CO LO o o GIFT OF Class of 1900 THE GOD OF HEAVEN. THE GOD OF HEAVEN OR TRUTH REVEALED BY I. A. NL "HE THAT IS ABLE TO RECEIVE IT, LET HIM RECEIVE IT." Matt. 19-12 BAKER PRINTING Co. Oakland, Cal. 1905 DEDICATED TO THE WORLD TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I CHAPTER TITLES PAGE I. THE CREATIONS OF GOD - 23 II. THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 29 III. THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME AND EVER- LASTING GOD 43 IV. IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING - 54 V. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COM- MANDMENTS OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN AND THE MOSAIC I,AW - - 66 VI. WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN ? - 89 VII. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACH- INGS OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE - - 99 PREFACE I always have been a close student of the Bible, and from childhood have been puzzled and worried over the teachings that the God of all Goodness, could be a jeal- ous God , visiting the sins of fathers on innocent chil- dren, and that He could tempt man to his own distruc- tion, and be the maker of darkness and evil, and of the woes that afflict the human family. This appeared unreasonable, and I could not won- der at the unbelief of so many, and that such great teach- ers of infidelity as Payne and Ingersol had seized on por- tions of the Bible as seed to sow snares, and to throw doubt on the Christian Belief: because no Good and Holy All Powerful Spirit would create beings after His own Image, and then punish them so severely and savagely because of their fall under His temptations. How this could be never appeared to me, and I was compelled to either reject the Truths of the Bible, or believe that there were two powers contending from the beginning; One of the Heaven, all Goodness and Perfection: the other of the earth, imperfect and par- taking of the qualtiesof evil: the One sending His only Son to save the souls of men and to Regenerate the world; the other tempting that Son to evil, and offer- ing Him dominion of the world He was sent to save, if He would worship him, and not His own Father. 14 PREFACE Closer study guided by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, brought me the convictions coming as Revelations, that the real meaning of the Scriptures had been over- looked, and that there was in reality a constant struggle between the influences of Good and the influences of evil, almost from the very beginning, and that those evil things charged against the God of Heaven were really of the earthly one. The results of my research I sub- mit in the first three chapters hereof, together with other Bible studies of my classes. It can not be ex- pected that what is here revealed will be believed of all. Such has never been the result of any teachings of Truth. It must be conceded however that all here- inafter set forth, goes to teach Goodness and Purity and better lives: and that none of it is such an interpre- tation, as those which have led to unwise division among the claimed followers of Christ resulting in the Self-righteousness of different creeds and churches and cruelty and bloodshed. What is offered is as bread on the Waters of Truth, to prove the uniform and unchangeable Goodness of the God of Heaven, and the necessity of all souls striv- ing to follow His Teachings, and attain His Most Holy Attributes. Scripture says, "All things are Sanctified by the Word of God and prayer." i Tim. 4-5. Consequent- ly we may sanctify anything we aspire to have Holy, if we hear the Words of the God of Heaven and always pray. For example, Where married individuals choose PREFACE 15 so to do, they may through the Word of God and prayer, sanctify their marriage: then they will live Pure and Blameless Lives as did the Lord Jesus Christ: for then they will be born again, born of Spirit: in other words, they will be recreated in the Image of God Almighty. What therefore the God of Heaven hath joined together no man can put asunder. Because of that, you may be Transformed, phanged, for that which is now twain in you may be born again, born into One New Man, like unto the Image of the Father in Heaven; and you will assist in banishing from the earth all sin, sorrow, suffering and death, and abide in the Kingdom of the Most Holy and Infinite Creator, now and Kvermrore. INTRODUCTION "YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN Matt. 5-45. Why does the Lord Jesus Christ so often say, " Your Father which is in Heaven " ? He speaks of the Father which is in Heaven to distinguish Him from the god or father of this world. What is Heaven ? Heaven is either a conscious- ness or a Kingdom wherein reigns only Purity, Holi- ness and Truth, and no one can abide in Heaven unless they are absolutely Perfect and Holy, as the Father in Heaven is Perfect and Holy. What is this world like unto? It is a consciousness, a kingdom wherein reigns impurity, sin, sorrow, dark- ness and death; and the god, the father of this world corresponds unto all that is evil, for Jesus Christ says, " Your father is the father of lies." John 8, 44. Be- cause the Lord Jesus Christ speaks of God His Father as being in Heaven, we know that the God whom Christ is the Image of is the Father of only Truth and Holiness. THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE GOD IN HEAVEN. What makes the Father of Heaven Eternal and All-Powerful? The God of Heaven "Is a Spirit," John 4, 24, says the Lord Jesus Christ. And the i8 INTRODUCTION Spirit of the Father of Heaven is only Light, for the Gckl^qf; Sleayen "is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all." i John i, 5. ,i :' ^ What is Light? Light is Eternal Life, therefore the Father of Heaven is not only a Spirit, but He is Light. He is Eternal Life. And Christ also says, "None are Good, but God," Matt. 19, 17, the Father of Heaven. And Scripture also says, " God is Love," God is Merciful, God is forgiving, for " Love casteth out fear." i John 4, 16, 18. The God of Heaven.there- fore Loves His enemies and you must do likewise, " that ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven: for He maketh His Sun," His Light and Life, " to rise " and to shine on the evil the same as on the good, and sendeth rain on the unjust as well as the just. Matt. 5, 45. THE AUMIGHTINESS OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN. As "God is a Spirit." John 4, 24. The Father of Heaven is an invisible and unutterable Spiritual Light of most marvelous and incomprehensible Purity, Holiness and Almighty Power. The Holy Influence the Supreme and Everlasting Life of the Father of Heaven, is uncomparable to any life power that is manifest in this world, that which emanates from the father of lies, the god of this world. The Goodness of the Heavenly Father is so Pure, Perfect and Holy. Matt. 5, 48. That none are Good, save God who is in Heaven. Not even the Lord INTRODUCTION 19 Jesus Christ, who is without sin, is as Good as is God, for He said, "The Father is greater than I." The Goodness of God your Heavenly Father is Perfect and Holy. He emits a most Glorified Light. Consequently there is in Him no darkness at all. Heaven, that which is only Good, is His Throne, and the earth, this world of evil, is His foot stool. Thus all that's dark and evil is beneath Him. The Love of the God of Heaven is so Holy that It is full of Wondrous Mercy and Forgiveness. Because of these most Mighty Things God cannot give unto His children anything but the utmost Life, Peace, Joy and Everlasting Bliss. The God of Heaven therefore does not and can not send sorrow and suffering: tribulation and perse- cution upon the souls in this world. Neither does He cause the death of any one or any thing. All misery making influences are sourced in the god of this world who planted the tree of evil herein. And as he founded sin, suffering and death he is the father of lies. Yea, the father of sin: and evil is the cause of all woe and death. THE GLORY OF THE GOD IN HEAVEN. What was and is the Glory that existed before the foundation of the world with all its sinfulness and sorrow? The Glorified Glory of the God of Heaven is His Immaculate Goodness and Holiness: Mercy and 2o INTRODUCTION Love: Patience and Forgiveness: Eternal Light and Immortal Life. This most Heavenly Ideal of God you should unceasingly keep before your mental vision: and know that to be Eternal, God must be only Light and Goodness: and to be All-Powerful, God must be only Perfect and Holy. The Lord Jesus Christ says, "By their fruits you shall know them." Matt. 7, 20. You may therefore know the God of Heaven from the god of this world by comparing their fruits! And you may also know according to the kind of fruits unto whom they belong. THE GOOD TREE AND THE EVIL TREE. What does Christ say about the Good Tree ? And unto whom may the Good Tree be compared ? Christ says, "Every Good Tree bringeth forth Good Fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit." Matt. 7, 17-18. Therefore the Good Tree may be compared unto the God of Heaven, whose fruits are only Good: consequently, as God the Father of Heaven is a Good Tree He cannot create evil or dark- ness and we may have implicit Faith in whatever the Lord Jesus Christ says, for He spake the Words of the God of Heaven and did His Works. Christ the Lord also said, "But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit: and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." Matt. 7, 17, 18. Unto whom INTRODUCTION 21 may the corrupt tree be compared? The corrupt tree is the god of this world, who says, "I form the dark- ness and create evil." Isa. 45, 7. He also is the god who planted the tree of evil in the garden of Eden, but that god calls it the tree of good and evil, and he also says, "I form the Light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil." Isa. 45, 7. Whose words are we to believe the Lord Jesus Christ's Words or the words of the god who makes evil? Christ is the Spirit of Truth for He serves the God of Heaven: while the god of this world, the god of evil, is the father of lies: because of that we must believe the Word of the God of Truth, and know that as the Lord Jesus Christ says, "A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit," no god who makes evil and darkness may create Light and Peace, that, which only a good tree may bring forth. THE CAUSE OF SUFFERING AND DEATH. What does Christ the Lord say of "the tree that bringeth not forth good fruit"? "It is hewn down and cast into the fire." Matt. 7, 19. Therefore the god of this world will be cut down and destroyed: his own wickedness will cut him down and finally destroy him, and wherever evil exists there is sorrow, suffering and death. Thus by their fruits we may know the God of Heaven who created man in His own Image, and also the god of this world who made man of the dust, and who descended to sin, pain, sor- 22 INTRODUCTION row and death. There is a most mighty difference between the Lord Jesus Christ, the Image of God, and the man of this world, the image of evil. Christ says, "Not every one who saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the Will of the Father which is in Heaven." Matt. 7, 21. How may the Will of the God of Heaven be done? By Hearing and Heeding the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ: for He speaks the Words of the God of Heaven: and those Words are the Will of the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven. Unto whom are we likened if we hear and do the sayings of Christ? We are like unto a wise man who built his house upon a rock: and it fell not when the rains, floods and winds came because it was founded upon a rock. Matt. 7, 24-25. Likewise, our souls will/<2// not if we are founded upon the ROCK of Christ. Therefore the storms of evil may beat against us but we will fall not, for we are founded upon Truth, the Eternal Life of the God of Heaven. We therefore Praise our Father which is in Heaven for the Words and Promises of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, w r ho is the Image of God. THE CREATIONS OF GOD 23 CHAPTER I. THE CREATIONS OF GOD. "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth/' that is, He created the Divine Essence of Heaven and the spiritual substance of the earth. "And the earth was without form and void." Gen. i, 1-2. In other words, the substance of the earth had not then assumed the form of a sphere, and as a consequence it was void, the earth had no form nor forms upon it. "And darkness was upon the face of the deep." "The deep" corresponds unto infinite space. And as darkness was upon its face, there were no starry spheres therein, neither was the light of God manifest in that deep. THE CAUSE OF LIGHT. "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Gen. 1-2. The waters represent the im- perfect substances of the deep. And as God said "Let there be light." Light was made out of the Spiritual Essences of God and the waters of the deep. "And there was Light." Gen. I, 3. "And God saw the Light, that it was Good; and God divided the Light from the darkness." Gen. I, 4. That is, God separated the Light He created from the darkness 24 THE CREATIONS OF GOD that was upon the face of the deep : therefore God did not cause that darkness. The Nature of God is Oneness Unity. Because of that, God would not have separated His Light from the elements within the darkness of the deep, if He had made that darkness. "And God called the Light Day." The Light made of His Supreme Life Spirit. Gen. i, 5. THE; DARKNESS. "And the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Gen. i>5- God called the elements that were in the deep in space darkness because they did not have the Light and Life of His Spirit in them. Darkness is nothing, as it is the absence of Light. For example, a shadow is caused by the absence of the full light. And a room is made dark when the lights in it are turned out, but the darkness in a room immediately disappears as soon as the lights are light- ed. Night is also caused by the absence of the sun's light, but when the sun returns, the darkness of night disappears. The same may be said of the soul. When it turns away from the Light of God, then it is in darkness and misery. Evil is compared to darkness and night, because THE CREATIONS OF GOD 25 it arises where there is a shadow, a lack of the full- ness of the Light of God. While darkness of itself is nothing, still there may be substances within its shadow. For example, the earth is a substance, and at night it is veiled in the shadow of darkness, which is caused simply by the ab- sence of Light. Likewise the darkness of evil is caused by the absence of the LIGHT, the Goodness and Righteousness of God. THE FIRMAMENT. "And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters : and let it divide the waters from the waters." Gen. 1-6. "And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and God called the firmament Heaven." Gen. i, 6-7-8. In other words, God placed Heaven His King- dom in the midst of the waters, the substances of Nature, where he could reign over all that which would obey heed His Holy Will. God therefore said: "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered unto one place, and let dry land appear." That is, God took of the substances under Heaven beneath His Kingdom, and with His Spirit, transformed them into land. A spherical body which 26 THE CREATIONS OF GOD He called the Earth. Gen. i, 9-10. And God saw that it was good, which signifies God created the Earth Good. Gen. i, 10. "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree, yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself." And as God had commanded, the earth brought forth all these things. And God created them Good. Gen., i, 11-12. THE DAYS, SEASONS AND YEARS. "And God said, Let there be lights in the firma- ment of the heaven to divide the day from the night : and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years." Gen. i, 14-15. Yea, the starry con- stellations of the Zodiac are signs. They give us our seasons, our years, days and hours. "And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven, to give light upon the earth, and it was so." As we all know. Likewise God gave the sun, moon and stars, to rule over the day and the night, and to divide the light from the darkness, and God saw created them Good. Gen. i, 15, 17, 18. ''THE HOLY TRINITY." "And God said 'Let us create man in our image, after our likeness." Gen, i, 26. What does God denote by saying, "Let us create THE CREATIONS OF GOD 27 man in our image, after our likeness?" And whom does He mean by "us" and "our?" When God says us and our He refers unto the Trinity God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. God the Father is Supreme Spirit. He is eter- nally All Good. God the Son is Lord and Master, as His Father created Him Lord over all things beneath Him. God the Holy Ghost is the Redeemer Savior. The Comforter of fallen man. God is greater than the Son, as He is Supreme Spirit, the Infinite Father and Almighty Creator. His Omnipotent Wisdom keeps Him Eternally Righteous and Holy. There- fore God is not the author of confusion evil but of Peace and Everlasting Life. God is the Author of Eternal Life because His Spirit is Supreme without beginning and without end. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE MASTER. God created His Son Lord and Master, as He gave Him power over all beings and things in the Great Universe. God, therefore, gave the Lord dominion and power over the man whom God said "Let us create in our image, after our likeness." Con- sequently the "us" and "our" represent God the Father and God the Son the Lord's Christ, who was with God in the beginning. 28 THE CREATIONS OF GOD The Lord's Christ, the faithful Son of God, is Jesus Christ. As He abode with the Father, and every Sinless soul, is a Son of God. THE LORD GOD'S MANIFESTATIONS. A Lord of the kingdom of darkness who was a murderer from the beginning, because there is no Truth in him; consequently he entertained the idea that there were none as great as he. And because of that he did not the Will of the Holy Father. The Lord God made a heaven and earth to suit himself and planted the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. That Garden corresponds unto Heaven, the Heaven which is with- in: that of which Jesus Christ spake, consequently: at the time herein referred to, the Lord God planted in the mind, in the soul's consciousness, the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil. Gen. 2, 9. The Lord God's mind had not hitherto been a Garden of Eden, a Heaven, as he had not seen that which was Good, the Goodness of the Father: and as he did not see the Goodness and Greatness of the God of Heaven, the Lord God sowed false ideas in the Mind, in the Garden of Eden. Many souls of today do likewise who lose sight of God's Will. The above reveals why Christ the Son of God came into the world to overcome evil, and why He had to teach man how to sacrifice sin. THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 29 CHAPTER II. THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD. \Vho is the Lord God? As we study his man- ifestations and compare them with the creations of the Supreme God, we will perceive who the Lord God is. We must remember that God the Holy Father finished upon the sixth day all of His creations. As upon the seventh day God ended His work which He had created. Gen. 2, 2. Let us also remember the God of Heaven created man in His own Image, for "In the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them." Gen. i, 27. As God is Spirit and only One Being, and as God created man in His own Image, God created man of His Spirit, and One Being like unto Himself. A Be- ing in which was both the male and female principle: therefore God did not create man a dual bein^, but One Being like unto His own Image: and the man God created was a Spiritual Being, because God creat- ed him out of His own Spirit Substance. Consequent- ly the man who was created "In the Beginning" was God-Like, an Invisible Being the same as God is: that man could not be otherwise, as the God of Heaven would create only that which corresponds unto His own Nature. It is the LAW. 30 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD THE GOD OP HEAVEN AN ETERNAL BEING. God's Nature is Changeless. He is therefore Eter- nal, without beginning and without end, from ever- lasting to everlasting: likewise would be the man whom God created. He could not be otherwise; as God is not the author, the creator of confusion: that which is evil and subject to change and death. As God created one man He also made many beings of a like nature. "And God blessed them, and He said unto them. 'Be fruitful and multiply, and re- plenish the earth, and subdue it.' Gen. i, 28. Yea, God desired the beings whom He created to do the same Works He did: to create as He created. God also wished man to subdue the earth, to be Lord over all things beneath him, as God is. Again remember, "God saw everything that he had created, and behold, it was very good" Gen. I, 31- Now let us compare the manifestations of the Lord God with the Creations of the Supreme God. MATERIAL MAN. Out of what did the Lord God make the man Hs formed? "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living soul." The man therefore the Lord God made was formed of dust in- stead of Spirit Substance, and as a consequence he was THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 31 a material being instead of a Spiritual Being: and he also was soul instead of Spirit : and only as that soul redeems himself by doing God's Will and Works, will the Supreme Creator adopt him, receive him by adoption into His Kingdom. THE GARDEN OF EDEN. What other things did the Lord God make? "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden: and there he put the man whom he had formed." Gen. 2, 8. "Because of that the Lord God had made an earth and heavens to correspond unto the things He made." Gen. 2, 4. While the Lord God had tried to create as the Su- preme God created, yet the Lord God had not done the Works of God, the Father of Heaven as we will very soon see. What did the Lord God plant in his Garden ? "And out of the ground made the Lord God every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food : the tree of life also in the midst of the gar- den, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Gen. 2, 9. The Lord God's trees were material because he made them to grow out of the ground matter: they therefore were unlike the trees God the Infinite Creator had created. His were Spiritual Trees, as they were made of God's Spirit Substance. 32 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD THE Two CREATIONS COMPARED. In comparing the two creations you can see why the world has believed the false idea that the God of Heaven created the tree of good and evil, and material man. It is because the world has in the past been made to believe that the two creations were one and the same. But this lesson is given to reveal the Truth to show that there were two creations, and also to show that the Supreme God did not create man dual. Neither did HE place evil in man's way to tempt him: for GOD tempts no man. As His Nature is Di- vine, Holy and All-Good. The sooner therefore you free your minds of the false belief that GOD created man twain in two beings: and made evil, the sooner you will know GOD and do His Will and Works, and speak His Words as did Jesus Christ, the Divine Man whom GOD created. THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT. What did the Lord God command the man to do whom he formed and put in the garden which he planted in Eden? The Lord God said unto him: "Of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat. But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it : for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Gen. 2, 16-17. If the Lord God had had the Wisdom of the THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 33 Supreme God, he would not have tempted, as he did, the man whom he had formed. THE LORD GOD MADE WOMAN. What other beings did the Lord God make ? "The Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone: I will make an help meet for him." Gen. 2, 18. "And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air, and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them." Gen. 2, 19. "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and while he slept the Lord took one oi his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof: and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto man.'' Gen. 2, 21-22. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh : She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man." Gen. 2, 23. Woman therefore was made of the same material substance that man was made of: consequently they were both material beings. Because the Lord God made for man a woman, he did not do the Works of God, the Supreme Creator. Why did He not do the Works of God the Father of Heaven? Because he divided man. 34 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE. LORD GOD MAN WAS MADE TWAIN. The Lord God did not do the Works of GOD be- cause he made man dual: he separated the man he made from the Oneness of the Spirit of GOD: and not until Christ helps the man and woman whom the Lord God made, to be as One Being, perfect^ and Holy in the sight of GOD, will HE receive by adoption, the souls of the manifestations of the Lord God. We can see from our experiences in this world, that the beings and things the Lord God made were not God-Like because of the sin, sorrow and sickness herein: and it is very fortunate for us that the Su- preme God is patient, long suffering and forgiving, and willing to receive our souls by adoption if we will hear and heed the Words of God the Father, and God the Son Jesus Christ. It is also very fortunate for our souls, that GOD sent a Sinless Son to teach us by example how to be Holy and God-Like. THE GOD OF HEAVEN is VERY GOOD; See ! How very Good is the Infinite Father : and how His Works doth shine by contrast when compared unto the works of the Lord God. Jesus Christ saith, "By their fruits, ye shall know them." Therefore by the Lord God's fruits we know that his wpjrks are not one and the satrie as GOD'S Works: because the Lord God's works caused the fall THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 35 of man, and they also caused pain, misery and death unto all the beings and things he made. THE FALL OF THE LORD GOD. "How art the Lord God fallen from Heaven. O, Lucifer! how art thou cut down to the ground, be- cause of thy false creations, that hath weakened the nations." Isaiah 14, 12. "Because thou has thought to exalt thy throne above the stars of God : and to ascend above the Most High, thou hast been brought down to the lowest depths of darkness." Isaiah 14, 13-14. And also that terrible thing hast come upon thee, because thou hast said, "I am a God, I sit in the seat of God: Yet thou art not God, though thou set thy heart as the heart of God." Ezekiel 28, 2. "Behold, because thou hast thought and said these things, thou shalt die the death of them thou hath slain." Ezekiel 28, 8. Yea, the Law of God, the Supreme Creator, is, ' 'As ye sow ye shall reap." And as the Lord God sow- ed the seeds of evil in his garden, he must and should reap the same terrible influences he cast upon the be- ings and things he made. We praise God, the Holy Father, because His Wis- dom, hath revealed the Door, the Way, whereby we may be freed of the false influences in which the sinful Lord God hath placed our souls : consequently, we adore and worship Christ, the Son of God. He who is the Savior of the World. 36 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD THE GOD OF HEAVEN AND THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. What concerning the GOD of Heaven does the Lord Jesus Christ teach? He saith, "There is none Good but One, that is GOD." Matt. 19, 17. Though Jesus Christ spake the Words of GOD and did His Works, He said, "Why callest thou me Good? There is none Good but GOD. Thereby the Lord and Mas- ter humbled Himself and exalted GOD His Father. Yet He always said, 'I and my Father are One, but the Father is greater than I.' " He therefore never claimed that He was GOD, and that there was none else, no God besides Him. While the Lord's Christ taught that none could come unto GOD but through Him, He never said, "I am the first and I am the last: and besides me there is no God." Isa. 44, 6. But on the contrary He told the world that He could do nothing of Himself: and that the Words He spake, and Works He did, His Father spake and did for Him. Jesus Christ therefore humbled Himself in the Sight of GOD, and the Father exalted Him unto the Most High. THE LORD WHO CLAIMED TO BE GOD. What Lord then is it of whom the Prophet Isaiah speaks, who says, "I am the first and I am the last, and beside me there is no God." Isa. 44, 6. "Is there a THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 37 God beside me? Yea, there is no God: I know not any." Isa. 44, 8. Again that Lord saith, "I am the Lord that maketh all things, the Lord thy Redeemer, and he that formed thee." Isa. 44, 24. "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me." Isa. 45, 5. "I form the light, and I create dark- ness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." Isa. 45, 7. "Let them bring forth sal- vation, and let righteousness spring up together: I the Lord have created it." Isa. 45, 8. "There is no God else beside me: a just GOD and a savior, there is none beside me." "Look unto me and be ye saved for I am God, and there is none else." Isa. 45, 21. 22. THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN. The Lord who claims to be all in all, is he the Supreme God? Let us see, The Lord Jesus Christ says, The GOD of Heaven is a Spirit: HE is Perfect and Holy: none are Good but GOD: He hath All- Power: He is All in all: He hath Eternal Life: He is from Everlasting to Everlasting: Besides the GOD of Heaven sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the world to be the Redeemer and Savior of mankind, and GOD Creates only Light that which is Good, hence "in Him is no darkness at all." i John 1,5. As the GOD of Heaven is only Light, He cannot cause darkness and evil, but on the contrary GOD sent His Beloved Son into the world of darkness and evil to overcome their sinful influences, and to Reveal the 38 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD Light of Truth. The GOD of Heaven never tempts any one, because He is the Spirit Kssence of Purity and absolute Holiness. The GOD of Heaven could not have His Kingdom in that Holy Realm if He made both Good and evil: Light and darkness, as His Kingdom would not be Eternal. Jesus Christ says, "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand." "Ye can not serve two masters, GOD and mammon:" for ye can not love both the Light and the darkness at one and the same time. "Light hath no com- munion with darkness." n Cor. 6, 14. THK LORD OF THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. Who then is the Lord who says, "I make the light, and I create the darkness: I make peace and create evil;" and yet at the same time he says he is God, there is none beside him, there is no God. Are not his claims false? Is not his kingdom divided? Yea, and as that is true his kingdom cannot stand: it is not an Eternal Kingdom like unto the Kingdom of Heaven. Because of that, there is a GOD besides him, Yea, there is an Everlasting GOD: and an Ever- lasting Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. That false Lord is not GOD, he is not a Savior, nor a Redeemer as he claims to be. How inconsistent it is to make man evil and then repent having made him so. First the Lord God tempts man and then repents having made him: is that GOD-Like? Nay, The Lord who claims to be GOD, but who is not the GOD of Heaven, THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 39 is the Lord who made man sinful, and as he exalted himself he . is abased. Besides the man he made became corrupt, saw death: likewise will the maker of evil fall perish. YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND GREAT REDEEMER. Why is the Kingdom of the GOD of Heaven an Everlasting Kingdom? The Kingdom of the GOD of Heaven is Eternal, because GOD Creates only LIGHT, LIFE, and Immortal Goodness. Who is the Great Redeemer of the world of darkness? He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the GOD of Heaven, and He is the mighty Revealer of the Truth. What is Truth? And why does Christ reveal Truth? Truth is that which represents all that which is GOOD and HOLY; It is the Perfect LIGHT of the GOD of Heaven; Truth therefore abides forever. Christ Jesus reveals Truth because He speaks the Words of His Heavenly Father and does the Works of GOD. Does the lord of this world do the works of the GOD of Heaven? Nay. Whose works does he do? He does his own material works. WHO CALLED THE LORD OF EVIL GOD? The Lord who made evil called himself God, and the serpent who served him called him God: and the woman whom that lord made also called him God : besides the world today calls him God. Gen. 3, 40 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD i, 2, 3, 5. There are souls in the world who at the present time think they make that which is Good; because of that they claim to be God: Yea, they saith, I am God, for I am made in the Image of God. Why are the souls who make that statement not created in the Image of God. Because none are GOOD save ONE, the GOD of Heaven. When only may the souls of this world be created in the Image of the GOD of Heaven? As the souls of darkness overcome all evil as did the Lord Jesus Christ, then they are born again, born of Spirit, and then also they speak the Words and do the Works of the GOD of Heaven; and only as they do those things are they created in the Image of GOD, and the GOD of Heaven receives them by Adoption. There are but few per- sons in the world who are Perfect and Holy. WHY DID GOD SKND His SON TO THE EARTH ? The GOD of Heaven Willed to overcome the evil the Lord God made, therefore HE sent HIS Beloved Son into this world of darkness to teach men how to sacrifice and overcome all sin; in other words He came to Redeem mankind. No soul of this dark sphere is created in the Image of the GOD of Heaven, until he follows the Divine Example of the Great Redeemer; consequently not until he is redeemed by the Spirit of Truth that the Lord Jesus Christ came to reveal is he born again, born in the Image of the God of Heaven. And only as the men of this world THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD 41 follow exactly the Divine Example of the Lord Jesus Christ, will they attain that Heavenly Treasure GOD'S IMAGE. WHO SAYS SINFUL MAN is MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD ? The Lord God who made material man claims he is made in the Image of GOD: the one who says he made both Good and evil. Gen. 5, i. Who says that GOD made them twain, man and woman, and called the man Adam? The same Lord who made evil. Gen. 5, 2. Why do we know he said these things? Because he made man dual and said, I am God, there is none else, no God beside me. WHO REPENTED BECAUSE HE MADE MAN ? The Lord God repented having made man because all the imaginations of his heart became very evil. Would the GOD of Heaven repent creating a man in His Own Image? Nay, Impossible! for the Nature of GOD is only GOOD. And a man whose nature is God-Like has no evil in His heart. The Lord Jesus Christ is such an example, for He abode only in the Spirit of His Father in Heaven, He therefore is the Image of the GOD of Heaven. THE ADOPTED SOUL. When are the souls who are in the world today Adopted by GOD? When they sacrifice all sin and 42 THE MANIFESTATIONS OF THE LORD GOD overcome the evil of darkness: and they do that only as they are born of Spirit Redeemed. Consequently only the faithful and Sinless Lord and the Redeemed Soul are created in the Image of the GOD of Heaven. Remember the God-Like Being is ONE with Christ, and Christ is a Divine Being that hath the male and female Spirit within Himself like unto the GOD of Heaven; He therefore is not the man whom the Lord God made twain, who divorced woman from man. The reason the world has abode in darkness for ages is because it has been serving a false god. Awake! O ye souls of the earth, and learn to KNOW the TRUE GOD, the GOD of Heaven: and ye will have Eternal Love and Peace: Light and Everlasting Life. THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME GOD 43 CHAPTER III. THERE IS BUT ONE SUPREME AND EVER- LASTING GOD. "There is none good but one, that is God." Matt. 19, 17. Who said that? Jesus Christ. Why is Jesus Christ the Son of God? Because He did and does only the Will and Works of God. Why was man in the beginning entitled the Lord God? Man was called God because he was created in the Image of God: and as His Infinite Father told him to subdue the earth, and to rule over all things, man was a lord : he therefore was designated the Lord God. Were all the men, all the angels, children of GOD, those whom He created ? Nay, for in the day the Lord God made the beings and things he did, they manifested a will unlike the Will of GOD: In order to distinguish the Lords apart, they are entitled the faithful and Sinless Lord and the faith- less and sinful man. Unto whom may the Sinless Lord God be com- pared? He is like unto Jesus Christ, because that Lord abode only in the Spirit of God the Infinite Father: as Jesus spoke only the Words of God and did only His works. 44 THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME Unto whom may the sinful lord be compared? He is like unto mortal man: he exalted self, and made false beings and things instead of doing the Will and Works of God, the Holy Father. And as a consequence he became the maker of the material world, and fell to the lowest depths of darkness. Remember the Supreme God creates, while the sinful lord only makes, because he does his own will and works. He exalts self, in place of doing the Will and Works of GOD, as did Jesus Christ. The sinful lord therefore made material beings and things : that which is corruptible, and passes away. Why is the Sinless Lord God entitled the Son of God? Because He humbles self by doing only the Will and Works of GOD: hence he creates: and He creates only that which is Eternal as He abides only in the Spirit, the Mind of the Supreme God. THE ONKNKSS OF BEING. "In the beginning" of creation the Infinite God created, joined together, the male and female Spiritual Influence in one being when He created man, the same as It is within Himself; as God created man in His own Image. But the Lord who exalted self, that is, did his own will and works, separated the female mind from the male mind and made two beings who were imperfect : because he did not the Will and Works of God, the Almighty Father. Why is it wiser AND EVERLASTING GOD 45 to be created Light of Light, and Spirit of Spirit, that which is Supreme, God-Like: than to be made flesh of flesh, and bone of bone: that which is corrupt, earth- like? In the first instance you are Immortalized, be- ing created out of that which endures forever: in the latter instance you pass away, because made of that which is subject to decay. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CREATED AND MADE THINGS. What is the difference between the things which are created, and the things which are made? There is a vast difference between them, for created Beings and Things are created out of the First Great Cause, Supreme Spirit Substance. They therefor* 1 endure forever. While made beings and things are not produced according to the Will of God, as they are not formed as the Infinite Creator created beings and things in the beginning : consequently made things are formed of matter, the elements of darkness. THE CAUSE OF NAKEDNESS. When is man and woman naked ? And why then do shame and fear overtake them? When the male and female mind is made twain they are naked : because they are then separated from the Spirit, the Oneness of God : and shame and fear always follow those who are separated from God: as then they have no sure 46 THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME foundation upon which to rest. In what did the Lord God, who exalted self, clothe men? He clothed them in material things. Gen. 3, 21. Why did he do that? He had to clothe them in matter because he had made them twain, separated them from the Divine Oneness of God the Supreme Father. THK WINE OF LIFE. What did Jesus Christ, the Sinless Lord God, do when His Mother asked Him at the wedding feast to make wine? He rebuked her, because He did not wish to use His God-given Power for material gain. However, he grasped the opportunity to teach the world a grand lesson : and the lesson taught was, to show man that He could re-create material things into that which is Immortal Spirit: because of that, the wine He created was good, for those at the feast so pronounced it, and that wine which the Lord created was good, as it contained the Spirit of Eternal Life within its substance. THE ETERNAL BREAD AND MEAT. At another time Jesus Christ fed five thousand people, upon bread and meat. What kind of bread and meat would He only create? That which hath within their substance only Eternal Life. The twelve baskets over revealed that the bread and meat which the Lord gave them was Inexhaustible: and only AND EVERLASTING GOD 47 that which is from Everlasting to Everlasting is Inex- haustible and Limitless. GOD Is ONLY GOOD. Listen and remember that the Supreme God hath created only the Divine Spiritual part of our natures : for only God is Good, and God is only Good: that is none are good but God, the Supreme Father, and the only nature God hath is Infinite Goodness. Likewise remember that God the Almighty Cre- ator is greater than the Image of God, Christ Jesus, the Son; and also remember that God creates, and only the Lord who abides in His Spirit, does his Will and Works, is able to create. The sinful Lord only made things, as is seen in the difference between the two creations. You must never forget that there is a mighty dif- ference between the One God and Supreme Creator, He who is only Good, and the sinful Lord God who made the material world, matter loving and sinful man: consequently, there is God the Infinite Creator of Immortal Beings and Things, and there is also the Lord God, the maker of material and mortal beings and things. As has been herein said, the Lord God who does only the will of the Supreme Father is entitled the Sinless Lord God, Christ the Son, as He subdued the earth. Jesus Christ the Master and Redeemer of all 48 THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME beings and things is such an example. He therefore in the Gospels is designated, Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master, the Lord's Christ, and the Son of God; to distinguish him from the sinful Lord God who did his own will instead of the Infinite Father's Will: hence he did not subdue the earth, but served and worshipped matter. GOD CREATES, MAN MAKES. We repeat GOD Creates, man makes, for the sinful Lord God made man in the image of that which is material: that is, he willed to make his consciousness like unto that of a material being by exalting self, instead of GOD. What is a man's rage like unto who rejects the idea that there were two creations? It corresponds unto the wrath of the Lord God, as we show the false- ness and sinfnlness of the beings and things that Lord made: because the darkness of matter hath blind- ed him, he believes that which he makes is good: but his wrath shows he abides in sin and evil. The sinful lord god-man, cannot because of his sins see that which is good and recreate matter unto Goodness until he overcomes sacrifices all the evil influences of flesh and blood, and not until he does that will be become sinless, and thereby be able to recreate all his false manifestations : and that is what every soul must do who lives in this world. AND EVERLASTING GOD 49 GOD created man to do the Works of His Infinite Will: and the Faithful Lord God does the Father's Will and Works as did Jesus Christ. THE FALSE LORD MADE MAN TWAIN. It is written, the Pharisees came to Jesus Christ tempting him, saying: "Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?" Matt. 19, 3. "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that which ,,. made them at the beginning made them male and female?" "And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?" "Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore GOD hath joined together, let no man put asunder." Matt. 19, 5-6. Who made them male and female? Remember, it was the sinful Lord God who made man twain and flesh of flesh. But God the Holy Father created them male and female in One Being like unto Himself, in His likeness. Who said, "they twain shall be one flesh?" Adam. Gen. 2, 24. Which is best, to be of one flesh, or of One Spirit ? As flesh passes away, and Spirit endures for ever, it is better to be of One Spirit. The man GOD created 50 THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME in the beginning was Light of Light, and Spirit of Spirit : instead of flesh of flesh and bone of bone. ABIDE IN THE ONENESS OF GOD. Christ Jesus says, "What GOD hath joined togeth- er, let no man put asunder." In other words, what God hath created One, no man can make twain. That was a rebuke unto the Lord God-man as he had made twain, man and woman, that which should be only One, as is the God Image. May that which is made twain be One? Nay, besides Jesus Christ says, that which is divided against itself cannot stand. Let us see: did the man, the Lord God made twain, stand, abide forever? Nay, he sickened and died as an apple divided withers and decays. Because the sinful Lord God made man twain the result of that sin was the putting away of wives, that was a natural consequence. "THERE ARE No MARRIAGES IN HEAVEN." But it was not so in the beginning: that is, when God created man in the Image of the Oneness of His Spirit: for as we have said before, God in the begin- ning created the male and the female Spirit in One Individual, the same as it is within God's own Image, Christ. After Jesus Christ had answered the Pharisees' question, He pointed out the sins of the marriage AND EVERLASTING GOD 51 state, thereby proving that marriage is not an ordin- ance of Heaven. As God is only Good, he cannot sanction anything that causes sin and suffering: be- sides Christ's Words, which are God's Words, show that marriage is not permitted in Heaven. They are in substance as follows: There be those which have made themselves Perfect for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." Matt. 19, 12. That saying of Christ's shows that if a man wish- es to attain the Kingdom of God, he must make him- self Divine: that is, he must attain perfect self-con- trol, overcome all the sins of flesh and blood, then he will become One with the Spirit of God, be recreated into Spirit God's Image, as man was in the beginning. He that is able to receive it let him receive the say- ing of Christ's. Ye must become Perfect for the Kingdom of Heaven's sal^e. Jesus Christ also said at that time: "Suffer little children to come unto me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matt. 19, 14. Remember He spake GOD'S Words, and those Words show that you must become as pure as a little child if you aspire to attain Heaven. In other words, man must become Sinless before he can be redeemed, created like GOD created man in the beginning. He must therefore be born again, born of Spirit, as Jesus says. 52 THERE is BUT ONE SUPREME You MUST ATTAIN PERFECTION. If you aspire to be perfect, "go and sell all thou hast and give to the poor." Matt. 19, 21. What must you sell in order to give to the poor? You must sacrifice and overcome all material things and their evil influences ; and when you have done that, you will be ready to give to the poor because then you will be overshadowed by the Spirit of the Most High : and as you freely receive of the Light and Life of God, you will also freely give unto the poor. The poor are those souls who sit in darkness sin as they are separated from God: and as you bring them unto a knowledge of God, you give to the poor : not as the world giveth, but as God giveth. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CREATES WORLDS. How does Jesus Christ create all worlds? First, He creates only that which is enduring, because he does the Works of God: and as the Father sent Him into this material world to redeem all things, He re- creates false worlds and thereby He creates all worlds. Paul says: "God created all things by Jesus Christ." Eph. 3, 9. Yea, God creates and re-creates all things by the Spirit that Jesus Christ revealed and they are created for Him. Col. i, 16. Remember, things are created only when they are AND EVERLASTING GOD 53 created of Spirit that which is Eternal and only Eternal Things are created. Because material things are only made they are subject to change and decay. God hath appointed Christ heir of all things as he upholds all things by the Word of God and with His Power. Heb. i, 2-3. 54 I? WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTER IV. "IT WAS NOT SO IN THE BEGINNING/' The object of these lessons is to put forth the Truth in all Its Purity and Power, that Jesus Christ Taught, that other souls may, who aspire to do so, know how to fulfill the Will of the Spirit of Christ As the writer aspires to be led only by the Spirit of Christ, the interpretations of Jesus Christ's teachings are received through the Spirit of Inspiration, of Wis- dom, and of Understanding, the way GOD promised They should be given: consequently it is impossible for these lessons to contradict Christ's Teachings, and also because of that, they do not try, neither do they limit the Power of GOD: for Christ speaks the Words of GOD. But on the contrary they ascribe unto GOD Limitless Power, because they teach that GOD Creates only that which is Eternal Limitless. How can GOD be limited when HE Sees only that which is Limitless, and without beginning and without end? He would be limited if He made evil. THE CHANGKLKSS AND LIMITLESS. Listen! That which is Eternal and Changeless Is Limitless, therefore IT is not limited: while evil is limited, did you ever think of that ? What GOD there- IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING- 55 fore created in the beginning is Eternal Changeless for all HE created, HE pronounced very GOOD. Was not the man whom the Lord God made forced to leave the Garden of Eden because of his sin? And also did he not lose sight of GOD? "It was not so in the beginning." Consequently sin is the cause of things being as they are in the world today, for "they were not so in the beginning," neither is it GOD'S Will for them to be as they are. GOD never creates that which is not HIS Will to be : sin therefore is the cause of all the false things in the world. Because of that the earth has, as man has, a spiritual body and a physi- cal body. GOD created its spiritual body and man, through sin, has made its physical body. The Spirit of these lessons confesseth that Jesus Christ "came in the flesh" Redeemed Flesh; It was therefore capable of Transmutation, as Jesus several times proved. And as Jesus Christ's flesh was Clean Sinless it did not see corruption. As these words are based upon the teachings of Christ they are not taken from the teachings of any science, for the teachings of Christ are all Sufficient, and All-Satisfying; thus only the Spirit of Jesus Christ's Words are taken for the foundation of these lessons. 56 IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING TEACH, BE SmiJ" "Peace Be Still !" Who said that ? Jesus Christ. And why did Jesus Christ say that? The great Mas- ter said., "Peace Be Still!" unto the turbulent and stormy sea, and it became calm Still. Most men's minds are like unto a turbulent and stormy sea, and the Spirit of Christ says unto all those who will listen unto Him: "Peace, Be Still!" And as you are com- manded by GOD through HIS Son to "Be Still !" you should "Be Still!" And if you will "Be Still;" that is, silence all turbulent thoughts, evil desires, false passions, and sinful appetites; then the Spirit of the Most High will overshadow you, and you will Realize the Peacefulness of GOD'S Light, Life and Love. And no greater activity could be expressed within you, than to have active within you the most Holy Influen- ces that Emanate from the Sublime Spirit of GOD. If you aspire to have the Peace that surpasseth under- standing, then obey the Divine Command; "Peace, Be Still !" And only as you do that will you "Love and Worship GOD in Spirit and in Truth;" and as you thus truly Praise GOD you will forget the old selfish self, and as you forget him, also then you will become ex- ceedingly active in serving GOD. Remember, you can forget the false self, that which you have made by sin, only as you Still all its false and evil influen- ces. You see therefore, that to "Be Still" does not IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING 57 mean to be inactive, but on the contrary you are made more active, when the selfish self is still, and all be- cause, then GOD'S Infinite Blessings are Poured out upon you, and They fill you with Their utmost Life and Activity. FALSE INTERPRETATION OF SCRIPTURE. The original Scriptures have been interpreted by man to suit man's convenience; if you will therefore accept all of Christ's Teachings and all in the Bible that corresponds unto His Teachings, you will have sufficient of the Spirit of Truth to Love and Worship GOD in the Beauty of Holiness; consequently you do not have to accept all the Bible, as interpreted by man, (says, GOD said, and did) for there are many things in the Bible that are attributed by man to be GOD'S sayings and doings, that are not GOD-like; hence they are none of His. "Goo Is A SPIRIT." Jesus says, "God is a Spirit," John 2-24. And as GOD is a Spirit, HE is Spirit; for how can He be a Spirit unless HE be Spirit? Therefore as the In- finite Father is GOD and a Spirit, GOD is Supreme Spirit. Never once in all of Jesus Christ's Teachings 58 IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING does He say that GOD ever created evil, but on the contrary He says "GOD only is GOOD." "GOD is Love." Even though Sinless Himself Jesus never claimed to have the absolute Goodness of GOD, for he knew that while in the world He could not possess to the utmost degree the Goodness and Power of GOD. Jesus also said "A kingdom or a house divided against itself cannot stand. Christ said that, to let the world know that GOD is not dual, for GOD would be dual- divided, if He created both Good and evil. Man is dual until Redeemed; thus unregenerate man sees GOD in a false, a dual light. Jesus Christ always said whenever questioned about existing evils in the church, "It was not so in the beginning." But Moses suffered certain things to be because of the. hardness of man's heart. The Son of GOD therefore came into the world to redeem man from his sins; and while teaching him how to over- come evil, Jesus suffered, as all souls do, who do as he did; but the sufferings of a Pure, Good, and Sinless Soul are not like the sufferings of a soul who sins. A Sinless Soul like unto Jesus' suffers for the sins of others, but that suffering is a pain that always ends in Ecstacy, and great Joy. Did not Christ ascend into Heaven after His Crucifixion? Indeed He did. IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING 59 How TO FORGIVE SIN. Christ promises, "Whosesoever sins you remit they are remitted unto them." If you have ever forgiven a deep injury done unto you then you know the joy that comes from such suffering and forgiveness. Jesus came into the world to remit sins, because He was Sinless, and He suffered for the sins of others while overcoming them as all souls do, who do as He did, but He who is as Good as GOD is GOOD is absolutely Free from all such pain and suffering. If a person suffers it is not always a sign that he is suffering for his own sins ; nevertheless sin is the cause of all kinds of suffering. "No MARRIAGE IN HEAVEN." The God of Heaven, the Infinite Creator, in the beginning of creation, made them male and female and you know that a Spiritual Being is both male and female, as he hath the Oneness of GOD. Jesus was a Spiritual Being. A God incarnate. And it is also true: "When they rise from the dead, meaning Re- deemed Souls, they neither marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as the Angels in Heaven." Mark 12-22. And souls rise from the dead, when they rise from sin put away that which is mortal that is, overcome all the evil influences of unregenerate flesh, then they neither marry nor are they given in marriage. 60 IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING Did Jesus Christ marry? Nay, He therefore lived as the Angels Live which are in Heaven. When the disciples said, "It is not good to marry," Jesus said, "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it" Jesus the Christ, received it, as His Divine Example proves, and unless you follow His Sublime Example in every particular you do not fully believe in, nor do you love and worship Christ's teachings as you ought. THK SPIRITUAL SOUL. The Spiritual Soul remains as GOD, in the be- ginning, created him, but most souls that are in the world today are mortal material because corrupt sinful. A soul who overcomes sin, is Spiritualized; made a Quickening Spirit, as he puts away all sin and evil. The first man Adam was a living soul when he was made; but he who sins as Adam did makes a false soul, and that soul is not a living soul, but a dead soul, still if he repents overcomes all the false influences of the flesh, then that soul becomes a Quick- ening Spirit, like unto the last man Adam Christ 5 for GOD receives him by Adoption. BK FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY. GOD'S Will is for all HIS Children to be Fruit- ful, to Multiply and to Replenish the earth. Who* did that? Jesus the Christ. What therefore are the IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING 61 Fruits of GOD ? Purity and Holiness, a Sinless Life. If you are pure and Holy as was Jesus, then and only then will you be Fruitful in the Sight of GOD; and you will also Multiply; for the Strength of GOD will then draw unto you more and more Life day by day; and too you will replenish the earth with the Light and Life that Flows unto you from the Spirit of GOD. Thereby you will help Restore the physical earth unto a pure state, oneness with the Spiritual Earth, that which God created "in the beginning." How A SPHERE is MADE SELF-LUMINOUS. A self-luminous sphere is illuminated because it has more of the Light and Life of God manifest with- in its borders, than a sphere has who shines only by reflected light. The physical earth is one of those spheres that shines only by a reflected light; but the Spiritual Earth "was not so in the beginning." Neither is it now. The splendor of the brilliancy of a heaven- ly body, all depends upon the Holy Influences that are manifesting therein. The physical earth would soon become a self-luminous sphere a sun if the souls of her inhabitants were all Sinless Souls. SPIRITUAL MAN'S MEAT. The Fruits and Seeds that God created "in the beginning," for man's Meat, were not material fruits 62 IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING and seeds subject to decay for Jesus said, " I have Meat to eat that ye know not of." The Meat that He had to eat was the same that God gave man "in the beginning/' That Meat therefore was the Di- vine Fruits and Spiritual Seeds of Heaven, that which contains the fullness of God's Light, Life, Love and Bliss; for These are the only Meats that will truly Sustain the Spiritual Body, the Ever Living Soul, the Quickening Spirit. LIGHT AND DARKNESS. Day corresponds unto the Light and Life of GOD: therefore whenever GOD'S Light and Life are Expressed within you it is Day. Night repre- sents the darkness and ignorance of the sins of the flesh, and the world. Hence if a soul lives as the world lives, it abides in the darkness of night. Because of these things, GOD called the Light Day and the darkness He called night. And where GOD'S Presence is fully Manifest, it is Eternal Day: as it is upon self-luminous stars-suns. Consequently GOD does not create darkness, the night: but sin and evil do that, and for that reason the physical part of the earth is a plane of darkness most of the time. Why did Jesus Christ come into the world to teach you the Truth if GOD made the darkness, and did not, "in the beginning," wish you to be Like unto His O.'wn Image- a Spiritual Being; instead of a mortal soul, as you IT WAS Nor So IN THE BEGINNING 63 have chosen to be. Remember GOD separates the Light from the darkness, and that is why sinful beings are mortal, and make and attract material and mortal things unto their souls, the things that are in the world today; but with Holy Man, it was not so "in the begin- ning" If GOD created these evil things darkness why did He send His Son into the world to overcome them ? And to teach you how to be free from them ? These questions are good for you to ponder over. KNOW THE TRUTH AND LIVE FOREVER. Jesus Christ teaches that death is caused by not knowing the Spiritual Truth GOD. That is, if you do not know the Truth and Live It as Christ teaches It, then you will see death: you must there- fore put on Immortality the Spirit of Christ to be Free from that which is mortal. Christ says^"Be Ye Perfect." How can you be Perfect unless you do ex- actly as did Jesus Christ? What did He do? He overcame all the sins of the flesh and the world, and you must do likewise, if you wish to "Be Perfect," and attain Eternal Life. Man makes false beings and things as he yields to the influences of unregenerate flesh and the world: and it is then he creates that which causes his downfall and death. But as man does GOD'S Will he creates in the true sense, for then he does that which is GOD Like. GOD ever creates in the True Sense, as He 64 IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING creates only that which is Eternal and Limitless, therefore HE does not make evil that which is limited, and it is only evil that thinks GOD is limited if HE does not make evil. THE MANIFESTATIONS OF MORTAL MAN ARE MATERIAL. In quoting what a lesson says it is but just for you to quote correctly: for example, you said, "the lesson said, that Spiritual Man was the creator of mortal beings;" it did not make such a false assertion as that, but it says, ''The manifestations of man are material and mortal, because he is carnal and takes false ideas and evil things to make his things." A man is sinful who harbors false ideas, therefore he is not a Spiritual Man, nor can he be as long as he partakes of false ideas and evil things: but "it was not so in the beginning." It is true the God of Heaven made man in the beginning a Pure and Spiritual Being, if he had been otherwise he could not have lived in Heaven. Sin is the cause of man's mortality death: "like therefore forms its like." Does not man reap wheat if he sows wheat? Yea, if he sows tares he reaps tares, likewise he who sows sinful thoughts and evil desires reaps their mortal effects. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD. . Jesus Christ says "Nothing is impossible with GOD." Therefore Jesus put on Regenerate Flesh, be- IT WAS NOT So IN THE BEGINNING 65 cause He was Sinless, and also because He ''.vas zvith GOD: and He did that to Teach you how to overcome sin, and by so doing He took upon Himself your sins, and the sins of the world, and suffered on account of their uncleanness mortality. You see the flesh that Jesus Christ took on was Regenerate, as it d : d not see corruption. GOD, in His Love and Mercy that endureth forever, hath for the sake of man, pro- vided a way for all flesh to be Redeemed-Regenerated- Reborn. Man becomes One with God the Divine Soul and GOD adopts the Redeemed Soul only as he works to have his human soul Redeemed. A sluggish liver will make a man have the blues, but what is it that causes a sluggish liver? It is yielding to a false idea, and unclean desire, an ab- normal appetite, and the doing of a sinful deed. All sickness therefore may always be traced back to the mind, for if the false idea thought had not been heeded in the first place there would have been no evil results. Because man, heeded, listened unto the words of the deceiver falseness he fell. Warning. Be very careful therefore what thoughts and words you listen unto. GOD'S Words are the only words you should hear. 66 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW CHAPTER V. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COM- MANDMENTS OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN AND THE MOSAIC LAV/. PERFECT LOVE FULFILLS THE WILL OF HEAVEN. What are the commandments of the God of Heav- en ? The Lord Jesus Christ says, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the -first and great Commandment." "And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the proph- ets." Matt. 22, 37-38-39-40. From these command- ments we perceive that the LAW and WILL of th< God of Heaven is fulfilled in one word LOVE. Gal. 5,14- Because there is no unrighteousness in the God of Heaven: (Rom. 9, 14.) His Commandments are for the Righteous. THE MOSAIC LAW. What are the Commandments of the Mosaic law ? See Deut. 5, 7th to 22d verse. Who is the author of Moses' law ? That Author says, "I am a Jealous God, THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 67 visit ing the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me." Deut. 5, 9. Is he like unto the God of Heaven, who is only LOVE? And whose Commandment is contained in the one word, LOVE ? Nay, consequent- ly the author of the Mosaic law must be the Lord God, the god of this world. Why was the law of Moses given? Because of the sins of the world. Gal. 3, igth to 29th verses. That law was given till Christ should come. Therefore it is for sinners, and not for the Children of Heaven, the Righteous Men. It is ffcfc the self-righteous like unto the Scribes and Pharisees of Christ Jesus' time. GRACE AND TRUTH CAME BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. The Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest Law Giver the world has ever known, when He came, the self-right eous people recognized Him not, but sought to kill that Lord because He denounced them and their law; they had the law of Moses. He had the LAW of the Father of Heaven: for "Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." John i, 17. And John says, "The Pharisees' law was given by Moses." If you wish to know who Moses was, read Acts 7, 2oth verse to end of chapter. As the Lord Jesus Christ represents the God of Heaven, Moses also represents the Lord God, the god 68 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC of this world; he who repented because he had made man, because "all the imaginations of the thoughts of man's heart were only evil continually; consequently, that Lord said, "I will destroy man and beast, for it repenteth me that I have made them." Gen. 6, 5-6-7. Is that Lord a wise god? It is written that the God of Heaven is not a God who repents, because He can- not lie. He is only Love, Truth. Num. 23, 19. Neither is He a God of revenge. Luke 18, 6-7-8-9. Only the unjust judge says God is a God of vengeance. Neither does He stoop to smite man. Exodus 12, 12. As the GOD of Heaven cannot look upon iniquity. Habakkuk n, 13. MOSES' LAW HAD No HEALING POWER. One day when the Pharisees and the doctors of the law of Moses were present to listen unto the teach- ings of Christ Jesus, it is written that "the power of the Lord was present to heal them." Luke 5, 17. Because of that, their law was not healing, else they would not have been in need of Christ's Healing Pow- er. But they did not accept His Mighty Power, for they began reasoning, and said, "Who is this that speaketh blasphemies ? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?" Luke 5, 21. How long is the Mosaic law to rule ? Until Christ comes into your hearts, minds and souls ; for it is writ- ten, "The first law and the prophets were until John THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 69 the Baptist came. Since that time the Kingdom of the God of Heaven is preached." Luke 16, 16. Why did not the law given by Moses have Love and Truth? Because Grace and Truth did not come until the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world. John I, 17. Therefore Jesus Christ changed the customs which Moses delivered unto the world. Acts 6, 14. THE APOSTLES PREACHED AGAINST THE LAW O* MOSES. Who preached against the law of Moses? Acts 6, 11-13. Stephen, an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ : because he was full of Faith and Power. Acts 6,8-15. What did the people do unto Stephen ? They stoned him, because he said they were murderers, be- cause they had betrayed the Just One, who received the LAW of the God of Heaven: and they had not kept that LAW. Acts 7, 52, 53. And also because Stephen said, "Behold, I see the Heavens opened, and the Lord Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of God." Acts 7, 55-56. You can see from their cruel act that their law which Moses had given them had not taught them love, but hate and vengeance and murder. Why could those who served only the Mosaic law not be justified? Because that law was not perfect. Paul says the law of Moses was not perfect : "For that law made nothing perfect." Heb. 7, 17-18-19. If that law had been perfect, the Lord Jesus Christ would not yo COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC L,AW have come. Heb. 7, 11-12-15-16. Paul also says that the Mosaic law maketh men high priests who hath infirmities, sins : but the WORD, the Son of the God of Heaven maketh a High Priest, who is consecrated for ever more. Heb. 7, 28. ONLY THE LOVE OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN JUSTIFIES. How may we be Justified ? We may be justified only by the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ, because He speaks the Words and does the Works of the Father which is in Heaven. Acts 13, 39. Was the young man who wished to inherit Eter- nal Life justified by the Mosaic law ? Nay. Yet had he not kept that law ? Nevertheless Jesus Christ said unto him, "If thou wilt be perfect, give up all thou hast and come and follow me." Matt. 19, i6th to 23d verse. Was that young man willing to do as Jesus had commanded him? Nay, he went away sorrowful. Consequently the law he had served had not made him perfect nor taught him to look unto the God of Heaven, whom Jesus Christ loved and worshipped. Who believed it necessary to keep the law of Mo- ses? The scribes and Pharisees. Acts 15, 5. Why did the Apostles give no such command? Acts 15, 24. Because they persuaded men to worship the God of Heaven contrary to the law of Moses, Acts 18, 13. And Paul converted many thousands of the Jews all THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 71 of whom had been zealous of the first law : the same as Paul once had been. Acts 21, 20. Yet Paul taught them to forsake that law. Acts 21, 21-28. Read how Paul was converted in Acts 22d chapter. While Paul taught them to forsake the law of Moses, still it seems he referred some men to that law, because they are still of the world and not yet ready to serve the WILL of the God of Heaven. Acts 28, 23d to 3 ist verse. THE WORLD Wiix BE JUDGED BY LOVE. How will the secrets of man be judged? They will be judged by the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His Gospel. Romans 2, i ith to igth. And not by the law of Moses : for that law made men self-right- eous : it made them think if they did not worship graven images, and did not lie and steal : commit mur- der and adultery and did not break the Sabbath day nor dishonor father or mother : that they were fulfilling the Law and Will of the God of Heaven : but he who knows that Almighty Law perceives there is much, very much more to do than the above things ; that is, all the thoughts of fear, worry, grief, and every evil desire must be sacrificed: and all the affections and lusts of. flesh and blood must be overcome. In other words, everything of a material nature must be given up : and the heart, soul and mind must be led only by the Spirit of Christ: because then, as Christ did, an 72 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW individual will speak the Words of God and do the Works of the Heavenly Father. FAITH AND ITS WORKS EXPRESS THE OF HEAVEN. How is the Righteousness of the God of Heaven made manifest without the Law of Moses ? By Faith ; because those who reveal Faith are no more under the Mosaic law: besides we know that whatsoever things that law saith, it saith to them who are under that law. Rom. 3, 19-20-21-22-23. How then is the law of Mo- ses excluded ? By the Law of Faith. Rom. 3, 27-28. Do we then make void the Mosaic law through Faith? Nay, we establish that law, but we do it ac- cording to the Will of the God of Heaven. Rom. 3. 3i Remember, "the Just live by Faith." Gal. 3, 10-11. As the law of Moses is not of Faith: Gal. 3. 12. Souls can not live by that law. Why does Christ redeem us from the curse of the law of Moses ? Gal. 3. 13. Because "the Spirit of Life in Jesus Christ hath made us free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8, 2d to ipth verse. How did the Promise of Christ come? It came not through the law of Moses. But through the Righteousness of Faith. Rom. 4, 13-14. THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 73 THE MOSAIC LAW Is A STUMBLING STONE. Why does the Mosaic law work wrath? It maketh men self-righteous, for it blinds them to the power of Faith. Rom, 4, 13-14-15-16. Why is sin not imputed where there is no law ? Because the Law of our Heavenly Father maketh us to see all our sins : and it causeth us to sacrifice and overcome them. Rom. 5, 13. Why then is the law of Moses a stumb- ling stone? Because it causes men to seek right- eousness, not by Faith. Rom. 9, 30-31-32-33. Brit (< Whosoever believeth on Christ shall not be ashamed," that is, he shall not do evil. Why are those who believe on Christ not under the law of Moses? Because they are under the Grac and Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 6, 14-15. And, if you are under Grace and Truth that which is the Spirit of Christ, sin and death hath no dominion over you : consequently you hath no need of the Mosaic law : you therefore become dead to that law through Christ. Rom. 7, 4-5-6. Remember, the law of Moses is only the letter that which is dead: but Grace and Truth cometh by the Lord, Jesus Christ, whose Spirit maketh us alive. Rom. 7, 7-8-9-10-11. What law and what command- ment is just, good, and Holy? Rom. 7, 12-14. The Law of the Father which is in Heaven: and we are commanded by Christ's example to abide with Grace 74 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC L,AW and Truth, that which worketh our Faith. Rom. 7, 22-23-25. THE LOVE: OF CHRIST Is THE END OF THE MOSAIC LAW. Why is Christ the end of the law Moses describeth? Because the servants of that law goeth about to estab- lish their ozvn righteousness, and have not submitted themselves unto the Righteousness of the God of Hea- ven. Rom. 10, 3-4-5-6-7-8-9. When do you fulfill the Heavenly Father's Will ? When you hath the love of God manifest in your hearts, minds and souls. Rom. 13, 8-9-10. Because Love worketh no evil. See how the commandments of Moses' law are cut down by the one Command of Christ, Love thy neighbor as thyself. Rom. 13, 9. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF HEAVEN COMETH ONLY BY PERFECT LOVE. "God is Love." And the God of Heaven is only Love. Love therefore fulfills His Holy Will : His Al- mighty law. Because of that can we receive the Spirit of Christ Jesus by the law of Moses? Impossible! If Justification comes by the works of that law, then is Christ dead in vain: but on the contrary if we be crucified with Christ we realize we are dead to that law : for then we know by the works of that law shall THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 75 no flesh be justified, made righteous. Gal. 2, 16-19- 20-21. Why does that which worketh evil befall us. if we think the ten commandments justifu our souls ? Because if we believe that, then are we fallen from Grace and Truth, and Christ hath no effect upon us. Gal. 5, 4- The Spirit of Christ maketh us free because It is only Love, while the law of Moses entangleth us with the yoke of bondage, because it maketh us earthy and self-righteous. Gal. 5, i. Only through the Spirit of Christ's Love, that which worketh Faith within our souls, do we wait for the hope of the Righteousness of the Kingdom of Heaven. Gal. 5, 5. Are ye so foolish, after having begun in the Spirit of Christ, as to believe that ye are made perfect by the lafr of the flesh ? Gal. 3, 3. Remember, ye cannot receive the Spirit of Christ by the works of the law of the flesh, but ye receive His Spirit only by the hearing of Faith. Gal. 3, 2. T/iat which is the Will and Love of Heaven. THE MOSAIC LAW CRUCIFIED JESUS CHRIST. The Mosaic law is the law of the flesh, because it was made for sinners. The self-righteousness of that law was made manifest by the Scribes and Phari- sees who crucified Christ : consequently it was a curse unto man, and that which curseth man cometh not from 76 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW the God of Heaven, for His Will is only Love. And Jesus Christ His Beloved Son redeems all from that curse, if they permit His Spirit of Love to lead them,. Gal. 3, 13-19. Before we knew Faith, the Spirit of Christ's Love : we were kept under the law of the flesh. It was our schoolmaster. All those Souls who become weary of the rule of that schoolmaster, seek Christ and He maketh them free from that schoolmaster. Gal. 3, 24-25. FLESH Is REDEEMED ONLY BY THE LOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. It is written, When the fullness of the time was come, the God of Heaven sent forth His Son, made of woman under the law. Gal, 4, 4. As the Lord Jesus Christ was born of the Holy Spirit, and as the Holy Spirit will overshadow only a redeemed soul, that woman of whom was born the body of Jesus Christ was Holy, Regenerated, born of Spirit. She was an adopted child of the Father of Heaven: consequently the Son of God was made by the law of flesh only in so far as he took on a body of flesh, but that body was not corrupted, being made by a regenerated soul. Because of that, Christ did not partake of the curse of the law of flesh. However the birth of that Lord revealed how flesh may be justified by the Holy Spirit. The Son of the God of Heaven came in the flesh to THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 77 redeem them that were under the law of the flesh, that all might by adoption be received into the Heaven- ly Father's Kingdom, and become His own children. Gal. 4, 5-6. Then ye are led by the Spirit of the Father of Heaven, the Spirit which was in Jesus Christ, and also then you are no longer under the law of the flesh. Gal. 5, 19. THE SINS OF THE LAW OF THE FLESH. With what are you filled, if you walk by the law of the flesh? With uncleanness, adultery, fornica- tion, idolatry, hatred, wrath, strife, heresies, envyings murders, drunkenness, revelings, etc. Why? Be- cause the law of the ten commandments sanctions di- vorce, that from which all the sins of this world arise. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Hea- ven. I Cor., 15, 50. The law of Moses grants divorces. Few people, even though they know it, will admit that these things and divorce are the cause of all the sin, sorrow and misery of this world. W T hy do we know that divorce is evil? Experience teaches that the woes of the world all arise from thajb thing. The Lord Jesus Christ's words and example also teach that there are no marriages in Heaven: for He says, "In Heaven they neither marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as the Angels of the God of Heaven." Matt. 22, 30. And He also says, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you 78 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW to put away your wives, but from the beginning it was not so." Matt. 19, 8. The sins that arise from the marriage state cause divorces, thereby one evil causeth another. And furthermore Christ says, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. Matt. 19, 9. Thus you can see that divorce causes still greater sin, and he who sanctions divorce, encourages a law that is most corrupt in its manifestations. He there- fore who seeks a divorce is the cause of sin unclean- ness. Christ says, "Aill men cannot receive these things," but "He that is able to receive them, let him receive them." Matt. 19, 11-12. THE: FRUITS OF THE: SPIRUT OF CHRIST. We must crucify the things the lusts of the flesh if we would be led by the Spirit of Christ, arid also because the fruits of His Spirit are only Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, Mercy, Meekness, Good- ness, Faith, Temperance: against these things there is no law. Gal. 5, 22-23-24. If we would have the Holy Spirit abide with us we must walk as It walks. Gal. 5, 25. And if we would fulfill the Love of Christ, we must also bear each other's burdens. Gal. 6, 2. In what only should we glory ? Not in the law of the flesh circumcision but in the cross of Christ, for the world is crucified unto us by our Lord Jesus Christ and we are crucified unto the world. Gal. 6, 13-14. THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMETNS 79 How WE ABOLISH THE ENMITY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. As we abolish the enmity, the sins of the flesh, we also abolish the law of the ten commandments: be- cause we desire to make that which is twain in us, one new man, like unto Christ, that we may have Peace and Bliss. Eph. 2, 15. And we also abolish the law of the commandments because of those things for which the ten commandments were made do not exist in the Kingdom of Heaven. We know the law of the ten commandments is good if it be used lawfully; and we also know that law is not made for the truly Right eous man, but for the ungodly, and for all sinners. I Tim., i, 9-10. Why should we avoid foolish questions about the law ? Because they are unprofitable and vain. Titus 3,9- * THE BETTER COVENANT. The Lord Jesus Christ is a Meditator of a better Covenant. "For if that first covenant had been fault- less, then no place would have been sought for the second." That second covenant will and does enable men to know the Will of the God of Heaven. For the Lord says, "I will put my laws into their hands, and write them in their hearts : and I will be their God, and they shall be to me a people." And all shall know Me, 8o COMMANDMENTS OP GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW from the least to the greatest." Heb. 8, 6-7-10-11. The New Law maketh the first old: and that which waxeth old is ready to vanish away. Heb. 8, 13. THE: TRUE: SACRIFICES. As the law of Moses hath only a shadow of that which is good, it doth not make things perfect. Heb. 10, i, For example take its offerings. It is not pos sible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. The God of Heaven hath no pleasure in such sacrifices. Only the overcoming of sin and the giving up of all the evils of flesh and blood are acceptable offerings in His sight. Heb. 10, 1-4. While it is true the Lord Jesus Christ was sacri- ficed that we might be saved; still that sacrifice was made to reveal unto us the way whereby we may over- come all sin, the lusts of the flesh, that we may do only the Will of the Heavenly Father. Heb. 10, 9-10-11- 12: Christ by one offering, hath perfected forever them that are sanctified. Heb. 10, 14. And when we become sanctified, our sins and in- iquities, God says, will be no more remembered by Him. Heb. 10, 17. Christ hath consecrated us by a new and a living way. Heb. 10, 20. If we sin after we have received the Truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice but a certain fearful look- ing for of judgment. Heb. 10, 27. It is written, "He THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 81 that despiseth Moses' law died without mercy." How much greater will be the punishment for him who hath trodden under foot the Love of Heaven. Heb. 10, 29. THE LAW OF THE FLESH MAKETH THE ILLUMINED To SUFFER. Remember after ye become Illuminated ye will have to endure a great fight of affliction, even as did the Lord Jesus Christ, and ye will also be made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions. Heb. 10, 32-33. But if you cast not away your confidence in the God of Heaven, great will be your recompense and Reward. Heb. 10, 35. Remember also Enoch was translated that he should not see death, and was not found because God had translated him. That was his reward because he had pleased God, but without Faith it if impossible to please our Heavenly Father. Heb. n, 5-6. We will be blessed indeed, if we will look only unto the Perfect Law of Liberty, and continue therein; and we must not only be hearers but doers of the work. James I, 25. The Only Righteous Law there is, is that Law which manifests only that which is pure and un- defiled; and ye keep that law as ye visit the afflicted and reveal unto them the Loving Spirit of Christ, and at the same time keep yourself unspotted from the world: that is, give up all the things that are of the world. James i, 27. 82 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC THE GOD OF HEAVEN MAKETH NOT THE LAW OF FLESH. As flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God: i Cor., 15, 50. The God of Heaven is not the maker of flesh and blood. Neither doth He make the laws pertaining thereto. Who then is the law- maker of flesh and blood ? He is the god of this world. He is the tempter of the world. He is the one who made the first law, and the one who made the serpent. It is written : "And the Lord God commanded the man whom he had made, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of. it. for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." den. 2, 16-17. See also Gen. 3, 1st to end of chapter. In Genesis the third chapter you will find that the Lord God made the serpent who tempted the woman which he also had made. And as these beings, that the Lord God had made, had disobeyed his commands they had broken his law : and as a consequence they suffered pain, sorrow and death. THE GOD OF HEAVEN TEMPTS No MAN, NEITHER DOES HE CURSE MAN. Does the God of Heaven tempt man ? Nay. Im- possible ! Neither, does he curse any man : for His Na- THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 83 ture is only Love. He therefore is Merciful and For- giving. What did the Lord Jesus say unto the tempter? "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Matt. 4, 7. Those words show that it is sinful to tempt anyone. The Lord God therefore was a sin- ner because he tempted man. What then did the tempter do unto Jesus Christ? "That evil one taketh him up .into an exceeding high mountain, and shew- eth him all the kingdoms of the world and^the glory of them: and saith, "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." Then Jesus saith unto him, "Get thee hence, Satan : for it is writ- ten, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve." Matt. 4, 8th to 2Oth verse. THE J^ORD GOD WAS THE FIRST TEMPTER. Who is the tempter, who is called Satan ? As the first temptation was given man by the Lord God, he is that tempter : and he is that tempter also because, he made and rules the kingdoms of the world : and being Lord of this world, he only had the power to give this world's kingdoms unto Jesus Christ. Again who is the tempter? Is he not called "the son of perdition?" "The man of sin?" n Thes. 2-3. Is he not he "Who opposeth and exalteth him- self above all that is called God, or that is worship- ped" as the God of Heaven? He therefore think- 84 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW eth "that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, show- ing himself that he is God." 1 1 Thess., 2, 4. Who is this being who thinketh he is God? Ts he not the Lord who say eth, "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil?'' I*- aiah 45, 7. Who in the beginning of this world did those things? The Lord God who made good and evil, but his goodness was only a shadow of that which is good. He also says, "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me." Isaiah 45, 5. As we may judge the Lord God by his works, we may know that the God of Heaven was not beside him \ for all the worlds which he made were full of evil and wickedness, because the imaginations of the hearts o f men were continually evil. The Lord God therefore repented because he had made man. As the Lord God is the maker and ruler of the kingdoms of the world he is naturally the lord who hath made the laws of this world. He being a sinner, because he tempted man, his commandments were not perfect : hence they cause sin : for the law is the strength of sin. I Cor., 15, 56. That is, according to the law so is sin. If there had been no law in the world there would have been no knowledge of sin, but as the maker of evil could not stand the wickedness of the people whom he had made, he destroyed them all but one man and his family: and when the inhabitants of the world again became very evil, he made laws command- THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 85 ments to see if he could subdue their wickedness : but in those laws there was found only the shadow of that which is Good. "If there had been a law given which could have given Life, Righteousness would have come by that law." Gal. 3, 21. The world therefore was kept under the law which the Lord God gave Moses until Faith came. Gal. 3-23. No LAW Is NEEDED WHERE THERE Is No SIN. All those who have accepted faith are no longer under the law of Moses. Gal. 3, 25. As Faith frees us from all sin. No law is required where there is no sin, hence where there is no sin there is no law. Rom. 5, 13. In Heaven the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father where there is only Love, there is no sin. Con- sequently there is no need of a law, therein, besides where the Will of Perfect Love is fulfilled there is no law : and as no law exists in Heaven, the God of that Kingdom maketh no laws for the children of His King- dom. Because of that, the God we adore and wor- ship is "Our Father which art in Heaven." As there is no evil in Perfect Love, no evil can arise from the Love of the God of Heaven : therefore we may say as did the apostle; "In the God of Heaven there is no darkness at all ; for "God is Love," God is only Good." All the aforesaid words prove beyond a single doubt, that the God of Heaven is not the author of the 86 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC L,A\V laws of the kingdom of darkness and sin : they are therefore made by the lord of that kingdom, Satan, the lord of perdition, n Thess., 2, 3. He who hath all the deceiveableness of unrighteousness in him, and in his people, because they receive not the Truth and its Love, ii Thess., 2, 10. "For that reason the Lord God sent them strong delusions that they should believe a lie." n Thess., 2, n. While the God of Heaven sends them the Lord Jesus Christ to teach them the Truth, and to show them by example how to "love thy neighbor as thyself." DEATH Is SWALLOWED IN THE VICTORY OF OVERCOMING SIN. Awake unto the Righteousness of the God of Heaven, O ye children of the earth ! For we are sown in corruption, but the Faith of Righteousness raiseth us in Incorruption." I Cor., 15, 42. "So when this corruptible shall have put on Incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on Immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying, Death shall be swallowed up in victory." I Cor., 15, 44. The victory of over- coming \ all sin and evil. "Thanks be to the God of Heaven who giveth us our victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, and thanks be to Jesus Christ for Grace and Truth, that which is the Royal Love of Heaven : and which is expressed in other words, "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself." James 2, 8. THE DIFFERENCE IN THOSE COMMANDMENTS 87 FAITH WITHOUT THE WORKS OF SACRIFICE Is DEAD. We must not only have Faith but we must do the works of Faith if we would be judged by the Law of Liberty. James 2, 12. "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." James 2, 26. Therefore by works is the Law of Faith made Perfect. James 2, 22. "Abraham was justified by works when he offered Isaac his son upon the Altar." James 2, 21. Because he showed the spirit of willing- ness to give up all pertaining to flesh and blood, even his beloved son. The Lord Jesus Christ's example shows how He sacrificed even His life to reveal the works of the Law of Faith. Because of that, we can not be justified by Faith alone, but there must also be works in order to be saved. The offering of Isaac was symbolical: and it shows we must do as Abraham did : that is, we mus^ be as willing as he was to sacrifice all the beings and things we have that belong to this world, for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake. Remember, the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Give up all and come and follow me." We must therefore sacrifice all that pertains to flesh and blood if we wish to fulfill the Royal Law of Liberty, that we may abide in the Eternal Kingdom of Our Father which art in Heaven. Let us evermore keep our Ideal of the God of Heaven up to the very highest and most mighty stand 88 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD AND THE MOSAIC LAW ard : for as we forever do that marvelous understand- ing will flow unceasingly into our hearts, minds and souls : and that understanding will enable us to know all the mysteries pertaining to all things : and it will also Quicken us with a mighty Life Power. Let us Everlastingly Praise the God of Heaven for His Eter- nal Liberty. WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN 89- CHAPTER VI. WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN? Why are we born in sin? We are unfortunate enough to belong to a kingdom whose god is the maker of evil. Let us not bemoan our fate, for we do not have to submit to fate's leadings, because the God of Heaven has seen our distress and provided a Way for our escape. O, let us evermore praise our Father which art in Heaven . but we must remember He is not our Father, until we are born again, born of His Spirit: for the God of Heaven is Holy Spirit and Perfect Love. It is His Almighty Love that caus- eth Him to show us His most marvelous, Merciful Pity : and as we hear and heed His Loving Voice, with His Mighty Love He forgives our sins, then we are redeemed, born again, born of Holy Spirit, that which enables the God of Heaven to receive by Adop tion our souls : then we become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, and children of the Heavenly Father. THE REASON WHY GOD RECEIVES Us BY ADOPTION. Why should the God of Heaven receive us by adoption, if He was our Father in the beginning? And 90 WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN why did the Lord Jesus Christ command us to be born again, born of Spirit, if in the beginning we were created in the Image of the Spirit of the God of Heaven? Remember, 'he thalt exalteth ^himself is abased, but he that humbleth himself is exalted In other words, if we see ourselves as we really are, as sinners, in the sight of the Heavenly Father, then we will be humbled before Him, and He will exalt us, as we work to sacrifice and overcome our sins. If we wish to make sacrifices unto the God of Heaven, we should lay all our sins and all our worldly posses sions upon the altar before Him, for only such sac- rifices are pleasing in His sight. If we do not these things then the Heavenly Father is unable to receive our souls by adoption, neither may we be redeemed, born again, born of the Holy Spirit. At first it may be repulsive to those who have long believed they were in the beginning made in the, Image of the Almighty God, but when we realize the kind of world in which we live, and that we must be adopted by the God of Heaven, then we perceive that we were not in the beginning created in the Image of the Heavenly Father. 'Can we truly say, "Our Father which art in Heaven," until we are redeemed, born of Holy Spirit, and know that we have been Adopted by the Heavenly Father? Nay! Impossible! WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN 91 SELF-EXALTATION BRINGS EVIL To THE SOUL. The God of Heaven Loves humility. Did not the Lord Jesus Christ humble Himself? Indeed He did. If we therefore affirm we are made in the Image of God Almighty, as many are doing today, before they are redeemed by the Spirit of Christ, born again, and adopted by the Father which is in Heaven, what will be the consequences? Are not all such souls exalt- ing themselves? Consequently they will be abased, for the Lord Jesus Christ saith, "He that exalteth himself shall be abased." Matt. 23, 12. AB the father of this world is a liar he delights in deceiving his children. He therefore incites us to exalt ourselves, he makes us believe we are made in the Image of Almighty God : for he believes that he him- self is God, a"hd he says there is no God beside him. As he exalts himself, he as a consequence teaches his children to exalt themselves : and to overcome that false belief, the Lord Jesus Christ teaches us to hum- ble ourselves and sets us a Divine Example by hum- bling Himself, as He did when in this world; and because He did humble Himself, He was exalted unto the most High: likewise we will be exalted unto the Kingdom of Heaven, and become children of the Father which is in Heaven, if we will humble our- selves : and we are humbled when we realize the evil nature of this worldly kingdom into which we have 92 WHY ARK WE BORN IN SIN been born and that the father of this kingdom, who made us, is a liar. Think what an awful sin we commit if we say we are made in the Image of the God of Heaven before we are adopted by that Father. If we affirm such a lie is it any wonder we are abased? You can see now why we are taught not to exalt ourselves, and also why we must first humble our souls before the God of Heaven if we wish to be truly exalted. AN UNUTTERABLE EXPERIENCE:. The appreciation of the writer of these lines is unutterable because the Spirit of Christ hath given her the understanding to know these marvelous myster- ies in order that her soul may not only be redeemed^ born again and be adopted by the Father of Heaven, but that she may teach other souls how to do likewise :. and the more she gives out of these Mighty Truths, the more she receives : and the more she blesses other souls the more is her soul blest. If you do not live in the Peace and Love Christ lives in, then you may know you do not possess His Holy Spirit : and unless you possess His Spirit you will not know how to humble your hearts, minds and souls before the Father in Heaven. Do you ask how to be led by His Spirit ? WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN 93 Study His words and His saying. Search the Scriptures for them, and meditate upon them, and as you do that you will partake of His Spirit. Have you ever noticed that if you think of the words and sayings and deeds of a loved one who is absent, that you immediately come "en rapport" with their presence Spirit ? Likewise you may come "en rapport" with the Holy Spirit of Christ if you think and meditate upon His Words, and sayings and deeds: and as you con- stantly, every moment of your time, do that, you will be led by Christ's Spirit: and then He will reveal all things unto you, even the wondrous mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Glory and most marvel- ous Power of the God of Heaven. THE LORB JESUS CHRIST HATH THE SPIRIT OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN. The Lord Jesus Christ spake the Words and did the Works of the God of Heaven. He therefore re- ceived His Heavenly Father's Spirit. Because of that, He was able to say, the Father of Heaven is in Me and I am in Him. The Great Law of Correspondence enables us, when we meditate upon the Words, the sayings and Works of Christ, to partake of His Holy Spirit, the same as He partook of the Spirit of the Almighty 94 WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN God. We therefore say, as He did, of God, when we partake of His Spirit. Christ is in us, and we are in Him : and as His Spirit will teach us all things, we very soon perceive our sins and false ideas, and His Spirit also incites us to sacrifice and overcome all the things that belong to this world of darkness. Then we humble our souls in the sight of the God of Heaven, as did our Lord Jesus Christ : and as He was exalted, so also we will be exalted unto the highest. What higher glory may we attain unto than to be adopted by the Almighty God, and to be born of His Holy Spirit? As we think of these mighty Heavenly Blessings our hearts, minds and souls as- cend in a continuous and Everlasting Song of Praise unto our Father which art in Heaven. And we adore and worship Him because He hath given us His Di- vine Image, Christ His Beloved Son, to teach us by example how to become like unto the Likeness of Our Heavenly Father, and how to inherit His Holy King- dom. O! Blessed! Blessed! Most Blessed! be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ! THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Is THE DOOR. As the unspeakable Wisdom of the Almighty God hath prepared a Way, a Door, whereby we may es- WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN 95 cape from the world of darkness and misery, our con- dition is not as deplorable as it at first seems, provid- ing we accept the provisions made for our redemption and salvation. Neither do we have to submit to th? fate that has placed us here, for we can overcome all the influences of this dark kingdom, if we but seek the Door, and the Way that will lead us out of this world into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Door, the Way, whereby we may escape from the darkness into which we were born. Therefore we must seek Him and unceasingly trust Him : and we can do that only as we search the Scriptures for His Words and sayings and deeds : and meditate upon them : for only then is His Spirit able to take possesion of our souls, and His Spirit is poured out upon us. It leads and teaches us. And as IJis Spirit does that for us, we are re- ceived by adoption into the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father and His Father becomes Our Father. "ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM," THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. "In the beginning was the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ : as He was with God He was God, being one with the Spirit of Heaven. The Lord's Christ therefore was in the beginning with God. John I, 1-2. 9 6 WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN "All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made." John I, 3. That is, All things in the beginning were created by the Word. The Lord Christ's, and God the Father of Heaven and Christ, the Word, created man in their own Image: for God said, "Let us create man in our own Image." Gen. i, 26. And God the Father and God the Son not only created one man, one Angel, but they created hosts of them: and those perfect beings were created male and female. Gen. i, 27. Like unto God, and like unto Christ, who hath the male and female Spirit united in One Being within their Spirit. In Heaven all are as the Angels, for they have no marriage therein. Mat. 22, 30. Since flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, i Cor., 15, 50. As Christ is the Image of the God of Heaven and as God is Spirit, Christ and all beings created by Christ are of Spirit. In the beginning therefore all things that were created by Him, Christ, were created of Spirit: consequently the Lord's Christ is present in Spirit everywhere to re-create, to redeem, that which is in darkness. In other words Christ the Word Transmutes all beings and things who Love Him into the Light of the Spirit of the God of Heaven. Did not the Lord Jesus Christ come into the world to teach mankind how to be fruitful, and how to multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it? Gen. i, 28. WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN 97 Indeed He did: for He taught the world how to have dominion over all things. And only as we do as He did, may we be fruitful, and multiply, and replen- ish the earth, and subdue it. The Heavens, the Word, the Christ created were filled with Lights. Gen. i, 15. Self-luminous spheres. And they are created to give Light unto the Earth and to all He had created. And all He had created He pronounced very good, for He saw every- thing He had created was very good. Gen. i, 31. THE LORD GOD MADE; THE: MATERIAL HEAVENS AND EARTH. Ages lapsed between the Spiritual Creations of the Word the Christ and the manifestations of the Lord God. Scripture does not state when he began his work. It simply says, "In the day that the Lord God made the Heavens and the earth." Gen. 2, 4. Because of that we may know when he began his work, that it was not "in the beginning." Neither did the Lord God pronounce the things he made good, but on the contrary He repented having made them, and He finally destroyed the most of them. We may know therefore those things did not and do not belong to the creations of the Word, Christ. It is written the Lord made the earth and the heavens. Gen. 2, 4. Yes, he made the material earth and the material heavens : that is, he made all the 98 WHY ARE WE BORN IN SIN dark spheres of the Solar Universe and all those material bodies that receive light by reflection. Even though the Lord God tried to exalt him- self above the God of Heaven and shewed himself as God: n Thess., 2, 4. The God of Heaven was and is so merciful, loving, and forgiving, He permits His Sun to shine upon the works of the Lord God : and that is why all the material worlds of the Solar Uni- verse seem to be stars, self-luminous spheres, but some of them are delusions : for the light they seem to have is not their light, for it is borrowed. When Adam, the man made of dust, had sinned, "The Lord God said, Behold, the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil. Gen. 3, 22. Thus from that Lord's own words we know who he is, as well as by his works. The Lord God therefore is an entirely different being from the God of Heaven or the Lord Jesus Christ : for we also know they express only Light, that which is Goodness and Love, as therr is no darkness nor evil in Them at all. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST 99 CHAPTER VII. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACH- INGS OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE THERE Is A SPIRITUAL MIND AND ALSO A CARNAL MIND. \Ye found in the study of Mind that there is One Eternal Mind, and also a carnal mind that is subject to dissolution-decay. Science says, "As mortals give up their delusion that there is more than one mind they will gain the Likeness of GOD." But Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, says, "To be carnally minded is death : but fo be Spiritually Minded is Life and Peace." Rom. 8-6. "The carnal mind is enemity against GOD, for it is not subject to the Law of GOD, nor can it be." Rom. 8-7. "Those who do not like to retain GOD in their knowledge, are given over to a reprobate mind." Rom. 1-28. "A double minded man is unstable in his ways." James 1-8. "Be ye per- fectly joined together in the same mind," "that ye may all speak the same thing in the name of Christ." i Cor. i-io. "Purify your hearts ye double minded, and draw nigh unto GOD, and HE will draw nigh unto you." James 4-8. ioo THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF ABIDE: IN THE MIND OF CHRIST To AVOID THE CARINAI, MIND. "Be of one mind, the Mind of Peace and Live in Peace and the GOD of Love and Peace will be with you." ii Cor. 13-11. From these statements of Scrip- ture we see that there is more than one mind active in the world, a carnal mind, and a Spiritual Mind. Which shall we believe science or Scripture? Scrip- ture says, "Let everything be done in lowliness, meek- ness of mind, for this is the Mind that was in Christ Jesus." "Stand fast in One 'Spirit with One Mind, and will your conversation to be centered only upon the Things that pertain unto Christ, His teachings and example." Phil. 1-27. "Be ye likeminded toward one another according to the Spirit of Christ. Rom. 15-5.. "If you have the fellowship of the Spirit of Christ then you are likeminded; that is you have "The consolation and Love of Christ." Phil. 2, 1-2. In all these sayings of Scripture, there is that which infers a mind to be avoided to be overcome, and a Christ-like Mind ; thus mind's manifestations are not all good, as science would have us believe Paul says "That which is Spiritual must be Spirit- ually discerned to Know its GOD Wisdom, for the carnal mind is unable to discern that which is Divine. The mind of man can not discern the Things that be- JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 101 long to GOD, for they are as foolishness to the wisdom of man." ,-'. WE FREELY RECEIVE ONLY As WE GIVE, J ' v ' WITHOUT PRICE. '.. , - :''\ \ f * '" Science claims are "Freely give and freely ye shall receive; that is, "Freely give of silver and gold for services rendered, and freely ye will receive of the words and life of Truth." But to a soul who has active within the Spirit of Christ, that Scripture saith, "Freely give of the Spirit of the Words of Truth, and as he doeth that, freely shall he receive of GOD'S Divine Blessings." Which of these interpretations is the Spiritual the Divine One? "The laborer is worthy of his hire." The scientist saith, he who teaches and heals should be paid in silver and gold. While the true Lover of Truth saith, The real laborer is worthy, and he re- ceives as his reward, more and more abundant under- standing and Wisdom concerning the Things of GOD. "Take no thought what ye shall eat nor what ye shall drink, etc." The scientist says GOD means for us to eat anything and everything, and have no fear, and it will do us no harm. The child of GOD discerns the spiritual meaning of that saying to be as follows : If we Love GOD, that which is all Good, as we ought we will trust GOD fully, and take no thought about our eating and drinking, knowing HE will provide all we need. 102 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF BE PERFECT AND HOLY BOTH IN SOUL AND BODY. "Ye must become as a little child for of such is the "Itlngdom of Heaven." Because a little child is pure both in body and soul, it has not active in its presence the evil influences of flesh and blood, and as we do likewise, become as pure as a child is, we are ready for the Kingdom of GOD. The Lord Jesus Christ says : "Be ye Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." THERE Is IN MIND THE FINITE As WELL As THE INFINITE. The statement of science is, "All is mind, there is no matter," It also says, "When being is under- stood life will be recognized as neither material nor finite, but as Infinite as GOD, universal Good, and the belief that life or mind, was ever in finite form, good in evil will be destroyed." Holy Scripture saith, 'The mortal shall put on the Immortal, and corruption shall put on Incorruption, consequently there is in the world of mind both the finite and the Infinite. And also because that which is finite mortal, when regen- erated, will put on that which is Infinite Immortal Life the God-Mind. JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 103 PUT OFF THE OLD MAN AND PUT ON CHRIST, THE NEW MAN. Science states, "There is but One Mind, the un- erring and Immortal, this one contains no mortal opinions ; sin, sickness, and death are misnamed mind." It is true there is only One Eternal Mind, but according to Scripture the Word of GOD, we have seen there is also a corrupt a carnal mind, that which when regenerated, shall put on Incorruption. For God receives it by Adoption. Scripture commands us to put off the old man and put on the New Man ; We must, because of that, put off the old Adam, and put on the New Adam Christ. The first man Adam, because of sin, made his mind corrupt, and thereby he caused his soul to become mortal. In other words he by sin created for himself a mortal soul. THE SOUL OF MAN Is NOT SINLESS UNTII, BORN O? HOLY SPIRIT. Science says, "Man's individuality can no more die than soul, for both are immortal." Yet Jesus Christ saith, "Fear him that is able to kill both soul and body." Which shall we believe, Jesus Christ or science? Science also says, "Mind is body and sub- ject to its control." "Yet the ailments of the body are misnamed mind." Jesus Christ Teachings reveal that the body until regenerated, belongs to the corrupt 104 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF mind, that which must be overcome, or all will be de- stroyed. THE KIND O|F FOODS WE EAT AFFECT BOTH SOUL AND BODY. Another statement of science is, "Food does not affect the life of man." "When we learn that GOD is our only Life." It is written in Holy Scripture, that GOD in the beginning of creation, created the fruit and seeds for man's meat. Gen. 1-29. Conse- quently as GOD created them, they have HIS Life. But meats and rich conglomerations made by man contain evil influences and we soon see that our mind life is evilly affected by them if we live upon their substance; while the fruits and grains do not so affect us. Experience and observation has revealed to us that foods do affect the mind our life, because they are the results of mind. Today mind creates im- pure foods as all the world knows, and the effect of impure foods upon man is sickness, disease and death. THE SOUL Is SUBJECT To DECAY UNTIL BORN AGAIN, BORN OF HOLY SPIRIT. Again Science states, "Soul is the Divine Prin- ciple of man, and never sins. Hence the Immortality of the soul." Whereas Scripture saith, the Divine Principle of man is Spirit, for GOD is Spirit, and in JESUS CHRIST AND THS TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 105 the beginning of creation man was created in the Image of GOD. Soul is the temple of the Spirit of GOD only when it is Holy, and it should always be Divine, else the Spirit of GOD can not abide therein. Body is the temple of the soul, and if the soui is Di- vine, the body will also be Divine. Such a body Jesus Christ had, because His Soul was Divine, because of that His body did not see corruption. We may also be like Him. We know there is but One Eternal Mind, but we also know that man through his sins has made for himself a carnal soul, and his soul re- mains carnal until he sees fit to permit the Spirit of Christ to regenerate it : and the carnal soul is the cause of sickness, disease and death. And that is true, because the carnal soul does not contain the Full- ness of the Life of GOD. The soul of man is mortal until he deserves to put on that which is Immortal; and he does that by overcoming sin that which is mortal. WE MAY COMMUNE WITH THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST. Science says, "Persons on communicable terms with spirit would have no organic body: and the restoration of that material condition would be impos- sible." From this statement of science it infers that a soul with a body can not commune with spirit, and a restoration of that body would be impossible. Holy io6 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF Scripture is filled with instances where beings with bodies of flesh have communed with the Angel of GOD-Spirit. It seems science would deny us the Di vine privilege of communing with the Spirit of GOD. Besides Jesus Christ put off and put on at will His body, of flesh. THE: TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE: ARE: COLD AND UNINSPIRING; The Law and Wisdom of GOD is simplicity itself; They therefore containeth not the confusing ideas of science, that which misleads, because it is subject to change. The Power of the Wisdom of GOD doth not confuse as IT is founded upon Eternal Truth. Everlasting Righteousness is the Law and WILL of GOD. ITS Power Illumines our mind with that which is unspeakable ; And to all those who have tasted of ITS Sweetness and deep Bliss they have known the Presence of GOD, hence science is cold and uninspiring; and that is true because it accepts such as pleaseth its fancy and that which pleaseth it not it denies, n Tim. 2-11, 12, 13. ONLY THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST CAN LEAD Us UNTO THE TRUE LIGHT. If we wish to receive Favor in the Sight of GOD we must take ALL the Truth, and nothing but the JESUS CHRIST AND THE TRACKINGS OF SCIENCE 107 Truth. But if we deny evil and say all is good then we class that which is evil in the world with that which is Good. See how cunning error is ! Remem- ber that is one of its very deceptive methods of mis- leading us. Evil's nature is deceptive, therefore it is not strange that he is able to delude if it be possible even the very elect, as Jesus Christ says. Because of that, He advised watchfullness and Prayer; conse- quently if we look unto Him only, He will guide us unto the True Light. John 8-12. Then the Spirit of Truth is come and He will Lead us unto the True Light. "WoE UNTO THEM THAT CALL EVIL GOOD, AND GOOD EVIL." Holy Scripture also warns us; for it says, "Woe unto them that call evil Good, and Good evil : that put darkness for Light, and Light for darkness, and put bitter for Sweet, and Sweet for bitter!" Isa. 5, 2othto 25th. From the foregoing Scripture we can see that sooner or later nothing but woe will fall upon all those who deny evil and affirm "all is Good." Likewise woe will be the lot of all those souls who accept only a part of the Truth, for they must take All the Truth and nothing but the Truth. In other words, Call not that which is evil GOD, and call not that which is GOD evil. io8 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF He who hath the Love of God Manifest within his heart and soul knoweth the Truth and can not be deceived; consequently he knows the GOOD, and will not accept evil as Good, nor will he accept a lie false belief, as Truth." By their Fruits ye shall know them." saith Jesus Christ. Matt. 7, i6th to 25th. Yea a Child of GOD knows a Child of GOD, and he also knows the Truth whenever IT is Spoken: he know* IT by the power that accompanies ITS Words; and he also knows so called truth because it fails to in- spire his heart, mind and soul. Do NOT BE AFRAID To RECOGNIZE YOUR SINS. We cannot accept one portion of Holy Scripture and deny another portion, as do the scientists, those who deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the exist- ence of the first man Adam and his sins. And they do that because they are afraid to recognize any evil as being in the world, and that fear prevents them from receiving the Truth, the Wisdom and Under- standing, which is the Power of the Spirit of GOD. Jesus Christ was not afraid to recognize evil, for He taught us to know that there is a spirit of evil mani- fest in the world, and that He came into the world for the express purpose of purifying it of its evil things, false influences evil spirits. Luke i, y6th to 79th verse. JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 109 If we accept the last man Adam Christ and His Works, we must also remember that there was a first man Adam, and that his works were evil. Jesus Christ says : "The first man Adam was made a living soul, and the last man Adam was made a Quickening Spirit." i Cor. 15-45. Peter saith, who was an apus- tle of Jesus Christ, "Of a truth I perceive that GOD is no respecter of persons." Acts 10, 34, 35. And Paul another apostle of Jesus Christ saith : "There is no unrighteousness with GOD." Rom. 9-14. And he also says that GOD is not the author of confusion but of Peace. I Cor. 14-33. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FIRST ADAM AND CHRIST THE SECOND ADAM. How then came there to be a difference in the natures of the two Adams? When we recognize the evil manifest in the world as Jesus Christ did then it is easy to perceive the cause; for instance, the first man Adam yielded unto temptation and became sin- ful, and thereby he made himself a carnal soul. Read Gen. 3- ist to 6th verse. The last man Adam, Jesus Christ, resisted the temptations evil set before Him. Mat. 4~3d to nth. Therefore He was and is sinless and remains in Spirit, in the Holy Spirit GOD gave unto Him. If we ac- cept the scripture pertaining to the fact that there no THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF was such a personage as Jesus Christ in the world which science does, then we cannot deny the existence of the first man Adam as science denies it; because if we believe Scripture in one thing we must believe all It sayeth. Consequently if we believe as science does then are we deceived for it does not accept all the Truth. SCIENCE DOES NOT KNOW THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE GOD OF HEAVEN Science therefore is cold, and uninspiring, as it does not know the depths of the Eternal Righteous- ness of GOD. Because of that, it is upon the human the mental plane of belief, yet it cries down mental science, hypnotism, etc., still at the same time it says, "All is Good." Does not the thief cry stop thief to deceive the officers of the law? Evil and its science does likewise. All those who Know the Eternal Righ- teousness of GOD, and the Depths of ITS Almighty Bliss, realize that science is sourced in mental science and hypnotism and not in the Spirit and Power of the Wisdom of GOD. Remember he who Knows the Everlasting Right- eousness of GOD from Holy Scripture and the Gos- pel of our Lord Jesus Christ FEELS the Presence of GOtD, and that Sublime, unutterable experience is deeper than all science. JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE in SCIENCE SAYS ALL Is GOOD BECAUSE IT Is UNWILLING To OVERCOME SIN Why does science say all is Good ? He is willing to believe all as Good who is unwilling to overcome the sins of flesh and blood, as Jesus Christ overcame them. What is there for Christ to Redeem, if all is Good? Why did the GOD of Heaven send HIS Son, the last Adam into the world, if all is Good ? Why did Christ come to bear witness of the Truth if all is Good? Why did He overcome evil, if all is Good? Likewise why did He lay down His life and take it again? These are very potent questions whose answers only the Holy Spirit may Reveal unto us. Did Jesus Christ teach or preach the doctrine, "All is Good?" Nay, Impossible ! For He pointed out the sins of false be- belief and unrighteousness, because he was able to see the minds of all those who had a false idea of Truth, the God of Heaven. And He did that by parables and a Holy Example. He therefore came into this sinful world because herein all is not Good, and He came to teach the souls who are hungering for that which is Good how to at- tain that Goodness. Consequently if we study only Holy Scripture and the words of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we will not be deluded by any science, or false doctrine that may arise in the world. If we are taught by the Spirit of the Word of the Gospel of Christ then ii4 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF time a man or woman was Healed Jesus said, "It is thy Faith that hath made thee Whole." Mat. 9-28, 29 ; 15-28. Mark 5-34; 10-52. Whereas science says, Faith is not always necessary in order to be healed. Jesus Christ never put any price upon His Teach- ing and Healing, because of that, he who puts a charge upon those things abuses the right to the Truth. He therefore does not receive the Truth : he cannot; he does not get near enough unto GOD to receive the Truth, as long as he trusts in material things. SCIENCE RECEIVES SILVER AND GOLD, MORTAL THINGS FOR ITS TEACHING. Science cries in a loud voice about the unreality of that which is mortal, yet it cannot teach nor heal with- out charge, without receiving silver and gold, that which is mortal, for its services. We would there- fore ask what kind of science or belief is it that con- tradicts itself : and it does that, for it denies the mor- tal, and at the same time it depends upon silver and gold, that which is mortal. Such a doctrine is false, and its teachings will go the same way as goes all that which is mortal. It will be annihilated, because all mortal things are subject to dissolution, unless regen- erated. SCIENCE Is NOT ONE WITH THAT WHICH is ETERNAL. The contradictions of science subject it to re- JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 115 vision change; hence it is not One with that which is Changeless Immortal. If science were Perfect it would not be subject to so many revisions, which put its followers to much expense, the necessity of purchasing a costly book every time it is revised. Science can never be per- fect as long as it sees only the letter of GOD'S Word. We know that it sees only the letter of the Word, be- cause it puts material constructions upon Holy Scrip- ture and the Gospel of Christ, that which may be only Spiritually Discerned. When science becomes whol- ly Spiritual, then and only then will it perceive the Spirit of the Word of GOD and the Teachings of the Gospel of Christ. THE TRUTH OF CHRIST Is THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. We must remember that the Spirit of Holy Scrip- ture, and the Spirit of the Words of the Gospel of Christ, are one and the same, and that Spirit is Immor tal Changeless ; consequently, that Spirit Reveals the Wisdom and Power of the GOD of Heaven unto all those souls who seek IT in the right way. Divine Truth is the same yesterday, today and forever. THE REAL TRUTH LOVER SUFFERS PERSECUTION FOR CHRIST'S SAKE Jesus Christ teaches that we must be willing to suffer as He did the persecutions of the false influen- n6 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TEACHINGS OF ces in the world. Science teaches us to fear evil- suffering: but if we are taught by the Spirit of Christ we are Fearless, because we are then endowed by the Spirit of the Wisdom and Power of GOD, which Wisdom is not taught in the enticing words of man's wisdom and science, but by the Power of GOD. THE CHRIST-LIKE; TRUTH WORSHIPPER Is SINLESS. He who is led by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the greatest Truth Teacher that ever lived in flesh and blood, will not sin; he cannot do evil as that Son of GOD took on flesh and blood to bear witness of the Truth. He therefore is sent from GOD, He is One with GOD, because He speaks His Words and Re- veals the Righteousness of GOD ; and unless we accept the Truth as He teaches IT, we have not the Truth, the Truth is not in us. SCIENCE Is FILLED WITH FALSE BELIEFS. Science does not teach as Christ does, for it de- nies the existence of the first man Adam, and his sins : it denies evil because it fears evil. It strives to think all is good, therefore it is filled with false belief. It does not believe in suffering for Righteousness sake, as it does not believe in suffering. JESUS CHRIST AND THE TEACHINGS OF SCIENCE 117 SCIENCE DOES NOT TRUST IN THE GOD OF HEAVEN. Science charges for its labors, henoe it does not trust in GOD, but in that which is mortal. Jesus Christ did none of these things: but rn the contrary He cast out evil spirits, and healed the sick, and raiser! the dead through the peoples' Faith ir GOD. If all is Good, why does Science claim that it heals the sick. If there is no evil ; there is no sickness. Jesus Christ says even devils are able to do mighty signs and wonders. Therefore the mighty signs and wonders that Science is able to do today is no proof that its power is derived from the God of Heaven. Beloved be not deluded by the claims of science. The only safe thing to do is to Trust with your whole heart, mind and soul in the GOD of Heaven by living only in the Spirit of HIS Holy Words and Blessed Promises, and abide in the spirit of the teachings of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. RETURN RTMENT LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. 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