison university. 1819-1869. N. Y., 1872. Bronson, Henry, M. D. Chapters on the early government of Con- necticut. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 295-403.) Historical account of Connecticut currency, continental money and the finances of the Revolution. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1865. v. i.) Medical history and biography. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1877. v. 2; p. 239-388.) Brook, Harry Ellington. City and county of Los Angeles in South- ern California. Los Ang., 1900, Brooker, A., and Slingo, W. Electrical engineering for electric light artisans and students. 1895. Brookes, R., M. D. General practice of physic. Ed. 6. 2v. Lond., 1771. Note : v. 1 wanting. Introduction to physics and surgery. Ed. 2. Lond., 1763. Brookfield (N. H.). Annual reports, 1881-5, '91-1902. Wolfeboro, 1881-1902. Brookhaven (N. Y.). Records. 3v. Patchogue, 1880-93. Note : v. 2 pub. at Port Jefferson ; v. 3 at N. Y. Brookline (Mass.). Muddy River and Brookline records, 1634- 1838. Brookline, 1875. Town records, 1838-84. n. p. 1888-92. : Public library. Annual report, 1865, '69-92, '94-1900. v. 9, 13- Z6, 38-44- Brookline, 1866-1901. Catalogue of English prose fiction. Brookline, 1895. List of French and German books. Brookline, 1900. ed. Public library of Brookline bulletin. 1897-1900. : School committee. Report for the year ending Jan. 31, 1883. Brookline, 1883. : Town hall building committee. Proceedings at the dedication of the town hall, Feb. 22, 1873. Brookline, 1873. 180 AUTHOR LIST. Brookline (N. H.)- Annual report, 1881-5, '87-1902. Hollis and Nashua, 1881-1902. : Public library. Catalogue. Bristol, 1895. Brookline education society. Bulletin, 1899. Brookline, 1899. Guide to the local history of Brookline, Mass. Brookline^ 1897. Year book, 1895-7. v. 1-3. Brookline, 1896-8. Brookline (Mass.) First Parish church. Records of baptisms, mar- riages, and deaths for 100 years. (In Brookline hist. pub. see. Pub. 189s, no. 8; p. 69-135.) Brookline historical publication society. Publications, no. 1-20. Brookline, 1897-9. Brooklyn (N. Y.): Health, dept. of. Annual report for the year 1877, '78, '84-6. Brooklyn, 1878-87. Report of the commissioner on illuminating gas made to the committee on lamps and gas of the common council, n. p. 1883. Report of the Rockville Centre laboratory, Brooklyn, 1897. : Public instruction, supt. of. Annual report, v. 30, 36-7, 40- r. Brooklyn, 1884-95. Brooklyn college of pharmacy. Annual announcement, session of 1897-1901. V. 7-10. Brooklyn, 1897-1901. Brooklyn daily eagle. Almanac, 1893. v. 8. Brooklyn, 1893. — — Handbook to the National capital. Ed. 3. Brooklyn, 1897. Visitor's guide to the city of New York. Ed. 4. Brooklyn^ 1899. Brooklyn directory for the year 1900. N. Y., 1899. Brooklyn (N. Y.) Dutch reformed church. First book of records. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1897. 1898. p. 133-94.) Brooklyn eye and ear hospital. Annual report, 1875, '77, '79-1901. V. 7, 9, II, 12, 14-33. Brooklyn, 1876-1902. Brooklyn institute of arts and sciences. Children's museum. Brooklyn, 1900. Year book for 1888-1900. v. 1-13. Brooklyn, 1889-1900. Brooklyn library. Annual report of the board of directors, v. 13- 18, 24-42. Brooklyn, 1872-1900. ed. Brooklyn library bulletin; pub. annually, no. 2, 4-9, 11-13^ 15-28, 30-9. Brooklyn, 1870-1900. Brooklyn medical journal, pub. monthly by the Medical soc. of the county of Kings, v. 1-14. Brooklyn, 1888-1900. Brooklyn mercantile library. See Brooklyn library. Brooklyn pathological society. Transactions, 1885-86. N. Y., 1887. Brooklyn society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Annual report, 1881. v. i. Brooklyn, 1881. Brooks, Charles. History of Medford; 1630-1855. Bost., 1855. Continued to 1885 by J. M. Usher. Bost, 1886. School reform; or, Teachers' seminaries. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1838. p. 161-79.) Brooks, Rev. Charles. Daily monitor. Bost., 1828. Laws of reproduction, considered with particular reference to the intermarriage of first cousins. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 9; p. 236-45.) Memoir of Joseph Willard. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1867. V. 9; p. 276-99.) On the duties of legislatures in relation to public schools in the U. S. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1850. p. 175-91) Brooks, Charles G., M. D., ed. New England medical gazette, r. 10. 1876. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Story of New York. Bost., 1888. (Story of the states.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 181 Brooks, Erastus. What the state owes the people, public health is public wealth. N. O. n. d. Brooks, Mrs. Frances. Caleb Butler. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1881. v. 2; p. 266-79.) Brooks, Francis A. Arraignment of President McKinley's policy of extending by force the sovereignty of the United States over the Philippine islands. Bost., 1899. Examination of the scheme for engrafting the colonial system of government upon the U. S. constitution. Bost., 1900. Fiat money; a review of the decisions of the U. S. supreme court as to its constitutionality. Bost., 1885. Objections, legal and practical, to our national currency sys- tem. Bost., 1893. Objections to the president's proposed subjugation of the Fili- pinos. Bost., 1899. Political and financial errors of our recent monetary legisla- tion. Bost., .1891. Review of the federal elections or force bill now before the U. S. senate. Bost., 1891. Unlawful and unjustifiable conquest of the Filipinos. Bost, 190T. Brooks, Henry Mason, comp. Curiosities of the old lottery. Bost, 1886. (Olden time series, no. i.) Days of the spinningwheel in New England. Bost., 1886. (Olden time series, no. 2.) Literary curiosities; gleanings from old newspapers, of Boston and Salem. Bost., 1886. (Olden time series. No. 6.) New-England Sunday. Bost., 1886. (Olden time series, no. 2.) Olden-timf music, a compilation from newspapers and books. Bost, 1888. (Olden time series, no. 7.) Quaint and curious advertisements. Bost., 1886. (Olden time series, no. 4.) Some strange and curious punishments. Bost., 1886. (Olden time series, no. 5.) Brooks, John, M. D. Brief examination of the common notions about Adam's fall, probation, judgment, retribution, burning of the world, etc. Bost., 1857. Brooks, John Graham. Compulsory insurance in Germany. Wash., 1893. (U. S.: Labor, commissioner of. Special rept. no. 4.) Papal encyclical upon the labor question. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1894. v. 9; no. 5-6; p. 69-82.) Brooks, Rev. John Graham. Memorial sermons of the 250th anni- versary of the founding of the First religious society in Rox- bury. Bost., 1882. Brooks, Louise, tr. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. 1885. Brooks, Phillips, hp. Addresses, with introduction by Rev. J. H. Ward. Bost., 1893. Biography. {In Phillips Exeter acad. Lectures. 1887. p. 179-208.) Christmas once is Christmas still, a Christmas carol. Nurem- berg n. d. ■ ■ Historical sermon. {In Trinity church, Boston, Consecra- tion services. 1877. P- 23-54.) Sermons. N. Y., 1879. Brooks, Mrs. W. R. New Jersey and Indians, n. p. 1899. Brooks, William Henry, D. D. Sketch of the late Phillips Brooks. Bost., 1894. Brooks, William M. Story of Tabor college. Roch., 1882. Brooks library, Brattleboro {Vt.). Phelps division. Brattleboro n. d. Proceedings at the dedication. Ciamb., 1887. 182 AUTHOK LIST. Brookville society of natural history. Bulletin, no. i. Richmond, 1885. Brosius, Mariott. Medical profession and the state. N. Y., 1895. Bross, William. Biographical sketch of the late Gen. B. J. Sweet; history of Camp Douglas. Chic, 1878. Illinois and the 13th amendment to the constitution of the U. S. Chic, 1884. Brotherhood of locomotive engineers; monthly journal, v. 27, no. 9-12; V. 28-35. Cleve., 1893-1901. Brotherhood of railroad trainmen. Railroad trainmen's journal. 1899. Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Boys' department, n. p. n. d. Constitution, n. p. n. d. Hand-book. n. p. n. d. Points on Brotherhood work. N. Y. n. d. Report of the council, 1892-3. n. p. 1893. Brotherhood of the kingdom. Report of the annual conference. V. 2, 3, s. N. Y., 1894-7. Brothers, Abram, M. D. Infantile mortality during child-birth and its prevention. Phil., 1896. Phil., 1896. (With College of physicians of Phila. Trans. 1895. V. 24.) Brough, Charles Hillman. Taxation in Mississippi. (In Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies. 1900. ser. 18; p. 177-215.) Brough, David D., M. D. Formaldehyde gas as a disinfectant. Bost, 1898. Brougham, Henry, haron of Brougham and Vaux. Account of Bacon's Novum organon scientiarum. Lond., 1828. (Soc for the diffu- sion of useful knowledge. Lib. of useful knowl.) Dialogues on instinct. Phil., 1845. Lives of men of letters and science who flourished in the time of George 3. 2v. Phil., 1845. Broussais, Frangois Joseph Victor, M. D. History of chronic phlegemasiae or inflammations; tr. fr. the French of the 4th ed. by I. Hays and R. E. Griffith. 2v. Phil., 1831. Lectures on phrenology. Lond., 1847. Note: articles in Lond. lancet. 1836, v. 2. Brouwer, Daniel Janus de Vos. Dissertatio juridica inauguralis de mutuo secundum principia codicis Napoleontici. Lugduni, 1830. Brower, J. V. Mississippi river and its source. Minneapolis, 1893. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. v. 7.) Missouri river and its utmost source. St. P., 1897. Prehistoric man at the headwaters of the Miss, river. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 232-69.) Brown, A. M. Importance of our forests. Frankfort, 1889. Brown, Aaron V. Address delivered before the two literary soci- eties of the University of N. C, May 31, 1854. Raleigh, 1854. Brown, Abiel. Genealogical history of the early settlers of West Simsbury, now Canton, Conn. N. Y., 1899. Brown, Mrs. Abram. History of the First Congregational church of Columbus. (In O. church hist. soc. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 15-61.) Brown, Abram English. Beneath old roof trees. Bost., 1896. Beside old hearth-stones. Bost., 1897. Faneuil Hall and Faneuil Hall market; or, Peter Faneuil and his gift. Bost, 1900. Flag of the minute men, April 19, 1775. Bost., 1894. Historical address commemorative of the organization of the first Sabbath school in Bedford, Mass. Bost., 1888. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 183 Brown, Abram English. History of the town of Bedford, Mass. Bedf., 1891. Brown, Addison, and Britton, Nathaniel Lord. Illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada, and the British posses- sions. V. 1-3. N. Y., 1896-7. Brown, Albert G. Address on Southern education. Wash., 1859. Brown, Alexander. First republic in America. Bost , 1898. cd. Genesis of the United States. 2v. Bost., 1890. History of our earliest history. Norwood, 1898. Brown, Alice, Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott), and Guiney, Louise Imogen. Three heroines of the New England romance. 1895. Brown, Allan D., and VVinterhalter, Albert G. Annular eclipse of the sun, March 15-16, 1885. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Ob- servations. 1882, appx. 2.) Brown, Rev. Allen H. Character and employment of the early set- tlers of the sea-coast of N. J. (/7i N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1881. V. 16; p: 27-63.) Jonathan Pitney, 50 years of progress in South Jersey. (In N. J., hist. soc. Proceed. 1887. v. 19; p. 77-9p) Brown, Alonzo L. History of the 4th regt. Minn, infantry vols, during the Great Rebellion, 1861-1865. St. P., 1892. Brown, Andrew, D. D. Acadian French. {In Nova Scotia hist, soc. Coll. 1881. V. 2; p. 129-60.) Brown, Andrew, and Dickeson, Mandeville Wilson, M. D. Sediment of the Mississippi river, (in Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1849. v. i; p. 42-54) Brown, Arthur Erwin. Guide to the garden of the zoological so- ciety of Philadelphia. Ed. 3- Phil., 1883. Brown, B. Gratz. Speech on the subject of gradual emancipation in Missouri. St. L., 1857. Universal suffrage. St. L., 1865. Brown, Beriah. Trial of impeachment of Levi Hubbell. Madison, 1853- Brown, Buckminster, M. D. Cases in orthopedic surgery. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 359-77) Brown, C. A., puh. Business directory of the city of Manchester. 1848. Brown, Charles Brockden, ed. American register. 1807-10. tr. Volney, Constantin Frangois Chasseboeuf, couni de. View of the soil and climate of the U. S. 1804. Brown, Charles L. History of Butler county. Neb. {In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 4; p. 275-305.) Brown, Clara Spaulding. Life at Shut-in Valley and other Pacific coast tales. Franklin, 1895. Brown, Rev. Clark. Propitious manifestations of God. Keene, 1809. Topographical description of Brimfield. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1804. V. 9; p. 127-36.) Brown, Rev. Clinton Capers. General catalog of Furman university, 1852-1899. Sumter, 1899. Brown, D. Arthur, com/'., anon. Dedication of monument erected in memory of John Bedell, at Bath, N. H., Oct. 19, 1888. Cone, 1888. Brown, David H. Simon and Joan (Clarke) Stone of Watertown, Mass., and three generations of their descendants. Bost., 1899. Brown, Dillon, M. D., ed. Archives of pediatrics, v. 10-17. 1894- 1900. Brown, Elmer Ellsworth. School, Oakland, 1896. {In Tompkins school. Monographs. 1896. no. i.) Secondary education. {In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. V. I, p. 141-205.) 184 AUTHOR LIST. Brown, Emma E. Huldah, a daughter of the Revolution, and other poems. Bost., 1897. ■ Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Bost., 1884. Brown, Ephraim. Chelmsford girl of 200 years ago; Mary C. Heald. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 34-42.) Concord and Lexington, Apr. 19, 1775; the crisis, the bridge, the men. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1898. v. 6; p. 19-32.) Lowell and the Monadnocks. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 292-304.) Lowell and the Monadnocks, no. 2. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 180-200.) Brown, Erastus. Trial of Cain, the first murderc:-; in poetry. Stockbridge, 1823. Brown, Ernest William. Report on the recent progress of solids and fluids. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. V. 47, P- 53-64.) Brown, Francis, ed., anon. Class report, '70. N. Y., 1874. Brown, Francis, D. D. Address on music, delivered before the Handel society, Dartmouth college, August, 1809. Hanover, 1810. Sermon delivered at Concord, N. H., before the convention of Congregational and Presbyterian ministers. Cone, 1818. Brown, Francis H., M. D. Report of the class of 1857 in Harvard college. Camb., 1882. Supplement. Camb., 1893. Roll of students of Harvard university who served in the army or navy of the United States during the war of the Rebellion. Camb., 1866. Ed. 2. Camb., 1869. Note : bound with 1st ed. ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 83-7. 1870-3. ed. Medical register for New England. 1873-91. Brown, Frank H. Memorial day address before E. E. Sturtevant post, G. A. R., Concord, N. H., 1891. Cone, 1891. Brown, Frederick J. Sketch of the life of James McHenry. Bait., 1877. (In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1877. no. 10.) Brown, G. P., ed. Sanitary news. v. i-io. 1883-7. Brown, George L. Centennial history of Butler county, Neb. Lincoln, 1876. Brown, Lieut. George W. Mortar flotilla. (In Loyal legion of the U. S. : N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. v. i; p. 173-82.) Service in the Miss, squadron. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. v. i; p. 303- 13) Brown, George William. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. Bait., 1887. ' Origin and growth of civil liberty in Maryland. Bait., 1850. Brown, Gerhard Baldwin. Fine arts. N. Y., 1891. Brown, Glenn, comp. American institute of architects. Quarterly bulletin. 1900. Brown, Goold. Institutes of English grammar. N. Y., 1825. Brown, Helen Gilman, and Brown, Mary Elizabeth. Story of John Adams, a New England schoolmaster. N. Y., 1900. Brown, Henry. History of Illinois from its first discovery to the present time. N. Y., 1844. Brown, Henry Armitt. Oration on the looth anniversary of the meeting of congress in Carpenter's Hall, and proceedings in con- nection therewith Phil., 1874. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 185 Brown, Horace A. Twenty-five years; an historical sketch of St. Paul's parish, Concord, N. H. Cone, 1885. Brown, Rev. Howard Nicholson. Life of Jesus for young people. Ed. 17. Bost., 1896. Unitarian church; in its relations with other protestant churches. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 3) Brown, Isaac Baker. On some diseases of women admitting of surgical treatment. Phil., 1856. Brown, Rev. J. H., anon. Ministry of the church; a conversation between a churchman and a Methodist. N. Y. n. d. Brown, J. Mainwaring. Henry Eighth's book, "Assertio septem sacramentorum," and the royal title of "Defender of the faith." {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 242-61.) Brown, James H. Catalogue of his extensive dramatic collection. Bost, 1898. Brown, John, D. D. Pilgrim fathers of New England and their Puritan successors; 3d Amer. ed. N. Y., 1896. Brown, John, 1722-87. Brief concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Rev. ed. Phil, 1830. {Bound with Bible. Holy Bible. 1830.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Tes- taments; by which all, or most, of the principal texts of Scrip- ture may be easily found out. {In Bible. English version of the Polyglot Bible, pub. by Luther Roby. 1850. 78p.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Tes- taments; by which all, or most, of the principal texts of Scrip- ture may be easily found out. {In Bible. English version of the Polyglot Bible, pub. by Peabody, Daniel and Kimball. 1843. 84P.) Brown, John, 1735-88, M. D. Elements of medicine; fr. the latest Lond. ed. by Thomas Beddoes. 2v. in i. Ports., 1803. Brown, John, 1800-59. Words of John Brown. {In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4; no. 84.) Brown, John A. Hand-book of Exeter, N. H. Exeter, 1888. Brown, John Ball, M. D. Reports of cases in the Boston orthope- dic institution for the cure of deformities of the human frame. Bost, 1845- Brown, John Croumbie. African fever and culture of the blue gum- tree to counteract malaria in Italy. Aberdeen, 1890. comp. Finland, its forests and forest management. Edin., 1883. comp. Forestry in Norway. Edin., 1884. comp. Forestry in the mining districts of the Ural mountains in eastern Russia. Edin., 1884. comp. Forests and forestry in Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine, and the Baltic provinces of Russia. Edin., 1885. comp. Forests and forestry of northern Russia and lands be- yond. Edin., 1884. comp. Forests of England. Edin., 1883. comp. French forest ordinance of 1669. Edin., 1883. Introduction to the study of modern forest economy. Edin., 1884. comp. Management of crown forests at the Cape of Good Hope. Edin., 1887. comp. Pine plantations on the sand wastes of France. Edin., 1878. comp. School of forest engineers in Spain, indicative of a type . for a British national school of forestry. Edin., 1886. comp. Schools of forestry in Germany. Edin., 1887. 186 AUTHOE LIST. Brown, John F., pub. Brown's improved almanack. 1841. Brown, John Henry. History of Texas from 1685 to 1892. 2 v. St. L., 1892-3. Brown, John Marshall. Coasting voyages in the gulf of Maine in 1604, 1605, and 1606 by Samuel Champlain. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; P- 243-66.) Mission of the Assumption. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 11; p. 87-99) Brown, John Mason. Political beginnings of Kentucky. Louisv., 1889. (In Filson club. Pub. 1890. v. 6.) Brown, John Newton, ed. Fessenden & Co.'s encyclopedia of re- ligious knowledge. Brattleboro, 1835. Brown, Rev. Jonathan. Farewell sermon preached to ist Presby- terian society, 1804. Newburyport, 1805. Brown, 'Joseph Emerson. Message to the legislature, 1858. n. p. n. d. Brown, Joseph Stanley-, ed. Geological society of America. Bulle- tin, v. 4-1 1. 1892-1900. Brown, L. B., conip. Biographical sketches of the delegates to the N. H. constitutional convention for 1889. v. i. Cone, 1889. comp. Biographical sketches of the governor, councilors, and members of the senate and house of representatives of the N. H. legislature for 1881-1902. v. i-ii. Cone, 1881-1901. Brown, Leonard. History of Whitingham, Vt. Brattleboro, 1886. Brown, Mary Elizabeth, and Brown, Helen Oilman. Story of John Adams, a New England schoolmaster. N. Y., 1900. Brown, Moses T. Necessity of education in a free state. Bost., 1861. Brown, Nathan Clifford. Catalogue of the birds known to occur in the vicinity of Portland. Portl., 1882. (In Portland soc. of natural hist. Proceed. 1882. v. 2; p. 1-40.) Brown, Neal. John Marshall and his times. (In Milwaukee bar assoc. Proceed. In observance of Marshall day. 1902. p. 5-39- ) Brown, Robert, ed. Science for all. 5v. Lond., 1877-82. Brown, S. Paul, comp. Brown's Littleton directory. 1889. Brown, Samuel Gilman, D. D. Address delivered before the society of the alumni of Dartmouth college, July 25, 1855; with an ac- count of the proceedings of the society. Cone, 1856. Discourse commemorative of C. B. Haddock. Windsor, 1861. Discourse commemorative of G. P. Marsh, delivered before the faculty and students of Dartmouth college. Burlington, 1883. Discourse commemorative of J. N. Putnam. Cone, 1864. Eulogy of the life and character of Henry Clay, delivered be- fore the students of Dartmouth college. Bost., 1852. Historical discourse delivered before the alumni of Dartmouth college, July 21, 1869, 100 years after the founding of that insti- tution. Hanover, 1870. Inaugural address. (In Hamilton college. Public exercises at the inauguration of Brown. 1881. p. 9-32.) Life of Rufus Choate. Ed. 2. Bost., 1870. Ed. 6. Bost, 1898. Oration July 4, 1865, at Claremont, N. H. Clare., 1865. Studies of an orator; an inaugural address delivered in Dart- mouth college, July, 1840. N. Y., 1841. ed. Choate, Rufus. Works. 1862. Brown, Stephen, M. D. Dissertation on smallpox, varioloid, and vaccination, n. p. 1828. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 187 Brown, Stimson J. Magnetic observations made at the U. S. naval observatory during the year 1892. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1889. Appx. i.) Brown, T. A. H. Full description of the origin and progress of the new plan of labor by the women up to the present time. (In Stebbins, J. E. Fifty years' history of the temperance cause. 1876. p. 307-500.) Brown, Rev. Theron. Canton Baptist memorial, historical discourse delivered before the Baptist church in Canton, Mass. Bost, 1865. Brown, Thomas, M. D. Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind. 3v. Phil., 1824. Brown, Thomas Storrow. Brief sketch of the life and times of the late Louis J. Papineau. n. p. 1872. Brown, Rev. Thomas W. Funeral ceremonies and memorial ser- vices on the occasion of the death of John P. Hale. Portl., 1873. Brown, Warren. History of the town of Hampton Falls, N. H. Manch., 1900. Brown, Wilbur P., comp. Tribute of respect in memory of com- mander R. W. Meade. N. Y., 1898. ed. Grand army of the republic: New York, dept. of: Lafayette post, no. 140. History of the gift of 600 national flags to the schools of Porto Rico. 1899. Brown, William. Proposals for an American bimetallic union. Montr., 1882. Brown, William, D. D. Antiquities of the Jews and their customs illustrated from modern travels. 2v. Phil., 1823. Brown, Rev. William. Christian unity, sermon preached 1883. n. p. n. d. Brown, William C, ed. Mother's assistant. 1841-6. Brown, William Garrett. List of portraits in the various buildings of Harvard university. Camb., 1898. {In Harv. univ. : Lib. Bib. contrib. 1898. no. 53.) Brown, William Harvey. On the South African frontier. N. Y., 1899- Brown, William Lawrence, D. D. Essay on the natural equality of men; ist Amer. ed. Phil., 1793. Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard, M. D. Course of lectures on the physiology and pathology of the central nervous system. Phil., i860. Dual character of the brain. Wash., 1877. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 15.) Lectures on the diagnosis and treatment of the principal forms of paralysis of the lower extremities. Phil., 1861. Brown hoisting and conveying machine company. Patent auto- matic hoisting and conveying appliances. Cleve., 1900. Brown hoisting machinery company. Cranes. Cleve., 1901. Brown Swiss breeders' association. Swiss record, v. i, 2, sup. no. 1-2. N. L., 1889-99. Brown university. Address book of living graduates, no. 1-6. Prov., 1894-9. Annual report to the corporation of Brown university by the president. 1869-1901. Prov., 1869-1901. Bibliography, 1756-1898. Prov., 1898. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1835-6, '37-8, '39-40, '44-1901. Prov., 1835-1900. Catalogus senatus academical et eorum qui munera et officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt; 1852, '56, '60, '66, '69, '7z, '80, '86. Providentiae, 1852-86. Celebration of the looth anniversary of the founding of Brown university, Sept. 6, 1864. Prov., 1865. 188 AUTHOK LIST. Brown University. Charter. Prov., 1888. Directory of the officers and students, 1891-1900. Prov., 1891- 1900. ■■ Historical catalogue, 1764-1894. Prov., 1895. ■ Instruction for graduate students, n. p. 1891. Laws. Prov., 1856. List of non-graduates, 1800-1897. Prov., 1898. List of subscriptions and donations made to Brown university during the 25 years terminating June 29, 1871. Prov., 1871. Necrology for the academical year 1879-80. Prov., 1880. Proceedings of the corporation and of the alumni of Brown university in reference to the resignation of Pres. Wayland and the induction of Pres. Sears. Prov., 1856. Report of the treasurer, 1873-5, '77-8o, '82-4, '86-98. Prov., 1873-98. Report to the corporation of Brown university on changes in the system of collegiate education. Prov., 1850. Sketch of the history and the present organization. Prov., 1861. : Library. Catalogue with an index of subjects. Prov., 1843. : Phi beta kappa fraternity. See Phi beta kappa fraternity: Alpha of Rhode Island. Browne, Daniel Jay. Trees of America. N. Y., 1846. Browne, Dunn, pseud. See Fiske, Capt. Samuel. Browne, E., and Barcroft, E. Map of the states of Missouri, Illi- nois, and territory of Arkansas. Phil., 1825. Note : scale 12 miles to 1 inch. Browne, Edward, and Giddings, George. Copy of the case of George Giddings and others of Ipswich. (In Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Coll. of papers. 1769. p. 287-309.) Browne, George Waldo, comp. Addresses and proceedings at the dedication of Candia's soldiers' monument, presented to the town by Frederick Smyth. Manch., 1894. Daughter of Maryland, a narrative of Pickett's last charge at Gettysburg. N. Y., 1895. Hon. Samuel Blodget. (In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1898. V. i; p. 121-76.) Origin of the name America. Manch., 1899. Paradise of the Pacific, the Hawaiian islands. Bost., 1900. Pearl of the Orient, the Philippine islands. Bost., 1900. Two American boys in Hawaii. Bost., 1899. Woodranger, a story of the pioneers of the debatable grounds. Bost., 1899 Young gunbearer, a tale of the neutral ground, Acadia, and the siege of Louisburg. Bost., 1900. Browne, Irving. Bibliomania. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 84-99) Gravestones; esthetically and ethically considered. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10, p. 320-33.) Shakespearian criticism. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 1-20.) Browne, John Ross. Mineral resources of the states and terri- tories west of the Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1868. Report of the debates in the convention of California on the formation of the state constitution, 1849. Wash., 1850. Reports upon mineral resources of the United States. 2v. Wash., 1867-8. Note: reports for following years were made by U. S.: Mining statistics, special comr. of. Browne, John W. Sunday law neither Christian nor American. Bost., 1849. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 189 Browne, Peter A. Attempt to discover some of the laws which govern animal torpidity and hibernation. Phil., 1847. Browne, Robert. Treatise of reformation without tarrying for anie. (In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 100.) Browne, Samuel T. First cruise of the Montauk. Prov., 1880. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1880. v. 2.) Browne, Sir Thomas. Miscellaneous works. Camb., 1831. Browne, William Hand. Maryland, the history of a Palatinate. Ed. 3. Bost, 1887. (American commonwealths.) and Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Life of Alexander H. Ste- phens. 1883. ed. Maryland. Archives of Maryland. 1883-1900. Browning, Amos A. Preston Separate church. (In N. L. county hist. soc. records. 1895. v. 2, pt. 2; p. 153-70.) Browning, Charles H., ed. American historical register. 1895-6. Browning, George. Art revival in Italy. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1874. v. 3; p. 408-20.) Browning, Oscar. Evolution of the family. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 16; p. 87-107.) Flight of Louis 16 to Verennes; a criticism of Carlyle. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. v. 13; p. 319-41.) Hugh Eliot in Berlin. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. v. 14; p. 85-101.) Teaching of history in schools. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. V. 14; p. 69-84.) Treaty of commerce between England and France in 1786. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 349-64.) Triple alliance of 1788. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 77-96.) Browning society of Boston. Catalogue of the library. Bost., 1897. Brownrigg, Albert E., M. D. Acute universal eczema, n. p. n. d. Clinical value of some of the newer hypnotics, n. p. 1901. tr. Kraepelin. Kraepelin's clinical picture of katatonia. 1901. Brownson, Carleton L. Excavations at the Argive heraeum in 1892. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 22s- AS-) Excavations at the Heraeum of Argos. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1893. v. 8; p. 205-25.) Relation of the archaic pediment-reliefs from the Acropolis to vase-painting. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. V. 6; p. 302-15.) Theatre at Eretria; orchestra and cavea. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1891. v. 7; p. 266-80.) (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 89-103) and Young, Clarence H. Further excavations at the theatre of Sicyon in 1891. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1893, v. 8; P- 397-409) (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 10-22.) Brownson, Rev. Orestes Augustus. Oration on the scholar's mis- sion. Bost., 1843. Bruce, Helm. George Rogers Clark. (Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1895. v. 7; p. 210-35.) Bruce, Henry Austin, haron of Aberdare. See Aberdare, Henry Aus- tin Bruce, baron of. Bruce, J. Mitchell, M. D., ed. International clinics, a quarterly of clinical lectures, v. i. 1891. Bruce, Philip Alexander. Economic history of Virginia in the 17th century, 2 v. N. Y., 1896. 190 AUTHOB LIST. Bruce, Saunders Dewees. Horse-breeders' guide and hand book. N. Y., 1883. for 1892. (In his Thoroughbred horse, 1892. p. 105-316.) Thoroughbred horse; with the Horse breeders' guide. N. Y., 1892. Bruce's (George) sons and company. Specimens of printing types. N. Y., 1882. Bruchhausen, Caspar, tr. Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm. Enchir- idion medicum. 1849. Bruen, Edward Tunis, M. D. Outlines for the management of diet. Phil., 1887. (Practical lessons in nursing.) Brugelmann, G. Uber die krystallisation beobachtungen und fol- gerungen. pt. 3-4. Lp2., 1884-6. Brumbaugh, Martin G. Educational principles applied to the teach- ing of literature, n. p. n. d. Brun, Conrad Malte-. See Malte-Brun, Conrad. Bruncken, Ernest. Germans in America. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10, p. 345-53.) How Germans became Americans. (In Wise, state hist. see. Proceed. 1898. v. 45; p. 101-22.) Bruner, Lawrence. More destructive locusts of America north of Mexico. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 28.) New North American acridae found north of the Mexican boundary. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1890. v, 12; p. 47-82.) Bruner, T. K., Secy. See North Carolina: Agriculture, board of. Brunet, Ovid, Vabbe. Historic des picea qui se recontrent dans les iimites du Canada. Quebec, 1866. Brunner, D. B. Indian tribes of Pennsylvania, n. p. 1898. Bruno, Capt. Auguste E. New Caledonia. San Fran., 1892. Brunonian, a quarterly magazine, Brown university, v. 3. Prov., 1870. Brunowe, Marion J. Catholic church in Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1896. v. 7; p. 80-93.) Brunson, Alfred, D. D. Early history of Wisconsin. (In Wise. state hist. soc. Coll. 1859. v. 4; p. 223-51.) Memoir of T. P. Burnett. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1855- V. i; p._233-325.) Methodist circuit rider's horseback tour from Penn. to Wise, 1835. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1900. v. 15; p. 264-91.) Brunton, Thomas Lauder, M. D. On digitalis, with some observa- tions on the urine. Lend., 1868. On disorders of digestions. Lond., 1886. Brush, Charles F. New gas. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 47; p. I43-53-) Brush, George Jarvis. Catalogue of meteorites in the mineralogi- cal collection of Yale college. N. H., 1869. Manuxl of determinative mineralogy with an introduction on blow-pipe analysis. Ed. 8, rev. N. Y., 1886. Sketch of the progress of American mineralogy. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 1-28.) ed. Dana, James Dwight. System of mineralogy. 1868. Bruske, August F., D. D. History of Alma college from 1886 to 1896. Alma, 1896. Brussels: Bibliotheque du Bureau de legislation. Catalogue, ist juillet, 1892. Bruxelles, 1892. : Bibliotheque rayale de Belgique. Rapport durant les annees, 1892-8. Bruxelles, 1894-1900. NE\y HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 191 Brussels: Commissimi penetentiaire internationale. Bulletin ser. 4, no. 4-5. Bruxelles, 1900. : Hygiene, bureau d\ Service d'hygiene. Bruxelles, 1898. Brussels, Academic royale d'archeologie de Belgique. Annales. Ser. 4. V. 10, pt. 1-4; ser. 5, v. i, pt. 2-4; v. 2, pt. 1-4; v. 3, pt. i. Anvers., 1897-1900. Bulletin. Ser. 4, v. 28, pt. 2; v. 29, pt. 2; v. 30, pt. 2; ser. 5, V. 1-3, 5-T0. Anvers., 1896-1901. Brussels, Academie royale de medicine de Belgique 1'. Bulletin. Ser. 12, no. i, z-G, 8-9. Bruxelles, 1898. Brussels, Societe entomologique de Belgique. Annales. v. 40-41. Bruxelles, 1896-7. Brutalization of childhood. Bost. n. d. Note : reprinted from the Beacon. Brutus, pseud. See Treadwell, Thomas. Bryan, Alfred Cookman. History of State banking in Maryland. Bait., 1899. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 17.) Bryan, Benjamin, and Cobbe, Frances Power. Vivisection in Amer- ica. 1889. Bryan, Charlotte Lowe, ed. Plato. Plato the teacher, being selec- tions from the Apology, etc. 1897. Bryan, Mrs. Mary E. (Baird). Life of W. J. Bryan. {In Bryan, W. J. First battle. 1896. p. 27-66.) Bryan, Thomas B. War memories. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 11-23.) Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart. Bibliography of the District of Colum- bia. Wash., 1900. Bryan, William Jennings. First battle; a story of the campaign of 1896, with a collection of his speeches and a biographical sketch by his wife. Chic, 1896. Imperialism; extracts from his speeches, interviews, and arti- cles, n. p. 1900. Bryan, William Lowe, ed. Plato. Plato the teacher, being selec- tions from the Apology, etc. 1897. Bryant, Capt. Charles, Bisbee, A. W., and Everett, Rev. Noble War- ren, anon. Rochester's official bi-centennial record, July 22, 1879. New Bedf., 1879. Bryant, F. A. How stammering may be cured. N. Y., 1890. Bryant, Gridley J. F. Enlargement of the state capitol. Cone, 1864. ed. Concord (N. H.), Committee of citizens. Enlargement of the capitol. 1864. Bryant, Rev. J. C. Journal written on board the William H. Shaler. Manch., 1846. Bryant, Joseph D., M. D. Manual of operative surgery. N. Y., 1887. Bryant, William Clement. Orlando Allen, glimpses of the life in Buffalo. {In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1879. v. i; p. 329-71.) Bryant, William Cullen. Sella; Thanatopsis, and other poems. Bost, 1882. Note: printed for the blind in the Howe type. and Gay, Sydney Howard. Popular history of the United States. 4v. N. Y., 1876-81. Bryant and Stratton business college, Manchester {N. H.). Cata- logue, 1875, '84-6, '88-9. Manch., 1875-87. Bryant literary union, puh. Panorama of the Hudson. N. Y., 1888. Bryce, George, 1844-. Canada from 1763 to 1867. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1889. v. 8; p. 131-87-) - — Holiday rambles between Winnipeg and Victoria. Winnipeg, 1888. 192 AUTHOR LIST. Bryce, George. Sketch of the life and discoveries of Robert Camp- bell, chief factor of the Hudson Bay company. Winnipeg. (In Hist, and sci. soc. of Manitoba. Trans, no. 52.) Bryce, Mrs. George. Historical sketch of the charitable institutions of Winnipeg. Winnipeg, 1899. (In Hist, and sci. soc. of Mani- toba. Trans. 1899. no. 54.) Bryce, James. American commonwealth. 2v. Lond., 1889. Ed. 3. 2v. N. Y., 1899. Predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville. Bait., 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 5, no. 9.) ' Bryce, Lloyd, ed. North American review. 1889-96. Bryce, Peter H. History of the progress of public health during the century, 1800-1900. Toronto, 1900. Brymner, Douglas. Canadian archives. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 3, no. 2; p. 148-63.) ed. Intercepted letters to the Duke de Mirepoix. (In Amer.^ hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 660-703.) Bryn Mawr college. Circular, no. 1-2. n. p. n. d. Examinations for matriculation, 1893-4. n. p. n. d. Program, 1885-1901. Phil., 1885-1900. Program of graduate courses, 1891-2, '94, '95, '97, '98- Phil., 1891-8. Report to the board of trustees for 1884-6, '88-97. Phil., 1885-98. : Junior class. Junior promenade, 1899. Cone. n. d. Brynmor- Jones, David. See Jones, David Brynmor. Bryson, John H., D. D. Battle of King's Mountain. (In Scotch- Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1895. v. 7; p. 162-74.) Inventors of the Scotch-Irish race. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1892. v. 4; p. 174-88.) Scotch-Irish people; their influence in the formation of the government of the U. S. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1891. v. 3; p. 99-122.) Buch, Christian Leopold von. Petrifications recueillies en Amer- ique par Mr. Alexandre de Humboldt et par Mr. Charles Degen- hardt. Berlin, 1839. Explication de deux planches de spirifer et d'orthis. n. p. n. d. Buchan, William, M. D. Domestic medicine. Leominster, 1804. Buchanan, James, Pres. of U. S. Last letter to Mr. Parkenham on the American title to Oregon. Bait., 1845. Messages. N. Y., 1888. Buchanan, John P. Inaugural address delivered Jan. 19, 1891; also his first message to the general assembly, Feb., 1891. Nashv., 1891. Buchanan, Mrs. Sophia H. (Bingham), and Hulbert, Mrs. Ann H. (Bingham). Sketches of the life of the Rev. Abel Bingham. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 146-57.) Buchheim, Arthur. Memoir on biquaternions. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1885. v. 7; p. 293-326.) Buchtel college. Annual report of the president, 1876-7, '91-2. Akron, 1877-92. Catalogue, 1872-3, '78-83, '85-6, '87-8 (sup. only), '88-93. Akron, 1873-93. Exercises of inauguration of Rev. Dr. O. Cone as president of Buchtel college, n. p. n. d. History and dedication of Buchtel college and inauguration of S, H. M'Collester as its ist president, Sept. 22, 1872. Akron, 1876. : Art school of music. Special announcement. Akron n. d. Buck, Albert H., M. D. Diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases. N. Y., i88q. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 19S Buck, Albert H., M. D., ed. Treatise on hygiene and public health. 2v. N. Y., 1879. ed. Ziemssen, Hugo Wilhelm von, M. D. Cyclopsedia of the practice of medicine. 1874-9. Buck, Carl Darling. Choregia in Athens and at Ikaria. (In Archae- ological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 77-92.) Discoveries in the Attic deme at Ikaria. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1888. v. 4; p. 421-26; v. 5; p. 9-33, iS4-8i, 304-19, 461-77.) (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. ^1892. v. 5; p. 43-70.) Inscriptions found upon the Akropolis. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1888. v. 4; p. 149-64.) Inscriptions upon Ikaria. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 93-108.) Oscan-Umbrian verb-system. Chic, 1895. (In Univ. of Chi- cago. Studies. 1895. V. i, no. 3.) —■ — Sculpture, stele of a warrior. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 126-34.) Sculptures from Ikaria. (In archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 109-25.) and Tarbell, Frank Bigelow. Discoveries at Anthedon in 1889. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1889. v. 5; p. 443-60.) Inscriptons from Anthedon. (In archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 206-23.) Buck, Mrs. Elizabeth Greene. Samuel Hubbard. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Coll. 1880. v. i; p. 86-101.) Buck, J. H. Old plate. N. Y., 1888. Buck, Mrs. Levisa (Barnes), comp. Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Barnes. Portl., 1856. Buck, Rufus. History of Bucksport up to 1857. (^» Bangor hist. mag. 1885. V. i; p. 65-72; 85-9; 103-8.) Buck, William Joseph. Cuttalossa and its historical, traditional, and poetical associations. Doylestown, 1897. Early history of Abington meeting house. Doylestown, 1899. Washington's encampment at Neshaminy, Warwick township, Bucks county, Pa., in August, 1777. Doylestown, 1896. Buckalow, Capt. John M. Frontier forts within the north and west branches of the Susquehanna river, Penn. Wilkes-Barre, 1896. Buckeye pipe line company, et al., vs. Ohio. Record, Ohio, 1899. Buckham, Mathew Henry, D. D. Abstract of lecture, choice and use of books. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 3-10.) Address. (In Brigham academy. Exercises. 1880. p. 29-46.) Inaugural address. (In Vt.: Univ. Inauguration of M. H. Buckham. 1871. p. 7-20.) ■ Medical education,* an address to the medical class in the Uni- versity of Vermont at the opening of the session of 1881. Bur- lington, 1881. Memorial address on the life and character of W. H. Lord. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1878.) Buckingham, Rev. Edgar. Morality, learning, and religion in Mas- sachusetts in olden times. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. V. 2; p. 8-35.) Rev. Jonathan Ashley. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. V. 2; p. 245-61.) Buckingham, George Nugent-Temple-Grenville, jst marq. of. Let- ters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1867. v. 9; p. 69-80.) Buckingham, J. F., vs. Massachusetts. Trial; commonwealth vs. J. F. Buckingham on an indictment for a libel before the muni- cipal court of the city of Boston, 1822, Bost., 1822. 13 194, » AUTHOR LIST. Buckingham, James, comp. Ancestors of Ebenezer Buckingham and his descendants. Chic, 1892. Buckingham, James Silk. America, historical, statistic, and de- scription. 3v. Lond., 1841. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British provinces in North America. Lond., 1843. Eastern and western states of America. 3v. Lond., 1842. Slave states of America. 2v. Lond., 1842. Buckingham, Joseph H. Address before the Massachusetts char- itable mechanic association on the occasion of their 15th triennial festival. Bost, 1851. Buckingham, Joseph Tinker. Address before the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association at the celebration of their 8th triennial festival. Best, 1830. Personal memoirs and recollections of editorial life. 2v. Bost, 1852. Note : v. 2 wanting. Specimens of newspaper literature with personal memoirs. 2v. Bost., 1852. anon. Supplement to Annals of the Massachusetts charitable mechanic association, 1852 to i860. Bost., i86o(?)' Buckingham, Samuel G., D. D. Historical discourse. (In Porter, Noah, D. D. Fortieth anniversary of the South Cong, church of Springfield. 1882. p. 33-9I-) Life of W. A. Buckingham, war governor of Conn. Springf, 1894. Buckingham, William Alfred. Special message to the legislature of the state. May session, 1866. N. H., 1866. Buckland, William, D. D. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological society of London. Lond., 1840. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geologi- cal society of London. Lond., 1841. Geology and mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology." 2v. Phil., 1837. Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civilization in England. New ed. 3v. Lond., 1872. Buckley, James Monroe, D. D. Address before the Holland soc. of N. Y. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1897- 1898. p. 31-43) • Appeal to persons of sense and reflection to begin a Christian life. N. Y., 1868. Christian science and other superstitions. N. Y., 1899. Crisis in Methodism. N. Y., 1879. Notk: from the Independent. N. Y., Oct. 23, 1879. History of Methodists in the U. S.» N. Y., 1896. (Amer. church hist, ser., v. 5.) Triumph of man over nature, a discourse suggested by the successful laying of the Atlantic cable. Detroit, 1866. Two weeks in the Yosemite and vicinity. N. Y., 1873. Buckley, S. B. Preliminary report of the geological and agricul- tural survey of Texas. Austin, 1866. ed. Texas: Geological and agricultural survey. Annual report. 1874. Bucklyn, John K. Battle of Cedar Creek. Prov., 1883. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1883. v. 2.) Buckminster, Joseph, D. Z>., 1751-1812. Discourse delivered .in Portsmouth at the interment of Rev. Samuel Haven and of his wife, Mrs. Margaret Haven. Ports., 1806. • Discourse delivered November 15, 1798. Ports., 1798. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 195' Buckminster, Joseph, D. D. Duty of republican citizens in the choice of their rulers. Ports., 1796. Sermon delivered on the Lord's day, after the melancholy tidings of the death of George Washington. Ports., 1800. Sermon preached at Concord before the ecclesiastical conven- tion of N. H., June 5, I799- Cone, 1799- ' Sermon preached before the President, the Council, and the House of representatives of N. H., June 7, 1787. Cone, 1787. (In N. H. election sermons, 1784-99.) Walton, Rev. Joseph, and Baliou, Rev. Hosea, 1 771 -1852. Series of letters. Windsor, 181 1. Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens. Discourse occasioned by the late desolating fire, delivered in the ist church in Portsmouth, 1803. Ports., 1803. Sermons by the late Rev. J. S. Buckminster, with a memoir of his life. Ed. 2. Bost, 1815. Works, with memoirs of his life. 2v. Bost, 1839. Bucknell university. Annual catalogue. Lewisburg, 1896-1900. Buckner, Col. E. Brief history of the war with the Sac and Fox Indians in 1832. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 12; p. 424-36.) Bucknill, John Charles, M. D., and Tuke, Daniel H., M. D. Manual of psychological medicine, containing the history of insanity. Phil., 1858. Bucks county historical society. Tools of the nation maker; comp. by H. C. Mercer. Doylestown, 1897. Budd, George, M. D. On diseases of the liver. Phil., 1846. On the organic diseases and functional disorders of the stom- ach. Lond., 1855. N. Y., 1856. Budd, Henry. Colonial legislation in Penn., 1700-1712. Phil., 1897. (In Colonial soc. of Penn. Bulletin. 1897. v. i, no. i.) Limits of party obligation. Phil., 1893. Budington, Rev. William I. History of the First church, Charles- town. Bost., 1845. Buehrle, Robert K. Educational position of the Pennsylvania-Ger- mans. (In Penn.-Ger. soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 4; p. 121-33.) Buel, Clarence Clough, and Johnson, Robert Underwood. Battles and leaders of the Civil war. 1884-8. Buel, J. W., and Mawson, Harry P. Leslie's official history of the Spanish-American war. 1899. Buel, Jesse. Farmer's companion. Bost., 1839. ed. Cultivator; a monthly publication. 1837-40. Buell, Augustus C. Paul Jones, founder of the American navy. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Buffalo (N. v.). 1832-1882; semi-centennial celebration. Buffalo, 1882. : Public library. Annual report, 1877-1901. Buffalo, 1877-1902. Note : up to l«86 name was Young men's association of the city of Buffalo ; 1887-96, name was Buffalo library. Autoren-verzeichniss deutscher bucher. Buffalo, 1898. Classroom libraries for public schools listed by grades. Buf- falo, 1899. • Buffalo, 1902. • Descriptive catalogue of the Gluck collection of manuscripts and autographs. Buffalo, 1899. Finding list of biography. BufiFalo, 1898. ■ Finding list of books and pamphlets, pt. 3. Buffalo, 1896. Finding list of history, travel, political science, geography, and anthropology. Buffalo, 1898. List of books in the children's department. Buffalo, 1898. 196 AUTHOR LIST. Buffalo (N. Y.). Reading list on special topics, no. i, 3. Buffalo,. 1898. Buffalo Bill, pseud. See Cody, William Frederick. Buffalo board of trade. Statistics and information relative to the trade and commerce of Buffalo for the year 1874. Buffalo, 1874. Buffalo historical society. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1885-98. Buffajo, 1886-98. Certificate of incorporation and constitution and by-laws as amended Jan. 12, 1867. Buffalo, 1868. With amendments to 1875. Buffalo, 1875. Constitution and by-laws to which is added a list of officers and members. Buffalo, 1863. • Publications, v. 1-4. Buffalo, 1879-96. Note : v. 4, p. 17-32, wanting. Buffalo library. See Buffalo (N. Y.) : Public library. Buffalo medical journal, monthly, v. i, no. i-ii; v. 4; v. 5, no. 1-8, 10, 12; V. 6, no. 8-12; V. 7, no. 6, 11, 12; v. 8, no. 1-9, 11, 12; v. 9, no. i-io; V. 10, no. 5-12; v. 11-14; v. 15, no. 6-7; v. 19, no. 7-9; v. 20, no. 2, 8, 9, 11; V. 21, no. 2-5; v. 22; v. 23, no. 1-5; v. 24, no. 2-5; V. 25, no. 2, 4, 5; V. 26, no. 2, 4, 6; v. 27, no. 2-5, 12; v. 28, no. 5- 11; V. 29, no. 6-12; V. 30, no. 1-7, 11, 12; v. 31, no. i, 4-12; v. 32-6, i 38; V. 39, no. i-io, 12; V. 40-7; V. 48, no. 1-5, 7-12; v. 49-54- Buf- falo, 1845-1900. Note: v. 2-15, title is Buffalo medical journal and monthly review of medical and sm-gical science, v. 16-50, Buffalo medical and surgical journal. Buffalo merchants' exchange. Annual report for 1884-7, '89-92, '94- 1900. Buffalo, 1884-1901. Buffalo society of natural science. Annual meeting, 1884-5, '87, '91, '95. V. 23, 24, 26, 30, 33- Buffalo, 1884-95. Bulletin, v. 2-3. Buffalo, 1875-7. Buffalo (N. Y.) young men's association. See Buffalo (N. Y.): Public library. Bufford, pub. Sketch map of Pascataway, Maine, and New Hamp- shire. Bost. n. d. Note : pub. before 1816. Scale 1 mile to 1 inch. Buffum, Burt C. Use of water in irrigation in Wyoming. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Exper. sta., office of. Bulletin, no. 81.) Buffum, Edward Gould. Sights and sensations in France, Ger- many, and Switzerland. N. Y., 1869. Buffum, Francis H., anon. Memorial of the great Rebellion; being a history of the 14th regt. N. H. vols., 1862-1865. Bost., 1882. anon. Sheridan's veterans; a souvenir of their two campaigns in the Shenandoah valley. Bost, 1883. Sheridan's veterans, no. 2; a souvenir of their third campaign in the Shenandoah valley. Bost., 1886. Buford, N. B. Reports, etc., on the property of the Federal union mining company, in Clear Creek county. Col. Bost., 1865. Bugbee, James McKellar. City government of Boston. Bait., 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1887. v. 5, no. 3.) — — Memoir of H. L. Pierce. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. V. 31; p. 386-410.) Memoir of Hon. S. C. Cobb. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 318-30.) ed. Massachusetts society of the Cincinnati. Memorials, 1890. Bugbee, Lester G. Real Saint-Denis. (In Tex. state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1898. v. i; p. 266-80.) Some difficulties of a Texas empresario. (In Southern hist. assoc. Pub. V. 3; p. 95-113.) — ■—- Texas frontier, 1820-1825. (In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1900. V. 4; p. 102-21.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 197 Buisson, Ferdinand, and others. American education as described by the French commission to the International exhibition of 1876. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1879, no. 5) Buist, I. Somers, M. D. Railroad hygiene. Cone, 1891. Buitenzorg, Institut botanique 1'. See Java: 'S lands plar.tentuin. Bulger, -Lieut. Alfred H. Bulger papers. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 13; p. 10-153.) Bulkeley, Gershom. People's right to election; or. Alteration of government in Connecticott. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 83-110.) Right to election; or, Alteration of government in Connecti- cott, argued in a letter; 1689. (In Conn, hist soc. Coll. i860, v. i; p. 57-81.) Will and doom; 1692. (In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 3; p. 69-269.) Bulkeley, Morgan G., and Batterson, James G. Debate on consti- tutional amendments, 1901. n. d. Bulkley, Henry D., M. D., ed. Cazenave, P. L. Alphee, and Schedel, Henri Edward. Manual of diseases of the skin. 1846. N. Y., 1852. ■ cd. Gregory, George, M. D. Lectures on the eruptive fevers. 1851. Bulkley, Rev. John. Inquiry into the right of the aboriginal natives to the lands in America and the titles derived from them. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 4; p. 159-81.) Bulkley, Lucius Duncan, M. D. Manual of diseases of the skin. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1882. tr. Neumann, Isidor. Hand-book of skin diseases. 1877. Bull, A., engraver. Friedenreich, P. C. Danmark. i860. Bull, Charles Stedman, M. D., tr. Stellwag von Carion, Carl, M. D. Treatise on diseases of the eye. 1873. Bull, Marcus. Experiments to determine the comparative quanti- ties of heat evolved in the combustion of the principle varieties of wood and coal used in the U. S. for fuel. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1830. v. 3; p. 1-63.) Bullard, Rev. Asa, ed. Sabbath school visitor, monthly. 1835-8. BuUard, Rev. E. W. Historical discourse, Oct. 14, 1866, in com- memoration of the looth anniversary of the ist Congregational church, Royalston, Mass. Wore, 1866. Bullard, Henry A. Discourse before the historical society of Louis- iana, Jan. 13, 1836. (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. 1846. v. i; P- 1-23) Discourse on the life and writings of the Hon. F. X. Martin. (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. 1850. v. 2; p. 17-40.) Bullard, S. C, and Bullard, M. H., camp, and pub. Guide to Wachu- sett Mountain. Princeton, 1872. Bullen, George, D. D. Rev. Sylvanus Boardman. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 15; p. 194-210.) Bulletin of medical science, quarterly; ed. by John Bell. v. 5, no. 2; v. 6, no. I, 3; V. 7, no. 4; v. 9, no. 1-3; v. 10, no. 3. Phil., 1841-6. Note: continuation of the Eclectic journal of medicine. New ser. v. 5-6. 3d ser. V. 7-10. Each no.,classified according to its subject. Bulletin of the American academy of medicine, bi-monthly, v. i; no. 2-4, 6-26; V. 2-4. Raston, 1891-1900. Bulletin of the American medical temperance association, monthly. V. 4, no. 3-12; V. 5-6; V. 7, no. 1-2. Battle Creek, 1897-1900. Notb: Oct. 1897-1900, quarterly. Bulletin of the department of labor, issued every other month; cd. by C. D. Wright and O. W. Weaver, v. 1-5. Wash., 1896-1900. 198 AUTHOK LIST. Bulletin of the national association of wool manufacturers, i88l- 1901. V. I, 4; V. II, no. 4; V. 13-31. Bost., 1869-1901. Bullion mining company of Colorado. Prospectus. N. Y., 1864. Bullions, Peter, D. D. Principles of English grammar. Ed. 31, rev. N. Y., 1859. Bullitt, John C. Paper on the form of municipal government of the city of Philadelphia. Phil., 1882. Bulloch, James D. Secret service of the Confederate States in Europe. 2v. Lond., 1883. Bulloch, Joseph Gaston Baillie, M. D. History and genealogy of the family of Baillie of Dunain, Dochfour and Lamington. n. p. 1898. Bullock, Alexander Hamilton. Abraham Lincoln. Wore, 1865. Address to the two branches of the legislature of Massachu- setts, Jan., 1866. Best, 1866. Centennial of the Massachusetts constitution. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 189-235.) Centennial situation of woman, address, Mount Holyoke sem- inary, June, 1876. Wore, 1876. Commemorative address at Royalston, August 23, 1865; the looth anniversary of its incorporation. Winchendon, 1865. Mechanic arts favorable to liberty and social progress. Bost, 1865. Bullock, Charles Jesse. Contributions to the study of wage statis- tics. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 6, no. 45; p. 187-218.) Finances of the U. S. from 1775 to 1879. (In Wise: Uniy. Bulletin; hist. ser. 1895. v. i; p. 117-273.) ed. Douglass, William. Discourse concerning the currencies of the British plantations in America, etc. (In Econ. studies. 1897. V. 2, no. 5; p. 259-375.) Bullock, William R., M. D., tr. Cazeaux, Pierre. Theoretical and practical treatise on midwifery. 1866. 1868. Bullock ore dressing machine company. Statement and description of the machinery and processes. N. Y., 1865. Billow, Gottfried von, ed. Gershow, Frederic. Diary of the jour- ney of Philip Julius, duke of Stettin-Pomerania through Eng- land, 1602. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 16; p. 1-67.) Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, ist baron of. See Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ist baron of. Bumstead, Freeman Josiah, M. D. Pathology and treatment of venereal diseases. New ed. Phil., 1864. ; new and rev. ed. Phil., 1868. Ed. 3. Phil, 1870. Ed. 3. Phil., 1874- and Taylor, Robert William, M. D. Ed. 5. Phil, 1883. Bunau-Varilla, Philippe. Nicaragua or Panama. N. Y., 1901. Bundy, Jonas M. Life of Gen. J. A. Garfield. N. Y., 1880. Bunker Hill boys* club, Charlestown (Mass.). Annual report, 1894- 1900. V. 1-7. Charlestown, 1894-1900. One year's work. n. p. n. d. Report of its inception, organization, and work. n. p. n. d. Bunker Hill monument association. Celebrations of the anniversary of the battle of Bunker hill in 1850 and 1857. Bost, 1850-7. Petition to the mayor and aldermen of Charlestown to lay out a street from City square to Monument square, n. p. 1868. (Bound with its Proceed. 1861-74.) Proceedings of the annual meeting held June 17, 1861-1901. V. 39-79. Bost., 1861-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 199 Bunker Hill soldiers* relief society. Annual addresses and reports, 1863-4. Charlestown, 1863-4. Bunner, E. History of Louisiana. N. Y., 1855. Bunyan, John. Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. Exeter, 1801. Heart's-ease in heart-trouble. Walpole, 1804. Heavenly footman, ^n Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. 2; p. 716-27.) Pilgrim's progress; with notes by W. Mason. Lond., 1821. Burat, Amedee. Etudes sur les mines. Par., 1845. Burbank, A. S., pub. Pilgrim Plymouth illustrated. Plymouth, 1000. Pilgrim town of Duxbury. n. p. n. d. Burbank, Capt. Horace H. Battle of "the Crater." (In Loyal le- gion of U. S. : Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 283-94.) Burbank, Lester W. Report of the class of '93, Dartmouth col- lege. V. 1-3. V. p. 1894-6. Burdell, Harvey, M. D., and Burdell, John. Observations on the structure, physiolog}^ anatomy, and diseases of the teeth. N. Y., 1838. Burdell, John, and Burdell, Harvey, M. D. Observations on the teeth. 1838. Burdett, Henry C, ed. Burdett's hospital and charities annual. 1892-1902. Burdett, Samuel S. Memorial day at Arlington, 1885. n. p. n. d. Burdette, Mary G. Golden seal series of home mission lessons; the Jews. Chic. n. d. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Home mission lessons for juniors. Chic. n. d. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Home mission lessons for young people; Alaska. Chic. n. d. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Mexico, pagan, and papal. Chic. n. d. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Trip to the Indian country. Chic. n. d. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Young women among Blanket Indians; the trio at Rainy mountain. Chic, 1895. (Woman's Baptist home missionary soc. Pub.) Burdick, Francis Marion. Is local history worth studying? (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1887-9. P- 89-101.) Bureaud-Riofrey, A. M. Du cholera moyens preservatifs et cura- tifs. Par., 1847. Burge, Rev. Caleb. Fullness of the Godhead dwelling in Christ. Bost., 1814. Burgerstein, Leo, M. D. (Die) Gesundheitspflege in der mittel- schule, hygiene des korpers. Wein., 1887. Burges, George, tr. Plato. Statesman, iqoi. (Universal classics library.) Burgess, George, bp. Discourse delivered before the Maine histor- ical society. Aug. 2, 1854. (hi Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. v 4: p. 63-91.) "^ ^' Modern necromancy no argument against the Gospel. (In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity, 1855. P- 305-21 ) Notice of R. H. Gardiner. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v 7; p. 403-28.) Burgess, Rev. Gideon A., and Ward, Rev. John T. Free Baptist cy- clopasdia; historical and biographical. Chic, 1889 Burgess, J W. Political science and history. (In Amer hist assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p 201-19) 200 AUTHOR LIST. Burgess, Josiah J., comp. Railway directory, containing a correct list of all the officers and directors of the railroads in the U. S. and Canadas, together with their financial condition. 1861. N. Y., 1861. Burgess, Thomas H., M. D., tr. Cazenave, P. L. Alphee, and Sche- del, Henri Edward. Manual of diseases of the skin. 1846. Burgh, James, anon. Art of speaking. Ed. 5. Newburyport, 1782. Dignity of human nature; ist Arner. ed. Bost., 1794. Burghall, Rev. Edward. Providence improved; memorials of the Civil War in Cheshire. {In Record soc. Pub. 1889. v. 19; p. 1-22; 226-36.) Burgis, Edwin. Perils to British trade, how to avert them. Lond., 1895. (Social science ser., no. 82.) Burgoyne, Lieut.-gcn. John. State of the expedition from Canada as laid before the House of commons. Lond., 1780. Burgwyn, William H. S. Necessity of preserving the memorials of the past and of transmitting to posterity a just and impartial history of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1890. Burke, Sir Bernard. Genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage; ed. by his son. Lond., 1899. Burke, Edmund, 1729-97, anon. Account of the European settle- ments in America. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond., 1760. Note : wanting v. 2. Letter respecting the effect of the Quebec bill upon the bound- ary of N. Y. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. v. 7; p. 215-26.) On the impeachment of Warren Hastings. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 2; p. 743-805.) Articles of charge of high crimes and misdemeanors against Warren Hastings. (In his Works, v. 6; p. 235-626. v. 7.) Philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sub- lime and beautiful. N. Y., 1829. Speech on Mr. Fox's East India bill. Dublin, 1784. (In his Works. 1826. v. 2; p. 263-343.) Thoughts and details on scarcity, originally presented to Wil- liam Pitt, Nov., 1795. Lond., 1800. Works, from the last Lond. ed. 7v. Bost., 1826-7. Burke, Edmund, 1809-82. Address at a meeting of the democratic republicans of Unity, N. H. Newport, 1838. Address delivered before the democratic republican citizens of Lempster, N. H. Newport, 1839. Burke, Edward. Proceedings of the Convention of tobacconists held at Cooper Institute, Nov. 22, 1865. N. Y., 1865. Tobacco manufacture in the U. S. N. Y., 1864. Burke, Stevenson. Supreme court centennial. Elyria, 1890. Burke, Ulick Ralph. History of Spain; ed. by M. A. S. Hume. Ed. 2. 2v. Lond., 1900. Burke, Mrs. William Lanon, anon. Past legislative work of the Woman's national Indian association, n. p. 1893. Burkett, Charles William. History of Ohio agriculture. Cone, 1900. Burleigh, pseud. Life insurance illustrated and objections con- sidered from a business standpoint. N. Y., 1868. Burleigh. Old Colony railroad; its connections, popular resorts and fashionable watering-places. Bost, 1874. Burleigh, Charles. Genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of America. Portl., 1880. • Genealogy of the Guild family. Portl., 1887. Burleigh, Charles C. Slavery and the North. N. Y. n. d. (In Anier. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 10.) Thoughts on the death penalty. Phil., 1845. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 201 Burleigh, Edwin C. Inaugural address to the legislature of the state of Maine, Jan., 1891. Augusta, 1891. Burleigh, L. R., pub. Lithographic views of New Hampshire towns. . Troy, 1886. Note : misc. coll. of maps. Burley, James. Company discipline on the basis of infantry reg- ulations. Exeter, 1820. Burlingame, Eugene. Liquor question. (Iti Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. V. 12; p. 137-66.) . r T^, J Burlingame, John K. History of the 5th regnnent of Rhode Island heavy artillery during three years and a half service in North Carolina. Prov., 1892. Burlington (Vt.): Health officer. Annual report. 1899. n. p. 1901. : Schools, supt. of. Annual report, 1881-2. '84. Burlington, 1881-4. Burlington academy, Burlington {N. /.). Catalogue, 1873, '96-7. v. 27, 51. Phil., 1873-96. Burlington board of trade, Burlington (Vt.). Burlington, Vt., as a manufacturing, business, and commercial center. Ed. 2. Glens Falls, 1890. Burlington (Vt.) First Congregational church. Annual statement, with lists of officers and members, 1898. Burlington, 1898. Manual, 1867. Burlington, 1867. 1885. n. p. n. d. Burma: Civil justice. Reports on civil justice for 1894. Rangoon, 1895- : Municipal dept., chief commissioner. Resolution reviewing the reports on the working of municipalities in Burma during 1893-4. Rangoon, 1895. Burnap, George Washington, D. D. Atonement. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 201.) Life of Leonard Calvert. (In Sparks, Jared. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1846. Ser. 2, v. 9; p. 1-229.) Life of Leonard Calvert, first governor of Maryland. Bost., 1846. Origin and causes of democracy in America. Bait, 1853. Burnap, Rev. Jacob. Sermon preached June, 1801, before the gov- ernor, the council. Senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hampshire. Cone, 1802. (In N. H. election ser- mons, 1800-15.) Burnap, Wilder L. Introductory address at the opening of the 34th course of lectures in the medical department of the Uni- versity of Vt. Burlington, 1887. B'urne, John, M. D. Of inflammation and ulceration of the caecum. (Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838. p. 475- 90.) Treatise on the causes and consequences of habitual constipa- tion. Phil., 1840. Burnet, Gilbert, bp. Exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the church of England; rev. by Rev. J. R. Page. N. Y., 1843. History of his own time. 6v. Lond., 1725. carefully cor. and rev. 6v. Edin., 1753. Note: v. 1-4, 6 wanting. History of the reformation of the Church of England; rev. by E. Nares. 4v. N. Y., 1842. Burnett, Charles H., M. D. Ear, its anatomy, physiology, and dis- eases. Phil., 1877. Burnett, Edmund C. Government of federal territories in Europe. (In Amer. his. assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 391- 454) 202 AUTHOR LIST. Burnett, Edmund C, comp. Printed guides to and descriptions of archives. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 483-512.) Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Little Lord Fauntleroy. Bost.^ 1889. Note: printed for the blind in the Howe type. Burnett, Maj. Henry L. Controversy between President Johnson and Judge Holt. (In Loyal legion of U, S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. v. i; p. 211-34.) Some incidents in the trial of President Lincoln's assassins. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : N. Y. commandery. Personal recollec- tions. 1891. V. i; p. 183-210.) Burnett, Swan M., M. D., ed. Landolt, Edmund. Manual of exam- ination of the eyes. 1879. Burnett, Waldo Irving, M. D. On the formation and mode of development of the renal organs in vertebrata. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 184-99.) Researches on the development of the viviparous aphides. (/» Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 203-23.) ed. and tr. Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von, and Stannius,* Hermann. Comparative anatomy. 1854. Burnham, Abraham, D. D. Character and prospects of the real Christian; sermon preached Lord's day next after the interment of Mrs. Mary B. S. Kittredge. Cone, 1828. Divisions among Christians. Cone, 1872. Good minister of Jesus Christ; a discourse commemorative of the character and ministry of Rev. Walter Harris. Cone, 1844. Ministers of Christ, sermon at the ordination of Rev, A. W» Burnham. Cone, 1821. Sermon at the installation of Rev. L. A. Spofford. Cone, 1826. Burnham, Amos Wood, D. D. Address at the centennial celebra- tion at Dunbarton, N. H., Sept., 1865. n. p. n. d. Historical discourse delivered on the 40th anniversary of his pastorate in Rindge, N. H., November 14, 1861. Bost, 1862. Sermon preached at Rindge, N. H., April, 1863, occasioned by the death of S. A. Wilder. Bost., 1863. Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. Ebenezer Hill. N. Y., i860. Burnham, Charles G. New system of arithmetic on the cancelling plan. Cone, 1837. Keene, 1857. Burnham, Edward J., comp. Bird lovers' field book. Manch., 1901. Guide to the view from Weston observatory. Oak Hill. Manch., 1897. Some early chapters in Epsom's history. Manch., 1900. ed. Memoir of Judge David Sewall. (In Me. hist, soe Coll. 1891. V. 12; p. 301-17.) Burnham, Henry. Brattleboro, Vermont; ed. by A. M. Hemenway. Brattleboro, 1880. Burnham, Henry E. Speculative masonry in Manchester, N. H. Manch., 1891. Burnham, John. Funeral oration pronounced in the chapel of Dartmouth university on the death of Eliphalet Hardy, a mem- ber of the junior class, who died at Hanover, January 2, 1806. Hanover, 1806. Burnham, S. W. Report to the trustees of the "James Lick trust** of observations made on Mt. Hamilton. Chic, 1880. Burnham, William H. Motor ability in children, development and training. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1894. p. 127-40.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 203 Burnham, Brown and Warren. Argument for defendants. Manch., 1895. Burns, Charles H. Advocate and his influence, address before the Grafton and Coos bar association. Jan. 30, 1891. Cone, 1891. Argument in favor of a general railroad law, with provisions authorizing the union. Cbnc, 1883. Closing argument, Dec, 1895. Nashua., 1895. Closing argument on application for a railroad charter from Manchester to Milford, February, 1895. Cone, 1895. Final argument before the railroad committee of the house of representatives, August 16, 1887. Cone, 1887. (In N. H. rail- road controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Leach bill, College of agriculture and the mechanic arts. Cone, 1895. Burns, John. Dissertations on inflammation. 2v. in i. Alb., 1812. Observations on abortion; ist Amer. ed. Troy, 1808. Obstetrical works. 3v. in i. N. Y., 1809. Principles of midwifery; 3d Amer. fr. 2d Lond. ed., with notes by T. C. James. 2v. Phil, 1813. Burns, Robert. Poetical works. 2v. N. Y., 1826. Reliques, consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and criti- cal observations on Scottish songs, collected by R. H. Cromek. Phil., 1809. Bumside, Maj.-gen. Ambrose Everett. Burnside expedition. Prov., 1882. (In R. I, soldiers' and sailors' hist, soe Personal narra- tives. 1882. V. 2.) Burnside, Samuel M. Memoir of Isaiah Thomas. (In Amer. antiq. soe ArchjEologia Americana. 1836. v, 2; pref. p. 17-30.) Burr, Colonel Bell, M. D. Insanity of masturbation, n. p. n. d. Primer of psychology and mental disease. Detroit, 1894. Burr, David H. Atlas of the state of New York. N. Y., 1829. Map of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, n. p. 1839. Note : scale 10 miles to 1 inch. Map of the state of New York and the surrounding country. n. p. 1829. Note : scale 10 2-11 miles to 1 inch. Burr, Fearing, and Lincoln, George. Town of Hingham in the Civil War. Bost., 1876. Burr, Frank A., and Hinton, Richard Josiah. "Little Phil" and his troopers; the life of Gen. P. H. Sheridan. Prov., 1888. Burr, George L. Fate of Dietrich Flade. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 189-243.) Literature of witchcraft. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1890. V. 4; p. 237-66.) Witch-persecutions." Phil., 1897. (In Translations and re- prints. 1896. V. 3, no. 4.) Burr, Henry A., ed., United States: PostofHce, dept. of. Disturnell's new map of the U. S. and Canada. 1857. Burr, Horace, tr. Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) church, Wilmington (Del.). Records, 1697 to 1773. 1890. Burr, William H. On the theory of flexture. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1879. v. 2; p. 13-45.) Burr and Burton seminary, Manchester (Vt.). Annual catalogue, 1890. V. 57. Rutland, 1890. Burrage, Henry Sweetser, D. D. Anabaptists of the i6th century. (In Amer. soe of church hist. Papers. 1891. v. 3; p. 145-64.) Baptist church in Kittery. (In Me. hist, soe Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 382-91.) Baptist hymn writers and their hymns. Portl., 1888. ^04 AUTHOR LIST. -Burrage, Henry Sweetser, D. D. Beginnings of Waterville college, now Colby university. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. v. 14; p. 124-45.) Brown university in the Civil war. Prov., 1868. Capt. John Wilson and some military matters in Maine in the War of 1812-15. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 20; p. 403- 29.) r Cartography of the period. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 18; p. 398-415.) Charter rights of Massachusetts in Maine in the early part of the i8th century. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 16; p. 392- 414) Colonel Nathaniel Sparhawk of Kittery. n. p. n. d. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 225-64.) Contest for religious liberty in Massachusetts. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1894. v. 6; p. 149-68.) History of the Baptists in New England. Phil., 1894. History of the 36th regt. Mass. vols., 1862-65. Bost., 1884. James Tift Champlin. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 11; • p. 337-52.) My capture and what came of it. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 2-19.) Rev. William Screven. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 11; p. 45-56; V. 15; p. 275-84) Richard Cutts. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 18; p. 1-30.) St. Croix commission, 1796-98. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 16; p. 225-51.) Waymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine in 1605. (^^ Me. hist. soc. Coll. i'89i. v. 12; p. 225-50.) ed. Cutts, Richard. Some letters. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 19; p. 15-45) ed. Rosier, James. Relation of Waymouth's voyage to the coast of Maine, 1605. 1887. Burrage, Severance. Nature of sanitary science and its value to the state. Lafayette, n. d. (Purdue univ. monographs; ser. re- lating to public health, no. i.) On the purification of water supplies of cities and towns. Lafayette, n. d. (Purdue univ. monographs; ser. relating to pub- lic health, no. 3-4.) Sewage disposal in cities and towns. Lafayette, n. d. (Purdue univ. monographs; ser. relating to public health, no. 5.) Some sanitary aspects of milk supplies and dairying. Lafay- ette, n. d. (Purdue univ. monographs; ser. relating to public health, no. 2.) Typhoid fever in Indiana and its possible connection with water supplies. Lafayette, n. d. (Purdue univ. monographs; ser. relating to public health, no. 3-4.) Burrall, Frederick Augustus, M. D. Asiatic cholera. N. Y., 1866. Burrell, A. B. Reminiscences of George La Bar. Phil., 1870. Burrell, Herbert L., M. D., and Rotch, Thomas M., M. D., ed. Medi- cal and surgical report of the children's hospital, 1869-1894. Bost., 1895. ed. Boston (Mass.): City hospital. Medical and surgical re- ports. 1895-1900. Burritt, Elijah Hinsdale. Geography of the heavens and class book of astronomy; ed. by Thomas Dick. Ed. 3. Hartf., 1836. N. Y., 1846. Universal multipliers for computing interest, simple and com- pound. Hartf., 1830. Burroughs, Charles, D. D. Address on the preservation of docu- ments as the materials of history. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. V. 6; p. 83-109.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 205 Burroughs, Charles, D. D. Discourse delivered in the chapel of the new almshouse in Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 15, 1834. Ports., 1835. Eulogy delivered at the interment of J. H. Pierrepont. Ports^ 1839. I ^i 4 Funeral discourse preached at Newburj'^port at the interment of James Morss. Ports., 1842. Memoirs and select papers of H. B. Morse. Ports., 1829. Memorial of Moody Kent. Cone, 1866. Tribute to the memory of J. C. Long of the U. S. navy. Ports., 1865. Burroughs, Rev. Eden, and Easterbrooks, Rev. Faithful narrative of the wonderful dealings of God towards Polly Davis. Bost.^ n. d. Burroughs, George Stockton, D. D. Baccalaureate sermon, Christ- like personality demanded by America's present problems. Craw4ordsville. 1894. (Wabash college. Papers, no. 4.) Baccalaureate sermon, 1895, true religion the natural expres- sion of life. Crawfordsville, 1895. (Wabash college. Papers^ no. 6.) Baccalaureate sermon, 1896, self-realizing for self-giving. Crawfordsville, 1896. Inaugural address and Address in presentation of college char- ter and keys by ex-president Tuttle, June 21, 1893. Crawfords- ville, 1893. (Wabash college. Papers, no. i.) —. — Study of the English Bible in college, n. p. n. d. Wabash college, n. p. 1897. Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Bost., 1901. Muir, John, and Grinnell, George Bird. Alaska. 2v. N. Y., 1901. Burroughs, Stephen. Memoir to which are added notes and an ap- pendix. 2v. in I. Alb., 1811. Memoirs. Hanover, 1798. — — • Memoirs of the notorious Stephen Burroughs. New ed. 2v. in I. Bost, 1832. New ed. Amherst, 1858. Sketch of the life of the notorious Stephen Burroughs, given by himself. Phil., 1812. Hartf, 1818. Burrowes, Thomas H., ed. Pennsylvania: Common schools, supt. of. Pennsylvania school architecture. 1855. Burrows, Montagu. Publication of the Gascon rolls by the British and French governments. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 16; p. 109-24.) Burt, Rev. Federal. Sketches of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Durham, N. H. (/« N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. v. 5: p. 129-53) Burt, Henry M., pub. Bethlehem, with photographic views. Mt. Washington, n. d. Note : special ed. of the Among the clouds. _J"^"t's illustrated guide of the Connecticut valley. Springf., 1866. ^ — Northampton, 1867. First century of the history of Springfield, the official records from 1636 to 1736. 2v. Springf., 1898-9. ed. Mount Washington, with photographic views. Mt. Wash- mgton, n. d. Note : special Mt. Washington ed. of the Among the clouds. and Burt, Silas W. Early days in New England; life and times of Henry Burt of Sprmgfield and some of his descendants. Sprmgf., 1893. 206 AUTHOR LIST. Burt, Rev. John T. Results of the system of separate confinement as administered at the Pentonville prison. Lond., 1852. Burt, Silas W., and Burt, Henry M. Early days in New England. 1893. Burt, Thomas Gregory, ed. Park review. 1901. Burton, Rev. Asa. Sermon delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa society at their anniversary at Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1801. Burton, Clarence Monroe, comp. "Cadillac's village," or Detroit under Cadillac. Detroit, 1896. Burton, Edward, ed. Eusebius Pamphilus, hp. of Ccesarea. Historia ecclesiastica. 1845. Burton, John. Lectures on female education and manners. Ed. 4. Bait, 1811. Burton, Lieut. Jonathan. Diaries, 1775-76. {In N. H.: State papers, Editor of. State papers. 1885. v. 14; P- 667-702.) • Diary and orderly book, comp. and ed. by I. W. Hammond. Cone, 1885. Burton, Lieut. Richard F. Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah; ist Amer. ed. N. Y., 1856. Note : p. 489-90 mutilated ; p. 491-2 wanting. Busby, Joseph. Recollections of pioneer life in Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 9; p. 118-28.) Busch, Moritz. Bismarck in the Franco-German war 1870-71. 2v. N. Y. n. d. Bismarck, some secret pages of his history. 2v. N. Y., 1898. ■ Our chancellor; tr. fr. the Ger. by W. Beatty-Kingston. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1884. Busey, Samuel Clagett, M. D. Centennial of the permanent seat of the government of the United States. {In Columbia hist. soc. Records. 1900. v. 3; p. 324-44.) Bush, Rev. F. W. History of the First Congregational church of Leroy, Mich. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 13, p. 413-25) Bush, George. Mesmer and Swedenborg; or, The relation of the developments of mesmerism to the doctrines and disclosures of Swedenborg. N. Y., 1847. Bush, George Gary. First common schools of New England. {In U. S.: E:ducation, bureau of. Report for 1896-7; v. 2, 1898; p. 1165-86.) History of education in Florida. Wash., 1889. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1888, no. 7.) • History of education in New Hampshire. Wash., 1898. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1898. no. 3.) History of higher education in Massachusetts. Wash., 1891. {In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1891. no. 6.) Bush, Katherine Jeannette. Catalogue of mollusca and echinoder- mata dredged on the coast of Labrador in 1882. {In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 236-47.) Report on the mollusca dredged by the Blake in 1880. {In Harvard univ, : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1893. v. 23; p. 199-242.) and Verrill, Addison Emory. Revision of the deep-water mol- lusca of the Atlantic coast of North America. 1898. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20, p. 775-896.) Bushe, George, M. D. Treatise on the malformations, injuries, and diseases of the rectum and anus. N. Y., 1837. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 207 Bushee, Frederick A. Growth of the population of Boston. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 6; no. 46; p. 239-74.) Bushnell, Horace, D. D. Barbarism the first danger; discourse for home missions. N. Y., 1847. Common schools, a discourse on the modifications demanded by the Roman Catholics. Hartf., 1853. Northern iron, a discourse delivered in Hartford on the an- nual state fast, 1854. Hartf., 1854. Oration delivered before the Society of Phi Beta Kappa at Cambridge, 1848. Camb., 1848. Oration; our obligations to the dead. (In Addresses and pro- ceedings. 1867. p. 9-38.) Politics under the law of God; a discourse on the annual fast of 1844. Hartf., 1844. Ed. 3- Hartf., 1844. Twentieth anniversary, a commemorative discourse delivered in the North church of Hartford, Conn. Hartf., 1853. Woman's suffrage; the reform against nature. N. Y., 1869. Busiel, Charles Albert. Facts for the people; his famous railroad interviews in favor of New Hampshire's development. Cone, 1896. Message to the two branches of the legislature, Jan., 1895. Cone, 1895. Business, a practical journal of the office, monthly, v. 10-14; v. 15, no. i-ii; V. 16, no. i. N. Y., 1891-6. Note : original title was The office. Busk, George, tr. KoUiker, Albrecht. Manual of human micro- scopical anatomy. 1854. tr. and ed. Weld, Carl, M. D. Rudiments of pathological his- tology. 1855. Butler, Rev. A. A. Trinity parish, Bay City, Mich. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 7; p. 308-19.) Butler, Arthur John, tr. Bismarck-Schoenhausen, Karl Otto Eduard Leopold, Fuerst von. Bismarck; the man and the states- man. 1899. tr. Ratzel, Friedrich. History of mankind. 1896-8. Butler, Benjamin Franklin, 1795-1868. Discourse delivered before the Albany institute at its first anniversary after its incorpora- tion by the legislature, April 23, 1830. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1830. V. i; p. 153-205.) Outline of the constitutional history of New York. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. V. 7; p. 1-75.) Butler, Maj.-gen. Benjamin Franklin. Argument before the Tewks- bury investigation committee, n. p. 1883. Argument in behalf of the government in the cases of L. P. Milligan and others, petitioners for a writ of habeas corpus. Lowell, 1866. Arguments for the defendant before the president of the U. S. N. Y., 1866 Autobiography and personal reminiscences; Butler's book. Bost, 1892. Letter on the salaries of public officers. Bost., 1873. Letter to Daniel S. Richardson, n. p. n. d. Major-general Butler at home; a political speech, n. p. n. d. • Should there be a union of the English-speaking peoples of the earth; a dissertation before the alumni of Colby university, July, 1889. Bost., 1889. Butler, Caleb. History of the town of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirley. Bost, 1848. 208 AUTHOR LIST. Butler, Charles. Horae juridicae subsecivse, a connected series of notes respecting the geography, chronology, and literary history of the principal codes and original documents of the Graecian,. Roman, feudal, and canon law. Phil., 1808. Butler, Charles Henry. Freedom of private property on the sea from capture during war. N. Y., 1898. Our treaty with Spain. Wash., 1898. Voice of the nation, a series of papers on our past and pres- ent relations with Spain. N. Y., 1898. Butler, Clement Moore, D. D. Analogies between God's world and Word. (In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1855. p. 259-80.) Butler, Mrs. Frances Anne (Kemble). See Kemble, Frances Anne. Butler, Francis Gould. History of Farmington, Me. Farmington, 1885. Butler, George B. Conscription act. N. Y., 1863. (In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 40.) Butler, George Frank, M. D., ed. Doctors' magazine. 1900. Butler, Howard Crosby. Report of an American archaeological ex- pedition in Syria. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1900. ser. 2, V. 4; P- 415-40.) Butler, James Davie. Daniel Steele Durrie. (In Wise, state hist, soc. Proceed. 1893. v. 40; p. 73-8i.) Deficiencies in our history; an address delivered before the Vt. hist, and antiq. soc. at Montpelier, Oct. 16, 1846. Montp., 1846. Early historic relics of the Northwest. (In Wise, state hist, soc. Coll. 1882. V. 9; p. 97-129.) Early shipping on Lake Superior. (In Wise, state hist, soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 85-96.) Father Samuel Mazzuchelli. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll, 1898. V. 14; p. 155-61.) Incentives to mental culture among teachers. Bost., 1853. Nebraska; its characteristics and prospects, n. p. 1873. Portraits of Columbus. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1882. V. 9; p, 76-96.) Prehistoric Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist, soc. Coll, 1876. V. 7; p. 80-102.) ■ ■ Tay-cho-pe-rah, the Four lake country, ist white footprints there. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 10; p. 64-89.) ed. Floyd, Charles. New found journal. (In Amer, antiq. soc. Proceed. 1794. p. 225-52.) Butler, John A. Plea for high ground in municipal reform. (In National municipal reform. Proceed. 1894, p. 221-32.) Butler, John J., D. D. Natural and revealed theology. Dover, 1861. Butler, Joseph, bp. Analogy of religion, natural and revealed, to the constitution and course of nature. New ed. Bost., 1793, Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls chapel. Lond., 1836. Butler, L. C, M. D. Memorial record of Essex, Vt. Burlington. 1866. ed. Medical and surgical reporter, v. 7. 1862. Butler, Nathaniel. College ideal and American life. Portl., 1896. Butler, Nicholas Murray. Effect of the war of 1812 upon the con- solidation of the Union. Bait., 1887. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1887. V. 5; no. 7.) Manual training. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1888. p. 214-34.) Meaning of education. N. Y., 1898. Monographs on education in the United States. 2v. Alb ,. 1900. Quincy movement. N, Y,, 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 209 Butler, Nicholas Murray, ed. Great educators series. Butler, Samuel, D. D. Atlas of ancient geography. Phil., 1851. Butler, Samuel Worcester, M. D. Medical register and directory of the United States. Phil, 1874- . ed. Half-yearly compendium of medical science. 1868-74. ed. Medical and surgical reporter, v. 1-29. 1858-73. Butler, Thomas Belden. Concise analytical and logical develop- ment of the atmospheric system and of the elements of prog- nostication by which the weather may be forecasted. Rev. ed. Norwalk, 1870. Butler, William Allen, and Pierrepont, Edwards. Railway com- munication between New York and Washington, n. p. n. d. Butler collegian, monthly, v. 8, no. 1-3, 5; v. 9, no. 4-6; v. 11, no. 9. Indianapolis, 1892-6. Butler hospital for the insane. Report of the board of trustees, 1848, '51-1901. Prov., 1848-1901. Butler university. See University of Indianapolis: Butler college. Butler vs. Brahmins. Massachusetts gubernatorial campaign, fall of 1873. n. p. n. d. Note : mounted newspaper clippings. Butte (Mont.): Free Public library. Catalogue of books; comp. by J. F. Davics. Butte, 1895. ed. Butte free public library bulletin, v. i, no. i. Butte, 1896. Butterfield, Rev. Horatio Q. Sermon at the funeral of Capt. E. E. Dodge of Salmon Falls, N. H. Bost, 1864. Butterfield, J. Ware. Letter to A. S. Marshall, chairman demo- cratic state committee. Cone, i868(?) Butterfield, L. Alonzo. Oratory in the college" course. {In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1894. v. 25-6; p. 36-45) Visible speech. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879- p. 53-64.) Butters, George. Genealogical registry of the Butters family. Chic, 1896. Butterweck, Otto Carl. Culture of tobacco. Wash., 1898. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1898. no. 82.) Butterworth, Benjamin, comp. Growth of industrial art. Wash., 1888. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Early inspirations. {In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1888. p. 98-113.) Hundred golden years; a poem delivered at Barrington, June 17, 1870. {In Bicknell, T. W., ed. Hist, address, 1890. p. 131- 41.) South America; a popular illustrated history of the struggle for liberty in the Andean republics and Cuba. N. Y., 1898. Buttman, Philipp Karl. Greek grammar; tr. by Edward Robinson. Andover, 1833. Butts, Frank B. Cruise along the blockade. Prov., 1881. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1881. v. 2.) My 1st cruise at sea and the loss of the iron-clad Monitor. Prov., 1878. {In R. L soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1878. v. i.) Reminiscences of gunboat service on the Nansemond. Prov., 1884. {In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal nar- ratives. 1884. V. 3.) Buxton, Edward North. A B C of free trade. Lond., 1882. Buxton (Me.) Church of Christ. Records during the pastorate of Rev. Paul Coffin, ed. by Cyrus Woodman. Camb., 1868. Buzzard, Thomas, M. D. On the simulation of hysteria by organic disease of the nervous system. Lond., 1891. Buzzell, John, ed. Religious magazine. 181 1. 14 210 AUTHOR LIST. Bychower, Victor. (Ein) beitrag zur kenntniss der verbreitungs- weise der hautnerven beim menschen. Strassburg, 1888. Byfield, Nathaniel. Account of the late revolution in New Eng- land. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros tracts. 1868. v. i; p. I-IO.) Byiord, Henry T., M. D., and Byford, William H., M. D. Practice of medicine and surgery applied to the diseases and accidents incident to women. 1888. Byford, William H., M. D. Practice of medicine and surgery ap- plied to the diseases and accidents incident to women. Ed. 2, enl. Phil., 1867. Treatise on the chronic inflammation and displacements of the animpregnated uterus. Phil., 1864. Ed. 2, enl. Phil., 1871. and Byford, Henry T., M. D. Practice of medicine and surgery applied to the diseases and accidents incident to women. Ed. 4, rev. and enl. Phil., 1888. Byington, Ezra Hoyt, D. D., anon. Answer to the Introductory note published in the Proceedings of the N. E. hist. gen. soc. for 1891-2. Bost., 1892. anon. Condition and wants of the library; annual report of the librarian of the N. E. hist. gen. soc. 1892. Bost., 1892. Historical address. (In New Haven (Vt.) Cong, church. First centennial. 1897. p. 26-61.) Historical discourse delivered in the Old South church, Wind- sor, Vt., Feb. 24, 1884. Windsor, 1884. History of the First Congregational church of Windsor, Vt, from 1768 to 1898. Windsor, 1898. John Eliot, the Puritan missionary to the Indians. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 111-45.) John Wheeler. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. V. 5; p. 11-28.) Puritan in England and New England; with an introduction by Alexander McKenzie, D. D. Bost, 1897. Rev. John Wheeler, 1798-1862. Camb., 1894. Byram, Rev. B. P. History of the First Baptist church, Salisbury, and Amesbury. Salisbury, t86o. Byrne, William, D. Z?., and others. History of the Catholic church in the New England states. 2v. Bost., 1899. Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th earl of. Corsair, a tale. Bait., 1814. (Bound with Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical works. 1809.) Letters and journals; with notices of his life by Thomas Moore. 2v. N. Y., 1830. Poetry; ed. by Matthew Arnold. Bost., 1884. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Works, including the suppressed poems. Phil., 1831. C. C, pseud. Contributions of C. C, now declared in full as Criticus Criticorum. Hartf., 1849. C, F., pseud. National guard of the United States, provisions for its support Phil., 1871. C, G., pseud. See Chalmers, George. C. K. of A. journal, devoted to the extension of the order of Cath- olic Knights and the promotion of fraternity within its ranks, bi-weekly, v. 15, Wash., 1900. C, M., pseud. Youngest New England diocese. New Hampshire. Note: taken from Donahoe's magazine, Feb. 1896. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 211 C, O., pseud. Letters from the South on northern and southern views respecting slavery and the American tract society. Bost, 1857. C, S., pseud. Further quaeries upon the present state of New Eng- land affairs. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1868. V. i; p. 193-208.) Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges. Essay on the certainty of medicine; tr. fr. the French by R. La Roche. Phil., 1823. Cabesa de Vaca, A. Nunez. See Nufiez Cabega de Vaca, Alvarez. Cabot, Arthur Tracy, M. D. Choice of operation for stone in the bladder. Chic, iSSg. Papers upon abdominal surgery. Bost., 1891. Papers upon genito-urinary surgery, no. 5-7, 19-22. Bost, 1887-99- Surgical papers, no. 1-9. Bost., 1899. Cabot, Sebastian. Mappe-monde. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. V. 26; p. 305-39) Cabot, Susan C. What have we, as individuals, to do with slavery? N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts. no. 15.) Cadell, Henry M. Experimental researches in mountain building. (In Royal soc. of Edin. Trans. 1888. v. 35; pt. 7; p. 337-57) Cadillac, Antoine dc la Mothe. See La Mothe Cadillac, Antoine de. Cadogan, William, M. D. Dissertation on the gouj. and all chronic diseases jointly considered. Ed. 10. Lond., 1772. Essay upon nursing and the management of children from their birth to three years of age. Ed. 10. Lond., 1772. Cadwell, Charles, M. D., ed. Medical theses, selected from the in- augural dissertations published by the graduates in medicine of the Univ. of Penn. 2v. Phil, 1805-6. Cadwell, Charles K. Old sixth regiment, its war record. 1861-5. N. H., 1875. Cady, Isaac F. Place of natural history in a course of instruction. (In Amer, inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1868. p. 176-95.) Cady, Wilhelmina W., tr. Amicis, Edmondo de. Military life in Italy. 1887. Cassar, Caius Julius. Commentaries, n. p. n. d. Commentaries on the Gallic war; ed. by Albert Harkness. Bost., 1894. Note: printed for the blind in tlie Howe type. In Latin. Commentarii de bello Gallico; ed. by George Stuart. Rev. ed. Phil., 1883. (The) Caesars. De Quincey, Thomas. (In his Writings. 1850-3. V. 4.) Cahoone, Sarah S., anon. Sketches of Newport and its vicinity. N. Y., 1842. Cain, William. Sanitary engineering. Raleigh, 1885. Caird, Rev. John. Religion in common life. N. Y. n. d. Caird, Mona. Sacrifice, noble and ignoble, n. p. n. d. Cairnes, John Elliott. Slave power; its character, career, and prob- able designs. N. Y., 1862. Some leading principles of political economy newly ex- pounded. N. Y., 1874. Cairns, William, vs. Gesner, Abraham. Report of the case tried at Albert circuit, 1852. 1853. Cairns, William B. On the development of American literature from 1815 to 1833. (In Wise: Univ. Bulletin; philology and literature ser. v. i, no. i.) Cajori, Florian. Teaching and history of mathematics in the United States. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1890, no. 3.) J12 AUTHOR LIST. Callahan, Edward W., ed.. United States: Navigation, bureau of. List of officers of the navy of the U. S. and of the marine corps from 1775 to 1900. 1901. Calamy, Edmund, D. D., ed. Howe, Rev. John. Works. 1838. Caldecott, Alfred. English colonization and empire. N. Y., 1891. (University extension manuals.) Caldwell, Augustine. Historical sketch, 1633-82. (In Denison me- morial committee. Denison memorial, n. d. p. 33-46) John Rogers, a memory of Dedham, Eng., gleanings from the life of Rev. John Rogers, n. p. n. d. Smith family of Ipswich, Mass. n. p. n. d. Note: proof sheets. ' Thomas and Abigail Wells, Ipswich, Mass. n. p. n. d. a7ton. Thomas Hart, Ipswich, Mass. n. p. n. d. William Hubbard and his parish, n. p. n. d. ed. Caldwell chronicle. 1899. Caldwell, Charles, M. D. Autobiography; with a preface, notes, and appendix by Harriot W. Warner. Phil, 1855. tr. Desault, Pierre Joseph. Treatise on fractures, luxations, and other affections of the bones. 1805. 1817. tr. Senac, Jean, M. D. Treatise on the hidden nature and the treatment ol intermitting and remitting fevers. 1805. Caldwell, H. W. Introduction to the history of higher education in Nebraska. (In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 3; p. 201-29.) Caldwell, Henry M. Eulogy on A. W. Chamberline, pronounced before the faculty and students of Dartmouth college, June, i860. Cone, i860. Caldwell, Samuel L., D. D., ed. Williams, Roger. Bloody tenant yet more bloody. {In Narragansett club. Pub. 1870. v. 4.) ed. Williams, Roger. Bloudy tenent of persecution. {In Narragansett club. Pub. 1867. v. 3.) Caldwell, William B. Notes on the coal and iron ores of western Ky. Frankfort, 1878. Caldwell, William Hutson, secy. See American Guernsey cattle club. Caledonia county grammar school, Lyndon {Vt.). Catalogue, 1850. Newbury, 1850. Calef, Robert. More wonders of the invisible world. Salem, 1796. {In Drake, S. G., ed. Witchcraft delusion. 1866. v. 2-3.) {In Fowler, S. P. Salem witchcraft. 1865. p. 1-373.) Calhoun, A. W., M. D. Effects of student life upon the eyesight. {In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1881. no. 6 ) Calhoun, J. Gilbert, and Loomis, Dwight. Judicial and civil his- tory of C'onnecticut. 1895. Calhoun, J. S., comp. Life and confession of Mary Jane Gordon, who was tried, condemned, and hung, Feb., 1849, for the murder of Jane Anderson. Covington, 1849. Calhoun, John Caldwell. Against the force bill. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 3; p. 866-918.) Speech on the revenue collection bill (commonly called the force bill.) {In his Works. 1883. v. 2; p. 197-262.) — — Correspondence; ed. by J. F. Jameson. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. 11, pt. 2.) Speeches in the senate on the enforcing bill. Bost, 1833. Works, ed. by R. K. Cralle. v. i. Columbia, 1851. 6v. N. Y., 1883. and Jackson, Andrew, pres. of U. S. Correspondence. 1851. Correspondence on the subject of the course of Calhoun in the Seminole war. Wash., 1831. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 213 Oalhoun, Patrick. Scotch-Irish in Georgia. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1892. v. 4; p. 136-49.) Calhoun, Samuel, M. D., ed. Gregory, George, M. D. Treatise on the theory and practise of physic. 1826. ed. Medical recorder. 1825. California, psettd. Diplomat on diplomacy, n. p. n. d. California: Adjutant-general. Amendments to the laws and regu- lations for the government of the national guard of Cal. Sacram., 1893. Laws and regulations for the government of the national guard of Cal. Sacram., 1890. List of electors, resident of California, in the military service of the U. S., entitled to vote at elections, Sept. 6, and Oct. 18, 1865. Sacram., 1865. Records of California men in the war of the Rebellion, 1861- 1867. Sacram., 1890. Register of the officers of the national guard of California, 1896. Sacram., 1896. : Agricultural experiment station. Bulletins, no. 9, 11, 14-19, 22, 29, 34, Z^, 41, 47, 51, 53, 61, 63, 70, 72-6, 78, 80-96, 98-137. Berkeley, 1884-1901, Note : no. 1-76 are long double columned sheets. Nature study bulletins, no. i. Berkeley, 1900. Report, 1888-98. Berkeley, 1889-1900. Report of the viticultural work during the seasons 1883-93. Sacram., 1886-96. Report of the viticultural work, 1887-9, by L. Paparelli. Sacram., 1892. Seed bulletin, 1898-1900. Berkeley, 1898-9. ■ : Bank commissioners, board of. Report, 1885-96. Sacram., 1885-96. : Building and loan associations, hoard of commissioners of. Report, 1895-6. Sacram., 1895-6. : Fish commissioners, board of. Biennial report, 1888-95. v. 11- 14. Sacram., 1890-6. Fish and game laws. Ed. 6. Sacram., 1893. Ed. 7. Sacram., 1895. Note : 1893 comp. by F. P. Deering. 1895, by A. G. Fletcher. ed. Jordan, David Starr, AI. D. Salmon trout of the Pacific coast. 1892. : Geological survey. Geology, 1860-4. v. i. n. p. 1865. Letter relative to progress of the state geological survey. San Fran., 1861. Ornithology, v. i. Camb., 1870. PaL-eontology. 2v. Phil., 1864. ;- Statement of the progress of the state geological survey dur- mg the years 1863, '72-3. n. p. 1863-73. Topographical map of central California, together with a part of Nevada. N. Y., 1873. Note : scale 6 miles to 1 inch. In 4 sheets. Yosemite guide-book, Camb., 1870. — - ed. Cooper, J. G., M. D. Geographical catalogue of the mol- lusca found west of the Rocky mountains. 1867. ed. Remond, A. Mining statistics. 1866. - — - : Governor. Annual message for 1858, '59, 'S3. Sacram., 1858- 83. : Health, board of. Biennial report for the fiscal years from June I, 1870-5, '79-96. V. 1-3, 6-14. Sacram., 1871-96 ' Proceedings of the state sanitary convention held under the auspices of the state board of health, v. i, 3. Sacram., 1893-5 S14 AUTHOR LIST. California: Insurance commissioner. Annual preliminary report, r. 29-30, 32. n. p. 1897-1900. Note: reports v. 23, 25 bound with Annual reports, v. 23, 25. Annual report, v. 4, 16, 21, 23, 25. Sacram., 1872-93. : Labor statistics, bureau of. Biennial report, 1887-8. v. 3, Sacram., 1888. : Legislature. Laws of the state relative to railroads and rail- road corporations. Sacram., 1879. : Library. Catalogue. Sacram., 1857. Sacram., i860. Sacram., 1866. Bibliotheca Calif orniae; a descriptive catalogue of books. 2v. Sacram., 1870-1. Catalogue; law department. Sacram., 1886. Supplemental catalogue of the law department. Sacram., 1886. Catalogue; general department. Sacram., 1889. Finding list of unclassified art and miscellaneous books. Sacram., 1892. List of duplicates from the general department for sale or exchange. Sacram., 1891. List of duplicates from the law department for sale or ex- change. Sacram., 1891. Report. V. 31, 38-9, 42-51. Sacram., 1880-1900. Note : after v. 37 reports became biennial. Rules and regulations. Sacram., 1890. Lunacy, commissioner in. Insanity and insane asylums, report made 1871. n. p. n. d. Mining bureau. Annual catalogue, 1882-5. v. 1-3. Sacram., 1882-5. Bulletin showing by counties the mineral productions of Cal- ifornia for the year 1894-6, '99. Sacram. n. d. {Its Bulletin, no. 5, 8, 12, 17.) Catalogue of books, maps, lithographs, photographs, etc., in the library. Sacram., 1884. Catalogue of the state museum of California, 1882-4. v. 1-2. Sacram., 1882-4. Genesis of petroleum and asphaltum in California. Sacram., ^^99- Preliminary mineralogical and geological map of the state of California. San Fran., 1891. Note : scale 12 miles to 1 inch. > Report, 1880-96. V. 1-13. Sacram., 1881-96. : Normal school at Chico. Annual catalogue, v. 9. n. p. 1898. : Paris exposition of 1878, committee for. Catalogue of the min- erals, ores, rocks, and fossils of the Pacific coast. San Fran., 1878. : Public instruction, dept. of. Report for 1863-June, '79, July, '80-96, 1900. Sacram., 1863-1900. Note : v. for 1897-8 never pub. School law of California. Sacram., 1876. Sacram., 1887. Sacram, 1889. Sacram., 1891. Sacram., 1895. • : Railroad commissioners, board of. Biennial report for the years 1895-6, 1900. Sacram., 1896-1901. Note: earlier series were issued by the Cal. Board of commissioners of trans- portation. : Senate: Chinese immigration, special committee on. Chinese immi- gration; its social, moral, and political effect. Sacram., 1878. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 215 California: StatCy secy. of. California blue book, 1889-95, '99. Sacram., 1889-99. : Surveyor-getieral. Biennial report, 1871-5. n. p. 1873-5. : Transportation, hoard of commissioners of. Report. 1876-8. Sacram., 1877-9. Note : later series is issued by the Cal. Board of railroad commissioners. : University. Addresses at the inauguration of Horace Davis as president, March, 1888. Sacram., 1888. Addresses at the inauguration of Martin Kellogg as president, March, 1893. Berkeley, 1893. Addresses at the inauguration of W. T. Reid as president, Aug. 1881. Sacram., 1881. Addresses of J. S. Hager and of Pres. E. S. Holden on the occasion of the inauguration of the president of the University of California, June, 1886. Sacram., 1886. Admission circular of the colleges at Berkeley. Berkeley, 1893. Annual report of the secretary to the board of regents, 1875- 1900. V. p. 1875-1901. Biennial report of the board of regents, 1871-98. Sacram., 1872-98. Bulletin, no. 1-3, 5-10, 12, 13, I5-3I» Z3-^- Berkeley, 1874-81. Catalogue of graduates, 1864-1899. Berkeley, 1899. Formal recognition of the transfer of the Lick observatory to the Board of regents of the University. Sacram., 1888. International competition for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan for the university, n. p. n. d. Phcebe A. Hearst architectural plan for the University of Cal- ifornia. V. 1-2. San Fran. n. d. Prospectus for the Phoebe Hearst architectural plan of the University of California. San Fran., 1897. Register, 1870- 1, '74-6, '77-9, '80-98, '99-1900. v. p. 1870- 1900. Statement of the progress and condition of the University of California. Berkeley, 1875. ed. Gayley, Charles Mills, and Bradley, Cornelius Beach. Suggestions to teachers on English in the secondary schools. 1894. ed. Harrison, Lieut. George F. E. Report on physical train- ing. 1888. ed. Holden, Edward Singleton, comp. List of recorded earth- quakes in California, Lower California, Oregon, and Washing- ton territory. 1887. See also Alumni association of the California university. : University: Agriculture, college of. Reports, 1876-7, '78-86, '89- 90. Sacram., 1879-90. ed. Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. Phylloxera or grapevine louse. 1880. : University: Civil engineering, dept. of, ed. Hurst, Harry H. Adjustment of engineering field instruments. 1898. : University: Class of 1887, ed. Blue and gold. Handbook. 1886. : University: Commerce, college of. Announcement. Berkeley. 1898. University: Geology, dept. of. Bulletin, 1893. v. i. Berkeley, 1893. : University: Library. Catalogue of the books in the peda- gogical section. Berkeley, 1895. Library bulletin, no. i, y?, 9, IQ, 12-14. Berkeley, 1892-1900. Tentative plan proposed for a new library building for the University of California. Berkeley, 1901. (/n its Library bulle- tin, no. 14.) 216 AUTHOB LIST. California: University: Lick observatory. See Lick observatory. : University: Mechanical engineering, dept. of. Circular in rela- tion to the testing of materials. Berkeley, 1887. Hydraulic step. Berkeley, 1887. Results of tests for tensile strength of crucible basic and gal- vanized basic steel wire ropes and basic steel wire rods. San Fran. n. d. : University: Medical department, ed. Alumni bulletin of the University of California, medical department. 1901. : University: Senate. Memorial of John LeConte. Berkeley, 1892. : Viticultural commissioners, hoard of. Annual report; of the board of State viticultural commissioners, 1880, '^7, '89-94. Ed. 1-2. Sacram., 1881-94. Annual report of the chief executive viticultural commission- ers, 1881-4. V. 1-2. Sacram., 1882-4. Directory of the grape growers. Sacram., 1891. Report of the annual State viticultural convention, 1888. v. 6. Sacram., 1888. • Vine in Southern California. Sacram., 1892. Vineyards in Alameda county. Sacram., 1893. Vineyards of southern California. Sacram., 1893. ed. Grazzi-Soncini, G. Wine. 1892. California academy of sciences. Bulletin, no. i. San Fran., 1884. California, Citizens, committee of. Central Pacific R. R. debt, n. p. n. d. ^ California dairy association. Proceedings of the annual dairy con- vention, 1894-8. V. 1-5. San Fran., 1894-8. California historical society. Papers, v. i, pt. i. San Fran., 1887. California immigration union. All about California and the in- ducements to settle there. San Fran., 1871. California society of the sons of the American Revolution. Circu- lar no. 32, 39-40, 55. San Fran., 1898- 1901. History, constitution and by-laws, membership, n. p. n. d. California state agricultural society. Transactions during the year 1858-9, '61, '63-80, '82-95, 99. Sacram., 1859-1900. California state bar association. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. V. I. San Fran., 1890. California state geological society. Articles of the incorporation and by-laws. San Fran., 1877. California state medical society. See Medical society of the state of California. California teachers' association. Addresses by professors in the University of Cal. 1891. Berkeley, 1892. Proceedings, 1892-3. San Fran., 1893-4. Calisch, J. M., and Calisch, N. S. Nieuw Engelsch woordenboek. Ed. 9. Arbhem n. d. Calisch, N. S., and Calisch, J. M. Nieuw Engelsch woordenboek. n. d. Calkins, Gary N. Recent contributions to vital statistics. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1895. v. 4, no. 32; p. 340-57.) Calkins, Marshall, M. D. Cases of trichina spiralis in Springfield. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 207-14.) Introductory address before the medical class of the Univer- sity of Vermont, March 8, 1877. Burlington, 1877. Calkins, William Wirt. Lichen flora of Chicago and vicinity. Chic, 1896. {In Chicago acad. of sci. Bulletin. no. i.) Call, Richard Ellsworth, M. D. Life and writings of Rafinesque. Louisville, 1895. U'^ Filson club. Pub. 1895. v. 10.) On the quaternarv and recent mollusca of the Great Basin, Wash., 1884. {In U.'S.: Geol. sur. Bulletins. 1884, no. 11.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 217 Callahan, James Morton. Agreement of 1817, reduction of naval forces upon the American lakes. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report, 1896. v. 7; p. 367-92.) Cuba and Anglo-American relations. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 196-215.) Diplomatic relations of the Confederate states with England, 1861-65. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report, 1899. v. 10; p. 265-83.) Neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo-American rela- tions. Bait, 1898. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1898. V. 16, no. 1-4.) Northern lake frontier during the Civil war. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 335-59-) Callender, Eliot. What a boy saw on the Mississippi. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. V. i; p. 51-67.) Callender, Rev. John. Historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of the colony of Rhode Island. Ed. 2. Prov., 1838. (In R. I. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 4.) ed. by Romeo' Elton. Ed. 3. Bost., 1843. (R. I. hist. soc. Coll. V. 4.) Callow, Edward. From king Orry to queen Victoria; a short and concise history of the Isle of Man. Lond., 1899. Calthrop, Rev. S. R. Physical development and its relations to mental and spiritual development. (In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1859. p. 1-34.) Rights of the body. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 7.) Calvert, George, ist baron of Baltimore. See Baltimore, George Cal- vert, 1st baron of. Calvert, George H. Introduction to social science. N. Y., 1856. Calvert, Philip P. East African odonata. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 121-45.) Calvin, Jean. Institutes of the Christian religion; tr. by John Allen. V. T. Lond., 1838. Calvin, Samuel. .A^ddress; the Niobrara chalk. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 197-218.) Calvo, Joaquin Bernardo. (Los) Museos de Filadelfia, museo com- ercial y economico. Wash., 1896. Report on coffee with special reference to the Costa Rican product. Wash., 1901. comp. Republica de Costa Rica apuntamientos geograficos. San Jose, 1887. C^mara de Comercio de Veracruz. Datos mercantiles relativos al puerto de Veracruz. Mexico, 1885. Cambridge (Mass.). Records of the town of Cambridge, Mass., I630-I703.* V. 2. Camb., 1901. Register book of the lands and houses in the New Towne, and the town of Cambridge. Camb., 1896. : City council and committee of 3d of luly celebration. Cambridge in the "Centennial" proceedings, July 3, 1875, in celebration of Washington's taking command of the continental army. Camb., 1875. : Health, board of. Annual report for the year 1900. Bost., 1900. : Park department. Annual report, 1893-1900. v. 1-8. Camb., 1894- 1900. : Public library. Annual report, 1880, '82, '84-7, '89, '92-1901. Camb., 1881-1901. Catalogue of English fiction. Camb., 1899. 218 AUTHOK LIST. Cambridge (Mass.)> ed. Cambridge public library bulletin, v. 1-5. Camb., 1896-1900. : School committee. Annual report. 1899. Camb., 1899. : Water supply, special committee on. Report, Dec. 1879. Camb., Cambridge and Saybrook platforms of church discipline with the confession of faith of the New England churches, adopted m 1680. Bost., 1829. Cambridge association of ministers. Records of the association. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1880. v. 17; p. 262-81.) Cambridge civil service reform association. Annual report of the executive committee, v. 8, 10, 12, 14-16. Camb., 1889-98. Cambridge philosophical society. Transactions, v. 13, pt. i. Camb., 1881. Cambridge school for girls. Manual, 1891-9. Camb., 1891-9. : Cambridge school for girls and young ladies, n. p. n. d. Note : from the School journal and the Journal of fine arts. Cambridge theological school. See Harvard university: Divinity school. Camden county bar association. Constitution and by-laws. Cam- den, 1883. Camden on the coast of Maine, and its advantages for summer homes. Prov., 1900. Cameron, Charles Hay. Address to parliament on the duties of Great Britain to India in respect of the education of the na- tives and their official employment. Lond., 1853. Cameron, William E. First message to the general assembly, Jan., 1882. Virginia n. p. n. d. Cameron coal company. Extracts from geological reports on the Cameron coal lands, with the first annual report of the directors. N. Y., 1865. Camillus, pseud. See Hamilton, Alexander. Cammann, Henry J., and Camp, Hugh N. Charities of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. N. Y., 1868. Cammann, William C, and others, ed. History of troop "A," N. Y. cavalry, from May 2 to Nov. 28, 1898, in the Spanish-American war. N. Y., 1899. Camp, Hugh N., and Cam.mann, Henry J. Charities of New York, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. 1868. Camp, Col. Walter B. Historical address. {In Jefferson county hist. soc. Trans. 1891. v. 2; p. 12-23.) Old battlefield presented. {In Jefferson co. hist. soc. Trans. 1887. V. i; p. 47-64.) Campanella, Tommaso. City of the sun. {In Rousseau, J. J. So- cial contract. 1901; p. 27Z-Z'^7-) Campbell, A. C, tr. Grotius, Hugo. Rights of war and peace. 1901. Campbell, Albert H. Desirable modifications of elementary school programs. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. liectures. 1895. p. 116-30.) Place of the normal school. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1889. p. 162-78.) and Parke, Lieut. John G. Report of explorations for railroad routes from San Francisco Bay to Los Angeles. {In U. S.: War, dept. of. Explorations. 1853-56. 1854-5. v. 7, 10.) Campbell, Alexander. Address on the Upper Peninsula of Mich- igan, {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; p. ^ 247-65.) Campbell, Alexander Hamilton, camp. Descendants of Hugh Camp- bell. Cone, 1898. Note : typewritten copy. NEW HAMPSHIBB STATE LIBBABY. 219 Campbell, Archibald, com'r., ed. United States: Northern boundary commission. Reports upon the survey of the boundary between the territory of the U. S. and the possessions of Great Britain. 1878. Campbell, Charles. Introduction to the history of the colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. Richmond, 1847. ed. Lewis, Brig.-gen. Andrew. Orderly book from March 18,. 1776, to August 28, 1776. i860. Campbell, D. Forbes, tr. Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe, History of the Consulate and empire of France under Napoleon. 1893. Campbell, Douglas. Historical fallacies regarding colonial New York. N. Y., 1879- Origin of American institutions as illustrated in the history of the written ballot. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 165-86.) Puritan in Holland, England, and America. 2v, N. Y., 1892. Campbell, Duncan. History of Prince Edward Island. Charlotte- town, 1875. Campbell, Gabriel, D. D., anon. President Bartlett. Hanover, 1899. Campbell, George, D. D. Philosophy of rhetoric. New ed. Bost^ 1823. ed. Bible: New Testament: Gospels. Four Gospels. 1799. Campbell, George Douglas Argyll, 8th duke of. See Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of. Campbell, Rev. George W. Republicanism; a sermon delivered at the dedication of the Congregational meeting-house in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 13, 1840. Haverhill, 1840. Campbell, Henry Colin. Radisson's journal; its value in history. (In Wise. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 43; p. 88-116.) Campbell, James E. Scotch-Irish in Ohio. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1890. v. 2; p. 192-203.) Campbell, James V. Early French settlements in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 95-104.) Rev, G. P. Williams, a memorial discourse. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 6; p. 26-34.) Campbell, John, ^th earl of Loudoun. See Loudoun, John Campbell^ 4th earl of. • "News-letters." (hi Mass. hist soc Proceed. 1867. v. 9; p. 485-501.) Campbell, John Campbell, baron. Lives of the chief justices of England. 6v. N. Y., 1873-4. Lives of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seal of England; ed. by J. A. Mallory. New ed. lov. Bost., 1875. Campbell, John L. Geology and mineral resources of the James river valley. N, Y., 1882. Joseph G. Marshall; an address. Indianapolis, 1897. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i.) and Ruffner, William Henry. Physical survey extending from Atlanta, Ga., across Alabama and Mississippi to the Mississippi river along the line of the Georgia Pacific railway. N. Y., 1883. Campbell, John M. Biographical sketch of Hon. James Campbell, postmaster-general of the U. S., 1853-57. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1894. v. 5; p. 265-304.) Campbell, John P. Biological teaching in the colleges of the United States. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1891. no. 9.) Campbell, John Wilson. History of Virginia. Phil., 1813. Campbell, L. J., and Hillard, George Stillman. Franklin third reader. 1874. Third reader. 1865. 220 ^ AUTHOR LIST. Campbell, Lewis, tr. Sophocles. OEdiptis tyrannus. i88i(?) Campbell, Lewis D. Speech on southern aggression. Wash., 1850. {Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 30.) Campbell, Loomis J., comp. Pronouncing biographical dictionary. {In Webster, Noah. International dictionary. 1895. p. 1817- 72.) Campbell, Mrs. Maria (Hull), ed. Hull, Brig.-gen. William. Revo- lutionary services and civil life. 1848. Campbell, Marius R. Geology of the Big Stone gap coal field of Va. and Ky. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. III.) Campbell, Robert, anon. To the honorable, the president and mem- bers of the senate of the state of Georgia, n. p. 1829. Campbell, Robert F., D. D. Mission work among the mountain whites in Asheville presbytery, N. C. Ed. 2. Asheville, 1899. Some aspects of the race problem in the South. Ed. 2. Ashe- ville, 1899. ' Three years of home mission work in Asheville presbytery. n. p. 1900. Campbell, Thomas. Essay on English poetry. Bost, 1819. Poetical works. N. Y., 1830. to which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the author by a Gentleman of New York. 2v. Bait., 1810. Campbell-Copeland, Thomas. See Copeland, Thomas Campbell-. Campobello, a summer resort on the coast of New Brunswick. Bost, 1881. Campton (N. H.). Annual report, 1873, '74. '76, '80-5, '87-1902. Ply- mouth, 1873-T902. Centennial celebration of the town, Sept. 12, 1867. Cone, 1868. Can the nation trust the Democratic party, n. p. n. d. Canaan (N. H.). Annual report, 1863, '68, '76, '77, '80-5, '87, '90- 1902. Canaan, 1863-1902. : Town library. Catalogue, n. p. n. d. n. p. n. d. Canaan union academy, Canaan (N. H.). Catalogue, 1853. Cone, 1853. Canada. Returns from the several chartered banks, stating the name and place of residence of each stockholder with the num- ber and nominal value of the shares held by them, i860. Quebec, i860. : Adjutant-general. Report on the state of the militia, 1856, '62, '63, '65, '67, '70-4, '74, appx. '76, '77. Toronto and Ottawa, 1857-78. : Adjutant-general of militia, commissioners on. Report on a plan for the better organization of the Department of Adjutant-gen- eral of militia. Quebec, 1862. : Agriculture, dept. of. Abstracts of the returns of mortuary statistics for 1883-91. Ottawa, 1884-92. Note: 1883, pt. 2 wanting. Some of the reports in both French and English. Office was abolished in 1892. Census of Canada, 1870-1. 5v. Ottawa, 1873. NoTK : this and the 4 following entries are in English and French. 1880-1. 4v. Ottawa, 1882. 1890-1. 4v. Ottawa, 1893. Census of Manitoba, 1885-6. Ottawa, 1887. Census of the three provisional districts of the North-west territories, 1884-5. Ottawa, 1886. Colonial and Indian exhibition of 1886. Ottawa, 1887. Report of the minister of agriculture for the year 1862, '64-6, '70-7, 1 900- 1. Ottawa, 1 863- 1 90 1. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 221 Canadzu Statistical abstract and record, pub. annually, 1886-92, '97-1900. V. 2-8, 13-16. Ottawa, 1887-1901. : Agriculture and statistics, dept. of. Census of the Canadas, 1860-1. 2v. Quebec, 1863. . : Archives, ofUce of. Bulger correspondence, 1810-15. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 23; p. 445-523.) Commissariat, 1788-1830. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 179-251.) Copies of papers relating to the Indians in the Northwest. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892-5. v. 20; p. 300-673. V. 2y, p. 1-178.) Military posts, 1790-1824. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 252-328.) Northwest, 1799-1825. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895- V. 23; p. 318-44) ,^ Ordnance and engineers, 1788-1824. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 370-417.) Posts and barracks, 1790-1796. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 329-41.) Provincial marine, 1794-1829. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 342-69.) Relations with the U. S., 1822-1830. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 524-83) : Asylums, prisons, and public charities. Report of the board of inspectors for the year i860, v. i. Quebec, 1861. : Auditor. Miscellaneous statistics of Canada for the year 1863, pt. i; '66, pt. 1-2. Quebec, 1864-7. : Canal commissioners. Letter to the honorable the secretary of State respecting the improvement of the inland navigation of the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1871. Map of the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1871. Note : scale 38 miles to 1 inch. : Central experiment farm. Bulletin, second series, no. 1-3. Ottawa, 1898-1900. : Colonial office. Records, 1760-1794. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 23; p. 601-80. v. 24; V. 25, p. 1-681.) : Crown lands, dept. of. Government map of Canada from Red river to the Gulf of St. Lawrence; comp. by Thomas Devine. Quebec, 1859. Map of the northwest part of Canada, Indian territories, and Hudson's bay. Toronto, 1857. Note: scale 40 miles to 1 inch. Toronto, 1857. Note: : scale 30 miles to 1 inch. Our northern districts; Eastern Algoma, North Nipissing, Rainy River, and the Temiscaming settlement. Toronto, 1894. Report of the commJssioner for the year 1857-8. '61-6. To- ronto, 1858-67. Return to an address of the legislative assembly requiring copies of any charters, leases, or other documents under which the Hudson Bay company claim title to the Hudson's Bay terri- tory, n. p. i857(?) and Blanche River pulp and paper comoany. Agreement. To- ronto, 1900. and Nepigon pulp paper and manufacturing company. Agree- ment. Toronto, 1900. ed. Boutillier, T. Report of the progress of settlement in the townships of Lower Canada during the year 1855. 1856. : Customs, minister of. Tables of the trade and navigation of the Dominion of Canada for the year ending June, 1868-73, '75-7- Ottawa, 1869-78. Note : earlier tables i^ued by the Inspector general. 222 AUTHOR LIST. Canada: Education, supt. of. Annual report for Upper Canada for the year 1847, '49-64, '66. v. p. 1848-67. Note : after 1866 reports cover the whole Dominion. Report for Lower Canada for the year 1854, 'S7-8, '60, '65. V. p. 1855-66. Note : after 1866 reports cover the whole Dominion. : Executive council. Maps, reports, estimates, etc., relative to the improvements of the navigation of the river St Lawrence and proposed canal connecting St. Lawrence and Lake Cham- plain. Toronto, 1856. : experimental farms. Reports, 1887, '89-99. Ottawa, i888-i9oa : Geological and natural history survey. Catalogue of a strati- graphical collection of Canadian rocks prepared for the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. Ottawa, 1893. Catalogue of section i of the Museum of the geological survey embracing the systematic collection of minerals. Ottawa, 1893. Contributions to Canadian micro-palaeontology, pt. 2-4. v. p. 1889-92. Figures and descriptions of Canadian organic remains, decade 1-4. 4v. in I. Montreal, 1858-65. Geological survey of Canada; report on the north shore of Lake Huron. Montreal, 1849. Index to the colors and signs employed in the maps and sec- tions of the geological survey, n. p. 1881. List of publications, 1873. Montreal, 1873. 1884. Ottawa, 1884. Map of the Dominion of Canada, geologically colored, n. p. n. d. Note : scale 30 miles to 1 inch. In 2 parts. Report of progress for 1844-6, '47-98. v. p. 1844-1901. Note: 1st series, 1843-84. New series, 1885-date, title of which is Annual re- t. These reports from 1842-63 are found in the Journals of the House of assem- of the Canadian parliament commencing in 1845. - Summ.ary report for 1869, '85, '94-6. Ottawa, 1869-97. Note: 1890-9 reports made by Geological survey dept. - ed. Bowman, Amos. Maps of the principle auriferous creeks in the Cariboo mining district, B. C. 1895. - ed. Dawson, George Mercer. General note on the mines and minerals of economic value in B. C. 1877. - ed. Hoffman, G. Christian. Catalogue of Section One of the museum. 1893. - ed. Hunt, Thomas Sterry, anon. Esquisse geologique du Can- ada suivie d'un catalogue descriptif. 1867. - ed. Tolmie, W. Fraser, and Dawson, George Mercer. Com- parative vocabularies of the Indian tribes of British Columbia. 1884. - ed. Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick. Contributions to Canadian palaeontology. 1885-99. - Mesozoic fossils. 1876. - : Geological survey. Geological map of Canada and the adjacent parts. Par., 1866. - Relief map of Canada and the United States, n. p. 1900. - cd. Billings, Elkanah. Catalogues of Silurian fossils of the island of Anticosti. 1866. - : Inland revenue, dept. of. Report on adulteration of food, being supplement no. 3 to the Report of the Dept., 1876-7. 2v. Ot- tawa, 1877-8. - Supplement to the Inland revenue report; canal statistics for 1874, '7^, '77- Ottawa, 1875-8. - : Inspector-general. Tables of the trade and navigation of the Province of Canada for the year 1850-63, '65-7. Toronto, 1851-67. Note : later tables issued by the Minister of Customs. port blyc NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 223 Canada: Insurance, supt. of. Report for 1876, '78. v. p. 1877-8. : Interior, dept. of. Annual report for 1899, rnaps to accompany reports of the Surveyor-general and Canadian irrigation sur- veys, 1897-8. n. p. n. d. : Legislative assembly. Report on trade and commerce. Que- bec, 1855. ed. Dawson, S. J. Report on the explorations of the country between Lake Superior and the Red river settlement. 1859. ed. Hind, Henry Youle. North-West Territory, reports of progress. 1859. ed. Nicholson, Henry Alleyne, M. D. Report upon the pale- ontology of the province of Ontario. 1874-5. : Legislative assembly. Immigration a)id colonisation, standing com- mittee on. Report, v. 2. Ottawa, 1869. : Library of Parliament. Catalogue; general library. 2v. To- ronto, 1857-8. : Lieutenant-governor. Copy of an order-in-council directing that a commission be appointed to inquire into matters con- nected with the election for West Riding of Elgin. Toronto, 1900. : Liquor traffic:, royal commission on. Minutes of evidence. 5v. Ottawa, 1893-5. Report. Ottawa, 1895. : Marine and fisheries, dept. of. Annual report for the year 1868, '70-7. V. I, 3-10. Ottawa, 1869-78. Correspondence relative to the fisheries question, 1885-87. Ottawa, 1887. Reports of the Montreal, Toronto, and Pictou harbour com- missioners, the Quebec trinity house, the pilotage authorities, etc., 1874. '76. Ottawa, 1875-7. Supplement to the annual report for the year ended June 30, 1873, '74, being a list of vessels on the registry books of the Dominion of Canada at the 31st day of December, 1873, '74- Ottawa, 1874-5. Supplement of the annual report; list of lights on the coasts, rivers, and lakes of the Dominion of Canada on the 31st day of December, 1874-7. Ottawa, 1875-8. Supplement to the annual report; reports of the meteorologi- cal, magnetic and other observatories of the Dominion of Can- ada for the year ended 31st of December, 1876. Ottawa. 1877. : Paris exhibition of 1855, executive committee for the. Canada at the Universal exhibition of 1855. Toronto, 1856. : Penitentiaries, directors of. Annual report, 1868. v. i. Ottawa, 1870. : PostofHce, dept. of. Annual report of the postmaster-general, 1855, '59-66, '68, '70-3, '75-7. V. p. 1856-78. . : Provincial secretary. Reports on explorations of the country between Lake Superior and the Red river. Toronto, i858(?) Return for statement relative to applications of Grand Trunk railway company leases of provincial debentures. Toronto, 1856. Return to an address from the legislative assembly, for copies of documents relative to the construction of lighthouses and piers below Quebec. Quebec, 1855 (?) : Public health, director-general of. Report, 1899, 1900. Ottawa, 1 900- 1. : Public works, minister of. Report for the year ending 31st of December, 1855-6, '58-60, '62-74, '76-7. Toronto and Ottawa, 1856-78. Note : 1855-8, issued by the Commissioners of public works. 1859-67, by Com- Missioner of public works. : Quarantine, supt. of. Annual report, 1895-7. n. p. n. d. 224 AUTHOR LIST. Canada: Registration and statistics, board of. Census of Canada; ori- gins and religions, i86t. Quebec, 1862. Report on the census of the Canadas for 185 1-2. 2v. Quebec, 1853. : Surgeon-general. Medical and surgical history of the Cana- dian northwest rebellion of 1885. ^ Montreal, 1886. Canada land law amendment association. Land transfer reform. Toronto, 1890. Canada medical association. Proceedings of the annual meeting with by-laws, 1874. v. 7. Montreal, 1875. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island: Foreign trade, com'rs of. Report. Ottawa, 1866. Canada, Union medicale. See (L) 'Union medicale du Canada. Canadian bar association. Report of proceedings, v. 1-3. Toronto. 1896-8. Canadian Congregation ye^r book, 1879-80, '88-9. Toronto, 1879-88. Canadian institute. Annual report, v. 4-5, 7. Toronto, 1891-4. Canadian naturalist and geologist, a bi-monthly journal of natural science, v. 8-10, v. 11, no. i, 3-6. Montreal, 1863-8. Note: ser. 1, v. 1-8. Ser. 2, v. 9—. Canadian Pacific railway company. Annotated time table with in- formation as to C. P. R. transcontinental routes. 2v. Montreal, 1895. British Columbia, it position, advantages, resources, and cli- mate, n. p. 190T. British Columbia, the Pacific province of the Dominion of Canada, its position, resources, and climate, n. p. 1895. Canadian Pacific railway. Montreal, 1888. Summer tours, Ed. 9. Montreal, 1895. Western Canada; Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, and Sas- katchewan, n. p. n. d. Western Canada, Manitoba, Assiniboia, Alberta, Saskatche- wan, and northern Ontario, n. p. 1900. Canadian record of science, quarterly, v. 7, no. 8. Montreal, 1898. Canal policy of the state of New York one of progressive enlarge- ment, vindicated as the traditional policy of Clinton, Morris, and Fulton. N. Y. 1869. Candage, Capt. R. F. G. Boston ships, past and present. (In Bos- tonian soc. Proceed. 1901. v. 20; p. 26-41.) Genealogy of the Cavendish, Candish, or Candage family. (/» Bangor hist. mag. 1888. v. 3; p. 129-37.) Memoir of Rev. Jonathan Fisher. (In Bangor hist. mag. 1888. V. 3; p. 221-9.) Candia (N. H.). Annual reports, 1868, '72-1902. Manch., 1868- 1902. Candia (N. H.) Congregational church. Articles of faith and cove- nant, with a list of ministers, deacons, and members from 177a to July, i860. Manch., i860. Candler, Warren A., D. D. Our national blessings in 1895; Thanks- giving sermon preached at Oxford, Ga, n. p. 1895 (?) Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de. Vegetable organagraphy. Ed. 2. 2v. Lond., 1841. Candor, pseud. Six letters to the Pedobaptists in New England. Cone, 1834. Canfield, W. H., and others. Reminiscences of the first house and first residence family of Madison. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. V. 6; p. 343-96.) Canfield, William A. History of his army experience. Manch., 1869. Canfield, William Buckingham, M. D., tr. Seifert, Otto, M. D., and MuUer, Friedrich, M. D. Manual of clinical diagnosis. 1890. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 225 Canning, E. W. B. Indian land grants in Stockbridge. (In Berk- shire hist and sci. soc. Berkshire Book. 1894. v. 2, p. 45-56.) Indian mission in Stockbridge. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1892. v. i; p. 232-46.) Monograph concerning Alexander Hyde. (In Berkshire hist. and sci. soc. Berkshire book. 1896. v. 2, p. 1 13-21.) Cannon, George H. History of the township of Shelby, Mich. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 17; p. 419-29.) Cannon, Henry Lewin. Poor priests; a study in the rise of Eng- lish Lollardry. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. V. ir, pt. i; p.' 449-82.) Canterbury (N. H.)- Annual report, i860, '71, '73, *75-8, '82-1902. Cone, 1860-1902. Canterbury college, New Zealand. Report. Wellington, 1893. Canton (Mass.). Births, marriages, deaths, and intentions of mar- riage in the town of Canton, 1797-1843. (In Stoughton (Mass.) Record of births, marriages, and deaths. 1896. p. 181-262.) Cape Ann; Andrew's Point to Straitsmouth island, Mass. n. p. n. d. NoTK : scale 2 mile to 1 mch. Cape Cod association. Constitution with an account of the celebra- tion of its first anniversary, Nov. 11, 1851. Bost., 1852. Cape observatory. Annals; 1898-1900. v. i; v. 2, pt. 2; v. 8, pt. 2. Lond., 1898-1900. Catalogue of 1905 stars for the equinox 1865-70, from observa- tions made during the years 1861 to 1870. Lond., 1899. Independent day numbers as used at the royal observatory, Cape of Good Plope, for the year 1901. Lond., 1898. Report, 1897-1900. Lond., 1898-1901. Results of meridian observations made during the years 1866 to 1870. Edin., 1900. Results of meridian observations of stars in 1892 to 1895. Lond. n. d. Cape of Good Hope: Colonial secretary's ofUce. Report on returns in statistical register, 1896. n. p. n. d. : Parliament, ed. Gill, Sir David. Report on the geodetic sur- vey of South Africa in 1883-92. 1896. : Registrar of births and deaths. Report for the year 1895-6. Cape Town, 1896-7. NoTR : T. for 1894 i.s final report for the year. v. for 1196, preliminHry report for the year. Capen, Elmer H. Needed reforms in grammar schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 84-99.) Capen, Rei>. Lemuel. Earewell address, 1819. Bost., 1819. Capen, Nahum, ed. Massachusetts state record and year book. 1847-51. Capen, Samuel Billings. How to bring public sentiment to bear upon the choice of good public officials. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1894. p. 191-203.) Supreme opportunity, address to the American board of com- missioners for foreign missions. Bost., 1899. Capital grange, no. 113, Patrons of husbandry. Program, 1900. n. p. n. d. Capon Springs conference for education in the South. Proceed- ings, 1899. V. 2. Raleigh, 1899. Capper, John. Three presidencies of India; a history of the rise and progress of the British Indian possessions. Lond., 1853. Capps, Edward. Chorus in the latter Greek drama with reference to the stage question. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1895. v. 10; p. 287-325.) (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 392-430.) 16 226 AUTHOR LIST. Capps, Edward. Dating of some didascalic inscriptions. (In Amer. jour, of archrcology. 1900. ser. 2. v. 4; p. 74-91.) Capron, E. S. History of California from its discovery to the pres- ent time. Bost., 1854. Carbuncle Hill mining company. Reports on property. Montreal, 1864. Carey, C. H. Supreme court of Oregon. (In Bell, Clark. Supreme court of the states and provinces of N. Amer. 1892. v. i; p. 89-136.) Carey, Henry C. French and American tariffs compared in a series of letters addressed to Michael Chevalier. Phil., 1861. Public debt, local and national. Phil., 1866. Railroad question. Phil., 1865. Unity of law as exhibited in the relations of physical, socia., mental, and moral science. Phil., 1872. Carey, John R. History of Duluth and St. Louis county to the year 1870. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 241-78.) Carey, Rev. Joseph. Sermon preached at Bishop Hopkins Hatl, June, 18191. (In Waterman, Rev. Lucius. Sermon. 1-891. p. 17-24.) Carey, Mathew, anon. Address to congress; being a view of the ruinous consequences of a dependence on foreign markets for the sale of the great staples of this nation. Ed. 2. (In his Essays. 1882. p. 383-408.) Address to the farmers of the United States on the ruinous consequences to their vital interests of the existing policy of this country. Ed. 2. (In his Essays. 1822. p. 409-63.) American pocket atlas. Phil., 1796. comp., anon. American remembrancer; or, An impartial collec- tion of essays, resolves, speeches, etc., relative to the treaty with Great Britain. 3v. Phil., 1795. Common sense addresses to the citizens of the Southern states; by a citij^en of Philadelphia. Ed 3. Phil., 1829. Essays on political economy. Phil., 1822. Farmers' and planters' friend. (In his Essays. 1822. p. 465-5II-) General atlas. Phil., 1795. New olive branch; or, An attempt to establish an identity of interest between agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. Phil., 1820. Ed. 2. (In his Essays. 1822. p. 253-382.) Olive branch; or, Faults on both sides. Ed. 7. Cone, 1816. School of wisdom. Phil., 1800. Selections from the correspondence of the deceased Mathew Carey, writer, printer, publisher, born 1760, died 1839. (/n Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1898. v. 9; p. 352-84, 468-80; v. 10; p. 102-11, 222-25, 345-53, 457-63.) Short account of the malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia. Ed. 4. Phil., 1794. anon. Strictures on Mr. Cambreleng's work, entitled, "An ex- amination of the new tariff." (In his Essays. 1822. p. 511-46.) Carhart, Henry Smith. Address; review of theories of electrical action. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. V. 38; p. 115-28.) Carleton, pseud. See Coflfin, Charles Carleton. Carleton, Bukk G., M. D. Uropoietic diseases. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1900. Carleton, Sir Guy. King's college and episcopate in Nova Scotia. (In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 6; p. 123-35.) Carleton, Leroy Thomas. Carleton's pathfinder and gazeteer of the hunting and fishing resorts of the state of Maine, with a digest of the laws pertaining to inland fisheries and game. Dover, 1899. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 22T Carleton, Mark Alfred. Emmer; a grain for the semi-arid regions. Wash., 1901. (U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' Bulletin, no. '39) Russian cereals adapted for cultivation in the United States. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulle- tin, no. 23.) Carleton, Osgood. Map of Massachusetts proper, compiled from actual surveys. Bost., 1801. Note: scale 4 miles to 1 Inch. Map of the district of Maine, Massachusetts, comp. from actual surveys. Bost. n. d. Note : scale 6 i miles to 1 inch. comp. Astronomical diary. 1791. Carleton college. Addresses and occupations of Carleton college students, 1867-1805. Northf., 1895. Addresses delivered at the quarter centennial anniversary, June, 1895. Northf., 1895. Alumni of Carleton college. Northf., 1899. Note : 8 page folder. — — Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1875-98, '99-1901.. Minneapolis, 1876-1901. Circular. Northf., 1899. Concerning Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., 1891-92. Min- neapolis, 1891. Greeting to the members of the 8th triennial session of the National council of Congregational churches, assembled at Min- neapolis, Oct. 1892. Minneapolis, 1892. See also Alumni association of Carleton college. Carleton school, Bradford (Mass.) Circular, 1896-7. Lawrence, 1896. Carlin, Col. William P. Battle of Bentonville. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 231-51.) Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, 7//1 earl of. Diary in Turkish and Greek waters. Ed. 4. Lond., 1854. Carlisle (Penn.). Charter and ordinances of the borough; to which are prefixed incidents of the* early history of the town. Carlisle, 1856. Carlisle Indian industrial school. Annual report, v. 2, 6-12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Carlisle, 1881-99. Carlson, William H. Report to Major-General Leonard Wood, military governor of Cuba. Bait, 1901. • Carlton, W. F. Amateur photographer, a complete guide for begin- ners. Ed. 13. Roch., 1895. Carlyle, Thomas. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 5v. N. Y., 1899. E. T. W. Hoffman. (In his German romance, 1898. v. 2; p. 3-22.) Edinburgh address. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899, V. 3; p. 950-61.) French revolution; a history. 3v. N. Y., 1896. Friedrich de la Motte Fouque. (In his German romance. 1898. V. i; p. 207-14.) German romance; translations from the German with bio- graphical and critical notices. 2v. N. Y., 1898. History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. 8v. N. Y., 1897-8. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. (In his German romance. 1898. V. 2; p. 117-30.) Johann August Musaeus. (In his German romance. 1898. v. i; p. 9-18.) 228 AUTHOR LIST. Carlyle, Thomas. Latter-day pamphlets. 8 nos. Bost., 1850. N. Y., 1898. Life of Friedrich Schiller. N. Y., 1899. Ludwig Tieck. (In his German romance. 1898. v. i; p. 257- 68.) On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. VA. 3. Cine, 1842. On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. N. Y., 1898. Past and present. N. Y., 1898. Sartor resartus; the life and opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh. N. Y., 1844- N. Y., 1899. ed. Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches. 1845. 1897-9. tr. Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Wilhelm Meister's ap- prenticeship and travels. 1899. Carman, Elbert S. New potato culture. Ed. 2, rev. N. Y., 1893. Carnahan, James, D. D. Pennsylvania insurrection of 1794, com- monly called the Whiskey insurrection. (In N. J. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1853- V. 6; p. 113-52.) Carnahan, Capt. James R. Camp Morton, a reply to John A. Wyeth. n. p. 1892. Personal recollections of Chickamauga. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 401-22.) Came, J. E. Copper-mining industry and the distributions of cop- per ores in New South Wales. Sydney, 1899. Mercury, or "quicksilver" in New South Wales. Sydney, 1900. (New South Wales: Mines and agric, dept. of. Mineral re- sources, no. 7.) Notes on chromic iron ore. Sydney, 1898. (N. S. W. : Mines and agric, dept. of. Mineral resources, no. i.) Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant democracy; or. Fifty jears' march of the Republic. N. Y., 1888. Carnegie library of Atlanta. Annual report, v. 1-2. Atlanta, 1900-1. Carnegie library of Pittsburg. Alphabetical finding list of the peri- odicals received at the library. Ed. 2. n. p. 1900. Annual report, v. 1-5. Pittsb., 1897-1901. Dedication souvenir. Pittsb., 1895. -; Descriptive list of some old books and mss., some line edi- tions and tine bindings and some books on printing. Pittsb., 1896. Training school for children's librarians, 1901. Pittsb., 1901. Carney, George J. Semi-centennial history of the Lowell institu- tion for savings. Lowell, 1879. Carney, James G. Answer to remarks upon the application of the Bank of Mutual Redemption to become a member of the Pxi.^ton clearing-house associations. Lowell, 1858, ■ anon. Remarks of the president of the Bank of I\Iutual Re- demption upon the report of the stockholders' investigating com- mittee, Dec, 1862. Lowell, 1862. Carney hospital. Annual report for 1895. Bost., 1896. Carnochan, John Murray, M. D. Contributions to operative sur- gery and surgical pathology. 2v. Phil., 1858. ■ Treatise on the etiology, pathology, and treatment of congeni- tal dislocations of the head of the femur. N. Y., 1850. Carpenter, Amos B. Genealogical history of the Rehoboth branch of the Carpenter family in America. Amh., 1898. Carpenter, B. F. D. History of Barton Landing. (Jn Orleans co. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. p. 1-14.) NKW HAMPSHirwE STATE LnJKAKY. 229 Carpenter, Cjrrus C. Biennial message to the T6th general assctn- bly. Jan.. 1876. Des. M., 1876. - Inaugural address before the two houses of the general as- sembly, Jan.. T872. Des. JNf., 1872. Carpenter, Edith. Sec Thomas, Mrs. Edith (Carpenter). Carpenter, Edward. Civilization, its cause and cure: and other essays. Lond., 1895. (Social sci. series, no. 2.) ■ England's ideal, and other papers on social subjects. New ed. Lend.. 1805. (Social sci. series, no. 9.) Carpenter, Esther Bernon. Huguenot influence in R. I. (In R. I. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885-6, p. 46-74.) Carpenter, Frederic Ives. Aletaphor and simile in the minor EHz- abcihan drama. Chic, 1897. ed. Cox, Leonard. Arte or crafte of rhcthoryke. 1899. Carpenter, George, M. D., ed. Pediatrics, semi-monthly. 1897-1900. Carpenter, George Moulton. Reform of the civil service consid- ered from the party standpoint. Prov., 1890. Washington the founder of the nation; an address before the R. I. hist, soc, April. 1889. Prov., 1889. commissioner. See Providence (R. I.): Record commissioners. Carpenter, George N. History of the 8th regt. Vt. vols., 1861-186';. Bost., 1886. Carpenter, Kinsley, auon. Names of the owners or occupants of buildings in the town of Providence from 1749 to 1771. Prov., 1870. Carpenter, Rev. Lant. Beneficial tendency of Unitarianism. Best., 1830. (Amer. Unitarian as.soc. ser. t, no. 43.) Scripture doctrine of redemption by Christ Jesus. Ed. 2. Bost., T832. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. r, no. 52.) Carpenter, P. Herbert. Preliminary report on the comatulrt*. (/» Harv. Univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. t88t. v. 9; p. 1-19) Stalkef crinoids of the Caribbean sea. (/;/ Harv. univ. : Muse- um of comp zoology. Bulletin. 1882. v. 10; p. 165-81.) Carpenter, Philip. History (.f the class of *yy, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1877. Carpenter, Philip Pearsall. Mollusks of western North America. Wash., 1872. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1873. v. 10.) Lea, Isaac, and others. Check-list of the shells of North .Amer- ica. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Carpenter, Wesley M., M. D. Index of the practice of medicine. N. Y., 1883. Carpenter, William Benjamin, M. D. Dissertation on the physio- logical inferences deduced from the structure of the nervous system of the invertebrates. (Bound with Stokes, William, M. D. Researches. 1840. p. 137-88.) Elements of physiologv; 2A Amer. fr. a new and rev. Lond. ed. Phil., 1851. Microscope and its revelations: ed. bv V. G. Smith. Phil., 1856. ^ Ed. 6. 2v. N. Y., 1883. Principles of human physiology: 2d Amer. fr. last Lond. ed. Ed. by Meredith Clymer. Phil., 1845. 3d Amer. fr. last Lond. ed. Phil.. 1847. 4th Amer. ed. Phil., 1850. ed. by F. G. Smith. Phil, 1853. Ed. 6. Lond., 1864. Prize essay, on the use and abuse of alcoholic liquors in health and disease. Phil., 1856. Carpenter, William Henry. History of Massachusetts. Phil., 1853. — Phil., 1872. 230 AUTHOB LIST. Carpenter, William Benjamin, M. D., and Arthur, Timothy Shajr. History of Georgia. 1869. History of New Jersey. Phil., 1853. History of Ohio. Phil., 1865. History of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1857. History of Vermont. Phil., 1854. Phil., 1858. History of Virginia. 1852. Carpenter and Morehouse, comp. History of the town of Amherst, Mass. Amh., 1896. Carr, A. B., tr. Gohre, Paul. Three months in a workshop. 1895. Carr, Elbridge Gerry. Carr's poems. Rumford Falls, 1898. Carr, Ezra S., M. D. Introductory lecture delivered in the Cas-tte- ton medical college at the opening of the fall session, 1843. Alb., 1843. Carr, Lascalles. Working people's paradise, letters of a British free trade editor who visited this country in 1893. Bost., 1896. Carr, Laura Garland. Memories and fancies. Bost., 1891. Carr, Lucien. Dress and oj-naments of certain Amer. Indians. (/» Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 381-454.) Error in the resolution of Congress admitting Missouri into the Union. Camb., 1900. Food of certain American Indians. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1895. p. 155-90.) Missouri, a bone of contention. Bost., 1888. (Amer. com- monwealths.) and Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. On the prehistoric remains of Ky. Camb., 1876. (In Ky.: Geol. sur. 1876. v. i.) Carrel, Frank, pub. Guide to the city of Quebec. Quebec, 1896. Carrier, Augustus Stiles, D. D. Inaugural address; a study in com- parative theology. (In McCormick theological seminary. Inau- gural addresses. 1893. p. 28-41.) Carrigain, Philip. Letter giving an account of an ancient inscrip- tion on a rock in Winnipisiogee. (In N. H. hist. soc. CoK. 1834. V. 4; p. 194-200.) Map of New Hampshire, n. p. 1816. (In Hitchcock. C. H. Atlas accompanying the report of the geology of N. H., 1878.) New Hampshire by recent survey. Cone, 1816. Note : scale 25 miles to l inch. Carrington, Brig.-gen. Henry Beebee. Battles of the American Rev- olution, 1775-1781. N. Y., 1876. Obelisk and its voices. Bost., 1887. Strategic relations of N. J. to the War of American Indepen- dence. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. v. 18; p. 121-49.) Carroll, Alfred L., M. D. Address on state medicine. Chic, 1890. Carroll, Anna Ella. Relation of the national government to the revolted citizens defined, n. p. n. d, Review of Pierce's administration. Bost., 1856. Carroll, B. R., comp. Historical collections of South Carolina. 2v. N. Y., 1836. Carroll, Clarence F. Modifications of the course of study. (In Amer. inst, of instruction. Lectures. 1895. p. 99-115.) Carroll, Henry King. Religious forces of the United States. N. Y., 1893. (Amer. church hist. ser. v. i.) Carroll, Matthew. Diary. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. V. 2; p. 229-40.) Carroll (N. H.). Annual report, 1884, '88, '91-9. T901. Whiter., 1884-1901. Carroll county (Md.) : Public schools, commissioners of. Directory, 1899-1900. n. d. Carroll county (N. H.). Annual report of the commissioners, 1871- 2, '76-1900. V. p. 1871-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRK STATE LIBRARY. 231' Carrothers, M. M., M. D. Cremation of night soil and garbage at Findlay, O. n. p. n. d. Carruthers, Rev. John Burr. Baccalaureate sermon preached before the graduating class of the Berlin high school, June, 1893. Ber- lin, 1893. Carson, Hampton Lawrence. History of the celebration of the looth anniversary of the promulgation of the constitution of the U. S. 2v. Phil., 1889. John Marshall in his relation to the establishment of the su- premacy of the supreme court of the United States as an organ of constitutional interpretation, n. p. n. d. Supreme court of the U. S., its history, 2v. Phil., 1892. Carson, Joseph, M. D., ed. Pereira, Jonathan, M. D. Elements of materia medica and therapeutics. 1843. 1852-4. Carson, Kit, pseud. See Carson, Col. Christopher. Carter, A. History of the parish and town of Berlin. Wore, 1878. Carter, Calvin H. Connecticut boroughs. (In N. H. colony hist, soc. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 139-83.) Carter, Mrs. Clara A., and Carter, Mrs. Sarah A. Carter; a gene- alogy of the descendants of Samuel and Thomas, sons of Rev. Samuel Carter. Clinton, 1887. Carter, Franklin. College as distinguished from university. N. H., 1881. Sentiment of reverence. (In Phillips Exeter acad. Lectures. 1887. p. 100-24.) Carter, H. R. Shipment of merchandise from a town infected with yellow fever. Wash., 1899. Carter, Hosea Ballou. New Hampshire official roster, with an epitome of official succession for two centuries. E. Hampstead, i879(?) E. Hampstead, 1879. New political map of New Hampshire. E. Hampstead, 1876. anon. Postal index of New Hampshire. E. Hampstead, 1879. Carter, J. W., D. D. Truth and righteousness. Raleigh, 1892. Carter, James Coolidge. Argument in opposition to the proposed civil code. Alb., 1887. Ideal and actual in the law. Phil., 1890. President's annual address. (/;/- National municipal league.- Proceed. 1895. p. 261-303.) — — Proposed codification of our common law. N. Y., 1884. Carter, James G. Geography of New Hampshire. Ports., 1831. Note: map wanting. Carter, Rez'. Nathan F. Biographical, native ministry of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Note: mounted newspaper cuttings. and Fowler, T. L. History of Pembroke, N. H., 1730-1895. 2v. Cone, 1895. Carter, Nathaniel Hazeltine, anon. Court of Neptune and the curse of liberty. N. Y., 1817. Letters from Europe, comprising the journal of a tour in 1825, '26, and '27. 2v. N. Y., 1827. Oration delivered before the republicans of Portland on the 39th anniversary of American independence. Portl., 1815. • Pains of the imagination; a poem read before the Phi Beta Kappa society at Dartmouth college, August, 1824. Bost., 1824. Carter, O. M., tr. Bauschinger, J., comp. Resolutions of the con- ventions held at Munich. 1896. Carter, Capi. Robert Goldthwaite. Col. Thomas Goldthwaite— was he a Tory? (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 23-44, 185- 200, 254-74, 362-79; V. 18, p. 31-53) 2S2 Al'TFfOR LIST. Carter, Capt. Robert Goldthwaite. Joseph Goldthwait, the barrack master of Boston. (/;i Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 349- 82.) Carter, Samuel. Route of the French army that sacked Deerfield, Feb. 1704. (In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 126-51.) Carter, Mrs. Sarah A., and Carter, Mrs. Clara A. Carter; a gene- alogy. 1887. Carter, Capt. Solon A. Fourteen months' service with colored troops. (In Loyal legion of U- S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. v. i; p. 155-79) Carter, T. J. Map of the Portsmouth and Concord railroad show- ing its connection with other roads, Nov., 1845. P.ost. n. d. NoTK: scale 3 miles to 1 inch. Carter and Porter, pub. Hymns for the use of the INl. E. church, with tunes for Congregational worship. N. Y., 1857. Cartland, Fernando G. Southern heroes. Camb., 1895. Cartwright, James J., ed. Wentworth papers, 1705-1 739 Lond., 1883. Carver, John. Sketches of New England. N. Y., 1842. Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Three years' travels throughout the inte- rior parts of North America. Ports., 1794. Bost, 1797. Walpole, 1813. Carver, L. D. Capital punishment. Augusta, 1899. Carver, T. N. Ohio tax inquisitor law. (In Rcon. studies. 1898. V. 3, no. 3, p. 163-212.) Carver, William Owen. Missions and the kingdom of heaven. Louisville, 1898. Carey, Alpheus. Address before the Massachusetts charitable me- chanic association, Oct., 182.4. Host., 1824. Cary, C. A. Eye diseases of domestic animals. Montg., 1893. (In Ala.: Agric. cxper. sta. Bulletin, no. 43.) New milk or water sterilizer. Montg., 1894. (In Ala.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin. No. 53.) Cary, John, isf toivn clerk of Bridgeivatcr (Mass.). See Bridgewater (Mass.). Cary, Moses. Genealogy of the families who have settled in the north parish of Bridgewater, to which is added an historical sketch of North Bridgewater. Bost, 1824. Cary, Thomas Greaves. Oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1847. Bost., 1847. Cary, Wilson Miles. Dandridges of Virginia. (In William and Mary college. 1897. v. 5; p. 30-40; 81-82; v. 6, p. 250.) Case, A. P. Brief account of the life of John Casse. Vernon n. d. Case, Capt. Ervin T. Battle of the mine. Prov., 1879. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1878. v. I.) Case, Lafayette Wallace, M. D., ed. Goodrich family in America. Chic, 1889. Case, Leonard. Early settlement of Trumbull county, Ohio. Cleve., 1876. (In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1876. v. I, no. 30.) Case, Leverette N. Personal recollections of the siege of Peters- burg. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 153-66.) Case, William C, and Williams, W. H. Arguments against the division of Derby. 1889. Case, Tiffany and Co., puh. United States from the latest author- ities. Hartf. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 28^ Case memorial library, Hartford (Conn.). Dedication, January i8, 1893. Hartf., 1893. {In Hartford theological seminary. Pub. 1893. no. 29.) Printed text of the Bible in Hebrew and Greek. Hartf., 1899. Case of the Centenary M. E. church as to the rights of the trustees, and the power of a court of law to compel them by mandamus to admit a minister appointed according to the discipline of their church. N. Y., 1848. Case of William M. Weed and the families and dependents of vol- unteers in the army. n. p. 186-. Case school of applied science. Catalogue, 1886-94, '95-7, '98-1901. Cleve., 1886-1900. Notk: 1st pub. in I88I. Casey, Brig.-geu. Silas. Infantry tactics for the instruction, exer- cise, and manceuvers of the soldier, v. 2-;^. N. Y., 1862. NoTK: V. 1 wanting. Casey county petroleum company. Prospectus, n. p. 1865. Casgrain, abbe, and Laverdiere, C. H., abbe. Journal des Jesuits. 1871. Casiano de Prado. Sur I'cxistence dc la faune primordiale dans la chaine cantabrique. Par. n. d. (//» Harrande, Joachim. Writ- ings. V. d. V. I.) Casimir, Nicholas, baron de Bogousheisky. See Bogoushievsky, Nicho- las, Casimir, baron de. Casket of four jewels for young Christians. Kost., 1843. Cass, Brig.-gcn. Lewis. Discourse at the Capitol of the U. S. before the Amer. historical society, Jan. 30, 1836. Wash., 1836. Speech on the religious rights of American citizens residing or traveling in foreign countries. Wash., 1854. Cassidy, Jessie J. Legal status of women. N. Y., 1897. Cassier's magazine, monthly, engineering illustrated, v. 9-19. N. Y., 1 895-1901. Cassin, John.. Mammalogy and ornithology. Phil., 1858. {In U. S. : I'^xploring expedition, Narrative. 1858. v. 8, pt. 2.) Castanis, Christophorus Plato. Oriental, amusing, instructive, and moral literary dialogues. Bost., 1849. Castell, William. Extract from Castell's "Discoverie" of America. 1644. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. 8; p. 231-6.) anon. Petition of W. C. exhibited to the high court of parlia- ment, n. p. 1641. (/n Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8, no. 12.) n. p. 164 1. (/« Force, Peter. Tracts. 1836. v, i.) Castle, F. D., M. I). Hygiene of the eye. Phil., 1875. Castle, Frederick Albert, M . D., ed. Wood's household practice of medicine, hygiene, and surgery. 2v. N. Y., 1880. Note : v. 1 and v. 2, pp. 1-406 wanting. and Yale, Leroy Milton, M. D., comp. First decennial catalogue of the Bellevue hospital medical college of the city of N. Y., from 1861 to 1871. N. Y., 1873. cd. New remedies, v. i-ii. 1871-82. Castle, Capt. Henry A. Army mule. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v. 2, p. 338-66.) Boys in blue grown gray. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minti. commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 454-77.) Dress parade. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 227-65.) General W. T. Sherman. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn. commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 495-508.) Shelter tent. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 440-53) 234 AUTHOK LIST. Castle, Capt. Henry A. Some experiences of an enlisted man. (In Loyal legion of U. S,: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887-. v. i; p. 107-34) Castle, Joseph, D. D. Faithful servant rewarded; a sermon on occasion of the death of Rev. Beverly Waugh. Phil., 1858. Castle, Thomas, M. D., ed. Manual of surgery. Ed. 3. Bost., 1832. ed. Blundell, James, M. D. Principles and practice of obstet- ricy. 1834- Castleton (Vt.) First Congregational church. Manual, 1859. Ruti.^ 1859. Report of the proceedings commemorating the 100th anni- versary of the organization of the Congregational church. Fair Haven, 1884. Castleton medical college. Announcement of the courses of lec- tures, 1844, fall, and 1845, spring; and catalogue of the students, 1844. Alb., 1844. — — Catalogue of the students and graduates, 1843, and annual announcement of the sessions, 1843, fall, and 1844, spring, pt. 1-2. Alb,, 1843. Circular, being a catalogue of the trustees, faculty, and stu- dents, announcements for 1845, 48, '56. v. 33, 39, 52. Rutl., 1845-55. Castleton seminary, Castleton (Ft.). Memorial anniversary, June 29, 1870. Rutl., 1870. Castro, D'Oliveira, M. D. Elements of therapeutics and practice according to the dosimetric system. N. Y., 1888. Caswall, Edward, comp. Lyra Catholica; containing all the hymns of the Roman breviary and missal. N. Y. 1851. Caswell, Alexis, D. D. Address on retiring from the duties of presi- dent. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed, i860, V. 13; p. 1-26.) Biographical notice of Benjamin Silliman. (In National acad. of sci. Annual. 1866. v. 3; p. 109-25.) John Barstow. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog- raphies. 1894. V. 5; p. 376-90.) Meteorological observations made at Providence, R. L; 1831- 1860. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. i860, v. 12.) Results of observations from 1831 to 1876. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1885. v. 24.) Caswell, J. H. Microscopic petrography of the Black Hills of Dakota. (In Newton, Henry, and Jenney, Walter P. Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills. 1880. p. 469-528.) Catalogue of the cabinet and pictures of Pilgrim Hall, Plymouth, Mass. n. p. 1884. n. p. 1898. Catalogue of the native phanogamous plants and ferns of Ken- tucky. Lexington, 1833. Catalogue of the phenogamous plants and ferns growing without cultivation within five miles of Yale college. N. H., 1831. Catalogue publishing company. Descriptive catalogue of U. S. government publications, no. i. Wash., 1899. Cate, S. M., M. D. Treatise on some diseases of the bones and ligaments of the spine. Wash., 1886. Cathcart, William, D. D. Baptist encyclop?edia. 2v. Phil, i88r. Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Washington (D. C). Order of ser- vice for the raising of a cross at the cathedral close. Wash., 1898. Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, the cathedral idea. n. p. n. d. Catherine and Clara. Bost., 1853. N. Y., 1853. • • Bost., 1854. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRABY^ 236 Caihell, Daniel Webster, M. D. Physician himself; and what he should add to his scientific acquirements. Ed. 2. Bait., 1882. Ed. 4. Bait, 1885. Catherwood, Frederic. Account of the Punico-Lubian monument at Dugga. (/« Amer. ethnological see. Trans. 1845. v. i; p. 467-91.) Catholic Knights of America. Proceedings, v. 11. Ft. Wayne, i«97. Proceedings of biennial session. New York state council, v. 7. N. Y., 1896. Catholic reading circle review, v. 2, no. 12; v. 3, no. 12; v. 4, no. 12; V. 6, no. 6; v. 8, no. 5-6; v. 10, no. 5-6. Youngstown, 1892-97. Catholic total abstinence union pf America. Proceedings of the general convention, 1898-1901. v. 28-31. N. Y., 1898-1901. Catholic total abstinence union of New Hampshire. Constitution and by-laws. n. p. 1878. Catholic university bulletin, quarterly, v. 1-6. Wash., 1895-1900. Catholic university of America. Inauguration of the schools of philosophy and social sciences, and dedication of McMahon Hall, Oct. I, 1895. Wash., 1895. Official announcements for the scholastic year 1889-93. v. p-. 1889-92. Note: continued in the Yearbook of the University. ■- Regulations defining and governing the schools and depart- ments, n. p. n. d. Report of the proceedings on the occasion of the presentation by the Ancient Order of Hibernians of America of a fund of $50,000 for the teaching of Gaelic. Wash., 1896. Year-book, 1893-8, 1900-1. Wash., 1893-1900. : Divinity school. Kalendarium, 1891-93. W^ash., 1891-2. Note : continued in the Yearbook of the University. ■ Materia examinis pro baccaleureatu in sacra theologia, 1900-I. n. p. n. d. : Law, dept. of. Circular, n. p. n. d. Catholic world, a monthly magazine of general, literature and sci- ence. V. 62-72. N. Y., 1896-1901. Catholic year book of New England for the year 1900. Bost., 1900. Catlin, Charles A. Baking powders. Prov., 1899. Catlin, George. Illustrations of the manners, customs, and condi- tion of the North American Indians. Ed. 5. 2v. Lond., 1845. Catlin, W. W., ed. Echoes of the Sunset club. Chic , 1891. Caton, John Dean. American cervus. Ottawa, 1868. (Ottawa acad. of natural sci.) Artesian wells; a paper read before the Academy of sciences of Chicago, Jan 13, 1874. n. p. n. d. Caton, T. M. Practical observations on the debilities of the gener- ative organs. Ed. 3. Lond., 1813. Catt, Carrie Chapman, comp. Ballot and the bullet. Phil, 1897. Cattell, Henry W., M. D., ed. International medical magazine. 1897-8. Cattail, James McKeen. Advance of psychology, (In Amer, assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 47; p. 441-53.) Scientific societies and associations. (In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. v. 2; p. 865-91.) ed. Science, a weekly journal. 1895-1901. ed. Science series. Cattell, Rev. T. W. Preaching the Gospel. Phil., 1886. Cattell, William Cassidy, D. D. Address before the synod of Phila- delphia upon Lafayette college, n. p. 1870. Memorial address delivered at Lafayette college on Ario Par- dee. Easton, 1892. ^36 AUTHOR LIST. Cauchon, Joseph. Union of provinces of British North America, tr. by G. H. Macaiilay. Quebec, 1865. Caulkins, Frances Manwaring. History of New London, Conn. New London., 1895. History of Norwich, Conn,, from 1660 to 1845. Norwich, 1845. History of Norwich, Conn., with a brief sketch of the life of the author. Hartf., 1874. Memoir of William Adams and Eliphalet Adams. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. T852. V. 31; p. 5-51.) Poems on local scenes and incidents. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i, pt. i; p. 37-70.) Gaunter, Rev. Hobart. Oriental annual; lives of the Moghul emper- ors, Lond., 1837. Oriental annual; or, Scenes in India. Lond., 1835. Caustick, Christopher, f>send. See Fcssenden, Thomas Green. Cavada, Lieut.-col. F. F. Libby life; experiences of a prisoner of war in Richmond, Va., 1863-4. Phil., 1865. Cavendish, Sir Henry. Debates of the house of commons in the year 1774, on the bill for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec. Lond., 1839. Cavendish academy, Cavendish (Vt.). Catalogue of the teachers and students, 1834. Windsor, 1834. Cavcrly, Abiel Moore, M. D. Historical sketch of Troy and her inhabitants from the first settlement of the town in 1764 to 1855. Keene, 1859. History' of the town of Pittsford, Vt. Rutl., 1872. Caverly, Robert Boodey. Battle of the bush. Bost., 1884 Duston monument, n. p. n. d. anon. Genealogy of the Caverly family. Lowell, 1880. Heroism of Hannah Duston, together with the Indian wars of New England. Bost., 1874. " History of the Indian wars of New England, with Eliot, the apostle, fifty years in the midst of them. 2v. Bost., 1882. • Life and labors of John Eliot, the apostle among the Indian nations of New England. Lowell, 1881. Merrimac and its incidents, an epic poem. Bost., 1866. ed. Jewett, Jeremiah P., M. D. History of Barnstead. 1872, Caverno, Rev. Arthur. Oration delivered at Strafford, July 4, 1836. n. p. n. d. Note: manuscript copy. ■ Substance of a discourse on the subject of baptism, 1823. Ports., 1823. Cayiord, John. Oration pronounced at Goffstown, July 4, 1805. Amh,, 1805, Cayley, Arthur. Calculation of the minimum N. G. F. of the binary seventhic. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1879. v. 2; p. 71- Memoir on seminariants. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1885. V. 7; p. 1-25) Memoir on the Abelian and Theta functions. (In Amer. jour. of mathematics. 1882. v. 5; p. 137-79- 1885, v. 7; p. 101-67.) On the 34 concomitants of the ternary cubic, (/n Amer. jour. of mathematics. 1881. v. 4; p. 1-15.) Seminvariant tables. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1885. V. 7; p. 59-73) Cayley, Cornelius, tr. Seraphical young shepherd, n. d. ■ 1793- Cayley, Edv^ard. Up the river Moisie. {In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1863. p. 75-91 •) Cayuga county Bible society. Jubilee memorial consisting of an "Historical sketch" of its first fifty years. Auburn. 1868. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 237 Cayuga county historical society. Annual meeting, 1878. v. i. Auburn. 1878. Cazeaux, Pierre. Theoretical and practical treatise on midwifery; 4th Amer. fr. the 6th French ed. by W. R. Bullock. Phil., 1866. Including the diseases of pregnancy and parturition; rev. by S. Tarnier; 5th Amer. fr. the 7th French ed. by W. R. Bullock. Phil., 1868. Traite theorique et pratique de Tart des accouchcments. Ed. 2. Par., 1844. . Ed. 2. Par., 1846. ed. by S. Tarnier. Ed. 8. Par., 1870. Cazenave, P. L. Alphee, and Schedel, Henri Edward. Manual of diseases of the skin, from the French, with notes by T. H. Bur- gess, revised by H. D. Bulkley. N. Y., 1846. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1852. Practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases; tr. fr. the French. Phil., 1829. ■ 2d Amer. ed. Phil., 1832. Cease, D. L., ed. Railroad trainmen's journal. 1890-1900. Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-, 3d niarq. of Salisbury. See Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil, 3d marq. of. Cedar Rapids (la.): Free public library. Annual report, 1896-1900. V. 1-4. Cedar Rapids, 1806-1900. Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the introduction of the art of printing into N. H., in the city of Portsmouth. Ports., 1857. ^ Centennial anniversary of the elevation of John Marshall to the office of chief justice, Feb. 4, 1901; in Philadelphia. Phil., T9or. Centennial anniversary of the independence of the state of Ver- mont and the battle of Bennington, Aug. 15-16, 1877. R"tl., 1879. Centennial anniversary of Washington's inauguration. April yi, 1889. Groton, 1889. Centennial association of Valley Forge. Valley Forge: proceed- ings of the centennial celebration of the occupation of Valley F'orge by the continental army. Phil., 1879. Centennial at Windsor, Vt., July 4, 1876. Windsor, 1876. Centennial celebration at Damariscotta and Newcastle, July 4. 1876. Waldoboro, 1876. Centennial guide book company, anon. 1776, 1876. Flihrer fiir die besucher der Centennial ausstellung und Philadelphia. Phil., 1876. 1776, 1876; guia del visitador a la exposicion centenial v Fila- dclf^a. Filadelfia. 1876. "^77^^ 1876: guide des visiteurs a I'cxposition du centeniare et a Philadelphia. Phil., 1876. 1776, 1876; visitors' guide to the Centennial exhibition. Phil., 1876. Centennial of Castine; an account of the exercises at the celebra- tion of the looth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, July 9, 1896. Castine, 1896. Centennial record of Freewill Baptists. 1780-1880. Dover, T88r. Central coal mining and manufacturing company. Annual report to the directors. N. Y., 1864. Prospectus. N. Y., 1863. Central college. Catalogue, 1897-1900. Columbia, 1897-1900. Central college association. Addresses and journal of proceedings at the annual session, 1870. {Bound with Amer, normal .school assoc. Addresses. 1871.) Central college of physicians and surgeons. Annual announce- ment, session of 1894-5. v. 16. Indianapolis, 1894. 238 AUTHOR LIST. Central Congregational church, Jamaica Plain (Mass.). Manuait. Best., 1898. Central Congregational church, Philadelphia. Manual, 1864-1883. Phil., 1883. Central Indiana hospital for the insane. Annual report of the trustees and superintendent for the year 1859, '63, '64, '66, '67, '69, '71-3, '75, '77, '82, '84, '88, '89, '91-1901. V. II, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23-5, 27, 29, 34, 36, 40, 41, 43-53- Indianapolis, 1859-1902. Central Ohio asylum for the insane. See Columbus hospital for the Insane. Central Ohio lunatic asylum. Sec Columbus hospital for the Insane. Central Pacific railroad company. Relations between the company and the United States government. San Fran., 1889. Statement made to the president of the U. S. and secretary of the Interior of the progress of the work. Sacram., 1865. Central Pennsylvania college. Annual catalogue, 1879-1900. v. p. 1880- 1 900. Central railroad and banking company of Georgia. Report of the president and superintendent and the proceedings of the meet- ings of the stockholders. Savannah, 1851. Central railroad company of New Jersey. Annual report, v. 25-6. N. Y., 1872-3. Central railroad of New Jersey. Memorial of J. O. Sterns. N. Y., 1862. Central railway club. Announcement, 1901. N. Y., 1901. Proceedings for 1893-4; 1895, Jan., Mar., Nov.; 1896, Jan., Sept., Nov.; 1897-1900. N. Y., 1893-1900. Central society of education. Papers. 3 v. Lond., 1837-9. Note : t. 2 wanting. Central Tennessee college. Catalogue, 1869-70, '74-5; '80-4, '86-91, '94-5. Nashville, 1870-95. Circular. Nashville, 1895. : Meharry medical, dental, and pharmaceutical departmeiits. Annual catalogue, 1892-3, '94-5- Nashville, 1893-5. Central Union church, Honolulu {H. J.). Annual report and list of church members, v. i, 3-10. Honolulu, 1889-98. Central university of Iowa. Handbook and annual catalogue of the officers and students^ 1883. Pella, 1883. Central university of Kentucky. Annual catalogue, 1894-5. v. 21. Louisville, 1895. : Medical department. See Hospital college of medicine. Central Vermont marble company. Charter, by-laws, and reports. N. Y., 1873. Centre college. Annual catalogue, 1849-50, '51-2, '54-5, '57-8, '59-73, '74-94, '95-8, '99-1901. V. 26, 28, 31, 34, 36-49, 51-74, 76, 77' v. p. 1850-1901. See also Alumni association of Centre college. Centre Congregational church, Gilmanton (N. //.). Articles of faith and form of covenant, with a list of the members. Gilmanton, 1836. Centre Harbor (N. H.). Annual report, 1881-5, '90-1902. v. p. 1881-1902. Century association. Proceedings in honor of the memory of Brig.-gen. J. S. Wadsworth and Colonel P. A. Porter, N. Y., 1865. Reports, constitution, by-laws, and list of members for 1894-5. N. Y., 1895-6. Century illustrated monthly magazine, v. 23-5, 27-59. v. 60, no. 1-3. N. Y., 1881-1901. Note: continuation of Scribner's monthly illustrated magazine. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 239 Ceremonies attending the unveiling of the statue of Benjamin Franklin, June 14, 1899- Phil., 1899. Ceresole, Lieut. Practice march of a Swiss artillery battalion, 1897; tr. by H. A. Reed. {In U. S. : Adj. -gen. Selected professional papers. 1898. p. 165-93.) Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Ingenious gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha, tr. by John Ormsby. 3v. Bost., 1896. Note: printed for the blind in the Howe type. Life and exploits of r>on Quixote de la Mancha; tr. fr. the Spanish by Charles Jarvis. 4v. Exeter, 1827-8. Cervera y Topete, Rear admr.. Pascual, comp. Spanish-American War; a collection of documents relative to the squadron oper- ations in the West Indies; tr. fr. the Spanish. Wash., 1899. (U. S. Naval intelligence, office of. Information from abroad; war notes, no. 7.) Views regarding the Spanish navy in the late war. Wash., 1898. Cesnola, Col. Luiga Palma di. Ten months in Libby prison. N. Y., 1865. Cespedes, Juan de Dies. See Dies Cespedes, Juan de. Chaboux, Frangisque, M. D. De certaines lesions de la region naso- pharyngienne que Ton doit rattacher a la syphilis. Par., 1875. Chace, A. B. Certain class of cubic surfaces treated by qua- ternions. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1879. v. 2; p. 315- Chace, George I., Hager, Albert D., and Walling, Henry F. Nor- wegian coal company, reports. N. Y., 1864. Chace, George J., and Petherick, William. Reports to the Bruns- wick antimony company. Bost., 1864. Chace, J. Map of Hillsborough county, New Hampshire. Best., 1858. Note : scale 4-5 mile to 1 inch. Map of Rockingham county, New Hampshire. Phil., 1857. Note : scale 4-5 mile to l inch. Map of Strafford county, New Hampshire. Phil., 1856. Note : scale 2-3 mile to 1 inch. Chadbourne, Paul Ansel. Physical sciences the products and pro- moters of civilization. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 227-40.) Waste of labor in the work of education. Wash., 1875. U^ U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1875. no. 4.) Chaddock college. Catalogue, 1898-9. Quincy, 1898. Chadwick, Capt. French Ensor. Report on the training system* for the navy and mercantile marine of England, and on the naval training system of France. Wash., 1880. and others. Ocean steamships. N. Y., 1891. Chadwick, Harrison E. Dedication of the schoolhouse and town hall, Bradford, Mass., Aug. 28, 1885. n. p. 1885. . Chadwick, James R., M. D. Medical libraries of Boston. Camb., 1876. Study and practice of medicine by women. N. Y., 1879. •Note : reprint from the IhtetRational review, Oct. 1879. Chadwick, Rev. John White. Punishment of sin. Bost. n. d. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. no. 4, no. 99.) Questions on the Old Testament books in their right drdcr. Ed. 2. Bost., 1897. Re-birth of Jesus. Bost., 1900. Theodore Parker, preacher and reformer. Bost, 1900. 240 AUTHOR LIST. Chadwick, Rev. John White. Unilarianism and modern discovery. Bost. n. d. (Anicr. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 8.) Chaffin, Rrj. William L. History of the town of Easton, Mass. Camb, i886. Chaille, Stanford Emerson, M. D. Intimidation and the number of white and colored voters in Louisiana in 1876 as shown by sta- tistical data. N. O., 1877. Inundations of New Orleans and their influence on its health. n. p. n. d. Chaillu, Paul B. du. See Du Chaillu, Paul B. Chailly-Honore, Nicolas Charles. Practical treatise on midwifery; tr. fr. the French and ed. by G. S. Bedford. N. Y., 1844. Challis, Frank H., conip., anon. 1846, semi-centennial compendium of historical facts, business, and political index of Manchester, N. H. Manch., 1896. Chalmers, Archibald K., M. D. Scarlatina and scarlatinal sore throat, a record of milk infection. Glasgow, 1894. Chalmers, George. Estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain during the present and four preceding reigns. Lond., 1794- Political annals of the present United colonies from their settlement to the peace of 1763. 2v. Lond., 1780. Note: v. 2. n. p. n. d. • Book 2, by G. C. (/;/ N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. t868. v. 9; p. T-190.) ^ Chalmers, Patrick. Adhesive postage stamp, decision of the En- cyclopsedia Britannica, also papers on the penny postage reform. Lond., 1886. James Chalmers, the inventor of the adhesive postage stamp not Sir Rowland Hill. Lond., 1884. Submission of the Sir Rowland Hill committee. Ed. 2. Lond., 1886. Chalmers, Thomas, D. D., On political economy in connection with the moral state and moral prospects of society; 2d Amer. ed. Columbus, 1833. Chalmers, Rev. W., ed. Dabncy, Robert L., D. D. Life of Lieut.- gen. Jackson. 1864-6. Chambaud, Lewis. Exercises to the rules and construction of French speech. Ed. 17. Lond., 1801. Chamber of commerce of the state of New York. Memorial. N. Y., 1864. • Report on the state and city taxation, January, 1901. N. Y., 1901. ^lay, 190T. N. Y., 190T. Venezuelan question, report on the subject. N. Y., 1896. Chamberlain, Charles J. Contribution to the life history of salix. Chic, 1897. Chamberlain, Daniel Henry. Not "A college fetish." (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1884. p. 139-82.) — — Speech before the Massachusetts reform club at Boston. Feb. 8, 1890. n. p. n. d. ■ State judiciary, its place in the Amer. const, system. (In Rogers. II. W. Const, hist, of the U. S. 1889. p. 237-86.) Chamberlain, George Walter. John Chamberlain, the Indian fighter at Pigwacket. Weymouth, 1898. (fn Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. i-t6.) One branch of the descendants of Thomas Chamberlain of Woburn. 1644. Weymouth, 1897. Soldiers of the American Revolution of Lebanon, Me. Wey- mouth, 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 241 Chamberlain, Capt. J. W. Scenes in Libby prison. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 342-70.) Chamberlain, Jacob, D. D. Bible tested; is it the book for today and for the world? N. Y., 1878. Chamberlain, Joseph Hanson. Study of Latin. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1889. v. 20; p. 41-50.) Chamberlain, Brig.-gen. Joshua Lawrence. Maine, her place in his- tory. Augusta, 1877. Military operations on the White Oak road, Va., March 31, 1865. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. V. i; p. 207-53-) Chamberlain, Mellen. Address at the dedication of the Brooks library building at Brattleboro, Vt, Jan. 25, 1887. Camb., 1887. (In Brooks library. Proceed. 1887. p. 18-50.) Authentication of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. Camb., 1885. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. v. 21; p. 272-98.) (In his John Adams and other essays. ^ 1899. p. 97-I33-) Bowdoin and Temple papers. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. V. 31; p. 286-99.) Charles Henry Bell, his character. (In Smith, Jeremiah. Memorial of Bell. 1894. p. 13-22.) Dedicatory address at Wilson Hall. n. p. n. d. Scope of a college library. (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 389-425.) Genesis of the Massachusetts town. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 214-42.) (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 189-228.) Governor Winthrop's estate. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. V. 27: p. 127-43.) John Adams, the statesman of the American Revolution. n. p. n. d. (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 1-96.) John Adams, the statesman of the American Revolution with other essays and addresses. Bost., 1899. * Josiah Quincy, the great mayor. Bost., 1889. (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 299-328.) Landscape in life and poetry. Hanover, 1880. Note : printed only on one side of the page. From the Dartmouth literary monthly. (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 369-88.) Memorial of Capt. Charles Cochrane. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. v. 26; p. 433-41, 519.) A British officer in the Revolutionary war, 1774-81. Camb., 1891. New historical school. Camb., 1890. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1890. v. 25; p. 264-77.) (In his John Adams and other essays. 1899. p. 169-86.) Old Province house. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1886. v. 22; p. 122-31.) Remarks at the dinner of the alumni of Dartmouth college at Concord, N. H., on the occasion of the dedication of a statue of Daniel Webster, n. p. n. d. Revolution impending. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. i88i8. v. 6; p. 1-112.) Samuel Maverick's palisade house of 1630. Camb., 1885. Sketch of the life of Rev. Samuel Henley. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1878. v. 15; p. 230-41.) Talcott papers. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 28; p. 123-39.) 16 242 AUTHOIl LIST. Chamberlain, Montague. Church army. Bost., 1897. Chamberlain, Rev. William Benton. Liturgical training as an ele- ment in the preparation for the ministry. Chic, 1895. Rhetorical studies and literary work in colleges, (/n Assoc. of Ohio colleges. Trans, v. 19; p. 19-36.) Chamberlayne, C. G. Old Blandford tombstones. {In William and Mary college quarterly. 1897. v. 5; p. 230-40. v. 6; p. 13- 27.) Chamberlayne, Israel, D. D., anon. Pastoral address of the Genesee annual conference of the M. E. church. Buffalo, 1858. Chamberlen, Hugh, M. D., tr. Mauriceau, Francois. Diseases of women with child and in child-bed. 1718. Chamberlin, E. M. Reply to Edward Atkinson. {In Atkinson, Edward. Margin of profits. 1887. p. 55-80.) Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. John Brown. Bost, 1899. (Beacon biographies.) Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder. Address; an inventory of our glacial drift. {In Amer, assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1887. V. 35; p. 195-212.) and Irving, Roland Duer. Observations on the junction be- tween the eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Ke- weenaw Point, Lake Superior. 1885. {In U. S. Geol. survey. Bulletins, no. 23.) ed. Journal of geology. 1899. ed. Wright, George Frederick, D. D. Glacial boundary in western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois. 1890. {In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins, no. 58.) Chamberlin, Maj. W. H. Skirmish line in the Atlanta campaign. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. V. 3; p. 182-96.) Chambers, E. T. D., ed. North American notes and queries. 1900. Chambers, Henry Edward. Constitutional history of Hawaii. Bait., 1896. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 14, no. i.) West Florida and its relation to the historical cartography of the United States. Bait., 1898. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 16, no, 5.) Chambers, Joseph G., anon. Critical orthography and easy guide to pronunciation of the English language. Wash., 1824. Chambers, Robert. Ancient sea-margins. Edin., 1848. ed. Cyclopaedia of English literature. 2v. Bost., 1847. anon. Explanations, a sequel to Vestiges of the natural his- tory of creation. N. Y., 1846. anon. Explanations, a sequel to Vestiges of the natural his- tory of creation. N. Y. 1848. {Bound zuith his Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1846.) Vestiges of the natural history of creation, 2d ed. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. N. Y., 1845. 4th ed. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. N. Y., 1846. ed. Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining knowl- edge, n. d. Chambers, Rev. Talbot Wilson. Memoir of the life and character of the Plon. Theo. Frelinghuysen. N. Y., 1863. Chambers, Thomas King, M. D. Digestion and its derangements. N. Y., 1856. Indigestions; or. Diseases of the digestive organs functionally treated; 2d Amer. fr. 2d and rev. Lond. ed. Phil., 1868. 3d Amer. ed. rev. Phil., 1870. Manual of diet in health and disease. Phil., 1875. Renewal of life; 2d Amer. fr. the 4th Lond. ed. Lond., 1866. From the 3d Lond. ed. Phil., 1865. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 243 Chambers, William, ed. Chambers's miscellany of useful and en- tertaining knowledge, n. d. Chambers's encyclopedia; a dictionary of useful knowledge for the people. lov.' Phil., 1870-1. New ed. lov. Lond., 1899. Chambers's miscellany of useful and entertaining knowledge; ed. by Robert and William Chambers, v. 2, 4, 7, 9, 10. Bost., n. d. Chambrun, Joseph Dominique Adelbert de Pineton, Comte de. Ex- ecutive power in the U. S., tr. fr. the French by Mrs. M. V. Dahl- gren. Lancaster, 1874. Champigny, Jean de. Memoir on the present state of Louisiana; tr. fr. the French. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1853. V. 5; p. 126-233.) Champion, J. Dan. Problem and science of light and heat. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Lowell, 1886. Championniere, Just M. M. Lucas, M. D. See Lucas-Championniere, Just M. M., M. D. Champlain, Samuel de. Founding of Quebec. {In Old South leaf- lets. 1898. V. 4; no. 91.) • CEuvres, publiees sous le patronage de I'Universite Laval par I'abbe C. H. Laverdiere. Ed. 2. 5v. in 2. Quebec, 1870. Voyages tr. fr. the French by C. P. Otis. 3v. Bost., 1878-82. (Prince soc. pub.) Champlin, James Tift, D. D. Educational institutions in Maine. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 155-80.) Historical discourse delivered at the 50th anniversary of Colby university, Aug. 2, 1870. Waterville, 1870. Champney, Benjamin. Sixty years' memories of art and artists. Woburn, 1900. Chance, Frank, tr., Virchow, Rudolf. Cellular pathology, n. d. Chancellor, C. W., M. D. Sanitation of cities and towns and the agricultural utilization of excretal "matters. Bait., 1887. Chandler, Abiel. Will of Abiel Chandler. Keene, 1851. Chandler, Rev. Amariah. Sermon delivered on the day of general election, October 14, 1824, before the honorable legislature of Vt. Montp., 1824. {In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Chandler, Charles. Life and labors of Thomas D. Gilbert. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 27; p. 234-55.) Chandler, Charles F. Report on water for locomotives and boiler incrustations. N. Y., 1865. Chandler, Charles H. Historical note on early American railways. n. p. 1898. Note : from the transactions of the Wise. acad. of sci. v. 12. History of the theological society of Dartmouth college, June I, 1868. Hanover, 1868. Improved harmonograph. n. p. 1894. Inter-generation period. Madison, 1899. Transcendental space, n. p. 1897. Chandler, George. Chandler family. Wore, 1883. Chandler, J. R., ed. Graham's American monthly magazine. 1849. Chandler, James Edward, anon. Account of the triennial and sex- tennial meeting of the class of ,1865, Yale college. N. Y., 1875. Chandler, Brig.-gen. John. Extracts from his autobiography. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 178-205.) Chandler, Joseph R. Outlines of penology. Phil., 1874. Speech on the bill to organize territorial government in Ne- braska. Wash., 1854. {Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 5.) Chandler, Julian Alvin Carroll. Representation in Virginia. Bait., 1896. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1896. v. 14, no. 6-7.) 244 AUTHOR LIST. Chandler, Mrs. L. B. Divineness of marriage. N. Y,, 1872. Chandler, Lloyd H. Trip to Jerusalem. Cone, 1897. Visit to the Shakers of East Canterbury, N. H. E. Canter- bury, n. d. Chandler, Lucy Hale, anmi. Liberty pole, a tale pf Machias, Ma- chias, 1857. Chandler, Peleg W. Memoir of J. A. Andrew. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1881. v. 18; p. 41-64.) Chandler, Samuel. Letter on Mansfield coal mine. Bost., i857(?) Chandler, Rev. Seth. History of the town of Shirley, Mass. Shir- ley, 1883. Leonard Moody Parker. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1881. V. 2; p. 223^33.) Chandler, Seth Carlo. Address; the variable stars. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 39; p. 33-50.) Chandler, William Eaton. Address before the Grafton and Coos bar association, Jan. 6, 1888. Cone, 1888. ■- Address before the Unitarian grove meeting association, Aug. 3, 1895. Cone, 1895. Answer to the charge of C. A. Sulloway, made in the legis- lature, Feb. 24, 1891, that ''He is a premeditated and deliberate liar." n. p. n. d. Decoration day; address at Nashua, N. H., before John G. Foster Post, G. A. R., 1889. Cone, 1889. Defense against the criticisms of H, M. Putney., n. p. 1900. Gold monometalism a wrong to humanity. Wash., 1900. Growth of the use of money in politics and of railroad power in New Hampshire. Cone, 1899. Issue of the canvass of 1894; protection instead of tariff re- form, n. p. i894(?) Letter to G. G. Fogg. n. p. 1868. Ed. 2. Wash., 1868. Letters against the $3,000,000,000 railroad trust and pooling agreement, n. p. n. d. Letters relative to the so-called Southern policy of President Flayes. Cone, 1878. Louisiana election and Southern election outrages. Wash., 1888. Louisiana investigation and Louisiana and Texas political murders. Wash., 1888. National election laws; their repeal by the democratic party. Cone, 1894. Neither gold nor silver monometalism, but bimetallism. Cone, 1896. New Hampshire a slave state, series of papers commonly known as the book of bargains. Cone, 1891. New Hampshire republican senatorial caucus of 1889, letter in further reply to the charges made against him in that caucus. Cone, 1890. Partisan removal from office of women and children, n. p. 1888 (?) People's $2,000,000 in the Concord railroad. Cone, 1893. Cone, 1893. (With /iz.?. people's interest in the Concord railroad. 1895.) • People's vanished $2,000,000 in the Concord railroad. (With his People's interest in the Concord railroad. 1895.) Prospects for tariff legislation in the senate after McKinley's election; sensible talk against a permanent gold standard, n. p. 1896 (?) Reasons why new voters should support McKinley and Roose- velt. Cone, 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 245 Chandler, William Eaton. Rejoinder to Mr. Wadleigh. Cone, 1879. Reply to the slanders of Bainbridge Wadleigh. Cone, 1879. Republican bimetallism; no single gold standard, n. p. n. d. Soldier's right to vote. Wash., 1864. Testimony before house committee to investigate alleged presidential frauds in Florida and Louisiana. Wash., 1878. United States naval observatory, the astronomical observa- tories and telescopes in the U. S. Wash., 1900. Way to republican success in 1900. n. p. i899(?) anon. Ye people's interest in ye Concord railroad. Cone, 1892. Cone, 1895. and others. Pooling and anti-scalping bills. Cone n. d. Railroad pooling, speech in Senate of the U. S., Jan. 29, 1895. Wash., 1895. Chandler school of science and the arts. Circular, 1878-9. n. p. 1878. Graduating exercises in the college church, June 26, 1883. n. p. 1883. Occupation of graduates, n, p. 1881. Chaney, J. B. Historical value of newspapers. (In Minn. hist. soe Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 111-19.) Channing, Edward, D. D. Companions of Columbus. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of Amer. 1886. v. 2; p. 187-216.) • Genesis of the Massachusetts town. (In Mass. hist, soe Pro- ceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 242-63.) Narragansett planters; a study of causes. Bait., 1886. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1886. v. 4; no. 3.) • Navigation laws. (In Amer. antiq. soe Proceed. 1889. p. 160-79.) Town and county government in the English colonies of North America. Bait, 1884. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1884. V. 2; no. 10.) War in the Southern department. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. 1888. v. 6; p. 469- 555-) . and Winsor, Justin. Territorial acquisitions and divisions. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of Amer. 1888. V. 7; p. 527-62.) Channing, Edward Tyrrel. Inaugural discourse delivered in the chapel of the university in Cambridge, Dec. 8, 1819. Camb., 1819. Life of William Ellery. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1836. ser. i, v. 6; p. 85-159.) Channing, Eva, tr. Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich. Leonard and Gertrude. 1898. Channing, George G. Early recollections of Newport, R. I., from 1793 to 181 1. Newport, 1868. Channing, Walter, M. D. 1786- 1876. Treatise on etherization in childbirth. Bost, 1848. ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. i. 1828. ed. New England journal of medicine and surgery, v. 14-16. 1825-7. Channing, William Ellery, D. D. Address delivered at Lenox, August I, 1842, the anniversary of emancipation in the British West Indies. Bost., 1842. Address on temperance at the Odeon, Boston, Feb, 28, 1837. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoe Tracts, ser. 4, no. 61.) Christian view of human suffering. Bost, 1840. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoe Tracts, ser. i, no. 152.) 246 AUTHOR LIST. Channing, William Ellery, D. D. (The) church, a discourse deliv- ered in the Unitarian church of Philadelphia. Phil., 1841. Discourse delivered at the dedication of the Unitarian Cong. church in Newport, R. I., July 27, 1836. Bost, 1836. Discourse in commemoration of the goodness of God in deliv- ering the Christian world from military despotism. Bost, 1814. Discourse on some of the distinguishing opinions of Uni- tarians delivered at Baltimore in 1819. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 108.) Discourse on the church. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser, i, no. 194.) Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 194.) Discourse on the life and character of the Rev. Joseph Tucker- man. Bost., 1841. Discourses. Bost., 1832. Discourses, reviews, and miscellanies. Bost, 1830. Duty of the free states; or, Remarks suggested by the case of the Creole. 2v. Bost., 1842. Emancipation. Bost, 1840. Lectures on the elevation of the labouring portion of the com- munity. Bost, 1840. Letter to Henry Clay on the annexation of the United States. Bost, 1837. Letter to James G. Birney. Bost, 1837. anon. Observations on the proposition for increasing the means of theological education at the University in Cambridge. Cam.b., 1816. Power of Unitarian Christianity to produce an enlightened and fervent piety. Bost., n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. I, no. 159.) Remarks on creeds, intolerance, and exclusion. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 122.) Remarks on the slavery question in a letter to Jonathan Phil- lips. Bost, 1839. Selection from the works of Channing. Bost., 1855. Self-culture, an address introductory to the Franklin lectures. Bost, 1839. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Jared Sparks. Ed. 2. Bait, 1819. — Ed. II. Bost, 1824. Sermon on war. Andover, 1817. Ed. 3. Andover, 1819. Sermon preached April 5, 1810, the day of the public fast Bost., 1810. Slavery. Ed. 2, rev. Bost., 1836. Sunday school, a discourse pronounced before the Sunday school society. Bost., 1837. Tribute to the memory of the Rev. Noah Worcester. Bost, 1837. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 124.) Works. Bost., 1895. Channing, William Francis, M. D. Notes on the medical applica- cation of electricity. Bost., 1849. On the municipal electric telegraph, especially in its applica- tion to fire alarms. N. H., 1852. Channing, William Henry. Life of William Ellery Channing. Ed. 3. Bost., 1890. anon. Memoir of William Ellery Channing, with extracts from his correspondence and journals. Ed. 3. 3v. Bost, 1848. Channing club of Boston. Constitution with a list of its officers and members. Best., 1892-3. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. S47 Channing home. Report for the year ending April 1870-3, '7S-80, '82-3, '85-1901. V. 2-5, 7-12, 14-15, 17-33. Bost, 1870-1901. Chanute, Octave. Address; scientific invention. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. v. 35; P- 165-82.) Chapin, Aaron L., D. D. Chief incentive to Christian missions. Bost., 1884. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Chapin, Alonzo Bowen, D. D. Glastenbury for 200 years. Hartf., 1853. Chapin, Bela, comp. Poets of New Hampshire. Clare., 1883. Chapin, Charles Value, M. D. Methods and practical results of treatment of the malarial diseases now prevalent in New Eng- land. Prov., 1886. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize disserta- tion.) Origin and progress of the malarial fever now prevalent in New England. Prov., 1884. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Present state of the germ-theory of disease. Prov., 1885. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Role of ptomaines in infectious diseases. Prov., 1889. (Fiske fund prize dissertation, no. 39.) Sympathetic nerve, its relation to disease. Prov., 1881. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Chapin, Charles Wells. History of the "Old high school" on School street, Springfield, Mass., from 1828 to 1840. Springf., 1890. Chapin, Edwin Hubbell, D. D. Catastrophe of the Princeton, dis- course upon the recent national calamity, 1844. Bost, 1844. Relation of the individual to the Republic, sermon before the governor at the annual election, Jan. 3, 1844. Bost, 1844. Chapin, Frederick H. Mountaineering in Colorado, the peaks about Estes Park. Bost., 1889. Chapin, Henry. Address delivered at the Unitarian church in Uxbridge, Mass., 1864. Wore, 1881. Chapin, John E., D. D. Sketch of Cutting Marsh. (In Wis. state hist. soc. Coll. 1900. V. 15; p. 25-38.) Chapin, Pelatiah. Evangelic poetry. Cone, 1794. Solemn scriptural reasons for renouncing pedo-baptism. Windsor, 1808. Chapin, Rev. Stephen. F'irst discourse delivered at Hillsborough, N. H., 1805, after his ordination. Amh., 1806. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Samuel Cook. Portl., 1822, Chapin, William D., comp. Index to original communications in the medical journals of the U. S. and Canada. 1877-8. Chapman, E. N., M. D. Notes on the value of pyrophosphate of iron. (In Watson, W. A., M. D. On the hist, of cod-liver oil. 1868. p. 29-42.) Chapman, Edmund. Treatise on the improvement of midwifery. Ed. 3. Lond., 1759. Chapman, Rev. F. W., comp. Trowbridge family. N. H., 1872. Chapman, Frank M. Handbook of birds of eastern North America. N. Y., 1895. Chapman, George Thomas, D. D. Sketches of the alumni of Dart- mouth college from 1771 to the present time. Camb., 1867. Chapman, Henry Cadwalader, M. D. Evolution of life. Phil., 1873. Manual of medical jurisprudence and toxicology. Phil., 1892. Chapman, Henry L. Joel Barlow and the Columbiad. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. V. .14; p. 50-61.) Chapman, Rev. Jacob. Genealogy; Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Mass., 1642-1678, and his descendants. Cone, 1893. Genealogy of the Folsom family. Cone, 1882. 248 AUTHOR LIST. Chapman, Rev. Jacob. Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook families. Exeter, 1886. Leonard Weeks of Greenland, N. H., and descendants. Alb., 1889. and Fitts, Rev. James Hill. Lane genealogies. 2v. Exeter, 1891-7. and Lapham, William B., M. D. Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644, and some of his descendants. Portl., 1878. Chapman, James Wilkinson. State tax commissions in the United States. Bait., 1897, (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1897. V. 15; no. lo-ii.) Chapman, John H. Persecution under Elizabeth. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1881. v. 9; p. 21-43.) • ed. Harleian society. Register book of marriages belonging to the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex, 1886-8. Chapman, Leonard B. Block and garrison houses of ancient Fal- mouth. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 16; p. 37-53-) First occupancy by Europeans of Saccarappa Falls on the Presumpscott river, now Westbrook. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. V. 20; p. 282-300.) Land titles in Monument Square, Portland. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 13; p. 281-97.) • Mast industry of old Falmouth. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. V. 17; p. 390-404.) Chapman, Maria Weston. "How can I help to abolish slavery?" N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 14.) Chapman, Nathaniel, M. D. Elements of therapeutics and materia medica. Ed. 3, enl. 2v. Phil., 1823-4. Lectures on the more important diseases of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. Phil., 1844. Lectures on the more important eruptive fevers. Phil , 1844. ed. Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences. V. T-14. 1820-7. ed. Richerand, Anthelme Balthasar. Elements of physiology, tr. from the French by G. J. M. DeLys, from the ^h Lond. ed., rev. and enl. 1813. Chapman, Samuel, M. D. Treatise on the venereal disease; being chiefly designed as a translation and abridgment of the practical part of Dr. Astruc's work. Ed. 12. Lond., 1770. Chappelsmith, John. Account of a tornado near New Harmony, Ind., April 30, 1852. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowl- edge. 1855. V. 7.) Chaptal, John Anthony. Chemistry applied to agriculture, tr. fr. the 2d French ed. Bost., 1836. Charcot, J. M. Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system, tr. by George Sigerson. Lond., 1877. tr. fr. the 2d ed. by George Sigerson. Phil., 1879. Charities record; a journal of the progress of Baltimore's charities, pub. quarterly, v. 4, no. 1-6. Bait., 1899-1900. Charity fund of Amherst college. Constitution and system of by- laws. Amh., 1881. Charity organization society of Baltimore. Annual report, v. 15- 20. Bait., 1896-1901. ed. Charities record. 1899-1900. Charity organization society of Denver, Col. Annual report, 1896, '99. V. 9, 12. Denver, n. d. Charles, Albert P. Eulogy on Daniel Austin, pronounced July 9, 1864. Manch., 1864. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBPwARY. 249 Charles, Cecil, tr. Biolley, Paul. Costa Rica and her future. 1889. Charleston (S. C). Original papers relating to the siege of Charleston, 1780. Charleston, 1898. : Artesian wells, scientific committee on. Report. Charleston, 1882. Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago railroad company. Prospectus. Bost., 1887. Charleston, college of. See College of Charleston. Charleston (S. C.) Ladies' memorial association. Memorials to the memory of Mrs. Mary A. Snowden, ed. by J. G. Holmes. Charleston, 1898. Charlestown (Mass.). Early records of Charlestown. (In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 369- 87.) : Public library. Report, 1872. Charlestown, 1873. Charlestown (N. H.). Annual report, 1853-86, '88-1902. v. p. 1853- 1902. Report of the committee in regard to the history of the town and the centennial celebration, July 4, 1876. Clare., 1873. : Education, board of. School reports for the year ending March, 1893. Clare., 1893. Charlestown church affairs. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1823. v. 21; p. 248-64.) Charlestown (Mass.) First church. Commemoration of the 250th anniversary. Bost., 1882. Charlestown (Mass.) First church Sunday school. Semi-centen- nial celebration of the first Sabbath-school society in Mass., and the first parish Sabbath school, Charlestown, Oct., 1866. Bost., 1867. Charlevoix, Pierre Frangois Xavier. Historical journal, in letters addressed to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres. (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1851. v. 3; p. 119-202.) Charlotte, medical journal, a monthly journal, v. 5; no. i; v. 6, no. 3; V. 7, no. 5; V. 8-1 1. Charl., 1894-8. Charlotte (N. C.) Young men's Christian association. Quarter century's work in behalf of young men. Charl., 1899. Charlton, Edwin A. New Hampshire as it is. Ed. 3, rev. Clare., 1856. Charnock, Richard S. Lord Lyndhurst. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 279-88.) Charrel, J. Traite de la culture du murier. Par., 1844. Traite des magnaneries. Par., 1848. Chase, Arthur Horace. Co-operation among the libraries of New Hampshire; paper read before the N. H. library association at its annual meeting, January 29, 1896. Cone, 1896. ed. History of the class of '86 in Dartmouth, 1887. Cone, 1887. for two years ending June, 1889. Woodsville, 1889. Chase, Arthur Wesley. Thirder history of the class of '80, Chan- dler scientific department, Dartmouth college. Manch., 1878. Chase, Austin Selden. Eulogy -on E. F. James, of Manchester, N. H. Hanover, 1869. Chase, Rev. B. W., ed. Proceedings and essays at a convention held at Fisherville, N. H., Jan. 16-18, 1877. Bristol, 1877. Chase, Benjamin. History of Old Chester from 1719 to 1869. Auburn, 1869. Chase, C. C. Brief biographical notices of the prominent citizens of the town of Lowell, 1826-1836. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 293-325.) Capt. John Ford. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 326-37.) 250 AUTHOR LIST. Chase, C. C. God's plan for educating man. (In Amer. institute of instruction. Lectures. 1850. p. 1-24.) Harriet Livermore. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. V. 4; P- 17-23-) Chase, Carlton, bp. Discourse delivered in Trinity church, Clare- mont, 1861. Clare., 1861. Chase, Charles Augustus. Some great trusts in the U. S. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 291-305.) William Lincoln. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1891. p. 424-36.) Chase, Charles G., anon. That old man and his dream. Prov., 1893. Chase, Ebenezer, ed. Masonic casket. 1823. ed. Religious informer. 1821. Chase, Rev. Edward A. Historical address at the centennial cele- bration of the Congregational church, Hampden, Mass., Nov. 18, 1885. Hartf., T898. Chase, Ellen. More early notices of local events. (In Brookline hist. pub. soc. Pub. 1899. no. 16; p. 55-64.) Chase, Enoch, M. D. Address to the Old Settlers' club, July 4, 1872. Milwaukee, 1872. Chase, Francis, ed. Gathered sketches from the early history of New Hampshire and Vermont. Clare., 1856. Chase, Frank. Spiritual invention. Bost., 1865. Chase, Frank H., conip. Onondaga's soldiers of the Revolution; official records. Syracuse, 1895. Chase, Rev. Frank K. Sermon delivered in the Belknap church. May 7, 1882. Dover, 1882. Sermon preached, 1884. n. p. 1884. Chase, Frederic, ed. Biographical sketches of the class of t86o in Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1881. Chase, Frederick. History of Dartmouth college and the town of Hanover, N. H. v. i. Camb., 1891. Chase, George B. Memoir of the Hon. George T. Bigelow. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1890. v. 25; p. 458-82.) Chase, George C. Bates college; inaugural address, Sept. 22, 1894. Lewiston, 1894. What the school owes the community. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1895. p. 189-205.) Chase, George Wingate. Historv of Haverhill, 1640-1860. Haver- hill, i86i._ Masonic harp, a collection of masonic odes, hymns, songs, etc. Bost, 1858. Chase, Heber, M. D. Final report on the construction of instru- ments in the radical cure of hernia. Phil., 1837. Treatise on the radical cure of hernia by instruments. Phil., 1836. Chase, Henry B., and Rogers, Artemas. Trial of D. D. Farmer for the murder of widow Anna Ayer. 1821. Chase, Herbert A., M. D., ed. New England medical gazette, v. 11-12. 1876-7. Chase, Herbert E., pseud. See Hdag, Charles E. Chase, Ira A., and Frink, J. S. H. Water title and rights, n. p. n. d. Chase, J. C. Report on the sanitary inspection of the state insti- tutions and the water supply and sewerage disposal of cities and towns. Raleigh, 1895. Chase, Levi B. Genealogy and historical notices of the family of Plimpton. Hartf., 1884. Chase, Persis F. Lancaster sketch book. Brattleboro, 18S7. Chase, Philander, hp. Reminiscences, an autobiography. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1848. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 251 Chase, Lieut. Philip S. Battery F, ist regt. R. I. artillery in the Civil war. Prov., 1892. -r. -r ,• , .-n Organization and service of Battery F, ist R. I. light artillery, to Jan. I, 1863. Prov., 1880. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors hist, soc. Personal narratives. 1880. v. 2.) ^ _ _ Service with battery F, ist R. I. light artillery in N. C. Prov., 1884. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narra- tives. 1884. V. 3) , . , . Chase, Pliny Earle. Intellectual symbolism; a basis for science. (In Anier. phil. soc. Trans, new ser. 1863. v. 12; p. 463-594) On the comparative etymology of the Yoruba language. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 35-72.) On the numerical relations of gravity and magnetism. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 117-36.) Chase, S. Treatise on algebra. N. Y., 1849. Chase, Salmon Portland. Message to the 52d general assembly of the adjourned session, Jan. 5, 1857. Columbus, 1857. Message to the 53d general assembly at the adjourned session, commencing Jan. 3, 1859. Columbus, 1859. Politics in Ohio. n. p. i853(?) Speech against the repeal of the Missouri prohibition of slavery north of 36° 30'. n. p. n. d. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 14.) Speech at the peace conference of 1861. N. Y. n, d. (In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 37.) Thomas Jefiferson and the colonial view of manhood rights. (In Brewer, D. J., cd. World's best orations. 1899. v. 3; p. 1044-55.) and Cleveland, Charles Dexter. Anti-slavery addresses of 1844 and 1845. Lond., 1867. Chase, Stephen, and Fletcher, Robert H. History of the class of 1896 of Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1893. Chase, Theodore Russell. Michigan university book; 1844-1880. Detroit, 1881. Chase, Thomas. Dr. Schliemann and the archaeological value of his discoveries. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1891. p. 257- 74.) Chase, Walter G. Colors you should wear, an arrangement of the ideas of the leading French expert in color. Ed. 20. Bost., 1893. Chase, William M. Argument upon the Corbin offer, Dec. 28, 1888. (In Streeter, F. S. Interest of the state in the Concord railroad. 1889. p. 15-18.) Opening argument before the railroad committees of New Hampshire legislature, June 23, 1887, in opposition to the pas- sage of House bill. no. 28. n. p. n. d. (In N. H. railroad con- troversy, n. d. V. 2.) Chase and Sanborn. Coffee. Bost., n. d. Chase-Chace family association. Reunion of the Chase-Chace fam- ily association, 1900. v. i. Haverhill, 1901. Chase home for children. Annual report February, 1879-81, '84-7, '89-1900. V. 2-4, 7-10, 12-23. n. p. n. d. Note : up to 1881 name was Children's home. See a/.fo Portsmouth cottage hospital. Chastellux, Jean Francois, marq. de. Travels in North America in the years 1780-81-82. N. Y., 1827. Chateau Frontenac company. Historic Quebec. Ed. 4. Quebec, 1895. Chateaubriand, Frangois Auguste Rene, vise. de. Genius of Chris- tianity; tr. by C. I. White. Bait, 1884. 252 AUTHOR LIST. Chatfield, B. P., comp., anon. Aiken as a winter resort, n. p. n. d. Chatfield, Mrs. Carrie E., comp. Family records of some of the descendants of Robert Francis of Weathersfield, Conn. Minne- apolis, 1900. Chatham, William Pitt., ist earl of. Attempt to subjugate America. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 3; p. 1067-77-) Chatham (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '84, '85, '87-1901. Frye- burg, 1876-1901. Chattanooga law school. Announcement for 1898-9. n. p. 1898. Chattanooga medical college. Annual announcement for 1893-4, '95-1902. Chattanooga, 1893-1901. Chaucer, Goeffrey. Selections from the poetical works of Chaucer; with a life of the poet and remarks illustrative of his genius. N. Y., 1847. Chaumont, Francis Stephen Bennett Frangois de, M. D., tr. and ed. Parkes, Edmund Alexander, M. D. Manual of practical hygiene. 1878. 1883. Chauncy, Charles, D. D. 1705-87. Discourse on "The good news from a far country," delivered July 24th, on occasion of the re- peal of the stamp-act. Bost, 1766. ■ Mystery hid from ages and generations made manifest by the Gospel revelation. Lond., 1784. Sketch of eminent men in New England. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1809. V. 10; p. 154-65.) Chauncy, Charles W., M. D., tr. Berlin, R. J. Treatise on the dis- eases of the heart and great vessels. 1833. Chauncy-Hall school, Boston {Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1880-1, '99- 1900. V. 53, 72. Bost., 1881-1900. Chau^t, Maurice. Traite elementaire des maladies de la peau. Par., 1853. Chautauquan, a monthly magazine; ed. by T. L. Flood, v. 8-10, V. II, no. 1-2, 4-6; V. 12, V. 13, no. 1-5. Meadville, 1887-91. Chauveau, Pierre J. O. (L) 'instruction publique au Canada. Que- bec, 1876. Checkley, Rev. John. Animadversions upon two pamphlets. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897- .v. 2; p. 115-27.) Choice dialogues between a godley minister and an honest country-man concerning election and predestination. {In Slaf- ter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897. v. i; p. 141-78.) • Defence of a book lately reprinted at Boston entitled, A mod- est proof of the order and government settled by Christ and his apostles in the church. Bost., 1724. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897.) . Discourse showing who is a true pastor of the church of Christ. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897. v. i; p. 234-47.) Letter to Jonathan Dickinson. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897. v. 2; p. 128-40.) ■ Letters. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897. v. 2; p. 141-224.) Modest proof of the order and government settled by Christ and his apostles. Bost., 1723. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897.) Speech upon his tryal at Boston, p. 11-50, v. 2. Lond., 1730. {In Slafter, E. F., D. D. John Checkley. 1897.) Cheever, Charles A., M. D. Address on the death of Alfred Mason. Bost., 1828. Cheever, David W., M. D. Spontaneous fracture. Bost., 1871. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 253 Cheever, David W., M. D. Surgical cases. Bost., 1869. ed. Boston (Mass.) city hospital. Medical and surgical re- port. V. 1-5. 1870-94. ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 78-82. 1868-70. Cheever, George B., D. D. Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc. N. Y., 1852. and Sweetser, J. E., ed. Christian melodies. N. Y., 185 1. Cheever, Rev. Henry T. Tract for the times, on the question, Is it right to withhold fellowship from churches or from individ- uals that tolerate or practice slavery? N. Y., 1859. Cheever, Tracy P. Eulogy on Daniel Webster. Bost., 1852. (In Eulogies of Webster, no, i.) Chelsea (Mass.): School committee. Annual report, 1883. Chelsea, 1884. Chelsea (Vt.). Chelsea centennial; with the Orange county veteran soldiers' reunion, Sept. 4, 1884. Keene, 1884. Chelsea (Vt.) Congregational church. Manual, i860. Windsor, i860. 1882. Burlington, 1882. Officers and members, Jan., 1894. n. p. n. d. Chemical gold and silver ore reducing company. Prospectus, n. p. n. d. Chenery, Winthrop L., comp. Some statistics of the town of Bel- mont, Mass., for the first thirty years of its corporate existence. Bost., 1890. Chenevix, Richard, comp., anon. Dramatic poems, selected from the choicest works of Mason, Milton, and Thomson. Bait., 1804. Cheney, Moses. Believer's assistant, being a collection of Scrip- tures, with remarks on the order of the house of God and church building. Ports., 1818. Cheney, Person Colby. Message to the two branches of the legis- lature, June session, 1875. Cone, 1875. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1876. Cone, 1876. Cheney, W. H., and Clarke, F. G. Class supper '73, Scientific de- partment, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1870. Cheney, Rev. William F. Dedham, England, a paper read at the Dedham historical society, 1887. Dedham, 1888. Chenoweth, Mrs. C. van D. Undistinguished citizen, Col. John Hazeltine. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. v. 17, pt i; p. 14-31.) Cherokee Indians. Memorial of the delegates of the Cherokee nation to the president of the U. S. Wash., 1866. Cherokee nation. Annual message of the chief, 1883. n. p. 1883. Cherrie, George K. Contribution to the ornithology of San Do- mingo. Chic, 1896. (In Field Columbian museum. Ornitho- logical series. 1896. v. i; p. 1-26.) Exploraciones zoologicas effectuadas en la parte meridional de Costa Rica por los anos de 1891-92, aves. San Jose, 1893. Notes on Costa Rican birds. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 517-37.) Cherry, Cummings. Geological report and map of the San Juan delrio ranche in Sonora, Mexico. Cine, 1866. Chervin, Nicholas. De I'opinion des medecins Americains sur la contagion ou la non-contagion de la fievre jaune. Par., 1829. Chesapeake and Ohio canal convention. Proceedings. Wash., 1827. Chesebrough, Amos Sheffield, D. D., and Hall, Alexander. Histor- ical sketch of the Congregational church of Chester, Conn. Hartf., 1892. 254 AUTHOR LIST. Cheselden, William. Anatomy of the human body, 2d Amer. ed. Bost, 1806. ed. Le Dran, Henry Frangois. Operations in surgery. 1768. Cheshire agricultural society. Act establishing the Cheshire agri- cultural society together with regulations and by-laws of the society, and a list of the officers. Windsor, 1817. Cheshire athenaeum, Keene (N. H.). Rules and regulations with a catalogue of the library. Keene, 1830. Cheshire county (N. H.). Conveyances recorded at the Cheshire county registry, 1869-73. n. p. n. d. Note: mounted newspaper cuttings. Report of the county commissioners, 1873-99. Keene, 1873- 1900. Cheshire county board of underwriters. Tariff of rates for Che- shire county (except Walpole). Keene, 1883. Cheshire county conference of Congregational churches. Annual meeting, v. 71. n. p. 1898. Cheshire county Pomona grange, no. 6, Patrons of husbandry. Program of literary exercises at the meetings, 1890. n. p. 1890. Cheshire railroad company. Acts of incorporation. Keene, 1887. Annual report, v. 4-5, 28-46. Keene, 1849-90. Chesley, Rev. Plumer. Address before the Ladies' golden rule association of Candia, N. H., Oct. 11, 1855. Manch., 1855. Chesnut, Victor K. Principal poisonous plants of the United States. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 20.) Thirty poisonous plants of the United States. Wash., 1898. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1898. no. 86.) Chesnutt, Charles W. Frederick Douglass. Bost., 1899. (Beacon biographies.) Chessman, Samuel, camp. Leach family record. Alb., 1898. Chester, Arthur Herbert, anon. Descendants of Christopher Ches- ter, 1796-1896. n. p. 1896. Chester, Frederick D. Gabros and associated rocks in Delaware, Wash., 1890. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1890. no. 59.) Chester, Capt. James. Course of instruction for artillery gunners. Wash., 1893. (In U. S. : Adj. -gen. Artillery circular. G.) Chester, John, D. D. Eulogy on the late Edwin R. Bower, 1883. n. p. n. d. Sermon delivered before the Berkshire and Columbia mis- sionary society at their annual meeting, 1813. Hudson, 1813. Chester, Col. Joseph Lemuel. Rogers genealogy and the Candler ms. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1862. v. 5; p. 486-99.) ed. Harleian society. Publications, v. 10, 15, 17, 23-26. 1876- 87. ed. Harleian society. Publications; registers, v. 3, 5-8. 1878-83. Chester (N. H.). Annual reports, 1838, '39, '41-85, '88-1902. v. p. 1 838- 1 902. Chester (N. H.) Congregational church. Articles of faith and form of covenant, adopted Jan. 13, 1818. Chester, 1829. Chester academy, Chester (N. H.). Catalogue, 1854-5, '79-80. Manch., i855-79- Chester agricultural and mechanical society. List of premiums offered at the annual fair, 1885. v. 9. Manch., 1885. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of. Principles of politeness and of knowing the world. Ports., 1786. Chesterfield (N. H.). Annual reports, 1876, '81-1902. v. p. 1876- 1902. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 256 Chesterman, W. D. Guide to Richmond and the battlefields. Richmond, 1881. Chetlain, Augustus Louis. Battle of Corinth, Oct., 1862. (In Loyal legion of U, S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 373-82.) Recollections of Gen. Grant, 1861-63. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 9-31.) Chevalier, Michel. Mexico; before and after the conquest; tr. by Fay, Robinson. Phil., 1846. Cheves, Langdon. Shaftesbury papers and other records relating to Carolina. (In S. C hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 5; p. 1-476.) Chew, James Lawrence. Account of the old houses of New Lon- don. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i; pt. 4; p. 75-96.) Famous old taverns of New London. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 2; pt. i; p. 69-102.) Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, D. D., and Black, John Sutherland, ed. En- cyclopaedia biblica. v. 1-2. N. Y., 189^-1901. Cheyney, Edward P., ed. Documents illustrative of feudalism. Phil., 1898. (In Translations and reprints. 1898. v. 4, no. 3.) ed. Early reformation period in England. Rev. ed. Phil., 1895. (In Translations and reprints. 1895. v. i, no. i.) ed. England in the time of Wycliffe. Phil., 1895. (In Trans- lations and reprints. 1895. v. 2, no. 5.) ed. English constitutional documents. Phil., 1894. (In Trans- lations and reprints. 1894. v. i, no. 6.) ed. English manorial documents. Phil., 1896. (In Transla- tions and reprints. 1896. v. 3; no. 5.) ed. English towns and gilds. Phil., 1895. (In Translations and reprints. 1895. v. 2, no. i.) Chi Psi fraternity. Catalogue, 1849. Troy, 1849. Oration and poem delivered at the annual convention held at Amherst, Mass., 1872. Northampton, 1872. Chicago: Civil service commission. Annual report, 1896. v. 2. Chic, 1897. : Education, hoard of. Annual report, 1876, 'yj, '82, '94, '97, '99. V. 22-3, 28, 40, 43, 45. Chic, 1876-1900. : Public library. Annual report, v. 1-29. Chic, 1873-1901. : Bulletin; accessions, no. 1-39, 41-4, 46-9, 51-8. Chic, 1887- 1901. Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books. Ed. 7. Chic, 1889. 1st supplement. Chic, 1890. 2d supplement. Chic, 1892. 3d supplement. Chic, 1894. 4th supplement. Chic, 1897. Finding list. Ed. 7. pt. 1-8. Chic, 1889-95. Ed. 7. Chic, 1890-4. Memorial day and patriotism. Chic, 1901. : Public zvorks, hoard of. Annual report to the common council for the year ending March 31, 1870-3. v. 9-12. Chic, 1870-3. : Vital statistics, bureau of. Monthly report. Dec, '97, Jan,- Feb. '98, Dec. 1900, Jan.-July, Sept.-Nov. 1901. Chic, 1897-1901. Chicago academy of sciences. Annual address by E. W. Blatch- ford, Jan. 22, 1878, with the reports of the secretary and treas- urer. Chic, 1878. Annual report for the year 1895-7. v. 38-40. Chic, 1896-8. < Bulletin, v. i, no. i-io; v. 2, no. 2-3. Chic, 1883-1900. Bulletin of the geological and natural history survey, no. 1-2; no. 3, pt. i; no. 4, pt. i. Chic, 1896-1900. Constitution and by-laws. Chic, 1887. 266 AUTHOR LIST. Chicago and medical examiner, a monthly journal; ed. by N. S. Davis. V. I, no. i, 7-8; v. 2, no. 1-5, 8-10, 12; v. 3, no. 3; v. 4, no. 11; V. 6, no. 2-7, 12; V. 7, no. i, 10, 11; v. 8, no. i, 3-11; v. 10, no. 4-5, 9-12; V. 11; V. 12, no. 2, 4, 7-8, 10. Chic, 1860-71. Note : continued as Medical examiner. Chicago and North-western railway company. Circular. Chic, 1864. Indian of the Northwest, 1600-1900; the red man, the war man, the white man. Chic, 1901. Chicago bar association. Certificate of organization and by-laws. Chic, 1890. Chic, 1894. Report of the special committee on the bill pending before the legislature of the state of 111. for an act concerning land titles, n. p. n. d. Reports of officers and committees read and resolution^ adopted at the annual 'meeting. 1900. v. 2^. Chic, 1900. : Memorial committee. In memory of members who have died during the year 1888-9, '92-5. Chic, 1888-96. Chicago board of trade. Annual report for the year 1871-99. v. 14-42. Chic, 1872-1900. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Annual report. V. 21, 30-3, 35-47- V. p. 1875-1901. Chicago city railway company. Annual report of the president for the year 1870. Chic, 1871. Chicago conference on trusts. Speeches, debates, resolutions, list of the delegates, committees, etc. Chic, 1900. Chicago copperhead convention. See Copperhead convention, Chi- cago. 1864. Chicago, Field Columbian museum. See Field Columbian museum, Chicago gynecological society. In memoriam, C. W. Earle. N. Y., 1894. Chicago historical society. Ceremonies at the unveiling of the bronze memorial group of the Chicago massacre of 1812. Chic, 1893. Collections, v. 1-3. Chic, 1882-4. Constitution and by-laws with a list of officers and members. Chic, 1883. • Chic, 1886. Memorial addresses commemorative of I, N. Arnold and Thomas Hoyne, Oct. 21, 1884. Chic, 1884. Report, April, '89; July, '90; April, '92; Jan. Nov., '94; Jan. April, Nov., '97. Chic, 1889-99. Chicago institute. Catalogue, 1900-1. Chic, 1900. Preliminary announcement. Chic, 1900. ed. Course of study, a monthly publication. 1900-T. Chicago, International electrical congress. See International elec- trical congress, Chicago, 1893. Chicago, International meteorological congress. See International meteorological congress, Chicago, 1893. Chicago literary club. In memoriam, Arthur Brooks. Chic, 1895. In memoriam, C. G. Smith. Chic, 1894. In memoriam, C. W. Davis. Chic, 1899. In memoriam, D. L. Shorey. Chic, 1899. In memoriam, David Swing. Chic, 1894. In memoriam, E. H. Sheldon. Chic, 1891. In memoriam, George Howland. Chic, 1892. In memoriam, G. W. Smith. Chic, 1899. In memoriam, H. B. Stone. Chic, 1898. In memoriam, Henry Field. Chic, 1891. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 257 Chicago Literary club. In memoriam, H. T. Steele. Chic, 1891^ In memoriam, H. A, Johnson. Chic, 1891. : In memoriam, J. L. High. Chic, 1899. ' In memoriam, J. S. Norton. Chic, 1897. • In memoriam, J. W. Root. Chic, 1891. ' • In memoriam, Joseph Kirkland. Chic, 1894. In memoriam, L. H. Boutell. Chic, 1899. In memoriam, P. P. Heywood. Chic, 1896. In memoriam, W. A. Montgomery. Chic, 1896. Thomas Hughes of England and his visits to Chicago in 1870 and 1880. Chic, 1896. Year book, 1883-96, '97-1901. n. p. 1883-1900. Chicago medical college. See Northwestern University: Medical school. Chicago medical journal, a monthly record of medicine, surgery, and collateral sciences, v. 17, no. 3-12; v. 18, no. i, 3-12; v. 19, no. I, 8, 19; V. 20, no. 2-6, 12; v. 21, no. 12; v. 22, no. IT-12; v. 23, no. 1-8, 12; V. 24, no. 2, 4-8, 11-12; V. 25, no. 1-2, 4-20, 22-26; v. 26, no. 1-2, 4-9, 12, 14-21; V. 27, no. 4, 6-9, 11-12; v. 31; v. 32, no. 1-7, 9-12; V. 33-40; v. 41, no. 1-2, 4-12; v. 42-4; V. 45, no. i, 3-12; v. 46-9; V. 50, no. 2-6; V. 51, no. i, 3-12; v. 52-4; v. 55, no. 1-4, 6- 12; v. 56-8. Chic, 1860-89. Note : ended. Title of v. 1-2 was Illinois medical and surgical journal ; of v. 3-4, Illinois and Indiana medical and surgical journal; of v. 5-14, Northwestern medical and surgical journal. With v. 32, no. 8, Medical examiner merged in this magazine and title became Chicago medical journal and examiner, v. 25-v. 26, no. 18, pub. semi-monthly. Chicago medical journal and examiner, monthly. See Chicago med- ical journal. Chicago medical recorder, monthly journal of the Chicago medical society, v. i, no. i, 2, 4; v. 2, no. i, 2, 6; v. 3, no. 6, 9, 10; v. 5, no. 1-5; V. 6, no. 1-3, 5-6; v. 7, no. 2-6; v. 8; v. 9, no. 1-5; v. 10- 14; V. 15, no. 1-5. Chic, 1891-8. Note : title of volume 1, no. 1-2, was Chicago medical record. Chicago medical register and directory; pub. by T. D. Fitch and Norman Bridge, 1872-3. Chic, 1872. Chicago medical society. Constitution and by-laws, with a list of members. Chic, 1882. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway company. Indenture made and entered into this first day of May, A. D. 1889, by and between the C. M. & St. P. railway co. and United States trust company of N. Y. n. p. n. d. Chicago, national ship-canal convention. See National ship-canal convention, Chicago, 1863. Chicago pathological society. In memoriam, Dr. C. W. Earle. n. p. 1893. Transactions from Oct., 1894, to June, '99. v. 1-3. Chic, 1896-9. Chicago theological seminary. Charter and constitution. Chic, 1856. Grand Haven, 1891. Exercises and addresses at the laying of the corner-stone of Hammond library, April 27, 1882. Chic, 1882. Quarter centennial historical sketch. Chic, 1879. — ;- Year-book, 1859-98. Chic, 1859-97. Chicago, University of. See University of Chicago. Chicago, World's congress of homoeopathic physicians and sur- geons. Sec World's congress of homoeopathic physicians and surgeons, Chicago, 1893. Chichester (N. H.). Annual reports, 1876-8, '80-6, '89-1901. Cone, 1876-1901. 17 258 AUTHOB LIST. Chichester (N. H.): School hoard. Report for the year ending March, 185S, '88. Cone, 1855-88. Chickering, John W., D. D. Christ's people with him in glory; a sermon delivered Dec. 11, 1855, at the funeral of Rev. Carleton Hurd. Portl., 1856. Hillside church. Bost., 1856. Child, A. L., comp. Centennial history of Plattsmouth city and Cass county, Neb. Plattsmouth, 1877. Child, Hamilton, comp. Gazetteer and business directory of Addi- son county, Vt., for 1881-2. Syracuse, 1882. Gazetteer of Berkshire county, Mass., 1725-1885. 2v. in i. Syracuse, 1885. Gazetteer of Cheshire county, N. H., 1736-1885. Syracuse, 1885. Gazetteer of Grafton county, N. H., 1709-1886. Syracuse, 1886. Child, J. L., anon. Enquiry into the conduct of General Putnam in relation to the Battle of Bunker or Breed's Hill, and remarks upon Swett's sketch of that battle. Bost., 1819. Child, Maj. John. New England Jonas cast up at London. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1816. v. 14; p. 107-20.) Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria (Francis). Appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans. Bost, 1833. Letters from New York. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1845. ■ Right way the safe way, proved by emancipation in the British West Indies and elsewhere. N. Y., 1862. Child, Willard, D. D. Sermon preached before the general assem- bly of the state of Vermont, Oct. 11, 1856. Montp., 1856. (In Vt. election sermon. 1813-58.) Child, William, M. D. History of the 5th regt. N. H. vols, in the American civil war. 2 pts. in iv. Bristol, 1893. Children's aid society, A^^:^; York. Annual report, v. i, 3-7, 11-14, 18-26, 31-3, 35-40, 42-9. N. Y., 1854-1901. Children's friend society. Annual report of the orphan's home, 1850-78, '80-1901. V. 1-29, 31-52. Wore, 1850-1901. Children's health fund. Annual report, v. 1-2. v. p. 1895-6. Children's health fund review, issued quarterly, v. 3, no. 3; v. 4, no. 3-4. Bost., 1899. Children's home, Portsmouth (N. H.). See Chase home for children. Children's hospital, Boston. Annual report, 1869-80, '82-1901. v. 1-12, 14-33. Bost, 1869-1902. Convalescent home, Wellesley Hills, n. p. n. d. Rules and regulations. Bost., 1894. Training school for nurses. Bost, 1896. Children's island sanitarium, Boston. Annual report for the summer of 1894-1900. V. 9-16. Bost., 1895-1902. Children's mission to the children of the destitute. Annual report, with an account of the proceedings of the annual meeting, 1851- 3, '57, '60-4, '66-90, '92-1900. V. 2-4, 8, 10-14, 16-41, 43-51. Bost, 1851-1900. Children's mission; what it is and what it does. Bost., 1884. Easter leaflet, 1892-5. n. p. n. d. Childs, Col. Ebenezer. Recollections of Wisconsin since 1820. (In Wise, state hist soc. Coll. 1859. v. 4; p. 153-95) Childs, H. W. Columbian address before the Minnesota historical society, Oct 21, 1892. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 6; p. 32I-34-) Childs, Ralph, and Hutchinson, T. J., comp. Patriots of Salem; roll of honor of the officers and enlisted men during the late Civil war, from Salem, Mass. Salem, 1877. Childs, Thomas S., D. D. Redemption; or, Is expiation a fiction? Hartf., 1878. i UNI ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY OF £^LifOf{N\l^ NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 259 Child's paper, pub. monthly by the Amer. tract soc. v. 1-3. N. Y., 1852-4. Chile. Estadistica de las carceles correspondiente al ano de 1894. Santiago de Chile, 1894. : Estadistica comercial de la repuhlica, departmento de la. Relate correspondiente al ano de 1875. Valpariso, 1876. Chile and Spain; the whole question officially stated. N. Y., 1865. Chilton, Horace, Chandler, William Eaton, and Tillman, Benjamin Ryan. Pooling and anti-scalping bills, n. d. Chinchilla, Andres Fuentes. See Fuentes Chinchilla, Andres. Chipman, Alberto Lee. Chipmans in Maine, a genealogy. Sabbath- day Lake, 1897. Chipman, Daniel. Life of Col. SetH Warner. Burlington, 1858. Life of Nathaniel Chipman, with selections from his papers. Bost., 1846. Memoir of Thomas Chittenden, first governor of Vermont. Middlebury, 1849. Chipman, M. M., M. D. Government forest reservation. San. Fran., 1893. National bureau of medicine; the opium habit and the Indian and Chinese opium traffic. San Fran., 1895. Preventive medicine. San Fran., 1891. Chipman, Rev. Richard Manning. Chipman lineage, particularly as in Essex county, Mass. Salem, 1872. Discourse on the nature and means of ecclesiastical prosperity; delivered at the dedication of the house of worship in Terrys- ville, Conn., Aug. 8, 1838. Hartf., 1839. Chisholm, Hugh J. Chisholm's White Mountain guide book. Portl., 1880. Portl., 1887. Chisholm, William Wallace, comp. Pennsylvania: Library. Cata- logue of the law books. 1899. Chisholm-Batten, Edmund. See Batten, Edmund Chisholm. Chisholm, pseud. See Nichols, George Ward. Chittenden, Frank Hurlburt. Asparagus beetles. Wash., 1896. (U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of.) Some insects injurious to garden and orchard crops. Wash., 1899. (^w U. S.: Agric, dept. of; Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, new ser. no. 19.) Some insects injurious to garden crops. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, new ser. no. 23.) Some insects injurious to stored grain. Wash., 1896. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin 1896. no. 45.) Some insects injurious to the violet, rose, and other orna- mental plants. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of; Ento- mology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 27.) Chittenden, George B. Meteorological observations made during the year 1873 and early part of the year 1874 in Colorado and Montana territories. Wash., 1874. (U. S.: Geol. and geog. sur- vey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 6.) Chittenden, Lucius Eugene. American reindeer. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; p. 174-86.) Capture of Ticonderoga. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1872.) Recollections of president Lincoln and his administration. N. Y., 1891. Chittenden, Thomas. Copy of a remonstrance of the council of the state of Vermont against the resolutions of congress of the 5th of Dec last, 1782. Hartf., 1783. Choate, Charles F. Argument. Bost., 1873. 260 AUTHOR LIST. Choate, David, ed. Crowell, Robert, D. D. History of the town of Essex from 1634 to 1868. 1868. Choate, Joseph Hodges. Abraham Lincoln; address delivered be- fore the Edinburgh philosophical institution, Nov. 13, 1900. Lond. n. d. Address delivered at the unveiling of the statue of Rufus Choate. Bost, 1898. Argument before senate committee on miscellaneous corpo- rations in behalf of the State charities aid association. N. Y., 1881. Memoir of Leverett Saltonstall. Camb., 1899. Choate, Rufus. Addresses and orations. Ed. 5. Bost., 1887. Discourse delivered before the faculty, students, and alumni of Dartmouth college on July 27, 1853, commemorative of Daniel Webster. Bost., 1853. (in Eulogies of Webster, no. 27.) Works, with a memoir of his life by S. G. Brown. 2v. Bost., 1862. and Russell, Charles Theodore. Abstract of the arguments for the petitioners for a railroad from Salem to Maiden. Bost., 1846. Choate, Rev. Washington. Oration on the 200th anniversary of the resistance to the Andros tax, July 4, 1887. {In Ipswich hist, soc. Pub. no. I. p. 14-30.) Choules, John Overton, contin. Hinton, John Howard. History and topography of the United States. 1852. Christ church, Hartford {Conn.). Celebration of the semi-centen- nial anniversarv of the consecration, Dec. 23, 1879. Hartf,, 1880. Christ church. Middle Haddam {Conn.). Celebration of the centennial anniversary, June 17, 1885. Southport, 1885. Christ church, Philadelphia. Memorial of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Christ church, Philadelphia, 1695-1895. Phil., 1896. Christ church Sunday school, Boston {Mass.). Report of the super- intendent. Bost., 1826. Christian, Col. Boliver. Scotch-Irish settlers in the valley of Vir- ginia. {In Wash, and Lee Univ. Hist, papers. 1892. no. 3; p. 2-43) Christian, E. P. Historical associations connected with Wyandotte and vicinity. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 13; p. 308-24.) Christian, F. W. Caroline islands; travel in the sea of the little lands. N. Y., 1899. Christian association of Cornell university. Students' hand-book, 1900. Ithaca, 1900. Christian burden bearer, pub. monthly, v. 1-3. Manch., 1898-1900. Christian burdenbearers' association. Annual report, v. 1-13. Manch., 1886-98. Application for membership. Manch. n. d. Circular. Manch., 1885. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1885. Manch., 1894. Quarterly report, 1897. Manch., 1897. Statement of the association, 1898. Manch., 1898. Christian disciple, monthly, ed. by Noah Worcester, D. D. v. 1-44; V. 45, no. I, 3-12; V. 46-96, 98. Bost., 1813-69. Note: ended. Title of v. 7-11, Christian disciple and theological review; of v. 12-16. Christian examiner and theological review ; of v. 17-46, Christian Examiner and general review ; of v. 47-73, Christian examiner and religious miscellany ; of V. 74-98, Christian examiner, v. 1-6, monthly, v. 7-98 bi-monthly. Christian disciple and theological review. See Christian disciple. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 261 Christian educator; a school and home magazine, monthly, v. i, no. 1-4; V. 2, no. 4-6; V. 3, no. 2-10. Chic, 1897-9. Christian endeavor echo, monthly, v. i; v. 2, no. 1-3. Cone, 1895-6. NoTe: ended. Christian examiner and general review. See Christian disciple. Christian examiner and religious miscellany. See Christian disciple. Christian examiner and theological review. See Christian disciple. Christian examiner. See Christian disciple. Christian herald, bi-monthly, ed. by Robert Foster, v. 1-2. Ports., 1818-19. Christian library, a weekly republication of popular religious works, V. 1-2. N. Y., 1835. Note : no more pub. Christian miscellany and family visitor for the year 1846-52. v. 1-7. Lond., 1846-52. Christian parlor magazine; ed. by Rev. D. Mead and Rev. D. Clarke; pub. monthly, v. 3. N. Y., 1847. Christian register and almanack for the year of our Lord, 1823, '27, '41-2. Ports., 1823-42. Christian register, weekly, ed. by George Batchelor. v. 77-9. Bost., 1 898- 1 900. Christian reporter, a monthly magazine devoted to Christianity, education, and the home; ed. by Rev. A. J. Wheeler, v. 2, no. 2; V. 3, no. 3, 9, 12; V. 4, no. i. Cone, 1892-4. Christian reporter, monthly, v. 1-2. Cone, 1865-6. Christian science journal, monthly, v. 1-18. Bost, 1883-1900. Christian science sentinel, weekly, v. i, no. 22-52; v. 2. Best., 1899-1901. Note : continuation of Christian science weekly. Christian science weekly, v. 1-2. Bost., 1898-1901. Note : v. 1, no. 22-date, title Is Christian science sentinel. Christian social union. Publications, no. 42-76. Bost., 1897-1900. Note: previous numbers under name of Church social union. Christian thought lectures on philosophy. Christian evidence, Bibli- cal elucidation, bi-monthly, ed. by C. F. Deems, v. 1-8; v. 9, no. 3; V. II, no. 1-3, 5-6. N. Y., 1886-93. Christian treasury, containing contributions from ministers and members of various evangelical denominations, weekly, for 1845-9. Edin., 1846-50. Christian union. Statement of the principles. N. Y., 1843. Christian union, weekly, v. 17, no. 4-26; v. 18, no. 1-18, 20, 22-6; V. 19-32; V. 33, no. I, 3-26; V. 34-5; V. 36, no. 1-9, 11-26; v. 37-491 V. 50, no. 1-4, 6-26; V. 51-2; V. 53, no. 1-16, 18-26; v. 54; v. 60-2; V. 64, no. 2-3, 5-17; V. 65, no. i, 4-7, 9-13. N. Y., 1877. Note : v. 48-date, title is Outlook. Christian university, Canton (Mo.). Annual catalogue, 1897-8. v. 40. ^ Hannibal, 1897. Christian world, monthly, magazine of the American and foreign Christian union, v. 12, no. 4-12; v. 13; v. 14, no. 1-4, 8-10, 12; v. 15, no. 1-8, 10-12; V. 16, no. 1-6, 8-1 1 ; v. 17, no. 1-2, 4, 8-12; v. 18, no. 1-2, 5-6, 8-1 1 ; V. 19; V. 20, no. 3. N. Y., 1861-9. Note : continuation of the American and foreign Christian union. Christiancy, I. P. Recollections of the early history of the city and county of Monroe. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. V. 6; p. 361-73) Christiania: Konigliche Norske Frederiks universitet. Circular, Chris- tiania, 1870. Universitets-Bibliothekets aarbog for 1891, '93, *95- Chris- tiania, 1892-97. 262 AUTHOR LIST. Christianity and modern thought. Bost, 1891. Christianity versus treason and slavery, n. p. 1864. Christie, Richard Copley, ed. Annales Cestrienses; or, Chronicles of the abbey of S, Werburg at Chester. Lond., 1887. (/« Rec- ord soc. Pub. 1887. V. 14.) Christie, Robert, ed. Interesting public documents and official cor- respondence illustrative of, and supplementary to, the history of Lower Canada, v. 6. Montreal, 1855. Christison, Robert, M. D. On granular degeneration of the kidneys. Phil., 1839. (Amer. medical library.) Treatise on poisons; ist Amer. fr. 4th Edin, ed. 2v. Phil., 1845. Christopher Caustic, pseud. See Fessenden, Thomas Green. Christ's church, Rye (N. Y.). Services in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the first election of wardens and vestrymen, Feb. 28, 1895. N. Y., 1895. Christy, David, anon. Letter on geology, erratic rocks of North America. Oxford, 1847. Chronique du Musee social; pub. monthly, v. 4, no. 4-6, 11-12; v. 5; V. 6, no. 1-9, 11; Par., 1899-1901. Chubbuck, Levi. Dairy industry in Missouri and Kansas. Wash., 1897. (U. S. : Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 18.) Church, Albert E. Elements of the differential and integral calcu- lus. N. Y., 1856. Church, Rev. Alfred John, and Oilman, Arthur. Story of Carthage. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) Church, Archibald, M. D., ed. Chicago medical recorder. 1891-8. Church, Benjamin, M. D. Account of his examinations written while he was in prison in Cambridge. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1806. V. i; p. 84-94.) Oration delivered at Boston, March 5, 1773. {In Orations de- livered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston. 1807. p. 27-38.) Church, Col. Benjamin. History of King Philip's war, ed. by H. M. Dexter. Bost., 1865. (Library of N. E. hist., no. 2.) History of the eastern expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704 against the Indians and French, ed. by H. M. Dexter. Bost, 1867. (Library of N. E. hist., no. 3.) Church, George E. Mexico; its revolutions. N. Y., 1866. Church, Rev. John Hubbard. Discourse at the funeral of Mrs. Lucy W. Tenney. Cone, 1823. Female liberality acceptable to Jesus Christ, sermon preached before the Female heathen school society, 1818. Cone, 1818. First settlement of New England; a sermon delivered April 5, 1810, being the annual fast in Massachusetts. Sutton, 1810. Sermon delivered before the governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of N. H., June 3, 1813, being the anniversary election. Cone, 1813. {In N. H. election ser- mons. 1800-15.) Church, Thomas. History of Philip's war; with numerous notes by S. G. Drake. Ed. 2. Exeter, 1824. Ed. 2. Exeter, 1829. Ed. 2. Exeter, 1836. Ed. 2. Exeter, 1840. Church, Capt. William Conant. Life of John Ericsson. 2v. N. Y., 1890. Naval victory at Port Royal, S. C, Nov., 1861. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1897. V. 2; p. 255-66.) XEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 263 Church almanac for the year 1861, '63-4, '66-1901. v. 31, 33-4, 36- 71, N. Y., 1861-1901. Note : title changed in 1893 to Amer. church almanac and year book. Church association for the advancement of the interests of labor. Report to the House of bishops, 1898. n. p. 1898. Church deaconess home and training school of the diocese of Minnesota. Annual report, 1898. St. Paul, 1898. Church divinity school of the Pacific. Catalogue, 1898-9. San Fran., 1899. Church fly-leaf; pub. quarterly, v. 1-4, v. 5, no. 2-4; v. 6-10; v. 11, no. I. Cone, 1889-1901. Church militant, pub. monthly (except June to Sept.). v. 1-2; v. 3, no. 1-3, 5-8; v. 4, no. 1-2. Bost., 1898-1901. Church of England. Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth; to which are added the constitution and canons of the Church of England set forth, A. D. 1603; 3d Amer. fr. the last Eng. ed. Phil, 1844. Church of England in Canada: Ottazva, diocese of. Journal of pro- ceedings of the incorporated synod, v. i, pt. 2-3. Ottawa, 1897-8. Church of St. Mary the virgin, New York. Memorial of the new church on the 25th anniversary of the parish, n. p. 1895. Church of the disciples, Bostoti. Memorial of the commemoration of the 50th birthday of their pastor, James Freeman Clarke. Bost, i860. Church of the Puritans, New York. Reply to the protest of their late deacons. N. Y., 1857. Church periodical club. Annual report. 1892, '94-7. v. i, 3, 6, N. Y., 1892-7. Church social union. Publications. 1892, no. 5-9 and no. 1-76. Bost., 1895-1900. Note: ser. a. no. 3, 62 wanting. Name changed Oct. 1897 to Christian social union. Ser. 1 ; ser. A, no. 1-12, B, no. 1-12. Ser. 2 ; no. 25-36. Ser. 3, no. 37-48. Ser. 4 ; no. 49-date. Ser. 1, semi-monthly ; ser. 2-date, monthly. Church society of the diocese of Quebec. Report for the year 1874, '76, '79, '82, '86-9, '92, '96-8. V. ZZ, 35, 38, 41, 4S-8, 51, 55-7- Que- bec, 1875-99. Church students* missionary association. Report of the traveling secretary to the annual convention, 1898. v. ii. N. Y. n. d. Church temperance legion. Amended hand-book. N. Y. n. d. Church temperance society. To its friends. Camb., 1899 (?) Church training and deaconess house of the diocese of Pennsyl- vania. Annual report, 1895-6, '98. v. 4-5, 7. Phil., 1895-8. Churchill, Fleetwood, M. D. Disease of females, including those of pregnancy and childbed, new Amer. edition, ed. by R. M. Huston. Phil., 1850. Observations on the diseases incident to pregnancy and child- bed. Phil., 1840. (Amer. medical library.) On the theory and practice of midwifery, with notes by D. F. Condie. Phil., 1859. with additions by D. F. Condie; a new Amer. fr. the 4th and enl. Eng. ed. Phil., 1863. Outlines of the principal diseases of females. Phil., 1839. Churchill, Capt. James O. Wounded at Fort Donelson. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. v. i; p. 146-68.) Churchill, John, ist duke of Marlborough. See Marlborough, John Churchill, ist duke of. Churchill, John Francis. Treatise on the immediate cause and the specific treatment of pulmonary phthisis and tubercular diseases. N. Y., 1858. 264 AUTHOR LIST. Churchill, John Wesley, D. D. Abstract from a paper on the out- lines of a philosophy of delivery. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 272-85.) Churchill, Mehitable. Rerharkable instance of the interposition of the spirit of grace, to save from death a guilty sinner; being a strange and true account of her wicked life and happy reforma- tion. Charlestown, 1783. Churchill, Thomas J. Message to the general assembly of Ark., Jan., 1883. Little Rock, 1883. Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer. London to Ladysmith, via Pretoria. Lond., 1900. River war, an historical account of the reconquest of the Sou- dan; ed. by Col. F. Rhodes. 2v. Lond., 1899. Churchman; a weekly newspaper and magazine, v. 24, no. 1-5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20-36, 38-42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52; V. 25, no. 13, 23; V. 26, no. 41, 46, 52; V. 27, no. 2-5, 7-9, 11-33, 35-52; v. 28, no. 1-29, 31-4, 36-44, 46-52; V. 29, no. 1-33, 36-52; V. 30, no. 1-6, 8-13, 15-42, 45-52; V. 31-3; V. 34, no. i-ii, 13-27; V. 35, no. 1-15, 17-26; v. 36, no. 2-26; V. 37-80; V. 81, no. 1-21, 23-6; v. 82; v. 83, no. 20-6; v. 84, no. 1-14. N. Y., 1868-1901. Cicero Marcus TuUius. Ad q. fratrem dialogi tres, de oratore; juxta ed. Z. Pearce; atque notis Johannes Smith. Walpole, 1804. Epistles to Atticus; tr. by William Guthrie. 2v. Lond., 1752. First oration against Cataline. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 3; p. 1159-74.) His offices; or. His treatise concerning the moral duties of mankind. Lond., 1755. Orationes, in usum Academiae Exoniensis; ed. by Charles Fol- som. Bost., 1834. Orations, tr. by Duncan; Offices by Cockman; Cato and Laelius by Melmoth. 3v. N. Y., 1837. Note : v. 1 wanting. Tusculan disputations in 5 books, a new translation by a gen- tleman. Lond., 1768. Cilley, Bradbury P. Report of receipts and expenses of the Amos- _ keag veterans from Oct., 1854, to Oct., 1859. Manch., 1859. Cilley, J. P., ed. Knox county historical and genealogical magazine. 1895-6. Cincinnati: City infirmary. Annual report of the directors, 1863-4, '66-71, '72-3, '75, '77-84, '86-7, '89. v. 11-12, 14-19, 21-2, 24, 26-33, 35-6, 38. Cine, 1863-90. Note : 1891 and following reports made by Infirmary depart, of the city govern- ment. : Education, board of. Annual report, v. 47, 51-7. Cine, 1877-87. : Health, dept. of. Annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1885. V. 19. Cine, 1886. : Infirmary department. Annual report of the board of admin- istration for the year 1891-6, '98. Cine, 1892-9. Note : earlier reports made by Directors of the city infirmary. : Public library. Bulletin of books in the various departments of literature and science added to the library. 1885-98. Cincinnati and Sonora mining association, ed. Cherry, Cummings. Geological report and map of the San Juan del Rio ranche, in ^ Sonora, Mex. 1866. Cincinnati bar association. Constitution. Cine, 1883. Cincinnati board of trade and transportation. Annual and statis- ^ tical report, v. 12. Cine, 1881. Cincinnati chamber of commerce. Annual report, Aug. 1882, '83. V. 34-35- Cine, 1882-3. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 265 Cincinnati college of medicine and surgery. Annual announcement, 1894-5. V. 44. Cine, 1894. : Dental department. Session of 1894-5. Cine, 1894. Note : dept. ceased to exist after 1894-5. Cincinnati daily commercial. How the war has commenced; an appeal to the documents. Southern documents especially quoted. N. Y. 1864. {In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 46.) Cincinnati hospital. Annual report to the mayor of Cincinnati for the year 1897. v. 2)7- Cine, 1898. Cincinnati lancet and clinic; a weekly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 34-7; v. 38, no. 1-8, 11-12; v. 39, no. 1-7; v. 41; v. 42, no. 3-26; V. 43, no. 1-21, 23-6; V. 44, no. i-io, 12-18, 20-6; v. 45-6; V. 47, no. 1-18, 20-6; V. 48; V. 49, no. 1-5, 7-14, 16, 17, 19, 21-6; v. 50, no. 2-4, 6-9, II, 12, 25-6; V. 53, no. 20, 22-6; V. 54, no. 1-22, 24; V. 72, no. 15; V. 83, no. 1-5, 7, 11-21. Cine, 1873-1900. Note : formed by the consolidation of the Clinic with the Cincinnati lancet and observer, Jan, 1858. Cincinnati lancet and observer. See Cincinnati lancet and clinic. Cincinnati medical journal, a monthly journal ed. by G. I. CuUen. V. 2, no. 12; V. 3, no. i, 3-10, 12, 13, 15; v. 4, no. 3, 7-9; v. 5, no. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12; V. 7; V. 8, no. 1-2, 5-6; v. 9, no. 5, 7-8, 10-12; v. 10, no. 7-8. Cine, 1887-95. Note : Oct. 1885-Dec. 1887 title was Cincinnati medical and dental journal. Cincinnati medical news. See Cincinnati medical repertory. Cincinnati medical observer. See Western lancet. Cincinnati medical repertory, monthly, ed. by J. A. Thacker. v. 5, no. 1-2, 4-5, 7-12; V. 6; v. 7, no. 1-3, 5-12; v. 8; v. 9, no. 11; v. 10, no. 1-5, 8-9; V. II, no. 3-4, 6-12; v. 12, no. i, 8-12; v. 13, no. 8; v. 15, no. 9; v. 17, no. 10; V. 21, no. 3, 11-12; v. 22, no. i, 5-6, 8, 10- 11; v. 22,, no. 4, 7, 10-12; v. 24, no. 2, 4-5, 7-12. Cincinnati, 1872-91. Note: ended, v. 5, 1872, title became Cincinnati medical news. Cincinnati museum association. Catalogue of oil paintings. Ed. 2. Cine, 1887. Cincinnati observatory. Micrometrical measurements of 1054 double stars observed with the ii-inch refractor from Jan. i, 1878, to Sept. I, 1879. Cine, 1879. Cincinnati quaiterly journal of science; S. A. Miller, ed. and prop. V. 1-2. Cine, i874-5- Cincinnati society of natural history. Journal, v. 8, no. 2-3; v. 9, no. 2; V. 12, no. 2-Z- Cine, 1885-9, — — Proceedings, January, 1876. Cine. n. d. Cincinnati, university of. See University of Cincinnati. Circourt, Adolphe, comte de. Historical conclusions or review; tr. into English. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1878. v. 15; p. 16-64.) Circular to the insurance agents of the United States. N. Y., 1866. Cist, Maj. Henry Martyn. Army of the Cumberland. N. Y., 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) Citizen, pseud. Address to the citizens of New Hampshire, upon a ^ subject of the greatest importance, n. p. i8o8(?) Citizen, pseud. Facts and suggestions in relation to the present state of the times addressed to the people of New Hampshire. Ports., 1838. Citizen, pseud. Manchester water-works scheme. Manch., 1871. Citizen, pseud. Portsmouth; a glimpse at the past and a view of the present. Ports., 1847. Citizen, pseud. Thoughts on the effects of our railroads on the business and prosperity of Portsmouth. Ports., 1845. Citizen of America, pseud. See Webster, Noah. 266 AUTHOR LIST. Citizen of Boston, pseud. Review of the speech of H. G. Otis, de- livered at a public meeting of the friends of the protecting sys- tem. Bost, 1831. Citizen of Massachusetts, pseud. Letter to W. H, Crawford on the establishment of a uniform system of bankruptcy. Bost., 1821. Citizen of Massachusetts, pseud. See Bradford, Alden, also Hale, Selma, also Mann, Hermann. Citizen of New England, pseud. See Hill, Isaac. Citizen of New Jersey, pseud. Defence of New Jersey in relation to the Camden and Amboy railroad and its privileges. Wash., 1864. Citizen of New York, pseud. Measures not men, illustrated by some remarks upon the public conduct and character of J. C. Calhoun. N. Y., 1823. Citizen of New York, pseud. See Jay, John. Citizen of Philadelphia, pseud. See Webster, Pelatiah. Citizen of the state of Tennessee, pseud. Vindication of the meas- ures of the president and his commanding generals in the com- mencement and termination of the Seminole war. Wash., 1819. Citizen of the United States, pseud. See Everett, Alexander H., also Lundy, Benjamin. Citizens' association of Boston. Annual report v. 1-5. Bost., 1889-93. Citizens' association of Chicago. Address; city finances and con- stitutional amendments. Chic, 1896. • Address; constitutional convention and other legislation, n. p. 1895. Annual report, 1874-6, '78-80, '83-9, '91, '93-8. v. 1-6, 9-15, 17, 19-24. Chic, 1876-98. Chicago drainage and water way laws. Chic, 1889. Report of smoke committee, 1889. Chic, 1889. Report of the committee on education, 1881. Chic, 1881. Report of the committees on bridges and street railways, 1884. Chic, 1884. Report of the committee on theatres and public buildings, on heating and ventilation of the public school buildings, 1884-5. Chic, 1885. Report of the committee on theatres and public halls to the executive committee, 1887. Chic, 1887. Report of the drainage committee, 1880, '85, '87. Chic, 1880-7. Report on the north-west water tunnel. Chic, 1897. Citizens' association of the District of Columbia: Joint executive committee. Washington city, the national capital, memorial to congress against the repeal of the 50 per cent annual congres- ^ sional appropriation law. W^ash., 1894. Citizens' law and order league of Massachusetts. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1890-6. Bost., 1890-6. Note: 1894-6 newspaper cuttings. Citizens* loan fund association. Articles. Manch., 1855. Citizens' relief association. By-laws. Manch., 1878. Manch., 1880. Citizens' union. Campaign book, Sept.-Oct., 1897. Ed. 2. N. Y., . 1897 (?) City hall dedication and Hallowell reunion, July 12, 1899. Hallo- well, 1899. City library association, Springfield (Mass.). Annual report, 1866-7, '69, '72-190T. V. 5-6, 8, 11-40. Springf., 1866-1901. Note : no report printed before 1866, none for 1870, and '71. Circular. Springf., 1898. David Ames Wells economic library. Springf. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 267 City library association, Springfield (Mass.). Horace Smith collec- tion of casts of Greek and renaissance sculpture. Springf., 1899. Library training class, examination, Nov. 24, 1898. n. p. 1898. ed. Bulletin of the city library, Springfield (Mass.). 1896-1900. City missionary society, Boston. Annual report for 1899. v. 83. Bost., IQOO. City prohibition club. Stand by your guns. Manch., 1870. Civic federation of Chicago. Street railways of Chicago. N. Y., 1901. What it has accomplished. Chic, 1899. Civil, military, and ecclesiastical register of the province of New Hampshire for the year 1772. Ports., 1772. Civil service bulletin, issued by the U. S. civil service commission, no. 2-3. Wash., 1897. Civil service chronicle, monthly, v. i, no. 1-7, 9-15, 17-48; v. 2, no. 1-5, 8-43. Indianapolis, 1889-96. Civil service reform association. Purposes of the Civil service re- form association with constitution and officers of the Cambridge association. Camb., 1881. Civis, pseud. Remarks on the bankrupt law; to which are added the proposed amendments of Hopkinson and Webster. N. Y., 1819. Civis, pseud. See Ramsay, David. Claflin, Sumner F. Thoughts in verse, that I have gathered by the pathway of life. Manch., 1893. Clagett, Clifton, and Evans, Richard. Opinions on the act of the legislature of N. H., passed June 24, 1813, entitled "An act estab- lishing a supreme judicial court and circuit courts of common pleas." Cone, 1813. Claggett, William. Address delivered before the Portsmouth anti- slavery society, July 4, 1839. Ports., 1839. (Portsmouth anti- slavery soc. Addresses.) Oration delivered in Portsmouth on the 66th anniversary of ^he Declaration of Independence of the U. S. Ports., 1842. Oration pronounced at Portsmouth, N. H., July 4, 1812, Ports., 1812. Speech in the House of representatives of N. H., 1814. Cone, 1814. Claiborne, Nathaniel Herbert. Notes on the war in the South. Richmond, 1819. Clancy, C. W., and others. Souvenir and trolley guide, views, and sketches of Exeter, Hampton Beach, etc. n. p. 1900. Clap, Capt. Roger. Memoirs. (In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 343-67.) Clap, Rev. Dexter. Discourse occasioned by the death of James Flint. Salem, 1855. Clapp, Ebenezer, camp. Clapp memorial; a record of the Clapp family in America. Bost., 1876. Clapp, Herbert C, M. D. Is consumption contagious? And can it be transmitted by means of food? Bost., 1881. cd. New England medical gazette, v. 15. 1880. Clapp, Robert P., ed., anon. Exercises in celebrating the 250th anni- versary of the settlement of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1880. Camb., 1881. Clapp, T. Eaton, D. D. God's grant to the Gentiles. Bost., 1894. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1878-99.) Clapp, Kev. Theodore. Slavery; a sermon delivered in the First Cong, church in New Orleans, April 15, 1838. N. O., 1838. Clapp, W. W., anon. Joseph Dennie, ed. of the "Port Folio" and author of "The lay preachers," not published. Camb., 1880. 268 AUTHOR LIST. Clapp & Co. Weekly market letters, valuable information of lead- ing American exchanges. N. Y., 1893. Clapp family. Proceedings of the meetings Aug., 1870, and June, 1873. Bost., 1876. (Bound with Clapp, Ebenezer. Clapp memo- rial. 1876.) Claremont (N. H.). Annual report, 1851, '53, '59-60, '62, '64-1902. Clare., 1851-1902. Dedication of a soldiers' monument, Oct. 19, 1869. Clare., 1869. Proceedings of the annual town meeting, 1854-5, '58. Clare., 1854-8. : School committee. Course of study in the public schools of Claremont, 1895. Clare, n. d. : Stevens high school. See Stevens high school, Claremont (N. H.). Claremont (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1879. Clare., 1879. Claremont directory, containing a general directory of the citizens, etc., 1887-8. Wore, 1887. Claremont (N. H.) First Baptist church. Circular, n. p. n. d. Manual. Clare., 1873. Clare., 1884. Claremont (N. H.) First Universalist church. Brief history, arti- cles of faith, etc. Clare., 1885. Year book, 1890-T. n. p. n. d. Claremont grange, no. 9, Patrons of husbandry. Programme, reg- ular meetings on Saturday evenings of each month on or before full moon and two weeks thereafter. Clare., 1899. Claremont (N. H.) high school committee. Memorial services and address in honor of the late Paran Stevens. Clare., 1872. Claremont summer institute. Circular, 1901. n. p. 1901. Claremont (N. H.) Trinity church. Constitution and by-laws adopted 1897. Clare., 1897. Claremont (N. H). Universalist Sunday school library. Catalogue. Clare., 1879. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, ist earl of. History of the Rebellion and civil wars in England. New ed. 4v. Bost., 1827. Note : v. 1-3 wanting. Clarion, pub. by the students of Franklin college, v. i, no. 10. Lebanon, 1894. Clark, A., M. D., ed. Bartlett, Elisha, M. D. History, diagnosis, and treatment of fevers of the U. S. 1847. 1856. Clark, A. Howard. G. B. Goode; a sketch delivered before the Society of Colonial wars in D. C., Sept. 17, 1896. n. p. n. d. What the U. S. government has done for history. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report, 1895. v. 6; p. 549-86.) ■ and Ford, Paul Leicester, comp. Partial bibliography of the published works of members of the Amer. hist, assoc. (in Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1890-3. v. i, p. 163-386; v. 2, p. 115-60; V. 3, p. 409-63; V. 4, p. 211-303.) Clark, Adelbert. Our boys of Company K, and other patriotic poems. Laconia, 1898. Clark, Alvin. Autobiography. {In Old residents' hist, assoc. Con- trib. 1891. V. 4; p. 164-78.) Clark, Rev. Benjamin F. Province of law in distinction from that of truth; a sermon delivered before the executive and legislative departments of the government of Massachusetts, at the annual election, Jan. 6, 1869. Bost., 1869. Clark, Charles C. P., M. D. Commonwealth reconstructed. N. Y., 1878. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBBARY. 269 Clark, Charles C. P., M. D. Logical system of municipal elections. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1895. p. 524-35-) Clark, Charles E. Catalogue of a collection of American por- traiture. Bost., 1901. Clark, Charles H. Outlines of the classification of plants. Durham, 1895. Water analysis for sanitary purposes. Bost, 1892. Clark, Daniel. Eulogy on the life and character of Abraham Lin- coln. Manch., 1865. George Foster Shepley. (In Memorials of judges recently de- ceased. 1881. p. 131-39) Suffrage of loyal black men, both a duty and necessity. Wash., 1866. Clark, Daniel A. Sermon delivered in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 9, 1820, at tlie laying of the corner-stone of the charity institution. (In Webster, Noah. Plea for a miserable world. 1820. p. 13-39) Clark, David W., and Tenney, William. Clinical remarks on fever accompanied with petechiae, typhus, and eruptive states of the system as it appeared in Gilmanton and vicinity in the year 1813. Cone, 1814. Clark, Davis Wasgatt, D. D. Able minister of the New Testament; an anniversary discourse before the literary societies of the Methodist general Biblical institute, Nov. 7, 1849. Bost., 1850. Life and times of the Rev. Elijah Hedding. N. Y., 1855. Methodist Episcopal pulpit; a collection of original sermons from living ministers of the M. E. church. N. Y., 1848. Clark, Mrs. E. J. Reminiscences of Adams. (In Jefferson co. hist. soc. Trans. 1887. P- 145-65.) Clark, Rev. Edgar F. Methodist Episcopal churches of Norwich, Conn. Norwich, 1867. Clark, Emily A. Record of the Chases from their earliest known history. Manch., 1898. Clark, Rev. Frank Gray. Bible in our public schools. Plymouth, 1890. Forefathers' day; Congregationalism; a sermon preached Dec. 18, 1881. Gloucester, 1882. Historical address given at the 150th anniversary of the set- tlement of the town of Lyndeborough, N. H., Sept. 4, 1889. Cone, 1891. Historical sketch of the meeting-houses of the Congregational church, Plymouth, N. H., 1764-1896. Plymouth, 1896. Memorial of Rev. Henry Marden. Cone, 1891. Clark, Frederick C. State railroad commissions and how they may be made effective. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1891. v. 6; no. 6.) Clark, Rev. George Faber. History of the town of Norton, Mass.. 1669 to 1859. Bost, 1859. Samuel Fulton Clark. (In N. E. hist gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1885. V. 4; p. 187-99) Clark, Maj.-gen. George Rogers. Capture of Vincennes, 1779. (In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 43.) and Genet, Edmond. Correspondence. (In Amer. hist assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt i; p. 930-1107.) Clark, Hannah B. Sanitary legislation affecting schools in the U. S. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. v 2 1896. p. 1301-49.) Clark, Henry. Memorial address on the life and services of Rev P. H. White. (In Vt hist. soc. Proceed. 1869.) Clark, Henry A., and Vaille, Frederick Ozni. Harvard book. 1875. Clark, Henry Grafton, M. D. Contagiousness of cholera. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 243-50.) 270 AUTHOB LIST. Clark, Henry Grafton, M. D. Ship fever, so called, its history, na- ture, and best treatment. Bost, 1850. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Clark, Henry James. Anatomy and physiology of the vorticelli- dan parasite. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. v. i; p. 114-30.) -^ — Lucernariae and their allies. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1881. V. 23.) On the spongige ciliatse as infusoria flagellata. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. v. i; p. 305-40.) Clark, Horace, and Hatch, William Moore. Sophomore stories. 1884. Clark, Hubert Lyman. Feather-tracts of North American grouse and quail. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 641-53) Pterylography of certain American goat-suckers and owls. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Proceed. 1895. v. 17; p. 551-72.) Clark, Rev. Isaac. Edwards church, Northampton, Mass., semi- centennial services, Jan. 30, 1883. Northampton, 1883. Clark, Sir James, M. D. Sanative influence of climate; fr. 3d Lond. ed. Phil., 1841. (Amer. med. library.) Treatise on pulmonary consumption. Phil., 1835. Clark, John. Records of the descendants of Hugh Clark, of Water- town, Mass. Bost., 1866. Clark, John, M. D., 1809-76. Ill newes from New England; or, A narrative of New England's persecution. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854. V. 32; p. 1-113.) Clark, John Bates. Capital and its earnings. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1888. V. 3, no. 2.) Modern appeal to legal forces in economic life. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1894. v. 9, no. 5-6.) Possibility of a scientific law of wages. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1889. V. 4, no. I, p. 33-63) Theory of economic progress. (In Economic studies. 1896. v. i; p. 5-22.) Clark, John H., Kampf F., and others. Reports upon astronomical determinations at main stations in Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico, occupied in the years 1872-4. (In U. S. : Geog. surveys west of the looth meridian. Report. 1877. v. 2; p. 1-491.) Clark, John Spencer. Industrial education a necessary part of public education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 167-201.) Hicks, Mary Dana, and Perry, Walter S. Teacher's manual for the Prang complete course in form-study and drawing, v. 4. Bost., 1895. Clark, Rev. Jonas. Sermon preached at the ordination of Joseph Estabrook in Athol, Mass., Nov., 1787. Wore, 1788. Clark, Joseph. Diary from May, 1778, to Nov., 1779. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1855. v. 7; p. 93-110.) Clark, Joseph Sylvester, D. D. Historical sketch of the Congrega- tional churches in Mass., from 1620 to 1858. Bost., 1858. Clark, Le Gros, tr. and ed. Dupuytren, Guillaume, baron. On the injuries and diseases of bones. 1847. Clark, Rev. Lyman. Historical discourse relative to the South Groton Christian Union, 1855-1864, and the First Unitarian par- ish of Ayer, Mass., 1864-1885. Ayer, n. d. Clark, Mary. Biographical sketches of the fathers of New Eng- land. Cone, 1836. Concise history of Massachusetts. Bost., 1830. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 271 Clark, Nathaniel George, D. D. Annual address, 51st anniversary of Mount Holyoke seminary, June 21, 1888. Springf., 1888. Clark, Paul G., and others. Prize essays by the scholars of the High school in the state of California, upon the subject "Patrick Henry." n. p. 1895. Clark, Rufus Wheelwright, D. D. Elements of a vigorous and use- ful character, discourse delivered to young men of Portsmouth, 1848. Ports., 1848. Review of the Rev. Moses Stuart's pamphlet on slavery, en- titled Conscience and the constitution. Bost., 1850. Clark, Salter S., ed. Young, Andrew White. Government class book, manual of instruction in the principles of constitutional government and law. 1884. Clark, Rev. Samuel A. History of St. John's church, Elizabeth Town, N. J., from the year 1703 to the present time. Phil., 1857. Clark, Theodore M. Rural school architecture. Wash., 1880. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1880. no. 4.) Clark, Thomas March, bp. Historical discourse delivered in 1872 in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the St. John's parish. Hartf., 1872. Memorial address on Phillips Brooks. Brooklyn, 1894. Memorial sermon on the life and character of Rev. B. H. Pad- dock, late bishop of Mass. Bost., 1891. Clark, V. A., comp. Organization lists of the agricultural colleges and experiment stations in the U. S. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Exper. sta., office of. Bulletin, no. 88.) Clark, William. Anglican reformation. N. Y., 1897. (Ten epochs of church history, v. 10.) Clark, Brig.-gen. William, and Lewis, Capt. Meriwether. History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri. 1847. ■ History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri. 1893. Lewis and Clark's journal to the Rocky Mountains, as related by Patrick Gass. 1847. Clark, William A. Centennial address on the origin, growth, and resources of Montana. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. V. 2; p. 45-60.) Clark, William Bullock. Correlation papers; eocene. Wash., 1891. (In U. S. Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891, no. 83.) Eocene deposits in the states of Delaware, Maryland, and Vir- ginia. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 141.) Mesozoic echinodermata of the United States. Wash., 1893. (In U. S. : Geol, survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. 97.) Clark, William George, ed. Shakspere, William. Works, ed. by W. A. Wright. 1887. Clark, William J. Commercial Cuba; with an introduction by E. S. Gould.^ N. Y., 1898. Clark, William S. On metallic meteorites; an inaugural disserta- tion at the Georgia, Augusta, university. Gottengen, 1852. Clark, Willis G. History of education in Alabama; 1 702-1889. Wash., 1889. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1889, no. 3.) Clark and Upson mining company. Report of the superintendent. Hartf., 1867. Clark university. South Atlanta (Ga.). Clark university courier; catalogue edition, 1897-8. S. Atlanta, 1897. Clark university, Worcester (Mass.). Annual report of the presi- dent to the board of trustees, 1891, '93. v. 2-3. Wore, 1891-3. Courses leading to the degree of Ph. D. n. p. 1901. 272 AUTHOR LIST. Clark university, Worcester (Mass.). Opening exercises, Oct. 2, 1889. n. p. n. d. Register and official announcement, 1889, '91, '93-1901. Wore, 1889-1901. Summer school, 1895-7, '99> IQOI. n. p. n. d. Clarke, Rev. Adam. Account of the infancy, religious and literary- life of Adam Clarke, ed. by Rev. B. B. Clarke. 3v. N. Y., 1833. Discourses on various subjects relative to the being and at- tributes of God and his works in creation, providence, and grace. Ed. 3. 3v. N. Y., 1831. Doctrine of salvation by faith proved. N. Y., 1828. Clarke, Albert. Failures of free trade. Bost, 1896. Money leaflets, plain facts boiled down, probable effects of free coinage. Bost., 1896. Reciprocity. Bost., 1896. Clarke, Arthur E. N. H. legislature, official list of the members of the governor's council, the senate, and house of representa- tives, session of 1901. Manch., 1901. Public printing, some facts regarding it. Manch., 1901. Clarke, Mrs. Arthur E. Address before the Colonial dames of the state of N. H., delivered May 19, 1897. (In N. H. soc. of the Colonial dames of Amer. Addresses, n. d. no. i.) Clarke, Mrs. Arthur Eastman. Rules for American whist in rhyme. Manch., 1895. Clarke, Augustus Peck, M. D. Book of poems. Camb., 1896. Clarke's kindred genealogies. Camb., 1896. Clarke, Charles Mansfield. Observations on those diseases of females which are attended by discharges. Phil., 1824. Clarke, Rev. D., ed. Christian parlor magazine. 1847. Clarke, Rev. Dorus. Saying the catechism. (In Ford, P. L., ed. New England primer. 1897. p. 275-81.) Clarke, Edward Daniel. Travels in various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa: 2d Amer. ed. 3v. N. Y., 1813-15. Note : v. 3 is 1st Amer. ed. Clarke, Edward Hammond, M. D. Physiological and therapeutical action of the bromide of potassium and bromide of ammonium. Bost., 1872. Recent progress in materia medica. Bost., 1864. Sex in education; or. A- fair chance for the girls. Bost., 1873. Clarke, Eliot C. Main drainage works of the city of Boston. Ed. 2. Bost, 1885. Clarke, Frank Gay, and Cheney, William Haight. Class supper '73, Scientific department, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1870. Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1879. v. 27; p. 127-42.) Constants of nature. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1874, pt. I, V. 12, 263P. V. 14, 6ip. pt. 2, V. 14, 58p. pt. 3, V. 14, 57p. pt. 5, V. 27, 279p.) Note : part 4 is by G. F. Becker. new ed. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1888, pt. i, V. 32, 409P. pt. 5, V. 38, 37op.) Constitution of the silicates. Wash., 1895. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1895. no. 125.) Report on the teaching of chemistry and physics in the U. S. Wash., 1881. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1880, no. 6.) and Hillebrand, W. F. Analysis of rocks. Wash., 1897. (In U. S. : Geol. sur. Bulletins. 1897, no. 148.) and Merrill, George Perkins. On nephrite and jadeite. (In U. S. : Nat. museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 115-30.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 273 Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth, ed. United States: Geological survey. Report of work done in the division of chemistry and physics for 1883-93. (In its Bulletins. 1884-93- no. 9, 27, 42, 55, 60, Clarke, George Kuhn. Epitaphs from graveyards in Wellesley, North Natick, and St. Mary's churchyard in Newton Lower Falls, Mass., with genealogical and biographical notes. Bost, 1900. Genealogy of the descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of New- bury, Mass. Bost., 1883. Ed. 2. Bost, 1885. comp. New England historic genealogical society. Rolls of m-embership. 1898. Clarke, H. W., ed. Roster of the 185th regiment N. Y. V. n. p. 1889-90. Clarke, Helen P. Sketch of Malcolm Clarke. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 255-68.) Clarke, Henry Steele, D. D. True ground of hope, an occasional discourse. Phil., 1863. Clarke, Henry William. History of tithes. Ed. 2. Lond. 1894. Clarke, Hyde. Early history of the Mediterranean populations, etc., in their migrations and settlements, illustrated from autonomous coins, gems, inscriptions, etc. (/n Royal hist. soc. Trans, 1882. V. 10; p. 134-202.) Examination of the legend of Atlantis in reference to proto- historic communication with America, (/n Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. v. 13; p. 1-46.) Iberian and the Belgian influence and epochs in Britain. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1884. v. 11; p. 158-92.) Notes on the Ligurians, Aquitanians and Belgians. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1884. v. 11, p. 62-9.) On the epoch of Hittite. (in Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. V. 6; p. 1-85.) On the settlement of Britain and Russia by the English races. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 249-308.) Picts and preceltic Britain, (in Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. V. 13; p. 242-80.) Turanian epoch of the Romans, as also of the Greeks, Ger- mans, and Anglo-Saxons in relation to the early history of the world. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 172-222.) Clarke, Isaac Edwards. Art and industrial education. {In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. v. 2; p. 705-67.) Art and industry; education in the industrial and fine arts in the U. S. V. 1-4. Wash., 1885-98. ■ Drawing in public schools. Wash., 1874. U^ U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Circ. of information. 1874, no. 2.) Clarke, Rev. J. B. B., ed. Clarke, Rev. Adam. Account of the in- fancy, religious, and literary life of Adam Clarke. 1833. Clarke, Jacob B. Summary of the proceedings in congress in 1828-9 in relation to the mulberry tree with a view to the culture of silk in the U. S. N. Y., 1829. Clarke, James Freeman, D. D. Autobiography, diary, and corre- spondence, ed. by E. E. Hale. Bost., 1891. Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin. Ed. 7. Bost., 1890. Christian doctrine of prayer. Ed. 11. Bost., 1890. Church-going, past, present, and future. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian- assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 53.) Essentials and non-essentials in religion. Ed. 10. Bost., 1894. Events and epochs in religious history. Bost., 1881. False witnesses answered. Bost, 1835. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 97.) 18 274 AUTHOE LIST. Clarke, James Freeman, D. D. False witnesses answered. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 97.) Has Unitarianism done its work? Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 34.) History of the campaign of 1812 and surrender of the post of Detroit. ' N. Y., 1848. (/w Hull, Brig.-gen., William, Revolu- tionary services. 1848.) How to find the stars and an account of the astronomical lan- tern and its use. Bost, 1882. Ideas of the apostle Paul translated into modern equivalents. Bost, 1884. Legend of Thomas Dudymus, the Jewish sceptic. Bost., 1881. Lord's prayer. Bost., 1891. Manual of Unitarian belief. Bost., 1892. Memoir of R. W. Emerson. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1886. V. 22; p. 107-17.) Memorial and biographical sketches. Bost., 1878. Oration delivered before the city government and citizens of Boston, July 5, 1875. Bost, 1875. Orthodox views of the atonement examined. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 23.) Orthodoxy; its truths and errors. Ed. 18. Bost., 1894. Peter at Antioch; or. The Vatican vs. Bismarck and Gladstone. Bost, 1875. Revivals, natural and artificial. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 16.) Steps of belief; or. Rational Christianity maintained against atheism, free religion, and Romanism. Bost., 1890. Why am I a Unitarian? Bost n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 28.) Clarke, John. Introduction to the making of Latin. Ed. 24. Leominster, 1803. Clarke, Lieut. John. Impartial and authentic narrative of the battle between his Brittanic majesty's troops and the American pro- vincial army on Bunker's Hill in New England. Ed. 2. Lond., 1775. ■ {In Drake, S. A., ed. Bunker Hill. 1875. p. 42-59.) Clarke, John B., puh. Sketches of successful N. H. men. Manch., 1882. comp. and puh. Manchester almanac. 1879-84. Clarke, John H., M. D. Our meanest crime. Lond., 1894. {Bound with Anti-vivisection question, n. d.) Clarke, John Mason. Die Fauna des Iberger Kalkes. n. p. n. d. List of publications relating to geology and palaeontology of New York, 1876-93. {In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Annual report 1894. V. 47; p. 753-91.) On the higher Devonian faunas of Ontario county, N. Y. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 16.) Oriskany fauna of Becraft mountain, Columbia county, N. Y. Alb., 1900. (N. Y.: Museum. Memoirs, no. 3.) and Beecher, Charles Emerson. Development of some silurian brachiopoda. 1889. and Hall, James, 181 1-98. Memoir on the paleozoic reticulate sponges constituting the family dictyospongidse. 1898. N. Y., 1898. {In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Annual report 1898. V. 49.) Clarke, Joseph Thacher. Doric shaft found at Assos.' Bait., 1886. (Papers of the Archae. inst. of Amer.) {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1886. v. 2; p. 267-85.) Gargara, Lamponia, and Pionia; towns of the Troad. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1888. v. 4; p. 291-319.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 275 Clarke, Joseph Thacher. Proto-Ionic capital from the site of Neandreia. Bait, 1886. (Papers of the Archae. inst. of Amer.) (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1886. v. 2; p. 1-20, 137- 48; V. 3; p. 57-61.) Report on the investigations at Assos, 1881. Bost, 1882. (Papers of the Archae. inst. of Amer. Classical ser., no. i.) ed. Crow, John M. Athenian pnyx. (In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 205-60.) Clarke, Lewis. Narrative of the sufferings of Clarke during a cap- tivity of more than twenty-five years among the Algerines of Kentucky. Bost., 1845. Clarke, M. St. Clair, and Hall, D. A., comp. Legislative and docu- mentary history of the Bank of the U. S., including the original Bank of North America. Wash., 1832. Clarke, Maurice D., comp., anon. Manchester; a brief record of its past and a picture of its present. Manch., 1875. Clarke, Mrs. Olive (Cleaveland). Things that I remember at ninety-five. n. p. 1881. Clarke, Mrs. Olive (Rand). Vacation excursion from Mass. Bay to Puget Sound. Manch., 1884. Clarke, Richard H. Lives of the deceased bishops of the Catholic church in the U. S. 2v. N. Y., 1872. Clarke, Samuel Fessenden. Report on the hydroida collected dur- ing the exploration of the Gulf Stream and Gulf of Mexico, 1877-8. (In Harv. univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1879. V. 5; p. 239-52.) Clarke, Thomas Curtis, and others. American railway; ed. by T. M. Cooley. N. Y., 1889. Clarke, Thomas William. "Equality before the law." Opening and closing arguments in behalf of the Highland street railway CO. Bost, 1873. Clarke, W. J., tr. Duruy, Victor. History of Rome and of the Roman people, v. i; v. 3, pt. i; v. 7, pt. i; v. 8, pt. i. 1884-7. Clarke, Rev. Walter. Shimei and Abishai; or, The extreme politi- cians; a Thanksgiving discourse delivered Nov. 27, 1851. Hartf., 1851. Clarke, Brig. -gen. William. See Clark, Brig. -gen. William. Clarke, William Bradley, M. D. Report on vaccination, n. p. 1896. Clarke, Rev. William Branwhite. Extracts from a memoir on the geological structure and phenomena of the county of Suffolk and its physical relations with Norfolk and Essex, n. p. 1837. Clarke, William Newton, D. D. Mystery in religion; annual open- ing address before Hamilton theological seminary, Sept. 15, 1896. Hamilton, 1896. Clarke and Co., Robert. Bibliotheca Americana; catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America. Cine, 1893. Clarke institution for deaf mutes. Addresses delivered at the 25th anniversary of its opening, Oct. 12, 1892. Northampton, 1893. Annual report for 1867-1901. v. 1-34. v. p. 1868-1901. Note : name changed in 1896 to Clarke school for the deaf. Clarke school for the deaf. See Clarke institution for deaf mutes. Clarke's Manchester directory, ed. Manchester almanac. 1879-84. Clark's Boston blue book, the elite private address, carriage, and club directory; ed. by E. E. Clark. 1892. Bost, 1892. Clarkson, Thomas. History of the rise, progress, and accomplish- ment of the abolition of the African slave trade, by the British parliament. Wilmington, 1816. 1st Amer. fr.*the Lond. ed. 2v. Phil, 1808. Memoirs of the private and public life of William Penn. 2v. in I, Dover, 1820. 276 AUTHOR LIST. Clarkson, Thomas. 2v. in i. Dover, 1827. Clarkson memorial school o£ technology. See Thomas S. Clark- son memorial school of technology. Clarksville (N. H.). Annual report, 1893-1902. Lancaster, 1893- 1902. Clary, Rev. Timothy Farrar. Honorable old age; a discourse occa- sioned by the centennial anniversary of Timothy Farrar, July II, 1847. Andover, 1847. Classology, an Anacreontic ode in imitation of "Heathen mythol- ogy." Bost, 1843. Claude, Jean. Cruel persecutions of the protestants in the kingdom of France, ist Amer. reprint of the Eng. tr. pub. in Lond. in 1707. Bost, 1893. Claude, Rev. John. Essay on the composition of a sermon, ed. by Rev. Charles Simeon. N. Y., 1849. Clavers, Mary, pseud. See Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline Matilda (Stans- bury). Clavigero, D. Francesco Saverio, Vahhe. History of Mexico, col- lected from Spanish and Mexican historians. 3v. Richmond, 1806. Clay, Henry. Address to the public, containing certain testimony in refutation of the charges against him made by Gen. Andrew- Jackson touching the last presidential election. Wash., 1827. American system and the home market. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 4; p. 1249-59.) American svstem with his speeches and letters on protection, ed. by W. C. Wood. Bost, 1896. Speech in the Senate on the subject of abolition petitions, Feb., 1839. Bost., 1839. Clay, John, tr. Kiwisch, Franz Alexander. Chapters on disease of the ovaries, i860. Clay, John W., ed. Registers of St. Paul's cathedral. Lond., 1899. (Harleian soc. Pub. 1899. no. 26.) ed. Harleian society. Visitation of Cambridge, 1575. 1897. ed. Hunter, Joseph. Familiae monorum gentium. 1894-6. Clay, Mrs. Mary Katherine (Rogers). Genealogy of the Clays. {In Filson club. Pub. 1899. v. 14.) Clay, Paul R., comp. Picturesque and progressive Littleton and White Mountains. St Johnsbury, 1898. Clay library, Jaifrey {N. H.). Dedication of the library building, July 4, 1896, Cone, 1896. Claypole, Edward Waller. Evidence from the drift of Ohio, Indi- ana, and Illinois. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1882. v. 30; p. 147-66.) Traces of the ice age in the flora of the Cuyahoga valley. Cleve., 1891. {In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts, v. 3, no. 84.) Claypool, Edward A. Scotch ancestors of William McKinley. Chic, 1897. Clayton, Augustin S. Review of the report of the committee of ways and means, to whom was referred so much of the mes- sage of the president as relates to the bank of the United States. Milledgeville, 1830. Clayton, H. Helm. Cloud heights and velocities at Blue Hill ob- servatory, Ann Arbor, 1891. Note : reprinted from the Amer. meteorological journal, July, 1891. Cloud measurement at Blue Hill. Wash., 1897. Investigations on periodicity in the weather, n. p. 1899. Note: proceedings of the Amer. acad. of arts and sciences, v. 34, no. 22, May, 1899. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRABY. 277 Clayton, H. Helm. Keel kite. n. p. 1897. Scientific kite-flying at Blue Hill. Bost, 1896. Seven day weather period, n. p. 1896. Six and seven day weather periods. Bost., 1893. Verification of weather forecasts. Ann Aijbor, 1889. Clayton, Rev. John. Letter to the Royal society, May 12, 1688. n. p. 1688. {In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1844. v. 3.) Clayton, W. H., comp. Collection of psalms and hymns for social and private worship. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1822. Clayton, W. W., anon. History of York county, Me. Phil., 1880. Cleal, Joseph P. Labor problem from the laborer's point of view, with some remedies. Bost., 1899. (Church social union. Pub. no. 58.) Cleaveland, Elisha Lord, D. D. Discourse occasioned by the death of Daniel Webster, preached Oct. 31, and Nov. 14, 1852. Ed. 2. N. H., 1852. {In Eulogies on Webster, no. 13.) Governor Gilbert lot. New Haven, Conn. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1865. v. i; p. 121-38.) Motives to the missionary work. Bost., 1863. Cleaveland, Nehemiah. Address at Topsfield, Mass., Aug. 28, 1850; the 250th anniversary of the incorporation of the town. N. Y., 1851. First century of Dummer academy, a historical discourse de- livered at Newbury, Aug. 12, 1863. Bost., 1865. History of Bowdoin college with biographical sketches of its graduates from 1806 to 1879; ed. by A. S. Packard. 2v. Bost., 1882-87. Cleaveland, Parker. Elementary treatise on mineralogy and geol- ogy. Bost., 1816. Ed. 2. 2v. in I. Bost., 1822. Results of meteorological observations made at Brunswick, Me., between 1807 and 1859, ed. by C. A. Schott. {In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. 1870. v. 16.) Clegg, James, ed. International directory of second-hand book- sellers and bibliophile's manual, including lists of the public libraries of the world. Ed. 4. Rochdale, 1894. Ed. 5. Rochdale, 1899. Cleghorn, George. Observations on the epidemical diseases in Minorca from the year 1744 to 1749. Ed. 3. Lond., 1768. Cleland, John, M. D., ed. Quain, Jones, M. D. Elements of anat- omy. 1867. Cleland, Rev. Thomas H. Philosophy of true greatness, address before the alumni association of Centre college, June 24, 1863. Cine, 1863. Clemens, Will M., ed. Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Story book, 1898. Clement, Mrs. Clara (Erskine). See Waters, Mrs. Clara (Erskine) Clement. Clement, Rev. Jonathan. Discourse delivered at the funeral of William M. Richardson. Cone, 1838. Clemson agricultural college. See South Carolina: Agricultural ex- periment station. Clendenning, Polly. Glorious Fourth, n. p. n. d. Clephane, Walter G. Local aspect of slavery in the District of Columbia. {In Columbia hist. soc. Record. 1900. v,. 3; p. 224-56.) Clergy fund society of the diocese of Manchester. Constitution. Manch., 1885. Clergyman, pseud. Statement of Christian faith. Bost. n. d. Clergyman of Massachusetts, pseud. Drunkard's funeral sermon. W^oburn, 1840. 278 AUTHOR LIST. Clergymen's retiring fund society of the Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. Annual report for the year ending Oct. 31, 1876, '89-91- V. 2, 15-17- n. p. 1877-91. Clerk, Le. See Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel. Clerus Domini. Taylor, Jeremy, D. D. (In his Sacred order and offices of Episcopacy. 1844. p. 285-361.) Cleveland, Charles Dexter, and Chase, Salmon Portland. Anti- slavery addresses of 1844 and 1845. 1867. Cleveland, Mrs. Deborah (Hiller), anon. Dialogue between a Chris- tian and a deist Bost., 1829. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 23.) Dialogue on providence, faith, and prayer, Bost., 1827, (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 12.) Divine authority of the Christian revelation acknowledged. Bost., 1829. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 25.) Divine revelation advocated and illustrated. Bost., 1829. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 24.) Cleveland, Rev. Edward. Bible sketches. Bost., 1875. Sermon delivered at the dedication of the Congregational church edifice in Bath, N. H., Feb. 25, 1874. 1874. Note: manuscript. Cleveland, Grover, Pres. of the U. S. Laudo pronunciado en las cuestiones sometidas a su decision por las republicas de Costa Rica y Nicaragua. Wash., 1888. Public papers. Wash., 1889. Public papers as governor, 1883-4. Alb., 1883-4. Self-made man in American life. N. Y., 1897. Cleveland, H. W. S. Esthetic development of the united cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, n. p. n. d. Culture and management of our native forests. Springf., 1882. Cleveland, Henry R. Life of Henry Hudson. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1848. ser. i, v. 10; p. 185-261.) Cleveland, Horace Gillette. Genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland. Chic, 1879. Cleveland, James D. Case school of applied science. Cleve., 1891. (In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1892. v. 3; no. 79.) Cleveland, John F., and Greeley, Horace. Political text-book for i860, i860. Cleveland (O.): Centennial commission. Official report of the cen- tennial celebration of the founding of the city of Cleveland and the settlement of the Western reserve. Cleve., 1896. : City council. Inauguration of the Perry statue on the loth of Sept., i860. Cleve., 1861. : Education, board of. Annual report, 1870-1, '73-81, '84, '86-9, '92-3, '95-9. V. 34, 35, 37, 45, 47-8, 50-3, 56-7, 59-63. Cleve., 1871- 99. : Park commissioners, board of. Annual report, v. 2-7. Cleve., 1895-1900. : Public library. Annual report, v. 22-9, 32. Cleve., 1891-1901. Alphabetical catalogue of the English books. Cleve., 1889. Circular of information concerning the Cleveland public library service, n. p. n. d. . Special reading lists, no. 1-4. n. p. n. d. ed. Open shelf. 1894-5. ed. Open shelf, pub. by the Cleveland public library, quar- terly. New ser. v. i, no. 1-4. Cleve., 1900. : Miles Park library. Circular, n. p. i894(?) Cleveland and Canton railroad company. Report of the directors to the stockholders for the year ending June 30, 1891. Bost., 1891. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 279 Cleveland board of trade. Annual report of the trade and com- merce of Cleveland, 1892. Cleve,, 1892. Cleveland business men's convention league. City of Cleveland and its attractions. Cleve., 1900. Cleveland chamber of commerce. Reports and proceedings, 1894- 1900. V. 46-53- n. p. 1894-1901. Note : first pub. in 1894. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louis railroad company. Glimpse of the new Union station, St. Louis, n. p. 1895. Cleveland homoeopathic college. See Homoeopathic hospital col- lege of Cleveland. Cleveland hospital for the insane. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers to the governor of the state of Ohio for the year 1877, '79, '83-4, '90-2, '99-1900. v. 23, 25, 29-30, 36-8, 45, 46. Columbus, 1878-1901. Cleveland journal of medicine, monthly, v. 1-2; v. 3, no, i-ii. Cleve., 1896-8. Note : continuation of Western Reserve medical journal. Cleveland library association. Catalogue. Cleve., 1865. Cleveland medical gazette, a monthly journal of medicine and sur- gery. V. I, no. z-7, 10-12; v. 2, no. 3-6, 12; v. 3, iiO. 2, 4-6, 8-10, 12; V. 4, no. 3-7, 9-12; v. 5-6; v. 7, no. 1-7, 9-12; v. 8, no. 1-5, 7-12; V. 9, no. 2, 9-12, V. 10, no. 6-7, 9, 11; v. 11, no. 3-12; v. 12, no. 1-4, 6-12; V. 13, no. 1-2; V. 14, no. 3. Cleve., 1886-99. Clews & Co., Henry. Investment guide, 1898-9. N. Y., 1898-9. Clifford, Frederick. History of private bill legislation. 2v. Lond., .1885-7. Clifford, Nathan. Extracts and remarks on his decision in favor of the Winslow patents. Portl., 1873 (?) Climate and health, monthly, v. 1-2. Wash., 1895-6. Climatologist, a monthly journal of medicine, v. i; v. 2, no. 1-3. Phil., 1892-3. Note : v. 2, no. 6 last pub. Clingman, Thomas L. Nebraska and Kansas, speech, n. p. n. d. {Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech, 1854. no- 23.) Clinton, Dewitt. Correspondence on the importance and practica- bility of a railroad from New York to New Orleans. N. Y., 1830. Discourse delivered at Schenectady, July 22, 1823, before the New York Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa. N. Y., 1823. Discourse delivered before the N. Y. hist. soc. Dec. 6, 1811. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1814. v. 2; p. 37-117.) Letters of Clinton and Col. L. Baldwin respecting the exten- sion of the Hampshire and Hampden canal, 1828. Bost., 1828. Clinton, George W. . Albany institute. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. V. 11; p. 44-54-) Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry. Orders given Lieut.-col. Stephen Kem- ble. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 24, p. 586-603.) and Cornwallis, Charles, ist marquis. Campaign in Virginia, 1781; reprint of rare pamphlets on the Clinton-Cornwallis con- troversy, ed. by B. F. Stevens. 2v. Lond., 1888. Clinton directory, including Lancaster; Price and Lee co., pub. v. 10. Pittsb., 1894. Clissold, Rev. Augustus, tr. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Economy of the animal kingdom. 1845. Clok, Henry. Diseases of sheep. Phil., 1868. Clokey, Allison, M. D., and Bailey, Benjamin F., M. D. Present status of pediatrics. 1896. Clokey, Joseph Waddell, D. D. David's harp in song and story. Pittsb., 1896. 280 AUTHOR LIST. Clokey, Joseph Waddell, D. D. Dying at the top; or, the moral and spiritual condition of the young men of America. Pittsb., 1896. Cloquet, Jules, M. D. Recollections of the private life of Gen. Lafayette. 2v. N. Y., 1836. Closs, A., engraver. Raden, Woldemar. Switzerland, its mountains and valleys. 1878. Cloud, Charles Alvin. Gospel of Mark. {In Kingery, D. N. Gould prize theses in Biblical literature, 1893, prophecy of Micah. 1893. p. 7-12.) (Wabash college. Papers, no. 3.) Clough, Abner. Journal containing an account of the march of Capt. Daniel Ladd to protect Rumford, 1746. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. V. 4; p. 201-14.) Clough, Albert L. Plain facts about the automobile. Manch., 1901. Clow, Frederick R. Economics as a school study. N. Y., 1899. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Economic studies, v. 4.) Clowes, William Laird, and others. Royal navy; a history from the earliest times to the present, v. 1-4. Bost., 1897-9. Club of odd volumes, Boston {Mass.). Annual exhibition, v. i, 10. Bost., 1889-97. Catalogue of an exhibition of mezzotinto portraits contrib- uted by the club and its members, n. p. i892(?) Clubb, Henry S., ed. Universal peace union. Full proceedings of the conference in favor of international arbitration. 1896. Cluseret, Col. Gustave Paul. Mexico and the solidarity of nations. N. Y., 1866. Cluskey, Michael W. Political text-book, or encyclopedia. Wash., 1857. Clute, O. Memoir of Dr. T. C. Abbot. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. V. 22; p. 206-14.) Clutterbuck, Henry, M. D. Essay on pyrexia. {Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838; p. 403-50.) Lectures on blood-letting. Phil., 1839. Clymer, Meredith, M. D., ed. Aitken, William, M. D. Science and practice of medicine. 1866. 1868. 1872. cd. Carpenter, William B., M. D. Principles of human physi- ology. 1845. 1847. Coakley, George W. Tidal theory of comets. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 159-73.) Coale, Edward J., ed., anon. Sketch of the life, last sickness, and death of Mrs. M. J. Grosvenor. Ed. 2. Bait, 1817. Coale, William Edward, M. D. Practical essay on aneurism. Bost., 1S61. Coan, Rev. Leander S. Better in the mornin'; ballads of pathos, humor, and satire. Great Falls, 1880. Note : binder's and running title reads Old corporal poems. Hill's brigade. Cone, 1876. Memorial day oration delivered at Dover, N. H., under the auspices of the Charles W. Sawyer post, G. A. R. Dover, 1876. Coan, Titus Munson, M. D. Pronouncing gazetteer; or, Geograph- ical dictionary of the world. {In Webster, Noah. International dictionary of the Eng. language. 1895. p. 1721-1816.) and Wilson, Col. James Grant, ed. Loyal legion of U. S.: New York commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. Coape, Henry Coe, tv. About, Edmond Frangois Velentin. Roman question. 1859. . NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 281 Coates, B. H., M. D. Annual discourse; an address on the origin of the Indian population of America. {In Penn. hist. soc. Me- moirs. 1834. V. 3, pt. 2; p. 1-63.) Notice of the life of S. P. Griffitts. {In Penn. hist. soc. Me- moirs. 1827. V. 2, pt. 2; p. 7-22.) Coates, Reynell, M. D. Popular medicine; or, Family adviser. Phil, 1838. Cobb, Col. David. Leaves from his diary; 1795-7. (^^ Bangor hist. mag. 1889. v. 5; p. 49-57, 69-76, 116-20, I34-9-) Cobb, Edward. Few observations on some of the principles of the people called Quakers, in reply to some paragraphs in a pam- phlet entitled Two sermons on Christian fellowship, by Asa Rand. Portl., 1817. Cobb, Rev. Henry Evertson. Victories of youth, the defense of manhood, n. p. 1900. (Rutgers college. Pub. no. 7.) Cobb, Jonathan Holmes. Manual containing information respect- ing the growth of the mulberry tree, with suitable directions for the culture of silk. Bost., 1832. Cobb, L. H., D. D. Dedicatory address at the formal opening of the new academy, Meriden, N. H., June 16, 1892. {In Kimball union academy. Dedication. 1894. p. 9-I9-) Cobb, Lyman. Critical review of the orthography of Dr. Web- ster's series of books for systematic instruction in the English language. N. Y., 1831. Cobb, Samuel Crocker. Remarks at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts society of the Cincinnati, Boston, July 4, 1889. Camb., 1889. Cobb, Rev. Sanford H. Palatine or German immigration to N. Y. and Penn. Wilkes-Barre, 1897. Cobb, Sylvanus. Compend of Christian divinity. Ed. 2. Bost., 1847. Cobb, Rev. W. F., and Marston, Rrj. Charles L. Social teaching of the early Christian fathers. 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. A., no. 7.) Cobb divinity school. Catalogue, 1899-1902. Lewiston, 1899-1902. Cobbe, Frances Power. Fallacy of restriction applied to vivisec- tion. Ed. 2. n. p. n. d. {Bound with Anti-vivisection question, n. d.) Illustrations of vivisection. Phil., 1900. Light in dark places. Lond., 1889. Lond., 1895. {Bound with Anti-vivisection question. n. d.) Moral aspects of vivisection. Ed. 6. Lond., 1884. {Bound with Anti-vivisection question, n. d.) My doctor tells me that "Vivisection is not a cruel practice." n. p. n. d. My friend tells me that "He would sacrifice hecatombs of animals sooner than lose the chance of saving the pain of a man." Lond. n. d. Right of tormenting. {In Anti-vivisection question, n. d. up.) and Bryan, Benjamin. Vivisection in America; how it is taught, how it is practiced. Lond., 1889. Cobbett, William. American gardener. Bait., 1823. Thomas Paine; a sketch of his life and character. {In Conway, M. D. Life of Thomas Paine. 1893. v. 2; p. 433-59.) Cobden, Richard. Free trade with all nations. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 4; p. 1326-36.) Cobden club. Annual meeting. 1873-5, '94- Lond., 1873-94. Members with dates of entrance. Westminster, 1868. 282 AUTHOR LIST. Coburn, Abner. Message to the legislature of the state of Maine, Jan., 1863. Augusta, 1863. Coburn, E. R., and Truesdale, S. Onion specific. 1863. Coburn, F. D. Swine husbandry. New ed. N. Y., 1898. Coburn, Frank W. Centennial history of the battle of Bennington. Bost, 1877. Coburn, John. Life and services of J. B. Dillon, with a sketch by H. P. Biddle. Indianapolis, 1886. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. V. 2; p. 37-62.) Cocheco Railroad company. Reply of the directors to the Report of the directors of the Boston and Maine railroad to their stock- holders of Sept. 8, 1858. Bost, 1858. Cocheco steam fire engine company, no. 2. Constitution and by- laws. Dover, 1881. Cochran, Col. M. A. Reminiscences of life in rebel prisons. (In . Loyal legion of the U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. V. 4; p. 334-54-) Cochrane, Clark B. Address delivered at the centennial celebration of the incorporation of New Boston, N. H., July 4, 1863. Alb., 1863. Songs from the Granite Hills of New Hampshire. Bost., 1894. Cochrane, Mrs. Cora S. Memorial address at Swiftwater, N. H., 1891. n. p. n. d. Cochrane, Harry Hayman. History of Monmouth and Wales. 2V. E. Winthrop, 1894. Cochrane, Warren Robert, D. D. Fruits of easy morals. Manch., Historical sermon delivered in the Presbyterian church, An- trim, N. H., Nov. 5, 1876. (In Antrim (N. H.) Presbyterian church. Memorial sermon. 1877. P- 9-36.) History of the town of Antrim, N. H. Manch., 1880. and Wood, George K. History of Francestown, N. H. Nashua, 1895. Cock, Thomas, M. D. Inaugural address before the N. Y. acad. of med., April 7, 1852. N. Y., 1852. Cock, Thomas F., ed. Denman, Michael. Obstetrical remem- brancer. 1848. ed. Prescriber's pharmacopoeia. 1853. Cockburn, William, M. D. Symptoms, nature, cause, and cure of a gonorrhoea. Ed. 3. Lond., 1718. Cockerell, T. D. A. Directions for collecting and preserving scale insects. Wash., 1897. U^ U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. no. 39.) Food plants of scale insects. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 725-85.) Notes on the geographical distribution of scale insects. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1895. v. 17; p. 615-25.) Cockings, George. Battle of Bunker Hill. (In Drake, S. A., ed. Bunker Hill. 1875. p. 62-73.) Cockman, Thomas, D. D., tr. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Ofiices. (In his Orations. 1837. v. 3; p. 5-204.) Cockran, William Bourke. In the name of liberty; address in P'aneuil Hall, Boston, Feb. 23, 1900. Bost., 1900. Codding, Mrs. Hannah Maria (Preston). Sketch of Ichabod Cod- ding. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 45; p. 169- 96.) Coddington, David Smith. Speeches and addresses. N. Y.. 1866, Codex medicus Philadelphias', monthly, Aug. 1895-Oct., 1895. v. i, no. 10-12. Phil., 1895. Codman, Charles Russell. Memoir of Leverett Saltonstall. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 337-66.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. . 288 Codman, Capt. John. Case of a fe^w ship-builders vs. the American people. Bost., 1895. Shipping, bounties, and subsidies. Bost., 1890. Codman, John, D. D. Importance of moderation in civil rulers; a sermon delivered at the annual election, Jan. i, 1840. Bost, 1840. Codman, John Thomas. Brook farm; historic and personal me- moirs. Bost, 1894. Cody, A. S., ed. Riverside monthly. 1890. Cody, William F. Story of the wild west. Bost., 1888. Coe and Pingree, trustees, vs. Mount Washington railway company. Pleadings and evidence. Manch., 1893. Coe, Edward B., D. D. Address in commemoration of A. D. Smith, June 27, 1882. Cone, 1882. Coe, Joseph. True American, containing the inaugural addresses, annual addresses, and messages of all the Presidents of the U. S., from 1789 to 1839. 2v. Cone, 1840. Coe college. Annual report of the president for 1894. Cedar Rapids, 1894. Catalogue for 1888-9, '90-1', '92-8. Cedar Rapids, 1889-98. Coeffeteau, Nicolas. Histoire Romaine, contenant tout ce qui s'est passe depuis le commencement de I'empire d'Auguste; avec I'epitome de L. Florus. Par., 1646. Coe's Northwood academy, Northwood Centre (N. H.). Catalogue, 1888-92, '93-8. V. p. 1889-97. Note: 1888-90 pub. in Middletown, Conn. 1890-2 in Bristol. '93-5 in Concord, '95-8 in Northwood Ridge. Coffin, Charles, comp. History of the battle of Breed's Hill. Portl., 1835. Narragansett townships. (/« Me. hist soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2; p. 131-50.) Coffin, Charles Carleton. Boys of '61. Bost., 1882. Building the nation; events in the history of the U. S. from the Revolution to the beginning of the war between the states, N. Y., 1882. Centennial oration, July 4, 1876. {In Boscawen (N. H.). Pro- ceed, of the centennial celebration. 1876. p. 5-37.) Drum-beat of the nation; the first period of the war of the Rebellion. N. Y., 1888. Following the flag. Bost, 1885. Four years of fighting. Bost., 1866. Freedom triumphant; the fourth period of the war of the Re- bellion. N. Y., 1891. anon. Future of New Hampshire. Bost., 1881. comp. History of Boscawen and Webster from 1773 to 1878. Cone, 1878. Life of J. A. Garfield. Bost., 1880. Marching to victory; the second period of the war of the Re- bellion. N. Y., 1889. Oration delivered before the N. E. hist. gen. soc. April 19, 1895, to commemorate its 50th anniversary. Boston, 1895. Our new way round the world. Bost., 1869. Physical geography of our country, and its relations to our future civilization. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 69-86.) Redeeming the republic; the third period of the war of the Rebellion. N. Y., 1890. Stories of our soldiers; war reminiscences by "Carlton" and by soldiers of N. E., collected from the Boston journal. 2v. Bost., 1893. 284 AUTHOR LIST. Coffin, James Henry. Investigation of the storm curve, (fn Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 83-100.) Orbit and phenomena of a meteoric fire-ball seen July 20, i860. ' (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1870. v. 16.) Psychrometrical table for determining the elastic force of aqueous vapor. Wash., 1856. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. V. I.) Winds of the globe; continued by S. J. Coffin; ed. by A. J. Woeikof. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1876. v. 20.) Winds of the northern hemisphere. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1854. v. 6.) Coffin, John E. Campaign of 1898 in New Hampshire. Manch., 1898. Coffin, John G., M. D., tr. Bichat, Marie Frangoise Xavier. Treatise on the membranes. 1813. ed. Brera, Valerian Lewis. Treatise on verminous diseases. 1817. Coffin, John L., M. D., ed. New England medical gazette, v. 11-12. 1876-7. Coffin, Joshua, coinp. List of some of the descendants of Edward Woodman. Newburyport, 1855. Sketch of the history of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury. Bost., 1845. Coffin, Paul, D. D. Memoir and journals; ed. by C. Woodman. Portl., 1855. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. v. 4; p. 239-405.) Sermon, 1762, and address by Cyrus Woodman. Camb., 1888. Coffin, Selden Jennings, contin. Coffin, James Henry. Winds of the Globe. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1876. v. 20.) Coffin, Victor. Province of Quebec and the early American Revo- lution. (In Wise: Univ. Bulletin: Hist. ser. 1896. v. i; p. 275- 562.) Coffin, William. Address before the Nantucket association for the promotion of temperance, April i, 1833. Nantucket, 1833. Coffinberry, S. C. Incidents connected with the first settlement of Nottawa-Sippi prairie. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. V. 2; p. 489-501.) Cogan, Thomas, M. D., 1736-1818. Philosophical treatise on the passions; 2d Amer. ed. N. Y., 1821. Coggeshall, Rev. S. W. Introduction of Methodism into Boston; a discourse delivered at the formation of the N. E. Methodist hist. soc, Feb. 1859. Bost, 1859. (In N. E. Methodist hist. soc. Trans. 1859. no. i.) Coggeshall, William T. Lincoln memorial; the journeys of Abra- ham Lincoln from Springfield to Washington, i86r, and from Washington to Springfield, 1865. Columbus, 1865. Cogswell, Rev. Elliott Colby. History of New Boston. Bost., 1864. History of Nottingham, Deerfield, and Northwood, witjh rec- ords of the centennial proceedings at Northwood. Manch., 1878. Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Hidden. Bost, 1842. Cogswell, G, E., M. D. Philosophy of orificial surgery, n. p. n. d. Cogswell, John, D. D. Rufus Choate. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 383-436.) Cogswell, Joseph G., tr. Verrazzano, Giovaai da. Voyage along the coast of North America. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 37-^7') Cogswell, Leander Winslow. Annual address and eulogy upon Rev. Silas Ketchum. Contoocook, i88t. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 286 Cogswell, Leander Winslow. History of the nth N. H. regt. Vol- unteer infantry in the Rebellion war, 1861-1865. Cone, 1891. History of the town of Henniker, N. H. Cone, 1880. Cogswell, William, D. D., ed., anon. Class of alumni of Dartmouth college in 181 1, minutes of their meeting in 1849, also brief bio- graphical notices of their members. Cone, 1850. Harbinger of the millennium. Bost., 1833. ■ History of Atkinson, N. H. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. V. 6; p. 56-79.) . , , ^, . . . . Letters to young men preparmg for the Christian ministry. N. Y., 1842. ed. New Hampshire repository. 1846-7. Cogswell, William, M. D. Address before the alumni of Atkinson, N. H., academy, Aug., 1887. Manch., 1887. Cohasset (Mass.). Centennial anniversary of the town, May 7, 1870. Bost., 1870. Cohen, Rev. Henry. Brave frontiersmen. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1900. V. 8; p. 59-74-) — — Jews in Texas. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 4; P- 9-19) Settlement of the Jews in Texas. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1893. V. 2; p. 139-56.) Cohen, J. B. Air of towns. Wash., 1896. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1896. V. 39.) Cohen, J. Barrett. Oration on the first anniversary of the S. C. hist, soc, June 28, 1856. {In S. C. hist. soc. Coll. 1858. v. 2; p. 104-17.) Cohen, Solomon Solis-, M. D. Note concerning David Hays and Esther Etting, his wife, and. Michael Hays and Reuben Etting, their brothers, patriots of the Revolution. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1893. V. 2; p. 63-76.) Relative importance of valvular and muscular lesions in dis- eases of the heart, n. p. 1900. Therapeutic uses of the thymus gland, n. p. 1900. Cohn, Gustav. History of political economy; tr. by J. A. Hill. Phil., 1894. U'*^ Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Annals. 1894. V. 4. Sup. Mar.) Science of finance; tr. by T. B. Veblen. Chic, 1895. (Uni- versity of Chicago econ. studies, no. i.) Coit, James Milnor. Elements of chemical arithmetic Bost., 1895. (Science text-books.) History of the X-rays and their application in medical and surgical diagnosis. Cone, 1897. Liquid air. Cone, 1899. Coit, Joseph Rowland, D. D. Hall Harrison, 1837-1900. n. p. 1900 (?) In Christ's stead; a sermon preached in the chapel of St. Paul's school at the ordination of the Rev. C. W. Coit, June 20, 1886. Cone, 1886. anon. Memorials of St. Paul's school. N. Y., 1891. Coit, Stanton. Neighborhood guilds; an instrument of social re- form. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser. no. 34.) Coit, Thomas Winthrop, D. D. Forms of prayer. N. Y., 1845. ed. Bible: New Testament. New Testament arranged in his- torical and chronological order. 1844. ed. Bible: Old Testament. Old Testament arranged in his- torical and chronological order. 1844. Coit, Capt. William. Orderly book at Siege of Boston, Apr. 23 to Aug. 7, 1775. {In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 7; p. 1-98.) Coke, Richard. Message to the 14th legislature, 2d session. Aus- tin, 1875. 286 AUTHOR LIST. Colange, Auguste Leo de, comp. National gazetteer. Cine, 1884. • Zell's popular encyclopedia. 3.V. Phil., 1871-5. Colbath, Horace N., ed. Barn stead reunion, Aug. 30, 1882. Cone, 1884. Colburn, Jeremiah. Bibliography of the local history of Massa- chusetts. Bost, 1871. Colburn, L. C, and Slosson, Edwin E. Heating power of Wyoming coal and oil. 1895. Colburn, ■ Richard T. Improvident civilization. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 395-448.) Colburn, Warren. Arithmetic upon the inductive method of in- struction. Bost., 1847. Bost., 1831. ■ Introduction to algebra upon the inductive method of instruc- tion. Bost., 1829. Colburn, Zerah, ed. Engineering, an illustrated weekly journal. V. 8. 1869. Colburn's United Service magazine. See United service, a quarterly review. Colby, Albert. Plain and truthful history of the Bible. Rev. ed. Fryeburg, 1884. Roads to Heaven and Hell; which is best? Fryeburg, 1884. {In his Plain and truthful history of the Bible. 1884.) True Christian religion. Bost., 1867. Which way is best; God's way or the devil's way. Lowell, 1871. Colby, Albert L. Catalogue of the literature of the -"Chemistry of food and drugs. Alb., 1881. Colby, Benjamin. Guide to health,, an exposition of the principles of the Thomsonian system of practice. Nashua, 1844. Colby, Frank Moore, ed. International year book. 1899-1900. Colby, Frederick Myron. Brave lads and bonnie lasses. N. Y., 1893. Daughter of Pharaoh, a tale of the Exodus. N. Y., 1886. Our banner. Warner, 1898. Colby, Frederic Thomas, ed. Harleian society. Publications, v. 6, II. 1872-6. Colby, Harrison, anon. Genealogy of descendants of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife, who settled in Bow in 1768; by one of them. Cone, 1895. Colby, Ira. Railroad question; speech in the house of representa- tives in favor of the Hazen bill, Sept. 21, 1887. Cone, 1887. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Colby, James F. Study of the history of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Colby, James Fairbanks. Collegiate study of law. n. p. 1896. Legal and political studies in Dartmouth college; 1796-1896. Hanover, 1896. Colby, Rev. John. Life, experiences, and travels; ist N. Y. ed. Rochester, 1827. 2v. in I. Lowell, 1838. n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. w. Colby, Brig.-gen. L. W. Sioux Indian war of 1890-1. {In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 3; p. 144-90.) Colby, Nathaniel W. Guide and souvenir of the central lake region of New Hampshire. New Lond. n. d. Colby academy, New London {N. H.). Anniversary exercises, 1858. Cone, 1858. Annual catalogue, 1838, '42, '54-98. v. p. 1838-98. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 287 Colby academy, New London (N. H.). Annual report of the treas- urer, 1882-3, '86, '89-90, '92-3- New Lond., 1882-93. Charter and by-laws. Cone, 1859. Manual, no. 2. n. p. 1897. Colby academy annual, v. i. n. p. 1896. Colby academy voice pub. by the students, v. i-ii. Cone, 18S9- 1901. Note : v. 1-7, 3 nos. annually ; v. 8, 4 nos. v. 9, 6 nos. ■ v. 10, 8 nos. Colby college. Annual catalogue, v. 15, i7, IQ, 22, 26-7, 30, 32-4> 37-9, 48-82. V. p. 1 834- 1 902. Note : name was Watervllle college until 1867. Annual reports, 1886-1901. v. p. 1886-1901. Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui rnunera et officia gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt, 1872, '75, '78. Portl., 1872-8. Note: discontinued. Charter with the acts and resolves relating thereto, and the by-laws of the trustees. Portl., 1875. Exercises at the laying of the cornerstone of the Shannon observatory and physical laboratory, Sept. 26, 1889. Waterville, 1889. General catalogue of the officers and graduates, 1820-82; 1820- 87. v. 1-2. Waterville, 1882-7. James Hobbs Hanson. Portl., 1894. Laws. Lewiston, 1881. Report of the treasurer, 1881, '83-1901. v. p. 1881-1901. Services at the laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial Hall, Aug. 14, 1867, and at the dedication of the same, Aug. 10, 1869. Waterville, 1869. : Geological department. Catalogue of the Maine collection, by W. S. Bayley and F. P. King. Waterville, 1890. : Students. Colby oracle, v. 4, 6-8, 10, 17-26, 28-30, 33. v. p. 1870-99. Note : v. 1-20 title was The oracle. See alsa Association of alumni of Colby college. Colby gymnasium training school. Circular 1900. Bost., 1900. Colby life, issued weekly during the school year. v. 1-2. New Lond., 1894-6. Colby oracle. See Colby college: Students. Colby university. See Colby college. Colchester (Conn.). Extracts from the records, transcribed by C. M. Taintor. Hartf., 1864. Colchester teares; affecting and afflicting city and country. Edin., 1884. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1648. Colden, Lieitt-gov. Cadwallader, M. D. Colden papers. 2v. N. Y., 1877-8. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1877-8. v. 17-18.) Letter on Smith's history. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. V. 10, p. 203-12.) Letters on Smith's history of New York. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1868. V. 9; P- 181-235.) Observations on the situation, soil, climate, water communi- cations, boundaries, etc., of the state of N. Y. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary hist, of the state of N. Y. 1851. V. 4; p. 109-56.) ^ and Smith, William, 1728-93. Correspondence respecting cer- tain alleged errors in the History of N. Y. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. V. 7; p. 193-214.) Colden, Cadwallader D. Life of Robert Fulton. N. Y., 1817. 288 AUTHOR LIST. Colden, Cadwallader D. Memoir prepared at the request of a com- mittee at the celebration of the completion of the N. Y. canals. N. Y., 1825. Cole, Rev. A., anon. Sermon delivered at Cornish, Me., occasioned by the death of Stephen Jewett. Lawrence, i860. Cole, Alfred Dodge, ed. Denison university: Scientific laboratories. Bulletin, v. 2, pt. 1-2. 1887. Cole, F. N. Contribution to the theory of the general equation of the sixth degree. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1886. v. 8; p. 265-86.) Cole, Frank N. Diurnal variation of barometric pressure. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin, no. 6.) Cole, Frank T. Early genealogies of the Cole families in America. (Including Coles and Cowles.) Columbus, 1887. Cole, George Watson. American libraries; their past, present, and future. Phil., 1895. (In Penn. lib. club. Occasional papers, no. 3.) Cole, Grenville Arthur James. Aids in practical geology. Lond., i89o(?) Cole, S., M. D., tr. Knapp, Hermann, M. D. Treatise on intraoc- ular tumors. 1869. Cole, Samuel W. Child's first studies in music. N. Y., 1899. Cole, Theodore Lee. Bibliography of the statute law of the South- ern states. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1897-8. v. i, p. 61- 75, 113-26, 211-25.) Bibliography of the statute law of the Southern states; Ala- bama. Wash., 1897. Note : this and the following from the Pub. of the Southern hist, assoc. 1897. Bibliography of the statute law of the Southern states; Florida. Wash., 1897. Rare Wisconsin book. n. p. n. d. Note : reprinted from Wise. hist. coll. 1892. v. 12. anon. Statute law of Iowa. n. p. n. d. Colebrook (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '80-1902. Colebrook, 1876-1902. • : School hoard. Report for the year ending March, 1892. Cole- brook, 1892. Coleman, Mrs. Ann Mary (Crittenden). Life of J. J. Crittenden, with selections from his correspondence and speeches. 2v. in i. Phil., 1873. Coleman, Charles Washington. County committees of 1774-5 in Virginia. {In William and Mary coll. quarterly. 1897. v. 5; p. 94-106, p. 245-55.) comp. Genealogy of the Smith family of Essex county, Va. {In William and Mary coll. quarterly. 1898. v. 6; p. 41-52.) Coleman, Leighton, hp. Man's education beyond man. Hartf., 1894. Our ecclesiastical heritage, sermon at the consecration of Rev. A. C. A. Hall. Burlington, 1894. Coleman, S. B. July morning with the rebel ram "Arkansas." Detroit, 1890. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i, no. 15.) Coleman, S. L. Study of skin tumors of horses and mules in Alabama. Montgomery, 1896. {In Ala.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 72.) Coleman, Seth, M. D. Memoirs of Doctor Seth Coleman, of Am- herst, Mass. N. H., 1817. Coleman, Silas Bunker, anon. Coleman family. Detroit, 1898. Coler, Bird S. Control of public service corporations. {In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Corporations. 1900. p. 21-29.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 289 Coleridge, Bernard. Commentary on the cruelty to animals act,. 1876. Lond., 1896. (Bound with Anti-vivisection question, n. d.> Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical works. 3v. Lond., 1835. Coles, Larkin B., M. D. Beauties and deformities of tobacco-using.. Bost., 1851. {Bound with his Philosophy of health, i860.) Philosophy of health, natural principles of health and cure;. rev. ed. Bost, i860. Colesv/orthy, Daniel C, anon. Chronicles of Casco Bay. Portl.,. 1850. Coley, James Milman, M. D. Practical treatise on the diseases of children. Phil., 1846. Colgate academy, Hamilton (AT. F,). Annual catalogue, 1891. v. 24. Hamilton, 1891. Bulletin, 1893. n. p. 1893. Colgate university. Addresses at the unveiling of the war memo- rial tablet, June 16, 1897. n. p. 1897. Addresses of alumni, May, 1898. Hamilton, 1898. Annual catalogue, 1882-3, '86-8, '90-6, '98-1902. v. 63, 67-8, 71-6, 79-82. Hamilton, 1882-1901. Note : up to 1890 name was Madison university. Charter, n. p. 1865. Charters, compacts and laws. Hamilton, 1888. : History and political science, dept. of. Bushnell historical the- sis of the class of 1890. no. 4. Utica, 1891. : Theological department. See Hamilton theological seminary. : University extension, dept. of. University extension, n. p. n. d. Calhoun, S., M. D., ed. Gregory, George, M. D. Elements of the theory and practice of medicine. 1829. Collamore, Charles I. History of Rising Virtue Lodge of F. and A. M. of Bangor. {In Bangor hist. mag. 1892. v. 7; p. 1-13.) Collar, William C. Classical question. {In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1869. P- 121-56.) Collection of psalms and hymns for public worship. Bost., 1799. College and clinical record, a monthly journal conducted especially in the interest of Jefferson medical college, v. 3-4; v. 5, no. 1-5, 7-12; V. 6, no. 1-6, 8-12; V. 7, no. 1-2, 4-6, 8-9, 11; v. 8, no. 1-2, 4-6, 9-11; V. 9; V. 10, no. I, 3-12; V. 11-16; V. 17, no. 1-8, 10-12; v. 18, no. 1-3, 6-8. Phil., 1882-97. Note ; after 1895, cover title reads Dunglison's college and clinical record. College of Charleston. Catalogue and list of graduates, 1895- 1901. Charleston, 1895-1901. Regulations, n. p. n. d. College of New Jersey. See Princeton university. College of physicians and surgeons, Baltimore. Annual announce- ment and catalogue, 1885-8, '89-91, '92-3, '94-8, '99-1901. v. 14-16, 18, 10, 21, 23-6, 28, 29. Bait., 1886-1900. College of physicians and surgeons, Boston. Annual announcement and catalogue, v. 5, 7-14; v. 15, no. 2-3; v. 16, no. i; v. 17, no. 2-5; V. 21, no. 4; V. 22, no. i. Bost, 1884-1901. College of physicians and surgeons. City of Keokuk {la.). Annual announcement of session, 1893-4, '95-6, '97-8. v. 53, 55, 57, Keokuk, 1893-7. College of physicians and surgeons in the city of New York. Addresses at the inauguration of the new college building, Sept. 29, 1887; and of the Sloane maternity hospital and the Vander- bilt clinic, Dec. 29, 1887. N. Y., 1888. Announcement, 1857-8, '62-5, '66-78, '80, '82-5, '95-9, 1900-2. N. Y., 1858-1901. Annual catalogue of the regents of the University of the state of N. Y. and of the college, 1843-4, '79, '86-8, '90. N. Y., 1844-90. 19 290 AUTHOR LIST. College of physicians and surgeons in the city of New York. Cir- cular of information, 1891-2, '93-4- N. Y., 1891-3. College of physicians and surgeons of Ontario. Ontario medical register. Toronto, 1892. College of St. Francis Xavier. Catalogue, 1894-5. N. Y. n. d. ed. Plautius, Titus Maccius. Two captives. 1890. College of the Holy Cross. Catalogue, 1879-81, '82-95. Wore, 1880-95. Graduates of the college, 1849-1893. Wore, 1893. Historical sketch of the college, 1843-83. Wore, 1883. College of William and Mary. Journal of the meeting of the pres- ident and masters. (In William and Mary coll. quarterly. 1893- 7. V. i; p. 130-7, 214-29; V. 2, p. 50-7, 122-7, 208-10, 256-8, V. 3, p. 60-4, 128-32, 195-7, 262-5; V. 4, p. 43-7, 130-3, 187-92; V. 5, p. 15-17, 83-9, 187-9, 224-9.) Catalogue, 1895-7, '98-1901. Richmond, 1895-1901. ed. William and Mary college quarterly; historical papers, ed. by L. G. Tyler. 1893-1900. : Phi Beta Kappa society. See Phi Beta Kappa fraternity: Alpha of Virginia. College-street Congregational church, Burlington (Vt.). Manual, 1889. Burlington, 1889. Burlington, 1898. Remarks made in connection with the reopening of the church, Dec. 5, 1886. n. p. n. d. Colles, George W. Metric versus the duodecimal system. Bost., 1896. Collier, Peter. Future of agriculture in the United States, n. p. 1890. Collier, Thomas S. Early printing. (In N. L. co. hist. soc. Rec- ords. 1890. V. I, pt. 3, p. 35-43-) Revolutionary privateers of Connecticut. (In N. L. co. hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i, pt. 4; p. 1-74.) Collier, William Francis. History of English literature. Lond., 1864. Collin, Charles A. Modern methods of treating criminals. Bost., 1894. Collin, Nicholas, D. D. Brief account of the Swedish mission in Racoon and Penn's Neck, N. J. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1849. V. 3; p. 105-22.) tr. Acrelius, Rev. Israel. New Sweden. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 401-48.) Collin, V. Manual for the use of the stethoscope; tr. by W. N. Ryland, fr. the 3d Lond. ed. Bost., 1829. Colling, Thomas R. Prehistoric remains in Sweden. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1889-92; p. 90-131.) Collingwood, E. W. Duty of teachers. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 2.) Collins, Arthur. Peerage in England; containing a genealogical account of all the peers in that kingdom. Ed. 5. 8v. Lond., 1779. Collins, Charles, D. D. Funeral discourse of J. J. Stuart, of the senior class of Dickinson college, May 30, 1858. Carlisle, 1858. Collins, Edmund. Guide to Nassau, Cuba, and Mexico. N. Y., 1888. Collins, Francis, M. D., ed. Harleian society. Registers and monu- mental inscriptions of Charterhouse chapel. 1892. Collins, G. N., and Cook, Orator Fuller. Notes on North American myriapoda of the family geophilidae. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1891. v. 13; p. 383-96.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 291 Collins, George C. Fifty reasons wh}^ Henry Clay should be elected president of the United States; by an adopted citizen. Bait., 1844. Collins, Joseph Henry. First book of mineralogy for use in sci- ence classes and higher and middle class schools. N. Y., 1873. Mineralogy. 2v. N. Y., 1877. Collins, Capt. L. W. Expedition against the Sioux Indians in 1863. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. V. 2; p. 173-203.) Collins, Lewis. Historical sketches of Kentucky. Maysville, 1847. History of Kentucky, ed. by R. H. Collins. 2v. Covington, 1882. Collins, Richard H., ed. Collins, Lewis. History of Kentucky. 1882. Collins, Robert, M. D. Practical treatise on midwifery. Best., 1841. (In Mass. med. soc. Library of practical med. 1841. v. 11.) Collins, Roscoe E., pub. Directory of Franklin and Franklin Falls. 1881. Collins, W. E. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1894. P- 57-67-) Collins, William, 1721-56. Poetical works, with a life of the author and critical observations by Dr. Langhorne. Lond., 1806. (Bound with Somerville, William. Chace., 1805.) Collins, William H. Double star observations. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 12; p. 69-114.) and Leavenworth, Francis P. Double star observations. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 11; p. 83-108.) Collinsville (Conn.) Congregational church. Celebration of the 50th anniversary. Hartf., 1882. Collyer, Mrs. D'Arcy. Notes on the diplomatic correspondence be- tween England and Russia in the first half of the i8th century. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 143-74.) Colman, Benjamin, D. D. Some memoirs for the continuation of the historj' of the troubles of the New England colonies, begun Nov. 3, 1726. (In Mass. hist. soc. collections. 1800. v. 6; p. 108-18.) Colman, Henry. Agriculture of the U. S., an address. N. Y., 1841. European agricultural and rural economy. Ed. 3. 2v. Bost., 1850. Colman, Rev. Henry. Sentiments which should accompany the baptism of children. Ed. 3. Bost., 1824. Colombia, republic of. Constitution, with a historical introduc- tion tr. by Bernard Moses. Phil., 1893. (In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Annals. 1893. v. 3.) Colombia, united States of. See Colombia, republic of. Colombo, Christoforo. Authentic letters of Columbus; ed. by W. E. Curtis. Chic, 1895. (Field Columbian museum. Pub. 2; V. I, no. 2.) Christopher Columbus, his own book of privileges, 1502; ed. by B. F. Stevens. Lond., 1898. Columbus's letter to Gabriel Sanchez. (In Old South leaflets. 1895. V. 2; Gen. ser. no. 33.) Columbus's memorial to Ferdinand and Isabella. (In Old South leaflets. 1897. v. 3; no. 71.) Latin version of 1493 of the first letter of Columbus to Raphael Sanchez, announcing the discovery of America. (In Bulletin of the Boston public library. 1890. no. 82; p. 390-400.) Letter. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1879. v. 16; p. 318- 35.) 292 AUTHOR LIST. Colombo, Christoforo. Letter of Columbus on the discovery of America; a facsimile of the pictorial ed. with a new and literal tr. and a reprint of the oldest 4 ed. in Latin. N. Y., 1892. Colombo, Ferdinando. Discovery of America, from the life of Columbus by his son. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 29.) Colombo museum, Ceylon. List of exhibited coins in the museum. Colombo n. d. List of exhibited minerals in the museum. Colombo, 1888. Report of the director, 1888, '90, '96-9. n. p. n. d. Report on the collection of batrachia in the museum, v. i. Colombo, 1886. Report on the collection of lizards in the museum, v. i. Colombo, 1886. Report on the collection of reptilia and batrachia in the museum. Colombo, 1891. Report on the collection of moths in the museum, v. i. Colombo, 1888. Report on the collection of snakes in the museum, v. i. Co- lombo, 1886. Colonial club, Keene (N. H.). Calendar, 1896-1901. n. p. 1896-1900. Colonial dames of the state of New York. Annual register. 1893-8. N. Y., 1898. ed. Fernow, Berthold, comp. Calendar of wills on file and re- corded in the offices of the clerk of the court of appeals, of the county clerk at Albany, and of the secretary of state, 1626-1836. 1896. Colonial magazine, monthly, devoted to the interests of the patri- otic organizations of America, v. i, no. 1-5. N. Y., 1895. Note : no more pub. Colonial order: New York chapter. Officers, committees, extracts from by-laws and list of members. N. Y., 1896. Colonial society of Massachusetts. By-laws. Bost., 1898. Publications, v. i, 3. Bost., 1895-9. Colonial society of Pennsylvania. Bulletin, v. i, no. 1-2. Phil., 1897. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, members, etc. Phil., 1899. Colony, Laurence D., illustrator. Fifty illustrations of Keene, N. H. Keene, 1895. Colorado: Agricultural college. Annual report of the president and other officers, 1890, '93-6, '98, 1900. (In Col.: Agric, board of. Annual report, v. 12, 15-18, 20, 22. 1891-1901.) See also Colorado: Agricultural experiment station. : Agricultural experiment .station. Annual report, 1888-1900. v. 1-2. 4-5, 7-13. Denver, 1888-1900. Note : v. 8, 9, 11, 13 bound with Col. : Agric, board of. Annual report, v. 17, 18, 20, 22. Press bulletin, no. 6-7, 10. Fort Collins, 1900-1. Special bulletin "A." Fort Collins, 1892. : Agriculture, board of. Annual report to the governor; and the state agricultural college, including the annual report of the agricultural experiment station, 1890-6, '98, 1900. v. 12-18, 20, 22. Denver, 189T-1901. : Charities and corrections, board of. Biennial report, 1896. Den- ver, 1897. : Engineer. Biennial report for the years 1889-90, '99-1901. v. 5, 10. Denver, 1890-1901. : Forest, game and fish commissioners. Biennial report for the years 1897, '98. Denver, 1898. NEW HAMPSHmE STATE LIBRARY. 293 Colorado: Geologist. Biennial report, 1880-2. Denver, 188 1-3. Report on the development of the mineral, agricultural, pasto- ral, and other resources of Colorado for the years 1881-2. Den- ver, 1883. „ ^ : Governor. Message to the general assembly, 1891. Denver, 1890. : Health, hoard of. Report of the years 1892-4. v. 4. Denver, 1894. : Immigration, hoard of. Report, 1873. Denver, 1874. : Insurance, supt. of. Annual report, 1882, '83, '98-1900. v. 1-2, 17-19. Denver, 1883-1901. Preliminary report, 1898, '99- Denver, 1899-1900. : Lahor, commissioners of. Bulletin, 1893. v. 1-2. Denver, 1893. : Lahor statistics, bureau of. Biennial report, 1893-4. v. 4. Den- ver, 1894. : Preparatory school. Catalogue, 1897-8. Boulder, 1897-8. : Puhlic instruction, supt. of. Biennial report for Oct. 1871-Sept., '75, Sept. '76-June, '92, '93-1900. Denver, 1874-1900. Colorado arbor day notes, with suggestions for bird day, April 20, 1900. Denver, n. d. Libraries; their establishment and management, library laws of Colorado. Denver, 1897. Recommendations for the observance of the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln. Denver, 1900. State course of study for the common schools. Denver, 1900. School law of the state, 1899. Denver, 1899. : University, Biennial report of the regents, v. 11. Boulder, 1898. Bulletin for the press of Colorado. Boulder, 1898. Catalogue, 1894-8. Boulder, 1894-8. Register of the alumni, 1882-97. Boulder, 1897. puh. State universities, some recent expressions of opinion. Boulder, 1896. Statement of needs of the University of Colorado for the biennial period, 1898-1900. Boulder, n. d. Summer bulletin, 1898. Boulder, 1898. : University: Department of pedagogy. Circular of information, 1898-9. Boulder, 1898. : Veterinary sanitary board. Rules and regulations of the Board and laws in relation thereto. Denver, 1886. Colorado agricultural society. Transactions of the annual exhi- bitions, 1870, '71. V. 5-6. Denver, 1872. Colorado bar association. Report of the annual meeting, v. 1-4. Denver, 1898-1901. Colorado central railroad company. Indenture, n. p. 1873, Colorado climatologist. See Colorado medical journal. Colorado college and Cutler academy. Annual bulletin, 1874-5, 'QI- 1900. V. I, 17-25. Colorado Springs, 1875-1900. In and about Colorado College. Colorado Springs, 1899. Colorado college scientific society. Colorado college studies, papers read before the society, v. 1-9. Colorado Springs, 1890- 1901. Colorado historical and natural history society. History, consti- tution and by-laws of the department of natural history. Den- ver, 1897. Report for 1889, 'po- Denver, 1889-90. Colorado industrial association. Transactions of the annual exhi- bition, 1873. (In Col.: Immigration, board of. Report, 1873, p. 1-80.) 294 AUTHOR LIST. Colorado medical journal, monthly, v. i, no. 3-4, 6; v. 3. Denver, 1895-7. Note: title of v. 1 was Colorado climatologist and Denver medical news. Colorado school of law. Announcements for 1898-9. Boulder, 1898. Colorado school of medicine. Annual announcement, 1896-7, '98-9, 1900-T. V. p. 1896- 1900. Colorado school of music. Announcements for 1898-9. Boulder, 1898. Colorado state medical society. Transactions at the annual con- vention, 1873-8, '83-4, '88-90, '98-1900. V. 3-8, 13, 14, 17-20, 28-30. Denver, 1874-1900. Colorado university and high school conference. Report upon re- turns from high school circulars of inquiry. Boulder, 1898. Colquhoun, Archibald Ross. China in transformation. N. Y., 1898. Colston, Raleigh, ed. Virginia. Calendar of Virginia state papers and other manuscripts, v. 7. 1888. Colt, LeBaron Bradford. Address on John Marshall. {In R. I. bar assoc, John Marshall day. 1901. p. 9-53.) Colton, Rev. Calvin. Annexation of Texas, by Junius. N. Y., 1844. (Junius tracts, no. 9.) Crisis of the country, by Junius, n. p. 1840. Lecture on the railroad to the Pacific. N. Y., 1850. Life and times of Henry Clay. Ed. 2. 2v. N. Y., 1846. Colton & Co., G. W. and C. B., puh. Colton's New Hampshire map. Bost., 1868. New railroad map of the states of Ohio, Mich., Ind., 111., Mo., Wise, la., Minn., Neb., and Kansas. N. Y., 1867. Note : scale 36.3 miles to 1 inch. Colton, G. Woolworth, and Fitch, George W. Colton and Fitch's introductory school geography. 1857. 1862. Colton, Joseph H., puh. Map of Europe. N. Y., 1854. Note : scale 66 2-3 miles to 1 inch. New steel plate map of New England. N. Y., i860. Note : scale 8 8-9 miles to 1 inch. Railroad and township map of New England. N. Y., 1853. Note : scale 8 8-9 miles to l inch. Colton, Gardner Q. Laymen's letter in answer to the question. What do Unitarians believe? N. Y., 1890. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Misc. ser.) n. p. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Misc. ser.) Layman's letter to a friend. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 41.) Colton & Co., J. H., piih. Colton's map of the United States and Canada. N. Y., 1856. Colton, Rev. Walter. Three years in California. N. Y., 1850. Columbia (N. H.). Annual report, 1883-5, '88-92, '94-1901. Cole- brook, 1883-1901. : School hoard. Report for the year ending March 31, 190a. Colebrook, 1900. Columbia college. See Columbia university. Columbia historical society. Records, v. 1-4. Wash. 1897-1901. Columbia hospital for women and lying-in asylum, Washington, D. C. Report. Wash., 1873. Columbia institution for the deaf and dumb. Report, 1858-77, '79- 1901. V. 1-20, 22-44. Wash., 1858-1901. See also Gallaudet college. Columbia, united States of. See Colombia, republic of. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 295 Columbia university. Addresses of the newly appointed professors. N. Y., 1858. Annual report of the president to the trustees, 1890-1900. N. Y., 1890-1900. Bulletin, no. 1-20. N. Y., 1890-8. Note : title changed In Dec. 1898 to Columbia univ. quarterly. Catalogue, 1892-1902. N. Y., 1892-1902. NOTB : title of 1892-3 reads Handbook of information. Catalogue of the governors, trustees, and officers of the alumni and other graduates from 1754-1876. N. Y., 1876. Dedication ceremonies at the presentation of flagstaff in front of the library May 7, 1898, by Lafayette Post to Columbia university. N. Y., 1898. Dedication of the new site, Morningside Heights, May, 1896. N. Y., 1896. Descriptive circular. N. Y., 1897. Historical sketch and present condition. N. Y., 1893. Statutes enacted by the trustees of Columbia college in the city of New York, May 2, 1887. N. Y., 1887. Summer session, announcement, 1901. N. Y., 1901. ed. Columbia university quarterly, v. 1-3. 1898-1901. ed. Political science quarterly. 1886-1900. See also Barnard college. : Faculty of political science. Studies in history, economics, and public law. V. i, 3-13; v. 14, no. i. N. Y., 1891-190T. : Library. Annual report of the chief librarian, 1862, '75, '84-7. N. Y., 1862-87. Note : after v. 4 reports are pub. in reports of pres. of the university. Catalogue of the Avery architectural library. N. Y., 1895. : School of architecture. School of architecture; its resources and methods. N. Y., 1900. : School of law. Circular of information, 1889-90. N. Y., 1889. : School of mines. Circular of information, 1865-6, '67-8. N. Y., 1865-7. : School of pure science. Circular of information 1893. N. Y., 1893. : Teachers' college. See Teachers* college. Columbia university quarterly, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1898-1901. Columbian dairy association. Report of the advisory committee. Chic, i89o(?) Columbian history of education in Kansas. Topeka, 1893. Columbian mining company. Report of the directors. N. Y., 1862. Columbian muse, a selection of American poetry from various authors. N. Y., 1794. Columbian naval review, 1893. See International Columbian naval review, 1893. Columbian patriot, pseud. See Gerry, Elbridge. Columbian university. Annual catalogue, 1856-7, '60-1, '71-9, '81- 1901. Wash., 1857-1900. President James C. Welling, memorial service. Wash., 1895. : Medical department. Announcement and catalogue, v. 74. Wash., 1895. Columbus, Christopher. See Colombo, Christof oro. . Columbus (O.): Education, board of. Annual report for the year 1882, '99. Columbus, 1882-99. Columbus asylum for the insane. Sec Columbus hospital for the insane. Columbus hospital for the insane. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers for the year 1843, '57-190T. v. 5, 19-41, 43- 63. Columbus, 1844-190T. Note: name of institution has been changed several times. 296 AUTHOR LIST. Columbus medical journal, a monthly journal of medical science. V. I, no. I, 5-9, 11-12; V. 2, no. 1-5; v. 5, no. 3-9, 12; v. 6, no. 1-3, S-io; V. 7, no. 8-1 1; v. 8, no. 1-2, 4-6; v. 9, no. 7-12; v. 10, 11; v. 12, no. 2-12; V. 13-15; V. 16, no. i-ii; v. 17-19; v. 20, no. 3-12; v. 21, no. i-io. Columbus, 1882-98. Note : v. 13, 1894, became bi-weekly. Columbus state hospital. See Columbus hospital for the insane. Colville, John. List and characters of the nobility of Scotland, 1583-1602. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 245-96.) Colvin, Darwin, M. D. President's address; medical expert testi- mony; reprinted from the Trans, of the N. Y. state med. asso- ciation. Cone, 1896. Colvin, John B. Historical letters including a brief but general view of the history of the world. Ed. 2. Wash,, 1821. Colvin, Verplanck. Magnetic observations at and near Albany, N. Y., between the years 1686 and 1892. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. V. 12; p. 283-96.) Narrative of a bear hunt in the Adirondacks. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 227-40.) On certain new phenomena in chemistry. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. 172-85.) Portable boats. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1876. v. 8; p. 254-65.) Some views connected with the question of coast defence. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12; p. 69-82.) Variation of the needle and the location of the isogonic lines in northern New York. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 181-204.) Winter fauna of Mount Marcy. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. V. 9; p. 11-26.) Combe, Andrew, M. D. Physiology of digestion, considered with relation to the principles of dietetics; ist Amer. ed. Bost., 1836. Principles of phvsiology applied to the preservation of health. N. Y., 1834. Combe, George. Constitution of man considered in relation to external objects; 5th Amer. ed. Bost, 1835. N. Y., 1853. Essays on phrenology. Phil., 1822. Lectures on phrenology, ed. by Andrew Boardman. N. Y., 1839. Lectures on popular education; ist Amer. ed. Bost., 1834. Note : p. 95-9 wanting. Combermere, ahhot of. Book of the Abbot of Combermere, 1289 to 1529. Lond., 1896. {In Record soc. Pub. 1896. v. 31; p. 1-74.) Combes, Edward. Report on technical education and manual train- ing at the Paris universal exhibition of 1889 and in Great Britain, France, and the United States. Sydney, 1891. Combrink, Charles Edward. John Gould prize thesis in Biblical literature, 1896, the ethics of the Gospels. Crawfordsville, 1896. (Wabash college, Papers, no. 8.) Combs, Leslie. Reply to General Andrew Jackson's letter of the 31st of October, 1828. n, p. n. d. Comegys, Joseph P. Memoir of John M. Clayton. Wilmington, 1882. (Del. hist. soc. Papers, no. 4.) Comer, John. Diary, ed. by C. E. Barrows. Prov., 1893. Un R. I. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. V. 8.) Comet, a monthly paper issued by the Concord high school, v. i; V. 2, no. 1-9. Cone, 1883-4. Comings, A. G. Jesus in his offices. Bost., i860. Comly, Isaac. Sketches of the history of Byberry in the county of Philadelphia. {In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1827. v. 2; p. 165-203.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 297 Commercial and financial chronicle. Hand-book of railroad securi- ties, July, 1883. N. Y., 1883. Commercial club of Kansas city. Annual report, 1890-1. v. 12. Kansas city, 1891. Commercial club of Omaha. Souvenir of Omaha. Omaha, 1894. Commercial travelers' club, SpringHeld, Mass. Annual handbook, 1899. V. 3. Springfield, n. d. Commercial travelers' mutual accident association of America. Annual report, v. 12-16. Utica, 1895-9. Commercial year book. v. 1-4. N. Y., 1896-9. Commission of colleges in New England on admission examina- tions. Annual report, 1887-1900. v. 1-14. Prov., 1887-1900. Committee of fifteen. Report. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. v. i. 1896. p. 469-556.) Committee of ten. Report on secondary school studies with papers relating thereto. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. V. 2. 1895. p. 1415-94.) Committee of twelve. Report on rural schools. (In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1896-7. v. i. 1898. p. 811-90.) Commons, John R. Popular bibliography of sociology. Oberlin, 1892. (In Library bulletin of Oberlin college. 1892. v. i, no. I.) and Knight, George Well. History of higher education in Ohio. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1891. no. 5.) Commons, a monthly record devoted to aspects of life and labor from the social settlement point of view. no. 22-64. Chic, 1898-1901. Commonwealth oil company. Report to its stockholders. N. Y., 1866. Company A associates of the 45th regt. Mass. vol. militia. Cam- paign of the 45th regt. Mass. vol. militia. "The cadet regiment." Bost, 1882. Company C, 2d regt., N. H. N. G. Annual prize drill and ball, 1901. V. 20. Cone, 1901. Company of New England. True relation of the last voyage to New England. (In Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Coll. of papers. 1769. p. 32-46.) Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard and the origin and early history of the universities. N. Y., 1899. (Great educators series.) Higher and secondary education in the United States. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. 2; 1897. p. 1153-74.) History of pedagogy; tr. by W. H. Payne. Bost., 1899. Lectures on pedagogy theoretical and practical, tr. by W. H. Payne.^ Bost., 1893. Compendious system of anatomv; from the Encyclopaedia. Phil., 1805. Compendium of transportation theories. Wash., 1893. Complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas. Phil., 1825. Complete history of the Marquis de Lafayette, by an officer in the late army. Hartf., 1845. Hartf., 1850. Complete letter-writer, containing familiar letters on the most common occasions in life. Lond., 1785. Complete medical directory of the Greater New York, 1896-7. N. Y., 1897. Comrades of the battlefield. National officers, committees, etc., history of the order, etc. n. p. n. d. 298 AUTHOR LIST. Comstock, Lt.-col. Cyrus Ballou, and others. Report upon the pri- mary triangulation of the U, S. lake survey. Wash., 1882. Comstock, F. M., and Ballart, F. G. Drinking-water and some of its impurities. 1879. Comstock, George Cary. Address; binary stars. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 27-54.) Studies in spherical and practical astronomy. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin; sci. ser. 1896. v. i, no. 3; p. 57-107.) Comstock, George F. Let us reason together, n. p. n. d. Comstock, J. C, tr. Bourgery, Jean Marc, and Jacob, N. H. Ele- mentary anatomy. 1850. Comstock, John Henry. Report upon cotton insects. Wash., 1879. Comstock, John Lee, M. D. Elements of chemistry. Ed. 6. Hartf., 1833. Introduction to the study of botany, including a treatise on vegetable physiology, and descriptions of the most common plants in the Middle and Northern states. N. Y., 1837. System of natural philosophy. Ed. 40. N. Y., 1837. Ed. 53- N. Y., 1841. Ed. 61. N. Y., 1845. Ed. 203. N. Y., 1857. Comstock, John Moore, ed. Alumni of Dartmouth college, list of graduates alive in Jan., 1883, with postoffice addresses. Han- over, 1883. ■ and Goddard, Christopher Marsh. Decennial record of the class of 1877. Dartmouth college, 1877-1887. Hanover, 1887. Comstock, O. C. History of Calhoun county. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 193-262.) Conant, A. J. Archaeology of the Missouri. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1878. v. 3; p. 353-66.) Conant, Blandina, and Conant, Thomas Jefferson, D. D. General and analytical index to the American cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1881. Conant, C. C. Some facts relating to the early history of Dart- mouth college. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. V. i; p. 467-74.) Conant, Charles A. History of modern banks of issue with an account of the economic crises of the present century. N. Y., 1896. Conant, Edward. Geography, history, and civil government of Vermont. Rutland, 1890. How teaching may become a profession. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879. p. 44-53.) Conant, Frederick Odell. History and genealogy of the Conant family in England and America. Portl., 1887. Pedigree of the Conant family. Portl., 1884. Conant, Hezekiah. Souvenir of the Conant memorial church, its inception, construction, and dedication. Bost., 1893. Conant, M. Map of the mountain and lake regions of N. H. Bost., 1852. Note : scale 1 mile to 4-5 of 1 inch. Conant, Thomas Jefferson, D. D., and Conant, Blandina. General and analytical index to the American Cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1881. Conant, William Cowper, M. D., ed. Sanitary era. 1889-1901. Concas y Palau, Capt. Victor M. Squadron of Admiral Cervera; tr. fr. the Spanish. Wash., 1900. (U. S.: Naval intelligence, office of. War notes, no. 8.) Concepcion, Beistegui. Reglamento del hospital "Concepcion beistegui." Mexico, 1888. Concerning some Bigelows in the Revolution, n. p. n. d. Concise answer to the general inquiry. Who or what are the Shakers? Enfield, 1825. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 299 Concord (Mass.). Concord, Mass., births, marriages, and deaths, 1635-1850. Bost. n. d. Proceedings at the centennial celebration of Concord fight, April 19, 1875. Cone, 1876. Concord (N. H.)- Annual reports for the year 1835, '38, '40, '43, '44, '46, '51-99- Cone, 1835-1900. Note : up to 1853 title was Proceedings of the annual town meeting. City of Concord centennial celebration, July 4, 1876. n. p. n. d. Memorial of the city of Concord in reference to the resolu- tion as to the enlargement of the state house. Cone, 1864. Municipal register, 1853-5, '57, '59, '62, '68. Cone, 1853-68. Report of the special committee appointed May 23, 1887, to whom was referred the statement prepared by the mayor, with reference to fees, fines, etc. Cone, 1887. Report of the special committee appointed to ascertain and define the boundary lines of the several school districts in the city. n. p. n. d. Revised ordinances of the city. Cone, 1878. Cone, 1885. Cone, 1894. Town records; 1732-1820. Cone, 1894. index; comp. by Otis G. Hammond. Cone, 1900. : Accounts and claims, committee on. Report, July, '99, Oct., '99, March-April, Aug., 1900. 1899-1900. : Committee of citizens. Report on the feasibility and cost of supplying water for fire and other purposes to the compact part of the city of Concord. Cone, 1859. {Bound with Concord (N. H.) : Water commissioners. Annual report. 1859-80.) : Committee of seventeen. Report. Cone, 1870. (Bound with Concord (N. H.) : Water commissioners. Report. 1859-80.) : Common council. Religious services and address of W. L. Foster at the consecration of Blossom Hill cemetery, July 13, i860. Cone, i860. : Education, board of. Course of study of the public schools, 1886-87. Cone n. d. Dewey school. Concord, N. H. Cone, 1901. : Fire department. Report, 1883-4, '92. Cone, 1884-92. : Health, board of. Annual report for the year 1876, '78-84, '87- 95, '97, '99. Cone, i877-99- : High school. Catalogue for 1856-57. Cone, 1856. Catalogue of the teachers and graduates from i860 to 1886. Cone, 1886. from 1860-1895. Cone, 1896. Courses of study. Cone, 1898. Exercises by the Lyceum and Literary union. Cone, 1888. * Program for 1897-8. Cone, 1897. ed. Comet, a monthly paper. 1883-4. ed. High school mite, a monthly paper. 1880. ed. Volunteer, a monthly paper. 1887-1901. : Highivays, commissioner of. Report, 1888. Cone, 1888. : Mayor. Address, i860, '74, '79, '83, '85, '87, '89, '91, '98, '99, Cone, 1860-99. Inaugural address, i860, '63, '64, '66-79. (^w Concord (N. H.): Union school district; Education, board of. Annual report, 1860-79.) : Park commission. General plan of White Park, Concord, N. H. Bost., 1890. : Police department. Report of the city inarshal, 1890. Cone. 1891. Rules and regulations. Cone, 1893. 300 AUTHOR LIST. Concord (N. H.): Ptiblic library. Annual report, 1889-93, '95-1901. Cone, 1890-1902. Bulletin, no. i-io. Cone, 1892-6. Catalogue. Cone, 1863. supplement, Jan., 1866. Cone, 1866. (Bound with its Catalogue. 1863.) Catalogue. Cone, 1885. . supplement, no. i, Nov. i, 1884-March i, 1885. n. p. n. d (Bound with its Catalogue. 1885.) supplement, no. 2, March i-June 15, 1885. Cone, 1885 (Bound with its Catalogue. 1885.) supplement, no. 3, June 15, 1885, to June 15, 1886. Cone (Bound with its Catalogue. 1885.) Supplement, no. 4, June 15, 1886-May i, 1887. Cone 1887. (Bound with its Catalogue. 1885.) supplement, no. 5, May i, 1887-May i, 1888. Cone, 1888, (Bound with its Catalogue, 1885.) supplement, no. 6, May i, i888-May i, 1889. Cone, 1889 (Bound with its Catalogue. 1885.) supplement, no. 7, Cone, 1889. (Bound with its Cata- logue. 1885.) Dee 16, 1889, new books, n. p. 1889. no. 2, books added from Nov., 1884, to Sept., 1891. Cone, 1891. religion and theology, etc. Cone, 1894. Catalogue of all the books other than English fiction. Cone, 1898. Exercises at the dedication of the Fowler library building, October 18, 1888. Cone, 1889. Fiction finding list, 1897. Cone, 1897. : School district no. 10. Regulations adopted March 25, 1854. Cone, 1854. : Superintending school committee. Report for 1827, '28, '34, '57- 86. Cone, 1827-86. Note : reports for 1860-86 contain reports of the Board of education. After 1886 report made by Board of education. : Town district, school hoard of. Annual report, 1886-99. U*^ Concord (N. H.j: Union school district; Education, board of. Annual report, 1886-99.) : Town school district. Financial report of the school board, 1888. n. p. 1888. : Union school district. Annual report for the year ending March, 1860-99. v. 1-40. Cone, 1860-99. Note: report for 1860-86 bound with Keport of superintending school com- mittee. Review of grammar, n. p. n. d. , School directory, 1896-97. Cone, 1896. 1898-9. Cone, 1898. Spelling list. no. 7. n. p. n. d. : Water commissioners. Annual rates, 1874, '80. Cone, 1874-80. Annual report, 1873-1901. v. 1-30. Cone, 1873-1901. ' Report of. the committee on the condition of the water supply for the city of Concord, May 28, 1880. Cone, 1880. (Bound with their annual report. 1859-80.) Rules, rates, and regulations. Cone, 1892. Cone, 1895. Concord and Claremont railroad company. Act of incorporation and by-laws. Cone, 1848. Annual report to the stockholders, 1850, '53. v. 2, 5. Cone, 1850-53- NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAHY. 301 Concord and Montreal railroad company. Annual report of the directors for 1890-1900. v. i-ii. Cone, 1890-1900. Lakes, ponds, and streams on the C. & M. n. p. 1892, Lease to Boston and Maine railroad, n. p. 1895. Summer outings in the Old Granite State. Bost., 1890. Bost., 1891. Vistas on the C. & M. Bost. n. d. Concord and Portsmouth railroad company. Appeal to the gov- ernment and people of New Hampshire. Ports., 1847. Concord (N. H.) Beaver meadow golf club. See Beaver meadow golf club. Concord board of trade. Constitution and by-laws. Cone, 1872. Report of the exercises at the annual social festival, 1873. v. I. Cone, 1873. Concord building and loan association. Articles of agreement and by-laws. Cone, 1899. Concord city and Merrimack county directory for 1898-1900. v. 1-2. Bost., 1898-1900. Concord directory, containing the names of the legal voters and householders belonging to the Centre village, and its adjacent neighborhood. Cone, 1830. Concord directory for 1867-97. v. 1-16. Cone, 1867-97. Concord district nursing association. Annual report, v. 1-2. Cone, 1900- 1. Concord female and anti-slavery society. Annual report, v. 3. Cone, 1838. Concord female benevolent association. Act of incorporation and constitution with a catalogue of members, 1835-1871. Cone, 1871. Constitution, January 5, 1835. Cone, 1836. Concord female relief society. See Baptist female charitable soci- ety. Concord (N. //.). Concord (N. H.) First Baptist church. Declaration of faith. Cone, 1867. Short summary and declaration of faith. Cone, 1848. Concord (N. H.) First Congregational church. Annual report, 1892. n. p. 1892. Cause of seamen, services at the ordination of Ezra E. Adams. Cone, 1839. Historical addresses delivered on the 150th anniversary of the 1st Congregational church. Concord, N. H., Nov. 18, 1880. Cone, 1881. List of the pastors, deacons, and members, from Nov. 18, 1730, to Nov. 18, 1830. Cone, 1830. Manual, 1843. Cone, 1843. 1871. Cone, 1871. 1888. Exeter, 1888. Weekly calendar, Jan. i9or-Apr., 1901. Cone, 1901. Year-book, 1893-4. Cone, 1894. Concord (N. H.) First Methodist Episcopal church. Directory, conference year, 1900-1. n. p. 1900. Concord (N. H.) First national bank. Various geographical maps. n. p. 1898. Concord gas light company. Annual report, 1892. Cone, 1892. Concord (N. H.) Grand army fair. See Grand army fair, Concord (N. H.). Concord (N. H.) Granite state amateur press association. See Granite state amateur press association. Concord (N. H.). Concord horse railroad. Charter and by-laws. Cone, 1887. Concord land and water power company. Annual report to its stockholders, 1894-7. v. 1-4. Cone, 1894-7. 302 AUTHOR LIST. Concord land and water power company. Plan of proposed devel- opment of the property at Sewell's Falls, Concord, N. H. Cone, 1884. Note : scale 600 ft. to 1 inch. To the holders of the first mortgage bonds. Cone, 1899. Concord lawn tennis association. By-laws and ground rules, n. p. n. d. Concord library. Concord (N. H.). Catalogue, n. p. n. d. Concord literary institution and teachers' seminary, Concord (N. H.) Catalogue for the year ending Nov., 1835, '40. Cone, 1835-40. Concord masonic relief association. By-laws. Cone, 1875. Concord oratorio society. Grand musical festival, announcement, 1901, Cone, 1901. Grand musical festival, program, 1901. v. i, pt. 2-4. Cone, 1901. Concord pocket almanack for the year 1810-13; and register of New Hampshire. Cone, 1810-13. Concord railroad corporation. Act of incorporation and amend- ments to the same with the by-laws of the corporation. Cone, 1851. Address to the stockholders by the directors. Cone, 1872. Annual report, v. 3-5, 8-48. v. p. 1844-89. V. 1-5. Cone, 1881. By-laws, act of incorporation and other acts. Cone, 1841. Railroad contracts with the upper and lower roads, n. p. n. d. Reply of the directors to the report of the committee of in- vestigation. Dee, 1857. Cone, 1857. Report of a committee of stockholders. May, 1851. Cone, 1851. Report of a committee with the estimates of Peter Clark, and the act of incorporation. Cone, 1841. Report of the investigating committee. Cone, 1857. Showing the prices paid by upper roads to Concord, Man- chester and Lawrence railroad on passengers and freight the 31st of July, 1857. n. p. 1857. vs. Manchester and Lawrence railroad company. Record of proceedings and testimony before the referees. 4v. Cone, 1891. vs. Northern railroad corporation. Evidence, n. p. n. d. Concord (N. H.) St. Paul's school. See St. Paul's school, Concord (N. H.). Concord (N. H.) Second Congregational (Unitarian) society. An- nual report of the prudential committee and treasurer for the year ending March i, 1900. v. 72. Cone, 1900. Proceedings at the semi-centennial celebration of the organ- ization, Oct. I, 1879. Cone, 1879. Year-book, 1899. Cone, 1899. Concord state fair association. Official programme, 1900. Cone, 1900. Official schedule of premiums for the annual exhibition, 1900-1. V. 1-2. Manch., 1900-1. Concord steam mills. Act of incorporation and by-laws. Cone, 1885. Concord (N. H.) street railway. Summer car service, 1901. Cone, 1901. Concord (N. H.) Unitarian church. See Concord (N. H.) Second Congregational (Unitarian) society. Concord (N. H.) Young men's Christian association. Annual re- port for the year ending Jan. i, 1889-90. v. 1-2. Cone, 1889-90. Cantata of Belshazzar, given May 10 and 11, 1898. Cone, 1898. Concord's greatest need. Cone, 1892. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 303 Concord's young men's total abstinence society. Annual meeting, 1836. V. 2. Cone, 1836. Conder, Capt. C. R. Historical connections of the Hittites. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. v. 14; p. 41-68.) Condie, David Francis, M. D. Practical treatise on the diseases of children. Ed. 5, rev. Phil., 1848. ed. Churchill, Fleetwood, M. D. On the theory and practice of midwifery. 1859. 1863. ed. Watson, Thomas, M. D. Lectures on the principles and practice of physic. 1854. 1858. Condie, Thomas, anon. Biographical memoirs of the illustrious General George Washington. N. Y., 1815. Condit, Jonathan Bailey, D. D. Address delivered at the 9th anni- versary of the Mount Holyoke female seminary, Aug. 6, 1846. N. Y., 1846. Address delivered before the literary societies of Dartmouth college, July 28, 1841. Portl., 1841. Missionary enterprise a true development of the life of the church; a sermon before the A. B. C. F. M. Oct. 4, 1864. Bost., 1864. Condit, Rez'. U. W. Sermon preached in the Congregational meet- ing-house, 1858. Cone, 1858. Condon, William H. Life of Maj-gen. James Shields, hero of three wars and senator from three states. Chic, 1900. Cone, Orello, D. D. Inaugural address. (In Buchtel college. Ex- ercises of inauguration of Rev. Dr. O. Cone as president of Buchtel college, n. d. p. 5-16.) Confederate soldier, pseud. United States "history" as the Yankee makes and takes it. Ed. 3. Glen Allen, 1900. Confederate states of America. Constitution, n. p. n. d. (In Tex.: Constitutional convention, 1861. Constitution. 1861.) Confederate veteran, monthly, v. 5-9. Nashville, 1897-1901. Conference Internationale concernant les services semitaires et I'hygiene des chemins de fer et de la navigation. Compte rendu des traveaux de la conference, v. 2. Bruxelles, 1898. Conference of charities and correction. See National conference of charities and correction. Conference of child-helping societies. Manual for use in cases of juvenile offenders and other minors in Massachusetts, n. p. 1895. Conference of Coos and Essex Congregational Churches. Pro- gramme, 1898. n. p. 1898. Conference of principals and superintendents of American schools for the deaf. Report of the committee on classification of methods of instructing the deaf. Wash., 1893. Conference of state and provincial boards of health. See National conference of the state boards of health. Conference of the foreign missions boards in the United States and Canada. Proceedings, 1901. v. 8. N. Y., 1901. Conference on missions, Liverpool, i860. Papers read, the deliber- ations and conclusions reached. Lond., i860. Conference; or, Sketches of Wesleyan Methodism. Bridgton, 1824. Congar, Samuel H. Genealogical notices of the first settlers of Newark. (In N. J. hist. soc. Coll. 1866. v. 6, sup; p. 105-53.) Congdon, Charles Taber. Tribune essays, leading articles con- tributed to the N. Y. Tribune from 1857 to 1863. N. Y., 1869. Conger, N. B. Report on the forecasting of thunder-storms during the summer of 1892. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1893. no. 9.) 304 AUTHOR LIST. Congregational almanac for the year, 1847. Bost., 1847. Congregational association of Pennsylvania. Minutes, 1887-9, '91-8. V. 1-3, 5-12, Ridgway, 1887-98. Congregational board of publication. Annual report with the con- stitution and a list of the life members and publications, v. 30. Bost., 1859. Congregational convention of Vermont and the Vermont domestic missionary society. See General convention of Congregational ministers and churches of Vermont. Congregational councils and associations, n. p. n. d. Congregational education society. Annual report, 1895-7, 1901. v. 79-81, 85. Bost., 1895-1901. Note : continuation of American college and education society. Congregational home missionary society. Report presented by the executive committee at the annual meeting, 1894-1901. v. 68-75. N. Y., 1894-1901. Note : previous to 1894 name was American home missionary society. Congregational library association. Annual report, v. 1-2, 5. Bost, 1854-8. Congregational magazine for the year 1825-41. v. 8-24. Lond., 1825-41. Congregational quarterly, v. 1-20. Bost., 1859-78. Congregational record and New Hampshire journal; pub. weekly. V. 1-3; V, 4, no. 1-4. Cone, 1895-8. Note : title of v. 1, no. 1-18 is New Hampshire Congregational record. No more pub. Congregational review; devoted to theology and literature, bi- monthly. V. 8. Bost, 1868. Congregational Sunday school and publishing society. Annual re- port, 1894-7. V. 62-5. Bost., 1894-7. Brief historical sketch. Bost., 1894. Selections from the hymnal for the use of the American mis- sionary association at its annual meeting, October 25-27, 1898. Bost. n. d. Congregational visitor for parents, church-members, and Sabbath school teachers; pub. monthly, v. i. Bost, 1844. Congregational work; a missionary newspaper; pub. monthly (ex- cept July and August), v. 1-3; v. 4, no. 2-4. Phil., 1897-1900. Congregational year-book, 1879-1901. Bost., 1879-1901. Congregational year book, 1880, '84. Lond., 1880-4. Congregationalist ; pub. weekly, v. 78-85. Bost., 1893-1900. Congregationalist handbook for 1898. Bost., 1898. Congres international de la paix, Antwerp, 1894. Bulletin officiel. An vers, 1895. (Bomid with Congres universe! de la paix, Berne, 1892. Bulletin officiel, 1892.) Congres periodique international de gynecologie et d'obstetrique. Gynecologic; comptes-rendus. v. 2. Geneve., 1897. Congres periodique international d'otologie a Milan, 1880. Compte- rendu comprenant les proces-verbaux des seances les memoirs lus ou deposes, etc. Trieste, 1882. Congres universel de la paix, Berne, 1892. Bulletin officiel. Berne, 1892. Resolutions prises dans les quatres premiers. Berne, 1892. Congres universel de la paix. Budapest, 1896. Bulletin officiel. Berne, 1896. {Bound with Congres universel de la paix, Berne, 1892. Bulletin officiel. 1892.) Congres universel de la paix, Rome, 1891. Bulletin officiel. Rome, 1892. Congreso centroamericano de 1888 reunido en San Jose de Costa Rica. San Jose, i888(?) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 305 Congress. See United States: Congress. Congress of American physicians and surgeons. Program of the triennial session, v. 5. n. p. 1900. Transactions of the triennial session held at Washington, D. C, 1888-1900. V. 1-5. N. H., 1889-1900. Congress of archaeological societies. Index of archaeological papers published in 1897. v. 7. Lend., 1898. Congressional reporter; containing a list of members of the Con- gress, the president's message, the public documents and the debates on all interesting questions agitated during the session. V. 1-2. Cone, 1811-12. Conington, John, ed. Virgilius Marc, Publius. Opera. 1870. Conkling, Edgar. Benton's policy of selling and developing the mineral lands and the necessity of furnishing access to the Rocky mountains by the construction of the Northern and Cen- tral Pacific railroad. Cine, 1864. Cine, 1864. Conkling, Roscoe, and Shipman, William D. Review of the testi- mony and exhibits presented before the Pacific Railway commis- sion. N. Y., 1887. Conley, John L., comp. Georgia: Library. Catalogue. 1869. Conline, Capt. John. Recollections of the battle of Antietam. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. V. 2; p. 110-19.) Conn, Charles F., and Johnson, Stanley Edwards. Sophomore his- tory of the class of '87. 1886. Conn, Granville Priest, M. D. Disposal of garbage. Cone, 1889. Hygienic training of men in charge of railway trains, n. p. 1894. Inspection of summer resorts, n. p. 1898. Medico-legal significance of the physical examinations of rail- way employees, n. p. n. d. Observations made upon the importance and means of ven- tilation. Cone, 1882. Passenger car ventilation, n. p. n. d. Physical fitness of railway employees as viewed from the sur- gical department, n. p. 1899. — — Prevention and cure of disease. Manch., 1891. Process of hygiene and sanitation in all matters pertaining to railroads, n. p. 1899. Railway quarantine and car sanitation, n. p. 1900. "Relation of railway companies to state boards of health." Danbury, 1897. Report of the committee on car sanitation, n. p. 1894. Cone, 1898. Report on state hygiene; 1900. n. p. n. d. Conn, Herbert William. Fermentations of milk. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Agrie, dept. of; Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 9.) Milk fermentations and their relations to dairying. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Agrie, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1892. no. 9.) Souring of milk and other changes in milk products. Wash., 1895. {In U. S.: Agrie, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1895. no. 29.) Connecticut. Fundamental orders of Connecticut, 1638. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i; Gen. sen no. 8.) Public records of the colony of Connecticut. 15V. Hartf., 1850-90. 20 306 AUTHOR LIST. Connecticut. Public records of the state of Connecticut v. 1-2. Hartf., 1894-5. : Adjutant-general. Catalogue of Connecticut volunteer organ- izations. Hartf., 1864. Catalogue of Conn, volunteer organizations (infantry, cavalry, and artillery.) Hartf., 1869. Militia law of th^ state of Connecticut, as enacted by the gen- eral assembly, January session, 1895. Hartf., 1895. Record of service of Connecticut men in the army and navy of the United States during the war of the Rebellion. Hartf., 1889. Regulations for the Connecticut national guard. Hartf., 1884. Roster of Conn, volunteers who served in the war between the United States and Spain, 1898-9. Hartf., 1899. : Agricultural experiment station. Annual report for 1878-98, 1900. V. 2-22, 24. N. H., 1879-1900. {In Conn.: Agric, board of. Annual report; 1878-1900. 1879-1900.) V. I, 6, 8, 13, pt. i; V. 14-18; V. 19, pt. i; v. 20-4. N. H., 1878-1901. Bulletins, no. 60, 69, 7i-ii7» 1 19-37- n. p. 1881-1902. : Agriculture, hoard of. Annual report, 1866-98, 1900. v. 1-32, 34. Hartf., 1867-1901. Descriptive catalogue of farms in Connecticut for sale. Hartf., 1892. Ed. 2. Hartf., 1899. : Agriculture, dept. of. Handbook of Connecticut agriculture, 1901. Hartf., 1901. : Bank commissioners. Report, 1881-3, '85-92, '95-1901. Hartf., 1882-1901. : Boundary commissioners. Report of the Connecticut commis- sioners on the boundary line between R. I. and Conn. Middle- ton, 1888. : Charities, hoard of. Annual report, v. 1-3, 5-19. Waterbury, 1882-1901. : Constitutional convention, 1818. Journal of the proceedings of the convention of delegates convened at Hartford, Aug. 26, 1818, for the purpose of forming a constitutional government for the people. Hartf., 1873. : Contract convict labor, special committee on. Report, 1880. N. H., 1880, : Council of safety. Journal from June 7, 1775, to Oct. 2, 1776. {In Conn. Public records of the colony. 1890. v. 15.) Journal from Oct. 11, 1776, to Apr. 23, 1780. {In Conn. Pub- lic records of the state. 1894-5. v. 1-2.) : Education, hoard of. Annual report for 1866-90, '92-9. Hartf. and N. H., 1867-1900. : General assemhly. Laws of the state of Connecticut relating to education. Hartf., 1868. List of bills, etc., for public and private acts reported upon by committees of the general assembly, rev. to June 3, 1901. Hartf., 1901. Town division; stenographer's report of the hearing before the legislative committee at Hartford, March 6-7, 1889, on the division of Derby. Birmingham, 1889. : General assembly: Prison, committee on. Report on buildings. Hartf., 1871. Report regarding the management of the prison. Hartf., 1871. : Geological and mineralogiccl survey. Report. N. H., 1842. : Governor. Message to the general assembly, 1856, '66, '97. Hartf., 1856-97. NE^y HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 307 Connecticut. Special message to the legislature of the state, May session, t866. N. H., 1866. : Health, hoard of. Alphabetical list of the medical practition- ers in Conn., 1893. n. p. n. d. Annual report for 1878-1900. v. 1-24. Hartf., 1879-1902. Note : v. 2-date contains Report of the Bureau of vital statistics. Prevention and restriction of typhoid fever. Ed. 2. N. H. n. d. (Circular, no. 75.) ed. Monthly bulletin. 1887-1900. : Hospital for the insane. Report of the board of trustees for the biennial period ending 1872-1900. v. 6-28. Middletown, 1 872- 1 900. Note : report annual until 1890 when it became biennial. : Insurance, commissioner of. Annual report, v. 7-9, 16-24; v. 25, pt. i; V. 26, pt. I ; V. 27; V. 28, pt. 2; V. 32, pt. 3; v. 2,Z\ v. 35-7- Hartf., 1873-1902. : Labor statistics, bureau of. Annual report, 1889, '92, 1900-1. v. 5, 8, 16, 17. Hartf., 1890-1901. : Legislature. See Connecticut: General assembly. : Library. Report, 1855, 1900. Hartf., 1855-1900. : Prison, commissioners on. Report of one of the commission. Hartf., 1871. Report on new prison buildings. Hartf., 1871. : Prison, special commission on. Report. Hartf., 1885. : Prison matters, commissioners on. Report, 1872. Hartf., 1872. : Public library committee. Report, 1895-1900. n. p. 1897-1901. : Putnam monument commission. History of the equestrian statue of Israel Putnam at Brooklyn, Conn. Hartf., 1888. : Railroad commissioners. Annual report, v. 24-7, 29, 31, 34-43, 45, 48, 49. Hartf., 1 877- 1 900. : Reform school. Annual report of the board of trustees for the year 1883. v. 31. Meriden, 1883. * : Shell fish commission. Annual report, 1885-90, '94-1900. Hartf., 1886- 1 900. : State, secy. of. Register and manual of the state of Connecti- cut, 1887-1902. Hartf., 1887-1902. Statistics of the condition and products of certain branches of industry for the year ending October, 1845-6. Hartf., 1846-7. : State prison. Report of the directors, 1854-5, '57-6i, '63-97. Hartf., 1855-98. : Vital statistics, bureau of. Registration report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1878-1900. New ser. v. 2-24. Hartf., 1879-1901. Note : bound with the Conn. : Health, board of. Annual reports. : World's fair commissioners, board of. Report. Hartf., 1898. : World's fair managers, womans hoard. Selections from the writings of Connecticut women. Norwalk, 1893. Connecticut academy of arts and sciences. Transactions, v. s-9, N. H., 1878-95. Connecticut and Passumpsic rivers railroad company. Act of in- corporation and by-laws. Newbury, 1846. Annual report of the directors for 1848-9, '51-3, '55-7, '59-62, '64-5, '68-71, '72-7, '80-3, '85, '87. V. 3-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-17, 19-20, 27,-6, 28-32, 35-8, 40, 42. Bost. and Newbury, 1848-87. Connecticut asylum for the education and instruction of deaf and dumb persons. See American asylum at Hartford for the edu- cation and instruction of the deaf and dumb. Connecticut Baptist convention. Annual report, 1897-98. v. 74-5. Hartf., 1897-8. Connecticut Bible society. Inquiry into the financial management of the American Bible society. Hartf., 1881. 308 AUTHOR LIST. Connecticut Bible society. Religions census of Hartford. Hartf., 1889. {In Hartford theological seminary. Pub. 1889. no. 10.) Connecticut historical society. Birthday of the state of Connecti- cut; celebration of the 250th anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state of Connecticut. Hartf., 1889. Collections, v. 1-8. Hartf., 1860-1901. List of family genealogies in library of Conn. hist, society, corrected to Aug. 31, 1901. Hartf., 1901. Papers and reports presented at the annual meeting, 1890-1901. Hartf., 1890-1901. Note : title changed in 1894 to Annual report. Connecticut homoeopathic medical society. Resolutions of the general assembly incorporating the society, its organization, offi- cers, and a sketch of the society. N. H., 1864. Transactions for the year 1864-5, '91-2, '94-8, 1900. N. H., 1 866- 1 900. Connecticut literary institution, SufHeld. Annual catalogue of the officers and teachers, 1897, Holyoke, 1897. Connecticut magazine; an illustrated monthly, v. 5-6. Plartf., 1899-1900. Note : continuation of Conn, quarterly. Connecticut medical society. Proceedings, 1868-80, '83-91, '98. N. H., 1868-98. Note : ser. i, v. 1-68, 1791-1859. 2d. ser. v. 69-84, 1860-75. New ser, v. 85-date, 1876- date. Connecticut mutual life insurance company. Annual statement, v. 49. n. p. 1896. Connecticut quarterly; an illustrated magazine, v. 1-6. Hartf., 1895-1900. Note : name changed In 1899 to Conn, magazine. Connecticut river lumber company vs. First Littleton bridge com- pany. Brief in support of motion to remand in the case of First Littleton bridge co. vs. Conn, river lumber company. Littleton, 1895. Connecticut river railroad company. Acts of incorporation, n. p. n. d. {Bound with Conn, river R. R. co. Annual report. 1845- 89.) Annual report, 1845-92. v. 1-48. Northampton and Springf., 1845-92. Note : last pub. was for 1891-2. Connecticut river valley retail druggists' association. Price list of patent medicines with constitution and by-laws. Clare., 1887. Connecticut society of the sons of the American Revolution. Lebanon war office, the history of the building and report of the celebration at Lebanon, Conn., June 15, 1891. Hartf., 1891. Year-book for 1891-99. Hartf., 1892-1900. Connecticut state agricultural society. Transactions for the year 1854-9. Hartf., 1855-60. Connecticut valley historical society. Papers and proceedings, 1876-81. V. I. Springf., 1881. Connecticut valley interscholastic athletic association. Programme of the annual field day, 1893-4. v. 4-5. n. p. 1893-4. Connecticut valley musical association. Musical festival, Woods- ville, N. H., 1897. V. 4. n. p. n. d. Connecticut war record, monthly. Aug. 1863-July, 1864. v. i. N. H., 1863. Connelley, William E. First provisional constitution of Kansas. {In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 6; p. 97-113.) ed. Nebraska historical society. Transactions and reports. V. 8. 1899. NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBRARY. 309 Conner, Laertus, M. D., ed. Detroit review of medicine and phar- macy. 1886-95. Connor, Brig.-gen. Selden. Address to the legislature of the state of Maine, Jan. 4, 1877. Augusta, 1877. Boys of 1861. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 323-43-) Conover, George S. Address before the Waterloo library and his- torical society Dec. 22, 1879. n. p. n. d. Birth-place of Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, or the Indian Red Jacket. Waterloo, 1884. Early history of Geneva, formerly called Kanadesaga. Geneva, 1879. Skoi-yase. (In Willers, Diedrich. Centennial celebration of Gen. Sullivan's campaign against the Iroquois in 1779. 1880. p. 314-25-) Conrad, Henry C. Old Delaware clock-makers. Wilmmgton, 1898. (In Del. hist. soc. Papers. 1898. no. 20.) "The three signers" from Delaware; address before the Sons of Delaware of Philadelphia, Jan. 30, 1897. Phil., 1897. Conrad, Timothy Abbott. Check list of the invertebrate fossils of North America. Wash., 1866. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. V. 7.) • Descriptions of the new genera and species of fossil shells of North Carolina, n. p. n. d. Considerations upon a printed sheet entituled the Speech of the late Lord Russell to the sheriffs. Edin., 1884. (Clarendon hist, soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1683. Considerations upon the expediency and the means of establishing a university in the city of N. Y. N. Y., 1830. Consolidated university. See Portland university. Constantine, Thomas C. Modern spiritualism. Manch., 1858. Constitution of the United States of America as proposed by the convention of 1787, with the amendments thereto. Wash., 1820. Constitution of the United States of America; the proximate causes of its adoption and ratification. Wash., 1846. Constitution of the United States of America, to which are added standing rules and orders for conducting business in the house of representatives of the U. S., 1830. Wash., 1830. Constitution of the United States of America to which are added standing rules and orders for conducting business in the house of representatives of the U. S., and the rules of the senate, 1851. Wash., 1851. Constitutional relations of the American colonies to the English government at the commencement of the American Revolution, n. p. n. d. Constitutions of the several independent states of America, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation be- tween said states; the treaties between his most Christian ma- jesty and the United States of America. Ed. 2. Bost., 1785. Constitutions of the United States according to the latest amend- ments; with the Declaration of Independence and the federal constitution. Phil., 1806. Consumers' benefit coal company. Prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Contemporary club. Papers, 1897-9. Davenport, 1898-9. Contemporary review, monthly, v. 1-78. Lond., 1866-1901. Continental monthl}', devoted to literature and national policy, v. 1-4- N. Y., 1862-3. Continentalist, pub. by Loudon's N. Y, packet company. (In Ham- ilton, Alexander. Works. 1885. v. i; p. 231-73.) 310 AUTHOR LIST. Contoocook (N. H.): Library. Catalogue. Contoocook, 1891, Contoocook academy, Contoocook {N. H.). Annual catalogue, 1855-6, '57-8. V. I, 3. Cone, 1856-8. Contoocook agricultural and mechanical society. Premium list for the annual fair; 1868, '71-7. v. 10, I3-I9- v. p. 1868-77. Contoocook valley railroad. Annual report to the stockholders. V. 4. Cone, 1852. Contrast, professions and practice of republican and democratic statesmen contrasted. Wash., n. d. Convention between the United States and the French Republic. Rules of the French and American claims commission with the convention establishing the commission. Ed. 2. Wash., 1880. Convention of agriculturists, 1882. Proceedings held in the Dept. of agriculture. Wash., Jan. 10 to 18, 1882. Wash., 1882. Convention of the American instructors for the deaf. Proceed- ings. V. 15. Wash., 1899. Convention of Congregational ministers of N. H., 1761. Extracts from the records. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. v. 4; p. 141-50.) Convention of Feb. 8, 1853. See Commission of claims between the United States and Great Britain. Convention of friends of domestic industry. Address, Oct. 26, 1831, to the people of the United States. Bait., 1831. Convention of New Hampshire ministers. Records from 1747 to 1788. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 9; P- 1-67.) Convention of pharmaceutists and druggists, held in N. Y., Oct., 1 85 1. See American pharmaceutical association. Converse, Rev. James. Sermon delivered at Weathersfield, Vt, at the dedication of the meeting house in that town, Oct. 23, 1822. Windsor n. d. Sermon delivered on the day of general election, Oct. 14, 1819, before the honorable legislature of Vt. Montpelier, 1819. {In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Converse, Julius. Message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont, Oct., 1872. Montpelier, 1872. Converse, Parker Lindall. Legends of Woburn. 2v. Woburn, 1892-6. Conway, Rev. J. J. Beginnings of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the archdiocese of St. Louis, 1764-1776. {In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. no. 14.) Conway, Moncure Daniel. George Washington and Mount Vernon, a collection of Washington's unpublished agricultural and per- sonal letters. Brooklyn, 1889. {In L. I. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1889. V. 4.) Life of Thomas Paine; with a sketch of Paine by William Cobbett. 2v. N. Y., 1893. Omitted chapters of history disclosed in the life and papers of Edmund Randolph. N. Y., 1888. ed. Paine, Thomas. Writings. 1894. Conway (Mass.). Celebration of the looth anniversary of the in- corporation of Conway, Mass., June, 1867. Northampton, 1867. Conway, (N. H.). Annual report, 1876, '82-3, '85, '88, '90-1902. N. Conway, 1876-1902. : School hoard. Report for the year ending March i, 1887-8. Rochester, 1887-8. Conway (N. H.) First church of Christ. Manual, 1889. N. Con- way, 1889. Conwell, Russell Hiram, D. D. History of the great fire in Saint John, June 20 and 21, 1877. Bost., 1877. Life and public services of R. B. Hayes. Bost., 1876. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 311 Cook, A. J. Report of agricultural experiments in 1891. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulle- tin, no. 26.) Cook, Albert Stanborrough. Artistic ordering of life. n. p. 1898. (Rutgers college. Pub. no. 6.) Cardinal Guala and the Vercelli book. Sacramento, 188S. (In Cal: Univ. Lib. bulletin. 1888. no. 10.) Cook, Lt.-Col. Benjamin F. History of the 12th Mass. volunteers. Bost, 1882. Cook, Clarence. Transformations and migrations of certain statues in the Cesnola collection. N. Y. n. d. Cook, Frederick, ed. New York: State, secy. of. Journals of expe- dition of Sullivan in 1779. 1887. Cook, Frederick A., M. D. Through the first Antarctic night. N. Y., 1900. Cook, George, M. D. Address delivered before the graduating class of Dartmouth college, Nov. 25, 1890. Cone, 1891. Cook, George C. Prose and verse of Kipling. {In Contemporary club. Papers. 1898-9. p. 61-85.) Cook, George Hammell. Address on the International geological congress and our part in it as American geologists. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. 37; p. 159-78.) ed. New Jersey: Geological survey. Geology of New Jersey. 1868. Cook, Howard M. 1790-1890; census statistics of Concord, N. H., and the United States of America. Cone, 1900. Cook, J. Hervey. Fishkill in the Revolution. (In Hist. soc. of Newburgh Bay and the highlands. Paper. 1894. p. 27-40.) Cook, Joel. World's fair at Chicago described in a series of let- ters to the London Times. Chic, 1891. Cook, John W., and McHugh, James V. Plistory of the Illinois state normal university. Normal, 1882. Cook, Orator Fuller. African diplopoda of the family gomphodes- midse. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 677-739-) African diplopoda of the genus pachybolus. (In U. S. : Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 657-76.) American oniscoid diplopoda of the order nerocheta. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 451-68.) Arrangement of the geophilidae, a family of chilopoda. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18. p. 63-75.) Chayote; a tropical vegetable. Wash., 1901. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 28.) East African diplopoda of the sub-order of polydesmoidea. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18, p. 81-111.) Revision of tropical African diplopoda of the family strongy- losomatid^e. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 695-708.) Rubber cultivation for Porto Rico. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Circular. 1900. no. 28.) Shade in coffee culture. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 25.) and Collins, G. N. Notes oh North American myriapoda of the family geophilidae. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1891. V. 13; p. 383-96.) Cook, Rev. Joseph. New defenses of the Lord's day. Bost., 1900. Ultimate America. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. 4; p. 1381-92.) Cook, Samuel F. Mackinaw in history; a critique on J. R. Bailey's brochure entitled Mackinaw; formerly Michilimackinac Lan- smg, 1895. 312 AUTHOR LIST. Cook, Thomas M., ed. Seymour, Horatio. Public record, includ- ing speeches, messages, proclamations, etc., ed. by T. W. Knox. 1868. Cook, Waldo L. Murders in Massachusetts. (In Amer. statisti- cal assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3, no. 23; p. 357-78-) Cook, William A., and Rees, D. Peace democracy alias Copper- heads. Wash., 1863. Cook & Co., C. A., pub. United States newspaper directory. 1876. Cook county (111): Schools, supt. of. Biennial report for the years 1886-90. Chic, 1888-90. Cooke, Rev. George Willis. History of the Clapboard Trees; or. Third parish, Dedham, Mass. Bost., 1887. Cooke, Lieut. Jacob B. Battle of Kelly's ford, March 17, 1863. Prov., 1887. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1887. v. 3.) Cooke, John, M. D. Treatise on nervous diseases. Bost., 1824. Cooke, John Esten. Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. N. Y., 1887. Stonewall Jackson, a military biography. N. Y., 1876. ■ Virginia, a history of the people. Ed. 10. Bost., 1887. (Amer. commonwealths.) Cooke, Josiah Parsons. Notice of W. B. Rogers, founder of the Mass. institute of technology. Camb., 1883. On the aqueous lines of the solar spectrum. Camb., 1866. Cooke, Lorrin A. Message to the general assembly, Jan. session, 1897. Hartf., 1897. Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt. Foliicolous sphaeri?e. Lond., 1866. Hyphomycetous fungi of the United States. (In Buffalo soc. of nat. sci. Bulletin. 1877. v. 3; p. 189-203.) Synopsis of the discomycetous fungi of the United States. (In Buffalo soc. of nat. sci. Bulletin, 1875. v. 2; p. 285-300; v. 3; p. 2I-37-) Cooke, N. F., M. D. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Hahnemann medical college, Feb., 1865. Chic, 1865. Cooke, Nicholas Francis, M. D. Treatment on antiseptic medica- tion; or, Declat's method. Chic, 1882. Cooke, Lt.-col. P. St. George. Report of his march from Santa Fe, N. M., to San Diego, Upper Cal. (In Abert, Lieut. J. W. Re- port of his examination of New Mexico, 1846-7. n. d. p. 551- 62.) Cooke, Rev. Parsons. Century of Puritanism, and a century of its opposites. 2v. Bost., 1855. Religion and beneficence, n. p. n. d. Cooke, Rev. Phinehas. Discourse delivered at Acworth, March, 1829. Windsor, 1829. Discourse delivered at Lebanon, N. H., on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 25, 1830, embracing the leading events of the history of the town. Cone, 1831. Farewell discourse delivered at Lebanon before the Congre- gational church and society, n. p. 1848. Farvvell sermon delivered at Acworth, N. H., March 8, 1829. Windsor, 1829. Reciprocal obligations of religion and civil government; a discourse delivered before the constituted authorities of the state of New Hampshire on the day of the anniversary elec- tion June 2, 1825. Cone, 1825. (In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61.) Sermon preached in Acworth, N. H., at the dedication of the new meeting house in that town, Dec. 12, 1821. Bellows Falls, 1822. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 313 Cooke, Rev. Phinehas. Two discourses delivered at Lebanon be- fore the Congregational church and society. Lebanon, 1848. Cooke, Rollin H. Rev. John Todd. {In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1899- P- 73-88.) Cooke, Lieut. Sydney G. First day of Gettysburg, n. p. n. d. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers, no. Cooke, W. Practical treatise on tinea capitis contagiosa and its cure. Lond., 1810. Cooke, W. W. Birds of Colorado. Fort Collins, 1897- (Col.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. Z7-) Further notes on the birds of Colorado. Denver, 1898. (Col.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 44.) Report on bird migration in the Mississippi valley in the years 1884 and 1885. Wash., 1888. {In U. S.r Agric, dept. of: Biolog- ical survey, div. of. Bulletin, 1888. no. 2.) Cooke, William, ed. Morgagni, John Baptist. Seats and causes of diseases investigated by anatomy. 1824. Cooke, William, 171T-97, anon. Musse juveniles. Londini, 1732. Cookingham, Henry J., comp. In memoriam; J. A. Garfield. Utica, 1881. Cooledge, Daniel. Pious instructor. Walpole, 1806. Cooley, Arnold James, comp. Cooley's cyclopaedia of practical re- ceipts; rev. by R. V. Tuson. Ed. 6. 2v. N. Y., 1890. Cooley, Arthur Stoddard. Athena Polias on the Acropolis at Athens. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. v. 3, p. 345-408.) Cooley, Charles H. Personal competition. N. Y., 1899. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Economic studies, v. 4.) Theory of transportation. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1894. V. 9, no. 4.) Cooley, Henry Scofield. Study of slavery in New Jersey. Bait, 1896. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1896. v. 14. no. 9-10.) Cooley, Leroy C. From Newton to Kirchoff. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. V. 7; p. 205-12.) Mechanical action of radiation. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. V. 9; p. i-io.) Report on the recent progress of chemistry. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. I44-55-) Cooley, Thomas Mclntire. Acquisition of Louisiana. Indianap- olis, 1887. {In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 2; p. 63-93.) Address on laying the corner-stone of the new court house at Adrian, June, 1884. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 7; p. 521-34) Federal supreme court, its place in the American constitu- tional system. {In Rogers, H. W. Constitutional history of the U. S. 1889. p. 29-52.) Michigan; a history of governments. Ed. 2. Bost., 1886. (Amer. commonwealths.) ed. Clarke, Thomas Curtis, and others. American railway. 1889. Cooley, Timothy Martin, D. D., and others. Sketches of the churches and pastors in Hampden county, Mass. Westfield, 1854. Cooley, William Desborough, tr. Parrot, Frederich. Journey to Ararat. 1846. Coolidge, Augustus. Historical address. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 372-80.) Coolidge, Austin Jacobs, afid Mansfield, J. B. History and descrip- tion of New England, v. i. Bost, 1859. Note: no more pub. 314 AUTHOR LIST. Coolidge, George, pub. Boston almanac and business directory. V. 27-36. 1862-71. Coolidge, Rev. James Ivers Trecothick. Farewell discourse, 1858. Bost, 1858. Power of Christianity, a discourse at the dedication of the Thirteenth Congregational church, Boston, 1848. Bost., 1848. Coolidge, Joseph(?), ed., anon. Seventy-fourth anniversary of the birthday of Daniel Webster, celebrated at Boston, Jan. 18, 1856. Bost., 1856. Coolidge, Richard H., M. D., comp. United States: Surgeon-gener- al's office. Statistical report on the sickness and mortality in the army of the United States, 1839-55. 1856. ed. United States: Surgeon-general's office. Statistical report on the sickness and mortality in the army of the United States. i860. Coolidge, Susan, pseud. See Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. Coolidge & Wiley, pub. Boston almanac for the year 1850. 1850. Coombe, ed. Anderson, Adam. Historical and chronological de- duction of the origin of commerce. 1790. Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3d earl of Shaftsbury. See Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d earl of. Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, bart. Observations on the structure and Diseases of the testis; fr. the 2d Lond. ed. by B. B. Cooper. Phil., 1845. Treatise on dislocations and fractures of the joints; 2d Amer. fr. the 6th Lond. ed., notes by J. D. Godman. Bost., 1832. a new ed. enl. ed. by B. B. Cooper. Bost., 1844. (^" Mass. med. soc. Lib. of practical medicine. 1839. v. 14.) and Travers, Benjamin. Surgical essays, parts i and 2. Phil., 1821. Cooper, Bransby Blake, ed. Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, bart. Ob- servations on the structure and diseases of the testis. 1845. ed. Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, bart. Treatise on dislocations and fractures of the joints. 1844. Cooper, Carrie S. Missionary heroine. N. Y. n. d. Cooper, J. G., M. D. Catalogue of Californian fossils, pt. 2-5. Sacram., 1894. (Cal.: Mining bureau. Bulletin, no. 4.) Catalogue of the invertebrate fossils of the western slope of the United States. San Fran., 1871. Geographical catalogue of the mollusca found west of the Rocky Mountains. San Fran., 1867. On the distribution of the forests and trees of North America. n. p. n. d. ♦ On the migrations and nesting habits of west-coast birds. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 241-51.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 241-51.) Cooper, James Fenimore. Pilot. Bost., 1897. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Cooper, Job A. Message to the 8th general assembly of the state of Colorado, 1891. Denver, 1890. Cooper, John. Historical and statistical sketch of Croyden, from its incorporation to the year 1852. Cone, 1852. Cooper, John M. Scotch-Irish in the Cumberland valley. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1896. v. 8; p. 295- 318.) Cooper, Lemuel P. Historical sketch of Croyden. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. V. 6; p. 212-43.) Cooper, Maurice Ashly, tr. Xenophon. Cyropasdia. 1831. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 815 Cooper, Samuel, comp. Concise system of instructions and regula- tions for the militia and volunteers of the United States. Phil., 1836. Cooper, Samuel, M. D. Dictionary of practical surgery; with notes and additions by John Syng Dorsey; 2d. Amer. fr. enl. Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1816. with notes by William Anderson; fr. the 4th Lond. ed. 2v. N. Y., 1823. fr. the 6th Lond. ed. with notes by D. M. Reese. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1832. with index by D. M. Reese, 6th Lond. ed. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1838. fr. the 7th Lond. ed. by D. M. Reese. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1842. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1844. First lines of the practice of surgery. Phil., 1808. Hanover, 1815. with notes by A. H. Stevens, fr. the 4th Lond. ed. enl. 2v. N. Y., 1822. 3d Amer. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. Bost., 1828. with notes by A. H. Stevens; 3d Amer. fr. the Sth Lond. ed. rev. 2v. Phil., 1830. notes by Samuel M'Clellan; 4th Amer. fr. the 5th Lond. ed. 2v. Phil., 1835- Treatise on the diseases of the joints. Hanover, 1811. Cooper, Thomas, M. D., ed. Thomson, Thomas. System of chem- istry. 1818. Cooper, Thomas V., and Fenton, Hector T. American politics from beginning to date. Springf., 1882. Cooper, Rev. William. Promised seed, a sermon preached to God's ancient Israel, the Jews, 1796. Lond., 1797. Sermons on the sin and danger of quenching the spirit. Bost., 1741. Note : last page wanting. Cooper union for the advancement of science and art. Annual re- port of the trustees, 1864, '66, '71, '73-1900. v. 5, 7, 12, 14-41. N. Y., 1864-1900. Co-operative bulletin of the Providence libraries, issued monthly. V. i; V. 2, no. 1-2. Prov., 1900-1. Co-operative trade association. Organizations, articles of agree- ment and by-laws of the Co-operative trade association at Man- chester, N. H. n. p. 1875. Cooperstown and Otsego lake. Cooperstown, 1900. Coos county (N. H.). Report, 1872-99. v. p. 1872-99. Coos county tourist, weekly, v. 3, no, 1-3. Lancaster, 1899. Coote, Richard, earl of Bellamont. See Bellamont, Richard Coote, 1st earl of. Cope, Edward Drinker. Batrachia of North America. Wash., 1889. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1889. no. 34.) Catalogue of batrachians and reptiles of Central America and Mexico. Wash., 1887. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1887. no. z^.) Check list of North American batrachia and reptilia. Wash., 1875. Un Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 13.) Wash., 1875. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1875, no. I.) Classification of the ophidia. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1896. v. 18, p. 186-219.) Consciousness in evolution. Phil., 1875. 316 AUTHOR LIST. Cope, Edward Drinker. Contribution to the ichthyology of the Lesser Antilles. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1871. V. 14; p. 445-83.) Critical review of the characters and variations of the snakes of North America. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1892. V. 14; p. 589-694-) Evidence for evolution in the history of the extinct mammalia. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. v. 32; p. 32-50.) Evolution of organisms. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 33; p. 455-70.) Letters referring to the completion of the final report of the United States geological survey of the territories. Wash., 1887. Observations on the systematic relations of the fishes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 317-43.) On the characters of some paleozoic fishes. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 447-63.) On the contents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla (W. L) Wash., 1883. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1885. V. 25.) On the homologies and origin of the types of molar teeth of mammalia educabilia. Phil., 1874. On the homologies of some of the cranial bones of the rep- tilia, and on the systematic arrangement of the class. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1871. v. 19; p. 194-246.) On the homologies of the posterior cranial arches in the rep- tilia. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1893. v. 17, p. 11-26.) On the hypothesis of evolution, physical and metaphysical. N. H., 1879. On the intercentrum of the terrestrial vertebrata. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1890. v. 16; p. 243-53.) On the snakes of Florida. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 381-94.) Relations between the theromorphous reptiles and the mono- treme mammalia. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 33; p. 471-81.) Report upon the extinct vertebrata obtained in New Mexico. Wash., 1877. (In U. S.: Geog. surveys west of the looth mer- idian. Report. 1877. V. 4.) Report upon the vertebrate fossils discovered in New Mex- ico. Wash., 1874. Species of vertebrata found in the beds of the Permian epoch in North America. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1890. V. 16; p. 285-97.) ■ Supplement to the extinct batrachia and reptilia of North America, catalogue of the air breathing vertebrata from the coal measures of Linton, Ohio. Phil., 1874. Sur les relations des niveaux de vertebres eteints dans I'Amer- ique du Nord et en Europe. Par., 1880. Synopsis of the cyprinidas of Pennsylvania. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 351-410.) Synopsis of the extinct batrachia, reptilia, and aves of North America. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1871. v. 14; p. 1-252. V. 15, p. 263-78.) Synopsis of the species of the teid genus enemidophorus. (In Arner. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1893. v. 17; p. 28-52.) Synopsis of the vertebrate fauna of the Puerto series. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1890. v. 16; p. 298-360.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 317 Cope, Edward Drinker. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the eocene of New Mexico, collected in 1874. Wash., 1875. (U. S.: Geog. surveys west of the looth meridian.) Vertebrata of the cretaceous formations of the West. Wash., 1875. (In U. S.: Geol. survey of the territories. Report. 1875. V. 2.) Vertebrata of the tertiary formations. Wash., 1883. (In U. S.: Geol. survey of the territories. Report. 1883. v. 3.) Zoological position of Texas. Wash., 1880. (In U. S.: Nat. museum. Bulletin, no. 17.) ed. American naturalist. 1880. Copeland, Herbert E., and Jordan, David S., M. D. Check list of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America. (In Buffalo soc. of Natural sci. Bulletin. 1877. v. 3, p. 133-^7-) Copeland, James, M. D., ed. Richerand, Anthelme Balthasar. Ele- ments of physiology, tr. fr. the French, ed. 5, by G. J. M. de Lys. 1833- Copeland, Louis Albert. Cornish in southwest Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 14; p. 301-34.) Copeland, Robert Morris. Country life, a handbook of agriculture, horticulture, and landscape gardening. Bost., i860. Ed. 6, rev. Bost., 1866. Copeland, Thomas. Observations on some of the principal dis- eases of the rectum and anus. Phil., 181 1. Copeland, Thomas Campbell-. Harrison and Reid; their lives and record; the republican campaign book for 1892. N. Y., 1892. Copenhagen, Societe royale des antiquaries du nord. Rapport des seances annuelles de 1838-9. Copenhagen, 1839. Report addressed to its British and American members. Copenhagen, 1836. Copeland, James, M. D., ed. Dictionary of practical medicine, v. i. N. Y., 1859. 9v. Bost., 1834-59. Copley, A. B. Pottawattomies. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 14; p. 256-67.) Copley, John Singleton. See also Lyndehurst, John Singleton Cop- ley, 1st baron. Copley, Josiah. Kansas and the country beyond on the line of the Union Pacific railway. Phil., 1867. Copp, Rev. Joseph A. Religious obedience the life of the people; a . discourse delivered on state fast day, April 8, 1852. Bost., 1852. Coppee, Henry. General Thomas. N. Y., 1898. (Great command- ers series.) ed. Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans, comte de. History of the Civil War in America. 1876-88. Copperhead convention, Chicago, 1864. Proceedings. Wash., 1864. Copway, George. Traditional history and characteristic sketches of the Ojibway nation. Bost., 1851. Copy of a letter written by our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and found under a great stone, 65 years after his cruci- fixion. Cone, 1884. Coquillet, D. W. Report on a collection of dipterous insects from Puerto Ric6. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1900. v. 22; p. 249-70.) Report on a collection of Japanese diptera. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 301-40.) Report on the scale insects of California. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 26.) Revision of the North American empidae. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 387-440.) 318 AUTHOR LIST. Coquina, pseud. See Shields, G. O. Corbett, Julian Stafford. Drake and the Tudor navy, with a his- tory of the rise of England as a maritime power. New ed. 2v. Lond., 1899. Corbett, Thomas B., comp. Legislative manual of the state of Col- orado. 1877. Corbett, W. J. Elizabethan village surveys. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans, v. 21. 1897. p. 67-87.) Tribal hidage. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 187-230.) Corbin, Mrs. Diana Fontaine (Maury), comp. Life of Matthew Fon- taine Maury. Lond., 1888. Corcoran, Brig.-gen. Michael. Captivity; twelve months' imprison- ment in Richmond and other Southern cities, n. p. 1865. Corcoran gallery of art. Catalogue. Rev. ed. Wash., 1890. Ed. 53. Wash., 1892. Catalogue of paintings, statuary, casts, bronzes, etc., prepared by Wm. McLeod. Wash., 1889. Corda, August Joseph C, and Hawle, Ignaz. Prodrom einer mono- graphic der bohmischen trilobiten. 1847, Corder, Susanna. Life of Elizabeth Fry, compiled from her jour- nal. Phil., 1855. Cordero, Manuel D., and Segura, Jose C. Resefia sobre el cultivo de algunas plantas industrials en la republica de Mexico. 1884. Cordley, Richard, D. D. Student's capital, purpose, and aim. Law- rence, 1896. Cordner, Rev. John. American conflict; an address before the New England society of Montreal. Montreal, 1865. Corey, Deloraine Pendre. History of Maiden, Mass., 1633-1785. Maiden, 1899. Joseph Hills and the Massachusetts laws of 1648, reprinted from the history of Maiden, Mass., 1633-1785. Bost., 1899. Waite family of Maiden. Maiden, 1878. Corlear, Arent van. See Curler, Arent van. Corliss, Augustus Whittemore, anon. History of the 7th squadron, R. L cavalry. Yarmouth, 1879. Corliss, John B. First era in the history of Haverhill, Mass., comprising the period from the settlement of Pentucket, 1640, to the conclusion of permanent peace with the Indians, 1715. Haverhill, 1885. Cormack, John Rose, M. D. Treatise on the chemical, medicinal, and physiological properties of creosote. (Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838; p. 189-258.) Cornado, Luigi. Probable way of attaining a long and healthful life, written originally in Italian. Ed. 6. Lond., 1788. Cornelius, Rev. Elias. God's ways not as our ways, a sermon occa- sioned by the death of Rev. S. Worcester. Salem, 1821. Cornell, Alonzo B. Public papers, 1880-82. Alb., 1880-2. Some of the beginnings of Westchester county history, n. p. 1890. Cornell, Silas, anon. Christian doctrines and society of the people called Quakers, cleared, etc. Rochester, 1846. Cornell, William Mason, D. D. History of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1879. Practical observations on the inhalation of various vapors and powders in diseases of the air tubes and lungs. Bost., 1850. Recollections of "ye olden time" with biographical sketches. Bost, 1878. Cornell College. Catalog; 1895-6. Mt. Vernon, 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 319 Cornell University. Annual report of the president for 1884-90, '91-3, '94-1901. Ithaca, 1885-1901. Exercises and addresses at the laying of the corner-stone of the university library building. Ithaca, 1889. History of the agricultural college and grant of July 2, 1862. Ithaca, 1890. MemoriaJ exercises in honor of H. W. Sage. Ithaca, 1898. Proceedings and addresses at the inauguration of J. G. Schur- man to the presidency of Cornell university, Nov. 11, 1892. Ithaca, 1892. Register, 1869-99. Ithaca, 1870-1900. Ten-year book; 1868-88; 1868-98; v. 2-3. Ithaca, 1888-98. University records bi-monthly, ser. i, no. 3, pt. 4. Ithaca, 1901. : Agricultural experiment station. Annual report for 1890, '93-6. V. 3, 6-9- Alb., 1891-7. Note : bulletins of the station are in the Reports. : Library. Catalogue of the Dante collection presented by Willard Fiske; comp. by T. W. Koch. 2v. Ithaca, 1898-1900. Catalogue of the historical library of A. D. White, pt. i, sup., pt. 2. Ithaca, 1894. Exercises at the opening of the library building. Ithaca, 1891. ed. Library bulletin of Cornell university. 1886-96. : Medical college. Announcement 1898-1902. N, Y., 1898-1901. : School of law. Announcement for 1887-96, 1901-3. Ithaca, 1887- 1 902. Announcement of the summer term 1894-5. Ithaca, 1894-5. Dedication of Boardman Hall and the presentation of the Moak law library, Feb. 14, 1893. Ithaca, 1893. Syllabuses of lectures, n. p. n. d. Synopsis of lectures on the constitution of the United States before the school of law. Ithaca n. d. See also New York state college of forestry. Corner, William. John Crittenden Duval, the last survivor of the Goliad massacre. (In Texas state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1898. V. i; p. 47-67.) Cornil, Andre Victor. (Des) differentes especes de nephrites. Par., 1869. Corning, Charles R. Aalesund to Tetuan; a journey. Bost., 1888. Exploit in King William's war, 1697. Cone, 1890. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceedings. 1895. v. 2; p. 122-51.) Samuel Livermore. Cone, 1888. Corning, J. Leonard, M. D. Treatise on headache and neuralgia, including spinal irritation and a disquisition on normal and mor- bid sleep. N. Y., 1888. Cornish (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers, 1876-7, '81, '83-1902. Clare., 1876-1902. Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de. Coronado's letter to Mendoza, 1540. (In Old South leaflets, 1888. v. i; Gen. ser. no. 20.) Cornwallis, Charles, ist marquis, and Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry. Cam- paign in Virginia, 1781. 1888. Cornwell, Henry G., M. D. Compound dermoid cyst of the orbit. Columbus, 1882. Corona silver mining company. Prospectus. Phil., 1866. Corrales, B. Bibliografia pedigogica y medios materiales de en- senanza. San Jose, 1896. Correa, Alberto. Rosena economica del estado Tabasco. Mexico, 1899- 320 AUTHOE LIST. Correct copies of the two protests against the bill to repeal the American stamp act. Par., 1766. Corrigan consolidated street railway company. Prospectus and mortgage, n. p. n. d. Corry, John, anon. Life of Washington, late president of the United States of America. N. Y., 1807. Poiighkeepsie, 1812. Corser, Lieut. Elwood S. "Day with the Confederates." (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn. Commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 364-78.) Corson, John W., M. D. On the treatment of pleurisy. N. Y., 1874. Cort, Rev. Cyrus, ed. Delaware: General assembly. Memorial ser- vices in honor of Peter Minuit. 1895. Cortes, Fernando. Cortes's account of the city of Mexico. (In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen, ser. no. 35.) Despatches addressed to Emperor Charles 5, now first trans- lated into English from the original Spanish by George Folsom. N. Y., 1843. Corthell, Elmer Lawrence. Maritime commerce; past, present, future. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. V. 47; p. 530-49-) Report to the 7th international congress of navigation held at Brussels, Belgium, July, 1898. Wash., 1900. Corthell, J. W. Examination of teachers. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1879. p. 37-52.) Corvisart, J. N. Essay on the organic diseases and lesions of the heart and great vessels; pub. by C. E. Horeau, tr. fr. the French by Jacob Gates. Bost., 1812. Corwin, Edward Tanjore, D. D. Amsterdam correspondence. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 81-107.) Corwin genealogy. N. Y., 1872. History of the Reformed church, Dutch, in the United States. N. Y., 1895. (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 8.) Corwin, Thomas. Against dismembering Mexico. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 4; p. 1405-17.) Corwine, Richard. Argument in the Methodist church property case. n. p. 1852. Corey, Eugene A. Private's recollections of Fredericksburg. Prov. 1884. (In R. I, soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narra- tives. 1884. V. 3.) Cosmopolitan, an illustrated monthly magazine, v. 8; no. z-^\ v. 9-14; V. 15, no. 1-3, 5-6; V. 16-21; V. 22, no. 2-6; v. 23, no. i, 3-6; V. 24-8. N. Y., 1890-1900. Cosmopolitan art and literary association. Catalogue. N. Y., 1854. Cost of a rebel peace, plain words for working-men. N. Y. n. d. Cost of an education at Princeton. Princeton, 1896. Costa Rica. Collection de tratados. San Jose, 1896. Compilacion legislativa de instruccion primaria; 1886-1892. San Jose, 1893. : Administracion yglesias. Reforma del sistema monetario de la republica de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1897. : Comision permanente del congreso constitucional. Ley general de educacion comun y reglamento de instruccion normal, n. p. 1886. : Educacion, comisionado de. Informe presentado al Senor min- istro de instruccion publica. San Jose, 1888. : Ensenanza, Inspeccion general de. Anuario, 1894-7. v. 3-5. San Jose, 1896-8. • NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 321 Costa Rica: Estadistica, direccion general de. Catalogo de los objectos que han ligurado en la exposicion nacional, 1886. San Jose^ 1886. : Estado, secretario de. Memoria de instruccion piiblica presen- tada al congreso constitucional de 1897-8. San Jose, 1897-8. ■ : Instituto Hsico-geograiico nacional, ed. Dafert, F. W. (Las> sustancias minerales del Cafeto, tr. by H. Pittier.^ 1896. : Instruccion puhlica, ministro de. Programas officiales de ensen- anza normal. San Jose, 1893. Programas oficiales de instruccion primaria. San Jose, 1890. Programas oficiales de segunda ensenanza. v. 1-6. San Jose, 1892. : ed. Biolley, Paul. Elementos de historia natural. 1887. : Limite comision. Exposicion presentada por la comision de limites de Costa Rica al E. P. Alexander, el dia 14 de Junio de 1897. San Jose, 1897. el dia 30 de Junio de 1897. San Jose, 1897. Exposition submitted by the Costa Rican boundary commis- sion to E. P. Alexander, 1897. San Jose, 1897. Reply to the argument of the Nicaraguan boundary commis- sion brought before E. P. Alexander. San Jose, 1897. : Relaciones exteriores, ministerio de. Documentos relativos a la extradicion de Francis H. Weeks. San Jose, 1893. Coster, Jacques, M. D. Practice of medicine; tr. fr. the French. Phil., 1831. Cotes, Kenelm D., ed. Social England series. Cotgreave, Alfred. Indicators versus card-charging, with some reference to the intercourse between librarian and reader. Lond., 1893. Cotheal, Alexander I. Grammatical sketch of the language spoken by the Indians of the mosquito shore. {In Amer. ethnological soc. Trans. 1848. v. 2; p. 235-64.) Cothren, William, comp. History of ancient Woodbury, Conn., from the ist Indian deed in 1659 to 1879. 3v. Woodbury, 1871-9. Note : v. 1 pub. in Waterbury. Waterbury, 1854. Cotta, Bernhard von. Treatise on ore deposits, tr. fr. the 2d Ger- man, ed. by Frederick Prime. N. Y., 1870. Cottage Bible and family expositor. Cottell, Henry A., M. D., ed. American practitioner, v. 33-43. 1 890 -1 900. Qottin, Mme. Sophie Ristaud. Elisabeth; ou, Les exiles de Siberie. N. Y., 1867. Cotting, Benjamin Eddy, M. D. Medical addresses. Bost., 1875. Murderer's dying confession disproved, n. p. n. d. Cotting, John Ruggles. Report of a geological and agricultural survey of Burke and Richmond counties, Georgia. Augusta, 1836. Synopsis of lectures on geology. Taunton, 1835. Cottle, Joseph. Alfred, an epic poem. Newburyport, 1814. Cotton, Mrs. An. Account of our late troubles in Virginia, written in 1676. Richmond, 1804. (^w Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8. no. 9.) Wash., 1835. (In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1836. v. i.) Cotton, Rev. John, 1585-1652, anon., comp. Abstract of the laws of New England as they are now established, printed in London in 1641. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll 1835. v. 5; p. 173-87.) God's promise to his plantations, as it was delivered in a ser- mon. Lond., 1630. (In Old South leaflets. 1897. v. 3; no. 53.) Letter to Mr. Williams. (In Narragansett club. Pub. 1866. V. i; p. 295-31 T.) 21 322 AUTHOR LIST. Cotton, Rev. John. Life and letters. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 4I7-44-) Reply to Mr. Williams, his examination and answer of the letters sent to him by John Cotton. (In Narragansett club. Pub. 1867. V. 2; p. 9-240.) Cotton, Rev. John, d. 1789. Account of the Church of Christ in Plymouth, the ist church in New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1806. V. 4; p. 107-41.) Cotton, Josiah. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian language. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1830. v. 22; p. 147-257.) Cotton, William H. Elisha Payne; a biographical sketch. Cone, 1888. Cotton states and international exposition, Atlanta, 1895. Classifi- cation. Atlanta, 1894. Reglas generales para los expositores exteanjeros. Atlanta, 1894- Rules governing the rates of entrance and admission fees. Atlanta, 1894. Coues, Elliott, M. D. Abstract of results of a study of the genera geomys and thomomys. (In Powell, John W. Exploration of the Col. river, 1869-72. 1875. p. 217-85.) Birds of the Colorado valley. Wash., 1878. (U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 11.) Birds of the northwest. Wash., 1874. (U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 3.) Description of the original manuscript journals and filed note- books of Lewis and Clarke, read before the Amer. phil. soc, Jan. 20, 1893. n. p. n. d. Field ornithology; with a check list of North American birds. Salem, 1874. comp. Fourth installment of ornithological bibliography. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 359-477-) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 359-477-) Furbearing animals. Wash., 1877. (U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 8.) Key to North American birds. Salem, 1872. Osteology and myology of didelphys Virginia. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1871-8. v. 2; p. 41-154.) Osteology of the colymbus torquatus. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. v. i; p. 131-72.) and Allen, Joel Asaph. Monographs of North American re- dentia. Wash., 1877. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Report. 1877. v. 11.) and Prentiss, D. Webster, M. D. Avifauna Columbiana, being a list of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia. Ed. 2. Wash., 1883. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1883. no. 26.) and Wright, Mabel Osgood. Citizen bird. 1897. ed. Dixon, Charles. Rural bird life. 1880. ed. Fowler, Jacob. Journal, narrating an adventure from Arkansas through the Indian territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Col- orado, and New Mexico. 1898. tr. and ed. Garces, Francisco. Diary and itinerary. 1900. ed. Henry, Alexander. New light on the early history of the Greater Northwest; the ms. journals of Alexander Henry and David Thompson. 1897. ed. Kidder, Jerome H. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen island, part i. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. V. 13.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 323 Coues, Elliott, M. D., ed. Kidder, Jerome H. (In U. S.: National mnsetim. Bulletin. 1875. "O- 2-3.) ed. Larpenter, Charles. Forty years a fur trader on the upper Missouri. 1898. ed. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Brig.- gen. William. History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri. 1893. ed. Pike, Brig.-gen. Zebulon Montgomery. Expeditions to the headwaters of the Mississippi river through Louisiana territory and in New Spain, 1895-7. i895- ed. Stearns, Winfrid Alden. New England bird life. 1881-3. ed. World's congress on ornithology. Chicago, 1893. Papers. 1896. Coues, Samuel E. Memoir of Rev. Nathan Parker, Cone, 1834. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. v. 4; p. 255-80.) War and Christianity; an address before the American peace society, May 23, 1842. Bost, 1842. Coulanges, Numa Denis Fustel de. See Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Coulson, William, tr. Edwards, Henri Milne. Manual of surgical anatomy, ed. by James Webster, 1828. Coulter, J. Homer, M. D., ed. Chicago clinic, a monthly journal. 1899. Coulter, John Merle. Address; the future of systematic botany. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 293-304.) Botany of western Texas. Wash., 1891-4. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Contrib. from the U. S. national her- barium. 1891-4. V. 2.) Elements of power, baccalaureate address June 10, 1894. Chic, 1894- Mission of science in education; an address delivered at the annual commencement of the Univ. of Mich., June 21, 1900. Ann Arbor, 1900. Practical education; an address before the students of the Indiana university. Indianapolis, 1891. Work of a university, inaugural address, June 15, 1893. Mad- ison, 1894. and Porter, Thomas Conrad, D. D. Synopsis of the flora of Colorado, 1874, Council Bluffs (la.): Free public library. Annual report, v. 9-12, 14-19. Council Bluff's, 1890-1900. Council for New England. First Plymouth patent, granted June I, 1621; ed. by Charles Deane. Camb., 1854, Records. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1867, p, 51-131. 1875, p. 48-63.) Council of engineering societies on national public works. Reor- ganization of national public works; part i, proposed legislation. Chic, 1888. Council of the American legion of honor. See American legion of honor. Council of the Catholic knights of America. See Catholic knights of America. Council of the order of chosen friends. See Order of chosen friends. Councilman, W. T., M. D., ed. Boston (Mass.): City Hospital. Medical and surgical reports, v. 6-12. 1895-9. Country club. Concord (N. H.). By-laws and membership, n. p. n. d. Country gentleman, weekly, a consolidation of the Genesee farmer and the Cultivator; 1898, v. 6^. Alb,, 1898, Note : Continuation of tlie Cultivator. 324 AUTHOK LIST. Country gentleman, weekly, a journal for the farm, the garden, and the fireside, v. 1-17, v. 18, no. 1-3, v. 35-63. Alb., 1853-98. Note : v. 35-(iate reads Cultivator and country gentleman with binder's title unchanged. Course of study, a monthly publication for teachers and parents, devoted to the work of the Chicago institute, Oct., 1900-Jan., 1901. V. I, no. 2-5. Chic, 1900-1. Court of commissioners of Alabama claims. Rules. Wash., 1882. Courtenay, F. B. Revelations of quacks and quackery. Lond. n. d. Courtenay, James C. First suggestions of a national observatory,, 1825. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 387-96.) Courtenay, William A. Education in Charleston, S. C. Charles- ton, 1881. Charleston, 1882. 1781-1881; proceedings at the unveiling of the Battle monu- ment, in Spartenburg, S. C, in commemoration of the centennial of the battle of Cowpens. n. p. 1896. Courtney, Rev. Frederick. Church in the colony, or Province of Massachusetts bay. {In P. E. church in the U. S.: Diocese of Mass. Commemorative discourses. 1885. p. 3-35.) Courtney, J. W., M. D. Psychical epilepsy, with the report of a case. {In Boston: City hospital. Medical and surgical reports. 1900. V. 11; p. 241-54.) Courtney, William Leonard, ed. Fortnightly review. 1895-1900. Courty, Amedee. Traite pratique des maladies de I'uterus. Par., 1866. Cousin, Victor. Elements of psychology, tr. by S. C. Henry. N. Y., 1838. Cousins, Rev. Edgar M. Mt. Desert Congregational church, Tre- mont. Me., historical sermon and notes, n. p. n. d. Coutelle, M. C, and Montaiglon, Anatole de. Catalogue of the val- uable and extensive library belonging to Coutelle and Montai- glon. Bost, i899(?) Covarrubias, Alfred, anon. Counter manifest of the minister of foreign relations of Chile on the present war between the repub- lic and Spain. Wash., 1866. Coventry (Vt.) Congregational church. Manual, 1868. Montp., 1868. Coville, Frederick Vernon. Directions for collecting specimens and information illustrating the aboriginal uses of plants. Wash., 1895. {I^ U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1895. no. 35.) Cowan, Charles, M. D., tr. Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre. Path- alogical researches on phthisis. 1836. 1836. Cowen, Lieut. Benjamin Rush. Hundred days men of 18^4; their call and service. {In G. A. R.: Ohio dept.: Fred C. Jones Past, No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 203-36.) Cowdin, Elliott C. Paris universal exhibition of 1867; remarks in the Chamber of commerce of N. Y. N. Y., 1866. Tax on cotton, remarks before the Chamber of commerce of the state of New York, Dec. 20, 1866. N. Y., 1866. Cowdy, Rev. Samuel. Malta and its knights. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1874. v. 3; p. 395-4o8.) Cowell, H. S. Character building in academies. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1894. p. 59-69.) Souvenir, a memorial of Grace Hardy Smith. Manch., 1892. Cowgill, Elias Branson. Irrigation practice on the Great Plains. Wash., 1897. (U. S.: Geol. survey. Water supply and irrig. Papers, no. 5.) NEW HAMPSHIEE STATE LIBRARY. 326 Cowles, Edward, M. D. Neurasthenia and its mental symptoms. Bost, 1891. (Shattuck lectures.) ^ ,. , ,r ^u Cowley, Charles. Cruise of the monitor Lehigh. {In Old resi- dents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 61-73.) Famous divorces of all ages. Lowell, 1878. Foreign colonies of Lowell. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 165-79) Illustrated history of Lowell. Rev. ed. Bost, 1868. John Eliot's work at Wamesit. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1898. v. 6; p. 220-34.) „ „ Leaves from a lawyer's life afloat and ashore. Lowell, 1879. Lowell in the navy during the war. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 294-308.) . Memoir of Josiah Gardner Abbott. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 1-56.) Memoirs of the Indians and pioneers of the region of Lowell. Lowell, 1862. comp., anon. Middlesex county manual. Lowell, 1878. Public monuments of Lowell. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1898. v. 6; p. 96-112.) Reminiscences of J. C. Ayer and the town of Ayer. Ed. 4. Lowell, n. d. Rev. Robert Court. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. v. 6; p. 207-18.) ed. Dahlgren, Rear adm. John A. Maritime international law. 1877. Cowley, Edward, D. D. Rev. Theodore Edson, a centennial trib- ute. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 267-76.) Cowpens centennial committee, ed. Courtenay, William A. 1781- 1881; proceedings at the unveiling of the Battle monument. 1896. Cowper, J. M. Notes from the records of Faversham, 1560-1600. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1875. v. i; p. 218-38.) Tudor prices in Kent chiefly in 1577. (In Royal hist, soc. Trans. 1875. v. i; p. 169-86.) Cowper, William. Memoir of the early life of William Cowper, written by himself. Phil., 1816. Poems. 3v. N. Y., 1821. Poems, containing his posthumous poetry. 3v. Bost., 1815. Private correspondence with several of his most intimate friends; in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson; ist Amer. ed. Phil., 1824. Sketch of the life of Rev. John Cowper. N. Y. n. d. Task; a poem. Bost., 1791. Bost., 1833. ed. Homerus. Iliad and Odessy. 1814. Cowperthwait & Co. Special geography of the New England states. Phil., 1880. Cox, A. A. Letter to the republican members of the legislature. Enfield, i869(?) Cox, Abraham L., M. D. Pathology and treatment of Asiatic cholera, so called. N. Y., 1849. Cox, Edward T. Archaeology; an address. Indianapolis, 1897. (In Indiana hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 215-40.) Indiana; mineral, manufacturing, and agricultural resources. n. p. 1873. Western coal measures and Indiana coal. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20, p. 236-51.) Lyon, Sidney S., and Lesquereux, Leo. Palaiontological re- port. 1857. 326 AUTHOR LIST. Cox, Francis Augustus, D. D. History of the English baptist mis- sionary society. Bost., i^^S. Cox, I. J. Founding of the first Texas municipality. {In Texas state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1899. v. 2; p. 217-26.) Cox, Maj.-gen. Jacob Dolson. Annual message to the 57th general assembly at the adjourned session, Jan., 1867, Columbus, 1867. Atlanta. N. Y., 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) Inaugural address before the senate and house of representa- tives, Jan., 1866. Columbus, 1866. March to the sea, Franklin and Nashville. N. Y., 1882. (Cam- paigns of the Civil war.) Some phenomena in the conjunction of actinophrys sol. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1882. v. 30; p. 105-14.) Surrender of Jolmston's army and the closing scenes of the war in N. C. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 247-76.) Cox, Rev. John H. Cox genealogy, no. 1-2. Lexington, 1898-9. Cox, Joseph Mason, M. D. Practical observations on insanity; fr. the 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 181 1. Cox, Leonard. Arte or crafte of rhethoryke; a reprint, ed. by F. I. Carpenter. Chic, 1899. Cox, Capt. Rowland. "Snake Creek Gap and Atlanta." {In Loyal legion of U. S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1897. V. 2; p. 7-29.) Cox, S. Herbert, and Ratte, Felix. Mines and minerals, a guide for the Australian miner. Sydney, 1885. (Technical education series.) Cox, Samuel Hanson, D. D. Bright and blessed destination of the world. N. Y., 1849. {In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Cox, Samuel Sullivan. Free land and free trade, the lessons of the English corn laws applied to the United States. N, Y., 1888. (Questions of the day. no. 2.) Cox, Walter Smith. Efforts to obtain a code of laws for the Dis- trict of Columbia. {In Columbia hist. soc. Records. 1900. v. 3; p. 115-35.) Cox, William Van Zandt, and Northrup, Milton Harlow. Life of S. S. Cox. Syracuse, 1899. Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English province of Carolina, by the Spaniards called Florida. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1850. V. 2; p. 221-76.) Coxe, Eckley B. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1888. v. 36; p. 147-58.) Coxe, John Redman, M. D., ed. Philadelphia medical museum, v. 1-6. 1805-8. Coxe, Tench. Examination of the constitution of the United States. {In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets on the constitution of the U. S. 1888. p. 134-54.) Coxe, William. Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Den- mark. Ed. 4. 5v. Lond., 1792. Coy, Edward Gustin. Plistorical sketch of Phillips academy, An- dover, Mass. n. p. 1885. Cozzens, Issachar. Geological history of Manhattan or New York Island. N. Y., 1843. Cozzens, Rev. Samuel W. Sermon occasioned by the death of Wil- liam Reed. Bost., 1837. Crabb, George. English synonyms explained in alphabetical order, with copious illustrations and examples drawn from the best writers; ist Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. ed. Bost., 1819. Family encyclopedia. N. Y., 1831. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 327 Crabbe, Rev. George, 1754-1832. Borough; a poem. Phil., 1810. Poems. Phil., 1808. Posthumous poems; ed. by his son. Phil., 1835. Tales. 2v. N. Y., 1813. Tales of the Hall; fr. the Lond. ed. 2v. in i. Bost, 1819. Crabbe, Rev. George, jr. Life of the Rev. George Crabbe, with his letters and journals. Phil., 1835. ed. Crabbe, Rev. George, 1754-1832. Posthumous poems. 1835. Crabtree, John D. Recollections of the Pea Ridge campaign. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. Commandery. Military essays. 1899. V. 3; p. 2TI-26.) Cracraft, Rev. J. W. Judaizing teachers, ancient and modern; or, Sacramental errors refuted. Chic, 1858. Cradock, Matthew. Letter to Endicott. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 129-38.) Craft, Rev. David. History of the 141st regiment. Pa. vols., 1862- 65. Towanda, 1885. Crafts, James M. Genealogy of some Hatfield families. {In Po- cumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 490-6.) and Crafts, William F., comp. Crafts family, a genealogical and biographical history of the descendants of Griffin and Alice Craft of Roxbury, Mass. Northampton, 1893. Crafts, Rev. Wilbur F. Syllabus of a series of lectures on Chris- tian sociology. Easton, 1895. Crafts, William F., and Crafts, James M., comp. Crafts family. 1893. Craggs, Salisbury, pseud{?). Landscape, sketched in New Hamp- shire. Bost., 1821. Cragin, William Nelson. By-ways of Hanover; a tale of junior year. Hanover n. d. Craig, Austin. Gospel of Luke, the apostles' creed. Bost. n. d. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 266.) Craig, John, ed. James, Charles C. Practical agriculture. 1899. Craig, John Alexander. Sheep feeding. Wash., 1897. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, 1897. no. 49.) Craig, Neville B. Washington's ist campaign, death of Jumon- ville, and the taking of Fort Necessity, also Bradock's defeat. Pittsb., 1848. Craig, Oscar J. Ouiatanon, a study in Indiana history. Indian- apolis. 1893. {In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 2; p. 317-48.) Craig, Thomas. Counter-pedal surface of the allipsoid. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1881. v. 4; p. 358-78.) Motion of a solid in a fluid. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1879. p. 162-77.) On a linear differential equation of the second order. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1886. v. 8; p. 180-95.) On certain groups of relations satisfied by the quadruple thetafunctions. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. v. 6; p. 205-21.) On certain metrical properties of surfaces. {In Amer. jour. of mathematics. 1881. v. 4; p. 297-320.) On certain possible cases of steady motion in a viscous fluid. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. v. 3; p. 268-93.) On linear differential equations. {In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1886. V. 8; p. 45-103.) On quadruple theta-functions. {In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1884. V. 6; p. 14-59.) {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. v. 6; p. 183-204.) On the motion of an ellipsoid in a fluid. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1879. v. 2; p. 260-79.) 328 AUTHOK LIST. Craig, Thomas. On theta-functions with complex characteristics. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. v. 6; p. 337-58-) Orthomorphic projection of an elipsoid upon a sphere. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. v. 3; p. 114-27-) Some elliptic function formalae. (In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1882. V. 5; p. 62-75.) Craig, Willis Green, D. D. Inaugural address; systematic theology- viewed in its relations to kindred disciplines. (In McCormick, theol. sem. Inaugural addresses. 1892. p. 7-29.) Inaugural address; the study of historical theology. (In McCormack theol. sem. Addresses. 1883. P- 33-46.) Craik, George Lillie, anon. Paris and its historical scenes. 2v. Bost., 1831. Pursuit of knowledge under difficulties; il. by anecdotes, v. 2. Bost., 1830. Cralle, Richard K., ed. Calhoun, John Caldwell. Works. 1851. . 1883. Cram, George F., pub. Cram's standard American railway system atlas of the world. Chic, 1896. Cram, Marshall. Address delivered at the dedication of the town house in Bridgton, Me., Jan., 1852. Portl., 1852. Cramer, Frank, and Gilbert, Charles Henry. Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian islands. (In U. S.: National^ museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 403-35-) Cramer, William, M. D. Memoir of J. G. Porteous. n. p. n. d. Cramp, John Mocket, D. D. Baptist history. Phil., n. d. Inaugural address and introductory lecture. Halifax, 1851. Crampton, Charles Albert, M. D. Baking powders. Wash., 1889. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 13, Pt. 5.) Cranch, Christopher Pearse. William Cranch. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1881. v. 2; p. 446-69.) Crandall, Floyd M., M. D., ed. American pediatric society. Trans- actions. V. 5-12. 1893-1900. Crandon, Edwin S. Pilgrim and the Puritan; an essay in compara- tive history. Bost., 1899. Crane, Ellery Bicknell. Memoirs of the Worcester association of the Sons and daughters of New Hampshire. Wore, 1885. Crane, J. T., D. D. Annual sermon before the American Sunday school union, 1858. N. Y., 1858. Crane, John, D. D. Sermon at the installation of Ezekiel Rich. Keene, 1816. Crane, John C. Asa Holman Waters. Wore, 1887. Col. Thomas Gilbert, the leader of New England tories. Wore, 1893. Jonathan Holman, a Revolutionary colonel. Wore, 1894. (Bound with his Rev. William Blackstone. 1896.) Major gen. Burbank, an early paper maker. Wore, 1896. (Bound with his Rev. William Blackstone. 1896.) Rev. William Blackstone, the pioneer of Boston. Wore, 1896. Crane, Silas A., D. D. anon. Brown university under the presidency of Asa Messer. Bost., 1867. Crane, Stephen. List of the free holders of the county of Essex, 1755- (-^w N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 23; p. '25-34.) Crane, Thomas, memorial hall, see Thomas Crane memorial hall. Crane, W. Murray. Address to the two branches of the legislature, Mass. Jan. 4, 1900. Bost., 1900. Crane, Capt. William E. Bugle blasts. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 233-51.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 329 Crannell, Mrs. W. Winslow. Address, July 8, 1896. n. p. n. d. Address, June 16, 1896. n. p. n. d. Woman suffrage defeats. Alb., 1899. Cranstoun, James, ed. Ginn and company, pub. Classical atlas. 1896. Crapo, William W. Centennial in New Bedford; historical address delivered the Fourth of July, 1876. New Bedford, 1876. Cratty, R. I. Iowa sedges. (In Iowa: Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 313-75) Craven, John J., M. D. Prison life of Jefferson Davis. N. Y., 1866. Crawford, Rev. A. B. General S. G. Griffin. (In Griffin, Brig.-Gen. S. G. Sketch of the early history of the town of Nelson, N. H., 1870.) . , , Crawford, Adair. Experiments and observations on animal heat and the inflammation of combustible bodies. Lond., 1788. Crawford, Alexander Blair. Sophomore history of the class of '76, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1873-4. Crawford, Francis Marion. Rulers of the South, Sicily, Calabria, Malta. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Crawford, George T. Crawford's map of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, n, p. 1890. NOTB : scale 1 mile to 1 inch. Crawford, John G. Castle William and Mary. (In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1897. v. i; p. 51-65.) Indians of New Hampshire. (In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1898. V. i; p. 177-88.) Crawford, John Jones, state mineralogist. See California: Mining bureau. Crawford, Mrs. Lucy. History of the White Mountains from, the settlement of upper Coos and Pequaket. White Hills, 1846. Portl., 1883. Crawford, Rev. R. C. Address to the pioneers of Oakland county, 1883. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 14; p. 585-602.) Fifty-two years of itinerant life in the Mich, conference of the M. E. church. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 22; p. 266-81.) Reminiscences of pioneer life in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1883. v. 4; p. 41-53.) Reminiscences of pioneer ministers of Michigan. (In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 17; p. 226-38.) Crawford, Samuel Wylie. Genesis of the Civil war; the story of Sumter. 1860-1861. N. Y., 1887. Crawford, Sidney. Rufus Putnam and his pioneer life in the North- west. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1898. p. 431-54.) Crawford, William, D. D. History of Ireland from the earliest period to the present time. 2v. Strabane, 1783. Creamery association of eastern Pennsylvania. Constitution and by-laws. n. p. 1898. Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. Fifteen decisive battles of the world, from Marathon to Waterloo. Ed. 32. Lond., 1887. Credner, Hermann. Geological survey of the kingdom of Saxony. Lpz., 1893- (?) Creighton memorial, St. Joseph's hospital. Annual report, v. 17. Omaha, 1897. Creighton university. Catalogue, 1881-1901. Omaha, 1882-1900. Prospectus, 1899, 1900. Omaha, 1899-1900. see also John A. Creighton medical college. Cremer, John Borland. Records of the Dorland family in America. Wash., 1898. 330 AUTHOR LIST. Crepaz, Adele. Emancipation of women and its probable conse- quences. Lond., 1893. (Social sci. series, no. 59.) Crerand & Co., William F., pub. Furnisher directory. 1900. Crerand's directory. 1900-2. Crerand's cloak journal; a monthly review ed. by J. A. Bechtler. V. 17, no. 3-6; V. 18, 19. N. Y., 1900-1. Crerar, John. Will. Chic, n. d. Crescent, pub. by the students of Proctor academy, v. i, no. i, 4; V. 2, no. 2-4, 6; v. 3, no. 1-9. Andover, 1889-91. Note : pub. irregularly. Crespin, Daniel, ed. Sallustius Crispus, Caius. Opera. 1804. Cresson, Charles M., M. D. Extracts from memoranda relative to water supply and disease in Philadelphia. Phil., 1889. Cresson, Hilborne T., M. D. Report upon pile-structures in Naa- man's Creek, near Claymont, Delaware. Camb., 1892. {In Pea- body museum of Amer. archaeology and ethnology. Archseol. and ethnol. papers. 1892. v. i, no. 4.) Cressy, Noah, M. D. Natural history of bezoar stones, calculi and other animal concretions. Harf., 1879. Creswell, John A. J. Oration on the life and character of H. W. David. Wash., 1866. {In Davis, H. W. Speeches and addresses. 1867; p. I3-35-) Creswicke, Louis. South Africa and the Transvaal war. 6v. Edin., 1900. Note: v. 6 wanting. Crew, Henry. On the period of rotation of the sun. {In Haver- ford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. i; p. loo-ii.) Criado, Louis F., M. D. Our dispensaries, hospitals, philanthropy. frauds, and the necessity of medical reform. N. Y., 1893. Crichton, Andrew. History of Arabia, ancient and modern. 2v. N. Y., 1834. Note : v. 2. wanting. Map wanting. Crime of a century, desecration of the American flag. n. p. n. d. Crimson and white, pub. monthly by the Manchester high school lyceum. v. i. Manch., 1898-9. Crisp, Frederick Arthur, ed. List of parish registers and other genealogical works. Lond., 1897. Crispin, Daniel. See Crespin, Daniel. Crissy, I. O. Business syllabus. Alb., 1899. (N. Y. (state): Univ.: College dept. Bulletin, no. 2.) Critchett, O. A., comp. Abstract of the laws of the several states and territories on irrigation and water rights. Wash., 1893. (United States: Agric, dept. of: Irrigation inquiry, office of. Bulletin, no. i.) Critic, a weekly review of literature and the arts. v. 4, iT-24, 26-38. N. Y., 1884-1901. Note : v. 33, July, 1898, title changed to Critic, an illustrated monthly review of literature, art and life, it became monthly, and its size reduced to 0. Critic, pub. monthly by the students of Pinkerton academy, v. i, no. I, 2>-7', V. 2, no. 1-2, 4-5. Derry, 1888-9. Criticus, see Orme, Rev. William. Crittenden, J. P., and Helffrich, Charles B., comp. New York securi- ties. N. Y., 1893. Crocker, A. Practical essay on raising apple trees and making cider. {In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1791. v. 2; p. 100-13.) Crocker, Alvah. Report of work upon the Troy and Greenfield railroad and Hoosac tunnel with the reports of the chief and consulting engineers. Bost., 1868. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 331 Crocker, C. H., comp. Pacific northwest; map. Portl., n. d. Crocker, Henry E., and Howard, Rev. R. H., ed. History of New England. 1879. Crocker, John Wilson, ed. Hervey, of Ickworth, John Hervey, haron. Memoirs of the reign of George 2d from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline. 1848. Crocker, Lucretia. Natural history in elementary schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures, 1884. p. 213-38.) Crocker, Uriel Haskell. Cause of hard times. Bost., 1896. Crocker and Brewster. Fiftieth anniversary, Nov. i, 1868. Bost., 1869. Crockett, John A., ed. Meteor, pub. by the students of the Epis- copal academy of Conn. 1879. Crockett, John F., and Sanborn, John J. Report as to the condition of the property of the B. C. & M. R. corporation, June i, 1884. Bost., 1885. Croffut, W. A., and Morris, John M. Military and civil history of Connecticut during the war of 1861-5. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1869. Croker, John Wilson, ed. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. 1835. CroU, James. Climate and time in their geological relations; a theory of secular changes of the earth's climate. N. Y., 1875. Crombie street church, Salem (Mass.). Manual. Salem, 1884. Cromek, R. H., ed. Burns, Robert. Reliques, consisting chiefly of original letters, poems, and critical observations on Scottish songs. 1809. Cromwell, Oliver. Cromwell's first speech to the Little parliament, July 4, 1653. (In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 28.) Letters and speeches; ed. by Thomas' Carlyle. v. 2. N. Y., 1845. 4v. N. Y., 1897-9- Second speech at the opening of the ist protectorate parlia- ment, Sept. 4, 1654. (In Old South leaflets. 1897. v. 3; no. 62.) Crooker, Rev. Joseph Henry. Plea for sincerity in religious thought. Bost., n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. no.) Crooker, Lucien B. Episodes and characters in an Illinois regi- ment. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 33-49-) Croom, H. B. Catalogue of plants, native or naturalized in the .vicinity of New Born, N. C. N. Y., 1837. Crop, reporter, monthly, pub. by the authority of the Sec'y of agri- culture, 1899-1901. V. i; V. 2, no. i-io. Wash., 1899-1901. CrQ.sby, Albert Harrison, M. D. Country doctor of 50 years ago. Cone, 1883. Report on surgery. Cone, 1881. Note: reprint from the Transactions of the N. H. medical soc. Water pollution, public and private. Cone, 1882. Crosby, Alpheus. Memorial of college life of the class of 1827, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1869-70. Present position of the seceded states and the rights and duties of the general government in respect to them. Bost., 1865. Tables illustrative of Greek inflection. Bost, 1841. Crosby, Alpheus Benning, M. D. Address commemorative of R. D. Mussey. Manch., 1869. Ethical relations of physician and patient. Cone, 1877. * Eulogy of Nathan Lord; delivered before the alumni of Dart- mouth college, June, 1872. Planover, 1872. 332 AUTHOR LIST. Crosby, Alpheus Benning, M. D. First operation on record for the removal of the entire arm, scapula, and three fourths of the clavicle by Dixi Crosby. Cone, 1875. Foreign bodies in the knee joint. Manch., 1857. Gun-shot injuries of the knee joint requiring amputation. Cone, 1864. Lost art in surgery. N. Y., 1877. Memorial address; D. S. Conant. Burlington, 1866. r Successful case of ovariotomy. Bost., i860. Crosby, Dixi, M. D. Report of a trial for alleged mal-practice. Woodstock, 1854. Crosby, Ernest Howard. Brief account of the ancestry and de- scendants of W. B. Crosby of N. Y. N. Y., 1899. War from the Christian point of view. Bost, 1900. Crosby, Jaazaniah, D. D. Annals of Charlestown, N. H. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. V. 4; p. 101-39.) Dedication with joy, a sermon at the dedication of the new meeting house in Charlestown, N. H., 1843. Keene, 1843. History of Charlestown in New Hampshire. Cone, 1833. Sermon preached March 25, i860, the day which completed 50 years of his ministry at Charlestown, N. H. Bost., i860. Tendency of religious obedience to promote national pros- perity; a sermon before the governor, council, and legislature of New Hampshire, 1830. Cone, 1830. (In N. H. election sermons. 1816-61. i6p.) Crosby, Nathan. Annual obituary notices of persons who died in the U. S. for 1857, 1858. 2v. Bost., 1858-9. Crosby family. Lowell, 1877. Eulogy on Tappan Wentworth. Lowell, 1877. First half century of Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1876. Memoir of S. S. Wilde, justice of supreme court of Mass. Cone, 1881. Reminiscences of distinguished men of Essex county, Mass. Salem, 1880. Samuel Sumner Wilde. (In Memorials of judges recently de- ceased. 1881; p. 1-30.) Crosby, Nicholas B. Topography of Sparta. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1893. v. 8; p. 335-73-) Crosby, Thomas R., M. D. Chart of poisons for the use of families and physicians, n. p. 1846. Crosby, William Otis. Common minerals and rocks. Bost, 1881. (Bost. soc. of natural hist. Guides for sci. teaching.) Contributions to the geology of eastern Massachusetts. Bost., 1880. (In Bost. soc. of natural hist. Occasional papers. 1880.) On the contrast in color of the soils of high and low altitudes. n. p. n. d. On the joint structure of rocks, n. p. n. d. Physical history of the Boston basin. Bost., 1889. comp. Report on the geological map of Massachusetts. Bost, 1876. (Mass.: Commission to the Centennial exposition.) Tables for the determination of common minerals. Bost, 1887. Crosley, Col George W. "Charge of the Light brigade." (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. v. i; p. 380-92.) Cross, Anson K. Color study a manual for teachers and students. Bost. 1895. (National drawing books.) Free-hand drawing, a manual for teachers and students. Bost, 1895. (National drawing books.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 333 Cross, Anson K. Mechanical drawing, a manual for teachers and students. Bost, 1895. (National drawing books.) National drawing books, v. 4-8. Bost. n. d. National drawing cards, no. 1-18. n. p. n. d. ' and Swain, Amy. Outline of drawing lessons for grammar grades. Bost., 1895. (National drawing books.) Outline of drawing lessons for primary grades. Bost, 1895. (National drawing books.) Cross, Arthur Lyon. Schemes for Episcopal control in the col- onies. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 231-41.) Cross, David. Address before the judiciary committee of the house of representatives, Jan. 24, 1899, on the system of selecting jurors in New Hampshire and other states. Manch., 1899. Closing argument before the railroad committee of the N. H. legislature, Aug. 9, 1887, in favor of the "Atherton bill," and in opposition to the "Hazen bill." Cone, 1887. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Franklin Pierce, the lawyer. Cone, 1900. Cross, Capt. Judson N. Campaign of West Virginia of 1861. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v. 2; p. 146-72.) Cross, Mrs. Lucy R. (Hill). Bygones; some things not generally known in the history of Northfield, N. H. Cone, 1900. anon. History of the antecedents and descendants of William and Dorothy Worthen Forrest. Cone, 1897. Cross, Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes, see Eliot, George, pseud. Cross, Michael H. Catholic choirs and choir music in Philadelphia. {In Amer. Catholic hist, soe Records. 1889. v. 2; p. 115-26.) Cross, Nelson. Life of Gen. Grant, his political record. N. Y., 1872. Cross, Whitman. On hypersthene-andesite and on triclinic pyro- xene in augitic rocks; with a geological sketch of Buffalo Peaks, Col., by S. F. Emmons. Wash., 1883. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1883. no. i.) Eldridge, George Romans, and Emmons, Samuel Franklin. Geology of the Denver basin in Colorado. {In U. S.: Geol. sur- vey. Monographs. 1896. v. 27.) and Hillebrand, W. F. Contributions to the mineralogy of the Rocky mountains. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bul- letins. 1885. no- 20.) Crossby, P. A. Railway and steamboat routes in British North America. Montreal, 1873. {Bound with Lovell's gazetteer. 1873.) ed. Lovell's gazetteer of British North America. 1873. Crosskill, W. H. Prince Edward Island, garden province of Can- ada. Charlottetown, 1899. Crossman, D. L. Early French occupation of Michigan. {In Mich. pioneer and hist, soe Coll. 1890. v. 14; p. 651-68.) Croston, James, ed. Register book of christenings, weddings, and burials within the parish of Prestbury, county of Chester, 1560- 1636. Lond., 1881. {In Record soe Pub. 1881. v. 5.) Croswell, Charles M. Message to the legislature, Jan. 2, 1879. Lansing, 1879. Message to the legislature, Jan. 6, 1881. Lansing, 1881. Croswell, Frederick. History of Trinity church. New Haven, Conn. {In N. H. colony hist, soe Papers. 1865. v. i; p. 47-81.) Crothers, Samuel McChord, D. D. Concerning Jesus, a sermon. Camb., 1900. 834 AUTHOR LIST. Crothers, Samuel McChord, D. D. Faith of a free church. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian Assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 98.) Introduction to Unitarianism. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 117.) Larger life, a sermon. Camb., 1900. Making of religion, a sermon. Bost. n. d. Preparation, a sermon. Camb., 1900. Simplification of life, a sermon. Camb., 1900. Unitarian attitude toward theology. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 4.) Crow, John M. Athenian pnyx, with a survey and notes by J. T. Clarke. (In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1888. V. 4; p. 205-60.) Crow, Martha Foote. Facilities for the university education of women in England. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5. V. I. 1896. p. 805-91.) Crowell, Edward Payson, D. D., and Montague, William Lewis. Biographical record of the alumni of Amherst college during its 1st half century, 1821-71. 1883. Crowell, John, M. D. Anniversary poem. Haverhill, 1640-1890. Haverhill, 1890. Colonial and revolutionary history of Haverhill; a centennial oration delivered July 4, 1876. Haverhill, 1877. Crowell, Robert, D. D. History of the town of Essex from 1634 to 1868; with sketches of the soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, ed. by David Choate. Essex, 1868. History of the town of Essex from 1634 to 1700. Bost, 1853. Crowninshield, F. B., and others, trustees. Protest against the trans- fer of .the Northern railroad company to the Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain organization. Bost., 1867. Croyden (N. H.) Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1876, '80-91, '93-1902. Newport, 1876-1902. Croyden (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1890. Newport, 1890. Crozer theological seminary. Historical leaflets, no. i. n. p. 1901. Cruden, Alexander. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures; a new and condensed ed. with an introduction by Rev. David King. Ed. 3. Bost, 1845. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures; ed. by John Eadie. {In Hitchcock, R. D. New and complete analysis of the Holy Bible. 1870. p. 751-1159-) Cruikshank, Ernest Alexander. Employment of Indians in the war of 1812. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 319-35.) Robert Dickson, the Indian trader. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 12; p. 133-53.) Crum, F. S. Marriage rate in Massachusetts. {In Amer. statisti- cal assoc. Pub. 1895. V. 4; no. 32; p. 322-39.) Crummell, Rev. Alexander. Civilization the primal need of the race; Attitude of the American mind toward the Negro intellect. Wash., 1898. {In Amer. Negro acad. Occasional papers. 1898, "°- 3-) Duty of a rising Christian state. Lond., 1856. Crutchfield, Nathaniel T., ed. Constitution of the United States, Jefferson's manual and a digest and manual of the rules and practice of the house of representatives. 1895. Cubas, Antonio Garcia. Cuadro geografico, estadistico, descrip- tivo e historico de la Estados Unidos Mexicanos. IMexico. 1884. Republic of Mexico in 1876; tr. by G. F. Henderson. Mexico, 1876. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 335 Cubi i Soler, Mariano. Traducteiir Frangois; or, A practical sys- tem for translating the French language. Ed. 2. Bost., 1828. Cudmore, Patrick. Autobiography. N. Y., 1896. Civil government of the states and the constitutional history of the United States. N. Y., 1875. Irish republic, a historical memoir on Ireland and her oppres- sors. St. Paul, 1871. Prophecy of the 20th century. 3 pts. in 2. N. Y., 1899. Cudworth, Rev. Warren H. History of the ist regt. Mass. infantry. Bost, 1866. Culbertson, Howard, M. D. Prize essay; excision of the larger joints of the extremities. Phil., 1876. {In Amer. med. assoc. Trans. 1876. v. 27, sup.) Culbertson, James C, M. D., ed. Cincinnati lancet and clinic, a weekly journal of medicine and surgery, v. 15. 1881. cd. Journal of the American medical association, v. 16-17. 1891. Cullen, Charles, tr. Clavigero, D. Francesco Severio, Vahhe. His- tory of Mexico. 1806. Cullen, Gilbert I., M. D., ed. Cincinnati medical journal, v. 7. 1892. Cullen, William, M. D. Synopsis of nosology; tr. by John Thomp- son. Phil., 1816. CuUerier, Michel J. Uilier die lustseuche, ihre zufalle and heilmit- tel. Meinz, 1822. Cullis, Charles, M. D. Work of faith; history of the Consump- tives' home. Bost., 1866. CuUom, William. Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854, no. 12.) Cullum, Maj.-gen. George Washington. Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. military academy at West Point from 1802-1867; with register of graduates to January, 1879. 3v. N. Y., 1868-79. NoTB : V. 1-2 are ed. 2. Biographical register of the officers and graduates from 1802- 1890. 4v. N. Y., 1891-1901. Note : v. 1-3 are ed. 3. Campaigns of the war of 1812-15 against Great Britain, sketched and criticized. N. Y., 1879. Struggle for the Hudson. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. 1888. v. 6; p. 275-366.) Cullom, Shelby Moore. Message to the special session of the 32d general assembly. Springf., 1882. Message to the 30th general assembly, Jan. 1877. Springf., 1877. Cultivator, a monthly publication designed to improve the soil and the mind. v. i, 3-9; v. 11, no. 3, 7-8, 12; v. 12, no. 5-7, 9-12; v. 13; V. 16, no. 2-12; V. 17, no. 1-2, 4-12; v. 18-19. Alb., 1837-52. Note : v. 1, 3. ed. 2. v. 7 united with the Genesee Farmer under the title of Cul- tivator, a consolidation of Buel's Cultivator and Genesee Farmer, v. 7-9 ed. by Willis Gaylord and Luther Tucker, v. 31-46, 48-58 ed. by Luther Tucker & Son and J. J. Thomas, v. 59-date ed. by Luther Tucker & Son. v. 31, 1866, became weekly. Cultivator and country gentleman devoted to the practice and sci- ence of agriculture and horticulture, weekly, v. 35-63. Alb., 1870-98. Note: Continuation of the Cultivator, a monthly publication. Binder's title is Country Gentleman. Culver, I. F., com'r. See Alabama: Agriculture, hoard of. Cumberland, Richard. Calvary; or, The Death of Christ; 2d Amer. ed. Bost., 1796. 336 AUTHOR LIST. Cumberland, Richard. Memoirs, written by himself, containing an account of his life and writings. Phil., 1806. Cumberland association of Congregational ministers. Centennial, Alay 28-29, 1888. n. p. n. d. Cumberland river oil and salt company of Kentucky. Prospectus with charter and by-laws of the company. Pittsb., 1865. Cumberland university. Catalogue. 1892, '95, '98-9. Nashville, 1892-8. Cumings, E. R. Lower silurian system of eastern Montgomery county, N. Y. (In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin. 1900. v. 7; p. 419-68.) Cumings, Henry, D. D. Sermon preached April 9th, 1801; bemg the day of the annual fast. Amh., 1801. Cumming, W. G. Six months in the 3d cavalry div. under Custer. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. V. i; p. 296-315.) Cummings, Rev. Asa, anon. Memoir of Rev. Edward Payson. Portl., 1830. abridged ed. N. Y. n. d. N. Y. n. d. ■ comp. Payson, Edward, D. D. Memoir, select thoughts and sermons. 1846. Cummings, Clara E., cofnp. Catalogue of musci and hepaticse of North America, north of Mexico. Natick, 1885. Cummings, Ebenezer Edson, D. D. Annals of the Baptist churches in New Hampshire; a sermon preached before the N. H. Bap- tist state convention, Oct. 20, 1835. Cone, 1836. Discourse prepared for the 50th anniversary of the Salisbury association, Sept. 17, 1868. Lebanon, 1869. Religious rights; a discourse delivered on fast day, April 6, 1843. Cone, 1843. Cummings, Rev. Ephraim Chamberlain. Capuchin and Jesuit fathers at Pentagoet. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 15; p. 161-88.) Father Baird's relation of 1616 and Saint Sauveur. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 15; p. 81-99.) Historic hints toward a university for Maine. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 13; p. 337-51.) John Johnston Carruthers. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. V. 12; p. 19-49) tr. Rale, Sebastien. Mission of Father Rasles. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893. V. 14; p. 146-59, 265-301, 404-10.) ed. Tucker, Capt. Daniel. Capt. Daniel Tucker in the Revolu- tion; an autobiographical sketch. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. V. 18; p. 225-54.) Cummings, Rev. Henry. Sermon preached at Billerica, June 28, 1795. Bost, 1795- Cummings, Horace Stuart, ed. Dartmouth college sketches of the class of 1862. Wash., 1884. Cummings, John. Poor-laws of Massachusetts and New York. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1895. v. 10, no. 4. I35p.) tr. Lexis, W. Present monetary situation. 1896. tr. Micheli, Horace. State purchase of railways in Switzer- land. 1898. Cummings, Joseph. Address; capitalists and laborers. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. v. 35; p. 330-54.) Cummings and Hilliard, pub. Atlas of ancient geography. Bost. n. d. School atlas to Cummings' ancient and modern geography. Ed. 4. Bost. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 337 Gummins, William Fletcher. Review of .R. T. Hill's Report on artesian waters in Texas, n. p. n. d. Cumston, Charles Green-. Contribution a I'etude de la virulence du bacterium coli dans les diarrhees des enfants. Geneve, 1894. Cumulative book index, monthly, v. 1-3. Minneapolis, 1897-1900. Cundall, Frank. Bibliotheca Jamaicensis; some account of the prin- cipal works on Jamaica in the library. Kingston, 1895. Cunningham, Clarence, anon. History of the Calhoun monument at Charleston, S. C. Charleston, 1888. Cunningham, Allan. Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. 5v. N. Y., 1831-4. Cunningham, Frank H. Familiar sketches of Phillips Exeter acad- emy and surroundings. Bost., 1883. Cunningham, J. L., M. D. How to obtain a board of health system for Texas, n. p. n. d. Cunningham, William, and Adams, John, pres. of the U. S. Corre- spondence beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. 1823. Cunningham, William, D. D. Church's duty in relation to the sa- credness of property, Camb., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. A, no. 2,) Commercial policy of Edward 3d. (/m Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. V. 14; p. 197-220.) Formation and decay of craft gilds. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. v. 13; p. 371-92.) Gild merchant of Shrewsbury. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1895- V. 19; p. 99-1 17-) Political economy and practical life. Bost., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. B, no. 4.) Strikes; address during the great strike at Leicester, England. Bost., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. B, no. 5.) Use and abuse of money. N. Y., 1891. 'Walter of Henley.' {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1895. v. 19; p. 215-21.) Curiosity world, a monthly devoted to stamps, coins, etc. v. 1-7. Lake village, 1886-90. Note : title of v. 4-6 was Stamp world. Of v. 7, no. 1-2, Hubbard's Magazine. Curler, Arent van. Arent van Curler and his journal of 1634-35. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 79-101.) Curley, Edwin A. Nebraska; its advantages, resources, and draw- backs. Lond. n. d. Curling, Thomas Blizard. Practical treatise on the diseases of the testis and of the spermatic cord and scrotum; 2d Amer. fr. the 2d rev. and enl. Eng. ed. Phil., 1856. Bristowe, John Syer, M. D., and others. Diseases of the intes- tines and peritoneum. 1879. Curran, John Philpot. In the case of Justice Johnson, civil liberty and arbitrary arrests. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. 4; p. I499-I537-) Speeches. 2v. N. Y., 1809. Note : t. 2 wanting. Current events club, Manchester {N. H.). Constitution, n. p. n. d. Current events club, Penucook {N. H.). Constitution, n. p. n. d. Current literature, a monthly magazine of contemporary record. V. 1-30. N. Y., 1888-1901. Currie, Gilbert E. History of the Wesley M. E. church of Brook- lyn, L. I. N. Y., 1876. Currie, James, M. D. Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy; fr. the 4th Lond. ed. 2v. in i. Phil., 1808. 22 338 AUTHOR LIST. Currier, Charles F. A., tr. Constitutional and organic laws of France. Phil., 1893. (In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Annals. 1893. v. 3.) Currier, Rev. Charles Warren. History of religious orders. N. Y., 1896. History of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor in Boston. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1889. v. 2. p. 206-24.) Currier, Mrs. Hannah A., ed. Currier, Moody. State papers, ad- dresses and poems. 1899. Currier, Horace True, ed. Allerton, Walter Scott. History of the Allerton family. 1900. Currier, Capt. John Charles. From Concord to Fredericksburg, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Cal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 15.) Currier, John J. Historical sketch of ship building on the Merri- mac river. Newburyport, 1877. "Ould Newbury"; historical and biographical sketches. Bost., 1896. Currier, John M., M. D. Account of the celebration of the 4th of July, 1881, at Mason's Point, Lake Bomoseen. n. p. 1881. History of the Bird's Mountain masonic monument. Alb., 1887. comp. Memorial exercises held in Castleton, Vt., in the year 1885. Alb., 1885. Song of the Hubbardton raid. Castleton, 1880. ed. Vermont medical journal, issued bi-monthly, v. i. 1874. Currier, M., ed. Literary gazette. 1834-5. Currier, Mary M. Among the Granite hills. Camb., 1894. Currier, Moody. Early poems. Manch., 1881. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1885. Cone, 1885. State papers, addresses, and poems, ed. by Mrs. H. A. Currier. Manch., 1899. Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Address delivered before the Asso- ciation of Confederate veterans, Richmond, Va., 1896. Rich- mond, 1896. Difhculties, complications, and limitations connected with the education of the Negro. Bait., 1895. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1895. no. 5.) Education at the South. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1882. p. 87-98.) Education of the Negroes since i860. Bait., 1894. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional pa- pers. 1894. no. 3.) George M. Erving. (In Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1890. v. 25; p. 17-33.) Peabody education fund; a brief sketch of George Peabody. Camb., 1898. Curtice, Cooper, M. D. Animal parasites of ^heep. Wash., 1890. Curtin, Andrew Gregg. Message to the legislature of Penn., Jan. 2, 1867. Harrisburg, 1867. Special message transmitted to the legislature of Penn., Aug., 1864. Harrisburg, 1864. Curtis, Benjamin Robbins, ed. Memoir of B. R. Curtis; with some of his professional and miscellaneous writings. 2v. Bost., 1879. Curtis, Chester B., comp. Bi-centennial souvenir, 1693-1893, New Castle, N. H. Cone, 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 339 Curtis, Edward, M. D. Manual of general medicinal technology, including prescription writing. N. Y., 1883. Curtis, George Carroll. Description of the topographical model of metropolitan Boston. Bost., 1900. Curtis, George D., anon. Souvenir of the centennial exhibition; or, Connecticut's representation at Philadelphia, 1876. Hartf., 1877. Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitution of the United States and its history. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1888. v. 7; P- 237-55.) Constitutional history of the United States, from their Declar- ation of Independence to the close of their Civil War. 2v. N. Y., 1897. Exchange of prisoners. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceedings. 1862. v. 5; P- 325-47.) History of the origin, formation, and adoption of the constitu- tion of the United States. 2v. N. Y., 1854. Life of Daniel Webster. 2v. N. Y., 1870. Life of James Buchanan. 2v. N. Y., 1883. Memoir of B. R. Curtis. {In Curtis, B. R., ed. Memoir of B. R. Curtis. 1879. v. i.) Curtis, George William. Address {In Vassar college. Addresses. 1890. p. 22-64.) Equal rights for all. n. p. n. d. Party and patronage, n. p. 1892. University of the state of New York. {In New York (state) : Univ. Regents' bulletin. 1890. no. 2.) ed. Motley, John Lothrop. Correspondence. 1900. Curtis, Rev. Jonathan. Historical sketch of Epsom, N. H. {In Coll. 1823. V. 2; p. 321-9.) Sermon at the funeral of John M'Clary. Cone, 1821. Topographical and historical sketch of Epsom, N. H. New ed. Pittsf., 1885. Curtis, Joseph Story. Silver-lead deposit of Eureka, Nevada. Wash., 1884. (^w U. S.: Gcol. survey. Monographs. 1884. v. 7-) Curtis, Laura J. Christine; or, Woman's trials and triumphs. N. Y., 1836. Curtis, Lester. Study of blood during a prolonged fast. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1882, v. 30; p. 95-104.) Curtis, Moses Ashley, D. D. Botany of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1867. Curtis, Col. Newton Martin. Address. {In Proctor, T. R., camp. Presentation of battle flags. 1898. p. 61-79.) Capture of Fort Fisher. {In Loval legion of' U. S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. v. i; p. 299-327.) Curtis, Samuel, comp. Curtis's pocket almanack. 1797-1809. Curtis's pocket almanack. 1800-09. Curtis, Thomas B., M. D. Metric system in medicine and phar- macy, n. p. 1877. Curtis, William Eleroy. Existing autographs of Christopher Co- , lumbus. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 445-518.) Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. Wash., 1889. ed. Columbo Christoforo. Authentic letters of Columbus. ^ 1895. Curtis, William T. S. Cabin John bridge. (In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. 2; p. 293-307.) Curtiss, Charles F. Raising sheep for mutton. Wash., 1899. Un U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1899. no. 96.) 340 AUTHOR LIST. Curtiss, Charles F. Some essentials in beef production. Wash., 1898. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1898. no. 71.) Curtiss, Samuel Ives, D. D. Plea for more thorough study of the Semitic languages in America. Chic, 1879. Curwen, Samuel. Journal and letters of the late Samuel Curwen, Judge of Admiralty, etc., an American refugee in England from 1775 to 1784; ed. by G. A. Ward. N. Y., 1842. Cus, Rev. A. J. Lourdes from 1858 to the present time; an account of its wonders with meditations appropriate for the month of Mary. Manch., 1889. Cushing, Abel. Historical letters on the first charter of Massachu- setts government. Bost., 1839. Cushing, Brig.-gen. Caleb. Eulogy on Lafayette. Dover, 1834. History and present state of Newburyport. Newburyport, 1826. Review historical and political of the late Revolution in France and of the consequent events in Europe. 2v. Bost, 1833. Speeches in the house of representatives of Mass. on the subject of the currency and public deposits. Salem, 1834. anon. To my constituents. Wash., 1841. Cushing, Rev. Christopher. Discourse at the funeral of Dea. Tyler Batcheller at North Brookfield, Mass., 1862. Bost., 1864. Cushing, Ernest Watson, M. D. Diagnosis of pelvic tumors. Cone, 1889. History and value of antiseptics. Bost., 1886. ed. Annals of gynaecology, v. 1-2. 4888-9. Cushing, Frank Hamilton. Arrow. {In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 199-240.) Cushing, H. P., and Weinschenk, E. Zur genauen kenntnis der phonolithe des Hegaus. Wein, n. d. Cushing, Harry A. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth government in Massachusetts. {In Columbia Univ.: Faculty of political sci. Studies. 1896. v. 7, no. i. 281P.) Cushing, Rev. James R. Historical discourse at the i6oth anniver- sary of the organization of the ist Congregational church in Wells, Me. Portl., 1851. Cushing, Rev. John. Half century sermon, delivered at Ashburn- ham, Nov. 3, 1818. Wore, 1819. Cushing, L. S., tr. Mittermaier, Carl Joseph Anton, M. D. Effect of drunkenness upon criminal responsibility and the application of punishment. Bost., 1840. Cushing, Lemuel. Genealogy of the Cushing family. Montreal, 1877. Cushing, Marshall. Story of our Post Office. Bost., 1893. Cushing, Thomas. Gideon French Thayer. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 362-75.) Letters. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. v. 34; p. 347-66.) Private schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1880. p. 51-78.) Cushing, William. Initials and pseudonyms; a dictionary of liter- ary disguises; second series. 2v. N. Y., 1885-8. Cushing, William L. Theatre of Thoricus. {In Amer. school of class studies at Athens. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 21-34.) Cushing academy, Ashburnham {Mass.). Addresses at the dedica- tion, Sept. 7, 1875. Gardner, 1876. Annual catalogue, 1880-5, '86-94, '95-9. v. 6-10, 12-19, 21-4. Ashburnham, 1880-99. Where it is, what it is, and what it does. n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 341 Cushman, Rev. David Quimby. Ancient settlement of Sheepscot. {In Me. hist. soc. Col., 1856. v. 4; p. 209-33.) History of ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle, including early Pemaquid, Damariscotta and other places. Bath, 1882. Weymouth's voyage. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. v. 6; p. 307-18.) Cushman, Henry Wyles. Historical and biographical genealogy of the Cushmans. Bost., 1855. and Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet. Proceedings at the Cush- man celebration at Plymouth, Aug. 15, 1855. Bost., 1855. Cushman, James M. Cohannet alewives and the ancient grist mill at the falls of Mill river. {In Old Col. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 5; P- 7I-93-) Cushman, Robert. Discourse. {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles, 1841. p. 253-68.) Sin and danger of self-love described in a sermon preached at Plymouth in New England, 1621. Bost., 1846. Cussans, J. E. Notes on the Perkin Warbeck insurrection. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1875. v. i; p. 61-77.) Cust, Sir Edward. Es-Sukhra. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. V. 2; p. 15-31.) Custer,' Mrs. Elizabeth (Bacon), anon. General Custer at the battle of the Little Big Horn, June 25, 1876. N. Y., 1897. Custine, Astolphe, mcrq. dc. Russia, tr. fr. the French. N. Y., 1854, Cutbush, Edward, M. D. Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers and sailors. Phil., 1808. Cutcheon, Byron M. Fifty years of growth in Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 22; p. 479-502.) Cutler, Rev. Calvin. Our liberties in danger. Cone, 1835. Cutler, Rev. Charles. War, a necessary evil; a sermon delivered at the funeral of W. R. Marden. Manch., 1863. ' Christian principle applied to temperance. Keene, 1844. Cutler, Elbridge Gerry, M. D., and Garland, G. M., M. D. Percus- sion outlines. Bost., 1882. Cutler, Julia Perkins, and Cutler, William Parker. Life, journals and correspondence of Rev. Manassah Cutler. 1888. Cutler, Rev. Manassah. Account of some of the vegetable produc- tions naturally growing in this part of America, botannically arranged. {In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1785. v. i; p. 396-494-) • Description of Ohio. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 40.) Meteorological observations at Ipswich in 1781-3. {In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1785. v. i; p. 32)^-72.) New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, ed. by J. F. Tuttle. {In N. J. Hist. soc. Proceed. 1874. v. 13; p. 73-96.) Cutler, Nahum Sawin, comp. Cutler memorial and genealogical his- tory. Greenfield, 1889. Cutler, Thomas, M. D. Surgeon's practical guide in dressing and in the methodic application of bandages. Phil., 1838. {Bound with Dickson, S. H., M. D. On dengue. 1839.) Cutler, William Parker, and Cutler, Julia Perkins. Life, journals and correspondence of Rev. Mannassah Cutler. 2v. Cine, 1888. Cutter, Benjamin, M. D., comp. History of the Cutter family in New England; rev. and enl. by W. R. Cutter. Bost, 1871-5. Cutter, Benjamin F. Oration delivered in Union hall. East Jaf- frey, N. H., on Columbus day. 1892. n. p. n. d. Cutter, Calvin, M. D. Anatomy and physiology. Ed. 4. Bost., 1847. 342 AUTHOR LIST. Cutter, Calvin, M. D. First book on anatomy, physiology, and hygfene for grammar schools and families. Rev. ed. Bost, 1853. Rev. ed. N. Y., i860. ■ New analytic anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, human and comparative. Phil., 1870. Treatise on anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, designed for colleges, academies, and families. New ed. Bost, 1849. New ed. Bost, 1850. Rev. ed. Bost., 1852. Rev. ed. Bost, 1853. Cutter, Charles Ammi. Author-marks, n. p. n. d. Boston Athenaeum, how to get books with an explanation of the new way of marking books. Bost., 1882. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. Wash., 1876. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Public libraries. 1876. pt. 2.) Ed. 3. Wash., 1889. Ed. 3. Wash., 1891. comp. Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the library; 1807- 187 1. 1874-82. Cutter, Daniel Bateman, M. D. History of the town of Jafifrey, N. H. Cone, 1881. • Cutter, Ephraim, M. D. Contribution to the treatment of uterine versions and flexions. Ed. 2. Bost., 1876. Esoteric beauty and utility of the microscope; with a bibli- ography of Cutter's writing. N. Y., 1892. Monograph thyrotomy for the removal of laryngeal growths modified. Bost., 1871. Primer of the clinical microscope. Bost., 1879. Cutter, George R., M. D., tr. and ed. Frey, Heinrich, M. D. Micro- scope and microscopical technology. 1872. Cutter, William Richard. Contributions to a bibliography of the local history of Woburn, Mass. (In Woburn (Mass.). Woburn records, 1640 to 1873. 1892-3. v. 4; p. 179-219. v. 5; p. 175-80.) and Johnson, Edward F., comp. Transcript of epitaphs in Wo- burn first and second burial grounds. Woburn, 1890. and Loring, Arthur G. Woburn men in the Indian and other wars previous to the year 1754. 1897. contin. Cutter, Benjamin, M. D., comp. History of the Cutter family in New England. 1871-5. Cutting, Hiram A., M. D. Address upon farm pests. Manch., 1879. Lectures on milk, fertilization, birds, insects, forestry, etc. Montp., 1884. Lectures on plants, fertilization, insects, forestry, etc. Montp., 1882. Meteorological tables and climatology of Vermont. Montp., 1877. Microscopic revelations, fungi, and animalcules. Montp., 1878. Mining in Vermont, address before a meeting of the State board of agriculture, manufactures, and mining at Burlington. Montp., 1872. Notes on building stones, also on plant growth. Montp., 1880. Cutting, James A. Short treatise on the care and management of bees. Bost., 1847. Cutts, James Madison. Dolly Madison. (In Columbia hist. soc. Records. 1900. v. 3; p. 28-72.) Cutts, John, baron. Letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1886. V. 22; p. 171-99.) Cutts, Mary. Autobiography of a clock and other poems. Bost, 1852. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 343 Cutts, Mrs. Mary Pepperrell Sparhawk (Jarvis). Life and times of William Jarvis of Weathersfield, Vt. N. Y., 1869. Sketch of Mrs. William Jarvis of Weathersfield, Vt., ed. by C. H. C. Howard. Salem, 1887. Cutts, Richard. Some letters; ed. by H. S. Burrage. (In Me. hist, soc. 1898. V. 19; p. I5-45-) Cuvier, Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert, baron. Dis- course on the revolutions of the surface of the globe. Phil., 1831. Essay on the theory of the earth; with mineralogical notes by Professor Jameson, and observations on the geology of North America by S. L. Mitchell. N. Y., 1818. Cycling gazette, official organ of Century road club of America, weekly, v. 9-T0; v. 14, no. 2. Cleve., 1899-1900. Cyclopaedia of obstetrics and gynecology. I2v. N. Y., 1887. Cyclopedic review of current history; quarterly for 1890-1900. v. i-io. Detroit, 1892-1901. Note : title of v. 1-2, Quarterly register of current history, v. 3-date pub. at Buffalo. Cygnet boat club. Constitution, by-laws, rules, and names of char- ter members. Manch., 1883. D., D. R., pseud. Bibliography of the writings and reported ad- dresses of Francis A. Walker. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1897. V. 5; no. 38; p. 276-90.) D., J., pseud., comp. Vermont asylum for the insane; its annals for fifty years. Brattleboro, 1887. D., J. W., pseud. History of the gerrymander. Bost., 1892. Dabney, Charles William. Land-grant colleges and the national defense, n. p. n. d. (In U. S.: Exper. stations, office of. Cir- cular, no. 40.) North Carolina phosphates. Raleigh, 1884. Vivisection in the District of Columbia. Wash., 1896. Dabney, Jonathan Peele, anon. Remarks on the Harvard triennial. n. p. n. d. comp. Selection of hymns and psalms for social and private worship. Ed. 9. Bost., 1828. Dabney, R. H. Is history a science? (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 263-72.) Dabney, Robert L., D. D. Life of Lt.-gen. T. J. Jackson; ed. by Rev. W. Chalmers. 2v. Lond., 1864-6. Dabney, W. D. Public regulation of railways. N. Y., 1889. (Ques- tions of the day.) Dacier, Andre, ed. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. CEuvres. 1727. Da Costa, Jacob M., M. D. Inhalations in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory passages. Phil., 1867. Medical diagnosis with special reference to practical medicine. Phil., 1864. Ed. 2, rev. Phil., 1866. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1870. On strain and over action of the heart. Wash., 1874. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 15.) ed. Kolliker, Albrecht. Manual of human microscopical anat- omy. 1854. Dadant & Son, Charles, ed. Langstroth, Rev. Lorenzo Lorrain. Langstroth on the hive and honey bee. 1896. Dadd, George H. American cattle doctor. N. Y., 1898. 344 AUTHOK LIST. Daddow, Samuel Harries, and Bannan, Benjamin. Coal, iron, and oil; or, The practical American miner. Pottsville, 1866. Dafert, F. W. (Las) sustancias minerales del cafeto, tr. by H. Pittier. San Jose, 1896. Daggett, John. Sketch of the history of Attleborough from its settlement to the division; ed. by his daughter. Bost., 1894. Dahl, Ludwig. Heller's pathological chemistry of the urine; tr. by W. D. Moore. Dublin, 1855. Dahlgren, Rear adm. John Adolph. Maritime international law; ed. by Charles Cowley. Bost., 1877. Memoir of Ulric Dahlgren. Phil., 1872. Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeline Vinton, tr. Chambrun, Joseph Dominigue Adelbert de Pineton, comte de. Executive power in the U. S., a study of constitutional law. 1874. Dailey, Carl. Battle for governor in Kentucky, n. p. 1900. Dailey, Charlotte Field, ed. Rhode Island woman's directory. 1893. Daily Dartmouth, 1888; 1891; 1896, no. 1-3; 1897. Hanover, 1888-97. Note : before 1887 title was Dartmouth. Daily democratic press, Chicago. Annual review of the commerce, railroads and manufactures of Chicago for the year 1854-7. v. 3-6. Chic, 1854-7. Daily Kennebec journal. Augusta centennial souvenir. Augusta, 1897. Daily local news. West Chester past and present; centennial souvenir with celebration proceedings. W. Chester, 1899. Daily mirror and American, Dec. ig, 1874. Golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd, Dec. 18, 1874. Manch., 1874. Daily News. Almanac and political register for 1886-92, '94-1900. Chic, 1886- 1900. Dairymen's association of British Columbia. Report for 1896-7. Victoria, 1897. Dakota: Immigration, commissioner of. Biennial report, v. 2. Bism. 1888. Dictionary of Dakota. Aberdeen, n. d. 1887; resources of Dakota. Sioux Falls, 1887. Territory of Dakota. Aberdeen, 1889. : Public instruction, supt. of. Act to establish a public school law for Dakota. Elk Point, 1877. Annual report for 1877, '84, '88. v. 5-8, 15, 19. v. p. 1877-88. Note : v. 5-7 in 379.7 D135. : Railroad commissioners. Annual report, v. 3. Bism., 1887. : University. Annual catalogue of the officers and students for 1883-4. Huron, 1884. Dakota medical society. See South Dakota medical society. Dakota school of mines. Preliminary report upon geology, mineral resources, and mills of the Black Hills of Dakota. Rapid City, 1888. Daldy, Thomas M., M. D., ed. Addison, Thomas, M. D. Collection of his published writings. 1868. Dale, James W., M. D. Essay upon the question, Is medical sci- ence favorable to scepticism? Phil., 1839. (Bound with Hunter, John. Lectures on the principles of surgery. 1839.) Dale, T. Nelson. Harmony between Christian faith and physical science. Paterson, 1876. Study on the rhaetic strata of the Val di Ledro in southern Tyrol. Paterson, 1876. Pumpelly, Raphael, and Wolff, J. E. Geology of the Green mountains in Massachusetts. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Mono- graphs. 1894. no. 23.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEAKY. 345 Dale, Thomas, M. D., tr. Friend, John, M. D. Nine commentaries upon fevers. i730- Dalhunty, tr, Delgado, J. F. N. Da existencia do homem no nosso soio em tempos mui remotas provada pelo estudo das cavernas. 1867. . . ' tr. Ribeiro, Carlos. Description de terrain quaternaire des basins de Tage et du Sado. 1866. Dall, C. H., comp. Savage, James. Genealogical notes and errata to his Genealogical dictionary, n. d. {Bound with his Genealogi- cal cross index.) Dall, Mrs. Caroline H. Romance of the association; or, One last glimpse of Charlotte Temple and Eliza Wharton. Camb., 1875. Dall, Rev. Charles Henry Appleton, anon. From Calcutta to Lon- don by the Suez canal. Calcutta, 1869. Dall, William Healey. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 423-36.) Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 209-19.) Cruise of the steam yacht Wild Duck in the Bahamas, 1893; notes on the shells collected. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1894. v. 25; p. 113-23.) Diagnosis of new species of mollusks from the west coast of America. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 7-20.) Diagnosis of new tertiary fossils from the southern United States. {In U. S.: national museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 21-46.) Index to the names which have been applied to the sub- divisions of the class brachiopoda excluding the rudistes pre- vious to the year 1877. Wash., 1877. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. V. 13.) Wash., 1877. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1877. no. 8.) Instructions for collecting mollusks, and other useful hints of the conchologist. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1892. no. 36g.) List of a collection of shells from the gulf of Aden. Chic, 1898. {In Field Columbian museum. Zoological ser. v. i.) List of marine mollusca, from American localities between Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 24.) Mollusks and brachiopods of the Bahama expedition. {In la.: Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 12-27.) Monograph of the genus gnathodon. Gray (rangia, desmou- 1ms). {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 189S. v. 17: o 89-106.) ^' ^ Native tribes of Alaska. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of SCI. Proceed. 1886. v. 34; p. 363-80.) -Notes on some Floridan land and fresh water shells. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. v. 8; p. 255-89.) -On a collection of shells sent from Florida by H. Hemphill. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 318-42.) On certain lempets and chitons from the deep waters off the eastern coast of the U. S. {In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1882. V. 4; p. 400-14.) (^w Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22: pt 2-0 400-14.) *^ ' ^' On some peculiarities of the Eskimo dialect. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1871. v. 19; p. 332-48.) 346 AUTHOR LIST. Dall, William Healey. On the distribution of the native tribes of Alaska. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1870. V. 18; p. 263-72.) On the genera of chitons. {In U. S.: National ^museum. Pro- ceed. 1882. V. 4; p. 279-91.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 279-91.) On the remains of later pre-historic man obtamed from caves in the Catherina archipelago, Alaska territory. Wash., 1878. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1880. v. 22.) Preliminary catalogue of the shell-bearing marine moUusks and brachiopods of the southeastern coast of the U. S. Wash., 1889. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1889. no. 2>7-) Preliminary report on the mollusca. {In Harvard univ.: Mu- seum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1881. v. 9; p. 33-144.) Report of the committee on zoological nomenclature. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1878. v. 25; p. 7-56.) Report on the limpets and chitons of the Alaskan and Arctic regions. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 281-344.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 281-344.) Report on the mollusca, brachiopoda, and pelecypoda. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1886. v. 12; p. 171-318.) Report on the mollusks collected by the international bound- ary commission of the United States and Mexico. 1892-4. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 2>2>Z-79-) Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1890. V. 12; p. 219-362.) {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 173-91.) {In U. S.: National museum. Proceedings. 1895. v. 17; p. 675-733.) Supplementary notes on some species of mollusks of the Behring sea and vicinity. {In U. S. : National museum. Pro- ceed. 1887. V. 9; p. 297-309.) Synopsis of the recent and tertiary leptonacea of North America and the West Indies. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 873-97.) Tribes of the extreme northwest. Wash., 1877. {In U. S.: Geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region. Contrib. 1877. V. I.) and Guppy, R. J. Lechmere. Descriptions of tertiary fossils from the Antillean region. {In U. S. : National museum. Pro- ceed. 1897. V. 19; p. 303-31.) and Harris, Gilbert Dennison. Correlation papers; neocene. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 84.) ed. Nadaillac, Jean Frangois Albert du Pouget, marq. de. Pre- historic America. 1890. ed. Orcutt, Charles R. Notes on the mollusks of the vicinity of San Diego, Cal. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1886. V. 8; p. 534-52.) Dallas, Robert Charles, tr. Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine Fran- gois. Annals of the French Revolution. 1800-2. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 347 Dallinger, Frederick William. Nominations for elective offices in the United States. N. Y., 1897. (Harvard historical studies, no. 4.) Dalrymple, Rev. E. A., ed. White, Rev. Andrew. Narrative of a voyage to Maryland. {In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1874-7. no. 7.) Dalton, John Call,'M. D. History of the College of physicians and surgeons in the city of New York; medical department of Columbia college. N. Y., 1888. New method of determining the position of absorption bands in the spectrum of colored organic fluids. {In N. Y. acad. of med. Trans. 1876. v. 5; P- 17-24.) Treatise on human physiology, designed for the use of stu- dents and practitioners. Phil., 1859. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Phil., 1861. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1864. Ed. 6, rev. Phil., 1875. Ed. 7. Phil., 1882. Treatise on physiology and hygiene; for schools, families, and colleges. N. Y., 1868. Dalton (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year 1876, '90-1902. V. p. 1876-1902. Daly, John Bowles. Dawn of radicalism. Lond., 1892. (Social science series, no, 47.) Dalzel> Andrew. Analekta Hellenika hessona; sive collectanea Graeca minora ad usum tironum accomodata. Ed. 5. Camb., 1831. Dalzell, James M., comp., anon. John Gray of Mount Vernon, the last soldier of the Revolution. Wash., 1868. Dalzell, John. Scotch-Irish in Western Pennsylvania. {In Scotch- Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1890. v. 2; p. 175-91.) Damon, Howard Franklin, M. D. Neuroses of the skin; their pathology and treatment. Phil., 1868. Structural lesions of the skin; their pathology and treatment. Phil., 1869. Damon, Rev. Norwood. Memorial of the Boston veteran firemen's association, n. p. n. d. Damrell & Moore and George Coolidge, pub. Boston almanac for the year, 1851-61. v. 16-26. 1851-61. Dana, Charles Anderson. Art of newspaper making; three lec- tures. N. Y., 1895. Eastern journey, some notes on travel in Russia, in the Cau- casus, and to Jerusalem. N. Y., 1898. Lincoln and his cabinet. Cleve., 1896. Recollections of the Civil War. N. Y., 1898. ed. United States illustrated in views of city and country with descriptive articles. N. Y. n. d. and Bowman, Francis C, comp. Household book of songs for four voices. 1872. and Ripley, George, ed. American cyclop.nedia. 1881. and Wilson, Maj.-gen. James Harrison. Life of U. S. Grant. Springf., 1868. Dana, Daniel, D. D. Connection between moral and intellectual improvement. Exeter, 1817. Discourse addressed to the New Hampshire auxiliary colon- ization society at their first annual meeting. Concord, June 2, 1825. Cone, 1825. Discourse delivered at the interment of Rev. John Boddily. Newburyport, 1802. Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian church in New- buryport, Nov. 19, 1844; it being the 50th anniversary of the author's ordination. Newburyport, 1845. 348 AUTHOB LIST. Dana, Daniel, D. D. Election sermon preached before the gover- nor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hampshire, June 5, 1823. Cone, 1823. {In N. H. election sermons. t8i6-6t.) Have the churches the presence of Christ? Newburyport, 1851. Importance of a purified literature. Bost., 1834. Ministerial firmness, sermon at the installation of Rev. J. M. C. Bartlev. Newburyport, 1836. Remonstrance addressed to the trustees of Phillips academy, on the state of the theological seminary under their care, Sept., 1849. Bost, 1853- ,^ ^ Sermon at the ordination of the Rev. W. K. Talbot. Cone, 1826. Sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Harriot Putnam, June 17, 1832. Ports., 1832. ■ Sermon on the atonement, preached at the annual convention of the Congregational and Presbyterian ministers of the state of New Hampshire, June 2, 1824. Cone, 1824. Dana, Edward Salisbury. Crystallographic study of the thinolite of Lake Lahontan. Wash., 1884. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1884. no. 12.) First appendix to the 6th ed. of Dana's System of miner- alogy, completing the work to 1899. N. Y., 1899. James Dwight Dana. n. p. 1895. • and Scrauf, A. On the thermo-electrical properties of some minerals. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1875. v. 23; p. 66-80.) ed. American journal of science and arts. v. 155-60. 1898- 1900. ed. Dana, James Dwight. System of mineralogy. 1895. Dana, Francis. Leonora of the Yawmish. N. Y., 1897. Dana, Henry Swan. History of Woodstock, Vermont. Bost, 1889. Dana, James. Memoir of Samuel Dana, also, memoirs of the late Capt. Luther Dana, and his sons, by Mrs. J. F. Dana. Camb., 1877. Dana, James Dwight Address before the American association for the advancement of science, August, 1855. Salem, 1855. ■ Address on retiring from the duties of president {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 9; p. 1-36.) Corals and coral islands. N. Y., 1872. • Crustacea. 2v. Phil., 1852. {In U. S. : Exploring expedition. Narrative. 1852. v. 13-14.) Note : continuously paged. Geological story briefly told. N. Y., 1875. ■ Geology. Phil., 1849. {In U. S.: Exploring expedition. Nar- rative. 1849. v. 10.) Manual of geology; treating of the principles of the science with special reference to American geological history. Phil., 1863. N. Y., 1874. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1895. Manual of mineralogy and lithology. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1878. ;- Plan of development in the geological history of North Amer- ica. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. V. ID, pt. 2; p. 1-17.) Science and scientific schools. N. H., 1856. Synopsis of geological lectures in Yale college, n. p. n. d. Note: with class annotations probably by C. H. Hitchcock. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 349 Dana, James Dwight. System of mineralogy, including an ex- tended treatise on crystallography. N. H., 1837. 2V. in I. N. Y., 1854. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1868. 1869. Ed. 6, enl. N. Y., 1895. Text-book of geology. Phil., 1868. Thoughts on species. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1858. v. 11, pt. 2; p. 96-108.) Zoophytes. Phil., 1846. (In U. S.: Explormg expedition. Narrative. 1846. v. 7.) , , ., Dana, James Freeman, M. D. Epitome of chymical philosophy. Cone, 1825. and Dana, Samuel L., M. D. Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vicinity. Bost., 1818. Dana, Mrs. James Freeman. James Freeman Dana. {In Dana, James. Memoir of Samual Dana. 1877. p. 29-38.) Dana, John Cotton, comp. Drawing and art in the schools. Den- ver, 1896. Dana, Rev. Joseph. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Daniel Dana. Newburyport, i795- Dana, Malcolm McG., D. D. History of the origin and growth of Carleton college. Rev. ed. Minneapolis, 1885. Norwich memorial; annals of Norwich, New London county, Conn., in the Great Rebellion of 1861-65. Norwich, 1873. Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-82. Enemy's territory and alien ene- mies, what the supreme court decided in the prize causes. Bost., 1864. Oration at Lexington, April 19, 1875. Bost., 1875. Seaman's friend, containing a treatise on practical seamanship. Ed. 8, rev. Bost., 1856. Speech at Manchester, N. H., Feb. 19, 1861. Bost., 1861. Dana, Richard Henry, 1851-. Civil service reform, attack and de- fense in Mass. legislature. Bost., 1901. Dana, Rev. Samuel. Sermon at the installation of Daniel Dana. Newburyport, 1822. Dana, Samuel Luther, M. D. Lead pipe, its danger. Lowell, 1848. Manures; a prize essay. Lowell, 1844. Muck manual for farmers. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1856. Ed. 5. N. Y. n. d. and Dana, James Freeman, M. D. Outlines of the mineralogy and geology of Boston and its vicinity. 1818, ed. Tanquerel des Planches, L. Lead diseases. 1848. 1850. Dana, Rev. Stephen W. Sermon in memory of E. A. Rollins. Phil.(?) n. d. Dana, William B., comp. United States tariff of 1861, arranged in alphabetical order. N. Y., 1861. Danbury (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1881-5, '88, '90-1902. v. p. 1881-1902. : School hoard. Annual report for 1887-8. Danbury, i388. Note: earlier reports made by school visitors. : School visitors, hoard of. Report for the school year ending Aug., 1867, '88. Danbury, 1867-88. Dane, Nathan. Letter concerning the Ordnance of 1787. Indian- apolis, 1897. {In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 67-74.) Danforth, George Flavel, ed. United States catalog. 1899. Danforth, Rev. James R. Central Congregational church, Phila- delphia, 1864-1884; sermon preached at the 20th anniversary of the church and loth of the present pastorate, May 25, 1884. Phil., 1884. 360 AUTHOR LIST. Danforth, Rev. James R. Central Congregational church, Phil- adelphia; sermon preached at the dedication of the new organ, April 6, 1884. n, p. n. d. Danforth papers, (hi Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1826. v. 18; p. 46- 112.) Daniel, F. E., M. D., ed. Daniel's Texas medical journal. 1885-93. Daniel, John Warwick. At the dedication of the Washington monument. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. V. 4; p. 1608-22.) {In U. S.: Congress: Dedication of the Washington na- tional monument, p. 78-112.) Daniel, Moses Grant. Proper scope and plan of courses of study for public schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures, 1870. p. 129-48.) Daniel Webster steam fire engine company, no. i. Constitution and by-laws. Franklin Falls, 1881. Daniel Whitcher. n. p. i894(?) Daniell, William, ed. Gaunter, Rev. Hobart. Oriental annual; or. Scenes in India. 1835. Daniels, A. L. Note on Weierstrass' method in the theory of ellip- tic functions. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. v. 6; p. 178-82, 253-69. 1885. V. 7; p. 82-99.) Daniels, George F. History of the town of Oxford, Mass. Ox- ford, 1892. Daniels, George H. American railroads, their relation to commer- cial, industrial, and agricultural interests, n. p. n. d. Daniels, J. M., anon. Life of Stonewall Jackson by a Virginian; reprinted from the Richmond ed. N. Y., 1863. Daniel's Texas medical journal, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery, ed. by F. E. Daniel, v. i; v. 2, no. 1-9, 11; v. 3; v. 4, no. 1-9, 11-12; V. 5, no. 2, 5-6, 8-9, 11-12; V. 6, no. 1-7, 9-12; v. 7; V. 8, no. 2, 4-12. Austin, 1885-93. Note : v. 9-date title was Texas medical journal. Dankars, Jasper, and Sluyter, Peter. Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the American colonies in 1679-80, tr. by H. C. Murphy. Brooklyn, 1867. {In Long Island hist, soc. Memoirs. 1867. v. i; p. 1-106.) Danryid, Lemuel. History and philosophy of the eight-hour move- ment. {In Amer. federation of labor. Pub. 1889. no. 3.) Dante society. Annual report, v. i, 2, 4-5, 7-19. Camb., 1882-1901. D'Anvers, N., pseud. See Bell, Mrs. Nancy R. E. (Meugens). Danvers (Mass.). Report of the committee appointed to revise the soldiers' record. Danvers, 1895. Danvers (Mass.) First church. Salem witchcraft. {In Mass. hist, soc. Coll. 1833. V. 23; p. 169-80.) Danvers railroad company. Memorial concerning the Boston and Maine railroad, n. p. 1856. Danville (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1881-5, '89, '91-1901. Exeter, 1881-1901. : Public library. Catalogue, n. p. 1896. Darby, John F. Address before the Mo. hist, soc, April, 1881, on the occasion of the presentation of a portrait of Samuel Gaty to the society. {In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. 1881. no. 5.) Darby, W. Evans. Military drill in schools. Bost. n. d. Darby, William. Emigrant's guide to the western and southwest- ern states and territories. N. Y., 1818. Map of the state of Louisiana with part of the Mississippi territory. Phil., 1816. Note : scale 10 miles to 1 inch. Tour from the city of New York to Detroit in the Michigan territory. N. Y., 1819. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 351 Darby, William, and Dwight, Theodore, 1796- 1866. New gazetteer of the United States of America. Hartf., 1833. Dargan, Edwin Charles, D. D. Baptist preacher for the times; in- augural address, Southern Baptist theological seminary, Oct. i, 1892. n. p. n. d. Dark secret, pub monthly, v. i, no. 1-8, 10. Manch., 1893-4. Darkness brought to light; a poem revealing the mysteries of Sam. Derry, 1855. Darling, Col. Charles William. Egypt, its monuments and the work of the Egypt exploration fund. Ed. 2. n. p. 1898. Darling, Charles William. Historical account of some of the more important versions and editions of the Bible, n. p. 1894. Darling, Mrs. Flora Adams. Founding and organization of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Daughters of the Revolution. Phil., 1901. Mrs. Darling's letters, or. Memories of the Civil War. N. Y., 1883. War episode; or, History of the Darling claim vs. the United States, based on violation of a flag of truce. Phil., 1900. Darling, Henry, D. D. Inaugural address. (In Hamilton college. Pub. exercises at inauguration of Darling. 1881. p. 18-42.) Darling, William, M. D., and Ranney, Ambrose L., M. D. Essentials of anatomy. N. Y., 1880. Darlington, William, M. D. Flora Cestrica; an herborizing com- panion for the young botanists of Chester county, Penn. Ed. 3. Phil., 1853. Plea for a national museum and botanic garden to be founded on the Smithsonian Institution. West-Chester, 1841. Darrow, David, and others. Testimony of Christ's second appear- ing. Ed. 2. Alb., 1810. Dartmouth college. Addresses of the living graduates of Dart- rnouth college, the medical college and the Thayer school of civil engineering, n. p. 1894. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1820, '22, '24-1902. v. p. 1820-1901. 1893-4. Ed. 2, Hanover, 1893. 1897-8. Ed. 2. Hanover, 1897. Catalogus senatus academici et eorum qui munera et officia academica gesserunt quique alicujus gradus laurea donati sunt; 1798, 1804, '07, '13-14, '16, '22-73. Hanoverae, 1798-1873. Note: wanting 1792-8, 1801, '10, '19. Centennial celebration, July 21, 1869. Hanover, 1870. Charter, n. p. n. d. Hanover, 1816. Class day, 1857-8, '60-2, '66-71, '73, '75-80, '83-9, 'QI-?- v. p. 1857-97. Note : none pub. in 1890. Course of study, 1882-3. n. p. 1882. Dedication of Rollins chapel and Wilson Hall, June 24, 1885. n. p. 1886. Exercises at the inauguration of Bartlett as president of Dart- mouth, June 27, 1877- Cone, 1877. Exercises at the laying of the corner-stones of the Rollins chapel and of Wilson Hall, June 25, 1884. Hanover, 1884. Exercises for commencement, 1856. Hanover, 1856. General catalogue, 1880, '89. Hanover, 1880-90. Laws. Cone, 1825. Hanover, 1832. Hanover, 1837. Cone, 1842. 352 AUTHOR LIST. Dartmouth college laws. Hanover, 1849. Hanover, 1866. Hanover, 1877. Hanover, 1891. ^,00 »o o Order of exercises at Commencement, 1842-6, 48-83, 85-0, '91-2, '96-8. V. p. 1844-97. Program of the Webster centennial celebrating the looth anni- versary of the graduation of Daniel Webster. Hanover, 1901. Programs, etc. v. p. v. d. Relation of the college and the schools, n. p. 1893. Requirements for admission in 1898. n. p. 1898. Summer school, 1901. n. p. 1901. Webster centennial, Sept., 1901. n. p. 1901. : Chandler scientific department. See Chandler school of science and the arts. : Class of 1877. Reports of the secretaries, 1878-85, '87, '89-92, '95, '97-1901. V. p. 1878-1901. : Class of 1878. Annual report of the secretaries, 1879-87. v. 1-9. V. p. 1879-87. : Class of 1884. 1884-1894; menu and song for the reunion. Montp., 1894. : Class of 1885. Report of the class of '85 of Dartmouth col- lege; 1885-93, '95- V. 1-4. V. p. 1888-95. aftermath, n. p. 1885. : Class of 1887. Report, Dartmouth class of '87; 1899. Bost., 1899. : Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. See Delta Kappa Epsilon fra- ternity: Pi chapter. : Gamma Sigma society. See Gamma Sigma society. : Junior class, ed. yEgis. 1858-96. : Kappa Kappa Kappa society. See Kappa Kappa Kappa society of Dartmouth college. : Library. Catalogue. Cone, 1825. : Literary societies. Anniversary exercises of the literary soci- eties of Dartmouth college Nov. 18, 1870. n. p. 1870. — ^ : Musical societies. Sacred oratorio as performed by the Handel society and the Piermont and Orford Hubbard musical society at Hanover, July 2, 1818. Hanover, 1818. : Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. See Phi Beta Kappa fraternity: Alpha of New Hampshire. : Phi Zeta Mu society. See Phi Zeta Mu society. : Philotechnic society. See Philotechnic society. : Senior class, ed. Dartmouth. 1839-99. : Sigma Delta Pi society. See Sigma Delta Pi society. : Society of social friends. See Society of social friends. : Society of united fraternity. See Society of united fraternity. : Thayer school of civil engineering. See Thayer school of civil engineering. : Theological society. See Theological society of Dartmouth col- lege. : Treasurer. Report for the year 1861-7, '78, '84-1900. v. p. 1861-1900. : Trustees. Report on a memorial of the alumni of Dartmouth and the vicinity. Bost, 1858. Report on the recent investigation in reference to Dartmouth college. Cone, 1881. : Trustees vs. William H. Woodward. General outline of the argument on the part of the professors, n. p. n. d. Dartmouth college alumni association of the Northwest. Circular. Minneapolis, 1885. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 353 Dartmouth college club. Constitution, n. p. n. d. Dartmouth college glee, mandolin, and guitar clubs. Concert at the Nute high school, Milton, N. H., Jan. 2, 1900. n. p. 1900. Dartmouth, daily edition; 1881, June 28-30; '83, June 27-28; '84,. June 23-26, Oct. 3; '85, June 24-25; '86, June 21-24; '87, June 27- 30; '88, June 25-28; '91, June 22-25; '96, June 20, 22, 23; '97, June 26, 28-30. Hanover, 1881-97. Note: four issues annually during commei>cement week. After 1887 title is Daily Dartmouth. Dartmouth directory, annual, i895-7- St. Johnsbury, 1895-6. Dartmouth educational association. By-laws. n. p. n. d. Dartmouth literary monthly, ed. by students of the senior and junior classes, v. 1-12; v". 13, no. 1-3, 5-8; v. 14. Hanover, 1886- 1900. Dartmouth medical college. Annual course of lectures, 1884. Han- over, 1884. Circular, 1842, '45, '76-81, '83, '85-93- v. p. 1842-93. Circular of information, 1895-8, 1900, 1902. Hanover, 1895- 1902. New Hampshire medical institution, n. p. 1824. Dartmouth cestrus, annual, v. i, no. 3. Hanover, 1855. Dartmouth phoenix, v. 1-4. Hanover, 1855-8. Dartmouth, pub. by the students of Dartmouth college, v. 1-38. Hanover, 1839-99. Notk: v. 1-14, monthly; v. 15-date, weekly. None pub. 1845-56. Darton, Nelson Horatio. Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic coastal plain region. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 138.) comp. Bibliography of North American geology for 1886. Wash., 1887. (/w U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1887. no. 44.) Catalogue and index of contributions to North American geology, 1732-1891. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bul- letins. 1896. no. 127.) comp. Record of North American geology for 1887 to 1889 in- clusive. Wash., 1891. {In U. S.: Geological survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 75.) comp. Record of North American geology for 1890. Wash., 189T. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 91.) Record of North American geology for 1891. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 99.) Relations of the traps of the Newark system in the New Jer- sey region. Wash., 1890. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1890. no. 67.) Underground waters of a portion of southeastern Nebraska. Wash., 1898. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Water supply and irriga- tion papers. 1898. no. 12.) Dartt, Justus, and Hubbard, C. Horace. History of the town of Springfield, Vt. 1895. Darwin, Charles Robert. Descent of man, and selection in rela- tion to sex. 2v. N. Y., 1871. Note : v. 2 wanting. — New ed. rev. N. Y., 1896. Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species. N. Y., 1896. Expression of the emotions in man and animals. N. Y., 1896. Formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms. N. Y., 1896. Geological observations on South America. Lond., 1846. Geological observations on the volcanic islands and parts of South America. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1896. 23 354 AUTHOR LIST. Darwin, Charles Robert. Insectivorous plants. N. Y., 1896. Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world. New ed. N. Y., 1896. Observations on the parallel roads of Glen Roy and of other parts of Lochaber in Scotland, with an attempt to prove that they are of marine origin. Lond., 1839. Note : from the Philosophical transactions, pt. 1, for 1839. On the connexion of certain volcanic phenomena in South America, n. p. 1838. On the distribution of the erratic boulders and on the contem- poraneous unstratified deposits of South America, n. p. 1841. On the formation of mould, n. p. 1837. Origin of species bj-^ means of natural selection. N. Y., i860. fr. the 6th and last Eng. ed. 2v. N. Y., 1896. Structure and distribution of coral reefs. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1896. Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2v. N. Y., 1896. and Darwin, Francis. Power of movement in plants. N. Y., 1896. Darwin, Erasmus, M. D. Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. 2v. N. Y., 1796-7. 3d Amer. ed. 2v. Bost., 1809. Darwin, Francis, ed. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. 2v. N. Y., 1896. and Darwin, Charles Robert. Power of movement in plants. 1896. Dascomb, Rev. A. B. Memorial record of Waitsfield, Vt. Montp., 1867. Dashiell, S. L. Map of the northern part of the state of Maine and of the adjacent British provinces, showing the portion of the state to which Great Britain lays claim. Wash., 1830. Note : scale 25 miles to 1 inch. Daubeny, Charles, M. D. Sketch of the geology of North America. Oxford, 1839. Daubree, Gabriel Augusta, anon. Rapport sur les progres de la geologic experimentale en France, n. p. 1867. Dauchy, Lieiit. George K. Battle of Ream's Station. (In Loyal legion of the U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; P- 125-40.) ed. Trobriand, Ma]. -gen. Phillippe Regis de. Four years with the Army of the Potomac. 1889. Daughters of Erin. Historical souvenir, convention. Concord, N. H., May 19, 1898. Cone, n. d. Daughters of liberty; Armenia White council, no. 11. By-laws. Manch., 1893. : Columbia council, no. 20. By-laws. Manch., 1895. Daughters of temperance: Blackmar union, no. 4. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1848. : Manchester union, no. 13. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1847. : Watch-tower union, no. 11. Constitution and by-laws. Nashua, 1849. Daughters of the American Revolution. Directory of the chap- ters, officers and members, 1895, '96, '98. Wash., 1895-8. Lineage book. v. 1-12. Harrisburg, 1895-1901. ed. American monthly magazine. 1898. : Ashuelot chapter. Keene's Revolutionary soldiers, and the house whence they started for Lexington. Keene, 1897. Daughters of the king. Hand-book. n. p. 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 366 Dauphin and Susquehanna coal company. Two reports; on the coal lands, mines, and improvements, and of the geological ex- aminations of the Stony Creek coal estate. Phil., 1840. Davenport, Charles Benedict. Cristatella, origin and development of the individual in the colony. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. 1890. v. 20; p. 101-51.) Observations on budding in paludicella and some other bry- ozoa. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1891. V. 22; p. I-II4-) Studies in morphogenesis, preliminary catalogue of the pro- cesses concerned in ontogeny. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1895. v. 27; p. I73-99-) Davenport, Frances Gardiner. Decay of villeinage in East Anglia. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 123-41.) Classified list of printed original materials for English mano- rial and agrarian history during the Middle Ages. Bost, 1894. (RadclifTe college. Monographs.) Davenport, Gertrude Crotty. Primitive streak and notochordal canal in chelonia. Bost, 1896. Davenport, M. F. Historical sketch of the library movement, in- cluding the establishment of a free public library in Council Bluffs, la. Council Bluffs, 1893. Davenport, Richard Alfred. Dictionary of biography; ist Amer. ed. Exeter, 1839. Exeter, 1841. 1st Amer. ed. Exeter, 1843. Davenport academy of natural sciences. Proceedings, 1867-89. V. 1-6: Davenport, 1876-89. Daves, Edward Graham. Maryland and North Carolina in the campaigns of 1780-1781. Bait., 1893. (In Md. hist. soc. Pub. no. 33.) Raleigh's new fort in Virginia, 1585. (In Hist. soc. of Trinity coll., Durham, N. C. Annual pub. of hist, papers. 1897. v. i; p. 27-52.) David, T. W. Edgeworth. Geology of the vegetable creek tin- mining field, New England district, New South Wales. Syd- ney, 1887. David McCauley Weston. Bost., 1891. Davidson, Charles. English in the secondary school. Cleve., 1896. Davidson, George, anon. In memoriam, T. E. Slevin. San Fran., 1894. Shoaling of the bar at the entrance to San Francisco harbor. San Fran., 1884. Davidson, John Nelson. Coming of the New York Indians to Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 47; p. 153-85.) Some distinctive characteristics of the history of our lead region. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 46; p. 183-95.) Davidson, Joseph, tr., anon. Virgilius Maro, Publius. Works. 1785. Davidson, Milon. One hundred years; a poem delivered at the centennial anniversary of Acworth, N. H», Sept. 16, 1868. Springf., 1869. Davidson, Robert, P. D. Memoir of Lewis Morris. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1850. v. 4; p. 19-32.) Davidson, Thomas. Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. N. Y., 1892. (Great educators.) Christian unity; or. The kingdom of heaven. (In Amer. soc. of Church hist. Papers. 1892. v. 4; p. 55-78.) 366 AUTHOR LIST. Davidson, Thomas. Education of the Greek people and its influ- ence on civilization. N. Y., 1900. (International education series, no. 28.) Rousseau and education according to nature. N. Y., 1898. (Great educators series.) and Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. British fossil brachi- opoda with observations on the classification of the silurian rocks. Lond., 1866. (In Palaeontographical soc. Monographs. 1865-6.) Davidson, William, M. D. Essays on the sources and mode of action of fever. Phil., 1841. {Bound zvith Macrobin, John, M. D. Introduction to the study of practice of medicine. 1841.) Davies, Charles. Elementary algebra. Phil., 1842. N. Y., 1854. N. Y., 1858. ■ Elements of algebra; on the basis of Bourdon with Sturm's and Horner's theorems. N. Y., 1855. Elements of surveying and navigation. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1852. Key to Elementary algebra. N. Y., 1846. • Mathemat|ics; inaugural address. (In Columbia univ. Ad- dresses. 1858. p. 1 17-51.) Treatise on shades and shadows, and linear perspective. N. Y., 1857. ed. Bourdon, Pierre Louis Marie. Elements of algebra. 1838. 1843. ed. Legendre, Adrien Marie. Elements of geometry and trig- onometry. i860. Davies, Charles S. Report relating to the north eastern boundary of Maine. (In Mass.: Gen. court. Documents. 1828.) Davies, Rev. E. Believer's hand-book on holiness. Reading, n. d. Davies, Maj.-gen. Henry Eugene. General Sheridan. N. Y., 1895. (Great commanders ser., no. 4.) Davies, John. Selections in pathology and surgery. Phil., 1839. (Bound with Christison, Robert, M. D. On granular degener- ation. 1839.) Davies, John F., comp. Butte (Mont.): Free public library. Cata- logue of books. 1894. Davies, Rev. John Hamilton. Sketch of the literary life of J. P. Smith. (In Smith, J. P., D. D. Relations between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of geological science. 1854. pref. p. 9-63.) Davies, John Rumsey, D. D. What shall I do with Jesus; bacca- laureate sermon. (In Lafayette college. Commencement ad- dresses. 1893. p. i-ii.) Davies, Thomas A. Am I a Jew or Gentile? or, The genealogy of Jesus Christ, proving his identity. N. Y., 1889. Gospel Christianity. N. Y., 1896. Davies, W. H. A. Notes on Esquimaux bay and the surrounding country. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1843. p. 70-94-) Davila, Enrico Cattarino. See Davila, Arrigo Caterino. Davis, A. C. Frauds of the Indian office, argument before the Committee on Indian affairs of the house of representatives, Jan. 12, 1867. Wash., 1867. Davis, Albert P. Personal, political, historical reminiscences. Warner, 1895. To the tax payers of Warner, n. p. n. d. Davis, Andrew McFarland. Analysis of the early records of Har- vard college, 1636-1750. Camb., 1895. (In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1895. no. 50.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 357 Davis, Andrew McFarland. Canada and Louisiana. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of Amer. 1887. v. 5; p. 1-78.) Certain additional notes touching upon the subjects of igno- minious punishments and of the Mass. currency, (/n Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed, new ser. 1901. v. 13; P- 67-73-) Early college buildings at Cambridge. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1890. p. 323-49-) ,, , First scholarship at Harvard college. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1887. P- 129-40.) ^ . , t. , - /r A.r Indians and the border warfare of the Revolution. {In Win- sor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1888. v. 6; p. 605-84.) Journey of Moncacht-Ape. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1883. p. 321-48.) , . . . . ^ . ,r A Law of adultery and ignominious punishments, (/n Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1895. p. 97-126.) Legislation and litigation connected with the land bank of 1740. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1896; p. 86-123; 1897; p. 351-68.) Massachusetts Bay currency, 1690-1750; the plates. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1898. p. 410-30.) Occult methods of protecting the currency. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 33; p. 315-26.) Search for a pamphlet by Governor Hutchinson. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 32; p. 429-56.) Site of the first college building at Cambridge. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1888. p. 469-86.) Davis, Arthur Powell. Irrigation near Phoenix, Arizona. Wash., 1897. (U. S.: Geol. survey. Water supply and irrig. papers. no. 2.) River heights for 1896. Wash., 1897. (U. S.: Geol. survey. Water supply and irrig. papers, no. 11.) Davis, Bailey K. Traditions and recollections of Berlin. Berlin, n. d. Davis, Mrs. Caroline E. (Kelly). Little Apple Blossom. Bost., 1863. Davis, Charles E. Thirteenth Mass. regiment, C. C. Howland. Bost., 1896. Three years in the army, the story of the 13th Mass. vols. Bost., 1894. Davis, Charles G. Report of the trial of S. M. Andrews, indicted for the murder of Cornelius Holmes. N. Y., 1869. Davis, Rear-adm. Charles Henry. Chronometer rates as affected by change of temperature and other causes. Wash., 1878. {In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1875. Appx. 3.) Narrative of the north polar expedition, U. S. ship Polaris. Wash., 1876. Report in relation to the various proposed lines for inter- oceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Wash., 1866. Green, Lt. com. F. M., and Norris, Lieut. John Alexander. Tel- egraphic determination of longitude in Japan, China, and the East Indies in 1881 and 1882. 1883. and Norris, Lieut. John Alexander, and Laird, Lieut. Charles. Telegraphic determination of longitude in Mexico and central America, and the west coast of South America. Wash., 1885. Davis, Capt. Charles Henry. Life of C. H. Davis. Bost., 1899. Davis, Charles Henry Stanley, M. D. History of Wallingford, in- cluding Meriden and Cheshire. Meriden, 1870. 358 AUTHOR LIST. Davis, Charles W. New Madrid and Island no. lo. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 75-92.) _ . . , Davis, Cushman Kellog. Construction of new communities and states in the Northv/est. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1895. p. 374-86.) Davis, Daniel O. Portland privateers in the war of 1812. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895- V. ijg; p. 178-83, 302-6.) Davis, David Daniel, M. D. Acute hydrocephalus. Phil., 1840. (Amer. med. library.) Davis, Edmund, Knight, Joseph King, and Humphrey, Henry B., comp. Memorial sketch of Hyde Park, Mass. 1888. Davis, Edward P., M. D., ed. American journal of the medical sci- ences. V. 125-42. 1890-9. Davis, Edward Hamilton, M. D., and Squier, Ephraim George. An- cient monuments of the Mississippi valley. 1847. (In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. 1848. v. i.) Davis, Emerson, D. D. Address delivered at the i6th anniversary of the Mount Holyoke female seminary, Aug., 1853. Northamp- ton, 1853. Davis, George, anon. Address to the republicans of Massachu- setts. Bost., 1862. Davis, Maj. George B., and others, ed. United States: War, dept. af. War of the Rebellion; ser. i. v. 38-53. 1891-98. War of the Rebellion, ser. 2. v. 1-2. 1894-7. Davis, George Lucien. Samuel Davis of Oxford, Mass., and Jo- seph Davis of Dudley, Mass., and their descendants, N. Ando- ver, 1884. Davis, George T. "St. Rigis bell." (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1871. v. 11; p. 311-21.) Davis, Gherardi. Establishment of public parks in the city of New York. N. Y., 1897. Davis, Gilbert A. Centennial celebration with an historical sketch of Reading, Vt. Bellows Falls, 1874. Historical address delivered at Windsor, Vt, July 9, 1877. Rutl., 1879. ed. Vermont: General assembly. School laws in force in 1874. 1875. Davis, H. P. Expose of Newburyport eccentricities, witches, and witchcraft, n. p. 1873. Davis, Henry, tr. Plato. Republic. Wash., 1901. (Universal clas- sics library.) Davis, Henry, D. D. Sermon delivered on the day of general elec- tion, Oct. 12, 1815, before the honorable legislature of Vermont. Montp., 1815. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Davis, Henry Winter. Speeches and addresses. N. Y., 1867. Davis, Horace. Address. (In Cal.: Univ. Addresses at the inau- guration of Horace Davis. 1888. p. 21-26.) American constitutions; the relation of the three departments as adjusted by a century. Bait, 1885. (-^w Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1885. V. 3, no. 9-10.) comp. Ancestry of John Davis and Eliza Bancroft of Worces- ter, Mass. San Fran., 1897. Christianity in Japan, n. p. n. d. On the likelihood of an admixture of Japanese blood on our northwest coast. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1872. p. 65- 83.) ed. Bancroft, Mrs. Lucretia (Chandler). Letter to her daugh- ter, Mrs. Gherardi. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1900. p. 125-59.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 359 Davis, Rev. J. B. Funeral sermon of Jonathan Horn. Lowell, 1859. Funeral sermon of Rev. Elias Hutchins. Lowell, 1859. . Sermon preached at Manchester upon the occasion of his prosecution for slander by C. E- Potter. Manch., 1854- Davis, Rev. James M. Universalism unmasked. Phil., 1837. Davis Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Confederate government. 2v. N. Y., 1881. Short history of the Confederate states of America. N. Y., Davis, John. Address delivered at the dedication of the town hall in Worcester, Mass., May 2, 1825. Wore, 1825 (?) Davis, John. 1761-1847. Discourse before the Mass. historical society, Dec. 22, 1813, at their anniversary commemoration of the ist landing of our ancestors at Plymouth in 1620. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 11; pref. p. 1-31.) Eulogy on General George Washington. Bost, 1800. {In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1800. v. 2, pt. 2. pref.) Robert Cushman. {In Belknap, Jeremy, D. D. Amer. biog. 1798. V. 2; p. 267-80.) {In Belknap, Jeremy, D. D. Amer. biog. 1841. v. 3; p. 70-84.) Davis, Rev. John. Elements of astronomy. New ed. Pittsb., 1867. Davis, John Chandler Bancroft. Mr. Sumner, the Alabama claims, and their settlement. N. Y., 1878. Davis, John Francis. Chinese, a general description of the empire of China and its inhabitants. 2v. Lond., 1836. New ed. enl. 4v. in 2. Lond., 1845-51. Davis, John Hall, M. D. Clinical lecture on the flections of the uterus. Lond., 1865. Davis, John W., Howard, Charles, and Gatchell, William H. Memo- rial to the senate and house of representatives of the United States. 1861. Davis, Joseph Barnard. Popular manual of the art of preserving health. Lond., 1836. Davis, Rev. Joseph G. Good minister, a discourse preached in com- memoration of Rev. P. B. Day. Cone, 1870. Historical discourse delivered at Amherst, N. H., on the looth anniversary of the dedication of the Congregational meeting house. Cone, 1874. Flistorical discourse delivered on the looth anniversary of the Hollis association of ministers, May 6, 1862. Cone, 1862. and Rotch, William B., anon. Memorial services at the dedica- tion of the soldiers' monument in Amherst, N. H., 1890. Manch., 1890. Davis, Junius. Alfred Moore and James Iredell; an address pre- senting their portraits to the supreme court of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1899. Davis, Rev. Lorenzo. Pioneer ministers of Washtenaw county. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 8; p. 214-32; v. 0; p. 155-61.) Davis, Nathan Smith, M. D., 1817-. Contributions to the history of medical education and medical institutions in the U. S. of Amer- ica, 1776-1876. Wash., 1877. and Morris, John, M. D., anon. Address before the Rocky Mt. med assoe by J. M. Toner; and biographies of members. Wash., 1877. ed. Chicago and medical examiner. 1860-71. ^^^'^ J*-*"^"^^ °^ the American medical association, v. i-ii. 1883-8. 360 AUTHOR LIST. Davis, Nathan Smith, M. D., 1858-, ed. Journal of the American medical association, v. 9-11. 1887-8. Davis, Ozora Stearns, anon. W. D. Baker, casque and gauntlet, '89. n. p. 1892. Davis, Rebecca I. Gleanings from Merrimac Valley. Portl., 1881. Ed. 3. Haverhill, 1887. sheaf number two. Ed. 2. Haverhill, 1887. Davis, Richard Harding. Cuban and Porto Rican campaign. N. Y., 1898. With both armies in South Africa. N. Y., 1900. Davis, Robert Thompson, M. D. Pauperism in the city of New York. Camb., 1874. Davis, Samuel, anon. History and description of Abington, Mass., Aug., 1816. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1826. v. 17; p. 114-24.) History and description of Scituate, Mass., 1815. (In Mass. hist, soc' Coll. 1816. V. 14; p. 219-50.) anon. History of free schools in Plymouth colony and in the town of Plymouth. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1816. v. 14; p. 79-96.) Journal of a tour to Connecticut. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1871. V. 11; p. 9-32.) anon. Notes on Plymouth, Mass. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1815. V. 13; p. 162-204.) anon. Topography and history of Rochester, Mass., 1815. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1816. v. 14; p. 250-67.) anon. Topography and history of Wareham, 1815. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1816. V. 14; p. 285-96.) Davis, Samuel M. Dual origin of Minnesota. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. V. 9; p. 519-48.) Hennepin as discoverer and author. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. V. 9; p. 223-40.) Some of the consequences of the Louisiana purchase. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 151-60.) Davis, Sylvanus. Declaration concerning the cruel, treacherous and barbarous management of a war against the English in the eastern parts of New England by the cruel Indians. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1846. V. 21; p. 101-52.) Davis, Rev. T. E. Battle of Bound Brook. Bound Brook, 1895. ^ First houses of Bound Brook. Bound Brook, 1893. Davis, Thomas T. Eulogy on Daniel Webster, delivered in Syra- cuse, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1852. Syracuse, 1852. (In Eulogies of Webster, v. i; no. 7.) Davis, Mrs. Varina (Howell). Jefferson Davis, a memoir. 2v. N. Y., 1890. Davis, Walter A., ed. Fitchburg (Mass.). Old records of the town. 1898-1901. comp. Lunenburg (Mass.). Early records of the town. 1896. Proprietors' records of the town of Lunenburg, Mass. 1897. Davis, William F. Christian liberties in Boston. Chelsea, 1887. Davis, William Morris. Faults in the triassic formation near Mer- iden, Conn. (In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1889. v. 16; p. 61-87.) Geographical illustrations. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 22-65.) On the relations of the triassic traps and sandstones of the eastern U. S. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1883. v. 7; p. 249-308.) Thunder-storms in New England in the summer of 1885. Camb., 1886. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY, 361 Davis, William Morris. William Ferrell. n. p. 1893. and Whittle, Charles Livy. Intrusive and extrusive trap sheets of the Connecticut valley. Camb., 1889. {In Harv. univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 16, no. 6.) Davis, William S. First book of geology. N. Y., 1873. Davis, William Thomas. Ancient landmarks of Plymouth. Ed. 2. Bost, 1899. Bench and bar of the commonwealth of Massachusetts. 2v. Bost., 1895- History of the bench and bar. Bost, 1894. {In Professional and industrial hist, of Suffolk co., Mass. 1894. v. i.) History of the judiciary of Massachusetts. Bost., 1900. History of the town of Plymouth, with a sketch of the origin and growth of Separatism. Phil., 1885. • ed. New England states, their constitutional, judicial, educa- tional, commercial, professional, and industrial history. 4V. Bost. n. d. Davis, Col. William Watts Hart. History of the 104th Penn. regi- ment. Phil., 1866. Davis, Winfield J. History of political conventions in California, 1849-1892. Sacra., 1893. (Cal.: Library. Pub. no. i.) Davy, Sir Humphrey. Conversations on chemistry. N. H., 1809. Elements of agricultural chemistry. Phil., 1815. Davy, John, M. D. Researches, physiological and anatomical. Phil., 1840. Dawbarn, Robert H. M., M. D. Aid to materia medica; rev. and enl. by W. Hopkins. Ed 3. N. Y., 1894. Dawes, Anna Laurens. Charles Sumner. N. Y., 1892. (Makers of America.) How we are governed, an explanation of the constitution and government of the United States. Chic, 1885. Dawes, Henry Laurens. Address at the Mohonk conference, 1885. Phil., 1885. Dawes, James W. Message to the legislature of Nebraska, 1887. Lincoln, 1887. Dawes, Cal. Rufus R. On the right at Antietam. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 252-63.) With the 6th Wise, at Gettysburg. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 364-88.) Dawes, Thomas. 1757-1825. Address to the Massachusetts peace society. Bost, 1818. Oration delivered at Boston, March 5, 1781. {In Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston. 1807. p. 147-62.) Dawson, Benjamin Frederick, M. D., ed. American journal of obstetrics, v. 4-5. 1871-2. ed. Barnes, Robert, M. D. Obstetric operations. 1870. Dawson, George Mercer. Address to geologjjcal section of the British association for the advancement of science. Lond., 1897. General note on the mines and minerals of economic value in British Columbia, n. p. 1877. Notes on the coals and lignites of the Canadian Northwest Montreal, 1884. Report on the geology and resources of the region in the vicinity of the 49th parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky mountains. Montreal, 1875. Report on the tertiary lignite formation in the vicinity of the 49th parallel. Montreal, 1874. 362 AUTHOR LIST. Dawson, George Mercer, and Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil. De- scriptive sketch of the physical geograph}'^ and geology of the Dominion of Canada. 1884. and Tolmie, W. Fraser. Comparative vocabularies of the Indian tribes of British Columbia. 1884. Dawson, Henry Barton. Battles of the United States by sea and land. 2v. _N. Y., 1858. Declaration of Independence by the colony of Massachusetts Bay, May i, 1776. N. Y., 1862. ed. Foederalist; a collection of essays written in favor of the new constitution as agreed upon by the foederal convention, Sept. 17, 1787. 2v. N. Y., 1864. Note : v. 2 wanting. and Griswold, Abner Clarence. Maj.-Gen. Israel Putnam. Morrisania, i860. and Hamilton, James A. Correspondence concerning the Foederalist. (In Jay, John, and Dawson, H. B. Correspondence. 1864. p. 28-48.) and Jay, John. Correspondence concerning the Foederalist. 1864. ed. Rutgers, Elizabeth vs. Waddington, Joshua. Case of Eliz- abeth Rutgers versus Joshua Waddington, determined in the Mayor's court in the city of New York, 1786. 1866. Dawson, Sir John William. Acadian geology; an account of the geological structure and mineral resources of Nova Scotia. Edin., 1855. supplement to the 2d ed. Lond., 1878. • Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. v. 24; pt. 2; p. 3-26.) Air-breathers of the coal period. Montreal, 1863. Contributions toward the improvement of agriculture in Nova Scotia. Ed. 2. Halifax, 1856. Dawn of life; being the history of the oldest known fossil remains and their relation to geological time and to the develop- ment of the animal kingdom. Lond., 1875. Fossil plants of the Devonian and Upper silurian formations of Canada. Montreal, 1871. Handbook of zoology; with examples from Canadian species recent and fossil. 2v. Montreal, 1870. Note : v. 2 wanting. Nature and the Bible. N. Y., 1875. Notes on the post-pliocene geology of Canada. Montreal, 1872. On rhizocarps in the palaeozoic period, n. p. n. d. On some unsolved problems in geology. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. v. 32; p. 1-28.) On specimens of eozoon canadense and their geological and other relations. Montreal, 1888. Origin of the world, according to revelation and science. N. Y., 1877. Quebec group of Sir William Logan, n. p. n. d. Report on the coal fields of Carribou cove and river inhab- itants. Cape Breton, n. p. n. d, Report on the fossil plants of the lower carboniferous and millstone girt formations of Canada. Montreal, 1873. Report on the geological structure and mineral resources of Prince Edward Island. Montreal, 1871. Some salient points in the science of the earth. N. Y., 1894. Story of the earth and man. N. Y., 1873. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 363 Dawson, Miles Menander. Effects of free surrender and loan privi- leges in life insurance. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1895. V. 4, no. 28-9; p. 84-98.) Dawson, Nathaniel H. R., comr. See United States: Education, bureau of. Dawson, Philip. Electric railways and tramways, their construc- tion and operation. Lond., 1897. Dawson, S. J. Report on the exploration of the country between Lake Superior and the Red river settlement. Toronto, 1859. Dawson, Samuel Edward. North America, v. i. Lond., 1897. (Sanford's compendium of geog. and travel.) Dawson, Rev. William. Keltic church and English Christianity. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1884. v. 11; p. 376-84.) Dawson, William Bell. Eastern canal of France. Lond., 1879. Paroy reservoir. Lond., 1881. Dawson, William Harbutt. Bismarck and state socialism; an ex- position of the social and economic legislation of Germany since 1870. Lond., 1891. (Social science ser. no. 11.) German socialism and Ferdinand Lassalle. Ed. 2. Lond., 1891. (Social science sen, no. 29.) Unearned increment; or. Reaping without sowing. Ed. 2. Lond. n. d. (Social science ser., no. 21.) Dawson, William McD. Memorandum in relation to the gold mines of the Chaudiere in Lower Canada. N. Y., 1865. Day, Albert, M. D. Inebriety and its cure. Bost., 1877. Day, David F. Address commemorative of G. W. Clinton. {In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 4; p. 203-25.) Day, David T. Report on mineral industries in the U. S. at the nth census, 1890. Wash., 1892. (U. S. Census, nth, 1890. Report.) ed. United States: Geological survey: Mining statistics and tech- nology, div. of. Mineral resources of the United States. 1883-94. Day, Rev. E. H. Sketches of the Northwest. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 14; p. 205-56.) Day, Edward Warren, comp. One thousand years of Hubbard history. N. Y., 1895. Day, George E., tr. and ed. Simon, Joannes Franz, M. D. Animal chemistry. 1845. Day, George Tiffany, D. D. Fidelity honored; eulogy on the life and character of the late William Burr. Dover, 1867. Day, Henry Noble, D. D. Chinese migration. {In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1870. 1871. p. 422-34.) Day, Rev. J. A. Brief sketches of the Methodist Episcopal church in Barre, Mass. Fitchb., 1887. Day, James Roscoe, D. D. Address. {In Syracuse univ. Inaugu- ration of J. R. Day. n. d. p. 22-29.) Day, Jeremiah, D. D. Examination of President Edwards's inquiry on the freedom of the will. N. H., 1841. Introduction to algebra. Ed. 5. N. H., 1829. Ed. 53. .N. H., 1845. Day, Rev. John William. Unitarianism as a religion for every day. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 11.) Day, Pliny Butts, D. D. Death in the midst of life; a sermon de- livered at the funeral of J. H. Cutter, July 11, i860. Nashua, i860. Discourse delivered at the funeral of B. M. Farley. Bost., 1866. Discourse on victory and its dangers, delivered on Fast day, April 13, 1865. Cone, 1865. Duty of parents in educating their children. Nashua, 1855. 364 AUTHOK LIST. Day, Pliny Butts, D. D. Means of perpetuating mutual good feel- ing between pastor and people. Nashville, 1852. Memorial discourse on the character of Abraham Lincoln. Cone, 1865. Sermon delivered at the funeral of B. F. Nichols. Nashua, 1854. Tribute to the memory of Lieut. J. H. Worcester. Nashua, 1864. Day, Sherman. Historical collections of the state of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1843- Day, William Henry, M. D. Headaches; their nature, causes, and treatment. Ed. 3. Phil., 1880. Dayton (O.): Public library. Annual report, 1889-90, '91-1901. v. 30, 32-41. Dayton, 1889-1901. Catalogue, v. p. Dayton, 1884. Dayton state hospital. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers for the year 1865-81, '83, '84, '90, '92, '95, '96, '98-1901. V. 11-27, 29, 30, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44-7. Columbus, 1866-1902. Note : earlier name was Southern Ohio lunatic asylum, in 1874 changed to Wes- tern Ohio hospital for the insane, in 1877, to Dayton hospital for the insane, in 188- to the above. D'Bernicre, Henry. Narrative of occurrences, 1775. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1816. V. 14; p. 204-19.) Deaf-mutes' friend, monthly, v. i. Henniker, 1869. De Amicis, Edmondo. Sec Amicis, Edmondo de. Dean, Rev. Benjamin A. Annals of Brentwood, N. H. Congrega- tional church and parish. Bost., 1889. Dean, Charles, ed. Smith, Capt. John. New England's trials. 1873. Dean, George W. Longitude. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 79-90.) Dean, James. Alphabetical atlas; or. Gazetteer of Vermont. Montp., 1808. Dean, John, M. D. Gray substance of the medulla obligata and trapezium. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1870. v. 16.) Microscopic anatomy of the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord. Camb., 1861. Dean, John Ward. Brief history of the New England historical and genealogical register, n. p. n. d. Descendants of Thomas Deane of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Bost, 1883. Lemuel Shattuck. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. V. 3; p. 290-321.) Memoir of C. W. Tuttle. Bost, 1888. Memoir of the author, C. W. Tuttle. (In Tuttle, C. W. Capt Francis Champernowne. 1889. P- I-54-) ed. Tuttle, Charles Wesley. Capt. John Mason. 1887. Dean, Messer C, comp. Supplement to the genealogical record of the Deane family. (In Deane, W. R. Brief memoirs. 1893. p. 21-36.) Dean, Silas. Brief history of the town of Stoneham, Mass. Bost., 1843. Dean, Dudley & Co., comp. Concord directory for 1870-7. 1870-7. Deane, Charles. Account of the White Kennett library of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. Camb., 1883. Catalogue of the valuable private library of Deane. Bost, i898(?) Communication on Roger Williams and the Massachusetts charter. (In Mass. hist soc. Proceed. 1873. v. 12; p. 341-58.) Forms in issuing letters patent by the crown of England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869. v. 11; p. 166-87.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 365 Deane, Charles. Hutchinson's historical publications. (In Mass. hist. see. Proceed. 1859. v. 3; P- 134-So.) Letter of Phillis Wheatley. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1864. V. 7; p. 267-78.) Light shed upon Cotton Mather's "Magnalia" by his diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 186.3. v. 6; p. 404-14.) Memoir of George Livermore. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869. V. 10; p. 415-68.) Memoir of Richard Frothingham. Camb., 1885. Memoir of Richard Frothingham. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1885. V. 21; p. 381-93-) Memoir of S. F. Haven. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. V. 21; p. 394-405.) ^^ . , . . , New England. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 295-384.) Notes on a recently discovered indenture relating to David Thompson of Piscataqua and Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land. Camb., 1876. Report on the Belknap donation. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1859. V. 3; P- 286-328.) So-called "Narragansett Patent." (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1862. V. 5; p. 399-406.) Voyages of the Cabots. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 1-58.) ed. Cabot, Sebastian. Mappe-monde. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. v. 26; p. 305-39-) ed. Council for New England. First Plymouth patent, granted June i, 1621. 1854. ed. Hakluyt, Richard. Discourse on westerne planting. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1877. v. 11.) (In Me. hist. soc. Documentary hist. 1877.) ed. New Hampshire: President and council. Records. 1878. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1879. v. 16; p. 261-79.) ed. Wingfield, Edward Maria. Discourse of Virginia. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archseol. Amer. i860, v. 4; p. 67-103.) Deane, Llewellyn. J. G. Deane. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 11; p. 179-96.) Deane, Samuel, D. D. d. 1814. Memoir. (In Willis, William, ed. Journals of the Rev. Thomas Smith and the Rev. Samuel Deane. 1849. p. 288-417.) Deane, Rev. Samuel, d. 1834. History of Scituate. Bost., 1899. Deane, Silas. Correspondence, 1774-1776. (In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. V. 2; p. 127-368.) Papers, 1774-1790. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1887-91. v. 27- 31.) Deane, Walter, camp. Massachusetts: Metropolitan park commission. Flora of the Blue Hills, Middlesex P'ells, Stony Brook and Beaver Brook reservations. 1896. Deane, William Reed. Brief memoirs of John and Walter Deane and of the early generations of their descendants. Chic, 1893. Dearborn, Maj.-gen. Henry. Account of the battle of Bunker's Hill, with a letter to Maj.-gen. Dearborn by D. Putnam. Bost, 1818. Arnold's expedition to Quebec. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1886. V. 22; p. 275-305.) Journal. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1888. v. 23; p. 102- Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell. Account of the manuscripts of Gen. Dearborn as Massachusetts commissioner in 1838 and 1839, for the sale of the Seneca Indian lands. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 128-36.) 366 AUTHOR LIST. Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammell. Address on the 8th of October, 1830, the second centennial anniversary of the settle- ment of Roxbury. Roxbury, 1830. Letters on the internal improvements and commerce of the west. Bost, 1839. Sketch of the life of the Apostle Eliot. Roxbury, 1850. Dearborn, John J., comp. History of Salisbury, N. H.; ed. by J. O. Adams and H. P. Rolfe. Manch., 1890. Dearborn, John Worthen, M. D., ed., anon. History of the ist cen- tury of the town of Parsonfield, Me. Portl., 1888. Sketch of the life and character of Amos Tuck. Portl. n. d. Dearborn, Nathaniel S. Guide through Mount Auburn. Bost, 1854. Dearborn, Ned. Preliminary list of the birds of Belknap and Mer- rimack counties, N. H. Durham, 1898. Dearborn, R. F. Saratoga and how to see it. Saratoga, 1872. Death of DeSoto, from the "Narrative of the Gentleman of Elvas." {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 36.) Death of J. P. Walton; a typical pioneer, one whose name is linked with Muscatine's early history. Muscatine, 1899. Deats, H. E., ed. Jerseyman, a quarterly magazine of local his- tory. 1891-1901. Debates on the judiciary, during the first session of the 7th con- gress. Phil., 1802. De Bie, H. C. H. De landbouw der inlandsche bevolking op Java. Batavia, 1901. De Blois, Austen Kennedy. Pioneer school; a history of Shurt- lefif college, the oldest educational institution in the west. Chic, 1900. De Boer, Joseph A., and others. Class of '84, Dartmouth college. Monlp., 1895. De Bow, James Dunwoody Bronson. Account of the Louisiana his- torical society. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1850. v. 2; p. 1-15.) ed. United States: Census, 7th, 1830. Mortality statistics of the 7th census of the U. S. 1855. Debs, Eugene Victor. Prison labor; address before the Nineteenth century club, March 21, 1899. Terre Haute, 1899. Debs publishing company. Progressive thought. 1899-1900. Decamp general hospital, U. S. Army. Regulations for the govern- ment of the hospital. N, Y., 1864. De Candolle, Augustin Pyrame. See Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de. Decanver, H. C, comp. Catalogue of works in refutation of Metho- dism from its origin in 1729 to the present time. Phil., 1846. Decatur county bar association. Rules and regulations. Keokuk, 1883. Dechambre, Amedee, and Raige-Delorme, Jacques. Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences medicales. 1854. Declaration of the state of the colonic and affaires in Virginia. Lond., 1620. {In Force, Peter. Tracts and other papers. 1844. V. 3.) De Costa, Benjamin Franklin, D. D. Jacques Cartier and his suc- cessors. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 4; p. 47-80.) Myvyrian archaeology, the pre-Columbian voyages of the Welch to America. Alb., 1891. Norumbega and its English explorers. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 169-218.) Rambles on Mount Desert with sketches of travel on the N. E. coast. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 367 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin, D. D. Segadahoc colony. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1881. v. 18; p. 82-117,) De Cou, Herbert F. Frieze of the choragic monument of Lysi- crates at Athens. (In Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. V. 6; p. 316-29.) Roman building at Corinth. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897- V. i; p. 495-506.) Decoud, Diogene, M. D. (Les) sciences medicales dans la Repub- lique Argentine. Buenos Aires, 1893. Index bibliografico. (In his (Les) sciences medicales 1893. i65P-) De Coulanges, Numa Denis Fustel. See Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis. Dedham (Mass.). Alphabetical abstract of the record of births in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1844-1890. comp. by D. G. Hill. Dedham, 1894. Alphabetical abstract of the record of deaths in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1844-1890, comp. by D. G. Hill. Dedham, 1895. Alphabetical abstract of the record of marriages, 1844-90, comp. by D. G. Hill. Dedham, 1896. Record of births, marriages, and deaths, in the town of Ded- ham, ed. by D. G. Hill. v. 1-5. Dedham, i886-99- Record of the town meetings and abstract of births, marriages, and deaths in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1887-1896, ed. by D. G. Hill. Dedham, 1888-96. : Public library. Annual report, 1899-1900. Dedham, 1900. Finding list of books added during the year ending Feb. i, 1898. Dedham, 1898. : School committee. Annual report, 1899-1900, Dedham, 1900. Proceedings at the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the free school at Dedham, Jan. 11, 1895. Dedham, 1895. Dedham (Mass.) First church. Commemorative services at the 250th anniversary, Nov. 18-19, 1888. Dedham, 1888. Dedham pulpit; or^ Sermons by the pastors. Bost., 1840. Dedham historical register, quarterly, pub. by the Dedham hist. soc. V. 1-12. Dedham, 1890-1901. Dedham historical society. Plan of Dedham village, Mass., 1636- 1876. Bost., 1883. ed. Dedham historical register, quarterly. 1890-1901. Dedication of Goodnow memorial building and Bagg hall, Prince- ton, Mass., Sept. 6, 1887. Wore, 1887. Dedication of Masonic temple, Dec. 26, 1870. Manch., 1871. Dedication of the Lincoln grammar schoolhouse, Sept. 17, 1859. Bost., i860. Dedicatory exercises of the Simpson annex to the Public library building of the city of Newburyport. Newburyport, 1882. Deems, Charles Force, D. D., ed. Christian thought. 1886-93. Deer park hotel. Description. N. Y. n. d. Deerfield (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and treasurer for the year 1877-8, '85, '88-1902. Manch., 1877-1902. Note : earliest reports printed at Exeter. Deerfield valley agricultural society. Annual report, transactions for 1887-1900. V. 17-30. V. p. 1887-1900. Deering, F. P., comp. California: Fish commission, board of. Fish and game laws. 1893. Deering (N. H.). Annual report of the receipts and expenditures of the town for the year 1841, '54-6, '59, '61-2, '65-6, '68-78, '81-4, '87, '89-1902. Hillsboro Bridge, 1841-1902. : school committee. Annual report for the financial year ending March, 1875. Manch., 1875. 368 AUTHOR LIST. Deering harvester company. Official retrospective exhibition of the development of harvesting machinery for the Paris exposi- tion of 1900. Par. n. d. (La) Deesse, an Elssler-atic romance. N. Y., 1841. Defender, monthly, v. i, no. 2-5, 7-12; v. 2-5. Bost, 1896-1900. Defender, pub. by the American protective tariff league, no. 3, 4, 8-17, 19-24, 28-9, 33-5, 38, 40-3, 45, 47-51, 53-6, 60-3, 66, 69, 70, 72, yy. N. Y., 1890-1900. Note : pub. irregularly. Defiance college. Annual announcement and catalogue, 1896-9. v. 9-12. Defiance, 1896-9. Annual announcement of the summer school, 1900. Defiance, 1900. Annual commencement, June, 1898. v. 11. n. p. n. d. Defiance machine works. Illustrated descriptive catalogue, patent labor saving wood-working machinery. Defiance, 1900. DeForest, Rev. Heman Packard. History of Westborough, Mass., part I, the early history. Westborough, 1891. Deforest, John W. History of the Indians of Connecticut. Hartf., 1851. DeGarmo, Charles. Essentials of method, a discussion of the es- sential form of right methods in teaching. Rev. ed. Bost., 1899. Herbart and the Herbartians. N. Y., 1896. (Great educators series.) ed. Lange, Karl. Apperception: a monograph on psychology and pedagogy. 1899. Degoesbriand, Louis, hp., anon. Catholic memoirs of Vermont and New Hampshire, with sketches of the lives of Rev. W. H. Hoyt and Fanny Allen. Burlington, 1886. De Graffenried, Clare. Child labor. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1890. V. 5, no. 2; p. 71-149-) Needs of self-supporting women. (7m Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1890. V. 8; lOp.) De Grasse, William. Swallows on the wing o'er garden springs of delight; a medley of prose and verse. N. Y., 1866. De Groot, Hugo. See Grotius, Hugo. Dehass, Wills. Archseology of the Mississippi valley. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 288- 302.) Deherain, P. P., ed. Annuaire scientifique. 1870. Deitch, Guilford A. Insurance laws of the state of Indiana. In- dianapolis, 1899. De Jastrzebski, S. See Jastrzebski, S. de. DeKalb, Johann. See Kalb, Johann. De Kay, James E., M. D. Zoology of New York. 5v. Alb., 1842-4. (N. Y. (state). Natural hist, of N. Y.) Note : v. 1, 4 wanting. De Knight, William F. History of the currency of the country and of the loans of the United States. Wash., 1897. Ed. 2. Wash., 1900. De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. Geological observer. Lond., 1851. Delacy, Walter Washington. Trip up the South Snake river in 1863. {In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1876. v. i; p. 113-43.) Delafield, Edward, M. D. Biographical sketch of J. K. Rodgers. N. Y., 1852. Inaugural dissertation on pulmonary consumption. N. Y., i8t6. ed. Travers, Benjamin. Synopsis of the diseases of the eye. 1825. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 369 Delafield, Francis, M. D. Hand-book of post-mortem examinations and morbid anatomy. N. Y., 1872. Delafield, Col. Richard. Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854-6. Wash., 1861. Delafond, O. Traite sur la maladie de poitrine du gros betail^ connue sous le nom de peripneumonie contagieuse. Par., 1844. De Lancey, Edward Floyd. Memoir of James de Lancey. (In N. Y. (state) : State, secy. of. Documentary hist, of the state of N. Y., 1851. V. 4; p. 625-39.) Philip Freneau, the Huguenot patriot poet of the Revolution, and his poetry. (In Huguenot society of Amer. Proceed. 1888- 91. V. 2; p. 66-84.) De Land, Theodore L., comp. Tables showing the number of positions in the executive civil service, June 30, 1896. Wash., Delano, F. A. Data from rail tests, n. p. 1898. Delano, Jesse L., comp. Record of Sunderland in the Civil war of 1861 to 1865. Amh., 1882. Delany, Martin R. Official report of the Niger valley exploring^ party. N. Y., 1861. Delaplaine, Joseph. Repository of the lives and portraits of dis- tinguished Americans. 2v. in i. Phil. n. d. Delavan, Edward C, vs. Taylor, John. Report of the trial. Alb., 1840. De la Ware, Sir Thomas. See De la Warr, Sir Thomas. Delaware: Agricultural experiment station. Special bulletin A. New- ark, 1890. : Agriculture, board of. Biennial report, 1888-9. Milford, 1889. : College agricultural experiment station. Annual report for the year 1888-95. v. 1-7. v. p. 1889-96. Bulletin, no. 2-53. Newark, 1888-1901. : Council. Minutes from 1776 to 1792. Dover, 1886. : Education, board of. Report, 1898. Dover, 1899. : Free schools, supt. of. Annual report for 1878, '80, '84, '86, '88, '90. Dover and Georgetown, 1879-91. Digest of laws relating to free schools in Delaware. Dover, 1881. : General assembly. Memorial services in honor of Peter Minuit. Dover, 1895. : Health, board of. Biennial report, 1881-4, July, 1888-92. v. 2-3, 6-10. Dover, 1883-92. Report on domestic hygiene and quarantine. Wilmington, 1885. : Library. Biennial report, 1887-91. Dover, 1887-91. Catalogue. Wilmington, 1881. Catalogue. Dover, 1900. Delaware and Hudson canal company. Souvenir, descriptive of the Adirondack mountains, Lake George, Lake Champlain, etc. Alb. n. d. Delaware college. Catalogue of the officers and students for the year 1891-4, '97-1900. Wilmington, 1891-1900. Delaware historical society. Officers, n. p. n. d. Delaware state medical society. See Medical society of Delaware. De Lens, Adrien Jacques, and Merat, Frangois Victor, comp. Dic- tionaire universel de matiere generale. 1829-33. De Lery gold mining company. Statement. N. Y., 1866. Delgado, J. F. N. Da existencia do homem no nosso solo em tem- pos niui remotas provada pelo estudo das cavernas. Lisboa, 1867. Note : text in Spanish and French. 24 370 AUTHOK LIST. Delisle, Leopold. Manuscripts of the earl of Ashburnham; report to the minister of public instruction and fine arts; tr. by H. Wright. Phil., 1884. Delia Vagna, Lewis. See Vagna, Rev. Louis Delia. Dellenbaugh, F. S. Shinumos; a pre-historic people of the Rocky mountain region. (In Buffalo soc. of natural sci. Bulletin. 1877. V. 3; p. 168-80.) T . O Del Mar, Alexander. History of monetary systems. Lond., 1895. Story of the gold conspiracy, as told at the Memphis conven- tion, June 13, 1895. Chic, 1895. De Lolme, Jean Louis. Constitution of England. New ed. Lond., 1793- Delong, Mrs. Emma J. Wotton, ed. DeLong, Lt. com. George W. Voyage of the Jeannette. 1884. DeLong, Lt. com. George W. Voyage of the Jeannette; the ship • and ice journals; ed. by Emma DeLong. 2v. Bost., 1884. Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. General catalogue, n. p. n. d. Delta Phi. Catalogus Novendecennis, fraternitatis. Troy, 1847. Delta Upsilon fraternity. Quinquennial catalogue. Bost., 1891. : Library. Catalogue. Clinton, 1897. Demarest, David D., D. D. Huguenots on the Hackensack. (In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Proceed. 1883-8. v. i, pt. 2; p. 14-30.) Rutgers, Queen's, college and medical degrees. New Bruns- wick, 1894. (In New Brunswick (N. J.) hist. club. Pub. no. 2.) Demarest, G. L. Simple numbers. Bost., 1875. Songs of joy for Sunday schools and homes. Bost, 1873. Year of worship for Sunday schools and homes. Bost, 1873. Bost, 1880. Dementhon, Charles. Directoire de I'enseignement religieux dans les maisons d'education. Ed. 3, rev. 2v. Par., 1898. Demeritte's classical and English school for boys. Announcement, 1900-2. Bost., 1900-2. Deming, Horace E. Legislature in state and city, 1797-1897. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 89-102.) Municipal problem in the United States. (In National muni- cipal league. Proceed. 1898. p. 53-70.) Democrat, pseud. Frank Pierce; his political life. n. p. n. d. Democratic party. Campaign text-book. N. Y., 1876. N. Y., 1880. Wash., 1882. Political reformation of 1884; a Democratic campaign book, N. Y., 1884. Campaign text-book. Wash., 1886. Campaign text-book of the Democratic party for the election of 1888. N. Y., 1888. Democratic campaign book; congressional election of 1890. n. p. i89o(?) Democratic campaign book, presidential election, 1896. Wash., 1896. Democratic campaign book, congressional election of 1898. Wash., 1898. Democratic campaign book, presidential election, 1900. Wash., 1900. Democratic campaign book, congressional election, 1902. Bait., 1902. Democratic legislative convention, Boston, 1840. Proceedings, n. p. n. d. Democratic mass meeting; proceedings of a democratic meeting at Exeter, N. H., Feb. 22, 1845, in opposition to the present scheme for the annexation of Texas and in favor of the re-election of J. P. Hale, a member of congress, n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIEE STATE LIBRARY. 371 Democratic national committee. Anti-trust folder, no. 1-4, 6, 9- 10, 13-14, 16, 19-21, 3^-3, 35-6. Chic, 1900. Democratic national convention of 1852. Proceedings at Balti- more, June 1-5, 1852. Wash., 1852. Democratic national convention of i860. Official proceedings at Charleston and Baltimore. Cleve., i860. Democratic national convention, Chicago, 1864. Official proceedings. Chic, 1864. Democratic professions vs. Democratic practice; their party and platform reviewed. Wash., 1868. Democratic press, Dover {N. H.). Centennial register of the city of Dover. Dover, 1876. Democratic Republican central committee of New Hampshire, 1838. Address to the freemen of New Hampshire. Cone, 1838. Democratic republican state convention, N. H. Proceedings, June 20, 1832. Cone, 1832. Democratic state committee of New Hampshire. Address, n. p. 1866. De Morgan, Augustus. Elements of spherical trigonometry. Lond., 1834. (Library of useful knowledge.) anon. Study and difficulties of mathematics, n. p. 1831. Demosthenes. Oration on t/he crown. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 5; p. 1688-1753.) Orations, tr. by Thomas Leland. v. i. N. Y., 1832. Dempster, John, D. D. Discourse on Christ's mediation before the members of the Methodist general Biblical institute. Cone, 1852. Lecture on divine providence, delivered before the members of the M. G. B. institute. Cone, 1854. On the characteristics of the age in their demands on the ministry. Lawrence, n. d. Denby, Charles. John Law; a sketch. Indianapolis, 1897. (In Ind. hist, soe Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 201-13.) Dendy, Walter Cooper, M. D. Practical remarks on the diseases of the skin. Phil., 1841. Denio, Francis Brigham, D. D. Supreme leader; a study of the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. Bost., 1900. Denio, Herbert Williams. Historical sketch of library legislation in New Hampshire, with a compilation of the library laws of the state. Manch., 1898. Denison, Charles, M. D. Climates of the United States. Chic, 1893. Rocky Mountain health resorts. Ed. 2. Bost., 1881. Denison, Maj.-gen. Daniel. Autobiography, ed. by D. D. Slade. Bost., 1892. (In Dudley, Dean. Genealogy of the Byley, Den- ison, and Hale families. 1897.) Denison, Rev. Frederic. Battle of Cedar Mountain, a personal view, Aug. 9, 1862. Prov., 1881. (In R. L soldiers' and sailors' hist, soe Personal narratives. 1881. v. 2.) Battle of Groveton, Aug. 28, 1862. Prov., 1885. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist, soe Personal narratives. 1885. v. 3.) Sabres and spurs; the ist regt. R. I. cavalry, 1861-65. Central Falls, 1876. Shot and shell; the 3d R. L heavy artillery regt. in the rebel- lion, 1861-1865. Prov., 1879. Westerly (R. I.) and its witnesses, 1626-1876. Prov., 1878. and others, ed. Memorial of Oliver Shaw. Prov., 1884. Denison memorial committee. Denison memorial, Ipswich, Mass., Sept. 20, 1882, 200th anniversary of the death of Maj.-gen. Daniel Denison. n. p. n. d. 272 AUTHOR LIST. Denison university. Articles of association and by-laws. Newark, 1870. Catalogue of officers and students for the year 1859-60, '61-2, '63-4, '66-8, '69-72, '73-80, '81-5, '86-9, '90-8. V. 29, 31, 33, 36-7, 39-41, 43-9, 51-4, 56-8, 60-7. V. p. 1859-98. Note: up to 1867 pub. by the Senior class. Catalogues for 1887-date contain catalogue of Shepardson college for women. See also Association of alumni of Denison university. : Finance committee. Report for the year ending June, 1883-95, '97-8. Dayton, 1883-98. : scientific laboratories. Bulletin, v. 2, pt. 1-2; v. 3, pt. i. Gran- ville, 188.7-8. Denissen, Christian, comp. Navarre; or, Researches after the de- scendants of Robert Navarre. Detroit, 1897. Schell; or. Researches after the descendants of John Christian Schell and John Schell. Detroit, 1896. Denman, Michael. Obstetrical remembrancer, ed. by Michael Ryan, ist Amer. fr. the 9th Lond. ed. by T. F. Cock. N. Y., 1848. Denman, Thomas, M. D. Introduction to the practice of midwifery, from the last Lond. ed. with notes by J. W. Francis. N. Y., 1821. N. Y., 1825. Dennett, Daniel. Address on the agricultural schools of Europe and America and the necessity for such schools and colleges in the Southern states. Jackson, 1880. Louisiana as it is. N. O., 1876. Denney, J. V. College elective systems. (In Assoc, of Ohio col- leges. Trans. 1892. v. 23; p. 58-67.) Dennie, Joseph, anon. Lay preacher; or, Short sermons for idle readers. Walpole, 1796. Dennis, L. M., tr. Hempel, Walther. Methods of gas analysis. 1892. Dennis, William Henry. Orphans' court and register of wills, Dis- trict of Columbia, (In Columbia hist. soc. Records. 1900. v. 3; p. 210-23.) Dennison, Walter. Epigraphic sources of Suetonius. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1898. v. 2; p. 26-70.) Some new inscriptions from Puteoli, Baise, Misenum, and Cumse. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1898. v. 2; p. 373-98.) Dennison, William. Message to the 55th general assembly at the session commencing Jan. 6, 1862. Columbus, 1862. De Normandie, James, D. D. Bread for nought and the sin of extravagance. Ports., 1875. Companionship with the holiest. Bost, 1900. Historical sketch of the ist church in Roxbury. n. p. 1896. Unitarianism and modern biblical criticism. (In Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 272-89.) Denslow, Van Buren. Principles of the economic philosophy of society, government, and industry. N. Y., 1888. Densmore, L. W. Handbook of the Hartwell family. Bost, 1887. Hillsborough old meeting house, 1789-1890. n. p. n. d. Denson, C. B. Address delivered in Raleigh, N. C, on Memorial day. May 10, 1895; containing a memoir of the late W. H. C. Whiting of the Confederate army. Raleigh, 1895. Address in memory of T. M. Holt, governor of North Caro- lina. Raleigh, 1899. Dent, John Charles, and Scadding, Henry, D. D. Toronto, past and present, historical and descriptive. 1884. Dent, Sanders. Origin and development of the Ku Klux Clan. (In Hist. soc. of Trinity college, Durham, N. C. Annual pub. of hist, papers. 1897. v. i; p. 10-26.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 873 Dental cosmos, a monthly record of dental science, v. 4, no. 8 V. 5, no. i; V. 7, no. 10; v. 8, no. 2, 5, 9; v. 9, no. 4; v. 10, no. 8 V. II, no. 2, 11; V. 12-16; V. 17, no. 2-10, 12; v. 18, no. 1-3, 6-12: V. 19-32; V. 33, no. 1-6, 8-12; V. 34, no. 1-5, 7-12; v. 35, no. 1-8, 10-12. V. 36-8; V. 39, no. I, 3, 10, II. Phil., 1863-97. Dental society of the state of New York. Trans., v. 9-10, 16, 21. V. p. 1879-89. Denton, A. A. Manufacture of sorghum sirup. Wash., 1899. (/« U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1899. no. 90.) Sorghum sirup manufacture. Wash., 1901. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, no. 135.) Denton, Daniel. Brief description of New York, ed. by Gabriel Furman. New ed. N. Y., 1845. Denton, James Edgar. Address; history of attempts to determine the relative value of lubricants by mechanical tests. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 39; p. 185-206.) Denton, William. Deluge in the light of modern science. Bost., 1870. Denver: Education, board of. Annual report, August i, 1883. v. 9. Denver, 1883. : Public library. Arbor day; forestry, notable trees, etc. n. p. 1895 (?) Christmas suggestions; selections, articles, and books about Christmas, n. p. n. d. (Die) Deutsche bibliothek in der hochschule. n. p. n. d. List of books about the Jews. n. p. 1896. Memorial day; selections and suggestions, n. p. i89S(?) Reading )ists. no. 1-4. Denver, n. d. Report, 1895-6. Denver, 1896. Trades assembly list. no. 2. n. p. i897(?) Washington and patriotism. Denver, i896(?) ed. Book-leaf, literary department. 1897. Denver and Rio Grande railroad. Slopes of the Sangre de Cristo. Denver, 1898. Denver medical times, a monthly journal of medical, surgical, and obstetrical science, ed. by T. H. Hawkins, v. 2, no. 1-5; v. 3, no. 1-3, 6-9, 12; V. 4, no. 1-4, 7-12; V. 5, no. 2, 5, 7-12; v. 6; v. 7, no. 7-12; v. 8; v. 9, no. 1-6, 9-12; v. 10, no. 7, 10; v. 11, no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 12, no. 1-8, 10-12; v. 13, no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 14-16; v. 17, no. 1-4, 6. Denver, 1883-97. Note : v. 2 had only 6 numbers. Title of v. 1 was Rocky mountain medical times. Denyse. Lenature explique'e par le raisonnement et par I'experi- ence. Paf., 1719. De Pauw university. Year-book for the year 1894-5, '98-1900. v. 57, 61, 62. Greencastle, 1895-1900. De Peralta, Manual M. See Peralta, Manuel M. de. Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Autumnal speeches in 1898. n. p. n. d. Best things, wit, humor, eloquence, and wisdom, ed. by J. W. Leonard. Chic, 1898. Birthday addresses at the Montauk Club of Brooklyn, 1892-99. n. p. n. d. Columbian oration delivered at the dedication ceremonies of the World's fair, Oct. 21, 1892. n. p. n. d. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 5; p. 1769-82.) (In his Life and later speeches. 1894. P- 1-28.) Life and later speeches. N. Y., 1894, One hundred years of American commerce; 1795-1895. 2v. N. Y., 1895. 374 AUTHOR LIST. Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Orations and after dinner speeches. N. Y., 1896. Speech at the congress of railway employees of the middle and western states, Feb. 24, 1899. n. p. 1899. Story book; ed. by W. M. Clemens. Lond., 1898. De Peyster, Frederic. Life and administration of Richard, Earl of Bellamont, governor of the provinces of New York, Massa- chusetts, and New Hampshire from 1697 to 1701. N. Y., 1879. Depeyster, Brig.-gen. John Watts. Holland, our vaderland. {In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book. 1899. p. 125-38.) How the Dutch preserved the freedom, in body and mind, of middle Europe in 1639. {In Holland soc. of N. Y. Yearbook. 1900. p. 91-103) Johnson family of the Mohawk valley. {In Johnson, Sir John. Orderly book during the Oriskany campaign, 1776-7. 1882, pref. p. 1-162.) Personal and military history of Philip Kearny. N. Y., 1869. Report to the governor of the state of New York on the sub- ject of the organization of the national guards. Alb., 1852. De Puy, Henry W. Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain heroes of '76. Buffalo, 1853. De Quincey, Thomas. Writings. i6v. Bost, 1850-54. Derby, Elias Hasket. Brief review of the speech of T. H. Gary against the loan of state credit for the Hoosac tunnel, May, 1853. Bost, 1853. Case of William Livingston and fifteen hundred other citizens of Lowell, petitioners for a cross railroad from Lowell to An- dover. Bost, 1845. Preliminary report on the treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain. Wash., 1866. Services of New Hampshire in the Revolution, n. p. n. d. Derby, George, M. D. Inquiry into the influence of anthracite fires upon health, with remarks upon artificial moisture and the best mode of warming houses. Bost., 1868. Lessons of the war to the medical profession, read June 4, 1867, before the Mass. med. soc. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. V. 2; p. 215-27.) Derby, Capt. George McClellan, tr. Guarasci, Caesar. Studies on coast defense applied to Gulf of Spezia. 1884. Derby, Hasket, M. D. Anaesthesia and non-anaesthesia in the ex- traction of cataract. Camb,, 1882. Modern operation for cataract; a lecture. Bost., 1871. Near sight treated by atropia. N. Y., 1875. tr. Graefe, Friederich W. E. A. von. Clinical lectures. 1866. Derby, Samuel Carroll. Early Dublin; a list of revolutionary sol- diers of Dublin, N. H. Columbus, 1901. Derby, W. B. Bearing arms in the 27th regt Mass. vols., 1861-5. Bost, 1883. D'Eres, Charles Dennis Rusoe. Memoirs to which is added an appendix containing a brief account of the Indians. Exeter, 1800. De Ritter, Rev. John Baptiste. See Ritter, Rev. John Baptiste de. Dermer, Thomas. Letter describing his passage from Maine to Virginia, 1619. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 343-54-) Dermott, James R. Dermott, or tin case map of the city of Wash- ington, 1797-8. Wash., 1888. De Roo, P. History of America before Columbus according to documents and approved authors. 2v. Phil., 1900. Derrah, Robert H. (Official street railway guide for Eastern New England. Ed. 5. Bost., 1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 375 Derry (N. H.)« Report of the selectmen and town officers for the year 1847, '50, '53-5, '57-I90I. Derry, 1847-1901. Note: Some of the earlier reports printed at Manchester. Derry (N. H.) First Congregational church. Manual, 1876. Law- rence, 1876. Derry (N. H.) First M. E. church. Memorial Sunday, order of ex- ercises, May 26, 1901. n. p. n. d. Derry Mills. Act of incorporation and by-laws. Manch., 1866. Derry news supplement. Pinkerton academy, v. 7, no. :^6. Derry, 1887. Derryfield club of Manchester, N. H. Constitution and by-laws, n. p. n. d. Desault, Pierre Joseph. Treatise on fractures, luxations, and affec- tions of the bones; ed. by Xavier Bichat. Phil., 1805. Ed. 3. Phil., 1817. Desaussure, Wilmot G., comp. Names of the officers who served in the South Carolina regiments, n. p. n. d. Des Cars, A. Treatise on pruning forest and ornamental trees, tr. by C. S. Sargent fr. the 7th French ed. Ed. 3. Bost., 1894. (Mass. soc. for promoting agric. Pub.) Descartes, Rene. Method, mediations and philosophy; tr. by John Vietch. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics library.) Descendant from one of the early Puritanic governors, pseud. See Welles, Albert. Description and rules for the management of the U. S. magazine rifle and carbine. Wash., 1898. Description of gold and copper mines at Gold Hill, Rowan co., N. C. n. p. 1853- Description of 100,000 acres of oil territory, coal, iron, salt, and agricultural land in the county of Cabell, W. Va. N. Y., 1865. Description of Sunday; and of the federal clergy, n. p. 1814. Description of the settlement of the Genesee country in the state of N. Y. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary hist, of the state of N. Y. 1850. v. 2; p. 655-89.) Description of the town of Berkeley with a history of the Univer- sity of California. San Fran., 1881. Descriptive history and real estate guide of the town of Winthrop. Best., 1877. Deshler, Charles D., ed. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Selections from the poetical works of Chaucer. N. Y., 1847. Design and importance of Sabbath-schools. Phil. n. d. Des Moines academy of science. Bulletin, v. i, no. i. Des Moines. 1885. Desmoulins, Auguste. Franco-American treaty of commerce, re- ports and resolutions adopted in the U. S. and France. Par., 1879. Desor, Edouard. Notice sur le phenomene erratique du nord compare a celui des Alpes. Par., 1846. De Soto, Fernando. See Soto, Fernando de. Despeissis, J. A. Silos, ensilage and silage. Sydney, 1892. Despontaines, Pierre Frangois Guyot, and Auvigny, Jean Castre d*, anon. Histoire de la ville de Paris. 5v. Par., 1735. Desruelles, Henri Marie Joseph, M. D. Memoir on the treatment of venereal diseases without mercury; tr. from the French. Phil., 1830. Detmold, William, M. D. Essay on club foot and some analogous diseases. N. Y., 1840. Detroit (Mich.): Common council. Part of Detroit through the lens. Detroit, 1898. 376 AUTHOR LIST. Detroit (Mich.): Education, board of. Annual report. 1883. v. 40. Detroit, 1883. Health, board of. Annual report, v. i, 18. Detroit, 1882-99. : House of correction. Annual report of the officers, v. 13, 15. Detroit, 1875-7. (-^^ Mich.: Charities and corrections, board of. Extracts from governors' messages. 1874-7. 1875-7.) : Public library. Annual report, 1888-1901. v. 23-37. Detroit, 1888-1901. General catalogue of the books, except fiction, French, and German, Detroit, 1889. ist supplement. Detroit, 1894. 2d supplement. Detroit, 1899. : Public lighting commission. Annual report for the year ending June 30, 1896-1900. V. 1-5. Detroit, 1896-1900. Detroit college. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1877-1901. Detroit, 1878-1901. Detroit post and tribune. Zachariah Chandler. Detroit, 1880. Detroit review of medicine and pharmacy, monthly, v. 22-4; v. 25, no. 1-5, 7-12; V. 26, no. I, 3, 6; v. 27, no. 1-2, 5-7, 9-10, 12; v. 28-9; V. 30, no. I, 3-12; V. 31, no. 1-3. Detroit, 1886-95. Note : discontinued after v. 31. In 1877 united with Peninsular journal of med- icine forming Detroit medical journal. 1878-85. V. 13-21, title reads Detroit lancet; 1886-95, V. 22-31, American lancet, v. 14 had only 6 numbers. Deutsch, Solomon. Drillmaster in German. N. Y., 1889. Letters; a practical and grammatical course for self-instruc- tion in the German language. N. Y., 1884. Deutsche Evangelische synode von Nord-Amerika. Schul-program der Lehranstalten, 1891-3, '95-7, '98-1900. St. L., 1892-9. Studienplan fiir das Proseminar, 1890-1. n. p. 1890. Deutsche gesellschaft der stadt New York. Jahresbericht fiir 1883-4, '88. N. Y., 1884-9. Deutsche klinik; zeitung fiir beobachtungen aus deutschen kliniken und krankenhausern; wochentlich. v. 4-7. Ber., 1852-5. Deutschen zoologischen gesellschaft. Verhandlungen, 1898. v. 8. Leipsic, 1898. Deutscher verein zur erforschung Palastina*s. Arbeiten von 1878- 97. Lpz,, 1897. Deux-Ponts, Guillaume, comte de. My campaigns in America, a journal, 1780-81, tr. from the French mss. bv S. A. Green. Bost., 1868. Devens, Brig.-gen. Charles. General Meade and the battle of Get- tysburg. Morrisania, 1873. Memoir of A. H. Bullock. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1888. V. 23; p. 322-39.) Oration at the annual meeting. (In Bunker Hill monument assoc. Proceed, v. 53. 1875. p. 37-90.) Two addresses commemorative of General Grant. Wore, 1885. Devens, R. M. Our first century; a popular descriptive portraiture of the one hundred great and memorable events in the history of our country. Springf., 1876. Springf., 1878. Devens, Rev. Samuel Adams, anon. Sketches of Martha's Vineyard. Bost, 1838. (The) devill and the parliament; or. The parliament and the devill; a contestation between them for the precendencie (1648). Edin., 1882. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Notk: first pub. in 1648. Devine, Thomas, comp. Canada: Crown lands, dept. of. Govern- ment map of Canada from Red river to the Gulf of St. Law- rence. 1859. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 377 Devine, Thomas, comp. Map of the northwest part of Canada. De Vinne, Theodore Low. Invention of printing a collection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the 15th century, etc. N. Y., 1878. (In Bruce's sons and company, George. Specimens of prmtmg types. 1882.) Devitt, Rev. E. I. Planting of the faith in America. {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 6; p. 137-79-) Devotional exercises, chiefly designed for the use of families on the Sabbath. Bost., 1820. Dew, J. Harvie, M. D. Establishing a new method of artificial respiration in asphyxia neonatorum. {In Medical record, 1893. V. 43; p. 289-92, 311.) , , , . Dewalque, G. Sur I'uniformite de la langue geologique. Liege, 1880. Dewzirt, Frederick W. Municipal condition of St. L.ouis. {In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 218-32.) Dewees, William Potts, M. D. Compendious system of midwifery. Ed. 4, rev. Phil., 1830. Ed. 6. Phil., 1833. Ed. 7, rev. Phil., 1835. Ed. 8. Phil., 1837. Essay on the means of lessening pain and facilitating certain cases of difficult parturition. Ed. 2. Phil., 1819. Essays on various subjects connected with midwifery. Phil., 1823. Practice of physic. 2v. Phil., 1830. Treatise on the diseases of females. Phil., 1826. Ed. 3. Phil., 1831. Ed. 5, rev. Phil., 1835- Ed. 6, rev. Phil., 1837. Ed. 10. Phil., 1854. Treatise on the physical and medical treatment of children. Ed. 2. Phil., 1826. Ed. 6. Phil., 1836. ed. Baudelocque, C^ar Auguste^ Abridgment of Heath's translation of Baudelocque's midwifery. 1823. ed. Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sci- ences. V. 10-14. 1825-7. ed. Ramsbotham, John, M. D. Practical observations in mid- wifery. 1822. Dewey, A. F. Some sketches of long ago. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 14; p. 528-53.) Dewey, Adelbert Milton, cd. Life of George Dewey, rear admiral, U. S. N., and Dewey family history; comp. by L. M. Dewey. Westf., 1898. Dewey, Benoni, Wheelock, James, and Gilbert, Benjamin J. True and concise narrative of the origin and progress of the church difficulties in the vicinity of Dartmouth college, Hanover. Han- over, 1815. Dewey, Rev. Chester, ed. Massachusetts: Zoological and botanical survey, commissioners an. Reports on the herbaceous plants and on the quadrupeds. 1840. Dewey, Davis Rich. Irregularity of employment. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1894. V. 9, no. 5-6; p. 51-67.) Statistics of suicides in New England. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3, no. 18-19; p. 158-75-) Study of statistics. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1889. v. 4, no. 5; p. 35-52.) 878 AUTHOR LIST. Dewey, Frederic Perkins. Preliminary descriptive catalogue of the systematic collections in economic geology and metallurgy. Wash., 1891. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1891. no. 42.) Dewey, Harry Pinneo, D. D. Church of the covenant. Cone, 1899. Sermon preached Christmas Sunday, 1889. Cone, 1890. Dewey, John. Interest as related to will. Bloomington, 1896. {In National Herbart soc. Year book. 1895. v. i, pt. 2.) Psychology. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1898. and McLellan, James A. Psychology of number and its appli- cations to methods of teaching arithmetic. 1898. Dewey, Louis Marinius, comp. Dewey genealogy and family his- tory. {In Dewey, A. M., ed. Life of George Dewey. 1898. p. 199-1117.) Dewey, Lyster Hoxie. Legislation against weeds. Wash., 1896. (U. S. : Agriculture, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 17.) Russian thistle. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1893. no. 10.) its history as a weed in the V. S., with an account of the means available for its eradication. Wash., 1894. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 15.) Weeds, and how to kill them. Wash,., 1895. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1895. no. 28.) Dewey, Mary E. Historical sketch of the formation and achieve- ments of the Woman's national Indian assoc. in the U. S. n. p. 1900. Dewey, Melvil, anon. Classification and subject index for cata- loguing and arranging the books and pamphlets of a library. Amh., 1876. Decimal classification and relative index for libraries, clip- pings, notes, etc Ed. 4. Bost., 1891. : -— Ed. 6. Bost, 1899. Libraries as related to the educational work of the state. {In N. Y. (state) : Univ. Regents' bulletin. 1890. no. 3.) ed. United States: Education, bureau of. Papers prepared for the world's library congress held at the Columbian exposition. 1896. Dewey, Orville, D. D. Brief statement and explanation of the Unitarian belief. Bost. n. d. (American Unitarian assoc. ser. I, no. 31.) Discourses on the nature of religion and on commerce and business, v. 2. Bost., 1866. Law of retribution. Bost. n. d. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc Tracts, ser. i, no. 192.) Nature and province of natural and revealed religion. Bost, 1855. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 182.) On profession of religion. Bost., 1836. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 109.) Remarks on the Sacred Scriptures and on belief and unbelief. Bost, 1839. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 142.) Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 142.) Unitarian's answer. Ed. 4. Bost., 1826. (Amer. Unitarian assoc Tracts, ser. i, no. 7.) Bost., 1855. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 7.) De Windt, Harry. Through the gold-fields of Alaska to Behring straits. N. Y., 1898. De Witt, Simeon. Map of the state of New York. n. p. 1802 Note : scale 5 miles to 1 inch. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAEY. 379 De Witt, Thomas, D. D. New Netherland. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Proceed. 1845. p. 51-76.) On the sources of some of the early settlements m the state of New York. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Proceed. 1848. p. 72-88.) De Witte, Henry, ed. Sanitary news. v. 11. 1888. De Worms, Henry, ist baron Pirbright. See Pirbright, Henry de Worms, 1st baron. Dexter, Aaron. Accurate history of a locked jaw, from a wounded membrane, that terminated fatally. {In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1791. v. 2; p. 192-200.) Dexter, Franklin Bowditch. Biographical sketches of the gradu- ates of Yale college with annals of the college history; 1701- 1763. 2v. N. Y., 1885-96. Catalogue, with descriptive notices of the portraits, busts, etc., belonging to Yale university, 1892. N. H., 1892. Directory of the living graduates of Yale university, 1895. N. H., 1895. Dixwell papers. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1900. V. 6; p. 337-74-) Early relations between New Netherland and New England. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 443- 69.) First public library in New Haven. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1900. v. 6. p. 301-13.) Founding of Yale college. {In New Haven colony hist soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 1-31.) Governor Elihu Yale. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 227-48.) Historical study of the powers and duties of the presidency in Yale college. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 27-42.) History of Connecticut as illustrated by the names of her towns. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1885. p. 421-48.) Influence of the English universities. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1880. v. 17; p. 340-52.) Inscriptions on tombstones in New Haven, Conn. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. v. 3; p. 471-614.) Memoranda respecting Edward Whalley and William GofTe. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1877. v. 2; p. 117- 53.) New Haven in 1784. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 117-38.) {In New Haven (Conn.). Hundredth anniversary of the city of New Haven. 1885. p. 49-74.) On some social distinctions at Harvard and Yale before the Revolution. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1893. p. 34-59.) Pilgrim church and Plymouth colony. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 257-94.) Sketch of the life and writings of John Davenport. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1877. v. 2; p. 205-38.) Thomas Clapp and his writings. {In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 247-74.) ed. Stiles, Ezra, D. D. Literary diary. 1901. tr. McClure, David, D. D. Diary of David McClure, 1748- 1820. 1899. Dexter, George. Cortereal, Verrazano, Gomez, Thevet. {In Win- sor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 4; p. 1-32.) Dexter, Henry Martyn, D. D. Congregationalism; what it is; whence it is; how it works; why it is better than any other form of church government; and its consequent demands. Bost., 1865. 880 AUTHOR LIST. Dexter, Henry Martyn, D. D. Congregationalism of the last 300 years as seen in its literature. N. Y., 1880. Elder Brewster's library. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1890. V. 25; p. 37-85.) English exiles in Amsterdam. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. V. 26', p. 41-64.) Glance at the ecclesiastical councils of New England. Bost., 1867. Moral influence of manufacturing towns; a discourse deliv- ered at the dedication of the Eranklin-street church, Manches- ter, N. H., Dec. 22, 1847. Andover, 1848. Our national condition, and its remedy. Bost., 1856. Spread of the Gospel in the city among the poor who habit- ually neglect the sanctuary. Bost., 1866. Street thoughts. Bost., 1859. Temperance duties of the temperate. Bost., 1850. Voice of the Bible the verdict of reason. Bost., 1858. What ought to be done with the freedmen and with the rebels? Bost., 1865. ed. Church, Col. Benjamin. History of King Philip's war. 1865. History of the eastern expeditions of 1689, 1692, 1696, and 1704 against the Indians and French. 1867. ed. Mourt, George. Mourt's relation. 1865. ed. Williams, Roger. Christenings make not Christians. {In R. I. hist, tracts, no. 14.) Dextier, O. P., comp. Savage, James. Genealogical cross index of the four volumes of the genealogical dictionary. 1884. Dexter, T. F. G., and Garlick, A. H. Psychology in the schoolroom. N. Y., 1899. Dexter (Me.) : Town library. Finding lists. Dexter, 1893. Dial, pub. monthly by the students of St. Mary's college, v. 7, no. 10; V. 10, no. 4. St. Marys, 1896-9. Dialectic society. Catalogue of the members. Raleigh, 1852. ed. by W. J. Battle. Bait., 1890. Dicey, Albert Venn. Privy council. Lond., 1887. Dick, Robert, M. D. Derangements, primary, and reflex, of the organs of digestion. Phil., 1842. Dick, Rev. Thomas. Christian philosopher; or, The connection of science and philosophy with religion. Phil., 1835. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. N. Y., 1833. Sidereal heavens and other subjects connected with astronomy. Phil, 1845. Dickens, Charles John HufTam. Christmas carol, with extracts from the Pickwick papers. Bost., 1881. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. David Copperfield. 5v. Bost., 1886-87. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Oliver Twist; or, The parish boy's progress. N. Y., 1839. Dickerman, Edward Dwight, and Dickerman, George Sherwood. Families of Dickerman ancestry. N. H., 1897. Dickerman, George Sherwood, and Dickerman, Edward Dwight. Families of Dickerman ancestry. 1897. Dickerson, Edward N. Joseph Henry and the magnetic telegraph. N. Y., 1885. Dickeson, Mandeville Wilson, M. D., and Brown, Andrew. Sedi- ment of the Mississippi river. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1849. v. i; p. 42-54.) Dickey, John. Genealogy of the Dickey family. Wore, 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 381 Dickey, Rev. John M. Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. Oxford, 1853. Dickinson, Rev. Austin. Appeal to American youth on temperance. N. Y. n. d. Dickinson, Cornelius E., D. D. Come-outer movement. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1898. v. 9; p. 57-67.) History of Congregationalism in Ohio before 1852. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; P- 3I-55-) History of the first religious society in Marietta. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1890. v. i; p. 78-97-) Dickinson, Daniel S. Address before the graduating class of the law department of Hamilton college. Utica, 1858. Dickinson, Edward. History of church music, syllabus with bibli- ographical references. Oberlin, 1896. {In Library bulletin of Oberlin college. 1896. v. i, no. 3.) Dickinson, Elmira J., ed., anon. History of Eureka college with biographical sketches and reminiscences. St. L., 1894. Dickinson, Brig.-gen. John. Letters of Fabius on the federal con- stitution, {In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets on the constitution of the U. S. 1888. p. 163-216.) Political writings. 2v. Wilmington, 1801. Writings, ed. by P. L. Ford. v. i. Phil., 1895. {In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1895. v. 14.) Dickinson, John W. High schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1884. p. 47-6o.) Limits of oral teaching. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1882. p. 54-94-) Oral teaching. {In Amer. Inst, of instruction. Lectures. 1879- p- 3-1 1-) School supervision. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879- P- 19-36.) Dickinson, Julian G. Capture of Jeflf Davis. Detroit, 1888. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v, I, no. 9.) Dickinson, Marion, and Medlicott, Mary, comp. References to arti- cles upon children, schools, and libraries. Bost., i899(?) Dickinson, Marquis F. Historical address delivered at the centen- nial celebration in Amherst, Mass., July 4, 1876. Amh., 1878. ed. John Marshall; the tribute of Massachusetts, being the addresses delivered at Boston and Cambridge, Feb. 4, 1901. Bost., 1901. Dickinson, Moses F. Detroit in 1837. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. _ soc. Hist. coll. ^ 1900. V. 28; p. 585-638.) Dickinson, Rev. Pliny. Discourse on the institution, observance, and profanation of the Sabbath. Walpole, 1813. Sermon preached before the governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hampshire, June 6, 1816, being the anniversary election. Cone, 1816. {In N. H. election sermons. 1816-61.) Dickinson, Rudolphus. Compendium of the religious doctrines, re- ligious and moral precepts, historical and descriptive beauties ^ of the Bible. Ed. 2. Greenf., 1815. Dickinson, Samuel Nelson, puh. Boston almanac for the year 1836- 49- V. 1-14. 1836-49. Dickinson, Thomas A. D. O. Woodman. Wore, 1885. Dickinson, William Howship, M. D. Diseases of the kidney and urinary derangem.ents. 3v. Lond., 1875. On renal and urinary aflfections. 3v. Lond., 1885. Note : v. 1-2 wanting. 382 AUTHOR LIST. Dickinson, William Howship, M. D. On renal and urinary affec- tions. Abridged. 3v. N. Y., 1885. Note : v. 1-2 wanting. On the pathology and treatment of albuminuria. Lond,, 1868. Dickson, James H., M. D. Address delivered before the alumni association of the university of North Carolina, June, 1853. Raleigh, 1853. Dickson, Samuel. Argument (In Petition of the Troy and Green- field railroad, n, d. p. 7-25.) Dickson, S. Henry, M. D. On dengue; its history, pathology, and treatment. Phil, 1839, Dickson, William P., D. D., tr. Mommsen, Christian Matthias The- ordor. History of Rome. 1887. Diday, Charles Joseph Paul Edouard. Treatise on syphilis in new- born children and infants at the breast; tr. by G. Whitley, with notes by F. R. Sturgis. N. Y., 1883. Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich. (Die) operative chirurgie. v. i. Lpz., 1845. Diescher, Samuel. Address on the subject of the metric system as applied to weights and measures. Pittsb., 1901. Dietetic and hygienic gazette, a monthly journal of physiological medicine, v. 8; v. 9, no. 1-2, 4-12; v. lo-ii; v. 12, no. 1-6, 8-12; V. 13-14; V. 15, no. 2, 4-12; V. 16. N. Y., 1892-1900. Note: continuation of Dietetic gazette. Dietetic gazette, monthly, v. 3-4; v. 5, no. 1-3; v. 6, no. 1-7, 9-10; V. 7-8; V. 9, no. 1-2, 4-12; V. lo-ii; v. 12, no. 1-6, 8-12; v. 13-14; V. 15, no. 2, 4-12; V. 16. N. Y., 1888-1900. Note : r. 1-7 title reads Dietetic gazette, v. 8-date, Dietetic and hygienic ga- zette. V. 1-4, quarterly. Dieulafoy, Georges, M. D. Treatise on the pneumatic aspiration of morbid fluids. Phil., 1873. Diffenderffer, Frank Reid. German exodus to England in 1709. (In Penn, German soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 7; p. 257-413.) Digest of criticisms on the United States pharmacopoeia, 6th de- cennial revision. N. Y., 1889. Digest of physical tests, a resume of practical tests made in labor- atories of the world, v. i, no. 2. Phil., 1896. Dike, Rev. Samuel Warren. Perils to the family; address Dec. 8, 1887. _n. p. 1888. Statistics of divorce in the U. S. and Europe. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1889. v. i, no. 5; p. 206-14.) Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth. Problems of Great Britain. Lond., 1890. Dill, James B. Industrials as investments for small capital. (In Amer, acad. of pol. and social sci. Corporations. 1900. p. 107-19.) Dillard, Richard, M. D. Historic tea-party of Edenton, Oct. 25, 1774. Edenton, 1898. Dillaway, C. K. History of the grammar school; or, "The free schoole of 1645 in Roxburie" with biographical sketches. Rox- bury, i860. Diller, Joseph Silas. Felsites and their associated rocks north of Boston. Camb., 1881. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 7, no. 2.) Geology of Assos. (In Clarke, J. T. Report on the investi- gations at Assos. 1882. p. 166-79.) Late volcanic eruption in northern California. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 79.) Notes on the geology of northern California. Wash., 1886. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1886. no. 33.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 383 Diller, Joseph Silas. Notes upon the geology of the Troad. (In Clarke, J. T. Report on the investigations at Assos. 1882. p. 180-215.) Peridotite of Elliott county, Ky. Wash., 1887. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1887. no. 38.) Dilley, John W., ed., anon. In memoriam; J. S. Verity. Bost., 1885. Dillingham, Paul. Message to the general assembly of Vermont, Oct. 13, 1865. Montp., 1865. Dillingham, William P. Message to the general assembly, Oct. session, 1888. Montp., 1888. Message to the general assembly, Oct. session, 1890. Montp., 1890. Dillon, John B. National decline of the Miami Indians. Indian- apolis, 1897. (^w Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 119-43.) Dillon & Company, R. S., pub. Westfield directory. 1897. Diman, Jeremiah Lewis, D. D. Capture of Gen. Edward Prescott by Lt.-col. William Barton; an address at the centennial cele- bration of the exploit. Prov., 1877. (R. I. hist, tracts, no. i.) Note : for additions and index see no. 20 of the series. 974.5. R544. ed. Cotton, Rev. John. Reply to Mr. Williams. (In Narra- gansett club. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 9-240.) ed. Williams, Roger. George Fox digg'd out of his burrowes. (In Narragansett club. Pub. 1872. v. 5.) Dimmock, George, comp. Writings of S. H. Scudder. Camb., 1879. Dimock, Susan Whitney. Births, marriages, baptisms, and deaths, from the records of the town and churches in Coventry, Conn., 1711-1844. N. Y., 1897. Dimond, Edwin R. Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimon family. Alb., 1891. Dingley, F. L. European emigration. (In U. S.: Consuls. Special consular reports. 1891. v. 2; p. 209-332.) Dingley, Nelson. Democratic tariff outcome. Bost., 1894. Dinsmoor, Robert. Incidental poems, with letters and a sketch of the author's life. Haverhill, 1828. Poems, ed. by L. A. Morrison. Ed. 2. Bost., 1898.* Dinsmoor, Samuel. Message delivered to both houses of the legis- lature. June session, 1832. Cone, 1832. Message to both branches of the legislature, November ses- sion, 1832. n. p. n. d. Message to the legislature of New Hampshire, June session, 1831. Cone, 1831. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, 1850. Cone, 1850. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, 1851. Cone, 1851. Dinwiddie, R. R. Milk; its decomposition and preservation. Little Rock, 1897. (In Ark.: Agrie exper. station. Bulletin, no. 45.) Dinwiddie, William. Puerto Rico, its conditions and possibilities. N. Y., 1899. Diocesan library, Boston (Mass.). Annual report, 1888, '92, '93, '96- 1900. V. 5, 9, 10, 13-18. Bost., 1888-1901. Diocesan library and reading-room, Philadelphia. Bishop Potter ^ memorial, n. p. n. d. Dios Cespedes, Juan de. Quimica moderna. San Jose, 1896. Directory of insurance agents of New Hampshire. 1891. n. p. n. d. — ^ Manch., 1897. Directory of Portland and vicinity, 1892, '99. v. 33, 40. Portl., ^ 1892-9. Directory of scientific societies of Washington; pub. annually, 1892- 3, 95-6, 1900. V. 4-5, 7-8, 12. Wash., 1892-1900. Directory of the Illinois legislature of 1895, '97. Springf., 1895-7. 384 AUTHOR LIST. Directory of the masonic organizations in Concord, N. H., 1880-1, '82-3, '85-6, '90-1, '93, '95-6. Cone, 1880-95. Directory of the state government of Kansas for the years 1877-8. Topeka, 1877. Directory of trained nurses, containing a complete list of names and addresses of trained nurses in Philadelphia, New York, and Brooklyn, 1895. Phil., 1895. Disappointed love, a story drawn from incidents in the lives of Miss C. C. Cochran and Miss C. B. Cotton, who committed sui- cide by drowning in the canal at Manchester, N. H., Aug. 14, 1853. Manch., 1853. Discharged soldiers' home. Annual report, with constitution, by- laws, list of officers and life-members of the association, v. i. Bost., 1863. Discussion of the Nicaragua ship canal and the Tehauntepec ship railway schemes before the committee on foreign affairs of the house of representatives, n. p. n. d. Discussion of the Scripture doctrine of regeneration. Dover, 1832. Disraeli, Benjamin. See Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, earl of. District historical society. First report, containing the constitu- tion and an account of the organization of the society, n. p. n. d. District of Columbia: Health, dept. of. Report, 1879, '86-7, '89-90, '92, '95, '97, '99-1901. V. 7, T4-15, 17-18, 20, 24, 26, 28-30. Wash., 1879- 1901. : Public library. Annual report, 1897-1900. v. 1-3. Wash., 1898- 1900. : Public schools, board of trustees of. Cooking, n. p. n. d. English in the high schools. Wash., 1897. Manual training. Wash., 1897. Manual training, mechanical laboratory work, teachers' man- ual. Wash., 1890. Minutes for 1882-4, '85-90, '91-3. Wash., 1883-93. Music. Wash., 1891. Number, teachers' manual, ist year. Phil., 1896. 2d year. Phil., 1896. 3d year. Phil., 1897. Report for the year 1874-80, '85-99. Wash., 1876-99. Note : earlier reports issued by City of Washington. None pub. in 1880-5. Rules and regulations for the government of public schools. n. p. n. d. Sewing, n. p. n. d. Story of two inaugurations; 1897-1789. n. p. 1897. Syllabus of language work. Phil., 1893. : Supreme court. Proceedings in the second trial of the case of the U. S. vs. John W. Dorsey and others for conspiracy. 4v. Wash., 1883. Report of the proceedings in the case of the U. S. vs. C. J. ^ Guiteau. 3v. Wash., 1882. District of Columbia medical society. See Medical society of the District of Columbia. District of Columbia society of Mayflower descendants. Officers and members, instruction to applicants, constitution and by-laws. 1899-1901. Wash., 1899-1901. District of Columbia society of the sons of the American revolution. Constitution and by-laws, with list of charter members, 1891. Wash., 1890. (In its Year-book. 1891.) Report of the historian for the years 1895 and 1896, by Marcus Benjamin. Wash., 1897. Year-book for 1891, '96, '97. Wash., 1890-98. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 385 Disturnell, John. Influence of climate in North and South Amer- ica. N. Y, 1867. comp. United States register. 1862. Ditson, George Leighton, M. D. Caucasian mountains and their inhabitants. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. Qi-HQ-) Circassia; or, A tour to the Caucasus. N. Y., 1850. Divinity of Jesus Christ. Ed. 3. Bost, 1831. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 34.) Bost., 1830. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 34.) Divinity school of Harvard university. See Harvard university: Divinity school. Division visitor, a patriotic magazine, pub. monthly and devoted to the Sons of temperance, literature, and home topics, v. 3, no. 1-2. Phil., 1894. Dix, Dorothea Lynde, anon. Conversations on common things; or. Guide to knowledge. Bost., 1829. Memorial to the senate and house of representatives of the state of Illinois. {In 111: Hospital for the insane. Biennial re- port, v. 1-8.) Dix, E. R. McC. Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books. Dub- lin, n. d. comp. Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books, 1601 to 1700. pt. I. Dublin, 1898. Dix, John Adams. Address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Douglas monument, at Chicago, 1866. N. Y. 1866. anon. Sketch of the resources of the city of New York, with a view of its municipal government, etc., from the foundation of the city to the date of the last statistical accounts. N. Y., 1827. Speeches and occasional addresses. 2v. N. Y., 1864. Tilden dissected; speech at the Cooper institute, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1876. N. Y., 1876. Veto messages in the year 1873. n. p. n. d. Winter in Madeira and a summer in Spain and Florence. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1851. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1853. Dix, John Homer, M. D. Treatise upon the nature and treatment of morbid sensibility of the retina; or. Weakness of sight. Bost, 1849. ed. Gibert, Camilla Melchior. Changes of the blood in dis- ease. 1841. Dix, John Ross, anon. Hand-book of Newport and Rhode Island. Newport, 1852. Dix, Morgan, D. D. Christian education; a sermon preached in Christ church, Hartford, Conn., June 20, 1886. Hartf., 1886. Full assurance of faith, baccalaureate Sermon preached at the annual commencement of the University of the South, 1885. n. p. n. d. comp. Memoirs of J. A. Dix comp. by his son. 2v. N. Y., . 1883. Dixon, Charles. Rural bird life; being essays on ornithology; ed. by Elliott Coues. Bost, 1880. Dixon, E. Florentine wool trades in the Middle ages. {In Royal hist soc. Trans. 1898. v. 22; p. 151-79.) Dixon, Edward H., M. P., ed. Scalpel, a journal of health. 1849- .52. Dixon, James, D. D. Personal narrative of a tour through a part of the United States and Canada. N. Y., 1849. Sword of the Lord in the Indian crisis; a fast day sermon preached in the Stocks chapel, Manchester. Lond. n. d. 25 386 AUTHOR LIST. Dixon, Samuel G., M. D. Annual address before the state board of health of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1893. Dixwell, George Basil. Progress and poverty a review of the doc- trines of Henry George. Carnb., 1882. Review of Prof. Sumner's speech before the tariff commis- sion. Camb., 1882. . „ , . Doane, Augustus Sydney, M. D., tr. Blandin, Philippe Fredenc. Treatise on topographical anatomy of the regions of the human body, 1834. — tr. Dupuytren, Guillaume, baron. Clinical lessons on surgery. 1883. ed. Maygrier, Jacques Pierre, M. D. Midwifery illustrated. 1833. 1836. ^ ed. Scouttetten, Raoul Henri Joseph, D. D. Medical and topo- graphical history of cholera morbus. 1832. Doane, Lieut. Gustavus C. Report upon the Yellowstone expedi- tion of 1870. Wash., 1871. Doane, William Croswell, hp. Extracts from addresses, n. p. 1895. Knowledge and temperance; sermon preached at St. Paul's school on Nov. 30, 1899. Cone, 1899. Doane college. Catalogue of officers and students for 1877-80, '82- 3, '85-1901. Crete and Lincoln, 1877-1901. Note: 1876-7 first pub. Circular, n. p. n. d. Nominations for trustees, n. p. 1893. Dobbin, James C. Address delivered before the two literary soci- eties of the university of North Carolina, June 5, 1850. Ed. 2. Chapel Hill, 1859. Dobson, Rev. W. S., ed. Pearson, John, D. D. Exposition of the creed. 1844. Doctors' magazine, a monthly periodical devoted to the interests of the medical profession and the public health, ed. by G. F. Butler. V. i, no. 2, 4. Chic, 1900. Doctrines of the Trinity and transubstantiation compared. Bost., 1833. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. i, no. 69.) Documents and proceedings relating to the formation and progress of a board in the city of New York for the emigration, preser- vation, and improvement of the aborigines of America, July 22, 1829. N. Y., 1829. Documents exhibiting the political sentiments of the late and pres- ent collectors of New Bedford, n. p. n. d. Documents relating to the New York contest, showing the claims of the delegation elected by congress districts to seats in the Charleston convention. N. Y., i860. Documents relating to the presidential election in the year 1801; containing a refutation of two passages in the writings of Thomas Jefferson aspersing the character of the late J. A. Bay- ard of Delaware. Phil., 1831. Documents relative to the claim of Mrs. Decatur. Georgetown, 1827. Dodd, Anna Bowman. In and out of three Normandy inns. N. Y., 1892. Dodd, James B. Algebra for high schools and colleges. N. Y., i860. Arithmetic for high schools. N. Y., 1859. Dodd, Rev. Stephen, ed. Revolutionary memorials. N. Y., 1852. Dodd, William, D. D. Thoughts in prison. Exeter, 1794. Note : Odiorne's edition. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 387 Doddridge, Joseph, D. D. Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1783, with a memoir of the author; ed. by A. Williams. Alb., 1876. Doddridge, Narcissa. Memoir of the Rev. Dr. Joseph Doddridge. {In Doddridge, Joseph, D. D. Notes on the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Va. and Penn. 1876. p. 1-44.) Doddridge, Philip, D. D. Course of lectures on the principal sub- jects in pneumatology, ethics, and divinity. Ed. 4. 2v. Lond., 1799. Dodge, Arthur P. Sketch of the life of Phinehas Adams. Bost., 1880. Dodge, Charles Richards. Descriptive catalogue of manufactures from native woods, as shown in the exhibit of the department of agriculture at New Orleans. Wash., 1886. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Special reports, misc. ser. no. 10.) Descriptive catalogue of the useful fiber plants of the world. Wash., 1897. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Fiber investigations. Report, no. 9.) Flax for seed and fiber in the United States. Wash., 1895. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1895. no. 27.) Ljfe and entomological work of the late Townsend Glover. Wash., 1888. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 18.) Report on flax, hemp, ramie, and jute, with considerations upon flax and hemp culture in Europe. Wash., 1890. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Statistics, div. of. Reports; misc. ser. no. i.) Dodge, Daniel Kilham. Abraham Lincoln, the evolution of his literary style. Champaign, 1900. {In 111.: Univ. Univ. studies. 1900. V. I, no. I.) Dodge, Frank P. Report, class of '95, Dartmouth college, v. 1-2. V. p. 1896-9. Dodge, MaJ.-gen. Grenville M. Affidavit, n. p. 1869. Battle of Atlanta. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: N. Y. com- mandery. Personal recollections. 1897. v. 2; p. 240-54.) Union Pacific railroad; report on lines crossing the Rocky Mountains. N. Y., 1867. Dodge, Col. Henry. Report of the secretary of war, transmitting a report of the expedition of the dragoons to the Rocky Moun- tains during the summer of 1835. Wash., 1836. Dodge, Henry L., vs. Emery, Woodward. Pleadings and evidence. Ports., 1876. Dodge, Jacob Richards. Address; the standard of living in the U. S. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1891. V. 39; p. 395-412.) Hillsborough county record. Glimpse of the business and resources of 31 towns. Nashua, 1853. Sheep and wool; a review of the progress of American sheep husbandry. Wash., 1900. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Misc. re- ports, no. 66.) Township and railroad map of New Hampshire, compiled from the best authorities. Bost., 1854. Note : scale 6 miles to 1 inch. West Virginia; its farms and forests, mines, and oil-wells. Phil., 1865. Dodge, Rev. John W. Glory of the church; sermon preached at the dedication of the new edifice of the First Congregational church, Yarmouth, 1870. Yarmouth, 1871. 388 AUTHOR LIST. Dodge, Joseph Thompson. Genealogy of the Dodge family of Essex county, Mass., 1629-1894. 2v. Madison, 1894-8. Dodge, Mary Abigail. Biography of J. G. Blaine by Gail Hamil- ton. Norwich, 1895. Dodge, Melvin Gilbert. Clark prize orations, class of '98, Hamilton college. Clinton, 1898. Dodge, R. G. W. Families of early settlers in Blue Hill, Me. (/n Bangor hist. mag. 1889. v. 5; p. 181-217.) Dodge, Robert. Memorials of Columbus, read to the Md. hist. soc, April, 1851. Bait., 1851. Dodge, Rufus B. Historical sketch, read at the 3d annual reunion of the past and present residents of Charlton, Sept. 4, 1899. Bost., 1899. Dodge, Theodore Ayrault. Bird's-eye view of our Civil war. Bost., 1883. Campaign of Chancellorsville. Bost, 1881. Dodge, W. C, anon. District of Columbia and its relations to the general government. Wash., 1894. District of Columxbia, what its citizens, do and have done for the national capital, local institutions, and government, n. p. 1891. Dodsley, Robert. Economy of human life. Walpole, 1807. Dodson, W. C, ed. Wheeler, Maj.-gen. Joseph. Campaigns of Wheeler and his cavalry. Atlanta, 1899. Dodsworth, W. Our legal tender system; its evils and their rem- edy. N. Y., 1897. Doe, Charles. Opinions with reference to railroad-tax cases, n. p. n. d. Doggett, L. L., D. D. History of the American Young men's Christian association. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1892. V. 3; p. 80-98.) Doggett, Samuel Bradlee. History of the Doggett-Daggett family. Bost., 1894. Dohme, A. R. L. Ortho-sulpho-benzoic acid and some of its de- rivatives. Bait., 1889. Dolbear, Amos Emerson. Recent advances in electrical science. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1888. p. 119-44.) Dole, Rev. Charles Fletcher. Bright side out. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 5, no. 27.) Catechism of liberal faith. Bost., 1895. Citizen and the neighbor. Ed. 7. Bost, 1891. Consciousness of God. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 4, no. 107.) Early Hebrew stories. Ed. 12. Bost., 1897. Golden rule in business. N. Y., 1895. Idealism; what it is and what it shows us. Bost., 1900. - — Man of feeling. Bost. n. d. Modern Bible. Haverhill, 1901. Symphony. Bost., 1892. (In Words in season. 1892. ser. i, no. 12; p. 149-61.) Two stories of the King. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 4, no, 22.) Unitarian ideals. Bost n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 8, no. 12.) What the world wants of us. Bost n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 4, no. 87.) Dole, John, M. D. Practical aspects of medical science. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1869. v. 3; p. 2zyj2.) Dole, Nathan Haskell, ed. Rambaud, A. Popular history of Russia. 1882. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 389 Dole, Samuel T. Cumberland and Oxford canal. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 19; p. 264-71.) Early schools in New Marblehead, now Windham. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 19; p. 391-403.) Extracts from the old records of Windham. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. V. 20; p. 308-20.) Little Falls; a chapter of local history. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 19; p. 197-206.) Meeting house war in New Marblehead. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. V. 20; p. 175-85-) Dole, Sanford Ballard. Evolution of Hawaiian land tenures. Honolulu, 1892. (In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers. 1892. v. i; no. 3.) Domestic and foreign missionary society of the Protestant Epis- copal church in the U. S. Act of incorporation, etc. N. Y., 1885. Church calendar for the year 1898-9, 1901-2. N. Y., 1898-1900. Foreign missions, Protestant Episcopal church, statement and facts. To the clergy, annual table of contributions. N. Y., 1898. Domestic dyer, being receipts for dying cotton and linen, hot and cold. n. p. 1811. Donaldson, Rev. Augustus Blair. Five great Oxford leaders; Keble, Newman, Pusey, Liddon and Church. Lond., 1900. Donaldson, Henry Herbert. Growth of the brain; a study of the nervous system in relation to education. Lond., 1899. Donaldson, John. Treatise on manures, their nature, preparation, and application, with a description of the most approved British grasses. Lond., 1846. Donaldson, Thomas. Extra census bulletin; Indians; the Six na- tions of New York. Wash., 1892. Public domain, its history with statistics. Wash., 1884. Donaldson, Thomas, 1815-77. American colonial history; an ad- dress made before the Maryland historical society. Bait., 1S49. Donaldson, Col. Thomas. Collection of autographs. Phil., 1899. Donan, P. Utah; a peep into the mountain-walled treasury of the gods. Buffalo, 1895. Donck, Adriaen van der. Description of New Netherlands, tr. from the Dutch by Jeremiah Johnson. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 125-242.) Description of the New Netherlands. (In Old South leaflets. 1897. V. 3, no. 69.) Donelson, Mira Lizzie. Over the river. (In Jillson, Clark. Mod- ified plagiarism.) Dongan, Gov. Thomas. Report on the province of New York. (In N. Y. (state) : State, secy. of. Documentary hist, of the state of N. Y. 1850. V. i; p. 93-118.) Donham, Grenville M., ed. Maine register; or, State year book and legislative manual. 1887-1901. Donnell, E. J. Slavery and protection, an historical review and appeal to the workshop and the farm. N. Y., 1882. Wages and tariffs, influence of the protective system on wages, social organization, and the distribution of wealth. N. Y., 1884. Donnelley, Reuben H., comp. Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago. 1896-9. Doolittle, Brig.-gen. Charles C. Defense of Decatur, Ala. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 264-77.) Doolittle, Charles Leander. Address; variations of latitude. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 31-50.) 390 AUTHOR LIST. Doolittle, Mark. Historical sketch of the Congregational church in Belchertown, Mass., from its organization, 114 years. North- ampton, 1852. Dor, Henri, tr. Scanzoni, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Traite pratique des maladies des organes sexuels de la femme. 1858. Doran, Alban Henry Griffiths. Handbook of gynaecological oper- ations. Phil., 1887. Dorchester, Rev. Daniel. Historical sketch of the formation and progress of St. Paul's church; being the first M. E. church in Lowell, Mass. Bost., 1866. Dorchester (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers, 1874, '80-3, '85, '90-1902. Canaan, 1874-1902. Dorchester antiquarian and historical society. History of the town of Dorchester, Mass. Bost., 1859. Dorchester (Mass.) First church. Dedication of the 6th meeting- house, n. p. 1897. Proceedings of the 250th anniversary. Bost., 1880. Records, 1636-1734. Bost., 1891. Dorchester historical society. Centennial anniversary of the birth of Edward Everett, 1894. Ed. 2. Bost., 1897. Dorchester (Mass.) second church. Proceedings of the Second church and parish in Dorchester exhibited in a collection of papers. Bost., 1812. Doring, Frederic William, and Jacobs, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm. Latin reader, 1830. Dorr, Henry C. (The) Narragansetts. {In R. L hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 7; p. 135-237.) Planting and growth of Providence. Prov., 1882. (R. L hist. tracts, no. 15.) Proprietors of Providence, and their controversies with the freeholders. {In R. L hist. soc. Proceed. 1894-5. P- 143-58, 199-230.) Prov., 1897. {In R. L hist. soc. Coll. 1897- v. 9.) Dorr, Thomas Wilson, and others. Right of the people of R. I. to form a constitution; the nine lawyers' opinion. {In R. I. hist, tracts. 1880. no. 11. p. 63-88.) Dorsey, George Amos. Aboriginal quartzite quarry in' eastern Wyoming. Chic, 1900. {In Field Columbian museum. An- throp. ser. v. 2, no. 4; p. 231-43.) Archaeological investigations on the island of La Plata, Ecua- dor. Chic, 1901. {In Field Columbian museum. Anthrop. ser. v. 2, no. 5; p. 245-80.) Bibliography of the anthropology of Peru. Chic, 1898. {In Field Columbian museum. Anthrop. ser. v. 2; p. 55-206.) Crania from the necropolis of Ancon, Peru. {In Amer. assoc for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 358-69.) Observations on a collection of Papuan crania. Chic, 1897. {In Field Columbian museum. Anthrop. ser. v. 2, no. i.) and Voth, H. R. Oraibi soyal ceremony. Chic, 1901. {In Field Columbian museum. Pub. Anthrop. ser. v. 3, no. i.) Dorsey, James Owen. Address; the Biloxi Indians. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 267-88.) ^cgiha language. Wash., 1890. {In U. S. : Geog. and geoL survey of the Rocky mountain region. Contrib. to N. A. eth- nology. 1890. v. 6.) Omaha and Ponka letters. Wash., 1891. ed. Riggs, Stephen Return, D. D., comp. Dakota-English dic- tionary. {In U. S.: Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky moun- tain region. Contrib. to N. A. ethnology. 1890. v. 7.) NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBRAEY. 391 Dorsey, James Owen. Dakota grammar, texts, and ethnography. (In U. S. : Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region. Contrib. to N. A. Ethnology. 1893. v. 9.) Dorsey, John Syng, M. D. Elements of surgery for the use of stu- dents; with notes by J. Randolph. Ed. 3. 2v. Phil., 1823. ed. Cooper, Samuel, M. D. Dictionary of practical surgery. 1816. Dosimetric medical review, a monthly journal of alkaloidal thera- peutics. V. 13, no. 7. N. Y., 1899. Dosker, Rev. Henry E. Holland and German churches in Ottawa county, Mich. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 9; p. 301-15.) Dos Passos, John R. Defence of the McKinley administration from attacks of Mr. Carl Schurz. n. p. 1900. Inter-state commerce act. N. Y., 1887. (Questions of the day.) Doster, William Emil. Conflict between literature and law, an oration delivered before the assembly of the Harvard law school, Mr. 18, 1859. Camb., 1859. Dotterer, Henry S. Church at Market sq^uare, Philadelphia. Phil., 1899. Doty, James Duane. Papers, official journal, 1820. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 13; p. 163-246.) Doubleday, Maj.-gen. Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. N. Y., 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) Doubleday, Mrs. Frank Nelson. Two ways to help the Indians. n. p. n. d. Doubleday, Page and company. Catalogue of books published, 1900-1901. N. Y., 1900. Doughty, Francis Worcester. Evidences of man in the drift; a description of certain archaeological objects recently discovered in Mass., Conn., N. Y., Penn., and N. J. N. Y., 1892. Douglas, Charles H. J. Financial history of Massachusetts from the organization of the Massachusetts Bay company to the American revolution. (In Columbia univ.: Faculty of pol. sci. Studies. 1891-2. V. i, no. 4; I48p.) Douglas, Charles Henry. Relative educational value of extension and intension. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 211-25.) Douglas, David, Tailfer, Patrick, M. D., and others. True and his- torical narrative of the colony of Georgia. 1741. (In Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8. no. 4.) (In Force, Peter. Tracts and other papers. 1836. v. i.) Douglas, George William, D. D. Transfiguration of self-sacrifice; a sermon preached in Christ church. Hartford, Conn., June 21, 1896. Hartf., 1896. Douglas, Rev. J. Belief of the ancient Egyptians respecting a future state. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1862. p. 147-64.) Douglas, J. H., M. D., ed. American medical monthly, v. 7-18. 1857-62. Douglas, James. Biographical sketch of T. S. Hunt. n. p. 1892. , Hunt, Thomas Sterry, and Stewart, J. Oscar. New method for the treatment of mixed copper, silver, and gold ores. Quebec, 1875. Douglas, Luke. Experimental inquiry into the functions of the liver. N. Y., 1816. Douglas, Marian, pseud. See Robinson, Mrs. Annie Douglas (Green). ^ 392 AUTHOR LIST. Douglas, Orlando Benajah, M. D. Examination of patients, hyper- trophied turbinated bodies, ecchondrosis. n. p. n. d. Inaugural address, Nov. 24, 1890. N. Y., 1890. Relation of public parks to public health. Bost, 1899. (Amer. park and outdoor art assoc. no. 25.) Relative importance of physical signs on the diagnosis of dis- ease, enlarged pharyngeal tonsil, n. p. n. d. Upper air passages and their diseases, n. p. n. d. Douglas, Robert M. Trade combinations and strikes, n. p. n. d. Douglas, Robert Martin. Addresses. Greensboro, n. d. Douglas, Stephen Arnold. Fifth joint debate at Galesburg, 111., Oct. 5, 1858. (7m Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. 1894. V. I ; p. 427-37, 450-55.) .„ * First joint debate at Ottawa, 111., Aug. 21, 1858; openmg speech. {In Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. 1894. v. i; p. 277-86.) Letter in reply to the editor of the State capital reporter, Concord, N. H. Wash., 1854- Reply in the Charleston joint debate. {In Lincoln, Abraham, Complete works. 1894. v. i; p. 390-406.) Reply in the Freeport joint debate. {In Lincoln, Abraham, Complete works. 1894. v. i, p. 313-29.) Reply in the Quincy joint debate. {In Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. 1894. v. i; p. 465-79.) Seventh and last joint debate at Alton, 111., Oct. 15, 1858; opening speech. {In Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works. 1894. V. i; p. 485-96, 513-18.) Speech on Nebraska and Kansas. Wash., 1854. {Bowtd with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 13.) Third joint debate at Jonesboro, 111., Sept. 15, 1858. {In Lin- coln, Abraham. Complete works. 1894. v. i; p. 335-46, 362-69.) and Lincoln, Abraham, pres. of U. S. First debate, Aug. 21, 1858. {In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 85.) Political debates in the celebrated campaign of 1858. i860. 1894. Douglas, Thomas, fith earl of Selkirk. See Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, Sth earl of. Douglas, Capt. William W. Relief of Washington, N. C, by the 5th R. I. vols. Prov., 1886. {In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist, soc. Personal narratives. 1S86. v. 3.) Douglas monument association. Organization, constitution, and by-laws. Chic, 1862. Douglass, Frederick. What the black man wants; speech at the annual meeting of the Mass. anti-slavery soc. at Boston. {In Equality of all men before the law claimed and defended. 1865. p. 36-9.) Douglass, Rev. Malcolm. Sermon commemorative of H. S. Put- nam. Clare. ,^ 1863. Douglass, William. Discourse concerning the currencies of the British plantations in America, etc., ed. by C. J. Bullock. {In Econ. studies. 1897. v. 2, no. 5; p. 259-375.) Douglass, William, M. D. Letters to Cadwallader Colden. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854. v. 32; p. 164-89.) Douglass mining company. Annual report, January i, 1866. N. Y., 1866. Doutre, Joseph, comp. Constitution of Canada, British North America act, 1867. Montreal, 1880. Dover, George James Welbore Agar Ellis, ist baron of. Life of Frederic the Second, king of Prussia. 2v. N. Y., 1832. ed. Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Or ford. Letters to Sir Hor- ace Mann. 1833. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 393 Dover (N H.)- Annual report on the receipts and expenditures for the year 1856-1901. Dover, 1857-1902. 89th anniversary of the national Independence, July 4, 1865, at Dover. Dover, 1865. . , -r , , t 1 o ^ looth anniversary of the national Independence, July 4, 1876, its celebration by the city of Dover. Dover, 1876. Revised ordinances. Dover, 1857. Municipal register. Dover, 1863. Charter and general ordinances. Dover, 1870. Charter and ordinances. Dover, 1882. : Health, board of. Annual report for the year 1891, 1900. v. 2, II. Dover, 1891-1901. : High school, ed. Dover garrison, a paper pub. once in three weeks. 1895-6. : Mayor. Address, 1872, '84. Dover, 1872-84. : Public library. Annual report of the trustees, 1886-1900. v. 4- 19. Dover, 1887-1902. Books added 1892-9. vSupplements no. 1-6. Dover, 1894- iQOO. Catalogue. Dover, 1884. Dover, 1892. Money and the silver question, n. p. n. d. Nature study, n. p. n. d. ed. Dover public librarj'^ bulletin. 1900-2. : School committee. Annual report for the year 1869- 1901. Dover, 1869-1902. Rules, with extracts from the city charter. Dover, 1883. Dover, 1887. : Water commissioners. Annual report, 1888-1901. Dover, 1889- 1902. Dover (N. H.) Advent Christian Sunday school library. Catalogue. Dover, 1893. Dover agricultural library, Dover (N. H.). Catalogue of books. n. p. 1862. Dover calendar and business register, 1881. Dover, 1881. Dover enquirer almanac for 1880-2. Dover, 1880-2. Dover (N. H.) First Congregational church. Manual, 1853, '76, '84, '93. V. 3-6. Dover, 1853-93- Order of service at the re-dedication of the first parish church, Nov. 28, 1878. n. p. n. d. 250th anniversary, Oct. 28, 1883. Dover, 1884. 250th anniversary, Oct. 28, 1883. n. p. n. d. 250th anniversary, Dec. 16, 1888. n. p. n. d. Dover garrison, a paper pub. once in three weeks by the Dover high school, v. i. Dover, 1895-6. Dover, Great Falls, and Rochester directory for 1867, '71-2, '74, '76-91. V. I, 2, 5-13. Dover, 1867-90. Note : v. 1 is a directory for only Dover and Great Falls, v. 1 is comp. by Dean Dudley ; v. 2-12 by Dean Dudley and company, v. 2-13 pub. in Boston. Dover, Great Falls, and StraflFord county directory; pub. by Little- field directory pub. company, for 1892-5. 2v. Bost., 1892-5. Note : title varies. Dover historical society. Collections, v. i. '^Dover, 1894. Dover medical association. Dover medical police with the rules and regulations of the association. Dover, 1849. Dover public library bulletin, v. i, no. 1-2, n. p. 1900. Dover (N. H.) Second Advent Christian church. Constitution and by-laws. Dover, 1896. Dow, E. Dean. Remarks on forms of prayer; or, Sameness of words no hindrance to devotion, by T. W. Coit. N. Y., 1845. UNIVERSITY I 394 AUTHOR LIST. Dow, Earle Wilbur. Roman city of Langres (France) in the early Middle Ages. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. II, pt. I. p. 483-511.) ^ . , ^ r .u u 1, • Dow, George Francis, comp. Baptismal records of the church m Topsfield, Mass. Salem, 1895- (^« Topsfield hist. soc. Hist, coll. 1895. V. 1-2.) ed. Perley, M. V. B. History of Topsfield academy. 1899- Dow, Rev. J. B. Place and work of academies in our educational system. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1871. p. 37-49-) Dow, Jabez. Nosological arrangement of topical inflammations. Dover, 1817. comp. Fogg, Rev. Jeremiah. Bill of mortality for Kensington, N. H. 1802. Dow, Joseph. Dearborns of Hampton, N. H. Sajem, 1893. Note : reprinted from Dow's History of Hampton, N. H. Historical address at Hampton, N. H., on the 25th of De- cember, 1838. Cone, 1839. History of the town of Hampton, N. H., ed. by his daughter, L. E. Dow. 2v. Salem, 1893. Jonathan French. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. V. 3; p. 140-65.) Memoir of Jonathan French. Camb., 1883. Robert Tuck of Hampton, N. H., and descendants, 1638-1877. Bost., 1877. Dow, Lorenzo. Dealings of God, man, and the Devil as exempli- fied in his life; to which is added the vicissitudes of life by Peggy Dow. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1854. History of cosmopolite; or, The four volumes of Lorenzo's journal concentrated in one. Ed. 2. Phil., 1815. Dow, Lucy Ellen, ed. Dow, Joseph. History of the town of Hampton, N. H. 1893. Dow, Mrs. Peggy. Vicissitudes in the wilderness exemplified in her journal. N. Y., 1853. {In Dow, Lorenzo. Dealings of God. 1854. V. i; p. 197-260.) Ed. 5. Norwich, 1833. Dow academy, Franconia {N. H.). Catalogue, 1891-2, '94-7. Lit- tleton, 1891-7. Note : 1894-7 pub. at Concord. Circular, 1898. n. p. 1898. Dowe, William. Junius, Lord Chatham; a biography. Lond., 1857. Downer, Charles. Visit to the "Old North church," Boston, Mass. Bost, 1893. Downes, John, 1799-, comp. Occultations visible in the United States during 1851-3. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowl- edge. 1851-4. V. 2; appx. 3; V. 3; appx. i; v. 6, appx.) Downing, Andrew Jackson. Fruits and fruit trees of America. Ed. 9, rev. N. Y., 1849. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1886. Treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening adapted to North America. Ed. 2, enl. N. Y., 1844. ed. Horticulturist, v. 6-7. 1851-7. Downing, Charles, ed. Downing, Andrew Jackson. Fruits and fruit trees of America. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1886. Downing, Maj. Jack. Blow up of the cabinet. Wash., 1840. Downing, Samuel. Elements of practical hydraulics. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Lond., 1861. Dows, Azro Milton, comp. Dows or Dowse family in America. Lowell, 1890. Doyle, John A. English colonies in America. 3v. N. Y., 1889. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 395 Doyle, John T. History of the "Pious fund" of California. (In Cal. hist. soc. Papers. 1887. v. i, pt. i; p. 41-60.) Drainage of the valley of Mexico, report of the work done up to Oct. 1892. Mexico, 1892. « o, , . , • -i j Drake, Benjamin, and Todd, Charles S. Sketches of the civil and military services of Harrison. 1840. Drake, Charles D. Daniel Drake. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memo- rial biog. 1880. V. i; p. 448-64.) Slavery's destruction, the Union's safety, speech before the Freedom convention, Feb. 22, 1864. n. p. n. d. Drake, Daniel, M. D. Geological account of the valley of the Ohio. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1825. v. 2; p. 124-39.) Drake, Col. Francis M. Campaign of Gen. Steele. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. v. i; p. 60- 73-) Drake, Francis Samuel. Dictionary of American biography. Bost, 1872. Indian history for young folks. N. Y., 1885. Indian tribes of the U. S., their history, antiquities, customs, religion, arts, languages, etc. 2v. Phil., 1891. List of members of the Massachusetts society of the Cin- cinnati. Bost., 1872. Tea leaves, being a collection of letters and documents re- lating to the shipment of tea to the American colonies in the year 1773. Bost., 1884. Drake, Henry H., ed. Harleian society. Visitation of the county of Cornwall. 1874. Drake, Louis Stoughton. Drake family in England and America, 1360-1895, and the descendants of Thomas Drake of Weymouth, Mass., 1635-1691. Bost., 1896. Drake, Samuel Adams, cotnp. Book of New England legends and folk lore. Bost., 1884. Bost., 1901. ed. Bunker Hill; the story told in letters from the battle field. Bost, 1875- Decisive events in American history; the taking of Louis- burg, 1745. Bost., 1891. General Israel Putnam, the commander at Bunker Hill. (Bound with his Bunker Hill. 1875.) Heart of the White Mountains, their legend and scenery. N. Y., 1882. Historic mansions and highways around Boston; being a new and revised edition of "Old landmarks and historic fields of Mid- dlesex." Bost., 1899. History of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 2v. Bost., 1880. Nooks and corners of the New England coast. N. Y., 1875. Old landmarks and historic personages of Boston; new and rev. ed. Bost., 1900. Plymouth trading house at Penobscot. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 16; p. 409-18.) Drake, Samuel Gardner. Aboriginal races of North America; with additions by H. L. Williams. Ed. 15, rev. N. Y., 1880. Annals of witchcraft in New England, and elsewhere in the United States. Bost., 1869. Biography and history of the Indians of North America. Ed. 3. Bost., 1834. Note : this is the 3d ed. of " Indian biography." Book of the Indians of North America. Bost., 1833. Note : this is the 2d ed. of " Indian biographies." Brief memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh. Bost., 1862. 396 AUTHOR LIST. Drake, Samuel Gardner. Chronicles of the Indians of North Amer- ica. Bost., 1836. {In his Old Indian chronicle. 1836. p. 145- ^^Genealogical and biographical account of the family of Drake in America, n. p. 1845. History and antiquities of Boston. Bost, 1856. Ed. 2. Bost, 1857. ^ , J. , , History of the early discovery of America and landmg of the Pilgrims, with a biography of the North American Indians. Bost, 1854- . r , Indian biography, containing the lives of more than 200 In- dian chiefs. Ed. 8. Bost, 1832. — — Indian captivities; being a collection of narratives of persons taken captive by the North American Indians. Bost., 1839. Indian captivities; or, Life in the wigwam. Auburn, 1850. Memoir of Rev. Cotton Mather, with a genealogy of the fam- ily of Mather. Bost., 1851. anon. Narrative remarks, expository notes and historical crit- icisms on the N. E. hist. gen. soc. Alb., 1874. ed. Old Indian chronicle. Bost, 1867. ed. Old Indian chronicle, being a collection of exceeding rare tracts written and pub. in the time of King Philip's war. Bost, 1836. Particular history of the five years French and Indian war in N. E., and parts adjacent. Alb., 1870. Recollections of the history of Northwood, N. H., by A-n B-e. (In N. H. hist soc. Coll. 1870. v. 3; P- 67-94.) Recovery of some materials for the early history of Dorches- ter. Bost., 1851. Result of some researches among the British archives for information relating to the founders of New England. Bost, i860. ■ anon. Review of Winthrop's journal as ed. and pub. by James Savage. Bost., 1854. comp. Rough notes on Northwood; genealogies, n. p. 1846. Note : ms. copy bound. Tragedies of the wilderness; or. True and authentic narratives of captives who have been carried away by the Indians. Bost, 1841. Bost., 1846. ed. Witchcraft delusion in New England; its rise, progress, and termination. 3v. Roxbury, 1866. ed. Baylies, Francis. Historical memoir of the colony of New Plymouth from 1608 to 1692. 1866. ed. Church, Thomas. History of Philip's war. 1824. 1829. 1836. 1840. ed. Hubbard, Rev. William. History of the Indian wars in N. E. 1865. ed. Mather, Rev. Increase. Early history of New England. 1864. History of King Philip's war. 1862. ed. Norton, Rev. John, 1716-48. Narrative of the capture and burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians in the war of 1744-1749. 1870. Drake, Thomas J. History of Oakland county, Mich. (In Mich. pioneer and hist soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; p. 559-72.) (In Mich, pioneer and hist soc. Coll. 1894. v. 22; p. 408-26.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 397 Drake university: Medical department. See Iowa college of physi- cians and surgeons. ... ^ . . - Draper, Andrew Sloan. American universities and the national life. n. p. n. d. Crucial test of the public school system, n. p. i897(?) Illinois life and the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, n. p. Inaugural address. (In 111.: Univ. Proceed, and addresses. Pilgrim and his share in American life. Champaign, i896(?) Public school pioneering in N. Y. and Mass. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1892-3. 1894. P. II9-49-) Recovery of the law. Ann Arbor, 1897. Relations of the educational institutions of Illinois, n. p. i90o(?) Draper, F. W., M. D., ed. Boston, Mass.: City hospital. Medical and surgical reports, v. 2. 1877. ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 86-94. 1872-6. Draper, Henry, M. D. Discovery of the coincidence of the bright lines of the oxygen spectrum with bright lines in the solar spec- trum, (in Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. V. 28; p. 81-95.) On the construction of a silvered glass telescope. (In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1865. v. 14.) Draper, James. History of Spencer, Mass., from its earliest settle- ment to the year i860, including a brief sketch of Leicester to the year 1753. Ed. 2, enl. Wore, n. d. Draper', John William, M. D. History of the American civil war. 2v. N. Y., 1867-70. History of the conflict between religion and science. N. Y., 1896. Human physiology. N. Y., 1856. Text-book on chemistry. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1847. Text-book on physiology. N. Y., 1866. Treatise on the forces which produce the organization of plants. N. Y., 1844. ed. Kane, Sir John Robert, M. D. Elements of chemistry. 1842. Draper, Lyman Copeland. Autograph collections of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the constitution. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 10; p. 373-447.) Early French forts in western Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 10; p. 321-72.) Sketch of C. H. Larabee. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1882. V. 9; p. 366-88.) Sketch of the life and services of George Hyer. (In Wise. state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. v. 6; p. 136-53.) ed. Withers, Alexander Scott. Chronicles of border warfare. 1895. Draper, Gen. William Franklin. Manufactures and the tariff. Bost., 1894. Draper company. Revised cloth construction tables. Hopedale, 1901. Textile texts for cotton manufactures. Hopedale, 1901. Dredge, J., ed. Engineering, an illustrated weekly journal, v. 9- 10. 1870. Dresden, Konigliches zoologische und anthropologisch-ethnograph- ische museum. Fiihrer. Ed. 3. Dresden, 1896. Dresel, H. G. Notes on some Greenland fishes. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 244-58.) 398 AUTHOR LIST. Dresel, H. G., and Bean, Tarleton H., M. D. Catalogue of fishes re- ceived from the public museum of the Institute of Jamaica. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 151-70.) Drew, C. C, ed. Newton directory. 1868. Drew, George W. In memoriam; G. H. Hill, Jan. 5, 1900. n. p. 1900. Drew, Irving W. Argument before the committee on railroads of the senate in favor of the bill to amend the charter of the Mount Washington railway company. Cone, 1891. Closing argument before the railroad committee of the house of representatives. Cone, 1887. (In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Drew, Samuel. Arguments scriptural and philosophical proving the divinity of Christ and the necessity of his atonement. N. Y., 1826. Essay on the identity and general resurrection of the human body. Brooklyn, 181 1. Drew, Thomas, comp. John Brown invasion; an authentic history of the Harper's Ferry tragedy. Bost., i860. Drew, W. E., vs. Sellers, William, & Co. Pleadings and evidence. Cone, 1894. Drew, Allis and Co., pub. Newton directory. 1873-95. pub. Rochester directory. 1871-84. pub. Worcester directory. 1874-1900. pub. Worcester house directory. 1888-94. Drew theological seminary: Library. List of accessions with donors' names, June i, 1900-June i, 190T. Madison, 1901. Printed report 1894-1900. v. 1-6. Madison, 1894-1900. Drexel institute of art, science, and industry. Dedication cere- monies, Dec. 17, 1891. Phil., 1893. Register of graduates, 1900. Phil., 1900. • Services in memory of A. J. Drexel. Phil., 1896. Year book of the departments and courses of instruction, 1897-8, 1901-3. Phil., 1897-1902. Note : first pub. in 1897. : Library department. Reference lists, no. 1-3. Phil., 1894-6. : Library school. Additional information, n. p. n. d. Circular, 1899-1901. n. p. 1899-1900. Dreyfus, Alfred. Five years of my life, 1894-1899. N. Y., 1901. Dreyfus-Brisac, Edmond. International congress of secondary and superior education held at Paris, 1889. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. i. 1893. p. 143-86.) University of Bonn. Wash., 1882. (ht U. S. : Education, bu- reau of. Circular of information. 1882. no. 3.) Drisko, George W., anon. Revolution; life of Hannah Weston. Machias, 1857. Drisler, H., ed. Smith, William, 1814-. First Latin course. 1876. Drown, Daniel Augustus. Fragrant flowers and other poems. Bost., i860. Idyls of Strawberry Bank. Ports., 1873. Druggist circular and chemical gazette; monthly, a practical jour- nal of chemistry as applied to pharmacy, arts, and science, v. 17, no. 11; V. 18, no. 9-12; V. 19; v. 20, no. i; v. 25-41. N. Y., 1873-97- Druggists* league for shorter hours. Plea for shorter hours for druggists. N. Y., 1897. Druillettes, Gabriel. Journal of an embassy from Canada to the United colonies of New England in 1650; tr. by J. G. Shea. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. 8; p. 303-28.) NEW HAMPSHIKB STATE LIBRARY. 399 Druitt, Robert. Principles and practice of modern surgery; 3d Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. with notes by J. B. Flint. Phil., i^l!_ new Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed., ed. by F. W. Sargent. Surgeon's vade mecum; a manual of modern surgery. Lond., 1870. Ed. II. Lond., 1878. , , Drum, Lt -col William F. Work of the 5th corps, ambulance train, 1864. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. V. 3; P- 77-86.) ^ , , . Drummond, A. T. Notes on Tadousac plants, n. p. n. d. Drummond, David, M. D. Diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Lond., 1883. . , ,j /r T, Drummond, Henry. Greatest thing in the world. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 5;. P- I94I-59) Drummond, Rev. James. Business of Christian ministers; a sermon delivered at the session of the Western Virginia conference, April, 1857- Cine, 1857. ^ , , Drummond, Josiah Hayden. Bibliographical memoranda of the laws of Maine, n. p. i89i(?) {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 12; p. 391-402.) Genealogy of Samuel Williams of Grafton, N. H. Portl., 1899. Henry Andrews of Taunton. Bost., 1897. Historical address delivered before the General grand chapter of Royal arch masons of the U. S., Oct. 13, 1897. Buffalo, 1899- James Rogers of Londonderry and James Rogers of Dunbar- ton. n. p. 1897. John Rogers families in Plymouth and vicinity, n. p. n. d. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 275-300.) John Rogers of Marshfield and some of his descendants. Portl., 1898. Rogers family of Georgetown, n. p. n. d. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 18; p. 96-109, 193-216.) Drunkard, a poem. Epping, 1843. Drunkard's funeral sermon, by a clergyman of Massachusetts. Woburn, 1840. Druon, Rev. Z., ed. Smalley, Mrs. Julia C, comp. Young converts. 1868. Drury, W. H., ed. Book of gardening; a handbook of horticulture. Lond., 1900. Drury, William H. Before the governor and council in matter of petition for pardon of Stain and Cromwell, petition and peti- tioner's brief. Bost., 1900. Drury college. Annual catalogue for the year 1878-87, '88-9, '90-3, '94-9, 1900-1. V. 6-14, 16, 18-20, 22-6, 28. Springf., 1879-1901. Bulletin, 1900. v. i, no. i. Springf., 1900. Inauguration of President H. T. Fuller and dedication of Dolores McCullagh cottage, Nov. 8, 1894. Springf., n. d. "Wise rnen from the east"; a memorial chronicle of the visit of the National Congregational church on the occasion of laying the corner-stone of the chapel, Nov. 16, 1880. St. L., n. d. Dry goods guide, monthly, v. 3, no. 5-6; v. 4, no. 1-2, 5-6; v. 5. N. Y., 1899- 1900. Dryden, John. Works, in verse and prose. 2v. N. Y., 1836. tr. Virgilius Maro, Publius. ^neid. {In Virgilius Maro, Publius. Ecologues. 1837.) Pastorals; Georgics; ^neis. 1806. Duane, Alexander. Scientific life and work of H. V. Regnault. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. v. 9; p. 270-84.) 400 AUTHOR LIST. Duane James. State of the evidence and argument in support of the 'territorial rights and jurisdiction of New York agamst New Hampshire and against Massachusetts. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1871. V. 11; p. 1-144.) _ ^, ., „ Duane, William. Hand book for riflemen. Phil., 1812. Report of a debate in the senate of the U. S., teb., 1803, on certain resolutions concerning the violation of the right of de- posit in the island of New Orleans. Phil., 1803. ed Marshall, Christopher. Extracts from his diary. 1877. Dubbs Joseph Henry, D. D. History of the Reformed church, German, in the U. S. N. Y., 1895. i^i^h Corwin, E. T., D. D., History of the Reformed church, Dutch. 1895.) Dublin (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1881-5, '87-1902. Peterboro, 1881-1902. : Public library. Catalogue. Peterboro', 1893. supplement, n. p. 1895. supplement, no. 2. n. p. 1897. supplement, no. 3. n. p. 1899. Dublin Baptist association. Minutes, 1824, '35, '39-40, *45, '47, '50, '53, '56-63, '66. V. 15, 26, 30-1, 36, 38, 41, 44, 47-54, 57- v. p. 1824-66. Dubois, E. Frederic. See Dubois D'Amiens, E. Frederic, M. D. Dubois, William Edward Burghardt. Careers open to college-bred Negroes; a commencement address, n. p. 1898. Conservation of races. Wash., 1897. {In Amer. Negro acad. Occasional papers. 1897. no. 2.) Enforcement of the slave-trade laws. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 161-74.) Suppression of the African slave-trade to the U. S., 1638-1870. N. Y., 1896. (Harvard hist, studies, v. i.) Dubose, Rev. Hampden C. Dragon, image and demon; or. The three religions of China, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Richmond, 1899. Du Bose, William Porcher. Ecumenical councils. N. Y., 1896. (Ten epochs of church hist. v. 3.) Ducachet, Henry William. Inaugural essay on the action of poi- sons. N. Y., 1817. Ducatel, J. P., and Alexander, John Henry. Report on the pro- jected survey of the state of Maryland. Annapolis, 1834. Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Land of the midnight sun; journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and northern Finland. 2v. N. Y., 1882. Viking age; the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English speaking nations. 2v. N. Y., 1889. Duche, Rev. Jacob. Letter to General George Washington, n. p. n. d. Duclaux, E. Atmospheric actinometry and the actinic constitution of the atmosphere. Wash., 1896. {In Smithsonian inst. Con- trib. to knowledge. 1896. v. 29.) Dudevant, L. Hyacinthe. Tableau analytique des trois regnes de la nature. Bordeaux, 1803. Dudley, Col. New England's faction discovered. {In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 203-22.) Dudley, Charles B. Ventilation of passenger cars on railroads. Phil., 1897. Dudley, Dean. Genealogy of the Byley, Denison, and Hale fam- ilies in America. Bost., 1897. Note: ms. and newspaper cuttings and Autobiography of Maj.-gen. Daniel NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 401 Dudley, Dean. Genealogy of the Leavitt family and allied families of Pearson, Lyford, etc. Bost., 1897. Note : ms. and mounted newspaper cuttings. History of the Dudley family. 3v. Montrose, 1894-8. Note: appx, contains Memorial of the reunion of the descendants of Gov. Thomas Dudley, 1893. v. 3 is a supplement. comp. and pub. Boston business and copartnership directory. 1863-4. comp. and pub. Dover and Great Falls directory, v. i. 1867. comp. Dover, Great Falls, and Somersworth directory. 1869. Dudley, Rev. Myron Samuel. History of Cromwell; a sketch. Mid- dletown, 1880. Memoir of Rev. E. G. Porter. Bost., 1901. Dudley, Capt. Edgar S. Home guard battles. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 530-49.) Reminiscence of Washington and Early's attack in 1864. (/« Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 107-27.) Dudley, Rev. John. Half-century sermon preached at the dedica- tion of the new Congregational meeting-house of Danville, Vt.y Dec. 20, 1851. Hanover, 1852. Dudley, L. Edwin. Brief account of the work of the Citizens' law and order league of Mass. n. p. n. d. Historical sketch of the law and order movement. Bost., 1892. Dudley, Gov. Thomas. Letter to the Countess of Lincoln. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. v. 4; p. 224-49.) {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1802. v. 8; p. 36-47.) {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 301-41.) Letter to the Countess of Lincoln, ed. by John Farmer. Wash., 1838. {In Force, Peter. Tracts and other papers. 1838. V. 2.) Dudley, Thomas Underwood, bp. Christian workman; a sermon preached in Christ church, Hartford, Conn. June 23, 1895. Hartf., 1895. Dudley, William Lofland. Address; the nature of amalgams. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. v. 38; p. 145-72.) Dudley, Dean, & Co., comp. and pub. Dover, Great Falls, and Roches- ter directory, v. 2-7. 1871-8. Dudley & Greenough, comp. Concord directory for 1867-8. 1867. pub. Portsmouth directory, v. 6. 1869. Dudley (Mass.). Town records; 1732-1754. Pawtucket, 1893. Dudley observatory. Annals, v. 1-2. Alb., 1866-71. Inauguration at Albany, Aug. 28, 1856. Alb., 1856. Report of the astronomer in charge. Alb., 1864. Statement of the trustees. Alb., 1858. : Scientific council. Defence of Dr. Gould. Alb., 1858. Duer, William Alexander. Life of William Alexander, earl of Stirling. N. Y., 1847. {In N. J. hist. soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2.) Duerst, Mathias. Diary of one of the original colonists of New Glaurus, 1845; tr. by John Luchsinger. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1900. V. 15; p. 292-337.) Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant. On the teachings of Richard Cobden, Dec. 20, 1871. Lond. n. d. Presidential address. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 16; p. 315-38.) Presidential address. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1893. v. 17; p. 1-19.) 402 AUTHOR LIST. Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant. Presidential address. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 1-20.) Presidential address. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1895- v. 19; p. 1-23.) Presidential address. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1898. v. 22; p. 1-16.) Presidential address on Aristotle. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1896. V. 20; p. 1-22.) Presidential address on Polybius. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. V. 21; p. I-I7-) ^ Speech on Gibbon. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1895. v. 19; p. 25-48.) Duffet, F. Progressive and practical method for the study of the French language. Cine, 1873. Duffey, J. C. Transformations of a carabid and observations on a coccinellid enemy of the red spider. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1892. v. 5; P- 533-42.) Duffie, Rev. Cornelius R. Sermons, v. 2. N. Y., 1829. Duffield, Rev. George. On the recent discovery of the long lost grave of Pere Marquette. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. V. 2; p. 134-45.) Duffield, Lieut. Henry M. Chickamauga. Detroit. 1888. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i; no. 3.) Duffield, Rev. Samuel W. Poem read before the Kans. hist. soc. in 1872. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 14; p. 627-42.) Duffy, Emmet. Mulrooney on a bike. Manch., 1894. Dufrenoy, Ours Pierre Armand, and Elie de Beaumont, Jean Bap- tiste Armand Louis Leonce. Tableau d'assemblage des 6 feuilles de la carte geologique de la France. Par., 1866. Dugan, C. Winston, ed. Dix, E. R. McC, comp. Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books, 1601 to 1700. 1898. Duggar, B. M. On a bacterial disease of the squash-bug. Springf., 1896. {In 111.: Laboratory of nat. hist. Bulletin, v. 4, art. 12.) Duggar, John Frederick. Potato culture. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1896. no. 35.) Sweet potatoes, culture and uses. Wash., 1895. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1895. no. 26.) Duhring, Louis Adolphus, M. D. Practical treatise on diseases of the skin. Ed. 2, rev. Phil., 1881. Dujardin-Beaurnetz, Georges, M. D. Diseases of the stomach and intestines; tr. fr. the 4th French ed. by E. P. Hurd. N. Y., 1886. New meditations; tr. by E. P. Hurd. Detroit, 1886. Dulles, Charles Winslow, M. D. Disorders mistaken for hydro- phobia; extracts from a paper read at a meeting of the Penn. state med. society. 1884. n. p. n. d. ed. Medical and surgical reporter, v. 58. 1888. Dulles, Rev. Joseph H., comp. McCosh bibliography; a list of the published writings of the Rev. James McCosh. n. p. n. d. Dumble, E. T., ed. Texas: Geological survey. Annual report. 1890-2. Dummer (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers, 1891-1901. Berlin, 1891-1901. Dummer academy, Newbury {Mass.). Exercises at the 125th anni- versary, June 19, 1888. Salem, 1888. Dumont de Montigny. History of Louisiana, tr. from his historical memoirs. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1853. v. 5; p. I-I25-) Dunbar, Edward E. Mexican papers. N. Y., i860. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 403 Dunbar, Rev. Elijah. Sermon delivered at the ordination of Rev. James Porter. Windham, 1814. Sermon preached at the interment of Rev. Edward bprague. Keene, 1819. ^ ^ , , >t tt Topographical and historical account of Peterborough, N. H. (In Collections, topographical. 1822. v. i; p. 129-39-) Dunbar, George. Concise general history of the early Grecian states. (In Potter, John, D. D. Archseologia Grseca. 1825. appx.) Dunbar, J. H. Inductive arithmetic, pt. 6. Norwich, 1893. Dunbar, Newell. Phillips Brooks, bishop of Mass. Bost., 1891. Dunbar, William H. Government by injunction. (In Econ. studies. 1898. V. 3, no. I. 43P-) Dunbarton (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year i860, '67-71, '73, '76-S7, '89-1902. v. p. 1860-1902. : Free library. Books belonging to Dunbarton library asso- ciation, n. p. 1886. Books presented by Etta Peck. n. p. n. d. List of books given by the state, 1893. n. p. 1893. : School board. Annual report for the year ending March, 1890-6. Manch., 1890-6. Duncan, Andrew, M. D., 1744-1828. Medical cases selected from the records of the public dispeilsary at Edinburgh. Ed, 3. Edin., 1784. Observations on the distinguishing symptoms of three differ- ent species of pulmonary consumption, the catarrhal, the apos- tematous, and the tuberculous; first Amer. from the 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 1819. ed. Annals of medicine, v. 21-28. 1796-1804. ed. Hoffman, Fridericus, M. D. System of the practice of medicine. 1783. Duncan, Andrew, M. D., 1773-1832, ed. Annals of medicine, v. 21- 28. 1 796- 1 804. Duncan, Henry, D. D. Sacred philosophy of the seasons; with ad- ditions by F. W. P. Greenwood, v. 2-4. Bost., 1839. Duncan, James Matthews, M. D. Clinical lectures on the diseases of women. Phil., 1881. Duncan, P. Martin. Monograph of the British fossil corals. Lond., 1866. (In Paljeontographical soc. Monographs. 1865-6.) Duncan, Robert B. "Old settlers." Indianapolis, 1894, (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 2; p. 375-402.) Duncan, Samuel White, D. D. Oration delivered at the commem- oration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Haverhill, Mass., July 2 and 3, 1890. Bost., 1891. Duncan, William, tr. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Orations. 1837. Duncan, Ca{>t. William H. Army of the Tennessee under O. O. Howard. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 164-75.) With the army of the Tennessee. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 517-29.) Dunckley, Henry. Charter of the nations; or. Free trade and its results. Lond., 1854. Dunglinson, Richard J., M. D., ed. College and clinical record. 1882-97. Dunglison, Robley, M. D. General therapeutics; or. Principles of medical practice. Phil., 1836. Human physiology. Ed. 2. 2v. Phil., 1836. Ed. 4. 2v. Phil., 184 1. Ed. 6. 2v. Phil., 1846. 404 AUTHOR LIST. Dunglison, Robley, M. D. Medical lexicon; new dictionary of med- ical science. Ed. 2. Phil, 1839. Ed. 3. Phil., 1842. Ed. 6. Phil., 1846. Ed. II. Phil., 1854. ,,.,.• ed Medical lexicon; a dictionary of medical science. Kev. ed. Phil., 1858. rev. ed. Phil., 1865. new ed. enl. Phil., 1874. New remedies, the method of preparing and administering them. Phil., 1839. Phil., 1839- Ed. 3. Phil., 1841. ed. American medical intelligencer. 1838-42. ed. American medical library, v. 1-5. 1837-8. Dunham, Carroll, M. D. Homoeopathy, the science of therapeu- tics. N. Y., 1863. Dunham, Josiah. Answer to the Vindication of the official conduct of the trustees of Dartmouth college in conformation of the Sketches with remarks on the removal of Pres. Wheelock. Han- over, 1816. Oration delivered at Hanover before the several Washington benevolent societies of Hanover, Lime, Lebanon, Norwich, and Hartford, on the 38th anniversary of American Independence. Hanover, 1814. Dunham, Rev. Samuel. Historical discourse at West Brookfield, Mass., on occasion of the 150th anniversary of the First church in Brookfield, Oct. 16, 1867. Springf., 1867. Dunham, William Russell, M. D. Alcoholic food and energy, ex- periments appearing to prove that alcohol imparts energy is misleading and a delusion. Keene, 1899. Higher medical culture. Camb., 1892. How does the cause of disease produce disease? Chic, 1898. Science of vital force; its plan, division of function and oper- ative methods in health and disease. Bost., 1894. Theory of medical science. Bost., 1876. Dunlap, Andrew. Speech delivered before the municipal court of the city of Boston in defence of Abner Kneeland on an indict- ment for blasphemy. Bost., 1834. Dunlap, William. History of the New Netherlands, province of New York and state of New York to the adoption of the federal constitution. 2v. N. Y., 1839. Dunlavy, John. Manifesto; or, A declaration of the doctrine and practice of the church of Christ. N. Y., 1847. Nature and character of the true church of Christ proved by plain evidence. N. Y., 1850. Plain evidence, by which the nature and character of the true church of Christ may be known and distinguished from all others; taken from a work entitled "The manifesto." Alb., 1834. Dunn, Jacob Piatt. Documents relating to the French settlements on the Wabash. Indianapolis, 1894. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. V. 2; p. 403-42.) Indiana, a redemption from slavery. Bost., 1888. (Amer. commonwealths.) Libraries of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1893. New tax law of Indiana and the science of taxation. Indian- apolis, 1892. Slavery petitions and papers. Indianapolis, 1894. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. V. 2; p. 443-529.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 405 Dunn, Rev. James B. Temperance catechism for Bands of Hope and other temperance societies. N. Y., 1870. Dunn, Browne, pseud. See Fiske, Capt. Samuel. Dunning, Rev. Charles U. Farewell sermon, 1896. Clare., 1896. Dunning, William Archibald. Essays on the Civil war and recon- struction. N. Y., 1898. Impeachment and trial of President Johnson, (/w Amer. hist. assoc. Papers. 1890. v. 4; p. 471-503.) Duns, Rev. John. Christianity and science. Edin., i860. Dunster, Edward S., M. D. Argument against the proposed amend- ment to the code of ethics restricting the teaching of students of irregular or exclusive systems of medicine. Ann Arbor, 1879. Logic of medicine. N. Y., 1873. ed. New York medical journal, v. 5-13. 1867-71. Dunster, Samuel. Henry Dunster and his descendants. Central Falls, 1876. Dunton, John. Extracts from the life and errors of John Dunton, late citizen of London. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1814. v. 12; p. 97-124.) John Dunton's letters from New England, ed. by W. H. Whit- more. Bost., 1867. (Prince soc. Pub.) Dunwoody, Maj. H. H. C. Departures from normal temperature and rainfall with crop yields in Nebraska. Wash., 1896. Dunwoody, W. P., comp. Digest of decisions and orders affecting the settlement of quartermasters' accounts. Wash., 1866. Dupan, Jacques Mallet. Sec Mallet-Dupan, Jacques. Duponceau, Peter Stephen. English phonology; or, An essay towards an analysis and description of the component sounds of the English language. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1818. V. i; p. 228-64.) Inaugural discourse. {In Penn. Hist. soc. Memoirs. 1840. V. 4; p. 5-31.) tr. Heckewelder, Rev. John Gottlieb Ernestus. Names which the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians, who once inhabited this country, had given to rivers, streams, places, etc. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1834. v. 4; p. 351-403.) tr. Zeisberger, Rcz>. David. Grammar of the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1830. v. 3; p. 65-250.) Dupuytren, Guillaume, baron. Clinical lectures on surgery; tr. from the French by A. S. Doane. N. Y., 1833. Lectures on clinical surgery, tr. from the French. Wash., 1835. On the injuries and diseases of bones; tr. and ed. by F. Gros Clark. Lond., 1847. Durand, T., and Pittier, H. Primitiae florae costaricensis. Brux- elles, 1891. Durbin, Rev. John P., D. D. Address delivered in the hall of the house of representatives, Harrisburg, Pa., April 6, 1852. {In Pettit, William V. Address. 1852. p. 35-47.) Dureau de la Malle, Adolphe Jules Cesar Auguste. Province de Constantine; receuil de renseignments pour I'expedition ou I'etablissement des Frangois dans cette portie ce I'Afrique. Par., Duren, E. F. Bangor families. {In Bangor hist. mag. 1891-5. v. o; p. 293-5. V. 7; p. 172-6. v. 8; p. 37-40, 86-9, 148-51. V. 9; p. Durfee, R^v. Calvin. History of Williams college. Bost., i860. Uurfee, Thomas. Gleanings from the judicial history of Rhode Island. Prov., 1883. (R. 1. hist, tracts, no. 18.) Note : for additions and index see no. 20 of this series. 406 AUTHOR LIST. Durfee, Thomas. Job Durfee. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memo- rial biog. 1880. V. i; p. 37-59-) Oration delivered at the dedication of the Providence county- court house, Dec. 18, 1877. Prov., 1879. Durfee, William P. Tables of the symmetric functions of the twelfthic. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1882. v. 5; p. 45- 61.) Durham, F. Hermia. Relations of the crown to trade under James I. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1899. v. 23; p. 199-247.) Durham (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and treasurer for the year 1855, '56, '60, '62, '64-6, '68, '71-4, '76-1901. Dover, 1855-190T. Durham (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1870. Dover, 1870. Dover, 1895. Durham village improvement society. By-laws. n. p. n. d. Du Rier, Pierre. See Du Ryer, Pierre. Durkee, Silas, M. D. Treatise on gonorrhoea and syphilis. Bost., 1859. Durocher, Joseph Marie Elisabeth. Essay on comparative petrol- ogy; tr. by Rev. Samuel Haughton. Dublin, 1859. Durrett, Reuben T. Bryant's station. Louisville, 1897. (In Filson club. Pub. 1897. V. 12.) Centenary of Louisville as an incorporated town. Louisville, 1893. (^n Filson club. Pub. 1893. v. 8.) Historical sketch of St. Paul's church, Louisville, Ky. Louis- ville, 1889. (In Filson club. Pub. 1889. v. 5-) John Filson, an account of his life and writings. Louisville, 1884. (In Filson club. Pub. 1884. v. i.) Durrie, Daniel Steele. Bibliographia genealogica Americana; an alphabetical index to Amer. genealogies and pedigrees. Ed. 3, rev. Alb., 1886. Captain Jonathan Carver, and "Carver's grant." (In Wise. state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. v. 6; p. 220-70.) History of Madison, the capital of Wisconsin; including the four lake country to July, 1874. Madison, 1874. Index to American genealogies and to genealogical material contained in all works. Ed. 4. Alb., 1895. Supplement to Bibliographia genealogica Americana. Alb., 1888. ed. Wisconsin state historical society: Library. Catalogue. 1873-87. Durrie, Isabel, ed. Wisconsin state historical society: Library. Catalogue. 1873-87. Duruy, Victor. History of Greece and of the Greek people from earliest times to the Roman conquest; tr. and ed. by M. M. Rip- ley. 4v. in 8. Bost, 1890. History of Rome and of the Roman people; tr. by W. J. Clarke and M. M. Ripley; ed. by J. P. Mahaflfy. 8v. in 16. Bost., 1884-7. Duryea, Rev. Joseph T. Oration commemorative of the restoration of the Union, with a tribute to the alumni and under-graduates of the college of New Jersey who fell in the national struggle. Phil., 1866. Duryee, William Rankin, D. D. English Bible, its study as a classic in our colleges, n. p. 1892. (Rutgers college pub. no. 2.) Du Ryer, Pierre, tr. Strade, Famianus. Histoire de la guerre de Flandre. 1659. Dusenbery, B. M., comp. Monument to the memory of General Andrew Jackson. Nashua, 1846. NEW HAMPSHIEE STATE LIBRARY. 407 Dustin. See Dustan. Duston. See Dustan. Dutcher, Alfred L. Historical sketch of the rise and progress of the First Congregational church of St. Albans, Vt. St. Alb., 1898. Dutcher, L. L. History of St. Albans, Vt., and the history of Shel- don, Vt, by H. R. Whitney and others. St. Alb., 1872. Dutrochet, Rene Joachim Henri, M. D. Recherches anatomi et physiologiques snr la structure in time des animaux et des vege- taux et sur leur motilite. Par., 1824. Dutton, A. P. Old settlers' society, Racine county. Wise. n. p. 1897. Dutton, MaJ. Clarence Edward. Economics of concentrated capi- tal. (In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1897. v. 2, no. i; p. 7-20.) Report on the geology of the high plateaus of Utah. Wash., 1879-80. Tertiary history of the Grand Cafion district. Wash., 1882. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1882. v. 2.) Thoughts on economic history. (In Texas state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1898. v. i; p. 151-65.) Dutton, Samuel T. Education as a preventive and cure for crime. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. P- I5-3I-) Social phases of education in the school and the home. N. Y., 1899. Dutton, E. P., & Co. New map of the vicinity of Boston. Bost., n. d. Duval, Mathias, M. D., ed. Kuss, Emil. Course of lectures on physiology. 1875. Duxbury (Mass.). Copy of the old records from 1642-1770, ed. by George Etheridge. Plymouth, 1893. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Duxbury, June 17, 1887. Plymouth, 1887. Duyckinck, Whitehead Cornell. Additions to the history of the class of 1865, Yale university. N. Y., 1890. Dwight, Theodore, 1764- 1846. Character of Thomas Jefiferson, as exhibited in his own writings. Bost., 1839. History of the Hartford convention with a review of the policy of the U. S. government which led to the war of 1812. N. Y., 1833. Dwight, Theodore, 1796-1866. History of Connecticut. N. Y., 1872. Sketch of the Mpongwes and their language. (In Amer. eth- nological soc. Trans. 1848. v. 2; p. 283-98.) and Darby, William. New Gazetteer of the United States. 1833. Dwight, Theodore F., ed. Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-62. Bost, 1895. (Military hist. soc. of Mass. v. i.) ed. Critical sketches of some of the federal and confederate commanders. Bost., 1895. (Military hist. soc. of Mass. v. 10.) ed. Virginia campaign of 1862 under Gen. Pope. Bost., 1895. (Military hist. soc. of Mass. v. 2.) Dwight, Theodore W., and Wines, Enoch Cobb, D. D. Report on the prisons and reformatories of the United States and Canada. Alb., 1867. Dwight, Thomas, M. D. Anatomy of the head. Bost., 1876. Description of the whale in possession of the society. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1871-8. v. 2; p. 203-30.) On the preservation of anatomical specimens; read May 24, 1879. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1869. v. 3; p. 71-9.) ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 88-97. 1873-7. 408 AUTHOK LIST. Dwight, Timothy, D. D., 1752-1817. Travels in New England and New York. 4v. N. H., 1821-2. Dwight, Timothy, 1796-1866. Sketch of the Polynesian language. {In Amer. ethnological soc. Trans. 1845. v. 2; p. 223-34.) Dwight, Timothy, D. D., 1828-. Noah Porter; address delivered at the funeral service of President Porter, March, 1892. N. H., 1892. Report of the secretary of the class of 1849 of Yale college, addressed to his classmates on occasion of their decennial meet- ing, July, 1859. N. H., 1859. T. D. Woolsey; memorial address before the graduates of Yale university, 1890. N. H., 1890. Thoughts of and for the inner life; sermons. N. Y., 1899. Dwight, William Theodore, D. D. Work and the workmen; dis- course in behalf of the American home missionary society. N. Y., 1859- Dwyer, Rev. Philip. Booth's 'submerged tenth.' n. p. n. d. (In Loch, Charles Stewart. Criticisms of "General" Booth's social scheme. 1891. pt. 3.) Dyar, Harrison G., and Smith, John Bernhardt. Contributions toward a monograph of the lepidopterous family noctuidae. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 1-194.) Dyer, Albion Morris. Points in the first chapter of New York Jewish history. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1894. v. 3; p. 41-60.) Site of the first synagogue of the congregation Shearith Israel of New York. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1900. v. 8; p. 25-41.) Dyer, C. B., and Miller, S. A. Contributions to paleontology, no. 1-2. Cine, 1878. Dyer, Charles E. Address. (In Old Settlers' soc. of Racine county. 1871. V. i; p. 17-84-) Dyer, Cornelia C. Joy-. See Joy-Dyer, Cornelia C. Dyer, Rev. David. History of the Albant penitentiary. Alb., 1867. Dyer, Elisha, 181 1-90, ed. Rhode Island: Adjutant-general. Annual report, 1865. Ed. 2, rev. 2v. 1893-5. See also Rhode Island: Adjutant-general. Dyer, Elisha. 1839-. Message to the general assembly at its Jan. session, 1900. Prov., 1900. See also Rhode Island: Adjutant-general. Dyer, John B., comp. Inscriptions from gravestones in the old North Cemetery, Truro, Mass., from 1713 to 1840. Province- town, 1897. Dyer, Joseph. Compendious narrative elucidating the character, disposition, and conduct of Mary Dyer. Cone, 1819. Dyer, Mrs. Mary Marshall. Brief statement of her sufferings oc- casioned by the society called Shakers. Bost., 1818. Cone, 1818. Portraiture of Shakerism, exhibiting a general view of their character and conduct from the first appearance of Ann Lee in New England down to the present time. n. p. 1822. Reply to the Shakers' statements called a "Review of Shaker- ism," with an account of the sickness and death of Betsey Dyer. Cone, 1824. Rise and progress of the serpent from the garden of Eden to the present day; with a disclosure of Shakerism. Cone, 1847. Dyer, Oliver. Phonographic report of the proceedings of the Na- tional free soil convention at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9th and loth, 1848. Buffalo, n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 409 Dyer, Samuel B., and others. Treatise on the faith of the Freewill Baptists. Dover, 1834. Dymond, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of morality and on the private and political rights and obligations of mankind. N. Y. n. d. Inquiry into the accordancy of war with the principles of Christianity. Ed. 4, enl. Hartf., 1836. Phil. n. d. Phil. n. d. N. Y., 1872. N. Y., 1870. War. Ed. 2. Phil., 1890. Ed. 3. N. Y. n. d. E. H., pseud. See Elkins, H. E. M. Museum of geology and archaeology, Princeton (N. /.). An- nual report. 1883-5. v. 2-4. Princeton, 1883-5. Contributions, v. i, no. i. Princeton, 1881. Contributions; bulletin, no. 1-3. v. p. 1878-83. List of national and state geological survey reports in the library, n. p. 1893 (?) , , . , • , 00 List of subjects for the Junior honor courses m geology, 1881. n. p. n. d. ed. Scott, William B., and Magic, W. F. Prelimmary report upon Princeton scientiric expedition of 1882. 1882. E. W. Harrington steam fire engine company, no. 3. Constitu- tion and by-laws. Manch., 1867. Manch., 1883. Eadie, John, D. D., ed. Cruden, Alexander. Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. (In Hitchcock, R. D. New and complete analysis of the Ploly Bible. 1870. p. 751-1159.) Eads, Harvey L. Shaker sermons; scripto-rational, containing the substance of Shaker theology. Shakers, N. Y., 1879. Ed. 5- S. Union, 1889. Eads, James B. Review of Captain Phelps' pamphlet entitled Transportation of ships on railways, n. p. n. d. Eagle hose company of Claremont, N. H. Constitution, adopted July 3, 1894. Clare., 1894. Eames, James H., D. ID. Blessed memory; a sermon on the char- acter of J. S. Abbot. Cone, 1871. Memorial address at the funeral of W. F. Groves. Cone, 1877. Eames, Mrs. Jane (Anthony). Budget closed. Bost., i860. Eames, Rev. Jonathan. Walking with God, considered and im- proved; in a sermon delivered at Newbury, April 29, 1792, occa- sioned by the decease of the Rev. John Tucker, pastor of the First church there. Newburyport, 1792. Eames, Wilberforce. Early New England catechisms. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 76-182.) Earl, Henry H., comp. Centennial history of Fall River, Mass. N. Y., 1877. Earl, Samuel. A. A. Bartow and the discovery of water-lime in this country. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. i88t. p. 125-43.) Palatines and their settlement in the valley of the upper Mo- hawk. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1881. p. 31-51.) Earle, Alice Morse. Child life in colonial days. N. Y., 1899. Colonial days in old New York. N. Y., 1899. 410 AUTHOR LIST. Earle, Alice Morse. Home life in colonial days. N. Y., 1899. Stage-coach and tavern days. N. Y., 1900. Earle, Charles Warrington. In and out of Libby prison. (/« Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. V. i; p. 247-92.) Earle, Frank S. Fig culture in the Gulf states. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Pomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 5.) and Underwood, Lucien Marcus. Preliminary list of Alabama fungi. 1897. (In Ala.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 80.) Treatment of some fungus diseases. 1896. (Ala.: Agric. ex- per. sta. Bulletin, no. 69.) Earle, John Milton. Report concerning the Indifins of the com- monwealth. Bost., 1861. Earle, Mortimer Lamson. Excavations in the theatre at Sicyon in 1891. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 1-9.) Sikyonian statue. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1889. v. 5; p. 292-303.) (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 27-38.) Supplementary report of the excavations of the theatre at Sikyon. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1889. v. 5; p. 286-92. v. 7; p. 281-2. V. 8; p. 388-96.) Earle, Pliny, M. D. Curability of insanity. Utica, 1877. Phil, 1887. History, description, and statistics of the Bloomingdale asy- lum for the insane. N. Y., 1848. Earlham college. Catalogue for 1869-70, '74-5» '77-8, '81-3, '85-7, '90, '94-7, '98-1900. Richmond, 1869-99. Facts about Earlham college. Richmond, n. d. Report of the President to the board of trustees; 1898-9. Richmond, n. d. Views of the college buildings. Richmond, n. d. Early commercial signs and firms of Providence. (In R. I. hist, soc. Pub. 1898. p. 144-66.) Early settlers* association of Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Annals. V. I, no. I, 3-5; V. 2-3. Cleve., 1880-97. Early voyagers of the Pacific ocean. Honolulu, 1893. (In Hawa- iian hist. soc. Papers. 1893. v. i; no. 4.) Earwaker, John Parsons, ed. Index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the court of probate at Chester from 1545- 1760. Lond., 1879-92. (In Record soc. Pub. 1879-92. v. 2, 4, 15, 20, 22, 25.) List of freeholders in Lancashire in the year 1600. Lond., 1885. (In Record soc. Pub. 1885. v. 12; p. 225-51.) List of the esquires and gentlemen in Cheshire and Lancashire who refused the order of knighthood at the coronation of Charles i. Lond., 1885. (In Record soc. Pub. 1885. v. 12; p. 191-223.) Three Lancashire subsidy rolls. Lond., 1885. (In Record soc. Pub. 1885. V. 12; p. 131-89.) East Andover (N. H.) Ladies. Collection of tested and approved recipes. E, Andover, 1895. East Congregational church. Concord (N. H.). Confession of faith and covenant, with a complete catalogue of its officers and mem- bers, March 30, i860. Cone, i860. East Haddam (Conn.) Third church of Christ of Hadlyme society. One hundred and fiftieth anniversary. Hartf., 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBBARY. 411 East Hampton (N. ¥.)• Records of the town of East Hampton^ N. Y., with other ancient documents of historic value. 2v. Sag- Harbor, 1887. East India sketch-book, comprising an account of the present state of society in Calcutta, Bombay, etc. N. Y., 1836. East Kingston (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1876, '81, '82, '84-1902. Exeter, 1876- 1902. East Tennessee university. See Tennessee: University. Eastburn, Manton, hp. Voice of God in the recent national bereave- ment; a sermon delivered the day after the interment of Daniel Webster. Bost, 1852. {In Eulogies of Webster, no. 11.) Easterbrooks, Rev., and Burroughs, Rev. Eden. Faithful narrative of the wonderful dealings of God towards Polly Davis, n. d. Eastern auxiliary foreign mission society of Rockingham county^ N. H. Annual report, 1826, '28. v. i, 3. Ports., 1826-8. Eastern avenue Congregational church. Annual report, 1889. v. 2. Springf., 1889. Eastern Hampden agricultural society. Annual report, 1868-9, '7i-4» '76, '78, '89-1900. V. 12-13, 15-18, 23, 25, 36-48. V. p. 1868-1901. Premium list of the annual exhibition, 1895-6. Palmer, 1895-6. Eastern Illinois state normal school. Annual catalogue, 1899- 1900. n. p. 1900. Report of trustees, 1898. Springf., 1899. Eastern Indiana hospital for the insane at Easthaven. Biennial report of the board of trustees and medical supt. for 1899-1900. Indianapolis, 1900. Eastern maintenance of way association. Proceedings of the an- nual convention, 1900. v. 18. Ware, 1900. NoTB : original name was New England road masters assoc, which see for ear- lier volumes. Eastern Michigan asylum. Report of the board of trustees for the biennial period ending June 30, 1890-8. Lansing, 1890-8. Eastern philatelic company. Stamp-hunter's manual and descrip- tive catalogue of prices. Cone. n. d. Eastern philatelist, a monthly magazine in the interests of stamp collecting, v. 20, no. 3-6; v. 21, no. 1-6. Newmarket, 1897-8. Eastern railroad company. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders for 1848, '50, '53, '55-8, '68, '74-7, '83, '88-9. Bost. and Salem, 1848-89. Annual report to the state of Massachusetts, 1851. Bost., 1851. List of stockholders; with a memorandum of shares. Salem, 1855- Report of the investigating committee of the stockholders. Bost., 1855. Special report of the president to the directors. Salem, 1851. and Portsmouth, Great Falls, and Conway railroad company. Articles of agreement. 1876. et al. vs. March, Clement, et al. Suit in equity, n. p. 1859. Eastern yacht club. Constitution, by-laws, sailing regulations. Bost, 1880. Eastman, Arthur M., and wife vs. Amoskeag manufacturing com- pany. Abstract of defendant's testimony. Manch., 1865. Abstract of plaintiff's testimony, n. p. n. d. Eastman, Charles Rochester. On remains of struthiolothus cher- sonensis from northern China. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1898. v. 32; p. 127-44.) -On the relations of certain plates in the dinichthyids. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1897. v. 31; p. 19-44) 412 AUTHOR LIST. Eastman, Rev. David. Brief history of the Congregational church of Leverett. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. V. i; p. 246-54-) . , Eastman, Edson Cummings. New Hampshire highway surveyor s account-book. Ed. 9. Cone, 1868. — — comp. New Hampshire annual register and United States cal- endar. 1866-7. 1866-7. Eastman, Enoch. Essay on the training up of children, n. p. n. d. Eastman, Francis Smith. History of Vermont from its first settle- ment to the present time. Brattleboro', 1823. Eastman, Herbert W., comp. Semi-centennial of the city of Man- chester, N. H., Sept. 6-9, 1896. Manch., 1897. Eastman, John Robie. Address; the neglected field of fundamental astronomy. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. V. 41, p. 17-32.) Assumption and fact in the theories of solar and stellar mo- tions; annual presidential address. 1889. {In Philosophical soc. of Washington. Bulletin. 1889. v. 11; p. 143-72.) Mexican meteorites. {In Philosophical soc. of Washington. Bulletin. 1892. v. 12; p. 39-52.) Report on the determination of the longitude of the Cincinnati observatory at Mount Lookout, Ohio. {In U. S.: Naval observa- tory. Observations. 1877. appx. 4.) Report on the difference of longitude between the U. S. naval observatory and the Sayre observatory of Lehigh university. {In U. S. : naval observatory. Observations. 1875. appx. i.) Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Detroit, Mich.; Carlin, Nev., and Austin, Nev. Wash., 1874. {In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1872. appx. 2.) Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Ogden, Utah. Wash., 1876. {In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1874. appx. 2.) Second Washington catalogue of stars. Wash., 1898. {In U. S. : Naval observatory. Washington observations. 1892. appx. I.) Solar parallax from meridian observations of Mars in 1877. {In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1877. appx. 3.) Tables of instrumental constants and corrections for the re- duction of transit observations made at the U. S. naval observ- atory. Wash., 1873. (^w U. S.: Naval observatory. Washing- ton observations. 1872. appx. i.) {In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1872. appx. I.) and Pritchett, Henry S. Longitude of the Morrison observa- tory, Glasgow, Mo. {In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observa- tions. 1877. appx. 5.) ed. United States: Naval observatory. Report. {In its Re- ports on observations of the total eclipse of the sun. Aug. 7, 1869. 1870. p. 97-217.) Eastman, Nehemiah. Eastman's defence. Farmington, 1825. Eastman, Otis S. Memorial of the Trinity commandery excursion, Aug. 13-17. 1878. Manch., 1878. Eastman, Richard B. Old home of my childhood. Jefferson, 1901. Eastman, Samuel Coffin. Bibliography of the U. S., New Hamp- shire. {In Norton, C. B. Literary letter. 1857. v. i; p. 9-30 of 5th series of paging.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 413 Eastman, Samuel Coffin. Exemption of evidences of debt from taxation. Cone, 1883. Speech, n. p. n. d. {In New Hampshire railroad controversy. n. d. V. 2.) Tendencies toward socialism. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. V. 2; p. 223-32.) •.. ,. 1 ^ 00 anon., comp. White Mountain guide book. Lone, 1055. Ed. 2. Cone, 1859- Ed. 3. Cone, 1863. Ed. 4. Cone, 1864. Ed. 5. Cone, 1865. Ed. 6. Cone, 1866. Ed. 7. Cone, 1867. Ed. 9. Cone, 1869. Ed. 10. Cone, 1872. Ed. II. Cone, 1873. Ed. 13. Cone, 1876. Ed. 14. Cone, 1878. Ed. 15. Cone, 1879- Ed. 16. Cone, 1881. tr. Brandes, Georg. Impressions of Russia. 1889. Eastman, Edson C, & Co. Catalogue of a valuable library, n. p. i869(?) Eastman, Samuel, & Co. New principles of hydraulics applied to fire streams. E. Cone, 1897. Easton, John. Narrative of the causes which led to Philip's Indian war of 1675 and 1676 with other documents concerning this event in the office of the Secretary of state of New York; pre- pared from the originals with an introduction and notes by F. B. Hough. Alb., 1858. Easton (N. H.). Annual report of the financial affairs of the town for 1881, '82, '93-1901. Littleton, 1881-1901. Eastwood, B. Complete manual for the cultivation of the cran- berry. N. Y., 1856. Easy way to prolong life by a little attention to what we eat, by a medical man. Dover, 1796. Eaton, Amos. Art without science; or, Mensuration, surveying and engineering divested of the speculative principles and tech- nical language of mathematics. Ed. 2, enl. Alb., 1830. • Botanical exercises; including directions, rules, and descrip- tions to aid pupils in the analysis of plants. Alb., 1820. Chemical instructor. Ed. 2. Alb., 1826. anon. Geological and agricultural survey of Rensselaer county, N. Y. Alb., 1822. Index to the geology of the northern states. Leicester, 1818. Ed. 2. Troy, 1820. Manual of botany for North America. Ed. 5. Alb., 1829. Manual of botany for the Northern and Middle states of America. Ed. 3. Alb., 1822. Zoological text-book. Alb., 1826. Eaton, Mrs. Anna R. (Webster.) Triumph in Christ; a memorial of Rev. Horace Eaton. Ed. 2. Bost., 1886. Eaton, Rev. Arthur Wentworth, ed. Johnston, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lichtenstein). Recollections of a Georgia loyalist. 1901. Eaton, Chester W., and Eaton, Will Everett, pub. Wakefield souve- nir of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of ancient Read- ing, Mass. Wakef., 1894. Eaton, Cyrus. Annals of the town of Warren, Me. Ed. 2. Hallo- well, 1877. 414 AUTHOR LIST. Eaton, Cyrus. History o£ Thomastoii, Rockland, and South Thom- aston, Me., from their first exploration, 1605; with family gene- alogies. 2v. Hallowell, 1865. Eaton, Daniel Cady, and Watson, Sereno. Botany. (Itk U. S.: Geol. exploration of the 40th parallel. Report. 1871. v. 5.) Eaton, Dorman Bridgman. Civil service in Great Britain. N. Y., 1880. Spoils system and civil service reform in the custom-house and postofifice at New York. N. Y., 1881. True significance of the national civil service act. n. p. n. d. Eaton, Francis B., ed., anon. Discourses and letters commemora- tive of Emily Lane Smyth, wife of Frederick Smyth. Manch., 1885. History of Candia, once known as Charmingfare. Manch., 1852. and Poore, Benjamin Perley, comp. Sketches of the life and public services of Frederick Smyth. 1885. Eaton, Isabel. Receipts and expenditures of certain wage-earners in the garment trades. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1895. V. 4; no. 30; p. 134-80.) Eaton, Rev. J. M. R. Earnest laborer; a discourse delivered at Henniker commemorative of Abel Connor. Cone, 1854. Eaton, James S. Common school arithmetic. Bost., 1863. Bost., 1864. Bost., 1866. Intellectual arithmetic upon the inductive method. Bost., 1864. Questions on the principles of arithmetic. Bost., 1866. Treatise on arithmetic. Bost., 1870. Eaton, John. American education progressive. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1872. p. 152-85.) College growth in Ohio. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. . 1889. V. 20; p. 5-19.) Eulogy of J. W. Patterson. Cone, 1894. Illiteracy and its social, political, and industrial effects, n. p. 1882. Mormons of today; a series of articles from "The Christian Herald." Ed. 2. Wash., 1898. Notes on education at the Columbian exhibition. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1892-3. v. i; 1895; p. 1015- 1224.) Seventy-fifth anniversary and reunion, June 28, 1894. Cone, 1895. comr. See United States: Education, bureau of. Eaton, Leland L., ed. Colby academy annual. 1896. Eaton, Lilley. Genealogical history of the town of Reading, Mass., including the present towns of Wakefield, Reading, and North Reading. Bost., 1874. Eaton, Rebecca. Geography of Pennsylvania for the use of schools and private families. Phil., 1835. Eaton, W. H., D. D. Memorial of Rev. E. E. Cummings. Keene, 1886. Eaton family association. Report of the annual reunion, 1890. v. 6. N. H., 1891. Eaton (N. H.). Annual report of the municipal officers for the year 1875, '82-5, '87, '89-1902. v. p. 1875-1902. Eben, Carl Theodor, tr. Mittelberger, Gottlieb. Journey to Penn- sylvania in the year 1750. 1898. Eberle, John, M. D. Treatise of the materia medica and therapeu- tics. Ed. 4, enl. 2v. Phil., 1834. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 415 Eberle John M. D. Treatise on the diseases and physical educa- tion of children. Ed. 3- Phil., 1837. Ed. 3. Phil., 1839- ^ ,. . ^^., ^ Treatise on the practice of medicine. 2v. Fhil., 1830. Ed. 2, enl. 2v. Phil., 1831. Ed. 3, rev. 2v. Phil., 1835. ^ ^ ed Medical review and analectic journal, v. 1-3. 1824-6. Ebersoie, William S. Metopes of the west end of the Parthenon. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. ser. 2. v. 3; p. 409-32.) Ecclesiastical council of Congregational churches, Acworth, N. H., 1832. Result. Newport, 1832. Echeverria, Gonzalez, M. D. Case of epilepsy with pathological investigations. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 349- 58.) Echo; a quarterly illustrated missionary paper pub. by the Amer. church missionary society, v. 5, no. i. N. Y., 1900. Echo, pub. monthly, v. 2, 3, 7, 8, no. 1-2. Manch., 1891-7. Note : being v. 2-2>, no. 1-3; V. 34, no. i, 2, 4; v. 35, no. i, 2, 4; v. 36, no. 1-3; v. 37; V. 38, no. i, 4; v. 39; v. 40, no. 1-2; v. 72, no. 5; v. 75, no. i; v. 76, no. 4; v. 85, no. 3; v. no, no. 6; v. iii, no. 2-4, 6; V. 112, no. 1-2; V. 128, no. 5-6; v. 129, no. i. N. Y., 1850-97. Note: ser. 1, v. 1-63; new ser. v. 64-date. Continuation of the Eclectic museum. Eclectic medical college of Philadelphia. Announcement. Phil., i860. Eclectic medical college of the city of New York. Announcement and catalogue for session of 1881-2, '85-9, 1900-1. v. 21, 25-8, 40. N. Y., 188T-1900. Eclectic medical institute. Annual announcement, v. 55. Cine, 1899. Eclectic medical society of the state of California. Transactions, 1896. Oakland, 1896. Eclectic medical society of the state of New York. Transactions for the years 1870-2, '85-99. v. 4-6, 15-18. N. Y., 1870-99. Eclectic repertory and analytical review, medical and philosophi- cal; quarterly, v. 12-13. Phil., 1822-3. Note: ser. 1, v. l-lO; new ser. v. 11-14. Title of new series Journal of foreign medical science. Merged into the American med. recorder. (L) Ecole de medicine et de chirurgie de Montreal. Annuaire, 1897- 8. Montreal, 1897. Discours prononce par le docteur d'Orsonnens a la reouver- ture des cours, le ler Octobre, 1878. Montreal, 1878. 9, '45, '47, '48, '50-S, '60, '62, '63, '65, '67, '69, '7Z, '75-8, '83-9, '91, 93-1901. Salem, 1832-1901. Essex antiquarian, a monthly magazine devoted to biography, gene- alogy, history, and antiquities of Essex county, Mass. v. 1-4. Salem, 1897-1900. Essex (Mass.) bar association. In memorial. Salem, 1895. anon. In memoriam, C. P. Thompson, n. p. 1894. In memoriam, E. T. Burley. n. p. 1896. oMon. In memoriam, S. H. Phillips, n. p. 1897. ; Memorials and brief biographical notices of some of the dis- tinguished members of the Essex bar prior to the formation of the association. Salem, 1900. Essex company. Plan of lots in Methuen, to be sold by the Essex Co. at auction, Apr., 1846. n. p. n. d. Note: scale 125 ft. to i incL. 438 AUTHOB LIST. Essex (Mass.) Congregational church. Two centuries of church history; celebration of the 200th anniversary of the organization of the church, Aug. 19-22, 1883. Salem, 1884. Essex county (N. J.): Parks, dept. of. Annual report of the Board of commissioners, 1898-9. v. 4. Newark, 1900. Essex county convention at Ipswich, 1812. Declaration by its dele- gates. Salem, 1812. Essex county historical and genealogical register, monthly, v. 1-2. Ipswich, 1894-5. Essex county natural history society. See Essex institute. Essex county (Mass.) natural history society. Journal. Salem, 1852. Essex historical society. vS*^^ Essex institute. Essex institute. Act of incorporation, constitution, and bj^-laws, 1848. Salem, 1855. Annual report, 1899-1901. Salem, 1899-1901. Bulletin, for 1869-98. v. 1-30. Salem, 1870-98. By-laws. n. p. 1876. Charter, with a list of the officers and members. Salem, 1889. First half-century of the Essex institute commemorated at Salem, March ist and 2d, 1898. Salem, 1898. Henry Wheatland, n. p. 1893. Historical collections, v. 1-36. Salem, 1859-1900. Priced catalogue of the publications. Salem, 1884. Proceedings, v. 1-6. Salem, 1856-68. Note : no more pub. Essex south district medical society. Memoir of E. A, Holyoke. Bost., 1829. Essex street church, Bostm (Mass.). Memorial volume to commem- orate the 25th anniversary of the installation of their pastor, Nehemiah Adams. Bost., i860. Estes, Hiram Cushman, D. D. Historical discourse. (In Green- ville Baptist church, Leicester (Mass.). Exercises. 1889. p. 13-67.) Estes, John M. Tobacco, instructions for its cultivation and curing. Wash., 1892. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1892. no. 6.) Estes, Stanley J., ed., anon. Story of New Sweden as told at the quarter centennial celebration, June 25, 1895. Portl., 1896. Estes, William R. G. History of Somerset Lodge, No. 34, of free and accepted masons, Skowhegan, Me., from June 27, 1820, to Jan. I, 1875. Portl., 1874. Estill, Harry F. Old town of Huntsville. (In Tex. state hist. assoc. Quarterly. 1900. v. 3; p. 265-78.) Esty, William C, and Poor, Rev. Daniel W. E. S. Snell; addresses, June 27, 1877. 1877. Ethelwerd, Fabius. Chronicle from the beginning of the world to the year 975. (In Giles, J. S. Six old English chronicles. 1848; p. 1-40.) Etheridge, Emerson. Nebraska and Kansas, speech. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 22.) Etheridge, George, ed., Duxbury (Mass.). Copy of the old records from 1642-1770. 1893. Etheridge, Robert, and Huxley, Thomas Henry. Catalogue of the collection of fossils in the museum of practical geology. Lond., 1865. Etnier, Mrs. Ruth Shaffner. Training Indian girls, n. p. n. d. Etting, Frank M. Historical account of the old State house of Pennsylvania, now known as the Hall in Independence. Bost., 1876. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 439 Elenburg, Michael. Kurzes handbuch der akiurgie; eine gedrangte darstellung der chirurgischen operationen. Berlin, 1834. Euler, Leonard. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy with notes and life by David Brewster; with additional notes by John Griscom. 2v. N. Y., 1833. Eureka college.' Annual catalogue of the officers and students for 1898-1900. V. 43-44. Peoria, 1898-9. European and North American railway company. Copy of lease to Maine Central railroad company, Aug. 31, 1882. n. p. 1882. Eusebius Pamphilus, bp. of Ccosarea. Historia ecclesiastica, ed. by Edward Burton. Oxford, 1845. Evangelical alliance conference, 1873. History, essays, orations, and other documents of the 6th general conference; ed. by Rev. Philip Schaff and Rev. S. I. Prime. N. Y., 1874. Evangelical alliance for the United States of America. Annual re- port, 1899-1900. V. 32-33- N. Y., 1900-1. Evangelical church of Bolton, Lancaster, Sterling, and Stow. Con- fession of faith and covenant adopted March, 1830. Lancaster, 1830. Evangelical Congregational church, Gloucester (Mass.). Exercises at the 50th anniversary, Nov. 18, 1879. Glouc, 1880. Note : name changed in 1892 to Trinity Cong, church. . Manual, 1885. Glouc, 1885. 1895. Glouc, 1895. Evangelical Congregational church, Walpole (N. H.). Articles of faith and covenant, with a catalogue of members. Bellows Falls, 1857- Evangelical education society of the Protestant Episcopal church. Action of the public meeting. Bost., 1877. Anrrual report, 1867-1900. v. 1-38. Phil., 1867-1900. Distinctive principles and methods of work. n. p. n. d. Evans, Albert S. Our sister republic, a gala trip through tropical Mexico in 1869-70. Hartf., 1870. Evans, Charles H. Comparison of the tariff act of Aug. 28, 1894, with the bill as it became a law July 24, 1897. Wash., 1897. Imports — duties from 1867 to 1883, inclusive, a compilation; exports, domestic and foreign, from 1697-1883. 2v. in i. Wash., 1884. Evans, Brig.-gen. Clement Anselm, ed. Confederate military his- tory, written by distinguished men of the south. I2v. Atlanta, 1899- Evans, Mr.y. Elizabeth E. Christ myth; a study. N. Y., 1900. History of religions; being a condensed statement of the re- sults of scientific research and philosophical criticism. N. Y., 1892. Evans, Ellicott. Reminiscences of Joseph Ellicott. (In Buffalo hist, soc Pub. 1880. V. 2; p. 181-98.) Evans, Elwood. Washington territory, her past, her present, and the elements of wealth which ensure her future. Olympia, 1877. Evans, Estwick. Address delivered in Portsmouth, N. H., on the 48th anniversary of American Independence. Ed. 2. Ports., 1824. anon. Appeal to the people of New Hampshire in behalf of Richard Evans. Exeter, 1817. Predestrious tour of 4,000 miles through the western states and territories during 1818. Cone, 1819. • To Arthur Livermore, a letter. Cone, 1819. Evans, Frederick William. Short treatise on the second appearing of Christ, in and through the order of the female. Bost, 1853. ■ Tests of divine inspiration. New Lebanon, 1853. 440 AUTHOR LIST. Evans, Rev. Israel. Discourse delivered at Easton, Oct. 17, 1779, to the officers and soldiers of the western army after their re- turn from an expedition against the Five nations of hostile In- dians. Phil., 1779. Sermon delivered before the general court of the state of New Hampshire, at the annual election, June, 1791. '{In N. H. elec- tion sermons. 1784-99. 35p.) Evans, Sir. John. Address. Toronto, 1897. Evans, John. History of all Christian sects and denominations; fr. the 15th Lond. edition. N. Y., 1844. Evans, John Gary. Message to the general assembly of S. C. at the regular session, Jan. 14, 1896. Columbia, 1896. Evans, John Q. Plains of 200 years ago. Amesbury, 1897. Salisbury's earliest settlers. Amesbury, 1896. Evans, Owen Hugh. Droop low today thou banner fair; a song read at Arlington, Memorial day, 1891. Words by Rev. J. E. Rankin. Wash. n. d. This sweet life is Ah! how fleeting; soprano solo, words by Rev. J. E. Rankin. Wash. n. d. Why art thou silent, Bethlehem? contralto solo, words by Rev. J. E. Rankin. N. Y., 1893. Evans, Richard. Oration delivered at Portsmouth, N. H. July 4, 1805. Ports., 1805. and Clagett, Clifton. Opinions on the act of the legislature of N. H., passed June 24, 1813, entitled "An act establishing a su- preme judicial court, and circuit court of common pleas." 1813. Evans, Thomas W., M. D. (La) commission sanitaire des £tas- Unis. Par., 1865. Par., 1867. (Les) institutions sanitaires pendant le conflit AustrO'Prussien- Italien. Par., 1867. Lettres d'un oncle a son neveu sur le gouvernment des fitats- Unis. Par., 1866. Report upon dental surgery and the material which it em- ploys, Paris universal exhibition, n. p. n. d. Sanitary institutions during the Austro-Prussian-Italian con- flict. Ed. 3. Par., 1868. Evans, William L. Military history of Green Bay. {In Wise. state hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 47; p. 128-52.) Evans and Sleeper, comp. City directory and business guide. Con- cord, N. H., for the year 1881. 1881. Evans, Richard Touson, M. D., and Maunsell, Henry, M. D. Prac- tical treatise on the management and diseases of children. Phil., 1838. from the Sth Dublin ed. Bost., 1848. Ed. 4. Dublin, 1842. Evanston (111.)* Ff^^ public library. Annual report, 1896-1901. Evanston, 1896-1901. NOTB: report for 1896 the first pub. Evarts, Jeremiah, anon. Essays on the present crisis in the condi- tion of the American Indians; first pub. in the National inteUi- gencer under the signature of William Penn. Bost., 1829. Evarts, William Maxwell. Eulogy of Chief-justice Chase delivered before the alumni of Dartmouth college, June 24, 1874. Han- over, 1874. Eve, Paul F., M. D. Collection of remarkable cases in surgery. Phil., 1857. Eveleth, Rev. Charles Healey. History of the First Baptist church of Acworth, N. H., 1809-1886. n. p. n. d. Evelyn, John. Diary of John Evelyn edited from the original mss. by William Bray. 2v. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 441 Evening gazette, Exeter, N. H., Nov. ii, 1896. Exeter spirit, v. i, no. 27. Exeter, 1896. Evening journal almanac, 1875-6, '79. '^3-4, '91-2. Alb., 1875-92. Evening Wisconsin. National guard. Milwaukee, 1900. Evenings in New England. Bost., 1824. Everest, Kate Asaphine. How Wisconsin came by its large Ger- man element, (in Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 12; p. 299-334.) Everett, Alexander Hill. Address delivered at Charlestown, Mass., on the 17th of June, 1836, at the request of the young men, in commemoration of the battle of Bunker Hill. Bost, 1836. Address to the literary societies of Dartmouth college on the character and influence of German literature, July 24, 1839. Bost., 1839. America; or, A general survey of the political situation of the several powers of the western continent, by a citizen of the United States. Phil., 1827. Cuba; the Everett letters on Cuba. Bost., 1897. anon. Europe; or, A general survey of the present situation of the principal powers, by a citizen of the United States. Bost., 1822. Life of Joseph Warren. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1848. ser. i. v. 10; p. 91-183.) Life of Patrick Henry. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1848. ser. 2. v. i ; p. 207-398.) Everett, Charles Carroll, D. D. Human nature not ruined but in- complete. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. 4, no. 3.) Leonard Woods; a discourse. Brunswick, 1879. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 481-51 1.) Relation of Unitarianism and philosophy. (In Amer. Unita- rian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. P- 329-53.) Religions before Christianity; a manual for Sunday schools. Ed. 8. Bost, 1895. Theology of Unitarians. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. loi.) Everett, David. Oration pronounced at Amherst, N. H., July 4, 1804. Amherst, 1804. Everett, Edward. Account of his oration on Washington. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed, i860, v. 4; p. 86-106.) Address, Jan. 2, 1839. Bost., 1839. Address before the Massachusetts charitable association, 20th Sept, 1837, on occasion of their first exhibition and fair. Bost, 1837. Address delivered at Lexington on the 19th of April, 1835. Charlestown, 1835. Address of presentation of statue of Warren. (In Bunker Hill monument assoc. Celebrations. 1850-7. p. 17-37.) Address on the Civil war. (In Moore, Frank. Rebellion rec- ord. 1861. V. i; pref. p. 5-46.) Address to the two branches of the legislature, Jan. 3, 1838. Bost., 1838. Address to the two branches of the legislature, Jan. 2, 1839. Bost., 1839. Battle of Bunker Hill. Bost, 1850. Biographical memoir of the public life of Daniel Webster. (In Webster, Daniel. Works. 1881. v. i; p. 11-160.) ed. Correspondence relative to the award of the king of Den- mark's comet medal to Miss Maria Mitchell for the discovery of a telescopic comet on the ist of October, 1847. Camb., 1849. Dorchester in 1630, 1776, and 1855; an oration delivered on the Fourth of July, 1855. Bost, 1855. 442 AUTHOR LIST.. Everett, Edward. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in Faneuil Hall at the request of the young men of Boston, Sept. 6, 1834. Bost., 1834. Eulogy on the life and character of J. Q. Adams, delivered at the request of the legislature of Massachusetts in Faneuil Hall, April IS, 1848. Bost, 1848. Eulogy on Thomas Dowse. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1859. V. 3; p. 361-98.) Great issues now before the country; an oration delivered July 4, 1861. N. Y., 1861. History of liberty. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. 6; p. 2092-112.) Life of John Stark. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1839. ser. I. V. i; p. 1-116.) Monroe doctrine. N. Y., 1863. (In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 34.) Oration at Gettysburg, November, 1863. (In Mass.: Governor. Message. 1864. appx, p. 39-71.) Oration delivered at Cambridge on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Bost., 1826, Oration delivered at Charlestown on the 75th anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1850. (In Bunker Hill monu- ment assoc. Celebrations. 1850-7.) Oration delivered at Concord, Mass., April 19, 1825. Bost., 1825. Oration delivered at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1824. Bost., 1825. Oration delivered before the city authorities of Boston on the Fourth of July, i860. Bost., i860. Oration pronounced at Cambridge before the society of Phi Beta Kappa, Aug. 27, 1824. Bost., 1824. Orations and speeches. Ed. 11. 4v. Bost., 1886-9. Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas territorial bill. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 7.) Uses of astronomy, a discourse. (In Dudley Observatory. Inauguration. 1856. p. 47-125.) Everett, Erastus. Poem. (In Princeton (Mass.) Celebration. i860, p. 44-54.) Everett, Rev. Noble Warren. Historical address. (In Rochester (Mass.). Rochester's bi-centennial. 1879. p. 17-71.) Bryant, Capt. Charles, and Bisbee, A. W., anon. Rochester's official bi-centennial record. 1879. Everett, Philo M. Recollections of the early explorations and dis- covery of iron ore on Lake Superior. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 11; p. 161-74.) Everett, William. Lord's supper. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. ser. 4, no. 26.) Oration in honor of Col. William Prescott, delivered Oct. 14, 1895, by invitation of the Bunker Hill monument association. Bost., 1896. Patriotism; an oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard college, June 28, 1900. Bost., 1900. Everett souvenir company. Everett souvenir; 1870-1893. Everett, 1893. Everette, S. H. Napoleon B., ed. Iris and literary repository. 1842-3. Evergreen cemetery, Rutland (Vt.). Services at the dedication of Evergreen cemetery, Rutland, Vt., Oct. 16, 1861. Rutl., 1861. Everhart coal company. Report of Prof. W. F. Roberts and the by-laws of the company. Bost., 1864. Evcrman, Barton Warren, and Jenkins, Oliver Peebles. Description of eighteen new species of fishes from the Gulf of California. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 137-58.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRABY. 44S Everman, Barton Warren, and Jenkins, Oliver Peebles. Notes on Indiana fishes. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1889. V. 11; p. 43-57-) Report upon a collection of fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 121-65.) and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Description of six new species of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 467-76.) Fishes of North and Middle America, descriptive catalogue. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1896-1900. no, 47.) Evers, P. Student's compendium of comparative anatomy. Phil., 1839. (Amer. med. library.) Everts, William Wallace, D. D. Bible manual, comprising selec- tions of Scripture. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1846. Ewbank, Thomas. Descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1847. Life in Brazil. N. Y., 1856. Turner, William Wadden, and Whipple, Lieut. Amiel W. Re- port upon the Indian tribes. (In U. S. : War, dept. of. Explor- ations and surveys. 1853-6. 1856. v. 3.) Ewell, Unwelcome visitors to early Washington, Aug. 24, 1814. (In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. i; p. 55-88.) Ewell, Ervin Edgar. Fertilizing value of street sweepings. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Chemistry, div. of. Bulletin, no. 55.) Ewell, Ervin H., comp. Genealogy of John Ewell, 1 734-1878. Buf- falo, 1878. Ewell, Rev. John Lewis. Judge Samuel Sewall, (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1895. v. 7; p. 25-54.) Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia. Story of a short life. Bost., 1888. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Ewing, Thomas. Address at the centennial celebration at Marietta, Ohio, July 15, 1888, of the settlement of the Northwest territory. Ed. 2. Marietta, 1888. Letter to his excellency, Benjamin Stanton. Columbus, 1862 (?) Struggle for freedom in Kansas. N. Y., 1894. Ewing college. Catalogue of the officers and students for the year 1898-9., Benton, 1898. Examination of Canon Liddon's Brampton lectures on the divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bost., 1872. Examination of Dr. William Graves, n. p. n. d. Examination of the Reasons why the present system of auctions ought to be abolished. Bost., 1828. Bait, 1829. Excelsior literary association. Commemorative record of the ist reunion at Manchester, April 14, 1875. Manch., 1875. Excelsior temple of honor, No. i, Concord (N. H.). Constitution and code of laws. Cone, 1876. Exemplification of the judgment for vacating the charter of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854. V. 32; p. 246-78.) Exeter (N. H.). Centennial celebration, Exeter, July 4, 1838. n. p. n. d. Note: broadside. Receipts and expenditures for the financial year 1861, '62, '64, '69-89, '91-1902. Exeter, 1861-1902. : High school. Programme of the social entertainment given by the graduating class on March 6, 1862. Exeter, 1862. : Public library. Catalogue of books. Exeter, 1856. Finding-list, May, 1896. Exeter, 1896. 444 AUTHOR LIST. Exeter (N. H.): Public schools. General regulations. Exeter, i860. : School board. Report for the year 1847-8, '51-3, '54-5, '57-8, '64-5, '66-7, '68-71, '87-1900. Exeter, 1848-1900. Notr: up to 1889 report m&de by Superintending school committee. Exeter (N. H.) First Congregational church. Confession of faith and the covenant. Exeter, 1832. First church in Exeter, N. H., 1638-1898. Exeter, 1898. Manual, 1888. Exeter, 1888. Exeter (N. H.) Second parish. Historical sketch, with the creed, list of members, etc. Exeter, 1875. Exeter cottage hospital. Annual report for 1898. Exeter, 1898. Exeter news letter. Map of Exeter, N. H. Exeter, 1896. Exeter street railway company. Souvenir of Hampton Beach. n. p. 1900. Exonian, pub. by the students of the Phillips Exeter academy, v. 56-58; V. 59, no. 3-24; V. 60-69. Exeter, 1896-1901. Experienced American housekeeper; or. Domestic cookery formed on principles of economy. N. Y., 1823. Experiment station record, monthly, Sept., 1890-1900. v. i-ii. Wash., 1890-1900. Experiments on railroads in England. Bait., 1829. Explanation of the words, "by nature children of wrath." Bost., 1831. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 44.) Extract from a manuscript collection of annals relative to Virginia. Wash., 1838. (In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1838. v. 2.) Extracts from letters and notices of eminent scientific men and journals commendatory of the United States geological and geo- graphical survey of the territories. Wash., 1879. Extracts of correspondence relative to the Anglican church in Honolulu, n. p. n. d. Eycleshymer, Albert Chauncy. Early development of Ambly- stoma with observations on some other vertebrates. Bost., 1895. Eyre, John, anon. Life of Gregory Lopez, a hermit in America. N. Y., 1841. Ezequiel Ordofiez, Jose G. Aguilera y. See Aguilera y Ezequiel Ordonez, Jose G. Faa de Bruno, C. Notes on modern algebra. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. v. 3; p. 154-63.) Quelques applications de la theorie des formes binaires aux fonctions elliptiques. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1882. V. 5; p. 1-24.) Fabius, pseud. See Dickinson, John. Fabricius, Frederick Ernest, baron. Genuine letters of Baron Fa- bricius to Charles 12 of Sweden. Lond., 1761. Facts for the "White boys in blue"; the leaders of the democratic party in New Hampshire, the defenders and apologists of South- ern traitors, n. p. n. d. Fagan, L. Map of Cheshire county, N. H. Phil., 1858. NoTB : scale § mile to 1 inch. Faggi, Adolfo. Filosofia dell' inconsciente metafisica e morale. Firenze, 1890. (Florence, Realeistituto di studi pratici e di per- fezionamento. Pubblicazioni. no, 23.) Fairall, Herbert S. World's industrial and cotton centennial expo- sition, New Orleans, 1884-5. Iowa City, 1885. Fairbairn, Robert Brinckerhoff, D. D. Influence of the college on society; an address delivered before the House of convocation of Trinity college. Hartf., 1871. NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBRARY. 445 Fairbank, Drury. Discourse delivered at Plymouth, N. H., on Fast day, April 19, 1804. Cone, 1804. Note : typewritten copy. Fairbanks, George R. Early history of Florida. St. Augustine, 1857. (Fla. hist. soc. Addresses.) History and antiquities of the city of St. Augustine, comprising some of the most interesting portions of the early history of Florida. N. Y., 1858. History of Florida from its discovery in 1512 to the close of the Florida war in 1842. Phil., 1871. Fairbanks, Rev. Henry. Influence of Congregationalism upon Ver- mont, n. p. n. d. Fairbanks, Lieut. Henry N. Red river expedition of 1864. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. V. i; p. 181-90.) Fairbanks, John. Address before the Massachusetts charitable me- chanic association, Dec. 17, 1812. Bost., 1812. Fairbanks, Lorenzo Sayles. Genealogy of the Fairbanks family in America, 1633-1897. Bost., 1897. Fairchild, David G. Experiments in preventing leaf diseases of nursery stock in western New York. Wash., i893(?) Fairchild, Herman Leroy. Glacial geology in America. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 47; p. 257-90.) Fairchild, James Harris, D. D. Manuscript of Solomon Spaulding and the book of Mormon. Cleve., n. d. {In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1892. v. 3; no. 77.) Present demand of missionary work. Bost., 1877. Story of Congregationalism on the Western Reserve. {In Ohio church hist, soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 1-27.) Underground railroad. Cleve., 1895. {In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1895. v. 4, no. 87.) Fairchild, Rev. Joy Hamlet. New doctrine of clerical privilege. Bost., 1852. _ Fairchild, Lucius. Water communication between the Mississippi and the lakes. Madison, 1870. Fairchild brothers and Foster. Fairchild's hand-book of the diges- tive ferments. N. Y., 1893. N. Y., 1894. Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax, 2d baron of. Letter to the Earle of Essex relating his late prosperous successe against the popish army in the North and his forcing them to raise their siege from before the Towne of Hull. Edin., 1883. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1643. Fairfield, Edmund B., D. D. Who was Jesus, the Christ. Mans- field, 1898. Fairfield, Jotham. Oration pronounced at the meeting-house in the vicinity of Dartmouth college on the Fourth of July, 1811. Hanover, 181 1. Fairfield county bar. Proceedings upon the retirement from office oi Chief justice J. D. Park, n, p, i889(?) Fairfield county historical society. Act of incorporation, by-laws, list of members, and anniversary meeting, April 10, 1885, Bridge- port, 1885. Reports and papers, 1882, '85-7, '89, '91-7. Bridgeport, 1882-97. Note : title varies. Fairholme, George. General view of the geology of Scripture, in which the unerring truth of the inspired narrative is exhibited. Phil., 1833. Fairley, William, ed. Monumentum ancyranum, the deeds of Au gustus, Phil,, 1898. {In Penn.: Univ.: History, dept. of. Trans- lations and reprints, 1898. v. 5; no. i.) 446 AUTHOR LIST. Fairman, Charles E. Fungi of western New York. (In Roches- ter acad. of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. i, p. 44-54-) Hymenomycetese of Orleans county, N. Y. (In Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1891. v. 2; p. 154-67.) Fairmount college. Annual catalogue for the collegiate year, 1897-9. V. 3-4. Wichita, 1898-9. Fairmount park art association. Annual report, v. 2-29. Phil, 1874-1901. ^ Ceremonies incident to the unveiling of the bronze equestrian statue of General U. S. Grant. Phil., 1899. Unveiling of the equestrian statue of Maj-gen. G. G. Meade. Phil., 1887. • Unveiling of the memorial to Gen. J. A. Garfield, May 30, 1896. Phil., 1896. Fairy queen, monthly, v. 1-2, 4. Cone, 1895-6. Faith home, Portsmouth (N. H.). Report, 1876-9, '81-2. Ports., 1879- 82. Faithorne, Henry, and Kersey, John, pub. Weekly memorials for the ingenious; or. An account of books lately set forth in several languages with other accounts relating to arts and sciences. Lond., 1863. Falbork, Henry, and Tcharnolusky, W. Statistics of elementary public instruction in Russia. C. — Petersburgh, 1900. Note : text is in Eussian. Falconer, William. How to grow mushrooms. Wash., 1897. (^« U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 53.) ■ Mushrooms, how to grow them. N. Y., 1898. Falkner, Roland Post. Prison statistics of the United States for 1888. Phil., 1889. (In Penn.: Univ. Pub. 1889. no. 5.) (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1889. v. i, no. 7; p. 299-327.) Statistical documents of the Middle ages. Phil., 1896. (In Translations and reprints. 1S96. v. 3, no. 2.) Statistics of private corporations. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1890. V. 2, no. 10; p. 50-67.) Theory and practice of price statistics. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3, no. 18-19; p. 119-40.) Wage statistics in theory and practice. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1898. V. 6, no. 46; p. 275-89.) ed. American academy of political and social science. Annals. 1 896- 1 900. tr. Meitzen, August. History, theory, and technique of sta- tistics. 1891. Fall River (Mass.) : B. M. C. Durfee high school. See B. M. C. Durfee high school. Fall River, Mass. : School committee. Annual school report, 1898. Fall River, 1898. Fall River railroad company. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders. Fall River, 1849. Fallon, John T., comp. List of synonyms of organizations in the volunteer service of the United States during the years 1861, '62, '63, '64, and '65. Wash., 1885. Fallows, Samuel, D. D. Progressive supplemental dictionary of the English language. Chic, 1886. Falls of Niagara; being a complete guide to all the points of in- terest around and in the immediate neighborhood of the great cataract. Lond., 1858. Falmouth (Mass.). Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Falmouth, Mass., June 15, 1886. Falmouth, 1887. Family circle and parlor annual, v. 5. N. Y., 1847. Note: continuation of Parlor annual. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 447 Family likeness. Bost. n. d. Family worship; a series of prayers for every mornmg and even- ing throughout the year; by i8o clergymen of Scotland. N. Y., i860. Fancourt, Charles St. John. History of Yucatan, from its discov- ery to the close of the 17th century. Lond., 1854. Fanning, J. T. Homestead and suburban sewerage. Cone, 1884. Report on a water supply for New York and other cities of the Hudson valley. N. Y., 1881. Faris, Rev. William W. Children of light; Fletcher prize essay, 1877. Bost., 1877. Farley, Caleb Ellis, and others. Address of the students to the mem- bers of the Golden Branch. Exeter, 1841. Farley, Frederick Augustus, D. D. Tribute to the memory of Seth Low; a sermon preached June 26, 1853. N. Y., 1853. ~ Unitarianism defined; the Scripture doctrine of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Bost, 1890. Farley, Rev. Stephen. Oration pronounced at Hanover, N. H., July 4, 1804. Hanover, 1804. Sermon on the death of Rev. Abijah Wines, late of Newport, N. H. Amesbury, 1834. Farlow, William Gilson, M. D. Address; vegetable parasites and evolution, (/w Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1888. V. 36; p. 233-50.) Conception of species as affected by recent investigations on fungi. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. V. 47; P- 383-402.) Marine algae of New England. Wash., 1882. Some edible and poisonous fungi. (/« U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Vegetable physiology and pathology, div. of. Bulletin. 1900. no. 15; p. 453-70.) Supplemental list of works on North American fungi. Camb., 1888. {In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1888. no. 31.) Farm school, Thompson's Island. See Boston asylum and farm school for indigent boys. Farmer, Daniel Davis. Life and confessions. Amherst, 1822. Farmer, Ferdinand. Father Farmer's marriage register, 1758-1786, preserved at St. Joseph's church, Philadelphia. (In Amer. Cath- olic hist. soc. Records. 1889. v. 2; p. 276-315.) Farmer, James Eugene. Essays on French history. N. Y., 1897. Grand Mademoiselle; from the memoirs of Charles Alexander, Comte de Lonnoy, premier ecuyer to the king Louis 14th. N. Y., 1899. Grenadier; a story of the Empire. N. Y., 1898. Farmer, John. Map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. Detroit, 1836. Note : scale 50 miles to 1 inch. Farmer, John, 1789-1838. Catechism of the history of New Hamp- shire. Cone, 1829. Ed. 2. Cone, 1830. Churches and ministers in New Hampshire. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1826. V. 18; p. 175-9- V. 20; p. 29-39. V. 21; p. 153-5. V. 22; p. 299-322. V. 23; p. 183-90.) Genealogical register of the first settlers of New England. Lancaster, 1829. Historical memoir of Billerica, Mass. Amherst, 1816. ;- Historical sketch of Amherst in the county of Hillsborough in New Hampshire. Amherst, 1820. Ed. 2. Cone, 1837. (/m N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. v. 5; p. 77-128.) comp. List of civil government of Massachusetts from 1630 to 1680. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1827. v. 2; p. 205-27.) 448 AUTHOR LIST. Farmer, John. Memorials of the graduates of Harvard college. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1834. v. 4; p. 39-86.) Cone, 1833. Sketches of the graduates of Dartmouth college from 1769. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. 3; P- 102-16; p. 238-57. v. 4; p. 281-90.) ed. Collections, topographical, historical, and biographical. 1822-4. ed. Dudley, Gov. Thomas. Letter to the countess of Lincoln, {In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1838. v. 2.) ed. New Hampshire annual register and United States calen- dar. 1828-38. comp. New Hampshire annual register and United States cal- endar. 1828-38. comp. New Hampshire register and United States calendar. 1822-7. _ _ I < comp. New Hampshire register and United States calendar. 1822-7. and Moore, Jacob Bailey, 1797- 1853, comp. Gazetteer of the state of New Hampshire. Cone, 1823. Farmer, Miles, anon. Answer to a letter directed to Miles Farmer of Salem, Mass. Salem, 1820. Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Michigan. 2v. Detroit, 1889. Note : l is Ed. 2 ; v. 2 is biograpliical edition. Farmer's almanack for 1796-7, '99-1898. no. 4-5, 7-106. Bost., 1795- 1898. Farmers* almanack for 1799. Cone, 1799. Farmers and the tariff, n. p. n. d. Farmers' high school of Pennsylvania. See Pennsylvania: State college. Farmers' library and monthly journal of agriculture. See Monthly journal of agriculture. Farmers' monthly visitor, v. 1-13. Cone, 1839-53. Note : v. 12-13 pub. at Manchester. Farmers' national congress of the United States. Report of the annual session, 1893-7, '99- v. 13-17, 19. Indianola, 1894-9. Farmington (N. H.). Report of the engineers of Farmington vil- lage precinct for the year 1898-1902. Farmington, 1898-1902. Report of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1876, '78- 83, '85, '87-1902. Farmington, 1876-1902. : Fire department. Report, 1888-97. Farmington, 1888-97. : Public library. Catalogue. Farmington, 1892. : School district No. p. Annual report of the Board of educa- tion and treasurer for the year 1897-1902. v. 1-5. Farmington, 1897-1902. Farmington academy, Farmington (0.). Catalogue, 1839. n. p. 1839. Farndon (Eng.). Parish registers for the years 1695-1718, ed. by T. M. Blagg. Worksop, 1899. Farnham, Charles Haight. Life of Francis Parkman. Bost., 1900. Farnham, Luther. Glance at private libraries. Bost., 1855. Farnham, Mary Francis, comp. Farnham papers, 1603-88. {In Me. hist. soc. Documentary history. 1901-2. v. 7-8.) Farnham, Roswell. Message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont, Oct. session, 1880. Montp., 1880. Message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont, Oct. session, 1882. Montp., 1882. Farnsworth, Lieut. Amos. Diary during a part of the Revolutionary war, April, 1775-May, 1779, with notes by S. A. Green. Camb., 1808. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 449 Farnsworth, Lieut. Amos. Diary during a part of the Revolutionary- war, April, 1775-May, 1779. Ed. by Dr. S. A. Green. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 32; p. 74-107.) (In Green, Samuel A. Three military diaries, 1901. p.. Farnsworth, Moses Franklin, comp. Farnsworth memorial, being a record of Mathias Farnsworth and his descendants in America. Manti, 1897. Farquhar, Henry. Address; a stable monetary standard. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 373-406.) Farquharson, Robert, M. D. Guide to therapeutics and materia medica; 2d Amer. ed. rev.; enl. by Frank Woodbury. Phil., 1879. Farquharson, Robert James, M. D. Recent explorations of mounds near Davenport, la. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1876. v. 24, pt. 2; p. 297-315.) Farr, Rev, Jonathan. Gospel temperance. Bost, 183 1. Pastoral letter to the members of the First Congregational society in Gardner, Mass. Bost., 1831. Religious curiosity; or, The great concern. Bost, 1831. Second pastoral letter, Gardner, 1832. These four days' meetings, n. p. n. d. Farr, Marcus S. Check-list of New York birds. (In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Bulletin. 1900. v. 7; p. 188-409.) Farragut, Loyall. Life of D. G. Farragut, first admiral of the U. S. navy, embodying his journal and letters by his son. N. Y., 1879. Farrar, Adam Storey, D. D. Total abstinence; for the sake of our- selves and others. N. Y., 1879. Farrar, Charles A. J. Illustrated guide book to the Androscoggin lakes and the head waters of the Connecticut, Magalloway, and Androscoggin rivers. Bost., 1887. Through the wilds, a record of sport and adventure in the for- ests of New Hampshire and Maine. Bost., 1892. Farrar, Mrs. Eliza (Rotch). Young lady's friend. Bost., 1838. Farrar, Frederick William, D. D. Funeral oration of General Grant. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 6; p. 2128-35.) Farrar, John. Elementary treatise on astronomy. Camb., 1827, ed. Lacroix, Silvestre Frangois. Elementary treatise on arithmetic. 1821. Elements of algebra. 1831. Farrar, Timothy. Manual of the constitution of the United States of America. Bost., 1867. Report of the case of the trustees of Dartmouth college against W. H. Woodward, Ports., 1817. Farre, Frederic John, M. D., ed. Pereira, Jonathan, M. D. Manual of materia medica. 1866. Farre, John Richard. Pathological researches, essay i, on mal- formations of the human heart. Lond., 1814. Farrell, John Lawrence. Divorce question; uniformity in legisla- tion. Lancaster, n. d. Farrell, R., M. D., tr. Boyer, Alexis, baron. Lectures upon diseases of the bones. 1805. Farrer, William, ed. Some court rolls of the lordships, wapentakes, and demesne manors of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster in the county of Lancaster. Lond., 1901. (In Record soc. Pub. 1901. v. 41.) Farrington, Oliver Cummings. Fossil egg from South Dakota. Chic, 1899. (In Field Columbian museum. Geol. sen v. i.) comp. Handbook and catalogue of the meteorite collection. Chic, 1895. (In Field Columbian museum. Geol. ser, 1895, V. I, no, I,) 450 AUTHOR LIST. Farrington, Oliver Cummings. New mineral occurrences; crystal forms of calcite from Joplin, Mo. Chic, 1900. (In Field Colum- bian museum. Pub. Geol. ser. v. i, no. 7.) Observations on Popocatepetl and Ixtaccihuatl. Chic, 1897. (In Field Columbian museum. Geol. ser. v. i, no. 2.) Farrow, Edward Samuel, comp. Military encyclopedia, a diction- ary of military knowledge. 3v. N. Y., 1885. Farrow, John Pendleton. History of Islesborough, Me. Bangor, 1893. Farther brief and true narration of the late wars risen in New England. (In Drake, S. G., ed. Old Indian chronicle. 1867. P- 313-19.) Fassett, James Hiram. Colonial life in New Hampshire. Bost., 1899. Fassig, Oliver L., comp. Statistics of state weather services. Wash., 1896. ed. International meteorological congress, Chicago, 1893. Re- port of the congress. 1894. (In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulle- tin, no. ]i.) Father Cummins' annual barbecue. Official program, 1900. v. 7, n. p. 1900. Fatichi, Giuseppe. Bacillo dello scheurlen e un saprofita del la pelle. Firenze, 1890. (Florence, Reale institute di studi pratici e di perfezionamento: Medicina e chirurgia. Sezione di. Pub- blicazioni. no. 9, pt. 5. v. 2.) Faulkner, Rev. John Alfred. Wesley as a churchman. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 163-77.) Faunce, Daniel Worcester, D. D. Christian in the World; Fletcher prize essay. Bost, 1875. Inspiration considered as a trend. Phil., 1896. Prayer as a theory and a fact; Fletcher prize essay, 1889. N. Y., 1890. Young man's difficulties with his Bible. Phil., 1898. Fawcett, Benjamin, ed. Baxter, Rev. Richard. Dying thoughts. n. d. Fawcett, Mrs. Millicent (Garrett). Political economy for begin- ners. Ed. 5, rev. Lond., 1880. Faxon, Charles Edward, illus. Sargent, Charles Sprague. Silva of North America. 1891-8. Faxon, George L. Flistory of the Faxon family. Springf., 1880. Faxon, Walter. Crustacea. (In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1882. v. 9; p. 197-250.) Crustacea found in the exploration of Lake Titicaca. (In Har- vard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 3; p. 361- 75.) Notes on North American crayfishes. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 619-34.) Observations on the astacidse. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceedings. 1898. v. 20; p. 643-94.) On some crustacean deformities. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. 1881. v. 8; p. 257-74.) Fay, Edward Allen, ed. Histories of American schools for the deaf, 1817-1893- 3v. Wash., 1893. Marriages of the deaf in America. Wash., 1898. Fay, Edwin Whitfield. History of education in Louisiana. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1898. no. I.) Fay, Frederic H. Population and finances of Boston; a study of municipal growth. Bost., 1901. Fay, Samuel. Carpet-weaving and the Lowell manufacturing com- pany. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 52-61.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 451 Fay, Rev. Warren. Importance and utility of the faithful preach- ing of the Gospel, sermon at the installation of Rev. I. R. Bar- bour. Bost, 1826. Fayel, William. Historical reminiscences. {In Jefferson co. hist, soc. Trans. 1887. v. i; p. 88-104.) Featherman, A. Report of botanical survey of southern and cen- tral Louisiana, made during the year 1870. N. O., 1871. Featherstonhaugh, George William. Geological report of an ex- amination made in 1834 of the elevated country between the Mis- souri and Red rivers. Wash., 1835. Report of a geological reconnoissance made in 1835 by the way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin territory to the Coteau de Prairie. Wash., 1836. Featherstonhaugh, Thomas. Bibliography of John Brown. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 196-202.) John Brown's men; the lives of those killed at Harper's Ferry, with a supplementary bibliography of John Brown. {In South- ern hist, assoc. Pub. v. 3; p. 281-306.) Mound-builders of central Florida. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. V. 3; p. I-I4-) Fechet, Maj. E. G. True story of the death of Sitting Bull. {In Neb. hist. soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 7; P- I79-90.) Federal almanac, 1789, '90, '92, '93. Bost., 1789-93- NOTK : title varies. Federal farmer, pseud. See Lee, Richard Henry. Federation of churches and Christian workers in New York city. First sociological canvass, n. p. n. d. Federation of organized trades and labor unions of the United States and Canada. Report of proceedings. {In Amer. feder- ation of labor. Proceed. 1886. p. 6-14.) Felch, Alpheus. Early banks and banking in Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 11 1-33.) Indians of Michigan and the cession of their lands to the U. S. by treaties. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 26; p. 274-301.) Michigan's court of chancery. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 21; p. 325-36.) Felch, I. K. Poultry culture, how to raise, manage, mate, and judge thoroughbred fowls. Chic, 1898. Felkin, Mrs. R. W., tr. Emin, Pasha. Emin Pasha in Central Africa. 1889. Fell, Thomas, cotnp. Some historical accounts of the founding of King William's school and its subsequent establishment as St. John's college. Annapolis, 1894. Fellows, James K. Biographical sketch of Thomas Ordway. {In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 223-32.) Insurance in Lowell. {In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. V. 2; p. 133-SI.) Fellows, John. Veil removed; or. Reflections on David Hum- phreys' Essay on the life of Israel Putnam. N. Y., 1843. Fellows, Joseph W., anon. In memoriam, J. J. Bell. n. p. 1893. Fellows, William B. Freshman history of the class of eighty, Dartmouth college, for 1876-7. Hanover, 1877. Felt, Charles W. Eastern railroad of Massachusetts; its blunders, mismanagement, and corruption. Liverpool, 1873. Felt, Ephraim Porter. Collection, preservation, and distribution of New York insects. Alb., 1899. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 6, no. 26.) Elm-leaf beetle in New York. Alb., 1898. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 20.) 452 AUTHOR LIST. Felt, Ephraim Porter. Illustrated descriptive catalogue of some of the more important injurious and beneficial insects of New York state. Alb., 1900. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 8, no. 37.) Injurious and other insects of the state of New York. Alb., 1900. (In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 6, no. 31.) Insects injurious to forest trees. Alb., 1898. Memorial of the life and entomological work of J. A. Lintner. (In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 24.) Shade tree pests in New York state. Alb., 1899. (In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 6, no. 27.) Felt, Rev. Joseph Barlow. Address before the alumni of Atkinson academy, Aug. 25, 1859. Bost., 1859. Annals of Salem to 1783. Salem, 1827. to 1843. Ed. 2. 2v. Salem, 1845-9. Collections of the American statistical association containing statistics of population in Massachusetts. {In Amer. stat. assoc. Coll. 1847. V. i; p. 1 17-214.) Ecclesiastical history of England. 2v. Bost., 1855-62. comp., anon. Papers relative to the period of usurpation in New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. v. 27; p. 150- 90.) comp., anon. Papers relative to the rival chiefs D'Aulney and La Tour. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. v. 27; p. 90-121.) comp., anon. Postoffice department. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. y. 27; p. 48-89.) Statistics of taxation in Massachusetts, including valuation and population. (In Amer. stat. assoc. Coll. 1847. v. i; p. 219-581.) Statistics of towns in Massachusetts. (In Amer. stat. assoc. Coll. 1847. V. i; p. 9-99.) Felt, Marcellus H., M. D. Address delivered before the graduating class of the Medical department of Dartmouth college, Nov. 20, 1888. Cone, 1889. Annual address before the N. H. Center district med. soc, Jan. 12, 1886. Manch., 1886. Hypodermic medication. Cone, 1881. Felton, Cornelius Conway. His remarks on Washington Irving. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed, i860, v. 4; p. 408-18.) Life of William Eaton. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1836. sen i. v. 9; p. 163-358.) tr. Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man. 1850. Felton, Cyrus, comp. Genealogical history of the Felton family. Marlborough, 1886. Felton, Nathan B. Report of agent to audit the accounts of J. J. Barrett, town treasurer, Littleton (N. H.), 1862-6. n. p. 1897. Felts, W. W. Principles of science; a scientific treatise on the absoluteness of circular motion and the evolution of force as applied to all phenomena. San Fran., 1890. Female cent institution. See New Hampshire Female cent institu- tion and missionary union. Female medical education society. See New England female medi- cal college. Fenelon Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe, abp. (Les) aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse, d'apres I'edition de Charles Lebrun. Phil., 1830. De I'education des filles. Par., 1857. . Demonstration of the existence and attributes of God. Har- risburgh, 1811. -Selections from the writings of Fenelon with a memoir of his life by Mrs. Pollen. Ed. 4, rev. and enl. Bost, 1841 Fenn, Rev. William H. Hope of Maine. Portl , 1868 NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAEY. 453 Fenn, Rev. William Wallace. Bible in theolegy. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts n. d. ser. 4, no. 85.) Lessons on the Acts of the Apostles. Ed. 2. Bost., 1897. contin. Spaulding, Rev. Henry George. Lessons on the Gos- pels of St. Luke, with a commentary, pt. 3. Bost., 1890. Fennema, R., and Veerbeek, R. D. M. Description geologique de Java et Madoura. 1896. Fenner, Charles E. Genesis and descent of the system of civil law prevailing in Louisiana. N. O., 1887. Fenner, Earl. History of battery H, ist regt. R. L light artillery in the war to preserve the Union, 1861-65. Prov., 1894. Fenner, Thomas P. Cabin and plantation songs as sung by the Hampton students. N. Y., 1889. Penning, Daniel. Ready reckoner. Ed. 11. Newburyport, 1794. Fenton, E. B. From the Rapidan to Atlanta. Detroit, 1893. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers, v. 2, no. 24.) Fenton, Hector T., and Cooper, Thomas V. American politics from beginning to date, great speeches on all great issues, etc. 1882. Fenton, Reuben Eaton. Annual message transmitted to the legis- lature Jan. 3, 1865. Alb., 1865. Fentress, Walter E. H. Centennial history of the U. S. navy yard at Portsmouth, N. H. Ports., 1876. Fenwick, Samuel, M. D. Student's guide to medical diagnosis. Lond., 1869. Fergus, Robert, comp. Chicago river-and-harbor convention. Chic, 1882. (Fergus' hist. ser. no. 18.) Ferguson, Adam. History of the progress and the termination of the Roman republic, ist Amer. ed. 3v. Phil., 1805. Ferguson, Rev. Charles. Economics of devotion. Bost., 1897. (Church social union. Pub. no. 33.) Ferguson, E. D., M. D. Operative cure of inguinal hernia in men. Cone, 1899. Ferguson, Frank C, M. D., ed. Indiana medical journal, v. 1-9. 1883-91. Ferguson, Henry. Essays in American history. N. Y., 1894. Four periods in the hfe of the church. N. Y., 1894. Sir Edmund Andros. Westchester, 1892. Ferguson, James. Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles; ist Amer. ed. from the last Lond. ed., rev. by R. Pat- terson. Phil., 1806. Ferguson, Louis A. Electrical engineering in modern central sta- tions. (In Wise: Univ. Bulletin. Engin. ser. 1896. v. i; p. 227-59.) Fergusson, David, tr. Trial of Gabriel de Granada by the inquisi- tion in Mexico, 1642-1645; ed. by Cyrus Adler. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1899. V. 7, I34p.) Fergusson, James. History of architecture in all countries. 2v. Bost., 1883. Fergusson, S. P. Anemometer comparisons, n. p. 1892. Note: read before the New England meteorological soc. in Boston Oct. 21, Pole star recorder, n. p. 1894. Fergusson, Thomas Colyer-, ed. Marriage registers of St. Dun- stan's Stepney in the county of Middlesex, v. 1-3. Canter- bury, 1898-1901. Fergusson, William. System of practical surgery. Ed. 3. Lond., 1852. Fern, Fanny. See Parton, Mrs. Sara P. (Willis). Fernald, Charles Augustus, M. D. Downfall of Rome; or. History repeating itself. Cone, 1896. 454 AUTHOR LIST. Fernald, Charles Augustus, M. D. Genealogy of the ancient Fer- nald family, n. p. 1899. n. p. 1899. Fernald, Charles Henry. Butterflies of Maine. Augusta, 1884. Cambridse of North America, n. p. 1896. Grasses of Maine. Augusta, 1885. Orthoptera of New England. Bost., 1888. and Forbush, Edward H. Gypsy moth. 1896. Fernald, Frederick A., comp. Popular science monthly. Index from 1872 to 1892. 1893. Fernald, M. L. Portland catalogue of Maine plants. Ed. 2. t'ortl., 1892. (In Portland soc. of nat. hist. Proceed. 1892. v. 2; p. 39-96.) Fernald, Walter E., M. D. Feeble-minded children. Bost., 1897. History of the treatment of the feeble-minded. Bost., 1893. Some of the methods employed in the care and training of feeble-minded children of the lower grades. Faribault, 1894. Fernandez, Juan Santos, M. D. Yellow fever is the great obstacle which is encountered by the civilization of Spanish America. Mexico, 1896. Fernandez, Leon. Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Costa Rica. 5v. San Jose, 1881-6. ■ Historia de Costa Rica durante la dominacion Espanola 1502- 1821. Madrid, 1889. Fernandez, Maximo. Lira Costarricense; coleccion de composi- cions de poetas de Costa Rica. 2v. San Jose, 1890-1. Fernelius, Joannes. loannis fernelii ambianatis monalophaerium, partibus constans quatuor. Par., 1526. Universa medicina. Ed. 9. Lugduni Batavorum, 1645. Fernow, Bernhard Eduard. Considerations in gathering forestry statistics. (In Amer. stat. assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 6; no. 44; p. 155-67.) ■ Division of forestry. Wash., 1897. Forestry for farmers. Wash., 1895. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulle- tin. 1898. no. 67.) Practicability of an American forest administration, n. p. 1891. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1891. v. 6, no.* 3.) Practical forestry in the Adirondacks. N. Y., 1901. Providential functions of government with special reference to natural resources. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 325-44.) Report upon the forestry investigations of the U. S. dept. of agriculture. Wash., 1899. Fernow, Berthold, comp. Calendar of wills on file and recorded in the offices of the clerk of the court of appeals, of the county clerk at Albany, and of the secretary of state, 1626-1836. N. Y.^ 1896. ed. Documents relating to the early colonial settlements prin- cipally on Long Island. Alb., 1883. (In N. Y. (state). Docu- ments relative to the colonial history. 1883. v. 14.) ed. Documents relating to the history and settlements of the towns along the Hudson and Mohawk rivers. Alb., 1881. (In N. Y. (state). Documents relative to the colonial hist. 1881. v. 13.) ed. Documents relative to the history of the Dutch and Swe- dish settlements on the Delaware river. Alb., 1877. (In N. Y. (state). Documents relative to the colonial hist. 1877. v. 12.) Middle colonies. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and crit- ical hist, of Amer. 1887. v. 5; p. 189-258.) New Netherland, or the Dutch in North America. (In Win- sor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 4; p. 395-442.) NEW HAMPSHIRB STATE LIBRAEY. 456 Fernow, Berthold, ed. New York state archives; New York in the Revolution. Alb., 1887. (In N. Y. (state). Documents relating to the colonial hist. 1887. v. 15.) ed. New Amsterdam. Records from 1653-1674. 1897. Ferrand, Mrs. B. C. Early history of St. Clair county, Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 17; p. 430-9.) Ferrari-Perez, Fernando. Catalogue of animals collected by the geographical and exploring com.mission of the republic of Mex- ico. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 125- 99.) Ferras, Bertha, and Ferras, Max. Burma. 1900. Ferras, Max, and Ferras, Bertha. Burma. N. Y., 1900. Ferraz, Juan Fernandez. Cantos escolares. Cartago, 1888. Infbrme que acerca del Congreso pedagogico Hispano Portu- gues Americano. San Jose, 1893. Ferree, Barr. Christian thought in architecture. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1892. v. 4; p. 113-40.) Ferrero, William, and Lombroso, Caesar. Female offender. 1897. Ferriar, John, M. D. Medical histories and reflections, ist Amer. edition. Phil., 1816. Ferrier, Walter F., ed. Canada: Geological and natural history survey. Catalogue of a stratigraphical collection of Canadian rocks pre- pared for the World's Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893. 1893. Ferris, Ezra, M. D. Early settlement of the Miami country. In- dianapolis, 1897. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. i.) Ferris, Isaac, D. D. Jubilee memorial of the American Bible soci- ety. N. Y., 1867. Kingdom come. Bost., 1848. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847-60.) Ferris, John Alexander. Financial economy of the United States. San Fran,, 1867. Ferris, Mrs. M. P., ed. Dutch nursery rhymes of colonial times. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book. 1890-1. 1892. p. 235-53.) Ferry Hall seminary, Lake Forest (III). Catalogue, 1878-9, '85-6, '88-9, '91-2, '93-7, '99-1900. Lake Forest, 1878-99. See also Lake Forest university. Fessenden, Rev. Thomas. Sermon delivered July 4, 1802, at Wal- pole, N. H. Walpole, 1802. Fessenden, Thomas Green, anon. Democracy unveiled; or. Tyranny stripped of the garb of patriotism, by Christopher Caustic. Bost., 1805. Ladies' monitor, a poem. Bellows Falls, 1818. Modern philosopher; or, Terrible tractoration; 2d Amer. ed. revised. Phil., 1806. New American gardener, containing practical directions on the culture of fruits and vegetables. Bost., 1828. Original poems. Phil., 1806. Pills, poetical, political, and philosophical, by Peter Pepper- Box. Phil., 1809. Register of arts; or, A compendious view of some of the most useful' modern discoveries and inventions. Phil., 1808. Terrible tractoration, a poetical petition against galvanizing trumpery and the Perkinistic institution; ist Amer. from the 2d Lond. ed., rev. by Christopher Caustic. N. Y., 1804. NOTB : same as modern philosopher. ed. Horticultural register and gardener's magazine. 1835-6. ed. New England farmer and horticultural journal weekly. 1829-31. comp. New England farmer's almanac. 1833. Fetherston, John, ed. Harleian society. Visitation of the county of Leicester. 1870. 456 AUTHOR LIST. Fetherston, John, ed. Harleian society. Visitation of the county of Warwick. 1877. Feuchtersleben, Ernst, Freiherr von. Principles of medical physi- ology, tr. by H. E. Lloyd, ed. by B. G. Babington. Lond., 1847. Feuchtwanger, Lewis. Popular treatise on gems, in reference to their scientific value. N. Y., 1838. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1867. Fewkes, Jesse Walter. Acalephs. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1884. v. 11; p. 209-38.) Catalogue of the Hemenway collection in the Historico-Amer- ican exposition at Madrid. Wash., 1895. Contribution to Passamaquoddy folk-lore. n. p. n. d. Contributions to a knowledge of the tubular jelly-fishes. {In Harv. univ. Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1880. V. 6; p. 127-46.) ■ Ctenophora. {In Harvard Univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1882. v. 9; p. 251-310.) On certain medusae from New England. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1888. v. 13; p. 209-40.) On the development of the agalma. {In Harvard univ.: Mu- seum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1885. v. 11; p. 239-75.) On the development of the calcareous plates of amphiura. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1887. v. 13; p. 107-50.) On the development of the calcareous plates of asterias. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1888. v. 17; p. 1-56.) Preliminary observations on the development of the ophiopho- lis and echinarachnius. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1886. v. 12; p. 105-52.) ed. Sonrel, A. Anatomy of astrangia danse. 1889. Fiallos, E. C. Sketch of Central America. Wash., 1890. Ficke, C. A. Compulsory state workingman's insurance. {In Con- _ temporary club. Papers. 1898. p. 27-36.) Field, Aaron W. Sandisfield; its past and present. {In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1894. p. 69-104.) Field, Benjamin Rush, M. D. Medical thoughts of Shakespeare. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Easton, 1885. Field, David Dudley. Specimen of proposed civil code. n. p. n. d. Speeches, arguments, and miscellaneous papers, ed. by A. P. Sprague. 3v. N. Y., 1884. Centennial address at the second centennial anniversary in Middletown, Conn., Nov., 1850. Middletown, 1853. Genealogy of the Brainard family in the United States. N. Y., 1857. History of Pittsfield, Mass. Hartf., 1844. Statistical account of the county of Middlesex in Connecticut. Middletown, 1819. Field, Edward. Colonial tavern, a glimpse of New England town life in the 17th and i8th centuries. Prov., 1897. Esek Hopkins, commander-in-chief of the continental navy during the Revolution. Prov., 1898. Revolutionary defences in Rhode Island. Prov., 1896. cmnp. Tax lists of the town of Providence during the admin- istration of Edmund Andros and his council, 1686-1689. Prov., 1895. ed. Angell, Col. Israel.^ Diary, 1778-1781. 1899. commissioner. See Providence (R. I.) : Record commission. Field, George W., D. D. Fiftieth anniversary. Central Congrega- tional church, Belfast, Me. n. p. 1897. Field, Henry Martyn, D. D. History of the Atlantic telegraph. N. Y., 1866. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 457 Field, Henry Martyn, D. D., and IngersoU, Col Robert Green. Field-Ingersoll discussion; faith of agnosticism? N. Y., 1888. Field, Henry Martyn, M. D. Digitalis, a paper read before the N. H. med. soc. June, 1877. Cone, 1877- Memorial of Dr. E. R. Peaslee. Newton, 1879- Monograph on cinchona, its action and applications. St. Alb., 1879. Field, Herbert H. Development of the pronephros and segmental duct in amphibia. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1891. v. 21; p. 201-340.) Field, Rev. Joseph. Catching men, the proper work of a Christian minister. Rutland, 1807. Funeral sermon occasioned by the death of David Hawks. Greenfield, 1802. On zeal. Bost., 1832. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. I, no. 57.) Field, Rev. Levi A. Historical sketch of the First Congregational church in Marlborough, Mass. Wore, 1859. Field, Richard Stockton. Address on the life and character of J. C. Hornblower. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1867. v. 10; p. 25-45-) Address on the life and character of James Parker. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869. v. 11; p. 109-39.) Provincial courts of New Jersey, with sketches of the bench and bar. N. Y., 1849. {In N. J. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. v. 3.) Review of the trial of William Tennant for perjury in 1742. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1853. v. 6; p. 30-40.) Field, Thomas P., D. D. Discourse delivered on the 200th anni- versary of the P'irst church of Christ in New London, Conn., 1870. New London, 1870. Field, Thomas W. Battle of Long Island. Brooklyn, 1869. {In L. L hist. soc. Memoirs. 1869. v. 2.) Pear culture. N. Y., 1856. Field, Walter T. Sophomore history of the class of '83, Dartmouth college. Amh., 1881. Field, Columbian museum. Annual exchange catalogue for 1897-8. V. 2. Chic, 1897. Annual report of the director to the board of trustees for 1894-1901. V. i; V. 2, no. I. Chic, 1895-1900. Anthropological series, v. i; v. 2, no. 1-5; v. 3, no. 1-2. Chic, 1897-1901. Botanical series, v. i, no. 1-6; v. 2, no. 1-2. Chic, 1895-1900. Geological series. 1895-1901. v. i, no. i-io. Chic, 1895-190T. Historical and descriptive account of the Field Columbian museum. Chic, 1894. (Field Columbian museum. Pub. v. i, no. I.) Ornithological series, v. I, no. 1-2. Chic, 1896-7. Publications, miscellaneous series, v. i, no. 1-2. Chic, 1894-5. Zoological series, v. 1-2; v. 3, no. 1-5. Chic, 1895-1901. Fields, Mrs. Annie (Adams). Authors and friends. Ed. 6. Bost, 1897. J. T. Fields; biographical notes and personal sketches. Bost , 1881. --; — Nathaniel Hawthorne. Bost., 1899. (Beacon biographies.) Fields, J. C. Symbolic finite solutions. {In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1886. V. 8; p. 367-88.) ; and Nixon, H. B. Bibliography of differential linear equa- tions. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1885. v. 7; p. 353-63.) Fields, James Thomas. Few verses for a few friends. Bost., 1858. Note : t. p. w. 458 AUTHOR LIST. Fields, James Thomas. Hawthorne; Tales of the White Hills; and Legends of New England by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Bost., 1879. (Modern classics.) Poems. Camb. n. d. Fifield, W. C. B., M. D., tr. Velpeau, Alfred Armand Louis Marie. Surgical clinic of La Charite; lessons upon the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases. 1866. Fifteen, Committee of. See Committee of fifteen. Fifth army corps. See Army of the Potomac. Fiftieth anniversary of the installation of the Rev. H. A. Miles as pastor over the South Congregational society, Lowell, Mass., Dec. 14, 1886. Lowell, 1887. Figgis, Rev. J. Neville. On some political theories of the early Jesuits. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. v. 21; p. 89-112.) Politics at the council of Constance. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1899. v. 23; p. 103-15.) Figuier, Guillaume Louis. World before the deluge: the geological portion carefully revised and much original matter added by H. W. Bristow. Lond., 1869. Filippi, Filippo di. Ascent of Mt. St. Elias (Alaska). N. Y. n. d. Fillmore, John Comfort, ed. Fletcher, Alice Cunningham, and La Flesche, Francis. Study of Omaha Indian music. (In Peabody ' museum of Amer. arch, and ethnology. Arch, and ethnol. papers. 1893. v. i; no. 5.) Fillmore, Millard, pres. of U. S. Inaugural address before the Buf- falo historical society. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1879. v. i; p. I-I5-) Filson club. Centenary of Kentucky. Louisville, 1892. (In its Pub. 1892. V. 7.) Publications, v. 1-15. Louisville, 1884-1900. Financial reform almanack for 1880, '84. Lond., 1880-4. Finch, Francis Miles. Address on legal education. Ithaca, 1901. (Cornell univ.: Univ. records, ser. i, no. 3, pt. 3.) Chief justice John Marshall. Ithaca, 1901. Synopsis of a course of lectures on fraudulent conveyances de- livered before the School of law of Cornell university. Ithaca, 1894. Finch, Lt.-col. George M. Boys of '61. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept; Fred C. Jones post No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 237-63.) In the beginning. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio command- ery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 218-32.) Findlay, Lt.-col. Robert P. Story of a march. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept.: Fred C. Jones post No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 351-66.) Fine, Henry Burchard. On the singularity of curves of double curvature. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1886. v. 8; p. 156- Finks, Rev. D. E., anon. Significant facts and figures concerning our land and home missions. N. Y. n. d. Finlason, W. F. Liabilities of promoters of companies. Lond., 1877. Finlay, David W., M. D., ed. International clinics, a quarterly of clinical lectures, v. i. 1891. Finlay, J. Ralph, and Smyth, Henry Lloyd. Geological structure of the western part of the Vermilion range, Minnesota. 1895. Finlay, John Huston. Public treatment of pauperism; being a report of the ist section of the International congress of char- ities, correction, and philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. Bait., 1894. ed. Ely, Richard Theodore. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 459 Finlay, Lieut. John P. Certain climatic features of the two Dako- tas. Wash., 1893. Mountain meteorological stations and inspection of Pike's peak in its winter season. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12; p. 189-204.) Report of the tornadoes of May 29 and 30, 1879, in Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Iowa. Wash., 1881. (In U. S.: Signal service. Professional papers, no. 4.) Tornado studies for 1884. Wash., 1885. Finney, Rev. Charles Grandison. Prevailing prayer. N. Y., 1835. Sermons on various subjects. N. Y., 1834. Fire insurance pocket index, v. 15, 18, 28. N. Y., 1883-96. Fire-king steam fire engine company. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1862. Manch., 1871. Fire lands historical society. Fire lands pioneer, v. 7. Sandusky^ 1866. First bishop of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. First Congregational church, East Hampton (Conn.) 150th anniver- sary, 1748-1898. Middletown, 1899. First district dental society of the state of New York. Souvenir. V. 17. Phil., 1885. First Hopkinton cemetery association. Dedication of ministers' monument, Aug. 28, 1899. Plainfield, 1899. First Littleton bridge company, vs. Connecticut River lumber company. Brief in support of motion to remand. Littleton, 1895. First Maine bugle, quarterly, v. 2-8. Rockland, 1890-8. Note : continuation of Record of proceedings of the First Maine cavalry asso- ciation. V. 4-date liave title Maine bugle. First Maine cavalry association. Record of proceedings, v. 1-8. Augusta, 1872-98. Note : v. 2, 1890, continued as First Maine bugle and pub. quarterly, v. 4, 1894, title changed to Maine bugle. ed. United States: Lieutenant-general commanding armies of the U. S. "Battle order" of the Army of the Potomac, n. d. First parish, Northampton; meeting houses and ministers from 1653 to 1878. Northampton, 1878. First regiment New Hampshire volunteers association. Our for- tieth reunion, 190T, circular, no. 2. n. p. 1901. First-tenth-twenty-ninth Maine regiment association. Directory; comp. by J. M. Gould. Portl., 1889. Firth, Charles Harding. Battle of Dunbar. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 18-52.) Life of Thomas Harrison. Wore, 1893. Marston Moor. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1898. v. 22; p. 17-79.) Memoir of Maj-gen. Thomas Harrison. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1893. p. 390-464.) Raising of the ironsides. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1899. V. 23; p. I7-73-) Fischer, Heinrich. Stone implements of Asia. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1884. p. 176-204.) Fischer, Henry W., tr. Moltke, Helmuth Karl Bernhard, graf von. Franco-German war of 1870-71, tr. by Clara Bell. 1892. —_ — Letters. 1892. Fischer, Karl, and Konow, Sten, ed. Norway; official publication ^ for the Paris exhibition, 1900. 1900. Fish, Carl Russell. Removal of ollficials by the presidents of the United States. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. II, pt. i; p. 67-86.) 460 AUTHOR LIST. Fish, Daniel W. Arithmetic, oral and written, number i. N. Y., 1883. Progressive practical arithmetic. N. Y., 1867. ed. Robinson, Horatio N. Progressive intellectual arithme- tic. 1877. Progressive practical arithmetic. 1877. — 1879. Fish, Rev. E. S. History of Brooklyn, Me., an address delivered _ July 4, 1876, Bangor, 1876. Fishcultural society. See American Fisheries society. Fisher, Adler, M. D., tr. Edwards, William Frederic, M. D. On the influence of physical agents on life. 1838. (Bound with Evanson, R. T., M. D., and Maunsell, Henry, M. D. Practical treatise. 1838.) Fisher, Albert Kenrick, M. D. Hawks and .owls from the stand- point of the farmer. Wash., 1895. Hawks and owls of the U. S, in their relation to agriculture. Wash., 1893. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Biological survey; div. of. Bulletin. 1893. no. 3.) Fisher, Allen, Jackson, Charles Thomas, M. D., and Roberts, W. F. Lorberry coal mine; reports. 1863. Fisher, C. Irving, M. D. Prevention of insanity by the timely con- trol of the dissolute, n. p. 1888. Fisher, C. M., and Smith, Columbus. Report to the Jennings asso- ^ ciation. 2v. Rutland, 1863-6. Fisher, E. Marrow of modern divinity; touching the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace. Ed. 10. Bost., 1743. Fisher, Edwin C. Views of Claremont, N. H. n. p. 1887. Fisher, RezK Elias. Sermon preached in Lempster, N. H., at the dedication of the new meeting-house in that town, Oct. 23, 1822. Bellows Falls n. d. Fisher, George. Instructor; or, American young man's best com- ^ panion. Walpole, 1794. Fisher, George D. History and reminiscences of the Monumental _ church, Richmond, Va., from 1814 to 1878. Richmond, 1880. Fisher, George J., M. D. Biographical sketches of the deceased physicians of Westchester county, N. Y. N. Y., 1861. Fisher, George Park, D. D. Inaugural address. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 15-33.) Jefferson and the social compact theory. (In Amer. hist. assoc. _ Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 163-77.) Fisher, Gilman C. Woman as an educator. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1890. p. 10-26.) Fisher, Howell. Report on the agricultural and mineral resources of Virginia and West Virginia. N. Y., 1872. Fisher, Irving. Appreciation and interest; a study of the influence of monetary appreciation and depreciation on the rate of inter- est, n. p. 1896. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1896. v. 11, no. 4-) Bibliographies of the present officers of Yale university. N. H., 1893. Fisher, Rev. J. Emory. Semi-centennial history of Quincy, Mich. (In Mich pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 6; p. 237-47.) Fisher, John D., M. D. Description of the distinct, confluent, and inoculated smallpox, varioloid disease, cow pox, and chicken pox. Ed. 2. Bost., 1834. ed. Lannec, R. T. H., M. D. Treatise orw the diseases of the chest. 1838. Fisher, Joseph. History of landholding in England. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1876. v. 4; p. 97-187.) History of landholding in Ireland. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. V. 5; p. 228-326.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 461 Fisher, Joshua Francis. Discourse on the private life and domes- tic habits of William Penn. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1834. V. 3, pt. 2; p. 65-104.) Narrative of Sir William Keith's commg to the government of Pennsylvania, with his conduct in it. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1827. v. 2, pt. 2; p. 23-41.) Some account of the early poets and poetry of Pennsylvania. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1827. v. 2, pt. 2; p. 53-I03-) Fisher, Rev. Osmond. On the inequalities of the earth's surface viewed in connection with the secular cooling, n. p. 1873. Fisher, Philip Adsit. Fisher genealogy; record of the descendants of Joshua, Anthony, and Cornelius Fisher of Dedham, Mass., 1636- 1640. Everett, 1898. Fisher, Richard Swainson, M. D. New and complete statistical gazetteer of the United States. N. Y., 1853. Fisher, S. G. Journal. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 269-82.) Fisher, Samuel W. Address delivered Aug. 7, 1856, on the 19th anniversary of Mount Holyoke female seminary. Cine, 1856. Fisher, Samuel Ware, D. D. God's purpose in planting the Amer- ican church. Bost, i860. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1847- 60.) Inaugural discourse. (In Hamilton college. Public exercises at the inauguration of Fisher. 1858. p. 12-40.) William C. Noyes, baccalaureate discourse, 1865. Utica, 1866. Fisher, Sydney George. Evolution of the constitution of the United States. Phil., 1897. True William Penn. Phil., 1900. Fisher, Willard Clark. American trade regulations before 1789. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 3; no. 2; p. 210-49.) Fisherville library association, Concord (N. H.). Catalogue. Cone, 1866. Cone, 1869. supplement to catalogue. Cone, 1881. books added, June i, 1884. n. p. n. d. supplement to catalogue. Penacook, 1888. Fishery commission of 1877. ^^^ United States: Halifax fishery com- mission, 1877. Fishwick, Caroline, ed. Calendar of Lancashire and Cheshire ex- chequer, depositions by commission from 1558 to 1702. Lond., 1885. (In Record soc. Pub. 1885. v. 11.) Fishwick, Lt.-col. Henry, ed. Lancashire and Cheshire church sur- veys. Lond., 1879. (In Record soc. Pub. 1879. v. i.) Lancashire in the time of Elizabeth. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. v. 6; p. 183-202.) List of Lancashire wills proved within the archdeaconry of Richmond, 1457-1792. Lond., 1884-91. (In Record soc. Pub. 1884-91. V. 10, 13, 23.) Pleadmgs and depositions in the duchy court of Lancaster, time of Henry 7 and Henry 8. Lond., 1896-9. (In Record soc. Pub. 1896-9. V. 32, 35, 40.) Fisk, Benjamin Franklin. Grammar of the Greek language. Bost., Fisk, Rez'. Elisha. Wrentham jubilee, sermon preached in Wren- tham, June 12, 1849. Bost., 1850. Fisk, Theophilus. Being a history of the enormous legalized frauds practised upon the community by the present American banking system. Charlestown, 1837. Labor the only true source of wealth; or. The rottenness of the paper money banking system exposed, n. p. i837(?) Fisk, Thomas. Map of the town of Dublin, N. H., Jan. i, 1858. n. p. 1858. Note : scale 100 rods to l inch. 462 AUTHOR LIST. Fisk, Willbur, D. D. But the end of all things is at hand, be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. N. Y., 1829. Calvinistic controversy; embracing a sermon on predestina- tion and election. N. Y., 1837. Discourse delivered before the legislature of Vermont on the day of general election, Oct. 12, 1826. Montp., 1826. {In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Future rewards and punishments, the substance of a discourse before the N. E. conference of Methodist ministers. N. Y., 1825. Properties of the law and Gospel distinguished. Bost., 1830. Review of a tract entitled Free salvation; being extracts from a sermon by Bennet Tyler. Bost. n. d. Fisk, William, D. D. Science and education; an inaugural address delivered at the opening of Wesleyan university, Sept. 21, 1831. N. Y., 1832. Fisk, William H., pub. Manchester directory. 1852-4. Fisk. See also Fiske. Fisk university. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1874-5, '77-8, '79-1901. Nashville, 1875-1901. Organization and aims. Nashville, 1897. : Class of 1896. Fisk senior lancet. Nashville, 1896. Fiske, Amos Kidder. Beyond the bourn; reports of a traveller re- turned from "the undiscovered country." N. Y., 1891. Jewish Scriptures; the books of the Old Testament in the light of their origin and history. N. Y., 1896. Midnight talks at the club. N. Y., 1890. Myths of Israel; the ancient book of Genesis with analysis and explanation of its composition. N. Y., 1897. Story of the Philippines; a popular account of the islands from their discovery by Magellan to their capture by Dewey. N. Y., 1898. West Indies; a history, with an account of their physical characteristics, natural resources, and present condition. N. Y., 1899. (Story of the nations.) Fiske, Rev. Asa S. Thinking in our time, an address at the con- vention of the Alpha Delta Phi, 1886. n. p. n. d. Fiske, Daniel Taggart, D. D. Creed of Andover theological semi- nary. Newburyport, 1882. Fiske, Harrison Grey, ed. New York mirror annual and directory ^ of the theatrical profession for 1888. 1888. Fiske, John. American revolution. 2v. Bost., 1891. Beginnings of New England; or. The puritan theocracy in its relations to civil and religious liberty. Bost., 1889. Crispus Attucks, King George, and the tea party. (In Society of the Sons of the Revolution in Mass. Register. 1899. P- 104- 26.) Critical period of American history, 1783-1789. Ed. 5. Bost., 1889. Discovery of America. 2v. Bost., 1892. Dutch and Quaker colonies in America. 2v. Bost., 1899. Old Virginia and her neighbors. 2v. Bost, 1900. War of Independence. Bost., 1893. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. and Wilson, Col. James Grant, ed. Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography. 1887-9. — — - ed. Proctor, Edna Dean. Song of the ancient people. 1893. I^iske, Rev. John. Extracts from his note-book, 1637-1675 with mtroduction by S. A. Green. Camb., 1898. Note-book; ed. by Dr. S. A. Green. (In Mass. hist, soc Pro- ceed. 1899. V. 32; p. 317-39.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 463. Fiske, Nathan, D. D. Historical account of the settlement of Brookfield, and its distresses during the Indian wars. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1806. V. i; p. 257-75.) Fiske, Capt. Samuel, anon. Mr. Dunn Browne s experience m the army. Bost, 1866. Fiske free library, Claremmt (N. H.). Classified list of books. Clare., 1878. Books added, June ist, 1880. Clare., 1880. Biography and letters, 1882. n. p. 1882. List of books added, 1885. n. p. 1885. 1888. n. p. 1888. 1891. n. p. 1891. Fitch, Asa, M. D. Report on noxious, beneficial, and other insects of the state of New York. gv. in 3. Alb., 1856-65. Fitch, Rev. Charles. View of Holliston in its ist century. Ded- ham, 1827. Fitch, Charles E. G. W. Curtis. (In N. Y. (state) : Univ. Annual report. 1894. v. 107, pt. i; p. 501-20.) Fitch, Rev. Eleazer Thompson. Inquiry into the nature of sin. N. H., 1827. Fitch, George W., and Colton, G. Woolworth. Colton and Fitch's introductory school geography. N. Y., 1862. N. Y., 1857. Fitch, Rev. Jabez. Two sermons on occasion of the fatal distemper which prevail'd in sundry towns within the province of New Hampshire. Bost., 1736. Fitch, Lieut. Jabez. Journal from August 5 to Dec. 13, 1775. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 29; p. 41-91-) Fitch, John. Annals of the Army of the Cumberland. Ed. 6. Phil., 1864. Original steam-boat supported; or, A reply to James Rum- sey's pamphlet. (In N. Y. (state) : State, secy. of. Documentary hist, of the state of N. Y. 1850. v. 2; p. 603-40.) Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. Evolution of character. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1888. p. 145-75.) Lectures on teaching delivered in the University of Cambridge during the Lent term, 1880. New ed. N. Y., 1898. Notes on American schools and training colleges. Lond., 1890. Thomas and Matthew Arnold, and their influence on English education. N. Y., 1898. (Great educators series.) Fitch, Samuel Sheldon, M. D. System of dental surgery. Ed. 2. Phil., 1835. Fitch, T. Davis, M. D., ed. Chicago medical register and direc- tory. 1872. Fitch, W., D. D. Reminiscences of Detroit. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 5; p. 536-46.) Fitchburg (Mass.). Municipal register, 1901. Fitchburg, 1901. Old records of the town of Fitchburg, Mass., 1764-1809. v. 1-4. Fitchburg, 1898-1901. : School committee. Annual report, 1883. v. 11. Fitchburg, 1884. Fitchburg historical society. Proceedings and papers relating to the history of the town. v. 1-2. Fitchburg, 1895-7. Fitchburg railroad company. Annual report of the directors to the stockholders, 1848, '55, '68, '71-1901. v. 7, 14, 27, 30-60. Bost., 1849-190T. Discussion of lease to the Boston and Maine, n. p. 1900. See also Hoosac tunnel, and Troy and Greenfield railroad co. Fitchett, William Henry. How England saved Europe; the story of the Great war, 1793-1815. 4v. N. Y., 1899. 464 AUTHOR LIST. Fite, Campbell C, M. D. Anti-diphtheritic and anti-streptococcic serums, n. p. 1896. Fitton, William Henry. Geological notice on the new country passed over by Capt. Back during his late expedition, n. p. n. d. Observations on some of the strata between the chalk and Oxford oolite in the south-east part of England. Lond., 1836. ^ Fitts, Rev. James Hill, anon. Commemorative services of the semi- centennial anniversary of the Sabbath school at West Boylston, Mass., 1868. Wore, 1870. Historical address delivered at the rededication of the Brick meeting-house, West Boylston, Mass., Jan. i, 1890. Exeter, 1890. Manual of the Congregational church. West Boylston, Mass. Clinton, 1870. and Chapman, Rev. Jacob. Lane genealogies. 2v. Exeter, 1891-7. Fitz, Louise. Library movement in New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Note : paper read at the meeting of the N. H. lib. assoc. Sept. 15, 1893. Fitz, Reginald Heber, M. D. Theory of tuberculosis, a brief ac- count of some of its more important features. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1869. V. 3; p. 171-200.) Fitzgerald, Edward Arthur. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps. N. Y., 1896. Fitzgerald, John F. Oration delivered before the city councils and citizens of Boston, July 4, 1896. Bost., 1897. Fitzgerald, R. D. Australian orchids, v. 1-2. Sydney, 1875-85. Fitzgerald & Company, pub. Claremont directory. 1887. Fitzgerald & Dillon, comp. and pub. Directory of the inhabitants in the city of Nashua. 1876. Fitzmorris, Rev. T. J. Pioneer of religion and the first church and cathedral in Omaha and Nebraska. (In Amer. Catholic hist. ^ soc. Records. 1891. v. 3; p. 1 11-28.) Fitzpatrick, J. Percy. Transvaal from within; a private record of public affairs. N. Y., 1900. Fitzsimmons. Essays upon French spoliations. Phil., 1826. Fitzwilliam (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1870-1, '73, '76-89, '91-1902. Keene, 1870-1902. : Town library. Catalogue. Keene, 1875. Supplementary list of books, March i, 1876. (Bound with its Catalogue. 1875.) Flagg, Charles A. Reference list on Connecticut local history. Alb., 1900. (In N. Y. (state): Lib. Bulletin; bibliography. no. Flagg, Edmund. Venice; the city of the sea, from the invasion of Napoleon in 1797 to the capitulation to Radetzky in 1849. v. i. N. Y., 1853. supt. See United States: State, dept. of: Statistics, bureau of. Flagg, James Chester, ed., anon. Report of the class of '89, Dart- mouth college. Rochester, 1893. Flagg, Rufus Cushman, D. D. Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. C. C. Mclntire. n. p. t89o(?) Flagg, Wilson. Year among the trees; or. The woods and by- ways of New England. Bost., 1889. Year with the birds. Bost., 1889. Flaix, Fournier de. See Fournier de Flaix. Flanders, Rev. Charles W. Temperance address before the Con- cord temperance society, April 8, 1858. Cone, 1858. Flanders, Henry. Lives and times of the chief justices of the su- prerne court of the U. S. 2v. Phil., 1869. Lives of the chief justices of the supreme court of the U. S. 2v. N. Y., 1875. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 465' Flandrau, Charles Eugene. Ink-pa-du-ta massacre of 1857. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 3; p. 386-407.) Lawyers and courts of Minnesota prior to and during its ter- ritorial period. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 89- lOI.) Reminiscences of Minnesota during the territorial period. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 197-222.) State building in the West. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 463-94-) Flatt, C. C, and Storr, Theophilus Christian. Elementary course of Biblical theology. 1836. Flavel, John. Husbandry spiritualized; or, the Heavenly use of earthly things. Elizabethtown, 1795. Saint indeed; or, The great work of a Christian. Amh., 1795. anon. Token for mourners; or, The advice of Christ to a dis- tressed mother bewailing the death of her son. Brattleborough, 1813. Fleay, F. G. Historical allusions in sundry English poets. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1884. v. 11; p. 119-32.) On the actor lists, 1578-1642. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1881. V. 9; p. 44-81.) On the history of theatres in London from their first open- ing in 1576 to their closing in 1642. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1882. V. 10; p. II4-33-) Fleet's pocket almanac for the year 1782-4, '86-8, '90-1800. Bost., 1 782- 1 800. Note: title of later series is Massachusetts register. Fleisher, Col. C. Manual for Cossack riding and training of horses; tr. from the Russian by G. W. Read. (In U. S. : Adju- tant-gen. Selected professional papers. 1898. p. 49-102.) Fleming, Aretas Brooks. Public papers, Feb., 1890, to March, 1893. Charleston, 1893. Fleming, Sandford. Memorial of the people of Red river to the British and Canadian governments, with remarks on the colon- ization of Central British North America. Quebec, 1863. Unit measure of time. n. p. 1890. Fleming, William, camp. Index to our railway system and our lead- ing lines. V. 2-4. Lond., 1876-80. Fleming's register for New England and Nova Scotia and an almanack for 1773. Bost., 1773. Flers, Hyacinthe Camille Spiro Frangois de Paule de la Motte- Ango, Marquis de. Comte de Paris; tr. by Constance Majendie. Lond., 1889. Fletcher, On the different modes of reducing the apparent dis- tance between the moon and the sun, or a star in lunar observa- tions to the true distance for the purpose of ascertaining the longitude. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1843. p. i-io.) Fletcher, Alice Cunningham. Emblematic use of the tree in the Dakotan group. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1897. V. 45; p. 191-209.) Indian education and civilization. Wash., 1888. Lands in severalty to Indians. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 33; p. 654-64.) Sacred pole of the Omaha tribe. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 270-80.) Study from the Omaha tribe; the import of the totem. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; P- 325-34.) 30 466 AUTHOR LIST. Fletcher, Alice Cunningham, and La Flesche, Francis. Study of Omaha Indian music. Camb., 1893. (In Peabody museum of Amer. arch, and ethnology. Arch, and ethnological papers. 1893. V. I, no. 5.) Fletcher, Arthur G., comp. California: Fish commission, board of. Fish and game laws. 1895. Fletcher, Daniel Cooledge. Reminiscences of California and the Civil war. Ayer, 1894. Fletcher, Edward Hatch. Fletcher genealogy; an account of the descendants of Robert Fletcher of Concord, Mass. Bost., 1871. Fletcher, Edward Taylor. Twenty years' siege of Canada. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1855. p. 153-73) Fletcher, Hugh. Descriptive note on the Sydney coal field, Cape Breton, N. S. Ottawa, 1900. Fletcher, J. Oration pronounced at Hollis, N. H., July 4, 1810. Amh., 1810. Fletcher, Rev. J. Address to imperfect believers who cordially em- brace the doctrine of Gospel sanctification. Bost., 1821. Fletcher, James. History of Poland from the earliest period to the present time. N. Y., 1833. Fletcher, Robert. Geometry and its methods as a means of disci- pline. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1886. p. 230- 61.) Lessons from the characters and achievements of great engi- neers. Hanover, 1881. • On prehistoric trephining and cranial amulets. Wash., 1882. (In U. S.: Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky Mt. region. Con- trib. to N. A. ethnology. 1882. v. 5.) Present status and tendencies of engineering education in the United States, n. p. 1900. Quarter century of progress in engineering education. Lan- caster, 1896. Fletcher, Robert H., and Chase, Stephen. History of the class of 1896 of Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1893. Fletcher, Ryland. Annual message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont, Oct. session, 1856. Montp., 1856. Annual message to the general assembly of the state of Ver- mont, Oct. session, 1857. Montp., 1857. Special message to the general assembly of the state of Ver- mont, special session, 1857. Burlington, 1857. Fletcher, Col. Thomas Clement. Battle of Pilot Knob, and the retreat to Leasburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. v. i; p. 29-53.) Message to the adjourned session of the 23d general assembly of Mo. Jefferson City, 1865. Fletcher, William Isaac. "A. L. A." index; an index to general literature. Bost., 1893. Note : 'for annual supplements see Annual literary index. 1893-date. List of books suggested for inclusion in the A. L. A. index; supplementary to those already indexed, n. p. n. d. Public libraries in America. Bost., 1894. (Columbian knowl- edge series.) and Poole, William Frederick. Index to periodical literature. 1882-97. Fletcher, William Isaac, ed. Annual literary index. 1893-1900. ed. Cooperative index to periodicals. 1886-92. Fletcher free library, Burlington (Vt.). Annual report, v. 2-6, 8-10, 13-27. Burlington, 1876-1901. Note : reports are also pub. in City reports. Catalogue. Burlington, 1877. Vletcher town library, Cavendish (Vt.). Catalogue with the regula- tions. Ludlow, 1871. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 46 T Flick, Lawrence Francis, M. D. Biographical sketch of Rev. P. H. Lemke, 1796-1882. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1898. V. 9; p. 129-92.) French refugee Trappists in the United States. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1887. v. i; p. 86-116.) Phil., 1886. AI. J. O'Conway, philologist, lexicographer and interpreter of languages, 1766-1842. (In Amer., Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1899. V. 10; p. 257-99, 387-422.) ■ Papago Indians and their church. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1894. v. 5; p. 385-416.) ed. Carey, Mathew. Selections from the correspondence of the deceased Mathew Carey. 1898. Fling, Fred Morrow. Mirabeau and Calonne in 1785. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9, p. 133-47.) Mirabeau's speech of May 20, 1790. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 131-9-) Flinn, John J., comp. World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Official guide. 1893. Flint, Abel, comp. System of geometry and trigonometry with a treatise on surveying. Ed. 4. Hartf., 1818. Steward, Joseph, and Strong, Nathan, comp. Hartford selec- tion of hymns. 1810. Flint, Austin, M. D. Clinical medicine; a systematic treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Phil., 1879. Compendium of ausculation and percussion. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1869. Manual of chemical examination of the urine in disease. N. Y., 1870. Objects and work, a valedictory address before the N. Y. acad. of medicine, Jan. 21, 1875. N. Y., 1875. On the physiological effects of severe and protracted muscular exercise. N. Y., 1871. Phthisis, in a series of clinical studies. Phil., 1875. Physiology of man. 4v. N. Y., 1866-72. Practical treatise on the diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of the diseases of the heart. Phil., 1859. Text-book of human physiology. N. Y., 1876. Treatise on the principles and practice of medicine. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1868. Ed. 4. Phil., 1873. Ed. 6, rev. Phil., 1886. Flint, Charles L. Grasses and forage plants. Bost., 1874. Milch cows and dairy farming. Bost., 1869. Rev. ed. Bost, 1889. ed. Harris, Thaddeus William, M. D. Treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation. 1863. Flint, Daniel. Hop culture in California. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1900. no. 115.) Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez, a war correspondent's field notebook kept during four months with the Cuban army. Bost., 1898. Flint, Rev. Jacob. History and description of Cohasset in the county of Norfolk, Mass., Dec. 16, 1821. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1830. V. 22; p. 84-109.) Flint, James, D. D. Verses on many occasions. Lynn, 1851. Flint, James M., M. D., comp. Classification of the materia medica collection of the U. S. national museum and catalogue of speci- mens. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 431-75.) Flmt, Joshua B., M. D., ed. Druitt, Robert. Principles and prac- tice of modern surgery. 1847. 468 AUTHOR LIST. Flint, Martha Bockee. Bockee family, Boucquet, 1041-1897. Poughkeepsie, 1897. Flint, Timothy. Condensed geography and history of the western states; or, The Mississippi valley. 2v. Cine, 1828. History and geography of the Mississippi valley. Ed. 3. 2v. in I. Cine, 1833. Lectures upon natural history. Bost., 1833. Recollections of the last ten years in the valley of the Missis- sippi from Pittsburg and the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico. Bost, 1826. Flint, Weston. Statistics of public libraries in the United States and Canada. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1893. no. 7,) Flint, Rev. William. Masonic address delivered at Manchester (N. H.) on the celebration of St. John's festival. Manch., 1854. Flint, William F., anon. Trees and shrubs of New Hampshire. Manch., 1891. Flloyd, tr. Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de. Persian letters. 1762. Flood, Frederick Solly-. Prince Henry of Monmouth, his letters and dispatches during the war in Wales. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. v. 14; p. 125-43.) Story of Prince Henry of Monmouth and Chief-justice Gas- coign. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. v. 13; p. 47-152.) Flood, Theodore L., D. D., ed. Chautauquan, a monthly magazine. 1887-91. Florence, Reale institute di studi pratici e di perf ezionamento : FilosoHcB filologica, sesione di. Pubblicazioni, no. 23-4. Firenze, 1890. : Scienze fisische e naturali, sesione di. Pubblicazioni. no. 17-18. Firenze, 1890-91. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. Numa Pompilius. Par., 1827. Par., 1820. William Tell; or, Switzerland delivered. Lond. n. d. NOTB : t. p. w. Florida: Agricultural college. Catalogue for 1894-6, '97-8. Jackson- ville, 1895-8. See also Florida: Agricultural experiment station. : Agricultural experiment station. Annual report, 1894, '96, '98. Deland, 1894-8. Note : reports for 1888-91, '93 are in Bulletin no. 4, 8, 10, 14, 24. Bulletin, no. 1-2, 4-1 1, 13-54, 56-8. Jacksonville, 1888-1901. Press bulletin, no. 5. n. p. 1901. : Agriculture, commissioner of. Report for the period beginning Jan. I, 1889-96. V. p. 1891-96. ed. Florida: State horticultural society. Proceedings of the an- nual meeting. 1893. : Constitutional convention, 1S85. Journal of the proceedings of the convention. Tallahassee, 1885. : Geological survey. Report, 1887. v. i. Tallahassee, 1887. : Governor. Message to the legislature, 1858, '59, '93. Talla- hassee, 1858-93. : Health, board of. Catalogue of the licensed physicians. Jack- sonville, 1893. : Legislature. Law governing elections. Tallahassee, 1898. : Public instruction, supt. of. Report for 1870-Sept., '72, Oct., '76- June, '98. Tallahassee, 1870-99. Note: reports annual, 1870-? 1886-92, others arc biennial. Report on the organization of the department of public in- struction. Tallahassee, 1869. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 469 Florida health notes, monthly, official bulletin of the state board of health, v. i, no. 1-5, 7-8, lo-ii; v. 2, no. i-ii; v. 3, no. 1-5; v. 4, no. 7-12; V. 5, no. 1-2, 4, 6-9; V. 7, no. 1-6, 8-10; v. 8, no. 1-2. Jacksonville, 1892-9. Florida medical association. Proceedings, 1874-5, '87-99- v. 1-2, 14-26. Jacksonville, 1874-1899. Florida state horticultural society. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1892-5, '98-9. v. 5-8, 11-12. Tallahassee, 1892-9. Florus, Lucius Annaeus. Histoire Romaine. (In CoefTetau, Nico- las. Histoire Romaine. 1646. p. i-ii3-) Flourens, A. Thyroid medication. Bordeaux, 1900. Flournoy, H. W., ed. Virginia. Calendar of Virginia state papers and other manuscripts, v. 7-1 1. 1888-93. Flower, Benjamin Orange, ed. Arena. 1889-97. Flower, George. History of the English settlement in Edwards county, 111., founded in 1817 and 1818. Chic, 1882. {In Chicago hist. soc. Coll. 1882. V. I.) Flower, Roswell Pettabone. Public papers, 1892. Alb., 1893. Flower, W. H. Address, n. p. 1889. Floyd, A. B. Ins and outs of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1899. Floyd, Charles. New found journal. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. 1894. p. 225-52.) Floyd, Marcus L. Cultivation of cigar-leaf tobacco in Florida. Wash., 1899. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Misc. repts. no. 62.) Flume and Franconia hotel company. Annual report of the treas- urer to the stockholders for 1858. Cone, 1858. Flynn, Thomas. Atlas of the city of Manchester, N. H., from offi- cial records. Phil., 1896. Foaden, George P. Cotton culture in Egypt. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 42.) Fobes, Charles S. Story of the Presumpscot. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 15; p. 361-86.) Fobes, Walter K., comp. Five-minute declamations. Bost., 1886. Five-minute recitations. Bost., 1886. Focillon, Adolphe Jean. Instruction sur I'observation des faits sociaux selon la methode des monographies de families. Par., 1887. Fogg, Alonzo J., cotnp. Statistics and gazetteer of New Hampshire. Cone, 1874. Fogg* George G. Catalogue of some of the miscellaneous books, pictures, furniture, etc. Cone, 1883. Fogg, Maj. Jeremiah. Journal during the expedition of Gen. Sul- livan in 1779 against the western Indians. Exeter, 1879. Bill of mortality for Kensington, N. H,, comp. by Jabez Dow. Dover, 1802. Fogg, Rev. Thomas Brinley. Memorial sermon in old Trinity church, Brooklyn, Conn., on the looth anniversary of its opening, April 12, 1871. Hartf., n. d. Foley, P. K. American authors, 1795-1895; a bibliography of first and notable editions chronologically arranged with notes. Bost., Folger, Allen. See New Hampshire: International prison congress, London, 1872, commissioner of. Folger, Peter. Looking glass for the times. Prov., 1883. (R. I. hist, tracts, no. 16.) Note : for additions and index see no. 20 of the series. Follen, Mrs. Eliza Lee (Cabot). To mothers in the free states. N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 8.) ; tr. Fenelon, Fransois de Selignac de la Mothe, ahp. Selec- tions from the writings of Fenelon. 1841, 470 AUTHOR LIST. FoUet, Mary Parker. Henry Clay as speaker of the U. S. house of representatives. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. V. 3; p. 255-65.) . ^r .r r. . Speaker of the house of representatives. N. Y. 1896. Folsom, Charles, ed. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Orationes. 1834. Folsom, Charles F., M. D., ed., Boston (Mass.) : City hospital. Med- ical and surgical reports, v. 9. 1898. Folsom, Cora. Indian responsiveness. Phil., 1889. Folsom, George. Anniversary discourse delivered at Brunswick, Sept. 6, 1846. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2; p. 1-79.) Expedition of Capt. Samuel Argall to the French settlements in Acadia and Manhattan Island, 1613. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 333-42.) Few particulars concerning the directors general or governors of New Netherlands. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 449-56.) Historical sketch of the N. Y. hist. soc. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 457-79.) History of Saco and Biddeford. Saco, 1830. Memoirs of Winthrop. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Archseologia Amer. 1857. v. 3; p. 317-43.) tr. Cortes, Fernando. Despatches addressed to Emperor Charles 5, now first trans, into English from the original Span- ish. 1843. Folsom, Justus Watson. Anatomy and physiology of the mouth- parts of the collembolan orchesella cincta. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1899. v. 35; p. 7-39.) Folsom, N. L., M. D. Contributions to medicine and surgery. Ports., i876(?) Folsom, William H. C. History of lumbering in the St. Croix valley. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 291-324.) Folwell, William Watts. Effect of correct analysis on doctrine in political economy. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1889. v. 4, no. 5; p. 53-69.) Fonda, Arthur I. Honest money. N. Y., 1895. Fonda, John H. Early reminiscences of Wisconsin. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1868. v. 5; p. 205-84.) Fones record. See Narragansett. Record of the proprietors. Fontaine, William Morris. Contributions to the knowledge of the older mesozoic flora of Virginia. Wash., 1883. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1883. v. 6.) Notes on some fossil plants from the trinity division of the Comanche series of Texas. {In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1894. V. 16; p. 261-82.) . Potomac formation in Virginia. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 145.) Potomac or younger mesozoic flora. 2v. Wash., 1889. {In U. S.: Geol, survey. Monographs. 1889. v. 15.) and Maury, Lieut, Matthew Fontaine. Resources of West Vir- ginia. 1876. Fontanelle, J. de, tr. Blachette, L. J., and Zoega, Frederic. Man- ual of the art of making and refining sugar from beets. 1836. Foote, Allen Ripley. Cost of service to users and tax payers. Ed. 3. n. p. 1897- Powers of municipalities, a discussion. Indianapolis, 1898. Foote, Edward A. Historical sketch of Eaton county. {In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; p. 378-403.) Foote, Rev. H. L. Historical sketch of the first twenty-five years of the life of St. Paul's church, Holyoke, Mass. n. p. n. d. Foote, H. R., anon. Getting in for the victory, n. p. 1895. Foote, Henry S. Bench and bar of the South and Southwest. St. L., 1876. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 471 Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder. Annals of King's chapel. 2v. Bost., 1882-96. Christ stilling the waves; a sermon preached Feb. 2, 1862, the Sunday after the funeral of S. A. Eliot. Camb., 1862. D. A. White. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1885. V. 4; p. 248-69.) • ed. Freeman, James, D. D. Discourse on the Russian victo- ries, 1813. 1881. Foote, John. Practitioner's pharmacopoeia. N. Y., 1855. Forbes, Charles S. Second battle of Bennington, a history of Ver- mont's centennial and the looth anniversary of Bennington's battle. St. Alb., 1877. Forbes, Darius. Manual of the pension laws of the U. S. Ed. 2. Wash., 1865. Forbes, Eli, D. D. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 384-99-) Forbes, Harriette M., ed. Parkman, Rev. Ebenezer. Diary. 1899. Forbes, Sir John, M. D. On nature and art in the cure of disease; fr. the 2d Lond. edition. N. Y., 1858. tr. Lannec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe, M. D. Treatise on the diseases of the chest. 1823. 1830. 1838. Forbes library. Annual report, v. 1-7. Northampton, 1896-1901. Forbush, Edward H., and Fernald, Charles H. Gypsy moth; a re- port of the work of destroying the insect in Massachusetts. Bost., 1896. Forbush, Rev. William Byron. History of the class of '88, Dart- mouth college. Bost., 1898. comp. How to help boys. Bost., 1900. Junior history of the class of '88, Dartmouth college. Cone, 1887. Report of the class of '88, Dartmouth college, v. 1-7, Post Mills, 1889-1900. Force, Brig.-gen. Manning Ferguson. Address on the opening of the new rooms of the society, Oct. 15, 1885. Cine, 1885. From Fort Henry to Corinth. N. Y., 1881. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) N. Y., 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) John McLean. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1885. V. 4; p. 270-79.) Marching across Carolina. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 1-18.) Personal recollections of the Vicksburg campaign. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 293-309.) Scholar and man; an address delivered before the literary societies of Marietta college, June 27, 1882. Cine, 1882. Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio. Cine, 1879. Some observations on the letters of Amerigo Vespucci. Cine, 1885. Force, Peter, ed. American archives, a documentary history of the English colonies in North America from the king's message to parliament of March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Indepen- dence by the United States, ser. 4. 5v. Wash., 1837-46. From the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, to the definite treaty of peace with Great Britain, Sept. 3, 1783. ser. 5. 3v. Wash., 1848-53. comp. Record of Auroral phenomena. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1856. v. 8.) 472 AUTHOK LIST. Force, Peter, ed. Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in N. A. from the discovery of the country to the year 1776. 3v. Wash., 1836- 44- Ford, Andrew E. History of the origin of the town of Clinton, Mass., 1653-1865. Clinton, 1896. Story of the 15th regiment Mass. volunteer infantry in the Civil war, 1861-1864. Clinton, 1898. Ford, Arthur Hillyer. Complete test of modern American trans- formers of moderate capacities. Madison, 1896. (/«■ Wise: Univ. Bulletin. Engineering ser. v. 2; no. i.) Ford, Capt., David. Journal of an expedition in the autumn of 1794 to aid in suppressing the Whiskey rebellion. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1859. v. 8; p. 75-88.) Ford, Rev. David B. Centennial history of the First Baptist church, Marshfield, Mass. Bost., 1888. History of Hanover academy. Bost, 1899. Ford, Henry A. Historical Detroit. (In Mich. >ioneer and hist, soc. Coll. 1888. y. 10; p. 88-97.) Old Moravian mission at Mt. Clemens. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. ID, p. 107-15.) and Ford, Mrs. Kate B. 1789; history of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleve., 1881. 1789; history of Hamilton county, Ohio. Cleve., 1881. Ford, Henry Jones. Rise and growth of American politics. N. Y., 1898. Ford, John, pub. Cambridge directory and almanac. 1854. Ford, John Donaldson. American cruiser in the far East. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1898. Ford, Mrs. Kate B., and Ford, Henry A. 1789; history of Cincin- nati, Ohio. 1881. 1789; history of Hamilton county, Ohio. 1881. Ford, Paul Leicester. Bibliography and reference list of the his- tory and literature relating to the adoption of the constitution of the United States, 1787-8. Brooklyn, 1888. Many-sided Franklin. N. Y., 1899. ed. New-England primer; a history of its origin and develop- ment. N. Y., 1897. ed. Pamphlets on the constitution of the U. S. published dur- ing its discussion by the people, 1787-1788. Brooklyn, 1888. comp. Some briefs in appeal cases. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1890. V. 25; p. 85-101.) comp. Some materials for a bibliography of the official publi- cations of the Continental congress for 1774. Brooklyn, 1888. True George Washington. Phil., 1897. ■ and Clark, A. Howard, comp. Partial bibliography of the pub- lished works of members of the Amer. historical assoc. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1890-3. v. i; p. 163-386. v. 2; p. 115-60. V. 3; p. 409-63- V. 4; p. 211-303.) ed. Dickinson, Brig.-gen. John. Writings. 1895. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1895. v. 14.) ed. Jefferson, Thomas, pres. of U. S. Notes on the state of Virginia. 1894. Writings. 1892-9. Ford, Seabury. Annual message to the 48th general assembly, Dec, 1849. Columbus, 1849. Ford, Simeon, and Sweetser, M. F. How to know New York city. 1893. Ford, Thomas. History of Illinois from its commencement as a state in t8i8 to 1847. Chic, 1854. Ford, William. Old English kingship. (In Colgate univ.: History and political science, dept. of. Bushnell hist, theses. 1891. no. 4; p. 28-42.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 473 Ford, Worthington Chauncey. American citizen's manual. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1887. (Questions of the day, no. 5-6.) British officers serving in America, 1754-1774; comp. from the "Army lists." Bost, 1894. comp. British officers serving in the American revolution, 1774-1785. Brooklyn, 1897. George Washington. 2v. N, Y., 1900. ed. Washington, George, pres. of U. S. Writings. 1889-93. ed, Webb, Samuel Blachley. Correspondence and journals. 1893-94. chief of Bureau of statistics. See United States: Statistics, bureau of. Fordice, Morton W., and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Review of the American species of Belonidae. (/n U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 339-6i.) Fordyce, George, M. D, Elements of the practice of physic. Ed. 5. Lond., 1784. Five dissertations on fever; ist Amer. ed. fr. the latest Eng. edition. Bost, 1815. 2d Amer. edition. Bost., 1823. Forefathers* Day, 269th anniversary at Middlebury, Vt., 1889. Middlebury, 1889. Foreman, John. Philippine Islands; a political, geographical, eth- nological, social, and commercial history of the Philippine archipelago. Ed. 2, rev. N. Y., 1899. Forest Hills cemetery. Annual report of the trustees of the pro- prietors. 1874, '77-1902. V. 6, 9-34. Bost, 1874-1902. Report of the board of commissioners, 1868. v. 20. Roxbury, 1868. Forester, Fanny, pseud. See Judson, Mrs. Emily (Chubbuck). Forester, monthly, 1898-1901. v. 4; v. 5, no. i; v. 6-7. Wash., 1898- 1901. Forman, Rev. F. G. Spirit of Jesus and Paul, the liberty of the pulpit. Bost., 1848. Forman, Joshua. Proposed plan for a banking law in New York, {In Van Buren, Martin. Message. 1829, p. 7-42.) Formento, Felix, M. D. Cremation, regarded in its sanitary, re- ligious, economical, and sentimental aspects. N. O., 1884. Fornander, Abraham. Account of the Polynesian race, its origin and migrations and the ancient history of the Hawaiian people to the times of Kamehameha i. 2v. Lend., 1878. (Eng. and foreign phil. lib. New ser. v. 6.) Forney, Matthias N. Proportional representation, a means for the improvement of municipal government. N. Y., 1900. Forrest, James. Some account of the origin and progress of Trinitarian theology; reprinted from the Glasgow ed. of 1836. Bost., 1865. Forrester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, Henry William. Forshey, Caleb Goldsmith. Contributions to the physics of the Gulf of Mexico. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1878' V. 26; p. 134-47.) Delta of the Mississippi. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1873. v. 21; p. 78-110.) Physics of the lower Mississippi river. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1878. v. 26; p. 148-73.) Forstall, Edmund J. Analytical index of the whole of the public documents relative to Louisiana, deposited in the archives of the department "De la marine et des colonies" et "Bibliotheque du roi" at Paris. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1850. V. 2; p. 43-87) 474 AUTHOR LIST. Forster, John Harris. Early settlement of the copper region of Lake Superior. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 7; p. 181-93.) . . Finance of mining, Lake Superior mines. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 13; p. 342-50.) Life in the copper mines of Lake Superior. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 11; p. 175-86.) Sketch of the life of J. R. Grout. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 21; p. 317-24.) Some incidents of pioneer life in the Upper Peninsula. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 17; p. 332-45.) Forsyth, Maj.-gen. James W., and Grant, Brig.-gen. Frederick Dent. Report of an expedition up the Yellowstone river, made in 1875. Wash., 1875. Forsyth, Maj. Thomas. Fort Snelling, Col. Leavenworth's expe- dition to establish it in 1819. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. i8i8o. V. 3; p. 139-67.) Journal of a voyage from St. Louis to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1819. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1872. v. 6; p. 188-218.) Letter-book, 1814-1818. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 11; p. 316-55.) Forsyth, Walter Greenwood, and Harrison, Joseph Le Roy, comp. Guide to the study of J. A. M. Whistler. Alb., 1895. (In N. Y. (state): Lib. Bulletin, bib. 1895. no. i.) Fort Dearborn publishing company. Pocket map of South Africa. Chic, n. d. Note : scale 100 miles to 1 inch. Fort Payne coal and iron company of Alabama. Prospectus. Bost., 1888. Fort Wayne journal of the medical sciences quarterly, v. 9-10, V. II, no. 1-7. Ft. Wayne, 1889-90. Note : v. 9-10, 1889-90, monthly. Continued as the Journal of the National assoc. of railway surgeons. Fortesque, Sir John. Goverance of England; otherwise called the difference between an absolute and a limited monarchy; ed. by C. Plummer. Oxford, 1885. Fortesque, John William. History of the British army. 2v. Lond., 1899. Fortier, Samuel. Seepage water of northern Utah. Wash., 1897. (U. S. : Geol. survey. Water supply and irrig. papers, no. 7.) Fortnightly club, Keene (N. H.). Calendar, 1894-7. n. p. 1894-7. Fortnightly of Chicago. Constitution and by-laws. Chic, 1886. Fortnightly review; ed. by G. H. Lewes, v. 1-75. Lond., 1865-1900. Forum, pub. monthly, v. 1-5; v. 6, no. 1-4, 6; v. 7; v. 8, no. 2-6; v. 9-30. N. Y., 1886-1901. Fosdick, David. On elocution. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1838; p. 111-37.) Fosgate, Blanchard, M. D. Crime and punishment. Auburn, 1866. Foss, Edward. Biographia juridica; a bibliographical dictionary of the judges of England from the Conquest to the present time. Bost., 1870. Memories of Westminster Hall. 2v. Bost., 1874. Foss, Samuel Walter. Back country poems. Bost., 1892. Dreams in homespun. Bost, 1898. Songs of war and peace. Bost., 1899. Whiffs from wild meadows. Bost., 1898. Foss, A. E., & Co., pub. Resident and business directory of Ded- ham. 1896. Resident and business directory of Middleboro and Lakeville, Mass. 1895. Foss and Berry, pub. Resident and business directory of Needham and Dover, Mass. 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEAKY. 47 i> Fossett, Frank. Colorado; a historical, descriptive, and statistical work on the Rocky Mountain gold and silver mining region. Denver, 1876. Colorado; its gold and silver mines, farm and stock ranges, etc. N. Y., 1879. Fossils in re; free ships and reform of tariff and civil service. Bost, 1890. Fossum, Andrew. Excavations in the theatre of Eretria. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1891. v. 7; p. 253-66.) the stage building. (In Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 76-87.) Foster, Rev. Amos. Paul, a model for the Christian minister; ser- mon at the ordination of the Rev. E. B. Foster. Cone, 1841. Foster, Andrew, and Lester, C. Edwards. Life and voyages of Americus Vespucius. 1857. Foster, Balthazar, M. D. Clinical medicine. Phil., 1874. Foster, Benjamin Franklin. Clerk's guide; or. Commercial corre- spondence. Bost., 1837. ■ Education reform a review of Wyse on the necessity of a national system of education. N. Y., 1837. {Bound with Davis A. Discovery of N. E,, 1845.) Foster, Charles. Annual message to the 65th general assembly at the regular session commencing Jan. 2, 1882. Columbus, 1882. Foster, E., tr. Ranke, Leopold. History of the popes, 1847. Foster, Ebenezer, and others. Sunbury county documents. {In New Brunswick hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. i; p. 100-16.) Foster, Rev. Eden Burroughs. Address on agriculture before the Hillsboro' agricultural and mechanical society, March, 1851. Manch., 1851. Four sermons on baptism, the scriptural authority and pro- priety of sprinkling and infant baptism. Cone, 1844. North-side view of slavery; sermon on the crime against free- dom in Kansas and Washington; preached at Henniker, N. H. Aug. 31, 1856. Cone, 1856. Right of the pulpit and perils of freedom. Lowell, 1854. Foster, Rev. E. S., and Prouty, Lucy A. Entire correspondence. Rutl., 1869. Foster, Eugene, M. D. Vaccination, its necessity, control, effi- ciency, and safety. Cone, 1884. Foster, Frank Hugh, D. D. History of Congregationalism until 1800. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 15-30.) Oberlin Ojibway mission. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1892. V. 2; p. 1-25.) ed. Ohio church history society. Papers. 1890-8. Foster, Frank P., M. D. Sketch of C. P. Gage; an address before the N. H. medical society, n. p. n. d. ed. New York medical journal, v. 31-71. 1881-1900. Foster, G. L. Past of Ypsilanti. Detroit, 1857. Foster, George E. Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus and modern Moses. Phil., 1885. Foster, Mrs. Hannah (Webster), anon. Coquette; or. The history of Eliza Wharton; by a lady of Massachusetts. New ed. Bost., 1855. Foster, J. H., M. D. Address delivered before the American acad- emy of dental science. Bost., 1871. Foster, John. Modern notes of a practical education. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1859. p. 35-56.) Foster, John, 1770- 1843. Essays in a series of letters to a friend; ist Amer. fr. 3d Lond. edition. 2v. in i. Hartf., 1807. Letter of the celebrated John Foster to a young minister on the duration of future punishment. Ed. 2. Bost., 1849. 476 AUTHOR LIST. Foster, John W. Annexation of Hawaii. Wash., 1897. Foster, John Watson. Century of American diplomacy; being a brief review of the foreign relations of the United States, 1776- 1876. Bost., 1901. Foster, John Welch. Memorial, with extracts from his letters and addresses. Ports., 1852. Foster, John Wells. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1871. v. 19; p. 1-20.) On certain peculiarities in the crania of the mound-builders. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1873. v. 21; p. 227-55.) On the geological position of the deposits in which occur the remains of the fossil elephant of North America. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. v. 10, pt. 2; p. 148-68.) Pre-historic races of the United States. Chic, 1873. and Whitney, Josiah Dwight. On the age of the sandstone of Lake Superior. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1851. V. 5; p. 22-38.) On the different systems of elevation which have given con- figuration to North America, with an attempt to identify them with those of Europe. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 5; p. 136-50.) Foster, John Y. New Jersey and the Rebellion. Newark, 1868. Foster, Joseph. Record of the soldiers, sailors, and marines who served the U. S. in the war of the Rebellion and previous wars, buried in Portsmouth and the neighboring towns. Ports., 1893. Foster, Joseph, 1844-, comp. Alumni Oxonienses; the members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714. 4v. Oxford, 1891-92. 1715-1886. 4v. Lond., 1887-8. Register of admissions to Gray's Inn, 1521-1889; with the register of marriages in Gray's Inn chapel, 1695-1754. Lond., 1889. Foster, Rev. Joseph C. Providence illustrated; a historical dis- course delivered at the dedication of the Baptist meeting house in Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 28, 1870. Bost., 1871. Foster, Joshua G., anon. Railroad and public interests in New Hampshire. Dover, 1883. Foster, L. S., comp. Published writings of G. N. Lawrence, 1844- 1891. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1892. no. 40.) Foster, Lafayette S. Address before the society. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1890. v. i, pt. 2; p. 7-20.) Foster, Mrs. Mary E. (Lowry). Historical paper. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 537-49.) Foster, Michael, M. D. Text-book of physiology. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1881. Foster, R. S., D. D. Christian purity. N. Y., 1869. Foster, Robert, ed. Christian herald. 1818-19. Foster, Robert Verrell, D. D. Sketch of the history of the Cumber- land Presbyterian church. N. Y., 1894. (With Alexander, Gross. History of the M. E. church, South. 1894.) Foster, Sarah Haven, anon. Portsmouth guide book. Ports., 1876. Ports., 1884. Foster, Stephen S. Brotherhood of thieves; or. True picture of the American church and clergy. New London, 1843. New London, 1843. Foster, Theodore. Materials for a history of Rhode Island. (In R. I. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 7; p. 67-94.) Foster, Thomas A., M. D. Address to the Maine medical associ- ation. Portl., 1885. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 477 Foster, William Eaton. Early attempts at Rhode Island history. (In R. I. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. v. 7.) Some Rhode Island contributions to the mtellectual life of the last century. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1892. p. 103- 32.) Stephen Hopkins, a Rhode Island statesman. 2v. in i. Prov., 1884. (R. I. hist, tracts, no. 19.) NoTB : for additions and index see no. 20 of the series. Town government in Rhode Island. Bait., 1886. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 4, no. 2.) Foster, William L. Argument before the railroad committee of the house of representatives, June 21, 1887, upon house bill no. 28. Cone, 1887. (In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) comp. Conscription in New Hampshire. Cone, 1863. Medical expert testimony, n. p. 1897. Sketch of the life and character of Matthew Harvey. Cone, 1867. and Worcester, Samuel T., anon. In memory of S. K. Hubbard. 1883. Foster, William S., M. D. Mutual relations of the profession and the state, being the president's address before the Medical soci- ety of the state of Penn., 1896. n. p. n. d. Fothergill, John Milner, M. D. Aids to diagnosis; pt. 3, what to ask. N. Y., 1884. (Students' aids ser.) Antagonism of therapeutic agents and what it teaches. Phil., 1878. Indigestion, biliousness, and gout in its protean aspects. N. Y., 1882. Foulke, William Dudley. Civil service reform, n. p. 1885. Life of O. P. Morton. 2v. Indianapolis, 1899. Slav or Saxon; a study of the growth and tendencies of Rus- sian civilization. N. Y., 1887. (Questions of the day. no. 43.) What have civil service reformers a right to expect from the Republican party, n. p. 1889. Foulke, William Parker. Notes respecting the Indians of Lan- caster county, Penn. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1840. v. 4; p. 188-218.) Remarks on cellular separation. Phil., 1861. Fotmders and patriots of America. Constitution, etc. n. p. n. d. List of members, May 13, 1897. n. p. n. d. Dec. I, 1897. n, p. n. d. Fountain, Paul. Great deserts and forests of North America. N. Y., 1901. Fouque, baron de la Motte. See La Motte Fouque, Friedrich Hein- rich Karl, freiherr de. Four months in New Hampshire. Bost., 1894. Fournier de Flaix. Development of statistics of religions; tr. by A. R. Jackson. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3; no. 17; p. 18-37.) Fourth quinquennial international homoeopathic congress. See In- ternational homoeopathic congress. Fourth regiment veteran association, ed. Hutchinson, John G., comp. Roster. 1896. Fowke, Gerard. Archeologic investigations in James and Potomac valleys. Wash., 1894. (Smithsonian inst. Pub.) Fowle, D. & R., pub. Civil, military, and ecclesiastical register of the province of New Hampshire. 1772. Fowler, A., ed. Literary gazette. 1834-5. Fowler, Asa, comp. New Hampshire annual register and United States calendar. 1841-4. 478 AUTHOR LIST. Fowler, Asa, comp. New Hampshire annual register and United States calendar. 1841-4. Fowler, C. J. Universalism vs. the truth. Bellows Falls, 1879. Fowler, Charles Henry, D. D. Inaugural address. (In Addresses on the occasion of the inauguration of Rev, C. H. Fowler, 1874. p. 15-62.) Fowler, F. H. Insecticides and their application. Bost., 1891. Fowler, Frederick H., comp. Massachusetts: Agriculture, board of: Library. Classification and catalogue. 1899. Fowler, H. B., M. D. Annual address before the N. H. medical society. Bristol, 1882. Fowler, Harold North. Bibliography of current archaeological lit- erature. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897, sen 2, v. i; p. 525-80. 1898, ser. 2, V. 2; p. 403-64. 1899, ser. 2, v. 3; p. 433-5o6. 1900, ser. 2, V. 4; p. 387-414.) Erechtheion at Athens. (In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1885. v. i; p. 213-36.) Pausanias's description of Greece. (In Amer. jour, of archae- ology. 1898. ser. 2, V. 2; p. 357-72.) Temple on the Acropolis burnt by the Persians. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1893. v. 8; p. 1-17.) Fowler, Jacob. Journal, narrating an adventure from Arkansas through the Indian territory, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico; ed. by Elliott Coues. N. Y., 1898. Fowler, Littleton. Jottings from his old journal. (In Texas state hist. soc. Quarterly. 1899. v. 2; p. 73-84.) Fowler, Lorenzo Niles, and Fowler, Orson Squire. New illustrated self-instructor in phrenology and physiology. N. Y., 1859. Phrenology. 1837. Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied. N. Y., 1846. (Bound with Fowler, O. S. Practical phrenology. 1846.) Fowler, M. Field. Review of the management of the Metropolitan railroad company from i860 to 1865. Bost., 1865. Fowler, Nathaniel C. Practical Burlington, n. p. n. d. Fowler, Rev. Orin. History of Fall River with notices of Freetown and Tiverton. Fall River, 1862. Fowler, Orson Squire. Fowler's practical phrenology, n. p. 1840. Matrimony; or. Phrenology and physiology applied to the selection of congenial companions for life. Ed. 52. N. Y., 1848. Ed. 61. N. Y., 1850. , Memory and intellectual improvement applied to self-educa- tion and juvenile instruction. Ed. 20. N. Y., 1848. Physiology, animal and mental, applied to the preservation and restoration of health of body and power of mind. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1848. Ed. 6. N. Y., 1854. Practical phrenology. N. Y., 1846. Self-culture and perfection of character, including the manage- ment of youth. N. Y., 1848. Synopsis of phrenology; and the phrenological developments, together with the character and talents of William Plumer. Ed. 20. N. Y., 1838. and Fowler, Lorenzo Niles. New illustrated self-instructor in phrenology and physiology. N. Y., 1859. Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied. N. Y., 1837. N. Y., 1846. (Bound with Fowler, O. S. Practical phren- ology. 1846.) Fowler, Robert Ludlow. Codification in the state of New York. N. Y., 1884. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. ' 479 Fowler Samuel P. Salem witchcraft; comprising More wonders of the invisible world, collected by Robert Calef; and Wonders of the invisible world, by Cotton Mather; together with notes and explanations. Bost, 1865. r -r. u 1 xt xj Fowler, T. L., and Carter, Rev. N. F. History of Pembroke, N. H., 1730-1895. 2v. 1895. Fowler, W. Warde. Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman imperial system. N. Y., 1892. Fowler, Rev. William Chauncey. Conditions of success in genea- logical investigations illustrated in the character of Nathaniel Chauncey. Bost., 1866. Misisters of Connecticut in the Revolution. Hartf., 1877. Sectional controversy; or, Passages in the political history of the U. S., including the causes of the war between the sections. N. Y., 1863. William Fowler, and one line of his descendants, n. p. n. d. Fowler, William Worthington, anon. Fighting fires, the great fires of history. Hartf., 1873. Inside life in Wall street. Hartf., 1873. Fowler and Wells, pub. How to talk; a pocket manual of conversa- tion and debating. N. Y., 1857. Fowler library building. Concord (N. H.). See Concord (N. H.): Public library. Fownes, George. Manual of elementary chemistry; fr. the 7th rev. Lond. ed.; ed. by Robert Bridges. Phil., 1862. fr. the loth rev. Eng. ed. Phil., 1876. Rudimentary chemistry for beginners; with an essay on the application of chemistry to agriculture. Lond., 1849. Fox, C. P. Idaho agriculture, descriptive and experimental. Mos- cow, 1897. (Idaho: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 10.) Fox, Lt.-col. Charles Barnard, anon. Record of the service of the 55th regt. of Mass. vol. infantry. Camb., 1868. Fox, Charles James, d. 1806. History of the early part of the reign of James the Second. Phil., 1808. Memorials and correspondence; ed. by Lord John Russell. 2v, Phil., 1853. Fox, Charles James, d. 1846. History of the town of Dunstable, in- cluding Nashua, Nashville, Hollis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merri- mack, N. H., Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass. Nashua, 1846. and Osgood, Samuel, D. D., anon. New Hampshire book, being specimens of the literature of the Granite state. Nashua, 1842. Fox, George Henry, M. D., and Piffard, Henry G., M. D. Cutaneous and venereal memoranda. 1877. Fox, George L. Municipal condition of New Haven, Conn. {In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. P- 164-74.) Fox, Capt. Gustavus V. Facts about the Carroll county Kearsarge mountain, n. p. n. d. Fox, George Henry, M. D. Photographic illustrations of skin dis- eases. Ed. 2. pt. 1-3. N. Y. n. d. N. Y., 1883. Fox, Rev. John. Universal history of Christian martyrdom. 2v. in I. Phil., 1835. Fox, Tilbury, M. D. Skin diseases; their description, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment. Lond., 1864. 1st Amer. fr. last Lond. ed., ed. by M. H. Henry. N. Y., 1871. ed. Tanner, Thomas Hawkes, M. D. Manual of clinical med- icine and physical diagnosis. 1871. Fox, Rev. William Johnson. Practical importance of the Unitarian controversy. Bost, 1833. (/« Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. I, no. 67.) 480 AUTHOR LIST. Fox, Wilson, M. D. On the diagnosis and treatment of the vari- eties of dispepsia. Lond., 1867. Diseases of the stomach, being the 3d ed. of the "Diagnosis and treatment of the varieties of dyspepsia." Phil., 1875. Foxborough (Mass.) : Town centennial committee. Foxborough's offi- cial centennial record, 1878. n. p. 1879. Foxcroft, Rev. Thomas. Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, Bos- ton, 1717-1769. n. p. n. d. Fradin, Eliseo P. Documentos relacionados con la navegacion de los rios San Juan, Colorado, Sarapiqui y San Carlos. San Jose, 1898. Reptiblica de Costa Rica estudios del golfo de Nicoya. San Jose, 1892. Frame, Elizabeth, camp. List of Micmac names of places, rivers, etc., in Nova Scotia. Camb., 1892. France, Lewis B. Mr. Dide, his vacation in Colorado. Madison, 1890. France: Agriculture, ministere, de V. Bulletin, v. 5, no. 7; v. 6, no. 8; V. 7, no. 3-5, 7, 8; v. 8, no. 2-8; v. 10, no. 6; v. 12, no. 6; v. 14, no. 7; V. 18, no. 3. Par., 1887-99. : Agriculture et du commerce, ministere de V. Agriculture fran- gaise. 7v. Par., 1843-7. Concours d'animaux de boucherie a Poissy, Lyon et Bordeaux. Par., 1849. : Douanes, administration des. Tableau general du commerce da la France avec ses colonies et les puissances etrangeres, pendant I'annee, 1848. Par., 1849. : Etat de la marine et des colonies, ministere d\ Appendice des notices statistiques sur les Colonies Francaises. Par., 1840. : Expositions internationales, commission superieure des. France oeuvres d'art et produits industriels; Philadelphie, 1876. Par., 1876. : Jury central d'exposition de 1844. Rapport. 3v. Par., 1844. : Travaux publics de I' agriculture et du commerce, ministere des. French universal exposition of procreative animals, and of agri- cultural implements and products for the years 1856 and 1857. Wash., 1856. Stud book frangais, registre des chevaux de pur sang nes ou importes en France. 3v. Par., 1838. Francestown (N. H.). Financial and school reports for the year 1870, '72, '75, '81-5, '87, '89-1901. Nashua, 1870-1901. : Library. Catalogue. Bristol, 1892. supplement, n. p. 1896. Francestown academy, Francestown (N. H.). Catalogue, 1842, '47-8, '49-51, '53-5, '63-4, '66-8, '71-2, '73-5, '76-9, '80-1, '82-3, '90-1. V. p. 1842-90. Exercises at the reunion of the teachers and alumni, Aug. 17, 1870. Peterboro', 1871. Aug. 19, 1896. Milford, 1897. Aug. 18, 1897. Cone, 1897. Reunion, 1862-67. Francestown, 1897. Francestown (N. H.) Congregational church. Confession of faith, with the covenant, regulations, resolutions, and a sketch of the history. Manch., 1852. Hillsboro' Bridge, 1874. Report of the dedicatory exercises of the Congregational church edifice, July i, 1884. Hillsborough Bridge, 1884. Francestown soapstone company, vs. Hyren, Henry. Pleadings and evidence. Ports., 1874. Francis, Charles. Panama canal and the Nicaragua canal. (In Con- temporary club. Papers. 1898-9. p. 37-46.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 481 Francis, Convers, D. D. Christian change, described by the apostle Peter. Bost., 1832. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i,. no. 63.) Christianity as a purely internal principle. Bost, 1836. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 105.) Historical sketch of Watertown from the first settlement of the town. Camb., 1830. Life of John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. Bost, 1836. {In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1836. ser. i, v. 5.) Francis, George E. William Paine. {In Amer. Antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. New ser. 1901. v. 13; p. 394-408.) Francis, James B. Lowell hydraulic experiments, being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors on the flow of water over weirs made at Lowell, Mass. Ed. 2, enl. and rev. N. Y., 1868. Francis, John Wakefield, M. D. Anniversary discourse before the N. Y. acad. of medicine. N. Y., 1847. Inaugural address before the N. Y. acad. of medicine. N. Y., 1848. Letter on the cholera asphyxia now prevailing in the city of N. Y. N. Y., 1832. ed. American medical and philosophical register. 1811-14. ed. Denman, Thomas, M. D. Introduction to the practice of midwifery. 1821. 1825. ed. New York medical and physical journal, v. 1-4. 1822-5. Francis, Philip, D. D., tr. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Poetical translation of the works of Horace. 1778. Francis, Samuel Ward, M. D. Memoir of the life and character of Rev. E. M. P. Wells. Newport, 1879. Memoir of the life and character of Valentine Mott Ed. 2. N. Y., 1865. Francis, William, and Griffith, J. W., ed. Beckmann, John. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins. 1883-4. 1846. Franciscus, cajetanus pontifex. De institutione republican Par., 1569. Francke, Kuno. Karl Follen and the German liberal movement, 1815 to 1819. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 65-81.) Franconia (N. H»)« Annual report of the town officers for the year 1892-1902. Littleton, 1892-1902. : Free public library. Catalogue. Littleton, 1894. Frank M. Early history of Kenosha. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1857. V. 3; p. 370-420.) Frankel, Gottlob Hieronymus Fridericus, M. D. Bibliotheca medi- cinse militaris et navalis. Glogau, 1876. Frankenburger, David B., comp. General catalogue of the officers and graduates of the University of Wisconsin from 1849 to 1892. Madison, 1892. W. F. Allen. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1890. v. Z7; p. 79-89.) Frankland, Percy, and Frankland, Mrs. Percy. Micro-organisms in water. Lond., 1894. Frankland, Mrs. Percy, and Frankland, Percy. Micro-organisms in water. 1894. Frankle, Jones, anon. Story of a New England town; a record of the commemoration, July 2-3, 1890, on the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Haverhill, Mass. 2v. Bost., 1891. Franklin, B. Geological report to the Cumberland river oil and salt company on their oil lands in Ky. Pitt.sb., 1865. Franklin, Benjamin. Complete works, ed. by John Bigelow. lov. N. Y., 1887-8. 31 482 AUTHOR LIST. Franklin, Benjamin. Curious and facetious letters hitherto unpub- lished, n. p. 1898. Plan of union, 1754. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i; Gen, ser. no. 9.) Works. 6v. Phil., 1808-18. Note : v. 4 wanting. . ed. by Jared Sparks. lov. Bost, 1840. Works, consisting of essays, with his life written by himself. Exeter, 1832. Exeter, 1834. Exeter, 1842. Franklin, Rev. Benjamin. Non-juring episcopate in the United States, (/w P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 87-98.). Franklin, Fabian. On the calculation of the generating functions and tables for ground forms for binary quantics. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. v. 3; p. 128-53.) Franklin, Sir John. Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea in the years 1819-22. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond., 1824. Narrative of a second expedition to the shores of the polar sea in 1825-27; with an account of the progress of a detachment to the eastward by John Richardson. Phil., 1828. Franklin, Rear-adm. Samuel Rhoads. Memories of a rear-admiral, N. Y., 1898. Franklin, Maj.-gen. William B. Catling gun for service ashore and afloat. Hartf., 1874- Franklin (N. H.). Reports of the treasurer, selectmen, and other officers for the year 1865, '71, '73-1901. Franklin Falls, 1865-1902. : Education, board of. Course of study of the primary and grammar grades of the public schools. Franklin, 1898. Report for the year ending March i, 1873, '74, '77-89, '9i-4, '97- Franklin, 1873-97. Note : reports for 1873 and 1874 made by Superintending school committee. : Health, board of. Report, 1884-5. Franklin, 1885. : Special committee. Minority and majority reports upon the question "Shall the present school district system be abolished?" Franklin, 1872. : Water commissioners. Proposals, contract, and specifications for building a covered distributing reservoir and appurtenances, n. p. 1891. Report, 1892-3, '97. Franklin Falls, 1892-7. Franklin academy, Dover (N. H.). Catalogue, 1873-4. Dover, 1874. Franklin and Marshall college. See also Alumni association of Franklin and Marshall college. Franklin and Marshall college and the theological seminary of the Reformed church in the United States. Annual register, 1870-1, '73-6, '77-8, '79-80, '81-9, '90-1902. v. p. 1863-1902. Franklin before the Privy council, White Hall Chapel, Lond., 1774, on behalf of the province of Massachusetts. Phil., i860. Franklin college. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1895-6, '99-1901. V. 45, 48-9. Indianapolis, 1896-1900. First half century of Franklin college; jubilee exercises, June 5 to 12, 1884. Cine, 1884. Franklin (Conn.) Congregational church and society. Celebration of the isoth anniversary. N. H., 1869, Franklin (N. H.) Congregational church. Articles of faith and covenant to which are added articles of government and prac- tice and a list of members. Cone, 1839. Manual, 1879. Franklin Falls, 1879. 75th anniversary of the village Congregational church, June II, 1897. n. p. n. d. Franklin county agricultural society. Transactions, 1855-8, '66, '68, '72-3, '75-7, '79, 87-93, '95-1900. V. 6-9, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26-8, 30, 38- 44, 46-51. Greenfield, 1856-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LLBfiARY. 483 Franklin county (O.) Jackson convention, 1828. Proceedings, n. p. n. d. Franklin Falls (N. H.) First Baptist church. Directory. Frank- lin Falls, 1898. Franklin Falls (N. H.) First Baptist Sunday-school library. Cata- logue, n. p. 1897. Franklin fire insurance company. Semi-centennial celebration of the company, June 25, 1879. Phil., 1879. Franklin (Mass.) First Congregational church. Our retrospect; memorial volume containing the historical discourse, etc., given at the sesqui-centennial celebration of the church, June 13-14, 1888. Walpole, 1888 (?) Franklin high school. See Alumni association of the Franklin high school. Franklin institute. Address of the committee on premiums and exhibitions, with a list of the premiums, 1831. Phil., 1831. Announcement and program of lectures, 1898-9. Phil., 1898. Annual report for 1887. Phil., 1887. Bulletin, v. i, no. 6, 6^ 7, 10; v. 2, no. 1-2, 4-5, 7-8, 10; v. 3; V. 4, no. 2-5, 7-10. Phil., 1889-92. Catalogue of duplicates for sale or exchange. Ed. 4, rev. and enl. Phil., 1886. Charter and by-laws of the Institute, etc. Phil., 1895. Commemorative exercises at the 50th anniversary of the Franklin Institute. Phil., 1874. Constitution and regulations for the government of the com- mittee on science and the arts, 1877. Phil., 1877. Phil., 1885. International electrical exhibition, reports, sections 5, 6, 8, 10- 13, 19, 21-4, 26-7, 29. Phil., 1885. List of duplicates in the library. Phil., 1882. List of duplicates recently added to the library and offered for sale or exchange. Phil. n. d. Official catalogue; "Novelties exhibition." Phil., 1885. Official catalogue of the international electrical exhibition. Phil., 1884. On the efficiency and duration of the incandescent electric lamps. Phil., 1885. Report of the exhibition of American manufactures, v. 27. Phil., 1874. Subject catalogue of the Memorial library of the International electrical exhibition, comp. by E. Hiltebrand. Phil., 1884. ed. Journal of the Franklin institute, monthly, 1826-1900. ed. Pennsylvania: Weather service bureau. Annual report. 1889-96. : Drawing school. Annual report, 1886-7, '90-1. n. p. 1886-91. : Electrical section. Proceedings. Phil., 1892. : Engineers and naval architects, section of. Proceedings. Phil., 1895. Franklin institute of the state of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the mechanic arts. See Franklin Institute. Franklin library association, Franklin {N. H.). Catalogue of books. Cone, 1869. Franklin-street Baptist church, Dover (N. H.). History, articles of faith and government. Dover, 1881. Franklin-street church, Manchester (N. H.). History, 1844- 1894; with the sermons, addresses, and proceedings at the semi-centen- nial anniversary, Oct. 7 and 9. Manch., 1894. Manual, 1856, '64, '7^, '81, '86. Manch., 1856-86. Memorial services on the death of President Garfield, Sept. 25 and 26, i88r. Manch., 1881. 484 AUTHOR LIST. Franklin-Street Sabbath school library, Manchester (N. H.). Cata- logue. Manch., 1857. Manch., 1861. Manch., 1875. Manch., 1877. Manch., 1880. Questions on the life of King David. Manch., 1870. Franklin T. Backus law school. Announcement, 1895-6. Cleve., 1896. Franklin Woman's club, Franklin (N. H.). Year book, 1899-1901. n. p. 1899-1901. Fraser, Alec. Guide to operations on the brain. Lond., 1890. Fraser, D. Collection of select biography. N. Y., 1798. Fraser, James B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia from the earliest ages to the present time. N. Y., 1834. Fraser, John. Aborigines of New South Wales. Sydney, 1892. (N. S. W. commissioners for the World's Columbian exposition.) Fraser, John A., jr., and Sergei, Charles H. Sound money. Chic, 1895- Fraser, John G., D. D. Century of Congregationalism in Cleveland. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 1-44) Frazer, David R., D. D. Memorial; J. F. Stearns; a sermon, n. p. 1889 (?) Frazer, James Gorge, tr. Pausanias. Description of Greece. 1898. Frazer, Persifor. Bibliotics; or. The study of documents, determi- nation of the individual character of handwriting and detection of fraud and forgery. Ed. 3. Phil., 1901. Descriptive table of elements, n. p. 1891. Geological section from Moscow to Siberia and return. {In Acad, of natural sci. of Phil. 1897. p. 405-57-) Joseph Leidy. n. p. n. d. Proposed substitution of the metric for our own system of weights and measures. Phil., 1877. Smelting processes at Frieberg. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1871. v. 14; p. 405-26.) Frazier oil company. Prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Fream, W. Souls and their properties. Ed. 2, rev. Lond., 1895. Frear, W. Evolution of the Hawaiian judiciary. Honolulu, 1894. {In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. i, no. 7.) Freckleton, George, M. D. Outlines of general pathology. Phil., 1839. Fredericq, Paul. Study of history in England and Scotland, tr. by Henrietta Leonard. Bait., 1887. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1887. V. 5, no. 10.) Study of history in Germany and France; tr. by Henrietta Leonard. Bait., 1890. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1890. V. 8, no. 5-6.) Study of history in Holland and Belgium; tr. by Henrietta Leonard. Bait., 1890. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 8, no. TO.) Free and open church association. Annual report, 1875-8, '85-91, '93, '98. V. 1-3, 10-16, 18, 2Z. Phil., 1875-98. Free Baptist register and year book for the year 1825-1900. v. p. 1825-1900. Note : up to 1893 title was Freewill Baptist register. Free Baptist woman's mission society. Appeal and report, 1874-5. V. 1-2. Dover, 1874-5. Free churches. N. Y., 1843. {Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Free library of economics and political science, Philadelphia. Board of directors' annual report, v. i. Phil., 1898. Free religious association. Annual report of the executive com- mittee. V. I. Bost., 1868. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 485 Free religious association. Freedom and fellowship in religion; a collection of essays and addresses. Bost., 1875. Proceedings, 1868, '70-9, '87, '92, '94, '96-1900. v. 1-12, 20, 26, 27, 29-33. Bost, 1868-1900. ■ Report of addresses at a meeting held m Boston, May 30, 1867, to consider the conditions, wants, and prospects of free re- ligion in America. Bost. n. d. Free soilers of 1848. Reunion at Downer landing, Hingham, Mass., Aug. 9, 1877- Bost., 1877. « o^o ^ ^ Reunion at the Parker House, Boston, June 28, 1888. Camb., 1888. Freedley, Edwin T. Philadelphia and its manufactures. Phil., 1858. Freedmen's hospital, Washington {D. C). Report to the Secretary of the interior, 1899-1901. Wash., 1899-1901. Freedom (N. H.). Annual report for the year 1890, '94-5. '97-1902, Freedom, 1894-1902. : School hoard. Report for 1886-7. Freedom, 1887. Note: manuscript report. Freeland, Mary Dewitt. Records of Oxford, Mass., including chap- ters of Nipmuck, Huguenot, and English history from the earli- est date, 1630, with manners and fashions of the times. Alb., 1894. (A) Freeman, pseud. See Moore, J. B. Freeman, A. B., comp. and pub. Lebanon directory. 1882. Freeman, Charles. Account of Limerick. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. V. I ; p. 325-3.S.) Freeman, Daniel, ed. Freeman genealogy. Los Angeles, 1901. Freeman, Edward Augustus. History of Europe. Ed. 2. Bost, 1890. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Introduction to American institutional history. Bait, 1882. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1883. v. i, no. I.) Freeman, Rev. Enoch W., comp. Selection of hymns, including a few originals. Cone, 1831. Exeter, 1831. Freeman, Frederick. Freeman genealogy. Bost., 1875. History of Cape Cod, annals of the thirteen towns of Barn- stable county. 2v. Bost., 1869. Freeman, Rev. George E. Amusements, a sermon to young men, i860. Bost., i860. Freeman, George Washington, hp. Triennial sermon before the Board of domestic and foreign missions, n, p. 1847. {Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Freeman, Maj. H. B. Eighteenth U. S. infantry from Camp Thomas to Murfreesboro. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 106-31.) Freeman, Henry V. Colored brigade in the campaign and battle of Nashville. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Mil- itary essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 399-421.) Some battle recollections of Stone's river. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 227- 46.) Freeman, James, D. D., anon. Character of G. R. Minot. {In Mass. hist soc. Coll. 1802. V. 8; p. 86-109.) anmi. Description and history of Eastham in the county of Barnstable. {In Mass. hist soc. Coll. 1802. v. 8; p. 154-86.) anon. Description of Chatham in the county of Barnstable. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1802. v. 8; p. 142-54.) -anon. Description of Dennis, in the county of Barnstable. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1802. v. 8; p. 129-40.) anon. Description of Duke's county. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1815. V. 13; p. 38-94.) 486 AUTHOR LIST. Freeman, James, D. D., anon. Description of Mashpee, in the county of Barnstable, (hi Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1815. v. 13; anon. Description of Orleans in the county of Barnstable. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1802. v. 8; p. 186-95.) Discourse on the Russian victories, 1813. Camb., 1881. anon. Notes on Nantucket. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1815. V. 13; p. 19-38.) , Freeman, Peyton Randolph. Memorial and remonstrance to the house of representatives of New Hampshire, n. p. 1812. Oration pronounced at Portsmouth, N. H., July 4, 1810. Ports., n. d. • • r 1. Refutation of sundry aspersions in the Vindication of the present trustees of Dartmouth college. Ports., 1816. Freeman, William. Samuel Freeman, his life and services. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 15; p. i-3i-) Freeman, Winfield. Battle of Arickaree. (In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 6; p. 346-57.) Freeman's manual, a text-book for the citizens of New Hampshire. Cone, 1836. Freemasons: Ancient accepted Scottish rite. Valley of Lancaster, N. H., and valley of Littleton, N. H., April 11, 1899. n. p. 1899. : Claremont (N. H.). Masonic directory, 1889, '90-2, '95. Clare., : Free and accepted masons: Blazing star lodge, No. 11. By-laws. Cone, 1870. Cone, 1875. Cone, 1901. Calendar for 1900-1901. Cone, 1900. Committees on centennial celebration. Cone, 1899. : Free and accepted masons: Burns lodge, No. 66. Petition for dis- pensation, etc. Littleton, 1896. : Free and accepted masons: Eureka lodge, No. 70. By-laws. Cone, i860. Cone, 1869. Calendar for 1900-1901. Cone, 1900. : Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Maine. Exercises at the 75th anniversary. May 8, 1895. Portl., 1895. : Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Massachusetts. Report of the committee to whom was referred the memorial of Monta- cute lodge, Dec. 14, 1870. Bost, 1871. : Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of New Hampshire. Con- stitution, adopted at their annual communication, June, 1851. Cone, 1851. Constitution. Manch., 1869. Cone, 1896. Journal of proceedings, 1825, '31, '36, '39-41. v. p. 1825-41. Proceedings, 1789-1901. v. p. 1860-1901. Regulations. Cone, 1823. Cone, 1828. Report of the committee on jurisprudence. Manch., 1885. : Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Ahiman rezon, or. Book of the constitution, rules, and regulations. Phil., 1857. Phil., 1868. Ceremonies for the dedication of the new masonic temple in the city of Philadelphia. Phil., 1873. Proceedings at a grand quarterly communication in reference to the death of J. L. Goddard. Phil., 1867. Proceedings at the quarterly communication in reference to the death of James Hutchinson. Phil., 1873. Proceedings. 1830-? pt. 1-2; '51, '53, '54, '56-65, '69, '73, '75, '79- 1900. Phil., 1852-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 487 Freemasons: Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Reprint of the minutes, 1779 to 1839. 7v. Phil., 1895. • Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Tennessee. Annual proceedings, 1863-5, '^7, '72, '72>, '75, '77-99- Nashville, 1865-99- • Free and accepted masons: Grand lodge of Vermont. Proceedings, 1861, '63, '67, '68, '70-3, '7^, '78, '80-1901. Burlington, 1861-1901. : Free and accepted masons: Hiram lodge, No. 9. By-laws. Clare., 1879. : Free and accepted masans: Lafayette lodge, No. 41. Burial ser- vice of the Master mason. Manch., 1876. By-laws. Manch., 1857. Manch., 1866. Manch., 1867. Manch., 1872. Manch., 1885. List of members. Manch., 1870. : Free and accepted masons: Meridian lodge. No. 77. Fiftieth anni- versary. Meriden, 1901. : Free and accepted masons: Moses Paul lodge, No. g6. By-laws. n. p. 1889. : Free and accepted masons: Mount Moriah lodge, No. 22. By-laws. Enfield, 1823. : Free and accepted masons: Mount Vernon lodge. No. 15. Code of by-laws. Newport, 1884. : Free and accepted masons: North star lodge. No. 8. St. John's day, Monday, June 24, 1889, dedication of the new masonic tem- ple. Bost., 1889. Bost., 1889. : Free and accepted masons: Phoenix lodge. No. 130. Memorial of E. P. Lescure. Phil. n. d. Memorial of J. U. Ciller. Phil., 1878. : Free and accepted masons: St. Paul's lodge. Fiftieth anniversary, March 30, 1897. Bost., 1899. : Free and accepted masons: St. PauFs lodge. No. 30. By-laws. Keene, 1862. : Free and accepted masons: St. Peter's lodge. No. 31. By-laws. Cone, 1870. : Free and accepted masons: Social Friends lodge, No. 42. By-laws and rules of order. Keene, 1881. : Free and accepted masons: Star in tlie East lodge. No. sg. By- laws with the charter, extracts from the constitution of the grand lodge and list of members. Exeter, 1867. In memory of C. M. Dinsmore, Exeter, N. H. Exeter, 1895. : Free and accepted masons: Strafford lodge, No. 29. By-laws. Dover, i860. : Free and accepted masons: Supreme grand lodge of the U. S. Proceedings of a convention to form a supreme grand lodge for the United States. Bait., 1847. : Free and accepted masons: Washington lodge No. 61. By-laws. Manch., 1857. Manch., 1870. : Free and accepted masons: Winslow Lewis lodge. By-laws. Bost., 1867. : Knights templar. Service for Ascension day. Chic, 1892. : Knights templar: Division No. i of the commander ies of Pennsyl- vania. Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, divine service under the auspices of commanderies of Knight templar. Phil., 1901. : Knights templar: Grand commandery of New Hampshire. Grand constitution. Manch., 1869. Proceedings, 1826-190T. v. 1-7; v. 8, pt. 1-4. Manch., 1879- 1901. 488 AUTHOR LIST. Freemasons: Knights templar: Grand commandery of New Hampshire. Proceedings, 1860-8. v. p. 1861-9. Note : original ed. Statutes and regulations, n. p. 1896. : Knights templar: Grand commandery of Ohio. Proceedings, 1854-78. Dayton, 1873-7. : Knights templar: Grand commandery of the state of Vermont. Pro- ceedings. V. 2)7, 40- Montp., 1879-82. : Knights templar: Grand encampment of the U. S. Proceedings of the triennial conclave, v. 16, 22, 24-7. v. p. 1865-98. : Knights templar: Mount Horeb commandery. List of officers and members, 1896. Cone, 1896. : Knights templar: Philadelphia commandery, No. 2. Installation of officers, 1901. Phil., 1901. : Knights templar: St. Paul commandery. Memorial service, Dover, July 9, 1880. Dover, 1880. Memorial service at Dover, July 9, 1890. Dover, 1890. : Knights templar: Trinity commandery. Charter and by-laws. Manch., 1878. : Maine council of deliberation. Proceedings, 1871, '78, '86-1900. Portl.,^ 1871-1900. : New Hampshire council of deliberation. Proceedings, 1897. Nashua, 1897. : Royal and select masters: Adoniram council, No. 3. Charters and by-laws. Manch., 1865. Dispensation, charters, and by-laws. Manch., 1875. : Royal and select masters: General grand council of the U. S. Pro- ceedings at the triennial assembly, 1883-T900. v. p. 1883-1900. : Royal and select masters: Grand council of the state of Neiv Hamp- shire. Constitution. Cone, 1896. Proceedings, 1862-1901. v. p. 1879-1901. : Royal and select masters: Grand council of the state of Vermont. Proceedings, v. 2, no. i. Burlington, 1879. : Royal and select masters: Grand lodge of New Jersey. Proceed- ings. V. 26. Trenton, 1884. : Royal and select masters: Orphan council. No. i. By-laws. n. p. n. d. : Royal arch masons: Chapter of the state of Vermont. Proceed- ings, 1876, '78. V. p. 1876-8. Proceedings at the annual convocation, 1871, '75, '78, '83-6. V. p. 1871-83. : Royal arch masons: General grand chapter of the U. S. Proceed- ings at the triennial convocation, v. 21. Buffalo, 1871. : Royal arch masons: Grand chapter of the state of New Hampshire. Journal of the proceedings at the annual convocation, 1826, '28, '36, '38. Cone, 1826-38. Proceedings, 1818-1901. Manch., 1869-1901. Regulations, 1827. Cone, 1827. : Royal arch masons: Grand chapter of Pennsylvania. In memo- riam, J. M. Read; James Simpson; Rev. R. H. Pattison. Phil, n. d. In memoriam, S. H. Perkins. Phil., 1874. Proceedings of the quarterly grand communications in refer- ence to the death of John Wilson. Phil., 1873. : Royal arch masons: Grand chapter of the state of Ohio. Proceed- ings, 1816-78. V. p. 1872-76. : Royal arch masons: Mt. Horeb chapter. By-laws. Manch., 1858. Manch., 1868. Manch., 1873. Manch., 1898. : Royal arch masons: Trinity chapter. By-laws. Cone, 1807. : Royal arch masons: Washington chapter. By-laws, instituted Jan. 31, 1816, revised Nov. 15, 1826. Ports., 1827. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 489 Freemasons: Royal arch masons: Webb chapter. By-laws. Clare, n. d. : Supreme grand council. Minutes of proceedings, 1855-6, '59, '61. Bost, 1855-61. See also Masonic veteran associations, and Order of the East- ern star. Freemason's almanac for the year 1865. N. Y., 1865. Freewill Baptist, pseud. Letter to the Rev. J. Butler, containing a review of his "Friendly letters to a lady"; together with a gen- eral outline of the doctrine of the Freewill Baptists. Limerick, 1832. Free-will Baptist anti-slavery society. Annual report, 1847, '49. Dover, 1848-50. Freewill Baptist church. Annual report of the financial secretary of the Foreign mission, Home missions, and Educations soci- eties, 1877-8. V. 1-2. Dover, 1877-8. Freewill Baptist education society. Annual report, 1841-9, '71, '74-8. V. i-io, 32, 35-9. Dover, 1841-78. Freewill Baptist foreign mission society. Annual report, 1874-8. V. 41-5. Dover, 1874-8. Missionary candidates' manual. Dover, 1857. ed. Freewill Baptist missionary. 1840. Freewill Baptist home mission society. Annual report, 1838, '75-8. V. 4, 41-4. Dover, 1838-78. Freewill Baptist missionary; for the Freewill Baptist foreign mis- sion society, no. 2. Dover, 1840. Freewill Baptist quarterly magazine, v. 1-2, 5, 9-17. Dover, 1839- 69. Fremont, Maj.-gen. John Charles. First ascent of Fremont's Peak. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; gen. ser. no. 45.) Geographical memoir upon upper California, in illustration of his map of Oregon and California, addresses! to the senate of the U. S. Wash., 1848. Report of an exploration of the country lying between the Missouri river and the Rocky mts., on the line of the Kansas and great Platte rivers. Wash., 1843. Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mts. in the year 1842 and to Oregon and North Carolina in 1843-4. Wash., 1845. Fremont (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1869, '76, '81-5, '87-1902. Exeter, 1869-1902. : Public library. Catalogue. Exeter, 1894. Fremont (O.). See Sandusky county soldiers' monumental associ- ation. French, A. D. Weld. County records of the surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, in England, 1 100-1350. Bost., 1896. French, Benjamin Franklin. Historical collections of Louisiana. 5v. N. Y., 1846-53. Note : v. 4 wanting. French, Maj. Christopher. Journal, 1776. (In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. i860. V. i; p. 189-225.) French, Frances Graham. Education in Russia. (In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1890-1. v. i. 1894. p. 195-262.) Education in Russia. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. V. I. 1896. p. 385-412.) Education in Sweden. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1891-2. V. I. 1894. P- 423-49.) Education in Uruguay. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1892-3. V. 2. 1895. p. 337-55-) Educational status of women in different countries. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5. v. i. 1896. p. 893- 976.) 490 AUTHOR LIST. French, Frances Graham. Educational system of Denmark. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. i. 1893. p. 519-48.) Educational system of Japan. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1890-1. v. i. 1894. p. 263-317.) Educational system of Norway. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. i. 1893. p. 475-5I7-) French, Frederick W. Catalogue of the collection of dramatic and literary autographs. Bost., 1901. Catalogue of his valuable private library. Bost., 1901. French, George B., ed., anon. Class of '72 with its lights and shades of Freshman year. n. p. n. d. French, Rev. George H. Historical discourse commemorative of the 50th anniversary of the Evangelical Congregational church, Charlestown, N. H., Aug. 2, 1885. Clare., n. d. French, Henry F. Farm drainage, the principles, processes, and effects of draining land. N. Y., 1859. French, J. B. Early recollections of an Old Resident. (In Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 252-63.) French, J. H. Gazetteer of the state of New York. Ed. 8. N. Y., i860. French, J. Homer, ed. Adams, Daniel, M. D. Book-keeping. 1849. French, James M., M. D. Treatment of alcoholism, n. p. 1897. French, John, and Frost, Edwin B., ed. Decennial report of the class of '86 of Dartmouth college. Nashua, 1896. French, John C. Grace Fletcher, n. p. n. d. (In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1897. v. i; p. 73-80.) New Hampshire branch of the society of the Cincinnati. n. p. 1893 (?) French, Jonas H. Argument upon the lease of the Eastern railroad to the Boston and Maine railroad. Bost, 1883. French, Jonathan, D. D. Address delivered before the Rockingham sacred music society at Portsmouth, May 8, 1816. Exeter, 1816. Christ, the believer's life; a discourse at the funeral of Mrs. Harriot Putnam. Ports., 1832. Discourse delivered in the South meeting house in Ports- mouth, N. H., July 31, 1805. Ports., 1805. Historical notices of the Piscataqua association. Bost., 1850. Practical discourse against extortion. Bost., 1777. Reminiscences of a fifty years' pastorate; a half century dis- course delivered in North Hampton, N. H., Nov. 18, 1851. Ports., 1852. Sermon at the installation of Rev. E. P. Sperry. Ports., 1820. Sermon before the Exeter society for the reformation of mor- als, 1815. Exeter, 1816. Sermon delivered at the funeral of Rev. Federal Burt. Ports., 1828. Sermon preached before the governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hampshire, June 6, 1822, being the anniversary election. Cone, 1822. (In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61.) French, William M., comp. Life, speeches, state papers, and public services of O. P. Morton. Indianapolis, n. d. French, William Riley, D. D. History of Turner, Me. Portl., 1887. French Protestant (Huguenot) church in the city of Charleston, S. C. n. p. n. d. Frere, Sir Henry Bartle Edward. Historical sketch of South Africa. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 1-60. v. 14; p. 221-84.) Frere, Mary E. I. Sir Bartle Frere. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. V. 13; p. 153-88, 293-304.) Frerichs, Friedrich Theodor, M. D. Clinical treatise of the diseases of the liver; tr. by Charles Murchison. 3v. N. Y., 1879. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 491 Fretz, Rev. A. J. Genealogical record of the descendants of Henry Stauffer and other Staufifer pioneers. Harleysville, 1899. Frey, Charles. Souvenir of Concord, N. H. Portl., n. d. Frey, Heinrich, M. D. Histology and histochemistry of man; tr. fr. the 4th German ed. by A. E. J. Barker. N. Y., 1875- Microscope and microscopical technology; tr. fr. the German and ed. by G. R. Cutter; fr. the 4th and last German edition. N. Y., 1872. Frey, S. L. Mohawks; an inquiry into their origin, migrations, and influence upon the white settlers. {In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1898. no. 8; p. 5-41) Notes on Arendt van Corlaer's Journal. {In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1898. no. 8; p. 42-8.) Friday club, Littleton {N. H.). Calendar, 1896-7. Littleton, 1896. Friedenreich, P. C. Denmark. Kjobenhaven, i860. Note : scale 3 miles to 1 inch. Friedenwald, Aaron, M. D. Jewish physicians and the contribu- tions of the Jews to the science of medicine. {In Gratz college. Pub. 1897. V. i; p. 105-65.) Friedenwald, Herbert. Continental congress. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 227-36.) Historical manuscripts in the Library of congress. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 35-45-) Jews mentioned in the Continental congress. {In Amer. Jew- ish hist. soc. Pub. 1892-3. v. i; p. 65-89. v. 2; p. Z-27-) Journal and papers of the Continental congress. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 13; pt. i; p. 83-135.) Material for the history of the Jews in the British West In- dies. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 5; p. 45-101.) Some newspaper advertisements of the i8th century. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. 6; p. 49-59.) ;- comp. United States: Library of congress. Calendar of Wash- ington Manuscripts in the Library of congress. 1901. Friedlieb, Johann Eduard. Watering-place of Homburg v. d. Hohe. Homburg, 1873. Friend, John, M. D. Nine commentaries upon fevers; tr. by Thomas Dale. Lond., 1730. Friend at court, a magazine of law and literature, devoted mainly to department matters; pub. monthly, v. i; v. 2, no. 2-6. Wash., 1896-8. Friends, Society of. Address of the representatives of the society on behalf of the Indians. Phil., 1891. Address on the subject of slavery. N. Y., 1852. Ancient testimony of the religious society of Friends, com- monly called Quakers, respecting some of their Christian doc- trine and practices. Phil., 1843. — Phil., 1878. Bi-centennial anniversary of the meeting-house at Merion, Penn. Phil., 1895. Brief account of the proceedings of the committee appointed in the year 1795 by the yearly meeting of Friends of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, etc., for promoting the improvement and gradual civilization of the Indian natives. Ed. 2. Phil., 1805, Epistle to the members of the yearly meeting of Friends held in Philadelphia. Phil., 1863. Essay on the subject of music. Phil., 1852. General epistle from the yearly meeting, held in London, 1871-2, '75, '78. New Bedford, 1872-8. Historical account of the various meeting houses in Boston. Bost., 1874. Memorials of deceased Friends of New England yearly meet- ing. New Bedford, 1868. 492 AUTHOR LIST. Friends, Society of. Plea in behalf of peace. Phil., 1900. Rules of discipline and advices of the yearly meeting. Phil., 1894. Summary of the history, doctrine, and discipline of the Society of Friends. N. Y., 1833. . Testimony and views of Friends concerning the Scriptures. Phil, 1848. : Philadelphia yearly meeting. Brief sketch of its efforts to pro- mote the civilization and improvement of the Indians. Phil., 1866. Friends academy. New Bedford (Mass.). Catalogue, 1840- 1. Cone, 1841. Friend's first-day school general conference. Proceedings, v. 20. Phil., 1896. (In Swarthmore conferences, 1896. Proceed. 1896.) Friends' religious conference. Proceedings of the 2d session, v. 2. Phil., 1896. (In Swarthmore conferences, 1896. Proceed. 1896.) Friends school, Providence (R. I.). Proceedings at the unveiling of a bust of John Bright, March 28, 1884. Prov., 1898. Friends' union for philanthropic labor. Proceedings, v. 9. Phil., 1896. (In Swarthmore conferences, 1896. Proceed. 1896.) Frieze, Jacob, anon. Facts for the people. Bost. n. d. Frink, C. S., M. D. Organization of the surgical department in the field, and the experience of its officers in the battle of Frank- lin. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. V. 4; p. 418-28.) Frink, Henry AUyn. Address commemorative of R. H. Mather. Amh., 1890. Frink, J. S. H., and Chase, Ira A. Water title and rights, n. p. n. d. Frisbee, Oliver Libby. Year book of Paul Jones club of the Sons of the American revolution at Portsmouth, H. H., 1897. Ports., n. d. Frisbie, Rev. A. L. Martial spirit a factor of the best national life. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. V. i; p. 172-82.) Frisbie, Barnes. History of Middletown, Vt., in three discourses before^ the citizens of that town. Rutl., 1867. Joslin, Joseph, and Ruggles, Frederick. History of the town of Poultney, Vt. 1875. Frisbie, Jesse Frank, M. D. Franconia flume; the causes that led to its formation. Newton, 1883. Frisbie, Levi. Inaugural address delivered in the chapel of the university at Cambridge, Nov. 5, 1817. Ed. 2. Camb., 1818. Frissell, Hollis Burke, D. D. "Finished, yet just begun"; bacca- laureate sermon, May 19, 1890. Hampton, 1890. and Bevier, Isabel. Dietary studies of Negroes in eastern Vir- ginia in 1897 and 1898. Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Exper. station, office of. Bulletin, no. 71.) Frisselle, Frank M. Kismet poems. Manch., 1898. Fritsch, Heinrich, M. D. Diseases of women; a manual for physi- cians and students; tr. by Isidor Furst. N. Y., 1883. Fritts, Charles R. On the Fritts selenium cells and batteries. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 2>Z\ p. 97-108.) Frobel, Friedrich August Wilhelm. Autobiography; tr. and anno- tated by Emile Michaelis and H. K. Moore. Syracuse, 1889. Education of man; tr. by W. N. Hailmann. N. Y., 1899. (In- ternational education series, no. 5.) Pedagogics of the kindergarten; or. His ideas concerning the play and playthings of the child, tr. by Josephine Jarvis. N. Y., 1899. (International education series, no. 30.) Froissart, Jean. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries in the 14th century. 2v. Lond., 1889. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 493 Froissart, Jean. N. Y., n. d. r >t tt i.- Txr Frontier gazette. Fish and game laws of New Hampshire. W. Stewartstown, 1898. , . r tt • j o Frossard, Edward, and Hays, W. W. Varieties of United States cents of the year 1794. N. Y., 1893. Frost, Albert E., ed. Class of '72, Dartmouth college, report, no. 1-2. Allegheny City, 1873-4. Class report, '72. Pittsb., 1878. Frost, Anna P. Address written for the Ladies' literary society in commemoration of Miss R. Smith. Newbury, 1844. Frost, Charles C, and Tuckerman, Edward. Catalogue of plants growing without cultivation within thirty miles of Amherst col- lege. Amh., 1875. Frost, Edwin B., and French, John, ed. Decennial report of the class of '86 of Dartmouth college. 1896. Frost, Edwin Brant, tr. Scheiner, J. Treatise on astronomical spectroscopy. 1894. Frost, John. Oration delivered at the request of the citizens of Durham, N. H., July 4, 1805. Ports., 1805. Frost, John. d. 1842. Oration delivered at Middlebury before the associated alumni of the college. Utica, 1829. {Bound with Davis, A. Discovery of N. E., 1845.) Frost, John, 1800-59. History of the state of California; from the conquest by Spain to her occupation by the United States. N. Y., 1857. Thrilling adventures among the Indians. Phil., 1850. ed. Home, Henry, Lord Karnes. Abridgment of Elements of criticism. 1833. Frost, John. 1728-1810. Diary, May-November, 1760. n. p. 1899. Frost free library, Marlborough (N. H.). Catalogue, 1867. Bost., 1867. Frostenden (Eng.). Parish registers, n. p. 1887. Frothingham, Arthur Lincoln. Philosophy of art. (In Amer. jour. of archaeology. 1894. v. 9; p. 165-201.) Frothingham, Arthur Lincoln, 1859-. Byzantine artists in Italy from the 6th to the 15th century. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1894. V. 9; p. 32-52. V. 10; p. 152-208.) Early bronzes recently discovered on Mount Ida in Krete. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1888. v. 4; p. 431-49.) Introduction of Gothic architecture into Italy. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1890. v. 6; p. 10-46. v. 7; p. 432-9.) Notes on Christian mosaics. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1885-8. V. i; p. 351-7- V. 2; p. 414-23. V. 4; p. 127-48.) Notes on Roman artists of the Middle ages. (In Amer. jour. of archaeology. 1889-92. v. 5; p. 182-8. v. 6; p. 307-13. v. 7; p. 38-53. V. 8; p. 437-47.) Revival of sculpture in Europe in the 13th century. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1885. v. i; p. 34-45, 372-84.) Frothingham, Charles W. Six hours in a convent. Ed. 13. Bost., 1855. Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon, D. D. Believer's rest. Bost., 1843. Bible educating the human race, sermon at the ordination of Edgar Buckingham. Bost., 1836. Farewell sermon preached to the First church on resigning its pastoral charge. 1850. Bost., 1850. Memoir of T. M. Harris. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854, V. 32; p. 130-55.) Sermon preached in King's chapel, Aug. 6, 1843, the Sunday after the funeral of the Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. Bost., 1843. Frothington, Rev. Octavius Brooks. Colonization. N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 3.) 494 * AUTHOR LIST. Frothington, Rev. Octavius Brooks. Eternal life, discourse deliv- ered in the North church, Salem, 1855. Salem, 1855. Memoir of Francis Parkman. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. V. 28; p. 520-62.) Memoir of G. E. Ellis. Camb., 1895. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 207-55.) Memoir of Rev. James Walker. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1891. V. 26; p. 443-68.) Frothingham, Richard. Battle-field of Bunker Hill, with a relation of the action by William Prescott. Bost., 1876. — {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1875. v. 14; p. 53-83-) Centennial; battle of Bunker Hill vi^ith a view of Charlestown in 1775. Bost, 1875- Command in the battle of Bunker Hill, with a reply to "Re- marks on Frothingham's History." Bost., 1850. History of Charlestown, Mass. Bost., 1845. ■ History of the siege of Boston and of the battle of Lexing- ton, Concord, and Bunker Hill. Ed. 4. Bost., 1873. ■ Illustrations of the siege of Boston. Bost., 1876. Remarks relating to the siege of Boston. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1876. v. 14; p. 261-98.) Tribute to T. S. King. Bost., 1865. Froude, James Anthony. Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. N. Y., 1891. ■ History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Elizabeth. I2v. N. Y., 1890. Fruit experiment stations of Ontario. Annual report, v. 6-7. To- ronto, 1900-1. Fruit-growers' association of Ontario. Annual report, v. 31-2. Toronto, 1900-1. ed. Fruit experiment stations of Ontario. Annual report. 1 900- 1. Fry, Benjamin St. James. Lives of bishops Whatcoat, M'Kendree, and George, ed. by D. P. Kidder. N. Y., 1852. Frye, Alexander Everett. Complete geography. Bost., 1895. Frye, Col. James A. First regiment Mass. heavy artillery. Best., 1899. Frye, William P. Speech before the Home market club, Boston, Oct. 19, 1887. {In Home market club. Labor abroad. 1894. p. 3-16.) Fryeburg (Me.). Centennial celebration with the historical address by Samuel Souther. Wore, 1863. Fuchs, Edmond. Note sur la constitution des gites de phosphate de chaux et sur les conditions speciales de gisement de ceux du nord de la France. Nancy, 1887. ~ Notice nechrologique sur M. A.-E. Beguyer de Chancourtois, inspector general des mines. Par., 1887. Fuentes Chinchilla, Andres. Apuntes sobre el cultivo del tabaco. San Jose, 1896. Full and graphic account of the terrible Mill river disaster in Hampshire county, Mass., May 16, 1874. Springf., 1874. Fuller, Andrew Gunton. Memoirs of the Rev. Andrew Fuller. {In Fuller, Rev. A. Complete works. 1837. v. i; pref. p. 9-166.) Fuller, Andrew S. Forest tree culturist. N. Y., 1869. Grape culturist. New ed. rev. N. Y., 1896. Nut culturist. N. Y., 1896. Propagation of plants. N. Y., 1897. Fuller, Rev. Arthur Buckminster. Discourse in vindication of Uni- tarianism from popular charges against it. Manch., 1848. Discourse occasioned by the death of R. H. Ayer. Manch., 1853. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 495 Fuller, Rev. Arthur Buckminster. Historical discourse delivered in the new North church, Oct. i, 1854- Bost, 1854. Manual of Christian doctrines and institutions. Bost., 1850. Fuller, G. A., ed. Modern age series. Fuller, Henry H., M. D. H. H. Fuller. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1880. v. i; p. 410-22.) Fuller, Henry William, M. D. On rheumatism, rheumatic gout, and sciatica; from the last Lond. edition. Phil., 1864. Fuller, Homer T. Progress of technical education, including a quarter-century review of the work of the Worcester polytechnic institute. Wore, 1894. Fuller, Brig.-gen. John W. Our Kirby Smith. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 161-79.) Fuller, Levi K. Message to the general assembly, Oct. session, 1892. Montp., 1892. Message to the general assembly, Oct. session, 1894. Montp., 1894. Fuller, Melville Weston. Address in commemoration of the inaugu- ration of George Washington as president. Wash., 1890. Anniversary address. {In Bowdoin college. Bowdoin college; 1794-1894. 1894. p. 27-60.) Fuller, Oliver Payson. History of Warwick, R. I. Prov., 1875. Fuller, Richard, and Jeter, J. B., comp. Psalmist; a new collection of hymns for the use of the Baptist churches. Bost., i860. Fuller, Richard F. Chaplain Fuller, being a life sketch of a N. E. clergyman and army chaplain. Bost., 1863. Fuller, Robert. Account of the imprisonment and sufferings of Robert Fuller of Cambridge. Bost, 1833. Fuller, Samuel, D. D. Loutron; or. Water baptism. Clare., 1858. Rationalistic development. {In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1855. p. 189-224.) Fuller, Thomas, D. D. Good thoughts in bad times, good thoughts in worse times, mixt contemplations in better times. Lond., 1841. Fuller, Thomas, M. D. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea; or, A body of medicines. Ed. 3, enl. Lond., 1719. Pharmacoepia extemporanea; sive, Praescriptorum sylloge in qua remediorum elegantium. Ed. 4, enl. Londini, 1708. Fuller, Valancy E. St. Lambert family of Jerseys, n. p. n. d. Fuller, Capt. W. G. Corps of telegraphers under Gen. Anson Stager during the war of the Rebellion. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 392-402.) Fuller, William. Brief discovery of the true mother of the pre- tended Prince of Wales, known by the name of Mary Grey. Edin., 1883. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1696. Fuller public library, Hillsborough (AT. //.). Catalogue. Hillsborough Bridge, 1889. Supplemental catalogue, n. p. 1890. n. p. 1893. Supplement, n. p. 1895. Fullerton, Alexander. How you may aid civil service reform. Phil. n. d. Fullerton, Anna M., M. D. Handbook of obstetrical nursing. Ed. 2. Phil., 1891. Fiillgraff, Otto, ed. Bond street homeopathic dispensary. Annual report. 1864. Fullonton, Joseph. History of Acton, Me. Dover., 1847. History of Raymond, N. H. Dover., 1875. Fulmore, Z. T. History of Texas geography. {In Tex. state hist, soc. Quarterly. 1898. v. i; p. 9-25.) 496 AUTHOR LIST. Fulton, James Alexander. Peach culture. New ed. rev. N. Y., 1895. Fulton, John, D. D., ed. Ten epochs of church history. Funk, Isaac K., D. D., ed. Standard dictionary of the English lan- guage. N. Y., 1896. Furber, Daniel L., D. D. Religion and education in a republic; a sermon delivered at the annual election, King's chapel, Boston, Jan. 5, 1881. Ed. 2. Bost, 1881. Furber, T. F. Trigonometrical survey of New South Wales. Syd- ney, 1898. Furey, Francis T., tr. Farmer, Ferdinand. Father Farmer's mar- riage register, 1758-1786. 1889. tr. Schneider. Father Schneider's Goshenhoppen registers, 1 741 -1 764. 1889. Furman, Gabriel, ed. Denton, Daniel. Brief description of New York. 1845. Furman, Guido, M. D., ed. Medical register of New York, New Jer- sey, and Connecticut. 1866. Furnas, Robert Wilkinson, ed. Nebraska historical society. Trans- actions. 1882. Furness, Henry B. Sketch of Fred C. Jones post, No. 401. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept: Fred C. Jones post, No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 1-15.) Furness, William Eliot. Negro as a soldier. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 457- 87.) Siege of Fort Wagner. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. com- mandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 211-29.) Furness, William Henry, D. D. Brief statement of the Christian view of the atonement. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 221.) Genius of Christianity. Bost., 1830. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 35.) Bost., 1832. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 35-) Furst, Isidor, tr. Tritsch, Heinrich, M. D. Diseases of women. 1883. Further quseries upon the present state of the New English affairs. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1868. v. i; p. 193- 208.) Fustel de Coulangers, Numa Denis. Origin of property in land; tr. by Margaret Ashley. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser. no. 31.) Futhey, John Smith. Historical discourse delivered on the occa- sion of the 150th anniversary of the Upper Octorara Presby- terian church, Chester county, Pa., Sept. 14, 1870. Phil., 1870. William Darlington. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. V. 5; p. 202-20.) Fyfe, Andrew, M. D. Elements of chemistry; with additions by J. W. Webster. Bost, 1827. G., R. Virginia's cure; or. An advisive narrative concerning Vir- ginia. Lond., 1662. (In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1844. v. 3.) Gabb, William More. On the topography and geology of Santo Domingo. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1881. p. 49-259.) Synopsis of the mollusca of the cretaceous formation, n. p. 1861. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 497 Gabb, William More, and Horn, George Henry, M. D. Monograph of the fossil polyzoa of the secondary and tertiary formations of North America, n. p. n. d. Gadow, Hans. Amphibia and reptiles. N. Y. 1901. ■ and Newton, Alfred, ed. Dictionary of birds. 1893-6. Gaffield, Thomas. Action of sunlight on glass. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 333-43-) Gage, Alfred Payson. Elements of physics. New ed. Bost., 1899. Introduction to physical science. Bost., 1898. 1000 exercises in physics. Bost., 1890. Physical technics; or, Teacher's manual of physical manipula- tion. Bost, 1890. Principles of physics. Bost, 1897. Gage, Hale, pseud., anon. Brookline, past and present, n. p. n. d. Hollis bible. New ed. n. p. 1893. Gage, James R. On the occurrence of iron ores in Missouri. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1878. v. 3; p. 181-92.) Results of investigations of Indian mounds. (In Acad, of sci. of St Louis. Trans. 1878. v. 3; p. 226-34.) Gage, Matilda Joslyn, Stanton, Elizabeth Cady» and Anthony, Susan Brownell. History of woman suffrage. 1881. Gage, Simon Henry. Address; the comparative physiology of res- piration. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. V. 41; p. 183-96.) Gage, Thomas. History of Rowley, anciently including Bradford, Boxford, and Georgetown, from the year 1639 to the present time, with an address at the celebration of the 2d centennial anniversary of its settlement by Rev. James Bradford. Bost, 1840. Gage, William C. "Switzerland of America," a popular guide book to the scenery of New Hampshire. Manch., 1875. Rev. ed. Manch., 1878. Gage, Rev. William Leonard. Discourse occasioned by the death of Dr. W. F. Chamberlin. Manch., 1857. Home of God's people. Hartf., 1872. Isles of Shoals in summer time. Hartf., 1875. Land of sacred mystery; or. The Bible read in the light of its own scenery. Hartf., 1871. Spirit of human liberty, as one among the* democratic issues of Christianity. Manch., 1856. Spiritual life, its neglect, its growth, and its rightful supremacy. Manch., 1858. Note : p. 7-10 wanting. Trinitarian sermons preached to a Unitarian congregation. Bost, 1859. tr. Ritter, Carl. Comparative geography. 1865. ed. Zorlin, R. W. Physical geography. 1855. 1856. Gage and Forsaith, pub. Manchester directory. 1850. Gager, Edwin B. Statement of facts and argument against divi- sion of the town of Derby. N. H., 1889. Gagini, Carlos. Diccionario de barbarismos y provincialismos de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1893. comp. Vocabulario de las escuelas. San Jose, 1897. -and Pittier, Henri. Ensayo lexicografico sobre la lengua de Terraba. 1892. Gailor Thomas Frank, D. D. Event of all time; a sermon preached in Christ church, Hartford, Conn. Hartf., 1892. Gairdner, James. Fall of Cardinal Woolsey. (In Royal hist soc. Trans. 1899. v. 23; p. 75-102.) Galabm, Alfred Lewis, M. D., ed. Obstetrical journal, v. 5, 7. 1877-80. ^* ^ 32 498 AUTHOR LIST. Galbraith, John. Groundwork of dynamics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 163-73.) Galbraith, S. J. Vanilla culture as practiced in the Seychelles Islands. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of.: Botany, div. of. Bulletin no. 21.) Gale home for aged and destitute women. Charter, by-laws, rules, and regulations. Cone, 1895. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Annual report, v. 8, 14-15, 17. Chic, 1855-64. Communication of the directors to the stockholders relative to the Cedar Rapids & Missouri river railroad, July 2, i860. Chic, i860. Documents submitted to the stockholders in relation to the leasing of the Chicago, Fulton & Mississippi railroad bridge, at Fulton, 1858. Chic, 1858. Galignani, Jean Antoine. Galignani's new Paris guide. Par., 1846. and Herve, Peter. New pictures of Paris. 1829. Galitius, Antonius Maria. Dilucidatio speculi apologetici. n. p. 1653. Note : t. p. wanting. Galitzin, Demetrius Augustine. See Gallitzin, Demetrius Augus- tine. Gallatin, Albert. Autobiography, 1798. (In Me. hist, soc Coll. 1859. V. 6; p. 93-I03-) ■ Hale's Indians of North-west America. (In Amer. ethnolog- ical soc. Trans. 1848. v. 2; 180+130P.) Notes on the semi-civilized nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. (In Amer. ethnological soc. Trans. 1845. V. i; p. I-354-) Peace with Mexico. N. Y., 1847. Sketch of the finances of the tjnited States. N. Y., 1796. Gallatin valley gazetteer and Bozeman city directory, 1892-3. v. i. Bozeman, 1892. Gallaudet, Edward Miner. Evidence of Gallaudet presented to the Royal commission of the United kingdom on the condition of the blind and the deaf and dumb. (In Gordon, Joseph C, ed. Education of deaf children. 1892. pt. i.) Family of Priuli, also called Prioli, Priolo, Prioleau. (In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Proceed. 1888-91. v. 2; p. 299-321.) Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas H. Sermon on the duty and advantages of affording instructions to the deaf and dumb. Cone, 1824. Gallaudet college. Announcement; 1866, '68-9, '71-2, '75-6, '79-80, '82-3, '91-2, '94-5, '96-7. Wash., 1866-97. Circular; 1867-8, '73-5, '76-7, '78-9, '80-2, '83-6, '87-9, '95-6, '97-9- n. p. 1867-99. Gallinger, Jacob Henry, M. D. American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley and proposed tariff revision; speeches in the senate. May 16, 17, 19, 1894, and May 27, 1896. N. Y., 1896. and May 10, 1900. N. Y., 1900. Cuba; a land of starvation and sorrow; speech in the senate, March 23, 1898. Wash., 1898. . For Cuban independence; speech in the senate, Feb. 28, 1896. n. p. n. d. Honest elections; New England vs. Georgia; speech in the house of representatives, Jan. 25, 1887. Wash., 1887. In memoriam, J. A. Logan — A. F. Pike; remarks in congress, Feb. 16 and 22, 1887. Wash., 1887. Labor riots and the tariff; speech in the senate, July 8, 1892. Wash., 1892. National and state issues; republicans vs. democrats. Cone, 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 499 Gallinger, Jacob Henry, M. D. National sanitarium for the treat- ment of pulmonary diseases; remarks in the senate, April ii, 1892. Wash., 1892. Pension question; speech in the senate, Sept. 4, 1893. Wash., 1893. Policy of protection; speech in the senate. May 10, 1900. n. p. 1900. Proposed tariff revision; speech in the senate. May 27, 1896. Wash., 1896. Question of seeds; remarks in the senate, Jan. 30, 1896. Wash., 1896. Regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors; remarks in the senate, Feb., 1893. Wash., 1893. Remarks on free lumber, free jute bagging, and free wool, in the house of representatives. May 31, June 13, and July 19, 1888. Wash., 1888. Revenue bill; speech in the senate, April 20, 1894. Wash., 1894. Silver and the tariff; remarks in the senate, Aug. 16, 1893.. Wash,, 1893. Silver coinage; speech in the house of representatives, April 3, 1886. Wash., 1886. Tariff question; a plea for New England; speech in the house of representatives, April 30, 1888. Wash., 1888. Wilson tariff bill; speech in the senate, Jan. 16, 1894. Wash., 1894. and Schurz, Carl. Civil service controversy, May-Nov., 1897. n. p. n. d. Note: clippings from the Exeter news-letter. Gallitzin, Demetrius Augustine. Gallitzin memorandum book from 1804-1824. {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1893. v. 4; p. 1-36.) anon. Paschal confessions and communions, and confirma- tions at Loretto, Cambria county. Pa., 1810-13. {In Amer. Cath- olic hist. soc. Records. 1891. v. 3; p. 399-415.) Galloway, Beverly Thomas. Fungous diseases of the grape and their treatment. Wash., 1891. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1891. no. 4.) Potato diseases and their treatment. Wash., 1899. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1899. no. 91.) Some destructive potato diseases, what they are and how to prevent them. Wash., 1894. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farm- ers' bulletin. 1894. no- I5-) Spraying for fruit diseases. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1896. no. 38.) and Woods, Albert F. Diseases of shade and ornamental trees. Wash., 1896, Galloway, Beverly Thomas, ed. National convention for the sup- pression of insect pests and plant diseases by legislation, Wash- ington {D. C). Proceedings. 1897. Galloway, Thomas Walton. Observations on non-sexual reproduc- tion in dero vaga. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zool- ogy. Bulletin. 1899. v. 35; p. 115-40.) Gallup, Joseph A., M. D. Outlines of the institutes of medicine. 2v. Bost., 1839. Sketches of epidemic diseases in Vermont. Bost., 1815. Gallwey, Rev. Peter. "Only, remember me." Cone, 1899. Gait, John M., M. D. Essay on asylums for persons of unsound mind, second series. Richmond, 1853. Galton, Frank W., ed. Workers on their industries. Lond., 1896. (Social sci. ser. no. 90.) Gambier college. See Kenyon college. Gammell, William. Address delivered before the R. I. historical society, Nov. 20, 1844. Prov., 1844. 500 AUTHOR LIST. Gammell, William. History of American Baptist missions in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. Bost., 1849. Huguenot and the Edict of Nantes. Prov., 1886. Life and services of R. G. Hazard. Prov., 1888. Life of Roger Williams. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1845. ser. 2. v. 4; p. 1-221.) Life of Samuel Ward. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1846. ser. 2. v. 9; p. 231-358.) Gane, Henry Stewart. Some Neocene corals of the United States. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1900. v. 22; p. 179-98.) Ganilh, Charles. Inquiry into the various systems of political econ- omy; tr. by D. Boileau. N. Y., 1812. Gannett, Ezra Stiles, D. D. Address delivered at the funeral of W. E. Channing. Bost, 1842. Christian ministry, discourse delivered at the ordination of Rev. A. P. Peabody over the South church and society at Ports- mouth, N. H. Ports., 1838. Christian Unitarianism not a negative system. Bost., 1835. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 94.) Discourse delivered at the funeral of Rev. Alexander Young. Bost, 1854. Discourse delivered at the funeral of Rev. W. B. O. Peabody. Springf., 1847. Discourse occasioned by the death of Josiah Quincy. Bost, 1864. Peace not war. Bost., 1845. ed. Scriptural interpreter. 4v. Bost., 1831-3. Services at the ordination of James De Normandie. Bost., 1862. Unitarian Christianity, what it is and what it is not, discourse at the installation of Rev. John Parkman. Bost., 1840. Useful man, a sermon delivered at the funeral of Charles Paine, at Northfield, Vt, Sept i, 1853. Northfield, 1853. Gannatt, Henry. Boundaries of the United States and of the sev- eral states and territories. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: Geol. sur- vey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 13.) Building of a nation; the growth, present condition, and re- sources of the U. S. with a forecast of the future. N. Y., 1895. comp. Dictionary of altitudes in the United States. Wash., 1884. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1884. no. 5.) Ed. 2. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 76.) comp. Dictionary of geographic positions in the United States. Wash., 1895. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1895. no. 123.) comp. Distribution of the magnetic declination in the United States in 1900. Wash., 1900 (?) Note : scale 110 miles to l inch, nearly. comp. Geographic dictionary of Connecticut. Wash., 1894. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 117.) comp. Geographic dictionary of Massachusetts. Wash., 1894. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 116.) cotnp. Geographic dictionary of New Jersey. Wash., 1894. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 118.) comp. Geographic dictionary of Rhode Island. Wash., 1894. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 115.) Lists of elevations in that portion of the United States west of the Mississippi river. Wash., 1873. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. i.) comp. Lists of elevations west of the Mississippi river. Ed. 4. Wash., 1877. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. i.) NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBKABY. 501 Gannatt, Henry. Manual of topographic methods. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1893. v. 22.) Meteorological observations during the year 1872 in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Wash., 1873. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 2.) Occupations of the Negroes. Bait, 1895. {In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1895. no. 6.) Results of primary triangulation. Wash., 1894. {hi U. S.: Geol, survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 122.) Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon results of the nth census. Wash., 1898. Statistics of the Negroes in the United States. Bait, 1894 {In John F. Slater fund for the education of the freedmen. Oc- casional papers. 1894. no. 4.) and Hewes, Fletcher W. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States. 1883. Gannett, Samuel S. Table for interconversion of miles and loga- rithms of meters. Wash., 1900. Gannett, William C. E. S. Gannett, minister in Boston, a memoir. Ed. 3. Bost, 1893. Gannett, Rev. William Channing. Incarnation. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 103.) Ganong, W. F., ed. Owen, Capt. William. Journal during his resi- dence on Campobello. {In New Brunswick hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. i; p. 193-220.) {In New Brunswick hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 4; p. 8-29.) Ganot, Adolphe. Elementary treatise on physics, experimental and applied; tr. by E. Atkinson. Ed. 3, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1868. Ganse, Rev. Harvey Doddridge. Sunday laws. N. Y. n. d. Ganss, Rev. H. G. History of St. Patrick's church, Carlisle, Pa. {In Amer. Catholic church hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 6; p. 266-350, 353-422.) Gant, Frederick James. Irritable bladder. Ed. 2. Lond., 1867. Gantillon, H. E., M. D. Diseases of the womb; uterine catarrh fre- quently the cause of sterility. Bost., 1871. Gantt, Brig.-gen. E. W. Address in favor of re-union in 1863. n. p. n. d. {In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 36.) Garces, anon., (El) ramio. San Jose, 1895. Garces, Francisco. Diary and itinerary in his travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1775-1776; tr. and ed. by Elliott Coues. 2v. N. Y., 1900. (Amer. explorers ser. no. 3.) Garciadiego, Salvador. Geografia medica de Gaudalajara, estudio presentado de higiene publica e internacional. Guadalajara, 1892. Garden, Alexander. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary war in Amer- ica. Charleston, 1822. Garden and forest, a weekly journal of horticulture, landscape art, and forestry; ed. by C. S. Sargent, v. 8-10. N. Y., 1894-7. Gardener, Lieut. Lion. Relation of the Pequot warres. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1833. v. 2y, p. 131-60.) Gardening, semi-monthly, v. 7, no. 9-24. v. 8-9. Chic., 1899-1901. Gardiner, Rev. Frederic. Notice of Rev. George Birgess. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 429-56.) Gardiner, Harry Norman. Jonathan Edwards, a retrospect; being the addresses delivered in connection with the unveiling of a memorial in the First church of Christ in Northampton (Mass.), on the 150th anniversary of his dismissal from the pastorate of that church. Bost., 1901. Gardiner, Henry. New England*s vindication; ed. by C. E. Banks. Portl., 1884. (Gorges soc. Pub. no. i.) Note : first pub. in 1660. 502 AUTHOR LIST. Gardiner, John, M. D., ed. Liebig, Justus, M. D. Familiar letters on chemistry. 1852. Gardiner, John Lyon. Notes and observations; and Notes and memorandums on the town of East Hampton. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. V. 10; p. 225-76.) Gardiner, O. C. Great issue; or, The three presidential candidates; being a brief historical sketch of the Free soil question in the United States. N. Y., 1848. Gardiner, Robert H. Church printing. Bost, 1898. (Church social union. Pub. no. 50.) Lawyer's view of the function of the church. Bost, 1897. (Church social union. Pub. no. 2>7-) Gardiner, Robert Hallowell. History of the Kennebec purchase. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2; p. 267-94.) Memoir of Benjamin Vaughan. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. V. 6; p. 83-92.) Notice of George Evans. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; P- 457-71.) Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. History of the commonwealth and pro- tectorate, 1649-1660. V. I, 3. N. Y., 1901. Gardiner, William. Incidents of cavalry experience during Gen. Pope's campaign. Prov., 1883. {In R. L soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1883. v. 2.) Gardiner, William Henry. Annual report; class of '76, Dartmouth college. V. 1-3, 7-23, 25. Wash., 1884-1901. Memoirs of the class of '76, Dartmouth college. Ports., 1876. Gardiner, William Howard. Address delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, Aug. 28, 1834, on classical learning and eloquence. Camb., 1834. Gardner, Absalom. Address delivered in Wales, Oct. 5, 1862, being the centennial anniversary of the municipal organization of the town. Springf., 1866. Gardner, Asa Bird. Argument after conclusion of the evidence in the case of F. J. Porter before the Board of army officers. Wash., 1879. Havana expedition of 1762 in the war with Spain. {In R. L hist. soc. Pub. 1898. p. 167-89, 219-24.) Rhode Island line in the continental army and its society of Cincinnati. Prov., 1878. Uniforms of the American army. N. Y., 1877. Walton, William, and Taylor, Capt. Henry Clay, ed. Army and navy of the United States. 1889-95. Gardner, Augustus Kinsley, M. D. Eulogy on T. W. Francis. N. Y., 1861. Eulogy on R. S. Kissam. N. Y., 1863. tr. Scanzoni, Friedrich Wilholm von. Practical treatise on the diseases of the sexual organs of women. 1861. Gardner, Charles W., pub. Re-union of '73; the second reception of the Sons and daughters of Portsmouth, resident abroad, July 4, 1873. Ports., 1873. Gardner, Ernest. Vase in Chicago representing the madness of Athamas. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. cer. 2. v. 3; p. 331-44.) Gardner, Henry B. Statistics of municipal finance. {In Amer. sta- tistical assoc. Pub. 1889. V. I, no. 6; p. 254-69.) Gardner, Job, ed., anon. Proceedings and addresses at the dedica- tion of the town hall in Swansea, Mass., Sept. 9, 1891. Fall River, 1892. Gardner, R. W., Chemically pure hypophosphites, therapeutical indications with clinical data. Ed. 14. N. Y., 1897. Hydriodic acid; further details of Dr. Churchill's method of using the hypophosphites in phthisis. N. Y., 1884. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 503 Gardner, R. W. Syrup of hydriodic acid. Ed. 14. N. Y., 1897. (Bound with his Chemically pure hypophosphites. 1897.) Gardner, Rathbone. Social righteousness and the power of the church to proclaim it. Bost., 1897. (Church social union. Pub. no. 35.) Gardner, Capt. W. H. Advantages of deep and thorough prepara- tion of the soil. n. p. 1896. Record of the weather from 1701 to 1885. n. p. n. d. Garfield, J. F. D. Fitchburg's response to the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775. Fitchb., 1895. (Fitchburg hist, soc.) Lunenburg and Leominster in the war of the Revolution. Fitchb., 1895. (Bound with his Fitchburg's response. 1895.) Sketch of Capt. Ebenezer Bridge. Fitchb., 1895. (Fitchburg hist, soc.) Giarfield, James Abram, Pres. of U. S. Discovery and ownership of the Northwestern territory and settlement of the Western Reserve. Cleve., 1874. (In Western Reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1874. V. I, no. 20.) North-west territory and the Western Reserve, (hi Old South leaflets. 1895. Gen. ser. v. 2. no. 42.) Soldiers' monument, speech at Painesville, O., July 3, 1880. n. p. n. d. Speech on honest money in Faneuil Hall, Sept. 10, 1878. n. p. i878(?) (Bound with Endicott, W. Refutation, n. d.) Works, ed. by B. A. Hinsdale. 2v. Bost., 1882-3. Garfield and Arthur campaign song book. Wash., 1880. Garfielde, Selucius. Climates of the Northwest. Phil., 1871. Garland, Augustus Hill. In the matter of the claim of H. A. Du- Pont to a seat in the United States senate as a senator from Delaware; brief for DuPont. Wash. n. d. Garland, G. M., M. D. Pneumono-dynamics. N. Y., 1878. and Cutler, Elbridge Gerry, M. D. Percussion outlines. 1882. Garland, George W., M. D. Many things remain to be done; the annual discourse before the Mass. med. soc, June 11, 1879. (In Mass. med. soc. Med. communications. 1881. v. 12; p. 281-300.) Some improvements in midwifery. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. V. 2; p. 263-77.) Garland, Hugh A. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. 2v. N. Y., 1851. Garland, James Gray. Garland genealogy. Biddeford, 1897. Garlick, A. H. New manual of method. Lond., 1897. and Dexter, T. F. G. Psychology in the school-room. 1899. Garman, Samuel. Chlamydoselachus anguineus garm. (In Har- vard Univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1885. v. 12; p. I-35-) On a variation in the colors of animals. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1877. v. 25; p. 187-204.) On the lateral canal system of the selachia and holocephala. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1888. V. 17; p. 57-119.) Report on the fishes collected by the Bahama expedition in 1893. (In Iowa; Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 75-93.) Reptiles and batrachians of North America. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Memoirs. 1883. v. 8, ^ no. 3.) Garneau, Francois Xavier. Histoire du Canada depuis sa decou- verte jusqu'a nos jours. Ed. 4. 4v. Montreal, 1882. Garner, James Wilford. Reconstruction in Mississippi. N. Y., 1901. Garner, R. L. Apes and monkeys, their life and language. Bost, 1900. 604 ' AUTHOR LIST. Garnett, Algernon Sidney, M. D. Treatise on the hot springs of Arkansas. St. L., 1874. Garnett, James Mercer. Address to the alumni of St. John's col- lege^ Annapolis, Md., June 30, 1880. Annapolis, 1880. Garnett, Richard. Essays in librarianship and bibliography. N. Y., 1899. (Library series, no. 5.) Garnier, Marie Joseph Frangois. Voyage d'exploration en Indo- Chine, effectue pendant les annees, 1866, 1867, et 1868. 2v. Par., 1873. Garrett, John W. Address to the board of directors of the Balti- more & Ohio railroad company upon his re-election as president of that company. Bait., 1865. Garrett Biblical institute. See Northwestern university. Garrettson, Rev. Freeborn. Letter to Rev. Lyman Beecher. (In Beecher, Lyman. Address of the charitable society. 1820. p. 25-6.) Garrigues, S. S. Statistics relating to the saline interests of Mich- igan. Lansing, 1881. Garriott, Edward Bennett. Notes on frost. Wash., 1899. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1899. no. 104.) Garrison, F. Lynwood. Metallurgical arts at the Paris exhibition; a report made to the Franklin Institute, n. p. n. d. Garrison, Francis Jackson, and Garrison, Wendell Phillips. W. L. Garrison. 1885-9. Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Garrison, Francis Jackson. W. L. Garrison, 1805-1879. 4v. N. Y., 1885-9. Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-79, ^d. Liberator. (In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4; no. 78.) Garrison, William Lloyd, 1838-. Ethics of free trade. Bost., 1892. Republican reciprocity. Bost. n. d. Senator Hoar and protection. Bost, 1895. Wages and protection. Bost. n. d. Garrod, Alfred Baring, M. D. Nature and treatment of gout and rheumatic gout. Lond., 1859. Garstang, William. Tests of coal for locomotives, n. p. 1898. Garver, Rev. Austin S. What we can do for the truth. Bost., 1900. Gascoigne-Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot, 3d marq. of Salisbury. See Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne-Cecil, 3d marq. of. Gaskell, G. A. Complete compendium of elegant writing. Ed. 6. pt. 1-3. Manch., 1874. Ed. 7. pt. 3. Manch., 1874. Ed. 14. pt. 3- Manch., 1878. Ed. 17. pt. 3. Manch., 1879. Ed. 18. pt. 3. Manch., 1879. Ed. 18. pt. 3. Manch., 1879. Ed. 22. pt. 3. N. Y., 1881. Ed 25. pt. 3. N. Y., 1883. Gasparin, Agenor Etienne, comte de. Cours d'agriculture. 4v. Par., 1844-8. Guide des proprietaires de beins soumis ametayage. Par., 1847. Reconstruction; a letter to President Johnson, tr. by M. L. Booth. N. Y., 1865. (In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 87.) Gaspe Bay company. Reports and prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Gaspe oil region, Canada East. N. Y., 1865. Gass, Patrick, ed. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Brig.-gen. William. Lewis and Clarke's journal to the Rocky mountains. 1847. Gaston, Hugh. Scripture account of the faith and practice of Christians. New ed. Phil., 1841. Gaston, James McFadden, M. D. Surgery of ileo-csecal connections with new process for intestinal communication, n. p. n. d. >'EW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 605 Gaston, William. Address delivered before the Dialectic and Phil- anthropic societies, June 20, 1832. Ed. 5. Chapel Hill, 1858. Speech on the bill to authorize a loan of 25,000,000 of dollars, delivered in the house of representatives, Feb., 1814. Wash. n. d. Gataker, Thomas, tr. Le Dran, Henry Frangois. Operations in surgery. 1768. Gatch, Lt.-col. C. H. General O. M. Mitchell and his brilliant march into the heart of the Southern confederacy. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Iowa commandery. War sketches, 1898. v. 2; p. iio- 28.) Gatchel, William H., Howard, Charles, and Davis, John W. Memo- rial to the senate and house of representatives. 1861. Gate city dramatic club. Nashua theatre; first presentation of Bradford folks, Feb. i, 1900. n. p. n. d. Gates, Charles Otis, anon. Stephen Gates of Hingham and Lan- caster, Mass., and his descendants. N. Y., 1898. Gates, George A. Christian young woman, her character and in- fluence. Chic, n. d. Gates, Jacob, tr. Corvisart, J. N. Essay on the organic diseases and lesions of the heart and great vessels. 1812. Gates, Merrill Edwards. Education for power. (In Inauguration of Gates as president of Amherst college. 1891. p. 10-40.) Inaugural address; work of the American college. (In Rut- gers college. Addresses at the inauguration of Gates. 1883. p. 30-52.) Gath, pseud. See Townsend, George Alfred. Gatling gun; official reports of trials, description, general directions, targets, etc. Hartf., 1878. Gatschet, Albert Samuel. Karankawa Indians, the coast people of Texas. Camb., 1891. (In Peabody museum of Amer. archae- ology and ethnology. Archaeol. and ethnol. papers. 1891. v. I, no. 2.) Klamath Indians of Southwestern Oregon, 2v. Wash., 1890. (In U. S.: Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky Mountain region. Contributions to N. A. ethnology. 1890. v. 2.) ed. Tchikilli. Kasi'hta legend in the Creek and Hitchiti lan- guages. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1892. v. 5; p. 33-239-) Gaussen, S. R. Louis. Theopneusty; or. The plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; tr. by E. N. Kirk; 4th Amer. fr. the 2d Fr. ed. N. Y., 1852. Gavantus, Bartholomaeus. Praxis compendiaria visitationis Episco- palis. Praisiis, 1640. (In Gavantus, B. Thesaurus Socrorum rituum. 1640.) Thesaurus Sacrorum rituum; seu, Commentaria in rubricas missalis et breviarii Romani. Parisiis, 1640. ^ Parisiis, 1652. Gavin, Rev. Anthony. Great red dragon; or, The master key to popery. Bost., 1854. Gavin, M. F., M. D. Work in surgical pathology of the pathologi- cal and surgical departments. (In Boston: City hospital. Med. and surg. reports. 1900. v. 11; p. 158-72.) Gay, Rev. Bunker. Discourse occasioned by the death of Mrs. Abi- gail Gay. Greenfield, 1792. Gay, Ebenezer, D. D. Jesus Christ the wise master-builder of his church, sermon at the installment of Ezra Carpenter. Bost., 1753. . Old rnan's calendar, discourse, 1781. Ed. 4. Dover, 1893. Gay, Edwin F. Inquisitions of depopulation in 1517 and the "domesday of inclosures." (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 231-303.) 506 AUTHOR LIST. Gay, George Washington, M. D. Circumstances under which chlo- roform is preferable to ether as an anesthetic. Bost., 1895. Gay, Helen Killduff. Reading list on Japan. {In N. Y. (state): Library. Bulletin; bibliography. 1898. no. 6. p. 119-35.) Gay, John. Fables. Edin., 1774. Gay, Julius. Early industries of Farmington, an historical address, Sept. 14, 1898. Hartf., 1898. Farmington in the War of the Revolution. Hartf., 1893. Farmington soldiers in the colonial wars. Hartf., 1897. Library of a Farmington village blacksmith. Hartf., 1900. Old houses in Farmington. Hartf., 1895. Gay, Martin. Three letters written by an American loyalist and his wife, with notes by Edward Wheelwright. Camb., 1898. Gay, Sydney Howard. Amerigo Vespucci. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. i880. v. 2; p. 129- 79.) James Madison. Bost., 1884. (American statesmen.) and Bryant, William CuUen. Popular history of the United States. 1876-81. Gayarre, Charles Etienne Arthur. Louisiana; its colonial history and romance. 2V. N. Y., 1851-2. Gayley, Charles Mills, and Bradley, Cornelius Beach. Suggestions to teachers on English in the secondary schools. Berkeley, 1894. and Scott, Fred Newton. Guide to the literature of aesthetics. Berkeley, 1890. {In Univ. of Cal. library bulletin. 1890. no. 14.) Gayley, Rev. S. A. Discourse preached at the dedication of the chapel at Lafayette college, March 12, 1873. Easton, 1873. Gaylord, Willis, ed. Cultivator, monthly, v. 7-9. 1840-2. Gazzo, John B. C, M. D. Yellow fever facts, as to its nature, pre- vention, and treatment. N. O., 1878. Gear, A. S. United States bank note detector, at sight. Nashua, 1859. Gear, John Henry. Biennial message to the i8th general assembly, Jan., 1880. Des Moines, 1880. Second inaugural address before the two houses of the gen- eral assembly, Jan., 1880. Des Moines, 1880. {Bound with his Biennial message, 1880. Geddes, J. Memoirs of E. L. Pierce and A. W. Thayer. Bost. n. d. Geddes, Tomas E. (La) resurreccion de Jesu-Christo, Nuestro senor. Valparaiso, 1896. Geer's sons, Elihu. Geer's Hartford city directory, v. 57. 1894. Geikie, Archibald. Class-book of geology. Lond., 1890. Geikie, James. Earth sculpture; or. The origin of landforms. N. Y., 1898. (Science series, no. 4.) Great ice age, and its relation to the antiquity of man. N. Y., 1874. -— Ed. 3. N. Y., 1895. Gemmill, J. A., ed. Canadian parliamentary companion and annual register. 1883-9. Genealogical advertiser, a quarterly magazine of family history, v. 1-2. Camb., 1898-9. Genealogical and biographical account of the descendants of Elder William Wentworth, one of the first settlers of Dover, N. H. Bost., 1850. Genealogical quarterly magazine, devoted to genealogy, history, heraldry, revolutionary, and colonial records, v. 1-2. Salem, 1 900- 1. Note : continuation of Putnam's monthly historical magazine. Genealogical society of Pennsylvania. Publications, v. i. Phil., 1895. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 507 Genealogist's note book; a weekly publication of genealogical gos- sip. V. I. Danvers, 1899. Note: no more published. General alumni society of the University of Pennsylvania, ed. Alumni register. 1896-1900. General assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. Annual report of the permanent committee of temperance. 1887-1901. v. 6-20. n, p. 1887-1901. (Bound with Presb. church in the U. S. of Amer. Annual rept. of the Board of Home missions.) Church extension committee. Phil., 1855. Minutes, v. 50-81, in 2 v. N. Y., 1894. 1789-1870, '72-85, '87-1901. V. 1-82, 84-97, 99-113- Phil., 1870-1901. Report of the special committee on systematic beneficence, 1887-1901. V. 8-22. n. p. 1887-1901. (Bound with Presb. church in the U. S. Annual report of the Board of home missions.) See also Presbyterian church in the United States of America. General assembly of the united Presbyterian church of North America. Minutes, 1888, '89, '97. v. 30-1, 39. Pittsb., 1888-97. General association of Connecticut. Contributions to the ecclesi- astical history of Connecticut. N. H., 1861. Minutes, v, 132, 134-46, 148-52, 157-8, 161, 164-7, 170, 172, 174-7, 182, 185-6, 188. Hartf., 1841-98. Records, begun June 20, 1738, ending June 19, 1799; ed. by Lavalette Perrin. Hartf., 1888. ed. Fowler, Rev. William Chauncey. Ministers of Connecti- cut. 1877. General association of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches of New Hampshire. Address to the inhabitants of the towns and parishes in the state of New Hampshire, June, 1791. Cone, 1791. (In General assoc. of Congregational and Presby- terian churches of N. H. 1809. v. i.) Appeal to the Presbyterian and Congregational churches of N. H. in behalf of the widows and orphan children of ministers. Ports., 1839. Minutes, 1809-1901. v. 1-92. v. p. 1809-1901. General association of the Congregational churches of Massachu- setts. Minutes, 1837, '46-91, '93-8, 1900. v. 35, 44-89, 91-6, 98. Bost., 1837-1900. General clergy relief. Triennial report of the trustees, 1886, '88- 1901. V. 5, 7-10. N. Y., 1886-1901. General conference of Christians expecting the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. Report, v. i. Bost., 1841. General conference of Congregational churches in Maine. Min- utes, 1824-1901. Portl., 1829-1901. General conference of the Congregational churches in Massachu- setts. Minutes, 1863^5. v. 4-6. Bost., 1863-5. General conference of the Congregational churches of Connecticut. Centennial papers. Hartf., 1877. Minutes, 1869, '72, '74, '75, '78, '80, '82-9, '91, '94, '95, '97. v. 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16-23, 25, 28, 29, 31. Hartf., 1870-97. General conference of the Freewill Baptist connection. Minutes, 1827-86. Dover, 1859-87. Minutes, 1871, '79, '80. v. 21, 23, 24. Dover, 1871-80. General conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. Hymns for the use of the M. E. church. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1850. Journal, 1888. v. 20. N. Y., 1888. Report of debates, 1844. N. Y., 1844. General convention of agriculturists and manufacturers and others friendly to the encouragement and support of the domestic in- dustry of the United States, July 30, 1827. n. p. n. d. 508 AUTHOR LIST. General convention of Congregational ministers and churches of Vermont. Minutes, 1795-1810, '27-61, '63-1901. v. 1-15, 32-66, 68-106. V. p. 1827-1901. General convention of Congregational ministers and delegates in the U. S. Proceedings, 1852. N. Y., 1852. General convention of the New Jerusalem church. Journal of the annual session, v. T]. Best., 1897. General directory of the towns in Hillsboro county and business directory of cities of Manchester and Nashua for 1891-2. Bost., 1891. General educational conference of Friends. Proceedings, v. i. Phil., 1896. _ {In Swarthmore conferences. 1896, Proceed. 1896.) General electric com.pany. Annual report, 1893-1902. v. i-io. n. p. 1893-1902. General federation of women's clubs. Biennial official proceedings. V. 3. Louisville, 1896. List of officers and directors, etc., 1897-8. n. p. 1897-8. General historical, statistical, and descriptive review of Riverside, Cal. Los Angeles, n. d. General history of Connecticut from its first settlement to its latest period of amity with Great Britain prior to the Revolution; by a gentleman of the province. N. H., 1829. Gen. Jackson's letter to Carter Beverley and Mr. Clay's speech at the Lexington dinner, etc. Ports., 1827. General Protestant Episcopal Sunday school union and church book society. Children's tune book; a collection of music for Sunday schools. N. Y., 1873. General regulations for the gentlemen of the bar in the state of New Hampshire. Ports., 1805. General society of mechanics and tradesmen of the city of New York. See Mechanics' institute, New York city. General society of the Cincinnati. Institution and proceedings, May 10, 1783; with the proceedings of the Massachusetts state society from its organization, June 9, 1783, to July 4, 181 1. Bost., 1812. Proceedings; 1784-1884. Phil., 1887. Proceedings of the triennial meeting; 1887. Phil., 1888. General society of the Daughters of the Revolution. Ancestral register, 1896. Phil., 1897. General theological library, Boston (Mass.). Annual report, 1863-70, '72-87, '89-1902. V. 1-8, 10-26, 28-40. Bost., 1864-1902. Note : title changes in 1874 to Proceedings. General theological seminary of the Protestant Episcopal church in the U. S. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1872-3, '74-5, '81-2, '83-4, '85-1900, 1901-2. N. Y., 1872-1901. • Memorial chapel of the Good Shepard consecrated Oct. 31, 1888, by Rev. John Williams. N. Y., 1888. Proceedings of the Board of trustees at their special meeting, i860. N. Y., i860. (Bound with Two views of Episcopacy. 1854.) See also Associate alumni of the General theological seminary of the P. E. church in the U. S. General time convention. See American railway association. Generation of judges by their reporter. Lond., 1886. Genest, Edmond. See Genet, Edmond. Genest, F. X., comp. Quebec (Prov.): Railways, commissioiwr of. Map of the Dominion of Canada and part of the United States. 1883. Genet, Edmond, and Clark, Maj.-gen. George Rogers. Correspond- ence. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 930-1107.) Geneva college. Catalogue of the officers and students for the academic year 1890-8, '99-1900. Beaver Falls, 1891-9. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 509 Geneva college. See also Hobart college. „ , „ ^ „ „ Geneva lyceum, Geneva (N. F.)- Catalogue, 1836-8. Geneva, 1837-8. Geneva, societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle. Compte rendu des seances, 1897-1901. v. 14-18. Geneva, 1897-1901. Geneva, tribunal of arbitration at. See United States: Tribunal of arbitration at Geneva. Genin, Thomas Hedges. Selections from his writmgs, with a bio- graphical sketch. N. Y., 1869. « . , . ^ a ^ Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducret de St. Aubm, comtesse de. Ade- laide and Theodore; or, Letters on education, v. 2-3. Dubhn, 1794. Gennadois, A. Sketch of the history of Greece from B. C. 146 to the accession of King George, 1862. (In Schmitz, Leonhard. History of Greece. 1885. p. 137-83-) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Genth, Frederick Augustus. Contributions to mineralogy. (In Penn. Univ.: Laboratory. Contrib. 1882. no. 20; no. 24; p. 30- 47. 1887. no. 29; 2ip.) , . , , Corundum, its alterations and associated metals, n. p. 1073. (In Penn.: Univ.: Laboratory. Contrib. no. i.) Letter to the board of trustees of the University of Pennsyl- vania. Phil., 1888. Minerals of North Carolina. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1891. no. 74.) On American tellurium and bismuth minerals, n. p. 1874. (In Penn.: Univ.: Laboratory. Contrib. 1874. no- 3-) • On some tellurium and vanadium minerals, n. p. 1877. (In Penn.: Univ.: Laboratory. Contrib. 1877. no. 11.) and Gibbs, Wolcott. Researches on the ammonia-cobalt bases. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. to knowledge. 1857. v. 9.) and Kerr, Washington Caruthers. Minerals and mineral local- ities of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1881. Gentile, pseud. See Lum, Dyer D. Gentleman of Portsmouth (N. H.), pseud. See Sewall, Jonathan Mitchell. Gentleman's pocket almanack for the year 1798. Exeter, 1797. Gentleman's pocket register and free-mason's annual anthology for the year 1813. Bost. n. d. Gentry, Thomas G. Fertilization of certain flowers through insect agency. Salem, 1875. Genung, John Franklin. Practical elements of rhetoric. Bost, 1887. Geoffrey, of Monmouth. British history. (In Giles, J. A. Six old English chronicles. 1848. p. 87-292.) Geographical society of Australia. Special volume of the proceed- ings. Sydney, 1885. Geo^^raphical society of the Pacific. Examination into the gen- uineness of the "Jeannette" relics. San Fran., 1896. Transactions and proceedings, July, '91. San Fran., 1891. Geological cosmogony; or. An examination of the geological theorj'- of the origin and antiquity of the earth. N. Y., 1843. Geological magazine; or. Monthly journal of geology, with which is incorporated "The geologist"; ed. by Henry Woodward, v. 1-34. Lond., 1864-97. Geological map of Vermont, n. p. n. d. Geological memoir of the country between Massachusetts and Narragansett Bays; an illustration of reports on projected rail- roads from Boston to Providence, and also to Taunton, n. p., 1832. Geological society of America. Bulletin, v. i-ii. N. Y., 1890- 1900. - index to volumes i-io. Rochester, 1900. 510 AUTHOR LIST. Geological society of London. List, November i, 1869. Lend., 11. d. Quarterly journal, v. 10, pt. 2; v. 11, pt. 2; v. 19; v. 20, pt. 1-2; V. 28, pt. 3. Lond., 1854-72. Geological society of Pennsylvania. Transactions, v. i. Phil., 1835. Geological society of Washington. Constitution, standing rules, list of founders and officers of the society for 1893. Wash., 1893. Presidential address; with abstracts of the minutes for 1893-8. Wash., 1895-8. George, Anita. Annals of the queens of Spain. 2v. N. Y., 1850. George, Daniel, comp. Cambridge almanack; or, Essex calendar, 1776. Salem, 1776. George, Elijah, comp. Suffolk county (Mass.): Probate and insol- vency Registry. Index to the probate record. 1895. George, Henry, 1839-97. Address, April 29, 1893. Bost., 1893. Crime of poverty. Burlington, 1885. Irish land question. N. Y., i88t. Progress and poverty; an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth. Ed. 4- N. Y., 1882. Writings. 9v. N. Y., 1898-1901. George, Henry, 1862-. Life of Henry George, by his son. N. Y., 1900. George, John E. Saloon question in Chicago. N. Y., 1897. (In Econ. studies. 1897. v. 2, no. 2.) George, John Hatch. Address before the Merrimack county agri- cultural society, Sept., 1875. Cone, 1875. Argument delivered at Concord, N. H., Jan., '69. Cone, 1869. Argument in behalf of the petition of the Boston and Lowell railroad for an increase of terminal facilities in Boston. Bost., 1869. Argument in Burke, et. als., vs. Boston, Lowell and Concord railroads, et als. n. p. 1881. Argument on the alleged complaints of the citizens of Lowell against the management of the Boston and Lowell railroad. Bost., 1867. Legal profession, past and present. Cone, 1887. Opening argument in behalf of the petition of the Boston and Lowell railroad for leave to consolidate and unite with the Fitchburg railroad. Bost., 1873. Sketch of Capt. P. R. George of Hopkinton, N. H. Cone, 1885. Speech at dinner of the Dartmouth alumni at the dedication of the statue of Daniel Webster, Concord, June 17, 1886. Manch., 1887. Webster centennial; address at Concord, before the Webster club, Jan. 18, 1882. Cone, 1882. and others. Abstract of the opening and closing arguments before the Massachusetts legislature for and against the peti- tion of the Eastern railroad for increased passenger facilities in Boston. Bost., 1872. George, John Paul. Addresses of the class of 1878 of Dartmouth college. Cone, i895(?) Report for fifteen years of the class of 1878, Dartmouth col- lege. Cone, 1893. George, Rev. N. D. Universalism not of the Bible. N. Y., 1856. George, Noah J. T. Biographical sketch of the principal events in the lives of those eminent patriots and statesmen who signed the American Declaration of Independence, n. p. n. d. Note : ms. copy. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 511 George, Noah J. T., comp. Gentleman's pocket companion. Cone, 1831. comp. Gentlemen and ladies' pocket dictionary. Cone, 1831. Pocket geographical and statistical gazetteer of the state of Vermont. Haverhill, 1823. comp. New Hampshire miniature register and national cal- endar. 1834. comp. New Hampshire register and United States calendar, 1833. George A. Crawford. (In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 6; p. 237-48.) George Ffrost temperance association of Durham (N. H.)- Con- stitution and by-laws. Dover, 1881. George Gamble library, Danbury (N. H.). Catalogue, n. p. 1896. Georgeson, Charles C. Kafir corn, characteristics, culture, and uses. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulle- tin. 1896. no. S7.) Report on the dairy industry of Denmark, Wash., 1893. (U. S. : Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 5.) Georget, Etienne Jean. De la physiologic du systeme nerveux. 2v. Par., 1821. Georgetown university: Medical department. Addresses at the annual commencement, 1869, '78, v, 20, 29. Wash., 1869-78. : School of law. Circular, 1892-3. Wash., 1892. Georgia: Agricultural experiment station. Bulletins and annual re- ports, 1888-97. V. I, 2d annual rept., bulletin i, 2, 4-9; v. 2, 4th annual rept., bulletin 10-19; v. 3-4. Atlanta, 1888-97. : Agriculture, commissioner of. Hand-book of the state of Georgia. Atlanta, 1876. : Agriculture, dept. of. Publications for the year 1883-8, '95-7. V. 9-14, 21-3. Atlanta, 1884-97. : College of agriculture and mechanic arts. See Georgia: Agricul- tural experiment station. : Constitutional convention of 1839. Journal of the convention to reduce and equalize the representation of the general assembly of the state of Georgia. Milledgeville, 1839. : Constitutional convention, 1867-8. Journal of the proceedings, Augusta, 1868. : Constitutional convention, 1877. Constitution of the state of Georgia, n. p. 1877, Journal of the constitutional convention, Atlanta, 1877. : Convention of 1850. Journal of the state convention held in December, 1850. Milledgeville, 1850. : Geological survey. Administrative report, 1894-1900. Atlanta, 1 896- 1 900, : Geologist. Report of progress of the mineralogical, geolog- ical, and physical survey, v. 1-2. Atlanta, 1875-6. : Governor. Message, 1857, '58, 1901, Milledgeville, 1857-1901, : Health, hoard of. Annual report for the year ending Oct. 12, 1875. V. I. Atlanta, 1876. : Library. Brief catalogue of law text-books, Atlanta, 1895. Catalogue; ed. by J. L. Conley. Atlanta, 1879. : Proprietors. Account showing the progress of the colony of Georgia. Lond., 1741, {In Amer, colonial tracts, 1897-8, no. 5.) Lond., 1742, {In Force, Peter, Tracts. 1836. v. i.) : Railroad commission. Semi-annual report, v, 2-6, 24, Atlanta, 1880-96. : School commissioner. Annual report for 1871, ^7Z, '75. '77, '79- 82, '85-8, '91-9. Atlanta, 1871-1900. Note : 1897-date reports made by the Dept, of education, Manual of methods for Georgia teachers. Atlanta, 1898. : University. Announcement with a catalogue of the" officers and students, 1897-8. Atlanta, 1898. 612 AUTHOR LIST. Georgia. Catalogue of the trustees, officers, and alumni from 1785 to 1894. Atlanta, 1894. Manual printed by order of the trustees, 1890. Atlanta, 1890. Georgia bar association. Addresses before the supreme court of Georgia in honor of the centennial of the accession of John Marshall to the bench. Atlanta, 1901. Report of the annual meeting, v. 2-5, 9-18. v. p. 1886-1901. Georgia historical society. Collections, v. 1-2; v. 3, pt. i. Savan- nah, 1840-8. Constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Savannah, 1871. • Proceedings of the dedication of Hodgson Hall, on occasion of the 37th anniversary, Feb. 14, 1876. Savannah, 1876. Georgia journal of medicine and surgery, issued monthly, July 1897-8. V. 1-3. Savannah, 1897-8. Georgia medical association. See Medical association of Georgia. Georgia pharmaceutical association. Proceedings at the annual meeting, 1877. Atlanta, 1877. Gera, F. De la fabrication du fromage, tr. fr. the Italian by Victor Rendu. Par., 1843. Gerard, James Watson. Old stadt buys of New Amsterdam; a paper read before the N. Y. historical society, June 15, 1875. N. Y., 1875. Retribution of Louis XIV. {In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Pro- ceed. 1888-91. V. 2; p. IS5-75-) Gardtzen, G. Adolph. Problem of economical heat, light, and power supply. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin. Engin. ser. 1896. V. i; p. 261-329.) Gerard, William Paul. Half-century of sanitation, 1850-99. n. p. 1899. Plumbing simplified. N. Y., 1896. Sanitary questions, concerning houses. N. Y. n. d. Gerhard, William Wood, M. D. Clinical lectures. Phil., 1842. {Bound with Graves, R. J., M. D. Clinical lectures. 1842. p. 429-557.) Diagnosis, pathology and treatment of the diseases of the chest. Ed. 4. Phil., i860. ed. Graves, Robert James, M. D. System of clinical lectures. 1848. ed. Tweedie, Alexander, M. D., ed. Dissertations on nervous diseases. 1840. System of practical medicine comprised in a series of original dissertations. 1841. Gerhardt, Capt. Charles. Manual for boards of survey. Wash., 1900. Gerin, Leon. Hurons of Lorette. {In Ottawa Lit. and sci. soc. Trans. 1900. no. 2; p. 69-92.) German reformed church. See Reformed church in the U. S. German theological school. Annual catalogue, 1875-8, '79-86, '87- 95, '97-8. Bloomfield, 1876-98. Annual report to the Presbytery of Newark, v. 1-5, 7-9, 11- 16, 18-25. N. Y., 1870-95. Note: t. 7-9, 11-16, 18-26 are in the Annual catalogues, 1875-95. Germanae dilectae scientiae, New Hampton {N. H.). Constitution. Bristol, 1895. Germano, father. House of the martyrs, John and Paul, recently discovered on the Coelian Hill at Rome. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1890. v. 6; p. 261-85. v. 7; p. 25-37.) Germantown (Penn.): Court. Extracts from the records of the courts held in Germantown from 1691 to 1707. {In Penn. hist. soc. Coll. 1853. V. i; p. 243-57.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 513 Germantown hospital. Auction sale of autograph books, letters, mss., music, and paintings for the benefit of the Germantown hospital. Phil., 1900. Germany: Imperial insurance department. Workmen's insurance of the German Empire. Berlin, 1893. : Reichstag. German meat inspection law. Wash., 1901. (/n U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Circular, no. 32.) Gerould, James Thayer, comp. Bisbee, Rev. Marvin Davis, ed. Bibli- ography of Dartmouth college and Hanover, N. H. Cone, 1894. Gerould, Samuel Lankton, D. D., ed., anon. Biographical sketches of the class of 1858, Dartmouth college, academic and scientific. Cone, 1884. Brief history of the Congregational church in Goffstown, N. H. Bristol, 1881. Congregational and Presbyterian churches and ministers of New Hampshire connected with the association. Lebanon, 1900. Descendants of Calvin Locke of Sullivan, N. H. Lebanon, 1900. comp. Genealogy of the family of Gamaliel Gerould. Bristol, 1885. Supplement, no. i. Bristol, 1890. Supplement, no. 2. Bristol, 1895. Supplement, no. 3. Bristol, 1900. Roll-call Co. G, 14th N. H. vols. June i, 1894. n. p. n. d. June I, 1901. n. p. n. d. Gerry, Elbridge. Observations on the new constitution and on the federal and state conventions. (In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets on the constitution. 1888. p. 1-24.) Gerry, Elbridge Thomas. Remarks before the joint committees on education, taxation, charities, and legislative powers of the constitutional convention, n. p. n. d. Gershow, Frederic. Diary of the journey of Philip Julius, duke of Stettin-Pomerania through England, 1602. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 16; p. 1-67.) Gervinus, Georg Gottfried. Art of drinking, tr. from the German. N. Y., 1890. Gesellschaft fUr geburtshilfc zu Leipzig. Verhandlungen; 1896-7. Lpz. 1896-7. Gesenius, Freidrich Heinrich Wilhelm. Hebrew and English lex- icon of the Old Testament, including Biblical Chaldee, tr. by Edward Robinson. New ed. enl. N. Y., 1844. Hebrew grammar, as ed. by Roediger, tr. with additions and a Hebrew chrestomathy, by M. Stuart. Andover, 1846. Gesner, Abraham, M. D. Practical treatise on coal, petroleum, and other distilled oils, ed. by G. W. Gesner. Ed. 2, enl. N. Y., 1865. Remarks on geology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Hali- fax, 1836. vs. Cairns, William. Report of the case tried at Albert cir- cuit, 1852. St. John, 1853. Gesner, George Weltden, ed. Gesner, Abraham, M. D. Practical treatise on coal. 1865. Gestefeld, Ursula N. Builder and the plan; a text-book of the sci- ence of being. Pelham, 1901. Get there American benefit association. Constitution and by-laws as accepted and adopted by the grand lodge of Mass. New- buryport, 1890. Getchell, Emily A., and Pilsbury, David B. Pillsbury family. 1898. Getchell, George H. Our nation's executives and their administra- tions. N. Y., 1885. Gaylin, George Kennedy. Poultry breeding in a commercial point of view. Bost., 1867. 83 514 AUTHOE LIST. Ghazzali, Mohammed. Alchemy of happiness, tr. from the Turkish by H. A. Homes. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1876. v. 8; p. 38-43) Gholson, John G. Origin of energy. Manch., 1901. Gibb, Elias John Wilkinson, Poole, Stanley Lane-, and Gilman, Arthur. Story of Turkey. 1889. tt • j Gibbes, Lewis R. On the carcinological collections of the United States. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. V. 3; p. 167-200.) , Gibbes, Robert Wilson, M. D. Description of the teeth of a new fossil animal found in the green sand of South CaroHna. n. p. 1845- Documentary history of the American revolution, consisting of letters and papers. N. Y., 1855. _ Memoir of mosasaurus. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 185 1. V. 2, art. 5.) Monograph of the fossil squalidse of the United States. Phil., 1848. Gibbins, Henry de Beltgens, ed. Social questions of today. Gibbon, Edward. Essay on the study of literature. Dublin, 1788. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; new ed. I2V. Lond., 1791. 5th Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. 4v. N. Y., 1829. Miscellaneous works, with memoirs of his life and writings. with occasional notes and narrative by J. L. Sheffield. 3v. Dub- lin, 1796. Gibbon, Lieut. John. Artillerist's manual, adapted to the service of the United States. N. Y., i860. Gibbon, Lieut. Lardner, and Herndon, Lieut. William Lewis. Explor- ations of the valley of the Amazon. 1854. Gibbons, Henry, M. D., 1808-84, ed. Pacific medical and surgical journal. 1870-83. Gibbons, Henry, M. D., 1840-, ed. Pacific medical and surgical jour- nal. 1870-83. Gibbons, James, card. Discourse at the 7th annual graduating exercises of the Catholic University of America, June 16, 1896. Wash., 1896. Faith of our fathers. Ed. 47. Bait., 1895. Gibbons, James S. Banks of New York, their dealers, the clearing house, and the panic of 1857, with a financial chart. N. Y., 1859. Gibbons, Thomas, D. D. 1720-85. Hidden life of a Christian exem- plified in his diary. Lond., 1816. Juvenile poems on various subjects of devotion and virtue. Lond., 1750. Gibbons, William, M. D. Doctrine and discipline of the society of Friends. Phil, 1888. Gibbs, George. Memoirs of the administrations of Washington and John Adams, ed. fr. the papers of Oliver Wolcott. 2v. N. Y"., 1846. Gibbs, George, M. D. Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon; or. Trade language of Oregon. Wash., 1863. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. V. 7-) Instructions for research relative to the ethnology and phil- ology of America. Wash., 1863. (I^ Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. V. 7-) Tribes of western Washington and northwestern Oregon. (In U. S.: Geog. and geol. survey of the Rocky mountain region. Contrib. 1877. v. i; p. 157-361.) Gibbs, Josiah Willard. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. v. 35; p. 37-68.) On the fundamental formulae of dynamics. (In Amer. jour. of mathematics. 1879. v. 2; p. 49-64.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 515 Gibbs, Wolcott. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed, v. 47; p. 1-16.) Report on the recent progress of organic chemistry. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 9; p. 37-62.) and Genth, Frederick Augustus. Researches on the ammonia- cobalt bases. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1857. v. 9.) Gibert, Camille Melchior. Changes of the blood in disease. Phil., 1841. tr. fr. the French by J. H. Dix. Phil., 1841. (Bound with Macrobin, John, M. D. Introd. to the study of prac. med. 1841.) Traite pratique des maladies speciales de la peau. Ed. 2. Par., 1840. Gibson, A. M. Political crime; the history of the great fraud. N. Y., 1885. Report on the coal measures of Blount Mountain. Montg., 1893. Report on the geological structure of Murphree's valley. Montg., 1893. Report upon the Coosa coal field. Montg., 1895. Gibson, Edmund, hp. Five pastorial letters to the people of his diocese. Lond., 1760. Gibson, James. Journal of the siege by the troops from North America, against the French in Cape Breton, the city of Louis- burg and the territory thereunto belonging, ed. by Rev. L. D. Johnson. Wash., 1894. Gibson, John Bannister. Observations on the trap rocks of the Conewago Hills, Dauphin county, and of the Stony Ridge, Cum- berland county, Pa. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1825. V. 2; p. 156-66.) Gibson, Walter. Steward family. Pittsf., 1885. Note : clipping from the Suncook valley times. Gibson, William, M. D. Institutes and practice of surgery. Ed. 2. 2v. Phil., 1827. Ed. 6, enl. 2v. Phil., 1841. Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire. N. Y., 1900. Sociology and political economy, n. p. 1888. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1888. V. 3; no. i.) Giddings, George, and Browne, Edward. Copy of the case of George Giddings and others of Ipswich. (In Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Coll. of papers. 1769. p. 287-309.) Giddings, Joshua Reed. Speech delivered in the house of repre- sentatives, Concord, N. H., June 29, 1847. Cone, 1847. Giesbrecht, Wilhelm. (Die) palagischen copepoden. (In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1895. v. 25; p. 243-63.) Gieseler, E. A., tr. Bauschinger, J., comp. Resolutions of the con- ventions held at Munich, Dresden, Berlin, and Vienna, for the purpose of adopting uniform methods for testing construction materials with regard to their mechanical properties, tr. by O. M. ^ Carter. 1896. Giffen, Robert. International statistical comparisons. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3, no. 18-19; p. 199-212.) Progress of the working classes in the last half century. N. Y., 1888. Giffin, Mrs. Maria L. (Gould). Genealogy of the Giffin family. Keene, 1886. puh. Gould, Isaiah. History of Stoddard. 1897. Giffin, \yilliam M., and Meleny, C. E. Selected words for spelling, ^ dictation, and language lessons. 1885. Gifford, Archer. Aborigines of New Jersey. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1850. v. 4; p. 163-98.) 516 AUTHOR LIST. Gifford, John Pearl, and Bartlett, John Henry. Dartmouth athletics, a complete history of all kinds of sports at the college. Cone, 1893. Gifford, Rev. O. P. Making the most of life. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. v. 104-29.) Gifford, Seth K., tr. Passion of Perpetua. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 4; p. 51-63-) and Harris, James Rendel, ed. New version of the Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 3; p. I-73-) Gifford, Sidney B., and Stone, Seymour H. 1847, 1897; the semi- centennial of the founding of the city of Syracuse, Oct., 1897; the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1620-21. Syracuse, 1897. Gihon, Albert Leary, M. D. Practical suggestions in naval hygi- ene. Wash., 1871. Prevention of venereal disease by legislation. N. Y., 1882. What is medicine? Annual address before the American acad- emy of medicine, Oct., 1885. Phil., 1886. Gihon, John H., M. D., Nisbet, James, and Soule, Frank. Annals of San Francisco. 1855. Gilbert, Benjamin Davis. Cheese industry of the state of New York. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 15.) Gilbert, Benjamin J., Dewey, Benoni, and Wheelock, James. True and concise narrative of the origin and progress of the church difficulties in the vicinity of Dartmouth college. 1815. Gilbert, Charles Henry. Descriptions of new and little known etheostomoids. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1888. V. 10; p. 47-64.) Descriptions of twenty-two new species of fishes collected by the steamer Albatross, of the U. S. fish commission. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 437-57-) Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1891. V. 13; p. 49-126.) {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 539-66.) and Cramer, Frank. Report on the fishes dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian islands. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 403-35.) and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Catalogue of the fishes col- lected by J. Xantus at Cape San Lucas. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 353-71.) Description of seven new species of sebastoid fishes from the coast of California. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1881. V. 3; P- 287-98.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; P- 287-98.) Descriptions of thirty-three new species of fishes from Mazat- lan, Mexico. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; P- 338-71.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; P- 338-71-) List of fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian territory, and Texas in 1884. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. V. 9; p. 1-25) List of fishes now in the museum of Yale college, collected by F. H. Bradley at Panama. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 620-32.) Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, Cal. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1881. v. 3; p. 23-34.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 517 Gilbert, Charles Henry. Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, Cal. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; P- 23-34.) and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Notes on fishes observed about Pensacola, Fla., and Galveston, Tex. (/« U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 241-307.) Notes on the fishes of Beaufort harbor, N. C. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 365-88.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. r; p. 365-88.) Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the U. S. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 29-70.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 29-70.) Review of the American caranginae. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 188-207.) Review of the species of the genus calamus. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 14-24.) Synopsis of the fishes of North America. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. v. 24.) (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1882. no. 16.) and Scofield, Norman Bishop. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Colorado basin in Arizona. (In U. S. : National mu- seum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 487-99.) Gilbert, Edward H. Early grants and incorporation of the town of Ware. N. Y., 1891. Gilbert, G., and Warren, Moses. Connecticut from actual survey made in 1811. 1812. Gilbert, Grove Karl. Address: the work of the International con- gress of geologists. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1888. v. 36; p. 183-206.) Lake Bonneville. Wash., 1890. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Monographs. 1890. v. i.) Moon's face; a study of the origin of its features. (In Phil. soc. of Washington. Bulletin. 1893. v. 12; p. 241-92.) Presidential address; the origin of hypotheses. Wash., 1896. (In Geol. soc. of Washington. Presidential addresses. 1895.) — ;— Report on the geology of the Henry Mountains. Wash., 1880. Gilbert, James E., D. D. Bible reader's guide; daily plan for chron- ological and topical reading of the entire Bible in three years. V. 1-2. Indianapolis, 1893.* Junior normal examiner; for use in the training classes of the Amer. inst. of religious education. Ed. 4. Indianapolis, 1889. Normal lesson manual. Ed. 11. 8v. Wash., 1889. — — Primary normal manual. Indianapolis, 1889. — — Primary pupil's manual. Ed. 6. Wash., 1895. Gilbert, Mahlon Norris, bp. Beginnings of the Episcopal church in Minnesota and the early missions of Park place, St. Paul. (In ^ Minn, hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 181-96.) Gilbert, Mrs. Viola. Christian science uncovered, its black art ex- posed. N. Y., 1900. Gilbert, William Schwenck. Trial by jury. 1883. Gilbert, Walter Bond, atid Goodrich, Alfred B., D. D. Canticles of ^ the P. E. church with music. 1872. Gildas, Badonicus. Works. (In Giles, J. A. Six old English chron- icles. 1848; p, 293-380.) Gilder, Joseph B. Life of C. M. Depew. (In Depew, C. M. Life and later speeches. 1894. pref. p. 7-23.) Gilder, William Henry. Ice-pack and tundra; an account of the search for the Jeannette and a sledge journey through Siberia. N. Y., 1883. ■ Schwatka's search; sledging in the Arctic in quest of the Franklin records. N. Y., 1881. 618 AUTHOR LIST. Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau> ed. American journal of philology, quarterly, v. i-io. 1880-89. Gile, Rev. George W. Excursions to the White Mountains with Dr. Aaron Ordway's parties of '75 and '76. Lawrence, 1877. Giles, Alfred E. Sabbath -question considered by a layman. Hyde Park, 1874. Giles, Arthur E., M. D. Moral pathology. Lond., 1895. (Social science series, no. 85.) Giles, F. W. Thirty years in Topeka; a historical sketch. Topeka, 1886. Giles, Rev. John. Two discourses delivered in Newburyport, Aug. 20, 1812; the day recommended by the president of the U. S. for national humiliation and prayer. Newburyport, 1812. Giles, John Allen, ed. Six old English chronicles. Lond., 1848. Giles, William Andrew Jackson. Silver question, n. p. n. d. Giles, William F. Annual address delivered before the Md. hist. soc, Dec. 17, 1866. Bait., 1867. Gilfillan, Charles D. Early political history of Minnesota. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 167-80.) Gilfillan, Rev. Joseph A. Ojibways in Minnesota. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. V. 9; p. 55-128.) Gilford (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other town officers for the year 1876, '80-3, '85-1902. Lakeport, 1876-1902. : Public library. Finding list. Lakeport, 1893. Catalogue. Laconia, 1896. Gilford academy, Gilford (N. H.). Catalogue of the officers and students, 1835. Cone, 1835. Gill, Adam Capen. Beitrage zur kenntniss de squarzes. Lpz., 1893. Gill, Sir David. Catalogue of 2798 zodiacal stars for the epoch 1900. Lond., 1899. Report on the geodetic survey of South Africa in 1883-92. Cape Town, 1896. Resources on stellar parallax. Edin., 1900. {In Cape observa- tory. Annals. 1900. v. 8, pt. 2.) Gill, John. Systems of education; a history and criticism of the principles, methods, organization, and moral discipline advo- cated by eminent educationists. Bost., 1889. Gill, Theodore, M. D. Arrangement of families of mollusks. Wash, n. d. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1873. v. 10.) Arrangement of the families 'of fishes. Wash., 1872. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1874. v. 11.) Arrangement of the families of mammals. Wash., 1873. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1874. v. 11.) comp. Bibliogr-aphy of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the U. S. to the end of" 1879. Wash., 1882. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. V. 23.) Wash., 1882. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1882. no. II.) Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America. Wash., 1873. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 14.) E. D. Cope, naturalist. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 1-30.) Families of synentognathous fishes and their nomenclature. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. .1896. v. 18; p. 167-78.) Gleanings among the pleuronectids and observations on the name pleuronectes. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1889. V. 11; p. 593-606.) Notes on the tetraodontoidea. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 705-20.) On the application of the name teuthis to a genus of fishes. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. I79-89-) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 519 Gill, Theodore, M. D. On the characteristics of the primary groups of the class of mammals. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1872, v. 20; p. 284-306.) On the classification of the mail-cheeked fishes. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 567-92.) On the relations of cyclopteroidea. (In U. S. : National mu- seum. Proceed. 1891. v. 13; p. 361-76.) On the species of the genus micropterus or grystes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 55-73-) Some questions of nomenclature. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1897. v. 45; p. 135-65.) Synopsis of the plectognath fishes. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 411-27.) and Ryder, John A. On the anatomy and relations of the eurypharyngidae. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1884. V. 6; p. 262-73.) On literature and systematic relations of the saccopharyngoid fishes. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 48-65.) Gillespie, George de Normandie, D. D. History of St. Andrew's church at Ann Arbor. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 9; p. 141-55-) Gillet, Joseph Anthony, and Rolfe, William James. Natural phil- osophy for high schools and academies. Bost., 1869. Gillett, Charles Ripley, and Gillett, William Kendall. Religious motives of Christopher Columbus. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1892. v. 4; p. 1-26.) Gillett, George. Old Testament on war. Bost, 1895. Gillett, William Kendall, and Gillett, Charles Ripley. Religious motives of Christopher Columbus. (In Amer. soc. of Church hist. Papers. 1892. v. 4; p. 1-26.) Gillette, Clarence P. American leaf-hoppers of the sub-family typhocybinse. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 709-73-) Gillies, John, tr. Aristoteles. Ethics and politics. 1813. Gilliss, Cat)t. James Melville. Account of the total eclipse of the sun on Sept. 7, 1858. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1859. v. II.) Astronomical observations made at the naval observatory, Washington, 1838. Wash., 1846. Catalogue of 16748 southern stars. Wash., 1895. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1890. appx. i.) Magnetical and meteorological observations, 1838. Wash., 1845- On the longitude of Washington, computed from the moon- culminations observed during the years 1839-1842, inclusive. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1853. New ser. v. 10; p. 211-23.) U. S. naval astronomical expedition to the southern hemi- sphere during 1849-52. v. 1-3, 6. Wash., 1855-6. Gillman, Alexander W. Searches into the history of the Gillman ^ or Oilman family. Lond., 1895. Gillman, Henry. Ancient men of the Great lakes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1876. v. 24, pt. 2; p. 316-31.) Investigations of the burial mound at Fort Wayne, on the Detroit river, Mich. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1877. v. 25; p. 311-25.) Mound-builders in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. V. 2; p. .10-52. 1S81. V. 3; p. 202-13.) 520 AUTHOR LIST. Gillmore, Brig.-gen. Quincy Adams. Observations on hydraulic cements, (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. V. 14; p. 199-212.) Official report to the United States engineer department of the siege and reduction of Port Pulaski, Ga., 1862. N. Y., 1862. Supplementary report to engineer and artillery operations against the defences of Charleston harbor in 1863. N. Y., 1868. Gillpatrick, Col. J. H. "The army mule." n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers.) Gilly, William Stephen, D. D. Cause of missions, the cause of God. N. Y., 1839. (Bound zvith White, William, &/>. Sermon, 1833.) Oilman, Alfred. Capt. G. V. Fox in the war of the Rebellion. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 33-6o.) F. C. Lowell. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. V. i; p. 73-86.) History of central bridge of Lowell. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 295-328.) History of the Lowell grammar schools. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 87-109.) Lowell Island. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. V. 4; p. 338-51.) , Merrimack river, its sources, affluents, etc. (In Old residents hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 206-12.) • Newspaper press of Lowell. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 233-67.) Gillman, Arthur. Sketch of the life of Kirk Boott. * (In Old resi- dents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 3-13.) ed. Cambridge of eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Camb., 1896. Gilman family in the line of John Gilman of Exeter, N. H. Alb., 1869. History of the American people. Bost., 1883. Miss H. A. Keller's first year of college preparatory work. Wash., 1897. Story of Boston, a study of independency. N. Y., 1889. (Great cities of the republic.) Story of Rome from the earliest times to the end of the Re- public. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) Story of the Saracens from the earliest times to the fall of Bagdad. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) and Church, Rev. Alfred John. Story of Carthage. 1888. and Gould, Sabine Baring-. Story of Hungary. 1889. Gilman, Arthur, and MahafTy, John Pentland, D. D. Story of Alex- ander's empire. 1889. and Poole, Stanley Lane-. Story of the Moors in Spain. 1888. Poole, Stanley Lane-, and Gibb, Elias John Wilkinson. Story of Turkey. 1889. Gilman, Mrs. Caroline (Howard). Recollections of a Southern matron. N. Y., 1839. Gilman, Chandler Robbins, M. D. Defeat of General St. Clair in 1791. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Proceed. 1847. p. 34-44.) ed. Beck, John B., M. D. Lectures on materia medica and therapeutics. 1851. 1861. Gilman, Clarabel. Religious nature of the Indian. ^. p. 1890. Gilman, Daniel Coit. Address. (In Bryn Mawr college. Ad- dresses. 1886. p. 21-32.) Bishop Berkeley's gift to Yale college. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1865. v. 2; p. 147-70.) Historical discourse delivered in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 7, 1859; the bi-centennial celebration of its settlement. Ed. 2. Bost, 1859. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 521 Oilman, Daniel Coit. James Monroe; 1776 to 1826. Ed. 8. Bost, 1887. (Amer. statesmen.) Johns Hopkins university. (1876-1891.) Bait, 1891. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1891. v. 9; no. 3-4.) On the growth of American colleges and their present ten- dency to the study of science. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1872. p. 96-115-) ed. Organization of charities. Bait., 1894. Report on the national schools of science. (In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1871. 1872; p. 427-44-) Study in black and white. Bait., 1897. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1897. no. ID.) University problems in the United States. N. Y., 1898. See also California: University: President. Oilman, Edward W., D. D. Eighty years of Bible society work, 1816-1896. n. p. 1896. Oilman, Marcus Davis. Bibliography of Vermont; or, A list of books and pamphlets relating in any way to the state. Bur- lington, 1897. Oilman, Samuel, D. D., anon. Memoirs of a New England village choir. Bost., 1829. Oilman, Samuel, M. D. Folly of aspiring at universal applause. Charleston, 1838. Oilman, Theodore. Founding of the great Northwest. (In Em- pire state soc. of S. A. R.: Yonkers chapter. Charter meeting. 1897. p. II -43-) Oilmanton (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1864, '66, '73, '76, '77, '79-85, '88-1902. Laconia, 1864-1902. : School board. Annual report for 1886-7. Laconia, 1887. Oilmanton academy, Gilmanton (N. H.). Announcements, 1887-90, '91-2. V. p. 1887-91. Catalogue, 1848-9, '52-3, '56-7, '58-9, '74-6. v. p. 1849-76. Olimanton theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students. Gilmanton, 1837. Constitution and laws. Gilmanton, 1844. Order of exercises at the anniversary, 1844, '46. v. 9, 11. n. p. 1844-6. Oilmor, Robert. Memorandums made in a tour to the eastern states in the year 1797. (In Bulletin of the Boston public library. 1893. no. 88; p. 72-92.) Oilmore, Capt. D. M. Cavalry, its use and value. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v. 2; p. 38-51.) With General Gregg at Gettysburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 93-1 11.) Oilmore, Evelyn L. Christ church, Gardiner, Me. Gardiner, 1893. Oilmore, Oeorge C. Last fourteen survivors of the Revolutionary army. Cone, 1898. comp. Manchester men; soldiers and sailors in the Civil war, 1861-6. Cone, 1898. anon. Report of special commissioner on Bunker Hill tab- lets. Manch., 1891. comp. Roll of N. H. soldiers at battle of Bennington, Aug. 16, 1777. Manch., 1891. comp. State senators, 1784-1900; New Hampshire men at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. Manch., 1899. ed. New Hampshire: Louisbnrg commissioner. Roll of New Hampshire men at Louisburg. 1896. Oilmore, Oeorge H., and Kendall, J., anon. History of the town of Houlton. 1884. Oilmore, James Roberts. Personal recollections of Abraham Lin- coln and the civil war. Bost., 1898. 522 AUTHOB LIST. Gilmore, Joseph Albree. Message to the senate and house of rep- resentatives, June session, 1863. Cone, 1863. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, 1864. Cone., 1864. Gilmore, Rev. Joseph Henry. "Hath God forgotten to be gra- cious"; a thanksgiving sermon preached Nov. 26, 1863. Cone, 1863. Historical address on the looth birthday of Mrs. Whipple. Rochester, 1886. Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield. History of the national peace jubilee and great musical festival. Bost., 1871. Gilpin, E., inspector. See Nova Scotia; Mines, inspector of. Gilpin, Henry D., ed. Madison, James, pres. of the U. S. Papers. 1840. ed. Madison, James, pres. of the U. S. Papers and reports of debates in the Federal convention. 1841. Gilsum (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers, 1876, '78-9, '81-1902. Keene, 1876-1902. : Public library. Catalogue, n. p. 1892. Supplement, n. p. 1893. Supplement, n. p. 1895. Gindley, Anton. History of the thirty years' war, tr. by Andrew Ten Brook. 2v. N. Y., 1883. Ginn and company, pub. Classical atlas. Bost., 1886. pub. New England primer, n. d. Girard, Charles, M. D. Contributions to the natural history of the fresh water fishes of North America. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1852. v. 3; art. 3.) Essay on the classification of nemertes and planarise. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 4; p. 258-73.) Fishes. Wash., 1858. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Explorations and surveys, 1853-56. 1858. v. 10.) On the classification of mammalia. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; p. 319-34.) comp., anon. Publications of learned societies and periodicals. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1855-6. v. 7; appx. 35p. v. 8; appx. pt. 2, 34p.) (La) vie au point de vue physique. Par., i860. and Baird, Spencer FuUerton. Catalogue of North American ^ reptiles. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Girard college. 1848-1898; semi-centennial of Girard college. Phil., 1898. : Girard statue, committee on. Statue of Stephen Girard, rec- ords of its erection and unveiling. Phil., 1897. Girardin, J. A. Life and times of Rev. Gabriel Richard. (In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1877. v. i; p. 481-95.) Girls friendly society for America. Associates' list, 1886-7. Lowell, 1886-7. Report, 1883-7. Lowell, 1883-7. : Massachusetts diocesan organisation. Report, 1888. Bost., 1888. Gist, Christopher. Journal. {In Johnston, J. S. First explorations of Kentucky. 1898. p. 101-66.) Giuseppi, Montague S. Alien merchants in England in the isth century. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans, 1895. v. 19; p. 75-98.) Given, Adam, M. D. Scotch-Irish; who are they? and what are they? (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1892. V. 4; p. 158-73.) Gladden, Washington, D. D. Contribution of Congregationalism to theology. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 119-44.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 523 Gladden, Washington, D. D. Influence upon officials in office. {In National municipal league. Proceed. 1894. p. 152-66.) Woman's part in social questions, n. p. 1889. Gladstone, William Ewart. A. H. Hallam. Bost. n. d. (Compan- ion classics.) ^ rr. -, • T a ^ Bulgarian horrors and Russia m Turkistan. Lpz., 1876. Fundamental error of English colonial aggrandizement. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 6; p. 2266- Glasgow: Sanitary department. Census 1891 of Glasgow, n. p. n. d. Glashan, J. C. Forms of Rolle's theorem. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1881. v. 4; p. 282-92.) Glassford, Capt. William A., and Greely, Brig.-gen. Adolphus Wash- ington. Report on the climate of California and Nevada. 1891. Glazier, W. C. W., M. D. Report on trichinae and trichinosis. Wash., 1881. Gleed, Charles Sumner. Chancellorship. {In Kans.: Univ. Ad- dresses. 1890. p. 5-I9-) Samuel Walker. {In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 6; p. 249-74.) Gleig, Rev. George Robert, anon. Campaigns of the British army at Washington and New Orleans in 1814-1815 by the author of the Subaltern. Lond., 1836. History of the British empire in India, v. i. Lond., 1830. Life of Cromwell. Sanbornton, 1840. Narrative of the campaigns of the British army at Washing- ton, Baltimore, and New Orleans in 1814 and 1815, by an officer who served. Phil., 1821. Narratives of the campaigns of the British army at Washing- ton and New Orleans under Generals Ross, Parkenham, and Lambert in the years 1814 and 1815; with some account of the countries visited. Lond., 1821. Gleiwitz, G., M. D. Realities of homoeopathy. Middlebury, 1859. Glenn, Capt. Edwin F. Cooks inlet exploring expedition. {In U. S.: Senate: Military affairs, com. on. Compilation of narratives. 1900. p. 713-43) Xanana river exploring expedition, {In U. S.: Senate: Mili- tary affairs, com. on. Compilation of narratives. 1900. p. 629- 709.) and Abercrombie, Capt. W. R. Reports of explorations in the territory of Alaska, 1898. Wash., 1899. Glenn, Thomas Allen. Blue Anchor tavern. Phil., 1897. {In Colo- nial soc. of Penn. Bulletin. 1897. v. i, no. 2.) comp. List of some American genealogies which have been printed in book form. Phil., 1897. Some colonial mansions and those who lived in them. Phil., 1900. Glennie, J. S. Stuart-. Desirability of treating history as a science of origins. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1891. v. 15; p. 229-40.) Traditions of the Archaian white races. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. v. 14; p. 303-48.) Glezen, Edward K., Denison, Frederic, and Stanley, Albert A., ed. Memorial^ of Oliver Shaw. 1884. Glezen, Levi. Oration delivered at Lenox on the 22d of Febru- ary, 1800, on Washington. Stockbridge, 1800. Gloag, Rev. Paton James. Primeval world; a treatise on the rela- tions of geology to theology. Edin., 1859. Gloucester, Young men's Christian association. Constitution and by-laws, with the list of officers, etc. Glouc, 1858. Glover, Anna. Glover memorials and genealogies. Bost., 1867. Glover, Richard. Leonidas; a poem; fr. the 6th Lond. ed. Bait, 1814. 524 AUTHOB LIST. Glover sanitary sewerage company. Problem of sanitary sewerage for towns and cities. Bost., 1896. Gloversville (N. ¥.)• Mayor's message with annual reports for the fiscal year to the common council, 1900. Gloversville, 1901. Glyndon, Howard, ed. Notable men in "the House," a series of sketches of prominent men in the house of representatives, mem- bers of the 37th congress. N. Y., 1862. Gneist, Heinrich Rodolf Herman Friedrich. English parliament in its transformations through a thousand years; tr. by R. J. Shee. Bost., 1886. Gobrecht, J. C, anon. History of the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers. Dayton, 1875. Godard, John George. Poverty, its genesis and exodus, an inquiry into causes and the method of their removal. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser. no. 45.) Goddard, Christopher Marsh, and Comstock, John Moore. Decen- nial record of the class of 1877, Dartmouth college. 1887. Goddard, George H. Third edition of Britton and Key's map of the state of California. San Fran., i860. NoTB : scale 25 miles to 1 inch. Goddard, Paul Beck, M. D., ed. Ashwell, Samuel, M. D. Practical treatise on the diseases peculiar to women. 1845. ■ ed. Moreau, Frangois Joseph. Practical treatise on midwifery. 1844. ed. Ricord, Philippe, M. D. Illustrations of syphilitic disease. 1852. ed. Wilson, Erasmus, M. D. Dissector; or. Practical and sur- gical anatomy. 1844. System of human anatomy. 1847. Goddard, Thomas H. General history of the most prominent banks in Europe. N. Y., 1831. Godfrey, E. L. B., M. D. History of the medical profession of Camden county, N. J. Phil., 1896. Godfrey, Lt.-col. George L. Johnston's surrender to Sherman. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1898. V. 2; p. 65-76.) Godfrey, John Edwards. Ancient Penobscot. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 1-22.) Castine the younger. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; p. 73-92.) Claude de la Tour. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 95-113.) Jean Vincent, baron de Saint Castin. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 39-72.) Memoir of Edward Kent. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 449-80.) Norumbega. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 315-32.) Pilgrims at Penobscot. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. v. 7; P- 23-37-) Godfrey, Samuel E. Sketch of the life of S. E. Godfrey, with an abstract of his trial on an indictment for the murder of Thomas Hewlett. Hanover, 1818. Godkin, Edwin L. H. G. Pearson, a memorial address, June 21, 1894. N. Y. n. d. Godman, John D., M. D. American natural history. 2v. Phil., 1836. ed. Cooper, Sir Astley. Treatise on dislocations and frac- tures of the joints. 1832. ed. Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences. v. 10-14. 1825-7. Godwin, D. G., com'r. See Tennessee: Agriculture, dcpt. of. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 525 Godwin, William, 1756-1836. Enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on morals and happiness; ist Amer. fr. 2d Lond. edition, Phil., 1796. Political justice, a reprint of the essay on "Property," from the original edition, ed. by H. S. Salt. Lond., 1890. (Social sci. series, no. 12.) Things as they are; or. The adventures of Caleb Williams. V. 2. Phil., 1818. Goeppert, Heinrich Robert. Ueber die fossile flora, n. p. 1859. Goes, Axel. Foraminifera. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1896. v. 29; p. 1-103.) Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. See Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goff, Nathan. Speech. (In Sherman, John. Free raw materials exposed, n. d. p. 65-77.) Goffe, James Riddle, M. D., ed. Medical news, a weekly journal. v. 68-70. 1896-7. Goffe, Joseph, anon. Result of council at Princeton incapable of vindication. Wore, 1817. Goffstown (N. H.). Report of the selectmen for the year ending Feb., 1851-1902. Manch., 1851-1902. : Fire department. Report, 1892, '94-5. Manch., 1892-5. Rules and regulations. Goffstown, 1886. Goffstown (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1877. Bristol, 1877. Gohre, Paul. Three months in a workshop; a practical study; tr. by A. B. Carr. Lond., 1895. (Social sci. ser. no. 79.) Goin, John W. Apprentice system for the U. S. merchant service. N. Y., 1853. Gold-bearing lands of Lower Canada. N. Y., 1865. Golden branch society of Phillips Exeter academy. F. S. T. Cata- logue, 1837. Bost, 1837. Golden cross, United order of the. See United order of the golden cross. Golden eagle, Knights of the. See Knights of the golden eagle. Goldsbury, John, and Russell, William. American common-school reader and speaker. Bost., 1844. Bost., 1844. Note: last pages wanting. Introduction to the American common-school reader and speaker. 1845. Goldsmid, Edmund, ed. Collection of historical documents illus- trative of the reigns of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns. 2v. in I. Edin., 1886. Goldsmid, Maj.-gen. F. J. Perplexities of oriental history. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 365-89.) Goldsmith, Middleton, M. D. Address on fish culture, before the legislature of Vermont, Nov. 12, 1872. Rutl., 1872. How to stamp out certain diseases. Fair Haven, 1883. Goldsmith, Oliver. Citizen of the world; or, Letters from a Chinese philosopher residing in London to his friends in the east. 2v. Phil., 1804. Grecian history, from the earliest state to the death of Alex- ander the Great. Ed. 8. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1816. History of England, ed. by Pinnock; ist Amer. ed. rev. fr. the 23d Eng. ed. Phil., 1836. History of the earth and animated nature. New. ed. 4v. Phil., 1830. 4v. in 2. Phil., 1852. Poetical works. Lond., 1809. Roman history, abridged by himself. Ed. 9. Poughkeepsie, 1816. 626 AUTHOR LIST. Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. Ed. 2. Bost, 1881. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. With memoirs of Goldsmith by John Aitkin. Walpole, 1809. , Bait, 1816. Goldthwait, W. C. Practical education. (In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1850. p. 193-232.) Goler, George W., M. D. Sanitation of Rochester, N. Y. Roches- ter, 1896. Golf in California, n. p. 1900. Gomme, George Laurence. Some considerations on the origin of monarchial government. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. V. 5; p. 1-27.) Sovereignty in relation to the origin of social institutions. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. v. 6; p. 131-46.) Gooch, Frank Austin, and Whitefield, James Edward. Analysis of waters of the Yellowstone national park. Wash., 1888. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1888. no. 47.) Gooch, Robert, M. D. Account of some of the most important dis- eases peculiar to women; fr. 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1836. Good, James Isaac, D. D. Founding of the German reformed church in America by the Dutch, (in Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 375-84-) Good, John Mason, M. D. Book of nature. 2v. Bost., 1826. Physiological system of nosology, with a corrected and simpli- fied nomenclature. Lond., 1817. Bost., 1823. Study of medicine. 4v. Bost., 1823. 2d Amer. ed. v. 3-5. Phil., 1824. 4th Amer. ed. v. 1-4. Bost, 1826. fr. the last Lond. ed. 5v. Bost., 1829. Good fellow, official organ of Royal society of good fellows, pub. monthly, v. 5, no. 3-12; v. 6-8. Bost, 1897-1901. Note : v. 7 contains 18 nos. Good government, official organ of the National civil service re- form league, v. 16; v. 17, no. 1-2. N. Y., 1897-9. Note : publication suspended from Dec. 15, 1897-Dec. 15, 1898. Good health, monthly, a journal of hygiene, v. 14-15; v. 16, no. 2-12; V. 17; V. 18, no. 1-3, 9-12; V. 19; V. 22, no. 1-3, 8-10; v. 23, no, 1-2, 5-7; V. 26-8; V. 29, no. i-ii; v. 30, no. 5, 10-12; v. 31-4. Battle Creek, 1879-99. Note : continuation of Health reformer, v. 14-date. Good Hope (Cape of). See also Cape Colony. Good news from New England, with an exact relation of the first planting of that countrey. Lond., 1648. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1852. V. 3I-) Good roads association. Report of the convention for the province of New Brunswick. St. John, 1897. Good roads association of the Province of Ontario. Annual re- port. 1894. V. 2.^ Toronto, 1895. Goodale, George Lincoln. Address; some recent investigations relative to cell-contents. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. v. 38; p. 259-72.) ■ Address; useful plants of the future, (/w Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892, v. 40; p. 1-38.) Goodale, Stephen Lincoln. Commercial manures; a lecture before the Farmer's convention, 1869. Augusta, 1869. Notes on ammonium citrate solubility of water-insoluble phos- phates. Saco, 1893. Goodall, David. Reminiscences of David Goodall. n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 527 Goode, Statement of the expenditures of government, n. p. Goode, George Brown. American fishes. Bost., 1887. Catalogue of the collection to illustrate the animal resources and the fisheries of the U. S. Wash., 1879. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 23.) t. ,1 • Wash., 1879. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. Catalogue of the fishes of the Bermudas. Wash., 1876. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 13.) . Wash., 1876. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1876. no. 5.) ^, , . , Classification of the collection to illustrate the animal re- sources of the U. S. Wash., 1876. (International exhibition. 1876.) Descriptions of seven new species of fishes from deep sound- ings on the southern New England coast. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1881. v. 3; p. 337-50.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; p. 337-50.) First decade of the United States fish commission. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 563- 74.) First national scientific congress, Washington, 1844. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 39-47.) Fishes from the deep water on the south coast of New Eng- land. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1881. v. 3; p. 467-86.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i ; p. 467-86.) Museum-history and museums of history. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 3, no. 2; p. 251-74.) Museums of the future. Wash., 1891. Origin of the national scientific and educational institutions of the U. S. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1890. v. i; p. 53-161.) Preliminary catalogue of the fishes of the St. John's river and the east coast of Florida. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1880. V. 2; p. 108-21.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19; pt. 2; p. 108-21.) Principles of museum administration. York, 1895. comp. Published writings of Charles Girard. Wash., 1891. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1891. no. 41.) comp. Published writings of P. L. Sclater, 1844-1896. Wash., 1896. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1896. no. 49.) comp. Published writings of S. F. Baird, 1843-1882. Wash., 1883. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1883. no. 20.) Revision of the American species of the genus brevoortia. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 30-42.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19; pt. i; p. 30-42.) Short biography of the menhaden. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 425-37.) ed. Smithsonian institution, 1846-1896; the history of its first half century. Wash., 1897. Study of the trunk-fishes (ostraciontidje). (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 261-83.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coif. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2: p. 261-83.) 528 AUTHOR LIST. Goode, George Brown. Taxonomic relations and geographical dis- tribution of the members of the sword-fish family. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 4I5-33-) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 415-33.) and Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D. Catalogue of a collection of fishes obtained in the Gulf of Mexico by J. W. Velie. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 333-45-) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 333-45-) Catalogue of a collection of fishes sent from Pensacola, Fla., by S. Stearns. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. V. 2; p. 121-56.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 121-56.) Description of twenty-five new species of fish from the south- ern U. S. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 412-37.) Descriptions of new fishes obtained frorn deep water ofif the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1886. V. 8; p. 589-605.) Ocean ichthyology, a treatise on the deep sea and pelagic fishes of the world. 2v. Wash., 1895. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1895. v. 30-1.) and Bean, Tarleton Hoffman, M. D. On the American fishes in the Linnsean collection. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1886. V. 8; p. 193-208.) Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1895. V. 17; p. 455-70.) and Jones, John Matthew, ed. Contributions to the natural history of the Bermudas. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1884. no. 25.) and others. Fisheries and fishery industries of the U. S. 7 sec. in 6. Wash., 1884-7. ed. United States: Fish and fisheries, commission of. Descrip- tive catalogues of the collections sent from the U. S. to the In- ternational fisheries exhibition, London, 1883. (^^ U. S.: Na- tional museum. Bulletin. 1884. no. 27.) Exhibit of the fisheries and fish culture of the U. S. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1880. no. 18.) Goode, Rhett, M. D. Quarantine-maritime and land. n. p. i90o(?) Goodell, Abner Cheney. Address delivered before the Essex in- stitute, Oct. 5, 1874, at the centennial anniversary of the meet- ing of the Provincial assembly in Salem, Oct. 5^ 1774. Salem, 1874- Salem, 1874. Address, Nov. 27, 1895, in commemoration of the first sum- moning of citizens and burgesses to the parliament of England. Bost., 1897. Boston massacre, reprinted from the Boston daily advertiser, June 3, 1887. n. p. n. d. Charges against Samuel Adams. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 213-26.) Continental congress in Rehoboth. (In Old col. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 5; p. 46-58.) First meeting house in Salem, Mass.; a reply to certain stric- tures made by R. S. Rantoul in his "Powerful defence of the old Salem relic." n. p. n. d. (Bound with Putnam, Eden. Inquiry, n. d.) History of witchcraft in Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. v. 21; p. 99-118.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 529 Goodell, Abner Cheney. Life and papers of Edmund Randolph. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. 33; p. 286-98.) ed Manuscripts relating to witchcraft. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. v. 21; p. 339-58.)^^ ^^ Murder of Captain Codman. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 122-57.) ,, ,, Origin of towns in Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1890. V. 25; p. 320-31.) President's address to the council, Jan. 14, 1889. Bost, 1892. Provincial seals in Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 157-70.) Valedictory address to the N. E. hist. gen. soc, June 22, 1892. Bost., 1892. Witch-trials in Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 280-326.) Goodell, Rev. Constans L. Systematic lay visitation with the dis- tribution of religious literature, n. p. 1869. Goodell, David Harvey. Argument, n. p. n. d. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1889. Manch., 1889. Goodell, Henry Hill, anon. General catalogue of the officers and students of the Mass. agricultural college, 1867-1897. Amh., 1897. and Tuckerman, Frederick, M. D. General catalogue of the Mass. agricultural college, 1862-1886. Amh., 1886. Goodell, William. National charters. N. Y., 1863. Goodell, William, M. D. Lessons in gynaecology, Phil., 1879. Goodfellow, Stephen Jennings, M. D. Lectures on the diseases of the kidney and dropsy. Lond., 1861. Goodheart, Mrs., pseud. Progressive primer. Cone, 1832. Goodhue, J. H., and Sanford, E. F., pub. Map of the city of Con- cord, N. H. 1868. Goodhue, Rev. Josiah F. History of the town of Shoreham, Vt.; with a statistical and historical account of the county of Addison by Samuel Swift. Middlebury, 1861. Gooding, Rev. Alfred. Modern preacher. Ports., 1884. ■ Service of Christ. Ports., 1886. Goodloe, Daniel Reaves. Purchase of Louisiana and how it was brought about. (In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1900. v. 4; p. 149-71.) Goodman, Godfrey, bp. Court of King James the First; ed. by J. S. Brewer. 2v. Lond., 1839. Goodman, John D., M. D. Anatomical investigations. Phil., 1824. Goodnow, Frank Johnson. Municipal home rule. N. Y., 1895. Place of the council and of the mayor in the organization of municipal government. (In National municipal league. Pro- ceed. 1898. p. 71-81.) Powers of municipal corporations. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 63-74.) Goodnow, Harold P. Battle of Gettysburg. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 411-32.) Goodnow library. Bi-centennial celebration at Sudbury, Mass., April 18, 1876. Lowell, 1876. Goodrich, A. L. Waterville valley; a history, description, and guide, n. p. 1892. Goodrich, Alfred B., D. D., and Gilbert, Walter Bond. Canticles of the P. E. church with music. N. Y., 1872. Goodrich, C, pub. Vermont map. Burlington, 1855. NoTB : scale 5 5-11 miles to 1 inch. Goodrich C. P. Butter making on the farm. Wash., 1897. (/« U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 57.) Goodrich, Rev. Charles Augustus. History of the United States of America. Bost., i834(?) 34 530 AUTHOR LIST. Goodrich, Rev. Charles Augustus. New ed. Best., 1836. Bost., 1854. Ed. 55. Clare., n. d. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Ed. 4. Bost,, 1834. Origin and progress of the late difficulties in the First church in Worcester, Mass. Wore, 1820. Stories on the history of Connecticut for the instruction and amusement of young persons. Hartf,, 1829. Goodrich, Rev. Chauncey. Invasion of New Haven by the British troops, July 5, 1779. {In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1877. V. 2; p. 31-92.) Goodrich, Chauncey Allen, D. D. Elements of Greek grammar. Ed. 5, enl. Hartf., 1831. Lessons in Latin parsing. N. H., 1832. Ed. 2. N. H., T833. Narrative of revivals of religion in Yale college from its com- mencement to the present time. n. p. 1838. Select British eloquence; embracing the best speeches entire of the most eminent orators of Great Britain for the last two centuries. N. Y., 1854. ed. Webster, Noah. American dictionary of the English lan- guage. 1874. 1850. Goodrich, Enos. L. H. Goodrich, a biographical sketch. (In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 22; p. 651-61.) Locating the state capitol at Lansing. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 8; p. i2i--30.) Our pioneer debating society. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 11; p. 261-71.) Pioneer sketch of Moses Goodrich, (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 17; p. 480-90.) Goodrich, Capt. Frederick F. Report on the British naval and military operations in Egypt in 1882. Wash., 1885. (I^ U, S,: Naval intelligence, office of. Information from abroad, war series, no. 3.) Goodrich, Henry A. Fitchburg pioneers in Kansas. (In Fitch- burg hist. soc. Proceed: 1897. v. 2; p. 281-304.) Goodrich, Rev. James B. Parish support, a sermon preached in Trinity church, Claremont, N. H., 1893. n. p. 1893. Goodrich, John Z. Nebraska and Kansas, speech. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 18.) Goodrich, Rev. Massena. Historical sketch of the town of Paw- tucket. Pawtucket, 1876. Goodrich, Rev. Samuel. Duty of a Gospel minister, sermon at the ordination and installation of Rev. C. A. Goodrich. Ed. 2. Wore, 1816. Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. Atlas designed to illustrate the Malte- Brun school geography. Hartf., 1835. anon. Book of mythology for youth. Bost., 1832. anon. Curiosities of human nature; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. Enterprise, industry, and art of man; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Famous men of ancient times; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Famous men of modern times; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Glance at philosophy, mental, moral, and social; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. Glance at the physical sciences; by the author of Peter Par- ley's tales. Bost., 1849. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 531 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, anon. History of the Indians of North and South America; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Illustrative anecdotes of the animal kmgdom. Bost., 1849. Johnson's natural history. 2v. N. Y., 1874. anon. Lights and shadows of African history; by the author of Peter Parley's tales, Bost, 1849. anon. Lights and shadows of American history; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost, 1849. anvn. Lights and shadows of Asiatic history; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost, 1849. anon. Lights and shadows of European history; by the au- thor of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Literature, ancient and modern. Best, 1849. anon. Lives of benefactors; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Lives of celebrated American Indians. Bost., 1849. anon. Lives of celebrated women; by the author of Peter Par- ley's tales. Bost., 1849. anon. Manners and customs of the principal nations of the globe; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. ■ anon. Manners, customs, and antiquities of the Indians of North and South America. Bost., 1849. anon. Second book of history, including the modern history of Europe, Africa, and Asia; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1836. System of universal geography, popular and scientific. Bost, 1832. Wonders of geology; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. World and its inhabitants; by the author of Peter Parley's tales. Bost., 1849. Goodrich, William W. Bench and bar as makers of the American republic. N. Y., 1901. Goodsell, C. M. Chicago, a strangers' and tourists' guide. Chic, 1866. Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson. Papyri from Karanis. Chic, 1900. (In Univ. of Chicago. Studies in classical philology. 1900. v. 3, no. I.) Washim papyrus of Iliad. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1898. ser. 2. V. 2; p. 347-56.) Goodspeed, Rev. Frank L. Method and progress of the Old Testa- ment revelation. Springf., n. d. Goodwillie, Rev. Thomas. Sermon preached before the legislature of the state of Vermont, on the day of the anniversary election, Oct II, 1827. Montp., 1827. (In Vt election sermons. 1813-58. ^ no. 15.) Goodwin, Allen. History of the early settlement of Palermo, Me. Belfast, 1896. Goodwin, Charles H., M. D. Treatment of diseases of women, puerperal and non-puerperal. Ed. 2, rev. N. Y., 1884. Goodwin, Daniel, 1832-. (The) Dearborns, a discourse commemo- rative of the 80th anniversary of the occupation of Fort Dear- born and the first settlement of Chicago. Chic, 1884. • Provincial pictures by brush and pen. Chic, 1886. Goodwin, Rev. Daniel. Sermon delivered at the funeral of Mrs. Abigail Hill. N. Y., i860. ed. MacSparran, James, D. D. Letter book and abstract of out services. 1899. Goodwin, Daniel Raynes, D. D., anon. Presbyter's reply to the priest's letter. Phil., 1879. 532 AUTHOR LIST. Goodwin, Daniel Raynes, D. D., anon. Shall the Protestant Episco- pal church in the United States of America cease to exist? Phil- 1889. Goodwin, Edward P., D. D. Holy Spirit and missions. Bost., 1883. Goodwin, Rev. Ezra Shaw. Some scriptural readings compared with some unscriptural sayings. Bost, 1855. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 68.) Goodwin, Henry D., tr. Vechten, Peter van. Inaugural legal argu- ment on the subject of the action for the division of common property. 1898. Goodwin, Ichabod. Closing message to the legislature of New Hampshire, June session, 1861. Cone, 1861. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, 1859. Cone, 1859. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, i860. Cone, i860. Goodwin, Col. Ichabod. Military journal. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894- V. 15; p. 33-7I-) Goodwin, Isaac. Address before the American antiquarian society, Aug. 24, 1820. Wore, 1820. Goodwin, James Junius, ed. Starr, Frank Farnsworth, camp. Goodwins of Hartford. 1891. Goodwin, John Samuel. Goodwin families of America. Richmond, 1897. (In William and Mary college quarterly hist. mag. Sup- plement, v. 6, no. 2.) • Supplement. Richmond, 1899. (In William and Mary college quarterly hist. mag. Supplement, v. 8, no. 2.) ■ comp. Goodwins of Kittery, York county, Maine. Chic, n. d. Goodwin, Philo A. Biography of Andrew Jackson. Hartf., 1832. Goodwin, Rev. T. A. Duty of literary men. N. Y., 1878. Goodwin, Thomas, D. D. 1600-97. Works. 5v. Lond., 1681. Goodwin, Thomas S. Grange, a study in the science of society illustrated by events in current history by Gracchus Americanus. N. Y., 1874. Goodwin, William F. Catalogue of the library of Goodwin, n. p. n. d. Goodwin, Capt. William F., ed. Narraganset township No. i. Rec- ords of the proprietors of Narraganset township No. i, now the town of Buxton, Me., from 1733-1811. 1871. Goodwin, William W. Battle of Salamis. (In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1885. v. i; p. 237-62.) Elementary Greek grammar. Bost., 1872. Memoir of H. W. Torrey. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. V. 29; p. 197-210.) Report on the American school of classical studies at Athens. Bost., 1883. (In its Bulletin, no. i. 1883.) Goodyear, Anna Forbes, comp. Sacred truths' imploring to be loved. Bost. n. d. Goodyear, William Henry. Discovery of horizontal curves in the Roman temple called "Maison-Carree" at Nimes. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1895. v. 10; p. 1-12.) Egyptian origin of the Ionic capital and of the Anthemion. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1887. v. 3; p. 271-302.) Gookin, Daniel. Historical account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians in N. E. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. 1836. v. 2; p. 423-534.) Historical collections of the Indians in New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1806. v. i; p. 141-227.) Goold, Nathan. Capt. Johnson Moulton's company. (In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1899. v. 20; p. 300-8.) Col. Edmund Phinney's i8th continental regiment. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 19; p. 45-106.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 533 Goold Nathan. Col. James Scammon's 30th regiment of foot, 177V (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899- v. 20; p. 337-402.) ^^Col Jonathan Mitchell's Cumberland county reginient; Brag- aduce' expedition, 1779- Un Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 20; ' Falmouth neck in the Revolution. Portl., 1897. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 18; p. 66-95, 143-69-) History of Col. Edmund Phinney's i8th continental regiment. Portl., 1898. . , . , amn. History of Col. Edmund Phmney s 31st regiment of foot. Portl., 1896. , (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 85-102, 151-85.) History of Col. James Scamman's thirtieth regiment of foot. Portl., 1899. History of Colonel Jonathan Mitchell's Cumberland county regiment. Portl., 1899. History of Peak's Island. Portl., 1897. Memorial of William and Nabby T. Goold of Windham, Me. Portl., 1898. Soldier of three wars, Nathan Noble of New Boston, now Gray, Me. Portl., 1898. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 172-96.) Stephen Manchester, the slayer of the Indian chief Polin, at New Marblehead, now Windham, Me., in 1756. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. V. 18; p. 313-30.) William Goold. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 337-49.) Windham, Me., in the war of the Revolution, 177S-1783. Portl., 1900. Goold, William. Col. Arthur Noble, of Georgetown. (In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1881. V. 8; p. 107-53.) Col. William Vaughan. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 291-313.) Fort Halifax. (In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1881. v. 8; p. 197- 289.) French treaty of 1778. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 11; p. 29-43.) Governor Christopher Gore and his visit to Maine. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 15; p. 71-80.) History of the Cumberland county buildings in Portland. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 19; p. 292-308.) Portland in the past; with historical notes of Old Falmouth. Portl., 1886. Sir William Phips. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 1-32.) . Thomas Chute; the first settler of Windham, Me., and his descendants. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 17; p. 412-23.) Gopsiirs Philadelphia city directory for 1900. Phil., 1900. Gordon, Copy of journal. (In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. ^ V 5; p. 99-153.) Gordon, A. P., com'r. See New Hampshire; Maine boundary line com- mission. Gordon, Adoniram Judson, D. D. Richard Fletcher. (In Memo- rials of judges recently deceased. 1881. p. 55-69.) Gordon, Alexander, M. D. Treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. (In Meigs, C. D., M. D. History of puerperal fever. 1842. p. 29-70.) Gordon, Anna Adams. Beautiful life of F. E. W^illard, a memorial volume. Chic, 1898. Gordon, Armistead Churchill. Gen. Daniel Morgan. (In Scotch- Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1895. v. 7; p. 175-92.) 534 AUTHOR LIST. Gordon, Ernest B., D. D. A. J. Gordon, a biography with letters and illustrative extracts from sermons and addresses. N. Y., 1896. Gordon, Fred George Russ. Government ownership of railways. Chic, 1898. Hard times; the cause and cure. Girard, 1897. Municipal socialism. Terre Haute, 1899. Gordon, George Angier, D. D. Eternal pledge of progress. Bost., 1899. Gospel of humanity. Bost., 1895. (In A. B. C. F. M. Ad- dresses. 1879-99.) Phillips Brooks as the messenger of God, a memorial dis- course. Bost., 1893. Gordon, George Augustus. Early grants of land in the wildernesse north of Merrimack. Lowell, 1892. (In Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 83-124.) English and the Indian in New Hampshire; paper read at the fourth general court of the New Hampshire society of Colonial wars, at Portsmouth, N. H., June 15, 1897. n. p. n. d. comp. Marriages and baptisms at South Hampton, N. H., 1743-1801. Bost., 1899. ed. United States pensioners, 1833-34, in Essex county, Mass. Essex, 1836. Gordon, George Byron, ed. Prehistoric ruins of Copan, Honduras. Camb., 1896. (In Peabody museum of Amer. archseol. and ethnol. Memoirs. 1896. v. i, no. i.) Gordon, Hanford L. Gettysburg; charge of the first Minnesota. Minneapolis, 1884. Gordon, Joseph Claybaugh, ed. Education of deaf children. Wash., 1892. Gordon, Seth Chase, M. D. Reminiscences of the Civil war from a surgeon's point of view. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Me. com- mandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 129-44.) Gordon, Thomas. Map of the state of New Jersey. Phil., 1828. Gordon, Thomas F. Gazetteer of the state of New Jersey. Tren- ton, 1834. — Trenton, 1834. (Bound with his History of N. J. 1834.) History of New Jersey from its discovery by Europeans to the adoption of the federal constitution. Trenton, 1834. ;— Trenton, 1834. (Bound with his Gazetteer of N. J. 1834.) History of Pennsylvania, from its discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Phil., 1829. Gordon, William, D. D. History of the rise, progress, and estab- lishment of the independence of the United States. 4v. Lond., 1788. Gordy, John Pancoast. History of political parties in the United States. Ed. 2, rev. v. i. N. Y., 1900. Ohio and the training of teachers, n. p. n. d. (In Ohio: Univ. Monographs, no. 3.) Rise and growth of the normal school idea in the United ^tates. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of informa- tion, 1891. no. 8.) Gorgas, J., tr. Schon, Capt. J. Rifled infantry arms. 1855. (In Mordecai, Maj. A. Military commission to Europe. 1861. p. 177-232.) Gorges, Sir Ferdinando. Breefe answer to certayne false, slander- ous and idle objections made agaynst Sir Ferdinando Gorges. (In Baxter, J. P., ed. Sir Ferdinando Gorges. 1890. v. 2; p. 83-118.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 535 Gorgas, Sir Ferdinando. Brief narration of the original undertak- ings of the advancement of plantations into the parts of America especially showing the beginning, progress, and continuance of that of New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. v. 26; p. 45-93.) (In Baxter, J. P., ed. Sir Ferdinando Gorges. 1890. v. 2; p. 1-81.) (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2; p. 15-65.) Gorham, George Congdon. Life and public services of E. M. Stan- ton. 2v. Bost., 1899. Gorham, John, M. D. Inaugural address delivered in the chapel of the university at Cambridge, Dec. 11, 1816. Bost., 1817. Gorham (Me.). Publishments, marriages, births, and deaths from the earlier records; comp. by M. F. King. Portl., 1897. Gorham (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year 1871, '76, '81-6, '88-1902. Gorham, 1871-1902. : Public library. Catalogue of books in the library. Gorham. 1900. : School board. Annual report for the year ending March, 1887, '88, '98. V. I, 2, 12. Gorham, 1887-98. Gorley, Capt. Hugh A. Loyal Californians of 1861. n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 12.) Gorman, Charles E. Historical statement of the elective franchise in Rhode Island. Prov., 1879. Gorrell, Lieut. James. Tournal. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1855. V. i; p. 25-48.) Gorrie, Rev. P. Douglass. Episcopal Methodism, as it was and is. Auburn, 1852. Gorton, Samuel. Simplicity's defence against seven-headed policy, with notes by W. R. Staples. Prov., 1835. (In R. I. hist. soc. Coll. i8j5. V. 2.) Goschen, Alexander, M. D., ed. Deutsche klinik. 1852-5. Goshen (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1885, '87-9, '91-1902. Newport, 1885-1902. Gosnell, R. E. British Columbia; a digest of reliable information. Vancouver, 1890. Compiled from the Year book of British Columbia and manual of provincial information. Victoria, 1897. ed. Year book of British Columbia and manual of provincial information. 1897. Goss, Elbridge Henry. Centennial Fourth, historical address de- livered in Town hall, Melrose, Mass., July 4, 1876. Melrose, 1876. Melrose memorial; annals of Melrose, county of Middlesex, Mass., in the great Rebellion of 1861-65. Bost, 1868. Goss, John Dean. History of tariff administration in the U. S. from colonial times to the McKinley administrative bill. (In Columbia univ.: Faculty of political sci. Studies. 1891-2. v. i, no. 2. 89p.) Goss, N. S., comp. Catalogue of the birds of Kansas; 1883. Topeka, 1883. rev. ed. Topeka, 1886. Gosse, Philip Henry. Evenings at the microscope. N. Y., 1896. Gosselin, Leon Athanase. Clinical lectures on surgery; tr. fr. the French by L. A. Stimson. Phil., 1878. Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, anon. Sorrows of Werter; a German story. Chiswick, 1823. to which is annexed the Letters of Charlotte. Bost., 1807. Werke. Stuttgart, 1867. — — Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels; tr. by Thomas Carlyle. 2v. N. Y., 1899. 636 AUTHOR LIST. Gott, Lemuel, M. D., and Pool, Ebenezer. History of the town of Rockport; comp. by J. W. Marshall and others. Rockport, 1888. Gotwald, Luther A., D. D. . Memorabilia concerning Rev. Lucas Rauss. York, 1878. Goubaux, Armand, and Barrier, Gustave. Exterior of the horse; tr. by S. J. J. Harger. Ed. 2. Phil., 1892. Goudar, Ange. (L)'espion Francois a Londres. 2v. in i. Lond., 1780. Gough, John Bartholomew. Autobiography and personal recollec- tions. Springf., 1870. Temperance for the young. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. lectures. 1882. p. 133-64-) Gould, Augustus Addison, M. D. Mollusca and shells. Phil., 1852. (In U. S.: Exploring expedition. Narrative. 1852. v. 12.) Otia conchologica; descriptions of shells and mollusks from 1839 to 1862. Bost., 1862. and Agassiz, Louis. Principles of zoology. 1854. and Kidder, Frederic, anon. History of New Ipswich. Bost, 1852. tr. Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de. Genera of shells with a catalogue of species. 1833. ed. Massachusetts: Zoological and botanical survey. Report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising mollusca, Crus- tacea, annelida, and rediata. 1841. 1870. Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 1824-96. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1870. v. 18; p. 1-38.) Address delivered before the American meteorological society, Dec. 30, 1892. n. p. 1893. Address in commemoration of A. D. Bache. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 1-56.) Address in commemoration of S. C. Walker, before the Amer- ican association for the advancement of science, April, 1854. Camb., 1854. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. V. 8; p. 18-46.) Ancestry and posterity of Zaccheus Gould. Salem, 1872. Biographical notice of J. M. Gilliss. {In National acad. of sci. Annual. 1866. v. 3; p. 51-107.) Eulogy on J. S. Hubbard. {In National acad. of sci. Annual. 1865. V. i; p. 69-112.) Family of Zaccheus Gould. Lynn, 1895. Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of American soldiers. N. Y., 1869. On the number and distribution of bright fixed stars. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1875. v. 23; p. 115-25-) On the velocity of the galvanic current in the telegraph wires. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 4; p. 71-100.) Report on the history of the discovery of Neptune. Wash., 1850. Transatlantic longitude as determined by the Coast survey expedition of 1866. Wash., 1870. {In Smithsonian inst. Con- trib. V. 16.) Gould, D. T. Pre-glacial course of Rocky river, Ohio. {In West- ern reserve hist. soc. Tracts, v. 2; no. 70.) Gould, E. P. Modification of Christianity by its contact with the world. Bost., 1897. (Church social union. Pub. no. 34.) Gould, E. Sherman, ed. Clark, William J. Commercial Cuba. 1898. Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell. Economics of improved housing. n. p. n. d. {Bound with Church social union. Pub. no. 10-32.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 537 Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell. Gothenburg system of liquor traffic. Wash., 1893- Housing of the working people. Wash., 1895. Local government in Pennsylvania. Bait., 1883. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, 1883. v. i, no. 3.) Park areas and open spaces in American and European cities. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1889. v. i, no. 2-3; p. 49-61.) Social condition of labor. Bait., 1893. (In Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies. 1893. v. 11, no. i.) Gould, Fred H. Ten minutes' address before the Robert Campbell, G. A. R., Newbury, N. H., 1890. n. p. 1890. Gould, George Milbry, M. D. Illustrated dictionary of medicine, biology, and allied sciences. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1897. ed. Medical news, a weekly medical journal, v. 58-67. 1891-5. Gould, Isaiah. History of Stoddard, N. H., pub. by Mrs. M. A. G. Giffin. Marlboro', 1897. Gould, John H. Early records of the church in Topsfield. n. p. n. d. Gould, Maj. John M. History of the First-Tenth-Twenty-ninth Maine regiment; with the history of the Tenth Maine battalion, by Rev. J. L. Jordan. Portl., 1871. comp. First-Tenth-Twenty-ninth Maine regiment association. Directory. 1889. Gould, Robert Freke. History of freemasonry. 4v. Phil., 1898. Gould, Roland F. Life of an ex-man-of-war's-man; with incidents on sea and shore. Clare., 1867. Gould, S. C. Alcyone (in the Pleiades) the great central sun. Manch., 1893. Bibliography of Manchester, N. H.; a collection of books, pamphlets, and magazines from 1743 to 1885. Manch., 1885. comp. Bibliography on the polemic problem, what is the value of n ? Manch., 1888. Catechesis arcani. Manch., 1892. Fortieth anniversary, the Phi-lod-e-mo-sians, who were they? Address delivered Dec. 21, 1883, before the Hillsborough lodge, No. 2. Manch., 1883. Master's mallet; or, The hammer of Thor. Manch., 1886. Resume of arcane fraternities in the United States. Manch., 1896. comp. Semi-centennial of collectanea. Manch., 1893. Veritas, an original poem read at the 39th anniversary of the Hillsborough lodge. No. 2, L O. O. F. Manch., 1882. Gould, Sabine Baring-, and Gilman, Arthur. Story of Germany. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the nations.) Gould, Maj. William. Journal. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1849. V. 3; p. 173-91-) Gould, William E. Portland banks. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893- V. 14; p. 89-108.) Goulding, Joseph Hiram, comp. Official military and naval records of Rutland, Vt., in the war of the Rebellion. Rutl., 1891. Gouley, John William Severin, M. D. Diseases of the urinary organs. N. Y., 1873. Prostatic enlargement; reprinted from the Transactions of the N. Y. state medical association. Cone, 1896. Goupil, Ernest, and Bernutz, Gustave. Clinical memoirs on the diseases of women. 1867. Goussencourt, de, pseud. Journal of the cruise of the fleet under the command of the count of Grasse-Tilly. (In Shea, J. G., ed. Operations of the French fleet. 1864. p. 25-133.) Gove, Frank Edward, and Gregory, Warren F. From chaos to cosmos. 1885. 538 AUTHOR LIST. Governor Thomas Dudley family association. Official report of the reunion of the descendants of Governor Thomas Dudley, 1892-7. V. 1-6. Salem, 1893-8. Note ; v. 2-(iate contain records of the annual meeting of the asso. Governor's ball, 1901. Cone, 1901. Governor's horse guards. Committee's report of the financial con- dition of the guards, Dec. 25, 1863. Ports., 1864. Constitution and by-laws, adopted at the first meeting of the corps, Jan. 11, i860. Cone, i860. Gow, A. M. Natural history in schools. (In 111. natural hist. soc. Trans. 1861. v. i; p. 87-97.) Gower, Granville W. G. Levenson, ed. Harleian society. Register of all the christenings, burialles, and weddinges within the parish of St. Peeters upon Cornhill. v. i, 4. 1877-9. Grabau, Amadeus W. Guide to the geology and paleontology of Niagara Falls and vicinity. Alb., 1901. (In N. Y. (state): Mu- seum. Bulletin, v. 9, no. 45.) Gracchus, pseud. See Plumer, William, 1789- 1854. Gracchus, Americanus, pseud. See Goodwin, Thomas S. Grace, William R. Irish in America. Chic, 1886. Grace church, Manchester (N. H.). Circular, 1887-8. Manch., 1888. Grace church. New York city. Parish year book, 1897- 1902. n. p. 1897-1902. Grace church, Providence (R. /.). Half century jubilee, 1829-1879. Prov., 1880. Gracida y Cosme da Vazquez, Martinez. Cuadro estadistico de la mineria en el estado de Oaxaca. Mexico, 1884. Grady, Henry W. New South and the race problem. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 6; p. 2299-2313.) Graesel, A., ed. Blatter fiir volksbibliotheken und lesehallen bei- blatt zum Centralblatt fiir bibliothekswesen. 1900. Grafe, Frederich Wilhelm Ernst Albrecht von. Clinical lectures on amblyopia and amaurosis and the extraction of cataract; tr. by Hasket Derby. Bost., 1866. Three memoirs on iridectomy in certain forms of iritis, cho- roiditis and glaucoma; tr. by Thomas Windsor. (In New Syden- ham soc.^ Selected monographs. 1859. v. 5; p. 247-380.) Graff, Ludwig von. Verzeichniss der von den U. S. coast survey steamers Hassler und Blake von 1867 zu 1879 gesammelten myzostomiden. (In Harvard univ: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1883. v. 11; p. 125-33.) Graff ort club, Portsmouth (N. H.). By-laws. n. p. 1895. n. p. 1895- Calendar, 1895-1901. n. p. 1895-1900. Grafton, Charles Chapman, bp. Church of the New Testament. Milwaukee, n. d. (Fond du Lac. Tracts, no. i.) Holy Eucharist in the New Testament. Milwaukee, n. d. (Fond du lac tracts, no. 2.) Grafton, Rev. Joseph. Sermon occasioned by the death of Miss Sally Grafton. Bost., 1803. (In Mass. Baptist miss. mag. 1808. V. 2.) Grafton, W. McC. Railway signaling. (In Wise: Univ. Bulle- tin. Engin. ser. 1896. v. i; p. 147-84.) Grafton (N. H.). Annual report of the school board and other town officers for the year i860, '71, '75, '76, '80-2, '84-5, '87, '91- 1902. Canaan, 1860-1902. - — - : School board. Annual report, 1901. Grafton, 1901. Grafton and Coos bar association. Constitution, rolls of member- ship, proceedings, etc., 1882-98. v. p. 1882-98. Grafton and Coos grange fair association. Annual fair. v. 3. Lit- tleton, 1889. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 639 Grafton county (N. H.). Circular to the legal voters of the several towns in the county. Cone, i860. Report of the county commissioners, 1868-99. v. p. 1868-99. : Building committee. Report of the committee elected to build court houses at Plymouth and Woodsville. Woodsville, 1893. Grafton county bar association. Proceedings on the death of Harry Hibbard. Cone, 1873. Grafton county conference of Congregational churches. Anniver- sary. V. 61. n. p. 1898. Graglia, C. Italian pocket dictionary, preceded by an Italian gram- mar; ist Amer. fr. 14th Lond. edition. Bost., 1829. Graham, Andrew J. Debates of the house of clerical and lay dele- gates in the general convention of the P. E. church in New York, 1868. Hartf., 1868. Graham, Rev. D. M. Life of Clement Phmney. Dover, 1851. Graham, G. R., ed. Graham's American monthly magazine of liter- ature and art. 1849. Graham, George W., M. D. Mecklenburg declaration of independ- ence of May 20, 1775. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1895. v. 7; p. 140-61.) Souvenir edition. Charlotte, 1898. Graham, Col. James Duncan, anon. Astronomical and meteorologi- cal records and vocabularies of Indian languages taken on an expedition under Col. Long, in 1819 and 1820. Phil., 1822. (/n James, Edwin. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh. 1823. v. 2; appx.) Observations of the magnetic dip, made at several positions, chiefly on the south-western and north-eastern frontiers of the United States, and of the magnetic declination at two positions on the river Sabine in 1840. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1846. V. 9; p. 329-81.) Graham, Rev. John. Extracts from his journal from Sept. 25 to Oct. 19, 1792, at the siege of Havana. N. Y., 1896. Graham, John Andrew. Descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. Lond., 1797. Graham, Patrick, and others, anon. State and province of Georgia. Lond., 1742. {In Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8. no. 3.) Lond., 1742. {In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1836. v. i.) State of the province of Georgia. {In Ga. hist. soc. Coll. 1842. V. 2; p. 69-85.) Graham, Lieut. Ziba B. On to Gettysburg. Detroit, 1893. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. V. I, no. 23.) Some of the wrongs of Cuba. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 89-100.) Grahame, James. History of the rise and progress of the United States till the British revolution in 1688. 2v. Lond., 1827. History of the United States of America, v. 2-4. Bost., 1845. — ed. by Josiah Quincy. Ed. 2, rev. 2v. Phil., 1850. Grahame crystallized rock oil company. Prospectus. Bait., 1865. Graham's American monthly magazine of literature and art; ed. by G. R. Graham, J. R. Chandler, and J. B. Taylor, v. 34-35. Phil., 1849. Grajales, Francisco Lopez de Mendoza. See Mendoza Grajales, Francisco Lopez de. Grand army fair. Concord {N. H.), 1885. Catalogue of the works of artists and amateurs of Concord, N. H. Cone, 1885. Grand army of the republic. Bureau of information, hand-book. V. 34. n. p. 1900. Cleveland official souvenir of the 35th national encampment. n. p. 1901. 540 AUTHOR LIST. Grand army of the republic. Map of Chicago, issued by the 34th aiintial encampment, Aug., 1900. Chic, 1900. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the national encamp- ment, 1866-96, '99-1901. V. 1-31, 33-5. V. p. 1876-1901. Note: v. 15-30 have title Journal of the annual session. Rules and regulations, 1868-70, '74, 'yj, '80-1, '88. v. p. 1868-88. Souvenir of the 24th national encampment, G. A. R., Boston, 1890. n. p. n. d. : Arizona department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888-90, '96, '98. V. 1-3, 9, II. V. p. 1888-98. : Arkansas department. Annual encampment, 1888-90. v. 6-8. Little Rock, 1888-90. : California department: Geo. H. Thomas Post, No. 2. Proceedings at the unveiling and dedication of the monument in commemora- tion of departed comrades. May 30, 1893. San Fran., n. d. : California and Nevada department. Circulars and general orders. 1894, no- i-7; 1900, no. 2. San Fran., 1894-1900. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1868-82, '88-90, '92, '94, '96-9. V. 1-15, 21-3, 25, 27, 29-32. San Fran., 1882-99. Note : up to 1895 name was G. A. R. : Cal. dept. : Colorado and Wyoming department. Complete roster of mem- bers. Denver, n. d. Journal of the annual session of the department encampment, 1888, '91, '97, '98, 1900. v. 9, 12, 18, 19, 21. Denver, 1888-1900. : Connecticut department. Annual encampment, 1888, '90, '92, '94-8. V. 21, 23, 25, 27-31. Hartf., 1888-98. : Dakota department. Journal of the annual session, territorial encampment, 1888. v. 5. Sioux Falls, 1888. Note : 1890-date name is G. A. R. : S. D. dept. : Florida department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1889, '93, '96. V. 5, 9, 12. Jacksonville, 1889-96. : Georgia department. Journal of the annual session of the de- partment encampment, 1894, '96-7, '99. v. 6, 8-9, 11. Atlanta, 1894-9. Note : Includes the state of Ga. and S. C. : Idaho department. Journal of the annual encampment, 1890, '93- V. 3, 6. Eagle Rock, 1890-3. : Illinois department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, ^^72)-7, '80-4, '86-92, '94, '96-1900. V. 7; II, 14-18, 20-6, 28, 30-4. Chic, 1880-1900. : Indian Territory department. Journal of the annual encamp- ment, 1897. V. 6. Miami, 1897. : Indiana department. Journal of the annual session, 1888, '90-2, 94-5j '97-1900. V. 9, 11-13, 15-16, 18-21. Indianapolis, 1888-1900. : Iowa department. Journal of proceedings of the annual en- campment, 1888-1901. V. 14-27. V. p. 1888-1901. Roll of members of the 26th annual encampment, 1900. Des Moines, 1900. : Kansas deportment. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1889, '96, '98. V. 8, IS, 17- Topeka, 1889-98. Roster, 1894, '98. Topeka, 1894-8. : Kentucky department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1895, '96. V. 13-14. V. p. 1895-6. : Louisiana and Mississippi department. General orders, 1899, no. 4-5; 1900, no. 6. N. O., 1899-1900. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1893-6, '99. v. 10-13, 16. N. O., 1893-9. • : Maine department. Proceedings of the annual encampment. v. i-io, 21, 27, 29, 30. Waldoboro, 1877-97. : Maine department: Bosworth Post, No. 2. Soldiers' and sailors* monument fair, Portland, Me. Portl., 1884. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 541 Grand army of the republic: Maryland department. General orders. 1888, no. 12; 1899, no. 5. Bait., 1888-99. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888, '90, '94-9. v. 12, 14, 18-23. Bait., 1888-99. : Massachusetts department. Proceedings of the annual encamp- ment, 1886, '88, '92-9, 1901. V. 20, 22, 24-33, 35. Bost., 1886-1901. Roster, 1898. n. p. n. d. : Michigan department. Journal of the annual encampment, 1885-92, '94-1900. V. 7-14, 16-22. Jackson, 1885-1900. : Minnesota department. Proceedings of the annual encamp- ment, 1866-79, '81-6, '89-1900. Minneapolis, 1885-1900. : Missouri department. General orders, 1899, no. 1-6. St. L., 1899. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1882, '84-1900. v. i, 3-19. St. L., 1885-1900. Roster for 1899. St. L., 1899. : Montana department. Proceedings of the encampment, 1885- 1900. V. 1-16. V. p. 1888-1900. : Nebraska department. Journal of the annual session of the department encampment, 1890, '94, '97-9. v. 13, 17, 21-23. Lin- coln, 1890-9. : New Hampshire department. General orders and circulars, 1811, no. i; 1872, no. t, 3-6; 1873, no. 1-2; 1874, no. i, 4. v. p. 1871-4. Journal of the annual encampment, 1868-99. v. 1-32. Cone, 1889-99. Roster, 1874, '86-7, '89, '93, '95-7. Cone, 1874-97. : New Hampshire department: Charles W. Sawyer Post, No. 17. Roster and by-laws. Dover, 1877. Dover, 1888. : New Hampshire department: E. E. Sturtevant Post, No. 2. Ros- ter and by-laws, 1877, '82, '88, '92. Cone, 1877-92. : New Hampshire department: Geo. H. Hoyt Post, No. 66. By- laws. Sandwich, 1883. : New Hampshire department: John H. Worcester Post, No. 30. Program for Memorial day. Hollis, 1899. : New Hampshire department: John Sedgwick Post, No. 4. Memo- rial day services, Keene, 1897. N. Y., 1897. : New Hampshire department: Louis Bell Post, No. 3. History of memorial services May 29, 1880. Manch., 1880. Odes of the G. A. R. Manch., 1874. Rules and regulations. Manch., 1872. Manch., 1879. : New Hampshire department: Major Jarvis Post, No. 12. List of the graves decorated, 1894, '96, '97, 1902. n. p. n. d. : New Hampshire department: Storer Post, No. i. Presentation of the portraits of General William Whipple and of D. G. Far- ragut to the city of Portsmouth, N. H. Ports., 1891. Presentation of flags to the schools of Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 9, 1890. Ports., 1890. Roster. Ports., 1891. ed. Foster, Joseph. Record of the soldiers, sailors, and ma- rines. 1893. : New Jersey department. Proceedings of the annual encamp- ment, 1890, '96-8. V. 23, 29-31. Camden, 1890-8. : New Mexico department. Proceedings of the annual encamp- ment, 1888, '90-1. V. 5, 7-8. V. p. 1888-91. : New York department. General orders, 1898, no. 2. Alb., 1898. Proceedings of the annual encampments, 1884-5, '87-8, '91-2, '96-1900. Alb., 1884-1900. 542 AUTHOR LIST. Grand army of the republic: New York department. Roster, 1898. Alb., 1898. : New York department : Lafayette Post, No. 140. Ceremony of flag presentation to Columbia university. N. Y., 1899. History of the gift of six hundred national flags to the schools of Porto Rico; ed. by W. F. Brown. N. Y., 1899. ed. Columbia university. Dedication ceremonies at the pre- sentation of flagstaff in front of the library May 7, 1898, by Lafayette Post to Cohimbia university. 1898. : New York department : U. S. Grant Post, No. 32/. Memorial day, May 30th and 31st, 1886. N. Y., 1886. : Ohio department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1882, '88-9, '95-6. V. 16, 22-3, 29-30. Toledo, 1882-96. : Ohio department: Fred C. Jones Post, No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i. Cine, 1891. : Oregon department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1887-91, '93, '95-6. V. 6-10, 12, 14-15. V. p. 1887-96. : Pennsylvania department. Proceedings of the encampment, 1879, '80, '82-1900. V. 26, 27, 32-62. Phil., 1880-1900. : Pennsylvania department: Post 2. Memorial day services, Phil- adelphia, 1899. n. p. n. d. : Potomac department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888-90, '92, '94-6, '98. V. 20-2, 24, 26-8, 30. Wash., 1888-98. : Rhode Island department. Proceedings of the annual encamp- ments, 1867-1901. V. 1-34. Prov., 1884-1901. : South Dakota department. Journal of the state encampment, 1890, '95-1901. V. 7, 12-18. V. p. 1890-1901. ■ : Tennessee department. Journal of proceedings of the annual encampment, 1892, '96-9. v. 9, 13-16. v. p. 1892-9. : Tennessee and Georgia department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888. v. 4. n. p. 1888. : Texas department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1890-1, '93, '95-1900. V. 5, 6, 8, 10-15. v. p. 1890-1900. : Utah department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1889, '94, '96-1900. V. 7, 12, 14-18. Salt Lake City, 1889-1900. Roster, 1899. Salt Lake City, 1899. : Vermont department. Journal of the annual encampment, 1889, '93-4- V. 22, 26-7. V. p. 1889-95. : Virginia and North Carolina department. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888-90, '93, '97-9. v. 17-19, 22, 26-8. v. p. 1888-99. : Washington and Alaska department. General orders, 1896, no. 2. Tacoma, 1896. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1888, '96, 1900-1. v. 6, 14, 18-19. V. p. 1888-1901. : West Virginia department. Proceedings of the annual en- campment, 1888, '90, '97. V. 6, 8, 15. V. p. 1888-97. : Wisconsin department. General orders. 1901, no. 7. Madi- son, 1901. Proceedings of the annual encampment, 1886-1900. v. 20-34. V. p. 1886-1900. Grand army of the republic mutual aid association. By-laws. Manch., 1876. Grand chaplain of the grand lodge of New Hampshire, pseud. See Richards, Rev. George. Grand mass meeting at the Cooper institute, nomination of Gen. U. S. Grant to the presidency. N. Y., 1867. Grange mutual fire insurance company. Report of secretary and treasurer, v. 3. n. p. 1890. Grand Rapids (Mich.): Public library. Annual report, 1887-9, '90-3, '94-5, '97-1901. Grand Rapids, 1889-1901. Complete dictionary catalogue. Grand Rapids, 1892. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 543 Grand Rapids (Mich.) : Public library. Complete dictionary cata- logue. 1st supplement. Grand Rapids, 1894. 2d supplement. Grand Rapids, 1898. Finding list of juvenile books. Grand Rapids, 1892. Polseki ksiazki. Grand Rapids, 1893. Special catalogue; industrial books. Grand Rapids, 1896. Grand Rapids board of trade. Grand Rapids, as it is. Grand Rapids, 1894. Grand trunk copper mine. Reports and letters. Bost. n. d. Grand trunk railway company. Glance at the famous lakes and other sporting resorts on the Grand Trunk railway. Montreal, 1894. Report of the directors to the proprietors for 1875-1901. Lond., 1875-1901. Return of all documents relating to the postal service. Que- bec, 1863. Some of the fishing and hunting resorts in the Muskoka and Midland lake districts reached by the Grand Trunk railway. Montreal, 1895. Statements, reports, and accounts. Toronto, 1857. Tourist route of America. Battle Creek, 1891, n. p. 1892. Granger, Rev. Francis. Cathedral system adapted to our wants in America. Buffalo, 1876. Buffalo, 1878. Divine plan of church finance, need of its restoration. Buf- falo, 1878. Granger, Lt.-col. Moses Moorhead. Battle of Cedar Creek. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 100-43.) Granite cutters' national union of the U. S. Bill of prices of Con- cord, N. H., branch. Bost. n. d. Granite echo; pub. monthly; ed. by H. D, Smart, v. i, no. i, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8; V. 2, no. i, 2, 4, 5; v. 3, no. i, 4-6; v. 4, no. 1-5; v. 5, no. 1-6; V. 6, no. 1-4; V. 7, no. i. Cone, 1879-83. Granite monthly, a New Hampshire magazine, v. 1-29. Cone, 1877-1901. Granite state amateur; pub. monthly; ed. by L. C. Gillis. v. i, no. 1-7. Manch., 1883. Granite state amateur press association, Concord (N. H.). Consti- tution and by-laws. Cone, 1880. Granite state cadets. By-laws adopted May 17, i860. Nashua, i860. Granite state dairymen's association. Report; 1890-5, '97, 99. v. 6-1 1, 13, 15. Cone, 1890-1900. Granite state endeavorer, offici.il paper of the N. H. C. E. union, monthly. v. 1-3; v. 4, no. 1-6. Nashua, 1896-9. Granite state gold and silver mining company. Prospectus. Bost., 1879. Granite state military collegiate institute. Reed's Ferry (N. H.). Announcement, 1865-6, '67-8, '69-70. Bost., 1865-9. Granite state philatelist, v. 1-3. Lake Village, 1882-4. Note : no more published. Granite state outlook, official organ of the New Hampshire Woman's Christian temperance union, v. i. Exeter, 1891. Granite state poultry and pet stock association. Annual exhibi- tion, 1887-93. V. 1-4. Cone, 1887-93. Granite state poultry and pigeon association. See Granite state poultry and pet stock association. Granite state telephone company. Official list of subscribers, Aug., i88o-May, '82. Manch., 1880-2. 544 AUTHOR LIST, Granniss, Anna J. Speedwell; or, The flower of Saint Veronica. Keene, 1900. Grant, Mrs. Anne (MacVicar), anon. Memoirs of an American lady; with sketches of manners and scenery in America as they existed previous to the Revolution. 2v. in i. Bost., 1809. Grant, Arthur Hastings. Grant family. Poughkeepsie, 1898. ed. Grant family magazine. 1900-1. Grant, Claudius Buchanan. Life and character of Alpheus Felch. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Hist. coll. 1900. v. 28; p. 94-104.) Grant, Brig.-gen. Frederick Dent, and Forsyth, Maj.-gen. James W. Report of an expedition up the Yellowstone river in 1875. Wash., 1875. Grant, Lieut. George W. Under fire at Charleston. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 351-63.) Grant, Horace. Exercises for the improvement of the senses. Bost, 1886. Grant, Capt. J. W. Flying regiment; journal of the campaign of the I2th regt. R. I. vols. Prov., 1865. Note : running title is My first campaign. Grant, James. Address to the alumni of the University of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1878. Grant, James, 1802-1879, anon. Great metropolis. N. Y., 1837. Grant, Brig.-gen. Lewis A. Old Vermont brigade at Petersburg. (7n Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887. V. i; p. 381-403.) Grant, Ulysses Sherman. International boundary between Lake Superior and the Lake of the Woods. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. i-io.) Grant, Ulysses Simpson, pres. of U. S. Personal memoirs. 2v. N. Y., 1885-6. Speeches. Wash., 1868. Unpublished correspondence in the case of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. N. Y. n. d. Grant, William Henry. Concord and Lexington; historical ad- dress before the Minnesota society of the Sons of the American Revolution, April 19, 1894. n. p. n. d. Grant family magazine, bi-monthly; ed. and pub. by A. H. Grant. V. i; V. 2, no. 1-5. Montclair, 1900-1. Note : supplement to the Grant family history. Grant of South Bronx park to the New York zoological society. n. p. n. d. Grantham (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1880-5, '87-1902. Grantham, 1880-1902. Granville (Mass.). Granville jubilee, celebrated Aug. 27 and 28. 1845. Springf., 1845. Gras, Scipion. Statisque mineralogique du departement des Basses-Alpes. Grenoble, 1840. Grassi, Giuseppe, and James, W. Dictionary of the English and Italian languages for general use. 1891. Grattan, Henry. Against English imperialism. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 6; p. 2315-30.) Gratz college. Publications, v. i. Phil., 1897. Graves, A. C, D. D. Longings for the heavenly city; memorial sermon on the occasion of the death of Mrs. K. S. Spear. Manch., 1877. Graves, Rev. Anson Rogers. Mission work in New Hampshire. Clare., 1880. Some aspects and possibilities of mission work in New Hamp- shire. Clare., 1879. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 545 Graves, Edward O. Municipal condition of Seattle. (In National municipal league. Proceedings. 1895. p. 439-48.) Graves, Henry Clinton. History of the class of 1856 of Amherst college, 1852-96. Bost. n. d. Graves, Robert James, M. D. Clinical lectures. Phil., 1838. (Amer. med. library.) 2d Amer. ed. with notes and a series of lectures by W. W. Gerhard. Phil., 1842. Sketch of the origin and progress of Asiatic cholera. {Bound with Stokes, William, M. D. Researches. 1840; p. 291-345.) System of clinical lectures; with notes by W. W. Gerhard, 3d Amer. edition. Phil., 1848. Gray, A. B. Preliminary map to accompany his report of the route of the Texas western railroad, now changed to Southern Pacific railroad. Cine, 1856. Gray, Alonzo. Elements of natural philosophy. N. Y., 1850. and Adams, Charles Baker. Elements of geology. N. Y., 1853. Gray, Asa, M. D. Address. (/« Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1873. v. 21; p. 1-31.) Botanical contributions, n. p. 1876. ed. Botany, cryptogamia. Phil., 1874. (/« U. S.: Exploring expedition. Narrative. 1874. v. 17.) Botany of the Black Hills of Dakota. (In Newton, Henry and Jenney, W. P. Report of the geology and resources of the Black Hills. 1880. p. 529-55.) Botany, phanerogamia. Phil., 1854. (^w U. S.: Exploring ex- pedition. Narrative. 1854. v. 15.) First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology. N. Y., 1864. How plants grow. N. Y., 1864. Plantae Wrightianae Texano-Neo-Mexicanae. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1852-3. v. 3, art. 5. v. 5, art. 6.) Remarks concerning the flora of North America. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 449-59.) School and field book of botany. N. Y., 1869. Synoptical flora of North America, v. i, pt. 2, and v. 2, pt. i, collected. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1886. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1888. V. 31.) and Torrey, John, M. D. Report on the botany of the expe- dition. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Reports of explorations and surveys from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean, 1853-6. 1855. V. 2; p. 115-32.) Gray, Rev. E. H. Assaults upon freedom; a discourse occasioned by the rendition of Anthony Burns. Shelburne, 1854. Gray, Francis Galley. Oration delivered before the legislature of Massachusetts at their request on the looth anniversary of George Washington. Bost., 1832. Poem spoken at Cambridge before the Phi Beta Kappa soci- ety of Harvard university, 1840. Bost., 1840. Prison discipline in America. Bost., 1847. ^ Lond., 1848. (In Prison discipline soc. Reports, v. -?. 1855.) Remarks on the early laws of Massachusetts Bay with the code adopted in the year 1641 and called the Body of liberties. Bost., 1843. ;; (^w Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1843. v. 28; p. 191-237.) Gray i?^z;. Frederick Turell. On the new birth. Bost, 1841. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 162.) Sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. Henry Ware. Bost, 1843. 546 AUTHOR LIST. Gray, Henry, M. D. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical; 2d Amer. fr. the rev. Lond. edition. Phil., 1862. ed. by T. Holmes, new Amer. fr. 5th Eng. edition. Phil., 1870. with an introduction by T. Holmes, a new Amer. fr. the 8th and enl. Eng. edition. Phil., 1878. Gray, James M., D. D. Evil of Christian science. Bost. n. d. Gray, John Hamilton. Confederation; or. The political and parlia- mentary history of Canada from the conference at Quebec, 1864, to the admission of British Columbia, 1871. v. i. To- ronto, 1872. Difficulties of control as illustrated in the history of gas com- panies. {In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Corporations. 1900. p. 31-60.) Gray, John Perdue, M. D. Reparation of brain-tissue after injury. {In N. Y. acad. of med. Trans. 1876. v. 5; p. 1 10-16.) Gray, Rev. Robert. Sermon delivered before the general court of the state of New Hampshire at the annual election, June, 1798. Cone, 1898. {In N. H. election sermons. 1784-99.) Gray, Thomas, d. 1771. Elegy written in a country church-yard. {In Blair, Rev. Robert. 1699-1747. Grave, p. 30-4.) Poetical works, with an account of the life and writings of the author. Phil., 1812. {Bound with Goldsmith, Oliver. Poeti- cal works. 1809.) Gray, Thomas, D. D., d. 1847. Half century sermon, delivered April 24, 1842, at Jamaica Plain. Bost., 1842. Gray, Thomas, 1850-. Address; problems in mechanical science. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 193-210.) comp. Smithsonian physical tables. Wash., 1896. {In Smith- sonian inst. Misc. coll. 1897. v. 35.) Gray, W. H. History of Oregon, 1792-1849. Portl., 1870. Gray. See also Grey. Grayson, William J. J. L. Petigru. N. Y., 1866. Gazebrook, George, ed. Harleian society. Visitation of Shrop- shire, 1623. 1889. Grazzi-Soncini, G. Wine; classification, wine testing, qualities, and defects; tr. by F. T. Bioletti. Sacram., 1892. Great American mastodon, n. p. n. d. Great Britain. Agreement of the people, Jan. 15, 1648-9. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2. Gen. ser. no. 26.) Bill of rights, 1689. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 19.) Instrument of government, Dec. 16, 1653. {In Old South leaf- lets. 1895. V. 2. Gen. ser. no. 27.) : Admiralty, pub. North America, east coast; Halifax to the Delaware. Lond., 1861. Note: showing soundings and line of the direct U. S. cable. pub. North America east coast; St. Johns, Newfoundland to Halifax, with the outer banks. Lond., 1861. Note : showing soundings and line of the direct U. S. cable. Return respecting ships built and building for the British navy, 1880 to 1885. n. p. n. d. ed. Nautical almanac. 1847-90. See also Cape observatory. : Barracks and hospitals, commission appointed for improving the sanitary condition of. ' General report. Lond., 1861. : Cape observatory. See Cape observatory. : Chicago exhibition, 1893, royal commission. Official catalogue of the British section. Lond., 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 547 Great Britain: Committee of council for education. Philadelphia inter- national exhibition, 1876; official catalogue of the British section. 2pts. in I. Lond., 1876. : Convention of Feb. 8, 1853. See Commission of claims between the United States and Great Britain. : Crown. Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1629. (In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 7.) • Charter of the colony of Connecticut, 1662. n. p. 1900. Charter of the province of Maine granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, April 3, 1639. {In Baxter, J. P., ed. Sir Ferdinando Gorges. 1890. v. 2; p. 123-48.) Commission to Sir Edmund Andres, (/n Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 27; p. I39-49-) Grant to Richard Wharton, June 10, 1686. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1853. V. 3; p. 325-34.) ,. TT ,. Massachusetts colony charter. {In Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Coll. 1769. p. i-3i-) : Customs, commissioners of the. Instructions to Edward Ran- dolph. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. v. 27; p. 129-38.) : Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports on trade and finance, no. 1374, 1376. Lond., 1894. : Geological survey. Annual report of the director, n. p. n. d. Memoirs of the geological survey, 1849, '53, '64. Lond., 1849- 64. Memoirs of the survey and of the museum of practical geology. V. 3. Lond., 1866. : Greenwich observatory. See Greenwich observatory. : Historical manuscripts, royal commission on. Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury, preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. 6v. Lond., 1883. Report on manuscripts in the Welch language, v. i. Lond., 1898. Reports, with appendixes and indexes. 15V. in 41. Lond., 1874-98. : House of commons. Grand remonstrance, 1641. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 24.) Report from the select committee on government contracts (fair wages resolution). Lond., 1897. — — Report of the committee on ventilation, warming and trans- mission of sounds. Lond., 1836. : House of commons: Public libraries, select committee on. Report. n. p. 1849. : Indian currency commission. Report of the commission ap- pointed to inquire into the Indian currency commonly known as the Herschell report on the coinage of silver in India. Wash., 1893. : King. Magna Charta; or. The great charter of King John, granted June 15, 1215. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 5.) : Paris universal international exhibition, 1878, commissioners of. Catalogue of the British colonies. Lond., 1878. {Bound with Its Official catalogue. 1878.) Official catalogue of the Britsh section. Ed. 2. 2pts. in i. Lond., 1878. : Parliament. Collection of the laws relating to the ordnance. Lond., 1774. ; Correspondence on the subject of the recent disturbance in the South African republic. Lond., 1896. Late bankrupt law of Great Britain as passed in 1825. n. p. Petition of right, 1628. {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 2^.) 648 AUTHOR LIST. Great Britain. Remonstrance of the state of the kingdom. Edin., 1883. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1641. : Parliament: Hudson's Bay Company, select committee on. Report; with the proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, n. p. 1857. : Precious metals, royal commission to investigate relative values of. Final report. Wash., 1889. : Privy council. Case of his majesty's province of the Massa- chusetts Bay, touching the dispute between that province and New Hampshire in relation to their boundaries on the settle- ment thereof made by commissioners appointed for that pur- pose and on cross appeals therefrom, n. p. 1739. (Bound with N. H.: House of representatives vs. Belcher, Jonathan. Com- plainant's case. 1739.) Case of the house of representatives of the province of New Hampshire depending before the lords of the committee of the council upon two petitions of appeal presented on the 6th of Feb., 1737, and 20th of July, 1738, from the determination made on the 2d of September, 1737, by the commission for settling the boundaries of the provinces, n. p. 1739. (Bound with N. H.: House of Representatives vs. Belcher, Jonathan. Complainants case. 1739) Orders in council, 1660-1 to 1692. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854- V. 32; p. 279-304.) Proceedings and ordinances; ed. by Sir Harris Nichols; 1386- 1542. 7v. Lond., 1834-7. Report of a committee on the trade of Great Britain with the United States, Jan., 1791. Wash., 1888. Report of the proceedings against Andros and others in April, 1690. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 171-88.) : Public record office. Catalogue of papers relating to Pennsyl- vania and Delaware. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1840. v. 4, pt. 2; p. 225-85.) Copies of papers from the public archives in London. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869-76. v. 10; p. 374-95. v. 13; p. 332-44. V. 14; p. 340-58.) List of documents relating to the province of New Hamp- shire, ed. by B. F. Stevens. (In N. H.: State historian. Pro- vincial and state papers. 1893. v. 23.) : Register-general. Annual report of births, deaths, and mar- riages in England, v. 11, 43, 45. Lond., 1852-85. : Rolls, master of the. Calendar of state papers, colonial series, 1574-1660; ed. by W. N. Sainsbury. Lond., i860. Calendar of treasury books and papers, 1731-1734; prepared by W. A. Shaw. Lond., 1898. : Secondary education, royal commission on. Papers accompany- ing the report. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5. V. I. 1896. p. 621-712.) : War office. Regulations for the medical department of her majesty's army. Lond., 1885. pt. 2. Lond., 1890. Great Britain and United States. Fur seal arbitration. 1895. North American boundary; A and B correspondence relating to the boundary between the British possessions in N. A. and the U. S. under the treaty of 1783. Lond., 1838. 2v. Lond., 1840-5. Treaty of peace closing the war of 1812. n. d. Great Canadian North-west, finest farming lands in the world, n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 549 Great Falls (N. H.): Superintending school committee. By-laws, courses of study, and regulations for the public schools. Great Falls, 1892. Great Falls almanac and directory for 1848, by J. B. Wood. Great Falls, 1848. Great Falls and Conway railroad company. Report of the direc- tors, 1857. Great Falls, 1857-60. Great Falls (N. H.) First Congregational church. Articles of faith and covenant. Great Falls, 1845. Historical sketch, standing rules, creed, covenant, and list of members, Feb. i, 1855. Great Falls, 1855. Manual, 1880. Great Falls, 1880. Great Falls Free Baptist; devoted to the interests of the Free Baptist church and society, v. i. n, p. 1897. Great Falls high school, Somerszvorth (N. H.). Course of study adopted March, 1852. Great Falls, 1852. Great Falls leader annual, illustrated. Great Falls, n. d. Great Falls manufacturing company vs. Hayden, Isaac. Pleadings and evidence. Ports., 1881. Great Southern railway, a trunk line between the north and the tropics to within ninety miles of Havana. N. Y., 1878. Great Western railway of England. Illustrated guide, Lond., n. d. Greater Boston, a monthly illustrated magazine for natives of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, v. i, no. i. Bost., 1899. Greathouse, Charles H. Historical sketch of the U. S, Dept. of agriculture. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Pub., div. of. Bulletin, no. 3,) Rev, ed. Wash., 1898. Vegetable garden. Wash,, 1899. (^w U. S, : Agric, dept, of. Farmer's bulletin, 1899, no, 94,) comp. United States: Publications, div. of. Historical sketch of the U. S. dept. of agriculture. 1898. Grecian history, adapted to the use of schools and young persons. N. Y., 1833. Greeley, Rev. Edward H. Systematic beneficence. Cone, 1877. Greeley, Horace. Address before the literary societies of Hamil- ton college, July 23, 1844. N. Y., 1844. Address on success in business. N. Y., 1867. American conflict; a history of the great Rebellion in the United States, 1860-65. 2v. Hartf., 1867-70. ed. Art and industry as represented in the exhibition at the Crystal Palace, N. Y., 1853-4, from the N. Y. tribune. N. Y., 1853. Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy, while serving to explain and defend the policy of protection to home industry. Bost., 1870. Bost., 1875. Glances at Europe; in a series of letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, etc, during the summer of 1851. N. Y., 1851. Greeley on Lincoln, with Mr. Greeley's letters to C. A. Dana and a lady friend, ed. by Joel Benton. N. Y., 1893. Hints toward reforms. N. Y., 1857. History of the struggle for slavery extension of restriction in the Unitel States. N. Y., 1856. Overland journey from New York to San Francisco, the sum- mer of 1859, N. Y., i860. Recollections of a busy life. N. Y., 1868. new ed. N. Y., 1873. What I know of farming, N. Y., 1871. 550 AUTHOR LIST. Greeley, Horace, and Cleveland, John F. Political text-book for i860, comprising a brief view of presidential nominations and elections, including all the national platforms ever yet adopted. N. Y., i860. ^ _ ^ and others. Great industries of the United States. Hartf., 1872. ed. Jefifersonian. 1838-9. ed. Sargent, Epes. Life and public services of Henry Clay. 1852. Greeley record; showing the opinions and sentiments of Horace Greeley. Wash., 1872. Greeley, Brig.-gen. Adolphus Washington. American weather. N. Y., 1888. International polar expedition; report on the proceedings of the U. S. expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell land. 2v. Wash., 1888. (U. S.: Signal service. Arctic ser. of pub. no. 4.) Isothermal lines of the United States, 1871-1880. Wash., 1881. (U. S.: Signal office. Professional papers, no. 2.) Public documents of the early congresses. (In Amer. hist. assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 1109-1248.) Three years of arctic service, an account of the Lady Frank- lin Bay Expedition of 1881-84. 2v. N. Y., 1886. and Glassford, Capt. William A. Report on the climate of Cal- ifornia and Nevada. Wash., 1891. Green, Benjamin. True believer's vademecum; or, Shakerism ex- posed. Cone, 1831. Green, Bernard R. Book stack and shelving for libraries, manu- factured by the Snead & co, iron works. Louisville, n. d. Green, Calvin, and Hollister, A. G. Pearly gate of the true life and doctrine for believers in Christ. 1894. atid Youngs, Benjamin S. Testimony of Christ's second ap- pearing. 1856. Green, Charles Montraville, M. D. Early physicians of Medford. Bost., 1898. Green, Ezra, M. D. Diary, with historical notes and a biography by G. H. Preble and W. C. Green. Bost., 1875. Green, Lieut, com. F. M., Davis, Rear adm. Charles Henry, and Nor- ris, Lieut. John Alexander. Telegraphic determination of longi- tude in Japan, China, and the East Indies in 1881 and 1882. W^ash., 1883. Green, F. W., comp. Ohio: Centennial managers, board of. Interna- tional exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876, catalogue of exhibits from the state of Ohio. 1876. Green, Harriet E., comp. Historical index to the Pickering papers. Bost, 1896. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1896. v. 58.) Green, J. L. Allotments and small holdings. Lond., 1896. (So- cial science series, no. 87.) Green, James. Causes of the war in South Africa from an Amer- ican lawyer's standpoint. Ed. 2. Wore, 1900. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. v. 17; p. 162-85.) Green, James D. Oration delivered at Maiden on the 200th anni- versary of the incorporation of the town. May 23, 1849. Bost., 1850. Green, John, M. D. City hospitals. Bost., 1861. Green, John O. Memoir of S. L. Dana. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 265-74.) Green, John Orne, M. D. Osteo-sclerosis of the mastoid, n. p. n. d. Green, John Richard. History of the English people. 4v. Chic, 1886. Green, Jonathan, M. D. Practical compendium of the diseases of the skin; fr. the 2d Lond. ed. Phil., 1838. (Amer. med. library.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRABY. 551 Green, Rev. Lewis. Biography of Benjamin Green. {In Old resi- dents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 42-51-) Green, Louis Warner, D. D. Harmony of revelation and natural science. {In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1853. P- 459-520.) Inaugural address delivered before the synod of Kentucky at Lebanon, Oct. 14, 1858. Frankfort, 1858. Green, Mason Arnold. Springfield, 1636-1886, history of town and city. Springf., 1888. Springfield memories. Springf., 1876. Green, Nelson G. Water pollution. N. Y., 1880. Green, Nelson Winch. Mormonism; its rise, progress, and present condition; embracing the narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V. Smith. Hartf., 1870. Green, Samuel Abbott, M. D. Account of the lawyers of Groton, Mass. Groton, 1892. Account of the library. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. V. 28; p. 3I2-44-) Account of the physicians and dentists of Groton, Mass. Groton, 1890. Address at the Horace Mann school for the deaf, November ID, 1897. n. p. 1897. Benjamin Thompson, the earliest native American poet. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 263-84.) Boston massacre, March 5, 1770. Wore, 1900. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1900. p. 40-53.) Boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire from the Merrimack river to the Connecticut. Lowell, 1894. Boundary lines of old Groton. Groton, 1885. Capt. Thomas Lawrence's company. {In Mass. hist soc. Pro- ceed. 1891. V. 26; p. 21-33.) Centennial bibliography of the Massachusetts historical soci- ety, 1891. Camb., 1891. comp. Centennial bibliography. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1891. V. 26; p. 203-49.) Dates of some early commencements at Harvard college. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 194-206.) Early American imprints belonging to the society. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 32; p. 273-86, 380-423.) {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 29; p. 411-549.) Early church records of Groton, Mass., 1761-1830. Groton, 1896. Early history of printing in New England. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 240-53.) Early records of Groton, Mass., 1662-1707. Groton, 1880. Epitaphs from the old burying ground in Groton, Mass., with notes. Bost., 1878. Geography of Groton, Mass., prepared for the use of the members of the Appalachian club. Groton, 1886. Groton during Sha3^'s rebellion. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1885. V. 21; p. 298-312.) Groton during the Indian wars. Groton, 1883. Groton during the Revolution. Groton, 1900. Groton historical series, a collection of papers relating to the history of the town of Groton, Mass. v. 1-4. Groton, 1887-99. Groton in witchcraft times. Groton, 1883. Historical address delivered at Groton, Mass., Feb. 20, 1880, at the dedication of three monuments erected by the town. Groton, 1880. Historical sketch of Groton, Mass., 1655-1890. Groton, 1894. History of medicine in Massachusetts. Bost., 1881. 662 AUTHOR LIST. Green, Samuel Abbott, M. D. Northern boundary of Massachu- setts in its relation to New Hampshire. (In Amer, antiq. soc. Proceed. 1890. p. ii-33-) A part of the Council's report to the Amer. antiq. soc. Oct. 1890. Camb., 1890. Oration. (In Groton (Mass.). Proceed of the centennial cel- ebration. 1876. p. 5-52.) Origin and growth of the library of the Massachusetts his- torical society. Camb,, 1893. Paper read before the American philosophical society, Phila- delphia, May 25, 1893. Groton, 1893. Career of Benjamin Franklin; a paper read before the American philosophical society, Philadelphia, May 25, 1893. Phil., 1893. Pawtucket Falls as a factor in determining so much of the northern boundary of Massachusetts as lies between the Merri- mack and Connecticut rivers. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 309-37-) Population of Groton at different times, with some notes on the provincial census of 1765. Camb., 1888. Rev. John Wheelwright. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. V. 28; p. 505-17.) Roll of honor, Groton, Mass. n. p. n. d. comp. Three military diaries kept by Groton soldiers in dif- ferent wars. Groton, 1901. ed. Bradstreet, Dudley. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1897. V. 31; p. 417-46.) tr. Deux-Ponts, Guillaume, comte de. My campaigns in Amer- ica. 1868. ed. Farnsworth, Amos. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- 1899. V. 32; p. 74-107.) Fiske, Rev. John. Extracts from his note-book, 1637-1675. Fiske, Rev. John. Note-book. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- 1899. V. 32; p. 317-39.) Hammond, Capt. Lawrence. Diary. 1892. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. v. 27; p. 144-72.) ed. Holden, David. Journal kept during the latter part of the French and Indian war, Feb. -Nov., 1760. 1889. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1889. v. 24; p. 387-409.) ed. Marshall, John. Diary. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1901. V. 34; p. 13-34.) ed. Mather, Rev. Increase. Diary, March, 1675-December, 1676. 1900. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1900. v. ZZ) P. 337-74f 397-411.) Green, Samuel B. Forestry in Minnesota. Delano, 1898. Vegetable gardening, a manual on the growing of vegetables for home use and marketing. St. Paul., 1896. Green, Samuel Swett. Craigie house, Cambridge, during its occu- pancy by Andrew Craigie and his widow. (In x\mer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1901. New ser. v. 13; p. 312-52.) Desirableness of establishing personal intercourse and rela- tions between librarians and readers in popular libraries. Wore, 1876. George Bancroft. Wore, 1891. (/w Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1891. p. 237-56.) Gleanings from the sources of the history of the second par- ish, Worcester, Mass. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1883. p. 301-20.) Library aids. Wash., 1881. Scotch-Irish in America. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1895. p. 32-70.) NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 553 Green, Walter C, ed. Green, Ezra, M. D. Diary, with historical notes and a biography by G. H. Preble. 1875. . , . Green, William L. Hawaiian islands and the reseau tnangulaire. Bost., 1877. . ^ ^ ^, Green, Willis. Address before the Alexandria, D. C, Clay club, n. p. 1844. Green. See also Greene. Green Mountain gold-mining company. Trustees report, June, 1868. Manchester, 1868. Greenbank's periodical library, pub. weekly, v. 1-3. Phil., 1833. Greene, Rev. David, and Mason, Lowell, anon. Church psalmody, 1850. Greene, Evarts Boutell. Provincial governor in the English colo- nies of North America. N. Y., 1898. (Harvard hist, studies. V. 7.) Greene, Maj.-gen. Francis Vinton. Biographical sketch. (In Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. of U. S. Amer. ideals. 1900. v. i; p. I-I5-) Mississippi. N. Y., 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil war.) Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey in 1877-78. 2V. N. Y., 1879- Sketches of army life in Russia. N. Y., 1885. Greene, Frank Llewelljm. Descendants of Joseph Greene, of Westerly, R. I., and other lines of Greenes in America. Alb., 1894. Greene, Frederick Davis. Rule of the Turk, a revised and enl. ed. of The Armenian crisis. N. Y., 1896. Greene, George Sears. Genealogy of the family of Richard Greene. (In Vernon, Thomas. Diary. 1881. p. 141-50.) Greene, George Washington. Life of Nathanael Greene. (In Sparks, Jared. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1846. ser. 2. v. 10.) Nathanael Greene; an examination of some statements con- cerning Maj.-gen. Greene in the 9th vol. of Bancroft's History of the United States. Bost., 1866. Short history of Rhode Island. Prov., 1877. Greene, H. M. Obligation of civilized society to idiotic and feeble- minded children. (In Kerlin, L N., M. D. Provision for idiotic and feeble-minded children. 1884. p. 21-8.) Greene, Henry L. Greene st. school of Providence, and its teach- ers. (In R. L hist. soc. Pub. 1898. p. 199-219.) Greene, Herman W. Statement of fact; reply to the accusations of W. E. Chandler, n. p. i89o(?) Greene, Homer. Blind brother; a story of the Pennsylvania coal mines. Bost., 1890. NoTB: printed for the blind In the Howe type. Greene, J. Baker. On certain points of analogy between Jewish and Christian baptism in the apostolic age. (In Royal hist, soc. Trans. 1882. v. 10; p. 248-66.) Greene, J. Evarts. Our dealings with the Indians. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1896. p. 23-42.) Roxbury Latin school, an outline of its history. (In Amer. antiq. soc.^ Proceed. 1887. p. 348-66. 1888; p. 146-7.) Santa Fe trade, its route and character. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1893. p. 324-41.) Greene, Jacob L. Dividends, surrender values, et csetera. n. p. 1898. Our currency problems. Hartf., 1896. ■ Proper paper currency; what it is, and who can utter it. Hartf., 1897. Relations of life insurance to the public; the relations of the public to life insurance, n. p. n. d. 554 AUTHOR LIST. Greene, Jacob L. What is "A sound currency?" Address before the Boston boot and shoe club, Feb. 23, 1898. n. p. i898(?) Greene, John M., D. D. Address at the centennial of the birth of Sophia Smith, the founder of Smith college at Northampton, Mass., delivered May 27, 1896. n. p. n. d. Behold the works of the Lord, a historical discourse preached in Lowell, in 1873. Lowell, 1873. Blessed dead; where are they? Bost., 1888. Rev. Owen Street, a memorial discourse. {In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1891. v. 4; p. 43-59-) Semi-centennial volume of the Eliot church, Lowell, Mass. Lowell, 1881. Sketch of Miss Sophia Smith, the founder of Smith college. {In Smith college. Addresses. 1877. p. 33-46.) Greene, Nathaniel. Reply to a letter published by Henry Orne, in the Boston evening bulletin. Bost., 1829. Greene, Rev. R. A. Sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. James Nichols, 1876. Montp., 1876. Greene, Samuel Stillman. Introduction to the study of English grammar. Phil. n. d. Note : t. p. w. Treatise on the structure of the English language. Phil., 1863. Greene, Thomas A. Address before the members of the New Bed- ford lyceum, at their first meeting, Dec. 18, 1828. New Bed- ford, 1829. Greene, Welcome Arnold, ed. Providence Plantations for 250 years. Prov., 1886. Greene, William Batchelder. Socialistic, communistic, mutualistic, and financial fragments. Bost., 1875. Greene, William H., anon. Code of procedure; or, The new and the old modes of proceeding compared. Buffalo, 1867. Greene, William Warren, M. D. Questions in surgery. Portl., 1872. Greene. See also Green. Greene-Cumston, Charles. See Cumston, Charles Greene-. Greener, William Wellington. Gun and its development. Ed. 6. N. Y., 1897. Greenfield, William, ed. Bible: New Testament. Kaina diatheke. Novum Testamentum. 1846. Greenfield (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1876, '82-5, '89-1901. Peterboro, 1876-1901. Greenhill, William. Exposition continued upon the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, loth, nth, I2th, and 13th chapters of the prophet Ezekiel. Lond., 1649. Greenhow, Edward Headlam, M. D. On diphtheria. N. Y., 1861. Greenhow, Robert. Fenelon among the Iroquois. {In N. Y. hist, soc. Proceed. 1848. p. 199-209.) History of Oregon and California and the other territories of the northwest coast. Bost., 1844. Greenhow, Thomas Michael. Cholera, as it recently appeared in the towns of Newcastle and Gateshead. Phil., 1832. Greenland (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1881-5, '88-9, '92-1902. Exeter, 1881- 1902. Greenland (N. H.) Methodist Episcopal church. Catalogue of the Sunday school library. Dover, 1897. Greenleaf, Abner. Address delivered before the society of Asso- ciated mechanics and manufacturers of the state of N. H., at the celebration of their anniversary, Oct. 5, 1826. Ports., 1826. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 555 Greenleaf, Benjamin. Introduction to the national arithmetic. Bost., 1863. Key to the introduction to the National arithmetic. Bost., 1871. Key to the National arithmetic, for the use of teachers only. Bost., 1849. Mental arithmetic, upon the inductive plan. Bost, 1861. New ed. Bost., 1862. Mental arithmetic, on the inductive plan. Bost., 1864. National arithmetic, on the inductive system. New ed. Bost., 1862. Bost., 1864. Bost., 1865. New practical arithmetic; prepared to accompany the mathe- matical series of Benjamin Greenleaf. Bost., 1871. Practical treatise on algebra. Ed. 14. Bost., 1857. Greenleaf, Charles Ravenscroft, M. D. Manual for the medical offi- cers of the United States army. Phil., 1864. Greenleaf, James Edward, comp. Genealogy of the Greenleaf fam- ily. Bost., 1896. Greenleaf, Rev. Jonathan. Sketches of the ecclesiastical history of the state of Maine. Ports., 1821. Greenleaf, Jonathan, and Hubbard, Jeremiah. Account of Wells. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. v. i; p. 336-62.) Greenleaf, Moses. Atlas accompanying Greenleaf's map and sta- tistical survey of Maine. Portl., 1828. Map of the state of Maine. Portl., 1829. Note : scale 9i miles to l inch. Greenleaf, Robert Willard, M. D. Historical report of the Boston dispensary for one hundred years, 1796-1897. Brookline, 1898. Greenleaf, Simon, anon. Catalogue of a select law library. Camb., 1836. Discourse commemorative of the life of Joseph Story. Bost, 1845. Greenough, James Bradstreet, and Allen, Joseph Henry, D. D. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. 1873. and Kittredge, George Lyman. Words and their ways in the English speech. N. Y., 1901. ed. Virgilius Marc, Publius. Bucolica, ^neis, Georgica. 1884. Greenough, James Carruthers. Essentials of good teaching. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1890. p. 47-58.) Individualism in teaching. {In Amer. inst of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 90-103.) Methods and results. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1882. p. 140-56.) Greenough, W. A., comp. Dover directory. 1865. Greenough & Co., comp. Concord directory for 1878-81. 1877-79. pub. Greenough's directory of the inhabitants, etc., in the cities of Lewiston and Auburn. 1878-80. pub. Greenough's directory of the inhabitants, etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown. 1877-95. pub. Massachusetts cities directory. 1874-9. comp. and pub. Nashua directory for 1879-80. 1879. pub. Portsmouth directory. 1875-7. Greenough, W. A. & Co., pub. Bangor and Brewer directory of the inhabitants, etc. 1887-90. pub. Brocton city directory. 1882-96. pub. Cambridge directory. 1888-1901. comp. Concord directory for 1888-9, '97- 1888-97. pub. Medford directory. 1890-6. 556 AUTHOR LIST. Greenough, W. A. & Co., pub. Melrose directory. 1890. . pub. Merrimac river directory, v. 4-8. 1882-91. pub. Milford, Hopedale, Framingham, Natick, and Holliston directory. 1877-94. comp. and pub. Nashua directory for 1885-1901. 1885-1901. pub. Natick directory. 1882. pub. New Bedford and Fairhaven directory of the inhabitants. 1894- pub. Portsmouth directory. 1881-97. pub. Somerville city directory. 1884. pub. Woburn and Winchester directory. 1893. Greenough, Jones and Co., pub. Massachusetts cities directory. 1873. pub. Merrimac river directory, v. 2-3. 1872-4. pub. Portsmouth directory. 1873. Greenough's directory of the inhabitants, etc., in the cities of Lew- iston and Auburn for the year 1878-81. v. 5-6. Bost, 1878-80. Greenough's directory of the inhabitants, etc., in the towns of Waltham and Watertown. v. 4, 12. Bost, 1877-95. Green's almanack and register for the state of Connecticut, 1792. '96-8, 1800-1, '04-8, '11-86. V. 2, 6-8, lo-ii, 14-18, 21-96. V. p. 1792-1886. Greenville (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1877, '79-85, '88-1901. Greenville, 1877-1902. : Superintending school committee. Report for the year ending March i, 1873. Peterboro, 1873. Greenville Baptist church, Leicester (Mass.). Exercises on the 150th anniversary. Wore, 1889. Greenwich observatory. Astronomical and magnetical and meteor- ological observations in 1895-8, 1898, appx. 2, 1899. Lond., 1897- 1901. Greenwood, Mrs. Alice D. O. Husks and nubbins. Cone, 1899. Greenwood, Rev. Charles. Discourse to the young, 1852. Ply- mouth 1853. Greenwood, Francis William Pitt, D. D. Collection of Psalms and hymns for Christian worship. Ed. 2. Bost., 1831. History of King's chapel. Bost., 1833. Liturgy for the use of the church at King's chapel, in Boston. Ed. 5. Bost, 1841. Lives of the twelve apostles. Bost., 1892. Memoir of James Freeman. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1836. V. 25; p. 255-71.) Sermon on the death of John Lowell. Bost, 1840. Sermon preached the Sunday after the funeral of Rev. James Freeman. Bost., 1835. Theology of the Cambridge divinity school. Bost., 1830. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 32.) ed. Duncan, Henry, D. D. Sacred philosophy of the seasons. 1839. Greenwood, James M. Principles of education practically applied. N. Y., 1899. Verbatim reports of recitations in arithmetic and language in the school of Kansas City, Mo. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. v. i. 1896. p. 557-616.) Greenwood, Rev. John W. Days in the East; or. Random recollec- tions of Greece, Palestine, and Egypt. Clare., 1885. Greenwood, Rev. T. J. Inspiration of the Bible, integrity of Gene- sis. Dover, 1858. Greenwood cemetery, New York (N. Y.). Map of Greenwood cem- etry, 1865. N. Y., 1865. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 557 Greer, Rcar-adm. James Augustin. Navy in the war of the Amer- ican revolution, n. p. 1898. (D. C. soc. of S. A. R. Historical Greg,^Percy. History of the United States, from the foundation of' Virginia to the reconstruction of the Union. 2v. Lond., 1887. , ^ A • Gregg, David, D. D. Quakers as makers of America, n. p. n. d. Succession of the godly; or, Elijah, then Elisha. Bost, 1890. Gregg, Jarvis. Eulogy on Lafayette, delivered in the chapel of Dartmouth college, July 4, 1834- Hanover, 1834- , ^ , , Gregory, Daniel S., D. D., ed. Funk, Isaac K., D. D., ed. Standard dictionary of the English language. 1896. Gregory, George, M. D. Elements of the theory and practice of physic; ist N. Y. fr. the 3d Lond. edition. N. Y., 1830. with notes and additions by Nathaniel Potter and S. Cal- houn; 2d Amer. fr. the 3d Lond. edition. 2v. Phil., 1829. Lectures on the eruptive fevers; ed. by H. D. Bulkley, ist Amer. ed. N. Y., 1851. Treatise on the theory and practice of physic, with notes by Nathaniel Potter and S. Calhoun. 2v. Phil., 1826. Gregory, Rev. George. New and complete dictionary of arts and sciences. 3v. N. Y., 1819. Gregory, Rev. Henry. Sermon preached at the third annual con- vention of the diocese of Western New York, 1840. Utica, 1840. (Bound with H., C. Review, 1845.) Gregory, J. W., agent. See United States: Irrigation inquiry, oMce of. Gregory, James J. H. Onion raising. Ed. 4. Salem, 1867. Gregory, John. Centennial proceedings and historical incidents of the early settlers of Northfield, Vt. Montp., 1878. Gregory, John. Industrial resources of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1855. Gregory, John, M. D., d. 1773. Father's legacy to his daughters. {In Chesterfield, P. D. Stanhope, 4th earl of. Principles of polite- ness. 1786. p. 93-143.) Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician. Phil., 1817. Gregory, John Walter. Great rift valley; being the narrative of a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo. Lond., 1896. Gregory, Samuel, M. D. Female midwifery advocated. Bost., 1848. Letter to ladies in favor of female physicians for their own sex. Ed. 3. Bost., 1856. Gregory, Warren F., and Gove, Frank Edward. From chaos to cosmos; freshman history of the class of '88, Dartmouth col- lege, n. p. 1885. Gregory, William, ed. Liebig, Justus, M. D. Animal chemistry. 1852. Researches on the motion of the juices in the animal body, and the effect of evaporation in plants. 1852. ed. Turner, Edward, M. D. Elements of chemistry. 1847. Gregson, Rev. John. Washington's bequest to his fellow-citizens; address at Wiscasset, Me., Jan. 7, 1900. Wiscasset, 1900. Grenville, George Nugent-Temple, ist marq. of Buckingham. See Buckingham, George Nugent-Tempie-Grenville, ist marq. of. Grenville, Sir Richard. Third voyage to America under the charge and direction of Sir Walter Raleigh. 1586. (In Tarbox, I. N., D. D., ed. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1884. p. 183-8.) Greshoff, Tweede gedeelte van de beschrijving der giftige en bedwelmende planten bij de vischvangst in gebruik. Batavia, 1900. (In Mededeelingen uit 'S lands plantentuin, no. 29.) Grey. See also Gray. Grey, William. Social work in Australia and London. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Notes. 1889. no. 2. I2p.) 558 AUTHOR LIST. Grey, Mrs. William, tr. Serbati, Antonio Rosmini. Ruling prin- ciple of method applied to education. 1893. Gridley, Ida R., and Alvord, Rev. Frederick. Historical sketch of the Congregational church and parish of Canton Center, Conn. 1886. Gridley, Rev. John. History of Montpelier; a discourse delivered in Montpelier, Vt, on Thanksgiving day, Dec. 8, 1842. Montp., 1843. Gridley, Samuel H., D. D. Waterloo library and historical society. (In Willers, Diedrich. Centennial celebration of Gen. Sullivan's campaign against the Iroquois in 1779. 1889. p. 7-29.) Grier, John A. Sketch of naval life. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ill, commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 303-24.) Grier, William. Mechanic's calculator; from the Sth Glasgow edi- tion. Hartf., 1847. Griesinger, Wilhelm, M. D. Mental pathology and therapeutics; tr. fr. the German 2d ed. by C. L. Robertson and James Ruther- ford. N. Y., 1882. Griffin, Appleton Prentiss Clark, comp. Bibliography of American historical societies, U. S. and Dominion of Canada. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 675-1236.) Bibliography of the historical publications issued by the New England states, Camb., 1895. Bibliography of the historical societies of the United States. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1891. v. 2; p. 161-267. 1893. V. 4; p. 305-619.) Discovery of the Mississippi; a bibliographical account, with a fac-simile of the map of Louis Joliet, 1674. N. Y., 1883. Index of articles upon American local history, in historical collections in the Boston public library. (In Bulletin of the Boston public library. 1883, no. 65; p. 330-40. no. 66; p. 433-43. no. 67; p. 88-100. no. 68; p. 155-60. no. 69; p. 233-40. no. 70; p. 316-25. no. 71; p. 402-10. no. 72; p. 67-78. no. yy, p. 180-96. no. 74; p. 269-86. no. 75; p. 401-9. no. 76; p. 98-112. no. 77', p. 180-207. no. 78; p. 304-19. no. 79; p. 462-70 and appx.) Index of the literature of American local history in collec- tions published in 1890-95. Bost., 1896. Note : supplement to lists pub. in the Boston (Mass.) : Public library. Bulletin, nos. 36-48 and 65-79. comp. Boston Athenaeum. Catalogue of the Washington col- lection. 1897. index; by F. O. Poole. 1900. comp. United States: Library of congress. List of books re- lating to Cuba. 1898. List of books relating to Hawaii. 1898. • Union list of periodicals, transactions, and allied publications. 1901. comp. United States: Library of congress: Bibliography, div. of. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the theory of civilization, government of dependencies, protecto- rates, and related topics. 1900. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to trusts. 1900. ed. Universal classics library. Griffin, Edward Dorr, D. D. Farewell sermon, 1809. Newark, 1809. Ed. 2. Newburyport, 1809. Sermon, Aug. 11, 181 1, for the benefit of the Portsmouth female asylum. Bost., 1811. Bost, 1812. Sermon on the art of preaching, 1825. Ed. 2. Bost., 1825. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 559 Griffin, J. S. Great lakes in relation to the railroad development of Northern Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. V. 46; p. 210-25.) Griffin, Joseph, ed. History of the press of Maine. Brunswick, 1872. Griffin, Martin Ignatius Joseph. Commodore John Barry. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 337-65-) Historical notes of St. Ann's church and mission, Philadel- phia, 1845-95. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1895. V. 6; p. 426-49.) History of Commodore John Barry, 1745-1803. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1896. v. 7; p. 155-282. v. 8; p. 86-194, 257-93.) Sir John James fund. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1898. V. 9; p. 195-209.) Thomas Fitzsimmons, Pennsylvania's Catholic signer of the Constitution. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1889. v. 2; p. 45-114.) Thomas Lloyd, reporter to the first house of representatives of the United States. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1891. V. 3; p. 221-40.) William Penn, the friend of Catholics. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1887. v. i; p. 71-85.) Griffin, Brig.-gen. Simon Goodell. Sketch of the early history of the town of Nelson, N. H. Nelson, 1870. Note : newspaper clippings from the Nelson clarion of March, 1870, mounted and bound. Griffis, William Elliot, D. D. Address. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1897. 1898. p. 55-69-) Arendt van Curler, first superintendent of Rensselaerwyck, founder of Schenectady, and of the Dutch policy of peace with the Iroquois. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 169-80.) C. C. Coffin, war correspondent, traveler, author, and states- man. Bost., 1898. Education in Japan. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Cir- cular of information. 1875. no. 2.) Influence of the Netherlands in making of the English com- monwealth and the American Republic. Bost., 1891. M. C. Perry, a typical American naval officer. Bost., 1887. Speech. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book. 1892-3. p. 53-65.) Where our flag was first saluted. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1895. 1896. p. 99-118.) Griffith, F. LI., ed. Egypt exploration fund. Archaeological re- port. 1894-5. Griffith, George B., ed. Student of Dartmouth college, pseud. His- tory of Fort Constitution and Walbach tower, Portsmouth har- bor, N. H. 1865. Griffith, J. H., M. D. William Maxwell. (In N. J. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1894. V. 23; p. 109-23.) Griffith, J. W., ed. Bockmann, John. History of inventions, dis- coveries, and origins. 1883-4. — ^ 1846. Griffith, James F. Address from the navigation interest, to our legislators, urging that Congress preserve the unobstructed navigation of the Mississippi river. St. L., 1866. Griffith, John P. Crozer, M. D., ed. International clinics. 1891. Griffith, Rev. John T. Rev. M. J. Thys, "The Welsh Baptist hero of civil and religious liberty of the i8th century." Lansford, 1899. Griffith, Richard. Geological map of Ireland. Dublin, 1853. 560 AUTHOR LIST. Griffith, Robert Eglesfeld, M. D. Universal formulary, rev. by R. P. Thomas. Phil., 1850. New ed. Phil., 1854- tr. Broussais, Frangois Joseph Victor, M. D. History of chronic phlegmasise. 1831. Griffith, Rev. S. N. Sketch of the early history of Methodism in Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 158-71.) Griffith, William Herrick, comp. Knowlton association of America. Prospectus and year book. 1897. Griffiths, Arthur Bower. Diseases of crops and their remedies, a handbook of economic biology for farmers and students. Lond,, 1890. Manures and their uses. Lond., 1889. Griggs, Julian, and Alvord, John W. Report to the director of public improvements of Columbus, O., on the proper disposal of the sewage of the city. Columbus, 1898. Griggs, Susan Vining. Devotion family of Brookline. {In Brook- line hist. pub. soc. Pub. 1898. no. 14. p. 37-46.) Grignon, Augustin. Seventy-two years' recollections of Wiscon- sin. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. 3; P- I97-295-) Grigsby, Hugh Blair. Founders of Washington college. {In Washington and Lee university. Historical papers. 1890. no. 2; p. i-iii.) Grimke, Archibald Henry. Right on the scaffold; or, The martyrs of 1822. Wash., 1901. (Amer. Negro acad. Occasional papers. 1901. no. 7,) Grimke, Frederick. Essay on the ancients and moderns. Chilli- cothe, n. d. Works. 2v. in i. Columbus, 1871. Grimke, Thomas Smith. Oration on the advantages to be derived from the introduction of the 'Bible and of Sacred literature, as essential parts of all education, before the Conn. Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa society, Sept. 7, 1830. N. H., 1830. Grimshaw, William. Etymological dictionary; or. Analysis of the English language, containing the radicals and definitions of words derived from Greek, Latin, and French languages. Phil., 1821. Grimsley, George Perry. Granites of Cecil county, in north-east- ern Maryland, n. p. i894(?) Grindrod, Edmund. Compendium of the laws and regulations of Wesleyan Methodism. Lond., 1842. Grinnell, George Bird, Burroughs, John, and Muir, John. Alaska. 1901. Grinnell, William Morton. Regeneration of the United States; a forecast of its industrial evolution. N. Y., 1899. (Questions of the day. no. 95.) Griscom, John Hoskins, M. D. Physical indication of longevity in man. {In Amer. pop. life ins. co. Two prize essays. 1869.) GrisoUe, Augustin. Traite elementaire et pratique de pathologic interne. Ed. 2. 2v. Par., 1846. Griswold, Abner Clarence, and Dawson, Henry Barton. Major- general Israel Putnam, i860. Griswold, Alexander Viets, bp. Address to the 12th convention of the P. E. church in the Eastern diocese, 1827. Middlebury, 1827. Charge addressed to the clergy of the P. E. church in the Eastern diocese, Sept. 28, 1814. Bost., 1816. Griswold, Freeman C. Elihu Hoyt. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 33-42.) Griswold, Rev. George. Sermon on preaching the Cross, delivered at Northampton, Nov., 1827. Northampton, 1827. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 561 Griswold, Leon Stacy. Basic dike in the Connecticut triassic. Camb., 1893. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 16, no. 14.) Griswold, Rufus Wilmot, D. D., ed. Milton, John. Prose works. 1847. Griswold, S. O. Corporate birth and growth of the city of Cleve- land. {In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1888. v. 2; no. 62.) Griswold, Whiting. Address delivered at the opening of court in the new court house in Greenfield, Mass. Greenf., 1873. Speech on the bill for loaning the credit of the state to the amount of $2,000,000 to the Troy and Greenfield railroad corpo- ration. Bost., 1851. Griswold, William MacCrillis, comp. Index to volumes of proceed- ings National teachers' association from 1857 to 1870, and the National educational association from 1871 to 1897. Chic, 1897. Griswold college: Preparatory department. Catalogue, v. i. Daven- port, i860. Gronlund, Laurence. Co-operative commonwealth, an exposition of socialism. Bost., 1894. (Social sci. series, no. 14.) Groppner, Max C. New and natural method of hygienic treatment for the permanent cure of all diseases of women. Manch., 1891. Groseilliers, Medard Chouart, and Radisson, Pierre d'Esprit. Radi- sson and Groseilliers in Wisconsin, (/n Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 11; p. 64-96.) Gross, Charles. Bibliography of British municipal history, includ- ing gilds and parliamentary representation. N. Y., 1897. (Har- vard hist, studies, no. 5.) Classified list of books relating to British municipal history. Camb., 1891. {In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1891. no. Plea for reform in the study of English municipal history. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 379-92.) Gross, Samuel David, M. D. Elements of pathological anatomy. 2v. Bost., 1839. History of American medical literature, from 1776 to the pres- ent time. Phil., 1876. Memoir of Robley Dunglison. Phil., 1869. Practical treatise on foreign bodies in the air-passages. Phil., i854(?). Practical treatise on the diseases, injuries, and malformations of the urinary bladder, prostate gland, and the urethra. Ed. 2. Phil., 1855. System of surgery. Ed. 5. 2v. Phil., 1872. Then and now; a discourse in the Jefferson medical college of Philadelphia. Phil., 1867. ed. Liston, Robert. Elements of surgery. 1846. ed. Tavernier, Alphonse. Elements of operative surgery. 1829. Gross, Samuel Weissel, M. D. Practical treatise on tumors of the mammary gland. N. Y., 1880. Gross medical college. Annual announcement, 1891-2, '95-1902. v. 5, 9-15. Denver, 1891-1901. Grosse, Ernest. Beginnings of art. N. Y., 1897. Grosseteste, Robert. (Les) reules Seynt Roberd. {In Walter, of Henley. Husbandry. 1890. p. 121-50.) Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus. American diplomacy. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 285-300.) Permanence of the Greek tvpe. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. 1897. p. 333-50.) Grosvenor public library, Buffalo {N. Y.). Catalogue of the books and pamphlets in the medical department. Buffalo, 1899. 86 562 AUTHOK LIST. Grosvenor public library, Buffalo (N. Y.). Catalogue of the books and pamphlets in the medical department. Supplement. Buf- falo, 1900. Note : being no. 2 of the Bulletin. Catalogue of books on Latin America, n. p. 1901. (In its Bulletin, no. i. 1901.) Indexed catalogue of books in the department of local his- tory and genealogy. Buffalo, 1900. Note : no. 1. of the Bulletin. List of books added from January ist, 1900, to Jan., 1901. 2v. n. p. 1900-1. Monthly list of books purchased, 1898. Buffalo, 1898. Reading lists on arts and crafts, no. 1-8. Buffalo, 1900. Reading list on Cuba and the present war with Spain. Buf- falo, 1898. Grote, Augustus Radcliffe. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed. 1879. v. 27; p. 161-78.) List of the noctuidse of North America. (In Buffalo soc. of nat. sci. Bulletin. 1875. v. 2; p. 1-77, 122-6, 143-4, 209-23, 301- 12.) Notes on American lepidoptera with descriptions of 21 new species. (In Buffalo soc. of natural sci. Bulletin. 1875. v. 2; p. 145-63-) On allied species of noctuidae inhabiting Europe and North America. (In Buffalo soc. of nat. sci. Bulletin. 1875. v. 2; p. 193-200. V. 3; p. 13-16.) On noctuidse from the Pacific coast of North America. (In Buffalo soc. of nat. sci. Bulletin. 1877. v. 3; p. 77-90.) Grote, George. History of Greece. New ed. I2v. Lond., 1884. Grotius, Hugo. Rights of war and peace, including the law of nature and of nations; tr. by A. C. Campbell. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics library.) Groton (Mass.). Proceedings of the centennial celebration, July 4, 1876. Groton, 1876. : Public library. Annual report, 1897-1902. v. 44-8. Ayer, 1898- I 902. Note : earlier reports in Town reports. Catalogue, with the by-laws and regulations. Groton, 1855. Ayer, 1875. 2v. Groton, 1885-96. : School committee. Annual report, 1 900-1. Ayer, 1 900-1. Groton (Mass.) First parish. Report of the parish committee, 1900-1. Groton, 1900-1. Groton (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, and other town officers for the year 1888-1902. Bristol, 1888-1902. Groton historical society. Officers and by-laws. Ayer, 1894. Groton school, Groton (Mass.). Catalogue, 1899-1900, 1901-2. Ayer, 1899- 1 90 1. Groton water company. Annual water rates, rules, and regula- tions. Groton, 1897. By-laws, adopted May 14, 1897. Bost, 1897. Report, 1900-1. n. p. 1900-1. Grounds of the Catholic doctrine, contained in the profession of faith published by Pope Pius IV. Phil., 1837. Grout, Henry M., D. D. Commemorative of Edward Southworth. Springf., 1870. Country minister of a by-gone time; a biographical sketch of Rev. Amos Foster. Bost., 1884. Grout, Josiah. Retiring message to the general assembly, Oct. session, 1898. St. Johnsbury, 1898. Grove, Rev. Henry. Discourse concerning the nature and design of the Lord's supper. Ed. 8. Dover, 1794. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 563 Grove meeting association. Unitarian grove meeting, 1892. v. 15. Newburyport, 1892. Grover, Edwin Osgood, comp. Dartmouth songs, a new collection of college songs. Hanover, 1898. Grover, Rev. George W. Have we a divine Christ and an authori- tative Bible? Nashua, 1883. Sermon, Ascension day, May 11, 1893. Manch., 1894. Grover, La Fayette. Inaugural address to the legislative assembly, Sept. 14, 1870. Salem, 1870. Groves, Henry B., anoii.' Remarks upon the application of the Bank of Mutual Redemption to become a member of the Bos- ton clearing house association. Bost., 1858. Groveton (N. H.): Education, board of. Catalogue of Groveton pub- lic school, 1896-7. Lancaster, 1896. Grow, Galusha Aaron. Nebraska and Kansas, speech, n. p. n. d. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 29.) Grubb, Ignatius C Colonial and state judiciary of Delaware. Wilmington, 1897. (/n Del. hist. soc. Papers, no. 17.) Supreme court of Delaware. (In Bell, Clark. Supreme court of the states and provinces of North Amer. 1895. v. i; p. 307-42.) Gruening, Emil, M. D., ed. Archives of ophthalmology and otol- ogy. V. 4. 1874. Grumbine, Lee Light. Pennsylvania-German in journalism and literature. (In Penn-German soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 6; p. 82- 98.) Grund, Francis J. Elementary treatise on geometry. Ed. 3. Bost., 1833. Elements of chemistry, with practical exercises. Bost., 1833. Guarasci Caesar. Studies on coast defense applied to the Gulf of Spezia; tr. by G. McC. Derby. Wash., 1884. Guardia, Ricamo Fernandez, ed. Fernandez, Leon. Historia de Costa Rica. 1889. Guardia, Vincente de la. Estadistica demografica de la ciudad de la Habana. Habana, 1891. Guardian, newspaper; pub. weekly, v. 41, no. 2131, 32, 34-43. v. 42, no. 2144-86, 88. Lond., 1886-7. Gautemala: Public works, dept. of. Descriptive account of the Re- public of Guatemala, Central America. Chic, 1893. Guenon, Frangois. Guenon on milch cows, a treatise upon the bovine species in general; tr. by T. J. Hand. N. Y., 1888. Guernsey, Alfred Hudson, ajid Alden, Henry M. Harper's picto- rial history of the Civil war. 2v. Chic, 1866-8. Guernsey, Alfred Hudson, ed. Hartwig, Georg. Polar and tropi- cal worlds. 1872. 1876. Guernsey, D. L., pub. Railroad and postofiftce map of New Hamp- shire. Cone, n. d. Note : scale 8 miles to 1 inch. Guernsey, Rev. J. W. Christian thanksgiving; a sermon preached Nov. 26, 1846. n. p. 1846 (?) Guess, George. See Se-quo-yah. Guggenheimer, Aimee. Frobel and the kindergarten. Alb., 1901. (/;/ N. Y. (state): Library. Bulletin; bib. no. 26-7.) Guggenheimer, Jay Caesar. Development of the executive depart- ments, 1775-1789- (In Jameson, J. F. Essays in the constitu- tional history of the U. S. 1889. P- 116-85.) Guide for the Pennsylvania railroad, with an extensive map. Phil., 1855. 564 AUTHOR LIST. Guide to Christian perfection, monthly, ed. by Rev. Timothy Mer- ritt and Rev. D. S. King. v. i-ii. Bost, 1839-47. Note: v. 9-11, 1846-7, title Guide to holiness, v. 1-5 has 12 nos. each ; v. 6-11, 6 nos. each. Guide to holiness, monthly, v. 9-1 1. Bost., 1846-7. Note : continuation of Guide to Christian perfection. Guide to true peace; or, A method of attaining to inward and spir- itual prayer; 2d Amer. edition. Cone, 1820. Guidon; illustrated monthly magazine devoted to the Catholic re- ligious interests of the diocese of Manchester, N. H. v. 1-5. Cone, 1899-1901. ^ Guilbert, Edmund, D. D. Annals of an old parish; historical sketches of Trinity church, Southport, Conn., 1725-1898. N. Y., 1898. Guild, Charles H. Catalogue of the extensive and valuable col- lection of books and pamphlets relating to America, belonging to Guild. Bost, 1887. Guild, Edward C. List of poems illustrating Greek mythology in the English poetry of the 19th century. {In Bowdoin college; Lib. Bulletin. 1891. no. i; p. 15-31-) Guild, Edward P., ed. 1785-1885; centennial anniversary of the town of Heath, Mass., Aug. 19, 1885. Bost. n. d. Guild, Mrs. Mary Stiles (Paul). Stiles family in America. Alb., 1892. Guild, Reuben Aldridge. Biographical introduction; sketch of Roger Williams. {In Narragansett club. Pub. 1866. v. i; p. 1-60.) Early history of Brown university, including the life, times, and correspondence of President Manning; 1756-1791. Prov., 1897. First commencement of Rhode Island college. {In R. L hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 7; P- 265-98.) Roger Williams, freeman of Massachusetts. Wore, 1888. ed. Staples, William Read. Rhode Island in the Continental congress. 1870. Guild, William. New York and the White Mountains. Bost., 1852. Guild, C. H., & Co., comp. Advertising in New England, a complete hand-book. Bost., 1896. Guild of St. James, the Apostle, Columbus (0.). Report, 1897. n. p. n. d. Guilford, N. & G., puh. Map of the state of Ohio. Cine, 1851. Note : scale 5 miles to l inch. Guilford (Conn.). Proceedings at the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Guilford, Conn. N. H., 1889. Guilford college. Catalogue, 1896-7, '98-9. Greensboro, 1896-8. Guillemard, Francis Henry Hill, M. D., ed. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Australasia. 1894. Guillemin, Amedee Victor. (Le) ciel; notions d'astronomie a I'usage des gens du monde et de la jeunesse. Par., 1864. Guimps, Charles Frederic Louis Roger, haron de. Pestalozzi, his life and work, tr. by J. Russell. N. Y., 1897. (International education series, no. 14.) Guiney, Louise Imogen, Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Pres- cott), and Brown, Alice. Three heroines of New England ro- mance. 1895. Guinon, L., ed. Revue mensuelle des maladies de I'enfance. v. 12. 1894. Guirey, Rev. George. Hallowed day; Fletcher prize essay, Dart- mouth college, 1892. N. Y., 1893. NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBEAEY. 565 Guiteras, Lama, anon. Brief sketch of the life of Eusebio Guite- ras. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1894- v. 5; p. 99- 108.) Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France from the earliest times; tr. by Robert Black. 6v. Bost. n. d. Gulick, Luther. Value of percentile grades. (In Amer. statisti- cal assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3, no. 20; p. 321-31-) Gulliver, George, ed. Hewson, William. Works. 1846. Gumaer, Peter E. History of Deerpark in Orange county, N. Y. Port Jervis, 1890. Gummere, Francis Barton. Myth and allegory. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 11; p. 25-39.) On the symbolic use of the colors black and white in Ger- manic tradition. (In Haverford college. Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. i; p. 112-62.) Gummere, John. Practical rule for calculating from the elements in the Nautical almanac, the circumstances of an eclipse of the sun, for a particular place. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1837. V. 5; P- 297-317.) Gumplowicz, Ludwig. Outlines of sociology; tr. by F. W. Moore. Phil., 1899. (Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Pub.) Gunn, Douglas. San Diego; climate, productions, resources, topography. Ed. 4. San Diego, 1886. Gunn, Maj. O. B. Nicaragua canal, a paper, n. p. 1892. Patriotism the safeguard of the nation, n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandeVy. War papers.) Gunnison, E. Norman. Forever, song and chorus. N. Y., 1875. Our stars, for the army of the Potomac. Phil., 1863. Gunnison, Rev. John. Nation's progress; or, Licentiousness and ruin; a discourse delivered on the evening of the annual fast, April 7, 1836. Amesbury, n. d. Gunton, George. Economic and social importance of the eight hour movement. (In Amer. federation of labor. Pub. Eight hour ser. 1889. no. 2.) Tariff symposium. Bost., 1896. Gunton's magazine of practical economics and political science, monthly, v. lo-ii; v. 12, no. 1-3; v. 13, no. 1-5. N. Y., 1896-7. Guppy, Benjamin W. Life of different kinds of timber in bridges of various kinds and advisability of protecting same from the weather, n. p. n. d. Guppy, R. J. Lechmere, and Dall, William Healy. Descriptions of tertiary fossils from the Antillean region. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 303-31.) Gurler, H. B. American dairying. Chic, 1894. Gurovits, Lieut. Odon, tr. Balck, Capt. Supply and expenditure of ammunition. (In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Selected professional papers. 1898. p. 215-89.) Gurwood, Col. John, ed. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, ist duke of. Dispatches during his various campaigns. 1837-9. Gustafson, Axel Carl Johan. Temperance teaching in schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 169-90.) and Gustafson, Mrs. Zadel (Barnes) Buddington. Foundation of death; a study of the drink question. Ed. 3. Bost., 1885. Gustafson, Mrs. Zadel (Barnes) Buddington, and Gustafson, Axel Carl Johan. Foundation of death. 1885. Gutekunst, F. Book illustrations in phototype. Phil. n. d. Guthe, Karl E., atid Patterson, George W. New determination of the electrochemical equivalent of silver. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 47; p. 154-74.) Guthrie, William, tr. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Epistles to Atticus. 1752. 566 AUTHOR LIST. Guthrie, William, tr. Cicero, Marcus TuUius. His offices. 1755. Gutierrez, Donate. (El) algodonero; memoria. Mexico, 1885. Guttmann, Paul, M. D. Handbook of physical diagnosis, compris- ing the throat, thorax, and abdomen; tr. fr. the 3d Ger. ed. by- Alex. Napier. Lond., 1879. GutzlafF, Rev. Charles. Letter on the Chinese system of writing. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. i8z|i. v. 7; p. 7-29-) Guy, William A. Principles of forensic medicine. Lond., 1844. Guyot, Arnold. Directions for meteorological observations and the registry of periodical phenomena. Wash., i860. (In Smith- sonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. i.) Earth and man; lectures on comparative physical geography; tr. by C. C. Felton. Ed. 2, rev. Bost., 1850. On the erratic phenomena of the central Alps. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 311-21.) and Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, D. D., ed. Johnson's universal cyclopsedia. 1888. Guyot, Yves. Principles of social economy; tr. by C. H. d'Eny- court Leppington. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser. no. d4.) Tyranny of socialism; ed. by J. H. Levy. Lond., 1894. (So- cial sci. ser. no. y2>-) Gwynne, Rev. Walker. Manual of Christian doctrine according to the church catechism, adapted to the Christian year. N. Y., 1888. Gwynne temporary home for -children. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1899, 1901. Bost., 1900-2. Gylling, Hjalmar. Nagra ord om Rutil och zircon med sarskild till deras sammanvaxning med Glimmer, n. p. n. d. Om en kalkstens-forekomst inom den archaeiska formationens aldsta lager. Helsingfors, 1880. Uber einen neuen fund von andesin bei Orijarvi in Finnland. n. p. n. d. Zur mikroskopischen physiographic finnischer eruptivges- teine. Helsingfors, 1880. Gynaecological society of Boston, ed. Journal. 1869-73. H H., pseud. Early days at Racine, Wis. Racine, 1872. H., pseu4. In memory of S. K, Hale. Bost., 1896. H., C. Review, records of the proceedings and debates at the 6ist annual convention of the P. E. church in the diocese of New York, 1845. N. Y., 1846. H., G. S. Joel Parker, sometime chief-justice of the state of New Hampshire. Camb., r876. H., R. Warr in New England. (In Drake, S. G., ed. Old Indian chronicle. 1836. p. 105-12.) (In Drake, S. G., ed. Old Indian chronicle. 1867. p. 287-93-) H. Sophie Newcomb memorial college. Memorial words, n. p. n. d. See also Tulane university of Louisiana. Haan, J. van Breda de. See Breda de Haan, J. van. Habel, S., M. D. Sculptures of Santa Lucia Cosumalwhuapa in Guatemala. Wash., 1878. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1880. v. 22.) Habershon, Samuel Osborne, M. D. Pathological and practical observations on diseases of the alimentary canal. Phil., 1859. Bristowe, John Syer, M. D., and others. Diseases of the intes- tines and peritoneum. 1879. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 66T Hachenberg, George P., M. D. Medical consultation book, a pharmacological and clinical book of reference. Austin, 1893. Hackel, Ernst Heinrich. Evolution of man. 2v. N. Y., 1896. Hackensack (N. J.) Dutch reformed church. Records, n. p. 1891. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Coll. 1891. v. i, pt. i.) Hackett, Frank Warren. Address delivered before the Naval war college, Newport, R. L, at the annual opening, June 3, 1901. Wash., 1901. Geneva award acts; with notes and references to decisions of the court of commissioners of Alabama claims. Bost., 1882. Geneva award bill. n. p. 1880. Memoir of W. H. Y. Hackett, with selections from his writ- ings. Ports., 1879. Memorial address delivered May 30, 1892, at Portsmouth, N. H., before Storer Post, No. i, G. A. R. Ports., 1893. Monetary conference; were w^e ready for it? n. p. i893(?) Receipt and investment of the Geneva award money. Wash., 1882. Sketch of the life and public services of W. A. Richardson. Wash., 1898. ed. Portsmouth (N. H.). Portsmouth records. 1886. Hackett, William Henry Young. Argument for Ichabod Goodwin, one of the defendants in suit in equity, Sherburne et al. vs. Samuel E. Coues and Ichabod Goodwin, before the supreme judicial court. Ports., 1861. Arguments for the defendants in the suit in chancery, J. A. Parker against the Winnipiseogee Lake cotton and woolen man- ufacturing company. Ports., 1859. Memoir of Andrew Halliburton. (In Halliburton, Andrew. Essays 1847. p. 5-23.) Hackley, Charles Elihu, M. D., tr. Billroth, Christian Albert Theo- dor, M. D. General surgical pathology and therapeutics. 1871. 1875. 1877. 1879. tr. Niemeyer, Felix von. Text-book of practical medicine. 1869. 1877. tr. Stellwag von Carion, Carl, M. D. Treatise on the dis- eases of the eye. 1868. 1872. 1873. Hadden, Archibald. Congregationalism in Minnesota, 1851-91. Minneapolis, 1891. Hadden, Lieut. James M. Hadden's journal and orderly books; a journal kept in Canada and upon Burgoyne's campaign in 1776 and 1777, with notes by Horatio Rogers. Alb., 1884. Haddock, Charles Brickett, D. D. Address delivered before the Connecticut river valley agricultural society, Sept., 1849. Han- over, 1850. Address delivered before the railroad convention, at Lebanon, N. H., Oct. 10, 1843. Hanover, 1843. Address delivered before the Vermont medical college at Woodstock, June 8, 1842. Hanover, 1842. Addresses and miscellaneous writings. Camb., 1846. — — Discourse before the New England society of the city of New York, Dec. 22, 1841. N. Y., 1842. Discourse delivered at Hanover, N. H., May 7, 1841, on the occasion of the death of W. H. Harrison. Windsor, 1841. Oration pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Dartmouth college. Cone, 1825. 568 AUTHOR LIST. Haddock, Charles Brickett, D. D. Patriotic citizen; an address de- livered at Lebanon, N. H., July 4, 1842. Hanover, 1842. Hadley, Amos. Hillsborough; address at Hillsborough Bridge on the field day of the N. H. historical society, Oct. 3, 1893. Cone, 1894. History of Hillsborough. {In N. H. hi'st. soc. Proceed. 1895. V. 2; p. 333-48.) Horace Mann, his life and example. {In Amer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures. 1886. p. 199-226.) Life of Walter Harriman, with selections from his speeches and writings. Bost., 1888. New Hampshire in the 4th decade of the passing century. {In N. H. hist soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 3; p. 14-62.) ed. Jackman, Capt. Lyman. History of the 6th N. H. regt. in the war for the Union. 1891. Hadley, Arthur Twining. American railroad statistics. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1889. v. i, no. 6; p. 241-53.) Inaugural address at Yale university. {In Yale univ. Inau- guration of Hadley. 1900. p. 21-49.) Population and capital, n. p. 1894. {In Amer. econ. assoc. pub. 1894. V. 9; no. 5-6; p. 83-94.) Relation between economics and politics. N. Y., 1899. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Economic studies, v. 4.) ed. Whittelsey, Sarah Scovill. Massachusetts labor legisla- tion. 1900 (?) Hadley, Capt. E. D. Battle of Cedar creek. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Iowa commandery. War sketches. 1898. v. 2; p. 441- 77-) Hadley, Hiram, mid Lee, Mary V. English grammar. 1874. Hadley, James. Brief history of the English language. {In Web- ster, Noah. International dictionary. 1895. pref. p. 29-44.) Hadley (Mass.). Celebration of the 200th anniversary of the set- tlement of Hadley, June 8, 1859. Northampton, 1859. Hadlyme (Conn.) Cotigregational church. Manual. Hartf., 1891. Haeckel, Ernest Heinrich. See Hackel, Ernest Heinrich. Hagaman, J. D. From skepticism to Christianity; life and expe- rience of a converted skeptic. Battle Creek n. d. Hagar, Daniel B. Common school arithmetic. Phil., 1871. Lecture on the supervision of schools. Bost., 1851. Hageman, John F. Life, character, and services of F. T. Freling- huysen. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proced. 1887. v. 19; p. 45-75.) Memorial of Samuel Allinson. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. V. 18; p. 69-89.) Hagen, Hermann August. Devonian insects of New Brunswick. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1881. V. 8; p. 275-84-) .... Synopsis of the neuroptera of North America, with a list of the South American species. Wash., 1861. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 4.) Hager, Albert D. Marbles of Vermont. Burlington, 1858. {Bound with White, Rev. P. H. Life of M. Lyon. 1858. Note : p. 15-16 wanting. Chace, George I., and Walling, Henry F. Norwegian coal company, reports. 1864. Hitchcock, Edward, D. D., and others. Report on the geology of Vermont. 1861. and Robb, Charles. Logan copper mining company reports. Bost., 1864. Hager, Mrs. Lucie Caroline (Gilson). Boxborough; a New Eng- land town and its people. Phil., 1891. Hagerty, Frank H., com'r. See Dakota: Immigration, com'r of. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 569 Haggen, Mrs. Nancy McClure. Story of captivity among the Sioux. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. 6; p. 438-60.) Hagood, Johnson. Message to the general assembly, November, 1881. Columbia, 1881. Hague, Arnold. Early tertiary volcanoes of the Absaroka range. {In Geol. soc. of Wash. Presidential address. 1899. p. 1-25.) Geology of the Eureka district, Nevada. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1892. v. 20.) Presidential address; early tertiary volcanoes of the Absaroka range. Wash., 1899. {In Geol. soc. of Wash. Presidential ad- dresses. 1898.) and Emmons, Samuel Franklin. Descriptive geology. Wash., 1877. {In U. S.: Geol. exploration of the 40th parallel. Report. 1877. V. 2.) and Iddings, Joseph P. On the development of crystallization in the igneous rocks of Washoe, Nevada. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 17.) Hague, James Duncan, and King, Clarence. Mining industry, with geological contributions. Wash., 1870. {In U. S.: Geol. explor- ation of the 40th parallel. Report. 1870. v. 3.) Hague: Bihliotheek Koninklijke. Bulletin, no. 1-4. n. p. 1895-6. Verslag van de aanwinsten, 1884-1900. 'S Gravenhage, 1885- 1901. Werken en handschriften. 'S Gravenhage, 1896. : Museum Koninklijke. Notice historique et descriptive des tab- leaux et des sculptures. La Haye, 1874. Hahn, Augustus, ed. Bible: Old Testament. Biblia Hebraica. 1839. Hahnemann hospital. Rules and regulations, n. p. n. d. n. p. 1890. Hahnemann hospital association of the Hahnemann medical col- lege of Philadelphia. Annual report, 1886-97. v. 1-12. Phil., 1887-97. Hahnemann medical college and hospital of Chicago. Annual an- nouncement, 1895-6, '97-1902. V. 36, 38-42. Chic, 1895-1901. Hahnemann medical college and hospital of Philadelphia. Annual report, 1899. Phil., 1899. Charter with statutes or by-laws. Phil., 1885. Phil., 1889. ■ Description with ground plans and elevations. Phil., 1884. Programme of masonic ceremonies of the laying of the cor- ner-stone, Oct. 30, 1884. Phil., 1884. Hahnemann medical college of Philadelphia. Annual announce- ment, session of 1867-81, '83-5, '85-1901. v. 20-33, 36-7, 39-53- Phil., 1867-1901. Catalogue of the museum and library. Phil., 1869. Charter and statutes, adopted Nov., 1871. Phil., 1871. List of graduates from 1849 to 1878. Phil, 1878. from 1849 to 1891. Phil., 1891. Haidinger, Wilhelm. Ansprache gehalten am schlusse des ersten decenniums der kaiserlich-koniglichen geologischen reichsan- stalt. Wien, 1859. Haig, Alexander, M. D. Uric acid as a factor in the causation of disease. Ed. 2. Phil., 1894. Haight, Benjamin I., D. D. Letter to a parishioner relative to the recent ordination of Mr. Arthur Carey. N. Y., 1843. {Bmnd with Dudgeon, Thomas. Moral and theological axioms. 1839.) Haight & Freese. Guide to investors. N. Y., 1897. Haile, William. Message to the senate and house of representa- tives, June session, 1857. Cone, 1857. Message to the senate and house of representatives, June ses- sion, 1858. Cone, 1858. 570 AUTHOR LIST. Hailmann, William Nicholas. Application of the principles of psychology to the work of teaching. (In Amer. inst. Cf instruc- tion. Lectures. 1882. appx. p. I-43-) Education of the Indian. (In Butler, N. H., ed. Monographs. 1900. V. 2; p. 937-72.) History and status of public kindergartens and ecoles gardin- nes in several European countries. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. . Report for 1890-1. v. 2. 1894. p. 676-783.) tr. Frobel, Friedrich August Wilhelm. Education of man.. 1899. Hainer, Rev. J. A. Peculiar people. Bost., 1899. Haines. Substance of remarks on the ruinous consequences of the auction system. N. Y., 1823. Haines, Charles G., anon. Letter to Micah Sterling, member of congress, on the expediency of adopting a uniform system of bankruptcy. N. Y., 1822. Haines, Helen. History of New Mexico from the Spanish con- quest to the present time, 1530-1890. N. Y., 1891. Haines, Helen E. New lamps for old. Phil., 1899. (In Penn. lib. club. Occasional papers, no. 7.) Haines, Herbert. France and Cromwell. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1891. v. 15; p. 147-56.) History and assassination. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1889. y. 14; p. 285-302.) Haines, Samuel. Oration composed and pronounced at Sanborn- ton, N. H., July 4, 1808. Cone, 1808. Haines, T. L., and Yaggy, L. W. Museum of antiquity. 1882. Hakes, Harry, M. D. Hakes family. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. John and Sebastian Cabot, a 400th anniversary memorial of the discovery of America. Wilkes-Barre, 1897. Hakluyt, Richard. Discourse on westerne planting; ed. by Charles Deane. Camb., 1877. (In Me. hist. soc. Documentary hist. 1877. V. 2.) Halberr, Federico. Addenda to the Cretan inscriptions. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology, ser. 2. 1898. v. 2; p. 79-94.) ' Christian inscriptions. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1896. V. 11; p. 602-13.) Epigraphical researches in Gortyna. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology, ser. 2. 1897. v. i; p. 159-238.) Inscriptions from various Cretan cities. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1896. v. 11; p. 539-601.) Report on the expedition of the Institute to Crete. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1896. v. 11; p. 525-38-) Some Cretan sculptures in the museum of the Syllogos of Candia. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897. v. i; p. 239-50.) Haldane, James Alexander. View of the social worship and ordi- nances observed by the first Christians. Ed. 2. Edin., 1806. Haldeman, Horace L. Memoir of Prof. S. S. Haldeman. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1898. p. 257-92.) Haldeman, Samuel Stehman. Materials towards a history of the coleoptera longicornia of the U. S. (In Amer, phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. v. 10; p. 27-66.) On the contents of a rock retreat in south-eastern Pennsyl- vania. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1881. v. 15; p, 351-68.) On the relations between the Chinese and the indo-European languages. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. V. 10; pt. 2; p. 201-13.) Report on the present state of our knowledge of linguistic ethnology. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. v. 10; p. 1-20.) ed. Taylor, Richard Cowling. Statistics of coal. 1855. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 571 Hale, Benjamin, D. D. Baccalaureate address delivered at the an- nual commencement of Geneva college, 1847. Geneva, 1847. {Bound with Davis, A. Discovery of New England. 1845.) Valedictory letter to the trustees of Dartmouth college. Han- over, 1835. Hale, Charles Reuben, D. D., anon. Book annexed and the bishops. Davenport, 1886. Brief narrative of a visit to the eastern churches in the inter- ests of church unity. Davenport, 1886. Hale, David, anon. Letters on the new theatre, n. p. n. d. Hale, Enoch, M. D. Dissertation; can medical substances be in- troduced into bodies through the veins. {Bound with Warren, Edward, M. D. Dissertation, 1840.) Experiments on the communication between the stomach and the urinary organs. Bost, 1821. {Bound with Warren, Edward, M. D. Dissertation. 1840.) Hale, Edward Everett, D. D. Across lots. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 5, no. 20.) Congregational church; a sermon preached in the South Con- gregational church, Boston, on the 20th anniversary of its dedi- cation, Jan. 8, 1882. Bost, 1882. Contribution of Boston to American independence; oration delivered before the mayor and citizens of Boston, July 5, 1897. Bost., 1897. Coronado's discovery of the seven cities. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 236-45.) Hawkins and Drake. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 59-84.) Life of Ralph Lane. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. i860. V. 4; p. 317-51.) Magellan's discovery. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1886. v. 2; p. 591-617.) Memoir of Loranzo Sabine. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1880. V. 17; p. 371-82.) Naval history of the American revolution. {In Winsor, Jus- tin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1888. v. 6; p. 563-604.) {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1888. p. 379-97.) Original documents from the State paper office, London, and the British museum; illustrating the history of Raleigh's first American colony and the colony at Jamestown. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. i860, v. 4; p. 1-65.) Physical, mental, and spiritual exercises. {In Phillips Exeter acad. Lectures. 1887. p. 1-24.) Puritan politics in England and New England. {In Mass. hist. soc. Lectures. 1869. p. 441-62.) R. W. Emerson. Bost., 1899. Results of Columbus's discovery. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. 1892. p. 190-212.) Unitarianism and original Congregationalism in New Eng- land. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. Unitarians. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. ser. 4, no. 91.) and Hale, Susan. Story of Spain. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the nations.) ed. Clarke, James Freeman, D. D. Autobiography. 1891. ed. Lend a hand. v. 12-13. 1894. ed. Old and new monthly. 1870-4. Hale, Edward Everett, jr. J. R. Lowell. Bost, 1899. (Beacon biographies.) 572 AUTHOK LIST. Hale, George Ellery, ed. Astrophysical journal. 1895-1900. Hale, George Silsbee. What is the true name of Harvard Univer- sity. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 28; p. 254-66.) Hale, George W. Police and prison cyclopaedia. Camb., 1892. Hale, Harry H. Annual catalogue of fine stock, 1886. v. 2. Manch., 1886. Hale, Horace M., and others, anon. Education in Colorado. Den- ver, 1885. Hale, Horatio. Address; the origin of languages and the antiquity of speaking man. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1887. v. 35; p. 279-324.) Ethnography and philology. Phil., 1846. {In U. S.: Explor- ing expedition. Narrative. 1846. v. 6.) Lawgiver of the stone age. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1882. v. 30; p. 324-41.) Hale, Joel Parker. Letter to his constituents on the proposed an- nexation of Texas, n. p. n. d. Trial by jury, remarks on the attempt by Chief justice Parker to usurp the prerogatives of the jury in criminal cases. Exeter, 1842. Hale, John Peter. Daniel Boone, some facts and incidents not hitherto published. Wheeling, n. d. ■ History and mystery of the Kanawha valley. Charleston, 1897. Scraps of history, tradition, and facts relating to the lower Shenandoah valley. {In W. Va. hist, and antiq. soc. Minutes. 1899. V. 9; appx. A. p. 9-38.) Some local archaeology, a paper read before the W. Va. hist. and antiq. soc. Charleston, 1898. Hale, Mrs. Lucy H., vs. Jacques, William H., and Chandler, Mrs. Lucy Hale. Petition of W. H. Jacques, n. p. 1897. Hale, Rev. Moses. Sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Joseph Woodman to the pastoral care of the church and con- gregation in Sanbornton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1771. Salem, 1772. Hale, Nathan, 1784-1863, anon. American system; or. The effects of high duties on imports designed for the encouragement of domestic industry. Bost., 1828. Map of the New England states with the adjacent parts of New York and Lower Canada. Bost, 1826. NoTB : scale 8 miles to 1 inch. Notes made during an excursion to the highlands of New Hampshire and Lake Winnipiseogee. Andover, 1833. Hale, P. M. Woods and timbers of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1883. Hale, Richard Walden. Dreyfus story. Bost., 1899. Hale, Robert Safford. Genealogy of descendants of Thomas Hale; ed. by G. R. Howell. Alb., 1889. Hale, Robert Ward. Comparison of the Fitchburg railroad with other Massachusetts railroads. Bost., 1863. Hale, Salma. Address delivered before the N. H. hist, soc, June II, 1828. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. 3; p. 123-39.) Annals of the town of Keene from its first settlement in 1734 to 1790. Cone, 1826. {In N. H. hist, soc. Coll. 1827. v. 2; p. 71-136.) a continuation to 1815. Ed. 2. Keene, 1851. History of the United States, from their first settlement as colonies to the close of the campaign of 1814. Aberdeen, 1848. anon. History of the United States from their first settlement as colonies to the close of the war with Great Britain in 1815. N. Y., 1827. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 573 Hale, Salma, anon. History of the United States from their first settlement as colonies to the close of the administration of Mr. Madison in 1817. 2v. N. Y., 1853-5. . , , . , anon. History of the United States of America; with a brief account of som'e of the principal empires and states of ancient and modern times; by a citizen of Massachusetts. Keene, 1822. Keene, 1823. Oration delivered at Keene, Feb. 22, 1832, being the centen- nial anniversary of the birthday of Washington. Keene, 1832. Hale, Samuel Whitney. Message to the two branches of the legis- lature, June session, 1883. Cone, 1883. Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha (Buell). Flora's interpreter. Bost., 1832. Harry Guy, the widow's son. Bost, 1848. comp. Ladies' wreath; a selection from the female poetic writers of England and America. Bost., 1837. Ed. 2, enl. Bost., 1839. Northwood; or, Life North and South. N. Y., 1852. Sketches of American character, Ed. 4. Bost., 1831. Woman's record; or, Sketches of all distinguished women from the beginning to 1850. N. Y., 1853. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1870. ed. Ladies' magazine. 1828-32. Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the na- tions.) and Hale, Edward Everett, D. D. Story of Spain. 1889. Hale, William. Relations between the Boston and Maine and Cocheco railroads, n. p. n. d. Hale, William Gardner. Anticipatory subjunctive in Greek and Latin. Chic, 1894. {In Univ. of Chicago. Studies in classical philology. V. I, no. i.) Hale, William H. Present state of the inquiry into the origin and primal condition of man. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. 44-59.) Halen, Juan van. Narrative of imprisonment in the dungeons of the inquisition at Madrid in 1817 and 1818; his journey to Rus- sia. N. Y., 1828. Hales, John Groves. Maps of the street lines of Boston, made for the selectmen in 1819 and 1820. Bost., 1894. Haley, John William, D. D. Examination of the alleged discrep- ancies of the Bible. Ed. 3. Andover, 1876. Hereafter of sin; what will it be? Andover, 1881. Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences, being a digest of British and continental medicine, v. 19-20, 29, 44-58. Phil., 1854-74. Half -yearly compendium of medical science; a synopsis of the American and foreign literature of medicine, surgery, and col- lateral sciences, v. 1-17. Phil., 1868-83. Note: v. 16, 1883, became quarterly with title quarterly compendium of medical science. Ended in 1889. Haliburton, R. G. Dwarf survivals, and traditions as to pigmy races. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. V. 44; p. 285-96.) Notes on Mount Atlas and its traditions. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 559-68.) Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, anon. Clockmaker. Ed. 3. Cone, 1838. Hall, Rev. Aaron. Oration delivered at the request of the inhab- itants of Keene, June 30, 1788, to celebrate the ratification of the federal constitution by the state of New Hampshire. Keene, 1788. Sermon preached June 2, 1803, before the governor, council, senate, and house of representatives of the state of New Hamp- shire. Cone, 1803. {In N. H. election sermons, 1800-15.) 574 AUTHOR LIST. Hall, Alexander, and Chesebrough, Amos Sheffield, D. D. Histor- ical sketch of the Congregational church of Chester, Conn. 1892. Hall, Alfred G., M. D. Views of the new theory of disease and of treatment and cure based upon the nutritive principle. Wash., 1852. Hall, Arthur Crawshay Allison, bp. Church's discipline concern- ing marriage and divorce. N. Y., 1898. Christian law concerning marriage and divorce. Bost, 1882. Confession and the Lambeth conference. Bost., 1879. Fasting communion. Bost., 1889. H. P. Liddon; a memorial sermon. N. Y. n. d, Reading the Bible. Ed. 2. n. p. n. d. (In St. Clements pul- pit. Sermon ser. no. 5.) Hall, Asaph. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 99-114.) Catalogue of 151 stars in Praesepe. (In U. S.: Naval observa- tory. Observations. 1867. appx. 4.) Observations for stellar parallax. {In U. S.: Naval observa- tory. Observations. 1883. appx. 2.) Observations of double stars made at the U. S. Naval observ- atory. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1877. appx. 6.) Observations of double stars made at the U. S. naval observa- tory, 1880-1891; part 2. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observa- tions. 1888. appx. I.) Orbit of lapetus, the outer satellite of Saturn. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1882. Appx. i.) Orbit of the satellite of Neptune. (In U. S.: Naval observa- tory. Observations. 1881. appx. 2.) Orbits of Oberon and Titania, the outer satellites of Uranus. (In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1881. appx. i.) Parallax of a Lyrse and 61 cygni. (In U. S.: Naval observa- tory. Observations. 1879. appx. i.) Saturn and its ring, 1875- 1889. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1885. appx. 2.) Six inner satellites of Saturn. (In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1883. appx. i.) and Harkness, William. Reports on observations on Encke's comet during its return in 1871. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1870. appx. 2.) Hall, Benjamin Homer. Bibliography of the U. S.: Vermont. (In Norton, C. B. Literary letter. 1857. v. i; p. I3-33-) History of eastern Vermont, from its earliest settlement to the close of the i8th century. N. Y., 1858. 2v. Alb., 1865. Hall, C. W., pub. Descriptive history and real estate guide of the town of Winthrop. Bost., 1877. Hall, Charles Francis. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux, in the years 1860-1862. N. Y., 1865. Narrative of the 2d expedition made by Hall, ed. by J. E. Nourse. Wash., 1879. Hall, Charles H., D. D. Call to work. Raleigh, 1886. Dutch and the Iroquois. N. Y., 1882. Hints from history as to the meaning of Christian education. Hartf., 1885. Hall, D. A., and Clarke, M. St. Clair, cmnp. Legislative and docu- mentary history of the Bank of the United States. Wash., 1832. Hall, Daniel. Addresses commemorative of Abraham Lincoln and J. P. Hale. Cone, 1892. Hall, Rev. David Brainard. Halls of New England, genealogical and biographical. Alb., 1883. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 575 Hall, Drew B. Maine local history. Alb., 1901. (In N. Y. (state) : Library. Bulletin; bib. no. 28.) Hall, Edward Brooks, D. D. Discourse delivered before the R. I. historical society, Feb., 1855, on the life and times of John How- land. Prov., 1855. Memoir of M. L. Ware. Bost, 1891. Hall, Edward Hagaman, ed. Empire state society of the Sons of the American revolution. Register, 1899. 1899. Hall, Rev. Edward Henry. Farewell discourse after 13 years' min- istry. Wore, J882. First lessons on the Bible. Ed. 22. Bost., 1896. Lessons on the life of St. Paul. Ed. 6. Bost., 1894. Memoir of C. F. Dunbar. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1901. V, 34; p. 218-28.) Reminiscences of Dr. John Park. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. 1890. p. 69-93.) Hall, Rev. Edwin. Ancient historical records of Norwalk, Conn. Norwalk, 1847. Hall, Frederick, M. D. Catalogue of minerals found in the state of Vermont. Hartf., 1824. Oration on the importance of cultivating the sciences. Bait., 1828. Hall, Granville Stanley. Boy life in a Massachusetts country town thirty years ago. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1890. p. 107-28.) Education of the will. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1882. p. 236-69.) Initiations into adolescence. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1898. p. 367-400.) On the history of American college text-books. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1894. p. 137-74.) Plea for studying foreign educational institutions. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1890. p. 27-35.) Student customs. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1900. p. 83-124.) and Mansfield, John M. Hints toward a select and descrip- tive bibliography of education. Bost., 1893. Hall, Granville Stanley, ed. Pedagogical seminary. 1891-1900. Hall, Brig.-gen. H. Seymour. Personal experience as a staff officer at Mine Run and Albemarle county raid. n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Kans. commandery. War papers.) Personal experience in organizing volunteer soldiers in April, 1861, and participating with them in the first battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. com- mandery. War papers.) Personal experience under Generals Burnside and Hooker, in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, 1862 and 1863. n. p. n. d. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers.) With the 6th corps at Gettysburg. Lawrence, 1896. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers, no. 6.) Hall, Henry. American navigation with some account of the causes of its recent decay. N. Y., 1880. Year book of the societies composed of descendants of the men of the Revolution, 1890. N. Y., 1891. Hall, Henry D. Battle of Bennington. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. p. 30-70.) (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1894. P- 105-38.) Memoir of Hiland Hall. Bost, 1887. Hall, Hiland. Annual message to the general assembly of the state of Vermont, Oct. session, 1858. Montp., 1858. 676 AUTHOR LIST. Hall, Hiland. Battle of Bennington. (In Bennington hist. soc. Bennington battle monument. 1877. p. 11-20.) Capture of Ticonderoga in 1775- Montp., 1869. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869.) History of Vermont from its discovery to its admission into the Union in 1791. Alb., 1868. Letter to the members of the Bennington battle monument association, n. p. 1885. Vindication of v. i of the Collections of the Vermont histor- ical society from the attacks of the N. Y. historical magazine. Montp., 1871. Why the early inhabitants of Vermont disclaimed the juris- diction of New York and established an independent govern- ment. Bennington, 1872. Hall, Hubert. Imperial policy of Elizabeth. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1886. v. 13; P- 205-41.) Hall, Isaac H., ed. Suleiman of Husn Keifa, ed. Syrian antile- gomena epistles. 1886. Hall, Rev. J. Courage in sustaining the Gospel. Ports., 1856. Hall, James, 1793-1868. Memoir of Thomas Posey. (In Sparks, Jared. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1846. ser. 2. v. 9; p. 359-403-) Plea for the Sabbath; addresses to the legal profession. Bait, 1845. Hall, James, 181 1-98. Address delivered before the Society of natural history of the Auburn theological seminary on their anniversary, Aug. 15, 1843. Auburn, 1844. Bryozoans of the upper Hiedelberg and Hamilton groups. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. I45-97-) Contributions to the geological history of the American con- tinent. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. V. 31; p. 29-76.) An address delivered Aug., 1857. Salem, 1882. Contributions to the palaeontology of New York. Alb. n. d. Description of new species of fossils from the carboniferous limestones of Indiana and Illinois. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1858-64. V. 4, p. 1-46.) Descriptions of new species of fossils from the investigations of the survey. (In Wise: Geol. survey of 1853. Annual report. 1861; p. 11-52.) Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Niagara for- mation at Waldron, Ind. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 57-76.). Geological map of Wisconsin. Bost. n. d. Geology of New York; comprising the survey of the 4th geo- logical district. Alb., 1843. (N. Y. (state): Natural hist, of N. Y.) Graptolites of the Quebec group. Montreal, 1865. (In Can- ada: Geol. and natural hist, survey. Figures and descriptions of the Canadian organic remains, decade 1-4. 1858-65.) — — Hydraulic beds and associated limestones at the falls of the Ohio. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1879. v. 9; p. 169-80.) Introduction to the study of the brachiopoda. (In N. Y. (state): Museum. Annual report. 1892. v. 45; p. 451-616. 1894. V. 47; p. 943-1137.) Note : same is in his Palaeontology, 1892-4. Notes upon the geology of some portions of Minnesota. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 329-49.) Notice of some new species of fossils from a locality of the Niagara group, in Indiana. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1858-64. v. 4; p. 195-228.) Observations upon some of the brachiopoda. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1858-64. v. 4; p. 125-48.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 577 Hall, James. On the carboniferous limestones of the Mississippi valley. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. V. 10, pt 2; p. 51-68.) ■ On the relations of the Niagara and lower Helderberg forma- tions. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. V. 22, pt. 2; p. 32I-35-) Palaeontology of New York. 8v. in 13. Alb., 1847-94. (I^^ N. Y. (state): Natural hist, of N. Y.) Report in relation to the geological survey of the state of Iowa. Des Moines, i860. and Clarke, John Mason. Memoir on the paleozoic reticulate sponges constituting the family dictyospongidae. Alb., 1898. (N. Y. (state) : Museum. Memoir, no. 2.) N. Y., 1898. (In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Annual report. 1898. V. 4p.) and Whitfield, Robert Parr. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky, and the falls of the Ohio. n. p. 1872. Descriptions of the new species of fossils from the Devonian rocks of Iowa. Alb., 1872. and Whitney, Josiah Dwight. Report of the geological sur- vey of the state of Wisconsin, v. i. n. p. 1862. Note : no more pub. and Wright, John, M. D. Catalogue of plants. 1836. and others. Report on the water supply of the city of Albany. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. 218-77.) ed. Iowa: Geohgical survey of 1855-7. Report. 1858. Hall, James, of Nantwich, ed. Record society. Publications, v. 19, 31. 1889-96. Hall, James A. Address. {In Centennial celebration at Damaris- cotta. 1876. p. 5-18.) Hall, John, D. D. Scotch-Irish characteristics. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1889. v. i; p. 102-9.) Hall, John B., M. D., pub. American directory of homoeopathic physicians. Cleve., 1867. Hall, John Vine. Hope for the hopeless; an autobiography of Hall; ed. by Rev. Newman Hall; abridged. N. Y., 1865. Hall, John Williams Dean. Ancient iron works in Taunton. {In Old colony hist. soc. Coll. 1885. v. 3; p. 131-62.) Reminiscences of Shay's insurrection. {In Old colony hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 4; p. 79-87.) Hall, L. v., and Artman, William. Beauties and achievements of the blind. 1869. Hall, Marshall, M. D. Critical and experimental essay on the cir- culation of the blood. Phil., 1835. Descriptive essay on disorders of the digestive organs. Ed. 2. Lond., 1820. Keene, 1823. Principles of diagnosis. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1835. Principles of the theory and practice of medicine; ist Amer. ed. rev. and enl. by J. Bigelow and O. W. Holmes. Bost., 1839. Synopsis of cerebral and spinal seizures. Lond. n. d. Synopsis of the diastaltic nervous system. Lond. n. d. Hall, Maxwell. Rainfall of Jamaica. Kingston, 1892. Hall, Micajah Otis. Rambles about Greenland in rhyme. Bost., 1900. Hall, Nathan Kelsey. Postal service. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. V. 4; p. 299-316.) Hall, Rev. Nathaniel. Righteousness and the pulpit. Bost, 1855. Hall, Rev. Newman, ed. Hall, John Vine. Hope for the hopeless; an autobiography of Hall. 1865. 37 578 AUTHOR LIST. Hail, Robert C. Flag of the United States. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 465- 75.) Hall, Samuel Carter. Book of British ballads. N. Y., 1844. Hall, Samuel Reed. Alphabet of geology; or, First lessons in geology and mineralogy. Bost., 1868. Hall, Thomas B. Three articles on modern spiritualism. Bost., 1882. Hall, Walter Scott. Universal law of forms and signs of charac- ter, no. 1-3. San Fran., 1898. Hall, William L. Tree planting on rural school grounds. Wash., 1901. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, no. 134.) Hall, William Whitty, M. D. Guide-board to health, peace, and competence. Springf., 1869. Halla, Joseph, ed. Vierteljahrschrift fiir die praktische heilkunde. V. 45-97. 1855-68. Hallam, Henry. Constitutional history of England from the ac- cession of Henry 7 to the death of George 2; fr. the 2d Lond. edition. 3v. Bost., 1829. fr. the 5th Lond. edition. N. Y., 1847. Introduction to the literature of Europe. 2v. N. Y., 1847. 2v. N. Y., 1842. View of the state of Europe during the Middle ages. 4v. Phil., 1821. fr. the 6th Lond. edition. N. Y., 1854. Hallberg, C. S., comp. Physician's manual of the national formu- lary. Keene, n. d. Haller, Albrecht von. Auctarium ad Alberti Halleri Elementa physiologiae corporis humani. Lipsise, 1780. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani. Lusannse, 1757. First lines of physiology; tr. fr. the 3d Latin ed. ist Amer. ed. Troy, 1803. tr. fr. the 3d Latin edition. Edin., 1801. Hallett, Samuel, anon. Industrial and financial resources of the United States of North America. N. Y., 1864. Halleur, G. C. Hermann. Art of photography; tr. fr. the German by G. L. Strauss. Lond., 1854. Halliburton, Andrew. Essays, with a sketch of his character, by W. H. Y. Hackett. Ports., 1847. Halliday, W. H. Wardian cases and ferneries, n. p. n. d. Hallidie, Andrew S. Catalogue of the theological library presented by him to the Univ. of California. Berkeley, 1886. (In Univ. of Cal. library bulletin. 1886. no. 7.) Hallier, Ernst, M. D. Parasitological investigations, tr. fr. the German by H. C. Perkins. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1869. V. 3; p. 275-381.) Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard. Memoranda on All's well that ends well; The two gentlemen of Verona; Much ado about nothing; and Titus Andronicus. Brighton, 1879. Memoranda on Love's labour's lost; King John; Othello; and Romeo and Juliet. Lond., 1879. Memoranda on the Midsummer night's dream, Brighton, 1879. Memoranda on the tragedy of Hamlet. Lond., 1879. New lamps or old?ta few additional words on the momentous question respecting the E and the A in the name of our national dramatist. Ed. 2. Brighton, 1880, Hallock, Gerard. History of the South Congregational church, New Haven, Conn. N. H., 1865. Hallock, William Allen, D. D. Memoir of Harlan Page. N, Y., 1835. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 579 Hallowell, John K. Gunnison, Colorado's bonanza company. Denver, 1883. Hallowell, Richard P. Southern question past and present. Bost, 1890. Hallowell library, Hallowell {Me.). See Hubbard free library, Hallo- well {Me.). Halm, Reinhold J. Address to the students of Rock Hill college, June 19, 1893. Bait., 1893. Halsey, Edmund D. Diary of Jabez Campfield while attached to Sullivan's expedition against the Indians from May 23 to Oct. 2, 1779. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1874. v. 13; p. 115-36.) Mahlon Dickerson. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1881. V. 2; p. 95-105.) Halsey, Frederick A. Premium plan of paying for labor. {In Economic studies. 1896. v. i; p. 75-88.) Halsey, Frederick W., M. D. Diseases of the rectum. Bost, 1885. Halsey estate, containing S,ooo acres in McKean county, Penn. n. p. n. d. Halstead, Murat. History of the national political conventions of the current presidential campaign. Columbus, i860. Story of Cuba. Ed. 6, rev. Akron, 1897. White dollar; the true story of "Coin." Phil., 1895. Halsted, George Bruce. Criterion for two -term prismoidal formu- las. {In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1897. v. i, no. 5; p. 19-32.) tr. Lobachevski. Introduction to New elements of geometry. {In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1897. v. 2, no. 2; p. 1-17.) Ham, John Randolph, M. D. Contribution to the study of frac- tures and dislocations. Cone, 1881. Dover, N. H., in the U. S. navy in 1861-5. Dover, 1892. Dover, N. H., physicians. Cone, 1879. Localities in ancient Dover. Cone, 1887. Necessity for a hospital in Dover, N. H. Dover, 1892. Hamaker, J. I. Nervous system of nereis virens sars. {In Har- vard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1898. v. 32; p. 89-124.) Hambach, G. Contribution to the anatomy of the genus pentrem- •ites. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 145- 60.) Description of new palaeozoic echinodermata. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 548-54.) Notes about the structure and classification of pentremites. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 537-47.) Hambuechen, Carl. Experimental study of the corrosion of iron under different conditions. Madison, 1900. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin. Eng. ser. v. 2, no. 8.) Hamburg, Komite fiir die Amerika-feier. Hamburgische festsch- rift zur erinnerung an die entdeckung Amerika's. 2v. Ham- burg, 1892. Hamel, Joseph, M. D. Whale-killer; or. Thresher, mentioned by Tradeseant in the Journal of his voyage to Russia, 1618. {In Amer. assoe for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. v. 8; p. 258-70.) Hamersley, Lewis Randolph, ed. Naval encyclopaedia, comprising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases. Phil., 1881. comp. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy and marine corps. Phil., 1870. Ed. 5, rev. Phil., 1894. Hamersley, Thomas Holdup Stevens, comp. Complete army and navy register of the United States from 1776 to 1887; also a mil- itary history of the department of war. N. Y., 1888. Complete regular army register of the United States; 1779 to 1879; also a military history of the' department of war. Ed. 2. Wash., 1881. 580 AUTHOR LIST. Hameron, Philip Gilbert. Paris, in old and present times, with especial reference to changes in its architecture and topography. Bost, 1885. Hamilton. To the citizens of the United States. Phil., 1828. Hamilton, A. Boyd. Old Derry church. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress, 1896. v. 8; p. 380-91.) Hamilton, Alexander. Famous report on manufactures, made to congress, Dec. 5, 1791. Bost., 1892. Letters of Pacificus. {In his Federalist. 1818. p. 551-93.) Works, ed. by H. C. Lodge. 9v. N. Y., 1885-6. Madison, James, pres. of U. S., and Jay, John, 1745- 1829. Fed- eralist; a commentary on the constitution of the United States. 2v. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics library.) or, The new constitution, written in the year 1788. New ed. Wash., i8t8. See also United States: Treasury, dept. of. Hamilton, Alexander, M. D., ed. Smellie, William, M. D., 1740-95. Set of anatomical tables, with explanations and an abridgment of Practice of midwifery. 1793. Hamilton, Allan McLane, M. D. Clinical electro-therapeutics, medical and surgical. N. Y., 1873. Modern treatment of headaches. Detroit, 1888. Nervous diseases; their description and treatment. Phil., 1878. Hamilton, D. Howland, D. D. Autology; an inductive system of mental science. Bost., 1873. Hamilton, Frank Hastings, M. D. Practical treatise on fractures and dislocations. Ed. 2, rev. Phil., 1863. Ed. 4, rev. Phil., 1871. Practical treatise on military surgery. N. Y., 1861. Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, Mary Abigail. Hamilton, Henry S. Reminiscences of a veteran. Cone, 1897. Hamilton, Rev. J. Benson. Empty churches, and how to fill them. N. Y., 1879. Modern philistines, a lecture romance on rum and reform. Manch., 1876. • Sermon on the fallacies of moderate drinking, Dec. 12, i8;?5. Manch., n. d. Hamilton, J. C. L. Poverty and patriotism of the neutral grounds; a paper read before the Westchester historical society upon the 123d anniversary of the battle of White Plains. Elmsford, 1900. Hamilton, James, M. D., 1749-1835. Observations on the use and abuse of mercurial medicines in various diseases. N. Y., 1821. Observations on the utility and administration of purgative medicines in several diseases; 1st Amer, fr. the 2d Edin. edition. Phil., 1809. Hamilton, James, M. D., d. 1839. Practical observations on various subjects relating to midwifery, Phil., 1838. {Bound zvith Churchill, Fleetwood, M. D. Outlines. 1859.) Practical observations on midwifery. Phil., 1837-. {Bound zvith Bricheteau, Isadore, M, D. Medical clinics. 1837.) Hamilton, James A. State sovereignty; rebellion against the United States by the people of a state is its political suicide. N. Y., 1862. and Dawson, Henry Barton. Correspondence concerning the Foederalist. {In Jay, John, and Dawson, H. B. Correspondence. 1864. p. 28-48.) Hamilton, John. Tables of observations on the winds, the cur- rents, the Gulph stream, the comparative temperature of the air and water, etc., made on the North Atlantic ocean between the years 1799 and 1817, inclusive. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser, 1825. v. 2; p. T40-55.) NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBKABY. 581 Hamilton, John B., M. D., ed. Journal of the American medical association, v. 21-25. 1893-5. Hamilton, John R. New Brunswick and its scenery. St. John, 1874. Hamilton, John Taylor. History of the Unitus Fratrum; or, Mo- ravian church in the U. S. N. Y., 1895. (With Corwin, E. T., D. D. History of the Reformed church, Dutch. 1895.) Hamilton, Patrick. Resources of Arizona. Prescott, 1881. Hamilton, Peter Joseph. Lee and the Confederacy. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1900. v. 4; p. 316-34.) Hamilton, Robert. Inquiry concerning the rise and progress, the redemption, present state and management of the national debt of Great Britain; fr. the 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1816. Hamilton, Salome. Genealogy of the Hamilton family, from 1716 to 1894. Minneapolis, 1894. Hamilton, Gen. Schuyler. Anecdotes of Gen. Winfield Scott. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1900. v. 4; p. 187-98.) Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray, comp. Hamilton fac similes of man- uscripts in the national archives relating to American history. V. I. N. Y., 1896. ed. Letters to Washington and accompanying papers pub. by the Society of the Colonial dames of America, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1898-1901. comp. Universal classics manuscripts. 2v. n. p. n. d. ed. Monroe, James, pres. of U. S. Writings, including a col- lection of his public and private papers and correspondence. 1898-1901. Hamilton, Walter. Origin of the office of poet laureate. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 20-35.) Hamilton, William T., 1822-. Trading expedition among the In- dians in 1858, from Fort Walla Walla to the Blackfoot country and return. {In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1900. v. 3; p. 33.-123.) Hamilton, William T., D. D. Usefulness; an oration before the Euphemian and Philomathian societies of Erskine college. Charleston, 1847. Hamilton, William Tiffany. Message to the general assembly at its regular session, Jan., 1882. Annapolis, 1882. Hamilton college. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1843-7, '52-62, '63-82, '83-1901. Clinton, 1843-1900. Catalogus senatus academici, 1846, '52, '55, '59, '68, '71, '74, '77, '80, '85, '93. Clintonae, 1846-93. Note : none pub. in 1865, '88, '91, '96, '99. Catalogus senatus academici. Utica, 1852. {Bound with Davis, A. Discovery of N. E. 1845.) Courses of study, 1883. n. p. 1883. Inauguration of M. W. Stryker as the 9th president of Ham- ilton college, Jan. 17, 1893. Utica, 1893. Laws. Utica, 1854. Memorial addresses on the character and public services of S. W. Fisher. Utica, 1874. Presentation holiday, Nov. 16, 1897. Clinton, n. d. Public exercises at the inauguration of Rev. Henry Darling as the 8th president of Hamilton college, Sept. 15, 1881. Utica, 188 1. Public exercises at the inauguration of Rev. S. G. Brown as the 7th president of Hamilton college, July 17, 1867. Utica, 1867. Public exercises at the inauguration of Rev. S. W. Fisher as the 6th president of Hamilton college, Nov. 4, 1858. Utica, 1858. Report of the commencement, v. 87. Utica, 1899. 682 AUTHOR LIST. Hamilton college: Library. Bulletin; recent additions, no. i. Utica, 1881. Catalogue, 1826. n. p. i826(?) Library rules and partial hand-list of prize oration and essay- references, including a list of periodicals, 1896-7. Clinton, 1896-7. Hamilton literary monthly, v. 12, no. 4; v. 14, no. i, 3-9; v. 15, no. 3-4, 7-9; V. 16, no. 1-3, 5, 7-9; V. 17, no. 10; v. 18, no. i, 3-4, 6-9; V. 19; V. 20, no. 1-5, 7-9; V. 21; V. 22, no. 2, 4-9; v. 23-4; v. 25, no. I, 3-9; V. 26; V. 27, no. 2-9; v. 28-30; v. 31, no. i, 3, 5-7; v. 32, no. I, 2-7, 9; V. 33. Clinton, 1877-99. Hamilton theological seminary. Annual catalogue, 1885-6, '88-9, '91-2, '93-7, '98-9. V. 66, 69, 72, 74-7, 79. V. p. 1885-98. Hamilton-Gordon, Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks, Countess of Aberdeen. See Aberdeen, Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks, Countess of. Hamlin, Augustus Choate, M. D. Tourmaline; its relation as a gem. Bost., 1873. Hamlin, Charles E. Observations upon the physical geography and geology of Mount Ktaadn and the adjacent district. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. anatomy. Bulletin. 1881. v. 7; p. 189-223.) Hamlin, Cyrus, D. D. My grandfather, Col. Francis Faulkner, and my uncle, Francis Faulkner, jr., in the battle of Lexington. Bost., 1887. Reminiscences of Rev. Edward Payson. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 16; p. 280-90.) Robert college, Constantinople. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Pro- ceed. 1889. p. 196-212.) Hamline university. Catalogue, 1894-9. Hamline, 1894-8. Hamm, Margherita Arlina. Porto Rico and the West Indies. Lond., 1899. Hammatt, Abraham. Early inhabitants of Ipswich, Mass., 1633- 1700. n. p. n. d. (Hammatt papers.) Hammond, Mrs. Anna (Sargent). New Jerusalem love; or. The rights and wrongs of men and women. Bristol, 1894. Twentieth century facts. Bristol, 1897. Hammond, Rev. Charles. Peters's history of Connecticut. (In Conn, valley hist. soc. Papers. 1881. v. i; p. 91-114.) Hammond, Isaac Ware. New Hampshire under the federal consti- tution. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 2; p. 107-19.) comp. mid ed. Burton, Lieu4. Jonathan. Diary and orderly book. 1885. comp. and ed. New Hampshire: State papers, editor of. Pro- vincial and state papers, v. 11-18. 1882-90. ed. New Hampshire historical society. Collections, v. 9. 1889. Hammond, J. Cubi-quadratic system. (In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1886. V. 8; p. 138-55.) On general differentiation. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. V. 3; p. 164-73.) On perpetuants, with applications to the theory of finite quan- tics. (In Amer. jur. of mathematics. 1886. v. 8; p. 104-26.) On the solution of the differential equation of sources. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1882. v. 5; p. 218-27.) On the syzygies of the binary sextic. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1885. v. 7; p. 327-52.) Hammond, John. Leah and Rachel; or. The two fruitful sisters, Virginia and Maryland. Lond., 1656. (In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1844. V. 3.) Genealogical record of families in the descending line of Sam- uel Richardson, born in England about 1610. Keene, 1896. Hammond, Capt. Lawrence. Diary of Hammond, of Charlestown, Mass., with notes by S. A. Green. Camb., 1892. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 583 Hammond, Capt. Lawrence. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. V. 27; p. 144-72.) , Hammond, Mathew Brown. Cotton industry; an essay m Amer- ican economic history, n. p. 1897. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1897. V. 12. New ser. no. i.) Financial history of Wisconsin territory. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1893. v. 41; p. 131-67.) Hammond, Mrs. Natalie. Woman's part in a revolution. N. Y., 1897. Hammond, Otis Grant, ccmip. Index to Concord town records, 1732-1820. Cone, 1900. Hammond, Roland, M. D. History and genealogy of the descend- ants of William Hammond of London, England. Bost., 1894. Hammond, William Alexander, M. D., ed. Military, medical, and surgical essays, prepared for the United States sanitary commis- sion. Phil., 1864. Physiological memoirs. Phil., 1863. Sexual impotence in the male. N. Y., 1883. Sleep and its derangements. Phil., 1869. Spinal irritation. Detroit, 1886. Statement of the causes which led to his* dismissal from the army. N. Y., 1864. Treatise on hygiene, with special reference to the military service. Phil., 1863. Treatise on the diseases of the nervous system. Ed. 6, enl. N. Y., 1876. N. Y., 1871. ed, Meyer, Montz, M. D. Electricity in its relations to prac- tical medicine. 1869. ed. New York medical journal, v. 5-8. 1867-9. Hammond, William G. Public education, university oration deliv- ered at commencement of the State university of Iowa, June, 1890. n. p. n. d. Hammond street congregational church, Bangor (Me.). Manual. Bangor, 1887. Hampden, Vere Henry Hobart-, Lord Hohart. Mission of Richard Cobden. Lond., 1867. Hampden county agricultural society. Annual report; transactions for the year 1863, '65-73, '75, '77-8, '88-95. v. 19, 21-9, 31, 33-4, 44-51. Springf., 1863-96. Hampshire (Eng.). Parish registers; marriages; ed. by W. P. W. Phillimore. v. 1-2. Lond., 1899-1900. Hampshire agricultural society. Annual report; transactions for the year 1853, '67, '70-3, 'B,2, '87-1900. v. 4, 18, 21-4, 33, 38-51. Amh., 1853-1900. Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden agricultural society. Annual report; transactions for the year 1866-7, '74-80, '87-1900. v. 48-9^ 56-62, 69-82. Northampton, 1866-1900. Hampshire missionary society. Report of the trustees at their annual meeting, 1817. n. p. 1817. Hampstead (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other town officers for the year 1858-62, '67, '69-70, '73-5, '79-85, '87-9, '91-1902. Derry, 1858-1902. : Public library. Catalogue. Bristol, 1894. Hampton, Capt. Charles G. Twelve months in rebel prisons. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. V. 2; p. 229-48.) Hampton, Wade, and others. Reply to the Chamberlain memorial. Columbia, 1877. Hampton (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other town officers for the year 1882-5, '87, '91-1902. Exeter, 1882-1902. 584 AUTHOR LIST. Hampton (N. H.) Congregational church. Dedicatory exercises of the Webster memorial chapel, Jan., 1894. Exeter, 1894. Hampton academy, Hampton (N. H.). Catalogue, 1830-1, '46-7. Dover, 1831-47. Hampton Falls (N. H.). Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other town officers for the year 1876, '81-5, '87-1901. Exeter, 1876-1901. Hampton Negro conference. Papers, 1897-1900. v. 1-4. Hamp- ton, 1897-1900. Hampton normal and agricultural institute. Act of incorporation; laws of the state of Virginia, by-laws, etc. Hampton, 1895. Annual report of the principal to the Commissioner of Indian affairs. 1885, 1901. Wash., 1885-1901. Catalogue, 1872-4, '75-6, '78-91, '92-6. Hampton, 1873-96. Concerning Indians; extracts from the annual report of the principal for the year ending June 30, 1883. Hampton, 1883. 1868 to 1885; its work for two races. Hampton, 1885. Hampton normal and agricultural institute and its work for Negro and Indian youth. Hampton, 1896. Illustrated handbook. Hampton, 1896. Indian education at Hampton, Va. N. Y., 1881. Its reply to a new attack on eastern schools. Hampton, 1890. Report of the principal with a history of the institution, 1879- 81. Hampton, 1880-1. Report to the Superintendent of public instruction for the year ending June 30, 1874, '85, '87, '88. Richmond, 1874-88. Reports for the year ending June 30, 1876-7, '79, '86, '88-95. V. 7-8, 10, 17, 19-26. ' Hampton, 1876-95. s ■ Ten years' work for Indians at Hampton institute, Va. Hampton, 1888. Twenty-two years' work. Hampton, 1893. cd. Hopkins, Mark, D. D. Sermon at the dedication of the Memorial church. 1886. Hampton tracts for the people. Sanitary series, no. i-io. Hamptonia, pub. quarterly by the New Hampton literary societies, V. I, no. 1-2; V. 2-3; V. 4, no. 1-2, 4; v. 5, no. 3-4; v. 6-8; v. 9, no. 3-4; V. 10; V. II, no. I, 4; V. 12-17. V. p. 1883-99. Hanaford, Lyman B., and Payson, Jesse W. Book-keeping by single and double entry. Bost., 1864. Hanaford, Mrs. Phebe Anne (Coffin). Life of George Peabody. Augusta, 1875. Hanbury, William Bateman Bateman-, Baron Bateman. Plea for limited protection. Lond., 1878. Hancock, pseud. See Hancock, William Jay. Hancock, Mrs. Almira Russell. Reminiscences of W. S. Hancock, by his wife. N. Y., 1887. Hancock, John. Oration delivered at Boston, March 5, 1774. (In Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston. 1807. p. 39-53-) Piece-work, (hi Amer. institute of instruction. Lectures. 1879- P- 147-67.) . . , Hancock, Thomas, M. D. Principles of peace, exemplified in the conduct of the Society of Friends in Ireland during the Rebel- lion of the year 1793. Bost., 1838. Hancock, William Jay. Letter to S. A. Eliot, in reply to his apol- ogy for voting for the fugitive slave bill. Bost, 185 1. Hancock (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1874-6, '81, '83-5, '88-1902. Peterboro, 1874-1902. : Town library. Catalogue. Keene, 1882. Hancock (N. H.) First church. Confession of faith, covenant, and ecclesiastical rules, with a list of members. Peterboro, 1878. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 585 Hand, Col. Daniel. Reminiscences of an army surgeon. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887. v. i; p. 276-308.) Hand-book of life insurance on the assessment plan. v. 2, 3, 13. N. Y., 1887-98. Handy, Maj. Moses P., com'r. United States: President. Message transmitting report of the special commissioner. 1897. ed. World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Official directory, 1893. Handy, Robert B. Asparagus culture. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 61.) Peanuts, culture and uses. Wash., 1895. (^« U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1895. no. 25.) Hanks, Henry G. History and description of magnesia and its base and compounds. San Fran., 1895. Hanks, Horace Tracy, M. D. Prevention and management of pel- vic inflammation in puerperal women, n. p. 1893. Hanna, Septimus J. Christian science history. Bost., 1899. Bost., 1899. cd. Christian science journal, v. 3. 1885, Hannaford, Col. G. A. My first campaign. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. v. i; p. 9-17.) Hannay, James. History of Acadia from its first discovery to its surrender to England by the treaty of Paris. St. John, 1879. anon. Maugerville settlement; 1763-1824. (In New Bruns- wick hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. i; p. 63-88.) Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad company. Report of the direct- ors to the stockholders. Bost., 1864. Hanover (Mass.). Copy of the records of births, marriages, and deaths and of intentions of marriage, 1727-1857. Rockland, 1898. Hanover (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year 1849, '68, '76, '81-3, '85, '87-1902. Hanover, 1849-1902. : Water zvorks company. Annual report, 1894. Hanover, 1894. Hanover college. Annual catalogue, 1898-1900. v. 67-8. Han- over, 1 898- 1 900. See also Alumni association of Hanover college. Hanover (N. H.) Congregational church at Dartmouth college. Manual. Hanover, 1895. Hanover ornamental tree association. Hints on the transplanting of trees. Hanover, n. d. Hansen, H. J. Isopoda. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 31; p. 95-129.) Hanson, Alexander Contee. Remarks on the proposed plan of a federal government. (In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets on the consti- tution of the U. S. 1888. p. 217-58.) Hanson, Mrs. Elizabeth. Remarkable captivity and surprising de- liverance of Elizabeth Hanson in the year 1724. Dover, 1824. Hanson, Rev. John W. Historical sketch of the old 6th regiment of Massachusetts volunteers during its three campaigns in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864. Bost., 1866. Hanson, John W. History of Gardiner, Pittston, and West Gardi- ner, with a sketch of the Kennebec Indians and New Plymouth purchase, 1602-1852. Gardiner, 1852. History of the old towns, Norridgewock and Canaan. Bost., 1849- History of the town of Danvers. Danvers, 1848. Hanus, Paul Henry. Educational aims and educational values. N. Y., 1899- Hapgood, Herbert Jackson, and Laycock, Graven. Echoes from Dartmouth. Hanover, 1895. Hapgood, Norman. Abraham Lincoln, the man of the people. N. Y., 1900. 586 AUTHOR LIST. Hapgood, Norman. Daniel Webster. Bost., 1899. (Beacon biog- raphies.) Hapgood, Warren, comp. Hapgood family, descendants of Shad- rach, 1656- 1898. Bost., 1898. Happer, A. P., D. D. Mountain people of the South, n. p. 1895. Influence of the college in the civilization of the world. Pittsb., 1894. Haraszthy, Agostin. Grape culture, wines, and wine-making. N. Y., 1862. Harbutt, Rev. Robert G. Affection's tribute to the memory of J. C. Nickels, n. p. i889(?) Harby, Mrs. Lee Cohen. Earliest Texas. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 197-205.) (The) Tejas, their habits, government, and superstitions. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 63-82.) Harcourt, L. F. Vernon-. Achievements in engineering during the last half century. N. Y., 1891. Hardcastle, Lieut. Edmund L. F., Turnbull, Maj. William, and Mc- Clellan, Maj.-gen. George Brinton. Battles of Mexico, n. d. n. d. Hardee, Maj.-gen. William Joseph. Rifle and light infantry tactics. 2v. Phil., 1855. — 2v. Phil., 1861. Rifle and light infantry tactics for the exercises and manoeu- vres of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen. N. Y., 1861. Harden, William. Suggestion as to the origin of the plan of Savan- nah. Savannah, 1885. Hardie, James, 1750- 1832. Account of the yellow fever which oc- curred in the city of New York in the year 1822. N. Y., 1822. American remembrancer and universal tablet of memory. Phil., 1795. Hardin, Brig.-gen. Martin D. Defence of Washington against Early's attack in July, 1864. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. com- mandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 121-44.) Harding, Rev. John W. Civilizations bordering respectively upon the St. Lawrence and the Connecticut rivers. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 191-205.) Doctor Stephen Williams. {In Conn, valley hist. soc. Papers. t88i. v. i; p. 36-61, 238-9.) and Williams, Job, anon. In memoriam of R. S. Storrs. 1885. Harding, Samuel Bannister. Contest over the ratification of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts. N. Y., 1896. (Harvard hist, studies, no. 2.) Party struggles over the first Penns3dvania constitution. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 371-402.) Harding, William B. Origin of the names of the towns in Wor- cester county. Wore, 1883. Harding, William G. Glass manufacture in Berkshire. {In Berk- shire hist, and sci. soc. Coll. 1894. p. 27-44.) Hardon, Henry C. School as it is, and -the necessity for manual and industrial training. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1889. p. 83-109.) Hardware, a review of the American hardware market, pub. quar- terly. V. 20-1. N. Y., 1899-1900. Hardwick (Mass.): School committee. Annual report for the year 1890-1. Ware, 1891. Hardy, Alfred, M. D. Dartrous diathesis; or, Eczema and its allied affections; tr. by H. G. Pififard. N. Y., 1868. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. But yet a woman. Bost., 1884. New departure in education. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 55-75-) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 587 Hardy, Capt. John C. Final effort, last assault of the Confeder- ates at Petersburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, command- ery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 217-28. ) Hare, Hobart Emory, M. D. Epilepsy; its pathology and treat- ment. Phil., 1890. New and altered forms of diseases due to the advance of civil- ization in the last half century. Phil., 1886. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) Physiological and pathological effects of the use of tobacco. Phil., 1885. (R. I. med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) ed. Medical news, a weekly medical journal, v. 56-7. 1890. ed. Therapeutic gazette, v. 16-22. 1892-8. Hare, Julius Charles, tr. Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. History of Rome. 1835. Hare, Robert, M. D. Memoir of the explosiveness of nitre. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1851. v. 2; art. 7.) Memoranda on a tour through a part of North America in company with William Allen. (In Penn. hist. soc. Coll. 1858. V. i; p. 363-76.) On the whirlwind theory of storms. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 4; p. 231-41.) Hare, William Hobart, bp. Church and the Indians, n. p. n. d. (In his School circular, no. 6.) Reminiscences; an address delivered at a service commemora- tive of the 15th anniversary of his consecration. Phil., 1888. Sioux Falls, 1888. Harford historical society. Constitution and by-laws; with sketch of its history. Bait, 1889. Harger, Oscar. Report on the isopoda. (In Harvard univ.: Mu- seum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1883. v. 11; p. 91-104.) Harger, Simon J. J., tr. and ed. Goubauz, Armand, and Barrier, Gustave. Exterior of the horse. 1892. Hark, Joseph Maximilian, D. D. En hondmull farsh. Ephrata, 1900. Harkness, Albert. First Greek book. N. Y., 1868. Latin grammar for schools and colleges. N. Y., 1868. ed. Caesar, Caius Julius. Commentaries on the Gallic war. 1894. Harkness, Edson J. Expedition against Fort Fisher and Wilming- ton. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 145-88.) Harkness, H. W., M. D., and Moore, Justin P. Catalogue of the Pacific coast fungi; read Feb. 2, 1880. n. p. n. d. Harkness, James. Diary; St. Louis to Fort Benton by the Mis- souri river and to the Deer Lodge valley and return in 1862. (In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 343-61.) Harkness, William, M. D. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1883. v. 31; p. 77-88.) Address on the magnitude of the solar system. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1895. v. 43; p. 1-23.) Observations on terrestrial magnetism and on the deviations of the compasses. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1873. v. 18.) On the color correction of achromatic telescopes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 96- 105.) On the flexture of meridian instruments. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1882. appx. 3.) Report on the difference of longitude between Washington and Havana. (In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1867. appx. I.) 588 AUTHOR LIST. Harkness, William, M. D. Solar parallax and its related constants. {In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1885. appx. 3.) and Hall, Asaph. Reports on observations on Encke's comet during its return in 1871. {In U. S.: Naval observatory. Obser- vations. 1870. appx. 2.) Harlan, Caleb, M. D. Elfiora of the Susquehanna. Phil., 1879. Fate of Marcel. Phil., 1883. Ida Randolph of Virginia; an historical novel in verse. Ed. 2, rev. Phil., 1890. Harlan, John Marshall. Bering sea tribunal of arbitration. Wash., 1893. Harlan, Richard, M. D. Experiments made on the poison of the rattlesnake. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1830. v. 3; p. 300-14, 400-2.) • Fauna Americana. Phil., 1825. Harlan, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia (Hawes). Harleian society. Publications, v. 1-6, 8-49. Lond., 1869- 1901. Publications; registers, v. 1-28. Lond., 1877-1901. Rules, report, and list of members. Lond., 1893. Harley, George, M. D. Urine and its derangements. Phil., 1872. Harley, John, M. D. Old vegetable neurotics; Hemlock, opium, belladona, and henbane. Lond., 1868. Harlow, George H., ed. Worcester county (Mass.). Index to the probate records from July 12, 1731, to July i, 1881. ser. A. 2v. Wore, 1898. from July i, 1881, to July i, 1897. Ser. B. 2v. Wore, 1898-1901. Harlow, John M., M. D. Recovery from the passage of an iron bar through the head; read June 3, 1868. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. V. 2; p. 327-47.) Harman, Jacob A. Sanitary engineering and the state board of health. Peoria, 1896. Harmer, Sidney F. Polyzoa. {In Gamble, F. W. Platyhelmin- thes. 1901. p. 463-533-) Harmon, D. W. Notes and comments on D, W. Harmon's Jour- nal, 1800-1820. Winnipeg, 1883. {In Manitoba hist, and sci. soc. Winnipeg.) Harmon, Judson. Speech at Cincinnati, 1900. Phil., 1900. Harmonium. Ed. 3. Chic, 1889. Harmony grange, No. 99, Patrons of husbandry. By-laws. Hill, 1897. Harnden, Henry. First Wisconsin cavalry at the capture of Jef- ferson Davis. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 14; p. 516-32.) Harney, Rev. Gilbert L. Lives of Benjamin Harrison and L. P. Morton. Prov., 1888. Harold, Rev. P. J. History of the church in Niagara, Canada. {In Am.er. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1893. v. 4; p. 77-89.) Harpe, Benard de la. Historical journal of the establishment of the French in Louisiana; tr. fr. the French. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1851. v. 3; p. 9-1 18.) Harper, Francis P., comp. Bibliotheca Americana; priced cata- logue of a remarkable collection of scarce and out-of-print books relating to the discovery, settlement, and history of the western hemisphere. N. Y., 1901. Catalogue of a very complete collection of books and pamph- lets relating to the American civil war, 1861-5, and slavery. N. Y., 1898. Harper, Henry Winston. Some advances made in our knowledge of immunity and protective inoculation. {In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1901. v. 4, no. i; p. 7-ZZ-) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 589 Harper, Ida Husted. Associated work of the women of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1893. Life and work of S. B. Anthony. 2v. Indianapolis, 1899. Harper, John A., comp. United States repository and New Hamp- shire register. 1801. Harper, Joseph M. Report to the legislature of the state of New Hampshire on the culture of silk. Cone, n. d. Harper, L., ed. Mississippi: Geologist. Preliminary report on the geology and agriculture of the state of Mississippi. 1857. Harper, Robert Goodloe. Letter to his constituents. Ports.,. 1801. • " Short account of the principal proceedings of congress in the late session. Phil., 1798. Harper, William Rainey, D. D., ed. Biblical world. 1893-4. ed. Hebraica, a quarterly journal. 1884-1900. Harper and brothers, pub. Introductory geography. N. Y., 1885. New grade copy books of practical penmanship, no. i, 2, 8. N. Y., 1885. Harper's new monthly magazine, v. 1-32; v. 33, no. 1-4, 6; v. 34- 100; V. loi, no. 1-2. N. Y., 1850-1900. Harper's weekly. New York and its surroundings; map of the metropolis from the battery to io8th street and parts of Brook- lyn, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Jersey City, and Hoboken. N. Y., 1873. Harper's weekly; a journal of civilization, v. 3-8. N. Y., 1859-64. Harries, Capt. William H. In the ranks at Antietam. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 550-66.) Iron brigade in the first day's battle at Gettysburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 337-50.) Harriman, Rev. Shepherd F. History of the M. E. church of Vine- yard Haven, Mass. Vineyard Haven, 1885. Harriman, Walter. History of Warner, N. H., 1735 to 1879. Cone, 1879. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1867. Cone, 1867. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1868. Manch., 1868. Travels and observations in the Orient. Bost., 1883. Voice of patriotism from the army of the Potomac, n. p. 1863 (?) Harrington, Bernard J. Catalogue des mineraux, roches et fos- siles du Canada. Londres, 1878. Harrington, Mark Walrod. Memorial address on the life and ser- vices of Alexander Winchell. n. p. 1891. Notes on the climate and meteorology of Death Valley, Cal. VV'ash., 1892. (In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1892. no. I.) Rainfall and snow of the United States. Wash., 1894. (U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin C.) Harris, A. C. Alaska and the Klondike gold fields, n. p. 1897. Harris, Benjamin. Holy Bible in verse. (In Ford, P. L., ed. New England primer. 1897. p. 283-95.) Harris, Caleb Fiske. Catalogue of American poetry. Prov., 1883. Harris, Chapin Aaron, M. D. Principles and practice of dentistry; ed. by P. H. Austen. Ed. 10. Phil., 1871. Harris, Rev. Charles E. Investigation from Old Testament scrip- tures into the claims of Jesus Christ as the Jews' Messiah. N.^ Y., 1854. Harris, D. L., anon. Hoosac tunnel and Troy and Greenfield rail- road, n. p. 1862. 590 AUTHOR LIST. Harris, E. Eliot, M. D., ed. Medical directory of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. 1899. Harris, Edward Doubleday. Memoir of T. W. Harris. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1882. v. 19; p. 313-22.) W. T. Harris. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1881. V. 2; p. 294-304.) Harris, Elijah P. Chemical constitution and chronological arrange- ment of meteorites. Gottingen, 1859. Harris, Elisha, M. D. Cleanliness and disinfection. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 9.) ed. American medical times. 1860-1. Harris, Eugene. Two sermons on the race problem addressed to young colored men. Nashville, 1895. Harris, Frank, ed. Fortnightly review. 1886-94. Harris, George, 1809-90. Domestic everyday life, manners, and customs in the ancient world. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873-6. V. 2; p. 393-438;. V. 3; P- 1-74; V. 4; P- 364-415-) Domestic every-day life, and manners and customs in this country from the earliest period to the end of the last century. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877-82. v. 5; p. 83-116. v. 6; p. 86-130. V. 7; p. 176-21 1 ; V. 8; p. 36-63; v. 9; p. 224-53; v. 10; p. 203-31.) Materials for a domestic history of England. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 142-58.) Original records respecting the plague in this country. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 278-80.) Harris, George, D. D. Rational and spiritual verification of Chris- tian doctrine. Andover, 1883. Harris, George H. Notes on the aboriginal terminology of the Genesee river. {In Rochester historical soc. Proceed. 1892. v. i; p. 9-18.) Root foods of the Seneca Indians. {In Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. i; p. 106-16.) Harris, George W., ed. Maclay, William. Sketches of debate in the first senate of the U. S., in 1789-91. 1880. Harris, Gilbert Dennison, and Dall, William Healey. Correlation papers. {In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 84.) Harris, Mrs. Helen. Appeal to Christians on the subject of vivi- section. Phil. n. d. Harris, Henry Herbert, D. D. Polemic theology; its utility, scope, and method; opening address before the Southern Baptist theo- logical sciiiinary, Oct. I, 1895. n. p. n. d. Harris, Lieut. Henry L. Course of instruction for artillery gun- ners, range, and position finding. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Adj,- gen. Artillery circular E.) Harris, Herbert. History of Warren lodge, No. 2, of Free and accepted masons. East Machias, Me. Machias, 1898. Harris, Isham Green. Message to both houses of the general as- sembly, Dec, 1857. Nashville, 1857. Harris, James Morrison. Paper upon California. Bait., 1849. Harris, James Rendel. Apology of Aristides. {In Haverford col- lege: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 6-7; p. 1-118.) Codex Sangallensis, a study in the text of the Old Latin Gos- pels. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 9; p. 1-56.) ed. Diatessaron of Titian. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 5; p. 1-68.) Library of the Convent of the holy sepulchre at Jerusalem. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. i; p. 1-17.) Rest of the words of Beruch. {In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 2; p. 1-64.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 591 Harris, James Rendel. Some interesting Syrian and Palestinian inscriptions. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. lo; p. 1-35.) • Study of codex Bezae. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 8; p. 1-272.) and Gifford, Seth K., ed. New version of the Acts of Perpetua and Felicitas. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 3; p. 1-73.) Harris, John, D. D. Active Christian. Bost, 1844. Great commission; or, The Christian church constituted and charged to convey the Gospel to the world. Bost., 1842. Pre-Adamite earth; contributions to theological science. Bost, 1847. Bost., 1851. Harris, Joseph. Harris on the pig; breeding, rearing, management, and improvement. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1896. ■ Talks on manures. New ed. N. Y., 1896. Harris, Robert Patterson, M. D., ed. Playfair, William Smoult, M. D. Puerperal state. 1882. Treatise on the science and practice of midwifery. 1880. 1885. Harris, Samuel L., comp. Maine register and national calendar, for the year 1841, '43. Augusta, 1841-3. Harris, Sarah Neal. Elocution; voice, expression, gesture. Cone, 1891. Harris, Thaddeus Mason, D. D. Chronological and topographical account of Dorchester, Mass. Bost. n. d. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1804. v. 9; p. 147-99.) • Memorials of the First church in Dorchester. Bost., 1830. Harris, Thaddeus W. Nature study and science. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1896. p. 260-77.) Harris, Thaddeus William, M. D. Characteristics of some previ- ously described North American coleopterous insects, n. p. • Report on the insects of Massachusetts injurious to vegeta- tion. Camb., 1841. Treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation; ed. by C. L. Flint. Bost, 1863. ^ Ed. 2. Bost., 1852. Harris, Thomas L. Trent affair, including a review of English and American relations at the beginning of the Civil war. Indianap- olis, 1896. Harris, Walter, D. D. Characteristics of false teachers; the sub- stance of two discourses delivered Aug. 5, 181 1. Cone, 181 1. Discourse delivered at a meeting of the magistrates, ministers, and citizens convened for the purpose of devising measures to prevent the profanation of the Sabbath, 1814. Cone, 1814. Sermon preached December 21, 1823, being the next Sabbath after the interment of Mrs. Jane Morril. Cone, 1824. Sermon preached Nov., 1809, at the installation of Rev. S. Chapin in Mont Vernon, N. H. Amh., 1809. Harris, William A., M. D., tr. Aran, F. S. Practical manual of the diseases of the heart. 1843. Harris, William Charles. Fishes of North America that are cap- tured with hook and line. 1898. v. i. N. Y., 1898. Harris, Rev. William R. Forgotten people, the flint workers. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 4; p. 227-44.) Harris, William Samuel. Harris family. Nashua, 1883. Harris, William Thaddeus. Epitaphs from the old burying-ground in Cambridge. Camb., 1845. Harris, William Torrey. Educational values. (In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. v. i. 1896. p. 617-38.) Elementary education. (In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. V. i; p. 77-139) 692 AUTHOR LIST. Harris, William Torrey. Horace Mann. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. i. 1897. p. 887-97.) Moral education in the common schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1884. p. 29-46.) On the relation of the college to the common school. (In Amer. inst. of instructiorj. Lectures. 1882. p. 139-71.) Philosophic aspects of history. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Pa- pers. 1891. V. 5; p. 247-54.) Place of the study of Latin and Greek in modern education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879. P- 9I-II9-) Place of university extension in American education. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1891-2. v. 2. 1894; p. 743-52.) Prescription, its province in education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1872. p. 127-51.) Psychologic foundations of education; an attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. N. Y., 1899. (International education ser. no. S7-) Study of natural science, its uses and dangers. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. IvCctures. 1889. p. 15-32.) Vocation versus culture; or. The two aspects of education. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 1-20.) ed. International education series. cd. Journal of speculative philosophy. 1867-93. com'r. See United States: Education, bureau of. Harrison, Benjamin, pres. of U. S. Inaugural address. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 6; p. 2408-24.) Public papers and addresses, March 4, 1889, to March 4, 1893. Wash., 1893. Speeches, a complete collection of his public addresses from Feb., 1888, to Feb., 1892; comp. by Charles Hedges. N. Y., 1892. Views of an ex-president. Indianapolis, n. d. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. See Harrison, Mrs. Constance (Gary). Harrison, Carter Henry, 1825-93. Race with the sun; or, A 16 months' tour from Chicago around the world. N. Y., 1889. Harrison, Charles E. Collection of forms for the committee on the judiciary. New Hampshire house of representatives. Manch., 1861. Harrison, Mrs. Constance (Cary), ed. Lamb, Mrs. Martha J. His- tory of the city of New York. 1896. Note : being ch. 21, v. 2, of. Mrs. Lamb's Hist, of the city of N. Y. Harrison, Frederic. Proposal for a new historical bibliography. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. v. 21; p. 19-30.) Harrison, Lieut. George F. E. Report on physical training. Sacram., 1888. Harrison, George Tucker, M. D. Puerperal eclampsia studied with reference to pathogenisis and therapeutics. Cone, 1896. Harrison, H. Hydraulics; or, Improvement of the Mississippi. Cine, 1828. Harrison, Hall, D. D. New bishop and a new era in the diocese of Maryland; sermon preached on Nov. 2, 1884, being the Sun- day following the election to the episcopate of Maryland of the Rev. William Paret. N. Y., 1884. Short account of St. Paul's school. N. Y., 1884. Was the revised constitution of the diocese legally approved? a letter to Rev. W. W. Niles. Bost., 1879. Harrison, J. B. Condition of Niagara Falls, and the measures needed to preserve them. N. Y., 1882. and Olmsted, Frederick Law. Observations on the treatment of public plantations. 1889. Harrison, James Albert. Story of Greece. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the nations.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 593 Harrison, John A. Courts of appeal in causes ecclesiastical. St. L., 1886. Harrison, Rev. Jonathan Baxter. Latest studies on Indian reserva- tions. Phil., 1887. Note on labor agitations. Franklin Falls, 1887. Word to the thoughtful. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 5, no. 9.) Harrison, Joseph Le Roy, and Forsyth, Walter Greenwood, comp. Guide to the study of J. A. McN. Whistler. 1895. Harrison, Mrs. Mary Lord, comp. Harrison, Benjamin, pres. of U. S. Views of an ex-president, n. d. Harrison, Reginald. Observations on lithotomy lithotrity, and the early detection of stone in the bladder. Lond., 1883. Harrison, Richard A. . Oration delivered at Pleasant Valley, O., July 4, 1863. Lond., 1863. Harrison, Robert, M. D., anon. Dublin dissector; or, Manual of anatomy, by a member of the Royal college of surgeons in Ireland; ist Amer. fr. 2d Dublin edition. Wash., 1835. 2d Amer. fr. the 5th enl. Dublin edition. N. Y., 1845. Text-book of practical anatomy. N. Y., 1848. Harrison, Samuel A., M. D. Memoir of William Hindman. Bait., 1880. {In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1880. no. 14.) Wenlock Christison and the early friends in Talbot county, Md. Bait, 1878. {In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1878. no. 12.) Harrison, T. P., ed. Webster, Pelatiah. Journal of a voyage to Charlestown in South Carolina in 1765. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1898. V. 2; p. 131-48.) Harrison, William Henry, pres. of U. S. Discourse on the aborigi- nes of the valley of the Ohio. Bost, 1840. Harrisse, Henry. Diplomatic history of America; its first chapter, 1452-1494. Lond., 1897. , Discovery of North America. Lond., 1892. John Cabot, the discoverer of North America, and Sebastian, his son. Lond., 1896. Harrisville (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1882-5, '87-1902. Keene, 1882-1902. : Town library. Catalogue. Keene, 1896. Harroun and Bierstadt, pub. Gems of American scenery. N. Y., 1878. Harrower, Henry D. Captain Glazier and his lake; an inquiry into the history and progress of exploration at the head-waters of the Mississippi since the discovery of Lake Itasca. N. Y., 1886. Hart, A. J. X. Mind and its creations. N. Y., 1853. Hart, A. M. History of the issues of paper-money in the Amer- ican colonies anterior to the Revolution. St. L., 1851. Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. American history told by contempo- raries. 4v. N. Y., 1898-1901. Harvard college and First church. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1890. V. 25; p. 396-416.) Introduction to the study of federal government. Bost., 1891. S. P. Chase. Bost, 1899. (Amer. statesmen series.) Studies in American education. N. Y., 1898. Hart, Charles E., D. D. Courtesy, a sermon preached in 1889 in Rutgers college, n. p. n. d. Hart, Charles Henry. Memoir of George Ticknor. Phil., 1871. Peale's original whole-length portrait of Washington. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 189-200.) Tribute to the memory of William Willis. Phil, 1870. Hart, David Berry, M. D., and Barbour, Alexander Hugh Freeland, M. D. Manual of gynaecology. 2v. N. Y., 1883. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1883. 594 AUTHOB LIST. Hart, Edward. Address; 25 years' progress in analytical chemis- try, (/n Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. V. 42; p. 87-98.) Hart, Rev. Edwin J. Sermon on the occasion of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Manch., 1865. Hart, Ernest, ed. British medical journal. 1897. Hart, Gerald E. Catalogue of the library, manuscripts, autograph letters, maps, and prints forming the collection of Hart. Bost., 1890. Fall of New France, 1755-1760. Montreal, 1888. Hart, James Morgan. Euphuism. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1890. v. 21; p. 30-53.) Hart, Samuel, D. D. Address commemorative of John Brocklesby. Hartf., 1889. Archbishop Cranmer and the prayer book. Hartf., n. d. {In Junior auxiliary pub co. Soldier and servant ser. no. 7.) Bishop Seabury and Connecticut churchmanship. N. H., 1896. Bishop Seabury's communion-office. Hartf., 1886. Century of church life in Connecticut. {In P. E. church in U. S.: Diocese of Conn. Jarvis centenary. 1897. p. 53-80.) In memoriam; Samuel Colt and C. H. Colt. Spring!., 1898. Hart, Thomas Norton. City finances of Boston; argument before the committees on metropolitan affairs and taxation, Boston, March 19, 1900. Bost., 1900. Harte, Francis Bret. Heathen Chinee. Bost., 1871. Hartford (Conn.). Hartford town votes; ed. by C. J. Hoadly. V. I. Hartf., 1897. {In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1897. v. 6.) : High school. Triennial catalogue, 1847-1897. Hartf., 1898. 1847-1900.' Hartf., 1900. : Public library. Annual report of the directors, v. 63. Hartf., 1901. Hartford and Providence railroad company. Report to the stock- holders. Hartf., 1848. Hartford board of trade. Annual report for 1888-1900. v. 1-13. Hartf., 1888-1901. Hartford (Vt.) Congregational church. Old and the new. White River Junction, 1900. Hartford convention, 1814. Proceedings of a convention of dele- gates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Hartf., 1815. Hartford (Conn.) First Baptist church. Centennial memorial. Hartf., 1890. Hartford (Conn.) First church of Christ. Commemorative exer- cises, 1883. Hartf., 1883. Hartford (Conn.) Fourth Congregational church. Unanimous remonstrance against the policy of the American tract society on the subject of slavery, n. p. n. d. {In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 16.) Hartford library association. Author list of all novels, short stories, selections, and humorous works. Hartf., 1893. Boys' and girls' books. Hartf., 1895. ed. Bulletin of the Hartford library association. 1878-190T. Hartford medical society. Fiftieth anniversary; proceedings at the celebration, Oct. 26, 1896. Hartf., n. d. Proceedings at the dedication of the Hunt memorial building, Feb. I, 1898. Hartf., 1898. Hartford seminary record; pub. quarterly, v. i-io. Hartf., 1891- 1900. Note : v. 1-6, pub. bi-monthly. Hartford steam boiler inspection and insurance co., pub. Locomo- tive, monthly. 1880-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 695 Hartford theological seminary. Catalogue, 1841, '59, '61, '66-7, '78-97, '98-1902. Hartf., 1841-1902. NoTB: up to 186- ? name was Theological institute of Conn. General catalogue, 1840, '43, '46, 'tz- Hartf., 1840-73. Publications, no. 2, 9, 10, 29. Hartf., 1888-93. ed. Hartford seminary record. 1891-1900. Hartford tract society. Tract society and slavery; speeches at the anniversary of the Hartford branch of the American tract soci- ety. Hartf., 1859. Harthill, Alexander, and Co., pub. White Mountains, city of Bos- ton and vicinity. N. Y., 1859. Hartlaub, C. (Die) comatuliden. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin. 1895. v. 27; p. 129-52.) Hartley, Isaac Smithson, D. D. Horatio Seymour, ex-governor of the state of New York. Utica, 1886. Hartley, W. M. B., ed. Stuart, Isaac William, anon. Scaeva's Hart- ford in the olden time. 1853. Hartlib, Samuel, anon. Reformed Virginian silk-worm. Lond., 1655. U^ Force, Peter. Tracts and other papers. 1844. v. 3.) Hartman, Mrs. M. L. T. Schools in Wyoming valley 75 years ago. Wllkes-Barre, 1893. Hartman, William Dell, M. D. Observations on the species of the genus partula fer. (in Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zool- ogy. Bulletin. 1881. v. 9; p. 171-96.) Hartmann, Arthur. (Die) krankheiten des ohres und deren be- handlung. Berlin, 1884. (Bound with Schech, Philipp, M. D. (Die) krankheiten der mundhohle. 1885.) Hartog, Marcus. Rotifera, gastrotricha and kinorhyncha. (In Gamble, F. W. Platyhelminthes. 1901. p. 195-238.) Hartranft, Chester David, D. D. Some thoughts on the scope of theology and theological education. Ed. 2. Hartf., 1888. Hartranft, Frederick B., anon. Address delivered in memory of Rev. W. S. Karr, March, 1888. Hartf., 1888. Hartranft, John Frederick. Message to the general assembly of Pennsylvania, Jan. 4, 1876. Harrisburg, 1876. Message to the general assembly of Pennsylvania, Jan. 2, 1878. Harrisburg, 1878. Hartshorn, Stewart. Sketch book of Short Hills, n. p. n. d. Hartshorne, Henry, M. D. Conspectus of the medical sciences. Ed. 2, enl. Phil., 1874- Essentials of the principles and practice of medicine. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1871. ed. Reynolds, John Russell, M. D. System of medicine. 1880. Hartshorne, Joseph, M. D., ed. Boyer, Alexis, haron. Lectures upon diseases of the bones. 1805. Hartt, Charles Frederick. Scientific results of a journey in Bra- zil by Louis Agassiz. Bost., 1870. Harttung, Julius von Pflugk. See Pflugk-Harttung, Julius von. Hartwell, Rev. Charles. Drink offering; the mode and design of the offering, and the nature of the wine prescribed. Foochow, 1894. Sermon on Christ's example and temperance. Foochow, 1891. Hartwell, Edward Mussey, M. D. Physical training in American colleges and universities. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Cir- cular of information. 1885. no. 5.) Some aspects of athletics and gymnastics at home and abroad. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 166-81.) Hartwell, Henry W. Physical conditions of school life. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1896. p. 60-76.) Hartwig, Georg. Polar and tropical worlds; ed. by A. H. Guern- sey. Springf., 1872. 696 AUTHOK LIST. Hartwig, Georg. Polar and tropical worlds; ed., by A. H. Guern- sey. Springf., 1876. Harty, William. Observations on the simple dysentery and its combinations. Lond. n. d. Hartzler, Rev. Jacob. Catechism of Christian doctrine as taught in the United Evangelical church. Harrisburg, 1901. Harugari: Barharossa loge, No. 329. Constitution. Reading, 1875. Harvard annex. See Radcliffe college. Harvard church, Charlestown (Mass.). History, 1815-1879. Bost., 1879. Services at the dedication of a mural monument to James Walker in the Harvard church, Jan. 14, 1883. Camb., 1884. Harvard crimson. Harvard volunteers, n. p. 1898. Harvard dental alumni association. Report of its 20th anniversary, March 11, 1889. Bost, 1890. Harvard graduates magazine, quarterly, v. 1-9. Bost., 1892-1901. Harvard law school association. Catalogue of the officers and members, April i, 1891. Bost., 1891. Report. V. 9. Bost, 1895. Treasurer's report, v. 7-10. Bost, 1894-7. Harvard medical alumni association. Bulletin, report of the annual meeting, 1891-1900. no. 1-15. Bost., 1891-1900. Note : some of the nos. consist of catalogues instead of reports. Harvard medical school association. See Harvard medical alumni association. Harvard register, an illustrated monthly, v. 3. Camb., 1881. Harvard theological school. See Harvard university: Divinity school. Harvard university. Announcement of the courses of instruction for 1897-8. Camb., 1897. Catalogue, 1806, '08, '14, '25-9, '32-73, '74-5, '76-7, '79-82, '83- 1902. V. p. 1806-1901. Note : also another ed. of il847-8, '50-1, '53-4, '60-1, 65-6, '71-2. See also Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1866. v. 8 ; p. 9-57. Catalogus, 1785, '88, '91, '97, 1800, '15-21, '30-1900. v. p. 1785- 1900. Note: wanting 1674, '81, 1700-82, '94, 1803-12, '24-7. Until 1890 printed in Latin. Triennial to and including 1875, then became quinquennial. See also Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1866. v. 8 ; p. 58-75. Harvard university; 1636-1886, a record of the commemora- tion, Nov. 5-8, 1886, on the 250th anniversary of its founding. Camb., 1887. Lectures and recitations; 1833, '38-9. n. p. 1833-9. Memorial of the fellows and president to the Mass. legislature respecting its government Bost., 1851. Memorial concerning the recent history and the consti- tutional rights and privileges of Harvard college. Ed. 3. Camb., 1851. Order of exercises for commencement, 1839, '41, '45, '49. Camb., 1839-49. Papers used at the examinations for admission, June, 1898. Camb., 1898. Programmes, etc. Camb., 1838-9. Report on the rights and duties of the president and fellows of Harvard college in relation to the board of overseers. Camb., 1856. Report upon the constitutional rights and privileges of Har- vard college. Camb., 1821. Soldier's field, n. p. 1890. Statutes and laws as revised and adopted by the corporation on the loth of June, and concurred in by the overseers on the 17th of Sept., 1848. Camb., 1848. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 697 Harvard university. Value and limitations of laboratory practice in a scheme of liberal education, n. p.^ n. d. ed. Quarterly journal of economics". 1887-1901. See also Association of alumni of Harvard university; Peabody museum of American archaeology and ethnology; Lawrence scientific school; Phi Beta Kappa fraternity: Alpha of Massachu- setts. : Astronomical observatory. Annals, v. 11-13, 15-36; v. 37, pt. i; V. 39, pt. i; V. 40; V. 41, pt. 1-7; v. 42; v. 43, pt. i; v. 44, pt. i; v. 45. Camb., 1881-1901. List of new nebulae and star-clusters seen at the observatory, 1847-1863. Camb., 1863. : Dental school. Quinquennial catalogue, 1897-1900. Bost., 1897-1900. : Divinity school. Order of exercises at the annual visitation, 1838. Camb., 1838. Report of the committee to visit the divinity school in 1879. n. p. 1879. : Geology, dept. of. General account of the instruction and equipment of the department. Camb., 1890. : Geology and geography, dept. of. Report for the year 1895-6. Camb., 1896. : Laiv school. Announcement, 1893-97. Camb., 1893-6. Catalogue for the academical year 1848-9. Camb., 1849. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1817-45, 1817-87, 1817- 90, 1817-94, 1817-99. Camb., 1845-1900. Course of legal studies, n. p. n. d. Papers used at the annual examinations in law, 1893-4, '96. Camb., 1893-6. : Lawrence scientific school. See Lawrence scientific school. : Library. Bibliographical contributions; ed. by Justin Win- sor. no. 22, 31-41, 43-53- Camb., 1888-98. Brief description of the catalogues of the library of Harvard college. Camb., 1867. Catalogue. 3v. Camb., 1830. Catalogue of the law library. Ed. 4. Camb., 1846. Catalogue of the maps and charts. Camb., 1831. Index to the subject catalogue. Camb., 1886-91. Report, 1898-1901. V. 1-4. n. p. 1898-1901. Report of the committee of the overseers for the year 1859, '62, '63. Bost., 1860-4. ed. Harvard university bulletin. 1877-94. : Medical school. Announcement of the school for 1838, '65-6, '72-6, 'T7-%, '79-92, '93-4, '95-9, 1900-2. V. 56, 83, 90-3, 95, 97-109, III, 1 13-17, 119, 120. Camb., 1838-1901. Courses for graduates; 1890-1, '94-5, '96-7, '98-9, 1900-2. Bost., 1890-1901. Descriptive catalogue of the Warren anatomical museum, ed. by J. B. S. Jackson. Bost., 1870. Medical course; 1867-8. v. 84. Bost., 1867. Medical publications, 1890. n. p. 1890. New century and the new building of the Harvard medical school; 1783-1883. Camb., 1884. Physiological laboratory, collected papers, v. 1-2. n. p. 1880-7. Summer session; 1858, '60-3, 'dd, '68, '71, '99, 1901. Bost., 1858-1901. : Museum of comparative zoology. Account of the organization and progress of the Museum of comparative zoology at Harvard college. Camb., 1871. {In its Annual report. 1870-80.) Annual report of the curator, 1861-99. Camb., 1861-99. 598 AUTHOR LIST. Harvard university: Museum of comparative zoology. Bulletin, v. i, no. 1-6, 12-13; V. 2, no. 2, 4-5; v. 3, no. 3-4, 6-10, 12-13, 15- 16; V. 5, no. 1-2, 7-8, '10, 12-14; V. 6, no. 1-2, 4-8, 10-12; v. 7, no. 1-5, 7-9, 11; V. 8, no. i, 3-6, 9-14; v. 9, no. 2-8; v. 10, no. 1-4, 6; V. II, no. 1-2, 4-1 1; v. 12, no. 1-2, 4, 6; v. 13, no. 4-5, 7-10; V. 16, no. i-io, 12, 14-15; V. 17, no. 1-5; v. 20, no. 3-4, 6-8; V. 21, no. I, 3-5; V. 22, no. 1-3; v. 23, no. 1-4, 6; v. 25, no. 3, 7-10, 12; v.. 26, no. i; V. 27, no. 1-2, 4-6; v. 28, no. i, 3; v. 29, no. 1-2, 4-6; V. 30, no. 1-2, 4-6; V. 31, no. 2, 4-6; v. 32, no. 1-8; v. 33; v. 35, no. 1-2, 4-7. Camb., 1863-90. Memoirs, v. 8, no. 3; v. 16, no. 1-2. v. p. 1883-7. Publications, n. p. n. d. n. p. 1898. : Overseers, board of. Report of committee of the overseers appointed to visit the Lawrence scientific school. Camb., 1850. Rules and by-laws; with the college charter. Camb., 1890. : Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. See Phi Beta Kappa fraternity: Alpha of Massachusetts. : President. Report, 1825-33, '34-45, '48-9, '5i-5, '57-68, '70-1901. Camb., 1827-1902. : Summer scJiool of theology. Session, 1901. v. 3. Camb., 1901. : Treasurer. Harvard-college accounts from 1669 to 1752. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1863. v. 6; p. 337-56.) Statements, 1831-2, '34, '36-40, '43-5, '47-69, '7i, '74-7, '84, '85, '89. V. p. 1831-89. Williams college and Amherst college. Petition to the Massa- chusetts legislature asking for aid. Bost., 1848. Harvard universitv bulletin, ed. by Justin Winsor. v. i, no. 6-13; V. 2, no. 1-2, 4-0, 8-10; V. 3-6; v. 7, no. 1-6. Camb., 1877-94. Harvey, Charles M. Republican national convention, St. Louis, June, 1896. St. L., 1896. Harvey, George Brinton McClellan, ed. North American review. 1 899- 1 902. Harvey, Henry. History of the Shawnee Indians from the year 1681 to 1854. Cine, 1855. Harvey, Leon F., M. D. Observations of North American moths. {In Buffalo soc. of natural sci. Bulletin. 1875. v. 2; p. 118-21, 270-84.) On Texan lepidoptera collected by Mr. Belfrage. {In Buffalo soc. of natural sci. Bulletin. 1877. v. 3; p. 3-16.) Harvey, Matthew. Message to both branches of the legislature, June 4, 1830. Cone, 1830. Oration pronounced at Henniker, N. H., July 4, 181 1. Cone, 1811. Harvey, Rev. Moses. Voyages and discoveries of the Cabots. {In Nova scotia hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 9; p. I7-37-) and Hatton, Joseph. Newfoundland. 1883. Harvey, Oscar Jewell. History of lodge No. 61, Free and accepted masons. Wilkesbarre, 1897. Harvey, Peter. Reminiscences and anecdotes of Daniel Webster. Bost., 1877- Harvey, William Henry, M. D. Neresis Boreali-Americana. {In Smithsonian inst. Contributions. 1852-7. v. 3; art. 4. v. 5; art. 5. V. 10; art. i.) Harvey, William Hope. Coin's financial school. Chic, 1894. Harwood, Edward Cooke, M. D. Statement of facts in connection with the quarterly report of the treasurer of the Medico-legal society of the city of New York. N. Y., 1881. Harwood, Rev. Edwin. Philosophical scepticism. {In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1855. p. 83-100.) Harwood, P. Le Roy, ed. Percentages concerning the investments of the Conn, savings banks. New London, 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 599 Harwood, P. Le Roy, ed., and Osgood, Roy Clifton, comp. Savings bank percentages. 1899. Hase, Friedrich. Fall von struma maligna; struma sarcomatosa. Munchen, 1897. Haskel, Daniel, and Smith, John Calvin. Complete description and statistical gazetteer of the United States. N. Y., 1843. ed. M'Culloch, John Ramsey. Dictionary, geographical, sta- tistical, and historical. 1846. Haskel, Rev. Daniel. Doctrine of predestination maintained as scriptural, rational, and important, a discourse delivered in Bur- lington, Jan., 1817. Burlington, n. d. {In Hopkins, J. H., bp. Letter. 1842.) Haskel, William A., and Parker, T. Jeffrey. Text-book of zoology. 2v. N. Y., 1897. Haskell, Col. Aretas. Battle of Gettysburg. {In Hazen, Rev. H. A., and Speare, Rev. S. L. B., ed. Hist, of the class of '54 in Dart- mouth college. 1898. p. 69-131.) Haskell, Benjamin, M. D. Essays on the physiology of the ner- vous system with an appendix on hydrophobia. Glouc, 1856. Haskell, Louisa Porter. Langdon Cheves and the United States bank. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 361-9.) Haskell, Thomas Hawes. New Gloucester centennial, Sept. 7, 1874. Portl., 1875. Haskell home appeal, pub. quarterly by the Haskell home. v. i, no. i; V. 3, no. i. Battle Creek, 1897-9. Haskell journal, monthly, v. i, no. 1-4. San Fran., 1898. Haskell orphan's home, ed. Haskell home appeal. 1897-9. Haskins, Charles Homer. Yazoo land companies. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1891. v. 5; p. 395-437.) Haskins, David Greene. Ralph Haskins. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1880. v. i; p. 465-82.) Haskins, Roswell Willson. Arts, sciences, and civilization ante- rior to Greece and Rome. Buffalo, 1844. Exposition of a book called Hazlett's translation of Guizot's History of civilization. Buffalo, 1846. Popular essay upon comets. Buffalo, 1842. tr. Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, baron. Historical eulogy of M. le marquis La Place, 1829. Haskins, Rev. Samuel L. Pastoral offering from the rector of St. Mark's, Williamsburg, 1850. N. Y., i860. {Bound with Editor of the Southern churchman. Doctrine, i860.) Haskins, Rev. Thomas W., anon. Reasons for believing the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ to be pre-millennial. N. Y., 1878. Hasner, Joseph Robert von, ed. Vierteljahrschrift fiir die prak- tische heilkunde. 1855-68. Hassall, Albert, and Stiles, Charles Wardell. Revision of the adult cestedes of cattle, sheep, and allied animals. {In U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 4.) Tapeworms of poultry. {In U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 12.) Hassall, Arthur Hill, M. D. Microscopic anatomy of the human body in health and disease; ed. by Henry Vanarsdale. v. i. N. Y., 1855: Urine in health and disease. Lond., 1859. Hassam, Frederick Fitch, anon. Liberty tree. Liberty Hall, Lafay- ette and loyalty, n. p. 1891. Old Fairbanks house, Dedharo., Mass. Bost., 1897. Note : newspaper cutting from the Boston Herald, Sept. 26, 1897. Hassam, John Tyler. Bahama Islands; notes on an early attempt at colonization. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed, igoo. v. ^^: o 4-58.) 600 AUTHOR LIST. Hassam, John Tyler. Confiscated estates of Boston loyalists. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 162-85.) Early recorders and registers of deeds for the county of Suf- folk, Mass., 1639-1735. Camb., 1898. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 32; p. 203-52.) Register of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Mass., 1639-1900. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 32; p. 203-50. 1900. v. 34; p. 35-104.) Registers of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Mass., 1735-1900. Camb., 1900. Hassam, Roswell H., comp. Lodge manual; a hand-book of instruc- tion for lodges of Good Templars. Manch., 1876. Ed. 2. Manch., 1886. Readings and recitations for Good Templar lodges. Manch., 1880. Hasse, Adelaide R., comp. United States: Documents, supt. of. Re- ports of explorations printed in the documents of the United States government. 1899. Hasse, Carl Ewald, M. D. Anatomical description of the diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration; tr. and ed. by W. E. Swaine. Phil., 1846. Hassler, Charles W. Railroad rings and their relation to the rail- road question in this country. N. Y., 1876. Hassler, Charles W. Reminiscences of 1861-3. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. v. i; p. 58-70.) Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph. Account of pyrometric experiments made at Newark, N. J., in April, 1817. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1818. New ser. v. i; p. 210-27.) Papers on various subjects connected with the survey of the coast of the United States. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1825. New ser. v. 2; p. 232-420.) Hasted, Frederick. Copy of a letter written to the president of the U. S. on slave emancipation, n. p. 1859. Writings of Hasted, n. p. 1863. Hastings, George. Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 25-) Hastings, Hugh. About generals; paper read before the Albany institute, Jan. 18, 1898. Alb., 1898. See also New York (state) : Historian. Hastings, John, M. D. Lectures on yellow fever, its causes, pathol- ogy and treatment. Phil., 1848. Hastings, Lemuel S. What a grammar school graduate should know and be able to do. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1895. p. 131-48.) Hasty-pudding club. Catalogue, v. 11. Camb., 1891. Catalogue of the members and library. Camb., 1841. Haswell, Charles Haynes. Mechanics' and engineers' pocket-book of tables, rules, and formulas pertaining to mechanics, mathe- matics, and physics. Ed. 60. N.. Y., 1895. Haswell, William A., comp. Catalogue of the Australian stalk-and- sessile-eyed Crustacea. Sydney, 1882. Hatch, Frederick Winslow, M. D. Dwelling and its surroundings, n. p. n. d. Hatch, Hiram F. Jarvis Malatiah Hatch. (In N, E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 75-87.) Hatch, J. Ralph. Labyrinths of love. Lake Village, n. d. NoTB : last pages mutilated. Hatch, Mary R. P. Bank tragedy, a novel. N. Y., 1890. Hatch, P. L., M. D. Notes on the birds of Minnesota. Minneap- olis, 1892. (In Minn.: Zoologist. Report, v. i.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 601 Hatch, William Collins. History of the town of Industry, Me. Farmington, 1893. Hatch, William Moore, and Clark, Horace. Sophomore stories. Haverhill, 1884. Hatch, W. T., & Sons. Hand-book of railroad securities, 1884. N. Y., 1884. Hatch experiment station. Annual report, 1890-1901. v. 2, 4-13. Bost., 1890-1901. Bulletin, no. 3-7, lo-ii, 13-60, 62, 63, 65-8, 70-5, 77, 78. Amh., 1 889- 1 902. Hatcher, Georgia Stockton, comp. Daughters of the American revolution. Directory, 1898. 1898. Hathaway, Arthur S. Some papers on the theory of numbers. (In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. v. 6; p. 316-30.) Hathaway, J. R. B., ed. North Carolina historical and genealogi- cal register. 1900-1. Hathaway, Lieut. Samuel. History of Redemption Rock. Wore, 1898. History of the Worcester guards and the Worcester city guards from 1840 to 1896. Wore, 1896. Reflections on various themes, n. p. n. d. Ruth and Naomi, a paraphrase. Wore, 1895. anon. Sketch of historical reality with the blendings of the romance of ideality. Wore, 1897. anon. Souvenir of the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Worcester city guards, Sept. 19, 1895; 1840-1895. Wore, 1895. Hathaway, Stephen P. Second Congregational church in Marble- head, n. p. i885(?) Hatin, Julius. Compendium of operative midwifery; fr. the French by Richard Tuite. N. Y., 1828. Hatton, Joseph, and Harvey, Rev. Moses. Newfoundland; its his- tory, its present condition, and its prospects in the future; fr. the Eng. edition. Bost., 1883. Hauck, Ferdinand. Meeresalgen; florideae. Lpz., 1883. Note : being pt. 2. of L. Rebenhorst's Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland. Haughton, Rev. James. Christian purity and Christian wedlock, n. p. n. d. Ministry of reconciliation; a sermon preached at the ordering of six deacons and five priests in the church of the Redeemer, Bryn Mawr. Phil., 1892. Offerings, the devotions of the people. Hanover, 1873. anon. Repentance, n. p. n. d. Haughton, Rev. Samuel, /r. Durocher, Joseph Marie Elizabeth. Essay on comparative petrology. 1859. Haupt, Herman. Closing argument on behalf of the Troy and Greenfield railroad company before the joint special committee on March 6, 1862. Bost, 1862. Report on the final location of the Southern railroad from Brandon, Miss., to the Alabama line in the direction of Charles- ton and Savannah. Phil., 1853. Statement for the committee on Hoosac tunnel and Troy and Greenfield railroad. Bost., 1866. Statement presented to the joint special committee on Troy and Greenfield railroad and Hoosac tunnel, February, 1864. n. p. 1864. Haupt, Lewis Muhlenberg. Canals and their economic relation to transportation, n. p. 1890. (In Amer. econ. assoe Pub. 1890. V. 5, no. 3-4.) Hauser, James J. History of Lehigh county, Penn. Emaus, 1901. Hauser, Samuel T., ed. Stuart, James. Yellowstone expedition of 1863. (In Hist, soe of Mont. Contrib. 1876. v. i; p. 149-233.) OF THE "^ UNIVERSITY 602 AUTHOR LIST. Havard, Valery, M. D. Report on the flora of western and south- ern Texas. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. v. 8; p. 449-533-) Haven, Charlotte Maria, anon. Beginning and growth of Christian life; or The Sunday school teacher. Bost., 1855. Haven, Erastus Otis, D. D. Indirect benefits of school education. (In Amer, inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1866. p. 151-73.) Universities in America. Ann Arbor, 1863. Haven, Rev. Gilbert, and Russell, Thomas. Father Taylor, the sailor preacher; incidents and anecdotes of Rev. E. T. Taylor, for over forty years pastor of the Seaman's Bethel, Boston. Bost., 1872. Haven, Henry P., anon. Memoir of F. M. Caulkins. (In her His- tory of New London, Conn. 1895. pref. p. 3-18.) (In her History of Norwich, Conn. 1874. pref., p. 6-40.) Haven, Rev. John. Historical address in Charlton, July 4, 1876. Southbridge, 1876. Haven, Joseph, D. D. Address delivered before the students of Amherst college, Nov. 17, 1852. Ed. 2. Amh., 1853. (In Eulo- gies of Webster, no. 23.) Mental philosophy; including the intellect, sensibilities, and will. Bost., 1867. Haven, Samuel, D. D. Election sermon preached before the gen- eral court of New Hampshire, June 8, 1786. Cone, 1786. (In N. H. election sermons, 1784-99.) Funeral discourse delivered at the interment of Rev. Benjamin Stevens. Newburyport, 1792. Guard against extremes under afflictive providences; a sermon preached on the death of Henry Sherburne. Ports., 1767- Joy and salvation by Christ; his arm displayed in the Protes- tant cause; a sermon occasioned by the remarkable success of his Majesty's arms in the late war and by the happy peace of 1763. Ports., 1763. Preaching Christ the great business of the Gospel ministry; a sermon delivered at the anniversary convention of Congrega- tional ministers at Portsmouth, N. H., Sept. 30, 1760. Ports., 1760. Sermon at the ordination of Jeremy Belknap. Ports., 1767. Haven, Samuel Foster. Archaeology of the United States. Wash., 1856. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1856. v. 8.) anon. Brief passage at arms in relation to a small point in history. Wore, 1877. Historical address delivered before the citizens of Dedham, Sept. 21, 1836, being the second centennial anniversary of the incorporation of the town. Dedham, 1837. History of grants under the Great Council for New England; a lecture delivered before the Lowell institute, Jan. 15, 1869. Bost., 1869. (In Mass. hist. soc. Lectures. 1869. p. 127-62.) John Davis. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1881. V. 2; p. 172-85.) Narrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen m the year 1013. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. i860, v. 4; p. 239-314.) Havens, Rev. Daniel W. Stephen Dodd. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 13-27.) Haverford College. Catalogue, 186 1-2, '63-5, '70-2, '73-5, '76-87, '88-91, '92-1902. Phil., 1861-1901. Inauguration of Prest. Isaac Sharpless, May 19, 1887. Phil., 1887. Its aims and characteristics. Phil., 1879. Reports of the board of managers, 1879-80, '82-97, 1900-1. Phil., 1879-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 603 Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, no. 1-12. n. p. n. d. : Library. Catalogue of manuscripts (chiefly Oriental), ed. by R. W. Rogers. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n, d. no. 4; p. 28-50.) Haverhill (Mass.): Public library. Annual report of the trustees, 1875-1900. V. 4-26. Haverhill, 1879-1901. '■ : School committee. Annual report, 1883, '99. Haverhill, 1884- 1900. Haverhill (N. H.). Annual report of the auditors and board of education for the year 1878, '81-1902. Woodsville, 1878-1902. : School board. Annual report for the year ending March i, 1896, '98-1902. Haverhill, 1896-1902. Course of study, Haverhill graded schools, Haverhill academy and high school, 1899. Woodsville, 1899. Haverhill academy, Haverhill (N. H.). Centennial anniversary and reunion. Cone, 1897. Circular, 1891. n. p, 1891. Haverhill (N. H.) Congregational church. Celebration of the looth anniversary of the Congregational church at Haverhill, N. H., Oct. 12 and 13, 1890. Haverhill, 1890. Haverhill (Mass.). Foundation facts concerning its settlement, growth, industries, and societies, etc. Haverhill, 1879. Haverhill (N. H.) lime company. Prospectus and geological re- ports. Bost., 1864. Hawaii: Agriculture and forestry, commissioner of. Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1900. Honolulu, 1901. : Attorney-general. Report for 1896-7. Honolulu, 1898. : Education, board of, ed. Alexander, William Dewitt. Brief history of the Hawaiian people. 1891. : Foreign affairs, dept. of. Hawaiian islands. San Fran., 1899. ed. Atkinson, Alatau T., ed. Hawaii islands. 1896. : Health, board of. Biennial report, 1885-99. Honolulu, 1886- 1900. Report of the president to the legislative assembly of 1886 on leprosy. Honolulu, 1886. : Public instruction, bureau of. Biennial report, 1894-1900. Honolulu, 1896-1901. Report of the general superintendent of the census, 1896. Honolulu, 1897. : Public lands, ctmimission of. Report for the year 1900. Hono- lulu, 1901. : Public works, supt. of. Annual report to the governor, 1900. V. I. Honolulu, 1901. : Supreme court. Biennial report of the chief justice for 1894- 1900. Honolulu, 1896-1901. In the matter of J. C. Kalanianaole, petition for writ of habeas corpus. Honolulu, 1895. -.Surveyor. Report for the year 1900. Honolulu, 1901. Hawaiian almanac and annual for 1898-1902. v. 24-8. Honolulu, 1898-1901. Hawaiian club. Papers, ed. by a committee of the club. Bost., 1868. Hawaiian evangelical association. Annual report, June, 1897, v. 34. Honolulu, 1897. Hawaiian historical society. Annual report, v. i, 3-4, 6-7. Honolulu, 1893-1900. Papers read before the society, v. i, no. 1-9. Honolulu, 1892-7. Hawaiian mission children's society. Annual report, presented June, 1885, '93, '96, '97. V. ZZ, 4i, 44-5- Honolulu, 1885-97. Hawaiian society of the Sons of the American revolution. Address concerning the annexation of Hawaii. Wash., 1897. 604 AUTHOR LIST. Hawaiian society of the Sons of the American revolution. Year book, 1896-7. Honolulu, 1897. Hawes, George W. On a group of dissimilar eruptive rocks in Campton, N. H. n. p. n. d. Albany granite, New Hampshire, and its contact phenomena. n. p. n. d. Catalogue of mineral localities in New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Hawes, Joel, D. D. Address delivered at the request of the citi- zens of Hartford, Nov. 9, 1835, the close of the 2d century from the first settlement of the city. Hartf., 1835. Origin, growth, and fruitfulness of a true religious life; ser- mon occasioned by the death of T. S. Williams. Hartf., 1862. Hawes, Kirk. Condensed history of Dearborn Park, Chic, 1891. Hawker, Robert, D. D. Zion's pilgrim; 2d Amer. fr. the 7th Lond. edition. Middleburj^ 181 1. Hawkes, Nathan M. Gleanings relative to the family of Adam Hawkes, n. p. n. d. Hawkesworth, Alfred, comp. Maiden, J. H., ed. Raw wools, and specimens to illustrate the woolen manufacture. 1890. Hawkeye pioneer and old settlers* association. Historical sketch. Burlington, 1882. Hawkins, Col. Benjamin. Sketch of the Creek country in the years 1798 and 1799. (7m Ga. hist. soc. Coll. 1848. v. 3; p. 19-85.) Hawkins, Dexter Arnold. Anglo-Saxon race; its history, character, and destiny. N. Y., 1875. Education the need of the South. N. Y., 1878. Relation of education to wealth and mortality and to pauper- ism and crime. Brighton, 1883. Roman Catholic church in New York city and public land and public money. Cine, 1880. Hawkins, Joseph. History of a voyage to the coast of Africa and travels into the interior. Ed. 2. Troy, 1797. Hawkins, Lieut. Morton L. Sketch of the battle of Winchester, Sept., 1864. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 142-59.) Hawkins, Rush Christopher. Account of the assassination of loyal citizens of North Carolina, charging G. E. Pickett with mur- der. N. Y., 1897. Hawkins, Thomas Hayden, M. D., ed. Denver medical times. 1883-97. Hawks, Francis Lister, D. D. Efforts to obtain the episcopate before the Revolution. {In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 136- 57.) Uncle Philip's conversations with the children about New Hampshire. 2v. N. Y., 1864. ed. Perry, Com. Matthew Calbraith. Narrative of the expedi- tion of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan in 1852-4. 1856. and Perry, William Stevens, hp. Documentary history of the P. E. church in the U. S. of America, containing numerous hitherto unpublished documents concerning the church in Conn. 2v. N. Y., 1863. Hawle, Ignaz, and Corda, August Joseph C. Prodrom einer mono- graphic der bohmischen trilobiten. Prag., 1847. Hawles, Sir John. Englishman's right; a dialogue in relation to trial by jury; reprinted from the ed. of 1772; ed. by Daniel Rollins. Bost, 1883. Hawley, Donly Curtis, M. D. Thoughts on general and cardiac therapy. Chic, 1896. Hawley, Emma Alethea, ed. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, comp. Bibli- ography of Wisconsin authors. 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 605 Hawley, Frederick B. Net profits of manufacturing industries in the state of Massachusetts, n. p. 1893. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3; no. 17.) Hawley, Joseph Roswell. Message to the legislature of the state, May session, 1866. N. H., 1866. Hawley, Rev. Gideon. Gideon Hawley's journey to Oghquaga, Broome county. {In N. Y. (state) : State, secy. of. Doc. hist. of the state of N. Y. 1850. v. 3; P- 625-34.) Letter containing an account of his services among the In- dians of Mass. and N. Y. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 4; p. 50-67.) Hawley, James S., M. D. Remarks on pepsine. Brooklyn, 1880. Hawley, Merwin S. Origin of the Erie canal. {In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1880. V. 2; p. 227-349.) Hawley, N. F. Paper. {In National municipal league. Proceed. 1898. p. 196-206.) Hawley, Rev. William A. Death of saints an important event, a sermon delivered at the funeral of Rev. Theodore Hinsdale. Pittsf., 1819. Hawn, F., and Swallow, George Clinton. Rocks of Kansas, with a description of the new Permian fossils. 1858. Haworth, Erasmus. Underground waters of southwestern Kansas. Wash., 1897. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Water supply and irrig. papers, no. 6.) ed. Kansas: University: Physical geology and mineralogy, dept. of. Annual bulletin of mineral resources of Kansas. 1898-1900. University geological survey of Kansas. 1896-8. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Life of Franklin Pierce. Bost., 1852. Scarlet letter. 2v. Bost, 1885. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Snow image; Great stone face; Drowne's wooden image; Howe's masquerade. {In Amer. prose. 1881. v? i; p. 4-79.) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Tales of the White Hills and Legends of New England. {In Fields, J. T. Hawthorne. 1879.) Twice-told tales. Bost., 1897. Note : printed for the blind m the Howe type. Haxall, Robert W., M. D. Dissertation. {In Mass. med. soc. Lib of practical med. 1836. v. 7; p. 81-188.) Haxtun, Annie Arnoux. Signers of the Mayflower compact, pt 1-3. N. Y., 1899. Hay, Alexander. Scottish nobilitie in -A. D. 1577. {In Royal hist soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 226-44.) Hay, George, anon. Speech delivered in the legislature of Virginia in support of a bill to repeal all the laws concerning usury Richmond, 1817. Hay, John, and Nicolay, John G. Abraham Lincoln, a history 1890. Hay, John, ed. Lincoln, Abraham, pres. of U. S. Complete works 1894. Hay, O. P. Contribution to the knowledge of the fishes of Kansas {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1888. v. 10; p. 242-53.) On a collection of fishes from eastern Mississippi. {In U. S. National museum. Proceed. 1881. v. 3; p. 488-515.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; p 488-515.; On certain portions of the skeleton of Protostega gigas Chic, 1895. {In Field Columbian museum. Zoological series V. I.) On some collections of fishes. Chic, 1896. {In Field Colum- bian museum. Zoological ser. v. i.) 606 AUTHOR LIST. Hay, O. P. On the breeding habits, eggs, and young of certain snakes, (/n U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1893. v. 15; p. 385-97.) , , On the structure and development of the vertebral column of amia. Chic, 1895. (In Field Columbian museum. Zoological ser. V. I.) Hay, Robert. Geological reconnaissance in southwestern Kansas. Wash., 1890. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1889. no. 57.) Geology and mineral resources of Kansas. Topeka, 1893. Geology of the Fort Riley military reservation and vicinity, Kans. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1896. no. 137.) See also United States: Irrigation inquiry, oMce of. Haycraft, John Berry. Darwinism and race progress. Lond., 1895. (Social sci. ser. no. 80.) Hayden, Everett. Great storm off the Atlantic coast of the U. S., March 11-14, 1888. Wash., 1888. (In U. S.: Hydrographic office. Nautical monographs.) Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer, M. D. Catalogue of the collections in geology and natural history. (In Warren, Maj.-gen. G. K. Preliminary report of explorations in Neb. and Dakota. 1875. p. 61-125.) (In Warren, Maj.-gen. G. K. Preliminary report. Re- print. 1875. p. 61-125.) Contributions to the ethnography and philology of the Indian tribes of the Missouri valley. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1863. v. 12; p. 231-461.) Explanations of a 2d ed. of a geological map of Neb. and Kansas. Phil., 1858. Final report of the U. S. geological survey of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent territories. Wash., 1872. Geological report of the exploration of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers, 1859-60. Wash., 1869. On the geology and natural history of the upper Missouri. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1863. v. 12; p. 1-218.) Preliminary field report of the U. wS. geological survey of Colorado and New Mexico. Wash., 1869. and Meek, Fielding Bradford. Descriptions of new organic remains from northeastern Kansas, indicating the existence of Permian rocks in that territory. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1858- 64. V. 4; p. 73-88.) Descriptions of new species and genera of fossils. 1857. Palaeontology of the upper Missouri. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1865. v. 14.) ed. United States: Geological and geographical survey of the terri- tories. Bulletin. 1877-82. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado. 1877. Report. 1875-90. Hayden, Rev. Horace Edwin. Account of various silver and cop- per medals presented to the North American Indians. Wilkes- Barre, 1886. (In Wyo. hist, and geol. soc. Proceed, and coll. v. 2.; p. 217-38.) Bibliography of the Wyoming valley, Penn. (In Wyo. hist. and geol. soc. Proceed, and coll. v. 2.) Brief sketch of Capt. Joseph Davis and Lieut. William Jones. (In Phelps, Mrs. J. C. Address. 1897.) Massacre of Wyoming. Wilkes-Barre, 1895. Hayden, Horace H., M. D. Geological essays; or, An inquiry into some of the geological phenomena to be found in various parts of America and elsewhere. Bait., 1820. Hayden, Isaac, vs. Great Falls manufacturing company. Plead- ings and evidence. Ports., 1881. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 607 Hayden, James R., M. D. Manual of venereal diseases. N. Y., 1896. Haydn, Hiram Collins, D. D. Amusements in the light of reason and scripture. N. Y., 1880. Haydn, Joseph, comp. Dictionary of dates and universal informa- tion; ed. by Benjamin Vincent. Ed. 19. N. Y., 1889. Hayes, Augustus Allen, M. D. Report of experiments on the evap- orative power of the Zerbe's run semi-anthracites, n. p. n. d. Hayes, Isaac Israel, M. D. Physical observations in the Arctic seas; ed. by C. A. Schott. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1867. V. 15.) Observations upon the practicability of reaching the North Pole. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1859. V. 12; p. 234-53.) Hayes, John Lord. Fleece and the loom, an address before the National association of wool manufacturers. Bost., 1866. Protection a boon to consumers. Bost., 1867. Reminiscence of the Free-soil movement in New Hampshire, 1845. Camb., 1885. Solidarity of the industries as illustrated by the relations of the woollen manufacture. Camb., 1870. Hayes, John S. Public library and the state, n. p. 1897. comp. Dover directory for the year commencing July, 1859. 1859. Hayes, Richard. Catalogue of earthquakes for 1871-3. (In Acad. of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1878. v. 3; p. 173-7, 243-5.) Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, pres. of U. S. Annual message to the 58th general assembly at the adjourned session commencing Nov. 23, 1868. Columbus, 1868. Annual message to the 59th general assembly adjourned ses- sion commencing Jan. 3, 1871. Columbus, 1871. Annual message to the 59th general assembly at the session commencing Jan. 3, 1870. Columbus, 1870. Annual message to the 60th general assembly at the regular session commencing Jan. i, 1872. Columbus, 1872. Annual message to the 62d general assembly at the session commencing Jan. 2, 1877. Columbus, 1877. Inaugural address to the 58th general assembly, Jan. 13, 1868. Columbus, 1868. Inaugural address to the general assembly of the state of Ohio, Jan. 10, 1870. Columbus, 1870. Inaugural address to the general assembly of Ohio, Jan. 10, 1876. Columbus, 1876. Incidents at the battle of Cedar Creek. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 235-45.) Hayes, Rev. Samuel, ed. Taylor, John, 1703-66. Sermons on differ- ent subjects. 1806. Hayes, Samuel S., ed. United States: Revenue commission. Report of S. S. Hayes upon the property in the funds and the income derived therefrom as a source of national revenue the financial system of the U. S. Wash., 1856. Hayes, Mrs. Sophia (Wyatt), anon. Autobiography of a landlady of the old school. Bost., 1854. Hayes, C. W., & Co., puh. Regimental directory for the 5th N. H. regt. n. p. 1862. Hayford, John Fillmore. Transcontinental triangulation along the 39th parallel. Madison, 1900. (In Wi^c: Univ. Bulletin. Engin. ser. v. 2, no. 5.) Hayford, Otis. History of the Hayford familv, 1 100-1900. Canton, 1901. Hayley, John William, D. D. Genealogical memoranda relating chiefly to the Haley, Piper, Neal, and Ricker families of Maine and New Hampshire. Lowell, 1900. 608 AUTHOR LIST. Hayman, John. Treatise on the scurvey. Lond., 1781. Haymond, Creed. Central Pacific railroad company; its relation to the government. San Fran., 1888. Hayne, Robert Young. Great debate between Hayne and Daniel Webster; Hayne's speech; ed. by Lindsay Swift. Bost., 1898. Haynes, C. M., M. D. Elementary principles of electro-therapeu- tics for the use of physicians and students. Ed. 3. Chic, 1884. Haynes, Charles G., anon. General address to the freeman of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Haynes, David C. Baptist denomination; its history, doctrines, and ordinances. N. Y., 1856. Haynes, Rev. Edwin M. History of the loth regt. Vt. volunteers, with biographical sketches. Lewiston, 1870. Ed. 2. Portl., 1894. Haynes, Frederick E. Reciprocity treaty with Canada of 1854. n. p. 1892, {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1892. y. 7, no. 6.) Haynes, George H. Picturesque beauties, east side of White Mountains. Portl., 1892. Haynes, George Henry. (A) Know Nothing legislation. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 175-87.) Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-1691. Bait,, 1894. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1894. no, 8-9.) Haynes, Henry, Stewart, J. L., and Bartlett, John B. Reports in relation to the celebrated "Alexander tract" of oil, coal, and mineral land. 1865. Haynes, Henry Williamson. Early explorations of New Mexico. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of Amer- ica. 1886. V. 2; p. 473-503.) Memoir of Samuel Eliot. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1901. V. 34; p. 105-26.) Prehistoric archaeology of North America. {In Winsor, Jus- tin, ed. Narrative and critical history of Amer. 1889. v. i; p. 329-68.) Progress of American archaeology durmg the past ten years. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1900. ser. 2. v. 4; p. 17-39-) What is the true site of "The seven cities of Cibola," visited by Coronado in 1540? {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 421-35.) Haynes, John. Popular election of U. S. Senators. Bait., 1893. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1893. v. 11, no. 11-12.) and Winthrop, Fitz-John. Letters. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1885. V. 21; p. 119-31.) Haynes, Rev. Lemuel. Universal salvation, a very ancient doc- trine. Ed. 10. Cone, 1814. "Ye shall not surely die." n. p. n. d. Haynes, Martin A. Gen. Scott's guide in Mexico; a biographical sketch of Col. N. E. Smith. Lake Village, 1887. History of the 2d regt. N. H. volunteer infantry, in the war of the rebellion. Lakeport, 1896. History of the 2d regt. N. H. Volunteers. Manch., 1865. New Hampsire independence; an address delivered at the 20th reunion, 12th N. H. vols, at Gilmanton, Sept., 1885. n. p. 1885. Poem read at the second reunion of N. H. veterans, 1878. n. p. 1878. Haynes public library, Alexandria {N. H.). Catalogue. Bristol, 1885. 4 . . Bristol, 1897. Hays, I. Minis, M. D., ed. American journal of the medical sci- ences. V. 83-125. 1869-89. ed. Medical news. v. 40-56. 1882-90. ed. Medical news and abstract, v. 38-39. t88o-i. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 609 Hays, Isaac, M. D. Description of the specimens of inferior max- illary bones of mastodons in the cabinet of the Amer. phil. soc. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1834. v. 4; p. 317-39.) and Horner, William Edmonds, M. D. Description of art entire head and various other bones of the mastodon. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1843. v. 8; p. 37-59.) ed. American journal of the medical sciences, v. 1-103. 1827- 79. tr. Broussais, Frangois Joseph Victor, M. D. History of chronic phlegmasiae. 1831. ed. Hoblyn, Richard D. Dictionary of terms used in medi- cine and the collateral sciences. 1856. ed. Jones, T. Wharton. Principles and practice of ophthal- mic medicine and surgery. 1847. ed. Lawrence, William, 1783-1867. Treatise on the diseases of the eye. 1843. ed. Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences. V. 14. 1827. Hays, W. W., and Frossard, Edward. Varieties of United States cents of the year 1794. 1893. Hays, Willet M. Plant breeding. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Vegetable physiology and pathology, div. of. ' Bulle- tin, no. 29.) Hayward, Abraham. Evidence of handwriting, a review of the work entitled, The handwriting of Junius, professionally inves- tigated by Charles Chabot. Camb., 1874. Hayward, Charles. Life of Sebastian Cabot. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1836. ser. i, v. 9; p. 89-162.) Hayward, Frank M. Junior history of the class of '80, Dartmouth college, n. p. 1879. (With Fellows, W. B. Freshman hist, of the class of '80, 1877.) Hayward, George, M. D. Report of the surgical cases and oper- ations at the Mass. general hospital from May, 1837, to May, 1838. Bost., 1838. Statistics of the amputations of large limbs at the Mass. gen- eral hospital. Bost., 1850. Surgical reports and miscellaneous papers on medical sub- jects. Bost., 1855. ir. Bichat, Marie Frangois Xavier. Additions to the General anatomy. 1823. General anatomy applied to physiology and medicine. 1822. Hayward, James. Statement before the railroad committee as to the construction of the Boston and Maine railroad bridge over Charles river. Bost., 1849. Hayward, John. Book of religions. Bost, 1843. Family visitor, Ed. 2. Bost., 1840. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. Rev. ed. Bost., 1849. Gazetteer of New Hampshire. Bost., 1849. Gazetteer of the United States, comprising a series of gazet- teers of the several states and territories; Maine. Portl., 1843. Gazetteer of the United States of America. Hartf., 1853. Gazetteer of Vermont. Bost., 1849. New England gazetteer. Ed. 4. Cone, 1839. Ed. 6. Cone, 1839. Hayward, Samuel, and Pike, Samuel. Religious cases of con- science, 1808. Hayward, Rev. Silvanus. Address delivered at the centennial cele- bration of the Congregational church in Gilsum, N. H., Oct. 28, 1872. Dover, 1873. History of the town of Gilsum, N. H., from 1752 to 1879. Manch., 1881. 610 AUTHOB LIST. Hayward, Rev. Silvanus. Liberty of God; a discourse delivered Jan. 4, 1863. Cone, 1863. ed. anon. Record of the centennial celebration of the incorpo- ration of the town of Dunbarton, N. H., Sept. 13, 1865. Manch., 1866. ed. McDuffee, Franklin. History of the town of Rochester, N. H., 1892. Hayward, William Willis. History of Hancock, N. H., 1764-1889. Lowell, 1889. Haywood, Marshall Delancey. Sir Richard Everard, governor of N. C, 1725-31. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 2; p. Hazard, Caroline. Narragansett Friends' meeting in the i8th cen- tury, with a chapter on Quaker beginnings in Rhode Island. Bost., 1900. Hazard, Ebenezer. Extracts from the 2d ajoI. of his Historical col- lections. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 181 1. v. i; p. 189-290.) Historical collections. 2v. Phil., 1792. Hazard, Erskine. History of the introduction of anthracite coal. {In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1827. v. 2; p. 155-64.) Hazard, Rowland. Credit Mobilier of America. Prov., 1881. Hazard, Rowland Gibson. Discourse before the R. L hist, soc, Tan, 18, 1848, on the character and writings of Chief justice burfee. Prov., 1848. Hazard, Samuel, ed. Pennsylvania: State, secy. of. Pennsylvania archives selected and arranged from original documents. 1852. ed. United States commercial and statistical register. 1840-2. Hazard, Thomas Robinson. Miscellaneous essays and letters. Phil., 1883. Hazard, Willis P. Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey cows, their his- tory, nature, and management. Ed. 10. Phil., 1872. Miller, William B. E., and others. Diseases of live stock. 1894. Hazelett, Lieut. A. H. Prison life, east and west. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Iowa commandery. War sketches. 1898. v. 2; p. 375- 98.) Hazelhurst, Isaac. Memoir of the late Peter McCall. Phil., 1881. Hazell's annual; a cyclopaedic record of men and topics of the day, for 1891-7, '99-1902. V. 6-12, 14-17. Lond., 1891-1902. Hazeltine, Gilbert W., M. D. Early history of the town of Elli- cott, N. Y. Jamestown, 1887. Hazeltine, Harold D. Appeals from colonial courts to the king in council, with special reference to R. I. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 299-350.) Hazeltine, George H. Reminiscences of 17 years' residence in Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer and hist, soc. Coll, 1894. v. 21; p. 370-418.) Hazen, Allen, D. D. Some account of John Williams, first pastor of Deerfield. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. V. 2; p. 107-25.) Hazen, Charles Downer. French revolution as seen by the Amer- icans of the i8th century. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. V. 7; p. 453-66.) French statistical publications, n. p. 1893. {In Amer, sta- tistical assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 4, no. 20.) tr. Borgeaud, Charles. Adoption and amendment of consti- tutions in Europe and America. 1895. Hazen, Henry Allen. Climate of Chicago. Wash., 1893. {In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1893. no. 10.) Thermometer exposure, n. p. n. d. Hazen, Henry Allen, D. D. Congregational and Presbyterian min- istry and churches of New Hampshire. Bost., 1875. Hazen family, n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 611 Hazen, Henry Allen, D. D. Historical discourse commemorative of the centennial anniversary of the Congregational church, Ply- mouth, N. H., Dec. 24 and 31, 1865. Bost., 1875. History of Billerica, Mass. Bost., 1883. New Hampshire and Vermont, an historical study. Cone, 1894. (In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 2; p. 265-77.) Pastors of New Hampshire, Congregational and Presbyterian. Bristol, 1878. and Speare, Rev. Stephen Lewis Bates, ed. History of the class of 1854 in Dartmouth college, including Col. Haskell's nar- rative of the battle of Gettysburg. Bost., 1898. ed. Hazzen, Richard. Boundary line of N. H. and Mass. n. d. Hazen, L. T. Catalogue of the Island View herd of American Jersey cattle club registered Jerseys. Wore, 1889. Hazen, Brig.-gen. William Babcock. Narrative of military service. Bost, 1885. Hazlitt, William. Table talk. v. i. N. Y., 1846. (Library of choice reading.) tr. Thierry, Augustin. Plistory of the conquest of England by the Normans. 1847. Hazlitt, William Carew. Venetian republic; its rise, its growth, and its fall, 421-1797. 2v. Lond., 1900. Hazzen, Richard. Boundary line of New Hampshire and Massa- chusetts; journal, communicated by Rev. H. A. Hazen. n. p. n. d. Hazzi, von. Letter from John Mease, transmitting a treatise on the rearing of silkworms. Wash., 1828. Head, Natt. Message to the two branches of the legislature, June session, 1879. Manch., 1879. Head, William R., comp. Palaeozoic sponges. Chic, 1895. Head brothers, anon. First regiment, 1898; New Hampshire. Mexico, 1898. Head guards, Manchester (N. H.). Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1878. Headden, William P. Soil study. 3pts. Ft. Collins. 1898-1901. {In Col.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 46, 58, 65.) Headland, Frederick William, M. D. Action of medicines in the system. Ed. 3, rev. Phil., 1859. Headley, Joel Tyler. Chaplains and clergy of the Revolution. N. Y., 1864. Did Washington refuse a crown? (/n Hist. soc. of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Papers. 1894. p. 23-6.) Pontiac; or, The siege of Detroit. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 21; p. 613-39.) Second war with England. 2v. N. Y., 1853. Headley, Phineas Camp. Massachusetts in the Rebellion, 1861-65. Bost., 1866. Heaford, William, tr. Naquet, Alfred. Collectivism and the social- ism of the liberal school. 1891. Health officers in Michigan. Proceedings of the annual confer- ence, 1894, '96, '99. V. 2, 3, 4. Lansing, 1894-1900. Health reformer, monthly, v. 3-4; v. 5, no. 1-8, 12; v. 7, no. 2, 4-8, 10-12; V. 8, no. i-ii; v. 9, no. 1-8, 12; v. 10, no. i, 3-12; v. 11; v. 12, no. 1-7, 9-12; V. 13-15; V. 16, no. 2-12; v. 17; v. 18, no. 1-3, 9-12; V. 19; V. 22, no. 1-3, 8-10; V. 23, no. i, 2, 5-7; v. 26-8; v. 29, no. i- 11; V. 30, no. 5, 10-12; V. 31-4. Battle Creek, 1869-99. Note : v. 14-34. 1879-99, has title. Good health. Healy, Capt. M. A. Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic ocean in the year 1884. Wash., 1889. 612 AUTHOR LIST. Healy, Capt. M. A. Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic ocean in the year 1885. Wash., 1887. Heane, W. C, ed. Harleian society. Visitation of the county of Gloucester, 1623. 1885. Heap, Maj. David Porter. Report on the International exhibition of electricity held at Paris, 1881. Wash., 1884. Heartrest sanatory. General circular of information. N. Y., 1892. Heath, Benjamin Smith. Labor and finance revolution. Chic, 1896. Heath, Christopher. Manual of minor surgery and bandagmg. Ed. 5. Phil., 1875. Heath, Clara B. Water lilies and other poems. Manch., 1881. Heath, Capt. Frank, and Whittemore, Maj. James M. Ammunition, fuses, primers, etc. 1878. Heath, Frederic, ed. Social democracy red book. 1900. Heath, John, tr. Baudelocque, Cesar Auguste. Abridgment of Heath's translation of Baudelocque's Midwifery. 1823. Heath, Laban. Improved and enlarged infallible government counterfeit detector. Bost., 1867. Heath, Rev. S. Penniman. Orphan cheered; a poem read at the inauguration of the New Hampshire orphan's home, Oct. 19, 1871. Clare., 1872. (Bound with N. H. orphans' home. Annual report. 1875-94.) Heath, Maj.-gm. William. Heath papers. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed, i860, v. 4; p. 290-307.) Memoirs of Major-general William Heath. N. Y., 1901. Heathfield, Richard, ed. Gamboa, Francisco Xavier de. Commen- taries on the mining ordinances of Spain. 1830. Hebbard, S. S. History of Wisconsin under the dominion of France. Madison, 1890. Heber, Reginald, bp. Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India, 1824-1825. 2v. Phil., 1828. 2v. Phil., 1829. NoTB: map wanting. Palestine and other poems. N. Y., 1828. Heberden, William, M. D. Commentaries on the history and cure of diseases. Ed. 3. Lond., 1806. Bost, 1818. Hebert, Paul Octave. Annual message to the legislature of the state of Louisiana, Jan., 1856. Baton Rouge, 1856. Hebraica, a quarterly journal in the interests of Hebrew study; ed. by W. R. Harper, v. i, no. 2-4; v. 2-4; v. 5, no. 4; v. 6, no. i, 3, 4; V. 7-16. Chic, 1884-1900. Note : v. 12, Aug. 1896, continued as the American journal of Semitic languages. Hebron (N. H.). Reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1880-1902. Bristol, 1880-1902. Hecker, Justus Friedrich Karl, M. D. Epidemics of the Middle ages, from the German of B. G. Babington. Lond., 1844. Heckewelder, Rev. John Gottlieb Ernestus. History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsyl- vania and the neighboring states, ed. by Rev. W. C. Reichel. Phil., 1876. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1876. v. 12.) Indian tradition of the first arrival of the Dutch at Manhat- tan island. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 69-74.) Names which the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians had given to rivers, streams, places, etc. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1834. v. 4; p. 351-403.) Heckman, George C, D. D. Address at the semi-centennial com- mencement of Lafayette college, June 27, 1882. (In Lafayette college. Semi-centennial commencement. 1882. p. 1-18.) Pennsylvania Germans at the battle of Long Island. (In Penn-German soc. Proceed. 1893. v. 3; p. 61-80.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 613 Hedding, Elijah, bp. Supreme deity of Christ proved. Bost., 1832 (?) Hedge, Frederic Henry, D. D. Atonement in connection with the death of Christ. Bost., n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. ser. 4, no. 4.) Luther and his work. (/« Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1884. V. 20; p. 364-83.) ■ Memoir of N. L. Frothingham. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1871. V. 11; p. 371-86.) Hedge, Levi. Elements of logick; or, A summary of the general principles and different modes of reasoning. Camb., 1816. Bost., 1835. Eulogy on Rev. Joseph McKean. Camb., 1818. anon. Sketch of the life and character of Rev. Joseph Mc- Kean. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1826. v. 18; p. 157-67.) Hedges, Charles, comp. Harrison, Benjamin, pres. of U. S. Speeches. 1892. Hedges, Cornelius. Historical address; historical sketch of Lewis and Clarke county, Montana. {In Hist. soc. of Mont. Con- trib. 1896. V. 2; p. 107-18.) Hedin, Sven Anders. Through Asia. 2v. N. Y., 1899. NoTB : paged continuously. Hedley, Charles, ed. New South Wales: Australian museum. AntoU of Funafuti, Ellice group, its zoology, botany, ethnology, and general structure. 1896-9. Hedrick, George. Reminiscences of Lowell since 1831. {In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 353-72.) Hedrick, Mrs. Mary A. 1 861 -1865, incidents of the Civil war. Lowell, 1888. Heer, Oswald, M. D. Ueber fibrocystem des uterus. Zurich, 1874. Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. History of the political system of Europe and its colonies from the discovery of America to the independence of the American continent; tr. from the Ger- man. 2v. Northampton, 1829. Heermance, Theodore Woolsey. Excavation of the theatre at Eretria. {In Amer jour, of archaeology. 1896. v. 11; p. 317-31.) Excavations in the Eretrian theatre in 1895. (^« Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 144-61.) Grave-monuments from Athens. {In Amer. jour, of archseol. 1895. V. 10; p. 469-84) {In Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 431- 46.) ; and Lord, George Dana. Pre-Mycenaean graves in Corinth. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897. ser. 2. v. i; p. 313-33.) and Richardson, Rufus B. Inscriptions from Eretria. {In Archaeol. inst. of Amer. Papers. 1897. v. 6; p. 183-205.) Heffenger, Arthur C, M. D. Haemostasis in intrapelvic surgery. N. Y., 1899. Heg, James E. Wisconsin county asylums for the chronic insane. Madison, 1896. Heidelberg university. Annual catalogue, v. 40-1, 43-6. Tiffin, 1890-6. Constitution and by-laws. Tiffin, n. d. : Liberal arts, dept. of. Post-graduate courses of study. Ed. 2, rev. and enl. Tiffin, 1893. Heider, Kard, and Korschelt, E. Text-book of the embryology of invertebrates. 1895-9. Heider, Moriz, M. D., and Wedl, Carl, M. D. Atlas to the pathol- ogy^ of the teeth. Lpz., 1869. Heilprin, Angelo. Contributions to the tertiary geology and pale- ontology of the United States. Phil., 1884. 614 AUTHOR LIST. Heilprin, Angelo. Sketch of the geology of Philadelphia and its surroundings, n. p. n. d. Heilprin, Louis, and Vambery, Arminius. Story of Hungary. 1887. Heim, J. J. (Die) Appreturen der BaumwoUwaaren aller Gattun- gen. Stuttgart, 1868. Heister, Laurence. General system of surgery. Ed. 8, rev. Lond., 1768. Heitman, Francis Bernard. Historical register of officers of the continental army during the war of the Revolution. Wash., 1893. Heizer, Rev. Cyrus Whittlesay. Easter sermon. Manch., 1893. Helen Keller, souvenir, commemorating the Harvard final exam- ination for admission to Radcliffe college, June 29-30, 1899. Wash., 1899. Helena (Mont.): Public library, ed. Helena public library bulletin. 1893-1902. Helena public library bulletin, no. 1-23. Helena, 1893-1902. Helffrich, Charles B., and Crittenden, J. P., comp. New York secu- rities. 1893. Heliodore, R. Pere. Discours sur les sujets les plus ordinaires des desordres du monde. Par., 1684. Hellens, Fred B. R. Pupus Torquatianus inscription. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. ser. 2. v. 3; p. 202-11.) Hellwald, Friedrich von. Central America, the West Indies and South America; tr. by A. H. Keane, ed. by H. W. Bates. Lond., 1885. Central America and South America, v. i. Lond., 1901. Helmuth, William Tod, M. D. System of surgery. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1879. ed. New England medical gazette, v. 6. 1871. Helper, Hinton Rowan. Compendium of the impending crisis of the South. N. Y., i860. Helping hand series, quarterly, Dec, 1900. v. 3, no. 1-2. v. 4, no. 2. n. p. 1900-2. Helvetius, Claude Adrian. Treatise on man, his intellectual facul- ties and his education; tr. from the French by W. Hooper. 2v. Lond., 1777. Helvetius, Daniel Crispinus, ed. Ovidius Naso, Publius. Metamor- phoseon. 1805. Hemans, Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (Browne). Poetical works. Lond. n. d. — New ed. Phil., 1841. New ed. Bost., 1861. Hemenway, Abby Maria, ed. History of Rutland county, Vt. White River Junction, 1882. Note : part^of v. 3;of her Vt. hist, gazetteer. ed. Vermont historical gazetteer, a magazine embracing a history of each town. v. 1-5. v. p. 1868-91. Note : issued irregularly. ed. Burnham, Henry. Brattleboro, Windham county, Vt. 1880. Hemlow-Meriam company. Fruit growers' manual, n. p. n. d. Hemmenway, Moses, D. D. Discourse concerning the church, in which the several acceptations of the Word are explained and distinguished. Bost., 1792. Sermon delivered at the intercept of the Rev. James Pike. Dover, 1792. Hempel, Walther. Methods of gas analysis, tr. from the 2d Ger- man ed. by L. M. Dennis. Lond., 1892. Hemphill, Henry. New catalogue of the shells of California and adjacent states. San Diego, 1875. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 615 Henchman, Annie P. Origin and development of the central ner- vous system in Limax mamimus. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1890. v. 20; p. 169-208.) Henderson, Alfred. Peter Henderson, gardener, author, merchant. N. Y., 1890. Henderson, Charles. Henderson's picturesque gardens and orna- mental gardening. N. Y., 1901. Henderson, Daniel, vs. Williams, Charles. Evidence. Manch., 1890. Henderson, David Bremner. Appropriations, records of recent congresses compared. Bost., 1896. Henderson, Ernest F. Side lights on English history, being ex- tracts from letters, papers, and diaries of the past three cen- turies. N. Y., 1900. Henderson, Georg F., tr. Cubas, Antonio Garcia. Republic of Mexico in 1876. 1876. Henderson, Col. George Frances Robert. Stonewall Jackson and the American civil war. 2v. Lond., 1898. Henderson, J. T., cotn'r. See Georgia: Agriculture, dept. of. Henderson, John C. Thomas Jefferson's views on public educa- tion. N. Y., 1890. Henderson, John Brooks. American diplomatic questions. N. Y., 1901. Henderson, John Russell, and Lewis, George Martin. Freshmen history of the class of '97. Hanover, 1894. Henderson, Peter. Gardening for profit. New ed. N. Y., 1898. Practical floriculture. N. Y., 1869. Henderson, Thomas, M. D. Hints on the medical examination of recruits for the army and on the discharge of soldiers. Phil., 1840. Hendren, Samuel Rivers. Government and religion of the Vir- ginia Indians. Bait., 1895. (/« Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1895. V. 13, no. 11-12.) Hendrickson, C. R., D. D. Morality of life insurance. N. Y., 1868. Hendrix college. Annual catalogue of the officers and students; 1892-8. V. 9-15. Conway, 1892-8. Hendrix college mirror, pub. monthly by the Harlan and Franklin societies of Plendrix college, v. 9, no. i, 5-9; v. 10, no. i. Con- way, 1897-8. Henfr'ey, Arthur, and Tulk, Alfred. Anatomical manipulation. 1844. Henkels, Stanislaus V. Auction catalogue, no. 657, of collection of the effects of George Washington. Phil., 1890. Extraordinary collection of Washington's letters, relics, etc. Phil. n. d. comp. Revolutionary manuscripts and portraits, n. p. i892(?) comp. Baker, John R. Valuable and extraordinary collection of books from the library of George Washington. i89i(?) comp. Donaldson, Col. Thomas. Collection of autographs. 1899. comp. Edwards, Howard, anon. Valuable private library of a well known Philadelphia collector, n. p. 1898. comp. Jones, Col. Charles Colcock. Catalogue of the valuable autographic collection and engraved portraits and views. i894(?) comp. Lundy, John Patterson, D. D. Valuable private library of the late J. P. Lundy. 1899. comp. McGuire, J. C. Washington-Madison papers, collected and preserved by James Madison. 1892. comp. Perry, William Stevens, hp. Valuable historical library. 1809. 616 AUTHOR LIST. Henkels, Stanislaus V., camp. Rogers, J. Henry. Catalogue of autographic letters, historical documents and rare engraved por- traits. 1895 (?) comp. Stone, Frederick D. Valuable historical library and collection of engravings, 1897. comp. Stryker, William S. Valuable collection of autograph letters and historical documents. 1901. comp. Washington, Lawrence, and others. Final sale of the relics of General Washington. i89i(?) Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jacob., M. D. Handbuch der systemat- ischen anatomic des menschen. v. i, pt. i; v. 2; v. 3, pt. i. Braunschweig, 1866-8. Hennen, John, M. D. Principles of military surgery with the his- tory, treatment, and anomalies of variola and syphilis; ist Amer. fr. the 3d Lond. edition. Phil., 1830. Hennepin, Louis. Account of the discovery of the river Missis- sippi and the adjacent country. {In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1846. V. i; p. 195-221.) Henniker (N. H.). Annual report of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1873, '75> 76, '81-1902. v. p. 1873-1902. : Free library. Supplement to catalogue of books, n. p. 1895. Henniker academy: Henniker (N. H.). Catalogue, 1858-60. Cone, 1858-60. Henniker (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual, 1872. Cone, 1872. Proceedings of the 150th anniversary of the Congregational church. Bristol, 1884. Henry i, king of Great Britain. Text of Henry I's coronation char- ter. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 21-48.) Henry, Alexander, the younger. New light on the early history of the Greater Northwest; the ms. journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson, ed. by Elliott Coues. 5v. N. Y., 1897. Henry, Alexander, 1739-. Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territories between the years 1760 and 1776. Bost., 1901. Henry, Alfred Judson. Rainfall of the United States with annual, seasonal, and other charts. Wash., 1897. {In U. S. : Weather bureau. Bulletin. D.) Henry, Caleb Sprague, D. D. True idea of the university, and its relation to a complete system of public instruction. N. Y., 1853. tr. Cousin, Victor. Elements of psychology. 1838. Henry, James Buchanan, ed. Buchanan, James, pres. of U. S. Mes- sages of President Buchanan. 1888. Henry, James P. Resources of the state of Arkansas. Ed. 2, Lit- tle Rock, 1872. Henry, Jesse W., comp. Missouri: Library. Catalogue. 188 1. Henry, John Joseph. Accurate and interesting account of the hardships and sufferings of that band of heroes in the campaign against Quebec in 1775. Lancaster, 1812. Henry, Joseph. Account of the Smithsonian institution presented to the American association for the advancement of education. Newark, 1854. — — Contributions to electricity and magnetism. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1837-9. v. 5; p. 217-31. v. 6; p. 303-37- v. 8; p. 1-36.) On acoustics applied to public buildings. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. v. 10; p. 1 19-34-) On the mode of testing building materials and an account of the marble used in the extension of the United States capitol. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 9; p. 102-12.) - . , . Scientific writings. 2v. in i. Wash., 1886. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1887. v. 30.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 617 Henry, Joseph. Smithson's bequest, n. p. n. d. Topographical sketch of the state of New York, designed chiefly to show the general elevations and depressions of its sur- face. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1830. v. i; p. 87-112.) Henry, Rev. Matthew, ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Ex- position of the several epistles contained in the New Testament. 1721. Henry, Morris Henry, M. D., ed. Fox, Tilbury, M. D. Skin dis- eases. 1871. Henry, Patrick. Correspondence and speeches. N. Y., 1891. {In Henry, W. W. Patrick Henry. 1891. v. 3.) Secret letter of instruction to George Rogers Clark. {In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1897. V. i; p. 74-6.) Henry, Patrick, pseud. See Randolph, John. Henry, William, M. D. Epitome of chemistry; fr. the 4th Eng. edition. N. Y., 1808. Henry, William Charles, M. D. Report on the physiology of the nervous system. {Bound with Stokes, William, M. D. Re- searches. 1840. p. 262-90.) Henry, ^Villiam K.y comp. Formation and organization of counties in Indiana. Indianapolis, 1898. anon. Libraries and population in Indiana by counties, n. p. 1898. Literature as a subject for college study, n. p. n. d. Henry, William Wirt. Causes which produced the Virginia of the Revolutionary period. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1892. v. 3; p. 13-30.) First legislative assembly in America. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 299-316.) Patrick Henry, life, correspondence, and speeches. 3v. N. Y., 1891. Scotch-Irish of the South. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1889. v. i; p. 1 10-31.) Sir Walter Raleigh; the settlements at Roanoke and voyages to Guiana. {In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical his- tory of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 105-26.) Henshaw, Henry W. Perforated stones from California. Wash., 1887. Report upon the ornithological collections made in Nevada, Utah, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona during the years 1871-4. {In U. S. : Geog. survey west of the looth mer- idian. 1875. V. 5; p. 133-507.) ed. Nelson, Edward William. Report upon natural history collections made in Alaska between the years 1877 and 1881. {In U. S. Signal service. Arctic ser. of pub. no. 3.) Henshaw, John Prentis Kewley, bp. Duties suggested by the signs of the times, a missionary sermon, 1844. n. p. 1844. {Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Two lectures in answer to the inquiry "What is the true con- struction of the terms priest, altar, and sacrifice, as used in the offices of the church?" Bait., 1843. Henshaw, Samuel. Entomological writings of A. S. Packard. Wash., 1887. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin no. 16.) Report upon the gypsy moth in Massachusetts. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 26.) camp. United States: Agriculture, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bibliography to the more important contributions to American economic entomology. 1890-6. Henshaw, Col. William. Orderly book. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1878. V. 15; p. 75-160.) 618 AUTHOR LIST. Hentz, Nicolas Marcellus. Some observations on the anatomy and physiology of the alligator of North America. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1825. v. 2; p. 216-28.) Hepworth, George Hughes, D. D. Two sermons preached April 16, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, Bost., 1865. Herald, Franklin Ernest, and Adams, Benjamin Franklin. About Dartmouth. 1896. Herald of Gospel liberty; by Elias Smith, v. 1-6; v. 7, no. i-ii. Ports., 1808-15. Herald of the Coming One; the oldest prophetic journal extant; pub. weekly, v. 57-60. Bost., 1896-9. Herbart, Johann Friedrich. Application of psychology to the sci- ence of education; tr. and ed. by B. C. Mulliner. N. Y., 1898. Text-book in psychology; tr. by M. K. Smith. N. Y., 1897. (Intern, education ser. no. 18.) Herbart society for scientific study of teaching. See National Herbart society. Herbert, H. W., tr. Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. His- tory of the Consulate and the empire of France under Napoleon. 1893. Herbert, Henry William. Hints to horse-keepers, a complete manual for horsemen. N. Y., 1897. Memoir of Henry the Eighth of England; with the fortunes, fates, and characters of his six wives. N. Y., 1855. Herbert, Samuel. Address delivered before the Grafton county agricultural society, Sept., 1858. Cone, 1859. Speech on the resolutions relating to Kansas affairs and the attack on Senator Sumner in the N. H. house of representatives, July ist, 1856. n. p. i856(?) Herbig, A. (L)'Allemagne, du nord et du centre. Ed. 18. Ber., 1859. Herdman, William Abbot, comp. New South Wales: Australian museum. Descriptive catalogue of the tunicata in the Australian museum. 1899. Hereford railway company. Lease to the Maine Central railroad company. Portl., 1890. Herford, Rev. Brooke. Christianity as Christ preached it. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 48.) Day of judgment. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 27.) Main lines of religion as held by Unitarians. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 46.) Revival extravagance caused by respectable indifference. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 18.) Unitarianism in England. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Uni- tarianism. 1895. p. 78-96.) What is left after the questionings of our time? Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 54.) Heriot, Thomas. Historical narrative. {In Tarbox, I. N., D. D. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1884. p. 189-244.) Herman, George Ernest, M. D., ed. Obstetrical journal, v. 8. 1880. Hermann, Binger. Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocky Mountains. Wash., 1898. Hermitage, pseud. Life of Frank Pierce, the granite statesman. N. Y., 1852. Herndon, Richard, comp. Boston of today, a glance at its history and characteristics with biographical sketches, ed. by E. M. Bacon. Bost., 1892. camp. Men of progress, biographical sketches and portraits of leaders in business and professional life in and of the state of . New Hampshire. Bost., 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 619 Herndon, Lieut. William Lewis, and Gibbon, Lieut. Lardner. Ex- ploration of the valley of the Amazon. 2v. Wash., 1854. Hernstein, A. L. Illustrated catalogue of surgical instruments and orthopaedic appliances. N. Y., 1881. Herodotus. History tr. from the Greek with notes by Rev. W. Beloe. 4v. Lond., 1791. ■ 3v. N. Y., 1839. Herrick, Clarence Luther. Ethical aspects of laboratory work. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1891. v. 22; p. 5-14.) List of the fresh-water and marine Crustacea of Alabama. Granville, 1887. (In Ala.: Geol. survey. Bulletin. 1887. v. 5, no. I.) Mammals of Minnesota. Minneapolis, 1892. (In Minn.: Geol. and natural hist, survey. Bulletin, no. 7.) ed. Denison university: Scientific laboratories. Bulletin, v. 2-3. 1887-8. Herrick, Francis Hobart. Biology; a sketch of its history. Cleve., 1891. Home life of wild birds, a new method of the study and pho- tography of birds. N. Y., 1901. Herrick, H. W. Water color painting. N. Y., 1882. Herrick, Henry. Summary of the record of the class of 1822, Yale college to the close of 1879. N. H., 1879. Herrick, Henry W. Home life of Maj-gen. John Stark; with bibliography. (In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1898. v. i; p. 194-21 1.) Herrick, Samuel E., D. D. Discourse commemorative of J. M. Pinkerton. Bost, 1881. Jehovah's guest; a sermon preached in memory of J. C. Tyler. Bost., 1890. Herrick, Rev. William Dodge. History of the town of Gardner, Mass. Gardner, 1878. Herring, James, ed. National portrait gallery of distinguished Americans. 1833-4. Herrmann, Karl Stephen, ed. Literary review. 1899- 1900. Herron, George Davis. Plea for the unity of American socialists. Chic, 1900. Herschel, Sir John Frederick William. Preliminary discourse on the study of natural history. Phil., 1831. Treatise on astronomy. New ed. Phil., 1836. Hersey, Charles. History of Worcester, Mass., from 1836 to 1861. (In Lincoln, William. Hist, of Worcester. 1862. p. 315-434.) Hersh, Grier. Scotch-Irish in York and Adams counties. Pa. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1896. v. 8; p. 319-79.) Hershler, N. Soldier's handbook for use in the army of the U. S. 1804. ; — Wash., 1900. Hertwig, Richard. Summaries in systematic zoology, tr. and adapted by A. A. Wright. Oberlin, i897(?) Herve, Peter, and Galignani, Jean Antoine. New pictures of Paris from the latest observations. Lond., 1829. Hervey, Rev. George Winfred. Story of Baptist missions in for- eign lands. ^ St. Louis, 1886. Hervey, Maurice H. Trade policy of imperial federation from an economic point of view. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser.) Hervey of Ickworth, John Hervey, baron of. Memoirs of the reign of George 2d from his accession to the death of Queen Caroline; ed. by J. W. Crocker. 2v. Phil., 1848. Hess, Henry E., camp. Insurance library association of Boston. Catalogue of the library. 1899. 620 AUTHOR LIST. Hess, Frederick G., ed. California: University: Mechanical engineer- ing, dept. of. Circular in relation to the testing of materials. 1887. Hydraulic step. 1887. Results of tests for tensile strength, etc., of crucible basic and galvanized basic steel wire ropes and basic steel wire rods. n. d. Hessels, John Henry, ed. Ortel, Abraham, and others. Abrahami Ortelii et viorum eruditorum ad eundem et ad Jacobum Colium Ortelianum epistulae. 1887. Hesseltine, Lt.-col. Francis S. Amusing the enemy. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. V. i; p. 27-44.) Hessling, Bruno. Buchhandlung fiir architektur und Kunstge- werbe. n. p. 1899. Hetrick, Rev. Andrew J. Historical discourse, preached Oct. 27, 189s, in the meeting-house on Canterbury Green, in recognition of its renovation. Norwich, 1895. Hewes, Fletcher W. Citizen's atlas of American politics, 1789- 1888. N. Y., 1888. and Gannett, Henry. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States. N. Y., 1883. Hewes, Robert. Elucidation of regulations for the formations and movements of cavalry; ist Amer. fr. 3d Lond. edition. Salem, 1804. Hewetson, William B., tr. Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. William Tell, or Swisserland delivered, n. d. Hewett, Waterman Thomas. History of Cornell university in the 25 years of its existence, 1868-1893. {In Selkreg, J. H., ed. Landmarks of Tompkins county, N. Y. 1894. p. 357-704.) Hewins, Caroline Maria. Library methods of study. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1895. p. 55-83.) Hewitt, Abram Stevens. Profits and possibilities of the proper organization of charity. Buffalo, 1885. Hewitt, Girart, puh. Minnesota, its advantages to settlers, 1869. St. Paul, 1869. Hewitt, Graily, M. D. Diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of dis- eases of women; ist Amer. fr. 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1868. Hewson,^ William. Works, ed. by George Gulliver. Lond., 1846. Hey, William. Practical observations in surgery. Phil., 1805. Treatise on the puerperal fever. {In Meigs, C. D. Hist, of puerperal fever. 1842. p. 71-165.) Heyl, Lewis. United States duties on imports, 1877. Wash., 1877. Wash., 1879. Heyward, Ezra H. Free speech; report before the United States court, together with Judge Nelson's charge to the jury. Prince- ton, 1883. Great strike; its relation to labor, property, and government. Princeton, 1878. Bost., 1886. Hard cash; an essay to show that monopolies hinder enter- prise and defraud both labor and capital. Princeton, 1875. Uncivil liberty; an essay to show the injustice and impolicy of ruling woman without her consent. Princeton, 1877. Yours or mine; an essay to show the true basis of property. Bost, 1869. Princeton, 1877. Heywood, Henry, comp. Fish and game laws of New Hampshire. {In Percy summer club. Incorporations and by-laws. 188-. p. 11-15.) He3rwood, Henry W., comp. Tabular vade-mecum; or. Mechanics pocket companion. Clare., 1851. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 621 Heywood, James. Narrative of the transference of the Herman Weimarian army to the crown of France in the 17th century. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1881. v. 9; P- 217-23.) On the establishment of Swiss freedom and the Scandinavian origin of the legend of William Tell. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. i877- v. 5; p. 216-27.) Heywood, Rev. John H. Discourse on the life and services of Daniel Webster. Louisville, 1852. (In Eulogies of Webster. V. I. no. 21.) Heywood, William Sweetzer. History of Westminster, Mass. Lowell, 1893. Hezekiah Anthony, n. p. n. d. Hiatt, James M. Voter's text-book comprising a collection of the most important documents and statistics connected with the political history of America. Indianapolis, 1868. Hibbard, Rev. Augustine G. History of the town of Goshen, Conn. Hartf., 1897. Hibbard, Cleon Melville, M. D., and Thomas, John Jenks, M. D. Heart failure in diphtheria. (In Bost.: City hosp. Med. and surg. reports. 1900. v. 11; p. 204-26.) Hibbard, Ellery Albee. Joseph Bell, a biographical address before the Grafton and Coos bar association, Jan. 29, 1892. Woods- ville, n. d. Hibbard, George S. Rupert, Vt., historical and descriptive, 1761- 1898. Rutl., 1899. Hibbard, Harry. Letter to Stephen Pingry and other ctizens of New Hampshire. Wash., i8s2(?) Nebraska and Kansas, speech. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 11.) Hibbard, John H., and Van Hook, John C. Official map of Mon- tana. Helena, 1902. Hibberd, James F., M. D. Dissertation on "The part performed by nature and time in the cure of diseases." (In Mass. med. soc. Lib. of practical med. 1868. v. 25; p. 47-92.) Hibernians of the United States. See Ancient order of Hibernians of the United States. Hichborn, Benjamin. Oration delivered at Boston, March 5, 1777. (In Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston. 1807. p. 83-95.) Hickcox, John H., ed. United States government publications; a monthly catalogue, v. i-io. Wash., 1885-94. Hickenlooper, Brig.-gen. Andrew. Our volunteer engineers. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 301-18.) Hickey, Rev. M. Reminiscences. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1883. V. 4; p. 23-33, 545-56.) Hickey, William. Constitution of the United States of America. Ed. 7. Phil., 1854. Hickman, F. S., pub. United States: Congress. Pacific railroad. 1875. Hickok, James Whelpley. History of the class of 1833-37 of the University of Vermont. Burlington, 1891. Hickok, Laurens Perseus, D. D. Complete idea of the world's con- version to Jesus Christ. Bost., 1866. Creator and creation; or, Knowledge in the reason of God and his work. Bost, 1872. Empirical psychology. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1854. Idea of humanity in its progress to its consummation, an ad- dress before the Philomathean soc. in Middlebury college, 1847. N. Y., 1847. Hicks, Frederick Charles. Territorial revenue system of Missouri. (In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. 1896. no. 12, p. 25-40.) 622 AUTHOR LIST. Hicks, Frederick Charles, and Williams, Hugh. Selected official documents of the South African republic and Great Britain, n. d. _ Hicks, Gilbert H. Germination of seeds as affected by certain chemical fertilizers. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 24.) Hicks, Lieut. Henry G. Fort Donelson. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 437-53.) Hicks, Rev. Lewis Wilder. Mr. Ralph Wheelock, Puritan. Hartf., 1899. Hicks, Mary Dana, Perry, Walter S., and Clark, John S. Teacher's manual for the Prang complete course in form-study and draw- ing. 1895. Hicks, Thomas HoUiday. Inaugural address delivered in the sen- ate chamber, Jan. 13, 1858. n. p. 1858. Hidden, W. B., M. D. Centennial souvenir, 1792-1892; Tamworth, N. H. Balt.(?), i892(?) Hiester, Isaac EUmaker. Speech on the Nebraska and Kansas bill. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 4.) Hiester, William M., anon. Place of the Ringgold light artillery of Reading among the first five companies from Pennsylvania which marched to the defense of Washington. Reading, 1870. Higbee, Capt. Chester G. Personal recollections of a line officer. (In Loyal legion of U. S: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. V. 4; p. 313-28.) Higgins, Anthony. Our manifest destiny. Wash., 1893. Higgins, William MuUinger. Mosaical and mineral geologies. Lond., 1833. Higginson, Francis. New England plantation. (In Young, Alex- ander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 239-67.) True relation of the last voyage to New England. (In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 213- 38.) Higginson, John. Higginson letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 27; p. 196-222.) Higginson, Stephen. Letters. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual re- port. 1897. V. 8; pt. i; p. 704-841.) Higginson, Col. Thomas Wentworth. Does slavery Christianize the Negro? N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti- slavery tracts, no. 4.) Massachusetts in mourning, a sermon preached in Worcester, June 4, 1854. Bost., 1854. Oldport days. Bost, 1873. Young folks' history of the United States. Ed. 2. Bost., 188 1. Note : printed for the blind m the Howe type. See also Massachusetts : Military and naval historian. and Jacques, Florence Wyman. List of battles and casualties of Massachusetts troops during the war of the Rebellion. Bost, 1891. Hills, George Morgan, D. D. Sermon commemorative of the late Rev. Nathaniel Petit, president of the standing committee of the diocese of N. J. Trenton, 1885. High, James Lambert. My hero. Gen. W. F. Bartlett. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 155-71.) High-church theory of baptism. Phil., 1853. (Bomid with Home, George, bp. Doctrine. 1831.) High school echo, pub. fortnightly, v. 1-3, 7; v. 8, no. 1-2. Manch., 1890-7. Note : y. 2-date continued at the Echo. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 623 High school mite, a monthly paper issued by the Concord high school. V. I, no. 3-4. Cone, 1880. High street Baptist church, Great Falls, (N. H.). Directory of the members. Great Falls, 1879. High street church, Portland {Me.). Services at the semi-centennial, n. p. 1881. Highest and lowest prices at the Stock exchanges. New York, Bos- ton, Philadelphia. 1882. N. Y., 1882. Highland agricultural society. Transactions for 1867-70, '72, 'yZy '75, '76, '78, '79, '87-1900. Springf., 1868-1900. Highland and agricultural society of Scotland. See Highland soci- ety of Scotland. Highland park college: Department of pedagogy. Catalogue for the school year, 1899-1900. Des Moines, 1900. Highland society of Scotland. Prize-essays and transactions; 1829-59, '72-7, '85-8, '95-1902. V. 7-22, 32-40, 48-51, 58-65. Edin, 1 829- 1 902. Note : v. lO-date society is called Highland and agricultural society of Scotland. V. 32-date title is Transaotions. Highland vineyard association. Articles of agreement and by-laws. Manch., 1884. Hight, Horatio. Mogg Heigon, his life, his death, and its sequel. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1894-5. v. 15; p. 345-60. v. 16; p. 256- 80.) Hildebrsind, St. See Gregorius 7, St., pope. Hildebrandt, Hugo, M. D. Die krankheiten der aeusseren weibli- chen genitalien. Stuttg., 1877. Hildeburn, Charles Swift Riche. Century of printing; the issues of the press of Pennsylvania, 1685-1784. 2v. Phil., 1885-6. List of the issues of the press in New York. 1693-1752. Phil., 1889. Hilder, F. F. Education in Mexico and Central America. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. i. 1897. p. 641-67.) Notes on the archaeology of Missouri. {In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. n. d. no. 6.) Hildreth, Henry O. Norfolk county manual and year book for ^ 1876. Dedham, 1877. Hildreth, Rev. Hosea. Discourse to the students of Phillips Exeter academy, June 26, 1825. Exeter, 1825. — ;— Two discourses to townsmen. Exeter, 1824. Hildreth, R. What can I do for the abolition of slavery? n. p. n. d. {In N. E. anti-slavery tract assoc. Tract no. 8.) Hildreth, Richard. History of the United States of America, v. 4-6. N. Y., 185 1-2. 6v. N. Y., 1854-6. Report of the trial of the Rev. E. K. Avery on an indictment for the murder of S. M. Cornell. Bost., 1833. ''Ruin" of Jamaica. N. Y. n. d. {In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. 6.) Hildreth, Samuel Prescott, M. D. Biographical and historical me- moirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio. Cine, 1852. Note : being v. 2 of his early history of Ohio. Pioneer history, being an account of the 1st examination of the Ohio valley and the early settlement of the Northwest ter- ritory. Cine, 1848. Note : called v. 1 of the Trans, of the Hist. soc. of Cincinnati. Results of meteorological observations made at Marietta, Ohio, between 1826 and 1859; ed. by C. A. Schott. {In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. 1870. v. 16.) Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. Geological history of the Gulf of Mexico. {In La.: Univ. Annual report of the supt. 1871. p. 207-22.) 624 AUTHOE LIST. Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. On soil analyses and their utility. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1873. v. 21; p. 66-77.) On the geological history of the Gulf of Mexico. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 222-35.) On the geology of lower Louisiana and the rock salt deposit of Petite Anse. (In Amer, assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1869. V. 17; p. 327-39-) (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1881. v. 23.) On the quantitative assay of chromium by blowpipe processes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1858. v. 11; p. 126-48.) Phylloxera or grapevine louse and the remedies for its rav- ages. Sacram., 1880. Preliminary report of a geological reconnoissance of Louisi- ana. N. O., 1869. Report on the geological age of the Mississippi delta. Wash., 1870. Report on the relations of soil to climate. Wash., 1892. (In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1892. no. 3.) Supplementary and final report of a geological reconnoissance of the state of Louisiana. N. O., 1873. and Hopkins, F. V. Reclamation of the alluvial basin of the Mississippi river. Wash., 1878. ed. Mississippi: Geologist. Report on the geology and agricul- ture of the state of Mississippi, i860. See also California: Agricultural experiment station. Hilgard, Julius Erasmus. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1877. v. 25; p. 1-16.) Determination of transatlantic longitudes. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22; p. 144-59.) On the general distribution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1857. V. 10; p. 187-21 1.) On the use of the zenith telescope for observations of time. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 91-102.) Hilgard, Theodore Charles, M. D. Contributions to the physiology of sight. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. V. 9; P- 250-71.) , ^ ,^ ^ Fresh-water algas as the spawns of mosses. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 352-84.) Investigations on the development of the yeast or zymotic fungus. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1871. V. 19; p. 287-331.) Numeric relations of the vertebrate system. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 307-I7-) On the structure of the head in vertebrata, and its rela- tions to the phyllotactic laws. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1858. v. 11; pt. 2, p. 81-95.) Volcanic tide belt and the world's flood-gates. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 252-67.) Hilger, Nicholas. General Alfred Sully's expedition of 1864; battle with the combined tribes of Sioux Indians among the Bad lands of the Little Missouri. (In Hist. soc. qf Mont.. Contrib. 1896. V. 2; p. 314-28.) Hill, Rev. Alexander, ed. Hill, George, D. D. Lectures m divmity. 1844. Hill, Alfred James. Constantine Beltrami. (In Minn. hist. soc. Contrib. 1889. v. 2; p. 183-96.) History of Company E of the 6th Minn. regt. of volunteer infantry. St. Paul, 1899. NEW HAMPSHIBE STATE LIBRARY. 626 Hill, Alfred James. How the Mississippi river and the Lake of the Woods became instrumental in establishing the northwestern boundary of the U. S. (In Minn, hist. soc. Coll. 1893. v. 7; p. 305-52.) Hill, Rev. Alonzo. Discourse on the life and character of Rev. Nathaniel Thayer, delivered at his interment. Wore, 1840. Life and character of the Rev. Aaron Bancroft. Bost., 1839. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i; no. 148.) Hill, Benjamin D., and Nevins, Winfield S. North shore. Salem, 1894. Hill, Benjamin Thomas. History of the second court house and the early bar of Worcester, Mass. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. ^ V. 17; p. 220-37.) Hill, Britton A. Absolute money; a new system of finance under a co-operative government. St. L., 1875. Hill, Charles L., anon. Guernsey grade cow. Peterborough, i897(?) Hill, Charles S. Address; economic and sociological relations of the Canadian states and the U. S. prospectively considered. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. v. 38; p. 375-408.) Hill, Charles W. Liberal education, the contribution supplied by the grammar school. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 36-51.) Hill, Clement Hugh. Memoir of Rufus Choate. (In Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 124-35.) Hill, David Bennett. Annual message, transmitted to the legis- lature Jan. 6, 1891. Alb., 1891. Public papers, 1885. Alb., 1885. Hill, Don Gleason, comp. Dedham (Mass.). Alphabetical abstract of the record of births in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1844-90. 1894. Alphabetical abstract of the record of deaths in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1844-90. 1895. Alphabetical abstract of the record of marriages, 1844-90. 1896. Record of births, marriages, and deaths, 1886-94. Record of the town meetings and abstract of births, marriages, and deaths in the town of Dedham, Mass., 1887-1896. 1888-96. Hill, Rev. Ebenezer. Sermon delivered at the interment of the re- mains of Rev, Lemuel Wadsworth. Amh., 1818, Sermon delivered at the interment of the remains of Ruthy Batcheller, Bost,, 1812, Substance of two lectures on the history of Mason. Fitchb., 1846. (In Hill, J. B. Memoir of Ebenezer Hill. 1858. p. 88- III.) Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth Lord (Chase). Gleanings, girlhood and womanhood. Cone, 1887. Hill, Frank Alpine. /Esthetic element in education. (In Amer. inst, of instruction. Lectures. 1896. p. 199-222.) Report of the Committee of ten. (In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1894. p, 174-87.) Hill, Frank H. Pitt and Peel— 1783-4, 1834-5. Un Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1899. v. 23; p. 117-36.) Hill, Frank Harrison. Pishey Thompson. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 123-35.) anm. Political portraits by a prominent London journalist. .Phil., 1873. Hill, Frank P., comp. Lowell illustrated; a chronological record of events and historical sketches of the large manufacturing corporations. Lowell, 1884. 40 626 AUTHOR LIST. Hill, Frederic. National education; its present state and prospects. 2v. Lond., 1836. Hill, Frederic Stanhope. "Lucky little Enterprise" and her suc- cessors in the U. S. navy, 1776-1900. Bost., 1900. Hill, George, D. D. Lectures in divinity; ed. by Rev. Alexander Hill. Phil., 1844. Hill, George A., and Wentworth, George Albert, comp. s-place logarithmic and trigonometric tables. 1896. Text-book of physics. 1898. Hill, George Birbeck Norman. Harvard college by an Oxonian. N. Y., 1895. Hill, Mrs. George Birbeck Norman, tr. Borgeaud, Charles. Rise of modern democracy in old and New England. 1894. tr. Leger, Louis. History of Austro-Hungary. 1889. Hill, George G. Marketing farm produce. Wash., 1897. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 62.) Practical suggestions for farm buildings. Wash., 1901. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, no. 126.) Hill, Mrs. George H. Relation of Sunday school teaching to popu- lar amusements, n. p. 1896. Hill, Rev. George W. History of St. Paul's church. {In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1879-81. V. i; p. 35-58. v. 2; p. 63-99. v. 3; p. 13-70.) Hill, George William. New theory of Jupiter and Saturn. Wash., 1890. {In U. S.: Nautical almanac office. Astronomical papers. 1890. V. 4.) On certain possible abbreviations in the computation of the long-period inequalities of the moon's motion due to the direct action of the planets, (/w Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1884. V. 6; p. 115-30.) On Gauss' method of computing secular perturbations, with an application to the action of Venus on Mercury. {In U. S. : Nautical almanac office. Astronomical papers. 1882. v. i; p. 315-61.) Hill, Hamilton Andrews. Abbott Lawrence. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1881. v. 2; p. 401-45.) History of the Old South church (third church), Boston, 1669- 1884. 2v. Camb., 1890. Jonathan Phillips. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1885. V. 4; p. 93-117.) Thomas Coram in Boston and Taunton. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1892. p. 133-48.) and Bigelow, George Frederick. 1669-1882; an historical cata- logue of the Old South church (third church), Boston. Bost, 1883. Hill, Henry. Incidents in Chili, S. A., 1817-1821. Weymouth, 1889. Reminiscences of Dr. George Edwards, Coquimbo, Chili, S. A. Weymouth, 1890. Hill, Henry Wayland. Development of constitutional law in N. Y. state. {In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 4; p. 163-201.) Hill, Rev. Howard Fremont. Christ: our reason; a sermon preached on Easter day, 1888. Montp., 1888. Fact and sequence; a sermon preached on the Sunday after Christmas, 1883. Montp., 1884. His helpmeet's helper, a sermon preached at the 68th anni- versary of the Concord female charitable society. Cone, 1881. Strong reliance, a sermon preached at the opening of the Hol- ^ derness school for boys, 1879. Cone, 1880. Hill, Ira. Abstract of a new theory of the formation of the earth. Bait., 1823. Address before the members of the Merrimack county agri- cultural society, Oct., 1837. n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 627 Hill, Isaac. Address delivered at Concord, N. H., Jan. 8., 1828, be- ing the 13th anniversary of Jackson's victory at New Orleans. Cone, 1828. Address delivered before the republicans of Portsmouth and vicinity, July 4, 1828. Cone, 1828. Brief sketch of the life, character, and services of Andrew Jackson, by a citizen of New England. Cone, 1828. Message to both houses of the legislature, June session, 1836. Cone, 1836. Message to both houses of the legislature, June session, 1837. Cone, 1837. Message to both houses of the legislature, June session, 1838. Cone, 1838. Selections from his speeches. (In Bradley, C. P. Biography of Hill. 1835. P- 171-245-) Speech on the bill to appropriate for a limited time the pro- ceeds of the sale of public lands of the United States, n. p. 1833. Wise sayings. Cone, 1828. ed. Farmer's monthly visitor, v. 1-2, 5. 1839-43. Hill, J. W. Rise of the English legal profession. (In Royal hist. soe Trans. 1874. v. 3; p. 98-162.) Hill, James J. History of agriculture in Minnesota. (In Minn. hist, soe Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 275-90.) Hill, John Boynton. History of the town of Mason, N. H. Bost, 1858. Memoir of Rev. Ebenezer Hill. Bost., 1858. ed. Proceedings of the centennial celebration of the incorpo- ration of the town of Mason, N. H., Aug. 26, 1868. Bost., 1870. Reminiscences of old Dunstable. (In Spalding, E. H., camp. Bi-centennial of old Dunstable. 1878. p. 41-189.) Hill, John M., ed. Farmer's monthly visitor, v. 3-4. 1841-2. Hill, John Whipple, camp. Genealogical notes of the Whipple-Hill families. Chic, 1897. Hill, Col. Jonathan A., and others, comp., anon. Story of one regi- ment, the nth Me. infantry volunteers in the war of the Re- bellion. N. Y., 1896. Hill, Joseph A. English income tax, with special reference to ad- ministration and method of assessment. N. Y., 1899. (In Amer. econ. assoe Econ. studies, v. 4.) Hill, Joseph Adna, tr. Cohn, Gustav. History of political econ- omy. (In Amer. acad. of pol. and sol. sci. Annals. 1894. v. 4.) Note: supplement, March, 1894. Hill, Mark Langdon. Fellow citizens of the state of Maine. Wash., 1820. Hill, Nathaniel Parker. Speeches and papers on the silver, postal telegraph, and other economic questions. Colorado Springs, 1890. Hill, Octavia. Homes of the London poor. N. Y., 1875. Hill, Paul. Personal reminiscences of Lowell fifty years ago. (In Old residents' hist, assoe Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 2y7-g2,.) Hill, Richmond C. City of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1895. Hill, Robert Thomas. iSIotes on the geology of the island of Cuba. (In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1895. V. 16; p. 243-88.) ;- On the occurrence of artesian and other underground waters in Texas, eastern New Mexico, and Indian territory, west of the 97th meridian, n. p. 1892. Paleontology of the cretaceous formations of Texas. (In Biol. soe of Wash. Proceed, n. d. v. 8; p. 97-108.) Present condition of knowledge of the geology of Texas. Wash., 1887. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1887. no. 45.) 628 AUTHOR LIST. Hill, Rowland, comp. Divine hymns attempted in easy language for the use of children. Ed. 4. Lond., 1799. Hill, Rev. Stephen P. Sermon delivered Nov. 7, 1833, at the dedi- cation of the new Baptist meeting house, Haverhill, Mass. Haverhill, 1833. Hill, Susan Benedict, ed. Bailey, James Montgomery. History of Danbury, Conn., 1684-1896. 1896. Hill, Thomas. Convers Francis. {In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1894. V. 5; p. 191-201.) First lessons in geometry. Bost., 1855. Four equations partially discussed. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22; p. 31-93.) Philosophy higher than science, n. p. 1876. Hill, Rev. Thomas. Annual address before the Harvard natural history society. May 19, 1853. Camb., 1853. Integral education; an inaugural address delivered at Antioch college, Sept. 8, 1859. Bost, 1859- Liberal education, address before the Phi Beta Kappa soci- ety of Harvard college, July 22, 1858. Camb., 1858. Hill, Walter B. Bar associations, a composite photograph of the objects and work of the various bar associations in the United States. Atlanta, 1889. Hill, William. First stages of the tariff policy of the United States, n. p. 1893. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 8, no. 6.) Hill, William G., comp. and ed. Family record of J. W. Converse and E. S. Converse. Bost., 1887. Hill, W. Scott, M. D. Site of Fort Saint George, erected by Cap- tain George Popham in 1607. n. p. n. d. Hill and Barton, vs. Upham, Timothy. Report of the trial. Cone, 1831. Hill (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other town officers for the year 1858-66, '71, '7Z, '76, '80-5, '89, '91-1901. Hill, 1858-1901. : Public library. Catalogue of books, 1893. Bristol, 1893. Supplement to catalogue of books. Hill, 1894. Hill, 1895. Hill, 1895. Catalogue. Hill, 1899. Hillard, Rev. E. B. Last men of the Revolution. Hartf., 1864. Hillard, George Stillman. Discourse delivered before the New England society in the city of New York, Dec. 22, 1851. N. Y., 1852. Fifth reader. Bost., 1865. First class reader. Bost., 1855. Fourth reader. Bost., 1866. Franklin fifth reader. N. Y., 1871. Franklin fourth reader. Bost., 1874. Intermediate reader. Bost., 1864. Lecture on public instruction in Prussia. Phil., 1836. Life and adventures of Capt. John Smith. {In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog, 1839. ser. i, v. 2; p. 171-407.) ed. Memoir and correspondence of Jeremiah Mason. Camb., 1873. Memoir of C. C. Felton. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869. V. 10; p. 352-68.) Memoir of James Brown. Bost., 1856. Memoir of Joseph Story. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1869. V. 10; p. 176-205.) Memoir of James Savage. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1879. V. 16; p. 117-53.) ed., anon. Memorial of Daniel Webster from the city of Bos- ton. Bost., 1853. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LLBRARY. 629 Hillard, George Stillman. Second class reader. Bost, 1856. Sixth reader; consisting of extracts of prose and verse. N. Y., 1863. Third class reader. Bost, 1857. and Campbell, L. J. Franklin third reader. Best., 1874. Third reader. Bost., 1865. and Sprague, Homer B. Franklin sixth reader and speaker. N. Y., 1874. Hillary, William, M. D. Observations on the changes of air and the concomitant epidemical diseases in the island of Barbadoes. Ed. 2. Lond,, 1766. Hillebrand, William Francis, and Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth. Analysis of rocks. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1897. no. 148.) and Cross, Whitman. Contributions to the mineralogy of the Rocky Mountains. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 20.) Hilliard, Henry Washington. Politics and pen pictures at home and abroad. N. Y., 1892. Hillier, Thomas, M. D. Diseases of children. Phil., 1868. Hand-book of skin diseases. Phil., 1865. Hillman, Rev. Alfred T. Home missions in New Hampshire, n. p. i90o(?) Memorial sermon before E. E. Sturtevant Post, No. 2, G. A. R., 1884. Cone, 1884. Hills, Capt. Charles S. Last battle of the war, recollections of the Mobile campaign. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. v. i; p. 177-90.) Hills, George Morgan, D. D. Gates of Zion, a sermon preached at the opening of St. Paul's cathedral, Syracuse, N. Y. Trenton, 1885. History of the church in Burlington, N. J. Trenton, 1876. Hills, Mrs. M. M. (Hutchins). Reminiscences; a brief history of the Free Baptist India mission. Dover,' 1885. Hills, Thomas. Address on taxation. Bost., 1890. Hills, William H. Small fruits, their propagation and cultivation, including the grape. Bost., 1886. Hills family genealogical and historical association, v. 2-3. Bost., ^ 1896-7. Hillsborough (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, auditors, treasurer, and board of education for the year 1842, '49, '51, '52, '58-62, .'64, '65, '67-77, '81, '82, '84, '85, '88, '89, '91-1902. Hills- borough Bridge, 1842-1902. Report of the committee to make a new valuation of the real estate of the town. n. p. 1872. : Graded schools. Rules and regulations and course of study adopted Aug., 1891. Hillsboro Bridge, 1891. : Superintending school committee. Report, 1885. n. p. 1885. Hillsborough Bridge (N. H.) Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. Catalogue of books. Bristol, 1877. Hillsborough Centre (N. H.) Ladies of the Congregational church. Housekeeper's little friend. Hillsborough Centre, n, d. Hillsborough conference of Congregational and Presb5rterian churches. Order of exercises, v. 72. n. p. 1898. Hillsborough county (N. H.). Annual report of the county com- missioners, 1846-1900. V. p. 1846-1901. NoTB : no report printed lor 1878. : Common schools, commissioner of. Report, 1856. Cone, 1856. : Commissioners. General laws with the rules and regulations for the government of the Hillsborough county farm and House of correction at Grasmere, N. H. Hillsborough Bridge, 1901. 630 AUTHOR LIST. Hillsborough county (N. H.): County farm and House of correction. General laws with the rules and regulations. Hillsboro Bridge, 1901. : Supreme judicial court. Report of referees on petition of Mil- ford and Manchester railroad. Nashua, 1896. — — Proceedings in memory of Bainbridge Wadleigh. n. p. 1891. Hillsborough county agricultural and mechanical association. Premium list for the annual fair. v. 21. Milford, 1870. Hillsborough county Bible and charitable society. Report of the board of directors, v. 6. n. p. 1823. Hillsborough county council of the patrons of husbandry. Consti- tution. Manch., 1874. Hillsdale college. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1861-2, '68-99. V. 6-7, 13-44. Hillsdale, 1861-99. Hillside agricultural society. Transactions for the year 1884-1900. West Cummington, 1885-1901. Hilprecht, Herman Volrath. Old Babylon inscriptions, chiefly from Nippur. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1896. V. 18; p. 1-53, 221-82.) Hiltebrand, E., comp. Franklin institute. Subject catalogue of the ^ Memorial library of the International electric exhibition. 1884. Hilton, Henry Hoyt. Freshman history of the class of '90 of Dart- mouth college. Hanover, 1887. Hilton, John. Rest and pain; a course of lectures on the influence of mechanical and physiological rest in the treatment of acci- dents and surgical diseases, and the diagnostic value of pain; ed by W. H. A. Jacobson. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1879. Note : pages 47-8, 115-20 mutilated. Hilton, Nathan T. Practical arithmetic. Exeter, 1807. Hilton, William H. History of Alna lodge. No. 43. Portl., 1874. Hiltzheimer, Jacob. Extracts from the diary of Jacob Hiltzheimer of Philadelphia, 1765-1798. Phil., 1893. Himes, Joshua Vaughan, ed. General conference of Christians ex- pecting the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. Report. 1841. Hinckley, Thomas. Hinckley papers, being letters and papers of Thomas Hinckley. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1861. v. 35; p. 1-308.) Hincks, Edward Young, D. D. Biblical theology; its growth, function, and value. Andover, 1883. Hind, Henry Youle. Narrative of the Canadian Red River explor- ing expedition of 1857 and of the Assinniboine and Saskatche- wan exploring expedition of 1858. 2v. Lond., i860. North-West Territory, reports of progress with a preliminary and general report on the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan explor- ing expedition. Toronto, 1859. Preliminary report on the geology of New Brunswick. Fred- ericton, 1865. Report on a topographical survey of part of the Cumberland coal field. Halifax, 1873. — — Report on the Sherbrooke gold district. Halifax, 1870. Hinds, Albert Henry. History and genealogy of the Hinds family. Portl., 1899. Hine, Robert Clark. Hine genealogy, n. p. 1898. Hinesburgh (Vt.) First Congregational church of Christ. Account of the centennial celebration, Sept. 10, 1890. Burlington, 1890. Hingham (Mass.). Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of the town of Hingham, Mass., Sept. 15, 1885. Hingham, 1885. : Public library. Annual report of the trustees, 1871-73. Hing- ham, 1873. Catalogue. Bost., 1886. Hingham agricultural and horticultural society. Transactions, 1858-61, '67-1900. Bost, 1861-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 681 Hingham (Mass.) First parish. Commemorative services on the 200th anniversary, 1881. Hingham, 1882. Services at the installation of E. A. Horton. Hingham, 1877. Hinkley, Capt. J. W. Some experiences of a veteran in the rear. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. V. 4; p. 112-24.) Hinman, Rev. Clark T. Address before the Ladies' literary society. Nov. 17, 1841. Cone, 1842. Oration on the prospective character of American literature. Detroit, 1847. Hinman, John F. Recollections of some of the pioneers of Belle- vue. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 8; p. 202-14.) Hinman, Royal Ralph, comp. Catalogue of the names of the first Puritan settlers of the colony of Conn. Hartf., 1846. Hartf., 1852. ed. Letters from the English kings and queens to the gov- ernors of the colony of Connecticut, together with their an- swers. Hartf., 1836. Hinrichs, Gustavus Detlef. New and general law determining the atomic volume and boiling point of a great number of carbon compounds. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1869. V. 17; p. 223-37.) On molecular perturbations. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1870. v. 18; p. loo-ii.) On the classification and the atomic weights of the so-called chemical elements. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1870. v. 18; p. 112-23.) Statics of the four types of modern chemistry. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 209- 22.) Hinsdale, Rev. Burke Aaron. Establishment of the first southern boundary of the U. S. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. V. 5; p. 329-66.) Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. N. Y., 1898. (Great educators ser.) Old Northwest with a view of the 13 colonies as constituted by the royal charters. N. Y., 1888. Public instruction in Italy. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1893-4. v. i. 1896. p. 325-83.) Republican text-book for the campaign of 1880; a full history of J. A. Garfield's public life. N. Y., 1880. Training of teachers. (In Butler, N. M,, ed. Monographs. 1900. V. i; p. 359-407.) — ;— ed. Garfield, James Abram, pres. of U. S. Works. 1882-3. Hinsdale (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen for the year ending March, 1876, '81-2, '84-9, '91-1902. Hinsdale, 1876-1902. : High and common schools. Course of study and general regu- lations. Hinsdale, 1890. — — : High school, ed. Quill, a monthly paper. 1895-1901. Hinsdale (Mass.) Congregational church. Commemoration of the centennial, Aug. 28, 1895. Pittsf., 1896. Hinsdale (N. H.) Congregational church. Manual. 187 1. n. p. 1871. — ^ Brattleboro, 1888. Hinton, Richard Josiah. Nationalism of freedom and the histori- cal place of Kansas therein. (In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. V. 6; p. 175-86.) Pens that made Kansas free. (In Kans. state hist. soc. Trans. 1900. V. 6; p. 371-84.) and Burr, Frank A. "Little Phil" and his troopers. 1888. 632 AUTHOR LIST. Hinton, Richard Josiah. See also United States: Irrigation inquiry, office of. Hinton, John Howard. History and topography of the United States; with additions and corrections by S. L. Knapp. Ed. 3. 2v. in I. Bost., 1852-3. Hints to aid in the organization and support of Sabbath schools in the country. Phil. n. d. Hippisley, Col. George. Narrative of the expedition to the rivers Orinoco and Apure in South America; which sailed from Eng- land in November, 1817, and joined the patriotic forces in Ven- ezuela and Caraccas. Lond., 1819. Hippocrates. Genuine works, tr. from the Greek by Francis Adams. 2v. Lond., 1849. Hiram college. Annual catalogue for 1896, '98-9- v. 29, 31-2. v. p. 1896-9. Hirst, Barton Cooke, M. D., ed. System of obstetrics. 2v. Phil., 1888. Hissink, D. J. Toelichting, behoorende bij de grondsoortenkaart, van een gedeelte van Deli. n. p. 1901. Histoire de Pierre d'Aubsson, grand-maistre de Rhodes, v. i. Par., 1676. Historic art club, Manchester (AT. H.). List of officers, constitu- tion, and by-laws. n. p. n. d. Note: typewritten copy. Historic New Hampshire; interesting and beautiful scenes along line of Exeter, Hampton, and Amesbury street railway. Cone, 1900. Historical and genealogical researches and recorder of passing events of Merrimack valley, v.^ i, no. 1-2. ^ Haverhill, 1857-8. Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Annual reports, 1875-6, '91, 1900. Cine, 1876-1900. Catalogue of the Torrence papers. Cine, 1887. Historical and scientific society of Manitoba. Annual report for the year 1883-5, '87-1900. v. 5-6, 8-21. Winnipeg, 1884-1901. Transactions, no. 5-6, 8-9, 11, 19, 28, 30-33, 39-40, 43-59- Win- nipeg, 1883-1901. Historical club. Circular as to its organization. N. Y., 1874. Reprint of historical papers relating to the Protestant Epis- copal church, n. p. n. d. Historical genealogical association of the New England Cox fam- ilies. Proceedings, no. i. Lexington, 1899. Historical journal of the American revolution. Pemberton, Thomas, anon. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1810. v. 2; p. 41- 246.) Historical journal of the More family, issued annually; ed. by D. F. More. no. 1-6. Bangor, 1892-9. Note : none published in 1894. Historical magazine and notes and queries concerning antiquities, history and biography of America, monthly. Bost, 1857-75. Historical manuscripts commission. Annual report. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897-1900. v. 8, pt. i; p. 463-1108. V. 9; P- 397-680. V. 10; p. 565-708. V. II, pt. 2.) Historical, natural history and library society of South Natick. Review of the first fourteen years of the society, with field-day proceedings of 1881-3. S. Natick, 1884. Historical New England; pub. monthly, v. i, no. 1-4. Cone, 1899- 1 900. Historical parallels, v. i. Bost., 1831. Historical register of the United States; ed. by T. H. Palmer. v. 1-4. Wash., 1814-16. Note : no more pub. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 633 Historical seminary of Brown university. Papers, no. 3-4, 6, 8. Prov., 1894-7. Historical sketch and roll of honor of the 4th regt. N. H. volun- teers. Manch., 1879. Historical sketch of Augustana college and theological seminary located at Rock Island, 111. Chic, 1886. Historical sketch of Beechwood church together with the exercises of dedication, Jan. 15, 1867. Bost., 1867. Historical sketch of Mount Holyoke seminary. Springf., 1876. Springf., 1878. Historical sketch of the Convention of the Congregational min- isters in Massachusetts. Camb., 1821. Historical sketch of the Memorial hall, Andover, Mass. Law- rence, 1873. Historical sketch of the state normal school at Albany, N. Y., and a history of its graduates for forty years. Alb., 1884. Historical sketches of the formation and founders of the Philadel- phia hose company, Dec. 15, 1803. Phil., 1854. Historical society of Berks county. Appeal to the descendants of early settlers for historical documents, n. p. n. d. Constitution and by-laws. Reading, 1898. Historical society of Delaware. Sec also Delaware historical so- ciety. Historical society of Harford county (Md.). Year book, 1899. Bel Air, 1899. Historical society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Annual meeting, 1884. Newburgh, 1884. Papers. Newburgh, 1894. Record of the inscriptions in the old town burying ground. Newburgh, 1898. Unveiling of the statue of George Clinton. Newburgh, 1896. Historical society of old Newbury. Celebration of the 250th anni- versary of the settlement of Newbury, June 10, 1885. Newbury- port, 1885. Historical society of Southern California. Annual publication, 1887, '88-9. San Fran., 1888-9. Historical society of Trinity college, Durham, AT. C. Annual publi- cation of historical papers, reconstruction, and state biography. V. I, n. p. 1897. Historical society of Western Pennsylvania. Synopsis of proceed- ings during the first five years. Pittsb., 1884. Historisch verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. V. 35. Stadtamhof, 1880. History of Chester, Conn. Deep River, 1899. Note : newspaper clippings mounted. History of Coos county, N. H. Syracuse, 1888. History of Deep River, Conn. Deep River, 1899. Note : newspaper clippings mounted. History of Essex, Conn. n. p. n. d. Note : newspaper clippings mounted. History of modern Greece, with a view of the geography, antiqui- ties, and present condition, fr. the Lond. ed. with a continuation. Bost, 1827. History of Penobscot county. Me., 1626-1882. Cleve., 1882. History of the city of Elgin. Chic, 1867. Note: from the Chicago republican, March 16, 1867. History of the college of William and Mary from its foundation, 1660 to 1784. Richmond, 1874. History of the Connecticut valley in Massachusetts. 2v. Phil., 1879. 684 AUTHOR LIST. History of the county of Berkshire, Mass., by gentlemen of the county. Pittsf., 1829. History of the fight at Lexington, April 19, 1775. Lexington, 1875. History of the ist N. H. battery during the war of the Rebellion, with the by-laws of platoon A. Manch., 1878. (Bound with Names and records of members. 1891. pt. 2.) History of the house of Prescott, 1814 to 1899. n. p. n. d. History of the Medical society of the county of Kings, official pro- gram of the Graeco-Roman festival to Asklepios and ^scul- apius. Brooklyn, 1899. History of the national educational association of the United States; its organization and functions. Wash., 1892. History of the private, political, and official misdeeds and offences of Fernando Wood. N. Y. n. d. History of the Republick of Holland, from its first foundation to the death of King William. 2v. Lond., 1705. History of the state of Rhode Island; 1636-1878. Phil., 1878. History of Washington, N. H., 1768-1886. Clare., 1886. History of Worcester county, Mass., from its first settlement to the present time. 2v. Bost., 1879. Hitchcock, A. S. Catalogue of the anthrophyta and Pteridophyta of Ames, la. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1892. v. 5; p. 477-532.) Ecological plant geography of Kansas. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1898. v. 8; p. 55-70.) Opening of the buds of some woody plants. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1892. v. 6; p. 133-41.) Hitchcock, Mrs. Caroline (Hanks). Nancy Hanks, the story of Abraham Lincoln's mother. N. Y., 1900. Hitchcock, Charles Henry. Albert coal; or, Albertite, of New Brunswick, p. 267-73. N. Y., 1865. Ancient glacial action in Australasia, n. p. i899(?) Champlain glacial epoch, n. p. 1895. Classification of the rocks of New Hampshire. Bost., 1873. Crystalline rocks of Alabama, n. p. 1885 (?) Date of the publication of the report upon the geology of Ver- mont, n. p. n. d. Description of a new reptilian bird from the trias of Massa- chusetts, n. p. 1866. Description of geological sections crossing New Hampshire and Vermont. Cone, 1884. Distribution of maritime plants in North America; a proof of the oceanic submergence in the Champlain period, n. p. n. d. Divisions of the ice age in the United States and Canada. Hanover, 1895. Early history of the North American continent. Salem, 1883. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. V. 22; p. 181-94.) Eastern lobe of the ice-sheet, n. p. i897(?) Edward Hitchcock, n. p. n. d. Elevation of mountains, n. p. 1870. Existence of glacial action upon the summit of Mt. Washing- ton, N. H. Salem, 1876. Field studies of hornblende schist. Salem, 1889. Forsyth gold and silver mine. n. p. n. d. Genesis of the Hawaiian islands. Salem, 1887. Geological history of Winnipiseogee Lake. n. p. 1873. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. V. 22, pt. 2; p. 120-31.) Geological map of the United States. N. Y., 1881. n. p. n. d. ' NEAV HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 635 Hitchcock, Charles Henry. Geological map of the United States and territories. N. Y., 1881. * Geological position of the Philadelphia gneisses, n. p. n. d. Geology of New England, n. p. n. d. Geolog}^ of Portland. Salem, 1873. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. V. 22, pt. 2; p. 163-75.) Geology of the island of Adquineck. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; p. 112-37.) Geology of the White Mountains, n. p. n. d. Glacial flood of the Connecticut river valley. Salem, 1883. Glaciation of the White Mountains, N. H. n. p. i893(?) High-level gravels in New England, n. p. i894(?) Identification of the Green Mountain gneisses in eastern New England. Salem, 1885. Lenticular hills of glacial drift, n. p. 1876. Norian rocks in New Hampshire, n. p. 1872. Note on the stratigraphy of certain homogeneous rocks. n. p. 1896. Note upon the cretaceous strata of Long Island, n. p. 1873. Paleozoic terranes in the Connecticut valley, n. p. i895(?) Petroleum in North America. Hartf., 1867. Physical history of New Hampshire. Cone, 1877. Recent geological discoveries among the White Mountains, N. H. n. p. n. d. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1873. V. 21; p. 135-51.) Recent progress in ichnology. Salem, 1889. Redonda phosphate, n. p. n. d. Relations of geology to theology. Andover, 1867. Sketch of W. W. Mather, n. p. n. d. Story of Niagara, n. p. n. d. Terminal moraines in New England, n. p. n. d. Use of the terms Laurentian and Newark in geological trea- tises, n. p. i89o(?) Visitor's guide to the public rooms and cabinets of Amherst college. Amh., 1862. World before the introduction of life. n. p. n. d. ^yright's "Ice age in North America and its bearings on the antiquity of man." n. p. n. d. and Hitchcock, Edward, D. D. Elementary geology, i860. Geological map of the United States. 1861. and others. Report on the geology of Vermont. 1861. and Rice, W. N. Remarks on the petrographic excursion. 1896. and Walling, Henry Francis. Atlas of the state of New Hampshire. 1877. and others. Geology of New Hampshire. 3v. Cone, 1874-8. ed. Hager, Albert D., ed. Report on the geology of Ver- mont. 1861. ed. New Hampshire: Geologist. Annual report. 1869-73. Hitchcock, Edward, D. D. Chapter in the book of Providence, anniversary address before the Mount Holyoke female seminary, Aug., 1849. Amh., 1849. Highest use of learning; an address delivered at his inaugu- ration to the presidency of Amherst college. Amh., 1845. Ichnology of New England, a report on the sandstone of the Connecticut valley, especially its fossil footmarks. Bost, 1858. Supplement. Bost., 1865. Illustrations of surface geology. (In Smithsonian inst. Con- trib. 1857. v. 9.) Ed. 2. Amh., i860. 636 AUTHOR LIST. Hitchcock, Edward, D. D. Inseparable trio; a sermon delivered before the governor, council, and legislature of Massachusetts at the annual election, Jan. 2, 1850. Bost., 1850. On the river terraces of the Connecticut valley and on the earth's erosions of the earth's surface. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 148-56.) ;- Outline of the geology of the globe and of the United States in particular. Bost., 1853. Religious bearings of man's creation. Alb., 1856. Remarks upon certain points in ichnology, {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; p. 144-55.) Report of a geological survey of Massachusetts; part i, eco- nomic geology. Amh., 1832. {Bound with his Report on cer- tain points in the geology of Mass. i853(?).) Report on a re-examination of the economical geology of Massachusetts. Bost., 1838. Report on certain points in the geology of Massachusetts. Bost., I8S3(?) Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachusetts. Amh., 1833. Ed. 2, enl. Amh., 1835. Retrospection; a sermon in the collegiate institution at Am- herst, May 13, 1823. Northampton, 1823. and Hitchcock, Charles Henry. Elementary geology. New ed. N. Y., i860. Geological map of the United States, n. p. 1861. and Hitchcock, Edward, M. D. Elementary anatomy and physiology. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1872. and others. Report on the geology of Vermont. 2v. Clare., 1861. ed. Massachusetts: Geological, miner alogical, botanical, and zoolog- ical survey, commission on. Final report. 1841. 1841. Hitchcock, Edward, M. D. Anthropometric statistics of Amherst college. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3; no. 24; p. 588-99.). Dyspepsia forestalled and resisted; or, Lectures on diet, regi- men, and employment. Amh., 1830. Leaders' memorandum for Robert's Squad work in the gym- nasium. Ithaca, n. d. anon. Report of twenty years' experience in the department of physical education and hygiene in Amherst college. Amh., 1881. anon. Results of anthropometry as derived from the meas- urements of the students in Amherst college. Amh., 1892. Subjects, statements, and facts upon personal health used for the lectures given to the freshmen class of Amherst college. Ed. 4. Amh., 1893. and Hitchcock, Edward, D. D. Elementary anatomy and physiology. 1872. and others. Report on the geology of Vermont. 1861. Hitchcock, Frank H. Agricultural exports of the United States by countries, 1895-9. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Foreign mar- kets, section of. Bulletin, no. 20-1.) Foreign markets for American agricultural products. Wash., 1901. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Report no. 67.) Hitchcock, Henry. American state constitutions, a study of their growth. N. Y., 1887. Constitutional development in the U. S. as influenced by . Chief-justice Marshall. {In Rogers, H. W. Constitutional his- tory of the U. S. 1889. p. 53-120.) anon. Year's legislation. Phil., 1890. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 637 Hitchcock, Romyn. Plan of a collection to illustrate the textile industries of the United States at the World's industrial and cot- ton centennial exposition of 1884-5 at New Orleans. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 557-72.) Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight, D. D. New and complete analysis of the Holy Bible; together with Cruden's concordance to the Holy Scriptures. N. Y., 1870. Sermon delivered at the dedication of the new chapel of Bow- doin college, June 7, 1855. Brunswick, 1855. Thanksgiving for victories; discourse delivered Sept. 11, 1864. n. p. n. d. Hitchman, Francis. Eighteenth century studies, essays. Lond., 1881. Hittell, John Shertzer. Marshall's gold discovery; a lecture Jan., i893j 45th anniversary of the discovery. San Fran., 1893. Photographs of sculpture. Berkeley, 1885. (In Univ. of Cal. Library bulletin. 1885. no. 5.) Physical and commercial geography of western Washington. n. p. 1890. Resources of California; and the past and future development of the state. Ed. 4. San Fran., 1868. George Bancroft and his services to California. San Fran., 1893. Hittell, Theodore Henry. History of California. 4v. San Fran., 1897. Hoadley, Frederick H., M. D. Review of the history of the epi- demic of yellow fever in New Haven, Conn., in the year 1794. (In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1900. v. 6; p. 223-62.) Hoadley, John Chipman. Steam-engine practice in the United States in 1884. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Pro- ceed. 1885. V. 33; p. 289-362.) Hoadly, Charles Jeremiah, ed. Connecticut. Public records of the colony. V. 4-15. 1868-90. Public records of the state of Connecticut, v. 1-2. 1894-5. ed. Hartford (Conn.). Hartford town votes. 1897. ed. New Haven (Conn.). Records. 1857-8. Hoadly, George. Codification in the United States. N. H., 1884. Hoadly, Rev. Loammi Ives. Address delivered at the union cele- bration of Independence at Sutton, Mass., July 5, 1824. Wore, 1824. Hoag, Charles E. Double life; or, Starr cross, an hypnotic ro- mance. N. Y., 1884. Hoar, Alfred Wyman, anon. Lineage and family records of A. W. Hoar and his wife Josephine Jackson. Delano, 1898. Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood. Closing argument in favor of the con- solidation of the Boston & Lowell and Fitchburg railroads. Bost., 1873. Hoar, George Frisbie. Charge against President Grant and Attor- ney-general Hoar. Wore, 1896. E. L. Pierce. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1897. p. 197- 210.) Fam.ous fete. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1898. p. 240- 59.) Function of the American lawyer in the founding of states. N. H., 1881. Government in Canada and the U. S. compared. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1891. p. 178-200.) Popular discontent with representative government. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1896. v. 7; p. 19-43.) President Garfield's New England ancestry. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 386-97.) 638 AUTHOR LIST. Hoar, George Frisbie. Rufus Putnam, founder and father of Ohio. (In Sons of the Revolution in Mass. Register. 1899. p. 79-98.) Samuel Hoar. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Mem. biog. 1883. V. 3; p. 105-25.) Speech at the ratification meeting in Music Hall, Boston, Oct. 15, 1889. n. p. 1889. Hoar & Mead, pub. Nashua and Nashville directory. 1843. Hoare, Rev. G. T. Notes on North Italy and the seat of war in 1859. Lond., i860. Hobart, Lord. See Hampden, Vere Henry Hobart-, Lord Hobart. Hobart, Aaron. Historical sketch of Abington, Plymouth county, Mass. Bost, 1839. Hobart, Benjamin. History of the town of Abington. Bost., 1866. Hobart, Rev. John. Continuous mental development. Cone, 1851. Hobart, John Henry, hp. High churchman vindicated; in a fourth charge to the clergv of the P. E. church in the state of New York, 1826. N. Y., f837. Pastoral letter addressed to the clergy and laity of the P. E. church in the state of New York. N. Y., 1829. {Bound with White, William, hp. Sermon. 1833.) Hobart L. Smith, anon. Origin of Chicago theological seminary. Springf., 1884. Hobart college. Catalogue for the academic year 1881-2, '90-8, '99- 1901. V. 57, 66-73, 75-7- Geneva, 1882-1901. See also Euglossian society of Geneva college. Hobart free college. See Hobart college. Hobbs, B. C. Geological survey of Parke county, Ind. Indian- apolis, 1872. Hobbs, William Herbert. Contributions from the petrographical laboratory of the Harvard university museum. {In Harvard Univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1888. v. 16; p. 1-12.) Contributions to the mineralogy of Wisconsin. {In Wis.: Univ. Bulletin. Sci. ser. 1896. v. i, no. 4; p. 109-56.) Ueber den volcanit, ein anorthoklas-augitgestein von der chemischen zusammensetzung der dacite. n. p. i893(?) Ueber die verwachsung von allinit (orthit) und epidot in ges- teinen. Wein, n. d. Hobby, William. Exposition of a part of the frauds, corruptions, and improprieties committed in the pay department of the army of the United States since the year 1816. Ed. 2. Wash., 1830. Hoblyn, Richard D. Dictionary of terms used in medicine and the collateral sciences; a new Amer. ed. rev. by Isaac Hays. Phil., 1856. Hobson, Rev. Benjamin Lewis. Task of the apologetic of today; inaugural address, McCormick theological seminary. Chic, 1895. Hobson, Mrs. E. C, and Hopkins, Mrs. C. E. Report concerning the colored women of the South. {In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1896. no. 9.) Hobson, John Atkinson, ed. Co-operative labour upon the land (and other papers). Lond., 1895. (Social sci. ser.) Problem of the unemployed; an enquiry and an economic policy. Lond., 1896. (Social question of today.) Hochdorfer, Richard. Study and teaching of modern languages. {In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1893. v. 24; p. 34-46.) Hocken, Edward Octavius. Treatise on amaurosis and amaurotic affections. Phil., 1842. ^ (Amer. med. library.) Hodgdon, Thomas Manning. Report of the class of '84, Dart- mouth college; 1884-7. v. 1-2. Hartf., 1886-7. Hodge, Clifton Fremont. Nature study leaflet; biology series, no. 1-2. Wore, 1898-9. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 639 Hodge, Frederick Webb, comp. United States: Ethnology, bureau of. List of the publications. 1894. Hodge, H. D., and Putnam, J. M. Comprehensive grammar; or, Analysis of the English language. 1848. Hodge, Hugh Lenox, M. D. 1796-1873. On diseases peculiar to women, including displacements of the uterus. Phil., i860. Principles and practice of obstetrics. Phil., 1864. Phil., 1866. Hodge, James T. Report to the trustees of the Montreal river mining company, n. p. i84.7(?) Report to the Union Pacific railroad company on the geology of its proposed routes. N. Y., 1864. Hodges, Almon Danforth. Genealogical record of the Hodges family of New England. Ed. 3. Bost., 1896. Henry Andrews of Taunton and the Calves' pasture. Bost., 1898. John Gallop of Taunton, Mass. n. p. i90o(?) Notes concerning Roger Williams. Bost., 1899. Hodges, Rev. Alpheus. Yale graduates in western Massachusetts. (In New Haven colony hist. soc. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 253- 98.) Hodges, Rev. Charles E. Disunion our wisdom and our duty. N. Y. n. d. (In Amer. anti-slavery soc. Anti-slavery tracts, no. II.) Hodges, Faustina Hasse. Edward Hodges. N. Y., 1896. Hodges, George, D. D. Christian socialism and the social union. Bost., 1896. (Church social union. Pub. no. 30.) Hodges, Lieut. Harry F. Notes on mitering lock gates. Wash., 1892. (U. S. : Engineers, office of the chief of. Professional papers, no. 26.) Hodges, Rev. R. M. Ministry of pain; a sermon commemorative of Rev. E. Q. Sewall. Bost, 1866. Hodges, Richard Manning, M. D. Excision of joints. Bost., 1861. Modern surgery; read June 2, 1868. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. V. 2; p. 251-62.) Hodges, William. Travels in India during the years 1780, 1781, 1782, and 1783. Lond., 1793. Hodgins, John George. Hints and suggestions on school architec- ture and hygiene with plans and illustrations. Toronto, 1886. Special report to the Minister of education on the Ontario educational exhibit and the educational features of the Interna- tional exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876. Toronto, 1877. ed. Ryerson, Adolphus Egerton, D. D. Story of my life. 1884. Hodgkin, M. D., tr. Edwards, William Frederic, M. D. On the influence of physical ag.ents on life. 1838. (Bound with Evanson, Richard Touson, M. D., and Maunsell, Henry, M. D. Practical treatise. 1838.) Hodgkin, Frank E., and Galvin, J. J. Pen pictures of representa- tive men of Oregon. Portl., 1882. Hodgkins, Howard Lincoln, comp. Historical catalogue of the offi- cers and graduates of the Columbian university, 1821-91. Wash., 1891. Hodgkins, Thomas, M. D. Lectures on the morbid anatomy of the serous and mucous membranes, v. i. Phil., 1838. (Amer. med. library.) Hodgmsm, Rev. Edwin R. History of the town of Westford, Mass., 1659-1883. Lowell, 1883. Hodgman, F. August 17, 1755; a tale of the early settlement of New Hampshire, n. p. n. d. Hodgson, Frances. See Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). 640 AUTHOR LIST. Hodgson, William B. Grammatical sketch and specimens of the Berber language. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1834. V. 4; p. 1-48.) Hoeck, F. P., pub. Mexico city guide, 1894. Mexico, 1894. Hoeing, Charles. Codex dunelmensis of Terence. {In Amer. jour. of archaeology. 1900. ser. 2. v. 4; p. 310-38.) Hoey, Mrs. Cashel, tr. Remusat, Claire Elizabeth Jeanne Gravier de Vergennes, comtesse de. Memoirs of Madame de Remusat. 1880. Hoff, William Bainbridge-. Examples, conclusions, and maxims of modern naval tactics. Wash., 1884. Hoflman, Charles Fenno. Administration of Jacob Leisler. {In Sparks, Jared, ed. Lib. of Amer. biog. 1844. ser. 2. v. 3; p. 179-238.) Pioneers of New York. N. Y., 1848. {Bound with Davis, A. Discovery of N. E., 1845.) Hoffman, Frederick Ludwig. History of the Prudential insurance company of America, 1875-1900. n. p. 1900. Negro in the West Indies. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1895. V. 4. no. 30; p. 181-200.) ■ Portuguese population in the United States. {In Amer. sta- tistical assoc. Pub. 1898. V. 6, no. 47; p. 327-2,6.) Race traits and tendencies of the American Negro, n. p. 1896. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1896. v. 11, no^ 1^3.) Hoffman, Fridericus, M. D. System of the practice of medicine; tr. from the Latin by W. Lewis; rev. by A. Duncan. 2v. Lond., 1783. Hoffman, G. Christian. Catalogue of section one of the museum of the geological survey. Ottawa, 1893. Hoffman, Ralph. Twenty-six common birds, pt. 1-2. Bost., 1899- 1900. Hoffman, Walter James, M. D. Popular superstitions. {In Penn. German soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 5; p. 70-81.) Hoffman Hall, Nashville {Tenn.). Calendar. 1898-9. Nashville, 1899. Hoffman petroleum company. Annual report of the officers. N. Y., 1865. Hoffman, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm. Golden pot. {In Carlyle, Thomas. German romance. 1898. v. 2; p. 23-114.) Hofman, H. O. Gold milling in the Black Hills. Chic, n. d. Hogan, Mrs. Louise E. (Shimer). History and present status of instruction in cooking in the public schools of New York city. Wash., 1899. {In U. S.: Experiment stations, office of. Bulle- tin, no. 56,) Hogan, Peter. Water supply of Albany. {In Albany inst. ' Trans. 1876. V. 8; p. 167-78.) Hogan Company, J. H., puh. Resident directory of Barnstable, Yarmouth, and Dennis, Mass., 1895. Hoge, Moses D., D. D. Success of Christianity, an evidence of its divine origin. {In Lectures on the evidences of Christianity. 1853. p. 215-66.) Holbrook, A. T. Origin of the endocardium in bony fishes. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1894. v. 25; p. 79-97.) Holbrook, Josiah, ed. Scientific tracts, designed for instruction and entertainment. 1831-35. Holbrook, Martin Luther, M. D., ed. Omega, monthly, a radical health magazine, v. 83; no. 5. 1899. Holbrook, Nelson M., and Town, Salem. Progressive fifth; or. Elocutionary reader. 1856. 1864. Progressive fourth reader. 1857. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 641 Holbrook, Nelson M., and Town, Salem. Progressive fourth reader. 1864. 1857. Progressive second reader. 1856. Progressive speller. 1859. 1859. • ' Progressive third reader. 1857. 1866. Progressive intermediate reader. 1864. Holbrook, George R., & Co., pud. New England railroad guide. 1850. Holcomb, Silas Alexander. Message to the 20th session of the legislature of Nebraska, 1897. n. p. n, d. Holcomb, William Penn. Pennsylvania boroughs. Bait., 1886. (Ill Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1886. v. 4, no. 4.) Holcombe, William H., M. D. Our children in Heaven. Phil., 1868. Holden, David. Diary kept during the latter part of the French and Indian war, Feb. 20-Nov. 29, 1760. (In Green, S. A. Three military diaries. 1901. p. 41-74.) Journal, with notes by S. A. Green. Camb., 1889. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1889. v. 24; p. 387-409.) Holden, Edgar, M. D. "Sassacus" and the "Albemarle." (In Loyal legion of U. S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. V. i; p. 96-107.) Holden, Edward Singleton. Art of life, address to the graduating class, 1887, June 29. n. p. 1887. Astronomical observations made with the great telescope of the Lick observatory since June, 1888. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. v. 38; p. 80-110.) Brief account of the Lick observatory of the University of California. Ed. 2. Sacram,, 1895. Catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific coast, 1769 to 1897. Wash., 1898. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1898. v. 37.) Earthquakes in California in 1890 and 1891. Wash., 1892. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1892. no. 95.) Inaugural address. (In Cal. : Univ. Addresses of J. S. Hager and of Pres. E. S. Holden. 1886. p. 6-1 1.) comp. Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulae and clusters. Wash., 1877. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. V. 14.) Investigation of the objective and micrometers of the twenty- six inch equatorial constructed by Alvah Clark & Sons. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observations. 1877. appx. i.) comp. List of recorded earthquakes in California, Lower Cali- fornia, Oregon, and Washington territory. Sacram., 1887. Monograph of the central parts of the nebula of Orion. (In U. S. : Naval observatory. Observations. 1878. appx. i.) Mountain observations in America and Europe. Wash., 1896. (hi Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1898. v. 37.) Multiple star 5 748. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Observa- tions. 1877. appx. 2.) On some of the consequences of the hypothesis that the in- trinsic brilliancy of the fixed stars is the same for each star. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 137-51.) Subject-index to the publications of the United States naval observatory, 1845-1875. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Obser- vations. 1876. pt. 2. appx. I.) Holden, Nathaniel Jay, Howard, Joseph Piatt, and others, anon. Abraham Howard of Marblehead and his descendants. 1897. Holden*s dollar magazine; pub. weekly, v. 3-4. N. Y., 1849. 41 642 AUTHOR LIST. Holder, Charles Frederick. Charles Darwin, his life and work. N. Y., 1891. Holder, R. H. Birds of Illinois. (In 111. natural hist. soc. Trans. 1861. V. i; p. 77-85.) Taxidermy. (In 111. natural hist. soc. Trans. 1861. v. i; P- 69-75.) Holderness (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year 1863, '64, '75, '80-3, '85, '87, '91-1902. Plymouth, 1863-1902. Holderness school for boys, Plymouth (AT. //.). Catalogue, 1879- 1901. Cone, 1879-1901. Holdich, Rev. Joseph. True greatness; a discourse on the charac- ter of Rev. Willbur Fisk. Middletown, 1839. Holgate, Thomas F., tr. Reye, Theodor. Lectures on the geom- etry of position. 1898. Holland, Elihu G. Memoir of Rev. Joseph Badger. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1854. Holland, Henry, bart., D. D. Medical notes and reflections. Phil., 1839. from the 3d Lond. ed. Phil., 1857. Phil., 1839. {Bound with McCartney, James, M. D. Trea- tise on inflammation. 1840.) Holland, Josiah Gilbert, M. D. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. Springf., 1865. History of western Massachusetts; the counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. 2v. Springf., 1855. Kathrina; her life and mine in a poem. Ed. 20. N. Y., 1867. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Springf., 1866. Miss Gilbert's career. N. Y., 1893. Holland, Mary A. Gardner, comp. Our army nurses. Bost., 1897. Holland, Rev. Robert A. Church of the world. Camb., 1895. (Church social union. Pub. ser. A. no. i.) Holland, Samuel. Topographical map of the state of New Hamp- shire. Lond., 1784. {In Hitchcock, C. H. Atlas accompanying the report on the geology of N. H. 1878.) Holland, William J., D. D. Butterfly book; a popular guide to a knowledge of the butterflies of North America. N. Y., 1900. List of the lepidoptera collected in eastern Africa. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 229-73.) 1894. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 741-67.) Holland, William M. Address before the Hartford county peace society. May, 1831. Hartf., 1831. Holland society of New York. Collections, v. i, 3. N. Y., 1891-6. Constitution, by-laws, officers, and members, April, 1894. N. Y., 1894. Year book, 1886-1900. N. Y., 1887-1900. Hollander, Jacob Harry. Cincinnati southern railway; a study in municipal activity; memorial of L. S. Merriam. Bait., 1894. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1894. v. 12, no. 1-2.) Civil status of the Jews in Maryland, 1634-1776. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. pub. 1893. v. 2; p. 33-44.) Documents relating to the attempted departure of the Jews from Surinam in 1675. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1897. V. 6; p. 9-29.) Naturalization of Jews in the American colonies under the act of 1740. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 5; p. 103-17.) Some unpublished material relating to Dr. Jacob Lumbroso of Maryland. {In Amer, Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1892. v. i; p. 25-39.) ed. Studies in state taxation with particular reference to the Southern states. Bait., 1900. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1900. v. 18, no. 1-4.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRABY. 643 Hollander, Jacob Henry, ed. Ricardo, David. Letters of David Ricardo to J. R. McCulloch. 1895- Holley, Orville Luther, ed. New York state register. 1845-6. Hollick, Arthur, ed. Newberry, John Strong, M. D. Flora of the Amboy clays. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1895. V. 26.) Hollick, Frederick, M. D. Male generative organs, in health and disease. N. Y., 1849. Hollis, Ira N. Manual training high school in its relation to preparation for college. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lec- tures. 1896. p. 239-50.) Hollis (N. H.)' Proceedings of Minute-men's day, Hollis, N. H., 1898. Cone, 1899. Reports of the auditors, overseers of the poor, and the super- intending school committee for the year ending March, 1848, '52, '53, '55, '56, '59-1902. Hollis, 1848-1902. Valuation of the real estate, 1897. Hollis, 1898. : Superintending school committee. Report for the year ending March, 185 1, '65, '67, '69. Nashua, 1851-69. Hollis (N. H.) Congregational church. Address of the church in Hollis to the churches of the late ex-parte council, convened at Hollis, Sept. 29, 1812. Amh., 1812. Brief history of the Congregational church in Hollis, N. H., April 20, 1893. Bristol, 1893. Doctrines of faith and form of covenant. Amh., 1805. Confession of faith and the covenant. Amh., 1831. Manual, Nashua, 1871. n. p. 1888. Hollis young people's society of Christian endeavor. Constitution and by-laws. Bristdl, 1893. Hollister, A. G., and Green, Calvin. Pearly gate of the true life and doctrine for believers in Christ. Mt. Lebanon, 1894. Hollister, Gideon Hiram. History of Connecticut from the first settlement of the colony to the adoption of the present consti- tution. 2v. N. H., 1855. Hollister, Hiel. Pawlet for one hundred years. Alb., 1867. Hollister, Ovando J. Life of Schuyler Colfax. N. Y., 1887. Resources and attractions of Utah. Salt Lake city, 1882. Holloway, J. N. History of Kansas from the first exploration of the Mississippi valley to its admission into the Union. Lafay- ette, 1868. Holloway, W. R. Bad record; Hendricks as a public man. Bost., 1884. HoUrung, Max. Nebraska and the beet sugar industry, n. p. n. d. (In Neb.: Agric. exper. sta. Bulletin, no. 38.) HoUs, George Frederick William. Peace conference at the Hague and its bearings on international law and policy. N. Y., 1900. Holm, Theodor. Notes on the leaves of Liriodendron. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1891. v. 13; p. 15-35.) Holm, Thomas Campanius. Extract of a translation of the history of New Sweed Land. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1814. v. 2; p. 343-58.) Short description of the province of New Sweden, now called Pennsylvania; tr. by P. S. Du Ponceau. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1834. v. 3; p. 1-166.) Holmberg, Heinrich Johann. Ethnographische skizzen uber die volker des Russuschen Amerika. Helsingfors, 1855. Holmes, Abiel, D. D. Address before the American antiquarian society, Oct. 24, 1814. Bost., 1814. American annals; or, Chronological history of America. 2v. Camb., 1805. 644 AUTHOR LIST. Holmes, Abiel, D. D. History of Cambridge. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1801. V. 7; p. 1-67.) anon. Memoir and language of the Mohegans. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1804. V. 9; p. 75-99.) Memoir of the French Protestants who settled at Oxford, Mass., 1806, with a sketch of the entire history of the Protes- tants of France. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1830. v. 22; p. i- 83.) Holmes, Abraham. Description of Rochester. (In Mass. hist, soc. Coll. 1823. V. 20; p. 29-39.) Holmes, Alexander, anon. Deplorable state of New England by reason of a covetous and treacherous governour and pusillani- mous counsellors. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1879. v. 46; p. 97-131-) Holmes, Ezekiel. Report of an expedition and survey of the ter- ritory of the Aroostook river during the spring and autumn of 1838. Augusta, 1839. (Bound with Maine: Geologist. Report. V. 1-3.) Holmes, Francis S. Phosphate rocks of South Carolina and the great marl bed. Charleston, 1870. Remains of domestic animals discovered among post-pleio- cene fossils in South Carolina. Charleston, 1858. Southern farmer and market gardener. Charleston, 1852. Holmes, Frank R., and Aldrich, Lewis Cass, ed. History of Wind- sor county, Vermont. 1891. Holmes, George K. Measures of distribution. (In Amer. statisti- cal assoc. Pub. 1893. V. 3, no. 18-19; p. 141-57.) Mortgage statistics. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1890. V. 2, no. 9.) Some characteristics of farm and home proprietors. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1897. v. 5, no. 39; p. 291-309.) and Lord, John S. Report on farms and homes in the United States. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Census, nth. 1890. Report.) Report on real estate mortgages in the United States. Wash., 1895. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report.) Holmes, J. C. Early history of horticulture in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll, 1888. v. 10; p. 69-84.) Michigan state historical society. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1888. V. 12; p. 316750.) Some notes respecting the pioneer newspapers of Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist soc. Coll. 1877. v. i; p. 385-95.) Holmes, James G., ed. Charleston (S. C.) Ladies* memorial associ- ation. Memorials to the memory of Mrs. M. A. Snowdon. 1898. Holmes, John. Letter to the people of Maine. Wash., 1820. Holmes, Joseph Austin. Sketch of W. C. Kerr. n. p. n. d. Holmes, Mary E. Morphology of the carinse upon the septa of rugose corals. Bost., 1887. Holmes, Nathaniel. Geological and geographical distribution of the human race. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. V. 4; P- I-35-) Realistic idealism in philosophy itself. 2v. Bost., 1888. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M. D. Dissertation. (In Mass. med. soc. Lib. of practical med. 1836. v. 7; p. 189-288.) Gambrel-roofed house and its outlook. (In Amer. prose. 188 1. V. 2, p. 24-46.) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Grandmother's story of Bunker-Hill battle. Bost., 1875. Medical profession in Massachusetts. (In Mass. hist. soc. Lectures. 1869. p. 257-301.) Memoir of Jeffries Wyman. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1876. V. 14; p. 4-24.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 645 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, M. D. Memoir of J. L. Motley, (/n Mass. hist. see. Proceed. 1879. v. 16; p. 404-73. Memorial tribute delivered before the Massachusetts histor- ical society, May 10, 1882. {In Emerson, R. W. Essays. 1885. p. 3-11.) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Poems. Lond., 1846. • Receipts to cure various disorders. {In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1862. V. 5; p. 378-99-) Selections from his poetical works. Bost, 1885. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Teaching from the chair and at the bedside. Bost., 1867. ed. Hall, Marshall, M. D. Principles of the theory and prac- tice of medicine. 1839. Holmes, Timothy. System of surgery. Phil., 1882. Note: agent's subscription book. ed. Gray, Henry. Anatomy, descriptive and surgical. 1870. 1878. tr. Wagner, Albrecht, M. D. On the process of repair after resection and extirpation of bones. {In New Sydenham soc. Selected monographs. 1859. v. 5; p. 11 1-245.) Holmes, William Henry. Address; evolution of the aesthetic. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 41; p. 239-56.) Ancient quarry in Indian territory. Wash., 1894. (Smith- sonian inst. Pub.) Archaeological studies among the ancient cities of Mexico. Chic, 1895. (Field Columbian museum. Archaeol. ser. v. i, no. I.) Monoliths of San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico. {In Amer. jour. of archaeology. 1885. v. i ; p. 361-71.) Order of development of the primal shaping arts. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. v. 42; p. 289- 300.) Textile fabrics of ancient Peru. Wash., 1889. (U. S.: Eth- nology, bureau of.) Use of gold and other metals among the ancient inhabitants of Chiriqui, Isthmus of Darien. Wash., 1887. (U. S.: Ethnol- ogy, bureau of.) Holsinger, Maj. Frank. How does one feel under fire? n. p. n. d. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Kans. commandery. War papers, no. 18.) Holsinger, Gerald L. Campaign against Wei-Hai-Wei. n. p. n. d. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : Kans. commandery. War papers.) Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. Constitution and political history of the United States. 8v. Chic, 1881-92. John Brown, ed. by F. P. Stearns. Ed. 2. Bost., 1888. J. C. Calhoun. Ed. 12. Bost., 1888. (Amer. statesmen.) Holt, Rev. Edwin. Equality of the rich and the poor. Ports., 1841. Historical sketch of the North church; a discourse delivered at the re-opening and dedication of the North church in Ports- mouth, Jan. 31, 1838. Ports,, 1838. Holt, Henry H. Centennial history of Muskegon. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1877. v. i; p. 286-301.) Holt, Joseph. Letter upon the policy of the general government. Wash., 1861. Holt, Joseph, M. D. Epitomized review of the principles and prac- tice of maritime sanitation. N. O., 1892. Evil and remedy for the privy system of New Orleans. N. O., 1879. 646 AUTHOR LIST. Holt, Joseph, M. D. Pestilential foreign invasion as a question of states' rights and the constitution. N. O., 1892. Sanitary protection of New Orleans, municipal and maritime. n. p. n. d. Holt, Rev. Peter. Sermon delivered before the governor, council, senate, house of representatives of the state of Nw Hampshire, June 2, 1814. Cone, 1814. (In N. H. election sermons. 1800- 15.) Holt, Thomas Michael. Biennial message to the general assembly, session of 1893. Raleigh, 1893. Holthe, Peter Adam van. Dissertatio juridica. inauguralis de testa- menti factione activa, secundum jus hodiernum. Groningae, 1829. Helton, Edward D., and others. Commercial history of Milwaukee opening of the chamber of commerce, 1858. (In Wis. state hist. soc. Coll. 1859. V. 4; p. 253-89.) Holton, Henry D., M. D. Tribute to the memory of Joseph Draper. Burlington, n. d. Holton, S. H. D. Richard the Redeless. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1896. v. 20; p. 121-54.) Holway, E. W. D., and Arthur, J. C. Descriptions of American uredineae. (In la.: Univ. Bulletin. 1896. v. 4; p. 377-402.) Holy cross. College of. See College of the Holy cross. Holy Trinity (old Swedes) church, Wilmington (Dei). Records, from 1697 to 1773, tr. from the original Swedish by Horace Burr. Wilmington, 1890. (Hist. soc. of Del. Papers. no. 9.) Holyoake, George Jacob. Self-help a hundred years ago, Ed. 3. Lond., 1891. (Social sci. sen no. 18.) Self-help by the people; the history of the Rochdale pioneers. Ed. 10, enl. Lond., 1893. (Social sci. ser. no. 67.) Holyoke, Edward Augustus, M. D. Estimate of the excess of the heat and cold of the American atmosphere beyond the Euro- pean in the same parallel of latitude. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1791. v. 2; p. 65-88.) Holyoke, Samuel, comp. Columbian repository of sacred harmony. Exeter, n. d. Holyoke (Mass.): School committee. Annual report, 1882-3. Hol- yoke, 1884. Homan, George, M. D., ed. Sanitary survey of St. Louis. Cone, 1885. Homans, Benjamin, ed. Bankers' almanac and register, annually. 1867-94- ed. Military and naval magazine of the United States. 1834-5. ed. United States: Navy, dept. of. Laws of the United States in relation to the navy and marine corps. 1843. Homans, Isaac Smith, jr., anon. History of Boston from 1630 to 1856. Bost., 1856. Homans, J. Smith, ed. Bankers' magazine and statistical register. 1850-84. Homans, John, M. D. Pathology and treatment of vaginal cysto- cele. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 229-41.) Three hundred and eighty-four laparotomies for various dis- eases. Bost, 1887. Home, Everard. Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers on the legs; ist Amer. edition. Phil., 1811. Home, Henry, lord Karnes. Abridgment of Elements of criticism; ed. by John Frost. Ed. 3. Phil., 1833. Introduction to the art of thinking; fr. the last Lond. edition. N. Y., 1818. anon. Loose hints upon education, chiefly concerning the cul- ture of the heart. Ed. 2, enl. Edin., 1782. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 647 Home for aged colored women. Annual report of the directors for the year 1897-9. v. 38-40. Bost., 1897-1900. Home for aged men, Boston (Mass.). Annual report, 1862-4, '67-8, '74, '88-9, '92, '95-9, 1901. V. 1-3, 6-7, 13, 27-8, 31, 34-8, 40. Bost., 1862-1901. By-laws with a list of officers, etc. Bost., 1861. Home for aged women, Boston (Mass.). Annual report, 1874, '76, '80, '91-2, '95-9- V. 24, 26, 30, 41-2, 45-9- Bost., 1874-99. Home for little wanderers. Annual report, 1884-1902. v. 13^ 17- 37', V. 38, no. 1-2. Bost., 1880-1902. Home magazine, pub. monthly; ed. by A. T. Vance, v. 9, no. 5-6; V. 10; V. II, no. 1-3; V. 12, no. i. N. Y., 1897-9. Home market bulletin, pub. monthly by the Home market club. V. I, no. 5, 10-12; V. 2, no. 1-3, 5-7, 9, 12; v. 3, no. 1-4, 6-12. v. 4, no. 1-3, 8-12; V. 5-12. Bost., 1889-1900. NoTB: name changed, v. 11, April, 1899, to Protectionist. Home market club. Labor abroad. Bost., 1894. Organization, purpose, methods, by-laws. Bost., 1897. Publications. Bost. n. d. Home mission echoes, pub. monthly by the American Baptist home mission society and the Woman's American Baptist home mis- sion society, 1897-1900. v. 1-4. Bost., 1897-1900. Home missionary, pseud. Three sermons. Clare., 1877. Home missionary, pub. monthly by the American home missionary society, v. 2, no. 10; v. 8, no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 9-10; v. 11, no. i, 5, 6, 8-12; V. 12-73. N. Y., 1830-1900. Note : v. 70, 1897, became quarterly, v. 1-13, title was Home missionary and Amer. pastor's journal, v. 14-15, Home missionary and pastor's journal. Home missionary, pub. monthly by the International tract and missionary society, v. 4. Battle Creek, 1892. Home missions and the Woman's executive committee of the Pres- byterian church, board of. Catalogue of publications of the literature department. N. Y. n. d. Report of superintending of school work for the year 1896. n. p. 1896. Home missions of the Presbyterian church in the United States, board of. Publications, no. 41, 44, 45, 52, 56, 59, 61-3, 65-7, 69, 72. N. Y. n. d. Home reunion leaflets, no. 2-4. n. p. n. d. Homemaje a la memoria del Joso Fermin Meza y Orellana. San Jose, 1895. Homer, James Lloyd. Address before the Massachusetts charit- able association at the celebration of their loth triennial festival, Oct. 6, 1836. Bost., 1836. Notes on the sea-shore; or, Random sketches, by the "Shade of Alden." Bost., 1848. Homer, Rev. Jonathan. Description and history of Newton, in the county of Middlesex. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 5; p. 253-80.) Homerus. Iliad; ed. by J. J. Owen. N. Y., 1869. tr. from the Greek by Alexander Pope. New ed. Lond., 1801. Iliad and Odessey; tr. into English blank verse by William Cowper. 4v. Bost., 1814. Telemachus at Sparta; Odessey, book 4; Vv. 1-619; tr. by the class of 1891, in Beloit college. Beloit, 1887. Homes, Henry Augustus. California and the north-west coast one hundred years since. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 241- 58.) 648 AUTHOR LIST. Homes, Henry Augustus. Correct arms of the state of New York, as established by law since March i6, 1778. Alb., 1880. Notice of Peter Hasenclever, an early iron manufacturer. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1876. v. 8; p. 199-206.) On the correspondence of D. D. Thompkins, 1808-1824, lately acquired by the state, with some notes on his life. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 223-40.) Palatine emigration to England in 1709. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. 106-31.) Pompey (N. Y.) stone with an inscription and date of A. D. 1520. (In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1881. p. 83-95.) Water supply of Constantinople. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1876. V. 8; p. 1-18.) ed. Dearborn, Gen. Henry Alexander Scammell. Account of the manuscripts of Gen. Dearborn as Mass. commissioner in 1838 and 1839, for the sale of the Seneca Indian lands. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 128-36.) tr. Ghazzali, Mohammed. Alchemy of happiness. 1876. Homespun, Priscilla, pseud. Universal receipt book. Ed. 2. Phil., 1818. Homo, Aquae, A. M., pseud. See Waterman, Jotham. Homoeopathic examiner, monthly, v. 3. N. Y., 1844. Note : publication suspended Dec, 1843, to Aug., 1845. t. 5, no. 12, tlie last pub. Homoeopathic hospital college of Cleveland. Annual announce- ment and catalogue; session of 1862-3, '64-5, '68-9. v. 13, 15, 19. Cleve., 1862-8. Homoeopathic hospital of Philadelphia. Report of the board of managers, 1876. Phil., 1876. Homoeopathic medical college of Pennsylvania. Annual announce- ment, 1853-5, '57-8, '61-9. V. 6-7, 10, 14-21. Phil., 1853-68. Charter, by-laws, etc. Phil., 1865. Constitution. Phil., 1850. Homoeopathic medical society of the county of Philadelphia. Fee bill for the use of homoeopathic physicians. Phil. n. d. Homoeopathic medical society of the state of New York. Transac- tions for the year 1863-75, '78-9, '84-6, '88-1901. v. 1-12, 14-15, 19-21, 22, pt. 2; V. 23-36. Alb., 1863-1901. Note : v. 22 contains index to v. 12-21, inclusive. Homoeopathic yellow fever commission. Special report ordered by the Amer. institute of homoeopathy for presentation to con- gress. N. O., 1879. Hone, Philip. Diary, 1828-51; ed. by Bayard Tuckerman. 2v. N. Y., 1889. Hone, William, ed. Bible: Apocrypha. Apocryphal New Testament. 1821. Honestus, pseud. Revivals of religion considered as a means of grace. Ithaca, 1827. Honeyman, Rev. David. Giants and pigmies (geological). Hali- fax, 1887. Honor, American legion of. See American legion of honor. Hood, James Walker, bp. One hundred years of the African Meth- odist Episcopal Zion church; or, The centennial of African Methodism. N. Y., 1895. Hood, Lt.-gen. John Bell. Advance and retreat, personal experi- ences in the United States and Confederate state armies. N. O., 1880. Hoogewerff, J. A. Magnetic observations at the United States naval observatory, 1888-91. (In U. S.: Naval observatory. Ob- servations. 1886, appx. i; loop, pi.; 1887, appx. 2, 99p; 1888, appx. 2, unp.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 649 Hock, Walter Farquhar, D. D. Call to union of principles of the English reformation; fr. the 4th Lond. edition. N. Y., 1839. (Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Three reformations, Lutheran, Roman, Anglican. Buffalo, 1850. {Bmnd with H., C. Review. 1845.) Hook and ladder company, No. i. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1866. Manch., 1873. Hooker, Edward. Diary; 1805-8. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8; pt. i; p. 842-929.) Hooker, Edward W., D. D. Memorial of Rev. Elias Hooker. Nashua, 1875. Hooker, Rev. Edward William. Music as a part of female educa- ' tion. Bost, 1843. Hooker, Henrietta Edgecomb. Mount Holyoke college, n. p. n. d. Hooker, Rev. Richard. Works of that learned and judicious divine, Richard Hooker; with an account of his life and death by Isaac Walton; arranged by Rev. John Keble; ist Amer. fr. the last Oxford ed. 2v. N. Y., 1845- Hooker, Rev. Thomas. Letter in reply to Governor Winthrop, 1638. {In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. i860, v. i; p. 1-19.) Way of the churches of New England. {In Old South leaf- lets, 1897. V. 3, no. 55.) Hooker, Worthington, M. D. Homoeopathy, an examination of its doctrines and evidences. N. Y., 1852. (R. L med. soc. Fiske fund prize dissertation.) ■ Physician and patient; or, A practical view of the mutual duties, relations, and interests of the medical profession and the community. N. Y., 1849. Prize essay; rational therapeutics. {In Mass. med. soc. Pub. i860. V. i; p. 149-218.) Hooksett (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year 1856, '63, '70, '72, '81-5, '^7, '89-1902. Manch., 1856-1902. Hooper, Arthur. History of Bridgewater in the Rebellion. Bost, 1880. Hooper, Capt. C. L. Arctic ice notes. San Fran., 1883. Report of the cruise of the U. S. revenue steamer Thomas Corwin in the Arctic ocean, 1881. Wash., 1884. Report on the sea-otter banks of Alaska. Wash., 1897. Hooper, John. Letters to Bullinger. {In Old South leaflets. 1897. V. 3, no. 58.) Hooper, Robert, M. D. Examinations in anatomy, physiology, practice of physic, surgery, chemistry, obstetrics, materia med- ica, pharmacy, and poisons. N. Y., 1835. Lexicon medicum; or, Medical dictionary, ed. by Samuel Akerly; 13th Amer. fr. the last Lond. edition. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1845. i6th Amer. fr. the last Lond. edition. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1847. 2v. in I. N. Y., 1854. Hooper, Samuel. Defence of the merchants of Boston against aspersions of J. Z. Goodrich. Bost., 1866. {Bound with U. S.: House of representatives: Public expenditures, committee on. Frauds on the revenue report. 1867.) Hooper, William, D. D. Fifty years since; an address before the alumni association of the university of North Carolina, June i, 1859. Ed. 2. Chapel Hill, 1861. tr. Hclvetius, Claude Adrien. Treatise on man. 1777. Hoosac valley agricultural society. Annual report, transactions lor 1865, '67, '70-9, '83, '85, '87-96, '98-1900. V. 6, 8, 11-20, 24, 26, 28-40. North Adams, 1866-1900. 650 AUTHOR LIST. Hoose, James H. Vindication of the common school, free high school, and normal school systems of education as they exist in the state of New York. N. Y., 1877. Hoosick Falls board of trade. Resources and attractions of Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Glens Falls, 1890. Hope, James, M. D. Treatise on the diseases of the heart and great vessels; ist Amer. ed. fr. the 3d Lond. ed. with notes by C. W. Pennock. Phil., 1842. Hope, Owen O. Cold facts about California. Bost., 189-. Hope college. Catalogue of the officers and students; 1895-6. Holland, 1896. Hopewell (Penn.) United reformed and Lutheran church. Church register. (In Penn. -German soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 8; p. 155- 96.) Hopkins, A. D. Preliminary report on the insect enemies of for- ests in the Northwest Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 21.) Hopkins, Rev. A. J. History of the Dunbarton Baptist church. n. p. 1878. Hopkins, Mrs. C. E., and Hobson, Mrs. E. C. Report concerning the colored women of the South. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1896. no. 9.) Hopkins, Capt. Charles A. March to the sea. Prov., 1885. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1885. V. 3.) Hopkins, Charles Wyman. Home lots of the early settlers of the Providence plantations. Prov., 1886. Hopkins, F. V., and Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar. Reclamation of the alluvial basin of the Mississippi river, reports upon the specimens obtained from borings made in 1874. 1878. Hopkins, George H. J. J. Bagley. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. V. 5; p. 191-205.) Hopkins, Henry, D. D. Christianity an embodiment of the life of Christ. Bost, 1888. (In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Municipal condition of Kansas City. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 233-48.) Hopkins, John Henry, bp. Address delivered before the House of convocation of Trinity college, July 26, 1854. Hartf., 1854. Bible view of slavery, n. p. n. d. Defect of the principle of religious authority in modern edu- cation. (In Amer. inst of instruction. Lectures. 1850. p. 1-26.) Episcopal government, a sermon preached at the consecration of the Rev. Alonzo Potter. Phil., 1845. Historical evidences of Christianity. (In Lectures on the evi- dences of Christianity. 1855. p. 365-83.) Humble but earnest address to the bishops, clergy, and laity of the R E. church in the U. S. N. Y., 1846. (In his Letter, 1842.) Letter to the Rt. Rev. Francis P. Kenrick in answer to his letter on Christian union. Burlington, 1842. Pastoral letter, addresses by the bishop of the P. E. church in the state of Vermont to the people of his diocese on the sub- ject of his correspondence with the Rev. W. H. Hoit Burling- ton, 1846. (In his Letter. 1842.) Scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historical view of slavery. N. Y., 1864. Second letter to F. P. Kenrick. Burlington, 1843. (In his Letter. 1842.) To the Rev. Samuel Seabury, editor of the Churchman. n. p. n. d. (In his Letter. 1842.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 651 Hopkins, John Henry, bp. Two discourses on the second advent of the Redeemer, with special reference to the year 1843. Bur- lington, 1843. (In his Letter. 1842.) Unity of the church consistent with the divisions of party. N. Y., 1847. (Bound with White, William, bp. Sermon. 1833.) Hopkins, Louisa Parson. Educational psychology. Bost., 1886. Hopkins, Mark, D. D. Address. (In Soc. of alumni of Williams college. Addresses delivered at the celebration of the semi-cen- tennial anniversary, Aug. 16, 1843. p. 11-49.) Address delivered May 26, 1852, before the Society for the promotion of collegiate and theological education at the West. Bost., 1852. Burdens to be cast upon the Lord; a sermon before the A. B. C. F. M., Sept., 1845.* Bost, 1845. Central principle; oration before the New England society of New York, Dec. 22, 1853.. N. Y., 1854- Discourse commemorative of Amos Lawrence. Bost., 1853. Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. E. D. Griffin. Troy, 1837. (Bound with White, William, bp. Sermon, 1833.) Lectures on moral science delivered before the Lowell insti- tute, Boston. Bost., 1862. Outline study of man. N. Y., 1873. Sabbath and free institutions. N. Y., 1863. Science and religion. Alb., 1856. Sermon at dedication of the Memorial church at Hampton, Va. Hampton, 1886. (Die) sonntagsfeier und die burgerliche freiheit. N. Y. n. d. Hopkins, Rev. Samuel. Puritans; or, The church, court, and par- liment of England during the reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth. 3v. Bost., 1859. Hopkins, Samuel Miles. Sketch of his public and private life, with reminiscences by his children, and a genealogy of the Hop- kins family. Rochester, 1898. (Rochester hist. soc. no. 2.) Hopkins, Stephen. Planting and growth of Providence. (In R. I. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 7; p. 15-65.) True representation of the plan formed at Albany in 1754 for uniting all the British northern colonies. Prov., 1880. (R. L hist, tracts, no. 9.) Note : for additions and index see no. 20 of the series. Hopkins, Thomas Cramer. Geology in the colleges and universi- ties of the United States. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1893-4. V. I. 1896. p. 819-76.) Hopkins, William. Elements of trigonometry. Lond., 1833. (Library of useful knowledge.) Hopkins, William Rowland. Street railway problem in Cleveland. (In Economic studies. 1896. v. i; p. 283-374.) Hopkins, Woolsey, M. D., ed. Dawbarn, Robert H. M., M. D. Aid to materia medica. 1894. Hopkinson, Francis. Miscellaneous essays and occasional writ- ings. 3v. Phil., 1792. Hopkinson, John P., M. D., and Pancoast, Joseph, M. D. On the visceral anatomy of the python, described by Daudin as the boa reticulata. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1837. v. 5, p. I2T-34.) Hopkinson, Thomas. Argument on behalf of the petition of H. P. Wakefield and others for a railroad from Salem to Lowell before the Mass. legislature, 1848. Bost., 1848. Hopkinton (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and other officers for the year 1842, '46, '55-6, '58-9, '66, '68-9, '71, '73-7, '79, '81-6, '88-1902. Concord, 1842-1902. : Free public library. Catalogue. Cone, 1872. 652 AUTHOR LIST. Hopkinton (N. H.): Free public library. Catalogue. Cone, 1896. : Superintending school committee. Report for the year ending March, 1844, '68. Cone, 1844-68. Hopkinton academy, Hopkinton (N. H.). Catalogue, 1827-30, '32, '34-5, '52-3- Cone, 1827-53. Hopkinton (N. H.) First Congregational church. Manual, 1876. Cone, 1876. Articles of faith and covenant, with a list of the pastors and all those who have been received as members. Cone, 1836. Hopper, Maj. George C. Battle of Groveton, or Second Bull Run. Detroit, 1893. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i, no. 21.) Hoppin, Augustus, illustrator. Jubilee days, an illustrated daily record of the humerous features of th« World's peace jubilee. 1872. Hoppin, Joseph Clark. Three Argive lekythi in the Museum of fine arts in Boston. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1900. ser. 2, V. 4; p. 44I-57-) and Waldstein, Charles. Terra cotta reliefs from the Argive Heraeum. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1898. ser. 2. v. 2; p. 173-86.) Hoppin, Nicholas, D. D. Anniversary sermon preached in Christ church, Cambridge, Mass., i860. Bost, 1861. • Eucharistic teaching of St. Augustine. Utica, 1880. Hoppin, William Warner. Peace conference of 1861, at Washing- ton, D. C. Prov., 1891. Hoppus, John, anon. Continent in 1835, sketches in Belgium, Ger- many, Switzerland, Savoy, and France. N. Y., 1837. Hopson, Rev. George B. Beneficiary education of young men for the ministry. N. Y., 1886. Horace. See Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Horace Mann school. Circular, 1899-1900. N. Y., 1899. Courses. N. Y. n. d. See also Macy manual training high school. Horae scholasticse, pub. monthly by the boys of St. Paul's school. V. I, no. I, 4, 6; v. 2, no. i; v. 3, no. 2; v. 4, no. i; v. 5, no. 6; v. 6, no. 2-4, 6; V. 7, no. 3-6; v. 8, no. 4-9; v 9, no. i, 2, 4, 5, 9; v. 10, no. I, 2)-7'> V. II, no. 1-6; v. 12, no. 1-9; v. 13, no. 1-3, 5-9; v. 14, no. 1-9; V. 15, no. i-io; v. 16, no. i-io; v. 17, no. 1-4; v. 18; v. 19, no. 2-10; V. 20-3; V. 24, no. 1-6, 8-10; y. 25, no. i, 3-10; v. 26; V. 27, no. 3, 4, 6-10; V. 28; V. 29, no. 1-6, 9, 10; v. 30-4. Cone, 1 860- 1 900. Horatio Seymour, war record of a peace Democrat. Wash. n. d. Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Carmina, expurgata, cum notis Jos. Juventii et aliorum. Cantabrigiae, 1806. ■ CEuvres en Latin et en Frangois, avec des remarques critiques et en historiques par M. Dacier. iv. Amsterdam, 1727- Poetical translation of the works of Horace, with the origi- nal text, by Philip Francis. Ed. 8. 4V. Lond., 1778. Hord, Rev. Arnold Harris. Genealogy of the Hord family. Phil., 1898. Hordynski, Joseph. History of the late Polish revolution and the events of the campaign. Ed. 2. Bost., 1833. Horeau, C. E., pub. Corvisart, J. N. Essay on the organic dis- eases and lesions of the heart and great vessels. 1812. Horn, George Henry, M. D. Revision of the tenebrionidae of America, north of Mexico. {In Amer. phil. soe Trans. New ser. 1871. V. 14; p. 253-404.) , ., , • and Gabb, William More. Monograph of the fossil polyzoa of the secondary and tertiary formations of North America, n. p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 653 Horn, George Henry, M. D., and Leconte, John Lawrence, M. D. Classification of the coleoptera of North America. {In Smith- sonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. v. 26.) Hornaday, William Temple. On the species of Bornean orangs. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 438-54.) Hornbrooke, Rev. Francis Bickford. Christianity permanent. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 55.) Unitarianism and modern literature. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Unitarianism. 1895. p. 245-71.) Home, George, hp. Doctrine of the Trinity, stated and defended. N. Y., 1831. Home, Thomas Hartwell. Folly of Deism; or. Common sense in being a Christian. Bait., 1842. Introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures; new ed. fr. the 8th Lond. edition. 2y. N. Y., 1844. Horner, G. R. B., M. D. Medical and topographical observations upon the Mediterranean. Phil., 1839. {Bound with Hunter, John. Treatise. 1839.) Horner, Leonard. Address delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Geological society of London. Lond., 1846. Horner, William Edmonds, M. D. Treatise on special and general anatomy. Ed. 2. rev. 2v. Phil, 1830. Ed. 4, rev. 2v. Phil., 1836. and Hays, Isaac, M. D. Description of an entire head and various other bones of the mastodon. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1843. v. 8; p. 37-59.) ed. Wistar, Caspar, M. D. System of anatomy. 1825. Horr, Norton Townsnend, comp. Bibliography of card-games and of the history of playing-cards. Cleve., 1892. Horrocks, Mrs. George, tr. Menzel, Wolfgang. Germany from the earliest period. 1899. Horry, Brig.-gen. Peter, and Weems, Mason Locke. Life of Gen. Francis Marion. Phil., 1845. Horsch, Carl H., M. D. Some facts and theories regarding medi- cines. Dover, 1888. Horsford, Eben Norton. Analysis of grains and vegetables, dis- tinguishing the nitrogenous from the non-nitrogenous ingre- dients. Bost., 1846. Discovery of America by Northmen, address at the unveiling of the statue of Leif Eriksen, Oct. 29, 1887. Bost., 1888. On the permeability of metals to mercury. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; p. 48-62.) On the solidification of the coral reefs of Florida. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 122-46.) Solidification of the coral reefs of Florida and source of lime in the growth of corals. Bost., 1853. Horticultural register and gardener's magazine, monthly, v. 1-2. Bost, 1835-6. Horticulturist and journal of rural art and rural taste, monthly, v. i; V. 3, no. i-ii; v. 6-12. v. p. 1846-57.) . Note: in 1876 united with the Gardener's monthly and continued as the Garde- ner's monthly and horticulturist. Horton, Albert Howell. Supreme court of Kansas. {In Bell, Clark, Supreme court of the states and provinces of N. A. 1892. V. i; p. 37-52.) Horton, Rev. Edward Augustus. Beginning of Christianity for intermediate classes. Ed. 4. Bost., 1897. Discourse delivered to the First parish in Hingham on the 200th anniversary of the opening of its meeting-house for public worship. Hingham, 1882. Great thoughts of Israel for intermediate classes. Bost, 1897. Noble lives and noble deeds. Bost., 1897. 654 AUTHOB LIST. Horton, Rev. Edward Augustus. Our martyred president; lessons from the life of J. A, Garfield, n, p. n. d. Scenes in the life of Jesus for intermediate classes. Ed. 7. Bost., 1897. Story of Israel for intermediate classes. Ed. 2. Bost., 1897. Teaching of Jesus for intermediate classes. Ed. 5. Bost, 1897. Unitarianism; does it accept the personality of Christ? Bost, 1889. Horton, Mary Louisa. Poetical and prose compositions. Salem, 1832. Horton, Rushmore G. Life and public services of James Buchanan. N. Y., 1856. Horton, Sanford J., D. D. (The) spring of the waters, anniversary discourse delivered in St. Peter's church, Cheshire, 1876. N. H., 1877. Horton, Samuel Dana. Historical material for and contributions to the study of monetary policy, (/n International monetary conference, Paris, 1878. Proceed. 1879. P- 235-878.) {In International monetary conference, Paris, 1878. Pro- ceed. 1879. p. 235-878.) Hosack, Alexander Eddy, M. D. Memoir upon staphyloraphy. N. Y., 1833. Hosack, David, M. D. Biographical memoir of Hugh Williamson. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1821. v. 3; p. 125-79.) Essays on various subjects of medical science. 2v. N. Y., 1824. Hortus Elginensis; or, A catalogue of plants cultivated in the Elgin botanical garden. Ed. 2, enl. N. Y., 181 1. Inaugural address, Feb., 1820. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1821. V. 3; p. 268-80.) ed. Thomas, Robert, M. D. Modern practice of physics. 1815. 1817. Hosack, John, M. D., ed. American medical and philosophical reg- ister. 1811-14. Hosea, Capt. Lewis M. Campaign of Selma. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 77-106.) Hosebonderie. {In Walter of Henley. Husbandry. 1890. p. 59- 81.) Hoskins, Nathan. History of the state of Vermont from its dis- covery and settlement to the close of the year 1830. Vergennes, 1831. Hosmer, F. A. How to teach geography. Great Barrington, n. d. Hosmer, Rev. Frederick Lucien. Faithful minister, a discourse commemorative of Joseph Allen, Mar. 9, 1873. Quincy, 1873. Hosmer, George L. Historical sketch of the town of Deer Isle, Me. Bost, 1886. Hosmer, George Washington, D. D. Memorial address; O. G. Steele. {In Buflalo hist. soc. Pub. 1880. v. 2; p. 145-56.) Report of delegates from the General aid society for the army to visit the government hospitals and the agencies of the U. S. sanitary commission. Buffalo, 1862. Hosmer, J. H. Biographical sketch of H. L. Hosmer, first chief justice of the territory of Montana. {In Hist, soc of Mont Contrib. 1900. v. 3; p. 288-99.) Hosmer, James Kendall. Samuel Adams. Ed. 6. Bost., 1887. (American statesman.) Samuel Adams; the man of the town meeting. Bait., 1884. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1884. v. 2; no. 4.) Story of the Jews, ancient, mediaeval, and modern. N. Y., 1887. (Story of the nations.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAEY. 655 Hospital association of Concord (N. H.). See Margaret Pillsbury general hospital. Concord {N. H.). Hospital college of medicine. Annual announcement, 1895, '96-7. V. 21, 23. Louisville, 1895-6. Hospital cottages for children. Annual report of the corporation. V. 4, 6-8, 10-19. Fitchburg, 1886- 1901. Hospital for women and children, Newark {N. /.). Annual report. V. 13. n. p. 1894. Hospital gazette, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery, v. I, no. 1-6. N. Y., 1877. Note: in Oct., 1877, consolidated with Archives of clinical surgery. Hospital gazette, a weekly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences, v. 6. N. Y., 1879. Note: continuation of Hospital gazette and archives of clinical surgery, v. 7, 1880, continued as the Medical gazette. Hospital gazette and archives of clinical surgery. See Archives of clinical surgery. Hospital of the P. E. church, Philadelphia. Report of board of managers to the contributors at their annual meeting, 1889. Phil., 1890. Hospital militar de San Luis Potosi. Inaugurado el 10 de Noviem- bre de 1891. San Luis Potosi, 1891. Hospitallers. See Knights of Malta. Hoss, Elijah Embree, D. D. Elihu Embree, abolitionist. Nash- ville, 1897. (In Vanderbilt southern hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. I, no. 2.) Hot Springs medical journal, monthly, v. 6. Hot Springs, 1897. Hot Springs reservation. Report of the superintendent, 1896-7, 1900-1. Wash., 1896-1901. Hotchkin, Rev. James H. History of the purchase and settlement of western New York and of the rise, progress, and present state of the Presbyterian church in that section. N. Y., 1848. Hotchkin, Rev. Samuel Fitch. Dark care lightened. Phil., 1896. Dr. William Croswell. Hartf., 1894. (In Junior auxiliary pub. CO. Soldier and servant ser. no. 5.) Living Saviour. Phil., 1898. Memoir of the Rev. James Montgomery. Phil., 1899. Memoir of Rev. W. B. Stevens, bishop of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1899. Splendid inheritance. Phil., 1898. Unseen Christ. Phil., 1896. Hotchkiss, Frederick William. Retrospect on the ministry and church of Saybrook; a half-century sermon, preached Sept. 22, 1833. Hartf., 1838. Hotchkiss, Jed, ed. Virginias. 1880-5. Hotchkiss, Justus S. Bells, a paper read before the New Haven colony hist. soc. Dec, 1888. N. H., 1889. New Haven bells. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. V. 5; P- 173-7) Hotten, John Camden. Literary copyright. Lond., 1871. ed. Our early eniigrant ancestors; the original lists of per- sons of quality, emigrants who went from Great Britain to the American plantations, 1600-1700. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1880. Houck, Rev. G. F. Historical sketch of early Catholicity and the first Catholic church in Cleveland, Ohio. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1891. v. 3; p. 129-41.) Houel, Ephrem. Traite complet de I'eleve du cheval in Bretagne. Avranches, 1842. Hough, B., and Bourne, A., comp. Map of the state of Ohio from actual survey. Phil., 1815. Note : scale 5 miles to 8 inches. Phil., 1815. 656 AUTHOR LIST. Hough, Franklin Benjamin, M. D. Account of the premiums awarded by law in the state of New York for the encouragement of household manufactures of woolen cloths, in 1809-14. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1858-64. v. 4; p. 113-24-) American constitutions; comprising the constitution of each state in the Union and of the United States. 2v. Alb., 1871-2. Constitutional provisions in regard to education in the several states of the American union. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1875. no. 7.) Historical and statistical record of the University of the state of New York, ed. by David Murray. Alb., 1885. Historical sketches of the universities and colleges of the United States. Wash., 1883. Methods of statistics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. v. 32; p. 431-44.) New York convention manual. 2v. Alb., 1867. On the duty of governments in the preservation of forests. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22, pt. 2; p. I-IO.) On the principles of statistics as applied to the census. (In Amer assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1869. v. 17; p. 145-58.) comp. Paper relating to Pemaquid, known as Cornwall county when under New York; comp. from official records in the office of the secretary of state at Albany, N. Y. Alb., 1856. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. 5; p. 1-138.) Pemaquid in its relations to our colonial history. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 127-64.) Planting trees in school grounds. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Planting trees. 1885.) Report of the committee appointed to memorialize congress and state legislatures regarding the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1879. v. 27; p. 29-42.) Report upon forestry. 3v. Wash., 1878-82. Results of a series of meteorological observations made at sundrv academies in the state of New York from 1826-1863. 2v. Alb., '1855-72. Washingtoniana; or, Memorials of the death of Washington. 2v. Roxbury, 1865. ed. Easton, John. Narrative of the causes which led to Philip's Indian war of 1675 and 1676. 1858. ed. New York (state): Constitutional convention, 1846. Consti- tution with a comparative arrangement of the constitutional provisions of other states, classified by their subjects. 1867. tr. and ed. Pouchot. Memoir upon the late war in North America between the French and English, 1755-60. 1866. ed. Rogers, Maj. Robert. Journals. 1883. Hough, George, and Cooledge, D., pub. Concord pocket almanack for the year 1810-12 and register of New Hampshire. Hough, George Washington. On the velocity of the electric cur- rent over the telegraph wire. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 167-76.) Remarks on the galvanic battery. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. V. 6; p. 136-46.) Total eclipse of August 7, 1869, observed at Mattoon, 111. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 177-207.) Houghton, Asa, comp.^ Houghton's genuine almanac, the gentle- man's and ladies' diary and almanac. 1808. Houghton, Rev. D. C. Discourse delivered on occasion of thanks- giving, Dec. 14, 1843. Rochester, 1844. Houghton, Edwin B. Campaigns of the 17th Maine. Portl., 1866. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 65T Houghton, George Frederick. Outline of the controversy of the New Hampshire grants; with a sketch of the life and services of Col. Seth Warner. Burlington, 1849. Houghton, George H., D. D. Address before St. Anna's guild of the Church of the Transfiguration. N. Y., 1893. Good degree, sermon preached at the ordination to the dea- conate of C. W. Coit, ed. by W. W. Niles. N. Y., 1885. Houghton, Henry Oscar. Early printing in America; an address before the Vermont hist, soc, 1894. {In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. p. 9-28.) Montp., 1894. Houghton, Walter R. Conspectus of the history of political par- ties and the federal government. Indianapolis, 1880. Houghton, Rev. WilUam A. History of the town of Berlin, Mass., from 1784 to 1895. Wore, 1895. Semi-centennial of the Evangelical Congregational church and society in Northborough, 1882. Clinton, 1883. Houghton, MifHin & Company. Catalogue of authors whose works are published by Houghton, Mifflin & Company. Bost., 1899. Houghton's genuine almanac, the gentlemen's and ladies' diary and almanac for 1808. Keene, 1808. Housatonic agricultural society. Transactions, 1868, '70-T, '73, '75, '79, '87-1900. Great Barrington, 1869-1900. House, Charles J. Names of soldiers of the American revolution who applied for state bounty under the resolves of March 17, 1835, March 24, 1836, and March 20, 1838, as appears on record in Land office. Augusta, 1893. House of mercy, New York. Annual report, 1860-75, '79-81, '%y- 1901. V. 1-16, 20-2, 28-42. N. Y., 1860-1901. Note : v. for 1863 never pub. House of mercy, PittsHeld (Mass.). Celebration of the 25th anniver- sary of the establishment of the House of mercy. Pittsf., 1899. House of refuge, Philadelphia. Annual report of the board of man- agers, 1832, '34, '36-40, '42-5, '47-55, '58-94. '96-9, 1902. V. 4, 6, 8-12, 14-17, 19-27, 30-66, 68-71, 73. Phil., 1832-1902. House of the Good Samaritan, Boston (Mass.). Annual report, 1864, '66-1901. V. 3, 5-41. Bost., 1864-1902. Household favorite defining and pronouncing dictionary of the English language. New ed. rev. N. Y., 1882. Houston, Daniel T. O. Eleazer Williams. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v. 3; p. 252-71.) Houston, David Franklin. .Critical study of nullifications in South Carolina. N. Y., 1896. (Harvard hist, studies, no. 3.) Houston, Edwin James. Dictionary of electrical words, terms, and phrases. Ed. 3, enl. N. Y., 1896. Outlines of forestry; or, The elementary principles underlying the science of forestry. Phil., 1893. and Kennelly, Arthur Edwin. Alternating electric currents. N. Y., 1895. ((Elementary electro-technical ser.) Electric arc lighting. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-tech- nical ser.) Electric heating. N. Y., 1895. Electric incandescent lighting. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-technical ser.) Electric motor and the transmission of power. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-technical ser.) Electric street railways. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro- technical ser.) Electric telegraphy. N. Y., 1897. (Elementary electro-tech- nical ser.) Electric telephone. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-techni- cal ser.) 42 658 AUTHOR LIST. Houston, Edwin James. Electricity in electro-therapeutics. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-technical ser.) Magnetism. N. Y., 1896. (Elementary electro-technical ser.) Houston, James Alexander, M. D., ed. New York lancet, v. 1-3. 1842-3. Houston, John W. Address on the history of the boundaries of the state of Delaware. Wilmington, 1879. (Del. hist. soc. Papers, no. 2.) Houston (Tex.): Education, hoard of. Annual report, 1882-3. Houston, 1883. Hovenden, Robert, ed. Harleian society. Register booke of christ- ninges, marriages, and burialles within the precinct of the cathe- dral of Canterburie. 1878. True register of all the christeninges, etc., in the parishe of St. James, Clarkenwell, from 1551. 1884-94. Visitation of Kent, taken in the years 1619-1621. Lond., 1898. {In its Pub. 1898. V. 42.) Hovey, Alvah, D. D. Historical address delivered at the soth anni- versary of the Newton theological institution, June 8, 1875. Bost, 1875. Problems of the Bible and philosophy, n. p. 1895. ed. Haley, John William. Examination of the alleged dis- crepancies of the Bible. 1876. Hovey, Charles. Early trade and traders of Lowell. {In Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1883. v. 2; p. 152-64.) Past, present, and future of Lowell. {In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 373-85-) Hovey, Charles M. Address delivered at the dedication of the new hall of the Massachusetts horticultural society, Sept., 1865. Bost., 1866. {In Mass. horticultural soc. Trans. 1866-70.) Hovey, Edmund Otis. Notes on the artesian well sunk at Key West, Fla., in 1895. Camb., 1896. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin, v. 28, no. 3.) Ueber gangdiabase der gegend von Rio de Janeiro. Wein., 1893 (?) Hovey, Horace Carter, D. D. Memoir of Daniel Hovey. n. p. 1900. Hovey, Lewis Richard, ed. Old Ipswich. 1899. How, Lt.-col. James F. F. P. Blair in 1861. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mo. commandery. War papers. 1892. v. i; p. 384-96.) How, Thomas Y., D. D. Address delivered before the Auxiliary New York Bible and common prayer book society, Jan. 28, 1817. N. Y., 1817. How, William L. Freshman history of the class of '84, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1881. How the gospel helps the poor. N. Y. n. d. How to learn the game of whist, by the ed. of Whist, n. p. n. d. Howard, Americus Kimball. Address delivered at the dedication of Masonic hall, in Paper Mill Village, N. H., Feb. 22, 1866. Clare., 1866. Howard, Benjamin, M. D. Essay on the treatment of aneurism. Phil., 1780. Howard, Benjamin C. Report of the decision of the supreme court of the United States and the opinions of the judges thereof in the case of Dred Scott vs. John F. A. Sanford, Dec, 1856. Wash., 1857- Howard, Rev. Bezaleel. Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Allen Pratt. Keene, 1790. Howard, Cecil Hampden Cutts, comp. Genealogy of the Cutts fam- ily. Alb., 1892. comp. Materials for a genealogy of the Sparhawk family in New England. Salem, 1892. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 659 Howard, Cecil Hampden Cutts, ed. Cutts, Mrs. Mary Pepperell Sparhawk (Jarvis). Sketch of JNIrs. William Jarvis of Weathers- lield, Vt. 1887. Howard, Charles, Gatchell, William H., and Davis, John W. Memorial to the senate and house of representatives of the United States, n. p. 1861. Howard, Charles H. Believers' note book for use at camp-meet- ings. Antrim., 1894. Howard, George E. Ducks and geese, standard breeds and man- agement. Wash., 1897. U^ U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 64.) Standard varieties of chickens. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletins. 1897. no. 51.) Howard, George Elliott. Introduction to the local constitutional history of the United States, v. i. Bait, 1889. (Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies in hist, and political science, extra vol. 4.) ■ Place of history in modern education. (/« Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. i; p. 201-17.) Howard, George William Frederick, ^th earl of Carlisle. See Car- lisle, George William Frederick Howard, yth earl of. Howard, Henry Ward Beecher, Howard, Joseph Piatt, and others, anon. Abraham Howard of Marblehead and his descendants. 1897. Howard, James W. Paving problem; importance, methods, mate- rials, health. Scranton, n. d. Howard, Joseph. Map of the district of Delaware in Ohio. Ed. 3. n. p. 1824. Note : scale 3.5 miles to 1 inch. Howard, Joseph Jackson, ed. Harleian society. Visitation of Lon- don, anno domini, 1633, 1634, and 1635. 1880-3. Visitations of London. 1869. Howard, Joseph Piatt, and others, anon. Abraham Howard of Mar- blehead and his descendants. N. Y., 1897. Howard, Leland Ossian. Biology of the hymenopterous insects of the family chalcididse. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1892. V. 14; p. 567-88.) Further notes on the San Jose scale. Wash., 1895. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Entomology, div. of.) Gypsy moth in America. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 11.) Insects affecting the cotton plant. Wash., 1897. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 47.) Notes on the mosquitoes of the United States. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 25.) On some new parasitic insects of the family encyrtinae. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 231-48.) On the bothriothoracine insects of the United States. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1895. v. 17; p. 605-13.) Principal insects affecting the tobacco plant. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, no. 120.) Recent laws against injurious insects in North America. Wash., 1898. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 13.) San Jose scale in 1896-7. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 12.) ■ Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1890. V. 12; p. 185-216.) Spread of land species by the agency of man; with especial reference to insects. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1898. v. 46; p. 211-34.) 660 ' AUTHOR LIST. Howard, Leland Ossian. Three insect enemies of shade trees. Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1899. no. 99.) Use of steam apparatus for spraying. Wash., 1896. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of.) mid Ashmead, William Harris. On some reared parasitic hymenopterous insects from Ceylon. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed, 1896. v. 18; p. 633-48.) and Marlett, Charles Lester. San Jose scale, its occurrences in the United States. Wash., 1896. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: En- tomology, div. of. Bulletin. New ser. no. 3.) and Riley, Charles Valentine. Horn fly. 1889. Howard, Maj.-gen. Oliver Otis. Grant at Chattanooga. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. V. i; p. 244-57.) Report of a visit to Alaska in June, 1875. (^^ U. S.: Senate: Military affairs, com. on. Compilation of narratives. 1900. p. 45-53-) Sketch of the life of G. H. Thomas. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1891. v. i; p. 285-302.) Howard, Rev. R. H., an^ Crocker, Henry E., ed. History of New England containing historical and descriptive sketches of the counties, cities, and principal towns. Bost., 1879. Howard, Roger S. Earnestness. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1850. p. 59-77-) Howard, Rev. Rowland B. Topics for essays and discussions, to- gether with a list of references to books, tracts, and papers which treat of the system of war. Bost., 1891. Howard, Capt. S. E. Morning surprise at Cedar Creek. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mass. commandery. Civil war papers. 1900. v: 2; p. 415-24.) Howard, Walter E. Town vs. the district system of schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 13-29.) Howard, William Lee, M. D. Case of heredity; a psycho-physi- ological study, n. p. n. d. Howard, William Willard. Horrors of Armenia; the story of an eye-witness. N. Y., 1896. Howard Payne college. Annual catalogue, v. 7-10. Brownwood, 1896-9. Howard standard, monthly, no. 25. Wash., 1900. Howard university. Catalogue of the officers and students, 1869- 70, '84-5, '86-1902. Wash., 1870-1901. Report of the president, 1892-1901. Wash, 1892-1901. Report of the secretary and treasurer, 1891. Wash., 1891. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of Howard uni- versity. Wash., 1895. Howe, Fighting McCooks. (In ScotcH-Irish soc of Amer. Annual congress.^ 1894. v. 6; p. 161-71.) Howe, A. P., cmnp. Shedd, Sarah. Poems. 1883. Howe, Clifton Durant. Preliminary list of the hepaticae of Ver- mont, n. p. 1899. (J^ Contrib. to the botany of Vt., no. 3.) Howe, D. P. Science of language; or. Seven hour system of gram- mar. Manch., 1870. Seven hour system of grammar. Manch., 1874. Ed. 3. Manch., 1874. (Bound with his Seven hour sys- tem of grammar. 1874.) Howe, Daniel Wait. Descriptive catalogue of the official publica- tions of the territory and state of Indiana from 1800 to 1890. Indianapolis, 1890. comp. Descriptive catalogue of the official publications of the territory and state of Indiana from 1800 to 1890. Indianapolis, 1890. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 2.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 661 Howe, Daniel Wait. Laws and courts of Northeast and Indiana territories. Indianapolis, 1886. (In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. V. 2.) Puritan republic of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Indianapolis, 1899. Howe, Rev. E. Frank. Historical oration delivered at the centen- nial celebration at Grafton, Mass., July 4, 1876. Wore, 1878. Howe, Elias. Complete ball-room hand book. Bost., 1858. Howe, Estes. John Hull and wSamuel Sewall. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1885. v. 21; p. 312-26.) Howe, Franklin T. Board of public works. (In Columbia hist, soc. Records. 1900. v. 3; p. 257-78.) Howe, Frank William, ed. Christian educator. 1897-9. Howe, Frederic Clemson. City of Cleveland in relation, to the street railway question. Cleve., 1897. Howe, Oilman Bigelow. Genealogy of the Bigelow family of America. Wore, 1890. Howe, Henry. Historical collections of Ohio. 3v. in 2. Colum- bus, 1890. Historical collections of Virginia. Charleston, 1845. and Barber, John Warner. Historical collections of the state of New Jersey. 1844. Historical collections of the state of New York. 1845. Howe, Henry Marion. Copper smelting. Wash., 1885. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 26.) Howe, Lieut. Henry Warren. Passages from the life of H. W. Howe, consisting of diary and letters written during the Civil war, 1861-1865. Lowell, 1899. Howe, Rev. James B. Sermon preached before the governor, coun- cil, and legislature of the state of New Hampshire, June 3, 1820, being the anniversary election. Cone, 1820. (In N. H. elec- tion sermons. 1816-61.) Howe, Col. James H. Loyal legion, (hi Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v. 2; p. 280-8.) Howe, James Lewis, comp. Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group. Wash., 1897. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1898. V. 38.) Howe, Mrs. Jemima. Genuine and correct account of her cap- tivity, sufferings, and deliverance. Bost., 1792. Howe, John. Journal kept by John Howe, while he was employed as a British spy during the Revolutionary war; also while he was engaged in the smuggling business during the late war. Cone, 1827. Howe, Rev. John. Works, with memoirs of his life, by Edmund Calamy. 2v. N. Y., 1838. Howe, Jonas, anon. King's New Brunswick regiment. (In N. B. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. i; p. 13-62.) Letters and documents relating to the history and settlement of the island of Grand Manan. (In N. B. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. i; p. 341-65-) Howe, Joseph S. Historical sketch of the town of Methuen. Methuen, 1876. Howe, Joseph W., M. D. Breath, and the diseases which give it a fetid odor.^ N. Y., 1874. Howe, Mrs. Julia (Ward). How far does American education sat- isfy the needs of American life? (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1882. p. 226-46.) Memoir of S. G. Howe. Bost., 1877, Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. anon. Passion flowers. Bost., 1854. Howe, Malverd Abijah. Retaining-wall for earth, including theory of earth-pressure as developed from the ellipse of stress. N. Y., 1896. 662 AUTHOR LIST. Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe, bp. Discourse commemorative of the life and services of Rev. W. B. Stevens, bishop of the diocese of Penn. Reading, 1888. Loyalty in the American republic, what is it? and what is its object? Phil, 1863. Phillips Brooks. Bost., 1899. (Beacon biographies.) Physical theories of development. (In Lectures on the evi- dences of Christianity. 1855. p. 153-70.) ed. Beacon biographies. Howe, Rev. Nathaniel. Century sermon delivered Dec. 24, 1815, at Hopkinton, Mass.; with notes by Elias Nason. Ed. 4. Bost, 185 1. Howe, Samuel Gridley, M. D. Atlas of the United States; printed for the use of the blind. Bost., 1837. Cretan refugees and their American helpers. Bost., 1868. Idiots; report in part, to which is appended a letter on the school for idiots in Paris; by George Sumner. Bost., 1847. Laura Bridgman; extract from his report for the year 1840. Bost, 1873. Extract from his report for the year 1842. Bost., 1873. Letter on the sanitary condition of the troops in the neigh- borhood of Boston. Wash., 1861. Letter to the commissioners of Massachusetts for the state reform school for girls, Bost., 1854. Letter to the governor of Massachusetts upon his veto of a bill providing for an increase of state beneficiaries at the school for idiotic children. Bost., 1857. Letters on the proposed annexation of Santo Domingo. Bost, 1871. comp. Reader; or. Extracts in prose and verse from English and American authors. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1878. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. anon. Remarks upon the education of deaf mutes. Bost, 1866. Report of a minority of the special committee of the Boston prison discipline society, appointed at the annual meeting, May 27, 1845. Bost., 1846. Warning against D. B. Sherrod and his proposed American printing house and university for the blind. Bost, 1875. Howe, Samuel H., D. D. Brief memoir of the life of J. F. Slater of Norwich, Conn., 1815-1884. Bait., 1894. (In John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1894. no. 2.) Howe, Gen. William, 3th viscount. Orderly book at Charlestown, Boston, and Halifax, June 17, 1775 to 1776, 26 May, ed. by B. F. Stevens. Lond., 1890. Orderly books of Lt.-col. Stephen Kemble, I775-I778- (In N. Y. hist soc. ,Coll. 1884. v. 24; p. 249-585.) Howe, William Wirt Municipal history of New Orleans. Bait., 1889. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1889. v. 7; no. 4.) Howell, Arthur H. Revision of the skunks of the genus chinca. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Ornithology, div. of. North Amer. fauna, no. 20.) Howell, Edwin Eugene. Chart of geologic time. n. p. n. d. Description of new meteorites. (In Rochester acad. of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. i; p. 86-100.) Howell, George Rogers. Date of the first colonization of the state of New York in modern history. Alb., i897- (^« N. Y. soc. of the order of the founders and patriots of America. Pub. no. i.) Evidence of the French discoveries in New York previous to the colonization by the Dutch. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. v. 11; p. 309-16.) NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 663 Howell, George Rogers. Globe of 1513, and the progress of geo- graphical discovery and map-making from the time of Colum- bus to 1600. (/« Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12; p. 241-50.) Heraldry in England and America. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. V. 11; p. 136-48.) Linguistic discussions. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 306-19.) ed. Hale, Robert Safford. Genealogy of descendants of Thomas Hale. 1889. Howell, Capt. John Adams. Mathematical theory of the deviations of the compass, arranged for the use of the cadets at the U. S. naval academy. Wash., 1879. Howells, W. C. Presidential elections and manner of conducting them. (In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1876-7. p. Howes, Barnabas. Historical sketches of the times and men in Ashfield, Mass., during the Revolutionary war. North Adams, n. d. Howgate, Capt. H. W. Cruise of the Florence; or, Extracts from the journal of the preliminary Arctic expedition of 1877-78. Wash., 1879- HOwison, George H., ed. Soule, Richard. Dictionary of English synonyms. 1893. Howitt, M7's. Mary (Botham). My uncle the clockmaker; a tale. Phil., 1845. Howland, Arthur Charles, ed. Ordeals, compurgation, excommuni- cation, and interdict. Phil., 1898. (In Translations and reprints. 1898. V. 4, no. 4.) Origin of the local interdict. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. 11, pt. i; p. 429-48.) Howland, C. G., ed. Martineau, James. Passages from his writ- ings, n. d. Howland, Henry Elias. Speech. (In Holland soc. of N. Y. Year book. 1898. p. 41-54.) Howland, Henry J., ed. Worcester directory. 1850-1900. Howland, Isabel. Description of the work at the Tuskagee nor- mal and industrial institute, n. p. n. d. Howland, William. Oration. (In Conway (Mass.). Celebration of its looth anniversary. 1867. p. 89-112.) Howorth, Sir Henry Hoyle. Christianity in Roman Britain. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 117-72.) Columban clergy of North Britain and their harrying by the Norsemen. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 395- 444.) Conquest of Norway by the Ynglings. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1884. v. ii; p. 309-63.) Early history of Sweden. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1881. V. 9; p. 174-216.) Early intercourse of the Danes and Franks. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877-84. v. 6; p. 147-82. v. 7; p. 1-28. v. 11; p. 18-61.) Intercourse of the Danes with the Franks. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1885. v. 12; p. 302-34.) Irish monks and the Norsemen. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. V. 8; p. 281-330.) Howship, John. Practical observations on the symptoms of the diseases of the lower intestines and anus; ist Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1821. Hoyle, pseud. Gam.e in Wall street and how to play it success- fully. N. Y., 1898. Hoyt, Albert Harrison. Daniel Peirce of Newbury, Mass., 1638- 1677. Bost, 1873. 664 AUTHOR LIST. Hoyt, Albert Harrison. Historical and bibliographical notes on the laws of New Hampshire. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1876. p. 89-104.) Memoir of William Plumer, 1759-1850. Bost, 1871. Notes, historical and bibliographical, on the laws of New Hampshire. Wore, 1876. Pepperell papers, with sketches of Lt.-gen. James St. Clair, and Admiral Sir Charles Knowles. Bost, 1874. ed. Tuttle, Charles Wesley. Capt. Francis Champernowne, the Dutch conquest of Acadia and other historical papers. 1889. Hoyt, David W. Address. (In Putnam free school. Exercises. 1899. p. 13-32.) Genealogical history of the Hoyt, Haight, Hight, and Hyatt families. Prov., 1871. Old families of Salisbury and Amesbury, Mass., with some related families of Newbury, Haverhill, Ipswich, and Hampton. Prov., 1897. Hoyt, Edmund S., ed. Maine year book and annual register for the year 1870-86. Hoyt, Elihu, anon. Brief sketch of the first settlement of Deer- held, Mass. Greenf., 1833. Hoyt, Maj. Epaphras. Practical instructions for military officers; comprehending a concise system of military geometry, field fortification, and tactics of riflemen and light infantry. Greenf., 1811. Hoyt, Henry Martyn. Message to the general assembly of Penn., Jan. 4, 1881. Harrisburg, 1881. Hoyt, Rev. James. Mountain society, history of the First Presby- terian church, Orange, N. J. N. Y., i860. Hoyt, James M. History of the town of Commerce, Mich. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1890. v. 14; p. 421-30.) Hoyt, John Wesley. Agricultural survey of Wyoming. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Statistics, div. of. Reports. Misc. ser. no. 7.) Memorial in regard to a national university. Wash., 1892. Hoyt, Joseph Gibson. Address at the inauguration as chancellor of Washington university, Oct. 4, 1859. St. L., 1859. Hoyt, Louis G. Homestead right, as it exists in New Hampshire. Cone, 1901. 1900; the presidential problem from the standpoint of prac- tical politics with a brief account of the national conventions for half a century. Exeter, 1900. Thoughts suggested by recent occurrences in New Hampshire. n. p. 1899. Hoyt, Rev. Samuel R. J. Confucianism in its relation to Chris- tianity, n. p. 1888. Hub, devoted to the domestic and foreign interests of carriage, wagon, and automobile manufacturers and dealers, and the ac- cessory trades, monthly, v. 41, no. 10-12; v. 42. N. Y., 1900- 01. Hubbard, B. F., comp. Forests and clearings; the history of Stan- stead county, Province of Quebec; ed. by John Lawrence. Montreal, 1874. Hubbard, Bela. Ancient garden beds of Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 21-35.) Climate of Detroit. (In Mich, pioneer and hist soc. Coll. 1881. V. 3; p. 67-S3.) Early colonization of Detroit. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1877. V. i; p. 347-68.) Memoir of Luther Harvey. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1877. V. i; p. 406-14.) Memorials of a half-century in Michigan and the lake region. N. Y., 1888. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. QQ5 Hubbard, Bela. Michigan geological expedition in 1837. i^f^ Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; p. 189-201.) Hubbard, C. Horace, and Dartt, Justus. History of the town of Springfield, Vt., with a genealogical record; 1752-1895. Bost., 1895. Hubbard, Fordyce Mitchell. Life of W. R. Davie. (In Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1848. ser. 2. v. 15; p. i- 135.) ed. Belknap, Jeremy, D. D. American biography. 1841. Hubbard, Gardiner G. Story of the rise of the oral method in America. Wash., 1898. Hubbard, George H., M. D. Address delivered before the graduat- ing class at Dartmouth medical college, Nov. 11, 1857. Manch., 1857. ed. New Hampshire journal of medicine, v. 3-8. 1853-8. Hubbard, Harlan Page, ed. Hubbard's newspaper and bank direc- tory of the world, 1882. Lond., 1882. Hubbard, Henry. Address to both branches of the general court of New Hampshire, June session, 1843. Cone, 1843. Message to both branches of the general court of New Hamp- shire, June session, 1842. Cone, 1842. Hubbard, Isaac G., D. D. Sermon preached in Trinity church, Claremont, N. H., 1868. Clare., 1869. Hubbard, Jeremiah, and Greenleaf, Jonathan. Account of Wells. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. v. i; p. 336-62.) Hubbard, John. American reader. Ed. 3. Walpole, 1807. Rudiments of geography, Ed. 5. Walpole, 181 1. Hubbard, Col. L. F. Red river expedition. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1890. v, 2; p. 267-79.) Hubbard, Oliver O., M. D. Early history of the N. H. medical institution with a sketch of its founder, Nathan Smith. Wash., 1880. Erosion in New Hampshire; the condition of trap dikes in N. H. an evidence and measure of erosion. Cone, 1854. Lecture introductory to the 83d course of the N. H. medical institution, July 31, 1879. Cone, 1879. Hubbard, Parnelle F. Champion; historical incidents. {In Jeffer- son county hist. soc. Trans. 1887. v. i; p. 65-87.) Hubbard, Silas G. Historical address. {In Pocumtuck valley mem. assoe Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 451-73.) Hubbard, Stephen G., M. D. Biographical sketch of the life and writings of Henry Bronson. {In New Haven colony hist, soe Papers. 1900. v. 6; p. 1-99.) Hubbard, Rev. William. Beginning of King Philip's war. {In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 88.) General history of New England from the discovery to 1658. Ed. 2. Bost., 1848. General history of New England from the discovery to 1680. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1848. v. 15-16.) History of New England, {In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles of the first planters. 1846. p. 17-35.) History of the Indian wars in N, E. from the first settlement to the termination of the war with King Philip in 1677; rev. by S. G. Drake. 2v, Roxbury, 1865. Narrative of the Indian wars in New England from 1607 to 1677. Brattleborough, 1814. Hubbard free library, Hallowell {Me.). Address and poem at the dedication of the Hallowell library, March 9, 1880. Portl., 1880. Address and poem at the dedication of the Hubbard free library, March 15, 1894. Hallowell, 1894. Dedicatory exercises at the opening of the west wing, Jan. 25, 1898. Hallowell, 1898. ^ ^ &, j o, 666 AUTHOR LIST. Hubbard's magazine. See Curiosity world, a monthly. Hubbell, J. H., ed. Bankers' directory and attorneys' list for bankers and merchants. 1887. Hubbell, John. National free soil convention of '48 held in Buffalo. {In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 4; p. 147-62.) Hubbell, Mrs. Martha (Stone), anon. Memorial; or, The life and writings of an only daughter, by her mother. Bost., 1857. Hubbell, Capt. W. S., and others. Story of the 21st regiment, Conn, vol. infantry during the Civil war. Middletown, 1900. Hubbell, William Wheeler, Bradley, Joseph P., and Ashmun, George. Considerations upon the question whether congress should authorize a new railroad between Washington and New York. 1863. Hubbell and Fatten gold and silver company. Prospectus. Phil, 1867. Hubbell's legal directory for lawyers and business men, 1876, '77, '79-81. V. 7, 8, 10-12. N. Y., 1876-81. Huber, Francis, ed. "Festschrift" in honor of Abraham Jacobi. N. Y., 1900. Huber, Rev. Vincent. Sportsman's hall. {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1891. v. 3; p. 142-73.) Ifubert, Philip G. Inventors. N. Y., 1896. (Men of achieve- ment.) Huddilston, J. H. Archaeological study of the Antigone of Euripi- des. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. ser. 2. v. 3; p. 183-201.) Hudgens, Seymour I. Exeter schooldays and other poems. Camb., 1882. Hudson, Rev. Adelbert L. Faith in immortality, a sermon. Buf- falo, 1900. Hudson, Alfred, M. D. Inquiry into the sources and mode of ac- tion of the poison of fever. Phil., 1841. {Bound with MacRobin, John, M. D. Introd. to the study of prac. med. 1841.) Lectures on the study of fever. Phil., 1869. Hudson, Rev. Alfred Serene. Commemorative of Calvin and Luther Blanchard, Acton minute men, 1775. W. Acton, 1899. History and by-laws of the First Congregational church, Ayer, Mass. Ayer, 1887. History of Sudbury, Mass., 1638-1889. Bost., 1889. Hudson, Charles. Abstract of the history of Hudson, Mass. Bost, 1877. Address at Westminster, Oct. 6, 1859. {In Westminster (Mass.). Celebration. 1859. p. 5-68.) Doubts concerning the battle of Bunker's Hill. Bost., 1857. History of the town of Lexington. Bost., 1868. History of the town of Marlborough. Bost., 1862. Life and character of Maj. Pitcairn. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1880. v. 17; p. 315-26.) Memoir of Lemuel Shattuck. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1881. V. 18; p. 155-65-) Hudson, E. Darwin, M. D. Doctors, hygiene, and therapeutics. N. Y., 1876. Pathology and etiology of pulmonary phthisis in relation to its prevention and early arrest. {In N. Y. acad. of med. Trans. 1876. V. 5; P- 142-63.) Hudson, Frederic. Journalism in the United States from 1690 to 1872. N. Y., 1873. Hudson, Henry. Abstract of his journall for the discoverie of the north-west passage. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 181 1. v. i; p. 146-50.) Second voyage or employment for finding a passage to the East Indies by the northeast. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1811. V. i; p. 81-102.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LTBEARY. 667 Hudson, Henry, and Playse, John. Divers voyages and northerne discoveries. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. i8ti. v. i; p. 61-81.) Hudson, Rev. Henry Norman. Lecture; history in schools. (In Ainer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1872. p. 116-26.) Webster centennial, a discourse delivered on the looth anni- versary of the birth of Daniel Webster, Jan. 18, 1882. Bost, 1882. ed. Shakspere, William. Hamlet. 1895. Julius Cjesar. 1895. Merchant of Venice. 1893. Hudson, Mrs. Mary (Clemmer) Ames. Ten years in Washington, life and scenes in the national capital. Hartf., 1874. Hudson, Robert P., comp. Michigan a summer and health resort state, a directory of Mich, summer resorts, mineral springs and sanitaria. Lansing, 1898. Hudson (N. H.). Reports of the selectmen, treasurer, and school committee for the year 1848, '50, '51, '53, '54, '58, '60, '62-6, '68, '69, '71-1902. Nashua, 1848-1902. Hudson highland suspension bridge connecting the West and East via the Erie and New England railroad. N. Y., 1868. Hufeland, Christoph Wilhelm. Enchiridion medicum; or, The practice of medicine, fr. the 6th German ed. tr. by Caspar Bruch- hausen, ed. by Robert Nelson. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1849. Huff, O. N., M. D. Consideration of the cause of typhoid fever in Chicago. Chic, 1893. Hug, Lina, and Stead, Richard. Switzerland. N. Y., 1890. (Story of the nations.) Hiigel, Carl von. Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab, fr. the German with notes by T. B. Jarvis. Lond., 1845. Huggins, William, Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield, and Lockyer, Joseph Norman. Spectrum analysis. 1872. Hughes, Arthur. Parliament of Lincoln, 1316. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1896. v. 20; p. 41-58.) Hughes, Charles. Nebraska and Kansas, speech. Wash,, 1854. {Bound zuith Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 28.) Hughes, Charles Hamilton, M. D., ed. Alienist and neurologist, a quarterly^ journal. 1887-98. Hughes, Elizabeth G., and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Review of the genera and species of julidinae found in American waters. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 56-70.) Review of the species of the genus prionotus. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 327-38.) Hughes, Henry Marshall, M. D. Observations on fibrinous con- cretions in the heart. {Bound with Stokes, William, M. D. Re- searches. 1840. p. 105-36.) Hughes, J. W. Removal of sewage and the drainage of dwellings. Ed. 3. Montreal, 1886. Hughes, James L. Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. N. Y., 1899. (Intern, education ser. no. 41.) Henry Barnard, the Nestor of American education. Hartf., 1896. Hughes, Robert M. General Johnston. N. Y., 1893. (Great com- manders ser.) Hughes, Robert William. Popular treatise on the currency ques- tion written from a Southern point of view. N. Y., 1879. Hughes, Thomas, 1823-96. Lecture on the history on objects of co-operation. Manch., i878(?) Hughes, Rev. Thomas. Alleged popish plot in Pennsylvania, 1756-7. {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1899. v. 10; p. 208-21.) -■ Loyola and the educational system of the Jesuits. N. Y., 1892. (Great educator series.) 668 AUTHOR LIST. Hughes, Thomas Patrick, D. D., ed. American ancestry, v. 1-2. 1887. Hughson, Shirley Carter. Carolina pirates and colonial com- merce, 1670-1740. Bait., 1894. Uw Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1894. V. 12, no. 5-7.) Huguenot society of America. Commemoration of the bi-centen- ary of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Oct. 22, 1885, at New York. N. Y., 1886. Constitution and by-laws and list of members; organized April 12, 1883. N. Y., 1896. Proceedings, May, 1884, to 1896. v. 1-2; v. 3, no. i. N. Y., 1889-96. Huguenot society of London. By-laws and list of fellows, 1897. Lymington, 1897. Lond., 1896. Huguenot society of South Carolina. Transactions, no. 1-8. Charleston, 1889-1901. Huhner, Leon. Asser Levy, a noted Jewish burgher of New Am- sterdam. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1900. v. 8; p. 9- 23.) Huidekoper, Alfred. Incidents in the early history of Crawford county, Pennsylvania. {In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1840. y. 4, pt. 2; p. 113-63.) Huish, Robert. Bees, their natural history and general manage- ment. New ed. enl. Lond., 1844. Hulbert, Mrs. Ann H. (Bingham), and Buchanan, Mrs. Sophia H. (Bingham). Sketches of the life of Rev. Abel Bingham. {In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1880. v. 2; p. 146-57.) Hulbert, Calvin B., D. D. Christ, the harmony of the doctrines and the unity of the race. N. Y., 1879. Christ, the unity of the race. {In his Christ, the harmony of the doctrines. 1879. p. 29-46.) Sword sheathed; or. The service of the. sanctuary the security of the state, a discourse delivered at the centennial celebration of the adoption of the name and constitution of the state. Rutl, 1879- Hulbert, Henry W. English rural schools. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circ. of information. 1880. no. 5.) Hulbert, Jay Munsell. Recollections of a freshman year, read before the class of '85. Hanover, 1882. Huling, Ray Greene. Educational reading of teachers. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1884. p. 120-32.) Hull, Rev. A., anon. Saint's rest. n. p. n. d. {Bound with Home, George, hp. Doctrine. 1831.) Hull, A. Gerald, M. D., ed. Homoeopathic examiner. 1844. Hull, John. Diaries. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. 1857. V. 3; p. 109-316.) Hull, John T., ed. Centennial celebration; an account of the muni- cipal celebration of the looth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Portland, July 4th, 5th, and 6th, 1886. Portl, 1886. Siege and capture of Fort Loyall, destruction of Falmouth, May 20, 1690. Portl., 1885. Hull, Brig.-gen. William. Memoirs of the campaign of the North western army of the United States, 1812. Bost., 1824. Revolutionary services and civil life, prepared from his mss. by his daughter, Mrs. Maria Campbell, with the history of the campaign of 1812 by J. F. Clarke. N. Y., 1848. Hull Corinthian yacht club. Year book, 1891, '93- n. p. 1891-3. Hull yacht club. Year book, 1888-94, '96. Bost., 1888-96. Hulsemann, J. G., and Webster, DanieL Correspondence. 1851, 1851. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 669 Hulsemann, J. G., and Webster, Daniel. Correspondence. {In Webster, Daniel. Works. 1881. v. 6; p. 488-506.) (In Webster, Daniel. Great speeches. 1880. p. 678-86.) Humane society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Report, 1893-6. Bost., 1894-6. Humble address of the Publicans of New England to which king you please, with some remarks upon it. (In Whitmore, W. H., ed. Andros papers. 1869. v. 2; p. 231-70.) Humble request of his majestie's loyall subjects, the governor and company late gone for New England. (In Young, Alexander, D. D. Chronicles. 1846, p. 293-9.) Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, freiherr von. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain; tr. fr. the French by John Black. 2v. N. Y., 1811. Hume, David. Dialogues concerning natural religion. Ed. 2. Lond., 1779. Essays and treatises on several subjects. New ed. 2v. Edin., 1825. History of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. New ed. 4v. Phil., 1828. Abridged by John Robinson. 2v. Exeter, 1828. With a continuation to the death of George 2d by Smol- lett; and a further continuation to the present time by J. Bar- low. 22V. Lond., 1793-6. Hume, Rev. James Nelson. Downfall of alcohol. Bost., 1840. Temperance versus intemperance. Montreal, 1839. Bost., 1840. Hume, Maj. Martin Andrew Sharp. Antonio Perez in exile. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 71-107.) Some survivors of the Armada in Ireland. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. v. 21; p. 41-66.) ed. Burke, Ulick Ralph. History of Spain from the earliest times to the death of Ferdinand the Catholic. 1900. Humeston, Clara Louise. Leeds; a new Jersey family. Phil., n. d. Humphrey, Heman, D. D. Glorious enterprise; a discourse in the college chapel, Amherst, Mass., June 29, 1834. Amh., 1834. Shining path; a sermon preached in South Hadley at the funeral of Mary Lyon. Northampton, 1849. Valedictory address delivered at Amherst college. Amh., 1845- Way to bless and save our country. Phil., 1831. Humphrey, Henry B., Knight, Joseph King, and Davis, Edmund, comp. Memorial sketch of Hyde Park, Mass. 1888. Humphrey, James Ellis. Saprolegniaceae of the United States. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1893. v. 17, p. 63-148.) Humphreys, anon. Impartial review, a general brief view of the existing controversy between Unitarians and orthodox. Ports., 1820. Humphreys, Brig.-gen. Andrew Atkinson. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan, the army of the Potomac, July, 1863, to April, 1864, N. Y., 1883. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65, the army of the Potomac and the army of the James. N. Y., 1883. and Abbot, Lieut. Henry L. Physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi, a reply to criticisms made by Dr. Hagan. N. Y., 1878. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. Phil., 1861. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. Wash., 1867. Report upon the physics and hydraulics of the Mississippi river. Wash., 1876. 670 AUTHOR LIST. Humphreys, Brig.-gen. Andrew Atkinson, and Warren, Maj.-gen. Gouveneur Kemble. Examination of the reports of explora- tions for railroad routes from the Mississippi to the Pacific, in 1853-4 and of the explorations made previous to that time. {In U. S.: War, dept. of. Report of explorations, 1853-6. 1855. v. i; p. 35-III-) See also United States : Engineers, oMce of the chief of. Also United States: Pacific railroad explorations and surveys. Humphreys, Rev. Charles Alfred. Distinctive doctrines of Unitari- anism. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 10.) Humphreys, Daniel, anon. Letter to Elias Smith, Baptist teacher, on his late performance entitled "A reply to this Congregational, Methodistical question. Why cannot you commune with us, see- ing we are willing to commune with you?" Ports., 1804. Humphreys, Col. David. Essay on the life of Maj.-gen. Israel i'utnani, addressed to the state society of the Cincinnati in Con- niecticut. Bost., 1818. Poem on the happiness of America, addressed to the citizens of the United States. Ports., 1790. Humphreys, George H., M. D., tr. Niemeyer, Felix von. Text- book of practical medicine. 1869. • 1877. Hun, Henry, M. D. Guide to American medical students in Europe. N. Y., 1883. Hunger, F. W. T. Overzicht der ziekten en beschadigingen van het blad bij Deli-tabak. Batavia, 1901. (Mededeelingen uit 's lands plantentuin, no. 47.) Hungerford, Rev. Edward. Centennial sermons on the history of the Center Congregational church, Meriden, Conn. Hartf., 1877. Hunker, John J. Manual for officers serving on board U. S. cruis- ing training ships. Wash., 1899. Hunnewell, James. Honolulu in 1817 and 1818. Honolulu, 1895, (In Hawaiian hist. soc. Papers. 1895. v. i, no. 8.) Hunnewell, James Frothingham. Bibliography of Charlestown, Mass., and Bunker Hill. Bost, 1880. Century of town life; a history of Charlestown, Mass., 1775- 1887. Bost., 1888. Hunnewell. n. p. n. d. ■ Hunnewell, chiefly six generations in Massachusetts, n. p. 1900. Illustrated Americana. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1889. p. 66-77. 1890. p. 283-302. 1891. p. 371-80.) • Notes on early American literature. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1896. p. 71-85.) Several great libraries. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1901. v. 13; p. 222-36.) Hunt, Lieut. Charles O. Our escape from Camp Sorghum. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. V. i; p. 85-128.) Hunt, Clara Whitehill. Illustrative material for nature study in primary schools. (In N. Y. (state): Library. Bulletin; bibli- ography. 1898. no. 16; p. 463-91.) Hunt, David, M. D. Some general ideas concerning medical re- form. Bost., 1877. Hunt, E. K., M. D., tr. Esquirol, Jean Etienne Dominique. Men- tal maladies; a treatise on insanity. 1845. Hunt, Maj. Edward Bissell. Description of the U. S. coast survey apparatus for measuring base lines. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. v. 8; p. 226-36.) On the nature of forces. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. v. 8; p. 89-102.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 671 Hunt, Maj. Edward Bissell. Remarks on lithography and litho- graphic transfers. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 259-69.) Hunt, Ellen M. History of the Gilford village, N. H., Freewill Baptist church, 1834-1898. n. p. n. d. Hunt, Ezra Mundy, M. D. Bible notes for daily readers; a com- ment on Holy Scriptures. 2v. N. Y., 1870. Principles of hygiene for the school and home. N. Y., 1886. Hunt, Frank W. Biennial message to the 6th state legislature of Idaho, n. p. n. d. Hunt, Freeman, anan. Letters about the Hudson river and its vicinity. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1837. Note: map mutilated. Lives of merchants, v. i. N. Y., 1856. ed. Hunt's merchant's magazine and commercial review. 1840-65. Hunt, Gaillard. American passport; its history and a digest of laws, rulings, and regulations governing its issuance by the de- partment of state. Wash., 1898. Hunt, John Warren, comp. Wisconsin gazetteer containing the names, location, and advantages of the counties, cities, towns, etc. Madison, 1853. Hunt, Leigh. Imagination and fancy; or, Selections from the Eng- lish poets. N. Y., 1845. ■ Stories from the Italian poets. N. Y., 1846. Hunt, Mary Hannah. History of the first decade of the depart- ment of scientific temperance instruction of the Woman's Chris- tian temperance union. Bost., 1891. Hunt, Nathan P., commissioner. Laws of New Hampshire relating to common schools. Manch., 1886. Hunt, Robert. Descriptive guide to the museum of practical geol- ogy. Lond., 1859. Hunt, Rockwell Dennis. Genesis of California's first constitution (1846-49). Bait., 1895. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1895. V. 13, no. 8.) Hunt, Mrs. Sarah (Morey). Journal of her life and religious labors. Phil., 1892. Hunt, Theodore G. Speech on the bill to establish the Nebraska and Kansas territories and to repeal the Missouri compromise. Wash., 1854. (Bound with Morrison, G. W. Speech. 1854. no. 3.) Hunt, Thomas P. Bible baptism; or. What does the Bible say on the mode of baptism. Phil., 1838. Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1872. v. 20; p. 1-60.) Address, August, 1871. Salem, 1871. (Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci.) Chemical and geological essays. Bost, 1875. Coal and iron in southern Ohio; the mineral resources of the Hocking valley. Bost., 1881. Coal and iron of southern Ohio considered with relation to the Hocking valley coal field and its iron ores. Salem, 1874. Contributions to the history of gypsums and magnesia rocks. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed, i860, v. 13; p. 227-47-). anon. Esquisse geologique du Canada suivie d'un catalogue descriptif. Par., 1867. Geological notes, n. p. n. d. History of some pre-Cambrian rocks in America and Europe. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 279-96.) 672 AUTHOR LIST. Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Illustrations of chemical homology, {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1855. v. 8; p. 237-46.) Mineral physiology; address at the opening of Vassar brothers' institute, Nov. 28, 1882. n. p. n. d. Mineral physiology and physiography. Bost., 1886. On the geology of Canada. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 325-34.) On the Lauretian limestones of North America. Alb., 1871. On the theory of igneous rocks and volcanoes, n. p. n. d. Systematic mineralog3'- based on a natural classification. N. Y., 1891. and Logan, Sir William Edmund. Esquisse geologique du Canada. Par., 1855. Sketch of the geology of Canada. Par., 1855. {Bound with Canada: Executive committee for the Paris exhibition, Can- ada at the universal exhibition. 1856.) and Michel, A. Reports on the gold region of the County of Hastings. Montreal, 1867. Stewart, J. Oscar, and Douglas, James. New method for the treatment of mixed copper, silver, and gold ores. 1875. Hunt, W. Irving. Discoveries at Plataia in 1890. {In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1890. v. 6; p. 445-75.) Notes on the battlefield of Plataia. {In archaeological inst. of Amer. Papers. 1892. v. 5; p. 271-83.) Hunt, W. L. G., ed. Wyman, Thomas Bellows, comp. Genealogy of the name and family of Hunt. 1862-3. Hunt, Washington. Eulogy on C. E. Dudley. {In Dudley ob- servatory. Inauguration, 1856. p. 1-15.) Hunt, William Chamberlin, and Wright, Carroll Davidson. His- tory and growth of the United States census, 1790-1890. 1900. Hunt, William T. Memoir of G. A. Halsey. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 23; p. 95-107.) Hunt and Douglas. Copper-process, n. p. n. d. Hunter, Andrew. John Brown's raid. {In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1897. V. i; p. 165-95.) Hunter, Edward M. Civil life, services and character of W. A. Barstow. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll, 1872, v. 6; p. 93- 109.) Hunter, George Washington. Divine liturgy in the book of com- mon prayer. Phil., 1881. anon. Holy eucharist and auricular confession, a defence of church principles against the misconception of their opponents. Ed. 2. Phil., 1879. anon. Holy eucharist and auricular confession, an answer to the Rev. R. C, Matlack, Phil., 1878. Hunter, James B., M. D., ed. New York medical journal, v. 14- 30. 1871-9. ed. New York medical journal, monthly. Index, v. 1-23. 1877. ^ Hunter, John. 1728-93. Lectures on the principles of surgery, ed. by J. F. Palmer. Phil., 1839. With notes by J. F. Palmer. Phil., 1839. Observations on certain parts of the animal oeconomy, with notes by Richard Owen. Phil., 1840. Treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gunshot wounds. Phil., 1817. 2d Amer. ed. Phil., 1823. With notes by J. F. Palmer. Phil., 1840, Treatise on the natural history and diseases of the human teeth; with notes by Thomas Bell, Phil., 1839. Treatise on venereal disease, Phil., 1791. With notes by G. G. Babington. Phil., 1839. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. C73 Hunter, John, 1747- 1837, ed. Sallustius Crispus, Caius. Belli Cata- linarii et Jugurthini historiae. 1796. Hunter, Joseph. Collections concerning the early history of the founders of New Plymouth. Lond., 1849. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1852. v. 31; p. 52-85.) Familiifi minorum gentium. Lond., 1894-6. (In Harleian soc. Pub. 1894-6. V. 37-40.) Hunter, S. J. Alfalfa, grasshoppers, bees, their relationship. Topeka, 1899. Honey-bee and its food-plants with special reference to alfalfa. Topeka, 1899. Scale insects injurious to orchards. Topeka, 1898. Hunter, W. H. Scotch-Irish influence on American journalism. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1896. v. 8; p. 142-58.) Hunter, W. S. Eastern townships scenery, Canada. Montreal, i860. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. History of British India. 2v. N. Y., 1899. Hunting, J. D., tr. Rocquain, Felix. Revolutionary spirit preced- ing the French revolution. 1891. Hunting, Rev. Sylvan S. Funeral sermon occasioned by the death of t. A. Brown, preached Feb. 2, 1859. Manch., 1859. Huntington, Lt.-cal. David Lowe, and Otis, George Alexander, M. D. Description of the United States army transport cart, model of 1876. Wash., 1876. Huntington, Rev. Elijah Baldwin. History of Stamford, Connecti- cut, including Darien, one of its parishes until 1820. Stamford, 1868. Stamford soldiers' memorial. Stamford, 1869. Huntington, Elisha, M. D. Address on the organization of the government, April 7, 1845. Lowell, 1845. Huntington, Ezra Abel, D. D. Discourse commemorative of the life and services of the Rev. Frederick Starr, delivered March 10, 1867. Auburn, 1867. Last words of a pastor to his people; two discourses deliv- ered to the Third Presbyterian church, Albany, Dec. 31, 1854, and Jan. 7, 1855. Alb., 1855. Huntington, Frederic Dan, bp. Character of M. S. Clarke. Bost., 1853. God's house open to God's children, a sermon delivered before the Mass. free church association. Bost. n. d. "(The) Gospel and the people." n. p. n. d. Hands; brain; heart; address before the Mass. charitable me- chanic association. Bost., 1856. High calling; a sermon at the anniversary service of St. Paul's school, Concord, N. H., May 30, 1892. n. p. n. d. (The) one source of missionary power, n. p. n. d. Religion that is natural; ist anniversary address before the Boston young men's Christian union, Dec. 12, 1852. Bost., 1853. Sermon before the Society for the relief of the widows and orphans of deceased clergymen of the P. E. church. Bost., 1864. Unconscious tuition. Bost., 1867. Huntington, Rev. George P. Sermon preached in St. Paul's church. Maiden, April, 1881, with annual report, 1880-81. Bost., 1881. Huntington, Rev. Henry S. Historical discourse delivered at the centennial celebration of the Congregational church. Warner, N. H., June 12, 1872. Cone, 1872. Huntington, J. H. Geology of the region about the headwaters of the Androscoggin river, Maine. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1878. v. 26; p. 277-86.) com'r. See New Hampshire: Maine boundary line commission. 4S 674 AUTHOR LIST. Huntington, Maj.-gen. Jedediah. Letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. V. 49; p. 491-518.) Huntington, Joseph, D. D. Calvinism improved; or, The Gospel illustrated as a system of real grace issuing in the salvation of all men. New London, 1796. Divine institution and use of the festival system of the church. Middlebury, 1843. (Boimd with P. E. church in the U. S. Pasto- ral letter. 1874.) Huntington, William. God the guardian of the poor and the bank of faith. Ed. 2. Bost, 1842. Huntington, William Reed, D. D. Age of miracle, then? or now? N. Y., 1901. Book annexed; its critics and its prospects. N. Y., 1886. (The) King; a sermon preached in Christ church, Hartford. Hartf., 1889. Puritan strain. N. Y., 1901, Religious use of wealth; a sermon commemorative of C. L. Wolfe. N. Y., 1887. Swift ships; a sermon preached on the last Sunday of the 19th century. N. Y., 1901. Twenty years of a Massachusetts rectorship, a sermon preached in All Saints church, Worcester, Dec, 1882. Wore, 1883. Huntley, Stanley. Spoopendyke sketches. Brooklyn, 1899. (Eagle library, no. 34.) Huntoon, Daniel Thomas Vose. Philip Hunton and his descend- ants. Canton, 1881. Hunt's merchants' magazine and commercial review, monthly, v. 1-41, 50-62. N. Y., 1840-65. Note : v. 1-22, 1840-50, title reads Merchants' magazine. Hunt's merchants' magazine year book for 1871. N. Y., 1871. Hurd, D. H., & Co., pub. Town and city atlas of the state of New Hampshire. Bost., 1892. 2v. Bost., 1892. Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Bristol county, Mass. Phil., 1883. ed. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties. New Hamp- shire. Phil., 1886. comp. History of Essex county, Massachusetts. 2v. Phil., 1888. ed. History of Hillsborough county. New Hampshire. Phil., 1885. ed. History of Merrimack and Belknap counties, New Hamp- shire. Phil, 1885. History of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. 3v. Phil., 1890. ed. History of Norfolk county, T^Iass. Phil, 1884. comp. History of Plvmouth county, Massachusetts. Phil, 1884. ed. History of Rockingham and Straflord counties, N. H. Phil, 1882. comp. History of Worcester county, Mass. 2v. Phil, 1889. Hurd, Edward P.,' M. D., tr. Dujardin-Beaumetz, Georges, M. D. Diseases of the stomach and intestines. 1886. New medications. 1886. Hurd, Henry M., M. D. History of the asylums for the insane in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 13; p. 292-307.) and Billings, John Shaw, M. D., ed. Hospitals, dispensaries, and nursing. 1894. Hurd, John Codman. Theory of our national existence as shown bv the action of the government of the U. S. since 1861. Bost, 1881. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 675 Hurd and Houghton, pub. Boston to Washington, a complete pocket aruide to the great cities and Centennial exhibition. N. Y., 1876. Hurlbert, J. Beaufort. Climates, productions, and resources of Canada. Montreal, 1872. Physical atlas with colored maps showing the geographical distribution of plants, climates, etc., of Canada, n. p. 1880. Protection and free trade with special reference to Canada and newly settled countries. Ottawa,- 1882. Hurlbert, William Henry, tr. Joinville, Fransois Ferdinand Phil- lippe Louis Marie d'Orleans, prince de. Army of the Potomac. 1863. Hurlbut, Henry A., and others. Narrative of some recent occur- rences in the Church of the Puritans, New York. N. Y., 1857. Hurlbut, Henry H., comp., anon. Chicago antiquities including Chi- cago business directory for 1839. Chic, 1875. comp. Hurlbut genealogy. Alb., 1888. Samuel de Champlain, a brief sketch of the eminent navigator and discoverer. Chic, 1885. Hurlbut, M. L. Presumptive arguments in favor of Unitarianism. Ed. 2. Bost., 1834. (Amer, Unitarian assoc Tracts, ser. i, no. 79.) Hurst, George. Historical notices of John Bunyan. (In Royal hist, soc Trans. 1876. v. 4; p. 415-23.) Hurst, Harry H. Adjustment of engineering field instruments. Berkeley, 1898. Hurst, John Fletcher, D. D. Gospel a combative force. N. Y. n. d. Hurt, A. B. Mississippi; its climate, soil, productions, and agri- cultural capabilities. Wash., 1884. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Special reports. Misc. ser. no. 3.) Hurwitz, Hyman, comp. Hebrew tales. N. Y., 1847. Huse, Hiram A., ed. Oilman, Marcus Davis. Bibliography of Ver- mont. 1897. Husmann, George. American grape growing and wine making. Ed. 4, rev. N. Y., 1898. Hussey, George B. Greek sculptured crowns and crown inscrip- tions. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1890. v. 6; p. 69-95.) (in Archaeological inst. of Amer. Papars. 1892. v. 5; p. 135-61.) Husson, Henri Marie. Historical notice of the life and writings of Xavier Bichat. (In Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier. Treatise on the membranes. 1813. pref. p. 10-19.) Huston, Robert M., M. D., ed. Churchill, Fleetwood, M. D. Dis- eases of females including those of pregnancy and childbed. 1850. Hutawa, Edward. Sectional map of the state of Missouri, comp. from U. S. surveys. St. L., 1844. Note : scale 9 miles to 1 inch. Hutchins, Alexander, ed. Journal of materia medica. v. i. 1858. Hutchins, Rev. Charles L. Risen Lord, a service of sacred song illustrating the resurrection of Christ. Ed. 10. Medford, n. d. Hutchins, Frank Avery. How may the federation and the commis- sion co-operate to aid our library interests?, n. p. n. d. Hutchins, Levi. Autobiography. Camb., 1865. Hutchins, Stephen C. First men; their epoch, habitat, and crania. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1883. v. 10; p. 198-216.) Hutchins, Stilson. Argument before the railroad committee of the house of representatives, Aug. 3, 1887. Cone, 1887. (In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Political manual, 1880. n. p. n. d. Note: t. p. w. 676 AUTHOR LIST. Hutchins, Stilson, and Moore, Joseph West. National capital past and present. Wash., 1885. Hutchinson, Life of Sir William Wallace, governor-general of Scotland. Cone, 1841. Hutchinson, Rev. Aaron. Well tempered self-love a rule of con- duct towards others, a sermon preached at Windsor, July 2, 1777. (In Vt. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. v. i; p. 69-101.) Hutchinson, Frank Allen, comp. Brief sketch of the Hutchinson family of New Hampshire. Lowell, 1896. Hutchinson, Col. Israel. Orderly book. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. 1879. V. 16; p. 337-64-) Hutchinson, Capt. J. G. Fredericksburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1898. v. 2; p. 255-73.) Hutchinson, James H., M. D., ed. Bristowe, John Syer, M. D. Treatise on the theory and practice of medicine. 1876. ed. Philadelphia medical times, v. i. 1871. Hutchinson, John G., comp. Roster, 4th regiment N. H. volunteers. Manch., 1896. Hutchinson, Jonathan. Pedigree of disease. Lond., 1884. Hutchinson, T. J., and Childs, Ralph, comp. Patriots of Salem; roll of honor of the officers and enlisted men during the Civil war from Salem, Mass. Salem, 1877. Hutchinson, Thomas, anon. Collection of original papers rela- tive to the history of the colony of Massachusetts-Bay. Bost., 1769. Destruction of the tea. (In Old South leaflets. 1897. v. 3, no. 68.) History of Massachusetts from the first settlement thereof in 1628 until the year 1750. Ed. 3. 3v. Salem, 1795-1828. History of the colony of Massachusetts-Bay from the first settlement in 1628 until its incorporation with the colony of Plymouth in 1691. Ed. 2. Lond., 1765. Hutchinson papers, ed. by W. H. Whitmore and W. S. Ap- pleton. 2v. Alb., 1865. (Prince society. Pub.) Witchcraft delusion of 1692 from an unpublished manuscript, an early draft of his History of Mass. in the Mass. archives; with notes by W. F. Poole. Bost., 1870. Hutchinson, William F., M. D. Bay fight, a sketch of the battle of Mobile Bay. Prov., 1879. (In R. L soldiers' and sailors' hist, soc. Personal narratives. 1878. v. i.) Carlsbad water and the Sprudel salt. Danbury, 1890. Life on the Texan blockade. Prov., 1883. (In R. I. soldiers' and sailors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1883. v. 3.) Hutton, Rev. Joseph. Omniscience the attribute of the Father only, Ed. 2. Bost., 1826. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 4.) Huxham, John, M. D. Essay on fevers to which is now added a dissertation on the malignant, ulcerous sore-throat. Ed. 3. Lond., 1757. • Ed. 4. Lond., 1764. Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of T. H. Huxley. 2v. N. Y. 1900. Huxley, Thomas, tr. Kolliker, Albrecht. Manual of human micro- scopical anatomy. 1854. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Critiques and addresses. N. Y., 1873. Darwiniana essays. N. Y., 1896. Discourses, biological, and geological. N. Y., 1896. Evolution and ethics. N. Y., 1896. Hume with helps to the study of Berkeley. N. Y., 1896. Introduction to the classification of animals. Lond., 1869, Lay sermons, addresses, and reviews. N. Y., 1871. Man's place in nature. N. Y., 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 677 Huxley, Thomas Henry. Manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. Lond., 1871. N. Y., 1880. Method and result; essays. N. Y., 1896. Science and Christian tradition. N. Y., 1896. Science and education. N. Y., 1896. Science and Hebrew tradition. N. Y., 1896. and Etheridge, Robert. Catalogue of the collection of fos^ sils in the museum of practical geology. Lond., 1865. and Martin, Henry Newell. Course of elementary instruction in practical biology. New ed. Lond., 1883. Hyatt, Alpheus. Commercial and other sponges. Bost., 1879. (Boston soc. of natural hist.) Fossil cephalopoda in the Museum of comparative zoology. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1884. v. 32; p. 323-60.) (In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. n. d. V. i; p. 71-102.) Genesis of the arietidse. Wash., 1889. (In Smithsonian inst Contrib. 1890. v. 26.) Parallelism between the different stages of life in the indi- vidual and those in the entire group of the molluscous order tetrabranchiate. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1866-9. V. i; p. 193-209.) Revision of the North American poriferae. (In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1871-8. v. 2; p. 399-408, 481-554.) Transformations of planorbis at Steinheim. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 527-59-) Hyde, Alexander. Social life and customs of the early citizens of Berkshire. (In Berkshire hist, and sci. soc. ' Coll. 1899. p. 27- 49.) and Hyde, Charles M., D. D. Lee; the centennial celebration and centennial history of the town of Lee, Mass. 1878. Hyde, Catherine, mnrquise de Goiivion Broglie Scolari, ed. Lamballe, Maria Therese Louise de Savoie-Carignan, princess de. Secret memoirs. Wash., 1901. Hyde, Charles M., D. D., ed. Historical celebration of the town of Brimfield, Mass., Oct. 11, 1876. Springf., 1879. Memoir of the life of S. A. Hitchcock of Brimfield, Mass. Bost., 1874. and Hyde, Alexander. Lee; the centennial celebration and centennial history of the town of Lee, Mass. Springf., 1878. Hyde, Douglas. Literary history of Ireland, from earliest times to the present day. N. Y., 1899. Hyde, Edward, ist earl of Clarendon. See Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl of. Hyde, Edward Wyllys. Address; the evolution of algebra. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 51-64.) Calculus of direction and position. (In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1884. V. 6; p. 1-13.) Hyde, Ellen. Development of character in school. Manch., 1883. ■ English in elementary schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 110-24.) Hyde, James Nevins. Two stone walls from a seaside view. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. V. i; p. 453-76.) Hyde, John, comp. Fertilizer industry; review of statistics of pro- duction and consumption, with abstracts of state laws for analy- sis and sale. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of; Statistics, div. of. Reports. Misc. ser. no. 13.) Of what service are statistics to the farmer? (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Bulletin. Misc. ser. no. 14; p. 257-70.) 678 AUTHOR LIST. Hyde, John, comp. Wonderland; or, The Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Chic, 1888. Note : p. 69-78 wanting. Ed. 2, rev. Chic, 1889. ed. National geographic magazine. 1899-1900. ed. Schwatka, Lieut. Frederick. Wonderland; or, Alaska and the inland passage. 1886. Hyde, Col. Thomas W. Recollections of the battle of Gettysburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. V. i; p. 191-206.) Hyde, William. Address delivered at the opening of the new town- hall, Ware, Mass., March 31, 1847. Brookf., 1847. , Newspapers and newspaper people of three decades. (In Mo. hist, soc Pub. 1896. no. 12; p. 5-24.) Hyde, William DeWitt, D. D. Education of the will. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 202-16.) Inaugural address, (in Bowdoin college. Addresses at the inauguration of the Rev. W. D. Hyde as president of Bowdoin college. 1886. p. 21-41.) Overwork in the public schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1887. p. 11 1-28.) Hyde Park (Mass.) First Baptist church. Manual. Bost., 1878. Hyde Park historical record, v. 1-2. Hyde Park, 1892-3. Hyde Park historical society, ed. Hyde Park historical record. 1892-3. Hyer, Robert Stewart. Some new measurements of electric waves. (In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1899. v. 2, no. 2. p. 57-68.) Hykes, Rev. John R. Bible society work in China, n. p. 1894. Hyman, Coleman P. Account of the coins, coinages, and currency of Australasia. Sydney, 1893. Catalogue of coins, coinages, and currency of Australasia, with specimens of medals. Sydney, 1893. (Bound with his Ac- count of the coins. 1893.) Hymns selected from the most approved authors for the use of Trinity church, Boston. Bost., 1808. Hyndman, Henry Mayers. Commercial crises of the 19th century. Lond., 1892. (Social sci. ser.) Hyren, Henry, vs. Francestown soapstone co. Pleadings and evi- dence. Ports., 1874. I., R. New life of Virginia; being the second part of Nova Brit- ania. Lond., 1612. (In Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8. no. 7.) Lond., 1612. (In Force, Peter. Tracts. 1836. v. i.) Nova Britania offering the most excellent fruite by planting in Virginia. Lond., 1609. (In Amer. colonial tracts. 1897-8. no. 6.) Lond., 1609. U*J' Force, Peter. Tracts. 1836. v. i.) Ichnolite, or Amherst collegiate magazine, v. 5-7, 8. no. 1-4. Amh., 1858-61. Note : 10 nos. a year. v. 8 last pub. Idaho: Agricultural experiment station. Annual report for the year 1893-5, '97-1900. V. 1-3, 5-6. v. p. 1894-1901. Note : y. 1, is Bulletin no. 6; v. 5, is no. 15, and v. 6, is no. 29. Bulletin no. 1-29. v. p. 1892-1901. : Engineer. Biennial report to the governor, 1899-1900. Boise, 1901. : Free library commission. Hand book. n. p. n. d. : Governor. Biennial message to the session of the legislature, 1887-8, '99-1900. Boise City, 1888-1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 679 Idaho: Land commissioners, board of. Biennial report for tWe years 1891-4. V. 1-2. Boise City, 1892-5. : Public instruction, supt. of. Biennial report for 1886-98. v. il- 16. Caldwell, 1888-98. Circular. Moscow, 1898. School law, 1885. Boise City, 1885. General school laws of the state; 1897-8. Moscow, 1897. 1899-1900. Moscow, 1899. : State, secy. of. Official manual for the year 1895-6. n. p. 1895. : University. Announcements, 1897-8. Moscow, 1897. Annual report of the Board of regents, v. 7. n. p. 1896. Calendar, 1896-7. Moscow, 1896. Idaho at the Columbian exposition, 1893. n. p. n. d. Iddings, Joseph Paxton. G. H. Williams, n. p. n. d. Mineral composition and geological occurrence of certain igneous rocks in the Yellowstone national park. {In Phil. soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1890. v. 11; p. 191-220.) On a group of volcanic rocks from the Tewan mountains, New Mexico. Wash., 1890. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletin. 1890. no. 66.) On the crystallization of igneous rocks. {In Phil. soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1889. v. 11; p. 65-113.) Origin of igneous rocks. {In Phil. soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1892. V. 12; p. 89-214.) Spherulitic crystallization. {In Phil. soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1891. V. 11; p. 445-64.) and Hague, Arnold. On the development of crystallization in the igneous rocks of Washoe, Nevada. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 17.) Ide, Simeon. Industries of Claremont, N. H., past and present. Clare., 1879. Iglesias, Angel Gavino. Contribucion a los estudios de higiene nacional de la respiracion en el valle de Mexico. Mexico, 1888. Iglesias, Francisco Maria. (La) mas pequena de las republicas Americanas. San Jose, 1887. Pro patria una memoria y un discurso. Costa Rica, 1898. Iglesias, Ram6n Loria, ed., anon. Corona funebre a la memoria de Larenzo Montenegro. San Jose, 1891. Ihering, Rudolph von. Struggle for law, tr. from the sth German ed. by J. J. Lalor. Chic, 1879. lies, George. Appraisal of literature. N. Y., 1897. Trusteeship of literature, n. p. 1901. and Bowker, Richard Rogers. Reader's guide in economic, social, and political science. 1891. and Leypoldt, Augusta H., ed. List of books for girls and women. 1895. ed. Sturgis, Russell, and Krehbiel, Henry Edward. Annotated bibliography of fine art. 1897. Illinois: Adjutant-general. Regulations for the Illinois national guard. Springf., 1890. Report for 1861-1866. 8v. Springf., 1867. New ed. rev. 8v. Springf., 1886. : Agriculture, department of. Statistical report containing sum- mary of the reports of correspondents as to the condition and yield of the crops, live stock, etc. Circular, no. 157, 159-62, 164, 166-8, 170, 172, 187-90. Springf., 1892-1900. Transactions for the year 1871-4, '76-91, '93-9. v. 9-12, 14-29, 31-7. Springf., 1872-1900. Note: earlier yols. issued by the 111. state agric. soc. : Arbitration, board of. Annual report, 1897. Springf., 1897. : Asylum for feeble-minded children. Biennial report of the trus- tees, superintendent, and treasurer, v. 14, 16-17. Springf., 1892-8. 680 AUTHOR LIST. Illinois: Asylum for insane criminals. Biennial report of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer, 1892-8. v. 1-4. Springf., 1893-9. : Auditor of public accounts. Annual report of building and loan associations, 1894, '97-8. Springf., 1895-9. Statement showing the condition of state banks, 1897, Apr. and Dec, 1898-1901; Feb., 1902. Springf., 1897-1902. : Canal commissioners. Report to the governor, Dec, 1874, '75> '77, '79, '81, '82, '86-99. Springf., 1875-99. : Centennial managers, board of. Report. Springf., 1877. : Central hospital for the insane at Jacksonville. Biennial report of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer, 1876, '90-8. v. 15, 22-6. Springf., 1877-98. NoTB: earlier reports made by 111.: Hosp. for the insane. : Charitable eye and ear infirmary. Annual report for the year ending Nov., 1874-6, '79-80, '91-6, '99-1900. Springf., 1875-1900. Note : after 1874 report made biennially. : Constitutional convention, 1862. Journal of the convention. Springf., 1862. : Constitutional convention, i86g-7o. Constitution of the state of Illinois; adopted and ratified in 1870 and amended in 1877. Springf., 1879. Debates and proceedings of the convention convened at , Springfield. 2v. Springf., 1870. Journal of the convention. Springf., 1870. : Dental examiners, board of. Annual report made to the gov- ernor, Dec. 15, 1890. V. 9. Springf., 1890. : Eastern hospital for the insane at Kankakee. Biennial report of the trustees, architect, and treasurer, 1878, '80, '96, '98. v. 1-2, lo-ii. Springf., 1879-98. : Eastern state normal school. Announcement for 1899-1900. v. I. n. p. 1899. : Education, board of. Report concerning the Normal univer- sity for two years ending Sept., 1876. Springf., 1877. : Entomologist. Report, 1889-94. v. 17-19. Springf., 1891-96. : Equalization, board of. Proceedings, 1893, '95-8. Springf., 1893-8. : Factories and zvorkshops, inspectors of. Annual report, 1896-7. V. 4-5. Springf., 1897-8. : Farmer's institute. Annual report, with reports of county farmer's institutes for the year 1896-8. v. 1-3. Springf., 1896-8. : Fish commissioners, board of. Report to the governor, July, 1879-Sept., '82., Oct., '84-Sept., '92, Oct., '94-Sept., 1900. Springf., 1883-1900. : Free employment offices. Annual report, v. i. Springf., 1900. Weekly bulletin, no. 3-5, 8-1 1, 13-16, 43. Springf., 1899-1900. : General assembly. Act providing tor primary elections of del- egates to nominating conventions of political parties or organ- izations, n. p. 1898. Illinois school law, an act to establish and maintain a system of free schools. Springf., 1877. Springf., 1879. Springf., 1897. Report of special committee appointed to investigate the fail- ure of the Globe savings bank, and to inquire into the condition of the funds of the University of Illinois, n. p. n. d. : General assembly: Soldiers' orphans' home, committee on. Report. n. p. 1871. : Geological survey. Subject reports, v. 1-8. Springf., 1866-90. : Governor. Message to the general assembly, 1859, '75, '77 (2), '82, '97, '99. Springf., 1859-99- : Health, board of. Advance notes of the sanitary investiga- tions of the Illinois river and its tributaries. Springf., 1900. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 681 Illinois. Annual report made to the governor, 1878, '82-5, '88-97. V. I, 5-8, 11-20. Springf., 1879-99. Medical education and the regulation of the practice of medi- cine in the U. S. and Canada. Rev. ed. Chic, 1884. Official register of physicians and midwives, 1877-1884. Springf., 1884. 1877-1886. Springf., 1886. Note: other editions are found in the Annual reports of the 111. board of health. Preventable-disease circulars, no. 1-4. Springf., 1883. Report on medical education, medical colleges, and the regula- tion of the practice of medicine in the U. S. and Canada, for 1885, '89-91. Springf., 1885-91- • : Historical library. Alphabetical catalog of the books, manu- scripts, maps, pictures, and curios. Springf., 1900. : Home for juvenile female offenders at Geneva. Biennial report, • 1894, '98. V. I, 3- Springf., 1894-9. : Horticultural hoard of control at the World's Columbian exposition, 1893. Report of the fruit exhibit of the state. Savoy, n. d. : Hospital for the insane. Biennial report of the trustees, super- intendent, and treasurer, 1847-74. v. 1-14. Springf., 1862-75. Note : later reports made by 111. : Central hospital for the insane at Jackson- ville. Special report of the trustees in review of a report of a legis- lative committee appointed by the 25th general assembly. Springf., 1868. {Bound with Biennial report, v. 9-1 1.) : Industrial home for the blind. Annual report of the trustees, 1894, '96, '98. V. I, 3, 5. Spring/., 1895-9. : Industrial university. See Illinois: University. • : Institution for the education of feeble-minded children. Annual report, 1874. v. 10. Springf., 1875. ■ : Institution for the education of the blind. Biennial report for 1861-2, ;73:8o, '96-8. Springf., 1863-98. : Institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. Annual report for 1872, '74-6, '78-80, '82, '84-92, '96-8. v. 32, 34-6, 38-40, 42, 44- 52, 55-8. Springf., 1873-99. Note : in 1876 report became biennial. Catalogue of the library. Jacksonville, 1895. : Insurance, supt. of. Annual insurance report, 1873, '77, '79-88, '99-1900. V. 5, pt. 2; V. 9, pt. 2; V. II, pt. 2; V. 12-13; V. 14, pt. i; V. 15-20, V. 31; V. Z2, pt. 2. Springf., 1873-1900. : Labor statistics, bureau of. Biennial report, 1879-80, '93-6. v. 5, 8-9. Springf., 1880-96. : Laboratory of natural history. Bulletin, v. 4, art. 12. Springf., 1896. : Library. Catalogue. Springf., 1877. Springf., 1880. ; Springf., 1894. : Live stock commissioners, board of. v. 12-14, Springf., 1898- 1900. : Museum of natural history. Bulletin, no. 3-12. Springf., 1894-7. ■ : Northern hospital for the insane at Elgin. Biennial report of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer, 1872-98. v. 2-15. Springf., 1873-98. : Penitentiary, commissioners of. Report, 1872-98. Springf., 1873-98. : Pharmacy, board of. Annual report, with abstract of state register, 1883-1900. v. 2-19. Springf., 1883-1901. : Public charities, board of commissioners of. Biennial report, v. I, 3-4, 6-12, 14-15. Springf., 1871-99. 682 AUTHOR LIST. Illinois. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Illinois state conference, v. i, 3. Springf., 1897-9. Law of commitment to hospitals for the insane in the state of Illinois, n. p. 1881. Springf., 1883. • : Public instruction, supt. of. Biennial report for the years 1859- 98. y. 3-22. Springf., 1860-98. Illinois school law, 1889-99; an act to establish and maintain a system of free schools, approved May 21, 1889. Springf., 1899. : Railroad and warehouse commission. Annual report, v. i-ii, 13, 21-3, 25-8, 30. Springf., 1872-1900. : Reformatory. Biennial report, 1872-96. Springf., 1872-97. Note: up to 1891 name was 111.: Reform school. Financial statement, 1899. n. p. n. d. : Soldiers' and sailors' home. Biennial report of the board of trustees and officers, 1886-98. v. 1-7. Springf., 1887-98. : Soldiers' orphans' home. Biennial report, 1868, '71-97. Springf., 1868-98. : Southern hospital far the insane at Anna. Biennial report of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer, 1874, '92, '96, '98. v. i-io, 12-13. Springf., 1875-98. : Southern Illinois penitentiary, commissioners of. Report, 1878- 84, '88-98. Springf., 1879-99- : State, secy. of. Election laws. Springf, 1898. Laws of the state in relation to roads and bridges in counties under township organization. Springf., 1898. Official vote cast at the general election held Nov. 3, 1896. Springf., 1897. ■ : State house commissioners. Report, Dec, 1874, '76. Springf., 1875-7. : Swamp lands, agent for. Biennial report, 1889-96. Springf., 1891-7. : Trans-Mississippi and international exposition, commission to. Report. Springf., 1899. : University. Announcement of the summer term, 1900. n. p. 1900. Annual report of the board of trustees for the year 1868-96. v. 1-18. Springf., 1868-96. NoTB : original name was Illinois industrial university. Catalogue and circular; 1889-1901. Chic, 1889-1901. Commencement address, 1899. Champaign, 1899. ■ J. M. Gregory, first president of the university, n. p. 1898. Proceedings and addresses at the inauguration of A. S. Draper as president, and at the dedication of Engineering Hall. Ur- bana, 1895. Statutes. Urbana, 1898. University studies, v. i, no. 1-2. Champaign, 1900-1. ed. Palmer, Arthur William. Chemical survey of the water supplies of Illinois. 1897. : University: College of law. Announcement, 1900-1. n. p. 1900. : University: School of music. Announcement, 1899-1900. n. p. 1899. : University: State library school. Circular of information, 1900- I. n. p. n. d. : Western hospital for the insane at Watertown. Biennial report of the trustees, superintendent, and treasurer, 1898. v. i. Springf., 1898. : World's fair commissioners, hoard of. Report. Springf., _ 1895. Illinois agriculturist. Agricultural club. University of Illinois, ed. Illinois and Indiana medical and surgical journal. See Chicago medical journal. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 683 Illinois central railway company. Report to the shareholders. Lend., 1858. Illinois club of the city of Chicago. Charter, by-laws, rules, and list of members. Chic, 1879. In memoriam; S. N. Wilcox; A. C. Bell; C. C. Dana. Chic, 1882. Illinois college and Whipple academy. Catalogue, 1894-5. v. 66. Jacksonville, 1894. Illinois gold mining company. Prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Illinois humane society. Annual report, 1897-1900. v. 28-31. Chic, 1897-1900. Illinois in 1837. Phil., 1837. Illinois masonic home for the aged. Annual report of the board of trustees, v. 4. Chic, 1901. Illinois masonic orphans' home. Annual report, 1900. v. 16. Chic, 1901. Illinois medical and surgical journal. See Chicago medical journal. Illinois music teachers' association. Alusicians' bulletin, 1900. v. I, no. 3. Ottawa, 1900. Official report, 1887-98. v. i-io. v. p. 1887-99. Illinois natural history society. Transactions, v. i. Springf., 1861. Illinois society of the Sons of the American revolution. Hand book, 1899. Chic, 1899. Year book, 1896. 2v. Chic, 1896-7. Illinois state agricultural society. Transactions for 1853-70. v. 1-8. Springf., 1855-71. Note : later transactions issued by the 111. dept. of agriculture. Illinois state bar association. Constitution. Springf., 1877. Proceedings at the annual meeting, v. 2-3, 6-17, 19-25. Springf., 1879-1901. Illinois state horticultural society. Transactions for the year 1889- 90, '92-1901. V. 23-4, 26-35. V. p. 1889-1901. Illinois state library association. President's address, 1901. n. p. 1901. Illinois state medical society. Transactions of the annual meet- ing. V. 21-3, 26-31, 36. Chic, 1871-86. Illinois state school for the deaf: Library. Recent additions, n. p. 1898. Illustrated almanac, 1880, '85, '88. Manch., 1880-8. Illustrated Fryeburg, Webster memorial. Fryeburg, 1882. Illustrated news of the world; pub. weekly, July-Dec, 1859. Lond., 1859. Illustrated pilgrim memorial. Bost., 1866. Imbeaux, Charles Edouard Augustin. Les eaux potables et leur role gygienique. Nancy, 1897. Imber, Naphtali Herz. Education and the Talmud. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5. v. 2, 1896. p. 1795- 1820.) tr. Akibah, rabbi. Letters; or. The Jewish primer as it was used in the public schools 2,000 years ago. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1895-6. v. i. 1897. p. 701-19.) Immigrant Port chaplaincy Protestant Episcopal church. Annual report, v. 6. n. p. n. d. Immigration restriction league. Publications, no. 1-19, 22-34. n. p. 1894-1902. Report of the executive committee for 1898-1900. n. p. 1901. Impartial and correct history of the war between the United States of America and Great Britain, 1812-1815. N. Y., 1815. Impartial inquiry into the state and utility of the province of Georgia. (In Georgia hist, soc Coll. 1840. v. i; p. 153-201.) 684 AUTHOK LIST. Important case argued in three dialogues, designed to expose erro- neous teachers, alarm secure sinners, and assist the disciples of Christ; ist Amer, edition. N. Y., 1794. Improved order o£ Red men. Long talk of the Great Incohonee. n. p. n. d. : Great council of Delaware. Record, 1889. Wilmington, 1890. : Great council of Georgia. Proceedings, 1890. Atlanta, 1890. : Great council of Indiana. Record, 1889. Indianapolis, 1889. : Great council of New Hampshire. Proceedings, 1881-1900. v. 1-2; V. 3, no. I. V. p. 1889-1901. : Great council of the United States. Records, 1850, '52-4, '57-9, '61-2, '65-7, '71-96. V. p. 1850-96. : Great council of Virginia. Record, 1890. Petersburg, 1890. ■ : N ewichewannock tribe No. 4. Constitution and by-laws, Manch., 1877. Improvement of Central square and dedicatory exercises of the Parson Main statue, July 3d, 1896. n. p. 1896. Imr, pseud. See Robinson, Mrs. Ida May (Frost). Imray, James, & son, pub. West Indies directory, part 5, Puerto Rico and the Carribbee Islands. Lond., 1885. In memoriam A. B. L. n. p. n. d. In memoriam; C. D. Adams, 1839-1889. Bait., 1889. In memoriam Corporal R. G. Everett, n. p. n. d. In memoriam, Reuben Guild of West Dedham, Mass. Prov., 1882. In memoriam, E. S. Wright, 1815-88. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, Edwin Vaughan. n. p. n. d. In memoriam; D. A. Durgin, 1825-1898; J. J. Kaime, 1826-1898. Cone, 1899. In memoriam, George Olcott. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, J. H. Duncan. Camb., i869(?) In memoriam, J. L. Rich. n. p. 1900. In memoriam, J, G. Hook. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, J. H. Coit. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, J. N. Marshall, born May 22, 1840, died March 2, 1895. Lowell, 1895. In memoriam, J. N. Westcott. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, Mrs. S. S. Haile. n. p. n. d. In memoriam; Phillips Brooks, n. p. n. d. In memoriam; Rev. A. P. Diller. Streator, n. d. In memoriam; Rev. I. G. Hubbard, n. p. n. d. In memoriam, Rev. J. H. Eames, rector of St. Paul's church. Con- cord, N. H. Cone, i878(?) In memoriam, R. L. Dabney. Knoxville, 1899. In memoriam, S. W. Westcott. n. p. n. d. In memoriam, Thomas Dunlap. Manch., 1892. In memoriam, W. E. Moore, n. p. 1900. In memoriam; W. H. Haile. Everett, 1901. In memoriam, W. L. Chase, n. p. n. d. In memory of Albin Hadley. n. p. n. d. In memory of Ernst Krackowizer. N. Y., 1875. In memory of J. J, Bell, Exeter, N. H. n. p„. 1894. In memory of O. S. Stearns, 1817-1893. Bost., nl d. In memory of Rev. F. C. Putnam, who entered into rest Oct. 27, 1886. n. p. n. d. In memory of the Rev. A. D. Cole. n. p. n. d. In the North end burying ground. Providence, R. I., Oct. 18, 1900. n.^ p. n. d. Inability of the president of the United States, and the discharge of his duties during the continuance thereof. Wash., 1884. Inaugural souvenir, 1901. Wash., 1901. Inauguration of M. E. Gates as president of Amherst college. n. p. 1891. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 685 Inauguration of the statue of Liberty enlightening the world. N. Y., 1887. Independent order of Odd fellows. See Odd fellows. Independent order of Good templars: Grand lodge of New Hampshire. Constitution and by-laws of subordinate lodges. Manch., 1868. Grand and subordinate constitutions. Pittsf., 1875. Proceedings at the annual convention, 1866-93, '96. v. 1-28, 31. V. p. 1867-97. : Harris lodge, No. 45. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1878. : Merrimack lodge. No. 44. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1869. Manch., 1870. Manch., 1872. Manch., 1877. : Stark lodge, No. 4. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1867. Manch., 1878. : Thistle lodge, No. 49. Constitution and by-laws. Manch, 1884. Independent state free territory convention, Columbus, 1848. Ad- dresses and proceedings. Cine, 1848. Inderwick, Frederick Andrew. King's peace, a historical sketch of the English law courts. Lond., 1895. Index, a weekly paper devoted to free religion, v. 1-7, 8, no. z^j- 79, 381-413, 415-16. Toledo, 1870-7. Index showing the townships in Manitoba, the Northwest terri- tories and British Columbia, n. p. n. d. Index to original communications in the medical journals of the U. S. and Canada, 1877-8. N. Y., 1877-8. NOTK : no more pub. India: Botanical survey. Records, v. i, no. 8-1 1, 13. Calcutta, 1896-1901. Report, 1894-5, '96-1901. Calcutta, 1895-1901. ed. Cooke, Theodore. Flora of the presidency of Bombay. pt. 1-2. Lond., 1901-2. Indian advocate, issued monthly, v. 1-5. Alb., 1891-6. Note : no more pub. Indian creek and Jack's Knob coal, salt, lead, lumber, oil, and manufacturing company. Prospectus with a geological report on the lands of the company. Cine, 1866. Indian narratives; history of Indian wars, from 1620 to 1794. Clare., 1854. Indian rights association. Annual report of the executive com- mittee, 1885-1901. V. 3-19. Phil., 1866-1902. Circulars. Ser. 2, no. 1-5, 7-14, 16-18, 20-3, 25-30, 32-3, 37-44, 46-9, 51, 52, 55, 58-61. Phil., 1893-1902. Commissioner of Indian affairs and the census at Pine Ridge Indian agency, Dakota. Phil., 1886. ed. Armstrong, Samuel Chapman. Report of a trip made to some Indian reservations of the Southwest. 1885. Indian territory: Mine inspector. Annual report to the secretary of the interior for the year 1897, 1900-1. Wash., 1897-1901. Indiana: Adjutant -general. Report containing Indiana in the war of the Rebellion and statistics and documents. 8v. Indianap- olis, 1865-9. Note: v. 1 dated 1869. : Agricultural experiment station. See Purdue university: Agri- cultural experiment station. : Agriculture, hoard of. Annual report for the year 1851-9, '67, '69-1901. V. 1-7, 9, 11-42. Indianapolis, 1852-1901. Note : v. 9 covers period from 1862-67. Special report on the hog. Indianapolis, 1900. 686 AUTHOR LIST. Indiana: Auditor. Annual report, bank department, 1889-97. Indian- apolis, 1889-97. Annual report, insurance department, 1893, '97, iQOi- Indian- apolis, 1893-1901. : Board of tax commissioners and the county assessors. Annual conference convention, 1900-1. Indianapolis, 1900-1. : Charities, board of. Report, Mar. 1889-Oct., '90, Nov., '91- Oct., 1900. V. I, 3-1 1. Indianapolis, 1890-1901. : Chickamauga national military park, commissioners of. Indiana at Chickamauga. Indianapolis, 1900. : Factory inspectors, dept. of. Annual report, 1898, 1900. v. 2, 4. Indianapolis, 1899-1901. : Fee and salary commission. Report to the general assembly. V. I. Indianapolis, 1900. : Fisheries and game, commissioner of. Report, 189 1, '98-1900. Indianapolis, 1891-1900. : General assembly. Record of Indiana volunteers in the Span- ish-American war, 1898-1899. Indianapolis, 1900. ■ Report of the legislative committee on state educational, benevolent, and correctional institutions, 1901. Indianapolis, 1901. : Geologist. Annual report for 1869-78. v. i-io. Indianapolis, 1870-9. Note: report for 1869, pt. 1, is in Ind.: Agric, board of. Annual report, v. 11. Report for 1879-80 is in Ind. : statistics, dept. of. Annual report, v. 1-2. Reports for 1881-date in Ind. : Geology & natural resources, dept. of. Annual report, v. ll-date. ed. Owen, Richard, M. D., 1810-. Report of a geological re- connaissance of Indiana. 1862. — — : Geology and natural resources, dept. of. Annual report for 188 1- 1900. V. 11-25. Indianapolis, 1882-1901. Note : v. 11-16 called Dept. of geology and natural history. Reports for 1879-80 in Ind. : Statistics, dept. of. Annual report, v. 1-2. : Governor. Biennial report of pardons, commutations, and re- prieves, 1885-6. Indianapolis, 1887. Message to the general assembly, 1857, '65, '97, 1901. Indian- apolis, 1857-1901. : Health, board of. Annual report for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1883, '87-8, '90-3, '96-1900. V. 2, 6-7, 9-12, 15-19. Indian- apolis, 1884-1901. Epidemic of smallpox in Muncie, 1893. Indianapolis, 1894. Health circulars, no. 5. Indianapolis, 1896. Laws, rules, and regulations relating to the public health of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1886. Indianapolis, 1891. Sanitary survey of schoolhouses, zymotic diseases in Indiana. Indianapolis, 1890. ed. Bulletin of the Indiana state board of health, quarterly. 1897-9- ed. Monthly bulletin, v. i; v. 2, no. i; v. 3, no. i. Indianap- olis, 1899-1901. ed. Sanitary convention, Indiana. Report of proceedings. 1884. : Health commission. Annual report, v. 1-2. (In Ind.: Statis- tics, bureau of. Annual report. 1879-80. v. 1-2.) : Industrial school for girls and the woman's prison. Annual report of the managers for the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1875, '77, '79, '81-3, '85-1900. V. 4, 6, 8, 10-12, 14-29. Indianapolis, 1876-1900. : Institute for the education of the blind. Annual report, 1863, '66- 73, '99-1900. V. 17, 20-7, 53-4. Indianapolis, 1863-1900. : Institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. Annual re- port of the trustees and superintendent for the year 1899-1900. V. 56-7. Indianapolis, 1900-1. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 687 Indiana: Lazv library. Catalogue of law books. Indianapolis, 1872. Catalogue. Indianapolis, 1889. : Librarian. Legislative and state manual for 1899-1900. Indi- anapolis, 1899. Manual of the election law. Indianapolis, 1889. Rev. ed. n. p. 1891. Biennial report, 1874, '88, '96, '98. Indianapolis, 1874-98. Bulletin; index to state legislation. Indianapolis, 1898. (2d series, no. i.) Note : in the law alcove. Bulletin; quarterly supplement to catalogue, ser. i, no. i. Indianapolis, 1898. Bulletin; 3d series, no. 1-7. Indianapolis, 1898. Catalogue for the year 1865. Indianapolis, 1865. Catalogue and rules and regulations. Indianapolis, 1869. Indianapolis, 1872. Catalogue. Indianapolis, 1898. Library laws of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1901. ed. Indiana state library bulletin. 1898. : Library commission. Finding lists; Indiana traveling libraries. Indianapolis, n. d. : Medical registration and examination, hoard of. Annual report. V. 2-3. Indianapolis, 1900-1. : Normal school. Annual catalogue, 1889-93, '96-1901. v, 21-5, 27-32. Indianapolis, 1889-1901. Report for 1899-1900. Indianapolis, 1900. : Pharmacy, hoard of. Annual report, 1899. v. i. Indianap- olis, 1900. : Public buildings and property, custodian of. Biennial report for the years 1889-90, '97-1900. v. i, 5-6. Indianapolis, 1890-1901. : Public instruction, dept. of. Annual report for the year 1852-3, '58-64, '67-1900. V. 2, 7-13, 16-46. Indianapolis, 1853-1901. Arbor and bird day program, Oct. 27, 1899. Indianapolis, 1899. Outline of township institute work. Indianapolis, 1899. Indianapolis, 1900. School laws, opinions, instructions, and judicial decisions. Indianapolis, 1869. Indianapolis, 1877. Indianapolis, 1891. Indianapolis, 1895. Indianapolis, 1897. State manual and uniform course of study for the elementary and high schools of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1899. : Reformatory. Biennial report of the board of managers from Nov. I, 1896, to Oct. 31, 1898. Jeffersonville, 1898. : Reformatory institution for women and girls. See Indiana: Indus- trial school for girls and the woman's prison. : Sanitary commission. Report made to the governor, Jan. 2, 1865. Indianapolis, 1865. : School for feeble-minded youth. Annual report for the year 1887-95, '97-1900. V. 9-17, 19-22. Indianapolis, 1888-1900. : Soldiers' and saihrs' orphans' home. Annual report of the board of trustees and officers for the year ending Oct. 1899-1901. V. 21-3. Indianapolis, 1899-1901. : Soldiers' home. Annual report of the board of trustees for the year 1900. Indianapolis, 1900. : Special agents visiting troops. Reports of special agents, pay agents, etc., visiting troops. Indianapolis, 1863. : State house commissioners, board of. Report of the proceedings from date of organization to Dec. 31, 1878. Indianapolis, 1879. 688 AUTHOR LIST. Indiana: State prison, south. Annual report of the directors and offi- cers for the year ending Oct., 1850, '53, '56, '61, '64, '69-72, '75-6, '78-82, '84-5, '87-96. Indianapolis, 185 1-97. : Statistics, bureau of. Annual report, v. 1-14. Indianapolis, 1879- 1 900. Note : vols, for 1879-80 pub. by the Bureau of statistic* and geology. Eeportf biennial since 1886. Bulletin, no. 4-5, 9-1 1. Indianapolis, 1896-1900. General description of the state of Indiana. Indianapolis, 1880. : Tax commissioners, hoard of. Laws concerning the assessment of property for taxation. Indianapolis, 1899. Proceedings for 1899-1901. Indianapolis, 1899-1901. Report of the state board to the general assembly, 1899-1900. Indianapolis, 1901. See also Indiana: Board of tax commissioners and the county asses- sors. : University. Announcement of courses of instruction for 1896, 1900. Bloomington, 1896-1900. Catalogue for 1894-5, '98-1901. v. 71, 75-7. Bloomington, 1895-1901. : University: School of law. Announcement, 1899-1901. Bloom- ington, 1899-1900. : Vital and sanitary statistics. See Indiana: Health, board of. Indiana academy o£ science. Proceedings, 1895-9. Indianapolis, 1 896- 1 900. Indiana Asbury female college, New Albany (Ind.). Proceedings on the occasion of the opening, Feb. 27, 1852. New Alb., 1852. Indiana Asbury university. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1847-8. Indianapolis, 1847-8. Indiana bulletin of charities and correction, quarterly, no. 23-42. Indianapolis, 1895-1900. Announcement of the annual state conference; extra no. of Sept., 1899. Indiana civil service reform association. Documents, no. 1-6. Indianapolis, 1886-1900. Indiana college association. Addresses and other proceedings, annual session, 1898-9. v. 22-3. St. Joseph, n. d. Indiana historical society. Proceedings, 1830-86. Indianapolis, 1897. (In its Publications. 1897. v. i; p. 3-65.) Publications, v. 1-2. Indianapolis, 1897. Indiana medical journal, a monthly journal of medicine and sur- gery. V. 1-9. Indianapolis, 1883-1901. Note : v. 1, no. 1-6, semi-montlily. Indiana' medical society. Transactions; 1885, '92, 1901. v. 35, 43, 52. Indianapolis, 1885-1901. Indiana sanitary convention. Proceedings; March, 1864. Indian- apolis, 1864. Indiana state dairy association. Annual report, 1900. v. 11. Indi- anapolis, 1901. Indiana state horticultural society. Transactions; 1871-93, '95-1900. V. lo-ii, 30, 32-3, 35-40. Indianapolis, 1871-1901. Indiana town and superintendent's association. Reports of the committee on course of study in the public schools. Indian- apolis, 1899. Indianapolis: Public library. Report, 1881. Indianapolis, 1881. : School commissioners, hoard of. Annual report of the public schools for the school year ending June, 1883. v. 22. Indian- apolis, 1883. Indianapolis board of trade. Articles of association and by-laws with annual report for 1882, '89-98, 1900-1. Indianapolis, 1883- 190T. Note : first pub. in 1882 ; none pub. in 1883-8. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 689 Indianapolis Board of Trade. Articles of association, list of mem- bers and rules, regulations, and by-laws. Indianapolis, 1882. Indianapolis literary club. Members, officers, committees, etc., 1899. Indianapolis, 1899. Indianapolis, university of. See University of Indianapolis. Indianapolis young men's Christian association. Annual report, 1891-6. Indianapolis, 1891-6. Industrial aid society for the prevention of pauperism. Annual re- port, 1856-8, '63-7, '69-76, '78-80, '82-1900. V. 21-3, 28-32, 34-4i» 43-5, 47-66. Bost., 1856-1901. Note : up to 1865 name was Boston society for the prevention of pauperism. Industrial publishing company. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; manufacturing and mercantile resources of the Cumberland val- ley. Phil., 1882. Industrial school for crippled and deformed children. Annual re- port, 1895, '97-1901. v. I, 3-7- Bost., 1895-1901. Industrialist, a weekly paper devoted to the promotion of agricul- tural and industrial education, Aug. 1888-June, 1892, Aug. '94- Dec, '97. V. 14-17, 20-3. Manhattan, 1889-97. Industries and wealth of the principal points in Vermont. N. Y., 1891. Inexhaustible petroleum company of New York, Prospectus. Jersey City, 1864. Infantry discipline, n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. w. Influence of the Netherlands in making the English commonwealth and the American republic, n, p. n. d. Ingalls, Herbert. Boston charades. Bost., 1895. Ingalls, Lt.-cal. James Monroe. Course of instruction for artillery gunners; ballistics. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Adj.-gen. Artil- lery circulars. 1893. F.) Supplement. Wash., 1895. Ingalls, Rufus, and others. Appointment and promotion of commis- sioned officers of the army. n. p. n. d. Ingalls, William, AT. D. Essay on the ganglionary system of nerves in the cavity of the cranium and its use. Bost., 1832. Ingalls memorial library. Catalogue. Peterboro', 1896. Dedication, June 13, 1895. Cone, 1895. IngersoU, Charles. Fears for democracy regarded from the Amer- ican point of view. Phil., 1875. IngersoU, Charles Jared. Recollections, historical, political, bio- graphical, and social, v. i. Phil., 1861. Note : no more pub. IngersoU, Ernest. Down East latch strings; or, Seashore, lakes, and mountains by the Boston & Maine railroad. Bost., 1887. Rand, McNally & Co.'s handy guide to Washington and the District of Columbia. Chic, 1896. IngersoU, Rev. George Goldthwait. Address delivered before the literary societies of the university of Vermont, Aug. 2, 1837. Burlington, 1837. Discourse delivered before the legislature of Vermont on the day of the general election, Oct. 4, 1830. Burlington, 1830. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Farewell address to the First Congregational society in Bur- lington, 1844. Burlington, 1844. (Bound with Sanders, D. C, D. D. Charge, 1812.) Sermon preached on Fast day before the First Congregational society in Burlington (Vt.). Burlington, 1843. (Bound with P. E. church in the U. S. Pastoral letter. 1874.) IngersoU, Joseph R. Memoir of Samuel Breck, read before the Historical society of Penn., Jan. 12, 1863. Phil., 1863. 44 690 AUTHOR LIST. Ingersoll, Lurton Durham. History of the War department of the United States. Wash., 1879. Iowa and the Rebellion. Ed. 2. Phil., 1866. Life of Horace Greeley. Chic, 1873. Ingersoll, Col. Robert Green, and Field, Henry Martyn, D. D. Field-Ingersoll discussion. 1888. Ingham, William A., comp. General index of the final summary report of the geology of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, 1895. (In Penn.: Geologist. Final report, v. O.) Ingle, Edward. Local institutions of Virginia. Bait., 1885. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1885. v. 3, no. 2-3.) Maryland's greatest politician, Cecilius Calvert. (In South- ern hist, assoc. Pub. 1898. v. 2; p. 230-41.) Negro in the District of Columbia. Bait., 1893. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1893. v. 11, no. 3-4.) Parish institutions of Maryland. Bait., 1883. (In Johns Hop- kins univ. Studies. 1883. v. i, no. 6.) Inglehart, F. M. Buffalo's first mayor, Ebenezer Johnson. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 4; p. 55-69-) Inglis, Rev. Charles. Memorial concerning the Iroquois. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary history. 1851. v. 4; P- 659-75.) State of the Anglo-American church in 1776. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary history. 1850. v. 3; p. 635-46.) Inglis, Thomas. Catalogue of the valuable collection of books forming the library of Thomas Inglis. Bost., 1872. Ingram, J. S. Centennial exposition described and illustrated. Phil., 1876. Ingram, Thomas Dunbar. Critical examination of Irish history, being a replacement of the false by the true from the Eliza- bethan conquest to the legislative union of 1800. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Inland lock navigation company. First report of the directors and engineer. (In Buft'alo hist. soc. Pub. 1880. v. 2; p. 157- 80.) Inland Massachusetts illustrated. Springf., 1890. Inland type foundry. Specimen book and catalog, n. p. 1901. Inman, W. S., ed. Great Britain: House of commons. Report of the committee on ventilation, warming, and transmission of sounds. 1836. Insane hospital at Northampton. See Northampton insane hos- pital. Insane hospital at Taunton. See Taunton insane hospital. Insane hospital at Worcester. See Worcester insane hospital. Inscriptions from the burying-grounds in Salem, Mass. Bost, 1837. Inscriptions on tombstones in Milford, Conn. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 1-71.) Insect life, monthly, devoted to the economy and life-habits of in- sects in their relation to agriculture, v. 1-7. Wash., 1888-95. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology, div. of.) Note : no more pub. General index. Wash., 1897. Institute of hygiene. Opening exercises of the Institute of hygi- ene of the university of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1892. Institute of Jamaica. Annual report for the year ending March, 1901. Kingston, 1901. Books on Jamaica in the library; excerpted from the cata- logue. Kingston, i894(?) Jamaica in 1897, a handbook of information for intending set- tlers and others. Kingston, 1897. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 691 Institute of Jamaica. Journal, v. 2, no. 5. Kingston, 1898. ed. Cundall, Frank. Bibliotheca Jamaicensis. 1895. Insull, Samuel. Development of the central station. Lafayette, 1898. Insurance company of North America. History. Phil., 1885. Insurance journal. Statutory requirements relating to insurance in the United States and Canada. Hartf., 1895. Insurance library association of Boston. Catalogue of the library of the Insurance library association of Boston, comp. by H. E. Hess. Bost., 1899. Insurance year book, 1899-1900. v. 27-8. N. Y., 1899-1900. Intercollegiate. Students' hand-book of New York city for Union theological seminary, 1899-1901. n. p. 1899-1900. Students' hand-book of New York city, 1897-8, '99-1901. N. Y., 1897-1900. Intercolonial library conference, Melbourne, i8g6. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of old, rare, and curious books. Melbourne, 1896. Interdenominational commission of Maine. Manual. Portl., 1894. Internal revenue record and customs journal, a weekly register of official information, v. 11-12. N. Y., 1870. International American conference, Washington, 1889-go. Minutes of the conference. Wash., 1890. Note : text in English and Spanish in parallel columns. Report relative to an intercontinental railway line. Wash., 1890. Reports of committees and discussions thereon. 7v. Wash., 1890. Note : v. 1-4 are Eng. ed. and r. 5-7 Spanish. International association of factory inspectors. Annual conven- tion, 1895, '99. V. 9, 13. Cleveland, 1895-9. International bimetallic conference, London, 1894. Proceedings. {In Berlin silver commission, 1894. Proposals submitted, p. 1 280- 1 428.) International clinics, a quarterly of clinical lectures, v. i. Phil., 1891. International commercial congress, 1899. Official proceedings. Phil., 1899. International conference of the railroad department of the Young men's Christian association of the United States and Dominion of Canada. Proceedings, 1886, '98. v. 4, 9. N. Y., 1886-98. International conference on education. Proceedings. Wash., 1877. International Congregational council, Boston, 1899. Volume of pro- ceedings, ed. by Rev. E. C. Webster. Bost, 1900. International Congregational council, London, 1891. Proceedings. Ed. 2. Lond., 1891. International congress of charities, correction, and philanthropy, Chicago, June, 1893. Commitment, detention, care, and treatment of the insane. Bait., 1894. International congress of engineers. Operations of the division of military engineering of the International congress of engi- neers held in 1893. Wash., 1894. International congress of geologists, Washington, 1891. Guide to Washington and its scientific institutions, n. p. n. d. International cotton exposition, Atlanta, 188 1. Report of the direc- tor-general. N. Y., 1882. International council of women. Report. Wash., 1888. International electric congress, Chicago, 1893. Proceedings. N. Y., 1894. International electrical exhibition, ed. Franklin institute. Official catalogue of the international electrical exhibition. 1884. 692 AUTHOR LIST. International fisheries exhibition, Berlin, 1880, ed. United States: Fish and fisheries, commission of. Exhibit of the fisheries and fish culture of the United States. (In U. S.: National museum Bulletin. 1880. no. 18.) International geological congress, Washington, 1891. Congres geo- logique international, compte rendu de la 5me session, Washing- ton, 1891. Wash., 1893. Note : part of the text is in French. Extract from guide-book of the Appalachian excursion. Wash., 1891. International good roads congress, Buffalo, igoi. Proceedings. Wash., 1901. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Public road inquiries^ 1901. Bulletin, no. 21.) International Hahnemannian association. Proceedings of the an- nual session, 1881-1901. v. p. 1884-1901. International health exhibition, London, 1884. Catalogue of the library. Lond., 1884. Special catalogue of the education division. Ed. 2. Lond., 1884. International homoeopathic congress. Proceedings of the 4th quinquennial session, held in Atlantic City, N. J., June, 1891. Phil., 1891. (In Amer. inst. of homoeopathy. Trans. 1891. v. 44; p. 193-1164.) International journal of ethics, issued quarterly, Oct., 1890-1901. V. i-ii. Phil., 1891-1901. International journal of surgery, monthly, 1888-1901. v. 1-14. N. Y., 1888-1901. International league of press clubs. Constitution and by-laws; with abstract of proceedings, v. 5-7. v. p. 1895-7. International manganese company. Report. Bost., 1864 (?) International marine conference, 1889. Protocols of proceedings and reports of committees. 3v. Wash., 1890. International medical annual and practitioner's index, v. 7-9, 11, 13, 14. N. Y., 1889-96. Note : title, 1890, was Medical annual. International medical congress. Transactions, 1881, 'S7, '97. v. 7, 9, 12. V. p. 1881-1900. International medical congress, Philadelphia, 1876. Transactions; ed. by John Ashhurst. Phil., 1877. International medical magazine, an illustrated monthly, ed. by H. W. Cattell. v. i, no. 2-12; v. 3, no. i, 3-5, 7-12; v. 4-7. Phil., 1892-8. International monthly; a magazine of contemporary thought, v. 1-3. N. Y., 1900-1. International meteorological congress, Chicago, 1893. Report of the congress held under the auspices of the World!s Columbian exposition; ed. by O. L. Fassig. Wash., 1894. Q^ U. S. : Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1894. no. 11.) International monetary conference, Paris, 1878. Proceedings, re- port and monetary documents. Wash., 1879. Wash., 1879. International monetary conference, Paris, 1881. Proceedings. Cine, 1881. International passenger and ticket agents' journal, monthly, v. 6-7. Phil., 1898-1900. Note : continuation of International ticket agents' and traffic review. International penitentiary congress, London, 1872. Prisons and re- formatories at home and abroad; ed. by Edwin Pears. Lond., 1872. International publishing company. Leading manufactures and merchants of New Hampshire. N. Y., 1887. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 693 International railway commission. Minutes of the commission. Wash., 1891. Note : with parallel texts in Eng. and Spanish. International railway publishing company, pub. Windsor hotel guide to the city of Montreal, with a shopping index and direc- tory. Montreal, 1899. International sanitary conference, 1881. Proceedings. Wash., 1881. ^ International silver mining company of Pah-Banagat district, Ne- vada.^ Prospectus. N. Y., 1866. International steamship company. Seacoast resorts of eastern Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Cape Breton. Buffalo, n. d. Toward the sunrise; a guide to the seacoast resorts of eastern Maine, N. B., N. S., P. E. I., and Cape Breton. Bost, 1895. International Sunday school convention. Report, 1881-96. v. 8-13. V. p. 1881-96. International Sunday school field workers' association. Annual conference, 1897. v. 5. Louisville, 1897. International ticket agent and traffic review, monthly, v. 1-4; v. 5. no. i-ii; V. 6-7. Phil., 1893-1900. Note : v. 6-date, 1898-date, continued as International passenger and ticket agents' journal. International typographical union of North America. Report of proceedings of the annual session, 1882, '84, '87-92, '96-1900. V. 30, 32, 35-40, 43-6. V. p. 1882-1900. Note : v. 43-6 pub. as a supplement to the Typographical journal. Reports of officers, v. 45, 47. Detroit, 1899-1901. International universal exposition, Paris, igoo. Catalogue of exhib- itors in the United States sections. Paris, 1900. Volume annexe official catalogue United States exhib- itors. Paris, 1900. International year book, a compendium of the world's progress in every department of human knowledge for the year 1898-1900. N. Y., 1899-1901. International young men's Christian association training school, Springfield (Mass.). Catalogue, 1890- 1, '93-4. v. 6, 9. Springf., 1891-4. Interocean publishing company. Chicago's first half-century. Chic, 1883. Interrogation club, Manchester (N. H.). Constitution, n. p. n. d. Interstate convention of cattlemen. Proceedings of convention held at Ft. Worth, Tex., March 11-13, 1890. Wash., 1890. Investigator, a monthly publication, v. 1-3. Keene, 1898-1901. Iowa: Adjutant-general. List of ex-soldiers, sailors, and mariners living in Iowa. Des Moines, 1886. : Agricultural college and farm. Biennial report made to the governor for the years 1888-9. v. 13. Des Moines, 1889. : Agricultural college experiment station. Bulletin, no. 2, 3, 5-18, 35. Des Moines, 1888-97. : Auditor. Annual report for the years 1880, '84-7, '99. v. 11, 15-18, 30. Des Moines, 1880-99. Statement of condition of incorporated banks, 1890-3. Des Moines, 1890-3. : Census hoard. Census returns of the different counties of the state of Iowa for 1856, '65, '67, '69, '75, '80, '85. Iowa City, 1857-85. Note : 1876 pub. by Executive council ; 1880-5, by the Sec'y of state. : Constitutional convention, 1857. Debates of the constitutional convention. 2v. Davenport, 1857. : Geological survey of 1855-7. Report by James Hill and J. D. Whitney, iv. in 2. n. p. 1858. 694 AUTHOR LIST. Iowa: Geological survey of i866-g. Report; ed. by C. A. White. 2v. Des Moines, 1870. : Geological survey of 1892. Annual report for 1892-1900. v. i- II. Des Moines, 1893-1901. : Geologist. Annual report, v. 1-2. Des Moines, 1868. : Governor. Biennial message and inaugural address, 1872, '76, '80, '82, '92 (2). Des Moines, 1872-92. : Health, board of. Biennial report for the fiscal period ending June 30, 1881-3, '87-1901. V. 1-2, 4-1 1. Des Moines, 1882-1901. Registration report for the year ending Oct. i, 1881. v. i. Des Moines, 1883. Report on kerosene oil. n. p. n. d. Restriction and prevention of smallpox, n. p. n. d. Ventilation. Rev. ed. n. p. n. d. : Hospital for the insane at Independence. Biennial report, 1894-5. V. 12. Des Moines, 1895. : Immigration, commissioners of. Iowa, resources and industries. Des Moines, 1885. : Labor statistics, bureau of. Biennial report, 1886-7, '90-1900. V. 2, 4-9. Des Moines, 1887-1901. : Land ofUce, register of. Report to the governor, 1878-9. Des Moines, 1879. : Library. Biennial report, 1875-89, '93-9. v. 13, 15-22, 24-7. Des Moines, 1875-99. Catalogue, comp. by Mrs. Ada North. Des Moines, 1872. Comp. by Mrs. M. H. Miller. Des Moines, 1889. ^ : Library commission, ed. Bulletin of the Iowa library commis- sion, issued quarterly. 1901. : Public instruction, dept. of. Biennial report for the year 1865- 75, '78-97. V. 13-17, 19-28. Des Moines, 1868-97. Note: v. 28 contains an index to v. 1-28. Educational directory for the school year 1900. Des Moines, 1900. School laws, with forms and decisions for the use and govern- ment of school officers. Des Moines, 1868. Des Moines, 1876. Des Moines, 1884. Des Moines, 1888. Des Moines, 1892. • : Railroad commissioners, board of. Annual report, v. 1-23. Des Moines, 1878-1901. Map and profiles of the Iowa railroads, 1881. Des Moines, I 1881. : Soldiers' home, commissioners of. Biennial report, 1889-97. Des Moines, 1889-97. : State, secy. of. Assessed valuation of railroad property in Iowa, 1891, '97. V. 20, 26. Des Moines, 1891-7. Official register; executive, judicial, and county officers, 1887- 91, '94-1901. V. 2-7, 9-16. Des Moines, 1887-1901. Report in relation to the criminal returns for the years 1866-9, '72-97. Des Moines, 1867-97. : State institutions, board of control, ed. Bulletin of Iowa institu- tions. 1899- 1 900. • : University. Bulletin from the laboratories of natural history, 1896. V. 4. Iowa City, 1896. Calendar, 1900-1. Iowa City, 1901. Report, 1897. Des Moines, 1897. ed. Documentary material relating to the history of Iowa. V. I. 1897. Iowa academy of sciences. Proceedings, 1887-99. v. i, pt. i, 3-4; V. 2-7. Des Moines, 1890-1900. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 695 Iowa college. Addresses and discourse at the inauguration of G. F. Magoun as president, July 19, 1865. Chic, 1865. Iowa college of physicians and surgeons. Annual announcement, 1895-6. V. 14-15. Des Moines, 1895-6. Iowa health bulletin, monthly, pub. by the State board of health, 1887-1900. V. 1-14. Des Moines, 1887-1900. Iowa historical record, pub. quarterly by the State historical soci- ety at Iowa city._ v. 1-15. Iowa City, 1887-99. Iowa historical society. Biennial report of the board of curators. V. 6, 10. Des Moines, 1868-75. ed. Iowa historical record, v. 1-15. 1887-99. ed. Shambaugh, Benjamin F., ed. Documentary material re- lating to the history of Iowa. n. d. Iowa society of the Sons of the American revolution. Manual and year book, 190T. Des Moines, 1901. Iowa state agricultural society. Annual report to the general as- sembly for the year 1857, '60-9, '71-90, '92-7, 1900. v. 4, 7-15, 17- 36, 38,' 39, 41-4, '47- Des Moines, 1858-1901. Iowa state bar association. Report of the annual meeting, v. 1-4, 6-7. V. p. 1895-1902. Iowa state horticultural society. Transactions; 1867, '71-6, '79-90, '94-1900. V. I, 6-1 1, 14-25, 27, 29-35. Des Moines, 1868-1901. Iowa state medical society. Transactions for the years iB>67-76, '81-5. V. 2, 3, 5, 6. Davenport, 1871-85. Iowa Wesleyan university. Annual register; 1894-6, '98-1901. v. p. 1895-1901. Bulletin, v. i, no. i. Mt. Pleasant, 1900. Ipswich (Mass.). Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the in- corporation of the town, Aug. 16, 1884. Bost., 1884. Ipswich female seminary, Ipswich {Mass.). Catalogue, 1831, '2>7- Salem, 1831-7. Ipswich historical society. Publications, no. i-ii. Salem, 1894- 1902. Irby, J. R. McD. On the works and character of James Smithson. {In Smithsonian inst. Coll. 1881. v. 21; p. 143-55.) Irby, Richard. History of Randolph-Macon college, Va. Rich- mond, n. d. Iredell, James. Observations on George Mason's objections to the federal constitution. {In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets. 1888. p. ZZZ-70.) Irelan, John Robert, M. D. Republic; or, A history of the United States in administrations, v. 14. Chic, 1888. Ireland, George H. Preventable causes of disease, injury and death in American manufactories and work-shops and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoiding them. Cone, 1886. {In Amer. pub. health assoc Pub. health, the Lomb prize essays. 1886. p. 137-53. {In same. Ed. 2. 1886. p. 137-53.) Ireland, John, ahp. Duty and value of patriotism. {In Loyal legion of tJ. S.: N. Y. commandery. Personal recollections. 1897. V. 2; p. 198-212.) Ireland: Lord lieutenant. Municipal corporation boundaries, Lond., Ins and literary repositorv; pub. monthly, v. i, 2, no. 1-5. Cone, 1842-3. Irish, James R., D. D. Historical sketch of the town of Richmond from 1747 to 1876 and delivered July 4, 1876, at Wood River Grove. Hope Valley, 1877. Irish adopted citizen, pseud. See Collins, George C. Irish national federation of America. Lecture series, course of 1897. no. 1-4, 7, 9-10. N. Y., 1897. 696 AUTHOR LIST. Iron and steel institute. Special volume of proceedings. Lond., 1890. Iron Hall, Order of the. See Order of the Iron Hall. Iron molders' journal, monthly, v. 20, no. 3, 9-12; v. 21, no. 1-8, 10-12; V. 22, no. 2-6, 8-9, 11-12; V. 22,', V. 24, no. 1-6, 8-9, 11; v. 25, no. 2-5, 7, 9-1 1 ; V. 26, no. 8-12; V. 27, no. i, 3, 6, 10-12; v. 28, no. 6, 8, 9-12; V. 29, no. 1-7, 9-11; V. 30, no. 2-8, 11; v. 31, no. 2; v. 32-6. Cine, 1884-1900. Iron molders' union of North America. Proceedings, 1882-8. v. 16-18. Cine, 1882-8. Irons, William Josiah, D. D. Advance of the Christian civilization in Europe. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1880. v. 8; p. 262-77.) Reconstruction of the civilization of the West, from Charle- magne to the era of the crusades. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1881. v. 9; p. 152-73-) Struggle of the Christian civilization from the era of the crusaders to the fall of the East, 1453. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1882. v. 10; p. 232-47.) Transition from heathen to Christian civilization. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1878. v. 7; p. 163-76.) Irrigation congress. See National irrigation congress. Irvine, William Ferguson, ed. Collection of Lancashire and Che- shire wills, 1301-1752. Lond., 1896. {In Record soc. Pub. 1896. V. 30.) Index of the wills, inventories, etc., at the diocesan registry, Chester, from 1487-1620. Lond., 1896. {In Record soc. Pub. 1896. V. ■32>-) Index to the wills and inventories now preserved in the pro- bate registry at Chester from 1761 to 1780. v. i. Lond., 1898. {In Record soc. Pub. 1898. v. 2>7-) List of the clergy in 11 deaneries of the diocese of Chester, 1541-42, with list of the loths and subsidy, circa 1538. Lond., 1896. {In Record soc. Pub. 1896. v. ZZ) Irving, Joseph. Book of Scotsmen. Paisley, 1881. Irving, Roland Duer. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior. Wash., 1883. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1883. v. 5.) ■ • and Chamberlin, Thomas Crowder. Observations on the junc- tion between the eastern sandstone and the Keweenaw series on Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior. Wash., 1885. {In U. S.: Geol, survey. Bulletins. 1885. no. 23.) and van Hise, Charles Richard. On secondary enlargements of mineral fragments in certain rocks. Wash., 1884. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1884. no. 8.) Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1892. v. 19.) ed. Williams, George Huntington. Green-stone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions of Michigan. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1890. no. 62.) Irving, Theodore, anon. "More than Conqueror," or. Memorials of Col. J. H. Kitchmg. N. Y., 1873. Irving, Washington. Alhambra. 2v. Bost, 1897. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. History of New York from the beginning of the world to the end of the Dutch dynasty, by Diedrich Knickerbocker. Lond., 1825. ^-~ 7th Amer. edition, v. 2. Phil., 1830. History of the life and voyages of Columbus. 3v. N. Y., 1828. New ed. rev. 2v. N. Y., 1831. Life of George Washington, v. 1-4. N. Y., 1855-7. — 5v. N. Y., 1889. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 697 Irving, Washington. Oliver Goldsmith; a biography. N. Y., 1849. Rip van Winkle; Little Britain; John Bull. {In Amer. prose. 1881. V. i; p. 80-129.) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus. Phil., 183 1. Washington and his country, abridged for the use of schools, with a continuation giving a brief outline of U. S. history from the discovery of America to the end of the Civil war, by John Fiske. 3v. Bost, 1888. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. ed. Campbell, Thomas. Poetical works. 1810. Irwin, Eyles. Series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red Sea. Ed. 3. 2v. Lond., 1787. Irvin, Lt.-col. Richard Bache. History of the 19th army corps. N. Y., 1892. and Bowman, Col. Samuel M. Sherman and his campaign. 1865. Irwin, Samuel Dale. Irwin family, sketch of Richard Irwin of Chester county. Pa., and his descendants, n. p. 1893. Isaac, Rev. D. Doctrine of universal restoration examined and re- futed. N. Y., 1819. Isaacs, Charles Edward, M. D. Anatomical remembrancer; or, Complete pocket anatomist. N. Y., 1855. Isaac's Harbor gold company. Prospectus, geological survey and report. N. Y., 1864. Isham, Asa Brainerd, M. D. Care of prisoners of war. North and South. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. 2; p. 205-33-) Personal reminiscences of the assassination of President Lin- ccln. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept. Fred C. Jones Post, No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 76-91.) Story of a gunshot wound. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 429-43.) Through the Wilderness to Richmond. (In Loyal legion of U. S,: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 198-217.) Isham, Charles. Fishery question. N. Y., 1887. (Questions of the day.) Isham, Edward Swift. Ethan Allen, a study in civic authority. (In Vt. hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. p. 25-103.) Isle of Wight county (Va.). Isle of Wight county records. (In William and Mary coll. quarterly. 1899. v. 7; p. 205-315.) Itard, Jean E. Matie Gaspard, M. D. On the surgical treatment of deafness. {Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838. p. 81-92.) Items of interest, pub. weekly by the Y. M. C. A. of Hartford, Conn. V. 8, no. 35-81, 83-103; v. 9, no. 1-3. Hartf., 1899-1900. Ives, Ansel W., M. D., ed. Hamilton, James, M. D. Observations on the use and abuse of mercurial medicines in various diseases. 1821. ed. Paris, J. A., M. D. Pharmacologia. 1824. Ives, H. P. Pocket guide to Salem, Mass., 1885. Salem, 1885. Ives, Lieut. Joseph C. Report upon the Colorado river explored in 1857 and 1858. Wash., 1861. afid Whipple, Lieut. Amiel W. Report of explorations for a railway route near the 35th parallel of north latitude from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Report of explorations and surveys. 1853-6. 1853-9. v. 3-4, 10.) Ives, Levi Silliman, bp. Humility, a ministerial qualification, an address to the students of the General theological seminary of the P. E. church. N. Y., 1840. 698 AUTHOR LIST. Ives, Levi Silliman, bp. Pastoral letter to the clergy and laity. N. Y., 1849. (Bound with Mason, R. S. Letter. 1850.) Ives, Marie E. Indian work for bands, circles, and clubs. Phil., 1889. Ivet, Robert. Third voyage of Henry Hudson toward Nova Zem- bla. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 181 1. v. i; p. 102-47.) lyenaga, Toyokichi. Constitutional development of Japan. Bait., 1891. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 9, no. 9.) Izard, Mark W. Annual message, addresses to the legislative assembly, Dec. 18, 1855. Omaha City, 1855. J., E. W. Biographical notice of H. S. Legare. (In Legare, H. S. Writings. 1846. v. i; pref. p. 5-72. J. W. Butler paper company. Story of paper-making; an account of paper- making from its earliest known record down to the present time. Chic, 1901. Jacklin, Maj. Rufus W. Famous old Third brigade. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Mich, commandery. War papers. 1898. v. 2; p. 39-50.) Jackman, Joseph. Sham-robbery committed by E. P. Goodridge. Cone, 1819. Jackman, Capt. Lyman. History of the 6th New Hampshire regt. in the war for the Union. Cone, 1891. Jackson, A. Wendell. On the building stones of California. Berkeley, 1888. (Cal: Univ. Supp. to secy.'s report.) Jackson, Abner, D. D. Bible; the student's life text-book. Hartf., 1871. Jackson, Alfred Augustus. Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 14; p. 118-36.) Jackson, Alice R., tr. Fournier de Flaix. Development of statis- tics of religions. 1893. Jackson, Andrew, pres. of U. S. Messages with a short sketch of his life. Cone, 1837. Cone, 1837. Unpublished letters. (In Southern hist, assoe Pub. 1898. V. 2; p. 8-16.) and Calhoun, John Caldwell. Correspondence on the subject of the course of Calhoun in the Seminole war. Wash., 1831. Jackson, Charles Thomas, M. D. Belvidere copper mining com- pany; geological survey and report. Bost., 1863. Manual of etherization, containing directions for the employ- ment of ether and other anaesthetic agents by inhalation in sur- gical operations. Bost., 1861. On the geological structure of Keweenaw Point. (In Amer. assoe for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 288-301.) Report on the Albert coal mine. n. p. i85i(?) Report on the geological and agricultural survey of the state of Rhode Island. Prov., 1840. Report on the geological and mineralogical lands of the U. S. in the state of Michigan. Wash., 1849. Note : being a part of the annual report of the Secy, of the interior for 1849. Views and map illustrative of the scenery and geology of the state of New Hampshire. Bost., 1845. Roberts, W. F., and Fisher, Allen. Lorberry coal mine; re- ports. Bost, 1863. and others. Belmont coal mine; reports. Bost., 1863. ed. Maine: Geological survey. Annual report. 1839. Report on the geology of the public lands in the state, 1837-8. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 699 Jackson, Charles Thomas, M. D., ed. New Hampshire: Geologist. Annual report. 1841. Annual report. 1869-73. Final report on the geology and mineralogy of the state of New Hampshire. 1844. ed. Rhode Island: Geological and agricultural survey of 1839. Report. 1840. Jackson, Daniel. Alonzo and Melissa; or, The unfeeling father. Exeter, 1831. Jackson, Rev. Daniel. Religious experience, call to the ministry and gospel labors, written by himself. Cine, 1859. Jackson, Dugald Caleb, ed. Wisconsin: University. Bulletin. En- gineering series. 1896. Jackson, Francis. History of the early settlement of Newton from 1639 to 1800. Bost., 1854. And others. Memorial respecting slavery. Bost., 1844. Jackson, Frederick G. Thousand days in the Arctic. N. Y., 1899. Jackson, Frederick Wendell. "Incidents of the Revolution in Westchester preceding the battle of White Plains." n. p. 1897. Jackson, George Thomas, M. D. Dermatological bibliography. N. Y., 1891. Jackson, Rev. Henry. Account of the churches in Rhode Island, presented at an adjourned session of the 28th annual meeting of the R. I. Baptist state convention, Providence, Nov. 8, 1853. Prov., 1854. Jackson, Henry, M. D. Malignant endocarditis; an analysis of fifty-nine cases. {In Bost.: City hospital. Medical and surgi- cal reports. 1900. v. 11; p. 67-82.) Jackson, Lt.-col. Huntington Wolcott. Battle of Chancellorsville. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. V. 2; p. 49-78.) Battle of Gettysburg. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: 111. com- mandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 147-84.) Jackson, J. H. American protective association; what it is, its plat- form and Roman intolerance compared, n. p. n. d. Jackson, Jacob B. Message to the legislature of West Virginia, adjourned session, 1882. Wheeling, 1882. Jackson, James. Biographical sketch of the Jackson family of Madison, N. H. Meredith, 1894. Jackson, James, M. D. Eulogy on the character of John Warren. Bost., 1815. Letters to a young physician. Bost., 1855. Ed. 5. Bost., 1861. Remarks on the Brunonian system. Bost., 1809. Report founded on the cases of typhoid fever, or the common continued fever of New England, which occurred in the Mass. general hospital, 1821-35. Bost., 1838. Text-book of a course of lectures on the theory and practice of physic. V. 2. Bost., 1827. Jackson, James C. Duties and dignities of American freemen, n. p. n. d. (New England anti-slavery tract assoc. Tract, no. 6.) Jackson, James Caleb, M. D. Consumption, how to prevent it and how to cure it. Bost., 1862. Jackson, John Barnard Swett, M. D. Descriptive catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston society for medical improve- ment. Bost., 1847. comp. Harvard university: Medical school. Descriptive cata- logue of the Warren anatomical museum. 1870. Jackson, Joseph Cooke. Relations of the American lawyer to the state. Camb., 1859. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Anna (Morrison). Life and letters of Gen. T. J. Jackson, Stonewall Jackson, by his wife. N. Y., 1892. 700 AUTHOR LIST. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Anna (Morrison). Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson. Louisville, 1895. Jackson, Robert, M. D. Treatise on the fevers of Jamaica. Phil., 1795. Jackson, Samuel, M. D. Account of the yellow or malignant fever as it occurred in Philadelphia in 1820. Phil., 1821. Jackson, Samuel MacAuley, D. D., comp. Bibliography of American church history, 1820-1893. N. Y., 1894. (With Tyler, B. B., D. D. History of the Disciples. 1894.) ed. Zwingli, Huldreich. Selected works. 1901. Jackson, Sheldon, D. D. Facts about Alaska; its people, villages, missions, and schools. N. Y., 1894. Introduction of reindeer into Alaska. Wash., 1891. Report on introduction of domestic reindeer into Alaska, Wash., 1893. Report on introduction of domesticated reindeer into Alaska. Wash., 1894. Jackson, Stonewall. See Jackson, Lt.-gen. Thomas Jonathan. Jackson, William H. Catalogue of photographic illustrations. Wash., 1871. Wash., 1872. Descriptive catalogue of photographs of North American In- dians. Wash., 1877. {In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 9.) Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States geological survey of the territories for the years 1869 to 1873, inclusive. W^ash., 1874. {In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Misc. pub. no. 5.) Ed. 2. Wash., 1875. {Bound with his Descriptive cata- logue. 1874.) Jackson (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen, treasurer, road agent, and school boards for the year 1895-1902. v. p. 1895-1902. Jackson democratic association. Proceedings at the banquet. Wash., 1852. Jacksonian Democrat, pseud. See Sennott, George. Jacksonville (Fla.) auxiliary sanitary association. Report, ed. by C. S. Adams. Jacksonville, 1889. Jacob, N. H., and Bourgery, Jean Marc. Elementary anatomy, tr. fr. the French by J. C. Comstock. N. Y., 1850. Jacob, Col. Samuel Swinton. Jeypore portfolio of architectural details. 6v. Lond., 1890. Jacob, William. Historical inquiry into the production and con- sumption of the precious metals. Phil., 1832. Jacobi, Abraham, M. D: Hyperthermy in a man up to 148° F. n. p. n. d. ed. American journal of obstetrics, v. 2-3. 1869-70. Jacobi, Mary Putnam, M. D. Question of rest for women during menstruation. N. Y., 1877. and White, Victoria A., M. D. On the use of the cold pack followed by massage in the treatment of anaemia. N. Y., 1880. Jacobs, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm. Greek reader, 4th Amer. from the 9th German edition. Bost., 1833. Latin reader, first part. Bost., 1833. and Doring, Frederic William. Latin reader, ed. by J. D. Og- ilby, 1st N. Y. ed. from the 7th German edition.- N. Y., 1830. Jacobs, Henry Eyster, D. D. German emigration to America, 1709- 1740. {In Penn. -German soc. Proceed. 1898. v. 8; p. 29-150.) History of the evangelical Lutheran church in the United States. N. Y., 1893. (Amer. church hist. ser. v. 4.) Jacobs, Walter Ballou. Training of teachers for secondary schools. (/» Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1896. p. 172-89.) Jacobsen. Sketches from the Spanish-American war, tr. from the German. 2pts,. Wash., 1899. {In U. S.: Naval intelligence, office of; Information from abroad; war notes, no. 3-4-) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 701 Jacobson, W. H. A., ed. Hilton, John. Rest and pain. 1879. Jacobus, Charles. Character building in high schools. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1894; p. 37-58.) Jacques, William H., and Chandler, Mrs. Lucy Hale vs. Hale, Mrs. Lucy H. Petition of W. H. Jacques, n. p. 1897. Jaffa, M. E. Nutrition investigations at the California agricultural experiment station, 1896-8. Wash., 1900. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Experiment stations, office of. Bulletin, no. 84.) JafFrey (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year 1876, '81-5, '^7, '89-1902. East Jaffrey, 1876-1902. Jaffrey centennial, proceedings of the centennial celebration of .the looth anniversary of the incorporation, Aug. 20, 1873. Win- chendon, 1873. Jager, Eduard von, M. D. Der hohlschnitt, eine neue starr-extrac- tions-methode. Wein, 1873. Uber die einstellungen des dioptrischeh apparates im menschli- chen auge. Wein, 1861. Jahn, Gustav Adolph. (De) calculo eclipsium Besseliano commen- tatio. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. v. 10; p. 183-209.) Jahn, John. Biblical archaeology, translated from the Latin with additions and corrections by T. C. Upham. Ed. 3. Andover, .1832. Jaillet, Rev. C. Sketches of Catholicity in Texas. {In Amer. Cath- olic hist. soc. Records. 1889. v. 2; p. 143-53.) Jallat, L., ed. Weller, Carl Heinrich. Traite theorique et pratique, des maladies des eyeux traduit de I'Allemand sur la derniere edition par F. J. Riester. 1832. James I, king of Scotland. Poetical remains, with a memoir and introduction to his poetry by Rev. Charles Rogers. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1873. v. 2; p. 297-392.) James, Rev. Bartlett Burleigh. Labadist colony of Maryland. {In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 149-60.) Bait., 1899. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies in hist. and pol. sci. v. 17.) James, Charles C. Practical agriculture, ed. by John Craig. N. Y., 1899. James, Charles F. Documentary history of the struggle for reli- gious freedom in Virginia. Lynchburg, 1900. James, Edmund Janes. Address; the farmer and taxation. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 379-406.) comp. Bibliography of newspapers published in Illinois prior to i860. Springf., 1899. {In 111.: Hist. lib. Pub. no. i.) Canal and the railway, n. p. 1890. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1890. V. 5, no. 3-4.) Commercial education. {In Butler, N. M., ed. Monographs. 1900. V. 2; p. 653-703.) Commercial education in Europe, particularly in Austria, France, and Germany. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1895-6. V. I. 1897. p. 721-837.) Economic and social aspects of education. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1891. p. 224-58.) Education of business men in Europe; a report to the Amer- ican bankers' association. N. Y., 1893. (Education of business men.) Elements of a model character for American cities. {In Na- tional municipal league. Proceed. 1895. p. 154-73.) Legal-tender decisions. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1888. V. 3, no. i; p. 49-80. Railway question; report of the committee on transportation of the Amer. econ. association, n. p. 1887. {In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1887. V. 2, no. 3.) 02 AUTHOR LIST. James, Edmund Janes. Relation of the modern municipality to the gas supply, n. p. 1886. (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1886. V. I, no. 2-3.) Territorial records of Illinois. Springf., 1901. {In 111.: Hist. lib. Pub. no. 3.) ed. American academy of political and social science. Annals. 1890-5. James, Edward W. Grace Sherwood, the Virginia witch. (In Wil- liam and Mary coll. quarterly. 1894-5. v. 3; p. 96-101, 163-4, 190-2, 242-5. V. 4; p. 18-22.) James, Edwin, comp. Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rockv Mountains in 1819 and '20 under the command of Col. S. H. Long. 2v. Phil., 1823. Note : atlas wanting. Catalogue of plants collected during a journey to and from the Rocky mountains, during the summer of 1820. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1825. v. 2; p. 172-90.) Remarks on the sandstone and floetz trap formations of the western part of the valley of the Mississippi. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1825. v. 2; p. 191-215.) James, Capt. F. B. McCook's brigade at the assault upon Kenesaw mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 255-77.) James, George Francis, ed. Handbook of university extension. Ed. 3, rev. and enl. Phil., 1893. James, George Payne Rainsford. Memoirs of great commanders. 2v. Phil., 1835. James, Henry. Old and new theology. Lond., 1861, James, James Alton. Constitution and admission of Iowa into the Union. Bost., 1900. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1900. V. 18, no. 7.) English institutions and the American Indian. Bait., 1894. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1894. v. 12, no. 10.) National politics and the admission of Iowa into the Union. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 163-73.) James, John Angell, ed. Jay, Rev. William. Autobiography. 1855. James, Joseph F., anon. Uriah Pierson James, n. p. n. d. James, Thomas Chalkley, M. D., ed. Burns, John. Principles of midwifery. 1813. ed. Merriman, Samuel, M. D. Synopsis of the various kinds of difficult parturition. 1816. James, Thomas P. On new mosses. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. V. 13; p. 105-16.) James, William, and Grassi, Giuseppe. Dictionary of the English and Italian languages for general use. Ed. 10. N. Y., 1891. James, V.^illiam, d. 1827. Naval history of Great Britain, from the declaration of war by France, 1793, to the accession of George IV in January, 1820. New ed. 6v. Lond., 1826. James, William, 1842-. Psychology. N. Y., 1900. (Amer. sci. ser.) Talks to teachers on psychology. N. Y., 1899. James Bayne company. Souvenir of Buffalo, N. Y., Toronto, Can- ada, Niagara Falls, and the great Pan-American exposition. Grand Rapids, 1900. James River and Kanawha company. Proceedings of the stock- holders at their called meeting in August, i860. Richmond, i860. James W. Gerard; biographical sketch, and proceedings of the board of inspectors of common schools, together with the action of the board of education, a letter from Charles O'Conor, and a brief account of the funeral services. N. Y^, 1874. Jameson, Mrs. Anna (Murphy). Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns. 2v. N. Y., 1842. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 703 Jameson, Rev. Ephraim Orcutt, comp. Biographical sketches and genealogical records of families in Medway, Mass., 1736-1886. Millis, 1886. Choates in America, 1843-1896; John Choate and his descend- ants. Bost., 1896. Cogswells in America. Bost, 1884. Historical discourse on the 1626. anniversary of the First church of Christ, Medway, Mass. Bost, 1877. History of Medway, Mass., 1713 to 1885. Prov., 1886. Jamesons in America. Bost., 1901. comp., anon. Military history of Medway, Mass., 1745-1885. Prov., 1886. William Cogswell, (/w N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1880. V. i; p. 236-51.) Jameson, Horatio Gates, M. D. Treatise on epidemic cholera. Phil., 1855. Jameson, John Franklin, comp. Colonial assemblies and their legis- lative journals. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. v. 9; p. 403-53-) , . , , . ^ Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the formative period, 1775-1789. Bost., 1889. Expenditures of foreign governments in behalf of history. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1882. v. 3; p. 31-61.) Function of state and local historical societies with respect to research and publication. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual re- port 1898. V. 9; p. 53-9.) Introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the states. Bait., 1886. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1886. V. 4; no. 5). Old federal court of appeal. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1889. V. 3, no. 2; p. 137-48.) Origin of the standing committee system in American legis- lative bodies. Prov., 1894. {In Hist, seminary of Brown univ. Papers. 1894. no. 4.) William Usselinx. N. Y., 1887. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Pa- pers. 1888. V. 2, no. 3.) ed. Caldwell, John Caldwell. Correspondence. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. 11, pt. 2.) cd. Historical seminary of Brown university. Papers. 1894- 7. Jameson, Robert. Appendix, containing mineralogical notes and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries. (Jn Cuvier, G. L. C. F. D., baron. Essay on the theory of the earth. 1818. p. 187-317.) and others. Narrative of discovery and adventure in America from the earliest ages to the present time. N. Y., 1831. Jameson, Robert, Leslie, Sir John, and others. Narrative of discov- ery and adventure in the polar seas and regions. 1831. Jamieson, Alexander. Grammar or rhetoric and polite literature. Ed. 2. N. H., 1821. Janes, Rev. Frederic, comp. Janes family, a genealogy and brief history of the descendants of William Janes. N. Y., 1868. Jannettaz, E. Note sur I'uranite de Madagascar, n. p. n. d. Note sur la genite des Pyrenees. Par., n. d. Suite aux notes precedentes sur la connexion des clivages des axes de cohesion et des axes de conductibilite thermique dans les cristauK. Par., 1872. Sur la reproduction de la schistosite et du longrain. Par., 1883. and Michel, L. Note sur la nephrite ou jade de Siberie. Meulan, n. d. 704 AUTHOR LIST. Janney, Cornelia, ed. Janney, Rev. Samuel McPherson. Memoirs. 1890. Janney, Rev. Samuel McPherson. Conversations on religious sub- jects between a father ana his two sons. Phil. n. d. Dissertation on the views of George Fox concerning Christian discipline. Phil., 1884. Extracts from a dissertation on the views of George Fox con- cerning Christian ministry and divine worship. Phil., 1884. Familiar dialogues on the Christian ministry and the Holy Scriptures. Phil., 1885. Life of George Fox; with dissertations on his views. Phil., 1893. Life of William Fenn; with selections from his correspond- en».c and autobiography. Phil., 1882.' Ed. 2. Phil., 1856. Memoirs; ed. by Cornelia Janney. Ed. 4. Phil., 1890. Peace principles exemplified in the history of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1894. Summary of Christian doctrines as held by the religious soci- ety of Friends. Ed. 8. Phil., 1893. Vital religion and the means of promoting it. Ed. 4. Phil., 1892. Janse, J. M. De Nootmuskaat-cultuur in de Minahassa en op de Bandaeilanden. Batavia-'s Gravenhage, 1898. (Mededeelingen uit's kinds plantentuin no. 28.) Janssens, Eugene, M. D. Annuaire demographique et tableaux ftatistiques des causes de deces, 1881. Bruxelles, 1882. Janvier, Charles. Municipal reform in New Orleans. (In National municipal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 199-217.) January, William L. First centennial anniversary, celebration and banquet, "John Marshall day," Feb. 4, 1901. Detroit, 1901. Janvrin, Joseph Edward, M. D. Two interesting cases of surgery of the kidney. Cone, 1896. Japan: Education, dept. of. Annual report of the minister of state for education, v. 24. Tokyo, 1898. : GeologiccU survey. Reports of progress for 1877-8. Tookei, 1879. • : Geological survey of the oil lands. Report of progress, v. 1-2. Tokei, 1877-8. — — : Imperial university. Calendar; 1893-5, '96-8, '99-1902. Tokyo, 1894- 1 902. : Imperial university: College of science, ed. Journal of the Col- lege of science. 1893. Jaques, Florence Wyman, and Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. List of battles and casualties of Massachusetts troops during the War of the Rebellion. Bost., 1891. Jaques, Lieut. William Henry. Ericsson's destroyer and submarine gun. N. Y., 1885. (Question of the day, no. 31.) Heavy ordnance for national defence. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1885. (Question of the day, no. 17.) Modern armor for national defence. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1886. (Question of the day, no. 32.) Paper on naval torpedo warfare. Wash., 1886. Jaquet, J. B. Notes on gold dredging with reference to the intro- duction of the industry into New South Wales. Sydney, 1898. (N. S. W.: Mines and agric, dept. of. Mineral resources, no. 3.) Jarvas, Charles. See Jarvis, Charles. Jarves, James Jackson, anon. Persian sights and French principles seen through American spectacles. Lond. n. d. Jarvis, Charles, ir. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Life and ex- ploits of Don Quixote de la Mancha. 1827-28. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRAKY. 705 Jarvis, Edward, M. D. Address delivered at the laying of the cor- ner-stone of the insane hospital at Northampton, Mass. North- ampton, 1856. . . . • 1 , Financial connection of the use of spirits and wine with the people of Concord, Mass. Bost., 1883. Immigration into the United States. Bost, 1872. Increase of human life; read before the American statistical association. Bost., 1872. Practical physiology; or, Anatomy and physiology apphed to health. Phil., 1852. Value of common school education to common labor. Wash., 1879. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1879, no. 3.) Jarvis, Josephine, tr. Frobel, Freidrich August Wilhelm. Peda- gogics of the kindergarten. 1899. Jarvis, O. A., M. D. Dentist; a popular treatise on the care of the teeth. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1880. Jarvis, Russell. Facts and arguments against the election of Gen- eral Cass. N. Y., 1848. {Bound with Albany argus. Outlines of the life and character of Gen. Lewis Cass. 1848.) anon. To the public, n. p. 1829. Jarvis, Samuel Farmer, D. D. Address to the inhabitants of Mid- dletown, occasioned by the death of W. H. Harrison. Middle- town, 1841. Discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes of North Amer- ica. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1821. v. 3; P- 181-268.) Historical reminiscences of Bishop Jarvis. {In P. E. church in the U. S.: Conn., diocese of. Jarvis centenary. 1897. p. 81- 100.) No union with Rome, an address. Hartf., 1843. Hartf., 1843. {Bound with Home, George, hp. Doctrine, 1831.) Union or unity? a letter to the Rev. E. S. Beard in answer to a proposal for a union meeting. Clare., 1876. Jarvis, Thomas Jordan. Message to the general assembly at its bi- ennial session, 1881. Raleigh, 1881. Message to the general assembly of 1883. Raleigh, 1883. Jarvis, Mrs. William. See Jarvis, Mrs. Anna Bailey (Bartlett). Jasper, Theodore, M. D., illus. Brehm, Alfred Edmund. Ornithol- ogy; or, The science of birds. 1878. illus. Studer, Jacob H. Birds of North America. 1878. Jastrow, Joseph. Address; the natural history of analogy. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 333-54.) Jastrow, Marcus. History and the future of the text of the Tal- mud. (In Gratz college. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 75-103.) Jastrow, Morris. Documents relating to the career of Colonel Isaac Franks. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 5; p. 7-34.) Notes on the Jews of Philadelphia, from published annals. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1892. v. i; p. 49-61.) Jastrzebski, S. de, tr. van Marken, J. C. Industrial social organiza- tion, n. d. Jauffret, Gaspard Jean Andre Joseph. Life of Florian. {In Flo- rian, J. P. C. de. William Tell. n. d. pref. p. 7-31.) Java: 'S lands plantentuin. Catalogus plantarum phanerogamarum herbaceis exceptis. 1899-1901. v. 1-2. Batavia, 1899-1901. Verslag omtrent den staat van 'S lands plantentuin te Buiten- zorg over het jaar 1896-8, 1900. Batavia, 1897-1901. Jaworski, W. Action, therapeutic value and use of Carlsbad Spru- del salt; tr. by A. L. A. Toboldt. Phil., 1891. 45 706 AUTHOR LIST. Jay, John, 1745-1829. Address to the people of the state of New- York on the subject of the constitution. (In Ford, P. L. Pam- phlets. 1888. p. 67-87.) ■ Correspondence and public papers; ed. by H. P. Johnston. 4v. N. Y., 1890. Hamilton, Alexander, and Madison, James, pres. of U. S. Fed- eralist. 1818. 1901, (Universal classics library.) Jay, John, 1817-. Demand for education in American history. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1891. v. 2; p. 13-40.) Peace negotiations of 1782-1783. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. 1888. v. 7; p. 39-184.) Peace negotiations of 1782 and 1783; an address delivered be- fore the N. Y. hist. soc. on its 79th anniversary, Nov. 27, 1883. N. Y., 1884. (N. Y. hist. soc. Addresses.) and Dawson, Henry Barton. Correspondence concerning the Foederalist. N. Y., 1864. Jay, William. Miscellaneous writings on slavery. Bost., 1853. Reply to remarks of Rev. Moses Stuart on John Jay. N. Y., 1850. Table of the killed and wounded in the war of 1812, comp. during the war. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1849. v. 7; p. 447- 66.) Jay, Rev. William. Autobiography, ed. by George Redford and J. A. James, v. 2. N. Y., 1855. Jaynes, Rev. Julian Clifford. Unitarianism as a social force. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 8, no. 6.) Jean Paul, pseud. See Robinson, Henry. Jefferay, William. Journal of William Jeflferay, gentleman; being some account of divers people, places, and happenings, chiejfly in New England. Prov., 1899. JefFers, E. T., D. D. Necessity, the material and the method of systematic theology; inaugural address, n. p. 1885. (In Lincoln univ. Inauguration of professors. 1885. p. 27-37-) Jefferson, Thomas, pres. of U. S. Captain Meriw^ether Lewis. (In Old South leaflets. 1895. Gen. ser. v. 2; no. 44.) Lost paper of Thomas Jefferson. (In William and Mary col- lege quarterly. 1893. v. i; p. 34-45-) Manual of parliamentary practice, composed originally for the use of the Senate of the U. S. Cone, 1823. To which are added the rules and orders together with the joint rules of both houses of congress. N. Y., 1854. Memoir, correspondence, and miscellaneous, ed. by T. J. Ran- dolph. Ed. 2. V. 1-4. Bost., 1830. Notes on the state of Virginia. Ed. 8. Bost., 1801. ed. by P. L. Ford. Brooklyn, 1894. 2d Amer. ed. Phil., 1794. Writings, being his autobiography, correspondence, reports, messages, addresses, and other writings, ofificial and private; ed. by H. A. Washington, v. 5-9. Wash., 1853-4. Writings, collected and edited by P. L. Ford. lov. N. Y., 1892-9. Jefferson (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year ending February, 1881-5, '87-9, '91-1902. Lancaster, 1881-1902. Jefferson college. Catalogue of the officers and students. May, 1847, '48. Canonsburg, 1847-8. Jefferson county historical society. Transactions, 1886-95. v. 1-3. Watertown, 1887-95. Jefferson medical college. Annual announcement, session 1848-9, '62-3, '78-9, '91-5, '96-1900. V. 38, 54, 67-70, 72-5- Phil., 1848-99. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 707 Jefferson medical college. Catalogue of the graduates from 1826 to 1856, inclusive. Phil., 1856. Catalogue of graduates from its organization, 1826-1879. Phil., 1879- Catalogue from 1880-1889. Phil., 1889. Decennial catalogue of graduates from 1890 to 1899, inclusive. Phil., 1900. Jeffersonian; weekly, Horace Greeley, ed. v. i, no. 8-52. Alb., 1838-9. Jeffrey, M. Belle. Duties of board of managers of Y. W. C. A. Chic, n. d. Jefferys, Thomas. General topography of North America and the West Indies. Lond., 1768. Map of New England, containing the provinces of Massachu- setts Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Konektikut and Rhode Island, n. p. 1755. Note : scale 2 miles to 1 inch. Jeffrey, William H. Monograph paper on mutual co-operation. Manch., 1890. Richmond prisons, 1861-1862, comp. from the original records kept by the Confederate government and journals kept by Union prisoners. St. Johnsbury, 1893. Jeffries, Benjamin Joy, M. D. Enucleation of the eyeball. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. 1867. v. 2; p. 279-300.) Jenkins, Charles W. Three lectures on the early history of the town of Falmouth from its settlement to 1812, delivered in 1843. Falmouth, 1889. Jenkins, D. H., ed. Jersey bulletin and dairy farming. 1900-1. Jenkins, Howard Malcolm. Family of William Penn. Phil., 1899. Jenkins, J. Foster, M. D. Tent hospitals; read before the Amer- ican social science association. May 21, 1874. Camb., 1874. Jenkins, Jabez. Vest-pocket lexicon; an English dictionary of all except familiar words. Rev. ed. Phil., 1868. Jenkins, John F., ed. Bonnycastle, John. Introduction to algebra. 1846. Jenkins, John Stillwell. Life of J. C. Calhoun. Auburn, 1850. Life of Silas Wright. N. Y., 1847. Voyage of the U. S. exploring squadron commanded by Capt. Charles Wilkes. Auburn, 1854. Jenkins, Oliver Peebles, and Everman, Barton Warren. Descrip- tion of eighteen new species of fishes from the Gulf of Cali- fornia. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1889. v. 11; p. 137-58.) Notes on Indiana fishes. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1889. V. 11; p. 43-57.) Report upon a collection of fishes made at Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 121-65.) Jenkms, Rear-admr. Thornton Alexander, ed. United States: Navi- gation, bureau of. BaromvCter, thermometer, hygrometer, and atmospheric appearances at sea and on land. 1869. Jenkins, William. Tribute to the memory of Rev. Charles Lowell. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1862. v. 5; p. 427-40.) Tribute to the memory of Rev. John Codman. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1862. v. 5; p. 412-27.) Jenks, Rev. Arthur Whipple. Authority on which the Nicaeno- Constantinopolitan creed is received. Milwaukee, n. d. Jenks, Edward Augustus. Layman's views on some interesting theological questions. N. Y., 1901. Spinning-wheel at rest, poems. Bost., 1897. Jenks, George Edwin. Genealogy of the Jenks family of Newport, N, H. n. p. n. d. 708 AUTHOR LIST. Jenks, George Edwin. New Hampshire census statistics, 1880. Cone, 1883. comp. New Hampshire register and political manual. 1860-72. Jenks, Rev. Henry F. Benjamin Huntoon. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1894. v. 5; p. 404-19.) Jenks, J. W. P., anon. Hunting in Florida in 1874. n. p. n. d. Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. Road legislation for the American state. n. p. 1889, (In Amer. econ. assoc. Pub. 1889. v. 4, no. 3.) Jenks, Paul Rockwell. Indirect quotation in English and Latin. n. p. n. d. Jenks, Samuel. Journal. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1890. v. 25; P- 352-91.) Jenks, William, D. D. Account of the Massachusetts historical society. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. v. 27; p. 5-26.) Address to the members of the American antiquarian society, Oct. 23, 1813. Bost., 1813. ■ Address to the members of the N. E. historic genealogical society. Bost., 1852. Memoir of Abiel Holmes. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. V. 27; p. 270-82.) Memoir of Rev. Louis Dwight. (In Prison discipline society. Reports. 1855. v. i; p. 5-41.) Memoir of T. L. Winthrop. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1854. V. 32; p. 202-14.) ed. Bible. Comprehensive commentary on the Holy Bible. 1836. Jenner, Solomon. On the importance of early training. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1851. p. 52-68.) Jenness, C. K., comp. Charities of San Francisco; a directory of the benevolent and correctional agencies. San Fran., 1894. Jenness, John Scribner. Notes on the first planting of New Hamp- shire and on the Piscataqua patents. Ports., 1878. (In N. H.: State historian. Early town papers. 1895. v. 25; p. 661-709.) Transcripts of original documents in the English archives re- lating to the early history of the state of New Hampshire. N. Y., 1876. Jenney, Charles Albert. Report on insurance business in the United States. 2v. Wash., 1894-5. (In U. S.: Census, nth. 1890. Report.) Jenney, Walter P. Mineral wealth, climate and rainfall, and nat- ural resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. Wash., 1876. and Newton, Henry. Report on the geology and resources of the Black Hills of Dakota. 1880. Jennings, Davis, anon. Life of the late Rev. Cotton Mather of Bos- ton, New England. Ed. 2. Phil., 1828. Jennings, Herbert S. Early development of asplanchna Herrickii de Guerne. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1896. v. 30; p. 1-117.) Jennings, Rev. Isaac. Memorials of a century embracing a record of individuals and events chiefly in Bennington, Vt, and its first church. Bost., 1869. Jennings, John J., comp. Centennial celebration of the incorpora- tion of the town of Bristol, June 17, 1885. Hartf., 1885. Jennings, Robert. Sheep, swine, and poultry. Phil., 1870. ^ Phil., 1864. Jennings, William Henry. Genealogical history of the Jennings families in England and America, v. 2. Columbus, 1899. Jennison, Rev. Edwin. Christian minister commencing his office- work. Cone, 1847 (?) Jennison, Lt.-col. S. P. Illusions of a soldier. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887. v. i; p. 369-80.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 709 Jernberg, Rev. Reinert August. Nation in the loom; the Scandina- vian fibre in our social fabric; an address at his inauguration. Chic, 1895. Jernegan, Marcus W. Tammany societies of Rhode Island. Prov., 1897. {In Hist, seminary of Brown univ. Papers. 1897. no. 8.) Jerome, David Howell.' Inaugural message to the legislature Jan. 7, 1881. Lansing, 1881. Special message to the legislature Feb. 22>, 1882. Lansing, 1882. Jersey bulletin and dairy farming, weekly, v. 19-20. Indianapolis, 1 900- 1. Jersey City: Education, hoard of. Annual report for 1887, '89, '90. V. 20, 22, 23. Jersey City, 1888-91. : Free public library. Alphabetical finding list. Jersey City, 1891. Supplement, no. i. Jersey City, 1891. {Bound with the Alphabetical finding list. 1891.) Supplement, no. 2. Jersey City, 1893. Annual report, v. i-ii. Jersey City, 1892-1901. Rules and regulations. Jersey City, 1891. ed. Library record, pub. monthly. 1892-1900. Jerseyman, a quarterly magazine of local history, v. 1-6; v. 7, no. 1-2. Flemington, 1891-1901. Jerusalem and the East Mission fund. Annual report for the year ending June 30, 1894, '97- v. 6, 9. Lond., 1894-7. Jervey, James P., M. D., ir. Amussat, Jean Zulima. Lectures on retention of the urine. 1840. 1840. {Bound with Hunter, John. Treatise. 1839.) Jervis, Maj. T. B., tr. Hiigel, Carl von. Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab. 1845. Jesup, Rev. Henry Griswold. Catalogue of plants, both native and introduced, to be found within fifteen miles of Hanover, N. H., during spring and early summer. Cone, 1890. Catalogue of the flowering plants and higher cryptograms, both native and introduced, found within about thirty miles of Hanover, N. H., with a list of vertebrate animals of the same region. Hanover, 1891. Jeter, J. B., and Fuller, Richard, comp. Psalmist, i860. Jevons, William Stanley. Money and the mechanism of exchange. N. Y., 1897. Jev^rell, E. P. Argument before the railroad committee of the house of representatives, July 7, 1887. Cone, n. d. {In N. H. railroad controversy, n. d. v. 2.) Jewell, Edwin L., ed., comp. Crescent city illustrated; the commer- cial, social, political, and general history of New Orleans. N. O., Jewell, L. E. Determination of the relative quantities of aqueous vapor in the atmosphere by means of the absorption lines of the spectrum. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulle- tin. 1896. no. 16.) Jewers, Arthur J., ed. Register of the Abby church of SS. Peter and Paul, Bath. v. i. Lond., 1900. (Harleian soc. Pub. 1900. V. 27.) Jewett, Charles, M. D. Temperance poem. Bost., 1840. Jewett, Charles Coffin. Appendix to the Report of the Board of regents of the Smithsonian institution containing a report on the public libraries of the United States, Jan. i, 1850. Wash., 1850. {In Smithsonian inst.: Regents, board of. Annual report. 1850. V. 4.) Facts and considerations relative to duties on books. Prov., 1846. 710 AUTHOR LIST. Jewett, Charles Coffin. Plan for stereotyping catalogues by sepa- rate titles; and for forming a general stereotyped catalogue of public libraries in the United States. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 4; p. 165-75.) Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libra- ries. Ed. 2. Wash., 1853. Jewett, Edward H., D. D. Reply to Dr. John Ellis's "Review of 'communion wine' and appeal to Christians of every name." N. Y., 1892. Two wine theory discussed by 286 clergymen on the basis of communion wine. Ed. 5. N. Y., 1890. Jewett, Isaac Appleton, comp. Memorial of Samuel Appleton of Massachusetts. Bost., 1850. Jewett, Jeremiah P., M. D. History of Barnstead from its first set- tlement in 1727 to 1872, ed. by R. B. Caverly. Lowell, 1872. Jewett, Paul. New England farrier; or, A compendium of farriery. Exeter, 1821. Jewett, Sarah Orne, anon. Memorial of the looth anniversary of the founding of Berwick academy. South Berwick, Me. Camb., 1891. Story of the Normans. N. Y., 1888. (Story of the nations.) Jewish foster home and orphan asylum. Annual report, 1880-1, '83, '85-9, '92-3, '95-1900. V. 24-5, 27, 29-33, 36-7, 39-44. Phil. n. d. Jillson, Clark. Address. (In Sons of Vermont, First reunion, 1874. p. 3-26.) Address on New Hampshire and Vermont, their unions, se- cessions, and disunions. Wore, 1882. Annual address delivered before the Young men's rhetorical society of Worcester, Mass., Dec. 26, 1853. Wore, 1877. Catalogue, descriptive and historical, of rare and curious old books, 1470-1699. Wore, 1888. anon. Death penalty, n. P- n. d. Green leaves from Whitingham, Vt.; a history of the town. Wore, 1894. Manning Leonard; a memorial. Wore, 1886. Modified plagiarism; read before the Worcester society of antiquity, April i, 1879. Wore, 1881. Something about H. D. Jillson. Wore, 1885. comp. Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson family. Central Falls, 1876. Jobson, Rev. F. J. Chapel and school architecture. Lond., 1850. Joel Munsell's sons. American genealogist, being a catalogue of family histories. Ed. 4. Alb., 1897. Note : former editions were ed. by W. H. Whitmore. Ed. 5. Alb., 1900. Index to American genealogies; and to genealogical material contained in all works. Ed. 5. Alb., 1900. Note: 1st and 2d editions were ed. by D. S. Durrie. List of titles of genealogical articles in American periodicals and kindred works. Alb., 1899. pub. American ancestry. 1887-99. Jogues, Isaac. Jogues papers, tr. and arranged with a memoir by J. G. Shea. (In N. Y. hist, soe Coll. 1857- v. 8; p. 161-229.) John I, king of Great Britain. See Great Britain: King. John A. Andrew monument association. Memorial volume con- taining the exercises at the dedication of the statue of J. A. Andrew at Hingham, Oct., 1875. Bost, 1878. John A. Creighton medical college. Circular, 1898-9. Omaha, 1898. John B. Clarke company. Mirror's pictorial Manchester, 1846-96. Manch., 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 711 John B. Stetson university. Annual catalogue, 1894-1902. v. 10-17. n. p. 1894-1902. • Special announcements. DeLand, 1901. John Bean association. Proceedings at its annual meeting, v. i, 3-5. n. p. 1896-1901. John Bulkley Perry, n. p. n. d. John Crerar library. Annual report, v. 1-7. Chic, 1897-1902. List of books in the reading room, January, 1900. Chic, 1900. John F. Slater fund for the education of freedmen. Occasional papers, no, i-io. Bait., 1894-7. Proceedings of the trustees; 1883-5, '87-9, '91-1901. v. p. 1883- 1901. John Gardner Flint library, North Branch (N. H.). Catalogue, n. p. 1899. Catalogue supplement, n. p. 1900. John H. Morison, a memoir. Bost., 1897. John street Congregational church, Lowell (Mass.). Fortieth anni- versary, May 9th and nth, 1879. Lowell, 1879. John Waldron, of Dover, N. H., and his descendants. Dover, n. d. Johnes, Thomas, tr. Froissart, Jean. Chronicles of England, P'rance, Spain and the adjoining countries. 1889 Johns, H. V. D., D. D. Sermon preached at the request of the American Sunday school union, 1848. Phil., 1848. Johns, Henry T. Life with the 49th Mass. volunteers. Pittsf., 1864. Johns Hopkins hospital bulletin, monthly, v. 1-12. Bait., 1890- 1901. > Johns Hopkins hospital reports, monthly, v. 2; v. 4, no. 4-5. Bait., 1890-4. Johns Hopkins medical school. Annual announcement, 1895-6. Bait., 1895. Johns Hopkins university. Johns Hopkins university circulars, v. 4, no. 36-42; V. 5-19. Bait., 1888-1900. Note : issued irregularly. Notes, no. 1-8, 10-14, 16-18. Bait., 1889-96. Note : no. 9 never issued, no. 4-5 bound with Studies, v. 7. no. 10-13 bound with Studies, V. 8. no. 14, with Studies, v. 9. no. 16, with studies, v. 11. no. 17, with stud- ies, V. 12. no. 18, with studies, v. 13. Register, 1887-99. Bait., 1888-99. Studies in historical and political science; ed. by H. B. Adams. V. 1-18. Bait., 1883-1900. ed. American journal of mathematics, pure and applied. 1879-86. : Biological laboratory. Studies, v. 2, no. 3. Bait., 1882. Studies; contents of volumes 1-5, 1879-93. Bait., 1893. : President. Annual report, 1878-99. v. 3-24. Bait., 1878-99. Johnson, A. L. Economic designing of timber trestle bridges. Wash., 1896. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Forestry, div. of. Bul- letin, no. 12.) Johnson, Alexander, M. D. Relief from accidental death. Lond., ^ 1789. Johnson, Alexander Bryan. Advanced value of gold, suspended specie payments, legal-tender notes, taxation and national debt investigated impartially. Utica, 1862. Johnson, Alfred J., puh. New illustrated family atlas of the world. N. Y., 1868. Johnson, Andrew, pres. of U. S. Message, as governor, to both houses of the general assembly, Oct., 1857. Nashville, 1857. St. Louis speech for which he was impeached. {In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 7; p. 2628-40.) Speeches, with a biographical introduction by Frank Moore. Bost., 1865. 712 AUTHOR LIST. Johnson, Andrew, pres. of U. S. Speeches, with a biographical in- troduction by Frank Moore. Bost., 1866. Johnson, Arnold Burges, ed. United States: Light-house service. Modern light-house service. i8go. Johnson, B. F. Physical culture; primary book. Richmond, 1900. Johnson, Bradley Tyler. Foundation of Maryland and the origin of the act concerning religion of April 21, 1649. Bait., 1883. {In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1883. no. 18.) • and others. Why the Confederate states of America had no supreme court, (in Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1900. v. 4; p. 81-101.) Johnson, C. Ben. Sketch of the Wyoming historical and geological society of Wilkes-Barre. Wilkes Barre, 1880. Johnson, Charles Frederick. Development of literary taste in col- lege students. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1892. p. 174-90.) Johnson, Charles W. Proceedings of the first three Republican national conventions of 1856, i860, and 1864, including proceed- ings of the antecedent national convention held at Pittsburg, Feb., 1856, as reported by Horace Greeley. Minneapolis, 1893. Johnson, Clifton. Unredeemed captive; being the story of Eunice Williams, who, at the age of seven years, was carried away from Deerfield by the Indians, in the year 1704. n. p. 1897. Johnson, Capt. Edward. Wonder-working Providence of Sions Saviour. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1814-26. v. 12; p. 51-96. V. 13; p. 123-61. v. 14; p. 1-51. v. 17; p. 1-58. v. 18; p. 1-39.) with introduction by W. F. Poole. Andover, 1867. Johnson, Edward, M. D. Results of hydropathy; or, Constipation • not a disease of the bowels; indigestion not a disease of the stomach. N. Y., 1846. Johnson, Edward Francis, comp. Abstracts of early Woburn deeds recorded at Middlesex county registry; 1649-1700. n. p. 1895. • and Cutter, William Richard, comp. Transcript of epitaphs in Woburn first and second burial-grounds. 1890. Woburn (Mass.). Woburn records of births, deaths and mar- riages from 1640 to 1873. 1890-3. Johnson, Emory R. Inland waterways, their relation to transpor- tation. Phil., 1893, {In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. An- nals. 1894. V. 4.) Johnson, Evan Malbone, D. D. Missionary fanaticism opposed to Christian zeal, a discourse, 1839. N. Y., 1839. {Bound with White, William, hp. Sermon. 1833.) Toleration, a discourse. Ed. 6. Brooklyn, 1838. Johnson, George, of Canada. Canada's northern fringe. {In Ot- tawa lit. and sci. soc. Trans. 1900. no. 2; p. 9-68.) Johnson's graphic statistics. Ottawa, _ 1887. Place-names of Canada. {In Ottawa lit. and sci. soc. Trans. 1898. no. i; p. 27-62.) Johnson, George, M. D. Lectures on Bright's disease. N. Y., 1874. On the diseases of the kidney, their pathology and treatment. Lond., 1852. Johnson, George D., D. D. Dr. Samuel Johnson of Stratford, Conn. Hartf., n. d. {In Junior aux. pub. co. Soldier and ser- vant ser. no. 9.) Johnson, George K., M. D. Battle of Kernstown, March 23, 1862. Detroit, 1890. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i, no. 46.) Johnson, Helen Kendrick, comp. Quotations, {hv Smith, Rev. H. P., ed. Dictionary of terms, phrases and quotations. 1895. p. 521-724.) Johnson, Henry Boynton. Dartmouth college; history of the class of '83, senior year. Hanover, 1883. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 713 Johnson, Henry James, M. D., ed. Medico-chirurgical review, v. 21-40. 1834-49. Johnson, Herbert Parlin. Amitosis in the embryonal envelopes of the scorpion. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1892. v. 22; p. 127-61.) Contribution to the morphology and biology of the stentors. Bost., 1893. Johnson, Herschel Vespasian. Governor's message, n. p. n. d. Johnson, Rev. J. E., anon. Defense of the theatre services. Phil., 1889. Johnson, James, M. D. Influence of civic life, sedentary habits and intellectual refinement on human health and human happiness; ist Amer. from Lond. copy. Phil., 1820. Influence of tropical climates on European constitutions; fr. the 3d Lond. edition. N. Y., 1826. Treatise on derangements of the liver, internal organs, and nervous system; from the 3d Lond. ed. revised. Phil., 1826. from the 3d Lond. edition. Cone, 1832. ed. Medico-chirurgical journal and review, v. 10-51. 1824- 44- Johnson, Jane. Essays on some of the testimonies of truth as held by the Society of Friends. Phil., 1888. Johnson, Jeremiah. Recollections of long ago, read before the "Old Brooklynites." Brooklyn, 1894. tr. Donck, Adriaen van der. Description of New Nether- lands. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 125-242.) Johnson, John. Mathematical question propounded by the vice- regent of the world and answered by the King of glory, ist Exeter edition. Exeter, 1789. Old Maryland manors. Bait., 1883. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1883. V. i, no. 7.) Rudimentary society among boys. Bait., 1884. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1884. v. 2; no. 11.) Johnson, Rev. John, ed. Cowper, William. Private correspond- ence. 1824. Johnson, Sir John. Orderly book during the Oriskany campaign, 1776-1777; annotated by W. L. Stone; with introduction by J. W. DePeyster. Alb., 1882. Johnson, John, rector of Yaxam. Sketch of the life of Cowper. {In Cowper, William. Poems. 1815. v. 3, pref. p. 1-99.) Johnson, John Butler. Higher industrial and commercial educa- tion as an essential condition of our future material prosperity, n. p. 1898. Materials of construction, a treatise for engineers on the strength of engineering materials. N. Y., 1897. Recently improved methods of sewage disposal. Madison, 1900. {In Wis.: Univ. Bulletin. Eng. ser. v. 2, no. 7.) Some unrecognized functions of our state universities. {In Wis.: Univ. Bulletin. Eng. ser. v. 2; p. 153-72.) Theory and practice of surveying; designed for the use of sur- veyors and engineers generally. N. Y., 1901. Three problems in river physics. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. ZZ', P- 276-88.) Johnson, Rev. John Edgar. Help for the hills; the boa constrictor of the White Mountains; or, The worst "trust" in the world; an account of the New Hampshire land company. North Wood- stock, 1900. tr. Prayers, sermons, and religious thoughts, tr. from the French of Voltaire. Phil., 1878. Theatre talk, "wooden men." Phil. n. d. Johnson, John Neely. Governor's annual message for 1858 for California, n. p. n. d. 714 AUTHOR IJST. Johnson, John Quincy. Report of the fifth Tuskegee Negro con- ference, 1896. Bait., i8g6. (In John F. Slater fund for the edu- cation of freedmen. Occasional papers. 1896. no. 8.) Johnson, Joseph French. Discussion of the interrogatories of the monetary commission of the Indianapolis convention. Phil., 1898. (In Penn.: Univ. Pub. 1898. no. 13.) Johnson, Lawrence C, and Smith, Eugene Allen. Tertiary and cretaceous strata of the Tuscaloosa, Tombigbee, and Alabama rivers. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1887. no. 43.) Johnson, Lorenzo D. Memoria technica; or, The art of aiding the memory. Lowell, 1845. Johnson, Oliver. Abolitionists vindicated in a review of Eli Thayer's Paper on the N. E. emigrant aid company. Wore, 1887. (In Worcester soc. of antiq. Coll. 1886. v. 7.) Johnson, Reverdy. Reply to the paper which Judge advocate Holt furnished to the President, n. p. n. d. Reply to the review of Judge advocate Holt of the proceed- ings, findings, and sentence of the general court martial in the case of Fitz John Porter. Bait., 1863. Johnson, Brig.-gen. Richard Mentor. Speech on a proposition to abolish imprisonment for debt. Bost., 1823. Johnson, Brig.-gen. Richard W. Fort Snelling from its foundation to the present time. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 8; p. 427-48.) War memories. (In Loyal legion of U. S. Minn, com- mandery. Glimpses. 1887. v. i; p. 7-28.) Johnson, Col. Robert. List of judges, clerks, sherifiFs, surrogates, and attornies of Salem county. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1850. V. 4; p. 37-52.) Johnson, Col. Robert G. Memoir of John Fenwicke. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1850. v. 4; p. 53-89.) Johnson, Robert Underwood, and Buel, Clarence Clough. Battles and leaders of the Civil war. 4v. N. Y., 1884-8. Johnson, Rossiter. Story of a great conflict, a history of the War of secession, 1861-1865. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1894. Short history of the war of secession. Bost., 1888. Turning points in the Civil war. (In Amer. hist, assoc. An- nual report. 1895. v. 6; p. 39-53-) and others. Campfire and battlefield; an history of campaigns and conflicts of the great Civil war. N. Y., 1894. Johnson, Samuel, 1709-84. Dictionary of the English language; abstracted from the folio ed. Ed. 12. Montrose, 1802. Journal of his tour to the Hebrides. (In Boswell, James. Life of Johnson. 1891. v. 5.) Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical obser- vations on their works. New ed. 3v. Lond., 1806. Poems, to which is prefixed a life of the author by F. W. Blagdon. Lond., 1806. (Bot^nd with Somerville, William. Chace, 1805.) Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. Bost., 1893. Note : printed for the blind in ttie Howe type. Sermon for the funeral of his wife. (In Taylor, John. Ser- mons. 1806. p. 248-56.) ed. Shakspere, William. Dramatick works. 1807. Johnson, Samuel Roosevelt, D. D. Attendance on prescribed duties; a Lent lecture delivered in the chapel of the General theological seminary, 1856. N. Y., 1856. General theological seminary and its advantages. N. Y., 1851. (Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Memorial discourse on the life, character, and services of Gen. Jeremiah Johnson. Brooklyn, 1854. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 715 Johnson, Samuel W. How crops feed, a treatise on the atmosphere and the soil as related to the nutrition of agricultural plants. N. Y., 1896. How crops grow, a treatise on the chemical composition, structure, and life of the plant. N. Y., 1897. Reports on peat, muck, and commercial manures. Hartf., 1859. Johnson, Stanley Edward. Temper cure. N. Y., 1900. and Conn, Charles F. Sophomore history of the class of '87. Dartmouth college. Haverhill, 1886. Johnson, Mrs. Susanna (Willard). Mrs. Johnson's captivity. (In Coll. topographical. 1822. v. i; p. 177-240.) Narrative of her captivity, containing an account of her suf- ferings during four years with the Indians and French. Wal- pole, 1796. Ed. 2. Windsor, 1807. Johnson, Thomas, tr. Parey, Ambrose. Works. 1634. Johnson, Thomas Cary, D. D. Brief sketch of the United Synod of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 1-38.) History of the Southern Presbyterian church. N. Y., 1894. (With Alexander, Gross. Hist, of the M. E. church, south. 1894.) Johnson, Thomas F. Address delivered before E. E. Cross Post, No. 16, Lancaster, N. H., Memorial day, 1900. Lancaster, 1900. Johnson, Tom Loftin. Democratic surrender. Bost., 1896. Johnson, Walter Rogers. Brief notice of geographical explor- ations and researches during the year 1847 and a part of 1848. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1849. v. i; • p. 102-23.) Coal trade of British America, with researches on the charac- teristics and practical values of American and foreign coals. Wash., 1850. Description of a specimen of engraving by the aboriginal in- habitants of North America. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1840. V. 4; p. 93-103) Memoir of the scientific character and researches of James Smithson. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1881. v. 21; p. 123-41.) On some experimental determinations of the economic values of British and American coals. (In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 221-31.) Johnson, William. Remarks from the North American review re- lating to count Kazimierz Pulaski. Charlestown, 1825. Johnson, William Christie. March to the sea. (In G. A. R.: Ohio dept.: Fred C. Jones Post, No. 401. G. A. R. war papers, v. i; p. 309-36.) Johnson, William D. Lincoln University; or. The nation's first pledge of emancipation. Phil., 1867. Johnson, William Samuel. Letters to the governors of Connec- ticut. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1885. v. 49; p. 211-490.) Johnson public library, Hackensack (N. /.). Bulletin, v. i, no. i. n. p. n. d. Johnston, Capt. A. R. Journal. (In Abert, Lieui. J. W. Report of his examination of New Mexico, 1846-7. n. d. p. 567-614.) Johnston, Alexander, ed. American orations, studies in American political history, ed. by J. A. Woodburn. 4v. N. Y., 1896. ^-Connecticut; a study of a commonwealth-democracy. Best., 1887. (American commonwealths.) Genesis of a New England state (Connecticut). Bait., 1883. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1883. v. i, no. 11.) -History of political parties; 1789-1850. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1888. v. 7; p. 267-94.) 716 AUTHOR LIST. Johnston, Alexander, ed. Sheepscot farms. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll.' 1887. V. 9; p. 127-55.) Some account of the Society of the Cincinnati. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1858. v. 6; p. 15-56.) United States; its history and constitution. N. Y., 1889. Johnston, Clarence T., and Breckons, Joseph A. Water-right prob- lems of Bear river. Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Experiment sta., office of. Bulletin, no. 70.) Johnston, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lichtenstein). Recollections of a Georgia loyalist. N. Y,, 1901. Johnston, George W., M. D., ed. National medical review, v. 7- 10. 1897-1901. Johnston, Henry Phelps. Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn, 1878. (In Long island hist. soc. Mem- oirs. 1878. V. 3.) ed. Jay, John, 1745-1829. Correspondence and public papers. 1890. Johnston, Rev. James. Report of the centenary conference on Protestant missions of the world, London, 1888. 3v. Lond., 1889. Johnston, James Finjay Weir. Catechism of agricultural chemistry and geology. Ed. 22. Edin., 1849. Chemistry of common life. Ed, 6. 2v. N. Y., 1855. — •— Elements of agricultural chemistry and geology. N. Y., 1853. Instructions for the analysis of soils, limestones, and manures. Ed. 3. Edin., 1855. Ed. 3. Cleve., 1856. Lectures on the applications of chemistry and geology to agriculture. New ed. N. Y. n. d. Report on the agricultural capabilities of New Brunswick. Fredericton, 1850. Johnston, John. History of the towns of Bristol and Bremen in Maine, including the Pemaquid settlement. Alb., 1873. John Peirce. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1887. v. 9; p. 115- 25.) Manual of chemistry on the basis of Dr. Turner's Elements of chemistry. Phil., 1844. New topographical map of the whole Dominion of Canada, with a large section of the United States. Montreal, 1874. Johnston, Josiah Stoddard. First explorations of Kentucky; Thomas Walker's journal of an exploration in 1750, also Chris- topher Gist's journal of a tour through Ohio and Kentucky in 1751. Louisville, 1898. (In Filson club. Pub. 1898. v. 13.) Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Early educational life in middle Georgia. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1894-5; V. 2; 1896. p. 1699-1733. 1895-6; V. i; 1897, p. 839-86.) Planter of the old South. (In Southern hist, assoc. Pub. 1897. V. i; p. 35-44-) and Browne, William Hand. Life of A. H. Stephens. New ed. Phil., 1883. Johnston, W. Dawson. Titles of books on English history pub- lished in 1897 and 1898. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. V. II, pt. i; p. 614-32.) Johnston, William, tr. Beckman, John. History of inventions, discoveries, and origins. 1883-4. i846._ Johnston, William, of Canada. Agricultural education; in itself and in its relation to the province of Quebec, with a brief sketch of the agricultural schools, colleges, and experiment stations of Europe and North America. Toronto, 1881. Johnston, William D. Slavery in Rhode Island, 1 755-1776. Prov., 1894. (In R. I. hist. soc. Proceed. 1893-4. p. 113-64.) f/ "^ OF THE I UNIVERSITY NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBKARY. 717 Johnston, Col. William Preston. Address before the Louisiana state public school teachers' association at New Iberia, La., Dec. 28, 1893- N. O., 1894. Definition of history. {In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. V. 5; p. 43-53-) Tulane university of Louisiana; commencement address, June 30, 1898. N. O., 1898. Tulane university of Louisiana; its place in our educational system. N. O., 1895. Johnstown (Pa.) : Flood finance committee. Report. Johnstown, 1890. Johonnot, James. Principles and practice of teaching. N. Y., 1898. (Intern, education ser. no. 39.) Johonnot, Sarah Evans, ed. Johonnot, James. Principles and practice of teaching. 1898. Joint consolidated mortgage of the Portland and Ogdensburg rail- road CO., the Essex county railroad co., the Montpelier and St. Johnsbury railroad co., the Lamoille valley railroad CO., and the Lamoille valley junction railroad co. Portl., 1875. Joinville, Frangois Ferdinand Phillippe Louis Marie d'Orleans, prince de. Army of the Potomac; its organization, its com- mander, and its campaign; tr. from the French with notes by W. H. Hurlbert. N. Y., 1863. Joliet, Louis, and Marquette, Jacques. Account of the discovery of some new countries and nations in North America in 1673. U^ French, B. F. Hist. coll. of Louisiana. 1850. v. 2; p. 277-97.) Jolliffe, John. In the matter of George Gordon's petition for pardon. Cine, 1862. Joly, Charles. Note sur les eucalyptus geants de I'Australie. Par., 1885. Jonathan Clement; 1797-1881. St. Johnsbury, n. d. Jones, Alonzo Trevier. Abiding Sabbath and the Lord's day. Oakland, 1889. "Due process of law" and the divine right of dissent. N. Y., 1892. Great nations of today. Battle Creek, 1901. Rights of the people; or. Civil government and religion. Oak- land, 1895. Two republics; or, Rome and the United States of America. Battle Creek, 1891. Jones, Augustine. Principles, methods, and history of the society of Friends. Lynn, 1874. Jones, Rev. Benjamin T. Inaugural address; the Evangelical preacher. (In Lincoln univ. Inauguration of professors. 1885. p. 11-21.) Student and the Bible. Phil., 1887. Jones, Col. Charles Colcock. Ancient tumuli in Georgia. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1869. P- 53-79-) Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental congress. Bost., 1891. Catalogue of the valuable autographic collection and engraved portraits and views, n. p. i894(?) English colonization of Georgia, 1733-1752. (In Winsor, Jus- tin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of America. 1887. v. S; p. 357-406.) History of Georgia. 2v. Bost., 1883. Monumental remains of Georgia. Savannah, 1861. Jones, Charles Edgeworth. Education in Georgia. Wash., 1889. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1888. no. 4.) Supreme court of Georgia. (In Bell, Clark. Supreme court. 1893. P- 208-37.) Y18 AUTHOR LIST. Jones, Charles Handfield, and Sieveking, Edward Henry, M. D. Manual of pathological anatomy; ist Amer. edition. Phil., 1854. Jones, Charles Henry. History of the campaign for the conquest of Canada in 1776. ^ Phil., 1882. Jones, Maj.-gen. Daniel. Orders given Lt.-col. Stephen Kemble. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 24; p. 604-26.) Jones, Daniel W., M. D. Address to the graduating class of Dart- mouth medical college, Nov. 14, 1882. Cone, 1883- Jones, David Brynmor-, and Rhys, John. Welsh people. 1900. Jones, David P. Something about our navy. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1899. v. 3; p. 325-39.) Jones, E. Lee, M. D., ed. Medical register of New York, New Jer- sey, and Connecticut, v. 8. 1870. Jones, Edward A., puh. Lexington and Bedford directory contain- ing lists of the residents, societies, churches, streets, etc., 1894. ■ puh. North Shore blue book containing lists of the summer residents of the principal resorts along the North Shore from Nahant to Pigeon cove. 1901. Jones, Edward D. Round numbers in wages and prices. {In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1897. v. 5, no. 35-36; p. 111-41.) Jones, Edwin F. Argument for defendant in the case of Amoskeag manufacturing company vs. the city of Manchester, being a petition for the abatement of taxes. Manch., 1898. Clear and forcible presentation of state and national issues; address at the Republican state convention, Sept. 11, 1900. Cone, 1900. Jones, Eli Grellet, M. D., ed. New England eclectic medical jour- nal. V. I, no. 3. 1873. Jones, Erasmus. History of the town of Frankfort. Winterport, 1897. Jones, Rev. Erasmus W. Early Welsh settlers of Oneida county. {In Oneida hist. soc. Trans. 1889-92. p. 60-7.) Jones, Frank. His reason; his position regarding the campaign, n. p. n. d. Jones, Frederic William, M. D., comp. Celebration proceedings of the 150th anniversary of New Ipswich, N. H., Aug. 26-28, 1900. New Ipswich, 1900. Historical sketch of the Appleton academy established at New Ipswich, Hillsboro' county, N. H. New Ipswich, 1876. Jones, Frederick Robertson. History of taxation in Connecticut, 1636-1776. Bait., 1896. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1896. V. 14, no. 8.) Jones, Rev. George. Excursions to Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, and Balbec. N. Y., 1836. NOTB : t. p. wanting. Observations on the zodiacal light, from April 2, 1853, to April 22, 1855. Wash., 1856. {In Perry, Com. M. C. Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan in 1852-4. 1856. v. 3.) Jones, George S., M. D., ed. Boston medical and surgical journal. V. 50-51. 1854. Jones, Henry R. Sketches of the people and places of New Hart- ford in the past and present, no. 1-2. New Hartf., 1883-95. Jones, Horatio Gates. Andrew Bradford, founder of the news- paper press in the middle states of America. Phil., 1869. Jones, Rev. Isaac. Sermon delivered in the South church, Andover, Mass., Jan._ 24, 1836. Andover, 1836. Jones, J. William, D. D. Personal reminiscences and anecdotes of Stonewall Jackson. {In Cooke, J. E. Stonewall Jackson. 1876. p. 467-513.) Jones, Rev. Jesse H. H. K. Oliver. Bost., i886(?) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 719 Jones, John B. Rebel war clerk's diary at the Confederate states capital. 2v. Phil., 1866. Jones, John Matthew, and Goode, George Browne, ed. Contribu- tions to the natural history of the Bermudas. Wash., 1884. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1884. no. 25.) Jones, Col. John Sills. From North Anna to Cold Harbor. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 147-58.) Jones, Joseph, M. D. Explorations of the aboriginal remains of Tennessee. Wash., 1876. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1880. V. 22.) First report to the cotton planters' convention of Georgia, on the agricultural resources of Georgia. Augusta, i860. Investigations, chemical and physiological, relative to certain American vertebrata. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1856. v. 8.) Medical and surgical memoirs, v. 3. N, O., 1890. Jones, Lewis Hampton. Captain Roger Jones of London and Vir- ginia, some of his antecedents and descendants. Alb., 1891. Jones, Llewellyn, D. D. True nature of divine service. Hamilton, 1894- Jones, Lloyd. Life, times, and labors of Robert Owen; ed. by W. C. Jones. Lond., 1895. Tones, Lynds, ed. Wilson bulletin, v. 8-12. 1896-1900. Jones, Lynds E., ed. Best reading, a priced and classified bibliog- raphy for easy reference of the more important English and American publications for the five years ending Dec. 31, 1881. ser. 2. N. Y., 1887. for the five years ending Dec. 31, 1886. ser. 3, N. Y., 1888. comp. American catalogue. 1880. and Putnam, George Palmer, Tabular views of universal his- tory. 1890. ed. Putnam, George Palmer, comp. World's progress. 1883. Jones, S. B. Twenty favorite songs for the Grand army of the Republic. Omaha, 1882. Jones, Samuel. Communications; notes on discourse of DeWitt Clinton, remarks on Smith's History of New York, etc. (In N. Y. hist. soc. 1821. V. 3; p. 321-67.) Jones, Samuel W. Memoir of James Duane. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary history. 1851. v. 4; p. 641-57.) Jones, Silas. Practical phrenology. Bost., 1836. Jones, Stacy, M. D. Medical genius; a guide to the cure. Phil., 1887. Jones, Stephen. New biographical dictionary; containing brief account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every age and nation. Ed. 5, enl. Lond., 1805. Jones, Thomas P., M. D., ed. Journal of the Franklin institute, monthly, v. 1-44. 1826-47. Jones, Thomas Rupert. On some ostracoda from the Cambro- Silurian, Silurian, and Devonian rocks. (In Canada: Geol. and natural hist, survey. Contrib. 1891. pt. 3; p. 59-99.) and others. Monograph on the foraminifera of the crag. Lond., 1866. (In Palaeontographical soc. Monographs. 1865-6.) Jones, Thomas Wharton. Principles and practice of ophthalmic medicine and surgery, ed. by Isaac Hays. Phil., 1847. 2d Amer. from the 2d and rev. Lond. edition. Phil., 1856. 3d Amer. ed. from the 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1863. Jones, W. S. H., corAposer. Dream song. Manch., 1890. 720 AUTHOR LIST. Jones, Walter A., M. D. Historical address delivered Aug. 7, 1889, at the centennial celebration commemorating the ist set- tlement of the town of Waitsfield, Vt., -by Gen. Benjamin Wait. St. Johnsburj'-, 1892. Jones, William. History of the Christian church, from the birth of Christ to the i8th century. Dover, 1837. contin. Russell, William. History of modern Europe. 1830. Jones, Capt. William A. Report upon the reconnaisance of north- western Wyoming made in the summer of 1873. Wash., 1874. Jones, William Cairns, ed. Jones, Lloyd. Life, times, and labors of Robert Owen. 1895. Jordan, Chester Bradley. Col. Joseph Whipple. {In N. H. hist. soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 2; p. 289-320.) Historical essay; Colonel Joseph Whipple. Cone, 1894. Message to the two branches of the legislature, Jan. session, 1901. Manch., 1901. R. C. Everett; address before the Grafton and Coos bar asso- ciation, Jan. 6, 1888. Cone, 1888. Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Contributions to North American ich- thyology. Wash., 1877. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. V. 13.) Wash., 1877. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1877. no. 10.) ■ Contributions to North American ichthyology; review of Rafinesque's Memoirs on North American fishes. Wash., 1877. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 13.) Wash., 1877. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1877. no. 9.) Descriptions of fourteen species of fresh-water fishes col- lected in 1888. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1889. V. 11; p. 351-62.) Leland Stanford's views on higher education. (In Leland Stanford, jr., univ. Addresses at the loth annual commence- ment. 1901. p. 1-14.) "Lest we forget"; an address delivered before the graduating class of T898, Leland Stanford, jr., univ., on May 25, 1898. Palo Alto, 1898. List of fishes collected at Havana, Cuba, in 1883. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 31-55.) List of fishes collected at Key West, Florida. (In U. S. : Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 103-50.) List of the fishes known from the Pacific coast of tropical America. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. v. 8; p. 361-94.) Notes on a collection of fishes from Clackamas river, Oregon. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 69-85.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 69-85.) Notes on typical specimens of fishes described by Cuvier and Valenciennes and preserved in the Musee d'histoire naturalle in Paris. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 525-46.) Observations on the fur seals of the Pribilof islands. Wash., 1896. Preliminary list of the fishes of the West Indies. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 554-608.) Relations of temperature to vertebrae among fishes. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1892. v. 14; p. 107-20.) Salmon and trout of the Pacific coast. Sacram., 1892. (In Cal.: Fish commission, board of. Bulletin, no. 4.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAKY. 721 Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1891. v. 13; p. 313-36.) and BoUman, Charles Harvey. Scientific results of explora- tions by the U. S. fish commission steamer Albatross. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 149-83.) and Brayton, Alembert Winthrop, M. D. Contributions to North American ichthyology. Wash., 1878. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 23.) Note : nos. 1 and 2 by Jordan alone. Wash., 1878. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1878. no. 12.) and Copeland, Herbert E. Checklist of the fishes of the fresh waters of North America. {In Buffalo soc. of natural sci. Bul- letin. 1877. V. 3; p- uy(>7-) and Edwards, Charles Lincoln. Review of the American spe- cies of tetraodontidse. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1887. V. 9; p. 240-7.) and Eigenmann, Carl H. Review of the gobiidae of North America. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 477-518.) and Evermann, Barton Warren. Description of six new spe- cies of fishes from the Gulf of Mexico. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 467-76.) Fishes of North and Middle America, descriptive catalogue. 4v. Wash., 1896-1900. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1896-1900. no. 47.) and Fordice, Morton W. Review of the American species of belonidas. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 339-61.) and Gilbert, Charles Henry. Catalogue of the fishes collected by J. Xantus at Cape San Lucas. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 353-71.). Descriptions of seven new species of sebastoid fishes from the coast of California. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1881. V. 3; p. 287-98.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; p. 287-98.) Description of thirty-three new species of fishes from Mazat- lan, Mexico. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 338-71.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 338-71.) List of fishes collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas in 1884. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. V. 9; p. 1-25.) List of fishes now in the museum of Yale college, collected by F. H. Bradley at Panama. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 620-32.) Notes on a collection of fishes from Charleston, S. C. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 580-620.) Notes on a collection of fishes from San Diego, Cal. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1881. v. 3; p. 23-34.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. i; p. 23-34.) Notes on fishes observed about Pensacola, Florida, and Gal- veston, Tex. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1883. v. 5; p. 241-307.) Notes on the fishes of Beaufort harbor, N. C. {In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 365-88.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 365-88.) 46 722 AUTHOR LIST. Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. V. 4; p. 29-70.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 29-70.) Review of the American caranginoe. {In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1884. v. 6; p. 188-207.) Review of the species of the genus calamus. {In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 14-24.) Synopsis of the fishes of North America. Wash., 1882. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. v. 24.) Wash., 1882. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1882. no. 16.) and Hughes, Elizabeth G. Review of the genera and species of julidinse found in American waters. {In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 56-70.) Review of the species of the genus prionotus. {In U. S.: Na- tional museum. ^ Proceed.^ 1887. v. 9; p. 327-38.) and Jouy, Pierre Louis. Check-list of duplicates of fishes from the Pacific coast of North America. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 1-19.) ■ {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 1-19.) and Meek, Seth E. List of fishes collected in Iowa and Mis- souri in 1884. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. V. 8; p. I-I7-) Review of the American species of flying fishes. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1886. v. 8; p. 44-67.) and Swain, Joseph. Descriptions of scaroid fishes from Havana and Key West. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. V. 7; p. 81-102.) Review of the American species of epinephelus. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 358-410.) Review of the American species of marine mugilidse. {In U. S.: Natiofial museum. 1885. v. 7; p. 261-75.) • Review of the species of lutjaninae and hoplopagrinae found in American waters. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. V. 7; P- 427-74.) . Review of the species of the genus haemulon. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1885. v. 7; p. 281-317.) and othei's. Fur seals and fur seal islands of the North Pacific ocean. 4v. Wash., 1898. ed. Sonrel, A. Six species of North American fresh-water fishes. 1889. Jordan, Francis. Constitutional reform. Phil., 1872. Jordan, Franklin. Occupation of Fort Sumter and hoisting the old flag. n. p. n. d. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n. d. no. 18.) Jordan, John Woolf. Military hospitals at Bethlehem and Lititz, Penn., during the Revolutionary war. Wilkes-Barre, 1896. Jordan, Rev. Leonard G. History of the loth Maine battalion. {In Gould, Maj. J. M. Hist, of the First Me. regt. 1871. p. , 337-85.) Jordan, Tristram Frost, comp. Jordan memorial. Bost., 1882. Leighton genealogy. Alb., 1885. Jordan & Wiley, pub. White Mountain and Winnepissiogee lake guide book. Bost., 1846. Jorre, Friedrich Johannis. Synthese von 2, 3-dimethylpyrazin. Kiel, 1897. Joseph Burnett Company. About vanilla. Bost., 1900. Joseph Clark's case, to the supreme court of New Hampshire, n. p. 1868. Joseph Smith, Ipswich, Mass. n. p. 1881. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 723 Josephus, Flavius. Genuine works; tr. by William Whiston. 6v. N. Y., 1824. Histoire des Juifs, tr. par Arnauld d'Andilly. 6v. Par., 1744. Works with three dissertations concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham, etc.; tr. by William Whiston. Bait. n. d. Bait., 1830. Joslin, Benjamin F., M. D. Physiological explanation of the beauty of form.- Alb., 1837. ed. Lardner, Rev. Dionysius. Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics. 1832. Joslin, Joseph, Frisbie, Barnes, and Ruggles, Frederick. History of the town of Poultney, Vt. Poultney, 1875. Joslin, Joseph, jr. Journal of Joseph Joslin, a teamster in the con- tinental service, Mar. 1777-Aug., 1778. (In Conn. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. V. 7; p. 267-369.) Jesse, Augustin Luis. Grammar of the Spanish language, with practical exercises; rev. by F. Sales; 8th Amer. edition. Bost., 1837. Josselyij, John. Account of two voyages to New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1833- v. 23; p. 211-354.) made during the years 1638, 1663. Bost., 1865. Chronological observations of America from the year of the world to the year of Christ, 1673. (In his Account of two voyages to N. E. 1865. p. 165-21 1.) (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1833. v. 23; p. 355-96.) New England's rarities discovered, with an introduction by Edward Tuckerman. Bost, 1865. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archseol. Amer. i860, v. 4; p. 105-238.) Jouan, Henri. Jean Nicolet, interpreter and voyageur in Canada, 1618-1642. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1888. v. 11; p. i- 25-) Jouin, Louis. Evidences of religion. N. Y., 1882. Jourdan, Antoine Jacques Louis, M. D. Historical and critical ob- servations on syohilis, tr. from the French by R. La Roche, n. p. n. d. (Bound with Cabanis, P. J. G. Essay on the certainty of medicine. 1823.) Pharmacopoeia universalis; or. Complete encyclopaedia of the materia medica. Ed. 2. 2v. Lond. n. d. ed. Nysten, Pierre Hubert. Dictionnaire de medicine. 1845. Journal de conchyliologie public sous la direction de M. Petit de la Saussaye. v. i. Par., 1850. Journal fiir geburtshulfe, frauenzimmer, und kinderkrankheiten, herausgegeben von Dr. Elias von Siebold. v. i, no. 3; v. 5, no. 3. Frankfurt am Main, 1815-26. Journal of agriculture, monthly, v. 3, no. 7-12; v. 4. Bost., 1853-4. Journal of an excursion made by the corps of cadets of the Amer- ican literary, scientific, and military academy under Capt. Alden Partridge, June, 1822. Cone, 1822. Journal of an officer in the naval army in America in 1781 and 1782. (In Shea, J. G., ed. Operations of the French fleet. 1864. p. 135-85.) Journal of applied microscopy, monthly, v. 1-3. Rochester, 1898- 1900. Journal of belles-lettres. See Waldie's select circulating library. Journal of commerce and commercial bulletin, ed. Commercial year book. 1896-9. Journal of comparative medicine and veterinary archives, v. 16, no. 11; V. 17; V. 18, no. i, 3-8; v. 19, no. 3. Phil., 1895-8. Journal of cutaneous and venereal diseases, monthly, 1883. v. i. N. Y., 1883. 724 AUTHOR LIST. Journal of education, Nova Scotia, ser. 3. v. i, no. 2-6; v. 2; v. 3, no. 1-3. Halifax, 1893-1900. Journal of foreign medical science and literature, quarterly, being a continuation of the Eclectic repertory; conducted by Samuel Emlen and William Price, v. 2-3. Phil., 1822-3. Note : being a continuation of Eclectic repertory. Merged into the American medical recorder. Journal of geology, a semi-quarterly magazine of geology and re- lated sciences, Feb., 1893-1901. v. i, no. 2-8; v. 2-8. Chic, 1893- 1901. Journal of health, semi-monthly; conducted by an association of physicians, v. 1-2. Phil, 1830-1. Journal of materia medica. Supplement containing a brief sum- mary of the action and uses of the principal articles of the mate- ria medica, 1868, '70-2. New Lebanon, 1868-72. Journal of materia medica, monthly, devoted to materia medica, pharmacy, and chemistry, v. for 1858, Aug.-Nov.; v. 5, no. i; V. 6, no. 5-7; V. 7-17; V. 18, no. i-io; v. 19, no. 1-7; v. 20-1; v. 22, no. 1-3, 8, 11-12; V. 23, no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 24, no. i, 3-6, 8-9; v. 25, no. 1-7, 9-12; v. 26, no. 1-2; V. 31, no. 12; v. 32, no. 9-12; v. 33, no. 1-3, 5-6, 8, 10; V. 34, no. 1-3. New Lebanon, 1858-96. Note : 1858-9, title was Journal of materia medica and pharmaceutic formulary. Puhlication suspended, J862-6. v. 25, no. 1-10 also called v. 1, no. I-IO, new ser. Journal of medicine and science, monthly, the official organ of the Maine academy of medicine and science, v. 1-6. Portl., 1894- 1900. Journal of morphology, v. 2, no. 2. Bost., 1888. Journal of mycology; devoted to the study of fungi in their rela- tion to plant diseases, v. 6, no. 4, 11; v. 7, no. 3-4. Wash., 1890-4. Journal of New Netherland. (In N. Y. (state): State, secy. of. Documentary history. 1851. v. 4; p. 3-10.) Journal of practical medicine, monthly, v. 6, no. 4, 6; v. 7, no. 9; V. 9, no. 1-4, 6-12; V. 10. Lowell, 1896-9. Journal of prison discipline, annual, v. 17-36, 38-57. Phil., 1862- 1902. Note : being v. 17-date of Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline and philan- thropy. Journal of psycho-asthenics. Quarterly, v. 1-4. Faribault, 1896-9. Journal of reconstructives, dietetics and alimentation, quarterly, v. I. N. Y., 1886. Journal of religious education, quarterly, v. i, no. i; v. 2, no. i. Wash., 1894-5. Journal of science and the arts. See Quarterly journal of science, literature, and the arts. Journal of speculative philosophy; ed. by W. T. Harris, v. 1-22. St. L., 1867-93. Journal of surgical technology; a monthly review of surgical sci- ence. V. I, no. 1-2. N. Y., 1900. Journal of the American agricultural association. See Agricultural review and journal of the American agricultural association. Journal of the American medical association, weekly; containing the official record of its proceedings and the reports and papers. V. 1-36. Chic, 1883-1901. Journal of the American public health assoc. See American public health association. Public health reports and papers. 1894- date. Journal of the Association of military surgeons of the United States. V. 10, no. 1-2. Carlisle, 1901. Journal of the College of science, Imperial university, Japan, v. 5, pt. 4. Tokyo, 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 725 Journal of the convention holden at Windsor, Vt., Sept. 29 and 30, 1830, for the purpose of taking into consideration subjects con- nected with the improvement of the navigation of the Connec- ticut river. Windsor, 1830. Journal of the Department of labour of New Zealand, monthly, 1893-1900. V. 1-8. Wellington, 1893-1900. Journal of the Franklin institute, monthl}^ devoted to science and the mechanic arts. v. 1-151. Phil., 1826-1901. Note : v. 1-5 hare title Franklin journal and Amer. mechanics' magazine. Index for the 120 vols, from 1826-1885. Phil., 1890. Index for the 20 vols, from 1886-1895. Phil., 1896. {In Journal of the Franklin inst. Index for 120 vols. 1890. pt. 2.) Journal of the Gynaecological society of Boston, a monthly journal. 7v. Bost., 1869-73. Note: no more pub. Journal of the Massachusetts highway association, issued quar- terly. V. 1-2. Bost., 1896-7. Journal of the military service institution of the United States, quarterly, v. I, no. 1-2, 4; v. 2-28. N. Y., 1879-1901. Proceedings of the 20th anniversary of the institution; sup. to V. 24. N. Y., 1899. Journal of the National association of railway surgeons, monthly. V. 1-2; V. 3, no. 1-7. Ft. Wayne, 1889-90. Journal of the proceedings of the congress held at Albany, in 1754. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1836. v. 25; p. S-74.) Journal of the Royal agricultural society of England, annual, v. I-5S; V. 56, pt. I, 3, 4; V. 57-62. Lond., 1840-1901. Note : v. 51-date is quarterly. Journal of the society for psychical research, v. 4, no. 57-67, 69- 75; V. 5; V. 6, no. 1-107, 109-13; V. 7; V. 8, no. 1-140, 142-9; v. 9, no. 155, 158, 159- Lond., 1891-9. Journal of the treaty held at Albany in Aug., 1775, with the Six nations. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1836. v. 25; p. 75-100.) Journal of the United States cavalry association, v. 1-2; v. 3, no. 8-9; V. 4, no. 13; v. 5, no. 17-18; v. 6-12. Leavenworth, 1888-99. Journal of the Western society of engineers, bi-monthly, v. 1-5. Chic, 1896-T900. Journal of the Worcester polytechnic institute, bi-monthly, Nov. 1897, June, '98. V. I, no. i, 5. Wore, 1897. Journal of zoophily, monthly, 1893-4, '96-9. v. 2-3, 5-8. Phil., 1893- 1900. Journal or history of a conspiracy of the Indians against the Eng- lish and of the siege of Detroit, 1763. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. V. 8; p. 266-339.) Note : Pontiac mss. Journals of Sir William Johnson's scouts. (In N. Y. (state) : State, secy of. Documentary hist. 1851. v. 4; p. 167-85.) Joutel, Henri. Historical journal of M. de la Salle's last voyage to discover the river Mississippi. (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1846. V. i; p. 85-193.) Jouy, Pierre Louis. Notes on birds of Central Mexico. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1894. v. 16; p. 771-91.) Ornithological notes on collections made in Japan from June to December, 1882. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1884. V. 6; p. 273-318.) and Jordan, David Starr, M. D. Checklist of duplicates of fishes from the Pacific coast of North America. (In U. S.: Na- tionaly museum. Proceed. 1882. v. 4; p. 1-19.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 22, pt. 2; p. 1-19.) Jowett, Benjamin, tr. Plato. Dialogues. 1872. 726 AUTHOR LIST. Jowett, Benjamin, tr. Thucydides. Thucydides, translated into English. 1883. Joy, Charles A. Chemistry, an inaugural address delivered before the trustees of Columbia college. {In Columbia univ. Ad- dresses. 1858. p. 29-53.) Joy, James F. Railroad history of Michigan. {In Mich, pioneer hist. soc. Coll. 1894. V. 22; p. 292-304.) Joy, James Richard, comp. Thomas Joy and his descendants. N. Y., 1900. Joy-Dyer, Cornelia C, comp. Some records of the Dyer family. N. Y., 1884. Juarros, Domingo. Statistical and commercial history of the king- dom of Guatemala in Spanish America; tr. by J. Baily. Lond., 1823. Jubilee days, an illustrated daily record of the humorous features of the World's peace jubilee, v. i. Bost., 1872. Judd, Orange, comp. Wesleyan university, alumni records, 1833 to 1869. N. Y., 1869. Judd, Sylvester, 1789-1860. History of Hadley, including the early history of Hatfield, South Hadley, Amherst, and Granby, Mass., with family genealogies by L. M. Boltwood. Northampton, 1863. Judd, Rev. Sylvester.^ Birthright church. Augusta, 1854. Judd, Sylvester Dwight. Descriptions of three species of sand fleas (amphipods) collected at Newport, R. I. {In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 593-603.) Food of shrikes. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Biological sur- vey, div. of. Bulletin. 1898. no. 9; p. 15-26.) Relation of sparrows to agriculture. Wash., 1901. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Biological survey, div. of. Bulletin, no. 15.) Judicial conduct and deportment, Judge Davis and six gentlemen of the New York bar. N. Y., 1874. Juet, Robert. Discovery of the Hudson river. {In Old South leaf- lets. 1898. V. 4; no. 94.) Note : from the Third voyage of Master Henry Hudson. Extract from the Journal of the voyage of the Half-Moon to the coast of North America in the year 1609. (-^'^ N. Y. hist, soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. Z'^y-Z^-) Jukes, Joseph Beete. General report of the geological survey of Newfoundland in 1839 and 1840. Lond., 1843. Student's manual of geology. Edin., 1862. Julian, George W. Rank of Charles Osborn as an anti-slavery pioneer. Indianapolis, 1891. {In Ind. hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 2; p. 231-67.) Julianus Flavius Claudius, emperor of Rome. (Les) Cesars invitez a la table des dieux; satyre ingenieuse, sur la conduite des em- pereurs romains; et traduite par P. Moret. Par., 1682. Julien, Alexis Anastay. On the geological action of the humus acids. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1880. V. 28; p. 311-410.) Julien, Stanislas Aignan, tr. Resume des principaux traites chinois sur la culture des muriers et I'education des vers a soie. Par., 1837. Jullien, Louis, M. D. Recherches statistiques sur I'etiologie de la syphilis tertiaire. Par., 1874. Jungk, Carl, M. D., ed. Therapeutic gazette, v. 4-6. 1880-2. Junior auxiliary publishing company. Reformation in Mexico. Hartf., n. d. Round robin to the Junior auxiliary publication, no. 15-18, 21. Hartf., 1895-6. Soldier and servant series, pub. quarterly, no. 4-5, 7-9. Hartf., 1894-6. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 727 Junior pioneer association of the city of Rochester and Monroe county (N. Y.). Historical collections, no. i. Rochester, i860. Junius, pseud. Reply to Webster; letter in reply to his legal opin- ion to Baring brothers & co. upon the illegality and unconstitu- tionality of state bonds, and loans of state credits. N. Y.. 1840. Junius, pseud. Sunday schools measured by acknowledged Chris- tian principles, Phil., 1883. Junius, pseud. See Francis, Sir Philip, also Chatham, Willisun Pitt, 1st earl of, also Colton, Rev. Calvin. Junot, Laure Permon, duchesse d'Abrantes. Memoirs of the emperor Napoleon. 3v. Wash., 1901. Justamond, J. O., tr. Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francis, rabbe. Philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies, 1776. 1782, Jutkins, A. J., D. D. Hand-book of prohibition. Chic, 1885. Juvenalis, Decimus Julius. Works, ed. with introduction, notes on thirteen sati'res and indices by H, P, Wright, Bost, 1901. K K., C. E., pseud. See Davis, Mrs. Caroline E. (Kelly). K., E. W. Work and serve, message in pictures from Father Beecher to the boys and girls of his school, Elmira, 1900. K., R. p., ed. Makato, Tentearo. Japanese notions of European political economy, 1899. Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh. See Copway, G. Kahlenberg, Louis. Action of solutions on the sense of taste. Madison, 1898. (In Wis.: Univ. Bulletin. Sci. ser. 1898. v. 2, no. I.) Theory of electrolytic dissociation as viewed in the light of facts recently ascertained. Madison, 1901. (In Wis.: Univ. Bul- letin, sci. ser. v. 2, no. 47.) Kains, Maurice G. Chicory growing as an addition to the resources of the American farmer. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 19.) Kalendar of voice and verse. 1888. Lowell, n. d. Kampf, M. D. Causes and prevention of near-sightedness; tr. from the Wiener Zeitung by H. W. Williams. Bost, 1871. Kampf, F., and others. Reports upon astronomical determinations at main stations in Nevada, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Ne- braska, Colorado, and New Mexico, occupied in the years 1872-4. (In U. S.: Geol. survey west of the looth meridian. Report. 1877. V. 2; p. 1-491.) Kane, Elisha Kent, M. D. Astronomical observations in the Arctic seas; ed. by C. A. Schott. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. i860. V. 12.) Magnetical observations in the Arctic seas, ed. by C. A. Schott. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1858. v. 10.) Meteorological observations in the Arctic seas; ed. by C. A. Schott. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1859. v. 11.) Tidal observations on the Arctic seas; ed. by C. A. Schott (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1863. v. 13.) U. S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. N, Y., 1854. Kane, Sir John Robert, M. D. Elements of chemistry, an Amer. ed. by J. W. Draper. N. Y., 1842. Kansas: Adjutant-general. Report, 1861-5. v. i. Topeka, 1896. : Agricultural college. Annual catalogue, 1897-8. v. 35. To- peka, 1898. 728 AUTHOR LIST. Kansas: Agricultural college, ed. Industrialist, a weekly paper de- voted to the promotion of agricultural and industrial education, Aug., i888-June, '92, Aug., '94-Dec., '97. 1889-97. : Agricultural experiment station. Bulletin, no. 4, 5, 10-80. To- peka, 1888-98. NoTB : no. 10-64, 72-5 are in the Reports of the station. Report for 1889, '91-3, '95-7, v. 2-6, 8-10. Topeka, 1890-7. : Agriculture, board of. Biennial report to the legislature, 1872- 99. V. 1-16. Topeka, 1873-99. Note : title of v. l was Transactions, v. 1-5 were annual. Centennial edition of 4th annual report, n. p. 1876. Proceedings of the annual meting, 1889-90. v. 18-19. Topeka, 1890- 1. Report for the month ending May 31, 1890; Sept. '91; Dec. '95. Topeka, 1890-5. Report for the quarter ending Dec, 1889; Mar., '90; Mar., '91; Sept., '94; Mar., '95; Mar., '97. Topeka, 1890-7. Russian thistle. Topeka, 1894. ed. Hay, Robert. Geology and mineral resources of Kansas. 1893. : Bank commissioner. Biennial report, 1892-6. Topeka, 1892-6. Special report, 1893. Topeka, 1893. — : Executive council, ed. Goss, N. S., comp. Catalogue of the birds of Kansas. 1883. 1886. : Geological survey. Annual report, v. i. Lawrence, 1866. Preliminary report of the geological survey of Kansas. Law- rence, 1866. : Geologist. Report of the geological survey of Miami county, Kansas. Kansas City, 1865. : Governor. Message to the council and house of representa- tives, 1859. Lecompton, 1859. : Health, hoard of. Annual report from its organization, April, 1885, to Dec, '85, Jan., '97-1900. v. i, 3-16. Topeka, 1886-1901. : Insurance, supt. of. Annual report, v. i, 5, 7-1 1, 15, 16, 21-8, 30. Topeka, 1872-1900. : Irrigation survey and experiment, board of. Report for 1895-6. Topeka, 1897. Note: no more pub. : Labor, bureau of. Annual report, 1887-91, '95-8. v. 3-7, 11-14. Topeka, 1888-98. : Legislature: Coffeyville explosion, joint committee to investigate. Proceedings. Topeka, 1891. : Library. Biennial report. 1873, '81-2, '84-92, '94-1900. To- peka, 1873-1900. NOTE : before 1877 reports were annual. Catalogue of the law and miscellaneous books. Topeka, 1873. : Penitentiary. Biennial report, 1876, '83-94, '99-1900. Topeka, 1877-1900. Note: reports previous to 1877 were annual. : Public instruction, supt. of. Annual report for the year 1863-5, '68-9, '71-6, '78-1900. V. p. 1864-1900. Note : after 1876 reports made biennially. Laws for the regulation and support of the common schools of Kansas. Topeka, 1893. School laws of the state. Topeka, 1870. Laws for the regulation and support of common schools. Topeka, 1877. Topeka, t88i. Topeka, 1885. _ : Railroad commissioners, board of. Annual report, v. 1-3, S-o, 10-14, 16. Topeka, 1884-99. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 729 Kansas: Senate. Daily journal of the senate, trial of Theodosius Botkin. 2v. Topeka, 1891. : Soldiers' home. Biennial report, 1889-96. v. 1-4. Topeka, 1890-6. By-laws and regulations and rules. Topeka, 1896. : State, secy. of. Official directory, 1891, '93. Topeka, 1891-3. : Trans-Mississippi and inteniatioml exposition, commission. Re- port. Topeka, 1898. : Travelling libraries commission. Biennial report, 1900-1. v. i. Topeka, 1901. : University. Addresses concerning the chancellorship, the university, and higher education. Topeka, 1890. Annual catalogue, 1867-74, '75-6, '77-^, '79-98. v. 2-8, 10, 12, 14-32. V. p. 1868-98. Circular of information. Lawrence, n. d. Commencement day, June 10, 1885. n. p. 1885. Memorial in support of senate bill, no. 2677. Lawrence, 1897. Outline of the requirements for admission to the various schools of the university. Lawrence, 1893. University extension, 1891-2, '96-7. Topeka, 1891-6. University of Kansas, what it is and what it does. Topeka, 1885. ed. Seminary notes. 1891-3. : University: Entomology, dept. of. Bulletin on the more destruc- tive grass-hoppers of Kansas. Topeka, 1897. Horn fly of cattle. Lawrence, 1893. ed. Hunter, S. J. Alfalfa, grasshoppers, bees, their relation- ship. 1899. Honey-bee and its food-plants with special reference to alfalfa. 1899. Scale insects injurious to orchards. 1898. ed. Kellogg, Vernon L. Common injurious insects of Kan- sas. 1892. : University: Experiment station. Annual report of the director for 1891-7. v. 1-6. Topeka, 1892-8. Note : y. for 1898 last pub. Station discontinued. Established to conduct ex- periments as to methods of destroying cinch bugs. : University: Library. Catalogue of books, n. p. 1880. : University: Physical geology and mineralogy, dept. of. Annual bulletin on mineral resources of Kansas, 1897, '99. Lawrence, 1898-1900. University geological survey of Kansas, v. 1-4. Topeka, 1896-8. : University: Regents. Annual report 1869, '72-8, *8i-6, '89-90, '97-8. Topeka, 1869-98. Note : after 1876 reports became biennial. : University: School of fine arts. Catalogue for 1886-8, '90-2, '93-7, '98-9. Topeka, 1887-98. : University: School of law. Annual catalogue, 1884-6, '87-98. V. p. 1885-98. : University: School of pharmacy. Catalogue, 1885-8, '91-6, '97-8. V. p. 1886-98. Circular. Topeka, 1885. : University: School of pharmacy: Class of 1898. Circular, n. p. 1898. : World's fair managers, hoard of. Report, with illustrations and descriptions in detail of all Kansas exhibits and awards. Topeka, 1894. Kansas academy of science. Transactions of the annual meeting, 1876, '85-6, '89. V. 5, 10; V. 12, pt. I. Topeka, 1887-9. Kansas City (Mo.): Education, hoard of. Annual report for the year ending June 30, 1898, 1900. v. 27, 29. Kansas City, 1898-1900. : Public library. Annual report, v. 17-19. Kansas City, 1899- 1900. 730 AUTHOR LIST. Kansas City (Mo.), ed. Kansas City public library quarterly. 1901. Kansas City academy of science, ed. Kansas City scientist. 1891. Kansas City (Mo.) commercial club. See Commercial club of Kan- sas City. Kansas City medical college. Annual announcement, session of 1894-5, 1901-2. .V. 26, 2>3. Kansas City, 1894-1901. Kansas City public library quarterly, v. i, no. 1-4. Kansas City, 1901. Kansas City scientist, official organ of the Kansas City academy of science, monthly, v. 5, no. 2-8. Kansas City, 1891. Note : formerly The naturalists. Kansas historical society. Biennial report, v. i, 3, 5-10. Topeka, 1879-96. Transactions, v. 1-6 in 5v. Topeka, 1881-1900. Kansas immigration and information association. Products of an advanced civilization; a Kansas souvenir, n. p. 1896. Kansas state horticultural society. Annual report on Kansas for- estry for 1886. V. 7. Topeka, 1887. Apple; what it is; how to grow it; its commercial and eco- nomic importance; how to utilize it. Topeka, 1898. Cherry in Kansas; with a chapter on the apricot and necta- rine. Topeka, 1900. How to grow and use the grape in Kansas. Topeka, 1901. Papers read before the annual meeting, 1897. n. p. 1898. Peach. Topeka, 1899. Plum, with a chapter on the prune. Topeka, 1900. Report for 1877, '84, '87-8, '94-1900. v. 7, 14, 17, 20-5. Topeka, 1878- 1 90 1. Kansas university quarterly, v. i, no. i, 3, 4; v. 2, no. i, 2, 4; v. 3, no. I, 3, 4; V. 4-5; V. 6, no. i, 3, 4; v. 7, no. 4; v. 8. Lawrence, 1892-9. Note : after r. 5, pub. in 2 ser. A on science and mathematics ; B on philol- ogy and history. Kansas university quarterly, series B. v. 6-7. Lawrence, 1897-9. Note : first 5 v. were in Kansas university quarterly. Kapp, Friedrich. Immigration, and the commissioners of emigra- tion of the state of New York. N. Y., 1870. Kappa Alpha fraternity. Catalogus sodalium Kappa Alpha, 1874. n. p. n. d. Kappa Kappa Kappa society of Dartmouth college. Catalogue, 1859, '63, '69, '76, '82, '92. Hanover, 1859-93. Kappa Lambda association of the United States, ed. North Amer- ican medical and surgical journal, v. 5-12. 1828-35. Kasson, John Adam. Ulster, Ulstermen and their mission in America, (/w. Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1894. V. 6; p. 130-49) Kattein, Albert Friedrich. Der morphologische werth des cen- tral cylinders der wurzel. Cassel, 1897. Kaufringer, Heinrich. Inedita des Heinrich Kaufringer heraus- gegeben von H. Schmidt-Wartenberg. Chic, 1897. {In Univ. of Chicago; Germanic studies 3.) Kautz, Maj.-gen. A. V. How I won my first brevet. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 363-87.) Kawkawlin salt and lumber company. Prospectus. Prov., 1864. Kay, Joseph. Social condition and education of the people in Eng- land. N. Y., 1863. Kaye, Percy Lewis. Colonial executive prior to the restoration. Bait., 1900. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1900. v. 18, no. 5-6.) Kayserling, M. Isaac Aboab, the first Jewish author in America. {In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 5; p. 125-36.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 731 Kazinzki, Louis, count. Two lectures; Turkey and Russia; the ex- ile in a foreign land. Manch., 1854. Keach, Horace A. Burrillville. Prov., 1856. (R. I. library.) Kean, R. G. H. Economy of higher education, n. p. 1875. Keane, Augustus Henry. Africa. 2v. Lond., 1895. (Sanford's compendium of geog. and travel.) Asia. 2v. Lond., 1896. (Sanford's compendium of geog. and travel.) tr. Hellwald, Friedrich von. Central America, the West Indies and South America. 1885. ed. Reclus, Jacques Elisee. Earth and its inhabitants; Africa. 1886-90. Earth and its inhabitants; Asia. 1884. Earth and its inhabitants; Europe. 1882. Earth and its inhabitants; North America. 1890-3. Earth and its inhabitants; Oceanica. 1890. Earth and its inhabitants; South America. 1894. New physical geography. 1886. Keane, John Joseph, bp. Address delivered at the annual com- mencement of St. John's college, June, 1893. Wash., 1893. Kearsarge agricultural and mechanical association. Premium list and program of the fair; 1883. Manch., 1883. Keasbey, Anthony Q. Bi-centennial of the purchase of East New Jersey. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1883. v. 17; p. 21-60.) J. T. Nixon. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1892. v. 21; p. 39-51.) Memoir of R. S. Field. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1872. V. 12; p. 1 1 1-32.) Keating, John M., M. D., ed. International clinics, a quarterly of clinical lectures, v. i, 1891. Keating, William H. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's river. 2v. in i. Lond., 1825. 2v. Phil., 1824. Keating, William V., ed. Ramsbotham, Francis Henry, M. D. Principles and practice of obstetric medicine and surgery. 1861. Keatley, John Hancock. Scotch-Irish conflicts. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1894. v. 6; p. 103-18.) Keay, J. Seymour. Spoiling the Egyptians; a tale of shame. N. Y., 1882. Kebbel, Thomas Edward. Agricultural labourer; a short summary of his position. New ed. Lond., 1893. (Social sci. ser. no. 63.) Keble, Rev. John, anon. Christian year; thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays. Ed. 56. Oxford, 1858. ed. Hooker, Rev. Richard. Works. 1845. Kedzie, Rev. A. S. Chicago theological seminary, n. p. n. d. Kedzie, Robert Clark. Address; alchemy. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1892. v. 40; p. 153-68.) Recollections of pioneer and professional life in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. v. 29; p. 526-58.) Shadows from the walls of death; being arsenical wall papers. n. p. n. d. Souvenirs of William Kedzie. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. V. 29; p. 559-74-) . ., , Keeler, Harriet L. Our native trees and how to identify them. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1900. Keeler, James Edward. Earthquakes in California in 1889. Wash., 1890. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1890. no. 68.) ed. Astrophysical journal, v. 1-12. 1895-1900. Keeler, Rev. S. C. Murdered maiden student, a tribute to the mem- ory of J. A. Langmaid. Suncook, 1878. Keeley league. Report of proceedings of the annual convention, 1892-6. V. p. 1892-6. Note : v. 1 is typewritten. 732 AUTHOR LIST. Keen, Gregory Bernard. New Sweden; or, The Swedes on the Delaware. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 4; p. 443-502.) Note on New Albion. (/« Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1884. v. 3; p. 457-68.) Keen, William Williams, M. D. Bi-centennial celebration of the founding of the First Baptist church of the city of Philadelphia, 1698-1898. Phil., 1899- Medicine as a career for educated men; alumni address. {In Lafayette college. Commencement addresses. 1893. p. 12-30.^ On the surgical complications and sequels of the continued fevers. Wash., 1877. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. V. 15.) Keene, George F., M. D. Municipal responsibility in the spread of tuberculosis. Howard, 1899. Keene, Henry George. Literature of France. N. Y., 1892. (Univ. extension manuals.) Keene (N. H.). Annual report for the year 1868, '74-1901. Keene, 1868- 1 902. Appraisal of the real estate made in September and October, 1875. Keene, 1876. Check list, March 10, 1868. Keene, 1868. Rules of order governing the city councils. Keene, 1874. : Education, hoard of. Annual report for the year 1876-8, '79- 1900. Keene, 1876-1900. Rules and regulations and courses of study in schools in union district, 1884, '86-97. Keene, 1884-96. NOTB: title varies. : High school. Catalogue of the officers and students for 1877-8, '79-80. Keene, 1878-80. : Police department. Rules and regulations. Keene, 1898. : Public library. Catalogue. Keene, 1859. Keene, 1875. Supplement, n. p. n. d. Keene, 1877. Keene, 1879. Catalogue and supplement. Keene, 1881. Keene, 1893. : School board. Annual report for the year ending March i, 1888, '98-9. Keene, 1888-99. : School district boundaries committee. Boundaries of school dis- tricts in the town of Keene as defined 1853. Keene, 1853. : Superintending school committee. Reports, 1875-6. Keene, 1876. {Bound with Keene (N. H.). Appraisal of the real estate. 1876.) : Thayer library. Proceedings at the dedication of the library and art building, Feb. 28, 1899. Keene, 1899. : Water commissioners. Rules and regulations. Keene, 1833. Keene directory company, pub. Keene city directory, v. 11-12. 1 897- 1 90 1. Keene (N. H.) First Congregational church. Historical sketch, articles of faith and covenant and regulations with list of mem- bers. Keene, 1877. Keene humane society. Report, 1894. Keene, 1894. Keep, John. Congregationalism and church-action with the princi- ples of Christian union. N. Y., 1845. Keep, W. J. Influence of aluminum upon cast iron. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. Z7) P- 135" 44.) Keetley, Charles Bell. Index of surgery, being a concise classifi- cation of the main facts and theories of surgery. N. Y., 1882. Keewatin power company and Ontario: Crown lands, commissioner of. Agreement. 1901. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBKARY. 733 Keffer, Charles Albert. Tree planting in waste places on the farm. Wash., 1896. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Forestry, div. of.) Keifer, Maj.-gen. Joseph Warren. Battle of Sailor's Creek. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 1-20.) > Slavery and four years of war; a political history of slavery in the United States. 2v. N. Y., 1900. Keil, George. Medical, pharmaceutical and dental register-direc- tory and intelligencer, 1895-6. Phil., 1895-6. Keister, D. A. Corporation accounting and auditing. Cleve., 1901. Keith, Arthur. Geology of Chilhowee mountain in Tennessee. {In Phil. soc. of Wash. Bulletin. 1892. v. 12; p. 71-88.) Keith, Benjamin Franklin. B. F. Keith's new theatre, Boston, Mass. Bost., 1894. Keith, Charles Penrose. Ancestry of Benjamin Harrison. Phil., 1893. Keith, Rev. George. Journal of travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck on the continent of North America. Lond., 1706. Journal of the travels and ministry of Rev. George Keith. {In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 5-52.) Letters. {In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. pref. p. 11-31.) Kelley, David Campbell, D. D. General Sam Houston, the Wash- ington of Texas. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual con- gress. 1890. V. 2; p. 145-74-) Scotch-Irish of Tennessee. {In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual congress. 1889. v. i; p. 132-77.) Kelley, F. W. Indian troubles and the battle of Wounded Knee. {In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. 1892. v. 4; p. 30-50.) Kelley, Frank D., M. D. Reminiscences of New Hampton, N. H. Wore, 1889. Kelley, Frederick M. Union of the oceans by ship canals without locks, via the Atrato valley. N. Y., 1859. Kelley, Herman Alfred, comp. Genealogical history of the Kelley family. Cleve., 1897. Kelley, Commander James Douglas Jerrould, and Poole, Stanley Lane-. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 1890. Kelley, James E., comp. Wilmington (Mass.). Records of births, marriages and deaths from 1730 to 1898. 1898. Kelley, Jesse Fillmore, and Mackie, Adam, anon. History of the churches of New Bedford. New Bedford, 1869. Kelley, William Darrah. Lincoln and Stanton, a study of the war administration of 1861 and 1862. N. Y., 1885. Old South and the New, a series of letters. N. Y., 1888. (Questions of the day series, no. 45.) Safeguards of personal liberty; an address delivered June 22, 1865. Phil., 1865. Speech in support of his proposed amendment to the bill "To guarantee to certain states, whose governments have been usurped or overthrown, a republican form of government." {In Equality of all men before the law. 1865. p. 5-28.) Kelley, William H. Reminiscences of person? and events in the early days of the Minn, historical society. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 419-26.) Kelley, William Valentine, D. D., ed. Methodist review. 1896-1900. Kellogg, Vernon L. Common injurious insects of Kansas. To- peka, 1892. (Kansas: Univ.: Entomology, dept. of.) Kellogg, Alfred H., D. D. Sermon commemorative of the life and character of Rev. Lyman Coleman. Easton, 1882. Kellogg, Rev. AUyn Stanley. Church of Christ in Vernon, Conn. Newtonville, 1894. Kellogg, Charles W. Brookline town meeting. {In Brookline hist. pub. soc. Pub. 1897. no. 13; p. 21-34.) 784 AUTHOR LIST. Kellogg, Edward. New monetary system; the only means of se- curing the respective rights of labor and property and protecting the public from financial revulsions, ed. by M. K. Putnam. N. Y., 1861. Kellogg, James L. Clam and scallop industries. Alb., 1901. (/m N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin, v. 8; no. 43.) Kellogg, John Harvey, M. D. Experimental researches respecting the relation of dress to pelvic diseases in women, n. p. 1888. Methods of precision in the investigation of disorders of di- gestion. Battle Creek, 1893. New form of posterior colporrhaphy. n. p. n. d. ed. Good health, weekly, a journal of hygiene, v. 26-8. 1891-3. ed. Health reformer. 1874-8. ed. Modern medicine and bacteriological review. 1895-9. Kellogg, Mzirtin. Educational progress in California, (in Cal. teachers' association. Addresses. 1891. p. 3-15.) Inaugural address, our university a public trust. {In Cal.: Univ. Addresses at the inauguration of Martin Kellogg. 1893. P- 47-63.) Local units of history. (In Cal. hist. soc. Papers. 1887. v. I, pt. i; p. 1-12.) Kellogg, Vernon Lyman. List of the biting lice taken from birds and mammals of North America. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1900. v. 22; p. 39-100.) Kelly, Edmond. Government or human evolution; justice. Lond., 1900. Kelly, Eugene Henri. Architectural acoustics; or. The science of sound application required in the construction of audience rooms. Buffalo, 1898. Kelly, John. Genealogy of the Hilton family. Bost., 1897. Note : ms. and mounted newspaper clippings. Genealogy of the Wiggin family. Bost., 1897. Note : ms. and mounted newspaper clippings. Historical sketch of the town of Hampstead, N. H. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1837. V. 5; p. 179-99.) Kelley, John W., and Wells, Roger, comp. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1890. no. 2.) Eskimo vocabularies. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1896-7. V. 2. 1898. p. 1241-75.) Kelly, Col. Robert Morrow. Brush with Pillow. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 319-33.) Secret Union organization in Ky. in 1861. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1890. v. 3; p. 278-92.) and Speed, Thomas. Union regiments of Kentucky. 1897. Kelly, Walter K., tr. Blanc, Jean Joseph Louis. History of ten years, 1830-1840; or, France under Louis Philippe. 1848. Kelly, William. Great mace and other corporation insignia of the borough of Leicester. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1874. v. 3; p. 295.-345.) Visitations of the plague at Leicester. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1877. v. 6; p. 395-447.) Kelly, William J. In memoriam, J. S. Riley. Phil., 1875. Kelsey, Charles Boyd, M. D. Diagnosis and treatment of haemor- rhoids. Detroit, 1887. Diseases of the rectum and anus. N. Y., 1882. Pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus. N. Y., 1884. Stricture of the rectum, n, p. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 735 Kelsey, Francis Willey, ed. Religious census of the state univer- sities and of the Presbyterian colleges in the collegiate year 1896-7. Ann Arbor, 1897. Kelsey, Frederick, comp. People's political handbook. 1876-7. 1876-7. Keltie, John Scott, ed. Statesman's year-book. 1883- 1902. Kelton, Dwight H. Kelton family items, n. p. 1895. Sprague family items, n. p. 1894. Kemble, Mrs. Frances Anne (Butler). Journal. 2v. in i. Phil., 1835. Kemble, Col. Stephen. Papers, 1773-1781. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1884-5- V. 24-5.) Kemp, Francis Adrian van der. See Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian. Kemp, James Furman. Geology of Moriah and Westport town- ships, Essex county, N. Y.; ed. by F. J. H. Merrill. Alb., 1895. (In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Bulletin, v. 3, no. 14.) Geology of the Lake Placid region. Alb., 1898. (In N. Y. (state): Museum, Bulletin, v. 5, no. 21.) and Marsters, Vernon Freeman. Trap dikes of the Lake Champlain region. Wash., 1893. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Bul- letins. 1893. no. 107.) Kemper, Capt. Andrew C. Cathedral chimes, poem read before the alumni association of Centre college, June 17, 1885. (In Breck- inridge, W. C. P. Address. 1885. p. 23-30.) Night after the battle. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio com- mandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 37-53.) W. H. Lytle. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 19-36.) Kemper, Jackson, bp. Journal of an Episcopalian missionary's tour to Green Bay, 1834. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 14; p. 394-449.) Kendal, Samuel, D. D. Sermon delivered at Weston, Jan. 12, 1813, on the termination of a century since the incorporation of the town. Camb., 1813. Kendal, B. J., & Co. Treatise on the horse and his diseases. Clare., 1879. Kendrick, Ariel. Sketches of the life and times of Elder Ariel Kendrick. Ludlow, 1847. Windsor, 1848. Kendrick, Rev. Clark. Sermon delivered on the day of general election, Oct. 8, 1818, before the legislature of Vermont. Mont- pelier, 1818. (In Vt. election sermons, 1813-58. no. 6.) Kenealy, Edward Vaughan. Prayers and meditations. Lond., 1861. Kenison, Nehemiah. New revelation; or. Dreams relating to the mysteries of the soul. New ed. Bost., 1890. Kennan, George. Tent life in Siberia. N. Y., 1889. Kennard, James. Selections from his writings, with a sketch of his life and character. Bost., 1849. Kennedy, John Pendleton. Discourse on the life and character of George Calvert, the ist Lord Baltimore. Bait., 1845. Memoirs of the life of William Wirt, attorney-general of the United States. 2v. Phil., 1850. anon. Review of Mr. Cambreleng's report from the committee of commerce in the house of representatives at the ist session of the 2ist congress. Bait., 1830. Kennedy, P. Beveridge. Saltbushes. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1900. no. 108.) Turkestan alfalfa. Wash., 1900. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Agrostology, div. of. Circular, no. 25.) Kennedy, Stiles, M. D. Iodoform, an important therapeutic agent. Ed. 2. n. p. n. d. 736 AUTHOR LIST. Kennelly, Arthur Edwin, and Houston, Edwin James. Alternating electric currents, 1895. Electric arc lighting. 1896. Electric heating. 1895. Electric incandescent lighting. 1896. Electric motor and the transmission of power. 1896. Electric street railways. 1896. Electric telegraphy. 1897. Electric telephone. 1896. Electricity in electro-therapeutics. 1896. Magnetism. 1896. Kenney, library association, Bethlehem (N. H.). Catalogue. Portl., 1883. Kennon, Capt. L. W. V., tr. Tricoche, George. Militia of the United States of America. (In U. S.: Adj. -gen. Selected pro- fessional papers.^ 1898. p. 103-34.) Kenney, Rev. Patrick. Extracts from the diary of Rev. Patrick Kenny, from March 25, 1805, to November 11, 1813. (In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1896. v. 7; p. 94-137- v. 9; p. 64- 76, 77-128, 223-56, 305-42, 422-58.) Kenny, Thomas W., M. D. Sketch of the life of G. H. Miles. (In Amer, catholic hist. soc. Records. 1899. v, 10; p. 423-47.) Kenrick, William. New American orchardist; or, An account of the most valuable varieties of fruit adapted to cultivation in the climate of the United States. Bost,, 1833. Kensington (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer and other officers for the year ending Feb., 1876, '81-3, '85-8, '90-1902. Exeter, 1876-1902, : Public library. Catalogue, n. p. n. d, Kent, Charles A. Constitution development in the United States as influenced by decisions of the supreme court since 1864, (In Rogers, H, W, Constitutional hist, of the U. S. 1889. p. 201- 35.) Kent, Charles Foster, ed. Historical series for Bible students. Kent, Charles M. Address on T. M, Cooley, (In Mich, pioneer and hist, soc. Coll. v. 29; p. 143-59.) Preservation of the past, an address. Richmond, 1901. Kent, Lieut. Charles N. History of the 17th regt. N. H. volunteer infantry, 1862-1863. Cone, 1898. Kent, George, ed. Thomas, James. Seasons. 1840. Kent, George. Metrical effusions; pertaining to college scenes and associations. Wash., 1883. Kent, Col. Henry Oakes. Memorial address delivered before E. E. Cross Post, No. 16, G. A. R., at Lancaster, 1879. Cone, 1879. Old South barracks. Oh! Bost, 1886. See also New Hampshire: Eastern boundary surveyor. Kent, James. Anniversary discourse, Dec. 6, 1828. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p, 9-36.) Kent, William. Relation of engineering to economics. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1896. v. 44; p. 109- 28.) Kenton, Rev. Ralph Wood. P. K. Kilbourne. (In N. E, hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1883. v, 3; p, 437-46.) Kentuckian, pseud. Power and policy of exclusion, n. p. n. d. Kentucky. Constitution, n. p. 1891. : Adjutant-general. Report, 1861-66. 2v. Frankfort, 1866-7. : Agricultural experiment station. Annual report for the year 1888-97. V. i-io. v. p. 1890-7. Bulletin, no. 2-4, 6-7, 9, 11, 13-15, 44-88, 90-7, Lexington, 1886- 1901, Note : no. 48-71 are bound with the Annual reports. 1895-7. Circular, no. 3. Lexington, 1890. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 737 Kentucky: Agriculture, horticulture and statistics, bureau of. Biennial report for the year 1878, '89, '95-6. v. 2, 8, 12. Frankfort, 1879- 97. Note : v. 1-10 were annual. . : Constitutional convention, 1890. Official report of the proceed- ings and debates. 4v. Frankfort, 1890. : Eastern lunatic asylum. Report of the board of managers and superintendent for the years 1858-9. Frankfort, 1859. : General assembly. Act concerning the militia of the common- wealth of Kentucky, 1893. n. p. n. d. : Geological survey. General account of the commonwealth of Kentucky, prepared for the Centennial exhibition, 1876. Camb., 1876. Information for emigrants, climate, soil, timbers, etc. Frank- fort, 1881. Memoirs, v. i; v. 2, no. 8. Camb., 1876-7. Preliminary county map of Kentucky, n. p. 1887. Note : scale 20 miles to l Inch. Preliminary map of southeast Kentucky, n. p. 1886. Note : scale 5 miles to 1 inch. Subject reports, A, B, C, D, F. n. p. 1884-8. ed. Caldwell, William B. Notes on the coal and iron ores of western Kentucky. 1878. ed. Knott, W. T. Report on the geology on Marion county. 1885. ed. Linney, W. M. Notes on the rocks of central Kentucky. 1882. Report on the geology of Mason county, Ky. 1886. Report on the geology of Bath county, Ky. 1886. Report on the geology of Henry county, Ky. 1887. Report on the geology of Spencer county, Ky. 1884. ed. Loughridge, R. H. Report on the geology of Clinton county, Ky. 1890. ed. Orton, Edward, 1829-. Report on the occurrence of pe- troleum, natural gas and asphalt rock in western Kentucky. 1891. ed. Sullivan, George M. Report on the geology of parts of Jackson and Rockcastle counties. 1891. : Geological survey of 1854-59. Report. 4v. Frankfort, 1856-61. : Geological survey of 1873. Reports of progress, v. i ; v. 2, pt. 3, 5, 8, 9, 11; V. 3-5; V. 6, pt. 4, 5- Frankfort, 1876-80. : Governor. Message to the general assembly, 1896. Louis- ville, 1896. : Health, hoard of. Laws relating to the public health and sani- tary memoranda. Frankfort, 1886. Proceedings, addresses and discussions of a public health conference held at Louisville, May, 1887. Frankfort, 1887. Proceedings, quarterly meeting. Mar., 1885, July, 1888. Frank- fort, 1885-8. : Insurance department. Annual report for the years 1878-93. V. 9-20; V. 21, pt. i; V. 22, pt. 2; V. 23. Frankfort, 1879-93. : Library. Catalogue of books. Frankfort, 1884. Frankfort, 1889. Frankfort, 1897. Official manual for the use of the courts, state officials, and general assembly of the state of Kentucky, 1894-5, '98, 1900. Louisville, 1894-1900. Report of the librarian and superintendent of public property, 1889. Frankfort, 1889. Supplemental catalogue. Frankfort, 1895. 1899. Louisville, 1900. 47 738 AUTHOR LIST. Kentucky: Mines, inspector of. Annual report for the year 1895-9. Louisville, 1896-1900. : Public instruction, supt. of. Report for the year 1859-60, '62-8, '72-3, '75, '78-97. Frankfort, 1860-97. Note: after 1891 report became biennial. • : State, secy. of. Instructions to election officers and voters. Frankfort, 1894. : University: Medical department. Announcement, 1899, 1900. Louisville, 1898-9. Register of students, circular of information, 1893-6, '97-1901. Louisville, 1893-1900. Kentucky and West Virginia oil and coal company. By-laws. N. Y., 1865. Prospectus. N. Y., 1865. Kentucky college association. Proceedings, 1884. Lexington, 1884. Kentucky historical and genealogical magazine, monthly, v. i, no. 1-2. Lexington, 1899. Kentucky historical society. Proceedings at its annual meeting, 1880. V. 2. Frankfort, 1880. Proceedings at the dedication of the hall in the state capitol, 1881. Frankfort, 1881. Kentucky national petroleum and mining company. Kentucky national petroleum and mining company. Cine, 1865. Kentucky school of medicine. See Kentucky: University: Medical department. Kentucky society of the Sons of the American revolution. Year book, 1896. Louisville, 1896. Kentucky state agricultural society. Report to the legislature for the years 1856-9. v. 1-2.^ Frankfort, 1857-60. Kentucky state medical society. Transactions of the annual meet- ing, 1874-6, '93, '96, '98. V. 19-21, 38, 4i» 43- Louisville, 1874-98. Kentucky state sanitary council. Proceedings, addresses and dis- cussions of the semi-annual meeting, v. 3. Louisville, 1884. Kenworthy, Charles James, M. D. Climatology of Florida. Sa- vannah, 1880. Kenyon college. Catalogue, 1859-60, '61-5, '69-75, '85-6, '88-91, '92-7, '98-1901. Cleve., 1860-1901. Note : 1860-5 title was Theological seminary of the diocese of Ohio and Kenyon college; in 1809-70, Gambler; in 1870-5, Kenyon college and theological seminary of the diocese of Ohio. ?-1891, Gambler; in 1891-date, Kenyon college. Catalogue of Kenyon college, 1892-3. Columbus, 1892. General catalogue, 1829-1890. n. p. n. d. 1829-99. Toledo, 1899. ■ Memento of the donors and founders of the Theological sem- inary of the P. E. church in the diocese of Ohio and Kenyon col- lege. Cine, i860. Kenyon collegian; pub. monthly, v. 21, no. 1-3, 5-7. Gambler, 1894. Keppel, George. Personal narrative of a voyage from India to England in the year 1824. Phil., 1827. Ker, William W. Argument in the second trial of the case of the United States vs. J. W. Dorsey and other, April, 1883. n. p. n. d. Kerfoot, Franklin Howard, D. D. Demand of the scientific spirit upon theology. Louisville, 1889. Kerfoot, John Barrett, D. D. Christian college; an inaugural ad- dress. Hartf., 1865. Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. (In Lectures on the evi- dences of Christianity. 1855. p. 227-56.) Kerl, Simon. Common-school grammar of the English language. N. Y., 1872. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 739 Kerlin, Isaac N., M. D. Provision for idiotic and feeble-minded children. Bost., 1884. Kerr, Lt.-col. Charles D. Episode in the Kentucky campaign of Generals Buell and Bragg. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn. commadery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 266-80.) • From Atlanta to Raleigh. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn. commandery. Glimpses. 1887. v. i; p. 202-24.) Kerr, Col. D. C. Loyal legion. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn. commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 132-34.) Kerr, Washington Caruthers, and Genth, Frederick Augustus. Minerals and mineral localities of North Carolina. 1881. Kerrison, Robert, tr. Richerand, Anthelme Balthasar. Elements of physiology. 1808. Kerswill, Rev. William Deas. Inaugural address. {In Swartz, W. P., D. D. Annual sermon. 1895. p. 30-56.) Ketchum, George A., M. D. Address before the Medical associ- ation of the state of Alabama. Montgomery, 1874. Ketchum, Hiram. Eulogy on the late Daniel Webster, pronounced before the faculty and students of Yale college, Jan. 18, 1853. N. H., 1853. {In Eulogies of Webster, no. 18.) Ketchum, John B. Rustic rhymes. N. Y., 1892. Ketchum, Maj. John B. Christian work in the United States army. N. Y. n. d. Forgotten cause; religious life in United States army, a plea for the chaplain's work. N. Y. n. d. Is the profession of arms incompatible with Christianity? N. Y. n. d. ed. United States battle flag, bi-monthly. 1895-6. Ketchum, Rev. Silas. Address at the annual meeting of the N. H. antiquarian soc, July 15, 1879. Contoocook, 1879. (^^ N. H. antiq. soc. Coll. no. 4.) Historic masonry, address delivered at the installation of offi- cers of Union lodge No. 79, Feb. 14, 1873. Bristol, 1873. Original sources of historical knowledge. Windsor, 1879. Paul on Mars' hill; a sermon preached Aug. 15, 1875. Wind- sor, 1880. Philomathic club from 1859 to 1873; with a catalogue of its curiosities. Bristol, 1875. ed. Walker, Mrs. ShurtlefT manuscript, no. 153. {In N. H. antiq. soc. Coll. 1876. no. 2.) Kettell, Thomas Prentice. History of the great Rebellion. Hartf., 1866. History of the war debt of England, history of the war debt of the U. S. and the two compared, n. p. n. d. Keuka college. Announcement, 1898-9, 1900-1. Penn Yan, 1898- 1900. Key, Charles Aston. Report of primary syphilitic cases. {Bound with Stokes, William, M. D. Researches. 1840. p. 239-61.) Keyes, Asa. Genealogy; Robert Keyes of Watertown and Solo- mon Keyes of Newbury and Chelmsford, Mass., and their de- scendants. Brattleboro, 1880. Keyes, Charles Rollin, comp. Bibliographv of North American paleontology, 1888-1892. Wash., 1894. {In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1894. no. 121.) Keyes, Edward L., M. D. Tonic treatment of syphilis. N. Y., 1877. Venereal diseases including strictures of the male urethra. N. Y., 1880. and Van Buren, W. H., M. D. Practical treatise on the sur- gical diseases of the genito-urinary organs. 1874. 1884. 740 AUTHOR LIST. Keyes, George L. Hand-book of northern and western pleasure travel to the White and Franconia Mountains, the northern lakes and rivers, Montreal and Quebec, the St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers. Bost., 1875. Keystone type foundry. New type faces. Phil., 1901. Kidd, James H. Michigan cavalry brigade in the Wilderness. De- troit, 1889. (/n Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i, no. 11.) Kidder, Daniel Parish, D. D., ed. Bible: New Testament: Acts of the Apostles. Notes on the Acts of. the Apostles. 1848. ed. Fry, Benjamin St. James. Lives of Bishops Whatcoat, M'Kendree and George. 1852. Kidder, Frederic. Abenaki Indians. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. V. 6; p. 229-63.) Discovery of North America by John Cabot. Bost., 1878. Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell and his encounters with the Indians. Bost., 1865. History of the Boston massacre, March 5, 1770, consisting of the narrative of the town, the trial of the soldiers and a his- torical introduction. Alb., 1870. History of the First N. H. regiment in the war of the Revo- lution. Alb., 1868. Memoir of Allan. {See his Military operations in Eastern Maine. 1867. p. 5-23.) Military operations in eastern Maine and Nova Scotia during the Revolution. Alb., 1867. and Gould, Augustus Addison, M. D., anon. History of New Ipswich. 1852. Poole, William Frederick, and Ballard, Edward, D. D. Pop- ham colony. 1866. Kidder, Jerome H., M. D. Contributions to the natural history of Kerguelen island, part i, ed. by Elliott Coues. Wash., 1875-6. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 13.) Wash., 1875-6. {In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1875- no. 2-3.) Report of experiments upon the animal heat of fishes at Prov- incetown, Mass., 1879. (-^^ U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. V. 2; p. 306-32.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. . 306-32.) Kiddle, Henry, ed. Year-book of education. 1878. Kidwell, Edgar, and Moore, Carlton F. Wooden beams and col- umns. N. Y., 1899. Kilbourne, Capt. Charles E. Course of instruction for artillery gunners, the use of meteorological instruments. Wash., 1893. {In U. S. : Adj. -gen. Artillery circular. D.) Kilborne, F. L., and Smith, Theobold, M. D. Investigations on the nature, causation and prevention of Texas or southern cattle fever. (U. S.: Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. i.) and others. Miscellaneous investigations concerning infectious and parasitic diseases of domesticated animals. Wash., 1893. (U. S. : Animal industry, bureau of. Bulletin, no. 3.) Kilby, William Henry, comp. Eastport and Passamaquoddy, a col- lection of historical and biographical sketches. Eastport, 1888. Eastport sentinel, a historical sketch. Eastport, 1893. Killebrew, Joseph Buckner. Geology and topography of the oil region of Tennessee. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1878. v. 26; p. 266-76.) and Safford, James M. Introduction to the resources of Ten- nessee. Nashville, 1874. Killen, W. D., D. D., ed. Reid, James Seaton, D. D. History of the Presbyterian church in Ireland. 1867. NEW HAlVIPSHrRE STATE LIBRARY. T41 Kilpatrick, Col. Robert Lang. Fifth Ohio infantry at Resaca. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. V. 4; p. 246-54.) , , , Kimball, C. H., puh. Monthly review of standard and popular books and music. 1882. pub. Musical almanac, 1884. 1S85. ed. Musical almanac and review. 1894. Kimball, David Tenney. Pastor's jubilee; discourse delivered in Ipswich, Oct. 8, 1856, on the SOtli anniversary of his ordination. Bost., 1857- Kimball, E. A. Peaslees and others of Haverhill and vicinity, 1899. Haverhill, 1899. Kimball, Edward L., and Adams, Myron W. Class report of the secretaries, class of '81, Dartmouth college, 1883-7, '9i-7- v. p. 1883-97. Ten years' record of the class of 1881; 1881-1891. At- lanta, 1891. Kimball, Gertrude Selwyn. East-India trade of Providence, 1787 to 1807. Prov., 1896. {In Hist, seminary of Brown univ. Papers. 1896. no. 6.) Kimball, Oilman, M. D. Notes on a successful case of extirpation of the uterus. Bost., 1876. President's address; biographical sketch of Dr. Nathan Smith, founder of Dartmouth medical college, n. p. n, d. Kimball, Harriet McEwen. Poems, comp. edition. N. Y., 1889. Kimball, Harry Gove. Sketches in verse and prose. Cone, 1883. Kimball, Henry H., and Samuels, Edward Augustus, ed. Somerville, past and present. 1897. Kimball, Horace (?), anon. American naval battles; a complete history of the battles fought by the navy of the United States from 1794 to the present time. Bost., 1831. Cone, 1848. Kimball, James. looth anniversary of the destruction of tea in Boston harbor, with a sketch of William Russell, one of the "tea destroyers," n. p. n. d. Bell presentation; address to the Congregational society of Fisherville, N. H., May 19, 1876. Cone, 1877. comp. Joseph Kimball family; a genealogical memoir. Cone, 1885. comp. Samuel Ames family; a genealogical memoir. Cone, 1890. Kimball, Rev. John Calvin. Need of liberal Christianity in the midst of liberal orthodoxy. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian as- soe Tracts, ser. 4, no. z^.) Kimball, Rev. M. Discourse commemorative of Major Charles ^ Jarvis of the 9th Vt. volunteers. N. Y., 1864. Kimball, Richard Burleigh. Collegiate education, address before the alumni of Dartmouth college, July 19, 1871. N, Y., 1871. anon. Cuba and the Cubans, comprising a history of the island of Cuba, N, Y., 1850. Romance of student life abroad. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1853. Lpz., 1854. Saint Leger; or, The threads of life. Lpz., 1853. True life of the scholar, an address before the literary soci- eties of Dartmouth college, July 24, 1844. N. Y., 1844. Undercurrents. Lpz., 1863. Ed. 7. N. Y., 1864. — ; — Was he successful? Lpz., 1865. Kimball, W. G. C. Five photographs of interiors and exteriors of the Holderness school for boys, Plymouth, N. H. Cone, n. d. 742 AUTHOR LIST. Kimball & Dodge. Farmers' guide; description of the business of Nashua and Nashville. Nashua, 1851. Kimball family news and Kimball family history supplement; monthly, v. 1-4. Topeka, 1898-1901. Kimball union academy, Meriden (N. H.). Catalogue, 1836-7, '43-4, '46-9, '50-1, '52-6, '58-60, '63-5, '66-7, '69-72, '74-5, '76-9, '80-3, '84-5, '89-90, '92-3, '94-9- V. p. 1837-99- Dedication of Dexter Richards Hall. Cone, 1894. — -^ — General catalogue, 1815-1880. Clare., 1880. Kimball union, issued by the students of Kimball union academy. V. I, no. 1-7, 9-10; V. 2, no. 9-10; v. 5-7. Meriden, 1892-1900. Note : v. 1 issued monthly, v. 2 -date issued six times a year. Kimballs of Dover, N. H. Dover, n. d. Kincaid, Harrison R. Money question. Salem, 1898. Kincaid, William, D. D. Home missionary work of Congregation- alism. {In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 76- . 97-) Kinder, Francis S. Effects of recent changes in monetary stand- ards upon the distribution of wealth. N. Y., 1899. (^" Amer. econ. assoc. Econ. studies, v. 4.) King, Charles, 1789-1867. Battle of Monmouth court house. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1850. v. 4; p. 125-41.) Discourse delivered before the N. J. historical society. May 7, 1845. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1845. v. i; p. 21-62.) History of the New York chamber of commerce. {In N. Y. ^ hist. soc. Coll. 1849. V. 7; p. 381-446.) King, Charles R., M. D., ed. Life and correspondence of Rufus King. V. 1-6. N. Y., 1894-1900. King, Clarence. Systematic geology. Wash., 1878. {In U. S.: Geol. exploration of the 40th parallel. Report. 1878. v. i.) and Hague, James Duncan. Mining industry with geological contributions. {In U. S.: Geol. exploration of the 40th parallel. Report. 1870. V. 3.) ed. United States: Geological exploration of the 40th parallel. Re- port. 1870-80. King, D. S., ed. History of the North Russell street M. E. church and Sabbath school. Bost., 1861. (In N. E. Methodist hist. soc. Trans. 1861. no. 2.) King, Daniel. Life and times of T. W. Dorr, with outlines of the political history of Rhode Island. Bost., 1859. King, David, M. D. Historical sketch of the Redwood library and ^ athenaeum. Prov., 1876. King, Rev. David. Principles of geology explained and viewed in their relation to revealed and natural religion. Lond., 1850. Ed. 4, rev. and enl. Edin., 1853. ed. Cruden, Alexander. Complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1845. King, Rev. Dexter S., ed. Guide to Christian perfection. 1840-7. King, Rev. Edward. Notes from the Penrith registers. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1882. v. 10; p. 93-113.) King, F. P., and Bay ley, William Shirley, comp. Colby college: _ Geological ^ deportment. Catalogue of the Maine collection. 1890. King, Ferdinand, M. D., pub. International journal of surgery. ^ V. 1-14. 1888-1901. King, Francis P. Preliminary report on the corundum deposits of Georgia. Atlanta, 1894. {In Ga. : Geol. survey. Bulletin, no. 2. . 1894.) Kmg, Franklin Hiram. Irrigation in humid climates. Wash., 1896. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1896. no. 46.) Observations and experiments on the fluctuations in the level and rate of movement of ground-water on the Wisconsin agri- cultural experiment station farm at Whitewater, Wis. Wash., 1892. {In U. S.: Weather bureau. Bulletin. 1892. no. 5.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 743 King, Franklin Hiram. Soil, its nature, relations and fundamental principles of management. N. Y., 1897. Text-book of the physics of agriculture. Madison, 1901. King, Harry, comp. United States: Gealogical survey. United States. 1898. King, Henry, M. D. Some remarks on the geology of Missouri. (Jn Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1851. v. 5; p. 182-200.) King, Henry Churchill. Is an adjustment between the high schools and the colleges practicable? (In Assoc, of Ohio col- leges. Trans. 1889. v. 20; p. 20-9.) • Selected bibliography of evolution. Oberlin, 1899. {In Li- brary bulletin of Oberlin college. 1899. v. i, no. 4.) King, Horatio. History of the duel between Jonathan Cilley and W. J. Graves. (/;?• Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; p. 127-48, 393-409.) . . r T. • , T, Turning on the light, a dispassionate survey of President Bu- chanan's administration, from i860 to its close. Phil., 1895. King, Horatio Colins. Army of the Potomac, sketch; phantom column, n. p. n. d. Reminiscences of Brooklyn; paper read before the Society of Old Brooklynites, 1891. Brooklyn, 1891. King, John, M. D. American eclectic dispensatory. Ed. 3. Cine, . 1856. King, Marquis F., comfy. Baptisms and admission from the records of First church in Falmouth, now Portland, Me. Portl., 1898. cd. York necrology. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1899. v. 20; p. 211-23.) comp. Gorham (Me.). Publishments, marriages, births and deaths from the earlier records. 1897. — ; — ed. Lunt, comp., anon. York necrology, n. d. King, Melville, D. D. Historical discourse in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the dedication of the First Baptist meeting house, Providence, R. I. Prov., 1900. Memorial discourse on R. A. Guild. Prov., i899(?) King, Moses, pub. King's handbook of Boston. Ed. 5, rev Camb., 1883. ed. King's handbook of New York city. Buffalo, 1892. ed. King's how to see Boston; Macullar, Parker & Co.'s souvenir ed. Bost., 1895. ed. New York views; a glance at New York's recent develop- ment. N. Y., i889(?) — ; — ed. Harvard register, v. 3. 1881. King, Peter. Inquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity and worship of the primitive church. N. Y., 1841. King, Rufus. Ohio; first fruits of the ordinance of 1787. Bost., ^ 1891. (American commonwealths.) King, S. W., comp. Songs of Zion; being a new selection of hymns designed for revival and social meetings. New Ipswich, King, Thomas Butler. Report on California. Wash., 1850. Kmg, Rev. Thomas Starr. Death of Mr. Webster; a sermon Oct 31, 1852. Ed. 2. Bost., 1852. 7r~ ^^- --. ■^°^^' ^^52. (In Eulogies of Webster, no. 39.) , Uoctrme of endless punishment for the sins of this life un- christian and unreasonable. Bost, 1858. Eternal punishment Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc iracts. ser. 4, no. 26.) White Hills, their legends, landscape and poetry. Bost, i8';q —^ Bost., i860. ^^' King, V. O. Cherokee nation of Indians. (In Texas state hist soc. Quarterly. 1899. v. 2; p. 58-72.) 744 A.UTHOR LIST. King, W. L. MacKenzie. Report of hours and other conditions in the smaller mercantile establishments of Boston and vicinity; an investigation conducted for the Consumers' league of Mass. Bost., 1898. (Church social union. Pub. no. 53.) King and no king; or, The best argument for a just title. Edin., 1884. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Kingdon, Boughton, tr. Candolle, Augustin Pyrame de. Vege- table organography. 1841. Kingdon, S. S. Dictionary of the White Mountains and other New England summer resorts. Bost., 1894. Kingery, D. Newton. Gould prize theses in Biblical literature; 1893, Prophecy of Micah; and the Gospel of Mark by C. A. Cloud. Grawfordsville, 1893^ (Wabash college. Papers, no. .3-) Kinglake, Alexander William. Invasion of the Crimea; its origin and an account of its progress down to the death of Lord Rat- Ian. Ed. 6. gv. Edin. 1877-88. Note : v. 8-9 new ed. Kingman, Bradford. Epitaphs from Burial Hill, Plymouth, Mass., from 1657 to 1892. Brookline, 1892. History of North Bridgewater, Plymouth county, Mass. Bost., 1866. Lewis Bradford. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1880. V. i; p. 282-94.) King's chapel, Boston (Mass.). Commemoration of the completion of 200 years, 1886. Bost., 1887. Commemorative services upon the completion of two hundred years, Dec. 15, 1886. n. p. n. d. King's college, Toronto. See University of Toronto. Kings county genealogical club. Collections, v. i, no. 1-6. Brook- _ lyn, 1882-94. Kingsbury, Rev. A. Sermon preached in the Presbyterian church in Putnam, O., Jan. i, i860. Cine, i860. Kingsbury, Lieut. David L. General Alfred Sully's Indian cam- paign of 1864. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1898. v. 4; p. 401-19.) Sully's expedition against the Sioux in 1864. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 449-62.) United States government publications. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 120-28.) Kingsbury, Frederick John. John Winthrop, junior. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1898. p. 295-306.) Old Connecticut. (In N. H. colony hist. soc. Papers. 1882. V. 3; P- 63-84.) Pequot hght. (In Soc. of colonial wars in the state of Conn. Addresses. 1895.) Kingsbury, J. D., D. D. Memorial history of Bradford, Mass. Haverhill, 1883. Including addresses delivered at the 200th anniversary of the first church. Haverhill, 1883. Kingsbury, Mary Melinda. See Smikhovitch, Mrs. Mary Melinda (Kingsbury.) Kingsford, William. History of Canada; 1608-1841. lov. Lond., 1887-98. Kingsley, Rev. Charles. Heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my chil- dren. Bost, 1885. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Two breaths. N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people. no. 8.) Kingsley, Elbridge, and Knab, Frederick. Picturesque Worcester. 3v. Springf., 1895. Note : pt. l, city and environments ; pt. 2, northern towns. NE\y HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKAEY. 745 Kingsley, J. S. Salem witchcraft. (In Neb. hist. soc. Trans. ^ 1892. V. 3; P- 44-58.) Kingsley, James Luce. Account of the meteor which burst over Weston in Connecticut in December, 1807, and of the falling of stones on that occasion. (In Conn. acad. of arts and'sci. Me- moirs. 1810. V. I, pt. i; p. 141-61.) Life of Ezra Stiles. (/;* Sparks, Jared, ed. Library of Amer. biog. 1847. ser. 2. v. 6; p. 1-79.) Kingsley, John Sterling. E. D. Cope. n. p. 1897. ed. Standard natural history. 6v. Bost., 1884-5. NOTE : same as the Riverside natural liistory. Kingsley, William Lathrop. Address on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the settlement of New Haven, April 25, 1888. N. H., 1888. J. L. Kingsley. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memorial biog. 1880. V. i; p. 396-409.) Kingston, John. Life of George Washington. Bait., 1813. Kingston, John T. Early exploration and settlement of Juneau county. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1879. v. 8; p. 370-410.) Early western days. (In Wis. state hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 297-344.) Kingston (Mass.). 1620-1876; report of the proceedings and exer- cises at the 150th anniversary of its incorporation, June 27, ^ 1876. Bost., 1876. Kingston (N. H.). Annual reports of the selectmen, treasurer, highway agents and board of education for the year ending February, 1874-83, '85, '90-1902. Exeter, 1874-1902. : School board. Annual report for the year 1893-5. Exeter, 1893-5. Kingston (N. Y.). Names of Dutch settlers in Esopus. (In Hol- land soc. of N. Y. Year book, 1897. 1898. p. 117-32.) Kingston lumber company. Copies of minutes and charter, n. p. ^ 1901. Kinloch, John. Proposal for the defence of the country by means of a volunteer force in place of a regular or local militia. Edin., 1852. Kinnard, Martin P., and Lee, Henry, ed. Monument to R. G. Shaw. 1897. Kinney, Abbot. Conquest of death. N. Y., 1893. Kinney, Mrs. Jane M. Pioneers of St. Clair county. (In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. v. 29; p. 170-83.) Kinney, Mrs. Sara T. Good cheer, n. p. 1894. Helping Indians to help themselves. Phil., 1889. Kinney, William B. Oration delivered on the 200th anniversary of the settlement of Newark. (In N. J. hist. soc. Coll. 1866. V. 6, sup; p. 75-104.) Kinnicutt, Frances E., comp. Rhode Island: Executive department. Rhode Island in the war with Spain. 1900. Kinnicutt, Thomas. Memoir of John Davis. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archseol. Amer. 1857. v. 3; p. 345-62.) Kinsley, Carl. Discussion of series dynamo-electric machines. ^ (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1898. v. 8; p. 107-36.) Kinsolving, Lucien Lee, bp. Annual report of the Brazil mission, 1901. V. 2. N. Y., 1901. Kip, Leonard. Our retrospect. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12; p. 103-21.) Report of the third class in the third department (general lit- erature). (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1872. v. 7; p. 73-89.) What made the institute possible. (In Alb. inst. Trans. 1887. V. 11; p. 317-28.) Kip, William Ingraham, bp., anon. Few days at Nashotah. Alb., 1849. (Bound zvith White, William, bp. Sermon. 1833.) 746 AUTHOR LIST. Kip, William Ingraham, hp., anon. Popular religion of the day; a sermon preached at the opening of the General convention of _ the P. E. church, Oct. 6, 1880. N. Y., 1880. Kippis, Andrew, D. D. Narrative of the voyages around the world performed by Captain James Cook, with an account of his life. 2v. N. Y., 1824. Kirby, F. O. Veterinary medicine and surgery in diseases and injuries of the horse. N. Y., 1883. Kirby, William. Railroad map of Ohio. Columbus, n. d. Note: scale 8 miles to 1 inch. Kirby, William, and Spence, William. Introduction to entomol- ogy; or, Elements of the natural history of insects, fr. the 6th Lond. edition. Phil., 1846. Kirchgessner, Emile M. Massage. Bost., 1883. Kirchner, Walter C. G. Contribution to the fossil flora of Flori- sant. Col. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1898. v. 8; p. 161-88.) Kirk, Edward Norris, D. D. Christian missions, a work of faith. Bost., 1865. Church and the college; a discourse at the 13th anniversary of the Society for the promotion of collegiate and theological education at the West. Bost., 1856. Church and the college; an address delivered in Newark, N. J. Bost, 1851. Church essential to the republic; sermon in behalf of the American home missionary society. N. Y., 1848. N. Y., 1848. {Bound with Davis, A. Discovery of N. E. 1845.) Great men are God's gift; a discourse on the death of Daniel Webster. Bost., 1852. {In Eulogies of Webster, no. 15.) tr. Gaussen, S. R. Louis. Theopneusty; or. The plenary in- ^ spiration of the Holy Scriptures. 1852. Kirk, John Foster, cantin. Supplement to Allibone's Critical dic- _ tionary. 2v. Phil., 1891. Kirke, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, James Roberts. Kirkes, William Senhouse, M. D., and Paget, James. Manual of physiolog:y, 2d Amer. fr. the 2d Lond. edition. Phil., 1853. Kirkland, Mrs. Caroline Matilda (Stansbury). Memoirs of Wash- ington. N. Y., 1857. New home; who'll follow? or. Glimpses of western life. Ed. 3. N. Y., 1841. Kirkland, Charles P. Destiny of our country. N. Y., 1864. Kirkland, John Thornton, D. D., anon. Notices of the life of Ben- jamin Lincoln. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1815. v. 13; p. 233- .56.) Sermon delivered at the interment of Jeremiah Belknap. Bost. n. d. Kirkland Hall, Clinton {N. Y.). Annual, 1885. Utica, 1885. Kirkman, Mrs. Grace (Goodyear). Genealogy of the Goodyear family. San Fran., 1899. Kirkpatrick, J. S. Morning star; or. The first notes of the seventh trumpet; being a brief and original comment upon the Revela- _ tion of St. John. Marysville, 1857. Kirkwood, Samuel Jordan. Inaugural address before the two houses of the general assembly, Jan. 13, 1876. Des Moines, 1876. {Bound with Carpenter, C. C. Biennial message. 1876.) Kirkwood seminary, Kirkwood {Mo.). Catalogue and circular, 1885. St. L., 1885. Kirwan, Thomas(?), anon. Soldiering in North Carolina. Bost., _ 1864. Kissam, Benjamin P., M. D. Inaugural dissertation on the func- tions of the uterus. N. Y., 1816. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 747 Kitchen, J. M. W., M. D. Student's manual of diseases of the nose and throat. N. Y., 1883. >Kitchiner, William, anon. Art of invigorating and prolonging life, by the author of "The cook's oracle," from the 3d Lond. edi- tion. Phil., 1823. Kittery (Me.). Kittery family records. (Jn Me. genealogist and biog. 1875-8. V. i; p. 82-6, 108-12; V. 2; p. 33-5, 62-4, 119-20. V. 3; p. 57-60.) {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 13; p. 325-30, 431-40.) Kitto, John, D. D. Cyclopeedia of Biblical literature. Ed. 10. 2v. N. Y., 1851. Kittredge, George Lyman, and Greenough, James Bradstreet. Words and their ways in the English speech. N. Y., 1901. Kittredge, Walter. Walter Kittredge's original song book. Manch., 1882. Kittredge vs. Emerson. Report. Cone, 1844. Kittridge, Jonathan. Address on the effects of ardent spirits. N. Y. n. d. Kiwisch, Franz Alexander. Chapters on disease of the ovaries; tr. by J. Clay. Lond., i860. Kjerulf, Theodor. Beskrivelse af en rae kke Norske bergarter. Kristiania, 1892. Om Skuringsmaerker clacialformationen og terrasser. Kris- tiania, 1871. Klebs, Edwin, M. D. Antiphthisin in tubercular affections of chil- dren, n. p. n. d. Kleeman, N. E. Tagbuch der reisen von Wien auf der Donau dis an das schwartze meer, in den yahren 1768, 1769 und 1770. Prag., 1783. Klein, Alex. Ostitis typhosa; inaugural-dissertation. Kiel, 1896. Klein, Emanual E., M. D., and Smith, E. Noble. Atlas of histology. Phil., 1880. Kleinstanber, Christian Heinrich. Ausfiihrliche geschichte der stu- dien-anstalten in Regensburg, 1538-1880. (/n Historisch verein von Oberpfalz und Regensburg. Verhandlungen. 1880. v. 35; p. 1-152.) Klemm, Louis Richard. Education in Germany. {In U. S.: Edu- cation, bureau of. Report for 1889-90. v. i. 1893. p. 281-31 1.) Legal education in Europe. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1890-1. v. i. 1894. p. 447-547.) Training of teachers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1891-2. v. i. 1894. p. 139-96.), tr. Lexis, W. German universities. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1891-2. v. i. 1894. p. 247-368.) Klippart, John H. Principles and practice of land drainage. Cine, 1898. Wheat plant; with ^ few remarks on Lidian corn. Cine, i860. Klotz, Otto J. Local deflection of the plumb line. {In Ottawa lit. and sci. soc. Trans. 1900. no. 2; p. 149-61.) Knab, Frederick, and Kingsley, Elbridge. Picturesque Worcester. 1895. Knap, Nathaniel. Diary written at the second siege of Louisburg in 1758. Bost., 1895. {In Soc. of colonial wars in the common- wealth of Mass. Proceed. 1895. v. 2.) Knapp, Rev. Arthur May. Semi-detached Unitarians. Bost., n. d. (^Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 50.) Two sermons preached in the Independent Congregational church, Bangor, Me. Bangor, 1879. Knapp, Catherine, ed.y anon. A. M. Knapp, 1839-1898; a memorial. Bost., 1899. 748 AUTHOK LIST. Knapp, Rev. Frederick N. Discourse delivered at the funeral of Rev. John Pierce. Bost., 1849. Knapp, Hermann, M. D. Treatise on intraocular tumors, tr. by S. Cole. N. Y., 1869. ed. Archives of ophthalmology and otology, v. 1-4. 1869-74. Knapp, Isaac, ed. Liberator. {In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 7^-) Knapp, Samuel Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of eminent law- yers, statesmen and men of letters. Bost., 1821. Lectures on American literature, with remarks on some pas- sages of American history. N. Y., 1829. Life of Thomas Eddy. N. Y., 1834. Memoir of Daniel Webster. Bost., 1831. Oration pronounced before the society of Phi Beta Kappa at Dartmouth college. Bost., 1824. ed. Hinton, John Howard. History and topography of the United States. 1852-3. Knapp, Seaman Asahel. "Let us enlarge the domain of industrial knowledge," an address delivered at the Miss, agricultural and mechanical college, June 20, 1894. Starkville, n. d. Present status of rice culture in the United States. Wash., 1899. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Botany, div. of. Bulletin, no. 22.) Rice culture in the United States. Wash., 1900. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1900. no. no.) Knapp, William D. Somers worth; an historical sketch. Somers- worth, 1894 (?) Knapp, Mrs. William D. Chronicles of the Great Falls high school delivered at the first annual reunion of the high school gradu- ates, Sept. 5, 1877. Great Falls, 1877. Kneedler, H. S. Through storyland to sunset seas, what four people saw on a journey through the Southwest to the Pacific coast. Chic, 1895. Kneeland, Rev. Abner. American definition spelling book. Cone, 1809. Columbian miscellany; containing a variety of important, in- structive and entertaining matter, selected out of the Philadel- phian magazines published in London, 1788 and 1789. Keene, 1804. Refutation of the unmerciful doctrine of endless misery. Manlius, 1816. Kneeland, Samuel. Subsidence theory of earthquakes. Bost., 1884. Kneeland, Stillman Foster, comp. Seven centuries in the Kneeland family. N. Y., 1897. Kneiskern, P. D., M. D. Catalogue of plants growing without cul- tivation in the counties of Monmouth and Ocean, N. J. Tren- ton, 1857. Knevels, J. W. Our Dutch progenitors. {In N. Y. hist, soc Pro- ceed. 1849. p. 182-214.) Knickerbocker, Diedrich, pseud. See Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker; or. New York monthly magazine, v. 2; v. 3, no. 2-6; V. 4, no. 1-3; V. 5, no. 4; v. 7, no. 1-4, 6. N. Y., 1833-6. Knickerbocker guide company. Travelers' ready-reference guide; containing the railway time-tables and steam navigation routes, 1892, Aug., 1899. N. Y., 1892-9. Knight, Charles, anon. Manageries, quadrupeds, described and drawn from living subjects. 2v. Bost., 1830. (Lib. for enter- taining knowledge.) Popular history of England. 9v. Lond., 1856-83. Note : v. 9 written by Philip Smitli. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 749 Knight, Edward H., comp. American mechanical dictionary, a de- scription of tools, instruments, machines, processes and engin- eering, history of inventions and digest of mechanical appli- ances in science and the arts. 3v. Bost., 1876. New mechanical dictionary, a description of tools, instru- ments, machines, processes and engineering, with indexical ref- erences to technical journal, 1876-1880. Bost., 1884. Knight, George Wells. History and management of land grants for education in the Northwest Territory. N. Y., 1885, (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1886. v. i, no. 3.) History of the land grants for education in Michigan. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1886. v. 7; p. 17-35-.) — : — and Commons, John R. History of higher education in Ohio. Wash., 1891. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1891. no. 5.) Knight, Henry F. Cape Porpoise, old and new. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. V. 16; p. I53-75-) Knight, John, ed. Mechanics' magazine. 1835-6. Knight, Joseph King, Davis, Edmund, and Humphrey, Henry B., comp. Memorial sketch of Hyde Park, Mass., 1868-1888. Best, 1888. Knight, William, ed. University extension manuals. Knight, Rev. William Angus. Philosophy of the beautiful, being outlines of the history of aesthetics. N. Y., 1891. (Univ. exten- sion manuals.) Knights and ladies of honor: Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Proceed- ings of the organization and of the annual session, v. i. To- wanda, 1879. : Supreme lodge. Proceedings of the annual session, v. 1-6. St. L., 1878-87. Knights of honor. Proceedings of the annual session of the Su- preme lodge. V. 1-26. v. p. 1874-99. : Grand lodge of Alabama. Proceedings of the organization and of the annual meeting, v. 1-8. Montgomery, 1877-88. Note : no meeting in 1879. Reports of the Grand lodge officers and supreme representa- tives. Montgomery, 1887. (Bound with its Proceedings. 1877- 88. v. 1-8.) : Grand lodge of Arkansas. Journal of proceedings of the Grand lodge, 1878-1900. Little Rock, 1879-1900. : Grand lodge of California. Proceedings at the organization and annual session of the Grand lodge, v. 1-18. San Fran., 1880-99. Note : meetings biennial after 1895. : Grand lodge of Colorado. Proceedings of the annual session, 1882-93, '96-1900. V. 1-8, 10-12. v. p. 1882-1900. Note : y. 9 never pub. In 1886 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Connecticut. Journal of proceedings at the organization of the lodge. West Meriden, 1877. (Bound with its Proceedings. 1878-92. v. 1-15.) Proceedings of the annual session, v. 1-22. Hartf., and N. H., 1878-99. : Grand lodge of Florida. Organization and proceedings of the annual meeting, v. 1-2, 4, 6. v. p. 1882-8. : Grand lodge of Georgia. Proceedings, v. 1-17. Augusta, 1878- 92. : Grand lodge of Illinois. Journal of the proceedings of the an- nual session, v. 1-5, 7-14. v. p. 1878-98. Note : in 1888 reports became biennial. Organization and proceedings. Peoria, 1877. 750 AUTHOR LIST. Knights of honor: Grand lodge of Indiana. Proceedings of the insti- tution and annual meeting, v. 1-13, 16, 18-25. Indianapolis, 1 877- 1 900. • : Grand lodge of Iowa. Proceedings of the organizing session and annual session, v. 1-9. Luons, 1879-91. : Grand lodge of Kansas. Proceedings of the organization and annual session, v. 1-18. v. p. 1878-99. : Grand lodge of Kentucky. Organization and proceedings, v. i-ii. Louisville, 1876-91. : Grand lodge of Louisiana. Proceedings of the annual session. V. 1-5, 7-8. N. O., 1882-9. Proceedings of the first session. N. O., 1881. : Grand lodge of Maine. Journal of proceedings at the organ- ization and the annual session*, v. 1-23. Lewiston, 1878-1900. : Grand lodge of Maryland. Annual session, v. i-io. Bait., 1879-89. Note : in 1885 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Massachusetts. Journal of proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-17. Bost., 1877- 92. J : Grand lodge of Massachusetts: Union lodge No. 281. By-laws, list of members, officers, committees, etc. Bost., 1890. : Grand lodge of Michigan. Proceedings of the special session and of the annual session, v. 3-9, 15-16. v. p. 1878-98. : Grand lodge of Minnesota. Proceedings at the organization of the lodge. Minneapolis, 1878. Proceedings of the organization and of the annual session. V. I- 12. V. p. 1880- 1 900. Note : in 1884 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Mississippi. Proceedings of the annual session. V. i-ii. Jackson, 1878-88. : Grand lodge of Missouri. Proceedings of the annual session. V. 4-14. St. L., 1878-92. ■ : Grand lodge of Nebraska. Proceedings of the organization and annual session, v. 1-6. Omaha, 1879-84. : Grand lodge of New Hampshire. Annual report of the com- mittee on correspondence, v. 7. Manch., 1889. Constitution governing subordinate lodges; also the general laws of the Supreme lodge. Cone, 1878. Journal of proceedings of organization and of the annual ses- sion. V. 1-17, 19-22. V. p. 1878-98. : Grand lodge of Nezv Hampshire: Alpha lodge No. 245. By-laws. Manch., 1876. Constitution and by-laws. Cone, 1876. Manch., 1880. : Grand lodge of New Hampshire: Alpine lodge No. 2886. By- laws. Manch., 1883. : Grand lodge of New Hampshire: Franklin lodge No. "^09. Con- stitution, by-laws and rules of order; also the general laws of the Supreme lodge. Cone, 1878. : Grand lodge of New Hampshire: Golden Rule lodge No. 2445. Constitution and by-laws. Bost., 1882. : Grand lodge of Nezv Hampshire: Mount Coit lodge No. 286. Con- stitution, by-laws and rules of order. Cone, 1878. : Grand lodge of New Hampshire: Temple lodge No. 2065. By- laws. Manch., 1891. Constitution and by-laws. Manch., 1880. Bost., 1882. • : Grand lodge of New Jersey. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. V. 1-7, 9-12, 22. V. p. 1878-99. : Grand lodge of New York. Journal of proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-12. v. p. 1877-92. Note : in 1884 reports became biennial. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 751 Knights of Honor: Grand lodge of No-rth Carolina. Journal of the proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-8, 10-13. Charlotte, 1878-99. Note : in 1885 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Ohio. Proceedings of the organization and annual meeting, v. i-ii. v. p. 1876-88. Note : in 1886 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the organization and annual session, v. i-ii, 15. Corry, 1876-99. : Grand lodge of Rhode Island. Proceedings of the institution and of the annual session, v. 1-8, lo-ii, 22. Prov., 1878-99. : Grand lodge of South Carolina. Journal of proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-13, 15-1S. Colum- bia, 1878-94. : Grand lodge of Tennessee. Proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-14. Nashville, 1876-91. Note : in 1889 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Texas. Proceedings of the annual meeting. V. 1-15. Hempstead and Houston, 1878-99. Note : in 1887 reports became biennial. Proceedings of the first session. Tyler, 1878. {Bound with its Proceedings of the annual meeting. 1878-84. v. 1-7.) : Grand lodge of the District of Columbia. Proceedings of the annual session, v. 1-5, 10. Wash., 1882-9. Report of the Supreme representatives; 1881-3. Wash., 1881-3. : Grand lodge of Vermont. Organization and proceedings of the annual session, v. 1-14, 16-21. v. p. 1879-99. : Grand lodge of Virginia. Journal of the proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. 1-8, lo-ii, 15. v. p. 1 878- 1 900. : Grand lodge of West Virginia. Proceedings of the session. V. 1-16. V. p. 1882-98. Note: in 1888 reports became biennial. : Grand lodge of Wisconsin. Proceedings of the organization and of the annual session, v. i-ii, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22,. Mil- waukee, 1878-99. Note : in 1890 reports became biennial. : Supreme lodge. Constitution and general laws governing the supreme, grand and subordinate lodges as adopted June, 1898. n. p. 1898. June, 1899. n. p. 1899. Knights of Malta. Official circular, no. i, 4-12, 14. Phil., 1896-8. Knights of Pythias: Claremont lodge No. 15. By-laws as revised and amended December, 1892. Clare., n. d. Roster, n. p. 1897. : Concord lodge No. 8. Constitution and by-laws. Cone, 1871. Manch., 1874. : Endowment rank. Report of the board of control, 1888-90. V. I. Chic, 1890. • : Golden rule lodge, No. 45. By-laws, approved Nov. 29, 1892. Manch., 1893. : Grand lodge of Massachusetts. Proceedings, 1870. Bost., 1870. ■ : Grand lodge of New Hampshire. Constitution for subordinate lodges. Manch., 1890. Constitution, instituted Oct. 20, 1870. Manch., 1874. Proceedings, 1870-1900. v. 1-30. Manch., 1873-1900. Report of Supreme representatives, 1894, 1900. Dover, 1894- 1900. Report of the Grand keeper of records and seal, 1892. Lan- caster, 1892. 752 AUTHOR LIST. Knights of Pythias. Roster, 1894, '97. 11. p. 1894-7. : Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Proceedings of preliminary meetings held previous to and for the purpose of forming the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Phil., 1870. : New Hampshire brigade. By-laws. Indianapolis, 1897. : Newport lodge, No. 43. Constitution and by-laws. Newport, 1892. : Rockingham lodge, No. 29. By-laws. Manch., 1887. : Story division, No. i. By-laws. Manch., 1888. Constitution and general laws with the bj^-laws. Manch., 1889. : Supreme lodge. Constitution and by-laws and rules of order. Columbus, 1880. Journal of proceedings, 1868-96. v. p. 1879-96. See also Pythian sisterhood. Knights of Pythias beneficial association of Massachusetts. Laws and regulations. Maiden, 1877. Knights of Rhodes and Malta. See Knights of Malta. Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. See Knights of Malta. Knights of the Golden Eagle. Brief history of the order, n. p. n. d. Proceedings of the Supreme castle, v. i, no. 6; v. 2-4; v. 5, no. I. Phil., 1895-8. Knights Templar. See Freemasons: Knights Templar. Knippenberg, Henry. History of the Society of the framers of the constitution of the state of Montana, n. p. n. d. Reunion of the Society of the framers of the constitution of the state of Montana, 1891. v., 2, n. p. n. d. Knobel, E., anon. Guide to find the names of all wild-growing trees and shrubs of New England by their leaves. Bost. n. d. Knott, James Proctor. Address. (In Scotch-Irish soc. of Amer. Annual "congress. 1889. v. i; p. 72-89.) Glories of Duluth. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best ora- tions. 1899. V. 7; p. 2653-64.) Knott, W. T. Report on the geology of Marion county, Kentucky. Frankfort, 1885. Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, comp. Cap and gown. ser. 2. Bost., 1897. ed. Golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. Bost., 1898. Kipling primer; including biographical and critical chapters, an index to Kipling's principal writings and bibliographies. Bost., 1899. Practical hints for young writers, readers and book buyers. Bost., 1897. Knowles, Rev. James D. Perils and safeguards of American lib- erty, address, July 4, 1828. Bost., 1828. (In Baptist magazine and missionary intelligencer. 1831. v. 11.) Knowlton, Frank Hall. Annotated list of the fossil plants of the Bozeman, Mont., coal field. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1893. no. 105; p. 43-66.) Directions for collecting recent and fossil plants. Wash., 1891. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1891. no. 39b.) Fossil wood and lignite of the Potomac formation. Wash., 1889. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Bulletins. 1889. no. 56.) Review of the fossil flora of Alaska. (In U. S.: National mu- seum. ^ Proceedings. 1895. v. 17; p. 207-40.) Revision of the genus araucarioxlon of Kraus. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 601-17.) ed. Lesquereaux, Leo. Flora of the Dakota group. (In U. S. : Geol. survey. Monographs. 1891. v. 17.) Knowlton, Isaac Case, D. D. Annals of Calais, Me., and St. Ste- phen, N. B. Calais, 1875. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 753 Knowlton association of America. Prospectus and year book, containing the history, constitution of the association frorn its organization, with an account of the first and second reunions, comp. by W. H. Griffith. Alb., 1897. Knox, Alexander. Christian preaching delineated in a letter to the Rev. John Jebb. N. Y., 1833. Knox, Edward B. Capture of Alexandria and death of Ellsworth. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. V. 2; p. 9-19) Knox, Maj.-gen. Henry. Plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1863: V. 6; p. 364-403.) Knox, James H. Mason, D. D. Inaugural address. {In Lafayette college. Discourses at the inauguration of J. H. M. Knox. 1884. P- 4-I7-) Knox, Capt. John. Battle of Quebec, 1759. {In Old South leaf- lets. 1897. V. 3; no. 7Z) Knox, John Jay. History of banking in the United States. N. Y., 1900. ed. United States: House of representatives: Banking and cur- rency, committee on. Permanent national bank circulation, an in- terview between the committee and J. J. Knox. Wash., 1890. Knox, Martin Van Buren, D. D. Historical sketch of the M. E. church in Claremont, N. H. Clare., 1882. Winter in India and Malaysia among the Methodist missions. N. Y., 1891. Knox, Mrs. N. L. Elementary lessons in English for home and school use. Bost., 1886. Knox, Thomas W., ed. Seymour, Horatio. Public record, includ- ing speeches, messages, proclamations, etc., ed. by T. M. Cook. 1868. Knox, Thomas Wallace. Decisive battles since Waterloo, the most important military events from 1815 to 1887. N. Y., 1887. Knox college. Annual register. 1898-1900. v. 63-4. Galesburg, 1899- 1900. Knox county historical and genealogical magazine; monthly, ed. by J. P. Cilley, V. i, no. 1-8. Rockland, 1895-6. Knox county historical society, ed. Knox county historical and genealogical magazine. 1895. Knoxville college. Catalogue, 1898. Knoxville, 1898. Koch, Peter. Historical sketch; Bozeman, Gallatin valley and Bozeman pass. {In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 126-49.) Life at Muscleshell in 1869 and 1870. {In Hist. soc. of Mont. Contrib. 1896. v. 2; p. 292-303.) Koch, Theodore Wesley. Growth and importance of the Cornell Dante collection. Ithaca, 1900. comp. Hand-list of framed reproductions of pictures and por- traits belonging to the Dante collection, Cornell university. Ithaca, 1900. comp. Cornell university: Library. Catalogue of the Dante collection. 1898-1900. Koehler, Sylvester Rosa. See Kohler, Sylvester Rosa. Kofoid, Charles Atwood. On the early development of the limax. {In Harvard univ. : Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1895. V. 27; p. 38-117.) Kohl, Johann Georg. History of the discovery of the east coast of North America; from 990 to 1578. Portl., 1869. {In Me. hist. soc. Documentary hist. 1869. v. i.) Kohler, Kaufmann. Psalms and their place in the liturgy. {In Gratz college. Pub. 1897. v. i; p. 167-204.) 48 754 AUTHOR LIST. Kohler, Max J. Civil status of the Jews in colonial New York. (In Amer, Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. 6; p. 81-106.) Incidents illustrative of American Jewish patriotism. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 4; p. 81-99.) Jews and the American anti-slavery movement. (In Amer, Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1896. v. 5; p. 137-55- iQOi. v. 9, p. 45-56.) Jews in Newport. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1897. v. 6; p. 61-89.) Phases of Jewish life in New York before 1800. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1893. v. 2; p. 77-100. 1894. v. 3; p. 73-86.) Some early American Zionist projects. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1900. V. 8; p. 75-ii8.) Kohler, Sylvester Rosa. Catalogue of the contributions of the section of graphic arts to the Ohio valley centennial exposition, Cincinnati, 1888. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1888. V. 10; p. 701-31.) Kohut, George Alexander. Early Jewish literature in America. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1894. v. 3; p. 103-47.) ' Jewish martyrs of the inquisition in South America. (In Amer. Jewish hist. soc. Pub. 1895. v. 4; p. 101-87.) Konigsberger, Leo. Hermann von Helmholtz's untersuchungen uber die grundlagen der mathematik und mechanik. Lpz., 1896. Koorders, S. H., and Valeton, T. Bijdrage, no. 5-7, tot de kennis der boomsoorten op Java. v. 5-7. Batavia, 1900. (Mededeelin- gen uit 's Lands plantentuin no. S3i 40, 42.) Kolliker, Albrecht. • Manual of human microscopical anatomy; tr. by George Busk and Thomas Huxley; ed. by J. Da Costa. Phil., 1854. Koningsberger, J. C, M. D. De vogels van Java en hunne oeco- nomische beteekenis. v. i. Batavia, 1901. and Zimmermann, A. De dierlijke vijanden der kofifiecultuur op Java. Batavia, 1901. (Mededeelingen uit 's lands planten- tuin. no. 44.) Konow, Sten, and Fischer, Karl, ed. Norway; official publication for the Paris exhibition, 1900. Kristiania, 1900. Koopman, Harry Lyman, comp. Bibliography of G. P. Marsh. Burlington, 1892. Kornbach, Paul. Cours pratique et theorique pour a prendre facilement et en peu de temps la langue italienne d'apres la methode renommee du Dr. F. Ahn. Vienna, 1851. Korosi, Joseph. Report of an international mortality standard, or mortality index. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1893. v. 3; no. 24; p. 450-62.) Korschelt, E., and Heider, Karl. Text-book of the embryology of invertebrates, v. 1-2. Lond., 1895-9. Kosmon almanac; the new calendar based on the movements of our solar phalanx; also, an account of Shalam, the first com- munity of the kind in all the world; Faithists in Jehovah, the creator, Kosmon 38. n. p. 1886. Kossuth, Louis. Local self-government. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 7; p. 2672-82.) Kourkine, P., Ossipow, E., and Popow, I. (La) medecine du zem- stwo en Russie. Moscou, 1900. (In 12th congres International de medecine.) Kraepelin. Kraspelin's clinical picture of katatonia, tr. by A. E. Brownrigg. n. p. 1901. Krafft, Lieut. Johann Carl von. Journal, 1776- 1784, tr. by T. H. Edsall. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1883. v. 23; p. 1-202.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 755 Kramer, William, M. D. Nature and treatment of diseases of the ear, tr. fr. the German. Phil., 1838. (Bound with Green, Jona- than, M. D. Practical compendium. 1838.) Kramers, J. G. Derde verslag omtrent de proeftuien en andere mededeelingen over koffie. Batavia, 1901. (Mededeelingen uit 's lands plantentuin. no, 51.) Verslag omtrent de proeftuinen en andere mededeelingen iver koffie. Batavia, 1899. (Mededeelingen uit 's lands plantentuin, no. 32.) tweede verslag omtrent de proeftuien en andere mede- deelingen over koffie. Batavia, 1900. (Mededeelingen uit 's lands plantentuin, no. 38.) Krans, Rev. Edward H. Funeral sermon on the death of Rev. Henry Duyckinck. (In Duyckinck, Rev. Henry. Rich and poor meet together. 1870. p. 25-43.) Kraus-Boelte, Maria. Aim of the kindergarten system. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879. p. 118-35.) Krausse, Alexis. Far east, its history and its question. N. Y., 1900. Russia in Asia,^ a record and a study, 1558-1889. N. Y,, 1899. Kregier, Capt. Mcirtin. Journal of the 2d Esopus war, with an ac- count of the massacre at Wildwycke (now Kingston). (In N. Y. (state) : State, secy. of. Documentary history. 1851. v. 4; p. 27-62.) Krehbiel, Henry Edward, and Sturgis, Russell. Annotated biblio- graphy of fine art. 1897. Kreuzpointner, Paul. Riddles wrought in iron and steel, n. p. n. d. Kriehn, George. English popular uprisings in the Middle ages. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1894. v. 5; p. 149-61.) Krohn, William O. Facilities in experimental psychology in the colleges of the U. S. (In U. S.: Education, bureau o^ Report for 1890-91. v. 2. 1894. p. 1 139-51.) Methods of teaching psychology as modified by modern psycho-physical research. (In Assoc, of Ohio colleges. Trans. 1890. V. 21; p. 10-20.) Kugler, Franz Theodor. Life of Frederick the Great, comprehend- ing a complete history of the Silesian campaigns and the seven years' war. N. Y, n. d. Kuhns, Levi Oscar. Pennsylvania-German surnames. (In Penn.- German soc. Proceed. 1895. v. 5; p. 121-32.) Kulp, George Brubaker. Biographical sketch of Harrison Wright. (In Wyo. hist, and geol. soc. Proceed, v. 3; p. 18-80.) E. W. Sturdevant. Wilkes-Barre, n. d. General E. L. Dana. Wilkes-Barre, n. d. H. B. Wright. Wilkes-Barre, n. d. Kumlien, Ludwig. Contributions to the natural history of Arctic America, made in connection with the Howgate polar expedi- tion, 1877-78. Wash., 1879. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1882. v. 23.) ' Wash., 1879. (In U. S.: National museum. Bulletin. 1879- no. 15.) Kuntze, Otto. Geogenetische beitrage. Lpz., 1895. Kunz, George Frederick. American pearls. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 33; p. 665-74.) Gems and precious stones of North America. N. Y., 1890. Precious stones, n. p. 1890. Kurtz, D. Morris. Ithaca and its resources. Ithaca, 1883. Kuss, Emil. Course of lectures on physiology as delivered at the medical school of the University of Strasbourg; ed. by Mathias Duval; tr. fr. the 2d ed. by Robert Amory. Bost, 1875. 756 AUTHOR LIST. Kussmaul, Adolf, M. D., and Tenner, Adolf, M. D. On the nature and origin of epileptiform convulsions caused by profuse bleed- ing and also of those of true epilepsy; tr. by Edward Bronner. {In New Sydenham soc. Selected monographs. 1859. v. 5; p. 1-109.) Kutchin, Howard M., ed. United States: Treasury, dept. of: Special agents, div. of. Report on the salmon fisheries of Alaska. 1898. L., E. R. Slight sketch of the life of C. D. Bradlee. Bost, 1893. L., W. B., pseud. See Lapham, William Berry, M. D. L., W. C, pseud. In memory of E. C. Earned. Chic, 1886. L. A. W. bulletin and good roads, weekly; official organ of the League of American wheelmen, v. 22-3, 25-31. Bost., 1895- 1900. Note: v. so-date title Elliott's magazine. Labaree, Benjamin, D. D. Education demanded by the peculiar character of our civil institutions. {In Amer. inst. of instruc- tion. Lectures. 1850. p. 27-58.) Historical address at the dedication of a monument in Charles- town, N. H. Bost., 1870. Labarraque, Antoine Germain. Method of using the chlodide of soda; tr. by Jacob Porter. Ed. 2. Northampton, 1833. La Beche, Sir Henry Thomas de. See De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas. Labor day annual, 1893, ed. by T. V. Powderly and A. W. Wright. Phil. 1893. Labor league of New Hampshire. Platform and by-laws. Manch., 1870. Laboulaye, Edouard Rene Lefebre. Upon whom rests the guilt of the war? N. Y., 1863. La Boule, Joseph Stephen. Allouez and his relations to La Salle. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 46; p. 168-82.) Labour annual, a year book of industrial progress and social wel- fare, ed. by Joseph Edwards, 1895-8. Manch., 1895-8. Lacey, Rowland B., and Orcutt, Rev. Samuel. Inscriptions in the cemetery at Easton, Conn. {In Fairfield co. hist. soc. Reports. 1891-2; p. 65-93-) Laconia (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year ending March i, 1881-5, '87-8, '90-1901. Laconia, 1881-1901. : Fire department. Annual report, 1891. Laconia, 1891. : High school, ed. Laconia high school review. 1895-6. : Public library. Catalogue. Cone, 1883. Supplementary catalogues, February, 1885-Mar., 1895. no. i-io. n. p. 1885-95. {Bound with its Catalogue, 1883.) Laconia high school review, a monthly paper, v. i, no. 3, 6. La- conia, 1895-6. Lacroix, Henry. Canadian guide and book of reference. Mon- treal, 1873. Lacroix, Silvestre Frangois. Elementary treatise on arithmetic; tr. into English by John Farrar. Camb., 1821. Elements of algebra; tr. from the French by John Farrar. Ed. 3. Bost., 1831. Essais de geometrie sur les plans et les surfaces courbes. Ed. 4. Par., 1812. Ladd, Alexander. Letter to the subscribers for the stock in the Portsmouth and Concord railroad company. Ports., 1845. Ladd, Christine. On De Morgan's extension of the algebraic processes. {In Amer. jour, of mathematics. 1880. v. 3; p. 210- 25.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBBAKY. 757 Ladd, Christine. Pascal hexagram. (In Amer. jour, of mathe- matics. 1879. V. 2; p. 1-12.) Ladd, Eliphalet, ed. Ladd's pocket almanac. I794- Ladd George Edgar. Preliminary report on a part of the clays of' Georgia. Atlanta, 1898. (In Ga.: Geologist. Bulletm. 1898. no. 6.) _ ,. , , . . Ladd, George Trumbull, D. D. Outlmes of descriptive psychology; a text-book of mental science. N. Y., 1899. Ladd, Henry M., D. D. Future of Congregationalism. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 168-78.) Ladd, Herbert Warren. Message to the general assembly at its January session, 1892. Prov., 1892. Ladd, Rev. Horatio Oliver. Founding of the Episcopal church in Dutchess county, N. Y. Fishkill, 1895. Ladd, William. Annals of Bakerstown, Poland and Minot. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1847- v. 2; p. 11 1-30.) Ladd, William Spencer. Petition for abatement of taxes. Lan- caster, 1880. Ladd's pocket almanack, to which is annexed the New Hampshire register. 1794. Dover, 1794. Ladies' boarding school, Keene (N. H.). Catalogue, 1825-6. n. p. 1825-6. Ladies' book, a magazine of fashions and the arts; pub. monthly. V. 6-8. Phil., 1833-4- Note : v. 8, 1st pages wanting. Ladies' Calhoun monument association, ed. Cuningham, Clarence, anon. History of the Calhoun monument at Charleston, S. C. 1888. Ladies' charitable association, Boston (Mass.). Account of their labors in recognition of and homage to the Declaration of In- dependence. Bost., 1876. Ladies' charitable society, Concord (N. H.). Constitution, with a catalogue of members, 1839-1893. Cone, n. d. s Cone, 1848. Ladies' charitable society. See also Baptist female charitable so- ciety. Ladies companion, a monthly magazine of literature and the arts. V. 1-2. N. Y., 1834-5. Ladies' magazine, conducted by Mrs. S. J. Hale, pub. monthly, v. 1-5. Bost, 1828-32. Ladies memorial association of Charleston (S. C). See Charles- ton (S. C), Ladies memorial association. Ladies' society for the promotion of education at the West. An- nual report; 1849. v. 3. Bost., 1849. Ladies' union aid society. Annual report, 1893-98. v. 7-12. Clare- mont, 1893-8. Ladies' union aid society, ed. May morning, pub. annually. 1895-9. Ladoucette, L. L. N. Charles. De I'influence des divers modes de location sur le produit des terres en France. Par., 1844. Lady of Massachusetts, pseud. See Foster, Mrs. Hannah (Webster). Lady's almanac for 1854-5, '60. Bost., 1854-60. Laennec. See Lannec. Laer, Arnold Johan Ferdinand Van, tr. American library asso- ciation. Bibliotheksaustelung, Pariser weltaustellung, 1900; uebersicht. 1900. Expose des collections, exposition universelle de Paris, 1900. 1900. Laet, Jan van. Extracts from The new world; or, A description of the West Indies, tr. from the Dutch. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. V. 6; p. 281-303.) Translations from the Latin and French edition of his New world, 1633-1640. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 304- 16.) 758 AUTHOR LIST. Lefargue, Paul. Evolution of property from savagery to civiliz- ation. Lond., 1894. (Social science ser. no. 26.) Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Roch Yves Gilbert de Motier, marq. de. Lafayette in the American Revolution. (In Old South leaflets. 1898. V. 4, no. 97.) and Washington, George, pres. of U. S. Letters. (In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4, no. 98.) Lafayette college. Addresses delivered at a celebration in honor of F. A. March, Oct. 24, 1895. Easton, 1895. Addresses delivered at a celebration in honor of T. C. Porter at Lafayette college, Oct. 20, 1897. Easton, 1898. Addresses on the occasion of the inauguration of E. D. War- field as president of Lafayette college. Easton, 1891. Annual commencement, 1897-8. v. 62-3. n. p. 1897-8, Catalogue for 1872-93, '94-6, '97-8. Easton, 1873-98. Commencement addresses, 1893. Easton, 1893. Discourses at the inauguration of J. H. M. Knox as president of Lafayette college, June 24, 1884. Easton, 1884. Exercises at the unveiling of the Junkin memorial tablet. Easton, 1887. Laws for the government of the college, n. p. 1876. n. p. 1898. Recent examination questions for admission to the freshman class. Easton, n. d. Semi-centennial commencement of Lafayette college, 1832- 1882. Easton, 1882. Lafayette Post, No. 140. See Grand army of the republic: New York, dept. of: Lafayette Post, No. 140. La Flesche, Francis, and Fletcher, Alice Cunningham. Study of Omaha Indian music. (In Peabody museum of Amer. archae- ology and ethnology. Archae. and eth. papers. 1893. v. i, no. 5.) La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables, avec des notes historiques, mytho- logiques et grammaticales, a I'usage des colleges et des ecoles; par F. Sales. Bost., 1838. Fables, tr. from the French by Elizue Wright. Ed. 5. 2v. Bost., 1843. Lagrange, J. B. Bouillon. Manual of a course of chemistry, tr. from the French. 2v. Lond., 1800. Laidley, Col. Theodore T. S. Reply to the charge of infringement of Col. Wingate's copyright. Bost., 1879. Laighton, Albert. Poems. Bost, 1859. and Payson, Aurin M., comp. Poets of Portsmouth. Bost., 1865. Laing, Gordon J. Three principal manuscripts of the Fasti of Ovid. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. v. 3; p. 212-28.) Laing, Samuel. Journal of a residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835 and 1836. New ed. Lond., 1851. Laird, Lieut. Charles, Davis, Rear adni. Charles Henry, and Norris, Lieut. John Alexander. Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Mexico and Central America, and on the west coast of South America. 1885. and Norris, Lieut. John Alexander. Telegraphic determination of longitudes in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and the north coast of South America. 1891. Lake, Edward R. Prunes and prune culture in western Europe with special reference to existing conditions in the Pacific north- west. Wash. 1901. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of; Pomology, div. of. Bulletin, no. 10.) Lake, J. W., ed. Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th earl of. Works. 1831. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 759 Lake Champlain and Connecticut river railroad company. Re- marks and statements respecting the character, feasibility and productiveness of the route. Bost, 1845. Lake forest academy, Lake Forest (III.). Circular, n. p. n. d. Description, n. p. n. d. Lake Forest university. Catalogue, 1876-7, '79-80, '83-4, '89-90, '92-3, '94-5, '97-9, 1900-1. Lake Forest, 1876-1901. Report of the president, n. p. 1893. University charter and rules of the Board of Trustees, n. p. 1895. : Lake Forest college. Circular of information, 1897-8. Lake Forest, 1897. : Library. Finding-list. Waukegan, 1893 (?) See also Ferry Hall seminary. Lake Geneva conference for young women. Announcement, n. p. 1895 (?) Lake Mohonk conference of friends of the Indians. Proceedings of the annual meeting, v. 4-16. Phil., 1887-98. Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report of the annual meeting, v. 1-7. n. p. 1895-1901. Lake Placid club. Handbook. Morningside, 1901. Lake Superior and Mississippi railroad company. Report for 1874, '76. Phil., 1875-7. Lake village circulating library. Catalogue, n. p. n. d. Lake Winnepiseogee and White Mountain route via Cocheco and Boston and Maine R. R. n. p. n. d. Note : scale given. Lakeport (N. H.): Engineers, board of and Treasurer. Annual re- ports, 1892. Lakeport, 1892. Lakeside annual directory of the city of Chicago; 1896-9. Chic, 1896-9. Lakeside hospital, Cleveland. Annual report for the year 1898, '99. V. 32-3. Cleve., 1899-1900. Lallemand, Claude Frangois. On involuntary seminal discharges; tr. by William Wood. Phil., 1841. (Des) pertes seminales involuntaires. Par., 1836. Practical treatise on the causes, symptoms and treatment of spermatorrhoea; tr. and ed. by H. J. McDougall, 2d Amer. edi- tion. Phil., 1853. Lallemand, Henri Dominique. Treatise on artillery, tr. by James Renwick. 2v. N. Y., 1820. Lalor, John Joseph, ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy and of the political history of the United States. 3v. Chic, 1883. tr. Hoist, Hermann Eduard von. Constitution and political history of the United States. 1881-92. tr. Ihering, Rudolph von. Struggle for law. 1879. La Malle, Adolphe Jules Cesar Auguste Bureau de. See Duraeu de la Malle, Adolphe Jules Cesar Auguste. Lamar, William Harmong. Thomas Lamar of the province of Maryland and a part of his descendants. (In Southern hist. assoc. Pub. 1897. V. i; p. 203-10.) Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de. Genera of shells, with a catalogue of species; tr. from the French by A. A. Gould. Bost., 1833. Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de. History of Turkey, tr. fr. the French. 3v. N. Y., 1855-7. La Martiniere, H. M. P. de. Morocco; journeys in the kingdom of Fez and to the court of Mulai Hassan. Lond., 1889. Lamb, Charles. Specimens of English dramatic poets who lived about the time of Shakspeare. 2v. in i. N. Y., 1845. 760 AUTHOR LIST. Lamb, Daniel Smith, M. D., comp. Howard university, medical de- partment, Washington, D. C; a historical, biographical and statistical souvenir. Wash., 1900. Lamb, Fred William. Family records; Lamb, Savory, Harriman. n. p. 1900. Manchester fire department. {In Manchester hist, assoc. Coll. 1898. V. i; p. 217-32, 273-91.) Lamb, Henry W. Address, n. p. 1895. Lamb, Mrs. Martha Joanna Reade Nash. Career and times of Nicholas Bayard, the son of an exiled Huguenot. {In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Proceed. 1888-91, v. 2; p. 27-57.) History of the city of New York; its origin, rise and progress. 3v. N. Y., 1877. ed. Magazine of American history, v. 11-30. 1884-93. Lamb, Samuel O. Scotch-Irish. {In Pocumtuck Valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 308-30.) Lamballe, Maria Therese Louise de Savoie-Carignan, princess de. Secret memoirs during her confidential relations with Marie An- toinette; ed. and annotated by Catherine Hyde. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics.) Lambert, B., tr. Villers, Charles Francis Dominique. Essay on the spirit and influence of the reformation by Luther. 1807. Lambert, Ernest. Dissertation inaugurale, de la metro-peritonite puerperale. Louvain, 1876. Lambert, T. S., M. D. Longevity. N. Y., 1869. Practical anatomy, physiology and pathology, hygiene and therapeutics. N. Y., 1851. Lambert, Tallmadge A. Observations on flie development of the nation's capital. {In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. 2; p. 272-92.) Lambert, Rev. Thomas R. Sermon delivered in St. John's church, Charlestown, 1866. Bost., 1866. Lambert, Will, comp. Austin (Tex.) Citizens executive committee. Report. 1885. Lambert, William. Abstracts of calculations to ascertain the longi- tude of the capitol, in the city of Washington, from Greenwich observatory in England. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1818. v. I, new ser. p. 103-18.) Lambert, William H. English in the high school. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1888. v. 54-68.) Lamberton, J. P., and Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. Library of his- toric characters and famous events. 1894-5. Lamberton, James McCormick. Account of St. Paul's school, n. p. 18^. ed. Vicennial record of the class of 1878, Yale university. Cone, 1898. Lamberton, Robert A. Address on his retiring as grand master of masons, 1871. Phil., 1872. Lambing, Rev. A. A. Early history of Allegheny county. Pa. {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1893. v. 4; p. 194-21 1.) Sketch of Catholicity in Pittsburg, Pa, {In Amer. Catholic hist. soc. Records. 1898. v. 9; p. 293-304.) Lambrechtsen van Ritthem, Nicolas Cornells. History of New Netherlands, tr. from the Dutch by F. A. Van der Kemp. {In N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1841. v. 6; p. 75-123.) (The) Lambs. Annals, 1900. N. Y., 1899. Lamicq, Eduardo. Enfermedades del aparato digestivo. Mexico, 1898. Lamond, Elizabeth, ed. Walter of Henly. Husbandry. 1890. La Mothe Cadillac, Antoine de. Extracts from a memoir of M. de la Mothe Cadillac, 1692. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1859. v. 6; p. 273-89.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 761 La Mothe Guyon, Mme. Jeanne Bouvier de. See Guyon, Mme. Jeanne Bouvier de la Mothe. La Motte Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, freiherr de. Aslauga's knight. {In Carlyle, Thomas. German romance. 1898. v. i; p. 215-67.) Undine, a tale. Phil., 1824. Lamoureaux, F. G. Value of oral composition in teaching foreign modern languages. {In Assoc, of Ohio colleges! Trans. 1892. V. 2z; p. 24-37.) Lamprey boiler furnace mouth protector company vs. Economy feed water heater company. Pleadings and evidence. Cone, 1894. Lamson, Alvah, D. D. Foundation of our confidence in the Saviour. Bost., 1834. (Anier. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 89.) History of the First church in Dedham on occasion of the completion of the 2d century since the gathering of said church. Dedham, 1839. On the doctrine of two natures in Jesus Christ. Bost., 1828. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 20.) Lamson, Rev. D. F. History of the town of Manchester, Mass., 1645-1895. Bost., i896(?) Lamson, J. Round Cape Horn; voyage of the passenger ship James W. Paige, from Maine to California in the year 1852. Bangor, 1878. Lamson-Scribner, Frank. See Scribner, Frank Lamson-. Lancaster, Rev. Daniel. History of Gilmanton from the first set- tlement to the present time. Gilmanton, 1845. Sermon delivered at the funeral of Rev. William Cogswell. Cone, 1850. Lancaster, Joseph. Short account of the rise and progress of the Lancasterian system. Bait, 1821. Lancaster (Mass.). Early records of Lancaster, Mass., 1643-1725; ed. by H. S. Nourse. Lancaster, 1884. : Town library. Annual report, v. 35. Clinton, 1898. Lancaster (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year ending February, 1876, '81-5, '87-9, '91-1900. Lancaster, 1876-1901. Centennial celebration of the settlement of the town of Lan- caster, N. H., July 14, 1864. Lancaster, i864(?) : Fire department. Report, 1894-8. Lancaster, 1894-8. : Public library. Catalogue. Lancaster. 1884. Supplementary, n. p. 1886. n. p. 1888. Lancaster, 1897. Books added from Feb., 1897, to Feb., 1898. n. p. 1898. Lancaster academy, Lancaster {N. H.). Catalogue, 1888, 1901. Lan- caster, 1888-1901. Lancaster chrome mining and manufacturing company of New York. Remarks. N. Y., 1868. Lancaster (Penn.) First reformed church. Birth and baptismal register. {In Penn. -German soc. Proceed. 1894-5. v. 4; p. 249-92. V. 5; p. 203-66.) Lancaster (N. H.) Woman's Christian temperance union. Benton fountain, dedicated Oct. 3, 1892. Lancaster, 1892. Lancet, monthly, with which is incorporated the Archives of gyn- ecology, obstetrics and pediatrics, Jan., 1895-Dec., 1898. N. Y., 1895-98. Note : in 1898 title became New York Lancet. Landaff (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year ending February, 1879-1902. v. p. 1879-1902. 762 AUTHOR LIST. Lander, Frederick West. Synopsis of a report of the reconnais- sance of a railroad route from Puget sound via South pass to the Mississippi river. Wash., 1856. (In U. S.: War, dept. of. Explorations and surveys. 1853-6. 1856. v. 2.) Lander, John, a}i4 Lander, Richard. Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger. 1832. Lander, Richard, and Lander, John. Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger. 2v. N. Y., 1832. Landis, George B. Society of separatists of Zoar, Ohio. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1899. v. 10; p. 163-220.) Landolt, Edmund. Manual of examination of the eyes, tr. by S. M. Burnett. Phil, 1879. Landon, Judson Stuart. Constitutional history and government of the United States. Bost., 1900. Landon, Arnold Henry Savage. China and the allies. 2v. N. Y., 1901. In the forbidden land; an account of a journey into Thibet, capture by the Tibetan Lamas and soldiers, imprisonment, tor- ture and ultimate release. 2v. N. Y., 1899. Landor, Walter Savage. Classical (imaginary) conversations; Greek, Roman, modern. Wash., 1901. Lane, Alfred Church. Coal in lower Michigan. Saginaw, 1899. Lane, E. H., comp. Soldiers' record of Jericho, Vt. Burlington, 1868. Lane, George, and others, vs. Bascom, Henry B., and others. Meth- odist church property case; ed. by R. Sutton. 1851. Lane, J. J. History of the university of Texas. Austin, 1891. Lane, J. J., & Co., comp. and pub. Laconia annual and Belknap county directory, v. i. 1884. Lane, Rev. James P. Good man; a discourse commemorative of the life and character of W. B. Spooner. Prov., 1877. Hampton Lane family memorial. Norton, 1885. Resting in the Lord and waiting patiently for him; memorial of E. F. Manchester. Prov., 1876. Lane, John J., anon. Life, trial and confession of F. C. Almy. La- conia, 1891. Lane, Jonathan A. Address on taxation. Bost., 1891. Lane, Levi C, M. D. Dr. Henry Gibbons, in memoriam. San Fran., 1885. Lane, Ralph. Second voyage to America under the charge and direction of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1585. (In Tarbox, I. N., D. D., ed. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1884. p. 129-81.) Lane, William Coolidge. Catalogue of a collection of works on ritualism and doctrinal theology. Camb., 1889. (In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1889. no. 36.) Dante collections in the Harvard college and Boston public libraries. Camb., 1890. (In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1890. no. 34.) Index to recent reference lists. Camb., 1891. (In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1891. no. 40.) and Bolton, Charles Knowles. Notes on special collections in American libraries. Camb., 1892. (In Harvard univ.: Lib. Bib. contrib. 1892. no. 45.) Lane theological seminary. Annual catalogue of the officers and students, 1894-6. Cine, 1894-6. Lane-Poole, Stanley. See Poole, Stanley Lane-. Laneham, Robert. Letter describing the magnificent pageant pre- sented before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth castle in 1575. Phil., 1822. Lang, A. E. Electric power companies and their relation to munici- palities. Lafayette, 1898. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 763 Lang, Andrew. History of Scotland from the Roman occupation. Ed. 2. V. I. N. Y., 1900. Lang, L. B., tr. Rambaud, Alfred Nicolas. Popular history of Russia. 1882. Langdon, Rev. John. Register of baptisms for the township of Fredericsburgh. (In Ontario hist. soc. Papers. 1899. v. i; p. 30-70.) Langdon, Samuel, D. D. Discourse on the unity of the church as a monumental pillar of the truth. Exeter, 1792. Excellency of the word of God in the mouth of a faithful min- ister, sermon at the ordination of Rev. Samuel McClintock, Ports., 1756. Government corrupted by vice and recovered by righteous- ness, a sermon preached before congress of the Massachusetts Bay, May 31, 1775. Watertown, 1775. Impartial examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasio. Ports., 1765. Joy and gratitude to God for the long life of a good king and the conquest of Quebec, sermon preached Nov. 10, 1759. Ports., 1760. Republic of the Israelites an example to the American states; a seripon preached before the general court at the annual elec- tion, June 5, 1788. Cone, 1788. (In N. H. election sermons. 1784-99.) Summary of Christian faith and practice. Best., 1768. Langdon, William Chauncey, D. D. Obstructive anomalies of American church polity. Camb., 1889. Langdon, (N. H.). Annual reports of the town officers for the year ending February 15, 1875-1902. v. p. 1875-1902. Langdon Park. Langdon Park, Portsmouth, N. H.; an account of building the park and the opening exercises. May 25, 1876. Ports., 1876. Lange, D. Handbook of nature study for teachers and pupils in elementary schools. N. Y., 1898. Lange, Karl. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy, ed. by Charles De Garmo. Bost., 1899. Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Louisiana purchase and preceding Span- ish intrigues for dismemberment of the Union. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. V. 9; p. 453-508.) Langford, William S., D. D. Christian beneficence, its motive, measure and method. N. Y. n. d. Langley, John Williams. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advace of sci. Proceed. 1885. v. 33; p. 141-62.) Langley, Samuel Pierpont. Address. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed. 1880. v. 28; p. 51-64.) Address, the history of a doctrine. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1889. v. 37; p. 1-24.) Experiments in aerodynamics. Wash., 1891. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1891. v. 27.) Internal work of the wind. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. •1893. V. 29.) Memoir of G. B. Goode. n. p. n. d. ' Observations on invisible heat-spectra. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1886. v. 34; p. 55-75.) -Solar atmosphere. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22; p. 161-74.) Langmead, Oliver, pub. Holiday in Salisbury and district, n. p. 1896. ^^^Fr"^"^^' ^' ^'* ^^^^- Index to the literature of Didymium. Wash., 1894- (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1898. v. 38.) Langstroth, Rev. Lorenzo Lorrain. Langstroth on the hive and honey bee, rev. by Charles Dadant & son. Ed. 3. Hamilton, 1 096. 764 AUTHOR LIST. Langstroth, Rev. Lorenzo Lorrain. Practical treatise on the hive and honey-bee, with an introduction by Robert Baird. Ed. 3. Phil., 1871. Langton, John. On the age of timber trees, and the prospects of a continuous supply of timber in Canada. {In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1862. p. 61-79.) Langtry, Rev. John. Late Rev. Dr. Pusey. Toronto, 1882. Langworthy, Charles Ford. Eggs and their uses as food. Wash., 1901. {In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin, no. 128.) Fish as food. Wash., 1898. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of Farmers' bulletin. 1898. no. 85.) Soy beans as food for man. {In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Farmers' bulletin. 1897. no. 58, p. 20-4.) Langworthy, Edward, anon. Memoir of the life of Charles Lee, to which are added his political and military essays. N. Y., 1792. Langworthy, Isaac P., D. D. Brief historical sketch of the Suffolk north conference of Congregational churches. Bost., 1887. Lankester, Edwin Ray, ed. Treatise on zoology, v. 2-4. Lond., 1900. and Powrie, James. Monograph of the fishes of the old red sandstone of Britain. {In Palseontographical soc. Monographs. 1867, 1869.) Lanman, Charles. Biographical annals of the civil government of United States during its first century. Wash., 1876. comp. Dictionary of the United States congress; a manual of reference for the legislator and statesman. Wash., 1864. Private life of Daniel Webster. N. Y., 1852. ed. American congress of philologists. Whitney memorial meeting. 1897. Lanman, James H. History of Michigan, civil and topographical. N. Y., 1839. Lannec, Rene Theophile Hyacinthe, M. D. Treatise on the dis- eases of the chest and on mediate auscultation, ed. by John Forbes. N. Y., 1830. Tr. fr. the French with notes by John Forbes; ist Amer. edition. Phil., 1823. With notes by J. D. Fisher. N. Y., 1838. Lanoye, Ferdinand de. See Tugnot de Lanoye, Ferdinand. Lanphear, Orpheus T., D. D., and Wellman, Joshua Wyman, D. D. Question at issue in the Andover case. 1893. Lansdell, Henry, D. D. Chinese central Asia; a ride to little Thi- bet. 2v. N. Y., 1894. Russian central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv. 2v. Bost., 1885. Landsing, I. J. National danger in Romanism; Rome's avowed purpose to control the state and her success in great cities. Bost., 1892. {In Envelope series, 1892. v. 2, no. 3b.) Lansing, John V., M. D. Frogs and their contributions to science. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1870. v. 6; p. 120-35.) Lansing the capital of Michigan, its advantages, natural and ac- quired, as a center of trade and manufactures. Lansing, 1873. Lanzi, Luigi, abbaie. History of painting in Italy; tr. by Thomas Roscoe. 3v. Lond., 1847. Laon Ramsey, pseud. See Balmforth, Ramsden. Lapham, Increase Allen. Annual address before the Old Settlers' club of Milwaukee county, 1875. Milwaukee, 1875. ■ Antiquities of Wisconsin. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1855. V. 7.) , . . r ,,r- From the topographical and geographical description of Wis- consin. Milwaukee, n. d. New geological map of Wisconsin, n. p. 1869. Note : scale 15 miles to l ihch. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 765 Lapham, Increase Allen. Paper on the number, locality and times of removal of the Indians of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1870. Plants of Wisconsin. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 2; p. 19-59) Wisconsin, its geography and topography, history, geology and mineralogy. Ed. 2. Milwaukee, 1846. Lapham, Lieut. Oscar. Recollections of service in the 12th regi- ment R. I. volunteers. Prov., 1885. (In R. I. soldiers' and sail- ors' hist. soc. Personal narratives. 1885. v. 3.) Lapham, William Berry, M. D. Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island. N. Y., 1886. Centennial history of Norway, Oxford county, Maine; 1786- 1886. Portl., 1886. Hallowell records. (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1893-9. v. 13; p. 105-6, 215-18, 331-2, 441-8; V. 14; p. 108-9, 208-18; V. is; p. 104-7, 214-17, 329-33, 435-8; V. 16; p. 94-100, 196-200, 321-8, 445-8; V. 17; p. 103-5, 201-4, 326-32, 437-44; V. 18; p. 216-22; V. 19; p. 106-11, 212-23, 427-34; V. 20; p. 104-10, 323-31.) c(mip. History of Bethel, formerly Sudbury, Canada, Oxford county. Me.; 1768-1890. Augusta, 1891. History of Rumford, Oxford county, Me.; from its first set- tlement in 1779 to the present time. Augusta, 1890. History of Woodstock, Me. Portl., 1882. comp. John Hill of Dover in 1649 and some of his descendants. Augusta, 1889. comp. Records of some descendants of George and Maturin Ricker of Dover, N. H. Augusta, 1877. comp. Thomas (Nock) Knox of Dover, N. H., 1652, and some of his descendants. Augusta, 1890. With the 7th Maine battery. (In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Me. commandery. War papers. 1898. v. i; p. 145-60.) and Chapman, Rev. Jacob. Edward Chapman of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644, and some of his descendants. 1878. and Maxim, Silas P. History of Paris, Maine, from its settle- ment to 1880. Par., 1844. ed. Maine genealogist and biographer. 1875-8. Lapsley, Gaillard Thomas. County Palatine of Durham; a study in constitutional history. N. Y., 1900. (Harvard hist, studies. V. 8.) Larcom, Lucy. Wheaton seminary, a semi-centennial sketch. Camb., 1885. Lardner, Rev. Dionysius. Popular lectures on science and art. V. I. N. Y., 1848. Rudimentary treatise on the steam engine. Lond., 1853. Treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics; 1st Amer. fr. the 1st Lond. ed. with notes by B. J. Joslin. Bost., 1832. (Amer. library of useful knowledge.) Larkin, Ebenezer. Catalogue of books, n. p. n. d. Larkin, Elizabeth T., ed. Richardson, Mrs. Mary (Walsham) Few. Scenes in the eventful life of M. W. Few Richardson. 1894. Larkin, Samuel. Nightengale; a collection of the most popular, ancient and modern songs, set to music. Ports., 1804. Larned, Charles W., ed. History of the battle monument at West Point; together with a list of the names of those inscribed upon and commemorated by it. West Point, 1898. Larned, Ellen D. History of Windham county, Conn. 2v. Wore, 1874-80. Larned, J. N. Report on the state of trade between the United States and British possessions in North America. Wash., 1871. La Roche, R., M. D., tr. Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges. Certainty of medicine, tr. from the French. 1823. tr. Jourdan, Antoine Jacques Louis, M. D. Historical and critical observations on syphilis, n. d. 766 AUTHOR LIST. La Ronde, John T. Personal narrative. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1876. V. 7; p. 345-65.) Laroque, G. Manuel d'horticulture pratique et d'arboriculture fruitiere. Quebec, 1883. La Roquette, de. Notice necrologique sur Constant Prevost. Par., 1856 (?) Larpenteur, August L. Recollections of the city and people of St. Paul, 1843-1^. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1901. v. 9; p. 363- 94.) Larpenteur, Charles. Forty years a fur trader on the upper Mis- souri, personal narrative, 1833-1872; ed. by Elliott Coues. 2v. N. Y., 1898. (Amer. explorers series.) Larrabee, J. H. Experiments in apiculture, 1892. Wash., 1893. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of: Entomology^ div, of. Bulletin, no. 30.) Larrabee, Rev. William C. Influence of Christianity on the mind. Hallowell, 1836. Larroque. See Laroque. La Rue, Charles de., ed. Virgilius Maro, Publius. Opera. 1798. Larue, Hubert. Catholic religious corporations of the city of Quebec, tr. from the French. Quebec, 1870. La Salle, Rene Robert Cavelier, sieur de. Memoir on the neces- sity of fitting out an expedition to take possession of Louisiana. (In French, B. F. Hist. coll. of La. 1846. v. i; p. 25-50.) La Saussaye, Jean Frangois de Paule Louis Petit de, ed. Journal de conchyliologie. 1850. Las Casas. See Casas, Bartolome de las. Lasell seminary, Auburndale (Mass.). Annual catalogue, 1893, '95-9. V. 41, 43-7. Bost., 1893-9. Lassar, Oscar, M. D. Deutsche kurorte, eine festschrift fur die mitglieder des 10 internationalen medicinischen congresses. Ber., 1890. Latane, John Holladay. Diplomacy of the United States in re- gard to Cuba. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1898. V. 9; p. 219-77.) Early relations between Maryland and Virginia. Bait., 1895. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1895. v. 13, no. 3-4.) Latham, Robert Gordon, M. D., tr. Sydenham, Thomas, M. D. Works. 1848-50. Latham, Williams. Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Mass. Bridge- water, 1882. Lathrop, Rev. Daniel W. Case of general assembly of the Presby- terian church. Phil., 1839. Lathrop, John, ed. Gentlemen's pocket register and free-mason's annual anthology, n. d. Lathrop, John, D. D. 1740-1816. Biographical memoir of John Lo- thropp. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1838. v. 11; p. 163-78.) Importance of early piety; illustrated in a discourse preached at the desire of a religious society of young men in Medford, N. E., March 20, 1771. Bost., 1771. Lathrop, Joseph, D. D. Damnable heresies defined and described, a sermon preached June 15, 1808. Brookfield, 1821. God's challenge to infidels to defend their cause, illustrated and applied in a sermon delivered May 4, 1797, being the day of general fast. Ed. 3. Camb., 1805. Lathrop, M. C, M. D. Chloroform as a remedy in pharyngeal diphtheria, n. p. 1900. Lathrop. See also Lothrop. Latimer, John. Bristol; its associations and surroundings in con- nection with the visit of the British association for the advance- ment of science, 1898. Bristol, n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 767 Latour, Arsene Lacarriere. Historical memoir of the war in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814-15, tr. by H. P. Nugent. Phil., 1816. La Tourrette, John. Accurate map of the state of Alabama and W^st Florida. N. Y., 1837. Note : scale 24.5 cm. to 1 degree. Accurate map or delineation of the state of Mississippi with a large portion of Louisiana and Alabama. N. Y., 1845. Note : scale 6 miles to 1 inch. Latreille, Pierre Andre. Considerations generales sur I'ordre naturel des animaux, composant les classes des crustaces, des arachnides et des insectes. Par., 1810. Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1807-78. Report on the Troy and Green- field railroad and Hoosac tunnel. Bost., 1869. Latrobe, John Hazlehurst Boneval. First steamboat voyage on the western waters. Bait., 1871. (In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1871. no. 6.) Lost chapter in the history of the steamboat. Bait., 1871. (In Md. hist. soc. Pub. 1871. no. 5.) Memoir of Benjamin Banneker, read before the Maryland historical society, May i, 1845. Bait., 1845. Latta, James. Practical system of surgery. 3v. Edin., 1795. Latta, Samuel A., M. D. Cholera in Cincinnati; or, A connected view of the controversy between the homeopathists and the Methodist expositor. Cine, 1850. Lauer, Paul Erasmus. Church and state in New England. Bait., 1892. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies, v. 10, no. 2-3.) Laughlin, Abigail Hill. Tariff in general and the Wilson bill in particular. Bost., 1896. Laughlin, James Laurence, History of bimetallism in the United States. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1897. tr. EUstatter, Karl. Indian silver currency; an historical and economic study. 1895. ed. Monetary commission of the Indianapolis monetary con- vention, 1897-8. Report of boards of trade, chambers of com- merce, commercial clubs, and other similar bodies of the United States. 1898. Laughton, Charles E. Message to the legislature of 1891. Olym- pia, 1891. Laughton, John Knox. National study of naval history. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1898. v. 22; p. 81-93.) Laura memorial woman's medical college. Circular of information for 1901-2. Cine, 1901. Laurence, John Zachariah. Diagnosis of surgical cancer. Ed. 2. Lond., 1858. Laurens, Henry. Narrative of his capture and of his confinement in the tower of London. (In S. C. hist. soc. Coll. 1857. v. i; p. 18-83.) Laurie, A. P. Food of plants, an introduction to agricultural chemistry. Lond., 1893. Laurie, Thomas, D. D. Ely volume; or. The contributions of our foreign missions to science and human all-being. Ed. 2. Bost., 1885. Historical discourse preached at the South evangelical church, West Roxbury, June 10, i860. Bost., 1861. Magistrates minister of God to punish evil-doers; a discourse delivered in the orthodox Congregational church, West Rox- bury, Mass. Bost., 1852. Semi-centennial discourse; delivered at West Roxbury, Mass., on the 50th anniversary of the South Evangelical church. Bost., 768 AUTHOR LIST. Lausanne: Musees d'histoire naturelle. Rapports annuels. Lausanne, 1889. : Musee geologiqiie. Rapport sur la marche du musee geolo- gique vaudois en 1885. Lausanne, 1886. Laval university. See (L*)Universite Laval. : Medical school. See (L') Ecole de medecine et de chirurgie de Montreal. Laveleye, Emile Louis Victor de. Balkan peninsula; tr. by Mrs. Thorpe. N. Y., 1887. Luxury. Ed. 2. Lond., 1891. (Social sci. ser, no. 24.) Progress of education in Russia. {In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1875. no. 3; p. 29-47.) Laverdiere, ahhe, and Casgrain, ahhe. Journal des Jesuites. Quebec, 1871. Laverdiere, C. H., ed. Champlain, Samuel de. CEuvres. 1870. Lavista, Rafel, ed. Revista quincenal de anatomia patologica y clinicas medica y quirurgica. 1896. Law, Alice. English nouveaux-riches in the 14th century, (/m Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1895. v. 19; p. 49-73.) Law, George, tr. Boussingault, J. B. Rural economy in its rela- tions with chemistry, physics, and meteorology; or, Chemistry applied to agriculture. 1845. Law, John. Jesuit missionaries in the North-west; an address de- livered at Cincinnati, Jan. 31, 1855. (-^'^ Wis. state hist. soc. Coll. 1857. V. 3; p. 87-138.) Law, William. Historical collections. {In Georgia hist. soc. Coll. 1840. V. i; p. 1-41.) Practical treatise upon Christian perfection, ist Amer. edi- tion. Ports., 1822. Law almanac for the year 1870. N. Y., 1870. Law and order league of New Hampshire. Decisions of the su- preme court upon the right of pharmacists to sell or keep for sale spirituous liquors uncompounded. n. p. n. d. Liquor agencies, n. p. n. d. Law association of Philadelphia. Argument on behalf of certain proposed legislation. Phil., 1884. Charter and by-laws. Phil., 1880. Law library association of St. Louis. Catalogue of the library. St. L., 1895. Laws, J. B., and others, anon. Soil of the farm, N. Y., 1893. Lawler, Thomas Bonaventure, ed. American-Irish historical soci- ety. Journal. 1898. Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland. N. Y., 1889. (Story of the nations.) Lawrence, A. H. Examination of Hume's argument on the sub- ject of miracles. Wash., 1845. Lawrence, Abbott. Letters from Abbott Lawrence to W. C. Rives of Virginia. Bost., 1846. Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from his diary and correspondence, ed. by W. R. Lawrence. Bost., 1855. Bost., 1856. Lawrence, Edward A., D. D. Discourse on the death of Daniel Webster, delivered Oct. 31, 1852. Bost., 1852. {In Eulogies of Webster, no. 12.) Does "Everlasting punishment" last forever? Ed. 2. Bost., 1880. Lawrence, George N. Birds of western and northwestern Mexico. {In Bost. soc. of nat. hist. Memoirs. 1871-8. v. 2; p. 265-319.) Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained in Guadeloupe by F. A. Ober. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 449-62.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 769 Lawrence, George N. Catalogue of a collection of birds obtained in Guadaloupe by F. A. Ober. (/;/ Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. V. 19, pt. I ; p. 449-62.) Catalogue of the birds collected in Martinique by F. A. Ober. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. v. i; p. 349-60.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i ; p. 349-60.) Catalogue of the birds of Antigua and Barbuda, from collec- tions made b}^ F. A. Ober. (In U. S. : National museum. Pro- ceed. 1879. V. i; p. 232-42.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 232-42.) Catalogue of the birds of Dominica from collections made by F. A. Ober. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. V. i; p. 48^69.) In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 48-69.) Catalogue of the birds of Grenada, from a collection made by F. A. Ober. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1879. V. i; p. 265-78.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 265-78.) Catalogue of the birds of St. Vincent from collections made by F. A. Ober. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1879. V. i; p. 185-98.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. i; p. 185-98.) ed. Sumichrast, Francis E. Birds of southwestern Mexico. (In U. S. : National museum. Bulletin. 1875. no. 4.) (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1878. v. 13.) ed. Wells, John Grant. Catalogue of the birds of Grenada, West Indies. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1887. v. 9; p. 609-33) Lawrence, J. J., M. D., ed. Medical brief. 1877-86. Lawrence, James H. Pioneer recollections. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 18; p. z6o-72>) Lawrence, John, ed. Hubbard, B. F., comp. Forests and clearings. 1874. Lawrence, Rev. John. In memoriam, the family of John Lawrehce continued; the family of Philip Goss; the family of Selah Pom- roy. Alb., 1881. Lawrence, Joseph W. Medical men of St. John in its first half century. (In N. B. hist. soc. Coll. 1894. v. i; p. 273-305.) Lawrence, Rev. Robert F. Lectures to youth; containing instruc- tions preparatory to their entrance upon the active duties of life. Bost., 1848. New Hampshire churches; comprising histories of the Con- gregational and Presbyterian churches in the state. Clare., 1856. Sermon at the installation of Rev. J. Wood. Windsor, 1850. Lawrence, Robert M., M. D. Historical sketches of some members of the Lawrence family. Bost., 1888. Therapeutic value of the iodide of ethyl, n. p. n. d. Lawrence, Samuel C. Catalogue of the Masonic library, masonic medals, Washingtoniana, etc. Bost., 1891. Lawrence, Thomas. Historical genealogy of the Lawrence family. N. Y., 1858. Lawrence, William. i748(?)-i845. Orderly book. (In Bangor hist. mag. 1889. v. 5; p. 146-55.) Lawrence, William, 1783-1867. Lectures on surgery delivered in St. Bartholomew's hospital. Lond., 1863. Treatise on hernia. Lond., 1807. Treatise on rupture containing an anatomical description of each species, ed. by Joseph Parrish. Phil., 181 1. 770 AUTHOR LIST. Lawrence, William. Treatise on the diseases of the eye. Wash., 1834. . From the last Lond. ed., ed. by Isaac Hays. Phil., 1843. Lawrence, William, bp. 1850-. Basis and objects of the P. E. church temperance society. N. Y., 1882. G. Z. Gray, a memorial sermon preached at St. John's Memo- rial chapel, Cambridge, Mass., Nov. i, 1889. n. p. 1890. Life of A. A. Lawrence with extracts from his diary and cor- respondence. Bost., 1899. Seventy-fifth anniversary of the consecration of St. Paul's church, Boston, a sermon. Bost., 1895. Lawrence, Rev. William I. Prayer, n. p. n. d. Lawrence, William R., M. D., ed. Lawrence, Amos. Extracts from his diary and correspondence. 1855. 1856. Lawrence (Kans.): Education, board of. Annual report for the year ending July, 1883. v. j6. Lawrence, 1883. Lawrence (Mass.): Free public library. Annual report, v. i, 3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17-29- Lawrence, 1873-87. Catalogue, 1873. Lawrence, 1873. Lawrence, 1883. : School committee. Annual report, 1899. Lawrence, 1900. Lawrence academy, Groton (Mass.). Acts relating to Lawrence academy. Groton, 1894. Catalogue, 1852, '54, '59, '64, '65, '68, '72, '74, '75, '78-87, '89-90, '91-3, '95-7, '99-1902. V. p. 1852-1902. Financial history, with a statement of its funds now available. Groton, 1895. General catalogue, i793-i893- Groton, 1893. Catalogue of the officers and students from the time of its incorporation. Groton, 1855. (Bound with its Jubilee, 1854.) Jubilee, July 12, i8S4- N. Y., 1855. Memorial soliciting aid in rebuilding. Groton, 1868. Proceedings at the celebration of the anniversary. Groton, 1883. Prospectus, 1899. Bost, 1899. Report of the finance committee, 1896. Groton, 1896, Lawrence university messenger, no. 4. Appleton, 1892. Lawrence university of Wisconsin. Annual catalogue, 1872, '79-80, '81-2, '83-6, '89-92, '93-4. V. 23, 30, 32, 34-6, 40-2, 44. Appleton, 1872-94. Circular, 1889. n. p. 1889. Lawrenceville school, Lawrenceville (N. /.). Catalogue, 1883-4, '85-6, '94-5, 98-9. Princeton, 1883-98. Laws, Samuel Spahr, M. D. Thesis on the dual constitution of man; or, Nefiro-psychology. N. Y., 1875. Lawson, Andrew Cowper. Anorthosytes of the Minnesota coast of Lake Superior. Minneapolis, 1893. (In Minn.: Geol. and natural hist, survey. Bulletin. 1893. no. 8.) Lawson, Leonidas Merion, M. D. Practical treatise of phthisis pulmonaris. Cine, 1861. Lawson, Col. Thomas, ed. United States: Surgeon-generaVs office. Army meteorological register from 1843 to 1854. 1855. See also United States: Surgeon-General's office. Lawson, Thomas B. Early history of textile fabrics. (/;/ Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 305-17-) Lowell and Newburyport. (In Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1879.. v. i; p. 212-28.) Lawton, Memoir of part of the life of William Penn. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1834. v. 3, pt. 2; p. 212-31.) Lawton, Frederick. Historical sketch of the Middlesex mechanics association. (In Old Residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1900. V. 6; pt. 3; P- 279-322.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKAKY. 771 Lawton, George W. American caucus system, its origin, purpose and utility. N. Y., 1885. (Questions of the day ser. no. 25.) Historical sketch of Van Buren county, Mich. {In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1881. v. 3; P- 625-37.) Lawton, Mrs. James M. Emblematic flower and distinguishing color of the Huguenots. (In Huguenot soc. of Amer. Pro- ceed. 1888-91. V. 2; p. 237-60.) Lawton, William Cranston. Notes on Bunarbashi and other sites in the Troad. (In Clarke, J. T. Report on the investigations at Assos. 1882. p. 143-65-) Lawyers of Concord, N. H., 1895. Cone, 1895. Lay, Ezra D. Condensed early history of several towns in Wash- tenaw county, Mich. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1892. V. 17; p. 450-62.) Lay, Henry Champlin, bp. "Ardent longing" of the Anglican communion for peace and unity. N. Y., 1874. Blessedness of obedience' as the rule of life; a sermon preached in the chapel of Lehigh university. Reading, 1882. Letters to a man bewildered among many counsellors. Ed. 4. N. Y., 1858. Laycock, Craven, and Hapgood, Herbert Jackson. Echoes from Dartmouth. 1895. Laycock, Thomas, M. D. Essay on hysteria. Phil., 1840. Lectures on the principles and methods of medical observa- tion and research. Phil., 1857. tr. and ed. Unzer, Johannes Augustus. Principles of physi- ology. 1851. Layman, pseud. Pusseyite developments; or, Notices of the New York ecclesiologist. N. Y., 1850. (Bound with White, William, bp. Sermon. 1833.) Layman, pseud. Remarks on the modern doctrine of the Universa- lists. Bost., 1824. Layman, pseud. Revolution for the churches so far as it may apply; or, What the silent are thinking. Otisfield Gore, 1891. Layman, pseud. Scripture directory to baptism. N. Y., 1831. Layman, pseud. Some questions and answers about Christian giv- ing; or, Paying what we owe. n. p. n. d. Layman of Alabama, pseud. Four letters to a Baptist. N. Y. n. d. Layman's association of East Genesee conference of the M. E. church. Proceedings, 1857. n. p. 1858. Layman's plea on divorce, read before the convocation of New Brunswick, N. J. n. p. n. d. Lazenby, William Pane. Horticulture and health. (In Amer. assQC. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1897. v. 55; p. 219-34.) Lea, Henry Charles. Absolution formula of the Templars. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1893. v. 5; p. 37-58.) Description of some new fossil shells from the tertiary of Petersburg, Va. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1846. V. 9; P- 229-74.) Martyrdom of San Pedro Arbues. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Papers. 1889. v. 3; p. 1 189-1209.) Lea, Isaac. Description of a new genus of the family naiades, in- cluding eight species. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1830. V. 3; p. 403-57.) Description of new freshwater and land shells. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1839-53. v. 6; p. 1-154. v. 8; p. 163-252. V. 9; p. 1-31, 275-82. V. 10; p. 67-iOT, 253-305.) Description of new species of unionidje. Phil., 1859. Description of nineteen new species of colimacea. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1841. v. 7; p. 455-65.) Description of six new species of the genus unio. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1830. v. 3; p. 259-73.) 772 AUTHOR LIST. Lea, Isaac. Descriptions of new species of unionidse. Phil., i860. Observations on the naiades and descriptions of that and other families. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1834-7. V. 4; p. 63-123. V. 5, P- 23-119.) On the fossil footmarks in the red sandstones of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, Penn. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. V. 10; p. 307-17-) Synopsis of the family unionidae. Ed. 4. Phil., 1870. and others. Checklists of the shells of North America. Wash., i860. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862. v. 2.) Leach, Josiah Granville. Genealogical and biographical memo- rials of the Reading, Howell, Yerkes, Watts, Latham, and El- kins families. Phil., 1898. Leach, Capt. William B. Army of the Potomac. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 422-39.) Leach library, Londonderry (N. H.). Catalogue. Londonderry, 1880. Supplementary catalogue, n. p. n. d. (Bound with its Catalogue. 1880.) Catalogue. Derry, 1891. Supplemental catalogue, n. p. 1893. n. p. 1895. Leadam, Isaac Saunders, ed. Domesday inquisition of 1517-1518. 2v. Lond., 1897. ed. Inquisition of 1517; inclosures and evictions. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1892-4. v. 16; p. 167-314. v. 17; p. 127-292. V. 18; p. 253-331.) Narrative of the pursuit of English refugees in Germany under Queen Mary. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. v. 21; p. 113-31.) Leader, Richard. Letters to John Winthrop. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1888. v. 23; p. 190-7.) League in aid of the Mexican branch of the Church. Annual report, 1877-8, '79-8i- v. 2, 4-5. N. Y., 1878-81. League of American wheelmen, ed. L. A. W. bulletin and good roads, 1895-1900. League of the red, white and blue. Patriotic poems. Brooklyn, 1896. Leake, Joseph B. Campaign of the army of the frontier. (In Loyal legion of U. S. : 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. V. 2; p. 269-87.) Some recollections of a southern prison. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1891. v. i; p. 345-68.) Leaming, James Roseburgh, M. D. Contributions to the study of the heart and lungs. N. Y., 1887. Significance of disturbed action and functional murmurs of the heart. (In N. Y. acad. of med. Trans. 1876. v. 5; p. 117-41.) Leander McCormick observatory. Publications, v. i, pt. 1-7. Charlottesville, 1883-96. Lear, T. Last words of General Washington, n. p. n. d. Learned, Rro. John Calvin. True safety. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Uni- tarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 5, no. 19.) Unitarianism; its history and principles. St. L., 1878. Learned, Walter. Oration at the 250th anniversary of New Lon- don. (In N. L. county hist. soc. Records. 1895. v. 2; p. 240- 57.) Learned societies of Philadelphia. Banquet, Sept. 17, 1887, closing the ceremonies in commemoration of the framing and signing of the constitution of the U. S. Phil., 1888. Leary, Lieut. Peter. Ancient defences of Portland. (In Me. hist, soc. Coll. 1896. V. 17; p. 1-22.) NEW HAMPSHIEE STATE LTBEARY. 773 Leasure, Col. Daniel. Personal observations and experiences. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1887. v. i; p. 135-66.) Leavell, Rev. William Hayne. National calamity; a sermon preached Sept. 25, 1881. n. p. i88i(?) Leavenworth, Francis P. Micrometrical measu-rements of double stars and other observations made at Haverford college observa- tory. (In Haverford college; Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. i; p. 19-87.) Parallax of Delta Herculis. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 11; p. 56-82.) Parallax of Lalande ii96=South 503. (In Haverford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 10; p. 36-56.) and Collins, William H. Double star observations. (In Hav- erford college: Faculty. Studies, n. d. no. 11; p. 83-108.) Leavitt, Dudley, comp. Leavitt's farmer's almanack. 1796-1855. cojnp. New Hampshire register and United States calendar. 1811-17. 1811-17. cd. Pike, Nicolas. System of arithmetic, abridged. 1827. Leavitt, Joshua. Easy lessons in reading. Keene, 1836. Leavitt, John McDowell, D. D. Commencement address; engine, anvil, lathe and foundry in St. John's college, June 15, 1881. Annapolis, n. d. Leavitt, Victor. Map, with views, of the White Mountains, N. H. Lancaster, 1882. Leavitt, William B., contin. Leavitt's farmer's almanack. 1856- 1902. Leavitt's farmer's almanack for 1797-1901. no. i, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31- 2,2, 35-106. V. p. 1796-1902. Note : title in earlier numbers varies. 2 copies of 1821. Lebanon (N. H.). Annual report of the selectmen and other town officers for the year ending Feb. 15, 1870, '77, '80-5, '88-1902. Lebanon, 1870-1902. : Education, hoard of. Annual report for the year 1892-3. Leb- anon, 1893. : High and graded schools. Catalogue for 189 1-2. Lebanon, 1891. Lebanon (N. H.) Soldiers' memorial building association. Sec Soldiers' memorial building association, Lebanon (N. H.). Lebanonian, issued first of every rnonth. v. 1-2. Lebanon, 1897-9. Lebert, Sigismund, and Stark, Louis. Grand theoretical and prac- tical piano school for systematic instruction; tr. fr. the 7th Ger- man ed. by C. E. R. Muller. Ed. 5. Stuttg., 1878. Lebesconte, P. Les Poudingues rouges de Montfort. Tours, 1891. Le Bosquet, Rev. John. Congregational manual; or, A concise ex- position of the belief, government and usages of the Congrega- tional churches; with an introduction by Rev. B. P. Stone. Bost., 1841. Memoir of M. H. Sumner. Bost., 1848. Memorial, with reminiscences, historical, personal and char- acteristic of John Farmer. Bost., 1884. Le Brun, Charles, ed. Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe, abp. (Les) aventures de Telemaque. 1830. Lechford, Thomas. Note-book kept in Boston, Mass., Bay, from June 27, 1638, to July 29, 1641. Camb., 1885. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Archaeol. Amer. 1885. v. 7.) Plain dealing; or, Newes from New England, a short view of New England's present government, both ecclesiastical and civil. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1833. v. 23; p. 55-128.) With an introduction by J. H. Trumbull. Bost, 1867. 774 AUTHOR LIST. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the i8th century. 8v. N. Y., 1887-90. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne. Ed. 3. 2v. N. Y., 1897. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe. Rev. ed. 2v. N. Y., 1872. Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel. Second part of the compleat surgeon, containing an exact and compleat treatise of osteology; Eng- lish'd from the French. Lond., 1710. Le Clercq, Chretien. First establishment of the faith in New France; tr. by J. G. Shea. 2v. N. Y., 1881. Le Conte, John, M. D. Observations on a remarkable exudation of ice from the stems of vegetables, {hi Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1850. v. 3; p. 20-34.) Observations on the freezing of vegetables and the causes which enable some plants to endure the action of extreme cold. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; p. 338-58.) On the optical phenomena presented by the "Silver Spring" in Marion county, Fla. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; p. 33-45-) Preliminary researches on the alleged influence of solar light on the process of combustion. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1858. v. 11;. p. 93-I09-) Le Conte, John Lawrence, M. D. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1876. v. 24; p. 1-18.) Classification of the coleoptera of North America. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1862-74. v. 3; 286p. v. 11; p. 279-348.) Coleoptera of Kansas and eastern New Mexico. {In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. 1859. v. 11.) Hints for the promotion of economic entomology. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1874. v. 22; p. 10-24.) List of the coleoptera of North America. Wash., 1863-6. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867. v. 6.) New species of North American coleoptera. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867-74. v. 6; I77p. v. 11; p. 169-240.) Notes on the classification of the carabidse of the U. S. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. v. 10; p. 363-403) Notes on the geology of the survey for the extension of the Union Pacific railway. Phil., 1868. On lightning bugs. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1881. v. 29; p. 650-9.) Revision of the elateridse of the United States. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. v. 10; p. 405-508.) and Horn, George Henry, M. D. Classification of the coleop- tera of North America. Wash., 1883. {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1883. V. 26.) Le Conte, Joseph. Address; theories of the origin of mountain ranges. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1894. V. 42; p. 1-29.) Compend of geology. N. Y., 1884. Correlation of physical, chemical and vital force. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed, i860, v. 13; p. 187- 203.) Elements of geology. N. Y., 1878. N. Y., 1882. N. Y., 1891. Evolution, its nature, its evidences, and its relation to religious thought. Ed. 2, rev. N. Y., 1896. Higher utilities of science. San Fran., 1881. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 775 Le Conte, Joseph. On the agency of the gulf-stream in the forma- tion of the peninsula of Florida. {In Amer. assoc. for the ad- vance, of sci. Proceed. 1857. v. 10; pt. 2; p. 103-18.) Lecouteux, Edouard. Traite elementaire de I'agriculture du de- partment de la Seine. Par., 1840. Lectures on the evidences of Christianity, delivered at the Univer- sity of Virginia. N. _Y., 1853. Le Dran, Henry Frangois. Consultations on most of the disorders that require the assistance of surgery; tr. by Alexander Reid. Lond., 1766. Operations in surgery, tr, by Thomas Gataker, with remarks by William Cheselden. Ed. 4. Lond., 1768. Lee, Alfred, bp. Church in the house. N. Y., 1853. Proper function of the Christian ministry. Phil., 1876. N. ¥., 1878. True nature of the kingdom of God. N. Y., 1857. Unsearchable riches of Christ the theme of the ministry, a sermon delivered 1843. N. Y., 1843. (Bound with White, Wil- liam, bp. Sermon. 1833.) World's ignorance and the gospel's power, a sermon preached at Cambridge, Mass., 1886. n. p. n. d. Lee, Benjamin, M. D., ed. American medical monthly, v. 17-18. 1861-2. Lee, Maj.-gen. Charles. Papers of Maj-gen. Charles Lee. 4v. N. Y., 1872-5. (Ill N. Y. hist. soc. Coll. 1872-5. v. 12-15.) Lee, Charles Alfred, M. D. Elements of geology. N. Y., 1840. ed. Pereira, Jonathan, M. D. Treatise on food and diet. 1843. Lee, Mrs. Eliza (Buckminster). Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buck- minster and of his son, Rev. J. S. Buckminster. Bost., 1849. Lee, Maj.-gen. Fitzhugh. General Lee. N. Y., 1899. (Great com- manders series.) Lee, Francis Bazley. Supreme court of New Jersey. {In Bell, Clark. Supreme court of the states and provinces of North America. 1892. v. i; p. 57-88.) Lee, Guy Carlton. Hincmar; an introduction to the study of the revolution in the organization of the church in the 9th century. {In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 231-60.) Source-book of English history, leading documents together with illustrative material from contemporary writers and a bibliography of sources. N. Y., 1900. Lee, Henry, ed. Sewall, Jonathan. Letters. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1896. v. 30; p. 407-27.) Lee, Henry, and Kinnard, Martin P., ed. Monument to R. G. Shaw, its inception, completion and unveiling, 1865-1897. Bost., 1897. Lee, Maj.-gen. Henry. Funeral oration on Washington. {In Old South leaflets. 1895. v. 2; Gen. ser. no. 38.) {In Selection of orations and eulogies. 1800. v. 3-14.) Lee, Maj. Henry T. Last campaign of the army of the Potomac from a "mud-crusher's" point of view. n. p. n. d. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Cal. commandery. War papers, n, d. no. 10.) Lee, Henry Washington, bp. Missionary work at home and abroad. n. p. 1852. {Bound with H., C. Review. 1845.) Papal aggression. Rochester, 1851. {Bound with Home, George, bp. Doctrine. 1831.) Lee, J. M. Manual of financial values and fluctuations, 1896. N. Y., 1896. Lee, John G., M. D. Homicide and suicide in the city and county of Philadelphia during a decade, 1871 to 1881. Phil. n. d. Lee, John Stebbins, D. D. Sketch of Col. John Hawkes of Deer- field. {In Pocumtuck valley mem, assoc. Hist. 1898. v. 2; p. 63-82.) 776 AUTHOR LIST. Lee, Leonard, cd. Re-union of the descendants of John Lee at Farmington, Conn., Aug. 12 and 13, 1896. Meriden, 1896. and Lee, Sarah Fiske, cotnp. John Lee of Farmington, Conn., and his descendants. Meriden, 1897. Lee, Mary V., and Hadley, Hiram. English grammar. Chic, 1874. Lee, Richard Henry. Observations of the system of government proposed by the late convention. (In Ford, P. L. Pamphlets. 1888. p. 277-326.) Lee, Robert, M. D. On puerperal fever and crural phlebitis. (In Meigs, C. D., M. D. History of puerperal fever. 1842. p. 211- , 335-) Lee, Rev. Samuel. Historic discourse delivered at the centennial celebration of the First Congregational church in New Ipswich, Oct. 22, i860. Manch., 1861. Memoir of Timothy Farrar, with a sketch of Mrs. Sarah Far- rar, by A. P. Peabody. Bost., 1875. Public Christian worship; a sermon preached at the dedica- tion of the Congregational meeting-house at New Ipswich, Feb. 5, 1852. Cone, 1852. Lee, Rear-adm. Samuel Phillips. Report and charts of the cruise of the U. S. brig Dolphin, v. 2. Wash., 1854. Lee, Sarah Fiske, and Lee, Leonsird, comp. John Lee of Farming- ton, Conn. 1897. Lee, Sidney, ed. Dictionary of national biography, supplement. V. 1-3. N. Y., 1901. and Stephen, Leslie, ed. Dictionary of national biography. 1885-1900. Lee, Thomas J. National class book; a selection of exercises in reading. Ed. 2. Hallowell, 1830. Lee, William Wallace, comp. Catalogue of Barkhamsted men who served in the various wars, 1775 to 1865. Meriden, 1897. Historical address at the dedication of the soldiers' monu- ment at Barkhamsted, Sept. 10, 1897. Meriden, 1899. anofi. Lee family; quarter-millennial gathering held in Hart- ford, Conn., Aug. 5th and 6th, 1884. Meriden, 1885. Lee (Mass.). Records from its incorporation to 1801. Lee, 1900. Lee (N. H.). Annual report for the year ending Feb. 15, 1881-5, '87-9, '91-1902. Dover, 1881-1902. Leech, Rev. Samuel V. Mission of good templarship; address at the anniversary of the Independent order of Good templars, April 29, 1868. Bait., 1868. Leeds, Albert R. Composition and methods of analysis of human milk. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance of sci. Proceed. 1885. V. 2Z; p. 198-223.) and Wurtz, Henry. Reports to the Board of public works of Jersey City on analyses of the water of the Passaic river. Jer- sey City, 1873. Leeds, Josiah W. Against the teaching of war in history text- books. Phil. n. d. Dress parade at West Point. Phil., 1893. anon. Ought Christians to engage in war? n. p. n. d. Leeds, Samuel Penniman, D. D. Address at the funeral of Capt. L. D. Gove, delivered at Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1863. God's work of preparation; a sermon for Thanksgiving day, 1862. Hanover, 1862. Historical sketch. (In Hanover (N. H.) Cong, church at Dartmouth college. Manual. 1895. p. 5-19.) "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done"; a discourse delivered on the national fast, Sept. 26, 1861. Windsor, 1861. Leek, Rev. John W. Historical sermon, preached in St. J^Iichael's church, Marblehead, Mass., at the occasion of its 158th anniver- sary, Sept. 29, 1872. Peabod3% 1873. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 777 Leese, Jacob P. Historical outline of Lower California. N. Y., 1865. Leeson, J. R., & Co. Flax, shall it be free or protected? Bost., 1888. Lefevre, Ralph. Huguenots of Ulster county, N. Y. {In Hist. soc. of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Papers. 1894. P- 41-55.) Leffingwell, Albert, M. D. Dangerous ideal. Prov. n. d. Illegitimacy and the influence of seasons upon conduct. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. (Social science series, no. 49.) ■ Vivisection. N. Y. n. d. Vivisection. Phil. n. d. Leffmann, Henry, M. D., ed. Allen, Alfred H. Commercial analy- sis. 1898-9. ed. Polyclinic, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery. V. 4-5. 1886-8. Lefroy, Lt.-gen. Sir John Henry. Comparison of the apparent di- urnal laws of the irregular fluctuations of the magnetical ele- ments at the stations of observation in North America. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1852. v. 6; p. 175-87.) Legare, Hugh Swinton. Writings, prefaced by a memoir of his life, ed. by his sister, M. S. Legare. 2v. Charleston, 1846. Legare, Mary S., ed. Legare, Hugh Swinton. Writings. 1846. Legendre, Adrien Marie. Elements of geometry and trigonometry, tr. by Charles Davies. N. Y., i860. Leger, Louis. History of Austro-Hungary, tr. by Mrs. Birkbeck Hill. N. Y., 1889. ^ Leggett, Maj.-geii. Mortimer D. Battle of Atlanta; a paper read before the society of the Army of the Tennessee, Oct. 18, 1883. Cleve., 1883. ]\Iilitary and the mob. {In Loyal legion of the U. S.: Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1888. v. i; p. 188-97.) Leggett, William. Collection of the political writings; selected and arranged by Theodore Sedgwick. 2v. N. Y., 1840. Leggo, William. History of the administration of Frederick Tem- ple, earl of Dufiferin. Montreal, 1878. Legion of honor. See American legion of honor. (La) legislation du travail en Belgique et le principe d'une legis- lation internationale du travail. Bruxelles, 1887. Legislative manual containing the constitution of North Dakota, 1889-97. Bismarck, 1890-97. Legislative manual of the state of Colorado, 1877. v. i. Denver, , i?77.. Legislative manual of the state of Minnesota, 1879, '89-1901. Min- neapolis, 1879-1901. Legislative manual of the state of New York for 1842, '54-6, '58- 60, '62, '62>, '65, '67-72, '75-9, '82-3, '85-1901. Alb., 1842-1901. Lehigh university. Courses of instruction. South Bethlehem, 1898. ^ Register, 1877-8, '81-91, '92-1902. Bethlehem, 1878-1902. Lehigh valley medical association, ed. Lehigh valley medical mag- azine. 1891-1900. Lehigh valley medical magazine, monthly, v. 2, no. 4; v. 3-1 1. Easton, 1890-1900. Note : v. 1-5 was quarterly Lehman, Rev. John. Man's immortality and resurrection. Phil., 1872. Leicester (Mass.). Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the organization of the town of Leicester, July 4, 1871. Camb., 1871. Leicester academy, Leicester (Mass.). Centenary held Sept. 4, 1884, including the historical address by W. W. Rice. Wore, 1884. 778 AUTHOR LIST. Leidy, Joseph, M. D. Ancient fauna of Nebraska. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1854. v. 6.) Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the Western ^territories. Wash., 1873. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories, v. i.) Cretaceous reptiles of the United States. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1865. v. 14.) Flora and fauna within living animals. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1853. v. 5, art. 2.) Fresh-water rhizopods of North America. Wash., 1879. (-^^ U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Report. 1879. v. 12.) < Memoir of the extinct dicotylinae of America. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1853. v. 10; p. 325-43.) Memoir on the extinct sloth tribe of North America. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1855. v. 7.) Memoir on the extinct species of American ox. (In Smith- sonian inst. Contrib. 1853. v. 5, art. 3.) ed. Quain, Jones, M. D. Human anatomy. 1849. Leigh, Dora, tr. Verne, Jules. Exploration of the world. 1887. Leigh, Edwin. Illiteracy in the United States. (In U. S.: Educa- tion, bureau of. Report for 1870. 1871. p. 467-502.) Leigh, Mrs. Jane. Facts in relation to Mrs. Leigh's system of cur- ing stammering. Troy, 1826. Leigh, Joseph. Illustrations of the fulfillment of the prediction pi Merlin. Ed. 2. Ports., 1807. Leigh, M. A. New pocket road-book of England and Wales. Ed. 4. Lond., 1833- Leigh, Oliver H. G. English belles-lettres from 901 to 1834. Wash., 1901. Leighton, Alton W., M. D. Sanitary training in the public schools, n. p. n. d. Leighton, George E. Annual address of the President; Jan. 1883. {In Mo. hist. soc. Pub. 1883. no. 7.) Leighton, Levi. Centennial historical sketch of the town of Colum- bia; gathered from town and family records from 1796 to 1896. Columbia Falls, i896(?) Leighton, R. F. Greek lessons adapted to Goodwin's Greek gram- mar, and intended as an introduction to his Greek reader. Bost., 1871. comp. Harvard examination papers. Ed. 6. Bost., 1877. Latin lessons, adapted to Allen and Greenough's Latin gram- mar. Bost., 1882. Leishman, William, M. D. System of midwifery. Glasgow, 1873. System of midwifery, including the diseases of pregnancy and the puerperal state; 3d Amer. ed. rev. with additions by J. S. Parry. Phil., 1879. Leland, C. P. Ohio railroad, that famous structure built on stilts. Cleve., n. d. (In Western reserve hist. soc. Tracts. 1892. v. 3, no. 81.) Leland, Charles G. Industrial art in schools. Wash., 1882. (In U. S. : Education, bureau of. Circular of information. 1882. no. 4.) Leland, John, D. D. Advantage and necessity of Christian revela- tion. 2v. Phil., 1818. Leland, P. W. Algonquin, or Indian terms as applied to places and things. (In Old colony hist. soc. Coll. 1885. v. 3; p. 83-103.) Leland, Sherman. Leland magazine; or, A genealogical record of Henry Leland and his descendants. Bost., 1850. Leland, Thomas, D. D., tr. Demosthenes. Orations. 1832. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 779 Leland Stanford junior university. Addresses at the loth annual commencement, May 29, 1901. Palo Alto, 1901. Annual register, 1892-1901. v. 2-10. Palo Alto, 1893-1901. Publications, no. i. Palo Alto, 1895 Note : no more pub. : Hopkins seaside laboratory. Contributions to biology, v. 1-4, 16-17. V. p. 1895-8. : Library. Catalogue of the Hopkins railway library. Palo Alto, 1895. Leland university. Catalogue, 1896-1900. v. 27-30. Atlanta, 1897- 1900. Le Lorrain(?), anon. (La) vie et les actions de monseigneur Chris- tofle Bernard de Galen. Leide, 1681. Lemaistre de Saci, Isaac Louis. L'histoire du Vieux et du Nouveau Testament. New ed. Par., 1762. Lemay, Leon Pamphile. Essais poetiques. Quebec, 1865. (Les) vengeances. Quebec, 1875. Lemberg, Kritz. Posthumous works; or, The wonders of animal magnetism. Bost., 184.3. Lemmonnier, C. Synopsis of natural history; embracing the nat- ural history of animals, with human and general animal physi- ology, botany, vegetable physiology and geology; tr. by Thomas Wyatt. Phil., 1839- Lemoine, Sir James MacPherson. Address on Arnold's assault on Saultau-Matelot barriers, 31st December, 1775. {In Lit. and hist. soc. of Quebec. Trans. 1876-7. p. 46-74.) Ornithologie du Canada, v. 2. Quebec, 1861. Quebec past and present, a history of Quebec, 1608-1876. Quebec, 1876. Lemon, Rev. J. Bunyan. Bicyclist's dream of the road to heaven. Manch., 1899. Lemon, Rev. James Stephen. Skin considered as an organ of sen- sation. Gardner, n. d. Lemont, Levi P. 1400 historical dates of the town and city of Bath, and town of Georgetown from 1604 to 1874. Bath, 1874. Lempriere, John, D. D. Universal biography, containing a copious account of eminent persons. 2v. N. Y., 1810. Universal biography, containing a critical account of eminent persons of all ages and countries. 2v. N. Y., 1825. Lempster (N. H.). Centennial celebration of American independ- ence, n. p. n. d. Reports of the selectmen and other town officers for the year ending Feb. 15, 1877-1902. v. p. 1877-1902. : Superintending school committee. Report for the year ending March, 1858. Concord, 1858. Lend a hand, a record of progress, monthly, v. 12-13. Bost., 1894. Lendenfeld, Robert von, comp. New South Wales: Australian mu- seum. Descriptive catalogue of the sponges in the Australian museum. 1888. Lendrum, John. Concise and impartial history of the American revolution, v. 2. Bost., 1795. History of the American revolution. New ed. 2v. Exeter, 1836. Le Neve, Peter. See Neve, Peter. L'Enfant, Pierre Charles. Memorials. {In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. 2; p. 72-110.) Reports to President Washington, bearing dates of March 26 and August 19, 1791. {In Columbia hist. soc. Records, v. 2; p. 26-48.) Lennox, Charlotte, tr. Sully, Maximilian de Bethune, due de. Memoirs. 1781. 780 AUTHOR LIST. Lennoxville mining and smelting company. Geological surveys and reports, with a statement of the condition and prospects of the company. Bost., 1864. Lennox library, New York. Annual report, v. 1-25. Alb., 1871- 95- Note: for reports after 1895 see New York (city) : Pub. library. Contributions to a catalogue. N. Y., 1877. Lent, Rev. M. R. Sermon delivered on the occasion of the death of Alvin Baker. N. Y., 1859. Leo 13, pope. Encyclical letter on the condition of labor; official translation. N. Y., 1891. Leonard, Delavan L., D. D. Contribution of Congregationalism to foreign missions. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1896. v. 7; p. 98-118.) Early annals of the Oberlin church. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1897. v. 8; p. 80-109.) "Kentucky revival" of 1799-1805; with especial reference to its effects upon Christianity in Ohio. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1894. v. 5; p. 44-7I-). Moravian missions upon Ohio soil. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1892. v. 2; p. 45-56.) Mormon sojourn in Ohio. (In Ohio church hist. soc. Papers. 1890. V. i; p. 43-60.) Leonard, Elisha Clark. Reminiscences of the ancient iron works and Leonard mansions of Taunton. (In Old colony hist. soc. Coll. 1889. V. 4; p. 51-65) Leonard, Emily J., tr. Blanqui, Jerome Adolphe. History of po- litical economy in Europe. 1880. Leonard, Rev. George. Sermon delivered on the day of general election, Oct. 12, 1820, before the legislature of Vermont. Windsor, 1820. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Leonard, George Hare. Expulsion of the Jews by Edward i. (In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1891. v. 15; p. 103-46.) Leonard, Grace F. Reading list on the history of the 17th century. (In N. Y. (state); Library. Bulletin; bibliography. 1897. no. 4; p. 61-92.) Leonard, H. Ward. Central station combining the advantages of both the continuous and alternating current systems. N. Y. n. d. Leonard, Henrietta, tr. Fredericq, Paul. Study of history in Eng- land and Scotland. 1887. Study of history in Germany and France. 1890. Study of history in Holland and Belgium. 1890. Leonard, Henry C. Pigeon cove and vicinity. Bost., 1873. Leonard, John William. Who's who in America, a biographical dictionary of living men and women of the United States, 1899- 1902. V. 1-2. Chic, 1899-1901. ed. Depew, Chauncey Mitchell. Best things. 1898. Leonard, Rev. Levi Washburn. Analysis of the elementary sounds of the English language. Keene, 1848. Discourse delivered in Dublin, N. H., Sept. 7, 1845, the Sab- bath after the 25th anniversary of his ordination. Keene, 1846. History of Dublin, N. H., containing the address by Charles Mason and the Proceedings at the centennial celebration, June 17, 1852. Bost., 1855. Literary and scientific class book. Keene, 1826. Keene, 1827. North American spelling book. Ed. 13, rev. Keene, 1839. New ed. rev. and enl. Keene, 1846. Selection of reading lessons for common schools. Keene, 1830. ■ Keene, 1839. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 781 Leonard, Rev. Levi Washburn, and Smith, Samuel Abbot, anon. Genealogy of the family of William Smith of Peterborough, N. H. Keene, 1852. Leonard, Rev. Levi Washburn, ed. A. Modes of instruction in common schools adapted particularly to summer schools. 1844. Leonard, William. Discourse on the order and propriety of divine inspiration and revelation. Harvard, 1853. Leonard medical school. Annual catalog, v. 16, 20. Raleigh, 1 896- 1 900. Leonhard, Alexander V. Notes on the mineralogy of Missouri. {In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 440-51.) Leonowens, Mrs. Anna Harriete (Crawford). Life and travel in India, being recollections of a journey before the days of rail- roads. Phil., 1884. Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body. N. Y., 1886. Le Play, Pierre Guillaume Frederic, ed. Focillon, Adolphe Jean. Instruction sur I'observation des faits sociaux selon la methode des monographies de families. 1887. Le Plongeon, Mrs. Alice D. Notes on Yucatan. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1878. p. 77-106.) Le Plongeon, Augustus, M. D. Malapan and Maya inscriptions. {In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1881. p. 246-82.) Leppington, C. H. D'Eyncourt, tr. Guyot, Yves. Principles of social economy. 1892. Leprosy in Hawaii; extracts from reports of presidents of the board of health, and others before and after the passage of the "Act to prevent the spread of leprosy," approved January, 1865. Honolulu, 1886. Leprosy in India; summary of reports furnished by the govern- ment of British India to his Hawaiian majesty's government as to the prevalence of leprosy in India. Honolulu, 1886. Leragois, . Instruction sur I'histoire de France et Romaine. Ed. 5. Rotterdam, 1701. Le Sage, Alain Rene. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. 4v. Par., n. d. 5v, in 2. Par., 1822. Lesley, John Peter. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance. of sci. Proceed. 1886. v. 34; p. i-!22.) Biographical notice of Edward Hitchcock. {In National acad. of sci. Annual. 1866. v. 3; p. 127-54.) Iron manufacturer's guide to the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of the United States. N. Y., 1859. Man's origin and destiny sketched from the platform of the sciences. Phil., 1868. Manual of coal and its topography. Phil., 1856. ed. Pennsylvania: Geologist. Annual report of the 2d geolog- ical survey. 1885-7. Final report ordered by legislature. 1892-5. Second geological survey of Pennsylvania. 1876-84. Leslie, Rev. Charles. Short and easy method with the deists. N. Y. n. d. Leslie, Sir John, and others. Narrative of discovery and adventure in the polar seas and regions with an account of the whale- fishery. N. Y., 1831. (Harper's family lib. no. 14.) Lesquereux, Leo. Contributions to the fossil flora of the western territories. 3v. Wash., 1874-83. {In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories. Report. 1874-83. v. 6-8.) ^c^'°^/r^^ ^^^ Dakota group, ed. by F. H. Knowlton. Wash., 189T. {In U. S. : Geol. survey. Monographs. 1891. v. 17.) Fossil plants of the coal measures of the United States. Pottsville, 185S. List of recently identified fossil plants belonging to the United States national museum. {In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1888. V. 10; p. 21-46.) 782 AUTHOR LIST. Lesquereux, Leo. On California mosses, (/n Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 1-24.) On fucoides in the coal formations. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 313-28.) On species of fossil plants from the tertiary of the state of Mississippi. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 411- 33-) Recent determinations of fossil plants from Ky., La., Ore., Cal., Alaska and Greenland. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1889. V. 11; p. 11-38.) Report on fossil flora. Wash., 1872. (In U. S.: Geol. and geog. survey of the territories, v. 5; sup. 1872.) Specimens of fossil plants collected at Golden, Col., 1883. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zool. Bulletin. 1888. v. 16; p. 43-59) Lyon, Sidney S., and Cox, Edward T. Palaeontological report. 1857. Lessius, Leonard. (Les) noms divins traduit du Latin par Marcel Brouix. Par., 1882. Lessons of erosion due to forest destruction, n. p. n. d. Lester, Charles Edwards. Artist, the merchant, and the states- man of the age of the Medici and of our own times. 2v. N. Y., 1845. anon. Light and dark of the Rebellion. Phil., 1863. and Foster, Andrew. Life and voyages of Americus Vespu- cius, with ilustrations concerning the navigator, and the dis- covery of the New World. Ed. 6. N. H., 1857. tr. and ed. Machiavelli, Niccolo. Florentine histories. 1845. Lester, J. M., comp. Chicago securities, a manual for bankers, brokers and investors. Chic, 1888. Lester, John C, M. D., ed. American medical digest published monthly. 1882-7. Lestoile, Pierre. Greece and the times. Rome, 1880. Le Sueur, Charles Alexander. Descriptions of several species of chondropterigious fishes of North America, with their varieties. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1818. v. i; p. 383-94.) Le Sueur, W. D. Notes on fhe study of language. (In Ottawa lit. and sci. soc. Trans. 1900. no. 2; p. 93-118.) Letchforth, William Pryor. Address made at the 13th national conference of charities and correction. Buffalo, n. d. State boards of charities. Bost., 1892. Letheby, Henry. On food; being the substance of four Cantor lectures delivered before the Soc. for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. Ed. 2. N. Y., 1872. Letter and resolutions of the conference of the bishops of the Anglican communion in China, Hongkong and Corea. n. p. 1899. Letter from a gentleman in Boston to George Wishart, concern- ing the state of religion in New England. Edin., 1883. (Clar- endon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note: first pub. in 1742. Letter from a young woman to a member of the religious society of Friends, with his reply. Ed. 9. Phil., 1890. Letter from an English traveller at Rome to his father. Edin., 1884. (Clarendon hist. soc. Reprints, ser. i.) Note : first pub. in 1721. Letter to George Cheyne, occasioned by his essay on Health and long life. Ed. 2. Lond. n. d. Letter to the bishops and preachers of the M. E. church. Bait, 1857. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 788 Letter to the senate and house of representatives of the United States upon the expediency of an uniform system of bankruptcy. Bost., 1821. Letter to W. H. Crawford, on the establishment of a uniform sys- tem of bankruptcy. Bost., 1821. Letters and other papers relating to the early history of the church of England in Nova Scotia. (In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1891. v. 7; p. 89-127.) Letters by Washington, Adams, Jefierson and others written dur- ing and after the Revolution to John Langdon, New Hamp- shire. Phil., 1880. Leuchars, Robert B. Practical treatise on the construction, heat- ing and ventilation of hot-houses. Bost., 1851. Leupp, Francis Ellington. Notes of a summer tour among the Indians of the Southwest. Phil., 1897. (In Indian rights assoc. Circulars, ser. 2, no. 43.) Latest phase of the southern Ute question. Phil., 1895, (In Indian rights assoc. Circulars, ser. 2, no. 25.) Civil service reform essential to a successful Indian adminis- tration. Phil., 1895. (In Indian rights assoc. Circulars, ser. 2, no. 23.) Levan, Franklin Klein, D. D. Maxatawny prior to 1800. (In Penn. -German soc. Proceed. 1894. v. 4; p. 73-90.) Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825; or, Journal of travels in the United States, tr, from the French. 2v. N. Y., 1829. Levasseur, Pierre Emile. Comparative study of popular education among civilized nations, (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Re- port for 1895-6. V. I. 1897. p. 601-10.) Exposition de Chicago; coup d'oeil sur I'ensemble de I'expo- sition. Par., 189-. Question of the sources of the Mississippi river. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1898. V. 8; p. 213-31.) Lever, John Charles Weaver, M. D. Practical treatise on organic diseases of the uterus. Newburgh, 1845. Leverett, Frank. Pleistocene features and deposits of the Chicago area. Chic, 1897. (In Chicago acad. of sci. Bulletin of the geol. and natural hist, survey, no. 2.) Levermore, Charles Herbert. Republic of New Haven, a history of municipal evolution. Bait., 1886. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies in hist, and pol. sci. extra vol. i.) Town and city government of New Haven. Bait., 1886. (In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1886. v. 4; no. 10.) Levett, Christopher. Voyage into New England, begun in 1623 and ended in 1624. (In Baxter, J. P. Christopher Levett. 1893. p. 81-139) Voyage into New England. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1843. V. 28; p. 159-90.) (In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1847. v. 2; p. 79-109.) Levi, Kate Everest. Geographical origin of German immigration to Wisconsin. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1898. v. 14; p. 34I-93-) Levington, Rev. John. Watson's theological institutes defended. Detroit, 1863. Levis, Richard J., M. D. Winter climate for invalids, the Gulf coast of Florida, n. p. n. d. ed. Medical and surgical reporter, v. 1-9. 1858-63. Levizac, Jean Pons Victor Lecoutz de, I'abbe. Theoretical and practical grammar of the French tongue, rev. and corrected by Etienne Pasquier. Ed. 7. N, Y., 1834. Ed. 12. N. Y., 1835. Levy, Florence N., ed. American art manual. 1899. 784 AUTHOR LIST. Levy, J. H., cd. Guyot, Yves. Tyranny of socialism. 1894. Lewes, George Henry. Physiology of common life. 2v. N. Y., i860. ed. Fortnightly review. 1865-6. Lewes, Mrs. Mary Ann (Evans). See Eliot, George, pseud. Lewin, Louis, M. D. Incidental effects of drugs; tr. by W. T Alexander. N. Y., 1882. Lewis, Alonzo. History of Lynn, including Nahant. Ed. 2. Bost., 1844. Picture of Nahant. Lynn, 1848. and Newhall, James Robinson. History of Lynn, Essex county, Mass., including Lynnfield, Saugus, Swampscot and Na- hant. 2v. Bost., 1865-97. Lewis, Alvin Fayette. History of higher education in Kentucky. Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Circular of in- formation. 1899. no. 3.) Lewis, Brig.-gcn. Andrew. Orderly book from March 18, 1776, to Aug. 28, 1776. Richmond, i860. Lewis, Charlton Thomas, ed. Willsey, Joseph H., comp. Harper's book of facts. 1895. Lewis, Daniel, M. D., ed. Medical review of reviews. 1896-1900. Lewis, George. History of Battery E, ist regiment R. I. light artillery in the war of 1861 and 1865, to preserve the Union. Prov., 1892. Lewis, George C, comp. Record of marriages and deaths. (In Wyo. hist, and geol. soc. Proceed. 1899. v. 4; p. 133-56.) Lewis, George Cornewall, bart. Government of dependencies. Wash., 1901. (Universal classics library.) Lewis, George Martin, and Henderson, John Russell. Freshman history of the class of '97, Dartmouth college. 1894. Lewis, George W. History of the Pequot war and battle of Ston- ington. Bridgeport, 1893. Lewis, H. C. H. Roster, Society ist artillery, nth regiment, Ver- mont volunteers, 1890. Burlington, 1890. Lewis, H. W. Glimpses of Peoria; a volume dedicated to the in- terests of the second city of Illinois. Peoria, 1898. Lewis, J. McKean. Notes on Attic vocalism. {In Amer. school of class, studies at Athens. Papers. 1888. v. 4; p. 261-77.) Lewis, James. Land and fresh water shells of the state of New York. (In Bufifalo soc. of natural sci. Bulletin. 1875. v. 2; p.^ 127-42.) Lewis, John. Registering thermometer. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1861. v. 14; p. 21-32.) Lewis, John A. J. A. Lewis library. (In Bulletin of the Boston public library. 1892. no. 89; p. 151-79.) Lewis, John Frederick. Philadelphia, a short oration at the dedica- tion of the Philadelphia Bourse, Dec. 31, 1895. Phil., 1896. Lewis, Louis, M. D., ed. Medical world, v. 3-8. 1885-90. Lewis, Capt. Meriwether, and Clark, Brig.-gen. William. History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri river, ed. by Elliott Coues. 4v. N. Y., 1893. History of the expedition to the sources of the Missouri, 1804-6; ed. by Nicholas Biddle. 2v. N. Y., 1847. Lewis and Clarke's journal to the Rocky Mountains as related by Patrick Gass. New ed. Dayton, 1847. Lewis, Robert E. Students of China for Christ. N. Y., 1898. Lewis, Samuel. Correct map of United States and West Indies. Phil., 1813. Note : scale 9| miles to 1 inch. covip. Map of the state of New Hampshire, n. p. 1794. Note : scale 11 miles to 1 inch. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 785 Lewis, Taylor. Natural religion the remains of primitive revela- tion; a discourse pronounced at Burlington, Aug. 6, 1839. N. Y., 1839. Lewis, Virgil A. Original Indian territory, it was ni West Vir- ginia, n. p. 1895. Lewis, W. S. Adventures of the "Lively" immigrants. (In Tex. state hist, assoc. Quarterly. 1899. v. 3; p. 1-32, 81-107, 141-8.) Lewis, William, tr. Hoffman, Fredericus, M. D. System of the practice of medicine. 1783- Lewis, William H., bp. Sermon preached before the annual con- vention, September, 1837. Bost., 1837. Lewis, William Henry, D. D. Call to the ministry. N. Y., 1854. Considerations addressed to the laity of the P. E. church. N. Y., 1853. Position of the P. E. church with reference to other Protes- tant denominations. N. Y., 1852. (Bound with Home, George, bp. Doctrine. 1831.) Lewis, Winslow, M. D. Annual address of the president delivered before the N. E. hist, geneal. soc. Jan., 1864. Alb., 1864. ed. Paxton, James. Introduction to the study of human anatomy. 1837-40. Lewis college. See Norwich university. Lewis's new gymnastics and Boston journal of physical culture, v. I. Bost., 1860-1. Lewiston (Me.): School committee. Annual report for the year end- ing Aug. 31, 1883. Lewiston, 1883. Lexington (Mass.). Proceedings at the centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1875. Lexington, 1875. Record of births, marriages and deaths to January i, 1898. Bost., 1898. Lexington and Bedford directory containing list of residents, soci- eties, churches, streets, etc., business directory, 1894. Bost., 1894. Lexington historical society. Proceedings and papers relating to the history of the town. v. 1-2. n. p. 1890-1900. Lexis, W. German universities, tr. by L. R. Klemm. (In U. S.: Education, bureau of. Report for 1891-2. v. i. 1894. p. 247- 368.) Present monetary situation; tr. by John Cummings. (In Economic studies. 1896. v. i; p. 211-81.) Leypoldt, August H., and lies, George, ed. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. Bost., 1895. Leypoldt, Augusta H., ed. Literary news. 1889- 1900. Leypoldt, Frederick, ed. Literary news. 1880-4. Liautard, A., M. D. Miller, William B. E., and others. Diseases of ^ live stock. 1894. Libbey, William, ed. Guyot, Arnold. Tables, meteological and physical. Ed. 4. Wash., 1884. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1887. V. 28.) Libbey, William, and Pyne, M. Taylor, comp. Directory of the graduates and former students of Princeton college. Prince- ton, 1892. — ^ — ^ Princeton. 1896. Libbie, Charles F., & Co. Catalogue of a collection of Americana. Bost., 1900. Note : contains items sold for the N. H. state library. comp. Balcom, George. Catalogue. 1901. cojnp. Bell, Charles Henry. Catalogue of his library. 1895. comp. Brown, James H. Catalogue of his extensive dramatic collection. 1898. comp. Clark, Charles E. Catalogue of a collection of Amer- ican portraiture. 1901. 60 786 AUTHOR LIST. Libbic, Charles F., & Co., comp. Coutelle, M. C, and Montaiglon, Anatole de. Catalogue of the valuable and extensive library belonging to Coutelle and Montaiglon. i899(?) comp. Deane, Charles. Catalogue of the valuable private li- brary of Deane. i898(?) comp. French, Frederick W. Catalogue of the collection of dramatic and literary autographs. 1901. comp. French, Frederick W. Catalogue of his valuable pri- vate library. 1901. comp. Hart, Gerald E. Catalogue. 1890. comp. Manson, Alfred S. Catalogue of the American histor- ical library collection of Manson. 1899. cotnp. Olcott, George. Catalogue of the valuable private library. 1901. Libby, Charles Freeman. John Marshall, an address at Bowdoin college. Feb. 4, 1901. Brunswick, 1901. Libby, Charles Thornton, comp. Libby family in America; 1602- 1881. Portl., 1882. Libby, Orin Grant. Chronicle of the Helena shot-tower. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 13; p. 335-74.) Critical examination of Gordon's history of the American revolution. (/;k Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1900. v. II, pt. i; p. 365-88.) Geographical distribution of the vote of the thirteen states on the federal constitution, 1787-8. (In Wise: Univ. Bulletin; hist, ser. 1894. V. i; p. 1-116.") Plea for the study of votes in congress. (In Amer. hist, assoc. Annual report. 1897. v. 8, pt. i; p. 321-34.) Significance of the lead and shot trade in early Wisconsin history. {In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 13; p. 293- 334.) Liberal preacher; a monthly publication of sermons by living min- isters; ed. by Rev. T. R. Sullivan, v. 1-2; v. 3, p. 1-16, 45-146; v. 4, p. 1-18, 35-82; V. 5, p. 1-54, 71-84, 101-18, 155-74, 191-202; V. 6, p. 1-38. Keene, 1828-30. Liberal republican convention of 1872. Proceedings. N. Y., 1872. Liberator, a weekly publication, v. i, no. i. (In Old South leaf- lets. ,1898. no. 78.) Note: reprint of first three pages of no. 1, t. 1. Liberia college. Laws of Liberia college. Camb., 1882. Liberia; semi-annual bulletin, 1892-1901. American colonization society. Library art club. Announcement of annual meeting. Bost., 1900. Library association, Fisherz'iUe, N. H. See Fisherville library asso- ciation. Concord (N. H.). Library association of Australasia. Account of the proceedings of the first Australasian library conference, v. i, Melbourne, 1896. Library bulletin of Cornell university, ed. by the librarian, v. 1-2; V. 3, no. i-ii. Ithaca, 1886-96. Library bulletin of the Somerville public library, v. 1-2; v. 3, no. 1-6. Somerville, 1896-1900. Library bulletin, pub. by Oberlin college, v. i, no. 1-5. Oberlin, 1892-1901. Library bulletin; pub. monthly under the direction of the Lynn free public library, no. 22-5. Lynn, 1898. Library bureau. Classified illustrated catalog. Bost., 1891. Illustrated catalogue, stack department; steel stacks and other library equipment, n. p. n. d. Library company of Philadelphia. Report, 1888-96, '98. n. p. 1888-Q8. Rules. Phil., 1891. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 787 Library company of Philadelphia, ed. Bulletin of the Library com- pany of Philadelphia, 1881-190T. New ser. no. 8-48. Phil., 188 1 -1902. Library journal; official organ of the American library association; pub. monthly, v. 1-25. N. Y., 1877-1900. General index, v. 1-22. N. Y., 1898. Library news, pub. monthly by the Free public library of the city of Newark, v, 7, no. 5-6; v. 8, no. 2-5; v. 9, no. 1-3, 5-12; v. 10, no. i-io; V. II, no. 1-7, 10-12; V. 12, no. 4-9. Newark, 1896-1901. Library notes; ed. by Melvil Dewey; pub. quarterly, no. 1-14, 16. Bost., 1886-98. Library of the diocese of New Hampshire. Catalogue with pro- visional rules. Cone, 1884. Library record; pub. monthly, v. 1-5; v. 6, no. 1-6, 9-12; v. 7; v. 8, no. 1-7; V. 9, no. 1-4. Jersey City, 1892-1900. Library syndicate, Cambridge university, Cambridge {Eng). Annual report for 1892-5. Camb., 1892-5. Libussa. Musaeus, Johann August. {In Carlyle, Thomas. Ger- man romance. 1898. v. i; p. 86-135.) Liceaga, Eduardo. Inoculaciones preventivas de la rabia. Mex- ico, 1888. Lick observatory. Meteors and sunsets observed in 1893, 1894 and 1895. Sacram., 1895. Publications, 1887-94. v. 1-3. Sacram., 1887-94. Reports on the observations of the total eclipse of the sun of Jan. I, 1889. Sacram., 1889. Licquet, Fransois Isidore. Rouen, its history and monuments; tr. by M. D. C. Rouen, 1840. Lidell, John A., M. D. Treatise on apoplexy. N. Y., 1873. Lieber, Francis. Address on secession, delivered in South Caro- lina in the year 1851. N. Y,, 1865. {In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 77-) Inaugural address. {In Columbia univ. Addresses. 1858. p. 55-116.) Manual of political ethics. Ed. 2. 2v. Phil., 1875. No party now but all for our country. N. Y., 1863. {In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 16.) On the vocal sounds of Laura Bridgman, compared with the elements of phonetic language. {In Smithsonian inst. Con- trib. 1851. V. 2, art. 2.) Plantations for slave labor; the death of the yeomanry, n. p. n. d. Reflections on the changes which may seem necessary in the present constitution of the state of New York. N. Y., 1867. Slavery plantations and the yeomanry. N. Y., 1863. {In Loyal pub. soc. Pub. no. 29.) and Wigglesworth, Edward, D. D., ed. Encyclopaedia Amer- icana; a popular dictionary of arts, sciences, literature, history, politics and biography. 13V. Phil., 1829-33. Note : y. 8-9 wanting. ed. United States: Judge advocate general. Remarks on the _ army regulations and executive regulations in general. 1898. Lieber, Oscar M. Report on the survey of South Carolina, being the annual report to the general assembly, 1856-7. v. 1-2. Co- lumbia, 1858. Note : y. 1 is ed. 2. Vocabulary of the Catawba language, with some remarks on its grammar, construction and pronunciation. {In S. C. hist. ^ soc. Coll. 1858. V. 2; p. 327-42.) Liebermann, Felix. On the instituta Cnuti aliorumque regum An- glorum. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1893. v. 17; p. 77-107.) 788 AUTHOR LIST. Liebermann, Felix, ed. Henry i, king of Great Britain. Text of cor- onation charter, (/w Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 21-48.) Liebermeister, Carl von. Vorlesungen uber infectionskrankheiten. Lpz., 1885. . . . Liebig, Justus, Freiherr von, M. D. Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology. Phil., 1843. ed. by Lyon Playfair; 4th Amer. ed. by J. W. Webster. Camb., 1843. Complete works on chemistry. Phil., 185-. ed. Turner, Edward, M. D. Elements of chemistry. 1847. Lieder zur feier des geburtstages seiner durchlaucht des fiirsten Bismarck. Ber., 1895. Life and confession of Ann Walters, also the execution of E. G. Dudley, to which is added the confession of Mary Runkle, who was executed for murder, n. p. 1850. Life and light for heathen women, pub. monthly by the Woman's board of missions, v. 1-30. Bost., 1869-1900. Life and public service of Charles McDaniel. Ed. 10. Springf., 1884. Life and public services of Franklin Pierce, also the life and pub- lic services of W. R. King. Bost., 1852. Life and public services of Maj-gen. Zachary Taylor. Phil. n. d. Life and remarkable adventures of L R. Potter. Prov., 1824. Life and services of U. S. Grant. Wash., 1868. Life association of America. Amended charter. St. L., 1870. Life, explorations and public services of J. C. Fremont. N. Y., 1856. Life of Bonaparte, first consul of France, from his birth to the peace of Luneville; tr. fr. the French. Bost., 1802. Life of Jacob Brown, to which are added memoirs of Generals Ripley and Pike. N. Y., 1851. Life of Lewis Cass, and sketch of W. O. Butler. Phil., 1848. Life of General Scott, n. p. n. d. Life of L. C. Ladd. Cone, 1862. Life of Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, or Black Hawk. Cine, 1833. Life of Philip the Indian chief. Salem, 1827. Life of slavery; or, The life of the nation; mass meeting of the ^ citizens of New York, March 6, 1862. n. p. n. d. Life of S. A. Douglas; with his most important speeches and re- ^ ports, by a member of the Western bar. N. Y., i860. Life of Thomas Dudley. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1871. v. 11; p. 207-22.) Life of W. M. Richardson. Cone, 1839. (TMe) Light, pub. in the interest of the purity movement of the world. V. 4, no. 3-4; v. 6, no. 1-2, 5-6; v. 7, no. i. LaCrosse, 1901. Lighthall, William Douw. Account of the battle of Chateauguay, ed. by W. Patterson. Montreal, 1889. Lightner, William H. E. F. Drake. {In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. ^ 1901. V. 9; p. 6Z7-S3.) Lighton, Rev. William Beebey. Narrative of the life and sufferings of a young British captive, written by himself. Cone, 1836. Narrative of the life and sufferings of Lighton, written by himself. Cone, 1838. New ed. rev. Alb., 1854. Ligon, Thomas Watkins. Message to the general assembly of Md., ^ Jan. session, 1858. Annapolis, 1858. Lillie, Frank R. Embryology of the unionid^e, a study in cell- lineage. Bost.. 1895. Lillie, John, tr. Remusat, Claire Elizabeth Jeanne Gravier de Ver- gennes, comtesse de. Memoirs of madame de Remusat. 1880. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEAKY. 789 Linas, Aime Jean, contin. Nonat, Auguste, M. D. Traite pratique des maladies de I'uterus. 1869. Lincoln, Abraham. Address in vindication of the policy of the framers of the constitution and the principles of the Republican party, Feb. 27, i860. N. Y., i860. Complete works; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. 2v. N. Y., 1894. Dedicatory speech at Gettysburg. {In Mass.: Governor. Message. 1864. appx. p. 72.) Inaugural addresses and the Emancipation proclamation, {In Old South leaflets. 1888. v. i. Gen. ser. no. 11.) and Douglas, Stephen A. First debate, Aug. 21, 1858. {In Old South leaflets. 1898. v. 4; no. 85.) Political debates in the celebrated campaign of 1858. Co- lumbus, i860. Cleve., 1894. Lincoln, Mrs. Almira (Hart). See Phelps, Mrs. Almira (Hart) Lincoln. Lincoln, Maj.-gen. Benjamin. Journal of a treaty held in 1793, with the Indian tribes north-west of the Ohio. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1836. V. 25; p. 109-76.) Observations on the climate, soil and value of the eastern countries in the district of Maine, written in the year 1789. {In ^ Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1835. v. 4; p. 142-56.) Lincoln, Rev. Calvin. Discourse delivered in the First parish in Hingham, 1869. Hingham, 1873. Lincoln, Mrs. Ti, A. Frozen dainties. Nashua, 1897. Lincoln, Daniel Francis, M. D. Sanitary conditions and necessi- ties of school-houses and school-life. Cone, 1886. • {In Amer. pub. health assoc. Public health, the Lomb prize essays. 1886.) Ed. 2. {In Amer. pub. health assoc. Public health, the Lomb prize essays. 1886.) Vienna medical education, n. p. n. d. tr. Trousseau, Armand, and Pidoux, Hermann. Treatise on ^ therapeutics. 1880. Lincoln, Enoch. Remarks on the Indian languages; ed. by E. Bal- lard. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. v. i; p. 412-27.) Some account of the Catholic missions in Maine. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1865. V. i; p. 428-46.) anon. Village, a poem. Portl., 1816. Lincoln, Frederic Walker. Address. {In Mass. charitable mechan- ics assoc. Centennial anniversary. 1895. p. 14-39.) Address at the annual meeting. {In Bunker Hill monument ^ assoc. Proceed, v. 56. 1879. P- 17-30.) Lincoln, George, and Burr, Fearing. Town of Hingham in the ^ Civil war. 1876. Lincoln, George, and others, cmn. History of the town of Hingham, ^ Mass. 3v. in 4. Camb., 1893. Lincoln, Hosea H. School discipline; its objects and methods. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1868. p. 113-30.) Lincoln, J. L. Present aspects of Greek and Latin study and teach- ing. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1879. P- 120- ^ 36.) Lincoln, Levi. Address delivered on the consecration of the Wor- ^ cester rural cemetery, Sept., 1838. Bost, 1838. Lincoln, Mary Knight, anon. In memoriam, F. W. Lincoln. Bost., ^ 1899. Lincoln, Solomon. Address delivered before the citizens of the town of Hingham, Sept. 28, 1835, being the 200th anniversary of the settlement of the town. Hingham, 1835. 790 AUTHOR LIST. Lincoln, Solomon. History of the town of Hingham, Plymouth county, Mass. Hingham, 1827. Lincoln, Rev. Varnum. My schools and teachers in Lowell sixty years ago. (In Old residents' hist, assoc. Contrib. 1894. v. 5; p. 125-46.) Lincoln, Waldo. Four generations of the Waldo family in Amer- ^ ica. Bost., 1898. Lincoln, William. Address before the American antiquarian so- ciety, Oct. 23, 1835, in relation to the character and services of the late librarian, C. C. Baldwin. Wore, 1835. History of Worcester, Mass., from its earliest settlement to Sept., 1836. Wore, 1837. Wore, 1862. NoTS: p. 31&434 continues the history to 1861, and is written by Charles Hersey. ed. Journals of each provincial congress of Massachusetts in 1774 and 1775 and of the committee of safety. Bost., 1838. Lincoln, Col. William S. Life with the 34th Mass. infantry in the war of the Rebellion. Wore, 1879. Lincoln (Mass.). Dedication of the new town house. May 26, 1892. Bost., 1893. : Library. Proceedings at the dedication, Aug. 5, 1884. Camb., 1884. Lincoln birthday association, Buffalo. Lincoln memorial collection, collected by J. E. Francis. Buffalo, 1887. Lincoln county (Me.). Probate records, 1760 to 1800, comp. and ed. by W. D. Patterson. Portl., 1895. Lincoln county (Me.) bar association, ed. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Henry Ingalls, Wiscasset, 1897. Lincoln Institute. Constitution. Bost., 1870. Annual catalogue, 1869, '77-8, '82-92, '94-5. Oxford, 1869-95. Inauguration of professors, n. p. 1885. — ; — Missionary work of Lincoln university, n. p. n. d. Lincoln university. Solution of the Negro problem; statements showing work and wants of Lincoln university, n. p. 1883. Cine, 1885. : Collegiate and theological school. General statement, n. p. n. d. and Board of missions for freedmcn. Negotiations and corre- spondence, n. d. Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Mme. Jenny Lind. Lindberg, Jacob Christian. Essai sur les monnaies Coufiques frap- pees par les emirs de la famille des Bouides. (In Sociate royale des antiquaires du Nord. Trans. 1845. P- 193-271.) Linden, Charles. Narrative of an excursion in eastern Florida, 1866-7. Buffalo, 1871. Lindenkohl, A., and Nicholson, W. L., cofnp. Mountain region of ^ North Carolina and Tennessee. 1863. Lindenthal, Gustav. Economic conditions of long-span bridges. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1890. v. 38; ^ p. 409-24) Linder, Usher F. Reminiscences of the early bench and bar of Illinois. Ed. 2. Chic, 1879. Lindgren, Erik, and Wenstrom, Edmund. Engelsk-Svensk ordbok. Stockholm, 1895. Lindgren, Waldemar, and Milville, William Harlow. Contributions to the mineralogy of the Pacific coast. 1890. (In U. S.: Geol. ^ survey. Bulletins. 1890. no. 61.) Lindley, Jacob. Expedition to Detroit, 1793; the Quakers, the U. S. commissioners and the proposed treaty with Indians. (In ^ Mich, pioneer and hist, soe Coll. 1892. v. 17; p. 565-666.) Lindley, John. Vegetable kingdom; or. The structure, classifica- tion and uses of plants. Lond., 1846. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 791 Lindsay, John, D. D. ' Sermon on the death of the Rev. Phillips Brooks, late bishop of Massachusetts. Bost., 1893. Lindsay, Margaret. See Menzies, Mrs. Margaret (Lindsay). Lindsay, Samuel McCune, tr. and ed. Italy. Constitution. 1894. {In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Annals. 1895. v. 5.) Note: supplement, November, 1894. Lindsay, William. Influence of corporations on political life. {In Amer. acad. of pol. and soc. sci. Corporations. 1900. p. 77- 104.) Lindsey, Rev. John. Discourse delivered before the legislature of Vermont, on the anniversary election, Oct. 19, 1822. Montp., 1822. {In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Lindsley, Charles Augustus, M. D. Prescription of proprietary medicines for the sick. N. H., 1882. Linehan, John Cornelius. Penacook in the war for the Union. Cone, 1889. Pioneer engine company; a record of fifty years. Penacook, 1899- and Murray, Thomas Hamilton. Irish schoolmasters in the American colonies, 1640-1775. Wash., 1898. Linell, Martin L. List of coleoptera collected on the Tana river and on the Jombene range, East Africa. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 687-716.) New species of coleoptera of the family chrysomelidae. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 473-85.) ■ New species of North American coleoptera of the family scarabaoidse. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1896. v. 18; p. 721-31. ) On the coleopterous insects of Galapagos islands. {In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 249-68.) On the insects collected by Doctor Abbott on the Seychelles, Aldabra, Glorioso and Providence islands. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 695-706.) Lingard, John, D. D. History of England from the ist invasion of the Normans, ist Amer. fr. the last Lond. edition. lov. Phil., 1827. Link, William F., pub. Hudson by daylight. N. Y., 1878. Linn, John B., ed. Pennsylvania: State, secy. of. Pennsylvania ^ archives; second series, v. i-ii. 1876-96. Linnaean botanic garden. Catalogue of the different varieties of grapes at present cultivated in the Linnaean botanic garden. n. p. n. d. Linney, W. M. Notes on the rocks of central Kentucky with list of fossils. Frankfort, 1882. Report of the geology of Mason county, Ky. Frankfort, 1886. Report on the geology of Bath county, Ky. Frankfort, 1886. Report on the geology of Henry county, Ky. Frankfort, 1887. Report on the geology of Spencer county, Ky. Frankfort, 1884. Linsley, Rev. Joel Harvey. Lectures on the relations and duties of the middle aged. Hartf., 1828. Lintner, Joseph Albert. Cut worms. Alb., 1888. {In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Bulletin, v. i, no. 6.) Entomological contributions, no. 1-4. Alb., 1872-8. Insects of the past year and progress in insect studies. {In Alb. inst. Trans. 1893. v. 12; p. 227-40.) San Jose scale and some other destructive scale-insects of New York. Alb., 1895. {In N. Y. (state): Museum. Bulletin. V. 3; no. 13.) White grub of the May beetle. Alb., 1888. {In N. Y. (state) : Museum. Bulletin, v. i, no. 5.) 792 AUTHOR LIST. Linton, Edwin. Notes on avian entozoa. (/w U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1893. v. 15; p. 87-113.) ■ Notes on cestode parasites of fishes. {In U. S.: National mu- seum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 423-56.) Notes on larval cestode parasites of fishes. (In U. S.: Na- tional museum. Proceed. 1897. v. 19; p. 787-824.) Notes on trematode parasites of fishes. {In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1898. v. 20; p. 507-48.) Linton, William James. English republic, ed. by Kineton Parkes. Lond., 1891. (^Social sci. ser. no. 32.) Liphard, Theodor Wilhelm Samuel. De transfusione sanguinis et infusione medicamentorum in venas. Berolini, 1837. Lippincott, Joshua Allan, D. D. State university, its work and its place in the public school system, inaugural address, Sept. 26, 1883. Topeka, 1883. Lippitt, Francis James. Pope's Virginia campaign and Porter's part in it. Bost., 1878. Lisbon (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year ending Feb. 15, 1876, '81-5, '87, '91-1902. v. p. 1876-1902. • : Education, hoard of. Annual report for the year ending March, 1858, '97. Lisbon, 1858-97. : Public school. Annual catalog, 1893-4, '96-7, 1901-2. Woods- ville, 1893- 1902. : School district No. i. Report of the officers for the school year ending March, 1897. Lisbon, 1897. List, Frederick. Outlines of American political economy, in a series of letters. Phil., 1827. List and abstract of documents relating to South Carolina, now existing in the state paper ofiice, London. {In S. C. hist. soc. Coll. 1857-9- V. i; p. ^7-Z07' v. 2; p. 118-326. v. 3; p. 272-343.) List of certain town officers, and of representatives of Dover, N. H. n. p. n. d. List of current periodicals on file in the various public reading rooms of the city. Hartf., 1896. List of dredging stations occupied by the U. S. coast survey steamers from 1867 to 1879. {In Harvard univ.: Museum of ^ comp. zoology. Bulletin, n. d. v. 6; p. 1-15.) List of members of the bar, sheriffs and deputies in the state of ^ New Hampshire, n. p. 1898. List of persons licensed to the plantations by the Bishops of Lon- don from the year 1745-1777 inclusive. {In P. E. hist. soc. Coll. 1851. p. 107-20.) List of publications of M. E. Wadsworth, 1877-1885. n. p. n. d. List of state and county officers, 1880. Harrisburg, 1880. List of the names of the provincials who were killed and wounded in the late engagement with his Majesty's troops at Concord. ^ Bost. n. d. Liston, Robert. Elements of surgery; 4th Amer. fr. the last Lond. ed. with notes by S. D. Gross. Phil., 1846. Lectures on the operations of surgery, and on diseases and accidents requiring operations, ed. by T. D. Mutter. Phil., 1846. — ; — Practical surgery, with notes by G. W. Norris. Phil., 1838. Litch, Josiah. Restitution; Christ's kingdom on earth; the return of Israel, with their political emancipation. Bost., 1848. Litchfield, Wilford J., comp., an&n. Litchfield family in America. ^ no. I, pt. I. n. p. 1901. Litchfield (Me.). History of Litchfield, and an account of its cen- ^ tennial celebration, 1895. Augusta, 1897. Litchfield (N. H.). Annual reports of the officers and committees for the year ending Feb. 15, 1876, '81-7, '89, '91-1902. v. p. 1876- 1902. : Free public librarv. Catalogue of the books in the Free pub- lic library, Litchfield (N. H.), established, 1892. Hollis, 1901. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBEARY. 793 Litchfield county (Conn.). Centennial celebration held 13th and 14th of Aug., 1851. Hartf., 1851. Litchfield law school. Catalogue, 1784-1833. Litchfield, 1900. Literary Adelphi, New Hampton {N. H.). Catalogue of the library. Bristol, 1891. Constitution and by-laws. Bristol, 1891. Literary and historical society o£ Quebec. Catalogue of the miner- alogical collection. N. H., n. d. Transactions, 1843, '55, '62-3, '76-7. Quebec, 1843-77. Literary collector, monthly, v. 2, no. 2-3, 5-6; v. 3, no. i. N. Y., 1901. Literary emporium, a compendium of religious, literary and philo- sophical knowledge, pub. monthly, v. 1-2. N. Y., 1845. Literary era, a monthly repository of literary and miscellaneous information, v. i, no. i; v. 2, no. 2, 4-12; v. 3-7. Phil., 1894-1900. Literary gazette, pub. weekly, v. i, no. 1-26. Cone, 1834-5. Literary life, a representative journal of literary news; pub. monthly, v. i. N. Y., 1899-1900. Note : pub. weekly until 1900. Literary news, a monthly eclectic review of current literature, illus- trated. V. I, no. 9-12; V. 2-21. N. Y., 1880-1900. Literary news; a monthly journal of current literature; pub. by N. A. McClary. 1878, no. 8, 9, 11; 1879, no. 3-5. Hanover, 1878-9. Literary review, a monthly news journal of belles lettres. v. 3, no. 6, 8-9; V. 4, no. 1-5. Bost., 1899-1900. Literary world, a fortnightly review of current literature, v. 7, no. 4, 6, 10; V. 8, no. 6-12; V. 9-23; v. 24, no. 1-2. Bost., 1876-93. Note : pub. monthly until 1879. Literature, an international gazette of criticism, pub. weekly, v. i- 5. N. Y., 1897-9. Literature, ed. by H. D. Traill; pub. by the Times; weekly, no. 1 10-13. • Lond., 1899. Litigation statistics; furnished by clerks of several counties to the commissioners appointed by the governor upon the subject of town or local courts. Cone, i860. Littell, Squier, M. D. Memoir of Eliakim Littell. {In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1883. v. 17; p. 81-104.) Memoir of the Gardiner family. {In N. J. hist, soc. Proceed. 1883. V. 17; p. 255-67.) Littell's living age, pub. every Saturday, v. 4, no. 35, 40, 45, 46; v. 5, no. 47-50, 54, 56, 59; V. 6, no. 60-2, 64, 67', v. 7, no. 75; v. 9, no. 107; V. 16, no. 201; V. 26, no. 332; v. 28, no. 357; v. 32, no. 409; V. Z3, no. 423; V. 34, no. 426-8, 432; v. 47, no. 595; v. 7^-7; v. 78, no. 996-9, 1002-8; V. 79; V. 80, no. 1022-4, 1026-34; V. 81, no. 1035-45, 1047; V. 82, no. 1048-9, 1051-60; V. 83, no. 1061, 1063-70, 1072-4; v. 84; V. 85, no. 1088-93, T095-9; V. 86; v. 87, no. 1114-16, 1118-22; v. 88; V. 89, no. 1140, 1142; v. 93, no. 1192-6; v. 95, no. 1230; v. 108, no. 1387-96; V. 113, no. 1463; V. 114, no. 1471; v. 115, no. 1489-90; V. 116-17; V. 118, no. 1517-22, 1524-9; V. 119, no. 1530-1, 1536; v. 123, no. 1583, 1586-90, 1592; V. 128, no. 1647-53, 1655-9; V. 129, no. 1660, 1662-6, 1668-71; V. 130; V. 131, no. 1686-7, 1689-91, 1693-8; V. 180, no. 2323-9, 2331-5; V. 181, no. 22,36-7, 2339, 2342-8; V. 199-203. Bost., 1844-94. Complete index to v. i-ioo, by E. Roth. Phil., 1891. Little, Mrs. Alicia Bewicke. Intimate China; the Chinese as I have seen them. Lond., 1901. Little, Andrew George. Educational organization of the mendi- cant friars in England, Dominicans and Franciscans. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1894. v. 18; p. 49-70.) Little, Mrs. Archibald. See Little, Mrs. Alicia Bewicke. Little, Arthur. Early New England interiors; sketches in Salem, Marblehead, Portsmouth and Kittery. Bost., 1878. 794 AUTHOR LIST. Little, Arthur, D. D. Alumni address, June 15, 1892, the permanent factors in the educational problem. (In Kimball union acad. Dedication. 1894. p. 24-39.) Laws of productiveness in spiritual husbandry, annual sermon before the A. B. C. F. M. Bost., 1890. (In A. B. C F. M. Ad- dresses. 1879-99.) Little, Mrs. C. M. History of the clan Macfarlane, MacFarlan, MacFarland, MacFarlin. Tottenville, 1893. Little, Clarence B. History of the class of '81, Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1881. Little, George Thomas. Descendants of George Little, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. Auburn, 1882. Historical sketch of Bowdoin college. (In Bowdoin college. General catalogue. 1894. pref. p. 9-1 12.) comp. Bowdoin college. General catalogue of Bowdoin col- lege and medical school of Maine; 1794-1894. 1894. Little, Henry. History of the Black Hawk war of 1832. (In Mich. pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1884. v. 5; p. 152-78.) Little, Lieut. Henry F. W. Seventh regiment New Hampshire vol- unteers in the war of the Rebellion. Cone, 1896. Little, Henry Oilman. Hollis, seventy years ago; personal recol- _ lections. Grinnell, 1894. Little, Rev. Levi, anan. Three sermons. Erie, 1870. Erie, 1871. Rev. ed. Ridgway, 1874. Little, Rev. Robert. Duty of public usefulness. Wash., 1823. Little, William. Address delivered at the centennial celebration of the town of Warren, N. H., 1863. Manch., 1863. Brief history of the schools of Manchester, N. H., formerly Derryfield. Manch., i876(?) History of the town of Warren, N. H., including a sketch of the Pemigewassat Indians. Cone, 1854. History of Warren, a mountain hamlet among the White Hills of New Hampshire. Manch., 1870. History of Weare, N. H., 1735-1888. Lowell, 1888. Little, Rev. William John Knox. Sketches and studies in South Africa. Lond., 1899. Little Rock (Ark.): School directors, board of. Annual report of the public schools for the year ending July i, 1883. Little Rock, 1883. Little Rock and Pulaski county medical association. Transactions, 1873. Little Rock, 1873. Littledale, Willoughby A., ed. Harleian society. Registers of Christ church, Newgate, 1538 to 1754. 1895. Littlefield, Alfred Henry. Message to the general assembly at its Jan. session, 1882. Prov., 1882. Littlefield, Mrs. Annie. Golden wedding, n. p. n. d. Littlefield, George A. Chief needs of the schools. (In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1887. p. 32-54.) Littlefield, George Emory.- Early Boston booksellers, 1642-1711. Bost., 1900. Littlefield directory publishing company, pub. Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop directory. 1895. comp. Concord directory for 1891-6. 1891-5. comp. Dover, Great Falls and Strafford county directory. 1892-5. comp. IMalden and Everett directory. 1892. comp. Waltham and Watertown directory. 1895. Littlehales, George Washington. Contributions to terrestrial mag- netism, the magnetic dip or inclination. Wash., 1897. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 795 Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk, bp. Comparative dependence of human progress on tradition and invention. Hartf., 1856. Ministerial gift, a sermon, 1855. N. H., 1855. (Bound with Two views of Episcopacy. 1854.) More laborers needed. N. Y., 1861. (Bound with Two views of Episcopacy. 1854.) Necessity, uses, etc., of a church literature. N. H., 1858. (Bound with Two views of Episcopacy. 1854.) Philosophy of religion. (In Lectures on evidences of Chris- tianity. 1855. p. 59-79) Sunday school; extract from the annual address delivered at the convention at Garsen City, 1890. Brooklyn, 1890. Littlejohn, W. H. Constitutional amendment; or. The Sunday, the Sabbath, the change and restitution. Battle Creek, i873- Littleton (N. H.)' Annual municipal reports for the town and dis- trict for the year ending Feb. 15, i860, '65-8, '71, '74-1902. Lit- tleton, 1859-1902. Exercises at the centennial celebration of the incorporation of the town of Littleton, July 4, 1884. Cone, 1887. Report of auditors appointed to investigate the accounts of liquor agents for the years 1856-7, 1857-8, 1858-9. n. p. 1897. : Fire department. Annual report, 1892. Littleton, 1892. : Graded school. Catalogue for 1871-4, '75-8, '84-5, '93-4, '95-6. Cone, 1871-95. Note : 1893-6 title I'eads Catalogue of the Littleton high and graded schools. : High school. General catalogue of the pupils and graduates with lists of the officers and teachers, 1868-1891. Littleton, 1891. Handbook for school year, 1900-1. Littleton, 1900. : Highway precinct, commissioners and auditor. Report, 1892-3. Littleton, 1892-3. : Public library. Catalogue. Littleton, 1893. : Selectmen. Checklist of all the legal voters in the town. Littleton, n. d. : Superintending school committee. Annual report for the year ending March i, 1875, '80, '83. Littleton, 1880-5. : Union school district, treasurer of. Annual report for the year ending January, 1887-93. Littleton, 1887-93. Littleton (N. H.) Congregational church. Catalogue of the Sun- day school library. Littleton, n. d. —^— Manual, 1896. Littleton, 1896. Littleton (Mass.) historical society. Proceedings, 1894-5. v. i. Littleton, 1896. Littleton lyceum, Littleton (Mass.). Semi-centennial proceedings on the 50th anniversary of its organization, Dec. 23, 1879. Bost., 188 1. Littleton musical association. Annual musical festival, v. 29, 30, 32. Littleton, 1897-1900. Littre, Maximilien Paul Emile, M. D., ed. Nysten, Pierre Hubert. ^ Dictionnaire de medecine revue par Charles Robin. 1855. Live stock society of America. Premium list of the annual stock ^ and farm show, 1895. v. i. N. Y., 1895. Livermore, Rev. Abiel Abbot. Discourse delivered at Walpole, Oct. 31, 1837, before the Sunday school association in connection with the Cheshire pastoral association. Keene, 1837. Discourses. Bost., 1854. Four anniversaries; a sermon preached Dec. 26, 1847. Keene, 1848. Overcome evil with good, discourse delivered at the installa- tion of Rev. J. J. Putnam. Keene, 1849. 796 AUTHOR LIST. Livermore, Rev. Abiel Abbot. Reason and revelation. Best., 1855. {In Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 136.) War with Mexico reviewed. Bost., 1850. and Putnam, Sewall. History of the town of Wilton, Hills- borough county, with genealogical register. Lowell, 1888. ed. Bible: New Testament: Gospels. Four Gospels. 1842. 1881. ed. Bible: New Testament: Acts of the Apostles. Acts of the Apostles. 1881. ed. Bible: New Testament: Epistles. Epistles of Paul. 1881. ed. Bible: New Testament: Romans. Epistle of Paul to the Romans. 1854. 1881. Livermore, Capt. Daniel. Journal of the march of Gen. Poore's brigade, 1779. {In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1850. v. 6; p. 308-35.) Orderly book, continental army, 1780. .{In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. V. 9; p. 200-44.) Livermore, Edward St. Loe, anon. Observations occasioned by writings against alterations proposed in the convention to be made in the judiciary system. Ports., 1792. Oration in commemoration of the dissolution of the political union between the United States and France. Ports., 1799. Livermore, Frank, M. D. These pour le doctorat en medecine; des complications nerveuses du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. Par., 1868. Livermore, George. Historical research, respecting the opinions of the founders of the republic on Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1863. v. 6; p. 86-248.) Livermore, Rev. Leonard Jarvis. Baptism. Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. 4, no. 6.) Perseverance in the war, the interest and duty of the nation. Bost., 1864. What we have to be thankful for; a sermon on occasion of the national thanksgiving, Aug. 6, 1863. Bost., 1863. Livermore, Mrs. Mary Ashton (Rice). Educational outlook. {In Amer. inst. of instruction. Lectures. 1890. p. 1-9.) Livermore, Rev. Samuel Truesdale. History of Block Island from 1514 to 1876. Hartf., 1877. Livermore, Solomon Kidder. Oration pronounced at Temple, N. H., in commemoration of American Independence, July 4, 1809. Amh., 1809. Livermore, Col. Thomas L. Numbers and losses in the Civil war in America, 1861-65. Bost., 1901. Liversidge, Archibald. Report upon certain museums for tech- nology, science and art, also upon scientific, professional and technical instruction and systems of evening classes. Sydney, 1880. Living church; a weekly record of its news, its work and its thought. V. 2, no. 21; v. 5, no. 50-2; v. 6, no. i, 2, 8; v. 8, no. 13, 32-52; V. 9, 10; V. II, no. 1-40, 42, 44, 46-8, 50-2; V. 12, no. 1-32, 34-52; V. 13-15; V. 16, no. 1-17, 19-21, 24-53; V. 17, no. 1-9, 11-30, 42; V. 18, no. 2-4, 6-11, 13-52; V. 19, 20; V. 22, no. 1-4, 6-26, 28-35; V. 25, no. 2-22. Chic, 18180-1901. Living church, daily edition, Oct. 7-29, 1886. Chic, 1886. Living church quarterly, containing an almanac and calendar for the year 1882-1901. v. 1-20. N. Y., 1882-1900. Note : 1882-5 title was Liring church annual ; 1885-9, Living church annual and clergy list quarterly. Livingston, Edward. Code of reform and prison discipline. N. Y. n. d. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 797 Livingston, John, ed. Biographical sketches of eminent American lawyers, 1852. ed. Livingston's United States law register. 1852, '60-8. Livingston, Luther S., ed. American book-prices current. 1898-9. Livingston, Robert R. 1746-1813. Essay on sheep. Cone, 1813. Letter to Benjamin Franklin. (In P>anklin, Benjamin. Com- plete works. 1888. V. 7; P- 348-59-) . ^^ , Livingston, William. Review of the military operations m North America, 1753 to 1756. (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1801. v. 71 p. 67-163.) Livingston, Rev. William W. Historical discourse delivered in the Congregational church, Jaffrey, N. H., Aug. 2, 1896. Peterboro, 1896. Veteran's mission; a sermon before the G. B. McClellan Post, 1891, Jaffrey, N. H. Peterboro, 1891. Livingston county historical society. Proceedings of the annual meeting, 1895-7. v. 19-22. Nunda, 1895-9. Livingstone, David, D. D. Perilous adventures and extensive dis- coveries in the interior of Africa. Phil, 1872. Livingston's United States law register and official directory for 1852, '60, '66, '68. N. Y., 1852-68. Livius, Peter. Papers relating to his complaint against John Went- worth. (In N. H.: State papers, editor of. Provincial and state papers. 1873. v. 7^ p. 337-47-) , „ , . . and Wentworth, Gov. Sir John. Peter Livius vs. Governor John Wentworth. (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 9; P- 304-63-) Livius Patavinus, Titus. Historiarum ab urbe condita; libra quin- que priores. Bost., 1788. History of Rome. tr. from the original with notes and illus. by George Baker, ist Amer. from the last Lond. edition. 6v. Wash., 1823. Lloyd, Aaron. Contributions to the early history of the Reformed Dutch church of Second River. (In N. J. hist. soc. Proceed. 1887. v. 19; p. 193-232.) Lloyd, Hannibal Evans, tr. Feuchtersleben, Ernst, freiherr von. Principles of medical physiology. 1847. tr. Orlich, Leopold von. Travels in India. 1845. Lloyd, Capt. Harlan Page. Battle of Waynesboro. {In Loyal legion of U. S. : Ohio commandery. Sketches. 1896. v. 4; p. 194-213.) Lloyd, Henry Demarest. Newest England; notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons N. Y., 1900. Safety of the future lies in organized labor. Chic, 1893. Lloyd, William, D. D. Sermon preached at the funeral of Rev. John, late Bishop of Chester, at London, 1672. Lond., 1675. {Bound with Wilkins, John, hp. Of the principles and duties of natural religion. 1675.) Lobachevski, . Introduction to New elements of geometry; tr. by G. B. Halsted. {In Tex. acad. of sci. Trans. 1897. v. 2, no. 2; p. 1-17.) Lobato, Jose G. Estudio quimico-industrial de los varios pro- ductos del maguey Mexicano. Mexico, 1884. Estudio sobre las aguas medicinales de la Republica Mexicana. Mexico, 1884. Lobstein, Jean Frederic Daniel, M. D. Treatise upon the semeiol- ogy of the eye. N. Y., 1830. Local preacher's and lay worker's conference, N. E. church, South. Minutes of the annual session, v. 29. Franklinton, 1898. 798 AUTHOR LIST. Loch, Charles Stewart. Charity organization. Ed. 2. Lond., 1892. Criticisms on "General" Booth's social scheme. Lond,, 1891. Locke, Rev. Calvin S. Other men have labored, a sermon preached Dec, 1879, in Dedham, Mass. Dedham, 1880. Locke, Clinton, D. D. Age of the great western schism. N. Y., 1896. (Ten epochs of church history, v. 8.) Defender of the faith, a sermon preached before the diocesan convention of Illinois, 1874, in memory of Rev. H. J. White- house. {In P. E. church in the U. S.: Chicago, diocese of. Jour- nal. 1874. V. Z7) Locke, David Ross. Finance and communism; the broadside ex- tra, n. p. i878(?) Locke, E. W. Three years in camp and hospital. Bost., 1870. Locke, John, 1632-1704. Essay concerning human understanding; 1st Amer. from the 20th Lond. edition. 3v. Bost., 1803. Essay for the understanding of St. Paul's epistles. Host, 1831. (American Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 45.) Letter concerning toleration. Bost., 1743. Reasonableness of Christianity. Bost., 1811. Some thoughts concerning education. Bost., 1830. Locke, John, M. D., 1792-1852. Observations made in the years 1838-43 to determine the magnetic dip and the intensity of the magnetic force in several parts of the United States, (/n Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1846. v. 9; 4). 283-381.) Observations on terrestrial magnetism. {In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1852. v. 3; art. i.) Natural theology, a valedictory lecture delivered to the class of students in the Medical college of Ohio, in the department of chemistry, 1853. Cine, 1853. Locke, John Goodwin. Book of the Lockes; a genealogical and historical record of the descendants of William Locke of Wo- burn. Bost., 1853. Locke, John L. History of Phoenix lodge. No. 24. Belfast, 1863. Sketches of the history of the town of Camden, Me. Hallo- well, 1859. Locke, John Staples. Historical sketches of Old Orchard and the shores of Saco Bay. Bost., 1884. Locke, Rei>. William E. Brief historical sketch of the Congrega- tional church, East Alstead, N. H. n. p. n. d. Note : typewritten copy. Lockhart, Burton Wellesley, D. D. Victory of faith, n. p. n. d. Manch., 1901. Lockhart, John Gibson. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott 7v. Bost., 1837-8. Lockington, W. N. Review of the pleuronectidae of San Fran- cisco, (in U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1880. v. 2; p. 69-108.) {In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1880. v. 19, pt. 2; p. 69-108.) Lockport (N. Y.) First Presbyterian church. Memorial record of the proceedings at the jubilee reunion, May 15, 1872. Lockport, 1872. Lockwood, Mrs. Belva Ann (Bennett). Arbitration and the treaties. Wash., 1897. Complete list of all the treaties entered into by the U. S. from the foundation of the Republic until July 15, 1893. Wash., 1893. Congres internationale de la paix, Nov., 1891. le creation d'un international de la paix. Wash., 1891. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 799 Lockwood, Mrs. Belva Ann (Bennett). Discoiirs. Par., 1889. Growth of peace principles. Wash., 1895. International arbitration court and a congress of nations. Wash., 1893. Resume of international arbitration. Parkesburg, 1896. Lockwood, Capt. Daniel W., and Wheeler, Maj. George Montague. Preliminary report upon a reconnaissance through southern and southeastern Nevada. 1875. Lockwood, James H. Early times and events in Wisconsin. (/« Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1855. v. i; p. 98-196.) Lockwood, Mrs. Mary Smith, ed. American monthly magazine. 1898. Lockwood, Ralph. Essay on a national bankrupt law. N. Y. 1825. Lockyer, Joseph Norman. Elements of astronomy. Rev. ed. N. Y.. 1878. Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield, and Huggins, William. Spectrum analysis. 1872. Locomotive, monthly, pub. by the Hartford steam boiler inspection and insurance company. New ser. v. 1-21. Hartf., 1880-1900. Locy, William Albert. Contribution to the structure and devel- opment of the vertebrate head. Bost., 1895. Lodeman, E. G. Spraying of plants. Lond., 1897. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Alexander Hamilton. Ed. 15. Bost., 1887. (American statesmen.) Authorship of the Federalist. (In Amer. antiq. soc. Proceed. 1885. p. 409-20.) Daniel Webster. Ed. 9. Bost., 1887. (American statesmen.) George Washington. 2v. Bost., 1889. (American states- men.) Memoir of Caleb Strong. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1879. V. i; p. 290-316.) 1775, April 19th, 1896; an address commemorative of the life and services of G. D. Robinson. Bost., 1896. Story of the Revolution. 2v. N. Y., 1898. comp. Twelve popular tales. Ed. 2. Bost., 1887. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. ed. Hamilton, Alexander. Works. 1885-6. ed. Mills, Elijah Hunt. Letters. (In Mass. hist. soc. Pro- ceed. ^ 1882. V. 19; p. 12-53.) Loeb, Isidor. Legal property relations of married parties. N. Y., 1900. (In Columbia: Univ. Studies in history. 1900. v. 12.) Loennberg, Einar. See Lonnberg, Einar. Loew, H. Monographs of the diptera of North America, ed. by R. Osten-Sacken. (In Smithsonian inst. Misc. coll. 1867-74. V. 6; 221+360P. V. 11; 351P ) Loew, Oscar. Catalase, a new enzym of general occurrence. Wash., 1901. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Report, no. 68.) Curing and fermentation of cigar leaf tobacco. Wash., 1899. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Misc. reports, no. 59.) Physiological studies of Connecticut leaf tobacco. Wash., 1900. (In U. S. : Agric, dept. of. Misc. reports, no. 65.) Log cabin and hard cider melodies, collection of popular and patri- otic songs. Bost., 1840. Logan, C. A., M. D. Physics of the infectious diseases. Chic, 1878. Logan, Mrs. Deborah (Norris). Memoir of Dr. George Logan of Stenton; ed. by F. A. Logan. Phil., 1899. Logan, Frances Armat, cd. Logan, Mrs. Deborah (Norris). Mem- oir of Dr. Logan. 1899. Logan, James. Selections from the Logan papers. (In Penn. hist, soc. Coll. 1853. V. i; p. 273-302.) and Penn, William. Correspondence. (In Penn. hist. soc. Memoirs. 1870-2. v. 9-10.) 800 AUTHOR LIST. Logan, Brig.-gen. John Alexander. Fitz-John Porter, speech in the senate of the U. S., Mar. 13, 1884. Wash., 1884. Great conspiracy, its origin and history. N. Y., 1886. Oration at the tomb of U. S. Grant, May 31, 1886. Wash., 1886. Logan, Walter Seth. Siege of Cuautla; the Bunker Hill of Mex- ico. N. Y., 1893. (N. Y. hist, soc.) Logan, Sir William Edmund. Descriptive catalogue of a collection of the economic minerals of Canada, and of its crystalline rocks. Montreal, 1862, Letter to Joachim Barrande, on the rocks of the Quebec group at Point Levis. Montreal, 1863. Notes on the gold of eastern Canada. Montreal, 1864. Remarks on the fauna of the Quebec group of rocks and the primordial zone of Canada, addressed to Joachim Barrande. Montreal, 1861. and Hunt, Thomas Sterry. Esquisse geologique du Canada. Par., 1855. Sketch of the geology of Canada. Par., 1855. {Bound with Canada: Executive committee for the Paris exhibition. Canada at the universal exhibition. 1856.) and others. Description of the oil territory in the vicinity of Gaspe bay, Canada East. Phil., 1865. Logan, William Newton. Contribution to the paleontology of the upper cretaceous series. Chic, 1899. {In Field Columbian mu- seum.^ Geol. ser. v. i ; p. 201-16.) (La) logique ou Tart de penser. Par., 1730. Lombroso, Caesar, and Ferrero, William. Female offender. N. Y., 1897. London. Analytical index to the series of records known as the remembrancia. Lond., 1878. : Medical officer. Reports, 1873, '74» *82. Lond., 1874-83. London and northwestern railway. Illustrated guide. Lond. n. d. London Christian instructor or Congregational magazine for the year 1818-41. v. T-24. Lond., 1818-41. Note : title changed in 1825 to Congregational magazine. London dissector; or System of dissection practiced in the hospi- tals and lecture rooms of the metropolis; ist Amer. fr. last Lond. edition. Phil., 1810. 1st Amer. fr. 5th Lond. edition. Phil. n. d. London international exhibition, Melbourne, 1872-3. Official rec- ord. ^Melbourne, 1873. London, International fisheries exhibition. See International fish- eries exhibition, London, 1883. London lancet; monthly, a journal of British and foreign medical, surgical and chemical science, criticism, literature and news, v. 5, 7, 8, 10-25, 29, 38, 43-9, 54, no. 1-7, 9-12. N. Y., 1845-77. Note : amer. reprint of the Lancet of London. London magazine; or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer, v. 19- 20. Lond., 1850-1. London medical gazette; a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral sciences, v. 35. Lond., 1845. London missionary society. Jubilee services held in London in September, 1844. Lond., 1844. London practice of midwifery, ist Amer. from the 4th Lond. edi- tion. N. Y., 1820. Including the treatment during the puerperal state, by an American practitioner. Ed. 6, enl. Cone, 1826. London practice of physic. Ed. 5. Lond., 1792. London school of economics and political science. Circular. Lond., 1896. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBKARY. 801 Londonderry (N. H.)* Annual reports for the year ending Feb. 15, 1848, '50-1, '53-1902. V. p. 1848-1902. Londonderry (N. H.) First Congregational church. Articles of faith, and form of covenant, adopted June 8, 1810. Haverhill, 1826. Long, Brig.-gen. Armistead Lindsay. Memoirs of R. E. Lee, ed. by M. J. Wright. N. Y., 1887. Long, Clement, D. D. Jesus exalted, yet divine; a sermon deliv- ered at Dartmouth college. Cone, 1859. Serving God with the mind; a discourse commemorative of Roswell Shurtleff. Cone, 1861. Long, George, anon. British museum; Egyptian antiquities. 2v. Lond., 1832-6. Long, John Davis, ed. Republican party; its history, principles and policies. Bost., 1888. Long, Rev. John Dixon. Pictures of slavery in church and state. Ed. 3. Phil., 1857. Long, Rev. Joseph A. E. Address delivered at the consecration of Golden rule lodge, at Weare, N. H., Nov. 19, 1828. Cone, 1829. Long, Moses. Historical sketches of Warner, N. H. n. p. n. d. Historical sketches of the town of Warner, N. Hi (In N. H. hist. soc. Coll. 1870. V. 3; p. 179-206.) Long, Capt. Oscar F. Changes in the uniform of the army; 1774- 1895. Wash., 1896. Long, R. Gary. Ancient architecture of America; its historical value and parallelism of development, with the architecture of the old world. (In N. Y. hist. soc. Proceed. 1849. P- ii7-S0-) Long, Samuel Pierce. Art; its laws, and the reasons for them. Bost., 1871. Long, Col. Stephen Harriman. Supplement, explanatory of certain improvements in the construction of wooden or frame bridges. Cone, 1837. Voyage in a six-oared skiff to the falls of Saint Anthony in 1817. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. v. 2; p. 7-88.) Long, T. K. Legislative hand book and rules of the legislative assembly of the territory of North Dakota. Bismarck, 1889. Long Island college hospital. Announcement of the L. L college hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. v. 23-4, 28-40. Brooklyn, 1881-98. Long Island college league. Students' hand-book, 1896-7. n. p. n. d. Long Island historical society. Annual report of the board of directors, 1864-9, '77-83, '94-5, '97-8- v. 1-6, 14-20, 31, 35- Brook- lyn, 1864-94. Note : v. 7-13 never pub. Circular, n. p. n. d. Its object and work with list of members. N. Y., 1884. List of members with the by-laws and a sketch of the insti- tution. Brooklyn, 1875. Brooklyn, 1876. Memoirs, v. 1-4. Brooklyn, 1867-89. Proceedings in memory of J. C. Brevoort, Mrs. U. B. Hum- phrey, John Greenwood and A. S. Barnes. Brooklyn, 1888. : Library. Catalogue. Brooklyn, 1893. List of recent additions. Brooklyn, 1881. Long Island railroad company. Annual report, 1891. N. Y., 1891. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline, a tale of Acadie. Ed. 6. Bost., 1848. Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Bost., 188 1. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. 802 AUTHOR LIST. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Evangeline; traduit de I'Anglais par Emile Pingault. Cone, 1887. Kavaragh, a tale. Bost., 1849. Poems. N. Y., 1846. Poems on slavery. Bost. n. d. Camb., 1842. Song of Hiawatha. Bost, 1888. Notk: printed for the blind in the Howe type. Valley of the Loire; Journey into Spain. (In Amer. prose. 1881. V. 2; p. 7-23.) Notk : printed for the blind In the Howe type. Voices of the night. Ed. 8. Camb., 1843. Longking, Joseph, ed. Bible: Neiv Testament: Gospels. Notes, illus- trative and explanatory, on the Holy Gospels. 1852. Longmeadow (Mass.). Proceedings at the centennial celebration of the incorporation of the town, Oct. 17, 1883. Hartf., 1S84. Longstreet, Lt.-gen. James. From Manassas to Appomattox, mem- oirs of the Civil war in America. Phil., 1896. IrOngview asylum. Act reorganizing the asylum with the by-laws. Cine, 1878. Annual report of the board of directors and officers to the governor of the state of Ohio for the year 1860-1901. v, 1-42. Columbus, 1861-1901. Longworth, Israel. Chapter in the history of the township of Onslow, Nova Scotia. (In N. S. hist. soc. Coll. 1895. v. 9; p. 39-71) Lonnberg, Einar. Notes on reptiles and betrachians collected in Florida in 1892 and 1893. (In U. S.: National museum. Pro- ceed. 1895- V. 17; p. 317-39) Lookout mountain educational institutions, Lookout Mountain (Tcnn.). Catalogue, 1866-72. N. Y., 1872. Loomis, Alfred Lebeus, M. D. Lectures on diseases of the respir- atory organs, heart and kidneys. N. Y., 1878. Lectures on fevers. N. Y., 1881. Lessons in physical diagnosis. Ed. 3, rev. and enl. N. Y., 1874. Loomis, Dwight, and Calhoun, J. Gilbert, ed. Judicial and civil his- torv of Connecticut. Bost., 1895. Loomis, Elias. Astronomical observations made at Hudson ob- servatory. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1843-53. v. 8; p. 141-54; V. 10; p. 1-15.) Elements of algebra. Ed. 12. N. Y., 1858. Elements of geometry and conic sections. Ed. 24. N. Y., 1863. Elements of geometry, conic sections and trigonometry. Rev. ed. N. Y., 1873. Elements of natural philosophy, designed for academies and high schools. N. Y., 1858. Notice of the hail-storm which passed over New York City on the first of July, 1853. (In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1856. v. 7; p. 56-79) Observations to determine the magnetic intensity at several places in the United States. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1843. V. 8; p. 61-76, 285-304) On certain storms in Europe and America, December, 1836. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1859. v. 11.) On the storm which was experienced throughout the United States about the 20th of Dec, 1836. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1841-3. v. 7; p. 125-63. v. 8; p. 305-6.) On two storms which were experienced throughout the United States in the month of February, 1842. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1846. v. 9; p. 161-84.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 803 Loomis, Frank M. Exclusion of partisan politics from municipal affairs, the Democratic-European method. (In National munici- pal league. Proceed. 1897. p. 103-17.) Loomis, Justin R. Elements of geology. Bost., 1852. Loomis, Mrs. Submit (Chesebrough). Poetry and prose. N. Y., 1893. Lopez de Mendoza Grajales, Francisco. See Mendoza Grajales, Francisco Lopez de. Lorain county bar association. Constitution, by-laws. Elyria, 1889. Lord, Rev. Augustus Mendon. Habit of worship, n. p. n. d. Lord, Charles C. Abraham Kimball, n. p. 1892. Life and times in Hopkinton, N. H. Cone, 1890. Lookout and other poems, n. p. 1891. Mary Woodwell, a medley, n. p. 1891. Poems of Penacook. n. p. 1892. Lord, Edward Oliver, ed. History of the 9th regt. N. H. volun- teers in the war of the Rebellion. Cone, 1895. Lord, Eleazar, ed. Lempriere, John, D. D. Universal biography. 1825. Lord, Eliot. Comstock mining and miners. Wash., 1883. (In U. S.: Geol. survey. Monographs. 1883. v. 4.) Lord, George Dana. Attic lease inscription. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1899. ser. 2. v. 3; p. 44-53-) and Heermance, Theodore Woolsey. Pre-Mycenaean graves in Corinth. (In Amer. jour, of archaeology. 1897. v. i; p. 313- 33-) Lord, Henry Dutch, comp. Memorial of the family of Morse, comp. from the original records. Cambridgeport, 1896. Lord, John, ed. Froissart, Jean. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and adjoining countries, n. d. Lord, John C, D. D. Samuel Wilkeson. (In Buffalo hist. soc. Pub. 1896. V. 4; p. 71-85.) Lord, John King, ed. Chase, Frederick. History of Dartmouth college and the town of Hanover (N. H.). 1891. Lord, Rev. John King. Address delivered before the Gamma Sigma society of Dartmouth college, July 24, 1844. Bost., 1844. Sermons. Bost., 1850. Lord, John S., and Holmes, George K. Report on farms and homes in the United States. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Re- port.) Report on real estate mortgages in the United States. (U. S.: Census, nth, 1890. Report.) Lord, Mrs. M. N. Mary Milton; or. The conquests of grace. Clare., 1876. Lord, Mrs. Myra Belle (Home), anon. History of the town of New London, Merrimack county, 1779-1899. Cone, 1899. Lord, Nathan, D. D. Bible the guide of life; a baccalaureate dis- course to the class of 1858 at Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1858. Cherubim and the flaming sword; baccalaureate discourse to the graduating class at Dartmouth college, July 17, 1863. Bost., 1864. Discourse commemorative of Abiel Chandler, founder of the Chandler school at Dartmouth college. Bost., 1852. Discourse commemorative of Ira Young. Hanover, 1859. Discourse on the character of Stephen Chase, professor of Mathematics in Dartmouth college. Hanover, 1851. Ground and substance of justification, a discourse to the stu- dents of Dartmouth college, Nov., 1853. Hanover, 1854. Improvement of the present state of things, discourse to the students of Dartmouth college, Nov., 1852. Hanover, 1853. 804 AUTHOR LIST. Lord, Nathan, D. D. Improvement of the present state of things, discourse to the students of Dartmouth college, Nov. 1852. Hanover, 1859. anon. Letter of inquiry to ministers of the Gospel of all de- nominations on slavery. Bost., 1854. Ed. 4. Hanover, i860. Letter to the alumni of Dartmouth college on its looth anni- versary. N. Y., 1869. Letter to the Rev. Daniel Dana, on professor Park's Theology of New England. Bost., 1852. Millennium; an essay read to the general convention of N. H., June, 1853. Hanover, 1854. Philosophy and faith; sermon to the graduating class in Dart- mouth college, on the Sabbath before commencement, 1842. Hanover, 1842. Resurrection; a sermon preached April 3, 1859, on occasion of the death of John Richards. Cone, 1859. Sermon at the ordination of Robert Page. Amherst, 1822. Sermon on the death of Rev. Clement Long. Hanover, 1862. Sermon preached at Dartmouth college on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 26, 1857. Hanover, 1858. Sermon preached at the annual election, June 2, 1831, before the executive and legislative authorities of the state of New- Hampshire. Cone, 1831. {In N. H. election sermons, 1816-61.) anon. Sermon preached at the funeral of David Peabody, Oct. 20, 1839, by the president. Hanover, 1839. True picture of abolition. Bost., 1863. Lord, Nathaniel, ed. Pike, Nicolas. New and complete system of arithmetick. 1809. Lord, S. D. Letter to the Union members of the New Hampshire house of representatives. Manch., 1864. Lord, Samuel D. Meteorology; atmospheric phenomena. Manch., 1887. Lord, Theodore A. Summary of the case of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. Ed. 2. San Fran., 1883. Lord, Walter Frewen. Development of political parties during the reign of Queen Anne. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1900. v. 24; p. 69-121.) Goree, a lost possession of England. {In Royal hist. soc. Trans. 1897. v. 21; p. 139-S2.) Lord, William Hayes, D. D., anon. Address and services at the funeral of Constant W. Storrs, Montpelier, Vt., March 26, 1872. Montp., 1872. Remembrance of the righteous, a sermon on occasion of the death of E. P. Walton. Montp., 1856. Lord electric company, Boston. Harvard physiological apparatus made or assembled by the mechanics of the Harvard laboratory of physiologj' under the direction of professor W. T. Porter. Bost., 1901. Lord's supper no mystery. Lond. n. d. Loree, Leonor Fresnel. Emergencies in railroad work. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin; Engin. ser. 1896. v. i: p. 185-226.) Track. {In Wise: Univ. Bulletin. Engin. ser. 1896. v. i; p. 1-24.) Lorimer, George Claude, D. D. Stability of the moral law; a ser- mon delivered before the executive and legislative departments of the government of Massachusetts at the annual election, Jan. I, 1873- Bost., 1873. Tremont Temple, the strangers' Sabbath home. {In Tremont Temple sketch book. 1896. n. p.) Loring, Rev. Amasa. Four judges of North Yarmouth. {In Me. hist. soc. Coll. 1890. V. 11; p. 57-77.) History of Piscataquis county. Me. Portl., 1880. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRAE Y. 805 Loring, Arthur G., and Cutter, William R. Woburn men in the Indian and other wars previous to the year 1754. Bost., 1897. Note : Supplement to the names in Diary of Lieut. Samuel Thompson. Loring, Charles Greely, 1794-1867. Argument on behalf of the remonstrance of the Boston and Lowell railroad co. against the petition of J. S. Cabot and others for a railroad from Salem to Lowell, n. p. 1848. Memoir of William Sturgis. (In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1864. V. 7; p. 420-73.) Neutral relations of England and the United States. Bost., 1863. Loring, Edward Greely, M. D. Is the human eye changing its form under the influence of modern education? N. Y., 1878. Loring, Maj. F. H. General G. H. Thomas. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1893. v. i; p. 279-95.) Loring, Francis William, aitd Atkinson, Charles Follen. Cotton culture and the south considered with reference to emigration. Bost., 1869. . Loring, George Bailey. Address at the national convention of cattle-breeders, Chicago, Nov. 13, 1884. Wash., 1884. (In U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Special reports. Misc. ser. no. 6.) Oration. (In Pocumtuck Valley mem. assoc. Hist. 1890. v. i; p. 289-397.) anon. Sketches of Dunstable, Mass. n. p. n. d. Note : t. p. w. Speech on the question of rescinding the resolve of Dec. 18, 1872, relating to Charles Sumner's proposition with regard to the army register and regimental colors. Bost., 1874. Loring, James Spear, comp. Hundred Boston orators, appointed by the municipal authorities and other public bodies from 1770 to 1852. Ed. 2, enl. Bost., 1853. Loring, N. H. Prussia, its position and destiny, due to Frederic 2, the Great, n, p. 1834. Los Angeles (Cal.): Public library. Annual report, 1889-1900. v. 1-12. Los Angeles, 1889-1900. List of novels and tales. Los Angeles, 1894. ed. Public library bulletin. 1893. Los Angeles chamber of commerce. City and county of Los Angeles in Southern California, n. p. n. d. Los Angeles and Southern California, n. p. n. d. Member's annual, 1895, '98-1901. v. 7, 10-13. n. p. 1895-1901. Lossing, Benson John. Historical address. (In Vassar college. Addresses. 1890; p. 10-21.) History of the United States for families and libraries. Hartf., 1867. Life and times of Philip Schuyler. 2v. N. Y., 1873. comp. Pictorial description of Ohio. N. Y.-, 1848. Pictorial field book of the Civil war in the United States of America. 3v. N. H., 1878. Pictorial field-book of the Revolution. 2v. N. Y., 1855. Note : v. 2, p. 673-752 wanting. Pictorial field-book of the War of 1812. N. Y., 1869. Vassar college and its founder. N. Y., 1867. Washington and the American Republic. 3v. N. Y. n. d. ed. Washington, George, pres. of U. S. Diary from 1789 to 1791. i860. ed. Wilson, William. Poems. 1881. Lost axe-head, 2 Kings 6:1-7. Phil. n. d. Lothrop, Charles Henry, M. D., ed. Medical and surgical direc- tory of the state of Iowa. 1876. 806 AUTHOR LIST. Lothrop, Jason. Letters to a young gentleman on a few moral and entertaining subjects. Cone, i8i5(?) Lothrop, Rev. Jason. Sketch of the early history of Kenosha county, and of the Western immigration company. {In Wise. state hist. soc. Coll. 1855. v. i; p. 450-79.) Lothrop, Capt. John S. Ropes' attack upon General Sherman. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: la. commandery. War sketches. 1898. V. 2; p. 488-507. Lothrop, Samuel Kirkland, D. D. Address to the Benevolent fraternity of churches in Boston, delivered April 27, 1856. Bost., 1856. Consolations of old age; a sermon preached on the looth birthday of Ezra Green. Bost., 1846. Dangerous tendencies of civilization; a sermon preached on Fast day, April 5, 1855. Bost, 1855. I am the way. Bost., 1836. (American Unitarian assoc. Tracts, ser. i, no. 103.) Life of Samuel Kirkland. {In Sparks, Jared. Library of Amer. biog. 1848. ser. 2; v. 15; p. 137-368.) Memoir of Nathan Hale. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1881. V. 18; p. 270-9.) Memoir of N. L Bowditch. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1862. V. 5; p. 500-12.) Memoir of Samuel Appleton. {In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1856. V. zz. pref. p. 7-19.) {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1859. v. 3; p. 7-18.) Proceedings of an ecclesiastical council in the case of the pro- prietors of Hollis-street meeting-house and the Rev. John Pier- pont, their pastor. Bost., 1841. Stay and staff taken away; a sermon preached on the death of H. G. Otis. Bost., 1848. Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. Augustus Lowell. Bost, 1901. Memoir of John Lowell. Camb., 1900. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1901. v. 34; p. 177-88.) Lotsy, J. P. Physiologische proeven genomen met cinchona suc- cirubra; iste stuk, Waar wordt het alcaloid gevormd? Batavia, 1899. (Mededeelingen uit's Lands plantentuin. no. 36.) Loubat, Joseph Florimund, due de. Medallic history of U. S. of America, 1776-1876; with 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart 2v. N. Y., 1878. Official papers relating to the conduct of the legation of the U. S. at Paris to the Commissioners for the International expo- sition of 1867. Ed. 2. Par., 1867. Loud, Henry Martyn, pub. Loud, Watson, M. D., eomp. Genealog- ical record of the descendants of Caleb Loud, ist. 1889. Loud, John J. New Hampshire home-song, words and air. Wey- mouth, n. d. Loud, Watson, M. D., eomp. Genealogical record of the descend- ants of Caleb Loud, ist; pub. by H. M. Loud. Detroit, 1889. Loudon, Archibald. Selection of some of the most interesting nar- ratives of outrages committed by the Indians in their wars with the white people. 2v. Harrisburg, 1888. Loudon (N. H.). Annual report of the financial affairs for the year ending Feb. 15, 1873, '7Si '76, '80-4, '86-9, '91-1902. Concord, 1873-1902. Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th earl oft ed. Lyman, Maj.-gen. Phineas. General orders of 1757. 1899. Loughridge, Robert Hills. Report on the geology of Clinton county, Ky. Frankfort, 1890. Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, M. D. Anatomical, pathological and therapeutical researches on the yellow fever of Gibralter of 1828, tr. by G. C. Shattuck. Bost., 1839. (/» Mass. med. soc. Lib. of practical med. 1839. v. 10.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 807 Louis, Pierre Charles Alexandre, M. D. Anatomical, pathological and therapeutical researches upon gastroenterite, tr. from the original French by H. I. Bowditch. 2v. Bost., 1836. (In Mass, hist. med. soc. Lib. of practical medicine. 1839. v. 5-6.) Memoir on the proper method of examining a patient. (Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C, M. D. Lectures. 1838. p. 149- 87.) . Pathological researches on phthisis; tr. by Charles Cowan. rev. by H. L Bowditch. Bost., 1836. Wash., 1836. • Recherches de gastro-enterite. 2v. Par., 1829. Researches on emphysema of the lungs. (Bound with Brodie, Sir B. C. Lectures. 1838. p. 491-552.) Researches on phthisis, anatomical, pathological and thera- peutical; tr. by W. H. Walshe. Ed. 2, enl. Lond., 1844. Researches on the effects of bloodletting in some inflamma- tory diseases and on the influence of tartarized antimony and vesication in pneumonitis; tr. by C. G. Putnam. Bost., 1836. Louisiana: Agricultural and nieclianical college. See Louisiana: Agri- cultural experiment station. : Agricultural experiment station. Preliminary report on the geology of Louisiana, v. 5. n. p. 1899. Reports for 1888-98 and bulletins ser. 2, no. 1-61, 63-4. v. i- II, 13, 14. Baton Rouge, 1888-1901. Note: bulletins no. 13-28, 1st ser. and 1st and 2d annual reports are in La.: Agric., bureau of. Biennial reports, v. 3 : Agriculture, bureau of. Biennial report of the commissioner, 1885-6, '89-90. V. 1, 3. Baton Rouge, 1886-90. : Agriculture and immigration, board of. Crop report for June- Aug. Dec. 1898, June-Aug., 1899, June-Aug. 1900, Mar.-May, 1901. Baton Rouge, 1898-1901. Louisiana farmers' institutes, bulletin no. i, 2, 5. Baton Rouge, 1898-1901. : Botanical survey. Annual report, v. 3. (In La.: Univ. An- nual report of the supt. 1871. p. 101-61.) : Charity hospital. Report of the board of administrators to the general assembly, 1896, '99. N. O., 1896-9. : Constitutional convention, 1844. Journal, n. p. n. d. : Constitutional convention, 1864. Official journal of proceedings. 2v. N. O., 1864. : Constitutional convention, 1879. Constitution and militia laws. n. p. 1888. Oflicial journal of the proceedings. N. O., 1879. : Engineers, board of state. Report to the governor from April 20, 1888, to April 20, 1900. Baton Rouge, 1890-1900. : General assembly. Tulane university of Louisiana; act No. 43, establishing the university. N. O., 1887. : General assemblv: Conduct of the late elections, joint committee on. Report. N. O., 1868. : General assembly: Returning oMcers, board of. Report relating to the general election held Nov. 7, 1876. Wash., 1877. : Geological survey. Annual report, v. 2-3. N. O., 1871-2. Note : v. 3 is in the Annual report of the supt. for 1871. : Governor. Message to the general assembly, 1856 (2), '81, '90. Baton Rouge, 1856-90. : Health, board of. Annual report for the year 1880-2, '84-5, '94-5. N. O., 1881-96. Excerpta from the biennial report for 1884-7. Quarantine and sanitary operations during 1880-83. Baton Rouge, 1884. Report on the biloxi fever, 1886. n. p. n. d. 808 AUTHOR LIST. Louisiana: Immigration, bureau of. Invitation to immigrants; Louis- iana, its products, soil and climate as shown by northern and western men. Baton Rouge, 1894. : Insurance department. Summary in advance of the biennial report, 1898. N. O. n. d. Laws relating to insurance and insurance companies, n. p. 1898. : Land office, register of. Biennial report, 1900. Baton Rouge, 1900. : Library. Catalogue. N. O., 1869. N. O., 1877. N. O., 1886. . Report, 1865, '70, '73, '77-9, '81-96. N. O., 1866-96. Note : later reports are found in the Reports of the Secy, of state. : Public instruction, supt. of. Public school laws. Baton Rouge, 1894. Report for the year 1870, '73, '77-99. v. p. 1871-1900. Note : after 1879 report became biennial, : Seminary of learning and military academy. See Louisiana: University. : Soldiers' home. Biennial report of the board of directors, 1898. Baton Rouge, 1898. : Topographical survey. •Report, v. 1-2. N. O., 1869-70. Note: v. 1 is in the Annual report of tlie Board of Supervisors of the La. state university. : University. Annual report of the superintendent, 1871. * N. O., 1872. Annual report of the Board of supervisors, 1869-70. N. O., 1870-1. : University and agricultural and mechanical college. Catalogue, 1894-5, '99-1900. Baton Rouge, 1895-1900. Louisiana bar association. Proceedings, 1898-1902. N. O., 1899- 1902. Louisiana native American association. Address. N. O., 1839. Louisiana state agricultural society. Proceedings of the annual session, 1889-91, '94-7. v. 3-5, 8-1 1. Baton Rouge, 1889-97. Note: v. 3-4 are in the Annual report of the Bureau of agriculture of La. 1890, V. 3. Louisiana state medical society. Constitution and by-laws. N. O., 1900. Transactions at the annual session held in 1878-9, '85-94, *98, 1900-1. V. 1-2, 7-15, 19, 21-2. N. O., 1878-1901. Louisville bar association. Proceedings, John Marshall day. Louisville, 1901. Louisville city mission and tract society. Anniversary meeting, 1851. Louisville, n. d. Louisville, university of. See University of Louisville. Lounsberry, Alice. Guide to the wild flowers. N. Y., 1899. Love, I. N., M. D., ed. Medical mirror, monthly. 1899. Love, John L. Disfranchisement of the Negro. Wash., 1899. (In Amer. Negro acad. Occasional papers. 1899. no. 6.) Love, Rev. William De Loss. 185 1-. Fast and Thanksgiving days of New England. Bost., 1895. Memorial of S. W. Hale, Keene, N. H. Hartf., 1895. Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England. Bost, 1899. Lovejoy, Rev. J. C. Address delivered before the Penobscot asso- ciation of teachers and friends of popular education, Dec. 26, 1838. Bangor, 1839. Loveland, Frank O. First fifty years of the New England society of Cincinnati. Cine, 1895. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 809 Loveland, Israel Albert, M. D., ed. Quarterly journal of narcotic inebriety. 1888-9. Loveland, Rev. Samuel C. Greek lexicon, adapted to the New Tes- tament, with English definitions. Woodstock, 1828. Lovell, Albert A. Worcester in the war of the Revolution; em- bracing the acts of the town from 1765 to 1783 inclusive. Wore, 1876. Lovell, James. Oration delivered at Boston, April 2, 1771. {In Orations delivered at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston. 1807. p. 3-11.) Lovell, John, pub. Canada directory. 1857-71. Lovell, John E. United States speaker; a copious selection of exercises in elocution. Charleston, 1837. Lovell, Brig.-gen. Solomon. Journal, kept during the Penobscot expedition, 1779. {In Weymouth hist. soc. Pub. 1881. v. i.) Lovell's gazetteer of British North America; ed. by P. A. Crossby. Montreal, 1873. Lover of truth, pseud. See Prentiss, Charles. Lovering, Joseph. Address. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1875. v. 23; p. 1-36.) On the Australian weapon called the boomerang. {In Amer. assoc. for the advance, of sci. Proceed. 1859. v. 12; p. 45-62,) Lovering, Rev. Joseph F. Sermon delivered at the funeral of Mrs. E. M. Tappan. Cone, 1871. "Shields of the earth belong unto God"; an election sermon delivered before the Governor, council and legislature of Massa- chusetts, Jan. 4, 1882. Bost., 1882. Low, David. Elements of practical agriculture. Ed. 4. Lond., 1843. Low, George J. Papers on prohibition. N. Y., 1887. Low, Seth, 1850-. Problem of city government. Bait., 1889. {In Johns Hopkins univ. Studies. 1889. v. 7.) Public high school; address delivered on the 2Sth anniversary of the founding of the Albany high school, Nov. 16, 1893. {In N. Y. (state): Univ. Annual report. 1894. v. 107, pt. i; p. 537-52.) Low, William Oilman. Results obtained by voluntary and tem- porary movements. {In National municipal league. Proceed. 1895. p. 136-45.) Lowe, A. T., M. D. Columbian class book. Ed. 2. Wore, 1825. Second class book. Wore, 1829. Lowe, Rev. Charles. Defence of the action of the American Uni- tarian association. Bost., 1870. Discourse on the condition and prospects of the South, June 14, 1865. n. p. n. d. Have we misrepresented orthodoxy? a reply to strictures con- tained in the Boston "Congregationalist and recorder" and else- where. Bost., 1868. Statement in regard to the position and policy of the Amer- ican Unitarian association. Bost., 1868. Lowe, Mrs. Martha Ann (Perry). Memoir of Charles Lowe, by his wife. Bost., 1884. Olive and the pine. Ed. 2. Bost., 1893. Lowell, Abbott Lawrence. Memoir of J. R. Lowell. {In Mass. hist. soc. Proceed. 1897. v. 31; p. 75-102.) Lowell, Augustus. Massachusetts institute of technology, com- memorative address. Camb., 1890. Lowell, Charles, D. D. Discourse delivered in the West church in Boston, Aug. 3, 1845. Camb., 1845. Lowell, Delmar Rial, D. D., comp. Historic genealogy of the Low- ells of America from 1639 to 1899. Rutl., 1899. 810 AUTHOR LIST. Lowell, Edward Jackson. Hessians and other German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary war. N. Y., 1884. United States of America, 1775-1782. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical hist, of Amer. 1888. v, 7; p. 1-38.) Lowell, James Russell. My garden acquaintance. (In Amer. prose. 1881. V. 2; p. 47-70.) Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Vision of Sir Launfal. Bost., 1881. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. Lowell, John. Biographical notice of the late D. A. Tyng, (In Mass. hist. soc. Coll. 1830. v. 22; p. 280-95.) Eulogy on James Bowdoin, late president of the American academy of arts and sciences. (In Amer. acad. of arts and sci. Memoirs. 1791. v. 2.) anon. Mr. Madison's war; a dispassionate inquiry into the reasons alleged by Madison for declaring an offensive and ruin- ous war against Great Britain. Hanover, 1812. Lowell, John Amory. P. T. Jackson. (In Old residents' hist. assoc. Contrib. 1879. v. i; p. 189-21 1.) Reply to a pamphlet recently circulated by Edward Brooks. Bost., 1848. Lowell, Mrs. Josephine (Shaw). Consumers' leagues. Bost., 1898. (Church social union. Pub. no. 46.) Industrial arbitration and conciliation. Bost., 1895. (In Church social union. Pub. ser. B, no. 8.) Public relief and private charity. N. Y., 1884. (Questions of the day.) Rights of capital and labor, and industrial conciliation. Bost, 1897. (Church social union. Pub. no. 38.) Lowell, Percival, ed. Lowell observatory. Annals. 1898- 1900, Lowell (Mass.). Proceedings in the city of Lowell at the semi- centennial celebration of the incorporation of the town of Lowell, March ist, 1876. Lowell, 1876. : City library. Annual report, 1889, '95, '96. Lowell, 1890-7. : Reference list on Dante, n. p. n. d. ed. Bulletin of the city library, Lowell, Mass. 1896-8. : Health, board of. Smallpox in Lowell, reports of the Board of health and of the consulting physicians. Lowell, 1871. : Mayor and aldermen vs. Boston and Lowell railroad corpora- tion. Hearing before the Massachusetts Board of Railroad commissioners respecting express accommodations. Lowell. 1869. : School committee. Annual report, 1883. v. 58. Lowell, 1883. Lowell (Mass.) First Universalist church. Commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the dedication, Dec. 25, 1868. Lowell, 1869. Lowell general hospital. Report, 1893-4, '99- Lowell, 1896-1900. Lowell hospital. Report from 1840 to 1849 made to the trustees. Lowell, 1849. Lowell observatory. Annals, v. 1-2. Bost., 1898-1900. Lowell (Mass.) St. Anne's church. See St. Anne's church, Lo^vell (Mass.). Lowell Sunday school union. Annual report, v. 5. Lowell, 1841. Lowell, Young men's Christian association. Annual report, 1872. V. 5. Lowell, 1872. Lowery, Woodbury. Spanish settlements within the present lim- its of the United States. N. Y., 1901. Lowndes, Lloyd. Message to the general assembly at its regular session, January, 1900. Bait., 1900. Lowrey, Asbury, D. D. Life and work of Bishop Francis Asbury. (In Amer. soc. of church hist. Papers. 1894. v. 6; p. 37-62.) Lowrie, Samuel Thompson, D. D. Lord's supper. Phil., 1888. NEW HAMPSHIKE STATE LIBRARY. 811 Lowry, T. K., ed. Hamilton manuscripts. Belfast, 1867. Lowth, Robert, bp. Short introduction to English grammar, with critical notes. New ed, Wilmington, 1800. Loxley, Capt. Benjamin. Journal of the campaign to Amboy and other parts of the Jerseys. (In Penn. hist, soc. Coll. 1853, V. i; p. 223-36.) Loyal girl of Winchester. Fremont, i888(?) Note: biography of Mrs. Kebecca M. (Wright) Bonsai. Loyal legion of the U. S. An album containing portraits of mem- bers of the military order of the Loyal legion of the United States, N. Y., 1901. Constitution and by-laws, Ed, 9, Phil., 1881, Journal of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the com- mandery-in-chief, v, 4. Phil., 1888, : California commandery. Circular, no, 61-485, 487-504, 506-29, 540-77, 585-624, 626-54, San Fran., 1882-1901, Pocket register, April, 1898, Aug., 1901. San Fran., 1898-1901. War papers, no. 1-20. n. p, n, d. : Cdorado commandery. Circular, no. 101-14, 1 16-19, 121-4. Denver, 1897-1901. Pocket register, June, 1898-1901. n. p, 1898-1901, : Illinois commandery. Military essays and recollections; papers read before the commandery, v, 1-3, Chic, 1891. Publication circular. Chic, 1899. : Iowa commandery. Pocket register, August, 1899, 1901. Des Moines, 1899-1901, Songs, Des Moines, 1887, ■ War sketches and incidents, v, 1-2, Des Moines, 1893-8, : Kansas commandery. Circular, no. 181-206, 208-13, 215-17, 219-22, Leavenworth, 1897-1901. Register, 1897-1900. n. p. n, d. War papers, n, p, n, d. : Maine commandery. War papers read before the command- ery. V, I, Portl,, 1898. : Massachusetts commandery. Civil war papers. 2v. Bost,, 1900, Register, constitution and by-laws, 1881, '82, Bost,, 1881-2. : Michigan commandery. War papers read before the com- mandery, fr. Oct. 6, 1886, to May, 1898, v, 1-2, Detroit, 1893-8, : Minnesota commandery. Circular, no. 169, St, Paul, 1896, Register, July, 1895. St. Paul, 1895, : Missouri commandery. Catalogue of relics and trophies con- tained in library room of the commandery, St. Louis, n, p, n. d. Circulars, no, i-ii, 13-60, 62-5, 70, 74-83, 86-91, 93-112, 1 14-17, 119-32, 134-60. St. L., 1885-97. Note : contains also Register of members, 1890-2, 1897. War papers and personal reminiscences, 1861-1865; read be- fore the commandery. v. i. St. L., 1892. : Nezv York commandery. Personal recollections of the war of the Rebellion, v. 1-2, N, Y., 1891-7, : Ohio commandery. Sketches of war history, v, 1-4, Cine, 1888-96. Loyal publication society. Publications, no. i, 3, 4, 16, 27, 29, 34, 36-7, 40, 46, 52, 54, 60, 7^-7, 87. N. Y., 1863-5. Loyalty to the prayer book, n, p. n, d, Loyne, Rev. William A. Manual, M. E, church. East Haverhill, N, H, Haverhill, 1886. Loyola. See Ignacio of Loyola, st. Lubbock, Sir John. Beauties of nature and the wonders of the world we live in, Bost,, 1893. Note : printed for the blind in the Howe type. 812 AUTHOR LIST. Lubbock, Sir John. Hundred best books. (In Brewer, D. J., cd. World's best orations. 1899. v. 7; p. 2820-7.) Lubec mining and manufacturing company. Act of incorporation and by-laws, with a geological report upon their mineral prop- erty in the town of Lubec, Me. Hartf., i860. Lubin, David. Report on the Lubin proposition result of an eco- nomic conference at Washington. Bost., 1896. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsale, tr. by J. F. Marmontel. (In Marmontel, J. F. CEuvres. 1788. v. 13-14.) Lucas, Fred W. Annals of the voyages of the brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno in the North Atlantic about the end of the 14th century and the claim founded thereon to a Venetian discovery of America; a criticism and an indictment. Lond., 1898. Lucas, Frederic Augustus. Fossil bison of North America. (In U. S. : National museum. Proceed. 1899. v. 21; p. 755-71.) Notes on the anatomy and affinities of the ccerebidae and other American birds. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1895. v. 17; p. 299-312.) Notes on the preparation of rough skeletons. Wash., 1891. (In U. S.:^ National museum. Bulletin, no. 39c.) and Stejneger, Leonhard. Contributions to the natural his- tory of the Commander Islands. (In U. S.: National museum. Proceed. 1890. v. 12; p. 83-94.) Lucas-Championniere, Just Marie Marcellin, M. D. Chirurgie anti- septique, principes modes d'application et resultats du panse- ment de Lister. Par., 1876. Luce, Cyrus Gray. Message to the legislature of 1889 of Michigan. Lansing, 1889. Luchren, Lieut. William. First Minnesota at Gettysburg. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Minn, commandery. Glimpses. 1893. v. 3; p. 42-56.) Luchsinger, John. Planting of the Swiss colony at New Glaurus. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1892. v. 12; p. 335-82.) Swiss colony of New Glaurus. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1879. V. 8; p. 411-45.) tr. Duerst, Mathias. Diary of one of the original colonists of New Glaurus. 1845. (In Wise, state hist. soc. Coll. 1900. V. 15; p. 292-337) Lucke, Jerome B. History of the New Haven Grays from Sept. 13, 1816, to Sept. 13, 1876. N. H., 1876. Ludlow, George C. First annual message to the legislature, ses- sion of 1882. Trenton, 1882. Ludlow, Helen W. Health laws of Moses. N. Y., 1879. (Hamp- ton tracts for the people, no. i.) Who found Jamie? N. Y., 1879. (Hampton tracts for the people, no. 4.) Ludlow, J. L., M. D. Manual of examinations. New ed. Phil., i860. Ludlow, James Meeker, D. D. Age of the crusades. N. Y., 1896. (Ten epochs of church history, v. 6.) Ludlow, Maj. William. Battle of Allatoona, Oct. 5, 1864. Detroit, 1891. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i, no. 17.) Report of a reconnaissance from Carroll, Montana territory, on the upper Missouri to the Yellowstone national park and return in 1875. Wash., 1876. Report of a reconnaissance of the Black Hills of Dakota in 1874- W^ash., 1875. Liideking, Charles, M. D. On the specific heats, specific gravities, and the heats of hydration of the acids of the fatty series, and their mixtures with water. (In Acad, of sci. of St. Louis. Trans. 1886. v. 4; p. 625-43.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 813 Luff, William M. March of the cavalry from Harper's Ferry- Sept. 14, 1862. (In Loyal legion of U. S.: 111. commandery. Military essays. 1894. v. 2; p. 33-48.) Lufkin, Edwin B. History of the 13th Maine regt. from its organ- ization in 1861 to its muster-out in 1865. Bridgton, 1898. Lull, Mrs. Oliver W. Soldiers' memorial light and fountain; his- torical sketch of the rocks around the fountain. Milford, 1900. Lum, Dyer Daniel. Early social life of man; an extract from an unpublished work on man in geology. Ed. 2. Bost, 1872. Economics of anarchy; a study of the industrial type. Chic, 1890. Philosophy of trade unions, N. Y., 1892. Social problems of to-day; or, The Mormon question in its economic aspects. Port Jervis, 1886. (The) "spiritual" delusion; its methods, teachings, and effects. Phil., 1873- Utah and its people; facts and statistics bearing on the "Mor- mon problem." N. Y., 1882. Lumb, George Denison, ed. Thoresby society. Registers of the Parish church of Adel. 1895. (In its Pub. 1895. v. 5.) Registers of the Parish church of Leeds from 1612 to 1639. 1895. (In its Pub. 1895. V. 3.) Lummer, O., and Pringsheim, E. Determination of the ratio (n) of the specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume for air, oxygen, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen. Wash., 1898. (In Smithsonian inst. Contrib. 1898. v. 29.) Lunatic hospital at Northampton. See Northampton insane hos- pital. Lunatic hospital at Taunton. See Taunton insane hospital. Lunatic hospital at Worcester. See Worcester insane hospital. Lund, F. B., M. D. Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis; its surgical treatment. (In Boston: City hospital. Med. and surg. reports. 1900. V. 11; p. 43-66.) ed. Boston medical and surgical journal, v. 132-145. 1895- 1901. Lundy, Benjamin, anon. War in Texas; a review of facts and cir- cumstances. Phil., 1837. Lundy, John Patterson, D. D. Valuable private library of J. P. Lundy. Phil., 1899. Lunenburg (Mass.). Early records of the town of Lunenburg, Mass., including that part which is now Fitchburg, 1719-1764; comp. by W. A. Davis. Fitchb., 1896. Proprietors' records of the town of Lunenburg, Mass., includ- ing .Fitchburg and a portion of Ashby, 1729-1833; comp. by W. A. Davis. Fitchb., 1897. Lunt, , comp., anon. York necrology, ed. by M. F. King. n. p. n. d. Lunt, Edward Clark. Key to the publications of the U. S. Census, 1790-1887, with occasional references to other statistical works. (In Amer. statistical assoc. Pub. 1889. v. i, no. 2-3; p. 61-125.) Lunt, George, ed. Old New England traits. N. Y., 1873. Origin of the late war. N. Y., 1867. Lunt, Lieut. Paul. Paul Lunt's book; a journal of travels from Newburyport to Cambridge and in the camp. (In Mass. hist, soc. Proceed. 1873. v. 12; p. 192-207.) Lunt, William Parsons, D. D. Discourse delivered in Quincy, March., 1848, at the interment of J. Q. Adams. Bost, 1848. Discourse, Nov. 25, 1852, commemorative of Daniel Webster. Bost, 1852. (In Eulogies of Webster, no. 16.) Two discourses, Sept. 29, 1839, on occasion of the 200th anni- versary of the gathering of the First Congregational church, Quincy. Bost., 1840. 814 AUTHOR LIST. Luques, Herbert Llewellyn, ed. Report of the class of '82, Dart- mouth college, 1892-7. V. 4. Passaic, 1897. Lusitanus, Blasius Viegas. Commentarii exegetici in Apocalyp- sim loannis apostoli. Parisiis, 1606. Lusk, William Thompson, M. D., ed. New York medical journal V. 14-18. 1871-3. Lutaud, Auguste Joseph, ed. (L)'Obstetrique et la gynecologic en 1885-6. 1886-7. Lyceum of natural history in the city of New York. See New York academy of science. Lydgate, John. Assembly of gods; or. The accord of reason and sensuality in the tear of death; ed. by O. L. Triggs. Chic, 1895. {In Univ. of Chicago. Eng. studies, no. i.) Lydston, G. Frank, M. D. Addresses and essays, n. p. n. d. Lyell, Sir Charles. Elements of geology. Ed. 2. Phil., 1857. Ed. 6, enl. N. Y., 1866. Geological evidences of the antiquity of man, 2d Amer. from the latest Lond, edition. Phil., 1863. On the structure of lavas which have consolidated on steep slopes, with remarks on Mount Etna. Lond., 1859. Principles of geology, being an attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surface by reference to causes now in operation. 3v. Lond., 1830-3. ist Amer. from the 5th and last Lond. edition, v. 2. Phil., 1837. or. The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Ed. 9, rev. Bost., 1853. Ed. 10. V. I. Lond., 1867. Ed. II. V. 2. Lond., 1872. Remarks on some fossil and recent shells, n. p. 1839. Second visit to the United States. 2v. N. Y., 1849. Travels in North America. 2v. N. Y., 1845. Lyford, J. Chauncey. Medals; report of the department of relics, coins and curiosities presented at a meeting of the Worcester soc. of antiquity, 1885. Wore, 1886. Lyford, James Otis. New Hampshire of today, n. p. 1899. Lyman, Albert J., D. D. Gaining of men; or. The law of adaptation to environment in missionary enterprise. Bost., 1893. {In A. B. C. F. M. Addresses. 1879-99.) Lyman, Arthur T. Tariff reform, a manufacturer's point of view. Bost., 1894. Lyman, Benjamin Smith. Against adopting the metric system. Phil., 1897. Future of Japan in its relations with China and Russia. Phil., 1897. Geological and topographical map of the New Boston and Morea coal lands, in Schuylkill county, Penn. Phil., 1889. Geological and topographical rough survey map of the Hinck- ley coal lands. N. Y., 1883. Note : scale 500 ft. to l inch . Geological and topographical sketch map of the Hinckley coal tracts. N. Y., 1883. Note : scale 1500 ft. to 1 inch. • Geological and topographical sketch map of the New York and Westmoreland gas coal company's lands. N. Y., 1883. Note : scale 1000 ft. to 1 inch. Japanese swords. Phil., 1892. Report on the geological survey of Japan. 2v. Tokei, 1874-7. Note : v. 2 consists of maps. Report on the Painter tract, near Cornellsville, Pa. Phil., 1866. Shippen and Wetherell tract. Phil., 1893. NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LIBRARY. 815 Lyman, Benjamin Smith. Staley's Creek and Nick's Creek iron ore region. {In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1881. v. 15; p. Topography of the Punjab oil region. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. New ser. 1881. v. 15; p. i-i4-) Lyman, Charles P. Contagious pleuro-pneumonia. Wash., 1881. (U. S.: Agric, dept. of. Special report, no. 31.) Lyman, Rev. Elijah. Sermon delivered on the day of general elec- tion, Oct. 13, 1814, before the legislature of Vermont. Montp., 1814. (In Vt. election sermons. 1813-58.) Lyman, George H., M. D. Prize essay; the historj^ and statistics of ovariotomy. (In Mass. med. soc. Pub. i860, v. i; p. i- 146.) Lyman, Horace S. Semi-centennial history of Oregon. Eugene, 1898. (Ore.: Univ. Bulletin. Hist. ser. v. i, no. i.) Lyman, John Dearborn. Paper on forestry. Cone, 1895. Cone, 1897. T. C. Lyman's family and descendants, a Christmas present, 1887. Exeter, 1887. Lyman, Rev. Payson Williston. Career and character of U. S. Grant. Belchertown, 1885. Farewell sermon, delivered in the Congregational church in Belchertown, June 5, 1887. n. p. n. d. Historical address delivered at the centennial celebration in Easthampton, Mass., July 4, 1876. Springf., 1877. Historical address on the looth anniversary of the founding of the First church, Easthampton, Mass., Nov. 17, 1885. East- hampton, 1887. History of Easthampton. Northampton, 1866. Military service of the towns of Amherst, Belchertown and Granby, in the Revolutionary war, comp. from the muster rolls in the archives of the commonwealth. Amh., 1889. Lyman, Maj.-gen. Phineas. General orders of 1757. N. Y., 1899. Lyman, S. P. Public and private life of Daniel Webster. 2v. in i. Phil., 1852. Life and memorials of Webster, from the N. Y. daily times. 2v. N. Y., 1853. Lyman, Theodore, 1792-1849, anon. Diplomacy of the United States; being an account of the foreign relations of the coun- try, from the first treaty with France in 1778 to the present time. Ed. 2. 2v. Bost., 1828. Lyman, Theodore, 1833-. Ophiuridae and astrophytidse of the ex- ploring voyage of H. M. S. Challenger. (In Harv. univ.: Mu- seum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1878-9. v. 5; p. 65-168. v. 6; p. 17-83.) Ophiuridae and astrophytidse, old and new. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1874. v. 3; p. 221-72.) Report on the ophiuroidae. (In Harvard univ.: Museum of comp. zoology. Bulletin. 1883. v. 10; p. 227-87.) Theodore Lyman. (In N. E. hist. gen. soc. Memoral biog. 1880. V. i; p. 169-98.) Ropes, John C, and others, ed. Virginia campaign of General Pope. 1886. Lyman, Theodore Benedict, hp. Continuity and perpetuity of the episcopal office, the sermon delivered in St. James church, 1884. n. p. n. d. ^ Manifestation of the truth, n. p. n. d. (Bound with Two views of Episcopacy. 1854.) Lyman (N. H.). Annual report of the town officers for the year ending Feb. 15, 1881-3, '85, '87, '91-1902. v. p. 1881-1902. Lynch, H. F. B. Armenia, travels and studies. 2v. N. Y,, 1901. Lynch, James. Address before the American institute of the city of New York. N. Y., 1829. 816 AUTHOR LIST. Lynch, Com. William. Narrative of the U. S. expedition to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. Phil., 1849. Official report of the U. S. expedition to explore the Dead Sea and the river Jordan. Bait., 1852. Lynd, James W. History and religion of the Dakotas. (In Minn. hist. soc. Coll. 1889. y'. 2; p. 143-74.) Lyndeborough (N. H.)- Annual reports of the town officers for the year ending Feb. 15, 1854, '60, '66-7, '69, '71-2, '74-5, '77-S, '80-1902. V. p. 1 854- 1 902. : Library. Catalogue, n. p. n. d. : School committee. Annual report, March, 1866. Nashua, 1866. Lyndon institute, Lyndon (Vt.). Annual catalogue, 1884-91, '93-4, '95-1900. Cone, 1885-1900. Lyndsay, Margaret. See Menzies, Mrs. Margaret (Lindsay). Lynn (Mass.): Free public library. Annual report, 1877-1900. v. 15- 38. Lynn, 1878-1901. Catalogue. Lynn, 1885. Bulletin, no. 1-3. 2d sen Lynn, 1888-96. ed. Library bulletin. 1898. ed. Lynn monthly bulletin of the public library. 1899-1900. : School committee. Annual report, 1883. Lynn, 1884. Report of special committee on the sanitary condition of the schoolhouses of the city, Dec, 1883. Lynn, 1884. Lynn directory, 1898. v. 33. Lynn, 1898. Lynn (Mass.) First church of Christ. Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the organization of the church, June 8, 1882. Lynn, 1882. Lynn historical society. Register for the year 1897. Lynn, 1898. Lynn hospital. Annual report for the year 1883, '86, '88-1901. V. I, 4, 6-19. Lynn, 1884-1902. Lynn monthly bulletin of the public library, v. 1-2; v. 3, no. 1-5. Lynn, 1899-1900. Lynn (Mass.) Second Congregational society. Address, poems and speeches at the semi-centennial anniversary, April 30, 1873. Lynn, i873- Lyon, G. Parker, comp. New Hampshire register and United States calendar. 1845-65. 1845-65. Lyon, Lucius. Letters. (In Mich, pioneer and hist. soc. Coll. 1897. V. 27; p. 4 1 2-604. J Lyon, Sidney S. Opinion as to the general character of the geo- logical developments in the neighborhood of Greenapsburg. n. p. n. d. Note: manuscript. Remarks on thirteen new species of crinoidea from the palaeo- zoic rocks of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. (In Amer. phil. soc. Trans. 1869. v. 13; p. 443-66.) Cox, Edward T., and Lesquereux, Leo. Palaeontological re- port as prepared for the geological report of Kentucky. Frankf., 1857. Lyon, William Henry, D. D. Early Old Testament narratives for intermediate classes. Ed. 7. Bost., 1897. anan. First parish in Brookline. Brookline, 1898. Study of the sects. Ed. 8. Bost., 1897. What do the evangelical denominations hold in common? Bost. n. d. (Amer. Unitarian assoc. Tracts. Ser. 8, no. 2.) Lys, G. J. M. de, M. D., tr. Richerand, Anthelme Belthasar. Ele- ments of physiology. 1813. : 1833. Lysias. Against Eratosthenes for murder. (In Brewer, D. J., ed. World's best orations. 1899. v. 8; p. 2851-68.) NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE IIBBARY. 817 Lysias. Opera omnia, Graece et Latine; edidit Athanasius Auger. 2v. Par., 1783. Lyster, Henry F., M. D. Recollections of the Bull Run campaign. Detroit, 1888. {In Loyal legion of U. S.: Mich, commandery. War papers. 1893. v. i.) Lyttelton, George, ist baran. Letters. Lond., 1792. Lyttleton. See Lyttelton. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, ist baron of. Athens, its rise and fall, with views of the literature, philosophy and social life. 2v. N. Y., 1837. Conversations with an ambitious student in ill health. N. Y., 1832. Last days of Pompeii. 3v. Bost., 1884. Note : printed for the blind in tlie Howe type. RETURN TO— ». MAIN CIRCULATION ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL RENEW BOOKS BY CALLING 642.3405 DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. 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